ARCANA ARCANORUM Scientific Illuminism

March 26, 2018 | Author: Jotacé Césare | Category: Freemasonry, Alchemy, Mysticism, Spiritualism, Mythology


Description WISDOM BECOME KNOWLEDGE WHEN IT BECOMES YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Arcanum Arcanorum Scientific Illuminism A.·.A.·. "Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity - an outer organization concealing an inner Brotherhood of the elect. Before it is possible to intelligently discuss the origin of the craft it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of "free and accepted" men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious Arcanum Arcanorum." MANLY P. HALL According to Webster's Dictionary, the word "Arcanum" refers to "secrets" or "the Great secret," the word "Arcanorum" refers to the "secret of secrets." What is the "secret of secrets?" It is contained in the instructions that have been passed down through the ages by the Mystery Religions, and when you the Antient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and the Oriental Rite of Misraïm. and other esoteric cults and the Arcana Arcanorum. but his corpus consisted of descriptions of . Latin syntagm ARCANA ARCANORUM meaning is "(the) Secret of (all) Secrets". A. religion.A. The Arcana Arcanorum is a elite Rite that goes back to Atlantis. Argenteum Astrum or Greek: Άστρον Αργόν. also the creator of the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry. and the Holy of Holies wherein the Sacred Ark rests inviolate.·." or Hebrew: Arikh Anpin.·. the brother of the national Grand Master of Neapolitan Masonry. is from Latin: Arcanum Arcanorum.·. or other agency disseminating some portion of Wisdom or Light is or has been but an Outer Vehicle of this Inner Fellowship of Light.·.A. its aims are those of religion. The goals of the A.A. commonly known as Egyptian Freemasonry. He took this term from the original Rosicrucians of the 17th Century. Its methods are those of science.·.·.·.·. It is the Arcanum Arcanorum. or Kether) alternately.·. such as Freemasonry. You must possess a special DNA to join.A. Every legitimate magical order. "Vast Countenance" or English: "Angel and Abyss". the A. the Arcana Arcanorum." A. "Silver Star".·. Al-khemi or Land of Khem). consisting of a series of magical practices that stressed “internal alchemy. Cagliostro founded the Rite of High Egyptian Masonry in 1784. he introduced them into the Rite of Misraïm and gave a patent to this Rite.·. or A. In 1782 Count Cagliostro gathered his research in secret societies into a body of knowledge known as the Arcana Arcanorum. The abbreviation with three points forming a triangle following the initials is typical of esoteric societies. between 1767 and 1775. mystery school.·. neoplatonism (a philosophical movement that started in Alexandria. is the one true and invisible Order which has operated under various names and guises throughout history to guide the spiritual evolution of humanity. Very close to the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of Malta. the aim of religion. is considered the ultimate level of initiation in a few modern secret or discreet initiatic societies. Golden Dawn. Its motto is: "The method of science. The Arcana Arcanorum class of degrees was purportedly first devised by the controversial magus and Freemason known as count Alessandro Cagliostro (thought to constitute the pseudonym of Giuseppe Balsamo). Manual Pinto de Fonseca. both literally. He received. It is the highest of Rites and its purpose is to give offspring to the 'superhumans'.·. etc. "Astron Argon".·. A. originated in Italy and France and combined masonic symbolism with Egyptian and alchemical references.A.” The fruits of Cagliostro's researches into the occult societies of Europe were a body of knowledge known as the Arcana Arcanorum. "Secret of Secrets. Masonic degrees have survived and are now part of the Memphis-Misraim this series of letters you will understand the mystery that has fueled world strife since the dawn of civilization. Some of the Rites that make up Egyptian Masonry are the Egyptian Rite of Masonry created by the alchemist Count Cagliostro. from Sir Knight Luigi d’ At that time Malta was a center for Masonics. Egipt) and the Kabbalah. Egyptian Masonry tends to focus on Alchemy (a word which means Egypt. The Rites of Misraïm and Memphis. are those which have motivated spiritual exploration and religious inquiry throughout human history.. In 1788. three very high hermetic degrees.http://sites.A. or A. The highest hermetic mysteries has always dealt with a sexual interpretation of alchemy.·. The "ARCANA ARCANORUM' were also incorporated in the highest Degree of ' L'ORDRE HERMETISTE TETRAMEGISTE ET MYSTIQUE' . The Order of Misraim was introduced into France after 1813 by the Bedarride brothers.·. the "Royal Order of Heredom of Kilwinning" or "Rite of Seven Degrees.” 87º up to 90º are the famous Arcana Arcanorum Degrees." so it goes.” In 1785. of Cagliostro is only one minor example of the inner teachings in european esotericism.http://sites. But the A. Each of the stages of alchemy found its correspondence in the body of the follower.. and the U.·.A. from Martinism and other Masonic currents. and since many consider it to be the one real golden treasure of the hermetic tradition. it would allow the diffusion to a large extent. no MM society dare to give any details about it (some however have dared to make up their own versions. made famous by Cagliostro in the 18th. which also incorporated templar and chivalry symbolism.A. after serious studies and duly accomplished trials. through the mediation of heavenly spirits.R. have existed and been in practices that stressed "internal alchemy.·. Cagliostro incorporated his "secret" teachings in the so called Arcana Arcanorum consisting of Kaballistic practices that stressed "internal alchemy". Britain.·. Switzerland. relative to rites of High Evocatory Theurgy.M.) into the Rite of Misraïm in 1788. which “composes the entire philosophy of the True Rite of Misraïm” and which furnishes “a developmental explanation of the rapport between Man and God. is found in the 87° through 90° (Régime de Naples). An example is Cagliostro's Arcana Arcanorum. what was called in the eighteenth century. in the beginning of the 19th century.A. Several versions of the A. afterwards it spread to Belgium. Not unlike Swedenborg and his Masonic colleagues in London who assimilated their sexual theories into a special order of Freemasonry. The Rites merged into Memphis-Misraïm (MM) in the late 19th century. had this plan succeeded. It may be said that the preceding degrees are merely a training ground for those things which are . out of which the Rite of Memphis later manifested (1838).” The Crown of the A.The degrees of the Arcana Arcanorum are the culmination of the Masonic Wisdom. a French Masonic convention invited Alexander of Cagliostro to Paris. “The Arcana Arcanorum” (Knowledge possessed by Saint Germain and firstly Althotas and transmitted to Cagliostro.S. but only to the intitiatic orders (open to both sexes).P. as well as the teachings of the Ages. It consists of two forms of practice: the Kabbalistic form adopted by the Bedarrides and the EgyptianHellenistic form of the highest degrees known as the Arcana he whose effective knowledge of the Mysteries was known and praised… In fact. Aquinas. based on Theurgy. and the last four degrees received the name of "Arcana Arcanorum. and some others. They were originally adapted and incorporated in the Mizraim-Rite in Italy. The Rite of Misraïm in France made it official in Paris in 1814 was composed of 90 degrees.·. and are unrivalled when it comes to quantity of degrees in one system.M. Century. one of the participants of the Convention. taken from the Scottish freemasonry. secondly the essence of Alchemic and finally techniques of accelerated evolution. Cagliostro introduced the three very secret and famous degrees of Arcana Arcanorum (A. so that they officially can claim to possess it). The Rite itself claims that the secrets of the Arcana Arcanorum are derived from EgyptoHellenic Hermeticism and the verbiage of the Rite is decidedly pantheistic. Entire jurisdictions of the Rite were created where not even the Grand Conservator was admitted to the secrets of the Arcana Arcanorum. was never admitted into the Arcana Arcanorum. It was for this reason that these degrees were often replaced by administrative degrees. very close when dealing with the soul of Man and his reintegration with the divine. so descriptions of these secrets as pantheistic would lead us to conclude that they were either written at a different time in the evolution of the Rite. Joly. The degrees leading up to the Arcana Arcanorum are decidedly monotheistic (in the Old Testament tradition). the summit of the Rite. and many prominent members of the Rite were not admitted to the these degrees. Gaston Ventura has claimed that the 88º of the Arcana Arcanorum contains a Martinist initiation. which contained the inner secrets of Egyptian Freemasonry. since they were not able to communicate a secret of which they were not in possession.. “. In addition to being responsible for the creation of the lectures for the high degrees. This would have created a situation where the exoteric Masonic frame began to replace the inner esoteric magical and alchemical work (of the Arcana Arcanorum) of the Rite until the esoteric nature had all but vanished as fewer and fewer Lodges were established or overseen by members who were participants of the mysteries of the Arcana Arcanorum. or by different authors. despite his control of the Rite. Jean Mallinger in his work Inconnues states. Joly was admitted into the Arcana Arcanorum by Lechangueur.” and the degrees of the third and fourth series (created by Bédarride) show more of a movement towards Cabalism and Jewish mysteries. Descriptions of the Arcana Arcanorum and the rituals of the Krata Rapoa also show a remarkable in the Arcana Lechangueur provides François Joly with a Charter to propagate the Rite of Misraim in France. however. They would have aggravated this situation.the parallels between certain passages of the Arcana and the traditions of the ritual of Cagliostro are amazing”. or that they comprise an entirely different sort of Mysteries than those of the lower degrees. The ideologies of Martin de Pasqually and agliostro are. and work in expanding its degrees. Additionally. who was a friend of Cagliostro. Bedarride. Joly soon found himself opposing the Bédarrides and their control of the Rite and held less and less influence on its development until his name was not even mentioned in Marc Bédarride’s book on the Rite. This description of the Arcana Arcanorum might be a key to the Bédarrides lack of involvement with these degrees and the direction that the Rite took in France. however. The Judaic religion of the Cavaillon region of Italy (home to the Bédarride family) would not have been in accord with “Egypto-Hellenic Hermeticism.. The secrets of the Arcana were brought to the Rite by the Chevalier Luigi d’Aquino.http://sites. he was admitted to the Arcana Arcanorum by Lasalle and Lechangeur. . It should also be noted that neither Marc nor Michel Bedarride were ever initiated into the Arcana Arcanorum when they received their patents. The actual teachings of these degrees was even concealed from the most advanced members of the Rite of Misraïm. despite his role in its development in France and in creating the lectures for the higher degrees. where the degrees of 87° through 90° merely served to identify the heads of the Rite. was such a Mason. M.A.O.I:. While the A.·.I:. a. Although Kremmerz was a "notorious" occultist. does consider the A.·. adding degrees between the symbolic rites and the Arcana Arcanorum. 'Sodalitas Rosae+Crucis & Solis Alati’ a Hermetic Masonic Rosicrucian Order founded at the Vernal Equinox in 2003. members (Free Initiators) of the SRC+SRA.·. The O. Kremmerz' first teacher was a Pasquale de Servis. Giuliano Kremmerz (1861-1930) is the founder of the "Ordine Osirideo Egizio" (Egyptian Osirian Order). It is possible that the Rite continued to grow in the middle as it expanded. the Martinist tradition. .·.com/site/memphismizraimbg/a-aParallels between Cagliostro’s Egyptian Rite and the Krata Rapoa have already been shown. and his teachings were based upon the A.A. to be a close ally. was an internal Order dedicated to spiritual and operative alchemy.A. the Gnostic tradition. are also worthwile to investigate.E. he has a lot of interesting material to offer.O.·.T.http://sites. and the Arcana Arcanorum degrees of Memphis-Misraim. His connections with a movement where possibly the M.·. . and its Arcana Arcanorum is derived from. O. Apparently.·.Scala di Napoli system. The mysteries of the Arcana Arcanorum were probably an early addition to the Rite and almost certainly of Italian origin.k. Ordre Reaux Croix Martinist Order was founded by S:.a. This Order incorporates such initiatic systems as the Golden Dawn.·. is not part of Ordo Templi Orientis.
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