
March 26, 2018 | Author: sreekumar | Category: Torque, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Mechanical Engineering, Nature



Bulletin 66000eCASING RUNNINGTM CASING DRILLING® CASING & TUBING TORQUE TABLES API Round Thread API Buttress TESCO MLT™ Rings* Imperial and Metric Units FIELD MAKE-UP HANDBOOK Third Edition The Drilling Innovation Company™ www.tescocorp.com The information contained in this document is provided as a service by TESCO C o r p o r a t i o n , i t s s u b s i d i a r i e s and affiliates. We have tried to provide quality information, but we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in this document. Readers are cautioned that they use the materials and products referred to in this document, and follow the procedures recommended herein, entirely at their own risk. Page  MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. TORQUE TABLES a. Introduction 4 b. Tubing EUE Torque Tables 10 c. Casing SHORT Round Torque Tables 11 d. Casing LONG Round Torque Tables 15 e. Casing BUTTRESS Torque Tables 20 Ib. METRIC TABLES a. Tubing EUE Torque Tables - Metric 26 b. Casing SHORT Round Torque Tables - Metric 27 c. Casing LONG Round Torque Tables - Metric 31 d. Casing BUTTRESS Torque Tables - Metric 36 II. RECOMMENDED PRACTICES API Casing and Tubing Threads 42 a. Storage and Handling Casing 42 b. Preparation for Running Casing 42 c. General Practices for Field Make-up, API Round and BUTTRESS Threads (without MLT™ Rings) 44 d. Practices for ROUND Thread Casing, Sizes 4-1/2” Through 13-3/8” 45 e. Practices for BUTTRESS Thread Casing, Sizes 4-1/2” Through 13-3/8” 47 f. Practices for ROUND and BUTTRESS Thread Casing, Sizes 16”, 18-5/8” and 20” 47 III. TESCO MLT™ (Multi-Lobe Torque) Rings a. Applications 49 b. Features – MLT™ Rings 49 c. Performance & Applications 50 d. Ring Identification 51 e. Recommended Practices for Field Make-up with MLT™ Rings 52 f. Field Ring Installation (floating rings without install kit) 56 IV. BREAKING OUT CONNECTIONS 57 APPENDIX A Definitions 58 APPENDIX B References 58 APPENDIX C THREAD MAKE-UP LOSS FACTORS 59 APPENDIX D Conversion factors 61 Page  MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook such as variations in taper. particularly tubing. Use of other compounds may result in different torques. The torque values in the tables for Round thread casing and tubing without MLT™ rings are in accordance with API Recommended Practice 5C1. For API Round thread connections with other coupling coatings or platings. Torque values and friction coefficients are affected by a large number of variables. The torque values in the tables for TESCO MLT™ rings are in accordance with TESCO recommended practices when used with new API tubing and casing connections. or using thread compounds other than API Modified. couplings with the modified feature (seal rings). The torque values represented in the tables are for API Modified thread compound. commonly referred to as 8- Round. thread height and thread forms. may demonstrate reduced torques due to permanent deformation of pin and/or coupling. Previously made-up threads. lead.I.70 Note: All round thread reflected in the text and following tables are 8 threads per inch. surface finish. INTRODUCTION TO TORQUE TABLES API Round Thread API Buttress Thread TESCO® MLT™ Rings These Torque Tables and Recommended Practices provide performance ratings and field practices for power tight assembly of new API Round and Buttress threads. coatings and weight and grade of pipe.80 Couplings with PTFE (Teflon) rings 0. Page  MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . type of thread compound. the Round thread (shoulder) torques in the tables herein should be adjusted by multiplying torques by the following factors: Factor Tin plated couplings: 0. length of thread. The API Round thread torque values (referred to as shoulder torques) included in the tables herein apply to connections with zinc-plated or phosphate–coated couplings. respectively (Optimum = 3.410 ft-lbs) Metric Example: 177. After making up several connections in this manner the observed torque should then be used to make up the rest of the string.470 N∙m and 5. approximately 7.23 Kg/m K-55 LTC The torque for power tight make-up should fall between the minimum and maximum torques of 3.80 mm 34. and position of the pin end in the coupling as the secondary criteria for make-up.80mm 34. Imperial Example: 7” 23# K-55 BTC The pin should be made up in the coupling until the end of the coupling reaches the base of the triangle stamped on the pin end.000 ft-lbs for this connection) Metric Example: 177. Imperial Example: 7” 23# K-55 LTC The torque for power tight make-up should fall between the minimum and maximum torques of 2. respectively (Optimum = 4. After making up Page  MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .260 ft-lbs. i.560 ft-lbs and 4. • API Round Thread (without MLTTM Rings).HOW TO USE THESE TABLES Please refer to the recommended practices that accompany these tables.. For API Buttress thread connections the recommended practice for power tight assembly includes using the position of the pin in the coupling as the primary criteria for make-up.620 N∙m) • API Buttress Thread (without MLTTM Rings).23 Kg/m K-55 BTC The pin should be made up in the coupling until the end of the coupling reaches the base of the triangle stamped on the pin end.e. For API Round thread connections the recommended practice for power tight assembly includes using the API specified make-up torque as the primary criteria.780 N∙m. (Note – estimates of the make-up shoulder torques for buttress are referenced in the table. then using the observed torque for that position as an aid to run the casing. Page  MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . Values for TorqueTotal are provided in the tables. In cases where ring strength limits the torque.e. approximately 9. For round thread the shoulder torque is conservatively assumed to be the minimum API recommended torque. i.490 N∙m for this connection) • API Round and Buttress Thread with MLT™ Rings The MLT™ ring provides a significant boost in torque capacity to round and buttress thread connections. The Delta Torques in the table are for L-80 grade rings. (Note – estimates of the make-up shoulder torques for buttress are referenced in the table. TorqueShoulder = Torque to bring pin end into contact with the MLT™ ring Actual shoulder torques are determined during make-up in the field.. several connections in this manner the observed torque should then be used to make up the rest of the string. Where the shoulder torque is higher then total torque will also be higher. The total torque capacity is determined as follows: TorqueTotal = TorqueShoulder + TorqueDelta Where. higher torque ratings may result from the use of higher strength rings. whichever occurs first. Total Torques. and TorqueDelta = Additional torque capacity available from the contact of the pin end and MLT™ ring Delta Torques are calculated on the basis of predicted yield of the ring or pin end. They can be estimated with the tables herein using as the shoulder torque the API Recommended Torques for round thread or the tabulated estimated make-up torque shown for buttress threads. 400 ft-lbs from the LONG table TorqueTotal = 3.720 ft-lbs For Shoulder Torque = API Optimum Torque TorqueShoulder = 4.970 N∙m from the LONG table Torque Total = 5.970 = 11. Texas 77041 713-849-5900 Email: [email protected] = 10.400 = 7.400 = 8.com Page  MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .500 N∙m from the LONG thread table (minimum) TorqueDelta = 5.990 + 5.400 ft-lbs from the LONG table Torque Total = 4.420 + 4.23 Kg/m N-80 LTC For Shoulder Torque = API Minimum Torque TorqueShoulder = 4.80 mm 34.820 ft-lbs Metric Example: 177.970 N∙m from the LONG table TorqueTotal = 4. Additional design assistance is available by contacting TESCO as noted below: TESCO CORPORATION Casing Accessory Products 11330 Brittmoore Park Drive Houston.990 N∙m from the LONG thread table (optimum) TorqueDelta = 5.500 + 5. Imperial Example: 7” 23# N-80 LTC For Shoulder Torque = API Minimum Torque TorqueShoulder = 3.470 N∙m For Shoulder Torque = API Optimum Torque TorqueShoulder = 5.960 N∙m TECHNICAL SERVICES NOTE: Higher torque performance using the MLT™ Ring may be available depending on the casing or tubing and the operator design requirements.420 ft-lbs from the LONG thread table (optimum) TorqueDelta = 4.320 + 4.320 ft-lbs from the LONG thread table (minimum) TorqueDelta = 4. Torque Shoulder for buttress thread is the estimated make-up torque shown in the tables and is generally conservative. 4. may demonstrate reduced torques due to permanent deformation of pin and/or coupling. Previously made-up threads. Eighteenth Edition. A Max torque is provided for buttress thread. For round threads. If desired. or a lower limit to retain sealing contact between the mated pin and coupling threads. MLT™ rings are made from API grade L-80 steel and have the mechanical properties of L-80. b. the Delta toque is conservatively limited by the elastic limit of the ring or pin in compression. particularly tubing. Example 3. 6.. The conservatism built into these ratings allows higher torque values depending on circumstances. the Delta torque is conservatively limited by the elastic limit of the ring or pin in compression. higher torque capacity is available by using higher strength rings. diameter equivalent to ring circumference.Notes to tables: 1.970 inches or 100. Caution – Field torque values will vary and torque table values for buttress are approximation only. whichever is lower. May 1999 and apply to NEW threads. Torque Shoulder for round thread is conservatively taken as the Minimum API Recommended Torque. In some cases the ring ID is less than the pipe ID and for these cases the ring ID is highlighted in yellow.e. Ring ID is prior to forming lobes. Delta torque is the torque boost provided by the MLT™ ring and is added to the shoulder torque to provide the total torque. Torque Total = Torque Shoulder + Torque Delta where: a. For buttress threads. API Recommended Torques are from API RP 5C1. Torque Total is provided as a range of Min and Max for round thread depending on the actual shoulder torque observed in the field. 5. Page  MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . 2.84 mm 3. i. c. Contact TESCO for specific applications. IMPERIAL TABLES Pages 10-25 ---------------------------- METRIC TABLES Pages 26-41 Page  MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . 600 3.250 1.180 T-95 0.995 1.254 1.086 1.290 1.217 2.640 3.790 3.840 3.90 L-80 0.090 5.276 2.960 4.290 5.413 1.957 850 2.260 EUE 8-Round Thread P-110 0.640 9.259 2.290 5.030 3.254 1.150 4.350 3.441 1.995 970 1.610 5.600 5.060 2.441 1.280 3.413 1.960 5.259 2.860 4.690 5.040 2.217 2.190 1.441 2.460 3.010 2.270 3.010 3.030 2.420 3.259 2.940 2.350 3.867 2.400 3.140 3.560 2.820 N-80 0.100 2.323 2.580 5.850 3.400 2.870 C-90 0.540 3.520 3.441 1.850 6.250 3.413 1.060 3.840 3.413 1.970 3.890 4.70 H-40 0.150 8.240 1.250 2.323 2.610 2.680 N-80 0.957 850 2.160 5.270 3.259 2.380 2.276 2.430 4.070 L-80 0.790 2.460 6.350 1.490 3.210 2.441 1.970 2.900 2.750 3.540 3.810 2.323 2.190 1.080 2.840 3.230 5.992 1.950 2.254 2.217 2.780 2.010 2.957 850 3.770 J-55 0.530 3.276 2.700 3.930 8.980 4.254 1.950 3.060 7.95 L-80 0.190 1.890 4.250 2.000 7.250 2.375 2.254 2.957 850 2.810 5.740 3.521 1.580 2.460 8.240 2.086 1.276 2.010 2.867 1.760 T-95 0.086 1.060 4.308 2.410 3.840 3.950 3.740 N-80 0.030 2.720 3.690 1.210 2.065 560 1.000 6.230 4.521 900 1.650 C-90 0.890 3.250 P-110 0.190 1.520 3 1/2 9.349 1.308 2.290 3.590 N-80 0.760 2.880 2.30 H-40 0.065 620 1.750 3.200 4.920 2.710 2.440 1.000 6.890 5.810 C-90 0.521 1.308 2.349 1.690 2.460 2.086 1.217 2.460 4.100 Page 10 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .254 2.740 4.610 6.375 2.250 2.300 1.70 L-80 0.170 4.060 P-110 0.890 C-90 0.065 620 1.750 3.995 1.640 2.290 3.995 1.308 2.340 3.000 P-110 0.000 3.995 1.730 2.820 N-80 0.350 3.750 5.290 4.200 2.600 4.540 4.800 1.349 1.867 1.350 4.280 2.086 1.50 H-40 0.620 4.750 3.200 5.349 1.790 P-110 0.254 1.890 C-90 0.995 740 990 1.380 4.375 2.867 1.890 4.890 4.840 T-95 0.640 4.065 620 2.190 2.349 1.810 7.540 4.160 P-110 0.990 1.521 1.086 1.680 2.190 1.120 3.840 3.160 3.000 6.020 T-95 0.850 2.060 T-95 0.540 3.250 N-80 0.790 2.220 8.530 6.430 4.010 2.890 2.992 2.710 2.760 2.254 2.320 C-90 0.980 2.521 1.360 C-90 0.060 2.800 2.320 1.217 2.770 3.080 2.520 2.180 12.590 2.190 1.220 4.957 850 2.530 3.441 940 1.390 2.992 2.323 2.992 2.300 1.230 L-80 0.260 10.680 7.540 2 7/8 6.690 2.420 P-110 0.323 2.650 2.992 1.992 3.750 3.259 2.254 2.800 J-55 0.840 2.230 N-80 0.217 2.065 620 1. API Tubing EUE 8-Round Thread with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (lb/ft) Grade (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 2 3/8 4.150 1.980 2.521 1.750 4.360 2.570 3.413 1.240 2.800 2.065 620 2.276 2.350 3.000 6.730 2.090 T-95 0.250 2.550 3.867 1.910 3.740 1.710 3.020 3.065 620 2.086 1.217 2.260 5.610 2.254 2.010 2.190 1.995 1.460 J-55 0.400 4.390 2.375 2.100 5.540 2.990 3.992 2.740 L-80 0.521 1.308 2.040 3.254 2.441 1.300 2.254 1.375 2.95 L-80 0.660 4.580 T-95 0.230 2. 296 4.960 2.290 1.580 4.300 M-65 0.650 K-55 0.340 4. API Casing 8-Round SHORT Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (lb/ft) Grade (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 4 1/2 9.200 11.950 1.049 2.538 920 1.408 1.540 Page 11 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .360 3.494 1.970 3.240 5.470 1.205 4.090 840 1.00 H-40 0.130 2.220 2.052 1.280 1.049 1.494 1.000 1.520 K-55 0.296 4.052 1.244 5.100 1.720 2.000 1.288 6.540 1.456 1.960 6.660 K-55 0.480 17.950 1.550 1.352 5.830 M-65 0.150 K-55 0.910 2.224 4.930 K-55 0.530 4.320 1.052 990 1.921 2.340 M-65 0.892 1.520 3.272 6.460 11.288 6.530 20.560 1.260 K-55 0.220 4.300 1.330 1.860 4.560 1.272 6.360 15.304 4.700 2.160 1.50 H-40 0.049 2.494 1.240 4.950 8.850 4.231 6.430 26.250 4.860 6.540 1.470 9.590 4.720 2.210 5.160 1.276 2.00 J-55 0.130 3.456 1.760 2.560 24.170 K-55 0.420 4.100 K-55 0.892 3.630 J-55 0.540 4.380 1.244 5.288 6.890 2.460 1.870 3.970 3.550 6.180 M-65 0.950 2.970 1.170 K-55 0.750 3.50 J-55 0.670 2.120 K-55 0.130 5.540 4.362 6.300 J-55 0.840 2.760 2.224 4.070 7.460 1.140 3.276 6.272 6.892 1.540 4.320 3.520 2.366 2.730 3.020 2.300 5.000 2.317 6.060 5.250 4.362 6.450 4.780 4.350 2.720 5 11.408 2.710 2.220 4.160 1.366 2.730 3.456 2.840 9.00 H-40 0.120 1.456 1.070 3.840 3.510 3.090 580 770 960 J-55 0.280 7 17.253 4.012 980 1.100 1.590 2.275 4.00 J-55 0.304 4.580 4.860 2.540 3.253 4.070 2.00 J-55 0.090 760 1.352 5.460 2.275 4.012 1.049 1.840 2.540 4.640 4.408 1.220 1.180 6.00 J-55 0.930 3.670 3.253 4.366 5.50 J-55 0.690 2.50 J-55 0.200 J-55 0.470 1.390 6 5/8 20.224 4.60 J-55 0.930 11.220 4.950 2.970 1.410 23.200 9.140 2.420 1.090 3.00 J-55 0.890 2.950 2.320 M-65 0.550 2.930 K-55 0.520 15.550 6.240 4.330 4.940 13.520 7.400 1.940 4.244 5.290 5.366 5.400 10.460 1.408 2.000 1.560 1.288 6.276 2.060 K-55 0.370 4.760 2.320 1.570 3.840 M-65 0.290 2.00 H-40 0.850 3.892 3.050 2.00 H-40 0.205 4.270 1.110 4.150 4.205 4.950 1.070 K-55 0.921 2.590 2.276 5.280 2.275 4.317 6.340 2.080 K-55 0.130 6.010 1.430 8-Round SHORT Threads 5 1/2 14.00 J-55 0.272 6.450 3.012 1. 750 2.420 J-55 0.280 6.940 9.940 4.690 17.910 6.990 14.921 2.210 11.050 2.400 19.790 3.352 7.264 8.960 17.200 9.630 K-55 0.390 P-110 0.040 10.921 3.370 M-65 0.921 7.400 9.350 10.850 6.520 10.825 7.630 M-65 0.700 C-90 0.460 12.352 8.140 10.640 18.825 3.850 3.300 7.650 7.969 6.050 K-55 0.440 3.270 25.090 10.450 9.080 8.921 2.630 3.940 M-65 0.700 L-80 0.970 13.304 8.760 7.328 6.170 4.360 3.690 K-55 0.980 33.450 M-65 0.050 8.360 3.75 H-40 0.050 3.090 2.920 8.450 9.680 4.750 12.580 9.304 8.790 T-95 0.352 8.050 3.520 5.280 6.50 H-40 0.330 7.490 9.290 8-Round SHORT Threads 9 5/8 32.490 9.330 2.835 8.260 4.250 10.835 3.825 8.270 11.050 9.970 10.600 9.352 7.40 J-55 0.450 9.950 3.860 6.969 6.830 2.450 4.010 M-65 0.097 2.420 4.740 12.300 36.590 8.850 14.328 6.230 23.180 36.970 12.650 26.960 5.700 10.350 10.760 3.400 7.400 9.290 N-80 0.950 9.130 38.060 6.110 8.610 8.850 5.097 1.140 2.395 8.680 4.980 16.720 3.590 9.330 11.950 9.500 5.017 6.30 H-40 0.150 M-65 0.850 6.960 3.630 27.950 3.352 7.200 5.264 8.290 Page 12 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .190 11.810 K-55 0.835 3.220 51.350 10.540 2.395 8.835 9.450 9.570 9.020 19.450 9.017 1.910 8.400 7.030 8.850 6.510 4.720 4.835 3.850 4.150 3.280 J-55 0.050 2.352 8.690 32.020 4.750 8.630 17.950 10.930 10.001 1.921 8.120 2.600 5.835 8.097 1.630 10.100 35.400 9.00 J-55 0.210 2.969 2.790 10.352 7.00 H-40 0.330 22.921 3.440 36.930 6.850 4.480 8 5/8 24.220 33.770 19.150 4.380 4.850 19. API Casing 8-Round SHORT Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (lb/ft) Grade (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 7 5/8 24.850 7.490 J-55 0.450 9.060 7.670 16.328 6.620 12.610 7.921 2.910 2.000 K-55 0.50 J-55 0.270 20.350 5.017 4.680 11.921 3.440 M-65 0.600 6.969 5.352 8.00 H-40 0.720 K-55 0.530 8.800 5.600 8.969 2.410 19.260 9.960 7.570 3.720 15.020 5.00 J-55 0.930 8.250 7.450 9.850 11.540 3.430 7.921 5.560 40.850 9.940 3.990 9.210 14.969 2.050 5.360 13.700 4.560 28.230 5.320 22.960 5.140 3.921 3.264 8.170 5.279 10.280 6.825 3.060 9.930 9.160 9.790 3.680 5.020 9.790 13.940 6.620 4.730 45.800 17.050 3.590 2.960 6.00 H-40 0.00 H-40 0.510 22.921 2.010 11.025 1.290 11.850 4.825 8.950 4.450 20.480 10.650 4.040 27.290 8.650 8.650 K-55 0.825 3.260 4.550 6.200 10 3/4 32.00 J-55 0.530 24.970 2.395 8.850 14.400 7.312 9.00 J-55 0.340 5.950 8.850 8.680 8.430 40.390 4.192 1.050 8.850 10.030 11.350 23.050 7.290 M-65 0.017 2.370 13.450 9.030 M-65 0.320 5.520 K-55 0.220 M-65 0.921 7.350 10.730 K-55 0.610 7.190 20.850 16.420 20.850 15.240 5. 772 6.190 12.150 30.772 12.360 T-95 0.682 10.660 8.530 58.770 14.760 17.360 11.660 19.660 13.950 46.772 7.534 10.750 33.760 15.950 17.489 10.760 10.170 36.020 18.770 L-80 0.890 41.800 25.489 10.740 10.960 N-80 0.435 10.780 P-110 0.860 K-55 0.210 38.880 10.910 14.730 Q-125 0.070 3.120 P-110 0.310 23.740 10.000 3.170 10.470 M-65 0.390 Q-125 0.760 5.640 10.880 10.740 15.489 10.495 9.570 35.700 17.540 22.500 16.880 21.400 33.760 6.650 29.640 8.160 K-55 0.370 16.790 P-110 0.595 9.030 9.960 Q-125 0.682 19.460 54.682 7.00 J-55 0.890 60.435 10.534 10.560 12.760 9.210 49.495 9.130 10.170 43.680 C-90 0.530 10.560 8.590 10.240 9.00 J-55 0.772 5.230 45.580 10.320 12.595 9.760 18.320 12.772 4.060 7.060 31.390 16.940 38.710 8.772 8.772 18.950 10.610 11.580 10.360 9.435 10.660 10.410 10.333 11.489 10.489 10.240 10.110 10.490 10.770 5.020 12.000 4.750 16.840 47.870 25.70 C-90 0.260 5.00 L-80 0.440 16.660 8.050 14.930 8.595 9.760 23.640 P-110 0.830 P-110 0.880 45.534 10.300 3.280 23.210 17.560 52.440 37.772 16.640 10.682 8.130 11.660 11.980 6.190 9.772 5.772 24.610 9.090 6.070 12.690 7.990 11.540 15.710 9.650 11 3/4 42.420 15.772 11.460 13.330 10.630 8.772 10.450 M-65 0.682 24.520 20.590 9.660 26.682 17.580 27.150 25.240 11.534 10.682 26.495 9.940 T-95 0.880 4.545 9.772 13.470 12.640 65.480 14.682 20.00 J-55 0.495 9.210 N-80 0.130 13.960 11.580 4.550 6.375 11.660 23.580 T-95 0.772 17.210 65.760 21.980 T-95 0.370 Page 13 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .780 9.790 44.660 10.480 49.545 9.545 9.840 11.020 15.000 M-65 0.990 38.495 9.030 51.880 11.534 10.700 47.772 6.084 2.495 9.100 8-Round SHORT Threads K-55 0.490 8.682 8.760 15.320 56.772 9.560 11.500 12.489 10.040 34.550 40.100 10.290 37.090 22.550 10.060 12.390 19.090 28.380 42.630 15.880 9.980 14.772 16.570 6.660 25.870 6.880 4.772 21.375 11.375 11.430 50.682 7.950 11.00 H-40 0.940 18.890 13.489 10.489 10.760 7.50 M-65 0.410 29.810 60.200 9.210 24.300 10.534 10.290 25.820 5.180 5.830 11.040 N-80 0.545 9.260 Q-125 0.000 9.790 12.140 Q-125 0.550 10.960 11.70 C-90 0. API Casing 8-Round SHORT Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (lb/ft) Grade (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 10 3/4 (continued) 55.489 10.780 L-80 0.560 9.730 22.660 20.890 31.595 9.440 10.495 9.460 30.000 9.760 6.000 3.900 9.080 20.680 7.160 13.520 7.370 11.510 42.420 C-90 0.030 13.280 13.540 C-90 0.200 6.270 15.030 14.210 42.000 8.050 9.930 9.682 17.880 4.790 26.350 9.370 19.760 12.850 9.060 27.730 27.682 11.000 10.710 10.090 23.340 9.760 7.310 27.110 12.710 18.330 T-95 0. 514 12.870 45.060 6.660 K-55 0.820 15.600 133.380 12.160 30.020 7.590 J-55 0.00 J-55 0.820 51.710 12.580 P-110 0.575 10.124 7.00 H-40 0.050 32.000 12.030 12.250 M-65 0.514 12.140 9.575 28.440 12.480 12.575 12.900 35.575 11.000 9.400 13.910 12.720 44.040 12.240 M-65 0.100 K-55 0.480 12.000 39.500 19.860 72.575 19.190 106.515 5.950 7.347 10.100 5.124 8.800 28.050 40.755 7.300 28.000 26.575 9.520 11.930 8-Round SHORT Threads T-95 0.575 10.635 18.000 9.390 17.615 4.320 L-80 0.00 J-55 0.290 26.435 17.370 61.438 19.160 45.00 J-55 0.380 12.910 24.810 J-55 0.940 M-65 0.630 12.620 29.480 12.00 L-80 0.720 10.750 6.495 15.360 11.330 7.130 K-55 0.347 11.090 N-80 0.540 K-55 0.124 8.140 6.470 6.250 4.430 12.860 12.375 15.070 K-55 0.100 24.755 5.970 16.438 19.230 6.460 5.010 8.390 75.570 15.800 C-90 0.980 12.710 15.435 17.530 M-65 0.140 13.840 20 94.575 12.650 M-65 0.347 9.438 19.575 16.780 47.124 5.340 68.500 19.415 7.495 15.910 9.040 15.615 3.347 8.010 43.930 10.030 25.615 4.575 21.415 7.980 33.575 14.570 11.575 18.415 7.514 12.210 12.575 9.180 8.230 25.440 12.430 K-55 0.480 12.347 7.800 10.420 46.438 15.430 12.500 T-95 0.347 7.790 26.970 8.50 J-55 0.390 7.430 12.530 12.438 19.170 K-55 0.435 17.575 18.160 Q-125 0.715 2.635 18.770 18.730 11.210 12.435 17.890 12.390 30.438 15.480 26.510 12.040 M-65 0.415 5.220 9.124 7.415 9.00 J-55 0.050 12.980 Page 14 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .930 12.50 H-40 0.650 M-65 0.990 17.330 N-80 0.480 12.635 18.495 15.010 8.438 15.860 5.480 12.755 7.010 17.000 21.920 K-55 0.050 28.840 12.220 4.700 12.700 P-110 0.514 12.575 23.514 12.520 6.320 84.00 H-40 0.575 20.420 14.050 19.575 24.730 12.430 12.755 8.415 5.510 14.415 5.575 17.030 54.560 C-90 0.570 18 5/8 87.124 7.515 4.250 16.810 23.010 9.730 12.840 K-55 0.280 43.124 9.00 J-55 0.50 J-55 0.515 4.380 12.575 11.415 8.00 H-40 0.520 M-65 0.480 12.750 8.570 13.575 18.760 19.730 13.320 40.330 12.480 12.514 12.420 3.350 16 65. API Casing 8-Round SHORT Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (lb/ft) Grade (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 13 3/8 48.290 12.900 12.140 13.410 49.280 12.930 7.710 13. 914 1.276 3.900 10.250 9.550 3.126 3.510 4.210 4.00 J-55 0.126 4.250 4.408 1.940 5.540 7.450 N-80 0.020 3.530 T-95 0.050 C-90 0.740 3.620 2.130 4.970 1.230 4.540 T-95 0.610 4.760 3.450 3.810 4.130 4.434 1.820 2.290 3.580 3.220 5.540 11.340 6.250 M-65 0.430 7.030 P-110 0.540 5.296 4.276 3.914 1.478 4.750 P-110 0.300 5.540 6.610 15.720 7.670 3.253 4.250 4.126 4.510 10.540 8.270 3.710 2.410 5.890 P-110 0.540 C-90 0.630 12.000 5.080 3.350 4.490 4.276 3.000 6.870 3.300 4.250 4.010 4.540 6.970 5.580 3.000 1.670 2.910 6.880 6. API Casing 8-Round LONG Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (lb/ft) Grade (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 4 1/2 11.360 3.200 7.880 7.478 4.980 5.690 4.850 3.390 4.220 8.150 5.044 4.000 1.540 9.580 8.240 5.000 5.276 2.930 T-95 0.110 4.920 2.044 6.190 13.914 1.276 3.540 10.610 7.410 4.550 3.370 8.870 11.860 10.408 2.044 5.030 2.190 13.520 2.000 4.000 1.680 5 13.580 T-95 0.220 1.500 8.500 4.408 2.070 8.940 6.310 5.860 9.540 6.044 5.300 4.210 5.010 5.296 4.600 9.970 3.060 3.920 1.090 5.450 5.276 3.362 4.790 4.920 2.480 3.450 4.570 11.250 4.870 4.780 P-110 0.000 1.710 4.800 13.044 5.780 3.650 24.870 3.090 Q-125 0.000 1.276 2.230 4.290 3.490 8.000 5.914 1.408 2.494 1.070 4.790 3.900 12.400 Q-125 0.940 N-80 0.640 4.900 11.300 3.860 8.080 11.290 5.950 3.250 4.000 4.970 1.000 4.390 4.000 1.510 7.030 3.510 2.970 1.870 3.276 3.460 3.540 3.478 4.050 3.400 C-90 0.408 2.950 9.660 4.253 4.260 N-80 0.300 4.000 2.900 10.276 4.270 16.440 7.362 4.860 9.660 6.020 7.126 4.350 3.296 4.780 P-110 0.970 1.400 5.550 12.640 4.910 3.350 6.590 2.900 5.408 3.250 3.680 L-80 0.500 3.276 3.100 5.494 1.408 1.044 5.600 15.437 4.860 8.290 3.230 2.670 2.720 L-80 0.126 5.434 1.350 1.190 4.914 1.970 1.150 N-80 0.550 K-55 0.550 3.170 7.300 4.970 1.337 3.950 21.240 4.280 2.500 4.500 4.620 7.130 3.770 8.020 K-55 0.370 14.780 14.410 4.110 12.700 7.030 4.170 5.140 3.437 4.750 4.600 Q-125 0.910 N-80 0.710 3.126 4.230 N-80 0.437 4.970 1.250 4.120 2.60 J-55 0.500 4.930 7.826 2.530 13.280 4.280 2.950 6.340 9.826 3.500 4.930 9.910 4.580 4.044 4.230 4.540 9.680 4.860 6.044 4.350 3.408 2.000 5.090 K-55 0.478 4.390 3.540 6.090 10.040 Q-125 0.070 2.126 4.126 4.040 23.090 5.140 3.408 2.540 7.126 4.437 4.126 3.276 3.296 4.980 14.080 4.126 4.437 4.362 4.710 4.300 4.940 2.300 4.296 4.900 10.437 4.220 5.494 1.740 3.740 3.560 4.300 4.000 4.50 M-65 0.550 5.290 P-110 0.770 M-65 0.010 5.362 4.180 Q-125 0.337 3.253 4.610 T-95 0.380 M-65 0.478 4.540 6.000 1.230 2.820 5.00 J-55 0.220 4.620 6.310 6.362 4.550 2.230 2.870 3.408 2.276 3.930 4.970 1.890 T-95 0.870 4.610 T-95 0.870 4.340 N-80 0.550 3.650 4.590 3.610 6.10 L-80 0.044 5.20 L-80 0.044 5.408 2.330 13.180 4.10 P-110 0.408 2.000 5.310 3.370 1.550 3.930 4.126 4.00 M-65 0.520 10.362 4.650 6.050 C-90 0.850 2.990 10.044 5.970 L-80 0.044 4.434 2.840 2.750 3.540 L-80 0.110 4.250 4.478 4.920 2.540 10.510 18.540 9.000 5.126 3.110 4.450 3.296 4.380 4.490 10.450 6.220 P-110 0.126 4.000 4.000 5.540 6.900 L-80 0.276 3.362 4.290 3.260 4.970 6.950 12.914 1.296 4.940 2.710 2.310 4.408 2.840 8.250 4.000 4.437 4.840 6.510 Page 15 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .850 3.826 2.140 4.320 C-90 0.680 4.650 4.250 4.960 3.700 8-Round LONG Threads 15.920 2.408 1.060 4.080 4.520 2.408 2.010 2.920 2.800 2.276 3.860 8.290 3.150 4.850 4.350 C-90 0.408 2.680 4.290 3.000 5.860 7.880 2.500 4.410 1.900 10.296 4.450 15.230 3.230 C-90 0.710 3.630 6.40 M-65 0.826 3.500 4. 360 4.950 4.892 2.870 5.190 4.275 4.470 3.570 6 5/8 20.390 N-80 0.160 4.550 4.950 L-80 0.304 4.830 14.510 7.675 5.820 P-110 0.530 4.049 2.450 4.275 4.400 4.400 5.730 5.990 5.400 4.760 7.417 5.670 4.50 J-55 0.778 4.288 6.480 C-90 0.340 10.650 4.00 L-80 0.610 4.960 4.304 4.560 T-95 0.770 5.670 5.352 5.240 13.921 2.288 6.670 3.352 5.200 N-80 0.690 7.670 5.790 4.791 5.00 J-55 0.810 9.330 K-55 0.630 M-65 0.830 6.361 4.810 6.290 5.150 5.921 3.690 8.410 8.352 5.921 3.352 5.417 5.650 3.600 7.892 2.870 5.870 5.778 3.921 3.670 3.150 23.020 6.090 3.000 6.680 8.110 12.340 9.040 7.892 2.760 32.120 5.415 4.361 4.670 5.010 C-90 0.275 4.892 2.288 6.260 5.670 4.778 3.00 M-65 0.680 7.720 5.230 9.900 2.640 Page 16 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .778 4.475 5.415 4.900 3.130 N-80 0.475 5.530 3.690 4.910 5.352 5.870 5.670 3.791 4.930 6.180 T-95 0.940 T-95 0.892 2.778 4.670 5.304 4.910 6.250 4.870 6.720 4.520 12.304 4.304 4.300 Q-125 0.361 4.361 4.020 6.350 7.230 10.475 5.892 2.380 P-110 0.892 2.260 4.950 1.250 9.950 1.304 4.300 12.950 1.778 4.960 4.190 9.810 3.921 2.870 6.892 2.180 2.220 C-90 0.049 2.620 5.510 C-90 0.791 4.675 5.740 9.020 6.675 6.670 5.000 2.210 6.417 5.970 3.150 4.200 5.790 3.160 4.910 N-80 0.430 6.490 6.290 N-80 0.700 4.650 Q-125 0.320 20.630 2.720 7.550 3.090 4.510 9.780 8.310 11.070 K-55 0.921 4.820 T-95 0.791 4.475 5.040 8.280 4.230 8.150 5.620 5.710 4.935 2.110 4.675 5.840 7.360 4.520 17.475 5.390 2.470 4.778 4.020 T-95 0.480 7.590 4.049 2.415 4.870 6.040 11.870 4.040 7.892 1.892 2.670 5.620 4.660 8.892 2.791 5.00 J-55 0.360 P-110 0.330 C-90 0.230 10.780 4.860 7.780 4.361 4.150 2.410 4.935 2.00 M-65 0.650 M-65 0.090 4.361 4.070 5.778 4.475 5.778 2.304 4.720 3.420 8-Round LONG Threads L-80 0.960 K-55 0.350 M-65 0.110 4.410 4.040 2.470 4.860 24.580 Q-125 0.510 T-95 0.690 10.415 4.040 6.892 2.00 M-65 0.304 4.360 3.930 11.870 3.760 6.791 3.280 5.390 C-90 0.480 4. API Casing 8-Round LONG Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (lb/ft) Grade (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 5 1/2 15.270 M-65 0.320 3.580 10.010 6.340 8.860 P-110 0.970 3.675 7.350 4.270 5.860 7.778 4.304 4.230 9.921 2.417 5.670 5.810 6.170 2.130 P-110 0.415 4.150 4.790 2.660 3.430 7.610 3.417 5.892 3.415 4.990 4.870 4.010 28.690 8.417 5.470 9.330 N-80 0.892 3.675 5.352 5.000 11.320 5.670 5.892 2.040 7.892 2.892 2.350 4.460 L-80 0.680 P-110 0.210 4.921 4.850 2.415 4.040 7.352 5.230 9.740 9.892 2.230 8.778 3.450 L-80 0.352 5.560 3.870 5.340 4.160 6.350 4.090 6.935 2.040 L-80 0.250 K-55 0.778 3.00 J-55 0.670 5.870 5.780 9.810 7.750 4. 790 5.920 12.453 6.276 6.110 6.094 4.720 22.610 20.150 17.930 7.400 7.980 14.470 7.830 5.094 5.050 L-80 0.184 7.010 5.920 12.280 5.420 5.540 5.184 4.010 5.00 M-65 0.670 11.350 3.366 4.240 N-80 0.280 Page 17 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .460 9.130 3.875 4.180 5.220 21.670 12.710 26.190 6.590 4.969 5.094 9.380 13.150 17.950 C-90 0.200 5.050 11.130 8.040 6.660 9.530 6.317 6.400 8.650 T-95 0.510 17.260 6.328 6.328 6.408 6.480 C-90 0.453 6.980 7.366 2.70 M-65 0.969 5.184 7.276 4.020 16.760 35.390 T-95 0.000 T-95 0.350 6.276 3.710 16.090 10.910 P-110 0.276 3.880 17.094 9.366 2.760 N-80 0.875 7.100 6.453 6.660 T-95 0.600 3.620 22.276 3.610 18.000 6.310 K-55 0.550 6.276 6.600 7.820 K-55 0.010 8.360 11.550 N-80 0.094 5.310 19.276 6.970 11.610 19.650 C-90 0.400 5.004 7.750 20.260 6.660 20.210 4.680 4.920 9.969 5.920 8.730 27.250 P-110 0.930 C-90 0.875 7.875 3.170 11.230 13.920 14.328 6.184 4.660 6.690 12.200 6.540 6.498 6.540 5.328 6.317 6.590 14.010 4.317 6.610 8.550 13.550 14.160 5.870 13.366 4.110 8.969 3.040 5.600 7.720 9.184 3.930 6.453 6.184 7.670 4.050 10.450 5.670 13.330 N-80 0.140 T-95 0.390 6.670 7.210 6.820 6.094 9.969 4.860 C-90 0.366 3.120 12.004 11.560 3.920 6.050 9.120 6.990 5.875 7.090 9.969 2.400 6.00 L-80 0.340 6.328 6.050 10.800 10.004 11.280 20.440 17.200 Q-125 0.460 6.330 6.490 8.550 14.330 6.980 9.900 13.050 12.969 3.900 12.969 3.050 10.400 7.840 N-80 0.590 6.220 5.004 11.184 4.150 19.920 12.150 13. API Casing 8-Round LONG Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (lb/ft) Grade (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 7 23.875 5.790 5.190 10.630 7.050 9.440 P-110 0.184 5.276 6.408 6.276 5.490 29.060 M-65 0.660 M-65 0.690 6.317 6.670 12.340 9.004 5.690 4.550 21.184 7.360 14.760 26.480 12.480 T-95 0.900 12.366 4.875 7.620 4.480 5.620 8.200 T-95 0.920 6.362 6.990 10.960 6.366 3.730 3.540 6.004 11.910 6.400 8.770 4.366 3.130 6.490 8.320 10.004 5.990 6.940 6.150 10.317 6.094 6.650 6.810 7 5/8 26.366 3.453 6.040 6.190 6.760 7.520 10.950 L-80 0.590 17.750 7.970 9.590 5.620 N-80 0.930 6.00 L-80 0.240 6.610 15.375 6.150 18.860 6.830 8.969 5.550 15.110 6.610 13.600 6.362 6.050 6.510 7.370 11.540 5.969 5.610 18.770 7.570 P-110 0.490 9.184 7.276 6.453 6.510 25.408 6.004 11.276 2.180 6.400 6.810 P-110 0.030 4.408 6.440 6.276 3.140 10.560 4.640 4.366 4.969 5.690 9.990 12.276 6.004 8.750 3.184 5.920 6.530 10.375 6.820 29.408 6.375 6.230 23.250 5.090 38.510 L-80 0.090 6.710 6.004 11.600 Q-125 0.408 6.070 8.150 16.200 5.310 6.875 4.094 5.366 4.030 6.940 6.498 6.410 6.498 6.300 15.875 7.00 J-55 0.328 6.960 8.830 11.362 6.740 5.010 6.150 6.969 2.400 7.362 6.498 6.250 7.670 11.00 J-55 0.310 5.550 15.094 4.660 6.970 7.150 P-110 0.830 3.875 4.110 6.276 6.930 8.320 4.004 6.610 19.620 23.750 8.960 6.317 6.40 J-55 0.050 6.590 8.362 6.490 8.480 L-80 0.375 6.760 16.366 2.875 4.310 11.480 8.969 3.010 10.600 L-80 0.020 18.920 12.184 7.050 9.900 12.00 M-65 0.900 6.470 9.490 9.610 6.520 N-80 0.860 8-Round LONG Threads 32.720 8.680 9.490 9.730 8.360 C-90 0.366 4.004 6.498 6.640 K-55 0.890 5.810 6.366 4.875 7.410 4.640 5.920 12.320 6.920 6.276 4.969 5.328 6.920 6.260 4.260 T-95 0.362 6.350 5.317 6.290 9.900 13.375 6.094 9.540 5.540 L-80 0.590 24.610 21.870 7.276 6.550 16.460 4.900 11.160 15.380 15.400 7.620 C-90 0.400 6.540 5.150 16.040 5.490 6.362 6.094 9.790 C-90 0.810 N-80 0.490 9.450 6.540 5.094 9.960 12.498 6.060 11.670 11.360 15.362 6.050 8.110 11.920 12.200 M-65 0.375 6. 970 17.625 6.950 5.620 12.520 5.400 7.130 12.260 6.660 15.290 9.270 16.260 6.625 8.430 6.660 16.595 6.625 13.640 8.100 9.760 44.970 12.860 9.625 6.650 8.80 L-80 0.090 7.595 6.930 6.940 8 5/8 28.100 15.490 8.960 2.850 7.200 21.300 17.430 6.250 11.570 21.375 8.560 8.840 12.435 7.725 7.830 6.352 7.660 13.800 P-110 0.080 7.060 11.060 7.740 10.625 5.080 12.304 8.640 12.320 K-55 0.304 8.595 6.760 9.840 N-80 0.670 7.650 28.501 6.625 6.050 4.625 16.040 T-95 0.430 6.501 10.840 6.150 15.060 Q-125 0.435 9.480 9.450 13.765 4.190 7.501 9.130 42.090 36.921 3.780 9.480 23.140 N-80 0.410 25.580 C-90 0.390 4.560 6.170 12.860 6.562 6.350 6.017 1.610 M-65 0.310 7.500 22.150 15.450 7.360 15.500 7.220 9.450 7.00 L-80 0.300 6.984 6.825 10.450 7.10 L-80 0.00 H-40 0.790 14.725 13.725 5.010 24.725 13.500 6.840 10.910 Q-125 0.130 4.310 T-95 0.250 5.850 27.825 3.550 13.960 11.410 24.625 16.020 T-95 0.765 5.625 7.100 23.625 5.725 6.500 7.060 8-Round LONG Threads T-95 0.480 7.430 6.700 24.625 6.660 15.500 6.420 C-90 0.00 J-55 0.330 C-90 0.410 23.765 10.570 19.450 7.400 7.480 26.490 P-110 0.740 8.150 27.660 16.30 L-80 0.470 11.375 8.375 7.390 23.921 3.790 7.830 7.600 7.765 6.410 39.870 P-110 0.400 7.725 13.870 6.400 7.435 7.650 4.440 8.880 9.160 6.620 7.140 11.500 7.570 19.370 12.700 7.710 7.625 6.435 8.820 19.625 8.730 7.890 9.910 10.650 6.00 J-55 0.625 6.260 16.680 L-80 0.030 C-90 0.980 9.725 6.435 7.960 P-110 0.765 10.725 13.501 7.520 40.352 7.00 M-65 0.825 5.040 11.625 6.900 7.190 23.310 31.921 3.375 10.300 21.530 16.860 9.595 6.690 11.900 11.70 M-65 0.400 7.030 N-80 0.825 5.984 4.825 10.450 7.625 6.375 7.200 19.500 6.725 11.650 4.435 10.550 16.725 4.000 10.500 C-90 0.765 10.910 11.090 6.625 8.825 5.430 6.150 16.825 10.500 6.180 C-90 0.825 3.562 6.825 4.595 6.300 T-95 0.765 5.400 7.330 9.930 7.500 6.200 22.160 6.400 7.210 K-55 0.260 C-90 0.625 16.625 13.860 7.170 5.825 9.000 13.017 3.500 7.562 6.800 13.370 32.825 8.825 10.050 14.562 6.300 7.670 10.010 13.625 15.940 14.562 6.910 7.825 10.490 9.625 13.500 8.825 5.765 9.160 28.240 9.150 13.950 6.330 6.765 10.270 N-80 0.120 P-110 0.430 6.625 13.090 7.010 11.530 Q-125 0.160 13.430 16.625 7.060 5.625 13.870 11.110 7.920 7.725 5.100 L-80 0.570 20.500 6.980 6.800 9.260 7.352 7.760 9.210 18.150 15.820 7.750 19.720 9.040 29.340 11.320 13.940 19.765 5.990 47.240 Page 18 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .725 13.625 15.750 T-95 0.625 13.200 26.595 6.562 6.430 6.820 M-65 0.150 15.990 7.380 9.470 T-95 0.290 21.501 7.870 6.650 12.140 N-80 0.390 17.580 20.580 10.450 7.625 6.340 N-80 0.280 20.450 N-80 0.940 45.170 5.600 10.500 7.00 L-80 0.780 10.260 11.200 19.130 18.200 19.610 12.130 Q-125 0.625 6.880 8.610 3.980 6.650 M-65 0.300 T-95 0.650 19.501 6.910 21.350 24.430 6.760 P-110 0.570 20.850 16.680 8.060 6.060 24.765 4.580 7.500 7.765 10.630 10.750 L-80 0.150 18.080 7. API Casing 8-Round LONG Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (lb/ft) Grade (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 7 5/8 (continued) 33.200 20.590 14.375 11.360 7.660 C-90 0.460 N-80 0.630 P-110 0.860 14.780 8. 580 N-80 0.610 8.550 6.472 8.150 12.540 12.210 8.310 M-65 0.100 12.681 18.755 6.595 8.100 8.090 8.290 11.635 18.435 8.390 15.850 8.755 8.395 8.540 21.370 9.030 8.540 N-80 0.370 9.430 38.921 3.681 18.340 8.480 14.755 15.300 35.760 P-110 0. API Casing 8-Round LONG Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (lb/ft) Grade (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 8 5/8 (continued) 49.110 9.435 8.450 18.540 Q-125 0.835 4.280 30.850 13.220 14.835 12.545 8.835 9.681 17.600 17.570 14.250 10.700 8.472 8.210 5.750 11.557 7.270 P-110 0.681 13.420 22.00 H-40 0.530 27.395 8.681 7.124 9.395 8.260 43.835 6.545 8.510 14.557 7.690 Q-125 0.595 8.750 15.450 7.580 11.970 5.670 14.760 T-95 0.400 4.930 20 94.921 3.900 21.921 8.681 18.438 19.280 8.681 6.620 13.590 C-90 0.200 6.835 12.660 T-95 0.010 13.240 8.535 11.670 4.535 8.435 8.755 15.630 19.835 6.755 5.535 21.557 7.435 8.360 24.350 8.160 8.535 23.472 8.310 8.835 12.00 M-65 0.250 26.080 11.700 9 5/8 36.921 8.730 14.300 20.755 6.160 26.000 8.557 7.550 P-110 0.860 K-55 0.590 8.00 J-55 0.000 11.590 8.130 M-65 0.635 18.790 9.310 35.720 15.435 10.000 8.635 18.755 7.940 8.100 36.730 J-55 0.990 11.200 13.040 L-80 0.780 8.860 37.511 10.720 22.535 7.160 8.500 T-95 0.500 36.060 13.250 8.50 J-55 0.460 25.720 29.472 8.395 8.530 7.050 8.755 15.090 6.400 9.110 8.130 10.450 17.810 8.124 6.440 14.660 C-90 0.545 8.420 23.435 9.921 9.720 15.210 33.700 27.130 133.800 K-55 0.630 11.670 14.472 8.435 8.595 8.730 13.720 12.352 8.570 K-55 0.040 43.830 12.560 T-95 0.870 12.970 41.490 106.535 9.550 M-65 0.681 6.970 12.420 L-80 0.970 14.900 T-95 0.450 17.681 15.140 10.545 8.500 19.472 8.435 8.511 11.835 10.760 25.110 27.930 11.00 J-55 0.310 8.755 14.390 N-80 0.352 8.438 19.160 17.535 18.660 8.755 6.900 5.800 10.170 15.00 L-80 0.511 8.435 8.535 23.835 4.755 14.850 10.557 7.480 22.230 13.410 16.130 18.420 22.511 7.438 19.472 8.435 11.310 8.910 31.755 11.240 58.270 Q-125 0.290 N-80 0.835 5.681 15.000 10.300 33.040 10.360 20.180 19.200 15.595 8.535 10.681 5.350 16.460 C-90 0.220 17.124 9.835 5.352 8.010 8.050 11.435 13.580 C-90 0.070 K-55 0.190 8.200 13.480 9.490 8.130 15.835 12.680 11.500 19.070 7.681 7.535 20.500 8.300 P-110 0.980 17.595 8.921 3.595 8.395 8.511 8.50 L-80 0.530 M-65 0.620 K-55 0.090 8.730 17.460 8.710 29.557 7.835 3.950 19.530 5.480 11.545 8.960 15.760 30.980 21.110 18.890 6.395 8.160 8.400 13.395 8.40 L-80 0.390 N-80 0.970 10.530 26.490 Page 19 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .960 18.590 7.610 7.080 Q-125 0.511 7.835 9.110 53.681 9.470 13.930 22.124 11.420 C-90 0.420 29.270 N-80 0.180 28.535 18.450 9.730 8-Round LONG Threads C-90 0.00 J-55 0.570 20.790 8.910 L-80 0.110 28.740 8.435 8.470 10.810 40.535 7.800 23.290 6.438 19.450 18.110 P-110 0.545 8.270 9.070 23.110 25.50 M-65 0.681 10.230 47.050 13.450 T-95 0. 560 10.970 3.920 4.500 4.253 4.420 8.408 5.310 7.500 3.020 2.560 10.276 7.408 5.140 K-55 0.750 6.920 P-110 0.224 4.170 N-80 0.000 4.126 9.420 8.890 8.408 5.340 10.340 10.340 L-80 0.296 4.890 M-65 0.770 14.420 8.914 4.408 5.052 4.276 7.410 6.470 T-95 0.560 5.970 3.50 J-55 0.810 M-65 0.470 N-80 0.740 7.000 4.470 Q-125 0.000 4.40 M-65 0.500 3.340 C-90 0.408 5.000 4.000 4.670 8.060 Q-125 0.826 4.276 7.408 5.500 3.126 5.770 C-90 0.337 3.920 4.000 4.770 Q-125 0.518 3.810 K-55 0.670 8.140 8.020 2.290 3.250 4.00 J-55 0.408 5.224 4.250 J-55 0.130 K-55 0.560 5.914 4.220 4.437 4.500 3.770 N-80 0.500 4.090 4.340 10.140 8.060 5 11.470 12.126 5.826 5.890 K-55 0.670 8.126 5.126 9.408 5.290 3.290 3.362 4.437 4.276 5.052 4.205 4.290 3.250 4.500 3.914 4.000 4.494 5.470 12.000 4.826 5.276 5.470 C-90 0.130 10.126 9.000 4.770 14.340 18.680 11.362 4.362 4.494 3.437 4.740 7.220 4.000 4.000 4.250 4.420 8.500 3.362 4.276 7.000 4.000 4.970 3.362 4.362 4.920 4.000 4.437 4.220 4.408 5.340 10.500 3.470 12.50 M-65 0.126 9.224 4.126 9.890 8.920 T-95 0.253 4.494 5.920 L-80 0.170 13.006 2.250 4.000 4.000 4.914 4.126 9.290 3.170 L-80 0.296 4.296 4.000 4.770 P-110 0.00 M-65 0.276 7.914 4.250 4.920 BUTTRESS Threads 15.470 12.000 4.500 3.205 4.670 8.253 4.250 4.500 3.518 3.000 4.770 L-80 0.250 4.126 5.290 3.770 14.000 4.310 7.518 3.240 K-55 0.000 4.000 4.500 3.126 5.60 J-55 0.500 3.126 5.000 4.500 4.276 5.000 4.000 4.006 3.920 4.205 4.126 9.970 3.296 4.276 5.408 5.340 P-110 0.910 10.340 N-80 0.470 12.000 4.170 C-90 0.670 8.362 4.920 4.770 T-95 0.408 5.276 5.000 4.000 4.408 5.890 15.500 3.126 5.10 P-110 0.970 3.250 4.770 14.770 14.130 M-65 0.560 5.337 3.470 L-80 0.437 4.970 3.50 J-55 0.090 4.000 4.410 6.296 4.240 M-65 0.920 N-80 0.00 J-55 0.420 8.770 Page 20 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .670 8.000 4.000 4.170 T-95 0.500 4.500 3.006 2.000 4.276 5.494 5. API Casing BUTTRESS Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) Estimated Total Torque Ring Delta Torque (no rings) ID Torque MAX Weight Grade Wall ID (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 4 1/2 9.276 5.437 4.494 3.000 4.920 4.890 8.770 14.470 21.970 3.170 P-110 0.000 4.770 14.276 7.470 12.500 3.500 4.020 1.408 5.000 4.296 4.560 8.408 5.437 4.500 4.340 T-95 0.470 P-110 0.826 4.910 K-55 0.180 7.470 12.090 4.140 M-65 0.914 4.408 5.500 3.920 C-90 0.296 4.50 H-40 0.970 3.560 13.340 10.340 10.296 4.000 4.494 3.052 4.500 3.130 10.408 5.420 8.276 7. 892 6.240 T-95 0.00 J-55 0.500 4.430 11.044 10.361 4.000 4.500 4.00 J-55 0.630 L-80 0.670 5.490 L-80 0.044 10.921 6.500 4.550 T-95 0. API Casing BUTTRESS Threads withwith MLT™MLT™RingRing (L-80) (L-80) API Recommended Estimated Total Total Torque Torques Ring Ring Delta Delta Torque Torque Weight Wall ID MIN (no rings) OPT MAX ID ID Torque Torque MIN MAXMAX Weight (lb/ft) Grade Wall (in) (in) ID (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 5 (continued) 23.600 Q-125 0.361 4.990 M-65 0.630 T-95 0.892 6.921 6.500 4.670 11.049 6.288 6.778 5.500 4.892 5.044 5.500 4.500 4.500 4.600 16.415 4.288 6.000 4.044 5.304 4.778 5.352 5.670 5.892 6.630 N-80 0.000 5.478 4.990 14.049 6.550 P-110 0.050 16.600 C-90 0.970 15.361 4.240 BUTTRESS Threads N-80 0.352 5.670 5.000 4.352 5.550 N-80 0.950 5.630 J-55 0.500 4.000 4.430 11.000 5.000 11.892 5.500 4.050 16.352 5.970 15.049 6.892 5.044 10.500 4.670 11.50 J-55 0.000 4.000 11.500 4.892 5.970 15.778 8.970 15.361 4.670 5.304 4.490 T-95 0.500 4.670 11.740 12.921 6.000 11.304 4.740 12.892 6.478 4.415 4.870 11.000 11.892 5.740 12.892 6.500 4.490 23.044 10.490 10.000 5.892 6.500 4.000 4.000 4.050 16.000 11.415 4.670 5.304 4.778 5.050 16.670 11.044 5.892 5.500 4.921 6.740 12.500 4.00 M-65 0.478 4.600 16.352 5.950 5.000 5.670 5.990 14.778 8.600 P-110 0.600 16.500 4.950 5.670 11.044 5.000 4.550 Q-125 0.935 5.970 24.600 N-80 0.930 M-65 0.630 P-110 0.630 M-65 0.304 4.740 12.361 4.478 4.415 4.490 10.415 4.970 P-110 0.044 5.935 5.304 4.500 4.778 8.044 5.990 14.000 4.892 5.304 4.000 11.478 4.490 C-90 0.630 Page 21 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .740 12.352 5.478 4.240 P-110 0.500 4.240 Q-125 0.00 M-65 0.990 K-55 0.000 4.778 5.600 16.778 5.000 4.050 16.500 4.921 6.970 N-80 0.500 4.670 5.500 4.044 10.240 L-80 0.740 12.415 4.490 P-110 0.970 C-90 0.990 14.20 L-80 0.275 4.500 4.778 8.550 C-90 0.000 4.500 4.778 8.370 17.630 24.600 5 1/2 15.044 10.600 T-95 0.352 5.935 5.275 4.500 4.049 6.000 5.670 11.000 5.930 K-55 0.970 15.778 8.490 N-80 0.600 16.00 H-40 0.892 6.550 6 5/8 20.10 L-80 0.892 6.970 T-95 0.630 K-55 0.892 5.304 4.288 6.304 4.275 4.970 15.500 4.892 6.630 C-90 0.970 Q-125 0.240 20.352 5.361 4.600 16.630 M-65 0.630 K-55 0.670 11.921 6.050 16.415 4.778 5.990 14.550 L-80 0.921 6.240 C-90 0.050 16.500 4.892 5.500 4.990 14.500 4.288 6.500 4.921 6. API Casing BUTTRESS Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) Estimated Total Torque Ring Delta Torque (no rings) ID Torque MAX Weight Grade Wall ID (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 6 5/8 (continued) 28.00 M-65 0.417 5.791 6,630 L-80 0.417 5.791 6,630 N-80 0.417 5.791 6,630 C-90 0.417 5.791 6,630 T-95 0.417 5.791 6,630 P-110 0.417 5.791 6,630 32.00 L-80 0.475 5.675 6,630 N-80 0.475 5.675 6,630 C-90 0.475 5.675 6,630 T-95 0.475 5.675 6,630 P-110 0.475 5.675 6,630 Q-125 0.475 5.675 6,630 7 20.00 H-40 0.272 6.456 7,000 6.439 5,950 12,950 J-55 0.272 6.456 7,000 6.439 8,180 15,180 K-55 0.272 6.456 7,000 6.439 8,180 15,180 M-65 0.272 6.456 7,000 6.439 8,670 15,670 23.00 J-55 0.317 6.366 7,000 6.366 10,580 17,580 K-55 0.317 6.366 7,000 6.366 10,580 17,580 M-65 0.317 6.366 7,000 6.366 11,120 18,120 L-80 0.317 6.366 7,000 6.366 11,120 18,120 N-80 0.317 6.366 7,000 6.366 11,120 18,120 BUTTRESS Threads C-90 0.317 6.366 7,000 6.366 11,120 18,120 T-95 0.317 6.366 7,000 6.366 11,120 18,120 26.00 J-55 0.362 6.276 7,000 6.276 12,930 19,930 K-55 0.362 6.276 7,000 6.276 12,930 19,930 M-65 0.362 6.276 7,000 6.276 14,080 21,080 L-80 0.362 6.276 7,000 6.276 14,080 21,080 N-80 0.362 6.276 7,000 6.276 14,080 21,080 C-90 0.362 6.276 7,000 6.276 14,080 21,080 T-95 0.362 6.276 7,000 6.276 14,080 21,080 P-110 0.362 6.276 7,000 6.276 14,080 21,080 29.00 M-65 0.408 6.184 7,000 6.184 17,050 24,050 L-80 0.408 6.184 7,000 6.184 17,050 24,050 N-80 0.408 6.184 7,000 6.184 17,050 24,050 C-90 0.408 6.184 7,000 6.184 17,050 24,050 T-95 0.408 6.184 7,000 6.184 17,050 24,050 P-110 0.408 6.184 7,000 6.184 17,050 24,050 32.00 M-65 0.453 6.094 7,000 6.094 19,880 26,880 L-80 0.453 6.094 7,000 6.094 19,880 26,880 N-80 0.453 6.094 7,000 6.094 19,880 26,880 C-90 0.453 6.094 7,000 6.094 19,880 26,880 T-95 0.453 6.094 7,000 6.094 19,880 26,880 P-110 0.453 6.094 7,000 6.094 19,880 26,880 35.00 L-80 0.498 6.004 7,000 6.004 22,640 29,640 N-80 0.498 6.004 7,000 6.004 22,640 29,640 C-90 0.498 6.004 7,000 6.004 22,640 29,640 T-95 0.498 6.004 7,000 6.004 22,640 29,640 P-110 0.498 6.004 7,000 6.004 22,640 29,640 Q-125 0.498 6.004 7,000 6.004 22,640 29,640 38.00 L-80 0.540 5.920 7,000 5.920 25,170 32,170 N-80 0.540 5.920 7,000 5.920 25,170 32,170 C-90 0.540 5.920 7,000 5.920 25,170 32,170 T-95 0.540 5.920 7,000 5.920 25,170 32,170 P-110 0.540 5.920 7,000 5.920 25,170 32,170 Q-125 0.540 5.920 7,000 5.920 25,170 32,170 Page 22 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook API Casing BUTTRESS Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) Estimated Total Torque Ring Delta Torque (no rings) ID Torque MAX Weight Grade Wall ID (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 7 5/8 26.40 J-55 0.328 6.969 7,630 6.969 12,890 20,520 K-55 0.328 6.969 7,630 6.969 12,890 20,520 M-65 0.328 6.969 7,630 6.969 13,620 21,250 L-80 0.328 6.969 7,630 6.969 13,620 21,250 N-80 0.328 6.969 7,630 6.969 13,620 21,250 C-90 0.328 6.969 7,630 6.969 13,620 21,250 T-95 0.328 6.969 7,630 6.969 13,620 21,250 29.70 M-65 0.375 6.875 7,630 6.875 17,310 24,940 L-80 0.375 6.875 7,630 6.875 17,310 24,940 N-80 0.375 6.875 7,630 6.875 17,310 24,940 C-90 0.375 6.875 7,630 6.875 17,310 24,940 T-95 0.375 6.875 7,630 6.875 17,310 24,940 P-110 0.375 6.875 7,630 6.875 17,310 24,940 33.70 M-65 0.430 6.765 7,630 6.765 21,520 29,150 L-80 0.430 6.765 7,630 6.765 21,520 29,150 N-80 0.430 6.765 7,630 6.765 21,520 29,150 C-90 0.430 6.765 7,630 6.765 21,520 29,150 T-95 0.430 6.765 7,630 6.765 21,520 29,150 P-110 0.430 6.765 7,630 6.765 21,520 29,150 39.00 L-80 0.500 6.625 7,630 6.625 26,730 34,360 N-80 0.500 6.625 7,630 6.625 26,730 34,360 C-90 0.500 6.625 7,630 6.625 26,730 34,360 BUTTRESS Threads T-95 0.500 6.625 7,630 6.625 26,730 34,360 P-110 0.500 6.625 7,630 6.625 26,730 34,360 Q-125 0.500 6.625 7,630 6.625 26,730 34,360 8 5/8 24.00 J-55 0.264 8.097 8,630 8.056 10,970 19,600 K-55 0.264 8.097 8,630 8.056 10,970 19,600 M-65 0.264 8.097 8,630 8.056 12,610 21,240 28.00 H-40 0.304 8.017 8,630 8.017 10,400 19,030 M-65 0.304 8.017 8,630 8.017 14,640 23,270 32.00 H-40 0.352 7.921 8,630 J-55 0.352 7.921 8,630 K-55 0.352 7.921 8,630 M-65 0.352 7.921 8,630 36.00 J-55 0.400 7.825 8,630 7.825 22,030 30,660 K-55 0.400 7.825 8,630 7.825 22,030 30,660 M-65 0.400 7.825 8,630 7.825 22,030 30,660 L-80 0.400 7.825 8,630 7.825 22,030 30,660 N-80 0.400 7.825 8,630 7.825 22,030 30,660 C-90 0.400 7.825 8,630 7.825 22,030 30,660 T-95 0.400 7.825 8,630 7.825 22,030 30,660 40.00 M-65 0.450 7.725 8,630 7.725 29,340 37,970 L-80 0.450 7.725 8,630 7.725 29,340 37,970 N-80 0.450 7.725 8,630 7.725 29,340 37,970 C-90 0.450 7.725 8,630 7.725 29,340 37,970 T-95 0.450 7.725 8,630 7.725 29,340 37,970 P-110 0.450 7.725 8,630 7.725 29,340 37,970 44.00 L-80 0.500 7.625 8,630 7.625 34,180 42,810 N-80 0.500 7.625 8,630 7.625 34,180 42,810 C-90 0.500 7.625 8,630 7.625 34,180 42,810 T-95 0.500 7.625 8,630 7.625 34,180 42,810 P-110 0.500 7.625 8,630 7.625 34,180 42,810 Page 23 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook API Casing BUTTRESS Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) Estimated Total Torque Ring Delta Torque (no rings) ID Torque MAX Weight Grade Wall ID (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 9 5/8 36.00 H-40 0.352 8.921 9,630 8.921 16,590 26,220 J-55 0.352 8.921 9,630 8.921 22,800 32,430 K-55 0.352 8.921 9,630 8.921 22,800 32,430 M-65 0.352 8.921 9,630 8.921 24,530 34,160 40.00 J-55 0.395 8.835 9,630 8.835 27,130 36,760 K-55 0.395 8.835 9,630 8.835 27,130 36,760 M-65 0.395 8.835 9,630 8.835 29,990 39,620 L-80 0.395 8.835 9,630 8.835 29,990 39,620 N-80 0.395 8.835 9,630 8.835 29,990 39,620 C-90 0.395 8.835 9,630 8.835 29,990 39,620 T-95 0.395 8.835 9,630 8.8358.835 29,990 39,620 43.50 M-65 0.435 8.755 9,630 8.755 33,580 43,210 L-80 0.435 8.755 9,630 8.755 35,000 44,630 N-80 0.435 8.755 9,630 8.755 35,000 44,630 C-90 0.435 8.755 9,630 8.755 35,000 44,630 T-95 0.435 8.755 9,630 8.755 35,000 44,630 P-110 0.435 8.755 9,630 8.755 35,000 44,630 47.00 M-65 0.472 8.681 9,630 8.681 39,560 49,190 L-80 0.472 8.681 9,630 8.681 39,560 49,190 N-80 0.472 8.681 9,630 8.681 39,560 49,190 C-90 0.472 8.681 9,630 8.681 39,560 49,190 BUTTRESS Threads T-95 0.472 8.681 9,630 8.681 39,560 49,190 P-110 0.472 8.681 9,630 8.681 39,560 49,190 Q-125 0.472 8.681 9,630 8.681 39,560 49,190 53.50 L-80 0.545 8.535 9,630 8.535 48,390 58,020 N-80 0.545 8.535 9,630 8.535 48,390 58,020 C-90 0.545 8.535 9,630 8.535 48,390 58,020 T-95 0.545 8.535 9,630 8.535 48,390 58,020 P-110 0.545 8.535 9,630 8.535 48,390 58,020 Q-125 0.545 8.535 9,630 8.535 48,390 58,020 10 3/4 40.50 H-40 0.350 10.050 10,750 10.050 20,620 31,370 J-55 0.350 10.050 10,750 10.050 28,350 39,100 K-55 0.350 10.050 10,750 10.050 28,350 39,100 M-65 0.350 10.050 10,750 10.050 30,460 41,210 45.50 J-55 0.400 9.950 10,750 9.950 34,690 45,440 K-55 0.400 9.950 10,750 9.950 34,690 45,440 M-65 0.400 9.950 10,750 9.950 38,460 49,210 51.00 J-55 0.450 9.850 10,750 9.850 40,930 51,680 K-55 0.450 9.850 10,750 9.850 40,930 51,680 M-65 0.450 9.850 10,750 9.850 46,330 57,080 L-80 0.450 9.850 10,750 9.850 46,330 57,080 N-80 0.450 9.850 10,750 9.850 46,330 57,080 C-90 0.450 9.850 10,750 9.850 46,330 57,080 T-95 0.450 9.850 10,750 9.850 46,330 57,080 P-110 0.450 9.850 10,750 9.850 46,330 57,080 55.50 M-65 0.495 9.760 10,750 9.760 53,310 64,060 L-80 0.495 9.760 10,750 9.760 53,310 64,060 N-80 0.495 9.760 10,750 9.760 53,310 64,060 C-90 0.495 9.760 10,750 9.760 53,310 64,060 T-95 0.495 9.760 10,750 9.760 53,310 64,060 P-110 0.495 9.760 10,750 9.760 53,310 64,060 Q-125 0.495 9.760 10,750 9.760 53,310 64,060 Page 24 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook 514 12.660 60.120 54.300 83.970 74.250 63.590 K-55 0.480 12.489 10.590 P-110 0.750 10.590 N-80 0.347 13.050 Q-125 0.660 60.545 9.750 10.375 11.970 74.880 11.590 K-55 0.772 11.210 73.380 72.575 60.772 54.682 71.370 53.720 T-95 0.720 C-90 0.210 73.50 J-55 0.480 12.380 12.347 13.910 58.380 12.690 P-110 0.660 10.590 M-65 0.489 10.575 60.380 12.720 65.300 83.970 74.415 13.380 12.660 60.590 C-90 0.575 60.615 13.534 10.772 11.590 P-110 0.750 9.300 83.590 L-80 0.347 13.682 71.750 10.575 60.347 13.682 11.375 11.630 K-55 0.750 10.430 12.415 13.682 71.210 73.660 M-65 0.00 J-55 0.534 10.660 60.545 9.210 73. API Casing BUTTRESS Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) Estimated Total Torque Ring Delta Torque (no rings) ID Torque MAX Weight Grade Wall ID (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) 10 3/4 60.575 60.772 11.000 41.750 10.000 37.210 73.347 13.435 10.380 12.750 10.210 73.772 11.534 10.300 83.690 Q-125 0.590 C-90 0.750 10.940 71.690 T-95 0.575 60.772 62.682 71.575 60.580 60.750 10.250 63.380 12.750 10.050 P-110 0.720 L-80 0.575 60.380 12.430 12.575 60.940 71.880 11.750 10.682 11.415 13.590 72.575 60.772 62.772 11.660 K-55 0.720 BUTTRESS Threads Q-125 0.630 M-65 0.210 73.380 12.660 10.970 74.210 73.300 83.590 68.750 11.489 10.682 11.575 60.830 49.682 11.545 9.000 37.772 62.70 C-90 0.515 13.772 62.910 58.00 J-55 0.380 12.575 60.660 10.380 12.489 10.380 12.750 10.750 10.480 12.720 N-80 0.880 52.210 73.772 62.415 13.514 12.760 61.534 10.750 9.480 12.415 13.489 10.515 13.750 11.750 10.590 T-95 0.210 73.750 11.682 11.534 10.682 11.590 T-95 0.575 60.489 10.480 12.880 11.00 J-55 0.415 13.210 73.347 13.210 73.050 T-95 0.380 12.750 10.210 73.580 K-55 0.682 71.772 62.575 50.590 Q-125 0.700 M-65 0.480 12.050 N-80 0.514 12.00 L-80 0.380 12.615 13.514 12.489 10.000 11.575 60.700 K-55 0.750 10.380 12.375 11.750 9.940 71.489 10.210 73.210 73.415 13.772 11.435 10.880 46.380 12.750 10.590 N-80 0.380 12.210 73.00 J-55 0.580 M-65 0.380 12.970 74.380 12.590 Page 25 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .380 12.050 13 3/8 54.720 P-110 0.430 12.940 71.534 10.545 9.489 10.590 M-65 0.300 83.575 59.480 12.380 12.880 46.575 60.480 12.830 49.950 66.515 13.415 13.575 60.615 13.682 71.575 50.00 J-55 0.435 10.750 9.750 10.772 11.750 10.050 C-90 0.00 L-80 0.970 74.660 10.514 12.575 60.380 12.830 64.690 11 3/4 47.514 12.772 11.000 11.000 11.950 66.380 12.380 12.970 74.210 73.772 54.772 11.772 62. 510 3.760 11.430 L-80 3.120 72.220 2.840 88.690 6.120 2.53 69.150 3.090 5.480 4.350 3.090 5.730 19.930 78.880 6.600 3.950 C-90 2.490 3.750 3.99 H-40 4.880 8.040 3.02 mm 9.710 49.340 4.830 6.38 2.460 4.660 5.460 6.060 2.270 1.250 840 2.560 5.050 840 2.000 4.38 3.070 8.040 12.000 59.380 4.140 2.00 1.170 2.790 4.670 3.380 T-95 3.280 4.290 3.00 1.03 1.070 9.320 1.000 4.180 1.080 4.370 3.370 7.090 5.300 5.150 4.570 T-95 3.520 C-90 3.180 840 2.560 8.140 8.440 J-55 1.860 2.050 5.150 1.000 12.030 5.110 5.000 7.680 2.050 8.560 6.670 4.020 4.120 3.830 5.160 73.85 4.810 4.890 C-90 1.00 2.530 4.020 L-80 1.67 H-40 5.070 8.51 62.090 N-80 3.90 mm 13.150 3.950 5.67 1.820 3.710 5.42 2.900 1.090 5.580 5.880 5.120 5.420 P-110 3.340 J-55 1.430 3.01 59.050 3.760 2.780 P-110 3.950 2.820 N-80 1.66 2.750 2.280 3.690 7.810 1.080 7.85 L-80 6.560 4.860 9.090 3.210 C-90 3.150 6.830 4.640 3.820 7.090 5.71 1.45 76.270 4.560 3.410 1.180 3.690 1.000 1.520 11.560 6.830 2.860 T-95 3.740 7.960 6.350 2.440 3.32 mm 6.270 5.150 3.820 7.400 6.750 3.190 N-80 4.070 9.380 5.690 Page 26 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .84 H-40 6.370 3.640 7.230 4.550 7.090 T-95 2.780 7.440 840 2.150 3.070 8.680 52.170 7.160 L-80 2.250 7.420 2.710 5.840 13.700 9.240 2.580 8.160 3.050 4.990 C-90 3.880 T-95 4.050 1.320 3.000 5.82 57.750 2.120 P-110 3.800 1.850 P-110 4.700 P-110 4.270 1.090 6.290 1.830 4.210 1.560 6.83 50.180 N-80 2.030 1.220 2.370 5.110 J-55 2.910 6.280 P-110 5.730 4.760 4.700 N-80 3.820 2.340 1.040 840 3.270 EUE 8-Round Thread (METRIC) C-90 2.250 4.280 P-110 2.610 5.900 4.650 5.210 T-95 2.650 6.480 2.430 11.27 L-80 9.600 61.270 4.420 4.010 5.980 840 2. API Tubing EUE 8-Round Thread with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) 60.790 1.560 5.370 4.140 2.760 2.550 T-95 2.790 2.76 L-80 7.370 3.090 4.850 6.330 C-90 4.690 2.080 4.000 5.29 1.000 1.230 5.250 8.240 4.340 11.220 4.690 4.170 4.970 3.95 L-80 7.14 4.760 2.340 5.630 4.120 64.870 N-80 2.940 6.370 4.430 N-80 2.390 2.430 3.370 3.45 47.45 760 1.430 4.630 3.830 5. 480 10.98 1.270 K-55 2.860 4.710 7.090 2.810 3.200 4.440 5.980 2.250 1.41 3.870 9.490 3.490 M-65 1.23 J-55 8.200 23.210 M-65 2.310 M-65 2.480 4.820 7.390 6.26 2.790 2.750 2.620 17.480 M-65 1.330 1.650 Page 27 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .040 1.140 1.740 2.70 2.560 3.440 5.990 2.910 K-55 1.570 5.260 3. API Casing 8-Round SHORT Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) 114.120 J-55 2.330 K-55 3.87 166.64 1.520 3.510 111.770 K-55 1.260 5.430 25.810 161.96 3.360 K-55 3.92 1.570 2.80 mm 25.630 12.810 4.500 6.160 3.35 J-55 6.28 2.69 J-55 9.930 2.100 2.640 5.800 177.390 3.98 125.090 3.660 168.100 2.600 7.470 15.900 2.82 1.30 1.860 113.35 101.520 1.630 19.15 1.72 J-55 8.07 1.19 159.05 161.07 J-55 6.43 114.670 4.990 2.040 127.26 4.28 2.30 J-55 7.96 2.76 H-40 7.14 H-40 5.660 3.710 K-55 1.60 1.860 3.41 8.32 J-55 7.72 124.83 H-40 6.720 8.960 8.170 3.330 3.900 15.230 7.880 124.620 34.790 38.650 2.210 J-55 1.150 4.560 3.770 12.760 2.290 2.090 2.530 K-55 1.390 6.170 8.59 115.140 K-55 3.700 4.390 3.890 5.010 3.150 K-55 2.440 5.130 8-Round SHORT Threads (METRIC) 22.00 mm 17.420 4.900 3.39 3.700 4.250 K-55 1.570 2.830 7.890 100.500 5.30 mm 14.360 1.790 2.670 159.470 15.160 113.570 2.26 J-55 6.710 3.620 100.63 J-55 5.190 3.740 3.91 163.160 3.94 150.320 113.390 5.870 K-55 2.240 K-55 1.28 mm 29.21 103.300 2.73 2.800 2.11 J-55 5.720 2.270 4.490 3.010 K-55 2.28 2.590 3.670 4.73 3.760 12.940 6.340 1.850 4.330 2.530 M-65 2.100 3.990 3.830 35.300 J-55 1.84 2.400 4.52 111.490 1.070 29.980 J-55 2.770 3.320 3.530 5.830 M-65 1.20 127.070 11.370 1.70 6.060 2.890 3.500 5.190 5.70 mm 20.84 2.89 790 1.320 4.620 4.30 H-40 5.030 1.970 K-55 2.730 4.360 139.490 1.430 125.800 6.870 2.390 2.32 153.69 102.76 H-40 6.780 3.440 4. 610 10.640 5.410 45.200 4.110 16. API Casing 8-Round SHORT Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) 193.630 18.930 11.770 M-65 4.27 3.67 H-40 7.850 47.030 29.490 23.910 12.070 30.130 M-65 5.120 K-55 6.19 2.810 14.420 5.240 8.240 16.160 3.330 255.060 30.560 219.630 19.43 250.690 18.130 N-80 8.240 27.860 16.08 mm 35.650 8.170 8.470 25.830 3.350 M-65 3.380 8-Round SHORT Threads (METRIC) 53.57 H-40 8.68 mm 35.470 60.94 226.480 4.990 6.320 11.72 H-40 7.420 12.150 244.62 H-40 8.860 23.310 26.520 13.720 8.990 4.290 25.59 7.310 53.33 177.930 11.92 228.780 24.480 3.680 8.680 9.770 13.90 J-55 11.340 177.590 49.550 37.450 6.100 7.440 14.700 32.01 7.200 14.760 6.900 21.460 19.090 5.63 5.900 M-65 4.000 24.970 14.600 6.72 J-55 6.570 4.270 5.41 10.730 J-55 3.140 14.200 4.840 75.120 10.960 11.590 39.990 226.800 8.000 3.690 4.200 15.880 28.810 9.270 5.71 J-55 10.690 C-90 8.310 4.560 L-80 8.020 6.640 27.76 10.780 3.19 5.340 6.62 178.900 13.670 3.080 10.530 20.150 6.74 H-40 7.66 2.860 8.690 7.550 K-55 4.370 3.240 11.290 32.100 15.990 59.01 3.740 4.260 5.300 K-55 4.030 11.410 24.780 51.240 7.130 7.860 15.140 K-55 2.860 4.680 6.280 14.700 34.53 J-55 10.340 P-110 10.780 5.73 11.71 205.07 H-40 7.840 28.27 7.520 T-95 9.770 15.010 J-55 4.900 7.160 8.760 13.460 M-65 2.72 203.180 10.010 27.490 M-65 6.020 K-55 4.63 2.950 6.350 252.850 16.660 K-55 3.59 3.580 12.960 48.370 7.76 4.110 K-55 5.530 22.29 J-55 8.16 252.910 Page 28 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .16 198.780 4.590 3.460 25.820 M-65 4.160 2.690 16.040 6.810 36.840 J-55 4.990 6.760 K-55 4.090 45.920 14.840 19.570 250.94 201.100 273.800 12.660 9.540 19.730 M-65 5.220 10.170 10.650 15.010 5.890 15.910 6.120 M-65 3.350 7.160 17.140 8.870 3.570 15.090 2.88 2.03 224.170 31.900 3.19 13.320 M-65 5.740 7.280 11.120 10.590 8.300 5.73 5.48 mm 48.44 2.800 11.63 2.360 198.950 12.750 7.860 7.630 10.110 67.750 K-55 4.660 8.420 5.950 12.440 4.160 8.27 H-40 8.580 6.41 4.370 7.700 18.610 10.880 7.810 18.830 41.57 J-55 10.950 203.820 22.660 224.05 mm 48.89 255.09 258.490 15.710 22. 250 21.510 22.140 339.410 P-110 14.96 3.110 36.470 247.440 8.000 273.380 15.560 19.060 29.56 271.780 P-110 13.980 Q-125 15.420 Q-125 14.370 5.90 7.320 60.090 9.32 10.820 17.41 14.73 mm 71.070 271.030 41.230 16.890 63.270 24.90 17.710 10.730 C-90 9.810 80.36 25.190 16.40 4.010 96.180 57.760 18.380 27.360 13.520 16.950 13.790 97.670 15.100 31.550 9.590 57.600 18.000 298.280 17.090 319.500 T-95 11.42 5.46 281.460 29.590 52.240 20.94 J-55 9.460 81.350 15.61 15.530 76.740 16.930 22.920 70.180 18.310 T-95 12.35 5.140 24.300 20.980 21.950 19.540 25.130 8.170 21.940 18.930 62.220 10.730 34.990 11.240 38.73 L-80 13.570 23.36 11.290 12.390 T-95 10.05 mm (continued) 82.080 14.460 35.440 C-90 10.800 22.520 P-110 12.650 20.600 P-110 13.32 23.690 36.84 245.470 52.910 64.910 23.490 70.650 34.300 22.370 K-55 5.580 10.77 C-90 15.330 20.630 29.490 24.33 C-90 13.420 9.330 33.840 36.330 30.620 12.680 42.870 26.730 18.810 89.130 15.82 12.470 21.280 13.480 36.650 33.400 32.990 K-55 6.160 10.720 31.65 320.980 12.78 J-55 10.480 9.810 16.490 13.680 C-90 11.130 M-65 7.070 10.38 322.53 279.61 6.290 12. API Casing 8-Round SHORT Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) 273.070 31.070 25.590 23.92 317.380 33.110 N-80 9.940 34.840 21.380 28.100 12.400 11.220 32.59 M-65 12.120 4.090 36.10 J-55 9.120 21.560 7.280 20.510 T-95 10.280 55.960 19.660 22.970 8.43 H-40 8.610 35.920 61.42 273.970 66.530 M-65 6.440 19.240 M-65 6.450 245.280 14.680 37.210 319.630 276.710 17.600 Q-125 13.11 242.130 25.240 79.410 57.270 16.41 12.090 L-80 9.100 51.730 45.900 59.88 6.660 31.280 Q-125 15.130 34.130 22.780 7.720 15.080 279.600 8.320 M-65 7.050 9.530 15.150 T-95 11.230 34.870 18.970 15.850 6.670 7.800 11.240 13.180 6.050 8.080 M-65 5.390 17.710 P-110 12.450 18.53 3.600 39.170 8.470 8.750 9.840 17.350 K-55 6.160 5.640 16.820 K-55 7.460 27.070 30.560 20.400 28.720 319.310 67.450 11.810 31.250 15.850 14.130 18.930 Q-125 16.910 26.35 13.160 18.890 39.250 K-55 5.990 14.45 mm 8-Round SHORT Threads (METRIC) 62.41 14.650 17.700 9.310 47.400 90.990 17.360 25.890 32.400 12.720 L-80 8.550 23.230 6.320 67.520 20.57 247.000 11.000 39.110 90.840 43.640 50.29 J-55 12.940 24.810 N-80 9.420 50.940 28.680 40.270 319.100 56.05 276.41 13.780 Page 29 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .550 37.000 N-80 10.210 69.900 8.440 13.060 50.590 46.50 H-40 8.800 23.36 J-55 11.40 11.200 45.630 19.280 4. 230 60.740 33.130 22.41 24.720 13.34 6.01 J-55 12.980 31.680 12.260 23.200 M-65 11.250 18.310 9.350 N-80 9.40 mm 96.060 16.990 C-90 10.25 11.020 197.970 54.35 5.730 M-65 12.74 16.190 17.180 L-80 9.240 63.70 482.15 9.060 35.320 20.580 14.760 48.480 19.800 35.05 450.580 21.080 K-55 11.930 32.330 15.13 475.320 P-110 14.13 384.620 41.770 M-65 11.800 P-110 13.990 69.630 59.180 61.520 39.370 26.620 15.41 16.100 17.15 L-80 13.100 18.140 62.220 K-55 10.090 45.440 319.890 26.610 54.98 7.310 24.380 C-90 11.400 29.170 M-65 12.730 12.620 406. API Casing 8-Round SHORT Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) 339.980 473.19 J-55 12.990 23.630 25.880 J-55 10.750 N-80 10.61 10.49 J-55 12.750 14.93 J-55 16.61 J-55 11.320 23.73 mm (continued) 101.890 107.150 11.240 16.330 T-95 11.950 8-Round SHORT Threads (METRIC) 116.470 13.910 16.580 J-55 10.75 7.380 K-55 13.630 K-55 11.440 64.010 M-65 8.950 17.440 319.06 313.910 25.960 53.410 19.19 315.990 508.160 K-55 16.860 9.21 H-40 11.010 66.650 Q-125 16.00 mm 139.10 mm 130.330 17.550 K-55 7.950 Page 30 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .73 H-40 9.710 37.030 21.57 381.840 38.260 58.630 K-55 10.180 32.480 36.250 44.040 10.000 41.180 17.360 27.60 12.790 13.050 27.120 38.53 387.89 H-40 11.460 158.13 485.280 125.990 M-65 18.270 T-95 12. 640 22.260 5.43 114.700 4.400 L-80 2.460 N-80 4.380 6.830 N-80 5.710 8.360 4.580 5.720 7.120 6.040 10.070 5.730 10.180 26.000 13.700 8.000 16.120 2.000 15.780 4.290 M-65 2.730 4.62 2.330 3.230 20.800 8.180 12.860 2.380 9.750 Q-125 7.070 102.590 13.57 2.450 8.86 L-80 12.010 5.400 7.370 5.480 P-110 3.280 18.860 99.970 9.060 3.000 13.990 6.120 6.890 5.540 5.52 111.30 mm 17.590 11.160 6.050 2.090 5.250 9.37 99.760 9.590 12.020 8.920 11.800 10.120 5.61 4.590 12.290 7.150 2.35 J-55 6.120 5.390 3.320 3.200 4.500 P-110 5.510 7.560 8.220 3.900 Q-125 4.090 3.410 10.200 13.500 N-80 5.680 2.870 3.540 5.950 16.730 3.26 J-55 6.240 6.440 8.450 T-95 6.060 16.180 5.860 2.540 6.660 8.620 6.190 2.130 4.330 6.180 7.510 4.09 M-65 7.740 9.850 6.120 6.590 8.320 3.340 4.970 13.780 4.620 19.510 14.830 12.390 6.980 C-90 5.420 5.780 2.590 2.510 13.170 7.440 3.490 3.120 5.35 101.650 2. API Casing 8-Round LONG Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) 114.110 T-95 4.410 5.130 N-80 2.020 4.920 10.830 14.970 7.320 3.340 N-80 3.020 P-110 7.630 3.260 8.580 N-80 5.730 6.240 5.380 2.150 P-110 4.47 P-110 8.620 4.750 3.790 Q-125 8.610 9.360 4.640 11.740 4.800 Q-125 6.030 8.100 5.510 13.000 14.260 3.210 2.940 6.750 13.620 8.72 7.600 2.280 7.550 6.440 7.880 Q-125 8.220 5.540 4.840 7.580 C-90 4.800 8.740 C-90 5.820 7.300 8.500 4.030 15.80 4.810 11.540 14.390 9.310 4.710 4.110 M-65 1.540 5.000 4.420 6.100 4.610 108.230 7.80 6.630 7.00 mm 19.030 6.550 3.53 L-80 12.800 8.470 5.650 T-95 5.810 K-55 1.800 9.690 8.360 4.560 7.96 3.900 K-55 2.820 18.440 7.910 2.340 7.420 12.880 N-80 2.120 7.61 3.690 C-90 6.450 6.670 4.160 10.14 102.72 5.70 101.030 5.60 1.440 4.620 14.840 P-110 3.740 3.240 9.200 9.980 7.370 10.360 10.160 2.630 3.000 5.620 9.740 21.100 4.240 5.370 22.650 7.390 8.480 T-95 6.64 2.570 T-95 3.040 34.400 2.290 17.96 2.730 20.750 100.710 17.530 6.660 4.490 5.460 97.15 1.510 15.500 101.410 L-80 4.510 14.510 12.520 L-80 4.030 3.320 4.880 8.770 127.56 97.810 3.830 2.120 6.290 L-80 2.710 7.120 P-110 6.19 108.050 2.320 8.060 3.470 9.970 7.970 C-90 2.60 5.85 M-65 11.870 11.100 4.090 112.380 Page 31 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .440 7.800 10.550 7.760 M-65 2.850 T-95 3.800 9.490 17.600 6.510 3.960 6.020 P-110 7.060 6.230 10.050 4.780 111.190 4.590 11.32 J-55 7.090 3.430 11.260 3.510 13.510 L-80 3.200 2.750 7.820 17.470 3.280 8.950 12.740 22.79 M-65 9.100 4.250 8.590 14.60 8.710 7.060 3.210 C-90 3.300 12.300 2.540 5.10 104.830 6.000 14.950 6.450 8-Round LONG Threads (METRIC) K-55 2.250 T-95 2.450 C-90 3.18 3.850 31.160 5.930 104.590 10.020 3.030 2.080 4.180 3.380 5.100 4.720 7.18 4.020 3.890 19.42 2.060 19.800 11.310 16.220 35. 590 13.320 Q-125 10.910 3.180 13.890 7.780 7.830 12.900 3.600 8.760 9.70 mm 23.510 3.710 9.050 3.550 8.790 9.120 34.140 12.32 153.260 5.710 3.660 8.940 3.040 6.660 7.220 5.250 5.520 7.440 9.190 4.790 5.460 L-80 4.72 124.640 5.610 16.310 T-95 4.170 5.420 5.510 7.030 5.780 3.110 6.470 4.300 M-65 4.580 3.080 K-55 2.750 168.770 T-95 6.710 L-80 4.610 10.480 9.460 4.900 9.64 2.59 147.150 11.970 9.890 7.300 161.480 10.680 8.030 5.480 25.810 8.690 10.670 125.470 9.480 9.520 8.720 5.130 12.680 19.090 12.730 P-110 5.790 7.320 7.770 3.380 5.17 121.820 7.130 L-80 4.450 8.810 5.790 C-90 3.600 11.400 8.670 12.630 7.000 8.060 8.890 4.880 18.780 5.23 J-55 8.940 9.190 5.520 8.590 10.690 7.970 7.800 7.23 M-65 10.080 6.620 5.860 7.070 11.410 8.090 12.060 11.230 47.730 Q-125 5.910 16.510 K-55 2.250 7.36 5.72 J-55 8.810 6.730 C-90 4.480 11.330 P-110 7.910 6.430 9.190 11.350 4.540 4.810 9.110 15.700 6.26 3.240 5.090 12.890 8.70 3.620 5.970 9.810 9.350 7.780 9.610 5.500 M-65 2.600 N-80 4.450 T-95 7.700 10.610 C-90 5.090 11.39 3.490 13.150 C-90 5.09 4.120 5. API Casing 8-Round LONG Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) 139.940 6.70 5.370 6.890 6.020 6.28 mm 29.480 9.250 M-65 2.960 3.35 3.040 118.430 3.230 35.740 M-65 3.700 4.690 7.260 15.890 6.280 3.370 6.260 7.070 11.440 11.62 7.300 7.340 Page 32 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .200 5.26 2.98 125.250 T-95 4.410 Q-125 7.710 3.62 4.940 C-90 6.190 124.760 N-80 5.610 3.950 12.590 4.920 M-65 3.270 K-55 3.94 150.410 6.67 M-65 10.350 5.300 P-110 6.890 6.690 4.950 6.880 10.090 13.480 10.740 3.090 14.830 T-95 5.210 7.440 N-80 5.940 10.310 14.360 9.890 7.62 L-80 12.750 12.190 12.430 4.780 5.15 6.430 13.500 C-90 7.360 3.300 T-95 5.890 7.470 4.840 5.54 118.760 L-80 3.710 17.150 4.360 9.120 P-110 9.700 6.76 J-55 7.890 9.970 9.30 J-55 7.970 10.930 4.010 N-80 4.76 M-65 9.73 2.200 5.280 13.810 8.920 10.260 7.07 J-55 6.390 13.090 12.870 3.630 7.190 L-80 5.610 4.030 11.860 41.200 15.270 15.900 7.05 161.200 5.36 3.270 5.870 K-55 2.140 177.80 mm 34.210 2.640 29.06 144.240 4.890 6.290 N-80 6.600 P-110 4.980 121.130 8-Round LONG Threads (METRIC) L-80 5.780 P-110 6.760 K-55 3.670 N-80 3.840 3.590 7. 350 13.080 5.970 17.680 11.570 150.510 25.420 13.120 12.620 N-80 4.700 193.290 P-110 8.580 10.430 50.240 32.29 J-55 8.400 16.800 8.63 4.350 14.810 13.070 28.430 13.710 17.750 C-90 5.430 8.460 C-90 4.110 11.500 5.400 16.800 9.16 M-65 10.950 22.900 15.840 7.850 7.570 P-110 7.650 15.470 13.730 4.400 17.250 8.980 11.710 17.300 21.340 C-90 7.940 12.830 C-90 6.950 10.870 177.690 5.850 10.900 T-95 6.010 N-80 6.640 8.710 16.240 30.110 6.51 154.610 10.20 M-65 9.790 10.010 N-80 5.020 7.440 12.560 14.410 13.470 9.100 28.020 N-80 5.430 13.210 47.490 20.530 4.990 6.820 T-95 8.390 18.080 13.440 11.69 J-55 9.410 7.360 8.310 7.230 10.360 25.560 5.820 10.720 7.780 17.970 10.350 5.450 15.050 L-80 5.290 L-80 4.160 15.070 17.83 5.680 20.36 157.060 T-95 9.350 15.07 10.950 19.280 15.000 M-65 4.590 22.100 26.030 10.820 24.050 8.430 17.37 17.760 21.760 20.150 8-Round LONG Threads (METRIC) N-80 6.040 8.950 12.19 159.430 K-55 4.810 10.210 9.970 13.510 9.400 11.040 13.420 9.33 177.55 L-80 13.470 10.150 C-90 6.100 25.000 Q-125 11.190 6.520 38.630 9.350 15.70 5.07 5.65 152.240 20.660 N-80 6.760 25.900 C-90 8.400 20.150 10.540 9.670 N-80 8.740 18.79 12.560 N-80 7.590 10.000 6.050 9.830 6.620 15. API Casing 8-Round LONG Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) 177.750 9.92 171.030 Page 33 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .780 20.970 7.350 28.710 16.500 16.870 6.170 12.70 4.50 7.020 12.09 L-80 12.030 8.930 11.830 14.440 L-80 5.110 10.570 P-110 10.970 14.740 8.220 23.390 7.770 C-90 8.52 174.090 T-95 5.970 13.650 7.750 10.880 12.950 20.000 11.490 8.880 15.420 171.440 6.990 7.460 12.710 18.630 17.110 10.590 27.850 16.050 14.700 15.520 Q-125 12.950 18.280 11.780 24.100 29.700 8.090 10.37 8.120 23.670 24.550 14.880 P-110 11.100 21.020 56.070 8.140 16.170 10.800 7.110 5.230 18.930 44.460 T-95 5.460 9.200 12.950 20.040 10.930 8.760 20.720 8.990 T-95 6.270 7.660 8.540 8.63 10.440 13.450 152.460 37.440 11.930 29.710 15.290 18.120 23.360 16.220 26.41 3.590 9.140 11.83 13.070 32.850 8.120 22.150 52.140 6.480 6.760 20.05 161.200 12.540 17.960 9.79 5.330 15.980 10.690 T-95 6.120 18.620 25.970 11.830 M-65 4.760 22.120 26.590 8.130 13.300 T-95 7.200 12.760 7.440 12.50 15.340 157.350 12.450 34.180 7.400 P-110 7.860 9.110 12.690 7.150 35.040 174.72 150.710 27.270 13.610 17.100 14.41 8.910 6.350 14.68 mm 39.380 30.220 159.400 154.930 14.180 T-95 7.430 15.610 26.690 9.760 21.350 13.200 11.840 5.560 32.100 25.860 13.310 K-55 3.500 10.150 C-90 5.280 13.340 L-80 6.120 25.180 L-80 6.470 13.800 17.400 18.710 15.940 23.15 M-65 10.220 15.590 10.790 8.500 161.830 9.090 43.01 7.80 mm (continued) N-80 8.260 11.530 8.390 12.350 12.670 8.610 L-80 5.710 19.440 10.980 6.790 29.120 5.440 12.120 22.400 15.940 9.100 26.62 M-65 11.490 7.650 22.160 20.960 11.250 13.400 16.970 10.01 3.640 7.950 19.840 P-110 9.190 C-90 7.960 P-110 9. 610 13.28 17.08 mm 41.320 42.69 L-80 14.28 17.63 2. API Casing 8-Round LONG Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) 193.070 16.010 30.620 37.080 15.760 18.190 12.28 17.310 C-90 10.09 L-80 15.060 17.900 28.130 32.030 15.480 27.300 13.820 59.100 N-80 9.500 168.970 67.950 N-80 7.450 22.28 17.680 T-95 10.030 10.420 202.19 4.320 M-65 4.22 15.670 16.630 12.040 16.350 Page 34 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .900 27.590 39.630 14.770 Q-125 14.030 37.76 4.020 31.900 8.630 19.010 13.010 10.600 6.510 24.710 32.130 8.28 17.350 25.950 T-95 9.710 18.300 17.770 18.520 16.350 22.550 N-80 8.950 6.060 12.510 Q-125 13.110 22.140 T-95 8.400 26.540 4.430 C-90 8.420 21.750 14.520 16.150 18.900 25.390 L-80 7.000 10.500 22.360 72.530 12.590 T-95 9.68 8.450 22.070 N-80 9.540 25.400 27.650 P-110 13.22 6.570 18.600 8.710 T-95 11.240 5.390 P-110 10.68 20.630 19.930 18.340 13.67 H-40 7.200 14.78 9.040 38.720 14.050 N-80 9.710 19.160 C-90 11.280 15.350 18.450 21.48 L-80 12.550 14.210 20.070 L-80 6.920 12.57 J-55 10.700 168.680 13.280 25.630 15.390 P-110 13.120 36.690 9.990 13.280 C-90 9.16 198.790 13.410 31.140 13.70 168.70 193.550 18.370 22.94 201.53 M-65 11.92 L-80 14.230 22.750 C-90 8.260 53.900 9.680 219.020 12.93 10.900 26.820 13.850 14.11 163.820 193.360 7.100 22.730 29.970 Q-125 12.220 12.590 8.890 C-90 11.68 mm (continued) 58.070 27.27 165.72 203.880 18.660 13.080 20.480 P-110 12.700 13.660 3.530 168.790 17.450 21.500 14.410 20.140 5.760 7.260 15.45 9.400 29.900 26.600 T-95 10.800 11.62 J-55 8.390 15.520 13.730 11.690 14.510 19.040 14.730 17.190 14.300 12.400 27.140 13.28 8.400 26.320 18.560 10.240 168.150 12.340 22.240 198.890 8-Round LONG Threads (METRIC) N-80 10.070 168.380 T-95 11.13 9.76 11.890 11.15 190.110 C-90 7.660 15.200 33.950 6.340 16.780 15.040 21.28 17.660 M-65 4.900 30.88 161.43 196.600 8.890 10.080 16.150 16.330 16.500 6.720 P-110 10.620 22.79 5.280 65.400 20.140 63.330 168.100 29.660 P-110 13.850 14.450 26.630 Q-125 15.630 14.04 L-80 12.620 10.290 31.370 14.220 N-80 8.330 11.740 35.660 N-80 10.640 17.810 11.130 K-55 5.390 24.900 31.820 13.890 8.060 K-55 4.250 34.450 18.840 16.130 7.41 L-80 15.420 47.590 33.570 P-110 12.310 16.170 17.120 10.190 20.800 M-65 5.990 22.640 T-95 11.650 7.930 Q-125 15.390 70.070 17.360 C-90 10.250 32.060 38.910 18.190 11.000 9.660 14.000 196.250 32. 320 16.630 24.360 16.180 L-80 9.640 12.110 15.880 24.850 16.390 9.13 485.270 15.240 14.780 29.50 17.710 Page 35 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .210 11.170 8.190 26.190 13.980 19.380 29.610 9.240 23.41 12.390 11.860 12.240 20.370 C-90 8.540 20.330 21.390 49.94 226.730 23.490 31.270 29.310 30.350 37.510 17.550 24.150 K-55 4.380 16.470 17.140 12.120 35.380 47.91 L-80 15.610 11.410 16.220 21.240 K-55 5.110 Q-125 13.010 25.100 12.760 M-65 5.890 21.930 17.420 L-80 8.750 216.74 18.880 25.800 39.550 36.280 11.130 51.900 9.210 12.140 32.180 P-110 12.510 222.230 10.720 20.980 6.780 C-90 12.140 7.59 10.070 20.580 14.150 39.94 M-65 11.240 64.280 T-95 10.700 M-65 23.810 14.59 4.190 15.13 475.910 30.060 55.740 35.330 K-55 15.200 17.710 7.38 6.440 59.170 8.020 13.690 19.550 35.70 482.340 16.050 8.270 P-110 14.400 18.260 52.250 21.540 33.490 16.05 222.380 7.48 mm 53.610 6.480 14.770 15.820 16.080 12.75 9.620 220.400 39.560 20.710 K-55 19.630 16.640 14.610 19.980 18.910 30.880 C-90 9.300 K-55 12.600 27.99 220.900 13.500 9.60 14.570 20.440 23.200 N-80 7.150 34.830 18.600 30.770 25.620 86.230 25.130 21.600 C-90 11.810 224.570 41.060 30.720 P-110 15.79 10.890 45.180 10.990 12.560 T-95 13.850 41.53 J-55 10.950 M-65 15.050 24.120 J-55 12.090 197.740 34.200 T-95 12.810 58.280 24.880 25.630 69.57 J-55 8.970 P-110 11.89 H-40 11.500 13.550 38.520 19.890 8-Round LONG Threads (METRIC) C-90 10.590 47.510 N-80 11.580 10.290 14.640 18.93 J-55 16.170 L-80 7.340 N-80 10.62 L-80 13.38 16.180 22.030 31.630 8.860 21.150 T-95 9.730 508.770 19.940 M-65 6.750 28.910 32.700 Q-125 16.510 T-95 8.590 46.25 11.360 39.030 13.73 M-65 11.470 19.110 31.950 15.41 5.450 20.290 7.800 20.550 36.960 12.03 224.00 mm 139.100 17.470 27. API Casing 8-Round LONG Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) (N-m) 244.600 79.680 N-80 9.040 36.50 7.880 24.630 27.800 25.670 226.680 28.860 15.270 11.580 158.490 Q-125 17.130 42.700 15.820 19.680 N-80 8.49 J-55 12.79 24.11 214.84 216.930 49.740 27.840 23. 780 13.830 11.130 16.780 4.780 14.980 11.11 J-55 5.780 7.090 P-110 6.100 100.980 11.710 9.61 10.370 15.080 T-95 6.250 20.020 C-90 6.57 6.030 T-95 6.780 10.100 5.780 114.050 M-65 6.100 4.130 16.780 13.100 3.00 mm 17.80 6.030 P-110 6.020 T-95 6.250 20.780 114.15 5.130 16.090 BUTTRESS Threads (METRIC) 22.35 J-55 6.100 5.780 7.92 6.63 J-55 5.61 6.780 108.270 12.130 16.130 16.780 14.780 102.14 H-40 5.080 20.26 J-55 6.09 M-65 7.780 5.370 K-55 6.080 P-110 6.72 6.780 10.250 20.15 5.730 M-65 6.080 C-90 6.590 M-65 6.090 N-80 6.020 L-80 6.32 J-55 7.910 L-80 6.780 7.910 Q-125 6.640 127.310 10.370 8.100 4.820 K-55 6.100 4.640 Q-125 6.650 Page 36 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .910 31.990 12.240 14.100 4.030 34.100 97.780 13.19 108.35 101.080 N-80 6.090 T-95 6.270 9.780 7.820 M-65 6.780 111.56 97.85 M-65 11.130 16.47 P-110 8.020 P-110 6.050 22.260 11.780 13.780 13.540 13.780 7.75 3.100 4.96 6.240 14.030 C-90 6.960 13.780 10.42 5.270 12.090 L-80 6.780 104.990 12.130 16.240 14.240 14.100 7.490 10.610 19.030 L-80 6.650 C-90 6.730 K-55 6.270 12.79 M-65 9.59 115.990 12.080 L-80 6.040 M-65 6.18 6.72 14.780 10.590 K-55 6.910 T-95 6.100 5.89 6.100 4.250 20.040 K-55 6.69 102.780 4.980 11.780 6.37 99.53 L-80 12.780 10.10 104.100 3.250 20.020 26.100 5.780 13.14 102.100 102.60 6.910 N-80 6.100 99.96 6.980 11.100 4.240 14.410 17.990 12.710 9.090 C-90 6.470 J-55 6.870 21.910 P-110 6.100 4.100 101.250 20.80 13.270 9.100 3.43 114.050 K-55 6.980 11.240 14.990 12.18 7.30 mm 14.980 11.100 5.76 4.780 7.910 C-90 6.490 10.21 103.870 21.870 21. API Casing BUTTRESS Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) Estimated Total Torque Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID (no rings) ID Torque MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) 114.650 N-80 6.540 13.960 13.82 6.260 11.030 Q-125 6.15 6.780 114.990 12.780 10.250 20.030 N-80 6.52 111.11 2.84 4.020 N-80 6. 460 7.460 14.94 150.73 7.460 14.14 102.460 14.780 15.440 C-90 7.70 mm 23.170 M-65 7.190 19.460 9.440 L-80 7.990 L-80 8.990 T-95 8.00 mm (continued) T-95 12.72 124.140 16.140 16.07 J-55 6.460 9.460 14.36 7.510 N-80 6.72 6.460 12.36 12.990 41.30 J-55 7.980 22.990 L-80 8.590 T-95 7.460 12.190 19.62 7.09 8.190 19.730 22.72 14.460 8.460 9.460 9.140 16.190 19.59 147.60 6.460 118.62 14.780 15.990 N-80 8.510 Q-125 6.730 22.980 22.590 L-80 7.980 22.990 C-90 8.98 125.870 21.460 12.730 22.990 M-65 8.900 M-65 7.720 16.650 P-110 7.990 C-90 8.510 P-110 6.440 14.460 9.590 29.32 153.590 BUTTRESS Threads (METRIC) P-110 7.780 14.650 L-80 7.67 M-65 10.980 22.460 124.86 L-80 12.650 Q-125 6.990 47.780 15.460 12.72 J-55 8. API Casing BUTTRESS Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) Estimated Total Torque Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID (no rings) ID Torque MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) 127.28 mm 29.60 15.980 22.980 22.420 25.720 16.650 N-80 7.460 9.440 14.650 35.590 N-80 7.990 P-110 8.780 15.70 101.460 125.990 35.26 7.62 L-80 12.190 19.76 M-65 9.17 121.460 7.990 P-110 8.460 14.54 118.26 8.440 168.510 139.460 9.650 34.780 102.590 C-90 7.980 22.730 22.990 K-55 8.990 K-55 8.990 Page 37 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .440 T-95 7.990 J-55 8.440 P-110 7.35 7.140 16.140 16.15 8.190 19.650 C-90 7.900 K-55 7.510 C-90 6.140 16.650 P-110 6.960 15.780 101.780 15.440 Q-125 7.440 N-80 7.990 T-95 8.990 N-80 8.460 14.64 8.780 14.76 H-40 7.23 M-65 10.06 144.870 21.39 8.870 21.170 K-55 7.730 22.510 T-95 6.460 121.590 Q-125 7.730 22.650 T-95 7.140 16.460 12.990 M-65 8. 090 20.130 43.50 9.490 15.490 11.490 157.490 34.120 32.130 43.440 P-110 9.490 26.070 17.950 36.090 28.490 23.020 K-55 9.490 26.190 P-110 9.570 38.610 T-95 9.610 C-90 9.340 18.610 N-80 9.830 M-65 9.490 19.490 11.55 L-80 13.340 18.580 43.620 N-80 9.490 23.080 24.190 T-95 9.090 28.580 K-55 9.37 34.490 19.700 40.490 15.490 19.080 24.470 L-80 10.120 32.580 M-65 9.440 C-90 9.490 30.490 26.090 28.440 52.490 19.440 N-80 9.130 43.490 23.490 159.490 23.79 26.51 154.72 150.020 M-65 9.79 9.490 34.830 K-55 9.340 18.490 15.610 L-80 9.470 18.990 177.41 9.480 17.950 36.950 36.340 17.130 43.70 9.120 32.580 C-90 9.440 T-95 9.610 47.490 30.620 T-95 9.620 193.65 152.490 34.62 M-65 11.15 8.09 L-80 12.55 8.70 14.490 15.080 24.490 11.340 23.470 18.570 L-80 9.570 T-95 9.090 28.490 17.190 56.950 36.990 Q-125 8.470 18.06 144.620 Q-125 9.490 154.07 9.01 10.120 32.340 177.530 27.750 21.560 J-55 9.090 20.130 43.480 K-55 10.580 N-80 9.570 N-80 9.950 36.33 177.76 H-40 6.080 24.480 17. API Casing BUTTRESS Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) Estimated Total Torque Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID (no rings) ID Torque MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) 168.80 mm 29.490 150.68 mm 39.490 161.470 N-80 10.340 23.250 34.37 9.07 23.19 159.570 C-90 9.490 14.23 J-55 8.190 C-90 9.700 40.490 26.990 T-95 8.530 27.28 mm (continued) N-80 12.190 Q-125 9.490 152.16 M-65 10.490 163.440 L-80 9.490 34.580 BUTTRESS Threads (METRIC) L-80 9.29 J-55 8.05 161.080 24.490 30.130 43.470 Page 38 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .480 M-65 10.98 9.610 P-110 9.700 40.50 30.120 32.990 C-90 8.91 163.490 34.090 28.490 26.580 T-95 9.700 40.620 P-110 9.990 P-110 8.490 30.700 40.470 C-90 10.620 C-90 9.01 17.69 J-55 9.120 32.090 28.490 19.700 40.340 18.950 36.490 30.490 19.36 157.490 23.490 15.470 18.41 17.190 N-80 9.580 P-110 9. 62 14.20 M-65 9.340 23.180 N-80 10.910 43.700 17.470 C-90 10.340 58.080 44.700 46.040 N-80 11.240 N-80 10.700 29.700 39.700 19.15 M-65 10.76 29.340 23.470 23.19 11.16 198.700 198.340 36.52 174.700 14.840 Page 39 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .470 23.240 36.870 26.700 46.340 36.63 23.240 C-90 10.700 193.700 53.060 33.800 M-65 11.060 30.480 P-110 11.340 29.700 46.970 M-65 13.340 177.240 219.780 L-80 11.240 Q-125 10.340 29.22 11.53 J-55 10.310 59.340 58.480 N-80 11.100 28.43 196.83 29.68 46.470 23.71 205.66 11.240 T-95 10.870 41.040 T-95 11.53 M-65 11.780 51.340 174.240 36.240 36.780 T-95 11.94 201.92 171.550 J-55 13.41 13.28 36.700 204.480 C-90 11.340 168.41 36.48 mm 53.040 C-90 11.700 33.340 23.850 31.62 H-40 8.70 168.870 41.340 23.76 11.080 44.480 65.480 L-80 11.700 M-65 11. API Casing BUTTRESS Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) Estimated Total Torque Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID (no rings) ID Torque MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) 193.780 51.570 K-55 11.700 196.240 36.780 51.800 41.470 44.480 T-95 11.340 36.470 P-110 10.68 11.700 39.080 44.970 K-55 13.470 18.70 193.180 29.700 203.180 29.22 39.780 51.340 29.700 33.570 K-55 11.700 33.470 23.700 33.780 51.700 J-55 11.080 44.910 43.040 244.340 36.340 171.550 47.700 39.780 C-90 11.340 58.040 P-110 11.01 10.570 M-65 11.180 P-110 10.240 36.59 13.72 J-55 6.04 L-80 12.240 P-110 10.63 11.57 J-55 10.470 50.060 226.01 18.060 224.470 N-80 10.340 58.260 46.180 29.470 T-95 10.94 226.57 H-40 8.340 29.180 29.700 46.870 26.180 T-95 10.340 58.700 39.180 L-80 10.180 29.33 177.470 23.490 35.570 M-65 11.340 36.780 N-80 11.180 C-90 10.59 22.63 14.340 23.48 L-80 12.100 25.700 39.83 10.780 49.72 203.67 H-40 7.68 mm (continued) T-95 8.08 mm BUTTRESS Threads (METRIC) 35.700 K-55 11.700 33.060 30.03 224.180 58.780 59.63 10.470 L-80 10.780 51.240 36.340 29.470 23.180 29.28 10.080 44. 660 53.690 P-110 13.640 66.530 J-55 14.05 mm 60.060 40.390 N-80 14.510 N-80 13.41 13.720 C-90 13.36 82.610 78.48 mm (continued) K-55 10.36 14.870 67.440 53.79 13.060 47.690 79.810 77.610 78.450 60.620 97.690 C-90 13.010 M-65 14.620 97.510 P-110 13.610 78.640 66.570 72.450 60.640 66.570 82.300 55.660 C-90 13.94 J-55 9.060 53.060 40.060 65.060 65.930 51.570 62.660 273.570 52.620 97.060 216.060 222.850 N-80 14.640 66.570 82.280 86.070 M-65 14.610 78.510 69.570 72.570 62.720 64.060 47.53 279.71 J-55 10.440 53.390 L-80 14.530 58.580 L-80 13.810 77.810 77.450 60.060 53.200 P-110 14.73 M-65 11.070 K-55 14.060 40.570 72.570 47.610 M-65 14.510 C-90 13.62 L-80 13.060 53.810 77.90 J-55 11.140 66.570 252.660 Q-125 13.73 14.200 Q-125 14.660 53.90 72.290 67.640 66.73 47.45 mm 69.660 53.960 42.810 77.850 L-80 14.660 53.79 65.850 90.19 55.43 250.57 247.010 K-55 14.90 14.570 82.690 N-80 13.660 P-110 13.38 45.610 78.89 255.850 Q-125 14.280 86.060 220.660 T-95 13.570 62.220 Page 40 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .40 51.610 78.570 55.38 13.84 216.220 K-55 15.390 82.780 49.060 53.060 40.510 T-95 13.060 53.280 86.570 250.690 Q-125 13.930 279.450 60.280 86.660 BUTTRESS Threads (METRIC) N-80 13.390 C-90 14.16 252.060 224.570 72.27 H-40 8.570 245.720 75.200 T-95 14.27 14.280 86.40 15.84 245.450 60.690 L-80 13.490 70.060 40.280 86.850 T-95 14.570 255.840 M-65 13.060 53.99 220.200 298.19 14.060 65.570 62.850 P-110 14.50 13.05 222.03 224.570 62.41 36.620 97.59 M-65 12.610 K-55 14.850 C-90 14.570 247.280 86.720 L-80 13.030 61.94 M-65 11.060 47.50 53.390 T-95 14.030 61.570 72.490 70.570 62.640 66.060 47.33 C-90 13.720 T-95 13.660 53.720 N-80 13.810 77.060 65.570 41.570 38.570 38.060 47. API Casing BUTTRESS Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) Estimated Total Torque Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID (no rings) ID Torque MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) 244.27 27.640 66.690 T-95 13.060 65.390 P-110 14.290 67.570 72. 370 101.600 Q-125 15.430 M-65 15.930 63.270 K-55 18.32 96.930 85.370 101.770 101.42 18.770 M-65 18.630 99.530 K-55 15.770 N-80 18.10 J-55 9.530 M-65 15.34 18.770 107.930 85.140 319.630 99.930 96.73 mm BUTTRESS Threads (METRIC) 81.73 L-80 13.770 T-95 18. API Casing BUTTRESS Threads with MLT™ Ring (L-80) Estimated Total Torque Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID (no rings) ID Torque MAX (kg/m) Grade (mm) (mm) (N-m) (mm) (N-m) (N-m) 298.930 85.930 85.310 C-90 15.15 L-80 13.770 Page 41 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .05 276.35 15.630 99.630 99.930 273.270 M-65 18.88 18.020 80.630 99.140 81.600 339.140 81.430 K-55 15.670 112.140 81.770 T-95 18.090 72.370 101.310 P-110 15.930 96.56 271.19 315.630 99.140 81.310 N-80 15.630 99.600 79.600 C-90 15.140 81.510 98.19 J-55 12.930 85.600 P-110 15.670 112.370 101.670 112.310 T-95 15.770 N-80 18.930 96.930 85.41 81.310 Q-125 15.500 90.670 112.500 90.930 71.770 L-80 18.140 81.600 N-80 15.630 99.06 313.370 101.61 15.930 96.930 271.140 81.560 89.670 112.370 101.600 79.36 J-55 11.630 99.930 276.40 15.930 96.32 15.370 101.140 319.630 99.770 P-110 18.53 279.41 81.140 81.770 K-55 18.140 80.600 T-95 15.630 99.42 273.130 86.630 87.140 81.140 319.630 99.41 68.770 K-55 18.41 81.310 L-80 15.930 74.35 63.140 319.770 M-65 18.310 96.29 J-55 12.770 P-110 18.140 81.61 74.650 90.140 81.45 mm (continued) M-65 9.630 99.140 81.930 85.630 99.770 Q-125 18.670 112.630 99.930 279.61 18.770 C-90 18.630 99.140 68.92 317.78 J-55 10.40 56.130 86.140 81.65 320.630 99.140 81.770 C-90 18. The storage life of pipe threads may be improved by cleaning coupling and pipe threads and applying a water displacing pipe storage compound. care should be taken to clean threads and remove the storage compound and replace with running compound prior to running casing downhole. Equipment to be used should be inspected and tested. Casing should be handled on racks or on wooden or metal surfaces free from rocks. 1. b. 2. Pipe stacked in layers should be separated with wooden runners to facilitate rolling or picking up with a forklift. (Storage compounds lack sealing performance required for API threads. Page 42 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . For proprietary products and services it is recommended the reader consult the manufacturer’s recommended practices. 4. The traveling and crown blocks should have the proper number of lines to support the expected casing load. RECOMMENDED PRACTICES API Casing and Tubing Threads The following recommendations include selected highlights from API publications listed in Appendix B. Preparation for Running Casing The following precautions should be taken in the preparation for running casing and power tight assembly of threads. For safety. If a storage compound is used. durable chocks should be used on pipe runners to prevent unwanted pipe movement. a. (REFERENCES) of this manual as well as generally accepted industry practices.) 3. or dirt other than normal drilling mud. Casing should always be handled with thread protectors in place.II. 2. sand. Storage and Handling Casing 1. While running casing. …etc) taking care to identify joints not being run. this position is to the plane of the vanish point on the pipe (also known as “last scratch”. 4. this position is to the base of the triangle steel stamp on the pipe. 8. grade or thread type with easy-to-see paint or chalk. grade and thread type and ensure it is in the proper running order.3. repeating as additional rows become uncovered. C. On round-thread pipe. A steel tape calibrated in: A) decimal feet to the nearest tenth of a foot B) decimal meter to the nearest tenth of a meter should be used. 7. 6. Carefully inspect the threads. The threads off measurement should be made from the outer most face of the coupling to the position on the externally threaded end where the coupling stops when made up power tight. on buttress thread pipe. Those found damaged should be laid aside unless satisfactory means are available for correcting thread damage. Casing handling equipment and slips should be checked for proper size and examined to see that all segments lower together. Identify all crossover joints and the first joint of each weight. Verify each pipe joint as to weight. Both floor and elevator slips should be clean. 3.2. remove thread protectors from both field and coupling ends and clean the threads thoroughly. The actual length under tension will be greater due to stretch of the pipe under load. Number and tally each joint of casing as it is loaded on the rack. number each joint as it goes in the hole (1. If the pipe tally is made with “threads on” (full length of pipe) then the running footage can be calculated using adjustment factors found in Appendix. If they lower unevenly there is danger of denting or slip-cutting the pipe. have proper dies and should fit properly. Slip-type elevators are recommended. Page 43 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .) The total of the individual lengths so measured will represent the unloaded length of the pipe string. 5. Care should be taken to ensure the floor slip is level. Immediately before running casing. tighten the coupling before pulling the pipe into the derrick. It is recommended that a thread compound that meets the performance objectives of API Bulletin 5A2 be used. Check each coupling for make-up.) 10. Care should be taken to ensure the drift mandrels conform to the requirements of API 5CT by measuring the drift’s length and diameter before each job. Torque values for some widely used compounds with Teflon particles will usually be approximately 10% less. API buttress thread make-up uses position as the primary reference but an estimate of the make- up (shoulder) torque is provided in the tables for information and use with MLTTM Ring total torque calculations. refer to the appropriate torque tables. 9. Couplings on the mill end of the pipe should be made- up power-tight. API round thread make-up torque guidelines are included in the enclosed tables and are the primary reference for checking make-up. The brush or utensil used in applying thread compound should be kept free of foreign matter. General Practices for Field Make-Up. Before stabbing. 12. 3.9 is recommended. Place a clean thread protector on the field end (pin end) of the pipe to protect the thread while rolling pipe on the rack and raising it into the derrick. (For round threads. API ROUND and BUTTRESS threads (without MLTTM Rings) 1. Use of other compounds may result in higher or lower torques. The torque values represented in the tables are for make-up with API modified thread compound. 2. Page 44 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . It is recommended that thread protectors from field ends of pipe not be removed until ready to stab. apply thread compound to the entire internally and externally threaded areas. c. 11. and for these compounds multiplying the API recommended torque numbers by a factor of 0. If the standoff is abnormally great. It is recommended that each length of pipe be drifted its entire length before running downhole. and the compound should never be thinned. Stab vertically and rotate very slowly at first to ensure that threads are engaging properly and not cross-threading. type of thread compound. or using other than API Modified. For API connections with other coupling coatings or platings. couplings with the modified feature (seal rings). Practices for ROUND Thread Casing. In stabbing. the minimum torque should be not less than 75% of the value selected and the maximum torque should not be more than 125% of the selected torque. As a visual aid to the make-up operator the first joints of pipe run should have a reference mark put on them to locate the run out of 8-round threads or the triangle make-up reference mark for buttress and large diameter casing. 4. Page 45 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . such as variations in taper. surface finish. 7. thread height and thread forms. Primary reference to proper make-up is to apply torque with cross-reference to position. See API Spec 5B for the proper number of turns beyond hand-tight position. Torque values are affected by a large number of variables. d. the torques in the included tables should be adjusted by multiplying torques by the following factors: Factor Tin plated couplings 0. 5. 2. It is advisable when starting to run casing from each particular mill shipment to make up sufficient joints to determine the torque necessary to provide proper makeup. weight and grade of pipe. These values may indicate that a departure from the values listed in the torque tables is advisable. lower pipe carefully to avoid damaging threads. length of thread. lead. Sizes 4-1/2” through 13-3/8” OR 114mm through 340mm 1. etc. The torque values included in the Torque Tables herein apply to casing with zinc-plated or phosphate- coated couplings. If other values are chosen.70 6. Thread dimensions can vary from lot to lot.80 Couplings with PTFE (Teflon) rings 0. To prevent galling when making up connections in the field. The top drive (or power tong) should be provided with a reliable torque-measuring gauge of known accuracy. If the standoff (distance from the face from the coupling to the thread vanish point. 7. In the initial stages of makeup. the joint should be treated as a questionable joint as provided for in paragraph “g” below. (Parted joints should never be reused without rethreading or re-gauging.) Page 46 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . Unexpectedly high torque and/or excessive heat build up in the coupling are indications of cross-threading or galling. The torque values shown in the attached tables have been selected to give recommended makeup under normal conditions and should be considered as satisfactory providing the face of the coupling is flush with the thread vanish point or within plus or minus two thread turns. even though the joints may have little appearance of damage. 4. any irregularities of makeup or in speed of makeup should be observed. dirty or damaged threads. If several threads remain exposed when the listed torque is reached. apply additional torque up to the maximum torque shown in the torque tables. also referred to as “last scratch”) is greater than three thread turns when this additional torque is reached. 3. observing both the torque gauge and the approximate position of the coupling face with respect to the thread vanish point position (also known as “last scratch”). 6. since these may be indicative of crossed threads. When this is done. Questionable joints should be laid down. the mating coupling should be carefully inspected for damaged threads. Continue the makeup. or other unfavorable conditions. 5. the joint should be treated as questionable as provided in paragraph “g” below. If the makeup is such that the thread vanish point is buried two thread turns and the minimum torque shown in torque tables is not reached. the connections should be made up at a speed not to exceed 25 rpm. Note: L1 is the length of end of the pipe to the hand- tight plane.9 turns).73mm 1. 3. The top drive (or power tong) should be capable of attaining high torques as maximum torques values could be five times the minimum experience in makeup to the recommended position. Practices for BUTTRESS Thread Casing.10mm and 508mm 1. 3.e.6mm) from each end.200”) below the base of the triangle. Make-up shall be to a position on each connection represented by the thread vanish point on 8-round threads and the base of the triangle on buttress threads. Sizes 4-1/2” through 13-3/8” OR 114. Practices for ROUND and BUTTRESS Thread Casing.30mm through 339. (Ref. Primary reference to proper make-up is position. Sizes 16”. 2. On 8-round thread casing a 3/8” (9. The tolerance for make-up position places the face of the coupling between the apex of the triangle and one thread pitch (0. make-up the balance of the pipe of that particular weight and grade in the string. 2. for a total make-up window of 0. 4. Make-up torque values should be determined by carefully noting the torque required to make-up several connections to the base of the triangle. Variations in torque are much greater on large diameter casing due to the influence of pipe ovality. 473. using the torques shown in the tables as a guide.5mm) high equilateral triangle is die stamped at a distance of L1+1/16” (L1+1.575” (2. f. then using the torque value thus established. Periodically check to ensure proper position is being maintained. Primary reference to proper make-up is to position with respect to the 3/8” high die-stamped triangle with cross-reference to torque. API 5B) Page 47 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . 18-5/8” and 20” OR 406. The base of the triangle will aid in locating the thread vanish point for basic power-tight make-up.45mm. Extra care should be taken to avoid cross-threading in starting these larger connections. If possible. Casing wobble indicates the thread may not be in line with the axis of the casing and is usually minimized when using a top drive. If automatic float/fill equipment is used. even though the joints may have little appearance of damage. Parted joints should never be reused without a shop check or regauging. Page 48 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . If casing has a tendency to wobble unduly at its upper end when making-up with a tong the speed of rotation should be decreased to prevent galling of threads. This does not indicate that the coupling on the mill end is too loose but simply that the field end has reached the tightness with which the coupling was screwed on at the manufacturer’s facility. In making up the field joint. fill casing as it is being run. it is possible for the coupling to make up slightly on the mill end. When this is done. Joints that are questionable as to their proper tightness should be unscrewed and the casing laid down for inspection and repair. k. It is recommended to break circulation slowly just prior to tagging bottom and before any pipe reciprocating is carried out.g. the mating coupling should be carefully inspected for damaged threads. j. Floating the casing in is a poor practice and should be avoided. Excess slack-off will buckle the string and damage the connections. l. the casing should be laid down for inspection. If wobbling should persist despite reduced rotational speed. Serious consideration should be given before using such casing in a position in the string where heavy tensile load is imposed. h. i. stop and check to ensure they are operating. Tag bottom carefully. 73. APPLICATIONS – MLT™ Rings are steel rings inserted into the couplings of standard API threaded and coupled tubing and casing connections. • Engineering .73mm - Casing drilling® - Liners TM - Casing Running for strings or applications requiring rotation under high torque and drag b. The rings are designed with a unique non-circular shape or lobes.III. FEATURES – MLT™ Rings • Steel rings .90mm - Production tubing and work strings - Gas wells - Progressive Cavity Pump (PCP) strings - Well abandonment • Casing 4-1/2” thru 13-3/8” OR 114.MLT™ Rings are engineered to fit precisely against API connection surfaces.30mm through 339. No special pipe or coupling threading specification is required.02mm & 88. the lobed sections of the MLT™ Rings press firmly across the tapered threads Page 49 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . Applications include: • Tubing 2-3/8”. TESCO MLT™ (Multi-Lobe Torque) Rings a. TESCO Corporation has designed MLT™ Rings for use in drilling and production operations with both casing and tubing. 2-7/8” & 3-1/2” OR 60. including a mechanical shoulder for the ends of the pin ends to increase torque capacity. After installation. The ring provides a number of benefits.Rings are machined from steel that meets API grade requirements and designed to fit standard API Round and Buttress thread connections.32mm. of API connections to retain them in place and ID becomes circular. Page 50 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . and use.Gas Wells a) Reduces turbulence and erosion in connections b) Increases durability of API tubing threads by reducing coupling and pin stresses that occur from over-penetration of the pin into the coupling. Tubing . PERFORMANCE and APPLICATIONS 1.Enhances running of long liners in deviated wells by increasing torsional capacity of connections. Tubing . 2. Delta torques and total torques are provided in the Torque Tables. • Secure – MLT™ Rings stay firmly in place during transportation. handling. Tubing and Casing a) High torsional strength for drilling and/or rotating applications using standard API threads. Torque Capacity of MLT™ Rings provide a significant boost to API torque ratings. • Easy installation – Rings are inserted into couplings using a simple hydraulic installation tool.Progressing Cavity Pump (PCP) Strings a) Reduces incidence of connection back- off when rotor becomes stuck. 5. 4. b) Eliminates tubing anchor. Casing Liners . Increases durability of API tubing threads by reducing coupling and pin stresses that occur from over- penetration of the pin into the coupling. Tubing . referred to as the “Delta Torque”. c. Easy to use ring selection gauge is used to determine which length ring is required for each connection. b) Blocks sand and debris from entering threads. 3. 6. b) Increases durability of API tubing threads by reducing over penetration of the pin into the coupling.Work Strings a) Prolongs string life. Example: 7” 23# L-80 Red 177.80 mm 34.d. three grooves = blue and four grooves = yellow. two grooves = red. Grade of steel 4. Weight per foot of the pipe 3. OD of pipe 2. Color .23 Kg/m L-80 Red Note: As an added aid in identifying MLT™ Rings. Page 51 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . each ring has one to four grooves lightly machined into the ID of the ring on the outboard end.GREEN or RED or BLUE or YELLOW identifying the respective ring length from shortest to longest. One groove = green. RING IDENTIFICATION Proper identification of rings includes the following: 1. Red and blue rings will dominate usage. • Apply back-up jaws to the mill end pipe body during make-up. make-up speed at the point the pin contacts the ring should not exceed 15 RPM. • Refer to the torque tables and select the appropriate maximum torque for the casing or tubing and the ring being used. • Ensure the MLT™ Ring is installed properly and is seated in the center of the coupling against the mill end pin. RECOMMENDED Field Make-up Practices API Threads with MLT™ Rings The following recommended practices are for use with MLT™ Rings and are in addition to the recommended practices described in the previous Section II. For proper ring installation procedures. • Continue to make up the remainder of the string. Page 52 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . • Apply a thin even coat of thread compound to the coupling and pin threads. Care should also be taken to follow the preparation and running procedures in Section II. Running Procedure • Remove protectors and visually inspect the pin and coupling threads.e. on the tong to relieve at the specified make-up torque. • Record the torque just prior to the pin shouldering on the ring. the torque will increase sharply. or dump valve. • If necessary. At the shoulder point. • Make-up the first connection to the target torque as specified. • Ensure “Acceptance Criteria” are met (see following table). contact TESCO. Ring installation is easily performed with a hydraulic installation tool. adjust the tong torque setting so as not to exceed the delta torque but ensuring the pin shoulders on the ring. Threads should be clean and free of defects. • Set the pressure relief valve. lay down pin joint. 5) If shoulder torque is still less than minimum acceptable value after the second make-up. Lay down joints that do not drift. If both components drift. MLT™ ring. Pin must shoulder 1) Back off one turn. may be useful to initially mark the first few pin 3) Re-check acceptance ends with a paint stick criteria. (See ring installation section) 3) Drift each component of the connection. – Shouldering should increasing the maximum be accompanied by a applied torque for this sharp increase in torque connection only. 2. indicating the position of pin contact with the ring as a visual reference. It resetting the torque. proceed to step four. 4) Re-make the connection. MINIMUM value of 40% 2) Change out the coupling (approximate) of delta and install a new torque.CRITERIA CORRECTIVE ACTION if criterion not met: 1. 1) Break out the shoulder torque connection and inspect should exceed a pin. on ring Note 2) Re-make the connection. For round threads. 6) Re-check acceptance criteria. then relative to rotation. Page 53 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . ensuring minimum shoulder torque is met and maximum delta torque is not exceeded. b) If both pin and coupling drift. etc. position. proceed to step four. galling. If connection drifts must not exceed 1/8 and is at position. break out connection and inspect for visual damage. a) If the drift requirement is not met in one or both components. install a new MLT™ Ring and remake with proper Delta toque and re-drift. lay down joints. (avoids forcing the ring to encroach on the drift 3) If drift mandrel will not diameter). Otherwise. This rare occurrence indicates undesirable geometry and will compromise torsion capacity. (Last thread not visible on field end) AND 2) If the connection is made up to position. 4) After breakout. Maximum delta torque 1) Check that the must not be exceeded connection is made up to during make-up. make- turn after shouldering up is acceptable. Page 54 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . check Connection rotation drift. (See ring installation section. drift the coupling and pin ends.) If the connection still does not drift set aside both joints. pass or connection is not at position. lay down joints. CRITERIA CORRECTIVE ACTION if criterion not met: 3. If undamaged. it is a sign of excessive deformation during makeup. CRITERIA CORRECTIVE ACTION if criterion not met: c) If pin drifts and coupling does not.III-f) d) If coupling drifts and pin does not. e) If similar damage is observed on the new part during the next make-up. (See Field Ring Installation Par. Page 55 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . lay down both joints. This also indicates an unfavorable geometry. lay down joint and re-use the coupling and ring. change out the coupling and install a new MLT™ Ring. In the unlikely event that the shoulder torque is below MINIMUM acceptable noted in the acceptance criteria above. FIELD Ring Installation (Floating rings without install kit) For tubing only. the rings can be installed by letting the connection make-up press the ring into place with the following procedure. Thread the coupling on the mill end hand tight. Page 56 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . Float the connection make-up not exceeding 10 RPM during make-up. If the shoulder torque is again below the MINIMUM then the joint should be set aside. Install a RED MLT™ Ring in the coupling by hand with the color facing up. install a GREEN MLT™ Ring and re-make.CRITERIA f. remove the coupling. if an installation kit is not readily available. If tongs are used to break-out connections. the backup tong should be placed on the coupling to help preclude deforming the pipe. d. If the pipe is not breaking-out easily it is acceptable to use the manual tongs and recommended they be used in combination with the top drive or power tongs. For breaking out connections on the field end on rig floor. and preclude backing off the connection on the mill side. Breaking Out Connections If it is necessary to break out connections. a. Connection break-out torque typically is 10 % to 30 % higher than make-up torque. After connections are broken out. b.IV. Higher break-out torque up to double the make-up torque can be influenced by factors such as use of compounds with Teflon and / or drill string vibration encountered during casing drilling. the grips should be positioned close to the coupling. It is preferred to apply back-out torque with the top drive or power tongs as these will distribute the applied forces better than rig tongs. Tong grips should be clean and have proper dies. Any metal whiskers found should be removed and galled spots should be carefully repaired. e. both pin and coupling threads should be cleaned and inspected for thread damage. Page 57 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . the following procedures are recommended. c. particularly important for lighter wall thickness pipe. Slips can be used for backup as long as the weight on string is adequate and the pipe does not turn in the slips cutting the pipe. Tubing. MLTTM Ring Multi-Lobe Torque Ring. and Line Pipe Properties API RP 7G Recommended Practice for Drill Stem Design and Operating Limits API Spec 5B Specification for Threading. and Line Pipe Threads API Spec 5CT Specification for Casing and Tubing TESCO Corp. It is observed as the pin contacts the ring followed by a sharp increase in torque. Shoulder Torque A term applicable for use with MLTTM rings. Tubing. REFERENCES API Bul 5A2 Bulletin on Thread Compounds for Casing. Drill Pipe. Specifications and recommended practices Page 58 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook . and Drill Pipe API Bul 5C3 Bulletin on Formulas and Calculations for Casing. Gauging. trade marked name of TESCO’s torque rings APPENDIX B. During power tight connection make-up it is the torque just before the pin contacts the face of the installed MLTTM ring. It can be estimated by the API recommended torques for round thread and by the approximations in the tables for buttress. Tubing. and Line Pipe API Bul 5C2 Bulletin on Performance Properties of Casing. Tubing. Delta torque is added to shoulder torque to obtain total torque capacity.APPENDIX A. and Thread Inspection of Casing. DEFINITIONS Delta Torque The boost in torque capacity of a connection with MLT™ Rings installed. EUE Short Long Buttress (in) Thread Thread Thread Thread Length Length Length Length (in) (in) (in) (in) 2 3/8 1.05 88.3 244.3 298.500 4.8 168.000 4.813 20 4.Specification for Threading.813 18 5/8 4.80 79.000 3.68 82.813 10 3/4 3.28 79.500 7 5/8 3.9 104.3 114.3 273.API THREAD LENGTH FOR MAKE-UP LOSS O.1 219.813 16 4.2 139.3 406.938 2 7/8 2.375 4.30 66.250 4.3 193.32 49.875 3.0 88.813 9 5/8 3.313 7 3.8 119.2 100.3 Reference: API Spec 5B .813 13 3/8 3.125 3 1/2 2.APPENDIX C.6 104.6 114.73 88.4 98.500 4. and Thread Inspection of Casing.40 101. THREAD MAKE-UP LOSS IMPERIAL .2 73. Gauging.7 76.6 177.00 69.3 473.D.9 85.45 88.125 6 5/8 3.000 4. and Line Pipe Threads Page 59 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .70 73.938 5 2.0 127.9 122.7 120.3 339.125 4.813 METRIC .0 88.500 4.7 114.3 508.4 122.3 122.375 4.375 4.750 4. EUE Short Long Buttress (mm) Thread Thread Thread Thread Length Length Length Length (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 60.48 85.125 3.6 133.500 4. Tubing.08 85.375 4 1/2 2.10 101.750 3.688 8 5/8 3.00 101.813 11 3/4 3.9 122.625 3.000 4.063 5 1/2 2.6 122.90 60.API THREAD LENGTH FOR MAKE-UP LOSS O.7 122.4 109.000 5.7 103.02 54.D.875 4.6 122.500 4.250 4.125 4.4 101.9 122. Notes _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ . 2 = lbm tonne x 2.159 = m3 ft3 x 0.281 = ft miles x 1.613 = scf/BBL Temperature: (°F .0283 = m3 in³ ÷ 231 = US Gallons Pressure: psi x 6.54 = cm cm x 0.1781 = m³/m³ m³/m³ x 5.8 x C°) + 32 = °F Page 61 MLT™ Ring Field Make-Up Handbook .9 = kg/m³ Power: HHP x 0.746 = kW Gas-Liquid Ratio: scf/BBL x 0.314 = scf Volume (Fluid): gal x 3.556 = C° (1.APPENDIX D Conversion factors COMMON METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS Length: in x 2.01 = km2 Volume (Gas): scf x 0.02832 = scm scm x 35.3937 = inch ft x 0.471 = acres km2 x 100 = hectares hectares x 0.4047 = hectares hectares x 2.8947 = kPa kPa x 0.6214 = miles Area: acres x 0.205 = 1bm Force: lbs x 0.32) x 0.609 = km km x 0.4536 = kg kg x 2.4448 = daN ft-lbs x 0.3048 = metre m x 3.13558 = daN-m Density (Fluid): lb/gal x 119.7854 = litre BBL x 0.145 = psi Mass: lbm x 0. com Web: www. 11330 Brittmoore Park Drive Calgary. Canada T2H 2B7 Houston. all specifications . with MLT™ Ring (L-80) API Recommended Total Torques Ring Delta Torque Weight Wall ID MIN OPT MAX ID Torque MIN MAX TESCO MLT™ Rings (lb/ft) Grade (in) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (in) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) (ft-lb) The Drilling Innovation Company™ CASING DRILLING® Email: casingaccessories@tescocorp. Texas. all specifications are subjectRing Fieldwithout to change Make-Up notice. Alberta.Handbook *Patent Pending Due to ongoing product development.E.5M LG MLT™ Due to ongoing product development.6A Street S.com Corporate Headquarters World Wide Operations 6204 . USA 77041 Tel: 403 692-5700 • Fax: 403 692-5710 Tel: 713 849-5900 • Fax: 713 849-0075 Page 62 Printed in Canada / © TESCO Corporation / November 2005 / .tescocorp.
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