Application U.S. Navy

March 29, 2018 | Author: rb272013 | Category: Public Key Certificate, Birth Certificate, Test (Assessment), Veteran, Academic Degree



U.S.NAVY APPLICATION INFORMATION Congratulations on your decision to apply for a commission in the United States Navy. There is a lot of paperwork involved, but it will be well worth the effort. The following information is provided to ensure proper, smooth, and timely application completion. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Disclosure of your social security number is necessary in determining your eligibility for enlistment/commissioning in the Armed Forces of the United States. This number is required on all application forms, where indicated. Should you desire not to disclose your social security number for processing, your application will not be processed nor submitted for enlistment/commissioning in the Armed Forces of the United States. This Word document contains forms as embedded files, which are additional Word Documents, Adobe Acrobat (PDF) or Excel Spreadsheets. You must utilize Microsoft Office 2003 for the Word and Excel files and Adobe Acrobat Reader for Adobe Acrobat files. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free from Once you have opened a form and have filled in information, it must be saved to another area. DO NOT RESAVE INTO THIS DOCUMENT. You should save the document with your last name in front. As an example: JOHNSON AppAdd.doc. Also, if you are using Microsoft Office 2007 or greater, please save as Office 2003 document or spreadsheet. Prior to filling out any forms, please watch this video in its entirety about attending Officer Candidate School (OCS). It gives detailed information about attending and participating at OCS. The video is a little over 19 minutes long and is found at During your application phase, you will be required to acknowledge with your signature that you have watched this video. PRIOR TO FILLING OUT ANY OF THE EMBEDDED FORMS, READ THROUGH THIS ENTIRE INFORMATION DOCUMENT TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE PROCESS. Reviewed 20140207 Page 1 of 12 Reviewed 20140207 Page 2 of 12 . med. and Officer Aptitude Rating (OAR).5 hours. and Civil Engineering Programs. four scores are derived: Academic Qualification Rating (AQR). has the following Subtests: (1) Math Skills Test (MST) (2) Reading Comprehension Test (RCT) (3) Mechanical Comprehension Test (MCT) For the ASTB seven Health Professional. Flight Officer Aptitude Rating (FOFAR). has the following Subtests: (1) Math Skills Test (MST) (2) Reading Comprehension Test (RCT) (3) Mechanical Comprehension Test (MCT) (4) Aviation and Nautical Information Test (ANIT) (5) Naval Aviation Trait Facet Inventory (NATFI) (6) Performance Based Measures Battery (PBM) (7) Biographical Inventory with Response Validation (BI-RV) The We offer the test every business day at either 9 AM or 1 PM and it can be scheduled with a few days notice.WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR BECOMING A COMMISSIONED NAVAL OFFICER? AVIATION SELECT TEST BATTERY (ASTB): The ASTB should be given in its entirety to all applicants who indicate an interest in aviation programs. including how it is scored: http://www. The test is given electronically and you will know your results at the end of the test. All other officer programs require the Officer Aptitude Rating (OAR) portion. The ASTB. with the exception of The ASTB test takes about 3 hours and the OAR test is about 1. Nuclear. Pilot Flight Aptitude Rating (PFAR).aspx ASTB SampleQuestions 201311 Reviewed 20140207 Page 3 of 12 . The following website can be used to answer any questions you might have about the and http://www. you will have to sign them prior to submitting. A YES ANSWERS TO ANY OF THE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR MEDICAL HISTORY MAY REQUIRE YOU TO PROVIDE ANY AVAILABLE DOCUMENTATION.MEDICAL / PHYSICAL Prior to completing any medical physical. you MUST be within the following height and weight standards. Once these forms are complete. MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THE MONTH AND YEAR. To submit your application. you must be at or below 22% body fat (male) or 33% body fat (female) by Navy body fat measurement standards. If you exceed the weight for your height. For the USMEPSCOM 680. If you are at or below 25% body fat (male) or 35% body fat (female). If you are not in height weight or body fat standards. MEDICAL PRESCREEING: a. DD 2807-2 08-11 USMEPCOM 680 Fillable "Medical Form Ins tructions . Complete the Report of Medical History (DD Form 2807-1). This documentation can be medical files from the health professional or hospital that treated you. Height (inches) 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Pounds Male Female 131 131 136 136 141 141 145 145 150 149 155 152 160 156 Reviewed 20140207 Height (inches) 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Pounds Male Female 165 160 170 163 175 167 181 170 186 174 191 177 196 181 Height (inches) 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Pounds Male Female 201 185 206 189 211 194 216 200 221 205 226 211 231 216 Page 4 of 12 . then you can be scheduled for a MEPS physical.doc" DD 2807-1 b. It will be reviewed for completeness and any areas that need additional information. you will not be able to take a physical examination until you are within either standard. then we can use the tape measure to determine your body fat using the Navy standards.Prior to submitting for your medical pre-screening. fill out all yellow highlighted areas. THE DOCTOR OR HOSPITAL SEEN BY AND A BRIEF EXPLANATION OF WHAT OCCURRED. Medical Pre-screening Form (DD Form 2807-2) and Request for Examination Form (USMEPCOM 680-3) and forward to your recruiter. Height/Weight Requirements . WHEN MAKING REMARKS CONCERNING YES ANSWERS. you must first be prescreened by the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) doctors. The NASIS data will be used to populate the Questionnaire for National Security Positions (SF-86) form and to submit your request for security investigation. STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING FOR SECURITY INVESTIGATION If Reviewed 20140207 Page 5 of 12 . Follow the directions at the header of each webpage for the information to enter. I further understand that if as a result of the post-commissioning investigative processes. we need your full name. I will be subject to discharge from the United States Navy/Navy Reserve. If you haven’t received your user name and password or you have forgotten your user name and password. Inform your recruiter when you have completed entering data for your clearance application online.cnrc. We will run a verification that will check for errors or omissions. YOU MUST USE INTERNET EXPLORER TO ACCESS THE NASIS WEBSITE. USING ANY OTHER WEB BROWSER WILL NOT WORK. To obtain a username & password. I understand that my appointment as a commissioned officer in the United States Navy/Navy Reserve is being accomplished prior to completion of a required security investigation and issuance of a Top Secret/Secret security clearance. and social security number. contact your recruiter. The NASIS site is accessed at: I am determined to be unacceptable for appointment as a commissioned officer.SECURITY QUESTIONNAIRE (SF 86)/ NAVY ACCESSIONS SECURITY INFORMATION SYSTEM (NASIS) Information from this form is used to populate the APSR. The Application Processing Summary Record (APSR) form (NAVCRUIT 1131/228). First. Then block and copy to the MOTIVATOINAL STATEMENT section. WE DO NOT ACCEPT FAXED TRANSCRIPTS Have transcripts sent directly to NORS SLC UT at the following address: Naval Officer Recruiting Station Attn: PROCESSOR 9350 S. UT 84070-2702 It is a good idea to request transcripts are sent as soon as you decide you really want to apply. Cover your experience. Print it out and proofread it. Once you are done. even if the courses were not related to your major or were taken a long time ago. and why you think you would make a GREAT officer. All questions must be answered and if a fill in area does not apply enter N/A. The officer processor will gather the information and finalize to the (APSR) for your signature prior to submission. hard work. e-mail it to your recruiter. The last section of this form is for you to write a statement on why you are seeking a commission. derives information from the various forms you will fill out during you application process. Transcripts must come directly from the transcript/registrar’s office. the time from your request to the school to send us the transcripts to the Reviewed 20140207 Page 6 of 12 . make sure you spell check it and make sure the grammar is correct. goals. etc. This application section is the only opportunity you have to express why you want to be a Naval Officer. 150 E. Application Addendum201312 TRANSCRIPTS: We will need official transcripts from every college or university you have attended. The community or communities to which you are applying will determine if you are a strong applicant or not. TN. which is the master application. drive. This is your chance to sell yourself to the selection board. APPLICATION ADDENDUM Fill out the information on the form. When you have completed this form. type it out on a blank Word document in sentence case (DO NOT USE ALL CAPS). In most instances. which we submit to Navy Recruiting Command in Millington. Suite 760 Sandy. what you have to offer the Navy.THE APPLICATION PROCESS: Professional Documents (PRODOCS): The process starts with your application documents. State why you are applying. Not all employers will return the Request for Reference form. You are responsible for any costs involved in obtaining the transcripts. Personal references should be in standard business letter format.S. and to make sure you can graduate within the time requirements of collegiate programs. If we do not hear back from any of the employers after 10 days.transcripts showing up in our office will be 10-14 days. military or civic leaders. DEGREE COMPLETION PLAN: This is a form that your academic advisor will fill out and sign. if you have 5 employers in the last 3 years. AND AN EMAIL ADDRESS. MINIMUM REQUIREMENT IS TO PROVIDE A NAME. Getting these references up front can alleviate a lot of waiting and delays later in the process. As an example. COMPLETE ADDRESS. these character references will be from professors. They can be on letterhead or plain paper.xls and email to your recruiter. You will need to replace those missing employer references with completed character references. but are not limited to these options. we are required to wait 10 days to hear back. This form must be signed by your Academic Advisor. EXAMPLE Degree Comp Plan Academic Degree Completion Plan REFERENCES: We are required to request work references from ALL employers that you have worked for in the past 3 years. You can only fill in the required yellow areas. please fill out the DD370_Spreadsheet. As you can see we will usually have a minimum processing period of 20 days. Once we receive official transcript for you. it becomes property of the U. and only 2 employers responded to our request. To expedite these reference requests. Reviewed 20140207 Page 7 of 12 . Navy Officer Programs”. for this alone. we are required send out the request a second time and wait a further 10 days.S. Ideally. It is used by those applying for the BACCALAUREATE DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAM (BDCP). It is important that paragraphs 2 & 3 are filled out correctly on the last page. Final transcripts should indicate degree conferred. The purpose of this form is to get a good picture of all the classes that you must take to graduate. then you will need 3 character references to have a total of 5 total completed references. These are the same employers that you are listing on the Security Questionnaire you are filling out through NASIS. This does not need to be filled out if you have already graduated from college with at least a Bachelor’s Degree. Navy and will not be returned. Letters can be addressed “U. They are an endorsement of your character and should high-light desirable personal qualities as well as your ability to perform as a Naval Officer. when you will graduate. church leaders. unless the program you are entering requires the completion of a Masters Degree. After we send out the initial requests to the employers. ssa. on active duty or in the reserves must complete a dependent care form. Certificate of Discharge from Active Duty. It clearly must indicate who will be the caregiver of your minor child in you are deployed. For Navy. If you have lost your original Social Security Card. ARMED FORCES OR NATIONAL GUARD ACTIVE.htm as valid to join the military.Reference Spreadsheet 201402 OFFICIAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE OR CERTIFICATE OF NATURALIZATION: When you come in to sign your on how to obtain a replacement card. If you fall into this category. We do not accept birth certificates issued by hospitals. SINGLE PARENT OR MARRIED TO A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES: Single parents and those who have a spouse in the armed forces or National Guard. or a veteran you must complete the following: For all: a. SOCIAL SECURITY CARD We are required to include a copy of your signed social security card. let your recruiter know in advance. Only a DD-214. Report of Separation and Record of Service from the National Guard will suffice as a replacement. Does your ex-spouse agree with your child(ren) leaving the state? Make sure this issue is addressed prior to processing your application. please bring in your state or federal issued Birth Certificate. fill out and submit the below request for your Navy Service Record on CD. We must make a copy of your original social security card and stamp it “For Reference Purposes Only” and it will be verified by signature. or a NGB 22. We will only accept #1 on web page http://www.ssa. Provide reserve point count c. We will retrieve the information that we need from these documents and return them to you that day. Navy Service Record CD Request Form Certificate of Live Birth and/or Certificate of Naturalization. Reviewed 20140207 Page 8 of 12 . we will need a certified copy of the divorce decree. If you are divorced and share physical custody of children. Provide a copy of all DD-214s or NBG 22s b. Provide copies of all military performance evaluations or fitness reports. go to the Social Security Administration’s website (http://www. Submit any official paperwork that relate to any article 15 violations or court martial. d. RESERVE OR VETERAN: If you are active duty. reservist. S. Have a Letter of Conditional Release (DD for 368). Department of Veterans Affairs for military disability. reserve or active/reserve National Guard: a.S. Provide your command name and full address to your recruiter to help you fill out this form. Reviewed 20140207 Page 9 of 12 . Have a letter of recommendation from your unit’s Commanding Officer/OIC. then option 0 for a live person. If you are do not have a disability rating. b. This person will assist the applicant in receiving the required documents required by N3M. approved by your service. This letter must annotate whether or not the applicant is CURRENTLY receiving benefits or if there are any benefits PENDING. For veterans: a. You can have this letter faxed to our office. If you are receiving any benefits or have a disability rating (even a 0% rating) from the U. The fax number should be on your recruiter’s business card. Department of Veteran Affairs at 1 (800) 827-1000 then select option 1. or do not have a current claim for disability. then option 1.For current active duty. submit all documents related to receiving VA compensation for disabilities. please call the U. b. This is done at no cost to you. All Armed Services have different medical standards determined by the program which you are applying for. See the MEPS Processing SLC document below for the requirements for access and to get a medical physical. If a community to which you are applying decides you are a good candidate they will PROFESSIONALLY RECOMMEND (PROREC) you. This is normally done at MEPS in Salt Lake City. we will contact you for a date. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTION!! MEPS Processing SLC-May 2013 2) AFTER MEPS: Once the MEPS physical exam is complete and we receive your medical record your medical information is transferred to Navy doctors in Tennessee. so get in touch with your recruiter). Plan on spending the whole day at the MEPS. If you are traveling some distance. This process will become a waiting period of about 4-6 weeks. We will update that information and forward to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). professional qualifications and experiences are reviewed. which will start at 5:45 AM. The physical examination is performed by qualified doctors and health professionals. A professional recommendation is NOT a final selection. your academic background. UT. When your application is presented to this board. then you will be required to take a physical examination. we can arrange lodging at a nearby hotel the night before your physical. These requirements are strictly adhered to. There are still hurdles to clear if you are professionally recommended. We will arrange your appointment for your physical exam. The MEPS is a federal and Armed Forces building and has strict guidelines for admission. If the communities you are applying to feels you are a NOT good candidate. In the second step we gathered your medical history for a pre-screening. When the doctors have given you the green light to take the physical exam. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION AND FITNESS: 1) PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: One you are professionally recommended. Tennessee. The physical exam can be scheduled with about three days notice. Regardless if the MEPS doctor found you physically or not physically qualified is irrelevant. Reviewed 20140207 Page 10 of 12 .SUBMITTING THE APPLICATION PROFESSIONALLY RECOMMENDED We will submit your application for review to the Navy Recruiting Command in Millington. you will receive a letter from CNRC letting you know and thanking you for your effort (there may be opportunities for resubmittal at this point. A selection board in each community meets periodically (monthly in most cases). called the Physical Fitness Test.5 Mile Run(maximum time) 17-19 62/62 51/24 12:00/14:45 20-24 58/58 47/21 13:05/15:30 25-29 54/54 44/19 14:03/16:13 30-34 51/51 41/17 15:00/16:55 Reviewed 20140207 Page 11 of 12 . The PFA consists of two parts. You must score a Good Low in each category to remain eligible.5 mile run in less than the maximum time allowed.We scan all medical documents generated by the MEPS and upload to our Navy doctors. Everyone in the Navy is required to take the PFA. a 5-minute rest. They will issue a letter to us with your determining medical status. Minimum Passing scores: Male/Female (Greater than 5000 ft) Age Group Curl-Ups Push-Ups 1. sit-ups. push-ups (you’ll have 2 minutes to complete as many as you can). and then the 1. (PFT). each applicant will have to pass a physical fitness assessment. The PFT begins with sit-ups (you’ll have 2 minutes to complete as many as you can). The Body Composition Assessment (BCA) which is the height and weight measurement as described before. physically qualified with waiver (PQ-W) or not physically qualified (NPQ). twice a year. and a 1. They will determine if you are physically qualified (PQ). TN.5-mile run. a 5minute rest. The second part is pushups. They have the final say! 3) PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT (PFA): Prior to final selection. They also may ask for additional information in determining your medical status. The final determination is made by Navy doctors in Millington. This process will take about 2-4 weeks. and you have passed the Navy’s physical fitness challenge. QUESTIONS???? If you have any questions concerning the application and associated forms. and complete the application determines how long the process will take. LENGTH OF APPLICATION PROCESS: This will largely depend on you. TN ONLY. WE DO NOT RECEIVE FEEDBACK ON WHY AN APPLICANT IS SELECTED OR NOT SELECTED. ALSO. Typical timeline is 2-4 months.FINAL SELECTION After you’ve been professionally recommended. reference letters. and let us know. you are now eligible for final selection. feel free to contact your recruiter Reviewed 20140207 Page 12 of 12 . YOUR RECRUITER NEITHER SELECT NOR NON-SELECT AN APPLICANT. How quickly you get us your transcripts. If they find that you meet the requirements for the Navy. PLEASE NOTE: SELECTION OR NON SELECTION IS MADE AT NAVY RECRUITING COMMAND IN MILLINGTON. Navy doctors have determined you are physically qualified (PQ) or physically qualified with a waiver (PQ-W) for the program you are applying for. your security clearance is complete. Navy Recruiting Command will FINAL SELECT you.
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