Aquapol Cosmic Dehydration by Wilhelm Mohorn

March 23, 2018 | Author: Jason Verbelli | Category: Polarization (Waves), Earth, Physics & Mathematics, Physics, Nature



Building Dehydrationinnovative with n a t u r a l energy Established in 1985 LS ! HEMICA NO C ITY ! ECTRIC NO EL ING ! O DRILL N ions nstallat I 30 000 ope ! out Eur through Budapest Parliament Edition 1-UK 2005 Drying out Buildings Established 1985 Our Philosophy 1. 2. 3. 4. The peaceful utilization of two freely available natural sources of energy as the power of the AQUAPOL unit in drying out buildings and keeping them dry for decades! The further development and advance of an integral concept for drying out buildings and other essential functions and redevelopment measures. The increase of quality of life through the AQUAPOL unit e.g. The reduction of geological sources of diseases (geopathogenic influences). The research and development of further peaceful forms of application in connection with the two existing natural sources of energy. The philosophical background of the AQUAPOL symbol Natural earth energy Field of activity Europe since 1985 Upwards shifting water molecule (moisturizing) Device field feature Downwards shifting water moleucule (dehydration) The name AQUAPOL is composed from the latin word AQUA, which means water and the syllable POL, which is a abbreviation of polarisation. Water molecules can be directed and orientated through exact fields of energy (orientation polarisation). Symbol In the middle of the symbol is shown the earth from which a natural characteristic radiation derives. This is dynamic in nature but not electromagnetic. This characteristic radiation of the earth is received by an antenna system unit (the three visible aerials symbolize the antenna like AQUAPOL unit) and is fed back into the domain now being polarized. It therefore functions in this dynamic energy spectrum of earth as a polarization of the received field. This process causes the water molecules (in the symbol the left and right water drops) to move in a capillary system downwards (process of dehydration) or upwards (process of moisturization). This technology was discovered in Austria - possibly rediscovered - by Wilhelm Mohorn. The flag of Austria symbolizes the place of origin or the place of rediscovery. 2 Drying out Buildings Established 1985 Contents At a glance References - general (extract) References - special (extract) Physical mode of action of the AQUAPOL device (short description) The earth energy that is used by the AQUAPOL System Simple depiction of it’s physical effect Technical data and design of range Influence upon Biology AQUAPOL - it´s applications and parameters The Inventor and Founder of AQUAPOL and his most rewarded system Information und service benefits 3 4 5 6 7 8-9 10 11 12 13 14 About the cover: The cover shows the impressive Budapest Parliament building on the Danube river. A part of the building (previously affected by damp) was successfully dried with AQUAPOL in 1992. The starry background is to symbolize space energy and the promising future of the AQUAPOL technology Advantages of the AQUAPOL System of drying out walls: * No Chemicals * No Cutting * No Electricity - No additional Electrosmog AQUAPOL United Kingdom Ltd V o l k e r K u b i l l u s Phone: 01342 410 593 Mobile: 07940 875 640 E-Mail: [email protected] w w w. a q u a p o l. c o. u k German Standard Building Service 4 The Hall, Rockwood Park East Grinstead Rh19 4JX We s t S u s s e x England 3 Drying out Buildings Established 1985 At a glance The AQUAPOL system of drying out walls since 1985 one of the most simple, secure, and long term proven systems. AQUAPOL is: * very simple according to AQUAPOL customer surveys * long term proven * the environmentally friendly system on the basis of a naturally occuring background radiation supply * patented by Europe Patent Number 0688383 * awarded with: * * * * * Architecture Award (Prague) - 1993 Honorary Award of the Ministry of Science (Austria) - 1995 Kaplan Medal for Inventors (Austria) - 1995 Innovation Certificate (Lower-Austria) - 1995 Honorary medal at the IENA (International Exhibition of Ideas Inventions Innovations) Nuremberg (Germany) 1997 a nd Gold Medal 2001 * Over 31.000 (2005) installations throughout Europe since 1985 * TÜV certified (Technical Inspection Agency) AQUAPOL device EMV Test report No. P9892097E01 TÜV-Rhineland, 51105 Cologne * EURAFEM-Certificate 2005 * Reliable through wall moisture measurements using the Darr-Method according to the Austrian Building Standard (ÖNORM) B 3355-1. Measurements in regular intervalls. Convince yourself about the certainty, the simplicity and reliability of AQUAPOL. Our experienc is your advantage ! 4 Drying out Buildings Established 1985 AQUAPOL installations are our best advertisement The special magazine for Austrian Communities The special magazine for Austrian communities Official periodical of the Austrian Community Association Official organ of the Austrian Community Association Mariahilfer nursery school Dry walls for 15 years At the beginning everything seemed wonderful. In 1987 Hannelore Steiner opened a private nursery school in the 7th community district of Vienna, in the Ziegler-Street No. 12 in a former laundry. The rooms had been newly plastered and decorated when after some months the sins of the past caught up with them. We t s t a i n s o n t h e w a l l s a n d mustiness were the results - the problem was the Ottakringer river flowing underneath. Several attempts to whitewash the damage failed. Even more dreadful, the children were permanently ill because of the damp. The building contractor suggested airing the rooms to solve the problem. It must have been fate that the owner of the nursery school met engineer Wilhelm Mohorn, who dries out walls. A new system, without cutting into walls, without chemicals or the use of electricity, the AQUAPOL device was placed in the problem room, polarizing the water molecules and sending them back into the soil. Fifteen years ago this was new territory. Today more than 31 000 properties have been dried out with success. Great showpieces are the Vinothek (Wine cellar) in the city of Klosterneuburg or the Haydn-Museum in the city of Eisenstadt The Vienna nursery school suffered from a setback and suddenly the smell of mould appeared again. Some boys had opened the “Aquapol equipment” and altered it. Since then the device has been fixed to the ceiling - unreachable by the “inventors” of tomorrow. Dry walls through AQUAPOL Keeping buildings dry with a long term effect! 5 Drying out Buildings Established 1985 Special references (extract) Budapest Parliament Installation: 1990 Project handover: 1992 Castle Reitenau - Styria Installation: 1987 Project handover: 1991 Wine cellar - Monastery Klosterneuburg Installation: 1998 Project handover: 1999 6 Old Military Hospital Klagenfurt Austria 13 Aquapolgerät Z S17-X 4 H230 R365 7 Untersuchungsbereich der HTBLuVA Villach 5 10 12 2 3 14 Aquapolgerät T S17 -LI GMS 1 H245 R390 4 11 9 1 Aquapolgerät K UPQ 98 A4,5- 15,7 3 H300 R540 15 2 8 Aquapolgerät gW S17-X-HF H290 R460 Military Hospital - Klagenfurt Installation: 1998 Project handover: 2000 Haydn - Museum - Eisenstadt Installation: 1992 Project handover: 1994 6 Before AQUAPOL Device Moisture remaining naturally in the masonry In the state of equillibrium After Simplefied close-up the downwards moving moisture in the capillary system of the wall Field of the device GRAVOMAGNETOKINETIC Dry masonry Physical mode of action 7 Damp masonr y Ground moisture An exact defined, natural gravomagnetic1 field creates a downward movement (kinetic) of damp in walls. The damp shifts very slowly back into the soil that it came from, ... the walls dry out in the sphere of influence of the AQUAPOL device and are kept dry (exept for the remaing natural damp). 1 Established 1985 Drying out Buildings See next page “Our explanation” T H E U S E O F N AT U R A L E N E R G Y I S A C O N T R I B U T I O N TO E N V I R O N M E N TA L P R O T E C T I O N ! Drying out Buildings Established 1985 What earth energy is used by the AQUAPOL System ? Is this natural energy provable ? Simple depiction or rather enlargement of clockwise turning or counter clockwise turning earth fields with a specific quality. atypical Direction of expansion typical Generally accepted Physics: Because of the rotational power of earth (Coriolis-power) every vertical run of a whirlpool (e.g. washbasin) is supposed to have a counterclockwise rotation (seen from above) in the northern hemisphere, and a clockwise rotation in the southern hemisphere. In Practice: Clockwise rotation Our observations show a frequent atypical Counterclockwise rotation behaviour of the rotation (see diagram), which should not be possible according to the generally accepted opinion. Our Explanation: There apparently exists a separate radiation of earth, which can be found in a clock- or counterclockwise rotational form and which obviously has a stronger effect upon the rotation of the whirlpool than the Coriolis-power. Whirlpool Whirlpool These earth fields are a mixture of a magnetic and a gravity wave (from gravitation). Iron filings In spiral form A n experimental demonstration If one pours iron filings in a glass of water under which a magnet is placed, you will observe a spiral order of the iron filings! According to the gnerally accepted leftopinion a scattered form should rotation appear (red diagram). force (Monstein Barnett-Effect). Magnet field Spiral nebular Galaxy NGC 1232 Spiral like galaxies are likewise (Spiral power from the front turns maintained by enormous spiral clockwise) forces. the expected Magnet order of the Iron filings Only a revolving or rather spiral power can create spiral forms in accordance with the law of cause and effect! 8 Drying out Buildings Established 1985 The simplified construction of the AQUAPOL device and a simple depiction of it’s physical effect. The simplified construction of the Aquapol-device: 3 2 1 1 2 3 ...Receiver unit ...Polarisation unit ...Transmitter unit 2 1 Soil energy receiving phase: A natural field of earth 1 with a specific frequency is being received funnel-shaped by the receiver 2 of the Aquapol-unit. 9 Drying out Buildings Established 1985 Polarization and Transmitter phase 1 2 The received energy is now being polarized clockwise 1 by the polarization unit and is sent back to the area of activity 2 now directed into the ground. Free space-energy - Reinforcement phase re A frequency specific gravomagnetic, funnel-shaped soil energy B is picked up by the Aquapol device. A Inside the device this soil energy is transformed into a stable clockwise rotating r energy form (polarization effect) and is sent back to the area of activity. D Additional free space-energy flows in from above and gets transformed C into gravomagnetic energy (generator effect). Thus the area of activity is extended. D Space Energy is the Energy of the Third Millennium 10 Drying out Buildings Established 1985 Technical Data Dimensions: According to type and form Minimum: Diameter = 270 mm, Height = 150 mcm (10.6 X 5.9 in.) Maximum: Diameter = 550 mm, Height = 480 mm (21.6 X 18.9) Weight: 3 to 5 Kg. Energy supply: Natural earth energy and free space energy Model: Disc 2000 Special model: Wine cask Model: Inka Model: Rustika small Model: Apple Model: Weidi A suitable AQUAPOL model design for your room 11 Drying out Buildings Established 1985 Influence upon Biology Since early summer 1987 I have had an older AQUAPOL device in use and in August I made a short report about it. At that time I reported that we were satisfied, as the device was the first one that brought the desired effect. On 15 September 1988 I tried the new AQUAPOL device. Near to the main watercourse the pendulum and divining revealed a standstill. I also liked the simple installation. Finding an optimum position for the device is no longer critical. About the subjective effect: already on 17 September 1988 we noticed a significant improvement. It was simply pleasant and could not be differentiated from a house uneffected by a watercourse radiation. In conclusion I can only acknowledge that the new device is working optimally and leaves nothing to be desired. Günter Ebeleseder / medical doctor Schärding / Upper Austria Experiences of a Scientist The device produced by the AQUAPOL company has been investigated by myself in a series of tests from 1 November 1985 to February 1987 with regard to it`s protection effect upon geo-pathogenic disturbance zones. In several tests based upon my methods, done by myself and students at the Baden Adult Education Centre, we came to the conclusion that the influence of geo-pathogenic disturbance zones caused by a watercourse, any other faults or usual magnet field concentrations (Drs. Curry and Hartmann), could no longer be detected due to the presence of the “Device”. Repeatedly, the tests estimated a rise of between 61 and 94% in healthy living. 1 geo-pathogenic = illnesses caused by earth Professor Grad. Engineer J. Seiser Vienna In a scientific test of the Research Circle for Geobiology, Dr. Hartmann (Germany) acknowledged the AQUAPOL systems effect in dampening geological disturbance zones. Test subject K.K. Test subject L.R. These tests utilized an electrical method of measuring body resistance to a watercourse (the presence of which was unknown to the test subjects). The geo-pathogenic stress disappeared with the use of the AQUAPOL device. Without Aquapol With Aquapol Better bio-climate through decreased geologic disturbance zones! 12 Full area of Aquapol application Area of partial application Windward side beating rain No Aquapol area of application K B E-Smog SR A C SW H K G D AQUAPOL Application Drying out Buildings 13 S I E E G Established 1985 Subterranean watercourse S H Hygroscopic humidity Splash water D E Sideways penetrating damp Slope pressurized water SR Damp from beating rain C Chemically caused damp K Condensation B Building damp SW Surface water I Damage from installation G Geological or technically caused damp from a disturbance field A Rising damp We inform whereas others remain silent ! Drying out Buildings Established 1985 The Inventor and Founder of AQUAPOL Austrian Award The Kaplan-Medal This is the highest award for successful Austrian Research & Invention and was awarded in 1995 to Engineer Wilhelm Mohorn Engineer Wilhelm Mohorn at the presentation of his space energy transformer utilized in the drying out of buildings. This device was invented and developed by him and it is protected by patent. An award winning system! 14 Drying out Buildings Established 1985 We offer before Sale: DVD film ”VOL 1” The Magnetokinetic method of handling rising damp in walls. Free Damp analysis a nd estimate E FRE !!! NTRO IINTRO DUCT DUCT I A simple ON ION descript ion of Kn owle dge and Applicat ion ! wett Schl erse agre itige gen r E-Sm og G D K misc h veru Geo veru logis rsac rsac ch hte hte oder Feuc Stör tech hte feldf nisc euch h te K A H E Aqu apol - Anw endu nwe ndun ngsg gsge ebie t biet - Anw endu ngsg ebie t C Che AQU phy APO sika L -Ma lisc S hen uertroc Spri Wir ken tzwa kpr B sser inzi legungs SW C Bau p der syte feuc D hte Han Gra m E gvom arb SW Druc agn eitet Sick kwa sser erwa etok nac sser ines h dem H e Hyg Kein Feuc hte che rosk opis ringe nde I Schl agre genf Insta euch llatio te nssc häde n Teila Aqu apol I SR G A - od. 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ÖNORM ...Erdreich ...Rollierung ...Fußboden we...Feuchtebe g gungsrichtun er ...Druckwass ...Gerätefeld druck Abdichtungs -Gerät ...AQUAPOL mit Gerätefeld STE M r ...Hygromete Presented by: Our extended service after purchase: * * * * * * Money back guarantee of success Factual measurement of dampness to confrom with Austrian Standards A checklist for the correction of incidental problems Diagnosis of wall dampness Continued service until project completion. A strategy to handle damage previously caused by the dampness For many years a unique service ! 15 Drying out Buildings Established 1985 More information and DVD´s your advantage for superior knowledge DVD Vol.I: The Magnetokinetic Dehydration Technology The Magnetokinetic Masonry Dehydration; The AQUAPOL DVD Vol 1 explains in a simple way the following: Vol.I lum Vo e 1 fo re rf e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Damage through Rising Damp in old buildings The main causes of rising damp in the masonry ¨ The intelligent solution: Magnetokinetics of AQUAPOL Essential criteria of the Magnetokinetics in the building practice AQUAPOL - production & models AQUAPOL - choice of device and device installation Magnetokinetic desalting process AQUAPOL - Service control until full dehydration AQUAPOL - References AQUAPOL - International awards AQUAPOL - Information service free!! for ! & establis 985 hed 1 Watch the spectacular new Video: tter Le WATE R INVEST IGATIN G AN INEXPL ICABLE PHENO ME By Ma nfred Christ Secret Top Read about the biological effects of the AQUAPOL system and about people`s experiences. NON Order your copy now for only £ 10 Phone: 01342 410 593 Mobile: 07940 875 640 Email: [email protected] AQUAPOL United Kingdom Ltd D i r e c t o r : Vo l k e r K u b i l l u s Budape st Parlia ment Standard Building Service 4 The Hall, Rockwood Park East Grinstead RH19 4JX West Sussex - England
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