Aptis _ British Council
Aptis _ British Council
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8/30/2015Aptis | British Council Italy Menu Contact us Home > Take an Exam > English tests for companies Aptis Test your employees' English language skills with Aptis Experience Aptis or practice for your Aptis test with these online demo tests. Try Aptis now (http://www.britishcouncil.org/aptis/whataptis/try) Aptis has been developed by the British Council, an organisation with more than 70 years’ experience in English assessment. The British Council is a global leader in English testing, so you can be sure choosing Aptis is the right decision for your organisation’s English development needs. site uses to help make meaning it moremore people can be assessed quickly Aptis This is designed to be cookies flexible and accessible, and affordably. allows you to test the skills relevant to your requirements accurately, and get useful toItyou. resultsFind within as little 24 hours. out more aboutascookies. http://www.britishcouncil.it/en/exam/englishtestscompanies/aptis 1/6 org/aptis/what-aptis/try) to see how Aptis can benefit you. Testing English levels from A1-C on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. such as for teaching or travel and tourism.it/en/exam/englishtestscompanies/aptis 2/6 . listening. you choose when. What is Aptis? Aptis is a modern and flexible English assessment system designed to meet the diverse needs of companies and organisations around the world.speaking. reading and writing. Aptis content can also be adapted to suit a specific domain. Aptis components and packages http://www. If you wish to test a mix of skills.britishcouncil. different components can be taken together. With computer.8/30/2015 Aptis | British Council The test combines a core grammar and vocabulary component with one or more of the skills components to give you an accurate and relevant assessment result. you can benchmark English language levels in your organisation and streamline recruitment processes – saving you time and money. Try our demo tests (http://www. Aptis is a business-to-business product which is used by companies and organisations to benchmark the English language levels of their employees. and content can be customised to suit specific cultural contexts and variants of English. students or teachers. which can be used to assess ability in all four English skills . pen and paper or telephone-based delivery options. Targeted testing means more informative results. You select the core language knowledge component (grammar and vocabulary) and combine it with one or more of the skills components for accurate and relevant testing. By allowing you to test only the skills you wish to test. helping you refine your training or recruitment to be more efficient and cost effective in the future. What does it test? Aptis is made up of a number of components which are taken in packages rather than individually. to ensure you get the results you need. Contact us for more information Please send us a message and we will help you to find out how Aptis can help your company or organisation. Aptis is an English test for adults (16+). how and in what way to test.britishcouncil. potential employees. Listening and Speaking Package 7. Writing Package 5. So whether your testing requirement is for recruitment. and a score on a numerical scale (0 – 50) and CEFR level (A1 – C) for each skill they take. workforce development or training. Speaking Package 4. Listening Reading and Writing Package 13. Listening Reading and Speaking Package 12. speaking and writing components.it/en/exam/englishtestscompanies/aptis 3/6 . Reading Speaking and Writing Package 15. Speaking and Writing Package 11. THERE ARE 15 DIFFERENT PACKAGES AVAILABLE: 1. http://www. Listening Package 2. Listening and Reading Package 6. Reading and Writing Package 10. This will make up the candidate’s profile of language proficiency. Listening Reading Speaking and Writing Package Flexible delivery options Aptis scoring Reading and listening components are marked automatically by the online platform. By allowing you to choose which skills are tested when.britishcouncil. Reading Package 3. while the speaking and writing components are marked by a live examiner. An Aptis candidate will receive a score on a numerical scale (0 to 50) for the grammar and vocabulary section. The grammar and vocabulary component is the compulsory module which you select with any combination of the listening. Listening Speaking and Writing Package 14. Reading and Speaking Package 9. you get the best and most meaningful results. reading. where and how.8/30/2015 Aptis | British Council Aptis is made up of components which are taken in packages rather than individually. Listening and Writing Package 8. britishcouncil.g.org/aptis/whataptis/try) http://www.britishcouncil.britishcouncil.it/sites/britishcouncil.britishcouncil. government organisations and NGOs for: Benchmarking employees Language audits to identify training needs Filtering potential employees for interview Filtering students to identify those ready for other exams (e.it/files/esame ingleseaptis_british_councilitalia. Usage of Aptis score Aptis is used around the globe by corporate businesses. IELTS) Filtering current employees for promotion As a diagnostic tool to identify strengths and weaknesses of people seeking employment Evaluating language development projects DOWNLOADS Aptis by British Council (http://www. Try Aptis now (http://www.org/aptis) Experience Aptis or practice for your Aptis test with these online demo tests.pdf) (ADOBE PDF 320KB) See also Common European Framework: understanding language levels External links Aptis site (http://www.8/30/2015 Aptis | British Council Aptis is the forward thinking English testing you’ve been waiting for.it/en/exam/englishtestscompanies/aptis 4/6 . 8/30/2015 Aptis | British Council 2 0 English tests for companies Aptis BULATS Choose your language Italiano English English schools Newsletter Contact us Teacher development Training for companies.britishcouncil. schools and universities About British Council Italy What we do Our history Child Protection Equal opportunity and diversity Job opportunities Press Partnerships Why partner with us? Success stories Who we work with Teacher development Teaching courses and qualifications Teacher seminars and events http://www.it/en/exam/englishtestscompanies/aptis 5/6 . britishcouncil.it/en/exam/englishtestscompanies/aptis 6/6 .it/rss.org/italy/) Soundcloud LinkedIn © 2015 British Council The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.britishcouncil. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland) ▲ Back to top http://www.org) Privacy and terms Follow us on Milan Facebook Naples Facebook Rome Facebook IELTS Facebook Twitter IELTS Twitter YouTube Blog (http://www.xml) (http://blog.com/user/bcitaly ) RSS (http://www.britishcouncil.britishcouncil.youtube.8/30/2015 Aptis | British Council Online teacher training and resources British Council global (http://www.
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