
March 24, 2018 | Author: nhbr | Category: Capacitor, Electronics, Electricity, Electromagnetism, Electrical Engineering



APL5508/5508R/5509/5509RLow IQ, Low Dropout 560mA Fixed Voltage Regulator Features General Description • Low Quiescent Current : 60µA (No load) • Low Dropout Voltage : 600mV (@560mA) The APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R is low-power and low dropout linear regulator, which operates in the rage of • Very Low Shutdown Current : < 0.5µA • Fixed Output Voltage : 1.5V ~ 4.5V by Step 0.1V 2.7V to 6V input voltage and delivers up to 560mA output current. Typical dropout voltage is only 600mV (typical) at 560mA output current. The APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R regulator with low 60µA quiescent current is ideal for bat- Increment • Stable with Aluminum, Tantalum, or Ceramic tery powered system appliances. The APL5508/5508R/ 5509/5509R regulator is stable with a 4.7µF ceramic Capacitors • No Protection Diodes Needed • Built-In Thermal Protection • Built-In Current-Limit Protection • Controlled Short Circuit Current : 50mA device against current over loads and over temperature. The APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R regulator is available • Fast Transient Response in SOT-23-3, SOT-89, or SOT-223 packages. • SOT-23-3, SOT-89, and SOT-223 Packages • Lead Free and Green Devices Available capacitor. The features of current-limit, short circuit current limit, and over-temperature protection protect the Applications (RoHS Compliant) • 5V to 3.3~4.3V Linear Regulators • 3.3V to 1.5~2.5V Linear Regulators • CD-R/W, DVD Player • LAN Card, ADSL/Cable Modem • Computers Pin Configuration SOT-23-3 Top View GND 1 GND 1 3 VIN VOUT 2 SOT-223 Top View SOT-89 Top View GND 1 GND 1 VIN 2 VIN VOUT 2 (Tab) VOUT 3 VIN 3 VIN (Tab) VIN 2 VOUT 3 APL5508 APL5508 APL5508 SOT-23-3 Top View SOT-89 Top View SOT-223 Top View VOUT 1 VOUT 1 3 GND VIN 2 VOUT 1 GND (Tab) GND 2 GND 2 VIN 3 APL5509 SOT-223 Top View APL5508R SOT-223 Top View VIN 1 GND (Tab) VIN 3 APL5509 VOUT (Tab) GND (Tab) GND 2 VOUT 3 APL5509 APL5509R ANPEC reserves the right to make changes to improve reliability or manufacturability without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify before placing orders. Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp. Rev. A.10 - Feb., 2009 1 www.anpec.com.tw 15 .5V ~ 45 : 4.com..1. which are fully compliant with RoHS. 15 .Date Code . ANPEC lead-free products meet or exceed the lead-free requirements of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C for MSL classification at lead-free peak reflow temperature. ANPEC defines “Green” to mean lead-free (RoHS compliant) and halogen free (Br or Cl does not exceed 900ppm by weight in homogeneous material and total of Br and Cl does not exceed 1500ppm by weight).5V APL5508R -15 D/V : APL5508R XXXXX 15 XXXXX . 15 .Date Code .Date Code . Marking Information SOT-23-3 package Product Name APL5508-15A APL5508-16A APL5508-17A APL5508-18A APL5508-19A APL5508-20A APL5508-21A APL5508-22A APL5508-23A APL5508-24A APL5508-25A APL5508-26A APL5508-27A APL5508-28A APL5508-29A APL5508-30A APL5508-31A APL5508-32A APL5508-33A Marking 589X 58AX 58BX 58CX 58DX 58EX 58FX 58GX 58HX 58IX 58JX 58KX 58LX 58MX 58NX 58OX 58PX 58QX 58RX Product Name APL5508R-15A APL5508R-16A APL5508R-17A APL5508R-18A APL5508R-19A APL5508R-20A APL5508R-21A APL5508R-22A APL5508R-23A APL5508R-24A APL5508R-25A APL5508R-26A APL5508R-27A APL5508R-28A APL5508R-29A APL5508R-30A APL5508R-31A APL5508R-32A APL5508R-33A Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp.Feb.1. A.Date Code . Rev.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Ordering and Marking Information APL5508 APL5508R APL5509 APL5509R Package Code A : SOT-23-3 D : SOT-89 V : SOT-223 Operating Ambient Temperature Range C : 0 to 70 oC Handling Code TR : Tape & Reel Voltage Code : 15 : 1.anpec.1.tw .10 .5V APL5509 -15 D/V : APL5509 XXXXX 15 XXXXX .5V Assembly Material G : Halogen and Lead Free Device Assembly Material Handling Code Temperature Range Package Code Voltage Code APL5508 -15 D/V : APL5508 XXXXX 15 XXXXX .5V APL5509R -15 D/V : APL5509R XXXXX 15 XXXXX .1. 2009 Product Name APL5509-15A APL5509-16A APL5509-17A APL5509-18A APL5509-19A APL5509-20A APL5509-21A APL5509-22A APL5509-23A APL5509-24A APL5509-25A APL5509-26A APL5509-27A APL5509-28A APL5509-29A APL5509-30A APL5509-31A APL550932A APL5509-33A Marking 58R9X 58RAX 58RBX 58RCX 58RDX 58REX 58RFX 58RGX 58RHX 58RIX 58RJX 58RKX 58RLX 58RMX 58RNX 58ROX 58RPX 58RQX 58RRX 2 Marking 599X 59AX 59BX 59CX 59DX 59EX 59FX 59GX 59HX 59IX 59JX 59KX 59LX 59MX 59NX 59OX 59PX 59QX 59RX Product Name APL5509R-15A APL5509R-16A APL5509R-17A APL5509R-18A APL5509R-19A APL5509R-20A APL5509R-21A APL5509R-22A APL5509R-23A APL5509R-24A APL5509R-25A APL5509R-26A APL5509R-27A APL5509R-28A APL5509R-29A APL5509R-30A APL5509R-31A APL5509R-32A APL5509R-33A Marking 59R9X 59RAX 59RBX 59RCX 59RDX 59REX 59RFX 59RGX 59RHX 59RIX 59RJX 59RKX 59RLX 59RMX 59RNX 59ROX 59RPX 59RQX 59RRX www.5V Note: ANPEC lead-free products contain molding compounds/die attach materials and 100% matte tin plate termination finish. 15 . APL5508/9/R Typ.JA SOT-23-3 SOT-89 SOT-223 260 180 135 SOT-23-3 SOT-89 SOT-223 130 60 40 °C/W Thermal Resistance – Junction to Case RTH. 2009 3 www.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Marking Information (Cont.JC °C/W Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise noted these specifications apply over full temperature. Unit 2.com. Symbol VIN Parameter Test Conditions Input Voltage Min.tw . TJ = 125°C.. Output Voltage PD TSTG (Note 1.10 . Exceeding the maximum allowable power dissipation will result in excessive die temperature. Max. A. Typical values refer to TA = 25°C.7 - 6 V VOUT -2% VOUT VOUT +2% V VOUT Output Voltage VOUT+1. 10 Seconds Note 1: Stresses beyond the absolute maximum rating may damage the device and operating in the absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability. TA= 0 to 70°C.0V< VIN<6.5 V Internally Limited W 150 °C -65 to +150 °C 260 °C Input Voltage.0V. CIN = 1µF. COUT = 4. 0mA< IOUT < IMAX ILIMIT Circuit Current Limit VIN = VOUT+1V - 800 - mA ISHORT Short Current VOUT = 0V - 50 - mA Output Current VIN = VOUT+1V 560 - - mA IOUT Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp. Rev. VOUT Parameter Power Dissipation TJ Junction Temperature TL Rating Unit 6. 2) Storage Temperature Range Maximum Lead Soldering Temperature. Note 2: The maximum allowable power dissipation at any TA (ambient temperature) is calculated using: PD (max) = (TJ – TA) / θJA.Feb. Thermal Characteristics Symbol Parameter Typical Value Unit Thermal Resistance – Junction to Ambient RTH.) SOT-23-3 package Product Name APL5508-34A APL5508-35A APL5508-43A APL5508-45A Marking 58SX 58TX 58UX 58VX Product Name APL5508R-34A APL5508R-35A APL5508R-43A APL5508R-45A Product Name APL5509-34 A APL5509-35A APL5509-43A APL5509-45A Marking 58RSX 58RTX 58RUX 58RVX Product Name APL5509R-34 A APL5509R-35A APL5509R-43A APL5509R-45A Marking 59SX 59TX 59UX 59VX Marking 59RSX 59RTX 59RUX 59RVX The last character “X” in the marking is for data code.anpec. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VIN.7µF. 0mA< IOUT < IMAX - 20 40 mV VIN = VOUT+1V. Unit - 1 10 mV VIN = VOUT+1V.01 0.5V - 0.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Electrical Characteristics (Cont.0V≤VOUT<2. Rev.6 0.9 1. Max.7 45 55 - dB No load - 60 100 µA IOUT = 560mA - 450 500 - 150 - °C - 30 - °C - 50 - ppm/°C Junction Temperature 0 - 125 °C Output Capacitor - 4.7 - µF 0.anpec.0V. IOUT = 1mA-560mA in 1µs - 150 250 mV 1.5V - 0. 1Vpp at VIN = VOUT+1.) Unless otherwise noted these specifications apply over full temperature.0V Over Temperature Shutdown Over Temperature Hysteresis Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient ESR Note 3 : Dropout voltage definition : VIN-VOUT when VOUT is 2% below the value of VOUT for VIN = VOUT+1V. TA= 0 to 70°C..8 3V≤VOUT≤ 3. COUT = 4.com.3 V 2. 2009 4 www.0V - 1.1 1 Ω Load Transient PSRR Min.1 1. Typical values refer to TA = 25°C. IOUT = 1mA REGLOAD Load Regulation VDROP Test Conditions Dropout Voltage (Note3) Ripple Rejection Quiescent Current IOUT = 560mA f≤1kHz.7µF.5V≤VOUT<2.7 0. VOUT+1V< VIN<6.Feb. Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp.10 .0 2. A.5V≤VOUT<3V - 0.tw . CIN = 1µF. Symbol REGLINE Parameter Line Regulation IQ OTS TC TJ COUT APL5508/9/R Typ. com.28 0 0 1 2 3 4 3.5 IOUT=0mA 3 VOUT=3.10 . Rev.29 3. Input Voltage Output Voltage vs.31 Output Voltage (V) 2.5 500 Output Current (mA) Input Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) 200 VOUT=1.tw .8V 1 3.29 0..28 -40 -20 5 Input Voltage (V) Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp. 2009 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Junction Temperature (°C) 5 www. Output Current Quiescent Current vs.anpec.30 3. Junction Temperature APL5508/9/R-33 3.5 3.3V 3. Input Voltage APL5508/9/R-33 450 IOUT=0mA 400 400 VIN=5V 350 Quiescent Current (µA) 350 Quiescent Current (µA) APL5508/9/R-33 450 300 250 200 150 100 300 250 200 150 100 50 50 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 6 100 300 400 Output Voltage vs.30 3.31 3.Feb. A.5 VOUT=2.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Typical Operating Characteristics Quiescent Current vs.5V 2 1. 81 1.82 1.tw .10 .8V -70 100 -80 0 0 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 Output Current (mA) Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp.3V 300 -60 200 VOUT=2.anpec. 2009 20 100 500 1k 10k 200k Frequency (HZ) 6 www.46 2.51 2.48 2.79 1.8 1. A.) Output Voltage vs.84 APL5508/9-2. Junction Temperature 2.5V 400 -30 -40 -50 VOUT=3. Frequency APL5508/9/R-33 1000 +0 900 vIN =5V IOUT =50mA -10 800 VOUT=1.9V 600 PSRR (dB) Dropout Voltage (mV) -20 700 500 VOUT=2.54 1.78 2.Feb.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Typical Operating Characteristics (Cont.80 1. Junction Temperature APL5508/9-1.5 2.53 2.77 -40 -20 100 120 140 Junction Temperature (°C) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Junction Temperature (°C) Dropout Voltage vs.47 1. Rev. Output Current PSRR vs.50 2.45 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 1.com.83 2.49 2.52 Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) 2.55 Output Voltage vs.. .7µF IOUT=1mA~560mA VIN=5V~5.3V stable 0. Output Current 1 1 VOUT=1.01 0.1 COUT ESR (Ω) COUT ESR (Ω) VOUT=3.001 0 100 200 300 400 0 500 200 300 400 500 Output Current (mA) Output Current (mA) Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp.) Load-Transient Response Line-Transient Response APL5508/9-33 Output Voltage (10mV/div) Output Voltage (100mV/div) APL5508/9-33 VOUT VIN=5V COUT=4.001 0. Output Current Region of Stable ESR vs.10 .APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Typical Operating Characteristics (Cont. 2009 100 7 www.anpec.5V 0.tw . A.7µF IOUT=10mA VOUT Time (200µs/div) Time (100µs/div) Region of Stable ESR vs. Rev.com.1 stable 0.5V COUT=4.Feb.01 untested untested 0. 6 SOT-89 0. The supply voltage range is from 2. A larger value may be required if the source supply has ripple.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Typical Operating Characteristics (Cont. 2009 VIN VOUT VOUT APL5508/R APL5509/R GND 8 COUT 4.tw . Solder to a large ground plane for heatsinking.7 SOT-223 0.5 0.anpec. A.7V to 6V.1 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 Ambient Temperature (°C) Pin Description PIN FUNCTION NO.3 SOT-25 0. Rev.7µF www. Typical Application Circuit VIN 2.4 0.8 0. More capacitance improves transient response.) Power Dissipation vs. The maximum allowable ESR is 1Ω. Ambient Temperature 1 0. NAME 1 VIN 2 GND Ground.. The output current can be up to 560mA. An output capacitor 4. It is optimized by using low-ESR ceramic chip capacitors. A minimum 1µF ceramic capacitor to GND for bypassing is recommended. Supply voltage input. 3 VOUT LDO Output Pin.com.10 .9 Power Dissipation (W) 0.2 0.7 µF or greater is recommended to maintain stability.Feb.7V to 6V CIN 1µF Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp. 90 BSC 0.055 e 0.051 b 0.118 E1 1.071 0.003 0..012 0° 0. A MAX.50 0.035 0.30 0.009 D 2.60 3.40 1.057 1.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Package Information SOT-23-3 D e E E1 SEE VIEW A c b 0.102 0.000 0.10 0.70 3. protrusion or gate burrs shall not exceed 10 mil per side.037 BSC 1.024 8° Note : Dimension D and E1 do not include mold flash. 0.122 E 2.15 0.00 0.25 A L GAUGE PLANE SEATING PLANE 0 A1 A2 e1 VIEW A S Y M B O L SOT-23-3 INCHES MILLIMETERS MIN.anpec. Mold flash. 2009 9 www.30 0.106 0. protrusions or gate burrs.com.95 BSC e1 0.60 0 0° 8° 0.012 0.45 A1 0.00 0.006 A2 0. Rev. MIN.22 0.10 .08 0. MAX.075 BSC L 0. Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp.30 0.Feb.90 1. A.80 0.020 c 0.tw . 059 BSC 3.56 0.29 0.00 BSC 0.20 0.29 2.Feb.090 0.50 BSC e1 0.62 1. Rev.047 Note : Follow JEDEC TO-243 AA. A.084 e 1.019 0.181 0.035 0.017 MILLIMETERS INCHES C 0. MAX.89 1.155 0.102 D1 1.60 0.40 1.anpec.60 0. Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp. 2009 10 www. 1.072 0.48 0.167 L 0.tw .com.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Package Information SOT-89 A C L H E E1 D D1 e e1 B B1 SOT-89 S Y M B O L A MIN.35 0.40 4.94 4.13 2.44 0.017 0.090 E1 2.118 BSC H 3. MAX.055 0.36 0.83 0.10 .014 0.064 E 2.022 B1 0.60 0. MIN.25 0.014 D 4..44 0.173 0.063 B 0. Feb.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Package Information SOT-223 D b2 E E1 SEE VIEW A e c 0. INCHES MIN.60 BSC 0. MAX.059 0.02 0.75 0° 0° 10 ° 10 ° Note : 1. A.30 3..10 0.026 b2 2.013 c 0.122 0.114 0.30 BSC e1 L 0 0.146 e 2.030 0.anpec.tw . 2.70 7. but including any mismatch between the top and bottom of the plastic body.84 0.50 1.033 b 0.23 0. and interlead flash.004 A2 1.009 D 6.287 E1 3.130 0.30 0.90 3.10 0.067 0.264 0. Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp. tie bar burrs.181 BSC 0.70 0.071 1.66 0.10 .80 A1 0. A MAX.30 6. Rev.248 0. 2009 11 www. Dimension D and E1 are determined at the outermost extremes of the plastic exclusive of mold flash.091 BSC 4. Follow from JEDEC TO-261 AA.com.25° L b 0 A A1 A2 e1 GAUGE PLANE SEATING PLANE VIEW A S Y M B O L SOT-223 MILLIMETERS MIN.001 0. gate burrs.264 E 6. 0.70 0.70 0.33 0. 10 -0.20 4.0±2.75±0. 0.00 13.50 1.10 5.00 1.00 -0.5±0.40 3.00 50 MIN.10 12.10±0.00 1.Feb.50±0.00±0.50 -0.00 A H T1 C d D W E1 F 178.00 13.50±0.0±0. Rev.20 1.10 8.20±0.05 (mm) Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp.20 1.5 MIN.20 2.00 13.05 1.20 4. A.tw .90±0.10 8.2 MIN.80±0.0±2. 20.5 MIN. 12.com.0±0. 20.4+2.5+0..0±0.anpec.0+0. 12.0+0.20 W E1 F 4.10 3. 8. 12.50 -0.75±0.50±0.20 1.4+2. 0.50±0.05 1.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Carrier Tape & Reel Dimensions P0 P2 P1 A B0 W F E1 OD0 K0 A0 A OD1 B B T SECTION A-A SECTION B-B H A d T1 Application SOT-23-3 Application SOT-89 Application SOT-223 A H T1 C d D W E1 F 178.00 50 MIN.10 -0.0±2.50±0.00 -0.2 MIN.40 6.6+0.10 4.5 MIN.00 -0.05 P0 P1 P2 D0 D1 T A0 B0 K0 1.10 .0±0. 2009 12 www.00 -0.20 7.30 1.5+0.0±0.4+2.30 1.80±0.50 -0.10 -0.20 1.30 1.20 4.5 MIN.00±0.20 1.0±0.0±0.0±0. P0 P1 P2 D0 D1 T A0 B0 K0 2.10 A H T1 C d D 320.10 2.20 3.6+0.2 MIN.00 -0. 20.5+0.00±0. 8. 0.00 50 MIN.00 -0.75±0.5 MIN.10±0.05 P0 P1 P2 D0 D1 T A0 B0 K0 2.0+0.10 5.6+0.40 4.00±0.0 MIN. com.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Devices Per Unit Package Type Unit Quantity SOT-23-3 Tape & Reel 3000 SOT-89 Tape & Reel 1000 SOT-223 Tape & Reel 2500 Taping Direction Information SOT-23-3 USER DIRECTION OF FEED SOT-89 USER DIRECTION OF FEED Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp.Feb. A. Rev. 2009 13 www.10 .anpec..tw . 10 .com.Feb. A.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Taping Direction Information SOT-223 USER DIRECTION OF FEED Classification Profile Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp.anpec.tw .. 2009 14 www. Rev. Bias @ 125°C 168 Hrs.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Classification Reflow Profiles Profile Feature Sn-Pb Eutectic Assembly Pb-Free Assembly 100 °C 150 °C 60-120 seconds 150 °C 200 °C 60-120 seconds 3 °C/second max. 121°C 500 Cycles.anpec. Pb-free Process – Classification Temperatures (Tc) Package Thickness <1. A108 JESD-22. 100%RH.7 JESD 78 15 Description 5 Sec. B102 JESD-22. 1tr≧100mA www.5 mm ≥2. 3°C/second max. ** Tolerance for time at peak profile temperature (tp) is defined as a supplier minimum and a user maximum. -65°C~150°C VHBM≧2KV.tw .6 mm 1.5 mm Volume mm <350 260 °C 260 °C 250 °C 3 Volume mm 350-2000 260 °C 250 °C 245 °C 3 Volume mm >2000 260 °C 245 °C 245 °C 3 Reliability Test Program Test item SOLDERABILITY HOLT PCT TCT ESD Latch-Up Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp..5 mm ≥2. A104 MIL-STD-883-3015.com. 183 °C 60-150 seconds 217 °C 60-150 seconds See Classification Temp in table 1 See Classification Temp in table 2 Time (tP)** within 5°C of the specified classification temperature (Tc) 20** seconds 30** seconds Average ramp-down rate (Tp to Tsmax) 6 °C/second max. A.6 mm – 2. 6 minutes max. A102 JESD-22. Preheat & Soak Temperature min (Tsmin) Temperature max (Tsmax) Time (Tsmin to Tsmax) (ts) Average ramp-up rate (Tsmax to TP) Liquidous temperature (TL) Time at liquidous (tL) Peak package body Temperature (Tp)* Time 25°C to peak temperature * Tolerance for peak profile Temperature (Tp) is defined as a supplier minimum and a user maximum. Rev. SnPb Eutectic Process – Classification Temperatures (Tc) Package Thickness <2. VMM≧200V 10ms. 2009 Method JESD-22.5 mm Volume mm <350 235 °C 220 °C 3 Volume mm ≥350 220 °C 220 °C 3 Table 2. 8 minutes max. Table 1. 245°C 1000 Hrs.10 . 2atm. 6 °C/second max.Feb. Sec 2 Jhongsing Rd. 2009 16 www.com. A. No. Hsin-Chu. Rev. 11.. Tel : 886-3-5642000 Fax : 886-3-5642050 Taipei Branch : 2F.C. Taiwan. SBIP. Head Office : No.anpec. Taipei County 23146.APL5508/5508R/5509/5509R Customer Service Anpec Electronics Corp..6.10 . Lane 218.tw . R. Taiwan Tel : 886-2-2910-3838 Fax : 886-2-2917-3838 Copyright  ANPEC Electronics Corp. Dusing 1st Road.Feb. Sindian City.O.
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