API Standard 530 7th Apr. 2015 Calculation of Heater-tube Thickness in Petroleum Refineries_Part (3)

May 1, 2018 | Author: sleimanshokr | Category: Strength Of Materials, Fracture, Ultimate Tensile Strength, Corrosion, Metals



Copyright American Petroleum InstituteProvided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-41 100000 90000 Tensile strength 80000 9Cr-1Mo-V Curves 70000 Limiting design metal temperature 60000 50000 tYield strength 40000 30000 Elastic allowable stress, σel Stress, psi 20000 15000 10000 Rupture allowable stress, σr 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 Design life, 3000 (h x 10-3) 20 tDL 40 2000 60 1500 100 1000 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 Design metal temperature, Td (oF) Figure F.28—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM A213 T91 and ASTM A335 P91 9Cr-1Mo-V Steels 1150 1200 1250 1300 API STANDARD 530 Rupture Exponent vs. Temperature (oF) for 9Cr-1Mo-V 14.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-42 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 Rupture exponent, n 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 Design metal temperature, Td (oF) Figure F.29—Rupture Exponent vs. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213 T91 and ASTM A335 P91 9Cr-1Mo-V Steels 1260 1280 1300 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-43 100 90 9Cr-1Mo-V: Larson-Miller Parameter vs. Stress (ksi) 80 70 60 50 Minimum LM Constant = 30.886006 Average LM Constant = 30.36423 40 30 27.8 ksi 20 Stress (ksi) Elastic design governs above this stress 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F.30—Larson-Miller Parameter vs. Stress Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213 T91 and ASTM A335 P91 9Cr-1Mo-V Steels 60 61 62 63 64 7 12.9 8.4 14.6 5.9 20.5 26.5 34.6 5.3 21.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-44 API STANDARD 530 Table F.4 19.8 34.2 33.4 16.9 33.1 41.7 6.1 37.2 9.8 8.4 14.8 21.4 15.3 29.000 h (ksi) 700 720 740 760 780 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1250 1260 1280 1300 34.8 10.6 4.0 31.4 31.0 24.2 3.0 28.7 Rupture Exponent.4 7.1 7.5 22.2 25.0 29.9 2.5 9.4 22.6 5.4 9.5 33.8 6.0 10.6 24.1 3.3 2.0 11.0 7.6 18.3 33.1 4.6 7.8 30.2 28.4 22.9 3.9 20.1 1.5 8.1 4.8 39.0 .4 30.2 12.000 h (ksi) t DL = 60.000 h (ksi) t DL = 20.2 13.1 5. σel (ksi) t DL = 100.2 26.8 4.5 15.2 4.6 18.7 3.2 11.9 9.1 25.6 25.0 18.3 2.9 17.1 5.8 8.2 17.2 13.4 23.5 13.1 15.9 27.0 35.4 16.3 14.2 5.4 10.6 6.0 29.8 4.000 h (ksi) t DL = 40.5 34.2 6.1 31.7 11.5 3.5 23.1 32.1 6.8 10.7 12.3 28.0 7.5 2.4 8.6 3.4 11.8 19.7 34.3 9.9 8.9 11.5 1.5 12.9 9. σr Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.9 36.3 3.8 11.3 21.9 2.3 6.4 37.5 32.6 32.6 12.7 2.6 17.7 16.5 4.5 4. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) ASTM A213 T91 and ASTM A335 P91 9Cr-1Mo-V Steels 9Cr-1Mo-V Steel Rupture Allowable Stress.7 3.10—Elastic.3 10.5 7.4 27.3 9.2 20. n 13.9 11. ASTM A312. Td (oF) Figure F. psi 20000 15000 Elastic allowable stress. and ASTM 376 TP 304 and 304H (18Cr-8Ni) Stainless Steels 1450 1500 . σr 5000 4000 Design life. 3000 tDL 2000 40 (h x 10-3) 20 60 1500 1000 100 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Design metal temperature.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-45 100000 90000 TP304-304H SS Curves 80000 Tensile strength 70000 60000 Limiting design metal temperature 50000 40000 30000 tYield strength Stress.31—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM A213. ASTM A271. σel 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 Rupture allowable stress. Temperature (oF) for TP304-304H SS 6. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213.32—Rupture Exponent vs.90 4. n 5.50 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 Design metal temperature.API STANDARD 530 Rupture Exponent vs.50 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-46 6. and ASTM 376 TP 304 and 304H (18Cr-8Ni) Stainless Steels .10 5.90 5. ASTM A271.10 4.70 6. Td (oF) Figure F.70 5.70 4.30 6.90 6.30 Rupture exponent.50 5. ASTM A312. ASTM A312.33—Larson-Miller Parameter vs. ASTM A271. Stress (ksi) 80 70 60 50 40 Minimum Larson-Miller Constant = 16.145903 Average Larson-Miller Constant = 15.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-47 100 90 TP304-304H SS: Larson-Miller Parameter vs. Stress Curve (USC Units) for A213.52195 30 20 Stress (ksi) 16. and ASTM 376 TP 304 and 304H (18Cr-8Ni) Stainless Steels 42 43 44 .9 ksi 10 9 8 Elastic design governs above this stress 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F. 1 14.5 5.3 6.9 17.6 7.1 5.2 21.7 2.0 8.0 2.1 18.1 5.3 3.0 20.2 2.8 9.9 12.3 3.8 1.1 12.8 8.5 4. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for A213.0 14.4 14.0 1.5 23.7 15.7 14.9 5.6 6.000 h (ksi) 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 18.8 10.5 2.9 4.2 2.7 5.4 12.1 13.9 4.9 2.0 11.5 9.0 .2 15. ASTM A271.3 4.2 18.3 6.8 7.5 2.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-48 API STANDARD 530 Table F.1 6. n 6.5 5.0 5.4 2.6 17.6 6. ASTM A312.3 13.0 5.7 9.7 6.6 21.2 5.1 15.3 14.7 3.0 7.6 6.2 11.1 6.1 12.3 5.0 2.7 19.7 8.5 6.000 h (ksi) t DL = 20.9 8.5 12.7 16.2 2.3 3.7 2.0 5.7 6.4 17.8 23.8 8.0 10.6 13.2 2.8 16.9 17.9 16.3 Rupture Allowable Stress.9 3.7 17.0 1.6 13.6 10.5 14.4 4.6 3.3 6.3 13.6 17.8 5.8 14.6 5.9 4.3 3.5 16.0 7.0 3.0 3.9 15.1 15.0 17.3 17.1 18.9 13.0 25.1 7.5 2.9 18.4 4.2 12.0 9.8 5.7 2.2 18.0 19.9 5.8 13.7 5.0 5.8 17.5 14.1 16.2 12.3 15. and ASTM 376 TP 304 and 304H (18Cr-8Ni) Stainless Steels TP304-304H SS Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.1 20.8 4.5 4.0 16.4 6.4 5.4 6. σel (ksi) t DL = 100.0 5.2 6.7 3.3 12.1 17.8 11.4 4.7 12.1 3.5 15.4 5.000 h (ksi) t DL = 40.3 6.3 16.0 2.0 10.2 5.000 h (ksi) t DL = 60.5 8.8 2.11—Elastic.5 4.3 5. σr Rupture Exponent.2 17.6 3. ASTM A312. Elastic allowable stress. psi 20000 tYield strength 15000 10000 Design life. and ASTM 376 TP 304L (18Cr-8Ni) Stainless Steels 1250 .34—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM A213. σr 6000 40 5000 60 4000 100 3000 2000 1500 1000 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 Design metal temperature. Td (oF) Figure F. σel 9000 tDL (h x 10-3) 8000 7000 20 Rupture allowable stress.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-49 100000 90000 TP304L SS Curves 80000 70000 tTensile strength 60000 Limiting design metal temperature 50000 40000 30000 Stress. ASTM A271. API STANDARD 530 Rupture Exponent vs.5 9.0 4. ASTM A312. and ASTM 376 TP 304L (18Cr-8Ni) Stainless Steels 1250 .0 rupture exponent.0 5. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213.35—Rupture Exponent vs.5 5.0 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 Design metal temperature.5 7.5 4.5 6. Temperature (oF) for TP304L SS 9. ASTM A271.0 8. Td (oF) Figure F.5 8.0 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-50 7. n 6. 55 40 30 Stress (ksi) 20 11.287902 Average Larson=Miller Constant = 17.2 ksi 10 9 8 7 6 5 Elastic design governs above this stress 4 3 2 1 33 34 35 36 37 38 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-51 100 90 TP304L SS: Larson-Miller Parameter vs.36—Larson-Miller Parameter vs. ASTM A312. Stress (ksi) 80 70 60 50 Minimum Larson-Miller Constant = 18. Stress Curve (USC Units) for A213. ASTM A271. and ASTM 376 TP 304L (18Cr-8Ni) Stainless Steels 39 40 . 0 7.2 9.1 11.2 12.0 8.5 6.7 12.0 5.4 8.5 6.6 12.8 7.6 7.6 6.6 8.7 8.0 10.3 11.4 11.9 9.3 .0 4.3 11.5 11.4 8. ASTM A312.5 12.4 5.4 9.4 5.000 h (ksi) 14.000 h (ksi) 16.5 12. ASTM A271.1 12.5 t DL = 20.2 8.1 6.7 11.0 6.5 12.7 7.9 11.3 9. n 9.0 7.5 7.0 8.8 10.000 h (ksi) 13.3 10.7 9.8 5.3 6.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-52 API STANDARD 530 Table F.2 7.9 10.8 13.5 7.6 10.4 8.4 6.7 6.8 7.7 t DL = 60.0 Rupture Allowable Stress.0 10.1 14.2 Rupture Exponent. and ASTM 376 TP 304L (18Cr-8Ni) Stainless Steels TP304L SS Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.0 10.6 11.8 11.3 7.9 9.8 13.4 12. σel (ksi) 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1250 12.12—Elastic.4 11.8 8.5 10.8 6.4 6.3 10.0 12.0 6.5 5.2 7.7 10.3 10.8 11.6 7.1 5.8 6. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for A213.3 9. σr t DL = 100.8 8.2 10.000 h (ksi) 14.2 t DL = 40.1 12.0 11. Td (oF) Figure F. psi 20000 15000 Elastic allowable stress. 4000 tDL (h x 10-3) 3000 20 40 2000 60 100 1500 1000 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Design metal temperature. ASTM A271.37—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM A213. ASTM A312. and ASTM 376 TP 316 and 316H (16Cr-12Ni-2Mo) Stainless Steels 1450 1500 .Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-53 100000 90000 TP316-316H SS Curves Tensile strength 80000 70000 Limiting design metal temperature 60000 50000 40000 30000 tYield strength Stress. σr Design life. σel 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 Rupture allowable stress. Temperature (oF) for TP316-316H SS 6.40 6.00 5.38—Rupture Exponent vs.60 5.20 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-54 6.80 5.20 5.80 4. ASTM A312. n 5. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213. ASTM A271.60 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 Design metal temperature.API STANDARD 530 Rupture Exponent vs.60 6. and ASTM 376 TP 316 and 316H (16Cr-12Ni-2Mo) Stainless Steels 1500 . Td (oF) Figure F.40 Rupture exponent.00 4. ASTM A312. and ASTM 376 TP 316 and 316H (16Cr-12Ni-2Mo) Stainless Steels 43 44 .39—Larson-Miller Parameter vs. Stress Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213.9 ksi 10 9 8 7 Elastic design governs above this stress 6 5 4 3 2 1 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F. ASTM A271.30987 40 30 Stress (ksi) 20 15. Stress (ksi) 80 70 60 50 Minimum Larson-Miller Constant = 16.764145 Average Larson-Miller Constant = 16.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-55 100 90 TP316-316H SS: Larson-Miller Parameter vs. 3 16.3 14.1 16.6 6.7 17.5 7.2 15.7 5.000 h (ksi) 21.4 8.0 4.9 6.7 7.0 12.2 6.9 14.6 2.8 10. ASTM A271.0 5.2 16.7 15.0 17.5 14.5 5.1 6.4 4.9 14.2 1.1 14.6 6.1 14.6 5.7 16.4 6.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-56 API STANDARD 530 Table F.3 3.3 6.3 8.7 2.5 15.6 8.7 3.2 5.0 18.0 5.3 2.4 2.0 13.6 5.8 6.4 5.6 15.6 9.1 4.2 5.3 3.1 6.0 2.2 10. σr t DL = 100.3 9.0 2.6 5.9 t DL = 40.4 10.1 9.8 5.0 3.3 3.2 15.9 2.0 Rupture Allowable Stress. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for ASTM A213.000 h (ksi) 18.1 17.2 5.2 5. and ASTM 376 TP 316 and 316H (16Cr-12Ni-2Mo) Stainless Steels TP316-316H SS Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.2 11.2 1.0 15.4 4. n 6.7 6.0 6.8 16.2 19.2 7.3 5.8 12.7 t DL = 60.0 4.4 Rupture Exponent.4 5.6 16.6 3.4 7.7 2.3 17.5 9.3 5.1 5.1 3.9 13.3 14.8 14.0 15.9 4.1 8.9 4.0 4.5 6.9 16.8 15.6 14.3 12.1 3.3 13.1 5.13—Elastic.6 7.9 11.2 2.8 .7 3.0 5.9 17.0 16.5 16.1 17.5 4.9 13.6 10.6 14.4 2. ASTM A312.9 14.1 3.8 5.4 16.9 5.5 4.000 h (ksi) 23.4 6.9 1.2 17.1 t DL = 20.4 15.7 2. σel (ksi) 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 17.000 h (ksi) 19.6 5.5 21.4 14.7 3.6 13.8 4.5 5.9 13.5 11.7 11.0 2.9 13.9 15.5 4.2 14. A312 TP 317L Stainless Steels 1300 .Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV 100000 F-57 TP316L-317L SS Curves 90000 80000 70000 Tensile strength Limiting design metal temperature 60000 50000 40000 30000 Stress. 10000 tDL Elastic allowable stress. σr 5000 60 4000 100 3000 2000 1500 1000 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 Design metal temperature. Td (oF) Figure F. ASTM A271. ASTM 376 TP 316L (16Cr-12Ni-2Mo) Stainless Steels and ASTM A213. σel 9000 (h x 10-3) 8000 20 7000 6000 40 Rupture allowable stress. ASTM A312.40—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM A213. psi 20000 tYield strength 15000 Design life. API STANDARD 530 Rupture Exponent vs. Temperature (oF) for TP316L-317L SS 9.00 8.50 8.00 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-58 7.50 7.00 6.50 Rupture exponent, n 6.00 5.50 5.00 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 Design metal temperature, Td (oF) Figure F.41—Rupture Exponent vs. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213, ASTM A271, ASTM A312, ASTM 376 TP 316L (16Cr-12Ni-2Mo) Stainless Steels and ASTM A213, A312 TP 317L Stainless Steels 1300 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-59 100.0 90.0 80.0 TP316L-317L SS: Larson-Miller Parameter vs. Stress (ksi) 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 Minimum Larson-Miller Constant = 15.740107 Average Larson-Miller Constant = 15.2 30.0 20.0 11.6 ksi 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 Stress (ksi) 5.0 4.0 3.0 Elastic design governs above this stress 2.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F.42—Larson-Miller Parameter vs. Stress Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213, ASTM A271, ASTM A312, ASTM 376 TP 316L (16Cr-12Ni-2Mo) Stainless Steels and ASTM A213, A312 TP 317L Stainless Steels 43 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-60 API STANDARD 530 Table F.14—Elastic, Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for ASTM A213, ASTM A271, ASTM A312, ASTM 376 TP 316L (16Cr-12Ni-2Mo) Stainless Steels and ASTM A213, A312 TP 317L Stainless Steels TP316L-317L SS Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress, σel (ksi) 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 12.5 12.5 12.4 12.3 12.3 12.2 12.2 12.1 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.9 11.9 11.8 11.7 11.7 11.6 11.6 11.5 11.4 11.3 11.2 11.1 11.0 10.9 10.7 Rupture Allowable Stress, σr t DL = 100,000 h (ksi) 13.6 12.4 11.2 10.2 9.2 8.3 7.5 6.7 6.1 5.4 4.9 t DL = 60,000 h (ksi) 14.7 13.4 12.2 11.1 10.0 9.1 8.2 7.4 6.7 6.0 5.4 t DL = 40,000 h (ksi) 15.7 14.3 13.0 11.8 10.8 9.8 8.8 8.0 7.2 6.5 5.9 t DL = 20,000 h (ksi) 17.4 15.9 14.5 13.3 12.1 11.0 10.0 9.1 8.2 7.4 6.7 Rupture Exponent, n 8.6 8.4 8.2 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 7.0 6.8 6.7 6.5 6.3 6.2 6.0 5.8 5.7 5.5 5.4 5.2 5.1 σel 10000 Stress. 4000 tDL Rupture allowable stress. ASTM A312. ASTM A271. and ASTM 376 TP 321 (18Cr-10Ni-Ti) Stainless Steels 1450 1500 .Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV 100000 Tensile strength 90000 80000 70000 TP321 SS Curves F-61 Limiting design metal temperature 60000 50000 40000 30000 tYield strength 20000 15000 Elastic allowable stress. σr 3000 (h x 10-3) 2000 20 1500 40 60 1000 100 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 150 100 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Design metal temperature.43—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM A213. psi 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 Design life. Td (oF) Figure F. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213.25 5. ASTM A312.75 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-62 5.44—Rupture Exponent vs. ASTM A271. n 3.25 2.25 4. Td (oF) Figure F.75 4.75 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Design metal temperature.25 Rupture exponent. and ASTM 376 TP 321 (18Cr-10Ni-Ti) Stainless Steels 1450 1500 .API STANDARD 530 Rupture Exponent vs. Temperature (oF) for TP321 SS 6.75 3. 7 0.45—Larson-Miller Parameter vs.0 1.0 2.5 0. ASTM A271.0 Elastic design governs above this stress 4.1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F.0 50.325 Average Larson-Miller Constant = 12. Stress Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213. ASTM A312.0 40.0 Minimum Larson-Miller Constant = 13.0 60. and ASTM 376 TP 321 (18Cr-10Ni-Ti) Stainless Steels 36 37 38 .0 70.8 0.4 0.0 16.6 ksi 10.0 6.0 7.0 TP321 SS: Larson-Miller Parameter vs.0 8.2 0.0 9.0 0.6 0.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-63 100. Stress (ksi) 80.0 3.3 0.9 0.8 20.0 Stress (ksi) 5.0 30.0 90. 6 14.5 4.8 5.1 0.6 4.5 13.0 12.3 16. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for ASTM A213.5 2.1 7. and ASTM 376 TP 321 (18Cr-10Ni-Ti) Stainless Steels TP321 SS Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.5 2.1 12. σr t DL = 100.8 6.4 5.0 .4 5.000 h (ksi) 21.6 16.7 3.2 1.3 4.7 1.4 4.9 2.2 3.9 3.5 2.8 4.7 11.5 1.6 17.8 16.8 4.8 16.4 1.6 7.2 6.2 17.5 17.6 3.1 9.9 13.7 1.7 3.6 15.9 4.5 10.2 4.9 1.3 13.0 5.5 4.9 2.4 2.9 5.5 3.1 5.2 1.2 3.9 t DL = 60.5 15.4 16.1 16.9 17.7 17.9 Rupture Allowable Stress.1 t DL = 40.7 8.9 1.5 15.9 3.1 12.5 11.9 9.8 7.7 14.7 6.2 16.4 3.4 4.3 3.2 2.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-64 API STANDARD 530 Table F.8 14.5 3.1 3.0 15.2 1.5 16.5 3.0 4.7 4.6 12.9 6.6 14.0 3.5 5.1 2.9 8.000 h (ksi) 19.2 5.000 h (ksi) 26.000 h (ksi) 23.1 21. ASTM A312.4 4.3 2.5 1.0 6.3 1.7 19.9 16.3 10.3 2.9 1.9 3.5 21.7 16.3 5.1 11.1 14.2 13.7 19.1 4.0 16.7 3. n 6.8 3.6 16.8 24.4 17.8 7.8 6.15—Elastic.9 14.1 18.1 9.7 1.8 7.7 17.2 3.6 15. ASTM A271. σel (ksi) 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 17.8 15.7 3.3 3.2 1.7 15.7 5.1 17.7 2.5 17.6 Rupture Exponent.2 5.1 12.3 16.6 12.1 1.9 2.0 15.7 5.9 8.3 t DL = 20.0 5.2 10.3 17.1 4.6 17.0 8.8 4.8 1.5 11.2 9.3 3.3 15.7 4. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-65 100000 90000 80000 TP321H SS Curves Tensile strength 70000 60000 Limiting design metal temperature 50000 40000 30000 tYield strength Stress. ASTM A312. and ASTM 376 TP 321H (18Cr-10Ni-Ti) Stainless Steels 1450 1500 . psi 20000 15000 Elastic allowable stress. σr 4000 3000 Design life. Td (oF) Figure F. σel 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 Rupture allowable stress. ASTM A271. 2000 (h x 10-3) 20 tDL 40 60 1500 100 1000 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Design metal temperature.46—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM A213. 50 4.50 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-66 6.50 7.00 6.50 5.00 5.00 Rupture exponent.47—Rupture Exponent vs. ASTM A312. Td (oF) Figure F. Temperature (oF) for TP321H SS 7. and ASTM 376 TP 321H (18Cr-10Ni-Ti) Stainless Steels 1450 1500 . n 4.00 3.API STANDARD 530 Rupture Exponent vs.50 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Design metal temperature. ASTM A271. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213. Stress Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213. Stress (ksi) 80 70 60 50 40 Minimum Larson-Miller Constant = 15.48—Larson-Miller Parameter vs.293986 Average Larson-Miller Constant = 14. ASTM A271. ASTM A312.75958 30 20 Stress (ksi) 16.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-67 100 90 TP321H SS: Larson-Miller Parameter vs.1 ksi 10 9 8 7 6 Elastic design governs above this stress 5 4 3 2 1 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F. and ASTM 376 TP 321H (18Cr-10Ni-Ti) Stainless Steels 38 39 . 9 18.6 4.2 4.5 6.6 .5 6.2 3.2 3.2 2.0 15.1 14.2 10.3 t DL = 60.9 14.5 2.7 14.5 11.5 16.5 10.1 14.3 4.3 7.9 11.9 1.3 3.7 3.4 7.3 16.8 5.3 15.7 4.4 7.2 19.0 11.1 Rupture Exponent.4 9.7 16.9 17.1 4.8 11.8 16.7 3.7 10.0 2.9 2.1 4.4 14.6 2.4 15.3 2. n 7.1 16. ASTM A312.5 4.8 4.2 16.7 1.000 h (ksi) 23.4 6.7 t DL = 20.8 6.4 4.3 12.5 15.9 3.0 1.8 5.9 2.6 17.0 5.4 8.000 h (ksi) 19.6 16.5 13.5 9.8 12.7 5.5 5.4 16.0 8.9 5.9 14.5 17.5 5.7 6. ASTM A271.1 15.1 3.9 5.7 1.2 17.7 4.6 2.3 17.0 16.9 15.5 17.7 4.6 10. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for ASTM A213.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-68 API STANDARD 530 Table F.1 7.2 6.3 2.9 4.0 6.8 2.4 4.3 8.3 5.6 15. σr t DL = 100.0 3.6 3.2 2.1 9.6 14.6 6.1 7.2 12.5 1.3 6.3 8.4 9.0 Rupture Allowable Stress.3 2.16—Elastic.4 3.0 5.8 3.3 4.6 4.4 13.2 17.7 6.000 h (ksi) 20.1 4.5 2.0 5.7 3.8 4.5 t DL = 40.2 15.6 5.2 14.2 5.8 14.4 6.0 15.6 15.8 15.7 14.2 6.3 14. σel (ksi) 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 17.2 1.3 4.0 14.4 21.7 6.7 15.4 5. and ASTM 376 TP 321H (18Cr-10Ni-Ti) Stainless Steels TP321H SS Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.6 14.000 h (ksi) 17.1 17.2 2.0 1.5 14.4 17.8 3.9 16. tDL 2000 (h x 10-3) 1500 20 1000 40 900 800 700 600 60 100 500 400 300 200 150 100 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 Design metal temperature.49—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM A213. σr 3000 Design life. ASTM A271. ASTM A312. Td (oF) Figure F. σel Stress. and ASTM 376 TP 347 (18Cr-10Ni-Nb) Stainless Steels 1400 1450 1500 .Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 F-69 TP347 SS Curves Tensile strength Limiting design metal temperature 50000 40000 tYield strength 30000 20000 15000 Elastic allowable stress. psi 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 Rupture allowable stress. 00 Rupture exponent.00 2.00 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Design metal temperature.00 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-70 8.00 6.00 9.00 7. ASTM A312. n 4.00 Minimum Value = 3.00 5. Td (oF) Figure F.API STANDARD 530 TP347 SS Rupture Exponent vs.00 10. and ASTM 376 TP 347 (18Cr-10Ni-Nb) Stainless Steels 1450 1500 . Temperature Surve (USC Units) for ASTM A213.09 @ 1407F 3. ASTM A271. Temperature 11.50—Rupture Exponent vs. ASTM A271.51—Larson-Miller Parameter vs. and ASTM 376 TP 347 (18Cr-10Ni-Nb) Stainless Steels 37 38 39 .25 30.0 9.0 Elastic design governs above this stress 3.0 20.8 0.3 0.5 ksi 10.0 2.0 TP347 SS: Larson-Miller Parameter vs.0 90.0 1.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-71 100.6 0.7 0.0 5.0 17.4 0.0 6.0 60.2 0.1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F.0 7. ASTM A312.0 Stress (ksi) 4.9 0.0 8. Stress Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213.0 40.889042 Average Larson-Miller Constant = 14.5 0.0 0.0 Minimum Larson-Miller Constant = 14.0 50.0 70. Stress (ksi) 80. 5 17.9 17.8 17.7 1.5 5.4 8.8 14.000 h (ks i) 19.4 1.7 11.0 10.8 14.4 13.1 15.0 15.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-72 API STANDARD 530 Table F.4 5.1 0.6 3.7 4.8 4.8 0.5 17.1 7.1 3.0 Rupture Allowable Stress.4 1.7 9.2 9.9 4.1 11.6 9.7 17.5 17.5 6.5 17.3 15.6 9.8 5.5 5.6 2.6 17.5 17.000 h (ks i) 20.4 8. ASTM A312.8 4.2 3.3 2.5 17. ASTM A271.7 2.4 18.8 18.4 6.7 t DL = 60.1 8.17—Elastic.2 5.7 17.1 3. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for ASTM A213.8 1.2 3.8 16.9 8.4 1.4 17.5 16.6 2.5 3.0 3.3 6.4 2.2 1.4 7.1 6.8 t DL = 40. n 10.3 18.2 1.0 2.6 1.4 4.5 17.5 13.8 10.5 16.9 0.3 20.6 17.1 7.5 18.3 3.1 3.2 5.5 8.3 9.1 18.5 . σr t DL = 100.6 17.5 17.5 12.2 1.7 4.7 3.0 20.0 2.6 4.2 1.2 14.3 6.5 17.1 2.5 8.1 Rupture Exponent.2 17.9 t DL = 20.1 3.4 6.6 17.5 17.0 22.3 14.2 17.5 10.9 4.6 1.5 1.9 19.5 5.7 7.0 16.3 7.8 15.6 3.1 11.8 16.4 3.2 4.2 3.7 9.1 0.9 0.0 17.1 0.6 17.5 18.8 10.9 17.9 3.5 17.1 3.3 4.4 7.8 12.2 3.2 13. σel (ks i) 700 720 740 760 780 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 18.5 3.1 12.9 6. and ASTM 376 TP 347 (18Cr-10Ni-Nb) Stainless Steels TP347 SS Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.2 1.3 8.6 1.9 1.5 14.6 4.1 1.3 17.7 13.000 h (ks i) 22.3 12.3 1.0 1.5 17.5 17.0 14.9 1.2 18.000 h (ks i) 24.5 2.6 4.1 3.7 18.3 3.9 2. ASTM A271. ASTM A312.52—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM A213. σr 4000 Design life. 3000 tDL (h x 10-3) 20 2000 40 60 1500 1000 100 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Design metal temperature. σel 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 Rupture allowable stress. Td (oF) Figure F.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-73 100000 90000 80000 TP347H SS tTensile strength 70000 Limiting design metal temperature 60000 50000 40000 30000 tYield strength Stress. psi 20000 15000 Elastic allowable stress. and ASTM 376 TP 347H (18Cr-10Ni-Nb) Stainless Steels 1450 1500 . and ASTM 376 TP 347H (18Cr-10Ni-Nb) Stainless Steels 1450 1500 .00 6.00 5.00 Rupture exponent. ASTM A312. n Minimum Value = 3.53—Rupture Exponent vs. Temperature 10.00 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-74 8.API STANDARD 530 TP347H SS Rupture Exponent vs. ASTM A271. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213.00 7. Td (oF) Figure F.00 9.00 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Design metal temperature.00 3.92 @ 1325F 4. 0 30.0 2.0 40.4 0. ASTM A312.0 0. Stress (ksi) 80.54—Larson-Miller Parameter vs.0 5.0 50.0 1.0 7.1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F.2 0.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-75 100.0 8.0 60. Stress Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A213.0 70.65 20.0 90.0 17.3 0.8 0.0 4.7 0.9 0.5 ksi 10. ASTM A271.6 0.17 Average Larson-Miller Constant = 13.5 0. and ASTM 376 TP 347H (18Cr-10Ni-Nb) Stainless Steels 39 40 41 .0 Stress (ksi) 6.0 9.0 TP347H SS: Larson-Miller Parameter vs.0 Elastic design governs above this stress 3.0 Minimum Larson-Miller Constant = 14. 5 17.9 3.4 3.1 15.5 13.1 16.4 9.1 9.0 6.4 5.6 2.4 3.5 17.8 t DL = 20.8 17.8 5.4 3.6 13.8 10.5 17.0 1.4 18.9 4.2 14.4 17.8 16.7 2.0 17.7 10.3 4.4 8.7 7.1 Rupture Exponent.1 4.5 5.2 18.4 9.5 4.7 5.5 17.5 12.2 12.3 14.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-76 API STANDARD 530 Table F.9 4.2 4.2 2.1 2.6 4.0 2.0 1.9 17.2 11.0 2.8 4. ASTM A271.2 2.7 4. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for ASTM A213.4 3.5 17.2 2.0 Rupture Allowable Stress.5 17.0 6.4 15.3 4.0 4.5 17.2 17.7 t DL = 40.2 5.0 1.3 8.2 13.3 2.2 4.6 17.9 3.7 17.9 18.8 14.4 3.4 2.8 18.3 10.5 16.8 3.6 17.9 16.5 18.6 17.0 3.7 2.5 4.2 7.5 4.2 2.2 14.5 2.9 3.8 15.9 7.5 17.7 11.7 17.3 17.3 14.000 h (ksi) 21.000 h (ksi) 25.7 18.4 2.7 2.1 11.9 4.7 13.5 t DL = 60.000 h (ksi) 23.7 14.4 6.4 7.4 5.2 17.3 6. and ASTM 376 TP 347H (18Cr-10Ni-Nb) Stainless Steels TP347H SS Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.2 6.6 17. ASTM A312.9 2.2 6.0 5.4 9.7 .0 21.8 1.5 19.6 4.3 3. σr t DL = 100.7 10.5 4.7 17.0 4.0 11.5 9.1 4.5 17.6 1.5 17.6 6.1 4.5 21. σel (ksi) 700 720 740 760 780 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 18.0 3.1 7.0 19.1 4.8 16.2 7.4 5.2 8.18—Elastic.5 8.9 4. n 9.3 7.0 16.1 18.6 17.000 h (ksi) 19.6 3.8 1.5 17.4 4.0 7.5 17.6 19.8 12.8 3.5 23.0 8. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-77 100000 90000 Tensile strength 80000 Alloy 800 Curves 70000 Limiting design metal temperature 60000 50000 40000 tYield strength 30000 Stress. tDL (h x 10-3) 2000 20 40 60 100 1500 1000 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 Design metal temperature. σel 15000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 Rupture allowable stress. Td (oF) Figure F.55—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08800 Alloy 800 Steels 1350 1400 1450 1500 . σr 5000 4000 3000 Design life. psi 20000 Elastic allowable stress. API STANDARD 530 Rupture Exponent vs. Temperature (oF) for Alloy 800 5.30 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-78 5.70 Rupture exponent.70 5.56—Rupture Exponent vs. n 4.10 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 Design metal temperature.50 5.90 4.50 4. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08800 Alloy 800 Steels 1450 1500 . Td (oF) Figure F.10 4.30 4. 57—Larson-Miller Parameter vs. Stress (ksi) 80 70 60 50 Minimum LM Constant = 17.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-79 100 90 Alloy 800: Larson-Miller Parameter vs. Stress Curve (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08800 Alloy 800 Steels 41 42 43 44 .005384 Average LM Constant = 16.50878 40 30 Stress (ksi) 20 19.7 ksi 10 9 8 Elastic design governs above this stress 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F. 0 19.4 5.8 12.1 17.0 18.1 6.7 19.4 2.6 1.8 5.6 19.000 h (ksi) 24.3 4.3 1.9 11.6 11.7 5.6 16.4 2.6 5.3 8.7 2.4 2.1 18.1 2.0 5.0 19. σr t DL = 100.6 20.3 9.4 3.4 18.3 6.4 20.1 2.5 17.9 3.3 4.7 4.8 5.1 1.9 5.9 7.000 h (ksi) 22.7 5.6 5.2 7.000 h (ksi) 26.8 23.1 1.4 5.7 15.9 10.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-80 API STANDARD 530 Table F.5 12.1 7.5 9.8 4.0 11.7 4.1 8.8 4.5 4.4 10.9 3.8 9.8 3.3 3.6 18.1 1.7 2.1 20.3 1.5 5.4 3.5 4.2 13.1 10.7 1.2 5.4 4.0 2.1 4.3 5.7 15.8 4.0 t DL = 60.8 20.4 1.3 19.1 8.4 Rupture Allowable Stress.2 5.8 18. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08800 Alloy 800 Steels Alloy 800 Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.5 11.2 19.9 1.5 3.5 Rupture Exponent.5 19.1 1.4 14.000 h (ksi) 30.2 15.9 7.9 22.6 14.5 3.6 4.3 5.7 20.0 3.5 17.0 13.0 4.5 4.2 20.9 1.1 5.6 13. n 6.19—Elastic.3 t DL = 20.8 11.2 14.9 23.7 5.4 4.4 7.1 1.6 10.0 6.4 6.3 9.3 20.7 21.2 15.3 26.2 4.7 16.2 5.2 .9 19.4 3.5 5.8 19.7 16.0 18.2 4.7 1.0 5.1 2.3 12.3 2.1 17.1 16.1 t DL = 40.5 8.8 1.5 4.4 5.7 20.5 3.0 4.7 1.2 10.9 4.5 20.5 1.7 2.6 14.7 13.6 2.8 17.6 4. σel (ksi) 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 20.5 1.8 21.0 4.9 1. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-81 100000 90000 tTensile strength 80000 Alloy 800H 70000 60000 Limiting design metal temperature 50000 40000 30000 tYield strength Stress.58—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08810 Alloy 800H Steels 1500 1550 1600 1650 . σel 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 Rupture allowable stress. σr 5000 4000 3000 Design life. Td (oF) Figure F. tDL (h x 10-3) 2000 20 40 60 100 1500 1000 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 Design metal temperature. psi 20000 15000 Elastic allowable stress. API STANDARD 530 Alloy 800H Rupture Exponent vs. Temperature 7.50 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 Design metal temperature. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08810 Alloy 800H Steels 1500 1550 1600 1650 .59—Rupture Exponent vs.00 Rupture exponent.50 7. Td (oF) Figure F.50 5.50 6. n 5.00 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-82 6.00 4. 4 ksi 10 9 8 Elastic design governs above this stress 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F. Stress (ksi) 80 70 60 50 Minimum Larson-Miller Constant = 16. Stress Curve (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08810 Alloy 800H Steels 43 44 45 46 .04227 40 30 20 Stress (ksi) 15.564046 Average Larson-Miller Constant = 16.60—Larson-Miller Parameter vs.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-83 100 90 Alloy 800H: Larson-Miller Parameter vs. 1 t DL = 60.9 4.0 9.9 15.3 4.3 15.2 2.7 9.4 5.4 1.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-84 API STANDARD 530 Table F.4 6.7 6.3 4.0 5.0 2.0 16.6 17.3 t DL = 20. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08810 Alloy 800H Steels Alloy 800H Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.8 5.6 11.2 7.6 2.1 Rupture Allowable Stress.0 11.7 1.6 Rupture Exponent.3 4.0 4.6 6.0 11.4 1.7 5.3 10.8 2.2 12.9 15.6 11.2 6.5 2.6 1.4 2.9 5.0 3.7 3.8 6.6 5.4 4.1 5.5 4.9 8.0 13.9 10.6 1.000 h (ks i) 21.8 14.7 6.6 15.9 12.2 t DL = 40.7 4.3 8.7 4.6 6.6 2.7 10.0 14.1 15.7 1.8 9.2 1.1 8.1 16.0 1.7 1.8 19.8 14.1 16.3 7.0 15.0 6.1 2.8 13.4 6.2 15.9 9.9 12.1 7.2 7.3 7.5 6.3 3.8 2.1 7.8 11.8 15.3 4.9 6.1 1.8 5.0 16.0 15.8 15.5 13.2 13.2 16. σr t DL = 100.1 1.0 16.4 3.9 4.7 3.8 5.9 1.4 14.7 18.3 12.9 1.0 10.2 14.1 16.8 5.4 1.5 2.2 8.1 7.8 6.4 13.7 12.3 6.8 9.5 15.7 5.1 1.000 h (ks i) 17.7 7.0 8.3 2.8 4.6 12.0 7.8 2.9 4.2 13. n 7.3 15.9 2.9 6.4 4.8 10.1 2.6 6.2 4.5 10.3 2.8 1.7 15.6 1.6 8.2 5.1 3.0 6. σel (ks i) 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 1520 1540 1560 1580 1600 1620 1640 1650 16.3 6.0 11.8 4.9 6.9 1.7 3.7 .20—Elastic.4 3.000 h (ks i) 18.5 10.0 13.0 6.1 7.1 3.7 9.5 8.6 14.1 9.2 12.3 5.000 h (ks i) 19.9 15.5 15.6 3.7 7.3 1.9 18.5 5.8 8.6 1.1 6.5 9.3 5.4 7.2 5.8 6.3 2.5 6.1 2.3 1.4 5.3 5.4 15.5 14.0 3.6 15.4 3. psi 20000 15000 Elastic allowable stress. σel 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 Rupture allowable stress.61—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08811 Alloy 800HT Steels 1500 1550 1600 1650 . 3000 tDL (h x 10-3) 2000 20 40 1500 60 100 1000 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 Design metal temperature.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-85 100000 90000 Alloy 800HT Curves tTensile strength 80000 70000 60000 Limiting design metal temperature 50000 40000 30000 tYield strength Stress. Td (oF) Figure F. σr 4000 Design life. 60 5.40 6.62—Rupture Exponent vs. Temperature (oF) for Alloy 800HT 6.80 4. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08811 Alloy 800HT Steels 1600 1650 .80 6.20 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-86 6. n 4.00 5.40 5.API STANDARD 530 Rupture Exponent vs.20 5.20 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 Design metal temperature.60 6.60 4.00 Rupture exponent. Td (oF) Figure F.40 4.80 5. Stress (ksi) 80 70 60 50 40 Minimum LM Constant = 13.9 ksi 10 9 8 7 6 5 Elastic design governs above this stress 4 3 2 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 35 36 37 Figure F.606722 Average LM Constant = 13. Stress Curve (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08811 Alloy 800HT Steels 38 39 40 41 .63—Larson-Miller Parameter vs.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-87 100 90 Alloy 800HT: Larson-Miller Parameter vs.2341 30 Stress (ksi) 20 12. 7 7.1 6. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for ASTM B407 UNS N08811 Alloy 800HT Steels Alloy 800HT Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.1 5.9 8.0 5.000 h (ksi) 17.5 5.4 13.9 6.5 11.5 10.7 1.2 10.5 4.9 1.8 4.8 10.3 6.1 1.8 12.3 2.7 2.1 5.4 4.1 6.0 2.6 4.8 7.1 7.6 1.3 8.3 1.8 1.4 9.3 5.2 9.9 5.3 13.3 4.4 4.0 2.6 3.7 9.7 7.5 12.9 5.4 4.1 7.5 11.5 5.3 2.3 5.9 4.7 3.6 15.8 13.9 5.7 12.2 6.4 t DL = 40.8 2.3 3.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-88 API STANDARD 530 Table F.6 10.3 8.4 6.7 5.1 2.4 10.4 9.8 2.9 11.4 6.7 4.2 13.3 6.7 3.8 2.0 18.7 6.5 15.3 .7 4.9 4.1 1.8 14.1 3.9 12.5 4.6 5.6 1.3 4.4 5.5 2.1 4.6 2.6 6.000 h (ks i) 16.3 2.4 5.6 4. σr t DL = 100.9 4.9 13.2 5.6 2.1 2.9 1.1 6.6 1.9 4.7 11.5 t DL = 20.9 5.4 4.7 13.2 10.5 8.8 5.6 15.5 4.8 4.4 4.9 15.7 3.9 1.2 14.9 4.6 7.4 4.5 1.7 15.4 14.3 3.7 6.8 5.4 3.2 5.0 14.3 16.2 16.0 3.6 7.4 5.5 5.21—Elastic.0 4.5 6.5 5.7 5.8 16.5 2.8 15.6 5.1 16.1 3.7 4.5 8.5 12.2 5.6 14.0 3.000 h (ks i) 20.3 11.9 7.3 4.2 t DL = 60.8 1.5 8.9 1.4 3.1 1.0 5.2 13.000 h (ks i) 15. σel (ksi) 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 1520 1540 1560 1580 1600 1620 1640 1650 16.4 10.2 11.3 3.0 15.9 3.0 4.7 4.1 1.5 6.5 4.1 12.8 Rupture Exponent.9 8.2 6.6 9.3 2.7 8.2 15.4 1.1 6.8 12.1 9.5 11.8 Rupture Allowable Stress. n 6.1 13.5 7.3 15. σr Design life. psi 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 Rupture allowable stress. σel Stress. tDL 2000 (h x 10-3) 1500 20 1000 40 900 800 700 600 60 100 500 400 300 200 150 100 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 Design metal temperature.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-89 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 Alloy HK-40 Curves Tensile strength 50000 Limiting design metal temperature 40000 tYield strength 30000 20000 15000 Elastic allowable stress.64—Stress Curves (USC Units) for ASTM A608 Grade HK-40 Steels 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 . Td (oF) Figure F. Td (oF) Figure F.65—Rupture Exponent vs. Temperature Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A608 Grade HK-40 Steels 1750 .00 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 Design metal temperature.50 3. n 3. Temperature (oF) for Alloy HK-40 5.API STANDARD 530 Rupture Exponent vs.00 Rupture exponent.00 4.50 Rupture Exponent Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-90 4. 856489 Average LM Constant = 10. Stress Curve (USC Units) for ASTM A608 Grade HK-40 Steels 32 33 34 35 . Stress (ksi) 80 70 60 50 40 Minimum LM Constant = 10.66—Larson-Miller Parameter vs.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIESV F-91 100 90 Alloy HK-40: Larson-Miller Parameter vs.4 ksi Stress (ksi) 20 Elastic design governs above this stress 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Larson-Miller Parameter/1000 Figure F.4899 30 21. 9 22.5 .5 1.7 4.3 1.Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS F-92 API STANDARD 530 Table F.5 6.6 6.1 3.9 3.9 3.7 21.6 5.8 21.000 h (ks i) t DL = 20.9 12.2 7.0 5.3 16.7 20.5 21.4 20.0 11.9 11. Rupture Allowable Stresses and Rupture Exponent (USC Units) for ASTM A608 Grade HK-40 Steels Alloy HK-40 Rupture Allowable Stress.0 22.1 21.0 22.8 18.3 7.5 20.4 6.22—Elastic.6 17.6 10.1 1.2 7.2 Rupture Exponent.1 3.1 4.2 4.5 3.8 1.5 3.7 4.6 1.5 8.0 3.8 1.0 21.8 1.5 5.6 8.0 30.7 8.4 17.3 9.0 18.9 2.5 1.0 0.0 0.3 24.5 11.4 1.1 15.5 1.8 3.1 5.0 19.0 12.1 10. σr Temperature (Fahrenheit) Elastic Allowable Stress.4 17.4 21.1 10.9 12.4 9.7 21.3 2.7 23.5 15.9 13.7 3.7 23.5 21.8 21.3 22.4 21.3 1.9 0.2 21.8 16.2 2.2 4.7 2.7 7.3 2.4 3.8 8.5 11.0 11.0 11.2 4.2 10.1 3.2 20.4 4.4 12.7 18.6 15.1 1.000 h (ks i) t DL = 40.6 7.5 1.0 1.5 3.8 4.2 1.9 6.2 4.7 3.9 21.9 1.7 2.2 21.1 14.8 21.8 12.0 22.2 15.6 1.7 21.4 4.9 17.0 18.8 4.9 26.5 28.0 5.0 21.1 5.7 19.0 23.2 1.1 16.8 20.6 6.7 3.5 4.9 2.9 1.7 2.4 21.9 13.1 4.0 9.0 3. n 4.9 0.1 7.3 16.4 14.4 2.0 1.0 14.2 2.5 3.9 21.000 h (ks i) 800 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 1520 1540 1560 1580 1600 1620 1640 1660 1680 1700 1720 1740 1750 21.2 10.0 17.4 13.6 7.5 2.5 2.0 21.9 21.6 10.0 14.0 21.7 4.6 1.2 19.7 4.4 1.4 13.4 1.7 1.9 20.7 25.6 21.4 4.5 26.6 2.9 8.3 18.6 4.7 16.4 20.3 21.8 3.1 2.2 1.8 2.1 6.9 8.2 3.3 8. σel (ks i) t DL = 100.0 6.4 4.1 4.0 21.6 17.3 1.3 4.8 26.1 1.1 1.0 21.3 16.4 24.3 4.8 1.2 2.8 3.9 27.3 2.6 3.7 3.1 1.8 4.8 0.3 9.0 2.5 5.0 13.9 1.2 12.8 10.9 13.5 2.5 6.000 h (ks i) t DL = 60.3 21.9 12.6 5.3 19.1 1.8 13.1 6.6 8.0 24. If the tube does not undergo corrosion.3) This thickness is less than δσ . In developing this design method. The method took into consideration the effects of stress reductions produced by the corrosion allowance. If this tube were designed for use in a corrosive environment and had a corrosion allowance of δCA. If the tube undergoes corrosion or oxidation. the tube still has some time to operate before it fails. The concept of corrosion fraction used in 5.2) δmin = δσ + fcorrδCA In this equation. and the rate of using up the rupture life is high. that the initial thickness were set as given in Equation (G. δσ . In other words. An integral of this effect over the life of the tube was solved graphically in the 1988 edition of API 530 [17] and developed using the linear-damage rule (see G. the rate of using up the life increases as the stress increases. Under the assumption of constant temperature. and the stress is only then equal to σr. Since the stress has always been lower than σr. As a result. the stress is greater than σr. Suppose. and the rate of using up the rupture life is low. After operating for its design life.2): (G. Therefore. δmin. under the assumption of constant pressure. the stress in the tube increases over time. therefore. The stress is initially less than σr. the corrosion allowance is used up. the stress in the tube will always equal the minimum rupture strength for the design life. σr. Suppose a tube has an initial thickness. The result is a nonlinear equation that provides the initial tube thickness for various combinations of design temperature and design life. the following ideas were used. If the value of fcorr is selected properly. the tube thickness will decrease over time. This is the minimum thickness required to achieve the design life without corrosion. can be set as given in Equation (G.Annex G (informative) Derivation of Corrosion Fraction and Temperature Fraction G. At temperatures in the creep-rupture range. instead. At the end of the design life. This tube will probably fail after the end of the design life. ƒcorr is a fraction less than unity.1) δmin = δσ + δCA The stress is initially less than σr. the integrated effect of this changing G-1 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS .3): δmin − δCA = δσ − (1 − fcorr)δCA (G. the minimum thickness. the rate of using up the rupture life also increases in time.1): (G. calculated using Equation (4).1 General The 1958 edition of API 530 [16] contained a method for designing tubes in the creep-rupture range. the tube lasts longer if the stress is lower. at the end of the design life. The rate of using up the life depends on temperature and stress.2). the tube thickness is as given in Equation (G.4 and derived in this annex is developed from the same ideas and is a simplified method of achieving the same results. the life of a tube is limited. j the total fraction. the engineering utility of this rule is widely accepted. provided only that the corrosion allowance.T) (G.5). and temperature. and rupture allowable stress. for a period of time.7): ( ) top 0 F top =  dt tr where top is the operating life. It was assumed only that during any one period the stress and temperature were constant.  Δt   t  r (G. Δt/t. [20]. tr is tr (σ.Τ ). the life fraction can be expressed as an integral as given in Equation (G. t is the time.e. G.2 Linear-damage Rule Consider a tube that is operated at a constant stress.G-2 API STANDARD 530 rate of using up the rupture life yields a rupture life equal to the design life.4) The fraction. σr. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS (G. fcorr.. δCA.5) i =1. as given in Equation (G. The life fraction. σ. Corresponding to this stress and temperature is the rupture life. no restrictions were placed on the stress and temperature from period to period. each with a corresponding fraction as given in Equation (G.. F (also known as the life fraction).2. G. as given in Equation (G. Nevertheless. Τ . and a constant temperature.3 Derivation of Equation for Corrosion Fraction With continually varying stress and temperature.. of the rupture life used up would be the sum of the fractions used in each period. provides a way of estimating the rupture life used up after periods of varying stress and temperature. T.. therefore. σ. is then the fraction of the rupture life used up during this operating period. The corrosion fraction. when F( j) = 1. Figure 1 can be applied to any design life.3. and [21].6) In developing this equation.7) .6): j  Δt  F ( j ) = i =1   tr  i (G. that is. The linear-damage rule asserts that creep rupture occurs when the life fraction totals unity. The limitations of this rule are not well understood. i. and this rule is frequently used in both creep-rupture and fatigue analysis [18].4): tr = tr(σ. [19]. given in Figure 1 is such a value. tr. Δt. are based on the same design life. After j operating periods. The curves in Figure 1 were developed by solving the nonlinear equation that results from applying the lineardamage rule. the rupture life at stress. 11) hold: tDL = mσr−n (G. This integral can be calculated once the temperature and stress history are known.9) through (G. at least over limited regions of stress or time (see H.11) into Equation (G. are functions of time. tr. and corresponding rupture strength. Τ. σ (t). tDL. Do is the outside diameter.13) . which is a function of temperature and is related to the slope of the stressrupture curve.5. Equations (G. can be related to the stress as given in Equation (G.9) m = tDLσrn (G. n is the rupture exponent. both the stress. the life fraction can be expressed as given in Equation (G. and the temperature.12): F ( tOP ) =  n tOP  σ ( t )  dy 0    σ r  tDL (G. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS (G.7). but in general this calculation is difficult to perform.12) where σ (t) is the stress expressed as a function of time.8). the temperature is assumed to be constant. δ (t) is the thickness expressed as a function of time. the stress as a function of time. which is given by the mean-diameter equation for stress as in Equation (G. For the purposes of this development for tube design.CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIES G-3 In general. therefore.11) Substituting Equation (G.8) where m is a material parameter which is a function of temperature. (This assumption is not made in G. σ .4): tr = mσ−n (G.13): σ (t ) =  pr  D0 −1  2  δ (t )  where pr is the rupture design pressure.) The remaining variable is. The rupture life. σr. For a specified design life.10) So: Hence: σ  tr = tDL  r  σ  n (G. F(tDL) should equal unity.16) holds: σ (t ) ≅ δσ δ (t ) (G. fcorr. like temperature. the rupture design pressure (operating pressure) is also a function of time. This integration cannot be done in closed form.19) can be solved for the corrosion fraction. a simplifying assumption is needed.13). as given in Equation (G.18): 1= δ σn ( n − 1)ϕ corr tDL n −1 n −1  1   1    −      δ 0 − ϕ corr t DL   δ 0   (G.19) For given values of B and n.15) To a first approximation.18) Now let δ0 = δσ + fcorrδCA and B = δCA/δσ. Equation (G. (G. Let δσ be the thickness calculated from σr as given in Equation (G.13) and (G. the corrosion allowance is defined as being equal to the corrosion rate times the design life. where δCA = φcorr tDL.18) reduces to an equation as a function of the corrosion fraction. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS .17) results in Equation (G. however. the accumulated damage fraction should equal unity at the end of the design life. Using F(t) = 1 and t = tDL in Equation (G.15): δσ = pr Do 2σ r + pr (G. The solutions are shown in Figure 1.14) into Equation (G.19): 1= n −1 n −1 1  1 1       −   ( n − 1)B  1 + f corr B − B   1 + f corr B   (G.14): δ (t) = δ0 − φcorr t (G. and (G. Calculating F(top) is then simply a matter of substituting Equations (G. φcorr is the corrosion rate.G-4 API STANDARD 530 In general. Equation (G.16) Substituting Equations (G. it is assumed to be constant for the purposes of tube design. fcorr.16) into Equation (G. The thickness is determined from Equation (G. Equation (G.14) where δ0 is the initial thickness.12) and integrating results in Equation (G.17): F (t op ) = δ σn ( n − 1) φ corr tDL n −1 n −1  1   1   −   δ 0 − φ corr t op    δ0  (G. that is.12) and integrating.17) At t = tDL. With these changes.14). that is. the resulting graphical solution for the corrosion fraction is more difficult to use.000-hour and 100. In the derivation of the corrosion fraction in G. when it is used.5. the temperature. expressed in Kelvin.66 in Annex F [in U. since the corrosion fraction is part of the rupture design procedure. the corrosion fraction has other limitations. customary (USC) units]. tr.S.3. temperature and corrosion rate are made for any tube design. The equivalent temperature should be such that a tube operating at this constant equivalent temperature sustains the same creep damage as a tube operating at the changing temperature.11) was developed to relate the rupture life. therefore. to the applied stress. For those materials that show a curvilinear Larson-Miller Parameter curve. This equation can be derived by means of the Larson-Miller Parameter plot. CLM is the Larson-Miller constant. σ.20) . G. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS (G. Γ. the assumptions of constant pressure. Equation (G.11). b are curve-fit constants.3 to E. To minimize the resulting error. When this plot is a straight line (or when the curve can be approximated by a straight line). the stress. A more accurate approximation is available. For the derivation. these factors are usually not constant. In effect.66 were developed from the minimum 60. using Equation (G.11) is equivalent to making a straight-line approximation of the curve. This small error and the simplicity of using Figure 1 justify the approximation of Equation (G. Equation (G. the values of the rupture exponent shown in Figures E.4 G-5 Limitations of the Corrosion Fraction In addition to the limitations of the linear-damage rule mentioned in G.3 to F. can be related to the Larson-Miller Parameter. and corrosion rate were assumed to be constant throughout the operating life. Γ = T * (CLM + lgtr) × 10−3. special consideration should be given to cases in which a large difference exists between start-of-run and end-of-run temperatures.5 Derivation of Equation for Temperature Fraction Since tube design in the creep-rupture range is very sensitive to temperature.3 to F. The assumptions are. as given in Equation (G. the resulting corrosion fraction differs from that given in Figure 1 by less than 0. σ.) The derivation of the corrosion fraction also relies on the relationship between rupture life and stress expressed in Equation (G. Finally.6) can be used to calculate an equivalent temperature for a case in which the temperature changes linearly from start of run to end of run. In an operating heater. For those materials that show a straight-line Larson-Miller Parameter curve in Figures E. the mathematical approximation of Equation (G.20): σ = a × 10−bΓ where a.3 to E. T∗ is the absolute temperature. this applies the straight-line approximation to a shorter segment of the curved line and minimizes the error over the usual range of application. The corrosion fraction can be applied to cases in which the temperature varies if an equivalent temperature can be calculated.5 %.16) was used. expressed in hours. tr is the rupture time.66 and in Figures F.000-hour rupture strengths (see H.CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIES G. this representation is exact. however. Furthermore.16).66 in Anxex E [in metric (SI) units] and Figures F. pressure. (The assumption of constant temperature is not made in G.4). A comparable equation is needed to relate the rupture life to both stress and temperature.2. nevertheless. the temperature was assumed to remain constant. justified in this case. 22) where σ is stress as a function of time.20) for tr yields Equation (G.25) t op Therefore. δ(t).26) and the approximation given by Equation (G.24) t (G.G-6 API STANDARD 530 Solving Equation (G. F(top) given by Equation (G. top is the duration of the operating period.21).16). Δδ is the thickness change in time top.26) Using Equations (G.7) becomes Equation (G. δ ( t ) = δ 0 (1 − B ρ ) (G.23) where δ0 is the initial thickness.13) and (G.27):  δ0  σ0 =  δ ( t )  1 − Bρ σ (t ) ≅ σ0  Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS (G. the life fraction. which is also a function of time. the stress can be expressed as given in Equation (G.21): tr = 1  a   σ 10CLM   1000 /  bT *    (G.21) Using Equation (G.27) . let B= Δδ δ0 ρ = (G. T ∗ is the absolute temperature as a function of time.23):   Δδ   t    Δδ   t = δ 0 1 −      δ 0   top    top  δ (t ) = δ0 −  (G. For this derivation. The thickness. can be expressed as given in Equation (G.22): ( ) F top =  top 0 CLM 10 σ   a 1000 /  bT*    dt (G. This equivalent temperature can be expressed as given in Equation (G.29):  ΔT  * T * ( t ) = T0* +   t = T0  top    ΔT   t   1 +      T0   top   (G. T 0∗ .31). 0<ϖ <1 (G.33) From Equation (G.30). between T 0∗ and ( T 0∗ + ΔT) such that the life fraction at the end of the period top with the linearly changing temperature is equal to the life fraction with the equivalent temperature. expressed in Kelvin. as given in Equation (G.27) and (G.28) If a linear change in temperature occurs during the time top. can be expressed as a function of time. Let γ= ΔT (G.33): * Teq = T0* (1+ γϖ ) .32) where n0 = n0 1000 bT0* is the rupture exponent at the initial temperature. Equation (G.25) and (G. T *.31): T (t ) = T 0∗ (1 + γρ ) (G.32): 1  F (t op ) = 10 CLM 0  σ 0   1       a   1 − B ρ   n0 /(1+γρ ) t op dρ (G. ∗ The aim of this analysis is to find a constant equivalent temperature. top. expressed in Kelvin. then the temperature.31) Using Equations (G. the equation for temperature becomes as given in Equation (G.22) can be written as given in Equation (G.29) where T 0∗ is the initial absolute temperature.34) . ΔT is the temperature change in operating time period. T eq .32). the resulting life fraction is as given in Equation (G.30) T0* Using Equations (G. t.CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIES G-7 where σ0 =  pr  Do − 1  2  δ0  (G.34):  σ   1   1 F top =  10CLM  0    0  a   1 − Bρ   ( ) Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS n0 /(1+ γ ϖ ) top dρ (G. a. A can be calculated directly from any two points on the curve.35) can be solved numerically for ϖ.37)  Δσ  N = n0 B = n0   σ 0  (G.30) and (G. The solutions to Equation (G. b.35) are shown in Figure 2.38) Using these two parameters. Using ϖ and Equations (G.37) and (G. a and b. For materials that have a linear Larson-Miller Parameter curve.33).36):  ΔT  * Teq = T0*  1+ * ϖ  = T0* + ϖΔT  T0  (G. a least-squares approximation of the minimum rupture strength is calculated in the stress region below the intersection of the rupture and elastic allowable stresses.G-8 API STANDARD 530 Equating Equations (G.38):  ΔT   a   a  = n0  *  ln  V = n0γ ln     σ0   T0   σ 0  (G. in the equation σ = a × 10−bΓ. since this is the region of most applications. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS .36) The parameter ϖ is the temperature fraction. For the purpose of calculating the temperature fraction. this accuracy is sufficient. the equivalent temperature is calculated as given in Equation (G. in 4. where Γ is the Larson-Miller Parameter and σ is the minimum rupture strength.34) and dividing out common terms yields an integral equation for the parameter ϖ : 1  σ 0   1  0  a   1 − Bρ     n0 /(1+γρ ) 1  σ dρ =    0 0  a    1    1 − Bρ    n0 /(1+γ ϖ ) dρ (G. For all other materials. fT.32) and (G. and γ. The constant A in Table 3 is one of the least-squares curve-fit constants.35) can be approximated by a graph if the given values are combined into two parameters as given in Equations (G. n0.35) For given values of σ0. the solutions to Equation (G.8. Equation (G. but are not generally available.64 graphically depict the material yield strength for a range of temperatures in both SI and USC units.64 or Tables E. respectively. Detailed descriptions of the data are not repeated in this annex. The alloys analyzed by the MPC are used for petroleum refinery heater applications and reflect modern steel making practices. ultimate tensile strength. The material that follows is limited to a discussion of the deviations from published data and of data that have been used. The aforementioned material data is used to calculate the (time-independent) elastic allowable stress and the (time-dependent) rupture allowable stress for the specified design service life and design temperature. The yield-. Additionally.1 to E.1 to F. The use of Figures E.22 and Tables F. Figures E.22 is equally acceptable. The new data gathered and analyzed by the MPC included materials test results produced and tested at facilities outside of the United States. WRC Bull 541 details and outlines the results of the material data review performed by MPC.1 to F. in both SI and USC units. Additionally. the material coefficients for use with this equation are listed in Table 1 (in USC units) and Table 1M (in SI units) of WRC Bull 541. stress-rupture exponent.1 General The American Petroleum Institute [through the API Committee on Refining Equipment (CRE) Subcommittee on Heat Transfer Equipment (SCHTE) Standard 530 Task Group] contracted the Materials Property Council (MPC) to gather new mechanical property data for heater tube alloys and analyze this data using modern parametric data analysis methods to derive equations suitable for incorporation into API 530.1 to E.1 to E. H-1 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS . WRC Bull 541 provides mechanical property data for alloys that have been gathered and analyzed using systematic computerized statistical data fitting methods. and minimum and average stress rupture properties (as described using Larson-Miller Parameter equations).3 Ultimate Tensile Strength Equation (2) in WRC Bull 541 is used to calculate the ultimate tensile strength as a function of temperature for all materials listed in Table 4.1 to F. H. and rupture-strength data displayed in Figures E.2 Yield Strength Equation (1) in WRC Bull 541 is used to calculate the yield strength as a function of temperature for all materials listed in Table 4.64 and Figures F.64 and Figures F.Annex H (informative) Data Sources H.1 to F.64 and Figures F. For heater tube design calculations per this standard.1 to F.64 and Figures F.64 graphically depict the materials’ ultimate tensile strength for a range of temperatures. the material data required include the yield strength. Figures E. The data collections for prior editions of API 530 were limited to alloys produced in the United States. tensile-.64 originated in WRC Bull 541. the material coefficients for use with this equation are listed in Table 1 (in USC units) and Table 1M (in SI units) of WRC Bull 541. semi-log interpolation can be used to determine rupture allowable stresses at intermediate temperatures.1 to E. respectively. The scope of this work is summarized in a paper titled Development of a Material Databook for API Std 530 [22]. When using the tables. H.1 to E. 22 is equally acceptable.1 to F.66. etc. CLM.2) and (H. The term LMP(σ) is evaluated using Equation (H.1 to E. and minimum and average values computed. and stress is provided by the Larson-Miller Parameter (LMP).66 and Figures F. LMP(σ) = (T + 460)(CLM + log10[Ld]) (hours. it is important to note that the equations for the Larson-Miller Parameter should not be used for temperatures outside of the limiting metal design temperatures shown in Table 3 of WRC Bull 541. σys is the material yield strength at temperature.1) Se = Fed * σys where Se is the Elastic Allowable Stress (time-independent). LMP(σ) = A0 + A1 * log10[σ] + A2 * (log10[σ])2 + A3 * (log10[σ])3 (H. Fed = 0.H-2 API STANDARD 530 H. As explained in Section 5 of WRC Bull 541. Additionally. Equations (H. the applicable Larson-Miller Constant.1 to E.1 to F.66 graphically depict the materials’ Larson-Miller Parameters for a range of stresses. a value of CLM is obtained for each lot of material studied in the data set.3 to F. The LMP for each heater tube alloy is presented as a polynomial in log10 of stress in the form given by Equation (H.2) LMP(σ) = (T + 273)( CLM + log10[Ld]) (hours.5 Larson-Miller Parameter The relationship between temperature. Fed = 0. Additionally. in both SI and USC units.1 to E.90 (refer to Table 2 of WRC Bull 541).64 and Figures F. A 1. expressed in hours. Ld.1 to E.3) The coefficient CLM in Equations (H. in both SI and USC units. T.1 to F. When using the tables. Fed is the Elastic Allowable Stress Factor. The minimum constant entries shown in the aforementioned Table 3 are appropriate to represent the variance expected at a 95 % confidence interval.22 and Tables F. the Larson-Miller Constants for the minimums and averages of the materials’ properties are listed as well.1 to F. Figures E. in both SI and USC units. respectively.e.64 graphically depict the materials’ elastic allowable stresses for a range of temperatures.4) Figures E.4 Elastic Allowable Stress The elastic allowable stress (time-independent stress) for all materials listed in Table 4 is directly proportional to the materials yield strength over the specific range of temperatures as calculated using the following: (H. oF) (H. oC) (H.22 list the materials’ elastic allowable stresses for a range of temperatures.64 or Tables E. for ferritic steels. The use of Figures E. design life.3) is the Larson-Miller Constant. below. The log stress and the reciprocal of the absolute temperature were used as the independent variables. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS .2) and (H. MPa. respectively.).4). ksi. Additionally. for austenitic steels. while the log time was used as the dependent variable. the Larson-Miller Constant for each heater tube alloy has been optimized by the parametric analysis (Lot-Centered Analysis) of test results from various sources or lots. semi-log interpolation can be used to determine rupture allowable stresses at intermediate temperatures. Tables E. H. (for the average and minimum properties for each material) and the applicable temperature range.22 and Tables F.3). Refer to Table 3 of WRC Bull 541 for the list of coefficients (i. As a result of the analysis. A0.64 and Figures F.3 to E.3). give the basic expression for the LarsonMiller Parameter. 000] − log10 [ 60. σ.1 to F. When using the tables. respectively.2 to F.22 is equally acceptable.1 to F. (time-dependent stress) and rupture strength for all materials listed in Table 4.2 to E.22 list the material rupture allowable stress for a range of temperatures in both SI and USC units for each of the design life values listed above in tabular form. The rupture exponents used in this document were determined between 60.6).000 hours and 100.1 to F. in both SI and USC units.22 and Tables F. for 20.64 graphically depict the materials’ rupture allowable stresses for a range of temperatures. A thorough explanation of the calculation for X is detailed in Section 6 of WRC Bull 541.000 hours at the desired temperature. respectively. at the desired temperature.6) Figures E. Figures E.65 graphically depict the materials’ rupture exponents for a range of temperatures.1 to E. semi-log interpolation can be used to determine rupture allowable stresses at intermediate temperatures.000 is the rupture allowable stress at 100. The use of Figures E.000 hours at the desired temperature.000-hour. The values of the rupture exponents obtained were fitted with up to a fifth order polynomial as shown in Equation (H. 60.000  − log10  S60.1 to F. n= log10 [100. in both SI and USC units. and 100. Additionally.1 to E.000 is the rupture allowable stress at 60.000-hour. S100.6 H-3 Rupture Allowable Stress The rupture allowable stress. n = C0 + C1T + C2T 2 + C3T 3 + C4T 4 + C5T 5 (H.4).22 and Tables F.64 and Figures F.22 list the materials’ rupture exponents for a range of temperatures. 40. Additionally.1 to E. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS . The solution is given by the following equation: St = σ = 10X where St is rupture Allowable Stress (time-dependent). Tables E.64 or Tables E.7 Rupture Exponent The rupture exponent can be obtained from the first derivative of log time with respect to stress at any temperature.000 hours for the minimum rupture strengths determined from the Larson-Miller Parameter curves.000-hour.000] log10  S100.000-hour design lives. Tables E. in both SI and USC units.1 to E.4).000  (H. may be determined from the Larson-Miller Parameter calculated from Equation (H.CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIES H. H. S60.5) where n is the rupture exponent. The resulting coefficients are presented in Table 4 of WRC Bull 541. X is exponent computed based on the values of the coefficients in Equation (H.1 to E.1 to F.22 and Tables F.64 and Figures F. σ is rupture strength at temperature.65 and Figures F. H.9. the minimum value is noted on the rupture exponent curves. notes addressing the data group studied for each material is explained in Section 15 of WRC Bull 541.50 and F. for this alloy. H. Note that the limiting design metal temperature for this low-carbon stainless alloy was established at 677 °C (1250 °F). Published Data The data and equations used to generate the curves exhibited and Annex F were obtained from WRC Bull 541.5 Type 316L/317L Stainless Steel The data analysis indicates that the differences in the yield and ultimate tensile strength trend curves for Type 316L and Type 317L materials are indistinguishable.2 9Cr-1Mo-V Steel For this material.53).9. new data was obtained primarily from Japan. the performance of this alloy was estimated from data for Type 304 stainless steel with a carbon content in the range of 0. H. Microstructural changes at higher temperatures associated with carbide precipitation or dissolution/formation of sigma phase cause the rupture exponent plot to increase slightly with increasing temperatures (see curve deflection in Figures E.9. The minimum was about the same.9. The high carbon grade and the normal grade materials were grouped together.53 and F.04 %. more than 450 heats were included in the final database. Microstructural changes at higher temperatures associated with carbide precipitation or dissolution/formation of sigma phase cause the rupture exponent plot to increase slightly with increasing temperatures (see curve deflection in Figures E.9.5Mo-Si Steel Since there are no new data sources for this material. for this alloy. A summary of several material notes are provided in H.H-4 H. H. Thus.9. the minimum value is noted on the rupture exponent curves.6 Type 347 Stainless Steel New data analyzed for this material was obtained primarily from Japan. and Additions to.8 API STANDARD 530 Modification of. H.9.5Mo steels were used. Note that the limiting design metal temperature for these low-carbon stainless alloys was established at 704 °C (1300 °F). therefore. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS . additionally.9. therefore. the material parameters for these two alloys are identical.4 Type 304/304H Stainless Steel Only data from tube materials from overseas sources was utilized in this study. the material parameters developed for the 5Cr-0.1 Steels 5Cr-0. The Tables listing all of the coefficients used to calculate the Annex E and F curves are provided in Section 14 of WRC Bull 541.50).9 H. but the resulting scatter band was less than the current curves. H. The owner/user should specify whether their Type 347 stainless steel heater tubes should be optimized for corrosion resistance (fine grained practice) or for creep resistance (coarse grained practice).3 Type 304L Stainless Steel Very little rupture testing of Type 304L materials is intentionally conducted. Thus. H.7 Type 347H Stainless Steel New data analyzed for this material was obtained primarily from Japan. Some test results lasted in excess of 100. from this large database collected. as compared to the existing ANSI/API 530 curves. the improvement of Alloy 800HT. Lower minimums are shown. Thus.9 Alloy 800H Tubular product data for yield and ultimate tensile strength was obtained for this alloy. H.10 Alloy 800HT More recent material data from tubular products from overseas sources was combined with the original database.9.11 Alloy HK-40 Material properties (elevated temperature yield and ultimate tensile strength) from high carbon content Alloy HK-40 castings were evaluated. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS .CALCULATION OF HEATER-TUBE THICKNESS IN PETROLEUM REFINERIES H.000 hours. H.9. and it disappears at very high temperatures. is not expected to be very large at intermediate temperatures. The analysis showed an increase in yield strength in the 1200 °F to 1300 °F range due to precipitation.9. H. A broad international material database is represented in the stress rupture data shown and is generally in conformance with prior estimates. Due to the strengthening nickel-aluminum-titanium compounds and redissolving of carbides.9. over Alloy 800H. this unrestricted material is not usually used for creep service and the database is relatively small.8 H-5 Alloy 800 Material results from heats that do not take advantage of the heat treating and compositional controls imposed to obtain the Alloy 800H and Alloy 800HT grades were excluded from the analysis. Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS . . 829–831 [7] Chitty A. 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Product No. C53007 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS .
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