Applications and Advantages for Protection schemes using IEC 61850 Standard

March 24, 2018 | Author: Hammad Ansari | Category: Relay, Electrical Substation, Computer Network, Computer Program, Software



"Applications and Advantages for Protection schemes using IEC 61850 Standard" by Brent Duncan & Howard Self Siemens PT&D (Abstract) Modern substations which are being built today use sophisticated microprocessor based relays. These relays have drastically reduced the cost of substations by combining multiple protection elements into one device. Additional enhanced functionality has also eliminated the need for separate devices such as measurement transducers, Sequence of Event recorders, large point count RTU's (Remote Terminal Units) and, Transient Fault Recorders. Until now complicated control schemes, such as, an auto transfer scheme or a throw over scheme for Main-tie-Main Switchgear, or reverse interlocking bus protection, still required copper wires, auxiliary and lockout relays to achieve high speed reliable functionality. Implementation of the new IEC 61850 (International Electrotechnical Commission) standard will allow this to change. (Introduction) A large number of different protocols for substation communication are presently available. Until now, they only existed to provide data to control centers and data repositories. The new communication standard IEC61 850 which was developed and expanded from the UCA 2.0 protocol, allows the communication capabilities of all of the IED's (Intelligent Electronic Devices) in a substation, or even across the entire power network to directly communicate with each other. A relay that can now send and receive "GOOSE" (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) messages for peer to peer relay communications, send fault records automatically, and communicate to IEC 61850 station master, over a high speed LAN, (Local Area Network) will reduce cost by eliminating conventional wiring. These advancements in high speed data transmission will be recognized immediately by the customer. This paper will show applications that previously relied on copper connections, auxiliary relays and lockout contacts, and how these can be implemented and monitored over a high speed Ethernet LAN. Using a dual fiber optic high speed LAN is much more cost effective and as efficient and reliable as copper. The programming software to achieve the configuration and the software tools to monitor and evaluate these functions is of vital importance. This must be intuitive software and allow the user to define which information is passed between relays as logical nodes. Troubleshooting the communication will be substantially easier with software that can identify reception as well as transmission of data. Specifically, we will investigate the reverse interlocking bus protection application and review requirements for an auto transfer scheme for Main-tie-Main Switchgear. _ l~~yse describing ) . . ( cotrl1 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.._....................... IEC 61850 in Comtrade~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............................ Standard communication .. (~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . Time~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Ethernet ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~with ~ ~ ~ ~, SNTP~~~~~~......................................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.._....................... StandardizedX Figure 1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......HHHHHHHH language fo1autreod Further it is required to define the entire system configuration as a SCD file. The device can now be multifunctional.~. One of the newest innovations is that configuration using a MATRIX not Menus is used. . with Filters to minimize displayed information. . . __________ ___ Filters __. .Software tools required The programming software requirements are such that it must allow the setting and configuration of all aspects of the device. In this way all of the options for Binary Inputs.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. This is defined as an ICD file (IED Capability Description). ~. and the hardware requirements are greatly reduced. . Metering. (Substation Configuration Description) This file can be archived. Figur 21k. The disadvantage is that the number of settings also increases. LED's. Commissioning and Maintenance. Binary Outputs. The value of HMI software packages are becoming more and more important today to save time and money during Design. . . do expert analysis quickly and efficiently to ensure minimal down time after a fault event and provide professional reports. . The protection engineer has many other critical tasks such as: to provide support to his customers. The advantages of having user friendly MHI software as a support tool for setting digital multifunction relays and how the end user can benefit from the software enhancements are a reduction in the time required to configure the device and system. . _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hardwrarr.~. 6 _:_r II I-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. EE ll Figure2.~. This is quite a task. . the algorithms or software programs for over current protection simply emulate the physical properties of these earlier induction disk devices. . ~. but with today's software complete "Electronic Management" of relays is possible. . This is mainly due to the increased complexity of digital protection relays or I"ED's" as they have integrated Protection. retrieved and engineering companies can standardize on design. Control/SCADA and Logic/PLC Programming into one device. . . With the innovation of the new software the protection engineer needs to be able to configure a digital relay easily and in as little time as possible. With the evolution of the Induction Disk relay into a microprocessor based IED. . even as detailed to mapping standard protocols is visualized.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *~1M~QE~l~gl~^i~ma~@W~6X~!4~j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ . In earlier generations each setting had a specific address therefore this resulted in an incredibly large number of time consuming settings.~. . . Testing. One of the main advantages is that due to multitasking capability many programs can run at once. F I I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . The MATRIX offers a complete view of relay configuration. . . . All firmware upgrades & down grades need to be available from the Internet. Various manufactures waveforms can be analyzed in different visualizations. Harmonics and other are available for visualization and reporting. values. This means that the relays can support multiple communication Protocols. Other fault records. Accessories sucIps. Multiple Views of the Vector Diagram. and vectors can be visualized. such as positive-sequence impedances. A convenient feature is that it can import & export Comtrade files. Some design software glitches are inevitable so firmware revisions become a requirement. have the user adhere to a menu structure. with a double click launch directly into ANSI protection function Setting screen. and the menu structure method locks the programmer deep into the realm of a specific section of the relay configuration. The 'lines of code' method is counter intuitive (unless the user favors programming languages).program the relay with lines of code (similar to how we all learned to program with Fortran77). A customer who has not yet decided on the SCADA system can still proceed with the relays and add the specific communication card at a later date deferring the cost and protection the hardware investment. programs the annunciation LED's. The challenge is therefore. but also circle diagrams. creates (custom) user variables. and is based on the IEC 1 1 31 standard logic can be implemented. The most basic method is a carry over from a bygone era . The communications cards in the relays have their own processors. Circle Diagram. and allow superimposition of waveforms on top of each other. A product evolves to offer a mix of functions to meet market requirements. The program needs to be integrated into the automation software of the PLC's. The CFC is used in addition to MATRIX for additional logic and for Interlock capability System Interrogation and Graphical Representation Analysis tools are used for forensics fault recording analyses. The Matrix can be thought of as a spreadsheet with links to all aspects of the relay. and more: from the matrix the user configures the 1/0. The Matrix is a tool that allows the user to shift from looking at command values to just binary 1/0 with a click of the mouse. Programs handle not only curves. two measuring cursors enable the capability to configure the fault record quickly and comfortably.S. selects of the 1/0 designated for the built in PLC. calculation of further values. By use of the CFC (which stands for Continuous Function Charts). These are simple functional upgrades performed by the user. It can also synchronize multiple files for different relays. how to manage these settings in such a manner that takes into account the fact the human element (e. the human brain is apt to change focus in a split second and want to see something else. with Inclusion of all previously released firmware versions in one software package for Communication to all Relays It is now a Windows based MATRIX driven software which communicates to earlier version devices. symmetrical components. A result of new programming software is that it has evolved past these cumbersome methods and the result is a Matrix.In today's multifunction relays the user has hundreds of variables to contend with. The evolution of this configuration extension software to the basic setting software came from a DOS based menu driven software to a Windows based menu driven software. R. Neither method provides an overview of how the relay is configured nor does either method allow the user to quickly shift thought processes. vector diagrams and bar charts. for . a person has to interact with the settings). Using the measured values which are registered in the fault record. The pitfall of both of these methods is that this is not how the human brain works.g. The function of Importing Files must allow you to Compare Setting Files with Relay settings. they are interchangeable and upgradeable. The support of a critical device requires facilities built into the device to Export Files and support E-mail compressed files for immediate support and analyses.M.. and much more. A more recent development is a product of the Windows convention. but other topologies can facilitate this application as well.x we see that over current relay coordination is the basis for the application. We can use the software to provide comparison of setting files copy and paste device files. Reverse interlocking The term reverse interlocking is referenced by several terms in the industry. A synchronization function makes it possible to synchronize the fault records to a common time basis. 66 D up #50-1 picke up F3 . Referring to the fig 1 . We now have the capability to Import /Export single device setting files and also Import/Export multiple device setting files. GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Events) messages are exchanged with the same degree of security as hard wiring. Single ended in feed will allow the explanation of the implementation. from the remote end of a line can be added to the default one.instance. Zone sequence control Interlocking or Poor man's bus protection are two of these. Through the use of IEC 61850 parallel hard-wiring between devices can be replaced by simple Ethernet cabling for implementing this application. The scheme is configured with software on a Personal Computer (PC) Reverse interlocking allows for cost effective busbar protection on high and medium voltage switchgear. Device file upgrades and firmware upgrade and documentation are available online and free of charge. Software such as this allows for today's E-Support Tools to be used to remotely support the product. (ANSI# . There is only one restriction: the fault records have to be provided with the worldwide standardized COMTRADE format.numbers) Principle of reverse interlock Main Incoming OC-Feed4 D >Block #50-2 50 -lOOm Power flow lokng Sga ~~~~~1 #50-I pick d up -Fl 1 50-1 pick - I~~~~ I Figure 3. .str2and PTOCN. So we can see that the Remote_Tr_A from the IEC 61850 was faster than the copper connection..100 ..... PTOC..40 160 HO6 U FlagL Los Arc fult test ninl ____________ 011 Ji lU 02 ['4 [15? 70 nUs firitTIrI: lE t TFFR hi' For HelpJ pres 5 Fl 67 ecriary 1h: 60CO Hz... This is superior to the hard wiring approach. A time delay in the range of 50 to 1 0Oms is set on the incoming main to ensure the feeder will block in sufficient time. The contacts signaling the ANSI #50 pick up in the feeder bays PTOC. These conditions can now be detected and handled by the IEC 61850 based interlocking.. The instantaneous high set stage element ANSI#50HS of the main incoming is set so that it will detect faults on the bus bar... F_b-ft FbId& TimeTe&_7SJ60_VUV6Ufll3 C-S1EMENDIGSMDIPRJFEB 20TH\P7 DI\G)ASTR000t00J01\SAMPLES FAULFF ~ 2: 14... This is referred to as wetting the contact.20 OM0 0...e...fl Dj it <LIet Lotq1. Fille Edit Insert VieW OpbbMns Windbiw Help ~ L El K + hI.. The signal Ext_TRP_In is the signal to initiate trip.......en.... Short circuit on the bus . oe__. If the over current protection device in a feeder is temporarily out of service and a short circuit occurs on the feeder during this time. _h ft§ F. When the pick up of the normal stage resets the blocking condition also resets as the fault is no longer present. no blocking signal can be generated. The IEC 61850 allows this pickup to be defined as a logical node (PTOC) following the standard.Pri: 13000 M/100C }Sec 120ii'C1 f5 IH- .. When the time delay has expired a trip command is issued to the main incoming breaker and the bus fault is cleared. In the traditional scheme this is done with copper wire.6 NonetFL551iLll SOO3OD 18811EEg\21P:O1FE2gXeMl7.. this beat the wire trip every time. None of the normal pickup stage will function on a fault on the bus. Below in the figure we see proof with an instance from a number of repeated tests showing that the 61850 communicated output trip is faster than the copper. the instantaneous over current protection ANSI#50 on the main is blocked by the feedback of a binary signal that the feeder relay has picked up.. Although this is a simple network with limited devices... To implement this scheme with hard wiring we must apply a voltage to the binary input. and the bus bar would be tripped... The pick up of the ANSI#50 high set stage must be set significantly higher than the over current pickup in the feeders to ensure proper coordination.10 0.str. The short circuit is cleared by the over current protection in the feeder bay in which the fault occurred..str are logically combined with an OR function to the ANSI#50HS blocking binary input of the main infeed. The closing of one or more contacts results in the blocking of the ANSI#50HS via the binary input. Meosueng Sigridi 1SEh ihl~ardelnaow§ RM& ph-§ Nel Filename. <uigi ~~~ie .For an external short circuit on a feeder.7Ei |I-D1D 0Hof 01 1: 020 030 0140 o150 MO ts -0. Any interruption of the connection between the feeder and the main incoming will have the same undesired result.0 |0. This allows for information to be exchanged between devices over the Ethernet network. The IEG 61850 has made special provision for this prioritized data transfers.. Optical coneton makes th oprto reial an client.IPTOCNStr../PTOC2 POC tq 2 btocked POLM&M .Hrwr itr loo in PTOCi. Network Topology .service of lEC 61850 These GOOSE messages are all received and interpreted by the device in the main incoming bay.. The at the feed main is made available mesgst blocking be only rcIve at th drseddvcs as an IEG variable PTOCi.q PTOCN Figure 3(b): Blocking .I T .SeFg .. Any ANSI#50 pick up on the feeders results in the blocking as well as the associated Quality attribute and time stamp and will be transmitted as a GOOSE message on the Station bus. Using this means of programmed logic the described conventional hard wired system can be emulated as in the blocking of the main incoming follows: -PTOCN results Any pick up (Str of PTOC1 prvd in th ewr time/ synchrnizatinea ih1m cuay. If the communication link between devices fails. associated pick up signal is set to invalid should the time out time which is 2 x the last transmission time expire.J.t_. Also not to be overlooked is the fact that parallel wiring is not necessary. Here the pickup signal and the associated quality attribute "cvalid"9are transferred to the internal logic function (PLC) of the device. and the last repetition time equal to one sec. The GOOSE transmission characteristics must be set with the configuration tool./PTOCN. and can be reported to an IEG 61850 as a Substation Mode-stval=2 lupshetmnso functioning conentona cope concin. See fig 3b._ I . The GOOSE messaging must be correctly transmitted with in 1 0 ins.J.method realized with the GOOSE . this condition will also set the pick up to be set to invalid. This logic emulates the response of the hard wired system.St_ . Should one of the feeder over current devices theigtplg status of the n fail.general .Using the IEC 61850 Station Bus for implementation of this application uses GOOSE messaging.B en fte Controller. An additional advantage is the supervision of the data link due to the status information. GOOSE Transmitter Service: Receiver of GOOSE -messages IEC61850 GOOSE PTOC1 PTOC2 JPTC1 * IEC6tvalid Status supervision / unvalid Service IC 8 r ~ ID' . For this we will assume that the first repletion time is equal to 5ms.Stx. This change in status can also result in blocking of the main or a failure alarm being annunciated. | ~ ~ T. where two load buses.Traditiornal EVlairi-Ti. where if one source is interrupted. are linked by a normally open tie breaker. breaker control switches.l~%/airil tto . as many discrete elements are involved.fiber Ethernet patch cable PTOC1 PTOC2 PTOCN PTOCI Figure 4: Physical arrangement of the Ethernet network Main Tie Main Auto transfer Scheme Many industry and utility distribution substations use a Main-Tie-Main bus arrangement. Central unit with . time synchronization .comprehensive monitoring functions the failures of components can be detected within a few milliseconds. It is also common practice to implement an Automatic Transfer scheme.5/125 pm or 50/125pm Multimode . supplied by different sources. and maintain. selector switches. Traditional automatic transfer schemes link protective relays. Upon the loss of one source. These schemes are time-consuming (and therefore expensive) to design.i ~~e Ellker | Fig 5 cnre Lirme Diaaratrn . wire. closing the tie breaker allows the other source to carry the entire load. a control scheme will move all load to the other source by automatically closing the tie breaker. auxiliary relays. and timers through a complicated contact logic arrangement. The schemes are also difficult to test. These are sometimes called throw over schemes. maintain and verify. and network supervision Optical fibre with DIGSI Operat Ptch 62. but only if no other protection function (50/51.. . . . ... The typical main-tie-main automatic transfer scheme in use combines protective relays. . Diflat text. . . loss of source at one incoming main initiates automatic transfer.. as the physical system remains constant.. The scheme must differentiate between a system fault and a loss of source. This requires a separate control logic design for each incoming main breaker and the tie breaker. . . . . can be eliminated. . . ..0 H 0 iciilltil satist__ .. . and then closes the tie breaker. . The main advantage is the reduction in copper as the required signals are now available to the relays as peer to peer information (GOOSE) messages....0 The allocation in the Matrix is as below. . Automatic transfer is normally blocked if the other incoming main also detects a loss of source.. . and modifications are quickly performed.OUT| ~~~~~~~~Tie Pro Trip ~~~~~~~~ x ||| ~~~~~~ . replication of schemes is simplified. By performing all the logic in software. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . including switches. . .TOCHS_ r2 M ___E__=__E__=__ 4 52 b 7.. The general arrangement of this basic scheme is shown in Figure 5. . . simple testing. . The auxiliary relay (27X) starts the transfer by tripping the main breaker. timers. and relays. and graphical test verification reports. .. .. . all auxiliary devices.9. 87B) has operated.. . . pOUT |X |U _~~~~~~"I '''''''''' re . and the other main breaker instantaneous undervoltage relay has not operated. . and timers in a contact logic design._ Den_ 1nee :.This application describes the use of Multifunction Over current Relays to perform a typical automatic transfer scheme. as well as a dynamic display of the system status. . . . breaker control switches.. . The use of the IED permits complete annunciation of the transfer scheme operation.. The scheme opens the main breaker. . When the scheme is in automatic mode. . and closing the tie breaker (after verifying the main breaker has tripped). auxiliary relays. ."1H. . . . source ~ ~ ~ iiK~ T9 e Bl F C BO: Destinhgion s C I ==E. By using the protective elements and programmable logic capabilities of the IED... -Hi 1 H2 _ 4 B 7 L = 1011 1213 1415 27I=9 OA VLE O ___ UT_ = .0112114 SP ________________r___e_ Ir_ S ~ ~ CIo-se . . . . . File Edit I_nfet DOVICe Miew Indications and commands only Zj mm iifit LJLEN lhfbornatibn NM IP= -m_[Itt1 O~~__F~uh_F~~e 27 ~~q IVolt A l meI SeFPbihtguret l-sPW~ ropeS. . .. Loss of source is determined by a time-delayed undervoltage relay. . OUT I L _ OblioNi WindoW Help6 Nflift. design time is reduced.. .______________Tie_Trp . the engineering design time. The control logic is implemented in software. Field modifications are complete with auto-documentation from the relay. Field modifications do not require physical changes and the associated design. This method leads to lower installed cost: fewer physical devices. is in the programmable logic software of the relay. including auxiliary devices.0 Performing a Main-Tie-Main automatic transfer scheme over Ethernet IEC 61850 with Overcurrent Relays has many benefits.The PLC programming capabilities of a numerical feeder protection relay allow a simplification of a main-tie-main automatic transfer scheme. making customization simple. less engineering and drawing. Test and commissioning is simple. and less wiring is required. drawing the same time the open functionality is increased. Conclusions Using the new lEG 61850 standard parallel hardwiring between devices can be replaced by Ethernet LAN. Because the scheme is performed in software. drawing. and amount of wiring is reduced. and allows easy troubleshooting of misoperations. Commissioning tests need only verify the limited switchgear or breaker wiring involved. The capability for GOOSE message configuration gives the same degree on security and surpasses timing of copper connections. lowering the first cost of installation. Result: lower operating and maintenance costs. Implementation of this standard leads to real cost reductions while. with a graphical test report that precisely documents element operation. Performing the scheme in software also makes the scheme easy to customize and modify in the field. and wiring changes. 1 Prot Trip Trip Tie Bkr !RelayfTri TB7 Trip p Pro Trip l M21-1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Trip No M-2 Trip Tie BkrTOCb b hl-1 Open jI I i 27 Trip b 1s1~o Prot Tripi .A uALto Tfr GoI i Close Tie Bkr D-Tfrr Mode (43IMI) Fu]nctionl K(ey | M'anual1 IModle Prot Trip 14~~~~~~~~o L (43M) CClose B-1t| P?ermnissiveII C1ose Busn M-1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~close i 7SJ63 Relay Figure 7. Testing is simplified: testing of the scheme logic can be performed with a bench test before actual wiring takes place. The control logic. . 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