April 2010

March 22, 2018 | Author: Jagdish Hire | Category: Adsorption, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Chromatography, Macromolecules, Mole (Unit)



Total No.of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 3 P937 [3723]-205 M.Sc. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH-271 : Biophysical Techniques (Old & New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) [Max. Marks : 80 Answers to the two sections must be written in separate answer books. All questions are compulsory. Figures to the right indicate full marks. SECTION - I Q1) Answer any five of the following: a) Write short note on hydrophobic chromatography. b) List out the applications of molecular sieve chromatography. c) Give the principle and application of isoelectric focussing. d) Why Polyethylene glycol is used in reverse dialysis? Give the significance of the technique. e) How are proteins eluted from affinity chromatography column? f) Write note on the low governing spectrophotometry. g) Differentiate between fibre glass filter and nitrocellulose filter. Q2) Attempt any three of the following: [15] [15] a) Discuss the principle, procedure and application of Ion exchange chromatography. b) Elaborate on the principle and application of Native PAGE and SDSPAGE. c) Differentiate between partition and adsorption chromatography with examples. P.T.O. d) Explain the procedure to separate DNA fragments by agarose gel electrophoresis. e) Describe Western blotting technique and give its significance. Q3) Answer any five of the following: a) What is DNA finger printing? Give its uses. b) How do you calculate the Rf values of separated amino acids in paper chromatography? Give its significance. c) Why lyophilisation technique is used during protein purification studies? d) List out two important staining procedures for proteins separated by PAGE and give its significance. e) What are the advantages of TLC when compared to paper chromatography? f) Give the principle of metal chelate chromatography. g) List out the detection systems used in Gas-liquid chromatography and give their uses. SECTION - II Q4) Answer any three of the following: a) What are the factors that affect sedimentation velocity? b) What is the effect of X ray irradiation on sedimentation pattern of DNA? c) How will you measure viscosity by Ostwald’s viscometer? d) How will you proceed for identification of buried tyrosine in an hypothetical protein by radioactivity? e) What are the techniques that are used for placing sample and nuclear emulsion in contact? [15] [10] [3723]-205 -2- Q5) Explain the following (any three): a) Gamma ray detection. b) Nuclear emulsions used in autoradiography. [15] c) Measurement of partial specific volume by Mechanical oscillator technique. d) Applications of airfuge. e) Sedimentation of DNA at alkaline pH. Q6) Write notes on (any two): a) Separation of Individual strands of DNA by sedimentation. b) Measurement of viscoelasticity of DNA. c) What is meant by partial specific volume? Explain suitable method for its measurement. rrr [10] [3723]-205 -3- Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 2 P938 [3723] - 206 M.Sc. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH - 273: Membrane Biochemistry & Nucleic Acid (Old & New) [Max. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory. Figures on the right hand side indicate full marks. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. SECTION - I (Membrane Biochemistry) 1)Answer any three of the following: a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) Characteristic features of biomembranes. Proton gradient coupled to ATP synthesis. Liposome in membrane studies and its applications. Structure and role of gramicidin - A. [15] Mechanism of acetyl choline receptor channel. Gap junctions and physiological significance. Osmoregulation through membrane transport. Structural features of sodium - potassium pump. [10] Structure and role of nuclear pore complex. Calcium pump. Modes of penetration of bacterial membrane by an antibiotic. P.T.O. [15] 2) Answer any three of the following: 3) Write short notes on : (any two) ( 4 ) Answer any three of the following: a) b) c) d) , ) [15] Describe in detail how nearest neighbour analysis is carried out and why it is done. Describe in detail the genetic disorders caused due to chromosomal mutations. Explain how mapping of E.Coli chromosome is carried out? Give the significance of chromosome mapping. What is plasmid and cosmid? Differentiate between them and give their applications. [15] Explain in detail the concept of one gene one cistron hypothesis. Describe the various evidences that prove DNA as a genetic material. What is transformation? Explain in detail the mechanism of bacterial transformation. How will you select and isolate the bacterial auxotrophs. [10] Complementation test. Significance of tetrad analysis in fungi. Use of bacteriophages in genetic studies. 5) Answer any three of the following: a) b) c) d) a) b) c) 6 ) Write short notes on any two: ***** [3723] - 206 -2- Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 5 P892 [3723] - 3 M.Sc. DRUG CHEMISTRY CH - 251 : Synthetic Organic Chemistry & Spectroscopy (Old Course) (Sem. - II) (2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. SECTION - I Q1) Answer the following (Any Four): a) b) c) d) e) [16] Triethyl phospline is prefered than triphenyl phosphine is Wittig reaction. 1,3-Butadiene on reaction with bromine at low temperature give 1,2dibromobutane, while at high temperature it give 1, 4 - dibromobutane. Cyclohexene furnish different products on treatment with Osmium tetraoxide and perocids. ACNH2 or ACNH will undergo Hoffmann rearrangement readily. Justify. CH3 m-Nitroaniline is yellowish in colour while its acetyl derivative is colourless. Explain. Q2) Predict the products and suggest the mechanism for any Four of the following : [12] P.T.O. 3 2 .Q3) Answer the followings: a) Calculate λmax. [12] b) Distinguish between the following pairs by UV & IR: [3723] . SECTION . A compound M.II Q4) Answer the following (Any Four): a) [16] Suggest mechanism for following reaction.c) Arrange the following compounds is the decreasing order of their carbonyl frequencies justify. [3723] . The IR of this compound shows a peak at 1690 cm –1 and UV shows absorption at 240 nm. Suggests probable structure for the given compound. b) c) Explain why TMS is used as internal standard for NMR spectroscopy. C6H10O shows positive lodoform test. d) Distinguish between following pairs by using IR spectroscopy.3 3 .F. How will you monitor the reaction by IR spectroscopy. d) Indicates the number lines expected for each of the following underlined protons e) How will you distinguish the following pairs by IR and NMR. Q5) Answer Any three the following: a) Explain following reactions. P-Me C6H4COOCH3 is hydrolyzed more rapidly then PhCOOCH3 in conc. B-Hydroxyester cannot be prepared by Grignard Reagent but can be prepared by organozinc compound. H2SO4. H2SO4. 4 [3723] . but the reverse is true in dil.3 . [12] b) c) d) Write short note on: Lithium dialkyl Copper as alkylating agent. Q6) Answer the following (Any three): a) [12] Suggest the reagents for the following conversions & justify your choice.3 5 . c) d) Explain the effect of solvent polarity on UV absorption. Y [3723] . Explain the following stretching frequency. b) Suggest mechanism for the following coversions. 1 (t. J = 6 Hz.O.9 (dd. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. J = 7 Hz. : C5H8O 1R : 1705. rearrangement peaks occur in M.2 (d)* 131. : C9H9NO3 CMR : 41.Total No.6 (s). 1 H) b) Assign the structure : M. 77. J = 7 & 4 Hz. of Questions : 6] [Total No. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 171.T. PMR. .F. 127. 51 P. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.2 (d)*.35 (d. In oxygenated aliphatic compounds with alkyl groups C3 or longer.F. 135.78 (dt. SECTION . J = 13 & 6 Hz. Q2) Answer any four of the following : [16] a) Predict the structure from the given spectral data : M. 3H). Tetrasubstituted carbon atoms shows weak peaks in CMR. 2.S. 2H) 5.3(t).9(s). 1635. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH-351 : Spectroscopic Methods in Structure Determination (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 105. CW spectroscopy is not used for 13C NMR spectroscopy. J = 13 & 4 Hz.3 (d) 133.Sc. of Pages : 5 P949 [3723] . 1H).2 (s) * Strong signals Mass : 179(M+). 166.311 M. 128.I [12] Q1) Explain any four of the following : a) The J values for the following compounds are as shown in their PMR. 1H) 9. b) c) d) e) Aromatic solvents could be used to resolve the H NMR Spectrum. 2750 cm–1 PMR : 1.2 (dq. CMR is not provided. 4) Spectroscopic data : 1R. 6. 4.1. c) Long range coupling in PMR. 130. 3. 130.75 (s. 115. 107. 92. 8 mm) 7.c) d) e) Predict the structure : M.8 mm) Assign the structure IR : 1715 cm–1 Mass : 128(M+.2. 7.5 Hz.9 mm). : C9H11NO IR : 2842. : C9H8O3 CMR : 115.4. 96. 119. 121. J = 7. 159. 144. 43 97.311 -2- .4. 1661 cm–1 PMR : 3. 115. 115. 9. SECTION . 144. 83 Q4) a) [8] ii) iii) Ph-NHCOCH2COCH3 iv) CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CN v) 172. 77 [3723] . 130. 24 mm).9. 3%). 115. 42. 6.II Explain the genesis of the following ions any four : i) Cyclohexanone 98. 1681.72 (d. 2720.1 absent DEPT 90 : 115. up 125. 72(40%). 168.9. 93.0. DEPT 135: 115.2. 159.5 Hz.9. 55.9. 130. 125. 85(10%). 43(100%) Predict the structure and justify your answer : M. 104. 87. b) Application of COSY in NMR interpretation.9. d) Factors affecting chemical shift in CMR.4. 70. 27 122. J = 7. 43 177.F.7 (d.2 up [12] Q3) Write notes on any three of the following : a) Strategies employed to improve M+ intensity in MS. 54.4.F.1 (s. 144. 41. Assign the chemical shifts to various Carbon atoms.2 (s. 71(8) 57(17). 29(9) Y (m/e. 100(2). 155. 41(28). CMR : 116. It has following spectral data. 1H). J = 8Hz.b) Mass spectral data for the isomeric octanes.311 -3- . 99(2). %) : 99(3). 118. 6. J = 8Hz. [12] [3723] . Based on the J values assign the stereochemistry to the chiral centers. 43(100). 135. Identify which is which? X (m/e. PMR : 5. 43(15) 114(7). n-Octane. 57(50) 43(100). [4] Q6) A compound exhibits the following spectral properties on the attached sheets. 99(12).trimethyl pentane are given below. Deduce the structure. 2H) 7. Suggest the structure for the compound and explain the spectral data.8 (d. [4] c) The unknown compound having intense molecular ion peak at m/e = 172 and also M + 2 of same intensity.OH proton signals are not given. 4 . 57(100). 71(10). 2-methylheptane and 2. 2. 2H). Justify your assignments. %) : Z (m/e. 56(9). %) : 114(9). IR : 3500 cm–1. [4] Q5) a) Assign the following signals to the various protons in compound X.3 (d. 42(40). 70(16). 56(22). [8] b) Note : Methyl and . 85(13). 311 -4- .H NMn 500 MHz CDCl3 [3723] . 311 -5- .[3723] . ii) iii) 4 . reacts with alkylperoxy radicals. Marks : 80 SECTION . a colourless solid.Sc. of Questions : 6] [Total No.ditert . it is photoreduced at a faster rate.313 M.O. Suggest a structure for this dimer and provide a mechanism for its formation.T.butylphenol. Figures to the right indicate full marks.Total No. Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory. a red dimeric product is formed. Decomposition of di-t-butylperoxide in the pure liquid state yields large quantities of isobutylene oxide in addition to tertbutanol. Q2) Suggest suitable mechanism for any four of the following: [12] P. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. [Max. of Pages : 5 P951 [3723] .353 : Free Radicals. [6] [8] iii) Distinguishing factors between homolytic and heterolytic reactions.Dimethylaminobenzophenone undergoes very slow photoreduction in isopropanol.I Q1) a) Write short notes on any two of the following: i) ii) b) Photoenolisation. but when it is acidified with HCl. 4 . 6 . acetone and methane. Explain any two of the following: i) When 2.disubstituted cyclohexenones.II Organic Chemistry CH . . . Photorearrangement of 4. [4] Predict the product/s indicating mechanism in any five of the following: [10] [3723] .313 2 .Q3) a) b) What are inhibitors for autoxidation? Give examples and explain their mode of action. 2 .hexatriene is allowed in ground state or in the excited state.butene A+B B+C A + B + C + D.313 3 . D all with molecular formula C8H16 obtained as shown below.cyclohexadiene to give 1. [6] [3723] .2.2 . 3. 3 . Q5) a) Explain with the help of correlation diagram whether the disrotatory opening of 1. [4] i) ii) b) Cis .butene Explain the mechanism for any four of the following: Indicate the position of ‘D’ in the product.2 . C.II Q4) a) Derive the structures of compounds A.butene Trans . [8] iii) Trans . B.butene + Cis .SECTION . 5 . [8] Q6) a) Discuss in detail the synthesis of (± ) olefin cycloaddition.313 4 .b) Predict the products in any four of the following and explain the mechanism.arene [6] [3723] .cedrene using meta . . b) Complete any two of the following synthetic sequences indicating all intermediates and reagents required. [8] Y [3723] .313 5 . Rescribe the electrogravimetric method for estimation of copper from brass sample. Estimate the peak current at a scan rate of 50.314 M. [Given : Cathodic diffusion current = 14.4 µ A was observed at a scan rate of 0. Define residual current. a peak current of 25. .0 m V/S. of Pages : 2 P952 [3723] .wave potetial (E1/2) of Ag / AgNO3 electrode having electrode potential .Sc.Total No. Use of logrithmic tables / calculator non . Determine helf .390: Electro analytical and Current Analytical Methods in Industries (New Course) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. of Questions : 4 [Total No.T. Marks : 80 1 ) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) Distinguish between differential pulse polorography and square .250 V / S. Neat diagrams must be drwn wherever necessary. the current generated by the rate of mass transport by diffusion is 2.wave poarography.programmable is allowed. All questions are complsory and carry equal marks. .O.28 µ A. Why in polarographic analysis is it necessary to remove of oxygen. assuming a reversible electrochemical reaction.25 µ A] During the forward scan of a tringular wave valtammogram at a disc electrode. e) P.2.420 V at 250 C. [Max.II ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH . 1 M Kcl. Potassium ferrocynanide (n = 1) has a diffusion coefficient of 6.5x10-6 cm2 /s during it’s oxidation in 0. [3723] .2 ) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) What is meant by stripping voltammetry? What is the purpose of the electrodeposition step in stripping analysis? Explain the principle of comerometric titrations. Outline the analytical and explain the analytical procedure for the determination of any two of the following. Give advantages and limitations of neutron activation analysis.II 3 ) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) Explain the principle of activation analysis. Discuss the principle of double isotope dilution analysis.10 SECTION .75 7. how amperometric technique used in the successive determination of holides in a mixture? What are nanomaterials? Explain it’s general applications.51 01 02 03 0. From the results recorded in the following table. Added 0 Concentration (m M) Peak current ( µ A) 2.4 e) 4.315 -2- . Explain how isotope dilution analysis is used to assess the volume of blood in patient. determine the pollutant concentration in the sample. i) ii) Calcium freo dolomite. At a scan rate of 100 mv/s the anodic peak current for the oxidation of unknown solution of potossium ferrocyanide.16 5. Iron from bauxite. [ Given: the electrode area of disk electrode = 015 cm2 ] Ditterntial pulse polarography was used with the standerd addition technique to assay an aqueous solution of nitrobenzene which is a reducible organic polutant.42 9. How SOx is generated. 0.860 g precipitate of complex was obtained.12 N NaOH solution using paranitrophenol indicater.81. From 50 ml aliquot aluminum was precipitated by using 8 hydroxyquinoline when 0. O = 13. To the whole solution sufficient amount of mannitol was added and it was titrated with 0.240 g of bauxite are was disintegrated for analysis of aluminium by fusion with Na2O2. Mist.315 -2- . Cyclone separator. Suspended particulate matter.99). i) ii) iii) iv) v) e) i) ii) Aerosole. Explain activated sludge process for waste water treatment. Al =26. N = 14.98. (Given: At wts.99) e) 4 ) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) Give analytical method for the estimation of organic from waste water. HCI and was diluted to 100 ml. Electro static precipitator. 0 = 15.iii) d) Copper from brass alloy. Calculate the percentage of aluminium in the sample. Write short note on any one: ***** [3723] . Calculate percentage of B2 O3 in the sample.8 ml. Dust. The titration reading was 24. The mass was extracted with dill. (Given: At. wts B = 10. BOD. Give it’s hazardous effect on material . 0.How is it controlled? Mention the meaning of the following terms. 240 g borosilicate glass was fused with sodium carbonate and the melt was converted into boric acid by suitable method. O. What is detergent ? How unsulphonated and unsulphated materials are extracted and estimated from it. Ca = 40. of Questions : 4 [Total No.Total No. What are colouring constituents of the glass? Give the procedure for estimation of iron from coloured glass. of Pages : 3 P953 [3723] . Use of logarithmic tables. Describe a method to estimate anionic surfactants.Sc. calcium was precipitated as calcium oxalate.391: Environmental and Analysis of Industrial Materials (New Course) [Max. (Given: At. O = 16).T.315 M. 2 ) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) . In estimation of calcium from 2. The titration reading was 40 ml. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. .250 g sample. P. Calculate percentage of CaO in the given sample. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. SECTION .I 1) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Discuss analytical method for the determination of phosphorous from fertilizer.programmable calculators is allowed.II ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH . non .05 N K MnO4 solution. What are pigments? Discuss the analytical method for the estimation chromium from pigment sample. What are propellants and explosives? Explain adiabatic colorimeter method to measure heat of explosion. The precipitate was dissolved in H2SO4 and the solution was titrated with 0. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. wt. O =16] SECTION . Fe = 55. The titration reading was 45 ml.7.98.99). After removal of silica the filtrate was diluted to 100 ml. An aliquot of 25 ml after reduction of iron to Fe+2 was titrated with 0. It gave 0. From 50 ml aliquot aluminium was precipitated by using 8 . wts.240 g of bauxite ore was disintegrated for analysis of aluminium by fusion with Na2O2.5 g of brass sample was analysed for estimation of tin and zinc.025 g of SnO2 and 0. Outline the analytical procedure for the determination of any two of the following.38. Sn = 118. Give composition of steel and explain the analytical procedure for estimation of nickel from steel. A sample of iron ore weighing 0. Zn =65. P = 30.97). Calculate the percentage of each metal in the sample. (Given: At. [Given At. [3723] . wt.hydroxyquinoline when 0. (Given: At. Calculate the percentage of aluminium in the sample.85. Copper from brass alloy. Al =26. 025 N KMnO4. O = 13.II e) 3 ) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) Mention the constituent of Ilmenite ore.315 -2- . 1.520 g of Zn2 P2O7. O = 16 .860 g precipitate of complex was obtained. Describe in brief the estimation of titanium from Ilmenite ore. The mass was extracted with dil. 0.635 g was dissolved in acid.wt. i) ii) iii) d) Calcium from dolomite.c) d) What are cosmetics? Give the procedure for the estimation of zinc from cosmetics. N = 14. Iron from bauxite. HCl and was diluted to 100 ml. Calculate percentage of Fe as Fe2 O3. The titration reading was 24. i) ii) iii) iv) v) e) i) ii) Aerosole. (Given: At. 240 g borosilicate glass was fused with sodium carbonate and the melt was converted into boric acid by suitable method. Mist.How is it controlled? Mention the meaning of the following terms. How SOx is generated. Suspended particulate matter. O = 15.12 N NaOH solution using paranitrophenol indicator. Cyclone separator.e) 0.8 ml. Write short note on any one: ***** [3723] . Give it’s hazardus effect on material . To the whole solution sufficient amount of mannitol was added and it was titrated with 0. Explain activated sludge process for waste water treatment. Dust.315 -3- . wts B = 10. BOD. Calculate percentage of B2O3 in the sample. Electro static precipitator.99) 4 ) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) Give analytical method for the estimation of arsenic from waste water.81. turn . . c) Explain the patent specification.Total No. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. c) Helix .Sc BIOCHEMISTRY BCH .O.T. P. b) Enlist any five empirical rules for interpreting fluorescence spectrum of protein. Figures on the right hand side indicate full marks.helix motif. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory.I (Recent Trends in Biochemistry) 1 ) Answer any three of the following: [15] a) Describe briefly the theory of NMR spectroscopy. b) Describe the techniques used for studying protein folding pathway. c) Give the principle and working of ESR. 2 ) Answer any three of the following: [15] a) ORD and CD are manifestation of same phenomenon justify. of Pages : 2 P960 [3723] . d) What is fluorescence polarization and depolarization? What is the basic rule and consequences of this? 3 ) Write short notes : (any two) [10] a) LCMS. d) How will you differentiate the generations of biosensors on the basis of redox reaction. b) Intellectual property right.373: Recent Trends in Biochemistry and Toxicology (New) [Max. SECTION . of Questions : 6] [Total No.322 M. ) [15] Describe the cellular effects of arsenic. How delayed neurotoxicity of organophosphrous insecticides is evaluated? [15] 5) Give the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of the following (any three) a) b) c) d) e) a) b) c) 6 ) Attempt any two of the following: ***** [3723] . Give the mechanism of phototoxicity caused by plant toxins. nicotinic and CNS effects due to organophosphrous insecticide poisoning. Aplastic anemia and leukemia due to benzene. Microcytic and hypochromic anemia by lead intoxication. Explain the terms detoxication and bioactivation with suitable examples. What are the components of oxidative type of air pollution? How are they generated. Renal dysfunction due to antibiotics. Discuss the toxic effects caused by methanol.( 4 ) Answer any five of the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) . What are the aims of experimental toxicology slivdies? What is the underline mechanism of lipid peroxide formation by carbon tetrachloride? Explain the mechanism of cytochrome P-450 catalyzed oxidative type of xenobiotic biotransformation. Muscarinic. Hypotension and shock due to snake bitting. [10] Explain the hypersensitivity reactions caused by various metals.322 -2- . of Questions : 6] [Total No.7.F.Sc. 1685. 6.6.I Q1) Explain any four of the following: a) b) [12] Molecular ion intensity decreases in the order cyclic > Acyclic > branched.6 Hz. 6H) 1. 30.83(t. .2.6 Hz.4. 1H).41 . 154. The observed coupling constant values. 40. 1H) 9. 2. IR PMR CMR : : : : C8H12O 2875. 2H) 2. DRUG CHEMISTRY CH . 1. 43.332 M. 7 & 2. 26 (str). P. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 1620 cm–1 [16] 1.362 : Advanced Analytical Methods (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.26(s.78 (t. of Pages : 5 P963 [3723] . 152.T.3. c) d) e) Q2) Answer any four of the following: a) Deduce the structure: M. signals are sharp while in PMR they appear as peaks.46 and 7. 3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks. 189.Total No. 2 .O.8. 2H) 6. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory.5(dt.3.82(s. 7Hz. In CMR.trichloroethane. The temperature effect on the PMR spectrum of 1. The substitution pattern of trisubstituted benzene with one bromine and two methoxy substituents which exhibits three resonance frequencies at 6. SECTION . Ionization techniques in mass spectrometry. 23. 7Hz.F. 6mm). PMR : : d) Assign the structure M. 18mm) 3.1(ddq.23(s. 4 & 9 Hz. 173. 2H) 2. 6Hz. CMR : : C6H9NO2 21. IR PMR CMR : : : : C7H12O3 1720. 207 28.b) Deduce the structure: M. 23. 61 down 173. 6Hz. 38. 134.52(dd. Explain the non equivalance observed. 26. 2H) 14. down e) Deduce the structure: M. 1738 cm–1 1. 136. 30. 6Hz. 3H) 2.78(dd.F. 28. DEPT 135 : 14. 7Hz.F. AB and AX spin systems. 26. NOE with Soloman’s diagram. 207 absent DEPT 90 : All signals absent C3H6Cl2 1. 6mm) 3.332 . 6 & 7 Hz. 71.54(t. 28. 43 [12] DEPT 135 : 21. 119. Mass : : Q3) Discuss any three of the following: a) b) c) d) A2. 61. 4. 2 [3723] . 77. 3H) 2. 2H) 4.15(q.81(t. 2D Techniques in NMR.F.25(t. 91.6(d. 6mm) 4. 150 136 up DEPT 90 : 136 up C11H14O 162. 7 & 9Hz. up c) Deduce the structure: M. 38. 28. 30. 1 (d) 184. 57. 45. 31. Identify A.SECTION . C have mass spectral data as detailed below.II Q4) A) Explain the genesis of the following ions (Any three): [9] d) B) Ethyl isobutyl ether 102. B.9 (d) 193. [3] A (m/z.4 (d) 125. 29 The isomeric methyl pent-1-enes A. B. %) : B (m/z.6 (s) [3723] .332 3 . Justify your answer.9 (s) 30. %) : C (m/z. 59. C and justify your answer. 73.6 (s) 153. [4] 23. %) : 84 (30) 69(71) 56(13) 55(100) 42(21) 41(79) 29(40) 27(48) 84 (31) 69(36) 57(44) 56(100) 55(43) 42(29) 41(80) 29(28) 27(35) 84(11) 57(20) 56(44) 43(100) 42(33) 41(72) 27(33) Q5) A) Assign the signals to the numbered carbons in the following compound.7 (t) 41. 87.5 (q) 48 (t) 54. Suggest the structure and explain the spectral data.91 (s. 6.08 (s. 1H) Spin decoupling expt. 6.64(s. 3H) 2.47 (s) 15% enhancement at 6. iii) Draw the schematic diagram and explain the various parts in GLC. 3H) 1.26 δ NOE C) 3) 3. [6] 1.332 4 .79 (d.79 δ 2) 5.47 (d.07 (s.6 Hz) 3. 3H) 3.2Hz. Q6) A compound exhibits the spectral properties shown on the attached sheet. 2H) 5. Irradiation at 1) 1.91 δ Change at 5. 2H) 3.26 (m.19 (s.02(s.6 Hz. 1H) 6.26 (t. 2H) 3. [12] Y [3723] .B) Assign the following signals to different protons using the decoupling and NOE experiments.65 δ [6] Answer any two of the following: i) ii) Explain the theory and instrumentation of HPTLC. 1H) 6.85 (s.13 (s. 3H) 4. 1. Discuss the various detectors used in GCMS. 3H) 5. 332 5 .[3723] . SECTION . What are immuno modulators? Which role immunomodulators play in enhancing immune response? P. ii) Photoautotrophs. 2) Figures to the right indicate maximum marks. b) c) d) . iii) Chemolithotrophs. List the factors to be critically observed during downstream process of a fermentation with reason behind.O. [15] b) c) d) e) Which are the bodies three lines of defense? What is the difference between second and third line of defense? What happens if third line of defense is evaded? What is ELISA technique? What one understands by direct and indirect elisa? What is the significance of elisa technique? What are immunoglobulins? On what basis are they differentiated? Give the role of each type of immunoglobulin. What is the difference between continuous culture and batch culture? Which type of growth pattern is used for antibiotic production & why? Explain any three of the following termsi) Acidophilic microorganisms.Total No. Q2) Answer any three: a) iv) Thermophilic microorganisms.T. of Pages : 3 P964 [3723] . Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory.Sc.363 : Drug Development (2008 Pattern) (New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. of Questions : 6] [Total No. 3) Answers to the two sections to be written in separate answer books.333 M.I Q1) Answer any three: a) [15] How microorganisms are screened for their ability to produce antimicrobial compounds? Once isolated how are they improved for obtaining better yield of the product? What is difference between plate assay and turbidometric assay? Explain the principle behind plate assay. DRUG CHEMISTRY CH . What are the characteristics expected of an ideal drug? What are the strategies to achieve these? How do drugs exhibit their effect? Discuss how Bioassays are planned to study the effect of drugs? Explain Agonist & Antagonist. iii) Patent specification.explain with examples. Explain the following: i) ii) Intellectual property. Discuss the various dosage forms of drugs? What is the need for so many dosage forms . ii) Drug potency & Efficacy. Explain clearly the adjectives of Phase I. SECTION . i) LD50 ii) Chronic loxicity iii) Mutagenicity b) c) Explain the following terms: i) Bio isosteres. iv) Revocation of patent. II & III of clinical trials? How are the clinical trials performed & the data presented to FDA for marketing approval? In what conditions are the trials suspended or cancelled? [18] Q5) Answer any three of the following: a) Discuss in brief the various drug targets? How does a through knowledge of structure & function of these targets helps in drug discovery? Explain with examples. Discuss the factors that affects pharmacokinetics of drug action. Patentable Inventions. 2 [3723] . iii) IC50 & ED50 iv) Bioequivalence.333 .Q3) Answer any two of the following: a) b) c) [10] Give a brief history of drug discovery. v) c) Process of grant of a patent. Explain in brief the processes involved in studying the following toxicological tests.II Q4) Answer any two of the following: a) b) [14] Explain the difference between pharmacodynamics & pharmacokinetics. d) Discuss the following in brief: i) ii) Characteristics of a good Industrial process. Discuss the chemical development strategies used for a NCE. iii) Validation & Documentation in QA / QC. Discuss the role of Ayurveda in drug discovery & development. [8] Y [3723] . Q6) Answer any two of the following: a) b) c) Discuss the reactions involved in Xenobiotic biotransformation.333 3 . Strategies involved in process development & scale up of process. Estimate the enthalpy of these based on this indicate the stability of these compounds.I Q1) Answer any four of the following: a) [16] Arrange following Stereo isomers in decreasing order of stability.364 : Stereo Chemical Principles and Applications (New) (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. iii) Answers to the two sections should be written in the separate answer books.O.Total No.334 M.T. c) Give stable conformations for the following compounds and comment on their VC = 0 (strech) in IR and absorption in UV. Drug Chemistry CH . b) Give the preferred conformations of the four tetramethyl cyclohexanes given below.Sc. Explain your answer clearly. ii) Figures to the right side indicate full marks. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : i) All questions are compulsory. Write their names. of Pages : 6 P965 [3723] . . P. SECTION . of Questions : 6] [Total No. Predict the product/s and explain mechanism and stereo chemical principles involved (Any three): [6] b) Arrange the following esters in increasing order for Saponification. Explain.d) Rate of acetolysis of the following compounds are Explain e) Q2) a) Camphox on LAH reduction yield mainly isoborneol.334 2 . [3] [3723] . Justify your arrangement. why Ktrans | Kcis = 2. Wagner Meerwein rearrangement in bicyclic mono terpenoids. 6 . Effect of axial halo ketone UV and IR.auwers . cis.skita rule and its limitations. while Ktrans | Kcis = 20 for II [3] Q3) Discuss the following (Any three): a) b) c) d) Transannular Interactions. SECTION . [6] i) ii) c) 2.c) Explain. Von .334 3 . [4] Predict the stereochemistry of the products in following pericyclic reactions.II Q4) a) b) [12] Draw the correlation diagram for the Cycloaddition between Pentadienyl and ethylene. [6] [3723] . trans octatriene Predict the products in any three of the following reactions and justify your answer in the mechanism.5 for I.trans. 4. [4] [3723] .Q5) a) Attempt the following: a) Write Pro-R and Pro-S for the following compound: [8] b) c) d) Write Re and Si faces for the following compound: Ph(CH3) CH CO CH3 Give one application of chiral auxiliary in asymmetric synthesis. b) Complete the following reaction sequence.334 4 . Calculate the diastereomeric excess in the following reaction. Justify your answer (Any three): [6] b) Attempt any two of the following: i) [6] Complete the following reaction sequence.Q6) a) Predict the products and write correct stereochemistry.334 5 . Write the suitable reagent for each step. [3723] . Y [3723] .ii) Predict the products in the following reaction. iii) Write evidences for the ring structure of D.Glucose.334 6 . 673 × 10–27 kg – 9.Sc.38 × 10–16 erg K–1 molecule–1 1.38 × 10–23 J K-1 molecule–1 6. 12. 9.602 × 10–19 C 23. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal l amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron .11 × 10–31 kg P. 13.Total No.314 × 107 erg K–1 mol–1 8. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH . 10.602 × 10–12 erg g 1.Chemical Constants 1. 8.274 × 10–24 J T–1 5. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 3 P966 [3723] . 2. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory.314 J K–1 mol–1 1. 6. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N = k = = h = = e = = = = = = R = = = F = c = = = = = e = n = me = 6. 5) Use of logarithmic tables / calculator is allowed. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Gas Constant 7.410 : Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy (New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 3. 5.803 × 10–10 esu 1.T. 11.051 × 10–27 J T–1 9.184 J 1.987 cal K–1 mol–1 96487 C equiv–1 2.997 × 108 m s–1 4.626 × 10–27 erg s 6. 4.602 × 10–19 J 8065. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.626 × 10–34 J s 4.401 M.022 × 1023 mol–1 1.06 k cal mol–1 1.5 cm–1 8. Physico . 4) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.997 × 1010 cm s–1 2.184 × 107 erg g 4.O. [15] Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Explain the working of X-ray band esr spectrometer using block diagram. What will be the change in esr if the complex is enriched with 13C? The centre of esr spectrum at atomic hydrogen lies at 329. 2 [3723] . Discuss the phenomena of constructive and destructive interference with the help of suitable diagrams. What is the 9-value of the electron in hydrogen atom? SECTION . What is McConnell relationship? Discuss its applications. (Given 95Mo has I = 5/2). Why esr spectra are always recorded in the derivative from? Explain. [10] Q3) Solve any two of the following: a) Determine the distance between any two successive states of the H nuclei at field strength of 13000 G.5854] Predict the esr spectrum of K3 [Mo (CN)8] in water at RT. [Given : gN = 5. Discuss the characteristics of a high resolution nmr spectrometer.12 mT in a spectrometer operating at 9.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) [15] Explain classical and quantum mechanical approaches to nmr in brief.II b) c) Q4) Attempt any three of the following: a) [15] Define X-ray diffraction.SECTION .2231 GHz. Describe the 1H nmr spectrometer. Explain the terms : Chemical shift. Write a note on : 19F nmr spectroscopy. coupling constant. Larmor precession and spin lattice relaxation in nmr spectroscopy.401 . Describe the instrumentation of PAS. Discuss any one application of nqr spectroscopy. Explain the nature of the esr spectrum of the naphthalene anion. [15] Q5) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) State the principle of electron diffraction technique.5] Calculate the molar susceptibility of hexane using Pascal constants. X-rays of wavelength of 1. 1º is equal to 1mm. Α of H = –2.25 Α are used to calculate the spacing of (200) planes in aluminium. What are its limitations? Define and explain the terms i) ii) magnetic induction and magnetic susceptibility.296 mm. [10] Q6) Attempt any two of the following: a) Calculate the volume and mass paramagnetic susceptibilities of a sample of a complex salt with three unpaired electrons at 278 K. The Bragg angle for first order reflection is 20. [Given Α of C = – 6. Enlist the applications of electron diffraction technique.55 gm / cm3. c) d) e) Derive the expression for gram susceptibility method. ( ) as used in Guoy g Deduce the equation for calculating the susceptibility of a liquid sample relative to a liquid reference.401 3 .0 × 10–6.8º. Write a note on Pascal’s constants and constitutive corrections. What is the size and volume of the aluminium crystal? o b) c) Y [3723] .b) c) d) e) Discuss Bragg method of crystal analysis and state its limitation. State and explain the differences between X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction.93 × 10–6]. molar mass = 315. [Given : Density = 2. Draw a neat labelled diagram of an X-ray powder camera and show when the radius of powder camera is 57. 314 × 107 ergK–1 mol–1 8. 12. 11.673 × 10–27 kg –9. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal l amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron .11 × 10–31 kg P.602 × 10–12 erg g –19 1. of Pages : 3 P967 [3723] . 9.314 J K–1 mol–1 1.T.602 × 10–19 C 23.38 × 10–23 J K-1 molecule–1 6.O.803 × 10–10 esu 1.022 × 1023 mol–1 1. 8.38 × 10–16 erg K–1 molecule–1 1. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N = k = = h = = e = = = = = = R = = = F = c = = = = = e = n = me = 6.411 : Surface and Electrochemistry (New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.051 × 10–27 J T–1 9. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.274 × 10–24 J T–1 5. 4) Figures to the right indicates full marks. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. 5.06 k cal mol–1 1.626 × 10–27 erg s 6. of Questions : 6] [Total No. Gas Constant 7.626 × 10–34 J s 4. Physico .184 J 1. 4.997 × 1010 cm s–1 2. 10.Chemical Constants 1. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH . 13.Total No. 2.Sc. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.987 cal K–1 mol–1 96487 C equiv–1 2. 6.602 × 10 J 8065.997 × 108 m s–1 4.5 cm–1 8. 5) Use of logarithmic table / calculator is allowed.184 × 107 erg g 4. 3.402 M. Explain the wetting phenomenon using young equation.5K and 290 Pa at 90.T.402 2 . equation? [15] Q2) Attempt any Three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Give the critical comparison of various multilayer models of adsorption. what is the surface excess concentration and the surface area per adsorbed molecule? The following table gives the number of millilitres ( ) of nitrogen adsorbed per gram of active carbon at 0˚C at a series of pressures: P/Pa / cm3g–1 524 0. [3723] . Discuss the geometrical theory of heterogeneous catalysis.0cm3 g–1 of gas on carbon black are 24 Pa at 77. Stating the assumptions.04 3058 5. Adsorption hysteresis is a consequence of hysteresis of wetting. Starting with chemical potential. Explain. K and m . If the lowering of the surface tension is 10 x 10–3 Nm–1 at 25ºC.987 1731 3.clapeyron equation.1K. how is surface area of a solid determined by using B.31 b) c) Plot the data according to Langmuir isotherm and determine the constants. A fatty acid forms a surface film on water that obeys the two dimensional perfect gas law. Describe with a neat sketch. Discuss the role of zeolites as a catalyst in industrial processes. What is catalyst deactivation? Describe different methods of deactivation. derive the equation for isosteric heat of adsorption.04 7497 10. [10] Q3) Solve any Two of the following: a) The pressures of nitrogen required to cause the adsorption of 1.E.08 4534 7.SECTION .dimensional ideal gas law for dilute solutions.I Q1) Attempt any Three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) [15] What is Gibbs monolayer? Show that it obeys two . the volumetric method for the study of gas adsorption. Calculate the enthalpy of adsorption using the clausius . 20 x 10–9 m2 s–1.44 V.6 at 20ºC. b) Discuss the postulates of Debye . Describe the H2 – O2 fuel cell with neat and labelled diagram. What are storage cells? Describe the construction and working of any one storage cell.85].02 M KCl solution at 20ºC was measured as DNa+ = 1.Huckel equation for a solvent with dielectric constant 2. [At. of Fe is 55. c) What are three methods of ion transport in solution? Derive Fick’s first law of steady state diffusion.Huckel theory and explain how the excess charge density occurs around an ion in electroneutral solution. e) What is exchange current density? How is the concept understood using Butler .402 3 .SECTION . d) Describe Helmholtz model of double layer at the electrode . b) Calculate the constants A and B in Debye .  Y [3723] . Wt.II Q4) Attempt any three of the following: [15] a) Describe the structure of water when ion is present in it. Whose reversible electrode potential for the reaction Fe  → Fe++ + 2e is 0. c) Calculate the electricity storage density and energy density of Fe electrode.solution interface. Write a short note on electrosynthesis.25 x 10–9 m 2s–1 and DCi = 0. Q6) Solve any two of the following: [10] a) The diffusion coefficient of K+ and Cl – ion in 0. Calculate the equivalent conductance of solution.Volmer equation. Q5) Attempt any three of the following: a) Explain the terms: i) Galvani potential iii) Outer potential b) c) d) e) [15] ii) Surface potential iv) Electrochemical potential v) Standard electrode potential Explain the principles involved in the methods of preventing corrosion. 051 × 10–27 J T–1 9.314 × 107 erg K–1 mol–1 8. 12.626 × 10–34 J s 4.602 × 10 J 8065.626 × 10–27 erg s 6. 6. 4. Physico . 11.5 cm–1 8.314 J K–1 mol–1 1. 10. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in separate answer books.38 × 10–23 J K-1 molecule–1 6.602 × 10–19 C 23. 8. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicates FULL marks. Physical Chemistry CH .184 × 107 erg g 4.022 × 1023 mol–1 1.06 k cal mol–1 1.403 M.11 × 10–31 kg P.997 × 108 m s–1 4.Chemical Constants 1. 4) Use of logarithmic table / calculator is ALLOWED. 2) All questions are COMPULSORY.673 × 10–27 kg –9.O. 9.38 × 10–16 erg K–1 molecule–1 1. of Questions : 5] [Total No. 3.184 J 1.987 cal K–1 mol–1 96487 C equiv–1 2.Sc. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N = k = = h = = e = = = = = = R = = = F = c = = = = = be = bn = me = 6. of Pages : 3 P968 [3723] .414 : Biophysical Chemistry and Related Techniques (New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 2.997 × 1010 cm s–1 2. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal l amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron . 13.602 × 10–12 erg g –19 1.274 × 10–24 J T–1 5.803 × 10–10 esu 1. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary. Gas Constant 7. 5.T.Total No. Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) Define ‘contour length’ of a polymer macromolecule chain. SECTION . Define reverse osmosis.7447] Calculate the mass of a single water molecule in kg. given that its molecular mass is 18. 2 [3723] .403 .SECTION . Discuss briefly the electron diffraction method for determining shapes and sizes of biopolymer particles. [15] [15] Define biophysical chemistry. Why are water molecules called flickering clusters? State the difference between water molecules attached to RNA or DNA molecules and free water molecules. Discuss the role of myosin and actin in muscle contraction. Write a note on membrane potential. Explain briefly the Needham concept. [10] d) e) Q3) Solve any two of the following: a) b) c) units each being 45 Α long. o Calculate Rrms for a linear polymeric chain containing 250 monomer Calculate the pH of a 10L solution containing 100cm3 of 5m CH3COOH and 100cm3 of 1M sodium acetate [pKa = 4. 3 b) c) Explain the role of chaperones in protein folding. b) c) d) [20] Explain the thermodynamic treatment of membrane transport. Deduce the expression R = 8Ν × l where the terms have the usual significance. Enlist the functions of enzymes. Discuss the strategy to study the details of a biophysical macromolecule.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Sketch and explain the structure of a plant cell. Explain two tests of proteins.II Q4) Attempt any four of the following: a) Describe the general structure of a cell membrane. What are heat shock proteins? Compare the structures of RNA and DNA molecules. Y [3723] . b) What is enzyme inhibition? Explain briefly reversible inhibition.e) f) Discuss sedimentation equilibrium method to determine the molecular weight of biopolymers. Differentiate between micelles and biolayers with respect to their structure and function. Write a note on optical rotatory spectroscopy. Briefly discuss any two methods for determination of the size of biopolymers. c) d) e) f) Describe the viscosity method for the determination of molecular weight of biopolymers.403 3 . Q5) Attempt any four of the following: [20] a) Explain how the ions are transported through a cell membrane. Explain membrane equilibrium with the help of an example. 314 × 107 ergK–1 mol–1 8. 8.626 × 10–34 J s 4. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.38 × 10–16 erg K–1 molecule–1 1. 10.11 × 10–31 kg P.184 × 107 erg g 4. 11.404 M.Chemical Constants 1. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books. of Pages : 3 P969 [3723] .38 × 10–23 J K-1 molecule–1 6. of Questions : 5] [Total No.415 : Special Topics in Nuclear Radiation Chemistry (New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal l amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron .022 × 1023 mol–1 1. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary. 4.602 × 10–19 C 23.987 cal K–1 mol–1 96487 C equiv–1 2.314 J K–1 mol–1 1.602 × 10 J 8065.673 × 10–27 kg –9.602 × 10–12 erg g –19 1.274 × 10–24 J T–1 5. 12. 3.O.06 k cal mol–1 1.184 J 1. 13.997 × 1010 cm s–1 2. Physico . 6.Sc.626 × 10–27 erg s 6. 5. Gas Constant 7. Physical Chemistry CH . Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N = k = = h = = e = = = = = = R = = = F = c = = = = = e = n = me = 6. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks. 2. 9.Total No.5 cm–1 8.051 × 10–27 J T–1 9.803 × 10–10 esu 1.997 × 108 m s–1 4.T. 4) Use of logarithmic table / calculator is ALLOWED. Find out the activity of 99M technitium extracted from technitium generator after a period of 4 hour of loading 99Mo. What are the advantages of using ionizing radiations for food preservation? Discuss the working of a technicium generator.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) [15] What do you understand by the term in-vivo diagnosis? Explain any one method of in-vivo diagnosis using radio isotope. primordial nucleosynthesis. stellur nucleo synthesis and γ process. Define maximum permissible dose for radiation workers. [10] Q3) Attempt any two of the following: a) b) Write down the reactions in PP I. PP II and PP III process. Discuss in short solar neutrino problem. Describe the method of separation of uranium isotopes. Write a note on : CNO Bicycle. [15] Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Give an account of radioactive solid waste management. Which are the points to be considered while applying this? Explain the terms cosmochemistry.  → C  → + C  → C  → 124 ) [3723] . t1/2 of 99Mo = 66h and of 99M Tc = 6h c) Complete the following reactions. What are the various methods of isotope separation? Discuss any one of them in details.404 2 . i) ii) 203 Tl (P.SECTION . [Given : Initial activity of 99Mo is 24000 cpm]. 3n) Xe (n. Enlist the various methods of food preservation. 000 counts for 3 minutes.01M AgNO3.404 3 . Define a chain reaction and discuss its basic types. b) Draw the experimental set-up used by Duncan and Thomas for studying radiometric titrations. Write a note on radiolysis of alcohol. O = 16). Calculate the amount of NaCl in the original solution. [20] Q5) Attempt any four of the following: a) 20 cm3 of NaCl labelled with radioactive chlorine was titrated with 0. Addition of 2. Ag = 108.5. Discuss the effect of solute concentration on the molecular yields of hydrogen and hydrogen peroxide. b) c) d) e) f) Y [3723] .0 cm3 of titrant followed by removal of AgCl precipitate showed a loss in activity from 10. Explain competition kinetics with a suitable example. Cl = 35. c) d) e) f) Discuss the applications of radiometric titrations. (Given : Atomic weight of Na = 23. Write a note on carriers.II Q4) Attempt any four of the following: [20] a) Draw and discuss the complexometric titration curve of three ions wherein ions complexing first and last are labelled. Discuss the problems encountered in the preparation of target by reactor irradiation. State all possible radiolysis reactions for organic compounds. Explain the necessity of thin targets and techniques for their preparation.SECTION .000 counts for 2 minutes to 8. N = 14. classify zeolite material. Find out framework is in given cluster compounds [Rh 6(CO)15C]2– and predict it’s structure. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Give the structure and preparation of S4N4 and write in detail about polythiozal? Write a note on Keolinite & ultramarine minerals. Marks : 80 Q1) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Explain the use of diborane in hydroboration? Write a short note on ZSM . alumina and K . . Draw the structures of B6H10 and B5H9(P(CH3)3)2 and indicate the number of bridging hydrogens? Write note on p-n compounds. [20] Q3) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) Explain Fisher .II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH .430 : Inorganic Polymers and Heterogeneous Catalysis (New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. .O. of Pages : 2 P970 [3723]-405 M.salts. Based on pore structure and SiO2 : Al2O3 ratio.Tropsch synthesis. why it’s lithiated forms are useful to synthesize ring chain polymers? Explain with suitable example. P.Total No.Sc. of Questions : 4] [Total No.T. [Max. [20] In carborane. Describe the synthesis of ammina using iron based catalyst. [20] Q2) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Explain the role of alkali and water in the synthesis of zeolite. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.5 and FAV type zeolite material. 4) Use of logarithmic tables & calculator is allowed. What are the different methods that are employed for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles. Explain basic principle of heterogeneous catalyst. Describe the oxidation reactions catalysed by metallic nanoparticles. [20] Q4) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Explain formation of SO2 using V (V) as a catalyst.405 2 .c) d) e) Explain hydration of alkane using ‘Ni’ as catalyst. Y [3723] . Explain why d-block metals act as a good catalyst. Explain how MCM . Describe how adsorption isotherms explains the catalytic activity of heterogeneous catalyst. What are photocatalytic reactions? Explain with suitable example.41 catalyst is prepared? Mention their acidic properties. 287 nm.Total No. What is meant by diffusion in solids? Explain various mechanisms of diffusion.iron BCC lattice in atoms per square mi Lattice constant of α .Sc. of Questions : 4] [Total No. .iron is 0. of Pages : 2 P971 [3723]-406 M. Explain the super conductivity exhibited by pervoskites. . Explain the peltier effect and seebeck effect. 4) Use of log tables & calculator is allowed. [20] Q3) Attempt the following: a) Tick the correct answers: i) The atomic diameter of an FCC crystal (Lattice parameter is ‘a’) is a) a 2 2 b) a 2 4 c) a 3 4 d) a/2 P.431 : Material Science (New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn whenver necessary. [20] Q2) Attempt any four: a) b) c) d) e) Give an account of Carbon based super conductors. Write an account on microwave.II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH . Explain magnetic super exchange in an insulator. Calculate the atomic density on the (110) plane of α . 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Josephson Junction and Super Conducting Quantum Interference Device.O. Discuss the interstitial and cheveral compounds.T. Marks : 80 Q1) Answer the following: (any four) a) b) c) d) e) [20] What is meant by imperfections in solids? Differentiate between Frenkel and Schottky defects? Explain the origin of valence and conduction bands in solids. [Max. 406 2 . iii) The fastest diffusing species in Fe is iv) Pure silicon at OK is an v) A cation vacancy and an anion vacancy in a crystal of the type AB is called a) c) Schottky defect Pair of vacancies b) d) Frenkel defect None of these b) c) Draw the systerisis curves for hard magnetic materials and softmagnetic materials and explain the curves.gel method & Ceramics. Dislocation theory & line defects. [20] Q4) Write short notes: (any four) a) b) c) d) e) Sol . Ni W Extrinsic Semiconductor Insulator. Biosolids. Molecular magnets. With the help of suitable diagrams explain the formation of magnetic bubbles in a ferrimagnet. Y [3723] .ii) The unit cell with three lattice parameters is a) c) a) c) a) c) tetragonal monoclinic H C Intrinsic semiconductor Metal b) d) b) d) b) d) orthorhombic triclinic. Electroactive ceramics. 445 : Inorganic Applications in Industry. and after oven drying a constant weight.T. What are formazans? How are they classified as lizands? Give at least two examples of each types and draw the structure of the metal complexes they form. Give in detail production of Portland cement. What is its percentages moisture content? Justify of your answer on the quality of wood. Explain the microstructure of softwood. Explain two methods of electroplating of tin.O. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Attempt any two sections from the following. Explain the methods for electroplating of precious metals.5gm.3gm.Sc. SECTION . 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. weighs 147. A piece of wood containing moisture weight 165. of Pages : 3 P972 [3723]-407 M. 2) Both sections should be written in the same answer book. 3) All questions are compulsory. b) c) d) . . of Questions : 9] [Total No. Biotechnology and Environmental Chemistry (New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.A Applications of Inorganic Materials Q1) Attempt any three of the following: a) [15] What is the difference between a pigment and dye? Explain the use of chromium in dyeing of wool using azodyes? Give the structure of the compounds involved. 6) Use of logarithmic table / calculators is allowed. [15] b) c) d) Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) How are redox centers ligand to PVP electrode coating? Explain the effect of increasing the positive potential of the platinum electrode on electro deposition.II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH .Total No. P. B Environmental Chemistry Q4) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) [10] b) c) [15] Describe how nitrogen can be removed from the waste water by biological treatment. Does this waste water favour oxidation or reduction? S + 2e → S–2. Write a note on . Explain the production and properties of glass fibers. iv) Why is the PEM often referred to as a “Proton exchange membrane” fuel cell? Q5) Attempt any three of the following: [15] a) What is a powerball? Draw a Schematic diagram of a plant for producing powerball? i) How is hydrogen gas liberated from a powerball? ii) How is the powerball manufactured? b) What does tertiary treatment in a sewage treatment plant remove from the waste stream? c) Determine pE for waste water that contain 5.Q3) Attempt any three of the following: a) Give two examples and draw structures of i) Metallized dyes. pEº = –8.0 x 10–4 M S–2. 2 d) [3723] . i) What reaction is occurring at the cathode. Draw a schematic of polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell.Natural earth colour pigment. SECTION .47 Compare aerobic treatment process with an anerobic treatment process.407 . iii) Show the over all reaction. ii) Addition Reagent. iii) Medially metallized azodyes. ii) What reaction is occurring at the anode. Explain how the detergents and pesticides are responsible for water pollution. How do you differentiate between active and Passive solar heating system. Name three groups of antibiotics in common use. SECTION . How are they used to treat different kinds of diseases.407 3 .Q6) Write notes on (any two): a) b) c) Energy from biomass. Electrodialysis. Outline the main stages in biotechnological purification of drinking water. Y [3723] . What are monoclonal antibodies? How do they work.C Biotechnology Q7) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) [10] [15] Describe an experiment to study the effect of temperature on the action of renin on milk. [15] Q8) Answer any three of the following: a) b) c) d) Describe main stages in making yoghurt. Cultures in vaccine production. Compare between bath fermenters and continuous fermenters. Biorefractory organic pollutant. Point out the differences in Pruteen production and methane production using microbes. Tissue culture. What is gasohol? How is it produced? [10] Q9) Write notes on (any two): a) b) c) Enzymes renzyme mobilization. SECTION .O. . Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.T. .1 N Sodium hydroxide. . P.II (Sem. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. b) Give the principle for estimation of protein and describe Lowry’s method. Calculate percentage of Saccharin in given sample. b) Outline the analytical method for estimation of pectin from Jam. [Given: .58 g Saccharin tablet was subjected to Saccharin estimation and it requires 1.3 ml of 0. 4) Use of logarithmic table/non-programmable calculator is allowed. of Pages : 3 P976 [3723]-411 M. of Questions : 4] [Total No. Explain irradiation method in detail.Sc.2] Q2) Attempt any four of the following: [20] [20] a) State the precautions which are taken during collection of blood sample from patient.Molecular weight of Saccharin = 183. d) Enlist the methods used for food processing.Total No. e) A sample of 1.IV) ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH-481 : Bioanalytical and Forensic Science (Old & New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. c) Explain the method used to estimate HMF content of honey. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following: a) What are micronutrients? Explain with suitable examples. d) How are total carbohydrates estimated? e) Biological sample was analysed for net protein utilization. Fiecal nitrogen 13. digestability and biological value. SECTION . iv) Endogenous urinary nitrogen 7. e) Urine sample was analyzed for metamphetamine conteint using gas chromatographic method.II Q3) Attempt any four of the following: [20] a) State a principle and explain technique for extraction of caffeine form biological sample.96 Peak height for internal standard in standard reference solution = 1.4 mg. [3723]-411 -2- . c) Explain type B procedure in detail for determination of barbiturates.87 Peak height for internal standard in specimen = 2. digestability and biological value. d) Outline the procedure for determination of heroin from urine sample. give following observations: i) ii) Intake nitrogen 22. It gave following observations: Internal standard conteint in chloroform = 1.c) Explain suitable method for estimation of free amino acid.43 Volume concentration factor for internal standard = 0. b) Outline the procedure for determination of benzodiazapines.3 mg.53 Calculate the concentration of metamphetamine in urine sample.4 mg. Calculate net protein.93 μg/ml Peak height for metamphetamine in standard reference solution = 3. iii) Endogenous faecal nitrogen 8.1 mg. rrr [3723]-411 -3- . c) Give the classification of medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol.Q4) Attempt any four of the following: a) Define the terms: i) ii) Canabis (Hemp) Narcotic drug [20] iii) Alcohol iv) Poppy straw b) Write note on bonded manufactory. d) Explain in detail ‘cultivation of opium poppy and production of opium poppy straw’. e) Discuss ‘Ayurvedic preparations containing alcohol’. 848 counts/min of transmitted X-rays when foil was not in the path of X-rays and 1023 counts/min when foil was placed in the path. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. b) Explain the principle and working of following detector’s. Explain it’s instrumental cause for deviation from limiting law.75 cm2/g and density 8. Calculate the molar absorptivity of complex. If the detector recorded 10. Scintillation. .O.Total No. c) Draw a schematic diagram and explain working of single beam spectrophotometer. of Questions : 4] [Total No.00 cm cell at 295 nm. .II (Sem.Sc.7% when measured in a 1. d) Beryllium (II) forms a complex with acetylacetone having molecular mass 166. e) Estimate the thickness of foil composed of an alloy having mass absorption coefficient 631.2 g mole–1. SECTION . given that 1.012 g/cm3. . of Pages : 3 P977 [3723]-412 M.IV) ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH-490 : Analytical Spectroscopy (Old & New Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following: [20] a) State and explain the limiting law in absorption spectroscopy. P. 4) Use of logarithmic table/non-programmable calculator is allowed. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. i) ii) Gas-ionisation.T.34 ppm solution has a transmittance of 55. e) A pmr of compound with empirical formula C4H8O shows triplet at 1. e) Calculate the potential difference between the filament and the target in an X-ray tube which has a short-wavelength cutoff of 0. Estimate the kinetic energy of measured electron. d) A proton appears at a quartet at 4.9 eV.II Q3) Attempt any four of the following: a) Explain the following terms: i) ii) Coupling constant in NMR spectroscopy.05 δ (J = 6 Hz).Q2) Attempt any four of the following: [20] a) What is Bremsstrahlung? Draw and explain the typical X-ray absorption spectrum. J = 6 Hz on a 300 MHz instrument.110 nm.9 eV. d) 2 s electron of sulphite ion has binding energy 160. [20] b) Write a critical note on magnetic resonance imaging. indicates the line position in Hz of each lines. c) What is meant by relaxation? Explain spin-spin and spin-lattice relaxation. if the incident radiation has the Kα line of aluminium with wavelength 8.5 δ.4 δ (J = 6 Hz). singlet at 2. c) What is meant by gas-phase chemiluminescence? Explain with one example gas-phase chemiluminescence. The integration of each peak shows 3 : 2 : 3 ratio respectively. [3723]-412 -2- . Give the relative intensities of these lines.28 Å and the work function of electron spectrometer is 8. b) With neat diagram explain electrostatic field analyser in electron spectroscopy. Identify the compound. SECTION .05 δ and quartet at 2. Solvents used in NMR spectroscopy. 5 ml sample containing an organic free radical which contained one unpaired electron for each radical yielded an ESR spectrum that contained a singlet with a peak-to-peak line width of 0. Calculate the concentration of free radical in the sample. reference compounds. e) A 0.5 × 10–5 M DPPH sample was recorded with identical Instrumental settings. The spectrum of 0. The peak-topeak line width of the DPPH spectrum was 0. d) Discuss ESR spectrum of benzene anion radical. applied magnetic fields and detectror’s. c) Explain the following terms in ESR spectroscopy.12 G and relative peak height was 31. i) ii g-Factor hyperfine splitting. How they differ? Give their advantages and disadvantages.15 G and relative peak height of 24.5 ml of a 2.Q4) Attempt any four of the following: [20] a) Distinguish between NMR and ESR spectroscopy with reference to it’s principle. sources. rrr [3723]-412 -3- . b) Name two types of scanning microscopes.3.6. [20] . Addition polymer and Condensation polymer.Sc. P. Q2) Answer any four of the following: a) Explain the mechanism of cationic polymerisation. c) Give the method of preparation and uses of the following polymers: i) ii) Nylon-66 Polychloroprene [20] d) What is thermal degradation of polymers? Explain the factors affecting the degradation process.Total No. SECTION . Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. e) Differentiate between the followings: i) ii) Organic polymer and Inorganic polymer.O. b) Write a note on ‘Vulcanisation reaction’.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following: a) Explain the kinetics of free-radical polymerisation. b) Write a note on ‘cross-linking reactions in polymerisation’. d) Explain the effect of radiation on polymer degradation.II ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH-491 : Polymer Technology (Old & New Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. e) Give the salient features of emulsion polymerisation. . 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2 P978 [3723]-413 M. c) What are polymers? Explain the role of polymers in society and their effect on environment. 3) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.T. Calculate approximate myosin concentration in water in gm/dl with an relative viscosity of 1 : 3. c) Describe the ebulliometry method used for the determination of number average molecular weight of polymer. e) The intrinsic viscosity of myosin is 308 cm3/gm. c) Enlist the different techniques used for the processing of the polymer and explain Injection moulding.01 M Acetic acid is used with 0. Q4) Attempt any four of the following: a) Explain the terms: i) Hardness ii) Softening temperature iii) Gloss iv) Haze v) Vapour permeability. e) 0. b) Give an account of optical properties of polymeric materials. Give an account of ‘Hand lay-up technique’.99. Determine functionality factor and degree of polymerisation for polymer having percent conversion 0. d) Explain the term reinforcing. d) Explain the term sol-gel and gelation.II Q3) Answer any four of the following: a) Give the role of X-ray diffraction in polymer analysis. b) Explain the term fibre-spinning. Explain importance of post treatments of fibres.8 moles on of an difunctional polymer. Describe the steps involved in the preparation of sol-gel.SECTION . rrr [20] [20] [3723]-413 -2- . BIOCHEMISTRY BCH-470 : Biochemical Endocrinology and Tissue Culture (New) Biochemical Endocrinology and Plant Biochemistry (Old) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory.O.T. [Max. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Figures to the right hand side indicate full marks. Marks : 80 SECTION . e) What are the physiological effects of glucagon? f) Discuss how G proteins exert dual control over the activity of adenylate cyclase.Sc.Total No. g) Describe the biochemical reactions involved in catecholamine degradation. of Questions : 9] [Total No. [15] P. . of Pages : 4 P979 [3723]-414 M. b) How steroid hormones regulate the gene expression? c) How calcium homeostasis is regulated in the body? d) Describe the structural aspects of insulin receptor.I Biochemical Endocrinology Q1) Answer any five of the following: a) Give the classification of hormones with examples. Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) Discuss the steps involved in thyroid hormone synthesis.II Tissue Culture (New) Q4) Answer any five of the following: [15] a) What are micronutrients? Enlist micronutrients present in MS Media. d) Explain the physiological functions of Growth hormone. SECTION . b) Describe the synthesis and degradation of angiotensin II. e) Explain the concept of organ culture. [3723]-414 -2- . b) What care should be taken to maintain aseptic condition during inoculation? c) What the term cell line implies? d) Give the advantages of serum when used in media. g) Give the protocol of root tip culture and give its significance. [15] c) Explain the mechanism of action of hormones by CAMP and phosphatidyl inositol biophosphate. b) How synthesis of mineralocorticoid is regulated? c) Discuss the deficiency syndrome of antidiuretic hormone. f) Give the application of ovule culture. e) How regulation of hypothalamic secretion takes place? Q3) Answer any two of the following: [10] a) Give the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of gigantism and acromegaly. [3723]-414 -3- . b) Micro propagation. c) Give the classification of plant hormones.II Plant Biochemistry (Old) Q7) Attempt any three of the following: [15] [10] a) What do you know about plant tissue culture technique? Comment on its applications. d) Enlist major plant diseases. c) Tissue engineering.Q5) Attempt any three of the following: [15] a) Discuss the different types of suspension culture and give the methods used to measure the growth. e) What is hardening? Why it is necessary? Give its significance. Add a note on the present strategies employed to control them. d) Describe the steps to obtain primary culture. b) Write a note on haploid production under invitro condition. Q6) Write notes on any two: a) Protoplast fusion. SECTION . c) Explain in detail the concept of cell banking. b) Describe working model of nitrogenase complex. Q8) Attempt any three of the following: [15] a) What do you know about protoplast fusion? Give its role in agriculture. c) Circadian rhythm. [10] rrr [3723]-414 .4- . c) What are Secondary Metabolites? Give their role in plant defence. b) Pectins & gums. b) What is seed dormancy? Give different way to break seed dormancy. d) Explain in detail the nutritional requirements of crop plants. Q9) Write short note on any two of the following: a) Polyploidy. Marks : 80 SECTION . Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.IV) BIOCHEMISTRY BCH-471 : Fermentation & Enzyme Technology and Food Technology (New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) All questions are compulsory. e) Development of inoculum for Baker’s yeast. [15] [15] . b) Methods of immobilization of enzymes. of Questions : 6] [Total No.Sc.Total No. P. . d) Sterilization of Media.T. [Max.I Fermentation & Enzyme Technology Q1) Answer the following (any three): a) What is meant by batch culture? b) How microorganisms are isolated by enrichment culture? c) What is meant by media formulation? d) How precursors will affect the fermentation process? e) What are the steps involved in recovery of product? Q2) Explain any three of the following: a) Biological treatment of effluents. Figures to the right indicate full marks. (Sem. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. c) Range of fermentation processes. of Pages : 2 P980 [3723]-415 M.O. c) Factors influencing choice of carbon sources. Q5) Attempt any three of the following: [15] a) What are genetically modified foods? Add a note on its merits and demerits.Q3) Write short notes on (any two): a) Role of agitation and aeration in fermentation.2- [10] . b) Applications of immobilized enzymes.II Food Technology Q4) Attempt any three of the following: [10] [15] a) Explain why nitrates and sulfides are preferred for extending the life of food. d) Explain the process of starch production. SECTION . d) What are the principles and basis of food preservation? Explain with suitable examples. b) What is meat tenderization? Explain the process in detail. c) Write an account on enzyme detoxification of food. Q6) Write short notes on any two of the following: a) SCP b) Foods of animal origin c) Principles of food processing rrr [3723]-415 . c) Enlist and give the significance of natural and synthetic colours. b) Describe the method of dehydration exploited in food industry. 3) Figures to the right hand side indicate full marks.T. [Max. Marks : 80 Q1) Attempt any two of the following: [20] a) Explain in detail the cloning methods in bacillus and stryptomyces. of Pages : 2 P981 [3723]-416 M. 2) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. b) What do you understand by the term ‘chromosome walking’? Explain it in detail and give its application. c) What is PCR and DDRT PCR? Give their working and applications. b) What are restriction enzymes? Why they are named as restriction endonucleases? Explain the role of any five indicating their restriction sites. of Questions : 4] [Total No.O. P. c) What are the applications of genetic engineering in industry and medicine? Q2) Attempt any two of the following: [20] a) Describe the protocol for amplification and preparation of plasmid DNA from E.Total No. b) What is in vitro mutagenesis? Explain the concept in detail.Sc. Q3) Attempt any two of the following: [20] a) What are Ti plasmids? Give their structure and role in plant genetic engineering. . coli cells. c) Explain the role of maternal genes in the development. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH-472 : Genetic Engineering (New) Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biochemistry (Old) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2- .Q4) Write short notes on any four of the following: a) Metagenomics b) Transgenic plants c) Restriction mapping d) Cosmids e) Northern blotting rrr [20] [3723]-416 . Total No. . b) Complete any two of the following transformations. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory.O.6-dimethyl cyclohexanone as the major product after work-up. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. SECTION . The alcohol formed by hydration of Ph-CH=CH2 is different than the alcohol formed by reaction of B2H6 followed by reaction with H 2O2/NaOH.T.I Q1) a) Explain any three of the following with an example. iv) PhCHO could be converted into PhCOCH(OH)CH 3 using umpolung of reactivity. DRUG CHEMISTRY CH-461 : Synthetic Methods in Organic Chemistry (Old & New Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. ii) iii) Trityl chloride can be used for selective protection of 51-hydroxy1 group in deoxy-ribo-nucleosides. of Pages : 4 P982 [3723]-431 M. of Questions : 6] [Total No.Sc. Justify your answer. i) [9] Pyrrolidine enamine of 2-methyl cyclohexanone on reaction with methyl iodide gives 2. [6] i) ii) iii) P. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. [5] i) ii) [3723]-431 -2- .Q2) a) Predict the product explaining the role of transition metal complex. (any three) [9] i) ii) iii) iv) b) Explain any two of the following: i) ii) Role of Na2Fe(CO)4 in organic synthesis. Q3) a) How domino reaction is different from stepwise reaction? Explain the steps involved in any one of the following domino reaction. Role of Π-allyl palladium complexes in organic synthesis. [6] iii) Role of AlEt3/TiCl4 in polymerization reactions. suggest a suitable method to synthesize any three of the following: [12] a) b) c) d) Q5) a) Give one reaction with reagent. for each synthon given below: i) ii) iii) [6] b) Employing umpolung.II Q4) Using retrosynthetic analysis. carry out the following transformations any two: [6] i) ii) iii) [3723]-431 -3- .b) Explain the biomimetic approach to the reterosynthesis of any one of the following: [5] i) ii) SECTION . v) Carry out the following conversion using organo borane chemistry. H3O+. rrr [3723]-431 -4- . . Urethane protection of amino group in peptide synthesis. ii) How the following conversion can be achieved? iii) Carry out the transformation using the reagents given below (Arrange the reagents in proper order) Reagents: n-BuLi. THF. CH3CN . –78°C .Q6) a) Give brief account of any one of the following: i) ii) Atom economy in Green Chemistry. MSCl. LiBr. Δ . CH2Cl2 . [4] b) Answer any four of the following: i) [12] Discuss the steps involved in the synthesis of the following peptide. Ph iv) Give four methods for the synthesis of epoxides. THF. Et3N. CHO. PPh3. of Pages : 3 P983 [3723]-432 M. What are the Cytological & Biochemical differences in normal cells & cancer cells? Explain in brief how alkylating agents & intercalators halt this growth? P. Explain the role of Excitory & Inhibitory neurotransmitters. d) Explain the use of polypeptide antibiotics & Macrolides.Sc. What happens in convulsions & depression? b) Describe in brief cancer. ii) Gram negative β-lactamase resistance. How do they exhibit antibiotic activity? Q2) Answer any two of the following: [16] a) Draw a neat diagram of Neuron & explain the steps involved in neurotransmission. iii) Potency. of Questions : 6] [Total No. SECTION .II DRUG CHEMISTRY CH-462 : Chemotherapy (Old & New Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. .T. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. i) Oral absorption.O. 3) Figures to right indicate maximum marks.I Q1) Answer any three of the following: [15] a) Explain the mechanism of action of β-lactam antibiotics & sulfonamides.Total No. 2) Answers to the two sections to be written in separate answer books. . Why are these drugs selectively toxic to bacteria? b) Give a brief account of the discovery of Penicillins. c) Discuss what strategies were adopted to improve the following in Cephalosporins with examples. Discuss with structural details how semisynthetic Penicillins become more popular. iii) Antibiotic drug resistance. Pathophysiology of Myocardial Infraction & Angina. iii) The Renin-Angiotensin Pathway & its role in cardiovascular disorders. d) Explain the biosynthesis of prostaglandins from Arachidonic acid. What is the role of Insulin in regulation of blood glucose-explain its mechanisms? Discuss the strategies to manage NIDDM & IDDM with drugs. DNA gyrase Inhibitors an drugs. Q3) Discuss in brief any three of the following & one strategy to treat them: [9] a) Tuberculosis b) Candidiasis c) Herpes d) Malaria e) Seizures SECTION . How would this study help in understanding the Inflammation process & strategies to design & discover novel antiinflamatory compounds? [3723]-432 -2- . c) Describe in brief Diabetis.c) Give a brief account of the following (any two): i) ii) Inhibitors of early stages of DNA synthesis.II Q4) Answer any three of the following: [18] a) What are hormones? How do they exhibit their action? Discuss in brief regulation of hormonal secretion? What is the need of synthetic/ modified hormones? b) Explain in brief the following: i) ii) Role of Ca2+ in cardiac muscle contraction. Diuretics & Ca2+ channel blockers help in controlling hypertension. Discuss how some of the current antiviral drugs inhibit this steps.Q5) Answer any two of the following: [10] a) Explain in brief viral life cycle. c) Give a brief account of Antimetabolites as drugs. Q6) Discuss the made of action & uses of the following drugs (any four): [12] a) Sulfadiazine b) Morphine c) Chloramphenicol d) Artemesinin e) Methotrexate f) Taxol rrr [3723]-432 -3- . b) Discuss how β-blockers. 293 were wrinkled green. Use of peptide nucleic acid as antisense molecule. of Pages : 3 P984 [3723]-433 M. Marks : 80 Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. Figures to the right indicate full marks. [Max. Test at 5% level of significance whether the experiment fits the theory or not. (x23. The Mendel’s theory says that these seeds should be in ration 9 : 3 : 3 : 1.Sc. SECTION .Total No.O. iii) Restriction endonuclease type II. of Questions : 6] [Total No. 5%=7.T.813) P. DRUG CHEMISTRY CH-463 : Drug Design (Old & New Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory. c) What is gene therapy? How someone suffering from SCID by gene therapy? Q2) Answer any two of the following: [12] a) In an experiment of pea breeding out of 1600 seeds 908 were round & green.I Q1) Answer any two of the following: [14] a) What do you mean by r-DNA? Which are the advantages of using r-DNA to produce lymphokines and hormones? b) Explain any two of the following: i) ii) DNA vaccines. 310 were round yellow and 89 were wrinkled yellow. . II Q4) Answer any three of the following: [18] a) Describe in brief solid phase synthesis & combinational chemistry have become important in drug discovery / design approach. Q3) Answer any two of the following: [14] a) Discuss the steps involved in signal transduction when an against binds to GPCR. How are there an attractive drug target? Discuss. SECTION . Assuming Poisson distribution. b) Draw a neat diagram of membrane. b) How are the various terms in Hansch equation calculated/experimentally determined? How is the equation of best fit selected? c) Explain the shortcoming’s & benefits of (i) Quantum Mechanics & (ii) Molecular Mechanics in CADD. Explain the steps involved & also the deconvolution approaches.b) What is a regression line? Fit a linear regression line for the below given data. c) What are prodrugs? What benefits they offer over the routine drugs? With illustration explain their design criteria. or an average every year 5 people fall sick by eating a certain plant. Height of father in cm (x) : 160 165 167 168 172 175 178 Height of son in cm (y) : 162 169 167 170 175 174 180 c) In a desert region. in a particular year find the probability that (i) exactly ten fall sick (ii) at least one fall sick (iii) less than three will fall sick. highlighting the membrane bound proteins & explain their functions. d) Discuss in brief: i) ii) Systematic Search Monte Carlo Simulation iii) Distance Geometry [3723]-433 -2- . b) Application of Craigs plet & Topiss method. c) Signalling mechanism for Tyrosine Kinase family. c) You are appointed on a program to design novel AIDS drugs. What are the eventual benefits over routine QSAR methods? b) Explain the concept of structure based dry design. rrr [10] [3723]-433 -3- . Q6) Discuss the following in brief: a) Role of Internet & databases in drug designing. Justify your approach. Describe the steps involved & application.Q5) Answer any two of the following: [12] a) Discuss how 3D QSAR is performed. Discuss how will you approach towards the problem. Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 5 P894 [3723]-5 M.Sc. DRUG CHEMISTRY CH - 362 : Advanced Analytical Methods (2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right side indicate full marks. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. SECTION - I Q1) Explain any Four of the following: a) b) In CMR 13C – 13C coupling is not observed. L - Valine (I) shows separate doublets for each methyl group. [12] c) d) e) O - dichlorobenzene shows peaks at m/z 96, 98, 100 in the ratio 9 : 6 : 1 in MS. In CMR spectroscopy integration is not used in interpretation. In CF2 = CH2, the two protons are magnetically non - equivalent. [16] Q2) Deduce the structure from the given spectral data. (Any Four): a) M.F. PMR : : C7H10O2 1.41(d, 7Hz, 3H); 2.4(t, 7Hz, 2H) 4.53(sextet, 7Hz, 1H); 5.89(tq, 2 & 7Hz, 1H) 2.1(d, 2Hz, 3H) b) M.F. IR : : C11H11NO4 1712 cm–1 P.T.O. PMR : 8.24(d, 8Hz, 2H); 7.68(d, 16.5Hz, 1H) 7.52(d, 8Hz, 2H); 6.50(d, 16.5Hz, 1H) 4.28(q, 7Hz, 2H); 1.22(t, 7Hz, 3H) c) M.F. IR Mass CMR PMR : : : : : : : C7H10O3 1800, 1765 cm–1 142, 70, 56 172(s) 168(s) 38(s) 30(t) 28(t) 25(q, str.) 2.8(t, 7Hz, 2H); 1.8(t, 7Hz, 2H); 1.3(s, 6H) C10H15N 10.2(q) 147.7(s) 20.1(q) 29.6(t) 49.7(d) 113.1(d, str.) 116.6(d) 129.1(d, str.) d) M.F. CMR e) IR : 3435, 1686 cm–1 CMR : 169, 50, 29, 25 Mass : 115(7) 100(10) 64(5) 60(21) 59(17) 58(100) 56(7) Q3) Write short note on any three of the following: a) b) c) d) Various detectors in mass spectrometry. Off - resonance spectroscopy. Heteroatom correlated spectroscopy. Pseudo contact shift reagents. SECTION - II Q4) a) Write the genesis of the ions (Any three): i) [9] [12] ii) [3723] - 5 2 iii) iv) b) Ethyl aceto acetate shows following H NMR and Justify your answer. | | 13C NMR signals. [3] H NMR : 1.25 (t) 1.9 (s) 2.2 (s) 3.6 (s) 4.2 (q) 5.1 (s) 12.0 (s) 14 (str) 21 (W) 30(str) 50 (str) 60 (W) 62 (str) 90 (W) 168 (mod) 205 (W) 13C NMR : Q5) a) Answer any two of the following: i) ii) [6] Draw a schematic diagram of GLC and explain the factors important in resolution. Explain the following terms: 1) 2) Reverse phase chromatography. Ion exchange chromatography. iii) Discuss the theory of HPLC. b) Assign the signals to different protons in the following compound on the basis of the decoupling and NOE experiment. Justify your answer.[6] 1.76 (s, 6H) 3.4 (d, 7Hz, 2H) 3.78 (d, 2Hz, 1H) 3.81 & 3.76 (bs, 6H) 4.64 (dd, 12 & 2Hz, 1H) 4.2 (d, 12Hz, 1H) 4.96 (t, 2Hz, 1H) 5.28 (t, 7Hz, 1H) 6.48 (s, 1H) 6.52 (d, 8Hz, 1H) 6.8 (s, 1H) 6.08 (bs, exch., 1H) 7.8 (d, 8Hz, 1H) [3723] - 5 3 Spin decoupling expt. Irradiation at i) 4.96 Change at 4.64 (d, 12Hz) 3.78 (s) 3.4 (s) [4] ii) 5.28 c) Assign the chemical shift to various carbon atoms. 8.0 (q) 17.0 (q) 20.0 (q) 28.0 (t) 29.0 (t) 34.01 (t) 35.0 (t) 49.0 (s) 72.0 (d) 82.02 (d) 85 (s) 125.0 (s) 128.0 (s) 135.0 (d) 148.0 (s). Q6) Deduce the structure of the compound whose spectral information is given on the next page. Justify your answer. [12] [3723] - 5 4 Y [3723] - 5 5 Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 4 P923 [3723]-67 M.Sc. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH-450 : Chemistry of Natural Products (2005 Pattern) (Old Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. SECTION - I Q1) Outline the steps in any four of the following synthetic sequences. Indicate the reagents used and discuss the mechanism and stereochemistry involved. [16] a) b) c) d) P.T.O. Arrange these in correct order. Explain the different steps involved. d) An α. c) Presence of hydroxy group in ring A of Hydroxycamptothecin.unsaturated carbonyl group and a carboxyl group in compound (I).e) Q2) Give evidence to prove the following structural features (any three): [12] a) The presence of β-substituted furan ring and conjugated ester in Hardwickiic acid. b) The presence of an epoxide. β . B to C and C to D are shown below. Q3) Answer the following: a) The reagents for the conversion of A to B. [6] Reagents for A to B i) HCl/aq.ACOH iii) H2/Raney Ni [3723]-67 -2- ii) LiAlH 4/THF . an α-methylene-γ-lactone in Arteannuin-B. [4] b) Suggest biogenetic scheme for any two of the following : i) [8] [3723]-67 -3- .for B to C i) CH3I/t-BuO–K+ CH2OH CH 2OH ii) Oppenauer oxidation iii) CrO3/Pyridine v) for C to D i) ii) / H+ iv) CH2=CH–COCH3/Triton B H2O–H+ mild conditions E+O–C≡C–Mg Br iii) CrO3/Pyridine iv) CH2=C–CH2I / t-BuO–K+ CH3 b) [6] i) ii) Suggest the reagents for steps 1. N-methyl and C-methyl linkages giving one example of each. Predict the mechanism for step 4. iii) Show how step 5 can be achieved by Witting reaction.II Q4) a) Explain the role of S-Adenosylmethionine in forming O-methyl. SECTION . 2 and 3. Q6) a) Explain the importance of cytochrome P-450 dependent monooxygenase enzymes in biogenesis with suitable examples.ii) iii) Q5) Answer any two of the following: a) Explain the following biogenetic conversion. c) Explain the following biogenetic conversion Indicate the position of label in each step and in the final product. [12] Clearly indicate the position of label in each step and in the final product. b) Explain the probable mechanism for the formation of squalene from farnesylpyrophosphate. [4] b) Suggest suitable biogenetic scheme for any three of the following:[12] i) ii) iii) iv) rrr [3723]-67 -4- . [Max.I Q1) a) Answer any three of the following: i) ii) [9] 1. .T. iii) Why 1.dithiol is used for umpolung reaction. [3] i) iii) Q2) a) Predict the products in any three of the followings: i) [9] ii) P. of Questions : 6] [Total No. Explain Simmon-Smith reaction with a suitable example.O. 2 . 3 . b) Suggest suitable synthetic equivalent reagent for the following synthon. but its oxygen analoge cannot be used.Total No. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Marks : 80 SECTION .Sc. of Pages : 4 P924 [3723]-68 M. Explain. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH-451 : Synthetic Methods in Organic Chemistry (2005 Pattern) (Old Course) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory.dihydropyran cannot be used to protect chiral alcohols? iv) Explain synthesis and synthetic use of vinylborane. emphasizing the choice of protecting groups. [4] [3723]-68 -2- .ii) iii) iv) b) Complete the following transformation using appropriate reagents. [3] Q3) a) Suggest a synthesis of the following peptide. II Q4) a) You are provided reagents for the following conversions. NaOH -3- MgBr. Arrange them in proper order to achieve the conversions. Cu2I2 . [3723]-68 .b) Complete the following transformations and justify your answer : (any four) [12] i) ii) iii) iv) v) SECTION . NaOH/EtOH . (Any three) [9] i) Reagents: OSO4/NaIO4 . (EtO)2P(O)CH2COCH3. Write the structures of the intermediate compounds. EtOH. H3O+ iii) Reagents: Na2Fe(CO)4 . Py . CuCl . Cr(CO)6 . iv) Reagents: LAH . Ph HC≡CH Br . H . Me2CHCN/nBuLi . H+ . TsCl. NBS . Reagents: NaOEt . HONO/H+. CO2(CO)8 . [16] a) b) c) d) e) [3723]-68 rrr -4- . CH3CN b) Discuss the use of following reagents with suitable examples (any two): [3] i) TBDMS-Cl ii) Wilkinson Catalyst iii) Ni(CO)4 Q5) Write short notes on any three of the followings: a) CBS reagent b) Merrifield resins c) Ring closing metathesis d) Heck reaction [12] Q6) Discuss retrosynthetic analysis of any four of the followings and device a synthetic route.ii) OH + . KCN . HO LAH . Justify your plan. Chemotherapy.O. Medicinal Chemistry. Chiron Approach. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Vitamins. . [6] b) Predict the products in any four of the following. Justify your answer. [8] i) ii) P. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. of Questions : 12] [Total No. Marks : 80 SECTION .Total No. Photochemistry and Green Chemistry Section-II : Medicinal Chemistry Section-III : Chiron Approach and Newer Methods in Organic Synthesis Section-IV : Vitamins.I Q1) a) Write the molecular orbitals of pentadienyl system and comment on their symmetry with respect to plane of symmetry and C2-axis of symmetry.T. of Pages : 6 P925 [3723]-69 M.Sc. Antibiotics and Hormones Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) Solve any two sections out of four. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH-452 : Pericyclic Reactions. Antibiotics etc. (2005 Pattern) (Old Course) Section-I : Pericyclic Reactions. All questions are compulsory from both sections. [Max. iii) iv) v) Q2) a) Construct correlation diagram for the π4s + π2s cycloaddition reaction and predict whether it is thermally allowed or photochemically allowed process. [4] [4] [3723]-69 -2- . [4] b) Suggest mechanism for any two of the following: [6] i) ii) iii) c) What is atom economy? Explain how it is calculated? Q3) a) Give the retrosynthesis of Isocomene. t. [4] b) Solve any two: i) Write note on polyene antibiotics.3-arene olefin cycloaddition for the synthesis of natural products. [4] SECTION . .peptide antibiotics. -3- iii) Give a brief account of enzyme inhibitors as drugs. methotrexate and 6-mercaptopurins. How does an understanding of these factors help in designing the drugs? [8] b) Solve any two: i) Give a brief account of II generation cephalosporins. Q6) a) What are antimetabolites? Give brief account w. ii) [3723]-69 [6] [6] [8] Discuss the mode of action of Rifampicin and vinblastin. write all intermediates and reagents required (Any one).r. iii) Write note on . Explain in brief the receptor theories and forces involved in Drug-receptor interactions. [4] i) ii) c) Explain the use of 1. [8] b) Write note on any two: i) Topliss Mannual Scheme ii) Antiviral agents iii) Tetracyclins.II Q4) a) Define pharmacodynamics of drug action.b) Complete the following synthetic sequence. Q5) a) Describe the structural modifications in penicillins to develop a better antibiotic with relevant examples. ii) Describe in short computer aided drug design. III Q7) a) Differentiate between anomers. b) Predict the products in any four of the following: i) [4] [8] iii) n-hexanoic acid iv) 2-iodohexane [4] ii) iii) iv) v) [3723]-69 -4- . c) Write equations to show how D-(+)-glucose can be converted into i) Methyl-β-D-glucoside ii) Glucaric acid [4] d) Discuss the role of HIO4 in glucose chemistry. epimers and diastereomers with suitable examples.SECTION . [4] b) Write a short note on anomeric effect. How much HIO4 is consumed per mole of glucose? What are the products formed? [4] Q8) a) Write a note on “rule of five”. SECTION .Q9) Answer any three of the following: a) Discuss the disadvantages of biocatalyst.IV Q10) Solve any four: a) What are hormones? Explain their function. B2 and Vit. B6. [12] [16] Q11) Explain the steps involved in following conversions. d) What are antibiotics? How are they classified? e) Discuss the mode of action of penicillin and tetracyclins. b) Predict the products in following reactions. c) Discuss the deficiencies caused by Vit. b) Draw the structure of folic acid and explain its biosynthesis. i) ii) [12] c) What is immobilization of enzymes? How it carried out? d) Describe the phenomenon of cavitation in ultrasound. (Any three) a) b) c) d) [3723]-69 -5- . rrr [3723]-69 -6- . d) Describe biochemical role of pantothenic acid. c) Write note on .Aminoglycosides.Q12) Solve any four: a) Describe the Karner’s synthesis of α-tocopherol. [12] e) Give evidences to establish the presence of sidechain and structure of Biotin. b) Give clinical applications of quinolones. a) Explain the termsi) ii) iii) iv) v) b) c) d) e) Resistors Conductance Capacitors Inductors Transformers [20] What are zener diodes? Explain their use for voltage regulation.O.T.Total No. Marks : 80 SECTION . of Questions : 4] [Total No. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. P. . Write a note on continuous flow analyzer. Calculate the resistance of 0. How the pinch off potential of a zener diode can be controlled? Give the block diagram of microprocessor controlled potentiometric titrator. of Pages : 3 P954 [3723]-316 M.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following. .Sc.II ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH .392: Advanced Analytical Techniques (New Course) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. [Max. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. Use of logarithmic tables/non-programmable calculator is allowed. Use of graph paper is allowed.002 µf capacitor at a frequency 3 kHz and 3 MHz. 600 PPM of lead were treated in same way yielding absorbance 0. Find equivalence capacitance. Three capacitors of 5 µf.II [20] Q3) Attempt any four of the following. Explain its merits and demerits. Draw schematic diagram microprocessor-controlled liquid chromatograph.Q2) Attempt any four of the following. 5 ml of an aliquot of standard solution containing 0. SECTION .502 at 283. a) “The radiation source in Atomic absorption instrument is usually modulated”. Describe the principle and mechanism of emission. the resulting solution was brought to pH 3 and extracted with 2 ml portion of methylisobuty ketone containing the organic lead complexing agent. After centrifugation. The extract was aspirated directly into an air acetylene flame and yields absorbance 0.3 nm. Calculate PPM of lead in blood sample. e) [3723]-316 2 . fluorescence and absorption spectra. 5 ml sample of blood was treated with trichloroacetic acid to precipitate proteins. 10 µf and 20 µf are connected in parallel. Compare inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy and direct current plasma emission spectroscopy with respect to their principle and working. Mention one important application of each.400 PPM and 0.396 and 0. Define the term Robots.599. Explain b) c) d) State and explain supercritical fluid chromatography mention its merits and demerits. a) b) c) d) e) [20] What are amplifiers? Explain operational amplifier with its characteristics. Explain the term process control and draw the block diagram of control loop that is used in automated process control. EEE [3723]-316 3 .0 Emission Reading 0. Standard sodium in PPM 0. Give any two applications. Explain the term Lasers.32 1. Give its classification with suitable example.5 nm. A well water sample is analysed by flame photometrically for sodium at 589.0 5.5 unit an emission scale.40 6.Q4)Attempt any four of the following: a) b) Define and explain with reference to AAS. Write a note on Immuno-electrophoresis and immunoblotting. i) ii) iii) iv) c) d) e) Automization Chemical interference Releasing agents Protective agent [20] Explain the principle of radioimmunoassay.2 1. The emission signal is 4.50 Determine sodium level in PPM in well water sample. A series of standard solution give the following results. Sc. Marks : 80 SECTION .Total No. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. of Questions : 4] [Total No. Use of logarithmic tables/nonprogrammable calculator is allowed.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following.3 ml.1N sodium nitrate using acryflavin indicator gave burette reading 14.45 g Sulphadiazine sample was dissolved in 10 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid and 50 ml of water.O. [Max.380: Pharmaceutical Analysis (New Course) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. Draw diagrams. P. Calculate percentage of Sulphadiazine in given sample.T. equations wherever necessary. 0. Explain ‘loss on drying and loss on ignition’. . Describe biological assay of tetanus antitoxin. a) b) c) d) e) Discuss the atmospheric and microbial contaminants associated with pharmaceuticals. How personal error is controlled? Give a method used for determination of foreign organic matter from vegetable drug. .II ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH . After cooling and maintaining temperature 15oC was titrated with 0. of Pages : 2 P955 [3723]-317 M. gave burette reading 24.59 g sample containing calcium lactate [C6H10O6Ca5H2O] was dissolved in 100 ml of water containing 2 ml hydrochloric acid. Q4) Give an assay of any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Mannitol. How Rh factor of blood donar is determined? 0.095 N NaNO2 using acryflavin indicator gave burette reading 12.2 ml. Calculate percentage of benzocaine in given sample. Saline. Explain good manufacturing practices in packaging and labeling control. Give dissolution test for tablets. a) b) c) d) e) Discuss the use of ointments and creams as a dosage form.Q2) Attempt any four of the following. EEE [3723]-317 2 .314 g benzocaine [C9H11NO2] was dissolved in mixture of 25 ml hydrochloric acid and 50 ml distilled water. Sodium benzoate. Salicylic acid. Aspirin. After cooling this solution to 15oC titrated with 0. SECTION . a) b) c) d) e) Discuss in brief media used for microbiological limit test.2 ml.II Q3) Attempt any four of the following.05 M EDTA solution using muroxide and naphthol green indicator. What are the precautions under taken in manufacture of blood products? 0. Discuss in detail ‘clinical study’ in development of new drug. Explain in brief membrane filtration method used in sterility test. After dissolution it was titrated with 0. Calculate percentage of calcium lactate in given sample. I Q1) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) Discuss in brief the classification of drugs on the basis of therapeutic action. Write short note on ‘Molecular modelling’.II ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH .O.Total No. . P. Q2) Answer any four of the following: a) b) Explain the role of alkylating agents in cancer therapy.381: Medicinal Chemistry (Old & New Course) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 80 SECTION . Write a brief account of different physico-chemical parameters affecting drug action.T. of Pages : 2 P956 [3723]-318 M. Give history and development of QSAR. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. .Sc. Define the termsi) ii) iii) d) e) Pro-drug Isosterism Resonance Give the synthesis of chloramphenicol. of Questions : 4] [Total No. 6-mer captopurine. Cardiovascular drug. Give the synthesis of any two of the following: Write short note on ‘Psycoactive drug’. Give the steps involved in the synthesis of ampicilin. Chlorazepam. Write short note on ‘Biological assay’.II Q3) Answer any four of the following: a) What are sedatives and hypnotics? Give their classification. Explain the mode of action of Quinolan antibacterial. EEE [3723]-318 2 . Write a brief account of recent development in cancer therapy. Q4) Answer any four of the following: a) b) c) Give the general principle involved in the drug development with suitable examples. Give the synthesis of ciprofloxicin and isoniazid. Write short note on ‘Stereochemical aspects of psycotropic drugs’. Antibiotics. b) c) d) e) Explain the mechanism of anti-cancer metabolites with suitable examples. Define the termsi) ii) iii) d) i) ii) iii) e) CNS depressants. SECTION .c) d) e) Discuss the concept of chiral drug with suitable examples. Ethambutal. B. .T. Marks : 80 Q1) Answer any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) [20] Give the role of DNA polymerases in E. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH . Give a flow sheet that will explain a typical gene expression. Figures to the right hand side indicate full marks.370: Molecular Biology (Old & New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory. Describe the role of sigma and nusa during transcription.Sc. [Max. of Pages : 2 P957 [3723]-319 M.O. [20] Q2) Answer any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Give the mechanism of activation of any typical tRNA. Draw necessary diagrams wherever necessary.Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. Explain the action of any five inhibitors of protein biosynthesis. P. Write short note on RNA polymerase.coli.coli and add a note on their comparative information. its structure and function. Give the role of Rec A. Distinguish between retro and adeno viruses. Write a short account on tRNA.C and D. How pyrimidine dimer is formed? How it affects the activity of E. Ribozyme. Explain the molecular structure of ribosome and its role in protein biosynthesis. SOS response in E. Eukaryotic chromosome. [20] Q4) Write short notes on (any four): a) b) c) d) e) Replication fork. Recombination Technology.coli.Q3) Answer any two of the following: a) b) c) [20] Describe in detail the post-transcriptional modifications in pre-mRNA. Describe in detail the structure of HIV-1 virus and its genes. EEE [3723]-319 2 . Differentiate between the structural features of normal hemoglobin and hemoglobin isolated from sickle cell anemia patient. Marks : 80 SECTION . [15] What are analgesics? Explain the mechanism of analgesics with suitable example.O.I (Medical Biochemistry) Q1) Answer any three of the following: a) b) c) d) [15] What are broad spectrum antibiotics? Explain the mechanism of streptomycin and erythromycin as antibacterial drug.Sc. Discuss the physiological role of lysosomes.Total No. e) Q2) Answer any three of the following: a) b) . Explain the cascade of blood coagulation via Intrinsic and Extrinsic pathway initiated by different activators.T.. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate sheets. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH . of Questions : 6] [Total No.III) (Old & New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory. How does the difference in structure affect the functional ability of hemoglobin? Describe the involvement of chemicals and viruses in the etiology of cancer. Give the composition of cerebrospinal fluid and give their physiological significance.371: Medical Biochemistry and Immunology (Sem. Figures to the right side indicate full marks. [Max. P. of Pages : 2 P958 [3723]-320 M. clinical features and treatment of Arteriosclerosis. Tamiflu resistant HINI Virus. Explain the mechanism of complement fixation by classical pathway and alternate pathway. Western blotting technique. SECTION .II (Immunology) Q3) Write short notes on any two: a) b) c) Q4) Answer any three of the following: a) b) [15] Differentiate between cell mediated immunity and humoral immunity with suitable example. Discuss the etiology and treatment of autoimmune diseases. swollen sinuses. Differentiate between monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies [10] Blood group antigens. When a person has hay fever. [15] Elaborate on live attenuated vaccines and recombinant vaccines with suitable example. [10] Hallucinogens. What are Anticancer drugs? Elaborate on the role of Methotrexate as a competitive inhibitor in treatment of cancer. List out the different types of Immunoglobutins and describe the structural feature of IgG. Apoptosis. difficulty in breathing. common symptoms include running nose. In terms of humoral immunity discuss the mechanism behind these symptoms and justify the reason for giving antihislamines to the patient. Interferons. Explain the principle procedure and applications of ELISA technique.c) d) Discuss the causative factors. c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) Q5) Answer any three of the following: Q6) Write short notes on any two of the following: EEE [3723]-320 2 . Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. of Questions : 9] [Total No. Write a short note on sodium channels.Total No.Sc.372: Signal Transduction Pathways (New) Membrane Biochemistry & Specialized Tissues (Old) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) All questions are compulsory.T. . Figures to the right side indicate full marks. Describe the ultrastructure of muscle cell and add a note on protein components in myofibril. [Max. Candidates of old course should attempt membrane Biochemistry as Section I and Section I (Signal Transduction Pathways) of new course as section II (Specialized Tissues) of old course. [15] [10] Q2) Answer any three of the following: a) b) c) d) What is acetylcholine? Explain how nerve impulses are transmitted? Discuss the effect of neurotoxins on the nervous system. of Pages : 3 P959 [3723]-321 M. P. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH . Marks : 80 SECTION .I Q1) Answer any two of the following: a) b) c) Discuss the role of ca2+ in the regulation of muscle contraction. Write a short note on biochemistry of hearing.O. Explain the biochemistry of vision and add a note on colour blindness. Compare myosin with kinesins and dyenins. Describe in detail chemical composition of brain. . Describe the transmission of nerve impulse across the synapse.Q3) Write short notes on (any three): a) b) c) d) How sound is generated.T. Sensory perception. Biochemistry of taste. [15] [3723]-321 2 P.O. Zinc fingers. SECTION . Explain the types of receptors and their properties. genetical and environmental factors affect the development of central nervous system.II Q4) Answer any one of the following: a) b) [15] [10] Discuss how natural. Neurotransmitters. [15] Q5) Answer any three of the following: a) b) c) d) Distinguish between afferent and efferent pathways. Q6) Write short notes on (any three): a) b) c) d) Peripheral nervous system. Describe in detail the metabolism of neurotransmitters. EEG patterns. Write a short note on bacterial toxins. Write a short account on membrane asymmetry. [15] [15] Q2) Answer any three of the following: a) b) c) d) Describe the assembly of virus membrane receptor. How mitochondrial proteins are imported. Describe the molecular mechanism of Valinomycin. b) c) Bacterial cell envelope.I (Membrane Biochemistry) Q1) Answer any three of the following: a) b) c) d) What is receptor mediated endocytosis.SECTION . Describe the mechanism of Ca2+ ATPase. Membrane glycosylation. [10] EEE [3723]-321 3 . Q3) Write short notes on (any two): a) Flip-flop. Discuss chemiosmotic hypothesis of mitchell. II) (New) (2005) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.211 : Physical Chemistry . Which of these are infra red active? Which are Raman active? Explain in brief : i) Doppler broadening. DRUG CHEMISTRY CH . 3) All questions carry equal marks. Assign the vibrations with Milliken notation. How the Birge sponer extrapolation method can be utilized to determine the dissociation energy of a molecule? Why the value of dissociation energy thus obtained agrees better with experimental data than that obtained from infrared spectra alone? [20] c) d) e) f) Q2) Answer any four of the following : a) The rotational constant for H35Cl is observed to be 10.Sc. 2) Use of graph paper/ calculator is allowed. of Pages :3 P890 [3723] . . SECTION .O. . Sketch qualitatively normal vibrations in nitrate ion. P. of Questions : 4] [Total No.Total No.T.I Q1) Answer any four of the following : a) b) [20] Explain the effect of temperature on the microwave and infrared spectra of simple diatomic molecule. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer of two sections should be written in separate answer book. ii) Rule of mutual exclusion.5909cm-1 What are the value of B for D35Cl. State and Explain Franck Condon principle with a suitable diagram. What are parallel and perpendicular vibrations? Why the bending vibration of HCN exhibit intense Q branch whereas the stretching vibration do not exhibit Q branch.1 M.II (Sem. How carbon region of the XPES spectrum of ethyl trifluoroacetate will appear? Explain your answer. State and Explain Neutron Activation Analysis. 2 c) [3723]-1 . What is the dead time of the counter? Explain with a suitable diagram.b) i) ii) How many normal modes of vibration are possible for : OCS. [20] What is the GM counter? Explain the construction and functioning of the GM counter. SF6. Comment on the molecular structure and assign the observed vibration as fat as possible. parallel The rotational fine structure of the infrared bands is complex and does not show simple PR or PQR characteristics. The absorption spectrum of O2 shows vibrational structure which became a continuum at 56876 cm-1. BCl3. HCN. Estimate the rotational constant for the molecule. The structure of the molecule is.II Q3) Answer any four of the following : a) b) Outline in brief radiolysis of water. d) e) f) If the separation of ‘P’ and ‘R’ maxima of CO has been observed to be 54 cm-1 at 300K. Which of the following molecule exhibits pure microwave spectrum? Why? Benzene. SO2. Infrared Raman cm-1 3756 Very strong. perp 3652 Strong parallel Strong polarized 1595 Very strong. SECTION . the upper electronic state dissociates into one ground state and one excited atom (the excitation energy of which measures from the atomic spectrum is 15875 cm-1) Estimate the dissociation energy of gound state O2 in kJ mol-1. c) A molecule AB2 has the following infrared and Raman spectra. Bi is shorter lived than the daughter 210Po (τ = 138 d).86 d compute the half life of the element. Explain in brief : i) Ceric sulphate dosimeter. If the parent and daughter are found to decay at the same rate exactly at the end of 24.1 mGy/h.059 MeV.n) 9B has threshold energy of 2.8%.d) e) Outline in brief how the solubility of a sparingly soluble substance can be determine by using radiotracer technique.28 mb and the isotopic abundance of 76Ge to be 7. c) d) e) Find the thickness of lead required to reduce the level of radiation due to 60 Co source at a point (a) from 100 Gy/min to 0. A mixture of equal weights of ethanol and acetic acid is irradiated by γ radiation from a 60Co source.06014 cm-1. What are secular and transient equilibrium? Explain with suitable examples is each case. What fraction of the energy is observed by ethanol (take Z/A for this mixture to be the mean Z/A value of the components). [20] f) Q4) Answer any four of the following : a) b) The reaction 9Be (p. Suppose the activity measured 1 min after the 1 hr irradiation is 2500 dis. Find the amount of germanium in the same.879 g cm-3 and linear absorption coefficient as 0. kbkb [3723]-1 3 . Given:: The cross section for the reaction is 3. What is the Q value? A sample containing an unknown amount of germanium metal is irradiated in a neutron flux of 1012 n cm-2S-1 for 1hr when the 76Ge forms 77Ge of half life 1 min. sec-1. ii) Carbon dating. 210 f) Calculate the molecular and mass absorption coefficients of benzene given its density 0. II) (Old Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. ii) [Co Cl4]–2 Tetrahedral. 4 2 I . . 4) Use of log table and calculator is allowed.T. Assign the spin multiplicities to the Mulliken terms arising from t1 e1 2g g Determine the ground state term for the following complexes: i) [Co(NH3)6]3+ ii) [Fe Cl4]2. of Questions : 4] P891 CH . . d 3p 2 . [3723] .I Q1) Attempt any four of the following: a) configuration when an infinitely strong field is relaxed in [Given : T2g × Eg = T1g + T2g] b) [20] stereochemistry. 5) Atomic numbers: Co = 27. of Pages : 5 SECTION .Sc. Determine the degeneracy of following states.tetrahedral Interprete the spin allowed transitions in terms of Racah parameter and crystal field splitting parameter in the following complexes i) [V(H2O)6]3+.231 : Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry (Sem. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.I DRUG CHEMISTRY [Total No. e g . .Total No.O. 6G c) d) e) P. Construct microstate table for P3 configuration and derive R-S terms for the same. Fe = 26.2 M. d 3 . Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. V = 23. 10 minuts. On a 30 cm column the unretained species passes over the column in 1. Q4) Attempt any four of the following: [20] a) Describe the working of GC with the help of schematic diagram. c) What are metalloenzymes? Explain their functions and suitable reactions. c) Describe the technique of isotope dilution analysis. The peak width at the base for X and Y are 1. d) What are benificial and toxic effects of metals in biological system? e) Explain acetyl choline receptor ion channels. e) Radiation wavelength of 315 nm was passed through 1. What would be transmittance through 2. b) Explain the construction and working of phototube and photomultiplier tube. Calculate the absorbance and molor absorption coefficient of sample.05 M. How thermal conductivity detector is used in GC? b) Explain the following terms : i) Releasing agent ii) Atomization c) Calculate how much amount of an organic acid would be extracted from 100 ml of water containing 5.0 g of it when extracted with ether in 5 lots of 50 ml each. The light intensity is found to reduce to 22% of initial value.Q2) Attempt any four of the following: [20] a) Write an explanatory note on Homeostatis.35 minuts respectively. d) A substance X and Y have retention times 11. b) Explain the uptake and storage of iron in biological system.4 and 16. average number of plates and column resolution.7 minuts respectively. d) Draw a schematic diagram of HPLC. partition coefficient of an acid in water and ether is 5.0 mm cell? [3723]-2 2 . e) Describe the technique of plasma emission and arc emission. SECTION .2 and 1. Calculate plate height.5.0 mm of solution that contained C6H6 at a concentration of 0. explain its essential components and their functions.II Q3) Attempt any four of the following: [20] a) Explain how graphite tubular furnace increases sensitivity and utility of AAS. [3723]-2 3 . [3723]-2 4 . kbkb [3723]-2 5 . .4 M.T.361 : Chemistry of Heterocycles & Biologically Active Compounds (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.O. Explain.I Q1) Explain any four of the following : a) b) c) [12] Indole 3-aldehyde does not take part in benzoin condensation as benzaldehyde. of Pages :5 P893 [3723] . Pyrimidine is resistant to electrophilic substitution as compared to imidazole. of Questions : 6] [Total No. NH3. Electrophilic substitution reaction occur at c-2 in pyrrole while at c-4 in 1. 4-Bromopyridine gives two isomeric products on treatment with NaNH2 in liq.Sc. but with NaOMe it gives single product.2 azoles. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5-methoxy quinoline can not be synthesized easily using skraup synthesis.Total No. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. d) e) P. DRUG CHEMISTRY CH . SECTION . Q2) Suggest the suitable mechanism for any four of the following conversions:[12] a) b) c) d) e) Q3) a) Give synthesis of any two of the following : i) Paat Knorr synthesis. Predict the products with mechanism (any three) : [7] b) [9] [3723]-4 2 . iii) Madelung Indole synthesis. ii) Hantzsch Pyridine synthesis. Explain the mechanism (any three) : [15] a) b) c) d) e) [3723]-4 3 .II Q4) Discuss the steps involved in the synthesis of following naturally occurring drug molecules or intermediates.SECTION . DMSO h . THF. MeI [9] vii) Bond migration [3723]-4 4 .Q5) Describe the step involved in the synthesis of following drug molecules. (350nm). Explain the mechanism involved (any four) : [16] a) b) c) d) e) f) Q6) Answer any two of the following : a) The reagents involved in the following transformations are. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) HCl. hexane. H2O P-TsOH BrMg PPh3=CH2. LDA. kbkb [3723]-4 5 . ii) Schiemann reaction.b) Carry out etrosynthetic analysis of barbiturate given below c) Explain in brief : i) Robinson Annulation reaction. DRUG CHEMISTRY CH . SECTION .O. 3) Answers to the two sections to be written in separate answer book. Rectally. b) Give a brief commentory on sources of drugs. d) What are subunit and DNA vaccines? Explain the significance of both. of Questions : 6] [Total No.363 : Drug Development (2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 2) Figures to right indicate maximum marks. c) What is immunodiagnosis? Explain any one method in detail. Q2) Answer any three of the following : [15] a) Comment on the primary and secondary lymphoid organs? b) Explain cell mediated immunity.6 M. Orally & Topically-Explain. d) How screeing of microorganism is carried out to test their ability to synthesize antibiotics and the strain is further improved wrt to final yield? e) Name the common ingredients used for preparation of microbial growth medium & give the function of each component in it. .T.I Q1) Answer any three of the following : [15] a) How effluent is treated to reduce its organic load before its discharge? Why organic load of industrial effluent is to be reduced before discharge? b) What are antimicrobial assays? How one can estimate the concentration of antimicrobial compound in sample using these assays? c) Explain the microbial (bacterial) growth pattern with help of graph and comment on the activity of cells seen in different phases of growth. e) With suitable examples comment on innate immunity. What are the characteristics expected of a goal drug. of Pages :2 P895 [3723] . Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory.Total No.Sc. Q3) Answer any two of the following : [10] a) Discuss in brief how the bioavailiability of drug changes when given sublingually. P. also comment on the precaution to be taken in RlD labs. d) Discuss in brief how biological activity evaluation of a compound is carried out .explain atleast two tests. iii) Institutional Review Board.II Q4) Answer any two of the following : [14] a) Give a brief account of Preclinical trials-explain the tests performed & the utility of these results in planning clinical trials. Quality Assurance. kbkb [3723]-6 2 . Distribution. Q5) Answer any three of the following : [18] a) Explain the following i) Pharmacophore ii) QSAR iii) Local & systemic effects iv) First pass b) What is a lead compound? How is it obtained? Discuss the various strategies employed in lead discovery? With examples.c) Discuss in brief safety measures employed in a Pharma industry. Discuss the various tests. b) Roles of the following i) FDA / Commissioner of Drugs. ii) Head. c) Rational design & discovery of drugs. safe & environment friendly. SECTION . b) What is a patent? What are the conditions to be fulfilled to obtain patent rights? Discuss patent infringements & remedies for it? c) Give a brief account of the factors which affect. What are the benifits of Invitro & virtual testing? Q6) Discuss any two of the following : [8] a) Strategies employed to make a process economical. observations & conclusions drawn in these phases. c) What is the need for clinical trials? What are the objectives of phase I & phase II. Absorption. Metobolism & Excretion of drugs with some examples. of Questions : 6] [Total No.I Q1) Answer any four of the following : a) b) [16] Bromo camphor foils to undergo dehydro bromination on treatment with base.364 : Stereochemical Principles and Applications (Old 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. i) ii) 2 cis cyclodecene ⎯⎯→ ? ACOH Br trans cyclo octane ⎯HCOOH → ? ⎯⎯ ⎯ d) During pb(OAC)4 oxidation of cyclopentane-1.2-diols the trans isomer reacts forty times faster than cis isomer. where as in cyclohexane-1. Explain.Sc. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer books. c) predicts the products obtained due to trans-annular rearragement with correct stereochemistry. 3) Figures to the right side indicate full marks. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. of Pages :5 P896 [3723] . SECTION . .7 M.2-diols the cis-isomer reacts several thousand times faster than the trans isomer. DRUG CHEMISTRY CH . while for trans hydroxylation the reagent is Per acid. e) P.O. For cis hydroxylation of alkanes O 5O 4 is used.T. Account for the stereochemical principles involved in following reaction.Total No. c) d) e) Q3) Discuss any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Torsional strain in 3 to 6 membered rings.Skita rule. Explain Pk1 and Pk2 in cis and trans 1. Give short account of Von Auwers .Q2) Predict the products and explain the stereo chemistry involved in the following reactions (Any four) : [12] a) b) Draw the stereoisomers obtained in following reaction.2-dicarboxylic acid. [3723]-7 2 . [12] Stabilities of trans-syn-trans and cis-syn-trans perhydro anthracenes. [8] b) 3-Methyl cycloheptanone (I) showed . [4] Predict the product/s explain mechanism and stereochemistry of the following reactions (Any Four) : [8] [3723]-7 3 . Using this information predict the conformation of the cycloheptanone.ve cotton effect. [4] Q5) a) b) Explain with the help of FMO approach wheather [1.5] sigmatropic shift is thermally or photochemically allowed.SECTION .II Q4) a) Using octant rule predict the sign of cotton effect for any two of the following and clearly show octant projection. [3] c) Give Re and Si faces of the following compounds. [2] [3723]-7 4 .Q6) a) Predict the product/s and assign correct stereochemistry. Justify your answer (any four) : [8] b) Complete the following reaction sequence. [3] kbkb [3723]-7 5 .d) Using Felkin rule explain the following transformation. 626 × 10-34 J s 4.Sc.051 × 10-27 J T-1 9.314 J K-1 mol-1 1.602 × 10-12 erg 1. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH . Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6.O.626 × 10-27 erg s 6. 10. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.673 ×10-27 kg – 9.21 M.06 k cal mol-1 1.997 ×108 m s-1 4. 8. 6.602 × 10-19 J 8065. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary. Physico . 5. 3.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.184 J 1. 11.38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6.Chemical Constants 1.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2. of Pages :3 P897 [3723] .184 ×107 erg 4. 2. 13. Gas Constant R 7.602 × 10-19 C 23. 4.11 × 10-31 kg P. 9. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.II (Old) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.210 : Physical Chemistry .022 × 1023 mol-1 1. 12.T.997 ×1010 cm s-1 2.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal l amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me . of Questions : 6] [Total No.314 × 107 erg K-1 mol-1 8.Total No. 4) Use of logarithmic table/calculator is ALLOWED.5 cm-1 8.803 × 10-10 esu 1. C6H6. What is predissociation spectra. c) [3723]-21 2 . Explain the applications of ESR spectra.1275 nm]. SF6. Find the number of vibrational levels below the dissociation limit and hence the dissociation energy of this state.4 cm–1 and 0. If HCl is irradiated with 404. Explain it with the help of suitable energy level diagram.00711 respectively.SECTION . [10] Q3) Attempt any two of the following : a) b) Successive line spacing in the microwave spectra of 1H 35Cl is 21. [15] Q2) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Give an account of rotational Raman spectra of linear molecule. Discuss the advantages of FTIR spectroscopy. calculate the first two antistokes and stokes lines observed in the rotational Raman spectrum. State and explain the Frank-condon principle. The bending mode of HCN exhibits intense Q branch where as in the symmetric stretching vibration this Q branch is absent. para C6H4 (OH)2. ICl. Explain with suitable example the effect of isotopic substitution on microwave spectrum of a molecule. [Given : Bond distance of HCl molecule is 0.7 nm Hg-line.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Which of the following molecules are microwave active? Why? CH3Cl. For an electronic state the value of we and xe in c2 are 1641. [15] Discuss the important factors governing the intensity of spectral lines. Explain the classical theory of Raman effect. Determine the corresponding value for 2D 37Cl.181 cm–1. Explain the following : i) ii) e) The difference of Do and De energies is largest for H2. Explain. Calculate the iodide content of the mixture.211 b/e. Discuss the use of 35S in the determination of structure of thiosulphate ion.SECTION . discuss the mechanism of Friedel-craft reaction. Discuss kinetic study with respect to isotope exchange reaction. Calculate the molecular and mass absorption coefficient of benzene. was added to the mixture. [15] [15] Q5) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Explain. δ-rays and stopping power.II Q4) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Discuss construction and working of scintillation counter. After how many days will one twentieth of radon sample be left over. Z of H = 1. Explain the use of radioactive isotope in detection of microcracks and defects in machine parts and casting. radiation tracks.8 days. After through mixing 3 mL of pure iodide was separated which have the activity 5850 counts for 15 min.] A one litre mixture of halides was to be analyzed for its iodide content. Explain the terms. kbkb [3723]-21 3 . C = 6 and A of H = 1. 2 mL of labelled iodide with activity 5000 counts for 2 min. C = 12. [Given : eμ = 0. Derive the expression for the first order radioactive decay kinetics. spurs. radiochemical principle in the use of tracers. distribution of prp’s of water with respect to the Samuel-Magee model and Lea-Grey-Platzaman model. Using radiotracer technique. Explain units for measurement of radiation absorption. [10] Q6) Solve any two of the following : a) b) c) The half-life of radon is 3. In Baeyer villiger oxidation phenyl group migrates in preference to methyl group.250 : Synthetic Organic Chemistry & Spectroscopy (2005 Pattern) (Sem. [12] e) Q2) Write short notes on any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Hoffmann Rearrangement E1 CB reaction. Methods of preparation of epoxides.Sc. .II) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.I ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH . of Questions : 6] [Total No. while on reaction with LiAlH4 gives l.O. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. of Pages :5 P898 [3723] . Synthetic utility of hydroboration reaction.Total No.T. Erythro l-chloro-1. Better route to prepare than dehydrochlorination of is to start with cyclohexanone rather d) Treatment of cyclohexanone with hydroxylamine hydrochloride gives caprolactum in acidic medium while with per acid cyclohexanone produces a lactone. Michael reaction. P. . 2-diphenyl propane on elimination of hydrogen chloride gives Z-methylstilbene whereas threo isomer gives E-methylstilbene.3-diol.I Q1) Explain any four of the following : a) b) c) [16] Ethyl acetoacetate on reaction with NaBH4 / MeOH gives β-hydroxy butyrate. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.23 M. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. SECTION . . Q3) Predict the products and suggest mechanisms of any four of the following :[12] [3723]-23 2 . II Q4) a) Suggest the mechanisms for the following conversions (any two) : [6] b) Suggest the reagents for the following conversions (any three) : [6] [3723]-23 3 .SECTION . Q6) Analyse the spectral data and deduce the structure of the compounds for any three of the following. [12] a) Molecular Formula = C5H8O2 UV : transparent above 220 nm.2 δ (d. 1H) b) M.F. J = 7 Hz. J = 8Hz. Justify. 3H).4 δ (s. 2H) 7. 3H) 7.3 δ (d.5-2. 1620. e) Write a short note on anisotropic effect. J = 7Hz. UV IR PMR : : : : C8H 7N 235 nm 2220. 1.5 δ (d. 4H) 4. d) Suggest the reagents for the following conversion and explain how will you follow the reaction using IR spectroscopy. IR : 1770 cm-1 PMR1.Q5) Answer any four of the following : a) Calculate λmax of the following compounds i) ii) [16] b) c) How will you distinguish cis and trans stilbene by UV spectroscopy and NMR? Arrange the following compounds according to increasing order of their IR carbonyl stretching frequencies and justify your answer. J = 8Hz. 1510 cm-1 2.6 δ (m. 2H) 4 [3723]-23 .5 δ (sex tet. with D2O).7 δ d (J = 16Hz) 1H 7.68 δ. UV PMR : : : kbkb [3723]-23 5 .7 δ. 2.5 δ d (J = 8Hz) 2H 7.25 δ bs (exch. 750.9 δ d (J = 16Hz) 1H 8. 700 cm-1 2.F.3 δ d (J = 8Hz) 2H 7.c) M.4 δ s 3H 6. IR PMR : : : C 8H 10O 3350.5Hz) 2H 3. 2. 1500-1600. t (J = 6.F.) 1H d) M. t (J = 7Hz) 2H 7.2 δ broad s 1 H (exch. m 5H C 10H10O 2 230. 320 nm.2 δ. Chemical Constants 1.38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6. Gas Constant R 7. Physico .602 × 10-19 J 8065.31 M. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5.11 × 10-31 kg P. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6. of Pages :3 P899 [3723] .O. 5. 2.184 J 1. 12.626 × 10-27 erg s 6. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books. 9. of Questions : 5] [Total No.184 ×107 erg 4. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH .997 ×1010 cm s-1 2. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal l amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me .022 × 1023 mol-1 1.602 × 10-12 erg 1. Statistical Thermodynamics and Phase Rule (Old) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 3. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.803 × 10-10 esu 1.997 ×108 m s-1 4.Total No.5 cm-1 8.T.314 × 107 ergK-1 mol-1 8.06 k cal mol-1 1.Sc. 13. 10.673 ×10-27 kg – 9.314 J K-1 mol-1 1.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2. 8.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.602 × 10-19 C 23. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.051 × 10-27 J T-1 9. 4. 11. 4) Use of logarithmic table/calculator is ALLOWED.626 × 10-34 J s 4. 6.310 : Quantum Chemistry. O. [20] Q2) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) f) Apply Hückel’s theory to the cyclobutadiene molecule and estimate the magnitude of the delocalization energy. energies. H′ must also be hermitian.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) Show that ∧ ⎡∧ ∧ ⎤ Lx . Write the slater determinant wave function for a hydrogen molecule. 2 dx 2 c) d) e) f) State and prove the variation theorm. What were the drawbacks of Hückel’s method of calculating delocalization energies of conjugated hydrocarbons? How did Hess and Schaad’s method predict the aromaticity of these compounds more reliably? [3723]-31 2 . L y ⎥ = i ! Lz ⎢ ⎣ ⎦ for a set of angular momentum operators ∧ ∧ ∧ [20] L x . State the postulates of quantum mechanics. Explain the 4m+2 rule of Hückel as applied to the cyclo octatetraene dianion.SECTION . L y and L z b) Which of the following functions are eigen functions of the operator d i) sin 3x ii) 6 cos 4x iii) x–2 Give the corresponding eigenvalues. What are Roothan-Fock equations? Explain what is a basis set. Draw the HMO’s of benzene and their nodal characteristics. ∧ ∧ ∧ 0 ∧ Derive the expression for the first order correction to the energy of the non-degenerate unperturbed level. The perturbed Hamiltonian H is given by the relation H = H + H′ ∧ ∧ ∧ 0 show that if H and H are hermitian. Explain the basis for calculations of the M. Outline the procedure for calculating translational partition function.2 cm-1. Most probable configuration. State and explain the lever rule with suitable example. the value of Lagrange’s constant (β) is equal to 1/KT. iii) Weight of configuration.18 u). c) kbkb [3723]-31 3 . if the vibrational frequency is 151.SECTION . ii) iv) Configuration of system. (The mass of Ne atom is 20.water.II Q3) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) [15] What is an ensemble? What are its types? State the need of an ensemble in statistical thermodynamics. [10] Q5) Solve any two of the following : a) b) Calculate the vibrational partition function for Br2 at 300K. Explain the following terms. Show that. Obtain an expression for the entropy in terms of canonical partition function. i) Population. Using equipartition principle. Sketch and explain the phase diagram of n-hexane . e) How is equipartition theorm used to estimate the high temperature value of heat capacity? [15] Q4) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) What are the salient features of Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics? How do the distribution law expressions obtained from these compare with that obtained from the Boltzmann statistics? Write a note on zone refining method. i) C2H2 ii) HI iii) CO 2 iv) N2O Calculate the standard entropy of neon gas at 205K. calculate the molar heat capacities of the following molecules at room temperatures. 803 × 10-10 esu 1.602 × 10-19 C 23.184 ×107 erg 4. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2. of Questions : 6] [Total No. 5. Physico .32 M. 6.626 × 10-27 erg s 6.673 ×10-27 kg –9.184 J 1. 10. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.626 × 10-34 J s 4. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal l amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me . 3. 8.022 × 1023 mol-1 1.314 J K-1 mol-1 1. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6.Sc.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5.Total No. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH .38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books. 13.11 × 10-31 kg P.Chemical Constants 1. 11. of Pages :3 P900 [3723] .051 × 10-27 J T-1 9.311 : Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry (Old) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.602 × 10-12 erg 1.06 k cal mol-1 1.T. 4) Use of logarithmic table calculator is ALLOWED. Gas Constant R 7. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.602 × 10-19 J 8065. 12.5 cm-1 8.997 ×1010 cm s-1 2.O. 2. 9. 4.997 ×108 m s-1 4.314 × 107 ergK-1 mol-1 8. Discuss the experimental evidence for Bohr’s theory of compound nucleus. Explain on the basis of Bohr-wheeler theory. Give an account of photonuclear reaction.E. Write the sequence of filling of nuclear orbitals. Discuss the charge distribution of fission fragments and deduce the expressions for the atomic numbers of the primary fission fragments. ‘235U undergoes fission by thermal neutrons while at least 1 MeV neutrons are required for fission of 238U’. the significance of magic numbers. Define multiplication factor. [3723]-32 2 . Deduce Bethe-Weizsacker equation. [10] 127 Q3) Answer any two of the following : a) b) Find out geometric capture cross-section for (Given : ro = 1.4 x10–15 m). Calculate the energy of protons scattered through an angle of 90º. [15] Q2) Answer any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Draw a schematic diagram of a nuclear reactor. Derive the expression for atomic number of primary fission fragment and hence find out the primary fission fragment in the fission of the stable end products observed are 100 42 239 94 Pu if Mo and 138 56 Ba . What is the condition for controlled chain reaction? How is it achieved in a reactor? Derive expressions for the K. I and 23 Na. Explain the necessity of proposing spin-orbit coupling.SECTION .I Q1) Answer any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) [15] Discuss with suitable examples. transferred to target by the projectile in a nuclear reaction and threshold energy. Explain briefly the functions of various parts in it. c) 7 Li target is bombarded by protons of energy 7 MeV. Enlist the factors affecting G(Fe 3+) in it. Enlist primary and secondary products of radiolysis of water.II Q4) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) [15] Explain the terms hot atom and recoil energy. [15] d) e) Q5) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Discuss the genetic effects of radiation.59 at a distance of 2 m..SECTION . Discuss the physical and chemical properties of hydrated electron. Discuss the mechanism of radiolysis of air saturated ferrous sulphate solution. radiation annealing and scavanging. Given : Er = 1099 and 1292 keV. Write down MPD values for various organs. b) Find out the dose absorbed by NaI in 7 h in terms of rad. c) kbkb [3723]-32 3 . I = 127. Given : (Z/A) of Fricke solution = 0. Give an account of long term effects of nuclear radiations on human being. (Given : μpb = 0. State the properties of semiconductors.2 Gy/min.553 and dose absorbed by Fricke solution at the same position is 6.57 cm–1). What is the effect of dopant on their properties? Explain in brief advantages and limitations of semiconductor detectors over scintillation counters. Write the various stages of interactions of radiations with biological cells. Discuss the principle and applications of Szilard-chalmer reactions. I = 53 A of Na= 23. Z of Na = 11. Calculate the thickness of lead required to reduce the level of radiation from 390 Gy/min to 40 Gy/min. [10] Q6) Attempt any two of the following : a) Find out the dose due to 400 mCi of Fe . Define MPD. Explain the terms : G value. Enlist various man made and natural sources of radiations. 602 × 10-19 C 23. 11. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.06 k cal mol-1 1.022 × 1023 mol-1 1.O. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books.Sc. 12. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary.673 ×10-27 kg –9.11 × 10-31 kg P.997 ×108 m s-1 4.5 cm-1 8. 9.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5. 4) Use of logarithmic table/calculator is ALLOWED.051 × 10-27 J T-1 9.626 × 10-34 J s 4. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH .Chemical Constants 1.803 × 10-10 esu 1.602 × 10-12 erg 1. 3. of Questions : 6] [Total No. 8. Gas Constant R 7. of Pages :3 P901 [3723] .602 × 10-19 J 8065. 13.312 : Electrochemistry and Physico-Chemical Methods of Analysis (Old) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.33 M.T. 4. Physico .184 ×107 erg 4.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal l amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me . 5. 10.626 × 10-27 erg s 6. 6.997 ×1010 cm s-1 2.Total No. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6.314 × 107 ergK-1 mol-1 8. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY. 2.38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.314 J K-1 mol-1 1.184 J 1. Current density in 50 mA cm-2 when overvoltage is 125mV. e) Discuss with suitable example the different ways of preventing corrosion. SECTION .I [15] Q1) Attempt any three of the following : a) Describe Eley and Evans thought experiment in the determination of heat of solvation. c) Derive the equation for charge density ρr in the Debye-Huckel model of ion-ion interaction. Q2) Attempt any three of the following : [15] a) Discuss the electrical double layer theory using Goy-chapman model. What is overvoltage required for current density 70 mA cm-2? What is the exchange current density in the first case? b) Calculate the diffusion coefficient of a monovalent ion in water at 25ºC. c) Explain the Wagner-Traud mechanism for corrosion of ultrapure metal. [3723]-33 2 . d) With suitable example distinguish between true electrolyte and potential electrolyte.41. The constants A and B for water are 0. the ion size parameter a is 3Å. c) Calculate the mean activity coefficient of KCl in water of ionic strength 0. b) What are storage cells? Describe the construction and working of any one storage cell.SECTION .II Q4) Attempt any three of the following : [15] a) Explain the principle of NAA and describe the terms involved in the activation equation. given that its mobility is 5×10–4 cm2v–1s–1.05 at 25ºC. Q3) Solve any two of the following : [10] a) Transfer coefficient of an electrode in contact with M3+ and M4+ in aqueous solution at 25ºC is 0. d) What is exchange current density? How is the concept understood using Butler-Volmer equation? e) Derive the Einstein relation between the absolute ionic mobility and diffusion coefficient. b) Write the Debye-Huckel equation for mean activity coefficient of ion for appreciable concentration explaining the terms involved in it.509 and 3.29 × 10–7 respectively. If the kinetic energy of electron in 177 eV find the wavelength of incident x-ray.25 gm sample containing 10% tin was irradiated in a neutron flux of 1. b) Explain the principle of PIXE and discuss the ionization and x-ray emission processes. Q5) Attempt any three of the following : [15] a) Draw a schematic diagram of mass spectrometer and explain the inlet system. σ = 0. Cl – 3s H–1 Na – 23 C – 12 c) kbkb [3723]-33 3 . b) 0. Obtain the relationship between M/Z and magnetic field applied.13 barn t½ of 125In = 9.24 mg at 40ºC in TGA. e) Describe the apparatus used for DSC. Explain the terms :. geometric cross section.8×108n cm-2s-1 for 2 hrs. What will be the activity of the sample in dpm? Given γ = 5. The binding energy of the emitted electron is 1070 eV. Enlist the thermal methods of analysis with property measured and apparatus used. Q6) Solve any two of the following : [10] a) The work function of spectrometer is 50 eV. O – 16.target. matrix. excitation function and saturation activity. Using energy level diagram of sample solid and spectrometer explain the principle of ESCA.5min 130 mg sample containing mixture of NaCl and calcium oxalate monohydrate showed a loss of 7.b) c) d) e) Draw and explain with suitable example radiometric titration curve where in both titrant and titrand are labelled. Determine the percentage of Ca in the sample At weights Ca – 40 . c) Discuss the principle of magnetic analyzer. d) Discuss the applications of PIXE.6%. 2. of Pages :3 P902 [3723] . PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH .I (Old) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 11.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.11 × 10-31 kg P.602 × 10-19 J 8065. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary.Chemical Constants 1. 13.602 × 10-12 erg 1. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.06 k cal mol-1 1.T. 9.O. Physico . of Questions : 6] [Total No. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY. 8.38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6.314 × 107 ergK-1 mol-1 8. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal l amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me .Total No.602 × 10-19 C 23.314 : Polymer Chemistry .34 M.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5.997 ×108 m s-1 4. 6. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books.184 ×107 erg 4.673 ×10-27 kg –9. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6. 5.022 × 1023 mol-1 1. 4. 12.5 cm-1 8.184 J 1. 10.314 J K-1 mol-1 1.626 × 10-27 erg s 6. 3.626 × 10-34 J s 4.Sc. Gas Constant R 7.997 ×1010 cm s-1 2.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2. 4) Use of logarithmic table/calculator is ALLOWED.803 × 10-10 esu 1.051 × 10-27 J T-1 9. Explain.5.5 g of p-chlorostyrene (r1 = 0. Find xn . Cellulose is a linear polymer and not thermo setting. [Atomic masses. SECTION . anionic and condensation. PI and weight fraction of xn -mers. Find the instantaneous composition of the copolymer. c) Explain how stereoregular polymers are obtained in condensation polymerization using ziegler-nutta catalyst. d) Explain with suitable examples how polymers can be classified on the basis of i) applications and ii) method of preparation. How is it explained? c) Explain why styrene can undergo polymerization by all modes viz. the mechanism of anionic chain polymerization. Cl = 35.SECTION .45) is copolymerized with 33. N = 14] b) c) A condensation polymerization reaction is 99% complete.5 g methyl acrylonitrile (r2 = 0. Show by chemical equations the four steps in anionic polymerization of acrylonitrile using kNHz as catalyst. C = 12.I [15] Q1) Attempt any three of the following : a) Explain quantitatively how molecular weight of a polymer can be controlled by keeping the concentration of one of the reactant slightly away from the stoichiometric balance. b) Distinguish between thermoplastic and thermo setting polymer. d) Discuss with a suitable example. e) ‘Chemical reactivity is independent of molecular size’. b) Discuss how polymerization of certain monomers shows marked deviation from first order kinetics. Q2) Attempt any three of the following : [15] a) What is bulk polymerization? Describe quiescent bulk polymerization with the help of temperature time profile. Why is the entropy negative? [3723]-34 2 [15] . cationic. free radical. H = 1. xw .73). 0 = 16. e) Derive the copolymer equation. Explain.II Q4) Attempt any three of the following : a) Define entropy of polymerization. Q3) Solve any two of the following : [10] a) 138. 4 0. How is it different from other chromatographic techniques? e) Describe the viscosity method of determination of molecular weight of a polymer.000 80. What is the evidence for the mechanism? What is cage effect? Write kinetic equation for i) the overall rate of polymerization and ii) degree of polymerization (DP) for free radical polymerization. concentration at equilibrium = 3.093 cm.4 ºC. What are the possible configurations of monomer units in the polymer chains? Which of these is the most probable? Why? What are the different ways of expressing average molecular weight of a polymer? Explain the term polydispersity index.15000 rpm.00.1 0.40 0.20 0. What precautions should be taken? Q6) Solve any two of the following : a) [10] b) Calculate Mn.6 0.54 0.b) c) d) e) Describe the initiation step in free radical chain polymerization. d) Describe GPC technique. Calculate the molecular weight of a polymer in benzene (ρ = 0. temperature = 12.2 0. concentration of initiator and concentration of radicals. c) Describe the fractional precipitation method used for fractionation of a polymer sample.000 weight Calculate the molecular weight of the polymer from the following sedimentation equilibrium data rotar speed .88 c) [3723]-34 kbkb 3 . Show how the rate and DP are related to concentration of monomer. What are the factors affecting it? Q5) Attempt any three of the following : [15] a) Discuss the instrument used for membrane osmometry.15 Molecular 65.827 cm and 13. Fraction 0.277 .000 1.2 0. b) Discuss the significance of molecular weight of polymer sample.52 u at x = 7.8 h (cm of benzene) 0.8682) at 30ºC from the data c (%) 0.000 90.05 0.000 1.20.28 0. Mw and PI from the data given.52u 1 at x = 6. buoyancy factor ( − Vρ ) = 0. 38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6.022 × 1023 mol-1 1.184 ×107 erg 4.184 J 1.602 × 10-19 J 8065.O. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2. 4. 10. of Questions : 4] [Total No.Chemical Constants 1.36 M.T. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.051 × 10-27 J T-1 9.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.626 × 10-34 J s 4. 4) Use of logarithmic table/calculator is ALLOWED.06 k cal mol-1 1. 12.997 ×1010 cm s-1 2. 13. 8.803 × 10-10 esu 1.Sc. 3.673 ×10-27 kg –9.602 × 10-19 C 23.314 J K-1 mol-1 1. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary.Total No. 11. 5.316 : Environmental Chemistry (Old) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.314 × 107 ergK-1 mol-1 8. 9. Gas Constant R 7. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal l amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me . PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH . 6.5 cm-1 8. of Pages :3 P903 [3723] . 2. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.602 × 10-12 erg 1. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books.997 ×108 m s-1 4. Physico .626 × 10-27 erg s 6.11 × 10-31 kg P.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5. I [20] Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) Describe the hydrologic cycle with the help of labelled diagram. Explain the effect of radioactive pollutants present in the soil. What is weathering? Enlist the different weathering trials conducted on polymers. b) c) d) e) f) What is noise? Describe the sources of noise pollution. [3723]-36 2 . Give the comparison between pollution due to air and water.II Q3) Attempt any four of the following : a) Describe the composition of soil. Discuss briefly different factors promoting polymer decay. Give an account of organic particulate matter. [20] Q2) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) f) Explain the role of surfactants in pollution problem. Define the terms : i) iv) e) f) BOD receptor and ii) v) COD aerosol iii) TLV What are the reactions of CO and CO2 in the atmosphere? Write a note on air pollution due to hydrocarbons. [20] Discuss the diagnostic tests and treatment of lead poisoning. How they get adsorbed on sort particles along with toxic metals? What are the hazardous effects of SOx on human health and environment and how can these be controlled? Explain the nature and composition of ground water and surface water. b) Explain troposphere and stratosphere zones of the atmosphere with neat diagram. SECTION . Write informative note on sewage and water pollution.SECTION . c) d) What are primary pollutants? Discuss oxides of sulphur on the basis of reactions. iv) Partition noise and v) Flicker noise. [20] b) c) d) e) f) Describe the diagnosis and remedial measures for mercury poisoning. What are the sources of cadmium pollution? Explain the effects of cadmium poisoning. What is the source of chemical toxicology? Enlist the toxic gases with their recommended limits. Give an account of biotic damage due to thermal pollution.Q4) Attempt any four of the following : a) Explain the following : i) Environmental noise ii) Thermal noise iii) Shot noise. Write a note on carcinogenic compounds. kbkb [3723]-36 3 . 326 : Organometallic Compounds in Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalysis (Revised Course) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. Marks :80 Q1) a) Answer the following : [10] “Many homogeneous catalysis reaction involved metal-alkene compounds as intermediates” give example of these. 4) At No. b) Attempt any two of the following : i) ii) iii) [10] Give the preparation and electrophilic substitution reaction of ferrocene.Sc. of Pages :3 P904 [3723] . Explain the effect of the following factors on oxidative addition reaction. P.Total No.T. Explain any one of the catalytic cycle in detail. Nature of metal. 2) Neat diagram must be drawn wherever necessary. .II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH . . of Questions : 4] [Total No. Ni = 28. [Max. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. : Co = 27.37 M.O. How will you convert carbonmonoxide into carbene and acyl ligands. 1) 2) 3) Nature of ancillary ligand. Oxidation state of metal. cyclooctatetraene. C6H6. 2 [3723]-37 . Draw structure and give e count of the following. cyclopentadienyl. 1) (η3– C3H5)2 Ni 2) (η4– C4H4) (η5– C5H5) Co 3) (η3– C3H5) Co (CO)3.any four : [8] b) Attempt any two of the following : i) [12] ii) What do you understand by haptacity? What haptacities are possible for the following ligands? C2H4.Q2) a) Predict the products and state type of reaction . Explain the model in detail. Explain the catalytic cycles involved using these catalysis.iii) Name the model used for explaining the bonding in the metal-alkene complexes. d) e) ν (C = C). [10] OR Explain Wacker process and the importance of CuCl2 in the process. 1 H nmr of a compound with formula [(η5– Cp)2 Fe (CO)2]2 shows a single peak at +28ºC. Q4) a) b) Write notes on. Ag (C2H4) 1550 Give an account of the typical reactions of TiCpCl2. [10] kbkb [3723]-37 3 . K[PdCl3 (C2H4)] 1525 4. Tertiary phosphine compounds of transition metals. Enumerate the different synthetic routes for metalnitrosyl compounds and explain the different bonding modes exhibited by the nitrosyl ligand. c) Comment on the following IR data of transition metal-alkene complexes. and 200pm.any two : i) ii) iii) Organometallic compounds in medicine. cm-1 Complex 1. K[PtCl3 (C2H4)] 1516 5. PdCl2 (C2H4)2 1527 2. Name the catalyst used for hydroformylation of alkenes. PtCl2 (C2H4)2 1516 3. Sandwich compounds. Explain. (Free C2H4 1623 cm-1). [20] Q3) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) The V – C bondlength in [V (CO)6]– and [V (CO)6] are 193 pm. while the same compound show two distinct peaks at –70ºC. Explain and draw the structure of the compound. of Pages : 3 P905 [3723]. Ni = 28.330 : Coordination Compounds & Structural Methods [Max. Use of logarithmic tables and calculator is allowed. Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) Give nomenclature for following compounds.Total No.38 M. . . i) [(NC)5 Co – C ≡ N – Fe (CN)5]6– [20] ii) iii) iv) v) P. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.T.Sc. of Questions : 4] [Total No. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH .O. Atomic number Co = 27. ta .8 Q2) Attempt any four of the following : b) In which of the following low spin octahedral complexes would you expect orbital contributions? d4.copper (II). = 4. = 1 Ho ≠ 0 Explain the mössbauer spectra of spin paired and spin free complexes of ‘Fe’. What is chemical shift in nmr technique? Discuss the factors that affect the chemical shift of a proton. ii) Their electronic spectra.85 [NiCl4]2– B. = 3. For Cu (II) complex µ = 1.benzene carbonyl iodo iron (II).carbonyl carbonyl . d5. at room temperature. Explain any two factors that affect CFSE. d8. = 0 Ho = 0 ii) 14N (I = 1). mer . Indicate the number of resonance lines expected for the following nuclei i) 127I (I = 5/2). c) d) e) a) Give selection rules in d . i) ii) [Co (H2O)6]2+ B.trihydrido tris (triphenyl phosphine) iridium (III).M.b) Draw the structures of following compounds. Predict the type of magnetic exchange likely to be present in this complex. What are mixed valence compounds? Explain with the help of i) Photo chemical and thermal electron transfer. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Acetyl . Quadro Bis (dimethylglyoximato) nickel (II).cyclopen . Explain the nature of bonding in [Re2 Cl8]2– ion.η6 . [20] Explain the experimental magnetic moment of the following ions.d transitions. 2 c) d) e) Q3) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) [3723]-38 . [20] Explain the principle of esr technique. Write a note on “magnetically dilute and magnetically concentrated systems”.M. Using selection rules show the possible transitions for benzene radical with intensity ratio in detailed.M. Bis [μ .η5 . bis (acetylacetone) ethylene diamino . d7. d6.dienyl iron (I)].813 B. With the help of CV technique give the criterion for reversible and irreversible electron transfer reactions. [20] Draw the 31Pnmr spectrum and stick interpretation expected for HPF2 with conditions i) If J P-F > J P-H ii) If J P-H > J P-F. Which type of nuclei give rise to nqr? Write about ‘asymmetric parameter’.e) Explain the CV parameters with the help of cyclicvoltammogram of 6mM K3Fe (CN)6 in 1M KNO3. How the structural information is obtained from esr spectrum for [(NH3)5 – Co – O – O – Co (NH3)5]5+. Q4) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) xxxx [3723]-38 3 . Discuss the application of mössbauer spectra with respect to structural determination. Explain. . of Questions : 4] [Total No.II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH . d) e) P. What is trans effect? How will you explain it on the basis of π-bonding theory? Derive the rate laws for nucleophilic substitution reaction of [Co A5 X]+2 +Y– → [Co A5 Y]+2 +X– . What is conjugate base dissociation mechanism? Explain it with reference to octahedral Co(III) complexes.39 M. i) Inert and labile complexes.O. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. [Max. [20] Q2) Answer any four of the following : a) b) c) Give a brief account of reactions in a solid state.Sc. ii) Outer-sphere mechanism. .T. Explain the mechanism of oxidative addition with the help of a suitable example. “The replacement of water from an aquo complex is the opposite of acid hydrolysis”. Explain the meaning of the following terms with suitable examples. by using dissociative and associative mechanism. of Pages :2 P906 [3723] . 2) Use of log tables & calculators is allowed.Total No.331 : Inorganic Reaction Mechanism (Revised Course) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory & carry equal marks. Give a brief account of ‘anation reactions. Explain in a brief about the two electron transfer reaction. Marks :80 Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) [20] Explain the role of inorganic bridging ligands in inner sphere mechanism. Distinguish between these two mechanisms. kbkb [3723]-39 2 . Reductive elimination reactions. Acid hydrolysis.Q3) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Give a brief account of photochemical reactions. Reactions of coordinated lizands. Write a note on Isomerisation reactions. Explain. i) ii) The hydroxide ion is a stronger base than ammonia and yet it reacts more slowly with a square planar complex. Polarisation theory. Arrange the following in order of increasing rate of water exchange. 1) 3) [V (H2O)6]+2 [Mg (H2O)6]+2 2) 4) [Cr (H2O)6]+3 [Al (H2O)6]+3 [20] Q4) Write notes on any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Template reactions. Explain the mechanism of insertion reaction with suitable examples. [20] Explain the use of radioisotopes for study of reaction mechanism. Marks :80 Q1) Answer the following any four : a) b) c) Discuss the characteristics of biochemistry of copper. 2) All questions carry equal marks. “New nuclear instrumentation and new radio nuclides lead to progress of nuclear medicines”. Explain. d) e) Q2) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Explain the role of vanadium in the biological system. Explain how Bone-density measurements are used in diagnostic radio pharmaceuticals.II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH . . Which are the important reactions catalysed by methyl cobalamine.O.Total No. of Pages :2 P907 [3723] . Explain the functions of copper containing oxidases. Explain in brief about metalclusters in nitrogenases. [Max. Explain the role of metal complexes as “Conformational Probes”. “Distribution of radionuclides in the atmosphere depends upon the site of nuclear explosion”. . Q3) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) Discuss the bonding interaction of tris (phenan throline) metal complexes with DNA.Sc. of Questions : 4] [Total No. P.332 : Metalloproteins and Bioinorganic Medicine Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. Explain the consequences of pt-DNA binding. Justify. Give an account of the biologically important oxidation states of Manganese with reference to thermodynamics and kinetics of the reactions of Manganese in different oxidation states.40 M.T. Give the names of enzymes containing the following metals (two each) : i) ii) iii) iv) v) Molybdenum Copper Iron Nickel Tungsten d) e) Q4) Write short notes on (any four) : a) b) c) d) e) Iron Buffering. iii) Carbo-platin. Metallo regulatory proteins.c) Discuss the biological importance of the following metals. Redox active DNA cleaving complexes. i) Iron ii) Copper iii) Manganese iv) Nickel Draw the structures of : i) Iron porphyrine. Fenton reaction & DNA cleavage. Super oxide Dismutases. kbkb [3723]-40 2 . ii) F-430. v) Bleomycin. iv) Molybdopterin cofactor. of Questions : 6] [Total No. Given ρ = –1.Sc.350 : Organic Reaction Mechanism (Old Course 2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. of Pages :4 P908 [3723] .37 –0. σp-No = 0. [12] [12] Q2) Answer any three : a) b) What is Taft equation? Explain how the Taft substituent constant σ* values determined? Calculate how much faster p-bromo benzyl chloride will solvolyse in water than p-nitrobenzyl chloride. .O.78 Account for the σ values of the following substituents. Base catalyzed halogenation of ketones.I Q1) Write short notes on any three : a) b) c) d) Claisen condensation. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH .23.42 d) Explain the significance of in Hammett equation. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.35 0. SECTION .42 M.Total No. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. σp-Br = 0.37 σp–0.T. Substituent –OH –OCH3 –OCF3 –SCF3 2 c) σm0. P.12 0. Role of lysase enzyme in conversion of phenylalanine into cinnamic acid.12 0.37 0.31. Trapping of intermediates.27 0. II Q4) Answer the following (Any three) : a) b) c) Explain AAC2 mechanism. 1. [16] a) b) c) d) e) SECTION .2-cyclohexadione. When propanoic acid is refluxed with H2SO4 in water enriched in H218O.2 cyclopentadione is almost 100% enolized but it is not so in case of 1. 18 O gradually appears in carboxylic acid group. [12] [3723]-42 2 .Q3) Predict the products (any 4) Suggest the mechanism. Q5) Suggest the mechanism for the following (any four) : [16] a) b) c) d) e) [3723]-42 3 .d) Explain the relative rates of saponification given below. Michael reaction fails with α-phenyl cinnamic ester.3-cyclohexanedione and 1. Explain essential factors for the stabilization of carbanions. kbkb [3723]-42 4 . [12] Predict which member will enolize more extensively. Explain acid catalyzed halogenation of ketones.2-cyclohexanedione. 1. Justify your answer.Q6) Answer any three of the following : a) i) ii) b) c) d) Cyclopentanone or diethyl ketone. .Sc.T.351 : Spectroscopic Methods in Structure Determination (2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.O. of Questions : 6] [Total No. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. SECTION . of Pages :5 P909 [3723] . ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH .I Q1) a) Distinguish between the following pairs by using the indicated spectral methods (any four) : [8] P. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.Total No.43 M. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. str) 125 (d.1 (q)*. 3H). : CMR : d) Deduce the structure M.4 (t. 22.52 (sextet. J = 5.F. C8H9NO 161 (d) 142 (s) 129 (d. 4 mm) 6.F. 1H).62 (dd. : PMR : [3723]-43 2 . 2H). J = 7Hz. 1H) 2. 4 mm) 5. 4 mm) 7. weak). J = 1. 4.03 (dd.F.9 (t)*. 2. J = 7Hz. : CMR : b) C7H16O 2 7.F. J = 7Hz.1 (d.5 Hz . : PMR : c) C7H10O 2 1. str) 121 (d) 31 (q) C7H 7N 5.22 (bd. 5. J = 1. iii) Quaternary carbons in 13C NMR shows weak intensity signals.34 δ and 1.95δ ppm respectively v) How the four isomers of C3H6Br2 can be differentiated using CMR spectroscopy? [12] Q2) Answer any three of the following : a) Deduce the structure using following CMR data M. 41. iv) Methyl proton in compound 1 and 2 resonates at 2. ii) The para and ortho isomers of amino benzoic acids may be identified by mass spectroscopy. 16 mm) Predict the structure M. J = 2Hz.5 & 8 Hz .5 & 13 Hz .b) Explain any four of the following : [8] i) CH2 DBr shows a triplet with 1:1:1 intensity ratio in PMR. 67.0 (s. 3H). J = 2 and 7Hz.6(t)* *equally strong Predict the structure M. J = 8 & 13 Hz .89 (tq.41 (d.90 (dd. 92. 27 (33) [3723]-43 3 . 42 (33). 42 (21).Q3) Write notes on any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Spin decoupling.5%). 43 iii) iv) v) b) 122. 42 (29). SECTION . Justify your answers.II Q4) a) Explain the genesis of the ions (any four) : i) ii) Methyl-5-dimethyl aminopentanoate 159. 57 (44). 59. 69 (71). B. 56 (100). Allylic and Homoallylic coupling. 29 (28). 107 (100%). 43 [12] [8] The isomeric methyl pent-1-enes A. 41 (72). 27 (48) 84 (31). 74. 128. 71. 69 (36). 56 (13). C have mass spectral data as detailed below. Identify A. 57 (20). 43 (100). 55 (100). 27 (35) 84 (11). m/e (%) are shown against each isomer. 91. [4] A B C : : : 84 (30). 119. 41 (79). 29 (40). 57. Chemical Ionization technique in mass spectrometry. 104 (2%). C. 56 (44). B. 93. 2D COSY. McLafferty rearrangement. 77 Octan-4-one 128. 121 (3. 41 (80). 43 Ph-NHCOCH2 CO CH3 177. 55 (43). 58 3-Methyl-4-phenyl-2-butanone 162. 85. 147. 1H) 2.6 (t) 21.Q5) a) Assign the given 'H NMR signals to various protons in the given compound A and comment on the double resonance experiments given below : [8] 'H NMR : δ 7. 1H) 5. 2H) 3.5 (t) 34.55 (dt) → dd (J = 8 & 2Hz) ii) b) 3. [8] CMR : 12.3 (s) 117.22 (dd) → (d. J = 8 & 2Hz.04 (s.82 (d) → (s) 2) 3.22 (dd. Explain your answer.5 Hz) 1) 5.22 Assign the signals to the different carbons of compound B.70 (s. Suggest the structure for the compound and explain the spectral data.5Hz.1 (d) Q6) A compound exhibits the following spectral properties shown on the attached sheet.65 (AB quartet. J = 8 & 1. J = 2Hz.6 (d) 136.8 (d) 45.55 1) 5.82 (d. 1H) 5.0 (d) 71.55 (dt.2 (q) 18.2 (s) 182.8 (t) 133.1 (q) 36. 1H) 3.54 (d) → (s) 2) 7. 1H) 4.38 (d. 1H) 5. J = 1.54 (d. J = 1.38 (d) → (s) 3) 3. 3H) Note : 1) –OH not shown 2) Dihedral angle between H-7 and H-6 is 90º In spin decoupling Experiments : Irradiation at Change at i) 3. [12] [3723]-43 4 . J = 8Hz. J = 14Hz.5Hz. kbkb [3723]-43 5 . 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks... ..I Q1) Answer any four of the following : a) b) [16] Trans hydrindane is more stable than cis isomer below 466K while above 466K the cis isomer is predominant.. Explain the following observation... only trans olefin..... P.. c) d) n = 7 . of Pages : 4 P910 [3723]-44 M. only cis olefin.. n = 9 .... Draw structures for cis-anti-trans and cis-anti-cis isomer of perhydrophenanthrenes and compare their stabilities comment on their optical activity......O.... ...... only cis olefin... Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. n = 8 ... e) Trans– 4 – t –butyl cyclohexanol is more strongly adsorbed on alumina than cis isomer....II CH-352 : Organic Stereochemistry (2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Sc. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY SECTION ....T.....Total No.. Discuss the stereoisomerism of cis and trans – 1-telt-butyl-2–methyl cyclohexane...... of Questions : 6] [Total No. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. -2- [3723]-44 . [12] pK1 and pK2 of cis and trans–1. Justify. [12] a) b) c) d) e) Q3) Discuss any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Relative stabilities of cis and trans decalins.Q2) Predict the product/s in any four of the following and explain the stereochemical principles involved. Bredt’s rule. 2–cyclohexane dicarboxylic acids. Transannular strain. SECTION . [6] [3723]-44 -3- . Attempt the following : i) Write Pro-R and Pro-S for the following compounds.Vinyl and C8–C9 100 nos are on the same size. [6] Q5) Solve any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Q6) a) [12] Give experimental evidances to establish relative configurations of C5 and C6 in Morphine.II Q4) a) Using Octant rule predict the sign of cotton effect of any two of the followings : [6] b) (–) Isomenthone (I) whose absolute configuration is shown below displays a strong negative cotton effect. Explain the stereochemistry of C6 & C13 is Dihydro isocodeine. In cinchonine and quinine C3 . Explain with evidance. Predict the sign of cotton effect for both the possible chair conformation of (I). Prove that loctone is transfused to the 10-membered ring in enhydrin. ii) Write Pro-cis and Pro-trans in the following compound. iii) Calculate diastereomeric excess in the following reaction. b) Predict the product/s. Write the correct stereochemistry and justify your answer for any four of the following. [10] i) ii) iii) iv) v) rrrr [3723]-44 -4- Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages :4 P911 [3723] - 45 M.Sc. - II ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH - 353 : Heterocyclic Chemistry, Photochemistry and Free Radicals (2005 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. SECTION - I Q1) a) Explain any three of the following : i) ii) iii) iv) b) [6] Imidazole and Pyrazole have boiling points 256ºC and 187ºC respectively at 760 mm. Furan undergoes cycloaddition reaction more easily than other five membered heterocycles. 2-Bromo pyridine undergoes substitution with sodium methoxide more easily than chlorobenzene. 3-Chloroquinoline is one of the products when indole reacts with chloroform, KOH and ethanol as a solvent. [8] Use of amidine in imidazole synthesis. Tschitschibabin reaction. Synthesis of benzofuran from coumarin. Write notes on any two of the following : i) ii) iii) Q2) a) Give any one method each to synthesize following heterocycles (any two) : [6] i) ii) iii) 8-Hydroxy quinoline. 2-Amino thiazole. 3-Hydroxy-benzothiophene. P.T.O. b) Predict the product when the given heterocycle (any one) reacts with the respective reagents. [4] i) 1) aq . N2H4, 130ºC 2) PhLi, Ether; KMnO4, R.T. 3) 4) ii) 1) 2) 3) 4) p − NO 2 C 6 H 4 N 2 , NaOAC, R.T. ⊕ H2O2, ACOH CHCl3, NaOH, Δ N2CH2COOC2H5, Cu, 100ºC DMF, POCl3; NaOAC, H2O SO2Cl2 (4 moles), ether, 0ºC Q3) a) Complete the following reaction sequences by filling the blanks with suitable reagents and products, (any one). [4] b) Suggest the mechanism for any two of the following : [6] [3723]-45 2 c) Predict the product in any two of the following : [6] SECTION - II Q4) Write short notes on any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Q5) a) Jablonski diagram. Hunsdiecker reaction. Paterno Buchi reaction. Stable free radicals. Explain any two of the following : i) [6] [12] Ortho-Methyl benzophenone is not photoreduced efficiently by isopropanol while ortho-tert-butylbenzophenone undergoes efficient reaction under similar conditions. When the erythro form of PhCHD-CHBrPh is treated with NBS, deuterium atoms are found to be removed from the substrate nearly twice as rapidly as are hydrogen atoms. Hexa-p-nitrophenylethane is dissociated to a large extent at 25ºC in benzene as compared to hexaphenylethane. ii) iii) [3723]-45 3 b) Predict the product/products indicating mechanism in any five of the following : [10] Q6) Suggest suitable mechaism for any four of the following : [12] kbkb [3723]-45 4 Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages :2 P912 [3723] - 49 M.Sc. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH - 373 : Recent Trends in Biochemistry (Old) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures on the right hand side indicate full marks. [Max. Marks :80 Q1) Answer any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Give the mechanism of bioluminescence in fire flies. What is meant by chemical shift in NMR spectroscopy? What is nuclear overhauser effect? Explain with suitable example. [20] Which transducer system are suitable for development of urea biosensor? Why? Explain the theory of DRD and describe its instrument. [20] Q2) Answer any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Emmison occurs at larger wave length than absorption. Why? What is quantum yield? Explain the principle of nuclear gamma rays resonance spectroscopy. What is magnetic phenomenon? Give its application in different spectroscopy. Explain the relationship between electrical response and rate of diffusive flux. Describe the technique used for studing protein folding pathway. [20] Q3) Answer any two of the following : a) b) c) Describe briefly the theory of NMR spectroscopy. Explain the principle and working of ORD instrument. Give the principle, working and application of ESR. P.T.O. d) Application of biosensor. b) Intrinsic Flurors. e) Helix-turn-helix motif. c) Rotational strength. [20] kbkb [3723]-49 2 .Q4) Write short notes (any four) : a) Ellipticity. 1 ml. of Questions : 4] [Total No. Calculate percentage of β-naphthol.85 g oil sample was refluxed with 25 ml (0.52 M. The burette reading was 7. Q2) Answer any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) What are opthalmic preparations? Give necessary precautions required to be taken at the time of preparation. .O. After cooling. What are ointments? Give classification of ointment bases. What are tablets? Give with the help of suitable example the wet granulation method for preparation of tablet. of Pages :2 P913 [3723] .T.5N HCl.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Describe various sources of impurities in pharmaceuticals. What are powders? Describe powders as dosage form.Total No.II ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH .1N potassium methoxide (in methanol) using O-nitroaniline as a indicator. Explain the terms infusion and injection. . P.120 g of β-naphthol (C8H8O) was dissolved in 25 ml ethylenediamine and was titrated with 0.Sc. 1. SECTION . What are gels? Give classification of gels. excess KOH was titrated with 0.2 ml respectively. Discuss in adequate storage conditions and their effects on pharmaceutical products.380 : Pharmaceutical Analysis (Old Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.5N) alcoholic KOH for one hour. Calculate saponification value of an oil. How are these sterilized? A sample containing 0.0 ml and 15. The blank titration reading and back titration reading were 25. Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer book. 1N oxalic acid was titrated with sodium hydroxide gave burette reading 11.II Q3) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Explain biological test for tetanus antitoxin. When 10 ml of standard 0. kbkb [3723]-52 2 . Q4) Write short notes on any four : a) Disintegration test for tablets. b) Aromatic waters. d) Role of FDA. 0. Explain membrane filteration method in detail. Give general procedure for sterility test. Calculate percentage of benzoic acid in ointment. Explain major steps involved in developing new drugs. c) Dry heat sterilization.275 g ointment sample containing benzoic acid was dissolved in alcohol and titrated with sodium hydroxide solution gave burette reading 9. e) Expiry date fixation. Give the procedure for determination of trace water from pharmaceutical product.7 ml.6 ml.SECTION . III) (Old Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.Total No.O.30. Q2) Attempt any four of the following : a) Draw the ideal polarographic wave. b) State and explain the working of chronopotentiometry.Sc. SECTION . . of Pages : 3 P914 [3723] .54 M. of cu = 63. . Explain the role of maximum suppressor and bubbling of N2 gas through the solution in polarographic analysis. the diffusion current is observed to be 20 μA and the diffusion coefficient is 7.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of DME. . e) Calculate the mass of copper deposited from the solution of copper sulphate by passing current 2. of Questions : 4] [Total No. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.2 × 10–6 cm2/sec. 4) Use of logarithmic tables / non-programmable calculator is allowed.II ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH .21 A for 3 hours 15 minutes (Given : At.T. P.wt. 2) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. Find out the concentration of cd(II) present in given sample solution. c) What is stripping voltametry? Discuss the steps involved in stripping voltametry.390 : Electroanalytical and Current Analytical Methods in Industries (Sem. d) The characteristic of capillary is 1. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.54). e) A sample containing an unknown amount of germanium metal is irradiated in a neutron flux of 1012 n cm–2s–1 for 1 hour when the 76Ge forms 77Ge of half life 1 min.8%.86 mg/sec? (Given : diffusion coefficient of metal ion = 6.39 sec/drop and the mercury flow rate was 1. when 250 mA of current was used calculate the normality of potassium dichromate. Initially the weight of mixture was 1. d) On a TGA apparatus a mixture of crystalline barium chloride and sodium chloride was analysed. b) Distinguish between DTA and DSC. Cl = 35.b) c) d) e) State principle of amperometry. What is the diffusion current of univalent metal ion in solution having concentration 2. Na = 23.5. and the isotope abundance of 76Ge to be 7. if drop-time was measured at the rate of 4. [3723]-54 2 . find the amount of germanium in the same. c) Explain the principle and instrumentation of turbidimetry.6 × 10–6 cm2/sec). H = 1). O = 16. SECTION . The activity measured 1 min after the irradiation is 2500 dis/s.4 × 10–3 M. How electrogravimetric methods differ from potentiometric methods? In coulometric titration of 25ml k2Cr2O7 solution is titrated with Fe(III) solution which took 30 minutes to reduce completely. given the cross section for the reaction is 3. Describe the nature of amperometric titration curve of lead nitrate with potassium dichromate.28 mb. Discuss any two applications of DSC. Describe the working of any one of them. Determine the percentage composition of the mixture (Given : At wt.32. of Ba = 137.482g at room temperature and at 200°C loss in weight was 82 mg due to dehydration of crystalline salt.II Q3) Attempt any four of the following : a) Enlist various detectors used in radiochemical analysis. Give the typical applications of this method. Q4) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) Discuss the working of the electrochemical sensors. Discuss the important applications of neutron activation analysis. What is the principle of a radiometric titration? Discuss the nature of the titration curve of calcium by EDTA with solid radioactive silver iodate as an indicator. Turbidimetry was used to examine sample. The transmittance of sample was 36.8%, the cell path length was 1cm. Calculate the concentration of sample if the turbidity coefficient of the sample is 3.88 × 10–3 Lmg–1cm–1. An excess of sodium chloride was added to a series of standard solutions containing silver (I) and to a sample solution. The resulting silver chloride solutions were determined nephelometrically. From the below tabulated results determine the concentration of silver (I) in the sample. Ag(I) conc. (ppm) Relative intensity 1.00 16.0 3.00 37.5 5.00 51.5 7.00 63.8 9.00 79.7 sample 56.8 d) e) vvvv [3723]-54 3 Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 3 P915 [3723] - 55 M.Sc. - II ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH - 391 : Environmental and Analysis of Industrial Materials (Old Course) [Max. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Use of logarithmic tables, non-programmable calculator is allowed. SECTION - I Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) Discuss any one method for determination of phosphorous from fertilizers. b) Describe a method to estimate anionic surfactants. c) Explain the analytical method for estimation of sodium from glass. d) What is detergent? How unsulphated and unsulphonated materials are extracted and estimated from it? e) Find the amount of K of fertilizer in percent K2O, if it’s elementary K content is 5.4% [Given : At.Wt. K = 39.1, 0 = 16] Q2) Attempt any four of the following : a) Comment on general scheme of analysis of soap. b) Outline the procedure for determination of chromium from pigment. c) What is cosmetics? Explain the procedure for determination of zinc from cosmetics. P.T.O. d) e) In estimation of calcium from 1.98 gm sample calcium was precipitated as calcium oxalate. The ppt was dissolved in H2SO4 and the solution was titrated with 0.05N KMnO4 solution. The titration reading was 35ml. Calculate the percentage of CaO in the given sample. (Given : At.Wt. Ca = 40, O = 16). A sample of chromel alumel containing chromium was disintegrated for the determination of chromium as lead chromate. A sample of 0.540gm of this alloy gave 475mg of lead chromate ppt. Calculate percentage of chromium in the sample. (Given : At. Wt. O = 16, Cr = 51.99, Pb = 207.01). SECTION - II Q3) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) Give the composition of brass? Explain analytical procedure for estimation of copper from brass. Describe the method for determination of phosphorous from steel. Give the analytical procedure for the determination of any two of the following : i) ii) d) Thorium from Monazite sand. Aluminium from bauxite. iii) Nickel from Cupronickel. 100 ml water sample was titrated with 0.01M EDTA in alkaline condition using eriochrome black T as indicator. It gave burette reading 27.9ml. Calculate amount of Mg in the water sample. (Given : At. Wt. Mg = 24.30). e) 240 Mg. of brass sample was analysed for the determination of copper iodometrically. After disintegration of sample was extracted with dil HCl and diluted to 250ml. A 25ml aliquot of this sample requires 22ml of 0.011 N Na2S2O3. Calculate percentage of copper in alloy. [Given : At. Wt. Cu = 63.54]. [3723]-55 2 Q4) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) How SOx is generated? Explain it’s hazardous effect on material, how it is controlled? Give the estimation of the following (any one) : i) ii) c) i) ii) Cyanide from water. COD from waste water. BOD. Aerosole. Mention the meaning of the following terms : iii) Suspended particulate matters. iv) Dust. v) d) i) ii) e) Mist. Cyclone separator. Electrostatic precipitator. Write note on (any one) : Define sludge. Explain different methods of sludge disposal. vvvv [3723]-55 3 Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 3 P916 [3723] - 56 M.Sc. - II ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH - 392 : Advanced Analytical Techniques (Old Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers two sections should be written in separate answer books. 2) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 4) Use of non-programmable calculator / logarithmic table is allowed. 5) Use of graph paper is allowed. SECTION - I Q1) Attempt any four of the following : [20] a) Explain the term diode and discuss the use of diode as full wave rectifier. b) Draw circuit diagram showing forword and reverse biasing of a pn junction. c) State and explain Kirchhoff’s Law and Ohm’s Law. Discuss with suitable example how these laws are useful in circuit analysis. d) Compare R.C. circuit as high pass and low pass filter. e) Determine the power that is dissipated in 1.2 × 103 Ohms resistor when potential of 2.49V is applied accross the resistor. [20] Q2) Attempt any four of the following : a) Give the classification of amplifire on the basis of : i) Frequency response. ii) Depending on coupling. b) Draw block diagram of digital computer and explain the function of each component. P.T.O. c) d) e) Explain the use of operational amplifier as an integrator. Calculate out put voltage of the transformer with turn ratio 5:1 when voltage of 1.30V is applied to the primary coil. i) Convert 11010 in the binary system to decimal number. ii) Perform the addition 29 + 6 with binary arithmatic. SECTION - II Q3) Attempt any four of the following : [20] a) Explain the term : i) Pressure broadening. ii) Oppler broadening. iii) Plasma. iv) Electron multiplier. b) What is atomization? Why hydride generator is used in the determination of arsenic by AAS. Out line the analytical procedure for the determination of mercury from polluted sample of water using cold vapour method. c) Mention various mass analyzer used in atomic mass spectrometer and discuss any one of these. d) A sample of water analyzed for potassium by flame emmission technique using standard addition method. Observations are tabulated below. SrNo Added pottassium Meter reading ppm arbitrary unit 1 0.0 5.5 2 0.1 6.7 3 0.2 8.9 4 0.3 10.1 5 0.4 11.3 6 0.5 12.5 Calculate concentration of potassium in ppm in the sample. [3723]-56 2 125. Give its important applications. Calculate average number of electrons that are emitted at each dynode. Explain the principle of single immuno diffusion and double immuno diffusion technique of analysis list the applications and give the detail of any one.A standard containing 2 × 10–5m of Mg2+ gave absorbance 0.187 calculate magnesium concentration percent of sample of blood.e) The amplification factor for perticular nine-dynode photo multiplier tube is 5. Give analytical method used for protein blotting. Magnesium in blood serum can be determined AAS. Q4) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) [20] Discuss the technique of super critical fluid extraction. Compare super critical fluid chromatography with column chromatography.8 × 105. c) d) e) vvvv [3723]-56 3 . A 5.0ml serum sample was diluted to 100ml and its absorbance was found to 0. of Pages : 3 P917 [3723] .38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5. 11.602 × 10-12 erg 1.Sc. Gas Constant R 7.051 × 10-27 J T-1 9. 2.314 J K-1 mol-1 1.602 × 10-19 C 23.803 × 10-10 esu 1.673 × 10-27 kg –9. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 6.022 × 1023 mol-1 1.602 × 10-19 J 8065. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH . 3.61 M.184 × 107 erg 4.314 × 107 erg K-1 mol-1 8. 8. 5. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 5) Use of logarithmic tables / calculator is allowed.410 : Molecular Structure (Old) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 4.184 J 1. of Questions : 6] [Total No.997 × 108 m s-1 4.T. 10. 9.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal 1 amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me .11 × 10-31 kg P. 12.Total No. Physico .38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.626 × 10-34 J s 4.5 cm-1 8. 4) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.O.06 k cal mol-1 1.626 × 10-27 erg s 6. 13.Chemical Constants 1.997 × 1010 cm s-1 2. Give suitable examples. Explain the terms-deshielding. Discuss the surface applications of PAS. Define chemical shift in nmr. explain the working of an X-band esr spectrometer. spin decoupling and coupling constant with reference to nmr.5% greater than the α level for a field of 0. [Given : ge = 2]. [10] Q3) Solve any two of the following : a) b) c) At what temperature would the population of electron spins in the β level be –1 0. Discuss the concept of ‘Kramer’s degeneracy’ and ‘hyperfine coupling constant’. Explain why esr spectra are always recorded in the derivative form.27 × 10-24 JT ] Calculate the esr frequency of an unpaired electron in a magnetic field 3300G. How will you distinguish among CH3CH2CH2 CH2CH3. With the help of a block diagram. Discuss NQR spectroscopy and explain its applications. What are the characteristics of a high resolution nmr spectrometer? Explain the nmr studies of 13C and 19F nuclei with suitable examples.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) [15] Describe the 'H nmr spectrometer. polarization mechanism and unpaired spin density in esr.SECTION . [15] Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Explain the terms-zero field splitting.78T? [µe = 9. using PMR spectra? [3723]-61 2 . Distinguish between δ and τ chemical shifts. b) Calculate the molar susceptibility of phenantroline using the data : i) χA : C = –6. Distinguish between ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism with suitable examples.07 × 10–6. c) The density of lysozome crystal 1242 kgm–3.93 × 10–6. C(in one ring) = –0. Calculate the mass of protein per unit cell.24 × 10–6.984 gcm–3. Q5) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) [15] Derive Langevin equation for magnetic susceptibility. Why does electron diffraction occur? How it is experimentally studied? State the principle of faraday method and describe working of faraday balance with suitable diagram. What are the advantages of the method over uniform field method? Q6) Solve any two of the following: [10] a) Determine molecular weight of FCC crystal having cubic unit cell dimensions 6. vvvv [3723]-61 3 . c) Define the structure factor and explain how it is related with the reflection intensities.61 × 10–6. e) Write a note on indexing in X-ray diffraction. d) Describe briefly powder diffraction method for investigating the internal structure of crystals. ii) λ : C (shared by two ring) = –3.SECTION . The crystal contained 65% proteins.0 × 10–6. N = –4. Discuss Pascal’s constants and their applications.3Å and its density is 1. b) Compare the usefulness of XRD and electron diffraction techniques.II [15] Q4) Attempt any three of the following: a) State how the structure factor is used to determine the electron density distribution. H = –2. 4.314 J K-1 mol-1 1. 6.997 × 1010 cm s-1 2.184 J 1.Chemical Constants 1. Gas Constant R 7. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH .5 cm-1 8. 2. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 5. of Pages : 4 P918 [3723] .051 × 10-27 J T-1 9.411 : Surface & Solid State Chemistry (Old) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 9.673 × 10-27 kg –9. 10.997 × 108 m s-1 4.38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal 1 amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me . 5) Use of logarithmic table / calculator is allowed.602 × 10-19 C 23. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5. of Questions : 6] [Total No.626 × 10-27 erg s 6.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2.626 × 10-34 J s 4.803 × 10-10 esu 1.11 × 10-31 kg P.184 × 107 erg 4. 3.T.62 M.Total No.022 × 1023 mol-1 1.Sc.06 k cal mol-1 1.602 × 10-12 erg 1. Physico .602 × 10-19 J 8065. 13. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6. 11. 8.O.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.314 × 107 erg K-1 mol-1 8. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 12. Explain with a suitable example the point contact transistor. Write a note on photovoltaic effect.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following : a) [15] If Ep is the energy required to move pair of ions from crystals interior to the surface. [3723]-62 2 . What are color centers? Explain the terms : i) ii) iii) iv) c) i) ii) d) e) F-center K-band F'-center V-center AgCl (s) + NaI (s) → AgI (s) + NaCl (s) 2 AgI (s) + HgI2 → Ag2HgI4 Explain the mechanism of the following reactions with suitable diagram Draw and explain the sigmoid shape curve obtained in thermal decomposition of a single solid. [15] b) c) d) e) Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) With neat diagram explain piezoelectric effect. With suitable example. explain how sign of charge carrier is determined in insulators. underlying its principle and merits. Discuss the formation of spiral during crystal growth. Derive the expression for number of Schottky defects produced in crystal at temperature T. explain this using band theory. where as in semiconductor it increases with increase of temperature.SECTION . In case of metals conductivity decreases with increase of temperature. Define detergency. What is catalyst deactivation? Discuss in brief the causes of deactivation. Describe one experimental method of its verification. X and Y type of zeolites.63Å. Calculate the number of Shottky detects in crystal at 550 K. What are zeolites? Give the structural difference between A.Q3) Solve any two of the following : a) b) [10] Energy require to form one Shottky detect in an ionic crystal is 200 kJ mol–. The intrinsic resistivity of semiconductor at 300 K is 50 Ω cm. SECTION . Distinguish between physical adsorption and chemisorption. Discuss with a neat sketch Brunauer’s different types of adsorption isotherms. The edge length of unit cell of NaCl crystal is 5. Describe the modless method for obtaining pore size distribution in case of porous solids. How it is determined from adsorption isoster? [15] Q5) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) What is specific surface area of adsorbent? Describe one method for its determination. Explain the term heat of adsorption. Explain various factors involved in detergent action. What is the intrinsic carrier concentration when electron and hole mobilities at 300 K are 3900 cm2v–1s–1 and 1900 cm2v–1s–1. Assuming that only Na+ contribute to the ionic conductivity in NaCl. 3 [3723]-62 .II c) Q4) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) [15] Write Gibb’s equation for adsorption and explain terms involved in it. what is the value of diffusion coefficient per unit area for Na+ in NaCl? If the measured conductivity of NaCl at 600 K is 10–6 mhos cm–1. Calculate the length of the molecule.4C + 0. The molecule occupies an area of 0. respectively.205 nm2 in close packed surface film.160 and 0. Catalyst activity. If the temperature of measurement is 25°C. Catalyst selectivity.431. b) Stearic acid C17H35COOH has density of 0.837m vinegar solution. [10] Q6) Solve any two of the following: a) The mass x of a solute adsorbed per gram of solid adsorbent is given by Freundlich adsorption isotherm as x = Kcn where K and n are 0.2m solution. The surface tension of ethanol-water mixture follows equation γ = 72 – 0. c) vvvv [3723]-62 4 . calculate the amount of acetic acid that 1kg of charcoal would adsorb from 0.85 g/cm2.e) Define the terms : i) ii) iii) iv) Catalyst. Calculate the surface excess of ethanol in moles cm–2 for 0.15C2 Where C is the ethanol concentration in moles lit–1. Negative catalyst. 022 × 1023 mol-1 1.38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6.T.051 × 10-27 J T-1 9. Physico . 2.5 cm-1 8.602 × 10-19 J 8065. 1 6.602 × 10-12 erg 1. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in separate answer books. 3) Figures to the RIGHTSIDE indicate FULL marks.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.63 M.184 × 107 erg 4.314 × 107 erg K-1 mol-1 8.11 × 10-31 kg P.803 × 10-10 esu 1.997 × 108 m s-1 4.414 : Polymer Chemistry . PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH . 9.602 × 10-19 C 23.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2.673 × 10-27 kg –9. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6. 10. of Questions : 4] [Total No. 13.Sc. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal 1 amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me . 4) Use of logarithmic table. 8.II (OLd) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.626 × 10-34 J s 4.Total No.997 × 1010 cm s-1 2. calculator is ALLOWED. 5.06 k cal mol-1 1. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary.184 J 1.314 J K-1 mol-1 1. of Pages : 3 P919 [3723] . 11.O. 12. 4. 3. Gas Constant R 7.Chemical Constants 1.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5.626 × 10-27 erg s 6. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY. methyl styrene). Define ‘molding’. Describe the polymerization of tetrafluoroethylene. Explain the following : i) ii) c) d) e) f) Nylon-6 is highly crystalline. iv) Poly ( [20] Q2) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) and Tm. Poly (Vinylidene chloride). Write a note on : the process of calendering. [3723]-63 2 2 . Define the terms : Tenacity. whether the following polymers will undergo crosslinking or degradation on irradiation. Crimp. What are polypeptides? Discuss the properties and structure of wool. Distinguish between configuration and conformation. Vulcanization. What are the different types of molding? Describe the technique of blow molding with a neat diagram.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) Describe the behaviour of polymeric substances on heating. What are the properties of polytetrafluoroethylene? Discuss the effect of degree of Crystallinity on hardness. What is glass transition temperature? Describe the relation between Tg Polyethylene is crystalline while its random copolymer is amorphous. modulus and permeability. Predict giving reasons.SECTION . Pilling. Discuss the elastomer forming properties of a polymer. i) v) Natural rubber. Discuss the structure of flexible and rigid chain polymers. iii) PVC. [20] ii) Cellulose. Discuss the effect of radiation exposure on polyethylene. What are polyurethanes? Discuss the formation. Polyethylene is crystalline while its random copolymer is amorphous. moisture content and moisture regain.SECTION . Explain : i) ii) Polyvinyl carbazole is amorphous while PVC is crystalline. properties and applications of it. vvvv [3723]-63 3 3 .II Q3) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) [20] Define ‘cold rubber’. [20] Q4) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Describe the calorimetric method of determination of Tg. What is the effect of plasticizers on it? Describe microscopic analysis for study the polymers. denier. What are its drawbacks? Explain the term glass transition temperature. Write a note on : coating. Write the structure of natural rubber. How is cold rubber prepared? What are its properties? Explain the terms : fiber. Describe the geometric isomerism shown by polymer formed from butadiene. f) Write a note on : Pultrusion technique. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.997 × 1010 cm s-1 2.06 k cal mol-1 1.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2.184 J 1.051 × 10-27 J T-1 9.Total No.626 × 10-27 erg s 6.626 × 10-34 J s 4. Gas Constant R 7. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY. 5. calculator is ALLOWED.022 × 1023 mol-1 1.602 × 10-19 C 23. of Questions : 4] [Total No. Physico . Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5.415 : Environmental Pollution (Old) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 8. 3. 9.O. 11. 12.602 × 10-12 erg 1. 13.11 × 10-31 kg P.314 × 107 erg K-1 mol-1 8.314 J K-1 mol-1 1.T.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.184 × 107 erg 4. of Pages : 3 P919 [3723] .63 M.Sc.803 × 10-10 esu 1. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH . 2.602 × 10-19 J 8065. 4) Use of logarithmic table. 4 6.997 × 108 m s-1 4. 10. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal 1 amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me .673 × 10-27 kg –9.5 cm-1 8. 4.38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6.Chemical Constants 1. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books. e) Explain the impact of toxic chemicals on enzymes with suitable examples. b) Explain perfect cycle with suitable example. f) Discuss the toxic elements in water. d) Write a short note on : Residence time. Q2) Answer any four of the following: [20] a) What is biogeochemical cycle? Explain sulphar cycle.SECTION .I [20] Q1) Answer any four of the following: a) Define and explain pathways of pollutants with suitable example. e) Discuss the importance of physical examination of water.II Q3) Attempt any four of the following: [20] a) Write a note on : photo chemical smog. b) Discuss the toxic effects of lead and mercury on human being. c) Explain nitrogen cycle in atmosphere. d) What are ecological effects of air pollutants. c) Discuss the ecological impact of organochlorine compounds. f) Explain the following impurities in water i) Oil and grease. [3723]-63 2 5 . c) Discuss the biochemical effect of MIC. ii) Ammonia. SECTION . e) Write a note on : ‘Environmental reservoir’. d) Explain the different types of water samples with respective their sources & chemical composition. b) Explain the term biomagnification and give the biochemical effect of DDT. f) Explain the health effect of air pollutants. iii) Cyanides. [20] Discuss the importance of qualitative and quantitative examination of water. What is the effect of CFC on ozone layer? What is acidic rain? What are the reasons of acidic rain? What is COD? Explain the method for determining COD.Q4) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) What is alkalinity of water? How is it determine? Discuss various effects of noise pollution on human health. vvvv [3723]-63 3 6 . 416 : Special Topics in Physical Chemistry (Old) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.626 × 10-27 erg s 6.5 cm-1 8.673 × 10-27 kg –9.06 k cal mol-1 1.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.314 J K-1 mol-1 1. 11.Total No. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH .051 × 10-27 J T-1 9.997 × 108 m s-1 4.626 × 10-34 J s 4. 4) Use of logarithmic table.38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6. 7 6. 13. 2. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY. calculator is ALLOWED. of Questions : 4] [Total No. Physico . Gas Constant R 7.184 × 107 erg 4.Sc.602 × 10-19 J 8065.Chemical Constants 1. 4. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks. of Pages : 3 P919 [3723] . Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary.63 M. 10. 5. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal 1 amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me .022 × 1023 mol-1 1. 8.11 × 10-31 kg P.997 × 1010 cm s-1 2.314 × 107 erg K-1 mol-1 8.O.184 J 1.T. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books. 9.602 × 10-12 erg 1.602 × 10-19 C 23.803 × 10-10 esu 1. 3.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5. 12. SECTION . C4H5O4 and C4H4O4 – [given : pKa1 = 4. Discuss adsorption isotherms used in sensors. Find the – 2 concentration of C6H6O4. Define the terms : i) ii) Catalyst. Activity.48]. Calculate the pH and concentration of all ionic species for 0. iii) Selectivity. Give the mechanism of the phenol-acetone condensation reaction to get bisphenol A. Explain the dependence of the observed rate constant for oximation of acetone on pH at 25°C. Write proton condition for H3PO4 and H2Se.02M solution of a salt of succinic acid is 5. [20] Q2) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) What are active and passive sensors? Discuss the catalysis in concentrated strong acid solutions.85 × 10–5].01M CH3COON9 [given : Ka = 1.19. Discuss the influence of surrounding gas atmosphere on the properties of semiconductor porous ceramics.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) [20] Why are ceramics used in sensors? What are the requirements for conducting electrodes for operation of sensors? Write a note on chemiresistors. The pH of 0. iv) Poison and v) e) f) Inhibitor.5. pKa2 = 5. d) e) f) [3723]-63 2 8 . explain the working of an astronomical telescope . c) What are the applications of aero soles? d) With a neat labelled diagram.SECTION .II Q3) Attempt any four of the following: [20] a) What are the alloys exhibiting shape memory? b) Write a note on-stress transforming composite. e) What are the applications of carbon nanotubes? f) Draw a ray diagram and describe the working of a compound microscope. d) e) f) Explain the use of pzt as a smart material. Calculate the deflection torque corresponding to 250 Watts power. glancing angle 42° and the radiation 2 vvvv [3723]-63 3 9 . Write a note on sushi sensor. What are the applications of nano-particles in the medical field? [20] 3 . Q4) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) What are the applications of aerogels and aerosols? What is the calibration temperature used in thermo couple? A wattmetre records 100Nm torque corresponding to 500 Watts power. c) Calculate the resolution of a diffraction microscope used for a medium having refractive index frequency 30THz. polyphosphates. Discuss the importance of pH in the crystallisation of zeolite. P. What are Zeolites? Give an account of properties & applications.O. Explain what is meant by heterogeneous catalysis. Neat diagram must be drawn wherever necessary. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 3 P920 [3723] . [16] Q2) Attempt the following (any four) : a) Explain the terms.Total No. Draw the structure of [Ni6(Co)16]2– and explain it’s electron framework. Describe the oxidation of SO2.Sc. Heterogeneous Catalysis and Structural Methods (Old) [Max. .64 M. Use of logarithmic tables & calculator is allowed.II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH . .I Q1) Answer the following (any four) : a) b) c) d) e) [16] Classify the multidentate macrocyclicligands and draw the structure of any two complexes containing macrocyclicligands.430 : Inorganic Solids.T. polyoxyanions. SECTION . Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) All questions are compulsory. Figures to right indicate full marks. Give an account of synthesis and properties of polyoxyanions. Answers to the two sections should be written in same answer books. e) Cs in FCC structure has lattice constant 0. Calculate value of interplanar spacing d212 in nanometers. Justify the statement. [3723]-64 2 . [8] Q3) Write notes on (any two) : a) b) c) Electro catalysis. 100mg. Phosphazenes. 7H2O was heated from RT to 300°C to study the dehydration reactions two sample weights were used : i) ii) 15mg. SECTION . (312) & (111).458nm. Discuss the effect of experimental factors on TGA. What is meant by metal cluster compounds? Explain with the help of suitable example the effect of pyrolysis of high nuclearity carbonyls. Write a note on allotropes of carbon. NiSO4.II Q4) Answer (any four) : a) b) c) d) [16] Explain in detailed the instrumentation of DTA & compare it with DSC. (112).b) c) d) e) “X-ray diffraction technique is powerful tool to understand the structure of zeolite”. Give an account of inorganic benzene and compare it with organic benzene. Heteropoly anians of molybdenum. What is meant by Miller indices? Sketch the planes in a cube having Miller indices (010). What difference do you expect in their thermograms. With the help of suitable example. [8] e) Q6) Write short notes (any two) : a) DSC. c) Braris lattices. “CaCO3 When heated in oxygenated atmosphere gives CaO while remains unchanged when heated in N 2 atmosphere”. vvvv [3723]-64 3 . Justify this statement with chemical reactions.Q5) Attempt the following (any four) : [16] a) State Bragg’s law of diffraction & describe a method to determine the length of unit cell of a cube using XRD.54Å are used. b) Explain in details steps involved in determining miller indices of a crystal plane.7° When X-rays of wavelength 1. b) Dynamic and isothermal TGA. if the angle of 1st d) order reflection is 22. explain the DTA curve. c) Calculate the interplanar spacing of a set of planes. Figures to the right indicate full marks. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 3 P921 [3723] . . Mn = 25 b) Define the term : i) Diamagnetism. iii) Mn3+ At. d) Draw a schematic flow diagram of cement making process. v) Lenz law.65 M.Total No.II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH . ii) [Fe(SCN)6]3–. P. Use of log tables & calculator is allowed.O. ii) Paramagnetism. c) Explain mechanism of magnetic exchange in insulators. SECTION . No : Fe = 26.431 : Material and Industrial Inorganic Chemistry (Old) [Max. . Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) All questions are compulsory. Neat diagram must be drawn wherever necessary. Answers to the two sections should be written in same answer books.Sc.I Q1) Answer any three of the following : [15] a) Give the free ion ground term and ligand field term in the following : i) [Fe(H2O)6]2+.T. e) Give the applications of simple ceramic oxides. iii) Magnetic flux. iv) Magnetic field strength. Q3) Write short notes on any two : a) Sol-gel process. [3723]-65 2 [10] . c) Plastisizer. c) Which types of isomerism are seen in the chromium and cobalt complexes of tridentate AZO compounds? Explain any one type of isomerism. b) Explain the physical and chemical processes taking place in the furnace during formation of glass. c) What is photothermography? Which metals are used photothermographic system. Q5) Answer any three of the following : [15] a) Describe the steps involved in conventional silverhalide based photography. b) SQUID. b) Give an account of electroplating of zinc.II Q4) Answer any three of the following : [15] a) “Some metals are commonly used in dye stuffs”. b) Give classification and important properties of inorganic pigments. d) Give the different laws which govern the functions of Hard magnetic material such as loud speaker. Explain the use of cobalt system in it. microwave oven etc. d) Give an account of formazans. c) Differentiate between Portland and Non-Portland cement. SECTION .Q2) Attempt any three of the following : [15] a) What do you understand by super conductivity? Explain the mechanism of superconductivity with the help of BCS theory. d) Explain the role of coordination compounds in electroplating. Which special properties make them useful in dyes? Give two methods of synthesis of chromium-azo dyes. [5] [5] iii) Irgalan Brown violet DL. Yellow and White pigments. Write note on (any one) : i) ii) Alloy pigment. vvvv [3723]-65 3 .Q6) Solve the following : a) Draw the structure of : i) ii) b) Neolan Blue. Perlon fast violet BT. Sc.I Material Science Q1) Answer any three of the following : [15] a) How are elements classified on the basis of band theory of solids? b) Give the mechanism of addition of chain polymerization. b) What is photovoltaic effect? How it can be used for conversion of visible light into electrical energy? P. of Questions : 9] [Total No. Both sections should be written in the same answer book.T. .II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH . Neat diagram must be drawn wherever necessary.IV) [Max. d) Explain the working of n-p-n junction transistor as amplifier.445 : Inorganic Applications in Material Science.Total No. All questions are compulsory. . Q2) Attempt any three of the following : [15] a) Distinguish between thermosoftening or thermoplastic and thermosetting.66 M. Biotechnology and Environmental Chemistry (Old) (Sem. Figures to the right indicates full marks. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Attempt any two sections from the following. Use of logarithmic table / calculator is allowed. .O. of Pages : 3 P922 [3723] . SECTION . c) Describe Czocharlski method for obtaining single crystals of solid state materials. wt. Pilling-Bed Worth Rule (PBR). Vaccines. Fermenters. [10] Q6) Write short notes on (any two) : a) b) c) [3723]-66 Antibiotics. ( M z ). Which are the common cultures used in the production of antibiotics? What is sewage? How is it converted into usable water? Explain the different stages involved in genetic engineering.c) There are 5 polymer molecules of mol. ( Mn ) and weight average mol.wt. Compare microbial food production with agricultural food production.wt. 104. 2 .II Biotechnology Q4) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) [15] What do you understand by the term “vaccine”? Describe one method of production of vaccines. [15] Q5) Answer any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Describe the “Deep Shaft Process” used in water treatment. Explain the different steps involved in tissue culture. 20 polymer molecules of mol.wt. Explain the different stages of bread making. Find out number average mol. 102. What is electro plating? Describe coating of metal by electroplating. 103 and 50 polymer molecules of mol.wt. Photoconductivity. SECTION . [10] d) Q3) Write short notes on (any two) : a) b) c) Peltier and seebeck effect. Dissolved oxygen. Explain the conditions that favour the build up of organic matter in soil. Explain why plants grow on either excessively acidic or excessively basic soils may suffer from calcium deficiency. What do you understand by electrodialysis? Explain its use in environmental analysis. vvvv [3723]-66 3 . [15] Q8) Answer any three of the following : a) b) c) d) What are pollutants? Name two water and two air pollutants.III Environmental Chemistry Q7) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) [15] What is the cause of “Acid Rain”? How can pollutant responsible for acid rain be controlled? What are Xenobiotics? Suggest the pathway by which xenobiotics might from trichloroacetic acid metabolically. Explain the environmental chemistry of Hg & As in an aquatic ecosystem. Discuss their contribution to air pollution. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Biorefractory organic pollutant. iv) Ca & Mg.SECTION . iii) Ammonia. List the different methods for the estimation of the following parameters in water sample : i) v) Cyanide. Q9) Write short notes on (any two) : a) b) c) Ion-liquid chromatography. [10] ii) Nitrates. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH . e) f) g) Explain why inhibition of mitochondrial respiration gives rise to cellular edema. P. iii) Potentiation effects. . How mutagenicity of chemical agent is screened? Q2) Attempt any four of the following : [20] a) What are the sources of soil and water pollutants? How are they degraded? b) Discuss the toxic effects caused by chlorinated insecticides. Explain with suitable diagram the dose-response relationship. 3) Figures to the right hand side indicate full marks. 2) Draw necessary diagrams wherever necessary.T. Syvergistic effects.471 : Biochemical and Environmental Toxicology (Old) [Max. Discuss the different ways of classification of toxic agents.71 M. of Questions : 4] [Total No. Explain with examples the chemical and receptor antaganism. of Pages : 2 P926 [3723] .Total No. What do you understand the following terms : i) ii) Additive effects.O.Sc. Q1) Answer any five of the following : a) b) c) d) What are the aims of experimental systemic toxicity studies? [20] Define the toxic agent. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. e) Delayed neurotoxicity caused by intoxication of organophosphrous insecticides. Discuss the toxic effects of amphibian toxins. ii) Immediate v/s systemic toxicity.c) d) e) f) Distinguish between i) Venomous and poisonous animals. Give the mechanism of toxic effects caused by inhalation of O3 and PAN. c) Give the mechanism of cytochrome p-450 catalyzed biotransformation. b) Explain in brief the effect of various parameters on xenobiotic biotransformation. Explain the mechanism of inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by organophosphrous insecticides. c) Hypersensitivity due to gold therapy. g) peripheral vascular disease due to arsenic. e) Explain the biochemical reactions involved in benzene biotransformation. d) What are the forensic applications of toxicology. Q4) Explain the pathogenesis of any five : [20] a) Renal disorder due to lead. f) Hematopoietic effects of benzene. Q3) Answer any four of the following : [20] a) Discuss the role of sulfotransferase in xenobiotics detoxication. b) Pulmonary disease and hypertension due to cadmium. vvvv [3723]-71 2 . f) Give an account of plant toxins causing emesis and cardiovascular disorders. d) Hypotension by snake biting. Marks : 80 1. of Questions : 6] [Total No. 8. of Pages : 3 P927 [3723]-101 M. 4.051 × 10-27 J T 9. 3. . PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH-110 : Physical Chemistry .803 × 10-10 esu 1.602 × 10-19 J 8065. 6.T.987 cal K mol -1 96487 C equiv 2. Use of logarithmic table/calculator is ALLOWED. 2.602 × 10-19 C -1 23. 10.06 k cal mol 1.274 × 10-24 J T -1 5.O. Sc.626 × 10-27 erg s 6.11 × 10-31 kg P.314 J K mol -1 -1 1. 11.997 × 108 m s-1 4.602 × 10-12 erg 1.Chemical Avogadro Number N = Boltzmann Constant k = = Planck Constant h = = Electronic Charge e = = 1 eV = = = = Gas Constant R = = = Faraday Constant F = Speed of light c = = 1 cal = = 1 amu = Bohr magneton βe = Nuclear magneton βn = Mass of an electron me = Constants -1 6.I (New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books.38 × 10-16 erg K molecule -1 -1 1.Total No.673 × 10-27 kg -1 -9. ALL questions are COMPULSORY.022 × 1023 mol -1 -1 1.38 × 10-23 J K molecule 6.184 × 107 erg 4. 5. 7.5 cm-1 -1 -1 8. 12.314 × 107 erg K mol -1 -1 8. [Max. Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary. Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.184 J 1.626 × 10-34 J s 4.997 × 1010 cm s-1 2. 13. 9. Physico . [3723]-101 -2- .SECTION . Find the energy change for the transition from n = 2 → n = 1 for an electron in a molecule of length 578 pm. [10] Q3) Solve any two of the following: a) b) c) Calculate the no. Define thermodynamic temperature scale. Which one is used by chemists? Explain the significance of the term therein. State the relation between equilibrium and spontaneity of reaction. State the third law of thermodynamics.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Explain inexact and exact differentials giving examples. derive an expression for elevation in boiling point when a non-volatile solute is added to a solvent. State the expression for osmotic pressure on the basis of Vant Hoff’s equation. How did it provide a break through in resolving ultraviolet catastrophe? State the Schrodingers time dependent and time independent equations. [15] [15] Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Using the concept of chemical potential. Determine ΔS when a mole of water is formed from its elements under standard conditions at 25°C. State the zeroth law of thermodynamics and give its applications. State the Planck’s hypothesis. ΔH = –286kJ mol–1. What is partial molar volume? Explain any one method to determine partial molar volume of a substance. Explain briefly phenomenon of dialysis. Deduce the Gibbs-Duhem equation. of photons emitted by a mW lamp (λ = 560 nm) in a ps. Which expression is called the fundamental equation of chemical thermodynamic? Derive the Clapeyron – Clausius equation and give its applications. [10] Q6) Solve any two of the following: a) A first order reaction has. Calculate the vibrational partition function at 300K and 500K. [15] Q5) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Discuss the activated complex theory. the products are in constant ratio to each other. Discuss the Lindemann’s theory for first order reactions. What are complex reactions? Show that in parallel first order reactions. If the reaction is allowed to run for 10 hrs. Obtain the expression for translational partition function for monoatomic gas. What are diffusion controlled limits? Derive the equation for diffusion controlled reactions.SECTION . K = 1. g1 = 2 and g2 = 3. rrrr b) c) [3723]-101 -3- .75 × 10–13 erg mol–1.95 × 10–13 erg mol–1.5 × 10–6 per second at 200°C. E1 = 6. Discuss the various flow techniques used to study the fast reactions. when vibrational frequency of diatomic molecule is 1600 cm–1.II Q4) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) [15] Show that in a first order reaction the reactant concentration decreases with time. what percentage of the initial concentration would have changed in the product? What is the halflife of this reaction? Calculate the ratio of the number of molecules in two energy levels at 27°C. Discuss Bose–Einstein statistics. Explain the mechanism of explosive reactions. Derive Dyring equation for reaction rate. given that E2 = 9. d) By schematic representations give the products of following symmetry operations in BF3 molecule i) ii) 2 C3 × σ v 3 σ1 × σv v P. Sc. Center of inversion and inversion. . SECTION .O. . (Part .I (New Course) (Sem.Total No. i) ii) Principal axis and proper rotation. of Pages : 4 P928 [3723]-102 M.I) INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH-130 : Inorganic Chemistry .T.I) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) [15] Give stereographic projection of D4h and D2h point group. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. What are equivalent symmetry elements and equivalent atoms? Show that three vertical planes of symmetry in NH3 molecule are equivalent. Justify your answer. of Questions : 6] [Total No. 3) Neat and labelled diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Explain with suitable examples the following symmetry elements and symmetry operations. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. Given : Character table for D3h point group. y) (x2 – y2. E A1 V E T1 W 1 1 2 3 3 8C 3 1 1 –1 0 Z 3C 2 = C 2 4 ( ) σC4 1 –1 0 Y –1 σC2 1 –1 0 –1 1 [15] 1 X 2 –1 –1 Q2) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) Sketch and explain all the symmetry elements for [MnCl4]–2 complex ion and classify it into appropriate point group. Using matrix multiplication method show that i) ii) z xy i × C2 = σ h C2 = i c) d) e) For a [Fe(CO)5] complex. Y. Ry) (xz. find the reducible representation for which sigma bonds form the basis and find out which orbitals from the Fe atom will be offered for sigma bonding. xy) (x2 + y2. V and W in the following character table.e) Fill the missing entries X. D3h ′ A1 A′ 2 E 1 1 2 1 1 2 2C 3 1 1 –1 1 1 –1 3C 2 1 –1 0 1 –1 0 σh 1 1 2 –1 –1 –2 -2- 2S 3 1 1 –1 –1 –1 1 3σv 1 –1 0 –1 1 0 Z (Rx. z2) E′ ′ A1′ A′′ 2 E′′ [3723]-102 . Z. i) Cis [P + (NH3)2 Cl2] ii) Cis [P + (NH3)2 Cl Br] What are the conditions of a mathematical group? Explain them considering the point group C2h. Predict the optical activity for the following compounds. yz) Rz (x. Discuss the symmetry criterion for a molecule to be optically active. Justify your answer. i) ii) Unit cell Crystal lattice iii) Space lattice iv) Miller indices v) c) Weiss indices Find out the normalised SALC using projection operator of B 1g irreducible representation on σ2 orbital of the following molecule which belongs to D2h point group.Q3) Attempt any two of the following : a) [10] Match the following point groups under B with appropriate molecule under column A A i) [Ni(CN)4]–2 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) ii) Trans C2H2Cl2 iii) [NiCl4]–2 iv) HCN v) XeOF 4 B C 2h Td C∞ V D 4h D ∞h C 4V C 3V b) Define the term with examples. Given : i) ii) D 2h B 1g E 1 C2(z) C2(y) C2(x) 1 –1 –1 i 1 σxy 1 σxz –1 σyz –1 [3723]-102 -3- . e) Solution of alkali metals in liquid ammonia. [15] Q5) Write notes on any three of the following : a) Metal fullerene compounds. b) Phosphazenes. Give an account of nitrides of boron. What are crown ethers? How they are useful in the separation of alkali metals? Give an account of electron deficient compounds.SECTION .II Q4) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) [15] Comment on oxidation states of nitrogen and their stability. d) Oxoacids and Oxoanions of Chlorine. Q6) a) Draw any five structures : i) ii) B 3N 3H 6 P 4 O 10 [5] iii) IF 7 iv) Al2 (Ph)2(Et)4 v) XeF 2O 2 vi) B 6 H 10 b) Complete the following reactions : (any five) i) 6RGeCl3 + Li → ? + LiCl ii) Na + C10H8 (THF) → ? ? ? ? iii) SiF4 + 2 F(− ) → aq iv) Al2(CH3)6 + v) vi) P(OR)3 + O3 Et Et [5] C =0 → 78 ⎯-⎯ C → ⎯ $ − + I (aq ) + NO(aq ) → ? rrrr [3723]-102 -4- . Draw a chart showing the characteristic reactions of COCl2. c) Green house effect. ⎥ ⎢ ⎦ ⎣ Explain the relative rates of solvolysis. of Questions : 6] [Total No. d) e) Anti elimination occurs readily for cis but not for trans – 1-bromo-4(1. b) O O ⎡ ⎤ || || Acetyl acetone ⎢CH 3 − C − CH 2 − C − CH 3 ⎥ is a stronger acid than ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ c) O O ⎤ ⎡ || || ⎢CH − C − CH − CH − C − CH ⎥ acetonylacetone ⎢ 3 2 2 3 ⎥ . . Br is displaced by SN mechanism more rapidly from CH2BrCl than from CH2Br2. 1-dimethylethyl) cyclohexane. P.I ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH-150 : Organic Reaction Mechanism & Stereochemistry (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. of Pages : 4 P929 [3723]-103 M. SECTION . Explain. 4) Students admitted 2008 onwards must attempt new pattern (2008 Pattern). – 2 . Explain. Is the reaction stereoselective. Explain.Total No.T. Sc. Assign R and S descriptions to stereocentres. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following : [12] a) Write the structure of the product(s) from the epoxidation of 1-butene.O. ii) Chlorobenzene to 2.Q2) a) Write short notes on any two of the following : i) Vilsmeier-Haack reaction ii) Catenanes iii) Regioselectivity and chemoselectivity [8] b) Explain the following conversions by giving complete reaction sequence (any two) : [8] i) Phenol to O-nitroanisole. 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine. iii) 2-butyne to meso 2. [12] Q3) Predict the product/s and justify your answer (any four): a) b) c) d) e) SECTION .II Q4) Suggest mechanism for any four of the following : a) [12] b) [3723]-103 -2- . 3-dihydroxybutane. PhCOCH2CH3 C6H 11CHO Predict the products. c) Assign ‘R’ and ‘S’ configuration.c) d) e) Q5) Attempt any eight of the following : a) Assign E/Z configuration to the following. d) e) Assign ‘Si’ and ‘Re’ faces in the following. [16] b) Label the stereocentres and calculate the no. [3723]-103 -3- . of stereoisomers in the following. PhCH2Cl I PhCHCH3 | Cl II (Ph)2CH–Cl III (Ph)3C–Cl IV b) c) d) e) What are epimers? Explain it with suitable examples. h) Convert Fischer to Newmann for the following structure. Write a short note on oxymercuration-demercuration reaction. Explain. 2.f) Which of the following is optically active? Justify. 6 – Diisopropylaniline is a stronger base than aniline. Q6) Attempt any four of the following : a) [12] Arrange the following compounds according to their increasing order of reactivities towards solvolysis. Explain your answer. Explain. g) Give the Stereochemical relationship between the following compounds. Cycloheptatrienyl cation is aromatic. i) Draw resonance structures for the following. rrrr [3723]-103 -4- . Give the various lipoproteins. Explain the structure of eukaryotic cell.Total No. Explain. . Explain the Pyran ring structure with reference to glucose. Define the term buffer. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH-170 : Biomolecules Time : 3 Hours] [Max.T.O.I Q1) Answer any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Explain the term macromolecule with suitable example. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. [15] Q3) Answer any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Write a note on sugar derivatives. Discuss the ionization of water. “Phosphate buffer is the first choice of a Biochemist”. P. of Questions : 6] [Total No. Sc. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. Give physiological significance and importance of Phospholipid. Discuss the classification of carbohydrates with one example from each class. 2) Figures to the right hand side indicate full marks. Explain the biological significance of lipids. [15] [10] Q2) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) What are water soluble vitamins? Give their importance with suitable example. of Pages : 2 P930 [3723]-104 M. Describe the structure and functioning of glass electrode. What is aldose? Give any two examples of it. Significance with suitable example. SECTION . [10] Q6) Answer any two of the following : a) b) c) Define hydrogen bond.Ile .SECTION .II Q4) Answer any five of the following : a) b) c) d) e) f) Give acid base property of amino acid. Give its role and importance. Val . rrrr [3723]-104 -2- . Describe the classification of amino acid on the basis of side chain. Give the levels of protein structure. Give the structure of following tri peptide. What is protein sequencing? Give the methods involved in protein sequencing. Explain α-helical structure of protein.Trp Explain why proteins are insoluble at their isoelectric point. Write a note on Ramchandran Plot. Write a note on classification of protein. What is essential amino acid? [15] [15] Q5) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Explain how X-ray diffraction is useful in understanding of biomolecule structure. Give FDNB reaction used for terminal determination. O. Wyman and Changenx and Koshland. Marks : 80 SECTION . of Pages : 2 P931 [3723]-105 M. Explain. What is steady-state assumption? Derive Michealis-Menten equation by applying steady-state assumption. apoenzyme. What is the significance of enzyme turnover? Which enzymes are degraded fast? Distinguish between Monod.I ENZYMOLOGY Q1) Answer any five of the following : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) [15] Define the terms. What are the advantages of having the final product of multistep metabolic pathway inhibit the enzyme that catalyze the first step? How specificity of modifying agent is increased? [15] Q2) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) Irreversible change in covalent structure of controls the activity of enzyme. Explain the induced fit hypothesis of Koshland.Total No. P. . Figures on the right hand side indicate full marks. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH-171 : Enzymology and Physiological Biochemistry Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory. [Max. Nemethy and Filmer model for allosteric enzymes.T. What is the significance of variation in temperature an enzyme catalyzed reaction? Discuss the effect of acid and base catalysis an enzyme catalysis. Sc. allosteric site and isoenzyme. of Questions : 6] [Total No. Why Hb is a good carrier of O2 than Mb? Explain. C. how activity of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase is regulated during pyrimidine and argimine synthesis? SECTION . How urine is acidified? Give its significance. What is the importance of minerals to the body? Explain the term liver cirrhosis and liver function test. [10] Q3) Answer any three of the following : a) What are the different types of bisubstrate reactions? Distinguish between bisubstrate reaction involving ternary complex from double displacement reaction. [15] Q5) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Write a note on Chloride shift. Explain. rrrr [3723]-105 -2- [10] .II PHYSIOLOGICAL BIOCHEMISTRY b) c) Q4) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Describe different forms of Haemoglobin. Explain. Study of presteady-state kinetics determines the mechanism of enzyme catalysis. [15] Q6) Write note on any two of the following : a) Diuretics b) c) Buffer system of blood W.d) e) How activity of mammalian pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex is regulated? What conditions must be fulfilled by an enzyme to qualify as diagnostically important enzyme? Give the clinical significance of α-amylase. B. Explain Serum Proteins. What is anion gap? Give its significance. Total No. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH-172 : Cell Biochemistry / Microbiology and Cell Biology Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) Answers to both the sections should be written in separate answer books. Mechanism of Lysogeny & Lytic cycle of bacterial viruses. P.T. Explain in detail the contributions of Robert Koch and Antonie Van Lecwenhock.I Cell Biochemistry / Microbiology Q1) Answer any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) What are the different nutritional types of bacteria? What is the use of filtration in control of microorganisms? Explain the action of halogens as antimicrobial agents. tetracycline and chloramphenicol. Discuss the mode of action of streptomycin. of Questions : 6] [Total No. Biosynthesis of peptidoglycan. of Pages : 2 P932 [3723]-106 M. [15] [15] Q2) Explain in detail of any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Fluorescence microscopy. Growth curve of bacteria.O. Marks : 80 SECTION . [Max. Endotoxins. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Sc. . Leptotene. Sanitizer and Sterilization. Germicide. rrrr [3723]-106 -2- . [10] Define Disinfectant. SECTION . [15] Q5) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Write an account on xylem and phloem. [10] Q6) Write note on any two of the following : a) b) c) Crossing over. Industrial production of Lysine. Lysosome. [15] What is subcellular fractionation? Give the role of this technique in Cell Biochemistry study. Explain the process of Mitotic cell division.Q3) Write notes on any two of the following : a) b) c) Difference between pourplate and spreadplate method. Distinguish SER and RER. What do you know about collagen and elastic fibronectin? Explain.II Cell Biochemistry / Cell Biology Q4) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Differentiate Prokaryotic cell from eukaryotic one. What is spermatogenesis? Discuss the process of spermatogenesis. Explain structure and function of mitochondria. Pathogen. ALL questions are COMPULSORY.626 × 10-27 erg s 6. of Pages : 3 P933 [3723]-201 M.184 J 1. Marks : 80 1.626 × 10-34 J s 4. 5.Total No. 3. .997 × 1010 cm s-1 2.314 × 107 erg K mol -1 -1 8. 11.997 × 108 m s-1 4.II (New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books.803 × 10-10 esu 1. Physico . Sc. 7.274 × 10-24 J T -1 5.051 × 10-27 J T 9.673 × 10-27 kg -1 -9.184 × 107 erg 4. 2. 4.602 × 10-12 erg 1.11 × 10-31 kg P. 12. of Questions : 6] [Total No. Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.38 × 10-16 erg K molecule -1 -1 1.O.987 cal K mol -1 96487 C equiv 2.602 × 10-19 J 8065.38 × 10-23 J K molecule 6.602 × 10-19 C -1 23. [Max. 13. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH-210 : Physical Chemistry . Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary. 10. 6. Use of logarithmic table/calculator is ALLOWED.5 cm-1 -1 -1 8.022 × 1023 mol -1 -1 1. 8.314 J K mol -1 -1 1.06 k cal mol 1. 9.T.Chemical Avogadro Number N = Boltzmann Constant k = = Planck Constant h = = Electronic Charge e = = 1 eV = = = = Gas Constant R = = = Faraday Constant F = Speed of light c = = 1 cal = = 1 amu = Bohr magneton βe = Nuclear magneton βn = Mass of an electron me = Constants -1 6. which of these are IR active? [15] Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Is O–C–S a microwave active molecule? How does isotope substitution help in elucidating O–C and C–S bond lengths in the O–C–S molecule? Sketch and explain the polarizability ellipsoids for the various vibration modes of the H2O molecule. [10] Q3) Solve any two of the following: a) The force constant for HF is 970Nm–1. b) c) [3723]-201 -2- . Find the vibrational energy level at convergence limit and the dissociation energy of the molecule. Discuss the influence of nuclear spin on the spectrum of molecules having a centre of symmetry.00711. H = 1. How long will it take to record a dispersive spectrum? Measurements are made at every cm–1 over the range 4000 cm–1 to 400 cm–1. calculate the frequency of vibration necessary to excite the molecules from v = 0 → v = 1 (Atomic weights.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) [15] What is the energy range of IR radiation? Write a note on signal to noise ratio. Fundamental vibrational frequency and anharmonicity constant of a molecule are 1641. which of these are Raman Active? Write a note on Fortrat Parabola. Explain the factors determining intensity of spectral lines. Discuss the advantages of FTIR spectroscopy. Sketch and explain the vibrational modes of the H2O molecule.4 cm–1 and 0. Explain the applications of ESR spectra.SECTION . State the selection rules for anharmonic and harmonic oscillators. F = 19) It takes 10 seconds to record on FTIR spectrum. Explain the photoelectron spectrometer used to measure the kinetic energy of ejected electron in PES. if r = 100% σ = 13. Explain critical size of a thermal reactor. Describe the working of a Fricke dosimeter. Define the term dose and dose rate.1 g of Mn sample was irradiated in a flux of 107 n cm–2s–1 for 30 min. Describe how solubility of a sparingly soluble salt can be determined using a radiotracer. C = 12. What will be its activity at the end of irradiation. O = 8. What precautions must be taken while using it? What is separation factor? Explain the electromagnetic method for separation of isotopes. What are the various units of dose? Give their conversion equivalents.58h? Find the molecular and mass absorption coefficients of propanol. C = 6. What is hydrated electron? Give different methods to obtain the hydrated electron. Z of H = 1.II Q4) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Show that radioactive decay process obey first order kinetics. [A of H = 1. rrrr b) c) [3723]-201 -3- . Explain how the thickness of a sheet can be controlled with a radiation guage. Given eμ = 0.211 b/electron] Calculate the half-life of radium-226 if 1 g of it emits 3. [15] [15] Q5) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Discuss the four factor formula used in reactor technology. Give an account of recovery of Uranium and Plutonium from spent fuels.7 × 1010 alpha particles per second.3 barn and t½ of 56Mn = 2. [10] Q6) Solve any two of the following: a) 0.SECTION . What is radiation gauging? Name the radio-isotopes used for this purpose. O = 16. of Pages : 7 P934 [3723]-202 M. 2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. Fe = 26. terms for the same. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. B. Dq and Racah parameter. A d2 system gives the following transitions.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) [15] Prepare microstate table for three equivalent P electrons and hence derive allowed R. Ni = 28.O. Sc. of Questions : 6] [Total No.T. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. d) Explain the following : i) The value of molar extinction coefficient for [NiCl4]2– is of the order of 102 – 103 lit. ii) . Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. . Cr = 24.mol–1cm–1.Total No. Cu = 29. SECTION . i) ii) iii) 3 3 3 T1g (F) → T2g (F) T1g (F) → A2g (F) T1g (F) → T1g (p) 3 3 3 Correlate these transition in terms of crystal field splitting parameter. Co = 27. S.mol–1cm–1 while that of [Ni(H2O)6]2+ is of the order of 10 – 102 lit. 5) Use of log tables and calculators is allowed. 6) Given Atomic Numbers : V = 23. Explain the hole equivalency theorem and mention two instances where this theorem comes to our aid. KMnO4 is intense purple in colour while MnSO4 is Faint pink in colour. P.I CHEMISTRY CH-230 : Inorganic Chemistry .II (Old & New Course) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. i) ii) [Fe(CN)6]3– [Cu(H2O)6]2+ P 2d 2 4 3 c) Calculate the degeneracy of following terms / configurations / states. G. μ = 5.F V3+ free ion. Given : i) R. Explain in which of the following complexes orbital contribution to magnetic moment is quenched. S. terms for d2 configuration in increasing order of energy 3 F. Find out how it looses its degeneracy when [V(H2O)6]2+ ion is formed. term is allowed for d2 configuration. Justify your answer.1 B. μ = 1.M. [CO(H2O)6]SO4. S -2- 1 3 1 1 [3723]-202 . [10] Q3) Answer the following : a) Construct correlation diagram for d2 Tetrahedral System. i) ii) iii) E g → Eg A2u → T2u A1g → T2u e) How would you account for the magnetic moment listed against each of the following complexes? i) ii) Na4[CO(NO2)6]. D. i) ii) iii) iv) v) G T 1g 3 (t2g)2eg1 f d) Arrange the following transitions in octahedral complexes according to increasing intensity. Justify your answer.88 B. Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) 3 [15] F R. S.e) Write short on : Nephelauxetic effect and nephelauxetic series.M. P. II Q4) Answer any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) [15] What is bio-inorganic chemistry? Mention the functions of various metal ions that are used in biomolecules. SECTION .2 nm. terms. [3723]-202 -3- . Calculate effective magnetic moment of the complex. Explain the mechanism of action of cis-platin as anticancer drug.8 nm. The spin orbit coupling constant for Cr3+ ion in this complex is +92 cm–1. 3 1 F –– T1 + T2 + A2 D –– T2 + E P –– T1 G –– T1 + T2 + E + A1 S –– A1 OR 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 a) Solve the following : Hexa auqo Ni(II) complex shows three absorption bands at 356. 571. What are the possible pathways of absorption of metals by cells? Explain the mechanism of detoxification of mercury. Calculate the crystal field splitting parameter D9 and nephelauxetic parameter B and β with the help of following data : Comment on nature M–L bonding BO = 1030 cm–1 b) For the complex [Cr(OX)3]3– the transition is observed at 17000 cm–1.2 nm and 891.ii) The Mulliken symbols for R.S. Discuss the voltage gated channels for Na-transport. Cofactor Zinc . rrrr [10] [3723]-202 -4- .S Clusters Mo .transferrin [15] Q6) Draw the structures (any five) : a) b) c) d) e) f) Vit B12 Enterobactin Siderophores 18 crown 6 Flavin ATP.William series Fe .Q5) Write note on (any three) : a) b) c) d) e) Irving .Finger Apo . [3723]-202 -5- . [3723]-202 -6- . [3723]-202 -7- . 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. The reaction of α-chlorocyclohexanone with 14C at chlorinated carbon. β to the carbomethoxy group. Partial reduction of alkyne with Lindlar’s catalyst yields cis alkene. α-to carbomethoxy group & 50% label. In the Sommelet rearrangement the product is formed from the less stable yield.Total No. P.O. on reaction with sodium methoxide gave carbomethoxy cyclopentane with 50% label. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory.Sc.II) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books.I ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH-250 : Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Spectroscopy (2008 Pattern) (Sem.T. whereas with Li/NH3(l) gives trans alkene. SECTION . of Questions : 6] [Total No. . of Pages : 7 P935 [3723]-203 M. Phosphorous yields having electron donating alkyl groups on the yield carbon on reaction with aldehydes give Z-alkenes. [12] Q2) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) Give a brief account of synthetic applications of organocopper compounds.I Q1) Explain any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) [16] Write stereostructures and show why the reaction of bromine with cyclohexene is stereoselective? Addition of alkaline KMnO4 to fumaric acid gives (±) tartaric acid. . . Q3) Predict the product and suggest the mechanism in any four of the following : [12] a) b) c) [3723]-203 -2- . Write a brief note on Wilkinson’s catalyst.c) d) e) Organolithium reagents react with CO2 to produce ketones. Wadsworth-Emmons reaction is preferred over conventional Wittig reaction. whereas Grignard reagents give carboxylic acids. Explain. II Q4) a) Suggest the mechanism for any two of the following : [6] i) ii) iii) [3723]-203 -3- .d) e) SECTION . [3723]-203 -4- . Explain. b) O-Hydroxyacetophenone on methylation shows a blue shift while ρ-hydroxyacetophenone on methylation shows a red shift. which exhibits Vc = 0 at 1705 and 1735 cm–1.b) Suggest the reagents in following conversions (any three) : i) ii) R 2 C = CHR ⎯? R 2C = O + RCOOH ⎯→ 2ArNH 2 ⎯? Ar − N = N − Ar ⎯→ [6] iii) iv) Q5) Attempt any four of the following : a) [16] The ozonolysis of compound A gives product B. Give the mechanism of the formation of B and justify the IR values. Which of the following structure is most likely? Justify. Identify these bands and suggest possible structures. 3030(w). e) A compound with MF C8H8O shows a strong band near 1690 cm–1 in its IR spectrum. i) ii) C6H5 – CH2 – CHO C6H5 – O – CH = CH2 O iii) iv) C6 H 5 − C − CH 3 || HO – C6H4 – CH = CH2 [3723]-203 -5- . 1649(s). 1225(s) and 1140(s).c) How will you distinguish the following pairs by UV? i) ii) d) The compound with MF C4H6O2 shows following IR spectrum in CCl4. 1765(s). dd. 1530. d).4 (3H. 1350 cm–1 PMR : 1. s) [3723]-203 -6- . 2200.3 (3H. 1480. 11. J = 8Hz).Q6) Deduce the structure of any three of the following using given spectral data and justify your answer. 1680. (δ) 3. J = 7Hz). J = 2Hz) c) MF : UV IR C9H 6O 2 : 250 nm ∈ = 14. J = 7Hz). [12] a) MF IR : C6H 12Cl2O2 : 1150. m). J = 8.25 (2H. 2Hz).7 (4H.3 (1H. 750. 7. d. t). 1240.000 : 3200-2500 (broad).2 (6H. 4. s). q). q. d. 680 cm–1 PMR : 7. (δ) 7.7 (2H. J = 8 & 2Hz). t. 1600. (δ) 2. 670 cm–1 PMR : 1.4 (1H.6 (3H.9 (1H. 4.2 (1H. 8.2 (1H. 4. d) b) MF : IR C10H 11NO 4 : 1735.6 (1H. 7. dd. 5Hz). (δ) 5. 6. J = 2Hz). 7. J = 1.5 & 2Hz). d.2 (1H. rrrr [3723]-203 -7- . J = 1. d. dd. s).2 (1H.d) MF IR : C5H 6O : 1600.3 (3H. 1500 cm–1 PMR : 2.85 (1H. Differentiate between cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation. Describe the steps involved in Pentose phosphate pathway and its significance. 2) All questions are compulsory. BIOCHEMISTRY BCH-270 : Bioenergetics and Metabolism (Old & New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Explain the control point that regulates glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. Why TCA cycle is considered as amphibolic pathway? How does glycogenin help in synthesis of glycogen? Define gluconeogenesis.I Q1) Answer any five of the following : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) [15] List out the energy rich compounds of our body and justify why ATP is referred as energy currency of the cell? What is Pasteur effect? Give its significance. [15] Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Explain β-oxidation of Palmitic acid with energetics.T. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. of Pages : 3 P936 [3723]-204 M. What are the salient features of Chemiosmotic hypothesis by Peter Mitchell? Write note on enzymes and coenzymes involved in the conversion of pyruvate to Acetyl CoA. of Questions : 6] [Total No. .Total No. SECTION . List out the gluconeogenic precursors of our body. P. Discuss the effect of inhibitors and uncouplers on ETC and OP that affect ATP synthesis. Sc.O. How is Cholesterol biosynthesis regulated by allosteric mechanism? SECTION . [3723]-204 -2- . Write the structure of tetrahydrofolate and give two biochemical reactions in which tetrahydrofolate is involved. AMP.Q3) Answer any five of the following : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) List out the enzymes that form fatty acid synthase complex. How deooxyribonucleotides are synthesized from ribonucleotides? Explain the biochemical steps involved in heme degradation. Enumerate the reactions involved in amino acid degradation. Define the term standard redox potential and give its significance. Tyrosine to epinephrine. How urea cycle is regulated? Describe the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine. Thymine to β-aminobutyrate. GMP to uric acid. What are the anapleurotic reactions of TCA? Give examples. Give the biochemical significance of glutamine amidotransferase. Give the end products of β-oxidation of odd numbered fatty acid and how they enter TCA cycle.II Q4) Answer any five of the following : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) [15] Describe the fate of amino acids in the body. Q5) Give the biochemical reactions involved in the following conversions [15] (any three) : a) b) c) d) e) Phenylalanine to acetoacetate. Explain its mechanism of action. [10] What are substrate linked phosphorylation reactions? Give examples. What are Ketone bodies? Give their structures. Proline to α-ketoglutarate. rrrr [10] [3723]-204 -3- .Q6) Answer any two of the following : a) b) c) Explain the synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides. How biosynthesis of adenine and guanine is regulated? Give the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of i) ii) Phenylketonuria Gout. 13.T. 3.314 J K-1 mol-1 1.310 : Quantum Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry (New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max.184 J 1. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6. Gas Constant R 7.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5. 8.5 cm-1 8. of Pages :3 P939 [3723] .314 × 107 erg K-1 mol-1 8. 4. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH . Marks :80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books.602 × 10-19 J 8065. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2.602 × 10-19 C 23. 2.38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6.11 × 10-31 kg P.184 ×107 erg 4. 10.673 ×10-27 kg – 9.O.06 k cal mol-1 1.997 ×1010 cm s-1 2. Physico . 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary.803 × 10-10 esu 1.Total No. 5. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.022 × 1023 mol-1 1.602 × 10-12 erg 1. 12.Chemical Constants 1.051 × 10-27 J T-1 9. Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal l amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron F c βe βn me .626 × 10-34 J s 4.301 M. 11. 9.Sc.997 ×108 m s-1 4.626 × 10-27 erg s 6. 4) Use of logarithmic table calculator is ALLOWED. 6. of Questions : 5] [Total No.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1. State the terms involved in each of these. Formulate the total energy operators for i) Be+2 and ii) H 2 ions. Explain the mnemonic model of Frost and Musulin used to deduce HMO energies for annulenes. Distinguish among antiaromatic and aromatic compounds on the basis of REPE values.L y = Lz ∧ ∧ ∧ [20] according to commutation properties b) c) d) e) Discuss the properties of ladder operators. [20] Q2) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) f) Derive the secular equation for benzene and evaluate the delocalization energy on the basis of Hückel’s approximation. Derive the equation Ei1 = ∫ i(o ) H 1 ∫ * (o ) i i * i – (o ) 1 dy (o ) dy where E1 is the first order perturbation energy for a non-degenerate i state. f) State the principle of variation method and discuss the various steps involved in the application of the method. Write a note on Hückel’s 4m+2 rule. Explain the basis of Schaat and Hess model used to modify Hückel’s method. [3723]-301 2 .I Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) Show that Lx . Show that hermitian operators have real eigenvalues.SECTION . Deduce the secular determinant for ethene and obtain the HMO energy values for the molecule. 55 cm2/s] The number of free electrons in a monovalent crystal is 1019 per cm3 at 27ºC. b) c) d) e) Write a note on Brillouin zones. Evaluate E0 in eV. Write and explain the mechanism for the reactions occurring at the i) Interphase AgI / Ag2 HgI4 for the reaction between AgI and HgI2.SECTION . ii) Interphases Cu / CuCl and CuCl / AgCl for the reaction between Cu (s) and AgCl (s). Write a note on transistors. What is nucleation? Explain the kinetics of nucleation. [15] Q4) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Discuss small angle boundaries. Explain the mechanism of diffusion in solids. Derive the expression for the number of Frenkel defects present in a crystal at a given temperature. what is the proportion of vacancies present in the crystal at 1000 K and at 300 K? How deep will Al penetrate in Si at 1300ºC in l hr? [Given : ΔH = 73 kcal / mole Do = 1. [10] e) Q5) Solve any two of the following : a) In a monoatomic crystal if 1 eV energy is required to move an atom from the crystal’s interior to the surface.Au alloys.II Q3) Attempt any three of the following : [15] a) Compare the resistivities of annealed and unannealed Cu . b) c) kbkb [3723]-301 3 . Explain photoconductivity in ionic crystals. Discuss the velocity of growth of a crystal on the basis of geometrical considerations. stacking faults and secondary recrystallization in plane defects. 602 × 10-19 C -1 23.5 cm-1 -1 -1 8. Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary. Use of logarithmic table. ALL questions are COMPULSORY. 8.987 cal K mol -1 96487 C equiv 2. Sc.314 × 107 erg K mol -1 -1 8. 12. Marks : 80 1.38 × 10-23 J K molecule 6. 11.184 J 1.Total No. 3.803 × 10-10 esu 1. 7. 4. 6. 9.626 × 10-27 erg s 6.11 × 10-31 kg P.626 × 10-34 J s 4.022 × 1023 mol -1 -1 1. 10.184 × 107 erg 4. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH-311 : Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry (New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books.274 × 10-24 J T -1 5.602 × 10-12 erg 1.314 J K mol -1 -1 1. Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.051 × 10-27 J T 9.38 × 10-16 erg K molecule -1 -1 1.Chemical Avogadro Number N = Boltzmann Constant k = = Planck Constant h = = Electronic Charge e = = 1 eV = = = = Gas Constant R = = = Faraday Constant F = Speed of light c = = 1 cal = = 1 amu = Bohr magneton βe = Nuclear magneton βn = Mass of an electron me = Constants -1 6. 5. Physico . 2. calculator is ALLOWED.T.602 × 10-19 J 8065.O.997 × 108 m s-1 4. . of Questions : 6] [Total No. [Max.673 × 10-27 kg -1 -9. of Pages : 3 P940 [3723]-302 M. 13.06 k cal mol 1.997 × 1010 cm s-1 2. [15] Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Explain the terms magic number. [10] Q3) Solve any two of the following: a) 9 Be target is bombarded by protons of energy 6MeV. [3723]-302 -2- . Discuss the salient features of shell model. Draw a schematic diagram of Cockroft-Waltor’s neutron generator and explain its working. Calculate the energy of protons observed at 90° after they have excited the Berillium to a level of 0. In the fission of 239 94 Pu . Given : energy released per uranium fission is 200 MeV.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) [15] What are the basic requirements of a good moderator? Enlist various moderators used in nuclear reactors along with their properties. Draw and explain pool type research reactor. Derive Breit Wigner formula.7 MeV.SECTION . Describe how compound nucleus theory is verified experimentally. What are various types of fission reactions? Explain the terms : critical energy of fission. Which will be the Calculate the number of uranium atoms that must fission per fission so that 20 MW power is generated. square well potential and closed shell nuclides. Describe how depth profiling measurement is done with Rutherford back scattering technique. b) the fragments have the mass numbers 100 and 100 42 Mo 138 whose stable isobars are primary fragments? c) and 138 56 Ba . fission potential energy barrier and spontaneous fission. 551 MeV. rrrr [3723]-302 -3- . Explain the terms G value. Sn* is 2.II Q4) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) [15] What are the requirements of a good scintillator? Enlist various inorganic scintillators & explain working of any one of them. [10] 99m Q6) Solve any two of the following: a) b) c) Find out the dose due to 200 mCi Given Ev = 140 KeV. radiation annealing and dosimeter. Write down the mechanism of radiolysis of ceric sulphate and deduce the expression for GCe3+. Write a brief note on LINAC. Discuss the nuclear reasons for retention in Szilard-Chalmer’s reaction. Given (Z/A) of Fricke solution = 0. Define maximum permissible dose which are the points to be considered while applying this dose. Distinguish between somatic and genetic effects. 119 The recoil energy of Mössbauer nuclide the energy emmitted by the nucleus. TC at a distance at 2 meter.2 Gy/min. PRP of water. dose absorbed by Fricke solution at the same position = 3. [15] Q5) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) What were the causes of Chernobyl nuclear accident? Describe the sequence of events responsible for this accident. Find Find out the dose absorbed by benzene in 2 hours when exposed to gamma radiation. Describe briefly Chemistry of recoil atoms. Explain how external radiation hazards can be controlled with distance and shielding.SECTION .553. Avogadro Number Boltzmann Constant Planck Constant Electronic Charge 1 eV N k h e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 6.602 × 10-19 J 8065. 7.Chemical Constants 1. 2. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books.06 k cal mol-1 1.602 × 10-19 C 23.314 J K-1 mol-1 1. 3) Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.602 × 10-12 erg 1. 9.Total No. 6.051 × 10-27 J T-1 9.803 × 10-10 esu 1. 2) ALL questions are COMPULSORY.184 J 1. 10.T. 3. 13.303 M.Sc.022 × 1023 mol-1 1.997 × 1010 cm s-1 2.11 × 10-31 kg P. 4.997 × 108 m s-1 4. 8.274 × 10-24 J T-1 5. Physico . of Pages : 4 P941 [3723] . 4) Use of logarithmic table calculator is ALLOWED.987 cal K-1 mol-1 96487 C equiv-1 2. Gas Constant Faraday Constant Speed of light 1 cal 1 amu Bohr magneton Nuclear magneton Mass of an electron R F c βe βn me . 5. 12. of Questions : 6] [Total No.O.626 × 10-27 erg s 6. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH .184 × 107 erg 4.673 × 10-27 kg –9.312 : Advanced Instrumental Methods of Analysis (New) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. 5) Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary.38 × 10-23 J K-1 molecule-1 6.38 × 10-16 erg K-1 molecule-1 1.5 cm-1 8. 11.314 × 107 erg K-1 mol-1 8.626 × 10-34 J s 4. Describe the various sources used in X-ray analysis technique. (Given : Ro = 1. How? What are the advantages of neutron activation analysis? State the various types of detectors used in mass spectrometry.0 cm and uses an accelerating potential of 2. State the various types of detectors used for X-ray methods and explain any one of these.4 × 10–13 cm.SECTION . Briefly discuss the quantitative analysis by CL. [15] e) Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) What are the conditions under which prompt radiation activation analysis is used? What are the applications of the technique? Discuss the electron bombardment ionization method used in mass spectrometry. mass No of zn = 66) A time-of -flight mass spectrometer has a flight path of 90. Distinguish between chemiluminescence (CL) and electro chemiluminescence (ECL). 2 [3723]-303 . Describe any one of these.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) [15] Comment on the sensitivity of NAA technique. State the parameters affecting the sensitivity. Explain liquid-phase CL titrations with a typical example.4kV. Enlist the analytical applications of fluorescence. [10] Q3) Attempt any two of the following : a) b) Calculate geometrical cross-section for zinc atom. Calculate the time required for ionic fragments with m 100 and 101 to strike the detector. Calculate the z difference in time of arrival of the two ions at the detector. Draw and explain the typical cyclic voltammogram.0 percent zinc. 715. 9.0 percent copper and 1.c) Calculate the mass absorptive coefficient at 0. 5. Cu and Zn. describe the retarding potential analyzer used in ESCA. SECTION . 760 and 910 cm2/g respectively for Fe.II Q4) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) [15] State the principle of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy technique. [10] Q6) Solve any two of the following: a) Determine the eqivalent weight of an organic acid if 0. Describe constant current coulometric analysis technique with a neat labelled diagram. What is the detection limit? Enlist the criteria for a good thermobalance in TGA technique.0400g in alcoholwater mixture required a constant current of 50mA for 500 sec to generate sufficient hydroxyl ions to reach a phenolphthalein end point.436nm of an alloy consisting of 85. Draw and describe the energy level diagram for solid sample and spectrometer used in ESCA.0 percent nickel. [15] Q5) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) e) With a neat labelled diagram. Describe the applications of DTA. Enlist the applications of controlled potential coulometric methods. 3 [3723]-303 . Discuss the applications of the technique.436nm are 610. Ni. Discuss the method of quantitative analysis by ICP-AES technique. The mass absorptive coefficients for the pure elements at 0. Briefly describe the applications of pulse voltammetry.0 percent iron. c) vvvv [3723]-303 4 . Estimate the work function of the electron spectrometer if the incident radiation is kα1 line of magnesium (λ = 988.9 eV.12) and a thermally stable salt had a mass loss Δm of 6.8 eV.H2O (MW = 146.98mg at an onset temperature of about 140°C corresponding to vapourization of water. Determine the percentage (w/w) of CaC2O4.b) The thermal curve of a 125.8 pm) and the kinetic energy of the measured electron is 175.H2O in the sample. The is electron of Na has a binding energy of 1071.70mg sample that contained a mixture of CaC2O4. [Max.O.314 J K mol -1 -1 1. 2. 6.Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No.38 × 10-16 erg K molecule -1 -1 1.022 × 1023 mol -1 -1 1. Physico .Chemical Avogadro Number N = Boltzmann Constant k = = Planck Constant h = = Electronic Charge e = = 1 eV = = = = Gas Constant R = = = Faraday Constant F = Speed of light c = = 1 cal = = 1 amu = Bohr magneton βe = Nuclear magneton βn = Mass of an electron me = Constants -1 6.184 × 107 erg 4. ALL questions are COMPULSORY. Use of logarithmic table/calculator is ALLOWED.314 × 107 erg K mol -1 -1 8. 12. Sc. 8. 7. Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary. 9. 4.997 × 108 m s-1 4.602 × 10-19 J 8065.11 × 10-31 kg P. of Pages : 4 P942 [3723]-304 M. 5.803 × 10-10 esu 1. 10.T.602 × 10-19 C -1 23.274 × 10-24 J T -1 5.602 × 10-12 erg 1. .051 × 10-27 J T 9. Marks : 80 1.06 k cal mol 1. 3. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH-314 : Polymer Chemistry (New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books.997 × 1010 cm s-1 2.5 cm-1 -1 -1 8. Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks.38 × 10-23 J K molecule 6.626 × 10-34 J s 4.987 cal K mol -1 96487 C equiv 2.673 × 10-27 kg -1 –9.184 J 1. 13. 11.626 × 10-27 erg s 6. Find the instantaneous composition of the polymer formed if the monomer reactivity ratios of Vinyl chloride and methyl acrylate are 0. What is glass transition temperature? Describe the relationship between Tg and Tm. ‘It is almost impossible to obtain a 100% crystalline polymer’. [15] [15] c) d) e) Q2) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Using the copolymer equation.5] A condensation polymerization reaction is 97% complete. Explain.4 respectively. how polymers can be classified based on i) Structure and ii) Conformations Discuss the Flory-Krigbaum theory for dilute polymer solutions. Derive the copolymer equation.12 and 4. -2- b) c) [3723]-304 . the four necessary and sufficient steps of free radical chain polymerization of butadiene using t-butyl peroxide as initiator. Cl = 35. Explain. Explain. derive the expression for instantaneous compositions of the polymer formed. But it was experimentally observed that except for very small size. xω and weight fraction of x n -mers. O = 16. Explain how mechanical properties can be used in physical testing of polymers.SECTION . Show by chemical equations. [Atomic weights : C = 12. It was expected that the rate of a reaction should decrease with increasing molecular size. the rate is independent of molecular size. Calculate x n . and explain on the basis of a simple molecular model why entropy of mixing of polymer solutions has small value.I Q1) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) Distinguish between condensation and addition polymerization. Write expression for the entropy of mixing explaining the terms involved. [10] Q3) Attempt any two of the following: a) 250 g of Vinyl chloride were copolymerized with 86 g of methyl acrylate. H = 1. with suitable examples. 015 0. the osmometric method of determination of molecular weight of a polymer. Describe the preparation of a sample for IR spectroscopy. Describe conduction mechanism for conducting polymers.0118 0. What is the effect of polydispersity index on physical properties of polymer? Explain the following terms : i) natural rubber ii) vulcanization iii) reinforcement and iv) carbon blocks Distinguish between textile and fabric properties of polymers.005 0. [10] b) c) d) e) Q6) Solve any two of the following: a) The osmotic pressures of solutions of a sample of polyisobutylene cyclohexane at 25°C are C(g/ml) Π (bar) 0.020 0. Write a note on use of X-rays in analysis of polymers.00091 Calculate the molecular weight of polyisobutylene. Define M n . [15] [15] Q5) Attempt any three of the following: a) Explain with the help of molecular weight distribution curve. Derive the expression for the number average molecular weight of polymer formed by condensation reaction in absence of a catalyst and show that it is directly proportional to square root of time. Mω and polydispersity index.II Q4) Attempt any three of the following: a) b) c) d) e) What is TGA? Discuss the use of TGA in analysis of polymers. [3723]-304 -3- . with a neat diagram. Describe. Show the positions of various averages on the curve.0067 0.0030 0.SECTION .010 0. Comment on the use of IR spectra for crystalline and amorphous polymers. the distribution of molecular weight in a polymer sample. Calculate x n .114 4.703 13.03.351 6. Determine the average molecular weight of the sample. xω and polydispersity index. Another polymer with molecular weight 60000 is added which is 20% by weight. C(g/100ml) η (millipoise) 0 3. The following viscosity data were obtained for a sample of cellulose acetate in acetone at 25°C.06 0.02 c) for this solute-solvent system.b) A suspension of a polymer has molecular weight 100000. rrrr [3723]-304 -4- .16 0.64 0. K = 1.87 × 10–5 α = 1. Physico . 10.626 × 10-34 J s 4.602 × 10-19 J 8065.673 × 10-27 kg -1 -9. 3.987 cal K mol -1 96487 C equiv 2.184 J 1. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CH-315 : Special Topics in Physical Chemistry (New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answers to the TWO sections should be written in SEPARATE answer books.11 × 10-31 kg P.184 × 107 erg 4.Chemical Avogadro Number N = Boltzmann Constant k = = Planck Constant h = = Electronic Charge e = = 1 eV = = = = Gas Constant R = = = Faraday Constant F = Speed of light c = = 1 cal = = 1 amu = Bohr magneton βe = Nuclear magneton βn = Mass of an electron me = Constants -1 6. 11.38 × 10-16 erg K molecule -1 -1 1. of Questions : 4] [Total No.314 × 107 erg K mol -1 -1 8.O. 13.06 k cal mol 1. .38 × 10-23 J K molecule 6. 4. 8. 9.602 × 10-19 C -1 23.022 × 1023 mol -1 -1 1. ALL questions are COMPULSORY. 2.997 × 108 m s-1 4. Marks : 80 1.314 J K mol -1 -1 1.Total No. [Max.602 × 10-12 erg 1.5 cm-1 -1 -1 8. 5.051 × 10-27 J T 9. Sc.274 × 10-24 J T -1 5. 6. Neat diagrams must be drawn WHEREVER necessary.997 × 1010 cm s-1 2.626 × 10-27 erg s 6.T. 12. Figures to the RIGHT SIDE indicate FULL marks. of Pages : 3 P943 [3723]-305 M. Use of logarithmic table/calculator is ALLOWED. 7.803 × 10-10 esu 1. Define actuators.1N H2CO3 (Given : Ka1 = 4. Draw different types of adsorption isotherms and explain the isotherm of type I and IV. Classify the sensors on the basis of their purpose and the type of output signals. Explain the dependence of the observed rate constant for oximation of acetone on pH at 25°C.62 × 10–11) Draw a logarithmic concentration diagram for 0.46 × 10–7. Describe four types of actuators used in smart materials. Discuss the catalysis in dilute aqueous solution.II Q3) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) [20] Draw a neat and labelled diagram of electron microscope and name the different spectroscopic techniques associated with it. Write the proton condition for H3PO4 and Na2CO3.75) Write a note on chemiresistors.SECTION . -2- [3723]-305 . Ka2 = 5.1M CH 3COONa (Given : pKa = 4.I Q1) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) [20] What is a sensor? Explain the sensor system with a neat labelled diagram.02M NaHCO3 and charge balance for KCN. Write the mass balance on sodium and carbonate in 0. SECTION . What is the influence of the oxygen medium on the properties of surface and grain boundaries in porous ceramics? [20] Q2) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) Calculate the pH and concentration of all ionic species for 0. Derive the expression for Michaleis-Menten Kinetics. Describe abnormal physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles. Briefly explain the term ‘Lithography’. Discuss the phase diagram of water system. rrrr [3723]-305 -3- . What are the advantages of phase rule? What is the significance of eutectic point? [20] Q4) Attempt any four of the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) Describe the chemical methods of preparing nano particles.d) e) f) Write a note on Pachinko Machine. Derive Raoult’s law. What do you mean by elastic non linearity? How is it used in preparing smart materials? Write a note on Sushi test. i) Fe (CO)5. 3) Use of log table & calculators are allowed. . Marks :80 Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) [20] What do you understand by the term haptacity of a ligand? Give suitable examples? What hapticities are possible for the following ligands.CH3 + CO ⎯ ⎯→ ? MnPh (CO)5 + PPh3 ⎯ ⎯→ ? R-Li + W (CO)6 ⎯ ⎯→ 2 CoO + 8 (CO) + 2Cu ⎯ ? OMe R b) c) d) e) (OC)5 Cr = C Py. Give systamatic classification of fluxional organometallic compounds. [Max. 2 How are metal carbonyls prepared? Discuss the properties of metalcarbonyls.Total No. .Sc.306 M.326 : Organometallic Compounds of Transition Metals and Homogeneous Catalysis (New Course) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory & carry equal marks. Draw the structure and give the electron count of the following. iii) (η3-C3H5)2Ni Predict the products. P.O. i) ii) iii) iv) v) ⎯→ ? Cp (CO)3 Mo . ⎯⎯→ ? Q2) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) [20] Describe the molecular orbital representation of structure of ferrocene. of Pages :3 P944 [3723] . of Questions : 4] [Total No.T. 2) Figures to the right indicates full marks. ii) Fe2 (CO)9. Explain the typical reactions of M Cp*.II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH . i) C2H4 ii) Cyclopentadienyl iii) C6H6 iv) Butadiene. Write a note on-Environmental aspects of organometallic compounds. iv) [CO (H) (N2) (PPh3)2]. c) d) e) [3723]-306 2 .c) The variable temperature 1H NMR of [(η5 . Discuss mechanism of hydroformylation reaction of alkene with rhodium catalyst and cobalt catalyst. Explain utility of organometallic compounds in agriculture and horticulture. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Mn CH3 (CO)5 + CO ⎯ ⎯→ ? Fe (COPh) (CO)2 (η5 .C5H5) ⎯h ⎯→ ? Ru (CO)3 (PPh3)2 + CH3I ⎯ ⎯→ ? ⎯→ Cp (CO)3 Re + Br2 ⎯ ? C6H5 N=N C6H5 ⎯100º C → ? ⎯ ⎯ b) Draw the structures i) CO2 (CO)8 in Sol? and Solid state. insertion reaction. ii) Mo (CO)3 (η6 . Write a catalytic cycle for the production of acetaldehyde from ethylene by using Wacker process. [20] d) e) Q3) Attempt any four of the following : a) Predict the product & state which reaction are oxidative addition. What is catalysis? Why do transition metals act as catalyst? Give two examples of homogeneous catalysis.C5H5) Fe (CO)2] shows one sharp signal at + 28ºC. while two sharp signals are seen in the 1H NMR at – 70ºC. v) Fe5 (CO)15 C. iii) Cis CP2 Fe2 (CO)4.C7H8). elimination reaction and cyclometallation reaction. Write a note on – Pianostool compounds. kbkb [3723]-306 3 . Explain with one example. Give steps involved in Tolmoris catalytic cycle. Explain with the suitable examples the role of organometallic compounds as ‘protecting and activating agents’.Q4) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) [20] What do you mean by hydrocyanation reaction? Which catalyst are used for this reaction. What do you mean by Heck reaction? Explain the steps involved in cyclopropanation reaction. expt.M. Use of log. = ~ 5.III) [Max. i) ii) Rh(acac) (C2H4)2 [Co(en)2 (ox)]Cl iii) Pd(NH3)2 (C2H3O2)2 iv) K3[Fe(ox)3].Sc. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. No. Fe = 26 c) d) Write a note on ‘High spin . 3H2O v) [Co(NH3)5Cl]C12 P. Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Explain the terms : i) ii) Magnetic domain.low spin’ equilibria. .M. .5 B.M..Total No. μ B. Mn = 25 Fe2+.M.330 : Coordination Chemistry.307 M. Magnetism and Reaction Mechanism (New Course) (Sem. = ~ 4. No. expt.. of Pages : 2 P945 [3723] .O.T. μ B. Canting. of Questions : 4] [Total No. iii) Antiferromagnetic material. Explain the experimental magnetic moment of the following ions : i) ii) Mn3+. At. e) Give the nomenclature for the following molecules. At.II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH .9 B. table & calculator is allowed. . Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) [20] Explain the magnetic properties in dimeric copper (II) acetate monohydrate. d) Explain the applications of photochemistry of co-ordination compounds. Q3) Attempt any four of the following : [20] a) Which isomers can you obtained from the following two synthetic pathways? Give precise explanation and correct structure of the product i) ii) b) c) d) e) [PtCl4]2– ⎯+ NH3 → ? ⎯+ NO 2 → ? ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ Cl [Pt (PR3)4]2+ ⎯+Cl → ? ⎯+⎯ ? ⎯ ⎯ ⎯→ − Discuss the relationship between the ‘d’ electron configuration of the metal and the lability of complex. vvvv [3723]-307 2 . b) With suitable examples explain the non-complementary reactions.M. Explain in brief complementary reactions. e) Discuss in brief isomerisation of octahedral complexes. Write a note on π bonding theory. Explain in brief about the base hydrolysis of cobalt (III) ammine complexes. d) What are mixed valence compounds? What is the nature of electronic spectra of these compounds. Q4) Answer any four of the following : [20] a) Discuss in brief about anation reactions. b) Explain why Fe2(CO)9 is diamagnetic? c) Explain the difference between antiferromagnetic spin-spin exchange and spin pairing.Q2) Attempt any four of the following : [20] a) Explain how magnetic and spectral data can be used for characterisation of Co(II) complexes of various geometries. complexes. c) Discuss the factors which affects the rates of electron transfer reactions. e) Discuss the factors that affect the crystal field stabilization energy in T. Predict the structures of (1) & (2). With the help of suitable examples explain the principle and limitations of NQR. Explain the electro analytical technique which can be used for studying the mechanism of electron transfer. Assign peaks and elucidate the structure of the complex.331 : Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry (Sem. 2) All questions carry equal marks.Sc. . Low resolution 19F nmr of [W F6 L] shows three lines with relative intensities 4:1:1.III) (New) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. [Max.O. . Discuss the ESR spectrum of methyl radical.308 M. of Pages :2 P946 [3723] . Give a detailed account of thermogravimetric analysis. [20] Q2) Answer any two of the following : a) b) c) With the help of a schematic diagram and suitable diagram explain the principle of Mössbaver spectroscopy. Discuss the factors affecting the thermogram. of Questions : 4] [Total No.T. . Marks :80 Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) 31 [20] P nmr spectra of HPO(OH2) (1) and H2PO (OH) (2) showed a doublet for (1) and triplet for (2).II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH . P.Total No. What is meant by ‘g’ value in ESR? Which factors affect the ‘g’ value of a complex. Draw energy level diagrams of a nucleus having I = 3/2 when ii) η ≠ 0. ii) In the solution ESR spectrum. Sn+4 0 mms-1 Sn (covalent) 2. What are (100).Q3) Answer any four of the following : a) b) c) d) e) Explain the cyclic voltamogram of (Cp)2 Co in acetonitrile. Give reasons : In an ESR spectrum intensity of ⊥ lines is usually higher than // lines. Explain the effect of the following heatings rates on decomposition of polystyrene in N2 atmosphere. (111) & (200) planes? Explain with reference to cubic and hexagonal close packings.7 mms-1 b) c) d) e) kbkb [3723]-308 2 . i) 1% min ii) 5º per minute. [20] How many lines do you expect in the ESR of hydrogen atom? Explain showing transitions. the low field lines are broader than high field lines. (110). Calculate the % weight loss for each stage and suggest the reaction for each weight loss.1 mms-1 Sn+2 3. What is the significance of spin-spin coupling in NMR? How is it useful for determining structures of compounds? [20] Q4) Solve (any four) : a) Decomposition of calcium oxalate monohydrate occurs in three stages. i) Explain the following chemical shifts of tin compounds in their Mössbaver spectra. i) η = 0 Explain the terms i) Isomer shift and ii) quadrupole splitting in Mössbaver spectroscopy with reference to iron compounds. 332 : Bioinorganic Chemistry : Inorganic Elements in the Chemistry of Life (New) (Sem.Total No.O.III) (Revised) Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. iv) Spirogermanium. 2) All questions carry equal marks. . Justify the statement with the help of suitable examples. [Max. ii) Ethidium.Sc. List the enzymes of copper and discuss their functions in brief. [20] Q2) Answer any four of the following : a) b) What is role of manganese clusters in dioxygen production? Explain. [10] c) d) e) Q3) a) P. . Write an account on structural and gene regulatory functions of Zinc. iii) Type 1 and Type 3 copper proteins.II INORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH . v) (C5H5)2 Ti Br2. of Pages :2 P947 [3723] .309 M. of Questions : 4] [Total No.430. Justify this statement with the help of suitable examples.T.. Marks : 80 Q1) Answer any two of the following : a) b) c) Explain the role of the following metals in biology and medicine i) Copper ii) Zinc iii) Cobalt Discuss the various aspects of the biochemistry of manganese. Draw the structures of any five : i) F . Explain the reactions of [Fe (EDTA)]2– complex with DNA. [20] “Radionuclides can be used as effective diagnostic agents”. Transition metal complexes are good spectroscopic probes to understand metal-nucleic acid interactions. v) HIPIP stands for _____. Role of Radionuclides in Pharmacy. Gado linium compounds in MRI. vi) Aurano fin is a ___ ____ drug. Superoxide dismutase. ii) Ethidium Bromide is an organic ______. [20] Q4) Write short notes on any four : a) b) c) d) e) Metalloregulatory proteins. vii) [Tc (CNR)6]+ is used as a ____ agent.b) Fill in the blanks : [10] i) Os O4 binds to DNA through ______ interactions. Hydrogenases. iii) Photolysis of [Ru (phen)3]2+ bound to DNA leads to ____ ____. iv) Interaction of cis-platin is by _____ ______ into cells. kbkb [3723]-309 2 . Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 4 P948 [3723] - 310 M.Sc. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH - 350 : Organic Reaction Mechanism (New Course) (2008 Pattern) [Max. Marks : 80 Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions are compulsory. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. SECTION - I Q1) Write short notes on (any three) : a) b) c) d) What is stetter reagent explain in brief with suitable example. Explain in brief cross over experiment. BA62 pathway. Generation and structure of nitrene in brief. [12] [12] Q2) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) From the given data calculate how much faster P-bromo benzyl chloride will be solvolysed than P-nitro benzyl chloride in water. The ρ value for base catalysed elimination of HF from a series of l-aryl-2- fluoroethane increases from monofluoro to trifluoro compounds Explain Ar-CH2CF3 ρ 4.04 Ar-CH2CHF 2 3.5 Ar-CH2-CH2-F 3.24 P.T.O. c) Explain the sign and magnitude of ρ in the following reaction. Ar-H + Br2 Ar-H + Cl2 ⎯HOAC→ Ar-Br ⎯⎯ 25° – 12.14 – 8.06 ⎯HOAC→ Ar-Cl ⎯⎯ 25° d) What information is available about ρ(Rho) from the given plots (1,2)? Q3) Predict the product in the following giving mechanism of their formation (any four) : [16] [3723]-310 2 SECTION - II Q4) Explain any four of the following : a) b) [12] Indole on reaction with aq. NaOH in chloroform gives 3-formyl indole and 3-chloroquinoline. Predict which member in the following pair will be hydrolysed more rapidally in dil. NaOH c) d) e) Percentage of enol in MeCOCHPhCO2E +, MeCOCH 2COMe, and PhCOCH2COMe is 30%, 76% and 89% respectively. Stork enamine approach is more selective than enolate ion approach in alkylation reaction. The formation of semicarbazones from ketone and semicarbazide is accelerated by catalytic amount of acid but retarded excess amount of acid. [16] Q5) Suggest the mechanism for the following conversion (any four) : [3723]-310 3 Q6) Attempt any four of the following : [12] a) In benzoin condensation of P-methoxy benzaldehyde and benzaldehyde mixture the major product formed is PhCH(OH)COPh. b) Decarboxylation of (B) is slower than that of (A) c) When propanoic acid is refluxed with H2SO4 in water enriched in H2O18, 18O gradually appears in carboxylic acid group. d) e) Explain (A) almost exclusively exists as keto form & (B) .100% in end form. Methyl ethyl ketone when reacted with benzaldehyde in presence of base in acid separately it gives two different products. vvvv [3723]-310 4 Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 4 P950 [3723]- 312 M.Sc. - II ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CH - 352 : Organic Stereochemistry (2008 Pattern) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. SECTION - I Q1) Answer any four of the following : a) b) [16] State and explain conformational rule. Why it is not applicable to alkyl cyclohexanol? How many unsubstituted structural isomers with fused rings are possible for i) bicycloheptanes ii) bicyclooctanes. Give systematic names for each of these. Also indicate whether cis and trans isomers are possible. The methine proton of cyclohexane which shows only averaged 1H NMR signal at room temperature resolves into two sets of signals at –115oC. Explain. Explain the method of resolution through the formation of diastereomes. Reaction of cyclohexane with per acid followed by hydrolysis gives trans - 1, 2 - diol while similar reaction of trans cyclodecene. gives trans - 1, 6 - diol. Explain. c) d) e) Q2) Predict the product/s in any four of the following and explain the stereochemical principles involved. Justify. [12] a) b) P.T.O. c) d) e) Q3) Attempt any three of the following : a) b) c) d) Limitations of Bredt’s rule. Isomers of perhydro anthracene and their stabilities. Write a note on resolution by chromatography. Describe 3-alkylketone effect. SECTION - II Q4) Answer the following questions (any three) : a) [12] [12] How will you use following chemical reaction to establish lactone ring fusion to enhydrin. b) c) In cinchonine and quinine C8 – C9 bond and C3 – vinyl bond are on the same size. Give the experimental evidences to establish relative configuration of C5 and C6 in morphine. 2 [3723]-312 d) Explain the stereochemistry of C6– OH and C13 – C15 bonds in codeine and in isocodeine. c) Identify Si and Re faces in the following compounds. b) Identify the underline groups/atoms as homotopic or enantiotopic. ii) Heterotopic faces. d) Q6) a) Predict the product/s in the following reactions. Explain the stereochemistry and mechanism in detail (any four) : [8] i) [3723]-312 3 . iii) Optical purity. [12] Q5) Answer the following questions (any three) : a) Explain the terms with example (any two) i) Stereotopic ligands. ii) iii) iv) v) b) Suggest the reagent and stereochemistry of the following reaction (any two) : [8] i) ii) iii) xxxx [3723]-312 4 . a peak current of 25. assuming a reversible electro chemical reaction. 4) Use of logarithmic table/calculator (non-programmable) is allowed. P. b) c) d) e) . of Questions :4] [Total No. [Given : Cathodic diffusion current = 14. Determine half-wave potential (E½) of Ag/AgNO3 electrode having electrode potential – 2. .T.II ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CH .I Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) [20] Distinguish between differential pulse polarography and square-wave polarography. Estimate the peak current at a scan rate of 50.O. of Pages : 3 P952 [3723]-314 M. the current generated by the rate of mass transport by diffusion is 2.Sc. Define Residual current.25 μA] During the forward scan of a triangular wave voltamogram at a disk electrode. Describe the electro gravimetric method for estimation of copper from brass sample. SECTION . Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate answer books. Why in polarographic analysis is it necessary to remove oxygen from the solution? Explain the method of removal of oxygen.Total No.420 V at 25ºC.28 μA.4 μA was observed at a scan rate of 0.0 m V/s.390 : Electro Analytical & Current Analytical Methods in Industries (New Course) Time :3 Hours] [Max. 2) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. 3) Neat diagram must be drawn whenever necessary.250 V/s. determine the pollutant concentration in the sample.2 0. [Given : the electrode area of disk electrode = 0.51 4. [3723]-314 2 .16 5. How amperometric technique used in the successive determination of halides in a mixture? What are nano materials? Explain it’s general applications. Discuss principle and technique of radio-reagent methods of analysis. Explain how isotope dilution analysis is used to assess the volume of blood in patient. Added Concentration (mM) Peak current ( μA) 2.10 0 0.75 7.II Q3) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) [20] Explain the principle of activation analysis.1 M Kcl. Discuss the principle of double isotope dilution analysis. State it’s limitations.1 0.15 cm2] e) Differential pulse polarography was used with the standard addition technique to assay an aqueous solution of nitro-benzene which is a reducible organic pollutant. From the results recorded in the following table. Give advantages and limitations of neutron activation analysis.4 SECTION .42 9. Estimate unknown concentration of potassium ferrocyanide.Q2) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) d) [20] What is meant by stripping voltametry? What is the purpose of the electrodeposition step in stripping analysis? Explain the principle of amperometric titrations. Potassium ferrocyanide ( n = 1 ) has a diffusion coefficient of 6.5 × 10 – 6 cm2/s during its oxidation in 0. At a scan rate of 100 m V/s the anodic peak current for the oxidation of unknown solution of potassium ferrocyanide was 32 μA.3 0. the cell path length –3 was 1. O = 16. [At. Wt. Determine the concentration of sulfate in unknown sample in ppm. [Given : At. [20] Q4) Attempt any four of the following : a) b) c) Distinguish between nephelometry and turbidimetry. Draw a schematic diagram of a modern thermobalance and discuss significance of each component’s. Br = 80] One litre mixture of halides was analysed for it’s iodide content. H = 1] e) Turbidimetry was used to examine the concentration of sulfate in unknown sample. After thorough mixing 3ml of pure iodide were separated which was found to give an activity of 6000 counts for 10 min. when the monohydrate formation was complete at 200ºC.d) A TG curve was obtained for 5.89 mg.5ml of titrant followed by removal of AgBr precipitate showed a loss in activity from 12500 counts for 5 min to 6000 counts for 6 min.88 × 10 l mg-1 cm-1. Find the percentage of the CuSO4. of Cu = 63. 5H2O.8%. 10. 2 ml of labelled iodide having an activity of 5000 counts per 2 min were added to the mixture. N = 14. The transmittance of the sample was 46. The detector gave background count 100 for 10 min. Wt.54.00 cm and the turbidity coefficient of the sample was 4. d) e) #### [3723]-314 3 . Discuss the principle and technique of radiometric titrations. Addition of 2. S = 32.0 ml of KBr tagged with radioactive bromine was titrated with 0. If background counts are 100 for 20 minutes. O = 16.80 mg of sample containing CuSO4. the loss in mass was 0. Draw and describe the nature of radiometric titration curve when only titrant is radioactive. Calculate the amount of bromide in the original solution. determine the percentage of iodide in the mixture. 5H2O in the sample. of Ag = 108. K = 39.01 M AgNO3.
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