API RP 1102 Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways(1993).pdf

April 29, 2018 | Author: Mostafa Nabil | Category: Buckling, Pascal (Unit), Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Pipeline Transport, Rail Transport



Steel Pipelines CrossingRailroads and Highways API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1 102 SIXTH EDITION, APRIL 1993 American Petroleum Institute 1220 L Street. Northwest Washington, D.C. 20005 11’ COPYRIGHT 2002; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100, User=, 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways Manufacturing, Distribution and Marketing Department API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1102 SIXTH EDITION, APRIL 1993 American Petroleum Institute COPYRIGHT 2002; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100, User=, 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. API RP*LL02 93 9 0732290 0509030 4 L b SPECIAL NOTES 1. API PUBLICATIONS NECESSARILY ADDRESS PROBLEMS OF A GENERAL NATURE. WITH RESPECT TOPARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES, LOCAL,STATE, AND FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS SHOULD BE REVIEWED. 2. API IS NOT UNDERTAKINGTO MEET THE DUTIES OF EMPLOYERS, MANU- FACTURERS, OR SUPPLIERS TO WARN AND PROPERLY TRAIN AND EQUIP THEIR EMPLOYEES, AND OTHERS EXPOSED, CONCERNING HEALTH AND SAFETY RISKS AND PRECAUTIONS, NOR UNDERTAKING THEIR OBLIGATIONS UNDER LOCAL,STATE, OR FEDERAL LAWS. 3. INFORMATION CONCERNING SAFETY AND HEALTH RISKS AND PROPER PRECAUTIONS WITH RESPECT TO PARTICULAR MATERIALS AND CONDI- TIONS SHOULD BE OBTAINED FROMTHE EMPLOYER, THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER OF THAT MATERIAL, ORTHE MATERIAL SAFETYDATA SHEET. 4. NOTHING CONTAINEDIN ANY API PUBLICATION IS TO BE CONSTRUED AS GRANTING ANY RIGHT, BY IMPLICATION OR OTHERWISE, FORTHE MANU- FACTURE, SALE, OR USE OF ANY METHOD, APPARATUS, OR PRODUCT COV- ERED BY LETTERS PATENT. NEITHER SHOULD ANYTHING CONTAINED IN THE PUBLICATION BE CONSTRUED AS INSURING ANYONE AGAINST LIABIL- ITY FOR INFRINGEMENTOF LETTERS PATENT. 5 . GENERALLY,API STANDARDS ARE REVIEWED AND REVISED, REAF- FIRMED, OR WITHDRAWNAT LEAST EVERY FIVE’YEARS. SOMETIMES ONE- A TIME EXTENSION OF UP TO TWO YEARS WILL BE ADDED TO THIS REVIEW CYCLE. THIS PUBLICATION WILL NO LONGER BE IN EFFECT FIVE YEARSAF- TER ITS PUBLICATION DATE ASAN OPERATIVE APISTANDARD OR, WHERE AN EXTENSION HAS BEEN GRANTED, UPON REPUBLICATION. STATUS OF THE PUBLICATION CAN BE ASCERTAINED FROMTHE API AUTHORING DEPART- MENT [TELEPHONE (202) 682-8000]. A CATALOG OF API PUBLICATIONS AND MATERIALS IS PUBLISHED ANNUALLY AND UPDATED QUARTERLY BY API, 1220 L STREET,N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005. Copyright O 1993 American Petroleum Institute COPYRIGHT 2002; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100, User=, 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. A P I RP+3302 93 0732290 0509033 352 FOREWORD The need for an industry-recommended practice to address installation of pipeline cross- ings under railroads was first recognized by the publication of American Petroleum Institute (API) Code 26 in 1934.This code represented an understanding betweenthe pipeline and railroad industries regarding the installation of the relatively small-diameter lines then prevalent. The rapid growthof pipeline systems after 1946 usinglarge-diameter pipe led to the re- evaluation and revision of API Code 26 to include pipeline design criteria. A series of changes was made between 1949 and 1952, culminating in the establishment in 1952 of Recommended Practice 1102. The scope of Recommended Practice 1102 (1952) included crossings of highways in anticipation of the cost savings that would accrue to the use of thin-wall casings in conjunction with the pending construction of the Defense Interstate Highway System. Recommended Practice 1102 (1968) incorporated the knowledge gained from known data on uncased carrier pipes and casing design and fromthe performance of uncased car- rier pipes under dead and live loads, as well as under internal pressures. Extensive computer analysis was performed using Spangler's Iowa Formula [ 11 to determine the stress in un- cased carrier pipes and the wall thickness of casing pipes in instances where cased are pipes required inan installation. The performance of carrier pipes in uncasedcrossings and casings installed since 1934, and operated in accordance with APICode 26 and RecommendedPractice 11 02, has been excellent. There is no known occurrence in the petroleum industry a structural of failuredue to imposed earth and live loads on a carrier pipe or casing under a railroad or highway. Pipeline company reports to the U.S. Department of Transportation in compliance with 49 Code of Federal RegulationsPart 195 corroborate this record. The excellent performance record of uncasedcarrier pipes and casings may in partbe due to the design process used to determine the required wall thickness. Measurements of actual installed casings and carrier pipes using previous Recommended Practice 1102 design cri- teria demonstrate that the past design methods are conservative. In 1985, theGas Research Institute (GRI) began funding a research project at Cornel1 University to develop an im- proved methodologyfor the design of uncased carrier pipelines crossing beneath railroads and highways.The research scope included state-of-the-art reviews of railroad and highway crossing practices and performance records [2,3], three-dimensional finite element mod- eling of uncased carrier pipes beneath railroads and highways, and extensive field testing on full-scale instrumented pipelines. The results of this research are the basis for the new methodology for uncased carrier pipe design given in this edition of Recommended Prac- tice 1102. The GR1 summary report, Technical Summary undDatubase for Guidelinesfor Pipelines Crossing Railrouds and Highways by Ingraffea et al. [4], includes the results of the numerical modeling, the full derivationsof the design curvesused in this recommended practice, and the data base of the field measurements made on the experimental test pipelines. This recommended practice contains tabular values for the wall thickness of casings where they are required in an installation. The loading values that were employed are Cooper E-80 with 175% impactfor railroads and10,OOO pounds (44.5kilonewtons) per tan- dem wheel with 150% impact for highways. Due notice should be taken of the fact that ex- ternal loads on flexible pipes can cause failure by buckling. Buckling occurs when the vertical diameterhas undergone 18% to 22% deflection. Failure by buckling does not result in rupture of the pipe wall, although the metal may bestressed far beyond its elastic limit. Recommended Practice 1102 (1993) recognizes this performance of a properly installed flexible casing pipe, as opposed to heavy wall rigidstructures, and has based its design cri- teria on a maximum vertical deflection of 3% of the vertical diameter. Measurementof ac- tual installed casing pipe using Recommended Practice 1102 (198 1) design criteria iii COPYRIGHT 2002; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100, User=, 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. the Institute makes no representation. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. . or municipal regulation with which this publication may conflict.65% or less of the vertical diameter. COPYRIGHT 2002.W. or guarantee in connection with this pub- lication and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for lossor damage re- sulting from its use or forthe violation of any federal.C. 20005. Washington. and in most instances.and maintenance of the nation's petroleum pipelines. A P I RPULL02 9 3 ' 1 0732290 0509032 299 m demonstrates that the Iowa Formula is very conservative. Recommended Practice1102 has beenrevised and improvedrepeatedly using the latest research and experience in measuring actual performance of externally loadeduncased pipelines under various environmental conditions and using new materials and construction techniques developed since the recommended practice was last revised.. User=. however. APIrecognizes the contributions to this recommended practice made by GRI and acknowledges its cooperation in providing the latest pipelinedesign technology. API appreciatively acknowledges their contributions. construction. warranty. 1220 L Street. American Petroleum Institute. state. The sixth edition of Recommended Practice 1102 (1993)has been reviewedby the A P I Central Committee on Pipeline Transportationand its Committee on Design and Construc- tion utilizingthe extensive knowledge and experiences of qualified engineers responsible for design. D. A P I publications may be used by anyone desiring to doso. Distributionand Marketing Department. Every effort has been made by the Instituteto assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. Suggested revisions are invited and shouldbe submitted to the directorof the Manufac- turing. the mea- sured long-term vertical deflection hasbem 0. operation. The current Rec- ommended Practice1102 ( 1 9 3 ) is the sixth edition and reflects the most recent design cri- teria and technology. N. ..4 Provisions for Public Safety .......................... SECTION 4-UNCASED CROSSINGS 4..................................................................... 7 4............... 1..........................................................9 Casing Seals .......... 18 4....2Highway Crossings ......................8.................3 Minimum Internal Diameter of Casing ................ EQUATIONS......................................... American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100............................. 2......................... 15 4............................ 21 5........................................................................7 Stresses .......................................................................................7.1Railroad Crossings .................................................... 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584............................................... 2................................................. 22 5...................................3 Mechanical Protection ....................4...............................................................................6 Location andAlignment .........................6 Loads ....................................................3Type of Pipeline .................2Checkfor Fatigue ........ 1.................................................. AND DEFINITIONS 2............................................... 23 COPYRIGHT 2002.....................................8........9 Orientation of Longitudinal Welds at Railroad and Highway Crossings ..................4.............. 22 5..... 5 4...........................1Bored Crossings ....................................7.......................2OpenTrenched Crossings ....................................... 4 4.......................................................................................................................................................................4.. 7 4.............................................3 Mechanical Protection ...... 5 4........................................ 22 5...........6........................................................................................1Check for Allowable Stresses ...............6...............2 Application ..........10 Location of Girth Welds at Railroad Crossings ............. 1...................1 General .....2 External Loads .....4 Cover ........................................................... ....................................5 General ................................................1 General ..................................................5Approval for Crossings ...... 7 4......................................... 21 5....................................3InternalLoad ........... 21 5...............................................4............................................................................................................7Cover ............................................................2Highway Crossings .....7............................................2 Casings for Crossings ........................................... 4 4.......... .2 Equations ..............................8 Installation ...........................7........................................................................... 5 4............................................................................................... 21 SECTION 5"CASED CROSSINGS 5........................................................... 17 4..4.....................8 Limits of Calculated Stresses .............1 Symbols ................................................... 21 5.....2 General ............................................................1 Typeof Crossing ...............................................3 Location andAlignment ...... 5 4..........................................3 Stresses Due to Internal Load ............................................................................................... 21 5...... 17 4................................ SECTION 2"SYMBOLS............. 21 5....... 1.................. User=.....7......................................................... 4 4...................................................................................................................4 Wall Thickness ........................ 21 4........... TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1-SCOPE 1............ 23 5................................ 22 5.........................7..............1 General .....6.................1 Carrier Pipe Installed Within a Casing ... 4 4........................... 5 4................................... 7 4........................................... 5 4.............................1 Railroad Crossings .............................................. SECTION 3-PROVISIONS FOR SAFETY .......... 21 5.........................................3 Definitions .............................................................. 4 4......................................................................................................................5 Design ........................................2 Stresses Due to External Loads ............. 23 5......................................................................................................... .... ........ 25 6.7Pipe Coatings ................................................................................... 29 APPENDIX C-CASING WALL THICKNESSES .......................................................... 12 10-Railroad Double Track Factorfor Cyclic Circumferential Stress.3.............................. A P I RPt1102 93 m 0732290 0509034 Ob1 m 5.......................... 39 Figures 1-Examples of Uncased Crossing Installations .................................... ... 23 5....... 4 2-Flow Diagram of Design Procedurefor Uncased Crossings of Railroads and Highways .............. 26 7................ . 23 6..................................................2 Split Casings ... 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584..........................................1.................. 24 6...................... 11 9-Railroad Geometry Factor for Cyclic Circumferential Stress........... 10 7-Recommended Impact Factor Versus Depth ......... ..............................B...................... or Tunneling ..........................................................4 Backfilling ...1 Trenchless Installation ... 11 8-Railroad Stiffness Factor for Cyclic Circumferential Stress.........3........................ KHr ..............................................................................3 General ...........................1.................................4Protection of PipelinesDuringHighway or RailroadConstruction ..................................Jacking............ 24 6....................................... 27 APPENDIXB-UNCASEDDESIGN EXAMPLE PROBLEMS .. 25 7............3..............1Adjustment of PipelinesatCrossings ................................................................................................................................................. 8 &Burial Factor for Earth Load Circumferential Stress................................... 24 6....3.....2................................ 25 6...............3 Excavation . 25 6...........................................3 Welding ..... 26 APPENDIX A-SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL PROPERTIES AND UNCASED CROSSING DESIGNVALUES .........................................10 Casing Vents ........ 12 11-Railroad Stiffness Factor for Cyclic Longitudinal Stress............................. 24 6................. 25 6...................................................2 Open Cut or Trenched Installation ...... 25 SECTION 7-RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS CROSSING EXISTING PIPELINES 7.................................................................................................................1... ..........................11 Insulators .......... 23 6....................2Adjustment of In-ServicePipelines ...................................................... 13 vi COPYRIGHT 2002.......................2.1 General ............1 Lowering Operations ..................................................................2InspectionandTesting ................................................... 23 5...... 6 3-Stiffness Factor for Earth Load Circumferential Stress..................... P. 25 7.........E.................. 26 SECTION 8-REFERENCES ...................... 25 7.............. and P...............KHe .......................................5PipelineMarkersandSigns .....................2.. 25 6... 25 7........................................................ 23 6.................................................... American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.....2.........................................................................................................6CathodicProtection ........................................ KLr .2.............3 Temporary Bypasses ........12 Inspection and Testing ...................3............... 24 6..................................................................... 37 APPENDIX D-UNIT CONVERSIONS .......................................................3 Surface Restoration ...........................................................1ConstructionSupervision . 26 7........................ 24 6.....................................3 AdjustmentsofPipelinesRequiringInterruptionofService ... 24 6............ 24 6...............NH ....................................................................1GeneralConditions .........................2Boring..................2................4PressureTesting .........G............. User=..............................................................................................................1.. 8 5-Excavation Factor for Earth Load Circumferential Stress................................................................ 23 SECTION 6”INSTALLATION 6........................... 9 &Single and Tandem Wheel Loads.........2 Backfill ..........3.........................3........................ .. 13 13-Railroad Double Track Factor for Cyclic Longitudinal Stress... User=..... &h ......... 18 A... 21 C-1-Minimum Nominal WallThickness for Flexible Casing in Bored Crossings ........ 27 A-2-Typical Values for Resilient Modulus. 19 18-B-Longitudinal Stress Reduction Factor....... 15 15-Highway Geometry Factor for Cyclic Circumferential Stress.... 37 D........................................................ 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.....R.. for LG Greater Than or Equal to 5 Feet (1.........................................4 Kilonewtons) and P. for Various Steel Grades ..................................... G..... SF......... = 12 Kips (53.... 14 14-Highway Stiffness Factor for Cyclic Circumferential Stress.... E.................. ......... 17 18-A-Longitudinal Stress Reduction Factor..........................5 Meters) but Less Than 10 Feet (3........... = 10 Kips (44...................... American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100............................. and Sm..0 Meters) ...I-Unit Conversion .................1-Typical Values for Modulus of Soil Reaction...... IVL .......5 Kilonewtons) ......... 39 COPYRIGHT 2002...RF.... L .RF........................ A P I RP*1102 93 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 0509035 T T 4 m 12-Railroad Geometry Factor for Cyclic Longitudinal Stress............................. ...... 20 19-Examples of Cased Crossing Installations ....for LCGreater Than or Equal to 10 Feet (3................................................................................... 16 16-Highway Stiffness Factor for cyclic Longitudinal Stress....... 10 2-Highway Pavement Type Factors............................................. G H h ............................. and Axle Configuration Factors........................... 22 A-l-Critical Case Decision Basisfor Whether Single or Tandem Axle Configuration Will Govern Design ...... 28 Tables l-Critical Axle Configurations for Design WheelLoads of P........ E’ ............... 15 3-Fatigue Endurance Limits...................... 16 17-Highway Geometry Factor for Cyclic Longitudinal Stress.. 27 A-3-Typical Steel Properties ...........0 Meters) ............. K H h ........ ............................................ GLr ........... Geometry factor for cyclic circumferential Bored diameter of crossing. Steel Pipelines Crossing This practice applies to welded steel pipelines. limeters. square inches or square meters. SECTION 2”SYMBOLS. Neither should it be applied to directionally drilled crossings or to pipelines installedin utility tunnels. Young’s modulus of steel. as well as to provide adequate design for safe conditions are not specifically discussed. nor are all details installation and operation of the pipeline.1 1. in inches or mil. in kips per square Stiffness factor for circumferential stress inch or megapascals. in stress from highwayvehicular load. Highly volatile liquid. Neither shouldit apply to pipelines under con- 1. installation. apply to thedesignandconstruction of weldedsteel The provisions set forth in this practice adequately provide pipelines under railroads and highways. Excavation factor for circumferential stress Stiffness factor for cyclic circumferential from earth load. and regulatory 1. AND DEFINITIONS 2. Prior to the construction of a pipeline crossing. and testing required to ensure safe crossingsof 1. Itcovers the design. EQUATIONS. from highway vehicular load.5ApprovalforCrossings 0 tract for construction onor prior to the effective date of this edition. The provisions The provisions give primary emphasis to public safety.4ProvisionsforPublicSafety steel pipelines under railroads and highways. Longitudinaljoint factor. Depth to top of pipe. from earth load.gives primary emphasis to provi- sions for public safety. to the adjustmentof existing pipelines crossedby railroad or highway construction. The provisions of for safety under conditions normally encountered in the this practice are formulated to protect thefacility crossed by pipeline industry. in feet or meters. Geometry factor for cyclic circumferential Contact areafor application of wheelload. . User=. earth load. in- spection. 1 COPYRIGHT 2002. in pounds per Stiffness factor for cyclic longitudinal stress square inch or kilopascals. Modulus of soil reaction. municipal. of engineering and construction provided. limeters. stress from rail load. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.3TypeofPipeline This recommended practice. Requirements for abnormal or unusual the pipeline.1 Fi Impact factor. Resilient modulus of soil.state. arrange- ments should be made with theauthorized agent of the facil- ity to be crossed. Geometry factorfor cyclic longitudinalstress Burial factor for circumferential stress from from highway vehicular load. in inches or mil. from rail load.2 Application institutions havingjurisdiction over the facility to be crossed The provisions herein should be applicable to the construc. stress from rail load. Railroads and Highways. A P I RP*LL02 93 m 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 0 5 0 9 0 3 b 934 m a Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways SECTION 1 4 C O P E General 1. shall be observed during the design and construction of the tion of pipelines crossing under railroads and highways and pipeline.6]. stress from highway vehicular load. The applicable regulations of federal [5. in kips per square Stiffness factor for cyclic circumferential inch or megapascals. This practice should not be applied retroactively. Design factor chosen in accordance with Stiffness factor for cyclic longitudinal stress standard practice or code requirement. from railload. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. Geometry factorfor cyclic longitudinalstress External diameter of pipe. v. Applied design surface pressure. 2.f. gases. Equation Internal pipe pressure. Radial: Coefficient of thermal expansion. Circumferential stress from internal pressure Internal Load: calculated using the average diameter. in pounds per square inch or stress. kilopascals. h Cyclic circumferential stress from highway Distance of girth weld from centerline of vehicular load. Note: All stresses below have units of pounds per square inch or kilopascals. &h Cyclic longitudinal stress fromhighwayve- Double track factor for cyclic circumferential hicular load. newtons. S3= maximum radial stress. in pounds persquare inch or kilopascals. in pounds or kilo- newtons. ~. User=. pounds per square inch or kilopascals. in poundsor kilonewtons. in pounds S2 = ML. Live Load: Total effective stress. Number of tracksat railroad crossing.T I )+ + SHi) per square inch or kilopascals. MLr= Kb CLrNL Fi W Fatigue resistance of longitudinal weld. Wheel load. Maximum allowable operating pressure for ASHr Cyclic circumferential stress from railload. S. API RPtLL02 93 0732290 0509037 870 m 2 API PRACTICE RECOMMENDED 1102 _-.=~~[(sl-~~)~+(s. in pounds per square inch or kilopascals. S1 = S H e + &H + SHi Temperature derating factor. in pounds or kilo. in pounds per square W = P/A.)~] Cyclic circumferential stress. cals. inch or kilopascals. in stress. Double track factor for cyclic longitudinal ASLr Cyclic longitudinal stress from rail load. Earth Load: Highway pavement type factor. Single axle wheel load. Principal stresses in pipe. . S. ~~ Highway axleconfiguration factor. & . SHe = KHe Be YD Longitudinal stress reduction factor for fa- tigue. in pounds persquare inch or kilopascals. Temperatures (OF or "C).2 Equations Tandem axle wheel load. per "F or S.. in ASLh =KLh GLh R L Fi W pounds per square inch or kilopascals. in square inch or kilopascals.)/2 r. Unit weightof soil. kilopascals.] I F X E x T x SMYS pounds per square inch or kilopascals. in pounds per Liquids: square inch or kilopascals: SI= maximum [SHi(Barlow) = pD/2 f. in pounds per square inch or kilopascals. in SHi = p ( D . = maximum longi- tudinal stress. in pounds Circumferential: per square inch or kilopascals. in feet or meters.&%(T2 . 5 SMYS x F COPYRIGHT 2002. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. Limits of Calculated Stresses: Specified minimum yield strength. " " ~~. in pounds per square inch or kilopascals. in inchesor millimeters. &Hr = K H r Gm NH Fi W Fatigue resistance of girth weld.] I F x E X SMYS circumferential stress. in pounds per Maximum operating pressure for liquids. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.-s3)~+(s3-s..SHi (Barlow) = pD/2 r. A& Cycliclongitudinalstress. Poisson's ratio of steel. in pounds per cubic inch or kilonewtons per cubic meter. Circumferentialstress from internal pressure Natural gas: calculated using the Barlow formula. = -P = -MAOP or -MOP per "C. Longitudinal: Pipe wall thickness. &Hh =KHh GHh R L Fi W Circumferential stress from earth load. in pounds per square inch or track. pounds per square inch or kilopascals. in pounds per square inch or kilopas. in [. pounds per square inch or kilopascals. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.3. formed by a continuous auger as sections of pipe are welded 2.1 O Maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) or maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the maximum pressure at which a pipeline or segment of a pipeline may be operated.16 Split casing is a casing made of a pipe that is cut 2. 2. state.3.7 Highly volatile liquid (HVL) is a hazardous liquid longitudinally and rewelded around thecarrier pipe. User=. movement and protecting the highway from surface or struc- 3. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.3 Definitions as sections of pipe are jacked simultaneously into place be- hind the advancing instrument.2 Casedpipeline or casedpipe is a carrier pipe inside and then jacked simultaneously behind the front of the ad- a casing that crosses beneath a railroad or highway.6 A girth weld is a full circumferential butt weld join- made of Portland cement concrete. with limits as determined by applicable design codes and regulations.3.3. municipal. 2. Steel pipe is an example of a flexible casing. is trans- agent of the railroad company before any equipment ruck.12 Pipe jacking with auger boring is a construction 2. uninterrupted test may be placed.3. . material. The following definitions of terms apply to this practice: 2. nent deformation or change of shape without fracture of the wall.3.1 3 Pressure testing is a continuous. ported across a railroad track at any location other than a or otherregulatingbodieshavingjurisdictionover the public or private thoroughfare. without a casing that crosses beneath a railroad or highway.3.3. oil.3. or segments thereof. 2. A P I RPxLL02 9 3 W 0732290 0509038 707 m STEEL PIPELINES CROSSING RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS 3 . COPYRIGHT 2002. " 2.1 8 Uncased pipeline or uncased pipe is carrier pipe hicular traffk. ing twoadjacent sections of pipe. warning signs.8 Highway is any road or driveway that is used fre- quently as a thoroughfare andis subject to self-propelledve.3 Permission should be obtained from an authorized tural damage.9 Longitudinal weld is a full penetration groove weld running lengthwise along the pipe made during fabrication of the pipe.1 The applicable regulations of federal. SECTION 3-PROVISIONS FOR SAFETY 3. that will forma vapor cloudwhen released to the atmosphere and that has a vapor pressure exceeding 40 pounds per 2. pipeline or the facility to be crossed shall be observed during the installation of a crossing. for installing pipelines by subsurface excavation without the use of open trenching.15 Rigidpavement is a highway surface or subsurface 2. 2.3.1 7 Trenchless construction is any construction method square inch absolute (276 kilopascals) at 100°F (373°C). should be placed.3.4 Flexible casing is casing that may undergo perma- ifies them for operation. cous asphaltic materials.3. and bar- such as posting flagpersons to direct traffic and equipment ricades should be provided and maintained.3.3 Casing is a conduit through which the carrier pipe 2. and flares persons) should ity.4 The movement of vehicles.fences. 2. Highway surfaces shouldbe kept free of dirt. and preparatory procedureSshould be used. equipment. and personnel across a highway should be in strict compliance 3'2 As to the hazards guards (watch. vancing auger. which qual- 2. and temporary walkways. 3. mud.11 Percussivemoling is a constructionmethod in which a percussive moling device is used to advance a hole 2. lights. 2. 2.1 A carrier pipe is a steel pipe for transporting gas or method for pipeline crossingsin which the excavation is per- liquids.3. 2.3. of specified time duration and pressureof the completed pipeline or piping systems.3.14 Railroad refers to rails fixed to ties laid on a roadbed providing a track for rolling stock drawn by loco- 2.5 Flexible pavement is a highway surface madeof vis- motives or propelled by self-contained motors.3. or other debris that present an unsafe condition.3. with the of appropriate the jurisdictional author- be posted. any structure or facility intercepted by or adjacent to the roadbed or adjacent properties. The than 30 degrees. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. Carrier pipe under railroads should be installed with a 4. 3.3 Vertical and horizontal clearances between the pipeline 4. and where deep cuts steel pipelines underrailroads and highways.2. as well asthepotentialdifficulties associated with protecting cased pipelines from corrosion.4 or B3 1. the crossing.2. as follows (see Figure 1): G E Minimum depth Railroad7 I I [belowbottom of rail Minimum depth below ditch m l \ \ Minimum depth below ground\ LUncased carrier pipe RAILROAD CROSSING Minimum depth f r Highway1 f rDrainaae ditch Uncased carrier pipe 1 L Minimum depth below surface of pavement HIGHWAY CROSSING Figure 1-Examples of Uncased Crossing Installations COPYRIGHT 2002. near to 90 degrees as practicable. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. 4. 4. 4.4. as measured fromthe top of the pipe to the latest approved editions of M I Standard 1104.3.3. and ASME B31.1 Type of Crossing of Pipelines and Related Facilities[7]. 4.2 General and a structureor facility in place mustbe sufficientto permit maintenance of the pipeline and the structure or facility. 4.3.1 The carrier pipe should be as straight as practicable and should have uniform soil support for the entire length of the crossing. provisions apply to the design and construction of welded 4. 4. shouldbe avoided where practicable.2.2 The carrier pipe should be installed so as to mini. A P I RP*lL02 9 3 0732290 0509039 643 m 4 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1102 3.Welding the base of the rail.3 The carrier pipe shall be welded in accordance with minimum of cover.2 Crossings in wet or rock terrain. .3 LocationandAlignment casedpipelines. The decision to use an uncased crossing must be predi- cated on careful consideration of the stresses imposed onun. whichever is applicable. 91.6 Thefunctioning of railroadand highway drainage ing a crossing shouldnot cause damage to. or make unsafeto ditches should be maintained to avoid flooding or erosion of operate. SECTION 4-UNCASED CROSSINGS 4.4 Cover 4.1 RAILROAD CROSSINGS mize the void betweenthe pipe and theadjacent soil.1 The angle of intersection between a pipeline cross- This section focuses specifically on the design of uncased ing and the railroad or highway to be crossed should be as carrier pipelines to accommodate safely the stresses and de. are required. User=.8 [8. Inno case should it be less formations imposed atrailroad and highwaycrossings.5 Equipmentusedandproceduresfollowed in construct. Ingraffea et al.1 Railroad Crossing h. 131. A S L . a single train.8 meters) 2. Under all Location structure proper other surfaces Minimum Cover 6 feet (1. 1 l a. evaluated on a site-specific basis and. Under all other surfaces 4.2. Calculate the circumferential stress due to earth load. are outside construction.1 and 4. 4. longitudinal 4.6. imum cover. The soils.6 Loads 4. It consists of the following steps: temperature fluctuationscan be included. i.2. and the cyclic longitudinal stress. Check by comparing S. Check longitudinal weld fatigue by comparing ASH against thelongitudinal weld fatigue limit. SHi.9 meter) jected to both internal load from pressurization and external c. Calculate the effective stress. A S H . Fi. dinal bends and tees in the vicinityof the crossing. 4. x F. give equations to evaluate such effects. 4.2 Other loads may be present as a result of temper- ature fluctuations caused by changes in season.8.2can- not be provided. load is calculatedaccordingtotheprocedures widely g. 12. modify thedesignconditions in Itema appropriately and repeat thesteps in Itemsb through h. W . Check SHi(Bar. in the longitudinaldirection. overlying soil that is conveyed to the top of pipe. Use the Barlow formula to calculate the circumferential describe how pipelinestresses can be influencedby longitu- stress due to internal pressure. Loads of this nature must be ameter approaching the crossing.2.5 Design tension due to end effects. S.6. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.2.1.as measured from the top of the pipe to thetop of the surface. the stresses affecting the un. as follows (see Figure 1): Location Minimum Cover 4. Determine the pipe.4.8. c.6. have been used in pipeline design for many years and have tial direction. If the minimumcoverage set forth in 4. Calculate the circumferential stress due to internal pres. A P I RP+LL02 9 3 D 0732290 0509040 3b5 m STEEL PIPELINES CROSSING RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS 5 . due to live load.6. S. unusual surface loads associ- To ensure safe operation. Check effective stress. Check welds for fatigue. Calculate the principal stresses. The earth load isthe force resulting from the weight of the f. ~ . Underhighway surface proper 4 feet ( 1. several figures give design curves for specific 4. against the allowable stress. S.6. S.For pipelines transporting HVL 4 feet (1.6 through 4.4.6. nearby blasting. within the right-of-way or from the bottom of ditches 3 feet (0.. and they low) against the maximum allowable value. such as shrinking and swelling cluding both circumferential and longitudinal stresses. as follows: adopted in practice for ditch conduits [ 101. Under track b.2 LiveLoad SMYS x F. Extrapolations be- Carrier pipe under highways should be installed with min- yond the design curvelimits are not recommended. &. Allother loads are a. as follows: l. soil.9 meter) Recommended methodsfor performing the steps in Items c. Check girth weld fatigue by comparing A& against the It is assumed that the pipeline is subjected to the load from girth weld fatigue limit. Recommended methods for calculating these loads and impact factors are described in the following subsections. in. In 4. 3. An impact factor should be applied to the live 4. as would be applied on either track shown in COPYRIGHT 2002. and un- recommended design procedure is shown schematically in dermining by adjacent excavations. x F.6 through 4. Serf. For pipelines transporting HVL 4 feet (1. and ground deformations cased pipeline must be accounted for comprehensively.2EXTERNALLOADS propriate impact factor.2 meters) b through h. mechanical protection shall be installed.. d. ated with specialized equipment. sional organizations [ 11. the scope of this recommended practice. The earth sure.2 meters) b.4. Pipe stresses induced by Figure 2.. Interpolations between the design curves may be done.1 A carrier pipe at an uncased crossing will be sub- within the right-of-way 3 feet (0. in the circumferen.2 HIGHWAY CROSSINGS material properties or geometric conditions. If any check fails. Calculate the external live load. [4] b. a result of special conditions.4. Begin with the wall thickness for the pipelineof given di. Such procedures 1. frost heave. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. and operational characteristics. 4. Calculate the cyclic circumferential stress.. arising from various sources. User=. therefore. local instability.1. fluctuations associated with pipeline operating conditions. S. are described in 4.~ I .6. 2.2 meters) loads from earth forces (dead load) and or train highway traf- fic (live load). .1 Earth Load e. and determine the ap. above. SHi(Barlow). and S3 in the been included in specifications adopted by various profes- radial direction.3MECHANICALPROTECTION load. 4.1 GENERAL a. .. S. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. Equation 4 or6.2. or Equation20 Design complete Figure 2. . Equation 15 or 16. and 5 Calculate cyclic longitudinal AS. User=.: stress due to live load. Calculate the circumferential Earth load and calculate 6 : Figure 7 stress dueto internal pressure using the Barlow formula. S$ Equations 9.10.and S. and site characteristics - * d External - Calculate W: Section 4.7. Equation 19. Begin Pipe.¡ (Barlow): Equation 8a or 8b Calculate cyclic circumferential Calculate circumferential AS. S.1 . or Figures 14 and 15 Fiaures 3..: Equation 7 * + t Calculate the principal stresses.. Figures 8..Figures 11.Flow Diagram of Design Procedure for Uncased Crossingsof Railroads and Highways COPYRIGHT 2002.9. installation.e: Equation 1. 4. Sefi: Equation 12 Fails S. or Figures 16 and 17 stress due to internal pressure.. 12. Figure 18. or Equation 17 Fails fatiaue check - Check for fatiguein longitudinal weld: Table 3. APIRPx3302 93 m 0732290 05090432T3 6 API RECOMMENDEO PRACTICE 1102 ..: stress due to live load. &. stress dueto earth load.. operational. 11 Calculate effective stress.. f + h S. Equation 3 or 5. and 10. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.2. Calculate the circumferential and 13. check Check for allowableSefi: 4 Equation 13 1 Check for fatiguein girth weld: Table 3. construction may range from0. value is justified on the basis of field or laboratory data. applied follow.6.8 megapascals)..2.2 STRESSES DUE TO EXTERNAL LOADS 4. pipeline stresses larger than those associated with pipelines Table A. Values of E' appropriate for auger borer The crossing is assumed be to oriented at90 degrees with re. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.1StressesDue to Earth Load feet (6.1 in AppendixA gives typical values for E'. ~~ Figure l. D can be assumed. and new structures constructed over existing pipelines. applied at the surface of the roadway. ..1 meters by 2. can be assumedequal to 1.as (1. E. is presentedas a function of the 4.HIB.. 4. For simultaneous loading of both tracks.7.0 kips per square inch spect to the highway and is an embankment-type crossing. If the bored diameter is unknown or uncer- The internal load is produced by internal pressure. termined as follows: only the loadfrom one of the wheel sets needs to beconsid- ered.4. W .Bd ID. For detailed information on the methods usedto develop If the bored diameter is unknown or uncertain at thetime of the design approaches and design curves for determining design. and modulusof soil re- from two trucks traveling in adjacent lanes. sen as 0. For trenched con- stresses. and P.. stress in. The design wheel load should beeither the maximum &e = KHe Be YD (1) wheel load from a truck's single axle.7. unless the loads are known to be greater.4 megapascals). B.1 GENERAL ratio of bored diameter to pipe diameter.7. For trenched construction able operating pressure.. The burial factor. in Figure 5. see Ingraffea et al. For example. unless a ferred in new pipeline construction and is likely to result in higher value is judged more appropriate by the designer.. in tain at the time of design. it is recommended Bd that be taken pounds per square inch or kilopascals.4 meters).O. for various soilcondi- 4.5 kips per square inch (3. tJ D . The excavation factor. This D = pipe outside diameter.2. or maximum operating pres.2.load. = excavation factor for earth load. crement factorsfor the cyclic longitudinal and cyclic circum. Recommended proce.2 to 2.2HighwayCrossing The earth load stiffness factor.The maximum allow.at the surface of the crossing. STEEL PIPELINES CROSSING RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS 7 . This is the load resulting from the uniform distribution of four 80-kip (356-kilonewton) axles over an area 20 feet by 8 4. Figure 6 KH.7. This type of orientation generally is pre. P . equivalent single wheel loadsP . P. = burial factor for earth load.1 SurfaceLiveLoads dures for calculating each component of these stresses The live.069 than those associated with pipelinescrossing at oblique an- pounds per cubic inch) for most soil types unless a higher gles to the railroad. function of t. Itis recommended thatE' be cho- shown inFigure 1.2 Stresses Due to Live Load External loading on the carrier pipe will produce bothcir- cumferential and longitudinal stresses. The circumferentialstress at thepipeline invert causedby The live external highway load.9 kilonewtons per cubic meter) (equivalent to 0.. recognizing that soil compaction in the trench would lead to higher E' values than those for auger 4. is due to the wheel earth load. E. Figure 3 shows KHerplotted for various E'. should be assumed equalto 1.9 pounds per square inch (96 kilo- resisted by a vertical reaction distributed across a 90 degree pascals) be used. [4]. external rail loadis the vehicular load.O. MAOP. ferential stress are used. should be used in thedesign. is de. a truck COPYRIGHT 2002.2.6.2. arc centered on thepipe invert. = stiffness factor for circumferential stress from shows the methods by which axle loads are converted into earth load. MOP.2. p . crossing at oblique angles to the highway.lD. KH. For design. is presented as a function of the ratio of pipe depthto bored diameter. P. or the maximum Where: wheel load from a truck's tandem axle set. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. E. The crossing is assumed to be y = soil unit weight. such that there action. Itis recommended that Cooper tically across a 90 degree arc centered on the pipe crown and E-80 loading of W = 13.B. type of orientation generally is preferred in new pipeline It is recommended that ybe taken as 120 pounds per cubic construction and is likely to result in pipeline stresses larger foot (18. User=.7. as D + 2 inches (5 1 millimeters). as illustrated in Figure l . in inches or meters.. Bd = sure. 4.7 Stresses bored installations. (pounds per square inch or kilopascals). struction and new structures constructed over existing pipelines. E. embankment-type crossing.W . as a are twosets of tandem or single axles inline with each other. in pounds per cubic inch or kilo- oriented at 90 degrees with respectto the railroad and is an newtons percubic meter. E'. It is assumed that all external loads are conveyed ver.4 to 13.3INTERNALLOAD tions in Figure 4. accounts for the inter- action between the soil and pipe and depends on the pipe It is assumed that the pipeline is subjected to the loads wall thickness to diameter ratio. S. ksi (MPa) O 0. . 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. soft clays and silts Dense to very dense sands and gravels. K.5 I I I I I I I I I I E T ? Soil Description TVDe Loose to medium dense sands and gravels. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. B. User=. API RPxLL02 9 3 0732290 0509043 074 8 API RECOMMENDED 1102 PRACTICE 12000 ‘ \ I I 1 F \ E‘.02 0. COPYRIGHT 2002.. 1.04 0. medium to very stiff Depth to bored diameter ratio. Figure 3-Stiffness Factor for Earth Load Circumferential Stress.08 Wall thickness to diameter ratio.06 0. H/& Figure 4-Burial Factor for Earth Load Circumferential Stress.LID Note: See Table A-1 for soil descriptions. may be tandem wheel load.5kilonewtons). or ahas rigid pavement. = 12 kips (53.For It is recommended that the live load be increased by im-an the recommended design loads of P.2.4kilo. User=. H.4kilonewtons).25 1.of newtons) and P. has no pavement.3.3RailroadCyclicStresses Where: 4. = 10 kips = 10. Single axle loading:W = 83. and pipe diameters are given in Tablel.m Ratio of bored diameterto pipe diameter. The maximum tandem axle wheel load recommended fordesign is P. 4. A.093square meters). referto Appendix A.O5 1.20 1. = 10 kips (44. W = PfA. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.7. railroad and highway crossings is shown graphically in Figure burial depths. the depth of burial.10 1.9kilonewtons) would havea design tandem wheel load kilopascals). in pounds (kilonewtons). with a single axle loadof 24 kips (106.4pounds per square inch axle wheel load recommended for design isP .3 pounds per square inch (574 (177.75 for railroads and 1. W (pounds per square ways.. of P . A P I R P * L L 0 2 73 O 0732290 0509044 T O O O STEEL PIPELINES CROSSING RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS 9 ".2ImpactFactor ble pavement.5meters) until the impact factor equals1 . 6 d l D Figure 5-Excavation Factor for Earth Load Circumferential Stress..5kilonewtons). (2) 4.5 for high- The applied design surface pressure.7. (53. the critical the carrier pipeline at the crossing.H.4kilonewtons) and P. each decreasing by 0.7.000pounds (53. 7. more critical depends on the carrier pipe diameter. For design wheel loads different from the recommended The decision as to whether single or tandem axle loading is maximums.Pt. the applied design surface pres- have a design single wheel load of P.O. The impact factor for both axle configuration cases for the various pavement types.2. and whether the roadsurface has a flexi. and a truck with a tandem axle load of 40 kips a.2.2.5kilonewtons). 1. = 12 kips (53. is taken as 144 squareinches (0.o0 1. = 12 kips = KW = railroad stiffness factor for cycliccircumferential 12.or the design load. = 12 kips (479kilopascals). . = 10 kips (44. Themaximum single b.8 kilonewtons) would pounds (44. calculated as follows: A.5kilonewtons). COPYRIGHT 2002. sures are as follows: newtons). 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.which isa function of the depth ofburial. The impact factors are1. 1 per meter)of depth inch or kilonewtons).2.03per foot(O. then is determined as follows: below 5 feet (1. Tandem axle loading: W = 69. A S H .2.1 The cyclic circumferential stress due to rail P = either the design single wheel load.15 1.4kilo- pact factor.OOO stress. = 10 kips (44. PS. Where: For the recommended design loads of P . (pounds per square inch or kilopascals). D. = the contact area overwhich the wheel load is ap- ASHr = KHr G W NH Fi W (3) plied.Fi. Depth.> 12 inches (305 millimeters). D. D.2 meters)and diameter. .4 Kilonewtons) and P. P.2 meters) and diameter.I12 inches (305 millimeters) Pavement Qpe Critical Axle Configuration Flexible pavement Tandem axles No pavement Single axle Rigid pavement Tandem axles Depth. 10 Single axle load Tandem axle load a Direction of travel a O Equivalent load application area axle Single load load axle Tandem P.C 4 feet (1. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. t 4 feet ( 1. User=. H. = 10 Kips (44. H. = Pt = 2 4 Figure 6-Single and Tandem Wheel Loads. = 12 Kips (53.c 4 feet (1. H. and P.5 Kilonewtons) Depth of burial. Table 1-Critical Axle Configurations for Design Wheel Loads of P.2 meters) for all diameters Pavement vpe Critical Axle Configuration Flexible pavement Tandem axles No pavement Tandem axles Rigid pavement Tandem axles COPYRIGHT 2002. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. 25 Where: KL..KHI COPYRIGHT 2002. CHI. 300 . KHrris presented as a function The railroad stiffness factor. Fi= impact factor.06 0..2 The cyclic longitudinal stress due to rail load.00.is presented as a func- m c Y tion of pipe diameter. tJD. 20 A S L r (pounds per square inch or kilopascals). - . Figure 7-Recommended Impact Factor Versus NL = railroad singleor double track factor for cyclic lon- Depth gitudinal stress. A P I RP*LL02 9 3 D 0732290 0 5 0 9 0 4 b 883 D STEEL PIPELINES CROSSING RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS i1 Impact factor. D. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. 3 15 The single track factor for cyclic circumferential stress is NH % = 1. - 0 - -a 5o . E. The NHfactor for double trackis shown in Figure10. of the pipe wall thickness todiameter ratio. (Text continued on page 14) .02 0.2. 400 ..2. - e2 . W = applied design surface pressure. Fi= impact factor.ID Note: See Table A-2 for soil descriptions.m u) . Figure 8-Railroad Stiffness Factor for Cyclic Circumferential Stress. in Figure 8. h 4- m The railroad geometry factor..k . in pounds per 5 square inch or kilopascals. H.o = m cc 100 - - O I l I I I I I I I l I I I I I O 0.I. d 4. . 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.(.5 CH.04 0. and soil re- 10 silient modulus.08 Wall thickness to diameter ratio. O NH = railroad singleor double track factorfor cyclic cir- cumferential stress. in Figure 9. may be calcu- lated as follows: ASLr Kb NL CL. User=. - - o o F$ . = railroad stiffness factor for cyclic longitudinal stress. and depth of burial.= railroad geometryfactor for cyclic circumferential stress.3. CL. = railroad geometry factor for cyclic longitudinal 30 stress. - $E =F - S" ES 200 - u æ m o o .7. Table A-2 in Appendix A gives typical values for E. Fi W (4) . .5 O 6 24 12 18 30 36 42 Diameter. A P I RPtLL02 93 m 0732290 05090g7 7 L T m 12 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1102 (millimeters) O 200 400 lo00 600 800 1. NH COPYRIGHT 2002.0 I I I I I I I I I o 5 E 62 1. Figure 9-Railroad Geometry Factor for Cyclic Circumferential Stress. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. (millimeters) O 200 400 600 800 loo0 2.25 I I I I I I I I I I 1 O I I I I I I I I l l l l l l l l I l l I 24 O 18 6 12 30 36 42 Diameter. . D (inches) Figure 10-Railroad Double Track Factor for Cyclic Circumferential Stress.5 0. D (inches) G. User=. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. 02 0.-E!= 200- 2 100 - O I I I I 1 I I . User=. ksi (MPa) - -o . E.- E.Gu COPYRIGHT 2002. . American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100..5 I I 1 I I I I I I I Figure 12-Railroad Geometry Factor for Cyclic Longitudinal Stress. Note: See Table A-2 for soil descriptions. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. I O 0.06 0.08 tw/D Wall thickness to diameter ratio. - si2 òf G a S* 83 VE? -. Figure 11-Railroad Stiffness Factor for Cyclic Longitudinal Stress.04 0. 400. API 'RPxLL02 9 3 m 0732290 05090Ll8 656 m CROSSING PIPELINES STEEL RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS 13 600 I I I I " I l ~ l l ~ l 500 . & (millimeters) O 200 400 800 600 lo00 2. is presentedas a function The railroad stiffness factor.jD and E.4Highway Cyclic Stresses 4. The NLfactor for double track is shown in Figure 13. depend on the burial depth. KLh= highway stiffness factor for cyclic longitudinal = highway geometry factor for cyclic circumferen. in Figure 14.2. 14 02 (millimeters) O 200 400 600 800 lo00 tc r 14 (4.4. (pounds per square inch or kilopas.2. User=.. vehicular load.2.2. cals). W = applied design surface pressure.!&.2.OO. tion factor. in Figure 11. in pounds per Fi= impact factor. H. and axle configurations.pipe diameter.NL W = applied design surface pressure.2. (pounds per square inch or kilopascals). 4. pavement types. The railroad geometry factor.7.4. and design axle configuration (single or tandem).. L = highway axle configuration factor. The de- KLr. L = highway axle configuration factor.2. tial stress. may be calculated from the following: may be calculated from the following: AL&h = KHh G.is presented as a func- D.2. is presented as a func- The single track factor for cyclic longitudinal stress is NL tion of f J D and E.GHh. R. GLr. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.2 The cyclic longitudinal stress due to highway way vehicular load.7. in pounds per square inch or kilopascals. COPYRIGHT 2002.8) 12 O 6 18 24 42 30 36 Diameter.L. The highway geometry factor. square inch or kilopascals. Fi= impact factor.3) 1 6 (1.7. is presentedas a func- tion of D and H in Figure 15. 4. Km. R = highway pavement type factor. R L Fi W (5) Where: Where: KHh= highway stiffnessfactor for cyclic circumferential stress. and axle configura- square inch or kilopascals.1 The cyclic circumferential stress due to high. stress. in pounds per The highway pavement type factor. D (inches) Figure 13-Railroad Double Track Factor for Cyclic Longitudinal Stress. D. The highway stiffness factor. 4. = 1.A. Table 2 presents the R and L factors for various H.7. stress.1. . American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. cision on the designaxle configuration has been described in of t. GLh= highway geometry factor for cyclic longitudinal R = highway pavement type factor. tion of D and H in Figure 12. W = applied design surface pressure.A&. are the same as givenTable in 2. H.7. Table 2-Highway Pavement Type Factors.JD 0. from the following: The highway stiffness factor.. R. L.20 0. R. I A P I RP*(]IL02 93 m 0732290 0509050 204 m STEEL PIPELINES CROSSING RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS 15 The pavement type factor.)l2 t.o0 0.L Depth. and Axle Configuration Factors.04 Wall thickness to diameter ratio. in inches or millimeters.10 0.. t. p = internal pressure.t. User=.00 Single axle 1.65 à I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I l m 0. in Figure 16. (7) tion of tJD and E. ” Thecircumferential stress duetointernal pressure. Depth.I12 inches (305 millimeters) Pavement TypeConfiguration Axle Design R L axle Tandem pavement Flexible 1. The highwaygeometryfactor. GLh.is presented as a func.2 meters) for all diameters Pavement TypeConfiguration Axle Design R L FlexibleTandem pavement axle 1. and axle configuration fac. < 4 feet (1.2 meters) and diameter. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. D.L 4 feet (1. .65 Depth.o0 1.o0 Single axle 1.o0 1. H.o0 0.90 1.80 axle Tandem pavement Rigid 0.02 0.o0 Single axle 0. COPYRIGHT 2002.90 1. = wall thickness. K. H.90 0. taken as the MAOP or MOP.2 meters) and diameter. Note: See TableA-2 for soil descriptions.o0 axle Single 1.is presented as a func- &i = p(D .o0 Single axle 1. (pounds per square inch or kilopascals)..65 axleTandem pavement Rigid 0. < 4 feet (1.o0 Single axle 0. 4. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.65 No pavement Tandem axle 1. in pounds per square inch or kilopascals.08 Figure 14-Highway Stiff ness Factor for Cyclic Circumferential Stress.75 axle Tandem No pavement 1. D. SHi t.10 1. may be calculated tor.> 12 inches (305 millimeters). KLh. in inches or millimeters.10 1.90 0.3 STRESSES DUE TO INTERNAL LOAD D = pipe outside diameter.06 0. Where: tion ofD and H in Figure 17. ..twlD Note: See Table A-2 for soil descriptions. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.. KLh COPYRIGHT 2002.08 Wall thickness to diameter ratio. t E.9 to 1.04 0. User=. 3 to 4 (0.2) Figure 15-Highway Geometry Factor for Cyclic Circumferential Stress. ft (m) /. G.. A P I RP*kLL02 93 m 0732290 0509051 140 16 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1102 (millimeters) I I I I I I I I I H.06 0. ksi (MPa) t I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 0. Figure 16-Highway Stiffness Factor for Cyclic Longitudinal Stress.02 0.. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. . 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. are calculated from the following: must be less than the factored specified minimum yield strength.0 I 200 I I I (millimeters) I 600 I l 800 I I 1O00 I H.Tl> + + (lo) D = pipe outside diameter.. S. COPYRIGHT 2002. ~ . ~ . taken as the MAOP or MOP. SHi(Barlow) (pounds per square inch or kilopascals). The stresses calculated in 4. . GLh 4.8. (pounds per square inch or kilopascals). .8. in pounds subsections. 192 or Part 195 [ 5 . per square inch or kilopascals.Es%(T2 . for for liquids and other products (8b) railroads. Seff 4.1 Two checks for the allowable stress are required. F. The allowable stresses for controlling yield. for Where: highways. as calculated using the Barlow for. . and = A S H h .S.The circumferential stress due to in. kilopascals). S2 = Asl. D (inches) Figure 17-Highway Geometry Factor for Cyclic Longitudinal Stress. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.111 or Part 195.8..1 CHECK FOR ALLOWABLE STRESSES 4. and S1(pounds per square inch or ternal pressurization.1. A P I RP*LL02 93 W 0732290 0509052 0 8 7 m STEEL PIPELINES CROSSING RAILROADSAND HIGHWAYS e O 400 3. 6 ] . [SHi (Barlow) =pD/2tw]5 F X E X SMYS ASH = ASH. F = design factor chosen in accordance with 49 S. = maximum circumferential stress. ~ . 4. User=. p = internal pressure. T = temperature derating factor.. = SHe + MH + (9) [&i (Barlow) = pD/2tw]I F X E X T X SMYS Where: for natural gas.2 The second check for the allowable stress is ac- complished by comparing the total effective stress. ing and fatigue in the pipelineare described in the following SMYS = specified minimum yield strength. lowable values. ~ .1. in inches or millimeters. and @a) S. . in poundsper square inchor kilopascals.8 Limits of Calculated Stresses Code of Federal Regulations Part 192. in pounds per square inch or kilopascals. O 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 Diameter. in inches or millimeters. against the specified The first is specified by 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part minimum yield strength multiplied by a design factor.106. ~ . = maximum longitudinal stress. are used to calculate SefPThe principal stresses mula.7 may not exceed certain al. This check is given by the following: S. E = longitudinaljoint factor. Where: tw = wall thickness. . . ft (m) o ~ . in pounds persquare inch or kilopascals. Principal stresses. con- highways.000 pounds per square inch (82. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.151. Where: plished by assuring that the totaleffective stress is less than ASL A S L r . limit. (psi) Steel SMYS Tensile Strength Seamless Grade (psi) (psi) ERW SAW and All Welds 25000 A25 45000 12000 21000 12000 A 3oooo 48000 12000 21000 12000 B 35000 6oooO 12000 21000 12000 42000 X42 6oooO 12000 21000 12000 46000 X46 63000 12000 21000 12000 52000 X52 66000 12000 21000 12000 56000 X56 71000 I2000 23000 12000 X60 60000 75000 12000 23000 12000 65000 X65 77000 12000 23000 12000 X70 7 m 82000 12000 25000 13000 goo00 X80 9 m 12000 27000 14000 Note: 1 pound per square inch (psi) = 6. for The designer should use valuesfor the design factor.. = -p =-MAOPor-MOP (11) Where: 4.for Various Steel Grades Ultimate Minimum . + SHi). may be calculated from the following: shown in Table 3 for all steel grades and weld types. = A S L h . in poundsper square inch or kilopascals.ing is the longitudinal stress due to live load. SFG= fatigue endurance limit of girth weld = 12.. The design tion for S.. stress component normalto a weld in the pipeline against an T2 = maximum or minimum operating temperature. square inch or kilopascals.in this recommended practice were check is accomplished by assuring that the live load cyclic derived from finite element analyses. in "F or "C. COPYRIGHT 2002. User=. in pounds per square inch or kilopascals.8.The Poissoneffect of A S L on S. sistent with standardpractice or code requirements. E.1 Girth Weld S3 = maximum radial stress. for S. S.8.3 The total effective stress. usingfol. (pounds per square 12. per "F or per "C.. S. in poundsper square inch or kilopascals.8. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. and F = design factor. in allowable value of this stress. 4. and lowing equation: = A S L h . as v. Table 3-Fatigue Endurance Limits.740 kilopascals). The values of A S H and AS. The cyclic stress that must be checked for potential fatigue in a girth weld located beneath a railroad or highway cross- Note: The Poisson effects from S.2CHECKFORFATIGUE a.(&. and S Hare ~ reflected in S. The general form of the design checkagainst girth weld fatigue is givenby the following: ASL . These limits have beendetermined from S-N v. = Young's modulus of steel.895 kilopascals (Ha). in pounds per F = designfactor.. the railroads. for = the factored specified minimum yield strength. . Note: Table A-3 in Appendix A gives typical values forE.S (psi) SF.F. SGand S. = coefficient of thermal expansionof steel..740 kilopascals). for ASLr. I SMYS X F (13) highways..longitudinal stressis less thanthe factored fatigue endurance priate Poisson effects. The fatigue endurance limit of girth welds is takenas 4. and the minimumultimate tensile strengths as given in API Specification 5L [ 161. SMYS = specified minimum yield strength. thus they already embody the appro. railroads. durance limit. and o$.2.000 Where: pounds per square inch (82. in pounds persquare inch or kilopascals. referred to as a fatigue en- "F or "C. is not directly represented in the equa. = Poisson's ratio of steel. v. The check for fatigue is accomplished by comparing a Tl = temperature at time of installation. (fatigue strength versus number of load cycles)data [ 14.. A P I RP*LL02 93 m 0732290 0509053 TL3 m 18 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1102 ASL = in pounds per square inch or kilopascals.1. x F IS ( 14) The check against yielding of the pipeline may be accom. as inch or kilopascals). The girth weld fa- F = design factor. (see note). A S L ~ 5 S.0 Meters) COPYRIGHT 2002.2. X F (17) D (millimeters) O 200 400 800 600 1O00 1.2. It is overly conservative to assume that all of the applied load RF A S L r / N L ISF.2HighwayCrossing ASh = cyclic longitudinal stress determined from Equa- tion 4. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.Longitudinal Stress Reduction Factors./NL5 SF. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.2.1. = fatigue endurance limit of girth weld = 12. Therefore. crossings is determined using Equation 6.5 meters). The cyclic longitudinal stress for highway pounds per square inch (82.3m) H = 10 ft (3. For other girth weld fatigue check.D (inches) Note: Lo = distance from railroad centerlineto nearest girthweld.0 m) - - H = 6 ft (1.000 design curves. L G .8. used in the girth weld fatigue check at railroad crossings is based on the live load stress from a single track loading sit- RFis obtained from Figures 18-A and 18-B. this must be accountedfor in thefatigue checks. tigue check is given by the following: Note: NL= 1 .1.0 meters).740 kilopascals). since adjacent truck loadings already are considered in the SF. Figure 18-A. but less than 10 feet (3 meters).5 meters) from the centerline of the track.8. Equation 15 is replaced bythe fol- fluenced by whether a single or double track crossing was lowing: selected. X F (15) greater than or equal to 10 feet (3. Where: 4.for Greater Than or Equal to 5 Feet (1.1.2 Equation 15 is applicable to railroad crossings in which a girth weld is located at a distance.8.8 m) - O I I I I I l I II l I I I I 36 30 24 O 18 6 12 42 Pipe diameter.1. Figure 18-B is for values of UL. norare double lane factors used. A P I RP*:LL02 93 m 0732290 0509054 95T m I CROSSING PIPELINES STEEL RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS 19 I 4.o I I I I I I I I I I H=14ft(4.5 Meters) but Less Than10 Feet (3. The resulting equation is givenby the following: for values of & greater than or equal to 5 feet (1. in pounds persquare inch or kilopascals.1.Figure 18-A is uation. X F (16) cycles will be those generated by simultaneous loading of Where: both tracks. 0 0 for single track crossings.1 Railroad Crossing 4. RF. with the train wheel sets alwaysin phase directly above the crossing.2. Since the value of A S L = A S L r is in- locations of a girth weld.8.1. Longitudinal stress reduction factors to account for girth N L = single or double track factor used in Equation 4 weld locations are not used. User=. less than 5 feet (1. the cyclic longitudinal stress RF = longitudinal stress reduction factor for fatigue.1 Equation 14 above is the general form of the 4. . 8. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.2.8.000 from a single track loading situation.8. User=.2Longitudinal Weld A S H h r in pounds per square inch = or kilopascals. for NH = single or double track factor used in Equation 3 railroads. There- listed in Table 3. live load cyclic circumferential stress is less than the factored fatigue endurance limit. the fatigue en.2. in poundsper square inch or or highway crossing is the circumferential stress due to live kilopascals. the cyclic circumferentialstress used in the longitudinal SMYS listed that is lower than the particular intermediate weld fatigue checkat railroad crossingsis the live loadstress value should be used.2.8 m) . A P I RP. MHrlNH I Sm X F (19) The general form of the design checkagainst longitudinal weld fatigue is as follows: Where: MHSSKxF (18) ASHr = cyclic circumferential stress determined from Equation 3.l .+LLO2 93 m 0732290 0509055 896 20 D (millimeters) O 600 200 400 800 1o00 1. Figure 18-B-Longitudinal Stress Reduction Factors. 1 dealing with girth for seamless.2. - rt" i O . American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. and (see note).0 Meters) 4. load. . RF. For SMYS values intermediate to those use double track cyclic stresses for fatigue purposes.o I I I l I I I I I I . The check may be accomplished by assuring that the F = design factor. ERW.2 RailroadCrossing The fatigue endurance limit of longitudinal welds.1 The cyclic stress that mustbe checked for poten- SFL = fatigue endurance limit of longitudinal weld ob- tial fatigue in a longitudinal weld located beneatha railroad tained from Table 3.0m) 3 H = 6 R (1. - 8 B E H=lOft(3. is as follows: durance limits for X52 grade steel would be used.is dependent on the type of weld and the minimum ultimate Equation 18 is the general form of the longitudinal weld tensile strength. for highways. The resulting equation pounds per square inch (372 megapascals). ASH = A S H r . and SAW longitudinal welds made in weld fatigue at railroad crossings.- c C O O O I 30 l 6 I l 24 12 I I For 10 ft (3.2. 4. 4.D (inches) Note: LG = distance from railroad centerlineto nearest girth weld. in pounds persquare inch or kilopas- Where: cals.8.it is overly conservativeto various grade steels. SFL. Table 3 gives the fatigue endurance limits fatigue check. For example.for Greater Than or Equal to 10 Feet (3. the fatigue endurance limits for the closest fore. - .0 m) I& 18 I I I I I I 36 I I 1 42 Pipe diameter. in pounds per square inch or kilopascals. COPYRIGHT 2002. if the SMYS is 54. As described in 4.2. As indi- cated in 4.10 Location of Girth Welds at Railroad Crossings Double lane factors are not used in the highway fatigue check since the design curves take adjacent truck loadings The optimal location of a girth weld at railroad crossings into account. the requirements of 5. crossings have been established and used in practice for many years. girth weldsfor minimum cyclic loading effects.1. in. greater depths. if the positioning of highway trafficmakes it impractical to locate design check against longitudinal weld fatigue is satisfac.1. How- tained from Table 3.7 cannot be met. The longitudinal weld fatigue endurancelimits is at a distance. The longitudinal weld fatigue tudinal weld fatigue. For any of these orientations.3HighwayCrossing and 5 will predict conservative values of cyclic circumfer- ential stress. locating the weld at any location is acceptable. Carrier in AppendixC. and should have a enough to facilitate installation of the carrier pipe. 5. or other accepted methods should be utilized. If Suitable materials for casings are new or used line pipe.4 or 5.2. these optimal weld locations The cyclic circumferential stress for highway crossings is listed provide an additional margin of safety against longi- determined using Equation5 .2.3 MinimumInternalDiameter of 5. A S H . Casings may be coated or bare. substantial reductions in the value of ap- 4. installationof casing at mill reject pipe. Thus. The variable value of the cyclic circumferential stress. the minimum nominal wall thickness for steel casing for bored crossings in Appendix C may be used. . Accordingly. stabilized cluding longitudinally split casings. tory. and A Casing to prevent transmission of external loads from the casing to the carrier pipe. theuse of heavier wall casing pipe. or315 degree position with the crown at the zero degree position. The optimal location of all longitudinal welds is at the 45.7 are fulfilled at open cut or 5. A P I RP*LL02 93 m 0732290 O509056 7 2 2 m STEEL PIPELINES CROSSING AND HIGHWAYS RAILROADS 21 .1 The casing pipe should be free of internal obstruc- The inside diameterof the casing pipe should be large tions. 135. backtill. to provide uniform bedding for the entire length of the crossing. pipe for cased crossings should conform to the material and de- sign requirements of the latest edition of ASME B3 l .5. Note: N. The relevant specifications for selecting minimal wall 5. 121.4 Wall Thickness thickness in casings under railroads are given by the American Railway Engineering Association[ 111. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.8.4. it may be advantageous to consider the circumferen- kilopascals). LG. in pounds persquare inch or ever. COPYRIGHT 2002.1 CarrierPipeInstalledWithin proper insulation for maintenance of cathodic protection. Railroad and Highway Crossings No reduction factor should be taken for the fatigue check when evaluating pipeline crossings beneath twoor more ad- The design checks against longitudinal weld fatigue in jacent tracks. and design practices 5.2 OPENTRENCHEDCROSSINGS B3 1. tial orientation of the pipeline welds during construction.9 Orientation of Longitudinal Welds at plied cyclic longitudinal stress may be obtained in thiscase.. Equations 3 4. SECTION 5-CASED CROSSINGS 5. If the requirements of 5. = fatigue endurance limit of longitudinal weld ob. General Casing 5.9.1BORED CROSSINGS suitable for casings beneath railroads and highways are pro. The casing pipe should be at least two nom- Design procedures for casings beneath railroad and highway inal pipe sizes larger than thecarrier pipe. F = design factor. of at least 10 feet (3 meters) from the are given in Table3. centerline of the track for a single track crossing.2. No reduction factor should be takenfor the fa- this recommended practice are based on the maximum tigue check associated with highway crossings. check is as follows: ASH~ISEXF (20) 4. The minimum nominal wall thickness for steel casing pipe vided by the American Society of Civil Engineers [ 131 andthe in bored crossings should equalor exceed the values shown American Society of Mechanical Engineers [8. "" S.2 CasingsforCrossings trenched installations.8.= 1 . 0 0 for single track crossings. should be as straight as practicable. or other available steel tubular goods. User=. -Carrier pipe """""""_"" """""""""_ "- \t \ L sealEnd Lasing Lbelow Minimum depth surface of pavement HIGHWAY CROSSING Figure 19-Examples of Cased Crossing Installations COPYRIGHT 2002.7.6.5 feet (1.2HIGHWAYCROSSINGS 5.5 feet (1.7.7 Cover as small as possible so as to minimize the void between the pipe and the adjacent soil.as measured from the top of the pipe to the base of the rail. Casing pipe under railroads should be installed with a sure acontinuous casing from end to end.3 Steel casing pipe shouldbe joined completely to en. and where deep cuts are required. Minimum depth Minimum depth below ground Minimumdepth 7\ Railroad 7 7 below bottomof rail below ditch Vent L\-Casing seal End Carrier pipe J RAILROAD CROSSING I I 1 v ~ m " v IeI 'n. .5. should be avoided where practicable. as follows (see Figure 19): -.6. For pipelines transporting HVL 4 feet (1.1 Where casing pipe is installed. top of the surface. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.2 meters) 5. it should extend a a.7 meters) drainage ditch.as measured from the top of the pipe to the maintenance of the pipeline and the structure or facility.9 meter) beyond the bottom of the tracks 5.6 meter) beyond the toe of the slopeor except secondary and industry base grade.5.1 RAILROAD CROSSINGS 5. Under track structure proper for secondaryandindustrytracks 4. Under track structure proper. 5. d. A P I RP*LL02 93 0732290 0509057 669 m 22 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1102 5. as follows (see Figure 19): 5. Under all other surfaces and the railroad or highway to be crossed should be as near within the right-of-way or from to 90degrees as practicable.4 meters) 5.2 The casing pipe should be installed with an overbore 5.9 meter) 30 degrees. whichever is the greater (see Figure 19). In nocase should it be less than bottom of ditches 3 feet (0.6.6 LocationandAlignment MinimumLocation Cover 5. minimum cover.3 Crossings in wet or rock terrain.6.2 The angle of intersection between pipelinecrossings c.4 Vertical and horizontal clearances between the pipeline Casing pipe under highways should be installed with a and a structureor facility in place mustbe sufficient to permit minimum cover. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. User=. 5. b.t L . or 3 feet (0. minimum of 2 feet (0. at the low end of the casing to the bottom of the casing and plished by building up a ring of layers of coating and outer connecting the vent pipe at the high end ofthe casing to the wrap. a test shouldbe performed to determine that the carrier through thecasing.9 meter) vent pipe should be not less than 2 inches (5 1 millimeters) in c. needs to be under circumstances in which theauger is advanced in front known or specified before construction. one-half the vent pipediameter must be made prior to weld- not be provided. right-of-way the 3 feet (0.2 One or two vent pipes may be installed. .1TrenchlessInstallation When the auger is adjusted to excavate a hole equalin size to the pipe.2 meters) diameter.2 meters) 5. For pipelines transporting HVL 4 feet (1. the pipe. MinimumLocation Cover 5.4 Two vent pipes may be installed tofacilitate filling or other devices.2 Multiple carrier pipes may be installed withone cas- ing pipe where restricted working areas. All girth welds shouldbe inspected by radiographic or should be anticipated. shouldbe welded to the casing.11 Insulators 5.1 GENERAL method is used. User=. Modificatiodsof the method. pipe is electrically isolated from the casing pipe. or by a concrete jacket. carrier coating. i SECTION 6-INSTALLATION i 6.10.1 Carrier pipe installedin a casing should be held clear be fitted with suitable weather caps. or special needs are encountered.1. It should be recognized thata water-tight sealis notpos. as well as the from the promote minimal bearing pressure between the insulator and casing pipe. 5.2 can. 5.7. OR TUNNELING roads and highways. practice of pipeline installation beneath rail- 6. The stipulations in the ing by providing a circular enclosure that prevents direct above paragraph should apply. structural difficul. typically less than 6 inches (150 6.12InspectionandTesting The casing shouldbe fitted with end seals at both ends to Supervision and inspection should be provided during con- reduce theintrusion of water andfines from thesurrounding struction of the crossing.10. tors are used. The seal should be formed with a flex.2BORING. mechanical protection shall be installed.1 and 5. the designer can account for the influence of the bored the auger size and fitting the pipeor casing withstops to pre- hole diameter.8. and should project through the groundsurface at the right-of-way line or fence 5.7. Bd= D. Where manufactured insula. ing the casing vent over it. or when percussive moling or a similar insertion 6. insulators.10CasingVents a.3 Vent pipe should extend not less than 4 feet (1. 5. 5. andeach carrier pipe should contact between the two. A P I RP*LL02 93 m 073229005090585T5 m CROSSING PIPELINES STEEL RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS 23 . Under all other surfaces within 5.9CasingSeals 5. the diameter of the bored hole. By means of Figure of the casing. rier pipe used at the crossing should be inspected visually for sible under field conditions.S. the designer should assume that the bored diameter is equal to the pipe diameter. suchas reducing 5 . vent the auger from leading the pipe. other nondestructive methods.1 Vents are not required on casings. formed with anauger that is a fraction of an inch to as much niques that excavate an oversized hole relative to the size of as 2 inches (5 1 millimeters) larger in diameter thanthe pipe.1 Auger boring for a pipeline crossing often is per- millimeters) in diameter. of the casing pipe by properlydesigned supports. For trenchless construction tech. Under highway surface proper 4 feet (1. can substantially re- COPYRIGHT 2002. they should be uniformly spaced and securely fastened to the carrier pipe. Before installation.8 Installation meters) above the ground surface.1. Percussive moling also is used but is re- stricted to small pipelines.. and thatsome water infiltration defects. The insulator shouldbe designed to be insulated from other carrier pipes. After a cased crossing is in- ible material that will inhibit the formation of a waterway stalled.1 2. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. b. If used.1 0. B. The tops of vents should 5. top of the casing.JACKING. This also may be accom. and installed so that no external load will be the casing witha “casing filler” by connecting the ventpipe transmitted to the carrier pipe. ‘ Pipe jacking with an auger borer is the predominant means in U.3 MECHANICALPROTECTION line (see Figure 19).8. Bd. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.10.2 5.7. A hole throughthe casing not less than If the minimum coverage set forth in 5. Insulators electricallyisolate the carrier pipe from the cas- ties. the section of car- soil. on the earth load transmitted to the pipe. The diameter ofthe hole for bored or jacked installations provide the pipewith uniform bedding throughout the length should not exceed by more than2 inches (51 millimeters) the of the crossing.1. Carefully placing and compacting the backfill under the carrier pipe in thelaunching and receiving pits helps reduce 6.4 BACKFILLING ply to trenchless and opencut pipeline installation.1. may decompose and increase the drainage ditches should be maintained to avoid flooding or chance of local corrosion. outside diameter of the carrier pipe (including coating). or Backfill should be compacted sufficientlyto prevent set- tunneling operations should be conducted in a manner that tlement detrimental to the facility to be crossed. Where unstable soil conditions exist. should be placedin layers of 12 inches(305 millimeters) or c. Backfill will not bedetrimental to the facilityto be crossed.2 Open Cut or Trenched Installation vation willdecrease the chances of disturbing the surround- ing soil and overlying facility and can diminish the amount 6. For long or sensitive crossings.1.3 General The considerationslisted below in6.1. the use of bentonite Health Administration (OSHA) requirements. therefore. andclose communication should be maintained carrier pipe and placingfill compacted in sufficiently small between constructionsupervisors in the field and authorized lifts to achieve a dense bedding for the carrier. erosion of the roadbed andadjacent properties.7 ap- 6. Support materials subject to biological attack.3.2.3. 6. It may be necessary. The work should be moving remolded anddisturbed soil from the bedding of the coordinated. decreases the bendingstress in the carrier pipe Construction should be supervised by personnel qualified where it enters the backfilled launching and receiving pits. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. in turn. into an excavation.Reduction inthe amount ofoverexca. 6. the pipe. 6.1.1 and 6. Earth. jacking. installation referred to in 6. ditch.2.1GENERALCONDITIONS of earth load imposed on the pipe. irrespec- tive of uncased or cased crossings. stored promptlyin accordance with the appropriate highway vated and supported in accordance with applicable regula. or tunneled crossings: 6. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. that reductions in overcutting generally will in. b. or tunneled hole.1 Work on all trenched crossings from ditching to however.3 The bottom of the trench should be prepared to a. .2. 6.2 BACKFILL of the pipe and the tunnel should be held to a minimum. Railroad and to backfill.3 EXCAVATION 6. tions to ensure the safety of construction personnel and to protect the adjacent railroad or highway.2. This. restoration of road surface should bescheduled to minimize crease frictional and adhesive resistance to the advance of interruption of traffic. highway facilities should be protected at all times. jacked. Precaution- sand-filled bags or other suitable means should be used to ary measures shouldbe taken when transporting construction firmly support the carrier pipe adjacent to the crossing prior equipment across railroads and highways. to oversee the weldingof line pipe and thetypes of pipeline Good backfillingpractice includes.1.2. to require track- mounted equipment in the launching pit with a suitable end 6. laid should be centered in the ditch so as to provide equal clearance on both sides between the pipe and the sides of the 6. User=. jacked. referred to as a launching pit.the annular space between the outside 6. sloped or shoredin accordance with Occupational Safety and lized.1 through 6. boring.2.2. The pipe as slurry to lubricate the jacked pipe may be helpful. but is not limited to. In tunneled installations. or railroad authority’s specifications.1 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION the settlement of the carrier pipe adjacent to the crossing. referred to as a receiving The surface of pavement that has beencut should be re- pit.2 The following provisions apply to bored.It should be recognized. Both the launching and receiving pits should be exca.or agents of the railroador highway to be crossed.3SURFACERESTORATION The pipe is jacked from an excavation. prompt remedial measures around the sides and over the pipe to densities consistent should be taken to provide adequate support for the facility with that of thesurrounding soil.2. Trench soil used for back- to be crossed. fill (or a substituted backfill material) must be capable of producing the required compaction. A P I RPr1102 93 M 0732290 0509059 431 M 24 PRACTICE API RECOMMENDED 1102 duce overexcavation. If too large a hole results or if it is necessary to abandon less (uncompacted thickness) and compacted thoroughly a bored. COPYRIGHT 2002.2 Where an open cut is used.3. and such as wooden blocking. re. the trench shall be bearing wall so that adequate jacking forces can be mobi. the pipeline crossing should be low. User=.Department justments are required.6. The pipeline should be uncovered for a suf- crossing complies with the requirements of this practice.1 Adjustment of Pipelinesat the lowering operation to prevent undue stress on the Crossings pipeline. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. troleum pipelines should comply with the US. reconditioned. rier pipe may be uniformly lowered to fit the ditch at the siderations outside the scope of this recommended practice required depth by natural sag. This method @ quired. nate the effectiveness of cathodic protection.4 -~~ PRESSURE ~ TESTING ~~ Pipeline coatings should be selected with due considera- The carrier pipe section & pressuretested before tion of the construction technique and the abrasion and con- startup in accordance with Department of Transportation tact forces associated with pipeline installation. of Transportation's required maximumoperating pressures. variety of coatings that are tough andexhibit good resistance to surface stress.1 LOWERING OPERATIONS way necessitates casing of a pipeline. At uncased crossings. and cathodic disbond- 6.2 A cased carrier pipe canbe exposed to atmospheric is required for all girth welds beneath or adjacent to the corrosion as a result ofair circulation through vents attached to crossing.7 PIPE COATINGS 6. mally willbe required for girth welds within a horizontal dis- This problem may be minimized by filling the casing with a tance of 50 feet (15 meters) from either the outside or inside This high dielectric casing filler. over the carrier 1109. the section of carrier pipe should be reviewed carefully. testing in accordance with the aforementioned specification 6. care should be exercised duringthe design phase and provides for cutting the casing into two longitudinal seg- COPYRIGHT 2002.3. In areas where damage to the protective coatingis pipeline markers andsigns should be installed as set forth likely. Marking Liquid Petroleum Pipeline Facilities[17].3. . accordance with this practice. If ad.3. so there may be Carrier pipe at railroad or highway crossings should be difficulties in securing and interpreting cathodic protection welded with welding procedures developed in accordance measurements at cased crossings. no ficient distance on either side of the crossing so that the car- adjustment of the pipeline is necessary. The introduc- tion of a casing creates a more complicatedelectrical system 6. or inert gas. 6.2. the same applies for welds within 50 feet (15 meters) of the end seals of the casing. There are a (DOT) requirements.6. All movements ofliquid pe- may necessitate an adjustment to an existing pipeline. For cased crossings. repaired.other con.2 SPLIT CASINGS 7. ered.3. corrosion inhibitor. stalled by using the split casing method. moisture adsorption.3 WELDING than would prevail for uncased crossings.2. Before installation.3. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.2 INSPECTION AND TESTING 6. 7.5 PIPELINE MARKERS AND SIGNS ment. or relocated in as contained in49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 195 [6].3. consideration should be given-to applying an addi- in the latest approvededition of API Recommended Practice tional protective coating.1 Cathodic protection systems at cased crossings the crossing. rail andfrom either the outside or inside highway pavement is most easily accomplished immediately after construction. pipe coating prior to installation.6CATHODICPROTECTION Inspection should be provided during the construction of 6. the casing may be in- If lowering of the pipeline at a crossing in place is re.3.3. Nondestructive provided at each cased crossing.2 Adjustment of In-Service Pipelines Where stress due to external loads of the railroad or high- 7. A P IR P * L 1 0 2 93 W 0732290 0507060 L 5 3 W STEEL PIPELINES RAILROADS CROSSING AND HIGHWAYS 25 6. SECTION 7-RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS CROSSING EXISTING PIPELINES 7. in accordance with the latest approved edition of API Recommended Practice 1117. leads attached to the carrier pipe and casing pipe shouldbe ing of Pipelines und Related Facilities [7]. However. replaced. Lowering Zn-Service If an existing pipeline at a proposed railroad or highway Pipelines [18]. Casings may reduce or elimi- used at the crossing shouldbe inspected visually for defects. Test stations with test with the latest approved edition APIof Standard 1104.Weld. nondestructive testing nor- the casing and moisture condensation inthe casing annulus. such as concrete. line. H.2. A. “Roadway andBallast.C. Gas Research Institute.C.Department of Pipes Against Internal Pressure”).VA. 10. D. American Petro- carbons. API Standard 1104. G. ASME B31. Guide for Gas Crossley. Panozzo.S. and S . El-Gharbawy.”Proceedings. gegen Innendruck (“Calculation of Wall Thickness for Steel 6. R. 15. T. T. American Railway Engineering Association. W.C. 1983. Celant. A. New 18. Wash. pp. API RP*1102 93 9 0732290 0509061 09T m 26 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1102 ments and welding the segments together over the carrier pipe after the coating is repaired andcasing insulators are in- shutdownrequiredis the timenecessary for makingthetie- in connections of the new pipeline to theexisting line. September 1988. Washington. Government Printing Offíce. Venzi. API RecommendedPractice 11 17. State-of-the-Art PP.. Re.4 Protection of PipelinesDuring Highway or Railroad Construction 7. M.Spec$cationfor Line Pipe.. “Structural Design of Pipeline Casing Systems. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. Washing. Technical Summary and Database for Guidelines for 14. Crossings of Railroads and Highways. Interim Specifcations for the Design of Pipeline 4. Tawfik. 1l . American Society of Civil Engineers. American Barry. This recommended practice should be used When a pipeline cannot be taken out ofservice for more to determine expected stresses on the pipeline. A. J. SECTION &REFERENCES l . 2nd edition. Stewart. E. Marston. 137-154. Gas Research Insti. M. D. T. Chicago. C.3 Adjustments of Pipelines Requiring clearly marked with suitable flags. a new separate suitable bridging. A. Wash- 9. H.U. Civil Engineers..Lowering Zn-Service York. J. The pipeline alignment should be 7. Blewitt. D. 49 Code of Federal RegulationsPart 192. L. 1-5-1 through 1-5-11. Vessels. Chicago. D. Ingraffea. O’Rourke. stakes. 199019 1. Normung.” Corrosion Science. Washington. Stewart. Anhydrous Ammonia. American Societyof Mechanical Engineers. As than a few hours for a required adjustment.Report GRI-88/ 0287.C. 1992. API Specification 5L. ington. M. L. D. New York. G. ume 9. Highway Research Board. Ingraffea. Alcohols. Tawfik. User=. 7. Gas Association. D. Arlington.necessw. A. W.Report GRI. April 1989.1930.” Journal of the Pipeline Division. December 1991. D. 1992. G. Washing. ASME B31. 17th edition. 1st edition. O’Rourke. R. and S .. reinforced concrete slabs. or other mea- crossing generally is constructed. 16. R. Volume 23. 1992. Barry. 17. Num. State-of-the-Art Review: Practices for Pipeline Cross. ber PL1. Committee on Pipeline Crossings of Railroads and tute. Sinigaglio.Liquid Transportation Systemsfor Hydro. Government Printing Office. 5 . Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping ington. ings at Highways. andA. D. R. M. 1993. a stalled.4. 138-170. G. American Society of Behn. 1988. S . Gas ResearchInstitute. O’Rourke. 40th 7. Washington. D. Washington.U. L. edition.3 TEMPORARYBYPASSES An agreement between the pipeline company and the A temporary bypass utilizing suitable mechanical means party constructing the crossing should be made to protect the to isolate the section to be adjusted maybe installed to avoid pipeline from excessive loads or damage from grading (cut interruption of service. Blewitt. T. pp. Precautions should be taken to prevent weldsplatter from the welding operation fromcausing damage to the car- rier pipe coating or the insulating spacers. . Berechnung der Wanddicke von Stahlrohren ton. and leum Institute. Cigada.C. D. or other markers Interruption of Service at the crossing.” Manual for Railway Engineer- port GRI-86/0210. DIN 2413. 12. Marking Liquid Pe- 8. D. York. Chapter 1. Department of PP. C. American Petroleum Institute. API Recommended Practice 1109. August ing. COPYRIGHT 2002. 1986. Berlin. 1992. Crossley.C. 621-636. 1993. Welding of Pipelines and Related Fa. Liquid Petroleum Gas. New York. American PetroleumInstitute. Spangler.. ton.C. Vol- 2. Review: Practicesfor Pipeline Crossings at Railroads. troleum Pipeline Facilities. Transportation. 49 Code of Federal RegulationsPart 195. January 1964.S. and M. “The Theory of External Loads on Closed October 1968. Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems. American Petroleum Institute.8. New Pipes. Ingraffea.Panozzo. E. Stewart. H. Pipelines. R. the only sures should be employed to protect the pipeline. E.Volume 94. or fill) by work equipment during the construction of the railroad or highway. “Fa- Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.. Deutsches Institute für Transportation. Conduits in Light of Latest Experiments.C. In such cases. 13. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.S . Chicago. Highways. Gas Piping Technology Committee. tigue Characteristics for Probabilistic Design of Submarine 91/0285. cilities. D. 3. Number 6. 9-2. If the de- sign P. ksi Soft to medium siltsclays and 5 (34) Stiff to verystiff clays and silts.1 x lo8) ratio.5 kilonewtons). Description Soil (MPa) Er. = 12 kips (53. psi (Wal 28 .25 . 0. A. coordinate lies below theline in Figure A-l for a particular design pavement type.30 x lo6 (1.. A P I RP+LL02 73 m 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 0507062 T26 m APPENDIX A-SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL PROPERTIES AND UNCASED CROSSING DESIGN VALUES This appendix contains tables and figures on material properties and design values that give supplemental information to that contained in the bodyof this recommended practice.8) Table A-2-Typical Values for Resilient Modulus. then tandem axle configurations are more critical.0 gravels Dense andsands dense to very 2. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.9) 1. then single axle configurations are morecritical. burial depth.1 . per "F (per "C) 6-7x104 (1. If the design P.1is used todetermine whether single or tandemaxle configurations produce greater carrier pipe live load stresses. H . In Figure A-1. E. sands loose and gravels 0.0. the plotted points represent the recommended design loads of P. the critical axle configuration may be dif- ferent than given in Table l . and carrier pipe diameter.6. User=.2CriticalHighwayAxleConfigurations For design wheel loads different from the recommended maximums of P.0 (13. = 12 kips (53. loose to medium dense sands gravels and (69) 10 dense very toDense sands and gravels 20 (1 38) Table A-3-Typical Steel Properties ~OPeflY Range Typical Young's modulus.5kilonewtons). = 10 kips (44. coor- dinate lies above the line in Figure A-1 for a particular design pavement type. and P. D.l Tables of TypicalValues Table A-1-Typical Values for Modulus of Soil Reaction. E. gravels and sands densemedium (6.. 27 COPYRIGHT 2002.4) Soft to mediumclays and silts with lowto medium plasticities. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. with theresulting critical axle configurations as given in Table 1in the main bodyof this recommendedpractice.30 Coefficient of thermal expansion. a. and P. Poisson's v.2 (1. = 10 kips (44.4) Stiff to very stiffclays and silts. 9 ~ A.5 (3.4 kilonewtons) and P. P Soil Description (MPa) B. Figure A. . ksi Soft medium to clays silts with and high plasticities 0.4 kilonewtons) andP. A P I RP*LL02 9 3 m 0732290 0509063 962 m 28 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1102 H<4ft(1.2)andD>12in. (305mm) H 2 4 ft (1. Pl (kips) Figure A-1-Critical Case Decision Basis for Whether Single or Tandem Axle Configuration Will Govern Design COPYRIGHT 2002.2 m) for all D (kilonewtons) (kilonewtons) -77- O 5 15 20 .2m)and H<4ft(1.20 NO PAVEMENT h I I o g O 5 10 15 20 Tandem wheelload.(305mm). 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. .80 m d 0 15- Typical I O /. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. 60 . D I12 in.40 0 . User=. = 0. Using API RecommendedPractice 1102.75-inch (324-millimeter) diameter liquid product pipeline with a wall thickness of 0. The pipeline willbe installed without a casingat a design depthof 6 feet(1.5 x lo4 per "F Step =heck Allowable Barlow Stress Equation 8b with: p = 1.9 megapascals).0 ft Bored diameter. = 12 kips Design wheel loadfrom tandem axles.. t. User=. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. . Installation and site characteristics: Depth. check whether the proposed design is adequate to withstand theapplied earth load. T.72 FxExTxSMYS=N/A E = 1. E. = 10 kips Pavement type = Flexible Other pipe steel properties: Young's modulus. and internal pressure. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.72 Longitudinaljoint factor. Operating pressure. = NIA Maximum or minimum operating temperature.1 Figure 3with: t. SMYS = 42. = 10 ksi Unit weight. P.024 6 = 0. = 14. y = 120 lbfft' = 0. using auger boring construction with a 2-inch(51 -millimeter) overbore.00 F x E x SMYS = 30. E = 1..30 Coefficient of thermal expansion.75 in. The soil at the site was determined to be a loose sand with aresilient modulus of 10 kips per square inch (69megapascals). Soil type = Loose sand Modulus of soil reaction.000 psi D = 12. = 0. t.069 lblin.3 Type of longitudinal weld = ERW Design wheel loadfrom single axle.8 meters).o00 psi Steel grade = X42 Specified minimum yield strength.250 inch (6. v. a. Ignore anychange in pipe temperature.5 ksi Resilient modulus.000 ksi Poisson's ratio. The pipe is constructed of Grade X42 steel with ERW welds and willoperate at a maximum pressureof lo00 pounds per square inch (6. E' = 0.250 in.250 in. highway live load. P.5 ksi 29 COPYRIGHT 2002.lD = 0.000 psi SHi(Barlow) IAllowable? Yes Step c-Circumferential Stress Due to Earth Load c. p = 1.00 Installation temperature..020 KHe = 3. D = 12.75 in. = NIA Temperature derating factor. = 30. H = 6. = 0. A P I RPxL102 93 W 0732290 O509064 8T9 m APPENDIX B-UNCASED DESIGN EXAMPLE PROBLEMS B. Step a-Initial Design Information Pipe and operational characteristics: Outside diameter.8 in.240 psi T = NIA SMYS = 42. T = NIA Wall thickness.4 millimeters) is in- tended to cross a major highway thatis paved with asphaltic concrete. F = 0.F = 0.000 psi Design factor. = 6. E.l HighwayCrossingDesign A 12.B. 219 psi S.020 KHh = 14.2.75 S. .069 lblin.2 Cyclic longitudinal stress. e.W d.= 10 kips Critical case: tandem axles W = 69. H=6ft e. S...3 E. = 10 ksi e.lD = 0.00 Flexible pavement H=6ft L = 1..75 in. S.00 Flexible pavement H=6ft L = 1.250 in. Equation 7 with: p = 1.1: Flexible pavement P. = 29. ID = 0. AS. = NIA V.9 B.2. Step g-Principal Stresses.444 psi S. 1.12. S.47 d..2 Figure with: 17 D = 12.3 Step d “Impact Factor.000 psi COPYRIGHT 2002.S. = 1. = 30 X lo6 psi cq = 6.7.2. E. e.219 psi SHi = 25.3 Figure 5 with: Bd/D = 1.75 e.16 E. 1. t. 6.2 Figure 15 with: D = 12.4Equation 6: A&h = 1.3Table 2 with: R = 1. = 1.1 Figurewith: 14 t. = 0. 12.75 in.30 g. 1 Equation 9 with: S.2 19 psi y= 120 lb/ft3 = 0.75 in. M L h e.OOO psi D = 12.2 Figure 4 with: HIBd = 4.OOO psi S. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.2. = NIA T. = 3.4Equation 5: e.00 Tandem axles D =in. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. User=.5 x lo4 per OF T. 1 Cyclic circumferential stress. H=6ft e. A P I RP*:LLO2 9 3 m 0732290O509065 735 m 30 API RECOMMENDED PFIACTICE 1102 c. 1 Figure 7highways for with: H=6ft Fi = 1.486 psi S.75 in.2. = 25.4 1 with: D =in.2. W Section 4. = 9.000 psi 8..3 Table 2 with: R = 1.1.020 psi S.000 psi g.l.020 psi Step f-circumferential Stress Due to Internal Pressurization.663 psi M H h = 1. = 0. = -1.and Applied Design Surface Pressure. = 3. = 10 ksi e.11 Equation c.00 Tandem axles D = 12.2 Applied design surface pressure..1 Figure with:16 t. = 3. and A% e..09 Soil type = Loose sand = A c.4 psi Step e “cyclic Stresses..3Equation 11with: p = 1.2Equation10with: M L h = 1.020 E. 000 psi g. and internal pressure. Installation and site characteristics: Depth. = 21. Ignore any changes in pipe temperature.000 psi (ERW) Equation 20 with: &h = 1. x F = 15.250 in..4 Effective stress. X F? Yes SF.0 ft Bored diameter.2.. = -1. User=. H = 6. Equation 12 with: S.. D = 12.72 SMYS = 42.250-inch (6.1 RAILROADEXAMPLEPROBLEM Step a-Initial Design Information Pipe and operational characteristics: Outside diameter. Operating pressure.000 psi Equation 13 with: S. = 10 ksi Unit weight.4-millimeter)wall thickness liquid product pipeline described in the highwayexample problem now will cross underneath two adjacent railroad tracks.240 psi S. S.5 meters) of either track centerline.1 Girth welds F = 0.8 in. x F? Yes S.72 Longitudinaljoint factor.F = 0. ISF.Ed = 14. railroad live load.640 psi h. t. = 0.994 psi S.72 Table 3 S. E. T .75 in. Allother design parameters are the same as those used for the highway crossing.OOO psi Steel grade = X42 Specified minimum yield strength. E = 1. = 29..000 psi Design factor. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. p = 1. Using API Recommended Practice 1102.8 meters). Soil type = Loose sand Modulus of soil reaction.663 psi S.069 lb/in.3 Type of longitudinal weld = ERW COPYRIGHT 2002.120 psi B. SMYS = 42. 8.75-inch (324-millimeter) diameter. . = N/A Maximum or minimum operating temperature. y = 120 lb/ft3= 0.486 psi S.5 ksi Resilient modulus. = 9. STEEL PIPELINES CROSSING RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS 31 8.5 Check allowable effective stress F = 0..E' = 0. ISMYS x F? Yes Step h-Check Fatigue h. = 26. T2 = N/A Temperature derating factor.2 Longitudinal welds F = 0.00 Installation temperature. Assume thatthere will be a girth weld within 5 feet (1. x F = 8. = 12. T = N/A Wall thickness. The depth of the uncasedcarrier is 6 feet (1. = 26.020 psi ASL. check whether the proposed design is adequate to withstand the applied earth load. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.444 psi ASHhI S.2 RailroadCrossingDesign The same 12. 0.000 psi Equation 17 with: &h = 1.72 Table 3 S.994 psi SMYS x F = 30. 1.5 x lod per "F Step "Check Allowable Barlow Stress Equation 8b with: p psi = 1. = 8.98 H=6ft e.024 E' = 0.4 Equation 3: ASH. W Section 4.00 e.7.11 e.9 B. ASL.000 psi SHi(Barlow) 5 Allowable? Yes Step c-circumferential Stress Dueto Earth Load c.75 in.11 Dwith: Equation 1 c.020 KHr = 332 Er = 10 ksi e.2. GHr= 0.3and Figure 13 with: N.2. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. ID = 0.= 10 ksi e. and Applied Design Surface Pressure.5 ksi c. 1 Figure 7 for railroads with: H=6ft Fi= 1.72 d.98 H=6ft e.3 Section 4.75 in.3 Figure 5 with: = 1.16 E.2.1: Rail loading = E-80 W = 13.2 with: Figure 4 H/Bd = 4.2.020 KHe = 3.75 in.427 psi COPYRIGHT 2002.250 in. GLr= 0.2. 1. 6. SMYS = 42.30 Coefficient of thermal expansion. 12.7.75 Sn.1 Figure with: 3 t.2.020 KLr= 317 E. e.09 Soil type = Loose sand = A Bd/D c. ID = 0.3and Figure 10 with: N.240 psi T=NIA .2. = 0. A S H r e.l.2 Figure with: 9 D = 12.3 Step d-Impact Factor.500 psi D = 12.634 psi e.72 FxExTxSMYS=NIA E = 1. A S r and A&r e.2 Figure 12 with: D = 12.1. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. & = o ft Number of tracks (1 or 2) =2 Rail loading = E-80 Other pipe steelproperties: Young's modulus.2.00 F x E x SMYS = 30.1 Figure 11 with: t.4 =in. = 30. E.2 Cyclic longitudinal stress. A P I RP*:LL02 93 m 0732290 O509067 508 m 32 API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1102 Distance of girth weld from track centerline.9 psi Step e-Cyclic Stresses.219 psi y= 120 lblft3 = 0. = 1. . = 2 NH 1. t. = 6.2 Applied design surface pressure.000 ksi Poisson's ratio. GG. = 0. = 3. F = 0.069 Iblin.3 Section 4.2.2. = 2 NL = 1. = 1.000 SHi(Barlow) = 25.4 Equation 4: ASb= 7. ID = 0. 1 Cyclic circumferential stress. User=. v.W d.1 Figure with:8 t.7. Bd = 14.. = 32.75 in.0 ft Bored diameter. = 0.. = NIA Temperature derating factor.72 SMYS = 42. T = NIA Wall thickness.219 psi SHi= 25. = 32. A P I RPlctLL02 73 m 0732290 0507068 4 4 4 m STEEL PIPELINES CROSSING RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS 33 Step f-circumferential Stress Due to internal Pressurization.000 psi g. E.281 in.. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. = 10 ksi Unit weight. = -1.S.OOO psi 8. = 6.853 psi A& = 8. D = 12. Operating pressure. Soil type = Loose sand Modulus of soil reaction.000 psi Equation 13 with: S. tw= 0. &. = 3.427 psi S. y = 120 lblft3= 0. 1 Equation 9 with: S. p = 1. E = 1. T. tw = 0.00 Installation temperature.000 psi D = 12.000 psi 8.30 g. = NIA T2= NIA V.2 Equation 10 with: ASLr = 7. S.5 Check allowable effective stress F = 0.F = 0. Equation 7 with: p = 1. T. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. 5 SMYS X F? NO 8.2 RAILROAD EXAMPLE PROBLEM (REVISED WALL THICKNESS) Step “Revised Design Information Pipe and operational characteristics: Outside diameter.8 in.. = 36.5 ksi Resilient modulus.219 psi S.000 psi S. = 3. = 36.5 x lod per O F T.2. . = 15.853 psi S. = 15.845 psi S.893 psi S. = NIA Maximum or minimum operating temperature..OOOpsi Steel grade = X42 Specified minimum yield strength. S. User=. SMYS = 42.845 psi SMYS x F = 30.000 psi 8.000 psi Design factor.3 Equation 11 with: p = 1. E.240 psi S. Equation 12 with: S. = -1. Step g-Principal Stresses.634 psi SHi= 25.069 1 b h 3 COPYRIGHT 2002.000 psi SHi = 25. H = 6.250 in.72 Longitudinaljoint factor.. F = 0.4 Effective stress.893 psi S. = 30 x lo6 psi ac. Installation and site characteristics: Depth.75 in. S. A S L r e.2. and Applied Design Surface Pressure. l.7.. 1.687 psi D = 12. Figure 1. = 1.022 KHe = 2.75 Ch= 0.72 d. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. = 0.9 psi Step e-Cyclic Stresses.3 Section 4.00 F x E x SMYS = 30. = 2 NH = 1.500 E' = 0.2.661 psi y= 120 lblft3= 0.16 E.4 1 with: D =in. CHr= 0.2 Cyclic longitudinal stress.7.4Equation 4: ASk = 7. 1.9 B. = 1. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.11 Equation c.2 9 with: D = 12.75 in. . LG = o ft Number of tracks (1 or 2) =2 Rail loading = E-80 Other pipe steel properties: Young's modulus.00 e.1: Rail loading = E-80 W = 13.146 psi COPYRIGHT 2002. t.4 Equation 3: ASw = 8.W d. = 10 ksi e.2. = 6. ID = 0.2 Figure 4 with: HIBd = 4.322 psi e. E.75 in.09 Soil type = Loose sand= A c. = 2 NL = 1.3 Figure 5 with: BdlD = 1.000 psi SHi (Barlow) = 22.2.2. = 10 ksi e.3 Step d-Impact Factor. AGrand A% e.72 FxExTxSMYS=NIA E = 1.240 psi T = NIA SMYS = 42. 1 Figure 7railroads for with: H=6ft Fi = 1.98 H=6ft e.069 lb/in.3 and Figure 10 with: N. v. a. = 30.000 psi SHi(Barlow) I Allowable? Yes Step c-circumferential Stress Due to Earth Load c. User=.2 Figure with: 12 D = in.1 Figure with: 11 t.2. F.98 H=6ft e. 1 Figure 8 with: . A P I RP*LLO2 93 m 0732290 0509069 380 m 34 PRACTICE API RECOMMENDED 1102 Type of longitudinal weld = ERW Distance of girth weld from track centerline.022 KLr= 305 E.2 Applied design surface pressure.11 e.281 in.75 S. = 0.2.5 ksi c.000 ksi Poisson's ratio. 1 Cyclic circumferential stress. 1 Figure 3 with: twID = 0.022 KHr= 320 E.30 Coefficient of thermal expansion.2. A S H r e.3 Section 4.5 x 10-6 per OF Step L h e c k Allowable Barlow Stress with:Equation 8a p = 1. W Section 4.7. = 2. F = 0. twID = 0.3and with:13 Figure N. 600psi S. I N L = 7.lN. A P I R P U L L O Z 93 0732290 0509070 O T 2 STEELPIPELINES CROSSING RAILROADS AND HIGHWAYS 0 Step f-circumferential Stress Due to Internal Pressurization.120psi COPYRIGHT 2002.000psi Equation 13 with: S.5 Check allowable effective stress F = 0.240psi Se.187psi D = 12.4 Effective stress. X F = 15.72 Table 3 h.629psi S..600psi SHe= 2. = 7.5 m) use: Equation 15 with: A S L r = 7. User=.1.146psi S..2 Longitudinal welds F = 0.IN~ I Sm X F? Yes NH = 1. = 2.322psi SHi= 22.O00 psi (ERW) Equation 19 with: ASHr = 8. = 33. = 0.30 g. x F = 8. = 8. = -1.1 Girth welds F = 0.OOO psi 0 g...72 Table 3 Sm = 21.629psi SMYS x F = 30. = NIA T2 = NIA V... Equation 7 with: p = 1.00 A S L .2 Equation 10with: ASL.72 SMYS = 42. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.5x lo4 per "F T .OOO psi S3= -1. S. ISMYS x F? Yes Step h-Check Fatigue h. = 29.640psi h.661psi S.5 m) use: Figure 18 with: Equation 16 with: h.¡ = 22. S. &.661psi S.2 If & 2 5 ft (1.146psi NL = 1.. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.498psi S.322psi AS~.1 Equation 9 with: S.= 6.1 If & c 5 ft (1.170psi A S H .11 A&. = 30X lo4psi a.OOO psi SHi= 22.146psi S.75in. = 33.l.OOO psi 8. S.3 Equation 11 with: p = 1. 8 E. = 0. .281in. = 29.170psi S.187psi 8. Equation 12 with: S. r.187psi 8. = 14. = 7. Step g-Principal Stresses. = 14. 750 0. 188 46 0.164 24 0. API RP*3302 93 0732290 0509073 T39 APPENDIX C-CASING WALL THICKNESSES Table C-1-Minimum Nominal Wall Thickness for Flexible Casingin Bored Crossings Minimum Nominal Wall Thickness (inches) Nominal Pipe (inches) Diameter Railroads Highways 14 and Under o.250 58 0.219 48 0. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.134 22 0.594 0. 164 32 0. 164 34 0. 188 44 0. 134 16 0.250 56 0.719 0.469 o.164 26 0.375 0. 164 36 0.250 60 0. User=. 164 28 0.562 O.281 0.188 40 0.531 0.781 0. 134 18 0.750 0.688 0. 188 O. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.312 0.281 0.188 42 0.250 37 COPYRIGHT 2002.469 o.625 0.594 O.438 o. 134 20 0.219 O.250 O.344 o.250 54 0.164 38 0.406 o. .250 52 0.656 0.500 0.219 50 0.164 30 0. I I i APPENDIX D-UNIT Table D-1-Unit CONVERSIONS Conversions From To Convert To Bv MultiDlv i I feet (ft) meters (m) 0.32)/1. ."C = ("F .157 39 COPYRIGHT 2002.448 pounds per square inch (psi) kilopascals (kPa) 6.895 meganewtons per square meter(MN/III*) 6.OF degrees Celsius. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.3048 inches (in.4536 kips (k) pounds (lb) loo0 kilonewtons (m) 4.L02 93 m 0732290 0509072 975 m . User=.895 degrees Fahrenheit.000579 (actually pounds-force) kilonewtons per cubic meter (Wh3) 0.4 I.895 kilonewtons persquare meter w / m 2 ) 6.8 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) pounds per cubic inch (pci) 0.895 kips per square inch (ksi) pounds per square inch (psi) loo0 megapascals (MPa) 6.) millimeters (mm) 25. pounds (lb) kilograms (kg) 0. A P I RP+I. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. These guidelines have been incorporated into API Recommended Practice 1102. User=. PA 17013-0086 (800) 795-2340 COPYRIGHT 2002. the Gas Research Institute (GRI) has sponsored researchat Cornel1 Universityto develop state-of-the-art design practicesfor uncased pipeline crossings at railroads and highways. Inc. This research has culminated in the developmentof pipeline crossing guidelines. computer software. Box 86 Carlisle.Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways. and the other version is for Liquid Petroleum Pipeline Crossings. API RP*llO2 93 m 0732290 0507073 B O L m New Computer Software Available (PERSONAL COMPUTER-~PELINE EVALUATION SOILCROSSING SYSTEM) Since 1985. . April 1993. Two versions of computer softwareto assist in using this new methodol- ogy have been developed. Sixth Edition. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100.O. and information for use by pipeline design engineers at natural gas and liquidpe- troleum pipeline companies. The current price and ordering information for each version may be obtained by contacting: Client Services Engineer-PC PISCES Stoner Associates. Each version of this software (PC-PISCES) and supporting documents is avail- able from Stoner Associates. Inc. P. One version is for Natural Gas Pipeline Cross- ings. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. 831-11020 1-1400"4/93"1 M (9C) COPYRIGHT 2002. . 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. User=. A P I RPtLL02 93 0732290 0509074 748 m Order No. 08/15/2002 08:56:57 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. Northwest ~ ~~ Washington. A P I RP*LL02 93 0732290 0507075 684 m American Petroleum Institute 1220 L Street.C. . American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=Sincor Venezuela/5934214100. D. User=. 20005 COPYRIGHT 2002.
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