Appendix A.docx

March 28, 2018 | Author: Boulos Nassar | Category: Transformer, Insulator (Electricity), Switch, Relay, Electricity



GTC/741/2015SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS APPENDIX A SCOPE OF WORKS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TENDER NO. GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 1/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS TABLE OF CONTENTS A1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................... A2. SCOPE OF WORK....................................................................... A3. DESCRIPTION OF WORK............................................................ A4. TEST EQUIPMENT, TOOLS & MACHINERY..................................58 A5. DETAILED ENGINEERING & DOCUMENTATION.............................59 A6. CONTRACTORS PROJECT ORGANISATION...................................63 A7. ASSESSMENT OF SITE PERSONNEL...........................................68 A8. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA OF THE CONTRACTOR..............................69 A9. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE...........................70 A10.................................................................................... MOBILIZATION 70 A11................................HANDING OVER REMAINING MATERIALS TO KM 70 A12................................................................................... SAFETY RULES 71 A13............................................................................... SAFETY AT WORK 71 A14................................................................ PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN 72 A15......................................................................... METHOD STATEMENT 73 A16........................................................................ PROGRESS MEETINGS 73 Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 2/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS A17............................ PROGRESS OF CONTRACT AND MONTHLY REPORT 74 A18............................................. DEFECTS CLEARANCE AND WARRANTY 74 A19........................................ IDENTITY OF CONTRACTOR’S PERSONNEL 75 A20...................................... SECURITY PASSES TO ENTER SUBSTATIONS 75 A21............................................................................... ACCESS TO SITES 75 A22............................................................................... WORKING HOURS 76 A23.................................................................................. WORKMANSHIP 76 A24......................DAMAGES TO SERVICES AND UTILITY INSTALLATIONS 76 A25............................................................ PRE- TENDERING SITE VISITS 76 A26.................................................................. DURATION OF CONTRACT 77 A27........................................................................... WARRANTY PERIOD 77 A28....................................................................... TECHNICAL SCHEDULE 77 A29........ANNEXURE 1: ITALTRAFO TRANSFORMER NAMEPLATE RATING 86 A30.............ANNEXURE 2: BRUSH TRANSFORMER NAMEPLATE RATING 87 Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 3/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS Note: Please refer to appendix F for related drawings ANNEXURE 3 and ANNEXURE 4. APPENDIX ‘A’ SCOPE OF WORKS AND SPECIFICATIONS A1. INTRODUCTION The 66/11 kV 25 MVA Power Transformers in the 22 Primary Substations installed under MEW QTS Extensions up to 1981, have been completed their expected service life of 30 years and exhibit poor health index. From the study of these substations, taking into consideration the replacement/upgrade plans of Planning (EP), two (2) no. 66/11kV, 20/25 MVA power transformers are required action to maintain Transmission Network security at the desired level of expectation. The two (2) new 25MVA transformers will replace the existing 25MVA transformer Tx1 at KTS and TX1 at Naeeja East substations. The transformer shall operate in parallel with the existing transformer at KTS Tx2 (make: 20/25 MVA ITALTRAFO, see nameplate rating in Annexure 1) and at Naeeja East Tx2 (make: 25/30MVA BRUSH, see nameplate rating in Annexure 2). The Bidders are required to study the existing equipment, set-ups, O&M Manuals and drawings and understand the Scope of Work, Specifications and Bill of Quantities without ambiguity. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 4/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS Brief description of the existing ITALTRAFO transformers to be replaced is shown in the below table. Particular attention is required to OLTC/the tap position with respective voltage values, 11kV Cable connections/chambers dimensions, existing transformer foundation and Protection as the new Transformer after installation shall be able to operate properly in parallel with the existing Transformers. Description Rated Power Type of Transformer Cooling System Make Contract Contract No. Contractor OLTC, Make & Model Bushing CTs, Ratio KTS Tx1 (Existing) Naeeja East Tx1 (Existing) 20/25MVA 66kV Side turret bushing Type, Air insulated, Conservator ONAN/ONAF ITALTRAFO MEW, Qatar Transmission System Extension up to 1981 7440/2 ANSALDO s.p.a MR Type CIII Please refer to Details in Section (Protection & Telemetry Works) A3.8 Gross weight of the 49,000 KG complete transformer Dimensions (mm): Overall Height 4200 Height without bushing 2920 & Oil conservator Overall length 6000 Length of skid base 4370 Width of skid base 1440 Vector Group YNd1 66kV Cable connection  Between 66kV outdoor structure/sealing end bushing and Turret bushing (transformer feeder) insulator of the Tx : Circular copper pipe solid connection 11kV Cables  Between Tx & 11kV Switchgear incomer bay: 9 x 1 core, 11kV 630mm2 PILC, PVC insulated  Between Tx & ETx and connected with insulated glands: 1 x 3 core 70mm2 PILC 11kV Cable Boxes  Bitumen filled HV DC Testing of 11kV Not possible unless, 11kV Side of ETX is disconnected from 11kv box of ETX Cables after complete installation A2. SCOPE OF WORK The Contract is divided in to two parts as follows. Part 1: Supply of two (2) Units of 25MVA transformers and associated accessories which shall comprise of the design, manufacture, shop testing, packing, transport, insurance, unloading and storage on Site or at KM Store. Part 2: Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 5/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 1. Replacement, Installations, testing and commissioning of two New 66/11kV, 20/25MVA Transformers at following S/S;  Tx1 Transformer at KTS  Tx1 Transformer at Naeja East S/S 2. Dismantle/removal of decommissioned/old 66/11 kV 25MVA Power Transformers, and accessories, including lifting, transporting and delivery of all re-usable items to KM Stores and non-re-usable to KM Scrap yard. For Part 2, KM will determine the priority and decide whether to install the new transformers on the above substations or to other priority/critical primary substation/s as necessary. A3. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The following sub clauses are included in the Contract. A3.1 GENERAL a) Supply and services of new transformers and associated accessories, replacement, installation and connecting to the existing 66kV HV side, 11kV LV side including Earthing Transformer, Neutral to the ground, Protection, Telecontrol and Earthing of KM primary substations. b) The transformers to be supplied shall be supplied from the below approved vendor list:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ABB, Sweden/ Finland/ Italy/ Turkey/ Spain Alstom, Turkey Siemens, Germany(Nuernburg) Austria / Croatia (KPT) Mistubishi, Japan Toshiba, Japan Daihen, Japan 7. 8. Fuji, Japan Hyundai, Korea 9. 10. Iljin, Korea Hyosung, Korea c) Establishing the required organisation structure for the intended work. d) All the required data of the transformer, control panels, protection schemes, asbuilt records, dimensional and civil layout drawings shall be collected by the Contractor. The O&M Manuals of the installed equipment are available. However, it is possible that some design and installation data important may be missing or not available, which shall be met by the Contractor including the preparation of drawings and documentation. e) Providing the resources; Personnel, Machinery, tools & equipment and test instruments. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 6/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS f) Submitting Method Statements and obtaining Safety documents for the intended work and ensuring safety during the work execution. g) Disconnecting the old Transformers to 66kV HV side, 11kV LV side including Earthing Transformer, Neutral to the ground, Protection, Telecontrol and Earthing connections. h) Removing and transporting the decommissioned/old transformers including the associated equipment and local control cabinet to KM, Central Warehouse at Salwa Industrial area for future use. i) Providing a mobile electricity generating unit for the site work including the power supply for electrical testing and inspection. j) Erection and testing of the New Transformer and associated marshalling panel, 11kV cables & control circuits. k) Pre-commissioning and commissioning tests including local/remote, SCADA and DGCC, Protection tests, inter-trip and stability. l) Submittals of documentation. Note: All test results report should incorporate the acceptance criteria and reference standard for every test with the assessment on the results, name of the person performed the test, list of test equipment used with calibration due/dates and etc. m) General checks at the site and existing equipment Comprehensive inspection and verification of the existing transformer, associated marshalling panel and sites in the specified substation which include as minimum; 1. Physical considerations relating to; equipment sizes, alignment, reconnecting of 66 kV connections with fittings, cables/box and connections of HV & LV side of the existing Transformer, clearance/distances to other items of plant for safe operation and maintenance, Electrical Safety clearances, physical size and load bearing capacity of the plinth, access availability, etc. 2. Thorough inspection of Control equipment, Relay panels, protection, Telecontrol/control interfaces, Earthing, On load Tap changer, 11 kV Cable termination, connection, dimensions/clearances, lugs and terminals, electrical switches, etc. 3. Ground for positioning of lifting tackle and heavy machinery, access availability, substation’s perimeter fence and main gate. 4. Existing Marshalling Panel, foundation/location, its control cables, AC/DC supply, conditions and connections. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 7/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 5. The operation of the existing OLTC control panel and AVRs in the control room which to be retained for proper paralleling of the two transformers;  One (1) new transformer each to operate in parallel with the existing transformer in KTS Tx2 and at the other one (1) in Naeeja East Tx2. 6. The existing OLTC taps with corresponding equivalent voltage values in transformer Tx2 at KTS and in Naeeja East. Note : At Naeeja East Tx2 (25/30MVA BRUSH);  OLTC voltage tap/position was already modified to match with the ITALTRAFO.  Impedance Voltage @ 25MVA (ONAN) is 10.81% n) Any other work not included above but deemed necessary to achieve the project objective. A3.2 SUPPLY OF NEW POWER TRANSFORMERS The supply and services for the new transformers and associated voltage control, 11kV compound-filled cable box, marshalling kiosk and terminations to be performed by the Contractor and shall comprise the design, manufacture, shop testing, packing, transport, insurance, unloading, storage on Site, erection, corrosion protection, submission of documentation, commissioning, training of KAHRAMAA’s personnel and warranty of the works. The Contractor is bound to provide complete works, even if the equipment or services to be provided are not specifically mentioned in the specification. Compliance with Codes and Standards: Unless otherwise specified, the transformer shall comply with the latest issues of the IEC publications as mentioned under IEC 60076-1 IEC 60076-2 IEC 60076-3 Power transformers, General Power transformers, Temperature rise Power transformers, Insulation levels, dielectric tests and external clearances in air IEC 60076-5 Power transformers, Ability to withstand short circuit IEC 60076-10 Power transformers, Determination of sound levels IEC 60137 Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V IEC 60214 On-load tap-changers IEC 60354 Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures IEC 61639 Direct connection between power transformers and gasinsulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages 72.5 kV and above IEC 60071 Insulation Coordination IEC 60404-2 Method of measurement of magnetic properties of Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 8/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS IEC 60542 NEMA TR1 magnetic sheet & strip. Application guide for on-load tap changers Transformers, regulators and reactors [for audible sound levels] General a) The transformer size and weight should matched with the existing ITALTRAFO Transformer, given that, the HV, LV, HV Neutral connections and transformer plinth/foundation will be retained in its present condition. Also, the working clearance and electrical clearance from the existing Earthing transformer (ETx) and 66kV CSE/structure shall be maintained. Note: The height and location of the new transformer 11kV cable box including type of termination/cable lugs shall be carefully considered in the design since deviation can lead to shortage of length of PILC cable from 11kV switchgear and ETx. b) Other required technical specifications/data for the specified transformers are shown in Section A29. (TECHNICAL SCHEDULE). c) Two winding, three phase, oil immersed, core type transformer for outdoor installation. d) The transformers shall be suitable for continuous operation on a three-phase 50Hz high voltage transmission system as specified in the Technical Schedules. e) Shall comply with the requirements of the schedules and standards listed above and other relevant IEC standards. f) The transformers shall have all necessary protections as in the existing ones such as Main tank Buchholz relay, Diverter switch surge relay, Oil and Winding temperature, Main tank & OLTC Pressure relief Devices, etc. g) Method of Earthing 1. HV winding – Solid 2. LV winding – via existing Earthing Transformer of 11/0.415kV h) The New Txs shall be provided with CTs (66kV Bushing Main CTs, 66kV NCTs etc) identical with existing transformer CTs in all aspects to meet the requirements of Protection schemes. The current transformers shall be bushing type current transformer and their specifications shall be as per the existing ones as mention in Section A3.8 Protection Works : 1. Bushing CTs shall be provided external to the Transformer Tank. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 9/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 2. For both the transformer Winding (HV & LV) temperature purpose, CT ratio, class and burden shall be suitable to the temperature gauge provided by the contractor/manufacturer. 3. The transformer bushings creepage distance shall be typical to the existing. i) Transformers and associated equipment shall be designed in such a manner as to meet the requirements, Technical Schedules and ambient site conditions. Therefore the temperature-rise limits given in IEC 60076-2 and IEC 60354 (i.e. hotspot) shall be reduced by 10K. j) Transformers shall meet the latest stage of development reached in design, construction and materials. k) The transformers and all associated facilities (e.g. tap-changer) shall have the ability to withstand the effects of short-circuit currents, defined as symmetrical short circuit current in the Technical Schedules, when operating on any tapping position according to requirements of IEC 60076-5. l) All metal parts of the transformer with the exception of the individual core laminations, core bolts and associated individual side plates shall be maintained at the same fixed potential. m) The earthing structure shall be designed to carry, without damage, the maximum possible earth fault current for a duration of at least equal to the short circuit withstand period of the main windings. n) The design and manufacture of the transformers and auxiliary plant shall be such that the noise level is at a minimum and that the level of vibration does not adversely affect any clamping or produce excessive stress in any material. The transformer manufacturer shall consider the existing foundation to ensure adequate design of the transformer mounting structure. o) If required by KAHRAMAA, the transformers shall be subject to vibration tests. Where noise measurements are specified, they shall be made at the Manufacturer’s works in the presence of KAHRAMAA. The average surface noise level of each transformer shall not be greater than that specified in NEMA TR1. Measurements shall be in accordance with IEC 60076-10. p) The transformers shall be designed with particular attention to the suppression of harmonic currents, especially the third and fifth, so as to minimize interference with communications circuits. The transformers shall be designed to ensure that leakage flux does not cause overheating in any part of the transformer. q) The Ventilation system in the transformer cells shall be well sized. The transformer manufacturer in coordination with ventilation designer shall furnish the calculation of heat dissipated by transformer and provision provided for ventilation of transformer cells. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 10/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS r) All equipment and associated components, terminal boards etc mounted on the transformer external to the tank shall be designed such that they will not malfunction during inclement weather as occasioned in the State of Qatar. Accessories, wiring and components, gaskets that are sensitive to UV radiation shall be protected against direct sunlight. s) External earthing with proper copper jumpers shall be provided at all gasket joints in the transformer such as radiator connection with the main tank. All copper jumpers shall be flexible bread conductor. Jumpers shall be tin platted. Magnetic Circuit a) The core shall be built up of high-grade, non-ageing, low-loss, highpermeability grain oriented steel sheets. Both sides of each steel sheet shall be insulated with a durable, hot oil and heat resistant baked enamel varnish or other chemical treatment. b) The cores shall be clamped and braced to withstand, without damage or deformation, the forces caused by short-circuit stresses, transportation, or handling, and to prevent the shifting of the core laminations. The bolts, nuts, and end plates of the assembly and clamp structure shall be of a nonmagnetic type, and shall be effectively insulated and locked so that they ensure an even pressure on the whole core assembly and are not loosened by vibrations caused by transport and operation. c) The supporting framework of the cores shall be designed to avoid the presence of pockets which could prevent complete draining of the tank or cause the trapping of air when filling during service. d) Particular care shall be given to the design and construction of the corner joints between columns and yokes to avoid concentration of mechanical and magnetic stresses whilst allowing an easy dismantling of the joint for maintenance at site. e) Adequate metallic bridges shall be provided between the core lamination packets in order to keep all portions of the core assembly at the same potential. f) Lifting eyes or lugs shall be provided at suitable points of the core assembly. g) The core shall be earthed to the clamping structure at one point only through a removable link with a captive bolt and nut, accessibly placed beneath an inspection housing on the tank cover or tank wall. All earthing connections with the exception of those from individual core clamping rings, shall have a cross sectional area of not less than 80 mm 2. Connections inserted between laminations shall have a cross sectional area of not less than 20 mm 2. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 11/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS h) The core shall be free from over fluxing liable to cause damage or to cause mal operation of the protection equipment when the transformer is operating under the continuous overvoltage condition specified in the Technical Schedules. Under this steady overvoltage condition the maximum flux density must not exceed 1.9 Tesla and the magnetizing current must not exceed 5 per cent of the rated load current at normal rated voltage. i) The magnetic circuit shall be insulated from all structural parts and shall be capable to withstand a test voltage of 2kV for 1 min. to core bolt (if any) and tank/frame. j) Core and Core clamps shall be insulated from each other and from the main body with a minimum of 2kV (ac) for 1 min. insulation. Leads from core and clamp shall be brought outside to facilitate single point earthing through a disconnecting link and shall have a protective cover. Disconnecting Link shall be arranged in such a way that It shall be possible to check the insulation resistance of Core to Earth, Clamp to earth and Core to Clamp. Core and Clamp shall also be identified using durable stainless steel labels. Windings a) The windings shall be of high conductivity electrolytic copper. Paper shall be used for conductor insulation. b) The conductors shall be transposed at sufficient intervals to minimize eddy currents and equalize the current and temperature distribution along the winding. Coils shall be constructed to avoid abrasion of the insulation, (e.g. on transposed conductors), allowing for the expansion and contraction set up by the changes of temperature or the vibration encountered during normal operation. c) Windings shall be so designed as to obtain an optimal value for series and shunt capacities in order to ensure a favourable distribution of the voltage for full impulse waves and chopped impulse waves. d) Leads from winding to bushings shall be adequately supported to prevent damage from vibration and short-circuit forces. e) Permanent current-carrying joints or splices shall be welded or braced, properly formed, finished and insulated to avoid concentration of dielectric stresses. The windings shall be subjected to a thorough shrinking and seasoning process. Compensation devices shall be provided for possible further shrinkage of the coils in service. f) The coils, windings and leads shall be sufficiently braced and fastened to form rigid assemblies, preventing any relative movement due to transport, vibrations or other circumstances that may occur in service. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 12/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS g) The windings shall be designed to reduce to a minimum the out-of-balance forces inherent in the transformers. Tappings shall be arranged at such positions on the windings as will preserve, as far as possible, electro-magnetic balance at all voltage ratios. h) Tappings shall not be brought out from the inside of a coil nor from inter-mediate turns. i) The winding shall be capable of withstanding the forces to which it is subjected under all conditions, particularly the forces due to a short circuit between terminals or between any terminal and earth, with full voltage maintained on all other windings intended for connection to external sources of supply and allowing for any feed back through windings connected to rotating machines. j) The assembled core and windings shall be dried in a vacuum to ensure proper moisture removal. Tank a) The transformer tank shall be of welded construction with bolted cover, fabricated from high tensile strength steel plate. b) The tank shall be of adequate strength so that, when containing the core plus coil assembly and fully oil filled, any packing, lifting, rolling and handling shall not cause overstressing of any part of the tank or leakage. The main tank body, tap changing compartments, radiators and associated piping facilities shall be capable of withstanding full vacuum when empty of oil. c) Oil leakage test shall be carried out on each unit at oil pressure on conservator at 35kN/sq.m or 69kN/sq.m at bottom whichever is more stringent. d) Each tank shall be provided with minimum of four jacking pads conveniently located to allow the raising or lowering of the completely mounted and oil filled transformer. The load carrying capacity of each jacking pad shall not be less than 50% of the total weight of the transformer. Lifting eyes or lugs for lifting the complete transformer and tank cover and facilities for the pulling and pushing of the transformer in any direction shall be provided for each unit. Tank stiffeners and mounting brackets shall be continuously welded to the tank. e) Wherever possible, the transformer tank and its accessories shall be designed without pockets wherein gas may collect. Where pockets cannot be avoided, pipes shall be provided to vent the gas into the main expansion pipe. The vent pipes shall have a minimum inside diameter of 20mm and, if necessary, shall be protected against mechanical damage. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 13/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS f) The shape and arrangement of the tank cover and external stiffeners shall permit rainwater and desert sand to flow easily and completely to the ground. All oil-tight joints shall be made with machined flanges and approved types of gasket. The gaskets shall be tight under all conditions, especially against the hot oil (synthetic rubber or neoprene-bonded cork is not permitted). Means shall be provided to prevent over compression of the gaskets. g) The tank cover shall be fitted with thermometer pockets, for oil and winding temperature indicators, with a captive screw cap and be located in the position of maximum oil temperature at continuous maximum rating. All thermometer temperature sensing devices shall be removable type along with heating elements for the purpose of calibration at site. h) Power transformers shall be equipped with bolted type manholes and hand-holes of suitable size to facilitate installation, maintenance (i.e. tap changers, current transformers, bushing etc) and inspection of bushings and windings. All openings in the cover of the transformer tank for bushings, manholes and terminal shall be provided with adequate flanges. Covers for inspection openings, hand-holes etc. located on the tank cover shall be provided with adequate gas stoppers (air release plugs). All inspection covers etc. shall be provided with lifting handle. It must be possible to remove any bushing completely without removing the tank cover. The tank cover and all covers for mounting, cleaning, manholes, handholes and inspection openings on tank etc. shall be earthed by suitable copper grounding conductors of the flexible type having a minimum cross section of 95 Appropriate earthing studs of stainless steel with bolts and washers shall be provided. i) Terminals shall be provided close to each corner at the base of the tank for earthing purposes and each shall be designed to meet system fault levels. j) The transformers shall be provided with a tank access ladder made of galvanized mild steel with lockable hinged door securely fixed onto the tank cover and lower parts of the tank. Ladder shall be provided with hand rails of min 100 cm length at the upper end. Hand rails shall be rigidly fixed on the ladders and onto the transformer tank. The hand rails (side rails) of the ladder shall be made from tubes/rods of suitable cross section, convenient to be held firmly while climbing. Flat metal strips are not acceptable. If the distance between the ladder and tank cover exceeds 4 cm an appropriate platform (e.g. Grating securely fixed in a rigid mounting frame) with hand rails as specified above shall be provided. Labels and Plates Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 14/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS a) The nameplate indicates the name of manufacturer, type, serial number, year of manufacture, main characteristics, and all further information that may be necessary for a precise identification of the equipment. b) Labels and nameplates identification shall be made of stainless steel not less than 2.5 mm thick with a matt or satin finish to avoid dazzle from reflected light and engraved with black lettering of a size which is legible from the working level. c) Each phase of the transformer pole and connections shall be colored in an approved manner to distinguish phase or polarity. Phases of three phase alternating current systems shall be identified as follows: Phase Colour R Red Y Yellow B Blue d) The following plates shall be fixed to the tank at an approximate height of 1.75 m above the ground level: 1. A rating plate bearing the data specified in IEC 60076. 2. Following additional information shall be provided in the transformer rating plate:  Iron loss in kW  Copper loss in kW  Magnetising current in %  HV winding resistance (ohm/ phase)  LV winding resistance (ohm/ phase)  Impedance on nominal tap, max tap and min tap position 3. A diagram plate on which the transformer tapping voltages in kilovolts shall also be indicated for each tap, together with the transformer impedances at minimum and maximum voltage ratios and for the principal tapping. 4. A property plate of approved design and wording. Name of the Client as “QATAR GENERAL ELECTRICITY & WATER CORPORATION (KAHRAMAA)” preferably in bold letters. 5. A title plate. Name of the project and contract number e.g. “GTC/741/2015, Supply, Replacement, Installations and Commissioning of New 66/11kV, Two Windings 20/25 MVA Transformers”, preferably in bold Letters. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 15/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 6. A valve location plate showing the location status (close/open) during normal service condition and function of all valves, drain and air release plugs and oil and gas sampling devices. 7. Identification plates, including function and device number, for fans, motors and measuring / indicating devices Valves a) Valves shall be of the fully sealing full-way type and shall be opened by turning counter-clockwise when facing the hand wheel. They shall be suitable for operation between the minimum ambient and the maximum oil temperatures stated in the Schedules. All valves shall be lockable with appropriate submaster series padlocks. b) Padlocks & Key Box shall be provided for locking all valves in the “open” and “closed” positions. c) Valves other than filter and drain valves shall be provided with an indicator, readily visible from ground level, to show clearly the position of the valve. All valves shall have tags attached to it permanently clearly indicating its position (i.e close / open) in normal service condition of the transformer. d) All valve hand wheels shall be fitted with nameplates that shall be chromium plated brass not less than 3 mm thick with the engraving filed with enamel. All valves shall be fitted with spoked handwheels, the spokes and rims of which shall be smooth and where necessary, for appearance, shall be chromium plated. e) Transformer tank shall be fitted at least with the following: 1. One 50 mm valve at the top and one 50 mm valve at the bottom of the tank, mounted diagonally opposite each other, for connection to oil circulating and oil filtering equipment. The lower valve shall also function as a drain valve, for which a suitable combine arrangement shall be made. 2. Oil sampling devices at the top and bottom of the main tank compatible for DGA syringe sampling. The top sampling valve shall be accessible from ground level. 3. All parts containing oil, and liable to trap air during filling, shall be fitted with a flanged type air release plug at their highest point. 4. Valves shall be provided on both sides of the gas and oil actuated relays. f) All valves opening to atmosphere shall be fitted with blanking plates. Padlocks and Key Cabinet a) Non-ferrous padlocks with stainless steel shanks with different key changes and two keys for each lock and submaster as per standard practices of KAHRAMAA shall be provided. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 16/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS b) Wall mounted lockable cabinets for the accommodation of padlocks and keys, whilst not in use, shall be provided and labeled in an approved manner so that keys can be easily identified. c) All padlocks and keys shall be engraved with proper identification numbers e.g., circuit number, equipment number, etc. as per KAHRAMAA standard numbering scheme. d) Locking facilities shall be such that it will accept sizes of padlocks & keys large enough to permit identification numbers, etc. to be embossed on them. Conservator a) Transformers shall be fitted with an oil conservator. b) The conservator shall be made of welded steel. It shall be designed to withstand full vacuum. The conservator shall be of sufficient volume to enable expansion and contraction of oil within the highest and lowest oil levels in the conservator. c) The conservator vessel shall be mounted at the highest point of the oil system and shall be connected to the highest point of the tank through a straight sloping pipe. Adequate isolating valves shall permit the removal of the main and tap-changer Buchholz relays while the conservator is still connected to the tank by a pipe bypassing the relays. d) The conservator vessel shall contain two compartments, one for oil in the main tank and the other for the oil associated with the current making and breaking contacts of the tap change equipment. There shall be no communication between the two compartments in respect of the oil and air spaces. Each compartment shall be provided with the fittings detailed in this clause as if it were a separate conservator vessel. e) Each conservator shall include a synthetic diaphragm (or equivalent, e.g. an airbag) ensuring an airtight seal between the transformer oil and the external air. A description of the proposed system shall be submitted with Tender. Inspection windows shall be provided for checking the diaphragm surface. Additionally, the air outlet from each conservator vessel or its compartment shall be connected to a dehumidifying breather mounted at approximately 1.4 m above the ground level. f) For the conservator provided with an air bag suitable valves shall be provided for releasing air pockets from both sides of the conservator. These two valves may be kept on top of the conservator. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 17/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS g) A ladder shall be provided and fixed permanently to allow access to the top of the conservator. The ladder design shall be to have safe and easy access to the top of the conservator. h) Dehumidifying breathers shall be conventional type. Refrigerant type breathers such as Drycol not acceptable. Breathers shall be fitted with oil traps and contain a minimum of 2.5 kg. of silica gel. Breather compartments and oil cup shall be made of glass. The breather and associated pipework shall be firmly fixed to the transformer tank. i) Each conservator compartment shall be equipped with filling valve, drain valve, lifting lugs, etc. The main tank conservator with or without air bag shall be fitted with a gauge glass or universal oil indicator other than magnetic oil level gauge. An oil level gauge complete with low-level alarm shall be fitted to each conservator. The indicated minimum oil level shall occur when the feed pipe to the main tank is covered with not less than 12 mm depth of oil. The oil levels at 15 oC, 35oC and 90oC shall be marked on the gauge. The oil level indicator of the magnetic oil level gauge(s) shall be calibrated in such a way that its position at 90 degree level corresponds to approximately half level of oil. The location, angle of mounting, dial size and marking of dial type indicator shall be such that the oil level is clearly visible from the ground level j) The front cover of all gauges shall be made of glass. Size of text/indications shall be such that it can be visible from ground. Transformer Oil a) The transformer oil shall comply with latest IEC 60296 and other relevant IEC standards if not otherwise stated in this Tender Documents. b) The oil shall be a highly refined uninhibited mineral naphthenic oil suitable for use as an insulating and cooling medium in transformers. The oil shall be free from corrosive sulphur, PCB, DBDS (dibenzyl disulphide), Antioxidant, passivator, metal deactivator and other additives. c) Each containers of oil shall be tested for its Full Chemical Analysis including oxidation stability, according to IEC 60296, before shipment from the factory and the reports shall be submitted along with Factory Acceptance Test reports of the transformer. The supplier shall also furnish the compliance certificate for additives as per IEC 60296-2003 (5.4-c). d) The oil used during impregnation process in the factory shall also be the same as specified above. e) Before filling the oil in the transformer it shall be degassed and tested for BDV, water content, Dissipation factor, oxidation stability and other relevant tests to meet these requirements according to IEC60296. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 18/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS f) After filling the oil in the transformer and prior to energization, it shall be tested for BDV, water content, dissipation factor, oxidation stability and other relevant tests to meet the requirement of oil in service according to IEC60422. Cooler Control a) Each motor or group of motors shall be provided with a three-pole electrically operated contactor and with control gear of approved design for starting and stopping manually. b) Where forced cooling is used on transformers, provision shall be included under this contract for automatic starting and stopping from contacts on the winding temperature indicating devices. The control equipment shall be provided with a short time delay device to prevent the starting of more than one motor, or group of motors in the case of multiple cooling, at a time. c) Where motors are operated in groups the group protection shall be arranged so that it will operate satisfactorily in the event of a fault occurring in a single motor. d) The control arrangements are to be designed to prevent the starting of motors totalling more than 15 kW simultaneously either manually of automatically. Phase failure relays are to be provided in the main cooler supply circuit. e) All contacts and other parts that may require periodic renewal, adjustment or inspection shall be readily accessible. f) All wiring for the control gear accommodated in the marshalling kiosk together with all necessary cable boxes and terminations and all wiring between the marshalling kiosk and the motors shall be included in the contract. g) The control circuit diagram for cooler control shall be marked on a stainless steel plate with black enamel engraving and shall be fixed in the cooler control marshalling kiosk. A rigid aluminium pocket for storing the related paper drawings shall be securely fixed on the inner side of the door of this cabinet. Cooling Plant a) The transformer shall be ONAN/ONAF cooled. Where forced air-cooling is provided it shall be possible to remove the fan, complete with its motor and supporting structure without disturbing or dismantling the cooler framework or pipework. b) The cooling fans shall be mounted on the side of the radiators. Fans shall be numbered and have clearly marked direction of rotation. Stainless steel wire mesh guards shall be provided to prevent accidental contact with the fan blades. Metal guards shall also be provided over all other moving parts. The guards shall be Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 19/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS designed so that neither the blades nor other moving parts can be touched by a Standard Test Finger to IEC 60947-1. c) Control of cooling shall be provided at the marshalling kiosk or cubicle with facilities for the selection of automatic or manual control of the cooling plant motors and remote indication/alarms. d) Radiators and coolers shall be hot dip galvanized, before painting; their design shall be such as to allow ease of cleaning and painting when in position. Design features offering reduced maintenance requirements such as unpainted radiators (i.e. galvanised only) may be acceptable if there is no visual impact and if the manufacturer can demonstrate long-term and trouble-free experience with this finish in similar environments. If the manufacturer wishes to offer unpainted radiators for consideration, it must be stated clearly in the tender documents. e) Detachable radiators connected to the main tank shall be provided with machined flanged inlet and outlet pipes. Voltage Control a) The transformer shall be equipped with an on-load tap-changer (OLTC) on the high voltage winding. b) The on-load tap-changer shall comply with the requirements of IEC 60214 and other relevant IEC standards if not otherwise specified in these Specifications. It shall be possible for the power to flow in both directions. c) The OLTC shall be based on the Jensen principles and shall feature lowmaintenance characteristics, preferably with belt-type (oil-free) transmission gear. Leading European or Japanese manufacturers of international standing shall provide the OLTC; units from recent licensees are not acceptable. (The On Load Tap Changer shall be of MR make) d) The diverter switch unit shall be placed in a separate gas tight compartment, which shall be, like the whole tap-changer, integrated in the transformer tank (intank mounting). OLTC shall be maintenance free vacuum type. e) The diverter switch shall have an oil system completely separated from other transformer’s oil and shall be equipped with a conservator, pressure relief device with alarm/trip contacts and other devices stated for the main tank. A separate gas actuated / surge protection relay is to be provided in the connection between the on-load tap-changer tank and conservator. Each diverter and/or selector switch shall be equipped with an internal suction pipe led to the ground of the compartment and to be connected to an external drain, filter and sampling valve mounted at a convenient floor height. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 20/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS f) The diverter switch compartment shall be easily accessible for inspection and it shall be possible to remove the diverter switch without difficulties for maintenance purposes. The inspection and maintenance of the diverter switch shall be possible without lowering the oil level in the main tank. g) One set of lifting device shall be supplied to facilitate removal of the tap-changer unit. Necessary attachment facilities shall be incorporated in the main tank design. h) Any enclosed compartment not oil-filled shall be adequately ventilated and designed to prevent the ingress of vermin and moisture. i) All contactors, relay coils or other parts shall be suitably protected against corrosion or deterioration due to condensation. Means shall be provided to ensure that the operating mechanism can be locked only when the switches are making full contact. j) The motor shall comply with IEC 60034 and dimensions with IEC 60072. It shall be capable of operating continuously under actual service conditions without exceeding the specified temperature increases, determined by resistance, at any frequency between 48 and 51 Hertz together with any voltage between ±5 percent of the nominal value.`  Motor shall have insulation to Class F standards for ambient temperature of 50°C. The temperature rise shall be restricted to that associated with Class B insulation. Where the motor may be appreciably affected by conducted heat the class of insulation shall be subject to approval.  The motor shall be suitable for direct starting at full voltage and shall have sealed ball or roller bearings.  The driving motor shall be rated for 415/240 V a.c. and shall be equipped with thermal overload and over current protection to be installed in the motor drive cubicle. Control voltage inside the motor drive cubicle shall be from the station control supply of 110V. D.C. Limit switches shall be provided to prevent the tap-changer mechanism overrunning. These shall be directly connected to the operating motor circuit. In addition, mechanical stops shall be fitted to prevent the mechanism overrunning under any conditions. For on-load tap-changer equipment these stops shall withstand the full torque of the driving mechanism without damage to the tap changing equipment. The terminals of the operating motor shall be clearly and permanently inscribed with numbers corresponding to those on the leads attached thereto. k) A device shall be fitted to the tap changing mechanism to indicate the number of operations completed by the equipment. The control circuit diagram shall be marked on a stainless steel plate with black enamel engraving and shall be fixed Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 21/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS in the OLTC control box. A rigid aluminium pocket for storing the related paper drawings shall be securely fixed on the inner side of the door of this cabinet. l) The tap-changer shall be arranged for local hand and electrical operation, remote electrical operation and for automatic control. m) Equipment for local and remote electrical and local hand operation shall comply with the following conditions: 1. It shall not be possible to operate the electric drive when the hand operating gear is in use; 2. It shall not be possible for any two electrical control points to be in operation at the same time; 3. Each step movement shall require separate initiation at the control point; 4. All electrical control switches and the local operation gear shall be clearly labelled in an approved manner to indicate the direction of tap changing; 5. The remote or supervisory-remote raise/lower control shall be blocked when the AVC selector is in “automatic” position; 6. The local control switches shall be housed in the marshalling kiosk. These switches shall be so arranged that it is necessary for the AVC selector to be in a non-automatic position and the “local/remote” selector switch, located in the transformer marshalling kiosk, to be in the “local”: position before operation is possible. Under these conditions the local selector switch shall have overriding control. If the “local/remote” switch is not in “local” position, then local operation of tap-changer shall not be possible. 7. The local tap changer control panel shall be provided with sunshades. n) The equipment shall be arranged so as to ensure that when a step movement has been commenced it shall be completed independently of the operation of the control relays or switches or failure of auxiliary supply or any other contingency. o) The control and signaling equipment shall be provided: 1. To give an indication mechanically at the transformer and electrically at the remote control point of the tapping in use. The indicator at the transformer shall show the number of tapping in use and the indicator at the remote control point shall show clearly the actual voltage ratio in kilovolts and the tap number representing this ratio. The numbers shall range from 1 upwards. Position 1 shall refer to the minimum LV no-load voltage and the highest number position shall refer to the maximum LV no-load voltage, for the nominal HV voltage. For a constant HV voltage, the LV Voltage shall increase as the tap number of the tap changer is increased and vice versa. 2. To give an indication at the remote control point that a tap change is in progress by means of an illuminated lamp and alarm buzzer. If the tap change is not completed within the specified time the buzzer shall continue to sound until switched off by hand but the lamp shall remain illuminated until the tap change is completed. 3. To give an indication at the remote control point by means of an approved illuminated indicator and the buzzer alarm as described above when the Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 22/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS units of a group of transformers arranged to operate in parallel are operating at different ratios. 4. To read with digital circuit voltmeter based on L.C.D. displays. p) The MDU shall be compatible with the existing AVR. q) All equipment shall be suitable for operation within the limits 85% / 110% of the auxiliary voltage supply. In the event of the reference supply voltage being outside the specified operating limits the voltage control relay shall initiate an alarm and block further operation of the tap-changer until voltage is restored. Terminal marking and Equipment Designation a) Phase & Neutral Terminal Marking : Phase markings shall be N-R-Y-B (from left) for HV when facing the transformer from HV side. For LV, phase markings shall be n-r-y-b (from left) when facing the transformer from HV side. b) Equipment Designation: All Power Transformers and station auxiliary transformers shall be identified with letters assigned by Kahramaa for various voltage levels. Terminations Test taps of HV bushings rated shall be provided outside the cable boxes to facilitate the measurement of dielectric dissipation factor and capacitance of bushings if test taps are easily accessible from outside. Air Insulated Termination Bushing (AIS) 66kV a) Termination bushings shall be resin impregnated paper type or oil impregnated paper type with a power factor test tapping and porcelain(1) external insulator, in accordance with IEC 60137. b) All bushings and connecting leads shall have a minimum current rating of at least 120% the maximum line current in order to accommodate IEC 60354/IEC 60076-7 loading. c) Routine power frequency test levels on bushings shall be at a test voltage at least 10% higher than the Induced/Applied values applied to the transformer. d) Porcelain insulators shall be brown glazed with aerodynamic shed form (multiple plain shed or alternating long/short plain shed) in accordance with IEC 60233 and IEC 60815. The shed form creepage to pitch ratio shall not exceed 4:1. Evidence shall be submitted that the insulator profiles have been pollution tested in conditions appropriate to those of the project, or as per IEC 60137 whichever is higher. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 23/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS e) Careful considerations with the height of the old transformer primary turret bushings where the existing 66kV outdoor structure/sealing end bushings with the circular copper pipe connections will be retained including terminal pad connector. 66 kV Neutral Connections Neutral terminations shall be via to existing Neutral cables 1 x 300mm 2 or will be replaced if found defective or may be short or the terminations may have to be modified (See drawing of existing 66kV primary winding neutral connection in Annexure 3 of appendix F). 11KV Compound-Filled Cable Box a) The 11kV LV side of the transformer compound-filled cable box, shall be identical with the existing 11kV compound-filled cable box of the existing ITALTRAFO transformer. The term ‘compound-filled’ includes bituminous, oil-based and oilresin filling mediums. The new compound-filled cable box shall be adopted to the existing PILC cables terminations/ location going to existing Earthing Transformer and 11kV switchgear (site inspection/actual verification is required, see drawing of existing 11kv compound-filled /cable box in Annexure 4 of appendix F). b) Cable boxes shall include filling, expansion and breather. In addition, a drain valve shall be provided for filling mediums that remain liquid at normal ambient temperatures. c) Where compound-filled boxes are specified, an oil-filled disconnecting chamber is for the 11kV connections between the transformer 11kV and the cable box with a bolted, flexible removable links shall also be provided for testing purposes. A barrier shall be provided on both sides of the disconnecting chamber to prevent ingress of the oil used for filling the chamber into the cable box or the transformer tank. d) The oil level in the disconnecting chamber shall be maintained from the main conservator tank. Provision shall be made in the cable box to allow for the expansion of the compound-filling medium. Protection, Measuring and Indicating Devices a) The power transformers shall be equipped with several protection, measuring and indicating devices supplied by the transformer manufacturer: 1. Buchholz relay shall be fitted to transformer main tank, and on each compartment where oil is separated from the other oil in the transformer. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 24/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 2. Diverter switch chamber shall be equipped with an oil surge actuated relay. b) They shall have: 1. Alarm contacts which close when gas collects or at low oil level; 2. Tripping contacts which close following an oil surge, and gas collection in the 2nd stage. 3. The normally open, electrically separate, alarm and tripping contacts shall not be exposed to oil. 4. The buchholz device shall be provided with suitable gate valves (butterfly valves is not acceptable) on both sides of the device to facilitate easy service. Distances of such valve shall be minimum 500mm from the buchholz relay. 5. By-pass with control valves shall be provided to enable oil to by-pass the buchholz device during oil filtration. 6. Each relay shall be provided with a test cock to take a flexible pipe connection for checking the operation of the relay from ground level. c) Winding temperature indicators (WTI) shall be associated with one phase only both on HV and LV side. d) One indicator shall basically serve as a thermometer for winding temperature, mounted in the control cubicle. It shall be of conventional construction with a sensing bulb positioned in a separate pocket, arranged in the top oil capillary connected with a dial. A separate pointer to register the maximum temperature reached shall be incorporated in the dial. Adjustable contacts for cooling control, trip and alarms shall be provided. e) The control of the cooling fans/pumps shall be from the contacts of conventional WTI. Fan start & stop and Alarm & Trip setting calculation of the Winding and Oil Temperature indicators shall be submitted to KAHRAMAA for review and approval. f) The characteristics of the winding temperature indication devices shall be forwarded to KAHRAMAA for approval prior to the delivery of the transformers and shall also be included in the operating and maintenance instructions. g) All indicating instruments shall have hard glass font covers. h) An engraved stainless steel plate shall be provided, containing Alarm and Trip Setting temperatures of Oil & winding temperatures Indicators and Hot Spot gradient setting also. This shall be suitably located in front of the marshalling kiosk Topping Up with Oil and Drying Out on Site a) If oil is to be added to a transformer at site prior to commissioning, the oil in the transformer shall first be tested for dielectric strength and water content and each Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 25/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS container of additional oil shall be similarly test. All tests shall be witnessed by KAHRAMAA. b) Should it be found necessary to resort to oil treatment before a transformer is commissioned, the Contractor shall submit to KAHRAMAA, in writing, a full description of the process to be adopted, the equipment to be used and statement of the precautions being taken to prevent fire or explosion. c) Clear instructions, in English shall be included in the Maintenance Instructions regarding any special precautionary measures, which must be taken before vacuum treatment can be carried out. Any special equipment necessary to enable the transformer to withstand vacuum treatment shall be provided for each type of transformer. The maximum vacuum which the complete transformer, filled with oil, can safely withstand without any special precautionary measures being taken shall be stated in the Maintenance Instructions. Nuts and Bolts a) All nuts and bolts, studs, screw threads, pipe threads, and bolt heads shall comply with the appropriate national standards for metric threads, or the technical equivalent. b) All nuts and bolts which need to be disturbed during routine maintenance and which are directly exposed to weather shall be of stainless steel. Galvanized nuts, bolts, etc. are acceptable for structural steelwork, only. Where circulating currents need to be avoided insulated stainless steel bolts & nuts shall be used. c) For mechanical reasons, current carrying terminal bolts or studs, except for small wiring, shall not be less than 6 mm in diameter. All nuts and pins shall be adequately locked. d) Wherever possible, bolts shall be fitted so that in the event of locking failure, resulting in the nuts working loose and falling off, the bolt will remain in position. All nuts, bolts, and washers placed in outdoor positions shall be of stainless steel (except those on steel structures). Where bolts are used on external horizontal surfaces where water can collect, the ingress of moisture to the threads shall be prevented. e) Each bolt or stud shall project at least one thread but not more than three threads through its nut, except when otherwise approved for terminal board studs or relay stems. If bolts and nuts are placed so that they are inaccessible by means of ordinary spanners, special spanners shall be provided. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 26/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS f) The length of the screwed portion of the bolts shall be such that no screw thread may form part of a shear plane between members. g) Spring washers shall be provided where necessary. Galvanising and Painting a) All steel works, unless otherwise indicated, shall be hot dip galvanized. b) All galvanising shall be applied by hot dip process and shall comply with BS EN ISO 1461 but shall not be less than 0.61 kg/m2. The minimum average coating weight on steel sections 5 mm thick and over shall be 0.915 kg/m2. c) All welds shall be de-scaled, all machining carried out and all parts shall be adequately cleaned prior to galvanising. Preparation for galvanising and the galvanising itself shall not adversely affect the mechanical properties of the coated material. d) The threads of all galvanized bolts and screwed rods shall be cleared of spelter by spinning or brushing. A die shall not be used for cleaning the threads. All nuts shall be galvanized. Surfaces which are in contact with oil shall not be galvanized or cadmium plated. e) Conservator vessel, radiators, fan grills, Pipe work, control boxes or cubicles, marshalling cubicles shall be hot-dip galvanized and painted. Conservator and Pipe work painted with anti-corrosive good weathering paint may be accepted where it is impractical to do hot dip galvanizing. The manufacturer shall submit the proposed method for main tank and conservator vessel corrosion protection for approval. f) External surfaces shall be treated with anticorrosive and water-resistant paint and internal surfaces with oil-resistant anti condensation paint. g) In any case the manufacturer shall submit for approval the proposed painting coats with their chemical content and recommended application guide of the manufacturer. h) The equipment must be so designed that any features that may encourage the formation of rust, are avoided. i) The following specifications cover surface treatments which may be required to be painted or treated. Transformer tanks (exterior) - RAL 9002 Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 27/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS    Blast clean to BS 7079 Second Quality (SA 2.5), ISO equivalent or technically equivalent USA Standard to a profile of 25-50 micron and thoroughly clean all surfaces in preparation for the application of paint or sealer. Apply a primary coat of two-pack epoxy primer by airless spray application to an application thickness of 50 micron. Apply a twopack epoxy/phosphate intermediate coat to an application thickness of 100 micron. Apply a finishing coat of two-pack polyurethane paint to a total overall application thickness of 195 micron. Transformer tanks (interior)  Blast clean to BS 7079 (First Quality), ISO equivalent or technically equivalent USA Standard and thoroughly clean all surfaces in preparation for the application of paint or sealer.  Apply a two-pack epoxy/phosphate intermediate coat to an application thickness of 30 micron. Structural steelwork, oil and water pipes  Blast clean to BS 7079 Second Quality (SA 2.5), ISO equivalent or technically equivalent USA Standard to a profile of 25-50 micron and thoroughly clean all surfaces in preparation for the application of paint or sealer.  Apply two coats of two-pack epoxy primer by airless spray application.  Apply a finishing coat of two-pack polyurethane paint to a total overall application thickness of 80 micron. CONTROL CUBICLES /MARSHALLING KIOSKS AND JUNCTION BOXES General a) All outdoor terminal boxes, cooler/tap changer control panel, transformer marshalling shall be of sheet metal construction, formed on a framework of standard rolled sections, with a protection Class IP 65 of IEC 60529, shall be insect and rodent proof. All boxes which are mounted outdoors shall have sunshades with capability to work as rain protection shield and shall be suitable for ambient temperatures of at least 50°C. Moreover, temperatures directly under the sun shall be considered by additional temperature gain. b) Heaters shall be provided and shall be controlled by a watertight switch mounted externally. Ventilation louvers shall be provided and divisions between compartments shall be perforated. Heaters shall be controlled Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 28/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS by suitable hygrostats and thermostats. They shall be suitable for operation with a 240V 50 Hz supply. c) All cables shall enter boxes and kiosks at the base. d) Each compartment of all kiosks and junction boxes shall be provided with access doors at the front and rear. Doors and access covers shall not be secured by nuts and bolts but shall be fastened with integral handles with provision for locking. Door-actuated lighting should be provided inside the kiosk/junction boxes. e) All hinged doors for marshalling kiosks, control cabinets, DBs, etc. shall be provided with stoppers. Marshalling Kiosk a) Transformer shall be fitted with a control cubicle made of stainless steel, free-standing outdoor, in a position easily accessible from the ground level/ in the position of the old/existing control cubicle and shall be designed for operating temperatures in excess of the maximum internal temperature attained inside the enclosure during continuous full rating operation. b) The cabinet shall contain all control and protective equipment for the cooling system, tap changer Remote/Local selector switch with control circuit transformer and lockable isolator as well as the termination of all secondary circuits. The internal arrangement of the cabinet shall keep the various circuits clearly separate from each other, permitting easy and safe independent maintenance and repair of each of them without disturbing the others. c) Height of the terminal connectors from the bottom plate inside the control cubicle shall be minimum 200mm for easy maintenance. All devices in the Marshalling kiosk shall be positioned at a suitable height so that the same are visible and accessible to a person standing at ground level. If not, a suitable access platform shall be provided. Marshalling Kiosk/cabinet shall be mounted on the front side facing towards entrance of the transformer cell. d) Kiosks doors shall be of the lift-off and hinged type and shall be provided with laminated glass windows of adequate size to facilitate reading of indicators from outside the kiosk. Where appropriate, facilities shall be provided to allow removal of temperature indicators without the need to pass the capillary tubing and bulb through the various compartments. e) If three phase connections are taken through a box or kiosk, they shall be adequately screened or insulated and suitably marked with the Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 29/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS phase color code; a danger notice stating the voltage shall be fixed on the inside and outside of the kiosk or box. f) A durable copy of the circuit wiring diagram shall be affixed to the back of the kiosk door and labels shall be provided inside each kiosk or box to describe the functions of various items of equipment. g) A watertight BS 1363 socket outlet 240V AC 13 A 3 pin interlocked switched socket with plug for a 240 volt AC supply shall be mounted externally on the marshalling kiosk. This switched socket shall be connected to the kiosk heater supply circuit through a 13 ampere fuse in the line lead. The earth terminal shall be earthed. Moulded Case and Miniature Circuit Breakers and Fuse Links a) All Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs) and miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) shall be constructed to BS EN 60947. b) Miniature circuit breakers shall be designed and tested in accordance with IEC 60127 and supplementary requirements of this specification. They shall be suitable for use over the full range of expected voltage variation as specified in the Schedules. c) They shall be suitably rated for both the continuous and short circuit loadings of the circuits they are protecting under all service and atmospheric conditions stated in the specification and ensure that correct discrimination is maintained between main and sub-circuits. d) For three phase circuits, the miniature circuit breakers shall be of the three-pole type; for single-phase circuits they shall be of the single pole type and for d.c. circuits they shall be of the double pole type. e) Where miniature circuit breakers are used in circuits containing inductive loads, e.g., operating coils, it is essential that they are suitable for satisfactory operation in the circuit in which they are used, i.e. account is taken of the circuit time constant. f) All miniature circuit breakers shall be provided with auxiliary contact(s) for remote indication of circuit breaker operation. g) Means shall be provided to prevent the miniature circuit breakers being inadvertently switched to the "OFF" position. Facilities shall be provided for ‘locking-off’ the miniature circuit breakers for isolation purposes. h) Miniature circuit breakers shall be mounted in such a manner so as to give easily visible indication of breaker position and shall be grouped and spaced according to their function in order to facilitate identification and easy replacement. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 30/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS i) Carriers and bases for fuses and links shall be in accordance with IEC 60269 and color coded to permit identification of the circuit rating. Cubicle Wiring a) Each wire connection within the cubicle shall be provided with clearly engraved identification ferrules showing source and destination on either side of the wire. The ferrules shall fit tightly to the wire and shall not fall off when the wire is disconnected from the terminal block. All wires associated with the tripping circuits shall be provided with red ferrules marked "Trip" in white. KAHRAMAA's practice of wiring numbering should be adopted throughout. b) It shall be possible to work on small wiring for maintenance or test purposes without making a switchboard dead. c) Crimped connectors of approved type shall be used to terminate all small wiring. d) When connections rated at 240 volt and above are taken through junction boxes they shall be adequately screened and "DANGER" notices shall be affixed to the outside of junction boxes or the marshalling kiosk. e) All metallic cases of instruments, control switches, relays etc. mounted on control panels or cubicles shall be connected by copper conductors of not less than 4 mm2 section to the nearest earth bar. Bushings and Insulators a) Porcelain or glass insulators and bushings shall comply with the requirements of IEC 60137, IEC 60168, IEC 60273, IEC 60305 and IEC 60433, as applicable. b) Porcelain for insulating purposes shall comply with the requirements of IEC 60672. Each porcelain insulator shall bear the manufacturer’s mark and batch identification, which shall be applied before firing. c) The clamping surfaces of all porcelain insulators shall be accurately ground and shall be free of glaze. d) Insulators and bushings shall satisfy the test requirements of IEC 60168, IEC 60233 or IEC 60383, as applicable. The design of insulators shall be such as to minimize the radio interference (RFI), and tests shall be made in accordance with IEC 60437, or equivalent, to limit RFI to Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 31/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS CISPR of CCITT recommended limits, or equivalent National Standards or Regulations. e) Insulators and bushings of organic, moulded or resin-bonded, material shall comply with the requirements of IEC 60660, as appropriate. They shall have a durable non-hygroscopic surface finish with a high antitracking index. Precautions shall be taken during manufacture and assembly of insulators of this type to exclude all moisture. f) The Comparative Tracking Index (C.T.I.) shall be determined on all organic material insulators, and other insulating material, as directed by KAHRAMAA. The test method on any electrical materials, intended for use outdoors or in severe ambient conditions, shall be in accordance with IEC 60587, and materials, not exposed to such conditions, shall be tested in accordance with IEC 60112. g) Insulators and bushings of moulded, or resin bonded material shall be identified with the manufacturer’s mark and batch identification. Such marking shall not impair the electrical properties of the surface finish. h) Insulators and bushings shall be mounted, and the method of attaching connections be such, that there is no likelihood of their being mechanically overstressed during normal tightening of the mounting and connection fixings. Similar provision shall be made to accommodate expansion and contraction of the connections having regard to the temperature likely to be attained during fault conditions. Mountings shall be of sufficient strength and rigidity to withstand the forces created by the passage of maximum prospective, short-circuit current with full asymmetry, without permanent damage or permanent deflection sufficient to reduce electrical performance or insulation strength. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES AND REJECTION a) The Contractor shall guarantee that the transformers comply with the performance stated in the Technical Schedules. Tolerances shall not exceed the values specified in IEC 60076 or those given in the Technical Schedules. 1. Performance Evaluation Tenders evaluation will consider not only purchasing price, but total operational costs of each of the offered transformers. Evaluation will be based on the guaranteed values of no-load and load losses, calculated at 75 oC, at rated voltage and full load current at nominal tapping. The following Present Worth Gradients will be applied to calculate capitalized losses for all transformers:  Appendix-A QR: 22,000.00/kW for no-load losses TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 32/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS  QR: 6,500.00/kW for load losses Reference will be made to technical offer with the lowest guaranteed losses for each type of the equipment. For all other offers, which guaranteed losses excess the reference value for the same type of equipment, divergence will be calculated and multiplied by the above specified present worth gradients. Capitalized load and noload losses, calculated in this way, will be added to the offered purchasing price of the equipment to obtain total operational costs: TOC = PP + 22,000 * (NLL – NLLR) + 6,500 * (LL – LLR) Where: TOC - Total Operation Costs in QR PP - Purchasing Price in QR NLL - Guaranteed No-load Losses NLLR- Referenced (the lowest offered) No-load Losses LL - Guaranteed Load Losses LLR - Referenced (the lowest offered) Load Losses Below listed values are specified only as a guide line for expected level of losses: 200MVA, 220/66kV PT 160MVA, 132/66kV PT 60MVA, 132/11kV PT: No Load Losses (kW) 60 50 22 Load Losses (kW) 460 390 220 2. Penalties for Deviation from Guarantees Losses:  If the factory acceptance test of the transformer shows that the actual losses exceed the guaranteed values, “excess losses” shall be penalized as follows:  No-load losses:  QR 22,000/kW for losses not higher than 5% of the guaranteed values  QR 44,000/kW for losses higher than 5% of the guaranteed values, but within the acceptance limit.  Load losses:  QR 6,500/kW for losses not higher than 5% of the guaranteed values  QR 13,000/kW for losses higher more than 5% of the guaranteed values, but within the acceptance limit  Transformers, for which the actual losses obtained by factory acceptance tests exceed 15% of the individual losses, or 10% of total losses, will be rejected. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 33/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS  There shall be no additional payment for measured losses of less than the Guaranteed value. Temperature Rise:  The temperature rise of windings shall be determined by type test. If, according to the results of the tests carried out within the scope of the Contract, the measured temperature rise exceeds the guaranteed value, the price for all transformers shall be reduced as a compensation for decreased life expectancy.  The compensation shall be computed as follows: Temperature Rise Over the Admissible Limit (K) 0 – 1.99 2 – 2.99 3 – 3.99 4 – 5.00 Compensation in Percent of the Total F.O.B. Price of the Transformer 3 4.5 9.0 18  No additional payment will be payable for measured temperature rise of less than the guaranteed maximum.  KAHRAMAA may during tests at works, reject a power transformer for the following reasons:  If any of the losses exceed 15% of the guaranteed values;  If the impedance voltage exceeds tolerance values specified by IEC of the guaranteed value;  If the temperature rise exceeds more than 5 OK of the prescribed values. A3.3 ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS/TESTS AND FUNCTIONAL TESTS Power Transformer All tests shall be performed in accordance with IEC 60076, IEC 60060, IEC 60270 and other relevant IEC Standards including and not limited to the following: A. Factory Tests Routine and Type tests shall be generally in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60076-1 and IEC 60076-3, appropriate to the voltage class of the transformer under consideration. Additionally, some tests in the class identified as ‘Special’ in IEC 60076 Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 34/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS are included, which may in practice be effectively a Routine or Type Test, as appropriate. The factory test shall be conducted in presence of KAHRAMAA Engineer or representative. The contractor shall submit a report to KAHRAMAA detailing the result of the test. B. Routine Tests The following routine tests shall be performed: 1. Measurement of winding resistances. 2. Measurement of voltage ratio and check of voltage vector relationship 3. Measurement of impedance voltage (principal tapping) short-circuit impedance and load loss. (with respect to table 1 of IEC 60076 – 1 negative tolerance in % impedance voltage value from the value specified in technical schedules is not acceptable). 4. Measurement of no-load losses and no-load current at rated frequency and nominal voltage. 5. Induced-voltage test with partial discharge measurement.  Short Duration AC (ACSD): Um less than 245kV 6. Separate source voltage test. 7. Tests on on-load tap-changers. 8. Oil test including Dissolved Gas Analysis and function tests of auxiliary equipment, before and after Dielectric Test. (All tests according to IEC 60296 and IEC 62535 shall be carried out by the manufacturer and test certificate shall clearly indicate that oil is free from PCB, DBDS (dibenzyl disulphide), Antioxidant, passivator, metal deactivator and other additives). 9. Oil Leakage Test with pressure. 10. Measurement of insulation of core and frame at 2500 V dc for 1 min (As per IEC 60076-1 (11.12)). 11. Hot spot gradient check on winding temperature indicators at elevated temperature ( 80degC) (based on heat run test results) 12. Check of Ratio and Polarity of built-in current transformers and test for Insulation Resistance & Saturation test . 13. Determination of capacitances windings-to-earth and between windings. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 35/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 14. Measurement of Capacitance & dissipation factor (Tandelta) of transformer bushings. 15. Measurement of d.c. insulation resistance between each winding to earth and between windings. 16. Measurement of dissipation factor (Tandelta) of transformer windings and insulation system. C. Type Tests The following type tests shall be performed: 1. Temperature Rise Test  These tests shall be carried out with the transformer at tap positions giving highest losses and with the standby cooling unit out of service.  Dissolved Gas Analysis of Transformer Oil shall be carried out before and after the Temperature Rise Test. 2. Lightning Impulse (LI) test (Um less than or equal to 72.5kV). These tests shall be carried out in accordance with IEC Recommendations on the HV and LV line terminals and on the neutral terminals. Tapchangers shall be in the position of minimum, principal and maximum tap as each phase is tested in turn (A-B-C). 3. In-lieu evidence from demonstrably similar units and/or mechanical and thermal calculations shall be provided to demonstrate clear margins of short-circuit current withstand at system fault levels for all transformers. All tests and calculations shall be fully in accordance with IEC 60076-5. 4. Determination of sound level (IEC 60076-10) for each method of cooling. 5. Measurement of the power taken by the fan and oil pump motors. 6. Jacking test for 30 min with Dye penetrant test. Lift shall be 50mm to 100mm depending up on span and sag of bottom plate of transformer. Jacking test shall be performed always on unpainted jack pads. Painting of jack pads shall be done subsequent to successful jacking test. D. Special Tests Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 36/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS The following ‘special’ category tests shall be performed when specified in Technical schedule and may be on each unit (equivalent to a routine test) or on one unit (equivalent to a type test) as indicated: 1. Dielectric tests in accordance with IEC 60076-3. In terms of the system voltages, the applicable special dielectric tests is:  Chopped wave lightning impulse. This test is a requirement at all system voltages on line terminals and shall be at 110% of the full wave impulse level. (Type or routine test as appropriate to transformer HV U m.) 2. Measurement of zero-sequence impedance: Routine test for all transformers with Um equal to or greater than 12 kV. 3. Measurement of the harmonics of the no-load current: Routine test for all transformers with Um equal to or greater than 36 Kv. 4. Measurement of insulation resistance to earth and loss angle of insulation system capacitances: Routine test for all transformers with U m equal to or greater than 36 kV. 5. Measurement of No load current at low voltage. 6. SFRA (Sweep Frequency Response Analysis) test. This test shall be the last test in factory keeping the transformer configuration closest to its intended shipping condition. 7. Vacuum Deflection Test. 8. Pressure Deflection Test 9. Check of External Coating E. Site Tests Initial and final check lists shall be incorporated in the Site tests method statements, and submitted to KAHRAMAA approval prior the start of tests. The following tests, after installation on Site shall be performed: 1. Verification of correct and complete erection. 2. Verification of the soundness of porcelain surfaces and sealing. 3. Verification of correct connections to the earthing system. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 37/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 4. Checking of auxiliary and control wiring and cabling and operation of all electrical LV equipment. 5. Voltage tests of all electrical LV circuits. 6. Verification of the operation of the cooling system. 7. Vacuum tightness test as per IEC 60076-1 (11.11) 8. Measurement of the physical, chemical, and electrical characteristics of the oil including oxidation stability after filling. BDV, Tan delta, water content of oil samples before filling oil into the transformer according to IEC 60296. Comprehensive analysis of oil (DGA, Furan, BDV, Tan delta and water content) of oil samples from main tank and OLTC before and after complete electrical testing shall be carried out as per IEC standards. 9. Tests shall be performed on oil samples taken and to prove the oil is free from all kinds of additives/inhibitants. 10. Hot spot gradient check on winding temperature indicators at elevated temperature ( 80degC) (based on heat run test results). 11. Verification of polarity, turns ratio with measurement of charging current using an L.V. supply. 12. Resistance measurements of windings with records of oil & ambient temperatures. 13. Short Circuit impedance Test and load loss 14. Excitation Current Test 15. Magnetic Balance Test 16. Di-electric Response Analysis Test 17. Insulation resistance tests. 18. Insulation resistance test on winding, bushings, core etc. 19. SFRA (Sweep Frequency Response Analysis) test. This test shall be done two times at site:  Before assembly and after keeping on foundation.(to compare with factory test)  After final assembly as part of site acceptance test (signature test). Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 38/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 20. Measurement of Capacitance & dissipation factor (Tandelta) for transformer windings and bushings. 21. Test on protection devices. 22. Tests on Current Transformer. 23. Measurement of CT wiring loop resistance. 24. Checking calibration of oil & winding temperature indicating devices. 25. Proving tests of Buchholz device by injecting pressurized gas/air. 26. Operation checks of accessories like extra high flow pressure relief device, oil level gauge etc. 27. Dynamic Resistance test and Functional Checks of OLTC. 28. Oil Leakage Test for 48 hours. 29. Other necessary checks and verifications as deemed necessary by KAHRAMAA. Tests on Transformer Components Tests during and after manufacture shall be carried out on the transformer components in order to verify compliance with the Specifications, good workmanship and their capability to perform the required duties when in service. Unless otherwise specifically mentioned these tests shall be made in accordance with the one of the applicable international standards, subject to the approval of KAHRAMAA, or according to a method proposed by the Contractor and approved by KAHRAMAA. I. Transformer Tanks A. Type Tests 1. Vacuum - Transformer tank, tap changing compartment, radiator and cooler shall be subjected when empty of oil to the vacuum test level specified in the Schedules. There shall be no permanent deflection of the stiffeners, nor shall the permanent deflection of the panels exceed the value specified in the following table: Major dimension of panel between Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 39/91 Maximum permanent ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS Stiffeners meters vertical or horizontal Up to 1.5 m 1.5 m – 3.0 m Above 3.0 m deflection 3 mm 8 mm 13 mm 2. Pressure- Transformer tank shall be subjected to a pressure corresponding to the normal pressure plus 35kN/m 2. After the release of the excess pressure there shall be no permanent deflection of the stiffeners nor shall the permanent deflection of panels between stiffeners exceed the value specified in the above table. This test may be combined with a routine oil leakage test. The tap changer barrier shall be shown to withstand an over pressure test of normal pressure plus 35 kN/m2 for 12 hours. II. Pressure Relief Device: When required by KAHRAMAA one pressure relief device of each size shall be subjected to increasing oil pressure and shall operate before reaching normal pressure plus 35 kN/m2. The operating pressure shall be recorded on the test certificate. A. Routine Tests 1. Oil leakage - tank and oil filled compartments including all forms of radiator shall be tested for oil tightness by being completely filled with oil of a viscosity not greater than that of IEC 60296 insulating oil at a temperature of 150 oC and subjected to a pressure equal to the normal pressure plus 35 kN/m 2. This pressure shall be maintained for a period of not less than 24 hours, during which time no leakage shall occur. 2. The tap changer barrier shall be subjected to normal oil pressure head for 24 hours, during which time there shall be no leakage from the panel or bushings. Detachable radiators may be tested as separate units. III. Fans, Motors, Pipe work, Oil Sampling Devices and Valves A. Type Tests 1. Motors - Performance tests shall be in accordance with IEC 60034-1 however, certificates of type tests in accordance with IEC will be accepted. 2. Except for non-return valves, all valves and oil sampling devices which are subject to oil pressure in service or during maintenance shall withstand, when empty of oil, absolute pressure not exceeding 350 m bars. In the case of Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 40/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS valves this test is to be applied to the body only. This type test shall subsequently be followed by a repeat oil leakage test. B. Routine Tests 1. Fans - Static and dynamic balance shall be checked on all fan impellers. 2. Control gear - All control gear shall be subjected to the tests specified in the appropriate IEC. 3. Motors - Each machine shall be subjected to the following tests where applicable:     IV. Measurement of winding resistance (cold). No load test at rated voltage for determination of fixed losses. An overvoltage test at 1.5 times rated voltage applied with the machine running at no load, for a period of 3 minutes, to test interturn insulation. High voltage in accordance with IEC 60034-1. Oil A. Sample Tests 1. Samples of oil from each consignment shall be tested in accordance with IEC 60296 before dispatch and the test certificate shall be furnished to KAHRAMAA. The oil shall be free from corrosive sulphur, PCB, DBDS (dibenzyl disulphide), Antioxidant, passivator, metal deactivator and other additives. A compliance certificate in this regard as per IEC 60296 Clause 5.4 (c).shall be furnished to KAHRAMAA. 2. Subject to the agreement of KAHRAMAA a test certificate, confirming that the oil from which the consignment was drawn has been tested in accordance with IEC 60296, may be accepted. Before commissioning any transformer, the di-electric strength and DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) of its oil shall be check-tested and the results approved by KAHRAMAA. 3. Test evidences from the manufacturer shall be submitted for oil supplied for the following contents and the test report shall be furnished to KAHRAMAA.  Corrosive Sulphur (Tested as per IEC 62535)  Antioxidants (Tested as per IEC 60666)  PCBs (Tested as per IEC 61619)  DBDS (Tested as per IEC 62697, Detection method : GC-ED)  Passivator (Tested as per IEC 60666)  Metal Deactivator (Detection method using HPLC / GC-MS) Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 41/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 4. DGA tests of oil shall be done by independent test laboratory (KM approved) at following intervals at site:  Before Energization  1 Day After Energization  After 1 month in Service  After 6 months in Service  After 12 months in service  After 22 months in service 5. The DGA results and evaluation summary shall be submitted to KAHRAMAA. All test results shall be furnished in a test format which shall provide all essential details of the oil samples, method, equipment details etc as insisted by IEC and other relevant standards including Manufacturer’s name & country V. Gas and Oil Actuated Relays A. Routine Tests The following tests shall be made on relays when completely assembled. Where oil is referred to, it shall have a viscosity not greater than that of IEC 60296 insulating oil at 150oC. 1. Oil leakage:  The relay, when filled with oil shall be subjected to an internal pressure of 140 kN/m2 for 15 minutes. No leakage shall occur either from the casing or into normally oil free spaces, such as floats, within the casing. 2. Gas Collection:  With the relay mounted as in service and at a rising angle of 5 degrees (tank to conservator) and full of oil, gas shall be introduced into the relay until the gas collection contacts close. The oil level contacts shall not close when gas is escaping freely from the relay on the conservator side. These contacts shall, however, close when the pipe work is empty of oil.  The empty relay shall be tilted, as if mounted in pipe work rising from tank to conservator, at an increasing angle until the gas collection contacts open. The angle of tilt shall then be reduced and the gas collection contacts shall close before the angle is reduced to less than 13 degrees to the horizontal.  With the relay mounted at a falling angle of 16 degrees to the horizontal and full of oil, the gas collection contacts shall be open. Oil surge - with the relay mounted as in service and full of oil at approximately 150oC, the surge contacts shall close within the steady oil flow limits specified in Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 42/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS the Schedules. This operation shall not be adversely affected when the gas collection contacts have already closed and gas is escaping freely. Voltage - with the relay empty of oil, a voltage of 2kV shall be applied in turn between each of the electrical circuits and the casing for one minute, the remaining circuits being connected to the casing. VI. Voltage Control Equipment Type and routine tests shall be carried out in accordance with IEC 60214. A. Tests on Bushings 1. It is not intended to test the bushings separately during the transformer factory tests. 2. All bushings supplied including spares, shall be supplied with full documentation in accordance with IEC 60137 and/or IEC 61639, plus additional items as follows:  Routine test certificates. All condenser-graded bushings shall have a routine lightning impulse withstand test of five full wave negative impulses at a level not less than the transformer rating.  Type test reports, which shall include confirmation of creepage distance and pollution tests. The lightning impulse type test shall include chopped impulses and is applicable to all condenser-graded bushings.  Installation and maintenance instructions. VII. Dielectric Tests in Auxiliary and Control Circuit All secondary wiring, including panel wiring and control circuits and all apparatus connected directly thereto shall withstand a high voltage test of 2000V to earth unless otherwise specified. 3.4 SPARE PARTS & SPECIAL TOOLS (OPTIONAL) a) Works to be done under this section include the delivery of spare parts. Requirements for spare parts & special tools are described in Appendix B – Schedule of Prices, Schedule 4.3 & 4.4. Any additional spare parts recommended by the Tenderer shall be listed and priced in Appendix B –Schedule of Prices. b) The required categories and minimum quantity of spare parts are indicated in Appendix B, Schedule of Prices. KAHRAMAA shall be given the option to cancel any or all items from the list included in the Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 43/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS Schedule of Prices. Hence, it is obligatory upon the Contractor to submit the list of spares for approval before ordering/manufacturing. c) Beside the specified spare parts, the Contractor shall list in detail the recommended spare parts he considers necessary for safe and reliable operation and maintenance, together with individual prices, in the respective Schedule of Prices. KAHRAMAA reserves the option to order all or part thereof or supplementary spare parts. These prices shall be kept firm up to the expiry of the Warranty Period. d) The "Recommended Spare Parts" shall be completed on the assumption that the spare parts listed shall be sufficient for an operation period of five (5) years after commissioning, as well as essential replacement parts to cover the event of a breakdown which would affect the availability or safety of the plant. e) The Contractor shall ensure that sufficient spare parts and consumable items are available for his own use during commissioning of plant. Spares ordered by KAHRAMAA shall not be used by the Contractor. f) Any spare apparatus, parts and tools shall be subject to the same specification, tests and conditions as similar material supplied under the Work Section of the Contract. They shall be strictly interchangeable and suitable for use in place of the corresponding parts supplied with the plant and must be suitably marked and numbered for identification and prepared for storage by greasing or painting to prevent deterioration. All spare apparatus or materials containing electrical insulation shall be properly packed and delivered in cases suitable for long-term storage. Such packing shall be subject to approval of KAHRAMAA. g) All short shelf-life material shall be replaced at the end of the Warranty Period. h) Four (4) copies of storage instructions in the English language shall accompany all spares. One copy of the instructions shall be available inside the package. i) The spare parts are to be delivered to the storehouse of the Contractor with catalogues labels, brands and other signs for their identification, everything to the complete satisfaction of KAHRAMAA and these shall be delivered to KAHRAMAA's Stores prior to Taking Over. Spare parts shall be delivered to stores with necessary coding as per KAHRAMAA practice. j) The Tenderer shall guarantee that spares suitable for the plant provided under the Contract, without any modification, will be available for a Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 44/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS period of twenty (20) years regardless of obsolescence of the plant items themselves. k) As necessary, one set of tools necessary for the operation of the equipment shall be supplied along with the equipment and kept at site on wall-mounted cabinets adjacent to the equipment. These standard tools shall be supplied direct to KAHRAMAA brand new, i.e. they shall not be used for erection and installation purposes during the construction of the plant. 3.5 PACKING, SHIPPING, TRANSPORT, HANDLING AND LIFTING DEVICE Packing a) The Contractor shall prepare and pack all materials and equipment for shipment in such a manner that they are protected from damage during shipment, and shall be responsible for and make good any and all damage resulting from improper packing, whether this is done at his own works or those of any supplier. b) All electrical parts and delicate mechanical parts subject to damage from moisture shall be packed in hermetically sealed metal containers, in plastic envelopes, or in other approved containers within their respective packing cases, containing silica-gel bags. c) All apparatuses shall be carefully packed for transport by sea, rail and road as necessary and in such a manner that they are protected against mechanical injury and the injurious effects of water and climatic conditions encountered during transit to their destination, including conditions of temporary storage on site. d) Spare parts shall be packed separately for long-term storage and delivered to KAHRAMAA Stores. e) All cases, packages, etc. shall have KAHRAMAA standard shipping marks and shall be clearly marked on the outside to indicate the net weight, gross weight and dimensions, the parts contained therein, contract number, port of destination, the position of the centre of gravity and the correct position of the slings and shall bear an identification mark relating them to the appropriate shipping documents. All these shall become the property of KAHRAMAA after delivery. f) Containers and packings shall be non-returnable type. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 45/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS g) All stencil marks on the outside of cases shall be either of a waterproof material or protected by shellac or varnish to prevent obliteration in transit. h) Each crate or package shall contain a packing list in a waterproof envelope. All items of material shall be clearly marked for easy identification against the packing list. i) Six (6) copies of the complete bill of lading showing the number, size, marks, mass and contents of each package shall be mailed or faxed to KAHRAMAA immediately the material is dispatched. Shipping and Transport a) The Contractor shall be deemed responsible for the following: 1. To load and transport the equipment and material from the place of manufacture whether, this is at his own works or this of any supplier, to Qatar ports; 2. To off-load, clear and transport to site all plant, equipment, etc. including temporary storage; to obtain permission from relevant Qatar authorities to use docking, airport or Site unloading, highway and bridge facilities required for transport of his equipment; 3. To insure to the full value of the equipment and material for freight, for securing and forwarding of all shipping documents and for the payment of all shipping and unloading documents and charges; 4. *To obtain and verify all information specified regarding transport limitations; 5. To obtain and verify all information specified regarding adequate handling equipment for unloading the heaviest prices of equipment; 6. *To bear all costs of repair or replacement of the equipment arising from damage during transport and unloading (Repairs to the damaged primary insulation is not acceptable); 7. *To select proper routes to meet his needs and shall bear all extra costs resulting from the selection of such routes. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 46/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS b) The costs, if any, for adjusting, modifying roads and bridges shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit to approval the method of transportation and routes he proposes to use. c) The Contractor shall inform KAHRAMAA of the anticipated shipping date by a 30 days written notice containing identification, symbol, description, weight and sizes of material in the shipment. Advance notice and shipping documents shall be sent by fax before air-mailing. KAHRAMAA shall be also notified of the actual date of shipment. d) *The Contractor shall immediately report to KAHRAMAA any claims made against him arising out of alleged damage to a highway or a bridge. Lifting Devices a) The maximum lifting capacity at the Port of Doha is 2 jib cranes with a capacity of 50 tons at 6m radius, maximum hook height above mean high water level is 22 m. b) The Contractor shall provide bolts with shackles at conveniently selected spots of equipment in order to facilitate the handling and lifting of supplied equipment. c) Special lifting and handling equipment, to be supplied by the Contractor and shall be shipped together with the component for which they are provided. d) The Contractor shall make his own arrangements and inquiries with regard to the loading, unloading and transport of all equipment and material required for the Works. He shall make all necessary investigations as to the heaviest loads that can be handled at ports or transported to the Site by road, in particular with regard to the weightbearing capacity of all bridges and culverts, and he shall comply with all relevant regulations of the Government Department connected therewith. In addition, the following requirements shall be fulfilled a) *If the transformer is to be transported with oil it shall be filled to such a level as to cover the windings completely. b) *If the transformers are to be shipped without oil, the tank shall be filled with dry nitrogen gas, and automatic pressure regulating equipment shall be provided to maintain the pressure of the gas. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 47/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS c) *Transformers to be transported with gas shall be filled and maintained by the Contractor at a pressure in excess of atmospheric pressure until the gas is replaced by oil. The gas pressure before dispatch and upon receipt on site shall be recorded. Means shall be provided for measuring the pressure in the tank. d) Where oil for the first filling is to be provided separate from the transformer tank it shall be supplied by the manufacturer in non-returnable drums. e) Transformers shall be mounted with electrical impact recorders to monitor loads imposed on transformer with time reference and register “shock” loading suffered during transit. Instruments shall be provided on the external side of the transformer (i.e. on tank) as well as on the active part inside the transformer (e.g. on press beam of the core). Provision shall be made on the transformer for easy dismantling of the instrument fixed on the active part at site. Instruments shall be active all time during transport, including loading in the factory. All means to ensure uninterrupted work of impact recorders during that period shall be provided (e.g. spare batteries). The instruments shall be removed only after transformer is put in its final place on the foundation at site. Removal of impact recorder, downloading and interpretation of data shall be done in the presence of KM representative. f) Contractor is obliged to provide for KAHRAMAA approval procedures for transport, acceptance of equipment on site, storage, installation, testing and maintenance, which will be supported by manufacturer’s detailed manuals. Checking and notification of tank gas pressure, functionality and operation time of impact recorder shall be notified and included in the site acceptance report. This will be provided to KAHRAMAA for further records. g) If a transformer, by any chance, arrives on site without positive pressure of gas in the tank, Contractor is obliged to: 1. Sent immediate notification to KAHRAMAA, manufacturer and shipping agent. 2. Obtain written confirmation from manufacturer about conditions to maintain guarantee of the equipment considering the situation and detailed instructions for actions to be taken 3. Complete diagnostic tests (dew point measurement, laboratory testing of insulation paper performed by independent laboratory, etc.) to establish transformer condition 4. Undertake all necessary actions, at its own cost, in order prevent damage of the equipment that may result from prolonged storage without overpressure in the tank. This may include vacuum and heating process, taking insulation resistance values throughout the drying process to Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 48/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS indicate clearly the point of full moisture removal. Detailed method statement shall be provided for KAHRAMAA approval. 5. Undertake further tests and actions that may be required to restore transformer condition, at its own costs, under the manufacturer’s supervision and provide proof test results for the same. h) It will be at sole KAHRAMAA decision to decide whether transformers will be accepted and under which conditions. i) *All openings for transformer components, e.g. bushings which have been removed from the transformers during transport, shall be covered by blanking-off plates. Condenser type bushings shall be shipped with self-contained oil filled tanks. j) *Lifting of the transformer in the vertical position shall be through handling lugs with all precautions being taken to prevent tilting and under the expert supervision of the rigger. k) *All vehicles & power lifting equipment for loading, transporting and unloading shall have a valid insurance to cover against accidental damage to equipment and injury to persons. This insurance shall also cover any accidents or damages that may be caused to KM equipment and personnel in the vicinity of the area occasioned by Contractors work. The operators of the heavy lifting equipment shall have valid certificates issued by the Department of Labour, State of Qatar authorizing the operation of such equipment. The equipment immediately after delivery shall be thoroughly inspected for completeness and ensure that there is no damage. l) *Contractor shall provide an all risks insurance. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ascertain the requirements; for example, restrictions arising from limitations of lifting gear, type of vehicles available for transportation, maximum weight and dimensions allowable on public roads, condition of the track and space limitations at the point of installation. m) *The Contractor shall prepare and submit for the approval of KAHRAMAA drawings and complete instructions about the means and methods to be used for the installing and removing of heavy equipment such as transformers. Note: (*) Applicable for transporting decommissioned/old transformers including the associated equipment and local control cabinet to KM, Central Warehouse at Salwa Industrial area for future use. 3.6 SUB-STATION WORKS(PART 2) a) Disconnecting transformer from 66, 11 kV, LV supply and control and removing from the site. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 49/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS The particular Power Transformer in the specified substation shall be disconnected by removing jumpers and links on both sides of HV & LV including (11kV) Earthing Transformer, Neutral to the ground, Protection and Telecontrol and Earthing taking note of the following. No. 1 Description 66kV side of Tx a) Top Terminal connectors (clamp) b) Jumper connectors (bus/conductor) c) Bushing height / dimensions d) 66kV CT’s to match S/S remote end CT’s , as per technical requirements of metering and protection. 11kV side of Tx a) Careful considerations with the design measurement/ dimensions of the 11 kV secondary of new transformer bushings to fit with the existing 11 kV cable box/ terminations. Neutral side of Tx a) External CT technical specifications (e.g ratio, burden, class, accuracy) b) Foundation / support structure c) Wiring & piping /rough ins as per protection requirement. d) Jumper connection LCC of Tx a) Control cable wirings Tx b) Control cable wiring OLTC c) Provision for marshalling kiosk d) Extending cable connections to existing Tx control cable wires, OLTC etc. will not be able to reach Terminal blocks of Tx LCC panel. 2 3 4 Utmost care shall be exercised during dismantling as control, protection, telemetry cables could be damaged. It is the Contractors responsibility to have the damaged sections of cables replaced, fully or partially with new wiring as deemed necessary by KM. b) Removing and Transporting existing old 66/11kV 20/25MVA Itatrafo transformer including the local control cabinet and associated components to KM, Central Warehouse at Salwa Industrial Area. (Note: The Transformer components are intended to be used as spares for maintenance). Option 1: Crane working position inside s/s : Removal of main gate guard rail including top beam to enter the lifting equipment (crane/trucks) inside the substation. Adequate crane lifting capacity should be considered. Option 2: Crane working position outside s/s : Removal of detachable boundary wall portions (if any) to visualize the working area inside s/s. Adequate crane lifting capacity should be considered. c) Modifying/refurbishing/reinforcing/repairing the existing transformer civil structure/foundation/plinth, cable raceways, cable ducts, grounding/earthing connections to accommodate the new transformer as necesary. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 50/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS Note: Earthing/grounding conductor if found short shall be provided by the contractor. d) Erection of the new transformer on the newly constructed/refurbished/modified plinths including the installation of local control cabinet. e) Carrying out Electrical measurements/tests and functional tests on the Power Transformer as mentioned in Section A3.3 (Electrical Measurements/Tests And Functional Tests). f) Perform the following activities/ minimum tests on existing equipment: 1. ETx 11kV/415V:  Insulation resistance test & polarization index  Insulation power factor test (overall)  Turns ratio test  Winding resistance test  Excitation current test  Oil power factor test  Oil di-electric breakdown voltage test Note: a) The contractor is responsible to replace the insulating oil (provided by KM) and re-condition of the Earthing Transformer (ETx) including transport of oil from KM Store to sites. b) If the ETx transformer test results will fail, the contractor is responsible to source, test, transport and replace the ETx from decommissioned ETx from KM Store/SS. 2. Grounding/Earth Connection  Earth resistance test g) Pre-commissioning and commissioning tests including local/remote, SCADA and DGCC, Protection tests, inter-trip and stability. Important Note:  Particular attention is required to OLTC, 11kV Cable connections and Protection as the New Transformer after installation shall be able to operate in parallel with the other existing transformers in the identified substations. 3.7 CABLE WORKS a) Drain and remove bitumen compound from 11 kV cable box by applying heat gently and without damage to cable core. The compound shall not be allowed to fall on the ground. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 51/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS b) Disconnect and remove cables carefullly without damage for reuse. They shall be properly wrapped and secured with polythene cover to prevent moisture and dust contaminating the cable ends. Extra precaution is required to prevent damage from the impending civil construction activities and during Transformer removal and new installation. Where necessary, the cables shall be moved temporarily to facilitate cable race, cable trough reconstruction and modifications. c) Inspect the cable boxes thoroughly and chalkout the requirements including defects to be rectified during reinstallation. d) Install cable joints, if required, including the supply of cable joints not issued by KM. e) Supply all consumable materials, cable lugs, bias cut yellow vanish tape, insulating tapes, plumbing metal, insulating studs on glands, gaskets etc. f) All 11 kV cable glands on 66/11 kV New Transformer and 11kV Side of Earthing Tx shall be fitted with insulated glands supplied by the Contractor. g) Reconnect and terminate cables inside the cable box including; 1. Measurement of Contact resistance, Continuity & insulation resistance test and identification of phases. 2. Refill cable box with Bitumen compound supplied by the Contractor. 3. HVDC test of 11 kV Cable installation at reduced voltage before filling compound inside the cable box (except 11kV Cable connected to ETx). Important Notes:  All works shall be carried out by a qualified 11kV Cable Jointer.  The Contractor shall be aware that when 11 kV PILC cables are terminated inside a cable box, the complete system including the box becomes part of the insulation system. h) The following items whenever required shall be provided by contractor (Optional) 1.Supply of connector fittings including modifications to 66kV busbar jumper connections to match with the new Transformer 66kV Bushings. 2. Supply for 11kV cable box bitumen compound. 3. Supply of 66kV Neutral cable (if found short of length) including all consumables such as lugs, terminals, cable markers/ferrules, cable trays, cable ties etc. 4. Supply of of LV & Control cables (if found short of length) including all consumables such as lugs, terminals, cable markers/ferrules, cable trays, cable ties, auxiliary relays, lambs etc. 5. Supply/ replacement of 9 nos. 1 core 630mm2 Cu & 3 nos. of 1Cx70mm2 PILC cable joints including termination kits, lugs & ferrules as necessary. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 52/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 6. LV control wiring modifications to AVR and OLTC control panel of existing Tx for parallel operation. 7. Design, supply and installation of new alarms, Status signals including updating existing schemes. 8. Additional charge to supply cable trays and cable clamps etc. inside cable raceway. A3.8 PROTECTION & TELEMETRY WORKS Protection 1. All existing drawings required shall be collected in advance. Any of the schematics that are missing shall be reconstructed from the available records/information/data. 2. All of the existing relays/ICTs/Meters/Auxiliary relays etc on 66 kV as well as 11 kV Relay panels/Control panels shall be retained and used for the new Transformer. 3. Defective Protection/metering equipment on Relay panels/Control panels brought to the immediate attention of KM during dismantling/testing will be issued to Contractor free of charge. Any defects not intimated to KM shall be replaced by the Contractor with no extra cost to KM. 4. Any Additional Materials such as Auxiliary Relay, Wires, Lamps, etc other than main Protection Relay shall be supplied by the Contractor, if required. 5. For the purpose of this Tender/Contract, the auxiliary cables mean all cables other than 11 kV Power cables which serves; a) Electrical equipment connections, b) Protection circuitry and c) Interconnection of Protection, inter-tripping, Control and communication. The cables in general are multicore and operate at nominal voltages of 48 ~ 110 V DC or 240 V AC. They are required when voltage drop considerations are important and during commissioning where particular attention shall be paid to voltage drop associated with trip coil currents. The earthing of the armour at both ends to screen the conductors from induced voltages and to maintain armour at safe earth potential are important considerations. The Contractor is, therefore, responsible to take due account of the specifications of the installed cables that require replacement fully or partially. 6. All Existing Control Cables shall be removed from the terminals and recovered for reinstallation. If any of the control cables are found short or not reusable due to deterioration of electrical and mechanical properties, aging or due to damages caused during removal shall be replaced by identical or near equivalent cables. All newly supplied control cables shall be of copper sheathed, steel wire armoured, XLPE/PVC insulated, LSOH outer sheathed, multi-core, multi-stranded copper conductors each of 2.5 Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 53/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS mm2 cross section(minimum). For CT application the cross section shall be same or higher than existing. In general, if additional cabling/ replacement of existing Control cabling to be done, the same shall be envisaged with proper engineering. All the terminals and terminations in Control and Relay Panels shall be inspected and tightened before start of testing. Any damaged Terminals/terminations shall be changed with suitable new Terminals/terminations. 7. Control Cable for 66 kV Neutral CT shall be properly connected to 66 kV Neutral CT if any short fall in length, cable shall be replaced with new cables of the same specification. Control cable ferruling, cable ties, cable trays and other accessories required shall be supplied by the contractor. 8. Protection schematic drawings and wiring shall be modified accordingly and to match for New Transformer. 9. It is to be checked and clarified that new transformer 66/11kV Tx (to be installed) has HV NCT identical to the existing transformer and the existing ETx will be retained. 10. ETx NCT details (11kV) to be checked and clarified suitable for Protection. 11. At each substation, both Power Transformers are to be operated in parallel, hence, the OLTC is to be worked in Master/ Follower mode as existing. The existing OLTC Control panels equipped with Master/Follower and Auto/Independent selector switches and AVRs are to be retained (these existing panels were already working in parallel). The OLTC of the new Transformer shall be wired to the existing OLTC Control panel to make it working in parallel with the existing Transformer. The parallel operation of AVRs/OLTC shall be proved before energization of the Transformer. 12. After the installation of transformers and completion of cabling/wiring, comprehensive testing of all primary equipment like CTs, HV & LV side protection, AVR including parallel operation, Stability tests by primary injection of differential, HV & LV REF, verification of all alarms, controls, Measurements and indications at Local Control Panels as well as National Control Centre/DGCC, Functional and Trip tests shall be carried out. On load tests shall also be carried out to supplement the commissioning tests. General cleaning of the Relay, Control cubicles as well as Control panels shall be done by the Contractor. 13. The Protection Scope shall include;  Engineering and Setting calculations of all protections including 87C at both ends & 87C+T as necessary,  Bushing CT tests on new transformer end, Testing the Protection Relays at final approved settings,  CT Tests and Secondary Injection tests on all CT’s on 66kV & 11kV sides shall be carried out. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 54/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS    Stability tests of 87C+T/87C/87T/REF protections by Primary Injection, On-load stability checks and directionality checks of DOC protection, DGCC End to End tests (of SCADA) of alarms and Measurements, Local Alarm/ Measurement checks, Final Trip tests etc. The Engineering, Setting calculations/ Testing of Relays/ Stability tests etc shall be done by respective Relay manufacturer (of 87C & 87C+T Protection) only and their Engineers’ competency will be approved by Protection Section through Interview. Only KM approved Protection Engineers shall work under the Project for Protection related activities including updating of Schematic drawings. The Relay Settings, Method of Statement of testing & Commissioning, Test Formats, Commissioning checklists, etc. shall be submitted for Kahramaa review and approval at least two months before the start of protection work. a) APS-Naeeja East 66kV Tx feeder: This feeder is provided with 7SD600 Pilot wire protection (SIEMENS Relay). At present both sides are having 400/1 CT ratio. 87C (SIEMENS) by SIEMENS Protection Engineer to be tested and commissioned. b) GHA-KTS 66kV Tx feeder: This feeder is provided with Pilot Wire protection (REYROLLE Relay). At present both sides are having 400/1 CT ratio. 87C (REYROLLE) by SIEMENS Protection Engineer to be tested and commissioned. 14. Two sets of Design Drawing & 4 sets of as built drawing and final relay settings shall be submitted in both hard and soft copy. 15. CT Details: The CT details for the existing HV and LV side protections are as follows: Descriptio n 66kV Side 11kV Side HV Neutral CT Appendix-A Italtrafo 66/11kV 20/25MVA Tx Phase CTs:  Core 1: Ratio: 400-300/1A; Class: X; 30VA  Core 2: Ratio: 250/1A; Class 5P10; 40VA  Core 3: Ratio: 250/1A Class: X; 30VA 800/5A, Class 1, Burden 15VA (WTI) Ratio: 250/1A; Class: X (66kV REF) Brush 66/11kV 25/30MVA Tx Phase CTs:  Core 1: Ratio: 300-250/1A; Class: 5P20  Core 2: Ratio: 300-250/1A; Class: X  Core 3: Ratio: 300-250/1A; Class: X; 40VA 1500/2.2, Class 1, Burden 150VA, Ratio: 300-250/1A; Class: X 30VA VK>=400v Provided with Matching Current Transformers’ at the lower CT ratio end at TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 55/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS Naeeja East end. 11 kV Neutral CT   11kV Side    TAMINI 11/0.415 KV ETx Ratio: 1500/1, Class-X (11kV REF) Ratio: 750/1, Class 5P10 (11kV SBEF) Phase CTs (in 11kV switchgear) Core 1: Ratio: 1500/1A; Class: 5P10, 10VA; (Diff. & LV REF Prot.) Core 2: Ratio: 1500/1A; Class: 5P10, 15VA; (TC OC) Core 3: Ratio:1500/1A;Class 5P10, 15VA; (Metering Directional O/C Prot.) Telemetry 1. The existing SCADA interface scheme & wiring remotely control and monitor the substation equipment from National control centre (NCC). After the installation of Transformers, End to end test from Equipment source to Control Centres (NCC) should be done to verify all Alarms, Controls, Measurements and Indication of the Transformer Bay. 2. Any new Alarms if required should be terminated in Telemetry Interface Panel (TDB) and same should be informed to KM SCADA team in advance for Database Amendment in NCC & to confirm the Utilization of the Spare Inputs for any Additional Signals/Inputs and same should be checked during end to end testing. 3. All SCADA As built drawings should be updated for new/additional signal requirements if any & the Copy of the Red Mark Up/As Built Drawings to be handed over to KM/Telecom. Any activity not mentioned above but necessary for the total completion of protection/ telemetry work shall be executed by the Contractor with no extra charge to KM. A3.9 CIVIL WORKS (Optional) If the transformer foundation is required to be modified the following works shall be included . a) Detailed site survey works at approved locations and prepare lay out drawings based on the site survey works condition for KM approval. b) Preparation of detail construction drawings including bar bending schedule. c) Dismantling works for modification of transformer foundation, cabletrenches, foundation of marshalling kiosk and neutral CTS. d) Construction/Modification of foundations and cable trenches to suit dimension of new transformer. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 56/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS e) Modification works for the following are also included such as; water proofing applications, cable trenches, foundation for earthing transformer, marshalling kiosk, neutral CT’s, (bund wall provision if they have enough space) oil sumpit etc. any modification works as per required for suitable erection of the brush transformer. f) Any other modifications that are required for succesful upgradation and proper maintenance shall be carried out by Contractor. g) In case required to dismantle temporarily the boundary walls, main gate or any parts of boundary walls, all dismantle materials should be store in a safe and proper location. h) Re-instatement of all works as per original site condition or better. NOTE:   The contractor shall provide complete works even if the equipment or services are not mentioned specifically herein. Reinstatement of all civil structures on same condition such as precast boundary wall panels, precast top beams, interlock tiles, electrically operational main gates, electrical wiring facilities, etc. any damages happen during the reinstatement of panel walls, main gates, lights, etc are Contractors responsibility. The specifications below are applicable for the civil works, as appropriate. A3.91 Earth & Rock Work General            The following activities as defined hereafter are covered under earth and rockwork. Clearing and grubbing Excavation of top soil Open cut excavation Backfilling Safety precaution during earthwork Mining or underground excavation (if required) Grading Replacement of material Trench excavation for service lines Embankments The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the ground conditions on the site including the nature of the strata to be excavated, obstructions, possibilities of dewatering, Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 57/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS flooding and similar and shall allow for all provisions necessary to carry out the work in the most suitable manner when submitting his tender. A3.92 Fill Materials All materials (new and recovered materials in the process of excavation) prior to filling shall be approved KM. They shall consist of Selected Fill & Ordinary Fill and/or a combination thereof, as categorized blow. The selected fill shall be used below and around structures. Ordinary fill shall be used for no built areas. Selected Fill           Well graded (uniformity index not less than 5), Non-cohesive and nearly silt-free (silt content not to exceed 5 %;), Salt free (content less than 3%), Soils free of organic matter (limit 2%). Does not contain decomposed or compressible materials. Free of stones larger than 5cm. Nature and character shall be such that it can be compacted to the specified densities in a reasonable length of time. Shall be free of highly plastic clays, Free of all materials subject to decay, decomposition or dissolution, Free of cinders or other materials which will corrode; piping or other metal. Ordinary Fill    Natural inorganic soils: salt content not exceeding 5%, Organic matter less than 3%. For other properties see under 'Selected fill'. A3.93 Existing Services Any buried services (i.e. pipes, cables, etc) that might interfere with the excavation profiles, irrespective of whether such structures are described in this Specification or not, shall be removed or otherwise handled as instructed by KM. Re-routing/reconstruction of existing services shall be done without additional cost and to KM satisfaction. A3.94 Protection of Existing Utilities and Services During construction the Contractor shall provide protection for existing utilities and services by his construction operations. Permanent protection of certain items, if any, shall be as included under other sections or as instructed by KM. In addition to the Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 58/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS requirements specified herein the Contractor shall comply with the following requirements:   A3.95 Use all necessary precaution and protective measures required to maintain existing utilities, services and appurtenances that must be kept in operation. The Contractor shall take adequate measures to prevent undermining of utilities and services presently in use. Protect existing and new utilities and services where required by the Contractor’s operations and/or as directed by KM. The Contractor shall be responsible for bracing and supporting utilities and services to prevent settlement, displacement or damage. Concrete Mixes a) General Description of Proportions and Mixing  For all concrete structures, micro silica (max. 10% of cement content) and epoxy coated rebars shall be used with addition of a corrosion inhibitor.  The mix proportions shall be determined by proper mix design based on the requirements for strength, workability and the particular site in which the concrete is to be placed. The mix design shall be carried out by the Contractor within the scope of this Contract. The design of mixes shall be based on the principles of QCS, BS 8110, Part 1 or DIN 1045.  Concrete aggregates and cement shall be proportioned and batched by weight. Water and liquid additives shall be proportioned. If the Contractor wishes to use cement in bulk, his method of obtaining the correct proportions of cement shall be approved by KM before use. b) Grades of Concrete The grade of concrete shall be designated by reference to its specified minimum crushing strength at 28 days and the maximum size of aggregate specified.    The concrete grades to be used in the Works shall be as follows: Reinforced concrete - Grade 40 Reinforced concrete in water retaining structures - Grade 35 Mass concrete - Grade 30 Blinding and filling - Grade 20 Evidence must be submitted to KM for each grade of concrete to be used showing that the proposed mix proportions and production methods will produce concrete of the required quality. The following information must be provided before a designed mix will be approved: 1. The nature and source of all materials 2. Proposed quantities of each ingredient per cubic metre of fully compacted concrete 3. Full details of tests on trial mixes. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 59/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS    Under no circumstances shall the water/cement ratio exceed 0.45. Permeability tests shall be carried out on 7 days old 75 mm dia cylindrical cores. 75 mm long, drilled from 150 mm concrete cubes in accordance with BS 1881 Part 122. Control limit is taken from the CONCRETE SOCIETY REPORT, Permeability Testing of Site Concrete, Nov. 1985 Low Permeability concrete absorption not greater than 3% The water content shall be defined as the free water in the aggregate (including absorbed water) plus the liquid component of any admixtures plus the quantity of water to be added. Total Permitted Salt Content in any Mix Type of Work Total acid soluble Chloride (as NaCl) (% by weight of cement) Total acid soluble Sulphate (as SO3) (% by weight of cement) Unreinforced Concrete SRC 0.15% 4% Reinforced Concrete OPC 0.30% 4% Mass Concrete 0.60% 4% The temperature of concrete shall not exceed 32C measured at discharge from the transport mixing truck. c) Grouting  The methods and programme for grouting under machinery beds, stanchion bases and similar shall be submitted for KAHRAMAA approval prior to carrying out any work.  All grouts such as special non-shrinkage mortar and concrete used in the works shall contain approved non-shrink agents, and shall be applied in full accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.  Epoxy resin grouts shall be specially formulated for the conditions under which they are proposed to be placed and for the loading to be transmitted. They shall be stored, mixed and used in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions.  The surface of the concrete shall be thoroughly scrabbled and all dirt, oil, grease and paint shall be removed from the surface of the base plates, which shall be in contact with the grout etc.  The concrete shall be thoroughly wetted for 12 hours before cementitious grout or mortar is placed.  Where a poured liquid grout is used, the grouting area shall be bounded by leak-proof vertical shuttering which shall be set with its upper edge at least Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 60/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS   A4. 25 mm above the underside of the base plate and giving at the same time at least 50 mm clearance around all edges of the plate. The grout shall be poured into the form from one side only so that it flows under the base plate expelling air before it. No air shall be entrained in the grout while mixing nor shall air be trapped under the base plate etc. while pouring. The finished level of the grout after pouring shall be at least 10 mm above the level of the underside of the base plate. To avoid crack formation and the subsequent moisture entry to the underside of the base plate, a groove shall be formed between base plate edge and grout which shall be filled with an approved sealant. TEST EQUIPMENT, TOOLS & MACHINERY a) The Contractor shall provide, operate & maintain all the necessary test and special equipment, tools and machinery that will be required to carry out the contractual works. b) All instruments and test equipment shall be ‘non-invasive’ to the object under test. They shall have safety features against shock risk emergency tripping & valid calibration certificates. The instruments and test equipment shall be operated by trained experienced & competent persons acceptable to KAHRAMAA. c) All Tools and Machinery shall be maintained in very good condition and as required for work to be carried out. d) Should there be failure or fault on the instruments, they shall be repaired or replaced such that there will be no interruption to the Project Execution Programme. e) The contractor is responsible to use professional quality tools of correct size and torque to remove bolted connections safely and reinstalling them without damage or over tightening. f) All test equipment shall have valid calibration certificates and the sticker issued by the independent testing agency pasted on the equipment. g) Availability of investigative/diagnostic test equipment shall be the contractors responsibility. A5. DETAILED ENGINEERING & DOCUMENTATION General a) All documents, i.e. Data, Inspection & test reports, Digital images, Daily Reports, Progress reports, Method Statements, Payment Certificates etc. submitted to KM shall be produced on a PC and a colour laser printer of commercial grade and of Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 61/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS adequate capacity which are run on the latest versions of software packages. The printed copies shall be submitted together with a soft copy. b) It is recommended that Technical document submittals for approval shall be segregated separately, as per the discipline so that they could be reviewed and processed fast track by the concerned sections of KM, i.e.; Substations, Cables, Protection, SCADA & Telemetry and Civil (as necessary). It is the Contractors responsibility to follow up, revise and seek approval of KM. c) All documents & digital images remain the property of KM and shall not be used, copied, disclosed or transmitted to external agencies or used for commercial purposes or to seek advantage during competitive bidding of contracts with other agencies & clients. Unauthorised publication, printing, reproduction and copying without the written consent of KM during the Contract period or any time thereafter are prohibited. The recorded material, negatives, originals and copies thereof remain the property of KM. They shall be returned to KM at the end of Contract. d) The Contractor is responsible to maintain digital images/photographs of all works carried out (before, during and after). It shall further be noted that Photography and video recording of KM installations other than contractors work are not permitted. e) Replacements, Modifications, New installations and additions to existing installations shall be entered as revisions to the existing ‘As Built Drawings’. In this regard, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all requirements in line with the specifications set forth by GIS Data Base Section of Electricity Network Affairs are complied fully without exceptions. Documentation with Tender (for Power Transformers) The Tender shall contain at least the following information and documents: a) General arrangement drawings, showing particulars of all associated equipment and accessories, their overall dimensions, shipping and lifting dimensions, mass of the complete transformers, their components, and oil, etc. as well as details about the required foundations. b) Schematic diagram of cooling system. c) Manufacturing specification of the proposed types of transformers and associated equipment. d) Reference lists of transformers of the same types as quoted, installed in similar climatic and service conditions. e) Detailed description of core assembly comprising: 1. Properties of materials used for the core and coil assembly, Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 62/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 2. 3. 4. 5. Core construction, Core clamps, Yoke/limb joints, Oil ducts. f) Detailed technical information on the coil assembly including the following: 1. Winding construction, 2. Wire preparation and insulation, 3. Inter-turn insulation, 4. Taps, 5. Coil clamping processing, 6. Detailed description of facilities and methods proposed for carrying out the test, 7. Descriptive catalogues and literature on the proposed types of transformers, protective relays and cooling systems. g) Type test certificates from an independent testing authority or independently witnessed; h) Quality Management System Manual and ISO Certificate of the equipment manufacturer. Other important documents to accompany the offer a) Contractor’s Project Organization identifying the key personnel supported with CVs, certificates of qualification and experience. b) Contract Execution Plan, highlighting the Milestones [Tentative] from mobilization to the end of target project completion. c) Method statement [Typical] including the disconnection, dismantling, transportation, handling of the equipment and associated components, erection, installation, assembly and commissioning of the transformer]. d) Deviations to Appendix A, if any, with justification. e) Any other related document as required by KM during the technical offer/clarifications. Operation and Maintenance Instruction Manuals a) Prior to the issue of the Certificate of Operational Responsibility, the Contractor shall forward to KAHRAMAA for its approval four (4) copies of Operation and Maintenance Instruction Manuals. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 63/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS b) After checking and approval by KAHRAMAA, the Contractor has to provide: - 3 sets hard copies - 3 sets in CD ROMs c) The Taking Over Certificate will not be issued until the required number of approved copies of the manuals has been provided by the Contractor. d) The Instruction manual's contents shall conform to the table of contents and be as complete and specific as possible. Documentation shall be specific to the materials and equipment supplied under the Contract. Nomenclature or reference to any one item shall be consistent throughout the manual. e) Use shall be made of drawings, diagrams, pictures or actual photographs when they add to the understanding and clarify the text. f) Precautions and warning relative to the safety of life and equipment shall be included. g) The operation and maintenance manuals and instructions shall be provided in plastic folders for each page/leaf. h) The instructions for operation shall be accurate and easy to understand and shall contain the sequence of individual manipulations required for operation. The information shall be prepared in such a manner that the contents can be also used for instructing untrained personnel in the operation of the control system and its components. i) The maintenance manuals shall contain a complete and accurate description of the equipment, its assembly and dismantling as well as of all components and a copy of the relevant test reports. An accurate list stating clearances, tolerances, temperatures, fits, etc. is required. j) The first page of each instruction manual section shall be a title page. One section shall be concerned with regular and preventive maintenance and shall indicate the inspections required at regular intervals, the inspection procedure, the routine for equipment calibration and adjustment, the regular safety checks and similar types. k) The method of binding, segregation of contents and number of volumes for each section of works shall be to the approval of KAHRAMAA. l) KAHRAMAA reserves the right to specify a uniform cover (loose-leaf folder) for all operating and maintenance instruction produced by the Contractor for individual equipment. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 64/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS As-Built Documentation a) After the completion of work on Site all installation documentation shall be revised where necessary to show the equipment as installed and three (3) copies of revised drawings shall be submitted to approval. b) A complete set of approved records shall be provided comprising, one full size reproducible copy using synthosil sheet and one full size print. These shall be endorsed "As-Built" and shall be correctly titled and carry KAHRAMAA's approval number, Contractor's drawing number and where appropriate KAHRAMAA's number allocated to the item. c) The Contractor shall use a commercially available IBM-PC compatible word processing and adequate graphic software to produce its as-built deliverable documentation. The Contractor shall also provide 8 (eight) sets magnetic media copy of documentation, e.g., CD-ROMs, including O&M manuals. The media copy shall be a clean copy containing only the final version of each document. d) As-built drawings, layouts, etc. for the existing installations which are to be modified under this Contract shall be revised by the Contractor to show correctly the existing and modified work to give a correct record of the complete as-built works. This may require the Contractor to produce a new base negative from which good quality copies can be taken (in accordance with the above requirements) if the original negative is not available or the original negative made available is of poor quality. e) These documents shall be deemed to form part of the works for the purpose of Taking Over of the works. f) The Contractor shall also provide free-of-charge any additional drawings and/or copies of any drawing required by KAHRAMAA. g) All drawings, samples and models shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions in the Schedules and shall become the property of KAHRAMAA. Procedure for Delivery of Some Documentation Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall submit the following documentation/information to KAHRAMAA for review and approval. a) Within 15 Days after Effective Date of the Contract  Detailed Contract Programme containing design, approval of design, ordering of materials, manufacture, shop testing, delivery, erection, site testing and commissioning. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 65/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS    Detailed list of documentation submittals with documentation classification plan. Detailed proposal of the Monthly Progress Report format. Contractor’s safety and security programme and other required documents. b) Before Beginning of Manufacture  Loading of foundations for all items of equipment to be supplied, and details of anchoring and supporting.  Detailed manufacture drawings/documentation and software designs with all important technical data, final assembly drawings, control schemes, block and circuit diagrams and giving full information about principle of operation, cabling and wiring diagrams.  RAL colour code for finish paint of equipment.  Detailed information (type, make, formula) of products employed to carry out the factory paints. c) During Manufacture  Monthly progress reports,  Certificate of inspections,  Certificate of tests, d) 90 Days Before Commencement of Commissioning  Detailed programme and site test proposal (commissioning tests).  Operating and Maintenance Instructions for approval. e) Before Taking Over  Spare parts storage instructions  Final commissioning report  Final operating and maintenance instructions  "As-built" drawings, magnetic media copy of as-built documentation (CD-ROM). A6. CONTRACTORS PROJECT ORGANISATION a) The Contractor shall establish the following organization structure, as per the Qualifications, Experience and Responsibilities detailed in Appendix E -Contractors Resources. b) The CV’s and complete details of the key personnel complying with the following requirements shall be submitted along with the offer. c) They shall have a good command in English language (speaking, reading & writing) and shall be above 21 years of age but, not more than 60 years old. A Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 66/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS general statement that the organization structure and the names of the persons would be made known to KM after the award is unacceptable. d) Engaging persons for site work who are not qualified or not related to the trade (examples, Clerks, Farmers, office staff etc.) or unskilled workmen are not allowed. e) During the Contract Period, the personnel approved by KM shall not leave State of Qatar on vacation or for any other purpose without prior approval of KAHRAMAA. If the duration outside State of Qatar is more than three consecutive working days, covering up duties of the concerned shall be arranged in advance acceptable to KM. A6.1 a) PROJECT ORGANISATION KEY PERSONNEL Project Manager/Engineer Minimum Qualifications:  B.Sc. Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized institution, university or college acceptable to KM.    Minimum Experience: A total of at least five (05) years’ experience in an Electrical Power Utility or Company as an Electrical Engineer in Transmission Substation Conversant with all aspects of safety with high voltage installations. Sound knowledge of International standards. Responsibilities:  Technical Presentation of compliance to KM safety procedures during the mobilisation period.  Attend progress meetings presided by KM.  Ensure that all works are in accordance with the Contract, Technical requirements etc.  Smooth administration of the contract,  Complete all works within the agreed period of time.  Carry out all works in accordance with the Contract, Technical requirements etc  Prevent damage to plant & equipment of KM occasioned by Contractor’s work.  Supervise subordinates work.  Prepare and submit Programme, progress reports, inspection reports.  Responsible for Security Passes for the Contractor’s Personnel  Implement KM Safety Procedures, Rules & regulations, and Quality Standards throughout the Contract. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 67/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS b) Safety Officer Minimum Qualifications:  Diploma in Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) from a recognised institution, university or college acceptable to KM. Note: It is mandatory that the candidate shall receive authorization from KM-HSE Department. Minimum Experience:  A total of at least eight (04) years’ experience as a Certified Safety Officer in an Electrical Power Utility or a Construction Company in a multi-national environment of personnel from various countries with multi-lingual and multi-cultural backgrounds and at various levels of skills. Responsibilities:  Safety of MAN & MACHINE shall be the TOP MOST priority at all times.  Ability of hazard study for Health, Fire, Safety, Environment and Risk assessment at work place.  Communicate effectively and accurately with all Contractors staff and with KM and ensure that the Contractors work is carried out in a safe environment with utmost priority assigned to human safety.  Conversant with KM Safety Rules & Regulations and the relevant Code of Practices to ensure safe and incident free work at site.  Ensure that the Contractors personnel who are required to be authorized to obtain KM Safety Documents are trained for strict compliance with KM Safety Rules.  Ensure that every single person involved in Transmission network activities understand and obey KM Safety Rules & Regulations and the relevant Code of Practices to ensure safe and incident free operations.  Conduct random on the spot safety checks including PPE of Contractors staff. c) Project Engineer (Substations)/ Lead Engineer In Charge Minimum Qualifications:  B.Sc. Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized institution, university or college acceptable to KM. Minimum Experience:  Appendix-A A total of at least four (04) years’ experience in an Electrical Power Utility or Company as an electrical engineer in Transmission Substation Construction, Operation and Maintenance TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 68/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS   Conversant with all aspects of safety with high voltage installations. Sound knowledge of International standards. Responsibilities:  Receive Safety documents of KM  Carry out all works at site in accordance with the Contract, Technical requirements etc.  Dismantle, Transport and installation of equipment including safety during handling and transportation of equipment.  Submit Programme, progress reports, inspection reports,  Prepare engineering drawings including modifications to existing as built drawings.  Attend progress meetings presided by KM.  Smooth administration of the contract,  Implement KM Safety Procedures, Rules & regulations, and Quality Standards.  Prevent damage to plant & equipment of KM.  Complete all works within the agreed period of time.  Study Record drawings and as built drawings.  Supervise subordinates work.  Testing and commissioning. d) Civil Engineer/Supervisor Minimum Qualifications:  B.Sc. Degree/Diploma in Civil Engineering or Building Services Engineering from a recognized institution, university or college acceptable to KM. Minimum Experience:  A total of at least four (04) years’ experience in Power Utility or Company as a Civil Engineer responsible for Transmission Substation Construction  Conversant with all aspects of safety with high voltage installations.  Sound knowledge of International standards. Responsibilities:  Prepare civil construction drawings for approval of KM  Receive Safety documents of KM  Prevent damage to plant & equipment of KM.  Complete all works within the agreed period of time.  Study Record drawings and as built drawings.  Supervise subordinates work. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 69/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS e) Testing/Protection/Telecom Engineer Minimum Qualifications:  B.Sc. Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from a recognized institution, university or college acceptable to KM. Minimum Experience:  A total of at least four (04) years’ experience in an Electrical Power Utility or Company as a Protection Engineer in Transmission Substation commissioning and Maintenance with sound knowledge in the Field of Power system Protection and Control circuitry  Conversant with all aspects of safety with high voltage installations.  Sound knowledge of International standards. Very Important: As the intended work is at a Live Substation, it is mandatory that the proposed Engineer shall appear for KM interview as part of KM Protection approval. Responsibilities:  Receive Safety documents of KM  Carry out all works at site in accordance with the Contract, Technical requirements etc.  Implement KM Safety Procedures, Rules & regulations, and Quality Standards.  Study Record drawings and as built drawings.  Modify/revise existing protection/telemetry scheme drawings to suit with the existing scenario.  Supervise subordinates work.  Testing and commissioning. f) Cable Jointer Minimum Qualifications:  A Trade Certificate of Competence issued by a jointing school acceptable to KM certifying his experience as an experienced 11 kV Cable Jointer of PILC & XLPE Cables Experience:  At least 5 years’ experience in 11 kV Cable jointing in a Power Utility or a Cable Contracting and/or Installation company. Duties:  Read and understand Engineering drawings, installation instructions  All activities related to 11 kV Cable laying, Jointing and Terminating. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 70/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS  g) Receive Safety documents of KM Substation Supervisor/Erector Minimum Qualifications:  Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized institution, university or college acceptable to KM or Minimum Experience:  Total experience not less than eight (08) years in Transmission Substation Construction, Operation and Maintenance.  Fully conversant with safety precautions and procedures for work in live environment.  Read and understand instructions, drawings and procedures set out in Operation & Maintenance Manuals. Duties:  Receive Safety documents of KM.  Strict implementation of KM Safety Procedures, Rules & regulations, and Quality Standards.  Read and understand installation instructions, record drawings.  Supervise subordinates work.  Carry out all Electrical and Civil works at site  Excavation & Backfilling  Prevent damage to plant & equipment of KM and of other utilities.  Complete all works within the agreed period of time.  Ensure Display boards, danger boards, road signs, warning lights etc are provided and work area secured day and night.  Testing and commissioning. h) Other positions not stated above which are required to achieve the project objective shall be included in the Project Organization Structure. Notes: 1. If any of the skilled & Semi skilled workmen engaged in the Project are not the direct employees of the Contractor, it shall be declared in their offer describing the arrangements made with the subcontractor for engaging labour. 2. Engaging unskilled workmen in the Contract is not allowed. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 71/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS A7. ASSESSMENT OF SITE PERSONNEL a) All the Contractor’s personnel shall be assessed, interviewed and trade tested. The assessment may take the form of a trade test and/or interview on the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. Knowledge of Safety Rules and Procedures of KM. Verification of Certificates. Competency, Skill and experience in the respective field of specialty. Knowledge of English language. b) Any assessment made of Contractor’s personnel during the evaluation of tender shall not entitle the Contractor from engaging such persons unless specifically authorized. The assessment may be a trade test and/or interview. The Contractor shall nominate fresh candidates if they fail to satisfy KM in the second attempt. c) It should further be noted that KM reserves the right to reject any or all persons found incompetent at any time during the Contract and the Contractor shall take immediate steps to replace such persons. A8. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA OF THE CONTRACTOR a) The Contractor is required to apply and implement the latest innovative technology and Engineering design standards. b) If any particular resource necessary for the Project is not available with the Contractor; for example, skilled and semi-skilled workmen, machinery, heavy lifting equipment, tools and test instruments, they shall be clearly declared in the offer describing the arrangements made with the subcontractor(s) including workmen compensation and all risks. c) The Contractor shall cover all local and overseas handling and transportation including all costs, Custom Duties, Taxes etc. d) All works and associated activities thereto shall be carried out by the Contractor, including supply of materials. The responsibility of KM will be limited to all forms of Approvals of Contractors resources & Materials, Issuance of Security Passes, Authorization of Contractors Personnel, Approval of Method Statement including Test Sheets and forms, Issuance of safety documents, Witnessing Tests and reenergisation. Handling Transformer oil and disposal shall be done by contractor strictly to HSE regulations. e) The Bidder/Contractor is required to amply demonstrate their capabilities particularly with respect to the following in their technical offer, i.e.: 1. Financial capability, 2. Experience of key personnel engaged in the work. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 72/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 3. Confirmation of availability of the personnel to be engaged immediately on the Contract, subject to approval of KAHRAMAA. 4. Availability of Tools, equipment, Test Instruments and storage facility, 5. Method Statements. 6. Execution Programme identifying milestones. A9. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE a) Bidder/Contractor is informed that KM holds Quality Management System Certificate; ISO 9001:2008. b) As KAHRAMAA is committed to continual improvement in all processes and raise performance standards while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements, the same degree of quality performance or better is expected from the Contractor. A10. MOBILIZATION a) The term Mobilisation means the act of preparing and organising resources by the Contractor to be actively engaged in the Contract. b) The award of Contract following an assessment of the Tender shall not imply approval in general to proceed with the work. The Contractor is fully responsible to obtain approval during the mobilization period and prior to commencement of work. c) Mobilization period allowed at the time of award is thirty (30) Calendar days from the ‘Effective Date of the Contract’. It shall include the following. 1. Acquisition/allocation of resources by the Contractor; i.e., Personnel, Machinery, tools & equipment. 2. Establishing the Project Organization and deploying key personnel approved by KM. 3. Project execution plan identifying the milestones. 4. Safety awareness and safety induction presentation by the Project Manager encompassing the commitment of the Contractor ensuring safety at work and in compliance with Safety Rules of KM. 5. Inspection of Contractors resources & facilities by KM. 6. Security passes for Contractors persons to enter KM Premises & substations. 7. Approval of ‘competent persons’ to receive safety documents. 8. Approval of Contractors materials. 9. Approval of outage Programme 10. Submission of method Statements, Test forms, Survey Report formats, Toolbox meeting form. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 73/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS A11. HANDING OVER REMAINING MATERIALS TO KM a) After the replacement of the transformers, the decommissioned/old transformers including the local control cabinet and associated components shall be transported to KM, Central Warehouse at Salwa Industrial Area. (Note: The Transformer components are intended to be used as spares for maintenance) b) Materials and components that have reusable value shall be returned to KM Central Stores with proper packing for long storage for future use. c) Items of no reusable value shall be deposited at KM scrap yard in Abu Hamour. The contractor is responsible to provide wooden palette and steel drums for transformer insulating used oil, including transporting and storing of these used oil at KM scrap yard in an appropriate manner. A12. SAFETY RULES a) All activities inside the substations shall be governed by KM Safety Rules and regulations. b) For the safety personnel, all equipment inside the substation shall be considered ‘live and energized’ even though some of the equipment may remain deenergized. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to caution their employees to remain alert about the dangers they are exposed to when inside a live substation. c) The Contractor shall nominate competent persons who shall appear before an Authorization Committee and obtain Authorization of KM to receive Safety Documents. The candidates who fail to obtain authorization in the second attempt shall be replaced. d) In order to carry out any work inside the substation, the Contractor shall first request a Safety Document which shall be issued by a Senior Authorized Person of KM against a ‘Method statement’ approved by KM. e) At any one time, only one safety document could be held by an Authorized person. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to present sufficient number of candidates for the authorization interview based on the work at hand and ensure that the work will proceed as per the approved Programme. A13. SAFETY AT WORK a) The safety of personnel is of highest importance. All equipment in the substation shall be treated as live and energised. Caution is required when working within close proximity to live equipment but, not in direct contact with them. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 74/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS b) At site workplace,(e.g. substation, KM store) contractor to sign & conduct daily toolbox meeting for the awareness of all manpower resources before start any work. c) Strict adherence to KM Safety Rules and the requirements of KM, HSE Department is mandatory. d) Smoking at the place of work is strictly prohibited. e) The Contractor shall be aware that a safety document issued by KM does not necessarily mean that the Contractors obligation on electrical safety has been fulfilled. It is, therefore, the Contractors responsibility to take all necessary measures against possible induced voltages, voltage transients, transferred potentials, or static voltage pick-ups on earthed equipment that may occur in the process of dismantling or reassembling as the work is involved in areas where the adjoining equipment and the substation earth is connected to the common grid. The Contractor must ensure that the personnel are working at a safe distance from live equipment to safeguard them against injury that may arise from consequential damage of live equipment during a fault. The risk shall be assessed and where necessary, suitable barriers shall be erected. f) The working area shall be cordoned off from live energized equipment with Caution/Danger/Men working sign boards displayed on all sides. The safety officer of the Contractor shall daily visit the site and ensure that the working area and the structure are safe for the workmen. Any incident, injury or a safety violation shall be immediately reported to KM followed by a detail incident report. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to discover, determine and also correct unsafe conditions while performing the work. g) All Contractors personnel including safety document holders shall carry Mobile Telephones for contact. A14. PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN a) The contractor is responsible to prepare the detail works programme on MS Projects or Primavera showing each stage of activity on a daily basis identifying Milestones and obtain prior approval of KM. Sufficient margin shall be allowed to take account of the following events and to compensate by assigning extra man hours as required. 1. Delays that may be uncounted when taking plant out of service, 2. Obtaining Safety Documents and work permits, 3. Mobilization, demobilisation and remobilization, as may be required depending on the Transmission System priorities and necessities. 4. Practical delays involved when complying with the standard operational and safety practices and procedures of KM, Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 75/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 5. Disruption and/or suspension of work arising from the network operational requirements and exigencies, 6. Difficulties and delays encountered with bad weather conditions, if any, 7. Variations encountered with local site conditions, 8. Deficiencies and unforeseen Conditions encountered. b) It is mandatory that the Contractor shall meet extra resources and complete all the works in advance should the system operational needs dictate the circumstances and demand to complete the work before the approved stipulated time period. c) There shall be no stoppage, suspension or delay of work. All activities shall be carried out in a pre-planned manner by deploying the resources and supported by approved method statements, check sheets, forms, security passes etc. d) The programme shall be drawn such that the outage for the removal of live equipment will be requested only upon satisfactory completion of tests of the existing equipment and confirming that there would be no problems faced by the Contractor. e) Provision shall be made by the Contractor to offer KM staff all assistance and unconditional access in the Contractors working area including immediate suspension of Contractors work in the event of an emergency. f) The award of Contract following an assessment of the Tender shall not imply approval in general to proceed with the work, instead it is the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain approval during the mobilization period and prior to commencement of work. A15. METHOD STATEMENT a) A method statement shall mean a detail step-by step procedure which shall receive prior approval of KM. The Contractor shall note that a ‘list of works’ to be done is not accepted by KM as a method statement. b) The method statement shall have a unique reference number. c) Contractor shall not request for the issuance of a safety document (LOA/PTW/SFT/ATRE) without surrendering a hard copy of the method statement. d) One copy of method statement shall be kept inside the substation for review/verification of the Contractor’s site work by KM Safety Audit & Quality Assurance Management team. e) Work methods/activities carried out not mentioned under approved method statement is unacceptable and shall be treated as rejected by KM. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 76/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS A16. PROGRESS MEETINGS a) There shall be regular progress meeting, which shall be presided by KM. The following persons shall attend the progress meeting.  Project Manager  Project Engineer (Substations) – Lead Engineer in Charge b) The decisions taken at the meeting is binding on the Contract. c) The minutes/notes of the meetings (MOM) shall be written by the Contractor and the draft submitted by email to KM nominated focal point by the next working day for review. The MOM shall be a precise brief record of what was discussed. A17. PROGRESS OF CONTRACT AND MONTHLY REPORT a) The Contractor is responsible to ensure that the work is executed on time as per the execution programme approved by KM. Should the Contractor anticipate a delay it should be brought to the notice of Manager, Transmission Department in writing giving reasons for delay. Acceptance or rejection of Contractors request for extension of time with corresponding revision of the execution programme is at the sole desertion of Manager, Transmission Department. b) At the end of each month the Contractor shall submit directly to Manager, Transmission Department a detail and accurate statement indicating the cumulative progress as a percentage of the total value of the Contract. A18. DEFECTS CLEARANCE AND WARRANTY a) Deficiencies of Contractors supplied equipment, activities & components which are considered ‘Major’ as noticed during commissioning and during warranty period shall be rectified immediately after taking the equipment out of service. Deficiencies which are ‘minor’ shall be included in the ‘Defects List’ to be attended according to an approved programme acceptable to KM. b) The equipment after energization, during reliability period of 30 days of operation and during warranty period, if any abnormality is evidenced as being occasioned by Contractors work, they shall be remedied/rectified immediately, strictly as per the requirements of KAHRAMAA. c) Immediately after energization and during the 30 days of reliability period of operation, Contractor shall obtain a Safety Document, LOA and inspect the equipment. Any abnormalities observed shall be reported immediately. d) During the warranty period Contractor’s shall be responsible at their own cost, for the following. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 77/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 1. During summer, beginning from 01 st April to 30th September visually inspect the Transformer as per the instructions of KM after obtaining an LOA. 2. After completion of one year, Contractor shall obtain an outage for visual inspection and also for tests to identify the defects which shall be rectified within the time frame specified and acceptable to KM. 3. Prior to the expiry of the Warranty Period, Contractor with KM representative shall conduct thorough visual inspection of the transformer to identify the defects which shall be rectified before the expiry of the warranty period. 4. Replacement of desiccant as necessary. 5. Electrical testing of the transformer may be repeated before end of warranty period depending upon KM decision at that stage. Note: Contractor shall carry out investigative and supplementary test immediately such defects arises affecting the operational condition and reliability of the transformer at their cost. A19. IDENTITY OF CONTRACTOR’S PERSONNEL For the purpose of identification, the Contractor's workmen shall wear the Personal Identity cards that display the name of employee & the name of the Contractor. A20. SECURITY PASSES TO ENTER SUBSTATIONS a) Unauthorized entry inside the substations without a valid Security Pass is PROHIBITED. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to apply in advance and obtain all passes including those necessary from other agencies to enter substations in restricted areas & industrial sites. b) It is mandatory that the applications (declaring the full name & profession) are supported with copies of valid Residence Permits in the State of Qatar, Qatar ID and photographs. KM shall not entertain any claims for idling time occasioned by the Contractor or show cause to have agreed to relax requirements or provide supporting documents to other agencies to expedite special requests of Contractor (submitting documents which names appears in initials only is unacceptable). c) The Contractor shall be responsible for the internal security of KM Installations within the limit of works and shall be liable for all damages from direct or otherwise due to his own activities. d) Upon the failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with any of the requirements set forth herein, KM shall have the authority to stop any operations of the Contractor until such time the conditions set forth are met or shortcomings Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 78/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS remedied. No part of the time lost due to stoppage shall be made the subject of a claim for extension of time or for increased costs or damages by the Contractor. e) All charges, fees, transportation and any other expenditure shall be borne by the Contractor. A21. ACCESS TO SITES It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to apply in advance and obtain all passes and other necessary documents for the intended work. At no time will KM entertain any claims for idling time occasioned by the Contractor. All charges, fees and any other expenditure shall be borne by the Contractor and such costs shall be deemed to have been included when computing unit prices. A22. WORKING HOURS The Contractor’s normal working hours for this Contract (except during the month of Ramadan) shall be the normal working hours of KM (6.30 AM to 2.30 PM, Sunday to Thursday). A23. WORKMANSHIP a) The workmanship of the Contractor shall be to the best engineering practices and in accordance with KM requirements and international standards. b) The Contractor shall be familiar with the proper handling and care of machinery, plants, tools and implements. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide good quality tools & equipment commensurate with the work in hand and obtain prior approval of KM for their use. The Contractor shall replace or replenish immediately any item that has been rejected by KM in such a manner that the work in hand will not suffer or cause any delay(s) in the completion of work on time. c) Upon the failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with any of the requirements set forth herein, KM shall have the authority to stop any operations of the Contractor until such time the conditions set forth are met or shortcomings remedied. No part of the time lost due to stoppage shall be made the subject of a claim for extension of time or for increased costs or damages by the Contractor. A24. DAMAGES TO SERVICES AND UTILITY INSTALLATIONS The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damages to existing services, plant and property occasioned by his operations. Any damages to services and utility installations (including those KAHRAMAA) shall be remedied or rectified by the Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 79/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS Contractor to the complete satisfaction of KAHRAMAA. Wherever remedial action or rectification is not possible the Contractor shall pay compensation to KAHRAMAA. A25. PRE- TENDERING SITE VISITS KAHRAMAA shall arrange pre-tendering site visits to specified Substations before the Bid Closing date which shall be attended by the prospective bidders. Queries, if any, shall be addressed in writing and shall be delivered by hand or by fax to Manager Transmission Department, 07 days prior to the closing date of offers. A26. DURATION OF CONTRACT a) The duration of Contract shall be TWENTY FOUR (24) MONTHS from the EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONTRACT including mobilization period. b) It should be noted that the actual site work is related to ‘system outages’ which is usually granted commencing from 01 November to 31 st March of the following year. Hence, the Contractor shall be prepared to commence site work from the first day of issuing PTW. c) In the event KM could not grant outage due to system needs to complete the Contract within the stipulated period, KM will grant an extension of time which the Contractor shall abide with no contractual claims and no change to the unit rates and total value of Contract. A27. WARRANTY PERIOD The Contractor shall offer TWO (2) YEARS warranty for the work carried out from the issue date of the issuance of Taking-Over Certificate. A28. TECHNICAL SCHEDULE The technical data shall be filled in the following technical schedule where applicable for new transformers. 66/11 kV, 25 MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS UNIT DATA Required Offered POWER TRANSFORMER 1 Manufacturer & Place of manufacturing Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 80/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 66/11 kV, 25 MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS UNIT DATA Required 2 Type designation 3 Type Two-winding three phase, oil immersed, core type IEC 60076-1, -2, -3, -5, -10, 60214 NEMA TR1 Outdoor 4 Standards 5 Mounting 6 Rated voltage ratio kV 66/11 7 Rated frequency Hz 50 8 Vector group 9 Cooling – 2-stage 10 Function of tertiary 11 Method of earthing HV winding LV winding 12 Offered YNd1 ONAN/ONAF NA Directly Solid via Earthing transformer Type (graded/non-graded) of windings HV winding LV winding Stabilizing winding Graded Non graded NA 13 Rated voltage of windings 14 15 16 - HV winding kV 66 - LV winding kV 11 - Stabilizing winding NA Highest voltage for equipment HV winding LV winding Stabilizing winding kV kV kV 72.5 12 NA Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage at: HV terminal LV terminal kV kV 325 75 Rated power frequency withstand voltage at HV terminal LV terminal kV kV 140 28 Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 81/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 66/11 kV, 25 MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS UNIT DATA 17 Rated power at site conditions (ONAF cooling) MVA Required 25 18 Rated power with ONAN cooling at site conditions MVA 20 19 Rated power at site conditions (OFAF) MVA NA 20 Rate power of tertiary at site conditions MVA N/A 21 Maximum temperature rise at rated power at: Windings Hot spot of windings Top oil Oil at inlet of cooler Oil at outlet of cooler Core and other metalic parts K K K K K K Temperature rise of winding due to short circuit duration of 2 s and: HV side short circuit current of 31.5kA LV side short circuit current of 40 kA K K 22 23 Maximum No-load losses at rated voltage and rated frequency (excluding auxiliary losses) 24 Maximum Load losses at 75C, and rated frequency: At ONAF Cooling rated power and principal tapping At ONAF Cooling rated power and maximum voltage ratio At ONAF Cooling rated power and minimum voltage ratio At ONAN rated power and principal tapping 25 Total auxiliary losses at full load 27 kW A/mm 2 - LV winding A/mm - Tapping A/mm 2 2 Symmetrical short circuit withstand current (2 s) at: HV terminals LV terminals kA kA Magnetizing current (HV winding) At 90% rated voltage At 100% rated voltage At 110% rated voltage A A A Appendix-A 55 68 50 kW Maximum current density at rated power: HV winding 26 Offered TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 82/91 31.5 40 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 66/11 kV, 25 MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS UNIT DATA Required 28 29 Maximum flux density in iron at rated voltage, power frequency and principal tapping at: Wound limbs Unwound limbs Yokes Shields T T T T Maximum flux density in iron at power frequency, principal tapping and 105% rated voltage at: Wound limbs Unwound limbs Yokes Shields T T T T 30 Type of tap changing 31 Manufacturer of on-load tap changer 32 Type designation of on-load tap changer 33 TC Type Test Certificate Yes 34 Tapped winding HV 35 Type of flux voltage variation 36 Tapping range 37 Tapping step 38 Number of steps 39 Arrangement of tappings (Linear, Coarse/Fine, Reversing) 40 Automatic voltage control Yes 41 Type and Make of AVR Relay NA 42 Impedance voltage range at 75C, rated frequency and ONAN cooling: - At principal tapping (negative tolerance in value from the specified value is not acceptable) At maximum voltage ratio Offered On-load Maintenance free vacuum type C.F.V.V +6% -10% 1.25% 17 10% At minimum voltage ratio 43 Resistance of winding at 75C and principal tapping: HV side /pha se LV side /pha se Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 83/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 66/11 kV, 25 MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS UNIT DATA Required 44 45 Terminal connection HV terminal LV terminal LV neutral terminal 46 Outdoor bushing Cable box insulation HV terminal LV terminal - Offered NA Compound-Filled Cable Box LV neutral terminal Isolating links for test purposes HV terminal LV terminal - NA Flexible Removable links NA LV neutral terminal 47 47.1 HV Bushing CTS - Current transformers (Refer Section A3.8 (Protection & Telemetry Works) for CT details) Number of cores Rated extended primary current Ratio (TR = turns ratio)     -     - - - A I core / II core III core IV core V core for winding temperature Indicator ( in Y phase only) Class I Core / II core III Core IV Core V Core Knee point voltage (Ek)  I core / II core  III Core  IV Core  V Core Exciting current (IE ) at Ek V V V V  I core / II core  III Core  IV Core  V Core Rated output (Burden to be 25-100% rated burden)  I core / II core Appendix-A mA mA mA mA VA TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 84/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 66/11 kV, 25 MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS UNIT DATA Required    47.2 LV - Side Number of cores Rated extended primary current Ratio (TR = turns ratio) 1 120%  - 47.3 A I core for Winding temperature indicators ( in Y phase only) Class -  I core Knee point voltage (Ek) -  I core Exciting current (IE ) at Ek - Offered III Core IV Core V Core N/A  I core Rated output (Burden to be 25-100% rated burden)  I core V N/A mA N/A VA LV Neutral cable box (LV REF): Ring type CT on neutral cable Number of cores Rated extended primary current Ratio  I Core  II core - Class YES 120% A  I Core  II Core Knee point voltage (Ek) -  I Core  II core - Exciting current at Ek V  I Core  II core - Rated output (Burden to be 25-100% rated burden)  I Core  II core **Note: Shall be checked with 11kV SWG rating/CTs mA VA N/A 48 Number of coolers per transformer 49 Number of stand-by coolers No. NA 50 Number of stand-by fans No. NA 51 Rating of each cooler kW 52 Oil Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 85/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 66/11 kV, 25 MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS UNIT DATA Required - Manufacturer Type designation - Type Test Certificate Standards Minimum flash point Viscosity -  at 20C  at 50C  at 80C Maximum dielectric strength for 1 min. Dielectric factor Oxidation Stability Acidity (neutralization value) - Offered Uninhibited mineral naphthenic oi Yes IEC 60296 C mm2/s mm2/s mm2/s kV mgKO H/g Yes Free of corrosive sulfur (as per IEC 62535) PCB, DBDS (dibenzyl disulphide), Antioxidant, passivator, metal deactivator and other additives. 53 Type of dehydrating breather Conventional type(The material of the container shall be glass make) 54 Types and arrangement of winding: HV winding LV winding Tapping Windings arrangement (i.e. core/LV/HV/Taps) 55 Conductor Material (e.g., copper, work hardened copper, etc.) HV windings LV windings Tapping windings 56 Conductor insulation: * thermally upgraded paper HV windings LV windings Tapping windings Connecting leads from winding to tap changer * Only for Underground S/S - 57 Calculated thermal time constant ONAN cooling ONAF cooling Appendix-A min min TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 86/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 66/11 kV, 25 MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS UNIT DATA Required 58 Oil circulation (i.e., natural/partially directed/directed) To the windings: HV windings LV windings Tapping windings Through the windings: HV windings LV windings Tapping windings 59 Core construction: Taped/banded/bolted limbs Taped/banded/bolted yokes Taping/banding material Number of limbs Number of limbs wound Type of joint in magnetic core (90% butt, overlap, mitre, etc.) Type of core steel Specific loss of core steel at 1.5 tesla W/kg Thickness of transformer tank Sides Bottom Top mm mm mm 60 61 Material of transformer tank 62 Thickness of radiator plates mm 63 Total volume of conservator Liters 64 Minimum volume of conservator between highest and lowest levels as percentage of total cold oil at 15C volume of transformer 65 Volumetric expansion of oil from 0 to 90C 66 Masses of transformer Core and coils Total mass excluded oil Oil mass  in tank  in radiators  total Total mass 7.5% m3 kg kg kg kg kg kg 67 Mass of transformer for transport (heaviest part) 68 Dimensions of transformer arranged for transport Appendix-A Offered kg TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 87/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS 66/11 kV, 25 MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS UNIT DATA Required m m m 69 Height Width Length Filling medium of transformer tank for shipment 70 Maximum noise level (To NEMA TR1) dB 71 Vibration test (Y/N) 72 Conservator vessel, radiators, fan grilles, control boxes or cubicles and pipework anticorrosion protection 73 Tank anticorrosion protection 74 Supply voltage for transformer auxiliaries V 415/ 240 AC 75 Control/Protection voltage V 110 DC 76 Manufacturer quality assurance According to ISO 9000, 9001, 9002, 9003 and 9004 Type test certificate to be issued by: Independent laboratory or independently witnessed type test certificate 77 78 Hot dip galvanized and painted DGA Test after temperature rise test at factory and after 6 months in service at site. - Jacking test - Oil leakage test Determination of capacitance and tan delta of bushings - Sweep Frequency response analysis test - Vacuum Deflection test - Pressure Deflection test - Check of External coating Appendix-A To NEMA TR1 Y Special Tests to be performed: - Dielectric test – Chopped wave lightning impulse - Dielectric test – Long duration AC (ACLD) - Measurement of zero-sequence impedance - Determination of sound levels Measurement of harmonics of no-load current Measurement of power of fan motors & oil pumps Determination of capacitance and tan delta of windings Measurement of insulation resistance of windings to and between windings. - Offered Yes Validity Yes Yes (T) No Yes (R) Yes (T) Yes (R) Yes (T) Yes (T) Yes (R) Yes (T) Yes (T) Yes (T) Yes (R) Yes (R) Yes (T) Yes (T) Yes (T) TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 88/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS A29. ANNEXURE 1: ITALTRAFO TRANSFORMER NAMEPLATE RATING Below is the nameplate rating for Italtrafo Transformers. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 89/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS A30. ANNEXURE 2: BRUSH TRANSFORMER NAMEPLATE RATING Below is the nameplate rating for Naeeja East Tx2 transformer. Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 90/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT GTC/741/2015 SUPPLY, REPLACEMENT, INSTALLATIONS AND COMMISSIONING OF NEW 66/11KV, TWO WINDINGS, 25 MVA TRANSFORMERS -The end of Appendix A- Appendix-A TENDER DOCUMENTS Scope of Work & Specification 91/91 ELECTRICITY NETWORK AFFAIRS TRANSMISSION DEPARTMENT
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