April Book of Records

March 20, 2018 | Author: areyoubeefin | Category: Fraternities And Sororities, By Law, Corporations, Board Of Directors, Corporate Law



DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY MANHATTAN, KANSASBOOK OF RECORDS Delta Theta Chapter Articles of Incorporation Board of Trustees Roster of Officers and Trustees and Advisors Building Corporation Articles of Incorporation, Officers and Directors and Lists of Contributors Honor Rolls of Chapter Award Recipients Roster of Delta Theta Chapter Officers Endowment Fund Articles of Incorporation, Officers and Directors and Lists of Contributors History of Delta Theta Chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Alumni Association Articles of Incorporation, Officers and Directors Delta Theta Charter Initiates, Original Chapter Officers and Complete Chapter Roll Roster of Delta Theta Pledge Classes and Initiation Rates Honor Rolls of National and International Awards and Recipients The Hall of Honor Roster of Delta Theta Chapter Retreats and Locations List of Delta Theta Grade Point Averages Key Alpha Tau Omega Addresses, Phone and FAX Numbers and E-Mail Addresses Date of Latest Changes: April 1, 2013 DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY BOOK OF RECORDS DELTA THETA CHAPTER ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Articles of Incorporation Effective September 3, 1971 With All Amendments DELTA THETA BOARD OF TRUSTEES ROSTER OF OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES AND ADVISORS Board of Trustees Roster Since November 2, 1994 Roster of Advisors Since 1949 DELTA THETA BUILDING CORPORATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND ROSTER OF OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND LISTS OF CONTRIBUTORS Building Corporation Articles of Incorporation Effective November 11, 1954 With All Amendments HONOR ROLLS OF CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER OFFICERS ENDOWMENT FUND ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS AND LISTS OF CONTRIBUTORS Endowment Fund Articles of Incorporation Effective June 3, 1954 With All Amendments HISTORY OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Alumni Association Articles of Incorporation Effective October 17, 1927 With All Amendments DELTA THETA CHARTER INITIATES, ORIGINAL CHAPTER OFFICERS AND COMPLETE CHAPTER ROLL DELTA THETA PLEDGE CLASSES AND INITIATION RATES HONOR ROLLS OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AWARDS AND RECIPIENTS THE HALL OF HONOR ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER RETREATS AND LOCATIONS SUMMARY OF FEES, CHARGES AND ASSESSMENTS LIST OF DELTA THETA GRADE POINT AVERAGES KEY ALPHA TAU OMEGA ADDRESSES, PHONE AND FAX NUMBERS AND E-MAIL ADDRESSES KANSAS DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY Incorporated under the General Corporation Code of the State of Kansas as a not-for-profit corporation as ALPHA THETA CHI FRATERNITY, INC., on February 19, 1920, and as KANSAS DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY, INC., on February 16, 1921; and its successor corporation, DELTA THETA OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA, INC., incorporated on September 3, 1971; both of which constitute the bodycorporate of the KANSAS DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY, a subordinate entity of the ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY, which was chartered pursuant to provisions of the National Constitution and Laws (currently National Bylaws and Policies and Procedures) of the Fraternity and duly installed in Manhattan, Kansas, on October 22nd and 23rd, 1920 A.D. B ook of Records SUMMARY OF CHAPTERS Chapter TABLE OF CONTENTS DELTA THETA OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION DELTA THETA BOARD OF TRUSTEES ROSTER OF OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES AND ADVISORS DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA BUILDING CORPORATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND ROSTER OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND LISTS OF BUILDING CORPORATION CONTRIBUTORS HONOR ROLLS OF CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER OFFICERS KANSAS STATE ALPHA TAU OMEGA STUDENTS' AID ENDOWMENT FUND ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND ROSTER OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND LISTS OF ENDOWMENT FUND CONTRIBUTORS HISTORY OF THE RED TIE CLUB (R. T. C.), ALPHA THETA CHI FRATERNITY AND DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND ROSTER OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS DELTA THETA CHARTER INITIATES, ORIGINAL CHAPTER OFFICERS AND COMPLETE CHAPTER ROLL ROSTER OF DELTA THETA PLEDGE CLASSES AND INITIATION RATES HONOR ROLLS OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AWARDS AND RECIPIENTS THE HALL OF HONOR ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER RETREATS AND LOCATIONS LIST OF DELTA THETA GRADE POINT AVERAGES KEY ALPHA TAU OMEGA ADDRESSES, PHONE AND FAX NUMBERS AND E-MAIL ADDRESSES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Book of Records B ook of Records A TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: DELTA THETA OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. Name Principal Place of Business Registered Office and Registered Agent Purpose Capital, Grant of Authority and Condition of Membership Amount of Capital Incorporators Term of Existence Board of Directors A-H 1.01 CHAPTER 2: DELTA THETA BOARD OF TRUSTEES ROSTER OF OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES AND ADVISORS Section 1: Roster of Officers and Members of Board of Trustees A. B. C. D. E. F. Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer Trustees Chapter Trustees 2.01 2.01 Section 2: Roster of Advisors A. B. C. D. E. F. Chapter Advisors Faculty Advisors Assistant Chapter Advisors Assistant Faculty Advisors Chapter Advisors Emeritus Faculty Advisors Emeritus 2.02 CHAPTER 3: DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA BUILDING CORPORATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, ROSTER OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND LISTS OF BUILDING CORPORATION CONTRIBUTORS Section 1: Building Corporation Articles of Incorporation 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. Name Registered Office Registered Agent Purpose Powers Term of Existence Board of Directors Membership 3.01 3.03 B Book of Records 9th. 10th. 11th. Limitations Amendment of Articles Dissolution Section 2: Building Corporation Roster of Corporate Officers and Members of the Board of Directors A. B. C. D. E. President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Members of the Board of Directors 3.07 Section 3: Lists of Building Corporation Contributors A. B. Chapter House Golden Donors (1968-1970) 75th Anniversary Chapter House Renovation/ Addition Project (1993-1995) 3.13 CHAPTER 4: HONOR ROLL OF CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS Section 1: Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega 1A1. 1A2. 1A3. 1A4. 1A5. 1A6A. 1A6B. 1A6C. 1A7. The President's Award The Chapter Advisor's Brotherhood Award The J. B. Angle Tau of the Year Award The Tau of the Month Award The Honor Initiate Award The Outstanding Pledge Award The Outstanding New Member Award The Michael J. Brown Memorial Outstanding New Member Award The Chapter Sweetheart Award 4.01 4.03 Section 2: Delta Theta Board of Trustees 2A1. 2A2. 2A3. The Trustees' Brotherhood Award The Order of the Third Star Award The Trustees' Outstanding Achievement Award 4.19 Section 3: Delta Theta Hall of Honor Committee 3A1. 3A2. The Delta Theta Hall of Honor Award The Delta Theta Outstanding Service Award 4.23 Section 4: Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Building Corporation 4A1. The Summer House Manager Award 4.25 Section 5: Kansas State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid Endowment Fund 5A1. (5A2.) 5A3A. 5A3B. 5A4. 5A5. 5A6A. 5A6B. 5A7. 5A8. 4.27 The Elmer D. McCollum Scholastic Excellence Award (The Presidential Scholastic Achievement Award) The Best Room Scholarship Award The Elmer D. McCollum Best Room Scholarship Award The Elmer D. McCollum Worthy Master Award The Richard E. Fagerberg Worthy Marshal Award The Elmer D. McCollum Worthy Keeper of Exchequer Award The Allan D. Holiday, Jr. Worthy Keeper of Exchequer Award The Elmer D. McCollum Membership Recruitment Chairman Award The Elmer D. McCollum Membership Assistant Recruitment Chairmen Award B ook of Records C 5A9. 5A10. 5A11. 5B1. 5B3. 5C1. (5B2.) 5C2. 5C3. 5C4A. 5C4B. 5C5. 5C6. 5C7A. 5C7B. 5C8. 5C9. 5C10. 5C11A. 5C11B. 5C12A. 5C12B. 5C13. 5C14A. 5C14B. 5C14C. 5C15A. 5C15B. 5C16A. 5C16B. 5C17. 5C18A. 5C18B. 5C19. 5C20. 5C21. 5C22. 5C23. 5C24. 5C25A. 5C25B. 5C26. 5C27. 5C28. 5C29A. 5C29B. 5C30A. 5C30B. 5C31. 5A32A. 5A32B. 5D1. 5D2. 5D3. 5D4. 5D5. 5D6. 5D7. 5E1. The Elmer D. McCollum True Merit Character Award The Todd F. Lakin K-State Leadership Award The Jeffrey L. Gates Business Administration Award The William L. Muir II and John T. Muir Memorial Grant-in-Aid Award (Muir Memorial Cup) The Tyler F. Newton Noah's Ark Awards The L. Allyn Laybourn Scholastic Excellence Award (Yearly Top Grades) The Joseph P. Fangman Honor Initiate Award The Maureen P. Newton Exemplary Initiate Award The Elmer D. McCollum Most Improved Scholarship Award The Matthew L. Bretz Most Improved Scholarship Award The Larry D. Marvel Memorial House Manager Award The Larry D. Marvel Memorial Assistant House Manager Award The Summer House Manager Award The John A. Towse, Jr. Summer House Manager Award The Robert M. Bensman President=s Award The John E. Holstrom Memorial Outstanding Senior Award The Dan G. Tinder Memorial Outstanding Junior Award The Richard R. Sterrett Memorial Outstanding Sophomore Award The Richard R. Sterrett and Robert K. Sterrett Memorial Outstanding Sophomore Award The John E. Holstrom Memorial Outstanding Freshman Award The Norris E. Holstrom Memorial Outstanding Freshman Award The William L. Muir III LeaderShape Award The Michael J. McKernan Outstanding Athlete Award The Kaleigh B. Grimes Memorial Outstanding Athlete Award The Michael J. McKernan Memorial Outstanding Athlete Award The Gregory A. Lloyd and David M. Saunders Social Service Coordinator Award The Gary R. Cottrell and Russell W. Taddiken Social Service Coordinator Award The Ryan A. Newth Social Chairman Award The Ryan A. Newth Risk Management Officer/Social Chairman Award The David L. Watson Education Award The Kitchen Manager Award The Henry F. Kupfer Memorial Kitchen Manager Award The Guy W. Gross Scholarship Chairman Award The Christian J. Kelly Law School Award The Dale L. Duncan Memorial Philanthropy Chairman Award The Justin J. Nelson Communications Officer Award The Freeman Family Outstanding Major Officer Award The Jonathan S. Kurche Historian Award The Elmer D. McCollum Worthy Chaplain Award The Steven C. Johnson Worthy Chaplain Award The Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Outstanding Out-of-House Member Award The Dikeman Family Alumni Relations Officer Award The Founders' Memorial Senior Grant Award The Elmer D. McCollum Membership Education Chairman Award The Benjamin B. Barnert Membership Education Chairman Award The Service to Mankind Award The Robert A. (Alex) Rolfing Service to Mankind Award The Michael K. Cormaci Public Relations Officer Award The Elmer D. McCollum Worthy Scribe Award The Kevin E. Kickhaefer and Timothy S. Berends Worthy Scribe Award The John E. Holstrom Alpha Tau Omega Architectural Scholarship The Stanley L. Winter Alpha Tau Omega K-State Union Leadership Scholarship The William L. Muir II and John T. Muir Alpha Tau Omega Blue Key Leadership Scholarship The Wendy S. McCrary Alpha Tau Omega Chapter Sweetheart Scholarship The Robert S. Krause Alpha Tau Omega Outstanding Campus Leader Award The Michael E. Brown Alpha Tau Omega Mortar Board Leadership Scholarship The Anthony L. Carter Alpha Tau Omega Service to Minorities Leadership Scholarship The John T. (Tom) Muir Outstanding Greek Athlete Scholarship D Book of Records CHAPTER 5: ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER OFFICERS Section 1: Section 2: Section 2A: Section 2B: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Presidents (Worthy Masters) Vice-Presidents (Worthy Chaplains) Vice-Presidents (Worthy Marshals) Chaplains (Worthy Chaplains) Treasurers (Worthy Keepers of Exchequer) Secretaries (Worthy Scribes) Historians (Worthy Keepers of Annals) Sergeants-at-Arms (Worthy Ushers) Doorkeepers (Worthy Sentinels) Membership Education Chairmen Public Relations Officers 5.03 5.07 5.11 5.13 5.15 5.17 5.21 5.25 5.29 5.33 5.35 5.01 CHAPTER 6: KANSAS STATE ALPHA TAU OMEGA STUDENTS' AID ENDOWMENT FUND ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, CORPORATE OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND LISTS OF ENDOWMENT FUND CONTRIBUTORS Section 1: Endowment Fund Articles of Incorporation 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 11th. Name Registered Office Registered Agent Purpose Term of Existence Board of Directors Powers Limitations Dissolution Amendment of Articles Internal Revenue Code Limitations 6.01 6.03 Section 2: Endowment Fund Roster of Corporate Officers and Members of the Board of Directors A. B. C. D. E. F. G. President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Secretary Treasurer Members of the Board of Directors Ex Officio Members 6.07 B ook of Records E Section 3: List of Endowment Fund Contributors A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. The 35th Anniversary Scholarship Fund Drive The John E. Holstrom Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive The John T. Muir Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive The Stanley L. Winter Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive The 1430 Fairchild Scholarship Fund Drive The Dale L. Duncan Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive The L. Allyn Laybourn Memorial ScholarshipFund Drive The Elmer D. McCollum Special Scholarship Fund Drive 6.13 CHAPTER 7: HISTORY OF THE RED TIE CLUB (R. T. C.), ALPHA THETA CHI FRATERNITY AND DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9: Section 10: Section 11: Section 12: Section 13: Section 14: Section 15: The Red Tie Club (R. T. C.) (1912-1917) Alpha Theta Chi Fraternity (1917-1920) The Campaign for Alpha Tau Omega (1919-1920) The Installation of Kansas Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega (1920) The Early Development of Kansas Delta Theta (1920-1929) The Alumni Corporations (1919-Present) The Thirties: Development Despite Depression (1930-1939) The World War II Years and Rebuilding (1940-1947) The New Wing and The Post-War Era Through the 1950s (1948-1959) Years of Activities and Honors Lead to the Golden Anniversary (1960-1968) A Dream Come True - A New Chapter House (1966-1970) The Golden Year - The Fiftieth Anniversary (1970) The True Merit Chapter (1970-1995) On to the 21st Century and Beyond (1995-2012) Another New House (2012-Present) 7.03 7.07 7.11 7.13 7.15 7.19 7.21 7.23 7.25 7.27 7.29 7.33 7.35 7.41 7.45 7.01 F Book of Records CHAPTER 8: DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND ROSTER OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1: Alumni Association Articles of Incorporation 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. Name Purpose Registered Office Term of Existence Board of Directors Value Incorporators 8.01 8.03 Section 2: Alumni Association Roster of Corporate Officers and Members of the Board of Directors A. B. C. D. E. F. President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Secretary Treasurer Members of the Board of Directors 8.06 CHAPTER 9: DELTA THETA CHARTER INITIATES, ORIGINAL CHAPTER OFFICERS AND COMPLETE CHAPTER ROLL Section 1: Section 2: Delta Theta Charter Initiates and Original Chapter Officers Complete Chapter Roll 9.03 9.05 9.01 CHAPTER 10: ROSTER OF DELTA THETA PLEDGE CLASSES, DELTA THETA POPULATION DISTRIBUTION MAP, CURRENT CHAPTER HOUSE DISTRIBUTION BY AREAS AND COUNTIES AND INITIATION RATES Section 1: Section 2: Roster of Delta Theta Pledge Classes Initiation Rates 10.03 10.21 10.01 B ook of Records G CHAPTER 11: HONOR ROLLS OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AWARDS AND RECIPIENTS Section 1: The Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity 1A. 1B. 1C. 1D1A. 1D1B. 1D1C. 1D2A. 1D2B. 1D2C. 1D3. 1E. 1F1. 1F2. The Top Chapter Award The True Merit Award The Thomas Arkle Clark Award The Joseph Reid Anderson Award The Joseph Reid Anderson Gold Award The Gold Communications Award The Harry L. Bird Award The Harry L. Bird Silver Award The Silver Communications Award The Bronze Communications Award The National President (Worthy Grand Chief) Award The Advisor of the Year Award The Board of Trustees of the Year Award 11.01 11.03 Section 2: The Alpha Tau Omega Foundation 2A. 2B. 2C. 2D. 2E. 2F. The Community Awareness Award The Richard A. Ports Public Affairs Award The Undergraduate Scholarship Award The Graduate Scholarship Award The Lawrence A. Long Law Award The J. Milton Richardson Theological Award 11.19 Section 3: The North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) 3A. The National Award of Distinction 11.26 CHAPTERS 12, 13 AND 14: THE HALL OF HONOR, ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER RETREATS AND LOCATIONS AND LIST OF DELTA THETA GRADE POINT AVERAGES Index CHAPTER 12: THE HALL OF HONOR Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: The Delta Theta Hall of Honor Enshrinees The Order of the Third Star Enshrinees The Honor Roll of National Award Recipients 12.01 - 14.02 12.03 12.05 12.05 12.06 12.06 13.01 13.01 13.03 13.05 CHAPTER 13: ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER RETREATS AND LOCATIONS Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Roster of Delta Theta Weekend Retreats and Locations Roster of Delta Theta Chapter Advisor Pledge Class Retreats and Locations Roster of Delta Theta Executive Committee Retreats/ Chapter Advisor Dinners and Locations H Book of Records Section 4: Section 5: Roster of Delta Theta Chapter Advisor Senior Dinners and Locations Roster of Trustees' Senior Retreat Attendees 13.07 13.09 14.01 CHAPTER 14: LIST OF DELTA THETA GRADE POINT AVERAGES CHAPTER 15: KEY ALPHA TAU OMEGA ADDRESSES, PHONE AND FAX NUMBERS AND E-MAIL ADDRESSES Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: National Headquarters National Officers National Board of Directors Delta Theta Chapter Officers Delta Theta Board of Trustees and Advisors Delta Theta Alumni Corporations Officers (Building Corporation, Endowment Fund and Alumni Association) 15.03 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.09 15.10 15.01 B ook of Records 1.01 CHAPTER 1 DELTA THETA OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION KANSAS DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY ___________________________________________________________________________ Incorporated under the laws of the State of Kansas as THE ALPHA THETA CHI FRATERNITY, INC. on February 19, 1920, by Elmer D. McCollum, Walter W. Rodewald, Walter R. Horlacher, Carl F. Mershon and N. Dale Lund. On February 16, 1921, the name of the corporation was changed to KANSAS DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY, INC. These Articles of Incorporation called for a not-for-profit corporation which shall engage in the business of Aa fraternity, for social purposes, formed from young men enrolled at the Kansas State Agricultural College [University]. @ The Articles provided for the length of time for the corporation to exist to be fifty years. On September 3, 1971, after the expiration of the original Articles of Incorporation, a successor corporation named DELTA THETA OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA, INC. was incorporated under the laws of the State of Kansas. 1.02 Book of Records B ook of Records 1.03 CHAPTER 1 DELTA THETA OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION* (Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 48-0545813) We, the undersigned, incorporators, hereby associate ourselves together to form and establish a corporation NOT for profit under the laws of the State of Kansas. 1st. 2nd. NAME. The name of the Corporation is Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega . PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS. The location of its Principal Place of Business in this state is The Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas 66502. REGISTERED OFFICE AND REGISTERED AGENT. The location of its registered office in Kansas is 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas, and the resident agent is William L. Muir. PURPOSE. This Corporation is organized NOT for profit and the objects and purposes to be transacted and carried on are to raise the general standards of its members; to aid them in any worthy work in which they may be interested, not only in college but also in future life; to censure and decide punishment for all unworthy actions of their brothers, and to commend all worthy deeds; to perpetuate the name and principles of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and to do those things necessary and proper to carry out such perpetuation; it shall be the aim of each member of this organization to aid and help his brothers in all activities that will benefit him during his student days and in his future life; and generally, an association for fraternal, educational and social purposes. The corporation shall not have authority to issue capital stock. 5th. CAPITAL, GRANT OF AUTHORITY AND CONDITION OF MEMBERSHIP. The total amount of capital of this corporation is NONE. Statement of Grant of Authority, as may be desired to be given to the Board of Directors: The Executive Committee shall initially be composed of the Worthy Master (President), the Worthy Chaplain (Vice-President), the Worthy Keeper of Exchequer (Treasurer), the Worthy Keeper of Annals (Historian), the Worthy Scribe (Secretary), the Worthy Usher, the Worthy Sentinel, the Pledge Chairman, and the Public Relations Officer. They shall meet on call of the President and minutes of all meetings will be taken. Any decision of the Committee may be revoked by a twothirds (2/3) vote of the active chapter. The Committee shall handle emergency business, delegate and act for the active chapter when that body cannot meet, and to construe, interpret and enforce the By-Laws of the Corporation, and to do those things necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of these By-Laws. The conditions of membership: Membership shall be determined by initiation into the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. 6th. AMOUNT OF CAPITAL. The Amount of Capital with which this Corporation will commence business is NO Dollars. 3rd. 4th. *Delta Theta Chapter By-Laws and House Rules: See Members Manual Chapter 1 1.04 Book of Records 7th. INCORPORATORS. The Names and Places of Residence of each of the INCORPORATORS: Douglas A. Firebaugh, 4507 West 77th Street, Prairie Village, Kansas 66208 Jeffrey L. Burner, 5312 West 69th Terrace, Prairie Village, Kansas 66208 James H. Budke, 409 Chestnut, Osawatomie, Kansas 66064 Stephen J. Glotzbach, 606 Scott Avenue, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas 66027 Michael E. Johnson, 7628 Arroyo del Oso, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109 Daniel C. Walter, 611 West Wilberforce, Norton, Kansas 67654 Marc S. Connor, 3312 West 71st Street, Prairie Village, Kansas 66208 Richard C. Kline, 900 North Barber, McPherson, Kansas 67460 Robert K. Sterrett, 310 North Brown, Norton, Kansas 67654 8th. 9th. TERM OF EXISTENCE. The Term for which this Corporation is to exist is ONE HUNDRED YEARS. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Number of Directors or Trustees or Governors shall initially be NINE (9) Directors. B ook of Records 2.01 CHAPTER 2 DELTA THETA BOARD OF TRUSTEES ROSTER OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ROSTER OF ADVISORS 2.02 Book of Records B ook of Records 2.03 1. ROSTER OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES (Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 45-1742721) A. CHAIRMAN William L. Muir III B. VICE-CHAIRMAN Allan D. Holiday, Jr. C. SECRETARY Dorothy L. Smith Eileen T. Hinkin D. TREASURER Jacob R. Will Joshua T. Ault E. TRUSTEES William L. Muir III Allan D. Holiday, Jr. Michael E. Brown David P. Donnelly Dorothy L. Smith Timothy M. Henderson Kent H. Kiracofe Eileen T. Hinkin Scott H. Jones Michael S. Ribble Monty E. Nielsen Richard W. Seidler Jacob R. Will Joshua T. Ault 199419941994-2003 1994-2002 1994-2002 1999-2002 1999200220022002200320042010 20102010 20101994-2002 200219941994- F. CHAPTER TRUSTEES Ryan D. Hurlbutt Daniel D. Dow Paul L. Damm Cary L. Majors Guy W. Gross Jonathan A. Freeman Brandon H. Keely Gabriel J. Graham 1994-1995P 1995-1996P 1995-1996A 1996-1997P 1996-1997A 1997-1998P 1997-1998A 1998-1999P 2.04 Book of Records Curtis D. Snowden Robert M. Bensman Joshua T. Brueggemann Christopher J. Struzina Chad D. Russell Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Jonathan S. Kurche Joshua R. Wedel Lance T. Jones Daniel R. Adrain Steven L. Bellinger Andrew M. Newton Tanner N. Klingzell Benjamin C. Porter Andrew J. Joiner Ryan C. Parisi Erik P. Ankrom Scott M. Freeman Erik M. Rome Joshua T. Ault Ryan C. Falco Daniel O. Sobek Michael D. Durig Timothy J. Bensman Brian M. King Cameron M. Sterrett Jeffrey E. Elkins Charles D. Robben Matthew R. Porter Grayson E. Bauer Brandon C. Converse Jacob R. Will W. Scott Dikeman Bradley R. Stein Kellen E. Sherlock Scott R. Keller James R. Fullagar Tyler C. Wisdom Robert J. Domsch John W. Bensman 1998-1999A 1999-2000P 1999-2000A 1999-2000C 2000-2001P 2000C 2000-2001A 2000-2001C 2001-2002A 2001-2002P 2001C 2001-2002C 2001-2002V 2002-2003P 2002-2003A 2002C 2002V 2002-2003C 2003V 2002-2003V 2002-2003N 2003-2004P 2003N 2005-2006P 2003C 2003A 2003-2004C 2003-2004N 2003-2004V 2004-2005A 2003-2004A 2004-2005P 2005-2006A 2004C 2004N 2006VP 2004V 2005C 2004-2005C 2004-2005N 2004-2005VP 2005VP 2005-2006VP 2005-2006C 2005-2006N 2006-2007P 2006C 2006N 2006A C 2006-2007 2005N 2006-2007VP 2007-2008P B ook of Records 2.05 Matthew J. Duerfeldt Samuel J. Hund Peter E. Boos Joshua D. Cromer Drew M. Wagner Jared M. Schnefke Shawn M. Taddiken Cole B. Halbleib Trent R. Byquist Tyrek J. Artley Zane J. Derusseau Joseph W. Norris Nicholas J. Sevart Tyler J. Geisler Bradley L. Schnefke Daniel A. Unruh David J. Garman Craig E. Knox Austin G. Waldo Christopher J. Waggoner Brandon G. Abbott Ryan J. Ehart Scott M. Galey Joseph A. Hund Luke S. Fangman Wesley P. McFadden Drew T. Nuckolls Christopher J. Gabel Bradley L. Schnefke Dylan A. Koch Bryce C. Lob Brendan R. Carney Kyle J. Heffern Kyle D. Kramer Grant P. Jackson Brandon M. York Benjamin D. Fangman Mackenzie J. Valentine R. Luke Schnefke Ryan J. Mustain 2006-2007A 2006-2007N 2007-2008C 2008-2009A 2007VP 2008-2009P 2007C 2008VP 2007-2008A 2007N 2009-2010P 2007-2008VP 2007-2008N 2008C 2008N 2008-2009N 2008-2009VP 2008-2009C 2009-2010A 2010-2011P 2009VP 2008-2009N 2009C 2011-2012VP 2009-2010VP 2009-2010N 2010-2011A 2010N 2010VP 2010C 2012VP 2010-2011VP 2010-2011C 2010-2011N 2011N 2011-2012P VP 2011 2011C P 2012-2013 2010-2011A 2011-2012VP 2011-2012C 2011-2012N 2012C 2012-2013VP 2013-2014P 2012N 2012-2013A 2012-2013C 2012-2013N VP 2013 2013C 2013N A 2013-2014 2.06 Book of Records Chapter President Chapter Vice-President C Chapter Chaplain A At-Large Chapter Member N Chapter Outstanding New Member Award Recipient V Chapter Vice-President (Non-Voting) P VP B ook of Records 2.07 2. ROSTER OF ADVISORS A. CHAPTER ADVISORS Dale L. Duncan Donald G. Powell W. Bruce Wren William L. Muir III Allan D. Holiday, Jr. 1949-1963 1965-1970 1970-2008 201119961963-1965 B. FACULTY ADVISORS C. Clyde Jones Robert S. Krause David P. Donnelly Scott H. Jones 1976-1987 1987-2000 1996-2002 2002- C. ASSISTANT CHAPTER ADVISORS Michael E. Brown Allan D. Holiday, Jr. Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Joel T. Johnson Joshua T. Ault Brice S. Ebert 1987-1990 1992-1996 2005200620072012- D. ASSISTANT FACULTY ADVISORS David P. Donnelly 1994-1996 E. CHAPTER ADVISOR EMERITUS William L. Muir 2008-2011 F. FACULTY ADVISORS EMERITUS C. Clyde Jones Robert S. Krause David P. Donnelly 198720002002- 2.08 Book of Records B ook of Records 3.01 CHAPTER 3 DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA BUILDING CORPORATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND ROSTER OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND LISTS OF BUILDING CORPORATION CONTRIBUTORS DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA BUILDING CORPORATION ________________________________________________ Articles of Incorporation Adopted: November 11, 1954 Building Corporation Incorporated: December 1, 1954 3.02 Book of Records B ook of Records 3.03 1. BUILDING CORPORATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION* (Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 48-6111335) We, the undersigned, incorporators, do hereby voluntarily associate ourselves together to form and establish a corporation NOT for profit, under the laws of the State of Kansas. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. NAME. The name of the Corporation is Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Building Corporation. REGISTERED OFFICE. The location of its registered office in Kansas is 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, Kansas 66502. REGISTERED AGENT. The name and address of its resident agent in Kansas is Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega, 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, Kansas 66502. PURPOSE. This Corporation is organized NOT for profit and the general purpose for which it is created shall be to acquire, erect, maintain, operate, and/or lease, a fraternity chapter house in the vicinity of Kansas State University at Manhattan, Kansas. POWERS. This Corporation shall have power in furtherance of its corporate purposes: (a) (b) To acquire by gift, bequest, devise, purchase or exchange property of any kind or character. To hold, manage, conserve, lease, rent, sell, mortgage, encumber, expend, convey, exchange, invest or reinvest any property or funds which it may acquire, and to exercise with respect to any such property or funds any power with respect to the business management thereof which any individual could exercise if such individual owned such property or funds in fee simple. To employ and compensate all necessary agents, attorneys and employees and to delegate to them such duties, powers and responsibilities as may be deemed appropriate. To exercise each and every power which any private corporation chartered under the laws of Kansas might exercise, and which is not inconsistent with provisions of these Articles of Incorporation, or the purpose for which this Corporation is formed. To adopt and amend, from time to time, By-Laws (not inconsistent with these Articles of Incorporation) to govern the management and conduct of this Corporation and its affairs, the selection of its officers, their terms of office, and their duties and powers. To do and perform all other acts needful or appropriate in carrying out the purpose for which this Corporation was formed. 5th. (c) (d) (e) (f) 6th. TERM OF EXISTENCE. The term for which this Corporation is to exist is one hundred (100) years, but by action of its Board of Directors this term may be extended or renewed as often and for such additional periods as at the time of the action may be lawful. *Building Corporation Chapter House Rules and Regulations and By-Laws: See Members Manual Chapter 6 3.04 Book of Records 7th. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The business affairs and property of this Corporation shall be managed by the Board of Directors, consisting of not more than twenty-one (21) voting members, all of whom must be qualified members of this Corporation, who shall serve until their successors are duly elected by a majority of the members of this Corporation present at any regular meeting provided in the ByLaws. The following persons shall constitute the first Board of Directors, and shall serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified at the first regular meeting provided in the By-Laws: Lloyd C. Riggs, 4629 W. 69th Terrace, Prairie Village, Kansas Temporary Chairman Jay H. Payne, 600 W. Republic, Salina, Kansas Acting Secretary Walter J. Rogers, 1001 College Avenue, Manhattan, Kansas Acting Treasurer Virgil W. Bodine, 7400 W. 50 Highway, Mission, Kansas C. Richard Mann, 1116 Washburn, Topeka, Kansas Howard K. Woodbury, Woodbury Farms, Olivet, Kansas Brom D. Hixon, WaKeeney, Kansas Vernon G. Asher, R.F.D.#2, Great Bend, Kansas John Steiner, 305 E. 14th Street, Hutchinson, Kansas Keith R. Kehmeier, St. Francis, Kansas Elmer D. McCollum, 2305 S. Webster, Kokomo, Indiana Walter T. Rolfe, 5101 Pine, Bellaire, Texas Charles C. McPherson, Southhampton, Massachusetts Laurens H. Reyburn, 90 Maywood Drive, San Francisco, California Lou W. Grothusen, 1509 Belmont, Parsons, Kansas The Board of Directors above named shall meet, organize, adopt By-Laws, and elect officers at such time and place as they may hereafter fix in writing. At such organization meeting, or any adjournment thereof, a majority of said Directors shall constitute a quorum and may transact any business which should be transacted if all the voting members were present. 8th. MEMBERSHIP. Membership in this Corporation is limited to that of a donating membership. Any member of the Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega may become a life member of this Corporation by donating an amount provided in the By-Laws or any multiple thereof, to this Corporation, and shall thus become a qualified member and be entitled to cast one vote for each such donation, but no member shall be entitled to cast more than four (4) votes regardless of the donation made by him, to elect the Board of Directors of this Corporation, at any regular meeting provided in the By-Laws. These memberships are non-assignable and non-transferable. Each respective membership shall become void upon the death of the holder. LIMITATIONS. This Corporation shall never have any capital stock. No part of its earnings shall ever inure to the benefit of any private individual. This Corporation shall not carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence legislation; and no part of its funds or property shall ever be used for any such purposes. This Corporation's earnings and property shall be, and are hereby, dedicated to, and shall be used exclusively for the purposes for which this Corporation is created; but no one dealing with this Corporation shall ever be under any duty to see that any of its funds or property are so used, or shall ever be or become in anyways liable for this Corporation's failure so to use its funds or property. AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES. These Articles of Incorporation may be amended, altered or repealed by a vote of not less than three fourths (3/4) of the members present at any regular meeting provided for in the By-Laws, or any special meeting called for that purpose. 9th. 10th. B ook of Records 3.05 11th. DISSOLUTION. Whenever the members of this Corporation, by a vote of not less than three-fourth (:) of the then members present at any meeting called for that purpose, notice of time, place and purpose of said meeting, having been given in writing addressed to the last known address of each member, thirty (30) days before said meeting, shall determine that it is no longer feasible to accomplish or carry on the purposes for which this Corporation was formed, its affairs shall be wound up, its debts paid, and its remaining assets shall be distributed in any manner agreed to by not less than three-fourths (3/4) of the then members of this Corporation present at said meeting. 3.06 Book of Records B ook of Records 3.07 2. BUILDING CORPORATION ROSTER OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. PRESIDENT Lloyd C. Riggs Howard K. Woodbury C. Richard Mann J. B. Angle Brom D. Hixson John Steiner Ward H. Shurtz Fred V. Klemp, Jr. Clarence R. Crawford Fred H. Woodbury Gary N. Pottorff Lewis W. Watson Gary N. Pottorff Richard E. Fagerberg Douglas A. Firebaugh Steven C. Johnson Steven A. Swanson B. VICE-PRESIDENT Howard K. Woodbury C. Richard Mann J. B. Angle Brom D. Hixson John Steiner Ward H. Shurtz Fred V. Klemp, Jr. Clarence R. Crawford Rollin W. Vickery Fred H. Woodbury Gary N. Pottorff Lewis W. Watson Clarence R. Crawford John T. Muir Larry W. Emig Robert D. Overman Douglas A. Firebaugh Steven C. Johnson Joseph D. Berlekamp Steven A. Swanson Benjamin B. Barnert Brice S. Ebert 1955 1955-1956 1956-1957 1957-1958 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965-1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968-1974 1974-1976 1976-1981 1981-1983 1983-2001 2001-2008 2008-2012 20121955 1955-1956 1956-1957 1957-1958 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1964 1964-1965 1965-1966 1966-1968 1968-1970 1970-1981 1981-1983 1983-2008 2008- 3.08 Book of Records C. SECRETARY Jay H. Payne William L. Muir III D. TREASURER Walter J. Rogers William L. Muir III (Acting) Marc S. Connor David A. Stuck Marc S. Connor Steven B. Young Scott D. Goertzen Brent A. Taylor 1955-1977 1977 1977-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1994 1994-2001 20011955-1971 1971- E. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laurens H. Reyburn Lou W. Grothusen Virgil W. Bodine Keith R. Kehmeier Elmer D. McCollum Charles C. McPherson Howard K. Woodbury Walter T. Rolfe Lloyd C. Riggs John Steiner Vernon G. Asher Fred V. Klemp, Jr. Brom D. Hixson Dale L. Duncan C. Richard Mann Jay H. Payne Walter J. Rogers J. B. Angle John T. Muir Ward M. Shurtz L. Allyn Laybourn William B. Eddy George M. Grafel Alphia E. Knapp Case A. Bonebrake Clarence R. Crawford Rollin W. Vickery George D. Bishop Fred Woodbury Gary N. Pottorff 1955 1955 1955-1956 1955-1956 1955-1956 1955-1957 1955-1958 1955-1958 1955-1960 1955-1960 1955-1962 1955-1963 1955-1966 1955-1967 1955-1971 1955-1973 1955-1977 1956-1959 1956-1962 1967-1975 1956-1968 1957-1972 1958-1959 1963-1968 1958-1964 1970-1976 1959-1961 1959-1965 1960-1969 1960-1972 1961-1976 1962-1965 1962-1971 B ook of Records 3.09 Lewis W. Watson LaRue Anderson John R. Kupfer Irving L. Walker Phil Schuley Darwin Johnson Larry W. Emig Henry F. Filson Richard E. Fagerberg Jim Filson Samuel R. Hogue Robert D. Overman William L. Muir III Jeffrey L. Burner Gerald J. Lang John E. Holstrom Terry L. Bowen Richard J. Bloomer Steven C. Johnson Dale K. Allen Paul J. Bartak Douglas A. Firebaugh Duane C. Holloway Keith E. Pike Barry P. Hilton Marc S. Connor Lance L. Sayler James W. Gentry Lloyd L. Landkamer Steven B. Young Robert L. Frye David A. Wille David A. Stuck Joseph D. Berlekamp Dan G. Tinder James D. Doull Philip B. Achten Michael E. Brown Randall A. Strunk Jeffrey L. Gates Patrick V. DiCarlo Kent R. Eikenberry Antoni P. Firner Donn A. Demaree James E. Hellmer Allan D. Holiday, Jr. Timothy E. Congrove Kyle R. Rolfing Edward R. Nickel Timothy C. Smith 1964-1969 1965-1968 1965-1971 1992-1995 1966-1972 1968-1969 1968-1971 1968-1983 1969-1976 1969-2008 1971-1974 1971-1974 1971-1983 19711972-1975 1972-1975 1972-1975 1973-1976 1974-1983 19741975-1978 1975-1984 1975-1984 1975-1984 1976-1985 1976-1985 1976-1985 20041976-1985 1977-1979 1978-1981 1979-1997 1981-1984 19831983-1985 19831984 1984-1989 1990-1994 1984-1993 1984-2005 1985-1986 1985-1987 1985-1988 1985-1988 1985-1991 1985-2006 1986-1995 19871988-1990 20121988-1992 1989-1990 1989-1990P 3.10 Book of Records Scott D. Goertzen Bradford J. Gray Kent H. Kiracofe Darrick L. Klima Steven D. Harlan Jeffrey D. Shoemaker J. Christian Jordan Stephen L. Patton Shawn M. Aldridge Gregory A. Lloyd Steven A. Swanson Jason W. Goertzen Travis R. Cottrell Damon E. Earnshaw Matthew L. Bretz Ryan D. Hurlbutt Steven J. Lauberth Brett M. Fincham Timothy S. Berends Stuart C. Rinkleff Michael T. Parisi Mark A. Ruda Bryan T. Nolt Daniel D. Dow Brian W. Koehn Douglas M. LaMunyon Ty A. Bechtel Troy L. Bechtel R. Gordon Bruce Cary L. Majors Paul L. Damm Aaron D. Cordell Bryan S. Taylor Brent A. Taylor Jonathan A. Freeman Russell W. Baldwin, Jr. John R. Gooch Gabriel J. Graham Bradley E. Deener Travis M. Poland 1989-1990T 1992-2003 1989-1990H 1990-1991P 19921990-1991T 1990-1991H 1990-1993 1991H 1991-1992o 19931991-19925 1991-1992; 19911992-1993o 1992-19935 1992; 1992-1993; 1993-1994o 1998-2004 1992-1996 1993-19945 1994-1995o 1993; 1993-1994; 1993-2008 1994-19955 1994; 1994-1995; 1994-2000 1995-1996o 1995-19965 1995; 1995-1996; 1997-2008 1995-2007 1995-1998 1996-1997o 1996-19975 1996; 1996-1997; 19961997-19995 1997-1998o 1997; 1997-1998; 1998-1999o 1998; 1998-1999; B ook of Records 3.11 Robert M. Bensman Brice S. Ebert Richard A. Webdell Chad D. Russell Brian M. Darby Nicholas H. Krier Jacob J. Perkins Lance T. Jones Daniel J. Tokar Brook D. Mitchell Kerry M. Funk Andrew M. Newton Steven L. Bellinger Erik M. Rome Brian J. Hall Brian M. King Christopher A. Beyer Benjamin B. Barnert Michael S. Ribble Brock C. Lohrey Jacob R. Will W. Scott Dikeman Joshua T. Ault Michael D. Durig Sean P. Cordes W. Cary Dikeman Brett M. Robben Scott R. Keller Garrett B. Linville Evan C. Coglizer John W. Bensman Drew W. Britton Joshua W. Oller Joe G. Stein Peter E. Boos Austin G. Waldo Cole B. Halbleib Frederick G. Miller Chad R. Fagerberg Richard R. Ray II Jared M. Schnefke Kevin W. Goebel J. Paul Fangman, Jr. Sean P. Keating Nicholas J. Sevart Philip B. Newman Craig E. Knox 1999-2000o 2000-2003 1999-2000; 20101999-20005 2000-2001o 2000-20012 20003 2000-20013 2001-2002o 2001-20032 20013 2001-20023 2002-2003o 2002-20033 2003-2004o 2003-20042 20033 2004-2005o 2003-20043 2003-2012 20032004-20052 20043 2004-20053 2005-2006o 20053 2 2005-2006 20052005-20063 2006-2007o 2007-20083 2006-20072 2006-20073 2007-2008o 2007-20092 20073 2007-2010 2008-2009o 20083 2008-20093 2008200820082009-2010o 20093 2009-20102 2009-20103 2010-2011o 20103 2010-20122 3.12 Book of Records Presten R. Petersen Luke S. Fangman Adam T. Eisenbart Travis J. Barmby Harold W. Mitts III Drew T. Nuckolls David A. Biggs Kyle J. Heffern Brendan R. Carney 2010-20113 2011-2012o 20113 2011-20123 20123 2012-2013o 2012-20132 2012-20133 2013-2014o Ex Officio Chapter President (Non-Voting Director) Ex Officio Chapter Treasurer (Non-Voting Director) H Ex Officio Chapter House Manager (Non-Voting Director) oEx Officio Chapter President (Voting Director) 5Ex Officio Chapter Treasurer (Voting Director) ;Ex Officio Chapter House Manager (Voting Director) P T B ook of Records 3.13 3. LISTS OF BUILDING CORPORATION CONTRIBUTORS A. CHAPTER HOUSE GOLDEN DONORS November, 1968 - November, 1970 Memorializes and recognizes the Brothers and Friends who donated to the Building Corporation Chapter House Fund Drive, which led to the construction and dedication of the Chapter House, which cost $295,000, in October of 1970. The Chapter House Fund Drive raised over $50,000 from 152 donors. Dale K. Allen 1950 James B. Angle 1920 James B. Angle II 1957 Ernest E. Asher 1922 Herbert W. (Bill) Asher 1947 Vernon G. Asher 1923 William A. Asher 1923 Benjamin W. Barber 1957 Jack E. Beal 1950 E. Leo Bebb 1920 Everett E. Bell 1923 George D. Bishop 1949 Virgil W. Bodine 1948 Stanley R. Boles 1965 Don R. Borthwick 1942 Douglas W. Brink 1961 Kenneth L. Brubaker 1932 R. Gordon Bruce 1961 Richard I. Buchli 1941 Elmer L. Canary 1924 Richard R. Carr 1953 Philip R. Carter 1925 Lloyd E. Clarke 1950 Clarence R. Crawford 1933 Thomas B. Creamer 1962 Paul Degenhardt 1947 Jack L. Diekman 1962 Robert C. Dobson 1965 Clifford E. Duncan 1938 Dale L. Duncan 1938 Glenn E. Duncan 1940 William B. Eddy 1954 Larry W. Emig 1964 Cady R. Engler 1966 Ronald K. Edwards 1956 Stephen B. Evans 1963 Richard E. Fagerberg 1963 Harry L. Felten 1921 Henry F. Filson 1949 James L. Filson 1951 Harry R. Foster 1962 J. King Foster 1960 James W. Gentry 1966 Dwight E. Glenn 1956 Carl L. Glocker 1954 Cameron S. Goldsmith 1922 George M. Grafel 1928 Robert E. Graves 1964 Melvin A. Griffith Leo L. Hadley, Jr. 1962 (Memorial by Lt. Col. & Mrs. Leo L. Hadley) Roy E. Gwin 1921 Don S. Hall 1921 E. Weir Hall 1922 Richard N. Heaton 1939 Bruce W. Heckman 1964 Robert G. Heft 1962 Fred W. Hiss 1922 Harry H. Hoesli 1963 Robert J. Hoffmann 1957 Samuel R. Hogue 1963 Alfred A. Holmquist 1928 John A. Hoop 1926 Walter R. Horlacher 1920 Donald O. Hornbaker 1949 Dennis E. Horne 1966 Glade W. Hurst 1928 D. Paul Hutchison 1928 Donald P. Hutchison 1953 Richard W. Jacobson 1963 James L. Johnson 1957 Donald Joy 1959 James V. Jung 1950 Henry D. Karns 1922 Keith R. Kehmeier 1942 Robert W. Kent 1922 Lawrence J. King 1947 Henry W. Kite 1947 Fred V. Klemp, Jr. 1937 Richard J. Krizman 1948 Henry F. Kupfer 1938 John R. Kupfer 1953 L. Allyn Laybourn 1921 Dudley G. Loomis 1962 N. Dale Lund 1921 C. Richard Mann 1925 Arthur B. March 1947 Virgal P. Marshall 1927 Alan L. Mashak 1962 Floyd J. Mayer 1932 Elmer D. McCollum 1920 Martin E. McMahon 1941 Charles C. McPherson 1920 Carl F. Mershon 1920 John E. Moore 1934 Lee T. Morgan 1930 John T. (Tom) Muir 1938 William L. Muir III 1967 Donald L. Munzer 1939 Brom D. Hixson 1921 (Memorial by Philip R. Woodbury) Wilbur S. Nay 1929 John P. Neal 1941 Joseph C. Nothern 1957 Charles E. Ohl 1965 Jay H. Payne 1935 Edward Petr 1924 Harold P. Poe ΔΠ 1951 Gary N. Pottorff 1953 Russell D. Pugh 1925 Charles C. Purser 1962 William J. Ratliff 1938 Richard R. Ray 1968 James N. Reardon 1961 Earl C. Richardson 1929 Lloyd C. Riggs 1933 Ronald H. Roesler 1964 John B. Rogers 1941 Walter J. Rogers 1920 Jon C. Sederquist 1958 Gary N. Settle 1957 Frederick E. Sherlock 1942 F. Lee Shore 1951 Ward H. Shurtz 1932 Ross D. Skinner 1942 Alan R. Smith 1964 Paul E. Smith 1921 Herschel L. Staats 1955 Ervin D. Stahel 1956 John Steiner 1922 James V. Swanson 1965 Ernest R. Thomas 1928 Rollin W. Vickery 1950 Omar L. Wagner 1928 Irving L. Walker 1924 Kirk M. Ward 1926 Lewis W. Watson 1960 Ray B. Watson 1920 Ralph E. Weaverling ΓΜ 1908 Edwin A. Weber 1939 Verne E. Wesley 1928 Riley R. Whearty 1936 Dennis C. Wheatley 1966 C. Wendell White 1957 Maurice D. Wikoff 1953 Frank E. Willey 1923 Donald S. Williams 1951 Stanford L. Wise 1943 Fred H. Woodbury 1951 Philip R. Woodbury 1920 William L. Muir II 1938 (Memorial by William L. Muir III) Leo L. Hadley, Jr. 1962 (Memorial by Brothers and Friends) Edwin J. Kent 1923 (Memorial by Robert W. Kent) Walter T. Rolfe 1920 (Memorial by Mrs. Walter T. Rolfe) 3.14 Book of Records B. 75TH ANNIVERSARY CHAPTER HOUSE RENOVATION/ADDITION PROJECT March, 1993 - April, 1995 The Chapter House Renovation/Addition Project, which costs over $370,000, provided for Parking Lot Renovation and Expansion, Living Room and Dining Room Remodeling and Expansions, Central Heating and Air Conditioning for Functional Areas, Hallway and Restroom Remodeling and the Chapter Hall of Honor, and was dedicated in October of 1995. The Chapter House Renovation/Addition Fund Drive raised $118,350 from 63 contributors. DIAMOND DONORS Joseph D. Berlekamp 1975 Allan D. Holiday, Jr. 1977 Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega William L. Muir III 1967 GOLDEN DONORS W. Cary Dikeman 1973 Steven C. Johnson 1972 Richard E. Fagerberg 1963 David L. Wille 1982 Jeffrey L. Gates 1981 Steven B. Young 1975 SILVER DONORS Richard J. Bloomer 1973 Barry K. Childs 1973 David F. Dowling 1974 James L. Filson 1951 George J. Hughes 1984 Henry F. Kupfer 1938 L. Allyn Laybourn 1921 Leslie L. Ogg 1957 Kyle R. Rolfing 1986 Robert A. Spanke 1984 Frank E. Willey 1923 Richard R. Carr 1953 Marc S. Connor 1971 Dale L. Duncan 1938 J. King Foster 1960 Bryce K. Johnson 1982 John F. Kupfer 1953 C. Richard Mann 1925 Robert D. Overman 1967 Eugene E. Ruff 1940 John O. Thisler 1939 Philip R. Carter 1925 Donn A. Demaree 1972 Joseph P. Fangman 1983 Milton E. Hoffman 1981 Stanley A. Karst 1977 Peter E. Larsen 1976 Charles E. McCrary 1983 John B. Rogers 1941 William E. Small 1974 Lewis W. Watson 1960 Donald S. Williams 1951 BRONZE DONORS Rance E. Ames 1990 Richard J. Krizman 1948 Charles C. Purser 1962 Michael E. Brown 1979 Richard E. Marcotte 1971 Robert E. Hahn 1948 Vernon F. Minor 1947 Terry R. Studer 1986 HONOR DONORS Craig W. Bloomsmith 1979 Larry W. Emig 1964 Henry W. Lipps 1988 Daniel W. Schwartzkopf 1984 Daniel R. Brown 1989 James E. Hellmer 1983 Richard H. O'Flynn 1970 James V. Swanson 1965 Ryan T. Witt 1988 Jeff E. Dillon 1982 James B. LeClere 1932 Kenneth L. Pingleton 1989 Brad R. Winchell 1975 Book of Records 4.01 CHAPTER 4 HONOR ROLLS OF CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS1 DELTA THETA OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA DELTA THETA BOARD OF TRUSTEES DELTA THETA HALL OF HONOR COMMITTEE DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA BUILDING CORPORATION KANSAS STATE ALPHA TAU OMEGA STUDENTS= AID ENDOWMENT FUND 1. DELTA THETA OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA THE J. B. ANGLE TAU OF THE YEAR AWARD THE TAU OF THE MONTH AWARD THE MICHAEL J. BROWN MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING NEW MEMBER AWARD 2. DELTA THETA BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE TRUSTEES' BROTHERHOOD AWARD THE ORDER OF THE THIRD STAR AWARD THE TRUSTEES' OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 3. DELTA THETA HALL OF HONOR COMMITTEE THE DELTA THETA HALL OF HONOR AWARD THE DELTA THETA OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD 4. DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA BUILDING CORPORATION THE SUMMER HOUSE MANAGER AWARD 5. KANSAS STATE ALPHA TAU OMEGA STUDENTS' AID ENDOWMENT FUND THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM SCHOLASTIC EXCELLENCE AWARD THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM BEST ROOM SCHOLARSHIP AWARD THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM WORTHY MASTER AWARD THE RICHARD E. FAGERBERG WORTHY MARSHAL AWARD THE ALLAN D. HOLIDAY, JR. WORTHY KEEPER OF EXCHEQUER AWARD THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT CHAIRMAN AWARD THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM ASSISTANT MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT CHAIRMEN AWARD THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM TRUE MERIT CHARACTER AWARD THE TODD F. LAKIN K-STATE LEADERSHAPE AWARD THE JEFFREY L. GATES BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AWARD THE WILLIAM LLOYD MUIR II AND JOHN THOMAS MUIR MEMORIAL GRANT-IN-AID AWARD THE L. ALLYN LAYBOURN MEMORIAL SCHOLASTIC EXCELLENCE AWARD THE JOSEPH P. FANGMAN HONOR INITIATE AWARD THE MAUREEN P. NEWTON EXEMPLARY INITIATE AWARD THE MATTHEW L. BRETZ MOST IMPROVED SCHOLARSHIP AWARD THE LARRY D. MARVEL MEMORIAL HOUSE MANAGER AWARD THE LARRY D. MARVEL ASSISTANT HOUSE MANAGER AWARD THE JOHN A. TOWSE, JR. SUMMER HOUSE MANAGER AWARD THE ROBERT M. BENSMAN PRESIDENT'S AWARD THE JOHN E. HOLSTROM MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING SENIOR AWARD THE DAN G. TINDER MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING JUNIOR AWARD THE RICHARD R. AND ROBERT K. STERRETT MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING SOPHOMORE AWARD THE NORRIS E. HOLSTROM MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING FRESHMAN AWARD THE WILLIAM L. MUIR III LEADERSHAPE AWARD THE MICHAEL J. McKERNAN MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING ATHLETE AWARD THE GARY R. COTTRELL AND RUSSELL W. TADDIKEN SOCIAL SERVICE COORDINATOR AWARD THE RYAN A. NEWTH RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICER/SOCIAL CHAIRMAN AWARD THE DAVID L. WATSON EDUCATION AWARD THE HENRY F. KUPFER MEMORIAL KITCHEN MANAGER AWARD THE GUY W. GROSS SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN AWARD THE CHRISTIAN J. KELLY LAW SCHOOL AWARD THE DALE L. DUNCAN MEMORIAL PHILANTHROPY CHAIRMAN AWARD THE JUSTIN J. NELSON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER AWARD THE FREEMAN FAMILY OUTSTANDING MAJOR OFFICER AWARD THE JONATHAN S. KURCHE HISTORIAN AWARD THE STEVEN C. JOHNSON WORTHY CHAPLAIN AWARD THE RICHARD R. (BOB) HARRISON OUTSTANDING OUT-OF-HOUSE MEMBER AWARD THE DIKEMAN FAMILY ALUMNI RELATIONS OFFICER AWARD THE FOUNDERS' MEMORIAL SENIOR GRANT AWARDS THE BENJAMIN B. BARNERT MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION CHAIRMAN AWARD THE ROBERT A. (ALEX) ROLFING SERVICE TO MANKIND AWARD THE MICHAEL K. CORMACI PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER AWARD THE KEVIN E. KICKHAEFER AND TIMOTHY S. BERENDS WORTHY SCRIBE AWARD THE JOHN E. HOLSTROM ALPHA TAU OMEGA ARCHITECTURAL SCHOLARSHIP THE STANLEY L. WINTER ALPHA TAU OMEGA K-STATE UNION LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP THE WILLIAM L. MUIR II AND JOHN T. MUIR ALPHA TAU OMEGA BLUE KEY LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP THE WENDY S. McCRARY ALPHA TAU OMEGA CHAPTER SWEETHEART SCHOLARSHIPS THE ROBERT S. KRAUSE ALPHA TAU OMEGA OUTSTANDING CAMPUS LEADER AWARD THE MICHAEL E. BROWN ALPHA TAU OMEGA MORTAR BOARD LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP THE ANTHONY L. CARTER ALPHA TAU OMEGA SERVICE TO MINORITIES LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP THE JOHN T. (TOM) MUIR OUTSTANDING GREEK ATHLETE SCHOLARSHIP 1 Chapter Awards, Scholarships, Grants, Memorials, Gifts, Emblems, Pictures and Certificates and Locator and Summaries: See Members Manual Chapter 12 4.02 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.03 1. DELTA THETA OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA 1A1 and 5C5. THE PRESIDENT'S AWARD RECIPIENTS 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 1926-1927 1927-1928 1928-1929 1929-1930 1930-1931 1931-1932 1932-1933 1934-1935 1935-1936 1936-1937 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 Charles C. McPherson Charles R. Smith E. Weir Hall Cecil R. Prose Harry L. Felten Harold D. Grothusen Elmer L. Canary Lou W. Grothusen Kirk M. Ward Earl C. Richardson Charles A. Pine Henry O. Cronkite Edward E. Criner James B. Le Clere Harold C. Hibbs J. Bruce Nixon Dennis W. Rademacher William E. Small Brent F. Akright William C. Brown John E. Norris Kevin C. Hensley Scott F. Miller Donald J. Jermain Stewart I. Baker James D. Doull Timothy E. Congrove Robert A. Spanke Edward R. Nickel Kyle R. Rolfing Dennis J. O'Keefe, Jr. Scott D. Goertzen James D. Persinger, Jr. Steven A. Swanson Blake A. Logan Ryan D. Hurlbutt Ty A. Bechtel Stuart C. Rinkleff Jarrod R. Kastanek Jonathan A. Yeomans Gabriel J. Graham Jeff P. Thornbrugh Jonathan A. Freeman Guy W. Gross (Continued) 4.04 Book of Records 1998-1999 1999-2000 Chad D. Russell Brent A. Taylor Brice S. Ebert Christopher J. Struzina 2 2 Award Renamed: See Robert M. Bensman President's Award on Page 4.67 B ook of Records 4.05 1A2 and 2A1. THE CHAPTER ADVISOR'S BROTHERHOOD AWARD RECIPIENTS 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 Steven C. Johnson Donn A. Demaree Keith E. Pike Rodney D. Hilt Larry R. Kogler Philip B. Achten Martin V. Siler Jeffrey D. Shoemaker Michael E. Brown Stewart I. Baker Barry L. McAnulty David L. Wille Corbin T. Witt Stanley L. Winter Terry E. Studer Paul E. McKenzie Kevin E. Kickhaefer Darrick S. Klima Larry D. Marvel3 Timothy S. Berends Ryan T. Witt Kent H. Kiracofe Doyle J. Baird 4 Gregory A. Lloyd James D. Persinger, Jr. Douglas M. LaMunyon David M. Saunders Ryan D. Hurlbutt Ty A. Bechtel5 Posthumous Another Recipient's Award Revoked 5 Award Renamed: See Trustees' Brotherhood Award on Page 4.21 3 4 4.06 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.07 1A3. THE J. B. ANGLE TAU OF THE YEAR AWARD RECIPIENTS 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 1970-1971 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Walter J. Rogers Dale L. Duncan John T. "Tom" Muir Larry W. Emig William L. Muir III William L. Muir III Walter J. Rogers Larry W. Emig Duane C. Holloway Marc S. Connor William L. Muir III William L. Muir III Douglas A. Firebaugh Marc S. Connor William L. Muir III William L. Muir III William L. Muir III Michael E. Brown William L. Muir III William L. Muir III William L. Muir III Steven B. Young Joseph D. Berlekamp Michael J. McKernan Allan D. Holiday, Jr. Joseph P. Fangman Joseph D. Berlekamp Steven C. Johnson Allan D. Holiday, Jr. Stephen L. Patton Damon E. Earnshaw William L. Muir III Allan D. Holiday, Jr. William L. Muir III L. Allyn Laybourn Henry F. Kupfer Steven C. Johnson Benjamin B. Barnert Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Henry F. Kupfer William L. Muir III Allan D. Holiday, Jr. The Newton Brothers (Andy, Jesse and Tyler) Benjamin B. Barnert Brent A. Taylor (Continued) 4.08 Book of Records 2011-2012 Brent A. Taylor Benjamin B. Barnert Joseph D. Berlekamp B ook of Records 4.09 1A4. THE TAU OF THE MONTH AWARD RECIPIENTS 1996 February March April May August September October November December 1997 January February March April May August September October November December 1998 January February March April May August September October November December 1999 January February March April May Toby J. Crouse Guy W. Gross Brent A. Taylor Brian W. Koehn Jonathan A. Freeman Christopher S. Coad Jason L. Endacott Gabriel J. Graham Christian J. Kelly Jeff P. Thornbrugh J. Robert Haas III Bryan S. Taylor Jereme J. Brueggemann Richard S. Cole Christopher S. Coad Jason A. Walker Guy W. Gross Ryan D. Eftink Gregg N. Farrar Michael A. Boyd John R. Gooch Jonathan A. Freeman Joshua T. Brueggemann Vince C. Sparks Robert M. Bensman C. Scott Duncan Brent A. Taylor Curtis D. Snowden Neil P. Adamson Chad D. Russell Travis M. Poland Jeffrey C. Connell Jonathan S. Kurche John R. Gooch Michael A. Boyd Chad D. Russell Christopher J. Struzina Jebtha C. Graham Brice S. Ebert Daniel J. Cooper Daniel A. Ellsworth Brent A. Taylor (Continued) 4.10 Book of Records 1999 August September October November December Daniel J. Cooper Matthew G. Keller Christopher J. Struzina Daniel A. Ellsworth Chad D. Russell Joshua R. Wedel Brice S. Ebert Jason A Pechar Justin J. Nelson Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Brook D. Mitchell Jacob J. Perkins Justin R. Stein Michael T. Freeman B. Luke Lucas Michael L. Hattrup B. Luke Lucas Lance T. Jones Jacob J. Perkins Brook D. Mitchell Tanner N. Klingzell Andrew M. Newton Timothy J. Bensman Justin J. Nelson Brook D. Mitchell Kerry M. Funk Spencer M. Coatney Brian J. Hall Kellen J. Frank Tanner N. Klingzell Christopher J. Hinkin Brian J. Hall Erik P. Ankrom Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Benjamin J. Zwick Daniel O. Sobek Andrew J. Joiner Ryan C. Parisi Daniel J. Tokar 2000 January February March April May August September October November December 2001 January February March April May August September October November December 2002 January February March April May (Continued) B ook of Records 4.11 2002 August September October November December Kellen J. Frank Steven L. Bellinger Matthew A. Baki Charles D. Robben Travis J. DiGirolamo Larry D. Long Benjamin J. Zwick Jesse D. Newton Erik P. Ankrom Timothy J. Bensman Scott M. Cordes William H. Casper Joshua T. Ault Brian M. King Daniel J. Tokar Benjamin J. Zwick Charles D. Robben Brian J. Hall Matthew J. Toepfer Joshua T. Ault Ryan K. Hannebaum Daniel O. Sobek Larry D. Long Benjamin R. Smith Timothy J. Bensman Jacob R. Will Jerod M. Topliff Jesse G. Moore Benjamin R. Smith Daniel O. Sobek Andrew P. Congleton Larry D. Long Joshua T. Ault Matthew J. Duerfeldt Michael D. Durig Christopher S. Johnson 2003 January February March April May August September October November December 2004 January February March April May August September October November December (Continued) 4.12 Book of Records 2005 January February March April May August September October November December Christopher A. Mick Brett M. Robben Curtis G. Mick Caden L. Butler Nathan J. Schnefke Larry D. Long Jacob R. Will Cameron M. Sterrett Brian S. Oliver Larry D. Long Corey T. MacCallum Brett M. Robben Jeffrey E. Elkins Christopher A. Mick Sean P. Cordes Anthony L. Carter Matthew L. Amthor Ryan M. Kuhn Scott A. Swain John W. Bensman Brett M. Robben Jeremy K. Will Travis E. C. Brown Evan C. Coglizer Tyler C. Wisdom Evan C. Coglizer Scott A. Swain Drew M. Wagner Joshua W. Oller Samuel J. Hund Peter E. Boos Scott A. Swain Joshua W. Oller Scott R. Keller Peter E. Boos Drew W. Britton Patrick T. Criss Scott R. Keller Peter E. Boos 2006 January February March April May August September October November December 2007 January February March April May August September October November December (Continued) B ook of Records 4.13 2008 January February March April May August September October November December Jared M. Keating Austin G. Waldo Joshua D. Crome Samuel J. Hund Ryan P. Thomas Colin R. Cummings Jared M. Keating Adam H. Love Austin G. Waldo Michael M. Lindquist Colin R. Cummings Jared M. Schnefke Peter E. Boos Cole B. Halbleib Daniel A. Unruh Ryan C. Ullom Kevin W. Goebel Daniel A. Unruh Aaron M. Ortbals Connor F. Osbern Colin R. Cummings Tyler J. Geisler Brandon G. Abbott Austin G. Waldo Philip B. Newman Keith C. Wyss Paul H. Kuhlman H. Parker Knox David C. Dikeman Bradley L. Schnefke Carl W. Specht Daniel A. Unruh Wesley P. McFadden Austin G. Waldo Tyrek J. Artley Luke S. Fangman Brandon G. Abbott Austin G. Waldo Philip B. Newman Bradley L. Schnefke Luke S. Fangman Adam T. Eisenbart Jonathon J. Wirtz (Continued) 2009 January February March April May August September October November December 2010 January February March April May August September October November December 4.14 Book of Records 2011 January February March April May August September October November December John R. Reinert Nicholas J. Sevart R. Christian Jackson Zachary R. Showalter Wesley P. McFadden John R. Reinert Jacob C. Bollin Kyle M. Pfautsch Harold W. Mitts III Christopher J. Waggoner Drew T. Nuckolls Craig E. Knox Neal K. Rasmussen David S. Rathjen Jonathon J. Wirtz Benjamin D. Fangman Joseph A. Hund Luke S. Fangman Zachary A. Zivnuska Brendan R. Carney Christopher J. Waggoner Jake H. Cave Jacob C. Unruh Kyle J. Heffern Jacob N. Edwards David S. Rathjen Christopher J. Gabel Nathan D. Kalberer Benjamin D. Fangman Dylan A. Koch Kyle M. Pfautsch 2012 January February March April May August September October November December January February B ook of Records 4.15 1A5 and 5C3. THE HONOR INITIATE AWARD RECIPIENTS 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1963 1964 1965 1967 1968 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1983 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 (January) 1989 (August) 1990 (January) 1990 (August) 1991 (January) 1992 (January) 1992 (August) Clayton L. Griffin Leslie L. Ogg Karl F. Anderson Richard G. Pannbacker R. Kent Crawford Douglas W. Brink Jack L. Diekman Alwyn H. Gentry James V. Swanson Cady R. Engler Robert D. Overman Richard R. Ray Gerald J. Lang Jeffrey P. Crabb Curtis L. Stanford Gregory M. Karst John C. Mackaman Roger W. Wallace T. Michael McCoy John P. Buser Michael K. Mines Michael E. Brown Greg D. Widrig Philip E. Grosdidier Joseph P. Fangman Trevor J. Whitney Steven W. Hardin James W. Taylor III Scott D. Goertzen Thomas J. R. Meier Stephen L. Patton Jason W. Goertzen Mark E. Arford Blake A. Logan Chad R. Fagerberg Randall C. Newth Tim M. Orindgreff6 6 Award Renamed: See Joseph P. Fangman Honor Initiate Award on Page 4.59 4.16 Book of Records 1A6A. THE OUTSTANDING PLEDGE AWARD RECIPIENTS 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 (January) 1985 (August) 1986 (January) 1986 (August) 1987 (January) 1987 (August) 1988 (January) 1988 (August) 1989 (January) 1989 (August) 1990 (January) 1990 (August) 1991 (January) 1991 (August) 1992 (January) 1992 (August) 1993 (January) 1993 (August) 1994 (January) 1994 (August) 1995 (January) 1995 (August) 1996 (January) 1996 (August) 1997 (January) Cory W. Barron Robert L. Frye Dallas D. Hill Marvin L. Trayford Jeff E. Dillon Kenneth D. Parks Timothy E. Congrove Paul E. McKenzie Todd W. Haddock Douglas A. Long Kyle R. Rolfing Thomas M. Clark Roderick B. Hall Ryan T. Witt Scott A. Mannebach Kenny P. Jensen, Jr. Samuel R. Gibbs, Jr. Jeffrey R. Schmidt Jeffrey M. Minson Doyle J. Baird Scott L. Hardin Clint L. Lowry Stuart C. Rinkleff Douglas M. LaMunyon Michael T. Parisi Aaron L. Culp David M. Stuever Jonathan A. Freeman Jason L. Endacott Sean W. Jackson Brent A. Taylor Steve J. Prusa Vince C. Sparks Robert M. Bensman (Continued) B ook of Records 4.17 1A6B. THE OUTSTANDING NEW MEMBER AWARD RECIPIENTS 1997 (August) 1998 (January) Ethan A. Kloster C. Scott Duncan Michael T. Freeman (Continued) 4.18 Book of Records 1A6C and 1B3. THE MICHAEL J. BROWN MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING NEW MEMBER AWARD RECIPIENTS 1998 (August) 1999 (January) 1999 (August) 2000 (January) 2000 (August) 2001 (January) 2001 (August) 2002 (January) 2002 (August) 2003 (January) 2003 (August) 2004 (January) 2004 (August) 2005 (January) 2005 (August) 2006 (January) 2006 (August) 2007 (January) 2007 (August) 2008 (January) 2008 (August) 2009 (January) 2009 (August) 2010 (January) 2010 (August) 2011 (January) 2011 (August) 2012 (January) 2012 (August) 2013 (January) Jason A. Pechar Michael J. Brown7 Matthew G. Keller Kevin N. Oehme Joshua R. Wedel Andrew J. Joiner Jacob J. Perkins Kellen J. Frank Matthew J. Toepfer Travis J. DiGirolamo Michael P. Hinkin Scott M. Freeman Joshua T. Ault Michael D. Durig Jeffrey E. Elkins Grayson E. Bauer John W. Bensman Kellen E. Sherlock Tyler C. Wisdom Samuel J. Hund Jared M. Schnefke Cole B. Halbleib Tyrek J. Artley Zane J. Derusseau Bradley L. Schnefke David J. Garman Craig E. Knox Scott M. Galey Joseph A. Hund Bryce C. Lob Kyle J. Heffern Brandon M. York R. Luke Schnefke 7 Posthumous B ook of Records 4.19 1A7 and 5D4. THE CHAPTER SWEETHEART AWARD RECIPIENTS 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1962-1963 1963-1964 1965-1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 1970-1971 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 Mary A. Simpson Elaine Zerbe T. Suzanne Thies J. Ellen Claydon Glenda M. Selfridge J. Cheryl Williams Nancy A. Charles Marcia K. Diekman Barbara J. Hays Barbara M. Holm Patricia A. Lamer Sarah L. Hunsucker Cheryl L. Holstrom Caryn L. Lee Judy A. Stricker A. Suzanne May Gail L. Breen Darla M. Strait Mary S. Boppart Barbara S. Millard Jill L. Breckenridge Lindsey L. Townsend Lori L. Scott Susan P. Buller Wendy A. Swiercinsky Denise E. Poettgen Kathleen M. Cormaci Robin J. Lynn Rindi A. Walker Charlotte W. Hoppe Rachelle L. Novak Kelli L. Jacobs Jeannie S. Calvert Mary B. Kwiatkowski Jill S. Randall Misty D. Davey Janelle L. Lagerstrom Jennifer E. Dreiling Shelly A. Slatier Cara B. Redhair Angie M. Pauly8 8 Award Renamed: See Wendy S. McCrary ΑΤΩ Chapter Sweetheart Scholarship on Page 4.118 4.20 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.21 2. DELTA THETA BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2A1 and 1A2. THE TRUSTEES' BROTHERHOOD AWARD 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Jereme J. Brueggemann 9 Russell W. Taddiken Jonathan A. Freeman Vince C. Sparks Robert M. Bensman Michael T. Freeman Jonathan S. Kurche Benjamin C. Porter Kellen J. Frank Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Brian J. Hall Andrew M. Newton Erik M. Rome Daniel O. Sobek Timothy J. Bensman Charles D. Robben Joshua T. Ault Brandon C. Converse Matthew R. Porter Brett M. Robben Anthony L. Carter Joshua D. Cromer Kyle R. Rolfing10 Peter E. Boos Jared M. Schnefke William L. Muir III10 Tyler C. Wisdom Tyler J. Geisler Nicholas J. Sevart Bradley L. Schnefke Luke S. Fangman Wesley P. McFadden Drew T. Nuckolls Christopher J. Waggoner 9 4.07 Previous Award Recipients: See Chapter Advisor's Brotherhood Award on Page Special Award 10 4.22 Book of Records 2A2. THE ORDER OF THE THIRD STAR AWARD RECIPIENTS 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Joe G. Stein Ty A. Bechtel Jonathan A. Freeman Guy W. Gross Gabriel J. Graham Brent A. Taylor Robert M. Bensman Christopher J. Struzina Chad D. Russell Benjamin C. Porter Lance T. Jones Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Daniel J. Tokar Andrew M. Newton Brian J. Hall Daniel O. Sobek Erik M. Rome Brian M. King Charles D. Robben Joshua T. Ault Jacob R. Will Anthony L. Carter Shawn M. Taddiken Scott R. Keller John W. Bensman Jared M. Schnefke Peter E. Boos Joshua D. Cromer Tyler J. Geisler Nicholas J. Sevart Luke S. Fangman Bradley L. Schnefke B ook of Records 4.23 2A3. THE TRUSTEES' OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD RECIPIENTS 2002 2004 2010 2013 Jonathan S. Kurche (TAC) Andrew M. Newton (TAC) Daniel A. Unruh (SBP) Jacob C. Unruh (SBVP) 4.24 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.25 3. DELTA THETA HALL OF HONOR COMMITTEE 3A1. THE DELTA THETA HALL OF HONOR AWARD RECIPIENTS 1995 Elmer D. McCollum Walter J. (Walt) Rogers James B. (J. B.) Angle L. Allyn (Al) Laybourn John T. (Tom) Muir Dale L. Duncan Henry F. (Hank) Kupfer Richard E. (Dick) Fagerberg Larry W. Emig Steven C. (Steve) Johnson Joseph D. (Joe) Berlekamp 2001 2008 4.26 Book of Records 3A2. THE DELTA THETA OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD RECIPIENTS 2008 2009 2010 2011 William L. Muir III Joseph D. Berlekamp Steven C. Johnson Larry W. Emig Henry F. Kupfer Steven B. Young B ook of Records 4.27 4. DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA BUILDING CORPORATION 4A1 and 5C6. THE SUMMER HOUSE MANAGER AWARD RECIPIENTS 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1982 1983 1984 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Steve C. Carroll David M. Coberly Edward L. Hauck David L. Meyer Raymond E. Keith William C. Brown Lloyd L. Landkamer Richard K. Degenhardt, Jr. Joseph E. Beuerlein Jeffrey D. Shoemaker David W. Binder Bret A. Fox Kent H. Kiracofe Kent H. Kiracofe Timothy S. Berends Jamie R. Wiegert Troy L. Bechtel Rance E. Ames Steven J. Lauberth Christopher L. Palmer Brian W. Koehn Christopher A. (Kit) Chapman John S. Klabunde Curtis D. Snowden Daniel M. Marchant Michael L. Hattrup Kerry M. Funk Brandon C. Converse11 11 Award Renamed: See John A. Towse, Jr. Summer House Manager Award on Page 4.66 4.28 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.29 5. KANSAS STATE ALPHA TAU OMEGA STUDENTS' AID ENDOWMENT FUND 5A1 and 5A2. THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM SCHOLASTIC EXCELLENCE AWARD AND PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD RECIPIENTS (SEMESTER TOP GRADES) 1989 (Spring) 1989 (Fall) 1990 (Spring) 1990 (Fall) 1991 (Spring) 1991 (Fall) 1992 (Spring) 1992 (Fall) 1993 (Spring) 1993 (Fall) 1994 (Spring) 1994 (Fall) Stephen L. Patton Mark E. Arford David C. Odgers Mark E. Arford Stephen L. Patton William L. Short, Jr. Stephen L. Patton Rance E. Ames Randall C. Newth Randall C. Newth Christopher R. Stipe Todd F. Lakin Matthew D. Bayer Randall C. Newth Todd F. Lakin Chris S. Barnes Joe G. Stein Chad M. Wilson Todd F. Lakin James M. Marvel Christopher R. Stipe Brian W. Koehn Jonathan A. Freeman Todd F. Lakin Joe G. Stein Chad M. Wilson Christian J. Kelly Todd F. Lakin Michael S. Thoesen Jonathan A. Freeman Joe G. Stein Christian J. Kelly Svai S. Sanford Brian D. Heltshe Todd F. Lakin Steve J. Prusa Michael S. Thoesen Kelly C. Taylor 1995 (Spring) 1995 (Fall) 1996 (Spring) (Continued) 4.30 Book of Records 1996 (Fall) 1997 (Spring) 1997 (Fall) 1998 (Spring) 1998 (Fall) 1999 (Spring) Michael S. Thoesen Gabriel J. Graham Guy W. Gross Brian D. Heltshe Steve J. Prusa Joe G. Stein Kelly C. Taylor Christopher S. Coad Aaron J. Decker Brian A. Oehme Jonathan A. Freeman Guy W. Gross Cameron R. Klein Robert M. Bensman Shane T. Cowan Joe G. Stein Robert M. Bensman Mark A. Ruda David M. Stuever Michael S. Thoesen Jonathan A. Freeman Brian D. Heltshe Cameron R. Klein Brian A. Oehme Cameron R. Klein Jeremy P. Girard Neil P. Adamson Robert M. Bensman Christopher J. Struzina Richard A. Webdell Jonathan A. Freeman Guy W. Gross Brian A. Oehme Matthew H. Kenkel Robert M. Bensman Neil P. Adamson Seth A. Lloyd Anthony K. Hartness Michael S. Thoesen Kevin N. Oehme Matthew G. Keller Christopher J. Struzina Austin R. Aggson Grant P. Bunton Anthony K. Hartness Peter J. Molitor Neil P. Adamson Robert M. Bensman (Continued) B ook of Records 4.31 1999 (Fall) 2000 (Spring) 2000 (Fall) 2001 (Spring) 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) Christopher J. Struzina Robert M. Bensman Kevin N. Oehme Jonathan R. Richardson John F. Thompson Brian A. Oehme Andrew M. Newton Jeremy P. Girard Brian A. Oehme Kevin N. Oehme Tanner N. Klingzell Jacob J. Perkins Cameron R. Klein Andrew M. Newton Robert M. Bensman Kellen J. Frank Kyle A. Brewer Clay D. Davis Kevin N. Oehme Andrew M. Newton Steven L. Bellinger Brian A. Oehme Matthew G. Keller Jacob J. Perkins Kevin N. Oehme Kellen J. Frank John F. Thompson Jonathan R. Mein Jacob J. Perkins Andrew M. Newton Jonathan R. Mein Kevin N. Oehme Curtis G. Mick Troy A. Holdeman John F. Thompson Charles D. Robben Andrew M. Newton Jesse D. Newton Kevin N. Oehme Troy A. Holdeman Charles D. Robben Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Brock C. Lohrey Brandon C. Converse Joshua R. Wedel Brian J. Hall Brian M. King Andrew M. Newton Benjamin R. Smith (Continued) 4.32 Book of Records 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) Brian J. Hall Brian M. King Jesse D. Newton Timothy J. Bensman Charles D. Robben Brock C. Lohrey Trevor L. Winchell Kellen J. Frank Erik M. Rome Joshua R. Wedel Jeffrey E. Elkins Jesse D. Newton Andrew M. Newton Jonathan B. Biggs Brock C. Lohrey Ryan C. Parisi Charles D. Robben Brian M. King Ryan C. Parisi Jonathan R. Mein Jonathan B. Biggs Jeffrey E. Elkins Sean P. Cordes Travis J. DiGirolamo Benjamin C. Nash Brian J. Hall Scott D. McDermott Andrew M. Newton Jesse D. Newton Brock C. Lohrey Jonathan B. Biggs Jesse D. Newton Jeffrey E. Elkins Matthew R. Porter Matthew A. Baki Sean P. Cordes Garrett B. Linville Christopher A. Mick Tyler F. Newton Benjamin R. Smith Caden L. Butler Peter L. Hinkle Erik M. Rome (Continued) B ook of Records 4.33 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 12006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) Jeffrey E. Elkins Garrett B. Linville Charles D. Robben Matthew A. Baki Jonathan B. Biggs Caden L. Butler Sean P. Cordes Matthew R. Porter W. Scott Dikeman Michael J. Rohr Curtis G. Mick Tyler F. Newton Robert J. Domsch Sean P. Cordes Jonathan B. Biggs Jeffrey E. Elkins Matthew A. Baki Michael J. Rohr Brian M. King Christopher A. Mick Caden L. Butler Matthew J. Duerfeldt Peter L. Hinkle Sean P. Cordes Michael J. Rohr Garrett B. Linville Brett M. Robben Scott A. Swain Tyler F. Newton Jeffrey E. Elkins Christopher A. Mick Drew M. Wagner Larry D. Long Nicholas L. Rauth Michael J. Rohr Garrett B. Linville Trent R. Byquist Peter L. Hinkle Sean P. Cordes Jared M. Schnefke Jeremy K. Will Joshua T. Ault Jeffrey E. Elkins (Continued) 4.34 Book of Records 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) Tyler J. Geisler Nicholas L. Rauth Travis E. C. Brown Garrett B. Linville Michael J. Rohr Trent R. Byquist Jared M. Schnefke Jeffrey E. Elkins Peter L. Hinkle W. Travis Love Jacob R. Will Adam B. Pfautsch Trent R. Byquist Michael J. Rohr Garrett B. Linville Jared M. Schnefke Joshua W. Oller Matthew J. Lindquist Joshua W. Oller Paul H. Kuhlman Trent R. Byquist W. Travis Love Joseph W. Norris Andrew T. Langford Michael J. Rohr Jordan S. McFall Trent R. Byquist Bryan E. Klote Paul H. Kuhlman John W. Bensman Jordan S. McFall Daniel D. Domsch Bradley L. Schnefke Samuel J. Hund Nicholas L. Rauth Joshua W. Oller Daniel D. Domsch Trent R. Byquist Bradley L. Schnefke Jared M. Schnefke Samuel J. Hund Michael M. Lindquist William H. Miller Daniel D. Domsch Aaron M. Ortbals John R. Reinert Trent R. Byquist Bradley L. Schnefke Zane J. Derusseau Craig E. Knox Patrick T. Criss Adam C. Kruse Jay K. Marcus (Continued) B ook of Records 4.35 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) Daniel D. Domsch Paul H. Kuhlman Neal K. Rasmussen W. Scott Ogan Peter E. Boos Craig E. Knox Benjamin D. Fangman Neal K. Rasmussen Nicholas J. Sevart Ryan J. Ehart Joseph A. Hund Carl W. Specht Daniel A. Unruh Dylan A. Koch Michael J. Miller David A. Biggs Dylan A Koch Daniel D. Domsch Neal K. Rasmussen Jacob C. Unruh Brandon G. Abbott Bradley L. Schnefke Daniel D. Domsch David A. Biggs Christopher J. Waggoner Ryan J. Ehart Grant P. Jackson Brett J. Lightle Neal K. Rasmussen Jacob C. Unruh Zane J. Derusseau Dylan A Koch Jacob C. Bollin Troy S. Klaassen Kyle D. Kramer Daniel D. Domsch Grant P. Jackson Nicholas M. Gabel David A. Biggs Christopher J. Waggoner Troy S. Klaassen Dylan A. Koch Brett J. Lightle Jacob C. Bollin Jared M. Kaunley (Continued) 4.36 Book of Records 2012 (Fall) Grant P. Jackson Benjamin D. Fangman David A. Biggs Jacob C. Bollin Reid P. Frye R. Luke Schnefke Neal K. Rasmussen Troy S. Klaassen Kyle M. Schieber Jacob C. Unruh B ook of Records 4.37 5A3A. THE BEST ROOM SCHOLARSHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS 1982 (Fall) 1983 (Spring) Greg D. Kelley Greg D. Widrig Jeffrey E. Gates Gregory D. McCullough Jeff E. Dillon Philip E. Grosdidier Jeffrey E. Gates Michael E. Brown David A. Binder Mike R. Widrig David A. Binder Mike R. Widrig David A. Binder Mike R. Widrig Duane C. Redelsheimer Trevor J. Whitney Corbin T. Witt Timothy E. Henderson Robert W. Reichenberger Michael R. McGee Corbin T. Witt Timothy E. Henderson Robert W. Reichenberger Michael R. McGee Robert W. Reichenberger Michael R. McGee Robert R. Reichenberger Michael R. McGee Robert W. Reichenberger Michael R. McGee Thomas J. Meier Stephen L. Patton 1983 (Fall) 1984 (Spring) 1984 (Fall) 1985 (Spring) 1985 (Fall) 1986 (Spring) 1986 (Fall) 1987 (Spring) 1987 (Fall) 1988 (Spring) 1988 (Fall) 1989 (Spring) 1989 (Fall) (Continued) 4.38 Book of Records 5A3B. THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM BEST ROOM SCHOLARSHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS 1990 (Spring) 1990 (Fall) 1991 (Spring) 1991 (Fall) 1992 (Spring) 1992 (Fall) Thomas J. Meier Stephen L. Patton Rance E. Ames Mark E. Arford Rance E. Ames William L. Short, Jr. Blake A. Logan William L. Short, Jr. Rance E. Ames Mark D. Sherlock Rance E. Ames Blake A. Logan James A. Buster Christopher R. Stipe Rance E. Ames Blake A. Logan James A. Buster Christopher R. Stipe Randall C. Newth Christopher R. Stipe Svai S. Sanford Kelly C. Taylor Michael E. Carroll Brian W. Koehn Christian J. Kelly David M. Stuever Christian J. Kelly David M. Stuever Michael S. Thoesen Guy W. Gross Jonathan A. Freeman Michael T. Parisi Michael S. Thoesen Guy W. Gross Michael S. Thoesen Toby J. Crouse Gregg N. Farrar Gavin M. Vaughn Jason L. Endacott Chad D. Russell Robert M. Bensman Christopher R. Graves Robert M. Bensman Jebtha C. Graham Matthew G. Keller Daniel A. Ellsworth (Continued) 1993 (Spring) 1993 (Fall) 1994 (Spring) 1994 (Fall) 1995 (Spring) 1995 (Fall) 1996 (Spring) 1996 (Fall) 1997 (Spring) 1997 (Fall) 1998 (Spring) 1998 (Fall) 1999 (Spring) B ook of Records 4.39 1999 (Fall) 2000 (Spring) 2000 (Fall) 2001 (Spring) 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 12006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) Jeremy P. Girard Daniel M. Marchant Robert M. Bensman Daniel J. Tokar Andrew M. Newton Jacob J. Perkins Patrick T. Gibbs Matthew G. Keller John F. Thompson Tanner N. Klingzell Andrew M. Newton Jacob J. Perkins Andrew M. Newton Patrick J. McEvoy Charles D. Robben Brandon C. Converse Kellen J. Frank Andrew M. Newton Jesse D. Newton Caden L. Butler Jeffrey E. Elkins Brian J. Hall Jeffrey E. Elkins Sean P. Cordes Sean P. Cordes Jeffrey E. Elkins Sean P. Cordes Jeffrey E. Elkins Garrett B. Linville Drew M. Wagner Sean P. Cordes Scott A. Swain Garrett B. Linville Drew M. Wagner Garrett B. Linville Drew M. Wagner Garrett B. Linville Drew M. Wagner Trent R. Byquist Josesph W. Norris Paul H. Kuhlman Jared M. Schnefke Sean P. Keating Steven I. Miller Joshua D. Cromer Tyler J. Geisler Craig E. Knox Ryan J. Ehart Nicholas J. Sevart Keith C. Wyss (Continued) 4.40 Book of Records 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) Neal K. Rasmussen Dylan A. Koch Jacob C. Unruh Joseph A. Hund Grant P. Jackson Neal K. Rasmussen Austin L. Anderson David A. Biggs Jacob C. Unruh B ook of Records 4.41 5A4. THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM WORTHY MASTER AWARD RECIPIENTS 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Kent H. Kiracofe Stephen L. Patton Steven A. Swanson Damon E. Earnshaw Ryan D. Hurlbutt Daniel D. Dow Cary L. Majors Jonathan A. Freeman Gabriel J. Graham Robert M. Bensman Chad D. Russell Lance T. Jones Andrew M. Newton Erik M. Rome Brian M. King Joshua T. Ault Scott R. Keller John W. Bensman Peter E. Boos Jared M. Schnefke Nicholas J. Sevart Luke S. Fangman Drew T. Nuckolls Brendan R. Carney 4.42 Book of Records 5A5. THE RICHARD E. FAGERBERG WORTHY MARSHAL AWARD RECIPIENTS 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) Andrew M. Newton Andrew J. Joiner Erik P. Ankrom Ryan C. Parisi Timothy J. Bensman Charles D. Robben Brandon C. Converse Jacob R. Will W. Scott Dikeman Jeffrey E. Elkins John W. Bensman Peter E. Boos Shawn M. Taddiken Joshua D. Cromer Joseph W. Norris Tyler J. Geisler Daniel A. Unruh Austin G. Waldo Brandon G. Abbott Wesley P. McFadden Bradley L. Schnefke Christopher J. Waggoner Brendan R. Carney B ook of Records 4.43 5A6A. THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM WORTHY KEEPER OF EXCHEQUER AWARD RECIPIENTS 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 Darrick S. Klima Shawn M. Aldridge Jason W. Goertzen Ryan D. Hurlbutt Stuart C. Rinkleff Brian W. Koehn Paul L. Damm (Continued) 4.44 Book of Records 5A6B. THE ALLAN D. HOLIDAY, JR. WORTHY KEEPER OF EXCHEQUER AWARD RECIPIENTS 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Brent A. Taylor Brent A. Taylor Richard A. Webdell Brian M. Darby Daniel J. Tokar Daniel J. Tokar Brian J. Hall Brock C. Lohrey Sean P. Cordes Garrett B. Linville Drew W. Britton Drew W. Britton J. Paul Fangman, Jr. Craig E. Knox Craig E. Knox David A. Biggs B ook of Records 4.45 5A7. THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT CHAIRMAN AWARD RECIPIENTS 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Scott A. Mannebach Mark E. Arford James C. McDiffett Blake A. Logan Daniel D. Dow Michael T. Parisi Jonathan A. Freeman Guy W. Gross Robert M. Bensman Jebtha C. Graham Michael T. Freeman Andrew M. Newton Kellen J. Frank Matthew J. Toepfer Benjamin R. Smith Cameron M. Sterrett John W. Bensman Scott A. Swain Jared M. Keating Connor F. Osbern Bradley L. Schnefke 4.46 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.47 5A8. THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM ASSISTANT MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT CHAIRMEN AWARD RECIPIENTS 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) Trevor L. Winchell Daniel R. Adrain Benjamin J. Zwick Daniel O. Sobek Cole S. Reichle Evan B. Hammett Brandon C. Converse Daniel J. Tokar Brian J. Hall Charles D. Robben Graig M. Sells Christopher A. Beyer Brandon C. Converse Ryan C. Falco Peter A. Kelley Charles D. Robben Ryan C. Falco Matthew J. Duerfeldt Jeffrey E. Elkins Nathan J. Schnefke Brandon K. Haynes Scott R. Strickler Benjamin C. Nash Kyle A. Potter Michael D. Durig Peter L. Hinkle Tyler F. Newton Michael J. Rohr Kyle A. Potter Ryan M. Kuhn Bradley R. Stein Tyler F. Newton Michael J. Rohr Peter E. Boos Travis E. C. Brown Samuel J. Hund Peter E. Boos Samuel J. Hund Austin G. Waldo Colin R. Cummings Jacob S. Kaunley Colin R. Cummings Austin G. Waldo Jared M. Schnefke Kevin W. Goebel Jacob S. Kaunley (Continued) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 4.48 Book of Records 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) Joseph W. Norris Carl W. Specht Christopher C. Tipton Tyler J. Geisler Michael M. Lindquist Carl W. Specht Christopher J. Waggoner Tyler J. Geisler Michael M. Lindquist Carl W. Specht Neal K. Rasmussen B ook of Records 4.49 5A9. THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM TRUE MERIT CHARACTER AWARD RECIPIENTS 2005-2006 Larry D. Long 4.50 Book of Records 5A10. THE TODD F. LAKIN K-STATE LEADERSHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 12010 Brandon K. Haynes12 Cole S. Reichle11 Charles D. Robben12 Christopher A. Beyer12 Christopher A. Mick12 Matthew R. Porter 12 Mark E. Pultz12 Mathew C. Plummer 12 Eric C. Redhair 12 Scott A. Swain 12 Tyler C. Wisdom12 Kevin W. Goebel12 William H. Miller 12 Adam C. Kruse12 Charles F. Clarkson 12 Craig E. Knox12 Andrew J. Miller 12 John R. Reinert 12 Mike T. Ta12 Grant P. Jackson12 Ryan C. Lingle12 Matthew A. Ribble12 Mackenzie J. Valentine 12 2012 12 Also See William L. Muir III LeaderShape Awards on Page 4.79 B ook of Records 4.51 5A11. THE JEFFREY L. GATES BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AWARD RECIPIENTS 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Jonathan B. Biggs Robert J. Domsch Garrett B. Linville Jared M. Schnefke Jared M. Schnefke Bradley L. Schnefke Bradley L. Schnefke David A. Biggs 4.52 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.53 5B1. THE WILLIAM LLOYD MUIR II AND JOHN THOMAS MUIR MEMORIAL GRANT-IN-AID AWARD RECIPIENTS (MUIR MEMORIAL CUP) 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 James F. Seal Steven D. Dunbar Herbert L. Meeks Raymond E. Keith Lloyd L. Landkamer Ben J. Craney Wayne D. Maxwell Keith P. Meier Jeffrey D. Shoemaker Wayne D. Maxwell Jeff E. Dillon Robert P. Diehl Kent D. Cable Paul E. McKenzie Joseph P. Kennedy Paul E. McKenzie Joseph P. Kennedy James W. Taylor III John D. Cormaci Timothy S. Berends Bryan T. Nolt William L. Short, Jr. Daniel L. Pfenenger William L. Short, Jr. Christopher L. Palmer Todd F. Lakin Todd F. Lakin Jereme J. Brueggemann Guy W. Gross Neil P. Adamson John R. Gooch Richard S. Cole Daniel M. Marchant Daniel A. Ellsworth Troy A. Holdeman Timothy J. Bensman Allan R. Sheahan William H. Casper Dustin L. Kammerer Michael D. Durig Jacob R. Will Jacob R. Will Anthony L. Carter Peter E. Boos Adam H. Love (Continued) 4.54 Book of Records 2010-2011 2011-2012 2011-2012 Keith C. Wyss Michael J. Miller Bryce C. Lob Bryce C. Lob B ook of Records 4.55 5B3. THE TYLER F. NEWTON NOAH'S ARK AWARD RECIPIENTS 2004 2005 Larry D. Long J. Hunter Ferebee Charles D. Robben Joshua T. Ault 4.56 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.57 5C1 and 5B2. THE L. ALLYN LAYBOURN MEMORIAL SCHOLASTIC EXCELLENCE AWARD RECIPIENTS (YEARLY TOP GRADES) 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 Stephen M. McCandless Michael K. Mines John P. Buser Michael K. Mines Greg D. Widrig Phil E. Grosdidier Jeffrey L. Gates Mike R. Widrig Mike R. Widrig Mike R. Widrig Timothy E. Congrove Trevor J. Whitney Robert W. Reichenberger Robert W. Reichenberger Stephen L. Patton Mark E. Arford David C. Odgers13 Stephen L. Patton William L. Short, Jr. 13 Randall C. Newth Todd F. Lakin 13 Todd F. Lakin Matthew D. Bayer13 Randall C. Newth 14 Todd F. Lakin Joe G. Stein 13 James M. Marvel14 Todd F. Lakin Jonathan A. Freeman 13 Joe G. Stein 13 Michael S. Thoesen Todd F. Lakin 13 Guy W. Gross14 Guy W. Gross Joe G. Stein 13 Michael S. Thoesen14 Robert M. Bensman Cameron R. Klein 13 Brian A. Oehme14 Robert M. Bensman Neil P. Adamson13 Anthony K. Hartness13 Matthew G. Keller 15 Kevin N. Oehme Robert M. Bensman 13 Andrew M. Newton14 Jeremy P. Girard 15 (Continued) 1999-2000 4.58 Book of Records 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 12005-2006 12006-2007 12007-2008 12008-2009 12009-2010 12010-2011 Kellen J. Frank Jacob J. Perkins 13 Anthony K. Hartness14 John F. Thompson15 Andrew M. Newton Troy A. Holdeman 13 Jesse D. Newton14 John F. Thompson15 Brian J. Hall Charles D. Robben13 Brian M. King 14 Brock C. Lohrey15 Jeffrey E. Elkins Jesse D. Newton13 Ryan C. Parisi 13 Jonathan B. Biggs15 Jonathan B. Biggs Sean P. Cordes Jeffrey E. Elkins Garrett B. Linville15 Matthew R. Porter 15 Sean P. Cordes Michael J. Rohr 13 Jeffrey E. Elkins14 Christopher A. Mick15 Robert J. Domsch16 Nicholas L. Rauth Michael J. Rohr 13 Garrett B. Linville14 Trent R. Byquist15 Jared M. Schnefke16 Trent R. Byquist Joshua W. Oller 13 Jared M. Schnefke14 Andrew T. Langford15 Garrett B. Linville16 Daniel D. Domsch Bradley L. Schnefke13 Nicholas L. Rauth 14 Joshua W. Oller 15 Jordan S. McFall 16 Daniel D. Domsch Craig E. Knox13 John R. Reinert 14 Bradley L. Schnefke15 John W. Norris16 Neal K. Rasmussen Dylan A. Koch13 Nicholas J. Sevart 14 Bradley L. Schnefke15 David A. Biggs16 B ook of Records 4.59 12011-2012 David A. Biggs Christopher J. Waggoner Grant P. Jackson14 Brett J. Lightle15 Dylan A. Koch16 Troy S. Klaassen16 Jacob C. Bollin 18 First Runner-Up Second Runner-Up 15 Third Runner-Up 16 Fourth Runner-Up 17 Fifth Runner-Up 18 Sixth Runner-Up 13 14 4.60 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.61 5C2 and 1A5. THE JOSEPH P. FANGMAN HONOR INITIATE AWARD RECIPIENTS 1993 (January) 1994 (January) 1994 (August) 1995 (January) 1995 (August) 1996 (January) 1996 (August) 1997 (January) 1997 (August) 1998 (January) 1998 (August) 1999 (January) 1999 (August) 2000 (January) 2000 (August) 2001 (January) 2001 (August) 2002 (January) 2002 (August) 2003 (January) 2003 (August) 2004 (January) 2004 (August) 2005 (January) 2005 (August) 2006 (January) 2007 (January) 2007 (August) 2008 (January) 2009 (January) 2009 (August) 2010 (January) 2010 (August) 2011 (January) 2012 (January) 2013 (January) Ryan A. Newth19 Joe G. Stein Brian P. Ansay Jonathan A. Freeman Michael S. Thoesen Daniel P. Cataldi Steve J. Prusa Joshua T. Brueggemann Cameron R. Klein Christopher R. Graves Peter J. Molitor Matthew G. Keller Ryan W. Hamm C. Jason Hannagan John F. Thompson Kellen J. Frank Clay D. Davis Erik M. Rome Curtis G. Mick Brian M. King Brock C. Lohrey Lafe M. Bauer Jeffrey E. Elkins Peter L. Hinkle Garrett B. Linville Tyler F. Newton20 Joseph E. Strain 20 Michael J. Rohr Scott A. Swain Nicholas L. Rauth Tyler J. Geisler Nicholas J. Sevart Daniel D. Domsch Bradley L. Schnefke Ryan J. Ehart John R. Reinert Gilberto E. Perez-Abraham Benjamin D. Fangman Grant P. Jackson Reid P. Frye R. Luke Schnefke 19 20 Previous Award Recipients: See Honor Initiate Award on Page 4.15 Special Award 4.62 Book of Records 5C3. THE MAUREEN P. NEWTON EXEMPLARY INITIATE AWARD RECIPIENTS 2009 (January) 2010 (January) 2010 (August) 2011 (January) 2012 (January) 2013 (January) Brandon G. Abbott Craig E. Knox Joseph J. Orsi Joseph A. Hund Mackenzie J. Valentine Kyle M. Schieber B ook of Records 4.63 5C4A. THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM MOST IMPROVED SCHOLARSHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS 1990 (Spring) 1990 (Fall) 1991 (Spring) 1991 (Fall) 1992 (Spring) 1992 (Fall) 1993 (Spring) 1993 (Fall) 1994 (Spring) 1994 (Fall) 1995 (Spring) 1995 (Fall) 1996 (Spring) 1996 (Fall) 1997 (Spring) 1997 (Fall) 1998 (Spring) 1998 (Fall) 1999 (Spring) 1999 (Fall) 2000 (Spring) 2000 (Fall) 2001 (Spring) Scott A. Mannebach Gregory A. Lloyd Edward K. Simms Wade B. Jensik Douglas W. Kohlhase Jonathan L. Siebold Christopher R. Stipe James C. McDiffett Gregory N. Fuciu Sheldon R. Murphy Scott L. Hardin Damon E. Earnshaw Cary L. Majors Brian W. Rader Toby J. Crouse Bradley E. Deener Rod W. Helus Jimmy M. Marvel Jebtha C. Graham Matthew H. Kenkel Rod W. Helus Russell W. Taddiken Andrew J. Pleviak Bradley E. Deener Kyle A. Brewer Matthew E. Redhair Jess M. Adams Chad D. Green Justin R. Stein (Continued) 4.64 Book of Records 5C4B. THE MATTHEW L. BRETZ MOST IMPROVED SCHOLARSHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) Daniel R. Adrain Matthew J. Toepfer Dustin L. Kammerer Evan B. Hammett Andrew T. Henderson Kellen J. Frank Clayton T. Devlin Brett A. Allred Erik P. Ankrom Caden L. Butler Curtis G. Mick Travis J. DiGirolamo Christopher S. Johnson Benjamin R. Smith Cory A. Zimmerman Jesse G. Moore Shane T. Conaghan Bradley R. Stein Evan C. Coglizer Eric C. Redhair John W. Bensman Peter E. Boos Evan C. Coglizer Jay K. Marcus Tyler F. Shepherd Jared M. Keating William H. Miller Tyler F. Shepherd Jeffrey A. Hyder Adam H. Love Sean P. Keating Steven I. Miller Zane J. Derusseau R. Christian Jackson Wesley P. McFadden Patrick L. Reazin Daniel A. Unruh Samuel W. Osbern Charles F. Clarkson Andrew J. Miller Christopher J. Waggoner Dallas L. Kaunley Jared M. Kaunley Bryce A. Lob Miles J. Casey M. Trevor Petrie B ook of Records 4.65 5C5, 1A8 and 4A2. THE LARRY D. MARVEL MEMORIAL HOUSE MANAGER AWARD RECIPIENTS 1990 (Fall) 1991 (Spring) 1991 (Fall) 1992 (Spring) 1992 (Fall) 1993 (Spring) 1993 (Fall) 1994 (Spring) 1994 (Fall) 1995 (Spring) 1995 (Fall) 1996 (Spring) 1996 (Fall) 1997 (Spring) 1997 (Fall) 1998 (Spring) 1998 (Fall) 1999 (Spring) 1999 (Fall) 2000 (Spring) 2000 (Fall) 2001 (Spring) 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) J. Christian Jordan Gregory A. Lloyd Gregory A. Lloyd Travis R. Cottrell Damon E. Earnshaw Steven J. Lauberth Brett M. Fincham Michael T. Parisi Mark A. Ruda Douglas M. LaMunyon Ty A. Bechtel Aaron D. Cordell Bryan S. Taylor Russell P. Baldwin, Jr. John R. Gooch Bradley E. Deener Travis M. Poland Brice S. Ebert Brice S. Ebert Nicholas H. Krier Jacob J. Perkins Brook D. Mitchell Kerry M. Funk Steven L. Bellinger Steven L. Bellinger Brian M. King Jacob R. Will W. Scott Dikeman Michael D. Durig Brett M. Robben Brett M. Robben Evan C. Coglizer Joshua W. Oller Scott R. Keller Austin G. Waldo Kevin W. Goebel Sean P. Keating Philip B. Newman Presten R. Petersen Harold W. Mitts III Kyle J. Heffern 4.66 Book of Records 5C6. THE LARRY D. MARVEL MEMORIAL ASSISTANT HOUSE MANAGER AWARD RECIPIENTS 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) Dustin L. Kammerer Dustin L. Kammerer Brian M. King Michael E. Durig Brian M. King Shawn M. Taddiken Kellen E. Sherlock Bryan E. Klote Peter E. Boos Cole B. Halbleib Austin G. Waldo Cole B. Halbleib Dalton T. Cummings Presten R. Petersen Harold W. Mitts III Kyle J. Heffern B ook of Records 4.67 5C7A and 4A1. THE SUMMER HOUSE MANAGER AWARD RECIPIENTS 2003 2004 2005 2006 Charles D. Robben21 Andrew P. Congleton Caden L. Butler Brett M. Robben (Continued) 4.68 Book of Records 5C7B and 4A1. THE JOHN A. TOWSE, JR. SUMMER HOUSE MANAGER AWARD RECIPIENTS 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Joshua W. Oller Keith B. Schaller Colin R. Cummings Austin G. Waldo Harold W. Mitts III Kyle J. Heffern 21 Previous Award Recipients: See Summer House Manager Award on Page 4.27 B ook of Records 4.69 5C8 and 1A1. THE ROBERT M. BENSMAN PRESIDENT'S AWARD RECIPIENTS 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Richard R. (Bob) Harrison 22 Andrew M. Newton Brian J. Hall Lance T. Jones Brian M. King Daniel J. Tokar Timothy J. Bensman Erik M. Rome Larry D. Long Matthew J. Duerfeldt Brett M. Robben Jeffrey E. Elkins John W. Bensman Anthony L. Carter Peter E. Boos Joshua D. Cromer Jared M. Schnefke Peter E. Boos Nicholas J. Sevart Jared M. Schnefke Nicholas J. Sevart Luke S. Fangman Drew T. Nuckolls Luke S. Fangman 22 Previous Award Recipients: See President's Award on Page 4.03 4.70 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.71 5C9. THE JOHN E. HOLSTROM MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING SENIOR AWARD RECIPIENTS 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Tim C. Smith Kent H. Kiracofe William L. Short, Jr. William L. Short, Jr. Ryan D. Hurlbutt Daniel D. Dow Joe G. Stein Jonathan A. Freeman Jonathan A. Freeman Robert M. Bensman Robert M. Bensman Jonathan S. Kurche Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Andrew M. Newton Timothy J. Bensman Brandon C. Converse Joshua T. Ault John W. Bensman Peter E. Boos Jared M. Schnefke Jared M. Schnefke Luke S. Fangman Luke S. Fangman 4.72 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.73 5C10. THE DAN G. TINDER MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING JUNIOR AWARD RECIPIENTS 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Kent H. Kiracofe Mark E. Arford James D. Persinger, Jr. Damon E. Earnshaw Todd F. Lakin Joe G. Stein Jonathan A. Freeman Gabriel J. Graham Robert M. Bensman Jebtha C. Graham Ryan W. Hamm Lance T. Jones Andrew M. Newton Brian J. Hall Brian M. King Joshua T. Ault Brett M. Robben Garrett B. Linville Jared M. Schnefke Daniel A. Unruh Nicholas J. Sevart Brandon G. Abbott Drew T. Nuckolls 4.74 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.75 5C11A. THE RICHARD R. STERRETT MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING SOPHOMORE AWARD RECIPIENTS 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 Kenny P. Jensen James D. Persinger, Jr. Travis R. Cottrell David M. Saunders Joe G. Stein Jonathan A. Freeman (Continued) 4.76 Book of Records 5C11B. THE RICHARD R. STERRETT AND ROBERT K. STERRETT MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING SOPHOMORE AWARD RECIPIENTS 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Christian J. Kelly Brent A. Taylor Jonathan S. Kurche Jeffrey C. Connell Matthew G. Keller Andrew M. Newton Brian J. Hall Brian M. King Joshua T. Ault Brett M. Robben Scott R. Keller Jared M. Schnefke Austin G. Waldo Bradley L. Schnefke Brandon G. Abbott Craig E. Knox David A. Biggs B ook of Records 4.77 5C12A. THE JOHN E. HOLSTROM MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING FRESHMAN AWARD RECIPIENTS 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 James D. Persinger, Jr. Travis R. Cottrell Chad M. Wilson Daniel R. Stack Douglas M. LaMunyon Christian J. Kelly Brent A. Taylor Jonathan R. Richardson Jeffrey C. Connell Matthew G. Keller John F. Thompson Matthew J. Toepfer Charles D. Robben Joshua T. Ault Cameron M. Sterrett Bradley R. Stein Patrick T. Criss Jared M. Keating Nicholas J. Sevart Brandon G. Abbott Craig E. Knox (Continued) 4.78 Book of Records 5C12B. THE NORRIS E. HOLSTROM MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING FRESHMAN AWARD RECIPIENTS 2010-2011 2011-2012 Jacob C. Unruh Kyle J. Heffern B ook of Records 4.79 5C13. THE WILLIAM L. MUIR III LEADERSHAPE AWARD RECIPIENTS 1991 James D. Persinger, Jr. Rance E. Ames Jason W. Goertzen William L. Short, Jr. 23 James A. Buster Blake A. Logan Jason R. Patterson Christopher R. Stipe Damon E. Earnshaw David L. Fraas Ryan D. Hurlbutt Randall C. Newth David M. Saunders Jonathan L. Siebold Daniel D. Dow Todd F. Lakin Douglas M. LaMunyon Cary L. Majors Christopher L. Palmer Mark A. Ruda Jonathan A. Freeman Christian J. Kelly Michael T. Parisi Joe G. Stein Toby J. Crouse Aaron L. Culp Gabriel J. Graham Brent A. Taylor Robert M. Bensman John R. Gooch Sean W. Jackson Jeffrey M. Pegues Michael T. Freeman Jebtha C. Graham Bradley J. Joiner Vince C. Sparks Matthew G. Keller Jonathan S. Kurche Jason A. Pechar Richard A. Webdell Daniel J. Cooper23 Christopher J. Struzina 23 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 (Continued) 4.80 Book of Records 2000 2001 2002 Chad D. Russell Brian M. Darby Ryan W. Hamm Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Lance T. Jones Jacob J. Perkins Benjamin C. Porter 24 Timothy J. Bensman Tanner N. Klingzell Andrew M. Newton John F. Thompson Matthew J. Toepfer Daniel J. Tokar Kevin E. Husmann 23 Andrew J. Joiner 23 Ryan C. Parisi 23 Matthew E. Redhair 23 Jonathan M. Rhoades23 Daniel O. Sobek23 Daniel R. Adrain 24 Clay D. Davis24 Joshua R. Wedel24 Erik P. Ankrom Matthew A. Baki Brandon C. Converse Kellen J. Frank Brian J. Hall Evan B. Hammett Michael P. Hinkin Jesse D. Newton Erik M. Rome Brandon K. Haynes25 Cole S. Reichle25 Charles D. Robben25 Curtis G. Mick23 David J. Weaver23 (Continued) B ook of Records 4.81 2003 2004 2005 Joshua T. Ault Travis J. DiGirolamo Ryan C. Falco Kevin J. Hudson Christopher S. Johnson Dustin L. Kammerer Brian M. King Brock C. Lohrey Jesse G. Moore Allan R. Sheahan Benjamin R. Smith Jerod M. Topliff Christopher A. Beyer25 Christopher A. Mick25 Michael D. Durig W. Scott Dikeman Jeffrey E. Elkins Larry D. Long Benjamin C. Nash Brett M. Robben Nathan J. Schnefke Cameron M. Sterrett Scott R. Strickler Jacob R. Will Matthew R. Porter 25 Mark E. Pultz25 John W. Bensman Anthony L. Carter Ryan M. Kuhn Garrett B. Linville W. Travis Love Corey T. MacCallum Tyler F. Newton Bradley R. Stein Drew M. Wagner Jeremy K. Will Mathew C. Plummer 25 Eric C. Redhair 25 John W. Bensman 24 Anthony L. Carter 24 (Continued) 4.82 Book of Records 2006 2007 2008 12009 12010 Matthew L. Amthor Peter E. Boos Patrick T. Criss Joshua D. Cromer Robert J. Domsch James R. Fullagar Scott R. Keller Matthew J. Lindquist Travis E. C. Brown Michael J. Rohr Scott A. Swain 25 Tyler C. Wisdom25 Samuel J. Hund Jared M. Keating Adam H. Love Ryan P. Thomas Kevin W. Goebel25 William H. Miller 25 Colin R. Cummings J. Paul Fangman, Jr. Jacob S. Kaunley Joseph W. Norris Adam B. Pfautsch Jared M. Schnefke Tyrek J. Artley Daniel A. Unruh Nicholas J. Sevart Samuel L. Denvir Adam C. Kruse25 Charles F. Clarkson 25 Ryan C. Ullom Benton F. Musil Paul H. Kuhlman David C. Dikeman Dalton T. Cummings Zane J. Derusseau Luke S. Fangman Jeffrey A. Hyder R. Christian Jackson Wesley P. McFadden Michael R. O'Flynn Carl W. Specht Austin L. Anderson A. Tucker Hewitt Dallas L. Kaunley Jared M. Kaunley Craig E. Knox25 Andrew J. Miller 25 John R. Reinert 25 Mike T. Ta25 (Continued) B ook of Records 4.83 12011 12012 David A. Biggs Brendan R. Carney Miles J. Casey Benjamin D. Fangman Joseph A. Hund Dylan A. Koch Zachary R. Showalter Jacob C. Unruh James D. Allen Hayden J. Cave Zachary J. Congrove Kyle J. Heffern Grant P. Jackson25 Ryan C. Lingle25 Matthew A. Ribble25 Mackenzie J. Valentine 25 Partially Self-Financed K-State LeaderShape or K-State Leadership Conference 25 Also See Todd F. Lakin ΑΤΩ LeaderShape Awards on Page 4.50 23 24 4.84 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.85 5C14A. THE MICHAEL J. McKERNAN OUTSTANDING ATHLETE AWARD RECIPIENTS 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 Rance E. Ames Daniel R. Brown26 Jason R. Patterson Tim S. Madden 26 Tim S. Madden Jason R. Patterson 26 Douglas A. Geyer Jason R. Cansler 26 Jason J. Perine Jason R. Cansler 26 Jason J. Perine H. Raymond Sims II26 Jason J. Perine H. Raymond Sims II26 Jonathan A. Freeman Richard S. Cole26 Jeffrey B. Severino Jeffrey C. Connell 26 Richard S. Cole27 Jeffrey B. Severino Jeffrey C. Connell 26 David E. Woolf27 Kellen J. Frank Andrew M. Newton26 Justin C. Morgan 27 Kellen J. Frank Andrew M. Newton26 Charles D. Robben27 Kellen J. Frank Andrew M. Newton26 Brandon C. Converse27 (Continued) 4.86 Book of Records 5C14B. THE KALEIGH B. GRIMES MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING ATHLETE AWARD RECIPIENTS 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Jesse D. Newton Brian R. Driscoll26 Dustin D. Klassen 27 Brandon C. Converse Tyler F. Newton26 Andrew P. Congleton 27 Tyler F. Newton Brett M. Robben26 Kellen E. Sherlock27 Tyler F. Newton Tyler F. Shepherd 26 Scott A. Swain 27 Tyler F. Shepherd Connor F. Osbern 26 Bradley L. Schnefke Michael R. O'Flynn 26 Michael R. O'Flynn Bradley L. Schnefke26 (Continued) B ook of Records 4.87 5C14C. RECIPIENTS THE MICHAEL J. McKERNAN MEMORIAL OUTSTANDING ATHLETE AWARD 2010-2011 2011-2012 Bradley L. Schnefke Drew T. Nuckolls26 Drew T. Nuckolls Craig E. Knox26 26 27 First Runner-Up Second Runner-Up 4.88 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.89 5C15A. THE GREGORY A. LLOYD AND DAVID M. SAUNDERS SOCIAL SERVICE COORDINATOR AWARD RECIPIENTS 1993 (Fall) 1994 (Spring) 1994 (Fall) 1995 (Spring) Duane G. Warkentin Jereme J. Brueggemann Gary R. Cottrell Russell W. Taddiken (Continued) 4.90 Book of Records 5C15B. THE GARY R. COTTRELL AND RUSSELL W. TADDIKEN SOCIAL SERVICE COORDINATOR AWARD RECIPIENTS 1995 (Fall) 1996 (Spring) 1996 (Fall) 1997 (Spring) 1997 (Fall) 1998 (Spring) 1998 (Fall) 1999 (Spring) 1999 (Fall) 2000 (Spring) 2000 (Fall) 2001 (Spring) 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) Jason L. Endacott Daniel P. Cataldi Steve J. Prusa Curtis D. Snowden Richard S. Cole James F. Hodges III Gavin M. Vaughn Michael T. Freeman Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Joshua R. Wedel Chad D. Green Matthew J. Toepfer Brian J. Hall Michael P. Hinkin Daniel O. Sobek Curtis G. Mick Aaron T. Franklin Lafe M. Bauer Lafe M. Bauer Drew M. Wagner Jacob R. Will Ryan M. Kuhn Joshua D. Cromer Samuel J. Hund Tyler J. Geisler Tyrek J. Artley Jeffrey A. Hyder Wesley P. McFadden Brandon F. Abbott S. Michael Siscos Drew T. Nuckolls Benjamin D. Fangman Nathan D. Kalberer Christopher J. Gabel B ook of Records 4.91 5C16A. THE RYAN A. NEWTH SOCIAL CHAIRMAN AWARD RECIPIENTS 1994 (Spring) 1994 (Fall) 1995 (Spring) 1995 (Fall) 1996 (Spring) 1996 (Fall) 1997 (Spring) 1997 (Fall) 1998 (Spring) 1998 (Fall) 1999 (Spring) 1999 (Fall) 2000 (Spring) 2000 (Fall) 2001 (Spring) 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) Ryan A. Newth Jay C. Minton Paul L. Damm Todd S. Farrar Jarrod R. Kastanek Jeff P. Thornbrugh Christopher S. Coad Gregg N. Farrar Gavin M. Vaughn Jeffrey C. Connell Bradley J. Joiner David E. Woolf Daniel A. Ellsworth Lance T. Jones Jess M. Adams Patrick J. McEvoy Tanner N. Klingzell Travis J. DiGirolamo (Continued) 4.92 Book of Records 5C16B. THE RYAN A. NEWTH RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICER/SOCIAL CHAIRMAN AWARD RECIPIENTS 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) Scott M. Cordes28 Cole S. Reichle29 Cole S. Reichle28 Jesse G. Moore29 Jesse G. Moore28 Matthew J. Duerfeldt29 Matthew J. Duerfeldt28 Caden L. Butler 29 Caden L. Butler 28 Nathan J. Schnefke29 Nathan J. Schnefke28 Jonathan B. Biggs29 Jonathan B. Biggs28 Michael J. Rohr 29 Michael J. Rohr 28 Bradley R. Stein29 Bradley R. Stein28 Jared M. Schnefke29 Jared M. Schnefke28 Ryan P. Thomas 29 Ryan P. Thomas 28 Colin R. Cummings 29 Colin R. Cummings 28 Paul H. Kuhlman 29 Paul H. Kuhlman 28 H. Parker Knox29 H. Parker Knox28 Carl W. Specht 29 Carl W. Specht 28 R. Christian Jackson29 Jacob C. Bollin 28 Jacob C. Bollin 28 Jonathon J. Wirtz 29 Jonathon J. Wirtz 28 Benjamin D. Fangman 29 Benjamin D. Fangman 28 Nathan D. Kalberer 29 Hayden J. Cave28 Jordan M. Carney29 28 29 Social Chairman/Risk Management Officer Risk Management Officer/Social Chairman B ook of Records 4.93 5C17. THE DAVID L. WATSON EDUCATION AWARD RECIPIENTS 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 2000-2001 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Jereme J. Brueggemann Jason L. Endacott Jereme J. Brueggemann Jason L. Endacott Jeffrey M. Pegues Kevin N. Oehme Christopher S. Johnson Anthony L. Carter Drew M. Wagner Joshua D. Cromer 4.94 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.95 5C18A and 1A9. THE KITCHEN MANAGER AWARD RECIPIENTS 1997 (Spring) 1997 (Fall) 1998 (Spring) 1998 (Fall) 1999 (Spring) Jarred J. Soukup Ryan D. Eftink Michael T. Freeman M. Trent Grissom II Nicholas H. Krier (Continued) 4.96 Book of Records 5C18B and 1A9. THE HENRY F. KUPFER MEMORIAL KITCHEN MANAGER AWARD RECIPIENTS 1999 (Fall) 2000 (Spring) 2000 (Fall) 2001 (Spring) 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) Joshua R. Wedel M. Evan Keyser B. Luke Lucas Michael L. Hattrup Benjamin J. Zwick Benjamin J. Zwick Graig M. Sells Aaron T. Franklin Matthew T. Howell Daniel O. Sobek Jacob R. Will Matthew J. Duerfeldt Scott R. Keller Brady M. Lohrey Jeremy K. Will Eric K. Montgomery Joshua W. Oller Keith B. Schaller Austin G. Waldo Jared M. Keating Michael W. Hammer Wesley P. McFadden Bradley L. Schnefke Kyle M. Pfautsch J. Blake Martin Jacob N. Edwards Nicholas M. Gabel B ook of Records 4.97 5C19. THE GUY W. GROSS SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN AWARD RECIPIENTS 1998 (Spring) 1999 (Spring) 1999 (Fall) 2000 (Spring) 2000 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) Guy W. Gross Richard S. Cole Jeremy P. Girard Troy A. Holdeman Daniel M. Marchant Kerry M. Funk Jeremiaha D. Cole Andrew M. Newton Matthew A. Baki Larry D. Long Scott R. Strickler Garrett B. Linville Benjamin C. Nash Matthew R. Porter Anthony L. Carter Mark R. Inman Andrew T. Langford Andrew T. Langford Adam H. Love Peter E. Boos Wesley P. McFadden Harold W. Mitts III Michael J. Miller Michael J. Miller Kyle D. Kramer 4.98 Book of Records 5C20. THE CHRISTIAN J. KELLY LAW SCHOOL AWARD RECIPIENTS 2003 2004 Joshua R. Wedel Andrew M. Newton B ook of Records 4.99 5C21. THE DALE L. DUNCAN MEMORIAL PHILANTHROPY CHAIRMAN AWARD RECIPIENTS 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005 (Fall) 12006 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2012 (Spring) Daniel M. Marchant Tanner N. Klingzell Daniel O. Sobek Ryan G. Bader Joshua T. Ault Curtis G. Mick W. Travis Love Cody G. Anderson Miles J. Casey Mitchell T. Golubski 4.100 Book of Records 5C22 and 1A10. THE JUSTIN J. NELSON COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER AWARD RECIPIENTS 2000 (Spring) 2000 (Fall) 2001 (Spring) 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) Justin J. Nelson Justin J. Nelson Justin J. Nelson Justin J. Nelson Erik P. Ankrom Seth B. Schultz Christopher A. Mick Christopher A. Mick Christopher A. Mick Christopher A. Mick Eric T. Leftwich Eric T. Leftwich Aaron M. Ortbals Aaron M. Ortbals Aaron M. Ortbals Aaron M. Ortbals Aaron M. Ortbals Keith C. Wyss Keith C. Wyss Keith C. Wyss Keith C. Wyss Zachary A. Zivnuska Zachary A. Zivnuska B ook of Records 4.101 5C23. THE FREEMAN FAMILY OUTSTANDING MAJOR OFFICER AWARD RECIPIENTS 2000 (Fall) 2001 (Spring) 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) Daniel J. Tokar (Alumni Relations Officer) Justin R. Stein (BADD Duty Coordinator) Timothy J. Bensman (Annex Coordinator) Brian J. Hall (Public Relations Officer) Charles D. Robben (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) William H. Casper (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Larry D. Long (Public Relations Officer) Jeffrey E. Elkins (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Jonathan B. Biggs (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) John W. Bensman (Public Relations Officer) Robert J. Domsch (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Peter E. Boos (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Scott A. Swain (Intramurals Chairman) Andrew T. Langford (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Joshua D. Cromer (Brotherhood Chairman) Nicholas L. Rauth (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) J. Paul Fangman, Jr. (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Jeffrey A. Hyder (Sergeant-ar-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Daniel D. Domsch (Sergeant-ar-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Austin L. Anderson (Sergeant-ar-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Jonathon J. Wirtz (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) David A. Biggs (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Brendan R. Carney (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Grant P. Jackson (Sergeant-at-Arms/BADD Duty Coordinator) Ryan J. Mustain (Doorkeeper/Resource Coordinator) 4.102 Book of Records 5C24. THE JONATHAN S. KURCHE HISTORIAN AWARD RECIPIENTS 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Brian J. Hall Jerod M. Topliff Larry D. Long Anthony L. Carter Drew M. Wagner J. Paul Fangman, Jr. Daniel A. Unruh Luke S. Fangman John R. Reinert Jacob C. Unruh B ook of Records 4.103 5C25A. THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM WORTHY CHAPLAIN AWARD RECIPIENTS 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) Steven L. Bellinger Benjamin C. Porter Ryan C. Parisi (Continued) 4.104 Book of Records 5C25B. THE STEVEN C. JOHNSON WORTHY CHAPLAIN AWARD RECIPIENTS 2003 (Spring) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) Ryan C. Falco Cameron M. Sterrett Matthew R. Porter Charles D. Robben Bradley R. Stein James R. Fullagar Robert J. Domsch Joshua D. Cromer Samuel J. Hund Trent R. Byquist Nicholas J. Sevart Bradley L. Schnefke Tyrek J. Artley Christopher J. Waggoner Ryan J. Ehart Drew T. Nuckolls Dylan A. Koch Brendan R. Carney Grant P. Jackson B ook of Records 4.105 5C26. THE RICHARD R. (BOB) HARRISON OUTSTANDING OUT-OF-HOUSE MEMBER AWARD RECIPIENTS 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) Daniel O. Sobek Matthew J. Duerfeldt Matthew J. Duerfeldt Jacob R. Will Jacob R. Will Anthony L. Carter Anthony L. Carter Scott R. Keller William H. Miller Peter E. Boos Tyler C. Wisdom Daniel D. Domsch Daniel D. Domsch Wesley P. McFadden Wesley P. McFadden Christopher J. Waggoner 4.106 Book of Records 5C27. THE DIKEMAN FAMILY ALUMNI RELATIONS OFFICER AWARD RECIPIENTS 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2011 (Spring) Nathan J. Schnefke Brett D. Kirkpatrick William H. Miller Kyle R. Schleicher David C. Dikeman David C. Dikeman R. Christian Jackson Neal K. Rasmussen Neal K. Rasmussen B ook of Records 4.107 5C28. THE FOUNDERS' MEMORIAL SENIOR GRANT AWARD RECIPIENTS 12007-2008 John W. Bensman Ross W. Brady Scott R. Keller Bryan E. Klote Garrett B. Linville Shawn M. Taddiken Drew M. Wagner Peter E. Boos Drew W. Britton Joshua D. Cromer Tyler C. Wisdom Joshua D. Cromer J. Paul Fangman, Jr. Tyler J. Geisler Jared M. Keating Philip B. Newman Joseph W. Norris Jared M. Schnefke Nicholas L. Rauth Austin G. Waldo Tyrek J. Artley Charles F. Clarkson Tyler J. Geisler Nicholas J. Sevart Daniel A. Unruh Keith C. Wyss Christopher L. Carrasco Ryan J. Ehart Luke S. Fangman R. Christian Jackson Bradley L. Schnefke Matthew A. Kaster Drew T. Nuckolls David S. Rathjen 12008-2009 12009-2010 12010-2011 12011-2012 2012-2013 4.108 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.109 5C29A. THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION CHAIRMAN AWARD RECIPIENTS 1991 (January) 1991 (August) 1992 (January) 1993 (January) 1994 (August) 1995 (January) 1995 (August) 1996 (August) 1997 (January) 1997 (August) 1998 (January) 2001 (January) 2001 (August) 2002 (January) 2002 (August) 2003 (January) 2004 (January) 2004 (August) 2005 (January) 2005 (August) 2006 (January) 2006 (August) 2007 (January) Dennis R. Upshaw William L. Short, Jr. Wade B. Jensik Steven J. Lauberth Christopher L. Palmer Daniel D. Dow Cary L. Majors Ty A. Bechtel Aaron L. Culp Gabriel J. Graham Sean W. Jackson Ryan W. Hamm Benjamin C. Porter John F. Thompson Matthew J. Toepfer Erik M. Rome Charles D. Robben Andrew T. Henderson Christopher S. Johnson Brett M. Robben Jeffrey E. Elkins Jeremy K. Will Tyler F. Newton (Continued) 4.110 Book of Records 5C29B. THE BENJAMIN B. BARNERT MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION CHAIRMAN AWARD RECIPIENTS 2008 (January) 2008 (August) 2009 (January) 2010 (January) 2011 (January) 2012 (January) 2013 (January) Patrick T. Criss Samuel J. Hund Jared M. Schnefke David C. Dikeman Luke S. Fangman John R. Reinert Benjamin D. Fangman B ook of Records 4.111 5C30A. THE SERVICE TO MANKIND AWARD RECIPIENTS 2007-2008 Jordan S. McFall (Continued) 4.112 Book of Records 5C30B. THE ROBERT A. (ALEX) ROLFING SERVICE TO MANKIND AWARD RECIPIENTS 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Jordan S. McFall Tyrek J. Artley Tyler J. Geisler Bradley L. Schnefke B ook of Records 4.113 5C31. THE MICHAEL K. CORMACI PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER RECIPIENTS 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) Jared M. Keating Brandon G. Abbott Christopher C. Tipton Ryan J. Ehart Austin L. Anderson Zachary R. Showalter Elward J. Hiss IV 4.114 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.115 5C32A. ELMER D. McCOLLUM WORTHY SCRIBE AWARD RECIPIENTS 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) Tanner N. Klingzell Ryan C. Parisi Matthew A. Baki Dustin L. Kammerer Travis J. DiGirolamo Scott R. Strickler Jeffrey E. Elkins Daniel C. Burr Tyler F. Newton Patrick T. Criss Patrick T. Criss Patrick T. Criss Tyler C. Wisdom Tyler F. Shepherd Albert C. Maurin (Continued) 4.116 Book of Records 5C32B. KEVIN E. KICKHAEFER AND TIMOTHY S. BERENDS WORTHY SCRIBE AWARD RECIPIENTS 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) Ryan C. Ullom Andrew J. Miller Dylan A. Koch Jacob N. Edwards Dylan A. Koch Dylan A. Koch B ook of Records 4.117 5D1. THE JOHN E. HOLSTROM ALPHA TAU OMEGA ARCHITECTURAL SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Ronald M. Gans30 Robert J. Karlin 30 Julie A. Bors30 Christopher T. Deguentz 30 Jeffrey M. Prose30 Supranee DeGraw30 Grace H. Wallace30 Brian D. Jones30 Kimberly S. Murphy30 Mark A. Clark 30 Steven J. Johnson 30 Addie M. Johnson30 Matthew M. Farris 30 Nathan J. Schutte30 Kevin E. Nelson30 Christina K. Shelton 30 Brent J. Shelor30 Anastisia L. Wayne30 Clemente Jaquez-Herrera 309 G. Daniel Gensch 30 Stephanie D. Pile30 Heidi M. Hyland30 Christian B. Steadman 30 Katherine M. Gallagher 30 30 Non-ΑΤΩ Recipients 4.118 Book of Records 5D2. THE STANLEY L. WINTER ALPHA TAU OMEGA K-STATE UNION LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Sharon M. Willits 31 Paul M. Donovan31 Brent N. Coverdale31 Emily N. Brink 31 Patrick A. N. Carney31 Wendy L. Strevey-Tien 31 Matthew M. (Matt) Jones31 Karen E. Schlabach 31 Jeremy D. Lutz31 Rebekah A. Thornton 31 Michael J. Rottinghaus 31 Thomas T. (Tyler) Adams31 Matthew M. (Matt) Pruett 31 Tanner N. Klingzell George A. (Andy) Allison-Gallimore31 Kelly R. Ernst 31 Daniel O. (Dan) Sobek Zach S. Hauser31 Anthony L. Carter Nacole S. Boan31 Sarah V. Morton 31 Kyle W. Malone31 Courtney A. Hauser 31 Amanda J. Stanford 31 Alexandra E. (Alex) Wilson31 Peter E. Boos Jacob L. Shaw 31 Jared M. Schnefke Megan E. Canfiled 31 Christopher J. Wallace31 Tyler M. Sharp 31 Anna P. Knackstedt31 Ashley R. Moore31 John R. Reinert C. Hazen Short 31 Alicia M. Shankle 31 Amanda C. Shankle 31 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 31 Non-ΑΤΩ Recipients B ook of Records 4.119 5D3. THE WILLIAM L. MUIR II AND JOHN T. MUIR ALPHA TAU OMEGA BLUE KEY LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Jason A. Lacey32 Sara T. Reser32 Justin J. Knopf32 Segen E. Smith 32 Travis D. Lenkner 32 Emily T. Benz32 Ryan K. Walker 32 Amy S. Metzinger 32 Riley P. Scott32 Emily E. Ripple32 Wesley G. Pike32 Amy C. Buller32 Michael O. Burns 32 Stephanie A. Grecian 32 J. Tyson Moore32 Kristen M. Daniels 32 Matthew A. Woerman 32 Justine M. Sterling 32 Joseph A. Vossen32 Jenna L. Kennedy32 John C. Lentz 32 Erin B. Gettler 32 Phillip D. Harner 32 Katlyn E. Niederee32 Kyle L. Merklein 32 Rebecca M. Sullivan 32 Michael P. Ellis32 Courtney M. Hallenbeck32 32 Non-ΑΤΩ Recipients 4.120 Book of Records 5D4 and 1A7. THE WENDY S. McCRARY ALPHA TAU OMEGA CHAPTER SWEETHEART SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Amy C. Henderson33,34 Meredith A. Duncan 34 Sara M. Evans 34 Whitney K. Jarvis34 Monica N. Mukai 34 Tara L. Rueschhoff34 Britani L. Plummer 34 Katherine E. Swain 34 Brianna M. Judge34 Ashley J. Williams 34 Grace L. Rosen34 Courtney L. Held34 Lindsay M. Johnson34 Taylor K. Svec34 Katelyn M. Provenzano 34 33 34 Previous Recipients: See Chapter Sweetheart Award on Page 4.19 Non-ΑΤΩ Recipients B ook of Records 4.121 5D5 and 1A11. THE ROBERT S. KRAUSE ALPHA TAU OMEGA OUTSTANDING CAMPUS LEADER AWARD RECIPIENTS 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2011 2012 Pat J. Bosco35 Dean of Student Life Amy L. Button Renz35 KSU Alumni Association President James R. Coffman 35 Provost Emeritus and Professor Bill D. Snyder35 Former Head Football Coach Susan K. Peterson35 Assistant to the President Susan D. S. Watt 35 Assistant to the Dean of Arts & Sciences Bernard J. Pitts K-State Student Union Executive Director James T. Lindemuth 35 Editor of The K-Stater Magazine 35 Non-ΑΤΩ Recipients 4.122 Book of Records 5D6. THE MICHAEL E. BROWN ALPHA TAU OMEGA MORTAR BOARD LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Robert W. Gomez36 Robert J. Mosimann 36 Trevor D. McCarty36 Jennifer K. Heim36 36 Non-ΑΤΩ Recipients B ook of Records 4.123 5D7. THE ANTHONY L. CARTER ALPHA TAU OMEGA SERVICE TO MINORITIES LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS 2012-2013 37 37 Non-ΑΤΩ Recipients 4.124 Book of Records B ook of Records 4.125 5E1. THE JOHN T. (TOM) MUIR OUTSTANDING GREEK ATHLETE AWARD RECIPIENTS 2008 12010 12012 12013 Kristen D. Richman 38 (Kappa Alpha Theta) Paige E. Lechtenberg 38 (Chi Omega) Allison A. Dorau38 (Kappa Alpha Theta) Armogen B. (Tre) Walker 38 (Alpha Phi Alpha) 38 Non-ΑΤΩ Recipients 4.126 Book of Records B ook of Records 5.01 CHAPTER 5 ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER OFFICERS 5.02 Book of Records B ook of Records 5.03 1. PRESIDENTS (WORTHY MASTERS) 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10.* 11.* 12.* 13.* 14.* 15.* 16.* 17.* 18.* 19.* 20.* 21.* 22.* 23.* 24.* 25.* 26.* 27.* 28.* 29.* 30.* 31.* 32.* 33.* 34.* 35. 36.* 37.* 38.* 39.* 40.* 41.* 42.* 43.* 44.* 45.* 46.* 47.* 48.* Elmer D. McCollum Walter T. Rolfe Charles R. Smith Leroy M. Leiter Emmor W. Hall John Steiner John P. Hale Cecil R. Prose Harry L. Felten Harold D. Grothusen Elmer L. Canary Lou W. Grothusen Marshall B. Ross Dwight D. Smith Joseph R. McMullen Kirk M. Ward Walter R. Denman Earl C. Richardson Alfred A. Holmquist Charles A. Pine Melvin A. Griffith Henry O. Cronkite O. Arthur Attwood Edward E. Criner John S. Biggs James B. LeClere Harold C. Hibbs Clarence R. Crawford J. Bruce Nixon Jay H. Payne Roger M. Crow Riley R. Whearty Beldin C. Percival Fred V. Klemp, Jr. Clarence P. Smith Fred V. Klemp, Jr. John T. (Tom) Muir Henry F. (Hank) Kupfer Thomas R. Woods John O. (Jack) Thisler Eugene E. Ruff Norbert L. Raemer Clarence M. Penticuff Martin E. McMahon James E. Paterson Stephen Delladio (Pro Tem) Charles R. Ottman Claud S. Shelor (Continued) 1920-1921 1921-1922 1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924 1924-1925 1925 1925-1926 1926 1926-1927 1927 1927-1928 1928 1928-1929 1929 1929-1930 1930 1930-1931 1931 1931-1932 1932 1932-1933 1933-1934 1934 1934-1935 1935 1935-1936 1936 1936-1937 1937 1937-1938 1938 1938-1939 1939 1939-1940 1940 1940-1941 1941 1941 1941-1942 1942 1942-1943 1943 1943-1944 1944-1945 1945 1933 5.04 Book of Records 49. 50.* 51. 52.* 53.* 54.* 55.* 56.* 57. 58.* 59. 60. 61. 62.* 63. 64. 65. 66. 67.A* 68.* 69. 70. 71. 72. 73.A 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81.1* 82. 83.* 84. 85.* 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. Francis B. Gwin Charles W. Engelland George R. Jones John B. Wohlberg Keith R. Kehmeier John B. Wohlberg Kenneth E. Bell Herbert W. Asher Alton J. Wilson Alphia E. Knapp Robert E. Hahn Alan D. (King) Cole Paul E. Marti Rollin W. Vickery W. Bruce Wren Eugene F. Grabs E. Eugene Randall Robert H. Haas J. Phillip Upton Clayton L. Griffin Jon C. Sederquist Darrell P. Schmidt Allen H. Hess Jack L. Diekman Frederic C. Weckel Peter J. Barrett Harry H. Hoesli Richard E. Fagerberg William F. Rock Bruce W. Heckman H. David Starkey Robert H. Balwanz Michael L. Trabert William L. Muir III John E. Holstrom Douglas A. Firebaugh Jeffrey L. Burner Duane C. Holloway Keith E. Pike Marc S. Connor Ben B. Barnert Steven B. Young Mark A. Anderson Michael K. Mines Stanley J. Linville Michael E. Brown Timothy J. Mulcahy Thomas A. Graham Michael R. Widrig Joel E. Hermes Timothy E. Congrove (Continued) 1945-1946 1946-1947 1947 1947-1948 1948 1948-1949 1949 1949-1950 1950 1950-1951 1951 1951-1952 1952-1953 1953-1954 1954-1955 1955-1956 1956-1957 1957-1958 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963 1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965-1966 1966-1967 1967 1967-1968 1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 1970-1971 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 B ook of Records 5.05 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. Edward R. Nickel Kyle R. Rolfing Timothy C. Smith Kent H. Kiracofe Stephen L. Patton Steven A. Swanson Damon E. Earnshaw Ryan D. Hurlbutt Daniel D. Dow Cary L. Majors Jonathan A. Freeman Gabriel J. Graham Robert M. Bensman Chad D. Russell Lance T. Jones Andrew M. Newton Erik M. Rome Brian M. King Joshua T. Ault Scott R. Keller John W. Bensman Peter E. Boos Jared M. Schnefke Nicholas J. Sevart Luke S. Fangman Drew T. Nuckolls Brendan R. Carney 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 * A Deceased Affiliated Member Elected President 5.06 Book of Records B ook of Records 5.07 2. VICE-PRESIDENTS (WORTHY CHAPLAINS) 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10.* 11. 12.* 13.* 14.* 15.* 16.* 17.* 18.* 19.* 20.* 21.* 22.* 23.* 24.* 25.* 26.* 27.* 28.* 29.* 30.* 31.* 32.* 33.* 34. 35. 36.* 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.* 42.* 43. 44.* 45.* 46. 47. 48. Walter J. Rogers Charles R. Smith Brom D. Hixson Lawrence M. Staley Millard R. Getty Otto R. Coburn Bruce A. Rogers Harold D. Grothusen George K. Chew Arthur L. Rogers Donald W. Shields Otto R. Coburn John A. Hoop C. Richard Mann Philip B. McMullen John A. Hoop Ernest F. Jenista Alfred A. Holmquist Charles A. Pine William W. Daniels Lee T. Morgan Bartlet V. Allen James B. LeClere Maurice E. Hanson Stephen Delladio Ward H. Shurtz Roger M. Crow Jay H. Payne Charles M. Platt William L. Muir II John T. (Tom) Muir Henry F. (Hank) Kupfer Thomas R. Woods Lloyd R. Orrell William R. Guthrie Martin E. McMahon Francis B. Gwin Max S. Houston George R. Jones Keith R. Kehmeier Kenneth E. Bell Jack C. Brown Alton J. Wilson M. Crawford Clark Rollin W. Vickery Lloyd E. Clarke Paul E. Marti, Jr. William F. Hoppes (Continued) 1920-1921 1921-1922 1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924 1924 1924-1925 1925 1925-1926 1926 1926-1927 1927 1927-1928 1928 1928-1929 1929-1930 1930 1930-1931 1931 1931-1933 1933 1933-1934 1934 1934-1935 1935 1935-1936 1937 1937-1938 1938-1939 1939 1939-1940 1940 1940-1941 1941-1942 1942 1942-1943 1943 1946-1947 1947 1947-1949 1949 1949-1950 1950 1950-1951 1951 1951-1952 1952 5.08 Book of Records 49. 50.* 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.* 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.* 75.* 76. 77. 78. 79.* 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. James L. Filson F. Lee Shore William W. Mahood, Jr. Maurice D. Wikoff Fred H. Woodbury Dean F. Joslin Raleigh L. Eggers Clayton L. Griffin Arthur M. Roberts Jon C. Sederquist John G. Cersovsky Mark J. Dreiling R. Kent Crawford Charles C. Purser Dudley G. Loomis James R. Madden Richard E. Fagerberg Larry W. Emig Bruce W. Heckman Dennis C. Wheatley Robert D. Overman Steven D. Rogers Michael J. Arehart John B. Buchheister Wiley S. Shaw Stanley A. Karst Jeffrey L. Burner Paul J. Bartak Duane C. Holloway Marc S. Connor R. Douglas Love Barry P. Hilton William C. Burnette Anthony D. Adams Rodney D. Hilt Larry R. Kogler James A. Childs William C. Brown Michael K. Mines Kent E. Byrom Robert L. Frye Scott F. Miller Jeffrey D. Shoemaker Richard R. Lewis Greg A. Kelley Patrick V. DiCarlo Bryant C. Hindman Michael R. Widrig Barry L. McAnulty Joel E. Hermes John R. Krizman (Continued) 1952-1953 1953 1953-1954 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958-1959 1959 1959-1960 1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965 1965-1966 1966 1967-1968 1968 1968-1969 1969 1969-1970 1970 1970-1971 1971-1972 1972 1973-1974 1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976 1976-1977 1977 1977-1978 1978 1978-1979 1979 1979-1980 1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982 1982-1983 1983 1983 1983-1984 1984 1984-1985 1985 B ook of Records 5.09 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. Timothy E. Congrove Corbin T. Witt Edward R. Nickel John E. Bayouth Kyle R. Rolfing Terry E. Studer Kent H. Kiracofe Darrick S. Klima Dennis J. O'Keefe, Jr. Stephen L. Patton 1985-1986 1986 1986-1987 1987 1987-1988 1988 1988-1989 1989 1989-1990 1990D * D Deceased Office Divided Into Vice-President and Chaplain 5.10 Book of Records B ook of Records 5.11 2A. VICE-PRESIDENTS (WORTHY MARSHALS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. (110)S (111) (112) (113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) (125) (126) (127) (128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) (155) Troy L. Bechtel Jamie R. Wiegert William L. Short, Jr. James D. Persinger, Jr. Cary M. Ford Christopher R. Stipe Jonathan L. Siebold David M. Saunders Todd F. Lakin Jonathan A. Yeomans Joe G. Stein Shane T. Cowan Toby J. Crouse Steve J. Prusa Jereme J. Brueggemann Gabriel J. Graham John R. Gooch Robert M. Bensman Chad D. Russell Daniel J. Cooper Jason A. Pechar Richard R. Harrison Jacob J. Perkins Andrew M. Newton Andrew J. Joiner Erik P. Ankrom Ryan C. Parisi Timothy J. Bensman Charles D. Robben Brandon C. Converse Jacob R. Will W. Scott Dikeman Jeffrey E. Elkins John W. Bensman Peter E. Boos Shawn M. Taddiken Joshua D. Cromer Joseph W. Norris Tyler J. Geisler Daniel A. Unruh Austin G. Waldo Brandon G. Abbott Wesley P. McFadden Bradley L. Schnefke Christopher J. Waggoner Brendan R. Carney (Continued) 1990-1991 1991 1991-1992 1992 1992-1993 1993 1993-1994 1994 1994-1995 1995 1995-1996 1996 1996-1997 1997 1997 1997-1998 1998 1998-1999 1999 1999-2000 2000 2000-2001 2001 2001-2002 2002 2002-2003 2003 2003-2004 2004 2004-2005 2005 2005-2006 2006 2006-2007 2007 2007-2008 2008 2008-2009 2009 2009-2010 2010 2010-2011 2011 2011-2012 2012 2012-2013 5.12 Book of Records 47. (156) Benjamin D. Fangman 2013 S Sequential Numbering of Vice-Presidents B ook of Records 5.13 2B. CHAPLAINS (WORTHY CHAPLAINS) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. (110)S (111) (112) (113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) (125) (126) (127) (128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) Darin E. Kandt Chris D. Hauserman Doyle J. Baird Bryan S. Eitzmann Jonathan L. Siebold William L. Short, Jr. Todd F. Lakin Douglas M. LaMunyon Joe G. Stein Scott E. Taddiken Aaron L. Culp Jeff P. Thornbrugh Russell W. Taddiken Vince C. Sparks Guy W. Gross Michael A. Boyd Joshua T. Brueggemann Todd A. Bohn Christopher J. Struzina Richard R. Harrison Joshua R. Wedel Daniel R. Adrain Steven L. Bellinger Benjamin C. Porter Ryan C. Parisi Ryan C. Falco Daniel O. Sobek Cameron M. Sterrett Matthew R. Porter Charles D. Robben Bradley R. Stein James R. Fullagar Robert J. Domsch Joshua D. Cromer Samuel J. Hund Trent R. Byquist Nicholas J. Sevart Bradley L. Schnefke Tyrek J. Artley Christopher J. Waggoner Ryan J. Ehart Drew T. Nuckolls Dylan A. Koch Brendan R. Carney Grant P. Jackson (Continued) 1990-1991 1991 1991-1992 1992 1992-1993 1993 1993-1994 1994 1994-1995 1995 1995-1996 1996 1996-1997 1997 1997-1998 1998 1998-1999 1999 1999-2000 2000 2000-2001 2001 2001-2002 2002 2002-2003 2003 2003-2004 2004 2004-2005 2005 2005-2006 2006 2006-2007 2007 2007-2008 2008 2008-2009 2009 2009-2010 2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012 2012-2013 2011 5.14 Book of Records 46. (155) Mackenzie J. Valentine 2013 S Sequential Numbering of Chaplains B ook of Records 5.15 3. TREASURERS (WORTHY KEEPERS OF EXCHEQUER) 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10.* 11.* 12.* 13.* 14.* 15.* 16. 17. 18.* 19.* 20.* 21.* 22.* 23. 24.* 25.* 26.* 27. 28. 29. 30.* 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.* 42.* 43. 44. 45.* 46. 47. 48. Carl F. Mershon Perry J. Hershey Emmor W. Hall Cecil R. Prose Elmer L. Canary Wilmer G. Beogher Lyman E. Henley Henry C. Walbridge Eli E. Daman Edward E. Criner Lee T. Morgan Robert W. Spiker Harold C. Hibbs J. Bruce Nixon Lyle L. Schlaefli Fred B. Crist William C. Moore Jay H. Payne William L. Muir II Richard N. Heaton Myron F. Hornbaker Ross D. Skinner John B. Rogers Glen W. Scanlan William A. Asher Herbert W. Asher Robert E. Hahn Norman M. Blubaugh Donald S. Williams F. Lee Shore Dean F. Joslin Alan D. Vannice Robert H. Haas Edward L. Thompson Leslie L. Ogg John E. Peel Richard L. Haas Lewis W. Watson R. Gordon Bruce Donald R. Opdycke James V. Swanson Alwyn H. Gentry Gary J. Heyka William L. Muir III Stanley A. Karst Gerald J. Lang James H. Budke William E. Dakan (Continued) 1920-1921 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923-1925 1925-1926 1926-1927 1927-1928 1928-1931 1931 1931-1933 1933 1933-1934 1934 1934-1935 1935-1936 1937 1937-1938 1938-1939 1939-1940 1940-1941 1941-1942 1942-1943 1946-1947 1947-1948 1948-1949 1949 1949-1950 1950-1952 1952-1953 1953-1954 1954-1955 1955-1956 1956-1957 1957-1958 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965-1966 1966-1967 1967 1967-1969 1969-1970 1970-1971 1971-1972 1972-1973 5.16 Book of Records 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Richard J. Bloomer Gary J. Bartak C. Bradley Forsyth Roger W. Wallace Rodney D. Hilt Allan D. Holiday, Jr. Michael E. Brown Antoni P. Firner Jeffrey L. Gates Jerry F. Jermain Craig A. Doehring Daniel W. Schwartzkopf Eric S. Hoffman Michael P. Murray Thomas W. Butler Scott D. Goertzen Darrick S. Klima Shawn M. Aldridge Jason W. Goertzen Ryan D. Hurlbutt Stuart C. Rinkleff Brian W. Koehn Paul L. Damm Brent A. Taylor Richard A. Webdell Brian M. Darby Daniel J. Tokar Brian J. Hall Brock C. Lohrey Sean P. Cordes Garrett B. Linville Drew W. Britton J. Paul Fangman, Jr. Craig E. Knox David A. Biggs Patrick L. Bennett 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2009 2009-2010 2010-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 * Deceased B ook of Records 5.17 4. SECRETARIES (WORTHY SCRIBES) 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10. 11.* 12.* 13.* 14.* 15.* 16.* 17.* 18.* 19.* 20.* 21. 22.* 23.* 24.* 25.* 26.* 27.* 28.* 29.* 30.* 31. 32.* 33.* 34. 35. 36.* 37. 38. 39.* 40. 41.* 42. 43. 44. 45.* 46.* 47. 48.1* E. Leo Bebb L. Allyn Laybourn N. Dale Lund Ernest H. Buyer Robert W. Kent Frank S. Davis Edwin J. Kent Harry L. Felten Harold D. Grothusen Philip R. Carter Charles D. Wyatt Orville O. Barton V. Phillip Marshall Orville O. Barton C. Richard Mann Henry C. Walbridge D. Paul Hutchison Eugene E. Rippey Reuben A. Sparks John S. Biggs Robert W. Spiker Arthur H. L. Daman Ward H. Shurtz Wesley H. Brinkman Ward H. Shurtz Ralph T. Rankin Maurice E. Hanson Lloyd C. Riggs Belden C. Percival Fred V. Klemp, Jr. Clarence P. Smith Henry F. Kupfer William G. Bensing Edwin A. Weber Mailand R. Strunk Eugene E. Ruff Max S. Houston Richard I. Buchli George W. Fuhrken Case A. Bonebrake Henry E. Brandes Eugene H. Bruner Keith R. Kehmeier Eugene H. Bruner Kent G. Slyhoff M. Crawford Clark James E. Shriver Bruce H. Karns (Continued) 1920-1921 1921 1921-1922 1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 1926 1926-1927 1927 1927 1927-1928 1928 1928 1928-1929 1929-1930 1930 1930-1931 1931-1933 1933 1933 1933-1934 1934 1934-1935 1935 1935-1936 1937 1937-1938 1938 1938-1939 1939 1939-1940 1940 1940-1941 1941-1942 1942 1942-1943 1943 1946-1947 1947 1947-1948 1948 1948-1949 1949-1950 1950 1950-1951 5.18 Book of Records 49. 50. 51.* 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. George R. Lange Danny K. Dunbar F. Lee Shore William W. Mahood, Jr. Wallace B. Wren Eugene F. Grabs Cecil R. Shove E. Gene Randall Donald P. Hutchison Bruce B. Irwin Joseph C. Nothern Jerry L. Smith Mark J. Dreiling Ronald Joy R. Kent Crawford John E. Going Mitchell L. Foster James R. Madden Alan R. Smith Ronald H. Roesler William F. Rock Michael T. Mills Richard H. Spingler, Jr. Robert H. Balwanz Cady R. Engler Thomas M. Foncannon Richard A. Pinaire Larry E. Sinn Richard R. Ray Ivan D. Veldhuizen Michael E. Johnson Daniel C. Walter Terry D. Bowen Brian N. Stoll James P. Schumacher John C. Mackaman Rodney D. Hilt Steven B. Young Joseph D. Berlekamp James A. Huschka Peter E. Larsen Mark A. Anderson Michael K. Mines Giles C. Tuckfield Michael E. Brown Scott F. Miller Greg D. Widrig Greg A. Kelley Jeffrey L. Gates Michael R. Widrig Jeff E. Dillon (Continued) 1951-1952 1952 1952-1953 1953 1953-1954 1954 1954-1955 1955 1955-1956 1956 1957-1959 1959 1959-1960 1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1963 1963-1964 1964 1964-1965 1965-1966 1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968 1968-1969 1969 1969-1970 1970 1970-1971 1971 1971-1972 1972 1972-1973 1974 1974-1975 1975 1975-1976 1976 1976-1977 1977 1977-1978 1978 1979 1979 1979-1980 1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982 1982-1983 B ook of Records 5.19 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. Steven P. Hoover Douglas W. Harder Robert A. Spanke Barry L. McAnulty Paul E. McKenzie James L. Goering, Jr. Douglas A. Long Michael E. McGee Roger G. Brown Michael K. Cormaci Kevin E. Kiekhaefer Timothy S. Berends Brent D. Scott Troy D. Bechtel James D. Persinger, Jr. Blake A. Logan Chris S. Barnes Jonathan L. Siebold Chad M. Wilson Stuart C. Rinkleff Daniel D. Dow Michael T. Parisi Christopher J. Kelly Brian P. Ansay Daniel R. Stack Gabriel J. Graham Brent A. Taylor John R. Gooch David E. Woolf Ethan A. Kloster Matthew D. Busby Justin J. Nelson Grant P. Bunton Brian M. Darby Jess M. Adams Patrick T. Gibbs Matthew E. Redhair Tanner N. Klingzell Ryan C. Parisi Matthew A. Baki Dustin L. Kammerer Travis J. DiGirolamo Scott R. Strickler Jeffrey E. Elkins Daniel C. Burr Tyler F. Newton Patrick T. Criss Tyler C. Wisdom Tyler F. Shepherd Albert C. Maurin 1983 1983 1984 1984-1985 1985 1985-1986 1986 1986-1987 1987 1987-1988 1988 1988-1989 1989 1989-1990 1990 1990-1991 1991 1991-1992 1992 1992-1993 1993 1993-1994 1994 1994-1995 1995 1995-1996 1996 1996-1997 1997 1997-1998 1998 1998-1999 1999 1999-2000 2000 2000-2001 2001 2001-2002 2002 2002-2003 2003 2003-2004 2004 2004-2005 2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008 2008-2009 5.20 Book of Records 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. Ryan C. Ullom Andrew J. Miller Ethan W. Hutcheson Dylan A. Koch Jacob N. Edwards Dylan A. Koch Patrick D. Keck 2009-2010 2010 2010-2011 2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 * Deceased B ook of Records 5.21 5. HISTORIANS (WORTHY KEEPERS OF ANNALS) 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10.* 11.* 12. 13. 14.* 15.* 16.* 17.* 18.* 19.* 20.* 21.* 22.* 23.* 24.* 25.* 26.* 27. 28.* 29.* 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.* 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.1* 42. 43. 44. 45.* 46.A 47.* 48. Robert S. Love C. Morton Rust John P. Hale Paul E. Smith William A. Asher Deo O. Wilson Harold D. Grothusen Marshall B. Ross Kirk M. Ward Dwight D. Smith Eugene E. Rippey Ralph L. Miller Ernest F. Jenista Ben L. Meibergen Ernest F. Jenista Edward E. Criner Dale Berger O. Arthur Attwood Ward H. Shurtz John S. Biggs Harold C. Hibbs Crawford Beeson Alfred E. White J. Ewing Moore Clarence R. Crawford Robert H. Harvey Joe M. Goodwin Donald L. Webb John T. (Tom) Muir Lloyd R. Orrell William A. Gonser James A. Patterson Richard I. Buchli William A. Guthrie John W. Randell George E. Adams Paul H. Gwin Alan A. Berndt John W. Money David A. Lewis George G. Holloway Alton J. Wilson Paul E. Marti, Jr. Donald L. Harter M. Crawford Clark Carl R. Brown F. Dean Asher Jack G. Fast (Continued) 1920-1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924 1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 1926 1926-1927 1927-1928 1928 1928-1929 1929 1929-1930 1930 1930-1931 1931 1932 1932-1933 1933 1933-1934 1934 1934-1935 1935 1935-1936 1937 1937-1938 1938 1938-1939 1939 1939-1940 1940-1941 1941-1942 1942 1942-1943 1943 1946-1947 1947 1947-1948 1948 1948-1949 1949 1949-1950 1950 1950-1951 1951 1951-1952 1952-1953 5.22 Book of Records 49. 50. 51. 52.* 53.* 54.* 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.* 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.* 70.A 71. 72.* 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.* 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. Danny K. Dunbar Donald P. Hutchison William B. Eddy R. Edward Dunlap James W. Goebel Clayton L. Griffin John E. Peel Walter A. Besecke III David W. Newton Jerry J. Minnis James E. Dilly R. Gary Lortscher Thomas B. Creamer Richard W. Jacobson Robert E. Graves Alwyn H. Gentry Stanley R. Boles James W. Gentry Robert D. Overman Patrick A. Wakeman John E. Holstrom Steven A. Spillman Douglas A. Firebaugh Michael H. Tolson Lonnie E. Dalrymple Stephen J. Glotzbach Marc S. Connor Daniel C. Walter Curtis L. Stanford Michael J. Grosdidier Barry K. Childs Keith E. Pike Kent R. Eikenberry James A. Huschka Charles D. Chambers Dan G. Tinder Larry R. Kogler Daniel A. Phillips Philip B. Achten Michael A. Alstadt Michael E. Brown Kevin C. Hensley Timothy T. Mulcahy Mark L. Bolling Michael A. Alstadt Phillip L. Herrell Philip E. Grosdidier Bryce K. Johnson Steven P. Hoover Robert P. Diehl Mark R. Barbee (Continued) 1953-1954 1955 1955-1956 1956 1957 1958-1959 1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1962 1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965 1965-1966 1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968 1968-1969 1969 1969-1970 1970 1970-1971 1971 1971-1972 1972 1972-1973 1974 1974-1975 1975 1975-1976 1976 1977-1978 1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979 1979-1980 1980 1980-1981 1981 1981-1982 1982 1982-1983 1983 1983 1984 1984-1985 1953 1978 B ook of Records 5.23 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. Christopher R. Bancroft Douglas A. Long Robert W. Reichenberger Paul A. Weiler Dennis J. O'Keefe, Jr. Ryan T. Witt Stephen L. Patton Chad R. Fagerberg Jason W. Goertzen William L. Short, Jr. Rance E. Ames Richard J. Cherra Scott M. Chamoff Jason A. Walker Neil P. Adamson Jonathan S. Kurche William A. Mann R. Robert Harrison Brian J. Hall Jerod M. Topliff Larry D. Long Anthony L. Carter Drew M. Wagner J. Paul Fangman, Jr. Daniel A. Unruh Luke S. Fangman John R. Reinert Jacob C. Unruh Eli J. M. Schrock Brandon E. James 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991 1991-1992 1992 1992-1993 1993-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 * A Deceased Affiliated Member Elected Historian 5.24 Book of Records B ook of Records 5.25 6. SERGEANTS-AT-ARMS (WORTHY USHERS) 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10.* 11.* 12.* 13.* 14.* 15.* 16.* 17.* 18. 19.* 20.* 21.* 22.* 23.* 24.* 25.* 26.* 27.* 28.* 29.* 30. 31.* 32. 33. 34. 35.* 36. 37. 38. 39.* 40.* 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.1* 47. 48.* Charles Nitcher Noah D. Zeigler Lester A. Dumond Philip R. Woodbury Matheny J. Copeland Philip R. Woodbury Lou W. Grothusen Henry D. Karns Waldo D. Wollam Gardiner R. Rhoades Wilmer G. Beougher William Hunsberger Walter R. Denman Kirk M. Ward Joseph R. McMullen Kirk M. Ward Charles H. Synnamon Melvin A. Griffith Raymond P. Hunsberger Elmer K. Blasdel Clifton W. Pangburn Crawford Beeson Clarence R. Crawford Richard R. Owen Clifton W. Pangburn Roger M. Crow Ralph T. Rankin Charles M. Platt Jay H. Payne Fred B. Crist Fred V. Klemp, Jr. Henry F. (Hank) Kupfer Clarence P. Smith Edwin A. Weber Roy E. Gwin, Jr. John B. Rogers Emerson L. Chance Keith R. Kehmeier Glen W. Scanlan Clarence G. Heath Larry J. King Harold M. Kiser Harold A. Duby Robert E. Hahn Donald L. Harter Bruce H. Karns James V. Jung Forrest D. Asher (Continued) 1920-1921 1921 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923 1923-1924 1924 1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 1926 1926-1927 1927 1927-1928 1928 1928-1929 1929 1929-1930 1930-1931 1931-1932 1932-1933 1933 1933-1934 1934 1934-1935 1935 1935-1936 1937 1937-1938 1938 1938-1939 1939 1939-1940 1940-1941 1941 1942 1942-1943 1943 1946-1947 1947 1947-1948 1948 1948-1949 1949 1949-1950 1950 1950-1951 1951 5.26 Book of Records 49. 50. 51.A 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.* 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88.* 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. George Van Voorst Donald S. Williams Harold A. Poe Kenneth D. Weide Duane C. Hufford John R. Kupfer Alan D. Van Nice Robert C. Briethaupt I. Dale Blume Walter J. Danforth Robert E. Krizman C. Walter Couch Bruce B. Irwin Phil B. Bowman Allen H. Hess J. John Fettes IV Roland J. Bonneau Dudley G. Loomis Jack E. Calentine C. Wade Johnson John O. McConnell Richard H. Spingler, Jr. George F. Mance H. Stephen Joy Edmond E. Fellers Wiley S. Shaw John B. Buchheister Paul J. Bartak Ivan D. Veldhuizen Gerald J. Lang Charles W. Engle Marc S. Connor R. Thomas Dole Lawrence H. Madsen David E. Ruff Donn A. Demaree Andrew K. Glatt Duane M. Ediger Roger W. Wallace Edward L. Hauck Charles D. Chambers Ronnie D. McFall Mark A. Mallder Giles C. Tuckfield John M. Norris David B. Krizman Scott F. Miller William F. Gensky Greg D. Kelley Mark L. Bolling Kyle C. Burk (Continued) 1951-1952 1952 1952-1953 1953 1953-1954 1954-1955 1955 1955-1956 1956 1956-1957 1957 1958-1959 1959 1959-1960 1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1963 1963-1964 1964 1965 1965-1966 1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968 1968-1969 1969 1969-1970 1970 1970-1971 1971 1971-1972 1972 1972-1973 1973 1974 1974-1975 1975 1975-1976 1976 1976-1977 1977 1977-1978 1978 1978-1979 1979 1979-1980 1980 1980-1981 1981 B ook of Records 5.27 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. A John M. Holiday David W. Binder James A. Bellerive Brian S. Judah Joseph P. Fangman Timothy E. Congrove Robert A. Spanke Christopher R. Bancroft Donald D. McDaniel Terry E. Studer Theodore L. Wald Thomas M. Clark Bradford J. Gray Joe T. Hoskins, Jr. Brent D. Scott Daniel R. Brown Kevin T. O'Connor Rance E. Ames Jamie R. Wiegert G. Andrew Richards Scott E. Goodman Jason R. Patterson Tim M. Orindgreff Kevin L. Minor David M. Saunders H. Raymond Sims II Scott M. Murray Jonathan A. Freeman Michael M. Staggs Sean W. Jackson Bradley E. Deener Robert M. Bensman Cameron R. Klein Brice S. Ebert Ryan E. Cross Jason A. Pechar Kevin N. Oehme Tanner N. Klingzell John W. Chapman John M. Rhoades Ryan C. Parisi Matthew A. Baki Charles D. Robben William H. Casper Jacob R. Will Jeffrey E. Elkins Jonathan B. Biggs W. Travis Love 1981-1982 1982 1982-1983 1983 1983-1984 1984 1984-1985 1985 1985-1986 1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988 1988-1989 1989 1989-1990 1990 1990-1991 1991 1991-1992 1992 1992-1993 1993 1993-1994 1994 1994-1995 1995 1995-1996 1996 1996-1997 1997 1997-1998 1998 1998-1999 1999 1999-2000 2000 2000-2001 2001 2001-2002 2002 2002-2003 2003 2003-2004 2004 2004-2005 2005 1987 (Continued) 5.28 Book of Records 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. Robert J. Domsch Peter E. Boos Travis E. C. Brown Andrew T. Langford Kevin W. Goebel Nicholas L. Rauth J. Paul Fangman, Jr. Jeffrey A. Hyder Daniel D. Domsch Austin L. Anderson Jonathon J. Wirtz David A. Biggs Brendan R. Carney Grant P. Jackson Mackenzie J. Valentine R. Luke Schnefke 2005-2006 2006 2006-2007 2007 2007-2008 2008 2008-2009 2009 2009-2010 2010 2010-2011 2011 2011-2012 2012 2012-2013 2013 * A Deceased Affiliated Member Elected Sergeant-at-Arms B ook of Records 5.29 7. DOORKEEPERS (WORTHY SENTINELS) 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10.* 11.* 12.* 13.* 14.* 15.* 16.* 17.* 18.* 19.* 20.* 21.* 22.* 23.* 24. 25.* 26. 27.* 28.* 29.* 30.* 31.* 32. 33. 34.* 35.* 36.* 37. 38.* 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.* 47. 48.* Philip R. Woodbury Don S. Hall John P. Hale Clyde M. Rust Guy R. Spiker Everett E. Bell Harold D. Grothusen Frank S. Davis Elmer L. Canary Irving L. Walker Marshall B. Ross L. Stewart Farrell Harold D. Grothusen Raymond P. Hunsberger Kirk M. Ward Joseph R. McMullen Kenneth C. Bauman Eugene E. Rippey Charles H. Synnamon Paul B. Cain Fred G. Wyatt Wilbur S. Nay Verne E. Wesley Robert W. Spiker Clifton W. Pangburn Allan W. McCullough James B. LeClere James H. Rexroad J. Bruce Nixon Lloyd C. Riggs Ralph T. Rankin Marvin A. Hanson Monford M. Beeson Clarence P. Smith Belden C. Percival Donald L. Webb Clarence P. Smith Elmer L. Nieman Kenneth E. Spring Donald L. Munzer Martin E. McMahon James E. Paterson Robert N. Smith C. Raymond Yelley Keith R. Kehmeier Stanford L. Wise Robert E. Berndt Jack C. Brown (Continued) 1920-1921 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923 1923 1923-1924 1924 1924 1924-1925 1925 1925-1926 1926-1927 1927 1927 1927-1928 1928 1928 1928-1929 1929 1929-1930 1930 1930-1931 1931 1931-1932 1932 1932-1933 1933-1934 1934 1934-1935 1935 1935-1936 1937 1937-1938 1938 1938-1939 1939 1939-1940 1940 1940-1941 1941-1942 1942 1942-1943 1943 1946-1947 1947 1947-1948 1948 1926 5.30 Book of Records 49.* 50.* 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.* 56.* 57. 58. 59.* 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83.* 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. Kent G. Slyhoff Stanford L. Wise Donald E. McKee Joseph M. Byers George R. Lange James R. Mather, Jr. Wilfred M. Raemer F. Lee Shore William C. Boon Earl C. Johnston James W. Goebel Kenneth A. Shaw Carl L. Glocker Raleigh L. Eggers Stanley L. Stokes Hugh A. Wiswell Kilo K. Hobbs Donald Joy Mark J. Dreiling John E. Going David A. Baker Alan L. Mashak Richard E. Fagerberg Michael T. Mills Bruce W. Heckman John R. McCarty Richard W. Jacobson Robert W. Brewster Lonnie A. Wiseman Larry E. Sinn Franklin C. Cherney Frederick G. Miller James D. Hoch Randal A. Deutsch Robert K. Sterrett Daniel C. Walter Terry D. Bowen Duane C. Holloway Mark D. Tate Barry K. Childs William C. Burnette Joe A. Millikan Donald W. Sundgren Mark F. Rich Raymond E. Keith Allan D. Holiday, Jr. Daniel T. Cosgrove Wayne L. Hoener Cory W. Barron John W. Nixon Blish C. Hills (Continued) 1948-1949 1949 1949-1950 1950 1950-1951 1951 1951-1952 1952 1952-1953 1953 1953-1954 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958-1959 1959 1959-1960 1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965 1965-1966 1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968 1968-1969 1969 1969-1970 1970 1970-1971 1971 1971-1972 1972 1972-1973 1974 1974-1975 1975 1975-1976 1976 1976-1977 1977 1977-1978 1978 1978-1979 1979 1979-1980 B ook of Records 5.31 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. * 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. A 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. Mark D. Maurer Richard R. Lewis Gary A. Fischer Garth T. Krizman Jay A. Dunfield Cameron K. Collins Bryant C. Hindman Steven J. Reed Stuart L. Wallace Stanley L. Winter James L. Goering, Jr. Trevor J. Whitney Richard L. Lahman Steven W. Hardin Scott D. Taggart Vincent G. Reece Ryan T. Witt David C. Odgers Kevin T. O'Connor Cory D. Anderson Jeffrey R. Schmidt Jason W. Goertzen John D. Siebs Matthew C. James Tim S. Madden Clint L. Lowry Mark E. Mitura Cary L. Majors Joe G. Stein Joshua M. Tuel Gary R. Cottrell Russell W. Taddiken John S. Klabunde Brian A. Oehme Andrew J. Pleviak Christopher A. Hadley Justin J. Nelson Craig M. Augustine R. Robert Harrison Benjamin D. Taddiken Kerry M. Funk Brook D. Mitchell Graig M. Sells Erik M. Rome Dustin L. Kammerer Timothy J. Bensman Michael F. Fernholz Matthew J. Duerfeldt Brett M. Robben Benjamin C. Nash Bradley R. Stein 1980 1980-1981 1981 1981 1981-1982 1982 1982-1983 1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985 1985-1986 1986 1986-1987 1987 1987-1988 1988 1988-1989 1989 1989-1990 1990 1990-1991 1991 1991-1992 1992 1992-1993 1993 1993-1994 1994 1994-1995 1995 1995-1996 1996 1996-1997 1997 1997-1998 1998 1998-1999 1999 1999-2000 2000 2000-2001 2001 2001-2002 2002 2002-2003 2003 2003-2004 2004 2004-2005 2005 5.32 Book of Records 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. Tyler S. Nichols Keith B. Schaller Matthew R. Novellano Kevin W. Goebel Phillip B. Newman Nicholas J. Sevart Zane J. Derusseau S. Michael Siscos Adam T. Eisenbart A. Tucker Hewitt Sean M. Thomas Samuel W. Osbern Troy S. Klaassen Jake H. Cave Ryan J. Mustain Eric A. Carlson 2005-2006 2006 2006-2007 2007 2007-2008 2008 2008-2009 2009 2009-2010 2010 2010-2011 2011 2011-2012 2012 2012-2013 2013 * A Deceased Affiliated Member Elected Doorkeeper B ook of Records 5.33 8. MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION CHAIRMEN 1. 2.* 3.* 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.1* 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.* 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Phillip H. Schuley J. King Foster William H. Glocker Lawrence P. O'Brien Samuel R. Hogue Johnny L. Granquist Robert G. Heft Ronald H. Roesler Michael S. Duncan Dennis C. Wheatley H. David Starkey Willard L. Eitzman Michael L. Trabert Wiley S. Shaw Paul J. Bartak Richard C. Kline Don A. Perkins Paul T. (Ted) Beyer, Jr. Donn A. Demaree David P. Mason Douglas E. Hahn Brent F. Akright Lloyd L. Landkamer Stanley D. Linville David A. Stuck Michael J. McKernan Greg A. Kelley Gregory J. Hasselwander Bryan R. Bayouth Thomas A. Graham John R. Krizman Kenneth D. Parks Thomas A. Patterson Timothy E. Congrove Corbin T. Witt Duane M. Redelsheimer Larry D. Marvel Terry E. Studer Bobby J. Schoeppel Jeffrey J. Blanchat John D. Cormaci Greg A. Savaiano Stephen L. Patton David T. Stenzel Dennis R. Upshaw William L. Short, Jr. Wade B. Jensik Bryan T. Nolt (Continued) 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965-1966 1965-1966 1966 1966-1967 1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 1970-1971 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979 1979-1980 1980 1981-1982 1982 1982-1983 1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985 1985-1986 1986 1986-1987 1987 1987-1988 1988 1988-1989 1990 1990-1991 1991 1991-1992 1992 1984 1989 1989-1990 5.34 Book of Records 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. Steven J. Lauberth Kelly J. Phillips David L. Fraas Christopher L. Palmer Daniel D. Dow Cary L. Majors Christian J. Kelly Ty A. Bechtel Aaron L. Culp Gabriel J. Graham Sean W. Jackson Jeffrey M. Pegues Vince C. Sparks Jeffrey C. Connell Bradley J. Joiner Matthew G. Keller Ryan W. Hamm Benjamin C. Porter John F. Thompson Matthew J. Toepfer Erik M. Rome Brandon C. Converse Charles D. Robben Andrew T. Henderson Christopher S. Johnson Brett M. Robben Jeffrey E. Elkins Jeremy K. Will Tyler F. Newton Kellen E. Sherlock Patrick T. Criss Samuel J. Hund Jared M. Schnefke Matthew E. Bollin David C. Dikeman Zane J. Derusseau Luke S. Fangman Jared M. Kaunley John R. Reinert Joseph A. Hund Benjamin D. Fangman Matthew A. Ribble Grant P. Jackson 1998 1992-1993 1993 1993-1994 1994 1994-1995 1995 1995-1996 1996 1996-1997 1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999 1999-2000 2000 2000-2001 2001 2001-2002 2002 2002-2003 2003 2003-2004 2004 2004-2005 2005 2005-2006 2006 2006-2007 2007 2007-2008 2008 2008-2009 2009 2009-2010 2010 2010-2011 2011 2011-2012 2012 2012-2013 2013 2013-2014 * Deceased B ook of Records 5.35 9. PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICERS 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9.* 10.* 11.* 12.* 13.* 14.* 15.* 16.* 17. 18.* 19.* 20.* 21.* 22.* 23.* 24.* 25.* 26. 27.* 28.* 29. 30.* 31. 32. 33. 34.* 35.* 36. 37. 38.A 39. 40. 41. 42.A 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.A 48. Clarence R. Smith William A. Asher Bruce A. Rogers Ralph M. Karns John P. Hale Russell D. Pugh Harry L. Felten Charles W. King Marshall B. Ross Lyman E. Henley Charles H. Synnamon Marshall B. Ross Paul B. Cain Alfred A. Holmquist Charles A. Pine Eli E. Daman Melvin A. Griffith Crawford Beeson Kenneth L. Brubaker Merton G. Mathews Lloyd C. Riggs James H. Rexroad Ward H. Shurtz Ralph T. Rankin Lloyd C. Riggs Monford M. Beeson Fred V. Klemp, Jr. John T. Muir John O. Thisler Roy E. Gwin, Jr. James E. Paterson William R. Guthrie Paul H. Gwin John B. Wohlberg Kent G. Slyhoff Donald E. McKee Paul E. Marti, Jr. James Walters, Jr. Elliott B. Zipprodt Jack G. Fast James L. Filson Harold A. Poe James L. Filson Richard R. Carr Alan D. Van Nice Jack L. Harmon Bruce Wilson Gary N. Settle (Continued) 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924-1925 1925 1925-1926 1926 1926-1927 1927 1927 1927-1928 1928-1929 1929 1929-1930 1930 1930-1931 1931 1931-1932 1932-1933 1933 1933 1933-1934 1934-1935 1935 1935 1937 1937-1938 1938-1939 1939-1941 1941-1942 1942 1942-1943 1946-1947 1947 1947-1949 1949-1950 1950 1950-1951 1951 1951-1952 1952 1952-1953 1953 1953-1954 1954 1955 1957 1958-1959 1923 5.36 Book of Records 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61.* 62. 63.* 64.* 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. Phil B. Bowman E. Bart Everett, Jr. Ronald Joy Allen H. Hess R. Gary Lortscher Douglas W. Brink James N. Reardon Michael T. Mills Robert E. Graves James W. Gentry Robert D. Overman Michael J. Arehart John E. Holstrom Douglas A. Firebaugh Robert K. Sterrett Raymond E. Kingston Marc S. Connor Lance L. Sayler Keith E. Pike Kent R. Eikenberry Douglas E. Hahn Philip B. Achten Larry R. Kogler Jeffrey S. Akerly John T. Otey Daniel A. Phillips Michael A. Alstadt Mark D. Guttu David B. Krizman Craig W. Bloomsmith Antoni P. Firner Daniel D. Robson Kyle C. Burk Patrick V. DiCarlo Jeff E. Dillon Bryce K. Johnson Craig A. Doehring Thomas G. Franzen Edward R. Nickel Kent D. Cable Robert P. Diehl John E. Bayouth Kyle R. Rolfing James L. Goering, Jr. Steven W. Hardin Michael K. Cormaci Robert J. AuBuchon Stephen L. Patton Brent D. Scott James D. Persinger, Jr. James A. Buster (Continued) 1959 1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965-1966 1966 1966-1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 1970-1971 1971 1971-1972 1972 1972-1973 1974 1974-1975 1975 1975-1976 1976 1976-1977 1977 1977-1978 1978 1978-1979 1979 1979-1980 1980 1981 1981-1982 1982 1982-1983 1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985 1985-1986 1986 1986 1986-1987 1987 1987-1988 1988 1988-1989 1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 B ook of Records 5.37 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. Jonathan A. Yeomans Matthew C. James Scott L. Hardin Ty A. Bechtel Aaron J. Decker Cary L. Majors Toby J. Crouse Brian R. Ohrt Rod W. Helus Jason L. Endacott Christopher S. Coad Michael T. Freeman Christopher J. Struzina Jason A. Pechar Benjamin C. Porter Daniel J. Tokar Daniel O. Sobek Clay D. Davis Brian J. Hall Dustin L. Kammerer Joshua T. Ault Larry D. Long William H. Casper Anthony L. Carter John W. Bensman Michael J. Rohr Ryan C. Kaman Tyler C. Wisdom Jared M. Keating Evan C. Coglizer Samuel L. Denvir Jared M. Keating Brandon G. Abbott Christopher C. Tipton Ryan J. Ehart Austin L. Anderson Zachary R. Showalter Elward J. Hiss Zachary R. Congrove Zachary R. Showalter Joseph R. Oaks 1992-1993 1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995 1995-1996 1996 1996-1997 1997 1997-1998 1998 1998-1999 1999 1999-2000 2000 2000-2001 2001 2001-2002 2002 2002-2003 2003 2003-2004 2004 2004-2005 2005 2005-2006 2006 2006-2007 2007 2007-2008 2008 2008-2009 2009 2009-2010 2010 2010-2011 2011 2011-2012 2012 2012-2013 2013 * Deceased 5.38 Book of Records B ook of Records 6.01 CHAPTER 6 KANSAS STATE ALPHA TAU OMEGA STUDENTS' AID ENDOWMENT FUND ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND ROSTER OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND LISTS OF ENDOWMENT FUND CONTRIBUTORS KANSAS STATE ALPHA TAU OMEGA STUDENTS' AID ENDOWMENT FUND, INC. ________________________________________________ Articles of Incorporation Adopted: June 3, 1954 Endowment Fund Incorporated: June 17, 1954 Articles of Incorporation Amended: October 17, 1998 6.02 Book of Records B ook of Records 6.03 1. ENDOWMENT FUND ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION* (Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 48-6111125) We, the undersigned, incorporators, do hereby voluntarily associate ourselves together to form and establish a corporation NOT for profit, under the laws of the State of Kansas. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. NAME. The name of the Corporation is Kansas State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid Endowment Fund. REGISTERED OFFICE. The location of its registered office in Kansas is Manhattan, Kansas. REGISTERED AGENT. The name and address of its resident agent in Kansas is Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega, 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, Kansas. PURPOSE. This corporation is organized NOT for profit and it is created for educational purposes. The specific educational purpose which this Corporation is formed to achieve is that of aiding students of Kansas State University. Primarily, this corporation shall aid and assist students who are members of, or who are pledged to become members of, Delta Theta Chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, but it shall also aid and assist students-at-large of Kansas State University if Memorandums of Understanding are entered into and approved with funding supplied by donors. This corporation shall: (a) Encourage high scholastic standards, encourage the furtherance of educational pursuits and enable students to attend Kansas State University by granting scholarships and scholarship loans to worthy and deserving students, encourage and promote educational development by sponsoring lectures, instruction, and supervision upon or with respect to education, scientific, religious, and civic matters, promote physical education and training, provide library, lecture and study rooms and other suitable facilities for the carrying out of the aforesaid purposes, and in other ways encourage and promote educational pursuits by such means and methods as the Directors of this Corporation may from time to time determine to be appropriate for the accomplishments of the specific purposes for which this Corporation is formed and which are not contrary to the other terms and provisions hereof. Encourage and promote moral, social and cultural development and learning as well as the ability and desire to cooperate with, and work in harmony with fellowmen in promoting those things of a civic, religious, scientific or educational nature which are for the general good and for the good of Kansas State University. (b) 5th. TERM OF EXISTENCE. The term for which this Corporation is to exist is one hundred (100) years, but by action of its Board of Directors this term may be extended or renewed as often and for such additional periods as at the time of the action may be lawful. *Endowment Fund By-Laws: See Members Manual Chapter 13 6.04 Book of Records 6th. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The business affairs and property of this Corporation shall be managed by the Board of Directors, consisting of nine (9) voting members who shall serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified, as provided by the By-Laws of this Corporation. The following persons shall constitute the first Board of Directors, and shall serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified: L. A. Laybourn, 134 Overhill Road, Salina, Kansas, Temporary Chairman Henry D. Karns, 332 W. 6th, Junction City, Kansas J. B. Angle, Box 227, Manhattan, Kansas Henry F. Kupfer, 6014 E. 58th Street, Kansas City, Missouri Kirk M. Ward, 222 N. Fountain, Wichita, Kansas Harold C. Hibbs, 1701 Hudson Boulevard, Topeka, Kansas Dale L. Duncan, Route No. 1, Manhattan, Kansas Irving Walker, WaKeeney, Kansas Alfred A. Holmquist, 406 N. State Street, Norton, Kansas The Board of Directors above named shall meet, organize, adopt By-Laws, and elect officers at such time and place as they may hereafter fix in writing and as may be thereafter provided in the By-Laws. At such organization meeting, any adjournment thereof, and any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors, a majority of said Directors shall constitute a quorum and may transact any business which should be transacted if all the nine Directors named were present. A voting member of the Board of Directors may appoint and designate another voting member as a proxy voter for any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors. In addition to the voting members of the Board of Directors, such officers of Delta Theta Chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, as may be provided in the By-Laws of this Corporation, shall be non-voting members of the Board of Directors during their continuation in office. 7th. POWERS. This Corporation shall have power in furtherance of its corporate purposes: (a) (b) To acquire by gift, bequest, devise, purchase or exchange property of any kind or character. To hold, manage, conserve, lease, rent, sell, mortgage, encumber, expend, convey, exchange, invest or reinvest any property or funds which it may acquire, and to exercise with respect to any such property or funds any power with respect to the business management thereof which any individual could exercise if such individual owned such property or funds in fee simple. To employ and compensate all necessary agents, attorneys and employees and to delegate to them such duties, powers and responsibilities as may be deemed appropriate. To exercise each and every power which any private corporation chartered under the laws of Kansas might exercise, and which is not inconsistent with the provisions of these Articles of Incorporation, or the purpose for which this Corporation is formed. To adopt and amend, from time to time, By-Laws (not inconsistent with these Articles of Incorporation) to govern the management and conduct of this Corporation and its affairs, the selection of its officers, their terms of office, and their duties and powers. To do and perform all other acts needful or appropriate in carrying out the purposes for which this Corporation was formed. (c) (d) (e) (f) B ook of Records 6.05 8th. LIMITATIONS. This Corporation shall never have any capital stock. No part of its earnings shall ever inure to the benefit of any private individual. This Corporation shall not carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence legislation; and no part of its funds or property shall ever be used for any such purpose. This Corporation's earnings and property shall be, and are hereby, dedicated to, and shall be used exclusively for the purposes for which this Corporation is created; but no one dealing with this Corporation shall ever be under any duty to see that any of its funds or property are so used, or shall ever be or become in anyways liable for this Corporation's failure so to use its funds or property. DISSOLUTION. Whenever the Board of Directors of this Corporation, by a vote of not less than three-fourths (3/4) of those voting members of the Board of Directors present at any regular meeting provided for in the By-Laws or any special meeting called for that purpose, shall determine that it is no longer feasible to accomplish or carry on the specific purpose for which this Corporation was formed, its affairs shall be wound up and its debts paid. Upon the dissolution of this Corporation, the assets shall be distributed to the Kansas State University Foundation for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Any assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the District Court of the county in which the principal office of this Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES. These Articles of Incorporation may be amended, altered or repealed by an affirmative vote of not less than three-fourths (3/4) of those voting members of the Board of Directors present at any regular meeting provided for in the By-Laws or any special meeting called for that purpose. INTERNAL REVENUE CODE LIMITATIONS. In accordance with Section 508(e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, this Corporation is required, for each taxable year, to distribute its income at such a time, and in such a manner as not to subject the Corporation to tax under Section 4942 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. The Corporation is prohibited from engaging in any act of self-dealing (as defined in Section 4941(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954), from retaining any excess business holdings (as defined in Section 4943(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954), from making any investments in such a manner as to subject the Corporation to tax under Section 4944 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and from making any taxable expenditures (as defined in Section 4945(d) of the Internal Revenue Code). 9th. 10th. 11th. 6.06 Book of Records B ook of Records 6.07 2. ENDOWMENT FUND ROSTER OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. PRESIDENT L. Allyn Laybourn James B. Angle Irving L. Walker George M. Grafel Philip R. Woodbury Gabe A. Sellers Henry F. Kupfer John P. Neal W. Bruce Wren Brom D. Hixson Irving L. Walker John P. Neal Lewis W. Watson Gary N. Pottorff Larry W. Emig William L. Muir III 1954-1955 1955-1956 1956-1957 1957-1958 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965-1968 1968-1969 1969-1971 19711968 B. VICE-PRESIDENT James B. Angle Irving L. Walker George M. Grafel Philip R. Woodbury Gabe A. Sellers Henry F. Kupfer John P. Neal W. Bruce Wren Brom D. Hixson Irving L. Walker John P. Neal Lewis W. Watson L. Allyn Laybourn Dale L. Duncan Henry F. Filson Dale K. Allen Larry W. Emig John E. Holstrom Paul L. Corwin Philip B. Achten Larry W. Emig Todd F. Lakin 1954-1955 1955-1956 1956-1957 1957-1958 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965-1968 1968-1969 1969-1971 1971-1972 1972-1977 1977-1982 1982-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-2005 2005- 6.08 Book of Records C. SECRETARY-TREASURER Dale L. Duncan Richard E. Fagerberg John E. Holstrom 1954-1969 1969-1972 1972-1978 D. SECRETARY Richard J. Bloomer Larry W. Emig Dan G. Tinder Larry W. Emig Allan D. Holiday, Jr. 1978-1982 1982-1984 1984 1984-1991 1991- E. TREASURER John E. Holstrom Richard J. Bloomer Michael E. Brown 1978-1982 1982-1988 1988- B ook of Records 6.09 F. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kirk M. Ward Harold C. Hibbs James B. Angle L. Allyn Laybourn Alfred A. Holdquist Henry D. Karns George M. Grafel Philip R. Woodbury Henry F. Kupfer Dale L. Duncan Irving L. Walker Gabe A. Sellers Case A. Bonebrake Don S. Hall John P. Neal Fred V. Klemp, Jr. George D. Bishop Brom D. Hixson W. Bruce Wren John T. Muir Lewis W. Watson Gary N. Pottorff John R. Kupfer Larry W. Emig Richard E. Fagerberg Dale K. Allen William L. Muir III Henry F. Filson Samuel R. Hogue David W. Newton John E. Holstrom Robert E. Hahn Richard J. Bloomer Dennis W. Rademacher Duane C. Holloway William C. Burnette Douglas A. Firebaugh Philip B. Achten Steven B. Young Dan G. Tinder Paul L. Corwin Michael E. Brown Joseph D. Berlekamp Ben J. Craney Jeffrey L. Gates Antoni P. Firner Allan D. Holiday, Jr. James D. Persinger, Jr. 1954 1954 1954-1956 1954-1956 1961-1968 1954-1957 1954-1957 1954-1958 1954-1961 1954-1966 1954-1971 1954-1979 1956-1961 1956-1959 1957-1963 1957-1966 1958-1961 1963-1966 1959-1969 1961-1965 1961-1964 1964-1967 1966-1969 1968-1972 1968-1972 1968-1983 19841969-1985 1969-1979 19711971-1977 1971-1974 1972-1975 1972-1989 1974-1983 1975-1990 1977-1980 1979-1985 1979-1982 1980-1983 1982-1994 1983-1998 1983-1984 1984-1990 198519851990-1991 1990-1996 20061990-1999 19911994-2006 6.10 Book of Records David L. Watson Todd F. Lakin Kent H. Kiracofe Erik K. Rome 1996-2011 199819992011- B ook of Records 6.11 G. EX OFFICIO MEMBERS Timothy C. Smith Scott D. Goertzen Thomas J. R. Meier Troy L. Bechtel Kent H. Kiracofe Darrick L. Klima Kenny P. Jensen Stephen L. Patton Shawn M. Aldridge Blake A. Logan Travis R. Cottrell Steven A. Swanson Jason W. Goertzen Randall C. Newth David M. Saunders Damon E. Earnshaw Ryan D. Hurlbutt Todd F. Lakin Mark A. Ruda Stuart C. Rinkleff Scott E. Taddiken James M. Marvel Daniel D. Dow Brian W. Koehn Shane T. Cowan Michael S. Thoesen Cary L. Majors Paul L. Damm Joe G. Stein Jonathan A. Freeman Brent A. Taylor Brian A. Oehme Gabriel J. Graham Guy W. Gross Curtis D. Snowden Robert M. Bensman Richard S. Cole Richard A. Webdell Jeremy P. Girard Chad D. Russell Brian M. Darby Troy A. Holdeman Daniel M. Marchant Lance T. Jones Daniel J. Tokar Travis R. Wymer 1989-1990P 1989-1990T 1989-1990S 1990S 1990-1991P 1990-1991T 1990-1991S 1991-1992P 1991-1992T 1991S 1991-1992S 1992-1993P 1992-1993T 1992S S 1992-1993 1993-1994P 1993-1994T 1994-1995P 1993S 1993-1994S 1994-1995T S 1994 1994-1995S 1995-1996P 1995-1996T 1995S 1995-1996S 1996-1997P 1996-1997T 1996-1997S 1997-1998P 1997-1999T 1997-1998S 1998-1999P 1998S 1998-1999S 1999-2000P 1999S 1999-2000T 1999-2000S 2000-2001P 2000-2001T 2000S 2000-2001S 2001-2002P 2001-2003T 2001S 6.12 Book of Records Benjamin C. Porter Andrew M. Newton Kerry M. Funk Jeremiaha D. Cole Erik M. Rome Brian J. Hall Matthew A. Baki Brian M. King Brock C. Lohrey Larry D. Long Scott R. Strickler Joshua T. Ault Garrett B. Linville Sean P. Cordes Benjamin C. Nash Scott R. Keller Matthew R. Porter Anthony L. Carter John W. Bensman Drew W. Britton Mark R. Inman Andrew T. Langford Peter E. Boos Adam H. Love Jared M. Schnefke J. Paul Fangman, Jr. Tyler J. Geisler Nicholas J. Sevart Craig E. Knox Wesley P. McFadden Luke S. Fangman Harold W. Mitts III Michael J. Miller Drew T. Nuckolls David A. Biggs Kyle D. Kramer Brendan R. Carney 2001-2002S 2002-2003P 2003S 2002S 2002-2003S 2003-2004P 2003-2004T 2003-2004S 2004-2005P 2004-2005T 2004S 2004-2005S 2005-2006P 2005S 2006-2007T 2005-2006T 2005-2006S 2006-2007P 2006S 2006-2007S 2007-2008P 2007-2009T 2007S 2007-2008S 2008-2009P 2009S 2008-2009S 2009-2010P 2009-2010T 2009-2010S 2010-2011P 2010-2012T 2010-2011S 2011-2012P 2011S 2011-2012S 2012-2013P 2012-2013T 2012-2013S 2013-2014P Ex Officio Chapter President (Non-Voting Director) Ex Officio Chapter Treasurer (Non-Voting Director) S Ex Officio Chapter Scholarship Chairman (Non-Voting Director) P T B ook of Records 6.13 3. LISTS OF ENDOWMENT FUND CONTRIBUTORS THE 35TH ANNIVERSARY, MEMORIAL AND 1430 FAIRCHILD SCHOLARSHIP FUND DRIVES A. THE 35TH ANNIVERSARY SCHOLARSHIP FUND DRIVE APRIL, 1989 - AUGUST, 1990 Endowed Contributions for The L. Allyn Laybourn Scholastic Excellence Awards, The Larry D. Marvel Memorial House Manager Award, The Dan G. Tinder Memorial Outstanding Junior Award and The Richard R. Sterrett Memorial Outstanding Sophomore Award. The 35th Anniversary Scholarship Fund Drive raised $24,705 from 204 donors. DIAMOND DONOR L. Allyn Laybourn 1921 GOLDEN DONORS Steven G. Baumgart 1974 R. Kent Crawford 1960 Richard E. Fagerberg 1963 Dallas D. Hill 1980 William L. Muir III 1967 SILVER DONORS Bryan R. Bayouth 1981 Joseph D. Berlekamp 1975 Richard J. Bloomer 1973 Paul Degenhardt 1947 W. Cary Dikeman 1973 John C. Durkin 1970 Jeffrey L. Gates 1981 James W. Gentry 1966 Dwight E. Glenn 1956 Michael J. Grosdidier 1973 Philip E. Grosdidier 1981 Mark G. Daly 1972 Robert E. Hahn 1948 Robert J. Hofmann 1957 Allan D. Holiday, Jr. 1977 Steven C. Johnson 1972 Larry R. Kogler 1975 Donald E. McKee 1949 John T. Muir 1938 John E. Otey 1977 Rodney D. Petersen 1964 Ellis D. Rainsberger 1956 BRONZE DONORS Ben B. Barnert 1973 Stephen B. Evans 1963 Robert W. Feiring 1984 Anthony D. Adams 1973 Kent W. Armstrong 1976 Christopher R. Bancroft 1985 Gary J. Bartak 1972 Walter A. Besecke 1958 David W. Binder 1982 David A. Bohnenblust 1978 John P. Buser 1977 C. Bradley Forsyth 1973 Michael D. Helton 1973 Douglas A. Firebaugh 1969 Robert L. Frey 1979 Stephen J. Garrison 1975 John E. Going 1960 Paul B. Gwin 1921 Edward L. Hauck 1974 Barry P. Hilton 1973 Joseph O. Hodges 1970 Stephen E. McCandless 1977 Paul E. McKenzie 1985 Kevin V. Saunders 1977 David L. Meyer 1976 Donald L. Munzer 1939 John M. Norris 1978 Donald L. Orrell 1968 Kenneth D. Parks 1983 Keith E. Pike 1973 Richard A. Pinaire 1968 Gary N. Pottorff 1953 Mark A. Mallder 1977 John B. Rogers 1941 Gary Settle 1957 Robert A. Spanke 1984 Curtis L. Stanford 1972 Lewis W. Watson 1960 Michael R. Widrig 1982 Frank E. Willey 1923 Donald S. Williams 1951 Wallace B. Wren 1953 Steven B. Young 1975 Leslie L. Ogg 1957 Robert D. Overman 1967 Roger W. Wallace 1975 6.14 Book of Records BRONZE DONORS (Concluded) Kent E. Byrom 1977 Kent D. Cable 1985 Marc S. Connor 1971 David W. Cox 1979 Benjamin J. Craney 1979 Donn A. Demaree 1972 David F. Dowling 1974 Duane M. Ediger 1973 Ronald K. Edwards 1956 Cady R. Engler 1966 James L. Filson 1951 Harry H. (Hank) Hoesli 1963 Duane C. Holloway 1971 Steven P. Hoover, Jr. 1983 Max S. Houston 1941 Earl C. Johnston 1952 Robert S. Krause 1988 Gerald J. Lang 1970 Peter E. Larsen 1976 Dudley G. Loomis 1962 Mickey J. Maritan 1974 HONOR DONORS Stewart I. Baker 1979 Paul J. Bartak 1969 Paul T. (Ted) Beyer, Jr. 1972 Craig W. Bloomsmith 1979 Philip B. Bowman 1958 Roger G. Brown 1987 William C. Brown 1976 Kyle C. Burk 1980 Richard R. Carr 1953 James A. Childs 1974 Daniel T. Cosgrove 1977 Fred B. Crist 1936 Geary H. Danielsen 1979 Jeffrey E. Dillon 1982 James D. Doull DEp 1980 Mark J. Dreiling 1959 Dale L. Duncan 1938 William B. Eddy 1954 Larry W. Emig 1964 Joseph P. Fangman, Sr. 1983 Alwyn H. Gentry 1964 Robert E. Graves 1964 John H. Haeberle 1939 Gregory J. Hasselwander 1980 Bruce W. Heckman 1964 James A. (Art) Bellerive 1981 Allan R. Brown 1980 Michael E. Brown 1979 Philip R. Carter 1925 John P. Charles 1967 Cameron K. Collins 1982 Timothy E. Congrove 1984 Philip A. Cross 1983 George A. Heneveld 1963 Joel E. Hermes 1984 James D. Hoch 1969 Milton E. Hoffman 1981 John E. Holstrom 1968 Donald J. Jermain 1979 Gary J. Jermain 1981 Jerry F. Jermain 1981 James M. Johnson 1978 Stanley J. Karst 1969 David A. Kaster 1985 Douglas B. Knox 1974 Henry F. Kupfer 1938 John R. Kupfer 1953 James J. Long 1979 John C. Mackaman 1974 Richard E. Marcotte 1971 Paul E. Marti 1949 David P. Mason 1974 T. Michael McCoy 1976 Charles E. McCrary 1983 Herbert L. Meeks 1976 Frederick G. Miller 1969 Walter A. Moriarty 1970 J. King Foster 1960 Thomas E. Garrison 1973 Thomas A. Graham 1982 Donald L. Harter 1949 Mark L. Higgins 1970 James A. Huschka 1976 D. Paul Hutchison 1928 Stephen J. Mudrey 1968 Timothy T. Mulcahy 1980 Edward R. Nickel 1985 John W. Nixon 1979 Richard G. Pannbacker 1959 William J. Ratliff 1938 James N. Reardon 1961 Robert W. Reichenberger 1986 Steven D. Rogers 1968 Lance L. Sayler 1971 Cecil R. Shove 1954 Martin V. Siler 1978 William E. Small 1974 Norman H. Staats 1956 Ervin D. Stahel 1956 David A. Stuck 1979 James V. Swanson 1965 Michael H. Tolson 1968 Arthur E. Torrez 1971 Marvin L. Trayford 1981 Rollin W. Vickery 1950 Patrick A. Wakeman 1968 Edwin A. Weber 1939 David A. Wille 1982 Kendall C. Young 1981 Bryce K. Johnson 1982 Greg A. Kelley 1980 Michael P. Murray 1987 Daniel G. Peters 1977 Daniel W. Schwartzkopf 1984 Lynn A. Taylor 1985 William S. Taylor 1964 Stanley L. Winter 1984 James F. Seal 1973 Stephen A. Sherlock 1969 Jeffrey D. Shoemaker 1980 Rodney M. Staats 1976 Robert K. Sterrett 1970 John O. Thisler 1939 Peter L. Thompson 1976 Ivan D. Veldhuizen 1969 Daniel C. Walter 1971 Douglas D. Wedel 1971 Corbin T. Witt 1984 B ook of Records 6.15 B. THE JOHN E. HOLSTROM MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND DRIVE JANUARY - AUGUST, 1990 Endowed Contributions for The John E. Holstrom Memorial Outstanding Senior Award, The John E. Holstrom Memorial Outstanding Freshman Award and The John E. Holstrom Alpha Tau Omega Architectural Scholarship. The Holstrom Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive raised $26,268 from 62 donors. DIAMOND DONOR Weeter-Kienast-Alexander Architecture-Interior Design GOLDEN DONORS Norris E. and Ellamae Holstrom Wiley S. Shaw 1968 Thomas A. Holstrom William L. Muir III 1967 Michael L. Trabert 1966 SILVER DONORS John B. Buchheister 1968 Marc S. Connor 1971 Paul B. Diehl 1969 John C. Durkin 1970 Richard E. Fagerberg 1963 Edmond E. Fellers 1967 H. L. Hitchins, Jr. Gerald J. Lang 1970 Donald L. Orrell 1968 Miles Pierce Curtis L. Stanford 1972 BRONZE DONORS Robert H. Balwanz 1966 Paul T. (Ted) Beyer, Jr. 1972 William E. Dakan 1972 Donn A. Demaree 1972 Douglas A. Firebaugh 1969 James W. Gentry 1966 James D. Hoch 1969 Warren T. and Beverly J. Hornsby Stephen J. Mudrey 1968 Vivian L. Pierce HONOR DONORS Jeffrey L. Burner 1969 Robert H. Buser 1971 John P. Charles 1967 Peter Fitzgibbons Elton and Maxine Burner E. Ximenia Cross Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dennis Dr. and Mrs. Wendell L. Good Edmond M. and Janet Emery Hayes Mark L. Higgins 1970 Mark A. Grimes 1970 Douglas D. Hassett 1972 Steven C. Johnson 1972 Margaret F. Holstrom Francis K. and Jo Ann Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kilroy Richard H. O=Flynn 1970 Edward C. and Mary Ellen Olsson P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter BR R. G. and Roberta H. Paulette Stanley A. Karst 1969 Richard A. Marcotte 1971 Walter A. Moriarty 1970 Lance L. Sayler 1971 Dennis C. Payne Robert L. Randall 1968 Brian N. Stoll 1972 Michael L. Stormer 1970 Everett J. and Harriett F. Taylor Carryl R. and Marry Ann Ziettlow Steven D. Rogers 1968 Stephen A. Sherlock 1969 Larry E. Sinn 1968 Ivan D. Veldhuizen 1969 Douglas D. Wedel 1971 6.16 Book of Records C. THE JOHN T. MUIR MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND DRIVE MARCH - AUGUST, 1990 Endowed Contributions for The William Lloyd Muir II and John Thomas Muir Memorial Grant-in-Aid Awards. The Muir Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive raised $71,992 from 62 donors. DIAMOND DONORS William L. Muir III 1967 GOLDEN DONORS Roger A. Sink SILVER DONORS Marc S. Connor 1971 Chris Curtin Richard E. Fagerberg 1963 BRONZE DONORS Donald G. and Lou Dressler City of Manhattan Employees Michael A. Conduff Larry W. Emig 1964 Douglas A. Firebaugh 1969 Darrin D. Dressler 1982 Charles H. and Julie Hostetler Michael G. Howe and Company CPAPC Steven C. Johnson 1972 John R. Kupfer 1953 Donald L. Munzer 1939 HONOR DONORS Sue A. and Roger DeVoss Johnnie and Ada Arford Mark E. Arford 1990 Paul J. Bartak 1969 Evelyne Bennett L. Gary Boomer Pat J. and Susan Bosco Michael E. Brown 1979 Jeffrey L. Burner 1969 Lucia B. Coffey Richard P. Coleman John D. Cormaci 1987 Diane and Robert L. Jedwabny Douglas L. Ward Michael K. Cormaci 1986 Paul A. and Catherine P. Cormaci Lisa Marshall Cress Larry Enfield Lawrence C. and Jeanne K. Gates Norma, Steve and John Howorth Glenda L. and Eldon E. Huschka Roberta L. and Dwight Johnson C. Clyde Jones 1977 Malinda M. Kellogg Henry F. Kupfer 1938 Mrs. F. Douglas Ward Russell B. and Marina Myers Russell E. and Maxine B. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sproul Beverly D. and Marjorie Stagg David L. Stagg Elizabeth A. and Roy F. Stoddard David S. and Nyla Stuewe John O. Thisler 1939 John K. and Donna Vanier Joel D. Viterna 1990 Larry L. and Marlene S. Viterna Elmer L. Nieman 1939 John W. Randell 1942 Carol and Don Ryan Riley R. Whearty 1936 Steven B. Young 1975 Richard N. Heaton 1939 Philip A. Woodward Betty J. Muir Popa B ook of Records 6.17 D. THE STANLEY L. WINTER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND DRIVE MARCH, 1992 - FEBRUARY, 1993 Endowed Contributions for The Stanley L. Winter Αlpha Tau Omega K-State Union Leadership Scholarship. The Winter Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive raised $16,824 from 156 donors. Todd Alpers Gerald L. Haug 1987 Donna Reichenberger Joe and Evelyn Armour Mr. and Mrs. John Hecht Helen K. Reichenberger Edie Bailey Timothy M. Henderson 1984 Al and Jackie Rettenmaier Christopher R. Bancroft 1985 Joel E. Hermes 1984 Kyle R. Rolfing 1986 and Rindi A. Rolfing Donna L. and Earl W. Barrager Milton E. Hoffman 1981 Ronna Lee and David D. Sanchez Greg C. Barron 1976 Arlene A. Hopkins Angela Scharnhorst Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bauer Joe T. Hoskins, Jr. ΓΜ 1987 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Schippers Douglas M. Beck 1986 Bryce K. Johnson 1982 Judi Schoenecker Byron Bergkamp and Family Steven E. Johnson 1983 Chuck and Alice Schulte Family Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bergkamp R. Mark Judah 1985 Sharon Schulte and Andy Brolin David W. Binder 1982 K-State Union Staff and Employees Daniel W. Schwartzkopf 1984 Laurie J. Blackburn Kansas State University Graduate Student Council Susan M. Scott Jeffrey J. Blanchat 1986 Andy Koenigs and Valerie Miller Koenigs Sylvia Scott Stephen W. Blazer 1983 Jo Ann L. Koenigs Paul and Inez Seiler Tony and Jane Brand Jon and Janet Korte Julie E. Sidener Betty Breitenbach Kenneth and Susie Kraus Jack L. Sills Greg and Micky Bruggerman Bill and Karen Lies Timothy C. Smith 1987 Peggy M. Busch Darlene Lingg Robert A. Spanke Jim, Mary Alice and J. J. Carlile Marcellus Lingg Ralph and Mildred Spexarth Thomas M. Clark 1987 Norma Louk John D. Steffen Jerry and Debbie Clasen and Family Vince and Betty Lovett Eugene and Audine Stockemer Ann E. and Richard J. Claussen Kenneth C. and Johanna D. Lyle Alison M. Winter Stookey and Richard Stookey Richard Patrick Coleman Bradley S. Mallory 1986 Eldon and Martha Strouse Timothy E. Congrove 1984 and Sara A. Congrove Laura G. and Jeff S. Martin Francis and Esther Strunk Jack Connaughton Kelly and Barb Mason Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strunk Paul A. and Catherine P. Cormaci Richard C. and Barbara Mason Suzanna M. Arndt Strunk and Patrick J. Strunk Philip A. Cross 1983 Bill and Denise Maus Terry L. Studer 1986 Mike Dannells Martin and Elsie May John and Marijene Sullentrop Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega Charles E. McCrary 1983 Telva Swenson Gary and Paula Dick Michael E. McGee 1986 and Eva L. McGee Scott D. Taggart 1986 Jeffrey E. Dillon 1982 Patrick E. McKernan 1984 Jack Thoman Bruce G. Doctor 1983 Mary Lou Meredith Debbie Thome Marlene Kunze Dolan Alvin and Irene Merrill Larry and Judy Thome Darrin D. Dressler 1982 Jeffrey S. Miller 1983 University of Northern Colorado Student Activities Marilee Drouhard-Nordhus and Byron N. Nordhus Alice and Milam A. Mounts John and Helen VenJohn Maria T. Dugan William L. Muir III 1967 Larry Viterna Paul V. and Rosemary Dugan Theresa Neises Theodore L. Wald 1986 Elizabeth Kay Farley Edward R. Nickel 1985 Michael R. Widrig 1982 Mark C. Flemming 1983 Virginia L. O'Connell David L. Wille 1982 Thomas G. Franzen 1984 Dennis R. Odgers 1987 Alvin Winter and Family Weston W. Gibson 1984 Clyde F. and Virginia Orth Fredrick J. and Nancy Winter Larry and Peggy Giefer Kenneth D. Parks 1983 Jolene Maus Winter Jim and Linda Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Gene Patry Kent T. and Susan M. Winter Matilda Goebel Mike and Virginia Patry Oran and Debbie Winter James L. Goering, Jr. 1985 Bill and Charlotte Patzell Rosemary and Francis Winter Thomas A. Graham 1982 Bob and Jean Pauly Sam Winter Eric J. Gromko 1986 Jim Peltzer Corbin T. Witt 1984 and Lori Witt Paul and Margie Gruenbacher Monte and Mona Pelz Norman and Erma Witt Gene and Lisa Gutschenritter Daniel G. Perkins 1986 Pete and Ardis Witt Lisa J. Hale Barbara L. Pretzer Ryan T. Witt 1988 Roderick B. Hall 1987 Carol Reed Kurt T. Woltering 1983 Steven W. Hardin 1986 Steven J. Reed 1982 Jim and Nora Zogleman 6.18 Book of Records E. THE 1430 FAIRCHILD SCHOLARSHIP FUND DRIVE APRIL, 1999 - APRIL, 2000 Endowed Contributions for The Henry F. Kupfer Kitchen Manager Award. The 1430 Fairchild Scholarship Fund Drive raised $4,400 from 8 donors. William G. Bensing 1938 Richard N. Heaton 1939 John O. Thisler 1939 Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega William L. Muir III 1967 Henry F. Kupfer 1938 Donald L. Munzer 1939 Edwin A. Weber 1939 F. THE DALE L. DUNCAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND DRIVE FEBRUARY - APRIL, 2002 Endowed Contributions for The Dale L. Duncan Memorial Philanthropy Chairman Award. The Dale L. Duncan Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive raised $5,865 from 43 donors. Robert G. Bensing 1946 Don R. Borthwick 1942 Robert C. Breithaupt 1953 Richard R. Carr 1953 Philip R. Carter 1925 Paul L. Corwin 1969 James R. Curtis ΓΥ 1961 Dale R. Dallon Doris A. Duncan Dallon Lonnie E. Dalrymple 1970 Paul B. Diehl 1969 Glenn E. Duncan 1940 William B. Eddy 1954 Ronald K. Edwards 1956 Larry W. Emig 1964 Richard E. Fagerberg 1963 James L. Filson 1951 William R. Guthrie 1941 John H. Haeberle 1939 Robert E. Hahn 1948 Mark L. Higgins 1970 Henry H. Hoesli 1963 William F. Hoppes 1949 Robert J. Hofmann 1957 Keith R. Kehmeier 1942 Robert F. Kingston 1968 Henry F. Kupfer 1938 John R. Kupfer 1953 L. Allyn Laybourn 1921 Kenneth E. Linscott 1970 Frederick G. Miller 1969 Walter A. Moriarty 1970 William L. Muir III 1967 Leslie L. Ogg 1957 James N. Reardon 1961 Steven D. Rogers 1968 Cecil R. Shove 1954 Richard H. Spingler, Jr. 1965 Ervin D. Stahel 1956 John O. Thisler 1939 Rollin W. Vickery 1950 Edwin A. Weber 1939 Donald S. Williams 1951 G. THE L. ALLYN LAYBOURN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND DRIVE JANUARY, 2004 - AUGUST, 2005 Endowed Contributions for additions to The L. Allyn Laybourn Memorial Scholastic Excellence Awards. The L. Allyn Laybourn Memorial Scholarship Fund Drive raised $24,144 from 135 donors. DIAMOND DONORS ($2,000 and More) Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega Allan D. Holiday, Jr. 1977 PLATINUM DONORS ($500 to $1,999) William L. Muir III 1967 James L. Filson 1951 W. Cary Dikeman 1973 Christopher C. Maddox 1992 Joseph P. Fangman 1983 Stephen L. Patton 1989 (Continued) Todd F. Lakin 1967 Henry W. Lipps 1988 Steven B. Young 1975 B ook of Records 6.19 GOLDEN DONORS ($300 to $499) Jeffrey L. Gates 1981 SILVER DONORS ($200 to $299) Peter E. Larsen 1976 Joel E. Hermes 1984 Dale K. Allen 1950 Richard E. Fagerberg 1963 Steven C. Johnson 1972 Robert W. Reichenberger 1986 James D. Persinger, Jr. 1990 Steven D. Rogers 1968 Damon E. Earnshaw 1991 Bryant C. Hindman 1982 Stephen M. McCandless 1977 Gregory D. Widrig 1980 BRONZE DONORS ($100 to $199) Matthew D. Rogers 1997 Larry W. Emig 1964 Milton E. Hoffman 1981 Randall C. Newth 1992 Michael R. Widrig 1982 Walter A. Moriarty 1970 Benjamin B. Barnert 1973 Ty A. Bechtel 1993 Matthew L. Bretz 1986 Bradley E. Deener 1996 Thomas M. Foncannon 1967 Eric J. Gromko 1986 C. Cylde Jones 1977 Mark A. Mallder 1977 David P. Mason 1974 Leslie L. Ogg 1957 David M. Saunders 1992 William E. Small 1974 Russell W. Taddiken 1995 Rollin W. Vickery 1950 Matthew D. Bayer ΘΤ1992 Timothy S. Berends 1988 John P. Buser 1977 Donn A. Demaree 1972 David L. Fraas 1992 Philip E. Grosdidier 1981 Kent H. Kiracofe 1988 Richard E. Marcotte 1971 Stephen M. Mosher 1991 Gary N. Pottorff 1953 Stephen A. Sherlock 1969 Richard H. Spingler, Jr. 1965 Gregory J. Taphorn 1990 Richard A. Webdell 1997 HONOR DONORS ($10 to $99) Steven A. Swanson 1990 Troy L. Bechtel 1989 Joseph D. Berlekamp 1975 Philip R. Carter 1925 Robert W. Feiring, Jr. 1984 Jonathan A. Freeman 1995 Mark D. Guttu 1977 Gerald J. Lang 1970 Paul E. Marti, Jr. 1949 Brian A. Oehme 1996 James N. Reardon 1961 William L. Short, Jr. 1990 Joe G. Stein 1994 Brent A. Taulor 1996 Donald S. Williams 1951 Brent F. Akright 1976 Paul A. Chinn 1973 Daniel D. Dow 1993 Dwight E. Glenn 1956 Guy W. Gross 1995 Duane C. Holloway 1971 Matthew H. Kenkel 1997 John A. Romes 1991 Jeffrey D. Shoemaker 1980 Scott E. Taddiken 1994 Jeff P. Thornbrugh 1993 David L. Watson 1972 David L. Wille 1982 Walter A. Besecke 1958 Thomas G. Franzen 1984 Bryce K. Johnson 1982 John R. Kupfer 1953 David C. Odgers 1988 Rodney D. Petersen 1964 Cecil R. Shove 1954 A. Daniel Vogel 1959 Mark A. Anderson 1977 Cameron K. Collins 1982 William B. Eddy 1954 Jebtha C. Graham 1997 Robert E. Hahn 1948 Christopher T. Hyer 1992 Cary L. Majors 1993 Mark A. Ruda 1993 Robert A. Spanke 1984 John O. Thisler 1939 John A. Towse, Jr. 1988 Edwin A. Weber 1939 Brad R. Winchell 1975 Joshua T. Brueggemann 1997 George G. Holloway, Jr. 1948 J. Christian Jordan 1989 Henry F. Kupfer 1938 Michael T. Parisi 1993 Michael S. Ribble 1986 Thomas R. Taphorn 1997 Michael E. Brown 1979 Timothy E. Congrove 1984 Ronald K. Edwards 1956 Michael J. Grosdidier 1973 Barry P. Hilton 1973 Earl C. Johnston 1952 Brian R. Ohrt 1994 Daniel W. Schwartzkopf 1984 Herschel L. Staats 1955 Michael S. Thoesen 1995 Alan D. Van Nice 1953 Trevor J. Whitney 1985 David E. Woolf 1997 Richard R. Carr 1953 Kenneth P. Jensen, Jr. 1989 David B. Krizman 1977 George F. Mance 1965 Daniel G. Peters 1977 Stuart C. Rinkleff 1992 Ivan D. Veldhuizen 1969 Douglas D. Wedel 1971 6.20 H. THE ELMER D. McCOLLUM SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND DRIVE JUNE, 2009 - APRIL, 2010 Book of Records Endowed Contributions for additions to The Elmer D. McCollum Scholastic Excellence Awards. The Elmer D. McCollum Special Scholarship Fund Drive raised $25,975 from 135 donors. PLATINUM DONORS ($1,000 and More) James L. Filson 1951 William L. Muir III 1967 Allan D. Holiday, Jr. 1977 GOLD DONORS ($500 to $999) Todd F. Lakin 1992 Robert M. Bensman 1997 Peter E. Larsen 1976 W. Cary Dikeman 1973 Robert W. Reichenberger 1986 SILVER DONORS ($250 to $499) Jeffrey L. Gates 1981 Chris A. Wymer 1992 Neil P. Adamson 1997 Bruce A. Guttu 1981 Walter A. Moriarty 1970 Bryan S. Taylor 1996 Charles D. Chambers 1976 Troy R. Hull 1986 Stephen L. Patton 1989 Daniel J. Tokar 2000 Warren R. White 2001 BRONZE DONORS ($100 to $249) Timothy E. Congrove 1984 Brian M. King 2002 David A. Stuck 1979 Lewis W. Watson 1960 Benjamin B. Barnert 1973 Dallas D. Hill 1980 Scott F. Miller 1979 Chad D. Russell 1997 Richard A. Webdell 1997 Craig W. Bloomsmith 1979 Maureen P. Newton (For Andrew, Jesse and Tyler) William F. Rock 1965 Daniel R. Adrain 2000 Chris S. Barnes 1991 Timothy S. Berends 1988 Michael E. Brown 1979 Cameron K. Collins 1982 John L. Corey 1966 Mark G. Daly 1972 D. Gene Dikeman II 1974 James D. Doull DEp1980 Larry W. Emig 1964 Jonathan A. Freeman 1995 Philip D. Grosdidier 1981 Rodney W. Helus 1996 Ryan D. Hurlbutt 1992 Robert R. Keesee 1973 Jonathan S. Kurche 1998 W. Travis Love 2005 Alan L. Mashak 1962 Frederick G. Miller 1969 John E. Norris 1978 Michael T. Parisi 1993 Cole S. Reichle 2002 Mark A. Ruda 1993 Joe G. Stein 1994 Brent A. Taylor 1996 Marvin L. Trayford 1981 Edward B. Walsh 1979 Jacob R. Will 2003 Fred R. Woodbury 1951 Kellen J. Frank 2000 Kent H. Kiracofe 1988 Justin J. Nelson 1998 Russell W. Taddiken 1995 Edwin A. Weber 1939 William F. Hoppes 1949 Robert D. Overman 1967 Brian P. Ansay 1994 James A. Bellerive 1981 William C. Bergner 1985 Richard R. Carr 1953 Marc S. Connor 1971 Travis R. Cottrell 1991 Clay D. Davis 2001 Jeffrey E. Dillon 1982 Danny K. Dunbar 1951 Chad R. Fagerberg 1991 James L. Goering, Jr. 1985 Ryan W. Hamm 1999 Wayne L. Hoener 1978 Wade B. Jensik 1989 Nicholas H. Krier 1997 Seth A. Lloyd 1996 Cary L. Majors 1993 Barry L. McAnulty 1982 Randall C. Newth 1992 Leslie L. Ogg 1957 James D. Persinger, Jr. 1990 G. Timothy Richards 1966 David M. Saunders 1992 Steven A. Swanson 1990 William S. Taylor 1964 Rollin W. Vickery 1950 Joshua R. Wedel 1999 David L. Wille 1982 David E. Woolf 1997 Benjamin J. Zwick 2000 HONOR DONOR ($50 to $99) Guy W. Gross 1995 Stanley D. Linville 1978 Michael S. Ribble 1986 Shawn M. Taddiken 2005 Donald S. Williams 1951 John R. Kupfer 1953 Charles D. Robben 2002 John A. Romes 1991 Mark R. Barbee 1983 Timothy J. Bensman 2001 Joseph D. Berlekamp 1975 John W. Chapman 1999 Brandon C. Converse 2002 Ryan E. Cross 1998 Aaron J. Decker 1994 Robert J. Domsch 2005 Brice S. Ebert 1998 Henry F. Filson 1949 Michael J. Grosdidier 1973 Gregory J. Hasselwander 1980 Milton E. Hoffman 1981 Steven C. Johnson 1972 Henry F. Kupfer 1938 Douglas A. Long 1986 Mark A. Mallder 1977 Donald E. McKee 1949 John W. Nixon 1979 Brian H. Ohrt 1994 Doug L. Rehfeld 1988 Stuart C. Rinkleff 1992 Richard H. Spingler, Jr. 1966 Terry E. Studer 1986 John A. Towse, Jr. 1988 Joel D. Viterna 1990 Michael R. Widrig 1982 Brad R. Winchell 1975 Wallace B. Wren 1953 Clayton T. Devlin 2003 B ook of Records 7.01 CHAPTER 7 THE HISTORY OF DELTA THETA HISTORY OF THE RED TIE CLUB (R. T. C.), ALPHA THETA CHI FRATERNITY AND DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY Compiled and Edited by Richard E. Fagerberg and William L. Muir Based on the Original History by Walter R. Horlacher 7.02 Book of Records B ook of Records 7.03 THE HISTORY OF DELTA THETA 1. THE RED TIE CLUB (R. T. C.) (1912-1917) The organization which eventually evolved into the Kansas Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega was not founded with the idea of a fraternity in mind. At its inception, it was not even organized as a club. During the school year of 1911-12, eight very congenial men were rooming at the Y. M. C. A. building at the corner of Eleventh and Fremont Streets. These men were: Thomas G. Spring Roy E. Gwin Harry C. Bird Elmer J. Bird W. L. Van Dusen Chester Van Dusen Dee D. Bird Paul B. Gwin The first four mentioned were sophomores and the last four were freshmen. Another close friend of the group was Cameron S. Goldsmith, also a sophomore, who did not room at the Y. M. C. A. These men were always congregating in one or another of the rooms to discuss matters in general, and did many things together. Naturally, they became a closely-knit group. On the day of April 6, 1912, the five sophomores mentioned above had congregated in Room 6 at the AY@. During the course of the conversation, it was suggested that the five of them secure some place for the next year where they could room and study and socialize together. A committee consisting of Roy E. Gwin and Elmer J. Bird was appointed to find a house suitable for the purpose. The house which they rented was at 1211 Moro Street and was at that time owned by a Mrs. Robinson. They obtained five rooms in this house, and had also the privileges of the parlor. The nine men mentioned above moved into this house at the beginning of the fall term of school in 1912. As they had room for one more man, they invited Walter Kieth who was then a senior and who was a good friend of the men in the group to join them. This filled the five rooms and constituted the "bunch" for the ensuing year. The house at 1211 Moro was occupied by the R. T. C. for four years. While the moving into the separate house marks the beginning of R. T. C. as a distinct organization to the public, its real beginning was on that sixth day of April, 1912, when the five men decided upon the renting of a house in which they might live together. This day marks the date of the real founding of R. T. C., and the ten men who moved into the house together are the founders of R. T. C. During the fall of 1912, the bunch had no name and was not actually considered a club nor organized as such. They had no ritual or constitution, but did have a few rules to govern themselves by. The fellows merely wanted to be with and in a bunch that had the same ideas and ideals. They did not believe in fraternities, of which there were only three or four then at Kansas State Agricultural College (later Kansas State University) and these were, in their estimation, to quote Paul Gwin, "composed of the richer rough set and we thought a 'Frat Man' was a 'Bad Man'". Some of the rules which were adopted by the bunch were as follows: No swearing allowed in the house No use of tobacco in any form in the house No card playing allowed in the house Dancing not allowed in the house 7.04 Book of Records In explanation of the last rule, it might be well to add here that dancing was at that time tabooed by the college authorities. C. S. Goldsmith was the first Chairman of the bunch. handling the financial part of the club for two years. Roy Gwin was the first General Manager, The naming of the club was brought about in rather an unusual manner. One night in January, 1913, the Y. W. C. A. at the college gave a festival at the gymnasium. The boys all went, and wishing to look alike in some respect, each one wore a red necktie. Several of the girls who were dating members of the group made fun of their ties and also asked them what they called themselves. At the usual congregation which is held after such an affair, it was decided that the bunch should organize itself into a club. Then the question of a name was brought up. Someone suggested that since they had all worn red ties, they call themselves the R. T. C., the letters standing for "Red Tie Club", and that they keep the meaning of the letters a secret. The name was adopted and the secret was kept until the spring of 1915, when one the newer members, in writing up an account of an R. T. C. party for The Collegian , the college newspaper, inadvertently used the words instead of the letters. The color adopted by the club was bright red. To this later was added the color white, and red and white remained the colors of the R. T. C. and of Alpha Theta Chi up until the installation as a chapter of Alpha Tau Omega. The club had no pin. Neither did it have any initiation ceremony, nor any motto, nor any creed. During the remainder of the existence of the club as R. T. C., which includes the school year 1916-17, the following men were taken in: 1913-14: 1914-15: Clyde C. Hamilton, Frank Unruh and C. H. Simon Ralph P. Ramsey, Earl Ramsey, Frank Reynolds, Walter J. Ott, George Calkins, Ralph V. O'Neil, Charles T. Halbert, Arthur L. Seeber, F. Clarence Seeber, Herbert H. Frizzell and John S. Wood K. H. Kecker, W. C. Jannssen, Harmon Splitter, R. N. St. John, E. S. Bacon, Leon G. Abele, J. H. Kerr, Ira G. Freeman, Joe A. Novak, James B. Angle and Howard K. Woodbury Ernest E. Asher, Hobart M. Birks, Fred Hiss, Carl J. Rodewald, Gabe A. Sellers, A. Wilcox Foster, Bruce C. Hutchins, Charles Nitcher, Walter J. Rogers and Walter W. Rodewald 1915-16: 1916-17: The members of the club who graduated from K. S. A. C. were: 1913, Walter Kieth; 1914, Cameron S. Goldsmith, Elmer J. Bird, Thomas G. Spring, Roy Gwin and Harry C. Bird; 1916, Ralph V. O'Neil, John S. Wood, Paul B. Gwin, Charles C. Halbert, Walter T. Ott, Ralph P. Ramsey and Herbert H. Frizzell; 1917, Joe A. Novak, Gabe A. Sellers and Ira J. Freeman. In scholarship, R. T. C. always stood high. Not being a fraternity, their grades were not computed along with the rest, but they were figured at different times by various members and found to be always as high as the highest of the social fraternities and usually they were up near the top of the honorary fraternities. The honorary scholastic fraternity, Phi Kappa Phi, was installed at K. S. A. C. during the year 1915-16. John S. Wood and Gabe A. Sellers were both elected to this fraternity. B ook of Records 7.05 There was hardly a school activity going on that didn't include some R. T. C. members. A complete list of all the activities of all the members would take up more space than it is justifiable to use here. One or two leading men of each must, however, be mentioned. Roy Gwin '14 received Senior Honors, debated, participated in oratorical and literary contests, and was on the football squad. C. S. Goldsmith '14 was a member of the Dairy Judging team. Walter Ott '16 won the Intersociety Oratorical contest and was class president. Earl Ramsey and Frank Reynolds both made the All Missouri Valley Basketball team. H. H. Frizzell '16 was one of the best track men ever produced by the Missouri Valley. As a high hurdler and high jumper, he was par excellence during this period. His record in the high jump was 6 feet 1 : inches. He was captain of the track team, president of the athletic fraternity and very active in class affairs. John S. Wood '16 received Senior Honors, was elected to various honorary societies, was a member of the Stock Judging team, was active in class affairs and managed the first Agricultural Fair. The following members were Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers of R. T. C.: 1914-15: 1915-16: 1916-17: President Walter J. Ott Secretary-Treasurer Paul B. Gwin President H. H. Frizzell Secretary-Treasurer Paul B. Gwin Presidents Ira G. Freeman and Gabe A. Sellers Secretary-Treasurer Dee D. Bird The ideals of R. T. C. are set forth by Thomas G. Spring and H. H. Frizzell: "The early ideals of the organization were scholarship, clean living and brotherhood. Our aims were congenial fellowship, to be able to fit in well, good students and engaged in some class activities. Grades were rather in demand and a fellow that did not pull them was in disfavor and knew it, too. We had representatives in the honorary fraternities and were proud of our scholarship. These requirements were impressed on the selections made for the club in the spring of 1916 and were inculcated in the ritual of Alpha Theta Chi." The first rushing team ever put out by R. T. C. was organized in the spring of 1915 for the purpose of rushing H. H. Frizzell and John S. Wood. The team was composed of Arthur Seeber, Clarence Seeber, Paul Gwin, Walter Ott, Ralph Ramsey, Ralph O'Neil and Earl Ramsey. They called up Wood and Frizzell and made an appointment with them for a certain Sunday afternoon. After they arrived on the scene, they suggested a stroll to see the college livestock, then a common Sunday afternoon pastime. After the livestock had all been looked at, the proposition of becoming members of R. T. C. was put up to Wood and Frizzell, who accepted the invitation. The house occupied by the R. T. C. during the year 1916-17 is located at 1408 Laramie Street. This house was new at the time, having been rented by R. T. C. during the spring of 1916 before the sod for it was broken. The House Mother for this year was Mrs. A. A. Lair. 7.06 Book of Records B ook of Records 7.07 2. ALPHA THETA CHI FRATERNITY (1917-1920) Throughout the entire period covered by the preceding chapter, the existence of R. T. C. had been tempestuous in at least one respect. Several of the best men were lost at various times by being pledged to fraternities. This state of affairs was very unacceptable to some of the members of R. T. C. and for at least two years the organization of a fraternity was agitated. But such action was opposed by some of the members and nothing was done. However, when the bunch returned to school in the fall of 1917, one of the men was pledged by a fraternity during the first week and the argument for a fraternity was clinched. During the preceding year, J. B. Angle had some correspondence with an uncle of his, Dr. E. J. Angle, and a cousin, Guy Reed, both of whom were members of Nebraska Gamma Theta Chapter, concerning the merits of Alpha Tau Omega and also the possibilities of establishing an ΑΤΩ chapter at K. S. A. C. Angle had also written to George B. Drake of Denver, who was at that time the Chief of what was then Province III. He talked his idea over with the bunch and they decided to form a local fraternity for the purpose of petitioning for a chapter of Alpha Tau Omega. The men who were the most active in the formation of the local fraternity were J. B. (Tubby) Angle, Clarence (Shy) Seeber and A. W. (Pa) Foster. The constitution and creed were written by Angle and Foster. The organization was quickly perfected. A motto and a pin and crest were adopted. The name chosen was Alpha Theta Chi. These letters were not selected for any special significance. They were selected merely because they sounded well together, as it was not expected to retain them long. It was later discovered that there is a local fraternity of long standing with the same name at the University of Nebraska. This fraternity wrote, demanding what was meant by using their name, but nothing was ever done about the affair. The date of the formal announcement of Alpha Theta Chi was October 15, 1917 . In 1919, Alpha Theta Chi added a song to its fraternity lore. It was written by Ray B. Watson: "I am an Alpha Theta Chi And will be so until I die For ATC means brotherhood And all that's true and high. "So here's to dear old ATC And the spirit of fraternity We'll loyal be forever To Alpha Theta Chi." Recognition by the college and by the other fraternities was quickly and easily gained. The local always was on friendly terms with all the other fraternities and it has ever been the aim of the chapter over the years to maintain that friendly relationship. In order to further strengthen the organization with the school, two faculty members were taken in even before the organization was announced. These were Porter J. Newman, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, and Levi J. Horlacher, Fellow in Animal Husbandry. The initiation ceremony used by Alpha Theta Chi varied throughout its period of existence, depending on the men who were in charge of the initiation ceremonies at the particular time. It was never deemed necessary to adopt a definite ritual or ceremony because it was thought it would not be needed for long. It was attempted to make the ceremony as much like that of a national fraternity as was possible under the circumstances. The first house occupied by Alpha Theta Chi is located at 1404 Fairchild Avenue. It was kept for one year. Meals were served in this house, this being the first time since its beginning that the organization had eaten its meals together. In the fall of 1918, the chapter returned to 1408 Laramie Street and remained there during the next two years. Mrs. Lair was again the House Mother. Mrs. Magee had chaperoned at 1404 Fairchild. 7.08 Book of Records Men who were pledged during the three years of existence as Alpha Theta Chi are the following: 1917-18: Herbert V. Mering, Lorin G. Moore, John F. Novak, Wesley Stevens, Walter R. Horlacher, N. Dale Lund, Caroll L. Lund, J. Farr Brown, Carl F. Mershon, Nat P. Woods and W. H. Jaeger Robert R. Fuller, Ralph Murray, Paul Kovar, Leroy M. Leiter, Durland J. Hilts, Norman W. Hein, Martin E. Konold, Elmer D. McCollum, Charles C. McPherson and A. Wilber Wilcox Ernest L. Bebb, Otto R. Coburn, Millard R. Getty, Robert S. Love, C. Morton Rust, Laurens H. Reyburn, Ray B. Watson, Philip Woodbury, Thomas W. Lee, Morton J. Stigers, Walter T. Rolfe, Charles R. Smith and Jerry J. Hershey 1918-19: 1919-20: Members of the fraternity who graduated from K. S. A. C. during this same period were: 1918, Hobard M. Birks and Carl J. Rodewald; 1919, James B. Angle and Levi J. Horlacher (Master of Science); 1920, A. Wilcox Foster, Walter R. Horlacher, Walter W. Rodewald and A. Wilber Wilcox. Men of this group who were elected to Phi Kappa Phi are Hobart M. Birks '18 and Walter R. Horlacher '20. The scholarship record of Alpha Theta Chi is one of which any fraternity might well be proud. During four of the six semesters of the existence of the local, it was at the top of the list of men's social fraternities, one semester it was second and one it was third. It was this excellent scholarship record that helped to obtain recognition by the college and by other fraternities. Also, this scholarship record was used to advantage in the petitioning of Alpha Tau Omega. The period during which Alpha Theta Chi was in existence was a stormy one for all fraternities on account of World War I. A letter from Province Chief Drake informed the local that it was not the policy of Alpha Tau Omega to consider petitions during the period of war and thus the local chapter was left to weather the storm as best it could. More than once the uphill battle became so difficult that the brothers were almost persuaded to give it up, and the only thing that made them determined to continue the chapter at all costs was the fact that they were backed by a group of local and enthusiastic alumni. In one way or another the breakers were all safely passed over and after the cessation of hostilities life was begun anew with a determination to obtain a chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, with which the chapter had kept in touch throughout the period, as soon as possible. The few men who remained in school after the S. A. T. C. was disbanded returned to the house and began the reorganization of the chapter. The biggest blow that fell to the chapter at this time was the graduation of James B. (Tubby) Angle at the end of the first semester of 1918-19. Tubby had been the natural leader of the bunch for so long that his going left the fellows somewhat in the condition of a flock of sheep which has lost its shepherd. It had been a case of one man taking upon himself a large amount of the work and responsibility of the organization because his heart and soul were in the organization, thereby taking from the members the work and responsibility which they needed to develop themselves into useful members of the group. However, the men pulled themselves together and began to cast about for new members. It was during this period that a number of men, whose names are given heretofore, who were to become the strongest men in the chapter, were pledged. B ook of Records 7.09 The story of how the men belonging to the organization answered the call to the colors would be simply a repetition of the stories of other chapters. On no had was loyalty found wanting, and men left so rapidly that it was almost impossible to keep enough men in the house to keep it going. It was, however, kept running until the beginning of the S. A. T. C. (Students' Army Training Corps), at which time it was forced to be closed because all the active members and pledges were taken into that organization. A military record of the members of R. T. C. and of Alpha Theta Chi: Captain, Artillery, Overseas: 1st Lieutenant, Marine Corps: 1st Lieutenant, Infantry: 2nd Lieutenant, Cavalry: 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry: Charles Halbert L. H. Reyburn Ralph Elmer D. P. Ramsey McCollum 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry (Overseas): 2nd Lieutenant, Sanitation Corps: Sgt. Major, Camp Personnel: Master Gunner, Coast Artillery, Overseas: Sgt 1st Class, M. D. (Overseas): Musician, Navy: Carl F. Mershon Carl J. Rodewald A. Wilcox Foster W. H. Jaeger C. C. McPherson Ira G. Freeman Cameron S. Goldsmith Leon G. Abele Walter J. Rogers Charles Nitcher Robert S. Class) Otto R. Coburn (2nd Class) Wood R. Horlacher (Infantry) Sellars (Engineers) Lorin G. Moore (Artillery) Herbert H. Frizzell (Infantry) M. Birks (USS New Hampshire) Bruce C. Hutchins (USS Minneapolis) Gabe A. Love (1st Sgt., Signal Corps: Corporal: Corporal (Overseas): John S. Walter Seaman 1st Class: Hobart Private (Infantry): Private (Overseas): S. A. T. C.: E. E. Fred Hiss, Joe A. Novak (OTC) Ralph O=Neil (Infantry), Clarence (Signal Corps) Asher, V. Seeber Herbert J. Mering, Ralph Murray, Wesley Stevens, Walter W. Rodewald, A. Wilbur Wilcox, James B. Angle, J. Farr Brown, Robert R. Fuller, Norman Helm, Durland Hilts, N. Dale Lund, Carroll L. Lund, LeRoy M. Leiter, Thomas W. Lee, Martin E. Konold 7.10 Book of Records The officers of Alpha Theta Chi were the following: 1917-18: 1918-19: Chancellors Hobart M. Birks and A. W. Foster Secretary James B. Angle Treasurers Wesley Stevens and Walter R. Horlacher Chancellor James B. Angle Vice-Chancellor Walter W. Rodewald Secretary N. Dale Lund Treasurer Paul Kovar Chancellors A. W. Foster and Elmer D. McCollum Vice-Chancellor Walter W. Rodewald Secretary Walter R. Horlacher Treasurer Carl F. Mershon 1919-20: During the first two years of its existence, the local fraternity did not maintain the high standards of men in activities that had been set by R. T. C., but the members still had their fair share of participation in activities. In 1919-20, the old spirit seemed to come back to the men and they again entered everything. Hobart M. Birks '18 was a member of the Stock Judging team and a member of various honorary organizations. James B. Angle '19 was almost as active in school affairs as he was in fraternity affairs. Walter W. Rodewald '20 was active in class affairs. Walter R. Horlacher '20 was a member of numerous honorary organizations. Ray B. Watson, of whom more later, was already beginning to show his prowess on the cinder path. In the spring of 1917, it was decided, pursuant to an idea obtained from Everett Angle, a member of Nebraska Gamma Theta and a cousin of James B. Angle, to put out a summer publication. This was to contain a brief resume of the happenings of the past year. The name chosen for the publication was the Vintage . Carl J. Rodewald was elected to edit the first number, but due to the fact that he went to an Officers' Training Camp, James B. Angle edited this edition. The next summer, another edition was published. In January, 1919, it was decided to make the Vintage a regular publication, putting it out at various times during the college year. Since that time, the publication has been continued with a varied history, being published as often as monthly during the early years. An Alpha Theta Chi custom which was established during the summer of 1917 is what is known as "Post Card Day". The date of this was July 15 each year. On this day, each man who was in the active chapter during the past year sends to each other man who answers to the same qualifications a post card. This little token was a wonderful thing to keep up the fraternal spirit during the summer months when the members are widely separated. Another custom which was inaugurated by the class of 1920 was to have a senior dinner towards the close of the school year, at which time the seniors found propitious to leave some little token to the chapter. The members of Alpha Theta Chi were continually on the lookout for Alpha Taus and any who ever came to Manhattan and made himself known was assured a royal welcome. Some of these rendered invaluable assistance to the members of the local by telling their chapters about the local and by giving advice concerning the formulation of a petition. Different members of Gamma Mu at the University of Kansas and Gamma Theta at the University of Nebraska visited the local at various times and carried back reports to their respective chapters. Different Alpha Taus who were on the faculty or in school rendered their assistance as will be pointed out in the following chapter. B ook of Records 7.11 3. THE CAMPAIGN FOR ALPHA TAU OMEGA (1919-1920) Histories are generally made as a result of circumstances. If this were not true, Kansas Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega might have been designated differently by the national fraternity. Had World War I been evaded, it might have been proper to say that a charter would have been granted the local organization sooner than October 23, 1920. Thus a circumstance delayed the petitioning by Alpha Theta Chi to Alpha Tau Omega until the fall semester of 1919. When the old members of Alpha Theta Chi were discharged from the army in the spring of 1919 and again took up their abode at the fraternity house, they started work and plans for Alpha Tau Omega. A visit by Province Chief Ralph Weaverling finished the spring semester of that year so far as real activity was manifested, but this visit was a stepping stone and a light which helped find the path leading to ΑΤΩ. From advice and counsel received at this time, it was deemed best to postpone the petitioning until the ensuing fall. So it happened that the real progress of the petition of Kansas Delta Theta began during the latter part of 1919 and the first part of 1920. Shortly after the rushing season had ended in the fall of 1919, the local chapter appointed a committee consisting of Elmer D. (Irish) McCollum, Walter R. (Walt) Horlacher and Walter W. (Dutch) Rodewald to draft a petition to Alpha Tau Omega. In order to successfully compile this petition, additional information had to be secured from Wylie B. Wendt of Kentucky Mu Iota Chapter, who was at that time connected with the Engineering faculty of K. S. A. C. It was from an outline made by Brother Wendt that the real petition was written. No sooner had the informal petition been written than the timely services of H. W. Spink (Minnesota Gamma Nu), Harold Simonds (Washington Gamma Chi) and Ernest F. Stalcup (Kansas Gamma Mu) were offered. Upon the approval of the five nearest chapters of Alpha Tau Omega being received, the formal and completed petition was designed. All went well until Thanksgiving. But what should happen during this particular week but that fourteen members of the local group volunteered for work in the coal fields to relieve the cold homes of Kansas. This took two of the petitioning committee. One of the two was McCollum, who had certain information with him at the mines which was needed to answer wires from the Province Chief regarding the sending of a delegate to the Cleveland Congress of Alpha Tau Omega in 1919. Horlacher being the only member of the committee left at school and with only three or four men left in the house, it seemed that Alpha Theta Chi had but small chance of completing the details of its petitioning. Wires and telephone calls failed to bring McCollum from the coal fields. Fate held out its balance, the miners decided to go to work and the volunteers returned to school, only to find that the President of the College had authorized Christmas vacation a week early to escape the temperature condition of the buildings caused by the coal shortage. Another disappointment! One of the committee returned to Manhattan and the other two home on a vacation. Wires and letters came advising that a delegate be sent to Congress. The little group of active members, finally reaching Manhattan after the strike had subsided, agreed that Brother McCollum should go to Cleveland to represent the petitioning local. Preparations were made. Then what happened? The mumps, which was an absolutely debilitating disease at that time, seized the delegate. The selection of an alternate was made when Walter J. Rogers returned to school somewhat early and found McCollum bedfast. Brother Rogers took the next train to Cleveland. Work had only begun. A letter arrived for the delegate to have a prospectus ready for Congress; but owing to McCollum's ill condition the letter was not taken from the Post Office until after Brother Rogers had left for Cleveland. Wires were sent ahead to inform Rogers what was coming, and the committee mustered the entire chapter to secure data for the prospectus and questionnaire. Work began at 1:00 P.M. and at 3:30 A.M. the following morning Brother Horlacher finished the last of the typewritten manuscripts. During this short time, letters from all the fraternities and sororities and the college faculty were secured. Never could better cooperation have been had on the part of the chapter and those from whom information had been secured. As a reward for this night of work, the morning mail carried the manuscripts to Congress and Brother Rogers secured them just in time to avert another crisis. 7.12 Book of Records Although many questions had been answered in the questionnaire, the five minutes which Brother Rogers spent before the business meeting of Alpha Tau Omega assembled in Congress did much to win favor for the local, Alpha Theta Chi. Time and circumstances had prevented an elaborate program for Congress. However, a copy of the Christmas issue of the Vintage and a copy of The Aggie Miners' Shovel (a paper published largely by Alpha Theta Chi men while in the mines) did much to bring the delegates to think highly of the petitioning body. If any Brothers were singled out who were greatly responsible for the granting of the charter of Kansas Delta Theta, Brother Rogers deserves untold credit for his impression upon the Alpha Tau Omega Congress of 1919. His tactful organization and presentation of material without a doubt decided the votes of many of the assembled delegates. In brief, his success was sufficient to bring the call for a formal petition and a vote from the seventy-one chapters of ΑΤΩ. The formal petition was sent out during February, 1920. Among the various letters of recommendation contained therein, a noteworthy one is the one from Governor Allen of Kansas who wrote it because of the faithful work which had been done by members of the chapter in the coal fields. Of course, definite plans were followed in the efforts of petitioning, but no special campaign was inaugurated save that of consistent and persevering labor. The local had taken the Greek name Alpha Theta Chi for the express purpose of petitioning Alpha Tau Omega, and it was to this end that the energy was directed. Here again, Brother J. B. Angle must be pointed to as a member of the local who persistently urged the chapter forward in its work. Other than the efforts of Brother Angle and Brother Rogers, the campaign for Kansas Delta Theta was conducted by the entire active chapter. Naturally, some men did more work than other; but the entire group was endowed with the spirit of developing a chapter worthy of a new charter. The goal was not reached without work, and it was an unusually happy group that received the news of the granting of the charter. This news came by wire from Province Chief Weaverling and arrived on the evening of Commencement Day, May 27, 1920: TELEGRAM LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 7:30 PM MAY 27, 1920 HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS. CHARTER SECURED. WILL WRITE FULLY. R E WEAVERLING PROVINCE CHIEF III This news coming so late in the school year and after a large majority of the active members had gone home, it was necessary to postpone the installation until the following fall. Because this is as propitious a place as any, it will be mentioned here that previously to the petition made by Alpha Theta Chi, two other local fraternities had at different times done some work towards petitioning Alpha Tau Omega. The first of these was the Aztex fraternity, now Delta Tau Delta. This group was petitioning Alpha Tau Omega and another national fraternity at the same time. Alpha Tau Omega learned of this double petitioning and henceforth would have nothing to do with the Aztex. Later the Epsilon Epsilon Epsilon fraternity, now Sigma Phi Epsilon, decided to petition Alpha Tau Omega. They notified Kansas Gamma Mu, requesting that they send a man to look them over. Gamma Mu acted promptly, and when the delegate arrived in Manhattan, he called up the Tri-Epsilon house only to be informed that the bunch was not as yet ready to be looked over. As a result, the petitioning of this local was cut short. Alpha Theta Chi never petitioned or considered petitioning any other fraternity than Alpha Tau Omega. B ook of Records 7.13 4. THE INSTALLATION OF KANSAS DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA (1920) The dates which will always be marked in red letters on the calendar of Delta Theta are October 22 and 23, 1920, these being the two days on which the installation ceremonies were held. The ceremony took place at the new Chapter House at 1642 Fairchild Avenue, which the fraternity had purchased the preceding spring. The corporate charter of Kansas Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega consists of an amendment to the corporate charter of Alpha Theta Chi fraternity, dated February 24, 1920, on which the following men are named as the Founders of the Delta Theta Chapter: Elmer D. McCollum Walter W. Rodewald Walter R. Horlacher Carl F. Mershon N. Dale Lund Walter J. Rogers is also considered a Founder for his fine work at Congress. The corporate charter is signed by L. J. Pettijohn, Secretary of State of the State of Kansas and D. O. McCray, Assistant Secretary of State. The amendment to the corporate charter is dated February 23, 1921, and is signed by the same men. Delta Theta later received the official Alpha Tau Omega Charter signed by Thomas Arkle Clark, Worthy Grand Chief , and Paul R. Hickok, Chairman of the High Council . The installation ceremonies were in charge of Brother Ralph E. Weaverling, Chief of Province III. A team was sent over from Gamma Mu at the University of Kansas in charge of Brother Arlie W. Estes to assist in the ceremonies. Other Alpha Tau brothers besides the two mentioned who were present were: Nimon Slane, Gamma Mu; Donald B. Calhoun, Gamma Mu; Kenneth Keck, Gamma Mu; E. Floyd Stalcup, Gamma Mu; Gilmore S. Wann, Gamma Mu; H. W. Spink, Minnesota Gamma Nu; Phil W. Dodderidge, Gamma Mu; Judd Benson, Gamma Mu; and Guy E. Reed, Nebraska Gamma Theta. The first work was put on by these men, but as the ceremony proceeded the new initiates were given every opportunity to exercise their abilities, and before the installation was over they were doing nearly all the work under the supervision of the installing team. The installation started at 11:00 A.M. on the 22nd and was over at 2:30 P.M. on the 23rd. A total of thirty-three men were initiated, which included the actives of Alpha Theta Chi and some of the chapter =s alumni. Delta Theta became the 106th chapter of Alpha Tau Omega to be installed and the 73rd chapter of the fraternity in existence at that time. No elaborate social function accompanied the installation. A smoker was held at the Chapter House on the night of the twenty-second. On the evening of the twenty-third, a four-course banquet was served to the new chapter, its pledges and the installation team at the Gillett Hotel. At this banquet, toasts were given by the following brothers: Ralph E. Weaverling, Toastmaster; H. W. Spink; Arlie W. Estes; E. R. Stalcup; Elmer D. McCollum and Guy E. Reed. After the banquet, the first formal meeting of the new chapter was held. The first officers of Delta Theta, who served through the remainder of the year, were: Worthy Master Worthy Chaplain Worthy Keeper of Exchequer Worthy Keeper of Annals Worthy Scribe Worthy Usher Worthy Sentinel Elmer D. McCollum Walter J. Rogers Carl F. Mershon Robert S. Love E. Leo Bebb Charles Nitcher Philip R. Woodbury 7.14 Book of Records B ook of Records 7.15 5. THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF KANSAS DELTA THETA (1920-1929) It was expected that as soon as the goal of a national chapter was obtained there would be a letup on the part of the men, and it required a master hand to keep things moving smoothly in their old channels. The man to fill this place was found in the person of the new Worthy Master (President), Brother Elmer D. McCollum, who had also been the last Chancellor of Alpha Theta Chi. The success of the new chapter was largely due to his excellent judgment and guidance. For a man of his years, he was a man among men in his particular position and he was invaluable to the chapter. The following men were pledged and initiated into Delta Theta Chapter during the first two years after installation: 1920-21: Lester A. Dumond, Ernest B. Johnson, Ernest H. Guyer, Brom D. Hixson, Fred McElhinney, Harry Felton, Don S. Hall, Newell F. Moore, Bruce Rogers, Paul E. Smith, Raub Snyder, Noah D. Zeigler and L. Allyn Laybourn John Steiner, George K. Chew, E. Weir Hall, Robert W. Kent, Lawrence M. Staley, Metheny J. Copeland, John P. Hale, George E. Phillips and Henry D. Karns 1921-22: The following men were taken in as pledges during the following year: 1921-22: Everett Bell, Merle A. Ogden, Ivan A. Crimes, Frank E. Willey and Ralph Chase Graduates during the two years were these: 1921, Charles Nitcher, J. Farr Brown, Morton E. Stigers, E. Leo Bebb, Carl F. Mershon, Ray B. Watson, Laurens H. Reyburn and Elmer D. McCollum; 1922, N. Dale Lund, Lester A. Dumond, Perry J. Hershey, Walter J. Rogers, Ernest B. Johnson, Ernest F. Stalcup (Gamma Mu), Walter T. Rolfe and Walter R. Horlacher (Master of Science). Men from this list who were elected to Phi Kappa Phi are Laurens H. Reyburn '21 and Morton J. Stigers '21. Here again only a partial list of activities will be given: Brown, McCollum, Nitcher and Reyburn were members of the Stock Judging team. Watson was captain of the Track team, Editor of The Royal Purple, College Yell Leader and very active in all college affairs. Reyburn was invited to the tryouts for the Olympic Rifle Team in 1920, Horlacher was on the Track team and very active in college affairs in general and McPherson was President of the SSGA and was always the leader in any proposition for the betterment of K. S. A. C. In scholarship, Delta Theta has maintained the standard set by Alpha Theta Chi. With an increased number of fraternities in the field, the chapter has never stood lower than fourth. Intramural basketball and baseball had recently been developed at K. S. A. C. and the end of each season found Alpha Tau Omega near the head of the Greek letter list. 7.16 Book of Records The officers for 1921-22 were: Worthy Master Worthy Chaplain Worthy Keeper of Exchequer Worthy Keeper of Annals Worthy Scribe Worthy Usher Worthy Sentinel T. Rolfe Smith Charles Walter R. Perry J. Hershey Robert S. Love L. Allyn Laybourn and N. Dale Lund Noah D. Zeigler and Lester A. Dumond Don S. Hall For 1922-23, the following were elected to office: Worthy Master Worthy Chaplain Worthy Keeper of Exchequer Worthy Keeper of Annals Worthy Scribe Worthy Usher Worthy Sentinel Woodbury Charles R. Smith Brom D. Hixson E. Weir Hall C. Morton Rust Ernest H. Buyer Philip R. John P. Hale Three traditions worthy of mention were inaugurated into the life of Delta Theta during the early years. Brother Elmer D. McCollum, upon his graduation in 1921, presented to the chapter a silver loving cup which is to be presented at the end of each college year to the man who, in the opinion of the active chapter (now the outgoing Worthy Master), has done the most for the chapter during the past year. The first man to receive this cup was Charles C. McPherson in 1922. Also to accompany this, McCollum gave a leather bound book which is to contain a biography of each man to whom this cup is presented. When Brother Walter J. Rogers graduated at the end of the first semester of 1921-22, he presented the chapter with a leather bound book in which is to be kept a biography of each and every Worthy Master (President) of Delta Theta, the biography in each case to be written by the succeeding Worthy Master. Brother Rolfe, at his graduation in 1922, presented to the chapter a leather bound book in which is to be kept a complete history of Kansas Delta Theta in the form of a Worthy Masters' history. Each Worthy Master, after his successor has been chosen, is to write up the history of the chapter during his period of office, giving not only facts but also his views concerning the affairs of the fraternity during that time. The chapter's early history, written by Walter R. Horlacher, was to form the beginning of that book. The early history was originally written on the request of Claude T. Reno, ΑΤΩ Historian, who wanted the information to aid him in updating "Reno's Manual". "Reno's Manual" was ΑΤΩ's history book until Harry L. Bird compiled it into the first volume of the ΑΤΩ Story. With the exception of the silver loving cup and a copy of the history, all the abovementioned items were lost during the World War II years. Up to this time, Delta Theta had two house mothers or chaperons. The first was Mrs. Louise Stall, who was with the chapter only 1 2 semesters. She left because she wanted to be with her daughter who was in a distant state. To follow her, the chapter was very fortunate in securing the services of Mrs. S. C. Pettit, who had considerable experience in such work, was an excellent manager and was untiring in her efforts to do something for her boys. She found a place in the hearts of the members that no house mother had heretofore found and it was with the feelings of greatest regret that the chapter heard her announce at the close of the school year in 1922 that she, too, was going to another state in order to be with her daughter. Mrs. George S. Murphy was secured for the place and she, having had considerable experience in social work, did make an excellent Housemother. B ook of Records 7.17 Due to the fact that the new house was being paid for, an attempt was made to hold the expenses for social events down as low as possible. It thus happens that no elaborate parties had been given by Delta Theta. However, the desire for a formal party could not be suppressed; and on May 19, 1922, a formal dinner dance was given-dinner being at the Gillett Hotel and the dance at the Elks' Hall. This was the first formal party ever given by the organization since its inception in 1912. A social custom inaugurated in 1921 was to have a picnic each Decoration Day. It sometimes happens that in an organization such as a chapter of a fraternity, there is one man who has made a name for himself such as few men can hope to make or ever will make. Delta Theta had such a man in its early years in the person of Ray B. Watson. Ray is commonly known as "Tate" among his brothers because when he was in the coal fields he had an insatiable appetite; and in order to appease this, to some extent he would carry with him a baked potato which he ate between meals. Everyone in the country who was a follower of track athletics had heard the name of Watson, especially during the early 1920's when he had run several match races with Joie Ray of the Illinois Athletic Club who was heralded as the world's premier middle-distance runner. Watson=s home was in Wichita, Kansas, and it was there that he went through high school. But while in high school, he was only a fair track man and he entered K. S. A. C. unknown for his ability on the cinder track. It was during his sophomore year that he began to attract notice by winning the one mile run at the Kansas City Athletic Club indoor meet in 4:40. During his last two years, he was a runner feared by all in the Missouri Valley. During these two years, he either won or purposely lost to a teammate every race, with two exceptions, which he entered in Missouri Valley Conference meets. These exceptions were both at all-Valley meets and in each case he had run a hard mile earlier in the meet, in one instance equaling the Valley record of 4:22.4, whereas the man who won each of these races had been fresh when he started. As has been mentioned before, he was captain of track during his senior year. He held the K. S. A. C. record for the mile at 4:21.6, and the Valley record for the two mile at 9:41. His fastest time in the half mile is 1:59.2. These last two were also former K. S. A. C. records. In the summer of 1920, Watson entered the tryouts for the Olympic Games. At Chicago, where the tryouts for this district were held, he won first place in the 5000 meter race. He had run a 4:12 in the mile, but the coach wanted him in the 5000 meter race. He then had to go to Boston for the final tryout. En route there, he stopped off at New York to enter the tryout for the steeplechase. While this was the first time he had ever entered that event, he qualified for the team. While running this race, he stepped in a water hazard, and when he went to put his shoes on for the race in Boston a few days later he found the soles to be wrinkled and cracked from the effects of the water. It was then, however, too late to secure another pair before the race started. He had run only a little way before his feet became blistered and made running a great torture to him. He did not qualify in this race, and so went to the Olympics in Belgium entered in the steeplechase only. He placed seventh in this race to which he was not well adapted and bout which he knew little. In 1921, Brother Watson was first in the mile at the NCAA meet, with a time of 4:23.4. During the year, after his graduation, he took graduate work at K. S. A. C. and assisted in coaching the track team. He found time to keep trim, and beginning in the summer of 1921 he ran five match races with Joie Ray. Four of these had been mile races, two of which had been won by each man. The other race was 1000 yards and was won by Joie Ray. The last event of the school year was the evening of May 27, 1922, when one of these match races was run on Ahearn Field, K. S. A. C. This race was especially noteworthy from the fact that it was run after dusk and the track was lighted by parking cars around the entire course and throwing the light from them on the track. This race was won by Joie Ray, but by only a very few inches. The remarkable time of 4:16.6 was made. It was believed that the world's record would be broken by one or the other of these runners before long, and all Alpha Taus sincerely hoped that Watson would be the one to do it. In 1924, Brother Watson again made the Olympic team. He qualified in the 800 meter race by running the distance in 1:52.2 at Ann Arbor, Michigan, which was three-tenths of a second slower than the world's record at that time. The Olympics were held in Paris, France. 7.18 Book of Records The success of Brother Watson is all the more remarkable from the fact that when he was a boy he had a shotgun accident that deprived him of his entire right hand and the thumb of his left hand. This accident left him a bundle of nerves and it was several years before he recovered from the shock. During his college career, he was undoubtedly the most popular and best liked man in school. He was Editor of The Royal Purple Yearbook, a member of Alpha Zeta and Gamma Sigma Delta, Both honorary agricultural fraternities, College Yell Leader, very active in class affairs, a member of a literary society and active in other organizations. Every Alpha Tau and especially every member of Kansas Delta Theta is proud to be able to call him "Brother". He was the type of ΑΤΩ for which the Thomas Arkle Clark Award was later created. The chapter prospered and grew during the remaining years of the 1920s. Delta Theta immediately took its place among other ΑΤΩ chapters in helping to set policies for the fraternity by sending representatives to attend the biannual Congresses. There were two Congresses of special significance in the 1920s. John Hale represented the chapter at the Philadelphia Congress of 1925. ΑΤΩ Founder Otis Allan Glazebrook was able to attend. In 1929, Henry Waldridge and Bill Daniels represented the chapter at the Los Angeles Congress, which was held to honor ΑΤΩ Founder Erskine Mayo Ross. During this period in history, Province III (later becoming Province XVIII) held various province conclaves. One of the more memorable conclaves was held in February of 1924. In attendance at the conclave, which also included an initiation of pledges of the various chapters, were Thomas Arkle Clark, former National President; John Van der Vries of the High Council; Ralph E. Weaverling, WGKA; and Willard M. Benton, Chief of Province III (who later became National President). The tradition of high chapter scholarship was maintained throughout the 1920s. The best effort was a second place finish for the fall semester of 1924. Since its beginnings, chapter members have always been involved in many activities and named to campus honoraries. Such honoraries as Sigma Tau, Steel Ring, Delta Phi Epsilon, Phi Alpha Mu, Scabbard and Blade, Blue Key, Gold Key, Order of Omega, Mortar Board and others had ΑΤΩs as members. Some of the chapters most active members were C. R. Smith, Collegian Editor; P. R. Woodbury, President of the Dairy Club; Gardner Rhodes, Freshman Class treasurer; Charles McPherson, President of SSGA and Earl Richardson, Royal Purple and Collegian Editor. In the spring of 1925, the freshman, sophomore and junior classes each had an officer from the chapter: Harry Felton, Junior Class treasurer; Elmer Canary, Sophomore Class treasurer; and Pat Rhodes, Freshman Class treasurer. Intramurals were relatively new on the campus in the 1920s. ΑΤΩ started fielding good teams from the beginning and many finished near the top in most sports. Swimming was the chapter's best sport, as we won first place in 1926 and 1929. While Ray B. Watson was a nationally-known athlete from the chapter, Delta Theta also had other fine athletes that represented the College. John Steiner was an All Missouri Valley guard in football in the early 1920s. Gil Wann was captain of the tennis team and a member of the basketball team. Also playing for the basketball team during this period were P. R. Woodbury and Lou Grothusen. Frank Willey was an outstanding track team member. In the late 1920s, K. C. Bauman, as a member of the football team, was considered one of the top linemen in the area. Bill Daniels was a fine end on the same team. Phil Carter was captain of the swim team and one of the few in the country at that time to clear 13 feet in the pole vault. Kirk Ward was captain of the baseball team and also participated in track. Hank Karns was an ace on the baseball team pitching staff and Lawrence Staley was a member of both the basketball and baseball teams. These were just some of the members that participated in varsity athletics. Ted Curtis, an ΑΤΩ from the University of Chicago, was the freshman football coach and varsity basketball and baseball coach during the early part of the decade. In the era of the 1920s, scarlet fever and mumps were still major health problems. In 1923, scarlet fever hit the campus and the house was quarantined. In 1925, a member of the chapter came down with the mumps and the house was quarantined for 18 days. Both of the quarantines put the chapter behind, but they responded in the traditional ΑΤΩ way and fought back their old position as one of the top chapters on the campus. B ook of Records 7.19 6. THE ALUMNI CORPORATIONS (1919-Present) The Alumni Association of Kansas Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega has served the chapter with distinction for many years. It was before Alpha Theta Chi had submitted a formal petition to Alpha Tau Omega that a group of enthusiastic alumni called themselves together at 12:30 P.M., November 20, 1919, and began activities which finally established an association of alumni for Delta Theta. This particular night of organization was preceded by the Homecoming football game with Oklahoma University and a real fraternity smoker. It was at the close of the smoker that the idea prompted the alumni to band themselves together to work for a better fraternity chapter. The officers elected at this time were only temporary and were to serve until a constitution could be formulated and passed by the alumni members of the chapter. Brother P. J. Newman was elected Chairman and Brother Gabe Sellers was elected Secretary-Treasurer. A committee was appointed to draft a constitution and present it at the next annual meeting. This meeting was to have been the Homecoming of 1920, but installation by Alpha Tau Omega and a confusion of football dates that fall made a meeting impossible. Even though that year passed without an annual meeting of the association, the alumni kept on working under the temporary officers. At the Homecoming of 1921, Brother Elmer D. McCollum was elected Chairman, Brother Walter R. Horlacher Vice-Chairman and Brother Ray B. Watson Secretary-Treasurer. The new administration was authorized to appoint a constitutional committee and submit the articles to the alumni for approval. This was done and the organization began its work as a fully constituted body on March 4, 1922. The alumni have always been the backbone of the chapter. As early as 1920, they solicited $100 from the alumni members so that the chapter could own the Chapter House. Then in 1923, the chapter signed the ownership of the house over to the alumni. The alumni then took care of the maintenance and improvements. With these new business responsibilities, the Kansas Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Alumni Association was incorporated under the laws of the State of Kansas on October 25, 1927. In the late 1920's, the Alumni Association realized the Chapter House was inadequate because it couldn =t hold all of Delta Theta's members. So they sold the house and rented a larger one in 1931. Then in 1941, with Steve Delladio as Treasurer of the Alumni Association and Fred Klemp helping out, they raised funds to buy the house. They also started a "Buck of the Month Club" to refurnish the home. During the 1930's, the Homecoming meeting was the highlight of the year. The alumni during these meetings handled business matters and renewed fraternal friendships with the other alumni brothers. As a special innovation, they also had invited guest speakers to add to the program. These speakers included Worthy Grand Chiefs Sidney B. Fithian and Willard M. Benton. Fithian was the man who did much to bring the National Fraternity through the Depression solvent and united. Because of World War II, the house was sold in 1944. Then in 1947, Brother Delladio organized a fund raising drive to acquire another Chapter House. The goal was reached with enthusiastic alumni. The Vintage proved very helpful in rekindling interest lost during the War. In 1950, the chapter celebrated its 30th Anniversary with one of the largest turnouts of the chapter =s history. In 1952, the alumni started having a spring meeting in addition to the regular fall meeting. Then in 1953, a committee was appointed to look into the possibility of enlarging the Chapter House. This committee consisted of J. B. Angle, L. A. Laybourn, Fred Klemp and Hank Karns. It was decided to building an addition to the house, which is discussed in a later chapter. It was also decided to divide the Alumni Association into three units: the Alumni Association, the Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Building Corporation and the Kansas State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid Endowment Fund. The basic Alumni Association was retained to keep alumni informed of Delta Theta events through the Vintage and its fall meetings are the traditional Alpha Tau reunions. It is maintained through voluntary dues. 7.20 Book of Records The Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Building Corporation was set up to organize fund raising drives for the physical plant and handle the administration and management of the physical structure. Life memberships in the corporation were obtained by $100 donations to it. It is run by a Board of Directors elected from the corporation members. The Building Corporation was incorporated on December 1, 1954. Finally, the Kansas State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid Endowment Fund was established and is regarded as one of the best innovations to help chapter members. It was founded with a Board of Directors to administer and invest the funds donated by various alumni. It is a tax-exempt charitable foundation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It gives scholarships every semester to deserving active chapter members and pledges for attaining high scholarship, grants-in-aid to needy member and other awards to officers and outstanding brothers. The Endowment Fund was incorporated on June 17, 1954. By 1954, the building project was in full swing and a new addition was completed in 1955. Much of the credit for reorganizing the Alumni Association and consequently all it accomplishes goes to one of Delta Theta =s most outstanding alumni, Brother L. Allyn Laybourn. The corporate structure of the Building Corporation was a major factor in the organization of the new Chapter House building project that resulted in the Chapter House at 1632 McCain Lane. It gave a sophistication to the project, especially in dealing with the contractor and lending institutions. The Alumni Association and the Building Corporation, in conjunction with the chapter, organized one of the finest weekends in Delta Theta history: the Chapter House Dedication and 50th Anniversary Celebration, held October 31, 1970. Many hours of work went into the planning and preparation which resulted in an outstanding day in the opinion of the many alumni who attended. The details of the celebration are discussed in a later chapter. The Kansas Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Alumni Association was chartered as a recognized Alumni Association by the National Fraternity on May 7, 1974, upon petition submitted on behalf of the Alumni Association by Dale K. Allen, Larry W. Emig and William L. Muir III. The Alumni Association has sent a delegate to every ΑΤΩ Congress since its chartering in 1974. B ook of Records 7.21 7. THE THIRTIES: DEVELOPMENT DESPITE DEPRESSION (1930-1939) The 1930s brought the Great Depression to the United States, but to Delta Theta it brought times of success and improvement. This is not to say that the chapter didn't have some bad times because like everyone, they did. However, the good events put in the background the tough part of the 1930's. After spending their first ten years in the house at 1642 Fairchild, it became obvious that the chapter needed a larger home, as the present one could not hold all the active members. In 1931, after selling the old house, the alumni began renting a white frame house. The chapter moved into their new home at 1430 Fairchild on May 17, 1931. The newly-acquired house was an improvement. It was originally built as a fraternity house and the location was more convenient. It was a three story structure and could accommodate forty men. The chapter now had a competitive Chapter House to help it grow. In 1941, it was decided that it would be better to own the house. Under the direction of the Alumni Association treasurer Steve Delladio, a drive was begun to raise the money. When the funds were secured, a down payment was made and the chapter paid its rent to the alumni for the upkeep of the house. A "Buck of the Month Club" was also started under the direction of Fred Klemp to raise money to refurnish and remodel the house. It was during the 1930s that an organization was started that has always been a tremendous help to the chapter. The Mothers Club was organized on March 28, 1933 by the house mother, Mrs. Kinniburgh. The organization was named "The Virginia Calvert Key Smith Glazebrook Stars and Crescents Mothers Club" after ΑΤΩ Founder Otis Glazebrook's first wife. It was so chosen because she had been an inspiration to early members of Alpha Tau Omega around Richmond, Virginia and always had an open house for the men. The first officers were President Mrs. A. E. White, Vice President Mrs. J. R. Mathews, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. J. B. Owen. The Club helped the chapter continually through the 1930s as the mothers of chapter members gave both time and money to keep the Chapter House like a home. The Mothers Club got started again after World War II and with various gifts helped make the newlyacquired house a home again. The house mother, Mrs. L. E. Keefer, was prime organizer in getting the Mothers Club going again. Mrs. Keefer was also the donor of one of the chapter's most prized possessions: the lighted Badge in the Chapter Room. Over the years, fathers would participate in the meetings and help with ideas and the work of the organization. The name was changed to the Parents Club in 1985. The 1930's produced not only some of the chapter's best but also Kansas State's best athletes. One of these men, Hank Cronkite, is discussed later in this chapter. Cronkite was the University's first All-American football player in 1931. Two other football players who were All-Big Six during their careers are "Dodging" Dougal Russell in 1932 and 1933 and Howard Cleveland in 1937. Russell was also named as an honorable mention AllAmerican. Bill Daniels and Lee Morgan were also outstanding football players in the 1930s. Dale Duncan was captain of the wrestling team and Clair Worthy was one of the fanciest tennis players of the era. There were many other Taus in athletics during this period, this section can only cover a few of them. The chapter members were in many activities. One of the best examples of this is Roger Crow, who later became a general in the United States Air Force. While in school, he was high ranking in ROTC, played football, and was a member of Sigma Tau and Blue Key Senior Men's honorary. He still had time to give to the chapter as Worthy Master. Brother Crow also brought prominence to the chapter for being well known on campus, as he was chosen "Big Man on Campus". Lloyd Riggs is also an example of Delta Theta brothers being in important posts on campus. Brother Riggs was Collegian Business Manager. These are just a couple of examples of the caliber of men who were active members of Delta Theta in the 1930s. 7.22 Book of Records Intramurals are a very important of fraternity life and of Delta Theta tradition. In the 1930s, the chapter did real well. To demonstrate this, the chapter won the basketball crown in 1936, 1937 and 1939; the track crown in 1938; and the baseball crown in 1932. A man who deserves special recognition is Hank Cronkite. "Hi Henry", as he was sometimes called by sports writers, came to Kansas State in the fall of 1928, at the age of seventeen, at a height of 6' 5 2" and weighing about 195 pounds. Hank wanted to play basketball, but reported for football until basketball season started. Coach "Bo" McMillen saw great possibilities in him as an end and so made sure he reported for practice the next fall. In his sophomore year, he got the reputation of being hard to tackle when the ball was passed to him. On defense, it was impossible to run around his end. At the end of the 1929 season, Hank was given an end position on the All-Kansas selection and mentioned on several Big Six mythical teams. In 1930, he weighed about 206 pounds. His surprise tackles and his ability to catch impossible passes soon had every opponent worried. Throughout the season, he was in on almost every play and if the play didn =t come his way, he went to it and spilled almost as many plays on the other end of the line as he did on his own. He was gifted with almost super-human sense of where the ball was going. When Hank completed a seemingly impossible pass and raced for a touchdown to beat Nebraska, the Huskers first loss to the Wildcats, he was elected captain for the 1931 season. He was only nineteen, the youngest man then to ever captain a Wildcat team. In 1930, he was placed on every Big Six team and given honorable mention on the mythical All-American team which was picked by The New York Sun. In 1931, looking for new laurels, he literally tore the opposing lines to pieces. One writer said of him "this throw-back to Neanderthal man can take out a defensive tackle unaided." He was a good-natured, likeable fellow and had the admiration and respect of not only his teammates but the student body as well. Hank was always called upon when a few points were needed to win a game. He could run from a backfield position as a surprise maneuver or, when a place-kick was in order, he would invariably come through. This was shown in the game with West Virginia in 1931, when he kicked two field goals from ranges of 40 and 46 yards, with the field muddy and the ball coated with slime. In 1931, all the selections for the Big Six teams placed him on right end and gave him captaincy as well. The following are some of the All-American teams he was placed on: New York Sun, New York Times, New York World-Telegram, Chicago Tribune, United Press and NEA New Service. Walt Trumbull (noted sports columnist), The Associated Press and the International News gave him berths on their second teams. He also was unanimously placed on the All-Kansas selection. All of this entitled Hank to the distinction of being Kansas State's first All-American. Some of the leading sports writers in America stated that Henry Cronkite is a combination of the Michigan great Benny Oasterbaan and Ned Glass, the All-American super-man of the 1902 Yale team. Along with his football prowess, Hank excelled in two other sports. He put the shot on the track team in no mean manner and played center on the basketball team, consistently out-jumping all comers. He usually left the court at the end of the game with high-point honors of the team. Another unusual thing about Hank's record is that his exceptional scoring ability extended to the field of scholarship, in which he accumulated sufficient points to be graduated "cum laude" in the spring of 1932. With all of his athletics and studies, Hank still had time to give to the chapter. He did his part with the same zeal as when he was playing football. In his senior year, he was Worthy Master of the chapter and did much to aid its success that year. There are so few men with all these qualities that it is too bad that Alpha Tau Omega had not yet created the Thomas Arkle Clark Award for Henry Oliver Cronkite deserved it. In 1966, Belle Plaine, Kansas, Hank Cronkite's home town, had a memorial scoreboard in his honor placed at the high school football field. It was paid for by donations. Delta Theta Chapter was one of the donors. B ook of Records 7.23 8. THE WORLD WAR II YEARS AND REBUILDING (1940-1947) As with many ΑΤΩ chapters during World War II, Delta Theta experienced some dark years. But there was that old Tau spark among several ΑΤΩs left in Manhattan that kept the chapter going. During the early years of the war, the chapter didn't suffer too much. They had some of these better years. They were still holding up good scholastically and had men in many of the honoraries on campus. ΑΤΩs were in other campus activities including some of K-State's better athletes. Francis Gwin, Wallace Swanson and Don Munzer are examples, as they were some of the Wildcat's best football players with Gwin serving as captain of the 1942 team. Another outstanding athlete was Glenn Duncan, a top wrestler. The chapter was also maintaining its winning tradition in intramurals. They got off to a good start winning the volleyball title in 1941 and even as late as the spring of 1943, the chapter was near the top in the overall rankings. All this just wasn't to last as the United States kept increasing its mobilization. Men were leaving for the war during the early years, but it wasn't until the spring of 1943 that most of the members finally had departed for the war. This started the darkest years. By the spring of 1944, Delta Theta had only one pledge representing it on campus. At this critical time, alumnus Steve Delladio came to the aid of the chapter and initiated the pledge, Charles Ottman, in November of 1944. The drive to rebuild had begun. The chapter suffered one setback during the rebuilding drive. In 1944, the alumni had to sell the house. The active membership had been depleted and, trying to hang on to the property, it was rented to the College in school year 1943-44 for Army men. Finally, it became too much of a financial burden and so, to salvage some of the equity, it was sold. All the while, however, the rebuilding drive was under way and four men were pledged and initiated in the spring of 1945. Eleven former actives returned to the chapter during the fall and spring semesters of 1945-46. Seven men were initiated during the school year, bringing the active numbers to 18. One former pledge returned and 13 men were pledged during the school year. Chapter meetings were held during the 1945-46 school year at the home of Steve Delladio. Francis Gwin was elected Worthy Master and the chapter began planning a drive for a new Chapter House. The Alumni Association started a fund raising campaign and Brother Delladio contributed a good sum to it. Francis Gwin and Don Munzer went to the "Homecoming Congress" in Chicago to reestablish relations with the National Fraternity, as they had been severed by the war. This Congress was referred to as "Operation Homecoming", as it brought the chapters together again after the war and welcomed home all the returning brother veterans. In the fall of 1946, things began to look good for ΑΤΩ. Wilber Engelland was elected Worthy Master for that year. It started exceptionally well as Delta Theta took 25 pledges, bringing the total membership up to 45. The Country Club was rented one night a month to enable the chapter to stay active socially. It was also during this school year that the chapter found a temporary place to live together until a house could be found. It was the half completed dormitory in West Stadium of Memorial Stadium. Despite the noise and confusion, the chapter ranked fifth in scholarship among 19 fraternities. To help encourage and promote good grades among the new members, a fine tradition was started. Starting in 1947, the honor initiate of each pledge class received a jeweled pin. This tradition was taken one step further in 1955. Starting that year, the honor initiate's name was engraved on an honor initiate paddle to be displayed in the Chapter House. Both these traditions continue to this day. 7.24 Book of Records In addition to building back up the Tau tradition of good grades, they once again had men in campus leadership positions and honoraries. ΑΤΩs were presidents of the YMCA, the K Fraternity, Sigma Tau and the Business Club. Two members, Clarence Heath and Larry King, were on the football team. Clarence Heath was captain of the K-State team in 1946 and was named to play in the MO-KAN game in Kansas City. He was also named by the ΑΤΩ Palm to the All-ΑΤΩ team. The membership was built back up, the ΑΤΩ leadership and grade traditions were back and there was only one thing left--a Chapter House. In this project, Brother Delladio once again took command. As treasurer of the Alumni Association, he organized a drive to raise money for the purchase of a house for the chapter. With generous donations and hard work, the drive was successful and the alumni were able to purchase a house. It was a native limestone house on the northwest corner of the campus and was once the country home of a prominent Manhattan resident. This location earned the members the title of "Country Gentlemen". The college also wanted to buy the land, but reluctantly let Delta Theta have it. The purchase was made two weeks before school started in the fall of 1947, with Steve Delladio and J. B. Wohlberg handling the arrangements. The members pitched in and remodeled it for Rush Week. The address of the house was 1730 Claflin, later changed to 1408 Denison when the city rerouted Claflin. The alumni had hoped to build a completely new house in a couple of years, but the rising costs of materials after the war prohibited it. The dedication of the converted country home was thus held on Homecoming, October 25, 1947, after the Kansas State-Nebraska football game. This concludes one of the most critical chapters in Delta Theta's history and much of the credit goes to Brother Steve Delladio, who brought life back to the chapter. The chapter had survived World War II and many of the chapter members who returned were men who had left the house in the early 1940s to help defend the country. However, four of those brothers who had defended the country were not to return to the chapter or business life. These brothers, in giving up their lives, gave the last full measure of devotion for the preservation of freedom while serving their country. The four brothers and the dates of their deaths are: Brother William Lloyd Muir II Brother Ralph Thornton Rankin Brother John Bruce Nixon Brother Wilfred Eugene Burnham 1943 1944 1944 October January December March 15, 1945 20, 26, 15, Before this chapter covering Delta Theta through World War II can come to an end, it must be noted that one of the chapter's alumnus was helping Province XVIII through the troubled times. In 1946, Fred Klemp, with a warm friendly personality and a driving spirit, was appointed as Chief of Province XVIII by Worthy Grand Chief John MacGregor after the war and worked with the chapters of the province to get them moving again. He had to resign the post in 1950 because of his business schedule. B ook of Records 7.25 9. THE NEW WING AND THE POST-WAR ERA THROUGH THE 1950'S (1948-1959) With Delta Theta's reorganization at the end of World War II, the chapter had a new Chapter House location. It was an old stone country house before the campus moved out that far. The house was remodeled by the members, but was too small to house the Taus ever-increasing numbers, as more and more men returned from the war. The Alumni Association decided that something had to be done. They could either build a new house or add on to the present one. They decided it would be best to build an addition to the present house. Extensive planning and soliciting for funds were well underway by the school year of 1954-55. The program was run very well and enthusiastically. Many alumni helped out in this very necessary drive, but it was J. B. Angle and L. Allyn Laybourn who did most of the work to make the new wing a reality. Brother Angle traveled extensively, personally soliciting funds and Brother Laybourn reorganized the alumni program and handled many of the details. Both men contributed considerable time and money. Two other men who did yeoman work to help organize and handle the campaign were Fred Klemp, former Chief of Province XVIII and the President of the Alumni Association during the campaign; and Lloyd Riggs, President of the Building Corporation. At the ground breaking ceremony on February 26, 1955, Delta Theta had one of its biggest reunions. It was not only the ground breaking for the $80,000 addition, but also marked the 35th Anniversary of the chapter. Participating in the ceremonies, in addition to the brothers already mentioned, were Ralph E. Weaverling, Kansas and Nebraska >11, who was Chief of Province III and Installing Officer when Delta Theta was chartered in 1920; Dr. W. Clark Wescoe, Chief of Province XVIII at the time; and W. Bruce Wren, the Worthy Master. Also on hand were some of the chapter's charter member: J. B. Angle, Walter J. Rogers, Ray B. Watson, Carl Rodewald, Ernest Bebb, P. J. Newman, Gabe Sellers and Ted Woodbury. The reunion weekend provided several occasions for bull sessions and reminiscences. A coffee hour was held at the Wareham Hotel and was followed by a business meeting of the alumni and actives to discuss the building project. Saturday afternoon initiation was held for Herschel Staats while the alumni looked on, recalling the time when they first met the mysteries of Alpha Tau Omega. Saturday night was highlighted by a banquet where Kansas State University President James A. McCain spoke. The weekend was brought to a close Sunday with a buffet dinner served at the house after the ground breaking ceremonies. Now the new wing was in the workman's hands and they didn't waste any time, as the addition was ready for use by the fall semester of 1955. The dedication was on April 21, 1956. With the addition completed, the chapter was finally able to have most of its members live in the Chapter House, something that hadn't been since World War II. The chapter once again had the physical plant to carry on the fine traditions of Alpha Tau Omega. The new wing was the major event of this era, but there were other important happenings at Delta Theta. The year 1949 brought some recognition from Province XVIII to the chapter. Kenneth Bell, who came into the chapter after the war, was named the Province XVIII Thomas Arkle Clark Award winner. Brother Bell was the first member of Delta Theta to win the award, which was started in 1935. He was a man of activities at K-State and Worthy Master of the chapter. 7.26 Book of Records After the war, the National Headquarters established "Help Week" as a replacement for "Hell Week". This was the adoption of a program that was started at the Indiana chapter. Delta Theta took the idea to heart and in the school year 1949-50 became one of the first ΑΤΩ chapters to establish "Help Week". As Alpha Tau Omega was the first fraternity in the national to abolish "Hell Week" for "Help Week", Delta Theta was the first fraternity to practice it at Kansas State University. Just one more instance to show Delta Theta's leadership heritage. Alpha Tau Omega became an international fraternity in 1947 by establishing a chapter in British Columbia, Canada. In the spring of 1949, an international flavor was added to Delta Theta too. The chapter pledged and initiated a foreign student, Malcolm (Mac) Tornqvist of Norrkoping, Sweden. He broadened the life of the Taus through the early 1950s and was one of the most well thought of men in the chapter. Mac was also well known and liked on campus--he was elected Favorite Man on Campus (FMOC) by the K-State coeds. After graduation, he returned to Sweden. In 1949, the chapter took on a project to help a war orphan. Delta Theta was able to "adopt" a war orphan by having each member pay fifty cents per month. The chapter, continuing its interest in helping the less fortunate, gave a Christmas party for underprivileged children in 1952. These are just two examples of Delta Theta =s interest in helping others. Shortly after the new wing was completed, Ellis Rainsberger, Delta Theta's best athlete of the 1950s, joined the chapter. Ellis played guard on the K-State football team of the late 1950s. He was one of the most outstanding players in the Big Seven and made the All Big Seven teams in 1956 and 1957. In addition to this, he was the captain of K-State =s team during this period. Rainsberger was coached by Bus Mertes, an ΑΤΩ from Iowa, who became head coach at K-State in 1953. He resigned at the end of the 1959 season. During the 1950s, the chapter was a regular finalist in Y-Orpheum (changed to Harlequinade in 1965). Delta Theta's skit placed first in 1952 and third in 1956. As has been the norm throughout its history, chapter members were involved in many activities and named to various honoraries. The honoraries included not only Greek letter organizations, but also other name organizations such as Blue Key. Some of the outstanding active men of the chapter during this period include Rollin Vickery, named outstanding freshman from Phi Kappa Phi; Gene Grabs, Ag Magazine staff, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Kappa Phi and Phi Kappa Phi freshman recognition; Jack Harmon, Vice President of Young Republicans and a member of the gymnastic team; Leland Fager, member of the Union Special Promotion Committee; and Bruce Wilson, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Alpha Theta, President of National Collegiate Players and General Chairman of the Student Union Executive Committee. There were many other members that were also very active. B ook of Records 7.27 10. YEARS OF ACTIVITIES AND HONORS LEAD TO THE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY (1960-1968) During the 1960s, the chapter and its members were involved in many activities and received numerous honors. Two men who contributed greatly to the total were Al Gentry and Bruce Heckman. Both brothers, in addition to their honors and activities, demonstrated outstanding scholarship and good leadership traits. Both were honored as the Province XVIII Thomas Arkle Clark Award winner, Gentry in 1967 and Heckman in 1968. Brother Gentry was also among the top honorees in the National contest. A few of the qualifications of Brother Gentry were Student Senator, Union Governing Board, Union Program Council, member of the President =s Commission, Chairman of Homecoming activities, Blue Key, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Beta Kappa, top senior men's GPA of 3.9+, Putnam and National Merit Scholar and served the chapter in various offices including Treasurer. Brother Heckman was Chairman of Union Governing Board and president of a student political party. He was a member of Architecture and Design Council, the Traffic Control Board, the President's Cabinet, Blue Key and was runner-up in the Favorite Man on Campus contest and served the chapter in various offices including President for one semester. The chapter had many fine scholars during this period. Those that graduated with close to a 4.000 average included Lewis Watson, Kent Crawford, Mark Dreiling, Alan Smith, Al Gentry, Jim Gentry and Bob Overman. The chapter maintained its tradition of good scholarship. The highlights were finishing fifth among fraternities in 1965-66 and fifth and sixth during the semesters of 1968. The chapter also received from ΑΤΩ a High Council Scholarship Improvement Award for the performance in 1965-66. The chapter continued its fine showing in Y-Orpheum, being selected as a finalist in 1961-64 and was also a finalist in 1965, when the skit competition name was change to Harelquinade. A first place trophy for Homecoming house decorations was received by the chapter in 1962. The chapter also won a first place for their Homecoming float in 1964. The joy of that weekend was somewhat dampened when vandals set fire to the float Homecoming night with the fire coming dangerously close to the Chapter House. The chapter took fourth place in the 1966 competition. The Chariot Relays were entered by ΑΤΩ almost every year. The best showings were a fourth place finish in 1960 and a second place in 1968. ΑΤΩ, in conjunction with Chi Omega, won the Beauty and the Beast Contest in 1969. The contest was to raise money for worthy causes at K-State and a vote for a contestant cost a penny. The chapter itself initiated many worthwhile projects. In the spring of 1962, it located school books which were packed and sent to Brother Ron Joy, who was doing work for the Peace Corps in the Philippines. Among some of the other projects were Christmas and Easter parties for underprivileged children and those in hospitals. The fine tradition established in intramurals was maintained by the Taus during the 1960s. The chapter =s best finishes in the All-Sports standings were third place in 1963-64 and fourth place in 1965-66. ΑΤΩ teams won many division championships and numerous individual titles were won. During the early part of the decade, ΑΤΩ had several of K-State's outstanding wrestlers. Dee Gard competed in the NCAA championships. Walter Couch and John Fettes also were top wrestler. Wade Johnson was the top pitcher on the K-State baseball team during the middle part 1960's, having one of the lowest earned run averages in the Big 8 Conference. Bob Randall was one of the top infielders in the Conference and eventually signed with the Minnesota Twins. Alan Smith, a top scholar, also found time to lead the Wildcat tennis team as its #1 player. Paul Hanney, playing monster man, helped to lead the K-State football program's resurgence in the late 1960s. ΑΤΩs served as head football coach during the entire decade: Doug Weaver (Michigan State) coached the team from 1960-66. Vince Gibson (Florida State) took the job in 1967 and brought K-State from the Big 8 cellar to a top contender, assisted by Don Powell, another Florida State ΑΤΩ, who became the top assistant and offensive coach. 7.28 Book of Records In addition to honors earned by the chapter as a whole, as had been previously mentioned, many personal honors were achieved by individuals which in turn brought prestige to ΑΤΩ. Bruce Heckman and Bob Overman were finalists in the Favorite Man on Campus competition, John Granquist and Stu Erbentraut both were crowned King at Interfraternity Pledge Council Dances and Larry Emig was a finalist in the St. Patrick Contest. Leo Hadley was elected Vice President of the Interfraternity Council and served a term as Treasurer and one term as President of the Big 8 IFC. Dick Fagerberg became producer of Y-Orpheum and was instrumental in changing the skit productions name to Harlequinade to get away from its original YMCA identity. Jon Sederquist served as President of the Young Republicans, Pete Barrett and Jim Reardon were organizers of a campus political party, Klio Hobbs and Bob Graves both served as Photo Editor of The Collegian , Jim Johnson was a two-time President of the K-State Players, Bob Dobson was on the Dairy Cattle Judging team, Jack Diekman was a leader in Student Union activities as was Harry Hoesli, and Al Gentry and Jim Gentry served as Student Senators. These are just a few of the many brothers that were involved in activities that brought honor to themselves and the chapter. Other organizations to which ΑΤΩs were members include Union Governing Board, Union Program Council, Blue Key, Sigma Tau, Steel Ring, Alpha Epsilon Rho, Alpha Kappa Psi, Eta Kappa Nu, Scabbard and Blade, Arnold Air Society, KSDB-FM, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi and Glee Club. Alpha Tau Omega celebrated its 100th year in August of 1965 at the Chapter Officers' Conference held in Champaign, Illinois. ΑΤΩ also dedicated the Fraternity's new General Headquarters as a part of the Conference. Representing Delta Theta at the Conference and Dedication were Dick Fagerberg, Jim Swanson and Ron Roesler. Fred Klemp took time out from his business activity to be one of the speakers at the Conference and helped the delegates celebrate the Centennial. The first chapter installed by ΑΤΩ in its second century was Zeta Upsilon at Kearney State College in Nebraska. Delta Theta, along with the other chapters in Province XVIII, provided the men for the three installation teams. The men of Delta Theta were on the team that was given the honor of conducting the initiation ceremony for Kearney State's honor initiates. Representing Delta Theta were Bill Rock, Jim Swanson, Dick Fagerberg, Mike Mills and Richard Jacobson. During every armed conflict in which American men have fought since the founding of the chapter, Delta Theta has had brothers who served their country. The Vietnam Conflict was no exception. The chapter lost one of its finest members during this conflict, when on August 14, 1968, Brother Leo L. Hadley was killed while leading his company in defense of its position. Brother Hadley won several decorations for his service, including the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart. Brother Robert M. Hudson also must receive special note as he became a prisoner of war in North Vietnam in 1972. He was one of the last prisoners released at the end of hostilities in March of 1973. His conduct while a prisoner was a credit to both his country and his fraternity. B ook of Records 7.29 11. A DREAM COME TRUE -- A NEW CHAPTER HOUSE (1966-1970) Ever since the chapter moved into the house at 1408 Denison after World War II, the members had always hoped for a new permanent house designed and built especially for Delta Theta. In the spring of 1966, plans began to be formulated to build the chapter at 1632 McCain Lane. Through the years, the University had expressed interest in acquiring the house at 1408 Denison. In December of 1965, the University decided to pursue the project and made arrangements to look at the house. The Building Corporation at the same time got an appraisal. After a look at the appraisal and its current financial status, the University decided not to take any further action at that time. Worthy Master Dick Fagerberg decided that a positive approach should be taken and pursue every angle in an effort to get a new house for the chapter. The University was going to want the old Chapter House someday, so why not start plans for a new house now, was his reasoning. He contacted L. Allyn Laybourn, who had been the backbone on the Building Corporation. Laybourn's response was that he too thought plans should and could be made. Fagerberg contacted Dale Duncan about setting up a Building Corporation meeting for the spring. Duncan advised him that a formal plan of some kind was needed and suggested he contact J. B. Angle, who had returned to Manhattan from his business in the South to recover from a bout with arthritis. Angle and Fagerberg met in early April and it was decided that a proposed site should be found and that a proposal for a fund raising drive to buy the land be presented to the Building Corporation. Fagerberg went to the Kansas State University Endowment Association to find out if there were any more lots available in the Campus View Addition (now the Alvin A. Hostetler Addition). Kenneth Heywood, the Endowment Association Director, said that more lots were available, but were not developed at that time. He said the Endowment Association would develop them if a group were interested in acquiring a building site. Now Angle and Fagerberg had a definite idea to present to the Building Corporation Board of Directors. A meeting was held on April 15, 1966, and the basic proposal was thoroughly discussed. It was decided to have Angle, Fagerberg and Laybourn set out a formal plan and submit it for approval. The three drew up a plan which included a fund drive to make a down payment, and an increase in chapter rent to make payments until the old house could be sold. The second Building Corporation meeting was held on May 29, 1966, but not all of the Board members could be present so it was decided to conduct a mail vote so that each Board member could vote on this important matter. By mid-June, Jay Payne, the Building Corporation Secretary, had notified Angle that there was 100% approval of the proposal. He and Fagerberg went right to work to draft a letter to alumni. They appealed for $25 or whatever the alum could afford. The down payment on the land needed was $2,500. On July 1, 1966, the letters went out and checks started coming in the next week. As a reminder, a post card was sent out around August 1st to those who had not donated. The personal touch was also used as both brothers wrote personal letters to alumni they knew. By September 19, 1966, the money for the down payment had been raised and the fund drive was officially successful. The Endowment Association had not yet completed the survey of the proposed site and so the Building Corporation put down $500 to hold an option on the site until such time as the Endowment Association was ready to enter into the formal contract of sale. The fund raising drive was not only successful as a money raiser but also as a tool to revive interest in many alumni. John T. (Tom) Muir came forward during the fund drive and it was to be through his resourceful leadership that the new Chapter House project would be brought to a successful conclusion. 7.30 Book of Records At Homecoming on October 29, 1966, the Board of Directors ratified a chapter-passed resolution which provided for increased rents to make payments on the building site. While this money never had to be used to make payments (the option wasn't exercised until just before construction of the new house started), it was kept in savings and helped pay construction costs. It was also agreed that the next step would be to make every effort to get the old Chapter House sold to the University. J. B. Angle was not in attendance at the meeting because he had sufficiently recovered from his arthritis and had returned to his employment in the South. Brother Angle passed away that next summer as Delta Theta lost one of its finest brothers and an energetic worker for a new Chapter House. Tom Muir, who was an influential backer of the University, began a personal campaign on behalf of the Building Corporation to create interest in the University to buy the site at 1408 Denison. The University agreed to a meeting on April 13, 1967, to discuss the situation. Representing Delta Theta were Tom Muir, Dick Fagerberg and Worthy Master Bruce Heckman. Kansas State University was represented by Vice President for University Development C. Clyde Jones and University Comptroller Dan Beatty. It was agreed at the meeting that each would appoint an appraiser and they in turn would appoint a third. The three would set a value on the old Chapter House that could be used by both Delta Theta and K-State in negotiations. Several weeks later, Ken Heywood of the Endowment Association and Tom Muir agreed that since Delta Theta wouldn't need the new site immediately, the area wouldn't be developed or sold until Delta Theta was ready to begin construction. Under the authority of the Building Corporation, Muir kept negotiating with the University as to sale price. He also helped in trying to find a way for Kansas State University to be able to make the purchase with its relatively limited expansion budget. By December of 1967, a possible deal for the purchase of the old Chapter House was taking form. So that the Building Corporation would be ready when the negotiations were complete, letters were sent out to all Building Corporation Board of Directors members announcing a Special Meeting for February 17, 1968. Proxies were also sent out so that those unable to attend could vote on the two resolutions. The first resolution authorized the Board of Directors to sell the old Chapter House to the University and the second authorized the Directors to buy the land for the new Chapter House and negotiate contracts for the design and construction of the Chapter House. Both resolutions were passed at the meeting held at the Chapter House. However, before the sale could be final, a bill authorizing the land exchange between the University, the Endowment Association and the Building Corporation had to be passed by the Kansas Legislature. The bill was proposed by State Senator Charles Arthur of Manhattan, who happened to be an ΑΤΩ alumnus from the University of Kansas. 1968 Senate Bill No. 585 passed the Senate on March 3, 1968 and passed the House of Representatives on March 8, 1968. Governor Robert B. Docking signed it shortly thereafter and the bill became law on March 20, 1968. After the sale was approved by the Board of Regents and the Attorney General of Kansas, the land transfer was accomplished. The Building Corporation paid off the mortgage on the old Chapter House and put the remainder of the sale proceeds in a savings account to be used to help pay construction costs of the new Chapter House. The chapter kept paying the full amount of rent to the Building Corporation while the University allowed the Building Corporation to lease the old Chapter House from them for $100 per month for the next two years -- thus allowing the accumulation of the necessary funds to start construction of the new Chapter House. In May, Tom Muir was authorized to work out final arrangements on the purchase of the new site from the Endowment Association and to arrange for design and construction of the new Chapter House. At the same time, Larry Emig came forward to spearhead the fund drive. B ook of Records 7.31 Emig put in many hours in planning. By the fall of 1968, the fund drive was ready to begin, complete with a professionally printed brochure. Homecoming, November 16, 1968, was the official "kick off" for the campaign. Contributions and pledges started coming in from alumni in December. Walt Rogers, Building Corporation Treasurer, handled the big task of collecting and accounting for all the funds. Each alumnus donating $100 or more was designated as a Golden Donor in honor of the chapter's 50th Anniversary to be held in 1970 at the new Chapter House they helped to build. Emig was the driving force behind the fund drive. He coordinated the entire effort, composed all literature that was mailed out and made many personal visits throughout the state. Dick Fagerberg, who was serving a tour of duty with the Army, tried to be of assistance to Emig by sending personal letters to various alumni asking for donations. Worthy Grand Chief Stewart D. Daniels wrote a letter to Delta Theta alumni which was published in the Vintage expressing his great pleasure with the fund drive which showed that Delta Theta was keeping pace with the "exciting and dynamic Renaissance at Kansas State". He further expressed how proud each alumni of Delta Theta would be by contributing to make the new Chapter House dream come true "in appreciation for what Alpha Tau Omega has meant in their lives". In May of 1969, the Building Corporation Board of Directors decided to purchase the building site in view of the fact that the fund drive had reached a reasonably successful level. In the summer, it was decided to have the Kansas State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid Endowment Fund purchase the building site as an investment and rent it to the Building Corporation. This released extra funds to be spent on actual construction by the Corporation. The land was purchased by the Endowment Fund on August 14, 1969; and the K-State Endowment Association began immediately to put in a street and utilities. During the summer, Muir negotiated for a loan to help with construction costs while Emig and Fagerberg, who had returned from the Army in June, continued fund raising efforts. A ground breaking ceremony was held on August 17, 1969. Speakers included Kansas State University President James A. McCain and Province XVIII Chief Don Falk. Ground was broken with a golden shovel, the first ground being turned by Dr. McCain, Falk and Walt Rogers, Delta Theta second initiate. Each alumnus present then took a turn at breaking ground while the active chapter looked on. Following the ceremony, a midafternoon luncheon was held at the Ramada Inn. The Board of Directors met after the luncheon to formally authorize Tom Muir to enter into a contract with Hunter and Lundberg Construction Company to building the new Chapter House costing $300,000. The Board also authorized a mortgage arrangement with Manhattan Federal Savings and Loan. Construction was to start in September with completion set for January, but an engineering mistake delayed the completion of the new extension of McCain Lane until October. Thus, when the Board of Directors met on Homecoming, October 25, 1969, they voted to delay the start of construction until January so that the Chapter House wouldn't be ready until the next fall. This was done to ease the financial burden that would have fallen on the active chapter if they had to move in the new Chapter House half-way through the second semester. Site clearing started January 26, 1970, with house construction commencing on March 20, 1970. The Board of Directors met that summer to review the construction progress and to authorize expenditures for the various house furnishings. The new Chapter House was sufficiently complete by late August so that the chapter could move in. Construction was finished by the end of September. Mike Tolson, a member of the active chapter, planned and developed the landscaping around the Chapter House and the fountain, which is named for him. As part of that project, the ΑΤΩ letters off the front side door of the 1408 Denison house were installed on the stair post above the fountain and the ΑΤΩ letters in the sidewalk in front of 1408 Denison were put in concrete in front of the Chapter House. Delta Theta's dream house was a reality. With a new sense of pride and enthusiasm, the active chapter and alumni began preparation for Delta Theta's 50th Anniversary and the dedication of the new Chapter House. 7.32 Book of Records B ook of Records 7.33 12. THE GOLDEN YEAR -- THE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY (1970) The year celebrating Delta Theta's 50th Anniversary began in April of 1970 at the Kansas City Alumni Association=s annual Founders' Day Banquet. At the banquet, Walt Rogers was presented his Golden Circle Award from Alpha Tau Omega in honor of his 50 years of ΑΤΩ membership. Other Delta Theta brothers from the chapter's installation/initiation in 1920 received their awards at other such occasions throughout the country or were presented to them by an ΑΤΩ chapter near to their homes. Bob Overman, the chapter's nominee for the Thomas Arkle Clark Award, was recognized at the Kansas City Banquet as the Runner-up in the Province XVIII competition. He also won the top scholarship money award from the Province XVIII Endowment Association. Alpha Tau Omega held its 50th Biannual Congress and celebrated its Congress Centennial in August at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Delta Theta's delegates were John Holstrom and Stan Karst. This was an historic Congress for ΑΤΩ as many modernizing changes in the Laws were adopted. Doing yeoman work on the Ways and Means Committee at the Congress was Bill Muir, the chapter's delegate to ΑΤΩ =s Chapter Officers Conference in Hillsdale, Michigan, the previous year. The chapter began moving into the new Chapter House in late August and enthusiastically helped put on the finishing touches. Once the moving job was complete and the hot water turned on, the chapter began making the final arrangements for the highlight of the year: the 50th Anniversary Celebration and Chapter House Dedication. On September 30, 1970, the Living Room in the new Chapter House was formally named the Leo L. Hadley Memorial Living Room in a ceremony at the Chapter House. Brother Hadley's parents, Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Leo L. Hadley, had made a large contribution to the Chapter House fund drive in memory of their son. The family, chapter and alumni representatives took part in the ceremony, which included a reading of Brother Hadley's many accomplishments and the hanging of his portrait and a plaque. The 50th Anniversary Celebration and Chapter House Dedication Ceremony were jointly planned by the active chapter and the Alumni Association. The weekend of October 31-November 1, 1970 was the date of the Celebration, as it was the closest home football game weekend to the actual date of Delta Theta's 50th Anniversary, October 22 and 23, 1970. Saturday, October 31, 1970, was opened with a sign-in and welcoming period for alumni and guests, followed by the 50th Anniversary and Dedication Ceremony at 10:30 A.M. Speakers included University President James A. McCain; Brother Vince Gibson, K-State Head Football Coach; Worthy Grand Chief (National President) John L. Putman; President of the Delta Theta Alumni Association Dick Fagerberg; President of the Delta Theta Building Corporation Gary Pottorff; and Worthy Master (Chapter President) John Holstrom. A 50th Anniversary Plaque that was placed in the Chapter House was presented by Worthy Grand Chief John Putman to Brothers Elmer McCollum, first Worthy Master of Delta Theta, and John Holstrom, the current Worthy Master. Service awards were presented by Brother Pottorff to Brothers John T. (Tom) Muir, Larry Emig and Dick Fagerberg for their unceasing efforts in completing the new Chapter House. Brother Mike Tolson was presented a plaque by the chapter in recognition of his service in landscaping the Chapter House and designing the fountain. Brother William L. (Bill) Muir III was Master of Ceremonies and, with Doug Firebaugh, headed the AnniversaryDedication Committee. Many alumni were present, some traveling great distances to attend. The oldest alumnus present was Brother Roy Gwin, one of the early members of the Red Tie Club. Also present besides McCollum, Delta Theta's first initiate, was Brother Walt Rogers, the second initiate and first Worthy Chaplain. The alumni present represented all eras of the Delta Theta history. 7.34 Book of Records Other prominent University guests included former Vice-President C. Clyde Jones, Dean of Students Chester E. Peters; Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Veryl Switzer; and Advisor to Fraternities Jerry A. Lilly. Government officials included State Senator Richard D. Rogers; Manhattan Mayor William Rehschuh; and Manhattan Councilman Mert Hanks. Concluding the Ceremony was a ribbon cutting at the front door of the new Chapter House. Participants in this were Brothers Putman, Tom Muir, McCollum, Rogers, Holstrom and President McCain. At the conclusion of the Ceremony, chartered buses were loaded and proceeded to the K-State Union, where a buffet luncheon was served and enjoyed by all. Loaded again, the buses departed for the Kansas StateMissouri football game, where Brother Vince Gibson's Wildcats delivered a thrilling 17-13 victory. Upon returning to the Chapter House, Samuel Jackson, Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, was honorarily pledged to Alpha Tau Omega. His membership in another fraternity prevented him from being initiated. At 7:30 P.M. that night, United States Senator James B. Pearson was initiated into the ΑΤΩ Brotherhood. A party at the Chapter House completed Saturday's activities. Sponsored by the active chapter and planned by the Housemother, Mrs. Olive Newcomer, it was a pleasant ending to a full day. The weekend was concluded on Sunday with a buffet breakfast. The alumni and chapter enjoyed the fine cooking of Delta Theta's personable cook, Versella Welton. The 50th Anniversary year of Delta Theta was climaxed at the Founders' Day Banquet in Kansas City on March 19, 1971. Brother Steve Mudrey was honored as the Province XVIII Thomas Arkle Clark Award recipient. Brother Mudrey was a fine student and a Weigel Scholar. While at K-State, he was a Student Senator, a member of the Board of Student Publications and a member of the Architecture Design Board. He served on many chapter committees, displaying fine leadership and organizational ability. Other activities included participating on the freshman football and baseball teams and varsity track team at KSU. Also at the Banquet, Jeff Crabb won a scholarship award from the Province XVIII Endowment Association for his outstanding grade average while a pledge. Delta Theta's 50th Anniversary year, with all its activities and honors, will long be remembered. B ook of Records 7.35 13. THE TRUE MERIT CHAPTER (1970-1995) During the years between the 50th and 75th Anniversaries of the chapter, there were many distinguished accomplishments by the chapter as a whole, as well as by individual brothers. It was these accomplishments on a year-in and year-out basis that led to the chapter receiving the Fraternity's coveted "True Merit Award" almost every year; and in most years that they didn't win the top award, they were honorable mention. The Award is given to a select few chapters each year, based on chapter accomplishments: from good grades to administration to chapter achievements and activities. The Award was first established by the Fraternity in 1970 and was first named "Chapter Efficiency Award". The name was changed to "Chapter Excellence Award" in 1976; and further changed to the "True Merit Award" in 1979. Delta Theta won the True Merit Award in 1971, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994 and 1995; and received Honorable Mention in 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1986, 1990 and 1992. Delta Theta received the True Merit Award more times than any chapter of the Fraternity during this period: 16 times. The chapter was dominant in receiving national awards at the ΑΤΩ Congress during this period. In addition to the True Merit Awards, the chapter won the Joseph Reid Anderson Award on numerous occasions for the publication of the chapter's alumni news magazine The Vintage . Nine times during this period, the chapter received the top publications award: 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1989, 1992 and 1993; received National Runner-Up on seven other occasions: 1980, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1988, 1991 and 1994; and received National Honorable Mention five other years: 1983, 1985, 1987, 1990 and 1995. The Harry L. Bird National Public Relations Officer Award was received by Delta Theta PROs three times during this period: Mike Cormaci in 1988, Dennis O'Keefe in 1989 and Jim Persinger in 1991. Dennis O=Keefe made ΑΤΩ history in 1989 when he received both the Anderson Publication Award and the Bird PRO Award: the first time these two awards had gone to the same person. In the social service area, the chapter has received nine National Honorable Mentions and two National Runner-Up Awards for the Community Awareness Award during this period. Individual National honors were bestowed on Delta Theta brothers during this 25-year period. Steve Patton was National Runner-Up for the Thomas Arkle Clark Award in 1992. National Honorable Mentions for this Award were received by Ed Nickel in 1988, Jim Persinger in 1993 and Dave Saunders in 1995. Province TAC winners during this period were Steve Mudrey (1971), Mike Brown (1982) and Tim Congrove (1987). Steve Patton and Todd Lakin received the National Richard A. Ports Public Affairs Award . Steve won in 1991, the year previous to his TAC Award; and Todd in 1995, the year after he received the National ΑΤΩ Foundation Scholarship. Ed Nickel (1987) and Kyle Rolfing (1988) were National Runner-Up Award recipients. Delta Theta members won numerous ΑΤΩ Foundation National Awards during this time. The Undergraduate Scholarship Award saw nine National At-Large recipients who were Delta Theta members: Mike Mines (1979 and 1980), Mike Brown (1981), Jeff Gates (1982), Phil Grosdidier (1983), Mike Widrig (1984), Ed Nickel (1987) and Bob Reichenberger (1987 and 1988). Todd Lakin received the National Runner-Up in 1993 and the National Undergraduate Scholarship in 1994. The Graduate Scholarship National Runner-Up in 1994 was Bryan Nolt. 7.36 Book of Records Delta Theta undergraduate and alumni members have been positive contributors to the National Fraternity. A large contingent always attended Congress and shared with other brothers in workshops and participated in legislative committee work. The most visible of the Delta Theta brothers was William L. (Bill) Muir. He became National Ritual Counselor in 1975 and helped install 52 chapters of ΑΤΩ during the expansion period of the 1970's and 1980's. Delta Theta sent installation teams to assist Brother Muir with Oklahoma State in 1977, Wichita State in 1980 and Central Missouri State in 1992. Province Chief Dick Fagerberg was an installing officer at Wichita State. Bill Muir, in addition to his Ritual Counselor duties, was Province Director from 1990 to 1994. He was elected to the National Board of Directors in 1993 and elected as National Secretary in 1995. Bill's outstanding and exceptional service and financial commitment to the National Fraternity was recognized at the 125th Anniversary Congress in Richmond, Virginia, in 1990, with a Special Worthy Grand Chief Award. He also received the National Chapter Advisor Award in 1987. Duane Holloway (1974-1975) and Ed Nickel (1988-1990) served as National Chapter Service Consultants on the National Headquarters staff. Brother Holloway also served as Province Chief of Province 18 from 19751978, followed by Dick Fagerberg from 1978-1982. Steve Patton and Bryan Nolt have served as Province Directors beginning in 1994. Fagerberg also served on the National Alumni Board from 1991 to 1994. Grades are the main goal the chapter and its members strive for. It is the main focus. Working as individuals toward each person =s goal of graduation while still being willing to assist others is a hallmark of the chapter. The developed mind is the core around which the other chapter activities round out the individual. The chapter finishes in the top two quartiles in grade average for fraternities and well above the All-Mens Average. Grades are a key part of the True Merit Award. Whenever there is a slippage, it is seen quickly and corrected. Delta Theta alumni have answered the call to do their part in encouraging good scholarship and offering opportunity through the Kansas State ΑΤΩ Students' Aid Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund grew exponentially during this twenty-five year period, making more funds available to students. Before the Endowment Fund sold the Chapter House land to the Building Corporation in 1990, it sold a part of the back of the property to the American Institute of Baking in 1976 to create the L. Allyn Laybourn Scholastic Excellence Awards, which recognize the best grades for the year. Elmer D. McCollum endowed Delta Theta through the KSU Foundation with one-half of his estate when he died in 1988. McCollum Awards are given to chapter members, both for outstanding semester grades and for elected chapter officers. Additionally, the Endowment Fund benefitted through the 35th Anniversary Fund Drive in 1989, and numerous memorial scholarships were established. Over $57,000 was awarded to Delta Theta members and pledges and other K-State students in 1994. Related to scholarship is the chapter's relation to Kansas State University. The chapter works hard to support all University endeavors. The chapter has been fortunate enough to develop close relationships with key administrators over the years. In 1977, C. Clyde Jones, a University Vice President who assisted with the sale of the chapter property at 1408 Denison to the University, was initiated into the Fraternity. In 1988, Bob Krause, University Vice President for Institutional Advancement, was also initiated. Both became the chapter's Faculty Advisors. The awards that the chapter received for community service are only emblematic of caring and effort for others by the ΑΤΩ chapters. Each year, efforts were given to raise money for others or give a helping hand directly. During most of the 1970's and into the 1980's, the Mark of Dimes was a key charity for the chapter. Over the years, they helped raise money with cablethons, walkathons and Sno Ball Softball. Other events and charities included Bump-a-Thon for Muscular Dystrophy, Trick or Treat for UNICEF, Christmas Caroling at nursing homes, Aggieville Clean-up, Blood Drives for the American Red Cross, washing airplanes for the Big Lakes Development Center, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, projects for the Sunset Zoo, Jail Bail for the Heart Association, Stonehouse Childcare, coaching a 6th grade basketball team, and being in the Desert Partners Program during Operation Desert Storm. B ook of Records 7.37 The chapter joined in the start of the Brothers Against Driving Drunk (BADD) in 1992. Each weekend, members serve "BADD duty" on Friday and Saturday night as designated drivers. Part of any brotherhood experience is working together as a team for success while having some fun. Delta Theta competed in a number of campus activities to this end. Homecoming was one of those activities where the chapter has always enjoyed working together and sharing the experience with a sorority. To make it even more fun and rewarding, they enjoyed a great deal of success and recognition while bringing entertainment and pageantry to the campus and community. During the period from 1984 to 1994, Delta Theta has won the float competition at Homecoming 8 times and the Overall Trophy six times. Previous to that 11-year period, the chapter received the overall championship in 1971, 1981 and 1982. The chapter also took pride in team and individual competition in intramurals. Some of the highest finishes in the overall standings were 4th in both 1973 and 1974. The chapter was 8th in 1975, the top quartile in 1991, 9th in 1993 and 9th in 1994. The chapter generally finished in the top half of the 26 fraternities on campus. The chapter participated in other athletic events, such as the Dean Harris Memorial Basketball Classic, which they won in 1976; and Sig Ep Fite Nite, which they won in 1984. Participation in University Sing and Greek Follies/Harlequinade (HQ) were always highlights during the 70's and 80's; resulting in University Sing semifinalist ranking with Gamma Phi Beta in 1971 and second place with Chi Omega in 1979. The chapter, of course, maintained a full social calendar. The Blackfoot-Whitefoot activities with the Sigma Nu chapter was revived and has flourished. In the 1970's, the chapter sponsored a Block Party for the fraternities and sororities in the neighborhood. Christmas brought about the Tau Humbug function. Through the years, various themes were used for functions; but all designed for all to enjoy a good time. New alcohol laws and regulations prohibited the chapter providing alcohol. This had the effect of creating a safer situation, but the fun was not lost. The Casino Party at Homecoming was a tradition started in 1970 that adapted to changes over the years. Mother's Weekends and Father's Weekends were also highlights over the years; and the Parent's Club has been very active with chapter enhancements during this period. Individual members involved in campus activities as leaders as well as being named to honoraries has always been a hallmark of the chapter. The participation broadens the experience not only of the individual but of the whole group through the interaction of brothers involved in varying and diverse activities. All members get to understand, appreciate and associate with people and activities that each ones limited associations would have not otherwise afforded them. The chapter was well represented in Student Government during this period. Student Senators included Steve Mudrey, Jeff Gates, Wayne Maxwell, Jeff Dillon, Phil Grosdidier, Ed Nickel, John Bayouth, Dave Kaster, Blake Logan, Steve Patton, Todd Lakin and Jereme Brueggemann. Involved in Student Government Cabinet was Lloyd Landkamer, Bill Brown, Rance Ames and Jamie Buster. Jim Persinger served as Chief of Staff for the Student Body President. Bill Muir served as Faculty Representative and Senator beginning in 1992. The Student Union has also been served by Delta Theta leaders. Jeff Burner served as Union Governing Board Vice President and Stan Winter and Mike Ribble served terms as President of Union Program Council. The Board of Student Publications had two ΑΤΩs who served: Steve Mudrey and Jamie Buster. Two ΑΤΩs were not only selected to a top honorary society, but also served as leaders. Mike Brown served as President of Mortar Board in 1981 and Ed Nickel was Vice President in 1987. Both men were members of the Order of Omega and Mike was also selected to Spurs and Chimes. 7.38 Book of Records ΑΤΩs also have always been active in interfraternity activities. Dennis O'Keefe and Brian Ansay served as the Interfraternity Council President, Ed Nickel as Vice President, Mike Parisi as External Vice President and Rich Cherra as Editor. There were a number of ΑΤΩs who helped lead the spirit of K-State at varsity athletic events as yell leaders. These brothers included Brandon Kisner, John Bayouth, Allen Hettich, Dean Robbins, Rance Ames, Mark Arford, Jon Yeomans, Scott Murray and Chris Coad. Brian Rader was Willie the Wildcat. Other organizations and honor societies in which ΑΤΩs participated or were selected included Theater, Pershing Rifles, Scabbard and Blade, K-State Singers, Mens Glee Club, Alpha Mu Alpha, Phi Eta Sigma, Beta Alpha Psi, Beta Sigma Gamma, Epsilon Chi, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Sigma Rho, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Blue Key, Golden Key, Student Foundation and Student Alumni Board. ΑΤΩs also participated in varsity athletics. Mark Porter was a key member of the football team as kicker and was in the Blue-Grey All-Star game. Also playing football were Troy Horton, Dave Poague, Mike Carroll, Bill Molitor and Brian Nabours. Bobby Randall not only was a varsity baseball player, but also was drafted into the Major Leagues and played for the Minnesota Twins. Running cross country were Cory and Greg Barron, while Brian Zwahlen ran track, Jason Goertzen ran both cross country and track, and K. C. Byrne was on the golf team. Ellis Rainsberger, who played for K-State in the 1950's was Head Football Coach from 1975 through 1977. Kevin Saunders, who was paralyzed from the waist down in a grain elevator explosion in 1981, fought his way back to become an international competitor in the Wheelchair Olympics. He won four medals at the 1990 Pan American Games, a gold medal at the 1990 World Track and Field Competition. He earned the title of Best AllAround Wheelchair Athlete. He won a bronze medal in the Seoul Paralympics. In the Barcelona Paralympics, he finished third as Best All-Around Wheelchair Athlete in the World and missed the gold medal by only 19 points in the Pentathlon. He appeared in the movie "Born on the 4th of July" and was appointed to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sport. The Chapter House underwent some changes during this twenty-five year period. In 1977, a room in the Chapter House became the Walter Rogers Library to honor one of the chapter's founders and long-time Building Corporation Treasurer. The Library was later moved to its location in the original Living Room during the 1994 remodeling. There was a fund drive in 1984 to remodel and update the then-existing Living Room. In 1984, the Endowment Fund purchased the land to the east of the Chapter House, and in 1990, the Endowment Fund sold all of the land to the Building Corporation. An expanded parking lot now contains enough parking spaces to accommodate all chapter member vehicles. A major remodeling occurred in 1994 after a major fund raising campaign. It included central heating/air conditioning for the public areas, expanding the front of the functional areas on both levels, bathroom remodeling, new concrete parking lot, moving the Leo L. Hadley Memorial Living Room to the first floor and creating a Hall of Honor on the second floor. The Rogers Library was relocated to the larger space in the old Living Room, which now also serves as the Chapter Room. This $370,000 project was financed through alumni donations, chapter housebill increases and loans. The Project was under the direction of Building Corporation Vice-President Joe Berlekamp. In 1989, Tom O'Connor, father of Kevin O'Connor, constructed the Chapter Officers Table in the Chapter Room as a memorial to Larry Marvel. In 1991, a permanent loan of a grand piano was accepted from the National ΑΤΩ Foundation. The piano, an 1882 Hazelton Brothers piano valued at over $20,000, replaced the piano given the chapter by L. Allyn Laybourn. The chapter celebrated its 60th Anniversary on October 24 and 25, 1980 . There was a 60th Anniversary Banquet at the Knights of Columbus Hall, with ΑΤΩ National Executive Director Mark O. Thorsby as the Keynote Speaker. B ook of Records 7.39 The 70th Anniversary Celebration was held on November 2, 1990. The Chapter House was rededicated and named as "The Muir Family Chapter House" in honor of the family who gave inordinately of their time and resources to the chapter. ΑΤΩ National President Robert C. Knuepfer, Jr. gave the Keynote Address at the Celebration Banquet at the Ramada Inn. THE MUIR FAMILY Lloyd William Muir (July 29, 1889-November 23, 1977) Brother William Lloyd (Bill) Muir II (September 3, 1917-October 20, 1943) Brother William Lloyd (Bill) Muir III (March 20, 1948) Myrtle Bertha Nixon Muir (October 15, 1888-May 3, 1978) Muir 1990) Brother John Thomas (Tom) (July 17, 1919-February 13, 1952- Betty June Muir Popa (November ) 6, The 75th Anniversary Celebration was October 20-22, 1995 . It included four Dedication Ceremonies: one at Throckmorton Hall with the Hollis House Plaque, commemorating the location of the Chapter House from 1947 to 1970; the second in front of the Chapter House with the presentation and unveiling of the 75th Anniversary Marker; the third in the Chapter Room, with the dedication of the 75th Anniversary Donors Plaque; and the fourth with the dedication of the Hall of Honor. The events concluded with a 75th Anniversary Banquet and Formal at the Wareham Opera House that included a slide show of the history of the chapter, the announcement of the first members of the Delta Theta Hall of Honor and other commemorations. The first group of inductees into the Delta Theta Hall of Honor, as selected by the unanimous vote of the Delta Theta Hall of Honor Committee, composed of the Presidents (or designees) of the Chapter, Alumni Association, Building Corporation and Endowment Fund, were enshrined: Elmer D. McCollum Walter J. (Walt) Rogers L. Allyn (Al) Laybourn James B. (J. B.) Angle John T. (Tom) Muir Dale L. Duncan Steve Patton was the Master of Ceremonies at the 75th Anniversary Banquet and Formal. Each of the four Corporation Presidents presented remarks: Dan Dow (Chapter President), Dick Fagerberg (Alumni Association President), Steve Johnson (Building Corporation President), and Bill Muir (Endowment Fund President). An historical slide show, produced by Brian Rader and Steve Patton, was presented. The keynote speaker was ΑΤΩ National President Wm. Brian Ruyle. 7.40 Book of Records Todd Lakin, the Richard A. Ports Public Affairs National Award winner, who served an internship in the Office of the Vice President of the United States during the summer of 1995, presented two United States flags from U. S. Vice President Al Gore. Both flags were flown over the United States Capitol on September 11, 1995, the 130th Anniversary of the founding of the Fraternity. Lakin presented one flag to National President Wm. Brian Ruyle for the National Headquarters, and one flag to the Chapter. Special thanks were given to Brothers Rob Jonas for donation of 75th Anniversary stationery, which he designed and provided at no charge; Chad Fagerberg for the 75th Anniversary Theme: "Tradition of Excellence"; Chad Fagerberg and Scott Murray for design of the 75th Anniversary logo; Steve Patton, Jim Persinger and Bill Muir for overall planning; Bill Muir and Allan Holiday for the 75th Anniversary granite marker; Joe Smolen, Brian Rader, Scott Chamoff, Cary Majors and Guy Gross for the Banquet and slide show; all members of the Chapter for the events' execution; all alumni and the Chapter for contributing to the Renovation/Addition Campaign; the Alumni Association, the Building Corporation and the Chapter for financial support; and all alumni for attending the Celebration activities throughout the weekend. B ook of Records 7.41 14. ON TO THE 21ST CENTURY AND BEYOND (1995-2012) Subsequent to the 75th Anniversary, at the 1996 Dallas Congress, Todd Lakin became the first member of Delta Theta Chapter to receive the National Thomas Arkle Clark Award , which recognizes the top undergraduate ΑΤΩ in the Nation. Brother Lakin received the specially-commissioned TAC Ring and Certificate and was the Keynote Speaker at the Closing Banquet. The Dallas Congress also saw Delta Theta receive the True Merit Award (as one of nine outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Anderson Gold Award (top National communications award), National Honorable Mention for the Community Awareness Award, and National Runner-Up for the Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Award (Joe Stein). Bill Muir was re-elected to the National Board of Directors; and Chapter President Cary Majors was elected as one of two undergraduate members of the National Board of Directors. The day after the closing of the Congress, the National Board of Directors re-elected Brother Muir as National Secretary (Worthy Grand Scribe) and selected Brother Majors as National Sergeant-at-Arms (Worthy Grand Usher). During 1997, the "off-year" between Congresses, Delta Theta was honored at the National Awards Banquet on November 14, 1997, in Indianapolis, by receiving more awards than any other chapter in the Nation: The True Merit Award (as one of five outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Anderson Gold Award (top National communications award), National Runner-Up for the Thomas Arkle Clark Award (Joe Stein), National First Runner-Up for the Community Awareness Award, and National Runner-Up (Jon Freeman) and National At-Large Award (Guy Gross) for the Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Awards. At the 1998 Orlando Congress, Delta Theta Chapter was the first chapter in the Nation to receive the National Top Chapter Award, which recognized the best chapter of ΑΤΩ in the Nation. The Chapter received what will someday be called AThe Muir Cup@ in honor of Chapter Advisor William L. Muir III. The Orlando Congress also saw Delta Theta receive the True Merit Award (as one of twelve outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Anderson Gold Award (top National communications award), National Honorable Mention for the Thomas Arkle Clark Award (Jon Freeman), National Honorable Mention for the Community Awareness Award, National Foundation At-Large Undergraduate Scholarship Award (Rob Bensman), and two National Foundation Graduate Scholarship winners (Jon Freeman and Guy Gross). Bill Muir was re-elected to the National Board of Directors; and the day after the closing of the Congress, the National Board of Directors re-elected Brother Muir as National Secretary (Worthy Grand Scribe). During 1999, the "off-year" between Congresses, Delta Theta was honored at the National Awards Banquet on October 16, 1999, in Indianapolis, by receiving more awards than any other chapter in the Nation. The Chapter repeated as recipient of the National Top Chapter Award, which recognized the best chapter of ΑΤΩ in the Nation. They were also recognized with The True Merit Award (as one of eighteen outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Anderson Gold Award (top National communications award), National Honorable Mention for the Thomas Arkle Clark Award (Gabe Graham), National Honorable Mention for the Community Awareness Award, and National Recipient (Rob Bensman) and National At-Large Awards (Neil Adamson and Josh Brueggemann) for the Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Awards. At the 2000 Orlando Congress, Rob Bensman became the second member of Delta Theta Chapter to receive the National Thomas Arkle Clark Award , which recognizes the top undergraduate ΑΤΩ in the Nation. Brother Bensman received the specially-commissioned TAC Ring and Certificate and was the Keynote Speaker at the Closing Banquet. Brother Bensman gave that ring to Delta Theta Board of Trustees Chairman Bill Muir. The Orlando Congress also saw Delta Theta receive the National Top Chapter Award for the third time in as many years, the True Merit Award (as one of twenty outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Anderson Gold Award (top National communications award), the Excellence in Scholarship Award (above a 3.000 GPA for the entire year), National Honorable Mention for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award, and National Foundation At-Large Undergraduate Scholarship Awards (Jeremy Girard and Kevin Oehme). The day after the closing of the Congress, the National Board of Directors re-elected Brother Bill Muir as National Secretary (Worthy Grand Scribe). 7.42 Book of Records Delta Theta's 80th Anniversary was celebrated on November 18, 2000, with corporation meetings in the morning, followed by a Wildcat victory over the University of Missouri Tigers that afternoon and the 80th Anniversary Banquet at the K-State Student Union that evening. Emceed by Brother Bill Muir, it featured National President Miles McCall as Keynote Speaker, National CEO Wynn Smiley with a Welcome and Historical Presentation and a telephone message from Brother Al Laybourn in Arizona, who just turned 101. During 2001, the "off-year" between Congresses, Delta Theta was honored at the National Awards Banquet on October 6, 2001, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Chapter was recognized with The True Merit Award (as one of nineteen outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Bird Silver Award (second-best National communications award), the Excellence in Scholarship Award for the second time (above a 3.000 GPA for the entire year), National Runner-Up for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award, and National At-Large Awards (Jon Kurche and Kevin Oehme) for the Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Awards. On October 27, 2001, the second group of inductees into the Delta Theta Hall of Honor, as selected by the unanimous vote of the Delta Theta Hall of Honor Committee, composed of the Presidents (or designees) of the Chapter, Alumni Association, Building Corporation and Endowment Fund, were enshrined: Henry F. (Hank) Kupfer Richard E. (Dick) Fagerberg Larry W. Emig At the 2002 Cleveland Congress, Jon Kurche became the third member of Delta Theta Chapter to receive the National Thomas Arkle Clark Award , which recognizes the top undergraduate ΑΤΩ in the Nation. Brother Kurche received the specially-commissioned TAC Ring and Certificate and was the Keynote Speaker at the Closing Banquet. Brother Bill Muir received the National President Award from National President Miles L. McCall for his service to the Fraternity. The Cleveland Congress also saw Delta Theta receive the National Top Chapter Award for the fourth time in five years, the True Merit Award (as one of twenty-two outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Anderson Gold Award (top National communications award), the Excellence in Scholarship Award for the third time (above a 3.000 GPA for the entire year) for the third time, National Runner-Up for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award, and National Foundation At-Large Undergraduate Scholarship Award (Andy Newton). Chapter President Andy Newton was elected as one of two undergraduate members of the National Board of Directors. The day after the closing of the Congress, the National Board of Directors re-elected Brother Muir as National Secretary (Worthy Grand Scribe) and selected Brother Newton as National Sergeant-at-Arms (Worthy Grand Usher). On April 28, 2003, Delta Theta received the NIC Award of Distinction from the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) at the Greek Awards Reception in the Grand Ballroom of the K-State Student Union. The "Iron Man Trophy" was presented by NIC Vice President Pete Smithhisel, who came to Manhattan from Indianapolis, Indiana. The NIC is the national trade organization of 66 member national fraternities, comprising over 5,500 chapters on over 800 campuses with over 350,000 undergraduate members. Delta Theta was one of three fraternity chapters in the United States recognized (along with the Texas Christian University Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and the Nebraska Wesleyan University Chapter of Zeta Psi Fraternity). After the Greek Awards Reception, Smithhisel and Angie Goodson (Assistant Advisor for Greek Affairs), journeyed to the Chapter House to re-present the Iron Man Trophy to the Chapter assembled in an All-House Meeting. National Chief Executive Officer Wynn Smiley, National Secretary and Endowment Fund President Bill Muir, Delta Theta Building Corporation President Steve Johnson and Delta Theta Alumni Association President Jim Persinger were present for the presentation to Chapter President Erik Rome and Former Chapter Presidents Andy Newton and Lance Jones (then NHQ Associate Director of Expansion). B ook of Records 7.43 1 During 2003, the "off-year" between Congresses, Delta Theta was honored at the National Awards Banquet on October 11, 2003, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Chapter was recognized as National Runner-Up for the Top Chapter Award, with The True Merit Award (as one of twenty-five outstanding chapters in the Nation), the ATO Roadshow National Award, the Bird Silver Award (second-best National communications award), the Excellence in Scholarship Award for the fourth time (above a 3.000 GPA for the entire year), National Special Mention for the Erskine Mayo Ross IMPACT Award, National Honorable Mention for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award, and National Undergraduate At-Large Award (Andy Newton) and Graduate AtLarge Scholarship Award (Bob Harrison) from the Alpha Tau Omega Foundation. At the 2004 Atlanta Congress, Andy Newton became the fourth member of Delta Theta Chapter to receive the National Thomas Arkle Clark Award , which recognizes the top undergraduate ΑΤΩ in the Nation. Brother Newton received the specially-commissioned TAC Ring and Certificate and was the Keynote Speaker at the Closing Banquet. The Atlanta Congress also saw Delta Theta receive the National Top Chapter Award for the fifth time in seven years, the True Merit Award (as one of thirty-one outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Anderson Gold Award (top National communications award), the Excellence in Scholarship Award for the fifth time (above a 3.000 GPA for the entire year), the ATO Roadshow National Award, National Special Mention for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award and the Erskine Mayo Ross IMPACT Award, and National Runner-Up (Brian King) and National At-Large Awards (Erik Rome and Billy Casper) for the Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Awards. Andy Newton also received the Lawrence L. Long Memorial Law Award. The day after the closing of the Congress, the National Board of Directors re-elected Brother Muir as National Secretary (Worthy Grand Scribe). During 2005, the "off-year" between Congresses, Delta Theta was honored at the National Awards Banquet on August 27, 2005, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Chapter was recognized as National Top Chapter Award for the sixth time in eight years, with The True Merit Award (as one of twenty-one outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Anderson Gold Award (top National communications award), the Excellence in Scholarship Award for the sixth time (above a 3.000 GPA for the entire year), the ATO Roadshow National Award, National Special Mention for the Erskine Mayo Ross IMPACT Award, National Honorable Mention for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award, Thomas Arkle Clark National Honorable Mention (Erik Rome) and a National Undergraduate At-Large Scholarship Award (Brian King) from the Alpha Tau Omega Foundation. Also, Brother Andy Newton received the 2004 NIC Award of Distinction from the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) at the 2005 National Awards Banquet in Indianapolis. The "Iron Man Trophy" was presented by Marc Katz of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity on behalf of the NIC. The NIC is the national trade organization of 66 member national fraternities, comprising over 5,500 chapters on over 800 campuses with over 350,000 undergraduate members. Brother Newton was one of four undergraduate members in the United States and Canada recognized for that year. Delta Theta's 85th Anniversary was celebrated on October 15, 2005, with a Casino Party on Friday night, and the 85th Anniversary Banquet at the K-State Alumni Center on Saturday evening. Emceed by Brother Larry Long, it featured National Secretary Bill Muir as Keynote Speaker. There was a Chapter Video Presentation by Brother Long and a special video and presentation by Chapter President Josh Ault of a plaque to Chapter Advisor Bill Muir, who was honored for his service as Chapter Advisor for 35 years. The 2006 Austin Congress saw Delta Theta receive the True Merit Award (as one of twenty-one outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Anderson Gold Award (top National communications award), the Excellence in Scholarship Award for the seventh time (above a 3.000 GPA for the entire year), National Special Mention for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award and the Erskine Mayo Ross IMPACT Award, and National At-Large Award (Jeff Elkins) for the Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Awards. Brian King was National Runner-Up for the Thomas Arkle Clark Award and Andy Newton received the Lawrence L. Long Memorial Law Award for the second time. Josh Ault was elected as one of three undergraduates on the National Board of Directors. The National Board of Directors re-elected Brother Bill Muir as National Secretary (Worthy Grand Scribe) and Brother Ault was appointed National Sergeant-at-Arms (Worthy Grand Usher). 17.44 Book of Records During 2007, the "off-year" between Congresses, Delta Theta was honored at the National Awards Banquet on August 25, 2007, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Chapter was recognized with the True Merit Honorable Mention Award, the Silver Communications Award (second in National communications award), the Excellence in Scholarship Award for the eighth time (above a 3.000 GPA for the entire year), the ATO Roadshow Gold Region Award, National Finalist for the Erskine Mayo Ross IMPACT Award, National Honorable Mention for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award and Thomas Arkle Clark National Honorable Mention (Jacob Will). The 2008 Louisville Congress saw Delta Theta receive the True Merit Award (as one of twenty-two outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Excellence in Scholarship Award for the ninth time (above a 3.000 GPA for the entire year), National Special Mention for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award and the Erskine Mayo Ross IMPACT Award, and National At-Large Award (Jared Schnefke) for the Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Awards. Anthony Carter was National Honorable Mention for the Thomas Arkle Clark Award. The National Board of Directors re-elected Brother Bill Muir as National Secretary (Worthy Grand Scribe). On September 27, 2008, the third group of inductees into the Delta Theta Hall of Honor , as selected by the unanimous vote of the Delta Theta Hall of Honor Committee, composed of the Presidents (or designees) of the Chapter, Alumni Association, Building Corporation and Endowment Fund, were enshrined: Steven C. (Steve) Johnson Joseph D. (Joe) Berlekamp During 2009, the "off-year" between Congresses, Delta Theta was honored at the National Awards Banquet on August 22, 2009, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Chapter was recognized with the True Merit Award (as one of thirty-two outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Gold Communications Award (top National communications award), the Excellence in Scholarship Award for the tenth time (above a 3.000 GPA for the entire year), the ATO Roadshow Gold Region Award, National Special Mention for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award and National Honorable Mention for the Erskine Mayo Ross IMPACT Award. The 2010 Orlando Congress saw Delta Theta receive the True Merit Award (as one of twenty-seven outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Gold Communications Award (top National communications award), National Honorable Mention for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award, and Foundation National Graduate Scholarship Award (Peter Boos). Jared Schnefke was National Runner-Up for the Thomas Arkle Clark Award. Jordan McFall received the National J. Milton Richardson Theological Award. The National Board of Directors re-elected Brother Bill Muir as National Secretary (Worthy Grand Scribe). During 2011, the "off-year" between Congresses, Delta Theta was honored at the National Awards Banquet and Special General Assembly on August 20, 2011, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Chapter was recognized with the True Merit Award (as one of thirty-seven outstanding chapters in the Nation) and National Honorable Mention for the Erskine Mayo Ross ELEVATE Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award. The 2012 St. Louis Congress saw Delta Theta receive the True Merit Award (as one of thirty-eight outstanding chapters in the Nation), the Bronze Communications Award (third in National communications award), National Honorable Mention for the Good Samaritan Community Awareness Award (third in Nation) and the Excellence in Scholarship Award. The National Board of Directors re-elected Brother Bill Muir as National Secretary (Worthy Grand Scribe). Book of Records 7.45 15. ANOTHER NEW HOUSE (2012-Present) Previous to 2009, the Building Corporation had been discussing options for fundraising efforts – whether for major renovations or a completely new Chapter House. On October 10, 2009, the Building Corporation Board of Directors vote unanimously for a New Chapter House to be constructed in the East Parking Lot. Assignments of responsibility included: Building Committee Co-Chairmen Ben Barnert and Joe Berlekamp; Finance Committee Chairman Brent Taylor; and signatories on all fundraising solicitations Steve Swanson, Bill Muir and Allan Holiday. Pennington & Company was hired to do a feasibility study and Bowman Bowman Novick as project architects. On May 22, 2010, the Building Corporation received the Pennington & Company Study Report (which found the project very feasible) and voted to move into the next phase. On July 17, 2010, the Building Corporation approved a Donor Recognition Policy and Gift Range Chart (with $4.5 million and 392 gifts as goals), authorized a Contract for Professional Services with Bowman Bowman Novick, and authorized design and construction expenses. On October 2, 2010, the Chapter requested the Building Corporation raise the annual Chapter donations to $250 per person ($100,000 Chapter commitment over five years). On April 16, 2011, the Building Corporation authorized the hiring of a Construction Manager at Risk. On July 9, 2011, the Building Corporation was notified that the old mortgage had been paid in full, over $2 million had been pledged in the "silent" phase of fundraising, August 15th would be the announcement of the Public Phase, the Executive Committee was authorized to approve Schematic and Design Development Drawings, and the Naming Opportunities List was approved. Delta Theta's 90th Anniversary was celebrated on November 5, 2011, midway between the actual 90th Anniversary date of October 23, 2010 and the 100th Anniversary of the founding of The Red Tie Club on April 6, 1912. All three Alumni Corporations met that afternoon, with the Building Corporation voting to proceed on construction of a New Chapter House and setting a $5.5 million total budget. The 90th Anniversary Banquet was held at the K-State Alumni Center on Saturday evening. Emceed by Brother and National Secretary Bill Muir, it featured National Vice-President Bob O'Neal as Keynote Speaker and KSU Dean of Students Pat Bosco with the University Welcome and Remarks. There was a Chapter Video Presentation by Chapter President Luke Fangman. Neal Rasmussen was the 90th Anniversary Celebration Chairman. That same day, the Building Corporation established a Project Budget of $5.5 million, authorized a new Lease with the Chapter, and authorized the Executive Committee to solicit Construction Financing and Overall Financing Proposals and Terms from financial institutions and negotiate and approve a Construction Contract with Compton Construction Company of Wichita. On January 28, 2012, the Board of Directors authorized the Executive Committee to approve Design Development Drawings. On April 14, 2012, Groundbreaking Ceremonies were held, with Mike Ribble as emcee and Remarks by him (as Alumni Association President), Building Corporation President and Campaign Co-Chairman Steve Swanson, Chapter Advisor and Campaign Co-Chairman Allan Holiday, Chapter President Drew Nuckolls, and Endowment Fund President, Trustees Chairman and Campaign Co-Chairman Bill Muir. KSU Vice President Pat Bosco provided a University Welcome and Remarks. These Brothers, Dr. Bosco, Larry Emig (1969 Groundbreaking Emcee) and Architect Brent Bowman broke ground with eight shovels. The Board of Directors authorized the Executive Committee to approved Final Construction Drawings by Bowman Bowman Novick, enter into a Construction Contract with Compton Construction Company, issue a Notice to Proceed for construction, and negotiate and enter into Construction and Permanent Financing with a financial institution for construction (later determined to be Commerce Bank). On July 6, 2012, construction of the New Chapter House began. On September 24, 2012, the first foundation concrete was poured. B ook of Records 8.01 CHAPTER 8 DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND ROSTER OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS DELTA THETA CHAPTER OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ______________________________________________ Articles of Incorporation Adopted: October 17, 1927 Alumni Association Incorporated: October 25, 1927 8.02 Book of Records Book of Records 8.03 1. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION* (Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 45-1762813) The undersigned, citizens of the State of Kansas, do hereby voluntarily associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a private corporation under the laws of the State of Kansas, and do hereby certify: 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. NAME. The name of the Corporation shall be Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Alumni Association. PURPOSE. The Corporation is organized not for profit, and the purposes for which it is formed is: The maintenance of an association of alumni of Delta Theta Chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. REGISTERED OFFICE. The place where its business is to be transacted is at 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, Kansas 66502. TERM OF EXISTENCE. The term for which this Corporation is to exist is perpetual. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The number of Directors of this Corporation shall be not more than twelve (12); and the names and residence of those Directors who shall continue to serve until the annual meeting in 1997 are: James D. Persinger, Jr., 4004 Parkway Court, Lawrence, Kansas 66047 Richard E. Fagerberg, 188 Hillcrest Road West, Lake Quivira, Kansas 66106 Stephen L. Patton, 4705 W. 25th Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66047 Steven C. Johnson, 4708 Muirfield Drive, Lawrence, Kansas 66047 6th. 7th. VALUE. The estimated value of the goods, chattels, lands, rights and credits owned by the Corporation is Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. INCORPORATORS. The names and residences of the incorporators of this Corporation are: E. D. McCollum, Begard, Missouri W. J. Rogers, Stratton, Colorado Ernest H. Bebb, 5312 Glenwood Avenue, Chicago, Illinois C. F. Mershon, Oakley, Kansas L. M. Leiter, Protection, Kansas Charles Neitcher, Lafayette, Indiana J. F. Brown, Vernonia, Oregon C. C. McPherson, 303 Star Building, Washington, D. C. L. G. Moore, 353 N. Center, Orange, California R. M. Murray, Coldwater, Kansas C. R. Smith, Ames, Iowa R. S. Love, Park Square Building, Boston, Massachusetts W. T. Rolfe, Fargo, North Dakota T. W. Lee, Yates Center, Kansas R. B. Watson, Illinois Athletic Club, Chicago, Illinois Paul Kover, 4537 N. Market Street, St. Louis, Missouri Morton J. Stigers, 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. P. R. Woodbury, 107 W. 8th Street, Emporia, Kansas M. R. Getty, ΑΤΩ House, Minneapolis, Minnesota C. M. Rust, 206 Reliance Building, Kansas City, Missouri *Alumni Association By-Laws: See Members Manual Chapter 20 8.04 Book of Records L. H. Reyburn, 127 12th Street, Oakland, California O. R. Coburn, Preston, Kansas W. R. Horlacher, Lexington, Kentucky J. B. Angle, Courtland, Kansas I. G. Freeman, Salina, Kansas C. J. Rodewald, Ovid, Colorado B. C. Hutchins, 900 N. Lincoln, Parsons, Kansas A. W. Wilcox, Allentown, Pennsylvania P. J. Newman, 914 Leavenworth Street, Manhattan, Kansas G. A. Sellers, 927 Moro Street, Manhattan, Kansas H. V. Merring, Great Bend, Kansas J. A. Novak, Ellsworth, Kansas D. S. Hall, Oakley, Kansas N. D. Zeigler, Oakley, Kansas B. D. Hixson, WaKeeney, Kansas L. A. Laybourn, Salina, Kansas P. E. Smith, 1130 Portland Place, Boulder, Colorado N. F. Moore, 353 N. Center Street, Orange, California E. G. Johnson, Holdredge, Nebraska B. A. Rogers, Luray, Kansas Raub R. Snyder, Selman, Oklahoma H. L. Felton, Salina, Kansas L. A. Dumond, Goodwell, Oklahoma N. D. Lund, Portland, Oregon R. E. Gwin, Iola, Kansas P. B. Gwin, Council Grove, Kansas W. W. Rodewald, Delta, Colorado F. M. McElhinney, Topeka, Kansas E. H. Gurer, 1031 Hickory Street, Santa Ana, California T. G. Spring, Holcomb, Kansas A. W. Foster, 180 S. Canan Street, Spokane, Washington E. W. Hall, Oakley, Kansas R. W. Kent, 1964 Stewart, Kansas City, Missouri M. J. Copeland, 1553 Cornelia Avenue, Chicago, Illinois L. M. Staley, Balboa Beach, California J. P. Hale, Mesa, Arizona John Steiner, Bucklin, Kansas G. K. Chew, Manhattan, Kansas R. V. O'Neil, Wellsville, Kansas G. E. Phillips, Yates Center, Kansas H. D. Karns, Minneapolis, Kansas H. C. Bird, Great Bend, Kansas F. W. Hiss, Kingsdown, Kansas E. J. Bird, Great Bend, Kansas D. D. Bird, Albert, Kansas E. E. Asher, Great Bend, Kansas H. H. Frizzell, Cherokee, Oklahoma C. S. Goldsmith, Parsons, Kansas H. K. Woodbury, Olivet, Kansas G. R. Spiker, Hutchinson, Kansas F. E. Willey, Marion, Kansas E. E. Bell, 2223 S. Pennsylvania Street, Joplin, Missouri C. R. Prose, Macksville, Kansas Book of Records 8.05 W. A. Asher, ΑΤΩ House, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania L. W. Grothusen, Ellsworth, Kansas H. D. Grothusen, Bartlesville, Oklahoma L. R. Sellers, Box 153, Schenectady, N. Y. V. G. Asher, Great Bend, Kansas E. J. Kent, Monrovia, California R. M. Karns, Altamont, Kansas W. D. Wollam, Protection, Kansas M. E. Wyatt, Hotel Albany, San Diego, California D. O. Wilson, Alpina, Michigan Edward Petr, Cuba, Kansas E. D. Canary, Lawrence, Kansas H. K. Lamont, Manhattan, Kansas W. I. Walker, Salina, Kansas Stewart Farrell, Manhattan, Kansas L. W. Morton, Great Bend, Kansas P. S. Strand, Salina, Kansas A. L. Rogers, Stratton, Colorado P. R. Carter, 1821 University Avenue SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota A. F. Bowen, Manhattan, Kansas 8.06 Book of Records 2. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ROSTER OF CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. PRESIDENT Fred V. Klemp, Jr. William B. Eddy Alphia E. Knapp John P. Neal Walter J. Danforth Rollin Vickery Gary N. Pottorff Lewis W. Watson Richard E. Fagerberg Dale K. Allen Donn A. Demaree Philip B. Achten Antoni P. Firner Edward R. Nickel Richard E. Fagerberg James D. Persinger, Jr. Michael S. Ribble B. VICE-PRESIDENT John R. Kupfer Dwight E. Glenn Walter J. Danforth Rollin W. Vickery Gary N. Pottorff Lewis W. Watson W. Bruce Wren Dale K. Allen George M. Grafel Philip B. Achten Donn A. Demaree Philip B. Achten Jeffrey E. Dillon Antoni P. Firner Ryan D. Hurlbutt Richard E. Fagerberg Todd F. Lakin 1957-1958 1958-1959 1959-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1964 1964-1965 1965-1972 1972-1982 1982-1983 1983-1986 1986-1989 1989-1990 1990-1994 1994-1995 1995-2005 20051956-1957 1957-1958 1958-1959 1959-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1965 1965-1969 1969-1972 1972-1975 1975-1983 1983-1986 1986-1990 1990-1991 1991-1995 1995-2004 2004- C. SECRETARY-TREASURER Dale L. Duncan George D. Bishop Larry W. Emig Robert E. Hahn Steven C. Johnson 1949-1957 1957-1972 1972-1975 1975-1981 1981-1989 Book of Records 8.07 D. SECRETARY Philip B. Achten James D. Persinger, Jr. Stephen L. Patton E. TREASURER Steven C. Johnson 19891989-1991 1991-1995 1995- F. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dale L. Duncan Fred V. Klemp, Jr. John R. Kupfer William B. Eddy George D. Bishop Alphia E. Knapp Dwight E. Glenn John P. Neal Walter J. Danforth Rollin W. Vickery Gary N. Pottorff Lewis W. Watson W. Bruce Wren Dale K. Allen Richard E. Fagerberg Dale K. Allen Larry W. Emig George M. Grafel Donn A. Demaree Robert E. Hahn Steven C. Johnson Philip B. Achten Antoni P. Firner Jeffrey E. Dillon Edward R. Nickel Stephen L. Patton Shawn M. Aldridge James D. Persinger, Jr. Steven A. Swanson Jason W. Goertzen Chad R. Fagerberg Christopher R. Stipe Damon E. Earnshaw 1949-1957 1956-1957 1957-1958 1957-1958 1957-1972 1958-1959 1958-1959 1959-1961 1959-1962 1961-1963 1962-1965 1963-1964 1965-1969 1964-1965 1965-1972 1969-1972 1991-2005 1972-1975 1972-1975 1972-1982 1975-1986 1975-1981 19811982-1991 1986-1994 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992P 19951991-1992T 1991-2003 1991-1992A 1992-1993P 1992-1993T 1992A 20091992-1993A 1993-1994P 8.08 Book of Records Ryan D. Hurlbutt Cary M. Ford Christopher D. Glenn Stuart C. Rinkleff Todd S. Farrar Matthew H. Wass de Czege Daniel D. Dow Brian W. Koehn Joseph M. Smolen Guy W. Gross Cary L. Majors Paul L. Damm Brandon H. Keely Jeffrey M. Pegues Jonathan A. Freeman Brent A. Taylor Joshua T. Brueggemann Richard A. Webdell Timothy M. Henderson Gabriel J. Graham Richard S. Cole Daniel J. Cooper Robert M. Bensman Daniel A. Ellsworth Lance T. Jones Chad D. Russell Daniel J. Tokar Brian M. Darby Jeremiaha D. Cole Timothy J. Bensman Erik P. Ankrom Andrew M. Newton Curtis G. Mick Larry D. Long Erik M. Rome Christopher S. Johnson Michael S. Ribble Henry F. Kupfer Scott E. Taddiken Brian J. Hall Brandon K. Haynes 1993-1994T 1994-1995P 1994-1995 1993A 1993-1994A 1994-1995T 1994A 1994-1995A 1995-1996P 1997-2003 1995-1996T 1995A 1995-1996A 1996-1997P 1996-1997T 1996A 1996-1997A 1997-19985 1997-1999; 1997A 1997-1998o 1999-2000; 1997-2003 1998-19995 1998o 1998-1999o 1999-20005 1999o 1999-2000o 2001-20025 2000-20015 20001 2001-20033 2000-20013 2000-20011 20011 2001-20021 2002-20035 20021 2002-20031 2003-20045 20031 20032003-2009 2003-2006 2003-20043 2003-20041 Book of Records 8.09 Brian M. King Brock C. Lohrey Ryan C. Falco Joshua T. Ault Grayson E. Bauer Todd F. Lakin Sean P. Cordes W. Scott Dikeman Peter L. Hinkle Scott R. Keller Garrett B. Linville Nathan J. Schnefke Brett D. Kirkpatrick Richard R. Harrison James R. Fullagar John W. Bensman Drew W. Britton William H. Miller Kyle R. Schleicher Peter E. Boos David C. Dikeman Jared M. Schnefke J. Paul Fangman, Jr. R. Christian Jackson Nicholas J. Sevart Neal K. Rasmussen Craig E. Knox Luke S. Fangman Dylan I. Rogerson Drew T. Nuckolls David A. Biggs Matthew A. Ribble Brendan R. Carney Ryan J. Mustain 2004-20055 2004-20053 20041 2005-20065 2004-20051 20052005-20063 20051 2005-20061 2006-20072 2006-20073 20061 2006-20071 20062006-20074 20071 2007-20082 2007-20093 20074 2007-20081 2007-20084 20081 2008-20092 20084 2008-20091 2009-20102 2009-20103 20094 2010-20112 2009-20104 2010-20111 2010-20123 2011-20122 20114 2011-20121 2012-20132 2012-20133 20124 2013-20142 20134 P Ex Officio Chapter President Ex Officio Chapter Treasurer A Ex Officio Chapter Alumni Relations Officer oEx Officio Chapter Alumni Relations Officer (Voting Director) 5Ex Officio Chapter President (Non-Voting Director) ;Ex Officio Chapter Treasurer (Non-Voting Director) 4 Ex Officio Chapter Alumni Relations Officer-Elect (Non-Voting Director) T 8.10 Book of Records Book of Records 9.01 CHAPTER 9 DELTA THETA CHARTER INITIATES AND ORIGINAL CHAPTER OFFICERS AND COMPLETE CHAPTER ROLL 9.02 Book of Records Book of Records 9.03 1. CHARTER INITIATES AND ORIGINAL CHAPTER OFFICERS CHARTER INITIATES October 22, 1920 2020001 2020002 2020003 2020004 2020005 2020006 2020007 2020008 2020009 2020010 2020011 2020012 2020013 2020014 2020015 2020016 2020017 Walter J. Rogers Ernest L. Bebb Carl F. Mershon Leroy M. Leiter Charles Nitcher J. Farr Brown Charles C. McPherson Lorin G. Moore Ralph M. Murray Charles R. Smith Robert S. Love Walter T. Rolfe Thomas W. Lee Ray B. Watson Paul Kovar Morton J. Stigers Elmer D. McCollum 2020018 2020019 2020020 2020021 2020022 2020023 2020024 2020025 2020026 2020027 2020028 2020029 2020030 2020031 2020032 2020033 Philip R. Woodbury Millard R. Getty Clyde M. Rust Laurens H. Reyburn Otto R. Coburn Perry J. Hershey Walter R. Horlacher James B. Angle Ira G. Freeman Carl J. Rodewald Bruce C. Hutchins Andrew W. Wilcox Porter J. Newman Gabe A. Sellers Herbert Mering Joseph A. Novak ORIGINAL CHAPTER OFFICERS October 23, 1920 Worthy Master Worthy Chaplain Worthy Keeper of Exchequer Worthy Keeper of Annals Worthy Scribe Worthy Usher Worthy Sentinel Elmer D. McCollum Walter J. Rogers Carl F. Mershon Robert S. Love E. Leo Bebb Charles Nitcher Philip R. Woodbury 9.04 Book of Records Book of Records 9.05 2. COMPLETE CHAPTER ROLL 2020001 2020002 2020003 2020004 2020005 2020006 2020007 2020008 2020009 2020010 2020011 2020012 2020013 2020014 2020015 2020016 2020017 2020018 2020019 2020020 2020021 2020022 2020023 2020024 2020025 2020026 2020027 2020028 2020029 2020030 2020031 2020032 2020033 2020034 2020035 2020036 2020037 2020038 2020039 2020040 2020041 2020042 2020043 2020044 2020045 2020046 2020047 2020048 2020049 2020050 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 Elmer D. McCollum Walter J. Rogers Ernest L. Bebb Carl F. Mershon Leroy M. Leiter Charles Nitcher J. Farr Brown Charles C. McPherson Lorin G. Moore Ralph M. Murray Charles R. Smith Robert S. Love Walter T. Rolfe Thomas W. Lee Ray B. Watson Paul Kovar Morton J. Stigers Philip R. Woodbury Millard R. Getty Clyde M. Rust Laurens H. Reyburn Otto R. Coburn Perry J. Hershey Walter R. Horlacher James B. Angle Ira G. Freeman Carl J. Rodewald Bruce C. Hutchins Andrew W. Wilcox Porter J. Newman Gabe A. Sellers Herbert Mering Joseph A. Novak Norman W. Helm Don S. Hall Noah D. Zeigler Brom D. Hixson L. Allyn Laybourn Paul E. Smith Newell F. Moore Ernest B. Johnson Bruce A. Rogers Raub R. Snyder Harry L. Felten Lester A. Dumond N. Dale Lund Roy E. Gwin Paul B. Gwin Walter W. Rodewald Frederick M. McElhinney 2020051 2020052 2020053 2020054 2020055 2020056 2020057 2020058 2020059 2020060 2020061 2020062 2020063 2020064 2020065 2020066 2020067 2020068 2020069 2020070 2020071 2020072 2020073 2020074 2020075 2020076 2020077 2020078 2020079 2020080 2020081 2020082 2020083 2020084 2020085 2020086 2020087 2020088 2020089 2020090 2020091 2020092 2020093 2020094 2020095 2020096 2020097 2020098 2020099 2020100 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1921 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1922 DTh1923 DTh1923 DTh1923 DTh1923 DTh1923 DTh1923 DTh1923 DTh1923 DTh1923 DTh1923 DTh1923 DTh1924 DTh1924 DTh1924 DTh1924 DTh1924 DTh1924 DTh1924 DTh1924 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1925 Charles T. Halbert Ernest H. Guyer Thomas G. Spring A. Wilcox Foster Emmor W. Hall Robert W. Kent Metheny J. Copeland Lawrence M. Staley John P. Hale John Steiner George K. Chew Ralph V. O'Neil George E. Phillips Henry D. Karns Harry C. Bird Fred W. Hiss Elmer J. Bird Dee D. Bird Ernest E. Asher Herbert H. Frizzell Cameron S. Goldsmith Howard K. Woodbury Guy R. Spiker Frank E. Willey Everett E. Bell Cecil R. Prose William A. Asher Lou W. Grothusen Harold D. Grothusen Frank S. Davis Lester R. Sellers Vernon G. Asher Edwin J. Kent Ralph M. Karns Waldo D. Wollam Merle E. Wyatt Deo O. Wilson Edward Petr Elmer L. Canary Harry K. Lamont Irving L. Walker Marshall B. Ross Carl T. Schaible Russell D. Pugh Lawrence S. Farrell C. Richard Mann Wilmer G. Beougher Lloyd W. Merten Paul S. Strand Arthur L. Rogers 9.06 Book of Records 2020101 2020102 2020103 2020104 2020105 2020106 2020107 2020108 2020109 2020110 2020111 2020112 2020113 2020114 2020115 2020116 2020117 2020118 2020119 2020120 2020121 2020122 2020123 2020124 2020125 2020126 2020127 2020128 2020129 2020130 2020131 2020132 2020133 2020134 2020135 2020136 2020137 2020138 2020139 2020140 2020141 2020142 2020143 2020144 2020145 2020146 2020147 2020148 2020149 2020150 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1925 DTh1926 DTh1926 DTh1926 DTh1926 DTh1926 DTh1926 DTh1926 DTh1926 DTh1926 DTh1926 DTh1926 DTh1926 DTh1927 DTh1927 DTh1927 DTh1927 DTh1927 DTh1927 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1928 DTh1929 DTh1929 DTh1929 DTh1929 DTh1929 DTh1929 DTh1929 DTh1929 DTh1929 Gardiner R. Rhoades Bryant M. Hale Howard W. Geitgey Roice E. Jones Philip R. Carter Donald W. Shields Henry C. Walbridge Kirk M. Ward Charles D. Wyatt Alfred D. Thomas Dwight D. Smith John A. Hoop Orville O. Barton Charles W. King Raymond P. Hunsberger Walter R. Denman Arthur F. Bowen Joseph R. McMullen Philip B. McMullen Lyman E. Henley Virgal P. Marshall Charles H. Synnamon Eugene E. Rippey Kenneth C. Bauman Theodore A. Chadwick Glade W. Hurst Melvin J. Norris Verne E. Wesley Ernest R. Thomas Wesley M. Shields Ralph L. Miller Edward V. Ellifrit D. Paul Hutchison Ralph S. Ellifrit George M. Grafel William W. Daniels Omar L. Wagner Alfred A. Holmquist Melvin A. Griffith Paul B. Cain Ernest F. Jenista Ben L. Meibergen Wilford A. Caskey Earle H. Merritt Henry O. Cronkite Arthur P. Rice Fred G. Wyatt Earl C. Richardson O. Arthur Attwood Harold O. Russell 2020151 2020152 2020153 2020154 2020155 2020156 2020157 2020158 2020159 2020160 2020161 2020162 2020163 2020164 2020165 2020166 2020167 2020168 2020169 2020170 2020171 2020172 2020173 2020174 2020175 2020176 2020177 2020178 2020179 2020180 2020181 2020182 2020183 2020184 2020185 2020186 2020187 2020188 2020189 2020190 2020191 2020192 2020193 2020194 2020195 2020196 2020197 2020198 2020199 2020200 DTh1929 DTh1929 DTh1929 DTh1929 DTh1930 DTh1930 DTh1930 DTh1930 DTh1930 DTh1930 DTh1930 DTh1930 DTh1930 DTh1930 DTh1931 DTh1931 DTh1931 DTh1931 DTh1931 DTh1931 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1932 DTh1933 DTh1933 DTh1933 DTh1933 DTh1933 DTh1933 DTh1933 DTh1933 DTh1933 DTh1934 DTh1934 DTh1934 DTh1934 DTh1934 DTh1935 DTh1935 John S. Biggs, Jr. Eli E. Daman Wilbur S. Nay Charles A. Pine Edward E. Criner Hoyt V. Hatfield David A. Henley Don F. Beach Elmer K. Blasdel Reuben A. Sparks Clair M. Worthy Robert W. Spiker Crawford Beeson Lee T. Morgan Dale Berger Harold C. Hibbs Richard R. Owen Robert F. Owen Clifton W. Pangburn Allan W. McCullouch Kenneth L. Brubaker Arthur H. L. Daman Louis G. Elser Denzil M. Fallis James B. LeClere Floyd J. Mayer John B. Nixon Dougal Russell Lyle L. Schlaefli Ward H. Shurtz Alfred E. White Carl D. Eagan Merton G. Mathews Bartlett V. Allen Wesley H. Brinkman Clarence R. Crawford Marvin A. Hanson Maurice E. Hanson James S. Latucky Reece D. Morgan James H. Rexroad Lloyd C. Riggs Walter B. Purviance Stephen Delladio Ralph T. Rankin Rogert M. Crow John E. Moore George R. Pauling John C. Ayers Howard W. Cleveland Book of Records 9.07 2020201 2020202 2020203 2020204 2020205 2020206 2020207 2020208 2020209 2020210 2020211 2020212 2020213 2020214 2020215 2020216 2020217 2020218 2020219 2020220 2020221 2020222 2020223 2020224 2020225 2020226 2020227 2020228 2020229 2020230 2020231 2020232 2020233 2020234 2020235 2020236 2020237 2020238 2020239 2020240 2020241 2020242 2020243 2020244 2020245 2020246 2020247 2020248 2020249 2020250 DTh1935 DTh1935 DTh1935 DTh1935 DTh1935 DTh1936 DTh1936 DTh1936 DTh1936 DTh1936 DTh1936 DTh1936 DTh1937 DTh1937 DTh1937 DTh1938 DTh1938 DTh1938 DTh1938 DTh1938 DTh1938 DTh1938 DTh1938 DTh1938 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1939 DTh1940 DTh1940 DTh1940 DTh1940 DTh1940 DTh1940 DTh1940 DTh1940 DTh1941 DTh1941 DTh1941 DTh1941 Jay H. Payne Charles M. Platt Donald L. Maxwell Harry R. Robinson William D. Halfhill Monford M. Beeson Fred B. Crist Murray R. Hawley Belden C. Percival Riley R. Whearty Robert H. Harvey William C. Moore Joe M. Goodwin Fred V. Klemp, Jr. Clarence P. Smith William L. Muir II Donald L. Webb Henry F. Kupfer John T. Muir Dale L. Duncan Clifford E. Duncan William G. Bensing Lloyd R. Orrell William J. Ratliff Elmer L. Nieman Thomas R. Woods Mailand R. Strunk Edwin A. Weber William A. Gonser Myron F. Hornbaker Donald L. Munzer Kenneth E. Spring John O. Thisler F. Robert Lonberger Richard N. Heaton Wilfred E. Burnham John H. Haeberle Jerry J. Hickey Chester O. Fischer James E. Paterson Allison L. Hornbaker Eugene E. Ruff Norbert L. Raemer Wallace A. Swanson Richard J. Powell Glenn E. Duncan Kenneth H. Graham William R. Guthrie Roy E. Gwin, Jr. Clarence M. Penticuff 2020251 2020252 2020253 2020254 2020255 2020256 2020257 2020258 2020259 2020260 2020261 2020262 2020263 2020264 2020265 2020266 2020267 2020268 2020269 2020270 2020271 2020272 2020273 2020274 2020275 2020276 2020277 2020278 2020279 2020280 2020281 2020282 2020283 2020284 2020285 2020286 2020287 2020288 2020289 2020290 2020291 2020292 2020293 2020294 2020295 2020296 2020297 2020298 2020299 2020300 DTh1941 DTh1941 DTh1941 DTh1941 DTh1941 DTh1941 DTh1941 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1942 DTh1943 DTh1943 DTh1943 DTh1943 DTh1943 DTh1943 DTh1943 DTh1943 DTh1944 DTh1945 DTh1945 DTh1945 DTh1945 DTh1946 DTh1946 DTh1946 DTh1946 DTh1946 DTh1946 DTh1946 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 Martin E. McMahon John P. Neal Max S. Houston Richard I. Buchli John B. Rogers James W. Watkins Francis B. Gwin Robert N. Smith Don R. Borthwick John W. Randell Ross D. Skinner Emerson L. Chance George W. Fuhrken William R. Engelland Case A. Bonebrake George E. Adams Duane M. Green Clifford R. Yelley Frederick E. Sherlock Keith R. Kehmeier Bernard E. Maydew Randall C. Maydew Donald E. Maskill Paul H. Gwin John B. Wohlberg Richard R. Appleoff Stanford L. Wise Dewey J. Council Charles R. Ottman, Jr. Henry E. Brandes Bobbie W. Hill Claud S. Shelor, Jr. August Bogina, Jr. Robert G. Bensing George R. Jones Harold M. Kiser Charles W. Engelland John T. Graves Glen W. Scanlan Ralph K. Fredrickson Eugene H. Bruner Robert E. Berndt Lawrence J. King John W. Money Clarence G. Heath Alan A. Berndt Ralph C. Fuhrken Ralph Hall Vernon F. Minor Kent G. Slyhoff 9.08 Book of Records 2020301 2020302 2020303 2020304 2020305 2020306 2020307 2020308 2020309 2020310 2020311 2020312 2020313 2020314 2020315 2020316 2020317 2020318 2020319 2020320 2020321 2020322 2020323 2020324 2020325 2020326 2020327 2020328 2020329 2020330 2020331 2020332 2020333 2020334 2020335 2020336 2020337 2020338 2020339 2020340 2020341 2020342 2020343 2020344 2020345 2020346 2020347 2020348 2020349 2020350 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1947 DTh1948 DTh1948 DTh1948 DTh1948 DTh1948 DTh1948 DTh1948 DTh1948 DTh1948 DTh1948 DTh1948 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1949 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 Henry W. Kite Kenneth E. Bell Robert D. Rogers Jack C. Brown Paul Degenhardt David A. Lewis Arthur B. March Herbert W. Asher Alphia E. Knapp Harold A. Duby George G. Holloway Richard J. Krizman Donald L. Uppendahl Harold C. Lukens Virgil W. Bodine Paul E. Kelly Alton J. Wilson Robert E. Hahn Bruce H. Karns Donald L. Harter Richard D. Dobson Joseph M. Byers Arthur R. King Paul E. Marti, Jr. Thomas R. Updegrove Guy N. Jolliff Norman C. Knapp George D. Bishop Donald O. Hornbaker M. Crawford Clark William F. Hoppes Donald E. McKee Homer W. Page, Jr. John R. Watson Malcolm F. A. Tornqvist Don E. Anderson Ben F. Wolhlberg Richard D. Wedge James E. Shriver Harold M. Gwin Henry F. Filson Alan D. Cole Edward B. Adams Donald E. Lockstrom Rollin W. Vickery Lloyd E. Clarke Ronald D. Stinson James L. Waters James V. Jung George R. Lange 2020351 2020352 2020353 2020354 2020355 2020356 2020357 2020358 2020359 2020360 2020361 2020362 2020363 2020364 2020365 2020366 2020367 2020368 2020369 2020370 2020371 2020372 2020373 2020374 2020375 2020376 2020377 2020378 2020379 2020380 2020381 2020382 2020383 2020384 2020385 2020386 2020387 2020388 2020389 2020390 2020391 2020392 2020393 2020394 2020395 2020396 2020397 2020398 2020399 2020400 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1950 DTh1951 DTh1951 DTh1951 DTh1951 DTh1951 DTh1951 DTh1951 DTh1951 DTh1951 DTh1951 DTh1952 DTh1952 DTh1952 DTh1952 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1953 DTh1954 DTh1954 DTh1954 DTh1954 DTh1954 DTh1954 DTh1954 Ted H. Hess Norman M. Blubaugh Dale K. Allen Elliott B. Zipprodt Wilfrid M. Raemer Forrest D. Asher James R. Mather Robert M. Leroy Jack E. Beal Hiram W. King, Jr. * Allen R. Molzen Harold O. Blinn Theodore K. Merrell Keith A. Boller Jack G. Fast Donald S. Williams Fred H. Woodbury George R. Vanvoorst James L. Filson Lawrence A. Schafer Danny K. Dunbar F. Lee Shore Kenneth D. Weide William W. Mahood, Jr. William C. Boon, Jr. Earl C. Johnston Donald P. Hutchison John R. Kupfer Wallace B. Wren Eugene F. Grabs Kenneth A. Shaw Dale E. Marr Richard R. Carr James W. Goebel Duane C. Hufford Gary N. Pottorff Robert C. Breithaupt Dean F. Joslin Maurice D. Wikoff John R. Cummins Edwin L. Hollar Alan D. Vannice Roger S. Clarke Walter J. Danforth Carl L. Glocker Ronald E. Callaway Thomas C. Fuller Jack L. Harmon Cecil R. Shove Book of Records 9.09 2020401 2020402 2020403 2020404 2020405 2020406 2020407 2020408 2020409 2020410 2020411 2020412 2020413 2020414 2020415 2020416 2020417 2020418 2020419 2020420 2020421 2020422 2020423 2020424 2020425 2020426 2020427 2020428 2020429 2020430 2020431 2020432 2020433 2020434 2020435 2020436 2020437 2020438 2020439 2020440 2020441 2020442 2020443 2020444 2020445 2020446 2020447 2020448 2020449 2020450 DTh1954 DTh1955 DTh1955 DTh1955 DTh1955 DTh1955 DTh1955 DTh1955 DTh1955 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1956 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1957 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 William B. Eddy Herschel L. Staats Leland E. Fager Allen N. Olsen Irvin D. Blume Gene Randall Robert Dunlap Raleigh L. Eggers Robert H. Haas Clayton L. Griffin Dwight E. Glenn Bruce B. Irwin Walter J. Wirtz Ronald K. Edwards Norman H. Staats Ervin D. Stahel James H. Williams Edward L. Thompson Lynn H. Grafel LaRue L. Anderson William C. Dawe George W. Hart III Robert E. Krizman Richard D. Mondy Stanley L. Stokes Ellis D. Rainsberger Leslie L. Ogg Gary N. Settle Joseph C. Northern Robert J. Hofmann Michael A. McConnell James A. Riedinger II James B. Angle II Charles W. Couch John G. Cersovsky James L. Johnson Charles W. White Jerry L. Smith Harry D. Lehew Gary E. Darter Paul R. Meier Forrest E. Mendenhall Benjamin W. Barber Lonn L. Beedy Karl F. Anderson John E. Peel Charles M. Shaughnessy Clarence A. Sloan Walter A. Besecke III Arthur M. Roberts 2020451 2020452 2020453 2020454 2020455 2020456 2020457 2020458 2020459 2020460 2020461 2020462 2020463 2020464 2020465 2020466 2020467 2020468 2020469 2020470 2020471 2020472 2020473 2020474 2020475 2020476 2020477 2020478 2020479 2020480 2020481 2020482 2020483 2020484 2020485 2020486 2020487 2020488 2020489 2020490 2020491 2020492 2020493 2020494 2020495 2020496 2020497 2020498 2020499 2020500 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1958 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1959 DTh1960 DTh1960 DTh1960 DTh1960 DTh1960 DTh1960 DTh1960 DTh1960 DTh1960 DTh1960 DTh1960 DTh1961 DTh1961 DTh1961 DTh1961 DTh1961 DTh1961 DTh1961 DTh1962 DTh1962 Jon C. Sederquist Hugh A. Wiswell Merrill E. McCall Merlyn E. Desmarteau Darryl D. Bauman Kilo K. Hobbs Eugene B. Everett, Jr. James R. Creamer Clair D. Gard Phil B. Bowman Paul L. Diehn Jerry L. Weigand R. Dean Dunlap Mark J. Dreiling Ronald Joy Allen H. Hess Richard L. Haas Donald Joy David W. Newton William H. Glocker Roger W. Kramer Jerry J. Minnis Errol L. Biggs John W. Macy James H. Wagner Darrell P. Schmidt Phillip H. Schuley A. Daniel Vogel Richard G. Pannbacker James R. Maxwell R. Kent Crawford Lewis W. Watson John E. Going Lloyd W. Fields J. John Fettes III J. King Foster John W. Felten R. Gary Lortscher David A. Baker James E. Dilly Roland J. Bonneau Darwin E. Johnson Douglas W. Brink Philip V. Bloom R. Gordon Bruce Michael R. Gobble James N. Reardon James C. Schnell Charles C. Purser Jack L. Diekman 9.10 Book of Records 2020501 2020502 2020503 2020504 2020505 2020506 2020507 2020508 2020509 2020510 2020511 2020512 2020513 2020514 2020515 2020516 2020517 2020518 2020519 2020520 2020521 2020522 2020523 2020524 2020525 2020526 2020527 2020528 2020529 2020530 2020531 2020532 2020533 2020534 2020535 2020536 2020537 2020538 2020539 2020540 2020541 2020542 2020543 2020544 2020545 2020546 2020547 2020548 2020549 2020550 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1962 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1963 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1964 DTh1965 DTh1965 DTh1965 DTh1965 DTh1965 DTh1965 DTh1965 Don R. Opdycke Lawrence P. O'Brien Peter J. Barrett Harry R. Foster Robert G. Heft George E. Taplin Michael J. Wolf Dudley G. Loomis Mitchell L. Foster Leo L. Hadley Ross G. Rhodes Alan L. Mashak John W. McKee Thomas B. Creamer Samuel R. Hogue George A. Heneveld III Kenneth K. Chesney Johnny L. Granquist Richard W. Jacobson Harry Hoesli James R. Madden Richard E. Fagerberg Robert P. McWhorter Jack E. Calentine Richard D. Sheppard Stephen B. Evans George K. Brummer Monty M. Bednasek Michael S. Duncan Stuart A. Erbentraut Larry W. Emig Alwyn H. Gentry Bruce W. Heckman C. Wade Johnson Steve A. Johnson Michael T. Mills Ronald H. Roesler Alan R. Smith William S. Taylor Rodney D. Peterson John O. McConnell Robert E. Graves Steven C. Newton James V. Swanson Raymond W. Johnson Charles E. Ohl William F. Rock Robert C. Dobson Richard H. Spingler, Jr. John T. Meyer 2020551 2020552 2020553 2020554 2020555 2020556 2020557 2020558 2020559 2020560 2020561 2020562 2020563 2020564 2020565 2020566 2020567 2020568 2020569 2020570 2020571 2020572 2020573 2020574 2020575 2020576 2020577 2020578 2020579 2020580 2020581 2020582 2020583 2020584 2020585 2020586 2020587 2020588 2020589 2020590 2020591 2020592 2020593 2020594 2020595 2020596 2020597 2020598 2020599 2020600 DTh1965 DTh1965 DTh1965 DTh1965 DTh1965 DTh1965 DTh1965 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1966 DTh1967 DTh1967 DTh1967 DTh1967 DTh1967 DTh1967 DTh1967 DTh1967 DTh1967 DTh1967 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 John R. McCarty Charles W. Schlagel Stanley R. Boles Gary C. Brees William F. Overman George F. Mance David R. Alexander H. Stephen Joy Dennis C. Wheatley Cady R. Engler James W. Gentry Edward S. Gfeller Robert H. Balwanz W. Lonnie Dillon Dennis E. Horne Robert W. Brewster, Jr. Robert L. Kirkendall John L. Corey H. David Starkey Gary J. Heyka Michael L. Trabert Steven D. Roesler G. Timothy Richards Willard L. Eitzman Robert M. Hudson Robert D. Overman Lonnie A. Wiseman Thomas M. Foncannon Paul W. Hanney Michael J. Arehart William L. Muir III Edmond E. Fellers John P. Charles Charles W. Lamer III Richard R. Ray Robert L. Randall Richard A. Pinaire Dennis N. Whitmer Wiley S. Shaw Patrick A. Wakeman John E. Holstrom Larry E. Sinn Donald L. Orrell Jerry L. Holstrom Steven D. Rogers Larry R. Heyka Franklin C. Cherney John B. Buchheister Michael H. Tolson Stephen J. Mudrey Book of Records 9.11 2020601 2020602 2020603 2020604 2020605 2020606 2020607 2020608 2020609 2020610 2020611 2020612 2020613 2020614 2020615 2020616 2020617 2020618 2020619 2020620 2020621 2020622 2020623 2020624 2020625 2020626 2020627 2020628 2020629 2020630 2020631 2020632 2020633 2020634 2020635 2020636 2020637 2020638 2020639 2020640 2020641 2020642 2020643 2020644 2020645 2020646 2020647 2020648 2020649 2020650 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1968 DTh1969 DTh1969 DTh1969 DTh1969 DTh1969 DTh1969 DTh1969 DTh1969 DTh1969 DTh1969 DTh1969 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1970 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 Stephen R. Peak O. William Miner Robert F. Kingston Jeffrey L. Burner Paul J. Bartak Stanley A. Karst Douglas A. Firebaugh Dennis N. Howard Frederick G. Miller Stephen A. Sherlock Paul L. Corwin James D. Hoch Paul B. Diehl Ivan D. Veldhuizen Gerald J. Lang Michael E. Johnson Richard H. O'Flynn Walter A. Moriarty Joseph O. Hodges Arthur G. Craig Mark A. Grimes Bradley L. McConnell Daniel H. Birr Raymond E. Kingston Kenneth E. Linscott David S. Froelich Daniel H. McKay Randal A. Deutsch John C. Durkin Michael L. Stormer Arnold D. Luetgert Paul R. Scholz James H. Budke Charles W. Engle Lonnie E. Dalrymple Robert K. Sterrett Mark L. Higgins Val G. Gibson G. Sherman Ripley Keith W. Broce David C. White James B. Pearson Jeffrey P. Crabb Daniel C. Walter Stephen J. Glotzbach Richard E. Marcotte Douglass A. Rauscher Marc S. Connor Michael W. Gilliland Douglas D. Wedel 2020651 2020652 2020653 2020654 2020655 2020656 2020657 2020658 2020659 2020660 2020661 2020662 2020663 2020664 2020665 2020666 2020667 2020668 2020669 2020670 2020671 2020672 2020673 2020674 2020675 2020676 2020677 2020678 2020679 2020680 2020681 2020682 2020683 2020684 2020685 2020686 2020687 2020688 2020689 2020690 2020691 2020692 2020693 2020694 2020695 2020696 2020697 2020698 2020699 2020700 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1971 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1972 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 R. Thomas Dole, Jr. R. Douglas Love Don A. Perkins Richard R. Sterrett Michael W. Ryder Dennis A. Roper Arthur E. Torrez Richard C. Kline Gary N. Wiles Carl L. Musil Randy E. Williams Robert H. Buser Terry D. Bowen Lance L. Sayler Scott N. Gray Curtis L. Stanford Mark G. Daly Lawrence H. Madsen Gary J. Bartak William J. Miller William E. Dakan Patrick H. Collins Walter P. Lane Paul T. Beyer, Jr. Brian N. Stoll Marvin L. Meier Steve C. Carroll Clark E. Linders C. Bill Geist Steven C. Johnson Duane C. Holloway Randy W. Dalrymple William C. Burnette David E. Ruff Douglas D. Hassett David M. Coberly Donn A. Demaree Sherman L. Donovan Mark W. Harris Michael O. Hauck Mark D. Tate John J. Voorhees Craig E. Ward David L. Watson Gregory M. Karst Dennis W. Rademacher Andrew K. Glatt Thomas E. Garrison Keith E. Pike James F. Seal 9.12 Book of Records 2020701 2020702 2020703 2020704 2020705 2020706 2020707 2020708 2020709 2020710 2020711 2020712 2020713 2020714 2020715 2020716 2020717 2020718 2020719 2020720 2020721 2020722 2020723 2020724 2020725 2020726 2020727 2020728 2020729 2020730 2020731 2020732 2020733 2020734 2020735 2020736 2020737 2020738 2020739 2020740 2020741 2020742 2020743 2020744 2020745 2020746 2020747 2020748 2020749 2020750 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1973 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 DTh1974 Michael D. Helton Richard J. Bloomer Thomas L. Cofran Paul A. Chinn C. Bradley Forsyth Dan K. Foushee David A. Wright Ben B. Barnert Barry P. Hilton Michael H. Jackson Craig M. Babb Robert R. Keesee Barry K. Childs Michael J. Grosdidier Robert P. Ripley James P. Schumacher Rodney D. Hilt Gary B. Hilderhof Peter H. Romain Duane M. Ediger W. Cary Dikeman Anthony D. Adams Kent R. Eikenberry John C. Mackaman Edward L. Hauck Randall J. Strunk John P. Wood David W. Freeman Mark K. McGarity David F. Dowling Mickey J. Maritan Douglas E. Hahn Donald W. Sundgren Mark W. Funke John F. Simpson Mark L. Bowden David P. Mason Steven G. Baumgart Steven W. Schorn Lawrence V. Mann D. Gene Dikeman II Hugh M. Bower Michael T. Fletcher Stanley G. Bruce John L. Deutsch William E. Small James A. Childs Douglas B. Knox Ronald G. Mindedahl R. Scott Morts 2020751 2020752 2020753 2020754 2020755 2020756 2020757 2020758 2020759 2020760 2020761 2020762 2020763 2020764 2020765 2020766 2020767 2020768 2020769 2020770 2020771 2020772 2020773 2020774 2020775 2020776 2020777 2020778 2020779 2020780 2020781 2020782 2020783 2020784 2020785 2020786 2020787 2020788 2020789 2020790 2020791 2020792 2020793 2020794 2020795 2020796 2020797 2020798 2020799 2020800 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1975 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 Roger W. Wallace Dennis R. Hermesch Robert H. Hutchinson Raymond E. Keith Steven D. Dunbar Dan G. Tinder Steven B. Young Joseph D. Berlekamp Stephen J. Garrison Charles R. Wade Rene R. Roberts Philip B. Achten Richard L. Thompson Joe A. Millikan Michael S. Meinke Brad R. Winchell Richard W. Schmidt II Mark R. Mathews Larry R. Kogler Jeffrey D. McClelland Richard B. Strunk Robert P. Jonas T. Michael McCoy Dennis W. Orr Peter E. Larsen Greg C. Barron Jeffrey S. Akerly James A. Huschka Mark F. Rich Charles D. Chambers Rodney M. Staats Kent W. Armstrong Steve D. Anderson Mark T. Boyd Peter L. Thompson Mark G. Tindle Larry J. North Perry L. Smith Herbert L. Meeks David L. Meyer Gilbert E. Compton Eric L. Spannenberg Brent F. Akright Norman D. Brown J. Murray Mathew Ronny D. McFall Gary L. Murphy Richard K. Degenhardt, Jr. Michael L. Pottorff Curtis L. Robertson Book of Records 9.13 2020801 2020802 2020803 2020804 2020805 2020806 2020807 2020808 2020809 2020810 2020811 2020812 2020813 2020814 2020815 2020816 2020817 2020818 2020819 2020820 2020821 2020822 2020823 2020824 2020825 2020826 2020827 2020828 2020829 2020830 2020831 2020832 2020833 2020834 2020835 2020836 2020837 2020838 2020839 2020840 2020841 2020842 2020843 2020844 2020845 2020846 2020847 2020848 2020849 2020850 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1976 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1977 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1978 DTh1979 Jeffrey E. Schmidt William D. Buser William C. Brown Mark L. Holdeman D. Clay Shropshire Robbie L. Engen C. Clyde Jones John P. Buser Stephen M. McCandless Mark A. Anderson Mark A. Mallder Giles C. Tuckfield John E. Otey Timothy G. Dawson Michael R. Utech Daniel G. Peters Daniel T. Cosgrove Kent E. Byrom Kevin G. Karst Dan E. Robbins Allan D. Holiday, Jr. Lloyd L. Landkamer Daniel S. Rehmert Kenton L. Brandon Timothy G. Link Kevin V. Saunders Mark D. Guttu Daniel A. Phillips M. Scott Mathews Louis T. Bloukos David B. Krizman Michael K. Mines Jeffrey D. Bolen David A. Bohnenblust Thomas D. Briggs Cory W. Barron Kevin C. Hensley Stanley D. Linville John M. Norris Blish C. Hills Martin V. Siler Wayne L. Hoener Michael A. Alstadt Michael J. McKernan Gary L. Isaacson * James M. Johnson Donald E. Krizman L. Mark Spangler Michael E. Brown 2020851 2020852 2020853 2020854 2020855 2020856 2020857 2020858 2020859 2020860 2020861 2020862 2020863 2020864 2020865 2020866 2020867 2020868 2020869 2020870 2020871 2020872 2020873 2020874 2020875 2020876 2020877 2020878 2020879 2020880 2020881 2020882 2020883 2020884 2020885 2020886 2020887 2020888 2020889 2020890 2020891 2020892 2020893 2020894 2020895 2020896 2020897 2020898 2020899 2020900 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1979 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1980 DTh1981 DTh1981 Robert L. Frye Benjamin J. Craney Donald J. Jermain Edward B. Walsh David L. Bray David A. Stuck Stewart I. Baker Geary H. Danielsen David K. Seymour William F. Gensky Laren R. Hafliger David W. Cox M. Lane Eggers Douglas P. Gill James J. Long Tom S. Schweder Scott F. Miller Phillip L. Herrell Antoni P. Firner John W. Nixon Rory S. Rehmert Gregg R. Coonrod Steven W. Moldrup Craig W. Bloomsmith Greg D. Widrig Dallas D. Hill Gregory S. McCullough Brad C. Stokes Kent E. Wallace Greg A. Kelley Jeffrey D. Shoemaker Wayne D. Maxwell Allan R. Brown John C. Griebel Mark L. Bolling Kyle C. Burk Mark A. Alholm Gregory J. Hasselwander Mark D. Maurer Gary A. Fischer Timothy T. Mulcahy Keith P. Meier Daniel D. Robson Richard R. Lewis Richard H. McTague Keith H. Anderson Duane E. Harms Randall L. Lobaugh Philip E. Grosdidier Jeffrey L. Gates 9.14 Book of Records 2020901 2020902 2020903 2020904 2020905 2020906 2020907 2020908 2020909 2020910 2020911 2020912 2020913 2020914 2020915 2020916 2020917 2020918 2020919 2020920 2020921 2020922 2020923 2020924 2020925 2020926 2020927 2020928 2020929 2020930 2020931 2020932 2020933 2020934 2020935 2020936 2020937 2020938 2020939 2020940 2020941 2020942 2020943 2020944 2020945 2020946 2020947 2020948 2020949 2020950 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1981 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1982 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 Jerry F. Jermain Timothy J. Bolen Bruce A. Guttu Bryan R. Bayouth Marvin L. Trayford John M. Holiday Gary J. Jermain Jay A. Dunfield Troy L. Schuknecht Garth T. Krizman Frederick R. Edmunds Kendall C. Young James A. Bellerive Daniel D. Jones Milton E. Hoffman John M. Dungan Michael R. Widrig Jeff E. Dillon Thomas A. Graham Darrin D. Dressler David L. Wille Kevin R. Wilborn David W. Binder Bryce K. Johnson Barry L. McAnulty Jeffrey S. Johnson Patrick V. DiCarlo Cameron K. Collins Steven J. Reed Jonathan S. Thomas Bryant C. Hindman Joseph P. Fangman Kenneth D. Parks Robert P. Diehl John R. Krizman Jeffrey S. Miller Steven E. Johnson Brian S. Judah Joe J. Krizman Stuart L. Wallace Douglas W. Harder Stephen W. Blazer Kurt T. Woltering Steven P. Hoover Bruce G. Doctor James E. Hellmer Thomas A. Patterson Philip A. Cross Timothy A. Vespa Mark C. Flemming 2020951 2020952 2020953 2020954 2020955 2020956 2020957 2020958 2020959 2020960 2020961 2020962 2020963 2020964 2020965 2020966 2020967 2020968 2020969 2020970 2020971 2020972 2020973 2020974 2020975 2020976 2020977 2020978 2020979 2020980 2020981 2020982 2020983 2020984 2020985 2020986 2020987 2020988 2020989 2020990 2020991 2020992 2020993 2020994 2020995 2020996 2020997 2020998 2020999 2021000 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1983 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1984 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 DTh1985 Charles E. McCrary Mark R. Barbee Curtis J. Reese Todd D. Randall Craig A. Doehring Timothy E. Congrove Stanley L. Winter Thomas G. Franzen Daniel W. Schwartzkopf Joel E. Hermes Bret A. Fox Weston W. Gibson Robert W. Feiring Jeffrey T. Ramsey Corbin T. Witt Timothy M. Henderson George J. Hughes Robert A. Spanke Kevin M. Messing James S. Mazzio Patrick E. McKernan Steve J. Mathes Trevor J. Whitney Lynn A. Taylor Kent D. Cable Paul E. McKenzie Edward R. Nickel Brian L. Zwahlen John E. Bayouth James L. Goering, Jr. Daniel L. Mershon Richard T. Overton Danny A. Lopez Duane M. Redelsheimer Larry D. Marvel Brandon J. Kisner William C. Bergner Christopher R. Bancroft Roger Y. Elkins Dan K. Wiley John G. Diederich Jeffrey S. Pierce Michael J. Morrison David A. Kaster Donald D. McDaniel, Jr. Stephen M. Weber Troy D. Horton Todd W. Haddock R. Mark Judah Jerry A. Ricke Book of Records 9.15 2021001 2021002 2021003 2021004 2021005 2021006 2021007 2021008 2021009 2021010 2021011 2021012 2021013 2021014 2021015 2021016 2021017 2021018 2021019 2021020 2021021 2021022 2021023 2021024 2021025 2021026 2021027 2021028 2021029 2021030 2021031 2021032 2021033 2021034 2021035 2021036 2021037 2021038 2021039 2021040 2021041 2021042 2021043 2021044 2021045 2021046 2021047 2021048 2021049 2021050 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1986 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 Eric S. Hoffman Douglas A. Long Terry E. Studer Daniel G. Perkins Gregory C. Peterson Theodore L. Wald Dwight H. Tolar Richard L. Lahman Michael S. Ribble Douglas M. Beck Thomas W. Butler Allen B. Hettich Matthew L. Bretz Steven W. Hardin Robert W. Reichenberger Michael E. McGee Kyle R. Rolfing Troy R. Hull Joseph P. Kennedy Eric J. Gromko Bradley S. Mallory Michael K. Cormaci David H. Kiser Scott D. Taggart * Jeffrey S. Laughman Jeffrey J. Blanchat David J. Poague James W. Taylor III Michael P. Murray Jeremy J. Lyman Thomas M. Clark Robert M. Zwiesler Romeo G. Patron Mark A. Porter Charles A. Musselman Bradford J. Gray Timothy C. Smith Brian A. Unruh Timothy J. Stauffer Gerald L. Haug Roger G. Brown David G. Gladow Bobby J. Schoeppel Eric L. Morgison Bradley S. Barbour Clark L. Langemeier Trygve W. Palmer Dennis R. Odgers Roderick B. Hall 2021051 2021052 2021053 2021054 2021055 2021056 2021057 2021058 2021059 2021060 2021061 2021062 2021063 2021064 2021065 2021066 2021067 2021068 2021069 2021070 2021071 2021072 2021073 2021074 2021075 2021076 2021077 2021078 2021079 2021080 2021081 2021082 2021083 2021084 2021085 2021086 2021087 2021088 2021089 2021090 2021091 2021092 2021093 2021094 2021095 2021096 2021097 2021098 2021099 2021100 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1987 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1988 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 Stephen N. Shaw John D. Cormaci Ronald D. Kirkham Robert S. Krause Scott D. Goertzen Kevin E. Kickhaefer Timothy S. Berends Joel M. Grimmett Ryan T. Witt Christopher A. Galey Terrence A. Hood Brent D. Scott Paul A. Weiler James J. Smith Darrick S. Klima Michael R. Fegter Kent H. Kiracofe Henry W. Lipps Greg A. Savaiano Terrence R. Gray John A. Towse, Jr. Scott A. Mannebach David C. Odgers Robert J. AuBuchon Dennis J. O'Keefe Daniel L. Treinen Doug L. Rehfeld James F. Kiekbusch Thomas J. R. Meier Stephen L. Patton Keith P. Corder Darin E. Kandt Daniel R. Brown Kenneth P. Jensen, Jr. Curtis R. Madden John D. Rees Wade B. Jensik Kevin T. O'Connor Matthew D. McCoy Dennis R. Upshaw Travis P. Jones Kenneth L. Pingleton Brett P. Hersma Kevin A. Beck James L. Willis Jason W. Goertzen J. Christian Jordan Ryan E. Klover Clay E. Brethour Clay A. Walter 9.16 Book of Records 2021101 2021102 2021103 2021104 2021105 2021106 2021107 2021108 2021109 2021110 2021111 2021112 2021113 2021114 2021115 2021116 2021117 2021118 2021119 2021120 2021121 2021122 2021123 2021124 2021125 2021126 2021127 2021128 2021129 2021130 2021131 2021132 2021133 2021134 2021135 2021136 2021137 2021138 2021139 2021140 2021141 2021142 2021143 2021144 2021145 2021146 2021147 2021148 2021149 2021150 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1989 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1990 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 Steven D. Harlan Troy L. Bechtel Samuel R. Gibbs, Jr. Cory L. Anderson David T. Stenzel Donald A. Lockhart Brent R. Weber Jon P. Whitton Dean L. Robbins Troy R. Hedman Mark E. Arford Steven A. Swanson Rance E. Ames Jamie R. Wiegert Jeffrey R. Schmidt James D. Persinger, Jr. Mark D. Sherlock Jeffrey O. Chaney Darrin M. Duff Scott J. Pellman James C. McDiffett Edward K. Simms Gregory J. Taphorn Daniel L. Pfenenger J. Patrick Ribble Burke J. Bundy James F. Copeland Scott E. Goodman Steven J. Lauberth Mark A. Harrison Joseph M. Roche * Joel D. Viterna Korey R. Klover Douglas W. Kohlhase James M. Hughes II Shel L. Barry William E. Stoskopf Blake A. Logan William L. Short, Jr. Chris D. Hauserman David B. Ratzlaff Jeffrey M. Minson Danny L. Jones Gregory A. Lloyd Chad R. Fagerberg Chris S. Barnes James A. Buster Brian T. Dodd Cary M. Ford 2021151 2021152 2021153 2021154 2021155 2021156 2021157 2021158 2021159 2021160 2021161 2021162 2021163 2021164 2021165 2021166 2021167 2021168 2021169 2021170 2021171 2021172 2021173 2021174 2021175 2021176 2021177 2021178 2021179 2021180 2021181 2021182 2021183 2021184 2021185 2021186 2021187 2021188 2021189 2021190 2021191 2021192 2021193 2021194 2021195 2021196 2021197 2021198 2021199 2021200 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1991 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 Doyle J. Baird Travis R. Cottrell Bradley H. Kiekbusch L. Wayne McCoach, Jr. Stephen M. Mosher Jason A. Adams Anthony J. Hansmann Matthew C. James Ryan C. Chatfield David T. Neher John D. Siebs G. Andrew Richards Anthony J. Marton Bryan S. Eitzmann John M. Lynam Patrick A. O'Keefe Bryan T. Nolt Scott L. Hardin David R. Van Vleet Damon E. Earnshaw Steve G. Kaploe Kelly J. Phillips Tim S. Madden Douglas M. Dinkel Jonathan L. Siebold John A. Romes Gregory N. Fuciu Randall C. Newth Chad M. Wilson Todd F. Lakin Brock H. Lofgreen J. Andrew Walls, Jr. Jason R. Patterson Kevin J. McCall Chad A. Lee Bryan D. Locke G. Bradley Gaebler Christopher R. Stipe David L. Fraas Jamie L. Krannawitter Tracy L. Kenison Robert G. Del Popolo, Jr. Clint L. Lowry Tyler D. Fellers Tim M. Orindgreff David M. Saunders Stuart C. Rinkleff Christopher T. Hyer Christopher C. Maddox Steve T. Serum Book of Records 9.17 2021201 2021202 2021203 2021204 2021205 2021206 2021207 2021208 2021209 2021210 2021211 2021212 2021213 2021214 2021215 2021216 2021217 2021218 2021219 2021220 2021221 2021222 2021223 2021224 2021225 2021226 2021227 2021228 2021229 2021230 2021231 2021232 2021233 2021234 2021235 2021236 2021237 2021238 2021239 2021240 2021241 2021242 2021243 2021244 2021245 2021246 2021247 2021248 2021249 2021250 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1992 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1993 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 Ryan D. Hurlbutt Chris A. Wymer Matt S. Alejos Jonathan A. Yeomans Mark W. Upshaw Ryan A. Newth Daniel R. Stack Svai S. Sanford Christopher L. Palmer Kelly C. Taylor Jason R. Cansler Brett M. Fincham Kevin L. Minor Richard J. Cherra, Jr. Brian S. Cyre Matt L. Fraas Christopher M. Troppito Daniel D. Dow Kirk D. Pellow Douglas A. Geyer Scott A. Rueger Christopher D. Glenn John W. Rhoades Douglas M. LaMunyon Mark E. Mitura Sheldon R. Murphy Michael T. Pfeiffer Michael E. Carroll Jay C. Minton Mark A. Ruda Scott M. Murray Duane G. Warkentin Jarrod R. Kastanek Ty A. Bechtel Michael T. Parisi Kyle B. Greb Brian W. Koehn Cary L. Majors R. Jamie Niece Jeff P. Thornbrugh Paul L. Damm Joe G. Stein F. Ryan Buell James M. Marvel Shane T. Cowan Todd S. Farrar Brian W. Rader Matthew H. Wass de Czege Scott E. Taddiken H. Raymond Sims II 2021251 2021252 2021253 2021254 2021255 2021256 2021257 2021258 2021259 2021260 2021261 2021262 2021263 2021264 2021265 2021266 2021267 2021268 2021269 2021270 2021271 2021272 2021273 2021274 2021275 2021276 2021277 2021278 2021279 2021280 2021281 2021282 2021283 2021284 2021285 2021286 2021287 2021288 2021289 2021290 2021291 2021292 2021293 2021294 2021295 2021296 2021297 2021298 2021299 2021300 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1994 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 Joshua M. Tuel Scott A. Moritz Jereme J. Brueggemann Aaron D. Cordell Scott M. Chamoff Christopher L. Freeman James R. Radle Bryan L. Hethcoat Matthew G. Eshelby Christian J. Kelly Ryan L. Logan Aaron L. Culp Brian R. Ohrt Justin K. Robinson Michael J. Pfannenstiel Brian P. Ansay George E. Zuniga, Jr. Brent A. Nagel Aaron J. Decker Tyler M. Brock David M. Stuever Gary R. Cottrell J. Justin Matchette Jason A. Beckmann Brian D. Heltshe Justin J. Noland Kelly C. Thomas Christian R. Roebke Christopher A. Chapman Jonathan A. Freeman Daniel D. Cherra Joseph M. Smolen Brandon H. Keely D. Eric Hethcoat Darren G. Warkentin Russell W. Taddiken Jason M. Dugan Brian D. Hartis Justin J. Leeper Jason A. Walker Jason J. Perine William J. Molitor Michael S. Thoesen Guy W. Gross Jason L. Endacott Gabriel J. Graham Michael M. Staggs Matthew S. Craig Quincy I. Morris Christopher S. Coad 9.18 Book of Records 2021301 2021302 2021303 2021304 2021305 2021306 2021307 2021308 2021309 2021310 2021311 2021312 2021313 2021314 2021315 2021316 2021317 2021318 2021319 2021320 2021321 2021322 2021323 2021324 2021325 2021326 2021327 2021328 2021329 2021330 2021331 2021332 2021333 2021334 2021335 2021336 2021337 2021338 2021339 2021340 2021341 2021342 2021343 2021344 2021345 2021346 2021347 2021348 2021349 2021350 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1996 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 Toby J. Crouse Brian A. Nabours William O. Hayes Brian G. Romes James A. Schweller Daniel P. Cataldi John S. Klabunde Gavin M. Vaughn Seth A. Lloyd Brent A. Taylor Sean W. Jackson Matthew D. Seibel Gregg N. Farrar William M. Robinson Matthew T. Lenz Russell P. Baldwin, Jr. Bryan S. Taylor Christopher J. Hendrix George E. Stein Steve J. Prusa Brian A. Oehme Bryan D. Shimkos Zachary S. Sundgren Travis D. Booth Vince C. Sparks Jeffrey M. Pegues Rodney W. Helus Bradley E. Deener Jarred J. Soukup Chad M. Currier John R. Gooch Ryan D. Eftink Richard S. Cole Jason S. Green Joshua T. Brueggemann Brandon M. Hodge Neil P. Adamson Robert M. Bensman Andrew J. Pleviak * Jeremy P. Girard Christopher J. Struzina Curtis D. Snowden Jebtha C. Graham Chad D. Russell David E. Woolf Jonathan R. Richardson Paul G. Ideker Travis M. Poland Mark W. Toepfer 2021351 2021352 2021353 2021354 2021355 2021356 2021357 2021358 2021359 2021360 2021361 2021362 2021363 2021364 2021365 2021366 2021367 2021368 2021369 2021370 2021371 2021372 2021373 2021374 2021375 2021376 2021377 2021378 2021379 2021380 2021381 2021382 2021383 2021384 2021385 2021386 2021387 2021388 2021389 2021390 2021391 2021392 2021393 2021394 2021395 2021396 2021397 2021398 2021399 2021400 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1998 DTh1999 Matthew D. Rogers Andrew T. Fitzgerald Ryan L. Glenn Christopher A. Hadley J. Robert Haas III Scott R. Hamblin Scott G. Moore Gabriel J. Nelson Michael A. Boyd Nicholas H. Krier Cameron R. Klein Matthew H. Kenkel Richard A. Webdell Ryan S. Cummings Jeffrey C. Connell Thomas R. Taphorn Ethan A. Kloster Andrew T. Desantis Andrew S. Brackin Todd A. Bohn Bradley J. Joiner Christopher R. Graves James F. Hodges III Jonathan S. Kurche Michael T. Freeman Gregory S. Geyer Daniel A. Ellsworth Justin J. Nelson Anthony K. Hartness Daniel M. Marchant Brice S. Ebert Matthew D. Busby Jason L. Howard Austin R. Aggson Ryan E. Cross B. Luke Lucas Patrick M. Malone C. Scott Duncan John J. Runnebaum M. Trent Grissom II Peter J. Molitor Daniel J. Cooper Gregory L. Smith Johnathan W. Sells Joshua E. McCarn Craig M. Augustine Jason A. Pechar Geremy D. Owen Michael J. Brown Matthew G. Keller Book of Records 9.19 2021401 2021402 2021403 2021404 2021405 2021406 2021407 2021408 2021409 2021410 2021411 2021412 2021413 2021414 2021415 2021416 2021417 2021418 2021419 2021420 2021421 2021422 2021423 2021424 2021425 2021426 2021427 2021428 2021429 2021430 2021431 2021432 2021433 2021434 2021435 2021436 2021437 2021438 2021439 2021440 2021441 2021442 2021443 2021444 2021445 2021446 2021447 2021448 2021449 2021450 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 Benjamin D. Taddiken Kevin N. Oehme Grant P. Bunton Benjamin C. Porter * Richard R. Harrison Jeffrey B. Severino Travis R. Wymer Eric E. Richer Justin C. Morgan Lance T. Jones Chad D. Green Kyle A. Brewer M. Evan Keyser Ryan S. Elder W. Kip Wilson Justin P. Kastanek Tyler J. Stack C. Jason Hannagan Ryan W. Hamm Patrick T. Gibbs Troy A. Holdeman Brian M. Darby Dru H. Schwyhart Justin R. Stein Kerry M. Funk Joshua R. Wedel John W. Chapman Michael S. Rogers Jess M. Adams Matthew R. Bales John F. Thompson Andrew M. Newton Andrew J. Joiner Jacob J. Perkins Tanner N. Klingzell Brett M. Poland Jonathan R. Mein Daniel J. Tokar Benjamin J. Zwick Michael L. Hattrup William A. Mann Andrew J. Jarrett Matthew E. Redhair Blair L. Teater Joshua D. Thies Stephen D. Curtis Brook D. Mitchell Jeremiaha D. Cole Todd A. Sandmann 2021451 2021452 2021453 2021454 2021455 2021456 2021457 2021458 2021459 2021460 2021461 2021462 2021463 2021464 2021465 2021466 2021467 2021468 2021469 2021470 2021471 2021472 2021473 2021474 2021475 2021476 2021477 2921478 2021479 2021480 2021481 2021482 2021483 2021484 2021485 2021486 2021487 2021488 2021489 2021490 2021491 2021492 2021493 2021494 2021495 2021496 2021497 2021498 2021499 2021500 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 Kellen J. Frank Clint B. Reach Patrick J. McEvoy Daniel R. Adrain Christopher B. Jennings Ramon Perez * David P. Donnelly Clay D. Davis Steven L. Bellinger David M. Keller Timothy J. Bensman Ryan C. Parisi Matthew J. Toepfer Warren R. White Matthew J. Harn Nathan P. Evans Daniel O. Sobek Christopher J. Hinkin Kevin E. Husmann Spencer M. Coatney Jonathan M. Rhoades Graig M. Sells Scott M. Cordes Aaron P. Kenkel Nicholas A. Senatore Ryan P. Vogts Jeremy T. Graham Erik M. Rome Erik P. Ankrom Ryan M. Potter Brian J. Hall Matthew T. Howell Matthew J. Washburn Travis J. DiGirolamo Kenton D. Meyer David J. Weaver Dustin L. Kammerer Chad E. Johnson Trevor L. Winchell James P. Smolen Brian D. Lull Curtis G. Mick Jesse D. Newton Matthew A. Baki Allan R. Sheahan Shane A. Frownfelter Charles D. Robben Brandon C. Converse Peter A. Kelley 9.20 Book of Records 2021501 2021502 2021503 2021504 2021505 2021506 2021507 2021508 2021509 2021510 2021511 2021512 2021513 2021514 2021515 2021516 2021517 2021518 2021519 2021520 2021521 2021522 2021523 2021524 2021525 2021526 2021527 2021528 2021529 2021530 2021531 2021532 2021533 2021534 2021535 2021536 2021537 2021538 2021539 2021540 2021541 2021542 2021543 2021544 2021545 2021546 2021547 2021548 2021549 2021550 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2002 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2003 Seth B. Schultz Cole S. Reichle Brian P. Maximuk Jamison B. Elder Shawn A. Cross Andrew T. Henderson Ryan G. Bader Evan B. Hammett Brandon K. Haynes Michael P. Hinkin Brian M. King Michael F. Fernholz Scott M. Freeman William H. Casper Larry D. Long Christopher A. Beyer Bret M. Springs Kevin J. Hudson Jerod M. Topliff William P. Buser Brock C. Lohrey Benjamin R. Smith Christopher A. Mick Jesse G. Moore Ryan K. Hannebaum Matthew J. Duerfeldt Clayton R. Glasco Aaron T. Franklin Kevin P. Grace Mark E. Pultz Jacob R. Will Caden L. Butler Brennan M. Knott Scott R. Strickler Joshua T. Ault Ryan C. Falco Brett A. Allred Brinton T. Walstrom Christopher S. Johnson Bradley J. Hiss Clayton T. Devlin Mark V. Hayes Lafe M. Bauer Brian R. Driscoll Matthew A. Strain Scott R. Sieben Michael D. Durig J. Hunter Ferebee Michael A. Wiber Matthew K. Karstetter 2021551 2021552 2021553 2021554 2021555 2021556 2021557 2021558 2021559 2021560 2021561 2021562 2021563 2021564 2021565 2021566 2021567 2021568 2021569 2021570 2021571 2021572 2021573 2021574 2021575 2021576 2021577 2021578 2021579 2021580 2021581 2021582 2021583 2021584 2021585 2021586 2021587 2021588 2021589 2021590 2021591 2021592 2021593 2021594 2021595 2021596 2021597 2021598 2021599 2021600 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2004 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 Jeffrey E. Elkins Jonathan B. Biggs Sean P. Cordes Scott D. McDermott Brett M. Robben Nathan J. Schnefke Andrew P. Congleton Matthew R. Porter Benjamin C. Nash Cameron M. Sterrett Bryan C. Warne W. Scott Dikeman Daniel C. Burr Dustin D. Klassen Anthony F. Senatore Robert M. Holland Paul M. Senatore Zachary R. J. Wisdom Corey T. MacCallum Peter L. Hinkle Mathew C. Plummer Mark D. Humbarger Matthew F. McComas Christopher R. Nolda Grayson E. Bauer Travis B. Bunk Anthony L. Carter Stephen M. Moritz Garrett B. Linville Tyler F. Newton Joseph E. Strain Bryan E. Klote Jeremy K. Will Kyle A. Potter James R. Fullagar Brady M. Lohrey Bradley R. Stein Ryan M. Kuhn John W. Bensman Shane T. Conaghan Charles T. Ochs Andrew V. Christ Drew M. Wagner Mitchell W. Peterson * Benjamin C. Denvir Todd M. Williams Scott R. Keller Brian A. Buller Shawn M. Taddiken Book of Records 9.21 2021601 2021602 2021603 2021604 2021605 2021606 2021607 2021608 2021609 2021610 2021611 2021612 2021613 2021614 2021615 2021616 2021617 2021618 2021619 2021620 2021621 2021622 2021623 2021624 2021625 2021626 2021627 2021628 2021629 2021630 2021631 2021632 2021633 2021634 2021635 2021636 2021637 2021638 2021639 2021640 2021641 2021642 2021643 2021644 2021645 2021646 2021647 2021648 2021649 2021650 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 * W. Travis Love Cody G. Anderson Brian S. Oliver Michael J. Manns Christopher C. Bass Eric C. Redhair Cory A. Zimmerman Bret A. Keeler Ross W. Brady Michael J. Rohr Tyler S. Nichols Robert J. Domsch Kellen E. Sherlock Matthew L. Amthor Brandon M. Hall Scott A. Swain Travis E. C. Brown Patrick T. Criss Eric T. Leftwich Joshua D. Cromer Brett D. Kirkpatrick Adam K. Richer Peter E. Boos Matthew J. Lindquist Chad M. Baalman Christopher W. Frakes Drew W. Britton Eric K. Montgomery Matthew R. Novellano Ryan C. Kaman Tyler C. Wisdom Patrick J. Murphy Brian P. Mulcahy Nicholas J. Poland Gregory E. Dean Keith B. Schaller Miles R. Lilja Andrew T. Langford Samuel J. Hund Evan C. Coglizer Darren A. St. Thomas Scott W. McDonald Nicholas L. Rauth Trent R. Byquist Jared M. Schnefke Scott A. Lange Joseph P. Fangman, Jr. Bryce J. Bartu Austin G. Waldo 2021651 2021652 2021653 2021654 2021655 2021656 2021657 2021658 2021659 2021660 2021661 2021662 2021663 2021664 2021665 2021666 2021667 2021668 2021669 2021670 2021671 2021672 2021673 2021674 2021675 2021676 2021677 2021678 2021679 2021680 2021681 2021682 2021683 2021684 2021685 2021686 2021687 2021688 2021689 2021690 2021691 2021692 2021693 2021694 2021695 2021696 2021697 2021698 2021699 2021700 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2007 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 Patrick H. O'Flynn Joshua W. Oller Aaron M. Ortbals Daniel J. Long Calen M. Young Nicholas L. Pfautsch Joseph W. Norris Tyler F. Shepherd Adam H. Love Jeffrey G. Ferguson Philip B. Newman Kevin W. Goebel Jacob S. Kaunley Ryan P. Thomas Jared M. Keating William H. Miller Jeremy F. Ruff Colin R. Cummings Carter B. Young Jay K. Marcus Tyler J. Geisler Jordan S. McFall Cole B. Halbleib Kyle R. Schleicher Riley M. Wiles Mitchell E. Mattix Christopher M. Glover Jorge C. Ochoa Nicholas J. Sevart Daniel A. Unruh Tyrek J. Artley Keith C. Wyss Paul H. Kuhlman Ryan C. Ullom Albert C. Maurin Matthew E. Bollin Adam C. Kruse Michael W. Hammer David C. Dikeman Samuel L. Denvir Nicholas T. Mitchum Charles F. Clarkson Ryan M. Radetic Michael M. Lindquist Connor F. Osbern Matthew F. Bellinger Michael R. McArthur Sean T. Shoemaker Benton F. Musil Steven I. Miller 9.22 Book of Records 2021701 2021702 2021703 2021704 2021705 2021706 2021707 2021708 2021709 2021710 2021711 2021712 2021713 2021714 2021715 2021716 2021717 2021718 2021719 2021720 2021721 2021722 2021723 2021724 2021725 2021726 2021727 2021728 2021729 2021730 2021731 2021732 2021733 2021734 2021735 2021736 2021737 2021738 2021739 2021740 2021741 2021742 2021743 2021744 2021745 2021746 2021747 2021748 2021749 2021750 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2008 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2009 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 Zane J. Derusseau Jonathan B. Alsobrook Casey A. Mason Derick V. St. Thomas Jeffrey A. Hyder Richard W. Seidler Daniel C. Roberson Daniel D. Domsch Bradley L. Schnefke Brandon G. Abbott Luke S. Fangman Dylan M. Thayer Michael R. O'Flynn Patrick L. Reazin Carl W. Specht Wesley P. McFadden Dalton T. Cummings James D. Holland Harrison P. Knox Randall C. Jackson Spyros M. Siscos Jakob D. Thierer Christopher C. Tipton Sean P. Keating Presten R. Petersen Ryan J. Ehart David J. Garman Jacob L. Wright Christopher L. Carrasco Bryan V. Blake Tyler C. Bell Adam T. Eisenbart John R. Reinert Craig E. Knox Jonathon J. Wirtz Christopher J. Waggoner Austin L. Anderson Samuel W. Osbern Jacob C. Bollin Alan T. Hewitt Andrew J. Miller William S. Ogan Neal K. Rasmussen * Jared M. Kaunley Jacob R. Klenda Dallas L. Kaunley Mike T. Ta Ethan W. Hutcheson David S. Rathjen 2021751 2021752 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2010 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2011 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 Christopher T. Ferran Bernard J. Pitts Gilberto E. Perez-Abraham Joseph J. Orsi Mario T. Williamson Scott M. Galey Joseph A. Adam Matthew A. Kaster Drew T. Nuckolls Sean M. Thomas Bryan L. Clubine Brandon C. Scott Chase M. Blaha Andrew L. Morriss Benjamin D. Fangman Joseph A. Hund Dylan A. Koch Michael J. Miller Kyle D. Kramer David A. Biggs Brett J. Lightle Jacob C. Unruh Matthew J. Kieffer Jacob N. Edwards Harold W. Mitts III Josiah L. Kaiser Mitchell T. Golubski Brendan R. Carney Elward J. Hiss Zachary R. Showalter Christopher J. Gabel Miles J. Casey Nathan D. Kalberer Troy S. Klaassen Kyle M. Pfautsch Jake H. Cave Vincent M. Stewart Jacob P. Hammer Chasen A. Lewonowski Dylan I. Rogerson Travis J. Barmby Evan J. Heumann James W. Taylor Thomas K. Fullagar Bryce C. Lob Zachary A. Zivnuska Jonathan B. Martin Grant P. Jackson Mackenzie J. Valentine Nicholas M. Gabel Book of Records 9.23 2021801 2021802 2021803 2021804 2021805 2021806 2021807 2021808 2021809 2021810 2021811 2021812 2021813 2021814 2021815 2021816 2021817 2021818 2021819 2021820 2021821 2021822 2021823 2021824 2021825 2021826 2021827 2021828 2021829 2021830 2021831 2021832 2021833 2021834 2021835 2021836 2021837 2021838 2021839 2021840 2021841 2021842 2021843 2021844 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2012 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 DTh2013 Connor M. Zishka Kyle J. Heffern Hayden J. Cave Eli J. M. Schrock Michael T. Petrie Evan P. Cummings Alexander D. Eaton Matthew A. Ribble Ryan C. Lingle James D. Allen Zachary J. Congrove William R. Hammer Jordan M. Carney Jacob L. Pruitt Justin T. Bryan Patrick K. McKernan Ryan J. Mustain Brandon M. York Dylan L. Hugunin Ryan M. Ferguson Reid P. Frye Robert L. Schnefke Kyle M. Schieber Patrick L. Bennett David A. Unruh Joseph R. Oaks Brandon E. James Thomas H. Goddard Eric A. Carlson Dylan A. Splichal Neil W. Haas Patrick D. Keck Thomas P. Hoopes Tanner A. Fox Alexander J. McKean Andrew J. Owings Devin P. Rose Tyler B. Moorman Brandon M. Payne Benjamin D. LeCluyse Scott J. Louis Spencer K. Andresen Andrew W. Fischer Austin R. Scott *Member Expelled or Resigned 9.24 Book of Records B ook of Records 10.01 CHAPTER 10 ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER PLEDGE CLASSES (1988-2013) INITIATION RATES (1988-2013) 10.02 B ook of Records B ook of Records 10.03 1. ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER PLEDGE CLASSES 1988-1989 School Year Fall Pledges 1* 2* 3I 4I 5I 6D 7D 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13* 14I 15I 16I 17I 18I 19D 20I 21I 22* 23* 24* 25I Cory Lee Anderson Troy Lynn Bechtel Kevin Aaron Beck Daniel Russell (Dan) Brown Keith Patrick Corder Timothy Mark (Tim) Cottam Todd Robert Fecht Brett Patrick Hersma Kenneth Peter (Kenny) Jensen Wade Benton Jensik Darrin Edward Kandt Garden City, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Salina, Kansas Lake Quivira, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Salina, Kansas Derby, Kansas Stanley, Kansas Schuyler, Nebraska Belleville, Kansas Prairie Village, Kansas Travis Paul Jones Lenexa, Ryan Edward Klover Matthew David (Matt) McCoy Thomas James Roy (Tom) Meier Kevin Thomas O'Connor Stephen Louis (Steve) Patton Kennneth Lee (Ken) Pingleton Christopher Thomas (Chris) Potter John Douglas Rees Dennis Ray Upshaw Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Great Bend, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Salina, Kansas Harbor Beach, Michigan Iola, Kansas Clay Alan Walter Meade, Brent Russell Weber Kansas Oxford, Mississippi Jon Paul Whitton Wichita, James Lawrence (Jim) Willis Spring Pledges 1H 2* 3* 4* 5* 6L 7* 8H 9* 10L 11* Shawn Mark Aldridge Clay Eric Brethour Samuel Roy (Sam) Gibbs, Jr. Jason Wade Goertzen Steve Douglas Harlan Troy Ray Hedman James Christian (Chris) Jordan Douglas Wood (Doug) Kohlhase Donald Andrew (Don) Lockhart Dean Leroy Robbins David Todd (Dave) Stenzel Wichita, Kansas Wamego, Kansas Clay Center, Kansas Salina, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Clay Center, Kansas Lansing, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Lake Quivira, Kansas Courtland, Kansas Clay Center, Kansas Kansas Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania I=Initiated January 13, 1989: 17 (16 Fall 1988 and 1 Spring 1988 Pledges) *=Initiated August 25, 1989: 13 (7 Spring 1989 and 6 Fall 1988 Pledges) L=Initiated October 11, 1989: 2 (2 Spring 1989 Pledges) D=Depledged: 3 (1 Fall by Chapter and 2 by Grades) H=Holdovers Until Fall, 1989: 2 (2 Spring Pledges) 10.04 Book of Records 1989-1990 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4L 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18I 19* 20I 21I 22I 23I 24I 25L 26D 27I 28I 29I 30I Mark Darren Sherlock Edward Kenneth (Ed) Simms William Edward (Will) Stoskopf James Christopher (Chris) Stucky Steven Andrew (Steve) Swanson Gregory James (Greg) Taphorn Joel Dannon Viterna Jamie Ray Wiegert Shawn Mark Aldridge Rance Evan Ames Mark Eugene Arford Shel Lane Barry Burke Justin Bundy Jeffrey Owen (Jeff) Chaney James Frederick (Butch) Copeland Darrin McConnell Duff Scott Edwin Goodman Mark Andrew Harrison James Merle (Jim) Hughes II Korey Ray Klover Douglas Wood (Doug) Kohlhase Steven John (Steve) Lauberth James Clinton McDiffett Scott Joseph Pellman James Dean (Jim) Persinger, Jr. Daniel Leon (Dan) Pfenenger Wichita, Kansas Long Island, Kansas Norton, Kansas Webber, Kansas Fairbury, Nebraska Lawrence, Kansas Centralia, Kansas Salina, Kansas St. John, Kansas Nickerson, Kansas Salina, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas St. Louis, Missouri Alta Vista, Kansas Leavenworth, Kansas Belleville, Kansas Jefferson City, Missouri David Brian (Dave) Ratzlaff Hesston, Kansas Salina, Kansas Joseph Matthew (Joe) Roche Salina, Kansas Jeffrey Robert (Jeff) Schmidt Arnold, Missouri St. Francis, Kansas Belleville, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Salina, Kansas Prairie Village, Kansas Beattie, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas James Patrick (Pat) Ribble Spring Pledges 1H 2* 3* 4* 5* 6D 7H 8* 9H 10H 11* 12D Jeff Scott Barrett Chris David Hauserman Danny Lee Jones Blake Addison Logan James Lee Lundeen Paul Alexander Marton Jeffrey Michael (Jeff) Minson David Todd (Dave) Neher John Damien Siebs William Leroy (Bill) Short, Jr. Craig Devin Zernickow Overland Park, Kansas Clay Center, Kansas Junction City, Kansas Gregory Alan (Greg) Lloyd Clay Center, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Junction City, Kansas Greenwich, Connecticut Arlington Heights, Illinois Shawnee, Kansas Peoria, Illinois Salina, Kansas Wichita, Kansas I=Initiated January 19, 1990: 26 (26 Fall 1989 Pledges) L=Initiated March 7, 1990: 2 (2 Fall 1989 Pledges) *=Initiated August 24, 1990: 7 (6 Spring 1990 and 1 Fall 1989 Pledges) D=Depledged: 3 (1 Fall by Grades; 2 Spring by Chapter) H=Holdovers Until Fall, 1990: 4 (4 Spring Pledges) B ook of Records 10.05 1990-1991 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4D 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17D 18I 19I 20I 21I 22I 23D 24I Jason Aaron Adams Doyle James Baird Chris Shannon Barnes Jeff Scott Barrett James Arden Buster Ryan Chad Chatfield Travis Ryan Cottrell Brian Thurston Dodd Bryan Scott Eitzmann Chad Richard Fagerberg Cary Michael Ford El Dorado, Kansas Almena, Kansas Hutchinson, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Larned, Kansas Salina, Kansas Meade, Kansas Cameron, Missouri Hardy, Nebraska Lake Quivira, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Anthony Jerome (Tony) Hansmann Salina, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Louisburg, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Greenwich, Connecticut Greenwich, Connecticut Salina, Kansas Cuba, Missouri David Todd (Dave) Neher Shawnee, Kansas Colwich, Kansas Newton, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Peoria, Illinois Matthew Clark (Matt) James Bradley Howard (Brad) Kiekbusch John Melton Lynam Anthony Julius (Tony) Marton Paul Alexander Marton Lawrence Wayne (Wayne) McCoach Stephen Matthew (Steve) Mosher Patrick Anthony (Pat) O=Keefe George Andrew (Andy) Richards Dax George Riddle John Damien Siebs Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9D 10* 11* 12* Douglas Michael (Doug) Dinkel Damon Eugene Earnshaw Gregory Nicholas (Greg) Fuciu Scott Layne Hardin Steve Gary Kaploe Tim Scott Madden Bryan Thomas Nolt Kelly Joe Phillips Richard Randall (Ricky) Ray John Ashley Romes Jonathan Layne (Jon) Siebold David Richard (Dave) Van Vleet Overland Park, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Kansas City, Missouri Wichita, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Salina, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Almena, Kansas Arlington Heights, Illinois Clay Center, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas I=Initiated January 18, 1991: 21 (21 Fall 1990 Pledges) *=Initiated August 23, 1991: 11 (11 Spring 1991 Pledges) D=Depledged: 4 (2 Fall by Chapter and 1 by Grades; 1 Spring by Grades) H=Holdover Until Fall, 1991: 0 10.06 Book of Records 1991-1992 School Year Fall Pledges 1D 2I 3I 4I 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16D 17I 18I 19I Christian T. (Chris) Darabant Robert Gino (Rob) Del Popolo, Jr. Tyler Dean (Ty) Fellers David Louis (Dave) Fraas Gordon Bradley (Brad) Gaebler Tracy Leroy Kenison Jamie Lynn Krannawitter Todd Forrest Lakin Chad Alan Lee Bryan David Locke Brock Harold Lofgreen Clint Lee Lowry Kevin Joseph McCall Randall Craig (Randy) Newth Jason Russell Patterson Gabriel James (Gabe) Snyder Christopher Ryan (Chris) Stipe James Andrew (Andy) Walls, Jr. Chad Marshall Wilson Spring Pledges 1* 2D 3* 4* 5* 6H 7* 8D 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14* Matt Scott Alejos David William (Dave) Batchelder Ryan Dean Hurlbutt Christopher Thomas (Chris) Hyer Christopher Craig (Chris) Maddox Mark Edward Mitura Tim Michael Orindgreff Mark Anthony Page Stuart Clayton Rinkleff David Michael (Dave) Saunders Steven Thomas (Steve) Serum Mark William Upshaw Chris A. Wymer Jonathan Adam (Jon) Yeomans Affiliate A Matthew Dain (Matt) Bayer Wichita, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Highland, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Junction City, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Brownville, Nebraska Tonganoxie, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Iola, Kansas Great Bend, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Junction City, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Kansas City, Missouri Salina, Kansas Grainfield, Kansas Milford, Kansas Council Grove, Kansas Junction City, Kansas Norton, Kansas Almena, Kansas Concordia, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Belleville, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Junction City, Kansas El Dorado, Kansas I=Initiated January 17, 1992: 17 (17 Fall 1991 Pledges) *=Initiated August 28, 1992: 11 (11 Spring 1992 Pledges) D=Depledged: 4 (2 Fall by Chapter; 1 Spring by Chapter and 1 by Individual) H=Holdover Until Fall, 1993: 1 (1 Spring Pledge) A=Affiliated Member: 1 B ook of Records 10.07 1992-1993 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4I 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18I 19I 20I 21I 22I 23D 24D Jason Richard Cansler Brian Scott Cyre Daniel Darin (Dan) Dow Brett Matthew Fincham Matt Lawrence Fraas Douglas Allen (Doug) Geyer Christopher Donald (Chris) Glenn Douglas Mack (Doug) LaMunyon Kevin Lee Minor Mark Edward Mitura Sheldon Ross Murphy Ryan Andrew Newth Christopher Lee (Chris) Palmer Roeland Park, Kansas Richard Julius (Rich) Cherra Olathe, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Meade, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Mission, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Kansas City, Missouri Prairie Village, Kansas Junction City, Kansas Rossville, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Downers Grove, Illinois Kirk Denver Pellow Olathe, Kansas Michael Todd (Mike) Pfeiffer John William Rhoades Leawood, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Scott Allan Rueger Beattie, Svai Steven Sanford Daniel Rod (Dan) Stack Kelly Coram Taylor William Joseph (Bill) Young Mark Christopher Zorn Kansas Olathe, Kansas Salina, Kansas Prairie Village, Kansas Christopher Magness (Chris) Troppito Leawood, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Spring Pledges 1* 2D 3* 4* 5* 6* 7D 8* 9* 10* 11* 12L 13* 14H 15* 16* 17D 18* Ty Andrew Bechtel Christopher James (Chris) Bouchard Michael Edward (Mike) Carroll Paul Lawrence Damm Kyle Bruce Greb Jarrod Ryan Kastanek Jason Daniel Koehler Brian Wayne Koehn Cary Lynn Majors Jay Cee Minton Scott Michael Murray Ronald James (Jamie) Niece Michael Thomas (Mike) Parisi Shawnee, Kansas Arlington Heights, Illinois Liberty, Missouri Wichita, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Hanover, Kansas Moundridge, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Parkville, Missouri Overland Park, Kansas Kansas City, Missouri James Robert (Jimmy) Radle Manhattan, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Larned, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Newton, Kansas Mark Alan Ruda Jeff Patrick Thornbrugh Brent Emre Traylor Duane Gregory Warkentin I=Initiated January 15, 1993: 22 (22 Fall 1992 Pledges) *=Initiated August 22, 1993: 13 (13 Spring 1993 Pledges) L=Initiated January 14, 1994: 1 (1 Spring 1993 Pledge) D=Depledged: 5 (1 Fall by Individual and 1 by Grades; 1 Spring by Individual and 2 by Grades) H=Holdover Until Fall, 1993: 1 (1 Spring Pledge) 10.08 Book of Records 1993-1994 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4I 5I 6D 7I 8D 9I 10I 11I 12D 13I 14D 15I 16I 17D 18I 19I 20I 21I 22I 23I 24I 25D 26D 27I 28I 29I 30* 31I 32I Scott Anthony Moritz Brian Robert Ohrt Michael James (Mike) Pfannenstiel Brian Wayne Rader James Robert (Jimmy) Radle Jereme Justin Brueggemann Frank Ryan (Ryan) Buell Scott Michael Chamoff Aaron Dean Cordell Shane Thomas Cowan Richard Bradley (Brad) Crouch Aaron Leroy Culp Dax Dereck Duncan Matthew George (Matt) Eshelby Todd Stuart Farrar Christopher Loran (Chris) Freeman Brian Lawrence Harbaugh Bryan Ladd Hethcoat Shane Michael Hicks Christian Joseph (Chris) Kelly Ryan Leon Logan Shawnee, Kansas Kansas City, Missouri Salina, Kansas Colwich, Kansas Rossville, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Goddard, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Milton, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Salina, Kansas Lansing, Kansas Kansas City, Missouri Shawnee, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Timothy Ryan (Tim) Luchinske Kansas James Mansfield (Jimmy) Marvel Arkansas City, Kansas Norton, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Leavenworth, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Justin Keith Robinson Kansas Wetmore, Kansas Moundridge, Kansas Herbert Raymond (Ray) Sims II Olathe, Kansas Salina, Kansas Clay Center, Kansas Clay Center, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Almena, Centralia, Michael Joseph (Mike) Rottinghaus Derek René Schrag Joe George Stein Scott Ervin Taddiken Kelly Christopher Thomas Joshua Michael (Josh) Tuel Matthew Huba (Matt) Wass de Czege Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4L 5* 6* 7D 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13D 14D 15* 16* Brian Paul Ansay Jason Andrew Beckmann Tyler Matthew (Ty) Brock Christopher Alan (Kit) Chapman Gary Russell Cottrell Aaron John Decker William Christopher (Chris) Harmon Brian Douglas Heltshe Jaccard Justin (Justin) Matchette Brent Allen Nagel Justin Joseph Noland Christian Ray (Chris) Roebke Brian Robert Ruda Alan Rafael Sarabia David Michael (Dave) Stuever George Eugene Zuniga, Jr. Olathe, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Fowler, Kansas Salina, Kansas Holcomb, Kansas Junction City, Kansas Merriam, Kansas Wakefield, Rhode Island Lenexa, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Clearwater, Kansas Clay Center, Kansas Atwood, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Andale, Kansas Olathe, Kansas I=Initiated January 14, 1994: 24 (24 Fall 1993 Pledges) *=Initiated August 20, 1994: 13 (12 Spring 1994 and 1 Fall 1993 Pledges) L=Initiated November 14, 1994: 1 (1 Spring 1994 Pledge) D=Depledged: 10 (2 Fall by Chapter, 3 by Individual and 2 by Grades; 1 Spring by Chapter and 2 by Individual) H=Holdover Until Fall, 1994: 0 B ook of Records 10.09 1994-1995 School Year Fall Pledges 1D 2I 3* 4I 5I 6I 7* 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I Daniel Douglas (Dan) Cherra Christopher Scott (Chris) Coad Jason Michael Dugan Jonathan Andrew (Jon) Freeman Brian David Hartis William O'Neil (Will) Hayes David Eric (Eric) Hethcoat Brandon Houston Keely Justin Joseph Leeper William James (Bill) Molitor James Joseph (Jimmy) Aylward, Jr. Goddard, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Salina, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Leavenworth, Kansas Lansing, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Rossville, Kansas Andale, Kansas Jason John Perine Rossville, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Clay Center, Kansas El Dorado, Kansas Newton, Kansas Joseph Michael (Joe) Smolen Russell William (Russ) Taddiken Jason Andrew Walker Darren Glen Warkentin Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6D 7D 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* Toby Jon Crouse Jason Lawrence Endacott Gabriel James (Gabe) Graham Guy William Gross Troy Robert Huber Jess Carter Louk Quincy Ian Morris Brian Aric Nabours Brian Gerald Romes James Anthony (J.T.) Schweller Michael Monroe (Mike) Staggs Michael Scott (Mike) Thoesen Matthew Sean (Matt) Craig Overland Park, Kansas Galva, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Salina, Kansas Stanley, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Arlington Heights, Illinois Olathe, Kansas Dodge City, Kansas Hastings, Nebraska I=Initiated January 14, 1995: 13 (13 Fall 1994 Pledges) *=Initiated August 17, 1995: 13 (11 Spring 1995 and 2 Fall 1994 Pledges) D=Depledged: 3 (1 Fall by Grades; 1 Spring by Individual and 1 by Grades) H=Holdover Until Fall, 1995: 0 10.10 B ook of Records 1995-1996 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3* 4* 5I 6D 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13D 14I 15I 16I 17I Russell Phillip (Russ) Baldwin, Jr. Daniel Paul (Dan) Cataldi Chad Michael Currier Bradley Eric (Brad) Deener Gregg Nathan Farrar Vance Alan Fisher Christopher James (Chris) Hendrix Sean William Jackson John Stephen Klabunde Matthew Thomas (Matt) Lenz Seth Andrew Lloyd William Mark (Will) Robinson Jonathan Lee (Jon) Scantlin Matthew Don (Matt) Seibel Brent Alan Taylor Bryan Shannon Taylor Gavin Michael Vaughn Special Initiate S George Elmer Stein Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* Travis Don Booth Richard Scott (Rich) Cole Ryan David Eftink John Ryan Gooch Jason Scott Green Rodney Wayne (Rod) Helus Brian August Oehme Jeffrey Miles (Jeff) Pegues Steven Joseph (Steve) Prusa Bryan Douglas Shimkos Jarred Joseph Soukup Vince Charles Sparks Zachary Shay (Zach) Sundgren Shawnee, Kansas Bennington, Kansas Oran, Missouri Liberal, Kansas El Dorado, Kansas Ellsworth, Kansas Liberal, Kansas Parsons, Kansas Coldwater, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Ellsworth, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas El Dorado, Kansas Salina, Kansas Lansing, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Sedgwick, Kansas Arkansas City, Kansas Milton, Kansas St. John, Kansas Coffeyville, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Stillwell, Kansas Clay Center, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Liberal, Kansas Liberal, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Arkansas City, Kansas I=Initiated January 21, 1996: 13 (13 Fall 1995 Pledges) S=Special Initiate January 21, 1996: 1 *=Initiated August 22, 1996: 15 (13 Spring 1996 and 2 Fall 1995 Pledges) D=Depledged: 2 (1 Fall by Individual and 1 by Grades) H=Holdover Until Fall, 1996: 0 B ook of Records 10.11 1996-1997 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4I 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18I 19I 20I 21I 22I 23I 24I 25I 26I Neil Patrick Adamson Robert Michael (Rob) Bensman Mitchell Wesley (Mitch) Bivens Michael Adam (Mike) Boyd Joshua Tyson (Josh) Brueggemann Andrew Thomas Fitzgerald Jeremy Pierre Girard Ryan Lee Glenn Jebtha Clayton (Jeb) Graham James Robert (Robby) Haas III Christopher Allen (Chris) Hadley Scott Robert Hamblin Brandon Mark Hodge Paul Garrett Ideker Nicholas Hunter (Nick) Krier Scott Gordon Moore Gabriel Jerome (Gabe) Nelson Andrew John Pleviak Travis Michael Poland Jonathan Robert (Jon) Richardson Matthew Dean (Matt) Rogers Chad David Russell Curtis Daniel (Curt) Snowden Christopher John (Chris) Struzina Mark William Toepfer David Edward (Dave) Woolf Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4L 5D 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11D 12* 13* Todd Austin Bohn Andrew Scott (Andy) Brackin Jeffrey Chad (Jeff) Connell Ryan Stephen Cummings James Kyle (Kyle) Deatherage Andrew Thomas Desantis Bradley John (Brad) Joiner Matthew Henry (Matt) Kenkel Cameron Robert Klein Ethan Addison Kloster Wayne Thomas Ryan Thomas Ryan (Tom) Taphorn Richard Aaron (Rich) Webdell Pratt, Kansas Bennington, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Kansas City, Missouri St. Joseph, Missouri Leawood, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Ozawkie, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Marysville, Kansas Beattie, Kansas Holcomb, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Lee's Summit, Missouri Shawnee, Kansas Liberal, Kansas Salina, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Leawood, Kansas St. Joseph, Missouri Salina, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Salina, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Arkansas City, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Wichita, Kansas I=Initiated January 15, 1997: 26 (26 Fall 1996 Pledges) *=Initiated August 21, 1997: 10 (10 Spring 1997 Pledges) L=Initiated September 1, 1997: 1 (1 Spring 1997 Pledge) D=Depledged: 2 (2 Spring by Individual) H=Holdover Until Fall, 1997: 0 10.12 B ook of Records 1997-1998 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4I 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18I 19D 20I 21D Austin Randl Aggson Matthew David (Matt) Busby Ryan Edward Cross Christopher Scott (Scott) Duncan Brice Stephen Ebert Daniel Allen (Danny) Ellsworth Michael Thomas Freeman Gregory Scott (Greg) Geyer Christopher Ryan (Chris) Graves Monte Trent (Trent) Grissom II Anthony Kent Hartness Concordia, Kansas Mission, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Westmoreland, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Mission, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Andover, Kansas James Franklin (Jimmy) Hodges III Lenexa, Kansas Halstead, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Oakley, Kansas Emporia, Kansas St. Joseph, Missouri John Jeremiah Runnebaum Marysville, Kansas Garden City, Kansas Jason Lee Howard Jonathan Scott (Jon) Kurche Brian Luke (Luke) Lucas Patrick Michael (Pat) Malone Daniel Mark (Dan) Marchant Justin James Nelson Cody Alan Phillips Nathan Allan Strandmark Spring Pledges 1D 2* 4* 5D 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11H 12* 13H Aaron Michael Adams Craig Michael Augustine Daniel Joseph (Danny) Cooper William Raymond (Bill) Granfors Joshua Edward (Josh) McCarn Peter James (Pete) Molitor Geremy Dean Owen Jason Allen Pechar Johnathan Wayne (Jon) Sells Allen Joseph Smith Gregory Lyle (Greg) Smith William Kip (Kip) Wilson Posthumous Initiate St. Joseph, Missouri Salina, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Marysville, Kansas Andale, Kansas Derby, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Marysville, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Hannibal, Missouri Manhattan, Kansas P Michael Joseph (Mike) Brown Lee's Summit, Missouri I=Initiated January 16, 1998: 19 (19 Fall 1997 Pledges) *=Initiated August 20, 1998: 8 (8 Spring 1998 Pledges) P=Posthumously Initiated August 20, 1998: 1 D=Depledged: 4 (1 Fall by Chapter and 1 in Spring by Grades; 1 Spring by Individual and 1 by Grades) H=Holdovers Until Fall, 1998: 2 (2 Spring Pledges) B ook of Records 10.13 1998-1999 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4D 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11D 12D 13I 14I 15I 16I 17* 18I 19I 20I 21* 22I 23I 24I 25D Kyle Allen Brewer Grant Patrick Bunton Ryan Scott Elder Jeremy Daniel Glenn Chad Daniel Green Richard Robert (Bob) Harrison Lance Tyler Jones Justin Paul Kastanek Matthew Gerard (Matt) Keller Tony David Long Brian Dennis Lull Justin Chisom Morgan Kevin Neil Oehme Benjamin Cory (Ben) Porter Eric Edward Richer Michael Steven (Mike) Rogers Jeffrey Brian (Jeff) Severino Allen Joseph Smith Tyler James (T.J.) Stack Justin Robert Stein Benjamin Douglas (Ben) Taddiken William Kip (Kip) Wilson Travis Ray Wymer Collin David Yoachim Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10D 11H 12* 13* Jess Michael Adams Matthew Richard (Matt) Bales John William Chapman Brian Michael Darby Kerry Michael Funk Patrick Timothy (Pat) Gibbs Ryan Wade Hamm Charles Jason (Jason) Hannagan Troy Allen Holdeman Korben Joseph Konrady William Austin (Will) Mann Dru Harrison Schwyhart Overland Park, Kansas Lyons, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Newton, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Lakin, Kansas Halstead, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Coffeyville, Kansas Winfield, Kansas Joshua Ryan (Josh) Wedel Liberal, Kansas Concordia, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Leawood, Kansas El Dorado, Kansas Gardner, Kansas Salina, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Mark Evan (Evan) Keyser Kansas City, Missouri Manhattan, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Salina, Kansas Liberal, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Salina, Kansas Salina, Kansas Clay Center, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Arkansas City, Kansas I=Initiated January 15, 1999: 19 (19 Fall 1998 Pledges) *=Initiated August 19, 1999: 13 (11 Spring 1999 and 2 Fall 1998 Pledges) D=Depledged: 5 (1 Fall by Chapter, 1 by Grades, 1 in Spring by Individual and 1 in Spring by Grades; 1 Spring by Chapter) H=Holdover Until Fall, 1999: 1 (1 Spring Pledge) 10.14 B ook of Records 1999-2000 School Year Fall Pledges 1* 2D 3I 4I 5D 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17D 18I 19D 20I 21I 22I 23I 24I Noel Wayne Adamson Jeremy Jon (Jerry) Braklow Wichita, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Jeremiaha D. Cole Bennington, Kansas Libertyville, Illinois Overland Park, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Liberty, Missouri Overland Park, Kansas Salina, Kansas Coffeyville, Kansas Jonathan Ryan (Jon) Mein Girard, Kansas Hamilton, Kansas Stilwell, Kansas Jacob James (Jake) Perkins Omaha, Nebraska Olathe, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Beattie, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Joshua David (Josh) Thies Manhattan, Kansas Salina, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Stephen Daniel (Steve) Curtis Philip Travis (Phil) Duncan Michael Lawrence (Mike) Hattrup Andrew James (Andy) Jarrett Andrew James (Andy) Joiner Tanner Neil Klingzell William Austin (Will) Mann Brook Denton Mitchell Andrew Martin (Andy) Newton Brett Matthew Poland Matthew Edward (Matt) Redhair Brian James Robinson Todd Anthony Sandmann Marc Thomas Smith Blair Landen Teater John Forrest Thompson Daniel Joshua (Danny) Tokar Benjamin Joseph (Ben) Zwick Spring Pledges 1* 2D 3* 4D 5* 6* 7* 8* 9H 10D Bradley Alan (Brad) Cameron Kellen James Frank Dustin James Germer Patrick Joseph (Pat) McEvoy Ramon (Ray) Perez Clint Bruce Reach Ryan Paul Vogts Jonathan Cory (Jon) Wadman Special Initiate Daniel Ryan (Dan) Adrain Shawnee, Kansas Omaha, Nebraska Stilwell, Kansas Marysville, Kansas Christopher Barrett (Chris) Jennings Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Salina, Kansas Kansas City, Kansas Girard, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas S David Patrick (Dave) Donnelly Manhattan, Kansas I=Initiated January 14, 2000: 19 (19 Fall 1999 Pledges) *=Initiated August 18, 2000: 7 (6 Spring 2000 and 1 Fall 1999 Pledges) S=Special Initiate August 18, 2000: 1 D=Depledged: 7 (1 Fall by Chapter, 2 by Grades and 1 in Spring by Grades; 1 Spring by Chapter, 1 by Individual and 1 by Grades) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2000: 1 (1 Spring Pledge) B ook of Records 10.15 2000-2001 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4I 5I 6D 7I 8D 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15* 16D 17I 18I 19I 20I 21* 22I 23I 24I 25I Steven Lawrence (Steve) Bellinger Timothy James (Tim) Bensman Spencer Murray Coatney Scott Michael Cordes Clay Duane Davis Jamison Brett (Jamie) Elder Nathan Paul (Nate) Evans Caleb Isaac Fitzgerald Jeremy Tyler Graham Matthew Joseph (Matt) Harn Christopher James (C.J.) Hinkin Kevin Eric Husmann David Michael (Dave) Keller Aaron Paul Kenkel Kenton Daniel Meyer Joshua Timothy (Josh) O'=Neil Ryan Christopher Parisi Jonathan McStay (Jon) Rhoades Graig Michael Sells Nicholas Anthony (Nick) Senatore James Peter (Jim) Smolen Daniel O'Connor (Dan) Sobek Matthew Joseph (Matt) Toepfer Ryan Paul Vogts Warren Robert White Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* Erik Preston Ankrom Travis James DiGirolamo Brian John Hall Matthew Tyler (Matt) Howell Chad Eric Johnson Dustin Lee Kammerer Ryan Montgomery Potter Erik Michael Rome Matthew John (Matt) Washburn David Jacob (Dave) Weaver Trevor Lane Winchell Special Initiate S Brian Dennis Lull Manhattan, Kansas Winfield, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Prairie Village, Kansas St. Charles, Missouri St. Joseph, Missouri Merriam, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Derby, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Liberal, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Ottawa, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Westmoreland, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Girard, Kansas Liberal, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Ozawkie, Kansas Sabetha, Kansas Marysville, Kansas Kansas City, Missouri Olathe, Kansas Marysville, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Omaha, Nebraska Lenexa, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Girard, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas I=Initiated January 12, 2001: 20 (20 Fall 2000 Pledges) *=Initiated August 17, 2001: 13 (11 Spring 2001 and 2 Fall 2000 Pledges) S=Special Initiate August 17, 2001: 1 D=Depledged: 3 (2 Fall by Grades and 1 in Spring by Grades) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2001: 0 10.16 B ook of Records 2001-2002 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4I 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11* 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18I 19I Seth Brandon Schultz Ryan Ghassan Bader Matthew Allen (Matt) Baki Brandon Charles Converse Shawn Adrian Cross Jamison Brett (Jamie) Elder Shane Andrew Frownfelter Evan Brady Hammett Brandon Kyle Haynes Andrew Thomas (Drew) Henderson Michael Paul (Mike) Hinkin Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Great Bend, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Stilwell, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Kevin James Hudson Lenexa, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Brian Paul Maximuk Overland Park, Kansas Curtis Gregory (Curt) Mick Osborne, Kansas Jesse Daniel Newton Stilwell, Kansas Cole Stephen Reichle Auburn, Kansas Charles Daniel (Charlie) Robben Oakley, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Allan Richard Sheahan Manhattan, Kansas Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4D 5* 6* 7* 8* 9D 10* 11* Christopher Alan (Chris) Beyer William Paul (Billy) Buser William Howard (Bill) Casper John Hunter (Hunter) Ferebee Michael Francis (Mike) Fernholz Scott Michael Freeman Brian Matthew King Larry David Long Scott Michael Minter Bret Michael Springs Jerod Michael Topliff Independence, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Carmel, Indiana Iola, Kansas Stuttgart, Germany Overland Park, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Rockwall, Texas Peter Alexander (Pete) Kelley I=Initiated January 18, 2002: 18 (18 Fall 2001 Pledges) *=Initiated August 16, 2002: 10 (9 Spring 2002 Pledges and 1 Fall 2001 Pledge) D=Depledged: 2 (1 Spring by Chapter and 1 by Grades) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2002: 0 B ook of Records 10.17 2002-2003 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3D 4I 5I 6* 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18D 19I 20I 21I 22* 23I 24I 25D 26I 27I Brett Anthony Allred Joshua Thomas (Josh) Ault Andrew Jesse (Jesse) Brown Caden Luke (Cade) Butler Clayton Thomas Devlin Brian Robert Driscoll Matthew Joel (Matt) Duerfeldt Ryan Christopher Falco Aaron Trent Franklin Clayton Roy (Clay) Glasco Kevin Patrick Grace Ryan Kent Hannebaum Mark Vincent Hayes Bradley James (Brad) Hiss Christopher Steven (Chris) Johnson Brennan Michael Knott Brock Christopher Lohrey Sean Timothy McEvoy Christopher Alan (Chris) Mick Jesse Graham Moore Mark Edward Pultz Scott Richard Sieben Benjamin Royal (Ben) Smith Scott Ryan Strickler James Brian (Jimmy) Sullivan Brinton Tyler Walstrom Jacob Roy Will Spring Pledges 1D 2* 3* 4* 5D 6* 7H 8* 9* 10D Bryan Dominic Allen Lafe Michael Bauer Michael David (Mike) Durig John Hunter (Hunter) Ferebee Daniel Alan (Dan) Hill Matthew Kyle (Matt) Karstetter Jarrod Allan Smith Matthew Allen (Matt) Strain Michael Anthony (Mike) Wiber Aaron Joseph Youngworth Lawrence, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas McPherson, Kansas Beattie, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Louisburg, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Carl Junction, Missouri Great Bend, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Iola, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Jefferson City, Missouri Salina, Kansas Iola, Kansas Great Bend, Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Andover, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Osborne, Kansas Great Bend, Kansas Riley, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Iola, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Gypsum, Kansas I=Initiated January 17, 2003: 22 (22 Fall 2002 Pledges) *=Initiated August 22, 2003: 8 (6 Spring 2003 Pledges and 2 Fall 2002 Pledges) D=Depledged: 6 (1 Fall by Chapter and 2 by Individual; 3 Spring by Chapter) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2003: 1 (1 Spring Pledge) 10.18 B ook of Records 2003-2004 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4I 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17D 18I 19I 20I Jonathan Brian (Jon) Biggs Daniel Clayton (Dan) Burr Andrew Paul Congleton Sean Patrick Cordes William Scott (Scott) Dikeman Jeffrey Eugene (Jeff) Elkins Robert Michael (Rob) Holland Dustin Dean Klassen Corey Thomas MacCallum Scott Douglas McDermott Benjamin Charles (Ben) Nash Matthew Robert (Matt) Porter Brett Mitchell Robben Nathan James Schnefke Anthony Frank (Tony) Senatore Paul Michael Senatore Jarrod Allan Smith Cameron Michael (Cam) Sterrett Bryan Christopher Warne Zachary Ryan Joseph (Zach) Wisdom Spring Pledges 1D 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* Matthew Scott (Matt) Anderson Grayson Ernest (Gray) Bauer Travis Brooks Bunk Anthony Lamar Carter Peter Lee (Pete) Hinkle Mark David Humbarger Matthew Franklin (Matt) McComas Christopher Richard Nolda Mathew Clay (Matt) Plummer Garden City, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Concordia, Kansas Colorado Springs, Colorado Overland Park, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Pampa, Texas Naperville, Illinois Manhattan, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Bucyrus, Kansas Hesston, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Stilwell, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Oakley, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Beattie, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Special Initiate S Stephen Mathew (Steve) Moritz Overland Park, Kansas I=Initiated January 23, 2004: 19 (19 Fall 2003 Pledges) *=Initiated August 20, 2004: 8 (8 Spring 2004 Pledges) S=Special Initiate August 20, 2004: 1 D=Depledged: 2 (1 Fall by Grades; 1 Spring by Chapter) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2004: 0 B ook of Records 10.19 2004-2005 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4L 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18I 19I 20I 21I 22I 23I 24I 25I 26D 27I 28I 29I 30I 31I 32I 33I Cody Glenn Anderson Christopher Corey (Chris) Bass John William Bensman Ross Wilson Brady Brian Adam Buller Andrew Vernon Christ Shane Thomas Conaghan Benjamin Carey (Ben) Denvir James Robert Fullagar Bret Alan Keeler Scott Ross Keller Bryan Edward Klote Derek Alan Kruse Ryan Michael Kuhn Garrett Breckenridge Linville Brady Michael Lohrey William Travis (Travis) Love Michael James (Mike) Manns Tyler Fitzgerald Newton Charles James (Charlie) Ochs Brian Samuel Oliver Loren Michael Peters Mitchell Warren (Mitch) Peterson Kyle Arneson Potter Eric Charles Redhair Matthew James (Matt) Roberson Joseph Earl (Joey) Strain Bradley Robert (Brad) Stein Shawn Marcus Taddiken Drew Michael Wagner Jeremy Keith Will Todd Michael Williams Cory Allen Zimmerman Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* Matthew Lee (Matt) Amthor Robert John (Bobby) Domsch Brandon Michael Hall Tyler Scott Nichols Michael James (Mike) Rohr Kellen Ernest Sherlock Leavenworth, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Stilwell, Kansas Osborne, Kansas Derby, Kansas Washington, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Stilwell, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Hesston, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Gypsum, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Salina, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Merriam, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Stilwell, Kansas Hoxie, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Clifton, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Gypsum, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Great Bend, Kansas I=Initiated January 14, 2005: 31 (31 Fall 2004 Pledges) L=Initiated March 13, 2005: 1 (1 Fall Pledge) *=Initiated August 19, 2005: 6 (6 Spring 2005 Pledges) D=Depledged: 1 (1 Fall by Individual) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2005: 0 10.20 B ook of Records 2005-2006 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4I 5* 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11D 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18I 19I 20I 21I 22I 23I 24I Drew William Britton Travis Eugene Charles Brown Evan Curtis Coglizer Patrick Tyler (Pat) Criss Joshua David (Josh) Cromer Gregory Eugene (Greg) Dean Christopher Wayne (Chris) Frakes Ryan Christopher Kaman Andrew Martin Kinsman Brett Daniel Kirkpatrick Eric Thomas Leftwich Miles Robert Lilja Matthew James (Matt) Lindquist Eric Kyle Montgomery Brian Patrick Mulcahy Patrick Joseph (Pat) Murphy Matthew Robert (Matt) Novellano Nicholas Jason (Nick) Poland Adam Kyle Richer Keith Bruce Schaller Scott Andrew Swain Tyler Cole Wisdom Affiliate A Mark Robert Inman Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4H 5* Samuel Joseph (Sam) Hund Andrew Thomas Langford Scott Wylie McDonald Jorge Cristian (George) Ochoa Darren Anthony St. Thomas Shawnee, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Jefferson City, Missouri Texarkana, Texas Olathe, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Chad Michael Baalman Oakley, Kansas Peter Edward Boos Overland Park, Kansas Ellsworth, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Merriam, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Lake Quivira, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Atchison, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Leawood, Kansas I=Initiated January 13, 2006: 22 (22 Fall 2005 Pledges) *=Initiated August 18, 2006: 5 (4 Spring 2006 Pledges and 1 Fall 2005 Pledge) D=Depledged: 1 (1 Fall by Chapter) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2006: 1 (1 Spring Pledge) B ook of Records 10.21 1 2006-2007 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4I 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13* 14I 15I 16I 17D 18I 19I 20I 21I 22I 23D 24I 25I 26I 27D 28I 29I 30D 31I 32I Bryce James Bartu Trent Robert Byquist Colin Robert Cummings Joseph Paul (Paul) Fangman, Jr. Jeffrey Garrett Ferguson Kevin William Goebel Jacob Steven (Jake) Kaunley Jared Michael Keating Scott Andrew Lange Daniel Joseph Long Adam Heath Love Jay Kennedy Marcus Mitchell Edward (Mitch) Mattix William Howard (Billy) Miller Philip Brock Newman Joseph William (Joe) Norris Jorge Cristian (George) Ochoa Patrick Henry (Pat) O'Flynn Joshua Wade (Josh) Oller Aaron Matthew Ortbals Adam Bradley Pfautsch Nicholas Lee (Nick) Rauth Jehrich Teal Rueschhoff Jeremy Foster Ruff Jared Mathis Schnefke Tyler Franklin Shepherd Michael Scott (Scott) Supica Ryan Patrick Thomas Austin Gregory Waldo Bryan Anthony Wilson Calen Michael Young Carter Bruce Young Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4* 5D 6* 7* Tyler John Geisler Christopher Michael (Chris) Glover Cole Brennen Halbleib Jordan Scoby McFall Joseph Allan (Joe) McTaggart Kyle Rand Schleicher Riley Maurice Wiles Overland Park, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Oakley, Kansas Derby, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Merriam, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Grand Island, Nebraska Salina, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Hutchinson, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Merriam, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Prairie Village, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Littleton, Colorado Texarkana, Texas Overland Park, Kansas Kingman, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Ouray, Colorado Wichita, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Englewood, Colorado I=Initiated January 12, 2007: 27 (27 Fall 2006 Pledges) *=Initiated August 17, 2007: 7 (6 Spring 2007 Pledges and 1 Fall 2006 Pledge) D=Depledged: 5 (1 Fall by Chapter and 1 by Grades; 2 Fall and 1 Spring by Chapter) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2007: 0 110.22 B ook of Records 2007-2008 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2D 3I 4I 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18I 19I 20I 21I 22I 23I Tyrek James Artley Andrew Bradley Barnert Matthew Fredrick (Matt) Bellinger Matthew Edward (Matt) Bollin Charles Frederick (Charlie) Clarkson Samuel Lanahan (Sam) Denvir David Christopher Dikeman Michael William (Mike) Hammer Adam Chester Kruse Paul Henry Kuhlman Michael Murphy Lindquist Albert Charles (A.C.) Maurin Michael Roderick McArthur Steven Isaac (Steve) Miller Nicholas Tyler (Nick) Mitchum Benton Frederick (Ben) Musil Connor Fitzgerald Osbern Ryan Matthew Radetic Nicholas John (Nick) Sevart Sean Taylor Shoemaker Ryan Cameron Ullom Daniel Alan (Danny) Unruh Keith Charles Wyss Special Initiate S Jorge Cristian (George) Ochoa Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3* 4* 5L 6D 7* Jonathan Bret (Bret) Alsobrook Zane Joseph Derusseau Jeffrey Adam (Jeff) Hyder Casey Allan Mason Daniel Christopher (Dan) Roberson Michael Donovan Steele Derick Vincent St. Thomas Special Initiate S* Richard Warren (Rich) Seidler Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Clyde, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Kansas City, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Texarkana, Texas Spring Hill, Kansas Leawood, Kansas St. George, Kansas Osawatomie, Kansas Southlake, Texas Lenexa, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Liberal, Kansas Oakley, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Salina, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Tahlequah, Oklahoma Clive, Iowa Wichita, Kansas I=Initiated January 18, 2008: 22 (22 Fall 2007 Pledges) *=Initiated August 22, 2008: 5 (5 Spring 2008 Pledges) S=Special Initiate September 23, 2007: 1 S*=Special Initiate August 22, 2008: 1 L=Initiated August 27, 2008: 1 (1 Spring 2008 Pledge) D=Depledged: 2 (1 Fall by Grades; 1 Spring by Grades) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2008: 0 1Book of Records 10.23 2008-2009 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2* 3I 4I 5* 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18I 19I 20I 21D 22D 23* Brandon Gale Abbott Tyler Charles Bell Dalton Thomas Cummings Daniel David (Danny) Domsch Adam Thomas Eisenbart Luke Stuart Fangman James Drury (J.D.) Holland Randall Christian (Chris) Jackson Sean Patrick Keating Harrison Parker (Parker) Knox Wesley Preston (Wes) McFadden Michael Ryan (Mike) O'Flynn Presten Ryan Petersen Patrick Lee (Pat) Reazin Bradley Lawrence (Brad) Schnefke Spyros Michael (Michael) Siscos Carl William Specht Dylan Michael Thayer Jakob Dean Thierer Christopher Colby (Chris) Tipton James Irven Wheeler Drew Jordan (D.J.) Wiles Jacob Lee (Jake) Wright Spring Pledges 1* 2* 3D 4* 5* 6H Bryan Vincent Blake Christopher Luke (Chris) Carrasco Jacob Brent Cromer Ryan James Ehart David Joseph Garman Matthew David (Matt) Herring Olathe, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Columbia, Missouri San Antonio, Texas Overland Park, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Iola, Kansas Hutchinson, Kansas Bucyrus, Kansas Clifton, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Iola, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Omaha, Nebraska Leawood, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Stilwell, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Katy, Texas Salina, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas I=Initiated January 16, 2009: 18 (18 Fall 2008 Pledges) *=Initiated August 20, 2009: 6 (4 Spring 2009 Pledges and 2 Fall 2008 Pledges) D=Depledged: 3 (1 Fall by Grades and 1 by Individual; 1 Spring by Grades) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2009: 1 (1 Spring Pledge) 10.24 Book of Records 1 2009-2010 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4I 5D 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18* 19I 20* 21I 22I Austin Lloyd Anderson Jacob Christopher (Jake) Bollin Patrick Gregory Calzonetti Christopher Thomas (Chris) Ferran Matthew David (Matt) Herring Alan Tucker (Tucker) Hewitt Ethan Wade Hutcheson Dallas Logan Kaunley Jared Michael Kaunley Jacob Ritchie (Jake) Klenda Craig Ellis Knox Andrew John (Drew) Miller William Scott (Scott) Ogan Samuel William (Sam) Osbern Neal Keith Rasmussen David Steven (Dave) Rathjen John Russell Reinert Brandon Charles Scott Mike Tuan Ta Sean Michael Thomas Christopher James (Chris) Waggoner Jonathon James (Jonny) Wirtz Special Initiate S Bernard Jay Pitts Spring Pledges 1*1 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* Joseph William (Joe) Adam Chase Mitchell Blaha Bryan Leslie Clubine Scott Michael Galey Matthew Alan (Matt) Kaster Andrew Lawrence Morriss Drew Tyler Nuckolls Joseph John (Joe) Orsi Gilberto Emilio (Gil) Perez-Abraham Mario Treyvon Williamson Garden City, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Independence, Kansas Bolingbrook, Illinois Overland Park, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Osawatomie, Kansas Garden City, Kansas Olathe, Kansas San Antonio, Texas Shawnee, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Salina, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Andover, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Hutchinson, Kansas Clay Center, Kansas Garden City, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas I=Initiated January 15, 2010: 19 (19 Fall 2009 Pledges) S=Initiated January 15, 2010: 1 *=Initiated August 20, 2010: 12 (10 Spring 2010 Pledges and 2 Fall 2009 Pledges) D=Depledged: 1 (1 Fall by Grades) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2010: 0 B ook of Records 10.25 1 2010-2011 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4I 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10D 11I 12I 13I 14I 15D 16I 17I 18I 19I 20I 21I 22I 23I 24I 25I 26I 27I 28I 29D 30I 31L 32I 33D 34D 35D Travis Jeffrey Barmby David Allen Biggs Brendan Robert Carney Miles Joseph Casey Jake Harrison Cave Jacob Nathaniel (Jake) Edwards Benjamin David (Ben) Fangman Christopher James (Chris) Gabel Mitchell Thomas (Mitch) Golubski Dylan Thomas Grimm Jacob Patrick (Jake) Hammer Evan James Heumann Elward James (E.J.) Hiss Joseph Alexander (Joe) Hund Samuel Lee (Sam) Jones Josiah Lowell Kaiser Nathan Douglas (Nate) Kalberer Matthew Jeffrey (Matt) Kieffer Troy Samuel Klaassen Dylan Anthony Koch Kyle Daniel Kramer Chasen Alexander (Chase) Lewonowski Brett Jonathan Lightle Michael Jay (Mike) Miller Harold William (Willie) Mitts III Kyle Matthew Pfautsch Dylan Isaac Rogerson Zachary Roy (Zack) Showalter Cooper Brian Steinman Vincent Michael (Vince) Stewart James William Taylor Jacob Christopher (Jake) Unruh Joshua William (Josh) Urteaga Phillip Lohrey Walsh Jordan David Watson Spring Pledges 1D1 2* 3* 4* 5* Cameron Michael (Cam) Frazier Thomas Kelsham Fullagar Bryce Connor Lob Jonathan Blake (Blake) Martin Zachary Alexander (Zack) Zivnuska Grand Prairie, Texas Manhattan, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Valley Center, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Hutchinson, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Hutchinson, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Great Bend, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Andover, Kansas Clifton, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas White City, Kansas Belton, Missouri Lenexa, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Derby, Kansas Olathe, Kansas San Carlos, California Lympne, Hythe, UK Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Ozawkie, Kansas I=Initiated January 14, 2011: 28 (28 Fall 2010 Pledges) L=Initiated April 25, 2011: 1 (1 Fall 2010 Pledge) *=Initiated August 18, 2011: 4 D=Depledged: 6 (4 Fall by Individual and 2 by Chapter; 1 Spring by Chapter) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2011: 0 10.26 Book of Records 2011-2012 School Year Fall Pledges 1 1I 2I 3I 4I 5I 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14D 15D 16D 17I 18I 19I 20I 21I 22I James Daniel (Jimmie) Allen Justin Thomas Bryan Jordan Matthew Carney Hayden James Cave Zachary John (Zack) Congrove Evan Paul Cummings Alexander David (Alex) Eaton Nicholas Matthew (Nick) Gabel William Richard (Will) Hammer Kyle Joseph Heffern Grant Patrick Jackson Ryan Conner Lingle Patrick Keegan (Keegan) McKernan Alexander Austin (Alex) Moore Matthew Tobin (Matt) Munz Kevin Patrick O'Grady Michael Trevor (Trevor) Petrie Jacob Lynn (Jake) Pruitt Matthew Alexander (Matt) Ribble Eli James McCanless Schrock Mackenzie James (Mack) Valentine Connor Michael Zishka Spring Pledges Olathe, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Iola, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Seneca, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Stilwell, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Jeffersonton, Virginia Lenexa, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas 1D 2H 3* 4* 5H 6* 7* Samuel Thomas (Sam) Baltzer Michael Lee (Mikey) Eichenberg, Jr. Ryan Michael Ferguson Dylan Lefroy Hugunin Scott Joseph Louis Ryan Joseph Mustain Brandon Michael York Centennial, Colorado Olathe, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Kansas City, Kansas I=Initiated January 13, 2012: 19 *=Initiated August 17, 2012: 4 D=Depledged: 4 (1 Fall Pledge by Chapter and 2 by Grades; 1 Spring Pledge by Grades) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2012: 2 B ook of Records 10.27 1 2012-2013 School Year Fall Pledges 1I 2I 3I 4D 5D 6I 7I 8I 9I 10I 11I 12I 13I 14I 15I 16I 17I 18I 19I 20I 21D 22D 23I 24I 25I 26I 27I 28I Spencer Kimball Andresen Patrick Lincoln (Pat) Bennett Eric Andrew Carlson Michael Lee (Mikey) Eichenberg, Jr. Jacob Roy (Jake) Fateley Andrew Waide Fischer Tanner Andrew Fox Reid Palmer Frey Thomas Hunter (Hunter) Goddard Neil William Haas Thomas Patrick (Tommy) Hoopes Brandon Edward James Patrick Dean (Pat) Keck Benjamin Dean (Ben) LeCluyse Scott Joseph Louis Alexander James (Alex) McKean Tyler Benjamin Moorman Joseph Raymond (Joe) Oaks Andrew James Owings Brandon Michael Payne Robert Alfred (Bobby) Prendergast Benton Hughes (Ben) Prill Devin Patrick Rose Kyle Mitchell Schieber Robert Luke (Luke) Schnefke Austin Reed Scott Dylan Andrew Splichal David Andrew (Drew) Unruh Spring Pledges 1 2 3 4 5 Keith Christian (K.C.) Gloe II Tucker Jeffrey Lewis Matthew Ryan (Matt) Moran Tyler John Swehla Brett William Zapletal Shawnee, Kansas Ellsworth, Maine Lenexa, Kansas Liberty, Missouri Manhattan, Kansas Mission Hills, Kansas Leawood, Kansas El Dorado, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Mission Hills, Kansas Blue Springs, Missouri Shawnee, Kansas Chanhassen, Minnesota Lenexa, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Lenexa, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Leawood, Kansas Topeka, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Prairie Village, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Overland Park, Kansas Shawnee, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Olathe, Kansas Manhattan, Kansas I=Initiated January 18, 2013: 24 *=Initiated August, 2013: D=Depledged: 4 (3 by Individual and 1 by Chapter) H=Holdover Until Fall, 2013: 10.28 Book of Records 110.28 Book of Records 4. INITIATION RATES* 1988 (Fall) 1989 (Spring) 1989 (Fall) 1990 (Spring) 1990 (Fall) 1991 (Spring) 1991 (Fall) 1992 (Spring) 1992 (Fall) 1993 (Spring) 1993 (Fall) 1994 (Spring) 1994 (Fall) 1995 (Spring) 1995 (Fall) 1996 (Spring) 1996 (Fall) 1997 (Spring) 1997 (Fall) 1998 (Spring) 1998 (Fall) 1999 (Spring) 1999 (Fall) 2000 (Spring) 22/25 9/9 29/30 6/8 21/24 11/12 17/19 11/13 22/24 14/17 25/322 13/16 15/16 11/13 15/17 13/131 26/261 11/13 19/21 9/11 21/25 11/12 20/24 6/92 2000 (Fall) 2001 (Spring) 2001 (Fall) 2002 (Spring) 2002 (Fall) 2003 (Spring) 2003 (Fall) 2004 (Spring) 2004 (Fall) 2005 (Spring) 2005 (Fall) 2006 (Spring) 2006 (Fall) 2007 (Spring) 2007 (Fall) 2008 (Spring) 2008 (Fall) 2009 (Spring) 2009 (Fall) 2010 (Spring) 2010 (Fall) 2011 (Spring) 2011 (Fall) 2012 (Spring) 2012 (Fall) 22/25 11/111 19/191 9/11 24/27 6/9 19/20 8/9 32/33 6/61 23/24 4/41 28/32 6/7 22/23 6/7 21/23 4/5 21/22 10/101 29/35 4/5 19/22 4/5 24/28 24½-Year Initiation Rate (Fall 1988-Fall 2012): 758/851 = 89.072% 10-Year Initiation Rate (Spring 2003-Fall 2012): 296/329 = 89.970% *Denotes Year and (Semester) Pledge Classes and Number Initiated/Number Pledged 1 100% Initiation Rate 10.30 Book of Records B ook of Records 11.01 CHAPTER 11 HONOR ROLLS OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AWARDS AND RECIPIENTS 11.02 Book of Records B ook of Records 11.03 HONOR ROLLS OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AWARDS AND RECIPIENTS 1. THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY THE TOP CHAPTER AWARD THE TRUE MERIT AWARD THE THOMAS ARKLE CLARK AWARD THE JOSEPH REID ANDERSON AWARD THE JOSEPH REID ANDERSON GOLD AWARD THE GOLD COMMUNICATIONS AWARD THE HARRY L. BIRD AWARD THE HARRY L. BIRD SILVER AWARD THE SILVER COMMUNICATIONS AWARD THE BRONZE COMMUNICATIONS AWARD THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT (WORTHY GRAND CHIEF) AWARD THE ADVISOR OF THE YEAR AWARD THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE YEAR AWARD THE ATO NATIONAL ROADSHOW AWARD 2. THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FOUNDATION THE COMMUNITY AWARENESS AWARD THE RICHARD A. PORTS PUBLIC AFFAIRS AWARD THE UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD THE GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD THE LARRY A. LONG MEMORIAL LAW AWARD THE J. MILTON RICHARDSON THEOLOGICAL AWARD 3. THE NORTH-AMERICAN INTERFRATERNITY CONFERENCE (NIC) THE NATIONAL AWARD OF DISTINCTION 11.04 Book of Records B ook of Records 11.05 1. THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY 1A. THE TOP CHAPTER AWARD 1998 1999 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 National Award National Award National Award National Award National Runner-Up National Award National Award 11.06 Book of Records B ook of Records 11.07 1B. THE TRUE MERIT AWARD 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 National Award National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Honorable Mention National Award National Award National Award National Honorable Mention National Award National Honorable Mention National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Honorable Mention National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award 11.08 Book of Records B ook of Records 11.09 1C. THE THOMAS ARKLE CLARK AWARD 1988 1992 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 Edward R. Nickel (National Honorable Mention) Stephen L. Patton (National Runner-Up) James D. Persinger, Jr. (National Honorable Mention) David M. Saunders (National Honorable Mention) Todd F. Lakin (National Award) Joe G. Stein (National Runner-Up) Jonathan A. Freeman (National Honorable Mention) Gabriel J. Graham (National Honorable Mention) Robert M. Bensman (National Award) Jonathan S. Kurche (National Award) Richard R. (Bob) Harrison (National Honorable Mention) Andrew M. Newton (National Award) Erik M. Rome (National Honorable Mention) Brian M. King (National Runner-Up) Jacob R. Will (National Honorable Mention) Anthony L. Carter (National Honorable Mention) Jared M. Schnefke (National Runner-Up) 11.10 Book of Records B ook of Records 11.11 1D1A. THE JOSEPH REID ANDERSON AWARD1 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Award National Runner-Up National Runner-Up National Runner-Up National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Runner-Up National Honorable Mention National Runner-Up National Award National Honorable Mention National Runner-Up National Award 1D1B. THE JOSEPH REID ANDERSON GOLD AWARD 1993 National Award Rance E. Ames1 Jonathan A. Yeomans and Matthew C. James2 National Award Scott M. Chamoff1 Cary L. Majors and Toby J. Crouse2 National Award Jason A. Walker 1 Brian R. Ohrt and Rod W. Helus2 National Award Neil P. Adamson1 Jason L. Endacott and Christopher S. Coad 2 National Award Jonathan S. Kurche1 Michael T. Freeman and Christopher J. Struzina 2 National Award Jonathan S. Kurche1 Jason A. Pechar and Benjamin C. Porter 2 (Continued) 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 11.12 Book of Records 2002 National Award R. Robert Harrison 1 Matthew J. Toepfer and Brian J. Hall 2 Erik P. Ankrom and Curtis G. Mick3 Justin J. Nelson and Erik P. Ankrom 4 National Award Jerod M. Topliff1 Larry D. Long and William H. Casper 2 Brandon K. Haynes and Ryan C. Falco3 Erik P. Ankrom and Christopher A. Mick 4 National Award Larry D. Long1 Anthony L. Carter and John W. Bensman 2 Grayson E. Bauer and W. Scott Dikeman 3 Christopher A. Mick4 2004 2005 1D1C. THE GOLD COMMUNICATIONS AWARD 2006 National Award Anthony L. Carter 1 Michael J. Rohr and Ryan C. Kaman 2 Peter L. Hinkle and Nathan J. Schnefke3 Christopher A. Mick and Eric T. Leftwich 4 National Award Daniel A. Unruh 1 Jared M. Keating and Brandon G. Abbott2 David C. Dikeman 3 Aaron M. Ortbals4 National Award Luke S. Fangman 1 Christopher C. Tipton and Ryan J. Ehart 2 R. Christian Jackson and Neal K. Rasmussen 3 Keith C. Wyss4 1 2009 2010 B ook of Records 11.13 1D2A. THE HARRY L. BIRD AWARD2 1978 1979 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Daniel A. Phillips John E. Otey (National Honorable Mention) Michael A. Alstadt Mark D. Guttu (National Honorable Mention) Kyle R. Rolfing (National Runner-Up) Michael K. Cormaci (National Award) Dennis J. O'Keefe, Jr. (National Award) Brent D. Scott (National Honorable Mention) James D. Persinger, Jr. (National Award) 1D2B. THE HARRY L. BIRD SILVER AWARD 1992 National Award Jason W. Goertzen and William L. Short 1 James A. Buster2 National Award Richard J. Cherra 1 Scott L. Hardin and Ty A. Bechtel 2 National Award William A. Mann 1 Daniel J. Tokar and Daniel O. Sobek2 Jeremiaha D. Cole and Timothy J. Bensman 3 Justin J. Nelson 4 National Award Brian J. Hall 1 Dustin L. Kammerer and Joshua T. Ault 2 Michael P. Hinkin and Christopher S. Johnson 3 Seth B. Schultz 4 1994 2001 2003 1D2C. THE SILVER COMMUNICATIONS AWARD 2007 National Award Drew M. Wagner 1 Tyler C. Wisdom and Jared M. Keating 2 Brett D. Kirkpatrick and James R. Fullagar 3 Eric T. Leftwich and Aaron M. Ortbals 4 11.14 Book of Records 1D3. THE BRONZE COMMUNICATIONS AWARD 2012 National Award Jacob C. Unruh 1 Elward J. Hiss IV and Zachary J. Congrove2 Neal K. Rasmussen and Dylan I. Rogerson 3 Zachary A. Zivnuska 4 Historians and Editors of The Vintage Public Relations Officers 3 Alumni Relations Officers 4 Communications Officers 1 2 B ook of Records 11.15 1E. THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT (WORTHY GRAND CHIEF) AWARD 1990 2002 William L. Muir III5 William L. Muir III 5 Special Award 11.16 Book of Records 1F1. THE ADVISOR OF THE YEAR AWARD 1987 William L. Muir III B ook of Records 11.17 1F2. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE YEAR AWARD 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 National Finalist National Finalist National Finalist National Finalist National Finalist Upper Alpha Award Upper Alpha Award Upper Alpha Award Upper Alpha Award Upper Alpha Award Upper Alpha Award Upper Alpha Award 11.18 Book of Records B ook of Records 11.19 2. THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA FOUNDATION 2A. THE COMMUNITY AWARENESS AWARD 1979 1980 1982 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Runner-Up National Runner-Up National Award National Honorable Mention National First Runner-Up National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Runner-Up National Runner-Up National Special Mention National Special Mention National Special Mention National Special Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Special Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention National Honorable Mention 11.20 Book of Records 2B. THE RICHARD A. PORTS PUBLIC AFFAIRS AWARD 1987 1988 1991 1995 Edward R. Nickel (National Runner-Up) Kyle R. Rolfing (National Runner-Up) Stephen L. Patton (National Award) Todd F. Lakin (National Award) B ook of Records 11.21 2C. THE UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1987 1988 1993 1994 1996 1997 Michael K. Mines (National At-Large Award) Michael K. Mines (National At-Large Award) Michael E. Brown (National At-Large Award) Jeffrey L. Gates (National At-Large Award) Philip E. Grosdidier (National At-Large Award) Mike R. Widrig (National At-Large Award) Edward R. Nickel Robert W. Reichenberger (National At-Large Awards) Robert W. Reichenberger (National At-Large Award) Todd F. Lakin (National Runner-Up) Todd F. Lakin (National Award) Joe G. Stein (National Runner-Up) Jonathan A. Freeman (National Runner-Up) Guy W. Gross (National At-Large Award) Robert M. Bensman (National At-Large Award) Robert M. Bensman (National Award) Neil P. Adamson Joshua T. Brueggemann (National At-Large Awards) Jeremy P. Girard Kevin N. Oehme (National At-Large Awards) Jonathan S. Kurche Kevin N. Oehme (National At-Large Awards) Andrew M. Newton (National At-Large Award) Andrew M. Newton (National At-Large Award) 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 (Continued) 11.22 Book of Records 2004 2005 2006 2008 Brian M. King (National Runner-Up) William H. Casper Erik M. Rome (National At-Large Awards) Brian M. King (National At-Large Award) Jeffrey E. Elkins (National At-Large Award) Jared M. Schnefke (National At-Large Award) B ook of Records 11.23 2D. THE GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD 1994 1998 2003 2010 Bryan T. Nolt (Graduate National Award) Jonathan A. Freeman Guy W. Gross (Graduate National Awards) Richard R. (Bob) Harrison (Graduate National Award) Peter E. Boos (Graduate National Award) 11.24 Book of Records 2E. THE LAWRENCE A. LONG MEMORIAL LAW AWARD 2004 2006 Andrew M. Newton Andrew M. Newton B ook of Records 11.25 2F. THE J. MILTON RICHARDSON THEOLOGICAL AWARD 2010 Jordan S. McFall 11.26 Book of Records 3. THE NORTH-AMERICAN INTERFRATERNITY CONFERENCE (NIC) 3A. THE NATIONAL AWARD OF DISTINCTION 2003 2004 Delta Theta Chapter (Chapter Award) Andrew M. Newton (Undergraduate Award) Book of Records 12.01 CHAPTERS 12, 13 AND 14 DELTA THETA OF ALPHA TAU OMEGA THE HALL OF HONOR AND ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER RETREATS AND LOCATIONS AND LIST OF DELTA THETA GRADE POINT AVERAGES 12.02 Book of Records Book of Records 12.03 INDEX Page CHAPTERS 12, 13 AND 14: THE HALL OF HONOR AND ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER RETREATS AND LOCATIONS AND LIST OF DELTA THETA GRADE POINT AVERAGES 12$01 CHAPTER 12: 1. 2. 3. CHAPTER 13: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CHAPTER 14: THE HALL OF HONOR The Delta Theta Hall of Honor Enshrinees The Order of the Third Star Enshrinees The Honor Roll of National Award Recipients ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER RETREATS AND LOCATIONS Roster of Delta Theta Weekend Retreats and Locations Roster of Delta Theta Chapter Advisor Pledge Class Retreats and Locations Roster of Delta Theta Executive Committee Retreats/ Chapter Advisor Dinners and Locations Roster of Delta Theta Chapter Advisor Senior Dinners and Locations Roster of Delta Theta Chapter Advisor Senior Retreats and Attendees LIST OF DELTA THETA GRADE POINT AVERAGES 14$01 12$05 13$01 12.04 Book of Records Book of Records 12.05 CHAPTER 12 THE HALL OF HONOR The Hall of Honor is a unique room in the Chapter House, created by Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Building Corporation in September of 1994 as a part of The 75th Anniversary Chapter House Renovation/Addition Project. The Hall of Honor is a part of the Second Floor Functional Area of the Chapter House next to the Chapter Room/Library. It contains plaques honoring The Delta Theta Hall of Honor enshrinees, the plaque honoring The Order of the Third Star enshrinees, two trophy cases and various pictures, emblems and memorabilia. The Hall of Honor was dedicated in October of 1995. 1. THE DELTA THETA HALL OF HONOR ENSHRINEES The Delta Theta Hall of Honor recognizes and honors Delta Theta Alumni for extended, continuous and outstanding contributions to Delta Theta Chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. The Delta Theta Hall of Honor Committee, by unanimous vote, selects the members of the Delta Theta Hall of Honor. The Committee is composed of the Presidents (or their designees) of the four corporations associated with Delta Theta Chapter: Delta Theta of Alpha Tau Omega (Chapter) Kansas Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Alumni Association Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Building Corporation Kansas State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid Endowment Fund The first enshrinees were chosen and announced at the Delta Theta 75th Anniversary Celebration on October 21, 1995. The second enshrinees were chosen and announced on October 27, 2001. The third enshrines were chosen and announced on September 27, 2008. The Delta Theta Hall of Honor Committee meets annually to determine new members of The Delta Theta Hall of Honor, if any. Plaques recognizing these alumni are then placed in the Hall of Honor and an individual plaque presented. The Delta Theta Hall of Honor Enshrinees Plaques are located on the West Wall of the Hall of Honor. MEMBERS OF THE DELTA THETA HALL OF HONOR 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 2001 2001 2001 2008 2008 Elmer D. McCollum Walter J. (Walt) Rogers James B. (J.B.) Angle L. Allyn (Al) Laybourn John T. (Tom) Muir Dale L. Duncan Henry F. (Hank) Kupfer Richard E. (Dick) Fagerberg Larry W. Emig Steven C. (Steve) Johnson Joseph D. (Joe) Berlekamp DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1920 DTh1921 DTh1938 DTh1938 DTh1938 DTh1963 DTh1964 DTh1972 DTh1975 2020001 2020002 2020025 2020038 2020219 2020220 2020218 2020522 2020531 2020680 2020758 12.06 Book of Records 2. THE ORDER OF THE THIRD STAR ENSHRINEES The Delta Theta Board of Trustees created The Order of the Third Star on April 18, 1997, to recognize not more than two Chapter members "for continuous and extraordinary service and self-sacrifice for the good of others from the time of initiation to the time of graduation". The Order of the Third Star is only awarded for outstanding and constant service to Delta Theta Chapter, the community and humanity. The Delta Theta Board of Trustees meets at least annually to determine new members of The Order of the Third Star, if any. The enshrinees' names are then added to The Third Star Plaque in the Hall of Honor and they receive a individual plaque, Third Star emblem and membership in the National Life Loyal Tau program. The Third Star Plaque is located on the East Wall of the Hall of Honor. MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE THIRD STAR 1997 1997 1998 1998 1999 1999 2000 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 Joe G. Stein Ty A. Bechtel Jonathan A. (Jon) Freeman Guy W. Gross Gabriel J. (Gabe) Graham Brent A. Taylor Robert M. (Rob) Bensman Christopher J. (Chris) Struzina Chad D. Russell Benjamin C. (Ben) Porter Lance T. Jones Richard R. (Bob) Harrison Daniel J. (Danny) Tokar Andrew M. (Andy) Newton Brian J. Hall Daniel O. (Danny) Sobek Erik M. Rome Brian M. King Charles D. (Charlie) Robben Joshua T. (Josh) Ault Jacob R. Will Anthony L. Carter Shawn M. Taddiken Scott R. Keller John W. Bensman Jared M. Schnefke Peter E. Boos Joshua D. Cromer Tyler J. Geisler Nicholas J. Sevart Luke S. Fangman Bradley L. Schnefke DTh1994 DTh1993 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1995 DTh1996 DTh1997 DTh1997 DTh1997 2021345 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh1999 DTh2000 DTh2000 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2001 DTh2002 DTh2003 DTh2003 DTh2004 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2005 DTh2007 DTh2006 DTh2006 DTh2007 DTh2008 DTh2009 DTh2009 2021242 2021234 2021280 2021294 2021296 2021317 2021338 2021342 2021404 2021410 2021430 2021439 2021433 2021482 2021468 2021479 2021511 2021498 2021535 2021531 2021577 2021600 2021598 2021589 2021646 2021624 2021621 2021671 2021679 2021711 2021709 Book of Records 3. THE HONOR ROLL OF NATIONAL AWARD RECIPIENTS 12.07 The Honor Roll of National Award Recipients recognizes National Awards from the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and Foundation and the North-American Interfraternity Conference that Delta Theta Chapter and individuals members have received. Chapter Awards listed are Top Chapter Award, True Merit Award, Gold Communications Award, Silver Communications Award, Excellence in Scholarship Award and North-American Interfraternity Conference Award of Distinction. Fraternity Individual Awards listed are Thomas Arkle Clark Award, Bird Public Relations Award, National President Award and Chapter Advisor of the Year Award. Foundation Awards listed are Community Awareness Award, Ports Public Affairs Award, Undergraduate Scholarship Award, Graduate Scholarship Award, Long Memorial Law Award and Richardson Theological Award. The Honor Roll of National Award Recipients Plaque is located on the West Wall of the Hall of Honor. HONOR ROLL OF NATIONAL AWARD RECIPIENTS CHAPTER AWARDS TOP CHAPTER AWARD 1998 1999 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 National Award National Award National Award National Award National Runner-Up National Award National Award INDIVIDUAL AWARDS THOMAS ARKLE CLARK AWARD 1996 2000 2002 2004 Todd F. Lakin Robert M. Bensman Jonathan S. Kurche Andrew M. Newton BIRD PUBLIC RELATIONS AWARD 1988 1989 1991 Michael K. Cormaci Dennis J. O'Keefe, Jr. James D. Persinger, Jr. TRUE MERIT AWARD 1971 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 2008 1987 1988 1989 1991 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 2009 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2010 NATIONAL PRESIDENT AWARD 1990 2002 William L. Muir* William L. Muir *Special Award CHAPTER ADVISOR OF THE YEAR AWARD 1987 William L. Muir 2011 2012 NORTH-AMERICAN INTERFRATERNITY CONFERENCE AWARD OF DISTINCTION 2003 2004 National Award (Chapter) National Award (A. Newton) FOUNDATION AWARDS COMMUNITY AWARENESS AWARD 1995 National Award GOLD COMMUNICATIONS AWARD 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1989 1992 1993 1996 2009 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2010 PORTS PUBLIC AFFAIRS AWARD 1991 1995 Stephen L. Patton Todd F. Lakin UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD 1994 1999 Todd F. Lakin Robert M. Bensman GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD 1994 1998 2003 2010 Bryan T. Nolt Jonathan A. Freeman Guy W. Gross Richard R. Harrison Peter E. Boos SILVER COMMUNICATIONS AWARD 1992 2001 1994 2003 2007 BRONZE COMMUNICATIONS AWARD 2012 LONG MEMORIAL LAW AWARD 2004 2006 Andrew M. Newton Andrew M. Newton EXCELLENCE IN SCHOLARSHIP AWARD 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2012 RICHARDSON THEOLOGICAL AWARD 2010 Jordan S. McFall 12.08 Book of Records B ook of Records 13.01 CHAPTER 13 ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER RETREATS AND LOCATIONS 1. ROSTER OF DELTA THETA WEEKEND RETREATS AND LOCATIONS (Pledge Class Sneaks) November 4-6, 1971 October 20-22, 1972 November 2-4, 1973 November 1-3, 1974 November 20-23, 1975 October 29-31, 1976 October 20-23, 1977 November 3-5, 1978 November 8-11, 1979 October 2-5, 1980 November 12-15, 1981 November 4-7, 1982 October 20-23, 1983 October 25-28, 1984 March 21-24, 1985 October 11-13, 1985 March 21-23, 1986 November 14-16, 1986 April 3-5, 1987 October 30-November 1, 1987 April 22-24, 1988 November 18-20, 1988 April 21-23, 1989 November 3-5, 1989 April 6-8, 1990 October 26-28, 1990 April 19-21, 1991 November 8-10, 1991 April 3-5, 1992 October 30-November 1, 1992 April 16-18, 1993 November 5-7, 1993 April 8-10, 1994 October 28-30, 1994 March 10-12, 1995 December 1-3, 1995 April 26-28, 1996 November 15-17, 1996 Colorado Springs, Colorado Ames, Iowa Ames, Iowa Dallas, Texas Ames, Iowa Lincoln, Nebraska Dallas, Texas Lincoln, Nebraska Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas Lake Geneva, Wisconsin Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas New Orleans, Louisiana Denver, Colorado Lincoln, Nebraska Kansas City, Missouri Lincoln, Nebraska Overland Park, Kansas Lincoln, Nebraska Overland Park, Kansas Boulder and Denver, Colorado Stillwater, Oklahoma Ames, Iowa Columbia, Missouri Champaign, Illinois Chicago, Illinois Chicago, Illinois New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana San Diego, California and Tijuana, B.C.N., Mexico New Orleans, Louisiana San Diego, California and Tijuana, B.C.N., Mexico Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada San Diego, California and Tijuana, B.C.N., Mexico (Continued) 13.02 April 4-6, 1997 November 21-23, 1997 April 17-19, 1998 December 4-6, 1998 April 16-18, 1999 December 3-5, 1999 April 14-16, 2000 December 1-3, 2000 April 27-29, 2001 November 30-December 2, 2001 May 3-5, 2002 December 6-8, 2002 May 2-4, 2003 November 14-16, 2003 April 23-25, 2004 November 12-14, 2004 April 1-3, 2005 November 11-13, 2005 April 14-16, 2006 November 17-19, 2006 April 20-22, 2007 November 16-18, 2007 April 18-20, 2008 November 14-16, 2008 April 3-5, 2009 November 20-22, 2009 April 9-11, 2010 November 12-14, 2010 April 8-10, 2011 November 11-13, 2011 March 30-April 1, 2012 November 2-4, 2012 April 12-April 14, 2013 New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada New Orleans, Louisiana Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada New Orleans, Louisiana Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada New Orleans, Louisiana Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Sunrise Beach, Missouri Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Sunrise Beach, Missouri Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada Sunrise Beach, Missouri B ook of Records B ook of Records 13.03 2. ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER ADVISOR PLEDGE CLASS RETREATS AND LOCATIONS October 14, 1977 October 8, 1978 November 18, 1979 November 23, 1980 November 8, 1981 November 21, 1982 November 27, 1983 December 2, 1984 November 3, 1985 November 30, 1986 November 15, 1987 December 11, 1988 November 12, 1989 November 18, 1990 November 24, 1991 November 15, 1992 May 2, 1993 November 21, 1993 April 24, 1994 November 20, 1994 April 23, 1995 November 12, 1995 May 5, 1996 December 8, 1996 April 27, 1997 December 14, 1997 May 3, 1998 December 11, 1998 April 25, 1999 December 12, 1999 April 27, 2000 December 10, 2000 May 2, 2001 December 9, 2001 May 8, 2002 December 12, 2002 August 21, 2003 January 17, 2004 August 22, 2004 December 5, 2004 August 21, 2005 January 9, 2006 August 18, 2006 December 3, 2006 January 21, 2008 1November 14, 2010 April 19, 2011 September 22, 2012 K-State Student Union Room 212 K-State Student Union Room 206 K-State Student Union Room 206 K-State Student Union Room 206 K-State Student Union Room 209 K-State Student Union Room 207 Delta Theta Chapter House K-State Student Union Room 203 K-State Student Union Room 208 Topeka, Kansas K-State Student Union Room 205 K-State Student Union Room 212 K-State Student Union Room 212 K-State Student Union Room 206 K-State Student Union Room 213 K-State Student Union Room 212 K-State Student Union Room 212 K-State Student Union Big 8 Room K-State Student Union Room 213 K-State Student Union Room 213 K-State Student Union Room 213 K-State Student Union Room 209 K-State Student Union Room 209 K-State Student Union Room 209 K-State Student Union Room 213 K-State Student Union Room 209 K-State Student Union Room 209 K-State Student Union Room 213 K-State Student Union Room 213 K-State Student Union Room 209 K-State Student Union Director's Conference Room K-State Student Union Room 209 K-State Student Union Director's Conference Room K-State Student Union Room 213 K-State Student Union Director's Conference Room K-State Student Union Room 209 K-State Student Union Room 213 K-State Student Union Room 209 Delta Theta Chapter House K-State Student Union Room 206 Delta Theta Chapter House K-State Student Union Room 209 Delta Theta Chapter House K-State Student Union Room 213 Delta Theta Chapter House Holiday Ranch Holiday Ranch Holiday Ranch 13.04 B ook of Records B ook of Records 13.05 3. ROSTER OF DELTA THETA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RETREATS/ CHAPTER ADVISOR DINNERS AND LOCATIONS February 10, 1985 February 8, 1986 January 30, 1987 September 3, 1987 February 7, 1988 September 8, 1988 January 26, 1989 September 7, 1989 February 25, 1990 September 13, 1990 February 10, 1991 September 22, 1991 February 5, 1992 September 16, 1992 February 8, 1993 September 10, 1993 February 4, 1994 September 16, 1994 January 27, 1995 August 30, 1995 February 2, 1996 September 6, 1996 January 31, 1997 September 12, 1997 February 6, 1998 September 4, 1998 January 30, 1999 September 10, 1999 February 4, 2000 September 8, 2000 January 30, 2001 September 5, 2001 February 6, 2002 September 11, 2002 October 25, 2002 January 30, 2003 April 2, 2003 September 3, 2003 October 15, 2003 February 4, 2004 April 7, 2004 September 1, 2004 November 3, 2004 January 26, 2005 March 29, 2005 September 1, 2005 November 7, 2005 Kennedy's Claim Restaurant Kennedy's Claim Restaurant Kennedy's Claim Restaurant Kennedy's Claim Restaurant Kennedy's Claim Restaurant Kennedy's Claim Restaurant Kennedy's Claim Restaurant Kennedy's Claim Restaurant Kennedy's Claim Restaurant Manhattan Country Club Clyde's Restaurant Clyde's Restaurant Clyde's Restaurant Clyde's Restaurant Clyde's Restaurant Clyde's Restaurant Clyde's Restaurant Clyde's Restaurant Clyde's Restaurant Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Cottonwood Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Cottonwood Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Cottonwood Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Cottonwood Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Flint Hills Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Cottonwood Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Cottonwood Room (Continued) 13.06 B ook of Records January 25, 2006 March 14, 2006 August 31, 2006 November 28, 2006 January 24, 2007 March 6, 2007 August 29, 2007 October 31, 2007 January 28, 2008 March 10, 2008 September 3, 2008 October 15, 2008 January 28, 2009 March 11, 2009 September 2, 2009 October 28, 2009 January 27, 2010 March 31, 2010 September 1, 2010 November 8, 2010 January 25, 2011 March 15, 2011 August 30, 2011 November 1, 2011 January 24, 2012 August 28, 2012 January 31, 2013 Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Sunflower Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Sunflower Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Sunflower Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Sunflower Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Sunflower Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Sunflower Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Sunflower Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Cottonwood Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Cottonwood Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Cottonwood Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Cottonwood Room Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant K-State Student Union Sunflower Room Manhattan Country Club Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant Aggieville Pizza Hut Restaurant B ook of Records 13.07 4. ROSTER OF DELTA THETA CHAPTER ADVISOR SENIOR DINNERS AND LOCATIONS April 13, 1977 May 13, 1978 May 4, 1979 May 10, 1980 May 1, 1981 April 30, 1982 April 29, 1983 April 27, 1984 May 3, 1985 May 7, 1986 May 9, 1987 April 29, 1988 May 3, 1989 May 9, 1990 May 2, 1991 May 6, 1992 May 1, 1993 April 27, 1994 May 3, 1995 May 10, 1996 May 9, 1997 May 1, 1998 May 7, 1999 April 28, 2000 May 3, 2001 December 14, 2001 May 7, 2002 April 23, 2003 May 4, 2004 May 3, 2005 December 7, 2005 April 28, 2006 April 27, 2007 May 4, 2008 May 1, 2009 May 6, 2010 May 11, 2011 May 9, 2012 University Ramada Inn University Ramada Inn University Ramada Inn University Ramada Inn University Ramada Inn University Ramada Inn University Ramada Inn University Ramada Inn University Ramada Inn Kennedy's Claim Restaurant Kennedy's Claim Restaurant Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Clyde's Restaurant Clyde's Restaurant Clyde's Restaurant Clyde's Restaurant Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Gilio's Restaurant Gilio's Restaurant Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club Manhattan Country Club 13.08 B ook of Records B ook of1 Records 13.09 5. ROSTER OF TRUSTEES' SENIOR WEEKEND RETREAT ATTENDEES (Las Vegas with Shows) October 1-4, 1998 (Folies Bergere, Crazy Girls) Christopher S. Coad John R. Gooch Gabriel J. Graham Jeffrey C. Connell Jebtha C. Graham Richard A. Webdell Michael T. Freeman Chad D. Russell Lance T. Jones Matthew R. Keller Andrew M. Newton Benjamin C. Porter Erik P. Ankrom Andrew M. Newton Ryan C. Parisi Erik M. Rome Timothy M. Bensman Charles D. Robben Erik M. Rome Daniel O. Sobek Benjamin J. Zwick Erik P. Ankrom Brandon C. Converse Christopher S. Johnson Brian M. King Charles D. Robben John W. Bensman Ross W. Brady Scott R. Keller Bryan E. Klote Garrett B. Linville Drew M. Wagner Peter E. Boos Drew W. Britton Joshua D. Cromer Tyler C. Wisdom October 8-11, 1999 (Sixpence None the Richer, Better Than Ezra) (Folies Bergere, Rick Thomas) October 6-9, 2000 (Folies Bergere) February 9-11, 2002 (Siegfried & Roy, Storm) February 8-10, 2003 (Blue Man Group, Dana Carvey) March 5-8, 2004 (Lance Burton, Crazy Girls) April 8-11, 2005 (Elton John, La Femme) September 30-October 2, 2007 (Blue Man Group, Chriss Angel) October 3-6, 2008 (Blue Man Group, Chriss Angel) (Continued) 13.10 Book of Records October 2-5, 2009 (Cher, Howie Mandell) Joshua D. Cromer J. Paul Fangman, Jr. Tyler J. Geisler Jared M. Keating Philip B. Newman Joseph W. Norris Nicholas L. Rauth Jared M. Schnefke Austin G. Waldo Matthew E. Bollin Tyrek J. Artley Charles F. Clarkson Tyler J. Geisler Nicholas J. Sevart Daniel A. Unruh Keith C. Wyss Luke S. Fangman R. Christian Jackson Presten R. Petersen Bradley L. Schnefke Jacob L. Wright Christopher L. Carrasco Ryan J. Ehart Jacob C. Bollin Christopher L. Carrasco Scott M. Galey Matthew A. Kaster Drew T. Nuckolls David S. Rathjen Miles J. Casey Elward J. Hiss Michael J. Miller Brendan R. Carney Benjamin D. Fangman Joseph A. Hund Nathan D. Kalberer Matthew J. Kieffer Dylan A. Koch Kyle M. Pfautsch Jacob C. Unruh November 20-23, 2010 (Chriss Angel, Carrot Top) November 19-22, 2011 (Jay Leno, Barry Manilow) November 17-20, 2012 (Daniel Tosh, LOVE Cirque du Soleil) November 23-26, 2013 ( ) B ook of Records CHAPTER 14 LIST OF DELTA THETA GRADE POINT AVERAGES (1984-Present) Year 1984 1985 1985 1986 1986 1987 1987 1988 1988 1989 1989 1990 1990 1991 1991 1992 1992 1993 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 1997 1997 1998 1998 1999 1999 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 Semester Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Chapter GPA 2.576 2.707 2.651 2.771 2.612 2.692 2.723 2.587 2.605 2.775 2.713 2.609 2.744 2.643 2.741 2.769 2.811 2.796 2.715 2.892 2.791 2.928 2.822 2.959 2.964 2.965 2.873 3.014 2.890 3.057 3.011 3.037 3.014 2.957 2.987 3.104 3.041 3.075 3.100 3.078 3.127 3.094 3.059 3.083 3.008 3.052 3.023 3.024 3.002 3.114 2.989 2.962 2.901 3.006 3.041 3.052 3.007 Rank 16 15 13 12 17 17 14 21 18 15 13 17 18 22 17 10 12 11 20 10 11 8 10 10 7 11 9 9 12 6 8 6 12 13 8 7 8 10 5 7 2 5 7 7 8 6 8 8 7 6 11 12 15 11 10 11 12 All Men's Ave 2.691 2.716 2.698 2.735 2.718 2.741 2.721 2.735 2.712 2.715 2.699 2.607 2.708 2.638 2.722 2.650 2.662 2.691 2.664 2.698 2.658 2.727 2.662 2.745 2.706 2.779 2.717 2.785 2.717 2.772 2.739 2.803 2.753 2.813 2.777 2.820 2.798 2.932 2.773 2.798 2.759 2.825 2.798 2.855 2.790 2.825 2.790 2.849 2.866 2.838 2.805 2.839 2.768 2.847 2.795 2.861 2.816 All-Fraternity Ave 2.689 2.748 2.719 2.774 2.707 2.783 2.743 2.773 2.728 2.746 2.703 2.713 2.709 2.759 2.738 2.736 2.733 2.768 2.759 2.828 2.737 2.827 2.767 2.898 2.817 2.905 2.815 2.885 2.842 3.025 2.895 2.915 2.933 2.959 2.940 3.003 2.956 2.989 2.938 2.928 2.884 2.906 2.928 2.956 2.912 2.924 2.915 2.924 2.991 3.018 2.995 3.023 2.933 3.023 3.051 3.072 3.051 14.01 14.02 B ook of Records 1Book of Records 15.01 CHAPTER 15 KEY ALPHA TAU OMEGA ADDRESSES, PHONE AND FAX NUMBERS AND E-MAIL ADDRESSES 15.02 Book of Records Book of Records 15.03 KEY ALPHA TAU OMEGA ADDRESSES, PHONE AND FAX NUMBERS AND E-MAIL ADDRESSES 1. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Chief Executive Officer Wynn R. Smiley Alpha Tau Omega National Headquarters One North Pennsylvania Street, 12th Floor Indianapolis, IN 46204-3112 (W) 317/684-1865 x118 or 1-800/798-9ATO (FAX) 317/684-1862 (EMERGENCY) 1-800-754-9611 (WWW) [email protected] 2. NATIONAL OFFICERS National President (Worthy Grand Chief) Jeffrey G. (Jeff) Busch (Washington State 1976) 1 5104 Indianola Avenue Edina, MN 55424 (W) 651/286-6740 (H) 952/285-4437 (CELL) 206/915-4554 (WWW) [email protected] National Vice-President (Worthy Grand Marshal) Dr. Timothy W. (Tim) Clipson (Stephen F. Austin 1989)1 P. O. Box 6203 Nacogdoches, TX 75962 (W) 936/468-1588 (H) 936/854-2547 (CELL) 936/552-9802 (FAX) 936/468-1515 (WWW) [email protected] National Chaplain (Worthy Grand Chaplain) The Reverend G. Comforted Keen (Central Florida 1971) 1 1209 Parkside Drive Ormond Beach, FL 32174 (W) 386/672-4470 (H) 386/615-2394 (CELL) 386/295-7816 (FAX) 386/672-9493 (WWW) [email protected] National Treasurer (Worthy Grand Keeper of Exchequer) James C. (Jim) Spooner (Simpson 1979)1 324 43rd Street Des Moines, IA 50312 (W) 515/237-3724 (H) 515/255-5470 (CELL) 515/249-2613 (FAX) 515/222-0689 (WWW) [email protected] National Secretary (Worthy Grand Scribe) William L. (Bill) Muir III (Kansas State 1967)1 2040 Shirley Lane Manhattan, KS 66502-2059 (H) 785/539-5050 (CELL) 785/341-9509 (WWW) [email protected] National Chancellor Thomas M. (Tom) Schneider (DePauw 1979)1 7925 Putnam Rose Street Orlando, FL 32827 (W) 407/852-3714 (C) 407/341-1389 (WWW) [email protected] 15.04 Book of Records 3. NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jeffrey G. (Jeff) Busch (Washington State 1976) , Chairman1 (See National President on Previous Page) Timothy W. (Tim) Clipson (Stephen F. Austin 1989)3 (See National Vice-President on Previous Page) Cody M. Anderson (Baylor 2010)1 2001 S. 5th Street Waco, TX 76706 (CELL) 405/821-0778 (WWW) [email protected] John M. (Miles) Buchanan (Georgia 2008)2 111 Fountainhead Drive Jefferson, GA 30549 (CELL) 678/983-7837 (WWW) [email protected] Brandon H. Busteed (Duke 2005)1 8752 Old Dominion Drive McLean, VA 22102 (W) 781/726-6677 x3186 (CELL) 617/283-0536 (WWW) [email protected] Jay R. Byers (Simpson 1990)3 5150 Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50312 (W) 515/286-4963 (H) 515/961-8736 (CELL) 515/321-2122 (WWW) [email protected] David P. (Dave) Krug (Illinois 1992)1 4866 N. Clark Street #1N Chicago, IL 60640 (W) 773/750-3706 (CELL) 773/750-3706 (FAX) 312/421-4192 (WWW) [email protected] Zachary C. (Zack) McQuiston (Kansas 2012)1 1516 Rhode Island Street Lawrence, KS 66044 (CELL) 913/244-0043 (WWW) [email protected] Jeffrey J. (Jeff) Miles (Washington 1988)1 7524 Earl Avenue NW Seattle, WA 98117 (W) 206/954-0668 (H) 206-783-3334 (CELL) 206/954-0668 (WWW) [email protected] The Honorable Robert B. (Bob) O'Neal (Nebraska 1971)1 812 Bailey Drive Papillion, NE 68046 (W) 402/593-5920 (H) 402/593-7693 (CELL) 402/212-0034 (FAX) 402/593-2158 (WWW) [email protected] Francis E. (Frank) Pierce III (Florida 1973)3 913 Wald Road Orlando, FL 32806-6350 (W) 407/425-9044 (H) 407/856-5569 (CELL) 407/721-1234 (FAX) 407/423-2016 (WWW) [email protected] M. Brett Trapp (North Alabama 2005)3 1000 Mansell Exchange W, Suite 350 Alpharetta, GA 30322 (C) 615/440-2232 (FAX) 678/824-6284 (WWW) [email protected] Ex Officio: National Chaplain, National Treasurer and National Secretary (See Previous Page) 1 2 3 Term Expires 2014 Term Expires 2013 Term Expires 2016 B ook of Records 15.05 4. DELTA THETA CHAPTER OFFICERS Fall President (Worthy Master) Brendan R. Carney 8313 W. 144tt Street, Overland Park, KS 66223-1365 C 913/207-8438 H 913/681-8381 [email protected] Spring Vice-President (Worthy Marshal) Brendan R. Carney Benjamin D. (Ben) Fangman 8313 W. 144th Street, Overland Park, KS 66223-1365 211 Buckskin Road, Hutchinson, KS 67502-4408 C 913/207-8438 H 913/681-8381 C 620/200-3244 H 620/663-5313 [email protected] [email protected] Chaplain (Worthy Chaplain) Grant P. Jackson Mackenzie J. (Mack) Valentine 9307 W. 146th Place, Overland Park, KS 66221-2258 14733 W. 90th Terrace, Lenexa, KS 66215-2923 C 913/231-4070 C 913/787-2500 [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer (Worthy Keeper of Exchequer) David A. Biggs 7921 Randall Road, Shawnee, KS 66215-6109 C 913/424-0216 H 913/438-7553 [email protected] Secretary (Worthy Scribe) and Campus Activities Coordinator Dylan A. Koch Patrick D. (Pat) Keck P. O. Box 154, Clifton, KS 66937-0154 809 Highland Ridge Drive, Manhattan, KS 66503-8796 C 785/614-1818 H 785/466-3694 C 785/477-1231 H 785/564-0014 [email protected] [email protected] Risk Management Officers 1/Social Chairmen 2 Reid P. Frye 6409 Sagamore Drive, Mission Hills, KS 66208-1943 C 913/499-9878 H 913/362-8472 [email protected] 1 Jordan M. Carney2 11560 Hemlock Street, Overland Park, KS 66210-2444 C 913/558-1329 H 913/663-4097 [email protected] Historian (Worthy Keeper of Annals) Eli J. M. Schrock 3469 Stratford Street, Jeffersonton, VA 22724-2714 C 540/729-8666 H 540/937-3918 [email protected] Sergeant-at-Arms (Worthy Usher) and BADD Duty Coordinator Mackenzie J. (Mack) Valentine Robert L. (Luke) Schnefke 14733 W. 90th Terrace, Lenexa, KS 66215-2923 5345 Albervan Street, Shawnee, KS 66216-1497 C 913/787-2500 C 913/424-9701 H 913/268-4966 [email protected] [email protected] Doorkeeper (Worthy Sentinel) and Resource Coordinator Ryan J. Mustain Eric A. Carlson 14710 S. Navaho Drive, Olathe, KS 66062-4725 3615 W. Towanda Avenue, El Dorado, KS 67042-7921 C 913/744-7043 H 913/764-8363 C 316/323-5202 [email protected] (Continued) [email protected] 15.06 B ook of Records Fall Spring Membership Education Chairmen Grant P. Jackson Matthew A. (Matt) Ribble 9307 W. 146th Place, Overland Park, KS 66221-2258 1600 Virginia Drive, Manhattan, KS 66502-2338 C 913/231-4070 C 785/410-8827 [email protected] [email protected] Assistant Membership Education Chairmen Jordan M. Carney Jacob R. (Jake) Pruitt 8313 W. 144th Street, Overland Park, KS 66223-1365 4442 W. 159th Terrace #240, Stilwell, KS 66085-8452 C 913/207-8438 H 913/681-8381 C 913/544-8737 [email protected] [email protected] Ryan M. Ferguson 12633 W. 82nd Terrace, Lenexa, KS 66215-2644 C 913/645-6605 [email protected] Public Relations Officer Zachary R. (Zack) Showalter 607 N. Bel Arbor Street, Derby, KS 67037-7302 C 316/734-2569 H 316/788-0312 [email protected] Joseph R. (Joe) Oaks 2231 SW Auburn Road, Topeka, KS 66614-4836 C 785/608-5367 H 785/478-4615 [email protected] Social Service Coordinator James D. (Jimmie) Allen Grant P. Jackson 12925 S. Arapaho Drive, Olathe, KS 66062-1479 9307 W. 146th Place, Overland Park, KS 66221-2258 C 913/744-5007 H 913/839-1364 C 913/231-4070 [email protected] [email protected] Alumni Relations Officer Ryan J. Mustain 14710 S. Navaho Drive, Olathe, KS 66062-4725 C 913/744-7043 H 913/764-8363 [email protected] House Manager 1/First Assistant House Manager and House Manager-Elect 2 Kyle J. Heffern 1302 Redbud Lane, Iola, KS 66749-1943 C 620/228-3330 [email protected] 1 Devin P. Rose2 7867 W. 155th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66223-3082 C 913/231-2731 [email protected] Annex Coordinator Christopher J. (Chris) Waggoner John R. Reinert 12263 W. 154th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66221-2353 2603 Heather Parkway, Hutchinson, KS 67502-2049 C 816/550-0522 H 913/897-3328 C 620/200-4890 H 620/663-7567 [email protected] [email protected] Philanthropy Chairman 1/Assistant Philanthropy Chairman and Chairman-Elect 2 D. Andrew (Drew) Unruh2 Ryan C. Lingle 1 832 Brierwood Drive, Manhattan, KS 66502-3120 14213 Benson Street, Overland Park, KS 66221-2176 C 515/306-5759 H 785/320-6892 C 816/674-6034 [email protected] [email protected] (Continued) B ook of Records 15.07 Fall Kitchen Manager Nicholas M. (Nick) Gabel 1911 E. Stratford Road, Olathe, KS 66062-2311 C 913/699-2890 H 913/764-8764 [email protected] Spring Kyle M. Pfautsch 15627 W. 83rd Terrace, Lenexa, KS 66219-2709 C 816/719-6449 H 913/888-3211 Brotherhood Chairman [email protected] Matthew J. (Matt) Kieffer 8303 Maplewood Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215-2843 C 913/620-7494 H 913/894-6737 [email protected] Dylan A. Koch P. O. Box 154, Clifton, KS 66937-0154 C 785/614-1818 H 785/455-3694 [email protected] Scholarship Chairman Kyle D. Kramer 8443 Mette Street, Lenexa, KS 66219-2074 C 913/314-3439 H 913/302-6298 [email protected] Membership Recruitment Chairman Nathan D. (Nate) Kalberer 15560 Hemlock Street, Overland Park, KS 66210-2444 C 913/558-1329 H 913/663-4097 [email protected] Communications Officer Jacob L. (Jake) Pruitt 4442 W. 159tt Street, Stilwell, KS 66085-8452 C 913/544-8737 [email protected] Zachary A. (Zach) Zivnuska 3609 E. 93rd Street N., Valley Center, KS 67147-8722 C 316/213-5190 [email protected] 15.08 B ook of Records B ook of Records 15.09 5. DELTA THETA BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND ADVISORS Delta Theta Board of Trustees William L. (Bill) Muir III Chairman and Trustee [email protected] Allan D. (Doc) Holiday, Jr. Vice-Chairman and Trustee [email protected] Eileen T. Hinkin Secretary and Trustee [email protected] Joshua T. (Josh) Ault Treasurer and Trustee [email protected] Kent H. Kiracofe Trustee [email protected] Scott H. Jones Trustee [email protected] Michael S. (Mike) Ribble Trustee [email protected] Monty E. Nielsen Trustee [email protected] Richard W. (Rich) Seidler Trustee [email protected] Brendan R. Carney Chapter President and Trustee [email protected] Benjamin D. (Ben) Fangman Chapter Vice-President and Trustee [email protected] Mackenzie J. (Mack) Valentine Chapter Chaplain and Trustee [email protected] Kyle D. Kramer Chapter At-Large and Trustee [email protected] Robert L. (Luke) Schnefke Chapter Outstanding New Member Award Recipient and Trustee [email protected] Home: Cell: Home: Cell: Home: 2040 Shirley Lane, Manhattan, KS 66502 785/341-9509 235 W. Ash Street, Junction City, KS 66441 785/532-8281 1205 Stoneridge Court, Manhattan, KS 66503 785/539-4597 785/539-5050 Home: Cell: Home: Work: Home: Work: Cell: Home: Work: Home: Work: Home: Work: Home: School: Cell: Home: School: Cell: Home: School: Cell: Home: School: Cell: Home: School: Cell: 4810 Wildridge Circle, Wamego, KS 66547 785/477-3479 2700 St. Charles Circle, Manhattan, KS 66502 4101 Anderson Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66503 FAX: 1105 Morgan Lane, Manhattan, KS 66502 102 Holton Hall, KSU, Manhattan, KS 66506 785/317-3104 1600 Virginia Drive, Manhattan, KS 66502 901 Poyntz Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502 FAX: 140 Bethany Drive, Manhattan, KS 66503 118 Anderson Hall, KSU, Manhattan, KS 66506 FAX: 2924 Karen Terrace, Manhattan, KS 66502 210 N. 4th Street, Manhattan, KS 66502 8313 W. 144th Street, Overland Park, KS 66223-1365 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, KS 66502-4657 211 Buckskin Road, Hutchinson, KS 67502-4408 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, KS 66502-4657 14733 W. 90th Terrace, Lenexa, KS 66215-2923 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, KS 66502-4657 913/787-2500 8443 Mette Street, Lenexa, KS 66219-2074 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, KS 66502-4657 5345 Albervan Street, Shawnee, KS 66216-1497 1632 McCain Lane, Manhattan, KS 66502-4657 913/424-9701 Delta Theta Advisors 913/302-6298 913/314-3439 913/268-4966 785/770-9798 785/587-4101 785/587-9090 785/776-3718 785/532-6432 785/323-1649 785/587-2066 785/587-2135 785/539-6761 785/532-6254 785/532-5599 785/539-4184 785/776-3010 913/681-8381 913/207-8438 620/663-5313 620/200-3244 Scott H. Jones, Faculty Advisor Allan D. (Doc) Holiday, Jr. Chapter Advisor Assistant Chapter Advisors: Richard R. (Bob) Harrison [email protected] Joshua T. (Josh) Ault [email protected] Brice S. Ebert Joel T. Johnson [email protected] (See Board of Trustees Above) (See Board of Trustees Above) Home: 1912 Anderson Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502 Cell: 785/341-8210 (See Board of Trustees Above) (See Building Corporation Below) Home: 1101 College Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502 Cell: 785/341-9489 15.10 B ook of Records 6. DELTA THETA ALUMNI CORPORATIONS OFFICERS Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Building Corporation Officers Steven A. (Steve) Swanson President [email protected] Home: 9308 Manor Road, Leawood, KS 66206 Work: 2024 Main Street #1W, Kansas City, MO 64108 Cell: 816/808-8166 FAX: Home: 6515 Hopkins Creek Road, St. George, KS 66535 Work: 206 Southwind Place #C01, Manhattan, KS 66503 Cell: 785/410-7095 (See Board of Trustees on Previous Page) Home: 15220 S. Mullen Street, Olathe, KS 66062 Work: 106 W. 14th Street #200, Kansas City, MO 64105 Cell: 913/706-2705 FAX: 913/341-7407 816/389-8303 816/389-8301 785/539-2300 Brice S. Ebert Vice-President [email protected] William L. (Bill) Muir III Secretary Brent A. Taylor Treasurer [email protected] 913/397-7823 816/783-1561 816/783-1501 Kansas State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid Endowment Fund Officers William L. (Bill) Muir III President Todd F. Lakin Vice-President [email protected] (See Board of Trustees on Previous Page) Home: 7216 Terrace Street, Kansas City, MO 64114 Cell: 816/210-3913 Allan D. (Doc) Holiday, Jr. Secretary Michael E. (Mike) Brown Treasurer [email protected] (See Board of Trustees on Previous Page) Home: 14402 Briarwood Lane, Urbandale, IA 50323 Work: 5400 University Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50266 Cell: 515/360-9038 FAX: 515/987-0803 515/226-6813 515/226-6549 Kansas Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Alumni Association Officers Michael S. (Mike) Ribble President Todd F. Lakin Vice-President Stephen L. (Steve) Patton Secretary [email protected] (See Board of Trustees on Previous Page) (See Endowment Fund Above) Home: 1114 Rankin Road, Lawrence, KS 66049 Work: 3231 SE 6th Street, Topeka, KS 66607 785/295-6249 FAX: 785/865-4136 785/295-6854 785/865-0776 913/319-8604 913/319-8606 Steven C. (Steve) Johnson Treasurer [email protected] Home: 346 N. Eaton Drive, Lawrence, KS 66049 Work: P. O. Box 25957, Shawnee Mission, KS 66225 Cell: 785/865-6130 FAX:
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