Apricus Tech Manual

June 9, 2018 | Author: Mathew Yanez | Category: Applied And Interdisciplinary Physics, Nature, Energy And Resource



Apricus Solar Hot Water SystemsTechnical Manual Version 2.0 - March 2014 www.apricus.com.au AA8. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 2 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. Apr|cus 1echn|ca| Manua| 1ab|e of Contents 1. IN1kCDUC1ICN 4 !"! $%&'(%&) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * !"+ ,-%.' """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * !"/ 0'&123%4%56 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * 1.4 cernfconon"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7 !"7 8%39'&:2%3: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7 2. WAkNINGS AND ÞkLCAU1ICNS S 2.1 lnsto//er kequirements """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7 2.2 Occuponono/ neo/th ond 5ofety """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7 2.l Over Pressure ond 1emperoture Protecnon""""""""""""""" 7 !"#"$ &'())*'( +(,-('./*'( 0(12(3 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""4 !"#"! 5.26) &'())*'( 786/'81 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""4 2.4 woter Çuo/ity """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ; 2.5 Leqione//o contro/ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ; 2.õ weother ke/oted lssues ond 4cts of 6od """"""""""""""""""" ; 2.6.1 lteeze ltotecuoo """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""9 2.6.2 llqbtoloq ltotecuoo"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""9 !"9"# :.21 0()2)/.6;( """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""9 2.7 5toqnonon ond No-Lood condinons"""""""""""""""""""""""""" ; 2.7.1 lofotmouoo oo 5toqoouoo"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""9 !"<"! :=>'8?(6 @*21> A- """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""< !"<"# B./(' @82126? +(,-('./*'() """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""< 3. INICkMA1ICN ICk LND·USLk 8 l.1 now 5o/or neonnq works """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" < J.1.1 lottoJocuoo """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""C J.1.2 5ommet ooJ wlotet 5olot neouoq """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""C J.1.J now tbe Aptlcos 5ystem wotks """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""C l.2 now 8oosnnq works """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" < J.2.1 8oosuoq íxploloeJ"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""C J.2.2 leqlooello 8octetlo - lmpottooce of 8oosuoq """"""""""""""""C J.2.J ílecttlc 8oosteJ 5ystems """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""C J.2.4 Cos 8oosteJ 5ystems """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""C l.l 5ystem Mointenonce & Precounons """""""""""""""""""""""""" = J.J.1 5ystem Moloteoooce """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""D J.J.2 Closs lloeJ 1ook ltecoouoos """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""D l.4 £nd-user 1roub/eshoonnq 6uide """""""""""""""""""""""""""" !> 4. ÞkL·INS1ALLA1ICN 11 4.1 5ystem 5e/ecnon """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !! 4.2 5ite lnspecnon """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !! 4.2.1 collectot locouoo """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ 4.2.2 Mooouoq ltome locouoo """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ 4.2.J 5totoqe 1ook locouoo """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$! 4.l 1ronsport ond unpockinq """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !+ E"#"$ +'.6)-8'/ 83 78,-86(6/) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$! 4.J.2 uopockloq of compooeots """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$! 4.4 component lnspecnon """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !+ 4.4.1 ívocooteJ 1obes & neot llpes """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$! 4.4.2 lomp 5touoo lospecuoo """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$! 4.4.J Mooouoq ltome 5ystem """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$! S. INS1ALLA1ICN 1S 5.1 Mounnnq lrome 5ystem """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !7 5.1.1 lostollouoo Notes """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$4 5.1.2 lostollouoo - Assembly ColJe """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$4 5.1.J lostollouoo - koof llxloq ColJe """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$9 5.1.4 1lo koof lostollouoo íxomple. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$9 5.1.5 1lleJ koof lostollouoo íxomple. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$9 5.1.6 AJjosuoq 1llt Mooot Aoqle. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$< 5.2 co//ector Monifo/d connecnon """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !? 5.2.1 5llvet 5olJetloq/8tozloq """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$< 5.2.2 comptessloo llmoqs """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$< 4"!"# &'()) +881)""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$< 5.l Pump 5tonon """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !? 5.J.1 lostollouoo ColJe """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$< 5.J.2 llow Metet 5emoqs """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$< 5.4 5o/or uigerenno/ contro//er """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !? 5.4.1 coottollet 5emoqs """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$< 5.4.2 1empetotote 5eosots """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$C 5.5 lnsu/onon """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !< 5.õ 5ystem li//inq ond 4ir Purqe """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !< 5.7 £vocuoted 1ubes ond neot Pipes""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !< 5.7.1 lostollouoo Notes """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$C 5.7.2 lostollouoo ColJe """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$C 5.8 4uxi/iory 8oosnnq components """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" != 5.8.1 ílecttlc 8oostet, 1betmostot ooJ ílemeot 5etop """""""""$D 5.8.2 Cos 8oostet 5etop """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$D 6. ÞCS1 INS1ALLA1ICN 19 ;"! 8%112::2%3235 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" != 6.1.1 5ystem Opetouoo cbeck """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$D 9"$"! &F8/8 0(;8'>) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$D 6.1.J lostollouoo kecotJ lotm """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$D 6.1.4 kebote lotms """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$D õ.2 Mointenonce """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" != 6.2.1 uomoqeJ 1obes """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!G 6.2.J utololoq tbe 5ystem """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!G 6.2.4 Ovet ltessote ltotecuoo Moloteoooce """""""""""""""""""""""!G 9"!"4 5.?6()2*, H68>( 0(-1.;(,(6/ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!G Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 3 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 7. CUS1CM S¥S1LM DLSIGN GUIDLLINLS 21 7.1 lntroducnon """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +! 7.1.1 AssocloteJ wotk """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!$ 7.2 co/cu/onnq Lood """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +! 7.2.1 colcolouoq wotet usoqe """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!$ 7.2.2 colcolouoq íoetqy kepoltemeots """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!$ ?"/ ,6:@'1 ,2A235 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ++ 7.J.1 collectot 5lze kepoltemeot """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!! 7.J.2 koof 5poce ooJ collectot 5boJloq """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!! 7.J.J 5totoqe 1ook 5lzloq """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!! <"#"E &2-( 5./('2.1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!! ?"* ,6:@'1 06.' """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +/ <"E"$ 718)(> 188-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!# 7.4.2 Opeo loop ot ultect llow """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!# 7.4.J utolobock """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!# 7.4.4 coostoot use, 7 uoys o week """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!# 7.4.5 coostoot use, 5 uoys o week """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!# 7.4.6 uolly leoks, 7 uoys o week """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!# 7.4.7 coostoot use, wltb íxteoJeJ letloJs of Noo-use """"""""!E 7.5 5ystem uesiqn ond confquronon """"""""""""""""""""""""""" +* 7.5.1 Moluple collectot coooecuoo """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!E <"4"! @.1.6;(> I18J """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!E 7.5.J Moluple 1ook llploq """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!4 7.õ uesiqn consideronons """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +7 7.6.1 5toqoouoo """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!4 7.6.2 íxcesslve 5ystem ltessote ooJ 1empetotote coottol ""!9 7.6.J lteeze ltotecuoo """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!9 7.7 4ddinono/ components """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +? 7.7.1 1betmostouc Mlxloq volve """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!< 7.7.2 íxpoosloo 1ook """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!< 7.7.4 AJjostoble ltessote keJocloq volve """"""""""""""""""""""""""""!C 8. AÞÞLNDIk 29 8.1 4pricus 5ystem 5chemoncs """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" += 8.1.1 Aptlcos ílecttlc 8oosteJ 5olot not wotet 5ystem """"""""!D 8.1.2 Aptlcos Cos 8oosteJ 5olot not wotet 5ystem """""""""""""#G 8.2 condinono/ kequirements """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /! 8.2.1 wloJ looJloq cooJluoos """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#$ 8.2.2 lostollouoo cooJluoos """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#! 8.l Mounnnq lrome cernfconon """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /* 8.4 5ecnon 40 - cernfcote of comp/ionce """"""""""""""""""""" /7 8.5 Mounnnq lrome confquronons """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" /? 8.5.1 10 1obe llosb Mooot """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#< 8.5.2 10 1obe 1llt Mooot """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#C 8.5.J 20/22 1obe llosb Mooot """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#D 8.5.4 20/22 1obe 1llt Mooot """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""EG 8.5.5 J0 1obe llosb Mooot """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""E$ 8.5.6 J0 1obe 1llt Mooot """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""E! 8.õ 4pricus component lnformonon """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" */ 8.6.1 Closs lloeJ 5totoqe 1ook 5peclfcouoos"""""""""""""""""""""""E# 8.6.2 5tololess 5teel 5totoqe 1ook 5peclfcouoos """"""""""""""""""EE 8.6.J Aptlcos lomp 5touoo ulmeosloos """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""E4 C"9"E H-'2;*) K.) @88)/(' L2,(6)286) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""E4 8.6.5 collectot 1ecbolcol 5peclfcouoos. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""E4 8.7 4pricus worronty lnformonon """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *< Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 4 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 1. Introducnon 1.1 Ioreword CongraLulauons on Laklng a ma[or sLep Lowards reduclng your LoLal home energy usage and maklng a posluve dlñerence Lo Lhe envlronmenL we llve ln. Aprlcus AusLralla ls a provlder of premlum solar hoL waLer sysLems. 1hese sysLems use hlgh emclency evacuaLed Lube collecLors Lo provlde free hoL waLer generaLed purely by Lhe sun's energy. 1.2 Scope 1hls manual has been deslgned Lo caLer for Lhe needs of Lhe end-user, lnsLaller and servlce agenL. 8efer Lo secuon '8.1 Aprlcus SysLem Schemaucs' for AS/ nZS2712:2007 approved sysLem deslgns. Any devlauon from Lhese sysLem deslgns wlll nC1 be ellglble for governmenL or sLaLe rebaLes. CusLomlsed sysLem deslgns and larger commerclal sysLems should be valldaLed and approved by a quallñed hydraullc englneer prlor Lo lnsLallauon ln collaborauon wlLh Aprlcus. 1.3 1erm|no|ogy 1he Lermlnology used from reglon Lo reglon dlñers and so Lo avold confuslon please noLe Lhe followlng Lermlnology. » AÞ-30: SLandard Slze solar Lhermal collecLor for commerclal pro[ecLs conslsung of 30 Aprlcus evacuaLed Lubes. » 8ank (of co||ectors): 1wo Lo ñve Aprlcus collecLors ln serles. » 8oost - 1he process where a heaung componenL (such as an elecLrlc elemenL or gas heaLer) ls used Lo provlde addluonal heaung when solar-heaLed waLer ls noL of an adequaLe LemperaLure. » C|ean Lnergy kegu|ator (CLk) - A sLaLuLory auLhorlLy esLabllshed Lo oversee Lhe lmplemenLauon of Lhe Large-scale 8enewable Lnergy 1argeL (L8L1) and Lhe Small-scale 8enewable Lnergy Scheme (S8LS). » C|osed |oop: ln a closed loop sysLem Lhe heaL Lransfer ßuld ls pumped Lhrough Lhe collecLors and a heaL exchanger ls used Lo Lransfer heaL from Lhe collecLor loop Lo Lhe waLer ln Lhe Lank. Closed loop sysLems are used ln areas where freezlng condluons are common and Lhe Lransfer ßuld ln Lhe manlfold ls generally glycol or an anufreeze ßuld. 1hese sysLems are more expenslve Lo consLrucL and lnsLall, and requlre malnLenance. » Co||ector - 1he Aprlcus solar collecLor ls Lhe manlfold wlLh heaL plpes and evacuaLed Lubes lnserLed. » Dra|nback: uralnback sysLems use waLer as Lhe heaL Lransfer ßuld ln Lhe collecLor loop. 1he waLer dralns by gravlLy back Lo Lhe sLorage Lank or an auxlllary (header) Lank when Lhe clrculauon pump sLops, Lhus prevenung overheaung and freezlng. 1hls sysLem provldes a hlgh level of proLecuon as lL does noL rely on valves or conLrollers LhaL could fall under adverse freezlng condluons. 1he dlsadvanLage of Lhe sysLem ls LhaL lL requlres a pump wlLh a hlgh sLauc llû Lo ñll Lhe collecLor when Lhe sysLem sLarLs up, lL ls also lmporLanL LhaL all plplng ls sloped, ensurlng LhaL Lhe collecLor ls aL Lhe Lop and Lhe Lank aL Lhe bouom. u-bends are sLrlcLly noL allowed. » Lxpans|on contro| va|ve (LCV) - lnsLalled on Lhe cold malns llne Lo relleve excess pressure. » I|ow L|ne - lndlcaLes Lhe plumblng llne runnlng from Lhe Lank (or heaL exchanger) Lo Lhe lnleL of Lhe collecLor. 1hls llne lncorporaLes Lhe clrculauon pump. » neader - ls Lhe copper ºheaL exchanger" plpes ln Lhe solar collecLor Lhrough whlch Lhe waLer ßows. » neat Þ|pe: A copper plpe LhaL slLs lnslde Lhe evacuaLed Lube and ls lnserLed lnLo Lhe collecLor manlfold. A small volume of llquld acLs as a heaL Lransfer ßuld. lL absorbs heaL vla evaporauon, and Lransfers heaL Lo Lhe sysLem ßuld vla condensauon. » Inso|anon - solar radlauon level, expressed ln kWh/ m 2 /day » Man|fo|d - 8efers Lo Lhe solar collecLor whlch conLalns Lhe header Lhrough whlch poLable waLer ßows. » Cpen Loop or D|rect I|ow: Cpen loop acuve sysLems clrculaLe waLer dlrecLly from Lhe Lank, Lhrough Lhe collecLors. 1hls deslgn ls emclenL and lowers operaung cosLs, buL ls noL approprlaLe lf Lhe waLer supply ls hard because calclum deposlLs qulckly bulld up ln Lhe bouom header of Lhe collecLor. Cpen loop sysLems have llmlLed freeze proLecuon, usually achleved Lhrough conLroller funcuons, by runnlng Lhe pump and forclng warm waLer from Lhe Lank Lo Lhe collecLor, when Lhe collecLor LemperaLure approaches zero. » Þressure L|m|nng Va|ve (ÞLV): A valve lnsLalled on Lhe cold waLer malns llne deslgned Lo llmlL sysLem pressure Lo a seL deslgn pressure. A Lyplcal value ls 300 kÞa. » Þressure temperature re||ef va|ve (Þ1kV) - lnsLalled on Lhe hoL waLer sLorage Lank Lo relleve pressure, and excesslve LemperaLures. » keturn L|ne - lndlcaLes Lhe plumblng llne runnlng from Lhe ouLleL of Lhe collecLor back Lo Lhe Lank. » Stranhcanon - Lhe passlve separauon of waLer lnLo dlsuncL layers of dlñerenL LemperaLures, where Lhe LemperaLure aL Lhe Lop of Lhe Lank can be slgnlñcanLly hlgher Lhan Lhe LemperaLure aL Lhe bouom. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 5 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 1.4 Cernhcanon AS]N2S2712 - 1he AusLrallan SLandard for solar collecLors. 1esung Lo meeL Lhls lncludes reslsLance Lo glass breakage and lmpacL reslsLance under cerLaln condluons lncludlng hall, sLagnauon condluons, proLecuon agalnsL waLer lngress and sLrucLural sLrengLh. ´Aptlcos Aosttollo bos obtoloeJ A5/N25 2712.2002 cetufcouoo tbtooqb Clobol Motk. 1be cetufcouoo oombet ls 1006JJ.´ SkCC - 1he Solar 8aung and Ceruñcauon Corporauon (S8CC) ls a noL for proñL organlzauon LhaL assesses solar collecLors. 1hls allows solar collecLors Lo be compared Lo one anoLher on an lndependenL plauorm. 1here ls also a slmllar program for solar waLer heaung sysLems. ´5olot collectot - 5kcc OC-100 Nottb Ametlco Aptlcos bos obtoloeJ 5kcc OC-100 fot tbe Al-10, 18, 20, 22 & J0 tobe evocooteJ tobe solot collectots. cetufcouoo oombets. 100-200400JA/8/c/u. Aptlcos Nottb Ametlco bos obtoloeJ 5kcc OC-J00 fot o foll tooqe of systems.´ I1W - Solar keymark ls Lhe mosL wldely recognlsed Luropean sLandard for solar collecLors. 1he Lesung done Lhrough Lhls sLandard ensures LhaL Lhe collecLors are rellable ln boLh performance and quallLy. ´Aptlcos bos obtoloeJ 5olot keymotk cetufcouoo fot lts Al-10, 20, 22 & J0 tobe evocooteJ tobe solot collectots.´ AS]N2S3498 - Applles Lo Lhe hoL waLer sysLem. 8y meeung Lhls sLandard, Lhe Lank, and Lhe enure sysLem meeLs requlremenLs. MosL lmporLanLly ls Lhe WaLermark ceruñcaLe meanlng LhaL all Lhe producLs LhaL Aprlcus provldes ln a glven sysLem from collecLor Lhrough Lo valves wlll meeL AusLrallan sLandard ln relauon Lo poLable waLer. ´Aptlcos Aosttollo bos obtoloeJ A5/N25J498 fot oll tbe systems ovolloble lo tbe cík teqlstet tbtooqb Clobol Motk. 1be cetufcouoo oombet ls 40107.´ 1.S Convers|ons - 1kWh = 3600k! = 860kcal - 1 kcal wlll heaL 1 llLre of waLer by 1¨C - 1 !/s = 1W = 0.860421kcal/hr - 1kWh/m2/day = 3.6M!/m2/day 2. Warn|ngs and Þrecaunons 2.1 Insta||er kequ|rements lnsLallauon musL be compleLed by a llcensed plumber ln accordance wlLh Lhe requlremenLs llsLed below, as well as any relevanL local sLandards and regulauons. » AS/nZS 3300 - nauonal Þlumblng and uralnage Code. » AS/nZS 2712.2007 - Solar and PeaL Þump WaLer PeaLers: ueslgn and ConsLrucuon. » AS/nZS 4234.2008 - PeaLed WaLer SysLems - Calculauon of Lnergy Consumpuon. » AS/nZS 3601.2004 - Cas lnsLallauons 2.2 Cccupanona| nea|th and Safety 1he lnsLaller musL adhere Lo occupauonal healLh and safeLy guldellnes and oLher relevanL lndusLry assoclauons. under no clrcumsLances should any lnsLaller auempL Lo lnsLall an Aprlcus solar hoL waLer sysLem wlLhouL readlng and undersLandlng Lhls lnsLallauon manual. lor any querles Aprlcus sLañ may be conLacLed on 1300 277 428. 2.3 Cver Þressure and 1emperature Þrotec- non 2.3.1 Þressure 1emperature ke||ef Any sysLem deslgn musL allow a means of pressure release aL no more Lhan 830kÞa, uslng a Þ18v. 1he Þ18v musL have a downward dlrecuon copper plpe connecLed LhaL ls open Lo Lhe aLmosphere, runnlng Lhe expelled hoL waLer or alr Lo a safe, frosL free and approprlaLe dralnage locauon. lrom ume Lo ume Lhe Þ18v may dlscharge small amounLs of waLer under normal operauons, Lhls can be up Lo 10° of Lank capaclLy. lf Lhe Lank ls lnsLalled lndoors, a safe-Lray musL be lnsLalled beneaLh Lhe hoL waLer Lank Lo safely collecL any waLer expelled from Lhe Þ18v. 2.3.2 Ma|ns Þressure Contro| Where Lhe malns pressure supply can exceed or ßucLuaLe beyond Lhe pressure of 300kÞa, a pressure-llmlung valve musL be ñued Lo Lhe cold malns llne. 1he devlce ls lnsLalled aûer Lhe lsolauon valve (duo valve) and should have a pressure llmlL of 300kÞa. ln some sLaLes lL ls a mandaLory requlremenL LhaL an expanslon conLrol valve be ñued on Lhe cold malns llne Lo provlde a form of pressure rellef. A separaLe draln llne musL be run for Lhls rellef valve (as per AS/nZS 3300). lf unsure please check wlLh Lhe local auLhorlLy. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 6 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 2.4 Water Çua||ty WaLer quallLy ls an lmporLanL aspecL of sysLem llfeume. lor Lhe sysLem Lo be warranLed, Lhe waLer used ln Lhe sysLem musL meeL Lhe requlremenLs ouLllned ln 1able 1. 1oble 1. wotet Ooollty 1btesbolJ voloes 1oLal ulssolved Sollds < 600 mg/L or ppm 1oLal Pardness < 200 mg/L or ppm LlecLrlcal ConducuvlLy 830 S/cm Chlorlde < 230 mg/L or ppm pP Level Mln 6.3 Lo Max. 8.3 Magneslum < 10 mg/L or ppm Sodlum < 130 mg/L or ppm lf ln doubL conLacL your local waLer auLhorlLy or have a waLer LesL compleLed. ln areas of poor waLer quallLy all ma[or componenLs wlll have a reduced llfe due Lo Lhe harshness of Lhe waLer. ln areas wlLh ºhard waLer" (>200 mg/L or ppm), lL ls advlsed Lo lnsLall a waLer soûenlng devlce Lo ensure Lhe long Lerm emclenL operauon of Lhe sysLem ls meL. lL ls also advlsable LhaL a glass-llned Lank ls used as opposed Lo a sLalnless sLeel Lank, slnce Lhe glass-llned Lank has a sacrlñclal anode Lo proLecL from corroslon. 2.S Leg|one||a Contro| Leglonella bacLerla can be found naLurally ln Lhe envlronmenL and Lhrlves ln warm waLer and damp places. lL can weaken Lhe body's lmmune sysLem, whlch can lncrease Lhe chances of developlng Leglonnalres' dlsease. 1o ensure leglonella growLh ls lnhlblLed, Lhe boosung reglme musL meeL Lhe guldellnes as shown ln secuon 3.2.2 1able 3. 1hls ls ln accordance wlLh 'AS3498.2009 AuLhorlsauon requlremenLs for plumblng producLs - waLer heaLer and hoL-waLer sLorage Lanks' lL ls Lherefore, very lmporLanL LhaL Lhe auxlllary boosung sysLem remalns on. lL wlll only acuvaLe lf Lhe LemperaLure falls below Lhe LemperaLures ouLllned ln secuon 3.2.2 1able 3. 2.6 Weather ke|ated Issues and Acts of God 2.6.1 Ireeze Þrotecnon All Aprlcus sysLems have freeze proLecuon bullL ln. 1hls ls provlded by Lhe conLroller whlch wlll clrculaLe waLer Lhrough Lhe collecLor once Lhe LemperaLure falls below 4¨C. 1hls freeze proLecuon meLhod has passed lrosL Level 2 proLecuon (down Lo -13¨C) ln llne wlLh AS/nZS 2712:2007. WAkNING lreeze proLecuon wlll noL operaLe lf Lhere ls no power supply Lo Lhe conLroller or pump. 2.6.2 L|ghtn|ng Þrotecnon AL lnsLallauon locauons LhaL are prone Lo llghLnlng sLrlkes, lL ls advlsable Lo earLh/ground Lhe copper clrculauon loop of Lhe collecLor Lo avold llghLnlng relaLed damage, or elecLrlcal safeLy lssues. 8efer also Lo local bulldlng codes regardlng llghLnlng safeLy and groundlng. 1he lncluslon of a resldual-currenL devlce (8Cu) ls hlghly recommended for Lhese llghLnlng prone areas. 2.6.3 na|| kes|stance 1he boroslllcaLe glass evacuaLed Lubes have been LesLed under Lhe AusLrallan SLandards requlremenL (AS/nZS 2712:2007 - Solar and heaL pump waLer heaLer - deslgn and consLrucuon). 1he lmpacL reslsLance LesL resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe evacuaLed Lubes are able Lo wlLhsLand lmpacL from hallsLones up Lo 23mm/1" ln dlameLer aL 23 m/s. ln Lhe unllkely clrcumsLance LhaL an evacuaLed Lube should become broken lL can be easlly replaced. 1he solar collecLor can sull funcuon properly wlLh one or more broken Lubes, however lL wlll resulL ln a reduced heaL ouLpuL from Lhe collecLor. A broken evacuaLed Lube should be replaced by professlonal lnsLallers or servlce agenLs only. 2.7 Stagnanon and No-Load Cond|nons 2.7.1 Informanon on Stagnanon SLagnauon refers Lo Lhe condluon LhaL occurs when Lhe pump sLops runnlng, due Lo pump fallure, power blackouL, or as a resulL of Lhe hlgh Lank LemperaLure proLecuon feaLure bullL lnLo Lhe conLroller, whlch Lurns Lhe pump oñ. 1he sysLem ls deslgned Lo allow sLagnauon Lo prevenL Lhe Lank from overheaung. 1hls means LhaL Lhe collecLor and plumblng ln close proxlmlLy may reach LemperaLures of up Lo 170¨C, Lherefore componenLs LhaL may be exposed Lo Lhe hlgh LemperaLures such as valves, plumblng or lnsulauon, should be sulLably raLed. 1he sysLem deslgns llsLed ln Lhe 'CL8' 8eglsLer meeL Lhe no-load sysLem requlremenLs deLalled ln AS/nZS 2712:2007. 1hls means LhaL Lhey wlll noL dump large volumes of waLer from Lhe Þ18v and do noL requlre an auLo alr-venL. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 7 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. uurlng perlods of exLended sLagnauon, condensauon pressure shocks can occur ln Lhe Lank. When Lhe Lank ls Lopped ouL and suddenly a hoL waLer load ls drawn from Lhe Lank Lhls can lead Lo rapld mlxlng of cold waLer and superheaLed sLeam ln Lhe reLurn llne mlxlng. 1hls can produce a ºgurgllng" nolse, as Lhe sLeam ls hypoLheslzed Lo collapse on lLself upon rapldly coollng and condenslng. 1hls ls a normal occurrence ln any hoL waLer sLorage sysLem and does noL añecL Lhe sysLem's operauon 2.7.2 nydrogen 8u||d Up Class llned (vlLreous enamel) Lanks are ñued wlLh a Magneslum anode Lo provlde corroslon proLecuon for Lhe Lank from Lhe sLorage waLer. Small quanuues of hydrogen gas can be released by Lhe anode, whlch generally remalns dlssolved ln Lhe waLer and ßushed away as hoL waLer ls used from Lhe Lank. uependlng on Lhe waLer quallLy Lhere may be a degree of hydrogen bulld-up ln Lhe Lank lf Lhe waLer heaLer hasn'L been used for Lwo or more weeks. 1o resolve Lhe bulld-up of hydrogen wlLhln Lhe Lank ºpurge" Lhe Lank for approxlmaLely 30 seconds from Lhe lever on Lhe Þ18v. 2.7.3 Water 8o|||ng 1emperatures 1he bolllng polnL of waLer varles based on Lhe pressure wlLhln Lhe hoL waLer sysLem. under sLagnauon and no load condluons, Lhe solar collecLor has Lhe poLenual Lo reach LemperaLures well above 100¨C. As Lhe waLer LemperaLure rlses and waLer expands Lhls creaLes pressure wlLhln Lhe sysLem. As Lhe LemperaLure rlses, so Loo does Lhe bolllng polnL of waLer. 1hls ls why Lhe solar hoL waLer sysLem (desplLe belng aL LemperaLures ln excess of 100¨C) wlll noL boll and produce sLeam. 1able 2 lllusLraLes how Lhe bolllng polnL lncreases wlLh pressure. 1oble 2. 1be kelouoosblp 8etweeo ltessote ooJ 8ollloq lolot Þressure (kÞa) 8olllng polnL ( ! C) 101 100 203 120 304 133 403 143 307 131 608 138 709 164 811 170 2.7.4 De|ayed Insta||anon or Use 1he manlfold and Lubes should noL be lnsLalled and slmng dry (no ßuld) for more Lhan 14 days. Þrolonged dry sLagnauon may vold Lhe warranLy as lL could añecL heaL plpes or Lube longevlLy. 1he manlfold MuS1 nC1 be leû wlLhouL Lubes and lnsLalled on Lhe roof for any perlod of ume, parucularly durlng perlods of ralnfall or snowfall. 1here ls a hlgh probablllLy of waLer enLerlng Lhe manlfold and causlng damage Lo Lhe glass wool lnsulauon. lf Lhe lnsLallauon cannoL be compleLed fully and Lhe sysLem musL be leû dry for a perlod longer Lhan 14 days, Lhe collecLor musL be covered. 1he collecLor can be covered wlLh a durable, waLerproof cover Lo prevenL waLer lngress, or access Lo lnsecLs or blrds. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 8 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 3. Informanon for Lnd-User 3.1 now So|ar neanng Works 3.1.1 Introducnon Aprlcus sLrongly belleve ln lnformlng Lhe homeowner abouL Lhe baslc operauon of Lhe solar waLer heaung sysLem. 8y galnlng a baslc undersLandlng you can develop reallsuc expecLauons abouL Lhe operauon of Lhe sysLem, develop hablLs whlch maxlmlse energy savlngs and mosL lmporLanLly, ensure safe and rellable operauon. 3.1.2 Summer and W|nter So|ar neanng Solar radlauon ls only half or one Lhlrd as sLrong ln Lhe wlnLer monLhs compared Lo summer, and Lherefore noL able Lo provlde Lhe same amounL of hoL waLer as ln summer. lor opumal performance of Lhe solar sysLem lL ls recommended LhaL Lhe collecLors be angled (plLched) aL no less Lhan 20 degrees. lor lncreased performance durlng wlnLer lL ls recommended LhaL collecLors are plLched aL lauLude plus 10-20 degrees, CorrecL ulung of Lhe sysLem wlll provlde lncreased year round performance and reduce energy cosLs furLher. 3.1.3 now the Apr|cus System Works 1he Aprlcus solar collecLor converLs Lhe sun's energy lnLo heaL, qulLe dlñerenL Lo phoLovolLalc (Þv) solar panels, whlch converL Lhe sun's energy lnLo elecLrlclLy. now the Apr|cus system works: 1. 1he evacuaLed Lubes absorb Lhe sun's energy and converL lL Lo usable heaL. 2. 1he heaL lnslde Lhe evacuaLed Lube, ls carrled vla copper heaL plpes Lo Lhe lnsulaLed manlfold, Lhls conLalns a copper heaL exchanger. 3. An elecLronlc conLroller measures Lhe LemperaLure of waLer ln Lhe manlfold and compares lL Lo Lhe waLer ln Lhe bouom of Lhe sLorage Lank. lf Lhe manlfold LemperaLure ls hlgher, Lhe conLroller swlLches on a clrculauon pump whlch brlngs Lhe solar heaLed waLer back down Lo Lhe sLorage Lank. 4. 1hroughouL Lhe day, Lhe conLroller swlLches Lhe pump on and oñ Lo conunuously heaL waLer ln Lhe sLorage Lank. 3. When Lhe maxlmum LemperaLure ln Lhe Lank ls reached (83¨C), Lhe pump ls Lurned oñ and no more waLer ls clrculaLed unul Lhe LemperaLure drops below Lhls value. 3.2 now 8oosnng Works 3.2.1 8oosnng Lxp|a|ned lf Lhe solar conLrlbuuon durlng Lhe day ls noL enough Lo ralse Lhe waLer Lo a sulLable LemperaLure, an elecLrlc or gas boosLer can provlde addluonal heaung. uurlng sumclenL sunny weaLher, Lhe solar collecLor wlll normally be able Lo provlde enough hoL waLer, buL durlng wlnLer monLhs and overcasL days boosung may be requlred. As a regulaLory requlremenL, all solar hoL waLer lnsLallauons musL lnclude a Lemperlng valve whlch mlxes Lhe hoL waLer comlng ouL of Lhe sLorage Lank wlLh cold waLer Lo llmlL Lhe LemperaLure Lo 30¨C. 3.2.2 Leg|one||a 8acter|a - Importance of 8oosnng lL ls a legal requlremenL LhaL waLer be heaLed on a regular basls Lo klll Leglonella bacLerla LhaL can lead Lo Leglonnalres dlsease. 1he frequency Lhls LemperaLure musL be reached varles, and ls explalned ln 1able 3: 1oble J. Mlolmom neot kepoltemeots 1ype of Aprlcus SysLem lnsLalled Mlnlmum heaL requlremenLs 8ouom elemenL elecLrlc boosLed sysLem Cnce per week Lo 60¨C for 32 mlnuLes Mld elemenL elecLrlc boosLed sysLem Cnce per day Lo 60¨C Cas boosLed sysLems Mlnlmum 70¨C each ume waLer ls used 3.2.3 L|ectr|c 8oosted Systems lf Lhe sysLem ls elecLrlc boosLed, when Lhe elecLrlc elemenL ls acuvaLed lL wlll heaL up all Lhe waLer above Lhe elemenL Lo 60¨C (or Lhe LhermosLaL semng). 1hls heaung can Lake as long as 3-4 hours lf Lhe Lank ls cold. noLe: Aprlcus recommends LhaL Lhe elecLrlc boosLer ls leû on, or conLrolled by a sulLable umer. 3.2.4 Gas 8oosted Systems uependlng on Lhe gas boosLer used, Lhe sLarL-up LemperaLures vary. lor an Aprlcus gas boosLer, lf Lhe lncomlng waLer LemperaLure ls less Lhan 33¨C, Lhe boosLer wlll acuvaLe and heaL waLer Lo 70¨C. lf Lhe lncomlng waLer ls greaLer Lhan 33¨C Lhe boosLer wlll noL sLarL and waLer wlll ßow dlrecLly Lo Lhe ouLleLs. non Aprlcus boosLers are Lyplcally conñgured Lo heaL any waLer below 70¨C Lo 70¨C. 8efer Lo Lhe lndlvldual boosLer manual for more deLalled lnformauon on Lhese semngs. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 9 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 3.3 System Ma|ntenance & Þrecaunons 3.3.1 System Ma|ntenance - Cleanlng - 1he Aprlcus Lubes do noL usually need cleanlng, regular raln and wlnd should keep Lhe Lubes clean. - Þressure & 1emperaLure 8ellef valve (Þ18v) - 1he Þ18v ls locaLed near Lhe Lop of Lhe hoL waLer sLorage Lank. lL ls deslgned Lo release pressure ln Lhe Lank as waLer expands and conLracLs durlng normal heaung. 1he lever on Lhe Þ18v should be carefully llûed for a few seconds Lhen placed down, once every 6 monLhs. 1hls wlll help prevenL any debrls or scale bulld up ln Lhe valve. WAkNING When Lhe Þ18v ls llûed hoL waLer wlll be dlscharged. Lnsure Lhe draln plpe from Þ18v ls clear. - vlsual Check - Aprlcus recommend perlodlc vlsual checks of your sysLem: a. Check for leaks around Lhe sLorage Lank and plpe work b. Lnsure Lhe pump sLauon ls dry and free from molsLure c. lf Lhe Lubes are safely vlslble from ground helghL, ensure all Lubes are sull dark ln colour. (Note. lf tbe tobes ote o mllky/wblte coloot tbe vocoom bos escopeJ ooJ tbe tobe wlll oot be wotkloq os e[cleotly os lt sboolJ be) WAkNING Þlpe work can be exLremely hoL, do noL Louch any exposed copper plplng. 3.3.2 G|ass L|ned 1ank Þrecaunons Class llned (vlLreous enamel) Lanks are ñued wlLh a magneslum anode Lo provlde corroslon proLecuon for Lhe Lank from Lhe sLored waLer. Aprlcus recommend Lhe anode be lnspecLed aL leasL every Lhree (3) years, and servlced as requlred. Small quanuues of hydrogen gas can be released by Lhe anode whlch generally remalns dlssolved ln Lhe waLer. 1hls ls Lhen ßushed away durlng normal use. uependlng on Lhe waLer quallLy Lhere may be a degree of hydrogen bulld up ln Lhe Lank lf Lhe waLer heaLer hasn'L been used for Lwo or more weeks. 1o resolve Lhe bulld- up of hydrogen wlLhln Lhe Lank ºpurge" Lhe Lank for approxlmaLely 30 seconds from Lhe lever on Lhe Þ18v. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 10 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 3.4 Lnd-User 1roub|eshoonng Gu|de 1oble 4. 8oslc 1tooblesboouoq ColJe Þrob|em Cause So|unon Þump Connnuous|y kunn|ng Alr lock ln manlfold ConLacL Aprlcus AusLralla lnsumclenL ßow raLe lncrease pump speed Þump |s not c|rcu|anng even dur|ng sunny weather Maxlmum LemperaLure reached ln Lhe Lank 1hls ls normal operauon, conLroller swlLches pump oñ once maxlmum LemperaLure ls reached Lo prevenL over-heaung. Þosslble sensor lssue ConLacL Aprlcus AusLralla Why |s the pump runn|ng at n|ght? lreeze proLecuon operaung 1hls ls normal, buL lf Lhe pump ls runnlng more Lhan once an hour, addluonal lnsulauon on Lhe collecLor llne should be lnsLalled. Þosslble faulLy non-reLurn valve ConLacL Aprlcus AusLralla Why |s the contro||er L.L.D. ||ght ßash|ng red? Þosslble sensor lssue ConLacL Aprlcus AusLralla Why |s the water not hot enough? LlecLrlc or gas boosLer ls noL conñgured correcLly Lnsure gas boosLer ls operauonal. LlecLrlc boosLer should have Lhe LhermosLaL LemperaLure seL Lo aL leasL 60¨C. 8oosLer musL be leû on oñ-peak, or conLrolled by umer. Pousehold hoL waLer usage Loo hlgh ConLacL Aprlcus AusLralla for advlce. 8emember an emclenL shower head uses 9 llLres/mlnuLe. (10 mlnuLe shower = 90lLrs waLer) 1emperlng valve lnsLalled A Lemperlng valve musL be lnsLalled on every solar hoL waLer sysLem. 1emperlng valves wlll mlx waLer down Lo 30¨C 1emperlng valve may need replaclng or servlclng. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 11 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 4. Þre-Insta||anon 4.1 System Se|ecnon Þroper sysLem selecuon ls cruclal Lo ensure LhaL all Lhe hoL waLer needs for Lhe home are belng meL. 1he sysLem should be deslgned Lo meeL 90-100° of Lhe household needs ln summer and 30-60° ln wlnLer. A number of conslderauons need Lo be made lncludlng: Lhe number of resldenLs ln Lhe house, Lhe ume of day when mosL hoL waLer wlll be used, Lhe locauon of Lhe cusLomer wlLhln AusLralla and Lhe resources avallable on slLe. Aprlcus AusLralla has deslgned lLs sysLems Lo meeL Lhe opumal demand requlred ln mosL resldenual homes for domesuc hoL waLer requlremenLs. llgures 1 & 2. Show a slzlng gulde whlch can be used as a º8ule of 1humb" for chooslng a sysLem LhaL besL meeLs Lhe needs of Lhe household. !"#$ &'()*+, -./ 0*+' 1 2 3 /*45 &'()*+, -./ 0*+' 6 2 7 160 litres 250 litres 315 litres up to up to up to 400 litres up to I2?*'( $" 7811(;/8' )2M26? ?*2>( !"#$ &'()*+, -./ 0*+' 1 2 3 /*45 &'()*+, -./ 0*+' 6 2 7 160 litres 250 litres 315 litres up to up to up to 400 litres up to llqote 2. 1ook slzloq qolJe 4.2 S|te Inspecnon 4.2.1 Co||ector Locanon 1he locauon of Lhe solar collecLor ls cruclal Lo achlevlng opumal sysLem performance. A number of facLors need Lo be consldered when deLermlnlng Lhe placemenL of Lhe collecLors on Lhe roof of a bulldlng. 1hese are deLalled below: - Solar collecLor vlclnlLy Lo Lank: 1he collecLor should be posluoned as close as posslble Lo Lhe sLorage Lank Lo avold long plpe runs and mlnlmlse heaL loss. - CollecLor CrlenLauon wlLh respecL Lo Lhe sun: 1o ensure opumal heaL ouLpuL Lhe collecLor should face Lhe equaLor, whlch ln AusLralla and new Zealand (SouLhern hemlsphere) ls due norLh. A devlauon of up Lo 13¨ easL or wesL oñ due norLh ls accepLable, and wlll have mlnlmal añecL on heaL ouLpuL. - CollecLor Þlane: 8oLh sldes of Lhe manlfold can be used lnLerchangeably as Lhe lnleL and ouLleL porLs. Powever, lf Lhe manlfold ls noL level horlzonLally, Lhe hlgher slde musL be used as Lhe ouLleL slnce hoL waLer rlses. - CollecLor Angle: So LhaL Lhe collecLor achleves maxlmum solar exposure, collecLors are Lo be lnsLalled aL an angle of Lhe locauon's lauLude +/- 10¨. L.g. Sydney ls aL 34¨ S lauLude, Lherefore Lhe opumal angle for Lhe collecLor on Lhe roof would be 24-44¨ S. ln some lnsLallauons lL may deslrable Lo achleve an lnsLall angle of +10¨ lauLude as Lhls wlll opumlse wlnLer ouLpuL slnce Lhe sun ls lower ln Lhe sky durlng WlnLer. 1hls can also reduce sLagnauon eñecLs ln summer from over slzlng. - Shadlng: CollecLors should be locaLed so LhaL shadlng does noL occur for aL leasL 3 hours elLher slde of 12pm noon local ume. Þarual shadlng due Lo small ob[ecLs such as anLennas and small ßues are noL of greaL concern. 4.2.2 Mounnng Irame Locanon Þrlor Lo lnsLallauon of Lhe mounung frame lL ls essenual Lo carry ouL a slLe lnspecuon and ensure LhaL Lhe slLe ls compllanL wlLh Lhe condluons supulaLed ln secuon '8.2 - Condluonal 8equlremenLs'. ln Lhe case where condluonal requlremenLs are noL meL, a ceruñed sLrucLural englneer may also be consulLed prlor Lo lnsLall Lo provlde professlonal deslgn work LhaL wlll allow for Lhe slLe Lo accommodaLe Aprlcus ceruñed mounung frame sysLems. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 12 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 4.2.3 Storage 1ank Locanon - 1he sLorage Lank should be locaLed as close as posslble Lo Lhe mosL frequenL draw oñ polnLs ln Lhe bulldlng such as Lhe baLhroom or klLchen. lf Lhe sLorage Lank ls locaLed a long way from hoL waLer draw polnLs a hoL waLer clrculauon loop on a umer may be consldered Lo reduce Lhe ume-lag for waLer Lo heaL up and resulLanL waLer wasLage. - 1he Lank should noL obsLrucL any wlndows, doors or exlLs and should cause mlnlmal lnLruslon Lo Lhe exlsung slLe. - lor glass-llned Lanks, conslder Lhe requlremenL of anode removal and replacemenL malnLenance. 4.3 1ransport and Unpack|ng 4.3.1 1ransport of Components - When Lransporung boxes, noLe Lhe orlenLauon of Lhe º1PlS WA? uÞ" arrows. - Lnsure all boxes are sLrapped and secured Lo prevenL movemenL durlng LranslL. - All Lanks musL be LransporLed uprlghL. SLacklng ls noL recommended for any Lanks. - ÞroducLs should always be handled wlLh care. uamage occurred durlng Lhe LransporLauon ls noL covered under producL warranLy. 4.3.2 Unpack|ng of Components - When unpacklng, Lake care Lo ensure LhaL Lhe componenLs are noL damaged ln Lhe process. - Avold uslng sharp blades or knlves as Lhls can scraLch Lhe surfaces of Lhe producLs parucularly Lhe evacuaLed Lubes and Lanks. - lor evacuaLed Lubes and heaL plpes, Lear open boLh ends of Lhe box(es) Lo allow lnspecuon of Lhe vacuum aL Lhe bouom and for Lhe heaL plpes Lo be exposed for Lhe appllcauon of heaL Lransfer pasLe. 4.4 Component Inspecnon 4.4.1 Lvacuated 1ubes & neat Þ|pes - Lnsure LhaL Lhe evacuaLed Lubes are all lnLacL, Lhe bouom of each Lube should be sllver. lf a Lube has a whlLe or clear bouom, lL has losL lLs vacuum and should be replaced. ln Lhls case, Lhe heaL plpe should be removed and lnserLed lnLo Lhe replacemenL Lube. - 1he evacuaLed Lubes have rubber Lube caps on Lhe end, Lhese are Lo proLecL Lhe bouom up of Lhe glass Lube from belng broken. - PeaL plpes are brlghL and shlny when newly manufacLured, buL wlll dull and may form dark-grey surface dlscolorauon over ume. 1hls ls due Lo mlld surface oxldauon (when exposed Lo alr) and does noL añecL Lhe heaL plpe's operauon. - uo noL remove and/or expose Lhe Lubes Lo sunllghL unul ready Lo lnsLall, oLherwlse Lhe heaL plpe up wlll become very hoL, sumclenL Lo cause serlous skln burns. noLe: 1he ouLer glass surface wlll noL become hoL. WAkNING nLvL8 Louch Lhe lnslde of Lhe evacuaLed Lube or heaL plpe up aûer exposure Lo sunllghL. WLA8 Lhlck leaLher gloves lf handllng Lhe heaL plpe. WLA8 safeLy glasses aL ALL umes when handllng Lhe glass Lubes. 4.4.2 Þump Stanon Inspecnon Lvery domesuc solar hoL waLer sysLem supplled by Aprlcus comes wlLh an Aprlcus Þump SLauon klL. 1he Aprlcus Þump SLauon klL comes bundled wlLh Lhe essenual componenLs requlred for lnsLallauon of a solar hoL waLer sysLem. 1he klL comes pre-packaged and can easlly be connecLed Lo plumblng. Þump sLauon componenLs lnclude: - Check valve - Þump unlons - llow meLer - 1emperlng valve (solar raLed) - Clrculauon pump - ConLroller - Þump sLauon lld & base 4.4.3 Mounnng Irame System Lnsure LhaL all necessary componenLs requlred for lnsLallauon have been recelved ln Lhe packaglng. llgure 3 & 4 are dlagrammauc guldes showlng whaL ls lncluded ln a Lyplcal mounung frame sysLem. 8efer Lo 8.2.2. Appendlx 1able 11, 12a & 12b for number of frame componenLs requlred. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 13 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. Apr|cus I|ush Mount 1hls dlagram shows our sLandard AÞ-30 ßush mounLed frame sulLable for use ln all wlnd reglons wlLh: 3 x 1racks and 3 x L-8rackeL packs. llqote J. llosb-Mooot ltome ot 1800 mm spocloq wltb 5 ttocks. 1 2 4 3 1 8ouom 1rack 2 1rack 3 8oof 8all 4 L-8rackeL Þack Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 14 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. Apr|cus 1||t Mount 1hls dlagram shows a Lyplcal cyclonlc wlnd reglon C frame wlLh: 3 x 1racks, 3 x L-8rackeL packs and 3 x 8ear Legs. MosL reglons across AusLralla only requlre 3 x 8ear Legs. llqote 4. 1llt-Mooot ltome ot 1800 mm spocloq wltb 5 ttocks. 1 2 6 S 3 4 1 8ouom 1rack 2 1rack 3 8oof 8all 4 L-8rackeL Þack 3 x-8race pack 6 8ear Leg Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 15 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. S. Insta||anon S.1 Mounnng Irame System Aprlcus AusLralla's solar evacuaLed Lube mounung frame sysLems are made of hlgh-grade exLruded anodlzed alumlnlum frame 6003-13. 1here are four easy Lo lnsLall mounung opuons: ßush mounLed wlLh roof rall, ßush mounLed wlLh roof sLraps, low angle ulL 30 degrees and hlgh angle ulL 43 degrees. Cur frames are sulLable Lo use ln wlnd reglons A, 8, C and u, however Lhese are sub[ecL Lo a seL of condluonal requlremenLs. under Lhls seL of condluonal requlremenLs (see secuon 8.2 Condluonal 8equlremenLs) Lhese sysLems are ceruñed Lo AusLrallan SLandard AS/nZS 1170.2:2011 SLrucLural ueslgn Acuons ÞarL 2: Wlnd Acuons. See secuon 8.3 Mounung lrame Ceruñcauon. AL ume of publlcauon, Aprlcus has applled for norLhern 1errlLory ueemed Lo Comply sLaLus. We have done exLenslve physlcal load Lesung for Lhls purpose and have already obLalned a Secuon 40 - CeruñcaLe of Compllance for our ßush-mounLed frames. See secuon 8.4 Secuon 40 - CeruñcaLe of Compllance. Check wlLh local bulldlng auLhorlLy Lo conñrm wheLher or noL Lhls sLandard ls a regulaLory requlremenL. S.1.1 Insta||anon Notes 1he lnsLaller ls Lo provlde Lhe ñxlngs for Lhe frame Lo Lhe roof, ensure Lhe ñxlngs are applled ln accordance wlLh secuon 8.2 Condluonal 8equlremenLs and secuon 3.1.3 lnsLallauon - 8oof llxlng Culde. Poles can be easlly drllled lnLo Lhe exLruded alumlnlum componenLs. 1hey are Lo be no larger Lhan ø10 mm and noL closer Lhan 30mm cenLre Lo cenLre. 1lghLen frame bolLs wlLh spanners or shorL shaûed sockeL wrenches only. uC nC1 use power Lools or long shaûed Lools LhaL may over-Lorque Lhe bolLs (as sLalnless sLeel bolLs are suscepuble Lo galllng/locklng). 8olL assemblles come wlLh sprlng washers Lo malnLaln long-Lerm Lenslon. S.1.2 Insta||anon - Assemb|y Gu|de Aprlcus AusLralla's mounung frame sysLems come pre- packaged Lo ensure Lhe mosL sLreamllned and slmple assembly process. use Lhe followlng sLeps as a gulde Lo assembly. 1. Lay Lhe ñrsL roof rall down horlzonLally (add L-brackeLs lf uslng a 3 Lrack sysLem). 2. Auach all Lracks Lo Lhe L-brackeLs, ñnger ughLen all nuLs and bolLs. Lnsure LhaL Lhe Lrack ls placed ln Lhe rlghL locauon based on bauen/purlln spaclng. I2?*'( 4" I1*)F ,8*6/ $4GG,, I2?*'( 9" I1*)F ,8*6/ $CGG,, I2?*'( <" +21/ ,8*6/ $4GG,, 8' $CGG,, 3. Sllde Lhe bouom Lrack lnLo Lhe bouom auachmenL plaLes and ñnger ughLen all nuLs and bolLs. llqote 8. 8ouom ttock ooJ ouocbmeot plotes ILUSn MCUN1 CNL¥ 4. lor ßush-mounL frames auach Lhe second roof rall. Conunue onLo SLep 8. I2?*'( D" I1*)F ,8*6/ $4GG,, I2?*'( $G" I1*)F ,8*6/ $CGG,, Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 16 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 1IL1 MCUN1 CNL¥ 3. lor ulL-mounL frames, lay down Lhe second bouom Lrack, buL auach Lhe L-brackeLs Lo Lhe rear legs. llnger- ughLen nuLs and bolLs. llqote 11. keot leq coooecuoo 6. Auach x-braces Lo Lhe rear legs. llqote 12. \-btoce coooecuoo 7. Auach Lrl-auachmenL plaLes Lo Lhe Lrack I2?*'( $#" +21/ ,8*6/ $4GG,, I2?*'( $E" +21/ ,8*6/ $CGG,, 8. Sllde Lhe manlfold lnLo Lhe Lop auachmenL plaLes llqote 15. MoolfolJ coooecuoo to ftome 9. uslng a spanner, ughLen all nuLs and bolLs used for auachmenL. S.1.3 Insta||anon - koof I|x|ng Gu|de 1o proceed wlLh auachlng Lhe mounung frame Lo Lhe roof, follow all ñxlng rules as per secuon 8.2.2 lnsLallauon Condluons (for ceruñcauon Lo apply). All ñxlngs should be made equldlsLanL from Lhe fronL Lrack and rear leg. 1hls wlll ensure LhaL Lhe wlnd loads are equally dlsLrlbuLed across Lhe roof rall. Llne up Lhe roof ralls wlLh bauens accordlngly. lor ulL-mounL sysLems Lhe bauen/ purlln spaclng can be lncreased where Lhe angle of Lhe ulL decreases. !"##$#%% &##$#%% &##$#%% llqote 16. koof fxloq locouoos 1800mm Lnsure all roof peneLrauons are waLer ughL. use Lhe followlng examples as a gulde for lnsLallauon for dlñerenL roof Lypes: S.1.4 1|n koof Insta||anon Lxamp|e: lor corrugaLed/un roofs, place ñxlngs on Lhe peak of Lhe rooñng sheeL maLerlal Lo mlnlmlze rlsk of leaks. llxlngs are Lo be screwed lnLo Lhe bauen wlLh mlnlmum 33mm embedmenL (for more deLalls see secuon 8.2.2 lnsLallauon Condluons). !"## !"## llqote 17. J5mm embeJmeot loto tbe boueo/potllo jteot vlew] S.1.S 1||ed koof Insta||anon Lxamp|e: lor uled roofs (where drllllng ls undeslrable) use Aprlcus roof sLraps Lo auach Lhe frame Lo Lhe bauens/purllns. noLe: sysLems lnsLalled on uled roofs are noL ceruñed under AS/nZS 1170.2. 8oof sLraps can also be auached Lo roof ralls by drllllng Lhrough Lhem. llqote 18. koof ouocbmeot sttop exomple Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 17 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. S.1.6 Ad[usnng 1||t Mount Ang|e: When lnsLalllng ulL-mounL sysLems, Lhe mounung frame can be modlñed Lo achleve a reduced ulL angle. 1hls would be preferable where Lhe opumum ulL angle ls noL achlevable for Lhe glven roof plLch and ulL leg. 1o reduce Lhe lnsLallauon angle of Lhe collecLors, Lhe alumlnlum legs should be cuL Lo a deslred reduced lengLh and a new hole should be drllled Lo allow for securlng. 8y reduclng Lhe lengLh of Lhe alumlnlum ulL leg, Lhe frame ls broughL closer Lo Lhe roof and Lhe ulL angle ls reduced. noLe LhaL decreaslng Lhe ulL angle wlll consequenLly decrease Lhe wlnd loadlng on Lhe sysLem and as such wlll noL lmpacL Lhe sLrucLural lnLegrlLy of Lhe sysLem. S.2 Co||ector Man|fo|d Connecnon S.2.1 S||ver So|der|ng]8raz|ng Solderlng may be used Lo connecL plplng Lo Lhe collecLor header plpe. Cnly use poLable waLer grade brazlng maLerlal. Care should be Laken Lo avold overheaung Lhe copper plpe and exposlng Lhe manlfold caslng Lo an open ßame. S.2.2 Compress|on I|mngs Aprlcus collecLors come supplled wlLh 20mm ßare x 12mm Male lron (Ml) 90¨ Llbows. S.2.3 Þress 1oo|s Seek manufacLurers advlce before uslng all press Lools. Þress Lools are noL sulLable for dlrecL manlfold connecuon, or connecung muluple collecLors LogeLher. S.3 Þump Stanon S.3.1 Insta||anon Gu|de use Lhe followlng sLeps as a guldellne for Lhe lnsLallauon of Lhe pump sLauon and connecuon Lo plplng: 1. 8emove Lhe conLenLs from Lhe box. 2. 8emove Lhe Þump SLauon Cover from Lhe base plaLe. 3. Þosluon base plaLe on Lhe wall maklng sure Lhere ls a clearance helghL of 1 Lo 1.3 meLres on Lhe verucal wall, elLher slde of Lhe pump. 4. WlLh a splrlL level and pen mark screw holes on Lhe wall for base plaLe. 3. urlll holes for green plugs. 6. lnserL Creen plugs lnLo Lhe drllled holes. 7. llx base plaLe Lo wall wlLh Lhe 4 screws and rubber lsolaLors. 8. Þlumb ln ßow llnes Lo Lhe clrculauon pump (wlLh a ßow meLer and check valve above Lhe pump). S.3.2 I|ow Meter Semngs AS 4234.2008 PeaLed WaLer SysLems - Calculauon of energy consumpuon, Clause 3.7.2 - Low llow CrlLerla supulaLes LhaL Lhe maxlmum ßow raLe ls 0.73 L/mln/m2 of collecLor aperLure area. 1able 3 shows Lhe maxlmum ßow raLe semngs for Lhe varlous Aprlcus collecLors. 1oble 5. Moxlmom fow tote tepoltemeots CollecLor Slze Maxlmum llow 8aLe (L/mln) 10 1ubes 0.7 20 1ubes 1 22 1ubes 1.3 30 1ubes 2 40 1ubes 2.3 44 1ubes 2.3 noLe: Lach Lube ls 0.094 m2 of aperLure area S.4 So|ar D|ñerenna| Contro||er S.4.1 Contro||er Semngs 1he Aprlcus conLroller comes wlLh LemperaLure sensors and power leads already connecLed. lor mosL lnsLallauons Lhere ls no need Lo alLer any of Lhe semngs. 1he conLroller has 3 sensor cables. 1he longesL cable ls for Lhe roof sensor for Lhe solar collecLor. 1he conLroller comes pre-seL wlLh sulLable semngs for mosL domesuc appllcauons: - Þump Cn = 8¨C (1emperaLure dlñerenual beLween Lank and roof sensors) - Þump Cñ = 1¨C (1emperaLure dlñerenual beLween Lank and roof sensors) - 1op ouL = 83¨C (Maxlmum Lank LemperaLure) - lrosL ÞroLecuon = 4¨C (LemperaLure for when pump ls forced Lo cycle) 1he conLroller provldes a dlglLal dlsplay provldlng Lhe 3 sensor LemperaLures and also slgns when faulLs occur wlLhln Lhe conLroller readlngs. 1o cycle Lhrough Lhe LemperaLure dlsplay readlngs press Lhe nLx1 buuon, Lhe currenL dlsplayed sensor ls lndlcaLed on Lhe dlsplay board Lhrough a ßashlng lcon. 8efer Lo conLroller manual for deLalled lnformauon. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 18 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. S.4.2 1emperature Sensors Aprlcus solar raLed Lanks come wlLh Lwo LemperaLure sensor porLs. 1he bouom porL connecLs Lo Lhe Sensor 2 (S2), Lhe mlddle porL connecLs Lo Lhe Sensor 3 (S3) sensor. 1he Lhlrd LemperaLure sensor porL ls locaLed on boLh sldes of Lhe manlfold. Sensor 1 (S1) musL be connecLed Lo Lhe ouLleL (Lhe hlgher slde). use a Lhln layer of Lhermal pasLe when lnserung all sensors. Lnsure lnsulauon covers Lhe openlng of Lhe collecLor sensor porL Lo prevenL waLer lngress. Plgh LemperaLure ouLdoor slllcon sealanL can be used Lo prevenL waLer lngress Lo Lhe manlfold sensor porL. lL ls hlghly recommended LhaL condulL be used Lo encapsulaLe Lhe roof sensor and acL as anoLher proLecuve layer as lL ls prone Lo physlcal damage by local fauna and exLreme weaLher condluons. 1he sensor cable should run along Lhe ouLslde of Lhe lnsulauon and secured every 20cm wlLh uv reslsLanL nylon cable ues. S.S Insu|anon - All lnsulauon needs Lo be solar-raLed. Any lnsulauon exposed Lo sunllghL musL be uv sLablllsed. - lnsulaLe all plpe runnlng Lo and from Lhe manlfold wlLh lnsulauon of aL leasL 13mm Lhlckness, or 23mm ln cold cllmaLes. - Lnsure Lhe lnsulauon ls ughL agalnsL Lhe manlfold caslng, Lhus mlnlmlslng loss of heaL from Lhe lnleL and ouLleL. - All lnLernal plplng as well as exLernal should be lnsulaLed. 1hls lncludes aL leasL 1m from Lhe hoL waLer ouLleL of Lhe Lank, as Lhls copper plpe can be a slgnlñcanL polnL of passlve heaL losses. S.6 System I||||ng and A|r Þurge Aûer all Lhe plumblng connecuons Lo Lhe solar collecLor have been made, Lhe solar hoL waLer sysLem needs Lo be ñlled wlLh waLer and Lhe collecLor loop purged of alr. 1hls should be compleLed prlor Lo lnseruon of evacuaLed Lubes and connecuon of Lhe Lank Lo Lhe hoL waLer load. 1o ñll Lhe sysLem: 1. Cpen Lhe cold malns llne and ñll up Lhe Lank. 2. 1urn Lhe pump dlal Lo speed 3 and connecL lL dlrecLly Lo Lhe elecLrlclLy malns raLher Lhan Lhe conLroller. 3. Cpen up a draln on Lhe solar reLurn llne. 4. Where an alr-rellef valve has been lnsLalled, alr wlll be auLomaucally released from Lhe collecLor loop. 1hls should be shuL once Lhe llne ls ñlled. 3. lllllng ls compleLed once Lhere ls a consLanL sLream of waLer exlung from Lhe solar reLurn llne draln. 6. 8econnecL Lhe pump Lo Lhe conLroller. S.7 Lvacuated 1ubes and neat Þ|pes 1he Aprlcus evacuaLed Lube solar collecLor ls a slmple ºplug and play" sysLem. See secuon 4.3.2 unpacklng of ComponenLs for deLalls regardlng Lhe unpacklng of Lhe evacuaLed Lubes. use Lhe followlng secuon as a gulde Lo lnsLalllng evacuaLed Lubes. S.7.1 Insta||anon Notes - 1he powder conLenL of Lhe heaL pasLe may have seuled durlng frelghL and sLorage. 1o ensure opumal Lhermal conducuvlLy of Lhe pasLe, place Lhe heaL pasLe Lube ln a glass of warm waLer for several mlnuLes. - lf weaLher condluons are dusLy, Lake care Lo ensure heaL pasLe ls noL conLamlnaLed wlLh lmpurlues, as Lhls may reduce Lhermal conducuvlLy and emclency of Lhe heaL pasLe. - lf weaLher condluons are weL, Lake care Lo ensure waLer does noL enLer Lhe lnslde of Lhe evacuaLed Lube. S.7.2 Insta||anon Gu|de 1. Cpen Lhe evacuaLed Lube box on Lhe slde wlLh Lhe heaL plpes. 2. Þull Lhe heaL plpe ouL ~10cm and ensure Lo keep Lhe resL of Lhe Lube shaded. 3. CoaL each heaL plpe bulb wlLh heaL Lransfer pasLe, Lhls can be applled uslng a plece of foam lnsulauon. 4. 1ake ouL Lhe evacuaLed Lube and Lurn lL upslde-down (heaL plpe down) before Lurnlng lL back uprlghL (heaL plpe up). 8epeaL Lhls several umes Lo dlsperse Lhe copper powder wlLhln Lhe heaL plpes. 3. Culde Lhe heaL plpe lnLo Lhe lnslde of Lhe header porL. Þush Lhe heaL plpe ln full depLh. 6. use a damp cloLh, Lo lubrlcaLe Lhe ouLer surface of Lhe evacuaLed Lube and Lhe rubber rlng ln Lhe manlfold Lo mlnlmlze frlcuon durlng lnseruon. 7. lnserL Lhe evacuaLed Lube uslng a sllghL LwlsL and pushlng acuon. 8. 8epeaL sLeps 3-7 for Lhe remalnder of Lhe Lubes. 9. uslng provlded Lube cllps, secure Lhe evacuaLed Lubes lnLo Lhe bouom Lrack. 10. Wlpe down each evacuaLed Lube wlLh a damp cloLh Lo ensure a pollshed and clean lnsLallauon. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 19 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. S.8 Aux|||ary 8oosnng Components S.8.1 L|ectr|c 8ooster, 1hermostat and L|ement Set- up WAkNING WA8nlnC: All elecLrlcal connecuons musL be compleLed by a quallñed elecLrlclan. - 1he LhermosLaL should be seL Lo 60¨C or above as per AS/nZS 3498. - 1o ad[usL Lhe LemperaLure semng: » ulsconnecL Lhe elecLrlcal power supply Lo Lhe Lank » 8emove Lhe elemenL cover » uslng a screw drlver, roLaLe Lhe LhermosLaL dlal Lo Lhe deslred LemperaLure. - Where oñ-peak perlods are unavallable lL ls advlsable LhaL a umer be lnsLalled Lo heaL Lhe sysLem up Lo 60¨C aL leasL: l) once per week (bouom elemenL Lanks), or, ll) once per day (mlddle elemenL Lanks) Lo prevenL leglonella formauon. See secuon 2.3 Leglonella ConLrol. S.8.2 Gas 8ooster Setup - All gas boosLers come pre-seL Lo heaL up Lo 70¨C as per AS/nZS 3300, see secuon 2.3 Leglonella ConLrol for more lnformauon. - lnsLallauons musL be compllanL wlLh AS/nZS 3601. - Larger gas sysLems requlre adequaLe ßuelng and venulauon, Lhls should also be done ln accordance wlLh AS/nZS 3601. - 1o cusLomlze semngs please refer Lo relevanL manufacLurer's lnsLallauon manual. 6. Þost Insta||anon 6.1 Comm|ss|on|ng 1o ensure opumal operauon and Lo malnLaln Lhe lnLegrlLy of Aprlcus solar hoL waLer sysLems, commlsslonlng ls an essenual process. Lnsure LhaL each of Lhe followlng processes ls carrled ouL prlor Lo leavlng Lhe slLe. 6.1.1 System Cperanon Check Clven good sunllghL, Lhe evacuaLed Lubes wlll begln Lo produce heaL aûer a 3-10 mlnuLe ºwarm up" perlod. 1here should be an observable lncrease ln Lhe LemperaLure readlng aL Lhe roof sensor on Lhe conLroller. When Lhere ls an 8¨C LemperaLure dlñerenual beLween 8CCl and 1Ank sensors Lhe clrculauon pump should Lurn on. Aûer lnlual compleLed lnsLallauon of collecLor, waLch Lhe operauon of Lhe pump and conLroller for aL leasL 3 Cn/ Cll cycles or 13 mlnuLes as Lhe sysLem sLablllses. 1hls process may Lake longer on overcasL or cold condluons. 6.1.2 Þhoto kecords 1ake several phoLos of Lhe lnsLalled producL lncludlng: plumblng llnes Lo/from Lhe Lank and collecLor and sensor porL connecuons. 1hese wlll serve as an lmporLanL record for fuLure servlclng or warranLy lssues. 6.1.3 Insta||anon kecord Iorm CompleLe Lhe lnsLallauon record form LhaL ls supplled, 1hls wlll ensure LhaL Lhe cusLomer ls reglsLered on Lhe Aprlcus daLabase and lncrease Lhe speed wlLh whlch warranLy and servlce lssues can be dealL wlLh. 1he lnsLallauon record forms can be reLurned vla: a) lax a copy Lo: 02 9473 0092, b) L-mall a copy Lo: warranLy[aprlcus.com.au, c) Mall a copy Lo: Aprlcus WarranLy, ÞC 8ox 6109, SllverwaLer, nSW, 1811, C8, d) lnsLallauon/record forms can also be submlued elecLronlcally onllne aL: hup://www.aprlcus.com.au/ 6.1.4 kebate Iorms CompleLe any appllcable rebaLe forms LhaL requlre an lnsLallers slgnaLure prlor Lo leavlng Lhe slLe. 6.2 Ma|ntenance under normal condluons Lhe solar collecLor ls malnLenance free. Þlease refer Lo Lhe documenLauon provlded by Lhe manufacLurer of oLher componenLs for malnLenance guldellnes. MalnLenance and servlclng should only be compleLed by a ceruñed plumber, wlLh experlence ln solar hoL waLer sysLems. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 20 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 6.2.1 Damaged 1ubes WAkNING WA8nlnC: When replaclng damaged Lubes follow all relevanL CP&S pollcles. ÞroLecuve cloLhlng ls Lo be worn aL all ume. WLA8 Lhlck leaLher gloves lf handllng Lhe heaL plpe. WLA8 safeLy glasses aL ALL umes when handllng Lhe glass Lubes. - lf a Lube ls broken lL should be replaced as soon as posslble Lo malnLaln maxlmum collecLor performance. Powever, Lhe sysLem wlll conunue Lo operaLe safely even wlLh a damaged Lube. - Any broken glass should be cleared away Lo prevenL ln[ury. - 1o replace a Lube: 1. 8emove Lhe Lube cllp, sllde broken Lube ouL and carefully plck up any glass pleces and dlspose of approprlaLely. 2. Avold Louchlng Lhe glass wool lnsulauon lnslde Lhe manlfold wlLh bare hands, as lL can cause mlld skln lrrlLauon. 3. lf Lhe heaL plpe ls noL damaged, lL can be leû ln place and a new evacuaLed Lube lnserLed, guldlng Lhe heaL plpe down Lhe groove beLween Lhe evacuaLed Lube lnner wall and heaL Lransfer ñn. 6.2.3 Dra|n|ng the System uralnlng of Lhe collecLor may be requlred when servlclng or performlng malnLenance on Lhe sysLem. Þerlodlc ßushlng of Lhe sysLem ls noL requlred unless ln areas wlLh hard waLer resulung ln scale formauon ln Lhe bouom of Lhe Lank. lollow Lhe sLeps below Lo draln Lhe collecLor: 1. 1urn oñ Lhe malns waLer supply Lo Lhe solar sLorage Lank. 2. lf Lhe sLorage Lank ls belng dralned, a) ulsconnecL all power supply Lo waLer heaLer (for elecLrlc boosLed Lanks). b) 8elease pressure ln Lhe Lank by carefully operaung Lhe Þ18v release lever. c) undo Lhe cold lnleL and auach a draln hose. d) CperaLe Lhe Þ18v release lever allowlng alr lnLo Lhe heaLer and waLer Lo draln vla Lhe hose. 3. lf Lhe sLorage Lank ls noL belng dralned, a) lsolaLe plplng Lo and from Lhe solar collecLor and lmmedlaLely undo ñmngs Lo open draln llnes. WAkNING WA8nlnC: Allowlng Lhe collecLor Lo slL pressured wlLh Lhe lsolauon valves closed may lead Lo dangerously hlgh pressure. b) Cpen an alr venL or draln cock, on Lhe manlfold ouLleL Lo allow alr Lo enLer Lhe sysLem. c) Allow Lhe manlfold Lo slL ln a venLed sLaLe for 3-10mln Lo allow Lhe manlfold Lo boll dry (may need longer ln poor weaLher). d) Close Lhe alr venL or draln cock. 4. 8e-ñll Lhe sysLem by followlng Lhe same procedure ouLllned ln secuon 3.6 SysLem lllllng and Alr Þurge. 6.2.4 Cver Þressure Þrotecnon Ma|ntenance 1he lever on Lhe Þ18v should be carefully llûed and placed down once every 6 monLhs, Lhls wlll help prevenL any debrls or scale bulld up ln Lhe valve. Lnsure Lhe draln plpe from Lhe Þ18v ls clear. 1hls should be slmllarly done for Lhe expanslon conLrol valve on Lhe cold malns llne (lf Lhere ls one lnsLalled). 6.2.S Magnes|um Anode kep|acement Class-llned sLorage Lanks have a magneslum anode lnserLed lnLo Lhe Lank. 1hls anode prevenLs lnLernal corroslon LhaL wlll oLherwlse drasucally shorLen sLorage Lank llfe. Aprlcus recommend Lhe anode be lnspecLed aL leasL every Lhree (3) years, and servlced as requlred. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 21 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 7. Custom System Des|gn Gu|de- ||nes 7.1 Introducnon 1hls chapLer ls lnLended as a gulde Lo asslsL ln deslgnlng commerclal or cusLom-slzed solar Lhermal sysLems uslng Aprlcus collecLors. ln con[uncuon wlLh Lhls gulde, Aprlcus AusLralla oñers a free servlce, whereby Lhe sysLem can be slzed and deslgned by a group of Lralned englneers Lo ensure LhaL Lhe sysLem besL meeLs Lhe appllcauon. lf you are lnLeresLed ln Laklng up Lhls free servlce please conLacL your local Aprlcus agenL or emall englneerlng[aprlcus. com.au. 7.1.1 Assoc|ated Work All deslgns and lnsLallauons creaLed uslng Lhls gulde or by Aprlcus AusLralla, musL be verlñed by a professlonal lnsLaller or hydraullc consulLanL, prlor Lo lnsLallauon. All lnsLallauons musL be wlLhln accordance Lo AS/nZS 3300 - nauonal Þlumblng and uralnage Code and any local auLhorlues. A llcensed plumber musL be conLracLed Lo lnsLall and commlsslon Lhe sysLem. An elecLrlclan may be requlred for Lhe lnsLallauon of Lhe CÞC box for elecLrlcal componenLs of Lhe sysLem (e.g. clrculauon pump and dlñerenual LemperaLure conLroller). Aprlcus AusLralla advlses LhaL all assumpuons are correcL aL daLe of release. uerlved values are conservauve approxlmauons based on a comblnauon of provlded daLa and ñeld experlence. lnformauon presenLed ln Lhls manual shall noL be mlsused or mlsconsLrued ln any way. 7.2 Ca|cu|anng Load 7.2.1 Ca|cu|anng Water Usage ln mosL cases Lhe hoL waLer requlremenLs for a bulldlng are glven ln ñxLure counLs or peak demand. 1hese numbers are noL always Lhe mosL accuraLe for slzlng solar Lhermal sysLems. ln order Lo properly slze a sysLem, an analysls of Lhe acLual or esumaLed hoL waLer usage ls requlred. Method A (Meter|ng): lf Lhe bulldlng already exlsLs and ls occupled, lL ls recommended LhaL Lhe sysLem be meLered durlng normal operauon Lo accuraLely gauge Lhe hoL waLer usage of Lhe bulldlng. uaLa obLalned Lhrough meLerlng should lnclude dally volume usage and peak ßow raLe or energy demand. Method 8 (Un||ty 8|||): lL may be posslble Lo use pasL uullLy bllls Lo esumaLe Lhe usage. lf Lhe hoL waLer ls on lLs own meLer, muluply Lhe summer energy consumpuon requlred Lo heaL Lhe waLer by Lhe esumaLed sysLem emclency. When esumaung Lhe emclency, Lake lnLo accounL any losses from reclrculauon and subLracL from Lhe usage. 1he resulung number can be dlvlded by Lhe number of days ln Lhe monLh Lo achleve a dally energy requlremenL. Method C (Lsnmanon): lf meLhods A or 8 are noL appllcable, or feaslble, an esumauon of Lhe amounL of hoL waLer consumpuon wlll need Lo be made. 1here are many publlshed waLer heaung sLandards or guldellnes LhaL can be used Lo esumaLe consumpuon values, such as ASP8AL (Amerlcan SocleLy of Peaung and Alr-Condluonlng Lnglneers). 1able 6 shows ñeld daLa of waLer usage values for a range of appllcauons. 1oble 6. llelJ Joto fot wotet osoqe fot votloos oppllcouoos 8ulldlng use WaLer usage* AparLmenL 8lock 130-160 L/unlL nurslng Pome 70 L/8ed PoLel 37 L/unlL uormlLory 49 L/SLudenL 8esLauranLs 6 L/Meal Note. llqotes ootmollseJ fot 60ºc ootlet tempetotote, Joto obtoloeJ ftom A5nkAí. 7.2.2 Ca|cu|anng Lnergy kequ|rements 1he equauons below deLall how Lo calculaLe Lhe energy requlremenL uslng MeLhod C Lsumauon as dlscussed ln secuon 7.2.1 ln order Lo calculaLe Lhe energy requlred, calculaLe Lhe dlñerenual LemperaLure ln Lhe summer: uigerenno/ 1emperoture {ºc) = ueslteJ 1empetotote (ºc) - Mlolmom sommet tempetotote (ºc) 1he dally energy requlremenL can Lhen be calculaLed: uoi/y £nerqy kequirement {kl) = volome of wotet oseJ Jolly (kq) × 4.18 (kI/kqºc) × Jl[eteouol tempetotote (ºc) 1hls calculauon wlll change lf waLer ls noL Lhe chosen medlum for Lhe sysLem deslgn. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 22 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 7.3 System S|z|ng 7.3.1 Co||ector S|ze kequ|rement uslng summer ume values of dally energy requlremenL as deLermlned ln Secuon 7.2.2, Lhe number of collecLors requlred can be deLermlned. Summer ume values have been selecLed Lo ensure LhaL Lhe slze of Lhe solar Lhermal sysLem wlll meeL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe hoL waLer demands durlng Lhe summer perlod (Lhls ls approxlmaLely 90-93° solar conLrlbuuon), and ensure LhaL overheaung wlll noL be a problem. Number of 4Pl0 co//ectors =uolly íoetqy kepoltemeot (kI)×J600(kwb/kI)/11kwb 7.3.2 koof Space and Co||ector Shad|ng When deslgnlng commerclal solar Lhermal sysLems, lL ls very common for Lhe roof space Lo be Lhe llmlung facLor LhaL deLermlnes Lhe number of collecLors LhaL can be placed on Lhe roof. lf Lhls ls Lhe case, lL ls necessary Lo deLermlne Lhe avallable area for Lhe solar Lhermal collecLors and calculaLe Lhe number of collecLors LhaL can ñL wlLhln Lhe deslgn envelope. 1he roof space and dlmenslons requlred for a slngle AÞ-30 aL common lnsLall angles are llsLed below ln 1able 7. 1oble 7. koof covetoqe of o sloqle Al-J0 collectot ÞlLch (¨) 8oof 8auen Spaclng WldLh (mm) uepLh (mm) 1oLal roof Coverage (m2) 1300mm 0 2240 2023 4.34 30 1733 3.92 43 1431 3.2 1800mm 0 2240 2023 4.34 28 1787 4 43 1480 3.31 Shadlng ls anoLher facLor LhaL needs Lo be Laken lnLo accounL for ulLed collecLors, as lL ls posslble LhaL banks of collecLors can shade each oLher. Shadlng can add 41.8m2 Lo Lhe roof surface area LhaL Lhe collecLor occuples. As a resulL, spaclng beLween banks of collecLors needs Lo be consldered, especlally when lnsLalllng frames aL ulLs. 1hls can resulL ln slgnlñcanL shadlng durlng wlnLer and performance loss lf noL assessed properly. ConLacL englneerlng[aprlcus.com.au for advlce on complex array lnsLallauons. SysLems LhaL requlre ceruñcauon Lo cyclonlc sLandards should also Lake lnLo accounL edge zones and oLher slLe speclñc facLors. lor more deLall please refer Lo secuon 8 - Appendlx. 7.3.3 Storage 1ank S|z|ng 1he sLorage Lank slzlng ls dlrecLly relaLed Lo Lhe load proñle of Lhe bulldlng. Secuon 7.2.1 deLalls meLhods of deLermlnlng Lhe load proñle for a slLe. 1he sLorage Lank acLs as a Lhermal bauery and should be slzed Lo provlde, as a mlnlmum enough energy capaclLy Lo maLch Lhe summer ume producuon of Lhe sysLem. 1o calculaLe Lhe sLorage Lank energy capaclLy, follow Lhe equauon below: 1onk vo/ume {kq) =(íoetqy copoclty (kI) ´ j(Mox 5totoqe 1empetotote - 5ommet wotet 1empetotote) (ºc) × 4.18 (kI/kqºc)] SLorage Lank slzlng can only be lowered lf Lhere ls exLreme conñdence ln Lhe load proñle and a careful analysls has been underLaken. 1he sLorage Lanks should be slzed Lo hold Lhe energy from Lhe solar array wlLhouL any load. lor example, bulldlngs LhaL are noL used durlng Lhe weekend requlre a sLorage Lank slze LhaL ls Lwo Lo Lhree umes larger Lhan an equlvalenL bulldlng uslng hoL waLer seven days a week. 7.3.4 Þ|pe Mater|a| collecLor loop can geL very hoL and Lherefore Lhe recommended maLerlal cholce for plpes are copper (hard or soû colled) or corrugaLed, ßexlble sLalnless sLeel plpe. 7.3.S Þ|pe S|ze a) Þ|pe Se|ecnon: When selecung Lhe slze of Lhe plpe for Lhe solar loop or any plumblng, Lhere are Lwo maln concerns, ßow raLe and pressure drop. 1hese Lwo facLors are closely relaLed, a hlgher pressure drop wlll reduce Lhe ßow raLe. Þressure drop ls lncreased wlLh a smaller dlameLer plpe, as well as Lhe presence of bends, elbows and oLher componenLs LhaL wlll resLrlcL Lhe ßow. CorrugaLed plpes wlll also lncrease Lhe pressure drop. b) Þ|pe D|ameter: See 1able 8 for baslc plpe slzlng (based on Lype L copper): Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 23 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 1oble 8. kecommeoJeJ llpe 5lzloq fot Nombet of 1obes number of 1ubes Þlpe Slze (lnches) Þlpe Slze (mm) 10-20 x" 12.7 30-90 ¾" 19.03 90-240 1" 23.4 240-730 1.3" 38.1 730-1700 2" 30.8 c) 1emperature k|se: 1able 9 provldes esumaLed LemperaLure rlse aL varlous ßow raLes: 1oble 9. Apptoxlmote 1empetotote tlse qlveo fow tote ooJ 5olot lttoJlouoo llow 8aLe per 30 1ubes (L/mln) 1emp 8lse (C) [ 0.47 kWh/m2 (Clear WlnLer's uay) 1emp 8lse [ 1.0 kWh/m2 (Clear Summer's uay) 0.73 16.4 33 1.3 8.2 17.3 2.3 3.3 11.7 3 4.1 8.7 3.8 3.3 7 7.4 System 1ype 1he sysLem Lype (dlrecL, closed, dralnback) ls dlrecLly relaLed Lo Lhe bulldlng funcuon and usage. 1yplcal usage pauerns are llsLed below along wlLh deslgn conslderauons. When all Lypes of sysLems are accepLable for Lhe appllcauon, freeze proLecuon meLhods musL sull be Laken lnLo conslderauon. 7.4.1 C|osed |oop ln a closed loop sysLem, Lhe heaL Lransfer ßuld ls pumped Lhrough Lhe collecLors and a heaL exchanger ls used Lo Lransfer heaL from Lhe collecLor loop Lo Lhe waLer ln Lhe Lank. Closed loop sysLems are used ln areas where freezlng condluons are common and Lhe Lransfer ßuld ln Lhe manlfold ls generally glycol or an anufreeze ßuld. 1hese sysLems are more expenslve Lo consLrucL and lnsLall, and requlre malnLenance. 7.4.2 Cpen Loop or D|rect I|ow Cpen loop acuve sysLems clrculaLe waLer dlrecLly from Lhe Lank, Lhrough Lhe collecLors. 1hls deslgn ls emclenL and lowers operaung cosLs, buL ls noL approprlaLe lf Lhe waLer supply ls hard, as deposlLs of calclum wlll qulckly bulld up ln Lhe bouom header of Lhe collecLor. Cpen loop sysLems have llmlLed freeze proLecuon usually achleved Lhrough conLroller funcuons, by runnlng Lhe pump and forclng warm waLer from Lhe Lank Lo Lhe collecLor, when Lhe collecLor LemperaLure approaches zero. 7.4.3 Dra|nback uralnback sysLems use waLer as Lhe heaL Lransfer ßuld ln Lhe collecLor loop. 1he waLer dralns by gravlLy back Lo Lhe sLorage Lank or an auxlllary (header) Lank when Lhe clrculauon pump sLops, Lhus prevenung overheaung and freezlng. 1hls sysLem provldes a hlgh level of proLecuon as lL does noL rely on valves or conLrollers LhaL could fall under adverse freezlng condluons. 1he dlsadvanLage of Lhe sysLem ls LhaL lL requlres a pump wlLh a hlgh sLauc llû Lo ñll Lhe collecLor when Lhe sysLem sLarLs up, lL ls also lmporLanL LhaL all plumblng slopes, ensurlng LhaL Lhe collecLor ls aL Lhe Lop and Lhe Lank aL Lhe bouom, u-bends are sLrlcLly noL allowed. 7.4.4 Constant Use, 7 Days a Week Lxample: lndusLrlal appllcauons ln appllcauons where Lhe usage ls consLanL LhroughouL Lhe day any of Lhe Lhree sysLem Lypes can be uullzed. Slnce Lhe load ls consLanL and usually known, mlnlmal sLorage ls requlred as all Lhe energy wlll be used as soon as lL enLers Lhe sysLem. 1he boosLer wlll need Lo be slzed Lo be able Lo malnLaln Lhls consLanL draw oñ. 7.4.S Constant Use, S Days a Week Lxample: ManufacLurlng faclllLy ln Lhls Lype of appllcauon Lhere ls a large consLanL load durlng Lhe week, however Lhe weekend load may be mlnlmal. Pence alLhough all Lhe energy produced by solar ls used durlng Lhe week, lL ls advlsable Lo lnsLall Lhe largesL amounL of sLorage posslble. 1he ldeal scenarlo ls Lo slze Lhe Lanks such, LhaL sLagnauon, and Lhus energy wasLe ls mlnlmlzed. Where sumclenL sLorage ls avallable any of Lhe Lhree conñgurauons are sulLable. lf enough sLorage lsn'L lnsLalled lL ls advlsable Lo use elLher a dralnback sysLem Lo mlnlmlze Lhe lmpacL of sLagnauon, or a closed loop sysLem wlLh a heaL dump mechanlsm or separaLe energy appllcauon. AlLernauvely, Lhe number of collecLors can be scaled down Lo meeL Lhe amounL of sLorage feaslble. 7.4.6 Da||y Þeaks, 7 Days a Week Lxample: AparLmenL 8ulldlng, 8rewery, ualry larm Appllcauons where waLer usage peaks aL polnLs durlng Lhe day requlre sLandard sLorage capaclLy. ldeally enough energy can be sLored Lo oñseL Lhe dally energy requlremenL. lf Lhe sysLem ls slzed Lo conLrlbuLe a small amounL (<30°) Lhe amounL of sLorage can be reduced Lo 130-200 llLres per AÞ-30 and any Lype of sysLem can be used. lf a hlgh solar conLrlbuuon ls requlred lL ls recommended LhaL larger sLorage be used or LhaL a dralnback deslgn ls employed. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 24 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 7.4.7 Constant Use, w|th Lxtended Þer|ods of Non- Use Lxample: School, Colleges Slnce many learnlng faclllues have exLended hollday perlods a dralnback sysLem ls Lhe besL cholce. SLorage can be mlnlmlzed slnce Lhe collecLors wlll noL be ln operauon durlng Lhe summer monLhs. uurlng Lhls perlod, collecLors should be covered Lo prevenL exLended perlods of dry sLagnauon as Lhls may damage Lhe collecLors. CollecLor ñelds for schools are oûen overslzed Lo provlde more conLrlbuuon ln Lhe shoulder monLhs. lf Lhe faclllues are opened year round, follow Secuon 7.3.1. lf Lhe faclllues are opened year round and a pool exlsLs, lL can be used as a form of heaL dump over Lhe weekend. 7.S System Des|gn and Conhguranon 7.S.1 Mu|np|e Co||ector Connecnon a) Connecung CollecLors ln Serles: lL ls hlghly recommended LhaL Lhe ßow raLe Lhrough any Aprlcus collecLor should noL exceed 18L/mln. lf Lhe ldeal ßow raLe ls deslgned uslng Lhls value ln mlnd lL resulLs ln a maxlmum of 130 Lubes ln serles. 1hls ls for four maln reasons: - Lxcesslve hlgh ßow raLes can scrub Lhe walls of Lhe copper header wearlng lL away. - Plgh ßow raLes greaLly lncrease Lhe pressure drop, requlrlng a much larger clrculauon pump, and consumlng more power. - 1he peak 30 Lube collecLor ouLpuL ls abouL 1.9kW, Lherefore Lhe maxlmum LemperaLure rlse per pass Lhrough Lhe collecLors wlll be 8.6¨C aL Lhe ldeal ßow raLe speclñed above. A fasLer ßow raLe provldes no ma[or beneñL and may resulL ln Lhe pump dropplng below Lhe pump cycllng on and oñ due Lo conLroller semngs. - 1hermal expanslon of more collecLors ln serles could cause buckllng of Lhe copper header durlng perlods of sLagnauon. b) lsolauon and draln valves: Lach bank of collecLors (up Lo ñve ln serles) should have an lsolauon valve aL each end and a draln valve. lf Lhe collecLor bank needs Lo be lsolaLed for malnLenance work, Lhe draln valve musL lmmedlaLely be opened Lo avold dangerous pressure and LemperaLure bulld up. WAkNING WA8nlnC: lf any solar collecLors are lsolaLed, a draln valve locaLed beLween Lhe Lwo polnLs of lsolauon musL lmmedlaLely be opened, oLherwlse a rapld pressure bulld up may occur poLenually resulung ln componenL rupLure releaslng superheaLed waLer or sLeam. 7.S.2 8a|anced I|ow When connecung muluple banks of collecLors ln parallel, Lhe ßow raLe Lhrough each bank musL be equal. lallure Lo ensure equal ßow wlll resulL ln some collecLors runnlng ºcold" due Lo hlgher ßow raLe whlle oLhers wlll run hoL, due Lo Lhe lower ßow raLes. 1hls wlll mean LhaL Lhe cold collecLors wlll cool Lhe hoL collecLors down when Lhe waLer reLurns Lo Lhe same plpe, reduclng Lhe overall eñecuveness of Lhe solar heaung. 1hls ls noL an lssue for a slngle bank of 130 Lubes connecLed ln serles (3 x AÞ-30). 1here are Lwo maln meLhods of achlevlng balanced ßow, reverse reLurn and ßow seuers. a) keverse keturn: 1o ensure balanced ßow Lhrough Lhe collecLors, plplng conñgurauon can be used followlng a meLhod of ºñrsL ln - lasL ouL" as lllusLraLed ln llgure 19. 1hls meLhod ls less preclse ßow balanclng, as well as lncreased cosL and heaL loss due Lo exLra plplng. llqote 19. collectot llploq Attooqemeot - kevetse ketoto Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 25 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. llqote 22. lotollel took plploq - lo tevetse setop Þlease conLacL englneerlng[aprlcus.com.au for advlce on complex Lank prlorlLy conLrol. 7.6 Des|gn Cons|deranons 7.6.1 Stagnanon SLagnauon ls a Lerm used Lo descrlbe Lhe scenarlo where Lhe collecLors are produclng energy whlle Lhe clrculauon pump ls Lurned oñ. 1hls can occur ln a number of clrcumsLances: - uurlng a power ouLage when Lhe elecLrlclLy ls ouL. - uurlng servlclng when Lhe conLroller and pump are shuL down. - When Lhe waLer sLore has reached maxlmum LemperaLure and Lhe conLroller does noL allow Lhe pump Lo Lurn on. ln boLh dlrecL and closed loop sysLems, sLagnauon resulLs ln excesslve heaL energy belng Lransferred Lo Lhe ßuld lnslde Lhe collecLors. When Lhls occurs, Lhe LemperaLure and pressure of Lhe sysLem wlll lncrease. ln a ßooded sysLem, Lhe collecLors and plumblng ln close proxlmlLy may reach LemperaLures of up Lo 170¨C. 1herefore componenLs whlch are exposed Lo such hlgh LemperaLures, such as valves, plplng or lnsulauon, should be sulLably raLed. 1he sysLem deslgns llsLed ln Lhe 'CL8' 8eglsLer musL meeL Lhe no-Load sysLem requlremenLs deLalled ln AS/ nZS 2712:2007. 1hls means LhaL Lhey wlll noL dump large volumes of waLer from Lhe Þ18v and do noL requlre an auLo alr-venL. under sLagnauon condluons, when waLer ls Lurned on, condensauon pressure shocks may occur ln Lhe Lank. 1hls ls oûen assoclaLed wlLh a loud, rumbllng nolse ln Lhe Lank. 1hls occurs, when hlgh pressure, hlgh LemperaLure sLeam ln Lhe solar reLurn, experlences a rapld pressure and LemperaLure decrease as lL enLers Lhe Lank meeung b) I|ow Seuers: 1hls ls a more preclse meLhod of balanclng ßow. Lach bank ls measured and dlrecLly ad[usLed, see llgure 20. lL ls generally more cosL eñecuve Lhan reverse reLurn as lL ellmlnaLes plpe run lengLh and assoclaLed lncreased cosL and heaL loss. AlLhough lnvolves exLra componenLry. llqote 20. collectot llploq Attooqemeot - kevetse ketoto 7.S.3 Mu|np|e 1ank Þ|p|ng a) Þara||e| 1ank Þ|p|ng: 1o allow balanced ßow Lhrough muluple parallel Lanks, Lhe reverse reLurn, or ºñrsL ln - lasL ouL" Lheory can also be used for Lank plplng, as evldenL ln llgure 21. 1he deslgn allows Lhe muluple Lanks Lo acL as a slngle large Lank. lL means Lhe sLrauñcauon wlll be Lhe same Lhrough all Lanks. llqote 21. lotollel took plploq - lo tevetse setop b) Þr|or|nsanon 1ank Þ|p|ng: ÞrlorlusaLon plpe deslgn has an orderlng sysLem LhaL forces Lhe ñrsL Lank ln Lhe llne Lo be heaLed fully before Lhe nexL Lank ln Lhe llne, Lhrough conLroller loglc, see llgure 22. 1hls process keeps worklng down Lhe chaln of Lanks unul all are full of Lhe seL polnL LemperaLure. 1hls meLhod would be used ln consLanL load appllcauons where lL ls more lmporLanL Lo reduce lnemclenL auxlllary heaung/hlgh energy cosLs raLher Lhan conslder solar emclency. 1anks ln Lhls seLup wlll run houer and have a poLenual for lncreased heaL loss. All Lanks and plplng musL be well lnsulaLed Lo mlnlmlse heaL loss. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 26 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. llqote 2J. cbeck volve locouoo lo steom bock system 7.6.3 Ireeze Þrotecnon ln areas LhaL experlence freezlng condluons aL any ume of Lhe year, a meLhod of freeze proLecuon musL be consldered. a. lor areas wlLh LemperaLure LhaL does noL fall below -3¨C, slmple low LemperaLure conLroller based freeze proLecuon may be used. 1haL ls, Lhe pump clrculaLes lf Lhe manlfold LemperaLure approaches freezlng. lf posslble, backup proLecuon ln Lhe form of an unlnLerrupLed power supply (uÞS) or a power ouLage draln valve should also be lnsLalled. A power ouLage draln valve lnsLalled on Lhe reLurn llne (back from Lhe collecLor Lo Lank) opens Lo allow waLer Lo slowly run Lhrough Lhe collecLor lf Lhe power supply ls cuL. A check valve beLween Lhe Lank and draln valve musL be lnsLalled, Lo ensure ßow ls Lhrough Lhe collecLor. b. lor areas wlLh LemperaLures below -3¨C, a closed loop ñlled wlLh freeze reslsLanL heaL Lransfer ßuld should be used. 1he lnsLaller would need Lo refer Lo Lhe speclñc heaL Lransfer manufacLurer's speclñcauons abouL Lhe LemperaLure ranges LhaL Lhe ßuld can wlLhsLand. 1he pP and freeze ßuld level of Lhe ßuld should be LesLed every year before cold weaLher occurs. Always follow Lhe manufacLurer's guldellnes when Lesung Lhe pP and freeze proLecuon of Lhe heaL Lransfer ßuld. c. uralnback sysLems are permlsslble ln all cllmaLes, buL recommended as an opuon for freeze prone areas. 8efer Lo Secuon 7.4.3 uralnback for more deLalls. malns pressure waLer. 1hls resulLs ln rapld condensauon, where Lhe surroundlng ßuld collapses on lLself or Lank chamber walls. AlLhough Lhe Lank wlll noL be damaged by Lhe such pressure shocks, lf Lhe nolse becomes an lssue an expanslon Lank can be ñued on Lhe malns llne aûer Lhe non-reLurn check valve Lo prevenL Lhe hlgh pressures belng meL. See secuon 7.7.2 Lxpanslon 1ank for more lnformauon. 7.6.2 Lxcess|ve System Þressure and 1emperature Contro| Many solar Lhermal appllcauons face a fundamenLal supply and demand mlsmaLch. l.e. when lL ls houesL ln Lhe year, solar produces Lhe mosL, buL requlred load ls smaller. 8y conLrasL, when lL ls Lhe coldesL ln Lhe year, solar produces Lhe leasL buL Lhe load ls oûen greaLer. 1hls means LhaL ln some appllcauons such as pool heaung and under-ßoor hydronlc heaung, Lhe sysLem needs Lo be overslzed for summer. 1hls can resulL ln prolonged perlods of sLagnauon. SLeamback ls a passlve meLhod of conLrolllng sysLem sLagnauon. 1he mechanlsm of sLeamback ls descrlbed ln four parLs: - ÞarL 1 - Lxpanslon of ßuld. 1he ßuld expands as lL ls heaLed. - ÞarL 2 - Þushlng llquld ouL of Lhe collecLor. As Lhe bolllng polnL ls approached, ßuld beglns Lo Lurn Lo sLeam (evaporaLes). 8ecause sLeam occuples a much larger volume Lhen llquld, lL pushes llquld ouL of Lhe collecLor. - ÞarL 3 - LmpLylng of Lhe collecLor by bolllng. 1he resldual ßuld from parL 2, conunues Lo evaporaLe and form sLeam. LvenLually Lhere ls llule Lo no llquld and Lhe collecLor reaches a sLaLe slmllar Lo dry sLagnauon. - ÞarL 4 - 8eñlllng of Lhe collecLor, when solar lrradlauon falls, Lhe collecLor LemperaLure drops causlng sLeam Lo condensaLe. 1hls acLs as a vacuum and leads Lo passlve reñlllng of Lhe collecLor. 1o enable eñecuve sLeamback deslgn: 1. SysLem pressure should be seL aL 1.3-2.3 bar (lower bolllng polnL of waLer). 2. Cverslze expanslon Lank Lo lnclude volume for expanslon of waLer and also all Lhe volume ln Lhe collecLors. 3. Check valve musL be placed before Lhe expanslon Lank so as noL Lo prevenL empLylng of Lhe collecLor from Lhe ßow slde, see ñgure 23. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 27 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 7.7 Add|nona| Components 7.7.1 1hermostanc M|x|ng Va|ve 1hermosLauc Mlxlng valve (1Mv): 1he 1Mv ls slmllar Lo a Lemperlng valve, as lL blends hoL and cold waLer Lo a seL LemperaLure requlred aL Lhe ouLleL. 1Mvs conunually malnLaln Lhe ouLleL waLer LemperaLure Lo a preseL value, furLher prevenung scaldlng. lL allows waLer Lo be sLored aL a hlgher LemperaLure, and furLher noL lnhlblL Lhe growLh of leglonella bacLerla. 7.7.2 Lxpans|on 1ank Lxpanslon Lanks allow Lhe sysLem Lo breaLh and conLrol pressure ßucLuauons. 1he Lank ls deslgned Lo absorb any exLra pressure wlLhln a sysLem caused by waLer expanslon from sLagnauon and waLer hammer. 1he Lank lLself conLalns alr, whlch ls somewhaL compresslble, lL ls Lhls characLerlsuc LhaL wlll absorb Lhe shock from waLer pressure. When heaL energy ls added Lo a ßuld lL's molecules wlll vlbraLe wlLh greaLer energy. 1hls resulLs ln Lhe ßuld expandlng. ln a closed envlronmenL Lhe volume ls ñxed, hence as expanslon lncreases, Lhls leads Lo Lhe pressure of Lhe sysLem and bolllng polnL of waLer rlslng. ln domesuc sysLems an expanslon conLrol valve ñued on Lhe cold malns llne (ñued ln beLween Lhe non-reLurn valve and Lank) may be enough Lo mlugaLe Lhe eñecLs of expanslon and pressure lncrease. lor larger dlrecL ßow sysLems and closed loop sysLems, an expanslon Lank needs Lo be used Lo absorb Lhe pressure caused by Lhe expanslon of waLer. An expanslon Lank conLalns a bladder, Lhls separaLes Lhe gas chamber from Lhe ßuld (see ñgure 24). When Lhe sysLem ls commlssloned Lhe ñll pressure of Lhe expanslon Lank ls seL Lo Lhe deslred sysLem pressure. Þroper slzlng of Lhe expanslon Lank ls lmporLanL Lo Lake Lhe full expanded volume of Lhe ßuld ln Lhe hydraullc sysLem. llqote 24. íxpoosloo took opetouoo As LemperaLure lncreases, Lhe ßuld expands and pressure lncreases. Slnce a gas can be compressed and a ßuld can noL, Lhe bladder pushes lnLo Lhe gas chamber (see ñgure 23). llqote 25. ltessote took wotkloq os wotet ls beoteJ 8y pushlng on Lhe bladder, Lhe volume of Lhe ßuld lncreases, and Lhus pressure ln Lhe hydraullc sysLem ls decreased. Conversely, Lhe gas chamber decreases ln volume and Lhus pressure ls lncreased (see ñgure 26). llqote 26. ltessote took wotkloq os wotet ls beoteJ lf Lhe expanslon Lank ls underslzed, when Lhe Lank's maxlmum pressure lnLake capaclLy ls meL, Lhe hydraullc sysLem wlll conunue Lo lncrease ln pressure whlch wlll evenLually lead Lo Lhe Þ18v openlng. 1able 10 shows how Lhe expanslon ls greaLer aL hlgher LemperaLures Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 28 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 1oble 10. íxpoosloo coe[cleot of wotet ot votloos tempetototes 1emperaLure of WaLer (¨C) Lxpanslon CoemclenL (10 -6 k -1 ) 4 0 10 88 20 207 30 303 40 383 30 437 60 322 70 382 80 640 90 693 7.7.4 Ad[ustab|e Þressure keduc|ng Va|ve Þressure reduclng valves (Þ8v) should be used connecLed on Lhe malns-llne aûer Lhe ball valve and before a non- reLurn duo valve. 1hey wlll auLomaucally ñll Lhe closed solar loop back Lo Lhe seL pressure lf alr ls released from Lhe expanslon conLrol valve. A pressure gauge should be lnsLalled on Lhe Þ8v Lo provlde a clear lndlcauon of llne pressure upsLream of Lhe valve. uurlng commlsslonlng, a ßaL head screw can be used Lo ad[usL Lhe pressure semng on Lhe Þ8v. llqote 27. ltessote took wotkloq os wotet ls beoteJ Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 29 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8. Append|x 8.1 Apr|cus System Schemancs 8.1.1 Apr|cus L|ectr|c 8oosted So|ar not Water System Apricus Australia - Solar Hot Water System with Electric Boost 1 5 4 7 6 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No Apricus Solar Evacuated Tube Collector (10/20/22/30 Tubes) Apricus Pump Station Kit (includes tempering valve, fow meter, check valve, circulation pump, controller) Apricus Storage Tank (Stainless Steel or Glass-Lined) Pressure Temperature Relief Valve Electric Element and Thermostat (Bot or Mid Element) Apricus Valve Kit (Optional Extra) (includes duo valve, pressure limiting valve, 4-way cross, expansion control valve) COMPONENT NAME Key Cold Mains Inlet Hot Outlet Tempered Hot Water Solar Return Line Solar Flow Line Sensor Cables Drain Line IMPORTANT This schematic is designed as a guide only. Images shown are not to scale. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 30 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.1.2 Apr|cus Gas 8oosted So|ar not Water System 7 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No Apricus Solar Evacuated Tube Collector (10/20/22/30 Tubes) Apricus Pump Station Kit (includes tempering valve, fow meter, check valve, circulation pump, controller) Apricus Storage Tank (Stainless Steel or Glass-Lined) Pressure Temperature Relief Valve In-Line Gas Booster (NG/LPG) Apricus Valve Kit (Optional Extra) (includes duo valve, pressure limiting valve, 4-way cross, expansion control valve) COMPONENT NAME IMPORTANT This schematic is designed as a guide only. Images shown are not to scale. Key Cold Mains Inlet Hot Outlet Tempered Hot Water Solar Return Line Solar Flow Line Sensor Cables Drain Line Apricus Australia - Solar Hot Water System with Gas Boost Gas Mains Inlet 1 3 4 6 Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 31 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.2 Cond|nona| kequ|rements 8.2.1 W|nd Load|ng Cond|nons 1he locallsed wlnd loadlng condluons can dlñer dependlng on a number of facLors. 1hese facLors can vary greaLly dependlng on locauon. WhaL may be correcL ln one sLreeL or suburb, may be dlñerenL ln Lhe nexL. 1he Wlnd loadlng parameLers lnclude: wlnd reglon, Lopography and Lerraln caLegory. llgure 28 lllusLraLes how AusLralla has been caLegorlzed. lor more lnformauon on how Lo classlfy wlnd-loadlng parameLers see AS/nZS 1170.2 - Wlnd Acuons or consulL a local sLrucLural englneer. I2?*'( !C" B26> 0(?286 5.- 83 H*)/'.12. Source: S1LC8A8 ArchlLecLural ueslgn Manual Secuon 3, verslon 2 (lssued March 2009) W|nd Gust Speed: 1he Aprlcus mounung frame ls ceruñed Lo dlñerenL wlnd speeds and Lhls ls deLermlned by Lhe reglon lL ls locaLed ln. 1he reglonal wlnd speeds are shown below: - 8eglon A (non-Cyclonlc): 162 km/h. - 8eglon 8 (non-Cyclonlc): 203 km/h. - 8eglon C (Cyclonlc): 249km/h. - 8eglon u (Cyclonlc): 316km/h. 1erra|n Category: 2, 3 and 4. 1erraln CaLegory 2 (1C2) ls characLerlzed as an open Lerraln wlLh only a few scauered obsLrucuons Lo wlnd. Calculauons of wlnd load have assumed 1C2. 1opography: llaL Lopography. 1hls means LhaL Lhe lnLended lnsLall slLe can noL be locaLed on a hlll or escarp- menL unless sub[ecLed Lo prlor addluonal englneerlng approval. location classification Non-cyclonic Classification Cyclonic Classification Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 32 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.2.2 Insta||anon Cond|nons lor mounung frame ceruñcauon Lo apply, Lhe followlng lnsLallauon condluons musL be meL. 8auen]Þur||n 1 Spac|ng: 600, 900, 1300 or 1800mm. 8auen]Þur||n Screws: - 1lmber 8auens/Þurllns: 14C C6.3mm umber screw, wlLh mlnlmum 33 mm embedmenL lnLo bauens. Mlnlmum [olnL group !4. - SLeel 8auens/Þurllns: 14C C6.3mm Lek screw. Mlnlmum sLeel Lhlckness 0.73 mm, Crade C330. - 1here ls an even number of screws per roof rall, so ñxlng polnLs should be equldlsLanL from Lhe roof rall. L.g. A ulL- mounLed AÞ-30 sysLem ln 8eglon C wlll requlre, 20 screws for Lhe rear roof rall. Slnce Lhere are 3 rear legs, Lhls ls 4 screws per rear leg. 1he screws should lnsLalled aL 60 mm aL 120 mm away from Lhe rear leg and on each slde. - 1able 11, 12a and 12b show Lhe number of screws requlred per Lrack for a ßush-mounLed and a ulL-mounLed sysLem respecuvely. Max|mum he|ght of |nsta||: 10 m above ground. I|ush Mount: roof plLch needs Lo be 20-43¨ Lo Lhe horlzonLal. - Lxlsung 8oof Check: Lhe sLrucLural adequacy of supporung roof members musL be conñrmed by a pracuclng sLrucLural englneer prlor Lo lnsLallauon, unless a roof rall ls used for every bauen locauon. 1||t Mount: roof plLch needs Lo be 0-10¨ Lo Lhe horlzonLal. - 8eglon A and 8: Maxlmum ulL angle 43¨ Lo Lhe horlzonLal. - 8eglon C: Maxlmum ulL angle 30¨ Lo Lhe horlzonLal. - Lxlsung 8oof Check: a pracuclng sLrucLural englneer prlor Lo all lnsLallauons musL conñrm Lhe sLrucLural adequacy of supporung roof members. Ldge Lxc|us|on 2ones - As per AS/nZS 1170.2:2011, Lhe ßush mounLed and ulL-mounLed frame sysLems need Lo be lnsLalled wlLhln Lhe lnLernal roof zone. 1he edge excluslon zones ls calculaLed from Lhe mlnlmum of 0.2x'u' (wldLh of Lhe bulldlng), 0.2x'8' (lengLh of Lhe bulldlng) and 'P' (average helghL of Lhe bulldlng). llqote 29. íJqe exclosloo zooe $ 8oueos ooJ potllos ote tbe some compooeots ooJ ote osoolly locoteJ botlzootol, ot petpeoJlcolot to tbe toof pltcb. 1bls Jl[ets ftom tofets wblcb .'( )2/*./(> -.'.11(1 /8 /F( '883 -2/;F" Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 33 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 1oble 11. 5ctew llxloq ooJ ltome coofqotouoos fot llosb MoooteJ 5ystems number of Screw llxlngs 8equlred for Lhe lronL and 8ear 8oof 8all Wlnd 8eglon Wlnd 8eglon A Wlnd 8eglon 8 Wlnd 8eglon C Wlnd 8eglon u number of lronL 1rack no of llxlngs per 8oof 8all number of lronL 1rack 1oLal llxlngs per 8oof 8all number of lronL 1rack no of llxlngs per 8oof 8all number of lronL 1rack no of llxlngs per 8oof 8all 1 l m b e r 8auen S L e e l 8auen 1 l m b e r 8auen S L e e l 8auen 1 l m b e r 8auen S L e e l 8auen 1 l m b e r 8auen S L e e l 8auen 30 1ubes 3 6 6 3 6 6 3 10 20 3 10 20 22 1ubes 3 6 6 3 6 6 3 6 20 3 10 20 20 1ubes 3 6 6 3 6 6 3 6 20 3 10 20 10 1ubes 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 3 10 12 1oble 12o. 5ctew llxloq ooJ ltome coofqotouoos fot ltoot koof koll oo 1llt MoooteJ 5ystems number of Screw llxlngs 8equlred for Lhe lronL 8oof 8all Wlnd 8eglon Wlnd 8eglon A Wlnd 8eglon 8 Wlnd 8eglon C Wlnd 8eglon u number of lronL 1rack no of llxlngs for lronL 8oof 8all number of lronL 1rack no of llxlngs for lronL 8oof 8all number of lronL 1rack no of llxlngs for lronL 8oof 8all 1llL mounL frames cannoL be lnsLalled ln wlnd reglon u. 1 l m b e r 8auen S L e e l 8auen 1 l m b e r 8auen S L e e l 8auen 1 l m b e r 8auen S L e e l 8auen 30 1ubes 3 6 6 3 10 10 3 10 10 22 1ubes 3 6 6 3 6 6 3 10 10 20 1ubes 3 6 6 3 6 6 3 10 10 10 1ubes 2 4 4 2 4 4 3 6 6 1oble 12b. 5ctew llxloq ooJ ltome coofqotouoos fot keot koof koll oo 1llt MoooteJ 5ystems number of Screw llxlngs 8equlred for Lhe 8ear 8oof 8all Wlnd 8eglon Wlnd 8eglon A Wlnd 8eglon 8 Wlnd 8eglon C Wlnd 8eglon u number of lronL 1rack no of llxlngs for 8ear 8oof 8all number of lronL 1rack no of llxlngs for 8ear 8oof 8all number of lronL 1rack no of llxlngs for 8ear 8oof 8all 1llL mounL frames cannoL be lnsLalled ln wlnd reglon u. 1 l m b e r 8auen S L e e l 8auen 1 l m b e r 8auen S L e e l 8auen 1 l m b e r 8auen S L e e l 8auen 30 1ubes 3 12 12 3 20 20 3 20 40 22 1ubes 3 6 12 3 12 12 3 20 40 20 1ubes 3 6 12 3 12 12 3 20 30 10 1ubes 2 4 4 2 4 4 3 6 18 Max. ÞlLch 43 degrees 43 degrees 30 degrees Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 34 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.3 Mounnng Irame Cernhcanon J2011-0222.007 November 18 th 2011 Apricus Australia PO Box 6109 Silverwater NSW 1811 Attention: Mr Attention: Mr Attention: Mr Attention: Mr Christopher Nheu Christopher Nheu Christopher Nheu Christopher Nheu STRUCTURAL DESIGN CERTIFICATE Project Description: Certification of Aluminium Mounting Frames and Fixing Requirements for Apricus Australia for 30/22/20/10 Tube Manifolds We, Partridge Partners Pty Limited, being professional Structural Engineers within the meaning of the Building Code of Australia, hereby certify that we have reviewed the structural design of the aluminium framing and fixing specifications for the Apricus Aluminium Mounting Frames for 30/22/20/10 evacuated tube manifolds as detailed in the Apricus Australia document “Aluminium Frame Certification Requirements” and that the design is in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Standard Building Codes, in particular AS/NZS1170.2:2011, and in accordance with accepted engineering practice and principles. Certified Document: AA- Frame Cert.-v1.2 Issue 1.1 “Aluminium Frame Certification Requirements” dated 12.11.12 by Apricus Australia This certification is subject to the limitations imposed on the system by the manufacturer and as detailed in the Certification Requirements. This document does not constitute structural certification of the existing roof structure to which the mounting system is to be fixed. This certificate shall not be construed as relieving the system manufacturer or installer of their responsibilities, liabilities or contractual obligations Rob O’Reilly Rob O’Reilly Rob O’Reilly Rob O’Reilly BE(Hons) MIEAust CPEng NPER(Structural) RPEQ For and on behalf of: Partridge Structural Pty Ltd Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 35 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.4 Secnon 40 - Cernhcate of Comp||ance Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 36 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. L-mall: englneerlng[aprlcus.com.au for assoclaLed daLa sheeLs. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 37 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.S Mounnng Irame Conhguranons 8.S.1 10 1ube I|ush Mount 1oble 1J. 10 1obe llosb Mooot compooeots Irame Component Çty (10 1ube - 2 1rack) 10 8oof 8all 2 AL-L 8rackeL 8 1op AuachmenL ÞlaLe 4 AL-lronL 1rack 2 Cllp lasLener 10 1ube Cllp 10 AL-8ouom 1rack 1 8ouom AuachmenL ÞlaLe 4 ! ! " !"! # ! $ $ # % $ $ & $ & ! "'! # #$% #&'( )*+,-. 012(34 5(67 - -. 8$$9 8&:5 4 4 !;<;<"=&>?(* @ A 0$B !**&>C'(D* E5&*( F F !;<G=$D* 0=&>? 4 H I5:B G&J*(D(= -. K 012( I5:B -. L !;<"$**$' 0=&>? - @ "$**$' !**&>C'(D* E5&*( F Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 38 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.S.2 10 1ube 1||t Mount 1oble 14. 10 1obe 1llt Mooot compooeots Irame Component Çty (10 1ube - 2 1rack) 10 8oof 8all 2 AL-L 8rackeL 8 30¨ or 43¨ 8ear Leg 2 AL-8ear x 8race 2 1op AuachmenL ÞlaLe 4 AL 1rl-ÞlaLe 4 AL-lronL 1rack 2 AL-8ouom 1rack 1 Cllp lasLener 10 1ube Cllp 10 8ouom AuachmenL ÞlaLe 4 ! " 2 0 2 5 SPACÌNG (1500mm or 1800mm) R E A R L E G ( L O = 8 4 4 m m , H Ì = 1 3 4 4 m m ) LO LEG POSÌTÌON HÌ LEG POSÌTÌON ! # $%&' $()' *+, *-./ 012 34& 567/89 :/;< 01234& 567/89 :/;< 4 4& =++> =-?: 9 9 9 !@A@A"B-CD/1 E E % %&'=/-B @/; 9 ()'=/-B @/; 9 ( !@A=/-B F "B-C/ 9 9 ) 5+G !11-CH./I1 J:-1/ ( ( K !@A5B?AJ:-1/ ( ( L !@AMB+I1 5B-CD 9 9 E !@A"+11+. 5B-CD 4 4 N O:?G M-P1/I/B 4& 4& 4& 567/ O:?G 4& 4& 44 "+11+. !11-CH./I1 J:-1/ ( ( Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 39 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.S.3 20]22 1ube I|ush Mount ! # B 1 8 0 0 1 5 0 0 595 595 297.5 297.5 1540 2 0 2 5 A No. Name QTY(20 Tube,3 Leg) QTY(22 Tube,3 Leg) QTY(20 Tube,5 Leg) QTY(22 Tube,5 Leg) 1 20/22 Roof Rail 2 2 2 2 2 AL-L Bracket 12 12 20 20 3 Top Attachment Plate 6 6 10 10 4 AL-Front Track 3 3 5 5 5 Clip Fastener 20 22 20 22 6 Tube Clip 20 22 20 22 7 AL-Bottom Track 1 / 1 / AL-Bottom Track / 1 / 1 8 Bottom Attachment Plate 6 6 10 10 1oble 15. 20/22 1obe llosb Mooot compooeots Irame Component Çty (20 1ube - 3 1rack) Çty (22 1ube - 3 1rack) Çty (20 1ube - S 1rack) Çty (22 1ube - S 1rack) 20/22 8oof 8all 2 2 2 2 AL-L 8rackeL 12 12 20 20 1op AuachmenL ÞlaLe 6 6 10 10 AL-lronL 1rack 3 3 3 3 Cllp lasLener 20 22 20 22 1ube Cllp 20 22 20 22 AL-8ouom 1rack 1 1 1 1 8ouom AuachmenL ÞlaLe 6 6 10 10 Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 40 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.S.4 20]22 1ube 1||t Mount ! " 2 0 2 5 SPACÌNG (1500mm or 1800mm) R E A R L E G ( L O = 8 4 4 m m , H Ì = 1 3 4 4 m m ) LO LEG POSÌTÌON HÌ LEG POSÌTÌON ! # =30° =30° =30° =30° =45° =45° =45° =45° No. Name QTY (20 Tube,3 Leg) QTY (22 Tube,3 Leg) QTY (20 Tube,5 Leg) QTY (22 Tube,5 Leg) QTY (20 Tube,3 Leg) QTY (22 Tube,3 Leg) QTY (20 Tube,5 Leg) QTY (22 Tube,5 Leg) 1 20/22 Roof Rail 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 AL-L Bracket 12 12 20 20 12 12 20 20 3 30° Rear Leg 3 3 5 5 / / / / 45° Rear Leg / / / / 3 3 5 5 4 AL-Rear X Brace 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 Top Attachment Plate 6 6 10 10 6 6 10 10 6 AL-Tri-Plate 6 6 10 10 6 6 10 10 7 AL-Front Track 3 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 8 AL-Bottom Track 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / AL-Bottom Track / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 9 Clip Fastener 20 22 20 22 20 22 20 22 10 Tube Clip 20 22 20 22 20 22 20 22 11 Bottom Attachment Plate 6 6 10 10 6 6 10 10 1oble 16. 20/22 1obe 1llt Mooot compooeots Irame Component Çty (20 1ube - 3 1rack) Çty (22 1ube - 3 1rack) Çty (20 1ube - S 1rack) Çty (22 1ube - S 1rack) 20/22 8oof 8all 2 2 2 2 AL-L 8rackeL 12 12 20 20 30¨ or 43¨ 8ear Leg 3 3 3 3 AL-8ear x 8race 4 4 4 4 1op AuachmenL ÞlaLe 6 6 10 10 AL 1rl-ÞlaLe 6 6 10 10 AL-lronL 1rack 3 3 3 3 AL-8ouom 1rack 1 1 1 1 Cllp lasLener 20 22 20 22 1ube Cllp 20 22 20 22 8ouom AuachmenL ÞlaLe 6 6 10 10 Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 41 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.S.S 30 1ube I|ush Mount ! # ! 1 8 0 0 1 5 0 0 1890 472.5 945 945 2 0 2 5 2240 " #$% #&'( )*+,-. 012(3-04&5678 )*+,-. 012(3904&5678 : -. ;$$< ;&=> ? ? ? "@A@A!4&56(* :? ?. - 0$B "**&5C'(D* E>&*( F :. G "@AH4$D* 04&56 - 9 9 I>=B H&7*(D(4 -. -. F 012( I>=B -. -. J "@A!$**$' 04&56 : : K !$**$' "**&5C'(D* E>&*( F :. 1oble 17. J0 1obe llosb Mooot compooeots Irame Component Çty (30 1ube - 3 1rack) Çty (30 1ube - S 1rack) 30 8oof 8all 2 2 AL-L 8rackeL 12 20 1op AuachmenL ÞlaLe 6 10 AL-lronL 1rack 3 3 Cllp lasLener 30 30 1ube Cllp 30 30 AL-8ouom 1rack 1 1 8ouom AuachmenL ÞlaLe 6 10 Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 42 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.S.6 30 1ube 1||t Mount ! " 2 0 2 5 SPACÌNG (1500mm or 1800mm) R E A R L E G ( L O = 8 4 4 m m , H Ì = 1 3 4 4 m m ) LO LEG POSÌTÌON HÌ LEG POSÌTÌON ! " $%&' $%&' $()' $()' *+, *-./ 0123%& 456/7% 8/9: 012 3%& 456/7) 8/9: 0123%& 456/7% 8/9: 0123%& 456/7) 8/9: ; %& <++= <->8 ? ? ? ? ? !@A@A"B-CD/1 ;? ?& ;? ?& % %&'</-B @/9 % ) ()'</-B @/9 % ) ( !@A</-B E "B-C/ ( ( ( ( ) 4+F !11-CG./H1 I8-1/ J ;& J ;& J !@A4B>AI8-1/ J ;& J ;& K !@ALB+H1 4B-CD % ) % ) M !@A"+11+. 4B-CD ; ; ; ; N O8>F L-P1/H/B %& %& %& %& ;& 456/ O8>F %& %& %& %& ;; "+11+. !11-CG./H1 I8-1/ J ;& J ;& 1oble 18. J0 1obe 1llt Mooot compooeots Irame Component Çty (30 1ube - 3 1rack) Çty (30 1ube - S 1rack) 30 8oof 8all 2 2 AL-L 8rackeL 12 20 30¨ or 43¨ 8ear Leg 3 3 AL-8ear x 8race 4 4 1op AuachmenL ÞlaLe 6 10 AL 1rl-ÞlaLe 6 10 AL-lronL 1rack 3 3 AL-8ouom 1rack 1 1 Cllp lasLener 30 30 1ube Cllp 30 30 8ouom AuachmenL ÞlaLe 6 10 Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 43 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.6 Apr|cus Component Informanon 8.6.1 G|ass L|ned Storage 1ank Spec|hcanons llqote J0. Closs lloeJ took loyoot 1oble 19. Closs lloeJ took speclfcouoos Mode| 2S0 L 31S L 400 L kated Capac|ty (L) 230 313 400 Þhys|ca| Vo|ume (L) 274 343 443 Dry we|ght 84 102 130 Þort S|ze 3/4" Max. 1hermostat Semng 73¨C Dead 8and 8¨C L|ement kanng 3.6 kW Cy||nder Warranty 10 ?ears Safety Va|ve Semng 830 kÞa Max. Supp|y pressure 600 kÞa Anode Mater|a| Magneslum Construcnon Mater|a| vlLreous Lnamel !"# !"# 1oble 20. Closs lloeJ electtlc took Jlmeosloos Measurements (mm) 2S0L 8C1 2S0L MID 31SL 8C1 31SL MID 400L 8C1 400L MID ulameLer 648 648 648 648 731 731 PelghL 1388 1388 1682 1682 1731 1731 PW ouLleL 1167 1167 1470 1470 1474 1474 Þ18v porL 1167 1167 1470 1470 1474 1474 1op sensor 739 739 841 841 841 841 Solar reLurn 364 432 364 309 364 364 8ouom sensor 369 303 369 342 369 369 Solar llow 174 174 174 174 174 174 Cold WaLer lnleL 74 74 74 74 74 74 LlemenL PelghL 170 434 170 333 190 691 1oble 21. Closs lloeJ qos took Jlmeosloos Measurements (mm) 2S0L GAS 31SL GAS 400L GAS ulameLer 648 648 731 PelghL 1388 1682 1731 PW ouLleL 1167 1470 1474 Þ18v porL 1167 1470 1474 1op sensor 739 841 841 Solar reLurn 364 364 364 8ouom sensor 369 369 369 Solar llow 174 174 174 Cold WaLer lnleL 74 74 74 Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 44 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.6.2 Sta|n|ess Stee| Storage 1ank Spec|hcanons !" !# !$ !% !& !' !( !") !# "(+, ! $) ! () ! % "&(-$, ! & ) ! ' ) " " $ , #.+, !. +, /+, llqote J1. 5tololess steel took loyoot 1oble 22. 5tololess steel took speclfcouoos Mode| 2S0 L 31S L 400 L kated Capac|ty (L) 230 313 400 Þhys|ca| Vo|ume (L) 273 338 420 Dry we|ght 60 73 87 Þort S|ze 3/4" Max. 1hermostat Semng 80¨C Dead 8and 8¨C L|ement kanng 3.6 kW Cy||nder Warranty 13 ?ears Safety Va|ve Semng 830 kÞa Max. Supp|y pressure 330 kÞa Anode Mater|a| n/A Construcnon Mater|a| SLalnless 316 (2mm) 1oble 2J. 5tololess steel electtlc took Jlmeosloos Measurements (mm) 2S0L 8C1 2S0L MID 31SL 8C1 31SL MID 400L 8C1 400L MID ulameLer 700 700 700 700 700 700 PelghL 1232 1232 1331 1331 1832 1832 PW ouLleL 972 972 1291 1291 1343 1343 Þ18v porL 972 972 1291 1291 1343 1343 1op sensor 972 972 1291 1291 1343 1343 Solar reLurn 399 449 319 636 629 629 8ouom sensor 172 172 172 172 163 163 Solar llow 172 172 172 172 163 163 Cold WaLer lnleL 172 172 172 172 163 163 LlemenL PelghL 412 642 333 732 649 786 1oble 24. 5tololess steel qos took Jlmeosloos Measurements (mm) 2S0L GAS 31SL GAS 400L GAS ulameLer 700 700 700 PelghL 1232 1331 1832 PW ouLleL 972 1291 1343 Þ18v porL 972 1291 1343 1op sensor porL 972 1291 1343 Solar reLurn porL 449 636 629 8ouom sensor 172 172 163 Solar ßow 172 172 163 Cold waLer lnleL 172 172 163 Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 45 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.6.3 Apr|cus Þump Stanon D|mens|ons ! " # $ % llqote J2. lomp stouoo covet loyoot 1oble 25. lomp stouoo Jlmeosloos Measurements Labe| mm Lld PelghL " 398 Lld WldLh 8 178 Lld # 96 8ase ÞlaLe PelghL $ 330 8ase ÞlaLe WldLh L 160 8.6.4 Apr|cus Gas 8ooster D|mens|ons A C D B llqote JJ. Cos boostet loyoot 1oble 26. Cos boostet Jlmeosloos Measurements (mm) Labe| 20L]m|n 26L]m|n 32L]m|n WldLh " 330 330 470 uepLh 8 194 180 244 PelghL - lnc. 8rackeLs # 371 623 644 PelghL - unlL $ 330 373 600 8.6.S Co||ector 1echn|ca| Spec|hcanons: 1echnlcal daLa on Aprlcus solar collecLor consLrucuon, performance and physlcal speclñcauons. W L I2?*'( #E" 7811(;/8' 1.=8*/ 1oble 27. collectot Jlmeosloos Measurements Dry We|ght Co||ector W|dth Length WC]1ubes W]1ubes 10 1ube 943 mm 2023 mm 11 kg 40 kg 20 1ube 1340 mm 2023 mm 18 kg 77 kg 22 1ube 1636 mm 2023 mm 20 kg 83 kg 30 1ube 2240 mm 2023 mm 24 kg 112 kg Note. uty welqbts boseJ oo J ttock fosb mooot ftome. Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 46 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 1oble 28. Aptlcos Al-10 collectot 5peclfcouoos Co||ector Mode|: AÞ-10 Mater|a|s of Construcnon LvacuaLed Lubes: 1.8mm 8oroslllcaLe 3.3 glass Absorber: Al-n on Al on glass PeaL plpes: Plgh purlLy copper PeaL Lransfer ñns: Alumlnlum 8ubber componenLs: P1v Slllcone rubber SLalnless mounung frame: 439 SLalnless sLeel Alumlnlum mounung frame: 6003-13 Anodlsed AL Manlfold caslng: 3003-P16 Anodlsed AL Þerformance Data: ldeal ßow raLe: <1 L/mln Max ßow raLe: 13 L/mln Þeak power ouLpuL: 648W * LLa0: 0.687 * a1 (W/m 2 k): 1.303 * a2 (W/m 2 k): 0.0111 * *uaLa from l1W reporL 09CCL803. CalculaLed aL mldday. Þhys|ca| Spec|hcanons AperLure area: 0.94m 2 Cross area: 1.37m 2 Cross dry welghL: 34.8kg lluld capaclLy: 300ml Max pressure: 800kÞa SLagnauon LemperaLure: 220¨C AÞ-10 Co||ector Þerformance 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 C o n v e r s i o n E f f c i e n c y Delta-T (tm-ta) o C Solar Radiation = 800W/m 2 A2-07.10.2 - January 2012 2 x BOX-ET/HP-10/10 (Tubes and heat pipes) 1oble 29. Aptlcos Al-20 collectot 5peclfcouoos Co||ector Mode|: AÞ-20 Mater|a|s of Construcnon LvacuaLed Lubes: 1.8mm 8oroslllcaLe 3.3 glass Absorber: Al-n on Al on glass PeaL plpes: Plgh purlLy copper PeaL Lransfer ñns: Alumlnlum 8ubber componenLs: P1v Slllcone rubber SLalnless mounung frame: 439 SLalnless sLeel Alumlnlum mounung frame: 6003-13 Anodlsed AL Manlfold caslng: 3003-P16 Anodlsed AL Þerformance Data: ldeal ßow raLe: <1.3 L/mln Max ßow raLe: 13 L/mln Þeak power ouLpuL: 1296W * LLa0: 0.687 * a1 (W/m 2 k): 1.303 * a2 (W/m 2 k): 0.0111 * * uaLa from l1W reporL 09CCL803. CalculaLed aL mldday Þhys|ca| Spec|hcanons AperLure area: 1.88m 2 Cross area: 3m 2 Cross dry welghL: 63.3kg lluld capaclLy: 300ml Max pressure: 800kÞa SLagnauon LemperaLure: 220¨C AÞ-20 Co||ector Þerformance 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 C o n v e r s i o n E f f c i e n c y Delta-T (tm-ta) o C Solar Radiation = 800W/m 2 A2-07.10.2 - January 2012 2 x BOX-ET/HP-10/10 (Tubes and heat pipes) Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 47 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 1oble J0. Aptlcos Al-22 collectot 5peclfcouoos Co||ector Mode|: AÞ-22 Mater|a|s of Construcnon LvacuaLed Lubes: 1.8mm 8oroslllcaLe 3.3 glass Absorber: Al-n on Al on glass PeaL plpes: Plgh purlLy copper PeaL Lransfer ñns: Alumlnlum 8ubber componenLs: P1v Slllcone rubber SLalnless mounung frame: 439 SLalnless sLeel Alumlnlum mounung frame: 6003-13 Anodlsed AL Manlfold caslng: 3003-P16 Anodlsed AL Þerformance Data: ldeal ßow raLe: <1.3 L/mln Max ßow raLe: 13 L/mln Þeak power ouLpuL: 1422W * LLa0: 0.687 * a1 (W/m 2 k): 1.303 * a2 (W/m 2 k): 0.0111 * * uaLa from l1W reporL 09CCL803. CalculaLed aL mldday Þhys|ca| Spec|hcanons AperLure area: 2.07m 2 Cross area: 3.28m 2 Cross dry welghL: 71.3kg lluld capaclLy: 330ml Max pressure: 800kÞa SLagnauon LemperaLure: 220¨C AÞ-22 Co||ector Þerformance 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 C o n v e r s i o n E f f c i e n c y Delta-T (tm-ta) o C Solar Radiation = 800W/m 2 A2-07.10.2 - January 2012 2 x BOX-ET/HP-10/10 (Tubes and heat pipes) 1oble J1. Aptlcos Al-J0 collectot 5peclfcouoos Co||ector Mode|: AÞ-30 Mater|a|s of Construcnon LvacuaLed Lubes: 1.8mm 8oroslllcaLe 3.3 glass Absorber: Al-n on Al on glass PeaL plpes: Plgh purlLy copper PeaL Lransfer ñns: Alumlnlum 8ubber componenLs: P1v Slllcone rubber SLalnless mounung frame: 439 SLalnless sLeel Alumlnlum mounung frame: 6003-13 Anodlsed AL Manlfold caslng: 3003-P16 Anodlsed AL Þerformance Data: ldeal ßow raLe: 2 L/mln Max ßow raLe: 13 L/mln Þeak power ouLpuL: 1944W * LLa0: 0.687 * a1 (W/m 2 k): 1.303 * a2 (W/m 2 k): 0.0111 * * uaLa from l1W reporL 09CCL803. CalculaLed aL mldday Þhys|ca| Spec|hcanons AperLure area: 2.83m 2 Cross area: 4.4m 2 Cross dry welghL: 93kg lluld capaclLy: 710ml Max pressure: 800kÞa SLagnauon LemperaLure: 220¨C AÞ-30 Co||ector Þerformance Technical Information Part Codes APSE-30 Solar Collector Complete is comprised of: 1 x APSE-30-KIT (Manifold and standard frame) 3 x BOX-ET/HP-10/10 (Tubes and heat pipes) Applications The Apricus APSE-30 collector is designed to be used in a wide variety of solar thermal (heat) applications in almost any climate. The evacuated tube and heat pipe technology provides very effcient and reliable solar thermal production in a simple to install, low maintenance design. Features • Twin glass evacuated tube (passive solar tracking) • Freeze protected heat pipes • NSF 61 certifed copper header • 22mm OD copper inlet/outlet connections • Recycled glass wool manifold insulation • 10 year warranty on tubes and heat pipes • 15 year warranty on copper header and SS frame • Effcient performance at high differential temperatures Materials of Construction Evacuated Tubes: Borosilicate 3.3 Glass Absorber: Al-N on Al on Glass Heat Pipes: High purity copper Heat Transfer Fins: Aluminum Rubber Components: HTV Silicone Rubber Mounting Frame: 439 Stainless Steel Manifold Casing: 5005-H16 Anodized AL Performance Data Ideal Flow Rate: 1-3 L/mim Max Flow Rate: 15L/min Peak Power Output: 1944kW * Eta0: 0.687 * a1 (W/m 2 K): 1.505 * a2 (W/m 2 K): 0.0111 * * Data from ITW report 09COL805 PhysicaI Speciñcations Aperture Area: 2.83m 2 Gross Area: 4.4m 2 Gross Dry Weight: 95kg Fluid Capacity: 710ml Max Pressure: 800kPa Stagnation Temperature: 220 o C Certiñcations OG-100: 100-2007033A FSEC: 00442N IAPMO USEC: S-5995 Solarkeymark: 011-7S161 R AS2712:2007: 100633 NSF-61 Tested: 17248 CSA: 2375921 APSE-30 Solar Collector Collector Performance Pressure Drop Sustainable HOT WATER Solutions, Delivered by APRICUS Apricus Solar Co., Ltd 19 Pu Si Road, Pukou New & High Tech Development Zone, Nanjing, China, 210061 Ph: +86 25 58649133 Fax: +86 25 58648103 [email protected] www.apricus.com 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Flow rate (L/min) P r e s s u r e D r o p ( k P a ) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 C o n v e r s i o n E f f c i e n c y Delta-T (tm-ta) o C Solar Radiation = 800W/m 2 A2-07.10.1 - January 2012 Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 48 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 8.7 Apr|cus Warranty Informanon vlslL www.aprlcus.com.au for Lhe mosL up-Lo-daLe verslon of Lhe Aprlcus WarranLy Þollcy. lor all warranLy servlce requesLs or lssues, please call Aprlcus AusLralla on 1300 277 428 or emall warranLy[ aprlcus.com.au Copyright © 2014 Apricus Australia Pty Ltd Page 49 of 49 Apricus Solar Hot Water System - Technical Manual AA8. 1hank ¥ou Ior Choos|ng Apr|cus Austra||a Apricus Australia Pty Ltd | ABN: 12 111 285 271 | PO Box 6109 Silverwater NSW 1811 Ph: 1300 277 428 | Fax: 02 9475 0092 | [email protected] Documents Similar To Apricus Tech ManualSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextBrief Tutorial on MDSolids for Beam Analysis (1)uploaded by Nejra DedajićMAPA Chemical SelectionGuideResults (1)uploaded by Adriano AndreaA Concept to Control Acid Mist, Organic Removal, Height of Deposition and Other Benefits for Electro Winning Cellsuploaded by kingysaint123Oil Sampling Procedure 20120602uploaded by sreerahulMechanics of Solids - - Unit 2 - Week 01 - Introduction to Mechanics of Solidsuploaded by M.Saravana Kumar..M.EStructural Finite Element Analysis and Simulationuploaded by jiokoijikoNeoCryl A-1127 pdsuploaded by Leandro EsvizaIJSETR-VOL-4-ISSUE-6-2293-2302uploaded by HOMERgate-2016-ch-solution3.pdfuploaded by gaur1234Polysafe Ultima PPuploaded by FloorkitPIPESURVEY_MFL.pdfuploaded by 蕭有玉Pending Articles Apriluploaded by Manu TRMechanical Engineering Objective Questions Part 13uploaded by Amit PrusethHolophane 02420 Series Brochure 1971uploaded by Alan MastersCurriculum Vitae Dapeng (Max) Biuploaded by bdpmax102S-TDS-Euploaded by roybombom7270. 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