
March 31, 2018 | Author: Jhavi Tituaña | Category: Pesticide, Rice, Agronomy, Agriculture, Crops



ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops NCIPM okf"kZd izfrosnu Annual Report 2013-14 jk"Vªh; lesfdr uk'khtho izcU/ku dsUnz yky cgknqj 'kkL=h Hkou] iwlk ifjlj ubZ fnYyh 110 012] Hkkjr National Centre for Integrated Pest Management Lal Bahadur Shastri Building, Pusa Campus New Delhi 110 012, India okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 i http://www. lesfdr uk'khtho izc/a ku dsUnz] Ykkycgknqj 'kkL=h Hkou] iwlk ifjlj] ubZ fnYyh 110 012] HkkjrA i`"B la[. Chattopadhyay Director National Centre for Integrated Pest Management.k.. lesfdr uk'khtho izc/a ku dsUnz] Ykky cgknqj 'kkL=h Hkou] iwlk ifjlj] ubZ fnYyh 110 012] Hkkjr Published by : Dr. 118p izdk'kd : Mk.kk b.k% 118 Citation : Annual Report 2013-14 National Centre for Integrated Pest New Delhi 110 012.NCIPM : . A-89/1 Naraina Industrial Area.y vkWQlsV fizUVlZ] .MfLVª.k] Qsl&1 ubZ fnYyh 110 028 Design & Printed at : M/s Royal Offset :ijs[kk . QSDl@ Fax No. India. Sardana Mukesh Sehgal Ajanta Birah Vikas Kanwar Nasim Ahmad Neelam Mehta .R.ljnkuk eqd's k lgxy vtark fcjkg fodkl daoj ulhe vgen uhye esgrk mYys[k : Okkf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 jk"Vªh.p-vkj.oa eqnz. LBS bZ&esy@ Email oSclkbZV@ Website : : : : 91-11-25843935 91-11-25841472 [email protected] pV~Vksik/.y . director_ncipm@rediffmail. New Delhi 110 012 India nwjHkk"k@ Telephone No.k : eSllZ jkW. Pusa Campus.&89@1 ujk. LBS Building. Pusa Phase-I New Delhi 110 028 ladyu o lEiknu Compiled & Edited by ii ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 H. funs'kd jk"Vªh. d ize[q k fcUnq gS fdlkuksa dks O. NCIPM displays its strength to mitigate yield losses in Indian agriculture due to pests through integration of knowledge base on pests.k gSA jklukizds us mi. jk"Vªh. Such a web-interface has allowed faster flow of pest management issues to planners.ksa dh mi. products.kstukdkjks]a vuqlèa kkudrkZvksa rFkk foLrkj dkfeZdksa dks uk'khtho izcèa ku lacèa kh leL.oa tkx:drk dk. cotton.oa O.kZ miyfCèk.] muds vuqdy w <kapk [kM+k dj rFkk ekuo lalkèku fodkl ds ekè. x. ij fd.oa izcèa ku fofèk. Systematic surveys and surveillance supported by information technology integrated with crop and pest management advisory. In addition to validation and popularization of IPM technologies among crops of rice. lwpuk usVodks± ds ekè. dk.e izkS|ksfxfd.e ls bysDVªkWfud usVofd±x ds izHkkoh lesdu ls laLFkku us {ks=h. public and private personnel of the country.ksx de djus esa vikj lQyrk izkIr gqbZ gSA bl vofèk ds nkSjku laLFkku us vuqi.k gSA bl izdkj ds osc&baVjQsl lkW¶Vos.kksa rFkk Qly vkSj uk'khtho lykgdkj lsok ds lkFk lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh dk lesdu ds QyLo:i ns'k dh ize[q k Qlyksa esa vkbZih.oa futh dkfeZdksa ds Kku o vuqHko dk lesdu dj uk'khthoksa }kjk ns'k esa [ksrh dh mit esa gkfu. NCIPM envisages larger role in making IPM practices more effective across the country through higher levels of integration of multidisciplinary technologies and of stakeholders by means of improved research.&le.kid Lrj ij rRdkfyd uk'khtho fuxjkuh vkSj izcèa ku lykgdkj lsok nsus ds fy. pulses. training and extension for an enhanced crop and okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 iii . z Dq r vuqlèa kku djus esa rFkk fdlkuksa rd mUur lesfdr uk'khtho izc/a ku izk| S ksfxfd.jksa dks fodflr djrs gq.u djukA laLFkku }kjk le. effective and extensive implementation of IPM practices among major crops paid dividends in terms of improved yields and need based use of pesticides.k gSA eq>s bl ckr dh izlUurk gS fd jk-l-uk-iz-ds-ns'k esa uk'khthoksa .ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops izkDdFku Preface h.e iz.ksa ij izdk'k Mkyk x. Effective integration of electronic networking through development of customized software.ksa dks de djus esa .kid lwpuk vkèkkj miyCèk fd.d vge Hkwfedk fuHkk jgk gS rFkk viuh izfrc)rk dk iqjtksj fuokZg dj jgk gSA fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa pkoy] dikl] nygu] frygu] lfCt.kkyh ds izHkkoh . lesfdr uk'khtho izcaèku dsUnz ¼jklukizds½ eq>sdsjk"Vª o"kZ 2013&14 dk okf"kZd izfrosnu izLrqr djus dk xkSjo izkIr gksrk gSA bl izfrosnu esas dsUnz ds oSKkfudksa rFkk deZpkfj.kvksa ls rRdkfyd :i ls fuiVus ds fy. education.ksfxrk ds ckjs esa tkudkjh igqp a kus ds fy. oilseeds. O. dkQh iz.ksxh 'kksèk] f'k{kk] izf'k{k.jksa dks miyCèk djkdj dsUnz us .ksa ds lesdu ds vykok laLFkku us fdlkuksa rd bu izkS|ksfxfd. los{Z k. Lrj ij uk'khtho izcèa ku dks dkQh izHkkodkjh cuk fn.oa izpkj&izlkj djus ds vykok] laLFkku dh orZeku miyfCèk. researchers and extension functionaries instantly and simultaneously.e ls lesfdr fuxjkuh .k .ksa ls tqMh+ lwpukvksa rFkk ns'k ds lkoZtfud . gSAa fof'k"V lkW¶Vos. extensive efforts have also been put for effective dissemination of the same to farmers.ka rFkk Qyksa dh Qlyksa ij vkbZih.k gSA vkbZih.kid dk.kZUo. Besides synthesis of new IPM technologies. which highlights the significant achievements made by the Scientists and staff of this Centre.ZØe dk oSèkhdj.ksa dks miyCèk djus esa ljkguh. the current highlight of the Centre has been the integrated surveillance-cumawareness through national information networks for large scale real time pest monitoring and management advisory.u ls bu Qlyksa esa vfèkd mit izkIr djus rFkk dhVuk'kdksa dk iz.e dk.kZUo. management practices.ZØe dk dk.k rFkk I take immense pleasure to present the Annual Report of the National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM) for the year 2013-14. vegetables and fruits at farmers' fields.ksa dh egRoiw.ksa dk . supporting infrastructure and human resource development has made pest management very effective at regional level.Z fd. This Centre made great strides in applied research and transfer of improved IPM technologies during the period.kl fd. ] LFkk.oa MkW.Vh. able guidance and constant encouragement received from Hon'ble Dr. o"kZ ds nkSjku laLFkku dh xfrfof/k. which I acknowledge with great respect and gratitude.ih.oa HkkÑvuqi ds egkfuns'kd rFkk MkW. DARE and Director General. T.. Chattopadhyay) Director .okn djrk gwAa eSa dsUnz esa leLr oSKkkfudksa rFkk lHkh deZpkjhx. lesdu ds ekè. eSa mudk èkU. 30 May. Ayyappan.kksa dk Hkh èkU. I am also highly thankful to the members of the publication committee Drs.p.iu] lfpo] Ms.kA bl izfrosnu ds izdk'ku ds fy. Sardana.rk ds fy.LoIu dqekj nÙkk] egkfuns'kd ¼Qly foKku½] HkkÑvuqi dk lfØ. Rakesh Kumar and Mr.v¸.ks]a MkW. I would like to express my thanks to my Scientists and all staff members of the institute.okn djrk gwAa eSa okf"kZd izfrosnu ladyu .h Ñf"k fodkl ds fy.oa ikfjfLFkfrdh.ulhe vgen rFkk Jherh uhye esgrk dk Hkh èkU. MkW.ljnkuk] MkW. Help received from Mr.jktsUnzu] lgk.klksa dh ljkguk djrk gwAa Jh jkds'k dqekj .e dk. 2014 New Delhi (C.e ls iwjs ns'k esa vkbZih.NCIPM laofèkZr Qly . dM+k ifjJe djrs gq. Hera Lal Yadav is also gratefully acknowledged. jgk gS] ftlds fy. eSa ÑrKrk ds lkFk mudk vkHkkj O. LokLF. Mukesh Sehgal.k. P. x. Rajendran Assistant Director General (Plant Protection & Biosafety). ICAR and Dr.d egkfuns'kd ¼ikni laj{k.ksa ls fuiVus ds fy.ih.ksxnku fn. Deputy Director General (Crop Science). Neelam Mehta for bringing out this report in time. /kU. ICAR.ksa esa viuk mRÑ"V . Nasim Ahmad and Ms. K.oa tSo lqj{kk½] HkkÑvuqi }kjk oSKkfud vkSj iz'kklfud {ks= esa fn. Swapan Kumar Datta. sustainable agricultural growth. .ds pØorhZ .vtark fcjkg] Jh fodkl daoj] MkW.oa laiknu Vhe ds iz..l.k . who really worked hard to meet the new challenges and for making outstanding contributions during the year.keh izk| S ksfxfd. I am also highly thankful to Dr.vkj.ksa rFkk LVsdgksYMjksa ds mPpLrjh. Efforts made by the annual report compilation and editing team are highly appreciated. cgqvk.j .ksxnku] lrr ekxZn'kZu rFkk izkRs lkgu vxz.Dr djrk gwAa MkW. R.eqd's k lgxy] ICAR for their never ending scientific and administrative involvement. . H. Chakrabarty and Dr. S. P.ZØe dks vkSj vf/kd izHkkodkjh cukus esa viuh cM+h Hkwfedk fuHkkus dh ifjdYiuk dh gSA dsUnz ds lexz fodkl esa ekuuh.oa Jh ghjk yky ls izkIr lgk.okn djrk gwa ftUgksua s ubZ pqukSfr. Vikas Kanwar.ksxnku] izkRs lkgu rFkk ekxn'kZu ds fy. Secretary.okn nsrk gw¡A 30 ebZ] 2014 ubZ fnYyh iv ¼fpjaru pV~Vksikè. eSa izdk'ku lfefr ds lnL. Ajanta Birah. The all round growth and development of the Centre has been possible with an active involvement.½ funs'kd ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT REPORT2013–2014 2013–2014 ecological health. inspiration and guidance for overall growth of the Centre. q ifjorZu ds dkj. [kjhQ 2013 ¼ueh okys fnuksa es½a esa pkoy vuqlèa kku dsUnz ¼vkjvkj.k Qlyksa ij iM+us okys izHkko dk vkdyu djus es]sa uk'khtho lacèa kh lykgdkj&lsok tkjh djus es]sa ekuo lalkèku fodkl ds {ks= esa viuh lfØ.kkyh ds rgr buokjesVa y bEiSDV dks'ksVa ¼bZvkbZD. lesfdr uk'khtho izcaèku dsUnz ¼jklukizds ½ ds eq[.fud fNM+dko fd. Chinsurah (Hooghly) during kharif (wet). Pusa Basmati 1121 carried out on 200 ha in farmers’ participatory mode at Bambawad. tk jgs Fks] tcfd bldh rqyuk esa vkbZih. ~ y w ds .y w ds oSèkhdj.dy ?kVdksa ds .Qih½ esa fdlkuksa }kjk 2&4 jklk.kdykiksa esa izeq[k Qlyksa ds fy.w½ Vwy dk iz. using environmental impact quotient (EIQ) tool was assessed under rice cropping system.k ls fdlkuksa dh fofèk esa Hkwjk ikni ekgw ¼chih.ksa ds lkFk&lkFk tyok.g ik..ksx ds ctk. which izfros 2013&14 okf"kZokf"kZ d dizfros nunu 2013&14 v . Validation of IPM module led to significant reduction in brown plant hopper (BPH) population (3.ksx ds S ynthesis.k iz.{ks= esa iwlk cklerh pkoy fdLe 1121 ij lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku ¼vkbZih./ha 5 days after sowing (DAT) and one application of rynaxypyr against no application of pesticide. {ks= Hkh 'kkfey gSAa cEckoM xkao] mÙkj izn's k esa fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk i)fr esa 200 gs.izfr gs.d fNM+dko djus ls vfèkd mit izkIr gks ldrh gSA Qlyhdj.56 hoppers /hill) in IPM plots as against 5.ksx djrs gq. Analysis of soil samples collected indicated higher level of organic carbon and zinc in IPM as compared to FP.fud fNM+dko fd.i. ekWMy fodflr djuk rFkk etcwr lg. Assam during Feb.e viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa dh e`nk esa tSfod dkcZu rFkk ftad rRo vfèkd ek=k esa FksA vkbZih.oa fØ.yvkjvkj.kA vkbZih.] ty xq. 2014 in Boro rice revealed significantly higher yields with application of pretilachlor 750 ml a.e viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa Hkwjk ikni ekgw dh lef"V ¼3-56 ekgw izfr Vhyk½ esa Hkkjh deh ntZ dh xbZA fdlkuksa dh fofèk okys [ksrksa esa cdkus jksx 17-7% Fkk] tcfd vkbZih.k x.rFkk jkbuSDlhij dk .e okys [ksrksa esa blesa tcnZLr deh ns[kh xbZ o bls NqV&iqV gh ns[kk tk ldrk gSA e`nk ds laxfz gr izfrn'kks± ¼uewu½s ls bl ckr dh iqf"V gqbZ fd fdlkuksa dh fofèk okys [ksrksa dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.k rFkk izlkj djus ds lkFk&lkFk MkVkcsl izcèa ku djuk] uk'khthoksa ds iwokZueq ku ds fy.g tkudkjh izkIr gqbZ gS fd fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼.k x. crop health and risk related health issues due to use of pesticides.ksxnku dk vkdyu djus ds fy.e ekWM~. Uttar Pradesh indicated the application of only one chemical pesticide spray of buprofezin by IPM practitioner-farmers as against 2-4 chemical pesticide sprays in farmers’ practice (FP). i. water quality.k ftlesa . Gerua.ksx dks c<+kok nsuk gSA gky gh es]a dsUnz us uk'khtho xfrfØ.ksa dk la'ys"k. Application of IPM technology also resulted in higher yield and benefit: cost (B:C) ratio as compared to FP.7% in FP.21 hoppers /hill in FP.k ds vusd ?kVdks]a tSls e`nk LokLF. Studies on estimation of contribution of individual components of IPM module at Rice Research Station (RRS). vfèkns'kksa .k ls .e½ izkS|ksfxdh ds oS|hdj.l ¼lhvkjvkjvkbZ½] xs#ok] vle esa cksjks pkoy ij .ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops fof'k"V lkjka'k Executive Summary jk "Vªh. validation and dissemination of IPM technologies for major crops along with database management.k x.k x.e ekWM.l½] fpulqjk ¼gqxyh½ esa rFkk Qjojh 2014 esa vkjvkj.rk c<+kbZ gS] ftles iwoksZÙkj ioZrh. The pre-crop soil analysis revealed high consumption of pesticides. Recently.u fd.e izkS|ksfxdh viuk. izfrjksi.d jklk.k] oSèkhdj.k ds 5 fnuksa ds ckn isfz VykDyksj 750 fe-yh.e dk. tkus ls fdlkuksa dh fofèk dh rqyuk esa vfèkd ykHk%ykxr vuqikr izkIr fd.e izkS|ksfxfd. soil health.d vè.ZØe viukus okys fdlkuksa }kjk cqikz Q s fs tu dk dsoy .k fd dhVuk'kdksa ds iz.kA vkbZih. Impact of pesticides on various components of environment like.p½ dh lef"V ¼5-21 izfr Vhyk½ dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.kZoj.koÙkk] dhVuk'kdksa ds iz. developing pest forecasting models and strong linkages are the major mandates and activities of the National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM). 2013 and at RRLRRS (CRRI). vkbZih. the Centre has also been actively engaged in pest dynamics vis-a-vis climatic change. Validation of integrated pest management (IPM) technology in rice crop cv. Bakanae disease was reduced to traces in IPM plots as against 17. issuing pest advisory and human resource development including for the North Eastern Hill region. ech½ Þpkoy uk'khthoksa dh fuxjkuh ds fy. e`nk izfrn'kks± ds fo'ys"k.ZØe viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa uk'khtho ds izdksi esa rFkk jklk.k uk'khtho dh lef"V esa dhVuk'kd dk fNM+dko fd.u esa . tkus ls e`nk esa thok. . U.. ds varxZr 33 ftyks]a 348 rkyqdkvksa rFkk 43000 xkaoksa esa lks.k x. 15. x. LokLF. severity of pest infestation was of the order . gkfudkjd fo"k.e xkao ¼173½ fodflr fd.oa lykgdkj&lsok ifj. To enable increase pulse productivity by reducing yield losses caused by pests. . x. Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project (CROPSAP) operated by the State Department of Agriculture.g ik. lesser use of chemical pesticides.a miyCèk djkdj jkT.kZy fNM+dko ds fy.oa ekuoh.k djus ds fy. organic carbon content. Studies on the integrated management of Phytophthora blight in pigeonpea at three locations (Jharkhand.k fd dhVuk'kdksa dk vfèkd mi. cxSj deh vkbZ rFkk ykHk%ykxr vuqikr esa Hkh o`f) ns[kh xbZA laLFkku }kjk foaMksa 7 vkWijsfVax flLVe dk iz. Based on the real-time population of the pest and their interpretation.kqvksa dh lef"V rFkk ty dh xq.NCIPM QyLo:i Qly LokLF. A standalone window-based application (16MB) “Diagnosis & Sampling for Rice Pest Surveillance” has been developed in Dot Net Framework 4.kadu fd.3ih dk.oa dk.g tkudkjh izkIr gqbZ gS fd VªkbdksMekZ fojhMs ¼e`nk .47 lakh ha in soybean.Iyhds'ku@lkW¶Vos. 38.ZØe ¼. ij mfpr mik.½ rFkk yglwu xkaB dk vdZ ¼cht mipkj .e dk.3ih dk.j ¼16 .ksx fd. respectively across Maharashtra during 2013.Xuksfll .u fd. Mk.knk izHkkfor gqb± gSA ysfdu] vkbZih. rks muesa ekbØks .j vkbZih.k esa .uÞ fodflr fd.ksa esa 16443-62 gs-s {ks= esa vjgj] puk] elwj] ewx a rFkk mM+n dh Qlyksa ij laofèkZr nygu mRiknu dk. x.62 ha in farmers’ participatory mode. 41 and 21 occasssions.96 and 12.ZØe viuk. Pest scenario on soybean depicted Spodoptera litura. x.k x. lentil.oa eSØks iks"kd rRo] tSfod dkcZu rRo vfèkd ik. djus gsrq LFkkuh.kA vkbZih.k x. pigeon pea and chickpea crops during 2013-14 was facilitated with ICT-based pest monitoring. 348 talukas and 43000 villages of Maharashtra in 39. rice.fud QQwna uk'kdksa ds iz.kkfy.k x. advisories in local languages were sent to IPM farmers for taking appropriate measures. Maharashtra across 33 districts.23. green gram and urd bean covering six major pulse growing states on 16443.kA Qly dh cqokbZ ls igys laxfz gr fd.ksa ij dhVuk'kdksa dk izHkko ewY. Nuclear IPM villages (173) were developed to validate and demonstrate working and effectiveness of different IPM strategies. uqdlku dks de djus rFkk nygu mRikndrk c<+kus gsrq fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk i)fr esa N% izeq[k nygu mRiknd jkT.e dh fofHkUu izkS|ksfxfd. x.½ dkQh izHkkodkjh ik. tkus okys Qly dh dVkbZ ds ckn tc e`nk izfrn'kZ fy.ksa .a nh xb±A rhu LFkkuksa ¼>kj[kaM] egkjk"Vª rFkk dukZVd½ esa vjgj esa QkbVksIFkksjk vaxekjh ds lesfdr izcèa ku ij fd.ZØe ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa dh rqyuk esa .wfDy. increase in natural enemy count resulting in reduction of pest population besides increase in yield and B:C ratio as compared to farmers’ practice. Ñf"k foHkkx] egkjk"Vª }kjk jkT.oa cht mipkj ds fy.oa if. Hkh FksA o"kZ 2013&14 ds nkSjku jkT.17. chick pea.rk dhA o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku iwjs egkjk"Vª esa vi ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT REPORT2013–2014 2013–2014 greatly affected microbial population in soil and water quality. Accelerated Pulse Production Programme (A3P) was implemented across crops of pigeon pea. Reduction in pest incidence.0 using Windows 7 operating system. x.y Vkbe ikWI.k djus vkSj mudk oSèkhdj. ds fy.ksx djrs gq.k gSA uk'khthoksa }kjk Qly dks igqp a k.ksxksa ls rqyuh. semilooper and girdle beetle crossed ETL 40. On cotton.fud dhVuk'kdksa ds iz. cotton.kZUo. 10. Ñf"k foHkkx dh lgk.A .( izkÑfrd 'k=qvksa dh lef"V esa o`f) gqbZ ftlds dkj.koÙkk dkQh T.ksa dh izHkkodkfjrk ij ijh{k. The post-crop samples showed enhanced levels of micro and macro nutrients.oa izfrp. vè.ksx esa deh vkbZ vkSj mit Hkh vfèkd izkIr dh xbZA uk'khthoksa dh rRdkfyd lef"V ¼fj.wy's ku½ rFkk mlds fo'ys"k.e viukus okys fdlkuksa dks le.Ziz.kstuk ¼ØkWilSi½ pykbZ tk jgh Fkh ftlesa laLFkku us vkbZlhVh vkèkkfjr uk'khtho fuxjkuh ds :i esa viuh lsok.k ds vkèkkj ij vkbZih. Hkk"kkvksa esa lykgdkj lsok. x.3ih½ dk dk.d lesfdr foaMks vkèkkfjr . less number of sprays and higher yields in A3P fields were observed as compared to nonA3P farmers.{ks= esa Qly uk'khtho fuxjkuh .] tks ikjEifjd jklk.68.kchu] dikl] pkoy] vjgj rFkk pus dh Qlyksa esa Øe'k% 39-17] 38-68] 15-23] 10-96 vkSj 12-47 yk[k gs. Maharashtra and Karnataka) indicated the combination of Trichoderma viride (soil and seed treatment) and garlic bulb extract (seed treatment and foliar spray) to be very effective and comparable with the use of conventional chemical fungicides. y ds vkèkkj ij] lks. e-pest surveillance and advisory activities were carried out in 1062 fields of 1372 farmers covering 266 villages in eight states.k FkkA dikl esa uk'khtho laØe. Survey studies indicated occurrence of whitefly at most of the places (5 to 20 nymphs/ adults per leaf). rice.g iqf"V gqbZ fd fdlkuksa dh fofèk ls dh tk jgh [ksrh dh rqyuk esa foVsyk rFkk jassids> leaf reddening > whiteflies >thrips. In cotton. the Alternaria leaf blight recorded highest hot spots.k esa .kchu] dikl] pkoy] vjgj rFkk pus dh Qlyksa ds lac/a k esa .. Earias vittella and Pectinophora gossipiella) were recorded at few locations in non-Bt cotton.g irk pyk fd vfèkdrj LFkkuksa ij lQsn eD[kh ¼5 ls 20 [email protected] in IPM plots from 7.e. Dissemination of pest management advisories through SMS based on ETL for different pests of soybean.Ld izfr iÙkh½ dk vkxeu ns[kk x.q Myd ¼lsehywij½ rFkk es[kyk Hk`x a ¼xzhMy chVy½ us Øe'k% 40] 41 rFkk 21 ekSdksa ij bZVh.kchu esa LiksMksIVsjk fyVwjk uk'khtho ik.Z fd.k tkss uoEcj ls Qjojh ekg rd ekStnw ik. 218 from 12 districts. Jaipur.k esa .g ik.34 in FP.k ds vè.k LDysjksfV. In mustard.k x. mirid bugs and white fly were observed as major pests. Among the five major pigeon pea growing regions of Maharashtra. LDysjksfVfu. the pod damage was of the order Latur>Nagpur> Amravati>Aurangabad>Nasik divisions. respectively. x. Hoppers indicated highest hot spots i. field survey conducted in different villages of Gurgaon.e ls fdlkuksa dks Øe'k% 15170] 24846] 20959] 13364 rFkk 10759 uk'khtho izcèa ku lacèa kh lykgdkj lsok.k x.k.kksa ls .e.a Hksth xb±A ljlksa ds lacèa k esa gfj.k x. respectively. Rewari and Mohindergarh districts of Haryana and Alwar.fud dhVuk'kdksa ds fNM+dkoksa esa dkQh deh ¼4-27 fNM+dko½ vkbZ gS] gkykafd fdlkuksa dh fofèk okys [ksrksa esa fNM+dko dkQh T. 13364 and 10759.lfyVwjk] vèkZd.iqj] nkSlk rFkk Hkjriqj ftyksa ds fofHkUu xkaoksa esa vk. IPM validated in rapeseed-mustard across 40 ha in Mewat and Mohindergarh districts of Haryana and Alwar district of Rajasthan indicated lower mean disease incidence in IPM plots over farmers’ practices. 24846.A 12 ftyksa esa lokZfèkd ¼218½ laons u'khy LFkkuksa ¼gkWV LikWV½ ij ekgw@gksij uk'khtho ik.kk ds esokr vkSj eksfgUnzx<+ ftyksa esa rFkk jktLFkku ds vyoj ftys esa 40 gs-s {ks= esa ljlks& a rksfj.knk ¼7-34½ fd.e ds oSèkhdj.k. 20959. Mirid bug was found to cross economic threshold level (ETL) on two and five occasions at Akola and Perambalur. Among the diseases. Mealy bug and leaf reddening was recorded at some locations.kA dikl ds lacèa k esa vkB jkT. Dausa and Bharatpur districts of Rajasthan revealed Sclerotinia sclerotiorum to be a serious threat to the its cultivation.k x.oa rhozrk Øe'k% 80% rFkk 4-0 xzM s ikbZ xbZA gfj.d xaHkhj [krjk gS] tcfd gkWVLikWV dk izdksi .kA fofHkUu uk'khthoksa ds bZVh. Lepidopteran pests (Spodoptera litura.k x.l. pigeonpea and chickpea were 15170. Pest status across the state on rice followed the order of yellow stem borer>bacterial leaf blight>plant hoppers> gall midge > leaf folder > blast.kA jksxksa es]a vYVjusfj.k x. respectively.kA .k dh rhozrk vkjksgh Øe esa bl izdkj Fkh % tSflM >iÙkh ykyiu >lQsn eD[kh > dk"BdhVA iwjs jkT. 1062 fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa bZ&uk'khtho fuxjkuh . Mewat.oa lykgdkj&lsok lacèa kh dk. and hot spots had disease incidence and severity up to 80% and 4. esa pkoy ij uk'khtho dh fLFkfr vkjksgh Øe esa bl izdkj Fkh % ihyk ruk csèkd > thok..e viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa jklk.kA mÙkj {ks= esa xSj&chVh dikl esa dqN LFkkuksa ij ysfiMksIVsju uk'khtho ¼LiksMksIVsjk fyVwjk] bfj.l ds ekè.k fd vkbZih. x.k esa vkbZih.A vkfFkZd izHkko fo'ys"k. x. tk jgs FksA los{Z k.ksa ds varxZr 266 xkaoksa esa 1372 fdlkuksa dks 'kkfey djrs gq.e fofèk viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa LDysjksfVfu.ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops lks. Helicoverpa armigera on chickpea during rabi attained pest status from November till February.A vdksyk rFkk isjecywj esa Øe'k% nks vkSj ikap ekSdksa ij fejhM cx dks bZVh.y ikj djrs ik. Economic impact analysis indicated significant reduction in the number of chemical pesticide sprays to 4.ksje dk de jksx izdksi ik.ksje .g tkudkjh izkIr gqbZ gS fd ljlksa dh [ksrh ds fy.y dks ikj dj fy.kqt iÙkh vaxekjh > ikni ekgw > xky fet > iÙkh eksMd + > izLQqVuA egkjk"Vª esa vjgj dk mRiknu djus okys ikap ize[q k {ks=ksa esa Qyh uqdlku vkjksgh Øe esa bl izdkj Fkk % ykrqj > ukxiqj > vejkorh > vkSjkaxkckn > ukfld ds [kaMA pus esa jch ds nkSjku gSyhdksoikZ vkfeZtjs k uk'khtho ik. cotton.k LDysjksfl.kk ds xqMx + kao] esokr] fjokM+h rFkk eksfgUnzx<+ ftyksa vkSj jktLFkku ds vyoj] t.uksa ls . Analysis of the dynamics of sap feeders across seasons and locations of the North zone indicated the peak population levels to be the determinant of the izfros 2013&14 okf"kZokf"kZ d dizfros nunu 2013&14 vii .ksftr iz{ks= losZ{k.0 grade.k iÙkh vaxekjh ds lacèa k esa lokZfèkd laons u'khy LFkku ntZ fd. In south zone. lqfoèkk miyCèk gSAa gsfydksoikZ vkfeZtjs k ds lacèa k esa lkIrkfgd MkVk vfHkxzfgr djus ds fy. fgLVksfjdy MkVk lsV ¼2001&08½ dk mi. Reduced incidence of Helicoverpa armigera on pigeonpea with increased infestation of Maruca vitrata at Gulbarga (KA) and of Fusarium wilt at S.ksa ij rFkk ekSle lacaèkh MkVk . ekSle vkèkkfjr fu.wy dks DykbaV lkW¶Vos.k dh rhozrk ikbZ xbZA xqycxkZ ¼dukZVd½ esa vjgj ij gsfydksoikZ vkfeZtjs k dk izdksi de ns[kk x.syk½ fjdkWMZ fd.eMCY.j ls tksM+k x.ksa ij fd.kA yqfèk.l. Pheromone trap catch module for the three crops viz. rhu Qlyksa] vFkkZr vjgj] ewaxQyh rFkk VekVj ds fy. mDr uk'khthoksa ds lacèa k esa vkSlr iwokZueq ku lVhdrk Øe'k% 89] 97 vkSj 93-2% FkhA ukxiqj ds fy. x. Groundnut (5) & Tomato (7)] during kharif 2013 and 17 during rabi carried out the activities of pest and weather data collection vis-á-vis entry and uploads to the database of NCIPM server that supported 24x7 web-enabled reporting system.87** (P<0.NCIPM isDVhuksQksjk xksflfi.kA nf{k. Weather-based prediction rules for jassids (Amrasca devastans).Vscl s kb rFkk csfefl. x.01)] rFkk dk"BdhV [r =-0.u esa jl pwlus okys dhV dh lef"V lhfer ikbZ xbZA dikl esa tSflM ¼vejkLdk fMoklVsl a ½] dk"BdhV ¼fFkzIl Vscl s kb½ rFkk fejhM cx ¼dSEihyksek fyfoMk½ ds fy.eks]a ftudh vU. vyx&vyx ik.kuk esa tSflM rFkk mlds ckn lQsn eD[kh dh lef"V vfèkd Fkh] fglkj esa dk"BdhVksa dh lef"V vfèkd ikbZ xbZA Jhxaxkuxj esa dk"BdhV .k Vscl s kb ds lacèa k esa iwokZueq ku vofèk.k vfèkd ik. pigeonpea.k esa .86** (P<0. fodflr fd.ksa ds fo'ys"k.01)] and thrips [r =-0. dsUnzh.k x. thrips (Thrips tabaci) and mirids (Campylomma livida) in cotton were developed using historical data sets (2001-2008).k tk ldrk gSA vè.dsviii ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT REPORT2013–2014 2013–2014 pest status of any given sap feeder.kA . devastans. respectively. groundnut and tomato to capture week-wise data of Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura was incorporated into client software with simultaneous updating of the web-enabled reporting system.2%.k x. over five years.oa lQsn eD[kh dh lef"V vfèkd ikbZ xbZA mÙkj {ks= ds dikl mRiknu okys LFkkuksa ds fy.e cukus dh vko'. Early blight of tomato dominated at Moinabad (AP) and Bengaluru (KA).k x. tabaci and Bemisia tabaci were deduced as 25-30.k x.e cukus ds fy.k x.87** (P<0.k x.86** (P<0. which were validated with independent data sets (2009 -2013) that yielded mean prediction accuracy of 89.k ftlesa osc&vkèkkfjr fjiksfV±x ds fy.k tcfd ek#dk foVjkVk dk laØe.k] ftUgsa Lora= MkVk lsV ¼2009&13½ ds lkFk oSèkhÑr fd. Pigeonpea (7).k x.01)] and vice versa indicating the need for finetuning of weather-based rules for individual locations.ka 25&30] 27&36 rFkk 27&40 ekSle foKku ekud lIrkg ¼.k] ftlls .kuk ¼iatkc½ esa iwjs ekSle ds nkSjku pkoy ij iÙkh eksMd + ds laØe.drk dk ladrs feyrk gSA mÙkj Hkkjr ds dikl mRiknd {ks=ksa esa pwld dhVksa dk ifjn`'.K. . Jassids followed by white flies at Ludhiana. mldh lokZfèkd lef"V Kkr gksuk t:jh gS] rHkh mldh fLFkfr dk lgh vkdyu fd. 27-36 and 27-40 standard meteorological weeks (SMWs) for North zone cotton growing locations.k] ftlesa 24 × 7 osc&vkèkkfjr fjiksfV±x ds fy.A mÙkj {ks= ds lHkh LFkkuksa esa rFkk iwjs ekSle ds nkSjku jl pwlus okys dhV dh lfØ.y Vkbe iSLV MkbukfeDl ¼vkjVhihMh½ dsUnzksa [pkoy ¼7½( vjgj ¼7½( ewaxQyh ¼5½ rFkk VekVj ¼7½] ij rFkk jch ds nkSjku 17 dsUnzksa ij uk'khtho dh xfrfofèk. T.dy LFkkuksa ds fy. Severity of infestation of leaf folder on rice was noted throughout the season at Ludhiana (PB)... lqfoèkk miyCèk gSaA yqfq èk.g mYys[k fd.k x.k gS fd fdlh Hkh jl pwlus okys dhV dh fLFkfr dks tkuus ds fy.k vkSj mls jklukizds ds loZj ds MkVkcsl esa viyksM fd.d= fd. Qsjkseksu VªSi dSp ekWM~. 97 and 93.k x. increasing thrips at Hisar. higher thrips and whiteflies at Sriganganagar and importance of jassids as pest provided the scenario of sap feeders in the Northern cotton growing zone. Outbreak of red hairy caterpillar for the second successive kharif season was observed on groundnut at Vridhachalam (TN).A dqN LFkkuksa ij feyh cx rFkk iÙkh ykyiu Hkh ns[kk x.01)] nksuksa dh lef"V. Nagar (GJ) was also observed. x. The prediction periods in respect of A.rkvksa o xfrfd.l.fMoklVsl a ] Vh.k {ks= es]a fejhM cx rFkk lQsn eD[kh ize[q k uk'khtho ds :i esa ik. {ks= LFkkuksa ij tkap dh xbZ ftlds vk/kkj ij tSflM [r =-0.ksx fd. ekSle vkèkkfjr iwokZueq ku fu. Weather-based prediction rules developed for Nagpur and tested across other Central zone locations indicated significantly greater prediction accuracies at lower populations of both jassids [r =-0.w½ ds :i esa fuèkkZfjr dh xb±A [kjhQ 2013 ds nkSjku 25 fj.k iwokZue q ku dkQh lgh o LVhd ik. Twenty-five real time pest dynamics (RTPD) centers [Rice (7).k Fkk vkSj ftldh ikap o"kks± ds fy. leaf curl virus at Rahuri (MH) and bacterial leaf .. ekSle vkèkkfjr iwokZueq ku fu. A ijh{k.iqj ¼NÙkhlx<+½ rFkk ekaM.e fodflr fd. vkSj mudk oSèkhdj.k fd. tkus ds dkj.fyVwjk dh vfèkdre lef"V ds iwokZueq ku ds fy. vkuqHkfod . leku fofèk viukbZ xbZ vkSj leku ifj.k x.k x.kke spot at Moinabad (AP) and Rahuri (MH) during kharif.kt] VekVj rFkk f'keyk fepZ ij vkbZih./trap/ week) during maximum severity period (34 SMW).e dh rqyuk esa vkbZih. Raipur (CG) and for Mandya (KA) and of leaf folder at Aduthurai for kharif and rabi were developed and validated. ijh{k.k ds ifj.k fd. Karjat (MH).kA [kjhQ ds nkSjku eksbuZ kckn ¼vkaèkz izn's k½ rFkk csx a yq# ¼dukZVd½ esa VekVj ij vxsrh vaxekjh] jkgwjh ¼egkjk"Vª½ esa iÙkh dap q u laØe. empirical and artificial neural network models predicting maximum population of S.e fodflr fd.2% of powdery mildew in capsicum as compared to non-IPM. demonstrated and disseminated in seven villages in Karnal and Sonepat Districts. Uttarakhand revealed considerable reduction in sucking pests ranging from 17.ksx djus ls izkÑfrd 'k=qvksa dh lef"V esa Hkh o`f) ns[kh xbZA blds ifj.w½ ds nkSjku vkWfMZuy ykWftfLVd ekWMy( vnqFkqjbZ ¼rfeyukMq½] fpulqjk ¼if'pe caxky½] djtr ¼egkjk"Vª½] jk.kA pkoy ds pkj uk'khthoksa ¼ihyk ruk csèkd] xky fet] dsl okWeZ rFkk gjk iÙkk ekgq½ ds iwokZueq ku ds fy.e ds oSèkhdj.kA vkbZih.kA yxkrkj fofHkUu fdLeksa dh lfCt.kkeLo:i] fdlkuksa esa vkbZih.k fd. litura (nos.k x. ekSle vkèkkfjr ekWMy rFkk ewx a Qyh esa lkIrkfgd .5% of aphids and 63. Chinsura (WB). Leaf miner was common on tomato across all locations viz. gall midge.k ¼dukZVd½ esa ykbV VªSi eksFk idM+ ds vkèkkj ij ihyk ruk csèkd ds iwokZueq ku ds fy. Trials on IPM validation for greenhouse capsicum.kZoj.3 to 26. tomato and bell pepper covering more than 72 ha. litura were validated.kk ds djuky rFkk lksuhir ftyksa ds lkr xkaoksa esa 72 gs-s esa I.eMCY.oa Ñf=e U. vfèkdre rhozrk vofèk ¼34 . increase in yields.m in cucumber.g ik. New Delhi and KVK.l.e eqj>ku ikbZ xbZA o`)kpye ¼rfeyukMq½ esa yxkrkj nwljs [kjhQ ekSle esa yky ckyksa okys dSVjfiyj ¼bYyh½ dk izdksi ns[kk x.oa ikf{kd varjkyksa ij .e izk| S ksfxdh ds oSèkhdj. Decision tree based classification rules for yellow stem borer (YSB) vis-á-vis weather variables. use of eco-safe pesticides and increase in population of natural enemies apart from increase in awareness and knowledge about IPM and bio pesticides among the farmers.k x. ordinal logistic model predicting S. vkuqHkfod ekWMy rFkk vnqFkqjbZ esa iÙkh eksMd + ds fy.kA [kjhQ rFkk jch] nksuksa ekSleksa esa lHkh LFkkuksa ij vFkkZr jkgwjh ¼egkjk"Vª½ > csx a yq# ¼dukZVd½ > eksbZukckn ¼vkaèkz izn's k½ esa VekVj esa iÙkh eksMd + jksx lkekU.lch½ ds lkFk&lkFk ekSle pjks]a g~. ihyk ruk csèkd ¼okbZ.kZy QQwna rFkk ekstd +s ok.k x. Haryana in onion.k fd xSj&vkbZih.e esa pwld uk'khthoks]a vFkkZr ekgw vkSj pwf. Champawat.k rFkk eksbuZ kckn vkSj jkgwjh esa thok.k. case worm and green leaf hopper).2 to 3.e izkS|ksfxdh dk oSèkhdj. litura on groundnut at weekly and fortnightly intervals. x. ekgw] pwf. Rahuri (MH)> Bengaluru (KA) >Moinabad (AP) during kharif as well as rabi seasons.kZy QQwna esa Hkkjh fxjkoV ¼Øe'k% 17-8 ls 3-5% vkSj 63-3 ls 26-2% dh jst a es½a ns[kh xbZA VekVj vkSj [khjs ds fy.fq jfLVd ekSle vkèkkfjr fMlht+u Vªh csLM DyklhfQds'ku fu. powdery mildew and mosaic virus complex was also achieved in tomato and cucumber.k rFkk izlkj fd.k ds fy.9 to 2.k esa dhVuk'kdksa ds fNM+dkoksa dh la[.ksx fd.k] ijh{k. Lohaghat. ik.2 to 15.ksa dh [ksrh djus rFkk jklk. cucumber and tomato conducted at Pusa campus. Due to increased use of chemical pesticides resulting from continuous cultivation of different vegetables.lfyVwjk ¼la[. empirical models for forewarning yellow stem borer based on light trap moth catches for Aduthurai (TN).qjy usVodZ ekWMyksa dk oSèkhdj.1 t in capsicum and 12. 2.l. IPM technology was validated.qlfs j.k vuqdy w dhVuk'kdksa dk iz. fMlht+u Vªh csLM DyklhfQds'ku fu. heuristic weather-based rule for Spodoptera litura at Kadiri. there was increase in yield from 1.jl dkWEiysDl ds izcèa ku ds fy.e rFkk tSfod dhVuk'kdksa ds ckjs esa tkx:drk Hkh dkQh c<+hA iwlk ifjlj] ubZ fnYyh rFkk Ñf"k foKku dsUnz] yksgk?kkV] pEikor] mÙkjk[kaM esa gfjrx`g f'keyk fepZ] [khjk rFkk VekVj ij vkbZih.0 t in tomato in IPM as compared to non-IPM.k@ Qank@lIrkg½ ds iwokZueq ku ds fy. Besides. izfros 2013&14 okf"kZokf"kZ d dizfros nunu 2013&14 ix .kqt iÙkh èkCck jksx ik.k gfj.k esa deh] mit esa o`f) dh iqf"V gqbZ vkSj i.kA [kjhQ rFkk jch ekSleksa ds nkSjku dkfnjh esa LiksMksIVsjk fyVwjk ds fy. Validation of IPM technology resulted in reduction in number of sprays.kkeksa esa f'keyk fepZ ds lac/a k esa .A blh izdkj] . x.fud dhVuk'kdksa dk vfèkd iz. and S.ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops uxj ¼xqtjkr½ esa ¶.8 to 3.8 t/1000 sq. x. Weather-based models for prediction of four rice pests (yellow stem borer. Similar levels of management of aphids.k x. x.k ¼8 gs-½ ds xqtjkr esa vke ds jksi. advisories were issued through SMS for timely action on part of farmers. Information technology based pest surveillance system was implemented in nine districts of Maharashtra for mango.ks]a m|ku LoPNrk rFkk de tksf[ke okys jklk.NCIPM izkIr fd. ij mfpr mik.k x. egkjk"Vª ds ukS ftyksa esa 184]643 gs. tSfod dhVuk'kdks]a .k gSA laLFkku us [kjhQ 2013 ds nkSjku jk"Vªh.qDZ r u.e ekWM.P) crops. U. mechanical methods. Indonesia and Vietnam.ruke esa vkosnu fd.fud dhVuk'kdksa dk foosdiw.k ykxr esa deh ykus] uk'khtho izdksi dks de djus rFkk mPp vkfFkZd ykHk izkIr djus esa lgk. U. ~ y w dk dk. Pusa Basmati 1121 of paddy. uqdlku ds Lrj ds vkèkkj ij fdlkuksa dks le. Distt.{ks= esa lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh vkèkkfjr uk'khtho fuxjkuh iz.e ls lykgdkj&lsok. The newly invented insect light trap was validated in cv.kaf=d fofèk.kkyh dk dk.P. lower pest incidence that also resulted in higher economic returns.kZUo.k gS vkSj blds varjjk"Vªh. The International Patent application for the invention.l ds ekè. x. orchard sanitation. tomato.drkuqlkj iz.kZUo. judicious and need-based application of chemical pesticides with reduced risk was implemented on mango plantation in Southern Gujarat (8 ha) that helped in reduction in cost of plant protection.k x. laLFkku us rhu ns'kks]a vFkkZr vkLVªfs y. “Light trap for managing insects” has been filed in three countries viz.{ks=] f'keyk fepZ dh mit esa 2-2 ls 3-1 Vu rFkk VekVj dh mit esa 12-2 ls 15-0 Vu dh o`f) ns[kh xbZA nf{k.s vkfo"dkfjr uk'khdhV jks'kuh vkd"kZ.) and Sugarcane (village Mundvar. djus ds fy. .kA uk'khthoksa }kjk igap q k.k Qank dk oSèkhdj.k x. cabbage crops in NCR Delhi during kharif season of 2013 in farmers’ participatory mode. Based on the extent of damage due to pests.k fd.kZ .e dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.l.k] baMksufs 'k.e okys [ksrksa esa [khjs dh mit esa 1-9 ls 2-8 fDoa. jktèkkuh {ks= fnYyh esa fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk i)fr esa iwlk cklerh 1121 fdLea] VekVj rFkk dan o xksHkh dh Qlyksa esa mi. The technology has also been demonstrated on Chickpea (near Kanpur.k fd.u fd.oa vko'.. .ksx ds vkèkkj ij LFkku&fof'k"V vkbZih.rk feyhA vke] vukj rFkk dsys ds fy. Australia. Muzaffarnagar.u fd.a nh xb±A laLFkku us ÞykbV VªSi QkWj esufs tax bUlSDV~lÞ izkS|ksfxdh dk vkfo"dkj fd.e.k] ftlls ikni laj{k.A blds vfrfjDr] xSj vkbZih.k vkSj fo.izfr 1000 oxZ eh. isVVas ds fy. pomegranate and banana covering 184643 ha.k gSA x ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT REPORT2013–2014 2013–2014 Site-specific IPM module comprising application of bio-pesticides.k gSA puk ¼dkuiqj] mÙkj izn's k ds utnhd½ vkSj xUus ¼eqM a koj] ftyk eqTtQjuxj] mÙkj izn's k½ dh Qlyksa ij bl izkS|ksfxdh dk ijh{k. ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops izfros 2013&14 okf"kZokf"kZ d dizfros nunu 2013&14 xi . NCIPM xii ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 . kstuk.kZ. Trainings and Awards 18 108 dkfeZd Personnel 19 111 ctV Budget 20 54 114 y?kq:i Abbreviations 115 okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 xiii .k Socio-Economic Issues and Impact Analysis 11 72 vU.oa fu.k Human Resource Development and Transfer of IPM Technologies 13 lqfoèkk.a Research Projects 16 93 izdk'ku Publications 17 101 lsfeukj] laxks”Bh] izf'k{k.k Biocontrol 9 48 lwpuk izk| +s kSfxdh] uk'khtho iwokZuqeku .kkyh Information Technology.ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops fo"k.ka Other Research Activities 12 76 ekuo lalkèku fodkl . Introduction 2 1 laxBukRed xBu Organogram 3 3 Pkkoy Rice 4 5 dikl Cotton 5 13 nygu Pulses 6 19 frygu Oilseeds 7 29 ckxokuh Qlysa Horticultural Crops 8 34 tSfod fu.oa vkbZih.d iz.k .&lwph Contents izkDdFku Preface iii fof'k"V lkjka'k Executive Summary 1 v ifjp.a vkSj ?kVukØe 14 jktHkk"kk 79 Facilities and Events 84 Rajbhasha 15 90 vuqlèa kkfud ifj.a=. Pest Forecasting and Decision Support System 10 lkekftd&vkfFkZd fo"k. vkSj izHkko fo'ys"k.oa iqjLdkj Seminars.e izkS|ksfxfd.ksa dk gLrkukarj. vuqlèa kkfud xfrfofèk. lgk. Conferences. NCIPM xiv ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 . Zfofèk.kA bu iSdt s ksa dh lgk.g dsUnz vusd Ñf"k . West Bengal. Ñf"k .q {ks=ksa esa fofoèk Qlyhdj. es]a vkbZih.ksa dks fodflr djus dk ize[q k mís'. mi.oa dk.e½ dk vge LFkku gS tks . Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky.ksa vkSj fofHkUu jkT.ksa rFkk jkT. IPM and National Information System for Pest Management (NISPM) programmes in cotton resulted in significant reduction in chemical pesticide application and increase in the use of bio- okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 1 .uvkbZ.e iSdt s s viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [skrksa esa dsoy 3 jklk. Odisha and Karnataka.e iSdt s ksa dks fodflr fd. Introduction Qlyksa esa uk'khtho lef"V dks vkfFkZd gkfu Lrj ¼bZVh.vkbZlhvkjih½] jkT.rk fnyokus rFkk muds izpkj&izlkj ds fy.oa lhekar fdlkuksa dh vkfFkZd fLFkfr dks è.e dh n`f"V ls tkx:drk ykus ds fy.ksa ds fodflr djuk gS rkfd jklk. de ykxr okys Ñf"k izk| S ksfxfd. tkrs gSAa dikl esa vkbZih.oa izHkkoh dk.ksx fd.oa ckxokuh Qlyksa ds fy. rFkk tehuh Lrj ij vkbZih. Ñf"k vuqlèa kku ifj"kn~ ds laLFkkuks]a vf[ky Hkkjrh. ns'k ds fofHkUu Ñf"k tyok.ZØeksa ds Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a scientific approach to harmonise economically and ecologically viable strategies to reduce the pest population on crop below economic threshold level (ETL).e rFkk jk"Vªh. lefUor vuqlèa kku ifj. there is need to identify strategies and mechanism for strengthening the actual transfer of IPM technologies.Zuhfr.qDr j.kkfy.e izkS|ksfxfd.fud dhVuk'kdksa ds iz. The National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM) has been working as an interface between ICAR institutes.Ur vko'. State Agriculture Universities and field functionaries of State Agricultural and Horticultural Departments and is providing directions to develop.k gSA cklerh rFkk xSj&cklerh pkoy ds fy.k vkSj mudk izlkj fd.e dk. uk'khthoksa ds izkÑfrd 'k=qvksa dh o`f) djuk rFkk mlds lkFk&lkFk NksVs .fud fNM+dko fd. viukbZ tkus okyh mi.d foKku vkèkkfjr fofèk gS vkSj vkfFkZd :i ls de [kphZyh gS rFkk i. validate and disseminate successful harmonised IPM interventions for number of agricultural and horticultural crops. tkus okys 12 jklk.drk gSA jk"Vªh.fud dhVuk'kdksa ds fNM+dkoksa dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.ka . AICRPs.ksa esa lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku ¼vkbZih.y½ ls de djus ds fy.Zuhfr.rk ls fdlkuksa dh fofèk esa iz.kid Kku vk/kkfjr vkbZih.oa ckxokuh foHkkxksa ds ijLij .ksx dh fuHkZjrk dks de fd.ka cukus] mudks ekU.d vareq[Z k ds :i esa dk. The main motive of developing farmer-based knowledge-intensive IPM strategies is to enhance the natural enemies of pests with use of low-cost input technologies and reduce dependence on chemical pesticide keeping the small/ marginal farmers in view. Assam.k iz. These packages were able to reduce the chemical pesticide sprays from 12 to 3 in IPM plots compared to farmers’ practices. fpfUgr fd.ka cukus dh vR.kZoj. ekxZn'kZu nsus esa vge Hkwfedk fuHkk jgk gS] ftuesa lqèkkj ykus ds fy.e½ dk.kkyh ¼.ks]a vFkkZr mÙkj izn's k] if'pe caxky] vle] vksfM'kk rFkk dukZVd ds fy.Zjr gS vkSj . which have been targeted for improved competence and awareness building in IPM at grassroots.k ds vuqdy w Hkh gSA jklukizds dk fdlku vkèkkfjr rFkk O.k x.Zuhfr.kuhfr.k x.ifjp.k x. Uttar Pradesh.lih. dissemination of location-specific IPM packages were undertaken in different agro-climatic zones of India covering varied cropping systems and states viz.kstukvksa ¼.k tk ldsA orZeku le. development. In basmati and non-basmati rice.ku esa j[krs gq.ksxh . lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku dsUnz ¼jklukizd½s Hkkjrh. mfpr dk. uk'khtho izcèa ku lwpuk iz.ksa dks fdlkuksa dks miyCèk djkus ds fy. In the present era. LFkku fof'k"V vkbZih. q ifjfLFkfr. Let her emerge from groves and forests.kZUo.e ds ?kVdksa ij xgu .oa lqlx a r ijh{k. csgrj lsok miyCèk djkus dh fn'kk esa jklukizds lg. lefUor vuqlèa kku ifj.e½ izkS|ksfxfd.kkyh ds {ks=&okj dojst ds fy.ksa dk lgh le. iwokZueq ku iz. egRoiw.ksx] leUo.k djuk vFkok mUgsa ekU. gSAa vkbZih.kstukvks]a Ñf"k foKku dsUnzkas rFkk jkT. well directed research trials to prioritise components in IPM packages has been initiated by the Centre. out of the huts of the fisherman.e dk.oa lajf{kr [ksrh ds vUrxZr mxk.oLFkk dk izko/kku fd.a dh Ñf"k fofèk dh rqyuk esa vfèkd vkfFkZd ykHk izkIr fd.kZoj.Zuhfr.kZUo.ksa ds izeq[k fcanqvksa ij izdk'k Mkyk gSAa laLFkku us vuql/a kku ds {ks= esa vusd dk. and fruits particularly mango.ksx esa dh xbZ vuqlèa kkfud xfrfofèk.NCIPM dk.k ds vuqdy w Qly dk laj{k.e iz.kZUo. bZ&uk'khtho fuxjkuh dk dk..kkyh fodflr djuk rFkk vkbZih. development of forecast system for key pests. To enable cater to need of constant refinement of technologies. viuh orZeku dk.e iz.u rFkk fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk i)fr ds ekè.k djuk( vkbZih. ~ y w ksa ds fy.kksa ds fy. IPM practices also showed good promise in pulse production apart from being effective in reducing pest load on groundnut. The present annual report is an amalgamation of highlights of research activities carried out by the NCIPM in collaboration with crop research institutes of ICAR and the State Agricultural Universities. vegetables like tomato.u djuk( ize[q k uk'khthoksa ds fy.kkyh ds dk. de ykxr okys lesfdr Qly izcèa ku ¼vkbZlh.fud dhVuk'kdksa ds iz.ksx esa o`f) gqbZ gSA nygu mRiknu esa Hkh vkbZih.s x. analysis of pest scenario in the changing climatic conditions.kt] Qwy xksHkh] can xksHkh] [khjk rFkk Qy] fo'ks"k :i ls vke] vukj] vkSj dsyksa . AICRPs. cabbage.k fd.k gSAa jklukizds us orZeku okf"kZd izfronsu esa HkkÑvuqi ds Qly vuqlèa kku laLFkkuks]a jkT. ij dk. chilli." – Swami Vivekananda 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 .ks]a vf[ky Hkkjrh.rk fnyokuk vkSj mudk izkUs u. onion.k djus ds fy. The efforts include facilitating the proper identification.ksa esa uk'khthoksa ds ifjn`'..Z fd.kstuk dks lrr :i ls tkjh j[ksxk rkfd fdlkuksa dh csgrj vkthfodk lqfuf'pr dh tk ldsA control agents and botanicals.kZUo. pomegranate and banana as also in cucumber. grasping the plough.e izkS|ksfxfd. Timely IPM interventions proved that farmers received higher economic returns in comparison to their own practice.. The work plan of NCIPM would continue to strengthen the research on Integrated Crop Management through collaboration and coordination with farmers’ participatory approach for better quality of service to the Nation in eco-friendly crop protection that ensures better livelihood security. dk fo'ys"k.k dh O.e iSdt s dkQh izHkkoh ik.e iSdt s ksa dk izHkko fo'ys"k.e ls lesfdr Qly izcèa ku ij vkSj vf/kd vuql/a kku djus ds fy.u ls jklk.. KVKs and state agricultural and horticultural departments. Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky. laLFkku us vkbZih. Ñf"k .kZ Qlyksa esa vkbZih. from hills and mountains.ka] tSls VekVj] cSxu] f'keyk fepZ] fepZ] I. brinjal. and impact analysis of IPM technologies. cauliflower.k gSA vkbZih. gS]a tSls vuqlèa kkfud ijh{k.k djukA ns'k esa i.u ds csgrj ifj. gSAa blds vfrfjDr ewx a Qyh] ljlks]a lfCt.ksa dk vkSj izHkkodkjh cukus ds fy.ksa dh igpku djuk] mudk oSèkhdj. validation and promotion of low-cost Integrated Crop Management (ICM) technologies for doable IPM modules in important crops.e ekWM. mustard. x. tkus ls fdlkuksa us Lo.u djuk( cnyrs tyok.s [khjk rFkk VekVj dh Qlyksa ij uk'khtho ds izHkko dks de djus esa Hkh vkbZih. bell pepper. implementation of e-pest surveillance for an area-wide coverage of IPM practices.kke ns[ks x.oa ckxokuh foHkkxksa ds lg. "Let New India arise--out of the peasants' cottage.ksx esa Hkkjh deh vkbZ gS vkSj nwljh vksj tSo dhVuk'kdksa ds iz. tomato under protected cultivation.u o vuqdj.Z .. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 3 . NCIPM 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 . izfr gs-½ rFkk ftUd lYQsV 25 fdxzk.fud dhVuk'kdksa dk 2&4 ckj iz. fixing of straw bundles (20/ha) for augmentation and conservation of spiders.ksx rFkk dhVuk'kd Mhyjksa dh lykg ij jklk.dM+ {ks= esa iwlk cklerh 1121 fdLe pkoy esa yxkrj pkSFks o"kZ vkbZih. Hkwlh ds caMyksa dk yxkuk ¼20 izfr gs-½] .k fd.ksa esa <sp a k . /kg).izfr gs. 'kkfey dh xbZ dk.e ekWM~. planting of 2-3-seedlings/ hill.drk vuqlkj iz. installation of pheromone traps (5/ha) for YSB monitoring.QkLQksjl] 0 fd-xzk. seedling root dipping in Pseudomonas fluorescens (3.ksa esa 7&8 ikSèk@izfr Vhyksa dk jksi. Observations on pest incidence were recorded from 40 IPM fields and 20 FP fields by selecting 20 hills from five spots @ four hills/spot in each field.Fkkvko'.000/ha and needbased application of chemical pesticides (one spray of buprofezin in selected fields based on ETL-counts of BPH).k .e esa ijh{k. 5 ml/l of water.wMkseksukl ¶yksjksll as ¼3-0 × 1010 lh.wyksa dk la'ys"k.i.k] moZjdksa ¼220 fd-xzk.pkoy Rice fofHkUu pkoy Ñf"k ikfjra=kksa esa LFkku fof'k"V Synthesis and validation of location-specific IPM vkbZih.k ds fy.-vkbZ.k esa 500 . Pusa Basmati 1121 at Bambawad (District Gautam Budh Nagar. Qsjkseksu VªSi ¼5 izfr gs-½ dk laLFkkiu] edM+h dh o`f) vkSj laj{k.oa oSèkhdj.Zuhfr.lch½] iÙkh eksMd + ] Hkwjk ikni ekgw ¼chih. Soil analysis was carried out for microbial and nutrients from IPM okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 5 . no seed treatment. planting of 7-8 seedlings /hill.izfr yhVj ikuh] jklukizds fdLe½ esa ikS/k dh tM+ dks Mqcksdj j[kuk] 2&3 ikS/k izfr Vhyk dk jksi.fud dhVuk'kdksa dk .k x.Z 'kkfey Fks ¼chih.e ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa us ftad lYQsV dk Hkh iz.Q.Qih½ esa gjh [kkn rFkk cht mipkj 'kkfey ugha Fks] ijUrq mudh Ñf"k fofèk.k ewx a dh gjh [kkn] dkcsuZ Msfte 1 xzk.ds lkFk cht mipkj L.ukbZVªkt s u] 40 fd-xzk.p dh vkfFkZd gkfuLrj ds vkèkkj ij izHkkfor [ksrksa esa cqikz Q s hftu dk .k modules in different rice agro-ecosystems cEckoM (mÙkj izn's k) cEckoM ¼ftyk xkSre cq) uxj½ rFkk mlds vkl&ikl ds xkaoksa esa fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk izfØ.ksx 'kkfey FksA vkbZih..P.p½] cdkus rFkk izLQqVu 'kkfey FksA vkbZih.ksx fd. higher doses of fertilizer (220 N: 40 P: 0 K kg / ha).k djus ds fy.k Fkk] ij mldh ek=k de FkhA Bambawad (Uttar Pradesh) A validation trial on IPM technology in rice was carried out for the 4th consecutive year in 500 acres with cv.ksx tSls dk. and 2-4 applications of chemical pesticides on the advice of pesticide dealers.e izkS|ksfxfd.k esa ize[q k uk'khthoksa esa ihyk ruk csèkd ¼okbZ. Bakanae and blast were the major pests. NCIPM strain). brown plant hopper (BPH).izfr fdxzk. seed treatment with carbendazim (1 g a.ksa ¼. Major IPM interventions included: green manuring with Sesbania (Dhaincha) or green gram.kZ mi.d ckj 100]000 izfr gsdh nj ls Vªkbdksxkz ek tSiksfude dk NksMu+ k rFkk jklk. one release of Trichogramma japonicum @ 100. judicious application of fertilizer (60 N:50 P:40 K kg / ha) and ZnSO4 @ 25 kg/ha. leaf folder.) and adjoining villages in farmers’ participatory mode.ksx] okbZ. U.lch fuxjkuh ds fy.d oSèkhdj. Non-IPM farmers had also applied zinc sulphate but at lower dosages.0 X 1010 cfu. The farmers’ practices (FP) involved no green manuring.kA pkoy ds ijh{k.ksa ij .iksVk'k izfr gs-½ dk vfèkd iz.w( 5 fe-yh.d fNM+dko½A fdlkuksa dh Ñf"k fofèk.k] moZjdksa ¼ukbZVªkt s u 60 fdxzk-] QkLQksjl 50 fdxzk-] iksVk'k 40 fdxzk. Yellow stem borer (YSB).k ijh{k.dh nj ls foosdiw. and Trichoderma counts in September was higher in IPM as against FP. however. P and K was lower in IPM as compared to FP as higher level of these nutrients was applied by the farmers in FP. the level of N. Microbial population Count of P./hill) edM+h ¼la[. Analysis of soil samples collected during mid-crop season (September) indicated higher levels of organic carbon and zinc in IPM as compared to FP.k ¼rkfydk 1½A edM+h dh la[.Qih viukus okys [ksrksa ls uk'khtho ds izdksi ij iz{s k.e@IPM .u fd.Qih [ksrksa ls izkIr e`nk esa thok. Spider population was found to be higher in IPM (1.k esa . Samples of grains at harvest were also analyzed for estimating pesticide residues.oa iks"kd rRoksa ds fy. UP during 2013 Ukk'khtho/Pest vkSlr@Mean ihyk ruk csèkd ¼% xzflr ikS/ks½ @ Yellow stem borer (% infested tillers) iRrh eksMd ¼% xzflr ikS/ks½ @ Leaf folder (% infested leaves) Hkwjk ikni ekgw ¼l[.75 0. e`nk fo'ys"k.k x.k fd.k fd fdlkuksa dh fofèk. fluorescens was initially higher in IPM as compared to FP.05/hill).ksa dh rqyuk es]a vkbZih.oa fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼.e esa tSfod dkcZu] miyCèk ukbVªkt s u (N). x. Pest incidence /Natural enemies Lower incidence of yellow stem borer. Among diseases.kqt lef"V izkjaHk esa fdlkuksa dh fofèk dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.k x.k x. izR. .k ls igys . vuktksa ds izfrn'kksaZ ¼uewuks½a dk Hkh fo'ys"k.k@Vhyk½ @ Spider ( [ksr esa 20 Vhyksa dks pkj Vhyk izfr LFkku ds fglkc ls ik¡p LFkkuks ls p.09 3. No definite trend could be observed in the population of microbials in IPM and FP fields. ‘Bakanae’ remained the major one in FP fields with mean incidence of 17.kA vkbZih. ftlds fy.ksa dh rqyuk esa vkbZih. fungi. available nitrogen.ksa esa bu iks"kdksa dk vfèkd ek=k esa mi.kA e`nk fo'ys"k. x.26 5. leaf folder and brown plant hoper were observed in IPM compared to and FP fields (Table 1). during the mid-crop season the trend was changed.k izfrjksi. potash and zinc in IPM as compared to FP.Qih [ksrksa dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.12 0.e esa tSfod dkcZu rFkk ftad dh ek=k vfèkd FkhA rFkkfi] fdlkuksa dh fofèk.Qih and FP fields.kA uk'khtho dk izdksi@izkÑfrd 'k=qk ijh{k.Qih@FP 0.e esa ukbVªkt s u] QklQksjl rFkk iksVkl dh ek=k de ikbZ xbZ D./hill) cdkus (% xzflr ikS/ks½ @ Bakanae (% incidence) ¼1-05 izfr Vhyk½ dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.k iks"k.A dhVuk'kdksa ds vof'k"Vksa dk vkdyu djus ds fy. Total bacteria.NCIPM 40 vkbZih. phosphorous.e viukus okys rFkk 20 .kqvksa . rkfydk 1% cEckoM] mÙkj izns’k esa o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku vkbZih.k x.e esa 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 vkbZih.k x.A Table 1: Scenario of pests and beneficials in IPM and FP fields of Basmati rice at Bambawad.e [ksrksa esa bls ugha ik. x.e ¼1-36 izfr Vhyk½ esa vfèkd ikbZ xbZA jksxksa ds lacèa k es]a 17-7% ds vkSlr izdksi ds lkFk fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa ^cdkus* ize[q k jksx ik. iksVk'k (K) rFkk ftad (Zn) dh ek=k vfèkd FkhA Qly ekSle ds eè.k ds ifj.k lacaèkh fo'ys"k.kkeksa esa .g ik.d= fd.k fd.k x. e`nk izfrn'kks± ¼uewuks½a ds fo'ys"k.k] tcfd vkbZih.g irk pyk fd fdlkuksa dh fofèk.k .e . QkLQksjl (P).ksfa d fdlkuksa us viuh fofèk.36/hill) as against FP (1.36 0 0.e rFkk .k@Vhyk½ @ BPH (Nos.oa izkÑfrd 'k=qvksa dk ifjn`'. esa ¼flrEcj½ laxfz gr e`nk izfrn'kks± ds fo'ys"k.Qih½ okys pkoy ds [ksrksa esa uk'khtho dk izdksi .ksa dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.e esa ruk Hksnd] iÙkh eksMd + rFkk Hkwjk ikni ekgw ¼czkmu IykaV gksij½ dk izdksi de ik.56 1. However.7% while it was not observed in IPM fields.k ls .ksx fd.21 1. dVkbZ ds le.07 Soil analysis Nutritional analysis Analysis of soil samples collected before transplanting indicated higher level of organic carbon.05 17.k fd.k FkkA thok. 400 BC rkfydk 2% cEckoM] mÙkj izns'k esa o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku vkbZih. Out of five-grain samples collected.051 and 0.kA fdlkuksa dh fofèk ds lacèa k es]a 24-6% fdlkuksa us cqikz Q s hftu dk mi.69 131594 105222 'kq) ykHk (`/gs-)@Net returns (`/ha.k FkkA blds foijhr] fdlkuksa dh fofèk esa fdlkuksa us 2&4 jklk. 24.wMkseksukl Qyksjksll as dh lef"V vfèkd Fkh( rFkkfi Qly ekSle ds eè.064 μg/kg).karj ds nkSjku fLFkfr cny xbZA flrEcj ekg es]a fdlkuksa dh fofèk dh rqyuk esa vkbZih. buprofezin was detected in three IPM samples (0.per q okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 7 .030.) 34. In case of FP.Qih½ IPM FP 0-1 spray 2-4 sprays dqy ykxr (`/gs-)@Total cost (`/ha.ksu½ dk iz. yield and economics in IPM and farmers’ practices (FP) in rice fields at Bambawad.e rFkk fdlkuksa dh fofèk okys [ksrksa esa thok.) 106114 76482 ykxr%ykHk vuqikr@Benefit:Cost ratio 5.kA lkekftd&vkfFkZd fo'ys"k.k FkkA fdlkuksa dh fofèk dh rqyuk es]a vkbZih.04 μg/kg).k Fkk D.p ¼izfr Vhyk 8 O.ksa okys pkoy ds [ksrksa esa dhVuk'kdksa dk iz.16 3.kqvksa dh lef"V esa dksbZ fuf'pr izof` Ùk ugha ns[kh xbZA dhVuk'kd vof'k"Vksa dk fo'ys"k. Analysis of rice grain samples at harvest indicated carbendazim below detectable level (<0. Socio-economic analysis In IPM only one chemical pesticide spray of buprofezin was given by 32.ksx] mit rFkk vkfFkZd vkadM+ksa dk fo'ys"k.ksfa d muds [ksrksa esa chih.02 μg/ kg).e esa 32-8% fdlkuksa us cqikz Q s hftu jklk.Rate of paddy ` 3800/.6% farmers had applied buprofezin whereas phorate and cartap hydrochloride was applied by most of the farmers. c. `3800@& izfr fDoa.k Table 2: Pesticide application.e esa dkcZuMsfte ls cht mipkj . UP during 2013 pj Variables vkbZih. In all the FP samples.k] dod ¼QQwna ½ rFkk VªkbdksMekZ vfèkd FksA vkbZih.k esa dkcsuZ Msfte fMVsDVscy Lrj ¼0-03 fdxzk.) 25480 28740 vkSlr mit ¼fDo-@izfr gs-½@Mean yield (q/ha) dqy ykHk (`/gs-)@Total returns (`/ha.03 μg/kg). pkoy ds izfrn'kks± ds fo'ys"k.d egRoiw.fud dhVuk'kd dk dsoy .kZ ?kVd FkkA Qly dVkbZ ds le. IPM trial also resulted in higher yield and beneft-cost (B:C) ratio (Table 2) as compared to FP. malathion) in FP.izfr gs-½ ls de Fkk] tcfd nks izfrn'kks± ¼0-051 vkSj 0-064 ekbØksxkz e izfr fdxzk-½ esa cqikz Q s hftu ik.k FkkA fdlkuksa dh fofèk okys lHkh izfrn'kks± esa QksjVs fMVsDVscy Lrj ¼0-02 fdxzk. For all the pests that out of earth arise the earth itself the antidote supplies – Lithica.izfr gs-½ ls de FkkA pkoy ds ikap laxfz gr izfrn'kks± esa ls vkbZih.e fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼.k x.66 dhVuk'kd fNM+dko@Pesticide sprays (range) pkoy dk ewY.fud dhVuk'kd fNM+dkoksa ¼cqikz Q s hftu] dkjVsi gkbMªkDs yksjkbM] esykfFk.k vkbZih.k esa ykHk%ykxr ¼ch%lh½ vuqikr Hkh vfèkd Fkk ¼rkfydk 2½A Pesticide residue analysis Seed treatment with carbendazim was an important component in IPM.e ijh{k. whereas buprofezin was detected in two samples (0. cartap hydrochloride.k x.e esa dqy cSDVhfj.k Fkk] tcfd vfèkdrj fdlkuksa us QksjVs vkSj dkjVsi gkbMªkDs yksjkbM dk mi.e rFkk fdlkuksa dh fofèk.pkoy | Rice L.8% of farmers as BPH crossed the ETL (8 adults or nymph/hill) in their plots against 2-4 chemical pesticide sprays (Buprofezin.d fNM+dko fd.e ds rhu izfrn'kks± ¼0-030&0-040 ekbØksxzke izfr fdxzk-½ esa cqizkQ s hft+u ik.ksx fd.63 27. phorate was below detectable level (<0.k vkbZih.ksx fd.ksx fd.Ld vFkok uotkr Hkwjk ikni ekgw½ vkfFkZd gkfu Lrj ls vfèkd gks x. i. [kjhQ 2013 ¼vknzrZ k ds fnuksa es½a ds nkSjku pkoy vuqlèa kku dsUnz ¼vkjvkj. Chandrama of rice in split-split plot design with four sub-sub plot treatments and four sub-plot treatments.kkZ fdLe ¼. Among the various treatments. green leaf hopper. incidence of sheath blight remained significantly lower in all the treatments having biopesticide or carbendazim interventions as compared to check.z ksx ls dkQh de izdksi ns[kk x. 'ks"k (1/4) ukbVªkt fd.d ijh{k.ksx ds dkj. In case of sheath blight.cht $ lwMkseksukl ¶yksjksl a l as 20 xzk.oa jksxksa ds MkVk ntZ fd.ksxnku dk vkdyu djus ds fy.k x.k x. pkoy dh pUnzek fdLe ij .k ds ikap fnuksa ds ckn ¼5 Mh.kqt iÙkh vaxekjh] ihyk ruk Hksnd] iÙkh eksMd + rFkk Hkwjk ikni ekgw ize[q k uk'khthoksa ds :i esa ik. z ksx ugha fd. Chinsurah (Hooghly) during kharif (wet). x.k ds 20 fnuksa ds i'pkr nl fnuksa ds varjkyksa ij uk'khthoksa .k fd. Swarna (MTU 7029) variety in split-split plot design with three main plots.k bl jksx dk U. IykVks]a nks mi IykVksa rFkk mi&mi IykVksa ds :i esa N% cht mipkj IykVksa ds lkFk fLIyV&fLIyV IykV fMtkbu esa Lo.dy ?kVdksa ds .k x.k x.kA fofHkUu mipkjksa es]a vkPNn vaxekjh dk izdksi de ik.l½] fpulqjk ¼gqxyh½ esa rhu eq[. 2013 with cv.k esa Hkkjh deh ns[kh xbZ] tcfd blls igys bl izdkj dk dksbZ Hkh vuqi.A vkbZih.ksx fd.ksx rFkk nwljh VkWi MªSflax ds fy.Vh½ gjh [kkn ds LFkku ij izfs VykDyksj 750 fe-yh. an experimental trial was conducted with cv.k ds 20 fnuksa ¼20 Mh. An experiment was conducted at the Rice Research Station (RRS).e ds . Main plot treatments included spraying of rynaxypyr @ 50g a. sheath rot. Assam At RRLRRS (CRRI).A mi IykV Lrj ij izfrjksi.izfr gs-s {ks= ds iz. Assam.kA Qly dh dVkbZ ds le. Gerua.Vh½ ds ckn jkbuSDlhfij dk .kA izfrjksi. one application of rynaxypyr 20 DAT provided significantly lower infestation as compared to no such application.kA e`nk esa gjh [kkn feykus rFkk izfrjksi.k ls igys ukbVªkt s u] QkLQksjl rFkk iksVk'k dh fLFkfr dk vkdyu fd.ksfa d mipkj esa daVkª y s dh rqyuk esa tSo&dhVuk'kd vFkok dkcsuZ Msfte dk iz.] tcfd Ogksy Z eSxkWV] gjh iÙkh ekgw ¼gksij½ rFkk Hkwjk èkCck ekgw uk'khtho lkekU./kg seed+soil application of Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 20g/m2./ .k fd.eVh. All the treatments were provided with fertilizer @ N : P2O5 : K2O :: 80:40:40 kg/ha (full P2O5 + full K2O + 1/2th N as basal. Status of N P K in the soil was estimated before green manuring and transplanting.k ds 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Estimation of contribution of individual components of IPM on pests.l ¼lhvkjvkjvkbZ½] xs#ok] vle esa pkj mi&mi IykVksa rFkk pkj mi&IykV mipkjksa ds lkFk fLIyV&fLIyV IykV fMtkbu dk iz.ksx djrs gq. x.kZ :i esa P2O5+K2O+1/2 N)] igyh VkWi MªfS lax ds fy.ksx ls dkQh vfèkd mit izkIr dh tk ldrh gSA xs#vk] vle vkjvkj. West Bengal At Chinsurah (Hooghly. Incidence remained lowest in seed treatment with carbendazim @ 1g a.i.d ijh{k.k x.dy ?kVdksa ds . At sub-plot level. Chinsurah. brown spot are the minor pests. two sub plots and six seed treatments as sub-sub plots to estimate the contribution of individual components of IPM. 1/4 ukbVªkt s u s u dk iz.NCIPM [kjhiQ pkoy esa uk'khthoksa] ykHkdkjh thok. Gerua.d ckj iz. mit lacèa kh vkadM+kas ls .k x.i. tkus ls uk'khtho laØe.ksxnku dk vkdyu fpulqjk] if'pe caxky fpulqjk ¼gqxyh] if'pe caxky½ esa [kjhQ pkoy esa vkPNn vaxekjh] vkPNn lM+u] thok.izfr oxZ eh. :i esa ik.k tkrk FkkA vkPNn vaxekjh ds lacèa k es]a lslcsfu. lowest incidence was observed in green manuring by Sesbania followed by pretilachlor application 5 DAT..w 7029½ ij . West Bengal) sheath blight.k x.Vh½ izfs VykDyksj ds iz. IykV ds mipkj esa izfrjksi.{ks= ds e`nk vuqi.yvkjvkj. leaf folder and brown plant hopper are the major pests in kharif rice whereas whorl maggot.k D.k ds ikap fnuksa ds ckn ¼5 Mh.e ds . Observations on insect pests and diseases were recorded from 20 days after transplanting (DAT) onwards at ten-day intervals./ha 5 DAT as compared to green manuring.wure izdksi ik.k FkkA dkcZsuMsfte 1 xzkizfr fdxzk.k rFkk izfrjksi.kqvksa rFkk mit ij vkbZih. 1/4th N as 1st top dressing and remaining 1/4th N as 2nd top dressing).kA eq[. x.kA lHkh mipkjksa esa moZjd@ N: P2O5 : K2O :: 80:40:40 ¼cSly ds :i esa iw.ksx fd. beneficial organisms and yield i n kharif rice.slk ladrs feyrk gS fd izfrjksi. yellow stem borer. Significantly higher yield was observed in application of pretilachlor 750 ml a. bacterial leaf blight. izfr yhVj dk .e Pest ihyk ruk csèkd (%) / YSB (%) iÙkh izLQqVu ¼iÙkh laØe.g 2-63 Fkk ¼rkfydk 4½A fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼.kA vkbZih.k x. B: C ratio remained 3.d fNM+dko( izLQqVu ds fy. Leaf blast. 120 DAT and control.k ¼rkfydk 3½A YSB infestation was 1.kkyh dk oSèkhdj. The sowing dates for nurseries were 05 July and 12 July 2013 and dates of transplanting were 03 Aug to 10 Aug 2013. fla?keiqj xkao esa 30 .e viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa ` 16]196 izfr gs.kA moZjdksa dk iz.9 (15-20%) Socio-economic analysis indicated a net benefit of ` 16.i.kA pkoy Qlyhdj.k i)fr esa flafpr fLFkfr. Cuttack (Odisha) during 2013 uk'khtho vkbZih.kqt vaxekjh ls izHkkfor IykVksa esa IykaVksekblhu $ dkWij vkWDlhDyksjkbM ds nks fNM+dko 'kkfey FksA fdlkuksa dh fofèk esa ihyk ruk Hksnd ¼okbZ.8 (4.e esa 1-2% FkkA fdlkuksa dh fofèk esa iÙkh izLQqVu] vkPNn vaxekjh] ch.kA vkbZih.10 %) Trace 8.pkoy | Rice ckn 35 .dk 'kq) ykHk izkIr fd.1 in IPM as against 2.kA ha at 35 DAT. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 9 . rkfydk 3% o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku fla?keiqj] dVd ¼vksfM'kk½ esa vkbZih. cqokbZ 05 tqykbZ vkSj 12 tqykbZ 2013 dks dh xbZ vkSj 03 vxLr ls 10 vxLr] 2013 rd izfrjksi. Table 3: Pest scenario in IPM and FP rice fields at Singhampur. QkLQksjl (P)-40.63 in FP (Table 4).k½ vkPNn vaxekjh (%) / Leaf blast (leaf infection) (%) (%) / Sheath blight (%) Hkwjk ikni ekgw (%) / BPH (%) QkYl LeV (%) / False smut (%) Lkkekftd&vkfFkZd fo'ys"k./ha.d 5 .k esa fdlkuksa dh fofèk dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.Vh rFkk daVkª y s ij jkbuSDlhfij 50 xzk.k x.Qih½ IPM FP 1.ksx ukbVªkt s u (N)-80.k x.e IykVksa esa vkHkklh daM ¼QkYl LeV½ ds fy. 196 /ha in the IPM fields over FP. The fertilizer application was . èkku dh ckyh f[kyus ls igys . P-40.e dh fofHkUu dk.ksa esa jksikbZ ds ckn 30 fnuksa esa dkjVsi gkbMªkDs yksjkbM ¼4th½ 1 fdxzk. In the rice-rice cropping system. lfØ.e vkSj fdlkuksa dh fofèk okys pkoy ds [ksrksa esa uk'khtho dk ifjn`'. rice variety Pooja was grown under irrigated conditions in 35 acres. both at 35. BLB and false smut were observed in traces in IPM as compared to 4.dM+ {ks= esa pkoy dh iwtk fdLe esa vkbZih.k x.2% in IPM as against 6.9 (15-20 %) Trace 10.lch½ dk laØe.izfr gs.e es u ds cjkcj ik.dM+ dk daVªky s IykWV Hkh vuqjf{kr fd.k x.d fNM+dko rFkk 8 fnuksa ds varjkyksa ij thok.izfr gs.9% in FP (Table 3).ych rFkk vkHkklh daM ¼QkYl LeV½ 4-1 ls 10-9% tcfd vkbZih. Various IPM interventions included one application of cartap hydrochloride (4G) at 30 DAT @ 1 kg fNM+dko fd./l at active tillering stage for blast and sheath blight affected plots and one spray before panicle initiation stage for false smut in all IPM plots and two sprays of plantomycin+ copper oxychloride in the bacterial blight affected plots at 8day intervals.k x.kA .k x.k x. sheath blight. A control plot of 5 acre was also maintained.k fd.k fd.oa 120 Mh. Pooja.1 to 10.dM+ {ks= esa pkoy dh iwtk fdLe dh [ksrh dh xbZA ikS/k'kkykvksa ds fy.i. Odisha IPM validation in rice was conducted at village Singhamapur in 30 acres with cv.2 6. dVd] vksfM'kk Cuttack. K-40 in three splits.k] tks vkbZih. one spray of carbendazim @ 1 g a.9% in FP.d fNM+dko vkSj lHkh vkbZih.1 (3-5 %) Trace 5.ksa ds varxZr 35 . tqrkbZ voLFkk ij rFkk vkPNn vaxekjh ls izHkkfor IykVksa esa dkcsuZ Msfte 1 xzk.k 6-9% ik.e iz. iksVk'k (K) -40 rhu fLifyV ek=kvksa esa fd. 120 DAT.9 (3-8 %) Trace 4.e esa ykHk % ykxr vuqikr 3-1 Fkk] tcfd fdlkuksa dh fofèk dh rqyuk esa .Zuhfr. k Table 4: Yield and economics in IPM and farmers' practices (FP) rice fields at Singhamapur during 2013 pj vkbZih.8 34. Karnataka Trials for integrated pest management for nematode were carried out for the fourth successive year in 234 acres at K.uh xzkfefudksyk] ruk csèkd] iÙkh eksMd + ] iÙkh vaxekjh rFkk izLQqVu ize[q k uk'khtho ik.i.oa dhVuk'kdksa ds vykok dkcks¶Z .qjkWu 0-3 xzke izfr oxZ eh.e Variables fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼./ ha at 40 days after transplanting.Vh/Carbofuran nursery + 40 DAT ih.Zuhfr. leaf folder. stem borer.k ftys esa 234 .ksx fd.1 dqy ykHk ¼` izfr gs-½ / Total return (`/ha) 63744 43648 'kq) ykHk ¼` izfr gs-½ / Net-return (`/ha) 43294 27098 3.oa izkUs u.A ijh{k.k .35 2.1 2.Qih½ IPM FP dqy ykxr / Total cost mit ¼fDo.6 ykHk @ykxr vuqikr / B:C Ratio lw=kÑfe ds fy.k fd. rkfydk 5% o"kZ 2013&14 esa ikS/k'kkyk ds nkSjku tM+&xkaB] xzhok izLQqVu dh rhozrk vkSj uk'khthoksa }kjk fd./m2 followed by its field application @ 1.izfr 4 yhVj dk iz.ksx ugha fd.k ¼dkcks¶Z . Rice rootknot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola.8 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 .ksx 1-0 fdxzk.Ld] de izLQqVu rhozrk] de 'kq"d ikni rFkk vfèkd mit ikbZ xbZA Validation and promotion of IPM strategies for nematode Bengaluru.wMkseksukl ¶yksjksll as ls mipkfjr vkSj daVªky s [ksrksa dh rqyuk esa de la[.e dk.izfr oxZ eh. vkbZih.k x.ksa dk oSèkhdj.k esa dkckZ¶s .k esa xkWy] izfr VªiS vfèkd la[. (No mention of fungicide use with carbofuran) Regular monitoring of pests through pheromone traps.Qyksjkslsal & ikS/k'kkyk/P. Mandya district.55 2.ksa esa Qsjkseksu VªSiksa ds }kjk uk'khthoksa dh fujarj fuxjkuh] Vªkbdksxesz k tsiksfude dk [ksrks es NksMu+ k rFkk vko'.drkuqlkj ijthO.pvkj fdLe½ vFkok bfeMkDyksfizM 1 fe-yh.k ds 40 fnuksa ds ckn [ksr esa bldk iz. blight and blast were the major pests.qjkWu ds lkFk doduk'kd dk dksbZ iz.k esa ruk Hksnd O.wMkseksukl ¶yksjksl a l as 20 xzk. z ksx 'kkfey FkkA ftu ikS/k'kkykvksa esa doduk'kd .5 vuqipkfjr daVªky s /Untreated control 418 78.k ijh{k.3 g a.izfr gs-½ / Yield (q/ha) 20450 16550 49. Nursery applied with carbofuran in addition to fungicide and insecticide recorded less number of galls. more number of adults per trap. xfrfofèk.vkj.kksa esa dh xbZ vU.qjkWu dk iz.ksx fd.Q.k x. neck blast and insect damage during nursery 2013-14 mipkj ikS/k'kkyk esa .e vkSj fdlkuksa dh fofèk okys pkoy ds [ksrksa esa mit o vkfFkZd vk¡dM+ksa dk fo'ys" mipkj rFkk izfrjksi.Pet. fluorescens -nursery 224 21.kHkksa dk vuqi.iSV] ekaM.0 kg a.uih@200 lhlh xkWy@izfr 20 ikS/k Treatment izLQqVu izdksi (%) FNP/200 cc in nursery Galls/20 Seedlings Blast incidence (%) dkcksZ¶.izfr gs-] ikS/k'kkyk esa L.k½A ijh{k. x. release of Trichogramma japonicum and needbased application of parasitoids were other activities carried out.35 2.k Fkk] muesa L. fluorescens treated and control fields. application of Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 20 g/sq m (IIHR strain) in nursery or imidacloprid @ 1 ml/4 l were maintained.u csxa yq#] dukZVd ds. Treatments carbofuran @ 0.dM+ {ks= esa yxkrkj pkSFks o"kZ Hkh lw=Ñfe ds lacèa k esa lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku ds oS|hdj.k x.6 285 34.i. x.R.NCIPM rkfydk 4% o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku fla?keiqj] dVd ¼vksfM'kk½ esa vkbZih.¼vkbZvkbZ. less blast severity and less dried plants due to stem borer and with more yield compared to P.k uqdlku Table 5: Overall severity of root-knot.A bl {ks= esa pkoy lw=Ñfe] eSyksMhxk.qjkWu + 40 Mh.k x. k rFkk izLQqVu izdksi de ntZ fd. the root-knot index ranged 3.kA Nursery application with carbofuran with another application at 40 DAT recorded least final nematode population.qjkWu 3 xzk.] tcfd vuqipkfjr daVªky s esa izfr ikSèk 92 xky ntZ fd. x.izfr gs. f'keksxk] dukZVd Shimoga.dM+ {ks= esa ijh{k. Davanagere district of] if'pe caxky 24 ijxuk ¼mÙkj½] if'pe caxky ds ehuk vkSj gkcjk xkaoksa esa lw=Ñfe ij dsfUnzr jgrs gq. West Bengal.oa daVªky s QhYMksa dh rqyuk esa mit Hkh vfèkd ikbZ xbZA dY.ksx( D.izfr gs.ksa esa L.Vh ij iqu% dkcks¶Z .fluorescens treated. application of Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 20 g/m2 of beds.kA vuqipkfjr daVªky s esa izfrjksi.$ xkscj [kkn 375 fdxzk. West Bengal Validation of integrated management focusing on nematode in rice was carried out in villages Mena and Habra.qjkWu @0-3 xzk. also recorded more yield compared to P.Fkkvko'.k esa xky rFkk de izLQqVu rhozrk ikbZ xbZ vkSj ih¶yksjksll as ls mipkfjr .] ih.qjkWu iz. z ksx dh rqyuk dh xbZA mipkj es]a vuqipkfjr daVªky s dh rqyuk es]a e`nk esa tM+&xkaB lw=Ñfe lef"V ¼ts2½ esa dkQh deh ns[kh xbZA vuqipkfjr daVªky s dh rqyuk esa mijksDr mipkj ls pkoy dh mit esa 31-3% dh o`f) gqbAZ Qly dVkbZ ds le. least number of galls and less blast incidence compared to nursery treated with P.5 kg/ha + FYM @ 375 kg/ha at 7 DAT followed by application of carbofuran 3 g @ 1 kg a. viride-treated nursery compared to 92 galls/seedling in untreated control.qjkWu ls mipkfjr ikS/k'kkyk rFkk 40 Mh.izfr oxZ eh. North 24 Parganas.pkoy | Rice L.qjkWu ds mipkj ls lw=Ñfe dh U.ksx] nksuksa esa lw=Ñfe dh U. x.ksa esa Qsjkseksu VªSiksa ds }kjk uk'khthoksa dh fu. Regular monitoring of pests through pheromone traps.pvkj fdLe½ 4 xzk. both nursery and 45 DAT application with carbofuran recorded least nematode population. INP: 465/200 cc soil.uh xzkfefudksyk ds dkj. nursery bed treatment with carbofuran @ 0.¶yksjksll as vkSj dkcks¶Z .3g a. galling as well as nematode population in the P.7 lIrkg ckn dkcks¶Z . release of T.k.izfr fdxzk. z ksx 'kkfey FksA dkcks. [ksrksa es]a vuqipkfjr daVªky s dh rqyuk es]a xkfyax rFkk lw=Ñfe dh lef"V dkQh de ikbZ xbZ vkSj èkku dh mit esa dkQh o`f) ns[kh xbZA Kalyani.i.Qyksjksll as 7-5 fdxzk. root-knot nematode population (J2) decreased significantly in soil over untreated control. The treatment also increased the yield of rice by 31.5.kjh mipkj rFkk izfrjksi. japonicum (PCI strain) and spot application of fungicides were the other activities carried out as and when needed.k ds 7 fnuksa ds ckn ih.wure lef"V] de la[. and control fields dukZVd ds nkokukfxjh ftys esa fpdkMkMkdkVs esa 32 .3% over untreated control.wMkseksukl ¶yksjksll as 20 xzk.ksx dh xbZ ulZjh esa esyksMksxk. The lowest (13) galls/seedling due to Meloidogyne graminicola was recorded in carbofuran-applied nursery.wMkseksukl ¶yksjksll as ls mipkfjr ikS/k'kkyk dh rqyuk esa dkcks¶Z .k x.k x.wure xkWy la[.izfr oxZ eh.wMkseksukl ¶yksjksll as iz.i/m2 followed by field application at 40 days after transplanting (DAT). Application of P. fluorescens and carbofuran applied fields were significantly less in comparison to untreated control with substantial increase in the paddy yield.wure lef"V] U. xfrfofèk.ksx dh xbZ ulZjh esa 17 xky rFkk Vh. fluorescens @ 7.k esa dkcks¶Z . In treatment. 22 galls/seedling in T. :i ls] ulZjh rFkk jksikbZ ds 45 fnuksa ckn dkckZ¶s .fer fuxjkuh] Vhtsiksfude ¼ihlhvkbZ fdLe½ dk foekspu rFkk doduk'kdksa dk rRdkfyd ¼LikWV½ vuqi. x. Z jw kWu iz.k ds 40 fnuksa ds ckn [ksr vuqiz.{ks= dk vuqi. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 11 .ksx fd. fluorescens.A ijh{k. fluorescensapplied nursery.izfr fexzkizfr gs. At harvest.uih% 465@200 lhlh e`nkA lkekU. seed treatment with Trichoderma viride (IIHR strain) @ 4 g/kg of seed and untreated control were maintained at both the locations. 17 galls in P. In general.ds vuqi. The treatments viz.k esa .qjkWu ds vuqiz.5 – 4. less blast severity. less number of galls.drk dh xbZ vU.ksx dh xbZ ikS/k'kkyk esa izfr ikSèk 22 xky ntZ fd. pkoy esa lesfdr izcèa ku dk oSèkhdj.A f'keksxk es]a tM+&xkaB lwpdkad 3-5&45 dh jst a esa Fkk( vkbZ./ha at 4 weeks after transplanting (WAT) was compared in untreated control.k fd. Karnataka Trials were undertaken in 32 acres at cht mipkj vkSj vuqipkfjr daVªky s tSls mipkj 'kkfey FksA ijh{k.wure xkWy ¼13½] L.fojhMs iz.k fd. In Shimoga.k izfr ikSèk U. x. z ksx( VªkbdksMekZ fojhMs ¼vkbZvkbZ.{ks= ds lkFk ikS/k'kkyk D.kfj. Qyksjksll as @7-5 fdxzkizfr iz.2 11-15 198 196-300 45.7 lIrkg ckn dkcksZ¶.uih@200 lhlh e`nk mit ¼fDoa@ izfr gs- No.k] :V xky vkSj mit dh fLFkfr Table 6: Tiller number.Q.ldzh.k izfr Vhyk xky dh la[. of effective Number of galls FNP/200 cc soil Yield (q/ha) tillers/hill /10 hills 18-22 38 57-174 59." – Jesse Huie.k ds 7 fnuksa ds ckn ih.izfr gs.k izfr 10 Vhyk .$ xkscj [kkn@375 fdxzk.i. rRo izfr gs. IPM Specialist 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 .5 kg/ha + FYM @375 kg/ha at 7 days after transplanting followed by application of carbofuran 3G @ 1 kg a.1 Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 7.izfr fdxzk./ha at 4 weeks after transplanting vuqipkfjr daVªky s @Untreated control "I really enjoy how rewarding it is to provide peace of mind to people in a panic by solving their pest problems.NCIPM rkfydk 6% izfrjksi.qjkWu@3 xzk.k ds i'pkr fVyj la[. root gall and yield after transplantation mipkj Treatment izfrjksi.ksx izHkkoh fVyjksa dh la[. kA foLrkj lacaèkh xfrfofèk..ksa dh fuxjkuh djuk] jkT.kkyh bZ&uk'khtho fuxjkuh .uvkbZ. okLrfod vkfFkZd gkfu T.y ikj djrs ik.kstuk ds varxZr 13 lg. Hoppers indicated highest hot spots i.y ns[kk x. e-pest surveillance and advisory system Under the e-pest surveillance and advisory system. Ñf"k foHkkxksa dks uk'khthoksa ds fo#) lykg tkjh djus rFkk chVh dikl esa vkbZih.k x. a total of 1062 fields were surveyed in 266 villages covering 1372 farmers in eight states.k( ysfdu pwfa d Qly dh ifjiDork ds vkl&ikl dh vofèk esa dsoy iÙkh ykyiu . sharing the pest information with State Agricultural Universities and State Agricultural Departments to issue the advisories and implement IPM technology in Bt cotton against emerging pests.lih. uk'khtho izcèa ku lwpuk iz.oa lykg iz.knk ugha FkhA gksijksa esa mPpre gkWV LikWV ¼12 ftyksa ls 218½ ns[kk x.Zuhfr. Mirid bug was found to cross ETL on 2 occasions at Akola and 5 occasions at Perambalur.d vke ?kVukØe Fkk] blfy.kkyh ds varxZr vkB jkT.kA vdksyk esa nks voljksa ij rFkk isjecywj esa ikap ekSdksa ij fejhM cx dks bZVh.ksxh iz{ks= dsUnz rFkk nks fof'k"V dsUnz lfEefyr FksA bZ&uk'khtho fuxjkuh .e. xkao Lrj ij fdlkuksa dh lewg cSBa dsa vk. the actual economic loss was not significant.k x.ksa ij fdlkuksa dh {kerk.ka chVh dikl esa uk'khtho izcèa ku dk.e&II ds varxZr chVh dikl esa jk"Vªh.kA lHkh dsUnzkas }kjk nks LFkk. ize[q k dikl mRiknd {ks=ksa esa chVh dikl esa uk'khthoksa dh xfrfofèk. A total of 356 meetings and 72 farmers’ training were organized. national information system for pest management (NISPM) in Bt cotton under TMC MMII was aimed at monitoring pest activities in Bt cotton in major cotton growing areas.u djus ds fy.e ds dsUnzkas The project.kA jksxksa es]a nks ftyksa esa nks gkWV LikWVksa esa lcls vfèkd vYVjusfj.elh .dikl Cotton chVh dikl esa uk'khtho izcaèku ds fy.e izkS|ksfxdh dk dk. uk'khthoksa ls lacfa èkr lwpuk bdVBk djuk FkkA ifj. Among the diseases.kZUo.a c<+kbZ xb± ftlds fy.e. but as the leaf reddening was a common phenomenon only near crop maturity. 218 from 12 districts. Highest ETL was reflected by leaf reddening.oa jkT. Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky. jk"Vªh.k iÙkh vaxekjh rFkk mlds ckn iSjkfoYV ¼ikap ftyksa esa 22 gkWV LikWV½ ntZ fd.e½ ifj.kkyh ¼.ksa esa 1372 fdlkuksa dks lfEefyr djrs gq.oa lykg iz. the Alternaria leaf blight recorded highest hot spots in two districts followed by parawilt (22 hot spots in five districts).k x.ksa .ksftr dh xbZ rFkk . Under the project.uvkbZ. therefore.k fd.h rFkk nks xSj fu/kkZfjr [ksrksa ls lkIrkfgd varjkyksa ij laxfz gr uk'khtho lacèa kh vk¡dM+kas dks jklukizds dh osclkbV ij viyksM fd. which were attended by 8796 and 2159 okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 13 .kA iÙkh ykyiu jksx ls vfèkdre bZVh. National Information System for Pest Management in Bt cotton lwpuk iz.k x.kstuk dk mís'. Extension activities The capabilities of farmers on pest management strategies in Bt cotton were enhanced through village level Farmers’ Group Meetings and Trainings at NISPM centres.kkyh Vh. there were thirteen cooperating field centres and two specific centres. 266 xkaoksa esa dqy 1062 [ksrksa dk los{Z k. Pest data collected at weekly intervals from two fixed and two random fields was uploaded at NCIPM Website by all Centres and on-line advisories were issued.lih. 38 radio/TV talks and 4 field days.ks@Vhoh okrkZ. The weather data along with pest data of respective centres was used for developing association rules to apply in the next season in agro-advisories. Linkages for sharing of pest information Strong linkages were developed with State Agriculture Department.91.e.'ku }kjk rS. x.'ku½ ds fu. respectively for dissemination of IPM. Øe'k% 8796 vkSj 2159 fdlkuksa us Hkkx fy.fud fNM+dkoksa dh rqyuk esa vkbZih. .i.k Hkh fn.k] ftuesa vkbZih. lacfa èkr dsUnzkas ds uk'khtho MkVk ds lkFk ekSle lacèa kh MkVk dk mi. ST-12312 and Women-296) to provide the pest information and IPM intervention.714 SMSs were sent by 10 Centres to farmers representing different communities (SC-28041. jkT.ksa rFkk xSj&ljdkjh laxBuksa ds lkFk lEidZ l'kDr fd.A fuxjkuh MkVk ds vkèkkj ij izR.jklk.k x.k tk.kA vU.e ds ckjs esa fdlkuksa esa tkx:drk ykus ds fy. ikf{kd varjky ij 88 uk'khtho lacèa kh fjiksVks± dk ladyu fd. Ñf"k foHkkx dks Hkstk x. Application of bio-pesticides.k rFkk mUgsa lacfa èkr jkT.e ¼22-5%½ esa ouLifr. vxys ekSle esa vuqikyu fd.kA fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼. Under the project.e ¼6-8%½ dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.e esa jklk.k x.fud fNM+dkoksa esa Hkkjh deh ¼4-3½ ykbZ xbZ cfYd fdlkuksa dh fofèk esa 5-2 fdxzk-@gs. Weather parameters and pest correlation Daily weather report for 15 reporting stations was shared with all the project partners through e-mail.k x.e esa jklk.ksa lfgr tSo&dhVuk'kdksa dk iz. rRo fdxzk@gs-½ dh ek=k dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.kj fd.k x.2 kg/ha in FP to 2.07 in FP (Table 1).k esa u dsoy fdlkuksa dh fofèk esa 7-3 jklk.e ds izlkj ds ftys ds fy. Economic analysis Economic impact analysis indicated significant reduction in the number of chemical sprays from 7.27 in IPM.k vkfFkZd izHkko fo'ys"k.e dh dk.a rFkk 4 iz{ks= fnol lfEefyr FksA uk'khtho lacèa kh lwpuk rFkk vkbZih. Pest incidence was spatially depicted in GIS maps.fud dhVuk'kdksa ¼lØh.k] ftlds QyLo:i vkbZih. foLrkj xfrfofèk.Qih½ esa 2-0 ykHk % ykxr vuqikr dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.l ekufp=ksa esa n'kkZ.ds Lrj ij yk.l.kstuk lk>snkjksa ds lkFk 15 fjiksfV±x dsUnzkas dh nSfud ekSle fjiksVZ bdV~Bk dh xbZA la?k ¼.e ds izlkj ds fy.k x.kA vkfFkZd fo'ys"k. quantity of chemical pesticides (a.kA 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 farmers.lksfl.8 kg/ha in IPM.70 in IPM as compared to 2.8%).6%) as compared to non-IPM (6. Ñf"k foHkkx] jkT. fu. A total of 1.k x.kA uk'khtho lacèa kh lwpuk lk>k djus gsrq lEidZ vkbZih. 6586 gs{ks= dks lfEefyr fd.Zuhfr. Based on the surveillance data.eksa dk Ñf"k lykg nsus ds fy.kA xSj&vkbZih.ksa dks miyCèk djkus gsrq fofHkUu leqnk.k x.kstuk ds rgr vkbZih.ksa ds varxZr 9163 gs.34 in FP to 4.k] ftlesa 4250 fdlkuksa us lgHkkfxrk dhA izR. State Agriculture Universities and NGOs to create awareness among farmers about IPM.e ls lHkh ifj.e cukus ds fy.kstu fd.fud dhVuk'kdksa dh ek=k dks de dj 2-8 [email protected] uk'khtho ds izdksi dks LFkkfud :i ls thvkbZ.kA . Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky.l Hksts x.e dh xfrfofèk.kksa dk vk.vfrfjDr {ks= dks 'kkfey fd.k x. 88 pest reports were compiled at fortnightly intervals for each district and were submitted to respective State Department of Agriculture. Benefit-cost ratio remained 2. kg/ha) was reduced from 5.ksx c<+k.k x.e esa ykHk % ykxr vuqikr 2-7 FkkA ¼rkfydk&1½ ekSle lacèa kh izkpy vkSj uk'khtho ls mudk lglacèa k bZ&esy ds ekè. including botanicals was more in IPM (23. A total of 6989 farmers were motivated through farmerto-farmer interaction resulting an addition of 9163 ha under IPM activities.k x. x.NCIPM esa fdlkuksa dks izf'k{k.A ifj.lksfl.ksx fd. Other extension activities involved 127 newspaper publications.ksa esa 127 lekpkj&i= izdk'ku] 38 jsfM.ksa ¼vuqlfw pr tkfr & 28041] vuqlfw pr tutkfr & 12312 rFkk efgyk fdlku & 296½ dk izfrfufèkRo djus okys fdlkuksa dks 10 dsUnzkas }kjk dqy 1]91]714 .sd fdlku ls ckrphr dj dqy 6989 fdlkuksa dks izkRs lkfgr fd.kA dqy 356 cSBdksa rFkk 72 fdlku izf'k{k. 6586 ha area was covered for dissemination of IPM by participation of 4250 farmers. yield and benefit/cost ratio in IPM and FP fields of cotton dsUnz Centre QjhndksV/Faridkot calokjk/Banswara vkuan/Anand jktdksV/Rajkot [k.Qih FP vkbZih.k.0 5.k iz.2 3.0 6.oa fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼.6 20.6 23.0 20.5 4.2 2.5 1.0 36.6 5.Qih FP vkbZih.0 3. whitefly was present at most of the places (5 to 20 nymphs/ okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 15 .oa xSj&chVh dikl esa uk'khthoksa rFkk izkÑfrd 'k=qvksa ds fy.A pwld uk'khthoksa es]a vfèkdrj LFkkuksa ij lQsn eD[kh ¼5 ls 20 [email protected] 19.1 22.Qih FP vkbZih.2 12. Among sucking pests.0 64. flrEcj 2013 ds nkSjku iatkc esa QkftYdk] eqDlrj] HkafVMk rFkk eulk ftyksa esa 10 xkaoksa es]a gfj.8 2.8 22.4 7.2 12.2 15.8 4.9 32250 37750 52800 48600 24254 22450 63000 46750 34920 43000 57300 51400 27175 21100 62750 44750 3.4 5.ksx fd.3 8.e IPM .5 18.0 0.k x.7 2.k x.1 2.Zuhfr.dikl | Cotton rkfydk 1% dikl ds vkbZih.7 3.3 2.5 1.5 4.0 0.0 4.0 2. Muktsar.kk ds Qrsgkckn vkSj fljlk ftyksa ds 11 xkaoksa esa rFkk jktLFkku ds guqekux<+ ftys ds 6 xkaoksa esa los{Z k.1 2.6 61.k Surveys were conducted during 2013-14 in different location of north.0 18.3 0.3 3.ksa dk la'ys"k.0 20.0 30.8 18.Mok/Khandwa vdksyk/Akola tkyuk/Jalna vgenuxj/ Ahmednagar djheuxj/ Karimnagar xqaVwj/Guntur csyxkao/Belgaum eSlwj/Mysore isjecywj/ Perambalur dqy/Total jklk.7 1.ksx] mit rFkk ykHk@ykxr vuqikr Table 1: Pesticide application. kg/ha) vkbZih.6 2.7 1.3 2.8 15.2 4.5 3.0 12.0 4. Bhatinda and Mansa districts of Punjab.0 4.2 45944.8 5.0 8.7 2.k fd.6 1.7 4.7 24.k gsrq o"kZ 2013&14 ds nkSjku mÙkjh] e/.8 9.i.8 2.0 11.7 0.9 27. vkbZih. x. o nf{k.7 1.1 3.0 13.4 25. jklk.5 41. x.4 1.k chVh o xSj&chVh dikl esa uk'khdhVks]a jksxksa o fe= dhVksa dh fLFkfr fu/kkZj.3 37860 42370 1.Qih FP vkbZih.2 0.0 3.7 1.5 1.8 2.2 5.fud dhVuk’kd fNM+dko dh la[.5 6.k vkSj oS/hdj.5 26.8 13.0 0.0 5.0 9.1 2.kA mÙkjh {ks=k chVh .5 3.2 20.5 6.8 8.l cEckokysbZ }kjk Hk{k.0 7.7 5.0 2.e IPM .7 4.9 {ks=ksa ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa esa losZ{k.1 16.0 3.0 9.7 2.4 18.e IPM .2 5.ksx (%) Application of bio-pesticide (%) cht dikl dh mit ¼fDoa@gs-½ dikl mRiknu dh ykxr Seed cotton yield ¼`@gs-½ (q/ha) Cost of cotton production (`/ha.9 22.0 1.0 55.0 22.5 0. 11 villages of Fatehabad and Sirsa districts of Haryana and six villages of Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan during September 2013 for pests and natural enemies in Bt and non-Bt cotton.8 0.0 10.5 24.2 2.5 dikl ds mHkjus okys uk'khthoksa ds fy. rRo No.5 12.9 15.9 3.1 13.2 2.0 5.0 4.Qih½ okys [ksrksa esa dhVuk'kd dk iz.e Synthesis and validation of IPM strategies for emerging pests of cotton dk.) ykHk&ykxr vuqikr Benefit-Cost ratio pesticide spray Quantity of chemical pesticide applied (a.e .0 13.0 42168.e IPM .Ld izfr iÙkh½ ikbZ xbZA dqN LFkyksa ij feyhcx dk izdksi Hkh ntZ fd.k] ftldk bZukfl.e IPM .3 4. of chemical fdxzk-@izfr gs- tSo&dhVuk’kd dk iz.5 2.fud dhVuk’kd dh ek=k ¼lØh. North zone Surveys were conducted in 10 villages of Fazilka.2 23.5 27.Qih FP 5.0 4.0 3.9 26.2 2. diseases and natural enemies in Bt and non-Bt cotton.0 0.0 1. central and south zones to assess the status of insect-pests.0 3.2 4.4 2.1 3.5 28.k fd.6 11.1 2.e IPM .8 49000 34457 29350 69666 66000 36725 33000 76788 2.k fd.3 7.0 5.Qih FP vkbZih.3 0 2. k gSA fglkj esa tSflMksa dh ?kVrh rFkk dk"BdhVksa dh c<+rh izof` Ùk ikbZ xbZA Jhuxj esa uk'khtho ds :i esa tSflM dksbZ [kkl egRo ugha 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 adults per leaf). thrips. fo'ys"k. Mealybug incidence was recorded at few locations and it was parasitized by Aenasius bambawalei.A dqN LFkkuksa ij iÙkh ykyiu Hkh ik. South zone Surveys were conducted in six villages of Salem and Trichy districts of Tamil Nadu during January 2014 for insect pests. Ghunti in Wardha and Yavatmal districts.k ds iwokZuqeku ds fy. aphids. x.sfrgkfld MkVk ls feyku fd. ekWMyksa dk fodkl lhvkbZlhvkj ds lg.kuk esa uk'khtho ds :i esa dk"BdhV ugha ik.k x.A eè. x. whitefly (2-10 nymphs/ adults per leaf) was prevailing and other pests viz.A bl vofèk ds nkSjku] ize[q k uk'khthoksa ds :i esa fejhM cx rFkk lQsn eD[kh ik.vkbZlhlhvkbZih ds MkVk csl ls yf{kr uk'khthoks]a vFkkZr vejkLdk fMokLkVsl a ] csfefl. Central zone During October 2013.k o"kZ 2011 vkSj 2010 dikl ekSleksa esa QjhndksV esa tSflM] dk"BdhV ¼fFkzIl½ rFkk lQsn eD[kh dh lcls vfèkd lef"V ikbZ xbZA yqfèk.k x. Development of models to predict infestation of sap feeders based on AICCIP historical data (TMC 1.k x. During this period. mirid bugs and white fly were observed as major pests whereas other pests like jassid.kl foVsyk rFkk isDVhuksQksjk xkslhfi. Analysis of sap feeder scenario in North Zone Highest mean population of jassids. uk'khtho Hkh ekStnw ik. jassid. Among sucking pests. Earias vittella and Pectinophora gossipiella) were recorded at few locations in non-Bt cotton. 2-3% incidence of leaf curl virus was recorded at a few locations (Shaluka. Amaravati and Nagpur districts of Maharashtra and 20 villages of Surendranagar. Lepidopteran pests (Spodoptera litura.Yyk ds lacèa k esa . thrips.or eky] vejkorh rFkk ukxiqj ftyksa ds 23 xk¡oksa esa rFkk xqtjkr ds lqjUs nz uxj] Hkkouxj] [ksMk+ rFkk vgenkckn ftyksa ds 20 xk¡oksa esa los{Z k. thrips and aphids were also present. {ks=k vDVwcj] 2013 ds nkSjku egkjk"Vª ds oèkkZ] .elh 1-5) ds vkèkkj ij pwld dhVksa ds laØe. x. respectively. tuojh] 2014 ds nkSjku rfeyukMq ds lsye rFkk f=ph ftyksa ds 6 xkaoksa esa los{Z k. Kheda and Ahmedabad districts of Gujarat. ls vfèkd ntZ fd.wMh½ dk izdksi lkekU. surveys were conducted in 23 villages of Wardha. and whiteflies at Faridkot was during 2011 and 2010 cotton seasons.k x.vkbZlhlhvkbZih ds .oa xSj&chVh dikl esa uk'khthoksa rFkk izkÑfrd 'k=qvksa ds fy. respectively).k dj fy.kA xSj&chVh dikl esa dqN LFkkuksa ij ysfiMksIVsju uk'khtho ¼LiksVksIVsjk fyVwjk] bZfj.ylh.ksx esa dqy 18 dikl mRiknd LFkkuksa ds fy.A jksxksa es]a dqN LFkkuksa ij ¼oèkkZ esa 'kkyqdk] ?kqVa h rFkk . . tkrs FksA rFkkfi] fiNys o"kks± esa tSflM rFkk mlds ckn lQsn eD[kh us uk'khthoksa dk :i èkkj.Ld izfr iÙkh½ dh lef"V vfèkd ikbZ xbZA tSflM] dk"BdhV] ekgw] feyhcx] iÙkh ykyiu rFkk iSjkfoYV ¼eqj>ku½ tSls vU. Amrasca devastans. lgk.kq dk 2&3% izdksi ntZ fd. leaf reddening and parawilt were also recorded.k Vscl s kb] fFkzIl Vscl s kb vkSj isDVhuksQksjk xkslhfi.5) Collation of historical data on the target pests viz.] tcfd tSflM] dk"BdhV vkSj ekgw tSls vU. Among the diseases. uk'khtho Hkh ntZ fd.syk½ ik.kA nf{k. Yavatmal.k FkkA dikl dk iŸkh dqp a u jksx ¼lh. mealybug (traces).A pwld uk'khthoksa esa lQsn eD[kh ¼2&10 fuEQ@O. Bemisia tabaci Thrips tabaci and bollworms inclusive of Pectinophora gossypiella was done from secondary sources and data base with AICCIP for a total of 18 cotton growing locations in collaboration with CICR was carried out. x.NCIPM x. diseases and natural enemies in Bt and non-Bt cotton. Bhavnagar.korer ftys½ iÙkh dqp a u fo"kk.kA mÙkjh {ks=k esa pwld dhVksa dk ifjn`'. Moderate to high level of incidence of CLCuD was also recorded.k fd. x.d lzkrs ksa rFkk .kA . Leaf reddening was also observed at a few locations. x.sfrgkfld MkVk (Vh.k {ks=k chVh . thrips and whiteflies were inferred as 25-30.eMCY.w vkadfyr dh xb±A Analysis of the dynamics of sap feeders across seasons and locations of the North zone indicated the peak population levels to be the determinant of the pest status of any given sap feeder (Fig. Scenario of cotton sap feeders at different locations pjedky ¼ihd ihfj.ka 25&30] 27&36 rFkk 27&40 .kuk dks NksMd + j] mÙkj {ks= ds lHkh LFkkuksa ij bZVh.3/3 leaves) at Sriganganagar coinciding with 37 SMW. yqfèk. 1.ka lokZfèkd ¼56-3 la-@3 ifÙk. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 17 . fuèkkZjd gksrs gSa ¼fp=&1½A pwld dhVksa ds Thrips were not pests at Ludhiana. Period of peaks varied among sap feeders and locations with the highest peaks above ETL at all North zone locations except at Sriganganagar for jassids. However.knk egRoiw. mldh lef"V ds Lrj eq[. and Ludhiana for thrips (Table 2). jassids followed by whiteflies gained pest status in recent years.ka dkQh T.k ls .ka½ ikbZ xb±A mÙkj {ks= ds LFkkuksa ds fy.kZ ekuk tkus yxk gSA mÙkjh {ks= esa lHkh ekSleksa rFkk LFkkuksa esa pwld dhVksa pwld dhV dh xfrfd.dikl | Cotton j[krs Fks] gkykafd fiNys N% o"kks± esa dk"BdhV rFkk lQsn efD[k.slk ladrs izkIr gqvk fd fdlh Hkh pqld dhVksa dh fLFkfr dks le>us ds fy.eMCY. 27-36 and 27-40 SMWs for North zone locations.y ls vfèkd FksA 37os ekSle foKku ekud lIrkg ¼. Fig.l.l. Decreasing trend of jassids and increasing thrips were noted at Hisar. The prediction periods in respect of jassids.M½ rFkk mudh ekStnw xh ds LFkkuksa esa lokZfèkd fHkUurk ikbZ xbZ ¼rkfydk&2½A tSflM ds fy. fp= 1% dikl ds pwld dhVksa dk fofHkUu Hkkxksa esa ifjn`'. Jhxaxkuxj rFkk dk"BdhVksa ds fy. tSflM] dk"BdhV rFkk lQsn efD[k.w½ ds lkFk Jhxaxkuxj esa lQsn efD[k. 1).ksa ds lacèa k esa iwokZuqeku vofèk.ksa ds fo'ys"k. Jassids were insignificant as pests at Sriganganagar although thrips and whiteflies were highly important over the last six years. Whiteflies were the highest (56. 2 -11.M½ Table 2: Peak periods for sap feeders across North zone locations LFkku pwld dhVksa dh lokZfèkd lef"V ¼la-@3 ifÙk.3 (23-30) 13.4-21./3 leaves) and periods (SMW) of sap feeders tSflM dk"BdhV lQsn eD[kh Jassids Thrips Whitefly QjhndksV / Faridkot fglkj / Hisar 2. pjedky ¼ihd ihfj.9-33.5-5.l.ka½ .oa vofèk.5 (27-38) 21.8 -20.2 (24-41) yqfèk.1-17.0-35.0-30.1 (25-30) 7.6 (24-36) 2.9-27.8 (32-39) 12.2 (28-32) 5.4 (29-35) 1.1 (24-31) 1.NCIPM rkfydk 2% mÙkjh {ks= ds LFkkuksa esa pwld dhVksa ds fy.0-56.3 (27-40) Jhxaxkuxj / Sriganganagar {ks=h. / Zonal 18 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 .2-10.ksa ¼.4-49.eMCY.3-31.6 (29-34) 18.3 (27-37) 3.3 (25-32) 3.4-8.1 (29-41) 2.kuk / Ludhiana 10.3-23.1 (27-36) 5.w½ dh jsat Location Range of peak population (no. ZØe ds dk.k] ftlesa .ZØe dks N% jkT.l.e ds varxZr fpfUgr ize[q k nygu mRiknu {ks=ksa esa vjgj] puk] ewx a ] mM+n rFkk elwj ds yxHkx 16443-62 gs. mUgsa izkRs lkfgr Hkh fd. vkSj muds iz. selection and decision of making sprays. }kjk fodflr fdLesa u dsoy LFkkuh. esa fodflr tSo moZjd ¼jkbtksfc. During the FFS. urd bean and lentil production through intensive application mM+n rFkk elwj dk c<+rk mRiknu of IPM vkbZih.]a vkaèkz izn's k esa 800 gs. chickpea. uk'khthoksa ls izfrjksèkh gS]a cfYd muls mit Hkh vfèkd izkIr gksrh gSA LFkkuh.4 ha in Maharashtra.e dk. mung. Nuclear IPM villages (173) were developed to validate and demonstrate effectiveness of different IPM strategies. 2571 ha in Uttar Pradesh and 1000 ha in Jharkhand benefitting 11098 farmers growing pigeonpea.12 ha in Karnataka.kA bl nkSjku dqN xkaoksa dks fpfUgr fd. their timing of occurrence. z ksx ls vjgj] puk] ewxa ] Increasing pigeonpea.oa mit ij foLr`r lwpuk .]a eè.kj djus ds ckjs esa]a mÙkj izn's k esa 2571 gs.oa fNM+dko rS.) developed at University to increase benefit due to local strains.] cht mipkj rFkk fNM+dko ds p.e dk.kA fdlku ikB'kkyk ds nkSjku fdlkuksa dks ize[q k uk'khthoksa rFkk lac) a ykHkks]a muds vkxeu dk le.k x.u.]a egkjk"Vª esa 2584-4 gs.e ds xgu vuqi.ZØe ls vjgj] puk] ewx a ] mM+n rFkk elwj dh [ksrh djus okys 11098 fdlkuksa dks ykHk feyk gSA vkbZih. IPM strategies included replacement of local varieties (low yielder) with University-developed varieties having resistance against local pest problems along with high yield.ksa dh izHkkodkfjrk dk oSèkhdj.df=r dh xbZ vkSj xSj&vkbZih. Few villages were earmarked and detailed information on pest incidence and yield were collected and compared with non-IPM fields. 800 ha in Andhra Pradesh.k x.k x. urd and lentil.ksa esa dk.kA fo'ofo|ky.{ks= dks 'kkfey fd. urd and lentil in major pulse growing areas identified under NFSM.e xkao fodflr fd.e [ksrksa ds lkFk mldh rqyuk dh xbZA The IPM programme was implemented in six states covering 16443.u ds QyLo:i dukZVd esa 9775-12 gs.kZUo.e dk. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 19 .ksa esa LFkkuh. }kjk fodflr fdLeksa ls izfrLFkkfir fd.oe~ ih.dks nygu Qlyksa ds varxZr yk.nygu Pulses vkbZih.Zuhfr.62 ha under pigeonpea. chickpea.k djus gsrq U. fdLeksa ls vfèkd ykHk dekus ds fy. izn's k esa 300 gs.k rFkk izn'kZu&ijh{k. fo'ofo|ky. seed treatment.A vkbZih. 2584. x. farmers were educated about key insect pests and associated beneficials.u .kZfUor fd.k x.e dk.lcha½ rFkk tSo dkjd ¼VªkbdksMekZ iztkfr½ fdlkuksa dks miyCèk djk.k rFkk uk'khtho ds izdksi .k x.j vkbZih.ksx ds fy. 300 ha in Madhya Pradesh.Zuhfr.e .k x.k x.esa rFkk >kj[kaM esa 1000 gs. mung. de mit nsus okyh fdLeksa dks fo'ofo|ky.kA bl dk. Farmers were also provided and encouraged to use bio-fertilizers (Rhizobium and PSB) and bio-agents (Trichoderma spp. Implementation of IPM has resulted in coverage of 9775.kA fofHkUu vkbZih. vkSlr to allude and warrants all dh rqyuk esa vkSlr mit out efforts in coming season 43-05 vkSj 54-52% c<+h] especially in view of change ysfdu o"kkZ dh izof` Ùk esa cnyko in rainfall pattern.esa izn'kZu&ijh{k.e izkS|ksfxdh dks mit] ykHk % ykxr vuqikr rFkk dhVuk'kdksa ds fNM+dko dh la[.k] ftlls 20 xkaoksa ds 1499 fdlkuksa dks ykHk gqvkA pus ds lacèa k esa rhu Cykdksa ds varxZr 12 xkaoksa ls lacfa èkr 3904 gs.kZoj. Using Farmers SMSs Portal of .NCIPM Gulbarga and Bidar (Karnataka) A3P programme was implemented in 3225. izR.k c<+rk tk jgk was on increase. Chickpea demos were successfully conducted in 3904 ha belonging to three blocks covering 12 villages involving 968 farmers. 50% iq"iu ¼1-25 lwM nksuksa voLFkkvksa ij bZVh. B:C ratio and reduction in number of pesticide sprays (Table 1).k fo'ks"k :i ls previous years.k fd.friendly molecule tried at their farms with their participation.e ls le. who were convinced with the yield gained due to adoption of various critical IPM inputs.|fi jkT.sls fdlkuksa dks lfEefyr fd. average fdlkuksa dks muds xkaoksa esa Hkh yield in comparison to state fu. the Unprecedented rain led to alarming situation of uk'khthoksa dh pqukSfr.ksa ls Macrophomina blight disease Helicoverpa podborer fuiVus ds fy.k Qly mit esa o`f) ls larq"V FksA vféfxjh ds ikjEifjd chtksa ds lkFk tsth&11 ds izfrLFkkiu ls rFkk mldh izfrjksèkh {kerk ls csgrj ikni lef"V izkIr gqbAZ fdlku VªkbdksMekZ ls cht mipkj rFkk bekesfDVu cst a ks.k x.l. IPM technology in terms of yield.kZUo.l.75 larvae/plant). ftlesa 968 . Bidar benefiting 1499 farmers of 20 villages.ZØe dk dk.62 ha fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk izfØ. and emammectin benzoate spray as green eco. vkus okys ekSle ds fy.k ds dkj.ksx GOI.k x.l ds ekè. Although. Even in A3P areas. Farmers were also convinced of the result of seed treatment with Trichoderma. timely advice were djrs gq.kZfUor fd.k x.l iksVy Z dk mi. tkus dh vko'.ksx ls Hkh ykHkdkjh dhVks]a fo'ks"k :i ls ysMhcMZ chVy rFkk dsEiksyfs Vl ds laj{k. bollworm population was found directly related with the rainfall pattern.k gSA 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Similar programme has been implemented at KVK.e.k esa 2197 fdlkuksa dks lfEefyr djrs gq.e ls Hkh increased by 43.k eS=h ekWyhD.fer fdlku cSBdksa ¼fdlku and national average had ikB'kkyk½ ds ekè. x.3ih {ks=ksa esa both at 50% flowering (1.e ds fofHkUu egRoiw. Unlike Hkkjh cjlkr ds dkj. leqps iz.kZ fufof"V.wy dk ijh{k. The incidence level of spotted FkkA o"kkZ dh izof` Ùk fpÙkhnkj lwM aw h lef"V ds izdksi ds fy.k xSj&.ksa ¼buiqV½ ds vaxhdj.ksfa d muds [ksrksa esa mudh lgHkkfxrk esa gh gfjr i.k FkkA dhVuk'kdksa ds de iz.u fd.oa puk ds varxZr 3225-62 under pigeonpea and chickpea involving 2197 farmers gs.ZØe dks vjgj .V ds fNM+dko ds ifj.3ih {ks=ksa ds lacèa k the Helicoverpa larvae crossed ETL at peak flowering esa rks bZVh. .52%.k dks izkRs lkgu feyk FkkA vkbZih.kl fd.ZØe ls tqMs+ fdlkuksa through SMSs in Kannada dks u dsoy dUuM+ Hkk"kk esa language apart from regular .kA Hkkjr ljdkj ds fdlkuksa ls tqMs+ in participatory mode. vaxhÑr rFkk fiNys provided to farmers o"kks± esa dk.k x.{k :i ls vuqdy w ikbZ xbZA xqycxkZ vkSj fcnj (dukZVd) Ñf"k foKku dsUnz] fcnj esa Hkh blh izdkj ds dk. The spotted bollworm and podbug infestation x.drk gSA fiNys o"kZ ds infestation in non-A3P areas had crossed the ETL level foijhr] gsfydksoikZ Qyh Hksnd dk laØe.k fd.k tks vkbZih. the pest continued . farmers meet (FFS) in their ij lykg nh xbZ] cfYd villages.esa dk.k FkkA fpfÙknkj lwM aw h vkSj ikWMcx dk laØe. ij lykg nh xbZA 54.3ih dk. Use of less pesticide had also encouraged conservation of beneficial insects especially the ladybird beetles and Campoletis.k x.k esØksQksfeuk vaxekjh jksx dh pqukSrh ds dkj.e.y ls vfèkd FkkA .05 and le.kke ls Hkh lar"q V Fks D.k esa deh ds vkèkkj ij rkfydk 1 esa n'kkZ. .y iq"iu dh pje voLFkk ¼1-50½ ds nkSjku gh ikj gks stage. vkSj jk"Vªh.25 larvae/plant) as well as aw h@ikni½ rFkk Qyh vkus ¼1-75 lwM aw h@ikni½ podding stage (1. The replacement of traditional seeds of Annigiri with JG11 had resulted in better plant population due to its resistant character. Sudden increase could be attributed to excess rain (deviation of +99.kA .k gSA pus esa pwf.d cM+h leL.3 and 17.7 and 22.4 larvae/plant) as well as peak flowering stages (21.kZy QQwna ds laØe. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 21 .3ih {ks=ksa esa fpÙkhnkj Qyh csèkd dk laØe. cht mipkj ls izHkkoh :i ls fuiVk tk ldrk FkkA pus ds lacèa k es]a 400 . BRG-1 and BRG-2 had escaped the powdery mildew infestation.6% in nonA3P.3 and 35.3ih esa 2-6% laØe.e izkS|ksfxdh ds ykHkksa dks mit] ykHk % ykxr vuqikr rFkk dhVuk'kdksa ds fNM+dko esa de la[.ZØe ds funs'Z kuksa ls fdlkuksa dks mPp mit ¼8-95 fDoa-@ gs-½ izkIr gqbAZ ftu fdlkuksa us chvkjth&1 vkSj chvkjth&2 pus esa jrqok@ Chickpea rust Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh) IPM has been implemented at KVK. Podborer was a great problem at podding stage (9.k] ftlesa 1749 fdlkuksa dks 'kkfey fd.2 larvae/plant) and wilt. there were not much insect-pest problems at vegetative stage (Table 1).3ih . The crop also suffered infestation of pod borer in A3P as well as non-A3P at 50% flowering (1.k 50% iq"iu ¼12-7 vkSj 22-4 lwM a h@ikni½ voLFkk ij rFkk iq"iu ¼21-3 vkSj 35-8 lwM a h izfr ikni½ dh pje voLFkk ij bZVh.2 larvae/plant) as well as peak flowering stage (9.k fd.k FkhA vkbZih.y ls vfèkd FkkA blesa vpkud o`f) ds ihNs flrEcj] 2013 esa gqbZ vfèkd o"kkZ ¼$99-1% fopyu½ gks ldrh gSA .k x.A .3ih dk.k ls dksbZ uqdlku ugha gqvkA .4 and 5. fdLeksa dh [ksrh dh Fkh mUgsa pwf.uchbZth&3 ds ikjEifjd chtksa dk tsth&11 ds lkFk izfrLFkkiu djus ls rFkk mldh izfrjksfèkrk {kerk ls csgrj ikni lef"V ikbZ xbZA xSj&.ksx fd.] ftlls 336 fdlku ykHkkafor gq.2% in A3P as against 2. x.8 larvae/ plant). which.3ih rFkk xSj .k ugha FkhA Qyh f[kyus ¼xSj&. A3P guidelines benefited them in terms of higher yields (8. could be managed effectively with the Trichoderma applied as seed treatment. Anantapur involving 1749 farmers.k x.3ih esa 9-5%½ dh voLFkk ij QyhHksnd .k ds vkèkkj ij rkfydk 1 esa n'kkZ.k ds dkj.oa xSj .3ih esa QyhHksnd ds 1-2% laØe.nygu | Pulses vuariqj (vkUèkz izn's k) Ñf"k foKku dsUnz] vuariqj esa vkbZih.95 q/ha). Except pod borer infestation 1.e dk fØ.dM+ {ks= esa ijh{k.k Hkh uqdlku gqvk] ftlls VªkbdksMekZ iz.u fd.kUo.kZy QQwna @Chickpea powdery mildew Chickpea demos were implemented in 400 ha area benefitting 336 farmers.k dks NksMd + j] okuLifrd Lrj ij uk'khtho lacèa kh dksbZ vkSj leL. The replacement of traditional seeds of NbeG-3 with JG-11 resulted in better plant population due to its resistant character.3ih esa 50% iq"iu ¼1-4 vkSj 5-2 lwM a h izfr ikni½ ij iq"iu ¼9-3 vkSj 17-2 lwM a h izfr ikni½ dh pje voLFkk ij rFkk eqj>ku ij Qly dks Qyhcsèkd ds laØe.1%) received during the month of September 2013. The spotted podborer infestation in A3P as well as non-A3P areas had crossed the ETL level at both 50% flowering (12.k dh rqyuk esa .k x. Farmers who had grown cv.5% in non-A3P). 9 2 5 3 fetkZiqj@Mirzapur 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 13.esa deh No.k.fur LFkkuks ij izeq[k nygu Qlyksa esa vkbZih.3 2 7 5 uSxkao@Naigoan 21.5 Lentil tcyiqj@Jabalpur 13.7 2.5 4.NCIPM rkfydk 1% p.7 3 4 1 Qrsgiqj@Fatehpur 13.4 3 2 -1 xqycxZ@Gulbarga 11.3 1.e IPM Non IPM Pigeonpea dhVuk'kd fNM+dkoksa dh la[.5 13.4 2.75 2 4 2 yksgkjMkxk@Lohardaga Chickpea vuariqj@Anantapur 12.7 2 4 2 fcnj@Bidar 13.7 9.1 0 1.3 0 3.e xSj vkbZih.4 2.5 10.4 2.4 2.5 7.izfr gs-½ ykHk%ykxr vuqikr Yield (q/ha) B:C ratio Location vkbZih.1 3.7 9.e IPM Non IPM vkbZih.1 3 5 2 tcyiqj@Jabalpur 13.7 1.8 1.0 3 4 1 fcnj@Bidar 13.5 0 0 2 3 1 cnukiqj@Badnapur 16.1 1. sprays of pesticide sprays vkbZih.e IPM Non IPM vuariqj@Anantapur 7.4 2 8 6 uSxkao@Naigoan 11.0 0 0 0 2 4 0 ijHk.5 8.0 1.8 2 4 2 Qrsgiqj@Fatehpur 0 0 0 0 1 4 3 fetkZiqj@Mirzapur 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 11.8 12.0 2.7 8.1 1 2 1 yksgkjMkxk@Lohardaga Mung & Urdbean cnukiqj@Badnapur 4.8 1.07 6.1 7.3 2.5 2.6 2.5 10.7 2.6 9.7 2 3 1 tcyiqj@Jabalpur 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 cnukiqj@Badnapur 8.2 4.3 3. of pesticide Reduction in no.9 1 3 2 3.0 8.e xSj 12.4 1.7 2 2 0 xqycxZ@Gulbarga 10.0 0 0 0 0 0 fetkZiqj@Mirzapur 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 9.5 0 0 0 2 2 0 ijHk.6 9.k- dhVuk'kd fNM+dkoksa dh la[.8 4.8 1.0 1.e izkS|ksfxdh ds vkfFkZd igyq Table 1: Economics of IPM technology in major pulse crops at selected locations LFkku mit ¼fDoa.0 1.5 1 2 1 yksgkjMkxk@Lohardaga 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 .5 2.9 8.e xSj vkbZih. A3P farmers could achieve better yields (25 q/ha) in comparison to conventional farmers (7 q/ha) owing to the fact that leaf roller.k bfV.k] ftlls nks xkaoksa ds 169 fdlku ykHkkafor gq. BSMR-853 & BSMR736) resulted in better crop growth. ijHk.u&9&3 fdLeksa ls izfrLFkkfir fd.k x.A . okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 23 .we eksFk] fpfÙknkj lwM a h rFkk ikWM cx laØe. however the crop suffered serious incidence of Cercospora leaf spot.kZfUor fd.95 q/ha). Beneficiary farmers received higher yields (12.k x.esa dk.3ih viukus okys fdlkuksa dh mit 6 fDoa. The incidence of collar rot was higher in non-A3P (7-20%). The incidence of thrips (12.e 2002&1 ls izfrLFkkfir fd.] fnfXot.k x.kfn djus ds dkj.Zuhfr.esa fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk i)fr esa dk.izfr gs.k .l.l. Vijay. plume moth. The replacement of traditional seeds (Khadkha and Majalgoan) with released varieties (BDN711.3ih viukus okys fdlkuksa dks] ikjEifjd fdlkuksa ¼7 fDoa.esa dk.izfr gs-½ dh rqyuk es]a csgrj mit ¼25 fDoaizfr gs-½ izkIr gqbAZ jksxksa es]a QkbVksIFkksjk jksx eq[. Among diseases. The low productive varieties could be replaced with BM-4 7 and BM.vkj.A ykHkkafor fdlkuksa us ikjEifjd fdlkuksa ¼8-5 fDoa.e dks 169 gs.ksa ls fdlkuksa dks mPp mit ¼8-95 fDoa.e dk dk.l. The low productive varieties could be replaced with cv. benefiting 164 farmers of three villages. A3P farmers could harvest 6 q/ha in comparison to 3q/ha by non-A3P farmers. Digvijay and BDN-9-3.FkhA Badnapur (Maharashtra) IPM was implemented by ARS.u&708] ch. ij fuxjkuh bR. At 50% flowering stage.kZfUor fd. vkSj chMh.nygu | Pulses cnukiqj (egkjk"Vª) .izfr gs-½ izkIr gqbAZ ikjEifjd chtksa ¼.k] ftlesa pkj xkaoksa ds 450 fdlkuksa dks 'kkfey fd.k dh le. Maruca as well as pod bug infestation could be managed due to timely monitoring and action.evkj&853 rFkk ch.kA ikjEifjd fdlkuksa ¼10-7 fDoa.5 q/ ha).kZUo.kA .'kksnk] [kkndk rFkk ektyxkao½ dh foeksfpr fdLeksa ¼chMh.3ih ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa dk"BdhV ¼12-66 izfr ikni½] ruk eD[kh ¼0-69 izfr ikni½ rFkk LiksMksIVsjk ¼1-6 lwM a h izfr ikni½ dk izdksi vfèkd FkkA .k x.izfr gs-½ dh rqyuk esa . leL.evkj& 736½ ds lkFk izfrLFkkiu djus ls Qly esa T.u&711] ch.izfr gs-½ izkIr dhA de mit nsus okyh fdLeksa dks fot. stemfly (0.evkj& 736½ ds izfrLFkkiu ls rFkk mudh izfrjksèkh {kerk ls csgrj ikni lef"V ikbZ xbZA iÙkh eksMd + ] Qyh Hksnd] IY.izfr gs-½ dh rqyuk esa mPp mit ¼12-5 fDoa.7 q/ha).kZfUor fd.e&4&7 vkSj ch. Chickpea IPM demonstration could be implemented in 215 ha.5 q/ha) in comparison to conventional farmers (8.3ih dh dk.izfr gs½ izkIr gqbAZ ikjEifjd chtksa ¼[kkn[kk vkSj ektyxkao½ dh foeksfpr fdLeksa ¼chMh.k x.l] cnukiqj }kjk 240 gs.A de mit nsus okyh fdLeksa dks ch. Badnapur in 240 ha benefiting 191 farmers of two villages.k x. the incidence of podborer was also on higher side (3.66/plant).k] ftlls rhu xkaoksa ds 164 fdlku ykHkkafor gq.izfr gs. Phytophthora blight was of a major concern.k x.69/plant) and Spodoptera (1.l.kA xSj&.29 larvae/plant).evkj&853 vkSj ch. A3P interventions benefited them in terms of higher yields (8.6/plant) was more in non-A3P farmers' fields.3ih ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ds 3 fDoa. Average A3P beneficiary farmers could get higher yields (13. benefiting 169 farmers of two villages.knk o`f) gqbAZ . BSMR-853 & BSMR-736) resulted in better plant population due to its resistant dh rqyuk esa .|fi QyhHksnd dk laØe.e dks 215 gs.esa vkbZih.ZØe dks 500 gs. The pod borer infestation level was well below the ETL. Khadkha and Majalgoan) with released varieties (BDN-708.u fd.3ih dk. 2002-1. Mungbean IPM demos were also implemented in 169 ha. pod borer.k FkhA pus ds lacèa k esa vkbZih.y Lrj ls de Fkk] rFkkfi Qly dks lsjdksLiksjk iÙkh èkCck izdksi ls dkQh uqdlku gqvkA Parbhani (Maharashtra) Pigeonpea A3P programme was implemented in 500 ha involving 450 farmers in participatory mode covering four (egkjk"Vª) vjgj lacèa kh .3ih viukus okys vkSlr ykHkkFkhZ fdlkuksa dks mPp mit ¼13-10 fDoa.k] ftlls 2 xkaoksa ds 191 fdlku ykHkkafor gq.3ih ¼7&20%½ okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa xzhok foxyu ¼dkWyj jkWV½ dk izdksi vfèkd FkkA 50% iq"iu voLFkk ij QyhHksnd dk izdksi ¼3-29 lwM a h izfr ikni½ vfèkd FkkA ewx a ds lacèa k esa vkbZih. The replacement of traditional seeds (Yashoda.10 q/ha) in comparison to conventional farmers (10. 2/ plant) in comparison to A3P (0.k ftlls nks xkaoksa ds 624 fdlku ykHkkafor gq. the incidence of pod borer was also on higher side (0. the incidence of podfly was low in A3P (1.k de gks ik. Beneficiary farmers received higher yield (21.k cht mipkj FkkA fo'ofo|ky.izfr gs.izfr gs-½ izkIr gqbAZ pus ls lacfa èkr vkbZih.kA ikjEifjd chtksa ¼[kkn[kk½ dk ch. Farmers under A3P could harvest (12. could bring down the level of pod borer infestation.k x.kA tcyiqj (eè. 317 fdlkuksa dks vaxhÑr fd.3ih ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼2-2 lwM a h izfr ikni½ ds [ksrksa esa dkQh T.57 larvae/plant) in non-A3P farms. benefiting 624 farmers of two villages. :i ls QyhHksnd dk laØe.esa dk..izfr gs-½ dh rqyuk esa .k jkbtksfc.2 ha.kA iq"iu voLFkk ij QyhHksnd dk laØe.A de mit nsus okyh fdLeksa dks fot.k] ftlesa nks xkaoksa ds 509 fdlkuksa dks 'kkfey fd.18%). dkj.Z fd.3ih viukus okys fdlkuksa dks 12-10 fDoa. The low productive varieties could be replaced with Vijay.3ih viukus okys vkSlr ykHkkFkhZ fdlkuksa dks mPp mit ¼10-99 fDoa. The infestation of pod borer was less.29 q/ha).3ih ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa dh 106 fDoa.k 24 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Chickpea IPM demonstration was implemented in 500. The replacement of traditional seeds (Khadkha) with BSMR-736 resulted in better yield.ZØe dks 500-2 gs. VªkbdksMekZ dUlksfVZ.k QyhHksnd laØe. Fkk vkSj blfy.] 500 gs. vPNk cuk jgkA ijHkf{k.3ih dk.6 q/ha by non-A3P farmers.ZØe ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa QyhHksnd dk izdksi ¼2-93 lwM a h izfr 25 Qyh½ vfèkd FkkA jksx izdksi ux.NCIPM pus ds fy. uSxkao (egkjk"Vª) Naigaon (Maharashtra) Demonstration of pigeonpea A3P programme was implemented in 500.k] ftlls ikni dk LokLF. The main governing factors for higher yield were use of Rhizobium and Trichoderma seed treatment.9/plant) at podding stage. izkIr gqbAZ mPp mit ds fy.k x.izfr gs. Disease incidence was negligible and did not warrant any protective measure.e us ihthihvkj ds :i esa Hkh dk.99 q/ha) in comparison to conventional farmer (8.ksx rFkk VªkbdksMekZ ls fd. The infestation of pod borer was low in A3P (3. The infestation level of pod borer was quite high in non-A3P (2. izn's k) vjgj ds lacèa k esa vkbZih.1 larvae/ plant). which also served as PGPR.10 q/ha) in comparison to 10. Average A3P beneficiary farmer could get higher yields (10. in general.cht ds lkFk mipkj Fkk] ftlus ihthihvkj ds :i esa Hkh dk. Low incidence of wilt could be attributed to seed treatment with Trichoderma @ 10 g/kg seed.2 ha covering two villages involving 509 farmers.k . Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) IPM in pigeonpea has been implemented in 100 ha benefiting 90 farmers of Shahapura block.kA .kA .k x.k] ftlls 90 fdlku ykHkkafor gq.ZØe dks 'kkgiqjk CykWd esa dk. x.48 q/ha) in comparison to conventional farmers (13.ZØe dks 500-2 gs.k de FkkA rFkkfi] QyhHksnd dk izdksi .k dh rqyuk esa .l. eq[.k x.e dk.3ih ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa vfèkd Fkk ¼0-57 lwM a h izfr ikni½A ikjEifjd fdlkuksa ¼13-76 fDoa. (Table 1).kZfUor fd.k x.ZØe viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼3-5 lwM a h izfr ikni½ ds [ksrksa esa laØe.3ih dk.dks lfEefyr djrs gq. dksbZ mipkjkRed o j{kksik.e dk.3ih viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼0-9 lwM a h izfr ikni½ dh rqyuk esa .e dk mi.A .ZØe ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼9-1 lwM a h izfr ikni½ esa QyhHksnd ds vfèkd laØe.3ih dk. vjgj lacèa kh . The Trichoderma consortium provided by University also served as PGPR aiding good plant health. fdLe ls izfrLFkkfir fd.drk eglwl ugha dh xbZA ikjEifjd fdlkuksa dh mit ¼8-29 fDoa. The incidence of wilt was higher in non-A3P (1.izfr gs-½ dh rqyuk esa ykHkkFkhZ fdlkuksa dks mPp mit ¼21-48 fDoa izfr gs-½ izkIr gqbZ ¼rkfydk 1½A eqj>ku dk de izdksi gksus ds ihNs VªkbdksMekZ 10 xzke izfr fdxzk.k ds dkj.37/25 pods) as against high in non-A3P areas (2. A3P guidelines benefited them in terms of .esa dk.93/25 pods).evkj&736 ds lkFk izfrLFkkiu djus ls vfèkd mit izkIr dh xbZA lkekU. Higher number of predators (ladybird beetle).knk FkkA For chickpea.ksa dh vko'.3ih ¼1-37 lwM a h izfr 25 Qyh½ viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa de Fkk] tcfd .mit dh rqyuk esa .76 q/ ha). the 317 farmers were adopted covering 500 ha area. }kjk miyCèk fd.k x.k x.ksa dh vfèkd la[. At peak flowering stage.5 larvae/ plant) fields as against high in non-A3P fields (9.kZfUor fd.Z fd.kZfUor fd.3ih dk.3ih ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼1-18%½ ds [ksrksa essa eqj>ku dk izdksi vfèkd FkkA iq"iu dh pje voLFkk ij Hkh Qyh Hksnd dk izdksi . k x.esa dk.kA Q.k x.6 larvae/plant) at peak flowering stage.k .ZØe ugha viukus okys ¼9-6%½ fdlkuksa dh Qly dks T.50 q/ha) in comparison to non-A3P (8.3ih dk.ZØe viukus okys ¼3-4%½ ds rqyuk es .g vfèkd FkkA lsjdksLiksjk iÙkh èkCck vkSj QkbVksIFkksjk vaxekjh ds fofoèkkRed izdksi ds dkj.51 q/ha).esa dk.k .3ih dk.kA iq"iu dh pje voLFkk ij . JL-1.kA ikjEifjd chtksa ¼fprkyh½ dk ujsUnz higher yields (13.3ih dk.ZØe viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼4-2 izfr ikni½ ds [ksrksa esa ekgq dk laØe. (Table 1) Average A3P beneficiary farmers could get higher yields (13. in general.k gSA iQrsgkckn (mÙkj izns'k) vjgj ds lacèa k es]a vkbZih. The infestation level of key pest podborer was low in A3P (0.k x. Fusarium wilt and Cercospora leaf spot was common in the A3P as well as non-A3P fields.nygu | Pulses de ik.k] ftlesa 10 xkoksa ds 494 fdlkuksa dks 'kkfey fd.2/plant) as against high in non-A3P (11. A3P guidelines benefited them in terms of higher yields (13.e dk.kZfUor fd.izfr gs-½ dh rqyuk esa .3ih dk.ZØe ¼0-17 lwM a h izfr ikni½ viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa QyhHksns d uk'khtho dk laØe.1 larvae/plant) as against high in non-A3P fields (5.k x. JL-2 and Noori.3ih dk.kZfUor fd.A lkekU.izfr gs-½ dh rqyuk esa .kZfUor fd. Chickpea IPM demonstration could be implemented in 100 ha.3ih ds oSèkhdj.kA . Lentil IPM demonstrations were also implemented in 100 ha.y&2 rFkk uwjh fdLeksa ls izfrLFkkfir fd.85 q/ha). :i ls] QyhHksndksa dk laØe.k x.e izkS|ksfxdh ds ykHkksa dks mit] ykxr%ykHk vuqikr rFkk dhVuk'kdksa ds fNM+dko esa de la[.k x.k ds vkèkkj ij rkfydk1 esa n'kkZ. The incidence of aphids was low in A3P (4.e dk.12 q/ha) in comparison to non-A3P (7.3ih dk.3ih viukus okys fdlkuksa dks vfèkd mit ¼13 izfr gs-½ izkIr gqbAZ vkbZih.qlfs j.ZØe ¼0-23½ ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa .knk uqdlku gqvkA .e eqj>ku ds izdksi ds dkj.knk uqdlku gqvkA .3ih viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼13-12 fDoaizfr gs-½ dks mPp mit izkIr gqbAZ pus ds lacèa k esa vkbZih.3ih dk.A de mit nsus okyh fdLeksa dks ts.k x.fQM ds mPp laØe.3ih dk.3ih dk.y&1] ts.ZØe viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼13-50 fDoa.3ih dk.e izkS|ksfxdh ds ykHkksa dks mit] ykxr%ykHk vuqikr rFkk dhVuk'kdksa ds fNM+dko esa de la[.esa dk.A de mit nsus okyh fdLeksa dks tsth&315 vkSj tsth&16 fdLeksa ls izfrLFkkfir fd. Crop of A3P as well as non-A3P suffered with varying levels of incidence of Cercospora leaf spot and Phytophthora blight (Table 1).k gSA yksgkjMkxk (>kj[kaM) vjgj ds lacèa k es]a .k x.k de Fkk] tcfd .kZfUor fd.k x.ZØe ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼8-5 fDoa.kA .k] ftlls pkj xkaoksa ds 100 fdlku ykHkkafor gq. Infestation of pod borer was low in A3P fields (1.k rkfydk 1 esa n'kkZ.17 larvae/plant) as against high in non-A3P fields (0.6 ha benefiting 160 farmers of five villages.ZØe dks 100 gs.ZØe ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa dh Qly dks T.k x.k x.esa dk. A3P farmers could harvest 13 q/ha in comparison to 9 q/ha by non-A3P farmers (Table 1).23 larvae/plant).k dk.k] ftlesa 6 xkaoksa ds 100 fdlku ykHkkafor gq.3ih dk.k de ik. Incidence of sterility mosaic.ZØe dks 100 gs. The crop suffered from Fusarium wilt with incidence of A3P (3. Fatehabad (Uttar Pradesh) IPM in pigeonpea has been implemented in 125. The low productive varieties could be replaced with cvs.6%).k dh rqyuk esa .02/ plant).ZØe dks 500 gs.4%) and non-A3P (9.ZØe viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼1-1 lwM a h izfr ikni½ ds [ksrksa esa QyhHksns d dk laØe.e dk. The replacement of traditional seeds (Chitali) with Narender Arhar-1 resulted in better yield.3ih ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa dh mit ¼9 fDoa.6 q/ha) in comparison to conventional farmers (9. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 25 .3ih dk.3ih ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼7-51 fDoaizfr gs-½ dh rqyuk esa . benefiting 100 farmers of four villages.k x. benefiting 100 farmers of six villages.k de ik.ZØe ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼5-6 lwM a h izfr ikni½ ds [ksrksa esa vfèkd FkkA elwj ds lacèa k esa vkbZih.k de Fkk] tcfd .ZØe ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ¼11-02 izfr ikni½ ds [ksrksa esa . The infestation of borers was low.ZØe dks 125-6 gs.5q/ha).k] ftlls ikap xkaoksa ds 160 fdlku ykHkkafor gq.izfr gs-½ dks mPp mit izkIr gqbAZ vkbZih.kA . Lohardaga (Jharkhand) Validation of pigeonpea A3P programme was done in 500 ha covering 10 villages involving 494 farmers.ZØe viukus okys ds rqyuk es . The low productive varieties could be replaced with JG-315 and JG-16. This had direct impact on increase in population of predators and parasitoids in natural eco-system. BSMR-736.k x.e&2002&1½ rFkk elwj ¼ts.izfr gs-½ dh rqyuk esa ykHkkFkhZ fdlkuksa dks mPp mit ¼11-9 fDoa.kZ. The low productive varieties could be replaced with Pusa-362.ZØe viukus okys ykHkkFkhZ fdlkuksa dks vfèkd mit ¼13-6 fDoa. SMS advisories helped in timely and need-based application of correct and quality pesticides.izfr ikni½ izkIr gqbAZ {kerk fuekZ. chickpea (JG-11.3ih dk.NCIPM vjgj&1 ls izfrLFkkiu djus ls vfèkd mit izkIr gqbAZ . The incidence of wilt was higher in non-A3P fields (1.rk feyhA    26 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014    Farmers got an opportunity to experience the importance of micronutrients (Zn and Sulphur). This helped them in restricting spread of pest incidence. mungbean (BM-4. BDN -9 -3.kA . Capacity Building State officials of Tamil Nadu.oa xq.] fnfXot. NDA-1). . Mallika) with early maturing (escape mechanism) and built-in resistance mechanism helped in reduction of pest infestation and disease incidence to the tune of 25-40%.wfj. lw{e iks"kdksa ¼ftad vkSj lYQj½] tSo moZjdksa ¼jkbtksfc. Noori.k] ftlls 10 xkaoksa ds 32 fdlku ykHkkfUor gq.e vkSj ih. K-75.k rRdkfyd fu. JL-2. 3ih dk.kZ dhVuk'kdksa dk iz.] chMh.ZØe dks 300 gs. pigeonpea (TS-3R.u&9&3] vojksèkh½] ewax ¼ch.ka fdlkuksa dks vukt dh mit .y&1] ts.evkj&736] ch. BM-2002-1 ) and lentil ( JL-1. NSKE and HaNPV.l.ZØe viukus okys rFkk ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa ok¡> ekstd s+ ] jksx Q.k ykxr dks de djus esa lgk.oa xq.qlfs j. Digvijay..koÙkk c<+kus ds fy.kZfUor fd. Avrodhi). Beneficiary farmers received higher yields (11.e dk. BSMR-853. thereby reducing the number of sprays and cost of plant protection.ZØe dh miyfCèk.d leku FkkA ikjEifjd fdlkuksa ¼9-85 fDoaizfr ikni½ dh rqyuk esa .k x. Salient achievements of A3P   .ksx djus esa lgk.k vkSj Mh.ksx ls uk'khtho .e izkS|ksfxdh ds ykHkksa dks mit] ykxr%ykHk vuqikr rFkk dhVuk'kdksa ds fNM+dko esa de la[.9 q/ha) in comparison to conventional farmers (8.j Hkh miyCèk djk.esa dk.kA Chickpea IPM demonstration was implemented in 300 ha benefiting 32 farmers of 10 villages.l lykgdkj ls o kvks a ls le.lch½] tSo doduk'kdksa ¼VªkbdksMekZ ½ rFkk flaFksfVd ¼Ñf=e½ moZjdksa ¼.e dk.ih½ dh egÙkk tkuus dk volj izkIr gqvkA vxsrh ifjiDork ¼bLdsi eSdfs uTe½ rFkk jksx izfrjks/kh mUur fdLeks]a tSls vjgj ¼Vh.7 q/ ha).rk feyhA .k x. Farmers got confidence in use of alternative methods of plant protection involving botanicals and bio-agents like Neem oil.l.e.e eqj>ku rFkk lsjdksLiksjk iÙkh èkCck dk izdksi .y&2] uwjh] ds&75] efYydk½ ds mi. inkfèkdkfj.evkj&853] .uMh.k gSA pus ds lacèa k es]a vkbZih.ZØe lacèa kh ubZ lwpuk.d Vwy ds :i esa mUgsa bZ&uk'khtho fuxjkuh lkW¶Vos. rfeyukMq] vkUèkz izn's k] dukZVd rFkk vle ds jkT.l.e&4] ch.3ih dk.drkuqlkj lgh .3ih ugha viukus okys [ksrksa ¼1-2%½ esa rqyukRed :i ls eqj>ku jksx dk izdksi vfèkd FkkA ikjEifjd fdlkuksa ¼8-7 fDoa.oa jksx izdksi dks 25&40% rd de djus esa lgk.koÙkkiw.k rkfydk 1 esa n'kkZ. ysus ds fy. bio-fungicides (Trichoderma) and synthetic fertilizers (Urea and DAP) in increasing the yield and quality of grain. Vijay.rk feyhA blls fdlkuksa dks uk'khthoksa ds izdksi dks QSyus ls jksdus esa rFkk mlds QyLo:i dhVuk'kdksa ds fNM+dkoksa dks de djus vkSj ikni laj{k.A de mit nsus okyh fdLeksa dks iwlk&362 fdLe ls izfrLFkkfir fd. ij rFkk vko'. IPM strategies helped them in getting additional yields with minimal toxic load to the environment.ksa dks vkbZih.k x.a miyCèk djkbZ xb± rFkk .g. bio-fertilizers (Rhizobium and PSB).l&3 vkj] ch.izfr ikni½ izkIr gqbAZ vkbZih. Andhra Pradesh.&1½( puk ¼tsth&11] fot. Karnataka and Assam were provided with updates on IPM and use of e-Pest Surveillance Software as real time decision-making tool.2%). Use of improved varieties e. kstu Field day celeberations at Anantapur Integrated management of Phytophthora blight in pigeonpea The trial on integrated management of Phytophthora blight in pigeonpea was conducted at different locations viz.k Field demonstration at Mirzapur vjgj esa iQkbVksIFkksjk vaxekjh dk lesfdr izcèa ku vjgj esa QkbVksIFkksjk vaxekjh ds lesfdr izcèa ku ij fofHkUu LFkkuks]a vFkkZr yksgkjnxk ¼>kj[kaM½] xqycxkZ ¼dukZVd½ rFkk cnukiqj ¼egkjk"Vª½ esa ijh{k.kstuk ds varxZr foLrkj QksYMjksa dk foekspu fd.k ds oSdfYid iz. Gulbarga (Karnataka) and Badnapur (Maharashtra).nygu | Pulses   fdlkuksa esa ouLifr..qDrksa dks Øe'k% xqycxkZ] yksgkjnxk rFkk cnukiqj ijh{k.k rFkk mls cht mipkj vkSj if.ldsbZ rFkk .ksa ds mi.ts. S.Q.u. viride were used in the experiment at Gulbarga. Nagpur during 9 – 13 Feb 2014 fetkZiqj esa iz{ks= ijh{k.kkfy.fud vuariqj esa iz{ks= fnol lekjksg dk vk.j½ fNM+dko esa mi.qDr ¼Qly½ us fnukad 9&13 Qjojh] 2014 ds nkSjku lhvkbZlhvkj] ukxiqj esa vk.oa la.p.ksa vkSj ijthO.ka Field and Extension Activities vkbZih.k x. during “Krishi Vasant ” Mela held at CICR. x.k fd.Zuhfr. x. ThLDG-2 and Th-BDR-1 of T. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 27 .ksx ds fy.p&.k Dr.p&thchvkj&13] Vh.ksftr ÞÑf"k oalrÞ esy a s ds nkSjku .ksa ls fdlkuksa dks vfrfjDr mit izkIr djus esa lgk.Zuhfr.l.kA cqokbZ ls 21 fnu igys e`nk dk VªkbdksMekZ iztkfr ls mipkj fd.k rFkk cqokbZ ls igys Hkh chtksa dk mipkj fd.l. Individual and combined eco-friendly treatments were laid out in split-plot design with three replications on 10 x 5 m2 size plots.kksa esa iz.kZy ¼Qksfy.rk feyh vkSj i.ksx fd. MCY.e dh . Sandhu.kA yglqu dh xkaB ¼2% tyh.kHkksa ds lef"V dh o`f) esa Hkh izR.oa foLrkj xfrfofèk.A ijh{k.ksa vkSj uhe rsy] .ksftr rFkk ikfjra=&eS=h mipkj fd.A VªkbZdksMekZ fojhMs ds Vh.{k izHkko iM+kA MkW.uihoh tSls tSodkjdksa lfgr ikni laj{k.k x. The isolates Th-GBR-13.p & chMhvkj&1 fo. Agricultural Comissioner (Crops) released extension folders under the A3P project of NFSM. fo'okl tkxkA iz{ks=k .k x. Lohardaga and Badnapur.ksa ls izkÑfrd ikfjra= esa ijHkf{k.e dh dk.u.k x.kj fd. J.laèkq] Ñf"k vk.w@oh½ rRo ds vdZ dks rktk&rktk rS.vkdkj ds IykVksa ij rhu iqujko`fÙk. Lohardaga (Jharkhand).kksa ds nkSjku 10 x 5 oxZ eh.ksx fd.dy ..3ih ifj.yMhth&2 rFkk Vh.kZoj.k ij Hkh de ls de vlj iM+kA vkbZih.e dh dk.kA cqokbZ ds 30 fnu ds ckn vFkkZr jksx&izdksi ns[krs gh vfr'kh?kz yglqu dh xkaB dk vdZ vkSj VªkbdksMekZ fojhMs tSls tSfod dhVuk'kdksa rFkk jklk.k x.ksa ds lkFk fLifyV&IykV fMtkbu esa . Gulbarga.a=.k x. viride and chemical fungicides were done 30 DAS immediately after observation of disease incidence. The spray of biorationals i. FksA ifj. Life of farmers is solely dependent upon the microbes present in the soil . The extract of garlic bulb (2% aqueous w/v) was freshly prepared and used in seed treatment and foliar spray.viride enriched FYM + Seed treatment with T. The results indicated that all treatments significantly reduced the Phytophthora blight incidence as compared to untreated control across three locations.6 q/ha .8 q/ha .k dh rqyuk esa leLr mipkjksa esa QkbVksIFkksjk vaxekjh izdksi esa Hkkjh deh vkbZA rFkkfi] lHkh LFkkuksa esa mipkj esa vjgj ds lacèa k esa U.qä xkscj [kkn }kjk e`nk mipkj + VªkbdksMekZ fofjMs ¼10 xzk-½ }kjk cht mipkj + fjMksfey dk fNM+dko respectively.wure jksx izdksi ¼xqycxkZ esa 5-4%] cnukqij esa 6-4% vkSj yksgkjnxk esa 6-4%½ rFkk lokZfèkd mit ¼xqycxkZ esa 17-6 fDoa.Badnapur and 16.NCIPM dhVuk'kdksa dk fNM+dko fd.4% .dh. garlic bulb extract and T. the lowest disease incidence (5.fud dhVuk'kdksa ls rqyuh.g Hkh irk pyk fd jksx izdksi de djus esa tSfod dhVuk'kd] tSls yglqu dh xkaB dk vdZ ¼thchbZ½ rFkk VªkbdksMekZ fojhMs ikjEifjd jklk.viride (10g) + Spray with garlic bulb extract Vh 3% VªkbdksMekZ fofjMs .g ik.Gulbarga. The result also suggested that the bio-rational inputs. viz.qä xkscj [kkn }kjk e`nk mipkj + VªkbdksMekZ fofjMs ¼10 xzk-½ }kjk cht mipkj + yglqu xkaB ds vdZ dk fNM+dko T6: Soil treatment with T.izfr gs-] cnukqij esa 19-8 fDoa.viride enriched FYM + Seed treatment T. But. :i ls Vh6 ds lerqY.viride enriched FYM + Seed treatment with garlic bulb extract (2%) + Spray with garlic bulb extract Vh 1% VªkbdksMekZ fofjMs .izfr gs.kkeksa esa .kkeksa esa .8% Badnapur and 6.4 q/ha Lohardaga) of pigeonpea was recorded with the treatment (T6) at all locations. which were statistically at par with T6. was done 21 days prior to sowing and seeds were treated before sowing. viride (10g) + Spray with Ridomil Vh 6% VªkbdksMekZ fofjMs . viride were comparable with the conventional chemical fungicides in reducing the disease incidence . The crop was monitored after sowing and observed for disease incidence at 30.k x.Lohardaga) and highest yield (17.izfr gs-½ ntZ dh xbZ] blds ckn Vh3 vkSj Vh1 dk LFkku Fkk] tks lkaf[.Parashar (Krishi Parashar. c400BC) 28 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 ..e. garlic bulb extract (GBE) and T. 19. The soil treatment with Trichoderma spp.k fd rhuksa LFkkuksa ij vuqipkfjr fu. followed by T3 and T1.k ds ifj.kA cqokbZ ds i'pkr Qly ij 30] 45 vkSj 60 fnuksa ds varjky ij jksx izdksi ds fy. 5. fuxjkuh dh xbZA ijh{k.4% .vkSj yksgkjnxk esa 16-4 fDoa. FksA T1: Soil treatment with T.qä xkscj [kkn }kjk e`nk mipkj + yglqu xkaB ds vdZ }kjk cht mipkj+yglqu xkaB ds vdZ dk fNM+dko T3: Soil treatment with T. 45 and 60 days after sowing (DAS). df=r dh xbZAZ Ñf"k foKku dsUnz] .k es]a ewx a Qyh vkSj vjgj dh [ksrh djus okys fdlkuksa dk vuqikr 15%1 vkSj 21%1 FkkA ewx a Qyh ruk Ård{k.k ds fy. etc. The predominant variety of groundnut was K-6. lesfdr uk'khtho izcaèku Validation of integrated pest management technology for groundnut crop izkS|ksfxdh dk oSèkhdj. izkS|ksfxdh viukus okys fdlkuksa dk % ikni laj{k.g o`f"V Nk.uthvkj. vuUriqj ftyk ¼vkU/kz izn's k½ esa vuqlèa kku ifj. The socio-economic baseline information was collected from Anantapur.kkyh esa dsoy ewx a Qyh( ewx a Qyh $ vjgj varjQlyhdj.. vkbZih. Andhra Pradesh on the various aspects of plant protection measures. ewx a Qyh dh Qly ds fy.k@fefJr Qlyhdj. ANGRAU.l.df=r dh xbZ ftls uhps n'kkZ. Andhra Pradesh with a view to validate IPM technology for groundnut crop for different agro-eco-systems.kfn dk mi.kSu tky½ bR. Farmers generally used okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 29 .kstuk 'kq: dh xbZA ikni laj{k.frygu | Oilseeds frygu Oilseeds ewaxiQyh iQly ds fy.k@ Intercropping / mixed cropping ykbV VªSiksa ¼izdk'keku Qanks½a dk mi.k mik.ksx@ Use of pheromone traps. thrips.k ¼jsu 'ksMks½ okyk ftyk gS] vFkkZr tgka ckfj'k de gksrh gSA bl {ks= esa [kjhQ ds nkSjku ckjkuh fLFkfr ds varxZr ize[q k Qlyhdj. In intercropping.k gS% Research project was initiated at Anantapur.k ds fy.ksx@ Use of light traps Qsjkseksu VªSiksa ¼. The major biotic constraints in groundnut were leaf miner. VªkbdksMekZ ds lkFk e`nk mipkj@ Soil treatment with Trichoderma sp. The predominant cropping pattern is sole groundnut.ksa ds fofHkUu igyqvksa ij vuUriqj ftyk ¼vkU/kz izn's k½ ls lkekftd&vkfFkZd vkèkkj lEcfU/kr tkudkjh . flQkfj’ksa Plant protection recommendations % farmers adopting / practicing uhe ds fxjh dk vdZ@ Neem seed kernel extract bfeMkDyksfizM ds lkFk cht mipkj@ Seed treatment with imidacloprid VªkbdksMekZ ds lkFk cht mipkj@ Seed treatment with Trichoderma sp.w] vkUèkz izn's k lkekftd&vkfFkZd vk/kkj dh tkudkjh vuUriqj ftyk ¼vkU/kz izn's k½ ls .uMh½ ds izdksi dks de djus ds fy. varjQlyhdj. collar rot.k gS rFkk jch ds nkSjku mFkyh o ijrh ¼QsykS½ gSA ewx a Qyh dh ize[q k fdLe ds&6 gSA varjQlyhdj.e izkS|ksfxdh ds oSèkhdj. Tokj@cktjk ds lkFk dqN gn rd lhekorhZ 5 60 10 5 70 5 10 groundnut + pigeonpea intercropping under rainfed during kharif and fallow during rabi. the ratio of groundnut and pigeon pea followed by farmers was 15:1 and 21:1. Usually 23 sprays were taken up by using Taiwan power sprayer to control pests and diseases. jksx ¼ih.k iz. KVK.k fofHkUu Ñf"k ikfjra=ksa ds fy.. vkU/kz izn's k dk vuariqj ftyk 'kq"d {ks= ds varxZr vkrk gS] blds vykok . PSND and late leaf spot. Border cropping with bajra /sorghum was followed to lesser extent (<5%) to minimize incidence of peanut stem necrosis disease (PSND).k x. Andhra Pradesh Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh comes under arid region besides being rain shadow district. Peanut stem necrosis disease ewx a Qyh ruk Ård{k. fdlkuksa dh dqy ykxr ` 5000 izfr gs.ue . x.l. groundnut and pigeonpea intercrop was sown with the receipt of monsoons during first fortnight of July 2013.k tkrk gSA ewx a Qyh esa ize[q k tho lacèa kh leL.k dkcsuZ Msfte .af=r djus ds fy. the farmer spent ` 5000/ ha (25%) for plant protection.k VªkbdksMekZ fojhMs .ksx fd. Junagadh (Gujarat) Baseline information collected indicated that seed treatment with fungicide mancozeb or carbendazim or thiram was given before sowing in groundnut crop. The main pests of groundnut were thrips and jassids and farmers applied two sprays of either monocrotophos or imidacloprid or dimethoate or thiamethoxam for their management. As a whole. rkbZoku ikoj ds 2&3 fNM+dko dj jgs FksA vkerkSj ij fdlku dhVuk'kd ds :i esa .k FkkA Qly dks [kjirokj ls eqDr j[kus ds fy. During 2013-14 kharif season. no rains were received and the crop was subjected to terminal moisture stress.kA if. stem rot and leaf spot (early and late) were the main diseases of groundnut in this region.NCIPM Qlyhdj.k x.ksx fd.slk izrhr gqvk fd Qly ueh ncko ls mHkj jgh Fkh] ysfdu ckn esa ckfj'k u gksus ds dkj.k Mk. farmers applied seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum or T. To keep the crop weed-free farmers sprayed preemergence weedicide pendimethaline and postemergence weedicide djus ds fy. hexaconazole mancozeb + carbendazim or difenoconazole. 30 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 . helped to reduce the incidence of above pests. which affected the turn out of the groundnut.kZy jksx dks fu. farmers applied two to three sprays of fungicides viz. fdlkuksa us gsDlkdksukstksy] esd a kstcs $ dkcZuMsfte .a Fkha iÙkh eksMd + ] dk"BdhV] xzhok foxyu] ih. collar rot. fdlkuksa us VªkbdksMekZ gftZ. cht dk djus ds fy. But later on.Vs vFkok feFkkfeFkksDte ds nks fNM+dko fd. The crop seemed recovered from moisture stress. eksuksØksVksQkWl vFkok bfeMkDyksfizM vFkok Mk.kA ewx a Qyh esa ize[q k uk'khtho dk"BdhV rFkk tSflM Fks vkSj fdlkuksa us mUgsa fu. :i ls] uk'khthoksa .ethyl.uMh rFkk iNsrh iÙkh èkCckA fdlku djus ds fy.k ds fy. fdlkuksa us uk'khthoksa ds vkxeu ls igys isaMhfeFkkyhu [kjirokjuk'kh rFkk dhVksa ds vkxeu ds ckn fDotykQksi&ih bZFkkby [kjirokjuk'kh dk fNM+dko fd.flQsV rFkk doduk'kdksa ds :i esa esd a kstcs vkSj dkcsuZ Msfte dk iz.¼25%½ FkhA [kjhQ 2013&14 ds nkSjku] tqykbZ 2013 esa igyh cjlkr gksus ij ewx a Qyh vkSj vjgj dh varjQly ds :i esa cqokbZ dh xbZA Qly dks iÙkh eksMd + ¼16%½] dk"BdhV ¼24%½ rFkk tSflM ¼11%½ tSls uk'khthoksa ds izdksi ls uqdlku igqp a kA cqokbZ ds 50&65 fnuksa ds i'pkr~ o"kkZ gksus ls bu uk'khthoksa ds vkØe.A acephate as insecticide and mancozeb.k esd a kstcs ls mipkj fd. DGR.g irk pyk fd ewx a Qyh dh Qly esa cqokbZ ls igys QQwna uk'kd esa esd a kstcs vFkok dkcsuZ Msfte vFkok Fkkbje ds lkFk cht dk mipkj fd. Rain received at 50-65 DAS (pegging-pod initiation) stage.k Qly dks mÙkjksÙkj ueh ncko dk lkeuk djuk iM+k] ftlls ewx a Qyh dh Qly izHkkfor gqbAZ Mhthvkj] tqukx<+ (xqtjkr) . For the management of collar rot and stem rot.oa jksxksa dks fu.k. x. and jassids (11%).A xzhok foxyu jksxksa dks fu.oa iNsrh½ bl {ks= esa ize[q k jksx ik.d= dh xbZ vkèkkj js[kk lwpuk ls .k Vscd w ksukstksy .Qsuksdksukstksy QQ¡nw @doduk'kdksa ds nks ls rhu fNM+dko fd.A ikni laj{k.k ¼5% ls de ½ fd. carbendazim were used as fungicides. For the foliar disease management. thrips (24%). viride or tebuconazole or carbendazim or mancozeb. Crop suffered from biotic stress of leaf miner (16%).k esa dqN ek=k esa deh vkbZ gSA .A ewx a Qyh esa jksxksa ds lacèa k es]a xzhok foxyu ¼dkWyj jkWV½] ruk foxyu ¼LVse jkWV½ rFkk iÙkh èkCck ¼vxsrh . Amongst diseases. Mewat and Mohindergarh and Zone-III b (Alwar) of Rajasthan in collaboration with ARS (SKNAU) Navgaon (Alwar) in farmers’ participatory approach.A gfj. x.k&ljlksa ds LDysjksfVfu.kA LDysjksfVfu.k foxyu ds fo#) lesfdr jksx izcèa ku dks] fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼. In Bharatpur.0% and 2. New Delhi. Jaipur. x.k&ljlksa ds LDysjksfVfu. In Rajasthan.k LDysjksfl.k foxyu ¼LDysjksfVfu. Integrated disease management package against Sclerotinia rot (Table 1) was found superior over FP in reducing the disease incidence (from 40 to 20%) (Table-1).lds.kk ds nf{k.ksa dks lfEefyr djrs gq.u.3-3.w Studies on management of Sclerotinia rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) of rapeseed-mustard Survey for incidence and severity of Sclerotinia rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) of Rapeseed-Mustard Survey of 88 locations in eight districts viz. highest incidence (30.ifjlj] jktiqj [kqn]Z egjkSyh] ubZ fnYyh esa vkB fHkUu mipkjksa ds lkFk .4.kA ¼rkfydk&1½ jch ekSle ds ckn Qly ds fy. Dausa and Bharatpur in Rajasthan was conducted for Sclerotinia rot of mustard.k foxyu dk 0&80% vkSj 1&4 xzM jksx izdksi rFkk mldh rhozrk Øe'k% 10-1&27-0% vkSj 2-3&3-6 xzM s ds chp FkhA Hkjriqj es]a vfèkdre jksx izdksi ¼27-0%½ rFkk vfèkdre izdksi rhozrk ¼3-6½ ikbZ xbZA LDysjksfVfu. lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku oSèkhdj.kk ds xqMx + kao] esokr] fjokM+h vkSj eksfgUnzx<+ rFkk jktLFkku ds vyoj] t.p.q½ esokr o egsUnzx<+ o .ksx esa fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk i)fr esa gfj.k LDysjksfl. Mehrauli.w½] uoxkao ¼vyoj½ ds lg.k ljlksa esa LDysjksfVfu.6 grades. Mewat.vkj.ksje) ds izcèa ku ij vè.d ijh{k.vkjvkbZ] ubZ fnYyh vkSj .k x.frygu | Oilseeds rksfj.8) were observed followed by that in Mohindergarh [incidence 27. New Delhi and SKNAU. lesfdr jksx izcaèku dk oSèkhdj. HAU). In Haryana. Durgapura.A jksx izdksi de djus esa ¼40 ls 20%½ LDysjksfVfu.6 grades].ksftr fd.9%.k x. Rajpur Khurd. respectively. Validation of integrated disease management practices for Sclerotinia rot: Validation of integrated disease management practices for Sclerotinia rot were conducted in 40 hectares in Mewat and Mohindergarh districts of South-West zones of Haryana in collaboration with KVKs (CCS.k% gfj.1-27. Rajasthan for post rainy rabi crop was carried out. Recommended dose of nitrogen was found better than 50% of recommended and 150% recommended doses in reducing the white rust on leaf and inflorescence. incidence and severity ranged 0–80% and 1-4 incidence ranged 5-75% and severity ranged 1.esa LDysjksfVfu.0%) and severity (3.k foxyu ds fy. Different treatments were found superior from untreated control in Sclerotinia rot incidence.k&if'peh {ks=ksa ds esokr vkSj egsUnzx<+ ftyksa rFkk jktLFkku ds {ks=&III [k ¼vyoj½ esa 40 gs. lkr mipkjksa ds lkFk fLifyV IykV fMtkbu esa . The incidence and severity of Sclerotinia rot ranged 10.k fd.Zuhfr.k. In Rewari.kA lesfdr mipkj dks] ftlesa cqokbZ ds 60 fnuksa ij esVkySfDly 4 MCY.u rksfj. The integrated treatment..kk es]a jksx izdksi 5&75% rFkk izdksi dh rhozrk 1-0&4-0 xzM s dh jst a esa FkhA fjokM+h esa rFkk mlds ckn eksfgUnzx<+ esa Øe'k% lokZfèkd jksx izdksi ¼30-0% vkSj 27-9%½ rFkk rhozrk ¼3-8 vkSj 3-6 xzM s ½ ikbZ xbZA jktLFkku esa] jksx izdksi rFkk mldh rhozrk Øe'k% s ds chp FkhA LDysjksfVfu.k dk.iqj] nkSlk vkSj Hkjriqj es]a vFkkZr vkB ftyksa esa 88 LFkkuksa ij los{Z k. severity 3. losZ{k. x. Rewari and Mohindergarh of Haryana and Alwar. vkbZ.k fd. which okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 31 . An experiment with eight different treatments was carried out at NCIPM Campus. Gurgaon.ksje½ ds izdksi rFkk izdksi dh rhozrk ds fy.w] nqxkZijq k] jktLFkku ds lg.d ijh{k.u.k x. respectively. An experiment in split plot design with three main treatments of different levels of nitrogen and seven subtreatments having different IPM interventions in collaboration with IARI...0%) and severity (3.k foxyu ds fy.k.k.0 grades.l] .Qih½ dh rqyuk esa csgrj ik.k.l ¼.k foxyu (LDysjksfVfu.0 .6) were observed.A lQsn jrqok dk iÙkh o iq"ixqPN voLFkk ij jksx de djus esa ukbZVªkt s u dh flQkfj'k ek=k vPNh ikbZ xbZA jk-l-uk-iz-ds.k foxyu ds fy..k fd. gfj.k foxyu izdksi ij vuqipkfjr daVªky s esa fofHkUu mipkj csgrj ik.kk ds dsohds ¼lhlh. highest incidence (27.ksx esa ukbVªkt s u ds fofHkUu Lrjksa dss rhu ize[q k mipkjksa rFkk fofHkUu vkbZih.e dk.ZØe vk. pVh dh cqokbZ ds fy.oa . S:40 fdyks @izfr gs-½ dk larfq yr mi. laoh{kk] .k foxyu ds e`nk iz.k x.  eDdk] pkoy bR. Brassicas AVT-I and AVT-II strains (Plant Pathology) against different .kd cht dk mi.r Vh.oa flapkbZ ds fy.ohVh&I . rice.k xehZ esa xgjh tqrkbZ ugha djukA vlarfq yr moZjd dk mi.k ds ize[q k jksxksa ds fo#) N% czkfldk lefUor ijh{k. Genetic enhancement of rapeseed-mustard for development of varieties and hybrids: Genetics enhancement of new sources of resistance for white rust. laoh{kk] fofHkUu jksxksa .k&ljlksa dk vkuqoaf'kd laoèkZu % lQsn jrqok] vYVjsfu.e½ .oa leku ¼. [ksrksa dks rS. Screened six Brassicas coordinated trials viz. Preparation of well-drained field. At sowing  moZjdksa ¼N:60.e esa iwoZ& m"ekf.oa okuLifrd voLFkk ij At seedling & vegetative stage vDVwcj esa fnukad 16&31 ds nkSjku cqokbZ u djukA No sowing during 16–31 October  cht vkSj e`nk dk mipkj ugha djukA  vf/kd flapkbZ djukA High irrigation and population No rouging of infected plants No seed and soil treatment ih $ esd a kstSc 64 MCY.oa vkbZ.Qih½ ds vuqlkj viukbZ tkus okyh dk.kksa dh laoh{kk dh xbZ] vFkkZr .kj djukA Deep summer ploughing.koÙkk ds fy. AVT-I & II timely sown irrigated. etc.wih dk fNM+dko . S:40 kg/ha) .QokbZ. 50 fdxzk.ksx Unbalanced fertilizer application    lØfer ikniksa dks gVkuk Rogueing of infected plants  lØfer ikniksa dks ugha gVkuk foosdiw. rksfj.s lzkrs ksa dk vkuqofa 'kd laoèkZu fd. K:40.wfuQkse½Z jksx okyh ikS/k'kkyk ¼ikni jksx foKku½ 32 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 includes foliar spray of metalaxyl 4 WP + mancozeb 64 WP at 60 days after sowing (DAS) was found effective in reducing the white rust on leaf and inflorescence and increasing yield followed by fresh aqueous garlic bulb ( 2% w/v) extract (Fig.k vaxekjh rFkk LDysjksfVfu.gftZ. u.ohVh&II dh xq.ohVh&I vkSj II dh le.gftZ.ue@2-5 fdxzkizfr gs.k rktk cus yglqu dk vdZ ¼2%½ 'kkfey Fkk] ftls Qwy vkus dh voLFkk esa lQsn jrqok dks de djus esa izHkkoh ik. P:40.ksx djukA  FP Hkh"k.k x..ka Table 1: Integrated management (IM) and farmers' practices (FP) interventions for Sclerotinia rot of rapeseedmustard ekWM~.  No summer ploughing  Vh.kfn tSls ukWu&gkWLV Qly viukukA cqokbZ ds le. harzianum) @ 10 g/kg. ij cqokbZ .Zuhfr.kA ljlks& a rksfj. laoh{kk] le.k djukA iq"i .  vDVwcj esa fnukad 16&31 ds nkSjku cqokbZ djukA ikSèk . IVT timely sown and IHT timely sown. Alternaria blight and Sclerotinia rot was carried out.oa fdlkuksa dh fofèk. lesfdr izcaèku ¼vkbZ.  Crop rotation with non-host like maize.e cqokbZ ls igys Pre – sowing  IDM Hkh"k.ksx djuk Soil application of T.oa izekf.kZ flapkbZ djuk Judicious irrigation Seed treatment with T.5 kg/ha pre-incubated in 50 kg of FYM.oa Qyh Lrj ij At flowering & pod stage Maintenance of optimum plant population LoPN .wy Module vkbZMh.oa gkbfczMksa dks fodflr djus ds fy.ksx djukA Use of clean and certified seed  Balanced application of fertilizer (N:60.ue@10 xzk.izfr fdxzkds lkFk cht mipkj djukA vfèkdre ikni lef"V.NCIPM rkfydk 1 % rksfj.Qih  Sowing during 16–31 October. 1). ij vkbZohVh . AVT-I & II quality.k ¼fp=&1½A fdLeksa .ksa ¼. P:40.k foxyu ds fy. harzianum @ 2. K:40.k xehZ esa xgjh tqrkbZ djukA ikuh dh csgrj fudklh ds fy.k&ljlksa ds LDysjksfVfu.ksa dk vuqj{k. ….lchth&13&25 dks ifÙk.ohVh&II½ dh laoh{kk dh xbZ vkSj pkj oa'kkofy.the cup of joy is full only when the findings find practical applications – Louis Pasteur okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 33 .ohVh&I vkSj . 1.oa .lchth&13&24] .k tk ldrk gSA diseases and Uniform disease nursery (Plant Pathology) against major diseases of rapeseed-mustard comprising 138 entries was conducted. SBG-13-23.ksx fd.oa cht iSnkokj ij çHkko Fig. SBG-13-24.vkbZih.lchth&13&23] .ohVh&II ¼ikni jksx foKku½ fdLeksa dh laoh{kkA ijh{k.lchth&13&14] . czkfldk . mi.frygu | Oilseeds fp= 1.ksa ij lQsn jrqos ls eqDr ik. Effect of IPM component treatments on diseases and seed yield in Indian mustard ds fo#) xq. SBG-13-25 were found free from white rust incidence on leaves and could be utilized in development of varieties and hybrids in rapeseed-mustard.e~ ?kVdksa dk ljlksa dh chekfj.kA bUgsa rksfj. ¼.aVªht½ 'kkfey dh xb±A czkfldk tuunzO.kksa esa 138 oa'kkofy.k&ljlksa dh fdLeksa .ks]a vFkkZr .ksa . four entries viz.oa gkbfczMksa dks fodflr djus ds fy.koÙkk ds fy.ka ¼. Screening of Brassica germplasm (AVT-I and AVT-II).ohVh&I .k x. SBG13-14. ksx fd.kesFkksDte] izkis kbusc] bfeMkDyksfizM] lkbijesfFku] esd a kstcs rFkk .k fd.{ks= esa vaxhdj. need.ZØe ds dk. mancozeb and acephate pesticides. Singoha and Rambha villages.k.k djus ds fy.feFkks.wMkseksukl Qyksjksll as ds lkFk ikSèk dh tM+ dks Mqcksuk] uhys jax ds VªSi ¼Qan½s LFkkfir djuk rFkk uhe] fLiukslM s ] esd a kstSc vkSj .d Qly ekSle esa vkSlru [email protected] :i ls jklk. seedling root dip treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens.kA vkèkkj js[kk lwpuk miq. imidacloprid.Zuhfr.u ls uk'khtho dh fLFkfr rFkk vkfFkZd igyq vkbZih.fud dhVuk'kdksa dk fNM+dko djrk gS ¼ftldh dher ` 6250&7500@[email protected] fd.k x.based sprays of neem.k x.g irk pyk fd mijksDr xzkeh. thiamethoxam.fud dhVuk'kdksa ij gh fuHkZj jgrs FksA . Pest status and economics of IPM implementation The mean incidence of key insect pest viz.e dk.k muesa mHkjh D. vkbZih. Farmers of the hamlet were though aware about the biocontrol / IPM technologies but were wholly dependent on chemical pesticides for pest control. every farmer applied 7-8 sprays (worth ` 6250-7500/ season/ ha) of chemical pesticides in a season.k x.DZ r xkaoksa ds ckjs esa vkèkkj lwpuk . djuky ¼gfj. vkbZih. cypermethrin. dk. propineb. The IPM interventions for various pests of onion validated in nursery as well as main crop included raised bed.u ls ize[q k uk'khtho] 34 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Base line information Base line information was collected about the above mentioned villages and socio-economic status of farmers revealed farming.kk½ ftys ds fla?kksb]Z fla?kksok rFkk jkaHkk xkaoksa esa 4 gs.jh rFkk deh'ku ij Qlyks a dh Vª s f Ma x djuk gS A gkyka f d fdlku tS o fu.kZUo. thrips .k tkrk gSA ikS/k'kkyk rFkk eq[. On an average. mancozeb and acephate and use of mixtures of pesticides was quite prevalent.kt Onion Validation of adaptable IPM technology in 4 ha area covering 10 progressive farming families was carried out in Singohi.a=.kksa dk eq[. The commonly used pesticides were fdlku 7&8 jklk.d= dh xbZA fdlkuksa dh lkekftd&vkfFkZd fLFkfr ls .a=.e dk.qDr xkscj [kkn dks ikS/k'kkyk dh e`nk ds lkFk feykuk] L.sflQsV dhVuk'kdksa dk vko'. dairying and commissioning for crop produce as the predominant profession of villagers.gS½A bu jklk.kjh ¼jsTM cSM½] VªkbdksMekZ .Vs ] fFk. District Karnal (Haryana).drkuqlkj fNM+dko djuk 'kkfey FkkA vkbZih. mixing nursery soil with farm yard manure enriched with Trichoderma.e izk| S ksfxfd.ZØe ds dk.e izkS|ksfxdh dk oSèkhdj.fud dhVuk'kdksa esa lkekU. spinosad. iw.e dk.Z [ksrh] Ms.ksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh j[krs Fks] ysfdu os uk'khthoksa dks] ftlesa 10 mUur'khy [ksfrgj fdlkuksa dks 'kkfey fd.kZUo.kt ds ftu fofHkUu uk'khthoksa ds fy. erection of blue coloured traps.r% Mk.ksa dk oSèkhdj.sflQsV gSa vkSj dhVuk'kdksa dks fefJr :i ls mi.NCIPM ckxokuh iQlysa Horticultural Crops lCth iQlysa Vegetable crops I. Qly esa I. 04:1 in IPM and non-IPM fields.k x.kt ihyk ckSuk (0-9) / Stemphylium blight (0-9) (%) / Onion yellow dwarf (%) fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼. Stemphylium blight incidence was very high i.k nsjh ls fd.5 (0-9 rating) per plant in farmers' practices fields (FP) where as it was relatively low (2. Table 1: Pest status and natural enemy scenario in IPM and FP fields of onion in Singoha. Less number of sprays (5.k x.g vis{kkÑr de ¼2-1½ FkkA vkbZih.4%) in IPM fields as compared to non-IPM fields (1.k. The implementation of IPM technology by onion growers had significant impact on quantity of chemical sprays and yield.y&28^ I.knk] vFkkZr 5-5 ¼0&9 jsfVax½ izfr ikni ik.3 q/ ha in IPM and 165.e okys [ksrksa esa .Qih½ okys I.knk ik.1 5.e viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa de ¼5-1 izfr ikni½ ik. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 35 .kt ds [ksrksa dh rqyuk esa vkbZih. planting of cultivar `L-28' was delayed resulting in higher incidence of Stemphylium blight and consequently leading to low marketable yields.k vkSj de mit izkIr gqbAZ blds QyLo:i] cktkj esa I.ZØe okys fdlkuksa ds [kskrsa esa I. 5.e vaxekjh izdksi fdlkuksa dh fofèk.2 per plant in farmers' practice (FP) fields.e viukus okys fdlkuksa dks mPp ykHk % ykxr vuqikr ¼2-24%1½ izkIr gqvk] tcfd nwljh vksj fdlkuksa dh fofèk okys [ksrksa esa vfèkd fNM+dkoksa ¼8-7½ rFkk de mit ¼165-8 fDoa.3) in IPM and higher (8.knk ¼9-2 izfr ikni½ FkkA LVseQk.k x. Among the diseases.k] tcfd vkbZih.fy.fy. rkfydk 1% djuky ¼gfj.e .k] tcfd fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼.Qih½ okys [ksrksa esa .kt dh vkiwfrZ Hkh de gqbAZ was found to be lower i.k x. It was also observed that due to occurrence of unusual rains during January-February months.ksa dh lef"V vfèkd ntZ dh xbZA ftu I.g dkQh T. Singohi and Rambha villages.e dk.oa .2 LVseQk. Onion yellow dwarf incidence was marginally low (0. 5.k ^.4 1.8 q/ ha in farmers' practices (FP) fields was obtained resulting in the higher BCR of 2.izfr gs-½ ds dkj.1) in IPM fields. district Karnal (Haryana) uk'khtho vkbZih.Qih [ksrksa esa uk'khtho dh fLFkfr rFkk izkÑfrd 'k=q dk ifjn`'.kt ihyk ckSuk izdksi ekewyh :i ls de 10-4%½ Fkk ¼rkfydk 1½A bl ckr ij xkSj fd.e.kt mRikndksa us vkbZih.e.k bu fdlkuksa dks de ykHk % ykxr vuqikr ¼2-04%1½ izkIr gqvk ¼rkfydk 2½A Higher natural enemy population especially of spiders was recorded in IPM fields of onion compared to that in FP.k fd tuojh&Qjojh ekg esa cs&ekSle cjlkr gksus ds dkj.24:1 and 2.k] ftlesa dkj.e okys [skrksa esa de fNM+dkoksa ¼5-3½ rFkk vfèkd mit ¼181-3 fDoa-@gs-½ ds dkj.k x.k LVseQk.ksa okys [ksrksa esa dkQh T.ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops vFkkZr dk"BdhV dk izdksi vkbZih.ZØe ugha viukus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa ¼1-2½ dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.e vaxekjh I.kt ds vkbZih.1 9.e okys [ksrksa esa izkÑfrd 'k=q] fo'ks"k :i ls edfM+.Qih Pest IPM FP dk"BdhV@ikni Thrips/plant 5.e .fy.7) in non-IPM fields and at the same time an increased yield of 181.2) (Table 1).e izkS|ksfxdh viukbZ muds jklk.2 2. respectively (Table 2).1 per plant in IPM fields as against higher incidence of 9.e dk.fud fNM+dkoksa rFkk mit ij dkQh izHkko iM+kA vkbZih.e vaxekjh dk izdksi dkQh T.kt fdLe dk jksi.kk½ ftys ds fla?kksok] fla?kksgh rFkk jkaHkk xkaoksa esa I.5 0.k vkbZ ih. u] .Ld eksFk ¼iraxk½ ds vkxeu ij fuxjkuh] ¶.Qih IPM FP 5.wlfs j.k]mHkjh cht D. ij p.ksftr fd.e ls vkbZih.ksx djrs gq.e okys [ksrksa esa uhe vkèkkfjr vkSj mfpr ek=k rFkk le. x.k x.e viukus okys [ksrksa es]a fdlkuksa dh fofèk okys [ksrksa dh rqyuk es]a mPp mit rFkk mPp ykHk % ykxr vuqikr ns[kk x.kfj.0:1 ykHk % Ykxr vuqikr@B:C ratio f'keyk fepZ vkbZih.kjh] VªkbdksMekZ dk lfEeJ.ksxksa esa deh vkbZA blds QyLo:i] vkbZih. x.k x. district Karnal (Haryana) uk'khtho vkbZih.ksx] gjs yscy okys dhVuk'kdksa ds fNM+dko dh le.e dh leLr laLrqr dk.k lfgr [ksrh dh ykxr @Cost of plant protection/sprays (`/ha) (`/gs-) @Cost of cultivation including plant protection (`/ha) vkSlr mit ¼fDoa-@gs-½ @Mean yield (q/ha) .k@fNM+dko dh ykxr (`/gs-) ikni laj{k. fMªi ¼Vidk½ flapkbZ dk mi.k eS=h dhVuk'kdksa dk lgt p.0 84328.esa ijh{k.k @Number of chemical sprays ikni laj{k. ijh{k.3 165.d dLck½ esa f'keyk fepZ ij 60 gs.fud fNM+dkoksa dh la[. LoLFk ikS/k'kkyk fodflr djuk Fkk] D.0 165091.k vk.e ds vkfFkZd igyq Table 2: Economics of IPM in onion crop in Singoha.Zuhfr. use of specific fdlkuksa ds fy.k.3 8.kofèk rFkk i.p.k] Qsjkseksu VªSiksa ds ekè. All recommended IPM interventions were carried out and demonstrated to bell pepper growers.8 dqy ykHk (`/gs-)@Gross return (`/ha) 180525.e ds oSèkhdj.e viukus okys fdlkuksa ds lkFk ckrphr Interaction with IPM farmers through Farmers' Field School .3 'kq) ykHk (`/gs-)@Net returns (`/ha) 99950. using drip irrigation to minimise Fusarium wilt damage.k x. mixing of Trichoderma.kA blds vykok] fdlkuksa ds fy.u rFkk fdlkuksa }kjk cM+s iSekus ij vkbZih.e viuk.ks½a dk iz.k] ijh{k.ZØe dk mís'.ksfa d budh vofèk yach gksrh gSA vkbZih.kZoj.2:1 2.8 2. rFkk mUgsa e`nk lkSjhdj. yksgs ds NYyksa ¼fjax½ okys ikWyhFkhu 'khVksa ls doj fd.kksa ds izlkj gsrq gfj.ksx rFkk izkÑfrd 'k=qvksa dh igpku djus esa izf'k{k.7 7687.5 6625.k.ksftr fd.kA dk. promotion and dissemination of trials and for wider adaptation by farmers.e eqj>ku gkfu dks de djus ds fy.s ikB'kkyk ds ekè.0 80575 80762..kA 36 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Bell Pepper More than 60 ha of bell pepper area was taken up in Uncha Samana.fud iz.ksa o eè.kA f'keyk fepZ mRikndksa dks vkbZih. timing the spray of green labeled pesticides and proper selection of eco-safe pesticides. monitoring of emergence of adult moths through pheromone traps. Singohi and Rambha villages.k] izkUs u.7 181. Daha-Bajindan. a hamlet in Karnal District of Haryana for IPM validation. Madanpur and Sirsi villages.kt dh Qly esa vkbZih. raised seed bed.kZoj.kk ds djuky ftys ds varxZr Åapk lekuk] nkgk ckthanu] enukiqj rFkk fljlh xkaoksa ¼.e Pest jklk.k Hkh fn.kofèk vkSj i.LFkkvksa dk izn'kZu fn[kk.fur dhVuk'kd ds iz. tkus ds fy.k eS=h dhVuk'kdksa ds fNM+dko dh le.NCIPM rkfydk 2% djuky ¼gfj.uihoh] fLiuklsM] uhe vkèkkfjr mRiknks]a tSls fof'k"V tSo dhVuk'kdksa dk mi. demonstration.ksx ls jklk.e ls O. jsTM+ cSMksa ¼mHkjh D. Farmers' field schools were organized and trainings were imparted to farmers on soil solarisation. iz{ks= Ldwy vk.kk½ ftys ds fla?kksok] fla?kksgh rFkk jkaHkk xkaoksa esa I. k x. use of eco-safe and reduced risk pesticides and identification of pest damage and natural enemies etc. Higher yields and in turn higher BCR were observed in IPM fields as against FP fields.u rFkk izlkj ds fy.ksx djus rFkk izkÑfrd 'k=qvksa dh igpku djus bR. Farmers were given demonstration and training for soil solarisation.kA vkbZih. gfj. ize[q k uk'khtho iÙkh eksMd + rFkk Qy csèkd Fks] ftUgsa vkbZih.kfj.ZØe pyk.kk ds lksuhir ftys ds iyjh xkao esa 10 gs-+ esa ijh{k. pheromone-based adult moths monitoring and spray of specific biopesticide like HaNPV with jaggery in evening.kA fdlkuksa dks e`nk lkSjhdj. fdlku xks"Bh] fdlku ikB'kkyk Tomato Ten hactare of tomato was undertaken for demonstration. x.k Hkh fn.ksftr fd.ksx dj lQyrkiwod Z fu.k / Protection from rose (Neel Gai) VekVj VekVj esa vkbZih.k x. Emphasis was on raising of healthy nursery using raised beds covered with polythene sheets supported by iron rings because of its longer duration.k fn[kk. vusd dk. IPM fields had reduced chemical pesticide applications due to the needbased and selective pesticide use in proper doses at proper time. Promotional activities were carried out by regularly visiting the adopted fields. promotion and dissemination of IPM technology in Palari village in Sonepat District of Haryana.ksa dks doj djus vkSj Qk¡n ¼VªiS ½ Qly ds :i esa xans s dk jksi.ykWu ds tkyksa ls ikS/k'kkyk D. spinosad.k vk.k x.Ld eksFk ¼iraxk½ dh fuxjkuh djus] lk.kA blds QyLo:i] bu uk'khthoksa dk izdksi fdlkuksa dh fofèk dh rqyuk esa ekewyh de ik.oa de tksf[ke okys dhVuk'kdksa dk mi. neem-based products and identification of natural enemies.ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops biopesticides like HaNPV.e izkS|ksfxdh dk mi.k cukus] uk. Leaf curl and fruit borer were observed as major pests and were managed successfully using IPM technology and their incidence was marginally lower than FP.kA bl xkao esa ik.k. VekVj iz{ks= Ldwy rFkk fdlku xks"Bh Hkh vk.] tSls vaxhÑr [ksrksa dk fu. covering nursery beds with nylon nets and marigold planting as trap crop.kSutky ¼VªSi½ . x.k] izkUs u. organizing the Farmer' Field Schools (FFS's).k x.oa xsna k ikniksa dh LVSfdax Pheromone traps and marigold Staking of plants okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 37 .e izkS|ksfxdh ds ijh{k. Trichoderma mixing.k] VªkbdksMekZ lfEeJ.e izkS|ksfxdh ds izkUs u.fer nkSjk djuk] fdlkuksa ls ckr djuk] fdlkuksa ds fy.kA blds vykok] fdlkuksa ds fy.ksftr dh xbZ] ftlesa 60 ls Hkh vfèkd fdlkuksa us Hkkx fy. x. ls laj{k. Farmers' Field School and Kisan Ghosthi on IPM in tomato were also conducted. interacting with farmers. Qsjkseksu .u ds fd.adky esa tSxjh ds lkFk eS=h . uhy xk. which was attended by more than 60 farmers.k djus] Qsjkseksu vkèkkfjr O. vkSj mUgsa izf'k{k.kfn ds ijh{k. armigera was noticed during October with 0.knkxh esa vkbZih.k x. leaf spot (Alternaria/Cercospora) severity was slightly higher in non-IPM plots throughout the season.68 larvae per plant in IPM and non IPM plots. tkrs gSAa fdlkuksa dks vkbZih.d ekSle esa fdlku vkSlru ` 45]000&50]000 izfr gs.k x.e viukus okys [ksrksa esa ijHk{kh] vFkkZr dksfDlusfyM .kA bl xkao ds ckjs esa vkèkkj js[kk lwpuk . c. ij djsyk csprs gSA a fepZ fepZ dh Qly ds fy.p.ksa ds ckjs esa dqN Hkh tkudkjh ugha FkhA fdlkuksa ls ckrphr ds nkSjku .k ds fy. FkkA nwljh vksj] vkbZih. 2014. predatory population viz.50000 per ha on chemical pesticides in a season. Alternaria cucumarina and Pythium fruit rot as the major pests and total unawreness about IPM/ biocontrol practices among the farmers. fruit fly. In both IPM and non IPM plots.k dqdeq fs juk rFkk fifFk.ksftr fd.kk ds djuky ftys esa ikèkuk xkao esa .vkfeZtjs k dh lef"V Øe'k% 0-82 vkSj 1-68 lwM a h izfr ikni ikbZ xbZA vkbZih.e viukus okys rFkk vkbZih. gfj.k ds ekè.e okys [ksrksa esa iwjs ekSle ds nkSjku iÙkh èkCck ¼vYVjusfj. djsyk Bitter Gourd A preliminary trial on validation of IPM technology was initiated in bitter gourd in village Padhana.e ugha viukus okys [ksrksa esa c#Fkh dh lef"V 1-33 izfr iÙkh FkhA iwjs ekSle ds nkSjku ekgw rFkk lQsn eD[kh dh lef"V fcydqy ugh ds cjkcj FkhA vDVwcj ekg ds nkSjku vkbZih. Crop information revealed pumpkin beetle.k fofèk.NCIPM vk.e ls izpkj djukA Kisan Ghosthi. The activity of fruit borer. respectively. 2013 to February. There was negligible population of both aphids and white fly throughout the season. coccinellids and Chrysoperla was higher in IPM plots compared to nonIPM.e viukus okys [ksrksa esa c#Fkh dh lokZfèkd lef"V izfriÙkh 1-0 ikbZ xbZ] tcfd vkbZih. Powdery mildew appeared in the third week of October with incidence reaching upto 36% and 37.e rFkk xSj&vkbZih.d ijh{k.e@tSfod fu.oa xSj&vkbZih.e [ksrksa esa Øe'k% 38 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Chilli An IPM trial was undertaken for chilli crop in the Upper Krishna Project area at Sunkeshwarhal. damage due to defoliators was negligible.e ugha viukus okys [ksrksa esa dk"BdhV dh lef"V 2-52 izfr iÙkh ikbZ xbZA flrEcj ekg ds nkSjku vkbZih. in Deodurga district of Raichur during July.k uqdlku ux.e nksuksa [ksrksa esa fu"i=d ¼fMQksfy.fud dhVuk'kdksa dk fNM+dko djrs gSa vkSj .ds ewY.4% in IPM and non-IPM plots.pwj ds nsonqxkZ ftys esa lqd a 's kokjgy ds Åijh Ñ".e viukus oyks [ksrksa esa vxLr ekg ds nkSjku dk"BdhV dh vfèkdre xfrfofèk ikbZ xbZ] ftldh vkSlr lef"V izfr iÙkh 1-71 dk"BdhV Fkh] tcfd vkbZih.e izkS|ksfxdh ds oSèkhdj. Base line information was collected about the village and socioeconomic status of farmers indicated bitter gourd as a major crop grown in village apart from tomato and rice.kstuk bykds esa vkbZih. Interacation with the farmers revealed that on an average a bitter gourd grower spent about ` 45000 . Highest mite population i. it was 1.e .sVj½ ds dkj. tqykbZ 2013 ls Qjojh 2014 ds nkSjku jk. display of visual-aids and publicity through print and electronic media. Karnal District of Haryana.e ize[q k uk'khtho ik.e ugha viukus okys [ksrksa dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.. djsys ds lacèa k esa vkbZih.k.0 per leaf was noticed in IPM-plot during September while in non-IPM plot. In general.33 mites per leaf.k@ldksLZ iksjk ½ dh rhozrk vfèkd ikbZ xbZA vDVwcj ds rhljs lIrkg esa pwf.52 thrips per leaf.e.oa ØkblksiykZ dh lef"V vfèkd ikbZ xbZA lkekU. peak activity of thrips was noticed during August with a mean peak population of 1.ksftr djuk] foToy ¼n`'. On the other hand. :i es]a vkbZih.a=.e ij .kA uk'khtho ifjn`'.k fd.kZy QQwna ikbZ xbZ tks vkbZih.kk ifj.d= dh xbZ ftlls fdlkuksa dh lkekftd&vkfFkZd fLFkfr dk irk pyk fd xkao esa VekVj vkSj pkoy ds vykok ize[q k :i ls djsys dh [ksrh dh tkrh gSA Qly lacèa kh lwpuk ls .e ugha viukus okys [ksrksa esa Qy Hksnd] .g irk pyk fd xkao dh Qlyksa esa lhrkQy e`x a ] Qy eD[kh] vYVjusfj.g Kkr gqvk fd fdlku djsys esa jklk. respectively.k vk. 1.82 and 1. H.½ izpkj rFkk bySDVªkWfud ehfM. Pest scenario In Byadagi.d izkjafHkd ijh{k. Anthracnose incidence began during second week of .71 thrips per leaf in IPM plot while non-IPM plots recorded a peak of 2. in Jorhat district of Assam in farmers' participatory mode in 1 ha in brinjal and tomato crops.kA jksi. district Nadia.aFkzDs ukst ds izdksi dk izkjaHk gqvk vkSj fnlEcj ds vafre lIrkg esa . West Bengal IPM validation was carried out in village Uttar Rajapur.25 q/ha of dry chilli and net gain of ` 26.k fd.e eqj>ku dk izdksi de ¼18-3%½ ik.e [ksrksa esa 19 dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.e rFkk xSj vkbZih. x. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 39 . Pointed gourd Haringhata.l 341 esa Hkh blh izdkj dh fLFkfr ntZ dh xbZA ijoy gfj. Teok.e viukus okys [ksrksa esa vkSlr mit 27-50 fDoa. the treated plots had higher yield of 53% compared to untreated ones.e okys [ksrksa esa 13 gLr{ksi gq.Z fd.izfr gs. x.oa vkfFkZd igyq c.k x.3 g a.e ds lkFk tM+ Mqck.100/.i. Assam Integrated management module was demonstrated in plots infested with plant parasitic nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita) in Danichapori. Nursery bed treatment with carbofuran @ 0. Golaghat district. IykVksa esa tM+&xk¡B lwpdkad ¼vkjdsvkbZ½ rFkk tM+&xk¡B lw=Ñfe lef"V ¼ts2½ de Fkh] vFkkZr Øe'k% 2-9 vkSj 119-3 daVªky s dh rqyuk esa vafre ¼Qkbuy½ lw=Ñfe lef"V Hkh de ¼77-5%½ FkhA vr% vuqipkfjr IykVksa dh rqyuk esa mipkj fd. Almost similar trend was recorded with US 341.wjku 0-3 xzk.3 g a. US 341.51.A ijh{k.knkxh fdLe ds xSj&vkbZih.3%).e ugha viukus okys [ksrksa esa lw[kh fepZ dh mit 24-25 fDoa. rRo izfr oxZ eh. ~ y w dk ijh{k. West Bengal in plots of 14 farmers.k ds 6 lIrkgksa ds ckn dkcksQ Z jq ku 3 th 0-3 xzk.315/in IPM plot. Alengmora and Boloma Moran Gaon.9) root-knot index (RKI) and root-knot nematode (119.izfr gs.esa ikni ijkthoh lw=Ñfe ¼ vuqi.k esa .k x.s j[kuk] izfrjksi./m2 + root dip treatment with carbosulfan @ 500 ppm for 1 hr.k esa dkcks¶Z .k x.kA ijh{k.k fd.w.e ij Øe'k% 14 vkSj 18 ijh{k. Byadagi while in cv.Fkh vkSj 'kq) ykHk ` 1]51]415@& Fkk] tcfd vkbZih.qlfs j.w.415/. Brinjal and tomato Jorhat. Incidence of Fusarium wilt was low (upto 18.25.lØh. 529. Haringhata.k ds nkSjku rFkk 3 lIrkgksa ds ckn VªkbdksMekZ fofjMs 7-5 fdxzk.9.ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops 36% vkSj 37-4% FkhA vDVwcj ds nwljs lIrkg ds nkSjku . The treated plots had higher fruit yield of pointed gourd by 53% over untreated control.A c.k fd vuqipkfjr daVªky s ¼4-9 xk¡B lwpdkad 529-6 izfr 200 lhlh e`nk½ dh rqyuk esa e`nk ds mipkj fd./ plant at 6 weeks after emergence.k rFkk ikni vadjq . it was 14 and 18.k x.izfr ikni dk vuqi.knkxh esa vkbZih. Yield and Economics Numbers of interventions were 13 in IPM plots as against 19 in non-IPM plots of cv.e izkS|ksfxdh dk ijh{k. It was observed that treated plots had lower (2.5% over control. Thus.k?kkVk] if'pe caxky if'pe caxky ds ufn. x. x. respectively in IPM and non IPM plots.ksd esa fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk i)fr esa 1 gs.5 kg/ha + FYM @ 375 kg/ha at planting and at three weeks after emergence of plant followed by application of carbofuran 3G @ 0.$ xkscj [kkn 375 fdxzkizfr gs.k ls igys [ksr esa dkcks¶Z .k ftys esa gfju?kkVk ds varxZr mÙkj jktkiqj xkao esa 14 fdlkuksa ds IykVksa esa non-IPM plots with 24.g ik.l 341 fdLe esa vkbZih.g vius pje ij igq¡p pqdk FkkA ¶. z ksx rFkk ikni vadjq .3) population (J2) in soil over untreated control (4.esa ikS/k'kkyk cSM mipkj $ 1 ?kaVs rd dkcksl Z YQku 500 ihih.Fkh vkSj 'kq) ykHk ` 26]315@& FkkA . IykVksa esa 53% mit vfèkd izkIr dh xbZA cSxa u vkSj VekVj tksjgkV] vle cSx a u vkSj VekVj dh Qlyksa ds lacèa k esa vle ds tksjgkV ftys esa nkfupkiqjh] xksyk?kkV] vysx a eksjk rFkk cksyksek eksjku xkao] against ` 1.] tcfd .k A mit .k fd. The final nematode population was also lower to the extent of 77.wjku@ 0-3 xzk- October and reached its peak in last week of December.50q/ha with a net profit of ` 1.6 per 200 cc soil).izfr gs. Byadagi recorded an average yield of 27. z ksx tSls dk.uh budkWxfuVk ½ ls xzflr IykVksa esa lesfdr izcèa ku ekWM.i. IPM plots of cv. Treatments included Trichoderma viride application @ 7. k ls igys fd.e }kjk viukbZ xbZ dk. Uttarakhand during April to December. The adoption of IPM module resulted in reducing the number of chemical sprays to 4-5 from 10-12 in non-IPM plots. /m2 + neem cake @ 500 kg/ha in the field before transplanting brinjal seedlings was effective in reducing nematode population.k x.xkscj [kkn feJ.~ y w ksa ij ijh{k.3 q/1000 sq m) (Table 3).k ls jklk. rFkk vuqipkfjr daVªky s Hkh j[kk x.ksx tSls dk. 2013 with a view to develop IPM technology for these crops grown under protected cultivation.e ekWM~. Champawat.ksa esa ikSèk yxkuk $ uhe [kyh 500 fdxzk. Application of carbofuran 3G @ 6 g/sq m and copper oxychloride @ 1g/l just after transplanting for preventing root-knot nematode.01% was done at 15-day intervals just 30 days after transplanting.kA lajf{kr Ñf"k esa vkbZih. ~ y w ds vaxhdj.wjku 0-3 xzk.izfr gs.k nks fNM+dko fd.kA [ksr esa izfrjksi.e djus ds fy.wehxs'ku½ vkSj e`nk lkS.kA vkbZih.ksx ikS/ k izfrjksi.ksx fd.3 g a.ksftr fd.ksa esa cqokbZ ds le.kfj.i.izfr oxZ eh.ks½a dks fu. Lohaghat.e ekWM.ksa ds varxZr vkbZih. Tomato seedlings raised in solarised nursery bed treated with carbofuran @ 0. dkcsuZ Msfte 1 xzke izfr fdxzk.kkeksa esa .i.k ds ckn 'kh?kz dkcks¶Z .3 g a.fud dhVuk'kdksa ds 10&12 fNM+dkoksa ds eqdkcys 4&5 fNM+dko rd deh ykbZ xbZA vkbZih. lkSjhÑr ikS/k'kkyk esa VekVj ds ikSèks mxkus ls lw=Ñfe dk laØe.A f'keyk fepZ f'keyk fepZ ij ijh{k.izfr oxZ eh. gfjrx`g ¼xzhu gkml½ fLFkfr.k x.izfr 1000 oxZ eh-½ izkIr dh xbZ ¼rkfydk 3½A 40 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 seedling raised in solarised nursery beds treated with carbofuran @ 0. rRo izfr oxZ eh.i.3 g a.kA ijh{k.y izfr 500 fdxzk.$ uhe dsd 500 fdxzk.k ds vuqi.izfr yh.ue laoèkZ (2 x 109cfu/g) tSls tSodkjdksa ds izcyhÑr xkscj [kkn vFkok ih. z ksx dkQh izHkkodkjh ik. ckxokuh rsy ds .e ugha viukus okys [ksrksa ¼22-3 fDoaizfr 1000 oxZ eh-½ dh rqyuk esa mPp f'keyk fepZ mit ¼31 fDoa. cut worms and soil borne diseases.k dk iz.i. ~ y w ls uk'khtho ds izdksi esa Hkh deh vkbZ ftlds QyLo:i vkbZih.d Z j. x.01% dk .fer :i ls fuxjkuh dh xbZA izfrjksi.k ls igys dkcks¶Z .izfr gs. izfrjksi./kg at time of sowing. which were regularly monitored through yellow sticky traps.ds lkFk mipkj fd. Soil solarization and fumigation of polyhouse bed with formalin (@ 5 l/m2) drenching and using fortified FYM (mix bioagents such as Trichoderma harzianum culture (2 x 109 cfu/g) @ 1 kg/500 kg of FYM and/or P.d .l.ds lkFk mipkfjr ikS/k'kkyk D.k x.izfr gs. It was observed that application of carbofuran @ 0. IPM in protected cultivation Trials on IPM modules for greenhouse capsicum. Need-based application of imidacloprid 17.e izk| S ksfxdh fodflr djus ds mís'.wy vizy S ls fnlEcj] 2013 ds nkSjku mÙkjk[kaM ds vuqlèa kku dsUnz rFkk yksgk?kkV vkSj pEikor Ñf"k foKku dsUnzkas esa f'keyk fepZ] [khjk vkSj VekVj dh Qlyksa ds fy.kj djuk] QkesfZ yu@5 yh izfr oxZ eh.k rFkk xkscj [kkn@1 fdxzk.y iz. IPM module reduced the incidence of pests resulting in higher capsicum fruit yield (31 q/1000 sq m) as compared to non-IPM practices (22.k de cht mipkj dj LoLFk ikS/k'kkyk rS.izfr oxZ eh.e.ksx fd.Z fd.Qyksjksll as (2 x 1012cfu/ml)@1 .g ik.NCIPM lØh.ds lkFk VªkbdksMekZ gftZ.Zuhfr.wjku 3th 6 xzk. x. ls fofHkUu ekWM.] ftudh ihys fpifpisa Qkanks ¼VªSiks½a ls fu.drk iz.k x./m2 + neem cake @ 500 kg/ha on the field before transplanting and untreated control were maintained.$ uhe dsd 500 fdxzk.k ls igys [ksr esa dkcks¶Z . x.kjh esa iz.8 SL @ 0.wjku 0-3 xzk. cucumber and tomato were conducted at Research Station and KVK.ds lkFk D.Fkk vko'.kA pwld uk'khthoksa ¼ekgw@lQsn efD[k./m2 + neem cake @ 500 kg/ha in the field before transplanting had less infestation of nematode.e ugha viukus okys [ksrksa esa vkbZih.k ds 30 fnuksa ds ckn 15 fnuksa ds varjkyksa ij bfeMkDyksfizM 17-8 .k x.MªSfpax ds lkFk ikWyhgkml dk ?kweu ¼¶.k ds ifj. fluorescens (2 x 1012 cfu/ml) 1 l/500 kg FYM.k fd lw=Ñfe lef"V dks de djus esa cSx a u ds ikSèkksa ds izfrjksi. x. vkbZih. .A tM+&foxyu lw=Ñfe@dVokeZ rFkk e`nk tfur jksxksa dks jksdus ds fy. x. One or two sprays of horticultural oil were included for controlling sucking pests (aphids/ whiteflies).vkSj dkWij vkWDlhDyksjkbM 1 xzk. Capsicum IPM interventions on greenhouse cucumber comprised of raising healthy nursery by applying seed treatment with carbendazim @ 1 g a.k vk. k xSj vkbZih. which resulted into higher cucumber fruit yield (27.5 17. yksgk?kkV esa gfjr x`g VekVj esa vkbZih.86 26.0 q/1000 sq m) (Table 4).0 pwf.oa mit Table 3: Pest status and fruit yield in IPM and non-IPM plots of capsicum in greenhouse pj vkbZih. viukbZ xbZ vkbZih.8 27. viukbZ xbZ vkbZih.ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops Rkfydk 3% gfjrx`g f'keyk fepZ ds vkbZih.izfr 1000 oxZ eh-½ / Yield (q/1000 sq m) VekVj VekVj [khjs dh Qly ds fy.4 24.ksa ¼19-0 fDoa.izfr 1000 oxZ eh-½ / Yield (q/1000 sq m) [khjk [khjs dh Qly ds fy.5 31 22.izfr ikni½ Aphids (no.kidrk) / Mosaic virus complex (% incidence) mit ¼fDoa.jl dkEIysDl (% O.e xSj&vkbZih. tkus ls uk'khthoksa ds izdksi esa deh vkbZ] ftlds dkj.2 54.2 63.3 Cucumber The IPM interventions for cucumber crop in greenhouse cultivation was same as for capsicum.izfr ikni½ / Whiteflies (no.e fofèk.1 13.izfr 1000 oxZ eh-½ izkIr dh xbZ ¼rkfydk 4½A 3.Zuhfr.7 24.e ekWM.kZy QQwna (% O. ~ y w viuk. IPM module reduced the incidence of pests. which resulted into higher tomato fruit yield (150 q/1000 sq m) as compared to nonIPM practices (122./plant) 3.5 34.kidrk) / Powdery mildew (% incidence) Ekkstd s+ ok.kZy QQwna (%) / Powdery mildew (%) Ekkstd s+ ok.ka mlh izdkj Fkha tSls f'keyk fepZ esa viukbZ xbZ FkhaA VekVj esa vkbZih. IPM module reduced the incidence of pests.izfr 1000 oxZ eh-½ izkIr dh xbZ ¼rkfydk 5½A Tomato The IPM module for tomato crop in greenhouse cultivation was same as for capsicum. rkfydk 4% gfjrx`g esa vkbZih.3 13.izfr 1000 oxZ eh-½ dh rqyuk esa mPp [khjk mit ¼27-6 fDoa.e ekWM~.26 lQsn eD[kh ¼la.6 q/1000 sq m) as compared to non-IPM practices (19./plant) 3.3 q/ 1000 sq m) (Table 5)./plant) pwf.e xSj&vkbZih.8 10.e dk.6 19. tkus ls uk'khthoksa ds izdksi esa deh vkbZ] ftlds dkj.ksa ¼122-3 fDoa.izfr ikni½ / Aphids (no.jl dkEIysDl (%) / Mosaic virus complex (%) mit ¼fDoa.7 10.Zuhfr.k xSj vkbZih.e IPM in Greenhouse tomato in Lohaghat okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 41 .e IykVksa esa uk'khtho dh fLFkfr .izfr 1000 oxZ eh½ dh rqyuk esa mPp VekVj mit ¼150 fDoa.y w viuk.ka mlh izdkj Fkha tSls f'keyk fepZ esa viukbZ xbZ FkhaA [khjk esa vkbZih.e IykVksa esa uk’khtho dh fLFkfr vkSj mit Table 4: Pest status and fruit yield in IPM and non-IPM plots of cucumber in greenhouse pj vkbZih.e Variable IPM Non-IPM ekgw ¼la.e dk.e fofèk.e rFkk xSj vkbZih.e Variable IPM Non-IPM ekgq ¼la.e rFkk xSj&vkbZih. NCIPM rkfydk 5% gfjrx`g VekVj ds vkbZih,e rFkk xSj vkbZih,e IykVksa esa uk'khtho dh fLFkfr vkSj mit Table 5: Pest status and fruit yield in IPM and non-IPM plots of tomato in greenhouse pj Variable lQsn eD[kh ¼la- izfr ikni½ @Whiteflies (no./plant) pwf.kZy QQwna (% O;kidrk) iNsrh vaxekjh @Powdery mildew (% incidence) (% O;kidrk) @Late blight (% incidence) mit ¼fDoa- izfr 1000 oxZ eh-½ @Yield (q/1000 sq m) vkbZih,e xSj&vkbZih,e IPM Non-IPM 3.8 14.4 14.2 33.4 5.3 16.3 150 122.3 tM+&xk¡B lw=kÑfe uk'khtho iQly dh tM+ksa esa Effect of bio-agents on the penetration of roots by root-knot nematodes izdksi ij tSodkjdksa dk izHkko ulZjh esa tM+&foxyu fd'kksj lw=Ñfe;ksa ds Qly dh tM+kas esa izdksi dks jksdus ds fy, VªkbdksMekZ gftZ,ue vkSj L;wMkseksul Qyksjksll as dh laHkkouk dh [kkst djus gsrq lhoh jeu QSyks iz f 'k{k.k dk;Z Ø e ds nkS j ku vkbZ,vkjvkbZ] ubZ fnYyh ds ,d gfjr x`g esa ,d ijh{k.k fd;k x;kA IykfLVd VªS ds izdks"Bksa dks dksdksihV] oehZD;wykbV rFkk ijykbZV ehfM;k ds lkFk 3%1%1 ds vuqikr esa Hkjk x;kA Hkjs gq, izR;sd izdks"B esa VekVj ¼ fdLe½ dk ,d&,d nkuk cks;k x;k ftlesa mfpr ek=k ls flapk x;kA An experiment involving fungal and bacterial bioagents, Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens, was conducted in a greenhouse at IARI, New Delhi during the training of CV Raman Fellow to investigate the potential of Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens to prevent root penetration by root-knot nematode juveniles in the nursery. Plastic tray cells were filled with media comprising cocopeat, vermiculite and perlite in the ratio of 3:1:1. Each completely filled cell was sown with one tomato seed (cv. Rohini) and judiciously watered. The thrice replicated treatments in the experiment were Trichoderma harzianum, ijh{k.k esa fd, x, mipkjksa esa Pseudomonas fluorescens and a control. Five VªkbdksMekZ gftZ,ue] L;wMkseksul weeks later, the bio-agent treated seedlings Qyksjksll as rFkk ,d daUVªky s 'kkfey lhoh jeu QSyks] MkW- fdaXtys vkslh ijh{k.k ds were inoculated with five freshly hatched FkkA ikap g¶rkas ds ckn tSodkjdksa fy, VekVj cht ds mipkj gsrq IykfLVd VªS ds root-knot nematode juveniles each. izdks"Bksa dks Hkjrs gq, ls mipkfjr ikSèkksa dks ikap izR;sd CV Raman Fellow Dr Kingsley Osei filling Nutrient application in the form of NPK uotkr tM+&xk¡B lw=Ñfe;ksa ds lkFk cells of plastic tray to nurse tomato for 19:19:19 (procured from National the experiment Chemical Fertilizer Ltd, India) was done lajksfir fd;k x;kA 25 yh- ikuh esa in solution form @ 25 ml/l water to ukbVªkt s u] QkLQksjl rFkk iksVk'k moZjd 19%19%19 ¼jk"Vªh; jklk;fud moZjd fy-] Hkkjr ls [kjhns x,½ ds vuqikr esa ,d treatments twice ?kksy rS;kj fd;k x;k] ftldk nks ckj iz;ksx fd;k x;kA VªkbdksMekZ gftZ,ue ls mipkfjr VekVj ds ikS/ks o`f)] Hkkj] 'kq"dHkkj ds fglkc ls vPNs ik;s x;s ,oa muesa tM+&xkaB lw=d`fe dk izdksi Hkh de ik;k x;kA 42 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Tomato plants treated with Trichoderma harzianum performed better in terms of height, weight, dryweight and suppression of root-knot nematode penetration. ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops iQy okyh iQlysa Fruit Crops vke Mango Validation of mango IPM technology was carried out in two locations viz. Valsad and Navgaon districts of Gujarat. vke esa vkbZih,e izkS|ksfxdh dk ijh{k.k xqtjkr ds nks LFkkuks]a vFkkZr oylkM vkSj uoxkao esa fd;k x;kA vke ds izeq[k uk'khthoksa dk izcaèku fdlkuksa ds vke ds cxhpksa esa vkbZih,e dk;Zuhfr;ksa dk dk;kZUo;u fd;k x;k] tgk¡ dslj ,oa vYQkalksa vke fdLeksa ij ikjaifjd fofèk;ka] ;kaf=d@e'khuh fofèk;ka] thok.kqt ,oa lqjf{kr dhVuk'kdksa dk bZVh,y vkèkkfjr vuqi;z ksx dk oSèkhdj.k fd;k x;kA uk'khthoksa dh ekSle vkèkkfjr O;kidrk iwjs o"kZ ds nkSjku vHkZd ¼gksij½ dh lef"V esa mrkj&p<+ko ns[kk x;k vkSj 8 ls 9 ekSle foKku ekud lIrkgksa ds nkSjku vHkZdksa dh vfèkdre lef"V ¼29-7 vHkZd izfr vke&xqPN½ ikbZ xbZA vHkZd dh lef"V dk vfèkdre rkieku ('r' = 0.4) rFkk èkwi ('r' = 0.4364) ds lkFk ldkjkRed vkSj U;wure rkieku ('r' Z k (r = - 0 .5) ds lkFk = - 0-3964) ,oa vkSlr vkisf{kr vknzr udkjkRed lglacèa k ns[kk x;kA dk"BdhV dh lef"V dk vfèkdre rkieku ('r' = 0.5) rFkk èkwi ('r' = - 0.5) ,oa o"kkZ ('r' = - 0.3) ds lkFk udkjkRed lg&lacèa k ns[kk x;kA ebZ ls tqykbZ ds eghuksa ds nkSjku vke dh Qly ij Qy eD[kh dh gkfu ns[kh xbZA ;g ,d la;ksx gh gks ldrk gS fd le; ls igys ckfj'k ;k mPp vknzrZ k ds dkj.k iNsrh ifjiDou okyh fdLeksa esa Qy eD[kh dk izdksi vius pje ij gksrk gSA iwjs o"kZ iÙkh xky fet ¼izkVs ksdkWuVsfjfu;k eSfV;kuk½ dk jksx ntZ fd;k x;kA uoEcj ls ebZ ekg rd CykWlkWe fet] bjkslksfe;k bafMdk dh ekStnw xh ns[kh xbZA ijHkf{k;ksa es]a edM+h] dkWfDlusfyM] xzhu ysl foax cx ¼ØkblksiykZ iztkfr½ ik, x, tks vke vHkZdksa dk Hk{k.k djrs FksA ize[q k jksxksa es]a tuojh ekg ds nkSjku pwf.kZy QQwna ikbZ xbZ tks ekpZ ekg rd tkjh jghA tuojh&vizSy ekg ds nkSjku ifÙk;ksa ,oa buQyksjksll as jSfpl rFkk Qyksa ij ,sFa kzd s ukst+ dk teko ik;k x;kA vkBosa ekud lIrkg esa pwf.kZy QQwna ¼19% iq"i xqPNksa ij½ dk mPpre izdksi ik;k x;k] 12osa ekud lIrkg esa iq"i xqPNksa ij ,sFa kzDs ukst+ viuh ijkdk"B ¼29%½ ij Fkk] tcfd NksVs Qyksa ¼LVksu lkbt½ ij ,sFa kzDs ukst+ dk izHkko 14osa ekud lIrkg esa viuh vafre ifjdk"Bk ¼36-5%½ ij FkkA Management of major pests of mango IPM interventions comprising cultural practices, mechanical methods, application of microbial and ETLbased application of safer pesticides were validated on Kesar and Alphonso varieties of mango at farmers' orchards. Seasonal abundance of pests Population of hopper fluctuated throughout the year wherein highest population (29.7 hoppers/panicle) was observed from 8th to 9th standard meteorological weeks. Hopper population had significant positive correlation with maximum temperature (‘r’=0.4), sun shine hours (‘r’=0.4364) and significant negative relationship with minimum temperature (‘r’=-0.3964), average relative humidity (r=-0.5). Thrips population had significant positive correlation with maximum temperature (‘r’=0.5) and sun shine (‘r’ =0.5) and significant negative correlation with average relative humidity (r=-0.5) and rainfall (‘r’=-0.3). Fruit fly damage to the mango crop is observed mainly during May - July, more predominant in late maturing varieties coinciding with early rains or high humidity. Leaf gall midge (Protocontarinia matteiana) was recorded throughout the year. Blossom midges, Erosomiya indica was observed from November to May. Spiders, coccinellids and green lace wing bug (Chrysoperla sp.) were recorded predating upon mango hopper. Amongst the major diseases, incidence of powdery mildew was observed during January-March. Anthracnose development on leaves and inflorescence rachis and fruits was observed during Jan- April. Highest occurrence of powdery mildew (19% on flower panicles) was observed in 8th standard week, anthracnose peaked (29%) on flower panicles during 12th standard week while, it was 36.5% on stone sized fruits during 14th standard week. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 43 NCIPM uk'khtho ifjn`'; rFkk vkbZih,e dk vkfFkZd fo'ys"k.k vkbZih,e ugha viukus okys cxhpksa dh rqyuk esa vkbZih,e viukus okys cxhpksa es]a nksuksa fdLeksa vFkkZr dslj ,oa vYQkalksa esa vHkZdksa ¼gksij½ dh la[;k] pwf.kZy QQwna rFkk ,sFa kzDs ukst+ dh rhozrk de ikbZ xbZA vkbZih,e ekWM;~ y w ds dk;kZUo;u ls dslj vkSj vYQkalksa vke Qyksa esa fdlkuksa dh fofèk ds 11&12 mPp fo"kkDr dhVuk'kdksa ds iz;ksx dh rqyuk esa vkbZih,e okys cxhpksa esa dhVuk'kdksa ds iz;ksx ¼6 ckj½ esa deh ns[kh xbZA blds ifj.kkeLo:i ikni laj{k.k dh ykxr esa deh vkbZ rFkk uk'khthoksa dk izcèa ku Hkh csgrj <ax ls gks ik;kA dslj vkSj vYQkalks fdLeksa esa vke dh mit] fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼Øe'k% 6641 vkSj 8610 fdxzk- izfr gs-½ dh rqyuk esa vkbZih,e viukus okys cxhpksa esa ¼Øe'k% 9200 vkSj 13680 fdxzk- izfr gs-½ vfèkd ikbZ xbZ ¼rkfydk 6½A Pest scenario and economics of IPM Number of hoppers, thrips and intensity of powdery mildew, anthracnose was low in IPM orchards as compared to the non-IPM orchards in both the varieties. Adoption of IPM module also resulted in less number of applications of pesticides i.e. six each in Kesar and Alphonso varieties as compared to farmers’ practice of 11-12 sprays of highly toxic pesticides, thus reducing the cost of plant protection and better management of the pests. Mango fruit yield in Kesar and Alphonso cultivars was higher in IPM orchards (9200 and 13680 kg/ha) than farmers' practices (6641 and 8610 kg/ha), respectively (Table 6). rkfydk 6% o"kZ 2013&14 ds nkSjku dslj vkSj vYQkalks vke fdLeksa esa uk'khtho ifjn`'; rFkk vkbZih,e dk;ZØe dk vkfFkZd fo'ys"k.k Table 6: Pest scenario and economics of IPM in Kesar and Alphonso varieties of mango during 2013-14 izkpy dslj* vkbZih,e ,Qih Parameter vYQkalks** vkbZih,e ,Qih gksij izfr Vguh ;k iq"ixqPN@Hoppers/twig or panicle IPM 3.37 FP 6.85 IPM 3.35 FP 6.82 dk"BdhV izfr Vguh ;k iq"ixqPN@Thrips/twig or panicle 5.87 11.02 3.20 6.15 Qy eD[kh ¼% Qy gkfu½@Fruit Fly (% fruit damage) 3.80 8.62 4.00 6.80 pwf.kZy QQwna ¼% gkfu rhozrk½@Powdery mildew (% disease intensity) 4.40 7.85 4.60 6.70 ,saFkzsDukst+ ¼% gkfu rhozrk½@Anthracnose (% disease intensity) 8.27 14.32 6.57 12.30 6 11 6 12 25004 36108 33404 48068 1,61,630 1,16,217 3,76,200 2,36,775 9236 6641 13680 8610 370.25 265.65 547.20 344.40 6.5 3.2 11.3 4.9 [ksrh dh dqy ykxr ` izfr gs- ¼leLr buiqV½@No. of sprays of pesticide dqy vk; ¼` izfr gsDVs½*@Total cost of cultivation `/ha (all inputs) vkSlr mit ¼fdxzk- izfr gs-½@Gross Income (`/ha)* Qy mit ¼Qy la[;k izfr isM½+ @Mean Yield (kg/ ha) dhVuk'kd fNM+dko dh la[;k@Fruit bearing (No. of fruits/ tree) ykHk % ykxr vuqikr@Benefit Cost ratio cktkj ewY;% dslj% ` 350@20 fdxzk( vYQkalks% ` 550 izfr 20 fdxzk- Market price: Kesar: ` 350/20 kg; Alphonso: ` 550/20 kg fo'ys"k.k esa ;g fu"d"kZ fudyk fd fdlkuksa dh fofèk ds vuqlkj dslj fdLe ¼6-5%1½ dh rqyuk esa vkbZih,e dk;Zuhfr viuk, tkus esa vYQkalks fdLe ¼11-3%1½ vkfFkZd :i ls T;knk ykHkdkjh gSA vke dk mRiknu djus okys fdlkuksa dh vkbZih,e ds ?kVdksa ds ckjs esa tkx:drk ,oa tkudkjh c<+kbZ xbZA 44 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 It was concluded that adoption of IPM interventions in Alphonso cultivar were more economical (11.3:1) as compared to that of Kesar cutivar (6.5:1). The awareness and knowledge towards IPM components had been enhanced among mango growers. Bikaner.] vle( .yhVs½] vxksuZ fØlksfdt+e feFkk.k x. PAU.ksx fd. The farmers pasted the trunk with blue copper and lime in the month of February.kZUo. Spray tank was not provided with any type of agitator and hence okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 45 . Number of applications of pesticides were 15-20 from February to December.ksx djuk vkSj mlds ckn izHkkfor Vgfu.k rS.ijesfFkzu] QsuosyjsV] Vªk.ksa ij vylh ds rsy dk fNM+dko djuk] e`nk dh iyokj ¼Mªfas pax½ cukuk rFkk lqjf{kr tSo&dhVuk'kdks@ a QQwna uk'kdksa dk if.w] chdkusj( vle Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky.ue dk iz.w] yqfèk. imidacloprid.kZy iz.s kh&flapkbZ½ fofèk dk izlkj rFkk VªkbdksMekZ gftZ.ktksQkWl] fFk.uvkjlh flVªl] ukxiqj rFkk .y 443 'kkfey FksA dhVuk'kdksa dk vuqi. soil drenching and foliar application of safer bio-pesticides/fungicides.w] yqfèk.) iQy ih.d usVodZ ifj.kj djus esa rduhdh tkudkjh dkQh de Fkh vkSj os bldk mi.ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops esuMfju (larjk oxhZ. thiomethaxom. Major components of IPM technology for Phytophthora was popularizing basin method of irrigation and application of Trichoderma harzianum followed by linseed oil on affected twigs.k] tgka vkbZih. vko'. there was intensive cropping. ergon kresoxim methyl 443.gsyksfFkzu] lk.fdUuw dh [ksrh ij [kpZ dj jgs FksA fdlku Qjojh ls fnlEcj rd 15&20 dhVuk'kd fNM+dko djrs FksA fdlku Qjojh ekg esa isM+ ds èkM+ ¼Vªd a ½ ij uhys dkWij .sd xkao esa 0-4 gs.k x.oa pwus ¼ykbe½ dk ysi yxkrs FksA fdlkuksa dks cksMkZ feJ. On an average. Most of the pesticides as told by farmers were lambdacyhalothrin. cypermethrin.k x.u fd.kqt vuqi.kuk (iatkc) ifj.k x. where IPM components are being validated. SKRAU. Nagpur and NCAP. Other crops in the area are cotton in summer and kharif seasons and wheat in the rabi season. 150 farmers' families are mainly engaged in kinnow cultivation. (confidor). z ksx djus ds fy. Ludhiana. x. Panjkosi village has 5500 population and among them.. NRC Citrus.kstuk dk dk.k vkSj leqnk. vkèkkj ij muds mi. .k tkrk FkkA Lizs Vsd a esa dksbZ iz{kksHkd ¼. The technical knowhow of the farmers about preparation of bordeaux mixture and its application was very poor and using wrong proportions..ksx Hkh lgh <ax ls ugha djrs FksA fdlkuksa }kjk crk.kA fdUuw ds isMk+ as dks uqdlku igqp a kus okys fpfUgr ize[q k uk'khthoksa esa QkbVksIFkksjk rFkk pwld uk'khtho FksA izR.4 ha each in this village.k tk jgk gSA ih.ksx fd. fosetyl AL 80 WP (Aliette). Ludhiana (Punjab) Panjkosi village in Abohar (Punjab) was adopted for the purpose.ftVsVj½] vFkkZr VSd a ds Hkhrj dhVuk'kd fgykus&<qykus okyk .ksx esa Hkkjr ds rhu fHkUu Ñf"k tyok. Assam Agricultural University.k 5500 gS] ftlesa ls 150 fdlku ifjokj fdUuw dh [ksrh djrs gSAa bl {ks= esa [kjhQ esa dikl rFkk jch ekSle esa xsgaw dh [ksrh dh tkrh gSA vr% bl {ks= esa fujarj [ksrh dk. vfèkdrj dhVuk'kdksa esa ysEcMklk. fdlkukas }kjk ikoj vkèkkfjr rFkk VªDS Vj pkfyr Lizs e'khuksa dk mi. hence. Qy ¼esuMfju½ uk'khthoksa ds lesfdr izcèa ku ds fy..udSi] ubZ fnYyh ds lg. Five farmers were adopted with 0.ksx dks c<+kok fn. Major pests identified were Phytophthora and sucking pests affecting the kinnow trees.kstuk ds lacèa k esa vcksgj ¼iatkc½ ds iatdks'kh xkao dks vaxhÑr fd.e ?kVdksa dk oSèkhdj.k tk jgk FkkA QkbVksIFkksjk dks fu.ldsvkj.y 80 MCY. vkbZih. z ksx rFkk de tksf[ke okys dhVuk'kdksa dk iz. triazophos. Power operated and tractor driven spray machine was used in application of pesticides.kA vcksgj ¼iatkc½ ds iatdks'kh xkao dh tula[. farmers were spending ` 43000-45000/ha on kinnow cultivation. New Delhi.e izkS|ksfxdh ds izeq[k ?kVdksa esa csflu flapkbZ ¼nzk. fenvalerate.a= o Mandarin orchards A network project for integrated management of pests of mandarin in three different agro-climatic regions of India is being implemented in collaboration with PAU.ksfeFkksDt+e] bfeMkDyksfizM ¼dUQkbMj½] QksjVkby . need-based application of microbial and reduced risk pesticides and their application on community basis were promoted. For management of citrus djus ds fy.Z pyrk jgrk gSA fdlkuksa dks Qly mRikndrk c<+kus esa ikWyhusVjksa dh Hkwfedk ds ckjs esa Hkh dksbZ tkudkjh ugha FkhA vkSlru :i ls fdlku ` 43]000 & 45]000 izfr gs.drkuqlkj thok.kuk( .k fd.ksx djuk 'kkfey FkkA flVªl flyk ds izcèa ku ds fy. They had no knowledge about the role of pollinators in enhancing crop productivity.wih ¼.q {ks=ksa esa larjk oxhZ..esa ikap fdlkuksa dks vaxhÑr fd. Assam. powdery mildew and anthracnose in mango. hoppers. vk¡dM+ksa dk izos'k ¼MkVk .a ¼la[. pwld dhVksa .oLFkk ugha Fkh ftlds dkj. tkus okys eq[.k dhVuk'kd VSd a ds Hkhrj uhps te tkrk Fkk . fo"kSys gks ldrs gSAa .a nh tkrh Fkh ¼rkfydk 7½A bl {ks= esa dsys esa ik.l.k½ uk'khtho LdkmV uk'khtho eWkuhVlZ Pest scout Pest monitor Pest Management advisories issued by SAUs (nos) dsyk@Banana Jalgaon 518 64 452 vke@Mango Thane 619 608 4 Raigad 1390 267 25 Ratnagiri 6343 487 106 Sindhudurga 874 207 21 vukj@Pomegranate 46 Nashik 2239 453 561 Ahmednagar 380 160 80 Solapur 966 145 401 Sangli 324 135 445 Total 13653 2526 2095 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 . bacterial leaf spot.d tSlk vuqi. Based on the extent of damage and action threshold.aVªh ¼la[. iQly uk'khtho fuxjkuh .oa dk"BdhV] vukj esa thok.NCIPM O...kZy&QQwna vkSj .kqt iÙkh èkCck] eqj>ku rFkk dk"BdhV] vke esa vHkZd ¼gksij½ dk"BdhB] pwf. Such type of spraying could be phytotoxic to plants. wilt and thrips in pomegranate.k {ks= esa [kklh esuMfju ds fy.sFa kzDs ukst+ FksA pesticides settled down and uniform application of pesticides could not be made.. mango and pomegranate (2013-14) Qly ftyk MkVk . uk'khthoksa esa flxkVksdk .oa lykgdkj lsok.k fLFkj jgrk Fkk vkSj blfy. shortterm advisories were issued to targeted farmers through SMS on mobile phones (Table 7).aVªh½ rFkk uk'khtho izcaèku ¼2013&14½ Table 7: Data entries and pest management advisories for banana. rkfydk 7 % dsyk] vke vkSj vukj ds fy.w }kjk uk'khtho lacaèkh tkjh dh xbZ lykgdkj lsok. ize[q k pqukSrh FkhA ckxokuh iQlyksa (dsyk] vukj vkSj vke) ds fy. pomegranate and mango in nine districts of state of Maharashtra was carried out through field scouting and digitization of pest damage on centralized server at NCIPM. dhVuk'kdksa dk . thrips. AAU. yf{kr fdlkuksa dks eksckby Qksu ij .ksa ds fy.k FkkA Qyksa dh gkfu jksdus rFkk mipkjkRed mik.w] vle flVªl flyk rFkk vU. pomegranate and mango) Monitoring of pests of banana.k tkrk FkkA bl izdkj ds fNM+dko ikniksa ds fy.e ls vRikofèk lykgdkj lsok.l ds ekè.a egkjk"Vª ds ukS ftyksa esa iz{ks= esa rSukr dfeZ.e.l.k½ Crop District Data entries (nos) . Major pests monitored were sigatoka and thrips in banana. z ksx ugha fd.k x. Crop pest surveillance and advisory for horticultural crops (banana.ksa }kjk dsyk] vukj rFkk vke dh fuxjkuh dh xbZ rFkk jklukizds esa dsUnzh.oa ruk Hksndksa }kjk mRiUu gfjr jksx ¼xzhfuax fMft+t½+ vle ds frulqfd. Assam Greening disease transmitted by citrus psyilla and other sucking insect and trunk borer were a major threat to khasi mandarin in Tinsukia region of Assam.Ñr loZj ij uk'khtho gkfu dks vadksa esa n'kkZ. k ½ ds dkj.k esa dsoy .eMCY.kuhfrd 'kksèk o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku ns'k ds N% Ñf"k tyok.ukbfo.kZy QQwna .vkj] vkjlhbZvkj jkaph ¼33-25 izfr xqPN izfr Qkan½ vkSj vU.q izfrLdanh igy 'kfDr Strategic research for pest dynamics on mango in (.rkvksa ds fy.l.A Digitization of data on the incidence of pests of mango and abiotic factors were monitored for six agroclimatic regions of India during 2013. ARS Paria (9.eMCY.fifyl] bZ. Population of mango hopper.95 per panicle) at other three locations occurring in 2-5 th SMWs.l rFkk isfj.oa .8 ) during 36th SMW followed by that in ICAR RCER Ranchi (30. A perusal of the data during year 2013 revealed that highest population of the hoppers (Idioscopus clypealis.) ds vèkhu tyok. I.l isfj.6/panicle).ksLdksIl Dyk. x.l.k ¼30-3 izfr xqPN izfr VªiS ½ esa dk"BdhVksa ¼fLØVksfFkzIl MkslfZs yl vkSj .vkj] vkjlhbZvkj jkaph ¼30-4½ esa nwljs .l.u ls .vkj.eMCY. To those who are hungry. fruit fly among insects and incidence of powdery mildew.q {ks=ksa esa vke vHkZd dh lef"V rFkk dhVksa esa Qy eD[kh vkSj pwf. niveosparsus and Amritodus atkinsoni) was recorded at ICAR RCER Ranchi (80.w esa rFkk .uVªVs l½ dh lef"V lokZfèk Fkh vkSj rFkk vkbZlh.ckxokuh Qlysa | Horticultural Crops jk"Vªh.p] y[kuÅ esa yhQ oscj ¼vksFkkZxk . Population of thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis and S.l. LFkkuksa ij bldh gkfu de ntZ dh xbZA vkjlhbZvkj jkaph] .3/panicle/trap) and at ICAR.w es]a .oa fjfQQksjksfFkzIl Øw.k ¼9-55 izfr xqPN½ esa 46osa .vkj.kA o"kZ 2013 ds MkVk ds vè.eMCY.p] y[kuÅ vkSj vkjlhbZvkj jkaph esa fet ¼izkd s ksuVsfjfu. Anthracnose and powdery mildew were recorded at RCER Ranchi.l.suk½ dh gkfu ntZ dh xbZ gkykafd vU.3/panicle during 1-10 SMWs. (16.l.vkj.kZy QQwna gh ntZ fd. Lucknow.vkj vkjlhbZvkj jkaph ¼80-75 izfr xqPN½ esa 16osa . anthracnose were observed ubiquitously in all the six agro-climatic regions of India. j. whereas at other location damage was very low.25/ panicle/trap) and at other locations it remained low 1.55/panicle) in 46th SMW and very low (1.eMCY. God is bread – Mahatma Gandhi.k ¼13-6 izfr xqPN½ dk LFkku FkkA lhvkbZ.vkj.w esa vHkZdksa dh lokZfèkd lef"V lokZf/kd ikbZ xbZ vkSj vU. Midge (Procontarinia matteriana) damage was recorded at CISH Lucknow and RCER Ranchi. Paria only.esXuhQsjbs Z . At CISH.w ds nkSjku budh lcls de ¼1-30 & 103½ izfr xqPN lef"V ns[kh xbZA lhvkbZ.g irk pyk fd vkbZlh.k esVfj.75/ panicle) in 16th SMW followed by CISH Lucknow.k 36osa .isfj.l.l.Dlfousfl.w ¼ekSle foKku ekud lIrkg½ esa ¼bfM.sFa kzDs ukst+ dk izdksi ns[kk x.p y[kuÅ ¼16-85 izfr xqPN½ esa 19osa .q ifjorZu ls vke relation to climate change under National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) uk'khthoksa dh lfØ. mangiferae and Rhiphiphorothrips cruentatus) was very high at ARS Paria (30.uvkbZlhvkj.ksLisjll rFkk vefjVksMl vVfdulksuh ½ rFkk mlds ckn lhvkbZ.eMCY.l isfj. 1946 okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 47 .. RCER Ranchi (33.69 -1. rhu LFkkuksa esa 25 . number of webs/tree due to leaf webber (Orthaga exvinacea) were maximum (37.4) during 2nd SMW and ARS Paria (13.30-10.w esa lcls de ¼1-69 & 1-95 izfr xqPN½ lef"V ikbZ xbZA . Ñf"k tyok. LFkkuksa ij 1&10 .k lokZfèkd ¼37-8½ Fkh] mlds ckn vkbZlh.85/panicle) in 19th SMW.q {ks=ksa ds fy.eMCY. vke uk'khthoksa ds izdksi rFkk vtSfod dkjdksa ij MkVk dks fMftVkbt dj fuxjkuh dh xbZA ns'k ds lHkh Ñf"k tyok.w esa izfr ikni tkyksa dh la[. ARS.l.sFa kzDs ukst+ vkSj pwf.l.l.l. dh nj ls cht Lyjh ds :i esa ck.k x.qDr esa mPp ikSèk o`f) ¼1848-9½] U.ds lkFk lajksfir fd. cauliflower. However. mustard and field pea were bioprimed with freshly prepared biocontrol (Trichoderma) in the form of slurry @ 5-10 g/kg seed. reduction of disease incidence and corresponding yield increase in cabbage. highest seedling vigour (1848.a=.k Biocontrol iwoksZÙkj {ks=k esa e`nk tfur jksxksa ds izcaèku ds fy.u rFkk jksx izdksi esa deh ykuk ikni dh o`f) c<+kus esa lgk.k fd.k 60 fnuksa ds ckn can xksHkh rFkk Qwy xksHkh esa xzhok foxyu jksx izdksi ¼jk. z ksx ls ikni dh o`f¼ esa izkUs u. 2) of cabbage.qDrksa ls [ksrksa ds mitkÅiu rFkk ikSèkksa ds o`f) o fodkl esa u dsoy dkQh lqèkkj gqvk cfYd can xksHkh ds xzhok foxyu izdksi esa deh vkbZ rFkk mit esa o`f) Hkh gqbAZ rFkkfi] Vh. allowed to grow. fofèk gS e`nk esa mldk iz. reduced the collar rot incidence and increased yield (Fig. NksM+ fn.ksx fd.tksDVksfu.QokbZ.8 q/ha).wlfs j.kZu fd. wet weight basis) in the field at the time of sowing of cabbage. The promising isolates of Trichoderma spp.k x.kZ :i ls lM+h . x.Mokal esa iw. Fusarium oxysporum f sp.ko.wure xzhok foxyu izdksi ¼3-2%½ rFkk csgrj mit 48 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Plant growth promotion and reduction in disease incidence by Trichoderma spp. mustard and field pea. The seeds of cabbage.k ¼fp= 1½A cqokbZ ds 30] 45 .rk nsus okys y{k.ksje ruk foxyu jksx izdksi ntZ fd.k vkSj mls c<+us rFkk cgqx.k LDysVksfl.kj fd. were characterized for biopriming.kA can xksHkh] Qwy xksHkh] ljlksa rFkk gjh eVj ds chtksa dh rktk rS.g Li"V gksrk gS fd VªkbdksMekZ ds lHkh fo. 5 fdxzk-@oxZ eh dh nj ls bldk iz.kA cqokbZ ds 30 fnuksa ¼Mh.2%) was recorded with isolate Th-22b.p&22ch fo. cauliflower.k x. cauliflower.e ¼xkscj [kkn½@100 fdxzk. 45 and 60 DAS and final yield was recorded after harvest of each crop.k vkSj izR. The field emergence of four crops was recorded at 30 days after sowing (DAS) and seedling vigour of all crops was calculated (Fig.ksfizfeax dh xbZA VªkbdksMekZ vkiwfrZ dh vU. for the management of soil borne diseases in North East ?kjsyw VªkbdksMekZ iztkfr dh [kkst Region VªkbdksMekZ ds Qly dh dVkbZ ds i'pkr va f re mit Hkh ntZ dh xbZ ¼fp= 2&3½ ftlls . Exploration of native Trichoderma spp.ksfizfeax y{k.k ¼VªkbdksMekZ½ ds lkFk 5&10 xzke izfr fdxzk.iztkfr ikblh rFkk ljlksa esa LDysjksfVfu. (1 kg) were inoculated in well-rotten FYM (100 kg) 21 days in advance. This isolate was followed .a=k.e vkWDlhiksje . multiply in it and was applied (5 kg/m2.k x.k x. Another important method of delivery of Trichoderma is soil application/soil treatment.kks]a jksx izdksi esa deh ykus rFkk rnkuqlkj mit c<+kus ds fy. tSo fu.NCIPM tSo fu. 1). mustard and field pea. The disease incidence (Rhizoctonia solani) induced collar rot in cabbage and cauliflower.q ku ds fy..k x.s can ¼iÙkk½ xksHkh] Qwy xksHkh] ljlksa vkSj gjh eVj esa VªkbdksMekZ dk ck. All isolates of Trichoderma significantly improved the field emergence and seedling vigour (Fig 1). pisi in pea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum stem rot in mustard) was recorded at 30. plant growth promoting characteristics.k lksykuh½] eVj esa ¶.l½ ds ckn pkjksa Qlyksa ds [ksrksa dh fLFkfr fjdkWMZ dh xbZ rFkk lHkh Qlyksa ds ikSèksa dh o`f) dk fo'ys"k.ksx djukA le`) VªkbdksMekZ iztkfr ¼1 fdxzk-½ dks 21 fnu .9) and yield (25.k rFkk can xksHkh] Qwy xksHkh] ljlksa rFkk gjh eVj dh cqokbZ ds le. lowest collar rot incidence (3.Q. The potential Trichoderma spp. p&7] Vh.p&9 ch fo. solani) incidence and yield.can xksHkh] xksHkh .8q/ha) (Fig.oa eVj ds ikSèkksa esa csgrj o`f) djus esa VªkbdksMekZ fo.kksa ds vkèkkj ij Hkh izHkkodkjh ik. 1. Th-11.p&8ch] Vh. Th-8b.6%) incidence of dry field pea seeds (Fig.qDrksa dks ikSèk dh o`f) c<+kus dh {kerk] eqj>ku ¼¶.p&11 rFkk Vh.] ftlesa VªkbdksMekZ ds lHkh fo. Th-12b.Th-4.iztkfr ikblh ½ de djus rFkk lw[kh eVj ds cht dh mit c<+kus okys y{k.e vkWDlhLiksje .p&11 ¼fp= 3&4½ fo. minimizing wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.p&22 ch fo.5q/ ha) and reducing wilt (4. Th-17.p&8 ch lcls de izHkkoh fo.1.p&22 ch] Vh. cauliflower and pea Qwy xksHkh ds lacèa k esa Hkh mDr izdkj ds ifj.p&4] Vh. Th19c.qDrksa dk izHkko Fig. Effect of Trichoderma isolates in improving seedling vigour of cabbage. Th-7.p&17] Vh. sp. Th-9b and least effective isolate was Th-8b. Th-16c.Q.k ¼fp= 2½A blds ckn Vh.p& 25 .p&7 rFkk Vh.] Vh.tSo fu.5) and yield (23.izfr gs-½ esa lokZfèkd o`f) djus esa Vh. The other promising isolates of Trichoderma in their descending order of chronology were.k x.p&16 lh] Vh.qDr dks rFkk mlds ckn Vh.k x.qDrksa dks vfrizHkkoh ik.p&10] Vh. Vh.k | Biocontrol ¼25-8 fDoa. However.p&2] Vh.k x. x.p&4] Vh.5). Th-25a. minimizing collar rot (R.qDr dks lcls de izHkkoh ik.6%) of cauliflower (Fig. Th-10.qDr ds ckn Vh.p&2 fo.qlfs j. Th-25a.k x.p&9 ch dk LFkku FkkA Vh.] Vh. pisi) incidence and improving yield of dry field pea seed was also found encouraging.qDr dks lcls vfèkd dkjxj ik. Th-17. Th-12b.p&25.p&17] Vh.p&27] Vh. Th-2 and least effective isolate was Th-11.p&12 ch] Vh. the isolate Th-9b was most effective in improving plant vigour index (1630. Th-27. where all isolates of Trichoderma were found significantly effective in improving seedling vigour. Th-2.k x.izfr gs-½ ntZ dh xbZA bl fo.2).k vkSj Vh.kA rFkkfi] lw[kh eVj ds chtksa ds ikni fodkl lwpdkad ¼1630-5½ dks c<+kus] U. 2). yield (12.kA by Th-4. Th-7. x.1).p&19 lh] Vh. reducing collar rot incidence (4. Th-9b.wure eqj>ku ¼4-6%½ izdksi rFkk mit ¼12-5 fDoa.qDr ik.izfr gs-½ ¼fp= 4½ ds fy.qDr ikSèk dh o`f) c<+kus] xzhok foxyu izdksi ¼vkj.p&9 ch] Vh.kke ntZ fd. 1. But. The efficacy of Trichoderma isolates with their inherent properties of plant growth promotion (seedling vigour). the isolate Th-22b was found most effective in improving seedling vigour index (1630. fp=.a=. The isolate Th-9b was closely followed okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 49 .lksykuh½ de djus rFkk Qwy xksHkh dh mit esa leuq:i o`f) djus esa dkQh izHkkodkjh ik.A rFkkfi] xksHkh ds ikSèk dh o`f) c<+kus lacèa kh lwpdkad ¼1630-5½ ¼fp= 3½] xzhok foxyu vkiru ¼4-6%½ de djus rFkk lokZfèkd mit ¼23-8 fDoa.kA VªkbdksMekZ fo.p&12 Similar trend was also recorded with cauliflower. 1%) dks rFkk mlds ckn Vh.k] tcfd Vh.k foxyu ¼1-1%½ 8b. Th-25a. izHkkoh ij rFkk ljlksa dh mit ij izHkko Th-11 was least effective ik.izfr gs-½ ds fy.qDr Sclerotinia rot (1.NCIPM fp=. Th-16c.w u re 12b.p&19 lh] Vh. followed by ThVh.3).k x.kA increasing yield. Th-7 and Th-11 was least effective for the same properties. Th-10. Th-19c. 2.kA VªkbdksMekZ ds vk'kktud fo.p&11 fo.qlfs j. 3 Effect of Trichoderma isolates on Sclerotinia rot for the same properties. Th-7. Lowest Vh.e vkWDlhLiksje½ .p&16 lh] yield (11.oa mit ij VªkbdksMekZ fo.k x.9 q/ha) of Vh.qDrksa by Th-22b. dks leku y{k. Th-17.kA 50 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 . de dkjxj ik.qDrksa 9b. Th-12b.p&8 ch] Vh.p&27 vkSj Vh.p&17] mustard was observed Vh.qDrksa dks ljlksa ds LDysjksfVfu. Th-8b.p&12 ch] Vh. and the isolate fp=.p&10] Vh.p&2] Vh.p&7 fo.p&25 .3.lksykuh½] eVj esa eqj>ku izdksi ¼¶.VªkbdksMekZ fo.k ruk foxyu 9 fDoa.qDrksa dk LDysjksfVfu.] (Fig.p&22 ch ¼fp= 3½ fo.k The promising isolates of Trichoderma were also foxyu dks de djus rFkk nwljh found effective in reducing Sclerotinia vksj mit esa leuq:i o`f) djus rot of mustard and es a Hkh iz H kkoh ik.p&11 Fig.kksa ds fy.qDr dks leku y{k. Thizdksi rFkk lokZfèkd mit ¼1127.2. fo. ThLDysjksfVfu.k x.p&8 ch] with the isolate Th-22b Vh.p&9 incidence and highest ch] Vh. and yield of Indian mustard lcls de izHkkoh ik. Effect of Trichoderma isolates on incidence collar rot (Rhizoctonia solani) and yield of cabbage.xksHkh] Qwy xksHkh esa xzhok foxyu izdksi ¼vkj.qDrksa dk izHkko Fig. Th-2. Th-2.p&2] Vh.p&7 rFkk Vh.k x.kksa ds fy. cauliflower and incidence of wilt (Fusarium oxysporum) and yield of pea ch] Vh. Thdks ljlks a es a U. k x.. mode of operation. The ¼QSczhds'ku½ djok. x.ksIVsjk rFkk ysfiMksIVsjk oa'kØeksa ls lacfa èkr FksA dhV jks'kuh vkd"kZ. The insects trapped in the insect light trap.u fd.k fd. pkoy [kjhQ ekSle 2013 ds nkSjku jk"Vªh.k ds le.k x. the total number of insects escaped after trapping in the filter chamber. la j f{kr ykbV Vª S i transportation of the djus rFkk muds ifjogu esa lgtrk Light trap safer to beneficial insects with the improved gadget besides other feyrh gSA cone shaped filter chamber benefits. the population of brown plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens was observed to be high.tSo fu. insects mostly belonging to insect orders: Hemiptera. dhVksa esa ls Hkkx fudyus okys dhVksa dh la[.kA varr% .k x. etc. A large number of insects (having smaller body size) had been found escaped/filtered out from the insect light trap The light trap as pest monitoring tool indicated the time of attack of stem borer and brown plant hopper on the paddy crop.k vkSj izlkj Development of mechanical devices needed for pest management Refinement. specifications. During the crop season. dhVks]a fQYVj pSEcj esa idM+s x.kA dhV ykbV VªSiksa esa idM+s x.. The farmers were educated about the technical knowhow. The light trap could also be used for monitoring okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 51 .a=.kA vU.k Qanks ls dkQh la[.k x.wxus l dh lef"V vfèkd ikbZ xbZA ykbV VªiaS dk uk'kdhVksa dh lef"V Rice The above insect light traps had been validated in Pusa-Basmati 1121 on the farmers' fields in paddy crop in NCR Delhi during kharif season 2013 in a farmers' participatory mode.k esa dhV ¼ftudk 'kjhj vkdkj NksVk .k iQank dk ifj"dj. Lepidoptera were found trapped.k collecting filter tks mUur 'kadq ¼dksu½ vkdkj ekWMy chamber was designed dh rjg Fkk rFkk mlesa fQYVj pSEcj and fabricated. safety precautions and benefits of the light trap technology. The light traps had also been studied as pest monitoring tool. dk irk pykA fdlkuksa dks ykbV VªSi izkS|ksfxdh bR.ksx djus dh fofèk] j{kksik.uhlhvkj½ esa fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk es]a èkku dh Qly ds lacèa k esa fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa esa iwlk&cklerh 1121 fdLe ij mijksDr dhV ykbV VªiS ksa dk oSèkhdj.k Qanks ds fy.k] Qly ij uk'khdhVksa dh lef"V ds izdksi dk vè.k] oSèkhdj. newly designed ykHkksa ds vykok bl u.kfn ds rduhdh Kku] fofuns'Z ku] mi. Coleoptera. The dye of the cone shaped Hkh yxk gqvk FkkA m|e@fofuekZrk model had also been ls 'kaDokdkj ¼dksu tSlk vkdkj½ got fabricated by the ekWMy dh MkbZ dk Hkh va'kkdu entrepreneur.kA dhV ykbV VªSi esa idM+s x.k x.d . the attack of insect pests' population on the crop was studied and compared with control without trap.k rFkk VªSi ds fcuk daVªky s ds lkFk rqyuk dh xbZA dhV ykbV VªSiksa ij] uk'khtho fuxjkuh Vwy ds :i es]a vè.A uk'khtho fuxjkuh Vwy ds :i esa jks'kuh vkd"kZ.d= mUur dksu vkdkj okys fQYVj pSEcj ds lkFk ykHkdkjh dhVksa assemblage and ds fy. validation and popularization of innovative insect light traps in different crops dhV jks'kuh vkdZ"Z k.kaf=kd midj. vko'.s vfHkdfYir system has ease in ekWMy esa dhVksa dks idM+u@ s .k½ Hkkxus esa lQy ik. fofHkUu ekWMyksa ij The different models of the insect light trap were conceptualized. jktèkkuh {ks= ¼.k | Biocontrol uk'khtho izcèa ku ds fy.k Qank ls èkku dh Qly ij ruk Hksnd rFkk Hkwjk ikni ekgw ¼czkmu IykaV gksij½ ds vkØe.u fd. rFkk ykHkksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh nh xbZA Qly ekSle ds nkSjku Hkwjk ikni ekgw] uhykioZrk Y.kksa dk fodkl fofHkUu iQlyksa esa uoksUes"kh dhV jks'kuh vkdZZ"k.d . The fopkj fd. dhV vfèkdrj gsfeIVsjk] dksfy.sls improved cone shaped dhV ykbV VªSi dh vfHkdYiuk model of insect ¼fMtkbu½ vkSj va'kkdu fd. In the insect light trap.k x. fodflr dhV jks'kuh vkd"kZ. rkfydk 1% [kjhQ 2013 ds nkSjku jk"Vªh.125 1.675 9..1121 rice production during kharif season 2013 in NCR.k ¼rkfydk&4½A 52 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Tomato In a farmers' participatory mode.eMCY.k x. The insects trapped and filtered out had been observed.e viukus okys rFkk fdlkuksa dh fofèk.2 Hkwjk iÙkh ekgw izfr Vhyk / BPH/hill 6. rFkk muesa ls Hkkx x.kA fdlkuksa dks dhV ykbV VªSi izkS|ksfxdh bR.471 96.k Qanks esa idM+s x. (Table-4).ksx djus dh fofèk] j{kksik. Hkh mi.0 iÙkh eksMd + (%) / Leaf folder (%) 5.k Qanksas dk Qly rFkk blds fofHkUu ?kVdksa bR. B:C ratio was obtained in fields where light trap was installed in comparison to nonlight trap plots (Table 1. the newly invented insect light traps were installed for validation in tomato crop on the farmers' fields in NCR Delhi during 2013. safety precautions and benefits of the light trap technology.w /38th SMW 52. . Fks ogka ykbV VªSi ugha yxk. x.k Qank dks oSèkhdj.ksa ¼.50 33.k ds vkèkkj ij izHkko vè. Impact of insect light trap installed in the tomato crop had also been observed in terms of attack of insect pests on the crop and its different attributes.46:1 èkku dk ewY.1 39 . LFkkfir fd.Qih IPM Non-IPM dqy ykxr ¼` izfr gs-½/Total cost (`/ha) vkSlr mit ¼fDoa-@gs-½/Mean yield (q/ha) 30654 39176 42.kA jks'kuh vkd"kZ.oa vkfFkZd fo'ys"k.l.35. x. Higher yield.e xSj .k Qanks ds fNnzksa ls Hkkx x. [ksrksa dh rqyuk esa mPp mit vkSj ykHk%ykxr vuqikr izkIr fd. New Delhi uk'khtho@ykHkdkjh pj vkbZih.eMCY. dhVksa@izfr jkf= dk izfr'kr ¼fNnzksa dk vkdkj 5 fe. jktèkkuh {ks= fnYyh esa VekVj dh Qly ij fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk i)fr esa u.k x.4 vkbZih.kA VekVj dh Qly ds fy.NCIPM dh fuxjkuh djus ds fy.kfn dk rduhdh Kku] fofuns'Z ku] mi.k x. 2.8 9.k x.7 edM+h izfr Vhyk / Spiders/hill 1.k D.l.k ds fy. vofèk jks'kuh vkd"kZ.7 Period VekVj o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku jk"Vªh.Qih Pest/Beneficial IPM FP Variable ruk Hksnd (%) / Stem borer (%) 2. etc.50 dqy ykHk ¼` izfr gs-½/Total return (`/ha) 1.ksfa d blesa nksuksa gh fyaxksa ds uk'kdhVksa dks idM+k tkrk FkkA ftu IykVksa esa ykbV VªSi LFkkfir fd.e . dhVksa dk izfr'kr Table 3: Percentage escape of insects from light trap pores of (different sizes) installed in paddy (Pusa Basmati 1121) fields during kharif season 2013. 3). etc. The farmers were educated about the technical knowhow.Qih½ okys [ksrksa esa uk'khtho dk izdksi rkfydk 2% [kjhQ 2013 ds nkSjku jk"Vªh. rFkk ykHkksa ls voxr½ jks'kuh vkd"kZ.2 'kq) ykHk ¼` izfr gs-½/Net return (`/ha) 1.kfn ij uk'khdhVksa ds vkØe.0 39.k Table 1: Pest incidence in IPM and farmers' practices (FP) paddy fields at NCR. uk'khdhVksa dk vkdyu fd. specifications.k Qank ¼fofHkUu vkdkj ds½ ds fNnzksa ls Hkkx x. dhVksa@izfr jkf= dk izfr'kr ¼fNnzksa dk vkdkj 3 fe.w @39th SMW 72.k ¼rkfydk 1] 2] 3½A the population of insect pests as it was trapping both the sexes. LFkkfir jks'kuh vkd"kZ.499 0.k Qanks ds fNnzksa ls Hkkx x.u fd.per q rkfydk 3% o"kZ 2013 ds [kjhQ ekSle ds nkSjku èkku ¼iwlk cklerh 1121½ ds [ksrksa esa LFkkfir jks'kuh vkd"kZ. @` 4050@& izfr fDoa- Rate of paddy @ ` 4050/.62:1 3.8 ykxr%ykHk vuqikr / B :C ratio 5. Delhi during kharif 2013 Table 2: Yield and economics of Pusa . jktèkkuh {ks=] ubZ fnYyh esa iwlk&1121 pkoy mRiknu dh mit . mode of½ % insects escaped/night from the pores (pore size 5mm) % insects escaped/night from the pores (pore size 3mm) 38 . jktèkkuh {ks=] ubZ fnYyh esa vkbZih.ksx fd.4 52.k x.7 6.k x.41. k x.7 lkSj@cSVjh ÅtkZ ls pkfyr dhV jks'kuh vkd"kZ.eMCY.k jks'kuh vkd"kZ.8 53.a=. New Delhi okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 53 .4 1.k gSA 1630 18604 10292 5570 8747 4433 3053 3113 2218 6406.k vkSj mls ÞisVVas vkfQlÞ ubZ fnYyh esa tek fd. rFkk VªSi ds fNnzksa ls Hkkx x. x. dhV dqy Hkkx x.k izfr ikni @Average number of fruits/plant 58. x. which has been named as "Tera" with logo.k Qank ds ckSf)d laink vfèkdkjksa ¼vkbZihvkj jkbV½ dks lajf{kr djus ds fy.k Qanks esa idM+s x.k Qank ds VªM s ekdZ dks Hkh fMtkbu fd.k x. New Delhi.l. fMtkbuksa ij Hkh fopkj fd. [ksr daVªksy Fields where light traps installed Control Ukk'kdhVksa }kjk Qyksa dks igqp a kbZ xbZ gkfu dk % / % fruit damaged by insects 0.2 99.w SMW dqy idM+s x. jklukizds ¼HkkÑvuqi½] ubZ fnYyh esa vkfo"dkj fd.k Qank dk VªM s ekdZ Trademark of insect light trap as invented and patented at NCIPM (ICAR).tSo fu.k Qank LFkkfir fd.5 Variable rkfydk 5% o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku VekVj ds [ksrksa esa LFkkfir jks'kuh vkd"kZ. To protect IPR rights of innovative insect light trap invented.k x. rFkk jklukizds }kjk isVVas djk.kA bls ÞVsjkÞ uke fn.7 76. tkus okys dhVksa dh la- cpk.k x. dhVksa dk % % insects saved To be killed in ordinary insect light trap 1254 18227 2933 5013 7319 2463 2281 2653 2197 4926.0 76.9 98.7 85. dhV Total insects escaped Total insects trapped 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 vkSlr /Average 376 377 7359 557 1428 1970 772 460 21 1480 lkèkkj.k gS vkSj yksxks ij vafdr fd.k | Biocontrol rkfydk 4 %o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku jk"Vªh.kA uoksUes"kh fodflr dhV jks'kuh vkd"kZ. dhV Table 5: Insects trapped and filtered out from insect light trap in tomato crop fields during 2013 season in NCR-Delhi .6 74. jktèkkuh {ks= fnYyh esa VekVj ds fofHkUu izkpyksa ij fofHkUu mipkjksa dk izHkko Table 4: Impact of different treatments on different parameters on tomato crop during 2013 season in NCR-Delhi pj jks'kuh vkd"kZ. x. dhV jks'kuh vkd"kZ. x.0 28.0 83.9 The new design of solar/battery operated insect light traps had also been conceptualized and studied. dhV jks'kuh vkd"kZ.7 55.k x.k Qank esa ekj fn.2 vkSlr Qy la[.5 90. the trademark of insect light had also been designed and filed in "Patent office".k Qanks ds u. respectively during 2013-14.NCIPM lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh] uk'khtho iwokZuqeku .k uk'khtho ds izdksi QSyus dk iwokZueq ku de o"kkZ gksus ds lkFk nsjh ls jksi. 30 and 31 SMWs predicted the outbreak.k x. <50 mm and <10 mm in respect of 29.5 Aug) or not. cotton.kstuk dk dk. 348 talukas and 43000 villages of Maharashtra in an area of 39.w ds lacèa k esa Øe'k% 60 fe-eh.kchu ij uk'khtho dh ekewyh rhozrk gksxh . Ñf"k foHkkx] egkjk"Vª }kjk bl ifj. yxkrkj ikaposa o"kZ esa Hkh lgk.k foyafcr½] Qly dk jksi. Pest Forecasting and Decision Support System egkjk"Vª esa iQly esa uk'khtho dh fuxjkuh rFkk Crop pest surveillance and advisory project (CROPSAP) in Maharashtra lykgdkj lsok ifj. planting of crop (before June end or not). normal monsoon with normal planting dates with rainfall events not meeting the conditions of outbreak predicted low to moderate severity or no outbreak situation.l.l.kchu ij LiksMksIVsjk fyVwjk dh rhozrk ds iwokZueq kuksa dk vkdyu fd.{ks= esa 33 ftyks]a 348 rkywdkvksa rFkk 43]000 xkaoksa esa ØkWilSi ifj.u fd.g iwokZueq ku yxk.rFkk 10 fe-eh.k x.rk nhA ekWulwu ds 'kq: gksus ¼lkekU.eMCY.k izdksi fcydqy Hkh ugha gksxkA 54 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 CROPSAP was operated across 33 districts.kstuk (ØkWilSi) o"kZ 2013&14 ds nkSjku] egkjk"Vª esa lks.k ds dkj.eMCY. severity predictions were evolved and incorporated into CROPSAP software using Dot Net Framework 4.23. 30 SMW (23-29 July) and 31 SMW (30 July .u fd.kZUo.k x.k x.kkyh Information Technology. lks. While delayed onset of monsoon and delayed planting with rainfall >60 mm vf/kd] 50 fe-eh.k rFkk MkWV usV ÝseodZ 4-0 izkS|ksfxdh dk iz. 38.k rFkk jklukizds us mUgsa vkbZlhVh&vkèkkfjr uk'khtho fuxjkuh djus ds fy.eMCY.15. NCIPM facilitated the ICT-based pest monitoring for the fifth successive year.k x. pigeonpea and chickpea crops.l.kA nsjh ls ekWulwu 'kq: gksus vkSj 29] 30 .kstuk dk dk.ksa esa de o"kkZ gksus vFkok ugha gksus tSls fcUnqvksa ij fopkj djrs gq.l.47 lakh hectares in respect of soybean. 10. vkdyuksa dks ØkWilSi esa lekfo"V fd. rainfall of > 60 mm. Maharashtra. Considering the onset of monsoon (normal or delayed).vkSj 10 fe-eh.w ¼23&29 tqykbZ½ rFkk 31 . rice.oa 31 .eh.rk iz. .96 and 12.oa fu. Implemented by the State Department of Agriculture.0 technology. .w ¼30 tqykbZ & 5 vxLr½ ds nkSjku Øe'k% 60 fe-eh.17. lgk. o"kkZ ds vkèkkj ij .kZ.k fd lks.kZUo. ekWulwu ds lkFk lkekU.eMCY.kA jkT.k rFkk lkekU.kA lkekU. frfFk.ksx djrs gq.kchu] dikl] èkku] vjgj rFkk pus dh Qlyksa esa Øe'k% 39-17] 38-68] 1523] 10-96 vkSj 12-47 yk[k gs.k ¼twu ekg ds var esa vFkok ugha½] 29 ekud ekSle lIrkg ¼. <50 mm and 10 mm in respect of 29 SMW (16-22 July).w½ ¼16&22 tqykbZ½] 30 .ls vf/kd rFkk 50 fe. l.72/m row over other locations of Maharashtra. ik..oa 39osa ekSle foKku ekud lIrkgksa ¼. Thrips (Thrips tabaci) and whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) incidence on cotton was common across all locations of Maharashtra. litura.rk iz. ls . Status of soybean pests across Maharashtra (2013) vkjfetsjk vkSj lh.lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh] uk'khtho iwokZuqeku . 4). 1. litura with a seasonal mean of 0.dy ykokZ dh lef"V vfèkd ikbZ xbZ] gkykafd vU. H. 3) fp= 2.iafDr ds ekSle vkSlr ds lkFk .l.k vU.ksa dh lef"V ns[kh xbZ ftlesa vxLr ekg ds eè.egkjk"Vª esa lks.fyVwjk] .h (S.wVk½ ds for all defoliators fy.kA Cotton Occurrence and severity of jassid (Amrasca devastans) was noted on many occasions across several districts. ls o`f) gksus yxh ¼fp= 2½A egkjk"Vª esa . LFkkuksa ij feyh cx] fQukdks D dl lksyus ksfIll dk vkxeu ns[kk x.fyVwjk vkSj lh. 2. Larval numbers of Helicoverpa armigera were too low during the 2013 season.pat a mesoscale of district Fig.k FkkA fiNys ikap _rqvksa relatively higher at Dhule between 31 and 34 SMW.kchu five seasons (2009-13) indicated lowest population levels ij uk'khthoksa dh lef"V lcls de ikbZ xbZ ¼fp= 1½A on soybean during 2013 (fig. Status of sap feeders and leaf reddening during cotton growing season in Maharashtra Mealy bug Phenacoccus solenopsis occurred at one or other locations of Maharashtra at very low levels with its continuous occurrence at Nandurbar. ftyks a dh vLFkk.ks ftys ds gosyh rglhy esa [email protected] dh lokZfèkd vkSlr lef"V ikbZ xbZA o"kZ 2013 ekSle ds nkSjku gsfydksoikZ vkfeZtjs k ykokZ dh lef"V dkQh de ikbZ xbZA Soybean Solitary larva of S.kA tqykbZ ekg ls dk"BdhVksa rFkk lQsn efD[k. lgk. Thrips and whiteflies were seen from July onwards with their increase from midAugust (fig. ftyksa dh rglhyksa esa blesa fHkUurk FkhA egkjk"Vª ds vU. litura were relatively higher across teshils of Sangli while it was variable among teshils of all other districts.wVk ds rqyukRed Comparative scenario for S.kkyh | Information Technology. Haweli teshil of Pune had the highest mean population of solitary S.l.ksa ls .g fu"d"kZ fudyk fd o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku lks.oa iÙkh ykyiu dh fLFkfr Fig.D.eMCY..egkjk"Vª esa dikl ds ekSle esa pwld dhVksa .oa rhozrk ns[kh xbZA egkjk"Vª ds leLr LFkkuksa esa dikl ij dk"BdhV ¼fFkzIl Vckdh ½ rFkk lQsn eD[kh ¼csfefl. acuta) indicated nonxfrfd.kZ. acuta over ifjn`'.fyVwjk ds . Pest Forecasting and Decision Support System lks. Semilooper was uk'khdhVksa dk vkxeu ns[kk x.l. litura and C.kchu dhVksa dh fLFkfr ¼2013½ fu"i=dksa ¼. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 55 .k x.g irk pyk fd Qly ekSle ds nkSjku dksbZ Hkh damaging population during the crop season although gkfudkjd uk'khdhVksa dh lef"V ugha ikbZ xbZ] gkykafd 27osa occurrence was observed between 27 and 39 standard .oa fu.w½ ds nkSjku meteorological weeks (SMWs).ejkLdk fMokLVsUl½ dk vkxeu . LFkkuksa dh rqyuk esa iq.korey rFkk oèkkZ ftyksa esa feyhcx dk vkxeu fujarj ns[kk x. Yeotmal and Wardha districts (fig.kchu lkaxyh ftys ds lHkh rglhyksa esa . 1). eSlksLdsy ds vkèkkj ij lHkh Temporal dynamics fp= 1.D. ¼2009&13½ ds nkSjku .d . armigera and C.k] ij mldh lef"V dkQh de FkhA uanjq cj] .l. dikl fofHkUu ftyksa esa vusd ekSdksa ij tSflM ¼.k Vckdh ½ dk izdksi lkekU. l. 3). rice. However. pigeonpea and chickpea were 15170.kA occasions during September.lch½ dh gkfu dkQh ¼38%½ ikbZ xbZA only at Gadchiroli with maximum of 38% during 3] chM] ukaMM s ] vgenuxj rFkk tkyuk esa vDVwcj ekg ds nwljs lIrkg ls Qly dh dVkbZ rd 10% ls de iÙkh ykyiu jksx ik. pkoy fet >iÙkh eksM+d > izLQqVu ¼fp= 3½A vjgj uoEcj vkSj fnlEcj ds nkSjku Qyh Hksnd }kjk vjgj dh Qly dks igqp a k.k tuojh esa viuh ijkdk"Bk ij FksA vejkorh rFkk mlds ckn ykrwj] iq. fofHkUu uk'khthoksa ds bZVh. Beed. Bacterial leaf blight thok.e.ks vkSj vkSjx a kckn esa eqj>ku izdksi lcls vfèkd ik. Highest infestation of blh LFkku ij 31oss ekud lIrkg 3% of gall midge was noted ds nkSjku xky fet dk lokZfèkd during 31 st SMW at ¼3%½ laØe. Their distribution across divisions and crops is given below (Fig 4). Status of rice pests across Maharashtra (2013) notable.e esa uanjq cj ftys esa iÙkh eksMd + was highest at Nandurbar gkfu lokZfèkd ¼12%½ ikbZ xbZA district (12%) during midflrEcj ekg ds nkSjku 32 ekSdksa ij season.p.k x. x.kqt iÙkh vaxekjh ¼ch. being the highest for Amravati followed by Latur.ych > ikni ekgw >xky across Maharashtra on rice followed YSB>BLB> plant hoppers> gall midge > leaf folder > blast (Fig.k x.ksa rFkk blds ifjek. Increasing blast incidence at èkwys rFkk ukxiqj esa izLQqVu izdksi Dhule and Nagpur was c<+rk gqvk ik. 20959.y ifjn`'.kA mPp LFkkuksa fp= 3. Dissemination of pest management advisories Dissemination of pest management advisories through short mail services (SMS) across the crops-based on ETL scenario of different pests in soybean. 3.k x.kA ekSle ds Gadchiroli.NCIPM ukaMM s ]+ oèkkZ] ijHk.k x. Pest status jksx ik.a tkjh dh xbZ ¼fp= 4½A 56 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Pigeonpea Damage to pigeonpea pods due to pod borer complex measured as per cent pod damage was highest during November and December. Pune and Aurangabad.kA uk'khtho izcaèku lacaèkh lykgdkj lsokvksa dk izlkj o"kZ 2013&14 ds nkSjku lks.k x.l ds ekè.k ik.loh > ch. ij fdlkuksa dks Qly ds vkèkkj ij . .y ls Åij ik.k esa LFkku&nj LFkku fHkUurk ikbZ xbZ] tks fnlEcj .ych½ (BLB) was above ETL on 32 jksx bZVh. Jalgaon. 24846. Nagpur >Dhule >Bhandara had relatively esa ¼vkjksgh Øe es½a mPp izLQqVu higher blast disease over other locations. Highest wilt incidence was found during] fgaxksyh rFkk ukxiqj ftyksa esa ¼vkjksgh Øe es½a iÙkh ykyiu dk izdksi lokZfèkd FkkA rFkkfi] tyxkao] ijHk.k x. Parbhani.k x. Chickpea The dynamics of trend of H.k] gkykafd bu LFkkuksa esa eqj>ku izdksi esa fHkUurk FkhA fnlEcj ekg ds nkSjku lcls vfèkd eqj>ku izdksi ik.egkjk"Vª esa pkoy ds dhVksa dh fLFkfr dh rqyuk esa ukxiqj] èkwys rFkk Hkkankz Fig. Rice Yellow stem borer (YSB) damage was significant rhljs ekSle foKku ekud lIrkg ds nkSjku dsoy x<+fpjkSyh rd esa ihyk ruk Hksnd ¼okbZ.vkfeZtjs k ds izof` Ùk dh xfrfØ.kA iwjs egkjk"Vª esa uk'khthoksa dh fLFkfr vkjksgh Øe esa bl izdkj Fkh% okbZ. Nanded. armigera and its magnitude varied between locations with peaks either during December or January.e ls Øe'k% 15170] 24846] 20959] 13364 rFkk 10759 lykgdkj loks. 13364 and 10759 during 2013-14. Ahmednagar and Jalna had <10% incidence of red leaves from 2nd week of October till harvest. uqdlku dk izfr'kr lokZfèkd FkkA puk .kA Incidence of leaf reddening was high at Nanded> Wardha> Parbhani> Hingoli> Nagpur districts.kchu] dikl] èkku] vjgj rFkk pus ds fy. Wilt incidence varied with division. cotton. Leaf folder damage eè. d lesfdr foaMks vkèkkfjr izkx s kz e ¼16 .u (vkjVhihMh) o"kZ 2013&14 ds nkSjku pkj Qlyks]a vFkkZr pkoy] vjgj] ewx a Qyh rFkk VekVj esa yxkrkj rhljs o"kZ uk'khtho dh fuxjkuh rFkk ekSle ds iwokZueq ku ds fy.ksa ds 10 Ñf"k tyok.u gsrq dk.lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh] uk'khtho iwokZuqeku .ksa rFkk ekSle ds lacèa k esa vkadM+s . pigeonpea (7).k] ftlesa lkIrkfgd] ekfld rFkk okf"kZd vkèkkj ij eksFk ¼iraxk½ idM+ lwpuk viyksM+ djus ds fy.k] ftlesa 24 x 7 osc vkèkkfjr fjiksfV±x dh lqfoèkk miyCèk dh xbZ FkhA .kZUo.rk iz.k x.u fd.. Up gradation of NICRA client software and webenabled reporting Pheromone trap catch module for the three crops viz.ksx djrs gq. osc vkèkkfjr fjiksfV±x lqfoèkk miyCèk dh xbZ gSA pkoy uk'khthoksa ds Mk.kkyh | Information Technology.d= fd.kZUo.ka Implementation of real time pest dynamics (RTPD) rRdkfyd uk'khtho xfrdh fuxjkuh flLVe dk dk. pigeonpea.kZUo.q {ks=ksa esa 26 dsUnzksa ij vkjVhihMh dk vè. (fuØk) xzkgd lkWÝVos. pigeonpea.oa LiksMksIVsjk fyV.Xuksfll . Customised software for diagnosis & sampling for rice pest surveillance A standalone window-based application (16MB) "Diagnosis & Sampling for Rice Pest Surveillance" has been developed in Dot Net Framework 4. monthly and yearly basis. Twenty five RTPD centers [rice (7). okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 57 . fodflr Qsjkseksu VªiaS dSp ekWM.uvkbZlhvkj. rice. rFkk mUgsa jklukizds ds loZj esa viyksM fd. plants (4).oa fuxjkuh izfrp.~ y w dks gsfydksoikZ vkfeZtjs k . Pest management advisories issued at Maharashtra during 2013 tyok.kA [kjhQ 2013 ds nkSjku pkoy ¼7½( vjgj ¼7½( ewx a Qyh ¼5½ rFkk VekVj ¼7½ dks feykdj iPphl ¼25½ vkjVhihMh dsUnzkas us rFkk jch 2013 ds nkSjku 17 dsUnzkas us vkjVhihMh dk dk.j dk v|ru rFkk osc&vkèkkfjr fjiksfV±x vjgj] ewx a Qyh rFkk VekVj rhu Qlyksa ds fy. 4. groundnut and tomato to capture week wise data of Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura was incorporated in the client software with simultaneous updating of the web-enabled reporting system for retrieval of moth catch scenario on weekly.ech½ Recording of weather data as part of RTPD was done at 10 agro-climatic zones of 10 states spread across 12 agro ecological regions were implemented with pest and weather monitoring during 2013-14 for the third year in four crops viz. groundnut (5) & tomato (7)] during kharif 2013. MkWV usV ÝseodZ 4-0 esa .j foaMksa 7 vkWijsfVax flLVe dk iz.u fd.k x. and 17 during rabi recorded the pest dynamics and weather data vis-a-vis entry and uploads to the database of NCIPM server that supported 24X7 web-enabled reporting system. Pest Forecasting and Decision Support System fp= 4.kZ.qjk ds lacèa k esa lkIrkfgd vkèkkj ij MkVk vfHkxzfgr djus gsrq xzkgd lkW¶Vos. Diagnosis and sampling of variables viz.oa fu.j esa lekfo"V fd. fof'k"V lkWÝVos.q ifjorZu ds lacaèk esa uk'khthoksa dh Pest dynamics in relation to climate change xfrfØ.0 using Windows 7 operating system. lgk. diseases (8). insects (23). 10 Ñf"k ikfjra=ksa ds varxZr 10 jkT. groundnut and tomato.u ds fy.kA bu dsUnzkas us uk'khthoksa dh xfrfØ.egkjk"Vª esa 2013 ds nkSjku uk'khtho çca/ku ij tkjh dh xbZa lykg Fig. qDr ekSle rFkk fNViqV ckfj'k ls pkoy dh vxsrh fdLeksa dh Qly ij ifjiDou dh voLFkk ij pkoy vkehZokWeZ dk dkQh T.k Qans es idM+s x. Nilaparvata lugens was observed in some villages.pch½] dkbyks ikyhØkbll ¼12-5%½] xqykch ruk Hksnd ¼ih.k fd.kqt iÙkh vaxekjh rFkk izLQqVu rhozrk de FkhA .kA thok. Brevenia rehi outbreak in direct.NCIPM Þpkoy uk'khtho fuxjkuh ds fy.k] fp=ksa ¼besft+t½+ rFkk iz{s k. ds lkFk&lkFk uk'khtho dh cnyrh fLFkfr pkoy yqfèk.kA [kjhQ 2013 ds nkSjku vnqFkqjkbZ ¼rfeyukMq½ esa OgksyZ eSxkWV ik. Severity of leaf folder was also reflected in light trap catches.k x.kA [kjhQ ekSle ds nkSjku djtr ¼egkjk"Vª½ esa vfèkd ckfj'k ds dkj.k x. Light trap catches of rice lepidopteran pests at Ludhiana moth catches of lepidopterous pests of rice showed increasing trends of white and pink stem borers besides leaf folder.k pkoy dk iqu% jksi. Analysis of deviation of minimum temperature from its indicated significant increase of minimum temperature by 0.k ds 30 fnuksa ¼Mh.kA ykbV VªSi idM+ esa Hkh iÙkh eksMd + uk'khtho dh rhozrk ns[kh xbZA pkoy ds ysfiMksIVsjl uk'khthoksa dh eksFk ¼iraxk½ idM+ ds rqyukRed v/.knk izdksi ik.5%) >pink stem borer (PSB).g ik.uÞ fodflr fd.k dh izfØ.seeded rice (cvs. At Karjat (MH) during kharif season.k fd izR.k ds vkèkkj ij xzkgd lkW¶Vos.3 weeks followed by rains.k x. Rice mealybug.oa chihVh 5204 fdLes½a esa pkoy feyhcx] czfs ofu. excess rainfall had affected nurseries as well as transplanted rice leading to replanting.A vDVwcj 2013 ds nkSjku ukxkifVue ¼rfeyukMq½ ds fdyosyjq CykWd esa 2&3 lIrkgksa ds 'kq"d fnuksa ds ckn cjlkr ds dkj. vuqdy w FkhA vDVwcj 2013 esa ckny.u esa iÙkh eksMd + ds vykok lQsn rFkk xqykch ruk Hksnd uk'khthoksa dh c<+rh izof` Ùk ns[kh xbZA U.k x.2%) at 30 DAT.kuk ¼iatkc½ esa 15 ls 70% dh jst a esa iÙkh eksMd + izdksi ik.2%) >dark headed borer (DHB).k gSA ikniksa ¼4½] dhVksa ¼23½] jksxksa ¼8½] ykHkdkjh ¼6½ rFkk ykbV VªiS idM+ ¼16½ tSls pjksa ds Mk.lch½] fllsfe. Hopper burn due to brown plant hopper (BPH). Comparison of fp= 5.40C between June and October of each year. pkoy ¼lhvkj 1009 .wure rkieku ds fopyu ds fo'ys"k.lch½] fLØiksQkxk buljV~vYl ¼81-2%½] dkys f'kjk okyk Hksnd ¼Mh. Mk.kA ekSle ifjn`'. images and procedure of observations. Changing pest status vis-a-vis weather scenario Rice Leaf folder was observed with incidence ranging from 15 to 70% at Ludhiana (Pb). Stem borer complex at Aduthurai (TN) in rabi yellow stem borer (YSB) Scirpophaga incertulas (81.k buQjsl a ¼6-2%½ uk'khtho ik.Xuksfll rFkk izfrp.j esa lekfo"V fd.k .k gksij cuZ ik.|fi ekaM.y ls de Fkk] ysfdu eSljw ] mÙkj 58 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 beneficials (6) and light trap catches (16) were incorporated with their description.k x. Cloudy weather and intermittent rains in the month of October 2013 caused heavy .yqf/k.p½] uhykioZr Y. Chilo polychrysus (12.k] ftlus Qly dks cgqr de uqdlku o"kZ twu vkSj vDVwcj ekg ds nkSjku U.k esa .k FkkA jch 2013 ds nkSjku vnqFkqjkbZ esa izfrjksi.qxl as ds dkj.3 . 5.. pkoy ds ysfiMksIVsju uk'khtho Fig.k x.k ¼dukZVd½ esa [kjhQ 2013 ds nkSjku ize[q k uk'khthoksa dk izdksi bZVh.k jsgh dk izdksi ik.Xuksfll rFkk izfrp.kuk esa jks'kuh vkd"kZ.dy :i esa cqokbZ fd. This situation was favourable for caseworm occurrence. muds y{k.k x. CR1009 and BPT5204) in Kilvelur block of Nagapattinam district (TN) during October 2013 was noticed following prolonged dry spell of 2 .u ¼lSia fyax½ ds fy.k x.kA bl izdkj dh fLFkfr dslokWeZ ds vkxeu ds fy. Damage due to whorl maggot was in traces during kharif 2013 at Aduthurai (TN). x. Sesamia inferens (6.Vh½ ds ckn ihyk ruk Hksnd ¼okbZ.wure rkieku esa dkQh o`f) ¼0-3 & 40 ls-½ gqbZA dqN xkaoksa esa Hkwjk ikni ekgw ¼chih. x.k x.k ikS/k'kkykvksa rFkk izfrjksfir pkoy Qly izHkkfor gqb]Z ftlds dkj. BPH had caused significant losses with population range of 23-777 adult counts per 20 hills.k ¼dukZVd½ esa iÙkh eksMd + ds dkj. At Raipur (CG). More than 400 ha of KCPI had severity of neck blast caused by excess rainfall brought about by Phailin cyclone vis-a-vis lower night temperatures.k dh rhozrk 6-5 vkSj 36-2% ds chp Fkh] tcfd lQsn d.iqj ¼NÙhlx<+½ esa ruk Hksnd rFkk Hkwjk ikni ekgw ¼chih.Ld Fig.k Qank dh okf"kZd idM+ ls [kjhQ dh okLrfod o lgh izof` Ùk dk vanktk ugha yxk. moderate incidence of BPH was observed in parts of Mysore.k fd.kuk ¼iatkc½ rFkk eaM.k lHkh LFkkuksa ij jks'kuh vkd"kZ. Although at Mandya (KA) the incidence of major pests was below ETL in 2013 kharif.k vfèkd o"kkZ gksus rFkk jkf= esa de rkieku ds dkj.knk uqdlku fd.k de mit izkIr gqbAZ MSM gkVlZ ds :i esa ruk Hksnd laØe.7%.k Qly dks dkQh uqdlku gqvk gS] tcfd [kjhQ ds fiNys rhu ekSleksa ls fpulqjk ¼if'pe caxky½ vkSj djtr ¼egkjk"Vª½ esa fNV&iqV izdksi ns[kk x.oa Hkh vfèkd {ks= esa xzhok izLQqVu ¼uSd CykLV½ dh rhozrk ikbZ xbZA jk. 6. lgk.] ftuds }kjk Qly dks uqdlku igqp a k.k tk ldkA Among all the locations. tkus ds dkj.kA .k Fkk] ftldh lef"V dh jst a 23&77 O. ihyk ruk Hksnd ds o.kkyh | Information Technology.k x.k dslhihvkbZ ds 400 gs. The symptom of hopper burn was observed at several places and the rains.Ld lef"V izfr 20 Vhyk FkhA dbZ LFkkuksa ij gksij cuZ ds y{k. Chinsurah (WB) continued to have higher incidence of YSB from 2011 during Boro season mainly due to the decreasing temperature regimes and increased rainfall over 2007 and 2008 seasons (Fig 6). and Chinsurah (WB) and Karjat (MH) had stray incidence over the past three seasons of kharif. tkus rFkk vfèkd cjlkr ds dkj. white head was up to 23. Pest Forecasting and Decision Support System dUuM+ rFkk dksiky ftyksa esa chih. :i ls cksjks ekSle ds nkSjku fpulqjk ¼if'pe caxky½ esa o"kZ 2011 ls yxkrkj ihyk ruk Hksnd ¼okbZ. vuqdy w ik. x.p½ uk'khtho ik. Trap catches of yellow stem borer moth over years compared to temperature and rainfall lHkh LFkkuksa dh rqyuk esa ls yqfèk.kZ dh rhozrk 23-7% FkhA bl {ks= esa Hkwjk ikni ekgw us dkQh T.rk iz.p ¼Hkwjk ikni ekgw½ dk izdksi ekewyh FkkA flrEcj 2013 ds nkSjku dkosjh ls lVs yxHkx 1200 gs.kZ. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 59 . Ludhiana (PB) and Mandya (KA) had considerable damage due to leaf folder.5 and 36.k eq[. cloudy weather favoured the severity. The yearly light trap catches did not reflect the exact trend at all locations possibly due to the variations between seasons in a given location.lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh] uk'khtho iwokZuqeku .esa nsjh ls jksi. rFkk o"kkZ( cknyksa okyk ekSle bldh rhozrk ds fy.k FkkA ikbyhu pØokr ds dkj.kA o"kZ 2007 vkSj 2008 ds ekSleksa dh rqyuk esa ?kVrs rkieku rFkk c<+rh o"kkZ ds dkj.fiNys o"kksZa es rkieku o o"kkZ vk/kkfjr vkd"kZ. Bacterial leaf blight and blast severity was low.k ik.k Qans es idM+s x.d ekSle ls nwljs ekSle ds chp fo"kerkvksas ds dkj.k dslokWeZ dk izdksi dkQh QSy x. Late planting combined with excess rainfall during September resulted in outbreak of case worm in about 1200 ha of cauvery command. stem borer and BPH were the pests limiting grain yield. fp= 6. While the intensities of stem borer infestation observed as dead hearts ranged between 6.lch½ dk mPp izdksi ns[kk tk jgk gS ¼fp= 6½A incidence of rice armyworm at the maturity stage of early varieties of rice crop. x. Uttarkannada and Koppal districts. 5/plant).eMCY.k x.eMh½ dk izdksi de ns[kk x.l. armigera damage to pods was 40 and 8%.knk uqdlku igqp a krk gSA lHkh LFkkuksa ij . respectively. rainy days: 40) during 2013 over 2011 (950 mm in 34 rainydays) and 2012 (630 mm in 22 rainy days).k x.w½ rFkk 46 vkSj 52 . podfly (Melanagromyza obtusa) and H. Gulbarga (KA) had decreasing incidence of H.foVjkVk ds dkj.k] ysfdu eqj>ku izdksi dkQh T.kA de o"kkZ okys o"kks± ¼o"kZ 2012 ds nkSjku 466 fe-eh-½ dh rqyuk esa vfèkd o"kkZ okys o"kks± ¼2011 vkSj 2013 esa Øe'k 655 vkSj 640 fe-eh½ esa .ds.we eksFk ¼18 lwM a h izfr ikni½] uhyh cVjykbZ ¼12-5 lwM a h izfr ikni½ rFkk .efoVjkVk Qly dks T. Nagar (GJ) and Gulbarga (KA).kA okjaxy ¼vkUèkz izn's k½ esa lkekU.p. respectively) had higher M. the early higher damage between 38 and 40 SMWs followed by continued higher damage between 45 and 46 SMWs during 2013 resulted in higher seasonal damage.k x. Fusarium wilt at S. x. :i ls uk'khtho] fo'ks"k :i ls gsfydksoikZ vkfeZtjs k rFkk ek#dk foVjkVk dh ekStnw xh de FkhA vDVwcj 2013 ds nkSjku 235-2 fe-eh.o"kkZ½ vkSj 2012 ¼22 o"kkZ fnolksa esa 630 fe-eh.l.armigera larvae (11/plant).p. vitrata across locations indicated declining trend of the former at all pigeonpea study locations over years with overall occurrence of both the pests being higher at S.vkfeZtjs k dh izof` Ùk de gksrh tk jgh FkhA xqycxkZ ¼dukZVd½ esa rFkk mlds ckn jkgqjh ¼egkjk"Vª½ vkSj .knk ek#dk ds tky ¼22 izfr ikni½ ik.p.K.p.w ds nkSjku yxkrkj mPp uqdlku ls ekSle ds dkj.eMCY.kA uhyh cVjykbZ rFkk fpÙkhnkj Qyh Hksnd dk izdksi fiNys o"kks± dh rqyuk esa nqxuq k FkkA o"kZ 2011 ds ekSle esa 40 vkSj 44 ekud lIrkg ¼. Among the pod bugs. and 47 and 52 SMWs were higher in the 2011 season.vkfeZtjs k rFkk .e. Blue butterfly and spotted pod borer incidence was twice higher over previous years. Pudukottai (TN) had highest Maruca webs on flowers (22/plant) followed by plume moth (18 larvae/plant). it is the influence of rainfall on crop phenology in turn affecting the damage due to M. x. o"kkZ dk Qly ?kVukØe&foKku ij iM+us okys izHkko dh T.knk FkkA iqMd q ksVkbZ ¼rfeyukMq½ esa iq"iksa esa dkQh T.w ds chp vfèkd uqdlku ds dkj. vitrata damage over low rainfall year (466 mm during 2012).e.NCIPM vjgj uoEcj vkSj fnlEcj ekg ds chp fpÙkhnkj Qyh Hksnd ¼ek#dk½ rFkk Qyh eD[kh ¼esykuksvkxzkes kbt+k ½ }kjk Qly dks dkQh uqdlku igqp a k.e rFkk ujcaè. .k fd xr o"kks± dh rqyuk esa vjgj ds lHkh vè.] mlds ckn IY.k] ¶.rk ekstd s+ jksx .l.uxr LFkkuksa ij . Clavigralla gibbosa was dominant (maximum: 25/plant) followed by Riptortus pedestris (3/plant) and Nezara viridula (2.o"kkZ gksus ds QyLo:i vfèkd ueh ds dkj. and H.k vfèkd uqdlku gqvkA Qly dks uqdlku igqp a kus esa o"kkZ ds izR.vkfeZtsjk rFkk yxHkx lHkh jksxksa ¼vYVjusfj.eMCY.foVjkVk ds fLFkfr dh leh{kk djrs gq.l q k ½ vkSj . armigera and M. The level of damage of M. Perusal of status of H.. More than the direct effect of rainfall.K. armigera and almost all diseases (Alternaria.eMCY.foVjkVk }kjk Qly dks igqp a k.vkfeZtjs k dk uqdlku Øe'k% 40% vkSj 8% FkkA xqycxkZ ¼dukZVd½ esa fiNys nks ekSleksa dh rqyuk esa o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku .e.p. vitrata between 40 and 44 SMWs.2 mm of rainfall) during October.l. The higher rainfall years (655 and 640 mm in 2011 and 2013.5 larvae/plant).qlfs j.k uqdlku vfèkd FkkA o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku 38 vkSj 40 .uxj ¼xqtjkr½ esa nksuksa uk'khthoksa dk vkxeu vfèkd FkkA o"kZ 2011 ¼34 o"kkZ fnolksa esa 950 feeh. Among pod borers. Nagar (GJ) was higher during 2013 (rainfall: 1032 mm.g ik.o"kkZ½ dh rqyuk esa o"kZ 2013 ¼40 o"kkZ fnolksa esa 1032 fe-eh-½ esa vfèkd 60 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Pigeonpea Spotted pod borer (Maruca) and pod fly (Melanagromyza) damage were dominant between November and December months.e.k rFkk mlds ckn 45 vkSj 46osa . Nagar (GJ) >Rahuri (MH) and Gulbarga (KA). Sporadic incidence of mealybugs and severe wilt incidence at certain locations was due to excess moisture (235.l. .knk uqdlku ns[kk x.k dqN LFkkuksa ij feyhcx dk NqV&iqV izdksi ns[kk x.vkfeZtjs k ¼11 lwM a h izfr ikni½ ik.w ds nkSjku . vitrata. Fusarium and sterility mosaic disease SMD) during 2013 over previous two seasons.k dqy feykdj T.K. blue butterfly (12. Rahuri (MH) had less severity of diseases over S.knk ikbZ xbZA Qyh csèkdksa es]a Qyh eD[kh ¼esykuksvkxzkes kbt+k vkWCV~.{k izHkko ds ctk.A Qyh vHkZdksa ¼ikWM cx½ esa Dysfoxjsyk fxCckslk ¼25 izfr ikni½ rFkk mlds ckn fjiVkWjVl isMl ~ fVªl ¼3 izfr ikni½ vkSj ustk+ jk fofjMqyk ¼2-5 izfr ikni½ dh ekStnw xh dkQh T. At Warangal (AP) insect pest load was low in general and for Helicoverpa armigera and Maruca vitrata in particular.knk Hkwfedk gSA ftlds QyLo:i . lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh] uk'khtho iwokZuqeku ,oa fu.kZ; lgk;rk iz.kkyh | Information Technology, Pest Forecasting and Decision Support System o"kkZ ds dkj.k ,l- ds- uxj ¼xqtjkr½ esa ¶;qlfs j;e eqj>ku vfèkd ik;k x;kA ,l- ds- uxj rFkk xqycxkZ ¼dukZVd½ dh rqyuk esa jkgqjh ¼egkjk"Vª½ esa jksxksa dh rhozrk de FkhA ekSle ds nkSjku uk'khtho ds vkxeu ds fy, vuqdy w uh; lkèkuksa rFkk uk'khthoksa dh lokZfèkd lef"V vkSj rhozrk ds dkj.k mRiUu jksxksa dks è;ku esa j[krs gq, Qly ?kVukØe foKku ij uk'khthoksa ds xfrfØ;ksa ds izHkko dks vyx djus dk ,d izkjafHkd iz;kl fd;k x;kA blds fy, Qly dh voLFkk] fdlh Hkh fof'k"V LFkku rFkk fdlh Hkh ekSle@o"kZ ds nkSjku lHkh LFkkuksa ds foxr o"kks± ds Qly ij uk'khthoksa dh lokZfèkd lef"V dh ekStnq xh vFkok rhozrk dh rqyuk dh xbZA nksuksa gh fLFkfr;ksa es]a uk'khthoksa dh lef"V@rhozrk rFkk Qly dh voLFkk esa fHkUurk,a ikbZ xb± ftlls ;g vuqeku yxk;k tk ldrk gS fd uk'khthoksa dh xfrfØ;vksa o lfØ;rkvksa esa ikfjfLFkfrdh; var%fØ;k'khy ?kVdksa ¼tSo ,oa vtSo½ dh ize[q k Hkwfedk gksrh gS] rFkk ekSle esa vlkekU; mrkj&p<+ko ds izHkko dks vklkuh ls ekik tk ldrk gSA ewaxiQyh o`)kpye ¼rfeyukMq½ esa [kjhQ ds yxkrkj nwljs o"kZ ¼2012 ,oa 2013½ esa 34 ,l,eMCY;w ls yky ckyksa okys dSVjfiyj] ,elsDrk iztkfr;ksa dk izdksi QSy x;k Fkk] tks vxLr ds lHkh lIrkgksa rFkk flrEcj dk igyk i[kokM+k ¼fo'ks"k :i ls 35osa o 36osa ,l,eMCY;w es½a ds nkSjku yxkrkj ckfj'k ds dkj.k QSykA o"kZ 2011 rFkk mlls igys ftu o"kks± esa 35osa rFkk 36osa ,l,eMCY;w ds nkSjku ckfj'k ugha gqbZ Fkh rc dSVjfiyj dk izdksi Hkh ugha QSyk FkkA Qly ds ifjiDou voLFkk ds nkSjku iNsrh iÙkk èkCck ¼8 xzM s dh rhozrk rd½ rFkk 'kq"d tM+ foxyu ¼5&10%½ dk izdksi ns[kk x;kA twukx<+ ¼xqtjkr½ esa [kjhQ 2011 ds nkSjku vfèkd o"kkZ ¼800 fe-eh- ls vfèkd½ ds vykok eq[; :i ls vfèkdre ,oa U;wure rkieku esa ekewyh varj ds dkj.k uk'khthoksa ¼ekgw] tSflM] dk"BdhV rFkk iÙkh lajq xd½ dh lef"V de ikbZ xbZ tcfd if.kZy jksxksa dh rhozrk vfèkdre ikbZ xbZA dkfnjh ¼vkUèkz izn's k½ rFkk èkkjokM+ ¼dukZVd½ esa fLFkfr foijhr FkhA lkekU; :i ls] jch dh rqyuk esa [kjhQ ds nkSjku iÙkh lqjx a d ¼yhQ ekbuj½ dk laØe.k vfèkd FkkA tyxkao esa 2012 ¼70% ls vfèkd½ rFkk 2013 ¼90% ls vfèkd½ ds nkSjku lokZfèkd dk"BdhV laØe.k ik;k x;k] tcfd jch 2012 ds nkSjku laØe.k 80% ls vfèkd ik;k x;kA In view of the seasonal means of insect pests and diseases represented largely by the peak populations and severity, respectively a preliminary attempt to seggregate the effect of dynamics of pests dependent on crop phenology was made through comparison of crop age coinciding with highest population or severity over years for a particular location, and over locations in respect of a particular year/season. In either of the cases both population/severity of pests as well as crop age were different implying the dominant role of ecological interactive forces (biotic and abiotic) determining the population dynamics, although glimpses of effect of weather extremities at a given space and time could be inferred relatively easily. Groundnut Outbreak of red hairy caterpillar, Amsacta spp, for the second successive season (2012 & 2013) of kharif at Chinnavadavadi village of Vridhachalam (TN)was noticed from 35 SMW mainly attributable to the receipt of continuous rains during all weeks of August and first fortnight of September (esp. 35 & 36 SMW). The nonoutbreak season of 2011 and before did not have rains during 35 and 36 SMWs. Late leaf spot (up to severity of 8 grade) and dry root rot (5-10%) incidence was observed during crop maturity phase. Junagadh (GJ) had lower insect pests (aphids, jassids, thrips, leaf miner) and highest severity of foliar dieases during 2011 kharif mainly due to narrow differences between maximum and minimum temperature regimes in addition to higher rainfall (> 800 mm) and the reverse trend at Kadiri (AP) and Dharwad (KA). Leaf miner infestation was higher during kharif over rabi, in general. Jalgaon (MH) had the highest thrips infestation during 2012 (>70%) and 2013 (>90%) of kharif, and 2012 of rabi (>80%). VekVj Tomato In Rajendranagar (AP) and Bengaluru (KA) incidence of big bud phytoplasma was confirmed during rabi that had caused elongated calyx uniting to form green bud like sterile structure. jktsUnz uxj ¼vkUèkz izn's k½ rFkk csx a yq# ¼dukZVd½ esa jch ds nkSjku fcx cM+ QkbVksIykTek ds izdksi dh iqf"V dh xbZ] Continuous rainfall during kharif 2013-14 at Moinabad (AP) led to low levels of aphids and whiteflies okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 61 NCIPM ftlls dSyDs l cM+k gks x;k ,oa vkil esa feydj gjs dyh dh rjg lajpuk cu xbZ tks fd ok¡K FkhA [kjhQ 2013&14 ds nkSjku eksbukckn ¼vkUèkz izn's k½ esa Qly fodkl dh iw.kZ vofèk ds nkSjku ekgw vkSj lQsn efD[k;ksa dh de lef"V ikbZ xbZA iq"iu rFkk Qy yxus dh voLFkk ds nkSjku ,p- vfeZtjs k rFkk Qly fodkl ds igys dqN lIrkgksa ds nkSjku iÙkh lqja xd izdksi ns[kk x;kA blds foijhr] 29osa ,oa 44osa ,l,eMCY;w ds nkSjku yxkrkj o"kkZ gksus ds dkj.k 34&77 ,l,eMCY;w ds chp thok.kqt èkCck izdksi c<+rk tk jgk Fkk] tks Qly ifjiDou dh voLFkk rd 60&85% rd igqp a x;k FkkA jch VekVj ij ekpZ vkSj vizy S ekg esa thok.kqt vaxekjh dk Hkh izdksi vfèkd ¼80% rd½ FkkA csx a yq# ¼dukZVd½ esa [kjhQ dh rqyuk esa xzh"e esa jl pwlus okys dhVks]a lSi QhMjksa vFkkZr VSVªkuk;dl ;wjVkbdh vkSj csfefl;k Vscl s kbdh lef"V dkQh vfèkd ikbZ xbZ rFkk xzh"e dh rqyuk esa [kjhQ esa gsfydksoikZ vkfeZtjs k dk izdksi ¼ih = 0-05*½ vfèkd ik;k x;kA o"kZ 2012 ds nkSjku xzh"e esa igyh cjlkr gksus rFkk mlds ckn ,p- vkfeZtjs k vkSj ,l- fyVwjk ds fy, 17osa ,l,eMCY;w ¼20 fe-eh- o"kkZ½ esa vkSj o"kZ 2013 esa ,lfyVwjk ds fy, 11osa ,l,eMCY;w ¼5 fd-eh- o"kkZ½ rFkk ,pvkfeZtjs k ds fy, 15osa ,l,eMCY;w ¼33-2 fe-eh- o"kkZ½ esa Qsjkseksu Qk¡n ¼VªSi½ idM+ esa ;g ik;k x;k fd ,l- fyVwjk dh rqyuk esa ,p- vkfeZtjs k ds vkxeu o izdVu ds fy, vfèkd ueh dh vko';drk gksrh gSA o"kZ 2013&14 ds nkSjku csx a yq# esa VekVj iÙkh dqp a u csx a yq# laØe.k] dqdeq ks ekstd s+ laØe.k ¼ekstd s+ ,oa ifÙk;ksa esa eqMu+ ½ rFkk ewx a Qyh cM uSØksfll laØe.k dh iqf"V gqbAZ csx a yq# ¼dukZVd½ ds dqN LFkkuksa esa iNsrh vaxekjh dh vf/kd O;kiDrk ;gka rd dh 100% Hkh ns[kh xbZA VekVj esa ch- Vscl s kb dh lef"V }kjk mRiUu iÙkh dqp a u izdksi ik;k x;k] tks [kjhQ dh rqyuk esa xzh"e dky esa vfèkd FkkA dY; ¼if'pe caxky½ esa o"kZ 2011 esa jch ds nkSjku dksjkbuhLiksjk dk izdksi ik;k x;k] gkykafd 44osa vkSj 50osa ,l,eMCY;w ds nkSjku blds vkxeu esa fHkUurk,a ns[kh xb±A o"kZ 2011&12 dh rqyuk esa fiNys nks ekSleksa ¼2012&13 vkSj 2013&14½ esa jch ekSle ds nkSjku iÙkh dqp a u izdksi rFkk vxsrh vaxekjh jksx de ik;k x;kA leLr uk'khthoksa es]a jksxksa ds izdV gksus rFkk jksxksa ds viuh 62 throughout the crop growth period, H. armigera between flowering and fruiting stage and leaf miner incidence during first few weeks of crop growth. On the contrary continuous rainfall between 29 and 44 SMWs resulted in increasing bacterial spot incidence from 34 - 47 SMW reaching 60- 85% at crop maturity. Bacterial blight also had high incidence (up to 80%) during March and April on the rabi tomato. At Bengaluru (KA), sap feeders viz.Tetranychus urticae and Bemisia tabaci were significantly higher in summer compared to kharif, and the incidence of Helicoverpa armigera was (p=0.05*) greater in kharif compared to summer. The first summer showers and subsequent pheromone trap catches observed in SMW 17 (20 mm rainfall) for H. armigera and S. litura during 2012 and after SMW 11 (5 mm rainfall) for S. litura and after SMW 15 (33.2 mm rainfall) for H. armigera during 2013 indicated existence of higher threshold moisture required for H. armigera over S. litura for emergence. Virus diseases viz. tomato leaf curl Bengaluru virus, cucumo mosaic virus (mosaic and leaf distortion), and groundnut bud necrosis virus (necrosis ring spots similar to topso virus) were confirmed at Bengaluru during 2013-14. Heavy incidence even up to 100% of late blight was observed at some places in Bengaluru (Karnataka). Incidence of tomato leaf curl virus was B. tabaci population dependent and higher during summer over kharif. Kalyani (WB) had the incidence of target spot Corynespora during rabi since 2011 with differences in its onset between 44 and 50 SMWs. Leaf curl incidence and early blight during rabi season of the previous two years (2012-13 and 2013-14) were lower as compared to 2011-12. Even with all the insect pests, the initiation and the peak period followed similar pattern (Table 1) fp= 7- dY; ¼if'pe caxky½ es o"kkZ cnyko vk/kkfjr forj.k associated with Fig. 7. Changing rainfall distribution at Kalyani (West Bengal) ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh] uk'khtho iwokZuqeku ,oa fu.kZ; lgk;rk iz.kkyh | Information Technology, Pest Forecasting and Decision Support System rkfydk 1 % jch VekVj esa uk'khthoksa dk vkxeu rFkk mudh ekStwnxh dk pje dky Table 1: Initiation and peak periods of insect pests in rabi tomato uk'khtho Insect pests ,fQM ¼psia k½@Aphids lQsn eD[kh@Whiteflies c#Fkh@Mites dk"BdhV@Thrips iÙkh lqja xd@Leaf miner ,l- fyVwjk@S. litura ,p- vkfeZtsjk@H. armigera vkxeu Initiation 40 37 40 37-38 40-41 38-39 42-43 2011&12 pje dky Peak 46 46 44 46 46 46 48 vkxeu Initiation 42-43 40-41 43-44 43-44 47-48 41-42 49-50 2012&13 pje dky Peak 50 45 49 50 5 47 3 vkxeu 2013&14 pje dky Initiation 47-48 45-46 47-48 47-48 51-52 46-47 2 Peak 50 47 51 49 8 47 5 rkfydk esa fn, x, eku ekSle foKku ekud lIrkg ¼,l,eMCY;w½ ds leuq:i gSAa Values in the table correspond to the Standard Meteorological weeks (SMW) ifjdk"Bk ij igqp a us dh izÑfr Bhd oSlh gh Fkh tSlh vxLr ekg esa Hkkjh cjlkr ds dkj.k [kjhQ ls jch esa jksi.k dh frfFk;ksa ¼eq[; [ksrksa esa vDVwcj esa jksi.k½ esa cnyko gksus ij FkhA the shift in planting dates from kharif to rabi (October planting in main fields) due to heavy rainfall during August. yqfèk;kuk ¼iatkc½ esa [kjhQ ds nkSjku ,fQM ¼psia k½ rFkk lQsn efD[k;ksa dh lef"V de ikbZ xbZA iÙkh lqjx a d uk'khtho dh lef"V esa uoEcj ls fnlEcj ekg ds nwljs lIrkg ls o`f) ns[kh xbZ] tks fnlEcj ekg esa viuh ijkdk"Bk ij igqp a xbZ FkhA Aphids and whiteflies were low at Ludhiana (PB) during Kharif with the leaf miner population increasing from 2nd week of November to mid-December with peak in December. fnlEcj 2013 ds vkf[kjh lIrkg ls rkieku rFkk ikyk iM+us esa deh vkus ¼25&30 fnlEcj] 2013 rFkk 4&7 tuojh] 2014 dh vofèk esa ikyk iM+us okys fnu½ ls iÙkh lqjx a d lef"V esa deh ns[kh xbZA Qjojh ds nwljs i{k vkSj ekpZ 2014 ds chp a k;k ,p- vkfeZtjs k }kjk Qyksa dks vfèkdre ¼15-1%½ uqdlku igqp x;kA vxLr esa vfèkd o"kkZ vkSj mPp rkieku ds dkj.k vknzZ iru jksx T;knk ¼12-5 & 60%½ Fkk] ftlds dkj.k [kjhQ VekVj ds fy, flrEcj ds igys lIrkg ds nkSjku eq[; [ksrksa esa varjky Hkjus dh t:jr eglwl gqbAZ vDVwcj ds eè; esa cks;h x;h ikS/k'kkyk esa 70&80% vknzZ iru jksx gqvk] ftlds dkj.k jch Qly ds fy, ikS/k'kkyk dh cqokbZ iqu% djuh iM+hA vxLr ekg ds var rd VekVj iÙkh dqp a u laØe.k jksx 8% Fkk] tks flrEcj ds 'kq#vkrh fnuksa ls uoEcj ds var ds chp dh le;kofèk esa c<+dj Øe'k% 22 vkSj 44% gks x;k FkkA [kjhQ 2013&14 ds nkSjku jkgwjh ¼egkjk"Vª½ esa iÙkh lqjx a d vkSj lQsn efD[k;ksa dh lef"V vfèkd ikbZ xbZ] tcfd eksbuZ kckn ¼vkUèkz izn's k½ rFkk csx a yq# esa fiNys ekSleksa ,oa o"kks± dh rqyuk esa de lef"V ikbZ xbZA jkgwjh esa 2012 ls [kjhQ 2013 rd iÙkh lqjx a d rFkk lQsn efD[k;ksa dh lef"V vfèkd Fkh vkSj 2012 ls 2013 jch rd mudh lef"V;ksa esa deh dks ntZ dh xbZA o"kZ 2012&13 ds [kjhQ rFkk jch nksuksa ekSleksa ds nkSjku Leaf miner population declined to traces with lowering of temperature and frost from December last week (frost days: 25-30th December 2013, 4-7th January 2014). H. armigera damage to fruits was at peak of 15% between 2nd fortnights of February and March 2014. Damping off incidence was high in August (12.5 - 60%) due to heavy rains and high temperature necessitating gap filling in main fields during 1st week of September for the kharif tomato. 70-80% damping off occurred in nursery sown during mid-October leading to resowing of nursery for the rabi crop. Tomato leaf curl virus incidence was 8% at the end of August and increased to 22 and 44% during early September to November end, respectively. Rahuri (MH) had higher leaf miner and whiteflies during kharif of 2013-14, Moinabad (AP) and Bengaluru (KA) had low populations over seasons and years. Increased leaf miner and whiteflies from 2012 to 2013 in kharif and their decrease from 2012 to 2013 rabi was noted at Rahuri (MH). Early blight was recorded from all climatic zones irrespective of seasons and years. Early blight severity highest maximum (> 50%) at Bengaluru okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 63 6/trap/week.gSa rks .kh ¼if'pe caxky½ esa .5% concordance was found for Chinsura (WB). respectively the severity of pest attack would be higher. lh 4-5 .g vfèkd ik.k pkj us . litura of Kadiri (AP) over eight years (2006-2013) was developed.kZy QQwna dh rhozrk vfèkd FkhA iÙkh dqp a u jksx iwjs ns'k esa ik.e cuk.klh ¼mÙkj izn's k½ esa Hkh bls NqV&iqV :i esa ik. ekWMyksa dk fodkl Development of models for forecasting o"kZ 2006&07 ds MkVk lsV dk mi. Powdery mildew was prevalent at Bengaluru (KA). moderate (200 . severity being higher during kharif than rabi. o"kkZ Øe'k% >46@VªiS @lIrkg] ≤ 54.k x. four and three or less. ftlesa ekSle lac/a kh ekunaMks]a tSls vfèkdre rkieku 28&340 ls-] U.lch½ ds fy. relative humidity (morning) 5565 %.kuk ¼iatkc½ vkSj dY. maximum temperature 28-340C. rhozrk ¼200&400½ vkSj U.kqt èkCck jksx rhoz Fkk] tcfd yqfèk. Bud blight was restricted to Rajendranagar (AP).e vkèkkfjr ¼fMlht+u Vªh csLM½ oxhZdj. iwokZuqeku djus ds fy.400) and low (< 200) based on pheromone catches of S.kA fiNys rhu ekSleksa dh rqyuk esa iwokZueq ku dh vkSlr lVhdrk 97% FkhA èkkjokM+ ¼dukZVd½ ds ewx a Qyh Qlyhdj.wure rkieku] izkr%dkyhu . minimum temperature 18-22 0C.g vuqeku yxk. and Raipur (CG) with traces at Bengaluru (KA) and Varanasi (UP)..wure rhozrk ¼200 ls de½ dk iwokZueq ku fd.5 algorithm enabled frame decision rules for yellow stem borer (YSB) vis-a-vis weather variables viz. evening relative humidity and rainfall from three to five lag weeks for the locations of Aduthurai (TN). minimum temperature.k x.iqj ¼NÙkhlx<+½ rFkk fpulqjk ¼if'pe caxky½ ds LFkkuksa ds fy.4% rFkk ≤ 66. respectively.k blls de ekunaMksa us Øe'k% mPp] vf/kd o"kkZ rFkk dkfnjh ¼vkaèkz izn's k½ ds . ≤ 54.k x.adkyhu vkisf{kd vknzrZ k rFkk o"kkZ ij vk/kkfjr ihyk ruk Hksnd ¼okbZ.fn rhljs lIrkg esa okbZ.l.oa lk.iqj ¼NÙkhlx<+½ rFkk jkgqjh esa pwf.fq jfLVd½ ekSle vk/kkfjr fu. If lag population of YSB during the third week.g fcydqy Hkh ugha ik.k rhu us . Mean accuracy of prediction over the last three seasons was 97%.fyVwjk ds vkB o"kks± ¼2006&13½ ds nkSjku Qsjkseksu VªiS idM+ lac/a kh MkVk dks 'kkfey fd. rhu ls ikap i'p lIrkgksa ¼ySx ohd½ ls ekSle dkjdks]a tSls vfèkdre rkieku] U. vnqFkqjbZ ¼rfeyukMq½] djtr ¼egkjk"Vª½] jk.k fd.kA vè.wure rkieku 18&220 ls-] vkisf{kd vknzZrk ¼izkr%dkyhu½ 55&65%] vkisf{kd vknzZrk ¼lk. 83.k x.u fd. Karjat (MH). litura (nos.iqj ¼NÙkhlx<+½ rd gh lhfer Fkk] gkykafd csx a yq# ¼dukZVd½ rFkk okjk.k rks lHkh ekunaMksa us . being higher in rabi over kharif in majority of the locations.kA ikap ekSle vkèkkfjr ekunaMksa esa ls . Satisfying all the five. maximum temperature. LokuqHkkfod ¼g~. Raipur (CG) and Chinsura (WB) using data sets of 2000-2007. Bacterial spot was severe during kharif compared to rabi irrespective of the study locations and absent at Ludhiana (PB) and Kalyani (WB).kA (KA) during both kharif and rabi seasons of 2012-13.lch dh i'p lef"V] ikapos i'p lIrkg esa vkisf{kd vknzrZ k rFkk rhljs i'p lIrkg ds fy. relative humidity in the fifth lag and rainfall for the third lag week are >4. out of five weather-based criteria predicted high.YxksfjFe ¼dyu&fofèk½ dk iz.adkyhu½ 40&50% rFkk 20 fe-eh. Leaf curl was also recorded across the country. moderate and low severity. morning.k vkSj vfèkdrj LFkkuksa ij [kjhQ dh rqyuk esa jch ekSle esa .kZy QQwna ikbZ xbZ vkSj csxyq# esa bldh rhozrk lokZfèkd ¼20%½ FkhA 2013&14 esa jch dh rqyuk esa [kjhQ ekSle esa pwf.6mm. Ordinal logistic model predicting the weekly male moth of S..4% and ≤ 66. fu.NCIPM csx a yq# ¼dukZVd½ esa vxsrh vaxekjh rhozrk vfèkdre ¼50% ls vfèkd½ FkhA o"kZ 2012&13 ds nkSjku csx a yq#] jk. high (> 400)./trap/week) during higher population period (34 SMW) was developed for the . Raipur (CG) and Rahuri (MH) with Bengaluru recording higher severity (upto 20%) during 2012-13 and 2013-14.kkyh ds 64 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Decision tree-based classification using C4. rFkk de rhozrk dk iwokZueq ku fd.k.kA .ksx djrs gq..kA dyh vaxekjh ¼cM CykbV½ jktsUnz uxj ¼vkaèkz izn's k½] jkgwjh ¼egkjk"Vª½ vkSj jk. relative humidity (evening) 40-50% and rainfall > 20 mm predicting the severity viz. x.6 fe-eh. Heuristic weather-based rule for Spodoptera litura viz.k x.k x.k x.k Fkk ftuds vkèkkj ij mPp rhozrk ¼400 ls vfèkd½] lkekU. LFkkuksa dks NksMd + j jch dh rqyuk esa [kjhQ ekSle ds nkSjku thok.k iz.k tkrk gS fd uk'khtho dh rhozrk vfèkd gksxhA fpulqjk ¼if'pe caxky½ esa vuqLrjrk 83-5% ikbZ xbZA LiksMksIVsjk fyVwjk ds fy. x. Rahuri (MH).ksx djrs gq. (200-400) / Medium (200-400) Y=1 31.eMCY. 2).k gS % iwokZueq kuh. 2) (Table 2 ).91 gkykafd ekWMy dh lkFkZdrk dk .82 mPp (>400) / High(>400) Y=0 40.wu (<200) / Low (<200) lkekU.fyVwjk ij nks iwoZ lIrkgksa ¼32osa .oa tyok. 1.kkyh | Information Technology.k ¼dukZVd½ ds fy.k fd.The proportional odds model with an outcome (Y) with G levels (g=0. iwokZueq kfur izkf. vlekurk ikbZ xbZA While the adequacy of the model was assessed using Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Schwarz criterion (SC).l. vkWfMZuy ykWftfLVd ekWMy fodflr fd. Pest Forecasting and Decision Support System fy. vkWMl ~ dh rqyuk esa mPp uk'khtho vkØe.k ¼lHkh dk %½ Pest severity category Ordered classification (g) Distribution of data (% of total) Y=2 27.q lacèa kh MkVk dk mi. = maximum temperature of 32nd SMW and = relative humidity morning of 32nd SMW.oa × 2) ds lkFk fuEu :i ls n'kkZ.kkad esa o`f) gqb]Z tcfd izkr%dkyhu vkisf{kd vknzrZ k ds fy.l. mPp .ds lwpuk ekunaM ¼.k x. the analysis revealed the significant influence of maximum temperature and morning relative humidity prior to two weeks (of 32 SMW) on S.k ftlesa dkWudkWM±sl ds fy. and odds are defined as rkfydk 2% /kkjokM+ esa ewaxQyh ij LiksMksIVsjk fyVwjk dk izlkj Table 2: Distribution of Spodoptera litura in groundnut at Dharwad uk'khtho mxzrk Js.lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh] uk'khtho iwokZuqeku .l.27 U.ksx djrs gq.w½ ds nkSjku mldh lkIrkfgd lef"V dk iwokZueq ku fd. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 65 ¼0] 1] 2½ ¼rkfydk 2½ bl izdkj gS = 32osa . The validation of the model done in terms of percent concordance and discordance between association of predicted probabilities and observed responses for 2012 and 2013 showed match and fMxzh o`f) ds fy. lekurk rFkk fMldkWudkWM±sl ds fy.llh½ dk iz. Js.fyVwjk ¼la[.kkad FkkA o"kZ 2012 vkSj 2013 ds fy.w dk vfèkdre rkieku vkSj = 32osa . while the odds ratio for morning relative humidity was a multiple of 6.k x.6 as compared to the odds of being high or medium (as opposed to low).kadu fd.k lacèa kh vkWMl ~ 8-6 ds xq.k x. For each degree increase in maximum temperature of 32 SMW.ksx djrs gq.k x.w½ ds 22 o"kks± ¼1990&2011½ ds uk'khtho .l.drkvksa rFkk izfs {kr izfrfØ.l. Y vkmVde vkSj nks fizfMDVj (× 1 . [kjhQ ekSle ¼26 ls 44 . vnFkqjbZ ¼rfeyukMq½] fpulqjk ¼if'pe caxky½] djtV ¼egkjk"Vª½] respectively.vkbZlh½ rFkk Ldkokt+Z ekunaM ¼.kvksa ds la. ewY.l.oa fu.k] ftlls uj eksFk] . 2) and two predictor (X1 and X2) is defined by Here is the predictive category (0.w ds½ esa vfèkdre rkieku rFkk izkr%dkyhu vkisf{kd vknzrZ k dk dkQh izHkko ns[kk vuqØfer oxhZdj. o"kZ 2000 ls 2010 rd ds rFkk ekaM.k lkekU.kZ. 1995 ls 2010 rd ykbV VªiS Empirical models for forewarning yellow stem borer at different centers based on light trap moth catches (data sets of 2000 to 2010) for Aduthurai (TN).k tkrk gSA vkuqikfrd vkWM~ ekWMy dks G Lrjksa (g= 0.eMCY.kA 32osa .k (g) MkVk dk oxhZdj.k x. vkWMl ~ vuqikr 6-4 dk xq.4.kstu ds chp izfr'kr dkWudkWM±sl vkSj fMldkWudkWM±sl ds vkèkkj ij ekWMy dk oSèkhdj.rk iz.k gS % groundnut cropping system of Dharwad (KA) using pest and weather data of twenty two years (1990-2011) for kharif season (26 to 44 SMW).iqj ¼NÙkhlx<+½ ds fy.w ds vfèkdre rkieku ij izR. the odds of being high pest attack (as opposed to lower or medium) increased by a multiple of 8.k esa .l.k izfr VªiS izfr ikni½ dh vfèkd lef"V ¼34 . 1. litura.w dh vkisf{kr vknzrZ kA vkWMl ~ ¼fo"kerk½ dks bl izdkj n'kkZ.k] ij fo'ys"k. 1. lgk.eMCY. 0.k T.61 34 Y= 407.93 16 Y= -37.kuk ¼iatkc½ rFkk vnqFkqjbZ ¼rfeyukMq½ esa [kjhQ ds nkSjku vkSj fpulqjk ¼if'pe caxky½ .003Z151 0.k ekaM. eksFk ds vkadM+kas ¼MkVk lsV½ vkSj fofHkUu .671 Z21 0.12967 + 1. x. [kjhQ ds nkSjku oSèkhdj.eMCY. (2).270 Z131 .k rks de Fks .k ¼rkfydk 3½A .683. morning relative humidity (3) and bright sunshine hours (5) 66 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 .67 Subscript digits indicate weighted and unweighted coefficients of max. jch ds nkSjku iwokZueq ku Øe'k% .kuk ¼iatkc½/ Ludhiana (PB) vnqFkqjbZ ¼rfeyukMq½/ Aduthurai (TN) R2 32 Y= -14104. leku i)fr viukbZ xbZ ¼rkfydk 4&5½A kharif.k vuqekfur Chinsura (WB).650 Z21 0. ekWMy Table 4: Models for forewarning of leaf folder during kharif paddy LFkku Location ekud lIrkg ij iwokZuqeku ekW M y Standard meteorological week of forecast Model yqfèk.92 Y= -5952. Karjat (MH) and Raipur (CG) locations during rkfydk 3% pkoy ihyk ruk csèkd ¼okbZ.30 Z131 0.knk FksA yqfèk.99 Z21 .58 33 Y= 10266.111. respectively.288 + 5.64 33 Y= 316.290 Z141 0.218 Z20 0. min. maximum temperature.140 Z11 .31Z21 0.145 + 5. the rabi predictions for Chinsurah (WB) and Mandya (KA) were under and over predictions.812Z131+ 452.k ¼dukZVd½ ds fy. morning relative humidity.0008Z151 0.w ds lacèa k esa vfèkdre rkieku] U.158 Z21 0.lch½ dh iwoZ psrkouh ds fy.k] ftlls fofHkUu lIrkgksa ds fy. Raipur (CG) and of 1995 to 2010 for Mandya (KA) and weather variables viz. minimum temperature.8 + 1.64 35 Y= 210.0009Z151 0.ksa ij fopkj fd. (1).k ¼dukZVd½ esa iÙkh eksMd + ds iwokZueq ku ds fy..182 Z11 + 0.86 jk.78Z121 0.NCIPM ls idM+s x.376 Z450 0.iqj ¼NÙkhlx<+½ LFkkuksa ds fy.iqj^ / Raipur ^ fpulqjk/ Chinsura & & ekaM.67 35 Y= 339.73 + 1.533 Z21 + 3. Karjat (MH).l.0.67 36 Y= 1298.979 + 4.63 34 Y= 330.k x. While validations were approximate for Aduthurai (TN).305 + 5.k/ Mandya 17 ^: [kjhQ &: jch ekSle ^: kharif season &: rabi season Fks] fpulqjk ¼if'pe caxky½ vkSj ekaM.53 Z131 + 550. rkfydk 4% [kjhQ èkku ds nkSjku iÙkh eksM+d dh iwoZ psrkouh ds fy.910 Z121 + 0.68 32 Y= 235.0 + 283.001Z151 0.4. temp.100 + 11.wure rkieku] izkr%dkyhu vkisf{kd vknzrZ k] lka.61Z21 0. and rabi for the later location yielded models (Table 4 -5).87 + 1.581 Z31 -1943. vkuqHkkfod ekWMy fodflr fd.0 + 1. temp.|fi vnqFkqjbZ ¼rfeyukMq½] djtV ¼egkjk"Vª½] rFkk jk.480 + 498. iwokZueq ku ekWMyksa dks ik.] ftuesa ekSle ds iwokZueq ku ds lIrkg ls N% i'p lIrkgksa rd ds ekSle fufof"V.936 Z31 .505+ 162. evening relative humidity and rainfall were obtained for different SMWs.483 Z351 + 0.174 Z11 + 0. ekWMy Table 3: Models for forewarning of rice yellow stem borer (YSB) LFkku iwokZuqeku ekud lIrkg ekW M y Location Standard meteorological week of forecast Model R2 vnFkqjbZ^ / Aduthurai^ 49 Y= 992.229 Z131 + 383.787 Z21 .100 Z11 .513 Z20 + 1099.94 35 Y= 54931 + 1039.dkyhu vkisf{kd vknzrZ k rFkk o"kkZ tSls ekSle dkjdksa ds vkèkkj ij fofHkUu dsUnzkas ij ihyk ruk csèkd dh iwoZ psrkouh nsus ds fy. Similar approach for leaf folder prediction during kharif at Ludhiana (PB) and Aduthurai (TN).0. Weather inputs up to six lag weeks from week of forecast were considered to device forecast models for different weeks (Table 3).92 djtV^ / Karjat^ 37 Y= 1158.225 Z341 + 0. k'khy ?kVdksa dh Hkh mijksDr folaxfr.rk iz.ksftr R2 Disease Model Adjusted R2 yf{kr LikWV Target spot VekVj iÙkh dqp a u Tomato leaf curl vxsrh vaxekjh Early blight Ý= 113.824(mvp)* 0.107(ss)-17.kkyh | Information Technology.l. VekVj esa if.k.e vkèkkfjr ekWMyksa ds iwokZueq ku dh lVhdrkvksa dks ek=kRed vkuqHkfod ekWMyksa dh rqyuk esa iwokZuqeku ds fy. sunshine hours (ss) and mean vapour pressure (mvp) as ultimate predictors of target spot. vfèkdre rkieku ¼Vh eSDl-½ .eohih)* Ý = 124.lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh] uk'khtho iwokZuqeku .oa dkfnjh ¼vkaèkz izn's k½ LFkkuksa ds lacèa k esa Øe'k pkoy vkSj ewx a Qyh ds fy.595(ss)-31.l.595(Tmax)*-5. vkuqHkfod ekWMy Empirical models for foliar diseases of tomato dY.432(VheSDl)*-1. and Dharwad (KA) and Kadiri (AP) ¼i-ca-½ ls o"kZ 2011&12 vkSj 2012&13 nks ekSleksa ds nkSjku VekVj ds ekSle dkjdksa rFkk if. LVsi Mkmu lekJ. rkfydk 6% dY. .oa fu. ss and mvp for leaf curl and Tmax. respectively indicate their reliable utility in forewarning over the quantitaive empirical models (Table 7).180(mvp)** 0.824(.eohih½ rFkk vxsrh vaxekjh jksx ds fy.k x.107(ss)-17.668-2.814-2. vafre izkXoDrk] iÙkh dqp a u ds fy.l.91 Ý = 43.k esa vfèkdre rkieku ¼Vh eSDl-½] pedrh èkwi ds ?kaVs ¼.kkyh rFkk ikfjra= ds var%fØ.k cuk.iqj ¼NÙkhlx<+½ rFkk èkkjokM+ ¼dukZVd½ . x. x.eohih)** Ý= 113. 2011-12 and 2012-13 of Kalyani (WB) revealed that all weather variables are negatively correlated at 0.e % vnqFkqjbZ ¼rfeyukMq½ .ksxh ik.).ksx fd.532-1. pedrh èkwi ds ?kaVs ¼.oa jk.k iz.432(Tmax. and mvp for early blight disease (Table 6).k fo'ys"k.kZ.532-1.kZy jksxksa ¼VkjxsV LikWV] iÙkh dap q u vkSj vxsrh vaxekjh½ ds izkjafHkd lglac/a k esa lHkh ekSle pjks]a /kwi ds ?kaVksa dks NksMd + j] 0-01 izfr'kr ij udkjkRed ik. step down regression analysis made through inclusion of weather variables yielded equations with maximum temperature (T max.595(.oa mi.s ¼rkfydk 6½A Preliminary correlation of weather variables and foliage diseases (target spot.l½ vkSj vkSlr ok"i ncko ¼.eohih)** Ý = 43. foxr o"kks± ¼fgLVksfjdy MkVk½ ds MkVk dh rqyuk esa gkfy.l½ rFkk vkSlr ok"i ncko ¼.kZy jksxksa ds fy.ksa esa Hkwfedk gks ldrh gSA In general. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 67 .91 Ý = 124. fodflr fd. fo'oluh.647(.s x. Qlyhdj.595(VheSDl)*-5. leaf curl and early blight) of tomato of two seasons viz.k gks ldrs gSAa blds vykok] vU.79 iwokZuqeku ekWMyksa dk oSèkhdj.A rFkkfi] ekSle pjksa ds lekos'ku ls fd.r%] uk'khthoksa ¼ihyk ruk Hksnd vkSj iÙkh eksMd + ½ dh iwokZueq ku dh xbZ vkSj izfs {kr lef"V folaxfr.l)-31.eohih½ vkSj yf{kr LikWV ds fy.180(.kh esa VekVj ds jksxksa dk vkuqHkfod iqokZuqeku ekWMy Table 6: Empirical models to forecast diseases of tomato at Kalyani (WB) jksx ekW M y lek. lgk.)*-1.814-2. However.01% but for sun shine hours. there are discrepancies in the predicted and observed population of insects (YSB and leaf folder). Pest Forecasting and Decision Support System lkekU. x. x.ka ikbZ xbZ]a tks ekSle esa fofo/krk rFkk ekWMy fodflr djus esa mi.k.647(mvp)** 0. possibly arisen due to the weather variability and extreme events of weather associated with the recent years (as evidenced through the pest scenario analysis) over those used in the model development (historical data sets) not to rule out other cropping system and ecosystem interactive forces playing a major role..k LokuqHkfod iwokZueq ku fu.k o"kks± ls lac) a ekSle ?kVukØe ds dkj.k ¼rkfydk 7½A Validation of prediction models Heuristic prediction rules: Prediction accuracies of the rule-based models developed for rice and groundnut pests for Aduthurai (TN) and Raipur (CG).oa vkSlr ok"i ncko esa lehdj. fu.668-2. e cuk.NCIPM rkfydk 7% pkoy .k x.fyVwjk ¼ikf{kd½ S.ksx djrs gq. x.eksa dks Lora= tkap MkVk lsV ¼2009&13½ ds lkFk oSèkhÑr fd.ksx fd.l.qDr izcèa ku dk.2%. Weather-based criteria and pest severity and rules are available at http://ncipm.u.2 100 84.7) (86. ekSle vkèkkfjr iwokZuqeku dh tkap o"kZ 2001&08 dh le.fyVwjk ¼lkIrkfgd½ Kadiri (AP) S. fu. vkadM+s iwokZuqeku lVhdrk.ksx ugha pkoy vkSj dikl vkèkkfjr iQlyhdj.A ekSle vkèkkfjr fu.5 100 dsl okWeZ Case worm gjh iÙkh ekgw Green leaf hopper ewx a Qyh èkkjokM+ ¼dukZVd½ .k] ftUgsa ekWMy fodflr djrs gq.iqj ¼NÙkhlx<+½ xky fet 100 (100) 100 (100) - Raipur (CG) Gall midge (100) (100) (100) (100) (98. mi. x.kofèk ds .5 (100) jk.Zuhfr. The weather-based rules were validated with independent testing data sets (2009 -2013) not used in model building.5) 77. The mean prediction accuracy over five years in respect of jassids.oa o"kZ vk/kkfjr iwokZuqeku ekWMyksa dk oS/khdj.ka cukus ds fy.5 pkoy vnqFkqjbZ ¼rfeyukMq½ Rice Aduthurai (TN) Yellow stem borer 96. thrips (Thrips tabaci) and mirids (Campylomma livida) were developed using historical data sets for the period 20012008.a gS]a tks lesfdr uk'khthoksa ds fy. mi.vkbZih) dikl lSi iQhMjksa (jl pwlus okys dhV) ds fy. litura (weekly) .oa ewaxQyh ds uk'khthoksa ij LFkku . .kkfy.0 (98.k x.2 100 100 100 90. thrips and mirids was 89. jassids (Amrasca devastans).7 84.rk insect pests of rice and cotton-based cropping systems (NAIP) iz.2 86.k Table 7: Validation of forecasts of rice and groundnut pests over locations and years Qly LFkku uk'khtho Crop Location Insect pest iwokZuqeku lVhdrk* (%) Prediction accuracy* (%) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 ihyk ruk csèkd 96.kZ.kkfy.k FkkA tSflM] dk"BdhV rFkk fefjM ds lacèa k esa vkSlr iwokZueq ku lVhdrk Øe'k% 89] 97 vkSj 93-2% FkhA bu ekSle vkèkkfjr fu.ksa dk fodkl (.l. 97 and 93.e http://ncipm. These weather-based rules can be used to estimate weekly pest severity (low. medium and high based on economic threshold level) for taking up appropriate management interventions. litura (weekly) *: dks"Bdksa esa ekSle vkèkkfjr iwokZueq ku fu. gSAa *: Figures in parentheses are prediction accuracies based on model for combined ij miyCèk fd. ekWMy( ekSle vkèkkfjr ekunaM vkSj uk'khthoksa dh rhozrk ij vkèkkfjr gS]a fu.0 (100) 85.5 85.1) 96. respectively. lgk.ksa Development of decision support systems for major ds izeq[k uk'khthoksa ds fy. litura (fortnightly) dkfnjh ¼vkaèkz izns'k½ .k tk ldrk gSA 68 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Testing of weather-based prediction for cotton sap feeders Weather-based prediction rules for cotton sap feeders' viz.sfrgkfld MkVk lsV dk mi. x.k iz.fyVwjk ¼lkIrkfgd½ Groundnut Dharwad (KA) S. dikl lSi QhMjks]a vFkkZr tSflM ¼vejkLdk fMokLVsl a ½] dk"BdhV ¼fFkzIl Vckdh ½ vkSj fefjMh ¼dSEihyksek fyohMk ½ ds fy.eksa dks lkIrkfgd vkèkkj ij uk'khtho dh rhozrk ¼vkfFkZd Fkzl s gksYM Lrj ds vkèkkj ij de] lkekU. rFkk mPp rhozrk½ dk vkdyu djus gsrq mi. kA uk'khtho dh igpku ds fy.] bR.kkyh | Information Technology. tkap dh xbZA tSflM rFkk dk"BdhV nksuksa ds lacèa k esa iwokZueq ku lVhdrkvksa esa dkQh varj ik. ekSle vkèkkfjr iwokZueq ku fu.k x.k] foekspu ¼fjyhftax½ djus okyh . releasing agency.eks]a ftudh eè.k rFkk vafre gkfu. system displays the relevant information about that pest. the outcome of the project in the form of expert system would cater to the needs of KVK personnel.ka uksV dh xb±A ukxiqj ds fy.] p.k gS] tks vHkh Hkh tkjh gSA fMcfxax rFkk tkap iwjs gksus ds ckn bls iz. programming for selection of varieties. lHkh LFkkuksa ij ekSleksa ds nkSjku Øe'k% c<+rh rFkk ?kVrh izof` Ùk. The weatherbased prediction rules developed for Nagpur location was tested for different locations of Central zone that indicated varying degree of accuracies for both jassids and thrips.tsl a h] Qly ls lacfa èkr uk'khtho fujksèkh mik.kZ.ksa ds y{k. tabaci.k x. lgk. fo'ks"kK ra=k dk fodkl management in selected vegetable crops (Brinjal o"kZ ds nkSjku fdLeksa ds p. etc. Fks] ftUgsa flLVe esa 'kkfey dj fy. laLrqr fd.kksAa iz.u iz. iz. which were incorporated into the system to make it more informative and user-friendly.k tk.u ¼lysD'ku½ ds vkèkkj ij bUQjsl a batu flLVe esa miyC/k izklafxd ukWyt s &csl ¼Kkukèkj½ dh [kkst djrk gS vkSj .ksDrkvksa ds fy. {ks=k ds dikl mRiknd LFkkuksa ds fy.FkkFkZ .xkA and tomato) During the year.lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh] uk'khtho iwokZuqeku . harvest and storage modules was completed. its pest resistance. devastans and T.k½ ds vèkhu j[kk x.fMokLVsl a rFkk Vh.~ y w dk iqu% fMtkbu cuk. user has to make four selections i. izkx s zkfeax iwjh dh xbZA fdLe ds fy. crop stage. iz. selection user has to select crop and location.u djuk gksxk] vFkkZr Qly dh voLFkk] Qly ds izHkkfor Hkkx] uk'khtho }kjk igqpkbZ xbZ vkjafHkd gkfu ds y{k.k gSA blds vfrfjDr] vfèklwfpr fdLeksa ij fDyd djrs gq. izkx s kz feax iwjh dj yh xbZ gS vkSj flLVe dks fMcfxax ¼nks"k gVkus ds fy.wtj+ ½ dks Qly rFkk Qly cks. Once debugging and testing is over. Pest identification module too was redesigned based on domain expert's suggestions. respectively were noted over seasons across all locations. fujh{k. option to display pest damage picture too has been added to facilitate pest identification.ksDrk dks pkj ckrksa dk p. Further clicking on listed varieties.ijd fo'ks"kKksa us Hkh dqN lq>ko fn.k gSA vfHkKkr uk'khtho ij fDyd djus ij flLVe okafNr uk'khtho ds ckjs esa lqlx a r lwpuk iznf'kZr djrk gSA bl lac/a k es]a fo"k. x. x. On clicking the identified pest.ksDrk ¼. For pest identification.kA Testing of weather-based predictions for cotton growing locations of Central zone Increasing and decreasing trends of population levels for A. the inference engine searches the knowledge base and identifies the exact pest or probable pests. In the system.. On completion.ksx ds fy.k x.e.u] Qly dVkbZ rFkk HkaMkj. ekSle vkèkkfjr iwokZuqekuksa dh tkap . lgt cuk.oa fu.k tk ldsA vHkh rd flLVe ds lHkh ekWMyksa ds fy.ksDrk ds p.u djuk gksxkA iz.u ds ckn ra=@flLVe mu fdLeksa dh lwph iznf'kZr djrk gS] ftUgsa mDr LFkku ds fy. On the basis of user selection.ijd fo'ks"kKksa ds lq>koksa ij uk'khtho igpku ekWM. p. For variety.k gS rkfd bls vfèkd lwpukizn . fodflr fd. programming for all the modules of the system has been completed and system has been put under debugging which is continuing.Vscl s kb ds fy. system lists the varieties recommended for that location. extension workers and progressive farmers. parts affected.ksDrk p.a] tSls Qlyksa dk fooj. {ks= ds LFkkuksa ds fy. this would be hosted on centre's website. Thereafter.k x.k laHkkfod uk'khthoksa dh igpku djrk gSA flLVe es]a uk'khtho dh igpku djus ds fy. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 69 . initial and final pest damage symptoms.rk iz. The domain experts also suggested some changes.ksDrk Qlyksa ds ckjs esa leLr lwpuk.y w ksa ds fy. jklukizds dh osclkbV ij miyCèk djk.fur lCth iQlyksa (cSaxu vkSj VekVj) esa Development of expert system for pest uk'khtho izcaèku ds fy.k x.k ekWM~. uqdlku dh rLohj iznf'kZr djus dk Hkh fodYi fn. As of now.ksDrk ds iz. user can see all the information about them such as description.s tkus okys LFkku dks p.kfn ns[k ldrk gSA fo"k. uk'khtho }kjk Qly dks igqp a k. Pest Forecasting and Decision Support System eè.oa iz. Z izk.k tkrk gS] high (90%) both tcfd flapkbZ okys {ks= esa eDdk ds ckn among males eDdk .Mhvks½ }kjk ftyk Lrj area was irrigated.kA vkèkkj js[kk lwpuk eykoh ns'k dks vkB Ñf"k fodkl izHkkxksa ¼ ftys esa .kkyh expectancy was .kZUo.kZy.kvksa o fofèk. rduhdh lgk.Mhvks½ rFkk dqy 190 foLrkj .MhMh½ esa ckaVk x.Mhvks cropping system ds lkFk rFkk bZih.ZØe% eykoh (vizQhdk) esa vkbZlhVh vkèkkfjr uk'khtho fuxjkuh dk dk.k iz.½ gSAa Ñf"k fodkl izHkkxksa us ftyk Ñf"k fodkl dk. Lrjksa ij fofHkUu Ñf"k fØ. Life ftyk Ñf"k fodkl dk. Baseline information The country has been divided into eight Agriculture Development Divisions (ADD) covering 28 districts. DADO. Prevailing cropping system involved cotton followed by cotton maize (intercropped with ij cykdk rFkk efpaxk ftyksa esa vkèkkj js[kk .kstuk {ks=ksa ¼bZih.ulhvkbZih.drkvksa dh iwfrZ djsxkA eykoh (vizQhdk) esa dikl ds fy.u ds fy.k dikl rFkk mlds ckn lfCt.kZy.u bl ifj. Baseline information was collected in Balaka and Machinga districts at district level from respective DADOs.kstuk dk mís'.] fuxjkuh iz.d Vhe us eykoh esa uk'khtho ifjn`'. varjQlyhdj.kstuk ifj.kkyh fodflr djuk rFkk mldk dk.k½ iz.kZUo.ksftr dj jk"Vªh.kke rgr] fo'ks"kK ra=@flLVe ds :i es]a Ñf"k foKku dsUnzkas ds dkfeZdks]a foLrkj dk. surveillance system and ICT infrastructure available in Malawi for implementation of e-pest surveillance system. eykoh ¼vÝhdk½ esa O. Balaka: Interaction with Incharge. Each district is having one District Agricultural Development Office (DADO) and in total 190 Extension Planning Areas (EPAs). 43 for Agricultural Development Office. ds ekè.rk dk.e ls xkao vkSj foLrkj .ksa ds that comprised of maize after lkFk ckrphr djus ds nkSjku .NCIPM mijksDr izfØ.kZUo.kkyh viukbZ tkrh gS Literacy rate is vkSj Tokj dk Hkh jksi.g Kkr maize or cotton gqvk fd dikl ds varxZr vfèkdrj {ks= followed by ¼95%½ flafpr FkkA {ks= esa dikl rFkk vegetables (in mlds ckn dikl] eDdk ¼vjgj ds lkFk certain areas). ds vfèkdkfj.kZy.k lEiUu gksus ij ifj.kkyh ds dk. DADO and officers of EPAs indicated that most of the area under cotton (95%) was rainfed and only 5% ftyk Ñf"k fodkl dk.½ ds Lrjksa ij iz{ks= ¼QhYM½ fnol vk.ogk. jklukizds ds oSKkfudksa dh . ¼Mh. fnukad 27 uoEcj ls 4 uoEcj] 2013 ds nkSjku eykoh ¼vÝhdk½ dk nkSjk fd.ZdrkZvksa rFkk mUur'khy fdlkuksa dh vko'.e dh Vhe viukbZ tkrh gSA iq#"kksa rFkk efgykvksa low (45 for NCIPM team with Deputy Director and officers at District nksuksa esa mPp f'k{kk nj ¼90%½ gSA vusd males. Various practices were promoted at national levels by ADDs through DADO by organizing field days at the village and EPA level.d= dh xbZA pigeon pea) or sorghum was planted in irrigated area Mh.Mhvks] cykdk % izHkkjh Mh.ksa and females.kstuk {ks= ¼bZih.] cykdk esa mifuns'kd ds lkFk ¼dqN {ks=ksa es½a dh Qlyhdj.k fd. ¼Mh.u djuk gSA eykoh esa bZ&uk'khtho fuxjkuh iz.k gS] ftuesa 28 ftys gSAa izR.ksfxd vkèkkj ij dikl esa vkbZlhVh vkèkkfjr uk'khtho fuxjkuh iz.u fd.kkyh rFkk miyCèk vkbZlhVh volajpuk ds ckjs esa vkèkkj js[kk lwpuk laxfz gr djus ds fy.k gSA Technical assistance programme for cotton in Malawi (Africa): Implementation of ICT-based pest surveillance in Malawi (Africa) The project is aimed to develop and implement an ICT-based e-pest surveillance system in cotton in Malawi (Africa) on feasible pilot scale.d ftyk Ñf"k fodkl dk. A team of NCIPM scientists visited Malawi during 27 Nov to 4 Dec 2013 to collect the baseline information about the pest scenario.ksa dk izkUs u. Balaka (Malawi) 70 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 . esa cSBd Ñf"k . fdLeksa dh [ksrh djrs gSa ftlesa . ¼.rk iz.Q. thou vof/k de gS ¼iq#"kksa ds fy. the farmers carried out two sprays for sucking pests and four to six sprays for bollworms. Meeting at Ministry of Agriculture & Food Security Two separate meetings were held at Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MOAFS). There were 700 households and each family having 6-10 persons. Ulongwe.] myksuXoh dk izfrfufèkRo djus okys nks xkaoksa ds fdlkuksa ds lkFk ckr dhA bZih. Ñf"k .] myksuXoh ds varxZr 190 xkao gSAsa xkaoksa esa 700 ifjokj jgrs gSsa vkSj izR. Department of Information and Technology Management Services.ulhvkbZih.ksx djus dh laLrqfr dh xbZ gS] ij fdlkuksa }kjk dikl esa fdlh Hkh moZjd dk iz. 45( efgykvksa ds fy. Miambo.kEcks] mi funs'kd ¼iz{ks= Qly½ rFkk nwljh Jh .Q.kZUo. There were 271 villages under EPA.a miyCèk gSAa xkao esa fofHkUu lsY. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 71 . Though N: P: K recommendation is 90: 0: 20-30 kg/ha but no fertilizer was applied in cotton by the farmers.e 301 'kkfey gSAa ewyr% nksuksa xkao o"kkZfJr gSAa Ñf"k .evks.gSA fdlkuksa ds lkFk ukudqca k xkao ¼eykoh] vÝhdk½ ds . Average seed cotton yield is 800 kg/ha.izfr gs. :i ls] uk'khtho izcèa ku ds fy. nks fNM+dko rFkk ckWyokeZ ¼xksy 'kyHk½ ds fy. Comptroller.kdykiksa ds dk.oa [kk| lqj{kk ea=ky.kstuk ds fØ. All the Agriculture Development Divisions and District Agriculture Development Offices are equipped with the computers.e Vhe dh ckrphr Interaction of team NCIPM with farmers of Nankumba village (Malawi. F.kZ. Bazale and EPA.w.oa fu.oa [kk| lqj{kk ea=kky.. Christine C.Q.lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh] uk'khtho iwokZuqeku . For pest management.ksx ugha fd.k tkrk gSA dikl dh vkSlr mit 800 ifjokj esa 6&10 yksx gksrs gSAa fdlku lkekU.l½ esa . Villages: Interaction was undertaken with farmers from two cotton growing villages representing EPA.M. internet connectivity and mobile facilities.efcxh lkftok] fu. fdlku pwld uk'khthoksa ds fy. Bazale and 190 villages under EPA. Ulongwe.kkyh | Information Technology. Deputy Director (Field crops) and the second with Mr.ltsM 9314 vkSj D. Africa) xkao % jklukizds dh Vhe us bZih.kksa ds pyrs ekuoh..izfr gs.|fi ukbVªkt s u (N)] QkLQksjl (P) rFkk iksVk'k (K) dks 90%0%20&30 fdxzk. one with Ms. Mobile telephony is prevalent in the villages through various cellular service providers. One server is available at MOAFS for agriculture ICT infrastructures for implementation of project activities.e ls eksckby VsyhQksuh lsok miyCèk dh xbZ gSA females) due to various reasons..ksa esa daI.] cktkys rFkk bZih. Pest Forecasting and Decision Support System dkj.oa [kk| lqj{kk ea=ky.kZy. Both the villages were mainly rainfed.wyj lsok iznkrkvksa ds ekè.oa izkS|ksfxdh izcèa ku lsok ds lkFkA ifj. Biggi Sajiwa. pkj ls N% fNM+dko djrs gSAsa .ksftr dh xbZ]a .d loZj miyCèk gSA leLr Ñf"k foHkkx izHkkxksa rFkk ftyk Ñf"k fodkl dk.evks.wVj] baVjusV dusfDVfoVh rFkk eksckby lqfoèkk. ¼. Common varieties grown by the farmers included SZ 9314 and QM301.ds vuqikr esa iz.a=d] lwpuk .u gsrq Ñf"k lacèa kh vkbZlhVh volajpukvksa ds fy.d lqJh fØlVkbu lhfe. in general.l½ esa nks vyx&vyx cSBdsa vk.e cktkys ds varxZr 271 xkao rFkk bZih. lgk. 43½A lkekU. krk dk .kk esa {ks=h.e izkS|ksfxdh viukbZ tk jgh gS] tSlk fuEu rkfydk esa n'kkZ.fn gfj.k lwpdkad ¼%½ Table 1: IPM technology adoption index (%) in rice during 2013 in Chajjpur.k @ Dhaincha plantation 90 tSo dkjdksa dk iz.u dk ykHk gksrk] cfYd 1430 Vu jklk.k Socio-Economic Issues and Impact Analysis of IPM gfj.ksa dh rqyuk esa vkbZih.k x.kadu gfj.ksx½ 7 Use of chemical pesticide (spot application) 72 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 90 .NCIPM Lkkekftd&vkfFkZd fo"k.22 lakh ha and the productivity was 25.e izkS|ksfxdh ls izkIr 'kq) ykHk ` 17]500@& izfr gs-s FkkA .k.k lwpdkad ¼%½ Technology Adoption Index (%) nks ikS/k izfr Vhyk @ Two seedlings per hill moZjd dk foosdiw.e izkS|ksfxdh vaxhdj.k x.k ftls o"kZ 2013&14 ds nkSjku ikuhir ftys ds Nktiqj xkao esa bls oSèkhÑr fd.ksx @ Judicious fertilizer application 79 ikuh dk foosdiw. Total area under Basmati rice in Haryana was 6.slk izHkko gS fd Nktiqj xkao esa 10 o"kks± ls vkbZih.g irk pyk fd fdlkuksa dh Ñf"k fofèk. vkSj izHkko fo'ys"k.kZ iz. rkfydk 1% o"kZ 2013 ds nkSjku Nktiqj] gfj.e izkS|ksfxdh u viuk.k x.kk esa cklerh pkoy ds varxZr dqy {ks= 622 yk[k gs-s Fkk vkSj mRikndrk 25-87 fDo-a@gs-s FkhA o"kZ 2002&2005 ds nkSjku Nktiqj xkao esa vkbZih.k. Haryana izkS|kfxdh vaxhdj. ds lexz cklerh pkoy dh [ksrh esa vkbZih. Validation of IPM technology in Chajjpur village during 2002-2005 indicated that net profit of IPM technology over farmers' practice was ` 17.e izkS|ksfxdh viukbZ xbZ gksrh rks fdlkuksa dks u dsoy ` 10-88 fcfy.fud uk'khthouk'kdksa dk iz.e Impact assessment of IPM technology in rice at regional level in Haryana izkS|ksfxdh ds izHkko dk ewY.ksx @ Use of bio-agents 95 jlk.e izkS|ksfxdh ds oSèkhdj. Lrj ij cklerh pkoy esa vkbZih.ksx @ Judicious use of water 88 <sp a k dk jksi.e izk| S ksfxdh ds izHkko dk ewY.500/ha If the IPM technology was adopted in Basmati growing area in whole of Haryana. Sustainability of IPM technology shows that IPM technology was still being adopted by farmers after ten years of withdrawal from village Chajjpur as indicated in Table 1 below.kk esa pkoy esa vkbZih.kk esa {ks=kh.kadu fd.k FkkA gfj. Lrj ij pkoy esa vkbZih.e izkS|ksfxdh v{kq.87 q/ha.k gS % Impact assessment of IPM technology was conducted at regional level in Haryana in Basmati rice as it was validated in Chajjpur village in District Panipat during 2013-14.k.kZ iz.ksx ¼rRdkfyd vuqiz.k. the net benefit of ` 10. tkus ds ckotwn vkt Hkh fdlkuksa }kjk vkbZih..k ls .k.88 billion would accrue to farmers and the savings in chemical pesticides would be of 1430 tonnes.kk jkT.fud uk'khthouk'kd dh Hkh cpr gksrhA vkbZih. u mn~n's .e izk| S ksfxfd.k.05 le. Sonepat.e esa T.kvksa o dfBukbZ.koÙkkiw.e izf'kf{kr xksHkh mRikndksa }kjk vkbZih.. gsrq fd.k gSA bl xkao esa vè.ksa }kjk dhVuk'kdksa ds vfèkd iz.ksx ds fy.e ij izf'k{k. Block Rai..ksxh foLrkj lkfgR.ka fodflr dh xbZ gSa vkSj bls c<+kok Hkh fn.fer :i ls pqus x.oLFkk 98.k.a Socio-economic.e ?kVd Lack of supply of bio-pesticides? IPM components 95. dh dksbZ O.52 Lack of provision for IPM training and exposure visit by state extension agency 91. ij xq.e ?kVdksa o lkefxz. The main constraints identified by surveying the sixty eight randomly selected farmers are presented in Table-2. ck/kkvksa dh igpku dks rkfydk&2 esa n'kkZ.e dk.fur lCth iQlyksa esa vkbZih.47 foÙkh.k }kjk eq[.k x. foLrkj ..Lkkekftd&vkfFkZd fo"k. infrastructural and policy constraints NksVh Hkwfetksr vkdkj / Small size of land holding 51. tcnZLr izpkj&izlkj rFkk vukpkj Aggressive propaganda and malpractices by the pesticide companies 97.kk ds lksuhir ftys esa jk.e dh fofèk ls mRikfnr mit ij izhfe.k x.ksa }kjk vkbZih.ksa Study on the constraints in adoption of IPM technologies in selected vegetable crops ds viukus lEca/h ck/kvksa dk vè.u djus dk mís'.a tokc nsus okys fdlku Constraint % respondents Lkekftd&vkfFkZd] ifjfLFkfrdkjd] volajpukRed rFkk uhfrxr leL. lalkèkuksa dk vHkko / Lack of financial resources 66.e izkS|ksfxfd. Haryana by the vegetable IPM team of NCIPM in farmers' participatory mode. miyCèk u djk ikuk Poor availability of quality extension literature on IPM by state extension agency 85. rFkk fdlkuksa ds fy.e lwpuk igqp a kus dh foQyrk Absence of authentic IPM information delivery at door step 98.kZIr O.ZØe vaxhdj.kkyh / Weak and inefficient state extension support system jkT.ksx esa deh / Poor cooperation among farmers 73. District Sonepat of the state Haryana was purposely selected to conduct the study during year 2013-14.knk etnwjksa dh vko'.k.o vizHkkoh jkT.u djus ds fy.17 tSo uk'khthouk'kdksa ds vkiwfrZ dk vHkko\ vkbZih.k nsus ds fy.e ewY.a / Technological Constraint vkbZih.k | Socio Economic Issues and Impact Analysis of IPM p.k.76 tkudkjh .k esa vkus okyh leL.ksa ds vaxhdj.53 detksj .kr vkbZih.tsfa l. vkbZih.knk esgur rFkk T.58 fdlkuksa esa vkilh lg.11 vkbZih.Dlikstj ¼vuqHko izkIr djus gsrq½ nkSjksa dh vi.tsfa l. gfj. This study was conducted with the objective to identify the constraints in the adoption of IPM technologies as perceived by the IPM trained cauliflower growers.k.&foLrkj leFkZu iz.e ds lac/a k esa mi. CykWd ds varxZr ikYnh xkao dk p.52 jkT.k.ksa dk irk yxkuk FkkA vfu.17 okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 73 .29 izkS|ksfxdh.u o"kZ 2013&14 ds nkSjku vè. vkSj izHkko fo'ys"k. .k x.kA bl xkao esa jklukizds lCth dh vkbZih. lacèa kh leL.s 68 fdlkuksa ds los{Z k. situational. foLrkj .e Vhe }kjk fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk i)fr esa LFkku fof'k"V xksHkh vkbZih.a Table 2: Constraints perceived by the farmers in adoption of IPM in cauliflower % leL.oLFkk dk u gksuk No provision for premium price for IPM produce 86.kZ vkbZih.ksa dks miyCèk u djkus esa laLFkkxr leFkZu esa deh Lack of institutional support of timely and quality IPM components 94.k gSA The village Paldi.oa lwpuk lacèa kh leL. The location specific cauliflower IPM technologies have been developed and promoted in the village Paldi.drk / More time and labour consuming 61. rkfydk 2% xksHkh dh [ksrh djus okys fdlkuksa }kjk vkbZih.e izkS|ksfxfd.k esa eglwl dh tkus okyh leL.ksa }kjk vkbZih.11 dhVuk'kd daifu.a / Knowledge and information constraints fdlkuksa rd izekf. bacterial blight and vaxhÑr fdlku ds fy. Hkwfedk fuf'pr :i ls fdlkuksa dks vkbZih.w dk iz. each with five replicates. mid and post crop season). at different intervals. CSSRI.k] tgka fdlh izdkj dksbZ izfØ. foLrkj . Ñf"k foKku dsna & z II] dfr.kkyh ds varxZr bZvkbZD. The pest and natural enemy count was observed in IPM.oa foLrkj laLFkkvksa ds lg.k iz.k ls igys] e/. Qly ekSle ds le.e izkS|ksfxfd. Base line information of farmers from 14 different villages was collected and analyzed. gundhi bug. In a few fields. Hkkxhnkjh ls leL.d gSA fdlkuksa ds la?k ¼.a nsus esa vge Hkwfedk fuHkk ldrs gSAa pkoy iQlyhdj.k ij uk'khthouk'kdksa ds izHkko dk ewY.rk lewg Hkh vuqlèa kku .k x.k ugha dh xbZA Qly dh fofHkUu voLFkkvksa ¼izfrjksi. In addition to this.kd xksHkh vkbZih. hispa.a lgk.ksa dh lfØ. mDr leL. ij .u ds fu"d"kZ esa . The pro-active role of state extension agencies in information delivery and input supply certainly will motivate the farmers for adoption of IPM.'ku½ rFkk Lo. Sitapur. i.NCIPM bl vè. The constraints may be overcome with the active involvement of various stakeholders of IPM at one platform. heavy infestation of white tip and root-knot nematode was recorded. rFkk mudh lØh.ZØe ds varxZr 31 fdlkuksa dks vaxhÑr djrs gq.p] y[kuÅ ds lg.ksxh .d= dh xbZ vkSj mldk fo'ys"k.oa yscy nkoksa ds cxSj [krjukd dhVuk'kdksa ds iz.k Fkk fd cM+s {ks= esa xksHkh vkbZih.ks ¼buiqV½ dh miyCèkrk rFkk dSyUs Mj vkèkkfjr .d= dh xbZ lwpuk] vko'. where no interventions were made.ks x es a i. Uttar Pradesh in collaboration with KVK-II. In farmers' participatory mode.ZØe dk oSèkhdj.g mYys[kuh. foLrkj . Katia. jkT.k iz. izkRs lkfgr djsxhA blds fy.d lkFk yk.kA izR.kadu fd.ksx djrs gq. farmers' practice (FP) and untreated control. gS fd lwpuk .g mYys[k fd.l rFkk lhvkbZ .e vkSj foLrkj lsokvksa esa lgk. stem borer.ksa dh Hkwfedk dks l'Dr fd. Soil health cards were developed for each adopted farmer. SHGs could also play vital role in providing pest advisory services by facilitating IPM and extension services to farmers in collaboration with research and extension institutions. The samples of soil and water were analyzed for pesticide residues.k] lhrkiq j ] lh. five acre land was selected as control.dM+ {ks= ij fd.ksX.tsfa l.k .e dk.e ls fdlkuksa dks mi.oa fufof"V ¼buiqV½ miyCèk djkus esa jkT.fud vo'ks"kksa ds uewuksa dk fo'ys"k. l. six IPM modules were synthesized. but methods (IPM and .ksx esa vkbZih.k x.k esa .lksfl.k x.ksx dh 74 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 The study concluded that the amelioration of these constraints for the promotion of cauliflower IPM in larger area is needed on priority.kkyh ds varxZr bZvkbZD. esa rFkk Qly ekSle mijkUr½ ij ty esa fo|eku jlk.oa izekf.l.kA 14 fofHkUu xkaoksa ds fdlkuksa ls vkèkkj&js[kk lwpuk . Majority of farmers living in these villages having small land holdings.k tkuk vko'. vkbZih.w dk iz. the validation of IPM program was carried out by adopting 31 farmers under IPM and equal number using farmers' practice. dkMZ fodflr fd.k 62 .lvkjvkbZ ] vkjvkj.kadu mÙkj izn's k ds lhrkiqj ftys esa pkoy Qlyhdj.rk nsdj uk'khtho lacèa kh lykgdkj lsok. RRS and CISH. at Sitapur district.kvksa dk gy <w<a k+ tkuk pkfg.k ds fy.k FkkA blds vfrfjDr] daVªky s ds :i esa ikap . covering 62 acres area.e ds izkUs u.oa izlkj ds fy.k x. fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk i)fr ds ekè. and observations were made in these modules as well as in KVK farm and untreated control. Lucknow.Qih fdlkuksa dks lfEefyr djrs gq.d IysVQkeZ ij .k x..u fd.k x. availability of critical inputs.dM+ Hkwfe dk p.e ds vaxhdj.A . Hkweh dkQh de gSA fdlkuksa dh lgHkkfxrk i)fr es]a vkbZih.k fd. rFkk bruh gh la[.kZoj.kZèkkjdksa½ dks .tsfa l. e`nk LokLF.ksx djrs gq.A uk'khtho ds ifjn`'.The yield data revealed no significant differences among modules.kA bu xkaoksa esa jgus okys vfèkdrj fdlkuksa ds ikl tksrus . plant hoppers.kvksa dk lekèkku djuk csgn t:jh gSA blds fy. x.kZ o j. Impact assessment of pesticides on environment using EIQ tool under rice cropping system Impact of pesticides on environment was assessed using EIQ tool under rice cropping system.k ij uk'khthouk'kdksa ds izHkko dk ewY.e dk. at different crop stages (pretransplantation. vkbZih. Major pest problems observed were leaf folder.u ds fy. Based on the information collected on pest scenario. practice of using calendar-based and hazardous pesticides without label claims.d fufof"V.k tkuk pkfg.k fd.ksa ds gLrkarj.e ds LVsdgksYMjksa ¼i. .ofLFkr izfØ.e ekWM. the module 7 (M7) was quite different from rest of the modules.k ¼izR.oa vkadM+kas dh n`f"V ls dksbZ [kkl varj ugha Fkk] ij vkbZih..kvks@ a fofèk. ~ y w ksa ds ykHk % ykxr vuqikr yxHkx .y w ksa o daVªky s dk voyksdu fd. tkus ds dkj.y w ksa dks la'ysf"kr fd. 1889 okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 75 . However..kvksa ls vkbZih.05).~ y w ksa ls fcydqy vyx FkkA fdlkuksa }kjk vius Lrj ij fofHkUu Ñf"k fØ.ksa esa dkQh varj 5% egÙkk dk vk/kkj ij ik.e ekWM..kA rFkkfi] ekWM.kA fofHkUu vkbZih. The benefit:cost ratios of different IPM modules were almost at par.kA ize[q k uk'khthoksa }kjk mRiUu leL.k x.k rFkk lqioz kgh Ñf"k fØ.k x. vkSj izHkko fo'ys"k.ksa o iz.~ y w 7 ¼.k .knk vkfFkZd ykHk izkIr gqvkA farmers' practice) and weeds wounts were significantly different (P<0. However.y w ksa ds lacèa k esa ekewyh varj ik. ~ y w ksa esa mit .e ekWM~.e ekWM~.kqt vaxekjh rFkk izLQqVu FksA dqN [ksrksa esa 'osrkxz jksx ¼OgkbV fVi½ vkSj tM+ foxyu lw=Ñfe Hkh fjdkWMZ fd.oa izkÑfrd 'k=q dh lef"V ikbZ xbZA ekWM. we learn that no particle of Her material is wasted or worn out.k x.ksa dks viuk. ~ y w esa ikap iqujko`Ùk Fks½ rFkk Ñf"k foKku dsna z }kjk bu ekM~. The difference might have arisen because of different agricultural practices followed by the farmers at their end. beauty to yet higher beauty. John Muir. One is constantly reminded of the infinite lavishness and fertility of Nature – inexhaustible abundance amid what seems enormous waste. And yet when we look into any of Her operations.k | Socio Economic Issues and Impact Analysis of IPM fofèk ds vkèkkj ij 6 vkbZih.Lkkekftd&vkfFkZd fo"k.A fofHkUu eè.kvksa esa iÙkh eksMd + ] ruk csèkd] ikni vHkZd ¼IykaV gksij½] fgLik] xaèkh cx] ekWM.k x.e] fdlkuksa dh fofèk ¼. It is eternally flowing from use to use.e 7½ 'ks"k ekWM.kkfy.Qih½ rFkk daVªky s esa uk'khtho .d tSls FksA xSj&vkbZih. the systematic approach and streamlined agricultural practices created significant economical return in IPM modules. ~ y w viukus okys fdlkuksa dks dkQh T.karjksa ij vkbZih.slk varj ns[kk tk ldrk gSA rFkkfi] lqO. x.e vkSj fdlkuksa dh Ñf"k fofèk. g ik.vkjvkbZ½ rFkk jk"Vªh. Nangal (Ropar. survey was conducted jointly by team of scientists from Indian Agricultural Research Institute and National Centre for Integrated Pest Management. PBW 750.k.March.k. Dher. {ks=kksa Wheat yellow rust incidence in north-western plain (gfj. Janetpur (Ambala. and Barbat (local variety). Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. Shantadi under Indri Block and villages such as Kheri Davdalan. Ratangarh in Yamuna Nagar district of Haryana.k Vhe us gfj. HD 2894 and HD 2851.w 550] ihchMCY.equkuxj½ dks NksMd + j tgka MCY. Ñf"k vuqlèa kku laLFkku ¼vkbZ. Rara Sahib.kA los{Z k.kA rRi'pkr] los{Z k.oa iwokZueq ku dk izk. HD 2932. survey team visited different wheat growing farmers’ fields in villages namely Badedi. PBW 621. Chandesar. The dominant varieties sown in these areas were WH 711.d la. Badonda. Machhiwada (Ludhiana.equkuxj ds uaniqjk] nkeyk] nkSjkx] dqt a y] jRux<+ xkoksa dk nkSjk fd.k.pMh 2932] ihchMCY. The team surveyed wheat cropped areas for yellow rust in northern plain and hill zones of Haryana.NCIPM vU.pMh 2851] ihchMCY.k fd dqy feykdj xsgaw dh Qly dh fLFkfr vPNh Fkh vkSj dsoy jRux<+ xkao ¼nkeyk] . Sangowal. During the first survey (8-9 Jan 2014).p 711] .w 621] .kA bl Vhe us ihyk jrqok ds izdksi dk vkdyu djus ds fy.w. Afterward.kk ds gh . fdLe½ fdLesa 'kkfey FkhaA igys los{Z k.k fd. vuqlaèkkfud xfrfofèk.oa . Rajgarh.kk] iatkc vkSj fgekpy izn's k ds igkM+h {ks=ksa esa xsgaw dh Qly okys {ks=ksa dk nkSjk fd.k fd.pMh 2967] ihchMCY.Dq r los{Z k.d Vhe us tuojh&ekpZ] 2014 ds nkSjku .w 551] ihchMCY. PBW 343. Hkkjrh.ka Other Research Activities mÙkj&if'peh eSnkuh {ks=kksa rFkk mÙkj ioZrh. Daurag.u djus ds fy.w.w 750] . Punjab and Himachal Pradesh) ihys jrqos dk izdksi mÙkj Hkkjr esa xsgaw ij ihyk jrqok egkekjh ds izdksi . Kunjal. Jalalpur.equkuxj ftys esa banhz CykWd ds varxZr xsgaw dh [ksrh djus okys fofHkUu fdlkuksa ds xkaoks]a vFkkZr cMsMh] cMksUMk] 'kkarMh( ykMok CykWd ¼djuky½ ds varxZr [ksMh+ nsonkyu] lqjk] cnleh] cSu rFkk gfj.k x.k esa .pMh 2894 . Chandigarh). New Delhi.k. Majara. Ban of Ladwa Block (Karnal) and villages like Nandpura.k ¼fnukad 8&9 tuojh] 2014½ ds nkSjku los{Z k. Punjab).k Vhe us Hkkodiqj] tusriqj ¼vEckyk] gfj. Anandpur Sahib. Haryana) and villages Jangpura. Doraha. HD 2967.p 711 xsgaw fdLe ij 3 oxZ 76 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 In view of conducting pilot study on epidemiology and forecasting of yellow rust of wheat in northern India.kA bu {ks=ksa esa cqokbZ dh xbZ xsgaw dh izeq[k fdLeksa esa MCY. Kalsera. mÙkj Hkkjr ds eSnkuh {ks=ksa rFkk gfj. Upper Surewal.ksfxd vè. survey team visited different wheat growing fields in villages namely Bhavakpur.kk] iatkc vkSj fgekpy izns'k) esa xsgwa esa and northern hill zone (Haryana. Jahanjeir (Mohali.kuk] iatkc½ rFkk efydiqj] panuiqj t[ksMk+ ] ektjk] panl s j] xaxksoky Åijh lqjos ky] èksj] vkuaniqj lkfgc] dysljk] ukaxy ¼jkisM]+ iatkc½ xkaoksa esa xsgaw dh [ksrh djus okys fdlkuksa ds [ksrksa dk fujh{k. PBW 550. Damla.. Gangowal. Overall the crop was in a good condition and was free from yellow rust and brown rust at all the places except in one village Ratangarh .w 343 rFkk ckcZr ¼LFkkuh. Badsami. Chandpur Jakhera. lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku dsUnz] iwlk] ubZ fnYyh ds oSKkfudksa dh . Pusa. Sura.k. during January . Malikpur. Punjab). 2014.kk ds .kk½ vkSj taxiqjk] tykyiqj] tgkathj ¼eksgkyh] paMhx<+½] laxksoky] jktx<+] jkjk lkfgc] nksjkgk] ePNhokM+k ¼yqfèk. PBW 551. Gari Ajeet Singh villages of Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar fLFkfr esa Fkk rFkk laØe.k ¼2&4 Qjojh] 2014½ ds nkSjku Hkh los{Z k. 300 57'41'' E½ rFkk j'khniqj ¼10–20S. Punjab).k fd. 77011’26. FksA bu {ks=ksa esa ize[q k :i ls xsgaw dh .51 m MSL) on var. where yellow rust was observed up to 60S within 3 m2 radius (30004’18’’N. WH 711.k dsUnz ls utnhdh [ksrksa esa QSyko ugha gqvkA ysfdu laØe.kA rhljs los{Z k.k.equkuxj ftys ds vkl&ikl ds xkaoksa esa xsgaw ds [ksrksa dk los{Z k.w 343 fdLeksa dh [skrh dh tkrh gSA jksiM+ ds 'kkgniqj ¼20–40S.kjiqj rFkk 'kghn Hkxr flag uxj ftyksa dk los{Z k.kk ds djuky] vEckyk rFkk . The objective of this survey was to observe the spread of yellow rust in adjoining fields from the infection focus.kuk xkao ¼banhz CykWd] djuky½ esa ihyk jrqok dk izdksi 40&50 .A pkSFks los{Z k. 30° 56' 9"E).kZ:i ls rS. The crop was at maximum tillering to booting to early heading stage.k x. Sidhaura of Yamunanagar.k ¼fnukad 6&7 ekpZ] 2014½ ds nkSjku gfj. 760 21'43–6'' N.1’’E).k fd. The infection was observed in a spot of approx 20 m2 area.k dsUnz ¼ftls iwoZ esa fjiksVZ (near Damla.k fd.kuk] tyaèkj] xqjnkliqj] gksf'k.FkkA Qly iw. Ludhiana.kuk] 'kkgniqj] ekSykuk] pedj lkfgc] j'khniqj] Qwy Ms [kqn]Z ckykpkSM]+ jksiM+( yaxjaxk] uoklkgj] xjh vthr flag] 'kghn Hkxr flag uxj ftyk] iatkc½ dk vuqdj.k Vhe us . 760 59'53-1'' E½ rd ns[kk x.k x. x. HD2851.kk½ ds ck. visited several wheat fields of Bayana. 30° 57' 41"E) and Rashidpur (10-20S. PBW 621 and PBW343.e.k] xsgaw dh Qly esa ihyk jrqok dk jksx ugha QSyk Fkk] ysfdu ck. Badedi.kA bl los{Z k. same route was followed (Indri. tkus ls ihyk jrqok jksx fu.k ds nkSjku viuk. x.l ¼5 oxZ eh. Phool de Khurd. 760 23'40'' N. ihyk jrqok laØe. Ratangarh and adjoining villages of Yamunanagar District (Haryana). Machiwada of Ludhiana. where it was noticed on 08 Jan 2014.2’’N. During the fourth survey (6-7 Mar 2014).k ds fy. Ladwa of Karnal. visited several villages of Karnal. 76° 21' 43..y½ ds Hkhrj 60. Radaur.2’’E. 76°59’53. 770 11'26-2'' E. The overall condition of crop was good and healthy with hardly any disease incidence seen in the area surveyed. Hoshiarpur and Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar districts of Punjab. During the second survey (27 Jan 2014). The overall health of the crop was good with exception of general yellowing in some isolated spots (not yellow rust) and isolated patches of yellow rust infection focus at Shahadpur (20-40S.6"’N. Mulana. fnukad 08 tuojh] 2014 dks izfs {kr ihyk jrqok jksx ds laØe. HD 2329. Karnal) to an extent of 40-50S (29°42’44. The dominant varieties were HD2967.kuk] jaMksyh] cMsMh] ykMok ¼djuky ftyk½] jknkSj] jRux<+ rFkk .kA bl los{Z k. which was earlier detected. {ks=ksa esa ihyk jrqos dk dksbZ izdksi ugha ik. There was no spread of yellow rust of wheat in Ratangarh village (Yamunanagar). But spot incidence of yellow rust was observed in Bayana village (Indri Block.w 621 rFkk ihchMCY.k tSls fiNys los{Z k. 300 56'9'' E½ esa xsgaw dh Qly lkekU. vuqlèa kkfud xfrfofèk. Chamkar Shahib.k dk mís'.k fd.k. Yamuna Nagar).k ¼27 tuojh] 2014½ ds nkSjku Vhe us . The objective of this survey okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 77 . Radaur.equkuxj ¼gfj.pMh 2851] ihchMCY.kj Fkh vkSj dVkbZ ds dxkj ij FkhA dqy feykdj] Qly dh fLFkfr dkQh vPNh Fkh rFkk los{Z k. Shahadpur. x.k] lHkh LFkkuksa ij xsgaw dh Qly ihyk jrqok rFkk Hkwjk jrqok ds jksx . Nawashahar.g ik. Gurdaspur.k x.nwjh rd½ ihyk jrqok ds y{k. Majara of Ambala.equkuxj( ektjk] vEckyk] ePNhokM+k] yqfèk.jsfM.vU.k dk mís'.equkuxj vkSj iatkc ds djrkjiqj] yqfèk. Bilaspur. Balachaur of Ropar. Ropar district to the extent of 10-40 S (5 m2 area).220-51 eh.l {ks= dh nwjh ¼300 04'18'' N. Rashidpur.l.l ¼290 42'44-2'' N.pMh 2339] .k fn[kkbZ fn. Ladwa (Karnal district).l rd ihyk jrqok ik. :i ls ihyh ikbZ xbZ ¼vFkkZr . 220. Jalandhar. mUgha ekxks± ¼banhz ] ykMok] djuky( jknkSj] fcykliqj] flèkksMk+ ( .equkuxj½ es]a tgka fnukad 08 tuojh 2014 dks bl jksx dks ns[kk x.k ugha Fkk½] ijUrq NqV&iqV [ksrksa esa 10&40 .pMh 2967] .k dk utnhdh [ksrksa esa QSyus dk vkdyu djuk FkkA jRux<+ xkao ¼. Ambala & Yamunanagar (Haryana) and Kartarpur.k | Other Research Activities eh. During the third survey (2-4 Feb 2014). observed on 08 Jan 2014. 76° 23' 40"N.k dk utnhdh [ksrksa esa QSyko dk vkdyu djuk FkkA los{Z k. Langranga. iwoZ esa ik.oa izdksi ls eqDr ikbZ xbZA nwljs los{Z k. There was no spread of disease near the infection focal point.kA laØfer {ks= yxHkx 20 oxZ eh. Randoli. Overall crop was in a good condition at all the places and no yellow rust incidence was recorded from any other place visited by the survey team.k fd fdlkuksa }kjk izkfs idksuktksy dk fNM+dko fd.g ihyk jrqok ds dkj. 9’’N.kjiqj ¼20–30S.k Vhe dh vke jk. 760 14'31-9'' E½ vkSj ddjkyk + j xsgaw ds ¼280 17'78-6'' N.vkjvkbZ] nqxkZijq k ¼260 53'07'' N. vkSj dsoy ihchMCY.k Vhe us jktLFkku ds fofHkUu xsgwa ds [skrksa dk losZ{k. 310 48'05-7'' N. 75°39’01’’E).k x. But some new wheat fields located far from the infection focus (earlier reported) have been observed. During the sixth survey (21-22 Mar 2014). with only traces of yellow rust in wheat were observed in the variety PBW-343. 32°03’04.oa izdksi rFkk mlds QSyus dh izof` Ùk ij lrr :i ls foLr`r vè.iqj . Kakarala (28°17’78.l½ Yellow rust (60S) Interaction with Farmers in infected (YR) field los{Z k.kk essa xsgaw ds vusd [ksrksa dk losZ{k. 310 27'03'' N. Nanhera (10S. Nasibpur (28°06’26. Dhanonda (28°21’82’’N.A ihyk jrqos ls xzflr [ksrksa esa fdlkuksa ls ckrphr ihyk jrqok ¼60.k los{Z k.k vkSj .0’’E) of Mahendergarh district.k. 75°25’1.oa HkkSiqjk Hkjriqj ftyk ¼270 25'07'' N. viz. 760 19'16-0'' E½ xkaoksa dks NksMd vfèkdrj [ksr ihyk jrqos ls eqDr ik. The crop health was good and free from any rust infection except RARI. 310 28'06-9'' N.).1’’E) of Punjab.k ¼10–20S. rd jksx tkjh jgus ls muds foLrkj esa fof'k"V izof` Ùk. Bharatpur district.kk esa uugsjk ¼10S.9’’E).drk gS D. Jaipur and Bhaupura (27°25’07’’N.NCIPM fd. 750 39'01'' E½] nklq.9’’E). The survey team observed that the disease was controlled (which was reported earlier) by spraying of Propiconazole and there was no spread in the adjoining field from infection focus.5’’N. 750 39'6-9'' E½ rFkk djrkjiqj ¼10S.5’’N.k ¼fnukad 05 ekpZ] 2014½ esa los{Z k.k ik.kA NBs los{Z k.A ikaposa los{Z k.. 75°39’6. tkus dh vko'. 76°57’10’’E) (Mewat dist. 770 05'29-8'' E½ rFkk iatkc esa xqjnkliqj vuqlèa kku dsUnz ¼10–80S.8’’N. where 10-20S yellow rust of wheat was recorded.g ik. gS fd xsgaw esa ihyk jrqok jksx . Hoshiarpur (20-30S. 77°08’06’’E). 76°08’12. 750 25'1-2'' E½] gksf'k. x.ka ugha ns[kh tk ldrh gSAa xsgaw dh fofoèkkRed izof` Ùk rFkk xsgaw ds fHkUu HkkSxksfyd LFkkuksa ds dkj.2’’E). During the fifth survey (05 Mar 2014). visited several fields of wheat growing areas of Rajasthan. Dasuya (10-20S. 320 03'04-8'' N. 750 22'05-1'' E½ esa xsgaw ds dqN [ksrksa esa ihyk jrqos ds y{k. 760 08'12-1'' E½] èkukSun a k ¼280 21'82'' N. Durgapura (26°53’07’’N. several wheat growing areas of Haryana indicated that most of the wheat fields were free from yellow rust of wheat except Dingerheri (28°16’44. 75°22’05. 31°27’03’’N.6’’N.k x.k Fkk½ ls fLFkr nwj&njkt bykdksa es]a vFkkZr gfj. 750 48'03'' E½] t. x. 31°48’05.ksfa d yacs le. 29°52’26.k.k dh vofèk ds nkSjku lHkh LFkkuksa ij ihyk jrqok izdksi dh leku izof` Ùk ugha ns[kh xbZA 78 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 was to observe the spread of yellow rust in adjoining fields from the Yellow Rust infection focus. 75°48’03’’E).k fd.k ¼fnukad 21&22 ekpZ] 2014½ ds nkSjku Vhe us gfj.k] dks NksMd + j Qly dh fLFkfr vPNh Fkh vkSj mlesa jrqos dk dksbZ laØe. noticed earlier. . 760 57'10'' E½ rFkk egsUnzx<+ ftys ds varxZr ulhciqj ¼280 06'26-5'' N.k x.k ugha ik. The varietal pattern and geographical locations of wheat has also not reflected uniform pattern of yellow rust incidence during the survey period.7’’N.w&343 xsgaw fdLe esa ihyk jrqok ds NqV&iqV y{k.1’’N.k fd esokr ftys ds varxZr fMaxjgsjh ¼280 16'44-1'' N. 290 52'26-5'' N. 76°19’16.l rd ihyk jrqok ik.8’’E) in Haryana and Gurdaspur Research Farm (10-80S.u fd. 77°05’29. 770 08'06'' E½ tgka xsgaw esa 10&20 . x.k fd. 31°28’06. The survey team is in strong belief that systematic and detailed study of incidence and spread pattern of yellow rust of wheat is needed because the appearance of disease over a period of time has no specific pattern. Kartarpur (10S.1’’E).k ik.76°14’31.kA vkj. Haryana. e dh izn'kZuh jklukizds us Hkkjrh.ekuo lalkèku fodkl .e izk| S ksfxfd. Ñf"k vuqlèa kku ifj"kn~ ds ekuuh. Ñf"k vuqlèa kku laLFkku] ubZ fnYyh }kjk vius ifjlj esa Þv{kq. IARI.k | Human Resource Development and Transfer of IPM Technologies ekuo lalkèku fodkl . A large number of farmers.e LVky dk nkSjk fd.q izfrLdanh izkS|ksfxfd.oa vkbZih.e izkS|ksfxfd. planners and students from different parts of the country visited the IPM stall and showed keen interest in the validated IPM technologies.d egkfuns'kd ¼ikni laj{k.ksa dk gLrkukarj.k o tholqj{kk½ Hon'ble DG and ADG (PP and Biosafety). egkfuns'kd rFkk lgk.k Ñf"k ds fy.ks]a .oa vkbZih.kaß 'kh"kZd ij fnukad 26&28 Qjojh] 2014 ds IPM Exhibition at Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela. ukxiqj esa fnukad 8&13 Qjojh 2014 ds nkSjku Ñf"k olar esys esa lgHkkfxrk dhA ns'k ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa ds fdlkuks]a vuqlèa kkudrkZvks]a foLrkj inkfèkdkfj. jklukizds us vkbZih.ksa us vkbZih. New Delhi The NCIPM also participated in Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela organized by IARI during 26-28 Feb 2014 through installation of an IPM stall and distribution of relevant okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 79 . extension functionaries.e izn'kZuh IPM exhibition Ñf"k olar esyk Krishi Vasant Mela NCIPM participated in Krishi Vasant Mela at Nagpur during 8-13 Feb 2014 for dissemination of IPM techniques. researchers. tyok.k vkSj oS|hÑr vkbZih.e rduhdksa dk izlkj djus ds fy.kstukdkjksa rFkk fo|kfFkZ.ksa dk gLrkukarj.e izkS|ksfxfd..k Human Resource Development and Transfer of IPM Technologies vkbZih. ICAR at NCIPM stall HkkÑvuql]a ubZ fnYyh esa iwlk Ñf"k foKku esys esa vkbZih.ksa esa dkQh #fp fn[kkbZA jklukizds ds LVky ij Hkkjrh. kA uk'khtho izcèa ku esa . miyCèk djk. philosophy and importance through lectures.g izn'kZuh dkQh yksdfiz.k[.kdykiksa ds ckjs esa vkxard q ksa dks voxr djk. izn's k] gfj.ksa ls mUgsa voxr djk.k vkSj mUgsa vkbZih.kvksa rFkk rRlacèa k esa muds }kjk viukbZ tk jgh Ñf"k fofèk.ds. Bihar. O.k[.e ij o`r&fp= Hkh fn[kk.k vkSj mUgsa vkbZih.kA ns'k ds vusd Hkkxksa dss Nk=ksa us Hkh jklukizds dk nkSjk fd.u esa mldh Hkwfedk ls voxr djk. extension functionaries.k vkSj tSo&dkjd iz. fofHkUu f'k{k.k rFkk vkbZih.ks]a .k. the visits to bio-control lab was arranged and extension literature on IPM was given to them.kA bu Nk=ksa us tSodkjd iz.w izdks"B dk Hkh nkSjk fd.ks]a i=dkjksa rFkk fo|kfFkZ.e lacèa kh i=&if=dk.ksx'kkyk ds nkSjs dk izcèa k fd. The farmers and extension workers from several states viz.e esa fl)karksa rFkk mlds ?kVdksa ij O.e ls izy[s khdj.a ¼lkfgR.k x.k o"kZ izkS|ksfxfd.ks]a . This exhibition is used as a vehicle for dissemination of technologies by the IARI every year as a long tradition and has been very popular among the farmers. planners and students throughout the country Visitors to NCIPM A number of students. New Delhi with the theme "Climate Resilient Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture".kstu fd. Uttar Pradesh.½ Hkh forfjr dhA Hkkjrh.Zuhfr.rkvksa dk bLrseky fd.kstukdkjksa m|fe.e lacèa kh i= if=dk.k x.k x. Haryana and Rajasthan along with the extension functionaries visited NCIPM.kstu izR. x.k lgk. researchers.e lacèa kh foLrkj lkfgR. gSA jklukizds esa vkxarqdksa dk nkSjk ns'k ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa ds fdlkuks]a vuqlèa kkudrkZvks]a foLrkj inkfèkdkfj.ksa us jklukizds dk nkSjk fd. researchers.k lkexzh dk mi. Farmersscientists interaction sessions were organized for sharing the experiences mutually in pest management.Dr fd.½ Hkh nh xbZAa 80 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 literature in the ICAR pavilion at IARI.ks]a tSls mÙkj izn's k] fcgkj] >kj[kaM] eè.kA jklukizds ds fØ.kA foLrkj vè. fd. .e ij .ksa us vkbZih.oa leL. Jharkhand.k iz.ksa dk izlkj djus ds fy.k x. farmers.k x.ksftr iwlk Ñf"k foKku esys esa Hkh lgHkkfxrk dh] tgka jklukizds us HkkÑvuqi ds isofs y.e.ksa ds ekè.ksx djrs gq.kA vkbZih.e dh mfpr dk.ksa . Farmers narrated their pest problems and pest management practices adopted.k] ftlds fy. extension functionaries.k tkrk gS] tks mldh dkQh iqjkuh ijEijk gS vkSj fdlkuks]a vuqlèa kkudrkZvks]a foLrkj inkfèkdkfj.ks]a m|fe.kA vkxard q ksa dks vkbZih.e dk nkSjk fd.kA fofHkUu f'k{k.kA ns'k ds vusd jkT. uk'khtho rFkk uk'khtho izcèa ku lacèa kh fofèk.] tcfd oSKkfudksa us vkbZih. Ñ"kd&oSKkfud ijLij ckrphr lacèa kh l=ksa dk vk. demonstrated the IPM technologies like bio-control agents at the Bioagents Lab. bu Nk=ksa dks jklukizds ds fØ. and were shown documentary films on IPM. bio-control lab and AKMU cell were visited by these students and extension literatures on IPM were also provided to them. Pest problems.kdykiksa o xfrfofèk. They were apprised about the NCIPM activities using various teaching aids. while scientists apprised about suitable IPM solutions.kA fdlkuksa us uk'khtho izcèa ku esa viuh leL.k x.A tSo&fu.a=. pest management practices and constraints in pest management were documented through questionnaire for extension studies.ku Hkh fn. The lectures on IPM concept and its components were also organized.e ds izkUs u.k x. Students from across the country also visited NCIPM.kk vkSj jktLFkku ds fdlkuksa vkSj foLrkj dkexkjksa ds lkFk foLrkj inkfèkdkfj.kvksa dk iz'ukofy.ksx'kkyk ij tSo&fu. They were introduced to NCIPM activities and its role in promotion of IPM using various teaching aids. journalists and entrepreneurs from different parts of the country visited NCIPM. Madhya Pradesh.ksx'kkyk rFkk .d LVky LFkkfir fd.e ds fl)kar] Kku&rRoksa vkSj egÙkk dh tkudkjh nsus ds fy..NCIPM nkSjku vk.ksa dk izn'kZu fn[kk.a ¼lkfgR.k fd.k dkjdksa tSlh izkS|ksfxfd. Visitors were also made aware of the IPM concept.uksa ds fy.ksa rFkk vkbZih. Ñf"k vuqlèa kku laLFkku] ubZ fnYyh] }kjk bl izn'kZuh dk vk.ksa esa .ksa ds ckjs esa foLr`r :i ls vius fopkj O. x.ku fn. vkSj vkbZih. planners.k x.a=.u esa vkbZih.d nwljs ds vuqHkoksa dk vknku&iznku djus ds fy.kstukvksa rFkk ns'k ds fo|kfFkZ. Dr.ds oh izHkq ¼la.ksa dk gLrkukarj.k | Human Resource Development and Transfer of IPM Technologies Distinguised Visitors fof'k"V vkxUrqd vkxUrqd frfFk mns'.oa MkW. Deputy Secretary (ICAR) 12-17 Aug 2013 To delivere lectures on "Public Procurement" MkW. Swapan Kumar Datta. (Maryland.myfjp dqgyeku ¼vkjMh lh.ZØe ds nkSjs gsrq Dr.½ 02 tqykbZ 2013 Þty Ñf"k esa Vhdksa . UP) Jh MkWuokgh byk fxusV] mik/.w.ksx ds laHkkfod {ks=ksa ij ppkZ djus gsrq CABI team Dr. Assistant Director General (PP). Knowledge Bank).l.kÞ ij O. P.Zikyd] ikni&vuqlkj½] MkW 'kku gkWCl ¼oSf'od funs'kd] ukWyt s cSd a ½] MkW jfo [ksrjiky ¼daVªh funs'kd] bafM.Research. Scientist. USA) 02 July 2013 To deliver a seminar on "Developing vaccines and therapies in aquaculture: Relevance to Plant Science" MkW.dkO.fiVj dsueksj] mi funs'kd] ikni laj{k.oa vkbZih.vkjvkbZ½ 06 uoEcj 2013 jklukizds ds lkFk Hkkoh lg.chvkbZ fLoVtjySaM vkSj izksxzke dk.v#.egkfuns'kd ¼ikni laj{k.k pkSèkjh] mi lfpo ¼f'k{kk½] HkkÑvuqi 12&17 vxLr 2013 ÞlkoZtfud izki.e oSèkhdj.èkj ¼eSjhySM a ] . India. Kanhaiya Chaudhary. Shaun Hobbs (Global Director. Marewe Malong Sahib from Cameroon and Dr K V Prabhu (Joint Director .k ds.ekuo lalkèku fodkl .k] lh.Loiu dqekj nÙkk] mi egkfuns'kd ¼Qly foKku½ vkSj MkW.oa ikni izHkkx] Hkkjr esa .k .k . Deputy Director General (Crop Science) and Dr. K. CABI) 16 May 2013 Possible areas of collaboration with NCIPM. Dr. Deputy Director. FAO 19 Sep 2013 To delivere a seminar on IPM MkW.chvkbZ½ 16 ebZ 2013 jklukizds ds lkFk lg. CABI) and Dr.k½] HkkÑvuqi 22 vDVwcj 2013 cEckoM ¼ftyk xkSre cq) uxj] mÙkj izn's k½ esa cklerh pkoy esa vkbZih. ICAR 22 Oct 2013 IPM validation and dissemination programme in Basmati rice being conducted by NCIPM at Bambawad (District Gautam Budh Nagar. IARI) 06 Nov 2013 To discuss future collaboration with NCIPM okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 81 .ku nsus gsrq Sh.e ij .ksx ij ppkZ djus gsrq Donwahi Illa Ginette. Charge e des Relations from Chamber de commerce at Industries de Coted'Ivoire from Ivory Coast. Ravi Khetarpal (Country Director. Ulrich Kuhlmann (RD CABI Switzerland and Programme Executive.f'k.Q. Asia.chvkbZ ¼dSch½ Vhe MkW.ih. MkW. Plant Production and Protection Division. Arun Dhar. Visitors Date Purpose lh.dUgS.d lsfeukj nsus gsrq Dr. Peter Kenmore.oa izlkj dk.k nlgksjk ¼ofj"B oSKkfud] lh.k[.e izkS|ksfxfd.oa jksxksipkjksa dk fodkl% ikni foKku dh izklafxdrkÞ ij lsfeukj nsus gsrq Dr.oa baMLVªh] vkbojh dksLV rFkk dSe#u ls ekyksx a lkfgc .k . Chakrabarty.dspdorhZ] lgk.oa lkbal funs'kd] . Plant-wise).Dq r funs'kd] vuqlèa kku] vkbZ. Kavya Dashora (Sr.vks izfrfufèk] 19 flrEcj 2013 vkbZih.chvkbZ½ rFkk MkW. Vice President.{k] pktZ bZ Msl fjys'kUl] pSEcj Ms dkelZ . and Science Director. l.pvkjMh)@ Human Resource Development (HRD) fdlkuksa ds fy.oa izkÑfrd 'k=q dh igpku½ 01 vDVwcj 2013 Tillering stage (Identification of pest and natural enemy) 01 Oct 2013 dhVuk'kd ds iz. Karnataka 3- 4- 5- ulZjh iwoZ dk.ksa dh la[.e dh Hkwfedk 31 ebZ 2013 Role of IPM in rice crop 31 May 2013 izfrHkkfx. Uttar Pradesh 36 lhvkbZ.kZ iz.e ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region. {ks= dh egRoiw.k LFkku Venue No. {ks= dh izeq[k Qlyksa ij lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku 49 9 -11 Sep 2013 13&15 flrEcj 2013 37 13-15 Sep 2013 8- 9- dYys QwVus dh voLFkk ¼uk'khtho .ksa ds fy.k] lhrkiqj] mÙkj izn's k Krishi Vigyan Kendra-II.ksx½ 03 tqykbZ 2013 Pre-nursery workshop (Judicious use of pesticides) 03 July 2013 izfrjksi. Sitapur. Gaurigunj. Tripura Centre at Lembucherra 24 vkSjhiqj xkao] xkSjhxat] mÙkj izn's k Village Oripur. Umiam Integrated Pest Management on Major Crops of NEH Region 7- c[kkfj.kiqj Swadesh village Manipur 48 Ñf"k foKku dsUnz&II] dfr. lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku 19&22 uoEcj 2013 Integrated Pest Management for Progressive Farmers of Tripura 19-22 Nov 2013 vxys Qlyhdj.k] if'peh pEikju] fcgkj Bakharia. UP 75 20-22 Nov 2013 izKku Hkou] vxjryk Pragyan Bhawan. West Champaran.ksx esa tkudkjh lk>k djuk 28 vDVwcj 2013 Knowledge sharing in Pesticide use and application 28 Oct 2013 f=iqjk ds iz{ks= inkfèkdkfj. Uttar Pradesh 54 iwoksZÙkj ioZrh. Katia. lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku 20&22 uoEcj 2013 HkkÑvuqi] ukxkySM a dsUnz] >jukikuh ICAR.ksx o vuqiz. Sitapur. Bihar IPM in Important Crops of NEH Region of India 6- vksjhiqj xkao] xkSjhxat] mÙkj izn's k 22 Lons'k xkao] ef.k ij vkbZih. of participants 46 Ñf"k foKku dsUnz&II] dfr. Nagaland Centre.k] lhrkiqj] mÙkj izn's k Krishi Vigyan Kendra-II. izf'k{k. Lucknow.p] lh.NCIPM ekuo lalk/u fodkl (. {ks= ifjlj] mes. Katia.k ¼tSo&dkjdksa dk iz. Uttar Pradesh 2- lw=Ñfe lacèa kh leL. Topic fnukad Date pkoy dh Qly esa vkbZih. Gaurigunj.e dk izHkko 29 tuojh 2014 Impact of IPM on next cropping sequence 29 Jan 2014 fdlkuksa ds vuqHko rFkk iz{ks= nkSjk 21 Qjojh 2014 Farmers experiences and field visit 21 Feb 2014 56 iwoksZÙkj {ks= HkkÑvuqi vuqlèa kku ifjlj] f=iqjk dsUnz] ysEcqpjs k ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region.kZ Qlyksa esa vkbZih. Agartala Integrated Pest Management for Field Functionaries of Tripura 10- 11- 12- f=iqjk ds mUur'khy fdlkuksa ds fy. CSSRI. Shimoga Dist).kstu Trainings / Farmers' field / day Ø-laS. Uttar Pradesh 82 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 .Z'kkyk ¼dhVuk'kdksa dk foosdiw.e 9&11 flrEcj 2013 38 Village Oripur.lvkjvkbZ] y[kuÅ] mÙkj izn's k CISH. No.a rFkk mudk izcèa ku 13 twu 2013 Nematode problems and their management 13 June 2013 87 'kdqukgyh] lksjkck rkyqdk] ftyk f'keksxk] dukZVd Shakunahalli (Soraba tq.k vuqØe. 1- fo"k.l. Jharnapani iwoksZÙkj ioZrh.k.k rFkk iz{ks=k fnolksa dk vk.ksx½ 16 vxLr 2013 Transplanting (Use of bio-agents) 16 Aug 2013 Hkkjr ds iwoksZÙkj ioZrh. .lds. lw=Ñfe dh igpku djus gsrq tkx:drk fnol LFkku Venue . lw=Ñfe dk izcèa ku 15 ekpZ 2014 Rice Root-Knot Nematode Management 15 Mar 2013 182 fcMkjs xkao] f'keksxk] dukZVd Bidare Village.. KVK.kk .w.oa jktLFkku esa ljlks& a rksfj.w] dsohds] uoxkao] vyoj ¼jktLFkku½ SKNAU.l] f'keksxk UHAS.oa vkbZih.ksa dk gLrkukarj. Shimoga Nematode Awareness Day Identification of Nematode Management 15- pkoy esa tM+ foxyu ds fy. Navgaon.k | Human Resource Development and Transfer of IPM Technologies Ø-la- fo"k. of participants 13- gfj. Karnataka okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 83 . Alwar (Rajasthan) 14 ekpZ 2014 152 14 Mar 2014 .ekuo lalkèku fodkl .k S.u.k ds LDysjksfVfu.k.k foxyu ds izcèa ku ij ljlks]a iz{ks= fnol 05 ekpZ 2014 250 05 Mar 2014 Mustard Field Day on management of Sclerotinia rot of rapeseed-mustard in Haryana and Rajasthan 14- lw=Ñfe izcèa ku ds fy.e izkS|ksfxfd. Topic Date No.ksa dh la[. No.p. fnukad izfrHkkfx. Shimoga. Centre's website and all the web applications are successfully running on these servers. In the last 3-4 years.wVj vuqi.ksx'kkyk dsUnz ds ikl .a vkSj ?kVukØe Facilities and Events iqLrdky. osc ds :i esa lsok iznku djrs gSAa bu loZjksa esa dsUnz dh osclkbV rFkk osc ds lHkh vuqi.koÙkk ds fu. tuZyksa dk vfHknku djrk gS] ftlds dkj. tkrs gSAa .l ihbZ 2900 lfEefyr gSa tks Qly MkVkcsl vkSj esy ds fy.ds.e vkSj ikni laj{k. .kq vkSj QQwna izfrjksèkh laxzfgr gS(a vkSj tSodkjdksa ds ukfHkd laoèkZuksa dh iwjs ns'k esa QhYM ijh{k. Ñf"k Kku izcaèku bdkbZ (.ds.evkbZ. Library dsUnz dh iqLrdky. Centre has established its own server facility consisting of four servers for crop database and e-mail. lkfgR.keksa dks lfEefyr djrs gSAa . ij tSodkjdksa dh O.kksa dk iz.kljr gSA foxr 3&4 o"kks± esa dsUnz us ns'k dh egRoiw.fer :i ls lkekf.kid mRiknu izkS|ksfxdh rFkk laHkkfod m|fe.kZ.rk ds ihNs ih.ksxh gSAa uSnkfud (MkbXuksfLVd) iz. statistics and chemistry. dsUnz us Lo.l ykbu baVjusV lEidZ ls vuqjf{kr fd.kZ Qlyksa ds lacèa k esa bZ&uk'khtho fuxjkuh esa nLrd nh gSA vkbZVh vkèkkfjr dk.k fn.ksDrk fgrS"kh fo'ks"kK ra=ksa dks fodflr djus esa Hkh lac) a gSA vkbZih.a=. fuekZ. annual reviews and abstracts. For successful implementation of the IT-based programmes.w) vkèkqfud vkbZlhVh midj.e.k tkrk gSA laLFkku ds 50 esy ckWDl 24 .oa lkaf[. z ksx lQyrkiwod Z lapkfyr gks jgs gSAa bl osclkbV esa lwpukvksa dks fu.l rFkk vU. computer applications. covering various aspects of agriculture including integrated pest management.g dsUnz vkbZih.k] okf"kZd iqujh{k. 50 mailboxes of institute staff are maintained with 24 mbps line internet connectivity.fer :i ls vusd varjkZ"Vªh.w izdks"B iz.ekofy.oa jk"Vªh. z ksxks]a vkfFkZd .j fu.k dsUnz dk iqLrdky.kksa rFkk lkj&laxgz ksa ds lacèa k esa fu.d fd.k tkrk gSA 84 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Agriculture Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU) Institute is actively engaged in development of webbased databases and information systems on different aspects of IPM using latest ICT tools.NCIPM lqfo/k.u ds fy. esa ikni laj{k.kZ dhV jksxk.k ds fy.d laxgz gS] ftlesa egRoiw. lkWVos. Information on NCIPM web site is updated regularly.k ds {ks= esa uohure izdk'ku fo|eku gSAa The Library of the Centre now has more than 2446 books.e ds fofHkUu vk.e dh yksdfiz.kZUo.ZØeksa ds lQy dk.echih.ka miyCèk gS]a tks uk'khtho izcèa ku] dEI.a dh loZj lqfoèkk LFkkfir dh gS] ftlesa nks MSy loZj & . encyclopedia and manuals. . the Centre has ventured into e-pest surveillance in important crops of the country.ksa dks tSo dhVuk'kdksa dh xq. laLFkku vkbZih.. NCIPM regularly subscribes several journals on plant protection. Diagnostic laboratory NCIPM has a diagnostic and microbial laboratory and has a repository of important insect pathogens and fungal antagonists. vkiwfrZ dh tkrh gSA le. esa 2446 ls vfèkd iqLrds]a fo'odks"k vkSj fu.k ij izf'k{k. PMIS and other softwares useful for decision making on IPM popularisation. economic.k gsrq dkQh mi. Trainings on mass production technology of bioagents and quality control of biopesticides to prospective entrepreneurs are taken up from time to time. :i ls iz. dh n`f"V ls lEiUu gSA iqLrdky.e.&le.u foKku lfgr Ñf"k ds vusd vk. AKMU Cell is also engaged in developing user-friendly expert systems.dh rFkk jlk. and the nucleus cultures of bioagents are supplied for field testing purposes across the Nation. thus enriching the literature facility regularly.keksa ij osc vkèkkfjr MkVkcslksa vkSj lwpuk ra=ksa ds fodkl esa lfØ.ksx djrs gq. k gSA ih.ksa esa ifj"kn dks ekfld dSfcusV izfrosnu Hkstuk] dsUnz ds lHkh inkfèkdkfj. Ex Vice. Director.{krk esa jklukizds esa 29&30 ekpZ] 2013 dks gqbZ MkW.lh) dh cSBd vkj. specifically the success achieved in surveillance programme in Maharashtra and initiation of ICT-based project in Malawi.kA cSBd esa jklukizds ds vuqlèa kkfud dk.ts. recommendations were made regarding further improvement of programmes of NCIPM. 14 and 22 May 2013 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Submission of monthly cabinet..d] MkW. MPUAT.ZØeksa ds lkFk&lkFk vkbZvkjlh dh fiNyh . Dr PS Birthal. us cSBd esa Hkkx fy.pV~Vksikè.. six-monthly targets and achievements of the scientists (HYPM) of the Centre to the Council are the other activities of the PME cell. Sending monthly cabinet report to the council.. The committee also approved the action taken report on recommendations of last RAC.pV~Vksikè.ebZ izdks"B }kjk ekfld dSfcusV] =Sekfld rFkk v)Z&okf"kZd izxfr izfronsu] oSKkfudksa ds Ms. izkoèkku vkSj izf'k{k.Vh] mn.lh dh cSBd MkW.lh dh . NCIPM as members.k] fuxjkuh vkSj ewY. provision of material for DARE report of the scientists to the Council and processing proposal for training/ seminar/symposia/ conference are carried out through PME Cell.ebZ izdks"B) izkFkehdhdj. Research Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting Meeting of the RAC was held during 29-30 Apr 2013 at NCIPM under the Chairmanship of Dr SS Chahal.jsMM ~ h] MkW.a vkSj ?kVukØe | Facilities and Events izkFkehdhdj. The research programmes of the institute were presented and evaluated.ds uk. xfrfofèk.j izfrosnuksa dks ifj"kn dks izLrqr djus ds fy.ebZ izdks"B dh vU.ksa dk vuqeksnu fd.l.Zokfg.lh. annual report material to Council for DARE report.iqj dh vè. C. Chattopadhyay. Monitoring and Evaluation Cell (PME cell) (ih.oa 22 ebZ] 2013 ds nkSjku gqbAZ dsUnz ds izxfr'khy vuqlèa kku dk.k x.k x. flQkfj'ksa dh xb±A rRi'pkr ifj"kn }kjk cSBd dh dk.kstukvksa vkSj dk. Dr P Reddy.ZØeksa esa vkSj vfèkd lqèkkj ykus ds fy.k. izLrkoksa dks izkl s l s fd.k x. of all the officials of the Centre.l.{krk esa laLFkku vuqlèa kku lfefr dh cSBd 13&14 . vkSj ifj"kn dks oSKkfudksa ds v)Z&okf"kZd ¼.vkj.fojFky] MkWVh.k. Udaipur as Chairman along with Dr RJ Rabindra.. Technical programme for 2013-14 was finalized thereafter.pokbZih. ifj"kn dks okf"kZd izfrosnu lkexzh] v)Z&okf"kZd y{.j izfrosnu ds fy.lh.e.eih.k vkSj mudh leh{kk dh xbZ( dsUnz ds dk.kadu izdks"B ¼ih.ZØeksa Prioritisation.k fd. NCIPM.] funs'kd] jk"Vªh.e½ miyfCèk.k] fuxjkuh vkSj ewY.jfoUnzk] MkW.k½] HkkÑvuqi rFkk jklukizds ds funs'kd MkW.kA laLFkku vuqlaèkku lfefr (vkbZvkjlh) MkW.Vhvkj The meeting of the IRC was held on 13..ksa dks Hkstuk 'kkfey gSA vuqlaèkku lykgdkj lfefr (vkj.egkfuns'kd ¼ikni laj{k. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 85 . vfHkys[kksa dks iz'u .oa mÙkj Qkby ds :i esa vuqjf{kr fd.ih. The ongoing research programmes of the Centre were reviewed and evaluated along with Action Taken Report of last IRC meeting along with necessary suggestions. Dr MK Naik.kA lfefr us fiNyh vkj.l.k x.ZØeksa ds vfHkys[kksa dks vuqjf{kr djrk gSA lalnh.w.'kekZ] MkW.vkj.lqfo/kk. lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku dsUnz dh vè.jktsUnzu] lgk.ih.ebZ izdks"B½ dsUnz ds lHkh vuqlèa kku ifj. Dr TP Rajendran ADG (PP) and Director.Vhvkj fjiksVZ dk vuqeksnu fd.k gSA ih. quarterly and half yearly progress reports. etc.kadu izdks"B Prioritisation.pgy] mi&dqyifr ¼lsokfuo`RRk½ .ksa ds izLrkoksa dks izkl s l s dj vkxs Hkstuk] ifj"kn dks =Sekfld izxfr izfrosnu Hkstuk] Ms. Dr AR Sharma. Parliamentary records have been maintained in the form of question and answer file.. sending 'Quarterly Progress Report' to the Council.ih.k@lsfeukj@laxks"Bh@lEesyu ds fy. The Director complimented the scientists for achievements of the Centre. The Council has subsequently approved the proceedings of the meeting. Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) cell maintains records of all the research projects and programmes of the Centre. Various projects.Chancellor. processing and sending proposals. Institute Research Committee (IRC) meeting dk izLrqrhdj. wvkjVh us ¼izk-s vuqie oekZ] izk-s .kstuk 'kq: djus ds fy. It was also suggested that along with carbofuran and Pseudomonas fluorescens.d lq>koksa ds lkFk iqujh{k.] MkW.ksx esa ijoy . where NISPM . the team addressed about 50 farmers gathered for nematode awareness and management practices in Boro rice.pVthZ rFkk MkW. Dr.kadu fd.-.rwey w Hkh D.kksa rFkk chlhdsoh dY.wvkjVh Vhe us csgrj ifj. tkus dh lykg nhA if'pr caxky ds 24 ijxuk ¼mÙkj½ ds jkepUnzijq e esa D. Second application of T. rduhdh dk. viride in pointed gourd was suggested by QRT for better results.kA funs'kd us dsUnz dh miyfCèk.iVsy . A.fofjMh ds leku izHkko ns[ks x.k x.k.] MkW.l ls MkW. Chatterjee and Dr.g Hkh lq>ko fn.lh.raoj rFkk .u. Patel & Prof. Prof.k ds 21 fnuksa ds ckn dkcksQ Z jq ku 0-3 xzk.3 g a.oa izk-s oh. Patil.V.ksa ds vuqlkj cSx a u esa tM+&foxyu jksx dks de djus esa ulZjh esa VªkbdksMekZ fofjMh 7-5 fdxzkizfr ¼if'pe caxky½ ds lg. Dr. Chirasree Ganguly.k rFkk o"kZ 2013&14 ds fy.Zuhfr. At Ramchandrapur in 24 Parganas (N). Kumar) visited field trials on pest dynamics being carried out under NICRA programme in Boro rice in collaboration with Rice Research Station.wvkjVh Vhe us cksjks pkoy esa lw=Ñfe ds ckjs esa tkx:drk rFkk izcaèku fofèk.vkj. vk.] fo'ks"k :i ls egkjk"Vª esa fuxjkuh dk.w vkuan ls MkW.kkeksa ds fy.k x.A vkbZih. Bengal) and root-knot nematode management trial conducted in pointed gourd (Parwal) and brinjal crops in collaboration with BCKV.] izk-s ch-oh. [ksr esa dkcksQ Z jq ku vkSj L.ksftr tM+ xkaB lw=Ñfe izcèa ku ijh{k.dh nj ls+ . Mukhopadhyay.wvkjVh Vhe us xqtjkr ds oMksnjk ftys esa èkkor xkao dk nkSjk fd. Mid-term IRC was held during 2526 Oct 2013 to review the research programmes going on in the Centre. ijoy esa Vh. Roy. S. V.k x.J.ZØeksa dh leh{kk djus ds fy.ds.A D..ZdrkZvksa dks feykdj ikap dk.ksa dks tkuus&le>us ds fy.kA Vhe us . Kalyani (W.l.k tk ldrk gSA fnukad 07 vxLr] 2013 dks D. Paecilomyces lilacinus may also be tried for nematode management in nursery and main field.wMkseksul Qyksjl s l as ds lkFk&lkFk isflyksekblsl fyykflul Hkh iz. Prof. Quinquennial Review Team (QRT): 2008-14 On 23 April 2013 the QRT (Prof.e dh dk. tk jgs iz{ks= ijh{k.K. viride was also observed in pointed gourd.] vkuan ds lg. IPM interventions in brinjal crop involving the application of Trichoderma viride @ 7.ZØeksa ds vèkhu fopkj&foe'kZ fd.jkW.kA blh izdkj ls ijoy ds lacèa k esa Hkh Vh. On 7 Aug 2013.kstu fd. B.fofjMh ds nwljh ckj iz. Similar effect of T.e ¼chVh dikl½ ifj.ikfVy] izk-s Mh-ts. ¼fuØk½ dk. fnukad 25&26 vDVwcj] 2013 ds nkSjku eè.kA jklukizds esa izxfr'khy vuqlèa kku dk. S.pV~Vksikè.cksjkM] MkW.k x.N.ksx rFkk jksi.ZØe rFkk eykoh esa vkbZlhVh vkèkkfjr ifj.ksa ds fy. Anupam Varma.uvkbZlhvkj. D.ksa ij pyk. ulZjh vkSj eq[.kstuk py jgh gSA jklukizds ls MkW.NCIPM fjiksVZ dk vko'.kofèk vkbZvkjlh dh cSBd dk vk.dqekj½ pkoy vuqlèa kku dsUnz] fpulqjk] if'pe caxky ds lg.wvkjVh Vhe us fnukad 23 flrEcj] 2013 dks dukZVd ds fcnj ftys esa gqeukckn CykWd ds varxZr exny xkao dk Hkh 86 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 including the externally-funded ones and major activities of the Centre were deliberated in the meeting under five programmes.l. Prof. the QRT visited Dhawat village located in Vadodara district of Gujarat.izfr ikni dk iz.k .oa cSx a u dh Qlyksa ij vk.eq[kksik/...ksx fd.fpjkJh xkaxy q h] oSKkfud us Vhe dh vxqokbZ dh vkSj cksjks pkoy esa nks LFkkuksa ij ijh{k.k dk nkSjk fd.k.ksx fd.ZØeksa dks vafre :i fn.QokbZ. ize[q k dk.ksx izHkkodkjh ik.k x.kstukvksa vkSj vU.k. Bengal).kA iapo"khZ.k fn[kk.oa ewY.wvkjVh) 2008&14 fnukad 23 vizSy 2013 dks D..izfr gs-s dk iz.k] tgka vkuan Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky.ksx esa cksjks pkoy esa . Scientists from RRS led the team and showed the trials at two locations in Boro rice. yxHkx 50 fdlkuksa dks lacksfèkr fd./plant at 21 days after planting was found effective in reducing root-knot nematodes in brinjal.5 kg/ ha + FYM @ 375 kg/ha in nursery followed by application of carbofuran @ 0.ds.uvkbZ.wvkjVh Vhe ds lkFk xkao ds nkSjs esa 'kkfey FksA D.e 375 fdxzk. oSKkfudksa dks cèkkbZ nhA cSBd esa dsUnz dh cká ifj.lih.HkkjiksMk+ rFkk MkW.ZØe ds varxZr uk'khtho dh xfrfof/k. i.k fd lw=Ñfe ds izcèa ku ds fy. leh{kk Vhe (D. Chinsurah (W.kA vkjvkj.ksx esa . k (Bt cotton) project activities are being carried out in collaboration with Anand Agricultural University.wvkjVh Vhe us cEckoM xkao ¼ftyk xkSre cq) uxj] mÙkj izn's k½ esa cklerh pkoy esa cM+s iSekus ij pyk.k tgka vkbZih. fjdkMZ vuqjf{kr djus pkfg.ZØe ¼2008&11½ dk Hkh nkSjk fd. Anand. The QRT also visited Magadal village of Humnabad block in Bidar district of Karnataka on 23 Sep 2013.Hkwfe½ ds vjgj ds [ksr dk nkSjk fd. 'kq"d {ks= Ñf"k vuqlèa kku laLFkku] gSnjkckn ds oSKkfudks]a vFkkZr MkW. On 27 Sep 2013.k tk jgk FkkA Vhe us vkbZih.k fd.rk ij vk. NICRA group meetings Crop-wise group meetings of the 'Pest Dynamics in relation to Climate Change [Target Crops: Rice.wvkjVh Vhe us Hkh cklokjkt xknh ¼1-2 gs.e izkS|ksfxdh ds izHkko ds ckjs esa tkudkjh yhA D.l jko ¼vkjVhihMh% vjgj½ vkSj .ksa us lgHkkfxrk dhA MkW. Chattopadhyay.e izk| S ksfxdh ds vaxhdj. Tanwar and Mr. MkVkcsl* gsrq ekax a ksa dk izLrqrhdj.e ds izkS|ksfxdh ds v{kq.k vkSj 50 fdlkuksa ls ckr dhA .e ijh{k. Je ykxr dks Hkh tksMu+ s dk lq>ko fn. Dr.k D. [kpZ fd. The team visited pigeon pea field of Sh.okbZth izlkn ¼vkjVhihMh & pkoy½] MkW.l] jk..k fd vkbZih. C.Z dh izxfr dk fooj. x. x.. MkW. O.k fd.k fd lHkh fdlkuksa dks fofHkUu enksa ds Ø.k] jklukizds esa ihvkbZ ¼fuØk½ }kjk ^vkjVhihMh dh fLFkfr rFkk 2012&13 ds fy. R.ohjsUnz dqekj us lq>ko fn.k. The farmers were further advised to include the labour cost of family members while calculating the benefit /cost ratio as most of the farmers do not include their own efforts as cost in wages.ksftr IYl dk. Borad. New Delhi.wvkjVh Vhe ds lnL. Bharpoda and Dr.a vkSj ?kVukØe | Facilities and Events nkSjk fd.lqfo/kk. Hyderabad Drs YG Prasad (RTPD-Rice). Anand also joined the team during their visit to the village.pV~Vksikè. ds fy. Virender Kumar. Groundnut & Tomato]' under National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) 2013-14 were held on various dates with the participation of associates from Centers of Real Time Pest Dynamics (RTPD) across the country at NCIPM.ksfx..K.ksfa d vfèkdrj fdlku . One progressive farmer informed that as a result of adoption of IPM technology he could get higher yields than non-IPM farmers. and scientists from Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA). Ñf"k tyok. Tumool from AAU.k izLrqr fd.k x. The team also visited pulse programme (2008-11) carried out at Afzalpur village in Gulbarga on 24 Sep 2013.ksa ds lkFk ckr dh vkSj vkbZih. rFkk Qly ekSle ds var esa 'kq) ykHk ds ifjdyu ds fy.k ijh{k.A mUgksua s fdlkuksa dks ykxr ykHk vuqikr dk ifjdyu djrs gq.kkeLo:i mls xSj&vkbZih. Pigeonpea.q izfrLdanh igy 'kfDr (fuØk) cSBdsa jk"Vªh. where IPM trial is being carried out in pigeon pea.2 ha) and interacted with 50 farmers. mlesa ifjokj }kjk fd.wvkjVh Vhe us ..k ds ifj.k] tgka vjgj ij vkbZih.ksa ds :i esa lgHkkfxrk dh rFkk lekiu l=ksa dh vè. C.{krk dh vkSj dsUnzh.q ifjorZu ds lacèa k esa uk'khthoksa dh lfØ.{krk Hkh dhA .d mUur'khy fdlku us crk. tk jgs oSèkhdj. Dr.w. Basavaraj Gadi (1.y Vkbe MkbukfeDl dsUnzkas ¼vkjVhihMh½ ds lg.ZØe pyk.k x.e.k vkSj mUur'khy fdlkuksa rFkk Ñf"k foKku dsUnzkas ds deZpkfj.l nslkbZ ¼vkjVhihMh% ewx a Qyh vkSj VekVj½ us bu cSBdksa esa leh{kk lnL. Director (NCIPM) chaired the inaugural sessions. interacted with KVK staff and progressive farmers.k tk jgk gSA D. Chattopadhyay. S. Dr.e dk. QRT visited large-scale validation trial in Basmati rice being carried out in Bambawad village (Distt.krk dh iz'kalk dhA fnukad 27 flrEcj] 2013 dks D. Member QRT suggested that all the farmers should maintain records for calculating the expenditure incurred on purchasing different items and net gain at the end of crop season.lh.q ifjorZu ds lacèa k esa uk'khtho lfØ. Gautam Budh Nagar. UP).e fdlkuksa dh rqyuk esa vfèkd ykHk izkIr gqvkA fnukad 24 flrEcj] 2013 dks Vhe us xqycxkZ esa vQty xkao esa vk.k dk nkSjk fd.P.] funs'kd ¼jklukizd½s us mn~?kkVh.kA D. The team also visited UAS. l=ksa dh vè. Dr. d`f"k tyok.|fi lacfa èkr vkjVhihMh dsUnz ds vuqlèa kku drkZvksa }kjk dk. Dr.pwj dk Hkh nkSjk fd.slk ugha djrs gSa vkSj etnwjh ykxr esa vius Je dks 'kkfey ugha djrs gSAa jk"Vªh. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 87 . Raichur where chilli IPM programme was going on and IPM technology sustainability was admired by the QRT.ksftr lewg cSBdsa ¼2013&14½ %jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyh esa fuØk ds varxZr fofHkUu rkjh[kksa ds nkSjku ^tyok.ksftr dh xb± ftuesa ns'k ds leLr Hkkxksa ls fj.rk* Qly% pkoy] vjgj] ewx a Qyh vkSj VekVj ij Qly ds vuqlkj lewg cSBdsa vk. where the team learnt about the impact of IPM technology. Singh from NCIPM and Dr.q izfrLdanh igy'kfDr ¼fuØk½ ds varxZr tyok. Mehrauli during 2013-14 were discussed. ppkZ dh xbZA cSBdksa dh vuqeksfnr dk. Discussion and finalization of work plan for 2013-14. While summary of work progress was presented by the researcher of the respective RTPD center.kstuk ds vara xZr eykoh ¼vQzhdk½ esa vkbZlhVh vk/kkfjr uk'khtho fuxjkuh ij lgefr Kkiu ij gLrk{kj fd. .k gSA laLFkku izcaèku lfefr (vkbZ. Institute Management Committee (IMC) meeting bl cSBd ds midj.rk dk. Approved proceedings with general and specific recommendations in respect of target crops have been communicated to all the RTPD centres and NCIPM team members for implementation. for project "Technical Assistance Programme for Cotton in Africa" Implementation of ICT based Pest Surveillance in Malawi (Africa) on 18 Sep 2013. ekStnw FksA MS Rao (RTPD: Pigeonpea) and S Desai (RTPD: Groundnut & Tomato) participated as review members. dk..l dyLVlZ fy.Zokfg.ksa ds vykok bl lfefr ds vU.kA jklukizds us 18 flrEcj 2013 dks vkbZ.ds lkFk **vQzhdk esa dikl ij rduhdh lgk.ZØe fnukad lgHkkfx.M .oa 24 Qjojh] 2014 dks vk. The proceedings of IMC have been put up for further approval by the Council. vuqeksfnr dk.k Programme Dates No.kA NCIPM signed MoU with CRRI.j dh laLFkkiuk dk izn'kZu rFkk fjiksfV±x flLVse dh osc vkèkkfjr fof'k"Vrkvksa dks vafre :i nsus ds fy.kZUo.ks± ds izLrkoksa ij ppkZ dhA blds vykok 2013&14 ds Iyku ctV ds rgr . izLrqr dh xbZ gSA Centre held its twelfth and thirteenth IMC meetings under the chairmanship of Director. and chaired the concluding sessions. the status of budget utilization and re-allocation of funds within the same sub-head under Plan budget of 201314 was reviewed. lgefr Kkiu ij gLrk{kj fd.ksZ ds fy.s tkus okys fuekZ. lgefr Kkiu Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) jklukizds us 20 twu 2013 dks lhvkjvkjvkbZ] dVd ds lkFk varj&laLFkku dk.u ds fy. Important proposals on the list of equipment for procurement and civil works to be undertaken at Rajpur Khurd.k dk. Additionally. of participants pkoy@Rice 26 Jul 2013 20 vjgj@Pigeonpea 30 Jul 2013 23 ewaxQyh@Groundnut 2 Aug 2013 20 VekVj@Tomato 6 Aug 2013 19 x.ksftr dh ftlesa bl dsUnz ds iz'kklfud o oSKkfud deZpkfj.elh) dh cSBd dsUnz us viuh vkbZ. respectively wherein all the members were present in addition to the administrative and scientific staff of NCIPM.kksa dh lwph dh [kjhn o 2013&2014 ds nkSjku jktiqj [kqnZ] egjkSyh esa fd.k x.Z .y . and of web-enabled features of reporting system were held. :i ls rFkk yf{kr Qlyksa ds lacèa k esa fof'k"V flQkfj'kksa ds dk.NCIPM dk.ZØe** ifj.kstuk] fuØk ¼vkjVhihMh½ xzkgd lkW¶Vos.kA o"kZ 2013&14 ds fy.Q.ksa ds lkekU.ksa dks leLr vkjVhihMh dsUnzkas rFkk jklukizds ds Vhe ds lnL.{krk esa 24 vDVwcj 2013 .elh dh cSBd jklukizds ds funs'kd dh vè.d mi'kk[kk ds Hkhrj ctV ds mi..ksa dks laifsz "kr fd. and demonstration of installation of NICRA (RTPD) client software. NCIPM on 24 Oct 2013 and 24 Feb 2014. Cuttack for inter-institutional work on 20 June 2013.ksx vkSj èku dk iqu% vkoaVu dh fLFkfr dh leh{kk dh xbZA vkbZ.Zokgh ifj"kn }kjk vkxs vuqeksnu ds fy. 88 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 NCIPM signed MoU with IL & FS Clusters Ltd.Zokfg.ksa dh la[.elh dh dk. lnL. the 'status of RTPD and requirements for data base for 2012-13' was put forth by PI (NICRA) at NCIPM. k NCIPM has been certified ISO 9001: 2008 Institute on 18 March 2014 okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 89 .k x.lqfo/kk.a vkSj ?kVukØe | Facilities and Events jklukizds us 23 fnlEcj 2013 dks vkbZthdsoh] jk. Raipur on 23 Dec. efgyk fnol jk"Vªh. lgefr Kkiu ij gLrk{kj fd. 2013 for collaborative research and thesis work.lvks 9001%2008 laLFkku izek.kA dsUnz ds lHkh efgyk LVkQ us . International Women's Day varjjk"Vªh.kA Women's Cell of the National Centre for Integrated Pest Management.oa ys[k dk. efgyk fnolÞ euk.iqj ds lkFk lg.ksxh vuql/a kku .dtqV gksdj bl volj dks 'kkunkj <ax ls euk. jklukizds dks 18 ekpZ] 2014 dks vkbZ.kA NCIPM signed MoU with iznku fd.Z ds fy. New Delhi celebrated International Women's Day on 7 Mar 2014 with the spirit of get together of all the women staff of NCIPM. lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku dsUnz] ubZ fnYyh ds efgyk izdks"B us vius dsUnz ds ifjlj esa 7 ekpZ] 2014 dks Þvarjjk"Vªh. e 1976 ds fofHkUu izko/kkuksa ds vuqikyu ij fo'ks"k /.kno] Ikz/kku oSKkfud Rk`rh.½ izFke Jh jktsUnz dqekj 'kkg] dq'ky Lkgk.fpjaru pÍksik/.kZUo.Þ Rk`rh.kZUo.krk izkIr vf/kdkfj.e-.h deZpkjh Rk`rh. dq. ikB IkzFke Jh .uosn lkfcj] Ikz/kku oSKkfud fo"k.e-. Jh egs'k dqekj] dq'ky Lkgk.oa vU.. % ÞHkkjr esa lkEiznkf.e 1963] jktHkk"kk fu.ksfxrk iqjLdkj fotsrkvksa ds Ukke .vkj-oh-flag] Okfj"B oSKkfud fuca/k lkaRouk IkzFke Jh . jktHkk"kk lalnh. MkW. vfrfFk ds :Ik esa Jh lqftr dqekj fe=k] funs'kd ¼Qly foKku½ Hkkd`vuqIk] Ø-la- Ikzfr.q f}rh.u ds izlkj gsrq fganh izdks"B }kjk Hkjiwj iz.kstu funs'kd ¼jktHkk"kk½] Hkkd`vuqi ds funs'Z kkuqlkj fnuk¡d 30 flrEcj] 2013 ls 06 vDVwcj] 2013 rd euk.h deZpkjh lkaRouk MkW.u lfefr dh =Sekfld cSBdksa esa Hkh bl ij ppkZ dh tkrh gSA fgUnh psruk lIrkg 2013 dk vk. MkW.kA fnuk¡d 30 flrEcj] 2013 dks lekjksg dk mn?kkVu MkW.ksa dh lsokfuo`fÙk vk.e 1963 dh /kkjk 3 (3) dk vuqikyu lqfuf'pr djus] fganh esa izoh. % Þljdkjh deZpkfj.l-ih.k tk jgk gSA jktHkk"kk vf/kfu. x.l-.d eq[.&1 MkW.HkV~V] Ikz/kku oSKkfud 2 3 4 5 90 jktHkk"kk uhfr .ksa ds fy.h deZpkfj.u.k tk jgk gSA dsUnz }kjk uxj jktHkk"kk dk. dk..h deZpkjh Okkn&fookn izFke MkW.oa ekuuh.rk Hkh xzg.oa jktHkk"kk dk.kA lekjksg esa eq[. gSa .ksa }kjk fganh esa dk.d lnHkkouk cuk. x.kstu jk"Vªh. Rkduhdh vf/kdkjh f}rh.l-ih-flag] lgk.u dk. Jh jktdqekj] dq'ky Lkgk..u lfefr dh lnL. lfefr dh nwljh milfefr dks fn.ds.oa lkekU.k x.kZUo.d eq[.kl fd. fu/kkZfjr y{.k x.NCIPM jktHkk"kk Rajbhasha jktHkk"kk dk. Jh jkds'k dqekj] oSKkfud Rk`rh. Jh lrh'k ckcw c<+kusa ds izHkkoÞ Rk`rh. Rkduhdh vf/kdkjh f}rh.Zokgh djus gsrq le. vk'okluksa ij dk.eqd's k lgxy] iz/kku oSKkfud fo"k.kZUo.k dh xbZ gSA dsUnz esa jktHkk"kk vf/kfu.flag] lgk. Kku IkzFke Jh .Q- ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 .Z bl dsUnz esa jktHkk"kk lac/a kh laoS/kkfud izko/kkuksa dk vuqikyu lqfuf'pr djus rFkk foHkkxh. tkap fcanv q ksa ds vuqikyu .&2 Jh egs'k dqekj] dq'ky Lkgk.k.d eq[.ka fy[kus] vaxt zs h esa izkIr Ik=ksa ds mRrj fganh esa nsus .h deZpkjh f}rh.uosn lkfcj] Ikz/kku oSKkfud Rk`rh.vxzoky] Ikz'kklfud vf/kdkjh MkW. ij vko'.ulhe vgen] lgk.l-vkj-.ksa dh izkfIr djus] feflyksa ij fganh esa vf/kd ls vf/kd fVIif.ksaZ esa jktHkk"kk dk.] funs'kd dh v/.d funs'Z k tkjh fd.fgeka'kh iaokj] . dk.{krk esa fd. Jh egs'k dqekj] dq'ky Lkgk.oa Ikn 1 Jqfrys[k ¼dq'ky lgk.k.h deZpkjh dkO. MkW.ku fn. f}rh. lesfdr uk'khtho izcU/ku dsUnz] iwlk ubZ fnYyh esa fgUnh psruk lIrkg] 2013 dk vk.Z djus] jktHkk"kk foHkkx }kjk 2013&14 ds fy. Rkduhdh vf/kdkjh j[kus ds mik.kZy. k rFkk vkeaf=r vuqns'kd Jherh uhye esgrk] rduhdh vf/kdkjh] jklukizd]s iwlk] ubZ fnYyh Jherh lhek pksiM+k] mi funs'kd] ¼jktHkk"kk½] Hkkd`vuql]a iwlk] ubZ fnYyh MkW.ksa esa :fp iSnk djus .¼Jherh½ cksPpk >kalh y{eh FksA fujh{k.oa fofHkUu eqíksa ij dh xbZ dkjZokbZ .k.ksa .k tkrk jgk gSA fgUnh dk.k 12024@2@92&jk-Hkk-¼[k&2@3½ fnuka d 21@7@1992 }kjk tkjh fn'kk funs'Z kksa ds vuqlkj fuEu izdkj fd.eqykuh] & lnL.ksftr dh xbZAa bu lHkh cSBdksa ds dk. d`f"k vuql/a kku Ikfj"kn] d`f"k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh dks izfs "kr dh xbZA jktHkk"kk ¼funs'kd½] }kjk bu fjiksVksaZ dh leh{kk esa fn.k x.k x.kno] funs'kd] eDdk vuql/a kku funs'kky. gSAa Laklnh.ksa dh lgHkkfxrk c<+&p<+ dj jghA o"kZ 2013&14 esa fuEu fganh dk. lfpo izHkkjh fgUnh izdks"B fnukad 23@05@2013 30@09@2013 20@12@2013 dk.&le.kZUo.l vkWfQl bfUMd VwYl orZuh dk ekudhdj.Jherh lhek pksiM+k] mifuns'kd] & ljdkjh izfrfuf/k jktHkk"kk] Hkk-d`-v-la-] ubZ fnYyh 4. FksA lekiu lekjksg esa fganh psruk lIrkg ds nkSjku vk.e] jktHkk"kk fu. ij funs'kd ¼jktHkk"kk½] Hkkd`vuqIk] ubZ fnYyh dks Hkh voxr djk.ksa us Hkkx fy.kZUo.e. x.oa funs'Z kksa ds vuqikyu gsrq mfpr iz.oa izkS|ksfxdh foHkkx] izkS|ksfxdh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 91 .Z'kkyk dk fo"k. .Z'kkykvksa esa dsUnz ds vf/kdkfj.Z'kkykvksa dk vk.kstu fd.kZy.oa izxfr ls le.ks]a .ksa ij dk.ks@ a vuqHkkxksa ds & lnL.oa jktHkk"kk dk.Z fganh esa djus esa f>>d nwj djus gsrq izR.ZØe dk lapkyu fd. .ds. x.] funs'kd & v/. Jh lR.k ftlesa dsUnz ds lHkh Lrj ds oSKkfudksa vf/kdkfj.ozr prqonZs h th us dhA blds lnL.k x.{k] 2.kZUo.kZUo.u lfefr dh o"kZ 2013 esa fuEu cSBdsa fnukad 26@4@2013] 30@9@2013] 28@12@2013 .MkW. x.] jktHkk"kk foHkkx }kjk tkjh dk.leLr bdkbZ.kl fd.kA dk.A fgUnh vuqHkkx ds izHkkjh] Jh .k %& 1. esa izdk'k Mkyrs gq.Z' frekgh esa fofHkUu fo"k.a vk.eksa rFkk jktHkk"kk lEcU/kh vkns'kksa ds vuqikyu .k x.oa 22@3@2013 dks vk.ksa . vfHkizjs . x. lesfdr uk'khtho izcU/ku dsUnz dk jktHkk"kk lac/a kh fujh{k.u lfefr dh v/.{krk ekuuh.vks.ksftr djkbZ xbZA fgUnh ds iz. jktHkk"kk lfefr dh nwljh milfefr }kjk dsUnz ds fujh{k.u lfefr dk lnL.u lfefr dh cSBdsa dsUnz dh jktHkk"kk dk. dk.ksftr fd.fpjaru pÍksik/.kZUo.kA fnukad 05 vDVwcj] 2013 dks fganh psruk lIrkg dk lekiu lekjksg vk.jktHkk"kk | Rajbhasha funs'kd@v/.kA ftlesa MkW.] iwlk] ubZ fnYyh eq[.Jh .e .qDr funs'kd] foKku . cuus dk lq>ko fn.k izHkkjh@Vhe yhMj 3.Z'kkyk ubZ fnYyh mifLFkr gq.ksftr izfr.x. x.{krk esa jktHkk"kk dk.k Lkjdkjh dke&dkt fgUnh esa djus ds fy.ih.u dh izxfr ls lEcfU/kr frekgh fjiksVZ fu.k x.ksfxrkvksa dk vk.izes flag] lsok fuo`Rr la. dk.oa deZpkfj.oa vkys[ku jktHkk"kk ds izfr deZpkfj.kA fgUnh psruk lIrkg ds vUrxZr fofHkUu izfr.u lfefr dk iquxZBu Hkkjr ljdkj] x`g ea=ky.kstu djus ds fy.{k jktHkk"kk dk.e.oa dk.kZy.oa deZpkfj.A jktHkk"kk dk. fgUnh ds izfrf"Br fo}kuksa dks vkeaf=r fd. vfrfFk ds :Ik esa lknj vkeaf=r fd.k ds nkSjku bl lfefr us dsUnz dks uxj jktHkk"kk dk. Jh jes'k cSl] Jh j?kquna u 'kekZ rFkk MkW.kstu fd.dseqykuhs }kjk fgUnh psruk lIrkg ds fo"k.ZoR` r Hkh Ikfjpkfyr dj fn.kA bl lfefr dh v/.izes flag] lsok fuo`Rr la.qDr funs'kd] foKku .oa izkS|ksfxdh foHkkx] izkS|ksfxdh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh MkW.kA dk.fer :Ik ls funs'kd] ¼jktHkk"kk½] Hkkjrh.ksx ls lEcfU/r izxfr fjiksVZ jktHkk"kk vf/kfu.oa vf/kdkfj. lq>koksa . jktHkk"kk lfefr dh nwljh milafefr }kjk fnukad 17 vizSy] 2013 dks jk"Vªh.kZUo.k Laklnh.kk 22@02@2014 fVIi.k .ksfxrkvksa ds fotsrkvksa dks iqjLdkj Hkh forfjr fd. Kkiu la [ .k x.k fd.k x.Z'kkykvksa dk vk. fpjaru pÍksik/. dks jktHkk"kk lac/a kh dk. ds 'kwyA & Hkkjrsanq gfj'paæ 92 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 . jktHkk"kk lfefr us jklukizds ds funs'kd] MkW.k o lHkh izdk'ku f}Hkk"kh :Ik esa izdkf'kr djus ds fy.NCIPM dEI.A fut Hkk"kk mUufr vgS] lc mUufr dks ewy fcu fut Hkk"kk Kku ds] feVr uk fg. dqN ekxZn'kZu Hkh fn. izfs jr fd.ksaZ esa vkSj vf/kd lQyrk izkIr djus ds fy. dgkA Laklnh.k.wVj ij fgUnh esa dke djus ds fy. pV~Vksikè.ih.lksuuw ]s dsohds] [kkjiqMh] tkyuk] egkjk"Vª .e vtUrk fcjkg] ihvkbZ vkj. Roy.dikfj.ih. .lksuydj] ch.a Research Project ifj.flag (DOCD) R..ih.pkSÅxkyk] .l] vkjoh.ikfVy] dikl vuqHkkx] MkW. Sharma Ajanta Birah S. Venkatesan. S.kkfy.k] Ñf"k foKku dsUnz] isjecywj] rfeyukMq P.K.oa oSèkhdj.ds.raoj dk.p.P.l.e.iVsy] .ksa dk fodkl] izlkj vkSj lkoZtfudhdj.kk iz'kkar tkewydj] .jes'k ckcw .l] jktLFkku vkj.Zuhfr.l..l. West Bengal R..jkW.ihMhdsoh] Ñf"k uxj] vdksyk] egkjk"Vª .oa izkS|ksfxfd.ds.dY.l] fpulqjk] if'pe caxky S.flag emerging pests of cotton ih.e.'kkL=h] .lh.osudkUuk] osd a Vs'oj jko] dsohds] tkeqfudqVa k] djheuxj] vkaèkz izn's k oh. K.l.'k'kh dqekj] dsohds] VqdkjkRrh ry] xksdd] csyxe] dukZVd okbZ.l] ts. Tanwar O.l .e ekWM~.l.osadVs'ku] .k Synthesis and validation of IPM strategies of vks.kstuk.ds.w] {ks=h.nfg.l.d jk"Vªh.l. Bhagat C.fnO.ih.w] vkuan] xqtjkr ch.ZØe I % fofHkUu Ñf"k&ikfjra= {ks=ksa ds izeq[k mRiknu iz. Singh chVh dikl esa uk’khtho izcaèku ¼.ferdkjh] . P.] fojkfn.w] culokM+k] vkj..vkj..ldsohoh] [kk.vkj.'kekZ Development.k.'kekZ .ksa dk la'ys"k.Mok] eè. {ks= fof’k"V vkbZih.k .w]] fglkj] gfj.ku ¼MhvkslhMh½ National Information System for Pest vtark fcjkg Management (NISPM) in Bt Cotton: location fujatu flag specific IPM module and awareness campaigns .k] dsohds] eSu Mh.] vkjvkj. Chattopadhyay dikl esa mHkjus okys uk'khthoksa ds fy.. K. .raoj] ihvkbZ fy.fnO.k] dsohds] okyhdkunkiqje] isjecywj rfeyukMq okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 93 ..ksxh Name of the project Project leader and associates Collaborators lgHkkxh ¼dksyScksjsVj½ dk.raoj] ihvkbZ dk.Qvkj. Vennila Vikas Kanwar Ajanta Birah Niranjan Singh S.kstuk [email protected]½ ds vkj-ds.ds. jk”Vªh.k] vkj. Divya.ikjlsb]Z lhvkj.cjkj] lruke flag] ih.e-oh. lwpuk ra= % {ks= fof’k”V vkbZih. RRS.Hkxr strategies in different rice agro-ecosystems Lkh.wy .e ekWM~.uthvkj.uvkbZ.ksa ds K.k.nqxkZ izlkn] th-.ds.osd a Vs'ku] . izn's k oh.. Perambalur.-s th.Zuhfr.oa vkj.a | Research Project vuqlaèkkfud ifj.lSuh] Mhvksb]Z lhlh. usVodZ dh LFkkiuk Programme I: Establishment of a national network for development of area-specific IPM modules & technologies for the major production systems of different agro-ecological zones fofHkUu pkoy Ñf”k&ifjra=ksa esa {ks= fof’k”V vkbZih. KVK.HkkjiksMk] .kstuk.oh. dissemination and vtark fcjkg popularization of location-specific IPM .l. Tanwar PI S.k] jktdksV] xqtjkr ih. P. Tamil Nadu Ajanta Birah PI R.e vkj.u-oh-oh-.l.ksa ds fodkl ds fy.k vks.>kyk]] vkj.l.vuqlèa kkfud ifj.w] xqUVwj] vkaèkz izn's k Mh.w rj[kkfM.l. Sharma S. Singh ts. dsUnz] QjhndksV] iatkc ds.. vkbZih.kstuk dk uke ifj.osfuyk fodkl daoj vkSj tkx:drk vfHk.ds.ds.l.k] .e. Tanwar PI O.ih. P.izlkn jko] vkj.lih.l.wyksa . vaxhdj.kt½ lCth Qlyksa ds fy. Tinsukia.V.u . Bairwa . S.u.. Madhya Pradesh V.ks] egkjk"Vª Suresh Gawande.l] frulqfd. Nagpur.u HkV eqd's k lgxy ¼. AAU. S.izkQ s -s ¼ikni laj{k. S. S. Andhra Pradesh D.B. Tukaratti Tal. Main DFRS.l] jk. RARS ANGRAU. Mitkari..V.w] chdkusj] jktLFkku .K.csjok] lgk.R.pwj] dukZVdk M.M.uvkjlh flVªl] ukxiqj] egkjk"Vª f'k[kk Msdk] lhvkj. Prasad Rao.e . Regional Station. Cotton Section.. N. SKRAU. KVK. Khandwa. Sardana cjlkrh ekSle dh xksHkh ds oS|hÑr vkbZih. Jalna.k] izlkj vkSj dk.w] vle Å"kk jkuh] vgwtk] . PAU. Bhat PI H. Belgaum.V. Kharpudi. Dahiya. AAU. Anand. Saini. Durga Prasad. RVSKVV.k@izfriknu vkSj izkUs u. Patel.B.C.ksa dk la#i. Maharashtra Sikha Deka.ksxh Name of the project Project leader and associates Collaborators lgHkkxh ¼dksyScksjsVj½ J. CRS. S. CCSHAU. Gujarat B. Krishan Kumar RRS. Gujarat P. Satnam Singh. Assam Usha Rani Ahuja.ds.ds. Sonalkar. Haryana Prashant Jamulkar. Akola.N. Ahuja PI implementation of validated IPM technology N. Gokak. R. Bhat vegetable crops VekVj vkSj f’keyk fepZ esa vuqdwyuh. Krishi Nagar. Punjab S. M.. Bhat Mukesh Sehgal RV Singh fepZ dh eqj>ku jksx dk izcèa ku .oa izkUs u.kstuk dk uke ifj.k dqekj vkjvkj.P. M. Pune. Bikaner.oh. validation and promotion of H. Maharashtra A. UAS. DOGR. New Delhi 94 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 . Kalyan. KVK. Patil. Rajkot. KVK.K. Bharpoda. Shashi Kumar. Valikandapuram. Sonune.p. Abohar. B.HkV~V ihvkbZ . S.e.B.e izkS|ksfxdh Mh.lkfcj Promotion.ldsvkj. Maharashtra Formulation.kstuk [email protected] .ulh. Guntur. Jamnikunta. JAU Tarkhadia.vkgwtk ihvkbZ dk izkUs u. Asstt Professor (PP) ARS.R. Punjab K. G.w.flag technology in tomato and bell pepper (NHB) H. Viradiya. Perambalur Tamil Nadu cYc ¼I.nkl] . Venkateshwara Rao.p..u.e. Faridkot. KVK.u. RS.ljnkuk ihvkbZ izkS|ksfxfd. CRS.vkj. vkbZih. Sardana PI M. Karnataka Y..u .ch..K. Jhala. Brar.l] vcksgj] iatkc MkW. NCAP. popularization.pch½ Demonstration and promotion of adaptable IPM vkj.G. Andhra Pradesh P..vkj ljnkuk ihvkbZ izk| S ksfxdh dk izn’kZu@fu:i.ih] ubZ fnYyh Parshotam Kumar Arora. dissemination & D.u. vkbZih.p.d] .vkj.G. Parsai.l] Jhxaxkuxj] .u] lkoZtfudhdj. Maharashtra N.V. Raichur. R. DOE. T. NRC Citrus.u .S. Venkatesan. Kaparia .NCIPM ifj. Rajasthan R. Karimnagar. Sardana. Divya.k] oSèkhdj.e .e.K. Rajasthan A.ds. PI adaptable IPM technology for bulb (onion) M. Ramesh Babu and R.Venkanna. KVK.Chougala .e.k] .ljnkuk Management of chilli wilt . Das.K. Hisar. Naik. Shastry.HkV~V lqjs'k xkoaMs] Mhvksthvkj] iq.K.k½ . M.vkj. Karnataka M. Sabir of rainy season cauliflower iq#"kksÙke dqekj vjksMk+ ] Ñ". Banswara.C. Sriganganagar. RAU. R.K.N. Madhya Pradesh R.l. Vennila S.flag management (NFSM-A3P) uhye esgrk O.oh.lh] ubZ fnYyh . Sharma PI S. Sharma okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 95 .l. H.‘kekZ]] egkjk”Vª .lDlsuk] th-ch.HksMs] . Bhede. Karnataka S.C.Hkxr ihvkbZ vks.3ih½ ds varxZr vks.ih. Saxena. ARS Gulbarga.osf.ksx ds ekè.R.Hkxr ihvkbZ vks.ds.ih.l.V.kyk . Singh jk”Vªh.K.kiqj Bireshwar Sinha.w] jsM~MhiYyh] vuariqj] vkaèkz izns’k Mukesh Khuller... JNKVV.l cnukiqj] egkjk”Vª ch. Bhowmick. DAC.k] .dkykfj. Dantewad.K. Patange. Kamle.kstuk yhMj@lg.. Naigaon. izns’k vkj.ksa esa vke ds fy.ih.l-ds. Osmanabad Maharashtra Suhas Yelshetty. B.HkkSfed] dsohoh] vèkkjry] tcyiqj] eè.oh.V. Andhra Pradesh .w] ijHk.‘kekZ .] Mh.e.e&.P. Singh Neelam Mehta vjgj esa QkbVksIFkksjk vaxekjh dk lesfdr izcèa ku Integrated management of Phytophthora blight in pigeonpea eqds’k [kqYyj] Ñf”k ea=ky. Navsari. Kalaria.qd ifjfLFkfr.] vkslekukckn] egkjk”Vª lqgkl .‘kekZ ihvkbZ lesfdr uk’khtho izcèa ku ds xgu vuqiz.kyk ulhe vgen .ih. Anantapur. Jabalpur. [kk| lqj{kk fe’ku ¼. CAU.k’ksV~Vh] .e .w] bEQky] ef.ih.vkgwtk ihvkbZ fof’k”V vkbZih.lh] ubZ fnYyh . KVK. Bhagat PI O.ksxh Name of the project Project leader and associates Collaborators lgHkkxh ¼dksyScksjsVj½ fofHkUu tyok. DAC. Sharma S.flag] vkbZvkbZihvkj] dkuiqj] mÙkj izns’k ih. Nanded.vkj.D. G. MAU... Laxmi Reddy. Vennila Nasim Ahmad S. Delhi A. P. Maharashtra K.ds.K. Uttar Pradesh P.dkeys] .u.vkj.Q.lh.a | Research Project ifj.l. N. IIPR. ARS Badnapur.. Sharma.R. Agriculture College.B.l.nakrsokM] .vuqlèa kkfud ifj. for the management of key soil borne diseases (Field pea and cole crops) in north east region fcjs'oj flUgk] lh.l. Reddipalli.‘kekZ fy.w] uolkjh] xqtjkr Development and validation of site specific IPM technologies for mango in different climatic conditions S. P. COA.ksa dk fodkl vkSj oS|hdj.osf.. Adhartal.ksa dh [kkst Exploration of native Trichoderma sp. Imphal.uhjtk] Mh.e izk| S ksfxfd. Manipur S. Bhagat PI O.l. Lavekar.flag .kstuk dk uke ifj. Gujarat D.ykosdj] Ñf”k dkWyst] uSxkao] ukaMsM] egkjk”Vª ds. Kanpur. S. Maharashtra N.ih. APAU. Neerja. NAU. Ministry of Agriculture.vkj..u.u. Singh mÙkj&iwohZ {ks= esa e`nk tfur izeq[k jksxksa ds izcèa ku ds .Hkxr ls puk vkSj vjgj ds mRiknu dks c<+kuk Increasing production of chickpea and pigeonpea fujatu flag through intensive application of integrated pest .y{eh jsM~Mh] dsohds] . P. Singh. Delhi A.iraxs] lhvks. LFkku Mh.flag S. Parbhani. Maharashtra B.l.l-Mh.l xqycxkZ] dukZVd .l.p.kstuk. Ahuja PI R. ns’kt VªkbdksMekZ iztkfr. N. Bhagat Niranjan Singh S. p. jktsUnz uxj] gSnjkckn] vkaèkz izn's k Kuldeep Singh Jadon..vkj. SKNAU. Gujarat N. West Bengal mPp ewY.u.S. vko'. K. Reddipalli.k.w.ksLFkkuk] Ñf"k foKku dsUnz] jsMM ~ hikyh] vuariqj] vkpk.ksa dk oS| Tanwar 96 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 IARI. Navgaon.u uosn lkfcj Validation and promotion of IPM strategies for ...] jktsUnz uxj] gSnjkckn] vkaèkz izn's k ih. KVK..u.] twukx<+] xqtjkr . Kadiri.d ewY.u.G. Andhra Pradesh. Agricultural Research Centre.e dk.kno ihvkbZ ljkst flag LDysjksfVfu. Poonam Jasrotia Directorate of Groundnut Research.ljnkuk .vkj. Hyderabad. Assam BCKV.d midj. Anantapur.. Yadav.ksxh Name of the project Project leader and associates Collaborators ew¡xQyh dh Qly ds fy.osd a Vs'ojyw] ds.jaxk Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky. Acharya N.vkbZih½ HkkÑvuql] ubZ fnYyh Protected cultivation of high value vegetables Naved Sabir CCPI and cut flowers: A value chain approach (NAIP) R.l.e. Bangalore.w] fglkj] gfj. Karantaka Assam Agricultural University. Rajasthan uk'khtho izcèa ku ds fy.R. V.Z .ds.l] caxykSj] dukZVd vle Ñf”k fo’ofo|ky.k vkSj izkUs u.y{eh jsMM ~ h vkSj .w] tkscusj] jktLFkku of mustard on large area of Haryana and M.oekZ groundnut crop ulhe vgen SK Singh PI] if’pe caxky] nematode hotspots in horticultural crops – Mukesh Sehgal PI (AICRP) Naved Sabir H.kstuk yhMj@lg. Andhra Pradesh P..e.u. Vemana.p.ds.l.u.kstuk dk uke Verma Nasim Ahmad lgHkkxh ¼dksyScksjsVj½ Dqynhi flag tkMksu] iwue tljksfV.. Jorhat. New Delhi . Sardana UAS.flag ihvkbZ la'ys"k.Z . IARI. Ranga Agricultural University Rajendranagar.Lakshmi Reddy and M. Haryana A.k ew¡xQyh vuqlèa kku funs'kky. Acharya N.e.ds.Zuhfr.kk vkSj jktLFkku esa cM+s {ks= esa ljlksa ds . lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku dk .oh.osekuk] Ñf"k vuqlèa kku dsUnz] dkfnjh] vkpk.k ruk foxyu ds izcèa ku ij vè.kksa dk fodkl lqjUs nz dqekj flag ihvkbZ Development of mechanical devices needed for Surender Kumar Singh PI pest management ckxokuh Qlyksa & ¼.kk . ARS.K. Hyderabad. Ranga Agricultural University Rajendranagar. Kalyani. Hisar. Yadav Rakesh Kumar P.l] uoxk¡o] .NCIPM ifj.G.k. Krishi Vigyan Kendra..T.K rFkk izlkj&izlkj .raoj [ksrh% . K.vkbZlhvkjih½ esa lw=Ñfe gkWVLikWV eqd’s k lgxy ihvkbZ ds fy.l.ksa vkSj dV ¶ykojksa dh lajf{kr uosn lkfcj lhlhihvkbZ vkj. Jyosthna.ikBd] .u Studies on management of Sclerotinia stem rot ulhe vgen uohu flag] vkbZ. vkbZih. validation and popularization of jkds'k dqekj integrated pest management technology for ih. L.vkjvkbZ] ubZ fnYyh ts.] tksjgV] vle chlhdsoh] dY. Yadav PI Rajasthan Saroj Singh Nasim Ahmad Naveen Singh. Junagadh.ds.. Ük‘a[kyk fl)kar ¼.k.k] oSèkhdj.. gfj.kno Synthesis.ksa okys lfCt..C. Venkateswarlu.jaxk Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky. HAU.lh. Mohindergarh.S.kno] dsohds] eksfgUnjx<+] . New Delhi J. Jobner. jkW.l. Maharashtra p.ZØe III% jk"Vªh.q ifjorZu ds lacèa k esa uk’khthoksa dh xfrfd.K. MPKV.l] ijns’kh] .duksft.uvkjlh cukuk] fVªph] rfeyukMq T.a | Research Project ifj. S.uvkjlh iksejxzus Vs ] lksykiqj] egkjk”Vª Department of Agriculture.laiFk dqekj] Mhvkjvkj] gSnjkckn] vkaèkz izn’s k Vh.e.oekZ .p. Pradeshi.vkj.ih. B.flag uhye esgrk lg.e.kstuk dk uke ifj.B. Tamil Nadu Jyotsana Sharma.e.M. N.e.Jhfuokl izlkn] oh.e.u.w] yqfèk. NRC Banana.kyk ihvkbZ ¼lhvkjvksih. NRC Pomegranate. fo’ks”kK ra= dk fodkl . mango and D.l] fpulqjk] if’pe caxky .ds.l.vkgwtk ihvkbZ lEca/kh uk’khtho fuxjkuh vkSj lykgdkjh] MkW.j?kqo’a kh] .l-ds.vkj.>kalh y{eh] .d tyxkodj] vkjvkj. Bhat dk. Government of Maharashtra.osf.Fkaxkosy]w .l.ldsdos h] niksyh] egkjk”Vª vkj. Rahuri. Hyderabad.R..t.raoj jk”Vªh.dkfrZd.G.oh.l] eun.u. Vennila PI (CROPSAP)-Maharashtra Niranjan Singh Ckkxokuh Qlyksa & vukj] vke vkSj dsys ds fy.ikfVy] .ZØe II lgHkkxh ¼dksyScksjsVj½ % izeq[k uk’khthoksa ij MkVkcslksa dk fodkl vkSj bySDVªkWfud usVofd±x Programme II: Development of databases on major pests and electronic networking Qly uk’khtho fuxjkuh vkSj lykgdkjh ifj.l. BSKKV. Borkar.kstuk fujatu flag Crop pest surveillance and advisory project for .l.l.eagnys] oS’kkyh lkoar] MkW.u..S.ksxh dsUnz pkoy .ka & ... ‘kekZ] vkbZthdsohoh] jk. K.HkV and tomato) Niranjan Singh PI H.ksRluk ‘kekZ] . Dapoli..l.ljnkuk .kstuk.l-th.yksj] ih. Trichi.ih½ & egkjk”Vª fujatu flag Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project S.] gSnjkckn] vkaèkz izn’s k .‘ksjk] ts. Dr.izlUuk dqekj] vkjvkj.l.x<+] egkjk”Vª okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 97 .ih. Raghuvanshi.‘kekZ .nkl] fxjh’k dqekj >k] vkbZ.ds.p.ihØqUnzdj] .u.ldsdos h] niksyh] jk.e.] flrs’k pVthZ] fouk.B. Patil. ekWMyksa dk fodkl Programme III: Development of models for forecasting of pests of national importance tyok..ljnkuk Development of Expert System for pest ukosn lfcj management in selected vegetable crops (Brinjal .kstuk ...eihdsoh] jkgwjh] egkjk”Vª .jkt] . Qly Mh-ch. M. Thangavelu.Hkxr fujatu flag ih.l-ds.lvkjvkbZ] ubZ fnYyh lg. Ñf”k tyok.l.iqj] NÙkhlx<+ izhrsUnz flag ljko] ih.ksxh Name of the project Project leader and associates Collaborators dk.cksjdj]] dukZVd lat. Maharashtra CRIDA.l.N.q izfrLdanh igy’kfDr ¼fuØk½ vks.khZ] ch.l.HkV~V .ds. Sardana Naved Sabir M.osf.kno .vkjvkbZ] ubZ fnYyh vejsUnz dqekj >k] vkbZ. K.ksfxd laLFkku Mh.ekSgEen tykywíhu] . Ahuja PI banana Niranjan Singh A.kyk ihvkbZ vkj.k horticultural crops-pomegranate. s u] VhvkjvkjvkbZ] vnqFkwjkbZ rfeyukMq Mh..vuqlèa kkfud ifj. Krundakar.fur lCth dh Qlyksa ¼cSxua vkSj VekVj½ esa uk’khtho fujatu flag ihvkbZ izcèa ku ds fy.kuk] iatkc .e-ch. Godse. S. egÙkk ds uk’khthoksa ds iwokZuqeku ds fy. Kanojia Ñf”k foHkkx] egkjk”Vª ljdkj] egkjk”Vª lhvkjvkbZMh. Maharashtra S..R.l. Shaikh. Kulkarni.ds. Andhra Pradesh S.e..P. Dalvi. Maharashtra R.flM~Ms xksoMk] .kstuk yhMj@lg.. N.ds.xksMls] .dqyd.‘ks[k] .vkj. RRS. Verma S. DRR. Tanwar O. Prasanna Kumar. Vaishali Sitesh Chatterjee.. Hyderabad.u. M. Srinivas Das.Fkh:eykbZlkeh] Mhthvkj] twukx<+] xqtjkr .l] vuariqj] vkaèkz izn's k egkcys'oj gsxMs] .kstuk [email protected]'keq[k] ih-.] vkj. K. BSKKV.lh. PAU.w] .w] gSnjkckn] vkaèkz izn's k lqczrk nÙkk] chlhdsoh] dY.u. Sarao.jsM~Mh] .vkbZlhvkjih] yqfèk. Mahendale.pvkj] cSxyw#] dukZVd Pest dynamics in relation to climate change.'ksV~Vh] jpIik] oh.l] èkkjokM+] dukZVd VekVj .e. IASRI.l. Bhagat Niranjan Singh P. Vinayak Jalgavkar. Aduthurai.osd a Vs'ojyw] .w] o`èkkpye] rfeyukMq ds.l.eihdsoh] tyxkao] egkjk"Vª] okbZ] jfoUnz ckcw] .u.K.pkou]. Dr. Sharma Agriculture (NICRA) H..l. Mandya. IARI.. Girish Kumar Jha.l. Andhra Pradesh T. Punjab S.dksnunkje] . izn's k y{eh ih..S..ksxh Name of the project Project leader and associates Collaborators lgHkkxh ¼dksyScksjsVj½ vjgj lqgkl .. West Bengal S.l] xqycxZ] dukZVd Mh.lDlsuk] vkbZvkbZ.gkjsj] v'kksd ih. Sidde Gowda.] if'pe caxky lhih [kjs] .jfopUnzu] ih. J.ds. Chhattisgarh Preetinder S. Vennila PI National Initiative on Climate Resilient R.oseuk] . Raigarh.oh-.R.lMh. Singh Neelam Mehta 98 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Collaborative Institutions D. K.klh] mÙkj izns'k .fljds] .cpdkj] .ksRluk] dsohds] vuariqj] vkaèkz izn's k ew¡xQyh ih.ds. Tamil Nadu D.jk.uthvkj.ih.fot.N.NCIPM ifj. Lore.] Vh.P.jsM~Mh] T. ukxj] xqtjkr .udsohoh] tcyiqj] eè.ikfVy] vkbZthdsohoh] jk. New Delhi Cooperating Centres Rice M. Dapoli. TRRI.iqj] NÙkhlx<+ oh.p.ekyrh] ... K.. Bhat M.l.ds.ks'k ih.l] .xksly] lanhi dkSj] fouhr dqekj] vfHk'ks[k 'kekZ] 'kkdh.K. Raipur.S. Yadav S. Maharashtra . P.vkj.w. New Delhi Amrender Kumar.kstuk dk uke ifj. Sardana M. Mohamed Jalaludin. M Sampath Kumar.bfUnjk xkaèkh] Vh. V Jhanshi Laxmi. IGKVV.nkl] ts.kuk] iatkc lh.eihdsoh] jkgwjh] egkjk"Vª ds. A.fljh'kk] ts fnyhi ckcw] .K.gosjh] .ih. lkgk] vkbZvkbZohvkj] okjk.vkj.V.P.w] ckoau] rfeyukMq .] lqtkW. Karnataka Sanjay Sharma.eihdsoh] jkgwjh] egkjk"Vª ts dfork ijkuhèkju] . RRS.p.e.Jhèkj] . Ludhiana. Qly ij .k.u. Chinsura.e.w] okjaxy] vkaèkz izn's k x. ARS. Karthikeyan. ARS.K. Chhattishgarh V. Vineet Kumar.kyk ihvkbZ ds uk’khtho izcèa ku ds fy. Das. Rahuri. DGR.d lgk. Maharashtra Z. APHU. Vennila CC PI okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 99 . B.osf. A.kstuk dk uke ifj. Madhya Pradesh Laxmi P. Sujoy Saha. Rai. Andhra Pradesh Groundnut P. Jyotsna. B. Rahuri.kstuk. P. Karnataka Tomato M. Reddy. Gosal. Bachkar. Vijaya. Jabalpur. N. Rachappa V. KVK. H. Vennila CC PI ij ‘kks/k Decision support systems for the management of insect pests of major rice and cotton-based cropping systems (NAIP) Development of models to predict infestation of sap feeders-based on AICCIP historical data (TMC 1.ksa . Khare. C. Karnataka izeq[k pkoy vkSj dikl vkèkkfjr Qlyhdj. BCKV. Kalyani. P. MPKV. Andhra Pradesh Mahabaleshwar Hegde. Uttar Pradesh S. Jalgaon. JNKV. Vamban. Vemana.osf.kkZ. S. Tamil Nadu K. Ravichandran. Ashok P. Paranidharan. Raipur. Sireesha. IGKV. UAS. TNAU. Abhishek Sharma. Anantapur. N.k iz. Junagarh.rk iz. IIVR. Haveri. Harer.l. Gujarat S. Dilip babu. SK Nagar. P.Varanasi.B. Punjab C.a | Research Project ifj. Maharashtra V. Patil. Anantapur.kstuk yhMj@lg. Andhra Pradesh Subrata Dutta. Patel. Ravindrababu.S. Bengaluru. ANGRAU. Hyderabad. IIHR. MPKV. Indira Gandhi. Chavan. Saxena. Venkateswarlu. Sridhar. Thirumalaisamy. Karnataka D.kkfy. Gulbarga. R. Deshmukh. ARS . AICRP on Vegetable Crops. J. M. Ludhiana. Kavitha. TNAU. Malathi. Y..V. Vridhachalam. Warangal. Shirke. B. K. Maharashtra K.5) . A. Andhra Pradesh Ganesh P.P. West Bengal C.vuqlèa kkfud ifj. MPKV. S. A. Reddy. S.ksxh Name of the project Project leader and associates Collaborators lgHkkxh ¼dksyScksjsVj½ Pigeonpea Suhas Yelshetty. Sandeep Kaur. Gujarat M. Dharwad. K. Kodandaram.kyk ihvkbZ S. SDAU.kkfy.l.kas S. fu.. Tamil Nadu S. K. Shailendra Kumar Singh. KVK. Sardana M.ksa esa lkekftd .vkjvkbZ] ubZ fnYyh R. Ambreesh Singh Yadav. uk’khtho izcèa ku lwpuk lqiqnZxh vkj-oh. vjksMk+ ] vkjvkj. i.ksx djrs gq. B. Tanwar pkoy Qlyhdj. Singh PI H. KVK Shikohpur.NCIPM ifj. R.kstuk [email protected]] y[kuÅ Anand Singh.kno] dsohds mtok vjfoan dqekj] dsohds f’kdksgiqj] vkbZ. vkSj vkbZih.. Manish Kumar Bisen. Qlyksa ds fy.u Studies on pest management information . Daya Shankar Srivastava.k vkj.kkyh ij vè.kadu Impact assessment of pesticides on environment using EIQ tool under rice cropping system vkuan flag] vejh'k flag .ljnkuk iz. Bhat D.ds.Zth] lhvkbZ. N. Lucknow ‘kkdh.kno] n.K.ZØe IV% lgHkkxh ¼dksyScksjsVj½ lkekftd . Saurabh. IARI. CSSRI.kkyh ds varxZr bZvkbZD.lvkjvkbZ] y[kuÅ vuqi HkV~Vkpk.kZoj.kstuk dk uke ifj.vkgwtk vkj.vkj.k iz. Yadav.p. RRS.k ij dhVuk'kdksa dk izHkko Sumitra Arora PI Mukesh Sehgal ewY.oa vkfFkZd fodkl daoj ihvkbZ fo’ys”k.l.e esa ekuo lalkèku dk fodkl Programme V: Human resource development in IPM ekuo lalkèku fodkl eqd’s k lgxy Human resource development Mukesh Sehgal 100 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 .ZØe V% vkbZih. New Delhi R.e izk| S ksfxfd.e.l] lh.ksxh Name of the project Project leader and associates Collaborators dk. Lucknow Anup Bhattacharjee. Sitapur Sanjay Arora.V. Vwy dk lqfe=k vjksMk+ ihvkbZ iz.HkV~V delivery system for vegetable crops Mh.oa vkfFkZd fo"k.. Ahuja dk.k 'kadj JhokLro] lkSjHk] euh"k] dqekj fclsu] 'kSyUs nz dqekj flag dsohds] lhrkiqj lat.u.. KVK Ujwa Arvind Kumar.k Programme IV: Socio-economic issues and impact analysis of IPM technology pkoy esa vkbZih.e izkS|ksfxdh dk izHkko fo’ys"k.raoj Socio-economic analysis in IPM technologies in rice Vikas Kanwar PI R.ds.flag ihvkbZ .l. od vkuqofa 'kd lajpuk] bf. Prot.ekWfuVj] vLle].kksa ls vukt] e`nk vkSj ty esa dhVuk'kd vof'k"Vksa dk rqyukRed vè. Singh.k.] lh.wVlZ .u ts.¼2013½A vaMeku esa VªkbdksMekZ iztkfr ds ¶. Agric.l.fxzd lkbal 84% 73&6fcjkg] . Zamir Ahmad.ds-] vgen] vkbZJhokLro] vkj. D.. A. Malik. S. Sci. vaMeku dh Qy eD[kh ¼csDVªkl s js k iztkfr½ dh lef"V dh vkf. 22: 213-14. Ahmad. B.-] lhegkpkye] ih-] x. B. fQaxj fizfa VxA osftVksl & . O.j. (2014).M...aM bysDVªkWfuDl bu .l-] cEckokys] vks.u ts..-] Hkxr] . Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 90: 35-44 Birah. (2013).uYl IykaV izkVs -s lkbal] 22% 213&214- Research papers Ahmad.l-] raoj] vkj. C. (2014).u baVjus'kuy ts. Sharma. Tripathi. and Chattopadhyay. Birah.. Annals Pl. C. Seed treatment in crop health management.ksftr VªkbdksMekZ iztkfr ds tSo dkjd fo.u.d cgqe[q kh [kkstA daI. soil and water from IPM and non-IPM trials of Basmati rice.... S. isolated from different crop rhizospheres of Andaman Islands. Aman and Garg. Bhagat.oa nke jkW. 84: 73-6. R. Bhagat.l-] vgen] b'jkj . Sci. A.Z] ch.oa dkyjk] ch. K.] lh¼2014½A Qly LokLF. in Andamans. Indian J.ds.qDrksa dh Mh... M.ihMh&ihlhvkj fo'ys"k. Srivastava. A multistage tracking for mustard rot disease combining surface meteorologyand satellite remote sensing.oa pV~Vksikè. K.u ts..uA buok. K. K. 70: 397-403. (2013). V. Biological management of fusarial wilt of tomato by Trichoderma spp. (2014)..kksa ds ekè. S.ks'ku] . Tripathi. 186: 361-366. Indian J.e ls bafxr nf{] flag] . Kumar.e eqj>ku dk tSfod izcèa kuA bafM. Arora. A.. India. i`Foh vkèkkfjr ekSle foKku .. Ganeshan.oa mixzg vkèkkfjr lqnjw laons u ds la. 83: 78-82. Vegetos-An Internat.DNA fingerprinting of bio-control isolates of Trichoderma spp. I. Ahmad. P.. D.. J. and Chattopadhyay. C.e ijh{k. R. S.-] f=ikBh] vkj.jsl-] 26% 460&466vgwtk] Mh. K.e rFkk xSj&vkbZih. S. A. and Bhagat.ds ..l.l.e-] flag] vkjoh-] .k. Indian J..oa Hkxr . R.¼2013½A vaMeku }hi lewg ds fofHkUu Qly ewy ifjos'kksa ls fo... Mukherji.. and Dam Roy.ds-] vuaèkjkt] .fxzd] lkbal] 83% 78&82vjksMk+ ] lqfe=k] eq[kthZ] bjkuh] dqekj] veu .l.¼2014½A vkj.e izk| S ksfxdh dk fodkl rFkk QkeZ ij oSèkhdj. Bandicota bengalensis in paddy fields of Bay Islands..wlfs j. I. (2014). Molecular genetic structure of fruit fly (Bactrocera sp) population of South Andaman revealed through RAPD-PCR analysis. Tanwar. Comparative estimation of pesticide residues in grain.. Plant validation of location specific IPM technology for rainy season cauliflower. (2013).186% 361&366Hkxr] . and Kalra.lh. Israr and Gautam R..oa xxZ ¼2014½A cklerh pkoy ds vkbZih..] . S. R.izdk'ku | Publications izdk'ku Publications 'kksèk i=k vgen] vkbZ . okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 101 . Environ.k bafM. Singh. Occurrence of Bandicoot rat. izcèa ku esa cht mipkjA lrlk eq[ki=k okf"kZd rduhdh vad] 18% 15&26fcjkg] . Birah. Ahuja. 18: 15-26. S. Irani. Anandhraj. Sci. Assessm.. Bambawale.-] tehj] .e-] f=ikBh] .. M.. Pratibha. SATSA Mukhapatra Annual Technical Issue.. Development and on . (2013).gksfVZdYpj] 70% 397&403HkV~Vkpk. B.ds.l-] 'kekZ] izfrHkk] efyd] . Horticulture. A. S.xzhdYpj 90% 35&44 fcjkg] . 26: 460-466.kstu esa . LFkku fof'k"V vkbZih.oa pV~Vksikè.K. Simhachalam.¼2013½A o"kkZ _rq dh xksHkh ds fy. Bhattacharya.¼2014½A Hkkjr ds }hi lewgksa esa èkku ds [ksrksa ds canhdwV pwgks]a canhdksVk csx a ysfll dk izdVu] .¼2013½A ljlksa esa lM+u jksx ds fy.oa xkSre vkj. Sumitra. Monitor. R. S. D. (2013). Khare. Datta..¼2013½A ljlksa dh Qly esa jksxksa ds fy. (2013). C.kc] tsM-] valkjh] . Histopathology in Brassica juncea .ds-] voLFkh] vkj.k vuqdy w fodYi miyCèk djkrs gSAa ØkIl izkVs Ds 'ku 53% 169&174ukxef.ih-] . G. Sumitra.l.uYl vkWQ IykaV izkVs Ds 'ku lkbafll 21% 377&386xks. 64: 663-670. P.oa :fc. India.. C.u.we ij ¶.. of Plant Pathology.kqtud .. vkbZih.l..lh.j] Qksdl] 2% 101&107dqekj] ds-] Hkxr] .kWu ysfir ftad vkWDlkbM usuksikfVZdYl% dhVuk'kd dh [kkst ds fy.P. Ansari.Occurrence of unreported fruit rot caused by Fusarium chlamydosporum on Capsicum annum in Bay Island. Amit. Sandhu. and Ansari.uYl vkWQ IykaV izkVs Ds 'ku lkbafll 21% 322&328dqekj] .l] izlkn] vkj-] jkBh] . R.oa . Bhagat.wlfs j... Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 21: 377-386. C.. and Chattopadhyay.y&ns. Agrawal. C. ekSle vkèkkfjr iwokZueq ku ekWMyA ekSle. A.. Viswanath.. A. S.¼2013½A Gupta....] lh-] [kjs] .kqtud . J..k..k vaxekjh xzflr ch.qDrksa esa jksxk.. H. M.k.oa pV~Vksikè. Glutathione coated zinc oxide nanoparticles: a promising material for pesticide detection.e. D.... Demonstration of IPM module for management of Helicoverpa armigera at village level.¼2013½A xkao Lrj ij gsfydksoikZ vkfet+js k ds izcèa ku ds fy. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 21: 349-359.w-ds.-] nÙkk] ..ih-] dqekj]] xqIrk] ts. R. A. 135: 557-563 Goyal. S.. A.kA . O. D. (2013). (2013).oa i.y-] iVsy] th.vkWQ IykaV iSFkksykWth 135% 557&563xks. and Rubiales. A. Arora. P. Al-Deyab.l-] jk.ds LDysjksfVfu. P.oa fjiksVZ ugha fd. Pathogenic and molecular variability among different oilseed Brassica isolates of Alternaria brassicae from India.k ifÙk. Chattopadhyay.oa pV~Vksikè.ih-] usre]] lh.ih-] Hkxr] . S. Rai. Meena. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 21: 322-328.oa valkjh] . Sharma.uthZ buok. Mausam. Mogha.k. A. L..uYl IykaV izkVs -s lkbal] 21% 432&434- 102 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Fondevilla.kZoj.l-] ekèkqjh] ds-] fcjkg] .-] ehuk] ih. European J. Sci..k.. ~ y w dk ijh{k. and Chattopadhyay. 39: 195-197. S. L.e-] bdcky] . Kumar..d vk'kktud lkexzhA . Kumar.. Z. Patel. P. Non-chemical agents provide tenable.k rFkk vYVjusfj.uYl vkWQ IykaV izkVs Ds 'ku lkbafll 21% 349&359xks. (2013). S.l-] xksfndk] . P.-] pkgj] . S.p.k] ih..qDrksa esa jksxk.l-] .oa pV~Vksikè.. A.. Rathi.sjhflQs bZvkj 1 rFkk bZvkj 3 thu dk izfrjksèk djus esa l{ke gS ijUrq bZvkj 2 esa l{ke ugha gSA .ksa esa fgLVksdsfedy dk LFkkuh.] lh. 21: 432-434.fud .e. Focus.y. C. Mathur.¼2013½A Hkkjr esa vYVjusfj. 2: 101-107.¼2013½A czkfldk tqufl. and Reddy. N. P. xS j &jklk. Datta. C.oa pV~Vksikè. A.y] ih-] pV~Vksikè. and Iquebal.k LDysjksf'k..oa bdcky] . .-] vxzoky] vkj. S. Chattopadhyay. K. Awasthi. B.kysl] Mh.] lh-] ekFkqj] . Goyal. Thomas.¼2013½A eVj esa . Iquebal.oa jsMM ~ h] ih. Energy Environ... Godika.u ts. P. P. Prasad.wjksfi.NCIPM QksuMsfoyk] . S. Qy lM+u jksx dk izdVu] ost.. Birah... Navin. K..l. (2013). (2013). Annals Pl.. A.l-] pV~Vksikè..l-] laèkq] ih. A..¼2013½A Hkkjr ds }hi lewgksa eas f'keyk fepZ .k.e DykekbMksLiksje }kjk mRiUu . Kumar.¼2013½A Hkkjr esa ljlksa dh Qly dks cckZn djus okys ize[q k jksxksa ¼czkfldk tqufl.. resistance genes in pea.lkba-] 39% 195&197ehuk] ih. Gour. Madhuri. x. R.y] ih-] dqekj] ... Chattopadhyay. 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Birah Ajanta..u¼2014½A VekVj dh Qly esa lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa kuA izlkj i=d la. NCIPM. K.. Pest Guide.. P. and Bambawale.l. Chattopadhyay. Pradyumn. Boopathi. K. and Jeyakumar. Ahuja.uh xzkfefudksyk dh lQyrk xkFkkA izlkj i=d ¼dUuM+ Hkk"kk es½a A {ks=h.vkj-] HkV~V] .B. R..] lh-] ukxpu] . H. N. Tanwar.oa tSu] vkj. Prasad.oa ckxokuh vuqlèa kku dsUnz] Ñf"k .. Sehgal. Bhagat. lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku iSdt s A jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyh] MhihihD. Zonal Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station. K. New Delhi.l] Qjhnkckn rFkk .. Singh. Extension folder (In Kannad). Sushil.¼2014½A f'keksxk ¼dukZVd½ esa pkoy tM+ foxyu lw=Ñfe] esykMksxk.-ds-] . Extension folder No... Srinivas.K.. Faridabad and NIPHM. Sardana.oa t. Hyderabad. K.. Sangit.. Ram... P. O.e-] raoj] vkj-ds] vkgqtk] Mh-ch. N. Success story of rice roo. Asre Ram. and Jeyakumar. Satyagopal. and Dutta. R. Singh.p-] lgxy] eqd's k] euq] Vh. S.izdk'ku | Publications dqekj] laxhr] dqekj] izn.ds. Tanwar.] lh-] lq'khy] . Hasan. Sharma. Integrated pest management package for rice.ds-] vkljs jke] diwj] ds. V. K... K.¼2014½ dikl ds fy.l. Hyderabad. and Hasan. (2014).. A. Someshwar.] ysBk . okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 105 . izdk'k] vkuan] csra jw ] ts. Shekhar.l-] Jhfuokl] izlkn] . 2014 published by National Centre for Integrated Pest Management. pp 44. Ñf"k . Kapoor K.vkljs .ku .dq e kj] ih.k. Monika. B. S. M.. Z] vuwi ¼2013½A èkku ihM+dksa ds izkÑfrd 'k=q] dsohds&II] lhrkiqj] dfV.. Arpana.] lh-] cksjk] ch.w . Mukesh.k] ihih 8A lgxy] eqd's k] pV~Vksikè. Choudhay..Hkxorh] ch ..kdqekj] ih.vkj.. Moong evam urad mein lagne vale nasheejeevon ki sachitr patrika.. G. and Chattopadhyay. Kapoor.. Mukesh. R.oa HkV~Vkpk. Integrated pest management package for soybean. NCIPM. Sumitra. Extension folder 15 (Hindi).. Singh. Anoop (2013).] lh.. C.31] jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyhA 6 ihih'kekZ] . S.l-] vejlsu] . O.oa bldk izc/a kuA izlkj i=d 19 ¼fgUnh½] jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyhA 'kekZ] vks.l-] Hkxr] .] ch. S. Sunil and Chattopadhyay. Asre. C.k jksx . O.kk] dqekj] lquhy .uvkbZih. Arpana and Chattopadhyay. R. Chattopadhyay.l-] flag] eksfudk] dqekj] lquhy] oSf. P.l.l-] dqekj] lquhy] . P.kyk] .ds-] 'kekZ] vks. N.] lh. Sunil. Monika. Vennila.oa pV~Vksikè..oa pV~Vksikè. Bhagwati... B and Jain..¼2014½A ewx a . Sitapur.l-] oSf. NCIPM. .. (Hindi).. O. (2014).kyk] .. New Delhi. R. Sitapur. Bhagat.¼2014½A vjgj dh fpŸkhnkj iŸkh Nsnd dk izc/a kuA izlkj i=d 14 ¼fgUnh½] jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyhA 106 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Sehgal.] lh. (2014).l-] dqekjh] viZ..ih-] Hkxr] . Bhagat. Success story of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola in Assam. (2014).. Sharma. S. New Delhi. Kumar. Extension folder 14 (Hindi). Vennila. Sushil. Chattopadhyay. New Delhi. New Delhi...u] vkljs] vkj-] diwj] ds.k.oa HkV~Vkpk..kchu ds fy. B. Phali bedhak keet evam iska prabandhan.oa mM+n esa yxus okys uk'khthoksa dh lfp= iqfLrdkA izlkj i=d 17 ¼fgUnh½] jklukizds] ubZ fnYyhA 'kekZ] vks.kyk] . (2014)..¼2014½A vjgj esa yxus okys uk'khthoksa dh lfp= if=dkA izlkj i=d 15 ¼fgUnh½] jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyhA 'kekZ] vks. Hyderabad.oa tSu] vkj.u.l. S. NCIPM. Kumari.31. S. Bhagat. Chane mein sclerotinia rog evam uska prabandhan. Srivastav. KVK-II. Shailender Kumar. K.ih-] Hkxr] . Vennila. and Jeyakumar.ih-] oSf.ds.k.ih-] oSf.Z] vuwiA ¼2013½A èkku es lw=Ñfe izcèa ku] dsohds&II] lhrkiqj] dfV. Sourabh. Sharma. Bhagat.. (2013).. S. Sharma.ih-] Hkxr] . Vennila. S. Sunil and Chattopadhyay.. Kumari. S. P..l. Arora. K.l.k. Kumar.kk] dqekj] lquhy .l-] .] lh.oa bldk izc/a ku izlkj i=d 18 ¼fgUnh½] jklukizd-s ] ubZ fnYyhA 'kekZ] vks. Sanjay and Bhattacharya. Sharma.aM . pp 8.. C.kno] vejh'k flag] lkSjHk] euh"k dqekj fc'ku] flag] 'kSyUs nz dqekj] vjksMk+ ] lat... Arora.. Bhagat.ih-] Hkxr] . (2014).. Srivastav.. K..oa mldk izc/a kuA izlkj i=d 16 ¼fgUnh½] jklukizd-s ] ubZ fnYyhA 'kekZ] vks. P.. Monika...l-] dqekjh] viZ. O. DPPQ&S.p. P.¼2014½A vle esa tM+ foxyu lw=Ñfe] esykMksxk. K.k. Amaresan.xksiky] ds. O.. S. Faridabad and NIPHM.k] ihih 8A lgxy] eqd's k] vjksMk+ ] lqfe=k] JhokLro] Mh.l-] Hkxr] . NCIPM. P. C.k. O.k.oa t. Extension folder No. Bhagat. Extension folder 19 (Hindi). B. Arpana. Katia. S..l-] lR. Kumar..] lh] lq'khy] . Sourabh. (2014). Sanjay and Bhattacharya.. Sehgal.. Sumitra. pp 6.l-] Hkxr] .. Anoop.oa pV~Vksikè.lh-] pV~Vksikè.e. Yadav. NCIPM. Extension folder 17 (Hindi). Bora. N. New Delhi. Sunil and Chattopadhyay. Shailender Kumar..e] gSnjkckn }kjk izdkf'kr] ihih 41'kekZ] vks. Arhar mein lagne vale nasheejeevon ki sachitr patrika. Ambrish Singh.ds-] oekZ] vkj. M.kk . C. NCIPM. R. A.kyk] . Ambrish Singh.] lh...k. Singh. pp 41. Sharma.¼2014½A lks.. lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa kuA jklukizds] ubZ fnYyh] MhihihD.kyk] . New Delhi. Sharma. S.l] Qjhnkckn rFkk . New Delhi.¼2014½A vjgj esa cka>iu jksx . Arora . (2014).¼2014½A pus esa LdysjksfVfu. and Chattopadhyay. Verma.k.oa pV~Vksikè. (Hindi). Arhar ki chittidar patti chedak ka prabandhan. Gupta.l-] dqekjh] viZ. Dhan peedikon ke prakartik shatru. Kumari.¼2014½A Qyh cs/kd dhV . pp 8 Sehgal. Satyagopal.. Manish Kumar Bishen.ih-] oSf.NCIPM lgxy] eqd's k] vjksMk+ ] lqfe=k] JhokLro] Mh.oa pV~Vksikè.. Published by NCIPM. Singh. Vennila. NCIPM.. D.k.l-] flag] eksfudk] oSf. Mukesh. Yadav. (2014).oa pV~Vksikè. C. Manish Kumar Bishen. S. N. S.] lh. Sharma. Extension folder 16 (Hindi). Bhagat. P.kno] vejh'k flag] lkSjHk] euh"k dqekj fc'ku] flag 'kSyUs nz dqekj] vjksMk+ latho . . Dhan mein sutrkrimi prabandhan. Katia. Arhar mein baanjhpan masaic rog evm iska prabandhan. C.kyk] . C. D. P. Extension folder 18 (Hindi). KVK-II. C. S. O. Arora. Vennila. New Delhi. Sharma.u-] lSuh] . Singh.u-] xqIrk] th. Saini. Kumar. S.pV~Vksikè. S. N.uh xzkfefudksyk dh lQyrk xkFkkA izlkj i=d ua. K. izdk'ku | Publications flag] ljkst] fr:eyk;klSeh] ih- ih-] gjh'k] th-] nÙkk] jke] lq'khy] ,l- ,u-] flUgk] ,- ds-] vkljs jke] diwj] ds- ,l-] lR;xksiky] ds- t;dqekj] ih- fcjkg] vtark] 'kekZ] vks- ih-] Hkxr] lkse's oj] oekZ] ih- oh-] dqekj] lq'khy] pV~Vksikè;k;] lh- ,oa ;kno] ,e- ,l- ¼2014½A ewx a Qyh ds fy, lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa kuA jklukizds] ubZ fnYyh] MhihihD;w ,aM ,l] Qjhnkckn rFkk ,uvkbZih,p,e] gSnjkckn }kjk izdkf'kr] ihih 49flag] ,l- ds-] oekZ] ih- oh-] dqekj] vkj-] ;kno] ,e- ,l-] vgen] ,u-] jsMM ~ h] ,y-] osd a Vs'ojyw] lh-] oseUuk] ds-] T;ksrluk] ,u- ds-] tkèkks] ds- ,l- ,oa tljks] ih- ¼2014½A ewx a Qyh es lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku] izlkj i=d la-a 23] jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyhA ;kno] ,e- ,l- vgen] ,u-] ;kno] Mh- ds-] flag] ts- ,y] oekZ] ih- oh-] esFkk] ,u- ,oa pV~Vksikè;k;] lh- ¼2014½A ljlksa esa lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku] izlkj i=d la-a 25] jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyhA izLrqr isVsaV Singh, Saroj, Thirumalaisamy, P. P., Harish, G., Datta, Ram, Sushil, S. N., Sinha, A. K., Asre, Ram, Kapoor, K. S., Satyagopal, K., Jeyakumar, P., Birah, Ajanta, Sharma, O. P., Bhagat, Someshwar, Verma, P. V., Kumar, Sunil, Chattopadhyay, C. and Yadav, M. S. (2014). Integrated pest management package for groundnut. Published by NCIPM, New Delhi, DPPQ&S, Faridabad and NIPHM, Hyderabad, pp 49. Singh, S. K., Verma, P. V., Kumar, R., Yadav, M. S., Ahmad, N., Reddy, L., Venketshwalru, C., Vemanna, K., Jyotarana, N. K., Jadho, K. S. and Jasrotiya, P. (2014). Mungphalee mein samekeet nasheejeev prabandhan, Extension folder No.23, (Hindi), NCIPM, New Delhi. Yadav, M. S., Ahmad, N., Yadav, D. K., Singh, S. K., Yadav, J. L., Verma, P. V., Mehta, N. and Chattopadhyay, C. (2014). Sarson mein samekeet nasheejeev prabandhan, Extension folder No.25 (Hindi), NCIPM, New Delhi. 'kekZ] lR;orh] uk;d] lR;ukjk;.k] feRry] vkfnR;] lkfcj] uosn] 'kekZ] vfHk"ksd ¼2014½ iflyksekblht fyyksflul ds jksxmRiUu esa cVksRrjh ds fy;s cuk;s x;s ,oa mlds ok; iz;ksxA Hkkjrh; rduhdh laLFkku] fnYyh 110016 Hkkjr- vkosnu la[;k 3590@Mhb,y@2013flag] lqjUs nz dqekj vkSj cEckoys] dk;kZy; Kkiu ¼2012½A ÞdhVksa ds izcaèku ds fy, ykbV VªSiÞ varjjk"Vªh; fo'o ckSf)d&laink laxBu C;wjks] vkosnu la[;k ihlhVhA@vkbZch 2012@050168] ftls fnukad 13 tuojh] 2012 dks ihlhVh ds fy, tek fd;k x;k Fkk] ftls orZeku o"kZ ds nkSjku varjjk"Vªh; Lrj ij Lohdkj dj fy;k x;kA flag] lqjUs nz dqekj vkSj cEckokys] vks- ,e-] dk;kZy; Kkiu ¼2012½A isVVas ds fy, igys ls vkosnu fd, x, vkfo"dkj ÞijthO;kHk ykokZ dhV ds iztuu ds fy, QhYM fdVÞ ds fy, Þ,QbZvkjÞ dk mÙkj izkIr gks x;k gS] Hkkjrh; isVVas vkosnu fnukad 29 ekpZ 2012 la- 170@MhbZ,y@2007] bls isVVas dk;kZy;] ubZ fnYyh esa ekpZ] 2013 esa tek fd;k x;k FkkA Patents filed jsfM;ks okrkZ Radio talk ljnkuk] ,p- vkj- ¼2014½ fnukad 24 ekpZ] 2014 dks vkWy bafM;k jsfM;ks] vkdk'] jksgrd] gfj;k.kk ij ^lfCt;ksa dh Qlyksa esa lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku* 'kh"kZd ij ,d jsfM;ks okrkZ izLrqr dhA Sardana, H. R. (2014). Delivered a radio talk on topic entitled `Sabjion ki faslon mein samekit Nashijiv Prabandhan' on 24 Mar 2014 on All India Radio, Akashvani, Rohtak, Haryana. Sharma, Satyawati, Naik, Satyanarayan, Mittal, Aditya, Sabir, Naved, Sharma, Abhishek (2014). A Composition for Enhancement of Pathogenicity of Paecilomyces lilacinus and uses thereof. Indian Institute Technology, Delhi-110016 India. Application No. 3590/Del/2013. Singh, Surender Kumar and Bambawale, O.M. (2012) "Light trap for managing insects" International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Application No.:PCT/IB2012/050168, which was filed on 13 Jan 2012 for PCT, the same had qualified at the International level during the current year. Singh, Surender Kumar and Bambawale, O.M. (2012). The "FER" was replied for the already patented invention "Field kit for the multiplication of insect larval parasitoid" Indian Patent Application number 170/Del/2007 dated 29 March, 2012, this was submitted to the Patent office, New Delhi in March, 2013. okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 107 NCIPM lsfeukj] laxks"Bh] izf'k{k.k ,oa iqjLdkj Seminars, Conferences, Trainings and Awards ?kVukØe dk uke Name of the event vofèk LFkku izfrHkkxh Duration Venue Participants lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku ij ,e,,l,p,oh }kjk izk;ksftr varjjk"Vªh; 21 vizy S & 14 ebZ] 2013 flukMdks ¼vkbZ,u,u,Mhlhvks½ vkj ,aM Mh ikB~;Øe 21 Apr -14 May 2013 izf'k{k.k dsUnz] oksYdkuh] csV Mkxu] MASHAV Sponsored International R& D Course on Integrated rsy voho] bt+jkbZy ,e- ,l- ;kno eqds'k lgxy M.S. Yadav Mukesh Sehgal Pest Management CINNADCO's Training Centre Volcani, Bet Dagan, Tel Aviv, Israel. ^Qly vkèkkfjr uk'khthoksa ,oa [kjirokjksa ds tSfod fu;a=.k ij 24&25 ebZ] 2013 vf[ky Hkkjrh; lefUor vuqlèa kku ifj;kstuk* dh okf"kZd lewg cSBd 24-25 May 2013 ,uch,vkbZvkbZ] cSx a yq# vtark fcjkg NBAII, Bangaluru Ajanta Birah ljnkj dq'khuxj nkarhokMk d`f"k fo'ofo|ky;] ,l-ds-uxj nkarhokMk ulhe vgen Annual Group Meeting of ‘All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Biological Control of Crop Pests and Weeds’ Ckhloha vf[ky Hkkjrh; ljlksa vuql/a kku dkexkj lewg cSBd 5&7 tqykbZ] 2013 20th All India Group meeting on Rapeseed Musted Research 5-7 July 2013 Nasim Ahmad Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, S.K. Nagar, Dantiwada Ñf"k vuqlèa kku izcèa ku ij iqu'p;kZ ikB~;Øe 15&27 tqykbZ] 2013 ukeZ] gSnjkckn vtark fcjkg Refresher Course on Agricultural Research Management 15-27 Jul 2013 NAARM, Hyderabad Ajanta Birah lewg cSBd ¼fj;y Vkbe uk'khtho xfrfd;ka & pkoy½ 26 tqykbZ] 2013 jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyh Group Meeting (Real Time Pest Dynamics-Rice) 26 Jul 2013 NCIPM, New Delhi ,l- osfuyk vkj- ds- raoj ,l- ih- flag fujatu flag S. Vennila R.K. Tanwar S.P. Singh Niranjan Singh Qy eD[kh ij izfrHkk mUu;u dk;ZØe ,oa dk;Z'kkyk 27 tqykbZ] 2013 ,uch,vkbZvkbZ] cSx a yq# Mh- ch- vgwtk Fruit Fly Brainstorming and Workshop 27 Jul 2013 NBAII, Bengaluru D.B. Ahuja izkS|ksfxdh dk okf.kT;hdj.k vkSj uoizorZu izcèa ku 29 tqykbZ &1 vxLr] 2013 vkbZ,lch] gSnjkckn ,l- ds- flag Technology Commercialization and Innovation Management 29 Jul-1 Aug 2013 ISB, Hyderabad S.K. Singh lewg cSBd ¼fj;y Vkbe uk'khtho xfrfd;ka & vjgj½ 30 tqykbZ] 2013 jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyh Group Meeting (Real Time Pest Dynamics – Pigeonpea) 30 Jul 2013 NCIPM, New Delhi ,l- osfuyk vks- ih- ‘kekZ ,l- Hkxr 108 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 lsfeukj] laxks"Bh] izf'k{k.k ,oa iqjLdkj | Seminars, Conferences, Trainings and Awards ?kVukØe dk uke Name of the event vofèk LFkku izfrHkkxh Duration Venue Participants fujatu flag S.Vennila O.P. Sharma S. Bhagat Niranjan Singh uk'khtho ds [krjksa ds fo'ys"k.k ij varjjk"Vªh; izf'k{k.k 2&6 flrEcj] 2013 ,uvkbZih,p,e] gSnjkckn International Training on Pest Risk Analysis 2-6 Sep 2013 NIPHM, Hyderabad vtark fcjkg ,l- Hkxr Ajanta Birah S. Bhagat oSf'od xSi ekud ij cMs+ iSekus ij O;olk; ds fy, bZ&yfuZx dkslZ 10&12 flrEcj] 2013 10-12 Sep 2013 jk"Vªh; mRikndrk ifj"kn] ubZ fnYyh uosn lkfcj Naved Sabir National Productivity Council, New Delhi e-Learning Course on GLOBAL GAP standard for great marketing Access eDdk gkbfczM ij jk"Vªh; ijh{k.k dk;ZØe 21 flrEcj] 2013 Programme on National Demonstration on Maize Hybrids 21 Sep 2013 eDdk vuqlèa kku funs'kky;] ubZ fnYyh vatrk fcjkg Ajanta Birah Directorate of Maize Research, New Delhi Hkk-d`-vuq-la-] ubZ fnYyh ,l- Hkxr IARI, New Delhi S. Bhagat 2 vxLr] 2013 jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyh 2 Aug 2013 NCIPM, New Delhi fuØk ewx a Qyh Vhe ds lHkh ,lksfl;sV Qly ds [krjukd jksxksa ds fy, gkWLa V&iSFkkstu ck;ks,tsVa baVjsD'ku dh fØ;kfofèk dks le>us ds fy, lh,,QVh ¼dkÝV½ izf'k{k.k 24 flrEcj & 14 vDVwcj] 2013 CAFT Training on Understanding of Mechanism of HostPathogen-Bio-agent Interaction and Sustainable Management Strategy for Threatening Crop Diseases 24 Sep -14 Oct 2013 lewg cSBd ¼fj;y Vkbe uk'khtho xfrfd;ka & ewx a Qyh½ Group Meeting (Real Time Pest Dynamics – Groundnut) All associates of NICRA Groundnut team lewg cSBd ¼fj;y Vkbe uk'khtho xfrfd;ka & VekVj½ 6 vxLr] 2013 jklukizd]s ubZ fnYyh Group Meeting (Real Time Pest Dynamics – Tomato) 6 Aug 2013 NCIPM, New Delhi fuØk VekVj Vhe ds lHkh ,lksfl;sV All associates of NICRA Tomato team ,lth,l Vsªfuax ds }kjk [kk| lqj{kk ij vkfMVj dh ;ksX;rk izkIr dh 21&25 vDrwcj 21-25 Oct Qualified as Lead Auditor through SGS Training - Lead Auditor for Food Safety Management System ISO22000 ,lth,l Hkkjr izk- fyxqM+xkao uosn lkfcj Naved Sabir SGS India Pvt Ltd, Gurgaon ih,evkbZ,l ij izf'k{k.k dk;ZØe 15&30 fnlEcj] 2013 vkbZ,,lvkjvkbZ] ubZ fnYyh Training Programme on PMIS 15-30 Dec 2013 IASRI, New Delhi lHkh oSKkfud ,oa iz’kklfud deZpkjh All scientific and administrative staff Þeq[; Qlyksa esa mHkjrs jksxksa dh igpku djus ds fy, QyukRed dk;Zuhfr;ksÞa ij jk"Vªh; laxks"Bh Hkk-d`-vuq-la-] ubZ fnYyh 13 Dec 2013 IARI, New Delhi 29 tuojh & 05 Qjojh] 2014 vkbZ,,lvkjvkbZ] ubZ fnYyh ,l- osfuyk IASRI, New Delhi S. Vennila M.S. Yadav Nasim Ahmad National Symposium “Functional Strategies for Tracking Emerging Diseases of Majors Crops” ,l,,l dk iz;ksx djrs gq, MkVk fo'ys"k.k Data Analysis Using SAS ,e- ,l- ;kno ulhe vgen 13 fnlEcj] 2013 29 Jan-05 Feb 2014 okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 109 Bhagat S. Conflict and Courage' gkoZMZ dsuM s h Ldwy] dSfEczt] la.Z'kkyk 27 Qjojh] 2014 Sensitization Workshop on ‘Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV6)’ 27 Feb 2014 vkbZ.P. Fellowship of the Society of Rapeseed-Mustard Research (FSRMR) at the National Brassica Conference during 15-16 Feb 2014 at PAU Ludhiana. R.llh dkEIysDl] ubZ fnYyh fujatu flag Niranjan Singh IASRI.dsiVsy .NCIPM ?kVukØe dk uke Name of the event 21 oha lnh ds fy. NASC Complex.l.] mn.oa lEeku vgwtk] Mh.pV~Vksikè.JhokLro Le`fr jk"Vªh. S. Pusa.qok oSKkfud iqjLdkj 2013 iznku fd. Chattopadhyay Harvard Kennedy School.pV~Vksikè. and Dr.B.P. Chattopadhyay.vkj. Indore ^baVjusV izkVs ksdkWy ot+Zu 6 ¼vkbZihoh 6½ ij lqxzkghdj. USA Ñf"k olar esyk 9&13 Qjojh] 2014 Krishi Vasant Mela 9 .kA MkW..dksydrk esa fnukad 21 Qjojh] 2014 dks varjjk"Vªh. .ih.l. Sharma R.k.Srivastava Memorial Foundation Udaipur Rajasthan.P. R.kuk esa Udaipur.S. ¼2014½.kA MkW.flag D.k dk.k vofèk LFkku izfrHkkxh Duration Venue Participants 02&07 Qjojh] 2014 02-07 Feb 2014 International Training on 'Leadership for the 21st Century: Chaos.] yqfèk.a* ij Hkkjrh.lh. lks. Dr. K. ikni jksx foKku laLFkk] ikni jksx foKku izHkkx] vkbZ.dhV&foKku vuqlèa kku la?k vkjlh.dkWu & 2014½ 22&24 Qjojh] 2014 International Soybean Research Conference (SOYCON 2014) 22-24 Feb 2014 lks.Q. çf'k{k. Chattopadhyay Memorial Lecture 2014 of the Indian Mycological Society on 'Crop Health Management for Livelihood Security of Farmers: Current Status and Prospects in India' uosn lkfcj .¼2014½. vejhdk lh. C.] bUnkSj fujatu flag Niranjan Singh Directorate of Soybean Research.ih.Hkkjrh. (2014). laxks"Bh esa ^fdlkuksa ds vkthfodk dh lqj{kk ds fy.e. Yadav S. Division of Plant Pathology. (2014).JhokLro Le`fr QkmUMs'ku] mn.vkj. B. Srivastava Memorial National Award conferred by Entomological Research Association RCA .k. Someshwar.lvkjvkbZ] . ¼2014½. New Delhi.. izcèa ku% Hkkjr esa orZeku fLFkfr rFkk laHkkouk.ku izLrqrhdj.pV~Vksikè. for the year 2013.evkj½ dh QSyksf'ki iznku dh xbZA 110 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 Awards/Recognition Ahuja.kchu vuqlèa kku funs'kky.k x. czkfldk lEesyu ds nkSjku fnukad 15&16 Qjojh] 2014 dks rksfj.lh. usr`Ro % vjktdrk] la?k"kZ vkSj lkgl ij varjkZ"Vªh.kA Hkxr] lkse's oj ¼2013½. Singh varjkZ"Vªh. 7 Jan 2014.ksftr jk"Vªh.k&ljlksa vuqlaèkku lkslkbVh ¼. Bhagat.k. at the International Symposium 2014 on 21 Feb 2014 at Kolkata. Ahuja O. Awarded M. D. Chattopadhyay.qä jkT.13 Feb 2014 dsUnzh. iqjLdkj iznku fd.vgwtk vks.iqj rFkk MkW. C.ih. MkW. K.k.. IARI.iatkc Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky.lvkj. laLFkku dikl vuqlèa kku] ukxiqj Central Institute of Cotton Research. Nagpur Mh. Tanwar Naved Sabir M. Le`fr O.k[.ch. ekbdksykWthdy lkslkbVh ds izkQ s l s j .iqj] jktLFkku }kjk fnukad 07 tuojh] 2014 dks o"kZ 2013 ds fy.B.kno . New Delhi iqjLdkj .P. Qly LokLF. (2014). (2013). Cambridge.vkjvkbZ] iwlk] ubZ fnYyh }kjk .l. Delivered the Prof.k fd.Hkxr .ih.kchu vuqlèa kku lEesyu ¼lks. C. Patel Young Scientist Award 2013 by Indian Phytopathological Society.k x.k x.pV~Vksikè.u.e.ds.l.‘kekZ vkj. vatrk fcjkg ofj"B oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k dhV foKku½ Dr. (Mrs) Sumitra Arora Principal Scientist (Organic Chemistry) MkW.vkj. Naved Sabir Principal Scientist (Nematology) MkW.ih.kno izèkku oSKkfud ¼ikni jksx foKku½ Dr. Entomology) MkW. funs'kd Dr. Singh Senior Scientist (Agril.Mh. Sharma Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology) MkW. dqekj ofj"B oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k dhV foKku½ 27 twu] 2012 ls izfrfu. Surender Kumar Singh Principal Scientist (Agril. D. B. Entomology) MkW. K. M.¼Jherh½ lqfe=k vjksMk+ izèkku oSKkfud ¼tSo jlk.e. (Mrs) Entomology) MkW.lkse's oj Hkxr ofj"B oSKkfud ¼ikni jksx foKku½ Dr.¼Jherh½ .'kekZ izèkku oSKkfud ¼ikni jksx foKku½ Dr. Entomology) MkW.pV~Vksikè. Chattopadhyay oSKkfud Director deZpkjh@SCIENTIFIC STAFF MkW. Tanwar Principal Scientist (Agril.eqd's k lgxy izèkku oSKkfud ¼lw=Ñfe foKku½ Dr. V.uosn lkfcj izèkku oSKkfud ¼lw=Ñfe foKku½ Dr. Sardana Principal Scientist (Agril. H.vgwtk izèkku oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k dhV foKku½ Dr. Extension) MkW. Ajanta Birah Senior Scientist (Agril.qfDr ij Dr.p. Jeyakumar Senior Scientist (Agril. O. P.vkj. R..raoj izèkku oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k dhV foKku½ Dr. P.oh flag ofj"B oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k foLrkj½ Dr..osfuyk izèkku oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k dhV foKku½ Dr.lh.ih. Entomology) on deputation since 27 June 2012 MkW.egsUnz flag . C.vks. Ahuja Principal Scientist (Agril.dkfeZd | Personnel dkfeZd Personnel MkW. Someshwar Bhagat Senior Scientist (Plant Pathology) okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 111 .vkj.u½ Dr. Mukesh Sehgal Principal Scientist (Nematology) MkW. Mahender Singh Yadav Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology) MkW.lqjUs nz dqekj flag izèkku oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k dhV foKku½ Dr. Narayana Bhat Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology) MkW. Entomology) MkW. R. Vennila Principal Scientist (Agril.k HkV~V izèkku oSKkfud ¼ikni jksx foKku½ Dr.ukjk.t.ds.ljnkuk izèkku oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k dhV foKku½ Dr. R. Entomology) MkW..l. ulhe vgen lgk. Kanojia Scientist (Geography) on study leave w.oh. K.d Shri Satender Technical Assistant Jh fueZy dqekj rduhdh lgk.'kekZ lgk.d Shri Satish Babu Technical Assistant Jh ghjk yky . Technician Jh Ñ". Sharma Asstt.NCIPM Jh fodkl daoj oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k vkfFkZdh½ Shri Vikas Kanwar Scientist (Agril.d eq[..flag lgk. Entomology) Jh ih. Singh Asstt.. Nasim Ahmad Asstt. Economics) Jh fujatu flag oSKkfud ¼lax..d Shri Ashok Kumar Technical Assistant Jh lrh'k ckcw rduhdh lgk.f 18 Oct 2013 Jh jkds'k dqekj oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k dhV foKku½ Shri Rakesh Kumar Scientist (Agril. R.ih.f 24 Aug 2013) Jh ch ckYehfd lgk. V.d Shri Hera Lal Yadav Technical Assistant Jh lqj's k iky Okfj"B rduhf'k. K.d foÙk .kd vuqiz.d iz'kklfud vfèkdkjh Shri M. Administrative Officer Jh .duksft.e. Finance & Account Officer (w.oa ys[kk vfèkdkjh Shri Krishan Kumar Sr.u Shri Suresh Pal Sr. Statistics) on study leave w.d eq[.e.ds.d eq[.u gsrq NqV~Vh ij 07 tuojh 2013 Shri A. Mulani Asstt. rduhdh vf/kdkjh Shri P.ksx½ Shri Niranjan Singh Scientist (Computer Application) Jh . Chief Technical Officer Jh .dh½ vè.f 07 Jan 2013 Jherh ehuk{kh efyd oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k lkaf[.e.ds.u gsrq NqV~Vh ij 18 vDVwcj 2013 Mrs Meenakshi Malik Scientist (Agril.k dqekj iz'kklfud deZpkjh@ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF ofj"B foÙk .d Shri Nirmal Kumar Technical Assistant Jh v'kksd dqekj rduhdh lgk.. Chief Technical Officer MkW. Agarwal Administrative Officer Jh .l. K.k oSKkfud ¼Hkwxksy½ vè. Verma Asstt. rduhdh vf/kdkjh Dr.oa ys[kk vfèkdkjh ¼24 vxLr 2013 ls½ Shri M.oekZ rduhdh deZpkjh@TECHNICAL STAFF lgk. P.e.eqykuh lgk.e.d Shri B.vxzoky iz'kklfud vfèkdkjh Shri A. rduhdh vf/kdkjh Shri S.ds. Chief Technical Officer Jherh uhye esgrk rduhdh vfèkdkjh Mrs Neelam Mehta Technical Officer Jh lRksUnz rduhdh lgk. Balmiki Assistant 112 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 .kno rduhdh lgk.vkj. Finance & Account Officer Jh . T-3 promoted to T-4 w.w.kno vij fyfid Shri Pradeep Kumar Upper Division Clerk Jh lqj's k .f 31 Aug 2012 Sh.d Mrs Sangeeta Malhotra Personal Assistant Jherh vfuek yxqu Mrs Anima Lugun vk'kqfyfid xzM s &III Stenographer Grade III Jh Hkwi's k pkSèkjh vij Js. Yadav.kd vuqi. Satish Babu.kno] ofj"B oSKkfud ¼ikni jksx foKku½ fnukad 01 tuojh] 2012 ls izèkku oSKkfud ds in ij inksUur Jh fujatu flag] oSKkfud ¼lax. T-2 promoted to T-3 w.l.e. Jh ghjk yky .. Fluxes  Dr. Mahesh Kumar Shri Dayal Chand Mrs Sarita Kumari inksUufr] fu.qDr fd.f 17 Jan 2011 Sh.¼Jherh½ ljkst flag] izèkku oSKkfud ¼ikni jksxfoKku½ fnukad 30 flrEcj] 2013 dks lsokfuo`Ùk gqb±A Dr.kno fnukad 13 twu] 2013 dks rduhdh lgk. (Mrs) Saroj Singh.e. S.qfDr .. M. Scientist (Plant Pathology) promoted to Principal Scientist w. x. Rakesh Kumar joined as Scientist (Agril.e.rsofr. z ksx½ fnukad 31 vxLr] 2012 ls vkjthih ` 9000@& esa inksUur Jh v'kksd dqekj] Vh&2 fnukad 17 tuojh] 2011 ls Vh&3 ds in ij inksUur Jh lrh'k ckcw] Vh&2 fnukad 30 tuojh] 2011 ls Vh&3 ds in ij inksUur Lo. ifjorZu  pUn Jherh lfjrk dqekjh Mrs Shingari Devi Shri Raj Kumar Shri Rajendra Kumar Shah Shri Uma Shankar Mishra Shri Sunil Kumar Mrs Kamla Shri. pksiM+k] Vh&3 fnukad 05 Qjojh] 2011 ls Vh&4 ds in ij inksUur      Joining fu. Scientist (Plant Pathology) superannuated on 30 Sep 2013 okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 113 . Sr. x.d Shri Navdeep Datta Assistant Jh ch. Sanjay Chopra. T-2 promoted to T3 w.k fyfid Shri Suresh Yadav Lower Division Clerk dq'ky lgk.dkfeZd | Personnel Jh uonhi nÙkk lgk.d deZpkjh@SKILLED SUPPORTING STAFF Jherh f'kaxkjh nsoh Jh jkt dqekj Jh jktsUnz dqekj 'kkg Jh mek 'kadj feJk Jh lquhy dqekj Jherh deyk Jh egs'k dqekj Jh n.qDr fd.e.. Ashok Kumar. Recruitment and Fluxes inksUufr Promotions      MkW.d ¼Vh&3½ ds in ij fu. Pr. Entomology) on 11 Apr 2013 Shri Hera Lal Yadav joined as Technical Assistant (T-3) on 13 June 2013. Scientist (Computer Application) promoted RGP ` 9000/.f 30 Jan 2011 Lt.fDrd lfpo Shri B.qfDr   Jh jkds'k dqekj fnukad 11 vizSy] 2013 dks oSKkfud ¼Ñf"k dhV foKku½ ds in ij fu. S.f 05 Feb 2011   Sh.Jh lat. Tewatia Private Secretary Jherh laxhrk eYgks=k oS.l. 01 Jan 2012 Sh.oa ifjorZu fyfid Shri Bhupesh Chaudhary Upper Division Clerk Jh iznhi dekj vij Js.fDrd lgk. Niranjan Singh. .18 : ` 12.32 : ` 61.NCIPM ctV Budget ctV 2013-14 Budget 2013-14 ¼#.kstuk@Non-plan 548.yk[k esa½ @ (` in lacs) 'kh"kZ LohÑr ctV okLrfod O. Head Sanctioned budget Actual expenditure xSj&.50 657.00 526.50 jktLo izkfIr.26 lalk/u l`tu Resource generation izkS|ksfxdh dh ykbZlfas lax Licensing of technology : ` 49.50 131.kstuk / Plan 131.26 dqy / Total 679.k¡ Revenue receipts dqy Total 114 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 .00 . Ñf"k vuqlèa kku laLFkku vkbZVh. bljks % Hkkjrh.kq % fdlku fof/k vkbZVh.w % iatkc Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky.eih.ds..kk izrki d`f"k .oa izkS|ksfxdh fo'ofo|ky.u. tSo izkS|ksfxdh dsUnz .lch % ihyk ruk csèkd .wfDy..y?kq:i | Abbreviations y?kq:i Abbreviations .oa izkS|ksfxdh fo'ofo|ky.Q.Q.p.ulhvkj % jkt/kkuh ds ikl ds {ks= chlh % ykHk&ykxr MCy.l % y?kq lan's k lsok lh.wjy usVodZ . varfj{k vuql/a kku laxBu Mh.w % pkS/kjh pj.Vh % jksikbZ ds ckn fnu ØksilSi % Qly dhV fuxjkuh .qvkj % xsgaw vuql/a kku funs'kky.u. d`f"k vuql/a kku iz..kstuk .Q..kikj laxBu lhvkjvkjvkb % dsna zh.l % fdlku ikB'kkyk .oa lykgdkj ifj.kk d`f"k fo'ofo|ky.vkjvkbZ % Hkkjrh. dsohds % Ñf"k foKku dsUnz vkbZlhVh % lwpuk . d`f"k vuql/a kku laLFkku .e % jk"Vªh.ulhvkbZih.u. nygu vuqlèa kku laLFkku .e.l % jk"Vªh.pokbZih.dhd`r jksx izc/a ku okbZ.vkj.w.eMh.p.w % ekud ekSle foKku lIrkg lhlh.ulhchvkbZ % jk"Vªh.l. % d`f"k foHkkx .oa izkS|ksfxdh fo'ofo|ky.e. th.lih.ZØe vkbZ.kstuk .l.u % Ñf=e U. . Ñf"k vuqlaèkku ifj"kn chih.p % Hkqjk Qqndk .Qih okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 115 .l % Ñf"k foKku fo'ofo|ky.ldsvkj.Vh % vksfM'kk d`f"k .3ih % laofèkZr nygu mRiknu dk.k. .Vh .l % cqokbZ ds ckn fnu Mhvks. lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku dsUnz vkbZih.y % vkfFkZd gkfu lhek&js[kk Lrj .p % MkVk gSaMfyax lewg fof/k . .w.QokbZ.l. lwpuk iz. Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky.w.l.l. [kk| lqj{kk fe'ku Mhth % egk funs'kd vkbZvkbZihvkj % Hkkjrh..w.uvkbZ. . vks.oa lapkj midj..l.l.kstuk fuxjkuh .l % vkarfjd VªkLa ØkbcM Lislj ih... lhihlhVh % lajf{kr [ksrh izkS|ksfxdh dsUnz Mh.w % Lokeh ds'kokuan jktLFkku d`f"k fo'ofo|ky. .uihoh % gsyhdksoikZ vkfeZtsjk U..j iksyh gsMjksfll fo"kk.w % jkT.kkyh .qVhvks % fo'o O. lefUor vuqlèa kku ifj.l % Ñf"k vuqla/kku LVs'ku chlhdsoh % fc/kku pUnz Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky.eMCY.e % lesfdr uk'khtho izcèa ku .Vh % Ekgkjk.k flag gfj.vkbZlhvkjih % vf[ky Hkkjrh.w % Ñf"k Kku izcaèku bdkbZ ts.e % v)Z&okf"kZd ifj.l % foosdkuan ioZrh.e % jk"Vªh.w % vle Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky.l % baVjuy Vªkl a ØkbcM Lislj .e % xkscj dh [kkn vkbZMh.kkyh ds rgr bZ&uk'khtho fuxjkuh MhMCy. ohihds.e % ..udsoh % tokgjyky usg: Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky. ..w % ejkBokMk Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky.uthvks % xSj ljdkjh laxBu HkkÑvuqi % Hkkjrh.e % jk"Vªh..k bZVh.vkj.e. .eMh % LVfjfyVh ekstd s jksx % panz 'ks[kj vktkn d`f"k .. pkoy vuql/a kku laLFkku . u cksMZ thdsohds % xka/kh —f"k foKku dsUæ ch. Mhvkjvkj % pkoy vuql/a kku funs'kky.dh vuql/a kku laLFkku lhvks.lvkjvkb % Hkkjrh.l % dsUæh..NCIPM .lh % —f"k vkSj lgdkfjrk foHkkx .oa f'k{kk foHkkx Mh.ldsohoh % ckck lkgsc lkoar dksd a . % 'kq"dHkwfe —f"k ds fy. dsæa h.j % d`f"k vuqla/kku .w % vkpk.Z . % —f"k d‚yst vkbZthdsohoh % bafnjk xka/kh —f"k fo'ofo|ky.wjks lhvkj. vuql/a kku laLFkku 116 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 . Mhvksihch .. —f"k lkaf[.p.k —f"k fo|kihB vkbZ.aMth % IykaV czhfMax vkSj tsufs VDl foHkkx .lvkjch % —f"k oSKkfud p.kZ dhV C.jaxk —f"k fo'ofo|ky.u-th.= a jkbl fjlpZ LVs'ku Ms..vkbvkb % jk"Vªh. lhvkjvkbZMh.uthvkj. d`f"k egRoiw.ih. o"kkaZ vkSj la. .wvkjvkj.w % vka/kz çns'k ckxokuh fo'ofo|ky.uch. y?kq:i | Abbreviations A3P : Accelerated Pulse Production Programme GKVK AAU : Assam Agricultural University AICRP : All India Coordinated Research Project AKMU : Agriculture Knowledge Management Unit ANGRAU : Gandhi Krishi Vigyan Kendra GMDH : Group Method of Data Handling HaNPV : Helicoverpa armigera Nuclear Poly hedrosis Virus : Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University HYPM : Half Yearly Progress Monitoring ANN : Artificial Neural Network IARI : Indian Agriculture Research Institute APHU : Andhra Pradesh Horticultural University IASRI : AP : Andhra Pradesh Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute ARS : Agricultural Research Station ICAR : ASRB : Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board BCR : Benefit Cost Ratio BCKV : Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya BPH : Brown Plant Hopper BSKVV : Baba Saheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth CABI ICT Indian Council of Agricultural Research Information and communication tools IDM : Integrated Disease Management IGKVV : Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya IIHR : Indian Institute of Horticulture Research IIPR : Indian Institute of Pulse Research IIVR : Indian Institute of Vegetable Research : Centre for Agricultural Biosciences International IPM : Integrated Pest Management IRC : Institute Research Committee CCPI : Co-operating Centre Principal Investigator ISRO : Indian Space Research Organization CCS HAU : Chaudhary Charan Singh Hisar Agricultural University ITS : Internal Transcribed Spacer JNKVV : Jawaharlal Nehru KrishiVishwaVidyalaya CG : Chhattisgarh KA : Karnataka COA : College of Agriculture KVK : Krishi Vigyan Kendra CPCT : Centre of Protected Cultivation Technology MAU : Marathwada Agricultural University CRIDA : Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture MLP : Multi-Layer Perceptron CROPSAP : Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project MLR : Multiple Linear Regression CRRI : Centre for Rice Research Institute MoA : Ministry of Agruculture CRURRS : Central Rainfed and Upland Rice Research Station MPKV : Mahatama Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth MPUAT : Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology MS : Maharashtra NAARM : National Academy of Agricultural Research Management NARS : National Agricultural Research System NASC : National Agricultural Science Centre NBAII : National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects NCBI : National Centre for Biotechnology NCIPM : National Centre for Integrated Pest Management NCR : Near Capital Region NFSM : National Food Security Mission NGO : Non-governmental Organization NICRA : National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture NIPHM : National Institute of Plant Health Management NISPM : National Information System for Pest Management CSAUA&T : Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology CYMMIT : International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre DAC : Department of Agriculture and Cooperation DAP : Days After Planting DARE : Department of Agricultural Research and Education DAT : Days After Transplanting DG : Director General DOA : Department of Agriculture DOPB&G : Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics DRR : Directorate of Rice Research DWR : Directorate of Wheat Research ETL : Economic Threshold Level FFS : Farmer’ Field Schools FP : Farmers’ practices FYM : Farm Yard manure GJ : Gujarat okf"kZd izfrosnu 2013&14 117 . Monitoring.NCIPM NPRC : National Pulse Research Centre SAD : OUAT : Odisha University of Agricultural and Technology SAU : State Agricultural University SKRAU : Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University : Sterility Mosaic Disease PAU : Punjab Agricultural University PB : Phytophthora Blight SMD State Agriculture Department PB : Punjab SMS : Short Message Service PBND : Peanut Bud Necrosis Disease SMW : Standard Meteorological Week PCI : Pest Control (India) TN : Tamil Nadu PDKV : Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth TNAU : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute PI : Principal Investigator TRRI : PME : Priority Setting. and Evaluation UAS : University of Agricultural Sciences PNN : Polynomial Neural Networks UP : Uttar Pradesh PRA : Participatory Rural Appraisal VPKAS : QRT : Quinquennial Review Team Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan RAC : Research Advisory Committee WB : West Bengal : White Backed Plant Hopper RARS : Regional Agriculture Research Station WBPH RBF : Radial Basis Function WTO : World Trade Organization : Yellow Stem Borer : Zonal Agricultural Research Station RCER : Regional Centre for Eastern Region YSB RRS : Regional Research Station ZARS 118 ANNUAL REPORT 2013–2014 . 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