Date of Issue: April 20, 1998Affected Publication: API SpeciÞcation 7K, Drilling Equipment, Second Edition, February 1996, Effective: April 1, 1996 ERRATA Page 14, Table 3: The tolerances for the metric dimensions are as follows: Diameter of Keyway Extension Width Depth Size A B C +0.000 +0.000 +15.24 Ð0.025 Ð0.025 Ð0.000 Page 16, Section 9.5.4.a should read: . . . . minimum impact toughness of 31 foot-pounds . . . . Table 4, Change tolerances for dimension B1 to read as follows: B1 +0.000 +0.000 Ð0.030 Ð0.762 Page 17, Figure 6: The dimensions 13 4/16'' in the upper right view should read : 13 9/16''. The tolerances and the metric dimensions remain unchanged. The dimension reading 4¡ in the lower right view should read 4''. Page 21, Table 8: The dimensions for 3 inch Rotary Vibrator and Drilling Hose were omitted. The dimensions, grades, and pressures for the 3 inch hose are identical to those for 31/2 inch hose. Page 31, Section, Taper: The end of the 5th sentence should read: . . . length LTS. Page 32, Section, Initial Standoff: Initial Standoff, The second sentence should read: . . . 0.6739 ± 0.002 inch (17.117 ± 0.05 millimeter). Page 35, Table 16, under Not-Go Gauges: The dimension for Ring Length, LN, for Taper Thread Number T2 should be 11/16. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services Page 43, Section C.2.3.b: The sentence should read: . . . 10 cubic feet (0.283 cubic meters). Page 51, Table E-6: The dimension for Outside Diameter of Ring, DR, for Taper Thread Number T8 should be 82.6. Page 52, Table E-7: The dimension for Truncated Major Diameter, BST, for Taper Thread Number T17 should read 113.162. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services Specification for Drilling Equipment API SPECIFICATION 7K SECOND EDITION, FEBRUARY 1996 EFFECTIVE DATE APRIL 1, 1996 American Petroleum Institute COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . FEBRUARY 1996 EFFECTIVE DATE APRIL 1. Specification for Drilling Equipment API SPECIFICATION 7K SECOND EDITION. 1996 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . or the material safety data sheet. where an extension has been granted. photocopying. The formulation and publication of API standards is not intended in any way to in- hibit anyone from using any other practices. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate all or any part of the material published herein should also be addressed to the director. Nothing contained in any API publication is to be construed as granting any right. Sometimes a one-time extension of up to two years will be added to this review cycle. Information concerning safety and health risks and proper precautions with respect to particular materials and conditions should be obtained from the employer. Washington. Generally. API is not undertaking to meet the duties of employers. warranty. API publications may be used by anyone desiring to do so. D.C. Neither should anything contained in the publication be construed as insuring anyone against liability for infringement of letters patent. and others exposed. the manufac- turer or supplier of that material. the Institute makes no representation.W. sound engi- neering and operating practices. or federal laws. Contact API Publications Manager. API does not represent.. 1220 L Street. or use of any method. These standards are not intended to obviate the need for ap- plying sound engineering judgment regarding when and where these standards should be utilized. Any manufacturer marking equipment or materials in conformance with the marking requirements of an API standard is solely responsible for complying with all the applica- ble requirements of that standard. upon republi- cation.W. apparatus. manufacturers. D. mechanical. No part of this work may be reproduced. sale. 20005. state. and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. state. A catalog of API publications and materials is published an- nually and updated quarterly by API. 20005. reaffirmed. With respect to par- ticular circumstances. by implication or otherwise. Status of the publication can be ascertained from the API Authoring Department [telephone (202) 682-8000]. or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the applicable API standard. Copyright © 1996 American Petroleum Institute COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . N. 1220 L Street. or withdrawn at least every five years. API standards are published to facilitate the broad availability of proven. electronic. without prior written permission from the publisher. state. or guarantee in connection with this publication and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or dam- age resulting from its use or for the violation of any federal. warrant. for the manufacture. This publication will no longer be in effect five years after its publication date as an operative API standard or.W. stored in a retrieval system. Washington. how- ever. or municipal regulation with which this publication may conflict. All rights reserved. API standards are reviewed and revised. or product covered by letters patent.. 1220 L Street. or suppliers to warn and properly train and equip their employees. N. recording.. This document was produced under API standardization procedures that ensure appro- priate notification and participation in the developmental process and is designated as an API standard. American Petroleum Institute. Questions concerning the interpretation of the content of this standard or comments and questions concerning the procedures under which this standard was devel- oped should be directed in writing to the director of the Exploration and Production De- partment. or other- wise. or transmitted by any means. SPECIAL NOTES API publications necessarily address problems of a general nature. nor undertaking their obligations under local. DC 20005. N. local.C. concerning health and safety risks and precautions. Every effort has been made by the Institute to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them. Washington. ..... 1 1................................................... 10 8 QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................. 10 8......... 1 1...........................................................................1 General ..............2 Written Specifications ......................................................................... 9 7............. 1 2..1 General .4 Quality Control for Specific Equipment and Components ......................................................................3 Measuring and Testing Equipment .......................................... 6 6...............................................................................2 Design Verification Function Test ............................................... 10 7..................5 Design Changes ...........................5 Load Rating Basis ........................... 4 5 DESIGN VERIFICATION .................................................................... 3 4................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 4..........................................................3 Written Documentation ...............4 Material Qualification ............................................................................................... 10 7................................................................................................... 4 4.................................................3 Design Verification Pressure Test .............6 Records .............................. 4 5.............................. 3 4....................................................9 Specific RequirementsÑRepair Welds ...4 Supplementary Requirements ...............2 Welding Qualification ........ 10 8............. 9 7.................................... 9 7................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Quality Control Personnel Qualifications ................................................................................................................... 3 4........................2 Other References ...........................................................................8 Specific Equipment ............3 Mechanical Properties ............................................................................................... 9 7.... 3 4......................... 1 2............. 9 7.......................1 Design Conditions .....................................................................................................................................................................5 Weld Properties .............................................................................................................. 6 6............................................................................................................... 3 4.......2 Equipment Covered ................................ 4 5................1 Purpose .......3 Size Class Designation ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Chemical Composition ..........3 Functional and Operational Requirements .......................................... 10 7................ 9 6......................................................................9 Design Documentation ..........................................................................................................................................................1 General ..................4 Rating .........................................7 Quality Control Requirements .6 Post-Weld Heat Treatment ...... 10 8.............................6 Design Safety Factor .2 Strength Analysis ................................................ 1 2 REFERENCES ........................ 9 7........ 3 4........................................... CONTENTS Page 1 SCOPE .............................4 Design Verification Load Test ........ 6 6.................... 6 6 MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS .......... 2 3 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................. 6 6...................................1 General ...........5 Manufacture ..........1 Standards ........................................................... 6 6..........................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Specific RequirementsÑFabrication Welds .................... 4 4........................................ 4 5................................. 2 4 DESIGN ................................................4 Control of Consumables .................. 1 1.............. 9 7 WELDING REQUIREMENTS ........ 11 iii COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services ............................................ 5 5........................................................................................ 4 5...... 6 5.............................................7 Shear Strength ................... 1 1.................................................................................................. 10 8....................................... ...12 Antifriction Bearings ................................ 8 3ÑDevelopment of Keel Block Dimensions .................................................................................................5 Dimensional Verification ................................... 8 4ÑRotary Table Pinion-Straight Shaft Extension .................................................................................................................................................................. 34 10 MARKING ......................................................................................... 29 iv COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .................................................................................. 39 APPENDIX BÑSUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS .............................. 45 APPENDIX EÑMETRIC CONVERSION TABLES ..5 Spiders Not Capable of Use as Elevators ........ 41 APPENDIX CÑHEAT TREATING EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 15ÑTapered Thread Form .....................2 Documentation to Be Kept by the Manufacturer ............... 18 8ÑDemountable Rotary Sprocket ......... 34 11.....3 Documentation to Be Delivered With the Equipment .................................7 Manual Tongs .. 28 18ÑCrosshead Extension and Piston Rod Locknut .......... 35 APPENDIX AÑUSE OF API MONOGRAM ............................................................................................1 General ....................................... 16 9..................................... 19 9................................................. 34 11................................................................................1 General .................................................................................9 Drawworks Components ................. and Piston Rod ConnectionsÑ Straight Thread Type ............... Crosshead Extension.............................. 19 9.......................................................................................................... 7 2ÑEquivalent Rounds for Complex Shapes ...........................8 Functional Testing ..............................................................6 Safety Clamps Not Used as a Hoisting Device ............. 23 13ÑFluid End of Single Acting Slush Pump Piston Rod and Piston Body Bore .. 15 9........................................................................................................................................ 13 8......8 Power Tongs ........................................................................................................................................................................10 Rotary Hose .............. 16 9..... 20 10ÑRotary Vibrator and Drilling Hose Dimensions ....................................... 47 APPENDIX FÑSI UNITS ......... 23 12ÑTapers 5 HP and 6 HP .... 27 17ÑCrosshead.................. 13 9...... 13 8............ 16 9.. 13 9............................................................................................................. Crosshead Extension.........2 Rotary Tables ........................................................................... 27 16ÑStraight Thread Form ...............................................................................................................................................................11 Slush Pump Components ...... 22 11ÑTapers 1 Through 6 ................................................................. and Piston Rod ConnectionsÑ Tapered Thread Type ............. 28 19ÑSlush Pump Valve Pot .............................................. 34 11 DOCUMENTATION ............... 13 9 EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 9....................................................................... 18 9.......................................................... 8.... 34 11....................................... 14 9.. 13 8.......7 Hydrostatic Testing ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17 7ÑPin-Drive Master Bushing and Kelly Bushing ............................................. 19 9ÑLine-Shaft Extension for Cathead ...........4 Rotary Slips ......................................... 14 5ÑRotary Table with Square Drive Bushings ................................................................................ 15 6ÑRotary Table Opening and Square Drive Master Bushing ......... 24 14ÑCrosshead............................................................................................ 20 9....................................................3 Rotary Bushings ....6 Proof Load Testing ............................................................................................................ 43 APPENDIX DÑLISTING OF PARAGRAPHS/SECTIONS IN API SPEC 7K THAT DO NOT APPLY TO CERTAIN EQUIPMENT ................... 55 Figures 1ÑEquivalent Round Models .................................................................................... .............................................................................................................. Crosshead Extension........ 44 Tables 1ÑAdjustment Factors for Subsize Impact Specimens ............................................................................................................... 11 3ÑRotary Table Pinion-Straight Shaft Extension ..... 25 12ÑCrosshead....... 52 E-8ÑBox Go and Not-Go Gauges ...................... 37 C-1ÑThermocouple Locations ................. 21 9ÑFluid End of Double Acting Slush Pump Piston Rods and Piston Body Bores .......................................... 32 15ÑTapered Thread and Plain Gauges ........................... and Piston Rod ConnectionsÑTapered Thread Type ...... 22 10ÑFluid End of Single Acting Slush Pump Piston Rods and Piston Body Bores .......................................................... 6 2ÑCastings Indication Acceptance Criteria .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 E-2ÑRotary Vibrator and Drilling Hose Dimensions and Pressures ......................................................................................... 31 24ÑTapered Thread and Plain Gauges ........................... and Piston Rod ConnectionsÑ Tapered Thread Type .................. 36 18ÑGauge Thread Height Dimensions .................................................................... 30 22ÑGear Rating Chart for Mud Pumps .......................................................................................... Crosshead Extension..................................... 37 E-1ÑLine-Shaft Extensions for Catheads ................................. 55 v COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .................................... 17 6ÑDemountable Rotary Sprocket Data ................................................. 36 27ÑGauge Thread Form ......................................................... 36 26ÑBox Go and Not-Go Gauges ......... 24 11ÑCrosshead............ 33 16ÑPin Go and Not-Go Gauges .................................................................................................................................................................... 51 E-7ÑPin Go and Not-Go Gauges ........ 30 23ÑGauging Practice for Crosshead...................... 29 14ÑTolerances on Gauge Dimensions ...................................................... 26 13ÑSlush Pump Valve Pots ......... Crosshead Extension.............. 16 5ÑFour-Pin Drive Master Bushing and Kelly Bushing ........................................................................................................................ 20ÑSlush Pump Liner . 19 8ÑRotary Vibrator and Drilling Hose Dimensions and Pressures ................................................. 49 E-4ÑFluid End of Single Acting Slush Pump Piston Rods and Piston Body Bores .......................................... 30 21ÑVariation of Kr Factor with Gear Ratio ................... 18 7ÑLine-Shaft Extensions for Catheads ......................................................................... 34 25ÑPin Go and Not-Go Gauges ............ 53 F-1ÑSI Units ........................................................ 50 E-6ÑTapered Thread and Plain Gauges .......................................... 48 E-3ÑFluid End of Double Acting Slush Pump Piston Rods and Piston Body Bores .............................................. 14 4ÑRotary Table Opening and Square Drive Master Bushing ..................................................................................... 35 17ÑBox Go and Not-Go Gauges ................................................................. 49 E-5ÑSlush Pump Valve Pots ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... and Piston Rod ConnectionsÑ Straight Thread Type ............................................................................................. however. warranty.. These Specifications are not intended to obviate the need for sound engineering. American Petroleum Institute.C. as well as instructions to manufacturers of equipment or materials covered by an API Specification. This specification was established to cover Drilling Equipment items formerly in Spec- ification 7 that are nondrill stem and items formerly in Specification 8A/8C that are non- overhead equipment. nor to inhibit in any way anyone from purchasing or producing products to other specifications. Every effort has been made by the Institute to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them. FOREWORD This specification is under the jurisdiction of the American Petroleum Institute (API) Committee on Drilling StandardsÕ Suncommittee on Drilling and Servicing Equipment. API Specifications are published as aids to the procurement of standardized equipment and materials. This Specification shall become effective on the date printed on the cover but may be used voluntarily from the date of distribution.W. Any manufacturer producing equipment or materials represented as conforming with an API Specification is responsible for complying with all the provisions of that Specifica- tion. or guarantee in connection with this pub- lication and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from its use or for the violation of any federal. The formulation and publication of API Specifications and the API monogram program are not intended in any way to inhibit the purchase of products from companies not licensed to use the API monogram. vi COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . API publications may be used by anyone desiring to do so. the Institute makes no representation. 20005. D. or guarantee that such products do in fact conform to the applicable API standard or specification. warrant. Suggested revisions are invited and should be submitted to the director of the Explo- ration and Production Department. state. N. 1220 L Street. or municipal regulation with which this publication may conßict. The American Petroleum Institute does not represent. Washington. Drawworks components B1. Only those standards referenced herein are considered ment and replacement primary load carrying components. Appendix B V Non-Destructive Examination gives a number of standardized supplementary requirements. 1430 Broadway. VIII Pressure Vessel Code IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications 2 References This specification includes by reference. shall apply. Slush pump components ANSI2 f. New whichever is earliest. Box 351040. tive at the date of purchase order or date of manufacture. Virginia 22314. for design.01 Standard Practice for the Rating of Heli- c. 1 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . Safety clamps not used as hoisting devices j. 550 N. Documents (subtier) that are refer- Note: Refer to Section 9 to determine the specific paragraphs applicable to enced by those standards are not considered part of this spec- each type of equipment. Tubing.1 Structural Welding Code 1. Rotary hose Mud Pumps e.2 EQUIPMENT COVERED Std 211.Steel a.4 SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS Hoisting Equipment Supplementary requirements shall apply only when spec. Power tongs ANSI/AWS3 D1. Specification for Drilling Equipment 1 Scope 2. Requirements of other standards included by reference in Florida 33135. Suite 201. manufactured and Spec 5B Specification for Threading. and pose.01 Nodular Iron Gear Materials b.3 FUNCTIONAL AND OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS API Drilling equipment shall be designed. other API and industry standards. this specification are essential to the safety and interchange. and testing of new drilling equip. Rotary bushings Std 424. part of this specification. Spiders not capable of use as elevators B1. Alexandria. in part.2 Screw Thread Gages and Gaging for Uni- h. The edition effec. 4American Society of Mechanical Engineers.01 Gear Materials . Manual tongs fied Screw Threads i. LeJeune Road. Gauging and tested such that it is in every respect fit for its intended pur. Rotary slips cal and Herringbone Gearing for Oilfield d.1 PURPOSE may be used provided it can be shown that they meet or ex- The purpose of this specification is to provide standards ceed the requirements of the standards referenced herein.01 Surface Durability of Helical and Her- This specification covers the following drilling equip- ringbone Gears ment: Std 241. New York.W. The equipment shall be designed for simple and Spec 7 Specification for Rotary Drilling Equip- safe operation. Line Pipe Threads tended for.1 STANDARDS Other nationally or internationally recognized standards 1. 345 East 47th Street. manufacture. New York 10017-2392. Rotary tables Std 244. 1500 King Street. 3American Welding Society. AGMA1 1. New ability of the equipment produced. The equipment shall safely transfer the load it is in.1 Unified Screw Threads g. ment Spec 8A Specification for Drilling and Production 1. Thread Inspection of Casing. either in total or 1American Gear Manufacturers Association. ification. 2American National Standards Institute. York. Miami. ASME4 ified by the Purchaser in the contract or order. York 10018. 33) (Design Safety Factor) E446 Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings up to 2 inches (51 millimeters) in Thick.11 rated load: The maximum operating load. ticle Indications on Ferrous Castings 3.E. 4153 Arlingate Plaza.10 proof load test: A production load test under- tice Process taken to validate the load rating of the equipment. N. 3. for General Industrial Use that is the sum of the static and dynamic load that produces A770 Specification for Through Thickness Ten. DC 20301.6 high stress: E280 Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (4 1/2 to 12 inchesÑ114 to 305 millime. Two Pennsylvania Plaza. to be applied to the covered equipment. 2 API SPECIFICATION 7K ASNT5 2. Vienna. 9Society of Automotive Engineers.3 design safety factor: A safety factor to account plications for a certain safety margin between maximum allowable E4 Load Verification of Testing Machines stress and the minimum specified yield strength of the ma- E125 Reference Photographs for Magnetic Par. 3. Steel Castings 3. terial used. the maximum allowable stress in the equipment. Hous- New York 10001. SAE9 AS 1260 Equivalent Section of Certain Shapes to 3. Columbus. 3.7 maximum allowable stress: The specified min- ness imum yield strength divided by the design safety factor. Box that repair as referred to in this specification applies only to 28518. 3. or ve- Round Bars locity as defined by the manufacturer. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . both SP-55 Quality Standard for Steel CastingsÑ static and dynamic. the manufacture of new equipment. 8Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry. New York.13 repair: The removal of defects from castings or fabrication welds and refurbishment of the component or as- sembly by welding during the manufacturing process. Pennsylvania 19428. Heat Treatment of SteelsÑAircraft Prac.O.2 design load: A calculated load for the equipment and Alloy. Box 4287. 7Department of Defense. Texas 77210. DOD7 3. Carbon 3.. 127 Park Street. Pentagon. motion. Ohio 43228-0518. Welding of Steel Castings A668 Specification for Steel Forgings. sion Testing of Steel Plates for Special Ap. Specified Min. 3. Virginia 22180. the following defini- Mechanical Testing of Steel Products tions apply: A488 Recommended Practice for Qualification 3.4 design verification test: A test undertaken to val- E165 Practice for Liquid Penetrate Inspection idate the integrity of the design calculations used.2 OTHER REFERENCES TC-1A Recommended Practice for Personnel IADC10 Drilling Manual Qualification and Certification in Non- Destructive Testing 3 Definitions ASTM6 A370 Standard Test Methods and Definitions for For the purposes of this standard. 100 Barr Harbor Drive. West Conshohocken. Note 5American Society for Nondestructive Testing. E709 Practice for Magnetic Particle Examina. Method E186 Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled 3.9 primary load carrying components: Those MIL STD 120 Gauge Inspection components of the covered equipment through which the MIL STD 6875 F primary load is carried. Yield Strength High Stress $ ters) Steel Castings (1.12 rated speed: The rate of rotation. P. Washington. Visual Method The rated load is numerically equivalent to the design load. 6ASTM.8 primary load: The load that arises within the tion equipment when the equipment is performing its primary de- BS 5781 Measurement and Calibration Systems sign function. ton.5 dynamic load: The load applied to the equipment (2 to 4 1/2 inchesÑ51 to 114 millimeters) due to acceleration/deceleration effects.1 critical area: Highly stressed regions on a primary of Procedures and Personnel for the load carrying component. MSS8 3. 10International Association of Drilling Contractors. be established as follows: COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .2.1 DESIGN CONDITIONS The equipment shall be designed to operate at 24¡F 4.5 The fatigue analysis shall be based on a period of to the design load reduced by the dynamic load. A method that may be used is 3. 4.00 be used where justified by design documentation. but recommended as good practice. of ances.00 2 0.6. 4. with the requirements specified herein.1 The strength analysis shall be based on the elastic theory.6.4 In cases of equipment or components for which ad.17 test unit: A prototype unit upon which a design verification test is conducted. the formula is 3. 4. text of this specification. position. 4. 4.75(R 2 150)/350 4. 4. and snub line attachments of power tongs shall be verified by tests. 150Ð500 (136)Ð(454) 3. the materials used in the equipment.14 safe working load: Safe working load is equal 4. ÒShallÓ is used to indicate that a provision is mandatory. 4. and (c) the stress distribution as determined by 4 Design design calculations and/or data developed in a design verifi- cation load test as specified in Section 5.18 Within this specification shall. should.75 forces shall be used.15 size class: Represents the dimensional inter. ment. (b) the minimum specified yield strength of the material used in the primary load carrying components.25 into account.3 Power and manual tongs shall be assigned Torque 3. Refer to Section 5. customary units to metric values are The Load Rating shall be based on (a) the Design Safety given in Appendix F. or in accordance with experience or tests. manual and power tongs fur- tory. or buckling as possible modes of failure.2. b.S.2 All forces that may govern the design shall be taken 500 (454) and over 2.2. nished under this specification shall be rated in accordance c.2 STRENGTH ANALYSIS as follows: The equipment design analysis shall address excessive Load Rating yielding. Alternatively.4.S. The size class designation for equipment shall represent 3.2 The minimum Design Safety Factor of structural sumptions are made in accordance with generally accepted components in the primary load path of rotary tables shall be practice.4. customary units are 4. the capability shall tongs. Factor as specified in 4.1 Rotary tables. 4. (R 2 136)/318. including toughness.S.6.2 The static ratings for all bearings within the primary various shaped sections to round bars.19 equivalent round: A standard for comparing 4. For each cross section to be considered.5 LOAD RATING BASIS also included in all tables and figures. alloy and martensitic corrosion-resistant steels. ÒShouldÓ is used to indicate that a provision is not manda. to generally accepted theories. 4.67. in determining the re. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 3 3.3 Simplified assumptions regarding stress distribution and stress concentration may be used. jaws.6 The fatigue analysis shall be carried out according changeability of equipment specified herein. The factors used for conversion of U. for example.1 Design Safety Factor for spiders shall be established 4.6 DESIGN SAFETY FACTOR (220¡C) unless otherwise specified in Section 9.2.00 2 0. are defined as follows: 4. time of not less than 20 years.2.4 mil- limeters). 1. Ratings by the manufacturer for all configurations for which customary units are provided in parentheses throughout the the tong is designed. 6 inches (152. and may dimensional interchangeability as required in Section 9. SFD 4. Metric conversions of U.4.3 The minimum Design Safety Factor for manual equate methods of analysis do not exist. 3.16 special process: An operation that may change defined in the FEM Rules for the Design of Hoisting Appli- or affect the mechanical properties. ultimate strength (plastic) analysis may 150 (136) and less 3. most unfavorable combination.6. 3.20 metric conversions: Metric conversions of U.4 RATING a. and direction of Note: Where R = Load Rating in MTonnes.2. the Where R = Load Rating in tons. provided that the as. load path shall meet or exceed the rated load for the equip- sponse to hardening characteristics when heat treating low. 4. ÒMayÓ is used to indicate that a provision is optional. Tons (MTonnes) Design Safety Factor. spiders.3 SIZE CLASS DESIGNATION 3. fatigue. Load Testing holding period shall not be less than three minutes. The pressure holding period shall not start until the test pres- a. 5. The test pressure shall be 1. 5. sembly before painting. and other pertinent requirements upon which the design is to be based. listed tests when required by the specific equipment para. parts. All external surfaces of the item being tested shall be 5.5 times the maximum rated culations. The hydrostatic test shall be applied for two cycles. Cold water. direct responsibility for the design and manufacture of the b. SFD 5.2 DESIGN VERIFICATION FUNCTION TEST ft-lb (N¥m) Factor. Pressure Testing itoring gauge isolated from the pressure source. certified by personnel who are independent of those having a. For equipment designed for continuous operation. shall be hydrostatically tested for de- sign verification.00 2 0. or 100K(136K) and over 2.2 Design verification testing shall be carried out or cycle shall consist of four steps.7 SHEAR STRENGTH ing the duration. the test unit shall be operated at rated speed and estab- lished duty cycles equivalent to two hours operation or ten 4.2. Hydraulic power transmission components 5 Design Verification are excluded from this test.3 Design verification testing may consist of any of the thoroughly dried. Function Testing sure has been reached. ratio of yield strength in shear-to-yield strength in tension For equipment designed for intermittent or cyclical opera- shall be 0.2 Test Procedure The manufacturer shall establish a procedure document- 4. quirements shall include but not be limited to those criteria for size.1 Design verification testing shall be performed in ac.58.1. Design re.1. 5. Tests shall be performed on the completed part or as- 5.00 2 0. environmen. equipment shall be subject to design verification operating pressure. assump. Each design of pressure containing items or.2. applied load.25 energy by means of continued movement of the machine Where R = Torque Rating in ft-lbs. the formula is 3. product and are qualified to perform their task.1. tion.2 Test Procedure To ensure the integrity of the design and supporting cal.8 SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT duty cycles. 5. or the testing. whichever is greater. Refer to Section 9 for equipment-specific design require- ments. the shall be operated at rated speed for a minimum of two hours. the test unit For purposes of design calculations involving shear. Section 9.2. material. fluid normally used in actual service shall be used as the test fluid. 5.75(R 2 41K)/95K. as defined in tation. unless otherwise specified by Section 9. The pressure c. Each 5. calculations. within acceptable limits as established by the design and tions. water with additives. Note: Where R = Torque Rating in N¥m. d. cordance with documented procedures. primary load carrying components. and speed of the test.1 GENERAL 5.9 DESIGN DOCUMENTATION The unit must operate without noted loss of power.3. and design requirements. test and operating pressures. Design Safety 5. documented in the test procedure. c. The primary pressure holding period. and the equipment and pressure mon- b. motion.3 Qualification 4. 4 API SPECIFICATION 7K Torque Rating.3 DESIGN VERIFICATION PRESSURE TEST tal and API specification requirements. graphs of this specification.3. where the pri- mary load is pressure.1 Sampling of Test Units The requirements also apply to design change documen.00 One unit of each model of machine shall be subjected to 30K(41K) to 100K(136K) 3. The secondary holding period.75(R 2 30K)/70K function testing if the machine transmits force.1 Sampling of Test Units 30K(41K) and less 3. The reduction of the test pressure to zero. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . The temperature of the bearings and lubrication oil must be Documentation of design shall include methods. This test load should be applied incrementally.6.6. unit of the same load rating as the one that failed. middle.3 and shall be the cause for a complete reassessment of the design 4.4. models. 5. The design verification test load to be applied to the test unit shall be determined as follows: After each test cycle the test item shall be carefully in. number of test units as originally required. This may be accomplished critical areas to permit determination of the shear stresses using tensile test specimens from the same heat and heat and to eliminate the need for exact orientation of the gauges. Individual parts of a test unit may be load tested sepa- and ratings. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 5 5. provided that the con. design verification load test and/or stress distribution calcu- tablished on the basis that each test unit also qualifies one lations required by 5. the unit shall be ment only if the stress values determined in the analysis are checked for its intended design functions. treatment lot as the parts represented and meeting the re- quirements of ASTM A370. to design verification load testing.4. Procedure and Rating nite element analysis. The test unit may be loaded as many times as necessary test fixture duplicates the loading conditions applicable to to obtain adequate data. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . the affected part or The test procedure is as follows: parts must be redesigned to obtain the desired rating.5 Alternative Design Verification Test figuration of the unit permits such techniques.1 Design Verification Load Test 5.3 Test Procedure shall not exceed 0. reading 5. If the stresses exceed the allowable values. The test unit shall be loaded to the design verification test load. less than 2R. where R is the maximum Load/Torque Rating tion. A minimum of three units of the design shall be subjected applicable to the part in the assembled unit. The use of fi. cation load test. b.1. Localized yielding (This option would generally apply to limited product rating shall be permitted at areas of contact.2 Sampling of Test Units test unit shall be disassembled and the dimensions of each primary load carrying component checked for evidence of To qualify design stress calculations applied to a family permanent deformation.2 percent except in contact areas. The stresses at that rating shall not load rating above and below that of the selected test unit.4. d. of units with an identical design concept but of varying sizes g. An assembled test unit shall be loaded to the maximum distribution calculations may be used to load rate the equip- rated load. The function of all no less than the stresses observed during the design verifi- of the equipmentÕs parts shall not be impaired by this loading.4 Determination of Load Rating rating range. The stress values computed from the strain gauge read- ings shall not exceed the values obtained from design calcu- lations (based on the design verification test load) by more 5. and so forth.3. exceed the maximum allowable stress. f. but not spected for the absence of leakage or permanent deforma. Failure to meet this requirement or premature failure and SFD is the Design Safety Factor as defined in 3. After this load has been released. The load rating shall be determined from the results of the b.4. In a unit that has been ranges. the part in the assembled unit. Three element strain gauges are recommended in equipment has been determined. Upon completion of the design verification load test.3 Qualification c. the 5. Strain gauges shall be applied to the test unit at all places where high stresses are anticipated.) design verification load tested.4. followed by repetition of the test. e.4 DESIGN VERIFICATION LOAD TEST than the uncertainty of the testing apparatus specified in 5. the critical permanent defor- mation determined by strain gauges or other suitable means 5. Destructive testing of the test unit may be used provided is recommended to confirm the proper location of the strain the yield and tensile strength of the material used in the gauges.8 3 R 3 SFD.4 Individual Parts the strain gauge values and observing for evidence of yield- Individual parts of the unit may be tested separately if the ing. the required number of test units can be es. Design Verification Test Load 5 0. Failure to meet this requirement or premature failure of any test unit shall be a cause for complete reassessment When required by the specific equipment paragraphs of of the design followed by additional testing of an identical Section 9. Alternatively. the following options shall apply: rately if the holding fixtures duplicate the loading conditions a. The test units shall be se- lected from the lower end.3. and upper end of the load 5. Stress a. brittle lacquer. including a test tion load test. equipment shall be subjected to a design verifica.4. 0 0. Figure 2 de- scribes the steps for determining the governing ER for more 6 Materials Requirements Table 1—Adjustment Factors for Subsize 6.4. using material in the final heat treated condition.833 specified.3. Specimen Dimensions property. YSm = Minimum Specified Yield Strength. This evaluation shall be docu.6 Design Verification Load Testing Apparatus pieces of width less than 5 millimeters are not permitted.5 DESIGN CHANGES heat and heat treatment lot used in the manufacture of the component.5 0.1. Tests shall be performed in accordance with the When any change in design or manufacture is made that requirements of ASTM A370.4 MATERIAL QUALIFICATION unit (or part) shall be verified as to its capability to perform the test. Supplementary Requirements SR2. Tons cation that meets or exceeds the design requirements. For loads exceeding 400 tons (363 MTonnes) the load testing 6. thickness direction according to ASTM A770. lieving process provided that the stress relieving temperature mented. and processing requirements for primary load car.6 RECORDS be determined using the equivalent round (ER) method. less than 2.3. 6. ksi TSa = Actual Ultimate Tensile Strength. materials shall be tested for reduction of area in the through Test fixtures shall load the unit (or part) in the same man. qualification shall be limited to the spe. The size of the qualification test coupon for a part shall 5.1.1. simple solid and hollowed parts.1 GENERAL Impact Specimens This section describes the various material qualifications. mm × mm Adjustment Factor rying and pressure containing components unless otherwise 10. See Ap- on the test unit shall be calibrated in accordance with ASTM pendix B.5 percent. ksi 6.3.1. Fig- All design verification records and supporting data shall ure 1 illustrates the basic models for determining the ER of be subject to the same controls as specified for design docu. dards.1 Impact Toughness R = Load Rating.0 × 5.667 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . The minimum ner as in actual service and with the same areas of contact reduction shall be 25 percent. stress relief ried out. The mechanical tests required by this specification shall be performed on qualification test coupons representing the 5. to be used. may be used for the qualification test coupon.6) 6. Any of the shapes shown mentation in 11. E4 so as to ensure that the prescribed test load is obtained. is below that which changes the heat treatment condition. Subsize test 5. 6 API SPECIFICATION 7K YSm R 5 Lb 3 }} 6.3 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES SFD = Design Safety Factor (Reference 4. Since this method of design qualification is not derived from stress calculations. 6. and rating tested. or equivalent national stan- changes the calculated load rating.3.2 When it is necessary for subsize impact test pieces cific model. Tons 6. supportive design verifi. on the load-bearing surface.3. All equipment used to load the 6. the acceptance criteria shall be multiplied by the appropriate adjustment factor listed in Table 1. size.1 Impact testing shall be in accordance with ASTM A370.2 Through Thickness Properties apparatus may be verified with calibration devices traceable to a Class A calibration device and having an uncertainty of Where the design requires through thickness properties. Material design or manufacture to determine whether the calculated Qualification Tests may be performed before the stress re- load ratings are affected. The manufacturer shall evaluate all changes in following welding is not considered heat treatment. For cation testing in conformance with this section shall be car.2 WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS TSa 3 SFD Where: All materials used in the manufacture of equipment cov- ered by this specification shall conform to a written specifi- Lb = Breaking Load. the purposes of material qualification testing.3 For design temperatures below −20¡C supple- The loading apparatus used to duplicate the working load mentary impact toughness requirements may apply.0 × 7. 10. When L is less ER = 3.5 mm) plate of T thickness.5 in.5R 3. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 7 SOLIDS. consider section as a plate of L thickness. KEEL BLOCK CONFIGURATION ER = 2. LENGTH L ROUND HEXAGON SQUARE RECTANGULAR OR PLATE T/2 T T/2 T T/2 T T/2 T T/4 ER (1) = T ER = 1.5T When D is greater than 2.3R 2.75R specimen removal R Notes: (1) ER = Equivalent Round (2) Use maximum thickness for calculation Figure 1—Equivalent Round Models COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .5T When L is less than T.1T ER = 1. (63.25T ER = 1.5R 1/4Envelope for test 1.5T When D is less than 2. consider section as a plate of L thickness TUBE (ANY SECTION) OPEN BOTH ENDS RESTRICTED OR CLOSED AT ONE OR BOTH ENDS T (2) T (2) D D L L T ER = 2T Note: When L is less than D. consider as a ER = 2.5 in.5 mm) than T. (63. 087 inches 1. 3.087 = 1.75R = 1.8 in.718 inches 3. diameter 1. whether it is for a single component or an intersection. shall be taken as the ER of the complex section.902 inches 2.The maximum ER value. The ER value at an intersection is equivalent to a diagonal through the diameter of a circle which would circumscribe the ER area intersection.5 × 1.75R = 1.Reduce the components to simple sections. normal to the larger ER section. radius Figure 3—Development of Keel Block Dimensions COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .7 in.087 = 2.3 = 1. R = ER/2.5R = 2.087 = 3.9 in. as shown in the upper right-hand sketch. 1. The following steps should be used in determining the governing equivalent round for complex sections. Figure 2—Equivalent Rounds for Complex Shapes 2. 1.3R THEN: 3.75 × 1.2 in. GIVEN: ER = 2 1/2 inches from Figure 1: ER = 2.5R = 3.805 inches CONSTRUCT KEEL BLOCK 1. 2. 8 API SPECIFICATION 7K 2 ER = 3 6 ER = 3 D=3 D = 11/2 ER = 3 3/8 ER = 11/2 ER = 11/2 1 SIMPLE SECTIONS ER VALUES ER INTERSECTIONAL VALUE The diagonal value may be measured ER = Equivalent Diameter of Round Bars instead of calculated by laying out the intersecting ER values at right angles to one another.5R = 2.5 × 1.Convert simple sections to ER values.5R = 3.1 in. and shall be heat treated ing operators who are qualified in accordance with the afore- with the components.2 WELDING QUALIFICATION Qualification test coupons may be integral with the com- All welding undertaken on components shall be per- ponents they represent or separate from the components or formed using welding procedures that are qualified in ac- a sacrificial production part. Actual Welding consumables shall conform to American Weld- heat treatment temperatures and times shall be recorded. The Manufacturer shall have a written procedure for stor- Note: Appendix C of this specification provides recommendations for heat age and control of weld consumables. as determined by terial specification. shall at least meet the mini- COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .3 WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION The manufacturing processes shall ensure repeatability in Welding shall be performed in accordance with welding producing components that meet all the requirements of this procedure specifications (WPS) written and qualified in ac- specification. 7 Welding Requirements ing the actual dimensions of the part in the Òas heat treatedÓ condition. and repair welding of primary load carrying and pressure ceed 5 inches. containing components. to the ductility and strength requirements of the applicable Test specimens taken from sacrificial production parts specification shall be bent to failure. be from the same heat as the components that they qualify. drogen type shall be stored and used as recommended by the consumable manufacturer to retain their original low hydro- gen properties. except that the ER is not required to ex. tensile properties. mining the required dimensions of an ASTM A370 keel block. In all cases test coupons shall cordance with ASME IX. Figure 3 illustrates the procedure for deter. nents.6 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION The material composition of each heat shall be analyzed 7. cordance with the applicable standard.5 WELD PROPERTIES for all elements specified in the manufacturerÕs written ma. mentioned standards. The temperature and time requirements for heat treatment cycles shall be determined in accordance with the 7. the procedure qualification test.1.5 MANUFACTURE 7.4 CONTROL OF CONSUMABLES manufacturerÕs or processorÕs written specification. The mechanical properties of the weld. the material within heat treatment furnaces shall be such that Both the WPS and the PQR shall be maintained as records the presence of any one part does not adversely affect the in accordance with the requirements of Section 11 of this heat treating response of any other part within the heat treat. or composi- envelope for a solid test coupon or within 1/8 inch (3 mil- tion. The gauge length on a tensile specimen ASME IX. The loading of ables of the weld procedure used for the qualification tests. tions. The ER of the qualification test coupon shall be 7.1 GENERAL equal to or greater than the equivalent round dimensions of This section describes requirements for the fabrication the part it qualifies. ment lot. nonessential. 7. All heat treatment operations shall be performed utilizing The procedure qualification record (PQR) shall record all equipment qualified in accordance with the requirements essential and supplementary essential (when required) vari- specified by the manufacturer or processor. Materials of low hy- treating equipment qualifications. 6. as listed in the applicable standard. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 9 complex sections. and/or ASTM A488. scribe all the essential. The WPS shall de- All wrought materials shall be manufactured using pro. AWS D1. and ing Society (AWS) or consumable manufacturerÕs specifica- heat treatment records shall be traceable to relevant compo. specification. the bend test shall be conducted in the following or the notch of an impact specimen shall be at least 1/4 thick- manner: A bend bar comprised of parent metal heat treated ness from the ends of the test coupon. and supplementary cesses that produce a wrought structure throughout the com. Test specimens shall be removed from integral or sepa- Welding procedures for base materials that are not listed rate qualifications test coupons such that their longitudinal in the above standards shall be qualified individually or as a center line axis is wholly within the center core 1/4 thickness group based on weldability. including attachment welds. This side bend speci- shall be removed from the center core 1/4 thickness envelope men shall then be capable of being bent to within 5 degrees location of the thickest section of the part. of the angle thus determined. This welding shall only be carried out by welders or weld- given the same working operations. The ER of a part shall be determined us. 6. Where the ductility of the parent metal is such as to ren- limeters) of the mid-thickness of the thickest section of a der it incapable of meeting the bend test requirements of hollow test coupon. essential (when requiredÑsee ASME Section IX) variables ponent. 7. All excavations.1 GENERAL cordance with the applicable qualified welding procedure specification (WPS).9 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS—REPAIR rials shall be indicated either on the equipment.2 QUALITY CONTROL PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS 7. or an equivalent standard inspect the nonconforming condition that is the cause of the approved by the manufacturer. AWS certified associate welding inspector.2. or ma- WELDS terials or in the records traceable to the equipment. or an examiner qualified to an facturerÕs welding procedure specification.1 NDE Personnel shall be qualified and/or certified in There shall be adequate access to evaluate. 8. test. appropriate methodology. Prior to any repair the manufacturer shall document the 8. or examine material or ¥ Defect type other equipment shall be identified. equivalent specification approved by the manufacturer. and mate- 7. and accordance with ASNT TC-1A.8 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS—FABRICATION tivities shall be detailed regarding the requirements of this WELDS specification and those of all applicable referenced specifi- Weld joint types and sizes shall meet the manufacturerÕs cations. repair. All NDE instructions shall be approved by an ASNT design requirements and shall be documented in the manu.7. The acceptance status of all equipment. prior to repair. or materials.1 Access 8. it shall repair shall meet the quality control requirements specified also be a procedure qualification requirement.9. ¥ Defect size limits and adjusted at specified intervals in accordance with docu- ¥ Definition of major/minor repairs mented manufacturer instructions.4 Heat Treatment In the case of attachment welds. b.2 through 7. and consistent with a rec- COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . This section specifies the quality control requirements for equipment and materials used in primary load carrying com- 7. ment in the applicable post-weld heat treated condition.2. be qualified in accordance with the manufacturerÕs docu- cedures shall be documented and shall be supplied at the pur. which shall include Requirements for quality control of welds shall be in ac. Welding pro. or plete fusion with the base material. chaserÕs request. 7. ing in the weld and base material heat affected zone (HAZ) shall meet the minimum requirements of the base material. A welding inspector certified by the manufacturerÕs doc- umented training program.9. parts. or available access for repair shall be such as to ensure com. calibrated. the following shall apply: 8. mented procedures. In addition to the requirements specified in 7.6 POST-WELD HEAT TREATMENT 8 Quality Control Post-weld heat treatment of components shall be in ac. heat treatment imparted to the repair item. Results of test. 7. The welding procedure specification used for qualifying quiring impact testing shall meet the above requirements. All quality control work shall be controlled by the manufacturerÕs documented instructions.3 All personnel performing other quality control ac- All repair welding shall be performed in accordance with tivities directly affecting material and product quality shall the manufacturerÕs written welding procedure. AWS certified welding inspector. only the HAZ of material re. TC-1A level III examiner. parts. and the subsequent weld When impact testing is required for the base material.9. Instructions for nondestructive examination (NDE) ac- 7.2 Personnel performing visual inspection of welding operations and completed welds shall be qualified and cer- 7. controlled.2 Fusion tified as follows: The selected welding procedure specification and the a. 8.3 Forgings and Castings 8.9. a repair shall reflect the actual sequence of weld repair and All weld testing shall be undertaken with the test weld.7 QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS ponents. remove. c. and quantitative and qualitative cordance with Section 8 of this Specification. in Section 8 of the Specification. acceptance criteria.2. parts. 10 API SPECIFICATION 7K mum specified mechanical properties required by the design.3 MEASURING AND TESTING EQUIPMENT following criteria for permitted repairs: Equipment used to inspect. 6. inspection. If magnetic particle indications greater than 1/16 inch lot identification. BS 8. pressure containing equipment and components unless spec.4. (1.4. chaplets Degree 1 Degree 1 ination.4. uid penetrant (LP) method in accordance with ASME Sec- tion V.4. magnetic permeability variations.1 relevant indications: only those indications 8.6.2 Definitions of Indications Methods and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with 6. Ferromagnetic materials shall be examined by the mag- netic particle (MP) method in accordance with ASME Sec- 8. be examined by liquid penetrant surface NDE or removed ponents through all stages of manufacturing and on the fin. Visual examination of castings 8. turerÕs documented procedures. 8. 8.6 Surface NDE All accessible surfaces of each finished component shall Table 2—Castings Indication Acceptance Criteria be inspected in accordance with this Section after final heat Maximum Permitted Degree treatment and final machining operations.4. tenance and replacement of identification marks and identi. Inherent indications not associated with a surface rupture (that is.4.3 Impact Testing with major dimensions greater than 1/16 inch (1. EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS or ASTM E709. 8. Article 7. The following definitions of indications should be used: 8.4 QUALITY CONTROL FOR SPECIFIC tion V.4. provided they are width.4.6. marks shall be removed by grinding and the affected areas rechecked by LP examination. Fasteners and pipe fittings shall be cular or elliptical with its length less than three times the exempt from the traceability requirements.5 Visual Examination The acceptance criteria are as follows: Components that do not qualify for full surface NDE shall be visually examined. Methods and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance When the use of prods cannot be avoided.4.2 linear indication: indication in which the traceability requirements shall include provisions for main.1 Method 5781). and reinspected to prove their nonrelevancy. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 11 ognized industry standard (for example.2.3. and so forth) are considered nonrele- Components shall be traceable by heat and heat treatment vant. The acceptance criteria shall be as specified in Table 2. other surfaces may be examined by apply to the critical areas of all primary load bearing and/or the wet method.4.2 Tensile Testing 8. MIL STD 120. all prod burn with 6.4. Subsection A. ered relevant. The equipment shall be disassembled for this IV Internal chills.4.4. Subsection A. For materials I Hot tears.6. V Porosity Degree 1 Degree 2 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . the qualifying Type Descriptions Areas Areas NDE shall be carried out after the load test.2. and Subsection B.6.2.6 millimeters) are believed to be nonrelevant.6 millime- Methods and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance ters) and associated with a surface rupture shall be consid- with 6. to maintain the required level of accuracy.4. and Subsection B.1 Chemical Analysis or ASTM E165. length is equal to or greater than three times the width. ished components or assembly. Article 6. Examination of ASTM E125 shall be applied as a reference standard for wrought material shall be in accordance with the manufac- the evaluation of magnetic particle indications on castings. Article 25.3 Acceptance Criteria 8. Nonferromagnetic materials shall be examined by the liq- ified otherwise. cracks None Degree 1 susceptible to delayed cracking.4. Article 24. Surface coating shall be removed prior to exam. marked in accordance with a recognized industry standard.3 and 6. Discontinuity Critical Noncritical If the equipment is subjected to a load test. NDE shall be done a minimum 24 hours after the III Inclusions Degree 2 Degree 2 load testing. 8.4 wet fluorescent method. 8. ManufacturerÕs documented 8.1 Castings shall meet the requirements of MSS SP-55.3 rounded indication: indication that is cir- fication control records.6.4 Traceability nonmetallic stringers.6. II Shrinkage Degree 2 Degree 2 facturer. 8. as identified by the manu. Machined surfaces shall be examined by the The quality control requirements in the paragraphs of 8. they shall Identification shall be maintained on materials and com.6. and shall be of such examination indicate that a satisfactory production ground to blend smoothly with the surrounding material. respectively) are not permitted. Ultrasonic Examination: The acceptance criteria for both 8. 8.2 of Article 5 in areas where a back reflection can. No relevant indications with a major dimension equal to of ASTM E446.1 Method tion B. depending on or greater than 3/16 inch (4. b. production lots less than ten. The remaining indication types shown in the reference ra- rated by less than 1/16 inch (1. c.2 Wrought Material amination of castings are: The following acceptance criteria apply for surface ex. are not available. No more than ten relevant indications in any continuous In all cases.6.1. identifying high stress areas. the wall thickness being examined. Radiography: The acceptance criteria for radiographic ex- amination of wrought materials: amination are based on the Standard Reference Radiographs a. 6-square-inch (39-square-centimeter) area. If critical area drawings stress relief features of thread joints.4. All primary load bearing and pressure con- castings shall be volumetrically examined in all critical ar. All fabrication welds shall be visu- umetric NDE on the following sampling basis as a mini. 8.7 millime- B.6 millimeters) edge to edge. one casting out of each production lot. the area drawings. which shall be remainder of the batch may be accepted and the initial non- used in conjunction with this section.7. ined by the same method(s) and should either of these two ¥ No rounded indications greater than 1/8 inch (3 mil- be found nonconforming. a. ¥ No relevant linear indication. Subsection A. hot tears.3 Acceptance Criteria The acceptance criteria for volumetric nondestructive ex- 8. Visual Examination. one out of every ten production b. and Subsection B.7. or ter final heat treatment. or ASTM E280. all areas shall be classified as critical.2 Sampling teria: Primary load bearing castings shall be examined by vol.4. a.6. The component(s) shall be examined by the ters] of surrounding base metal) and the entire accessible straight beam method in accordance with SA-609 of Article weld shall be examined in accordance with the methods and 23 and shall be supplemented by angle beam examination as acceptance criteria of this section. Subsection A. and F. No more than three relevant indications in a line sepa. Surface NDE.4. Should any casting show any indications outside the ac. identified then all surface areas of the component shall be considered critical. If the two additional castings are acceptable.8. pressure containing components shall be examined as de- c. ceptance criteria as defined in 8.3. where the angle between the two surfaces of the component is more than 15 degrees. taining welds and attachment welds to main load bearing and eas as identified on critical area drawings. ally examined in accordance with ASME V.4.1 General intensifying screens shall not be used. 8. The NDE required by this section shall be carried out af- not be maintained during the straight beam examination. All areas of initial or prototype castings shall be exam. cracks. Quality Level 3.4. No relevant indications in pressure sealing areas and Quality Level 3 in noncritical areas. and Subsection weldments (including a minimum of 1/2 inch [12.8 Nondestructive Examination of Welds dance with ASME Section V. mum: Article 9.7. in T-534. Subsec- 8. Radiographic examination of castings shall be in accor. Article 2. a.4.8.8 millimeters).4. Article 22 with the restriction that fluorescent 8. When examination is required. Article 23. diographs shall meet Quality Level 2 in all critical areas and d. essential welding vari- Ultrasonic examination shall be in accordance with ables and equipment shall be monitored and completed ASME Section V. ASTM E186. ¥ Undercuts shall not reduce the thickness in the af- ined by ultrasonic or radiographic methods until the results fected area to below the design thickness. Article 23. Article 5.4. or for or within 1/8 inch (3 millimeters) of sealing surfaces.4. b. technique has been established. 12 API SPECIFICATION 7K The manufacturer shall establish and maintain critical examined. all castings of that batch shall be limeters) for welds whose depth is 5/8 inch (17 millime- COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . Thereafter.4. scribed in 8.7 Volumetric Nondestructive Examination of straight beam and angle beam ultrasonic examination of Castings castings are based on SA-609 in ASME Section V. ¥ Surface porosity and exposed slag are not permitted on b. two more castings The following acceptance criteria shall apply: from that production lot as described above shall be exam.7.2 Fabrication Welding Fabrication welding shall be subject to the following cri- 8. E.3. If critical areas are not conforming casting repaired or scrapped. Subsection A. and inserts (defect types D. c. mary load bearing parts (excluding bearings). (220¡C) is not recommended unless appropriate materials d.8. cation at rated loads and temperatures less than 24¡F plied and held for a period of not less than 5 minutes.4. 8. the design functions of the equip.8. 9 Equipment 8. as applicable.4. B.6.8 FUNCTIONAL TESTING ple basis as defined and documented by the manufacturer.2. down to a level that will permit full surface NDE of all pri- ¥ No more than three relevant indications in a line sepa. All critical areas of the primary load bearing parts shall c. 8. mance with 8. and made traceable to the equipment being tested. diographic methods in accordance with ASME Section V.) dated. the relevant equipment headings of Section 9. The reduction of the pressure to zero. Primary load bearing and pressure con. The primary pressure-holding period. SR2.3 Repair Welds a. any operation. components. Repair welds shall be subject to the following criteria: b. Repair of Welds. Subsection A. NDE requirements for the repair of weld 8.6 PROOF LOAD TESTING 9.1 GENERAL When proof load testing is required.1.4. 8.) been thoroughly dried.4. sponsible for the determination of the Safe Working Load for ing surfaces.1 The hydrostatic test shall be carried out in three steps: 8.2. The secondary pressure-holding period. WARNING: Use of the equipment covered by this specifi- c.5 DIMENSIONAL VERIFICATION der the relevant equipment headings of Section 9. It is the equipment de- a.1. The equipment shall be mounted in a test fixture capable of loading the equipment in the same manner as in actual WARNING: The operator of the equipment shall be re- service and with the same areas of contact on the load bear.7. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 13 ters) or less than 3/16 inch (4. the equipment and the pressure shall be examined as described in 8. UW-51 and Appendix 12 general requirements shall apply: as appropriate. Following the load test. Acceptance crite. When hydrostatic testing of equipment is required under Acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with the re.2. rated by less than 1/16 inch (1. Div.8. the timing of which shall not start until the test b.4. (Refer to shall be used during testing. f. Each production unit or primary load carrying component signerÕs responsibility to determine the primary load path shall be load tested in accordance with the requirements of through the equipment and to define primary load carrying this Section. Article 5 and Article 2 respectively. Assembled equipment shall be subsequently stripped whose depth is greater than 5/8 inch (16 millimeters).6 millimeters) edge to edge. be gauged to the requirements of the relevant thread speci- fication(s).5 times the rated load shall be ap. Verification of dimensions shall be carried out on a sam. A test load equal to 1.) COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . (Refer to source. c. Volumetric NDE. Specific hydrostatic testing requirements are included un- 8.6. (See Appendix the equipment shall not be impaired by the load test. Repair Welds in Castings. Proper functioning of peratures have been used for the equipment. with the required toughness properties at lower design tem- ment shall be checked. 8. Rolling element bearings that would be dam.2 Calibrated pressure gauges and recording equipment defects are identical to those for the original weld. monitoring gauge have been isolated from the pressure ria shall be identical to those for fabrication welds.8.4. All repair welds in castings pressure has been reached. as indicated under the relevant equipment headings of Section 9. b. All excavations for weld repairs shall be examined by the magnetic particle method Both pressure-holding periods shall not be less than 3 and acceptance criteria as described in 8. and the external surfaces of the body members have 8. Specific functional testing requirements are included un- All main load bearing and pressure sealing threads shall der the relevant equipment headings of Section 9. I.8 millimeters) for welds e. a. aged by the test may be replaced by a load transfer device. Weld Preparation Examination. the following quirements of ASME VIII. Recorder graphs shall be signed. minutes.7. This ap.7 HYDROSTATIC TESTING plies to full penetration welds only. be subjected to magnetic particle examination in confor- taining welds shall be examined by either ultrasonic or ra. the following The requirements of Sections 4 through 8 apply to the pri- requirements shall apply: mary load carrying components of the covered equipment unless specifically noted otherwise. The sprockets. 5.600 shall conform to the requirements in Table 5 and Figure 7.1 Primary Load The distance Y between the center of the rotary table and The primary load is the axial load through the center of the center of the first row of sprocket teeth (see Figure 5) the rotary table.250 31.2.52 8 9.75 7/ 16 11.2. or primary load rating.4. have a common bolt circle. shall allowable working loads on the equipment in excess of those be furnished in the sizes shown in Table 3 and shall conform established under this specification. Extension Width Depth Rotary tables for use with the four-pin drive master bushings 10.11 ing design and manufacturing requirements.3.750 19. mm in. to the dimensions and tolerances shown in Table 3 and Fig- WARNING: The maximum working stress associated with ure 4.) Rotary tables for use with square drive master bushings Diameter of Keyway shall conform to the requirements of Table 4 and Figure 6.8 centimeters) for machines that will not pass a 20-inch (50.) WARNING: Design Safety Factor is intended as design cri.938 100.7 Demountable Rotary Table Sprockets No.001 20.001 20.40 3/ 8 9.5. that will not pass a 20-inch (50. the distance table shall be equal to or less than the static load capacity of of 53 1/4 inches (135.000 25. with straight pinion-shaft extensions.55 0.8-centimeter) bit or larger and shall 9.12. 9. for a rotary ment between the manufacturer and purchaser.3 centimeters) may be used on machines the main bearing. by agree- The static load rating.4.6.500 125. both single-strand and double- 2 3.52 8.1.3 Operating Temperature tance Y shall be either 53 1/4 (135. Rotary torque is not taken as a primary load. Table 3—Rotary Table Pinion-Straight 9. see 9. 6.250 107.03 centimeters) or 65 inches (165. mm in. 4.000 25.4.05 1/ 4 6.2. 20. mm Demountable rotary table sprockets are shown in Table 6 1 3.35 and Figure 8.1 centimeters) for the 49 1/2-inch (125.6 Rotary Table Openings Shaft Extension (See Figure 4.8-centimeter) bit.250 82.8 The requirements of 4.2.55 mm) C B A 25/8" min.8-centimeter) bit.000 Size A B C 9.2 ROTARY TABLES 9. 3/ 4 4.2. shall be 53 1/4 inches (135. 9. design.52 strand. in.5 Drive Sprocket 9.000 10.30 1.4 Rotary Table Pinion-Shaft Extension teria and shall not under any circumstances be construed as Rotary tables.000 10. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . tary table opening.95 1.2.3 centimeters) for machines that will pass a 20-inch (50. and 8.000 25. This paragraph does not preclude tapered or other the Design Load shall not exceed the maximum allowable straight rotary table pinion-shaft extensions as an alternative stress. 14 API SPECIFICATION 7K Y (See Figure 5) 3/8" R (9.40 8 9.2 Static Load Rating be 44 inches (111. The dis- 9.7 shall not apply.40 3/ 9. (66. For antifriction bear- 5 4.2. 8.2.68 mm) C L 1st row of teeth Figure 4—Rotary Table Pinion-Straight Shaft Extension (See Table 3 for dimensions.7-centimeter) ro- The operating temperature for rotary tables is 32¡F (0¡C). These distances may be stamped on the name plate (if used) attached to the rotary table. 8. except that.2.43 1. 3 4. 7.457 ) Y C L Figure 5—Rotary Table with Square Drive Bushings (See 9.397) 4" min.4.) 9. Dimensions for four-pin drive master bushings 9.1.3. Square drive master bushings and rotary table square drive 9.1 Rotary slips shall have a taper of 4 inches per foot shall conform to the requirements in Table 5 and Figure 7.2.4 ROTARY SLIPS master bushings shall conform to the requirements of Table 4 and Figure 6. sional interchangeability only and shall not be load rated.8 shall not Master bushings are included for the purpose of dimen. 8. apply. and 8. Pin drive kelly bushing dimensions are shown in Figure 7.3.333 centimeters per meter) on the diameter and other COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . ( and 9. taper per foot on diameter Cut-away Showing Master Bushing ( 101. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 15 131/2" +0 –1/64 ( +0 342.4 Requirements 9. tables so that a smaller size master bushing may be used. ±0. 8.3 ROTARY BUSHINGS 9. Kelly Square Drive Bushing Removed 101.1 Kelly Bushing Bushing adapters are included for the purpose of dimen- Kelly bushings are included for the purpose of dimensional sional interchangeability only and shall not be load rated.4.2 Master Bushing The requirements of 8. 9. interchangeability only and shall not be load rated.4.9—0. Square Bushing adapters are used to reduce the openings of rotary drive kelly bushing dimensions are shown in Figure 5.6 from Table 9° 27' 45". ±2' 30" KELLY PIPE SLIPS 4".3 Bushing Adapters ±0. 000 in.113 20.030 mm Ñ Ñ Ñ 9.35 133.1 Product Marking mm Nominal Table Manual tongs furnished in conformance with this speci- Size fication shall be marked with the manufacturerÕs name or 2 2 2 2 2 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ in.5.5.963 538. as described in 8.381 +0.3 Serialization B1 Each complete item of equipment shall be marked with a 28 1/16 unique serial number that shall provide traceability to its 20. 16 API SPECIFICATION 7K Concen.1 Spider bodies furnished in conformance with this Square Drive Master Bushing specification shall be marked with the manufacturerÕs name 133. 1/ 1/ 1/ Ñ Ñ Design verification load test. 8.35 133.8 A shall not apply.6.5 SPIDERS NOT CAPABLE OF USE AS D1 ELEVATORS 4 4 4 in.794 0.3 The requirements of 8.000 20.163 715.2 Load rating of rotary slips is not required.50 952. Components with a specified minimum yield strength of 7/ 7/ 7/ 7/ in.50 520. 3/ 3/ 3/ Ñ Ñ 1 1 1 Load rating of safety clamps is not required.35 133.015 2 2 2 2 2 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ in.2. 9.6 and Figure 5. Ñ 17 20 27 37 at least 45. 20.000 pounds per square inch (310 megapascals) shall be from materials possessing a minimum impact tough- 44.030 21 1/16 28 1/16 18 1/6 in. and 8.6.45 44.4.300 20.4.7 MANUAL TONGS 444. mark and the rated load.7. 1/ 1/ 1/ Ñ Ñ Primary load carrying components shall be uniquely 5 5 5 marked as specified in 8. and 8.762 +0. mm Ñ Ñ Rotary Table Opening C 9.8 1/ 1/ shall not apply.000 mm Ñ The following impact toughness values apply to spider bodies: A1 (See Figures 5 and 6.000 TIR 32 32 32 in. 461.762 mm Ñ Ñ 9.50 1257.4.4.000 +0. 9.5 Design Verification Test 4 4 4 in.45 44.) 20.4.913 519.4. suitable dimensions to permit operations in standard master tricity 0.794 TIR mm Ñ Ñ bushings. 8. Ñ Ñ 1/ 9.350 tricity 20.250 +6.4.30 9.70 696. 3/ 3/ 3/ Ñ Ñ (220¡C) minimum impact toughness shall be 20 foot- 1 1 1 pounds (27 joules) with no individual value less than 15 133.45 44.575 20. +0.000 a.35 133.000 pounds per square inch (310 megapascals).963 20.6.5. Ñ Ñ 9.4. 8.500 520. Max.000 18 1/8 21 1/8 +0.35 mm or mark and the rating.700 696. mm Ñ Ñ b. Ñ Ñ manufacturing history.015 16 16 16 16 +0. Table 4—Rotary Table Opening and Square Drive Master Bushing 460.5.6.6 SAFETY CLAMPS NOT USED AS A HOISTING DEVICE 444. 44. shall apply.794 0.6.45 ness of 25 foot-pounds (42 joules) at 24¡F (220¡C).5.5. 20. Refer to 9.381 mm 9.500 1257. Components with a specified yield strength of less than D 45.500 952.4.45 mm Ñ Ñ 9.45 44.000 +0.000 +0.4 Impact Toughness 442. the 24¡F Max.4. Ñ Ñ C1 9. 9.2 The requirements of 8.4. shall 5 5 5 apply.913 950.35 foot-pounds (20 joules). 17 20 27 37 49 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .2 Component Traceability 4 4 4 in. 4 4 4 in.Concen.7.913 696. as described in 5.6 Proof Load Test B Proof load testing.4.000 +0. 8.4.375 536. 17 20 27 37 49 9. 7.151 41/4 107. mm in.200 2. ± 2' 30" taper per side) +1/16 101/8 –0 ( +1.931 Ñ Ñ 491/2 1257.600 2.565 65.79 ±0.95 2.175 371/2 952.265 82.588 6 0. or range of diameters. ± 0.) 9. mm in.3.000 pounds per square inch (310 megapascals) The size class designation for manual tongs shall repre.005 6 0. mm in.95 3.397 C1 1/64" Max 1/64"Max eccentricity eccentricity (0.35) 131/16 ±1/64 C 4° 331.050 3. Components with a specified yield strength of less than 45.000 ) A A1 Diameter Diameter Figure 6—Rotary Table Opening and Square Drive Master Bushing (See 9.6 and 9. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 17 B B1 D D1 134/16" +1/64 ( 344.39 –0. mm in.265 82.175 201/2 520.95 2.333 cm/m ) (9° 27' 45".233 41/4 107.3 Impact Toughness (220¡C) minimum impact toughness shall be 20 foot- 9.472 62.50 253/4 654.95 3.000 pounds per square inch (310 megapascals).397) REF 813/16" 4".7.472 62.3. b. the 24¡F 9.395 86.565 65.005 6 0.127 20 20 20 20 in.018 Taper per foot on diameter ( 33.175 271/2 698.588 257.127 6 0. mm in.789 143/8 365.588 1 1/ 1 1.395 86.050 3.50 253/4 654.7.125 101/8 257.00 ) –0 134/16" +1/64 –0 Optional relief 1/4" Relief Relief min 45° (6.931 143/8 365.2.2 Size Class Designation a. for which the tong ness of 31 foot-pounds (42 joules) at 24¡F (220¡C).18 –0. Components with a specified minimum yield strength of at least 45.233 41/4 107. shall be from materials possessing a minimum impact tough- sent the diameter.50 19 482.789 143/8 365.2 and Table 4.1 The following impact toughness values apply to pounds (27 joules) with no individual value less than 15 primary load path components except hinge pins.49 + 0.588 16 16 Size 6 1/16 6 1. mm 171/2 444. Table 5—Four-Pin Drive Master Bushing and Kelly Bushing (See Figure 7.125 101/8 257.151 41/4 107.70 23 584.125 101/8 257. mm in. is designed.30 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .) Nominal F G H I J K Table 1 1/ 1 1. foot-pounds (20 joules). 16 signed. 5.2 Size Class Designation 21/2P Single 17 Ñ Ñ 13/4P Double 25 121/16 306.6.2. Jaw hinge pins of wrought material shall be exempt from this requirement.3.7. shall apply. 9.8.1. 9.1.91 19/ 32 15. shall apply. or range of diameters.5 and 9.8. A B cation shall be marked with the manufacturerÕs name or Type Minimum in. Section 8 in its entirety shall not apply.2.) 9. 6. The requirements of 4. 5.7. 6.3. for which the tong is de.4.2.39 13/ 10. mm in.2.7.5 Proof load testing.2.1 Product Marking Teeth Diameter.5.) 9.2.63 5/ 7. as described in 8. Sprocket Sprocket. 18 API SPECIFICATION 7K 1 B F G-diameter drive hole J C1 H I 4" ± 0. and Table 5.8. Table 6—Demountable Rotary Sprocket Data (See 9. and 9. 9.08 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .6. at Groove. 13/4P Single 23 Ñ Ñ 2P Single 21 Ñ Ñ 9.32 The size class designation for power tongs shall represent 32 2P Double 22 117/8 301.2 Hinge pins shall have a minimum impact tough.6.94 the diameter. mm mark and size class.4 Design verification load test.8 POWER TONGS Sprocket Sprocket Groove Thickness 9.3 Requirements ness of 11 foot-pounds (15 joules) at 24¡F (220¡C).4.2. 4.3.018" Pin Drive taper per foot Kelly Bushing 9° 27' 45" ± 2'-30" taper per side (33. as described in 5.3. 21/2P Double 19 127/16 315. on Maximum Minimum Power tongs furnished in conformance with this specifi.333 cm/meter) K A1 Pin Drive Master Bushing Figure 7—Pin Drive Master Bushing and Kelly Bushing (See 9. 9.4.000 48/ 64 1 -8NC 13/4 13/8 Line-shaft extensions for catheads shall be furnished in 2 Retainer Threads Size 20. in letters 1/4 inch (6.1 Size and Dimensions No.4. and shall conform to the dimensions and tolerances 4 5.10.10 ROTARY HOSE 9.) 9. as specified on the purchase or- 3 5. the size number.250 7/ 8 11/2 -6NC 2 2 der.250 111/4b (273 mm) max dia dia ( A B C D E F G 1 4. For antifriction bearing de.250 7/ 8 11/2 -6NC 13/4 2 the sizes shown in Table 7.6.6 mm) B 1/16 C A L 45° 7/8 103/4a dia max 63/4 7. 5. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .1 Primary Load Path 9. tween the top of the standpipe and the swivel that allows for The operating temperature for drawworks is 32¡F (0¡C). 4.3.150 mm) (34.3. 6. 8.2 Requirements (All dimensions in inches.9.45 mm) (184.7 and Table 6.23 mm) dia 7.562 71/4 1. (285.93 mm) (285.000 71/4 1.8 mm) counterbore dimension applies to sprockets with minimum number of teeth. (273 mm) is maximum hub diameter to allow for chain clearance.2.1. Large sign and manufacturing requirements.12. This can be increased for sprockets with more than the minimum number of teeth to as much as the dimensions A minus B.8 mm) HUB Single Double Sprocket Sprocket a10 3/4 in. Diam of 8. End of Keywaya Taper.8.250 7/ 11/2 -6NC 2 2 shown in Table 7 and Figure 9 unless the drawworks is fur.2 Marking The primary load path shall be considered to be the me. see 9. a Straight length of keyway shall be not less than B minus 1/4 inch. See Figure 9. ad- jacent to the start of the taper. Width.331 61/2 1.001 Depth Size Depth Chamfer 9. Figure 8—Demountable Rotary Sprocket (See 9.19 mm) 11/32 8 holes EQ SP ON 9" BC (228.4 mil- limeters) high. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 19 (26.3. 9. 9. and Primary Load Path 9. Lgth. and the letters API.3 Line-Shaft Extension for Cathead 10.001 Taper 20.9 DRAWWORKS COMPONENTS 9.4.252 max (22.1 Definitions The primary load path components for a drawworks shall be limited to those loaded by the fast line load when the Rotary drilling hose is used as the flexible connector be- main drum brake is engauged.201 mm) 13/8 min (184.4. Table 7—Line-Shaft Extensions for Catheads 9.3. 8 nished with integral catheads.6. 8.7 shall not apply.) The requirements of 4. as shown in Table 7. See Appendix E for metric table.000 of 10.500 71/4 1. b11 1/4 in. Line-shaft extensions for catheads manufactured in con- chanical elements (exclusive of hydraulic power transmission formance with this specification shall be die stamped with components) through which the torque is applied or resisted. such as liners. clamps.2 meters) and less. piston rods.7 Test Pressure meters) and over. and 8 shall not apply. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .6 Connections 9. Additional lengths of vibrator hose notation ÒAttach Safety Clamp Here. Markings. and Line components. the working pressure.4. pistons.4. hose cover.3. plicable pressure specified in Table 8 and held for a mini- tween the mud pump manifold and the standpipe manifold mum period of 1 minute. upon agreement of the user and the manufacturer. and 8.7 shall not apply. and Thread Inspection of Casing.9 Marking Sections 5. sembly is pressure tested in accordance with Table 8 with 8.10. except as noted in 9. 20 API SPECIFICATION 7K 11/2" (125 mm/m) C taper per foot on diameter D E G A F 30° 1/2" (12.10.3 Requirements sure of at least 2-1/2 times the working pressure. 4. shall be vulcanized or similarly affixed into the hose cover.1 General Rotary hose assemblies shall be furnished with external 9. the hose assemblies when other connections are applied. heads.5.6.2. and the man- ufacturerÕs identification.4. pressure with the exception of expendable items and closure Gauging.Ó Each length of hose may be ordered.1 The primary load bearing components for a slush connections threaded with line-pipe threads as specified in pump shall be defined as those containing the discharge API Specification 5B: API Specification for Threading. 6.5 Dimensions tinctive colors. and lengths of drilling hose may be ordered shall have a longitudinal lay line of a different color than the in 5-foot increments.4.2 The requirements of 4. Each hose assembly shall be individually tested at the ap- Rotary vibrator hoses are used as flexible connectors be. internal pressure.10.1.1. 9. Additionally.1. The marking ÒSpec 7KÓ may be retained on packing glands. covers.4.10.10. packing.2. Pipe Threads. 8.11 SLUSH PUMP COMPONENTS 9. when the hose man- Rotary drilling hose and rotary vibrator hose shall be fur- ufacturer does not install safety clamps. 7.11. 9.11. It is usually used in lengths of 45 feet (13.8 Working Pressure 9.6. For antifriction bear- other connections in place.7 9. each hose end shall nished in the sizes and lengths given in Table 8 as specified be marked (at the locations specified in Figure 10) with the on the purchase order. Tubing. The hose shall be designed to have a minimum burst pres- 9. The hose assembly conforming to this specification shall 9. 4.4. ing design and manufacturing requirements. vertical travel.2 Primary Load The maximum working pressure of the hose assembly shall be that shown in Table 8.10. see 9. Dimensions of rotary hose shall conform to the require- ments of Table 8 and Figure 10. The requirements of 4.2. whether embossed or printed in dis- 9.6.10. They are usually used in lengths of 30 feet (9. to accommodate alignment and isolate vibration. 8. 5.12.11. 9. and all paragraphs of 9.10. if the as. valves and seats.7 mm) Standoff of hub B (Length of Taper) Figure 9—Line-Shaft Extension for Cathead (See Table 7 for dimensions. and fasteners.2. bushings. plugs.4 Sizes be marked with Spec 7K. The surge pressures encoun- The primary load for a rotary hose shall be taken as the tered in the system shall be included in the working pressure. 2 Slush Pump Piston Rod and Piston Body be pressure tested in production to 1.B.000 12 4 C.11.E Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 7500 Ñ Ñ 8000 10.D. single acting pumps. See Recommended Practice 7L on slush pump nomen- dance with 8. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 21 Table 8—Rotary Vibrator and Drilling Hose Dimensions and Pressures (See Appendix E for metric table.D Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 Ñ Ñ Ñ 8000 10.000 55 4 C.000 15. Fluid End pressure.000 15.E 1500 2000 4000 5000 7500 3000 4000 8000 10.3.000 15.C.B.C.000 Ñ 15 5 C.E 1500 2000 4000 5000 7500 3000 4000 8000 10.000 Ñ 60 5 C.3 Pressure rated items.000 30 3 A.000 75 4 C.4 Cast components of the slush pump suction hy.E Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 7500 Ñ Ñ 8000 10.D.11.B.000 15. Hydrostatic testing shall be performed in accor.E Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 7500 Ñ Ñ 8000 10.D.E 1500 2000 4000 5000 7500 3000 4000 8000 10.E 1500 2000 4000 5000 7500 3000 4000 8000 10.B.000 21/2 20 3 A.C.E 1500 2000 4000 5000 7500 3000 4000 8000 10.1.000 10 5 C.000 15.000 10 4 C. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .000 Ñ 4 30 5 C.1.D.E Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 7500 Ñ Ñ 8000 10.000 15.E Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 7500 Ñ Ñ 8000 10.000 12 3 A.000 31/2 30 4 C.D.000 Ñ 75 5 C. Length.000 15.000 15.E Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 7500 Ñ Ñ 8000 10. psi Test Pressure.D Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 Ñ Ñ Ñ 8000 10.C.000 15 4 C.000 15. Size.D. 12 for double acting pumps and Table 10 and Figure 13 for scribed in 9.D.000 15.D.2.000 15.000 15 3 A.D Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 Ñ Ñ Ñ 8000 10.000 15. 9.D.D. 50 3 A.E 1500 2000 4000 5000 7500 3000 4000 8000 10.D.000 55 3 A.) Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade D L T Grade A B C D E A B C D E 2 35 21/2 A.000 15.E Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 7500 Ñ Ñ 8000 10.11.1 Sizes and Dimensions draulic circuit shall be hydrostatically tested in production Fluid ends of slush pump piston rods and piston body to twice the manufacturerÕs rated suction pressure. clature and maintenance of slush pump components.E 1500 2000 4000 5000 7500 3000 4000 8000 10.000 Ñ 70 5 C.B. psi in.B 1500 2000 Ñ Ñ Ñ 3000 4000 Ñ Ñ Ñ 40 21/2 A.D Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 Ñ Ñ Ñ 8000 10.000 Ñ 55 5 C.D Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 Ñ Ñ Ñ 8000 10.D Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 Ñ Ñ Ñ 8000 10.000 15.000 Ñ 20 5 C.D Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 Ñ Ñ Ñ 8000 10. Working Pressure.000 15.C.1.000 70 4 C.000 15. The test bores shall be in accordance with Table 9 and Figures 11 and procedure shall be the same as for discharge components de.B.D.D Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 Ñ Ñ Ñ 8000 10.C. ft in.000 20 4 C.5 times the working Bore.E Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 7500 Ñ Ñ 8000 10.000 Ñ 12 5 C.D.D. as defined in 9.C.D.000 60 4 C.D Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 Ñ Ñ Ñ 8000 10.C 1500 2000 4000 Ñ Ñ 3000 4000 8000 Ñ Ñ 10 3 A. shall 9.B.D.1.) Threads Size (Line Inside Standard Pipe Diam.B.E Ñ Ñ 4000 5000 7500 Ñ Ñ 8000 10.1.000 Ñ 9. 010. 22 API SPECIFICATION 7K L F F D T Safety clampa Safety clampa Figure 10—Rotary Vibrator and Drilling Hose Dimensions FÑFor Rotary Hose. Length Diam Length of of Point of In. and the taper number. Piston shoulder face P shall be square to the center the dimensions given in Tables 9 and 10 and shall be con.000 1/ 4 Ñ 17/8-8UN-2A 6 23/4Ð231/32 91/8 2.229 115/16 211/16 1.875 4 31/2 Ñ 1. 20. min.000 inch.250 1/ 4 Ñ 11/4-8UN-2A 4 17/8Ð27/32 8 1.4 millimeters) to 18 inches (457. only (column 12).000 1/ 4 Ñ 21/4-8UN-2A 5HPb 23/4Ð31/2 85/8 2. this dimension shall be 6 inches (152. See Figures 11 and 12. of Diam. line within 0. Max. 6 HP.0 millimeters) from the inboard end of the coupling. High M and N of pistons and rods shall be square to the center line pressure pistons number 5 HP and 6 HP are dimensionally Table 9—Fluid End of Double Acting Slush Pump Piston Rods and Piston Body Bores (All dimensions in inches.13 millimeters) TIR.3 Piston and Rod Shoulders ing to this specification shall be marked with the manufac- For 5 HP.000 1/ 4 Ñ 7/ -9UNC-2A 8 2 11/4Ð115/32 51/8 1. column 8. See Appendix E for metric table. Bore. For rod number 3 and larger.000 0.002 S Thread No. they shall be accurate copies of the master gauges. and single acting pistons.041 11/32 17/8 1. Double Acting.Ó 9. A B C D E F Gc H J K Min. Taper. shoulder faces turerÕs name or mark. Boss. Spec 7K.005 inch.854 19/16 215/16 1.279 23/8 215/16 1. this dimension shall be 6 inches (152. Marking shall be as follows: a.11.) Piston Piston Rod Piston & Rod Major Length Diam Gauge Diam Taper.729 23/8 211/16 1. Designation 1 1Ð17/32 37/8 1. Pistons.2. b Recomended as a substitute for API 6HP piston for reduced liner sizes only.474 19/32 211/16 1. 20. aHose manufacturers shall mark the hose with the notation ÒAttach Safety Clamp Here. Taper.000 1/ 4 Ñ 1-8UNC-2A 3 11/2Ð127/32 71/8 1.001 61/16 61/8 10.4 Marking ANSI B1. Diam.005 inch (0. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .041 0.113 21/4-8UN-2A a Selected diameter tolerances for API rod numbers 1 and 2: 10.010.000 0.2.000 11/2 13/4 Ñ 0.000 1/ 4 Ñ 11/2-8UN-2A 5 21/4Ð223/32 85/8 2. trolled by class X gauges conforming to the stipulations in 9. Per Piston Rod of Rod Rod of Perfect Thread Piston Cylindrical Center Ft on & Rod Diam End.750 41/2 41/8 Ñ 2. Thread.113 17/8-8UN-2A 6HP 3Ð31/2 91/8 2.250 4 41/8 Ñ 2.2 millimeters) from the inboard end of the coupling. 21/16 60.500 23/8 81/2 Ñ 1.03 millimeters) total indicator reading Threads on rod ends and in retainer nuts shall conform to (TIR).250 21/2 23/8 Ñ 1.725 41/4 43/8 21/16 2. relates to dimension S. c Dimension G. Pistons with a taper conform- 9.001 inch (0. Standoff Taper Rangea 61/16 60.4 millimeters) to 10 inches (254.225 33/4 43/8 111/16 2.2. If supplementary production or working gauges are used.979 29/ 32 13/8 1. For Vibrator Hose.2 Threads within 0.229 115/16 215/16 1.002 61/64 Piston 60. 10. 125" (3.8 mm) R Break 0.6 mm) × 45° PISTON Break G A Taper K C 1/8" (3.4 mm) (1.4 mm) Max 9/16" (14.4 mm) R or (1.2 mm) R when H shoulder occurs 1/8" (3.4 mm) × 45° Shoulder N Shoulder P HP Piston 45° Taper K A Break 9/16 1/8R Min Max G (14.4 mm) R or 1/16" R Max 3/32" (2.2 mm) (3.2 mm) D E B Figure 12—Tapers 5 HP and 6 HP COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .2 mm) C Max Opt 1/8" 0.2 mm) Shoulder M 1/8" R Min (3.125 " H End Ext (3.6 mm) 3/32" (2.2 mm) C Fillets and undercut dia to be prestressed by coldworking Undercut Detail J 1/16R Max C S L with piston shouldered 3/32" (2. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 23 J S C Piston (handtight) 3/32" (2.2 mm) E D B Figure 11—Tapers 1 Through 6 Break 1/64" (0.3 mm) Max 1/32" (0.3 mm) (3. in the sizes given in Table 11.11. this end shall be marked with forming to this specification shall be marked with the man. Single Acting. ±1/16 maximum ±1/64 Thread Piston No.11. C B ± 1/16" (±1. Pistons.3. Spec 7K and the connection number from Table 11 or Table 12.3 Slush Pump Crosshead. Crosshead specification shall be marked with the manufacturerÕs name Extension. Tapered Thread Type tension end of the piston rod shall be marked with Spec 7K 9. Piston rods conforming to this crosshead extensions. See Appendix E for metric table. Series specification on the fluid end shall be marked with the man.499 57/16 17/8 31/4 11/2-8UN-2A 1. Spec 7K. and Piston Rod Connections— or mark. Spec 7K and the taper thread number or the straight thread ufacturerÕs name or mark. forms to 9. Diameter. and piston rods shall be 8 TPI. d. number. See Figure 13. Nominal A B C D Designation Bore SA-2 1 0. If the crosshead extension end of the piston rod con- b.6 mm) Figure 13—Fluid End of Single Acting Slush Pump Piston Rod and Piston Body Bore (See Table 10. It is permissible to ufacturerÕs name or mark. c.2 mm) max. Tapered thread type connections between crossheads.503 interchangeable with pistons 5 and 6.) COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . and the taper number. Rods. Connection Diameter.497Ð1.997Ð0.000Ð1. Shoulder N Shoulder M Shoulder P PISTON Seal required dimensions optional ±1/64" (±0. Class 2A-2B modified. Spec 7K. ber.1 or 9.11. Shoulder. Pistons with straight bores con.1 Sizes and the taper thread number or the straight thread number from Table 11 or Table 12. 24 API SPECIFICATION 7K Table 10—Fluid End of Single Acting Slush Pump Piston Rods and Piston Body Bores (All dimensions in inches. and the connection num- stamp both tapers on shoulder P.3.11.4 mm) R Optional Full thread Last 45° 1/8" (3. The crosshead ex.) Piston Rod Start Length of Thread Piston Rod from Shoulder and Rod Connection Rod End.3.003 SA-4 11/2 1. Single Acting. UN. Diameter.500Ð1. Piston rods conforming to this 9. Rods.999 43/16 11/2 2 1-8UNC-2A 1.4 mm) Optional Optional A D 3/32" (2.2. Double Acting. 8 aAll threads are 8TPI.030 foot (166. 20. Thread.3 2 50. internal threads may be truncated parallel to taper of thread b. Cumulative lead toler- Tapered thread type connections shall conform to dimen.9 123/32 43.4 71/2 190.020. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 25 Table 11—Crosshead.7 67/8 174.8 T20 6 152.015 inch (0.2 2 50. g.0 61/4 158.25 A.000 inch (+0.2 Thread Dimensions and Tolerances e. and Figure 15 and the fol.38 millimeter) wide.7 1 25.4 T6 15/8 41.2 33/4 95. Tapered threads shall have a taper of 2 inches per shall be truncated parallel to taper to produce a flat 0.0022 inch per inch (± 0.7 1 25.8 T17 41/2 114. h. Root on both internal and ex- with a tolerance of +0.8 T16 4 101.0022 millimeter per millimeter). mm in. Straight threads truncated same as sign axis. 20) for external threads.001 inch per inch (0.5 T14 31/4 82. B = erance of straight threads shall be as designated in Table 4.0005 inch per inch of length.8 17/8 47. Figure 14.1 21/4 57.8 19/16 39.6 41/16 103.3. ternal threads shall be truncated parallel to thread axis to pro- limeter) for internal threads and 10.4 13/4 44.6 11/4 31. Thickness.8 T18 5 127.5 11/4 31.51 duce a flat 0.6 113/32 35.056 millimeter). Half angle tolerance of thread angle shall lowing tolerances: be ± 1 degree. 20.4 11/4 31. Requirements for gauges and gauging practice are given in d. Thread.5 23/16 55.4 3/ 4 19.9 21/4 57. mm in.7 1 25.76 millimeter) wide.4 11/2 38. sions given in Table 11.9 43/8 111.3 T13 3 76.9 37/16 87.8 21/4 57.8 13/4 44.2 T5 11/2 38.1.8 21/2 63. at option of manufacturer.000. Length. Series UN.1 T12 23/4 69. Concentricity. Root of millimeter. Lead.0022 inch (± 0.5 15/8 41.6 5 127. mm in.4 7/ 8 22. Pitch Diameter.2 2 50.1 T3 11/4 31.8 11/8 28.67 millimeters per meter) on pitch cone diameter inch (0. Truncation.6 11/4 31. and Piston Rod Connections— Tapered Thread Type (See Figure 14.020 inch (+0.4 3/ 4 19. Crest on both internal and external threads a.8 T19 51/2 139.1 17/8 47. Face of internal thread member shall this section.3 53/8 142.8 1 25.11.2 2 50.9 T11 21/2 63. mm T1 1 25.1.1 13/8 34.8 T10 21/4 57. Crosshead Extension.8 1 25.51 mil. Angular misalignment of thread axis with rod de. tapered threads. ance shall be ± 0.3 13/4 44.4 T7 13/4 44.8 11/8 28.1 T2 11/8 28.5 21/4 57.5 11/2 38. be perpendicular to thread axis within 0. Class 2A-2B modified.6 21/4 57.6 211/32 59.6 T15 31/2 88.) Length Length of of Nominal Taper Straight Locknut Taper Size. Threads shall be concentric with rod de. Thread Aa B C D Number in. Taper. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . f.3 21/32 51. 20.2 2 50.6 11/4 31. 9.6 T8 17/8 47.6 T9 2 50.0 21/4 57.1 11/4 31.2 213/16 71. 1.2 2 50.001 millimeter per millimeter) of face diameter. Lead tolerance shall be ± 0. Total length of external threads = B + C.2 2 50. Perpendicularity. Pitch diameter and pitch diameter tol- c. sign axis shall not exceed 0.4 7/ 8 22. Thread Angle.5 11/2 38. ANSI B1.2 T4 13/8 34.8 1 25.2 2 50.5 31/8 79. 9 7 7/ 200.3 5 3/4 146.3 4 8 S13 3 76.7 mm/m) on pitch cone diameter on pitch cone diameter Figure 14—Crosshead.6 8 S9 2 50.7 2 13/32 61.8 S20 6 152. Series UN.1 7/ 8 22.0 6 1/ 158.1 6 5/8 168.4 1 1/4 31. mm in.3 2 1/32 51.7 2 50. mm in. Thread.6 S15 3 1/2 88.3 1 25.8 2 8 8 S18 5 127. and Piston Rod Connections—Tapered Thread Type (See Table 11.2 S4 1 3/8 34.4 4 5/16 109.1 3/ 4 19.6 1 1/ 4 31.2 3/ 4 19.0 2 50.9 1 23/32 43.6 3 9/32 83.7 2 9/16 65.0 7 1/4 184.8 4 2 S19 5 1/2 139.5 4 101.8 2 1/2 63..5 3 1/8 79.2 S5 1 1/ 38.2 2 50. 26 API SPECIFICATION 7K Table 12—Crosshead.2 3 3/4 95.1 S2 1 1/8 28.3 5 3/16 131. Thread.6 4 1/16 103.6 3 7/16 87.7 6 7/ 8 174.2 2 13/16 71. Min.4 1 25.8 1 1/ 38.8 2 50.9 4 3/8 111.5 1 3/ 8 34.8 S16 4 101.8 S17 4 1/ 114.8 2 1/4 57.4 4 7/8 123.6 5 127.6 2 11/32 59.3 2 50.5 9 3/ 247.7 mm/m) 8 TPI and 2" TPF (166.8 1 9/16 39. Thread Aa B C D Number in.) Length of Length of Locknut Nominal Internal External Thickness Straight Size.1 1 7/8 47. Crosshead 3/32" min (2.1 7/ 8 22.5 S14 3 1/4 82.1 2 2 S12 2 3/ 69.8 1 5/ 41.8 S10 2 1/4 57.9 3 7/16 87.9 2 50.) COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . Class 2A-2B. mm in.2 6 1/16 154.4 2 S6 1 5/ 41.3 5 3/ 142. mm S1 1 25. and Piston Rod Connections—Straight Thread Type (See Figure 17.6 3 1/8 79.5 3 19/32 91.4 mm) x 45° chamfer B B B C B C A A Locknut Piston rod Crosshead D extension D 8 TPI and 2" TPF (166.5 2 3/16 55.1 1 3/ 4 44.6 1 13/32 35.7 2 23/32 69.8 2 4 aAll threads are 8 TPI.9 S11 2 1/ 63.3 1 1/8 28.3 1 1/8 28.6 4 S8 1 7/ 47.4 8 S7 1 3/ 44.4 7 1/ 190.0 1 7/ 8 47.6 9 1/ 8 231.1 S3 1 1/4 31.8 8 1/ 215. Crosshead Extension. Crosshead Extension. 6 Threads crosshead extensions.4.4.3 Locknuts Crosshead extension and piston rod locknuts shall be fur. Threads shall be concentric with rod de.4. and shall be gauged in accordance with Slush pump valve pots shall be furnished in the sizes and ANSI B1.11. and piston rods shall be 8 TPI.11.2 mm) Thread axis 90° (3.4.79 mm) (0.2. Crosshead extension and piston rod locknuts shall be fur- nished in accordance with Figure 18.4. The following requirements are also applicable: dimensions given in Table 13 and Figure 19 or as specified a. Crosshead extension and piston rod locknuts shall be fur- nished in accordance with 9. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 27 Internal Internal 0. on the purchase order. standoff of prod.016" Thread 0. Concentricity. Class 2A-2B modified. in the sizes given in Table 12.6 millimeter).001 millimeter per millimeter) of face diameter.4. API valve pots for caged valves shall sign axis.11. maintained within a tolerance of ± 1/16 inch (1. Locknut threads for the straight type connection shall conform to the requirements of 9.4. 9. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .11.0005 clearance. Taper Threads Connections—Straight Thread Type Locknut threads for the taper type connection shall con- 9.1.79 mm) External Thread 0. Standoff.) (See 9.2 Thread Dimensions and Tolerances 9.015" (0.3. Figures 16 and 9. Angular misalignment of thread axis with rod de.11. b.11.1 Sizes form to the requirements of m) (0. Perpendicularity.030" (0.41 mm) External Thread 0.2. be perpendicular to thread axis within 9.11. and N in Figure 19 and Table 13.4.5. provide a minimum G dimension. M. Series UN. and ANSI B1.38 mm) Thread (0. In gauging tapered threads.2.) c.11.25 A Valve pot spring mounting dimensions shall conform to External: C 5 B 1 D 1 0.4 Locknuts—Figure nished in accordance with 9.25 dimensions.031" (0. CAUTION: Threads must not be damaged. 9.031" 0.5 Slush Pump Valve Pots Straight thread type connections shall conform to the di- mensions and tolerances given in Table 12.2 mm) Figure 16—Straight Thread Form Figure 15—Tapered Thread Form (See 9.015" (0. Length.2.76 m) 0.41 mm) 30° 30° 0. (See Table 13 for cage sign axis shall not exceed 0.11. Face of internal thread member shall i.001 inch per inch uct from plain and threads plug and ring gauges shall be (0.016" (0.1 Sizes and Dimensions 17. and Piston Rod 9.5. 9.11.4 Slush Pump Crosshead.) millimeter per millimeter) of length.5. Straight thread type connections between crossheads.3 Locknuts cause misalignment and failure. 9.11. 9. as damage will 9.11.0005 inch per inch (0.11. L.2 Spring Mounting Dimensions Internal: B 5 1.38 mm) 1/8" pitch Thread axis 90° 1/8" pitch (3. Crosshead Extension.3.030" 0. 3 Marking Figure 18—Crosshead Extension and Piston Slush pump liners conforming to this specification shall Rod Locknut be marked with the manufacturerÕs name or mark. Bores smaller than 6 inches (152.2 Chamfer perpendicular to thread axis with a tolerance of The inside edge of the piston entering end of slush pump ±0. Spec 7K.2 Marking ing divided fluid ends.6.11.11. Markings shall be cast or piston rods as given in Figure 11 and Table 9.6. 9.4 millimeters) in diameter shall be in 1/2-inch (12. Markings shall be applied ing increments of diameter change noted in Figure 20. and Piston Rod Connections—Straight Thread Type (See Table 12. in a location visible after installation of the fluid cylinder on the pump and may be applied to either pot.11.001 in. (±0. Crosshead Extension. Markings shall be stamped in letters 1/8 inch (3.11. 9.5 mm) A A Piston rod Crosshead extension Locknut D D Crosshead Figure 17—Crosshead. liners shall be chamfered as shown in Figure 20.7. each section shall be marked. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .001 mm per mm) of face diameter.4 mm) × 45° chamfer 3 32 Imperfect /" 3 8 B C B C Thread (9.5.11. For pumps hav. Spec Slush pump pistons shall be bored to fit standard taper of 7K.11. 28 API SPECIFICATION 7K / " min (2.7.7. the corre- sponding API rod number.1 Sizes and Dimensions shall be marked with the manufacturerÕs name or mark.4 millimeters) in diameter and larger shall be in 1/4-inch (6. and standard bore.1 Liner Bores Bores of slush pump liners 6 inches (152. 9. diameters shall be suitable for use in liners or cylinders hav- curely affixed to the fluid cylinder.4-millimeter) in- crements.11.6 Slush Pump Pistons Slush pump valve pots furnished to this specification 9. Pistons conforming to this specification shall be marked with the manufacturerÕs name or mark. Contact face shall be 9. and the valve pot size number. Piston outside die stamped on the fluid cylinder or applied to a plate se.) 9.2 millimeters) high on the end face of piston core at the large end of piston-rod hole.7 Slush Pump Liners 9.7-millimeter) increments.11.3 Marking 9. per in. Spec 7K. Bore tolerances shall be as noted in Figure 20 or as specified 90° on the purchase order. 01.11.6 mm) (3. or helix angle Minimum Clearance may be used. While field experience in the use of nodular iron A as a gear material in slush pumps is limited.01. (1.3 Rating Formulas stamped in letters 1/8 inch (3. and the size (standard bore) of the liner. However.11. However. to date. Tentative use of nodular Cmin.5 5 3/8 2 1 5/ 8 5 3/ 4 1 5/16 3 1/4 5 1/ 4 3 3/ 8 2 3/ 4 3 3/ 4 4 1/2 6 5 5/ 2 1 3/ 6 1 5/16 3 1/ 5 1/ 3 3/ 2 3/ 3 3/ 4 1/2 8 4 4 4 8 4 4 7 6 1/ 2 2 6 5/ 1 5/16 3 1/ 5 5/ 3 3/ 2 3/ 3 3/ 4 3/4 4 8 2 8 4 4 4 8 7 2 2 1/ 7 3/ 1 5/16 3 3/ 6 3 7/ 2 3/ 3 3/ 5 4 8 4 8 4 4 9 7 3/4 2 2 1/ 2 8 1/ 8 1 5/16 4 6 3/8 4 1/ 8 2 3/ 4 3 3/ 4 5 1/4 10 8 1/ 2 2 7/ 8 7/ 1 5/16 4 1/ 6 3/ 4 7/ 2 3/ 3 3/ 5 1/2 2 8 8 4 4 8 4 4 11 9 1/ 2 3 1/ 9 7/ 1 5/16 4 1/ 7 1/ 5 3/ 2 3/ 3 3/ 5 3/4 2 4 8 2 8 8 4 4 a Dimensions for these pot sizes are tentative.8. (See Table 13 for dimensions. Markings shall be 9. 2. indicate this material can be used.8. Any practical combination of tooth height. American Gear Manufacturers As- sociation standards are recommended. it does.01. pressure angle.2 mm) × 45° G max. Gear materials are to be in accordance with AGMA Std 241. Dimensions for pot sizes 1.11. The slush pump man- ufacturer shall be responsible for adequate shafting and Figure 19—Slush Pump Valve Pot support to maintain proper align load. Use the steel hard- ness curves of Figure 21 to obtain K values.2 millimeters) high on the outer The horsepower rating for surface durability shall be de- end of the liner.8. B [Taper per foot (meter) iron is permissible for gears only (not pinions). See Appendix E for metric tables.) COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . and 3 are tentative. either helical or herring.2 Design N E Gears shall be single reduction. Ratings are based on surface durability (which is in- dependent of pitch).) Spring Mounting Valve Pot Dimensions Dimensions Pot Size A B C D E F G J L M N 1a 2 7/8 2 1 3 1/4 Solid 1 3/4 Solid 2 1/4 1 2 1/2 2 1/2 2a 3 3/8 2 1 1/8 3 3/4 13/ 16 2 1/4 3 3/8 2 1/2 1 3/4 3 3 1/4 3a 3 7/ 8 2 1 1/ 4 4 1/ 4 13/ 16 2 1/ 4 3 3/ 4 2 5/ 8 1 3/ 4 3 3 1/2 4 4 3/ 2 1 3/ 4 3/ 13/ 2 3/ 4 1/ 2 3/ 2 3 3 3/4 8 8 4 16 4 8 4 5 5 2 1 1/ 5 3/ 1 5/16 3 4 7/ 3 1/ 2 3/ 3 3/ 4 1/4 2 8 8 8 4 4 5. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 29 Table 13—Slush Pump Valve Pots (All dimensions in inches. L F M bone. termined from the following formula: 9.8 Slush Pump Gear Ratings 9. providing it Jmin. See Figure 19 for explanation of dimensional symbols. on diameter] is in accordance with AGMA Std 244.11.1 Provisions D Gear ratings as given herein are derived from AGMA Std 424. the gear manufacturer shall assume responsibility for selecting a pitch sufficiently coarse 1/8" 1/16" to provide adequate tooth strength. countersink 9. With enlarged pin- ions. Ds 5 Combined factor for pinion rpm.11.11.01: Surface Durability of Helical and Her- ringbone Gears. Fr Use rating factor of 1. see Figure 21.2 mm) 126.5 300 Standard hardness combinations as shown are recommended. pitch diameter. see Figure 22.8. 5B 28 inio n ar ell P Ge 0 Brin 9.3. inches. a value equal to outside diameter minus two standard addendums may be used. 1. 78 Cv 5 } 78 1 Ïvw 700 ell P inio n v 5 Pitch line velocity in fpm (do not use enlarged Brin 350 value of Dp).8. and ra- tio. tooth form.2. When non-standard hardness combina. (Where F 5 face width in inches. n inio ar ell P Ge Brin 9.11. 1. No interpolation is permitted. and velocity factor.11. or the following formula: Dp2Cv n 1/8" Ds 5 } } (3.7 nel HP B ri 21 0 Fr = 1.6 Rating factor. Combined factor for face width and inbuilt Piston Entering factor.4 Name Plate Rating ell 3 35 rin 0B 600 30 ll P inio n The name plate rating of a slush pump shall not exceed ar rine Ge 31 5B rin ell the API rating of the gear.4 tions are used. A Kr 5 Combined factor for materials. 0 Br 18 1.65 F.6 – 5000 1. using Figure 3 of AGMA Std 20° 211.) COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .9 Gauges and Gauging Practice for Slush ell 30 n rin inio 0B ell P 500 27 2 85 Brin Pump Components ar Ge B rin ell The following gauges and gaging practices shall be ob- 5 ar n 25 inio ell Ge rine ll P served: B rin 5B 5 26 24 n ar inio Ge ll P ell rine rin 5B 400 5 B 24 22 ar Ge ell Brin 0 21 l Pi nion 1. that curve satisfying both gear a pinion hardness shall apply.3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ratio of Gear to Pinion 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Figure 21—Variation of Kr Factor with Gear Ratio Figure 22—Gear Rating Chart for Mud Pumps (See 9. 30 API SPECIFICATION 7K FiKrDs P 5} } Fr Where: Fi 5 0. Figure 20—Slush Pump Liner Dp 5 Pinion pitch diameter.000 Min Where: n 5 Pinion rpm.) (See 9.) End Fr 5 Rating factor.8.4 on ear Brinell values are minimum of ll G pumps 1000 HP and higher ine manufacturing range. Deviations from the initial S determined above. and Piston Rod Connections—Tapered Thread Type Note: The gauges for the straight portion of tapered thread crosshead.9. See Appendix C in API Specification 7 for recom. sured on the diameter along the pitch line over the full fication. and computed to Working gauges shall be of such accuracy and construction the length LRT (Table 15) shall conform to the basic taper as to ensure that the product threads conform to the require. ting plugs. and computed to the length LRP (Table values should be taken into account in establishing working gauge standoff 15). on the diameter over the full length.9.6739 (17. specified in Table 14. over the within the pitch diameter limits. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 31 S = 0. The taper of straight thread setting plugs shall not exceed 0.002 (± 0.6 mm) 1/16" (1.0038 millimeter) over 9.16 mm) 0. tolerances specified in Table 14 except that in the case of set- quired for the straight thread connections. omitting approximately one full thread at mended practice for care and use of working gauges. crosshead extension. are acceptable under this speci. and shall maintain all working gauges in such condition as to ensure that product threads.400 (10. crosshead extension.11. The relationship between working per of plain tapered plug and ring gauges shall be measured gauges and product threads shall be as shown in Figure 23.117 mm) 1/16" (1.6 mm) ± /16 (± 1.11.05 mm) Ring Gauge Ring Gauge Plug Gauge Plug Gauge Detail A Detail A P P 0.3 Taper in gauging product threads.9.6 mm) Product Box Product Box Detail D Product Pin Detail D Product Pin TAPERED THREAD GAUGES TAPERED PLAIN GAUGES Figure 23—Gauging Practice for Crosshead. The taper as 16 from the plug gauges are intended primarily as the basis for establishing the limits of wear or secular change in the gauges. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . shall conform to the basic taper within the tolerance values.1 Working Gauges The manufacturer shall provide working gauges for use 9. should not be used for the The lead error between any two threads shall not exceed the straight thread crosshead.6 millimeter) of length at each end.11. 9. and piston rod connection. The included ta- ments specified herein. The taper determined as above.2 Lead the length LRS. full threaded length.00015 inch (0. The permissible taper shall be back taper The lead of thread plug and ring gauges shall be mea.117 mm) ± 0.6 mm) 1 Product Box Product Box Detail B Plug Gauge Plug Gauge Detail B Ring Gauge Ring Gauge Detail C Product Pin Detail C Product Pin P± 1/16 (±1.6 mm) P ± 1/16 (±1. (largest diameter at the entering end) and shall be confined sured parallel to the thread axis along the pitch line. within the tolerances specified in Table 14. and piston rod connections. omitting one full thread at each end. the tolerance applies to a length of thread equal to that in the mating ring gauge.002 (± 0. omitting approximately Note: The mating standoffs of the plain and threaded tapered ring gauges 1/ inch (1. each end. Crosshead Extension. The included taper of tapered thread gauges shall be mea- gauged as specified herein.05 mm) S = 0 ± 0. threaded length.6739 (17. Longer gauges are re. because of the difference in length of engagement. 7 Pitch Diameter 9.002 Mating standoff Ñ ±0.05 milli- be optional with the gauge manufacturer. When locknut shall be as specified in ANSI B1. except as otherwise indicated. if any. If there is perceptible ances.0008 Half-angle of thread Ñ ± 7 min. a Tolerances for taper apply to the full gauge length. and 18 and Figures 25. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . screwed onto the other portion of the setting plug there shall 17.0012 T19ÐT20 +0.0007 20.4 Fit 9.015 Diam of fitting plate ±0.015 Taper and Lead Taper and Lead Taper Tapera Taper Tapera Thread Threaded Plain Thread Threaded Plain Number Plug Plug Lead Number Ring Ring Lead T1ÐT15 +0. and 27 for dimensional toler- be only a slight change in fit. Dep Ñ ±0. go thread plug and ring gauges. not- be set to snug fit at full engagement on their mating plugs.2.0003 ±0.002 Outside diam.0007 ±0. 20. within 60. meter).0004 20. LPT and LPP Ñ ±0. the ring and. the shape of the undercut shall tapered gauges shall be 0. or undercut to a maximum width equiva.25 millimeter). Length.015 Diam of fitting plate.002 inch (0. DR Ñ ±0. 9. and setting thread plug An adjustable ring gauge may be set initially on either the gauges for the straight thread on the pin and the thread in the full form or the truncated portion of the setting plug.9. shake or play in the looser fit.8 Initial Standoff lent to the basic root truncation given in Table 12. otherwise.0004 T1ÐT15 ±0.9.6739 60.0007 T19ÐT20 ±0. 26.0004 ±0.0004 ±0. DP Ñ ±0.0005 T16ÐT18 ±0.5 Root Form In computing pitch diameter the effect of helix angle shall The roots of tapered thread plug and ring gauges shall be be disregarded.05 millimeter). The un- dercut shall be substantially symmetrical with respect to the The large ends of tapered thread gauges shall be flush adjoining thread flanks and of such depth as to clear the ba.0015 Length.002 20. approximately sharp with a radius not exceeding 0.0006 T16ÐT18 +0. except where adequate length of engagement is not provided.11. LRT and LRP Ñ ±0.0003 ±0.0010 20.11.0004 Diam of counterbore. See Tables 16.9.010 inch (0. Gauge design shall be as specified in Commercial Standard CS8.0005 ±0.0002 ±0. if necessary.11.2: Gages and Gaging for Unified Screw Threads for class W gauges.002 The ends of plug and ring gauges shall be square with the thread axis within a tolerance of 0.0002 ±0. the plug shall be reconditioned.11.0004 Minor diam at gauge point Ñ ±0. 9.002 Major diam at gauge point Ñ ±0. 9.0021 Half-angle of thread Ñ ±15 min. 32 API SPECIFICATION 7K Table 14—Tolerances on Gauge Dimensions (All dimensions in inches at 68°F.0005 20.015 Diam of plain plug at large end.0004 ±0. Q Ñ ±0.001 in.6 Thread Roots Go and not-go adjustable straight thread ring gauges shall The thread roots of go thread plug and ring gauges.9. STRAIGHT THREAD GAUGES Tolerances for straight thread plug and ring gauges to gauge the straight thread portion of the tapered type connection of Section 15 shall be as specified in ANSI B1.9.) TAPERED GAUGES (Threaded and Plain) Plug Gauge Ring Gauge Pitch diam at gauge point Ñ ±0.11.002 inch (0. The standoff of plain sic sharp thread. 271 1.179 4.86105 4.908 kilogram) within a thin film of medicinal mineral oil11 of a grade and weight.05569 2.35679 1.7188 8 4 T5 1 1/ 2 7/ 1.678 6.80489 4.9000 6. wiped on the threads with a clean chamois skin or bris. See Figure 24.79381 1.93209 0.55659 1. ¥ For gauges T18ÐT20 use 4 pounds (1.35514 5.454 kilogram) shall be at a uniform temperature near 68¡F (20¡C). weight. weight.395 3.4062 8 2 T3 1 1/ 2 5/ 1.30564 3. viscosity equal to Nujol.5000 8 a Taper for all sizes is 2.21856 2.771 1.16936 1.48790 1.644 5. Gauges shall be benzol clean before mating and made up ¥ For gauges T10ÐT13 use 2 pounds (0.0250 4.8375 2.1188 1. 9.6500 1.395 2.816 kilograms) 11 U.54406 1.80644 1.678 7.6250 2 T18 5 6 7/8 4.66831 2.46846 2.61275 1.8062 1.84381 1.43147 1.4625 3.80454 5.30679 1. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 33 Table 15—Tapered Thread and Plain Gaugesa (All dimensions in inches at 68°F.16856 2. b.73149 2.35564 4.36130 4.46701 5. b All threads are 8 TPI.73765 1. and so forth.98825 1.0000 in.9625 1.80569 3.1500 3.16801 3.305 2.86340 0.10704 1.5250 2.09441 0.3438 T9 2 3 3/ 1.645 2.86155 3.145 2.4000 4.41796 3.7438 2.36230 2.36180 3.85579 3.5875 1.0625 T15 3 1/2 5 3/ 8 3.680 2. See Appendix E for metric table.10624 2.68149 1. ¥ For gauges T14ÐT17 use 3 pounds (1.4375 4 8 T13 3 4 7/ 2.80579 2.679 4.7500 8 T14 3 1/4 5 1/ 8 3.021 1.178 6.180 2.8750 2 8 T20 6 7 7/ 5.98209 1.85539 5.146 1.91811 2.86195 2.055 2.71831 2.645 3.41846 2.21801 3. SquibbÕs liquid petrolatum.2125 2.85724 1.644 4.11240 2.) Tapered Thread Gaugesb Tapered Plain Gauges Diam of Diam of Length Outside Pitch Major Minor Diam of Length Diam of Plug at Ring at of Plug Taper Diam of Diam Diam Diam Fitting of Plug Counter.46746 4.61215 2.1250 T12 2 3/ 4 5/ 2.9000 2.30469 5. The pair shall be mated hand tight without spinning into place.1 of Specification 7 mined as follows: using the following weights: a.85644 2.521 1.179 3.41746 4.23800 1.679 5.11.144 4.85489 6. weight.2500 T2 1 1/ 2 1/ 0.48174 2.5000 8 T10 2 1/4 3 5/ 8 2.430 2.36295 1.85454 7. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .34416 1.46911 1.929 4.5625 4 8 T4 1 3/ 2 3/ 1.396 1.96771 3.96876 1.0312 T7 1 3/4 3 1/8 1.05704 0.36085 5.4312 1.18184 1.35469 6.896 1.59406 1.96811 2.7750 3.23184 1.41701 5.895 2.9.805 1. per ft on diameter. torque hammer as shown in Figure 11.2750 1.429 3.646 1.96956 0.555 2.96686 5.91876 1.91686 5.680 1.05624 1. Pitch = 0.8750 2 8 T6 1 5/8 3 1.86260 1.3750 T16 4 5 7/8 3.29416 1.146 0.2500 T19 5 1/ 7 3/ 5.30614 2.2750 5.46796 3.S.55599 2.60659 2. Pharmacopoeia medicinal mineral oil.11320 1. and complete register shall be accomplished with the Mating standoff (see Figures 23 and 24) shall be deter.80724 0.144 5.21936 1.60599 3.8125 T11 2 1/2 3 7/8 2.41911 1. Large Large & Ring Thread Nom.145 3.10569 4.0000 T17 4 1/ 6 3/8 4.91956 0.1250 in.1875 T8 1 7/8 3 1/4 1.04441 0.35614 3.30514 4.6500 5.930 1.86070 5.66891 1.362 kilograms) tle brush.929 3.11185 3.96721 4.178 7.71891 1. During the test all pieces entering into the measurement ¥ For gauges T1ÐT9 use 1 pound (0.91721 4.9 Determination of Standoff c. Ring at Gauge at Gauge at Gauge Plate & Ring bore End End LPP & Number Size DR Point Point Point DP LPT & LRT Q DEP DER LRP T1 1 2 3/8 0.91771 3. Tapered thread contain originatorÕs personal code.2 DOCUMENTATION TO BE KEPT BY THE 9. Written specifications (refer to Sections 6. or loss. components including: mit.002 (17. the interval between tests being dependent on use.12 ANTIFRICTION BEARINGS MANUFACTURER Antifriction bearings used as primary load path compo- nents shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with The following documentation shall be kept by the manu- a recognized bearing industry code or standard. the manufacturer shall make pair of tapered gauges may be considered safe for continued available all records and documentation for examination to use provided the mating standoff does not differ from the demonstrate compliance with this Specification. Design verification documentation (refer to Section 5). 7. 4. The number of torque hammer blows is unimportant. re- trievable. c. clearly visible and at least 3/8 inch (10 millimeters) high e.400 Max (10. Antifriction facturer: bearings shall be exempt from the requirements of Sections a. gauges shall be tested for standoff by the procedures listed When requested by a purchaser of the equipment. Documentation shall be clear.1 GENERAL plug gauge should be rigidly held. the 11. d. Computer sorted records shall shall be the responsibility of the gauge user. 5. applicable: chemical analysis. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .700 (17.1 mm) DER varies with DP gage size DEP 0. of ten years after the equipment has been manufactured and ter.6739 ± 0. 34 API SPECIFICATION 7K LRT 0. When so held. 11. or certifying agencies. stress hard-die stamped or cast into components and shall be ¥ Measuring and Test Equipment Calibration Records. 10. as 10.78 mm) 0. Inspection and test records traceable to the equipment or where the physical dimensions of the component will per. and protected from damage.05 mm) 0. impact tests.2 Equipment for which supplementary requirements ap.400 Max LRP 1/32 (10. Suf. deterioration.16 mm) Plane of 5/8 (0. legible.117 ± 0.9. Design documentation (refer to 4. 11 Documentation ficient number should be made so that continued hammer- ing will not move ring relative to plug. reproducible. au- herein. original standoff by more than 0. and hardness tests. and 8 of this specification. sold. 7. tensile tests. 6.9 mm) gage point (15. preferably in a vise Full records of any documentation referenced in this mounted on a rigid workbench. A thorities.5 mm to 19.10 Maintenance of Gauges All quality control records required by this Specification The maintenance of gauges within the specified limits shall be signed and dated. ply shall be marked with the relevant ÒSRÓ numbers.1 Marking required in Sections 9 and 10 shall be low ¥ NDE Personnel Qualification Records. When testing. Qualification records such as: 10 Marking ¥ Weld Procedure Qualification Records.9).) d.13 millimeter). b. ¥ Welder Qualification Records.16 mm) LPT LPP TAPERED THREAD GAUGE TAPERED PLAIN GAUGE Figure 24—Tapered Thread and Plain Gauges (See Table 15. 12 torque Specification shall be kept by the manufacturer for a period hammer blows should be sufficient to make complete regis.005 inch (0. ¥ Material test reports covering the following tests. 9.11.9 mm) DR DR 3/8 to 3/4 Q (9. and 8). 9100 1 1/2 11/ 16 0. In the latter case.9724 3.4558 1.6871 1.4721 5.0629 1.9158 4 1/ 2 5.3125 1.2230 1.4552 4.1856 3.1294 T15 3 1/2 3.8796 4 4 8 T14 3 1/4 3.9358 2.7226 2.9551 4.3785 T18 5 4.9550 5.9062 2 1/ 1 4.4727 2.1101 2. hydrostatic pressure testing records. and func. Diam Diam Diam Length Length Diam Diam Diam Length Length Diam Number Size BS BST ES LTS LN KN BST ES LTS LN KN T1 1 0.9553 3.5342 1 7/8 13/ 16 1.9161 4 1/4 2 3.3778 T20 6 5.5061 T7 1 3/ 1.9557 1.4093 1 5/ 3/ 1.4355 3.1250 in.5416 2 7/8 1 1/4 1. ¥ Assembly drawings.8775 4 8 a All threads are 8 TPI.9560 0. is subcontracted.8595 5. ble components and shall be maintained by the manufacturer ¥ List of components.4556 2.0067 8 8 16 2 T3 1 1/ 1.2563 8 8 8 4 T5 1 1/ 1.9343 4.6861 2. including proof load testing and any other requirements stipulated by the purchase order.0980 1.2844 1 5/ 3/ 1.9728 1.4374 1.7228 1.9381 0.3601 2. records. ¥ Special Process Records.4340 5.3812 2 8 8 4 T6 1 5/8 1.3308 1.2059 1.8789 T17 4 1/2 4.8598 3.8599 2.9854 1.8819 T2 1 1/ 1.2056 2.5623 1.4160 4 1/4 2 4.4554 3.2353 1.5808 1. The statement shall identify any noted deviations from the tional testing records.9168 2 1/8 15/ 16 0.7838 1 7/ 13/ 1.9725 2.9087 1 7/ 13/ 1. the requirements of 11. which shall include but time/temperature charts and weld repair records as described not be limited to: in Section 7.3595 5.0809 1.0417 2 1/ 15/ 0.4158 4 1/ 4 2 5. The manufacturerÕs statement of compliance attesting to NDE requirements of Section 8 of this Specification.9351 3. 11.8478 1.7055 2.3479 1.1303 4 8 8 T11 2 1/2 2.4164 3 1/4 1 1/2 2.3801 T12 2 3/ 2. or by the party carrying out the special process if the work ¥ Nominal capacities and ratings.1597 1 5/ 3/ 1.6102 1.1104 1.8602 1.6580 2 7/ 2.1099 3.0348 1 1/ 11/16 1. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 35 Table 16—Pin Go and Not-Go Gaugesa (for straight threaded portion of tapered thread connection) (All dimensions in inches at 68°F.6590 1 7/ 13/ 1.6665 2 7/ 1 1/ 1. ¥ Recommended frequency of field inspection and pre- ventive maintenance.8307 1.3 DOCUMENTATION TO BE DELIVERED WITH ¥ Itemized spare parts (not applicable to single compo- THE EQUIPMENT nent equipment) and recommended stock levels.9554 2.9731 0. These records shall be traceable to the applica.4347 4.1 ¥ Operating procedures.9159 4 1/ 2 4.7557 8 8 4 8 16 T9 2 1.4725 3.4074 2 15/ 16 3.9162 3 3/ 1 3/ 2.1664 3 1 3/ 2.5979 1. ¥ NDE records covering the surface and/or volumetric a.3599 3. shall equally apply to the subcontractor.2916 2 3/ 1 1/8 1.1662 4 1 7/ 8 3.6100 2. and acceptance criteria.9722 4.4162 4 1/4 2 3.9165 2 7/ 1 1/ 1.7915 2 7/ 1 1/ 1.4729 1. specified requirements.8605 0.3597 4.1865 2. full compliance with the requirements of this Specification ¥ Performance test records.9070 2 15/ 16 3. A comprehensive data book can be specified by the pur- The following documentation shall be delivered with the chaser by calling out supplementary requirement SR3 in the equipment: purchase order.7352 1. Special process records include actual heat treatment c. Operations/Maintenance manuals.4363 2.9077 2 7/ 2. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .4853 1.9721 5.8806 8 4 8 16 T10 2 1/ 2.2054 3.9368 1.3793 T16 4 3.1878 1.9056 2 1/ 1 5.2227 2.6309 4 8 4 8 16 T8 1 7/ 1.6663 3 1/ 1 5/ 2.1575 2 15/ 16 3.6299 4 2 8 8 T13 3 2.8119 1.7057 1. See Figure 25.4059 2 1/ 8 1 5. See Appendix E for metric table.4723 4.1316 4 8 8 4 T4 1 3/ 1.3603 1.4550 5. b.4082 2 7/ 8 2.2225 3. Proof Load Test Record (as applicable). methods.4166 2 3/ 1 1/8 1.4066 2 1/8 1 4.9337 5.8781 4 8 T19 5 1/2 5.1667 2 3/ 1 1/8 1.) Go Gauges Not-Go Gauges Full Form Truncated Ring Truncated Ring Taper Major Major Pitch Thread Ring Minor Major Pitch Thread Ring Minor Thread Nom.8596 4.1584 2 7/ 2. Pitch = 0. 2251 1.2082 3.4751 2.8501 1.9299 1 8 T14 3 1/4 3.4575 2.4751 3.4751 5.4283 3/ 2 4 4 T6 1 5/8 1.7067 1.4188 2 1/4 4.6688 1 1/ 1.9751 4.9188 2 1/ 2.0438 1 1.9188 1 0.9320 1 4 aAll threads are 8 TPI. See Appendix E for metric table.4188 2 2.4303 1 T16 4 3.1801 1 T15 3 1/2 3.2061 1.7077 2.2251 3.9188 2 1/ 4.4564 1.2251 2.9188 1 1/ 1.9557 0.5535 7/ 8 T7 1 3/ 1.) (See Table 17.4188 1 1/ 1. BS BS ES KN BST ES 1/2 LTS LN LTS LT Figure 25—Pin Go and Not-Go Gauges Figure 26—Box Go and Not-Go Gauges (for straight threaded portion of tapered thread connection) (for locknut) (See Table 16.9588 3.7251 2.9314 1 4 T19 5 1/2 5.9751 2.9188 2 1/4 3.9595 4.) COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .1792 7/ 4 8 8 T11 2 1/2 2.4188 2 1/ 4 3.5438 1 1/4 1.9601 5.4591 4.4188 2 1/ 4 5.4310 1 T18 5 4.4294 7/ 8 T12 2 3/ 2. See Figure 26.2938 1 1/ 1.9188 2 1/ 5.9307 1 T17 4 1/2 4.1688 2 1/ 4 3.4584 3.9751 1.8038 7/ 8 4 8 T9 2 1.7251 1.9276 5/ 8 T2 1 1/ 1.9751 3.9580 2.6796 1 4 8 T13 3 2.3312 1.5816 1.9570 1.3031 3/ 8 4 4 T5 1 1/ 1.4317 1 T20 6 5. Pitch = 0.1688 1 1/4 1.6786 7/ 4 4 8 T8 1 7/ 1.2073 2.) Go Gauges Not-Go Gauges Taper Major Pitch Thread Major Pitch Thread Thread Nom. 36 API SPECIFICATION 7K Table 17—Box Go and Not-Go Gaugesa (for locknut) (All dimensions in inches at 68°F.4751 1. Diam Diam Length Diam Diam Length Number Size BS ES LT BS ES LT T1 1 0.4598 5.1001 1.9289 7/ 4 8 T10 2 1/ 2.8319 1.1250 in.3501 1.6688 2 1/ 2.6001 1.0528 5/ 8 8 T3 1 1/ 1.9751 0.1780 3/ 4 4 T4 1 3/ 1.7938 1 1/ 1.9751 5.4751 4.1688 1 3/ 2.0809 1. 175 mm) fr n H hg fcs fcn hg P frs 90° Axis of straight thread Figure 27—Gauge Thread Form (See Table 18.175 mm). fcn.) COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .) H fcs Taperedb Straightc hg Thread Thread Gauges Thread Gauges Element in.6584 0. frs.02592 0. (3.4265 0.1250 in. mm frn .05629 1. See Figure 27. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 37 Table 18—Gauge Thread Height Dimensionsa frn P (All dimensions at 68°F (20°C). mm in.10800 2.4298 H 0.1250 90° Axis of taper thread in.10825 2.7432 0. c Pitch = 0.67 mm per m) on diameter.0000 in.05616 1. per ft (166.02598 0. fcs 0. (3. 60° b Taper = 2. Pitch = 0.7495 30° 30° frs a The effect of taper has been taken into account in computing thread height and truncation.6599 hg fcn hg 0. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . APPENDIX A—USE OF API MONOGRAM Products manufactured in conformance with this specifi. 39 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . The following is an example of an ac- cation may be marked by the API license as specified here. This marking sequence shall be used in addition to all other API licensees are authorized to use the API monogram marking requirements as specified in the applicable sections only in conjunction with their API license number and the of this specification as follows: Marking requirements for ÒSpec 7KÓ shall be replaced by the API monogram marking sequence. ceptable API monogram marking sequence: inafter or as specified in the applicable section of this 7K XXXX Mo-Yr specification. date of manufacture. Products to which the monogram is applied shall be marked per this appendix. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . ¥ Welding procedure specifications and qualification amined in accordance with the requirements of 8. any dis- continuity resulting in an indication that exceeds the cali- When requested by the purchaser. The equipment shall be marked ÒSR1Ó by means of low- stress hard-die stamping near the Load Rating identification. one or more of the ¥ Heat treatment records. ¥ Steel grades. Multiple in- ¥ Equipment designation/serial number. examination of the Òentire volumeÓ is impossible due to ge- ponent shall also be marked with the temperature in ¡C be.4 SR4—Additional Volumetric Examination of Castings B. cent of the reference distance amplitude curve. specification. curve) within 1/2 inch (12. bration reference line shall be classed as a defect. the maxi- low zero to indicate the actual design and test temperature. ing acceptable notch toughness at the specified minimum de- sign temperature. ¥ Material test reports. ¥ Performance test records including functional hydrostatic B. unit: There shall be no multiple indications exceeding 50 per- ¥ Statement of compliance. B.6 of this records. Each com. ¥ Supplementary requirements certificates as required. The minimum average Charpy impact energy on three full-size test pieces shall be as specified in B. The entire volume of primary load bearing wrought com- Each component shall be marked with SR2 to indicate ponents shall be examined by the ultrasonic method.0 Introduction ¥ Traceability codes and systems (marking on parts/records on file).2 SR2—Low Temperature Testing The requirements for SR4 shall be identical to the re- quirements for 8. Wrought components examined by the ultrasonic method shall meet the following acceptance criteria: B. ometric factors. When that low temperature testing has been performed.1 SR1—Proof Load Testing and load testing certificates (when applicable).7. such as radii at section changes.3 SR3—Data Book For both straight and angle beam examination. records shall be pre. The data book shall at least include for each also be considered a defect. exceeding 50 percent of the reference distance amplitude ¥ Nominal capacities and ratings. and when specified in the purchase order. 41 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . dications are defined as two or more indications (each ¥ Assembly and critical area drawings. Any pared. Wrought Material Impact testing shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A370.5 SR5—Volumetric Examination of Section 9. APPENDIX B—SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS B. By agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer. ¥ NDE records. gathered. The equipment shall be load tested and subsequently ex. mum practical volume shall suffice. mary load bearing casting shall be examined. and properly collated in a data book by the indication interpreted as a crack or thermal ruptures shall manufacturer.4. direction. except that all critical areas of each pri- Components shall be fabricated from materials possess. following supplementary requirements shall apply.7 millimeters) of each other in any ¥ List of components. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . Before the furnace set point temperature is reached. For furnaces having a working zone less than 10 cubic The controlling and recording instruments used for the feet (0. Then readings shall be taken at 5-minute intervals max- set point temperature after the furnace working zone has imum for sufficient time to determine the recurrent been brought up to temperature. heat treating equipment that has been calibrated and sur- veyed. accordance with procedures specified in Section 3 of MIL- tained for a period not less than two years. more than 6 25¡F (6 14¡C) from the furnace set point tem. and rear. none perature after the furnace working zone has been brought up of the temperature readings shall exceed the set point tem- to temperature.3.1 GENERAL b. Temperature controlling and recording instruments shall when the temperature of the furnace working zone ap. center.2 ACCURACY d. shall possess an accuracy of 6 0. be calibrated at least once every three months.539 cubic meters) of furnace ing zone(s) and protected from furnace atmospheres by working zone surveyed.3. Heat Treatment of SteelsÑAircraft Practice Pro- cess. proaches the bottom of the temperature range being sur. the temperature of all test locations shall be The temperature at any point in the working zone shall recorded at 2-minute intervals maximum. For each 125 cubic feet (3. aging.2. means of suitable protecting devices. Equipment used to calibrate the production equipment veyed. perature by 25¡F (14¡C). C. b. and/or stress relieving shall not vary by 30 minutes.4 CONTINUOUS TYPE FURNACE METHOD C.3. g. H-6875F.3 BATCH TYPE FURNACE METHODS a.3 CALIBRATION e. read- ings shall be taken at least once every 3 minutes to determine a. h. at least one thermocouple test loca. Furnaces that are used for temperature pattern of the furnace working zone for at least tempering. front.2 RECORDS Continuous heat treating furnaces shall be calibrated in Records of furnace calibration and surveys shall be main. used. C. A minimum of nine thermocouple test locations shall be used for all furnaces having a working zone greater than 10 Automatic controlling and recording instruments shall be cubic feet (0.283 cubic centimeters). C.3 Instruments minimum temperatures for which each furnace is to be used.25 percent of full scale. C. Once the furnace temperature has reached the set point temperature. i. no temperature readings shall exceed the limits specified. C. C. 43 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . After the furnace control set point temperature is reached.2. When a furnace is repaired or rebuilt. or at the top. a new survey shall Heat treating of production parts shall be performed with be required before heat treating. A temperature survey within the furnace working zone(s) shall be performed on each furnace at the maximum and C. APPENDIX C—HEAT TREATING EQUIPMENT C.283 cubic meters) the temperature survey may be heat treatment processes shall possess an accuracy of 6 1 made with a minimum of three thermocouples located at the percent of their full scale range. center.2.2. Thermocouples shall be located in the furnace work- c. for at least 10 min- not vary by more than 6 25¡F (6 14¡C) from the furnace utes.2 Furnace Calibration Each furnace shall be surveyed within one year prior to heat C.1 GENERAL treating. and bottom of the furnace working zone. See Figure C-1 for thermocouple locations.1 Temperature Tolerance f. After insertion of the temperature-sensing devices. tion shall be used up to a maximum of 60 thermocouples. 44 API SPECIFICATION 7K Rectangular Furnace Cylindrical Furnace (Working Zone) (Working Zone) 3 1,4 2 5 8 2 3 9 1,7 6 7 1 4 Top View 4,5,6 5 5 6 1 2 3,9 2,8 9 Top View 7 8 3 4 9 6,7 8 Side View Side View Figure C-1—Thermocouple Locations COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services APPENDIX D—LISTING OF PARAGRAPHS/SECTIONS IN API SPEC 7K THAT DO NOT APPLY TO CERTAIN EQUIPMENT Note: This Appendix is for reference only and is not intended to preclude or replace the requirements in the individual sections of this specification. Sections Equipment 4 5 6 7 8 Rotary Tables 4.2.5 5.4 6.3.1 8.4.3 4.2.6 8.4.4 8.4.6 8.4.7 Rotary Bushings 8.4.4 8.4.6 8.4.7 8.4.8 Rotary Slips 8.4.4 8.4.6 8.4.7 8.4.8 Spiders Safety Clamps 8.4.4 8.4.6 8.4.7 8.4.8 Manual Tongs Power Tongs 4.2.5 5.3 6.3.1 Section 4.2.6 5.4 6.3.2 8 Drawworks Components 4.2.5 5.4 6.3.1 8.4.3 4.2.6 8.4.4 8.4.6 8.4.7 Rotary Hose 4.2.5 Section Section Section Section 4.2.6 5 6 7 8 Slush Pump Components 4.2.5 5.4 6.3.1 8.4.3 4.2.6 8.4.4 8.4.6 8.4.7 Antifriction Bearings Section Section Section Section Section 4 5 6 7 8 45 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services 10.75 22.75 22.8 50.) Diam of Large End of Keywaya Taper.8 4 139.2 11/2 -6NC 50.9 1 -8NC 44.1 25. See Figure 9. A B C D E F G 1 100.2 11/2 -6NC 44.40 17.00 Retainer Threads Size 20.00 184.87 184.8 3 127.2 31.4 mm.01 165.75 22.2 31.5 50.03 Taper 20. 47 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .2 31. Lgth. APPENDIX E—METRIC CONVERSION TABLES Table E-1—Line-Shaft Extensions for Catheads (All dimensions in millimeters.03 Depth Size Depth Chamfer No. Width.2 11/2 -6NC 50.70 184.5 34.00 of 10.8 a Straight length of keyway shall be not less than B minus 6.9 2 115.8 50. 4 12 3.6 34.05 5 127.5 51.6 C.5 Ñ Ñ Ñ 55.D.D.0 C.6 34.D.D.D.2 68.B.9 103.8 27.5 51.9 103.3 10.7 Ñ Ñ 55.4 12 3.6 34.76 3 76.9 103.2 68.2 68.D Ñ Ñ 27.5 Ñ Ñ Ñ 55.2 68.5 51.10 4 101.6 34.4 15 4.6 C.2 A.C.4 5 10 3.7 27.14 4 101.2 68.5 51.34 5 127.9 103. MPa D L T Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade ft m in.4 15 4.9 103.86 5 127.2 68.5 51.05 4 101.66 4 101.7 Ñ Ñ 55.5 51.4 60 18.E Ñ Ñ 27.6 C.2 68.5 63.6 C.5 Ñ Ñ Ñ 55.4 31/2 30 9.6 34.5 A.7 Ñ Ñ 55.2 68.7 Ñ Ñ 55.29 4 101.8 27.D.9 Ñ 12 3.9 103.2 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ 5 10 3.E 10.10 3 76.4 5 10 3.6 34.E Ñ Ñ 27.19 21/2 21/2 63.D.2 68.29 5 127.4 50 15.3 13.C.9 103.6 34.2 68.7 Ñ Ñ 55.E Ñ Ñ 27.D Ñ Ñ 27. in.7 20.5 51.D.3 13.5 51.2 68.6 34.4 70 21.D.D.67 12.0 C.D.9 103.86 4 101.D.7 Ñ Ñ 55.D.3 13. 48 API SPECIFICATION 7K Table E-2—Rotary Vibrator and Drilling Hose Dimensions and Pressures (See Figure 10.6 C.6 55.4 5 10 3.D.5 51.E Ñ Ñ 27.C 10.D.D.5 51.B.2 68.4 70 21.3 13. MPa Test Pressure.6 55.0 C.E 10.4 20 6.7 Ñ Ñ 55.0 C.9 103.9 Ñ 70 21.6 34.E Ñ Ñ 27.57 4 101.6 34.9 Ñ (101.9 mm) 55 16.C.3 13.6 34.5 Ñ Ñ Ñ 55.9 103.7 27.66 4 101.7 Ñ Ñ 55.8 27.34 4 101.2 A.6 C.2 A.2 68.4 75 22.6 55.6 34.7 27.7 Ñ Ñ 55.5 51.0 C.6 C.9 103.14 4 101.9 103.4 12 3.24 3 76.7 20.2 68.6 34.E Ñ Ñ 27.76 4 101.2 68.9 103.6 34.5 51.6 C.8 Ñ 27.6 34.6 55.6 34.6 C.7 27.10 5 127.2 68.D.2 A.4 20 6.6 C.D.5 51.E 10.D Ñ Ñ 27.6 34.E Ñ Ñ 27.E Ñ Ñ 27.7 27.6 Ñ 55.B.6 C.E Ñ Ñ 27.6 34.2 68.6 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ 20.B A.E 10.5 51.4 75 22.2 68.9 Ñ 15 4.B.D.9 103.6 34.4 60 18.7 20.2 68.9 103.7 Ñ Ñ 55.D Ñ Ñ 27.6 34.5 Ñ Ñ Ñ 55.7 20.5 Ñ Ñ Ñ 55.D Ñ Ñ 27.7 20.B.7 20.05 4 101.8 27.6 C. Length.7 27.2 68.5 51.7 Ñ Ñ 55.7 Ñ Ñ 55.9 103.4 (76.57 4 101.0 C.7 27.C.57 3 76.0 C.8 mm) 5 35 40 10.6 34.4 55 16.6 55.6 34.5 51.9 Ñ 20 6.7 Ñ Ñ 55.0 C.D.7 27.E Ñ Ñ 27.76 4 101.0 C.6 34.6 55.2 68.6 C.7 Ñ Ñ 55.2 68. mm Grade A B C D E A B C D E 2 (50.4 (63.E Ñ Ñ 27.2 68.57 5 127.7 Ñ Ñ 55.E 10.D.3 13.E Ñ Ñ 27.9 Ñ 4 30 9.6 C.2 A.9 103.B.9 Ñ 60 18.2 68.6 34.2 68.5 mm) 30 9.5 Ñ Ñ Ñ 55.7 Ñ Ñ 55.2 68.9 103.D Ñ Ñ 27.6 34.E Ñ Ñ 27.9 Ñ 75 22.5 51.B.6 34.5 51.2 68.9 103.6 C.2 68.2 A.6 55.6 34.2 68.6 34.29 4 101.7 Ñ Ñ 55.5 51.D Ñ Ñ 27.86 4 101.5 Ñ Ñ Ñ 55.8 27.D.3 13.7 Ñ Ñ 55.D Ñ Ñ 27.D.4 (88.6 34.66 3 76.6 34.B.10 4 101.6 C.8 13.6 34.9 103.2 A.4 15 4.5 Ñ Ñ Ñ 55.E Ñ Ñ 27.) Threads Size (Line Inside Standard Pipe Diam.E 10.76 5 127.6 34. Size) Working Pressure.2 68.6 C.4 3 30 9.9 103.6 34.E 10.9 103.2 68.34 4 101.14 3 76.5 51.8 27.2 68.5 51.D.05 3 76.C.C.E Ñ Ñ 27.9 Ñ COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .D.5 51.66 5 127.14 5 127.5 51.7 20.2 68.E Ñ Ñ 27.8 27.E Ñ Ñ 27.2 68.6 mm) 55 16.E Ñ Ñ 27.9 103.D Ñ Ñ 27.6 27.2 mm) 55 16.9 103.4 21/2 20 6.7 20.9 103.6 C.6 34.C.5 51.5 51.3 13. 4 Ñ 1 1/4-8UN-2A 4 47.1 47.33 6. For rod number 3 and larger.6 11/2-8UN-2A 38. in.2Ð88.15 101.0 38.18 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 49 Table E-3—Fluid End of Double Acting Slush Pump Piston Rods and Piston Body Bores (All dimensions in millimeters. Boss.2 68. Table E-4—Fluid End of Single Acting Slush Pump Piston Rods and Piston Body Bores (All dimensions in millimeters.33 6. Rod End.3 74.9 83.9 Ñ 47.62 49.9Ð75.1 219.10Ð38.1 50.0 98.33 6. 20.5 Ñ 24.9 219.33 6.4 25.03 61.4 Ñ 1 1/2-8UN-2A 5 57.8 Ñ 69.3 111.5 68.6 82.07 138. 7/ -9UNC-2A 8 2 31.0 111. A B C D E F Gc H J K Min. only.4 Ñ 1 7/8-8UN-2A 6 69.) Piston Piston Rod Piston & Rod Major Length Diam Gauge Diam Taper.10 60.4 25.9Ð88.15 95.2 74.09 39.32Ð25. Diam.3 88.32 60. Shoulder.3 83. min.22 108. of Diam.3 Ñ 31.87 23.9 56.2 10.2 47.38 106.44 32.85 114.22 26.6 63. Max.00 mm.4 69.05 60.4 231.6 Maximum ±0.6 88.25.8 1-8UNC-2A 25.0 34.75 63.7 74.6 60.6 83.40Ð25.1 57.33 1.2 47. mm A B C D Designation Bore SA-2 1 25. aSelected bRecomended as a substitute for API 6HP piston for reduced liner sizes only. 20.33 1.4 38.1 52.) Piston Rod Start Length of Thread Piston Connection Rod from Shoulder and Rod Diameter. Taper. See Figures 11 and 12. Connection Nominal Diameter.48 SA-4 11/2 38. cDimension G relates to dimension S.8 69.4 Ñ.1 57.4 Ñ 1-8UNC-2A 3 38.40 38.3 130.8Ð37.63 101.02Ð38. See Figure 13.3 104. Thread. Taper.4 203.Ð1.4Ð31.87 1 7/8-8UN-2A 6HP 76.1 42. Diameter.62 49.6Ð56.04 2.04 2.9 231.8 69.13 mm. 10.2Ð69.87 2 1/4-8UN-2A diameter tolerances for API rod numbers 1 and 2: 10.6 83.4 Ñ 2 1/4-8UN-2A 5HPb 69.17 6.3 68.05 S Thread No.32 60.1Ð46.33 6.4 Thread Piston No.5 60. Designation 1 25.2 31.6 83.8 Ñ 56. Standoff Taper Rangea 61.6 60.1 38.3 83. ±1.8 181.6 83.9 Ñ 37.1 44.6 104.4 Piston 60.3 104.25. Length Diam Length of of Point of mm Per Piston Rod of Rod Rod of Perfect Thread Piston Cylindrical Center m on & Rod Diam End. Bore. 7 69.3 152.5 152.9 95.7 11 279.7 73.7 69.8 33.3 69.2 85.3 114.3 76.7 38.4 33.4 33.3 66.3 108.7 57.1 aDimensions for these pot sizes are tentative.4 85.0 5.9 95.3 95.2 187.7 20.8 76.7 31.5 63.8 158.8 85.5 166.) Spring Mounting Pot Size Valve Pot Dimensions Dimensions in.4 98.6 69. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .4 69.4 241.3 146.7 82.9 50.9 95.8 69.9 142.4 10 254. 50 API SPECIFICATION 7K Table E-5—Slush Pump Valve Pots (All dimensions in millimeters. See Figure 19 for explanation of dimensional symbols.6 161.8 69.9 95.7 28.4 85.2 123.9 4 101.6 Solid 44.7 25.9 95.6 133.0 215.2 98.3 166.3 101.4 63.6 95.3 88.4 142.3 127.9 95. 2.7 8 203.9 95.3 5 127.9 95.5 76.9 166.5 2a 50.3 108.6 3a 76.7 50.9 104.6 111.3 120.3 82.3 6 152.1 33.1 136.2 25. mm A B C D E F G J L M N 1a 25. and 3 are tentative.2 95.0 166.3 33.2 82.8 79.0 225.5 123.2 177.6 63.3 114.8 108.9 120.3 181.2 88.4 73. Dimensions for pot sizes 1.5 Solid 57.9 95.3 7 177.0 136.6 133.5 139.7 63.7 41.9 166.0 166.4 33.5 69.8 69.4 69.0 9 228.0 171.8 166.9 166.5 206.7 63.3 146.4 166.9 104.3 20.5 33.7 44.5 44.3 139.4 82.3 114.8 166.7 166.0 127.0 20.6 196.1 166.7 34.5 95.8 168.3 133.3 33.7 44.6 250.6 57.3 82.7 136.5 76. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .2 79.52 184.6753 20.7927 39.1526 63.4 40.3897 72.51 50.5373 92.285 92.6275 21.67 millimeters per meter on diameter.1376 45.695 51.31 48.0423 80.3 136.175 millimeters.3897 80.2753 29.6 123.3495 106.0846 99.28 27.67 73.00 81.1310 49.188 T15 3 1/2 136.848 35.718 8 T3 1 1/ 66.500 a Taper for all sizes is 166.035 117.660 156.3151 34.15 61.7748 64.4299 58.46 30.7043 190.18 62.6601 40. Ring at Gauge at Gauge at Gauge Plate & Ring bore End End LPP & Number Size DR Point Point Point DP LPT & LRT Q DEP DER LRP T1 1 60.8325 43.875 T12 2 3/ 112.1197 71.8848 103.754 44.45 137.7796 97.6148 74.8076 55.3499 67.7375 45.3524 53.1669 123.9 110.65 126.9453 35.5029 17.8625 42.5195 142.1924 87.4745 110.35 89.7978 24.27 41.40 113.9801 59.658 8 T5 1 1/ 73.9272 127.6550 55.0064 61.50 69.2893 147.5593 143.777 112.1669 137.8618 150.660 54.563 T8 1 7/8 32. Pitch = 3.4627 47.49 45.593 T7 1 3/4 79.1927 29.05 105.875 T18 5 174.83 56.06 151.11 24.4452 32.5799 55.97 57.5278 23.0448 66.910 29.7729 31.9224 61.9 31.2877 43.62 49.98 40.8478 23.9622 80.7028 26.410 79.12 153.7394 131. Large Large & Ring Thread Nom. b All threads are 8 TPI.598 60.2045 109.4 60.533 T9 2 85.88 75.4975 71.5096 96.000 T17 4 1/2 161.0451 33.8449 79.6948 74.82 168.3145 152.313 4 T13 3 123.80 53.) Tapered Plain Gauges Tapered Thread Gaugesb Diam of Diam of Length Outside Pitch Major Minor Diam of Length Diam of Plug at Ring at of Plug Taper Diam of Diam Diam Diam Fitting of Plug Counter.2 98.0 148.438 T11 2 1/2 98.36 138.7101 39.4672 77.2 37.6352 51.0 34.7372 78.7 47.250 T14 3 1/4 130.8 72.723 48.0094 179.1028 26.500 T10 2 1/4 92.5 85.6999 59.7 28.2201 36.58 88.473 73.3 21.6202 36.16 43.23 81.96 113.6 44.625 2 T6 1 5/8 76.53 69.9651 42.22 200.3901 39.6572 93.33 46.4901 37.5826 42.160 105.4343 144.5 66.32 65.1427 31.5376 36.8172 83.8618 136.0872 85.9304 23.0445 118.910 130.9728 28.28 100.625 2 T20 6 200. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 51 Table E-6—Tapered Thread and Plain Gaugesa (All dimensions in millimeters at 20°C.6824 52.750 T2 1 1/ 63.818 38.785 41.70 97.1 53.3578 20.5 25.63 34.81 37.3652 33.785 143.878 32.750 T19 5 1/ 187.2322 111.75 121.0177 26.535 67. See Figure 24.0075 47.8969 122.348 86.2673 68.5918 134.8727 30.4719 124.1174 39.658 4 T4 1 3/ 69.128 T16 4 149. 557 137.634 60.1 17.331 124.168 50.823 50.289 a All threads are 8 TPI.195 48.8 23.9 53.8 25.022 55.952 99.025 31.437 4 T15 3 1/ 98.201 87.039 99.6 41.465 99.2 73.025 31.561 107.950 50.201 50.455 26.152 39.716 150. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .1 31.204 30.257 150.538 54.287 53.166 107.991 138.249 49.969 47.375 28.5 22.238 50.6 20.250 44.294 68.800 T13 3 74.459 53.8 22.6 44.114 38.640 111.8 85.570 T3 1 1/4 31.8 148.377 33.309 47.717 24.6 34.142 T14 3 1/ 81.100 41.8 85.679 73.947 61.900 42.950 50.2 60.851 81.002 54.8 47.8 22.3 19.828 23.910 8 T5 1 1/ 37.0 25.310 54.720 67. Diam Diam Diam Length Length Diam Diam Diam Length Length Diam Number Size BS BST ES LTS LN KN BST ES LTS LN KN T1 1 24.0 25.8 23.282 23.856 50.162 112.8 98.338 32.994 75.417 80.510 35.834 2 T16 4 100.3 19.570 73.759 43.982 60.618 54.904 T19 5 1/2 138.3 19.682 38.4 123.928 54.074 46.3 66.6 20.375 28.736 112.469 107.262 86. 52 API SPECIFICATION 7K Table E-7—Pin Go and Not-Go Gaugesa (for straight threaded portion of tapered thread connection) (See Figure 25.831 150.914 80.170 29.889 27.587 40. Pitch = 3.600 47.630 29.154 68.950 50.977 35.767 86.842 87.8 22.481 47.072 95.675 48.6 47.596 43.325 42.4 149.6 31.852 42.595 8 T9 2 50.175 millimeters.455 T12 2 3/4 69.6 28.8 95.6 38.6 20.8 40.237 33.1 28.372 61.504 73.552 36.022 45.548 50.796 41.882 61.692 74.422 101.214 2 T18 5 126.727 39.8 79.802 32.2 66.029 26.767 T10 2 1/4 56.6 78.067 74.950 50.8 23.500 45.772 107.857 23.411 36.329 73.743 T4 1 3/ 34.597 55.) Go Gauges Not-Go Gauges Full Form Truncated Ring Truncated Ring Taper Major Major Pitch Thread Ring Minor Major Pitch Thread Ring Minor Thread Nom.024 137.1 17.375 28.457 56.4 136.139 47.252 T7 1 3/ 43.5 72.975 23.425 4 T8 1 7/ 46.131 138.864 107.992 80.025 31.807 60.8 21.261 107.8 136.109 49.377 82.860 124.110 T11 2 1/2 60.083 2 T6 1 5/8 40.513 50.200 34.000 88.950 50.294 125.596 T20 6 151.691 151.624 41.025 31.456 41.434 125.400 T2 1 1/8 27.8 37.8 110.1 59.8 123.299 100.998 26.8 22.284 38.064 30.027 76.227 67.950 50. All dimensions in millimeters at 20°C.934 46.4 111.5 25.157 73.550 38.8 44.2 54.0 25.1 35.0 25.807 62.975 23.6 20.524 T17 4 1/ 113. 2 T10 2 1/ 56. All dimensions in millimeters at 20°C.668 112.4 T16 4 100.218 67.4 T14 3 1/4 81.2 T12 2 3/4 69.488 57.8 33.8 43.971 125.421 61.563 31.468 36.138 54.388 31.635 29.8 40.387 150.9 T2 1 1/8 27.8 46.2 113.968 99.561 15.) Go Gauges Not-Go Gauges Taper Major Pitch Thread Major Pitch Thread Thread Nom. SPECIFICATION FOR DRILLING EQUIPMENT 53 Table E-8—Box Go and Not-Go Gaugesa (for locknut) (See Figure 26.1 8 T5 1 1/ 37.352 22.0 68.918 80.738 31.2 100.838 57.4 T18 5 126.2 T9 2 50.099 19.638 57.068 137.741 15.455 26.993 46.568 74.175 millimeters.965 25.350 42.268 86.488 80.673 25.130 25.840 25.843 87.1 2 T6 1 5/8 40.518 55.0 75.921 19.554 99.293 32.368 124.636 22.088 34.438 50.768 150.2 T7 1 3/4 43.2 81.940 26.775 25.258 25.9 T3 1 1/ 31.708 48.065 55.173 39.133 74.538 57.279 19.513 25.8 49.993 36.4 27.547 25.2 125.768 23.275 23.994 22.4 aAll threads are 8 TPI.4 T20 6 151.813 33.168 48.8 62.9 56.338 25.4 T15 3 1/2 88.261 112.420 25.038 31.338 57.530 45.2 87.4 T17 4 1/2 113.459 22. Pitch = 3.2 151.4 T19 5 1/2 139.062 25.688 31.8 30.2 4 T11 2 1/2 62.863 31.817 22.4 T13 3 75.238 57.938 57.4 24.1 4 T4 1 3/ 34.707 22.788 54.818 42.8 36.679 137.118 29. Diam Diam Length Diam Diam Length Number Size BS ES LT BS ES LT T1 1 24. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .868 61.2 138.776 68.2 T8 1 7/8 46.643 39.213 31. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . 158987 cubic meters per day (m3/d) 1 cubic foot per minute (ft3/min) 0.776192 cubic meters per day (m3/d) Force 1 pound-force (lbf) 4.S.S.2) 6894. APPENDIX F—SI UNITS Note: This appendix is not part of API Specification 7K.7854 cubic decimeters (dm3) 1 barrel (U.3048 meters per second (m/s) (exactly) Volume 1 cubic inch (in.02831685 cubic meters per minute (m3/min) or 40. Table F-1—SI Units Quantity U.112985 newton meters (N¥m) 1 foot pound-force (ft¥lbf) 1.355818 Joules (J) Length 1 inch (in.2) 645. Customary Unit SI Unit Area 1 square inch (in.158987 cubic meters (m3) or 158.3168 cubic decimeters (dm3) 1 gallon (U.) 0.45359237 kilograms (kg) (exactly) Pressure 1 pound-force per square inch (lbf/in.448222 newtons (N) Impact energy 1 foot pound-force (ft¥lbf) 1.0283168 cubic meters (m3) or 28.16 square millimeters (mm2) (exactly) Flow rate 1 barrel per day (bbl/d) 0.987 cubic decimeters (dm3) 55 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .387064¥10Ð3 cubic decimeters (dm3) (exactly) 1 cubic foot (ft3) 0.) 0.757 pascals (Pa) or 1 pound per square inch (psi) (Note: 1 bar = 105 Pa) Strength or stress 1 pound-force per square inch (lbf/in.355818 newton meters (N¥m) Velocity 1 foot per second (ft/s) 0.8 millimeters (mm) (exactly) Mass 1 pound (lb) 0.) 25.S.2) 6894.3) 16.4 millimeters (mm) (exactly) 1 foot (ft) 304.0037854 cubic meters (m3) or 3. The conversion of English units shall be made in accordance with ISO 31-3.757 pascals (Pa) Temperature The following formula was used to convert degrees Fahrenheit (¡F) to degrees Celsius (¡C): ¡C = 5/9 (¡F Ð 32) Torque 1 inch pound-force (in¥lbf) 0. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . PC-01200—2/96—4C ( ) COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . 20005-4070 Institute 202-682-8000 Order No. D. Northwest Petroleum Washington.C. ADDITIONAL COPIES AVAILABLE FROM PUBLICATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION (202) 682-8375 American 1220 L Street. G7K002 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .
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