Application Form

March 23, 2018 | Author: Adit Bhardwaj | Category: Electronics, Technology, Computing And Information Technology, Laser, Science



Application Form S.N.BOSE SCHOLARS PROGRAM 2013 1. Name: First name Adit Surname 2. Male Bhardwaj Female Middle name 3. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy): 11/03/91 4. Passport number: Applied For Country: Expiration Date: Date Issued: If you do not have a passport and have applied for it, mention “Applied For” 5. Name of the University/Institution: Indian Institute Of Technology Gandhinagar, India 6. Address: Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar VGEC Campus, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India - 382424 Room 1205 , NBH-1 , IIT Gandhinagar , VGEC Campus, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India - 382424 Landline Number # Mobile # (+91)9033301883 Institution / University Address Residential Address Telephone Alternative Telephone No. E-mail Skype id [email protected] adit.bhardwaj email ID : [email protected] 1 JAIPUR SUBODH PUBLIC SCHOOL.Tech. 8. MS. Expected date of Graduation (Completion of Degree): 04/2014 11.36/10 10. B. MBBS.2% 8.. Social science. Cumulative Grade Point Average / Percentage: 8. Academic Record: EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (10th Standard onwards) Examination/ Degree University/ Board Institute/ College/ School SUBODH PUBLIC SCHOOL. Degree program currently enrolled in (e. JAIPUR IIT Gandhinagar Duration (from mm/yy to mm/yy) 04/0703/08 04/0903/10 08/1004/14 Subjects studied/ Specialization English.Tech CBSE IIT Gandhinagar 88. Integrated BS/MS): B. Physical education..36/10 2 .Tech 9.g. Physics. BS.7. Science.Tech. Hindi English. Chemistry. M.. Electrical Engineering Percentage/ CGPA/ Rank 87.6% 10th Standard CBSE 12th Standard B. Mathematics. Mathematics. Major field of study: Electrical Engineering. I feel that this internship will be a great learning expedition and a chance to shape my future goals. I have a keen interest in Signal and Image Processing and I am learning it during this project. Paul H. which again involves work of signal and image processing. Hagness on biomedical application of EM waves in detection and hyperthermia treatment of cancer. My work in the project deals with processing and filtering of signals coming from photo detectors. 3 .N Bose scholar program. The project is on Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for gas detection. Statement of Purpose: Research interests.12. and the motivation which I got from my parents and my mentors boosted me up for continuing my studies in engineering. on a DSP processor for real time processing. while doing courses. I also have a good experience of working with processes and embedded systems. Milenkovic. One of the research projects which attract me is of "Mouth Sonar" for measuring the vocal tract shape carried by Prof. I came across the work of some professors at Wisconsin University who are working in these areas and I find their work very close to my interest field. I came across many fortuity and problem statements. I am quite sure that with my hard work and dedication. I will accomplish the task with the standards and quality which this internship demands. So with skills and spirit I possess I want to apply for this internship opportunity at Wisconsin University. It might also introduce me to some other areas of electrical engineering. Susan C. This technique can be applied for gas detection in the exhaled breath of sick patient of diagnosis of disease or detecting precursors of fire. projects and internships which fueled me to continue my work in electrical engineering. Last semester came out to be an important period where I developed my primary interest in Communication engineering and its application in dealing with signals and information. During last 5 semesters. With this background and curiosity. Another interesting work carried by Prof. possible project ideas and what you hope to gain from this experience (Please restrict your response to the space given below) Engineering and Physics fascinated me from my school days. Working in these areas would provide me great opportunities to learn new things and will raise my passion for research. I am also studying the property of 1f and 2f signal generated during Wavelength-Modulation Spectroscopy of gases like CO2. I want to apply for S. which involves some work of image processing. I am comfortable with working on similar projects. etc. I was fascinated and encouraged to join a research project under my professor. • ∼ ∼ intensity. courses. S. ∼ Study of property of 1f and 2f signals in the Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy of CO2. System was based on RFID technology. technical background. • Important Courses: • Data Structures • • • Signal and Systems Probability and Statistics Analog Circuits • • • • • Digital Signal Processing * Control Systems * Communication Systems Digital Communication * Digital Systems Lab 4 . successfully developed “Personal Health System”. MATLAB.13. Bhopal (May 2012 –June 2012) ∼ Studied basic working principles of transformer. It store database of patients.Ram (Manager-QC). Widely be used to save electric power at a large scale Digital display unit Advisor Prof. lab work. like serial register. • Working as a project assistant for Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy in photonics lab.Present). • ∼ used but uncommon in traditional DDUs . • Technical Skills • C. Joycee Mekie (Feb 2012 -. like name. Arup Lal Chakraborty Processing and filtering of signals coming from photo detectors using DSP processor for (Dec 2012 -. Assembly language 8085 MPU and 8051 MPC. etc. (Jan 2013. Arup Lal Chakraborty (Oct 2011) Multi-level automatic system to control various electrical appliances using ambient light System employed light sensors. C++. Internship: Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL). health info. other internships. Ramesh Gaonkar (Sept 2012 -. ID number previous medical records Light based control system Advisor Prof. more clock frequencies. Research experience. commonly used in electronics labs.Present) real time processing. employing 8051 and RFID module. and also reduces the manual labor. by adding features frequently etc.N. capacitor and bushing in TCBmanufacturing department under the guidance of Mr.Nov 2012) Led a three membered team. techniques exposed to and past lab experience (Please restrict your response to the space given below) Major: Electrical Engineering Minor: Computer Science Work Experience • ∼ Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Advisor Prof.April 2012) Developed a DD unit.Verilog. Linux • Adruino Programming. • ∼ ∼ ∼ Personal Health using RFID Advisor Prof. Future objective is to implement it in IITGN clinic using a PC server. • • • Digital Systems Microprocessor Network Theory *Expected to be completed before May 2013 14. Bose Scholars Program from Mr. References (One of the referees should be your teacher/tutor.S. REFERENCES (Please furnish details of persons who can provide an assessment of your suitability for this internship) Details Name of Referee: Reference 1 Dr./Ms ………………………. The references should be provided on the official letter-heads of the Referees) +91-79-32455012 Designation: Organisation: Email id: Phone number: Relationship with Applicant 15./ M. Nihar Ranjan Mohapatra Assistant Professor IIT Gandhinagar nihar @ iitgn. Bose Scholars +91-9328474217 Reference 2 Dr.Tech.N.N./ M. Signed and stamped no objection certificate from Parent Institution—This should be given on the official letter-head of the parent institution/organization in the following format: STATEMENT FROM PARENT INSTITUTION This is to certify that this institution has no objection to the consideration of application for S.Tech..Sc. 5 . Arup Lal Chakraboty Assistant Professor IIT Gandhinagar [email protected] university affiliated with the S. In case you have completed a training/internship in any lab. a reference from your supervisor there would be preferred. student in the ……………(name of the department/institute/ organization) to undertake a research internship for the duration of 10 weeks at a U. Place & date: (Head of Institution/Organization) 16. advisor or lab supervisor on their official letterhead No objection certificate from Parent Institution (in the format provided in S. Supporting Documentation check-list: Current transcript (Latest Marks sheet) Two letters of recommendation from a faculty member. 16) Photocopy of photo and information page of passport 6 .No.
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