Application Guide 2003 4

March 25, 2018 | Author: Carlos Pinto | Category: Relay, Transformer, Electric Power System, Electrical Impedance, Electrical Equipment



APPLICATION GUIDEThis application guide is intended to illustrate the extensive range of application and schemes to which our products and systems can be applied. For ease of use typical schemes have been provided to cover the standard voltage ranges. Our company specialises in customised applications and we have a dedicated team of senior applications engineers who can provide solutions for any voltage in the power system network. The voltage levels indicated in this guide are as follows:i) ii) iii) LV typically less than 1kV MV typically 1kV to 132kV – Distribution HV typically 132kV and above – Transmission Busbar Protection Some general considerations to be taken into account when establishing the optimum protection • • • • • • Busbar configuration Cost Protection redundancy requirements Phase/earth fault scheme or phase/earth and phase/phase scheme Speed and sensitivity Existing c.t. characteristic for retrofit projects Overcurrent protection - blocking principle, distribution networks, single source. ANSI No 51 51N 50CBF S1 51 51N 50CBF BS Function Three-phase time delayed overcurrent Time delayed earth fault Circuit breaker fail Blocking signal status input Three-phase time delay overcurrent Time delay earth fault Circuit breaker fail Blocking signal output (e.g low set o/c e.f) Reyrolle Relay Argus 1 – (3P+E) AG1-(411-412) Argus 1 – (3P+E) AG1-(411-412)) APPLICATION GUIDE 1 Directional overcurrent protection - Blocking principle, distribution networks, parallel source ANSI No 67 67N 50CBF SI 67 67N 50CBF BS Function Bi-directional three-phase time delayed overcurrent Bi-directional time delayed earth fault Circuit breaker fail Blocking signal status input Directional three-phase time delayed overcurrent Directional time delayed earth fault Circuit breaker fail Blocking signal output (eg low set o/c and e.f) Reyrolle Relay Argus 2 – (3P+E) AG2-(411-412) Argus 2 – (3P+E) AG2-(411-412) High impedance busbar differential protection - Single busbar, two zone, phase/phase & phase/earth fault scheme, with overall check zone ANSI No 87H-1 87H-2 87H-CH Function Differential using circulating current principle with CT supervision – main zone 1 Differential using circulating current principle with CT supervision – main zone 2 Differential using circulating current principle with CT supervision – check zone Reyrolle Relay DAD 3 Main 1 Differential using circulating current principle .Main 2 Reyrolle Relay 87H 87H DAD B3 . duplicate phase fault scheme with C.T supervision .Mesh corner.T supervision ANSI No Function Differential using circulating current principle with C.High impedance busbar differential protection . High speed operation. Normally connected to a C. Fully self supervised. 87 DAD CT Shorting High speed multi-contact relay.Function Description ANSI Ref Case Availability Modular Vedette Other Busbar protection and circuit breaker fail schemes Differential Electronic high speed. includes current transformer supervision. high/medium impedance circulating current principle with excellent harmonic rejection.C. Integrated timer. hand reset contacts 86 TR221 Leakage to frame Attracted armature relay with a fixed current setting. Supervision Low burden attracted armature relays Self reset reverse flag As above with hand reset flag Trip supply supervision incorporated in Argus multi function relay High speed multi-contact hand reset trip relay 27 XR152 XR153 Argus 2DAB Argus Trip 86 Time delay Range of electronic high accuracy time delay relays TR221 2 DDB Low impedance Numerical protection system providing percentage differential protection. 50 Intergrated in multi-function relay D.T. 87 DRS-BB 5 . actioned by a main protection contact (DTL) 51 2DAB 51 Argus Circuit Breaker fail Electronic relay with phase segregated inputs and outputs. 87 Argus Interlocked overcurrent Relay for discriminative clearance of blind spot faults. placed between the switchgear frame and earth. A check system is possible 64N MR111 Busbar prot'n for distribution Blocking scheme using the feeder overcurrent and earth fault protection. differential protection and undervoltage monitoring. Features a low overshoot and a particularly wide range of settings. Internal interface system permits factory set output options of up to 9 output contacts. intertripping and guard relays can be added to Solkor-Rf scheme as required. radial or ring feed.Feeder Protection Some general considerations to be taken into account when establishing the optimum protection:– • • • • • • Method of system earthing Type of load System requirements (eg fault clearance time) Existing protection Protection redundancy requirements Cost of protection relative to degree of security required Cable feeders. or Solkor-M for 4-wire VF circuit. ANSI No 51 51N 87F Function Three-phase time delayed overcurrent Time delayed earth fault Pilot wire differential Reyrolle Relay Argus 1 – (3P+E) AG1 -(401-402) Solkor Rf Note: Pilotwire supervision. . Alternatively Solkor-N may be used with fibre optic or RS485 communication link. high security. Where distances permit blocking connections can be added.Cable feeder. 7 . ring main ANSI No 51 51N 67 67N Note: Function Three-phase time delay overcurrent Time delayed earth fault Bi-Directional three-phase time delayed overcurrent Bi-Directional time delayed earth fault Reyrolle Relay Argus 1 – (3P+E) AG1-(401-402) Argus 2 – (3P+E) AG2-(411-430) Argus 2 relays have independent settings for forward and reverse directions. Overhead line feeder with auto-reclosing circuit breaker ANSI No 51 51N 79 Function Three-phase time delayed & instantaneous overcurrent Time delayed & instantaneous earth fault Auto reclose Reyrolle Relay Argus 4 – (3P+E) AG4-(401-404) . Overhead line feeder with single main protection. high security Communication Channel-CCITT M1020 Standard 4 wire voice frequency (Option of digital interface) ANSI No 51 51N 87CD Function Three-phase time delayed overcurrent Time delayed earth fault Current differential Reyrolle Relay Argus 1 – (3P+E) AG1-(401-402) Solkor M SK2-(101-203) 9 . (101-203) Ohmega Argus 7 AG7-(101-102) .Overhead line feeder with duplicate main protection Communication Channel-CCITT M1020 Standard 4 wire voice frequency (Option of digital interface) Ohmega communications channel is optional ANSI No 51 51N 87CD 21 79 25 Function Three-phase time delayed overcurrent Time delayed earth fault Phase comparison current differential Distance protection scheme Autoreclose Check synchronising Reyrolle Relay Argus 1 – (3P+E) AG1 – (401-402) Microphase-FM MF1 . continuous supervision of communications link. Up to 5kV or 15kV with isolating transformers. Manual or automatic delay compensation. with individual auto reclose sequence for the OC. Integral condition based circuit breaker maintenance data. LTEF characteristics. pilot insulation levels. 50/51/87/67 Argus 4 / 6 Delta Restricted earth fault Electro-mechanical high impedance circulating current principle. NI. EI. 2000 ohms pilot loop. Multi-shot. 87 Microphase-FM Multi-microprocessor relays providing unit protection using the Solkor principle derived in software. 87 Solkor-M Numeric phase segregated differential protection for use with fibre optic or RS485 communication. 21 Ohmega range Numeric Current Differential Multi-microprocessor relays providing unit protection using software derived positive and negative phase sequence components. V. Ammeter display can be set to read primary amps. Slightly different equipment is required for each state if Solkor-R or Rf. Solkor-R / Rf 49 Argus 7 Argus 4 Delta 50 Delta 1 87 87 5B3 Argus 1 Delta Auto reclose Pilot wire 87 Pilot wire supervision Pilot supervision for Solkor-R (5kV) and Solkor-Rf pilot wire protection schemes part of 85 Solkor supervision Guard relay Instantaneous OC & EF B69 Pilot wire intertrip For use with Solkor-R installations where sufficient fault current will be present during the intertrip operation. IDMT/DTL instantaneous or delayed reset. EF and EF / SEF functions. V. Integrated supervision. high speed operation. Waveform storage of last 5 faults and time-tagged storage of 500 events. Integral fault data storage. not required. Sensitive earth fault Numeric with excellent harmonic rejection and integral time delay. with high harmonic rejection ratio. intertripping and guard functions 87 Overcurrent and/or earth fault Electro-mechanical relays: Instantaneous fixed setting Instantaneous variable setting 50/51 MR111 MR112 Solkor-N Numeric with selected DTL. Two integral highset functions. integrated with IDMT and EF / SEF protection 79 Check synchronising Numeric with independent check & system sync settings 25 Overload Numeric thermal overload Rho 3 Delta Circulating current principle. not required. Argus 1 Delta Numeric for three pole autoreclose schemes. VI. Upto 4 zones of protection with different operating times for distribution and transmission voltage applications. Additional features include logic programming. setting increases for harmonics and has a integral metrosil. Integral fault data storage. Numeric.C. continuous supervision of communications link.Function Description ANSI Ref Case Availability Modular Vedette Other Feeder protection Distance Numeric full scheme distance protection relay with selectable functions for complete flexibility.T. Not suitable for use with pilot supervision TEC Inverter 11 . three or four pole. Optional integral directional control available. Manual or automatic delay compensation. injection intertripping schemes to use Solkor-R or Solkor-Rf pilot wire link. 50 5kV 5kV AR101T AR101T A. 50/51/87 Ditto with bi-directional control of all measuring elements 67/67N/87 Delta 2 Integrated protection and auto reclose. waveform and event recording and remote communications.T. Function Description ANSI Ref Case Availability Modular Vedette Other Intertripping 85 Intertrip send relay for pulse or continuous intertrip 5kV and 15 kV pilot insulation models Surgeproof intertrip receive relay for up to 500 V rms across pilot cores Surgeproof intertrip relay for up to 5kV rms across pilot cores Pilot supervision relay for intertrip pilots with 15kV insulation (uses the send unit of Solkor supervision) Intertrip send relay complying with ESI 48-4 Class ESI TEC GF3 BD BD 15kV CF2 XR101 XR102 Intertrip receive relay complying with ES141-15 Part 5 (1988) Interposing control For use over pilot wires of up to 200 ohms. and not susceptible to certain ac voltages A) Without flag indication B) With flag indication Neutral displacement Numeric relay with variable settings and time delay XR105 XR106 59 Argus 8 Undervoltage 27 XR105 XR106 Electro-mechanical: Fixed setting Adjustable setting Numeric Overvoltage 59 VR121/22 VR123 Argus 8 Electronic-mechanical: Numeric Voltage monitoring Fixed setting Adjustable setting VR115/16 VR117 Argus 8 Electro mechanical suitable for Mesh Corner to NGC Specification Fault detection indication Earth fault passage indication for cable circuits. B68 FIND . Motor Protection Some general considerations to be taken into account when establishing the optimum protection:• • • • • Importance of the drive circuit (i. etc) Operating environment Plant requirements Motor rating and cost LV motor circuit controlled by a fuse-switch or contactor – motor rating typically up to 75kW * Core balance c.t. recommended 13 ANSI No 46 49 48 51N Function Negative phase sequence overcurrent Three-phase thermal overload Locked rotor / stalling Time delayed earth fault Reyrolle Relay Rho 0 RH0 – (101-108) .e.t. recommended ANSI No 46 49 51N Function Negative phase sequence overcurrent Three-phase thermal overload Time delayed earth fault LV Reyrolle Relay Rho 0 RH0 – (101-108) Motor controlled by a fuse-switch or contactor – ratings typically above 75kW * Core balance c. motor rewind. duty cycle) Cost (implications of downtime. recommended ANSI No 46 49 48 50 50N Function Negative phase sequence overcurrent Three-phase thermal overload Locked rotor / stalling Three-phase instantaneous overcurrent Instantaneous earth fault Rho 3 RH3 – (101 –112) Reyrolle Relay Motor / transformer circuit controlled by a circuit breaker.Motor controlled by a circuit breaker – ratings typically above 75kW to 1MW asynchronous motor.t. typically 500kW * Core balance c. direct on line start * Core balance c.t. recommended ANSI No 46 49 48 50 37 30 50N 51N Function Negative phase sequence overcurrent Three-phase thermal overload Locked rotor / stalling Three-phase instantaneous overcurrent Undercurrent Thermal pre-alarm Instantaneous earth fault Time delayed earth fault Reyrolle Relay Rho 3 RH3 – (101-112) Argus 1 – (1P EF) AG1 – (101-102) . earth fault. recommended ANSI No 46 49 48 50 37 30 50N 87M Function Negative phase sequence overcurrent Three-phase thermal overload Locked rotor / stalling Three-phase instantaneous overcurrent Undercurrent Thermal pre-alarm Instantaneous earth fault Three-phase differential Reyrolle Relay Rho 3 RH3 – (101-112) 3 X Argus 1 – (1P SEF) AG1 – (103-104)# # Employed as 3-phase high impedance differential ANSI Ref Case Availability Modular Vedette Function Description Other Motor Protection LV motor protection Integrated numeric LV motor protection with a large number of functions including thermal overload. short circuit and stall protection 46 66 48 49 50 Over/undervoltage Numeric with programmable time delay 27/59 Differential High impedance principle 87 5B3 Argus 1 Argus 8 Rho 3 15 . short circuit and under/over voltage 44 Rho 0 46 48 49 50 27/59 HV motor protection Integrated numeric HV motor protection with a large number of functions including thermal overload.Motor controlled by a circuit breaker – ratings typically above 1MW * Core balance c. earth fault.t. standby duty) Direct connected to a substation busbar or via generator transformer Method of system earthing Protection redundancy required Generator rating and cost Direct connected generator. emergency supply.e base load.(401-402) . low impedance earthing.(401-412) Argus 1 – (3P+E) AG1 .Generator Protection Some general considerations to be taken into account when establishing the optimum protection:– • • • • • • Mode of operation (i. Base load generation in parallel with grid network. rating typically 2MW. ANSI No 27UV 81 59 32R 50N 51V 81R 60FL 51N 51 51N Function Undervoltage Over / under frequency Overvoltage Reverse power Instantaneous earth fault Three-phase time delayed overcurrent with voltage restraint Rate of change of frequency Voltage transformer supervision Time delayed earth fault (neutral end) Three-phase time delayed overcurrent (line end) Time delayed earth fault (line end) Reyrolle Relay Gamma 4 GM4 .e single or parallel running) Type of duty (i. Direct connected generator. high impedance earthing. rating typically 15MW. ANSI No 27UV 81 59 40 46 87G 32R 59N 51V 60FL 51 51N Function Undervoltage Over / under frequency Overvoltage Loss of field Negative phase sequence overcurrent Generator biased differential Reverse power Stator earth fault (95% winding protected) Three-phase time delayed overcurrent with voltage restraint Voltage transformer supervision Three-phase time delayed overcurrent (line end) Time delayed earth fault (line end) Reyrolle Relay Gamma 4 GM4-(201-212) Argus 1 . Base load generation in parallel with grid network.3P+E AG1-(401-402) 17 . high impedance earthing. Base load generation in parallel with grid network ANSI No 27UV 81 59 50/27 50CBF 24 46 40 87G 32R 21 60FL 59N 27TN 51 51N 87T 64REF WTA. rating typically 50MW and above. WTT PT BG/BT Function Undervoltage Over /underfrequency Overvoltage Inadvertent energising Circuit breaker failure Overexcitation V /Hz Negative phase sequence overcurrent Loss of field Generator biased differential Reverse power Phase distance Voltage transformer supervision Stator earth (95% of winding protected) Startor earth fault (100% of winding protected) Three-phase time delayed overcurrent (line end) Time delay earth fault (line end) Transformer biased differential Restricted earth fault Winding temperature alarm and trip status inputs Pressure relief device trip status input Buchholz alarm and trip status inputs Reyrolle Relay Gamma 4 GM4 – (401-412) Argus 1 – (3P + E) AG1 – (401-102) Duobias M 2 Wdg.Isolated generator transformer. 50Hz . event recording.Function Description ANSI Ref Case Availability Modular Vedette Other Generator Protection Numeric generator Suitable for protection of a variety of machines down to 1MW this relay can be purchased as minimum protection base system and built up with the addition of function modules into a more protection functionally comprehensive protection package. features include data storage 87 87 5B3 Argus Duobias-M Overcurrent & earth fault Numeric multi-function. comms link etc. waveform storage. Gamma 4 Range Differential ( unit or transformer ) High impedance principle with voltage setting for generator or generator transformer Numeric current differential. 50/51 Argus 1 Delta Restricted earth fault High impedance principle 50 5B3 Argus 1 Delta Sensitive earth fault Numeric with wide setting ranges. Comprehensive generator protection system suitable for use on all machine sizes. Dual CT inputs in a standard 19” rack mounting design. excellent harmonic rejection and integral time delay 50 Argus 1 Delta Over/undervoltage Numeric with programmable time delay 27 / 59 Neutral Displacement Numeric with 2 settings Argus 8 Over/underfrequency Numeric with programmable time delay 81 Argus 8 Argus 8 19 . multi-characteristic. including ammeter display. b.e c. fuse switch. eg ratings up to 1MVA Transformer type – dry ANSI No 51 51N 51N Function Three-phase time delayed overcurrent Time delayed earth fault HV Time delayed earth fault LV Reyrolle Relay Argus 1 – (3P+E) AG1-(401-402) Argus 1 – (1P+EF) AG-(101-102) .e parallel or single operation) Method of system earthing Transformer rating and cost Importance of high-speed fault clearance HV and LV switching devices (i. or isolator) Transformer controlled by a fuse-switch or contactor.Transformer Protection Some general considerations to be taken into account when establishing the optimum protection: • • • • • Mode of operation (i. Transformer type – oil filled. typically 800kVA to 2MVA. ANSI No 51 50 51N WTA.Transformer controlled by a circuit breaker. sealed (with pressure sensor) or with conservator. WTT PT 64REF 51N Function Three-phase time delayed overcurrent Three-phase instantaneous high-set overcurrent Time delayed earth fault HV Winding temperature alarm and trip status inputs Pressure relief device trip status input Restricted earth fault LV Time delayed earth fault LV Reyrolle Relay Argus 1 – (3P+E) AG1-(411-412) Argus 1 – (2P+E+REF) AG1-(403-404) 21 . Transformer type-oil filled with conservator.(3P + 3) AG1 – (401-402) Argus 1 .BT 64REF 25 Function Three-phase time delayed overcurrent LV Time delayed earth fault LV Three phase time delayed overcurrent HV Three phase instantaneous high-set overcurrent HV Time delayed earth fault HV Automatic voltage control Bias Differential Winding temperature alarm and trip status inputs Pressure relief device trip status input Buchholz alarm and trip status inputs Restricted earth fault LV Check & system synchronising Reyrolle Relay Argus 1 . transformer controlled by a circuit breaker.WTT PT BG.Two winding. typically above 2MVA.(3P + E) AG1 – (401-402) SuperTAPP/MicroTAPP Duobias M 2 Wdg Argus 7 . ANSI No 51 51N 51 50 51N 90 87BD WTA. WTT PT BG.(401-402) Duobias M 3 Wdg 23 .(401-402) Argus 1 – (3P + E) AG1 . BT Function Three-phase time delayed overcurrent LV1 Time delayed earth fault LV1 Three-phase time delayed overcurrent LV2 Time delayed earth fault LV2 Three-phase time delayed overcurrent HV Three-phase instantaneous high-set overcurrent HV Time delayed earth fault HV Bias differential Restricted earth fault LV1 Restricted earth fault LV2 Winding temperature alarm and trip status inputs Pressure relief device trip status input Buchholz alarm and trip status inputs Reyrolle Relay Argus 1 – (3P + E) AG1 .Three winding transformer controlled by a circuit breaker.(401-402) Argus 1 – (3P + E) AG1 . typically above 2MVA. Transformer type – oil filled with conservator ANSI No 51 51N 51 51N 51 50 51N 87BD 64REF 64 REF WTA. 90 RVM/5 Tap change control and monitor unit. includes manual controls. to make a single 4u rack tier. SuperTAPP solid state relay designed as a direct replacement for AVE relays. low burden and adjustable time delay. 50 Argus 1 Transformer voltage control Automatic voltage control SuperTAPP solid state control relay of 4u height for mounting with modular relays. Solid state tap position indicator with digital read-out designed to replace analogue units which use a resistor chain for position sensing. and restricted earth fault for HV and LV: also has a data storage facility triggered internally or externally. three and four pole models 50/51 Overload Numeric Thermal Overload 49 Standby earth fault For resistance earthed systems. Requires the 19 rack frame. 2 highest & SEF or REF options. Tap position indicator. tap position indicator and voltage level monitor. Single. Numeric integrated tap change control and monitor unit MicroTAPP RTMU/1 RVM/4 RTPI/1 RTPI/2 . differential highset. ammeter displays and facilities to produce a condition based CB maintenance regime. similar to that above. data storage and event logging. comms link. 87 Impedance 21 Ohmega Overcurrent & earth fault Argus range of numeric relays with multiple independent characteristics. part RHW19R. part RHW19R.Function Description ANSI Ref Case Availability Modular Vedette Other Transformer protection Differential Numeric current differential relay with integral current magnitude and vector compensation setting for 2 or 3 winding transformers. Protection functions are differential. Incorporates the patented TAPP circuitry. Long time characteristic (form 30/5 51 Argus 1 Rho 3 Argus 1 Duobias-M Restricted earth fault Electro-mechanical relay with low-pass filter circuit which increases the setting at harmonic frequencies 87 Numeric relays using high impedance principle. with high harmonic rejection ratio. with intelligent runaway protection. For use in conjunction with the RVM/5 relay both units fit into the 19 rack frame. 87 5B3 Argus 1 Sensitive earth fault Numeric relay with wide setting ranges. Eliminates interposing CT's and flag relays for most applications. c. rejection for use with pilot wires 52 XR105 XR106 XR105 FR111 FR111T AR121 Argus 7 Argus 2 Lockout relay Send relay with either 5kV or 15kV pilot insulation level 85 Intertripping Receive relays with either 5kV or 15kV pilot insulation level and: a) Surgeproof to 500V b) Surgeproof to 5kV Neutral displacement 59 Numeric with programmable time delay Switching relays Electrical reset relays for general switching Switchgear position follower. AR series Directional Numeric integrated with feeder protection relay 67 Check Numeric with check and system sync settings synchronising 25 Flag relays Attracted armature relays with hand reset flag and self reset contacts With fixed time delay With reverse operating flag for undervoltage applications Ferro-resonance Ferro-resonance detection with the system energised or de-energised XR309 B34 Interposing control Control relays with a. self or electrical reset contacts. various flag and fixed time delay options.Function Description ANSI Ref Case Availability Modular Vedette Other Control relays Repeat relay 4 or 6 contact relay which can be provided with heavy duty contacts. with individual sequence settings. normally used in conjunction with distance protection. coils to EB2 specification Protection or Auto reclose IN/OUT to CEGB TDM 5/11 Protection unstabilising. no flag As above but with a self reset flag RD26-1 RD26-2 General applications Auto-reclose Single-shot repetitive scheme relay for single and three pole circuit breakers. integrated into OC. EF and/or SEF microprocessor based protection Argus 4 Delta Auxiliary A range of voltage operated attracted armature relays with hand. 79 Tau 100/200 range Multi Shot DAR Schemes Tau 400 range Schemes to the requirements of NGC Transmission Plant Standards using multi-element relays Tau 500 range Multi-shot schemes. 10 contacts. to CEGB specification P11 52 AR103 TR901 TR431 TR512 Argus 8 85 GF3 GF2 & GF4 BD GF3 TEC 25 . Solid state with high harmonic rejection ratio 67N Argus 1 Overload Numeric thermal overload 49 Rho 3 Argus 1 Capacitor bank protection Overcurrent Numeric with selected DTL.g. normal inverse for class I rectifiers (light or general industrial duty) or very inverse for class II rectifiers (heavy industrial or light traction duty) 50/51 Argus 1 High impedance earth fault protection on traction transformers. BEBS S15 Scheme H7 Self reset flag Hand reset flag D. EI. single point test plug 2 RMLG01 RMLB01 RMLB02 Time delay Electronic time delay with models for delay on energisation.g. Two integral highset functions. delay on reset and delay on de-energisation 2 Trip relays High speed relays with a choice of burden and type of contact reset 86 Trip Circuit supervision Basic trip circuit supervision. IDMTL / DTL instantaneous or delayed reset 50/51/87 Overload Numeric thermal overload 49 Rho 3 Argus 1 .Function Description ANSI Ref Case Availability Modular Vedette Other Test plugs Modular test unit based upon a size R2 case Modular system. supply supervision Self reset flag Hand reset flag 27 XR250 XR251 TR DDB 27 XR350 XR351 27 XR152 XR153 Rectifier protection Overcurrent Short Circuit Numeric/microprocessor IDMT. NI. normal inverse for class I rectifiers (light or general industrial duty) or very inverse for class II rectifiers (heavy industrial or light traction duty) 51 Earth fault Numeric/microprocessor IDMT.C. LTI characteristics. can also provide pre-close supervision. VI. multi-point test plug Modular system. e. BEBS S15 Scheme H4 Self reset flag Hand reset flag Full trip circuit supervision with the circuit breaker open or closed. e. Equipment withstand established Full record of data settings. Emergency Support Transmission distribution or generation plant power system protection • Standby resource for an immediate response • Any protection and control problems • Backed by International technical resource • Support from office base or on site in minimum response time Consultancy • • • • Assistance with establishing design concepts Risk and Health and Safety Assessment Insurance assessment Optimisation studies Benefits include: Optimisation of Customer resources: access to a complete power system design team and a large pool of knowledge. Conjunctive Testing Intelligent relay programming • • Setting parameters optimised through experienced engineers. 365 days a year Design update with changes in design . Solutions for inadequate systems. Either on site or in the Hamilton Laboratory Effects of harmonic distortion or power systems transients on relay performance can be examined.SERVICES The following services are available by means of written quotation through our Customer Service Department. Benefits include: Optimisation of customer resource: Access to commissioning knowledge and high tech equipment to ensure a high degree of security. and performance System review • • • Design criteria and performance identified. • • • Benefits include: A cost effective approach: Accuracy avoids need for reprogramming and re-testing. Full test records produced. Commissioning Support • • • • Highly skilled engineers Test equipment with latest technology Test programmes prepared Supervision for insurance certification Training • • Products and system design training Application training . SERVICES 27 • • • Maintenance and spares management Emergency support 24 hours a day. Optimum designs emphasising on achieving the best results possible Clear specifications of design and alternative options Service Contracts Benefits include: Optimum security of supply: Minimum plant outage following a fault. • Benefits include: Confidence to self manage during plant life. Independent witness. Benefits include: Up to date record of the system. damage limitations: latest technology: standards and experience taken into account. weakness identified. Assists with analysis following an incident. Stored in software and hard copy. Protection Setting studies • • • Design Criteria and protection performance confirmed. Benefits include: Production of master protection guide for future references. and also international standards. To carry out routine testing and performance assessment following an incident Design Specification • • • Highly experienced engineers with knowledge in customs and practice. Confidence in capability of main plant. Report following serious incidents.customer specified/tailored On site or at Reyrolle with access to laboratory test facilities. security complies with good Health & Safety practice.standard courses . Waveforms can be supplied Benefits include: Confidence in relay performance: confidence in scheme performance when carried out in the laboratory reduces site commissioning and outage time. . EQUIVALENTS GUIDE Reyrolle/Alstom comparison table ALSTOM TYPE AUXILIARY MVAA11 MVAA14 MVAA11 MVAA13 MVAA11 MVAA13 MVAA21 MVAA21 MVAA21 TRIPPING MVAJ11 MVAJ13 MVAJ14 MVAJ15 MVAJ21 MVAJ23 MVAJ24 MVAJ25 MVAJ34 SUPERVISION MVAW11 MVAW21 MVAX12 MVAX21 MVAX21 MVAX31 MVAX31 MEASURING MCAG11 MCAG12 FOLLOWER MCAA11 MCAA11 MCAA21 MCAA21 TIME DELAYS MVTT14 MVTT14 MVTT15 MVTT15 MVTT15 UNDERVOLTAGE/ OVERVOLTAGE MVAG15 MVAG16 MVAG17 MVAG21 MVAG22 REYROLLE TYPE AUXILIARY AR101 AR103* AR111 AR112 AR131 AR141 AR201 AR211 AR212 TRIPPING TR112 TR121 TR131 TR141 TR212 TR221 TR231 TR241 TR431 SUPERVISION XR105 XR205 XR152 XR250 XR251 XR350 XR351 MEASURING MR111 MR112 FOLLOWER FR101 FR111 FR211 FR212 TIME DELAYS DDB1 DDB5 DDB7 DDB11 DDB12 UNDERVOLTAGE/ OVERVOLTAGE VR115 VR116 VR117 VR121 VR122 ALSTOM TYPE UNDERVOLTAGE/ OVERVOLTAGE MVAG23 MVTU13 MVAG21 KVFG P920 IDMTL KCGG122 KCGG142 KCGG142 KCEG112 KCEG142 KCEG142 KCGG + KVTR KCEG + KVTR P120 P121/P122 P123 P125 P126 P127 P140 TRANSFORMER KBCH120 KBCH130 P630 GENERATOR LPGP111 P340 FEEDER LFCB102 MHOR4 OPTIMHO LFZR P400 MOTOR MCHG MOPN P220 OTHERS MFAC14/34 or MCAG14/34 KAVS100 MBCZ KVTL KAVR100/130/159 LFAA MMLG REYROLLE TYPE UNDERVOLTAGE/ OVERVOLTAGE VR123 B37 B68 Argus 8 IDMTL Argus 1 Argus 1 Argus 1 Argus 2 Argus 2 Argus 2 Argus 4 Argus 6 Argus 1 Argus 1 Argus 4 Argus 2 Argus 2 Argus 6 Delta (1P) (3P) (4P) (1P) (3P) (4P) (IP) (4P) (IP) (4P) TRANSFORMER Doubias-M (2W) Doubias-M (3W) GENERATOR Gamma 4 FEEDER Microphase-FM Solkor-RF/M/N Ohmega MOTOR Rho 3 *Note: AR103 does not have a cut-off contact in the operate coil. EQUIVALENTS GUIDE 51 OTHERS 5B3 DAD Argus 7 DRS-BB IOTA TAU500 TAU502/503 2RMLG . . for other types of delivery consult our Sales Office. 4 WEEKS Alpha range Argus range DDB Reydisp Rho 2RMLG 6 WEEKS B68 Sigma Solkor-N Solkor-R/Rf Solkor Supervision 5B3 8 WEEKS Delta Duobias Find Iota Microphase-FM MicroTAPP MSCDN Ohmega 300/400 Solkor-M SuperTAPP Tau 10 WEEKS BD DAD GF Gamma TEC 2DAB 12 WEEKS Solkor Inverter 20 WEEKS DRS-BB DELIVERY GUIDE 53 .DELIVERY GUIDE Product line times Relay Lead Time Guide for Products with standard ratings. settings and contacts These are despatch dates from receipt of a full order to ex-works release for a UK mainland delivery. For FOB delivery add 2 weeks to the printed lead time.
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