March 21, 2018 | Author: Mahmoud_Saif_B_5617 | Category: Antenna (Radio), Parameter (Computer Programming), Accuracy And Precision, Decibel, Portable Document Format



Ref : APL-UM-001 Antenna Pattern LibraryRADIOCOMMUNICATION BUREAU Version : 1.1.7 Author : T.Filipova Dept./Div. : IAP/STS Date : 2007-05-28 Antenna Patterns Reference Manual Abstract • Participants • Point of contact • • [email protected] Related document STS division The document contains the description of antennas from the standard antenna pattern library (APL_Std). International Telecommunication Union Place des Nations  CH-1211 Geneva 20  Switzerland  www.itu.int Ref. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD Issue V1 Draft 1 V2 1.0.0 V3 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2 Date 2003-07-08 2004-06-14 2004-10-05 2005-03-22 2005-06-09 2005-08-02 2005-10-14 Change Description Initial Draft Pattern APEUSA211V01 is added. Patterns mapping (old names -> APL names) is changed. Misprint in APERR_002V01 formula is corrected. Patterns APERR_017V01 and APERR_018V01 are added. References and description of patterns APERR_002V01 and APEREC015V01 are updated. Typo in APENST803V01 : for D/λ<100, changed –10 – 10 log (D/λ) into 10 – 10 log (D/λ) Typo in APERR_008V01: "-1" in the range from 1.28 .. 3.22 has been removed. MODRES reference has been added for APERR_007V01. Pattern APENST807V01 is added. AP8 reference has been added for APERR_001V01. REC-465-5 reference has been added for APEREC013V01. REC-580-6 reference has been added for APEREC015V01. ABCDphi1 reference has been added for APENST807V01. ND-EARTH reference has been added for APEND_099V01. ND-SPACE reference has been added for APSND_499V01. Patterns APERR_019V01, APEREC020V01, APSREC407V01 and APSREC408V01 are added. G1 for pattern APERR_019V01 is changed. REC-465-3 reference has been added for APEREC003V01. REC-580-2 reference has been added for APEREC004V01. 1.1.3 2006-07-11 1.1.4 2006-10-20 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 2007-01-19 2007-01-30 2007-05-28 APLUM_001.PDF 2/ 112 Ref. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1 Definitions Antenna patterns are mathematical functions calculating antenna gain for off-axis angle in the direction of interest. An antenna can be an Earth station antenna (in his document can be referred as “Earth antenna”) or Space station antenna (in his document can be referred as “Space antenna”). Some antenna pattern definitions come from ITU publications: Radio Regulations, Recommendations, Rules of Procedures. Other antenna patterns are supplied by Administrations. This division by the source is reflected in the name of a pattern and maintained in the structure of the document. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide complete information about antenna patterns from the standard APL_Std.dll library and to describe each antenna pattern according to a common application interface, defined in Application Interface Programming Manual, APL-UM-002v1, Draft 1, 2003-07-08. This document corresponds to version of APL_Std.dll. 1.3 AP APL BR DLL ITU REC RR Abbreviations Antenna Pattern Antenna Pattern Library Radiocommunication Bureau Dynamically Linked Library International Telecommunication Union Recommendation Radio Regulations 1.4 Referenced documents Year Version Description 2003 2001 1998 2002 1993 1990 1997 2003 1994 1990 1993 1990 1 0 4 6 5 2 5 3 ITU Radio Regulations, Volumes 1 & 2, Articles & Appendices, Geneva. ITU Radio Regulations, Volumes 1 & 2, Articles & Appendices, Geneva. ITU Radio Regulations, Volumes 1 & 2, Articles & Appendices, Geneva. ITU Rules of Procedure. Recommendation ITU-R IS.847-1. Recommendation ITU-R M.694-0. Recommendation ITU-R S.672-4. Recommendation ITU-R S.580-6. Recommendation ITU-R S.580-5. Recommendation ITU-R S.580-2. Recommendation ITU-R S.465-5. Recommendation ITU-R S.465-3. APLUM_001.PDF 3/ 112 Reference RR-2003 RR-2001 RR-1998 ROP-2002 REC-847 REC-694 REC-672 REC-580-6 REC-580-5 REC-580-2 REC-465-5 REC-465-3 with a brief description of the purpose of the project and provides the reader with the “reading tools” (list of acronyms. 1997 0 Recommendation ITU-R BO. Section 2 gives a brief definition of antenna patterns.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Year Version Description 2000 0 Recommendation ITU-R SM.1428-1. 1997 0 Recommendation ITU-R BO.1448-0. references and so on). Section 5 provides a detailed description of Non Standard (NST) antenna patterns (Earth and Space).1295-0. APLUM_001.PDF 4/ 112 . 1. Section 4 provides a detailed description of Standard (STD) antenna patterns (Earth and Space). 1995 0 Recommendation ITU-R BO. 1. Section 6 provides a detailed description of antenna patterns supplied by Administrations (ADM) (Earth and Space). Section 3 contains some preliminary remarks. : APL-UM-001 Reference REC-1448 REC-1445 REC-1428 REC-1296 REC-1295 REC-1213 Version : 1.99792458x108 m/s. 2000 0 Recommendation ITU-R BO. 2001 1 Recommendation ITU-R S.1445-0. which help to understand antenna pattern descriptions.1.1296-0.1213-0.5 Constants The exact value for the speed of light used for calculation of wavelength from frequency and vice versa is the following: 2.6 Overview of the document This document is organised as follows: Section 1 (this section) contains the introduction.Ref. MOD13FRX 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 1 APERR_001V01 Earth 2 APERR_002V01 Earth 3 APEREC003V01 Earth 4 APEREC004V01 Earth 5 APEREC005V01 Earth 6 APERR_006V01 7 APERR_007V01 8 APERR_008V01 9 APERR_009V01 10 APERR_010V01 Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Transmitting Receiving and Transmitting 13 APEREC013V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting 14 APEREC014V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting 15 APEREC015V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting 17 APERR_017V01 Earth Receiving 18 APERR_018V01 Earth Receiving 19 APERR_019V01 Earth Receiving 20 APERR_020V01 Earth Receiving 99 APEND_099V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting 401 APSRR_401V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting 402 APSRR_402V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting 403 APSRR_403V01 Space Receiving 404 APSRR_404V01 Space Receiving 405 APSRR_405V01 Space Transmitting 406 APSRR_406V01 Space Transmitting 407 APSREC407V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting 11 APERR_011V01 Earth 12 APERR_012V01 Earth STD STD STD STD STD R13RSS MODRSS R13TSS MOD13FRTSS - 57 59 61 63 65 APLUM_001. AP8 STD AP30B 14 STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD STD REC-465.1. AP29. AP30F10X AP30BF2. MODTES R2TES AP7 REC-465-5 REC-580-6 ND-EARTH AP30BF1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 2. AP30F9X MOD13FR.Ref. AP30AFBX AP30AFBP AP30F9. AP29 AP28.PDF 5/ 112 . : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.ANTENNA PATTERNS SUMMARY Name Earth/ Space Receiving/ Transmitting Receiving and Transmitting Receiving and Transmitting Receiving and Transmitting Receiving and Transmitting Receiving and Transmitting Receiving Receiving Receiving Transmitting Transmitting STD/ Gims Page in NST/ Mspace Pattern Pattern this Manual ADM STD AP28. REC465-3 REC-580. REC-580-2 REC-694 REC-1213 R2RES R13TES REC-1295. 12 APPDX29. AP30AFCX AP30AFB. AP30F11X. REC580-2 R13RES MODRES R2RES R13TES MODTES R2TES AP7 REC-465-5 REC-580-6 ND-EARTH R123SS R123FR REC-465. REC-465-3 REC-580. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.1. RADSAT3X - NST NST ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM DBL-TYP1.Ref. DBLTYP2 DBLTVROC0001 DBLTVROI0001 MIX1 MIX2 BIFROST-TES1 BIFROST-TES2 BIFROST-TES3 BIFROST-RES RADTSS BIFROST-SS1 BIFROST-SS2 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 Receiving Receiving Receiving and Transmitting 205 APELUX205V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting 207 APENOR207V01 Earth Transmitting 208 APENOR208V01 Earth Transmitting 209 APENOR209V01 Earth Transmitting 210 APENOR210V01 Earth Receiving 211 APEUSA211V01 Earth Transmitting 601 APSF__601V01 Space Transmitting 605 APSNOR605V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting 606 APSNOR606V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting APLUM_001. A-25*LOG(FI) ABCDphi1 RADSAT3.PDF 6/ 112 .7 STD/ NST/ Mspace Pattern ADM STD STD NST NST NST NST NST NST ND-SPACE AP30B - Date : 2007-05-28 Name Earth/ Space Receiving/ Transmitting Gims Pattern Page in this Manual 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 408 APSREC408V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting 499 APSND_499V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting 801 APENST801V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting 802 APENST802V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting 803 APENST803V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting 804 APENST804V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting 805 APENST805V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting 806 APENST806V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting 807 APENST807V01 Earth 899 APENST899V01 Earth 201 APELUX201V01 Earth 202 APELUX202V01 Earth 203 APELUX203V01 Earth 204 APELUX204V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Receiving and Transmitting Transmitting ND-SPACE A-B*LOG(FI) NN25LOG(FI). Relative Gain: Indicates if the pattern specification allows to calculate relative antenna gain (apart from absolute gain). (1 letter) <origin> is the origin of the pattern definition. Pattern names have the following convention: AP<type><origin><pattern-number>V<version-number>. Start Date: Start validity date for this pattern. (3 digits) <version-number> is a version of the pattern definition. Fast Roll-Off antenna. Region 2. Region 3: Radiocommunications Regions (as defined in RR-2001. where this pattern is used. Region 1.) Has the following convention: RR_ Standard Pattern from Radio Regulations REC Standard Pattern from Recommendation NST Non Standard Pattern ND_ Non-directional Pattern Or Administration code: F__ LUX NOR • • <pattern-number> is a unique number identifying the pattern. Description: Brief description of the pattern as provided in the pattern properties in APL_Std.dll.7 Date : 2007-05-28 3.1. Obsolete Pattern Names/Options: List of obsolete names and options for this pattern as used by different BR software components. All letters are capital. (2 digits) 3. End Date: End validity date for this pattern. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. Type: Type of antenna.Ref. Cross Polar Gain: Indicates if the pattern specification contains cross-polar component definition. article 5).2 Structure Each antenna pattern description has the following structure: ID: Pattern unique number (also presented in the pattern name). where • • <type> is E for earth antennas or S for space antennas.GENERAL REMARKS 3.1. including: Earth or Space antenna. (3 letters. APLUM_001. Name: Name of the pattern according to pattern naming convention in 3.PDF 7/ 112 . Receiving and/or Transmitting antenna.1 Pattern naming conventions Pattern names are composed of 12 characters: letters and digits. Underscores are added where necessary. meters.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Version: Last version of the pattern including: major version number. degrees. minor version number and revision number. Gmin is the co-polar gain at the off-axis angle ϕ. degrees. is the gain of the back lobe (back constant part). If it is provided. is the start angle of the back lobe (back constant part). is the antenna diameter. Phi b G1. is the gain of the first side lobe (plateau constant part). dB. Example: Example of the pattern corresponding to some value(s) of input parameter(s). Phi m ϕr. Bmin ϕm. not used and a warning is generated. Pattern Input Parameters: Specification of the pattern input parameters as defined in the APL Standard library: REQUIRED: parameter is required. dB. Revision date: Last revision date for this pattern. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. Gx Gmax. See Note below. dB. degrees. meters.PDF 8/ 112 . is the wavelength. See 3. it is not validated. Low Level Validation Rules: Validation rules (restrictions on input parameters) specific for this pattern that shall be checked before antenna pattern gain calculations. is the start angle of the near side lobe (logarithmic part). lambda η Bmin. degrees. degrees. is the start angle of the first side lobe (plateau constant part). log is a base 10 logarithmic function. NOVALUE: parameter is not required. is the half-power beamwidth. is the beamlet. are parameters describing the near side lobe (logarithmic part). Cross-polar component: Mathematical description of the cross-polar pattern component if defined for this pattern. is the cross-polar gain at the off-axis angle ϕ.5.Ref. APLUM_001. Note: There are 2 particular cases when a parameter is optional: for earth patterns Specific and for space patterns GainMax. is the off-axis angle referred to the main lobe. Gmax ϕ. both in dB. Phi0 D λ. If Specific is optional and it is provided. If it is not provided an error is generated. dB.1. GainMax is optional for space patterns. Pattern Information: Information about pattern extracted from the referenced documents including conditions for which this pattern is defined and when it is used. CoefB Gmin. References: All referenced documents containing the pattern specification. Co-polar component: Mathematical description of the co-polar pattern component as defined in the referenced documents and implemented in the APL Standard Library. is the maximum co-polar gain. dB. Phi r ϕb. is the antenna efficiency. degrees. OPTIONAL: parameter value can be provided or NOVALUE can be input. G1 CoefA. it allows to get intermediate gain calculation results as output. a space pattern calculates the relative gain for GainMax = NOVALUE and the absolute gain for any other GainMax. The following notations are used: G Gx. Phi ϕo. Specific Parameters Structure Size: Size of the structure containing specific pattern parameters. 3.0 .1.44 – 10 log a – 10 log b where a and b are the angles (in degrees) subtended at the satellite by the major and minor axes of the elliptical cross-section of the beam. Efficiency and Specific. Phi0. Space station antenna patterns: The following input parameters are defined as standard for the APL calling interface for Space station antenna patterns: GainMax. A particular Earth station antenna is described by the following parameters: GainMax. CoefA. Beamlet. Phi0. Phi1 are not standard parameters and can be passed to routines as fields of Specific parameters structure. APLUM_001. Phi. CoefD. A particular Space station antenna is described by the following parameters: GainMax. The antenna gain is calculated for Phi. Phi0 must fulfil the condition: a ≤ ϕ0 ≤ b. It includes check on presence of required parameters and check of top level validation limits for each provided parameter.1.3 Input of antenna patterns Meaning Maximum antenna gain Beamlet for fast roll-off space antennas Diameter of an earth antenna Frequency for which a gain is calculated Efficiency of an earth antenna List of additional pattern specific parameters Angle for which a gain is calculated Cross-sectional half-power beamwidth Units dB Degrees Meters MHz 0. Top level of the interface: common to all the antenna patterns 2. Beamlet and Specific.0 Parameter type double precision double precision double precision double precision double precision specific structure Degrees double precision Degrees double precision Pattern type Earth/Space Space Earth Earth Earth Earth/Space Earth/Space Earth/Space Name GainMax Beamlet Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 Earth station antenna patterns: The following input parameters are defined as standard for the APL calling interface for Earth station antenna patterns: GainMax. Low level: specific to each antenna pattern The top level validation shall perform a generic verification of the parameters common for all patterns. Phi0.PDF 9/ 112 . : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. CoefC. CoefB.1 Input parameters top level validation The validation of antenna pattern parameters will be implemented at two different levels: 1. Diameter. Frequency. Diameter. Phi. The antenna gain is calculated for Phi. Phi0.) 3. (Other parameters from the specific parameter structure are ignored and can serve as output pattern information. Frequency.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Required Specific Parameters: List of specific parameters from the specific parameter structure. the relationship between the maximum gain of an antenna and the half-power beamwidth can be derived from the expression: Gmax (dB) = 44.Ref. Efficiency. required for this pattern. 3. NOTE for space station antenna patterns: Although Phi0 (ϕ0) and GainMax are independent input arguments. Diameter () is out of limits [:].00E+00 1.80E+02 1. TL Valid. TL Valid.00E-03 1.1. TL Valid. TL Valid. Required Phi0 is not provided. Not required Phi is provided.00E+00 1.00E-05 1. Not required GainMax is provided. It is ignored. Not required Efficiency is provided. Beamlet () is out of limits [:]. TL Valid. TL Valid. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. It is ignored.PDF 10/ 112 . Specific () is out of limits [:]. Phi0 () is out of limits [:]. Required Efficiency is not provided.00E+06 1.Ref. Not required Phi0 is provided. Top level validation errors and warnings are the following: Symbol Event Code -5100 APC_ERR_NO_GAINMAX -5101 APC_ERR_NO_BEAMLET -5102 APC_ERR_NO_DIAMETER -5103 APC_ERR_NO_FREQUENCY -5104 APC_ERR_NO_EFFICIENCY -5105 APC_ERR_NO_SPECIFIC -5106 APC_ERR_NO_PHI -5107 APC_ERR_NO_PHI0 5100 APC_WAR_IGN_GAINMAX 5101 APC_WAR_IGN_BEAMLET 5102 APC_WAR_IGN_DIAMETER 5103 APC_WAR_IGN_FREQUENCY 5104 APC_WAR_IGN_EFFICIENCY 5105 APC_WAR_IGN_SPECIFIC 5106 APC_WAR_IGN_PHI 5107 APC_WAR_IGN_PHI0 -5200 APC_ERR_VAL_GAINMAX -5201 APC_ERR_VAL_BEAMLET -5202 APC_ERR_VAL_DIAMETER -5203 APC_ERR_VAL_FREQUENCY -5204 APC_ERR_VAL_EFFICIENCY -5205 APC_ERR_VAL_SPECIFIC -5206 APC_ERR_VAL_PHI -5207 APC_ERR_VAL_PHI0 5200 APC_WAR_VAL_GAINMAX 5201 APC_WAR_VAL_BEAMLET 5202 APC_WAR_VAL_DIAMETER Event Message TL Valid. TL Valid. APLUM_001. Phi () is out of limits [:]. validation is successful. It is ignored. TL Valid. TL Valid. TL Valid. only top level validation shall be performed. correlation of different parameters) that depends on the type of the pattern. TL Valid. Required Frequency is not provided.00E+00 1. Not required Diameter is provided. It is ignored.00E-02 1.00E+00 1. Required Specific is not provided. It is ignored. Not required Specific is provided. TL Valid. TL Valid.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Name GainMax Beamlet Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 Error Low Limit 0.80E+01 2 Top level validation checks the limits inclusively like in the example: If 0 ≤ GainMax ≤ 7x10 . It is ignored.00E-05 1. Required Diameter is not provided. TL Valid. TL Valid.00E-03 1. After the top level validation the low level validation will be performed if the corresponding low level validation rules are provided.00E+05 1. If not.00E-01 1. TL Valid. It will be able to perform more specific verification (for example. Diameter () is out of limits [:]. Required GainMax is not provided. Not required Beamlet is provided.00E+00 1. GainMax () is out of limits [:].00E+10 1. It is ignored. The low level validation rules are specified in the section dedicated to each particular pattern. TL Valid. TL Valid.80E+02 1. Required Phi is not provided.00E-03 1. Not required Frequency is provided.00E-05 Error Upper Limit Warning Low Limit Warning Upper Limit 7. an error is generated.80E+01 1. Required Beamlet is not provided. Beamlet () is out of limits [:].00E+02 1. Efficiency () is out of limits [:]. TL Valid.00E-05 0. If a pattern has no its particular limits specified. TL Valid. TL Valid.00E+00 1.00E+02 0. TL Valid.00E+02 1. TL Valid. TL Valid. GainMax () is out of limits [:].80E+02 1.00E+00 1. Frequency () is out of limits [:]. It is ignored. TL Valid.80E+02 0. TL Valid. Name G Gx Meaning Co-polar gain Cross-polar gain Units dB dB Parameter type Pattern type double precision Earth/Space double precision Earth/Space 3. TL Valid. APLUM_001.4 Output of antenna patterns All antenna pattern functions return both co-polar (G) and cross-polar (Gx) gains. Normally for space station antennas GainMax is an optional parameter.Ref. Relative gains always have decreasing negative values. Gx () is greater than G (). The principal difference between relative and absolute gain calculations is the following. Specific () is out of limits [:]. TL Valid.1. the APL shall calculate the absolute gain in dB. Cross-polar gain is not calculated. When it is not given on input (N0VALUE is input). TL Valid. 3. the cross-polar gain is set equal to the co-polar gain (G = Gx). Gx () is greater than Gmax (). Phi0 () is out of limits [:]. If a pattern is specified only to calculate the co-polar gain. Phi () is out of limits [:].7 Date : 2007-05-28 Event Message TL Valid. For relative gain calculations this flooring is not applied.5 Relative and absolute gain For Space station antenna patterns usually 2 possibilities are provided: to calculate relative antenna pattern gains or absolute antenna pattern gains. : APL-UM-001 Symbol Event Code 5203 APC_WAR_VAL_FREQUENCY 5204 APC_WAR_VAL_EFFICIENCY 5205 APC_WAR_VAL_SPECIFIC 5206 APC_WAR_VAL_PHI 5207 APC_WAR_VAL_PHI0 Version : 1. Frequency () is out of limits [:]. For absolute gain calculations a flooring of 0 dB is applied. Value is set to co-polar gain.1 Output gain validation Validation of the output parameters shall be done in the following order: • • • Check that G ≤ Gmax Check that Gx ≤ Gmax Check that Gx ≤ G Output gain validation errors and warnings are the following: Symbol Event Code Condition APC_ERR_G_GT_GMAX -5501 G <= Gmax -5502 APC_ERR_GX_GT_GMAX Gx <= Gmax 5503 APC_WAR_GX_GT_G Gx <= G 5504 APC_WAR_GX_ABSENT Event Message G () is greater than Gmax (). TL Valid. Efficiency () is out of limits [:].PDF 11/ 112 . the APL shall calculate the relative gain in dB. when it is given on input. 3.4. This ensures positive values for both co-polar and cross-polar gains. Description Appendix 8 (RR-2001) Earth station antenna pattern.1 Earth station antenna patterns ID Name Type 1 APERR_001V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: AP28. AP29.Ref. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 32 – 25 log ϕ G = –10 If D/λ < 100: G = Gmax – 2. AP29 GIMS: AP28. . G1 = 2 + 15 log (D/λ). ϕb = 48°.85 (D/λ) = 100 λ/D -0. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . ϕr = 15. AP8 R1448: 1 References Reference RR-2001 RR-1998 RR-1998 Append/Art Annex AP8-10 APS7 APS8 III II III Section Page 186 Formula a). STANDARD ANTENNA PATTERNS 4.6 for D/λ ≥ 100.PDF 12/ 112 APERR_001V01 . . APLUM_001. b).7 Date : 2007-05-28 4.7      20  10 -3 2 -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤180° . 124 .5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 52 – 10 log (D/λ) – 25 log ϕ G = 10 – 10 log (D/λ) where: D/λ =  Gmax − 7. (Former Appendix 28 and Appendix 29 antenna pattern. APPDX29. 107 Formula 39-40.) End Date Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 Co-Polar Component If D/λ ≥ 100: G = Gmax – 2.1. for D/λ < 100. D/lambda.Ref. 6010 STDC_WAR_PHIB_LT_PHIR APLUM_001.PDF 13/ 112 APERR_001V01 .6. out = 48.95 G1.7 dB 50 Gmax = 53.7 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 33. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 53. out = 5.53 G1.42 Phi r. out = 0. : APL-UM-001 Pattern Information Version : 1.1 1 phi. out = 3.5 40 G(phi). Antenna efficiency is implicitly set to 0. out = 0.5 Phi r. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.5 Gmax = 33.7 Phi m. (Former Appendix 28 and Appendix 29 antenna pattern. D/lambda.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Appendix 8 (RR-2001) Earth station antenna pattern.66 Phi b. out = 19. out = 21.01 Phi b.7 Phi m. out = 48.) Used for the determination of coordination requirements between GSO networks sharing the same frequency band for "nonplaned" services. out = 36. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi b () is less than Phi r (). out = 199.1. 721 Table 1.6. particularly in the cases where an aggregate C/I ratio of 26 dB cannot be obtained.PDF 14/ 112 APERR_002V01 . G1 = 15 log (D/λ) − 30 + CoefA.85 (D/λ) = 100 λ/D -0.Ref.6 for D/λ ≥ 100. 10  Gmax     10    CoefA+10      = 10 25  for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° D/λ = ηπ2 . Co-Polar Component If D/λ ≥ 100: G = Gmax – 2. Page 811 Table 2. ϕb .7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30B (RR-2003) reference Earth station pattern with the improved side-lobe. For coefficient A = 29 only.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = CoefA – 25 log ϕ G = –10 If D/λ < 100: G = Gmax – 2. for D/λ < 100.5 A-1. Pattern contains an optional improved near side-lobe (coefA=29) which may be used if so desired by administrations. .6. APLUM_001. Pattern Information Appendix 30B (RR-2001) Earth station antenna reference pattern applicable for D/lambda > 100. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 2 APERR_002V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1.4.1. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: AP30B GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference RR-2003 RR-2001 Append/Art Annex AP30B-33 AP30B-29 1 1 Section A-1. Appendix 30B (RR-2001) reference Earth station antenna pattern. ϕr = 15. Used for the determination of coordination requirements and interference assessment in FSS Plan.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 -3 2 -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr G = CoefA +20 –10 log (D/λ) –25 log ϕ for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb G = 10 – 10 log (D/λ) where: CoefA = 29 or 32. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 .1. 4 dB 50 40 Gmax = 54.4 Efficiency = 0. a value of 0.66 Phi b.7 CoefA. Phi b () is less than Phi r (). degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters coefA Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message CoefA () wrong value. -6019 STDC_ERR_COEFA_VAL -6010 STDC_ERR_PHIB_LT_PHIR -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 APLUM_001.4 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 34. Plan is based on the antennas having diameter 7 m for the 6/4 GHz band and 3 m for the 13/10-11 GHz band and the antenna efficiency of 0.Ref. out = 0. out = 47. Must be 29 or 32. out = 36.86 D/lambda.7 is to be used. out = 5. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.66 G1.01 Phi b. Phi m. out = 21. inout = 32.42 Phi r. Square root of negative value.PDF 15/ 112 APERR_002V01 . out = 3.5 Gmax = 34. This pattern (APERR_002V01) is still used as improved side-lobe Appendix 30B reference antenna pattern with coefA=29 (RR2003) for D/lambda > 100. out = 0. If efficiency is not specified.1 1 phi.1.4 Efficiency = 0. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. out = 199. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 54.97 G1. Gmax () is less than G1 (). WRC-03 replaced this Appendix 30B reference antenna pattern for coefA=32 by pattern APEREC015V01 (RR-2003). out = 19.7 CoefA. inout = 32.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Pattern is extended for D/lambda < 100 as in Appendix 8 of RR-2001.7. Phi m.86 D/lambda. out = 47.5 G(phi).6 Phi r. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: REC-465. Co-Polar Component If D/λ ≥ 100: G = Gmax – 2.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 52 – 10 log (D/λ) – 25 log ϕ G = 10 – 10 log (D/λ) where:  Gmax      10 10  -3 2 -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤180° D/λ = ηπ2 . : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 3 APEREC003V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1. Pattern is extended in the main-lobe range similar to Appendix 8 of RR-2001 to produce continuous curves. .465-3 OBSOLETE reference Earth station antenna pattern for use in coordination and interference assessment in the frequency range from 2 to about 30 GHz for earth stations coordinated before 1993.465-3 OBSOLETE reference Earth station antenna pattern. Pattern Information Recommendation ITU-R S. REC-465-3 GIMS: REC-465. G1 = 32 = 2 + 15 log (D/λ) for D/λ < 100. .7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Recommendation ITU-R S. for D/λ ≥ 100.Ref. for D/λ ≥ 100.1. for D/λ < 100. ϕr = 1° = 100 λ/D ϕb = 48°. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 .465-5 (APEREC013V01). REC-465-3 R1448: 7 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date 1992-12-31 Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference REC-465-5 REC-465-3 2 Append/Art Annex Section Page Note 4.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 32 – 25 log ϕ G = –10 If D/λ < 100: G = Gmax – 2. Use. APLUM_001. when possible. current version of the Recommendation ITU-R: S.PDF 16/ 112 APEREC003V01 . 4 Efficiency = 0. out = 48.7 Date : 2007-05-28 If efficiency is not specified. D/lambda.4 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 34. D/lambda. out = 19. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.47 Phi r.6 is to be applied for "non-planned" services. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. out = 5. out = 199. a value of 0. Square root of negative value.4 dB 50 40 Gmax = 54. out = 32.4 Efficiency = 0.Ref.6 Phi r.1 1 phi. out = 21. out = 48. Phi b.7 Phi m.7 Phi m. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 54.01 Phi b. -6010 STDC_ERR_PHIB_LT_PHIR -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 APLUM_001.66 G1.5 G(phi).97 G1.7 is to be applied for FSS Plan and a value of 0. Gmax () is less than G1 (). out = 1.PDF 17/ 112 APEREC003V01 . out = 0. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi b () is less than Phi r (). Gmax = 34.1. out = 3. ϕb = 48°. ϕr = 15. when possible.580-2 OBSOLETE reference Earth station antenna pattern for antennas installed before 1995.Ref.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr G = 29 – 25 log ϕ for ϕr ≤ ϕ ≤ 20° G = Min (–3.PDF 18/ 112 APEREC004V01 . Co-Polar Component If D/λ > 150: -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm G = Gmax – 2. current version of the Recommendation ITU-R: S.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Recommendation ITU-R S.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr G = 32 – 25 log ϕ for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb G = –10 for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° If 50 ≤ D/λ < 100: -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm G = Gmax – 2. -0. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: REC-580. Use. REC-580-2 R1448: 10 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date 1992-12-31 Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference REC-580-2 Append/Art Annex Section 1.2.5. REC-580-2 GIMS: REC-580. APLUM_001.3.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr G = 52 – 10 log (D/λ) – 25 log ϕ for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤180° G = 10 – 10 log (D/λ) where: 10  Gmax     10   D/λ = ηπ2 . : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 4 APEREC004V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1.465-3. Pattern Information Recommendation ITU-R S. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . G1 = 2 + 15 log (D/λ) for D/λ ≤ 150. .6 for D/λ ≥ 100.580-6 (APEREC015V01). Pattern is extended for angles greater than 20 degrees as in Recommendation ITU-R S.580-2 OBSOLETE reference Earth station antenna pattern for use as design objectives for antennas operating with GSO satellites and installed before 1995. 32 – 25 log ϕ) for 20° < ϕ < ϕb G = –10 for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° If 100 ≤ D/λ ≤ 150: -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm G = Gmax – 2.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr G = 32 – 25 log ϕ for ϕr ≤ ϕ < 20° G = 52 – 10 log (D/λ) – 25 log ϕ for 20° ≤ ϕ < ϕb G = 10 – 10 log (D/λ) for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤180° If D/λ < 50: -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm G = Gmax – 2. = –1 + 15 log (D/λ) for D/λ > 150.1.85 (D/λ) = 100 λ/D for D/λ < 100.4 Page Note 6. 3 G1.1.4 Efficiency = 0. out = 1. D/lambda.66 G1.66 Phi1.5 Gmax = 44 Efficiency = 0. Gmax () is less than G1 (). degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi b () is less than Phi r (). Phi b.7 is to be applied for FSS Plan and a value of 0. out = 0. out = 48. out = 48. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 54. out = 199. out = 33.46 Phi r. out = 60. out = 1. out = 0.Ref. a value of 0. out = 0. Square root of negative value.4 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 44 dB 50 40 Gmax = 54.PDF 19/ 112 APEREC004V01 . out = 28.1 1 phi. D/lambda.3 Phi r. out = 0. Phi b. -6010 STDC_ERR_PHIB_LT_PHIR -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 APLUM_001.6 is to be applied for "nonplanned" services. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Pattern is extended in the main-lobe range similar to Appendix 7 and Appendix 8 of RR-2001 to produce continuous curves.7 Phi m.66 Phi1.7 Phi m. Pattern is extended for D/lambda < 35 as in Appendix 8 of RR-2001.7 G(phi). If the efficiency is not specified. ϕr ϕb = 100 λ/D. Used for coordination studies and the assessment of interference between ship earth stations and terrestrial stations.PDF 20/ 112 APEREC005V01 . G1 = 2 + 15 log (D/λ). and between ship earth stations and the space stations of different satellite systems sharing the same frequency bands.1. Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 2.8 m and 1. Antenna efficiency is implicitly set to 0.3 m and with an operating frequency range of about 1500 to 1650 MHz.694-0 reference Earth station antenna pattern.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 52 – 10 log (D/λ) – 25 log ϕ G=0 where: D/λ =  Gmax − 7. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 5 APEREC005V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1. = ϕ1 = 120 (λ/D) .7      20  10 -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤180° . ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 .6 (as in Appendix 8 of RR-2001).694-0 reference radiation pattern for ship earth station antennas having circular paraboloidal reflectors with diameters between 0.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Recommendation ITU-R M. APLUM_001.4 Pattern Information Recommendation ITU-R M. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: REC-694 R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain 1990-01-01 End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference REC-694 Append/Art Annex I Section Page . 0.Ref. See ranges for Diameter and Frequency in RE Phi r () is less than Phi m ().7 Date : 2007-05-28 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 24. out = 14.7:24.1 1 phi.98 G1.12 Phi b.82 Phi r.PDF 21/ 112 APEREC005V01 . out = 69.7 dB 25 Gmax = 24. 6003 STDC_WAR_GMAX 6009 STDC_WAR_PHIR_LT_PHIM 6010 STDC_WAR_PHIB_LT_PHIR APLUM_001.7 Phi m. out = 55. Phi b () is less than Phi r ().68 Gmax = 19.6 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 19. 20 G(phi). degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message Gmax () is out of limits [19. : APL-UM-001 Example 30 Version : 1. dB 15 10 5 0 -5 0. out = 9.29 Phi b. out = 7.05 D/lambda. G1. out = 14.1.8]. out = 11.1 D/lambda. out = 14.6 Phi m.Ref. Phi r. out = 25. out = 3. 55 G = Gmax – 33 for 9.55 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ϕ − 1 for 1. individual reception.4 G = Gmax – 8.Ref.25 for 0. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 6 APERR_006V01 Earth Receiving Version : 1.25 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.PDF 22/ 112 APERR_006V01 .26 G = Gmax – 9 – 20 log (ϕ/ϕ0) ϕ − 1 for 0.1.25 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0. Curve A and B. Used in the original 1977 Conference BSS Plan and for the assignments notified and brought into use before 27 October 1997.707 for 0.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30 (RR-2001) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3 for individual reception (1977 BSS Plan). Co-Polar Component G = Gmax G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0) 2 Cross-Polar Component for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.44 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1.4 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 2 ϕo for 2 < (ϕ/ϕ0) Pattern Information Appendix 30 (RR-2001) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3 for individual reception.2 a) Page 543 Figure 7.25 Gx = Gmax – 25 Gx = Gmax – 30 – 40 log Gx = Gmax – 20 Gx = Gmax – 30 – 25 log Gx = Gmax – 30 If Gx > G: Gx = G for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: R13RES GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date 1997-10-26 Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference RR-2001 Append/Art Annex AP30-115 5 Section 3.26 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 9.44 ϕo for 0.707 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1.7.5 – 25 log (ϕ/ϕ0) for 1. In the original 1977 BSS Plan the minimum antenna diameter was such that the half-power beamwidth was 2 degrees for individual reception. APLUM_001. Ref.PDF 23/ 112 APERR_006V01 .0].1 1 phi. dB 10 0 -10 0. : APL-UM-001 Example 40 Version : 1. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi0 () is out of limits [0.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB Gmax = 35 Phi0 = 2 30 20 G(phi).1. 6006 STDC_WAR_PHI0 APLUM_001.1:5. The Plan is based on a 60 cm antenna given in Recommendation ITU-R BO.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G=–5 G=0 where: λ is the wavelength corresponding to fixed reference frequency of 12. .1213.1 GHz.1. ϕr = 95 λ/D.0025 ϕ0 10. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . Antenna maximum gain is 35.5 dBi and the reference frequency is 12. 2  26     25   ϕ2 = 10 .44 ϕ0 ≤ ϕ < ϕ0 for for for for ϕ0 ϕ1 ϕ2 ≤ ϕ < ϕ1 ≤ ϕ < ϕ2 ≤ ϕ < 70° 70° ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° 3 . -3 2 Cross-Polar Component for for for for for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb ϕb ≤ ϕ < 70° 70° ≤ ϕ < 180° Gx = Gmax – 17 + S Gx = 21 – 25 log ϕ Gx = – 5 Gx = 0 where: S = 21 – 25 log ϕ1 – (Gmax – 17) ϕ0 = 2 λ/D ϕ1 = Gx = Gmax – 25  ϕ − 0.25 ϕ0 ≤ ϕ <0.Ref.44 ϕ0   for 0. Used at WRC-97 for revising the Regions 1 and 3 BSS Plan.1875 .7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30 (RR-2003) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3 (WRC-97). APLUM_001.2 a) Page 544 Figure 7bis.1 GHz.  34    25 ϕb = 10  . Pattern Information Appendix 30 (RR-2003) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3.PDF 24/ 112 APERR_007V01 .25 ϕ0   for 0. 0. G1 = 29 – 25 log ϕr. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 7 APERR_007V01 Earth Receiving Version : 1.19ϕ 0  Gx = Gmax – 17 ϕ − ϕ0 ϕ1 − ϕ0 for 0° ≤ ϕ < 0. Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 2. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: MODRES REC-1213 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain 1995-01-01 End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-11-12 References Reference RR-2003 Append/Art Annex AP30-116 5 Section 3.25ϕ0 Gx = Gmax – 25 + 8   0.7. 7 Date : 2007-05-28 The minimum antenna diameter was such that the half-power beamwidth was 2.5 Diameter = 0.16 20 G(phi).6 Phi m. out = 14.1. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. out = 3. Phi r () is less than Phi m (). Gmax () is less than G1 ().82 Phi r.5 dB 30 Gmax = 35. out = 24. dB 10 0 -10 0. Square root of negative value.92 Phi b.22 G1.Ref. Phi r () is less than Phi m (). Phi1 () is less than Phi2 ().96 degrees.91 D/lambda. Example 40 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 35. out = 3.1 1 phi. Low Level Validation Event Message -6031 STDC_ERR_0_LT_S -6009 STDC_ERR_PHIR_LT_PHIM -6008 STDC_ERR_ANG2_LT_ANG1 -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 6009 STDC_WAR_PHIR_LT_PHIM APLUM_001.PDF 25/ 112 APERR_007V01 . degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Cross-polar Co-polar Cross-polar Co-polar Co-polar 0 () is less than S ().5 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 35. out = 22. 2 b) Page 546 Figure 8.7 for 14.2 ϕ −1 ϕo for 0.2 G = Gmax + 55.2 G = Gmax – 85.7 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 35 for 35 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 45.13 for 1.1 G = Gmax – 14 – 25 log (ϕ/ϕ0) G = Gmax – 43.2 + 27. The minimum antenna diameter is such that the half-power beamwidth is 1.22 for 3. Curve A and B. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 8 APERR_008V01 Earth Receiving Version : 1.28 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 3.1 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 70 for for 70 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 80 80 < (ϕ/ϕ0) Pattern Information Appendix 30 (RR-2001) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern for Region 2 for individual reception used for planning the BSS in Region 2.3 – 25 log Gx = Gmax – 30 If Gx > G: Gx = G ϕ ϕο for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0. Example APLUM_001.2 log (ϕ/ϕ0) G = Gmax – 40.13 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 14.44 for 0.25 Gx = Gmax – 25 Gx = Gmax – 30 – 40 log Gx = Gmax – 20 Gx = Gmax – 17.44 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30 (RR-2001) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern for Region 2 for individual reception.PDF 26/ 112 APERR_008V01 .28 for 1.2 – 51. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: R2RES R2RES GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference RR-2001 Append/Art Annex AP30-118 5 Section 3.7 degrees.1. Co-Polar Component G = Gmax G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0) 2 Cross-Polar Component for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.25 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.25 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1.7.25 for 0.22 < (ϕ/ϕ0) for 45. .7 log (ϕ/ϕ0) G = Gmax – 43.Ref. 1:5.7 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB 30 20 G(phi).1 1 phi. dB 10 0 -10 0. 6006 STDC_WAR_PHI0 APLUM_001.PDF 27/ 112 APERR_008V01 .0]. : APL-UM-001 40 Version : 1.Ref.1. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi0 () is out of limits [0.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 35 Phi0 = 1. Ref. Used in the original 1988 feeder-link Plan (WARC Orb-88) and for the assignments notified and brought into use before 27 October 1997. WARC Orb-88. The on-axis gain was taken as 57 dBi. The feeder-link Plan is based on an antenna diameter of 5 m for the band 17.1.3 Page 674 Figure A.32° < ϕ ≤ 0.1 GHz and 6 m for the band 14. Co-Polar Component Cross-Polar Component G = Gmax G = Gmax – 21 – 20 log ϕ G = Gmax – 5.7 – 53. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 9 APERR_009V01 Earth Transmitting Version : 1.44° < ϕ ≤ 48° for 48° < ϕ ≤ 180° G = Gmax – 25 – 25 log ϕ G = Gmax – 67 Pattern Information Appendix 30A (RR-2001) reference transmitting earth station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3.44° for 0.3-18. Curve A and B. APLUM_001.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30A (RR-2001) reference transmitting earth station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3 (WARC Orb-88).32° for 0.PDF 28/ 112 APERR_009V01 .1° Gx = Gmax – 30 If Gx > G: Gx = G for 0.1° < ϕ ≤ 0. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: R13TES GIMS: R13TES R1448: 8 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date 1997-10-26 Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference RR-2001 Append/Art Annex AP30A-110 3 Section 3.5-14.5.2 ϕ 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ ≤ 0.8 GHz. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.1.PDF 29/ 112 APERR_009V01 . degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001.Ref. : APL-UM-001 Example 60 Version : 1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 57 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB 50 40 G(phi).1 1 phi. MODTES R1448: 9 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain 1997-01-01 End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference RR-2001 REC-1295 Append/Art Annex AP30A-110 3 1 Section 3.54° for 0.1° Gx = Gmax – 35 If Gx > G: Gx = G for 0.32° < ϕ ≤ 0. Curve A’ and B’.31°< ϕ ≤ 180° G = Gmax – 28 – 25 log ϕ G = Gmax – 67 Pattern Information Appendix 30A (RR-2001) reference transmitting earth station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3. . The feeder-link Plan is based on an antenna diameter of 5 m for the band 17.54° < ϕ ≤ 36. Used for planning purposes at WRC-97 in the revision of the Appendix 30A Plan of the Radio Regulations at 14 GHz and 17 GHz in Regions 1 and 3 and specified in Recommendation ITU-R BO.3 Page 674 Figure A.5-14.1° < ϕ ≤ 0.1295-0.31° for 36.PDF 30/ 112 APERR_010V01 .3-18.Ref. Figure 1.8 GHz.2 ϕ 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ ≤ 0.5. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 10 APERR_010V01 Earth Transmitting Version : 1. Curve A’ and B’. Co-Polar Component Cross-Polar Component G = Gmax G = Gmax – 21 – 20 log ϕ G = Gmax – 5.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30A (RR-2001) reference transmitting earth station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3 (WRC-97).1.32° for 0. APLUM_001. WRC-97.1 GHz and 6 m for the band 14.7 – 53. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: MODTES GIMS: REC-1295. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.1 1 phi.1.Ref.PDF 31/ 112 APERR_010V01 .7 Date : 2007-05-28 Example 60 Gmax = 57 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB 50 40 G(phi). degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001. : APL-UM-001 The on-axis gain was taken as 57 dBi. Version : 1. 8 GHz in the Appendix 30A Plan of the Radio Regulations. −10) for 0° ≤ ϕ < 0.32° ≤ ϕ < 0.5 m.1° ≤ ϕ < 0. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 11 APERR_011V01 Earth Transmitting Version : 1.3-17. Co-Polar Component Cross-Polar Component G = Gmax G = 36 – 20 log ϕ G = 51.4 APLUM_001. The Plan is based on antenna efficiency of 0.32° for 0.65.3 – 53.1° Gx = Gmax – 30 Gx = max(9 – 20 log ϕ. Used for planning purposes of the feeder-link frequency band 17. The corresponding on-axis gain for an antenna having a 5 m diameter is 57. . The feeder-link Plan is based on an antenna diameter of 5 m.54° for 0.PDF 32/ 112 APERR_011V01 . −10) If G > Gmax: G = Gmax Pattern Information Appendix 30A (RR-2003) reference transmitting earth station antenna pattern for Region 2.2 ϕ 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < 0.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30A (RR-2003) reference transmitting earth station antenna pattern for Region 2.1. The minimum antenna diameter permitted in the Plan is 2. Curve A and B. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: R2TES GIMS: R2TES R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-11-12 References Reference RR-2003 Append/Art Annex AP30A-121 3 Section 4.2 Page 685 Figure 6.Ref.4.6/D ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° If Gx > Gmax – 30: Gx = Gmax – 30 G = max(29 – 25 log ϕ.6/D for 0.54° ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° for 0. : APL-UM-001 dBi at 17.5 ().1 1 phi.Ref.4 Diameter = 5 50 40 G(phi). degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Cross-polar Both Low Level Validation Event Message Co-polar curve () is less than cross-polar curve ().1.55 GHz. -6013 STDC_ERR_C0_LT_CX -6007 STDC_ERR_DIAMETER APLUM_001.5 m.PDF 33/ 112 APERR_011V01 . dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0. (at plateau level) Gmax is too b Diameter () is less than 2. A ceiling of maximum antenna gain reduced by 30 dB is applied for the cross-polar pattern.4 dB Gmax = 57. Limit for Diameter in RR: D > 2. Version : 1.1 degrees as equal to on-axis gain. A ceiling of maximum antenna gain is applied for the co-polar pattern. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57.7 Date : 2007-05-28 The co-polar pattern is extended for angles less than 0.4 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 57. Also specified in Recommendation ITU-R IS. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: AP7 GIMS: AP7 R1448: 6 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain 2000-01-01 End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference RR-2001 REC-1448 REC-847 Append/Art Annex AP7-55 3 1 3 1 1 Section 3 3 3 Page 135 Formula 97. Specified in Recommendation ITU-R SM.7      20  10 -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° . ϕb = 36°. -0. Used for the determination of the coordination area around an earth station in frequency bands between 100 MHz and 105 APLUM_001. no low limit on D/lambda (35) is mentioned. for 35 ≤ D/λ < 100.847-1 (but without low limit on D/lambda).PDF 34/ 112 APERR_012V01 .1448-0.Ref. for D/λ ≥ 100.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = –10 where: D/λ =  Gmax − 7. . for D/λ ≥ 100.6 . G1 = –1 + 15 log (D/λ).1. Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 2. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . ϕr = 15. Pattern Information Appendix 7 (RR-2001) Earth station antenna pattern. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 12 APERR_012V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1.85 (D/λ) = 100 λ/D. for 35 ≤ D/λ < 100. 22 Formula 33. . = –21 + 25 log (D/λ).7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 7 (RR-2001) Earth station antenna pattern. 50 Formula 99. out = 39. -6002 STDC_ERR_DLAMBDA APLUM_001.7 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 39.6.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Antenna efficiency is implicitly set to 0.5 Gmax = 39. Version : 1. out = 19.29 Phi r.Ref. out = 33. out = 36. Pattern is applicable only for D/lambda > 35.81 G1. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 53.1 1 phi.1. out = 0.7 Phi m. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Low Level Validation Event Message D/lambda () is less than 35 ().PDF 35/ 112 APERR_012V01 . out = 199.7 Phi m. : APL-UM-001 GHz. out = 2. out = 2.45 Phi r.53 G1. D/lambda. D/lambda. out = 36.66 Phi b.51 Phi b. 40 G(phi). dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.7 dB 50 Gmax = 53. out = 0. APLUM_001. for D/λ ≤ 100.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 32 – 25 log ϕ G = –10 where:  Gmax   10 10     -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° D/λ = ηπ2 .465-5 reference Earth station antenna pattern for earth stations coordinated after 1993.465-3).PDF 36/ 112 APEREC013V01 . For earth stations coordinated before 1993 use pattern APEREC003V01 (Recommendation ITU-R S. G1 = 32 = – 18 + 25 log (D/λ) ϕr = 1° = 100 λ/D ϕb  42      = 10 25  for D/λ > 100. for D/λ ≤ 100. Pattern is extended in the main-lobe range similar to Appendix 8 and Appendix 7 of RR-2001 to produce continuous curves. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: REC-465-5 GIMS: REC-465-5 R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain 1993-01-01 End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference REC-465-5 Append/Art Annex Section 2 Page 2. . Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 2. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 13 APEREC013V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1.Ref.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Recommendation ITU-R S. for D/λ > 100.465-5 reference Earth station antenna pattern for use in coordination and interference assessment in the frequency range from 2 to about 30 GHz for earth stations coordinated after 1993. Pattern Information Recommendation ITU-R S.1. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . 47 Phi r.1. Gmax () is less than G1 ().PDF 37/ 112 APEREC013V01 . out = 14.97 G1.7 Phi m.4 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 34.47 Phi r.6 is to be applied for "non-planned" services. out = 47.86 D/lambda. out = 0.4 Efficiency = 0. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi b () is less than Phi r (). out = 5.7 Date : 2007-05-28 If efficiency is not specified.66 G1. Square root of negative value.7 is to be applied for FSS Plan and a value of 0. a value of 0. out = 1.Ref. out = 4. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 54.01 Phi b. out = 199. Gmax = 34.4 dB 50 40 Gmax = 54. out = 32. out = 19.86 D/lambda. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. -6010 STDC_ERR_PHIB_LT_PHIR -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 APLUM_001. Phi b.51 G(phi). out = 47.1 1 phi. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.4 Efficiency = 0.7 Phi m. 465-5.25 log (phi).7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Recommendation ITU-R S. Pattern is extended in the main-lobe range similar to Appendix 7 and Appendix 8 of RR-2001 to produce continuous curves.PDF 38/ 112 APEREC014V01 . Pattern is extended for angles greater than 20 degrees as in Recommendation ITU-R S.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm G = G1 for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr G = 29 – 25 log ϕ for ϕr ≤ ϕ ≤ 19. for D/λ < 50. ϕb  42      = 10 25  .2. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 14 APEREC014V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1.85 (D/λ) = 100 λ/D for D/λ < 100. ϕr = 15.5. -0.580-5 reference Earth station antenna pattern for use as design objectives for antennas operating with GSO satellites and installed BEFORE 1995. = –1 + 15 log (D/λ) for 150 < D/λ.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm G = G1 for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr G = 32 – 25 log ϕ for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb G = –10 for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° If D/λ < 50: -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm G = Gmax – 2. APLUM_001.580-5 reference Earth station antenna pattern for antennas installed BEFORE 1995.95° < ϕ < ϕb G = –10 for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° If 50 ≤ D/λ ≤ 150: -3 2 G = Gmax – 2. 32 – 25 log ϕ) for 19. = 2 + 15 log (D/λ) for 100 ≤ D/λ ≤ 150. Co-Polar Component If D/λ > 150: -3 2 G = Gmax – 2.Ref.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr G = 52 – 10 log (D/λ) – 25 log ϕ for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb G = 10 – 10 log (D/λ) for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤180° where:  Gmax   10 10     D/λ = ηπ2 . ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . G1 = 2 + 15 log (D/λ) = –18 + 25 log (D/λ) for 50 ≤ D/λ < 100. Pattern Information Recommendation ITU-R S.3 Page near side lobe is 32 .95° G = Min (–3. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date 1994-12-31 Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference REC-580-5 Append/Art Annex Section 1.1.6 for D/λ ≥ 100. out = 60.66 Phi b. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 54.1.6 is to be applied for "nonplanned" services. Gmax () is less than G1 ().46 Phi r.66 Phi b. out = 0. out = 199. out = 33. a value of 0. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi b () is less than Phi r (). If the efficiency is not specified. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.4 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 44 dB 50 40 Gmax = 54. out = 1.3 G1.PDF 39/ 112 APEREC014V01 . out = 0.4 Efficiency = 0.7 Phi m.51 G(phi). out = 26. Square root of negative value.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Pattern is extended for D/lambda < 50 as in Appendix 8 of RR-2001. out = 47.39 Phi r. Gmax = 44 Efficiency = 0.7 Phi m. -6010 STDC_ERR_PHIB_LT_PHIR -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 APLUM_001. out = 1.1 1 phi.Ref. out = 47.86 D/lambda.66 G1. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.7 is to be applied for FSS Plan and a value of 0.86 D/lambda. for D/λ ≥ 100.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 52 – 10 log (D/λ) – 25 log ϕ G = 10 – 10 log (D/λ) where:  Gmax   10 10     -3 2 -3 2 for for for for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr ϕr ≤ ϕ ≤ 19.580-6 reference Earth station antenna pattern.580-6 reference Earth station antenna pattern. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 15 APEREC015V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1. Recommendation ITU-R S.3 1. for D/λ < 100.95° < ϕ < ϕb D/λ = G1 = ηπ 2 .95° ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤180° for 19.5.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = Min (–3. .7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30B (RR-2003) reference Earth station antenna pattern.PDF 40/ 112 APEREC015V01 .3 Page 810 Table 1.Ref. near side lobe is 29 . Pattern Information Appendix 30B (RR-2003) Earth station antenna reference pattern since WRC-03 applicable for D/lambda > 50. APLUM_001. 32 – 25 log ϕ) G = –10 If D/λ < 50: G = Gmax – 2.85 (D/λ) = 100 λ/D ϕb  42      = 10 25  -0. . 2 + 15 log (D/λ) = –21 + 25 log (D/λ) = –1 + 15 log (D/λ) ϕr = 15. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 .2. Co-Polar Component If D/λ ≥ 50: G = Gmax – 2. Note 3. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: REC-580-6 REC-580-6 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain 1995-01-01 End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Reference RR-2003 REC-580-6 REC-580-5 Append/Art Annex AP30B-32 1 Section A- for D/λ < 50. Note 7.1. for 100 ≤ D/λ.6 for 50 ≤ D/λ < 100.4 1. Recommendation ITU-R S. .25 log (phi). 580-5 reference Earth station antenna pattern for use as design objectives for antennas operating with GSO satellites and installed AFTER 1995.PDF 41/ 112 APEREC015V01 .6 is to be applied for "nonplanned" services.1 1 phi. Square root of negative value. out = 1. out = 60. out = 33. Pattern is extended in the main-lobe range as in Appendix 7 of RR-2001 to produce continuous curves. Gmax () is less than G1 ().46 Phi r. out = 1. Gmax = 44 Efficiency = 0.7 is to be applied for FSS Plan and a value of 0. Pattern is extended for D/lambda < 50 as in Appendix 8 of RR-2001. If the efficiency is not specified. out = 47.7 Phi m. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.4 Efficiency = 0.3 G1.86 D/lambda.66 Phi b.Ref. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 54. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0. out = 0. -6010 STDC_ERR_PHIB_LT_PHIR -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 APLUM_001. This pattern corresponds also to obsolete Recommendation ITU-R S.4 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 44 dB 50 40 Gmax = 54.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Pattern is extended for angles greater than 20 degrees as in Recommendation ITU-R S. out = 47.86 D/lambda.465-5. out = 23.5 Phi r. out = 0.66 Phi b. out = 199.5 G(phi).7 Phi m. a value of 0.1. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi b () is less than Phi r ().66 G1. The pattern is similar to APERR_007V01 pattern with the following differences: frequency is an input parameter. a flooring of 0 dB is applied in back lobe. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 17 APERR_017V01 Earth Receiving Version : 1. APLUM_001. 2 and 3 for digital BSS assignments to be used for determining interference by a terrestrial station at the edge of a BSS service area.1 Page 587 Formula 2.4. -3 2 for for for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr ϕr ≤ ϕ < 180° Pattern Information Appendix 30 (RR-2003) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern for Regions 1. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . ϕr = 95 λ/D.PDF 42/ 112 APERR_017V01 . The pattern is based on Recommendation ITU-R BO. cross-polar part of the pattern is absent. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2005-06-08 References Reference RR-2003 Append/Art Annex AP30-127 5 Section 2.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = max(29 – 25 log ϕ. 0) where: λ is the wavelength corresponding to input frequency. G1 = 29 – 25 log ϕr.1213.Ref.1. Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 2.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30 (RR-2003) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern for Regions 1. Figure 2. 2 and 3 for digital BSS assignments. . 45 Frequency = 12200. out = 4.45 m.7 GHz. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.19 D/lambda.45 m and frequency 12.6 Frequency = 11700. out = 23.5 dB.5 Diameter = 0.3 Diameter = 0. dB 20 15 10 5 0 -5 0. For Region 2 the pattern is foreseen to be applied with the maximum gain of 33. -6009 STDC_ERR_PHIR_LT_PHIM -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 APLUM_001. Square root of negative value.31 G1.3 dB. 0.7 GHz 33.3 dBi corresponding to antenna diameter of 0.5 dBi corresponding to antenna diameter of 0. out = 5. out = 11.2 GHz.14 Phi r.2 GHz Gmax = 35.PDF 43/ 112 APERR_017V01 . Gmax () is less than G1 (). Phi m. out = 5.Ref.06 D/lambda.7 Date : 2007-05-28 For Regions 1 and 3 the pattern is foreseen to be applied with the maximum gain of 35. 12. 0. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi r () is less than Phi m (). Phi m. out = 18.98 Phi r. Freq: 35.1. D. Example 40 35 30 25 G(phi).60 m. 11. out = 13.79 Gmax = 33.6 m and frequency 11.1 G(phi) for Gmax.42 G1.13 1 phi. out = 3. cross-polar part of the pattern is absent. APLUM_001.43. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 18 APERR_018V01 Earth Receiving Version : 1.2 dBi.2 Page 588 Formula 3.2) dB is applied in back lobe.1.7 for 14.13 for 1.13 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 14.7 degrees and cannot be changed.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30 (RR-2003) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern for Region 2 for analogue BSS assignments. Co-Polar Component G = Gmax G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0) 2 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0. The pattern is foreseen to be applied with maximum antenna gain of 43.PDF 44/ 112 APERR_018V01 . Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2005-06-09 References Reference RR-2003 Append/Art Annex AP30-128 5 Section 2.25 for 0.4. a ceiling of (Gmax . The pattern is similar to APERR_008V01 pattern with the following differences: beamwidth is internally set to 1.25 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1. Pattern Information Appendix 30 (RR-2003) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern for Region 2 for analogue BSS assignments to be used for determining interference by a terrestrial station at the edge of a BSS service area.2 where: ϕ0 = 1. Figure 3.Ref.7 degrees. .7 < (ϕ/ϕ0) G = Gmax – 14 – 25 log (ϕ/ϕ0) G = Gmax – 43. 7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 43. dB 20 10 0 0.1 1 phi.2 G(phi) for Gmax.1.7 degrees 40 30 G(phi).PDF 45/ 112 APERR_018V01 . phi0: 43.Ref. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001. : APL-UM-001 Example 50 Version : 1. 1.2 dB. 95° < ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° for D/λ ≥ 100.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 32 – 25 log ϕ G = –10 where: Gmax = 7. Note 22. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2007-01-30 References Reference RR-2003 Append/Art Annex Ar22-8 Section II Page 270 Table 22-1E.1. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 .6 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ ≤ 19. -0.Ref.5.95° for 19. G1 = 2 + 15 log (D/λ) . : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 19 APERR_019V01 Earth Receiving Version : 1.7 + 20 log (D/λ).PDF 46/ 112 APERR_019V01 . for D/λ < 100. 32 – 25 log ϕ) G = –10 If D/λ < 42: -3 2 G = Gmax – 2.5C. ϕr = 15.85 (D/λ) = 100 λ/D ϕb = 48°. Antenna efficiency is implicitly set to 0.6.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = Min (–3. APLUM_001. .12.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Article 22 (RR-2003) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern. Maximum antenna gain is not required on input and is calculated from the antenna diameter and frequency. Pattern Information Article 22 (RR-2003) reference receiving earth station antenna pattern for calculation of the epfd radiated by nongeostationary satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service in 3 700-4 200 MHz frequency band. Co-Polar Component If D/λ ≥ 42: -3 2 G = Gmax – 2. Ref. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Note that this pattern has a discontinuity (positive step) at phi_r. Example 60 G(phi) for Diameter, Frequency: 1.8 m, 4 000 MHz 4.5 m, 4 000 MHz 10.0 m, 4 000 MHz 50 40 Diameter = 1.8 Frequency = 4000. Gmax, out = 35.31 D/lambda, out = 24.016 Phi m, out = 2.956 Phi r, out = 4.163 G1, out = 22.707 Diameter = 4.5 Frequency = 4000. Gmax, out = 43.269 D/lambda, out = 60.041 Phi m, out = 1.272 Phi r, out = 1.665 G1, out = 28.676 Diameter = 10. Frequency = 4000. Gmax, out = 50.204 D/lambda, out = 133.425 Phi m, out = 0.605 Phi r, out = 0.841 G1, out = 33.878 G(phi), dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.1 1 phi, degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi b () is less than Phi r (). -6010 STDC_ERR_PHIB_LT_PHIR APLUM_001.PDF 47/ 112 APERR_019V01 Ref. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 20 APERR_020V01 Earth Receiving Version : 1.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Recommendation ITU-R S.1428-1 reference receiving earth station antenna pattern. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2007-01-15 References Reference REC-1428 Append/Art Annex Section 1 Page 2. Co-Polar Component If D/λ > 100: -3 2 G = Gmax – 2.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = 34 – 30 log ϕ G = –12 G = –7 G = –12 If 25 < D/λ ≤ 100: -3 2 G = Gmax – 2.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = –9 G = –4 G = –9 If 20 ≤ D/λ ≤ 25: -3 2 G = Gmax – 2.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = –9 G = –5 where: Gmax = 7.7 + 20 log (D/λ). G1 = 29 – 25 log ϕr. ϕb = 34.1° = 33.1° ϕr = 15.85 (D/λ) = 95 λ/D -0.6 for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr ϕr ≤ ϕ < 10° 10° < ϕ < ϕb ϕb ≤ ϕ < 80° 80° ≤ ϕ < 120° 120° ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr ϕr ≤ ϕ ≤ ϕb ϕb < ϕ ≤ 80° 80° < ϕ ≤ 120° 120° < ϕ ≤ 180° 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb ϕb < ϕ ≤ 80° 80° < ϕ ≤ 180° ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . for D/λ ≥ 100, for D/λ < 100. for D/λ ≥ 100, for D/λ < 100. Pattern Information Recommendation ITU-R S.1428-1 reference FSS earth station radiation pattern for use in interference assessment involving non-GSO satellites in frequency bands between 10.7 GHz and 30 GHz. Antenna efficiency is implicitly set to 0.6. Maximum antenna gain is not required on input and is calculated from the antenna diameter and frequency. APLUM_001.PDF 48/ 112 APERR_020V01 Ref. : APL-UM-001 Example 50 Version : 1.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 40 G(phi) for Diameter, Frequency: 0.6 m, 11 GHz 1.0 m, 11 GHz 3.0 m, 11 GHz Diameter = 0.6 Frequency = 11000. Gmax, out = 34.554 D/lambda, out = 22.015 Phi m, out = 4.205 Phi r, out = 4.315 G1, out = 13.124 Diameter = 1. Frequency = 11000. Gmax, out = 38.991 D/lambda, out = 36.692 Phi m, out = 2.457 Phi r, out = 2.589 G1, out = 18.671 Diameter = 3. Frequency = 11000. Gmax, out = 48.53 D/lambda, out = 110.076 Phi m, out = 0.79 Phi r, out = 0.944 G1, out = 29.624 30 G(phi), dB 20 10 0 -10 0.1 1 phi, degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Low Level Validation Event Message D/lambda () is less than 20 (). -6002 STDC_ERR_DLAMBDA APLUM_001.PDF 49/ 112 APERR_020V01 Ref.1. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 99 APEND_099V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: ND-EARTH ND-EARTH GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax for all angles Pattern Information Non-directional earth station antenna pattern (also known as quasi-omnidirectional) with the maximum isotropic gain. Example APLUM_001.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Non-directional earth station antenna pattern.PDF 50/ 112 APEND_099V01 . 7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 35.1 1 phi.PDF 51/ 112 APEND_099V01 .5 dB 50 40 G(phi).Ref.5 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 35.1. : APL-UM-001 60 Version : 1. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0. 45 Cross-Polar Component Gx = Gmax – 30 If Gx > G: Gx = G for 1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 4. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.PDF 52/ 112 APSRR_401V01 . Curve A+C and B.6.1. . 687 Figure 7. Curve A+B.7. .2 Space station antenna patterns ID Name Type 401 APSRR_401V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting Description Appendix 30 and Appendix 30A (RR-2001) reference space station antenna pattern for Region 2. Appendix 30B (RR-2001) space station antenna co-polar pattern for all Regions. 722 Figure 1.3 4. .13. AP30F10X R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 2 2003-06-11 References Reference RR-2001 RR-2001 RR-2001 Append/Art Annex AP30-123 AP30B-30 5 1 AP30A-123 3 Section 3. Curve A+C and B. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: R123SS GIMS: AP30BF1. Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2 G = Gmax – 22 – 20 log (ϕ/ϕ0) for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1.3 A-1.45 <(ϕ/ϕ0) Pattern Information 1) Appendix 30 (RR-2001) reference transmitting space station antenna pattern of elliptical cross-section for Region 2 used APLUM_001.Ref.2 Page 551 Figure 10. A minimum value of 0. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Beamlet OPTIONAL NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Cross-polar Low Level Validation Event Message Gmax () is less than 30 (). dB 30 20 10 0 0. 6032 STDC_WAR_CX_IS_0 APLUM_001.7 Date : 2007-05-28 A minimum value of 0.55 was assumed. An antenna efficiency of 0.1 1 phi.1.Ref. : APL-UM-001 for BSS planning. An antenna efficiency of 0.6 degrees for the half-power beamwidth has been agreed on for planning for Region 2.8 degrees for the half-power beamwidth has been adopted for planning for Region 2.PDF 53/ 112 APSRR_401V01 . 2) Appendix 30A (RR-2001) reference receiving space station antenna pattern for Region 2 used for BSS planning in Region 2. 3) Appendix 30B (RR-2001) space station antenna co-polar pattern for receiving and transmitting antennas for all Regions. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Gmax = 57 Phi0 = 2 50 40 G(phi). Version : 1. The minimum half-power beamwidth is 1. Used for the determination of coordination requirements and interference assessment in FSS Plan. The Allotment Plan is based on the use of space station antennas with beams of elliptical or circular cross-section.55 was assumed. Gmax is too low.8 degrees for the 13/10-11 GHz band. Antenna efficiency is assumed to be 0. Cx pattern is zero.55.6 degrees for the 6/4 GHz band and 0. AP30AFCX R1448: - Version Revision Date 0 0 2 2003-06-11 References Reference RR-2001 RR-2001 RR-2001 ROP-2002 RR-2001 ROP-2002 Append/Art Annex AP30-124 5 AP30A-114 3 AP30A-123 3 AP30A AP30B-31 AP30B 1 Section 3.45  for 0.7.Ref. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 402 APSRR_402V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting Fast Roll-Off Version : 1.45 G = Gmax – 22 − 20 log (ϕ/ϕ0) where: x = 0. .5 < (ϕ/ϕ0)≤( ϕ Bmin + x) Bmin  0  ϕ0   G = Gmax –25.7. Curve A+C and B.3 3.2 Part A1 Page 552 Figure 11A and 11B. Appendix 30A and Appendix 30B (RR-2001) fast roll-off reference space station antenna pattern for all Regions.PDF 54/ 112 APSRR_402V01 .5 Gx = Gmax – 30 If Gx > G: Gx = G  ϕ −x ϕ0 1.13. 687 Figure 8.23 for ( ϕ Bmin + x)<(ϕ/ϕ0)≤1. Start Date End Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: R123FR GIMS: AP30BF2. . 20 attachment 1 to Rules concerning Appendix 30B.45 < (ϕ/ϕ0) 1.6. 723 Figure 2.1. .7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30. Curve A+B. Co-Polar Component Cross-Polar Component G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2    G = Gmax –12     2 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.45 0 for 1.3 Part A1 A-1. Curve A+C and B.5 (1 – Bmin / ϕ0 ) Pattern Information 1) Appendix 30 (RR-2001) fast roll-off reference transmitting space station antenna pattern for Regions 1. 21 attachment 1 to Rules concerning Appendix 30A. Curve A+C and B.3 4. . 678 Figure C. 2 and 3 used for APLUM_001. AP30F11X. An antenna efficiency of 0. 2) Appendix 30A (RR-2001) fast roll-off reference receiving space station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3 used for BSS planning when it was necessary to reduce co-polar interference. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters APLUM_001.55 was assumed. Rules concerning Appendix 30B.1. The pattern was corrected as in ITU Rules of Procedure.PDF 55/ 112 APSRR_402V01 . For planning purposes at WRC-97 an antenna diameter of 5 m for the band 17. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Gmax = 57 Bmin = 0. 2002. The minimum half-power beamwidth is 1. 4) Appendix 30B (RR-2001) space station antenna co-polar pattern for receiving and transmitting fast roll-off antennas for all Regions. Antenna efficiency is assumed 0.55 was assumed. An antenna efficiency of 0. The on-axis gain was taken as 57 dBi. and 0. The pattern was corrected as in ITU Rules of Procedure.8 degrees for Region 2.8 degrees for the 13/10-11 GHz band. Rules concerning Appendix 30A. A minimum value of 0. The "beamlet" value of 0. The Allotment Plan is based on the use of space station antennas with beams of elliptical or circular cross-section.8 GHz were assumed. This pattern is derived from an antenna producing an elliptical beam with fast roll-off in the main lobe assuming a "beamlet" of 0.6 degrees for Regions 1 and 3 and 0.1 GHz and 6 m for the band 14. Used for the determination of coordination requirements and interference assessment in FSS Plan when so specified by administrations.55 was assumed. 2002. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. A minimum value of 0.3-18.Ref.6 degrees for the 6/4 GHz band and 0.6 degrees for the half-power beamwidth has been agreed on for planning.6 degrees for the half-power beamwidth has been adopted for planning for Regions 1 and 3.6 degrees for Regions 1 and 3.6 degrees for the half-power beamwidth has been adopted for planning for Regions 1 and 3. dB 30 20 10 0 0. An antenna efficiency of 0.8 degrees for Region 2.6 degrees for Region 2. This pattern is derived from an antenna producing an elliptical beam with fast roll-off in the main lobe assuming a "beamlet" of 0.7 Date : 2007-05-28 BSS planning when it was necessary to reduce interference. A minimum value of 0.1 1 phi.55.5-14. 3) Appendix 30A (RR-2001) fast roll-off reference receiving space station antenna pattern for Region 2 used for BSS planning where it was necessary to reduce interference.6 degrees for the 6/4 GHz band and 0.6 Phi0 = 2 50 40 G(phi). This pattern is derived from an antenna producing an elliptical beam with fast roll-off in the main lobe assuming a "beamlet" of 0.8 degrees for the 13/1011 GHz bands are assumed. Ref.PDF 56/ 112 APSRR_402V01 . Cx pattern is zero. : APL-UM-001 GainMax Beamlet OPTIONAL REQUIRED Version : 1.1. Gmax () is less than 30 (). 6011 STDC_WAR_PHI0_LT_BMIN 6032 STDC_WAR_CX_IS_0 APLUM_001. Gmax is too low.7 Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Date : 2007-05-28 Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Co-polar Cross-polar Low Level Validation Event Message Phi0 () is less than Bmin (). Ref.7.67 < (ϕ/ϕ0) Pattern Information Appendix 30A (RR-2001) reference receiving satellite antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3. An antenna efficiency of 0.5 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 403 APSRR_403V01 Space Receiving Version : 1. AP30AFBX R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date 1997-10-26 Version Revision Date 0 0 2 2003-06-11 References Reference RR-2001 Append/Art Annex AP30A-113 3 Section 3. Curve A+C and B.55 was assumed.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30A (RR-2001) reference receiving space station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3 (WARC Orb-88).3 Cross-Polar Component Gx = Gmax –30 – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2 Gx = Gmax –33 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.3 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) for 0. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: R13RSS GIMS: AP30AFB.1. Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) < 1. WARC Orb-88.67 Gx = Gmax –40 – 40 log (ϕ/ϕ0 – 1) for 1.6 degrees for the half-power beamwidth has been used for planning for Regions 1 and 3.3 Page 677 Figure B. Used in the original 1988 feeder-link Plan (WARC Orb-88) and for the assignments notified and brought into use before 27 October 1997. APLUM_001. A minimum value of 0.PDF 57/ 112 APSRR_403V01 .5 – 25 log (ϕ/ϕ0) for 1.5 G = Gmax – 17. 1.1 1 phi.PDF 58/ 112 APSRR_403V01 . : APL-UM-001 Example 60 Version : 1. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Beamlet OPTIONAL NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Cross-polar Low Level Validation Event Message Gmax () is less than 30 (). dB 30 20 10 0 0.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Gmax = 57 Phi0 = 2 50 40 G(phi). 6032 STDC_WAR_CX_IS_0 APLUM_001. Cx pattern is zero.Ref. Gmax is too low. 3 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) Cross-Polar Component Gx = Gmax –35 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) < 1.6 degrees for the half-power beamwidth has been used for planning for Regions 1 and 3. Used for replanning at WRC-97 and specified in Recommendation ITU-R BO. .1. APLUM_001. 2 Figure 1.5 – 25 log (ϕ/ϕ0) for Gx = Gmax –40 – 40 log (ϕ/ϕ0 – 1) for 1.7. WRC-97.3 Page 677 Figure B.55 was assumed. A minimum value of 0.75 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) Pattern Information Appendix 30A (RR-2001) reference receiving satellite antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3. Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) < 1. An antenna efficiency of 0.75 G = Gmax – 17.1296.PDF 59/ 112 APSRR_404V01 .Ref. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 404 APSRR_404V01 Space Receiving Version : 1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30A (RR-2001) reference receiving space station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3 (WRC-97).3 1. Curve A’+C and B’. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: MODRSS GIMS: AP30AFBP R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain 1997-01-01 End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 2 2003-06-11 References Reference RR-2001 REC-1296 Append/Art Annex AP30A-113 3 Section 3. Curve A’+C and B’. The on-axis gain was taken as 57 dBi.8 GHz were assumed.7 Date : 2007-05-28 For planning purposes at WRC-97 antenna diameters of 5 m for the band 17. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Beamlet OPTIONAL NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Cross-polar Low Level Validation Event Message Gmax () is less than 35 ().Ref.3-18.5-14. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. Gmax is too low.1 1 phi. 6032 STDC_WAR_CX_IS_0 APLUM_001.1 GHz and 6 m for the band 14. dB 30 20 10 0 0. Cx pattern is zero. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Gmax = 57 Phi0 = 2 50 40 G(phi).1.PDF 60/ 112 APSRR_404V01 . 6 degrees for the half-power beamwidth has been adopted for planning for Regions 1 and 3.58 Gx = Gmax – 40 – 40 log Gx = Gmax – 33 Gx = Gmax – 40 – 40 log for 1.67 ϕ −1 ϕ0 for 1.58 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 3.3 Page 550 Figure 9.33 G = Gmax –17.Ref.67 < (ϕ/ϕ0) Pattern Information Appendix 30 (RR-2001) reference transmitting space station antenna pattern of elliptical cross-section for Regions 1 and 3 used for BSS planning.13. .5 – 25 log (ϕ/ϕ0) for 3.1. A minimum value of 0.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30 (RR-2001) reference transmitting space station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3.55 was assumed. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: R13TSS GIMS: AP30F9.16 < (ϕ/ϕ0) for 0.16 ϕ −1 ϕ0 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0. Co-Polar Component Cross-Polar Component G = Gmax –12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2 G = Gmax –30 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1.33 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 405 APSRR_405V01 Space Transmitting Version : 1. Curve A+C and B. APLUM_001.PDF 61/ 112 APSRR_405V01 . AP30F9X R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 2 2003-06-11 References Reference RR-2001 Append/Art Annex AP30-122 5 Section 3. An antenna efficiency of 0. 7 Date : 2007-05-28 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Gmax = 57 Phi0 = 2 50 40 G(phi). Gmax is too low.1.PDF 62/ 112 APSRR_405V01 .1 1 phi.Ref. : APL-UM-001 Example 60 Version : 1. dB 30 20 10 0 0. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Beamlet OPTIONAL NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Cross-polar Low Level Validation Event Message Gmax () is less than 33 (). Cx pattern is zero. 6032 STDC_WAR_CX_IS_0 APLUM_001. Ref. A minimum value of 0.67 1.45 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ∆G1 = –22 – 20 log (ϕ/ϕ0) ∆G2 = –12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2 ∆G2 = –30 ∆G2 = –17.58 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 3. . Has been used in the replanning at WRC-2000.45 for 0. MOD13FRX R1448: - Version Revision Date 0 0 2 2003-06-11 References Reference RR-2001 REC-1445 Append/Art Annex AP30-127 5 1 Section 3. A "beamlet" is 0.3 Page 555 Figure 13.5 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ ( ϕ Bmin + x ) 0 1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Appendix 30 (RR-2001) improved fast roll-off transmitting space station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3 (WRC-2000). Co-Polar Component G = Gmax + ∆G Cross-Polar Component Gx = Gmax – 40 – 40 log for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.5 – 25 log (ϕ/ϕ0) where: Bmin = 0.45 0 for 1.6 degrees for Regions 1 and 3.6 degrees for the half-power beamwidth has been adopted for planning for Regions 1 and 3.33 Gx = Gmax – 33 Gx = Gmax – 40 – 40 log for 0. for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1.3  ϕ −x ϕ0  Bmin   ϕ0   ϕ −1 ϕ0 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.5 2 ∆G = Min (∆G1.1. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 406 APSRR_406V01 Space Transmitting Fast Roll-Off Version : 1. Curve A+C and B. x = 0.55 was assumed. ∆G2) ∆G1 = –12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2    ∆G1 = –12     ∆G1 = –25. WRC-2000.58 for 1.5 (1 – Bmin / ϕ0 ). 2 Figure 1. APLUM_001. Start Date 2000-01-01 End Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: MOD13FRTSS GIMS: MOD13FR.6° for Regions 1 and 3.PDF 63/ 112 APSRR_406V01 .67 < (ϕ/ϕ0) for ( ϕ Bmin + x ) < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1. Curve A+C and B.13.45 ϕ −1 ϕ0 for 1.16 < (ϕ/ϕ0) Pattern Information Appendix 30 (RR-2001) improved fast roll-off transmitting space station antenna pattern for Regions 1 and 3.33 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1.16 for 3. An antenna efficiency of 0. 7 Date : 2007-05-28 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Gmax = 57 Bmin = 0. dB 30 20 10 0 0. Cx pattern is zero.1.Ref. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Beamlet OPTIONAL REQUIRED Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Co-polar Cross-polar Low Level Validation Event Message Phi0 () is less than Bmin (). : APL-UM-001 Example 60 Version : 1. Gmax is too low. 6011 STDC_WAR_PHI0_LT_BMIN 6032 STDC_WAR_CX_IS_0 APLUM_001.PDF 64/ 112 APSRR_406V01 .1 1 phi.6 Phi0 = 2 50 40 G(phi). Gmax () is less than 33 (). Ls = -10 dB for use in article 22.PDF 65/ 112 APSREC407V01 . table 22-2.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Recommendation ITU-R S.Ref. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2007-01-15 References Reference REC-672 Append/Art Annex 1 Section 1. Example APLUM_001.83 b = 6. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 407 APSREC407V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1. Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2 G = Gmax + Ls for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ a/2 for a/2 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ b/2 for b/2 < (ϕ/ϕ0) G = Gmax + Ls + 20 – 25 log (2ϕ/ϕ0) where: Ls = –10 dB a = 1.672-4 space station antenna pattern for use as a designe objective in the FSS employing geostationary satellites. Figure 1.672-4 space station antenna pattern in FSS for Ls = -10 dB.1 Page 6 Formula I-IV.1. Ls = -10 dB. Single feed circular beams.32 Pattern Information Recommendation ITU-R S. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Beamlet OPTIONAL NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001. phi0: 40 dBi.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 40 Phi0 = 1.PDF 66/ 112 APSREC407V01 .1. dBi 20 10 0 0. 1.55 degrees 40 30 G(phi).Ref. : APL-UM-001 50 Version : 1.55 G(phi) for Gmax.1 1 phi. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 408 APSREC408V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1.PDF 67/ 112 APSREC408V01 .32 Pattern Information Recommendation ITU-R S. Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2 G = Gmax + Ls for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ a/2 for a/2 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ b/2 for b/2 < (ϕ/ϕ0) G = Gmax + Ls + 20 – 25 log (2ϕ/ϕ0) where: Ls = –20 dB a = 2. Single feed circular beams.1. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2007-01-15 References Reference REC-672 Append/Art Annex 1 Section 1.672-4 space station antenna pattern for use as a designe objective in the FSS employing geostationary satellites. tables 22-2 and 22-3. Figure 1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Recommendation ITU-R S. Ls = -20 dB for use in article 22. Example APLUM_001.672-4 space station antenna pattern in FSS for Ls = -20 dB. Ls = -20 dB.Ref.58 b = 6.1 Page 6 Formula I-IV. 0 degrees 40 30 G(phi). degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Beamlet OPTIONAL NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001. dBi 20 10 0 0.PDF 68/ 112 APSREC408V01 .1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 40 Phi0 = 4.0 G(phi) for Gmax.1 1 phi. : APL-UM-001 50 Version : 1.Ref. phi0: 40 dBi. 4. Ref. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 499 APSND_499V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Non-directional space station antenna pattern.PDF 69/ 112 APSND_499V01 .1. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: ND-SPACE ND-SPACE GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax for all angles Pattern Information Non-directional space station antenna pattern (also known as quasi-omnidirectional) with the maximum isotropic gain. Example APLUM_001. 7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 35 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB 50 40 G(phi).PDF 70/ 112 APSND_499V01 .Ref. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Beamlet OPTIONAL NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001.1. dB 30 20 10 0 0.1 1 phi. : APL-UM-001 60 Version : 1. 1 Earth station antenna patterns ID Name Type 801 APENST801V01 Description Non-standard OBSOLETE earth station antenna pattern similar to that in Recommendation ITU-R S.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = Max (CoefA – 25 log ϕ. G1 = CoefA = 2 + 15 log (D/λ) for D/λ ≤ 100. where the sidelobe radiation is represented by the expression CoefA . for D/λ ≤ 100. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. 25 = 10  Pattern Information Non-standard OBSOLETE earth station antenna pattern similar to that in Recommendation ITU-R S.25 log(phi). for D/λ > 100.465-3. for D/λ > 100. APLUM_001. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . –10) If D/λ ≤ 100: G = Gmax – 2. for D/λ ≤ 100. Earth Receiving and Transmitting Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options End Date 1992-12-31 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain Version Revision Date 0 0 1 MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: 7 References Co-Polar Component 2003-05-23 If D/λ > 100: G = Gmax – 2.7 Date : 2007-05-28 5.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 52 – 10 log (D/λ) – 25 log ϕ G = 10 – 10 log (D/λ) where: 10  Gmax     10   -3 2 -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤180° D/λ = ηπ2 .PDF 71/ 112 APENST801V01 .465-3.Ref.1. where the side-lobe radiation is represented by the expression CoefA .25 log(phi). NON STANDARD ANTENNA PATTERNS 5. ϕr = 1° = 100 λ/D ϕb = 10  CoefA+10      25   42      for D/λ > 100. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 54.4 dB 50 40 Gmax = 54. out = 39. Gmax = 34. inout = 30. out = 19. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters coefA Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Both Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message CoefA () is out of limits [18:47].97 G1.PDF 72/ 112 APENST801V01 . Pattern is extended in the main-lobe range similar to Appendix 8 of RR-2001.6 Phi r. Phi r () is less than Phi m (). Gmax () is less than G1 ().66 G1.7 CoefA. current version of the Recommendation ITU-R: S. out = 5.01 Phi b.7 is to be applied for FSS Plan and a value of 0.49 Phi r. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. out = 30. For D/lambda < 100 provided CoefA is ignored and a standard value of CoefA=32 is applied.5 G(phi). when possible.1 1 phi. out = 199. Square root of negative value.465-5 (APENST806V01). out = 3. out = 47.4 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 34. -6014 STDC_ERR_COEFA_LIM -6010 STDC_ERR_PHIB_LT_PHIR -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 6002 STDC_WAR_DLAMBDA 6009 STDC_WAR_PHIR_LT_PHIM APLUM_001. Phi m. If efficiency is not specified.6 is to be applied for "non-planned" services. Phi b () is less than Phi r (). out = 21. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0. D/lambda () is less than 100 (). inout = 30.4 Efficiency = 0. out = 1. CoefA is ignored. out = 0.Ref.4 Efficiency = 0.7 CoefA.81 D/lambda.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Use. a value of 0.86 D/lambda.1. Phi m. Phi b. 7 Date : 2007-05-28 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Description Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern described by 4 main coefficients: A. Gmin) for Phi1< ϕ ≤180° If G > Gmax: G = Gmax If G < Gmin: G = Gmin Pattern Information Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern described by 4 main coefficients: A. B. A flooring of minimum antenna gain is applied for the pattern.Ref. Minimum antenna gain (Gmin) must be provided. D and angle phi1.1. CoefC – CoefD * log ϕ). A ceiling of maximum antenna gain is applied for the pattern. Pattern is equal to maximum antenna gain in the main-lobe range (for off-axis angles less than 1 degree). Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options End Date Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain Version Revision Date 0 0 1 MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: 5 References Co-Polar Component 2003-05-23 G = Gmax G = CoefA – CoefB * log ϕ for 0° ≤ ϕ < 1° for 1° ≤ ϕ ≤ Phi1 G = Max(Min(G(Phi1). a value of -10 dB must be set. If the minimum antenna gain (Gmin) is unknown. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 802 APENST802V01 Version : 1. C. C.PDF 73/ 112 APENST802V01 . APLUM_001. Minimum antenna gain (Gmin) must be provided. B. D and angle phi1. out = -10.9]. Phi1. Phi1. out = 100. inout = 25. Gmin. inout = 30. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. inout = 29. gmin Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Both Both Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message Gmin () is out of limits [-100:Gmax]. inout = 25. CoefC. phi1. coefD. CoefB () is out of limits [10:50]. Phi b. Phi r. CoefA () is out of limits [18:47]. CoefD. out = 10.96 Gmax = 25 CoefA.Ref. Example 40 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 25 dB 30 Gmax = 35 CoefA. inout = 27. Phi r. coefC. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters coefA. inout = 20. out = -10. -6020 STDC_ERR_GMIN -6018 STDC_ERR_NSTD_PHI1 -6017 STDC_ERR_COEFD -6016 STDC_ERR_COEFC -6015 STDC_ERR_COEFB -6014 STDC_ERR_COEFA_LIM APLUM_001. CoefC.0:99.1 1 phi. CoefD () is out of limits [10:50]. 20 G(phi).7 Date : 2007-05-28 The pattern is similar to APENST807V01 but Gmin is taken from STDT_EarthSpecificStruct.1. Phi1 () is out of limits [1. CoefC () is out of limits [18:47]. CoefB. out = 1. inout = 32. inout = 28. Gmin. Phi b. CoefB. out = 20. CoefD. dB 10 0 -10 0.PDF 74/ 112 APENST802V01 . coefB. out = 10. out = 1. Pattern Information Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern similar to that in Appendix 30B (RR-2001).7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern similar to that in Appendix 30B (RR-2001).1.25 log(phi).5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = CoefA – 25 log ϕ G = –10 If D/λ < 100: G = Gmax – 2. ϕr = 15. ϕb = 10 . G1 = 15 log (D/λ) − 30 + CoefA. a value of 0.6 for D/λ ≥ 100. for D/λ < 100.25 log(phi). where the side-lobe radiation is represented by the expression CoefA . where the side-lobe radiation is represented by the expression CoefA .7 is to be applied for FSS Plan. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: AP30B GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component If D/λ ≥ 100: G = Gmax – 2.85 (D/λ) = 100 λ/D -0. If efficiency is not specified. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 803 APENST803V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1.Ref.PDF 75/ 112 APENST803V01 . ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . Used by some administrations in submissions under Appendix 30B. Example APLUM_001.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 -3 2 -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr G = CoefA +20 –10 log (D/λ) –25 log ϕ for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb G = 10 – 10 log (D/λ) where:  Gmax   10 10      CoefA+10      25  for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° D/λ = ηπ2 . 4 Efficiency = 0. Phi b () is less than Phi r ().1 1 phi.11 D/lambda. -6014 STDC_ERR_COEFA_LIM -6010 STDC_ERR_PHIB_LT_PHIR -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 APLUM_001. Gmax () is less than G1 ().7 CoefA.4 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 34. out = 0.Ref.1.66 G1. out = 17. Square root of negative value. : APL-UM-001 60 Version : 1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 54. out = 33. Phi m.4 dB 50 40 G(phi).4 Efficiency = 0.66 Phi b.01 Phi b. out = 32.47 Phi r. inout = 28.5 Gmax = 34.7 CoefA. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters coefA Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message CoefA () is out of limits [18:47]. out = 0. out = 4. out = 199. Phi m. inout = 28. out = 33. out = 5.PDF 76/ 112 APENST803V01 . out = 19.11 D/lambda. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.12 Phi r.5 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 54.97 G1. – 10) If G > Gmax: G = Gmax for 0° ≤ ϕ ≤ 1° for 1° < ϕ ≤ 180° Pattern Information Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern described by 2 main coefficients: A and B. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 804 APENST804V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1. Example APLUM_001. A ceiling of the maximum antenna gain is applied for the pattern.Ref.PDF 77/ 112 APENST804V01 . A flooring of -10 dB is applied for the pattern.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern described by 2 main coefficients: A and B. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: A-B*LOG(FI) R1448: 2 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax G = Max(CoefA – CoefB * log ϕ. Pattern is equal to the maximum antenna gain in the main-lobe range (angles less than 1 degrees). Phi b. CoefB. -6015 STDC_ERR_COEFB -6014 STDC_ERR_COEFA_LIM APLUM_001. : APL-UM-001 40 Version : 1.07 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 38 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 30 dB 30 20 G(phi). CoefB.Ref.PDF 78/ 112 APENST804V01 . inout = 35. Phi r. out = 1.1. out = 1. out = 45. dB 10 0 -10 0.1 1 phi. Phi r. Phi b. inout = 33.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 38 CoefA. out = 74. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters coefA. inout = 24.99 Gmax = 30 CoefA. coefB Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message CoefB () is out of limits [10:50]. CoefA () is out of limits [18:47]. inout = 26. Start Date End Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: 3 Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax for 0° ≤ ϕ < 1° G = Max(CoefA – CoefB * log ϕ. A ceiling of the maximum antenna gain is applied for the pattern.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern that is a combination of a non-standard pattern described by 2 main coefficients: A and B.1. G = –10 where: GAB(Phi1) = CoefA – CoefB * log (Phi1) GAP8(Phi1)= APERR_001V01(Phi1) GAP8(ϕ) = APERR_001V01(ϕ) G2(ϕ) = Min(GAB(Phi1).Ref.PDF 79/ 112 APENST805V01 . –10) for 1° ≤ ϕ ≤ Phi1 G = G2(ϕ) If G > Gmax. G = Gmax If G < –10. Antenna efficiency is implicitly set to 0. APLUM_001. within a certain range and the Appendix 8 (RR-2001) earth station antenna pattern onwards. GAP8(ϕ)) if GAP8(Phi1) > GAB(Phi1) = GAP8(ϕ) if GAP8(Phi1) ≤ GAB(Phi1) for Phi1< ϕ ≤180° Pattern Information Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern that is a combination of a non-standard pattern described by 2 main coefficients: A and B. Pattern is equal to the maximum antenna gain in the main-lobe range (angles less than 1 degrees). A flooring of -10 dB is applied for the pattern. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 805 APENST805V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1. within a certain range and the Appendix 8 (RR2001) earth station antenna pattern onwards.6 as for Appendix 8 (RR-2001) calculations. 2 CoefA. out = 9.2 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 27 dB 50 40 Gmax = 51.63 Gmax = 27 CoefA. out = 7.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 51.0:99. inout = 25.79 Phi1. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0. out = 34. CoefB. CoefA () is out of limits [18:47]. inout = 35. D/lambda. Phi m. out = 48. out = 10. CoefB () is out of limits [10:50].62 G1.48 G(phi). out = 10. inout = 30.1 1 phi.23 G1. -6018 STDC_ERR_NSTD_PHI1 -6015 STDC_ERR_COEFB -6014 STDC_ERR_COEFA_LIM 6010 STDC_WAR_PHIB_LT_PHIR APLUM_001. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters coefA.9].Ref. Phi b. coefB. Phi m.PDF 80/ 112 APENST805V01 . phi1 Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi1 () is out of limits [1. Phi b () is less than Phi r (). D/lambda.1. out = 48. out = 0.84 Phi1. out = 149. out = 0. out = 7. Phi b. out = 16. : APL-UM-001 Example 60 Version : 1.54 Phi r. CoefB. inout = 20.03 Phi r. for D/λ ≤ 100.Ref.PDF 81/ 112 APENST806V01 .7 is to be applied for FSS Plan and a value of 0.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° G = Max (CoefA – 25 log ϕ. = CoefA – 50 + 25 log D/λ for D/λ ≤ 100. A-25*LOG(FI) GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 2.465-5. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 806 APENST806V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1.25 log(phi).1. If efficiency is not specified. ϕr = 1° = 100 λ/D ϕb = 10  CoefA+10      25  for D/λ > 100.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern similar to that in Recommendation ITU-R S. where the side-lobe radiation is represented by the expression CoefA . –10) where:  Gmax      10 10  D/λ = ηπ2 G1 = CoefA for D/λ > 100. where the side-lobe radiation is represented by the expression CoefA . Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: NN-25LOG(FI). APLUM_001.25 log(phi). Pattern is extended in the main-lobe range similar to Appendix 8 of RR-2001. Pattern Information Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern similar to that in Recommendation ITU-R S. ϕm = 20 λ/D G max −G1 . a value of 0.6 is to be applied for "non-planned" services.465-5. CoefA is taken into account for both D/lambda >= 100 and for D/lambda < 100. . Phi m. out = 19. inout = 35. out = 63. out = 199.66 G1. Gmax () is less than G1 (). dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.4 dB 50 40 Gmax = 54.1 D/lambda.12 Phi r. out = 35. Phi r () is less than Phi m (). out = 1.51 G(phi). out = 17.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 54.4 Efficiency = 0. out = 63. Phi b () is less than Phi r ().PDF 82/ 112 APENST806V01 . out = 0. : APL-UM-001 Example 60 Version : 1. Square root of negative value.4 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 34. inout = 35.44 Phi r. Gmax = 34. Phi b.Ref.97 G1. Phi m.7 CoefA. out = 5.4 Efficiency = 0. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters coefA Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message CoefA () is out of limits [18:47].01 Phi b. -6014 STDC_ERR_COEFA_LIM -6010 STDC_ERR_PHIB_LT_PHIR -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 6009 STDC_WAR_PHIR_LT_PHIM APLUM_001.7 CoefA. out = 4.1 1 phi.1 D/lambda. A flooring of minimum antenna gain is applied for the pattern.PDF 83/ 112 APENST807V01 .1. APLUM_001. C.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern described by 4 main coefficients: A. B. Pattern is equal to maximum antenna gain in the main-lobe range (for off-axis angles less than 1 degree). A ceiling of maximum antenna gain is applied for the pattern. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 807 APENST807V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1. C. CoefC – CoefD * log ϕ). Minimum antenna gain (Gmin) is -10 dB. B. D and angle phi1. D and angle phi1. The pattern is similar to APENST802V01 but Gmin is set to -10 dB regardless of the value in STDT_EarthSpecificStruct.Ref. Minimum antenna gain (Gmin) is -10 dB. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: ABCDphi1 R1448: 5 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2006-10-20 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax G = CoefA – CoefB * log ϕ for 0° ≤ ϕ < 1° for 1° ≤ ϕ ≤ Phi1 G = Max(Min(G(Phi1). -10) for Phi1< ϕ ≤180° If G > Gmax: G = Gmax If G < -10: G = -10 Pattern Information Non-standard generic earth station antenna pattern described by 4 main coefficients: A. 96 Gmax = 25 CoefA. out = 10.1. CoefC. coefB. Phi1. Gmin. inout = 27. CoefC () is out of limits [18:47].Ref. inout = 32. coefD. Gmin. CoefA () is out of limits [18:47]. CoefD () is out of limits [10:50]. Phi1 () is out of limits [1. phi1 Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Both Both Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message Gmin () is out of limits [-100:Gmax]. CoefB () is out of limits [10:50]. inout = 25. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters coefA. inout = 28. CoefB. CoefB.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 25 dB 30 Gmax = 35 CoefA.1 1 phi. Phi b. coefC. -6020 STDC_ERR_GMIN -6018 STDC_ERR_NSTD_PHI1 -6017 STDC_ERR_COEFD -6016 STDC_ERR_COEFC -6015 STDC_ERR_COEFB -6014 STDC_ERR_COEFA_LIM APLUM_001. : APL-UM-001 Example 40 Version : 1.9]. CoefC. 20 G(phi). out = 1. CoefD. out = 10. inout = 25. inout = 30. out = -10. Phi r. dB 10 0 -10 0. Phi1. out = 1.PDF 84/ 112 APENST807V01 . inout = 29. inout = 20. Phi b. out = 20. CoefD.0:99. out = -10. Phi r. out = 100. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: 4 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gj + where: ϕj is the smallest angle in the table which is greater than ϕ.PDF 85/ 112 APENST899V01 . Gj is off-axis gain corresponding to ϕj.1. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 899 APENST899V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1. Linear interpolation is applied to calculate antenna gains for intermediate angles.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Earth station antenna pattern which is given by a table. Example APLUM_001.Ref. (ϕ − ϕ j )(G j−1 − G j ) ϕ j−1 − ϕ j Pattern Information Earth station antenna pattern which is given by a table: a list of off-axis angles and a list of antenna off-axis gains. Wrong angles order. Gmax = 35 NumPoints = 3 Angle(1) = 1.1. Start angle () is out of limits (0:End angle). Angle(2) = 40. Angle I+1 () is less than or equal to angle I (). Angle(2) = 40. : APL-UM-001 60 Version : 1. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0. angle_gain Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Both Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message Gmax () is less than Gain value (). Gain(3) = -10. Gain(1) = 32.Ref. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthTableStruct) Required Specific Parameters npoints.1 1 phi. Gain(2) = -10. Angle(3) = 180. Gain(2) = -10. Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB 50 40 G(phi). Gain(3) = -10. Gain(1) = 32.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 57 NumPoints = 3 Angle(1) = 1.PDF 86/ 112 APENST899V01 . Number of points () is out of limits [1:29]. Angle(3) = 180. -6025 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G -6024 STDC_ERR_ANGORDER -6023 STDC_ERR_ENDANG -6022 STDC_ERR_STARTANG -6021 STDC_ERR_NUMPTS APLUM_001. End angle () is out of limits [180:180]. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. .PDF 87/ 112 APELUX201V01 .5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = –10 where:  Gmax      10 10  for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° Gx = Gmax – 30 Gx = 29 – 25 log ϕ Gx = –10 where: ϕx =  59−Gmax      10 25   39      10 25  for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕx for ϕx ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° .61. APLUM_001. ϕb =  39      10 25  .1 Earth station antenna patterns ID Name Type 201 APELUX201V01 Earth Transmitting Description Transmitting earth station antenna pattern submitted by LUX for analyses under Appendix 30A. ϕr = 15. DBL-TYP2 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component Cross-Polar Component -3 2 G = Gmax – 2. Pattern Information Transmitting earth station antenna pattern is used for uplinks for analyses under Appendix 30A.6 . ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . ANTENNA PATTERNS FROM ADMINISTRATIONS 6.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 6. where η is the efficiency of 0.Ref. D/λ = ηπ2 -0.85 (D/λ) G1 = 29 – 25 log ϕr = –1 + 15 log (D/λ). Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: DBL-TYP1. ϕb = . out = 0. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Cross-polar Cross-polar Co-polar Low Level Validation Event Message Co-polar curve () is less than cross-polar curve (). out = 36. out = 0. (at plateau level) Gmax is too b Phi b () is less than Phi x ().7 Date : 2007-05-28 It is based on a pattern submitted by LUX administration. the patterns were based on the maximum gain.5 meters.1 1 phi. DBL-TYP1.53 Phi b. rather than diameter. As submitted by the administration. there are two antenna types. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. out = 288. with the calculated values being determined by the maximum gain.) Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB 50 Gmax = 57 Phi m.53 G1.31 D/lambda.9 40 G(phi).PDF 88/ 112 APELUX201V01 . and DBL-TYP2. -6013 STDC_ERR_C0_LT_CX -6008 STDC_ERR_ANG2_LT_ANG1 6009 STDC_WAR_PHIR_LT_PHIM APLUM_001. Phi r () is less than Phi m (). with a diameter of 2. out = 35.1. (Efficiency value 0. The co-polar component is equal to the Appendix 30B antenna pattern for D/lambda > 100 with coefA = 29 and Efficiency = 0. In implementing the formulas. with a diameter of 5 meters.61.61 is fixed.Ref. so that the same formulas are used for both.32 Phi r. 0 . ϕm = λ/D 0.942890 is a fixed value.Ref. This pattern is for community reception. Pattern Information Receiving earth station antenna pattern is used for downlinks for analyses under Appendix 30.942890.25 ϕ0. 0. ϕx = 10  59−Gmax      25  . D/lambda = 96.25 ϕ0. ϕ2 = 0. -3 2 Cross-Polar Component for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 70° for 70° ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° Gx = Gmax – 25 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕ1 for ϕ1 ≤ ϕ < ϕ2 for ϕ2 ≤ ϕ < ϕo for ϕo ≤ ϕ < ϕ3 for ϕ3 ≤ ϕ < ϕx for ϕx ≤ ϕ <180°  ϕ −0. The co-polar component equal to the co-polar component in APELUX203V pattern for individual reception.PDF 89/ 112 APELUX202V01 . a fixed value for this pattern. APLUM_001. It is based on a pattern submitted by LUX administration. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: DBLTVROC0001 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 2.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Receiving earth station antenna pattern submitted by LUX for community reception for analyses under Appendix 30. Gmax is a fixed value of 47 dB. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 202 APELUX202V01 Earth Receiving Version : 1.19ϕ  0   Gx = Gmax – 20   ϕ  Gx = Gmax – 20 – 40   ϕ − 1   0 Gx = Gmax – 30 Gx = G where: ϕ0 = 2 λ/D Gmax −G1 .1.25ϕ0   Gx = Gmax – 25 + 5   0. ϕ3 = 1. G1 = 29 – 25 log ϕr.00295 ϕb =  34      10 25  3 . ϕr = 85 λ/D. The diameter is assumed to be 2.00295 ϕ1 = 0. .4 m.44 ϕ0. A fixed value of maximum gain of 47 dB is used.95x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G=–5 G=0 where: D/λ = 96. 77 Phi r.1 1 phi. out = 96.1. out = 22.43 40 G(phi). dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.94 G1. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.91 D/lambda. out = 30.88 Phi b.Ref. out = 0. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = dB 50 Phi m.PDF 90/ 112 APELUX202V01 .7 Date : 2007-05-28 The cross-polar component is similar to the cross-polar component in APELUX203V01 pattern for individual reception: it is 3 dB greater for all angles until the intersection with the co-polar component. out = 0. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001. 95x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G=–5 G=0 where: λ is the wavelength (0. APLUM_001.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Receiving earth station antenna pattern submitted by LUX for individual reception for analyses under Appendix 30.5 MHz.Ref.PDF 91/ 112 APELUX203V01 . Pattern Information Receiving earth station antenna pattern is used for downlinks for analyses under Appendix 30.5 MHz is used. ϕ3 = 1.00295 ϕ1 = 0. The precise pattern is created by the specification of the maximum gain and antenna diameter. -3 2 Cross-Polar Component for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 70° for 70° ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° Gx = Gmax – 22 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕ1 for ϕ1 ≤ ϕ < ϕ2 for ϕ2 ≤ ϕ < ϕo for ϕo ≤ ϕ < ϕ3 for ϕ3 ≤ ϕ < ϕx for ϕx ≤ ϕ <180°  ϕ −0.00295 ϕb =  34      10 25  3 .1. ϕr = 85 λ/D. G1 = 29 – 25 log ϕr. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 203 APELUX203V01 Earth Receiving Version : 1.0 . It is based on patterns submitted by LUX administration. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: DBLTVROI0001 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 2.02476 m) corresponding to the fixed frequency of 12 109. For this pattern a fixed reference frequency of 12 109. ϕx = 10  56−Gmax      25  .25ϕ0   Gx = Gmax – 22 + 5   0. ϕ2 = 0. 0.19ϕ  0   Gx = Gmax – 17   ϕ  Gx = Gmax – 17 – 40   ϕ − 1   0 Gx = Gmax – 27 Gx = G where: ϕ0 = 2 λ/D Gmax −G1 .44 ϕ0.25 ϕ0. .25 ϕ0. The co-polar component is equal to the co-polar component in APELUX202V01 pattern for community reception. ϕm = λ/D 0. This pattern is for individual reception. out = 24.51 Phi b.1 1 phi. out = 15. Cross-polar pattern does not intersect with co-polar pat Gmax () is less than G1 (). : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. out = 22.91 D/lambda.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 The cross-polar component is similar to the cross-polar component in APELUX202V01 pattern for community reception: it is 3 dB smaller for all angles until the intersection with the co-polar component.Ref.6 Phi m. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Cross-polar Co-polar Co-polar Low Level Validation Event Message Phi3 () is less than Phi x (). Gmax () is less than 22 (). out = 3.38 20 G(phi). -6008 STDC_ERR_ANG2_LT_ANG1 -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 6009 STDC_WAR_PHIR_LT_PHIM -6004 STDC_ERR_CXCO_NOTINTERS Cross-polar APLUM_001.37 Phi r. Square root of negative value. Example 40 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB 30 Gmax = 35 Diameter = 0. out = 3.PDF 92/ 112 APELUX203V01 . dB 10 0 -10 0.24 G1. Phi r () is less than Phi m (). APLUM_001.25 log (phi) from angle of 20 degrees to 48 degrees.25 log (phi) up to angle of 20 degrees 32 .7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Earth station antenna pattern submitted by LUX for both uplinks and downlinks for analyses under Appendix 30B.1. Pattern Information Earth station antenna pattern is used for both uplinks and downlinks for analyses under Appendix 30B. It is based on a pattern submitted by LUX administration. G1 = –1 + 15 log (D/λ). Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: MIX1 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 2.PDF 93/ 112 APELUX204V01 . the pattern is the same as in Appendix 30B. The pattern differs from Appendix 30B pattern in that it has: 29 . ϕb = 48°.6 . ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 .85 (D/λ) -0.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = 32 – 25 log ϕ G = –10 where:  Gmax   10 10     -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < 20° for 20° ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤180° D/λ = ηπ2 . In the other parts. ϕr = 15. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 204 APELUX204V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1. The algorithm has been expanded to describe a complete pattern using the same pattern as Appendix 30B (with coefA=29) in the undefined areas.Ref. 1.23 G1. -6002 STDC_ERR_DLAMBDA -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 APLUM_001. Pattern is valid only for D/lambda > 100.Ref. out = 107. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 59 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 49 dB 50 40 Gmax = 59 Efficiency = 0.95 Gmax = 49 Efficiency = 0. Square root of negative value. out = 36. out = 48. out = 339.7 Phi m.28 Phi r. out = 0. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. D/lambda.08 G1. out = 0. D/lambda.48 Phi b.45 G(phi). this is supposed to happen. out = 0. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.96 Phi b. out = 48.1 1 phi.82 Phi r.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Note that this pattern has a discontinuity of 3 dB (positive step) at 20 degrees. out = 0. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both Low Level Validation Event Message D/lambda () is less than 100 (). Gmax () is less than G1 ().7 Phi m.PDF 94/ 112 APELUX204V01 . out = 29. Ref. Pattern Information Earth station antenna pattern is used for both uplinks and downlinks for analyses under Appendix 30B.PDF 95/ 112 APELUX205V01 . G1 = –1 + 15 log (D/λ).30).5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = 7. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 .1. For D/lambda > 100 there is a discontinuity (negative step) in the pattern at 1 degrees: (15 log D/l . This step is: 0 dB for D/lambda = 100 1.9 G = 32 – 25 log ϕ G = –10 where:  Gmax    10  10  -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < 7° for 7° ≤ ϕ ≤ 9° for 9° ≤ ϕ < ϕb for ϕb ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° D/λ = ηπ 2 .3 10.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Earth station antenna pattern submitted by LUX for both uplinks and downlinks for analyses under Appendix 30B. It is based on a pattern submitted by LUX administration. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: MIX2 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 2. for D/λ < 100. ϕr = 1° = 100 λ/D for D/λ ≥ 100. ϕb = 48°. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 205 APELUX205V01 Earth Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1.5 dB for D/lambda = 500 APLUM_001.2 dB for D/lambda = 120. out = 35. out = 269.46 dB for D/lambda = 90 8. Phi b.34 G1.Ref.PDF 96/ 112 APELUX205V01 .34 Phi r.10 log D/l). out = 48. This step is: 0 dB for D/lambda = 100 0. out = 4. Gmax () is less than G1 ().7 Phi m. D/lambda.1 1 phi. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0. out = 48.07 G1. out = 5.1.7 Phi m. out = 1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 For D/lambda < 100 there is a discontinuity (negative step) in the pattern at Phi r: (20 .45 Gmax = 34 Efficiency = 0. Square root of negative value. out = 18. out = 0.2 G(phi). out = 19. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Both 7 () is less than Phi r (). D/lambda.24 Phi b.17 Phi r. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1. Low Level Validation Event Message -6008 STDC_ERR_ANG2_LT_ANG1 -6001 STDC_ERR_GMAX_LT_G1 APLUM_001.24 dB for D/lambda = 15 Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 34 dB 50 40 Gmax = 57 Efficiency = 0. 7 – 42.649° for 0.649° ≤ ϕ < 48° for 48° ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° Pattern Information Earth station transmitting antenna pattern is used for analyses under Appendix 30B.634° ≤ ϕ < 0. Maximum antenna gain is 50.634° for 0.3 ϕ2 G = 33.1.Ref.7 dB. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 207 APENOR207V01 Earth Transmitting Version : 1. APLUM_001. antenna efficiency is 0.03 dB at 48 degrees. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: BIFROST-TES1 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = 50.7) in 1995. The pattern has a discontinuity (positive step) of 3.7 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = –10 for 0° ≤ ϕ < 0. It is based on a pattern submitted by NOR administration for the BIFROST terminal type I transmitting earth antenna (3m antenna.PDF 97/ 112 APENOR207V01 .7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Earth station transmitting antenna pattern for analyses under Appendix 30B for the BIFROST terminal type I transmitting antenna. 7 Date : 2007-05-28 Co-polar gain for Gmax = dB 50 40 30 G(phi). : APL-UM-001 Example 60 Version : 1. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001.1.1 1 phi.Ref.PDF 98/ 112 APENOR207V01 . dB 20 10 0 -10 0. 0363 for 1. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 208 APENOR208V01 Earth Transmitting Version : 1.5 – 25 log (ϕ/ϕ0) If G < Gmax – 42: G = Gmax – 42 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.Ref.25 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Earth station transmitting antenna pattern for analyses under Appendix 30B for the BIFROST terminal type II transmitting antenna. antenna efficiency is 0.0363 < (ϕ/ϕ0) Pattern Information Earth station transmitting antenna pattern is used for analyses under Appendix 30B. It is based on a pattern submitted by NOR administration for the BIFROST terminal type II transmitting earth antenna (1m antenna. Example APLUM_001.7) in 1995.PDF 99/ 112 APENOR208V01 .25 for 0. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: BIFROST-TES2 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2 G = Gmax – 12. 6006 STDC_WAR_PHI0 APLUM_001. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi0 () is out of limits [0.1. dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0. : APL-UM-001 60 Version : 1.1:5.PDF 100/ 112 APENOR208V01 .0].7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 57 Phi0 = 2 Gmax = 47 Phi0 = 2 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 47 dB 50 40 G(phi).Ref.1 1 phi. It is based on a pattern submitted by NOR administration for the BIFROST terminal type I transmitting earth antenna (3m antenna. Maximum antenna gain is 50. antenna efficiency is 0.03 dB at 48 degrees.854° ≤ ϕ < 48° for 48° ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° Pattern Information Earth station transmitting antenna pattern is used for analyses under Appendix 30B.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Earth station transmitting antenna pattern for analyses under Appendix 30B for the BIFROST terminal type I transmitting antenna.PDF 101/ 112 APENOR209V01 . APLUM_001.634° for 0.7 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = –10 for 0° ≤ ϕ < 0. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: BIFROST-TES3 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = 50.Ref.7 – 42. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 209 APENOR209V01 Earth Transmitting Version : 1.7 dB.634° ≤ ϕ < 0.854° for 0.7) in 1995.1.3 ϕ2 G = 30. The pattern has a discontinuity (positive step) of 3. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = dB 50 40 30 G(phi). : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.Ref.PDF 102/ 112 APENOR209V01 . degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001.7 Date : 2007-05-28 The pattern has a discontinuity (negative step) of 3 dB at 0.1.1 1 phi. dB 20 10 0 -10 0.634 degrees. Ref.PDF 103/ 112 APENOR210V01 . Example APLUM_001.86 for 0. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: BIFROST-RES GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2 G = Gmax – 10. It is based on a pattern submitted by NOR administration for the BIFROST receiving earth antenna (1m antenna.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Earth station receiving antenna pattern for analyses under Appendix 30B for the BIFROST receiving antenna.1.25 for 0. antenna efficiency is 0.5 – 25 log (ϕ/ϕ0) If G < Gmax – 37: G = Gmax – 37 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.25 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.86 < (ϕ/ϕ0) Pattern Information Earth station receiving antenna pattern is used for analyses under Appendix 30B.7) in 1995. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 210 APENOR210V01 Earth Receiving Version : 1. Ref. : APL-UM-001 60 Version : 1.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 47 Phi0 = 2 Gmax = 35 Phi0 = 2 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 47 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB 50 40 G(phi), dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.1 1 phi, degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 REQUIRED NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Both Low Level Validation Event Message Phi0 () is out of limits [0.1:5.0]. 6006 STDC_WAR_PHI0 APLUM_001.PDF 104/ 112 APENOR210V01 Ref. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 211 APEUSA211V01 Earth Transmitting Version : 1.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Earth station transmitting antenna pattern for analyses under Appendix 30A for USABSS-14 and USABSS-15 networks. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2004-06-14 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax – 2.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) G = G1 G = 29 – 25 log ϕ G = 7.9 G = max(32 – 25 log ϕ, – 10) where: Gmax = 65 dB. -3 2 Cross-Polar Component for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm for ϕm ≤ ϕ < ϕr for ϕr ≤ ϕ < 7° for 7° ≤ ϕ ≤ 9° for 9° ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° Gx = Gmax – 2.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) – 30 Gx = Gmax – 2.5x10 (D/λ ϕ) – 20 Gx = G1 – 20 Gx = 19 – 25 log ϕ Gx = min( –2, G) where: Gmax = 65 dB. -3 2 -3 2 for 0° ≤ ϕ < ϕm/2 for ϕm/2 ≤ ϕ < ϕm for for ϕ m ≤ ϕ < ϕr ϕr ≤ ϕ < 6.92° for 6.92° ≤ ϕ ≤ 180° η = 0.55.  Gmax     10  2 η = 0.55.  Gmax     10  D/λ = 10 ηπ . D/λ = 10 ηπ 2 . G1 = –1 + 15 log (D/λ). ϕr = 1°. G1 = –1 + 15 log (D/λ). ϕr = 1°. ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . ϕb  42      = 10 25  ϕm = 20 λ/D Gmax −G1 . . Pattern Information Earth station transmitting antenna pattern is used for analyses under Appendix 30A. Antenna pattern is submitted by USA administration for feeder links of USABSS-14 and USABSS-15 networks which were submitted in 07.03.2002 and 03.06.2002 respectively. Antenna diameter is 13.2 meters and the half power beamwidth is 0.09 degrees. Antenna efficiency is 55%. Maximum antenna gain is 65 dB. The co-polar compont is equal to the co-polar component of APELUX205V1 pattern. Example APLUM_001.PDF 105/ 112 APEUSA211V01 Ref. : APL-UM-001 70 60 50 40 G(phi), dB 30 20 10 0 -10 0.01 0.1 1 Version : 1.1.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 65 Co-polar gain for Gmax = dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = dB Gmin, inout = -10. Phi m, out = 0.13 Phi r, out = 1. Phi b, out = 47.86 D/lambda, out = 763.25 G1, out = 42.24 10 100 phi, degrees Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Diameter Frequency Efficiency Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE NOVALUE OPTIONAL REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size sizeof(STDT_EarthSpecificStruct) Required Specific Parameters - Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001.PDF 106/ 112 APEUSA211V01 45 1. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.5 (1 – Bmin / ϕ0 ) 1.PDF 107/ 112 APSF__601V01 . Start Date End Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: RADTSS GIMS: RADSAT3.2 Space station antenna patterns ID Name Type 601 APSF__601V01 Space Transmitting Fast Roll-Off Description Fast roll-off transmitting space station antenna pattern for RADIOSAT-3 submitted by France.8 degrees in the pattern code. The pattern is similar to APSRR_402V01 pattern in the main lobe and has slightly different co-polar pattern for the far sidelobe. APLUM_001.5 < (ϕ/ϕ0)≤( ϕ Bmin + x) Bmin  0  ϕ0   G = Gmax –25.45 Pattern Information Fast roll-off transmitting space station antenna pattern for RADIOSAT-3 submitted by French administration.7 Date : 2007-05-28 6.5 Gx = Gmax – 30 If Gx > G: Gx = G  ϕ −x ϕ0 1.23 + 40 log ( ϕ Bmin + x) – 40 log (ϕ/ϕ0) 0 for ( ϕ Bmin + x) < (ϕ/ϕ0) 0 where: x = 0. "Beamlet" value is fixed to 0. RADSAT3X R1448: - Version Revision Date 0 0 2 2003-06-11 References Co-Polar Component Cross-Polar Component G = Gmax – 12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2    G = Gmax –12     2 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 0.Ref.1.45  for 0. Cx pattern is zero.1.Ref. dB 30 20 10 0 0. : APL-UM-001 Example 60 Version : 1.PDF 108/ 112 APSF__601V01 . 6032 STDC_WAR_CX_IS_0 APLUM_001. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Beamlet OPTIONAL NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Low Level Validation Rules Code Constant Component Cross-polar Low Level Validation Event Message Gmax () is less than 30 ().7 Date : 2007-05-28 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Cross-polar gain for Gmax = 57 dB Gmax = 57 Phi0 = 2 50 40 G(phi). Gmax is too low.1 1 phi. APLUM_001. This pattern corresponds to the input Gmax = 41 dB.PDF 109/ 112 APSNOR605V01 .Ref. The co-polar curve is similar to APSRR_405V01 pattern for the maximum antenna gain of 41 dB. Ceiling level of 35 dB is fixed for this pattern.1. but has a ceiling at 35 dB. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 605 APSNOR605V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1.16 < (ϕ/ϕ0) If G > 35 dB: G = 35 dB. but the actual on-axis gain is 35 dB.58 for 1. It is based on a pattern submitted by NOR administration for the BIFROST space antenna in 1995.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Space station antenna pattern (transmitting and receiving) submitted by NOR for analyses under Appendix 30B.5 – 25 log (ϕ/ϕ0) for 3.58 < (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 3.16 G = Gmax –17. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: BIFROST-SS1 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax –12 (ϕ/ϕ0)2 G = Gmax –30 for 0 ≤ (ϕ/ϕ0) ≤ 1. Pattern Information Space station antenna pattern (transmitting and receiving) is used for analyses under Appendix 30B. : APL-UM-001 Version : 1.1 1 phi.PDF 110/ 112 APSNOR605V01 .7 Date : 2007-05-28 Only absolute antenna gain is provided for this pattern (relative gain is not provided). Phi0 does not correspond to -3 dB contour.Ref. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Beamlet REQUIRED NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001.1. dB 30 20 10 0 0. Example 60 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 41 dB Gmax = 41 Phi0 = 2 50 40 G(phi). 1.PDF 111/ 112 APSNOR606V01 .5 – 25 log ( 3 ϕ/ϕ0) Pattern Information Space station antenna pattern (transmitting and receiving) is used for analyses under Appendix 30B. Example APLUM_001.16/ 3 )<(ϕ/ϕ0) G = Gmax – 11. It is based on a pattern submitted by NOR administration for the BIFROST space antenna in 1995.58/ 3 )<(ϕ/ϕ0)≤(3. : APL-UM-001 ID Name Type 606 APSNOR606V01 Space Receiving and Transmitting Version : 1. This pattern corresponds to maximum antenna gain of 35 dB.7 Date : 2007-05-28 Description Space station antenna pattern (transmitting and receiving) submitted by NOR for analyses under Appendix 30B.16/ 3 ) for (3.58/ 3 ) for (1.Ref. Start Date Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Obsolete Pattern Names/Options MSPACE: BIFROST-SS2 GIMS: R1448: Cross Polar Gain Relative Gain End Date Version Revision Date 0 0 1 2003-05-23 References Co-Polar Component G = Gmax for 2 0 ≤(ϕ/ϕ0)≤(1/ 6 ) G = Gmax + 6 – 12 ( 3 ϕ/ϕ0) G = Gmax – 24 for (1/ 6 )<(ϕ/ϕ0)≤(1. 7 Date : 2007-05-28 Gmax = 45 Phi0 = 2 Gmax = 35 Phi0 = 2 Co-polar gain for Gmax = 45 dB Co-polar gain for Gmax = 35 dB 50 40 G(phi).PDF 112/ 112 APSNOR606V01 .Ref.1.1 1 phi. dB 30 20 10 0 0. degrees 10 100 Pattern Input Parameters GainMax Beamlet OPTIONAL NOVALUE Specific Parameters Structure Size 0 Required Specific Parameters Specific Phi Phi0 NOVALUE REQUIRED REQUIRED Low Level Validation Rules APLUM_001. : APL-UM-001 60 Version : 1.
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