ARAMCO SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications.pdf

March 26, 2018 | Author: Navatharan Sivaratnam | Category: Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Polyvinyl Chloride, Valve, Steel, Screw



Engineering StandardSAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Piping Standards Committee Members Nasri, Nadhir Ibrahim, Chairman Dib, Tony Georges, Vice Chairman Balhareth, Nasser Mohammad Bannai, Nabeel Saad Holland, Brad John Khashab, Jaafar M. Lewis, Trevor Mahmoud, Khalid Ahmed Phan, Howard Cong Rafie, Nader Yusof Rao, Sanyasi Rasheed, Mahmood A. Sharif, Talal Mahmoud Shiha, Saad Mohammed Swar, Ahmad H. (ABQ PLANTS) 8 August 2009 Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards Table of Contents Scope............................................................. 2 Conflicts and Deviations................................ 2 References..................................................... 2 Definitions and Abbreviations...................... 10 Design.......................................................... 11 Materials...................................................... 14 Line Class Designator System..................... 16 Materials Procurement................................. 20 Line Class Index and Cross-Reference Part I (General Hydrocarbon)............... 21 10 Line Class Index and Cross-Reference Part II - (Refinery)................................ 64 11 Line Class Index and Cross-Reference Part III - (Utility).................................. 173 12 Line Class Service Conditions................... 174 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Previous Issue: 30 March 2005 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Primary contact: Nasri, Nadhir Ibrahim on 966-3-8760162 Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2009. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 196 Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 1 Scope 1.1 This standard covers the minimum mandatory requirements for the material specifications for piping, valves, and fittings for new piping for use in general, refining, and utility services, whose design is in accordance with either ASME B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, or B31.8 Codes. The preamble section of this standard must be attached to the relevant selected piping class(es) for the specific project. The standard consists of three parts. Part I, supplements ASME B31.3 design Code and covers piping used in general hydrocarbon services in locations such as GOSPs, gas plants, pump stations, water treatment and water injection plants, etc., and includes transportation piping (both liquid and gas), and wellhead piping designed to B31.4/B31.8. Part II supplements ASME B31.3 design Code and covers piping used for hydrocarbon refinery processing. Part III covers utility piping used for all locations. 1.4 Provided the original specifications meet applicable code requirements and do not pose a safety hazard, materials, wall thickness, ratings, and valves required for maintaining or tie-ins to existing piping in ex-SAMAREC refineries in Jeddah, Riyadh and Yanbu, and Rabigh Refinery may be in accordance with the original specifications. 1.2 1.3 2 Conflicts and Deviations 2.1 Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the Manager, Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran. Direct all requests to deviate from this standard in writing to the Company or Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302 and forward such requests to the Manager, Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran. 2.2 3 References The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest Page 2 of 196 Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications edition of Saudi Aramco Mandatory Standards and the references listed below, unless otherwise noted. 3.1 Saudi Aramco References Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards SAES-B-017 SAES-L-100 SAES-L-101 SAES-L-102 SAES-L-108 SAES-L-109 SAES-L-110 SAES-L-130 SAES-L-131 SAES-L-132 SAES-L-133 SAES-L-136 SAES-L-310 SAES-L-410 SAES-L-610 SAES-L-810 SAES-M-100 SAES-0-126 SAES-S-010 SAES-S-020 SAES-S-030 Fire Water System Design Applicable Codes and Standards for Pressure Piping Regulated Vendor List for Pipes, Fittings and Gaskets Regulated Vendor List for Valves Selection of Valves Selection of Flanges, Stud Bolts and Gaskets Limitations on Piping Joints Materials For Low Temperature Services Fracture Control of Line Pipe Material Selection for Piping Systems Corrosion Protection Requirements for Pipelines/Piping Pipe Selection and Restrictions Design of Plant Piping Design of Pipelines Nonmetallic Piping Systems Design of Piping on Offshore Structures Saudi Aramco Building Code Blast Resistant Control Buildings Sanitary Sewers Industrial Drainage and Sewers Storm Water Drainage Systems Page 3 of 196 Valves Check Valves. API 6D Ball Valves. Wet Service Line Pipe Unrestrained Gasketed Joint RTR Sewer Pipe and Fittings API Line Pipe High Frequency Welded Line Pipe. Class B High Frequency Welded Line Pipe. Through Conduit Type. API 6D Application of Fluoropolymer Coatings to Fasteners Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings AB-036865 AB-036866 Isolating Assemblies for carbon steel Raised Face Flanges Isolating Assembly for Ring Joint Flanges Page 4 of 196 .Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications SAES-S-050 SAES-S-060 SAES-W-011 SAES-W-012 Wet Sprinkler and Standpipe System Components in Buildings Saudi Aramco Plumbing Code Welding Requirements for On-Plot Piping Welding Requirements for Pipelines Saudi Aramco Material System Specifications 01-SAMSS-005 01-SAMSS-016 01-SAMSS-029 01-SAMSS-035 01-SAMSS-332 01-SAMSS-333 02-SAMSS-001 02-SAMSS-005 02-SAMSS-011 04-SAMSS-001 04-SAMSS-002 04-SAMSS-003 04-SAMSS-005 04-SAMSS-035 04-SAMSS-041 04-SAMSS-050 04-SAMSS-051 09-SAMSS-107 Shop Applied. Swing Type General Requirements for Valves Expanding Plug Valves Gate Valves. Internal Cement Mortar Lining of Steel Pipe Sour. Class C Piping Components for Low Temperature Service Butt Welding Pipe Fittings Forged Steel Weld Neck Flanges for Low and Intermediate Temperature Service Gate Valves Globe Valves Additional Requirements for Low Temp. Threaded Connections Details of carbon steel Welding Boss. Blinds and Spacers for carbon steel Class 1500 Octogonal Ring Joint Flanges Details of carbon steel Welding Boss. Blinds and Spacers for carbon steel Class 600 Raised Face Flanges Spectacle Plates. and Extended-Body Ends Fire Test for Soft-Seated Quarter-Turn Valves Page 5 of 196 . Socket-Weld Connections External Welding Sleeve for Cement Lined Pipe AD-036735 AD-036736 AE-036175 AE-036643 AE-036768 3.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications AB-036719 AC-036484 AD-036630 AD-036631 AD-036633 AD-036636 AD-036731 Reinforcement of welded Branch Connections Carbon steel WN & Blind Flanges. Blinds and Spacers for carbon steel Class 150 Raised Face Flanges Spectacle Plates. Blinds and Spacers for Class 125 Cast Iron Flanges Spectacle Plates. Blinds and Spacers for Class 250 Raised Face C/I and carbon steel Class 300 RF Flanges Spectacle Plates. Blinds and Spacers for carbon steel Class 900 Octogonal Ring Joint Flanges Spectacle Plates.2 Industry Codes and Standards American Petroleum Institute API 5L API 6A API 590 API 599 API 600 API 602 API 607 Specification for Line Pipe Specification for Wellhead Equipment Steel Line Blanks Steel and Ductile Iron Plug Valves Steel Gate Valves-Flanged and Butt-Welding Ends Compact Steel Gate Valves-Flanged. Threaded. Welding. Large SizesClass 300 RJ Installation of Jack Screws for Flanged Joints Spectacle Plates. Liquid Petroleum Gas.1 ASME B31. Socket-Welding and Threaded Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings Nonmetallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns Steel Valves Malleable Iron Threaded Pipe Unions Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Large Diameter Flanges ASME B31.39 ASME B16.12 ASME B16.8 ASME B16.9 ASME B16. Black and Hot-Dipped. Anhydrous Ammonia. Steel.11 ASME B16.5 ASME B16.4 Power Piping Process Piping Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons. Carbon Steel.22 ASME B16.28 ASME B16. Welded and Seamless Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings Forgings.3 ASME B31.3 ASME B16. and Alcohols Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings Forged Steel Fittings.1 ASME B16.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications API 941 Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in Petroleum Refineries and Petrochemical Plants American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME B31.47 American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM A36 ASTM A53 ASTM A74 ASTM A105 Structural Steel Pipe.42 ASME B16. for Piping Components Page 6 of 196 . Zinc Coated.21 ASME B16.34 ASME B16. for Pressure-Containing Parts Suitable for High Temperature Service Pipe Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures Heat-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate. Carbon. Austenitic. 60. Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping Components Steel Castings. Sheet and Strip for Pressure Vessels Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs. for High-Temperature Service Ferritic Ductile Iron Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at Elevated Temperatures Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings ASTM A193 ASTM A194 ASTM A216 ASTM A217 ASTM A234 ASTM A240 ASTM A269 ASTM A307 ASTM A312 ASTM A335 ASTM A350 ASTM A351 ASTM A395 ASTM A403 Page 7 of 196 .Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications ASTM A106 ASTM A126 ASTM A182 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service Gray Iron Castings for Valves. and Parts for High Temperature Service Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature Service Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for HighPressure and High Temperature Service Steel Casting. Forged Fittings. and Valves. Flanges. Martensitic Stainless and Alloy. Suitable for Fusion Welding for High Temperature Service Steel Casting.000 psi Tensile Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel for HighTemperature Service Forgings. and Pipe Fittings Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges. and UNS N08026 Nickel Alloy Pipe Method for Measurement of Coating Thicknesses by Magnetic Method.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications ASTM A494 ASTM A563 ASTM A789/A789M ASTM A790/A790M ASTM B61 ASTM B62 ASTM B88 ASTM B165 ASTM B169 ASTM B366 ASTM B407 ASTM B409 ASTM B462 Castings. UNS N08024. Nickel and Nickel Alloy Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts Seamless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service Seamless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Steam or Valve Bronze Castings Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings Seamless Copper Water Tube Nickel-Copper Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube Aluminum-Bronze Plate. and Strip Forged or Rolled UNS N08020. UNS N08026. Electrodeposited Nickel Coatings on Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Substrates Page 8 of 196 ASTM B463 ASTM B464 ASTM B466 ASTM B467 ASTM B474 ASTM B530 . and UNS N08367 Alloy Pipe Fittings. Sheet. Sheet. Strip. UNS N08024. UNS N08026 Alloy Plate. and Strip Welded Chromium-Nickel-Iron-MolybdenumCopper-Columbium Stabilized Alloy (UNS N08020)Pipe Seamless Copper-Nickel Pipe and Tube (UNS C70610) Welded Copper-Nickel Pipe (UNS C71500) Electric Fusion Welded UNS N08020. and Rolled Bar (UNS C61400) Factory-Made Wrought Nickel-Alloy Welding Fittings Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate. Sheet. UNS N08024. and Valves and Parts for Corrosive High-Temperature Service Forged or Rolled UNS N08020. 80. Schedules 40 and 80 Solvent Cements for Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings ASTM D1785 ASTM D2467 ASTM D2564 ASTM D2665 ASTM D3034 ASTM D3311 ASTM F437 ASTM F439 ASTM F441 ASTM F493 Chlorine Institute Chlorine Institute Pamphlet 6 Manufacturers Standardization Society MSS SP-44 MSS SP-83 Steel Pipe Line Flanges Steel Pipe Unions. Schedule 80 Solvent Cements for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings Practice for Operating Xenon Arc-Type Light Exposure Apparatus With and Without Water for Exposure of Plastics Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride)(PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings Drain. and 120 Socket-Type Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings. Schedule 80 Socket-Type Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe. Waste.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications ASTM B564 ASTM D1784 Nickel Alloy Forgings Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Viny Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds Poly(Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe. Socket-Welding and Threaded National Association of Corrosion Engineers / International Standardization Organization NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 Petroleum and Natural Gas IndustriesMaterials for use in H2S-Containing Environments in Oil and Gas Production Page 9 of 196 . Schedules 40. and Vent (DWV) Plastic Fittings Patterns Threaded Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings. plug. and water injection plants and refers to both normal fluid services and Category D fluid service as defined in B31. Refer to Table 1 for trim designation numbers. Hydrocarbon Services: Process streams of liquid or gaseous hydrocarbon materials.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 4 Definitions and Abbreviations 4.BB BC CS ISNRS ISRS OS&Y PSB WB TRIM Bolted Bonnet Bolted Cover Carbon Steel Inside Screw Non-Rising Stem Inside Screw Rising Stem Outside Screw and Yoke Pressure Seal Bonnet Welded Bonnet Stem. WIP's. body seating surface.. Steam Services: All steam and condensate at operating pressures above 100 kPag. 4. General Services: Includes piping classes required for GOSP's. NPS: This means Nominal Pipe Size. refer to SAES-L-133.1 Definitions Amine Services: All amine solutions including: MEA. and all other parts in contact with line fluid. water treatment. Backseat. including two and three phase hydrocarbon materials. ball. it means that all parts shall be made from the material specified and not just the surface mating material Page 10 of 196 . Sour-Wet Services: For definition. disc and gate seating surface. etc.2 Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this standard for valve descriptions. Hydrogen Services: Process streams containing relatively pure hydrogen and component streams containing hydrogen with a partial pressure of 350 Kpa (abs) and higher. pump stations. gas plants.3. DGA and ADIP. Whenever "full" is used. Caustic Services: All sodium hydroxide solutions. 1. 5. PG-58. SAES-L-109. It's only purpose is to aid in understanding the trim number designations listed in the Piping Material Classes Trim selection and acceptable alternatives are governed by SAES-L-008 and the applicable SAMSS When a combination trim is shown (Trim No. Fig.1 General 5.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications HF Hard Faced (Stellite No. SAES-L-610 and SAES-L-810. 1 2 3 4 5 5A 6 7 8 8A 9 10 11 12 13 14 Notes:    This table is a simplified version of Table 3 in API 600.'s 6.1. SAES-L-410.6) Table 1 – Simplified Trim Number Designations TRIM NO. or 14).2 Page 11 of 196 . 12.3. 8A. 7. Piping immediately attached to boiler components shall be designed in accordance with ASME Section I. SAES-L-310. 11.1.1 All piping shall be designed in accordance with the applicable ASME B31 Code as specified in the individual line classes as supplemented by: SAES-L-100. 8. SAES-L-110. the seating surface materials of the seat and closure member may be interchanged BODY SEAT SURFACE MATERIAL 13 CR SS 304 SS 310 13 CR Hardened Stellite 6 hardfacing NI-CR hardfacing 13 CR 13 CR hardened Stellite 6 hardfacing NI-CR hardfacing Monel SS 316 Monel SS 316 Alloy 20 Alloy 20 CLOSURE MEMBER SURFACE MATERIAL 13 CR SS 304 SS 310 13 CR Hardened Stellite 6 hardfacing NI-CR hardfacing CU-NI 13 CR 13 CR 13 CR Monel SS 316 NI-CR or Stellite 6 hardfacing NI-CR or Stellite 6 hardfacing Alloy 20 NI-CR or Stellite 6 hardfacing 5 Design 5. 1 5.3 Design Conditions Design conditions shall be determined in accordance with the applicable ASME B31 Code as supplemented by SAES-L-100.4. individual instrument leads. Carbon steel piping materials in Part II line classes specify low yield strength materials.3 code.2.3 may be substituted.3 Feedwater piping upstream and steam piping downstream of ASME Section I shall be designed in accordance with ASME B31. and/or SAES-L-810 as applicable.4.3 Pipe sizes: 1¼".3.2 Corrosion Allowance 5. Where services require additional corrosion allowance they shall be determined based on the criteria specified in SAES-L-133.1.1 Limitations on pipe sizes per the applicable SAES-L-310 or SAES-L-410 shall apply.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 5. 5.2. 5. 5. The minimum pipe size shall be ½" NPS (Nominal Pipe Size) except tubing and piping used in Category D Fluid. 2½". 3½" and 5" shall not be used except for connections to equipment requiring these sizes.1 The individual piping classes specify the amount of corrosion allowance included in the pipe wall and fitting schedules. high yield strength materials: X42 through X60.4 and B31.4. Boiler utility P&ID's shall show these Code breaks. straight or spiral seam-welded pipes shall be used within plant limits for piping designed to the ASME B31. Seamless or submerged-arc. 5.4. SAES-L-310. such as grade B. SAES-L-610.5 Page 12 of 196 . 5.8 codes. and for reduction at instruments or other equipment having connections smaller than ½" NPS. Electrical Resistance Welded (ERW) and high frequency induction welded pipe in addition to seamless and welded pipe with straight or spiral seam are permitted outside process plant limits for piping designed to ASME B31. steam tracing. For repairs and maintenance when low yield strength materials are not available.4 Pipe 5. pump and compressor auxiliary piping.2 5.4. SAES-L-410. as listed in ASME B31.4 5. 3 The type of joints flanges. Locknuts.2 Page 13 of 196 .6. spacers. painting the exposed portions of the bolts and sealing the gap between flange faces.2 Stud bolts and nuts shall be purchased in accordance with the specific ASTM number per individual piping class.2 5.7. Welding neck flanges.5.7. For offshore and underground piping.6.5 5.5. If DURABOLT is not available. 5. Forged welding outlets conforming to ASME B16. the potential for galvanic corrosion shall be determined in consultation with the Materials Engineering Unit of Consulting Services Department. and Fittings 5. 5.4 5. encapsulating the bolted flange connection with heat shrinkable tubing. and jack screws for carbon steel piping shall be in accordance with the SASD's listed in the reference section of this standard.5. spectacle plates. and fittings shall be in accordance with the individual piping classes.5 Joints. KSA) shall be used. Plugs shall be round headed type.1 5.11 fitting pressure class 3000 or 6000 may be used in lieu of SASD's AE-036175 and AE-036643. blind flanges.6. street elbows (one end with female threads and the other end with male threads).5. Al Khobar.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 5. examples: a stainless steel flange to carbon steel flange. the types of joints are restricted as follows: 5. the following alternatives may be used: a) b) c) corrosion-resistant alloys.3 5. Flanges. street tees and reducing elbows are not permitted.1 5. or a Cu-Ni flange to carbon steel flange.5.1 For dissimilar metals connections. Where potential galvanic corrosion exists.6 Flange Stud Bolts and Nuts 5. ASTM A193-B7/ASTM A194-2H with ceramic-fluoropolymer coating per 09-SAMSS-107 or DURABOLT (by Saudi Conduit Coating Company.7 Insulating Gaskets/Kits 5. 1 General 6. Spiral-wound gaskets shall be specified with inner rings for vacuum and catalyst services.1. For non-flanged mechanical joints of dissimilar metals. fittings and valves in hydrogen service shall be selected in accordance with API 941 and within the maximum temperatures specified per individual line class.1 5. a dielectric union. 5.1. 6 Materials 6.10 Branch Connection Branch connections for new construction of metallic piping shall be made in accordance with SAES-L-110.2 The type of gasket shall be selected based on the requirements of SAES-L-109 and this standard.8.9 Valves The types of valves and valve trims to be used are to be in accordance with the individual line classes based on the service conditions and the limitations detailed in SAES-L-108.4 . Alternative carbon steel materials are acceptable provided they meet the requirements of SAES-L-132. Where potential galvanic corrosion does not exist. except that welded joints have some additional restrictions as specified in SAES-W-011 and 012. 5.3 stud bolt sleeves and washers such as PIKOTEK.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 1) 2) 3) 5. Page 14 of 196 6.1 The piping material specifications (line classes) in this standard are the basic material descriptions for: pipe. Welded joints of dissimilar metals are not permitted. 5.3 For flanged joints of dissimilar metals. valves and fittings which have been selected for specific services. Materials for piping. insulating gaskets. or approved equal.7.8 Flange Gaskets 5.2 6. Materials containing asbestos are prohibited. standard joints and welds are acceptable. 2.3. All monethanolamine (MEA) solutions at all temperatures. Note. 6. Page 15 of 196 .Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 6. 6.1 6.3.2. All rich amino diisopropanol (ADIP) solutions above 90°C design temperature.5 6. other process conditions may also require PWHT as determined during project design or as specified by the Materials Engineering Unit (MEU) of Consulting Services Department. 323. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) All caustic soda solutions at all temperatures. the following services require PWHT. Impact test may be required per ASME B31. containing a maximum of 2 kPa partial pressure H2S.3 Fig. Use of Duplex stainless steel shall be limited to water service.3.2 The requirements for impact testing are to be based on application of materials and in accordance with ASME B31. Curve B for A106 and API Grade B and API 5L X-grade pipe materials normalized or quenched and tempered.1 6.3.3 Postweld Heat Treatment (pipe and fittings) 6. Impact Testing (pipe and fittings) 6. All diglycol amine (DGA) solutions above 140°C design temperature. 6.5 Low-Temperature Components (pipe and fittings) The materials and purchasing requirements of carbon steel piping components for low-temperature services shall conform to the requirements of this standard and 02-SAMSS-001. All lean ADIP solutions above 60°C design temperature.2 Postweld heat treatment (PWHT) shall be specified when required by the applicable Code or for service conditions per this standard. For carbon steel piping.4 Flanges (loose) Materials for forged carbon steel weld neck flanges for use from minus 50 to plus 425°C shall conform and purchased to the requirements of this standard and 02-SAMSS-011. paragraph 323. having a wall thickness greater than 15 mm at design temperature at minus 18°C and lower. 9 Requirements for sour service (valves) When a particular service is sour. 6. and Rabigh Refinery may be in accordance with the original specifications. for API 5L ERW pipe. Each field describes various Page 16 of 196 . 6.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 6. Riyadh and Yanbu. Commentary Notes: 1. NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 shall be specified for all the valves listed in the class.6 Pipe The materials and purchasing requirements of API and carbon steel ASTM pipe materials both welded and seamless shall conform to the requirements of this standard and the following SAMSS's: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 01-SAMSS-016 for pipe in sour wet services. 7. The system is based on Process Industry Practices (PIP) to provide a uniform standard consistent with industry practices and specific Saudi Aramco requirements. 7 Line Class Designator System The following system establishes procedures used for identifying new line classes. 01-SAMSS-333. Line designations used on existing piping in ex-SAMAREC refineries in Jeddah.8 Valves All valves shall be specified in accordance with the generic descriptions detailed in the individual line classes and the additional requirements of the 04-SAMSS's as applicable.1 Field Definitions and Examples The base piping line class designator system consists of four alpha-numeric fields containing one or two characters each. 01-SAMSS-332.7 Buttweld Fittings The materials and purchasing requirements of carbon steel buttweld fittings to: ASTM A234 Grade WPB and MSS SP-75 shall conform to the requirements of this standard and 02-SAMSS-005. for services with minimum design temperatures between 0°C and -46°C. SAES-L-130. 6. for API Line Pipe. 2. 01-SAMSS-035. for API 5L ERW pipe. Refer to paragraph 7. e. Refer to paragraph 7. carbon steel piping system with 1.5 An example of a complete piping line class designator is "3CS1P".2 Second Field The second field defines the pipe material and consists of two alpha characters. 7.1.4 and ERW and X65 pipes permitted. 6CS1P2. Refer to paragraph 7. or additions may be made to the base specification. 7. Refer to paragraph Third Field The third field defines the corrosion or erosion allowance and consists of one numeric character. 7. 7. 6CS1P1.1.g.2. Example: line class 1CS1P1 is based on 1CS9P.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications features of the piping line class. Exceptions.2.2.4. Fourth Field The fourth field defines the service and consists of one alpha character.2. A base individual line class can have more than one modification/addition.6 Page 17 of 196 .1. Refer to paragraph 7. by adding a numeric character after the fourth field to indicate the changes made.1.1 First Field The first field defines the pressure rating and consists of one or two numeric characters.2. Modification Suffix A base individual line class material specification may have modifications/additions by adding a numeric character to the base line class designator. The modification in this case is 1CS1P1 designed to B31.1.6 mm corrosion allowance designed for general process service with no changes to the base piping line class material specification. This designator specifies an ASME pressure class 300. modification.1. 7. 2 Line Material Symbol CA CB CC CS CG CJ CK CL CM BC BD DC FE LC LE LP NM NR NT PU Material Impact Tested Carbon Steel Killed Carbon Steel Low Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Galvanized Carbon Steel 1-1/4 Cr-1/2 Mo Alloy Steel 2-1/4 Cr-1 Mo Alloy Steel 5 Cr-1/2 Mo Alloy Steel 9 Cr-1 Mo Alloy Steel Copper Tubing 90-10 Cu-Ni Cast Iron.2.1 Cast Iron Flange Class) 125 250 (Specific Rating Designations) Non-pressure Pressure Class 75/150 RF Class 3000.2.1 Pressure Rating Symbol Nominal Pressure Rating Or Class (ASME B16.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 7. API 6A 7. Grey Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Cement-lined Carbon Steel Epoxy-lined Carbon Steel Polypropylene-lined Carbon Steel Monel 400 Incoloy 800 Carpenter 20 (Alloy 20) CPVC(Chlorinated PVC) Page 18 of 196 . API 6A Class 10000.5/B16.2 Field Definition Tables 7.47 Flange Class) 1 3 4 6 9 15 25 12 13 80 85 90 95 150 300 400 600 900 1500 2500 (ASME B16. 7.3 Corrosion Allowance Symbol 0 1 2 3 4 9 Corrosion Allowance Zero corrosion allowance 1.4 Service Symbol A C D H P Q T U W Y Service Acid Caustic Drain/Sewer Hydrogen Process (General Hydrocarbon) Chlorination Gas (Owner designator) Wellhead Piping (Owner designator) Utility Water (Owner designator) Chlorine Gas (Owner designator) 7. Code A AH AS BBD BD Service Air Acid Hydrocarbon Acid Sewer Boiler Blowdown Blowdown Code MO N NG OS OW Service Mist Oil Nitrogen Natural Gas Oily Sludge Oily Water Page 19 of 196 .2.2.4 mm Corrosion allowance as noted. Example: 6"-FG-123-1CS9P is a 6-inch fuel gas line number 123 and material specification 1CS9P.6 mm 3.8 mm 6.2.5 Saudi Aramco Service Codes Saudi Aramco service codes listed below shall be included in conjunction with the line class designators on P&ID's and other drawings.2 mm 4.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 PV SC SD SJ SX SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications PVC(PolyVinyl Chloride) 304H Stainless Steel Type 316/316L Stainless Steel 321 Stainless Steel Duplex Stainless Steel 7. Refer to SAESL-033 for specific corrosion protection requirements. Steam 15 psig L. Condensate 60 psig L.1 8.2 Limitation on procurement of pipes. Condensate 150 psig M. Page 20 of 196 . Steam OWS P PA PE PG PO PT PW R RL RLC RLW RW S SA SC SCA SF SO SOW SPO SR SW SWS TPW TW UA UW VG VT W WW SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Oily Water Sewer Oil & Oil Products Process Air Pond Effluent Purge Gas Pump Out Pump Trims Process Water Refrigerants Relief Line Cold Relief Line Warm Relief Line Raw Water Steam Sulfuric Acid Steam Condensate Spent Caustic Sulfur Seal Oil Sour Water Slop Oil Sewer (Storm) Salt Water Sanitary Sewer Tempered Water Treated Water Utility Air Utility Water Vent Gas Vessel Trim Water Waste Water 8 Material Procurement 8.P. Condensate 15 psig L.P. Steam 150 psig M.P.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 BFW BS C CA CAS CAT CS CW CWR CWS DGA DFW DMW DSW DT DW E EIA FG FGH FGL FLO FO FW GG H HCL HO HSG IA LO ME 600C 150C 60C 15C 600S 150S 60S 15S Boiler Feed Water Bio-Sludge Chemical Caustic Caustic Sewer Catalyst Chemical Sewer Chilled Water Cooling Water Return Cooling Water Supply Diglycolamine Deaerator Feed Water Demineralized Water Distilled Water Duct Trims Drinking Water Exhaust Steam Emergency Instrument Air Fuel Gas High Pressure Fuel Gas Low Pressure Fuel Gas Flushing Oil Fuel Oil Fire Water Gart Gas Hydrogen Hydrochloric Acid Hydraulic Oil Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Instrument Air Lube Oil Methanol 600 psig H. Condensate 600 psig H. pipe fittings and gaskets per SAES-L-101 shall apply.P. Limitation on procurement of valves per SAES-L-101 shall apply.P.P. flanges.P Steam 60 psig L.P. 4 minus 45 to 345°C Low temperature hydrocarbons NGL. Table 1 Former Saudi Aramco Line Class 1L1 3L1 None 1A1 3A1 6A1 9A2 15A2 None None None ASME Pressure Class and Flange Facing 150RF 300RF 600RF 150RF 300RF 600RF 900RJ 1500RJ 150RF 300RF 300RF Impact tested Carbon steel.6 mm Low temperature Hydrocarbons NGL.3 minus 29 to 205°C Corrosive services Note (3) ASME B31. and service applications for general services together with a cross-reference between the new and former line class. primary materials.6 mm Stainless st. Allow 1.3 minus 18 to 345°C Hydrocarbons Boiler feed Water Steam & steam Condensate Air ASME B31.6 mm Design Code Temperature Limits and Service ASME B31.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 9 Line Class Index and Cross-Reference . LPG Note (1) ASME B31.Part I (General Hydrocarbon) Table 1 provides the line class index which summarizes: the pressure rating. corrosion allowance.3 minus 45 to 345°C Page 21 of 196 . Type 316/316L None Carbon steel 1. ERW and X65 are permitted 1. LPG Notes (1) & (2) New Saudi Aramco Line Class 1CA9P 3CA9P 6CA9P 1CS9P 3CS9P 6CS9P 9CS9P 15CS9P 1SD0P 3SD0P 3CA1P1 Primary Material Impact tested Carbon steel Cor. 4/B31. Allow 1.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Table 1 (Continued) Former Saudi Aramco Line Class 1A1B 3A1B None None None ASME Pressure Class and Flange Facing 150RF 300RF 600RF 1500RJ 900RJ Carbon steel ERW and X65 are permitted Carbon steel ERW and X65 are permitted Carbon steel Carbon Steel ERW and X65 are permitted Carbon Steel ERW and X-65 are permitted Duplex stainless steel 1. A 1. Page 22 of 196 .6 mm Design Code Temperature Limits and Service ASME B31.6 mm corrosion allowance is included in the wall thickness of these line classes based on past experience with treated seawater and dry gas lines on upset conditions.6 mm SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications New Saudi Aramco Line Class 1CS1P1 3CS1P1 6CS1P1 15CS1P1 9CS1P2 Primary Material Carbon steel ERW and X65 are permitted Cor. tank suction lines ASME B31.6 mm 85CS9P 90CS1T 2H1 None Class 75 or 150 RF API 3000RJ API 10000RJ 150RF Per SAESL-033 1.4 minus 18 to 121°C Crude oil Inhibited produced water Treated seawater Note (2) ASME B31. Refer to SAES-L-033 for definitions of corrosive services.4 0°C to 90°C.8 High Pressure minus 18 to 343°C Khuff Gas Wellhead Piping ASME B31. line classes 1CS9P-15CS9P and 1CS1P115CS1P1 may be used as alternatives.3/B31. relief valve discharge headers.8 minus 18 to 121°C Dry gas Note (2) ASME B31. Formation Water containing a maximum of 2 kPa partial pressure H2S 25CS1P2 None 2500RJ 1.8 minus 18 to 343°C Wellhead Piping ASME B31.6mm 1SX0W None None Notes: (1) (2) (3) For liquefied butane services below minus 7°C with a pipe wall less than 13 mm. Oily Water. Sea Water. Wasia Water.6 mm 95CS1T None 1.8 minus 18 to 121°C Gas Injection Note (2) Flare lines. Corrosion Allowance: 1. graphite packing. Threaded OS&Y.9 A350-LF2. 12 Thru-Cond.12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A350-LF2 body. Couplings etc. Trim No.11 A350-LF2.9 A333 Gr. 12 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A352-LCB Body. B16. A194 G'rs 4 or 7 heavy hex nuts. API 602. Trim No. B16.1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Sch 80 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 150 Class 150 Class 3000 Rating Schedule Sch 80 Sch 40 Calculate 6.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Grades CC65 or CF65.20. Part I Rating Class: 150 RF B16. 316 SS windings. BB. API 600. semi-finished heavy pattern.12 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A352-LCB body Wedge type: BB. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring. BB. Trim No. 3 or 6 A350-LF2. Caps. per B16.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A333 Gr. Threaded OS&Y. Seamless. B16. 12 (4) Page 23 of 196 .1½" ½" . OS&Y.1½" 2" and above ½" . Reducers. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½" . 6 or A671. OS&Y. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A350-LF2 body. B16. Class 22 (Suplement S-1) Notes (1) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF A350-LF2.S. BB. Code: B31. for D/t less than 135 Basic Material: Impact Tested C.: API 6D. graphite packing.11 A420-Gr. Trim No. graphite packing.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 6" 8" and above FITTINGS El's Tees. MSS SP-83 A350-LF2. Spiral-wound.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1CA9P (Formerly 1L1) Service: Refer to Table 1.5 (2) (3) (2) (3) (5) GLOBE VALVES A320 Gr.5 Temperature Limit: -45°C min. L stud bolts.4 mm min. Trim No. B16. WPL6. graphite packing. fire-safe. RTFE seats. 10 A350-LF2 body. Trim SS 316 A352-LCB body. RTFE seats. inverted pressure balanced. B. 10 A350-LF2 body. Trim No. Trim No. floating ball. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Note. fire safe. liners etc. 10 A352-LCB body. API 6D. 10 Notes (4) (4) (4) 2" and above BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 150 Class 150 Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. Trim No. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. 10 A352-LCB body. high performance. BC. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. API 609 Cat. inverted pressure balanced. Trim No. API 6D. Saudi Aramco.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1CA9P (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" to 4" 6" and above PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 150 Class 300 Class 150 Class 150 Class 600 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Lugged or RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A350-LF2 body. If seal welding is required. fire safe. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. seals. floating ball. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. API 599. API 599. BC. 10 A352-LCB body. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. trunnion mounted. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. are used. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 24 of 196 . Where non-metallic seats. Trim No. Trim SS 316 A352-LCB body. Trim No. lubricated.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. Threaded OS&Y.5 Temperature Limit: -45°C min. Reducers. A194 Gr. B16. 316 SS windings. API 6D.9 A333 Gr. 4 or 7 heavy hex nuts. 12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A352-LCB body. API 602. Trim No.12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A352-LCB body Wedge type: BB. BB. graphite packing. BB. Grades CC65 or CF65. Threaded OS&Y. OS&Y. Trim No.20. for D/t less than 135 Basic Material: Impact Tested C. Spiral-wound. Corrosion Allowance: 1. Class 22 (Suplement S-1) Notes (1) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF A350-LF2. 3 or 6 A350-LF2. B16. WPL6. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring. API 600. graphite packing. Couplings etc.11 A420-Gr. Trim No.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A350-LF2 body.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 12" 14" and above FITTINGS El's Tees.9 A350-LF2. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½" – 1½" 2" and above ½" – 1½" ½" – 1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Sch 80 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 3000 Rating Schedule Sch 80 Sch 40 Calculate 6. Trim No. B16. Code: B31.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A333 Gr.11 A350-LF2. 6 or A671.: BB. Part I Rating Class: 300 RF B16. 12 Thru-Cond. semi-finished heavy pattern.S. L stud bolts. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A350-LF2 body. per B16. MSS SP-83 A350-LF2. B16.5 (2) (3) (2) (3) (5) GLOBE VALVES A320 Gr. Seamless.4 mm min. Caps. OS&Y. Trim No. 12 (4) Page 25 of 196 . B16. graphite packing. BB. graphite packing.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CA9P (Formerly 3L1) Service: Refer to Table 1. fire safe. Trim No. 10 Notes (4) (4) (4) 2" and above Class 300 BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 300 Lugged or RF Flanged Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CA9P (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" to 4" 6" and above PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 600 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A350-LF2 body. Where non-metallic seats. If seal welding is required. floating ball. RTFE seats. 10 A352-LCB body. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. API 609 Cat. high performance. Trim No. Trim No. B. floating ball. fire safe. 10 A350-LF2 body. inverted pressure balanced.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. liners etc. BC. API 6D. inverted pressure balanced. seals. Trim No. lubricated. Trim SS 316 A352-LCB body. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. Saudi Aramco. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. lubricated. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Trim No. API 599. 10 A352-LCB body. 10 A352-LCB body. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Trim SS 316 A352-LCB body. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 26 of 196 . BC. are used. API 599. 10 A350-LF2 body. Note. Trim No. RTFE seats. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. API 6D. fire-safe. trunnion mounted. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. Trim No.4 mm min. Seamless. Grades CC65 or CF65. BB. OS&Y. API 602. Reducers. 12 (4) GLOBE VALVES Page 27 of 196 . MSS SP-83 A350-LF2. for D/t less than 135 Basic Material: Impact Tested C.9 A333 Gr.: BB.12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A352-LCB body Wedge type: BB. L stud bolts. graphite packing.5 (2) (3) (2) (3) (5) A320 Gr. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring. A194 Gr. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A350-LF2 body.1½" ½" . Spiral-wound. graphite packing.1½" 2" and above ½" . B16. Couplings etc. Corrosion Allowance: 1. Caps. per B16.5 Temperature Limit: -45°C min. Trim No.20. Threaded OS&Y. Threaded OS&Y. Code: B31. 316 SS windings.1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Sch XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 600 Class 600 Class 3000 Rating Schedule Sch XS Calculate 6. API 600. OS&Y. B16. BB. Trim No.12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A350-LF2 body.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A333 Gr. API 6D. 12 Thru-Cond. WPL6.11 A420-Gr. BB. Part I Rating Class: 600 RF B16.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 10" and under 12" and above FITTINGS El's Tees.11 A350-LF2. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½" . Class 22 (Suplement S-1) Notes (1) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF A350-LF2. B16.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6CA9P Service: Refer to Table 1. 6 or A671. B16. semi-finished heavy pattern.S. graphite packing. 4 or 7 heavy hex nuts. Trim No. 12 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A352-LCB body. 3 or 6 A350-LF2. Trim No. B16. graphite packing.9 A350-LF2. inverted pressure balanced. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. liners etc. are used. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. lubricated. 10 Notes (4) (4) 2" and above Class 600 BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 600 Lugged or RF Flanged Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1. 10 A350-LF2 body. Trim No. Note. Trim No. BC. high performance. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. API 599. 10 A352-LCB body. floating ball. API 609 Cat. If seal welding is required. RTFE seats. lubricated. 10 A350-LF2 body. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. fire safe. Trim No. Trim No. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. fire-safe. Saudi Aramco. trunnion mounted. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. 10 A352-LCB body. API 599.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 28 of 196 . Trim No. BC. Trim SS 316 A352-LCB body. B. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Trim SS 316 A352-LCB body. API 6D. seals.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6CA9P (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" and above PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 600 Class 600 Class 600 Class 600 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A350-LF2 body. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. Where non-metallic seats. inverted pressure balanced. Part I Rating Class: 150 RF B16. Couplings etc. BB. Trim No. Threaded graphite packing. B or X60 Notes (1) (2) (3) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless A105N. 8 Thru-Cond. BB.8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body.: API 6D.11 A234-Gr. 8 (6) (7) GLOBE VALVES Page 29 of 196 . B16. WPB. 2H heavy hex nuts.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 6" 8" and above FITTINGS El's Tees. per B16. OS&Y. Threaded graphite packing. Wedge type: BB.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A106 Gr. 316 SS windings. OS&Y. Trim No. OS&Y. OS&Y. Caps. Trim No. B16. for D/t less than 135 Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. B or API 5L Gr. B or API 5L Gr. B API 5L Gr.4 mm min. Reducers.20. 8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. Trim ENP or SS410 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body. graphite packing. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body. API 602. B16.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1CS9P (Formerly 1A1) Service: Refer to Table 1. Trim No. semi-finished. BB.5 (4) (5) Sch 80 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 150 Class 150 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (4) (5) (8) A193 B7 stud bolts.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. graphite packing. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Class 3000 Rating Schedule Sch 80 Sch 40 Calculate 6. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring. API 600. MSS SP83 A105N. Spiral-wound. B16. heavy pattern with A194-Gr.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 345°C (2) Corrosion Allowance: 1.9 A106 Gr.11 A105N. B A105N. B API 5L Gr. Trim No. seals. 10 A216-WCB body. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. high performance. liners etc. Trim No. Trim ENP or SS 410 A216-WCB body. trunnion mounted. Note. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. BC lubricated. API 599. If seal welding is required. RTFE seats. are used. lubricated. inverted pressure balanced. Saudi Aramco. Trim ENP or SS 316 Notes (6) (6) (6) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged 2" and above Class 150 (7) BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 150 Lugged or RF Flanged (7) Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 30 of 196 . 1 A216-WCB body. fire safe. Trim No. fire-safe.3. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. Where non-metallic seats. 1 A105N body. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. API 6D. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. floating ball.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. BC. Seamless or double-submerged arc welded pipe required. BC Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Trim ENP or SS410 A105N body. fire safe. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1CS9P (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" to 4" 6" and above Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 150 Class 300 Class 150 Class 150 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. Service temperatures and material grade limits shall be in accordance with B31. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. floating ball. 10 A216-WCB body. BC. API 609 Cat. B. API 6D. inverted pressure balanced. RTFE seats. Trim No. Table A-1. 11 A105N. B A105N. B API 5L Gr.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A106 Gr. 1-1/2" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body.4 mm min.8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. semi-finished. B or API 5L Gr. Threaded graphite packing. Trim No.5 (4) (5) Sch 80 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 300 Class 300 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (4) (5) (8) A193 B7 stud bolts. B API 5L Gr.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Spiral-wound.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 6" 8" and above FITTINGS El's Tees. Reducers.11 A234-Gr. API 602. B or API 5L Gr. Part I Rating Class: 300 RF B16. 8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. MSS SP83 A105N. API 600. Threaded graphite packing. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Class 3000 Rating Schedule Sch 80 Sch 40 Calculate 6. per B16. BB. graphite packing. Trim No. for D/t less than 135 Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring. B16.: API 6D. Caps.9 A105N. B16. B16.9 A106 Gr. OS&Y. Trim No. OS&Y. BB. graphite packing Wedge type: BB. B16.20. B16. 2H heavy hex nuts. WPB. Trim ENP or SS410 1-1/2" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body. Trim No. OS&Y. OS&Y. 8 Thru-Cond. 316 SS windings. Couplings etc.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CS9P (Formerly 3A1) Service: Refer to Table 1. B or X60 Notes (1) (2) (3) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless A105N. heavy pattern with A194-Gr. 8 (6) (7) GLOBE VALVES Page 31 of 196 .5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 345°C (2) Corrosion Allowance: 1. BB. Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CS9P (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" to 4" 6" and above Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body, BC, Trim No. 1 A216-WCB body, BC, Trim No. 1 A105N body, floating ball, RTFE seats, Trim No. 10 A216-WCB body, floating ball, RTFE seats, fire safe, API 6D, Trim No. 10 A216-WCB body, trunnion mounted, fire safe, API 6D, Trim ENP or SS410 A105N body, lubricated, inverted pressure balanced, BC Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body, BC lubricated, inverted pressure balanced, API 599, Trim ENP or SS 410 A216-WCB body, high performance, fire-safe, API 609 Cat. B, Trim ENP or SS 316 Notes (6) (6) (6) (7) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged 2" and above Class 300 (7) BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 300 Lugged or RF Flanged (7) Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances, the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. Note, when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule, approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department, Saudi Aramco. Service temperatures and material grade limits shall be in accordance with B31.3, Table A-1. Seamless or double-submerged arc welded pipe required. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Where non-metallic seats, seals, liners etc. are used, the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. If seal welding is required, threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 32 of 196 Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6CS9P (Formerly 6A1) Service: Refer to Table 1, Part I Rating Class: 600 RF B16.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 345°C (2) Corrosion Allowance: 1.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" and above Rating Schedule Sch 80 Sch 40 Calculate 6.4 mm min. for D/t less than 135 Class 3000 Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A106 Gr. B or API 5L Gr. B API 5L Gr. B or X60 Notes (1) (2) (3) FITTINGS El's Tees, Reducers, Caps, Couplings etc. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless A105N, B16.11 A234-Gr. WPB, B16.9 A106 Gr. B or API 5L Gr. B A105N, MSS SP83 A105N, B16.11 A105N, B16.9 A105N, B16.5 (5) (8) (4) (5) Sch 80 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 600 Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (4) A193 B7 stud bolts, semi-finished, heavy pattern with A194-Gr. 2H heavy hex nuts. Spiral-wound, 316 SS windings, flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring, per B16.20. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body, BB, OS&Y, Threaded graphite packing, API 602, Trim No.8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A216-WCB body, graphite packing Wedge type: BB, OS&Y, API 600, Trim No. 8 Thru-Cond.: API 6D, Trim ENP or SS410 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body, BB, OS&Y, Threaded graphite packing, Trim No. 8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A216-WCB body, BB, OS&Y, graphite packing, Trim No. 8 (6) (7) GLOBE VALVES Page 33 of 196 Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6CS9P (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" and above Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 600 Class 600 Class 600 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body, BC, Trim No. 1 A216-WCB body, BC, Trim No. 1 A105N body, trunnion mounted, Trim No. 10 A216-WCB body, trunnion mounted, fire safe, API 6D, Trim ENP or SS410 A105N body, lubricated, inverted pressure balanced, BC Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body, BC lubricated, inverted pressure balanced, API 599, Trim ENP or SS 410 A216-WCB body, high performance, fire-safe, API 609 Cat. B, Trim ENP or SS 316 Notes (6) (6) (7) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged 2" and above Class 600 (7) BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 600 Lugged or RF Flanged (7) Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances, the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. Note, when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule, approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department, Saudi Aramco. Service temperatures and material grade limits shall be in accordance with B31.3, Table A-1. Seamless or double-submerged arc welded pipe required. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Where non-metallic seats, seals, liners etc. are used, the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. If seal welding is required, threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 34 of 196 API 600. Soft-Iron octagonal ring. Trim No. 8 (6) (7) GLOBE VALVES 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 Class 900 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged Page 35 of 196 . API 602. B or API 5L Gr.8 A216-WCB body.9 A105N.11 A105N.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" and above FITTINGS El's Tees. per B16.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 9CS9P (Formerly 9A2) Service: Refer to Table 1. 2H heavy hex nuts. Trim No. OS&Y. B16. graphite packing Wedge type: BB. B16.: API 6D. OS&Y. Trim ENP or SS410 A105N body. BB.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 345°C (2) Corrosion Allowance: 1. 8 Thru-Cond. semi-finished. graphite packing.9 A106 Gr. Trim No. B API 5L Gr.20. B16. BB. MSS SP83 A105N. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Class 3000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min. 8 A216-WCB body. Couplings etc. Caps. Trim No. WPB. B16. Reducers. BB. OS&Y. Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. B16. B or API 5L Gr. graphite packing. OS&Y. heavy pattern with A194-Gr.11 A234-Gr. graphite packing. 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 Class 900 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged A105N body. Part I Rating Class: 900 RJ B16.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B or X60 Notes (1) (2) (3) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless A105N. B A105N.5 (4) (5) Calculate Sch 80 min.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A106 Gr. Class 3000 Class 6000 Class 1500 Class 900 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RJ Weldneck RJ (4) (5) (8) A193 B7 stud bolts. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. are used. 1 A216-WCB body. Service temperatures and material grade limits shall be in accordance with B31. inverted pressure balanced. BC.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 9CS9P (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 2" and above Rating Schedule Class 1500 Class 900 Class 900 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged RJ Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. BC. API 599. Trim ENP or SS 410 Notes (6) (7) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged 2" and above Class 900 (7) Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1. BC Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body. Where non-metallic seats. Trim No. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. seals. Trim No.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. trunnion mounted. Seamless or double-submerged arc welded pipe required. 1 A216-WCB body. BC lubricated. Trim ENP or SS410 A105N body. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 36 of 196 . Table A-1. If seal welding is required. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. fire safe. lubricated. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances.3. API 6D. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. Saudi Aramco. inverted pressure balanced. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. liners etc. Note. B16. 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 Class 1500 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged A105N body. Part I Rating Class: 1500 RJ B16. OS&Y.20. graphite packing Wedge type: BB. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 160 min. Reducers.5 (4) (5) Calculate Sch 160 min. B A105N. 2H heavy hex nuts. B or API 5L Gr.11 A105N. Trim ENP or SS410 A105N body. BB.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. graphite packing. Trim No.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A106 Gr. B16. BB. graphite packing. B16. Couplings etc. Soft-Iron octagonal ring. API 602. semi-finished. B16. 8 A216-WCB body. Trim No. OS&Y.11 A234-Gr. OS&Y.9 A106 Gr.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 345°C (2) Corrosion Allowance: 1. BB. OS&Y.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above FITTINGS El's Tees. 8 (6) (7) GLOBE VALVES 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 Class 1500 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged Page 37 of 196 . B or X60 Notes (1) (2) (3) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless A105N. 8 Thru-Cond. B16.: API 6D.8 A216-WCB body.9 A105N. Trim No. Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. Trim No. B API 5L Gr. API 600. graphite packing.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 15CS9P (Formerly 15A2) Service: Refer to Table 1. Class 6000 Class 6000 Class 1500 Class 1500 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RJ Weldneck RJ (4) (5) (8) A193 B7 stud bolts. WPB. Caps. MSS SP83 A105N. per B16. heavy pattern with A194-Gr. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. BC. seals. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Trim No. Service temperatures and material grade limits shall be in accordance with B31. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. 1 A216-WCB body. BC Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. liners etc.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. API 599. Saudi Aramco.3. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. 1 A216-WCB body. API 6D. Trim No.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 15CS9P (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 2" and above Rating Schedule Class 1500 Class 1500 Class 1500 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged RJ Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. BC. Table A-1. Trim ENP or SS410 A105N body. Trim ENP or SS 410 Notes (6) (7) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged 2" and above Class 1500 (7) Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1. fire safe. are used. inverted pressure balanced. Where non-metallic seats. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. If seal welding is required. BC lubricated. trunnion mounted. Note. Seamless or double-submerged arc welded pipe required. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 38 of 196 . lubricated. MSS SP83 A182-Gr. graphite packing. Threaded OS&Y. Trim No. F316L. 316L. B16. B16. Couplings etc. per B16. WP316L. B16. F316L. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A182-F316L body. F316L. 12 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. F316L. Reducers. Threaded OS&Y. BB. F316L. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. Class 3000 Basic Material: Type 316L SS Code: B31.0 (1) Item PIPE Size 12" and under 14" to 24" Rating Schedule Sch 40S Calculate Sch 10S min. graphite packing API 600. Caps. Part I Rating Class: 150 RF B16. graphite packing. F316L. BB.20. B16. graphite packing. Spiral-wound.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF Specification A312-Gr. BB.11 A403-Gr. Trim 12 GLOBE VALVES Page 39 of 196 . BB. 316L A312-Gr. OS&Y.11 A182-Gr. B16. 316L or A358-Gr. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring. 316L A403-Gr. Trim No. Class 1 A182-Gr.5 Temperature Limit: -29 to 205°C Corrosion Allowance: 0. 12 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A351. B16. OS&Y. 12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A182-F316L body.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1SDOP Service: Refer to Table 1. Trim No.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.9 A312-Gr. API 602.5 A182-Gr.5 (4) Notes (2) FITTINGS El's Tees. 316 SS windings.CF8M body.9 A182-Gr. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½" to 2" ½" to 2" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES (2) (3) (4) Sch 40S Class 3000 Class 3000 (2) (3) Class 150 Class 150 A193 B7 stud bolts. floating ball. B. Saudi Aramco. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. fire safe. BC. 10 A182-F316L body. BC. floating ball. Trim No. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. 10 A351-CF8M body. API 599. 10 A351-Gr. BC. Trim No. Trim SS 316 A351-CF8M body. Note. 10 A351-CF8M body. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 40 of 196 . 10 Notes (5) (5) (5) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged 2" and above Class 150 BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 150 Lugged or RF Flanged Notes: (1) No corrosion allowance is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. API 609 Cat. Where non-metallic seats. BC. Trim 10 A182-F316L body. API 6D. Trim SS 316 A351-CF8M body. inverted pressure balanced. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. RTFE seats. CF8M body.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1SDOP (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" to 4" 6" and above Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 150 Class 300 Class 150 Class 150 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A182-F316L body. seals. lubricated. fire-safe. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. lubricated. are used. liners etc. high performance. Trim No. If seal welding is required. RTFE seats. trunnion mounted. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. inverted pressure balanced. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. Trim No. fire safe. API 6D. For service conditions that require a corrosion allowances. Trim No. Only use type 316 SS for threaded connections. BB. 316L. 12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. per B16. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½" to 2" ½" to 2" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES (2) (3) (4) Sch 40S Class 3000 Class 3000 (2) (3) Class 300 Class 300 A193 B7 stud bolts. F316L. F316L. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring. Threaded OS&Y.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Reducers.11 A182-Gr. Trim 12 GLOBE VALVES Page 41 of 196 . BB. graphite packing. graphite packing API 600.20. Part I Rating Class: 300 RF B16. F316L. OS&Y. 316L or A358-Gr. Class 1 A182-Gr. Couplings etc.5 (4) Notes (2) FITTINGS El's Tees. B16. Threaded OS&Y. Trim No. B16. 12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A351. API 602.9 A182-Gr. 316L A312-Gr. graphite packing. BB. F316L. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts.0 (1) Item PIPE Size 12" and under 14" to 24" Rating Schedule Sch 40S Calculate Sch 10S min. F316L. 316 SS windings. Caps. 316L A403-Gr. Trim No. B16.CF8M body.5 Temperature Limit: -29 to 205°C Corrosion Allowance: 0. graphite packing. Class 3000 Basic Material: Type 316L SS Code: B31. B16.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF Specification A312-Gr. WP316L. BB. MSS SP83 A182-Gr. OS&Y.5 A182-Gr. F316L. B16. 12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A182-F316L body. Trim No. B16.9 A312-Gr. Spiral-wound.11 A403-Gr.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3SDOP Service: Refer to Table 1. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A182-F316L body. 10 A182-F316L body. Trim 10 A182-F316L body. CF8M body. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. Trim No. seals. liners etc. 10 A351-CF8M body. Trim No. BC. Trim SS 316 A351-CF8M body. API 6D. inverted pressure balanced. floating ball. fire-safe. API 6D. Trim SS 316 A351-CF8M body. 10 A351-CF8M body. RTFE seats. BC. If seal welding is required. Where non-metallic seats. are used. B.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3SDOP (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" to 4" Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A182-F316L body. high performance. 10 A351-Gr. fire safe. inverted pressure balanced. API 609 Cat. BC. RTFE seats. Note. Only use type 316 SS for threaded connections. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. fire safe. For service conditions that require a corrosion allowances. lubricated. Trim No. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. lubricated. 10 Notes (5) (5) 6" and above Class 300 RF Flanged (5) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged 2" and above Class 300 BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 300 Lugged or RF Flanged Notes: (1) No corrosion allowance is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. BC. Trim No. floating ball. API 599. Saudi Aramco. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 42 of 196 . Trim No. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. trunnion mounted. Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CA1P1 Service: Refer to Table 1, Part I Rating Class: 300 RF B16.5 Temperature Limit: -45°C min. Corrosion Allowance: 1.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 12" 14" and above Rating Schedule Sch 80 Sch 40 Calculate 6.4 mm min. Class 3000 Basic Material: Impact Tested C.S. Code: B31.4 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A333 Gr. 6 or API 5L Gr. B, or X60 Notes (1) FITTINGS El's Tees, Reducers, Caps, Couplings etc. ½" to 1½" 2" and above Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½" to 1½" ½" to 1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Sch 80 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 300 Class 300 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF A350-LF2, B16.11 A420-Gr. WPL6, Seamless, B16.9 Same as pipe A350-LF2, MSS SP83 A350-LF2, B16.11 A350-LF2, B16.9 A350-LF2, B16.5 (3) (5) (2) (3) (2) GLOBE VALVES A320 Gr. L stud bolts, semi-finished heavy pattern, A194 Gr's. 4 or 7 heavy hex nuts. Spiral-wound, 316 SS windings, flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring, per B16.20. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A350-LF2 body, BB, Threaded OS&Y, graphite packing, API 602, Trim No. 12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A352-LCB body Wedge type: BB, OS&Y, graphite packing API 600, Trim No. 12 Thru-cond.: BB, API 6D, Trim No. 12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A350-LF2 body, BB, Threaded OS&Y, graphite packing, Trim No. 12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A352-LCB body, BB, OS&Y, graphite packing, Trim 12 (4) Page 43 of 196 Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CA1P1 (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" to 4" Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A350-LF2 body, BC, Trim No. 10 A352-LCB body, BC, Trim 10 A350-LF2 body, floating ball, RTFE seats, Trim No. 10 A352-LF2 body, floating ball, RTFE seats, fire safe, API 6D, Trim No. 10 A352-LF2 body, trunnion mounted, fire safe, API 6D, Trim No. 10 A350-LF2 body, lubricated, inverted pressure balanced, API 599, Trim SS 316 A352-LCB body, lubricated, inverted pressure balanced, API 599, Trim SS 316 A352-LCB body, high performance, fire-safe, API 609 Cat. B, Trim No. 10 Notes (4) (4) 6" and above PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 300 Class 600 RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged (4) 2" and above Class 300 BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 300 Lugged or RF Flanged Notes: (1) The pipe wall thickness specified are based on a design factor of 0.72 and a corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances, the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. Note, when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule, approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department, Saudi Aramco. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Where non-metallic seats, seals, liners etc. are used, the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. If seal welding is required, threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 44 of 196 Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1CS1P1 Service: Refer to Table 1, Part I Rating Class: 150 RF B16.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 121°C min. (2) Corrosion Allowance: 1.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 6" 8" and above FITTINGS El's Tees, Reducers, Caps, Couplings etc. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Class 3000 Rating Schedule Sch 80 Sch 40 Calculate 6.4 mm min. for D/t less than 135 Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31.4 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A106 Gr. B or API 5L Gr. B, or X60 Notes (1) (2) (3) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless A105N, B16.11 A234 Gr. WPB, B16.9 A106 Gr. B or API 5L Gr. B A105N, MSS SP83 A105N, B16.11 A105N, B16.9 A105N, B16.5 (4) (5) Sch 80 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 150 Class 150 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (4) (6) (5) (8) A193 B7 stud bolts, semi-finished, heavy pattern with A194 Gr. 2H heavy hex nuts. Spiral-wound, 316 SS windings, flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring, per B16.20. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body, BB, OS&Y, Threaded graphite packing, API 602, Trim No. 8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body Wedge type: BB, OS&Y, graphite packing API 600, Trim No. 8 Thru-cond.: API 6D, Trim ENP or SS 410 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body, BB, Threaded OS&Y, graphite packing, Trim No. 8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body, BB, OS&Y, graphite packing, Trim No. 8 (6) (7) GLOBE VALVES Page 45 of 196 BC. Trim ENP or SS 316 Notes (6) (6) 6" and above Class 150 RF Flanged (6) (7) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged 2" and above Class 150 (7) BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 150 Lugged or RF Flanged (7) Notes: (1) The pipe wall thickness specified are based on a design factor of 0. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 46 of 196 . Refer to SAES-L-008 and the applicable SAMSS for trim selection. Trim ENP or SS 410 A105N body. floating ball. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. fire safe. Trim ENP or SS 410 A216-WCB body. lubricated. RTFE seats.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1CS1P1 (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" to 4" Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 150 Class 300 Class 150 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. Trim No. Where non-metallic seats. floating ball. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. fire-safe. inverted pressure balanced. high performance. Note. 10 A216-WCB body. Trim No. API 609 Cat. Table A-1. B. RTFE seats. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. 10 A216-WCB body.3. If seal welding is required. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Service temperatures and material grade limits shall be in accordance with B31. lubricated. Trim 1 A105N body. liners etc. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. trunnion mounted. seals. fire safe. BC. 1 A216-WCB body. API 6D. are used.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. Trim No. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body. inverted pressure balanced. Seamless or double-submerged arc welded pipe required. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. BC. API 599.72 and a corrosion allowance of 1. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. Saudi Aramco. API 6D. : API 6D. B16. B or API 5L Gr.11 A234 Gr. or X60 Notes (1) (2) (3) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless A105N. 8 Thru-cond.20. OS&Y. B16. graphite packing. 8 (6) (7) GLOBE VALVES Page 47 of 196 . OS&Y. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Class 3000 Rating Schedule Sch 80 Sch 40 Calculate 6. B16. BB. semi-finished.5 (4) (5) Sch 80 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 300 Class 300 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (4) (5) (8) A193 B7 stud bolts. Threaded OS&Y. BB. Spiral-wound. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring. OS&Y. 8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body Wedge type: BB. Trim No. 8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body.11 A105N. Couplings etc.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CS1P1 Service: Refer to Table 1. B16. Trim No. Part I Rating Class: 300 RF B16. Caps.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 121°C (2) Corrosion Allowance: 1.9 A105N. Reducers. 2H heavy hex nuts.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 6" 8" and above FITTINGS El's Tees. graphite packing. B or API 5L Gr. heavy pattern with A194 Gr. B A105N. Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. graphite packing API 600. B16. per B16. API 602. Trim ENP or SS 410 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body.4 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. WPB. 316 SS windings. Threaded graphite packing. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A106 Gr.9 A106 Gr. Trim No. MSS SP83 A105N. BB. B. Trim No.4 mm min. trunnion mounted. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Trim ENP or SS 410 A216-WCB body. high performance. 1 A216-WCB body. Where non-metallic seats. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. are used. fire safe. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 48 of 196 . Table A-1. floating ball. lubricated. floating ball. Trim No.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CS1P1 (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" to 4" Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. RTFE seats. seals. Trim No. API 6D. fire safe. Service temperatures and material grade limits shall be in accordance with B31.72 and a corrosion allowance of 1. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. inverted pressure balanced. Trim ENP or SS 316 Notes (6) (6) 6" and above Class 300 RF Flanged (6) (7) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 300 Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged 2" and above Class 300 (7) BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 300 Lugged or RF Flanged (7) Notes: (1) The pipe wall thickness specified are based on a design factor of 0. fire-safe. Seamless or double-submerged arc welded pipe required. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. liners etc. 10 A216-WCB body. BC.3. If seal welding is required. lubricated. Trim No. inverted pressure balanced. RTFE seats. BC. API 599. API 6D. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. Trim ENP or SS 410 A105N body. Trim 1 A105N body. API 609 Cat. Refer to SAES-L-008 and the applicable SAMSS for trim selection. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. BC. 10 A216-WCB body. Note. Saudi Aramco.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. B. Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body. B16. MSS SP83 A105N. Threaded OS&Y. Reducers. 2H heavy hex nuts. graphite packing. 8 (6) (7) GLOBE VALVES Page 49 of 196 . Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Class 3000 Rating Schedule Sch 80 Sch 40 Calculate 6. OS&Y.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6CS1P1 Service: Refer to Table 1. heavy pattern with A194 Gr. (2) Corrosion Allowance: 1. Trim No. Trim No. per B16. semi-finished. Trim No. Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. B16. 8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A216-WCB body.5 (4) (5) Sch 80 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 600 Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (4) (5) (8) A193 B7 stud bolts. 8 Thru-cond. WPB. B16. BB. Part I Rating Class: 600 RF B16. B A105N.4 mm min. or X60 Notes (1) (2) (3) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless A105N.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 6" 8" and above FITTINGS El's Tees.11 A105N. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body. OS&Y. Caps.9 A105N. API 602. 8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. B. Threaded graphite packing. API 600. BB.4 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B16. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring. Trim No.9 A106 Gr.20. Spiral-wound. graphite packing Wedge type: BB.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 121°C min. B or API 5L Gr.11 A234 Gr.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A106 Gr. B or API 5L Gr. OS&Y. 316 SS windings. B16. Couplings etc. graphite packing. BB.: API 6D. Trim ENP or SS 410 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld/ A105N body. Note. Trim ENP or SS 410 A105N body. Trim No. liners etc. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. Refer to SAES-L-008 and the applicable SAMSS for trim selection.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6CS1P1 (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 1½" and under 2" and above Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 600 Class 600 Class 600 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body.3. seals. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. trunnion mounted. Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body. B. Service temperatures and material grade limits shall be in accordance with B31. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 50 of 196 . high performance. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Trim ENP or SS 316 Notes (6) (6) (7) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged 2" and above Class 600 (7) BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and above Class 600 Lugged or RF Flanged (7) Notes: (1) The pipe wall thickness specified are based on a design factor of 0.72 and a corrosion allowance of 1. Trim 1 A105N body. BC. RTFE seats. are used. Saudi Aramco. Trim No. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. lubricated. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. 10 A216-WCB body. Table A-1. BC. If seal welding is required. Seamless or double-submerged arc welded pipe required. API 609 Cat. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. Where non-metallic seats. API 599. inverted pressure balanced. inverted pressure balanced. trunnion mounted. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. 1 A216-WCB body. lubricated. fire safe. BC.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. fire-safe. API 6D. Trim ENP or SS 410 A216-WCB body. B. B16. OS&Y. B16. Trim ENP or SS 410 A105N body.4 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. (2) Corrosion Allowance: 1. Part I Rating Class: 1500 RF B16. graphite packing. Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. B or API 5L Gr. API 602. graphite packing. Trim No. OS&Y.9 A106 Gr. or X60 Notes (1) (2) (3) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless A105N. B A105N.9 A105N.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 15CS1P1 Service: Refer to Table 1.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A106 Gr. BB. B16.11 A234 Gr. Reducers. Couplings etc. Soft-Iron octagonal ring. OS&Y.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 121°C min.20. B16. 8 (6) (7) GLOBE VALVES 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 Class 1500 Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged Page 51 of 196 . Trim No. 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 Class 1500 Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged A105N body. Trim No. BB. graphite packing API 600.4 mm min. per B16. Caps. WPB. 8 A216-WCB body.11 A105N. B or API 5L Gr. OS&Y.: API 6D. 2H heavy hex nuts. heavy pattern with A194 Gr. 8 Thru-cond. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Class 6000 Rating Schedule Sch 160 Sch 40 Calculate 6.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 6" 8" and above FITTINGS El's Tees. Trim No. semi-finished. graphite packing.5 (4) (5) Sch 160 Class 6000 Class 6000 Class 1500 Class 1500 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RJ Weldneck RJ (4) (5) (8) A193 B7 stud bolts. 8 A216-WCB body Wedge type: BB. BB. B16. MSS SP83 A105N. BC. Trim 1 A216-WCB body. are used. Trim No.72 and a corrosion allowance of 1. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. Trim ENP or SS 410 Notes (6) (7) 2" and above Class 1500 (7) Notes: (1) The pipe wall thickness specified are based on a design factor of 0. Service temperatures and material grade limits shall be in accordance with B31. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. fire safe. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 52 of 196 . approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Seamless or double-submerged arc welded pipe required. Refer to SAES-L-008 and the applicable SAMSS for trim selection. liners etc. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. seals. Where non-metallic seats. Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body. Saudi Aramco. inverted pressure balanced. BC. Table A-1. API 599. BC. lubricated. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. inverted pressure balanced. lubricated. 1 A216-WCB body. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness.3. API 6D Trim ENP or SS 410 A105N body. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 15CS1P1 (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES PLUG VALVES 2" and above 1½" and under Rating Schedule Class 1500 Class 1500 Class 1500 Class 1500 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged RJ Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Note. If seal welding is required. trunnion mounted. B or API 5L Gr. OS&Y. Trim ENP or SS 410 A105N body. OS&Y. BB. graphite packing. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES Class 3000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min. 8 A216-WCB body. graphite packing Wedge type: BB. BB. Trim No. B. Trim No.11 A234 Gr.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" and above FITTINGS El's Tees. B A105N. Calculate Sch 40 min. BB. API 602. B16.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 9CS1P2 Service: Refer to Table 1. 8 (6) (7) GLOBE VALVES 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 Class 900 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged Page 53 of 196 . heavy pattern with A194 Gr. Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. per B16. API 600. WPB. Soft-Iron octagonal ring.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A106 Gr.9 A106 Gr.8 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. 2H heavy hex nuts. Trim No. Couplings etc.: API 6D. Reducers. Caps. MSS SP83 A105N. 8 Thru-cond. B16.9 A105N.11 A105N.20. 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 Class 900 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged A105N body. semi-finished. Part I Rating Class: 900 RJ B16. 8 A216-WCB body. Class 3000 Class 6000 Class 1500 Class 900 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RJ Weldneck RJ (4) (5) (8) A193 B7 stud bolts. B16. B or API 5L Gr. Trim No. graphite packing. graphite packing.5 (4) (5) Calculate Sch 80 min. (2) Corrosion Allowance: 1. B16. B16. OS&Y. OS&Y.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 121°C min. or X60 Notes (1) (2) (3) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless A105N. Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 9CS1P2 (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 2" and above Rating Schedule Class 1500 Class 900 Class 900 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged RJ Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. are used.3. Trim ENP or SS 410 Notes (6) (7) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged 2" and above Class 900 (7) Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1. API 6D. BC. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 54 of 196 . approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. fire safe. BC. lubricated. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. Seamless or double-submerged arc welded pipe required. liners etc. inverted pressure balanced.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. Saudi Aramco. Refer to SAES-L-008 and the applicable SAMSS for trim selection. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. Note. API 599. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. Where non-metallic seats. Service temperatures and material grade limits shall be in accordance with B31. Trim ENP or SS 410 A105N body. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. trunnion mounted. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. 1 A216-WCB body. Trim 1 A216-WCB body. inverted pressure balanced. BC. seals. lubricated. If seal welding is required. Table A-1. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. Trim No. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. 5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 204°C Corrosion Allowance: 1. 8 CHECK VALVES 1½" and under 2" and above Page 55 of 196 . Class 6000 Class 2500 Class 2500 (7) A193 B7 stud bolts. B16.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above FITTINGS El's Tees. Soft-Iron octagonal ring. Y-packing Trim No. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS GLOBE VALVES Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 160 min. PSB.5 A105N. 8 A216-WCB body. or WB.11 A105N. Trim No.20. B or X60 Notes (1) (2) (3) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RJ Weldneck RJ A105N. B A105N. Couplings etc. WPB.9 A105N. OS&Y. Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. or WB. semi-finished.5 (4) (5) (6) (4) Calculate Sch 160 min. per B16. B16. 8 A105N body. 2H heavy hex nuts. heavy pattern with A194 Gr.8 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B API 5L Gr.11 A234 Gr.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 25CS1P2 Service: Refer to Table 1. or WB. B16. OS&Y. PSB. Trim No. Trim No. Part I Rating Class: 2500 RJ B16. 1½" and under 2" and above Class 2500 Class 2500 Class 2500 Class 2500 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged A105N body. Caps. Y-pattern.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification A106 Gr. B16. 8 A216-WCB body. PSB.12 mm min.9 A106 Gr. B16. PSB or WB. Reducers. B or API 5L Gr. B16. Calculate 11. Table A-1. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thickness. Service temperatures and material grade limits shall be in accordance with B31. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly.3. Consult Materials Engineering Unit. Consulting Services Department. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 56 of 196 .Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 25CS1P2 (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. Seamless or double-submerged arc welded pipe required. Note. Saudi Aramco for material selection. Saudi Aramco. Use flanges. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. 3000 XS Cl.3 Examination: Per ASME B31.3 Buttweld Construction: ASME B16.24" 26" .11 MSS SP-83 Rd head Concentric AE-036175 & AE-036643 ASME B16.3 Stress Relief: Per ASME B31. ASME B16.9 Standard weight 26" and larger Equivalent wall thickness to provide same strength as pipe Slip-on. Part III Pressure Rating: CI. ASME B16.5 AE-036634 RF.6" 8" .47 Ser. 3000 Cl. 3000 Cl. 3000 2" thru 4" 80 40 6. 3000 Cl. 3000 Cl. 3000 Cl.60" Page 57 of 196 . ASME B16.32" 34" . ASME B6.60" 1½" and smaller 1½" and smaller Cl.4 mm minimum D/t less than 135 80 Basic Material: Carbon Steel Design Code: ASME B31.47 Series B Temperature Limit: -18 to 149°C Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Rating Item Size Schedule PIPE 2" and smaller 3" .Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 85CS9P (Formerly 2H1) Service: Refer to Table 1.60" 26" .24" 26" . RF ASME B16.47 Series B RF. B AE-036696 (1) FLANGES Weld Neck Class 150 Class 75 Blind Class 150 Class 75 2" .25 Type Specification A106/API 5L Gr.B. Seamless or Welded Notes (1) NIPPLES THREADED FITTINGS Caps Elbows Tees Unions Couplings Plugs Swaged Nipples Bosses BUTT WELDING FITTINGS Elbows Tees Caps Reducers Seamless ASTM A105/ASME B16.60" 26" .75 RF.60" 2" .5 AE-036634 Slip-on.48" 54" . 60" FF. B Spiral wound SS non-asbestos filled ASTM A193 B7 bolts/heavy pattern hex nuts A194 2H Use 1CS9P materials For temperatures above 50°C.48" 26" .47 Ser. Page 58 of 196 . ASME B16. AD-036633 FF. Limited to class 75 pressure rating.60" 2" . pipe flexibility analysis shall be made to confirm acceptability of slip-on flanges.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 85CS9P (Continued) Item Spectable Blind Class 150 Class 75 GASKETS BOLTING VALVES Note: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Size Rating Schedule Type Specification Notes 2" . otherwise use weld neck flanges. 2H heavy hex nuts. heavy pattern with A194 Gr. ISNRS. graphite packing. B16. WPB.8 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B16. Trim No. A216-WCB body. OS&Y. B. 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 API 3000 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged A105N body. 8 Thru-conduit.9 A106 Gr. or X60 Notes (1) (9) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Weldneck. B16. Trim No. API 602. graphite packing.11 A234 Gr. graphite packing. semi-finished.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 90CS1T Service: Refer to Table 1. Reducers.25 Type Seamless or Welded Specification API 5L Gr. API 6A. B. BB.11 A105N. Part I Rating Class: API 6A.20. OS&Y. Caps. Trim ENP or SS 410 A105N body. B A105N. 8 (5) (7) (10) GLOBE VALVES 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 API 3000 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged Page 59 of 196 . EWR. Trim No. 8 A216-WCB body. SAW or seamless API 5L Gr. Couplings etc. Class 3000 RJ Temperature Limit: -18 to 343°C Corrosion Allowance: (1) Item PIPE Size 1½" and under 2" to 10" (2-1/16" to 11") FITTINGS El's Tees.4 and B31. OS&Y. B or API 5L Gr. per B16. BB. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and above Class 6000 Class 6000 Rating Schedule Sch 160 Calculate Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. RJ A105N.9 API 3000 Type 6B (2) (3) (4) (2) API 3000 (3) (8) A193 B7 stud bolts. B16. Soft-Iron octagonal ring. graphite packing. BB. BB. lubricated.5 and a corrosion allowance of 1. However. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. liners etc. BC. trunnion mounted. are used. ASME B16. Trim ENP or SS 410 Notes (5) (7) (10) PLUG VALVES 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged 2" and above API 3000 (7) (10) Notes: (1) The pipe wall thickness shall be calculated based on a design factor of 0. Inconel 625. If sealwelding is required. Saudi Aramco. Use flanges. Dimensionally. Trim No. threaded end valves shall have extended bodies to prevent damage due to welding heat. Trim 1 A216-WCB body. seats. Refer to SAES-L-010 for seal welding requirement of threaded connections. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. API 6A. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. 1 A216-WCB body. inverted pressure balanced. Refer to SAES-L-008 and the applicable SAMSS for trim selection. seals. or SS316. Soft seals. API 599. Trim ENP or SS 410 A105 body.5 Class 900 flanges can be used to match API-3000 flanges. trim shall be upgraded to TC. API 599. and packing shall be PEEK or TEFZEL. lubricated. API 6A nominal sizes are in parenthesis. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 90CS9T (Continued) Item CHECK VALVES Size 1½" and under 2" and above BALL VALVES 2" and above Rating Schedule Class 1500 API 3000 API 3000 Type Socketweld/ Threaded RJ Flanged RJ Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105 body. When valves will be exposed to well acidizing fluids. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. the wall thickness are to be increased accordingly. Note. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Page 60 of 196 . the pressure rating of the flanged joint will be limited to that of ASME Class 900. fire safe. inverted pressure balanced. BC.6 mm. Where non-metallic seats. 2H hex nuts.160 XXS XXS 1" (min. SS 410 Trim with TC hard facing.25 Type Seamless Specification API 5L.344" (min. with semi-finished. Tees Reducers. wall) 1. ASTM A194 Gr. heavy pattern.4-1/16" 6" (7-1/16") 8" (9") 10" (11") ¾" thru 10" Sch. needle Gate 9/16" 9/16" 1-13/16" and above API-10000 API-10000 API-10000 Special Special RJ Flanged or Grayloc Autoclave or equivalent Autoclave or equivalent Alloy steel body. RJ API 6A Bore to match pipe ID API-6A. Inconel 718 stem.8 Examination: Per ASME B31. Class 10000 RJ Temperature Limit: -18 to 343°C Corrosion Allowance: Note (2) Rating Item Size Schedule PIPE ¾" thru 1" 1½" thru 2" (1-13/16-2-1/16") 3" thru 4" (3-1/8" . PSL 3+ 2" thru 10" Sizes to suit pipe and valve 2" thru 10" 2" thru 10" All sizes 2" thru 10" API-10000.658" (min. wall) 1. API 6A. ISNRS. RJ API-10000. Octagonal ring per SAES-L-009 (6) Page 61 of 196 . RJ Special design consult CSD ASTM A193 B7 stud bolts. X60 Notes (3) (7) Seamless or ERW FITTINGS El's.8 Buttweld Construction: B16. Grayloc or equal API 6A Carbon Steel Equivalent wall thickness to provide same strength as pipe (4) (5) API-10000. Amine resistant PEEK stem packing.8 (1) Stress Relief: Per ASME B31. Blind BOLTS GASKETS VALVES Check. ball Globe. wall) API-10000 Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: ASME B31. Cross FLANGES Weld Neck Connectors Blind Spec. B API 5LX.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 95CS1T Service: Khuff Gas Wellhead Piping (sour wet) Rating Class: API-6A. Class 10000. The pipe wall thickness shall include a corrosion allowance of 1.6mm.3 code. Valves shall comply with 04-SAMMS-049. Tubing and fitting must be designed for high pressure service. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. API 6A nominal sizes are in parenthesis. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 62 of 196 . Socket welded joints are not acceptable. Butt welded fittings must comply with 02-SAMSS-005.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 95CS1T (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications The pipe wall thickness shall be calculated in accordance with Appendix K (High Pressure Piping) of ASME B31. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco. Pipe material shall be suitable for sour service. Spiral-wound. Seat Socketweld Socketweld Specification A-790 UNS S31803 Notes A-182 Gr. Tees Reducers. Nipples and Swages Unions Socketweld/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES BOLTING GASKETS GATE VALVES ½" . flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer ring. Page 63 of 196 .1½" ½" . Duplex stainless steel can be used for both B31.1½" Class 800 Socketweld A182-F51 body and trim.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1SX0W (1) Service: Refer to Table 1. F51 A-182 Gr. OS&Y ½" . ½" . BC GLOBE VALVES CHECK VALVES Notes: (1) (2) (3) The line class for duplex stainless steel has been developed only for class 150 rating. per B16. API 602 ½" .1½" Class 800 Socketweld A182-F51 body and trim. Caps. Not applicable.1½" ½" . 40 S Bore Size ½" .1½" ½" . OS&Y.5 Temperature Limit: 0 to 90°C Corrosion Allowance: None Item PIPE FITTINGS El's.1½" Rating Schedule 40 S Basic Material: Duplex SS Code: B31. Couplings. etc.20.3/B31. API 602 ½" . BB. Part I Rating Class: 150 RF B16.4 (2) Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: Not Applicable Type Seamless Plain End Socketweld Seamless Plain End GJ Integ.1½" ½" . F51 (3) A193 B7 stud bolts. BB.1½" Class 800 Socketweld A182-F51 body and trim. F51 A-182 Gr. inside and outside plant areas. heavy pattern with A194 2H hex nuts.1½" Class 3000 40 S Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 150 Sch. OS&Y.4 piping.3 and B31. BB. 316 SS windings. Line classes for higher pressure ratings can similarly be developed by specifiying appropriate pipe schedule and fittings pressure ratings.1½" Class 150 RF Flanged A182-F51 body and trim. F51 A-790 UNS S31803 A-182 Gr. 6A1S 9A2B 15A2B 15C2B 25A2B 1A1K 3A1K 3A1R. 3A1F. 3A1S.T. BI-3717) and Samarec standard classes. Ras Tanura Upgrades (RTR.General process .General hydrocarbons w/ H2 . 1L1A 3L1A.Steam & Boiler feed water 600RF 300RF 1CC9C4 3CC9C4 6CC9C4 1CC9P 3CC9P 6CC9P 9CC9P 15CC9P 25CC9P 1CC9P1 3CC9P1 3CC9P2 6CC9P2 1CC9P3 3CC9P3 1C1AT N/A 1A1. 1A1B 3A1. (Refer to SAMAREC Special Classes and Applicable Engineering Standards for the type of process unit and other special requirements). 3A1B.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 10 Line Class Index and Cross-Reference . 3A1V 6A1R 1C1E 3C1E A1A1.Hydrogen .Part II (Refinery) The commonly used material specifications listed below are based on Process Industry Practices (PIP).R.) -18°C to +149°C Dry Chlorine Gas or Liquid Caustic PWHT Note (2) -18°C to +343°C . Table 1 New Line Class Number 1CA9P 3CA9P 6CA9P 3CB2Y R. Nitrogen Carbon Steel Grade B/Trim 12 Carbon Steel Grade B/Trim 13 -18°C to +260°C Lean Diglycol Amine Note (2) & PWHT -18°C to +80°C Hydrocarbon w/ traces of Sulfuric acid Page 64 of 196 .Ammonia. Note (2) . 1A1A. Line Class Number (BI-3717) 1L1. Class Number T1A1 None None None ASME Press Class 150RF 300RF Primary Material/Valve Trim Note (8) Impact tested carbon steel/Trim 12 Note (3) Service Note (1) -46°C to +343°C General hydrocarbons (Low temp. A1B1. 3C1C 6A1. 6A1D. B1B1 A2A1 A4A1 B4B1 B5A1 None None N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 150RF 300RF 600RF 150RF 300RF 600RF 900RJ 1500RJ 2500RJ 150RF 300RF 300RF 600RF 150RF 300RF Killed Carbon Steel/ Monel Trim (Refer to Chlorine Institute Pamplet 6) Carbon Steel Grade B/Trim 9 Carbon Steel Grade B/Trim 8 Carbon Steel Grade B/Trim 8 -18°C to +204°C Fuel Gas. 3L1N 6L1 3C1B SAMAREC Std. Hydrocarbons w/ H2 .Superheated steam & Boiler feed water . 3A2C 6A1U 900 RF/RJ 150RF 300RF 600RF 9 Cr-1 Mo/Trim 8 Note (5) -29°C to +645°C . Note (2) . H4A4. 1T1ET 3A1U. E2B2. E4B3 E5B1. 3A1M. 3A1MT. H4B3. 6A1P. E5C2 E5C3. H2A3. H2B3. 3T1BT 6T1AT. E4B1.Hydrogen . E4B2. 3T2DT 6A1G. 1T1JT 3T1AT. H4B2. E6C2 None F4B2 F5B2. H2B4 H4A2.R.Hydrogen .General hydrocarbons Page 65 of 196 . H4C3.Reformer feed 6CJ9P 9CJ9P 900RJ . E2B1.T. H4C2. H4A3. H2A4.Caustic wash 15CJ9P 25CJ9P 6CK2H 9CK2H 15CK2H 25CK2H 1CL9P 3CL9P 6CL9P 15A2G. H4B4. H1A3. 3T1DT. 6T1CT 6T2E 9A2G SAMAREC Std. F5C2 F6B2. E2B4 E4A2. Line Class Number (BI-3717) 1A1HT 3A1HT None 3A1L. E5B3. E5B4 E5C1. Class Number None None E1B1 E2A2. E5C4 E6B2.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Table 1 (Continued) New Line Class Number 1CC4P1 3CC4P1 1CJ9P 3CJ9P R. 6T1BT 1500RJ 2500RJ 600RF 900RJ 1500RJ 2500RJ 150RF 300RF 600RF 5 Cr-1/2 Mo/Trim 8 Note (5) -29°C to +645°C . F6C2 F7C2 H1A2. 15A2M 25A2G None None None None 1T1FT.Hydrogen rich Hydrocarbons 9CL9P 1CM9P 3CM9P 6CM9P None 1A1U. H4C4 N/A None None None ASME Press Class 150RF 300RF 150RF 300RF Note (5) 600RF Primary Material/Valve Trim Note (8) Carbon Steel with Steam Jacket/Trim 8 1-1/4 Cr1/2 Mo/Trim 8 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Service Note (1) -18°C to +194°C Sulfur -29°C to +595°C . H1A4 H2A2. H2B2.General hydrocarbons 2-1/4Cr-1 Mo/Trim 13 -29°C to +595°C . E5B2.Ammonia. E2B3. L1A1.General process . M1A1. N1A1 K2A1. (high ve/ Flashing).Phosphate injection Note (2) . K2B1.Rich DGA.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Table 1 (Continued) New Line Class Number 3CM9P1 R.R. 3C1K 6C1H None None None None None None None 600RF 150RJ 300RJ None 150FF 300FF Alloy 20/Trim 13 None None K1A1. M2A1.Concentrated H2SO4 (  93%) > 50°C Note (2) .Vacuum transfer 0°C to 93°C Weak acid sewer.Wet carbon dioxide Page 66 of 196 .Lube and seal oil . 1G1AT 3C1H. L4A1 None None L5B1 L6B1. Line Class Number (BI-3717) 3T1FT SAMAREC Std. Class Number N/A ASME Press Class 300RF SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Primary Material/Valve Trim Note (8) Service Note (1) -29°C to +454°C . 1C1K.T.Decoking . Note (2) Note (4) Note (7) .High vel.Nitric acid . above grade (acid concentration less than 30%) 2°C to 399°C Caustic Injection 21 kPa @ 510°C Chlorination gas 448 kPa @ 649°C 9 Cr-1 Mo/Trim 5 1LP0P 1C1A None 150FF Polypropylene lined carbon steel/ PP Lined Monel/Trim 9 Incoloy 800H/ Trim Incoloy 800H 6NM1C 1NR1Q 3NR1Q 1NT9A 3NT9A 1SC1P 3SC1P 1SD0P 3SD0P 6SD0P 9SD0P 15SD0P None None None 6C1D 1C2A 3A2B 1C1F 3C1F 1A1A 3A2A 3C1J. N2A1 K4B1. steam.Corrosive process . L6C1 L7C1 150RF 300RJ 150RF 300RF 600RF 900RF 1500RF 900RF 1500 RF/RJ 2500RJ 304H SS/304H trim 316/316L SS/Trim 12 Chlorination gas -18°C to +66°C (1NT9A) -18°C to +82°C (3NT9A) Concentrated H2SO4 (  93%) > 50°C safety shield required 0°C to 677°C Flue gas -29°C to +399°C . . 316L SS or 2-1/4Cr-1Mo as alternate materials for Samarec line classes Q1A1 and Q2A1.4 mm. RT Upgrade and SAMAREC. 150 RF and 300 RF for service temperature 29C to 371°C.8 mm and 6.H2 rich hydrocarbons . Refer to the same line class in Part I for material specifications. material applications shall be made within the temperature range indicated. For material standardization purpose.8 mm and 6. Corrosion allowance may be added to Type 304/304L.R.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Table 1 (Continued) New Line Class Number 1SD0P1 3SD0P1 6SD0P1 None 3SJ1P 6SJ1P 9SJ1P 15SJ1P 25SJ1P Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications R. For referenced RT Upgrade and Samarec line classes having corrosion allowance 3. L6B1.General Hydrocarbons . Use carbon steel. calculate pipe wall thicknesses to include the appropriate corrosion allowance. Refer to detailed line class specification for specific corrosion allowance.e.2 mm. Q5C1 Q6B1. Unless specifically indicated in the individual service or line class.Hydrogen . For former referenced line classes.4 mm. Type 304/304L SS may be used in suitable services for new projects. are listed (except 1CC4P1 and 3CC4P1). having a corrosion allowance 4. calculate pipe wall thickness.Corrosive Hydrocarbons 316/316L/Teflon 316 SS Tubing/Trim 12 321 SS/321 SS Trim Note (6) Services listed are based on the primary material. Refer to SAES-L-032 for specific details. Use carbon steel as alternate material for Samarec line classes L5B1.T. 4. (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 67 of 196 . (2) (3) (4) No copper or copper alloy permitted. Type 316/316L having better corrosion resistance does not require corrosion allowance. 1. Q6C1 Q7C1 ASME Press Class 150RF 300RF 600 150RF 300RF 600RF 900RJ 1500RJ 2500RJ Primary Material/Valve Trim Note (8) Service Note (1) -29°C to +121°C and 290°C Catalyst loading 0°C to 427°C Process/Steam Tracing 0°C to 425°C . calculate pipe wall thicknesses to include the appropriate corrosion allowance. For vacuum service class 150 (former RT Upgrade line class 1A1FT). L6C1 and L6C1. Line classes with commonly used corrosion allownace.6 mm and 3. Line Class Number (BI-3717) 1A1P 3A1P 6A None None 6A1J 9A2D 15C2A 25A2K SAMAREC Std. Refer to Table 1 for valve trims and SAES-L-008 for limitations on ENP trim. wet carbon dioxide.2 mm. Class Number N/A N/A None Q1A1 Q2A1 Q4B1 Q5B1. Type 316/316L SS is specified instead of Type 304/304L which is adequate in services such as Nitric acid. 900 RF through 2500 RJ for service temperature 29°C to 260°C. i. 20. Chlorine Inst.25 Type Seamless Seamless Buttweld Buttweld Weldneck. A106 Gr. seals.3. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. Where non-metallic seats. 4" and under Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CB2Y Service: Refer to Table 1. B. material selection. per B16. Spiral-wound.11 A105N. Reducers. liners etc. Use flanges. B. use flanges including connections for: vents. TFE seats and seals.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 150°C Corrosion Allowance: 3. BC. A105N or A350-LF2. RF Specification A106 Gr. floating ball. Chlorine Inst. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. are used. B16. 316SS windings.5 Notes (2) (2) (3) (2) (4) (2) Class 300 (3) (6) A193 B7 stud bolts.9 A105N or A350-LF2. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES BOLTING GASKETS Plug Valves All 2" and above All Size 2" and under 3" to 8" Rating Schedule Sch 160 XS Basic Material: Carbon Steel (1) Code: B31. #6.2 mm Item PIPE FITTINGS El's Tees.3 (1) Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Caps. and thermowells. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer and inner rings. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF B16. hydrotest. and material specifications are to be in accordance with Pamphlet 6 of the Chlorine Institute and B31. semi-finished. Threaded and socketwelded connections are not permitted. (5) Ball Valves (5) Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Design practices. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. drains. Monel trim. Couplings etc. Page 68 of 196 . #6. Monel trim. B16. TFE sleeved non-lubricated. 6" and 8" Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. B16. Trim No. BB. Reducers. 8 1½"and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. B16.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's Tees. (Supplement S-1).20.9 A106 Gr. API 602. Trim No. graphite packing. Gr. B A105N. Trim No. B16. Part II Rating Class: 150 RF B16.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. OS&Y. BB. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. OS&Y. Female graphite packing. MSS SP-83 SP-83 A105N. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A105N body. OS&Y. Gr. 8 1½"and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. semi-finished. graphite packing. per B16. BB.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1CC9P Service: Refer to Table 1. 316 SS windings. B API 5L. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½"-1½" 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½"and under 2" and above 1½"and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std. BB. BB.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Trim No.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 345°C (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. B or A671-CC60 Class 32. OS&Y. B16. graphite packing. B16. A105N. Wall Calculate Basic Material: Carbon Steel (1) Code: B31. API-600. Threaded API 602. 8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. OS&Y. 8 Globe Valves Page 69 of 196 . graphite packing. Trim No. 8 2" and above API 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. Couplings etc. B API 5L.9 A105N. Spiral-wound.11 A234-WPB. Caps. B16.11 A105N.5 (4) (9) (6) (3) (7) (3) (4) Notes (2) XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 150 Class 150 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (3) A193 B7 stud bolts. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. floating ball. Note.10 A216-WCB body. RTFE seats. floating ball.B. API 609 Cat. high performance. drains. seals. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Trim No. BC. Trim No. lubricated. inverted pressure balanced. liners etc. Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalyst services also require 316 SS inner rings. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Page 70 of 196 . Trim ENP or SS410 A105N body. API 6D. Trim ENP or SS 410 A216-WCB body. inverted pressure balanced. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. RTFE seats. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. 10 A216-WCB body. (Not used). Where non-metallic seats. are used.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1CC9P (Continued) Item Check Valves Size 1½" and under 2" and above Ball Valves 1½" and under 2" to 4" 6" and above Plug Valves 1½" and under Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 150 Class 300 Class 150 Class 150 Class 600 Type Socketweld RF Flanged Socketweld RF Flanged RF Flanged Socketweld SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. hydrotest connections. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. BC. Trim No. fire safe. API 599. Trim No. trunnion mounted. fire safe. BC. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. BC. A corrosion allowance of 1.1 A216-WCB body. lubricated. Trim 316 SS A216-WCB body.1 A105N body. Trim ENP or SS316 Notes (7) (7) (7) (8) 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged (8) Butterfly Valves 4" and above Class 150 Lugged or RF Flanged (8) Notes: (1) (2) For hydrogen service. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. API 6D. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. fire safe. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. and instrument take-offs. Saudi Aramco. graphite packing.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 345°C (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. B16. Couplings.8 Globe Valves Page 71 of 196 . semi-finished.11. Trim No. OS&Y. A105N.20. API-602. BB. Threaded API-602.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Tees Reducers. OS&Y. Gr. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A105N body. Trim No. graphite packing. Gr. OS&Y. B. graphite packing. BB. API 5L. B or API 5L Gr. MSS SP-83. Trim No. OS&Y. OS&Y. BB. Trim No. (Supplement S-1). B16. Trim No. BB. A105N. B. Female graphite packing. A234 Gr. Spiral-wound. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 300 Class 300 Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CC9P Service: Refer to Table 1. graphite packing. etc. BB. B16. A105N. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF B16.5. A105N. B16. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings.11. API-600.8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. 316 SS windings. WPB. API 5L.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. Caps.8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. A106 Gr. A105N.8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. B16. B. (7) (4) (9) (8) (3) (3) (4) Notes (2) XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (3) A193 B7 stud bolts. per B16. Wall Calculate Basic Material: Carbon Steel (1) Code: B31.8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body.9.9. B or A671-CC60 Class 32. BC. liners etc. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. are used. API 599. A corrosion allowance of 1. (Not used). when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Where non-metallic seats. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. high performance. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. trunnion mounted. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. API 6D. Trim No. Note. API 609 Cat. Trim ENP or SS410 A105N body. lubricated. floating ball. and instrument take-offs.1 A216-WCB body.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CC9P (Continued) Item Check Valves Size 1½" and under 2" and above Ball Valves 1½" and under 2" to 4" 6" and above Plug Valves 1½" and under Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 600 Type Socketweld RF Flanged Socketweld RF Flanged RF Flanged Socketweld SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. 10 A216-WCB body. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Page 72 of 196 . Trim ENP or SS 410 A216-WCB body. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Saudi Aramco. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. fire safe. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. RTFE seats. fire safe. lubricated. BC. Trim ENP or SS316 Notes (7) (7) (8) 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged (8) Butterfly Valves 4" and above Class300 Lugged or RF Flanged (8) Notes: (1) (2) For hydrogen service. BC. seals.1 A105N body. Trim 316 SS A216-WCB body. fire safe. RTFE seats. inverted pressure balanced. Trim No.B. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Trim No. Trim No. floating ball. BC. API 6D.10 A216-WCB body. inverted pressure balanced. hydrotest connections. Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalyst services also require 316 SS inner rings. drains. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. MSS SP-83. OS&Y.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 345°C (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. Part II Rating Class: 600 RF B16. (4) (9) (3) (4) Notes (2) XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 600 Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (3) A193 B7 stud bolts. Gr. B A105N. B16. B or API 5L Gr.5. OS&Y. B or A671-CC60 Class 32.8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. Threaded API-602.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6CC9P Service: Refer To Table 1. BB. Spiral-wound. A105N. B16. A105N. BB. graphite packing. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts.11 A234 Gr.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. graphite packing. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. Tees Reducers.8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. Trim No. B16. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A105N body.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's. per B16. BB. Wall Calculate Basic Material: Carbon Steel (1) Code: B31. Trim No. OS&Y. Trim No. WPB. API-600. Caps. graphite packing. OS&Y. B API 5L. semi-finished.9. (Supplement S-1). API-602. A105N.8 (3) Globe Valves Page 73 of 196 .8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. A105N. etc. Gr. graphite packing.9 A106 Gr. Trim No. Trim No. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std. B API 5L. B16.11. BB.20. OS&Y. Couplings. BB. Female graphite packing.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. 316 SS windings. B16. inverted pressure balanced. Trim 316 SS A216-WCB body. high performance. floating ball. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Trim ENP or SS410 A105N body. 10 A216-WCB body. Trim No. Where non-metallic seats.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. seals.B. (Not used). API 599. Trim ENP or SS 410 A216-WCB body. BC. Trim No. lubricated. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. liners etc. drains. Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalyst services also require 316 SS inner rings. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. RTFE seats. A corrosion allowance of 1. BC. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Note. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. Saudi Aramco. trunnion mounted. fire safe. hydrotest connections. Trim ENP or SS316 Notes (7) (7) (8) 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged (8) Butterfly Valves 4" and above Class 600 Lugged or RF Flanged (8) Notes: (1) (2) For hydrogen service. are used. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. lubricated. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. BC. API 609 Cat. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents.1 A216-WCB body. inverted pressure balanced.1 A105N body. BC. and instrument take-offs. Trim No. API 6D.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6CC9P (Continued) Item Check Valves Size 1½" and under 2" and above Ball Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Plug Valves 1½" and under Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 600 Class 600 Class 600 Class 600 Type Socketweld RF Flanged Socketweld RF Flanged Socketweld SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Page 74 of 196 . fire safe. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std.8 A105N body. B16. graphite packing. B. Trim No.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. semi-finished. A105N. (8) (3) (4) Notes (2) XS Class 3000 Class 6000 Class 1500 Class 900 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RJ Weldneck RJ (3) A193 B7 stud bolts. Trim No. A106 Gr. OS&Y. Soft-Iron octagonal ring. (Supplement S-1).11. BC. Couplings.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 9CC9P Service: Refer To Table 1. B16.5. A105N. B or API 5L Gr. Gr. 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 Class 900 Class 1500 Class 900 Class 1500 Class 900 Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged A105N body. per B16. BC. OS&Y.11. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. Tees Reducers. Caps. Trim No.8 A105N body. A105N.8 A216-WCB body. Wall Calculate Basic Material: Carbon Steel (1) Code: B31. B16. A105N. etc.9. OS&Y.9.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 345°C (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. OS&Y. API-602. API 600. API 5L. Gr. B16. Trim No. BB. Trim No.1 A216-WCB Body. A234 Gr. WPB. graphite packing.1 (5) Globe Valves 1½" and under 2" and above (5) Check Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Page 75 of 196 . BB. A105N. MSS SP-83. B. B16. B. BB. API 5L. Trim No.20. B or A671-CC60 Class 32.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's. graphite packing. Part II Rating Class: 900 RJ B16. BB.8 A216-WCB body. Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 9CC9P (Continued) Item Ball Valves Plug Valves Size 2" and above 1½" and under Rating Schedule Class 900 Class 1500 Type RJ Flanged Socketweld SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A216-WCB body, trunnion mounted, fire safe, API 6D, Trim ENP or SS410. A105N body, lubricated inverted pressure balanced, BC, Trim 316 SS A216-WCB Body, BC, lubricated inverted pressure balanced, API 599, Trim ENP or SS 410 Notes (6) (7) (5) 2" and above Class 900 RJ Flanged (7) Notes: (1) (2) For hydrogen service, refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. A corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances, the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Note, when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule, approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department, Saudi Aramco. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents, drains, hydrotest connections, and instrument take-offs. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Double-block valves required for vent and drain connections. Where non-metallic seats, seals, liners etc. are used, the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 76 of 196 Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 15CC9P Service: Refer To Table 1, Part II Rating Class: 1500 RJ B16.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 345°C (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's, Tees Reducers, Caps, Couplings, etc. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 6000 Rating Schedule XS Std. Wall Calculate Basic Material: Carbon Steel (1) Code: B31.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. B. API 5L, Gr. B. API 5L, Gr. B or A671-CC60 Class 32. (Supplement S-1). A105N, B16.11. A234 Gr. WPB, B16.9. A106 Gr. B. A105N, MSS SP-83. A105N, B16.11. A105N, B16.9. A105N, B16.5. (8) (3) (4) Notes (2) XS Class 6000 Class 6000 Class 1500 Class 1500 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RJ Weldneck RJ (3) A193 B7 stud bolts, semi-finished, heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. Soft-Iron octagonal ring, per B16.20. 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 Class 1500 Class 1500 Class 1500 Class 1500 Class 1500 Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged A105N body, BB, OS&Y, graphite packing, API-602, Trim No.8 A216-WCB body, BB, OS&Y, API 600, Trim No.8 A105N body, BB, OS&Y, graphite packing, Trim No.8 A216-WCB body, BB, OS&Y, graphite packing, Trim No.8 A105N body, BC, Trim No.1 A216-WCB Body, BC, Trim No.1 (5) Globe Valves 1½" and under 2" and above (5) Check Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Page 77 of 196 Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 15CC9P (Continued) Item Ball Valves Plug Valves Size 2" and above 1½" and under Rating Schedule Class 1500 Class 1500 Type RJ Flanged Socketweld SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A216-WCB body, trunnion mounted, fire safe, API 6D, Trim ENP or SS 410. A105N body, lubricated inverted pressure balanced, BC, Trim 316 SS A216-WCB Body, BC, lubricated inverted pressure balanced, API 599, Trim ENP or SS 410 Notes (6) (7) (5) 2" and above Class 1500 RJ Flanged (7) Notes: (1) (2) For hydrogen service, refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. A corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances, the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Note, when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule, approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department, Saudi Aramco. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents, drains, hydrotest connections, and instrument take-offs. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Double-block valves required for vent and drain connections. Where non-metallic seats, seals, liners etc. are used, the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 78 of 196 8 (6) Check Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Page 79 of 196 . OS&Y.8 A216-WCB body.11 A234 Gr. Tees Reducers. B API 5L. Trim No. OS&Y.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 25CC9P Service: Refer To Table 1. A105N.8 A216-WCB body.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B16. etc. WPB. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. Y-pattern. Gr. Y-pattern. PSB or WB.9 A106 Gr. 160 Calculate Basic Material: Carbon Steel (1) Code: B31. (Supplement S-1). B or A671-CC60 Class 32. per B16.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 12" 14" and larger FITTINGS El's. B16. B16. Soft-Iron octagonal ring. Trim No.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. PSB or WB. RJ A193 B7 stud bolts. Part II Rating Class: 2500 RJ B16. B16. 1½" and under 2" and above Class 2500 Class 2500 Class 2500 Class 2500 Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged A105N body.11 A105N.9 A105N. B16.5 (5) (7) (3) (5) (4) (3) Notes (2) Sch 160 Class 6000 Class 2500 Class 2500 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RJ Weldneck. Trim No. Gr. B A105N. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Globe Valves Class 6000 Rating Schedule Sch 160 Sch. semi-finished. Couplings. Caps. PSB or WB. Trim No. B API 5L.20.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 345°C (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1.8 A105N body. PSB or WB. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 80 of 196 . Use flanges. Consulting Services Department. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Use for vent and drain connections. Saudi Aramco for flange material selection. Consult Materials Engineering Unit. A corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Note. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. hydrotest connections. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. drains. and instrument take-offs. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 25CC9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Saudi Aramco. MSS SP-83. Trim ENP or SS 410 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld A105N body.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1CC9P1 Service: Refer To Table 1. A105N. B16. B or A671-CC60 Class 32. API 599. Wall Calculate Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. Tees Reducers. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½"-1½" 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Ball Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std. etc. BC. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. B API 5L. fire safe. RTFE seats. lubricated inverted pressure balanced. B16. Trim No. Gr. B A105N. Caps. Trim ENP or SS 410 (4) (4) (4) (5) Plug Valves (5) Page 81 of 196 .3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. trunnion mounted. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. API 6D. BC.9 ASTM A106 Gr. Part II Rating Class: 150 RF B16. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. per B16. (Supplement S-1). B16.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's.20. Spiral-wound. B16. fire safe. API 6D. RTFE seats.11 A105N. Trim No. B API 5L. Gr.10 2" to 4" Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. 316 SS windings. floating ball. A105N. B16.9 A105N.11 A234-WPB.5 (3) (6) (2) (3) Notes (1) XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 150 Class 150 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (2) A193 B7 stud bolts.10 4" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. lubricated inverted pressure balanced. Couplings. semi-finished. Trim 316 SS 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB Body. floating ball.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 205°C Corrosion Allowance: 1. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. seals. are used. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. Saudi Aramco. hydrotest connections. and instrument take-offs. Note. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. drains.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1CC9P1 (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. liners etc. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 82 of 196 . when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. Where non-metallic seats. 9 A105N. Gr. BC. fire safe.5 A105N. lubricated inverted pressure balanced. semi-finished. fire safe.20. Gr. Trim No. 316 SS windings. lubricated inverted pressure balanced. B16.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.10 2" to 4" Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. Spiral-wound. (Supplement S-1).Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CC9P1 Service: Refer To Table 1. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. Trim No. per B16. floating ball. API 6D.11 A105N. etc. (4) (4) (4) (5) Plug Valves (5) Page 83 of 196 . A105N. trunnion mounted. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. floating ball. Tees Reducers. Trim ENP or SS 410 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld A105N body.5 (3) (6) (2) (3) Notes (1) XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 300 Class 300 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (2) A193 B7 stud bolts. Trim 316 SS 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB Body. B16.10 4" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. B16. B API 5L. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½"-1½" 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Ball Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std. RTFE seats. Couplings. Trim ENP or SS 410. Wall Calculate Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. B16. API 599. Caps. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. B16. B A105N. B or A671-CC60 Class 32.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 205°C Corrosion Allowance: 1.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. API 6D.11 A234-WPB.9 ASTM A106 Gr. B API 5L. MSS SP-83. BC. RTFE seats. B16. A105N. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF B16. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 84 of 196 .Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CC9P1 (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. are used. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Note. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Saudi Aramco. seals. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. hydrotest connections. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. liners etc. drains. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. and instrument take-offs. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Where non-metallic seats. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. 12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. Wall Calculate Basic Material: PWHT Carbon Steel Code: B31. Female graphite packing.9 A105N. Spiral-wound.5 (3) (6) (2) (3) Notes (1) XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 300 Class 300 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (2) A193 B7 stud bolts.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's. etc.12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. A105N.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 204°C Corrosion Allowance: 1. Trim No.11 A105N. BB. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A105N body. BB. Trim No.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. B A105N. B16. API-602. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. OS&Y. A105N.9 A106 Gr. Trim No. API-600. BB. OS&Y. Trim No.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½"-1½" 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std. B API 5L. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. Gr.20. graphite packing.12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. Trim No. (Supplement S-1).Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CC9P2 Service: Refer To Table 1. Gr. OS&Y. BB. BB. graphite packing. Tees Reducers.12 Globe Valves Page 85 of 196 . B16. Threaded API-602. B16. OS&Y. per B16. 316 SS windings. Caps. Couplings. B16. graphite packing.11 A234-WPB. semi-finished.12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. B16. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF B16. MSS SP-83. B API 5L. B or A671-CC60 Class 32. OS&Y. graphite packing. API 599.10 A216-WCB body. fire safe. floating ball. floating ball. liners etc. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. BC.B. Trim No. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 86 of 196 . (Not used). fire safe. API 6D. BC. high performance. are used. RTFE seats.10 A105N body. Saudi Aramco. BC.10 A216-WCB body. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Trim 316 SS A216-WCB body. Where non-metallic seats. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances.10 A105N body. Trim SS316 Notes (5) (5) (5) 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged Butterfly Valves 4" and above Class 300 Lugged or RF Flanged Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. drains. BC. Note. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. API 6D. seals. Trim No. hydrotest connections. fire safe. lubricated. Trim No. trunnion mounted. lubricated. inverted pressure balanced. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. inverted pressure balanced. Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. API 609 Cat. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Trim No.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CC9P2 (Continued) Item Check Valves Size 1½" and under 2" and above Ball Valves 1½" and under 2" to 4" 6" and above Plug Valves 1½" and under Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 600 Type Socketweld RF Flanged Socketweld RF Flanged RF Flanged Socketweld SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. 10 A216-WCB body. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Trim No. RTFE seats. and instrument take-offs. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. B API 5L.5 (3) (7) (2) (3) Notes (1) Sch 80 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 600 Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (2) A193 B7 stud bolts. Trim No. Couplings. BB. Threaded API-602.11 A234 Gr. B16. graphite packing. OS&Y. Gr. Trim No.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A105N body. Wall Calculate Basic Material: PWHT Carbon Steel Code: B31. B16.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 260°C Corrosion Allowance: 1. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. Trim No. API-602. semi-finished.12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. B16. graphite packing. B API 5L. B or A671-CC60 Class 32. BB. OS&Y. BB. Part II Rating Class: 600 RF B16. Female graphite packing. Trim No. Trim No. Tees Reducers. OS&Y. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's. BB.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6CC9P2 Service: Refer To Table 1.9 A106 Gr. graphite packing. Caps. API-600.11 A105N. BB. OS&Y. per B16. OS&Y.12 Globe Valves Page 87 of 196 . graphite packing.9 A105N. A105N. A105N. (Supplement S-1). B16.12 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A216-WCB body.12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. WPB. Gr. B or API 5L Gr.20. Spiral-wound. 316 SS windings. MSS SP-83. B16. etc.12 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. B. A105N. lubricated. Trim SS316 Notes (5) (5) 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged Butterfly Valves 4" and above Class 600 Lugged or RF Flanged Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Trim No. trunnion mounted.10 A216-WCB body. high performance. Trim No. Trim SS 316 A216-WCB body. Trim No.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. and instrument take-offs. are used. API 6D. drains.10 A105N body. liners etc.B. fire safe. RTFE seats. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 88 of 196 . Where non-metallic seats. Trim No.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6CC9P2 (Continued) Item Check Valves Size 1½" and under 2" and above Ball Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Plug Valves 1½" and under Rating Schedule Class 800 Class 600 Class 600 Class 600 Class 600 Type Socketweld RF Flanged Socketweld RF Flanged Socketweld SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A105N body. BC. Saudi Aramco. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. 10 A216-WCB body. BC. hydrotest connections. API 609 Cat. seals. inverted pressure balanced. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. fire safe. inverted pressure balanced. API 599. Refer to the applicable SAMSS and SAES-L-008 for trim selection. (Not used). the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class.10 A105N body. lubricated. Note. BC. Trim 316 SS A216-WCB body. BC. floating ball. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Trim No.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 80°C Corrosion Allowance: 1. Trim No. Caps.13 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. BC. Trim No. OS&Y. (Supplement S-1). A105N. B16.13 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. Couplings. B16. Spiral-wound. graphite packing. B API 5L. B16.20.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. 316 SS windings. BB. Gr. graphite packing. OS&Y.13 1½" and under Class 150 RF Flanged A351-CN7M body. B16. Part II Rating Class: 150 RF B16.5 (3) (5) (2) (3) Notes (1) XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 150 Class 150 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (2) A193 B7 stud bolts.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's.13 Globe Valves Check Valves Page 89 of 196 . A105N. BB. semi-finished. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½"-1½" 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1CC9P3 Service: Refer To Table 1. B A105N. MSS SP-83.13 1½" and under Class 150 RF Flanged A351-CN7M body.9 A105N. 1½" and under Class 150 RF Flanged A351-CN7M body. Tees Reducers.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. OS&Y. BB. Trim No. Gr. graphite packing.9 ASTM A106 Gr. OS&Y. B16. per B16. BB. B or A671-CC60 Class 32.11 A105N. BC. etc. graphite packing. API-600.13 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body.11 A234-WPB. Trim No. Trim No. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. Wall Calculate Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. B API 5L. Trim No. API 6D. Trim No. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. API 6D. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1CC9P3 (Continued) Item Ball Valves Size 2" to 4" 6" and above Rating Schedule Class 150 Class 150 Type RF Flanged RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A216-WCB body. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. and instrument take-offs. trunnion mounted. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Note. Where non-metallic seats. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Saudi Aramco. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. liners etc.13 A216-WCB body. hydrotest connections. are used. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. fire safe.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. floating ball. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 90 of 196 . RTFE seats. seals.13 Notes (4) (4) Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1. fire safe. drains. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. 5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 80°C Corrosion Allowance: 1. BC.13 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. BC. Trim No. OS&Y. BB. Gr. Gr.13 1½" and under Class 300 RF Flanged A351-CN7M body.13 Globe Valves Check Valves Page 91 of 196 . BB.9 A105N. graphite packing.11 A234 Gr. Trim No. Trim No. Couplings. B16. B16. BB. graphite packing.11 A105N. B API 5L. Tees Reducers.20.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr.9 A106 Gr. graphite packing. 316 SS windings. B16. Gr. OS&Y. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. OS&Y. OS&Y.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. graphite packing. etc. B or A671-CC60 Class 32.13 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. semi-finished. per B16. 1½" and under Class 300 RF Flanged A351-CN7M body. Trim No. (Supplement S-1). B16. Trim No. B A105N. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½"-1½" 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std. Caps. B or API 5L. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF B16.5 (3) (5) (2) (3) Notes (1) XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 300 Class 300 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (2) A193 B7 stud bolts. BB.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's.13 2" and above Class 3000 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. B16. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. API-600. Spiral-wound.13 1½" and under Class 300 RF Flanged A351-CN7M body. B API 5L. A105N.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CC9P3 Service: Refer To Table 1. A105N. Trim No. MSS SP-83. WPB. Wall Calculate Basic Material: Carbon Steel Code: B31. API 6D. and instrument take-offs. Note. floating ball. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. API 6D. trunnion mounted. drains. liners etc.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CC9P3 (Continued) Item Ball Valves Size 2" to 4" 6" and above Rating Schedule Class 300 Class 300 Type RF Flanged RF Flanged SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification A216-WCB body. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Where non-metallic seats. hydrotest connections.13 Notes (4) (4) Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 1. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 92 of 196 . fire safe.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses.13 A216-WCB body. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. are used. fire safe. seals. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Saudi Aramco. RTFE seats. Trim No. Trim No. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. BC. BB. Tees Reducers. B16.11 A234-WPB. BB. Trim No. per B16. Trim No. B16.9 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B or A671-CC60 Class 32. BB. B16. 316 SS windings. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½"-1½" 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std.9 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. Gr.9 A105N. 9 Globe Valves Check Valves Page 93 of 196 .5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 105°C Corrosion Allowance: 1. API-600. B API 5L. Spiral-wound. semi-finished. A105N. OS&Y. B16. (Supplement S-1). etc. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. BC. OS&Y.9 A106 Gr.9 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB Body. Trim No. OS&Y.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's. B16. Couplings.9 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N Body. Trim No.5 (3) (5) (2) (3) Notes (1) XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 150 Class 150 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (3) A193 B7 stud bolts. MSS SP-83.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1CC9C4 Service: Refer To Table 1. API-602. Female API-602. OS&Y. B API 5L.20. Trim No. A105N. Gr.11 A105N.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. Caps.9 Threaded 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N Body. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings.9 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. B A105N. Part II Rating Class: 150 RF B16. OS&Y. Wall Calculate Basic Material: PWHT Carbon Steel Code: B31. Trim No. Trim No. BB. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A105N body. BB. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1CC9C4 (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Note. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. drains. and instrument take-offs. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Saudi Aramco. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 94 of 196 . when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. (Not used). hydrotest connections. Caps. OS&Y. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES ½"-1½" 2" and above ½"-1½" ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std.20. etc. B16. Couplings. BB. BB.9 A105N. API-602. B16. B or A671-CC60 Class 32.9 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N Body. OS&Y. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings.5 (3) (5) (2) (3) Notes (1) XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 300 Class 300 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (2) A193 B7 stud bolts. B16. BB. Tees Reducers.9 Threaded 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N Body.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CC9C4 Service: Refer To Table 1. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF B16. Gr.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. B API-5L. OS&Y. B A105N. Spiral-wound. BC. A105N. Trim No. OS&Y. (Supplement S-1). Trim No. MSS SP-83. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A105N body. per B16. Trim No. Wall Calculate Basic Material: PWHT Carbon Steel Code: B31. Trim No.9 ASTM A106 Gr. B API 5L. BB.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's. B16. A105N. BB. Gr.9 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. Female API-602. semi-finished. B16.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 105°C Corrosion Allowance: 1.11 A105N. OS&Y. Trim No.9 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. Trim No. API-600.9 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. 9 Globe Valves Check Valves Page 95 of 196 .9 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB Body.11 A234-WPB. 316 SS windings. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. BC. Trim No. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. and instrument take-offs. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. hydrotest connections. (Not used). Saudi Aramco. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 96 of 196 .Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CC9C4 (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. drains. Note. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. WPB. OS&Y. Trim No.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6CC9C4 Service: Refer To Table 1.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. API-600. Wall Calculate Basic Material: PWHT Carbon Steel Code: B31. BB. Trim No. (Supplement S-1). B or A671-CC60 Class 32.9 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N Body. Caps. A105N. Trim No. OS&Y. OS&Y. Female API-602.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Welded Specification A106 Gr. Tees Reducers. Trim No. Gr. B16. B API 5L. per B16. Part II Rating Class: 600 RF B16. B API 5L. BC. Trim No. Gr. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A105N body. semi-finished.11 A234 Gr. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. 316 SS windings.9 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A216-WCB Body. BB.9 A105N.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size ½"-1½" 2" to 24" 26" and larger FITTINGS El's.9 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. BB. BB. BB.5 (3) (5) (2) (3) Notes (1) XS Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 600 Class 600 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (3) A193 B7 stud bolts.9 A106 Gr. Couplings. B16. B16. etc.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 105°C Corrosion Allowance: 1. MSS SP-83. A105N. B16. B A105N. Spiral-wound. B or API 5L. Gr.20. OS&Y. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings.9 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N body. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above 2" and under 2" and under 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 3000 Rating Schedule XS Std. B16.9 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A216-WCB body.11 A105N.9 Threaded 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A105N Body. BC. 9 Globe Valves Check Valves Page 97 of 196 . Trim No. OS&Y. API-602. Trim No. Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6CC9C4 (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. hydrotest connections. and instrument take-offs. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. (Not used). Note. Saudi Aramco. when a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. drains. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 98 of 196 . 11 A234 Gr. Carbon Steel Code: B31. Spiral-wound. B16. BC.5 Design Conditions Inner Pipe.9 A106 Gr. B or API 5L Gr. B API 5L. per B16. B16. liners etc. nonlubricated TFE sleeve. Threaded connections only allowed for caps and plugs. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. B. partial-steam jacket. Where non-metallic seats.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1CC4P1 Service: Refer To Table 1. fullsteam jacket. Gr. are used. API 599 (6) Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) A corrosion allowance of 3. Use flanges.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: Special Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Seamless or Welded Threaded Buttweld Seamless Weldneck RF Specification A106 Gr. Part II Rating Class: 150 RF B16. B. semi-finished. Trim No.4 mm (1) Item INNER PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 6" 8" to 18" FITTINGS El's. Gr. API 5L. Steam jacket to sized one NPS larger than inner pipe using the same material specification and wall thickness of inner pipe. WPB. Page 99 of 196 . 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection. Gr. Nipples and Swages Unions FLANGES BOLTING GASKETS Check Valves Plug Valves ½"-1½" 2" and above 2" and under 2" and above Class 3000 XS Class 150 160 XS Standard Weight Rating Schedule Basic Material: Double-Pipe.8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. Notes (1) (2) A105N. Couplings. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. etc.20. B - (3) (4) (5) (4) (7) A193 B7 stud bolts. 316 SS windings. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings and 304 or 316 SS inner ring. seals.2 mm may be used for 6" and smaller inner pipe. 172 Kpa Inner Pipe For 75 Psig Steam At 195°C Corrosion Allowance: 6. Tees Reducers. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Caps. B or API 5L. BC. Nipples and Swages Unions FLANGES BOLTING GASKETS Check Valves Plug Valves ½"-1½" 2" and above 2" and under 2" and above Class 3000 XS XS Standard Weight Rating Schedule Basic Material: Double-Pipe. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF B16. Where non-metallic seats.11 A234-WPB. full-steam jacket. Steam jacket to sized one NPS larger than inner pipe using the same material specification and wall thickness of inner pipe. 316 SS windings. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. the manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings shall limit the service of this class. semi-finished. B16. B. BC. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings and 304 or 316 SS inner ring. Tees Reducers. API 599 (6) Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) A corrosion allowance of 3.4 mm (1) Item INNER PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 6" 8" to 18" FITTINGS El's. seals. Spiral-wound. Threaded connections only allowed for caps and plugs. Use flanges.5 Temperature Limit: -18 To 194°C Corrosion Allowance: 6. Gr. B or API 5L. Page 100 of 196 . are used. Caps. Trim No. B16. Couplings. liners etc. 8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. BC.2 mm may be used for 6" and smaller inner pipe. B or API 5L Gr.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: Special Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Seamless or Welded Threaded Buttweld Seamless Weldneck RF Specification A106 Gr. partial-steam jacket. B - (3) (4) (5) (4) (7) XS Class 300 A193 B7 stud bolts. Refer to SAES-L-009 for flange material selection.20. B API 5L. Gr. etc. API 5L. 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A216-WCB body. Gr. non-lubricated TFE sleeve. Notes (1) (2) A105N. Carbon Steel Code: B31. per B16.9 A106 Gr. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CC4P1 Service: Refer To Table 1. B. B16. Spiral-wound. WP11. Trim No. B16.11 A234 Gr. OS&Y. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. OS&Y. BB.(1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. Trim No.20 up to 595°C. P11 or A-691 Gr. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. 1 (5) (3) (4) (7) (3) Page 101 of 196 . F11. B16. Part II Rating Class: 150 RF B16. API 602. BB. F11.9 1½" and under Class 150 Socketweld A182-Gr. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A182-F11 body. Trim No. per B16. Class 32 A182 Gr. F11. BB. BB. OS&Y. API 602. Spiral-wound.20 up to 425°C. etc. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 595°C. Tees Reducers.2" 1½" and under Class 3000 Sch 80 min Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 1¼ Cr. B16. 321 or 347 SS windings.F11.-½ Mo.9 A335-Gr. flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings. BC. BB.5 Temperature Limit: 595°C Max. or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. Trim No. Caps. 316 SS windings.5 RF 2" and above Class 150 Weldneck A182-Gr. API-600. 8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A217-WC6 Body.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. Threaded Trim No. 8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A217-WC6 body. Trim No. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F11 body. per B16.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1CJ9P Service: Refer To Table 1.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's. P11 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½" . P11 A335-Gr. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F11 body.5 RF A193 B7 stud bolts. 1 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A217-WC6 Body.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B16. (1) Code: B31. Trim No. F11. Couplings. B16. Female OS&Y.25 Type Seamless Seamless. 1¼ Cr. OS&Y. BC. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F11 body. A193 B16 stud bolts. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Saudi Aramco. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. A corrosion allowance of 1. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. drains. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. and instrument take-offs. (Not used). Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1CJ9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. Limited to 550°C in hydrogen service. Note. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalyst services also require 316 SS inner rings. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 102 of 196 . hydrotest connections. Use flanges. BB. Trim No. per B16. Spiral-wound. etc. Tees Reducers. BB. F11 RF 2" and above Class 300 Weldneck A182-Gr. OS&Y. BC.20 up to 595°C. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 3000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Std min. WP11. Trim No. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF B16. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F11 body. Female OS&Y.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CJ9P Service: Refer To Table 1. 321 or 347 SS windings. B16. API 602. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A182-F11 body.9 A335-Gr. Class 32. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 595°C.F11. BB.11 A234 Gr. P11 (3) (4) (5) (3) Notes (2) (2) Sch 80 min Class 6000 BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. F11. 1¼ Cr. BB.8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F11 body. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings.5 Temperature Limit: 595°C Max.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. OS&Y. per B16. Couplings. Trim No. P11 A335-Gr. (1) Code: B31.20 up to 425°C. Threaded Trim No.1 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-WC6 Body. 316 SS windings.9 1½" and under Class 300 Socketweld A182-Gr. Trim No. B16. API-600. P11 or A-691 Gr. OS&Y. A193 B16 stud bolts. A182 Gr. flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C.8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-WC6 Body. F11.(1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. API 602.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. BB. Trim No. F11 RF A193 B7 stud bolts.8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F11 body. B16. P11 A335-Gr.25 Type Seamless Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. Caps.8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-WC6 body.1 (4) (7) (3) Page 103 of 196 . BC. Trim No. OS&Y. Calculate Basic Material: 1¼ Cr. ½ Mo. Spiral-wound. B16.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 16" 18" and above FITTINGS El's. Saudi Aramco.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CJ9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Limited to 550°C in hydrogen service. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. (Not used). and instrument take-offs. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. drains. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 104 of 196 . Use flanges. hydrotest connections. Note. A corrosion allowance of 1. Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalyst services also require 316 SS inner rings. 9 A335-Gr. Couplings.1 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-WC6 Body.8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F11 body. BB. OS&Y.F11. F11. ½ Mo.5 RF 2" and above Class 600 Weldneck A182-Gr. P11 A335-Gr. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A182-F11 body. WP11. Spiral-wound.5 Temperature Limit: 595°C Max.(1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. B16. B16. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C.5 RF A193 B7 stud bolts. Tees Reducers.20 up to 595°C. Trim No. per B16. Caps. OS&Y.8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-WC6 body. Trim No. Class 32. BB. B16.1 (5) (3) (4) (7) (3) Page 105 of 196 . API 602. B16. etc. B16. F11. Threaded Trim No. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings.20 up to 425°C. OS&Y. F11.11 A234 Gr. 321 or 347 SS windings. Trim No. BB. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 595°C. per B16. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F11 body. P11 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. Part II Rating Class: 600 RF B16. BC.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings. BC. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 3000 Sch 80 min Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 1¼ Cr.8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-WC6 Body. BB. F11. Trim No. P11 or A-691 Gr.9 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld A182-Gr.8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F11 body. A193 B16 stud bolts. Female OS&Y.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. A182 Gr. B16. 1¼ Cr. BB.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6CJ9P Service: Refer To Table 1. 316 SS windings. Trim No. (1) Code: B31.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. Spiral-wound. OS&Y.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's. API 602. API-600. Trim No. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. drains. (Not used).6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 106 of 196 . Limited to 550°C in hydrogen service. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. A corrosion allowance of 1. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. hydrotest connections. and instrument take-offs. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Saudi Aramco. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalyst services also require 316 SS inner rings. Use flanges.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6CJ9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. Note. B16. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. Trim No. Class 32.11 A234 Gr. B16. per B16. (2) Code: B31. 316 SS windings. Trim No. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 3000 Sch 80 min Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 1¼ Cr. Trim No. BB. A182 Gr.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr.(2) Corrosion Allowance: 1. API-600. OS&Y. BB.6 mm (3) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's.1 2" and above Class 900 RF or RJ A217-WC6 Body.20 up to 425°C. 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F11 body. BB. OS&Y.8 2" and above Class 900 RF or RJ A217-WC6 Body. Trim No.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 9CJ9P Service: Refer To Table 1. B16.5 (1) Temperature Limit: 595°C Max. ½ Mo. B16. F11. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 595°C. 321 or 347 SS windings.8 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F11 body. 1¼ Cr. per B16. F11.8 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F11 body. BB.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Trim No. P11 or A-691 Gr. P11 A335-Gr. A193 B16 stud bolts.9 A335-Gr.1 (6) (4) (5) (8) (7) Page 107 of 196 . Flanged OS&Y. etc. F11. Flanged OS&Y. Couplings. BC.5 RJ or RF A193 B7 stud bolts. Tees Reducers. Flanged Trim No. P11 Notes (3) (3) (4) (5) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. F11. BC. Caps.8 2" and above Class 900 RF or RJ A217-WC6 body. B16. flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. B16. Part II Rating Class: 900 RF B16. Spiral-wound.20 up to 595°C.5 RJ or RF 2" and above Class 900 Weldneck A182-Gr.9 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-Gr. For RJ: 5Cr-½ Mo Octagonal Ring. For RF: Spiral-wound. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. API 602.F11. WP11. Limited to 550°C in hydrogen service. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 9CJ9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) (3) Use RJ flanges only when required on equipment. (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 108 of 196 . hydrotest connections. Double-block valves required for vent and drain connections. A corrosion allowance of 1. Note. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. and instrument take-offs. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. drains. Use flanges. Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalyst services also require 316 SS inner rings. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Saudi Aramco. SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. Trim No. BB. Octagonal ring. BC. B16. WP11.8 A182-F11 body. OS&Y. F11.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Caps. OS&Y. Trim No. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 6000 Sch 80 min Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 1¼ Cr. OS&Y. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. BB.(1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. Couplings. Class 32. Trim No.8 A217-WC6 body. Trim No. OS&Y.-½ Mo. F11.9 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-Gr. P11 A335-Gr.5 RJ 2" and above Class 1500 Weldneck A182-Gr.9 A335-Gr.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 15CJ9P Service: Refer To Table 1. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 595°C. B16. Part II Rating Class: 1500 RF B16. BB. BB.1 A217-WC6 Body.11 A234 Gr. Trim No.F11. A182 Gr.8 A217-WC6 Body.8 A182-F11 body. ½ Mo. B16.1 (5) (3) (4) (6) Globe Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Check Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Page 109 of 196 . 1½" and under 2" and above Class 1500 Class 1500 Class 1500 Class 1500 Class 1500 Class 1500 Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged A182-F11 body. API-600. B16. 5Cr. P11 or A-691 Gr. F11. (1) Code: B31.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. P11 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. BC. F11. 1¼ Cr.5 RJ A193 B7 stud bolts. etc. B16. A193 B16 stud bolts.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr.5 Temperature Limit: 595°C Max.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's. Tees Reducers. API 602. Trim No. B16. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Use flanges. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Double-block valves required for vent and drain connections. Saudi Aramco. Note. and instrument take-offs. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe. drains.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 110 of 196 . When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. A corrosion allowance of 1. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 15CJ9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. hydrotest connections. etc. PSB or WB. Trim No. Y-pattern. PSB or WB. 1¼ Cr. Class 32. WP11.5 RJ 2" and above Class 2500 Weldneck A182-Gr.F11. F11.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. F11. B16. PSB or WB.8 A217-WC6 Body.8 (5) (3) (4) (6) Check Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Page 111 of 196 . Y-pattern. F11.8 A217-WC6 body. B16. F11. P11 A335-Gr. P11 or A-691 Gr. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 595°C. A182 Gr. A193 B16 stud bolts. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 9000 XXS Class 9000 Rating Schedule Calculate XXS min.5 Temperature Limit: 595°C Max. OS&Y. Trim No. Trim No. Caps. PSB or WB. B16.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.9 1½" and under Class 2500 Socketweld A182-Gr. Tees Reducers. Trim No.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 25CJ9P Service: Refer To Table 1. B16. OS&Y. Octagonal ring.8 A182-F11 body.5 RJ A193 B7 stud bolts. 5Cr. (1) Code: B31. Couplings. 1½" and under 2" and above Class 2500 Class 2500 Class 2500 Class 2500 Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged A182-F11 body. P11 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Globe Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr.11 A234 Gr. Part II Rating Class: 2500 RF B16.-½ Mo. B16. Calculate Sch 80 min Basic Material: 1¼ Cr.9 A335-Gr.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 4" and under 6" to 24" FITTINGS El's.(1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. ½ Mo. B16. Saudi Aramco. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Note. and instrument take-offs. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Use flanges. hydrotest connections. Use for vent and drain connections. drains. A corrosion allowance of 1. Double block required. (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 112 of 196 . approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 25CJ9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. etc. OS&Y. Trim No. Class 32. B16. Tees Reducers.5 RF 2" and above Class 600 Weldneck A182-Gr. A182 Gr. BB. B16. 2¼ Cr. F22. per B16. OS&Y.9 A335-Gr. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 595°C.9 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld A182-Gr. Part II Rating Class: 600 RF B16. 13 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-WC9 Body. Couplings. Trim No.11 A234 Gr.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.5 Temperature Limit: 595°C Max.20 up to 595°C.5 RF A193 B7 stud bolts. 1 Mo. WP22. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 3000 Sch 80 Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 2¼ Cr. 14 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-WC9 Body. OS&Y. 316 SS windings. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. 321 or 347 SS windings. flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings. per B16. 14 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F22 body. 14 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F22 body. A193 B16 stud bolts. BC. (1) Code: B31. B16. Caps. P22 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. BB. 13 (5) (3) (4) (3) Page 113 of 196 . 14 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F22 body. Trim No. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. API 602. BB. OS&Y. F22. BB.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's. B16. P22 or A-691 Gr. Spiral-wound. F22.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6CK2H Service: Refer To Table 1.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. Female OS&Y.(1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. B16. BC.F22. Spiral-wound. P22 A335-Gr. Threaded Trim No. API-600.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. Trim No. F22. 14 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-WC9 body. BB. API 602. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A182-F22 body. B16. Trim No.20 up to 425°C. Trim No. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. hydrotest connections. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Note. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. and instrument take-offs. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure.2 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6CK2H (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. A corrosion allowance of 3. Saudi Aramco. Use flanges. drains. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. (3) (4) (5) Page 114 of 196 . 9 A335-Gr. 1 Mo. Flanged OS&Y. Caps. F22. 13 (6) (4) (5) (7) Page 115 of 196 . Octagonal Ring. per B16. per B16.5 (1) Temperature Limit: 595°C Max. P22 Notes (3) (3) (4) (5) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. 13 2" and above Class 900 RF or RJ A217-WC9 Body. (2) Corrosion Allowance: 3. 321 or 347 SS windings. B16. Part II Rating Class: 900 RF/RJ B16. BB.5 RJ or RF 2" and above Class 900 Weldneck A182-Gr. BB. A182 Gr.20 up to 595°C.5 RJ or RF A193 B7 stud bolts. Trim No.11 A234 Gr. BB. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 595°C. F22. flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings. A193 B16 stud bolts. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 3000 Sch 80 min Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 2¼ Cr.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. Trim No. WP22. B16. OS&Y.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. Spiral-wound. Class 32. API 602. OS&Y. 316 SS windings. For RJ: 2¼ Cr. Flanged OS&Y.F22. P22 or A-691 Gr. Flanged Trim No. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C.2 mm (3) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's. 2¼ Cr. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. For RF: Spiral-wound. Couplings. B16. API-600. (2) Code: B31. F22.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 9CK2H Service: Refer To Table 1. Trim No. BC. 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F22 body. etc. 14 2" and above Class 900 RF or RJ A217-WC9 Body. P22 A335-Gr. BC. BB. 14 2" and above Class 900 RF or RJ A217-WC9 body.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B16. 14 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F22 body.9 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-Gr. 14 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F22 body. Trim No. Tees Reducers. Trim No.20 up to 425°C.-1 Mo. B16. B16. F22. (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 116 of 196 . Use flanges. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Double-block valves required for vent and drain connections. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Saudi Aramco. A corrosion allowance of 3. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 9CK2H (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) (3) Use RJ flanges only when required on equipment.2 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. and instrument take-offs. drains. hydrotest connections. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Note. SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. 5 Temperature Limit: 595°C Max. OS&Y. Class 32. Tees Reducers. OS&Y.9 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-Gr. 14 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F22 body. F22. P22 or A-691 Gr. B16. OS&Y. B16. (1) Corrosion Allowance: 3. Octagonal ring. 13 2" and above Class 1500 RJ Flanged A217-WC9 Body. WP22. API 602.2 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's. BB.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Couplings.11 A234 Gr. Caps. F22.9 A335-Gr. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 6000 Sch 80 min Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 2¼ Cr. A193 B16 stud bolts. P22 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 595°C. OS&Y. B16. Trim No. A182 Gr. 13 (5) (3) (4) (6) Page 117 of 196 . Trim No. 2¼ Cr. 2¼ Cr. 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F22 body. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. Trim No. etc. BB. BC. B16. F22. B16. Trim No. 14 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F22 body. Part II Rating Class: 1500 RJ B16.F22. 14 2" and above Class 1500 RJ Flanged A217-WC9 Body. BB. API-600. B16.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. BC. (1) Code: B31. 1 Mo. Trim No.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 15CK2H Service: Refer To Table 1. P22 A335-Gr.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr.5 RJ A193 B7 stud bolts.-1 Mo. Trim No. F22. 14 2" and above Class 1500 RJ Flanged A217-WC9 body. BB.5 RJ 2" and above Class 1500 Weldneck A182-Gr. Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 15CK2H (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. Double-block valves required for vent and drain connections. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections.2 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Note. (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 118 of 196 . Use flanges. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. A corrosion allowance of 3. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. drains. and instrument take-offs. hydrotest connections. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Saudi Aramco. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. OS&Y. Caps.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. B16. BC. Octagonal ring. B16. P22 A335-Gr. F22.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Trim No.F22. PSB or WB. Trim No. B16. Y-pattern. WP22. P22 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr.2 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 4" and under 6" to 24" FITTINGS El's. Trim No. 2¼ Cr. Tees Reducers.-1 Mo. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. B16. B16. 2¼ Cr.1½" 1½" and under Class 9000 XXS Class 9000 Rating Schedule Calculate XXS min. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 595°C. Couplings. P22 or A-691 Gr. A182 Gr. B16.9 A335-Gr.5 Temperature Limit: 595°C Max. F22.13 2" and above Class 2500 RJ Flanged A217-WC9 Body. F22. BC. 1½" and under Class 2500 Socketweld A182-F22 body. Trim No. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½" . PSB or WB.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 25CK2H Service: Refer To Table 1. OS&Y. (1) Corrosion Allowance: 3. 1 Mo.5 RJ 2" and above Class 2500 Weldneck A182-Gr.14 2" and above Class 2500 RJ Flanged A217-WC9 body. Class 32. Y-pattern.5 RJ A193 B7 stud bolts. 13 (5) (3) (4) (6) Page 119 of 196 .14 1½" and under Class 2500 Socketweld A182-F22 body. (1) Code: B31. F22. A193 B16 stud bolts. Calculate Sch 80 min Basic Material: 2¼ Cr. etc.11 A234 Gr. Part II Rating Class: 2500 RJ B16.9 1½" and under Class 2500 Socketweld A182-Gr. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. and instrument take-offs. drains. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 120 of 196 . Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Note. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Double-block valves required for vent and drain connections. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. A corrosion allowance of 3. Use flanges. hydrotest connections. Saudi Aramco.2 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 25CK2H (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. BB. Part II Rating Class: 150 RF B16. Tees Reducers. BB. F5. B16. F5.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body. BC. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings.(1) Code: B31.5 RF A193 B7 stud bolts. 5 Cr. API 602.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1CL9P Service: Refer To Table 1.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Caps. OS&Y. Trim No. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body. Trim No. P5 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. Threaded Trim No. BB. per B16. OS&Y. BB. Trim No.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body. 316 SS windings. B16. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A182-F5 body.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's. F5.20 up to 425°C. B16.5 Temperature Limit: 645°C Max. Spiral-wound. 1 (5) (3) (4) (7) (3) Page 121 of 196 . P5 A335-Gr. Trim No.F5.5 RF 2" and above Class 150 Weldneck A182-Gr.20 up to 645°C. etc. OS&Y.11 A234 Gr. 321 or 347 SS windings. (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. BC. ½ Mo.9 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld A182-Gr.9 A335-Gr. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 645°C. Trim No.8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A217-C5 body. Female API 602. API-600. Couplings. 1 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A217-C5 body. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. B16. P5 or A-691 Gr. Spiral-wound. flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings. A182 Gr. WP5. F5. 8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A217-C5 body. A193 B16 stud bolts. B16. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 3000 Sch 80 min Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 5 Cr. B16. OS&Y. per B16. BB. Trim No. OS&Y. Class 32. Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1CL9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Saudi Aramco. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe. Use flanges. (Not used). the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 122 of 196 . Note.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. A corrosion allowance of 1. Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalysts services require 316 SS inner rings. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. hydrotest connections. drains. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. and instrument take-offs. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CL9P Service: Refer To Table 1. etc. P5 A335-Gr. Class 32.9 A335-Gr.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. P5 A335-Gr.9 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld A182-Gr. Tees Reducers. Calculate Basic Material: 5 Cr. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 3000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Std min. BB. flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings. BB. Trim No. BB.5 RF A193 B7 stud bolts. BC. 1 (4) (7) (3) Page 123 of 196 . Trim No. OS&Y. P5 Notes (2) (2) (2) (3) (4) (5) (3) Sch 80 min Class 6000 BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr.5 Temperature Limit: 645°C Max. B16. (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 16" 18" and above FITTINGS El's. API 602. Female API 602. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF B16. A182 Gr. Spiral-wound. WP5. Couplings. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. BC. BB.11 A234 Gr.F5. Trim No. F5. per B16. Trim No. F5. Spiral-wound. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body. OS&Y. per B16. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body.(1) Code: B31. F5. OS&Y. B16.5 RF 2" and above Class 300 Weldneck A182-Gr. 321 or 347 SS windings. B16. 8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-C5 body. P11 or A-691 Gr. OS&Y. B16. API-600.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. Caps. B16. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 645°C. 316 SS windings. Trim No.8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-C5 body. Threaded Trim No. 1 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-C5 body. A193 B16 stud bolts. 5 Cr. F5. OS&Y. B16.25 Type Seamless Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr.20 up to 645°C. BB. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A182-F5 body. ½ Mo.20 up to 425°C. Trim No. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 124 of 196 . Saudi Aramco. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Use flanges.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CL9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalysts services require 316 SS inner rings. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. A corrosion allowance of 1. drains. and instrument take-offs. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. (Not used). hydrotest connections. Note. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Trim No. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A182-F5 body. WP5.5 Temperature Limit: 645°C Max. (1) Code: B31. Trim No. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 645°C. OS&Y. BC. B16.8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-C5 body. BB. Spiral-wound. P5 A335-Gr. A182 Gr. B16.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body. P5 or A-691 Gr. F5.9 A335-Gr.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. F5. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. Part II Rating Class: 600 RF B16. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 3000 Sch 80 min Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 5 Cr. ½ Mo. 8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-C5 body. Couplings. BB. Spiral-wound.20 up to 425°C. B16. (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. BC.9 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld A182-Gr. OS&Y. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. B16. OS&Y.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's. P5 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6CL9P Service: Refer To Table 1. F5.5 RF A193 B7 stud bolts. per B16.20 up to 645°C.F5. B16. OS&Y. F5. BB. Trim No. Threaded Trim No. API 602. Trim No. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body. 5 Cr.5 RF 2" and above Class 600 Weldneck A182-Gr. BB. flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings. Trim No. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body. 1 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-C5 body. BB. 316 SS windings. 321 or 347 SS windings. Tees Reducers. B16. etc.11 A234 Gr. Caps. Trim No. API-600. OS&Y. per B16. Female API 602. Class 32. A193 B16 stud bolts. 1 (5) (3) (4) (7) (3) Page 125 of 196 . drains. A corrosion allowance of 1. Use flanges. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe. Saudi Aramco. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6CL9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. hydrotest connections. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Note. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 126 of 196 . Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalysts services require 316 SS inner rings. and instrument take-offs.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. (Not used). 11 A234 Gr. BB. OS&Y. B16. B16. (1) Code: B31. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body. Spiral-wound. Caps. F5. F5. Flanged OS&Y. F5. API-600.5 RF or RJ 2" and above Class 900 Weldneck A182-Gr.9 A335-Gr. Trim No.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's. B16. Couplings. Class 32. Flanged OS&Y.5 Temperature Limit: 645°C Max.20 up to 425°C. ½ Mo. Trim No.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 645°C. per B16. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. P5 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. P5 or A-691 Gr. WP5. BB.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr.5 RF or RJ A193 B7 stud bolts. 1 (5) (3) (4) (7) (6) Page 127 of 196 . Trim No. A193 B16 stud bolts. 8 2" and above Class 900 RF or RJ A217-C5 body. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body. Tees Reducers. 1 2" and above Class 900 RF or RJ A217-C5 body. BB. 321 or 347 SS windings. API 602. (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. Trim No. etc. B16. B16. Spiral-wound. Flanged Trim No. Trim No. BB.9 1½" and under Class 900 Socketweld A182-Gr. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 3000 Sch 80 min Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 5 Cr. F5. BC. B16.20 up to 645°C.F5. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. BC. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F5 body. Part II Rating Class: 900 RF B16. 8 2" and above Class 900 RF or RJ A217-C5 body. per B16. 316 SS windings. 5 Cr. A182 Gr. OS&Y. P5 A335-Gr. flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 9CL9P Service: Refer To Table 1. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. A corrosion allowance of 1. Note. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe. and instrument take-offs. Use flanges. Double-block valves required for vent and drain connections. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. drains.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 9CL9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 128 of 196 . Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. hydrotest connections. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalysts services require 316 SS inner rings. Saudi Aramco. Female API 602. Spiral-wound. B16. BC. WP9. F9. BB. 1 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A217-C5 body.F9. Couplings. Trim No.5 Temperature Limit: 645°C Max.11 A234 Gr. F9. Tees Reducers.5 RF 2" and above Class 150 Weldneck A182-Gr. Trim No. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. 1 (5) (3) (4) (3) Page 129 of 196 . 1 Mo. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 3000 Sch 80 min Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 9 Cr. Trim No. F9.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1CM9P Service: Refer To Table 1. Trim No. OS&Y. OS&Y. F9. Spiral-wound. P9 or A-691 Gr.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. B16. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body. BB.9 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld A182-Gr.5 RF A193 B7 stud bolts. OS&Y. P9 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. 316 SS windings.9 A335-Gr. A193 B16 stud bolts. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. B16. A182 Gr. 9 Cr. B16. 321 or 347 SS windings. API 602. Class 32.20 up to 425°C. BC. flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings. B16. BB. BB. Caps. Threaded Trim No. etc. 8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A217-C12 body.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 645°C. (1) Code: B31. 8 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A217-C12 body. API-600. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A182-F9 body. per B16. BB. B16. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. Trim No. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body. OS&Y. OS&Y. P9 A335-Gr. Trim No.20 up to 645°C. (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1. Part II Rating Class: 150 RF ASME B16. per B16. and instrument take-offs.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. A corrosion allowance of 1. Saudi Aramco. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. hydrotest connections. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1CM9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. (3) (4) (5) Page 130 of 196 . For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe. drains. Note. Use flanges. Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CM9P Service: Refer To Table 1, Part II Rating Class: 300 RF B16.5 Temperature Limit: 645°C Max. (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 16" 18" and above FITTINGS El's, Tees Reducers, Caps, Couplings, etc. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 3000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Std min. Calculate Basic Material: 9 Cr. 1 Mo. (1) Code: B31.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.25 Type Seamless Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. P9 A335-Gr. P9 A335-Gr. P9 or A-691 Gr. 9 Cr. Class 32. A182 Gr.F9, B16.11 A234 Gr. WP9, B16.9 A335-Gr. P9 Notes (2) (2) (2) (3) (4) (5) (3) Sch 80 min Class 6000 BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. F9, B16.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. F9, B16.9 1½" and under Class 300 Socketweld A182-Gr. F9, B16.5 RF 2" and above Class 300 Weldneck A182-Gr. F9, B16.5 RF A193 B7 stud bolts, heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. A193 B16 stud bolts, heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 645°C. Spiral-wound, 316 SS windings, flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings, per B16.20 up to 425°C. Spiral-wound, 321 or 347 SS windings, flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings, per B16.20 up to 645°C. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A182-F9 body, BB, OS&Y, Female API 602, Threaded Trim No. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body, BB, OS&Y, API 602, Trim No. 8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-C12 body, BB, OS&Y, API-600, Trim No. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body, BB, OS&Y, Trim No. 8 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-C12 body, BB, OS&Y, Trim No. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body, BC, Trim No. 1 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-C5 body, BC, Trim No. 1 (4) (3) Page 131 of 196 Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CM9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service, refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. A corrosion allowance of 1.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances, the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Note. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule, approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department, Saudi Aramco. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents, drains, hydrotest connections, and instrument take-offs. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe. Use flanges. (3) (4) (5) Page 132 of 196 Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6CM9P Service: Refer To Table 1, Part II Rating Class: 600 RF B16.5 Temperature Limit: 645°C Max. (1) Corrosion Allowance: 1.6 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 8" and under 10" to 24" FITTINGS El's, Tees Reducers, Caps, Couplings, etc. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Class 6000 Class 3000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch 80 min Calculate Sch 40 min Basic Material: 9 Cr. 1 Mo. (1) Code: B31.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Specification A335-Gr. P9 A335-Gr. P9 or A-691 Gr. 9 Cr. Class 32. A182 Gr.F9, B16.11 A234 Gr. WP9, B16.9 A335-Gr. P9 Notes (2) (2) (3) (4) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. F9, B16.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. F9, B16.9 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld A182-Gr. F9, B16.5 RF 2" and above Class 600 Weldneck A182-Gr. F9, B16.5 RF A193 B7 stud bolts, heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. A193 B16 stud bolts, heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 645°C. Spiral-wound, 316 SS windings, flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings, per B16.20 up to 425°C. Spiral-wound, 321 or 347 SS windings, flexible graphite filled with 316 SS outer rings, per B16.20 up to 645°C. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A182-F9 body, BB, OS&Y, Female API 602, Threaded Trim No. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body, BB, OS&Y, API 602, Trim No. 8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-C12 body, BB, OS&Y, API-600, Trim No. 8 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body, BB, OS&Y, Trim No. 8 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-Gr. C12 Body, BB, OS&Y, Plug Disc. Trim 8/HFS 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body, BC, Trim No. 1 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A217-C5 body, BC, Trim No. 1 (5) (3) (4) (3) Page 133 of 196 the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Use flanges. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. drains. and instrument take-offs.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. hydrotest connections. Saudi Aramco. Note. A corrosion allowance of 1. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. (3) (4) (5) Page 134 of 196 . Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6CM9P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For hydrogen service. 9 A335-Gr. Notes (1) (1) A182 Gr. B16. OS&Y. Female API 602. Trim No. Couplings. OS&Y.5 (2) (3) (4) (2) Class 300 Class 300 (3) A193 B7 stud bolts. 5 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-C5 body.11 A234 Gr. 1 Mo. BB. C12 Body. Threaded Trim No. B16. Trim No. P9 A335-Gr. BC. Trim No. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 3000 Sch 160 min Class 6000 Rating Schedule Sch 160 XS Calculate XS min Basic Material: 9 Cr. Code: B31. 9 Cr. BB. Trim No. Caps.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. 5 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body. B16.F9. Spiral-wound.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3CM9P1 Service: Refer To Table 1. BC. Corrosion Allowance: 1. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings and 316 SS inner rings.11 A182-Gr.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size ¾" and under 1" to 14" 16" and above FITTINGS El's. Trim No. OS&Y. per B16. B16.20. BB.9 A182-Gr.25 Type Seamless Seamless or EFW Seamless or EFW Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF Specification A335-Gr. API 602. F9.5 A182-Gr. 5 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-Gr. 5 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body. BB. API-600. B16. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF B16. ¾" and under Class 800 Male SW by A182-F9 body. F9. Tees Reducers. BB. WP9. 5 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F9 body. P9 A182-Gr. Class 32. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. B16. 5 (6) (3) Globe Valves Check Valves Page 135 of 196 . F9. F9. 5 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A217-C12 body. Trim No. etc. 316 SS windings. OS&Y. P9 or A-691 Gr. OS&Y.5 Temperature Limit: 454°C Max. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 136 of 196 . Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Note. (Not used). hydrotest connections.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Schedule of fittings and flanges to be same as pipe.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3CM9P1 (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. and instrument take-offs. Spiral-wound gaskets for vacuum and catalysts services require 316 SS inner rings. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Use flanges. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Saudi Aramco. drains. Consulting Services Department. Spectacle BOLTING GASKETS Check Valves Plug Valves 1" .3 Buttweld Construction: None Type Flanged ends Polypropylene lining Flanged ends Polypropylene lining Specification ASTM A587 ASTM F492 ASTM A216-WCB ASTM F492 Notes (1) Polypropylene lining ASTM A105 ASTM F492 ASTM A-36 ASTM A193-B7 stud /A194-2H Heavy Hex nuts.8" FITTINGS Elbows.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1LP0P Service: Refer To Table 1. Contact the Material Engineering Unit. 3. branch connections. 1" . ductile iron ASTM A395 body Note: (1) Welding to Polypropylene-lined pipe (e.8" Class 150 FF Size XS 40 Rating Schedule Basic Material: Polypropylene-lined CS Code: ASME B31. Reducing. ductile iron ASTM A395 body Polypropylene lined.g.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: ASME B31.2" 3" .8" Class 150 Class 150 FF Flanged FF Flanged Polypropylene lined. Couplings. Saudi Aramco for welding procedures.8" Class 150 1" . Blind. Page 137 of 196 .2 mm. vents and drains) requires special consideration and must be planned during the design phase.5 Temperature Limit: 0 to 93°C Corrosion Allowance: None Item PIPE 1" . Tees. Reducers FLANGES Threaded. Part II Rating Class: 150 FF ASME B16. Ethylene Propylene rubber.8" 1" . Full Face. B16. (UNS N04400). 1 body. M-35-1 Cl. (UNS N04400). Trim No. 1 body. 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld B494 Gr. M-35-1 Cl. B16. BB. BC. Sch 80 min. 9 (5) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) Globe Valves Check Valves Page 138 of 196 . 1 body. B16. (UNS N04400). Trim No.9 B564. Trim No. WPNC Annealed. 1 body. Corrosion Allowance: 1. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. 9 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged B494 Gr. M-35-1 Cl. graphite filled with Monel 400 outer and inner rings. B16. B16.5 Temperature Limit: 400°C Max. Trim No. OS&Y. API 602. (UNS N04400).5 Notes (1) (1) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (2) (3) (4) (2) (3) A193 B7 stud bolts. Trim No. 1 body. Caps. 1 body.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.11 B366. M-35-1 Cl. Trim No.9 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld B494 Gr. M-35-1 Cl. BB.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6NM1C Service: Refer To Table 1. Couplings. Spiral-wound. 9/HFS 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged B494 Gr.9 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged B494 Gr. B16. 9/HFS 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld B494 Gr. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 600 Class 600 Sch 80 Class 6000 Class 3000 Rating Schedule Sch 40 min. OS&Y. per B16. OS&Y.25 Type Seamless Seamless Specification B165 (UNS N04400) Annealed Condition B165 (UNS N04400) Annealed Condition B564. M-35-1 Cl. Tees Reducers. Basic Material: Monel-400 Code: B31.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 4" and under 6" to 8" FITTINGS El's. Part II Rating Class: 600 RF ASME B16. BC.9 B165 (UNS N04400) Annealed B564.20. BB. BB. OS&Y. Monel 400 windings. (UNS N04400). etc. API 600.11 B564.5 B564. brass. Due to service conditions no copper. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Saudi Aramco. Note.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6NM1C (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Use flanges. drains.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. or bronze components permitted. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 139 of 196 . When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. and instrument take-offs. hydrotest connections. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. (UNS N008810). OS&Y A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim (5) 2" and above Globe Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Check Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged Page 140 of 196 . BB. full port. API 602 A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim.6 mm (1) Item PIPE FITTINGS El's. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts. BB.11 B366. BB. (UNS N08810). OS&Y A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim. (UNS N08810). Caps. BB. 1½" and under Class 150 Socketweld A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim. Octagonal ring. B16. Tees Reducers.25 Type Seamless Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RJ Weldneck RJ Specification B407.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. (UNS N08810) B564. B16.5 Temperature Limit: 510°C Corrosion Allowance: 1. B16. API 600 A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim. Basic Material: Incoloy 800H Code: B31.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1NR1Q Service: Refer To Table 1. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 150 Class 150 Sch 80S Class 6000 Class 3000 Size 1½" and under 2" to 8" Rating Schedule Sch. (UNS N08810). OS&Y.11 B366.9 B407. Couplings. (UNS N08810) B407. (UNS N08810). (UNS N08810). etc. OS&Y. Nickel 201.9 B564. Part II Rating Class: 150 RJ ASME B16. 95 BHN maximum hardness. B16. B16. B16.5 Notes (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (2) (3) A193 B16 stud bolts. Sch 10S min. (UNS N08810) B564. 80S min.5 B564. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 141 of 196 . When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Note. hydrotest connections. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Use flanges.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. and instrument take-offs. Saudi Aramco. drains. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1NR1Q (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. (UNS N08810) B564. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts. Tees Reducers. (UNS N08810). (UNS N08810).6 mm (1) Item PIPE FITTINGS El's. BC A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim. (UNS N08810) B407. 95 BHN maximum hardness.9 B564. B16. API 600 A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim. (UNS N08810). Octagonal ring. Sch 10S min. (UNS N08810). Basic Material: Incoloy 800H Code: B31. Caps. API 602 A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim. (UNS N08810) B564.11 B366. (UNS N008810). B16. BB. B16. 1½" and under Class 300 Socketweld A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim. (UNS N08810). 80S min.5 Temperature Limit: 650°C Corrosion Allowance: 1. OS&Y A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim. B16.11 B366. B16. BC (5) 2" and above Globe Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Check Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged Page 142 of 196 . BB. OS&Y A351-CT15C or A494-CY-40 body and trim.5 Notes (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (2) (3) A193 B16 stud bolts.9 B407. BB.25 Type Seamless Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RJ Weldneck RJ Specification B407. BB. Part II Rating Class: 300 RJ ASME B16. Nickel 210.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B16. OS&Y.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3NR1Q Service: Refer To Table 1. Couplings.5 B564. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Class 300 Class 300 Sch 80S Class 6000 Class 3000 Size 1½" and under 2" to 30" Rating Schedule Sch. full port. etc. OS&Y. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. drains. Use flanges. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. hydrotest connections. Saudi Aramco. and instrument take-offs. Note. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 143 of 196 . Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3NR1Q (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. 25 Type Seamless Seamless Specification B464. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts. Part II Rating Class: 150 FF ASME B16. RTFE seats and seals. Trim No. Caps.9 B462 (UNS N08020). (UNS N08020) B464 or B474.9 B464. B16. (UNS N08020) B462 (UNS N08020). Use flanges. Note. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections.11 B462 (UNS N08020). Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe.5 Notes (1) (1) FITTINGS El's. Full face. Tees Reducers.13 (5) Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 0. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Ball Valves Class 300 Class 300 Sch 80S Class 6000 Class 3000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld FF Weldneck FF (2) (3) (4) (2) (3) A193 B16 stud bolts.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 66°C Corrosion Allowance: 0. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. BB. Saudi Aramco. B16. and instrument take-offs.6 mm thick. hydrotest connections. BC.8 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 1½" and under 2" to 12" Rating Schedule Sch. 1.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16.13 A351-CN7M body. PTFE/Filler Blend. Garlock's GYLON 3504. Trim No. Trim No.11 B366 (UNS N08810). Trim No.8 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Basic Material: Alloy 20 Code: B31.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1NT9A Service: Refer To Table 1. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. B16. 40S min. floating ball. Couplings. (UNS N008020). B16.13 A351-CN7M body. drains.13 A351-CN7M body. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. (UNS N08020) B366. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. B16. OS&Y.5 B462 (UNS N08020). or equal. BB. etc. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Sch 10S min. (2) (3) (4) (5) Page 144 of 196 . OS&Y. B16. 1½" to 12" 1½" to 12" 1½" to 12" 1½" to 12" Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 FF Flanged FF Flanged FF Flanged FF Flanged A351-CN7M body. (UNS N008020). BB. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department.8 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 1½" and under 14" and 16" 18" and 20" FITTINGS El's. BB.13 1½" to 12" Class 300 FF Flanged A351-CN7M body. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly.25 Type Seamless Seamless Seamless Specification B464. STD WT. (UNS N08020) B464 or B474. Caps. Trim No. B16. FF B16.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3NT9A Service: Refer To Table 1. floating ball. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts.6 mm thick. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe.9 B464.13 1½" to 12" Class 300 FF Flanged A351-CN7M body.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Use flanges.5 2" and above Class 300 Weldneck B462 (UNS N08020).8 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. (2) (3) (4) (5) Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Trim No. and instrument take-offs. PTFE/Filler Blend.13 1½" to 12" Class 300 FF Flanged A351-CN7M body. or equal. Basic Material: Alloy 20 Code: B31.5 Temperature Limit: -18 to 82°C Corrosion Allowance: 0.S. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. X.13 (4) (2) (3) (5) Notes: (1) A corrosion allowance of 0. Trim No. hydrotest connections. 1½" to 12" Class 300 FF Flanged A351-CN7M body. etc. OS&Y. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Sch 80S Class 6000 Class 3000 Rating Schedule Sch. B16. Trim No.11 B366 (UNS N08810). (UNS N08020) Notes (1) (1) (1) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld (2) (3) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Ball Valves B462 (UNS N08020). Saudi Aramco. OS&Y. (UNS N08020) B464 or B474. 1. Page 145 of 196 . drains. Garlock's GYLON 3504.5 A193 B16 stud bolts. 40S min. Couplings. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Part II Rating Class: 300 FF ASME B16.9 1½" and under Class 300 Socketweld B462 (UNS N08020). FF B16. B16. Note. RTFE seats and seals. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. (UNS N08020) B366. Full face. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. B16. BC. Tees Reducers.11 2" and above B462 (UNS N08020). Trim No. 2 w/HFS. 304.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above. Trim No. per B16.11 A182-Gr. B16. 40S min. 304. Trim No.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. 304. Rating Schedule Sch. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Sch 40S Class 6000 Class 3000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (2) (3) (4) (2) Class 150 Class 150 A193 B8M stud bolts.20 up to 425°C. BB. API 602. BB. 2 Gate Valves (5) Globe Valves Check Valves Page 146 of 196 . Basic Material: Type 304 SS Code: B31. heavy pattern with A194 8MA heavy hex nuts. BC. 2 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A351-CF8 body. B16. 2 w/HFS 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A351-CF8 body. Caps. Spiral-wound. WP304.2 w/HFS 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F304L body. Spiral-wound. 304. OS&Y.9 A312-Type 304 A182-Gr. BB. OS&Y. 2 w/HFS. 304.11 A403-Gr. B16. Trim No. OS&Y. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F304L body. A182-Gr. Calculate Sch 10S min. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. Part II Rating Class: 150 RF.9 A182-Gr. or A358-Gr.5 (3) Notes (1) (1) FITTINGS El's. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. Seamless. Tees Reducers. 316 SS windings.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1SC1P Service: Refer To Table 1. Trim No. 304. Class 1. Trim No.5 Temperature Limit: 455°C Corrosion Allowance: 1. 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A351-CF8 body. 321 or 347 SS windings. Couplings. OS&Y. per B16.20 up to 455°C. etc. BC.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 304 A312-Type 304 Seamless. B16. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F304L body.5 A182-Gr. B16. B16. B16. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Saudi Aramco. Use flanges.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1SC1P (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications (2) (3) (4) (5) A corrosion allowance of 1. Page 147 of 196 . drains.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Note. hydrotest connections. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. and instrument take-offs. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. 304H.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above. OS&Y. BC. 304H. Part II Rating Class: 300 RJ. Seamless. WP304H.11 A182-Gr.5 (3) Notes (1) (1) FITTINGS El's. B16. A351-CF10 body. B16. Trim SS 304H w/HFS. Trim SS 304H A351-CF10 body. 1½" and under 2" and above Class 600 Class 300 Class 600 Class 300 Class 600 Class 300 Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged Socketweld RJ Flanged A182-F304H body. hardness. etc. Caps. 304H. 304H. B16. heavy pattern with A194 8MA heavy hex nuts.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3SC1P Service: Refer To Table 1.11 A403-Gr. B16. Trim SS 304H w/HFS A182-F304H body. 304H. B16. (5) Globe Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Check Valves 1½" and under 2" and above Page 148 of 196 . B16. Calculate Sch 40S min. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Sch 80S Class 6000 Class 3000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RJ Weldneck RJ (2) (3) (4) (2) Class 300 Class 300 A193 B8M stud bolts. 80S min. BB. OS&Y. API 602. Trim SS 304H w/HFS A182-F304H body. B16. Trim SS 304H w/HFS A351-CF10 body. Tees Reducers. Basic Material: Type 304H SS (6) Code: B31.5 A182-Gr. 304H. 140 BHN max.9 A312-Type 304H A182-Gr. Couplings. Rating Schedule Sch. BB.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. BC. Octagonal ring.9 A182-Gr. OS&Y.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 304H A312-Type 304H Seamless. A182-Gr. API 602. 347 SS. or A358-Gr. Trim SS 304H. Class 1. OS&Y.5 Temperature Limit: 680°C (8) Corrosion Allowance: 1. drains. Use flanges. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 149 of 196 . hydrotest connections. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Saudi Aramco. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Note. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. For hydrogen service. and instrument take-offs. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3SC1P (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. Part II Rating Class: 150 RF. 316L. B16. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Sch 40S Class 6000 Class 3000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (3) (4) (5) (3) Class 150 Class 150 A193 B7 stud bolts. BB. BB. Couplings.20. etc. 316L. Trim No. B16. Spiral-wound. B16. Trim No. Rating Schedule Sch.9 A312-Type 316L A182-Gr.0 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. OS&Y. Tees Reducers.5 A182-Gr.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1SD0P Service: Refer To Table 1. Trim No. A182-Gr.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 316L A312-Type 316L Seamless. 12 (6) (7) Globe Valves (7) Check Valves (7) Page 150 of 196 . or A358-Gr. OS&Y.11 A403-Gr. BC. Trim No. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F316L body. B16. B16. 12 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. 316L. OS&Y. Basic Material: Type 316L SS (1) Code: B31. OS&Y. Class 1. BC. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. 316 SS windings. 12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F316L body.11 A182-Gr. Seamless. 12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F316L body.5 (3) Notes (2) (2) FITTINGS El's. 12 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. B16. Trim No. 316L. API 602. B16.5 Temperature Limit: 340°C Corrosion Allowance: 0.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. per B16. Calculate Sch 10S min. 12 2" and above Class 150 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. 316L.9 A182-Gr. WP316L. Caps. 40S min. Trim No. 316L. Saudi Aramco. drains. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Due to service conditions no copper.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 1SD0P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) Type 316 SS may be used for threaded connections. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Use flanges. brass. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 151 of 196 . SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For service conditions that require a corrosion allowances. Note. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. or bronze components permitted. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. hydrotest connections. and instrument take-offs. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. 20. Seamless. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF. 12 (6) (7) Globe Valves (7) Check Valves (7) Page 152 of 196 .11 A182-Gr. Trim No. Trim No. or A358-Gr. Trim No. BC. BC. Trim No. etc. Trim No. Spiral-wound. per B16.5 A182-Gr.5 Temperature Limit: 340°C Corrosion Allowance: 0.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 316L A312-Type 316L Seamless. 316L. 316L. B16. B16. OS&Y.9 A312-Type 316L A182-Gr. Class 1.11 A403-Gr. WP316L.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3SD0P Service: Refer To Table 1. 12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. OS&Y. B16. Calculate Sch 10S min. Caps. API 602. BB. 316L. 12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F316L body. B16. Rating Schedule Sch. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Sch 80S Class 6000 Class 3000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (3) (4) (5) (3) Class 300 Class 300 A193 B7 stud bolts. B16. 316L.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. 316L. A182-Gr. BB. 316L. Basic Material: Type 316L SS Code: B31. 12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F316L body. Couplings. B16. 12 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. Tees Reducers.5 (3) Notes (2) (2) FITTINGS El's.0 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above. 316 SS windings.9 A182-Gr. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. 12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F316L body. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. 40S min. OS&Y. OS&Y. B16. Trim No. and instrument take-offs. drains. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For service conditions that require a corrosion allowances. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. brass. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Due to service conditions no copper. or bronze components permitted. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. hydrotest connections. Use flanges. Saudi Aramco. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 153 of 196 . Note.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3SD0P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) Type 316 SS may be used for threaded connections. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. 3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. 316L. API 602. Couplings. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. 40S min.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6SD0P Service: Refer To Table 1. Trim No. Seamless. 12 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. Part II Rating Class: 600 RF. B16. 316L. BC.9 A182-Gr. B16. per B16. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings.9 A312-Type 316L A182-Gr.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 316L A312-Type 316L Seamless. 316L. Caps. 12 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. B16. Trim No. B16. or A358-Gr.20. Calculate Sch 10S min.11 A403-Gr. Trim No.5 A182-Gr.11 A182-Gr. B16. B16. Trim No. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Sch 40S Class 6000 Class 3000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (3) (4) (5) (3) Class 600 Class 600 A193 B7 stud bolts.0 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above. Trim No. 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F316L body. 12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F316L body. Spiral-wound. 12 (6) (7) Globe Valves (7) Check Valves (7) Page 154 of 196 . 316L. 316 SS windings. B16. A182-Gr. Rating Schedule Sch. WP316L. 316L.5 Temperature Limit: 340°C Corrosion Allowance: 0. OS&Y. OS&Y. Tees Reducers. Trim No. Class 1. 12 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. OS&Y. etc. BB. BB. 12 1½" and under Class 800 Socketweld A182-F316L body. Basic Material: Type 316L SS (1) Code: B31. BC. OS&Y.5 (3) Notes (2) (2) FITTINGS El's. 316L. Note. brass. SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For service conditions that require a corrosion allowances. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Use flanges. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Saudi Aramco. drains. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. or bronze components permitted. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 155 of 196 .Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6SD0P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) Type 316 SS may be used for threaded connections. hydrotest connections. Due to service conditions no copper. and instrument take-offs. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Couplings. Trim No. 316 SS windings. Calculate Sch 10S min. per B16.12 2" and above Class 900 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body.0 mm (2) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above.5 A182-Gr. Basic Material: Type 316L SS (1) Code: B31. B16. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings.20. BC. Part II Rating Class: 900 RF. 40S min. FITTINGS El's. Spiral-wound. BC.11 A182-Gr. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Sch 40S Class 6000 Class 3000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch.12 2" and above Class 900 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. 12 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F316L body. B16. 316L. B16. etc. Trim No. Trim No. 10 2" and above Class 900 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. WP316L. 316L. 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F316L body. OS&Y.5 Temperature Limit: 340°C Corrosion Allowance: 0. 316L.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 9SD0P Service: Refer To Table 1.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B16. B16. 316L.5 (3) Notes (2) (2) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (3) (4) (5) (3) Class 1500 Class 900 A193 B7 stud bolts. 316L. Trim No. Trim No. or A358-Gr. Seamless. 10 (6) (7) Globe Valves (6) Check Valves (6) Page 156 of 196 . A182-Gr.9 A312-Type 316L A182-Gr. BB. 12 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F316L body.9 A182-Gr. Tees Reducers. OS&Y. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. BB.11 A403-Gr. Class 1. Caps. B16.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 316L A312-Type 316L Seamless. B16. API 602. 316L. OS&Y. Trim No. OS&Y. drains. and instrument take-offs. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For service conditions that require a corrosion allowances. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. or bronze components permitted. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Page 157 of 196 . Saudi Aramco. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 9SD0P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) Type 316 SS may be used for threaded connections. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Use flanges. Double-block valves required for vent and drain connections. brass. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Note. hydrotest connections. Due to service conditions no copper. 5 (5) Notes (3) (3) Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF (4) (5) (6) (4) Class 1500 Class 1500 A193 B7 stud bolts. OS&Y. 316L.20. B16. 12 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A12-F316L body. Caps. 12 2" and above Class 1500 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. 316L. 316L. WP316L. Basic Material: Type 316L SS (2) Code: B31. Tees Reducers.11 A403-Gr. B16. A182-Gr. 40S min. Couplings. Trim No. For RJ: Octagonal ring 347 SS. Trim No. OS&Y. 316 SS windings. BB.9 A182-Gr. 140 BHN maximum.5 (1) Temperature Limit: 340°C Corrosion Allowance: 0. 12 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F316L body. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. Calculate Sch 10S min. 316L. B16.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 15SD0P Service: Refer To Table 1.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B16. BC. For RF: Spiral-wound. B16. OS&Y. Trim No. BC. or A358-Gr.9 A312-Type 316L A182-Gr. Trim No. 10 2" and above Class 1500 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. 316L.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 316L A312-Type 316L Seamless.5 A182-Gr. Class 1. Trim No. 316L. graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. B16. 12 2" and above Class 1500 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. B16. FITTINGS El's. Seamless. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Sch 40S Class 6000 Class 6000 Rating Schedule Calculate Sch. 10 (7) (8) Globe Valves (7) (8) (8) Check Valves Page 158 of 196 . per B16. 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F316L body. API 602. OS&Y. BB. Trim No.11 A182-Gr. Part II Rating Class: 1500 RF/RJ. etc.0 mm (3) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above. Type 316 SS may be used for threaded connections. Saudi Aramco. Use flanges. drains. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. brass. SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications For service conditions that require a corrosion allowances. hydrotest connections. Double-block valves required for vent and drain connections. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 159 of 196 . or bronze components permitted. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. and instrument take-offs.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 15SD0P (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) (3) Use RJ flanges only when required on equipment. Due to service conditions no copper. Note. 316L. graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. B16. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections.5 A182-Gr. Calculate Sch 40S min. B16. Part II Rating Class: 150 RF. B16. Tees Reducers. Seamless. 316L. For change in direction use 10D minimum bends. 316 SS windings. etc. Caps.9 A312-Type 316L A182-Gr. B16. 10 Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Type 316 SS may be used for threaded connections. WP316L.0 mm Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above Rating Schedule Sch. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. hydrotest connections.11 A182-Gr. 316L. Use flanges.5 (2) (4) (3) (5) (2) Class 150 Class 150 A193 B7 stud bolts. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Ball Valves Sch 40S Class 6000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF A182-Gr.5 Temperature Limit: 120°C Corrosion Allowance: 0. Page 160 of 196 . and instrument take-offs.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 1SD0P1 Service: Refer To Table 1. B16. 316L. Spiral-wound. Couplings.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. B16. per B16.9 A182-Gr. B16. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents.25 Type Seamless Seamless Specification A312-Type 316L A312-Type 316L Notes FITTINGS El's. floating ball. 40S min. 316L. RTFE seats.20.11 A403-Gr. fire safe. 1" to 4" Class 150 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. Class 3000 Basic Material: Type 316L SS (1) Code: B31. drains. Trim No. 11 A403-Gr. etc. Seamless. Page 161 of 196 . B16. B16. Trim No. per B16.5 (2) (4) (3) (5) (2) Class 300 Class 300 A193 B7 stud bolts. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under 2" and above 1½" and under 2" and above BOLTING GASKETS Ball Valves Sch 40S Class 6000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Socketweld RF Weldneck RF A182-Gr. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts. Class 3000 Basic Material: Type 316L SS (1) Code: B31. fire safe. 316L. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF.5 A182-Gr.25 Type Seamless Seamless Specification A312-Type 316L A312-Type 316L Notes FITTINGS El's. RTFE seats. Couplings. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Caps. hydrotest connections. B16. floating ball. 10 Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Type 316 SS may be used for threaded connections.5 Temperature Limit: 290°C Corrosion Allowance: 0. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. drains. 1" to 4" Class 300 RF Flanged A351-CF8M body. Calculate Sch 40S min. For change in direction use 10D minimum bends.0 mm Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above Rating Schedule Sch. 316L.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. 316L. 40S min. graphite filled with carbon steel outer rings. and instrument take-offs.11 A182-Gr.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3SD0P1 Service: Refer To Table 1. Tees Reducers. Spiral-wound.20. Use flanges. B16. B16. B16.9 A182-Gr. 316L. B16. 316 SS windings. WP316L. 316L. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections.9 A312-Type 316L A182-Gr. .11 ASME B16. ASME B16.0 mm Item PIPE NIPPLES FITTINGS Threaded Caps Elbows Tees Unions Plugs Couplings TUBE Tube Preinsulated Tube Bundle TUBE FITTINGS VALVES Gate Note: (1) Basic Material: 316 SS Code: ASME B31.11 TOE. Concentric.1" Class 800 Use 316 SS for threaded connections and components which do not require welding. 316SS SWAGELOK or approved equal ASTM A182-F316 body OS&Y. Use 316L SS if welding is required. ASME B16. Threaded.035" ½" .1" Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 3000 Class 3000 XS ASTM A182-F316 ASME B16. Smls Notes (1) Size ½" .3 Buttweld Construction: Per ASME B16. Page 162 of 196 .3 Stress Relief: None Req'd Examination: Per ASME B31.035" .035" . Smls TOE.5 Temperature Limit: 0 to 427°C Corrosion Allowance: 0.11 MSS Sp-83 Hex.1" ½" .11 ASME B16.25 Rating Schedule 80S 80S Type Specification ASTM A312 Type 316 BE. Hd.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6SD0P1 Service: Process/Steam Tracing Rating Class: 600. ASTM A403-WP316 ASTM A269-TP316. Smls 1 or 2 process and 1 tracer Compression Type. Trim 12 3/8" -½" 3/8" -½" 3/8" -½" .11 ASME B16. Trim SS 347 w/HFS 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A351-CF8C body. Class 1. 321. B16.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 12" Rating Schedule Sch. A182-Gr. Trim SS 347 1½" and under Class 600/800 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351-CF8C body. BB. API 602. Trim SS 347 (4) (2) (3) (5) Page 163 of 196 . Spiral-wound.20 up to 510°C. Caps.9 A312-Type 321 Notes (1) (1) FITTINGS El's.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr.5 RF A193 B7 stud bolts. OS&Y. 316 SS windings. WP321.5 Temperature Limit: 510°C (6) Corrosion Allowance: 1. B16. 80S min. A193 B16 stud bolts. Spiral-wound. 321. OS&Y. 321. 321. BC.9 1½" and under Class 300 Socketweld A182-Gr.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 321 A312-Type 321 Seamless. or A358-Gr. Trim SS 347 w/HFS 1½" and under Class 600/800 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351CF8C body. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. OS&Y.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 3SJ1P Service: Refer To Table 1. Couplings. etc. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer and inner rings.5 RF 2" and above Class 300 Weldneck A182-Gr.11 A403-Gr. OS&Y.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Seamless. B16. BC. 321. Calculate Sch 40S min. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 510°C. Part II Rating Class: 300 RF. Basic Material: Type 321 SS Code: B31. 1½" and under Class 600/800 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351-CF8C body. per B16. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer and inner rings. BB. Trim SS 347 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A351-CF8C body. per B16. Tees Reducers.20 up to 425°C. B16. B16. B16. B16. Trim SS 347 2" and above Class 300 RF Flanged A351-CF8C body. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Sch 80S Class 6000 Class 3000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless (2) (3) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. 321. 316 SS windings. drains. For hydrogen service. and instrument take-offs. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 3SJ1P (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. Saudi Aramco. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. Note. hydrotest connections. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Use flanges.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 164 of 196 . 25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 321 A312-Type 321 Seamless. B16. BB. OS&Y.5 Temperature Limit: 510°C (6) Corrosion Allowance: 1.5 RF 2" and above Class 600 Weldneck A182-Gr. WP321.9 A312-Type 321 Notes (1) (1) FITTINGS El's. B16. Trim SS 347 w/HFS 1½" and under Class 600/800 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351CF8C body. Class 1. etc. 1½" and under Class 600/800 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351-CF8C body. Caps.9 1½" and under Class 600 Socketweld A182-Gr. BC. Trim SS 347 w/HFS 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A351-CF8C body. 321. API 602. OS&Y. Tees Reducers. 321. Part II Rating Class: 600 RF.11 A403-Gr. B16. Trim SS 347 (4) (2) (3) (5) Page 165 of 196 . Trim SS 347 1½" and under Class 600/800 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351-CF8C body.20 up to 510°C. 316 SS windings. BB. B16. 321. B16.5 RF A193 B7 stud bolts. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer and inner rings.20 up to 425°C. A182-Gr. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Sch 80S Class 6000 Class 3000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless (2) (3) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. per B16. OS&Y.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 12" Rating Schedule Sch. B16. or A358-Gr. OS&Y. Seamless. A193 B16 stud bolts. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer and inner rings. 321. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. Spiral-wound. BC. B16. Calculate Sch 40S min. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 510°C. Couplings. 321. per B16.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 6SJ1P Service: Refer To Table 1.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Spiral-wound. Trim SS 347 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A351-CF8C body. 316 SS windings. Trim SS 347 2" and above Class 600 RF Flanged A351-CF8C body. Basic Material: Type 321 SS Code: B31. 80S min. 321. hydrotest connections. drains. For hydrogen service. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. and instrument take-offs. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 6SJ1P (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. Note. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Saudi Aramco. Use flanges. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 166 of 196 . Trim SS 347 w/HFS 2" and above Class 900 RF Flanged A351-CF8C body. 321. 316 SS windings. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer and inner rings.5 Temperature Limit: 510°C (6) Corrosion Allowance: 1. Trim SS 347 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351-CF8C body.20 up to 510°C. OS&Y. etc. B16.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 9SJ1P Service: Refer To Table 1.5 RJ 2" and above Class 900 Weldneck A182-Gr. BB. 321. B16. Tees Reducers. Trim SS 347 2" and above Class 900 RF Flanged A351-CF8C body. A182-Gr. per B16. B16. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Sch 80S Class 6000 Class 6000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless (2) (3) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. Spiral-wound. Trim SS 347 w/HFS 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351CF8C body. B16.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" to 12" Rating Schedule Sch. 80S min.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 321 A312-Type 321 Seamless. BB. 321. Class 1. Caps. BC. Seamless. Part II Rating Class: 900 RJ. per B16. A193 B16 stud bolts. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer and inner rings. Basic Material: Type 321 SS Code: B31. 321.11 A403-Gr. Spiral-wound. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 510°C. BC. 321. Trim SS 347 2" and above Class 900 RF Flanged A351-CF8C body. OS&Y. WP321.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Couplings. 316 SS windings. B16.9 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-Gr. Trim SS 347 (4) (2) (3) (5) Page 167 of 196 .11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. OS&Y. 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351-CF8C body. OS&Y. B16.5 RJ A193 B7 stud bolts. B16. or A358-Gr.9 A312-Type 321 Notes (1) (1) FITTINGS El's. API 602. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C.20 up to 425°C. Calculate Sch 40S min. 321. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. For hydrogen service.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 9SJ1P (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. hydrotest connections. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 168 of 196 . Saudi Aramco. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. and instrument take-offs. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. drains. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Use flanges.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. Note. B16. OS&Y. 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351-CF8C body. BC. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer and inner rings. WP321. Caps.5 Temperature Limit: 510°C (6) Corrosion Allowance: 1. Tees Reducers. 160 min. B16. Trim SS 347 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351-CF8C body. per B16. Trim SS 347 (4) (2) (3) (5) Page 169 of 196 .11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. or A358-Gr. B16. BB. Trim SS 347 w/HFS 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351CF8C body. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 510°C.5 RJ 2" and above Class 1500 Weldneck A182-Gr. 321. Part II Rating Class: 1500 RJ.11 A403-Gr. B16. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer and inner rings. A182-Gr. A193 B16 stud bolts. OS&Y. 316 SS windings. Seamless. API 602. OS&Y. BC. Calculate Sch 80S min.5 RJ A193 B7 stud bolts. 321. Basic Material: Type 321 SS Code: B31.20 up to 425°C. B16. Couplings. per B16. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. Spiral-wound.9 1½" and under Class 1500 Socketweld A182-Gr. 316 SS windings. Trim SS 347 w/HFS 2" and above Class 1500 RJ Flanged A351-CF8C body.9 A312-Type 321 Notes (1) (1) FITTINGS El's. B16. 321. BB.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above Rating Schedule Sch. Nipples and Swages Unions Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Sch 160 Class 6000 Class 6000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless (2) (3) BOLTING GASKETS Gate Valves Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. 321.20 up to 510°C. Trim SS 347 2" and above Class 1500 RJ Flanged A351-CF8C body. 321. 321. etc. Spiral-wound.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 321 A312-Type 321 Seamless. Trim SS 347 2" and above Class 1500 RJ Flanged A351-CF8C body.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 15SJ1P Service: Refer To Table 1. OS&Y. Class 1. B16.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. For hydrogen service. Note. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. and instrument take-offs. Saudi Aramco. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 15SJ1P (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 170 of 196 . approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. drains. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. Use flanges. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. hydrotest connections. Use ¾" valves for vent and drain connections. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer and inner rings.9 1½" and under Class 2500 Socketweld A182-Gr. or A358-Gr. PSB or WB. Basic Material: Type 321 SS Code: B31. B16. per B16. 321. Caps. Couplings. heavy pattern with A194 4 heavy hex nuts up to 510°C.9 A312-Type 321 Notes (1) (1) FITTINGS El's. per B16. B16. OS&Y. Seamless. B16. Spiral-wound.20 up to 510°C. Nipples and Swages Sockolets/ Threadolets Weldolets FLANGES 1½" and under 2" and above ½"-1½" 1½" and under Sch XXS Class 9000 Class 9000 Socketweld/ Threaded Buttweld Seamless (2) (3) BOLTING GASKETS Globe Valves Check Valves Socketweld/ A182-Gr. 321. Tees Reducers. 1½" and under Class 2500 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351-CF8C body. B16. 316 SS windings. heavy pattern with A194 2H heavy hex nuts up to 425°C. PSB or WB. WP321. etc. B16. Part II Rating Class: 2500 RJ.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 25SJ1P Service: Refer To Table 1. B16. B16. Y-Pattern.20 up to 425°C. Trim SS 347 (2) (3) Page 171 of 196 . Y-Pattern.25 Type Seamless Seamless or Welded Specification A312-Type 321 A312-Type 321 Seamless. A193 B16 stud bolts. XXS min.3 Stress Relief: Per Code Examination: Per Code Buttweld Construction: B16. 321. Trim SS 347 2" and above Class 2500 RJ Flanged A351-CF8C body. flexible graphite filled with carbon steel outer and inner rings. PSB or WB OS&Y. Calculate Sch 160 min. Y-Pattern.5 RJ 2" and above Class 2500 Weldneck A182-Gr. Y-Pattern. Class 1. A182-Gr. Spiral-wound. 321. 321. 321.11 A403-Gr. Trim SS 347 w/HFS 2" and above Class 2500 RJ Flanged A351-CF8C body.5 Temperature Limit: 510°C (6) Corrosion Allowance: 1.11 Threaded 2" and above Buttweld A182-Gr. 316 SS windings.6 mm (1) Item PIPE Size 2" and under 3" and above Rating Schedule Sch.5 RJ A193 B7 stud bolts. Trim SS 347 w/HFS 1½" and under Class 2500 Socketweld A182-F321 or A351-CF8C body. PSB or WB. Use flanges. Use for vent and drain connections. For hydrogen service.6 mm is included in the pipe and fitting wall thicknesses. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 172 of 196 . For service conditions that require higher corrosion allowances.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 25SJ1P (Continued) Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications A corrosion allowance of 1. When a small decrease in corrosion allowance would permit the use of the nearest minimum pipe schedule. the wall thicknesses are to be increased accordingly. Schedule of fittings and weldneck flanges to be same as pipe. Threaded connections only allowed downstream of vents. refer to API-941 for temperature limits of material at applicable hydrogen partial pressure. and instrument take-offs. approval must be obtained from the Consulting Services Department. hydrotest connections. Note. drains. Saudi Aramco. Threaded O'lets only allowed for thermowell and hydrotest connections. Refer to paragraph 12. Vent piping on oily water sewers and gravity drains. specification number). waste and vent inside buildings. Gravity drains. (3" and smaller)/ API 5L Gr.4. Table 1 New Spec. inhibited Refer to paragraph 12. Number Former Spec. 12CG0U 12LC0U 12LE0U 12BD0U 12PV0U 12PU0U 12FE0U 12BC0U 80DC0D 80PV0D 2E3A None 2E1B 2E3C 2E3D 2E3E 2E3G FA FB 125/150 125/150 125/150 125 125 125 125 Nonpressure Nonpressure Cement-lined Carbon steel Fusion Bonded Epoxy-Lined CS 90/10 Cu-Ni PVC/UPVC CPVC RTR per 01-SAMSS-034 Copper tube & fittings with soldered or brazed joints Cast iron soil pipe PVC sewer pattern pipe None None None Gravity drains. outside buildings. For drain. inside/outside buildings.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 11 Line Class Index and Cross-Reference-Part III (Utility) The following table provides the line class index which summarizes the pressure rating.3. No longer used Gravity-drains.3. primary material. Refer to paragraph 12. Refer to paragraph 12. corrosion allowance. It also provides a cross-reference between the new and former line class. None 80FE0D 80CG0D1 FC FD NA Nonpressure Nonpressure Nonpressure Vitrified clay RTR per 01-SAMSS-029 Galvanized carbon steel None None 80PV0D1 NB PVC None Page 173 of 196 . Refer to paragraph 12.4. Refer to paragraph 12. outside buildings.3.1 for service conditions Corrosive low pressure utilities Refer to paragraph 12.Air & water. and service applications of a given line class (i. Class 125 Corr. B Service Non-corrosive low pressure utilities .2 for details and service conditions.e. Number 2D3 ASME Press. Allowance None Primary Material Galvanized CS. above ground and in buildings. It is mainly intended for applications where plastic pipe is not permitted. and/or air and water inhibited against corrosion of steel. SAS 14/15 class 5 pipe for water services outside buildings and ASTM D1785 schedule 80 pipe for inside and outside buildings. except for dedicated firewater. may be used for dedicated.2 for non-inhibited raw water. See SAES-M-100 and SAES-S-050. some of which may also be used for gravity sewers. Galvanized pipe. Carbon steel API 5L Gr. normally below ground. It is also specified for firewater in plant control buildings per SAES-0-126. API 5L Gr. see SAES-S-060. B pipe may be used in non-corrosive utility services. 12CG0U Class 125 FF Galvanized steel pipe. 3-inch NPS and smaller.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 12 Line Class Service Conditions Service conditions and limitations of each line class of Part III are given below: 12. (Use applicable line classes in paragraph 12. Refer to SAES-S-040 and SAES-S-060. below ground. 24-inch NPS and smaller. normally stagnant fire water piping within buildings. Fusion Bonded Epoxy-lined carbon steel piping may be used as alternate materials to cement-lined piping. PVC/UPVC pipe and fittings are used for water services. B pipe may also be used for building gas distribution systems. and seawater service). API 5L Gr.2 The following line classes cover various materials for corrosive water services.1 The following line class covers piping in non-corrosive utility services. 3-inch NPS and smaller. 90/10 Copper Nickel pipe and fittings is normally used only in pipe sizes up to 4-inch NPS. up to a temperature of 49°C. as detailed below. 12. 12LC0U Cement-lined steel pipe and fittings may be used for any nonacidic water and oily water service in 4-inch NPS or larger. and/or air and water inhibited against corrosion of steel in the temperature range of minus 18 C to plus 100°C and not above 1000 kPa non-shock pressures. It is used mainly for seawater but may be used for other corrosive water. potable water. B. 12LE0U 12BD0U 12PV0U Page 174 of 196 . such as Pikotek or equal. 12.1 Connections between 12LC0U and 12BD0U or 12BC0U shall be made with an isolation gasket.2. Cathodic protection. 80DC0D Cast iron soil pipe and fittings (for oily water and storm sewers: inside and outside buildings.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 12PU0U CPVC pipe and fittings are used for hot water service up to 71°C temperature. oily water sewer. Copper tube and fittings with soldered or brazed joints are used for small diameter piping from water mains up to and inside buildings. 12. 12. if provided.2. or a dielectric union to prevent galvanic corrosion. for sanitary sewer: inside buildings only) Page 175 of 196 . 12FE0U 12BC0U 12. chlorinated water. Refer to SAES-L-032 and SAES-S-060. waste and vent piping inside buildings refer to line classes in paragraph 12. flanged joint in accordance with Standard Drawing AB-036865.3 The following line classes cover materials normally recommended for gravitydrained systems outside buildings (see exceptions for 80DC0D).2 Connections between cement-lined steel pipe and the same size Copper-Nickel pipe shall be made with an isolated. Other refinery services include sodium hypochlorite.2. For plumbing drainage. Reinforced thermosetting resin (RTR) pipe and fittings per 01-SAMSS-034 with restrained and unrestrained joints may be used for water services within the given pressure/temperature limits. A Copper-Nickel reducer may then be incorporated to obtain the desired pipe size. It may also be used for sanitary sewer.4. must be on separate circuits for the different materials. including buried firewater piping. It is also used for refrigerant piping. including the utility water inside plant control buildings except the firewater system in control buildings per SAES-0-126. and other gravity and pressure sewers. flanged tees with a 4-inch minimum size branch. Care must be taken to assure that the isolated joint is not short-circuited by pipe supports. Welding bosses shall not be used. The flanged branch connection to the Copper-Nickel pipe shall be isolated in accordance with Standard Drawing AB-036865.3 Connections between a larger cement-lined steel header and Copper-Nickel pipe shall be accomplished with special cement-lined. The raised face of the cement-lined steel flange shall be machined off to accommodate the connection to the flat-faced Copper-Nickel flange. Reinforced thermosetting resin pipe and fittings per 01-SAMSS-029. may also be used for sanitary system inside buildings. refer to specifications in SAES-S-060 for materials of construction. for building plumbing. 12. inside or outside plant areas.4 The following line classes cover materials for storm drain piping and for sanitary drain. For acidic discharges.3.3 For additional information on plastic pipe selection. refer to SAES-L-060.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications 80PV0D 80FE0D PVC sewer pattern pipe and fittings. 80CG0D1 Galvanized steel pipe with galvanized malleable iron fittings for vent piping above grade.2 Spent acid sewers may use specifications 80PV0D and 80FE0D.1 Hydrocarbon waste shall not be discharged into sanitary sewer system or storm water system. see SAES-S-060. waste. Page 176 of 196 .3. and cast iron drainage pattern fittings for drain and waste piping. ASTM D2665 PVC pipe and D3311 pattern fittings for drain. and vent piping of building plumbing systems. and vent piping. 12. waste.3. provided that the concentration and temperature of the acid waste does not exceed the recommended service limitations for the materials used. 80DC0D. Cast iron soil pipe. for gravity flow sanitary system. 12. Neutralized acid wastes may use any of the materials listed above. 12. see SAES-S-010 and SAES-S-030. 80PV0D1 For drain and vent piping in laboratory and battery rooms. oily water and storm sewers. ASME B16. 65-B Dresser style No. Blinds GASKETS 3" and smaller 3" and smaller 40 40 0.25 in.9 2" and smaller 3" . 40 Class 150 Size Rating Schedule Basic Material: Galvanized/Carbon Steel Design Code: Note (4) Stress Relief: Not Required Examination: Per Applicable Code Buttweld Construction: Note (2) Type Specification ASTM A53 or API 5L Smls.24" 4" .3 malleable iron.24" Class 300 Sch.5 AD-036631 or AD-036633 1. 38 B16.5 B16.39 ASTM A53-B/API 5L-B Welding. threaded female outlet (AE-036175) ASME B16. B API 5L Gr. galvanized.1 Temperature Limit: 0 to 100°C Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Item PIPE 3" and smaller 4" and 6" 8" . min.6 mm Synthetic fiber (3) Page 177 of 196 .24" NIPPLES THREADED FITTINGS Caps Elbows Tees Couplings Plugs Unions Swaged Nipples Bosses BUTT WELD FITTINGS Elbows Tees Caps Reducers MECHANICAL JOINTS Water Service only FLANGES Weld Neck or Slip on Blinds Spec. bore Class 150 FF Class 150 FF Flat Face Dresser style No. brass seat/ASME B16.5 B16. B Galvanized API 5L Gr.24" 4" . threaded Smls or ERW Smls or ERW Seamless Gr. 80 Class 3000 Match pipe Seamless Malleable iron.24" 4" and 6" 8" . B Galvanized ASME B16. Part III Rating Class: 125 FF. Std. galvanized Notes (1) (2) 3" and smaller 3" and smaller 2" and smaller 4" . B Gr.24" Class 150 FF.24" 4" .Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 12CG0U (Formerly 2D3) Service: Refer to Table 1. Butt welded pipe and fittings per 1CS9P or 1CS9P1 may be substituted for threaded pipe when economic or operating circumstances dictate.8 ASTM A216-WCB body.8 ASTM A216-WCB body. API 609 Cat.8 ASTM A105 body. Grade B ASTM A193 B7 stud bolts.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 12CG0U (Continued) Item BOLTING Size 1¼" and smaller 1½" and larger GATE VALVES 2" and smaller 3" and larger GLOBE VALVES 2" and smaller 3" and larger CHECK VALVES 2" and smaller 3" and larger BALL VALVES 2" and smaller 3" and 4" 6" and larger BUTTERFLY VALVES Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Rating Schedule Type Specification Mild steel machine bolts/ square heads and hex nuts to ASTM A307. OS&Y. Trim No. Page 178 of 196 . OS&Y. OS&Y. heavy pattern ASTM A194 2H hex nuts ASTM A105 body. RTFE seats. Select design code in accordance with ASME B31.10 ASTM A216-WCB body. floating ball. Trim No. Trim No. BC. floating ball. Trim No. Trim No. BB. semi-finished. API 600. trunnion mounted. RTFE seats.8 ASTM A105 body.3 or SAES-B-017 as the service requires. Trim ENP Ductile Iron ASTM A395 body. BB. BB.1 ASTM A105 body.8 ASTM A216-WCB body. OS&Y. BC. Trim No. API 602.A.10 ASTM A216-WCB body. For flat face flanges use full face gaskets. Trim ENP Notes Class 800 Class 150 Class 800 Class 150 Class 800 Class 150 Class 300 Class 150 Class 150 200 psig Socketweld/ Threaded FF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded FF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded FF Flanged Socketweld/ Threaded FF Flanged FF Flanged Wafer or lug 4" and larger Welded pipe including spiral weld pipe to 01-SAMSS-035 and ERW pipe to 01-SAMSS-033 is permitted in this class. Trim No. BB. Trim No. AL-BR disc (less than 16% zinc).3 Note (5) Stress Relief: Not Required Examination: Per ASME B31. A or B Ductile iron ASTM A395 epoxy lined body. ASTM B61/B62 bronze trim (less than 16% zinc) Ductile iron ASTM A395 rubber lined body. ASTM B61/B62 bronze trim (less than 16% zinc) Ductile iron ASTM A395 epoxy lined body. protected SS stem.5 Temperature Limit: 0 to 100°C Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Rating Item Size Schedule PIPE FITTINGS Elbows Tees Caps Reducers Sleeve Couplings FLANGES Weld Neck Slip-on Blinds GASKETS BOLTING GATE VALVES 4" and larger Class 150 4" and larger 4" and larger 4" and larger Class 150 FF Bore to match pipe 4" and larger 4" and larger Calculate Calculate to match pipe Basic Material: Cement Lined CS Design Code: ASME B31. Cement-lined per 01-SAMSS-005 02-SAMSS-005/ASME B16. ASTM B61/B62 bronze trim (less than 16% zinc) Ductile iron ASTM A395 epoxy lined body. BB. (6) (9) Page 179 of 196 . Synthetic fiber Machine bolts ASTM A307 Gr. BB. AE-036768 02-SAMSS-011 (3) 1.9 Notes (1) (4) (2) (4) Std. BC. Dwg. stem packing integral with liner. Part III Rating Class: 125 FF ASME B16.1/150 FF ASME B16.3 Joint Construction: Note (2) Type Seamless or welded Specification ASTM A53 or API 5L.6 mm.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 12LC0U (Formerly 2E3A) Service: Refer to Table 1. Monel pins FF Flanged FF Flanged FF Flanged Wafer or Lug or FF Flanged (7) (8) CHECK VALVES 4" and larger Class 150 GLOBE VALVES 4" and larger Class 150 BUTTERFLY VALVES 4" and larger 200 psig min. see SAES-S series for applicable design code. Welding to cement-lined pipe (e. Pipe fittings with butt welded pipe pups shall be cement lined per 01-SAMSS-005 and installed with sleeve couplings per Standard Drawing AE-036768 or per approved alternative method. The raised face shall be removed when matching with flat face flanged valves. vents and drains) requires special consideration and must be planned during the design phase.g. Page 180 of 196 . the cement lining in the adjacent pipe must be shaved to accommodate the movement of the disc. or rubber lined If either the wafer or lug style is selected. For non-process services. Contact the Materials Engineering Unit in CSD for welding procedures. Refer to Standard Drawing AE-036634 for welding neck and blind flanges 26-inch NPS and larger. Otherwise. ISNRS style with stem extensions for buried valves Wedge may be solid. use NBR lining OS&Y style for above ground valves. Use EPDM lining if no hydrocarbons are present. branch connections.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 12LC0U (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications This line class is normally limited to the range of 4 to 30-inch NPS and is used in conjunction with line class 12BD0U or 12BC0U for smaller diameter pipe material. double-disc. g.25 Type Seamless or welded Specification ASTM A53 or API 5L Fusion Bonded Epoxy lined per 09-SAMSS-091 (internal) 02-SAMSS-005/ASME B16. see SAES-S series for applicable design code.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 12LE0U Service: Refer to Table 1.ASME B16. Page 181 of 196 . The raised face shall be removed. 2H hex nuts VALVES Notes: (1) (2) (3) 2" and larger SAME AS LINE CLASS 12LC0U For non-process services.1/150 FF ASME B16.9 Notes (2) FITTINGS Elbows Tees Caps Reducers FLANGES Weld Neck Slip-on Blinds GASKETS BOLTING 2" and larger Calculate to match pipe 2" and larger Class 150 FF 02-SAMSS-011.5 (3) 2" and larger 1. branch connections.3 Note (1) Stress Relief: Not Required Examination: Per ASME B31. heavy pattern A194 Gr. Refer to Standard Drawing AE-036634 for welding neck and blind flanges 26-inch NPS and larger.6 mm. Welding to FBE-lined pipe (e. Synthetic fiber Machine bolts ASTM A307 Gr. B or ASME A193 B7 stud bolts semi-finished. vents and drains) requires special consideration and must be planned during the design phase.5 Temperature Limit: 0 to 90°C Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Rating Item Size Schedule PIPE 2" and larger Calculate Basic Material: FBE-Lined CS Design Code: ASME B31. Contact the Materials Engineering Unit in CSD for welding procedures.3 Buttweld Construction: ASME B16. Part III Rating Class: 125 FF ASME B16. 3 Stress Relief: Not Required Examination: Per ASME B31.2" 1" x ½" 2" x 1" ½" 3" x 2" .16" ½" . Socket Weld.16" x 10" 16mm API x ½ Male end for insertion into fitting ½" .Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 12BD0U (Formerly 2E1B) Service: Refer to Table 1. Reducing Hexagon Butt Weld. Butt Weld. Part 2 and EEMUA Publication No.2" 3" . Section 1 90/10 Cu-Ni 90/10 Cu-Ni 90/10 Cu-Ni 90/10 Cu-Ni or Equal 90/10 Cu-Ni or Equal 90/10 Cu-Ni 90/10 Cu-Ni 90/10 Cu-Ni 90/10 Cu-Ni 90/10 Cu-Ni 90/10 Cu-Ni 90/10 Cu-Ni Notes (1) (2) (3) (4) (8) FITTINGS Elbows-90 deg Elbows-45 deg Tees ½" .2" 3" . 144. with male threads for connecting Cu-Ni Pipe to Female Threaded Bronze Valves Couplings Plug Reducers Adapter Connectors 90/10 Cu-Ni (5) Page 182 of 196 .3 Buttweld Construction: Note (8) Type Seamless Specification UNS-C70610 to BS 2871. Reducing Socket Weld Socket Weld.1/150 FF B16.16" 1½" x 1½" x 1" 6" x 6" x 4" 16" x 16" x 12" ½" .5 Temperature Limit: 0 to 100°C Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Rating Item Size Schedule PIPE/TUBE ½" .16" Calculate Basic Material: 90/10 Cu-Ni Design Code: ASME B31. Concentric Female Thread x Male Socket Weld Socket weld. straight.2" Match pipe Socket Weld Long Radius Butt Weld Long Radius Butt Weld Socket Weld. ASME B16. Reducing Butt Weld.16" 6" . Part III Rating Class: 125 FF. A105 backing flange.6 mm (7) (10) 2" and below 3" and above Class 150 Class 150 Threaded FF Flanged GLOBE VALVES 2" and below 3" and above Class 150 Class 150 Threaded FF Flanged (9) (10) CHECK VALVES 2" and below 3" and above Class 150 Class 150 Threaded FF Flanged (9) (10) BALL VALVES BUTTERFLY VALVES 2" and below 3" and above Class 150 Class 150 Threaded wafer or lug or FF Flanged (9) (10) (9) (10) Page 183 of 196 . BB Bronze body and trim ASTM B61/B62. 5mm thick. trim ASTM B61/B62 or Monel or AL-BR. heavy pattern ASTM A194 2H hex nuts Bronze body and trim ASTM B61/B62. trim ASTM B61/B62 or Monel or AL-BR. ISRS. to BS 2871 90/10 Cu-Ni (UNS C70610) to BS 2871. Flat Face. BB Bronze body and trim ASTM B61/B62.4" Class 150 GASKETS BOLTING GATE VALVES 1. Galvanized to BS729 Forged steel. MSS-SP-80 Bronze ASTM B61/B62 or AL-BR body.3.16" Rating Schedule Class 125/150 Class 150 Type Composite. trim ASTM B61/B62 or Monel or AL-BR Notes (6) BLIND (BLANK) 2" . BC Bronze body and trim ASTM B61/B62. TFE seats Bronze ASTM B61/B62 or AL-BR body. Blind Disc Composite Slip On SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Specification 90/10 Cu-Ni. ISRS.2 and 2. Galvanized to BS 729 Synthetic fiber ASTM A193 B7 Stud Bolts. Part 2 and EEMUA Publication No. MSS-SP-80 Bronze ASTM B61/B62 or AL-BR body. MSS-SP-80 Bronze ASTM B61/B62 or AL-BR body. Section 2. trim ASTM B61/B62 or Monel or AL-BR.4" 6" . semi-finished.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 12BD0U (Continued) Item FLANGES Size 2" . ASME B16. Class 150. 90/10 Cu-Ni inner stub end. ASTM. ASTM A105.5 dimensions. 145. These will have to be DC ordered. Care shall be taken to assure that the insulated joint is not short-circuited by pipe supports. Al Khobar. Type ERCuNi filler rod is available in SAMS (SN 20-504-390) All Copper alloys for valves shall contain a maximum of 16% zinc to avoid dezincification. The layout of pipe bends and valves shall be made to minimize the damaging effects of erosion. When Copper-Nickel pipe is connected to cement-lined carbon steel pipe systems. Box 230. However. d) (5) (6) (7) Straight male connectors are required to allow connection between pipe and female threaded valves. and is used in conjunction with Specification 12LC0U cement lined pipe 4-inch NPS and larger. threads shall be lubricated with an anti-galling grease SN 26-011-057. This size range is in SAMS stock. Consideration shall be given to fluoropolymer coated bolts for offshore applications. The terms pipe and tube are used interchangeably in this specification. UNS C61400 (2) (3) (4) Design Notes for Copper-Nickel Piping Systems: a) b) c) The design velocity for liquids in UNS C70610 Cu-Ni pipe is indicated in Figure 1.. insulating flanges or dielectric unions shall be used to prevent galvanic corrosion of the steel. Solid copper-nickel weld neck flanges rather than composite flanges shall be utilized in the splash zone. Cu-Ni pipes larger than 4-inch NPS (108mm OD) may be butt welded and used in seawater applications instead of cement lined pipe but it is RR coded. Alternative copper alloy materials may be specified for applications where higher strength or increased erosion resistance is required.. Ltd.75 mm.O.O. DURABOLT is available from Saudi Conduit Coating Co. renewable SBR disc Angle type. ISRS. AWS A5. renewable SBR disc Notes This line class is normally limited to ½ to 4-inch NPS (16 to 108 mm OD). Solid 90/10 Copper Nickel weld neck flanges shall be utilized in the corrosive splash and spray zone. Page 184 of 196 . bronze body. Coated bolts are not stocked. through Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo. bronze body.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 12BD0U (Continued) Item FIRE HYDRANT VALVES Size 2½" x 2½" 3" x 2½" 4" x 4½" Notes: (1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Rating Schedule 300 psi 300 psi 300 psi Type NPT x hose NPT x hose NPT x hose Specification Angle type. and fluoropolymer coated (Ameri-Cote) bolts are available from American International Industries Pte. UNS C71500 Aluminum Bronze. renewable SBR disc Angle type. ISRS. ISRS. such as: 70/30 Copper Nickel. Box 37. The GTAW process shall be used for all copper-nickel wall thicknesses less than 4. bronze body. P.7 Type ERCuNi or ERCuNi-1 consumables are required per SAES-W-011. (8) (9) (10) All valves shall have a minimum rating of 200 psi. Dammam. The piping shall be adequately supported by means of suitable hangers or supports to prevent mechanical damage to the copper-nickel alloy pipe. P. 4 0.1 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 70 90 PIPE BORE-MM 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 700 900 * WHERE INTERMITTENT TO MAINLY NO-FLOW APPLICATIONS OCCUR.PIPING SPECIFICATION 12BD0U Page 185 of 196 .6 0. FOR CONTINUOUS FLOW CONDITIONS * 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 CAST IRON 70/30 COPPER-NICKEL-IRON 90/10 COPPER-NICKEL-IRON STEEL. FIGURE 1 . FOR CONTINUOUS FLOW (E.7 0. PROCESS COOLING AND OTHER CONTINUALLY OPERATED SYSTEMS) THE FOLLOWING WATER SPEEDS APPLY: MAXIMUM SEA WATER VELOCITIES IN PIPES.9 0. ALUMINUM BRASS 2 1 0.3 0.5 0. SUCH AS IN FIRE MAINS.8 0. WATER SPEEDS OF BETWEEN SIX AND TEN METERS PER SECOND CAN BE ACCEPTABLE.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 12BD0U (Continued) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications AS DESIGNATED IN LLOYDS RULES AND BSMA 18. GALVANIZED STEEL.2 0.G. DEPENDENT ON DURATION/FREQUENCY OF SYSTEMS TESTING. 80 PVC/uPVC PVC/uPVC or CPVC CPVC PVC/uPVC or CPVC Flat Face Flat Face elastomeric uPVC. Note (1) Examination: Per ASME B31.8" ½" . 80 Class 5 Sch. 12454-B or CPVC ASTM D1784 CL. SAS 14/15 Class 5. 80 Class 150 Sch. SAS 14/15 Class 5 Local Made Article ASTM D1785 PVC 1120 OR 1220 Notes (1) (2) (3) ½" .(8) Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Item PIPE Size 20 .3.2" 3. EPDM seats. SAS 14/15 Class 5 (0 to 49°C). 50-60 Shore A durometer ASTM A307 Grade A or B bolts with ASTM A563 Grade A heavy hex nuts ASTM D2564 PVC to PVC ASTM F-493 CPVC to PVC or CPVC PVC ASTM D1784 CL. 80 CPVC 4120 (0 to 49°C) ASTM F439 CPVC female socket by male IPS adaptor PVC/uPVC.3 Joint Construction: Notes (2) thru (6) Type PVC/uPVC Specification PVC/uPVC. ASTM F439 Sch. 80 50-60 Shore A durometer (4) (5) (3) (6) (9) (5) Use 12LC0U and 12BD0U valves ½" and above 150 psi Threaded Socketweld Flanged FF Page 186 of 196 .200 mm Rating Schedule Class 5 Basic Material: PVC/UPVC Design Code: ASME B31. Local Made Article ASTM F439 CPVC Schedule 80 Class 150 FF ASTM F437 CPVC Schedule 80 Class 150 FF Full face.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 12PV0U (Formerly 2E3C) Service: Refer to Table 1.200 mm ½" .2 mm All Sizes Sch.6" Class 5 Sch. double union (2) ½" .6" FITTINGS FOR SOLVENT WELD JOINTS Bushings Couplings Elbows Tees Unions Pipe Union DIN X ASTM ADAPTORS FLANGES Socket Type Threaded Type GASKETS BOLTING SOLVENT CEMENT VALVES (All Types) Ball Valves And Ball Check Valves Sch. 23447-B body and ball.3" ½ in x 20 mm 3 in x 90 mm ¾" . 80 PVC/uPVC 20 . 80 Class 150 Sch. elastomeric. Part III Pressure/Temperature Limit: Notes (7). Page 187 of 196 . PVC fittings Sch. DURABOLT is available from Saudi Conduit Coating Co. P. now meets cell classification PVC 12454-B. The exception is in Saudi Aramco-built Home Ownership areas where metric valves are usually used. 01-515-414 01-515-417 01-515-421 01-515-432 01-515-441 01-515-450 01-515-451 01-515-470 01-515-500 01-515-505 23°C kPa 7790 5860 4760 4340 3240 2760 2550 2210 1930 1720 38°C kPa 4830 3630 2950 2690 2010 1710 1580 1370 1195 1065 49°C kPa 3115 2345 1905 1735 1295 1105 1020 885 770 690 Solvent cement shall be stored in an air conditioned room at approximately 21°C and shall not be used after the date indicated on the label or one year after date of manufacture. Inch dimension flanges and valves shall be used with metric PVC pipe. Box 230. (Use ASTM F-493 CPVC solvent cement). Corrosion protection is required for below ground use. Al Khobar.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 12PV0U (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications See Saudi Aramco Plumbing Code SAES-S-060 for material usage within buildings. Connections shall be made using DIN X ASME adaptor couplings and inch dimension nipples. Union adaptors between thermoplastic and metallic pipe have a plastic socket for solvent cementing and a red brass female pipe threaded end. 80 per ASTM D2467 may also be used with Sch. see SAES-S series for applicable design code. Threaded pipe shall be derated 50% from the applicable pressure rating.. ASTM F439 schedule 80 CPVC 4120 fittings may be used with ASTM D1785 pipe. PVC 1120. Maximum operating pressures for ASTM D1785 Sch 80 PVC 1120 appear in the table below. Consideration shall be given to fluoropolymer coated bolts for buried service. (6) (7) (8) MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE FOR PVC 1120. For non-process services. SCHEDULE 80 Nominal Size Inches ¼ ½ ¾ 1 1-½ 2 3 4 6 8 (9) SAMS Stock No. Threaded joints 2-inch and larger shall be seal welded with solvent cement. 80 PVC pipe. SAS 14/15 Class 5 PVC has the following ratings: 1600 kPa at 23°C.O. Coated bolts are not stocked. Use washers on both ends of the bolts. 992 kPa at 38°C and 640 kPa at 50°C. formerly Type I Grade 1 PVC. 23447-B body and ball.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 12PU0U (Formerly 2E3D) Service: Refer to Table 1.3.6" ½".3 Joint Construction: Notes (2) (3) Type CPVC Specification ASTM F441 CPVC 4120 Notes (2) ½". Part III Pressure/Temperature Limit: Notes (5) Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Item PIPE FITTINGS FOR SOLVENT WELD JOINTS Bushings Couplings Elbows Tees Pipe Union FLANGES Socket Type Threaded type GASKETS BOLTING SOLVENT CEMENT VALVES (All Types) Ball Valves And Ball Check Valves Use 12LC0U and 12BD0U valves ½" and above 150 psi ¾". ASTM A563 Grade A heavy hex nuts ASTM F493 CPVC to PVC or CPVC (3) ½". 80 CPVC ASTM F439 CPVC 4120. 80 Basic Material: CPVC Design Code: ASME B31. Sch.2" 3. EPDM seats. Sch. Sch. 80 CPVC Flat Face Flat Face elastomeric (2) (4) (6) Threaded Socketweld Flanged FF CPVC ASTM D1784 CL. Note (1) Examination: ASME B31.2 mm All Sizes Class 150. 80 Class 150.6" Rating Schedule Sch. double union Page 188 of 196 . 0 to 72°C ASTM F439 CPVC female socket by male IPS adaptor ASTM F439 CPVC. 80. Sch. 80 50-60 Shore A durometer Size ½". 50-60 Shore A durometer ASTM A307 Grade A or B bolts.6" Sch. 80 Class 150 FF ASTM F437 CPVC Class 150 FF Full face elastomeric.3" Sch. SCHEDULE 80 Nominal Size Inches ½ ¾ 1 1-¼ 1-½ 2 3 4 6 (6) SAMS Stock No. Box 230.. formerly Type IV Grade 1 CPVC.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 Line Class 12PU0U (Continued) Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications See Saudi Aramco Plumbing Code SAES-S-060 for material usage within buildings. Corrosion protection is required for below ground use. Union adaptors between thermoplastic and metallic pipe have a plastic socket for solvent cementing and a red brass female pipe threaded end. see SAES-S series for applicable design code. DURABOLT is available from Saudi Conduit Coating Co. Consideration shall be given to fluoropolymer coated bolts for buried service. Al Khobar. Maximum operating pressures appear in the table below. For non-process services. Threaded pipe shall be derated 50% from the applicable pressure rating. 01-515-617 01-515-621 01-515-626 01-515-631 01-515-640 01-515-650 01-515-661 01-515-673 01-515-691 23°C kPa 5860 4760 4340 3590 3240 2760 2550 2210 1930 38°C kPa 4100 3330 3040 2515 2270 1930 1785 1550 1350 60°C kPa 3225 2620 2390 1975 1780 1520 1400 1215 1060 71°C kPa 2345 1905 1735 1435 1295 1105 1020 885 770 Solvent cement shall be stored in an air conditioned area at approximately 21°C and shall not be used past the date indicated on the label or one year after date of manufacture. Page 189 of 196 . now meets cell classification CPVC 23447-B. Use washers on both ends of the bolts.O. Coated bolts are not stocked. (5) MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE FOR CPVC. Threaded joints 2 inch and larger shall be seal welded with solvent cement. P. CPVC 4120. O. Al Khobar. Consideration shall be given to fluoropolymer coated bolts for buried service.3 Note (1) Stress Relief: None Req'd Examination: Per Manufacturer Joint Construction: Per Manufacturer Type Refer to 01-SAMSS-034 Refer to 01-SAMSS-034 elastomeric Specification 01-SAMSS-034 RTR Pipe and Fittings. DURABOLT is available from Saudi Conduit Coating Co. 0 to 93°C Shall be made by the Manufacturer supplying the pipe Full face elastomeric.3700 mm 25 . Corrosion protection is required for below ground use. Part III Pressure Limit: 1030 kPa Temperature Limit: 0 to 93°C Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Item PIPE FITTINGS & FLANGES GASKETS BOLTING Size 25 . P.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 12FE0U (Formerly 2E3E) Service: Refer to Table 1. Page 190 of 196 .3700 mm 3. see SAES-S series for applicable design code. Inch-dimension flanges and valves are used with metric RTR pipe.2 mm All Sizes Rating Schedule Refer to 01-SAMSS-034 Refer to 01-SAMSS-034 50-60 Shore A durometer Basic Material: RTR Per 01-SAMSS-034 Design Code: ASME B31. Use washers on both ends of the bolts. Box 230. Coated bolts are not stocked. 50-60 Shore A durometer ASTM A307 Grade A or B bolts with ASTM A563 Grade A heavy hex nuts Notes (2) (3) VALVES Notes: (1) (2) (3) Use 12LC0U or 12BD0U flanged valves (2) For non-process services.. Brazing Wire AWS Bag-7 AWS BCuP-5 AWS Bag-3 AWS Bag-7 AWS BCuP-5 Any of the above plus 95/5 tin-antimony solder 50/50 tin-lead solder Non-Potable Water (Including Firewater) and Instrument Air Other Services (2) Maximum temperature/pressure ratings of type L copper tube soldered with 50/50 tin-lead solder follow: Up to 65°C: sizes thru 1-in.2 m/s. (3/8" . Copper will corrode in some soils.3..Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 12BC0U (Formerly 2E3G) Service: Refer to Table 1. 1035 kPa. 1½-in. plain ends Copper. and larger 760 kPa.3" in std. 65 to 90°C: sizes thru 1-in.D. wrapping and cathodic protection or external protection with heat-shrink tubing may be required.. Type K tube shall be used. For non-process services.D. Part III Pressure/Temperature Limit: Up to 1034 kPa @ 65°C Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Rating Schedule Type "K" or "L" Basic Material: Copper Tubing Design Code: ASME B31.3-1/8" O.22 For solder or brazed joints Notes (3) (4) (5) (1) Item TUBE FITTINGS Size ½" . 690 kPa. (3) (4) (5) (6) Page 191 of 196 . is permissible. 1½-in. ASTM B88 Type "K" or "L". Flow velocity shall not exceed 1. or 12BD0U (former 2E1B) tubing may be used as an alternate.3 Joint Construction: Note (1) Type Plain Ends Pressure Fittings Specification Copper. With 95/5 solder or silver brazing wire. Where use of copper tube below ground is justified or required. and larger 520 kPa.3-1/8" O.3" in std. see SAES-S series for applicable design code.3 Note (6) Stress Relief: Not Required Examination: Per ASME B31. Tube size) ½" . although not a stock item. (3/8" . Tube size) Type "K" or "L" VALVES Notes: (1) Service Potable Water Use threaded 12BD0U valves with adapters or equivalent pattern copper valves. The use of larger diameter copper tubing. ASME B16. all ratings exceed the requirements for piping specifications in paragraph 7. Page 192 of 196 . Cast iron soil ASTM A74 service weight. For caulked joints. Part III Pressure Rating: Non-Pressure Temperature Limit: 60°C Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Item PIPE FITTINGS Notes: (1) (2) (3) Basic Material: Cast iron Design Code: Note (1) Stress Relief: Not Required Examination: Note (1) Joint Construction: Per Manufacturer Rating Schedule Service Weight Service Weight Type Single or duble hub type Specification Cast iron soil. 60°C max.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 80DC0D (Formerly FA) Service: Refer to Table 1. service weight. Notes (2) (3) (2) (3) Size 2" .12" Per Saudi Aramco SAES-S-020 or SAES-S-030 as the service requires Service weight pipe and fittings can be joined to extra heavy pipe and fittings.12" 2" . ASTM A74 single or double hub. 60°C max. acid-resisting oakum shall be used. ASTM D3034. Page 193 of 196 . LOCALLY MADE ARTICLE uPVC 14/15 Class 3 sewer services fittings with Anger joints 60°C max LOCALLY MADE ARTICLES Notes (1) (2) FITTINGS 160mm-315 mm Class 3 Sewer Pattern Notes: (1) (2) Per Saudi Aramco SAES-S-010 or SAES-S-030 as the service requires. PVC pipe and fittings may be used to match existing pipe. Part III Pressure Rating: Non-Pressure Temperature Limit: 60°C Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Item PIPE Size 160mm-315 mm Rating Schedule Class 3 Basic Material: PVC Design Code: Note (1) Examination: Note (1) Joint Construction: Solvent Cement per Manufacturer Type Specification uPVC SAS 14/15 Class 3 with Anger joints 60°C max. Type PSM.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 80PV0D (Formerly FB) Service: Refer to Table 1. Ltd. 01-SAMSS-029 also allows epoxy RTR sewer pipe up to 65°C.. Not stocked. 0 to 49°C Shall be made by the Manufacturer supplying the pipe Notes (2) (3) Size 80mm-3700 mm 80mm-3700 mm Per Saudi Aramco SAES-S-020 or SAES-S-030 as the service requires. Use 3.O. Carried in stock by the Saudi Arabian Amiantit Co.2 mm thick full face elastomeric gaskets with 50 to 60 Shore A durometer hardness for all flanges. Page 194 of 196 .. P. Part III Pressure Rating: Non-Pressure Temperature Limit: 0 to 49°C Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Item PIPE FITTINGS & FLANGES Notes: (1) (2) (3) Basic Material: RTR per 01-SAMSS-029 Design Code: Note (1) Examination: Per Manufacturer Joint Construction: Per Manufacturer Rating Schedule Refer to 01-SAMSS-029 Refer to 01-SAMSS-029 Type Refer to 01-SAMSS-029 Refer to 01-SAMSS-029 Specification 01-SAMSS-029 RTR sewer pipe and fittings.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 80FE0D (Formerly FD) Service: Refer to Table 1. Dammam. Box 569. Use ASTM A307 Grade A or B bolts with ASTM A563 Grade A heavy hex nuts and use washers on both sides for flanges. 40 Service Weight Basic Material: Galvanized Carbon Steel Design Code: SAES-S-060 & SAES-S-020 Stress Relief: Not Required Examination: Per SAES-S-060 Joint Construction: Threaded Type Seamless or Welded Drainage Fittings Specification ASTM A53 galvanized 0 to 60°C Cast iron threaded drainage fittings galvanized.00 inch Item PIPE FITTINGS Size 1½" – 4" 1½" – 4" Rating Schedule Sch. Part III Pressure Rating: Non-Pressure Temperature Limit: 18 to 60°C Corrosion Allowance: 0.Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 80CG0D1 (Formerly NA) Service: Refer to Table 1.12 Notes (1) (1) Note: (1) Larger pipe/fitting sizes may be used. Page 195 of 196 . However. they are not stocked by SAMS. ASME B16. Document Responsibility: Piping Standards Committee Issue Date: 8 August 2009 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2010 SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications Line Class: 80PV0D1 (Formerly NB) Service: Refer to Table 1. 40 2" . 60°C Notes (1) Size 2" . 40 ASTM D2665 PVC. 8 August 2009 Revision Summary Revised the "Next Planned Update". Editorial revision to replace cancelled SAES-A-301 with ISO 15156.8" Sch. Waste and Vent Pipe Drain. Waste and Vent Fittings Specification ASTM D2665 PVC . Part III Pressure Rating: Non-Pressure Temperature Limit: 60°C Corrosion Allowance: 0 mm Item PIPE FITTINGS Bends Elbows Tees Traps Wyes SOLVENT CEMENT Note: (1) Basic Material: PVC Design Code: SAES-S-060 Stress Relief: Not Required Examination: Per SAES-S-060 Joint Construction: Solvent cement Rating Schedule Type Drain.8" Sch. Page 196 of 196 . 60°C ASTM D3311 patters for solvent cement joints ASTM D2564 PVC See Saudi Aramco Plumbing Code SAES-S-060 for limitations on plastic materials used in plumbing systems.
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