Apoc Eldar

March 21, 2018 | Author: GerritDamienVandenBosch | Category: Violence, Weaponry, Unrest, Armed Conflict, Nature



•THE ELDAR & DARK ELDAR ��-��-�··-�----�-�--��--·---����·� CRAFfWORLD ELDAR In an age long past, the Eldar ruled the stars. Now, however, they are a dying people. There is but one reason why a craftworld will go to war - to ensure the continued survival of their race. When a large-scale conflict looms, the Autarchs meet to form a war council and, if they anticipate a truly epic battle, they send word to other craftworlds and the Corsair fleets for assistance. The call to arms rings out to the distant Rangers and even the Harlequins of the Laughing God. Guided by the foresight of the Farseers, the Autarchs determine the precise course of action and military intervention required to ensure victory. Through this symbiosis, the Autarchs weave their warhosts into synchronised formations optimised for a devastating victory. ;&;»9nC?a: . . . Though their cultures and methods of war may be polar opposites. let alone reliable. spoils and thousands of slaves. squadrons of Razorwing Jetfighters and · Reaver Jetbikes streak past at head-height to scythe through their victims' necks with wickedly-bladed wings. Led by the godlike Avatar of Khaine. the craftworld Eldar and their dark cousins often make common cause to fight on the same side. Such is the way the Eldar ensure their future survival. Eldar Titans vaporise entire formations. but by using surprise and speed to assault swiftly and then withdraw. . they darken the skies with their bladed craft. moving with a grace that belies their size. even as Dark Olympiads and the mutated aberrations of the Haemonculi covens close in for the kill. falling upon unwary populations with nightmarish speed and gleeful sadism. formations of Aspect Warriors and ghost warriors engage the enemy directly. slowly bleeding their foe dry. As their prey reel from such an unexpected assault. DARK ELDAR Unlike their brethren of the craftworlds. When the kabals of Commorragh gather en masse. In this way. Yet with such enigmatic beings. even as arrow-swift Windrider Hosts and grav­ tank formations appear seemingly from nowhere to seal their fate. ' .The craftworld armies excel at combining the inherent specialities of their component parts. raiding parties of the Dark Eldar can only be united by the promise of power. Meanwhile. the Dark Eldar are never gathered in a single place for an enemy to counter-attack. it is all but impossible to tell if such alliances are mutual and reciprocal. Dark Eldar raiding forces work not by attacking the enemy head on. sacrificing lesser races upon the bloodied altar of a more promising future . A favoured tactic is to utilise arterial webway portals to strike in overwhelming force from the back of Raiders and Venoms. which leaves them free to attack where their foes are weakest. SPECIAL RULES : Deep Strike. but instead specialise in low-altitude flight. FORMATION RESTRICTIONS None. Cloudstrike Squadron pilots supercharge their pulse lasers whilst hidden in this way.E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� CLOUD STRIKE S QUADRON Cloudstrike Squadrons are famous for their stealth and their lethalfusillades of heavy weapons fire. Though this reduces the lifespan of the Falcon's armament. Their pilots hide their Falcon grav-tanks amongst the clouds. the devastation caused by a diving Cloudstrike Squadron speaks volumes about the tactic's efficacy. • . Cloudstrike. A Cloudstrike Squadron's target will often meet its doom even before it realises that it is under threat. seamlessly blending the holo fields of their vehicles with the skies above. the better to destroy enemy armour when they finally reveal themselves. for these formations do notfight as normal grav-tanks. 3-5 Falcons Supercharged. On the field of battle.• ' • E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� FARSEER C OUNCIL • • Eldar Farseer Councils have altered history to better suit the needs of their race on countless occasions. . this potent alliance ofpsykers is a force to be reckoned with. for each Farseer wields the power to crush an enemy's mind with a gesture or to fling an armoured transport into the air with a pulse of thought. ' As he is an Eldar Farseer. Eldrad Ulthran may be selected as one of the formation's Farseers. All mPmhPr<: nf thP Pnr<:PPr rn11nril nrP nrmPrl 1 nith nc::nrhirnll11 rP<:nnnnt <:nPnrc:: nnrl PSYCHIC CHOIR POWER 5-10 Farseers The Deathly Skein Warp Charge 3 SPECIAL RULES: Foresee Peril. FORMATION RESTRICTIONS None. the Avatar is virtually unstoppable. Lords FO RMATION RESTRICTIONS None. SPECIAL RULES: All 6 Phoenix The Fury of Khaine. • . When fuelled by such mighty essences.' ' E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� THE PH OENIX C O URT OF KHAINE • • The ritual that awakens an Avatar of Kaela Mensha Khaine costs an invaluable Eldar life. However. Each of the Phoenix Lords infuses the living statue with the energy of one of the souls forming their own consciousness. there is a legend that the Phoenix Lords can instead rouse him if they combine all their powers. slender and graceful for all of its colossal size. Tall. War machines ofsuch size are reservedfor the heaviest of. built around a powerful psychic wraithbone core which permits the spirits contained within to flow freely through the Titan to guide the machine and its steersman pilot. it is agile when compared to the lumbering behemoths of the Imperium. enormous pulsars and distortion cannons able to sunder the mightiestfortifications theirfoes can devise.fighting when the Eldar wish to wreak terrible destruction upon their enemies.· - • The Phantom Titan is the largest of the Eldar Titans. The Phantom carries some of the Eldar's largest and deadliest weaponry. Each of these mighty Titans is the pinnacle ofEldar warcraft.• E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� PHANTOM TITAN • • • ))) -- � ' f_( ( • :�( =. . Eldar Titan Holo-fields.• E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� PHANTOM TITAN • OM TITAN WS BS 3 4 2 .Phantom close combat weapon with twin-linked Phantom starcannon (maximum of one per Titan) • May replace carapace-mounted Phantom starcannon with a pulse laser free .Phantom pulsar . 5 00 points Armour S F S R I A HP 10 13 13 11 3 3 24 WARGEAR: • • • • • Phantom cloudburst missile launcher Phantom missile launcher Unit Type: Super-heavy Walker Unit Composition: 1 Phantom Titan SPECIAL RULES: Agile.Phantom D-cannon • . Carapace-mounted Phantom starcannon OPTIONS: • Must choose two weapons from the following: . ' free . but the Revenant moves with a swiftness and smoothness that beggars belief This lithe Titan mounts powerful jump jets on its broad shoulders and narrow waist.• E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� REVENANT TITAN All Eldar Titans are agile and graceful. Despite its uncanny speed. Eldar Titan Holo-fields. the Revenant's primary defence is the image-distorting holo-fields that nrniPr't frnm itc: rPnr 1ninn VPt it ic: thP RPnPnnnt'c: nffpn c:inP r'nnnhilih1 thnt mnkPc: it c:n • • • • 9 0 0 points REVENANT TITAN Armour Unit Type: Super-heavy Walker Unit Composition: 1 Revenant Titan WARGEAR: • • Two pulsars Revenant missile launcher OPTIONS: • May replace both pulsars with sonic lances SPECIAL RULES: Agile. Jump Jets . allowing it to move in a series of drifting leaps. Squadrons ofFire Prisms take their namefrom the legendary Sunstorm called down by the father of all Eldar gods. SPECIAL RULES: The Sunstorm. who rearranged the suns themselves so that their constellations heralded a time ofgalactic ill omen. • . With the speed of thought. and with a mighty barrage of solarflares he destroyed his foes outright. it could scar the surface of a distant moon with its firepower. however. It is said that should a Sunstorm Squadron be of sufficient size. Asuryan.E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� SUNSTORM S QUADRON Each Fire Prism grav-tank is a graceful predator in its own right. When the fury of its prism cannon is focused through the power crystals of others of its kind. 3-5 Fire Prisms FO RMATION RESTRICTIONS None. Asuryan then harnessed the power of the outraged stars he had controlled. it has the power to fire a laser beam of extreme and devastating force. ·-� 1 Autarch --- 3+ units. SPECIAL RULES: Scout.from the following: Farseer 2 Windrider Jetbike Squads Warlock Council 1 Vyper Squadron Windrider Jetbike Squad Vyper Squadron FORMATION RESTRICTIONS All characters in the formation must have jetbikes.------. • tt: -- . Nowhere is this epitomised more than in the Windrider hosts.�-.. With each arcing pass.E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� WINDRID ER H O S T The Eldar way of warfocuses on speed and the overwhelming concentration offorce. the host's Autarch orders his warriors to target enemy transports and outriders. in any combination.. Made up of some of the fastest single-pilot vehicles in the galaxy.--.focusing their shuriken fire into volleys so thick they shred infantry and vehicles alike. Tornado of Blades. a Windrider host can strike without warning before swiftly evading any counter-attack.-. This tactic leaves the foe immobilised and disorganised so that the rest of the Eldar army can close in for the kill. �-------. glory-seeking warriors. The most famed Windrider hosts come from the Wild Rider clans ofSaim-Hann ­ flights ofred-sheened Jetbikes and Vypers piloted by skilled. each of its weapons slaved to a different vengeful will. if only for a short time. 'The torments of the flesh are petty concerns as measured by tortures of the soul. A Wraithknight with several spirits inside can operate at blurring speed. SPECIAL RULES: 3-5 Wraithknights FORMATION RESTRICTIONS None. Dreamwalk.E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� WRAITHKNIGHT D REAMWALKER S QUAD • The Wraithknights in each Dream walker Squad are psychically attuned to one another. able to transfer their animating conciousnesses to one another's chassis by a process loosely translatable as 'dreamwalking'.' • . � � ---. .D A R K E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� CARNIVAL OF PAIN JOrwara witn macaore grace to cLaim a tztne . . SPECIAL RULES: Pain Amplifiers.rom tne living ptunaer.� 1 Haemonculus Ancient -- O+ units of Wracks O+ units of Grotesques 3+ Tal os or Cronos (in any or Urien Rakarth O+ Haemonculi combination) FORMATION RESTRICTIONS None. Accordingly. much valued by its masters as a work of insane genius.l:!.-------�� --. the Master Haemonculus leading the expedition equips his lethal toys with broad-spectrum pain amplifiers that not only induce agony in the enemy but also nourish and invigorate the Dark Eldar nearby..tacn 1 atos ana Cronos in the Carnival is a dark triumph unto itself.---.. • -i .�. .�. Only the finest of �tim1 1 lnnt� nnrl �tPrnirl� nrP 1 / �Prl h11 thP nPrfnrmPr� fnr thPir nrnnrl finnlP nnrl thP � � ---..-------�� --.D A R K E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� D ARK O LYMPIAD The three-year build up to a Dark Olympiad consists of a gruelling program of gladiatorial contests. • -- -i . Orgy of Scarlet. During the Olympiad's finale. The Grand Finale.---. . SPECIAL RULES : Frenzied Beasts. and Wych Cult and audience alike are invited to pour out into the realm of mortals to bathe in an orgy of killing. a major realspace portal is opened in the centre of the gladiatorial arena.� 1 Succubus or 1+ units of Hellions O+ units of Beastmasters 1+ units of Reavers Lelith Hesperax O+ units of Hekatrix Bloodbrides 2+ units of Wyches FO RMATION RESTRICTIONS None. • -i .-------�� --..�. for the Dark City survives only through the suffering ofothers. falling upon its victims with overwhelming firepower before disembarking to begin the killing at close quarters.. Though such raids are usually comprised only of those in high favour.D A R K E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� KABALITE WEB STRIKE The Kabals of the Dark Eldar would swiftly fade into nothingness without the slaves and captives seized in each realspace raid.---.� 1 Archon . SPECIAL RULES: Arterial Strike. Arterial Webway Portal. The Kabal will then descend at breakneck speed.... Such an attack will scream out of a webway portal without warning. � � ---. its arrow-swift grav-craft breaching reality with such speed that their victims stagger backwards in disarray. .. O+ units of Kabalite Trueborn -- 2 + units of Kabalite Warriors 1+ Ravager 1 + units of Incubi FORMATION RESTRICTIONS The formation's Infantry units must begin the game embarked in Raider or Venom Transports . anArchon will occasionally wish to gamble his entire power base on the slaughter and pillage of a preselected target in order to prove his might beyond all doubt.. These aerial hunting packs employ a technique called 'shadow dancing' to preserve themselves from the worst of incoming fire. 3-5 Ravagers FO RMATION RESTRICTIONS None. flying perilously close to the ground. Shadow Ray. 'The deviant mind is oft hosted in a body unblemished. skirting between trees and using the c:: ilhnHPttPc:: nf PnPm11 nPhirlPc:: tn mnc:: k thPir nnnrnnrh nnr>P thP nnrk hnc:: rlnc::Prl tn SPECIAL RULES : Shadow Dancing.' • .D A R K E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� RAVAGER TITAN HUNTERS The strike forces ofCommorraghfield elite Ravager crews to locate and neutralise enemy Titans ahead of the main assault. To bisect a pre­ selected enemy officerfrom scalp to groin is seen as a true feat of skill by these Razorwing pilots. Anyone caught by their fields will be treated to the cleanest death the Dark Eldar have to offer.fiying in the face of the direst threats the enemy can bring to the field. As they approach the enemy. When these masters of aerial combat gather. 3-5 Razorwing Jetfighters FO RMATION RESTRICTIONS None. • . these pilots turn their craft so that their wings are perpendicular to the ground. especially if the monoscythe field happens to dismember several of the victim's men in the process. they will customise their jetfighters.D A R K E L DAR plrm -� - � - � o-ra� SICKLE S QUADRO N The most wealthy and ostentatious Razorwing pilots compete with each other during prestigious realspace raids. SPECIAL RULES: Sicklewing Fields. installing generators along the sicklewings of their craft so that monoscythe fields project as horizontal blades offorce.
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