Approved Brand List Electrode

March 18, 2018 | Author: praveentien | Category: Welding, Crystalline Solids, Materials, Metalworking, Mechanical Engineering



RATIONALIZED LIST OF WELDING CONSUMABLESDoc. No : LTPQ-S-PROC-M-020 Rev: 01 L&T Power PROJECT : Standard Eff. Date: 25-08-2011 Page : 1 OF 7 RATIONALIZED LIST OF WELDING CONSUMABLES Rev No Date Description Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by A 12-05-2010 Issued for comments T. Sreekanth Musali Narasimhulu V. K. Bansal B 20-08-2010 Issued for comments Musali Narasimhulu T. Sreekanth V. K. Bansal 00 01-01-2011 Issued for Implementation Raghavendra Shenoy 01 25-08-2011 Issued for Implementation Vinod Srinivasa Raghavendra Shenoy T. Sreekanth Musali Narasimhulu Muralidhar Reddy M T. Sreekanth V. K. Bansal V. K. Bansal Low Hydrogen Electrodes (Pressure Part Applications) – Carbon Steel E 7018 5.2 1. Ltd. Superbond-S Ador Welding Ltd. Metalbond Ador Welding Ltd. No Classification 1. Ultimate-18 Modi 7018 Honavar Electrodes Private Ltd. 5.3 1. Basicote 6 Fusion Engineering Products Ltd. Modi 7018 Modi Arc Electrodes Co. Royal-S Royal Arc Electrodes Ltd. Girders and structural steels. Girders and Structural steels. 5. Ultimate-18 Honavar Electrodes Private Ltd.RATIONALIZED LIST OF WELDING CONSUMABLES Doc. Greecon Green General Electrodes (P) Ltd.1 Pipeweld 6010R ESAB India Ltd.1 Celwel 60 Ador Welding Ltd.1. Electra 9 Fusion Engineering Products Ltd. SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SMAW) ELECTRODES Eff. 5.1 1.1 Root Pass Welding of Mild and Low Carbon Steels and pipe lines which can’t be welded from inside. Regular-S Honavar Electrodes Ltd.3. Electrodes shall be used for welding of mild and low carbon steels with the following base metal thickness conditions: For Tanks: up to 14mm and For other structures: up to 19mm. Supra Therme D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd.2. Royal Therme Royal Arc Electrodes Pvt. MODI 7016 Modi Arc Electrodes Supra Therme Supabase-7018 D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. Ador Welding Ltd. ESAB 36H ESAB India Ltd.2 1.1 Supabase-7018 Ador Welding Ltd.2 1. Low Hydrogen iron powder electrodes for welding pressure parts of carbon steels . Medio D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd.1 1. No : LTPQ-S-PROC-M-020 Rev: 01 L&T Power PROJECT : Standard S. D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. Steelon Standard Modi Arc Electrodes ESAB Ferrospeed Plus ESAB India Ltd. Low Hydrogen Electrodes (Structural Applications) E 7016 E 7018 5. Regular-SS Honavar Electrodes Ltd.0 1.1. Maruti-44 Maruti Weld Ltd. builtup columns.1 ESAB 56 Gricon Purple(Except 2G) Indo Therme ESAB India Ltd. Date: 25-08-2011 Page : 2 OF 7 Remarks General Purpose Electrodes (Structural and LP/LD Piping Applications) E 6010 E 6013 5. Anand S Anand Arc Ltd.1 5.1 1. Low Hydrogen Electrodes for welding of thick sections. builtup columns. Low Hydrogen Electrodes for welding of thick sections. General Electrodes (P) Ltd. Super-LH D&H Welding Electrodes (I) Ltd ESAB 36H ESAB India Ltd. Standard D&H Welding Electrodes (I) Ltd. Modi Arc Electrodes Co.1 Cellutherme D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd.1 SFA Brand Name Manufacturer No.2. Date: 25-08-2011 Page : 3 OF 7 Low Hydrogen iron powder electrodes for welding pressure parts of carbon steels which requires a lower transition temperature than E7018 Electrodes. SS-308 Modi Arc Electrodes Co.4 1. (Associate L&T Ltd) Stainless Steel Electrode used for welding 304 and 308 materials Stainless Steel Electrode used for welding 304L and 308L materials . Cromotherme-2 D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. Ultimate-18 Spl.5.2 1.5 1. Honavar Electrodes Private Ltd. Phoenix SH Chromo-2 KS Bohler Welding Group 5. UK 5.5 Bohler Fox C9 MV Bohler Welding Group 5.46 ESAB India Ltd.1 Supra Therme (Spl) D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. 1Mo electrode used for welding pressure parts of similar material. Ultimate-90 B3 Honavar Electrodes Private Ltd.2 PROJECT : Standard E 7018-1 5.5 5. No : LTPQ-S-PROC-M-020 Rev: 01 L&T Power 1. D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. (Associate L&T Ltd) OK 61. Rutox B D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd.5. Cromotherme-1 D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. Modi -7018-A1 Modi Arc Electrodes Co.50 ESAB India Ltd. OK 61.4. ESAB 36H Spl.5 CM-95B9 Kobe Steels Ltd.4 1.1 1.3. Suprinox 1C Ador Welding Ltd. Low Hydrogen 9Cr1Mo electrode used for welding Pressure Parts of similar material composition Covered Welding Electrodes (Stainless Steel) E 308-16 E 308L-16 5. Modi-8018-B2 Modi Arc Electrodes Co.4 5.5 Rutile Coated ½ Mo electrode for Welding Pressure Parts of ½ Mo material Low Hydrogen electrode for Pressure parts of ½ Mo material Low Hydrogen Electrode for Welding pressure Parts of 1 ¼ Cr .3 1.30 ESAB India Ltd.4. ESAB India Ltd.1 1.5 Chromet 9MV-N Metrode Products. Ultimate-18 A1 Honavar Electrodes Private Ltd. Phoenix Chrome-1 Bohler Welding Group CM-B98 Kobe Steels Ltd.4.5 5.5 Medio-Mo D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd Molyten Ador Welding Ltd.4.5 1.½ Mo plate and pipe material Low Hydrogen 2 ¼ Cr. Xuperfab E 308-16 EWAC Alloys Ltd. Eff.4. Cromoten Ador welding Ltd.5 FOX C9 MVS Bohler Welding Group 5. Alloy Steel Covered Arc Electrodes E 7013 A1 E 7018 A1 E 8018 B2 E 9018 B3/ E 9015 B3 E 9018 B9 E9015-B9 5. Tenalloy Z Plus Ador Welding Ltd.4 Superinox1A Rutox A Ador Welding Ltd.RATIONALIZED LIST OF WELDING CONSUMABLES Doc. Molytherme D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. OK 74. Xuperfab E 308L-16 EWAC Alloys Ltd. 5. Modi 9018 B3 Modi Arc Electrodes Co. Cromoten-C Ador Welding Ltd.4.2 1. Ultimate-80 B2 Honavar Electrodes Private Ltd.6 1. 1. AVESTA 309L-16 Bohler Welding Group Xuperfab E 309L-16 EWAC Alloys Ltd. Cronical Modi Arc Electrodes Co. Depositions of SS buffer layer on Carbon Steel or Low Alloy Steels before deposition of 18/8 type of weld metal.28 OK TIGROD-S2 (SPL) ESAB India Ltd.5. 25/20 stainless steel electrodes for welding stainless steel and ferritic steel combination. Xuperfab E 316-16 EWAC Alloys Ltd. OK 67. ESAB Cn1G ESAB India Ltd.5.1. F70S2 D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. TIGFIL-70S2 Ador Welding Ltd. (Associate L&T Ltd) Rutox D D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. Union 1 Mo Bohler Welding Group TGS-M Kobe Steels Ltd.4 5. Superinox 1B Ador Welding Ltd.5.5. OK 67.4 5.11 Cronitherme 25/12 D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd.3 1. Suitable for dissimilarmetal joint and underlaying on ferritic steels in stainless steel weld metal overlaying. Xuperfab E 309-16 EWAC Alloys Ltd. 2% Mo type stainless steel with normal or extra low carbon content 18/10 stabilized stainless steel electrode for welding 308.RATIONALIZED LIST OF WELDING CONSUMABLES Doc.6 1. No : LTPQ-S-PROC-M-020 Rev: 01 L&T Power 1. (Associate L&T Ltd) D&H 310-16 D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd.1 2. 18/12. (Associate L&T Ltd) Rutox A (ST) D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd.5.30 ESAB India Ltd. Silver Shine-309L Honavar Electrodes Private Ltd.4 5. SS-347 Modi Arc Electrodes Co.0 2. UTP 7015 Mo Bohler Welding Group Eff. Xuperfab E 316L-16 EWAC Alloys Ltd.7 1. (Associate L&T Ltd) D&H 1200T D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd.8 1.1 2.5 1.2 5. 321 and 347 stainless steel materials Inconel Electrodes for welding Nickel base Alloys and SS to Ferritic Steels. (Associate L&T Ltd) D&H 309L D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. NO65G Kobe Steels Ltd.13 ESAB India Ltd.60 ESAB India Ltd. SS 309 (Only Structures) Modi Arc Electrodes Co. (Associate L&T Ltd) Rutox-Mo D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. NC 36L Kobe Steels Ltd. FILLER RODS FOR GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING (GTAW) Filler Rods for GTAW (Carbon Steel) ER 70S-2 ER 70S-A1 (RT ½ Mo) (ER 80S-D2) 5. Date: 25-08-2011 Page : 4 OF 7 25/12 Stainless Steel Electrodes for welding stainless steel and ferritic steel combination. OK 67.5. Xuperfab E 310-16 EWAC Alloys Ltd. 2% Mo type stainless steel electrode 18/12.4 5. Used for Welding Carbon Steel Materials Used for welding tubes for Carbon and ½ Mo Steels in pressure parts .5.4 1.18 5. Xuperfab E 347L-16 EWAC Alloys Ltd. OK 63.67 ESAB India Ltd.9 PROJECT : Standard E 309-16 E 309L -16 E 310-16 E 316-16 E 316L-16 E 347-16 E NiCrFe-2 2.4 5.4 5. F Cr Mo D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. 0.25Cr-0.3. TG-S316L Kobe Steels Ltd.2 2. Union 1 Cr Mo Bohler Welding Group Union 1 Cr Mo 910 Bohler Welding Group TG-S2CM Kobe Steels Ltd.9 5.2.14 TG-S 308 Kobe Steels Ltd. Thermanit-H347 Bohler Welding Group EWAC ER347 EWAC Alloys Ltd.3. Used for welding of pressure parts of 1. TG-316 Kobe Steels Ltd. Welding wire for CO2 Welding of Structural Steel . TG-S80B2 Kobe Steels Ltd. Used for Welding Pressure Parts of 2 ¼ Cr 1 Mo Steels. Japan Thermanit Nicro 82 Bohler Welding Group Castotig-45612W EWAC Alloys Ltd. FW 347 D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. F Cr Mo1 D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. Used for welding of pressure parts of 1~1.9 5.1 Kobe Steels Ltd.3 2.28 TG-S1CM 5. Filler Rods for GTAW (Stainless Steel) 2.2. Tiginox 316 Ador Welding Ltd.3.3.53 ESAB India Ltd.9 2. Therminit 25/14 E309 L Bohler Welding Group EWAC MW 309L EWAC Alloys Ltd.18 ESAB MW-1 ESAB India Ltd.5Mo materials. OK Tigrod 16.3 Eff.RATIONALIZED LIST OF WELDING CONSUMABLES Doc.2. Ferritic Steels to Stainless Steels FILLER WIRE FOR GAS METAL ARC WELDING (GMAW) (MAG) (Carbon Steel) (Structural Applications) ER 70S-6 5.9 2. Thermanit MTS-3 Bohler Welding Group 9CrMoV-N TIG Metrode Products.28 5.30 ESAB India Ltd. Automig-1 Ador Welding Ltd.3. For Welding SA 213T91 Tubular Component.e.5Mo materials.3 PROJECT : Standard Filler Rods for GTAW (Low Alloy Steel) RT 1Cr.2 ER 316 5.5 2. (Associate L&T Ltd) Avesta 316L/SKR Bohler Welding Group OK 16.1 2.1 2.½ Mo (ER80S-G) ER 80S-B2 RT 2¼ Cr-1Mo (ER 90S-B3) ER 90S-B9 5.0 3.6 3.25Cr. Therminit-GE 316 L Bohler Welding Group EWAC ER316L EWAC Alloys Ltd.28 5. (Associate L&T Ltd) UTP A 068 HH Bohler Welding Group YAWATA Filler 82 Nippon Steel Welding.2 2.9 5.28 RT 308 (ER 308) 5. Autotherme-1 D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd.2. Date: 25-08-2011 Page : 5 OF 7 ER 316 L ER 309 L RT 347 (ER 347) ER NiCr-3 5. No : LTPQ-S-PROC-M-020 Rev: 01 L&T Power 2.4 2. ER 308 D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd.3.2 2. UK TG-S90B9 Kobe Steels Ltd. (Associate L&T Ltd) Tiginox 347 Ador Welding Ltd. (Associate L&T Ltd) Used for 304 and 308 stainless steel materials Used for 316 stainless steel materials Used for 316L stainless steel materials Suitable for dissimilarmetal joint and underlaying on ferritic steels in stainless steel weld metal overlaying with low carbon content Used for 321 and 347 stainless steel materials Inconel TIG wire for welding dissimilar steels i. Modi No.1 Modi Arc Electrodes Co. the order of priority shall be Contract requirements. DW100 Kobe Steels Ltd. Additional Notes:  The welding consumables listed above.2 Modi Arc Electrodes Co.20 Automig FC 120 Ador Welding Ltd.50 Mn and may be used with manufacturer recommended flux combination for high tensile structural steels and carbon steels. Note: This document is a general guideline for Welding Consumables apart from the Standards and Suppliers instructions.1 E71-T1 5. OK Autorod 12. Anand MIG-1 Anand Arc Ltd. OK Autorod 12. Shall be used with manufacturer recommended flux combination for high tensile structural steels and carbon steels. A Ador Welding Ltd.17 Automelt EL8/Gr.2 EH-14 4. New electrodes (other than the listed) shall not be used by Vendor/Contractor in any of L&T Power jobs. Codes & Standards.30 to 0. project specific requirements.0 5. Modi No. C Ador Welding Ltd. This Specification. Date: 25-08-2011 Page : 6 OF 7 FILLER WIRES FOR SUBMERGED ARC WELDING (SAW) (Carbon Steel) 4. required approval shall be taken from Quality Management Capability Center of L&T Power. Contractor shall carry out the tests and L&T Power will witness the same.  L&T Power can alter/redefine the above list on the basis of the feedback from internal and external sources/users during usage at any moment of time. No Extra claim for the testing will be provided by L&T Power.The supply of latest batch of manufactured electrodes which ensure the usage within 1 year from the date of . Standards and Engineering Approved Data sheets. Autotherme A D&H Secheron Electrodes (P) Ltd. only shall be used by Vendor/Contractor in any of L&T Power jobs.35% Mn and may be used with the manufacturer recommended flux combination for welding mild steel and low carbon steels. Eff. 7100S ESAB India Ltd.  If any additional welding consumables need to be included in this list.  All electrode manufacturers/distributors shall ensure . OK Autorod 12.40L ESAB India Ltd.0 PROJECT : Standard Maruti MIG Maruti Weld Ltd. Contractual requirement. Codes. This wire contains 1. Automelt EH14/Gr.08L ESAB India Ltd.3 EM 12K 5. Shall be used for structural welding of mild steels with CO2 shielding. GM 70 General Electrodes (P) Ltd.22L ESAB India Ltd.RATIONALIZED LIST OF WELDING CONSUMABLES Doc. subject to witness of the tests required in the respective standards. If any conflict arises with respect to this specification.1 EL-8 4.75 to 2. by L&T Power personnel. Engineering Approved Data Sheet. No : LTPQ-S-PROC-M-020 Rev: 01 L&T Power 4. Anand SAW-1 Anand Arc Ltd. Royal Fil GS 12R Royal Arc Electrodes Ltd. FLUX CORED ARC WELDING (Structural Applications) 5.17 5. Union S2Si Bohler Welding Group 5.17 This wire contains 0. . Date: 25-08-2011 Page : 7 OF 7 manufacturing. No : LTPQ-S-PROC-M-020 Rev: 01 L&T Power - PROJECT : Standard Eff. packaging or letter head for commercial exploitation of the product.  Electrode manufacturers/distributors shall not exhibit L&T monogram or any connected references on the product.RATIONALIZED LIST OF WELDING CONSUMABLES Doc.) and Client requirements. the electrodes’ user shall comply with the applicable statutory requirements (IBR etc. Subsequent to which.  For SAW. the flux-wire combination usage shall be as per the electrode manufacturer’s recommendation. consumables need to be test as per the standards’ requirements and then used. The proper issue of co-relating Batch Certificates along with every supply. However.
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