API 6FD - Specification for Fire Test for Check Valves - 95

May 21, 2018 | Author: ATRRES | Category: Asbestos, Valve, Waste, Specification (Technical Standard), United States Government



A P I SPEC*bFD 95 W 0 7 3 2 2 7 0 0.538636 137 Specification for Fire Test for Check Valves API SPECIFICATION 6FD FIRST EDITION, FEBRUARY 15, 1995 American Petroleum Institute 1220 L Street, Northwest Washington, D.C. 20005 Envimnmentdl Partnership 11’ COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services Recognizing this trend. and others to develop and to use nat- ural resources in an environmentally sound manner while protecting the health and safety of our employees and the public. API members pledge to manage our businesses according to these principles: To recognize and to respond to community concerns about our raw materials. API standards. The foundation of STEP is the API Environmental Mission and Guiding Environmental Principles. health and environmental hazards. are an important means of implementing API’s STEP program. transportation and dis- posal of our raw materials. petroleum products and wastes. health and safety performance. To counsel customers. products. workplace and environment. To participate with government and others in creating responsible laws. prod- ucts and operations. forward looking strategy called STEP: Strategies for Today’s Environmental Partnership. customers and the public of in- formation on significant indus@-related safety. To extend knowledge by conducting or supporting research on the safety. health and environmental effects of our raw materials. and our development of new products and processes. The members recognize the importance of efficiently meeting society’s needs and our re- sponsibility to work with the public. transporters and others in the safe use. and communicating them to the public. the government. processes and waste materials. health and environmental considerations a priority in our planning. use. To work with others to resolve problems created by handling and disposai of haz- ardous substances from our operations. by promoting the use of sound engineering and operational practices. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . transport or dispose of similar raw materials. and to handle our raw materials and products in a manner that protects the environment. This program aims to address public concerns by improving industry’s environmental. To make safety. To commit to reduce overall emissions and waste generation. To promote these principles and practices by sharing experiences and offering assis- tance to others who produce. To meet these responsibilities. To advise promptly appropriate officials. API ENVIRONMENTAL MISSION AND GUIDING ENVI RONMENTAL PRINCIPLES The members of the American Petroleum Institute are dedicated to continuous efforts to improve the compatibility of our operations with the environment while economically de- veloping energy resources and supplying high quality products and services to consumers. handle. and to recommend protective measures. doc- umenting performance improvements. A P I SPECxbFD 75 0732290 O538637 073 STEP One of the most significant long-term trends affecting the future vitality of the petroleum industry is the public’s concerns about the environment. API member companies have developed a positive. regulations and standards to safeguard the community. products and waste materials. and the safety and health of our employees and the public. To operate our plants and facilities. To economically develop and produce natural resources and to conserve those re- sources by using energy efficiently. employees. API S P E C r b F D 95 H 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 0538638 T O T Specification for Fire Test for Check Valves Exploration and Production Department API SPECIFICATION 6FD FIRST EDITION. 1995 American Petroleum Institute COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . FEBRUARY 15. however. or guarantee that such prod- ucts do in fact conform to the applicable API standard. Any manufacturer marking equipment or materials in conformance with the marking re- quirements of an API standard is solely responsible for complying with all the applicable requirements of that standard. Generally.. apparatus. or guarantee in connection with this pub- lication and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage re- sulting from its use or for the violation of any federal. With respect to par- ticular circumstances. nor undertaking their obligations under local. sale. state. warrant. concerning health and safety risks and precautions. Copyright 0 1994 American Petroleum Institute COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . Neither should anything contained in the publication be construed as insuring anyone against liability for infringement of letters patent. The formulation and publication of API standards is not intended in any way to in- hibit anyone from using any other practices. 1220 L Street. Dallas. the Institute makes no representation. or suppliers to warn and properly train and equip their employees.C. or prod- uct covered by letters patent. or municipal regulation with which this publication may conflict. state.W. A catalog of API publications and materials is published annually and up- dated quarterly by API. sound engi- neering and operating practices. or fed- eral laws. Washington. Suite 1840. and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. API is not undertaking to meet the duties of employers. Information concerning safety and health risks and proper precautions with respect to particular materials and conditions should be obtained from the employer. for the manufacture. Questions concerning the interpretation of the content of this standard or comments and questions concerning the procedures under which this standard was devel- oped should be directed in writing to the director of the Exploration and Production Depart- ment. state. 20005. API publications may be used by anyone desiring to do so. the manufacturer or supplier of that material. API SPEC+bFD 95 = O732290 0538639 746 SPECIAL NOTES API publications necessarily address problems of a general nature. Sometimes a one-time extension of up to two years will be added to this re- view cycle. manufacturers. Status of the publication can be ascertained from the API Authoring Department [telephone (214) 953-11011. API does not represent. These standards are not intended to obviate the need for ap- plying sound engineering judgment regarding when and where these standards should be utilized. and others exposed. Nothing contained in any API publication is to be construed as granting any right. N. or withdrawn at least ev- ery five years. This publication will no longer be in effect five years after its publication date as an operative API standard or. This document was produced under API standardization procedures that ensure appro- priate notification and participation in the developmental process and is designated as an API standard. or use of any method. 700 North Pearl. Texas 75201. Every effort has been made by the Institute to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them. where an extension has been granted. or the material safety data sheet. warranty. upon republication. by im- plication or otherwise. D. American Petroleum Institute. reaffirmed. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate all or any part of the material published herein should also be addressed to the director. local. API standards are published to facilitate the broad availability of proven. API standards are reviewed and revised. ....... ......................................................................................................... 2 3-Location of Thermocouples and Calorimeters- Smaller Wafer Type Check Valves ................................ 4........................................... 7 APPENDIX A-CONVERSIONS OF ENGLISH UNITS TO SI METRIC UNITS ..................... 4.....................2 External Leakage-During Burn and Cool-Down Period (High Test Pressure.....................................5 Operation of Valve After Fire Test .. 4.................................................................... ....... 1 4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 iii COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services ................... 6 4............. 4 2-Qualification of Other Size Valves ......................................................................................... 7 6 SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................ 7 3-Qualification of Other Pressure Rating Valves .........................3 Through Leakage-After Cooldown (Low Test Pressure) .................. 1 2 DESCRIPTION OF F'IRE TEST .............................. Valve in Closed Position) ............................ .. 6 4........................................ 1 3 TEST PROCEDURE .................................................................. 7 7 EQUIPMENT MARKING ........................................................... 5 CERTIFICATION ...............................6 External Leakage-Open Position (High Test Pressure) .......................................... 2 4-Location of Thermocouples and Calorimeters- Larger Wafer Type Check Valves .................................................................................................................... 4.........7 Tests Required ................................... 4........................... 4 6-Schematic of Suggested Systems for Fire Test for Check Valves ............ 5 Tables 1-Test Pressure During Fire Test ...................................... API S P E C + b F D 9 5 = 0732290 0538640 668 M CONTENTS Page 1 SCOPE .......................................................................... 9 Figures 1-Location of Thermocouples and Calorimeters- Smaller Flanged Check Valves .......................... 3 5-Calorimeter Cube Design ...................... 1 2-Location of Thermocouples and Calorimeters- Larger Flanged Check Valves ................................4 External Leakage-After Cooldown (Low Test Pressure) ...................1 Through Leakage-During Burn Period (High Test Pressure) ........................... COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . This specifcation shall become effective on the date printed on the cover but may be used voluntarily from the date of distribution. Bu1 6AF1 Bulletin on Temperature Derating of API Flanges Under Combination of Loading. A P I SPECxbFD 75 = 0732290 0538643 5 T Y M FOREWORD This Specification is under the jurisdiction of the API Committee on Standardization of Valves and Wellhead Equipment. and Check Valves). Bu1 6F1 Performance of API and ANSI End Connections in a Fire Test According to API Spec 6FA. Other standards under the jurisdiction of this committee include: API Spec 6A Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment. Spec 6D Specification for Pipeline Valves (Gate. Spec 6FB Specification for Fire Test for End Connections Spec 6FC Specification for Fire Test for Valves with Automatic Backseats. Bu1 6F2 Fire Resistance Improvements for API Flanges. Ball. Plug. This edition of Spec 6FD is the first edition and was ap- proved by letter ballot in September 1994. Bu1 6AF Bulletin on Capabilities of API Hanges Under Combinations of Load. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) labeling requirements and phased banning of asbestos products. It has also been a universal sealing material. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Health Standard for Asbestos. among them the serious and often fatal diseases of lung cancer.S. and mesothelioma (a cancer of the chest and abdominal linings). the equipment to which they would apply. 29 Code of Federal Reg- ulations Section 1910:1001.and the U. 40. the manufacturer or supplier of that product or material. vi COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . Safety and health information with respect to particular products or materials can be ob- tained from the employer. Code of Federal Regulations Section 61. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Emis- sion Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants concerning Asbestos. API SPEC*bFD 95 0732290 0538642 430 IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING USE OF ASBESTOS OR ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS Asbestos is specified or referenced for certain components of the equipment described in some API standards. published at 54 Fed- eral Register 29460-29513 (July 12. 1989) 4OCFR763. There are currently in use and under development a number of substitute materials to re- place asbestos in certain applications.140 through 61. asbestosis. compatible with most petroleum fluid services. The degree of exposure to asbestos varies with the product and the work practices involved. It has been of great usefulness in minimizing fire hazards associated with petroleum processing. Certain serious adverse health effects are associated with asbestos.160-179. the U. Department of Labor.S. or the material safety data sheet.S. Consult the most recent edition of the U. and operating requirements of. Manufacturers and users are encouraged to develop and use effective substitute materials which can meet the specifications for.156. flood the system and purge the air. For larger performance of API Spec 6A and 6D check valves when ex.1 Open valves (Items 15. For the test.3 The burn period shall be 30 minutes from ignition. and 25). and 4. (25 mm) nominal pipe size or one-haif of valve nominal size ceptability regardless of size or pressure rating.22.2 The valve will be enveloped in flame having a temper. setup shall include l l h " (38 mm) cube calorimeter blocks 24. it may be necessary pated in this test.4. Open the downstream shutoff valve (Item 16) made of carbon steel with a thermocouple located in the cen. I III 1" (25 mm)1 -0 I I 1.5" (38 mm) CALORIMETERS FLAME THERMOCOUPLES 1" (25 mm) Figure 1-Location of Thermocouples and Calorimeters-Smaller Flanged Check lalves 1 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . (flanged. The test 3. The performance requirements of this docu. size valves. 2 Description of Fire Test 3 Test Procedure 2.23. three blocks shall be used. threaded. or welded) is not considered a part of this test and is not included in the allowable external leakage in jor magnitude with consequences greater than those antici- Paragraphs 4. 23. as shown in Figures 2 posed to fire.4 The end connection piping-to-valve joint leakage fires. with water as the test medium. For API Spec 6A valves size 7'/16'' and It is the purpose of this document to establish the require.. API SPEC*bFD 75 O732290 0538643 377 Specification for Fire Test for Check Valves 1 Scope ter of each block (Refer to Figure 5 for calorimeter block configuration). 3.2 Close fill valve (Item 5) and valves (Items 15.1 The valve shall be tested in its normal operating posi. or 4. The burn period has been established on the basis that it represents the maximum time required to extinguish most 2. to modify this joint to eliminate leakage.21.6. (whichever is smaller) must be enveloped in flame for a dis- This document establishes acceptable levels of leakage tance of at least six inches (152 mm).4. Fires of greater duration are considered to be of a ma. 2. smaller and API Spec 6D valves size 6" and smaller. through the test valve and also external leakage after expo- sure to a fire for a 30-minute time period. and 25). Open valves (Items 5 and 6) to 2. two ments for testing and evaluating the pressure containing blocks shall be located as shown in Figures 1 or 3. (Refer to Figure 6) tion. Piping upstream of the test valve larger than one inch ment are intended to establish standard limits of ac. and pressurized from the normally downstream end. Close valves (Items 16 and 17).2. The piping system upstream of the test valve shall be BODYICOVE R JOINT-. 22. 24. ature of 1400-1800°F (761 to 980°C) average of two thermo- couples located as shown in Figure 1 through 4. JOINT 1.5"(38mm) CALORIMETERS 1" (25 mm) 1" (25mm) a FLAME THERMOCOUPLES 1" (25 mm) Figure 2-Location of Thermocouples and Calorimeters-Larger Flanged Check Valves I I I L 1" (25 mm) -J -cl i I 1.5" (38mm) CALORIMETER 1.5" (38 mm) CALORIMETERS 1" (25 mm) 4 t Figure 3-Location FLAME THERMOCOUPLES 4 l'(25mm) of Thermocouples and Calorimeters-Smaller Wafer Type Check Valves a . -- I I + + 1" (25 mm) 1. / COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . A P I SPECxbFD 95 O732290 0538644 203 2 API SPECIFICATION 6FD a 1" (25 mm) If@. API S P E C x b F D 95 W 0732290 0538645 L 4 T SPECIFICATION FOR FIRETESTFOR CHECK VALVES 3 O % --: tt I rnm)--i (25 c 1. temperature of the affected sensor(s). with no reading less than 1300°F (704°C) for the total through valve seat leakage. 3. establish a fire and monitor the tion).8 Immediately determine and record the amount of water tain the average temperature between 1400-1800°F (76 1. 3. even if no actual drop in flame temper- ature has occurred. shutoff the fuel supply. Main. collected in the calibrated container (Item 19) to establish the 980"C). 3. be natural or shall maintain a minimum average temperature of 1200°F forced.5" (38 rnm) CALORIMETERS -e-- 1. Continue collecting water in remainder of the burn period.5" (38 rnrn) CALORIMETER 1 " (25 rnm) 1" (25 mrn) *+ FLAME 2 THERMOCOUPLES -IL 1" (25 rnm) Figure 4-Location of Thermocouples and Calorimeters-Larger Wafer Type Check Valves pletely water filled and the system downstream shall be Note: Impingement of water or steam from external leakage onto flame ther- mocouples or calorimeters can result in a substantial drop in the indicated drained. The test may continue with no downward adjustment of the sure from Table 1. and 14) at minutes. 3.6 Record instrument readings (Items 7.9 Cool the valve (or allow to cool) to 212°F (100°C) or tion. calorimeter are functioning. 13.3 Pressurize the system to the appropriate high test pres. Maintain this pressure during the burn and burner controls and provided that at least one flame thermocouple and one cool-down period. The average of two thermocouples (Item 14) must reach 1400°F (761°C) within two minutes. the test report. ble. the calibrated container for use in establishing the external leakage rate.7 At the end of the burn period (30 minutes from igni- 3. Record the reading on the calibrated sight gauge least every 30 seconds during the test period. Momentary pressure losses are permissi. at the manufacturer's option. Empty the graduated downstream container (Item 19).5 The average temperature of the calorimeters (Item 13) shall reach 1200°F (650°C) within 15 minutes of fire igni. (Item 4). Such drops in indicated temperature(s) shall he noted in 3. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . Cooling may. For the remainder of the burn period the calorimeters less. Record the readings on the sight gauge (Item 4) and (650°C) with no reading less than 1050°F (565°C). the calibrated container (Item 19). flame temperature. provided their cumulative recovery time is less than two 3.4 Open fuel supply. 03"(+ 0.2mm) DRILL .339" (8.5" (38mm) CUBE I I GENERAL TOLERANCE: +0.27 NPT TAP THERMOCOUPLE WELL MATERIAL: CARBON STEEL 1.125" (3.750" (19mm) DEEP . *"PN'is the pressure class designation utilized in IS0 (international Standards Organization) documents.8mm) Figure 5-Calorimeter Cube Design COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .38" (lomm) DEEP . . NOMINAL 8 SCHEDULE 40 PIPE '1 I I /.6mm) DRILL . A P I SPECsbFD 95 0732290 0538646 O8b W 4 API SPECIFICATION 6FD Table l-Test Pressure During Fire Test Note: Tolerance on all test pressures is f 10%.250" . 1 1. 19. Flame temperature thermocouples (Ref. Shutoff valve. 6 . Condenser. Vent valve. 2. minimum of 6 inches (152 mm). Pressure source.2). any part of the valve and the enclosure shall be a 2 1. A P I S P E C t h F D 95 = O732290 0538647 TL2 SPECIFICATION FOR FIRE TESTFOR CHECK VALVES 5 o o /- l- System Using a Pump as the Pressure Source a as the Pressure Source Legend 1.2). 25. 13. Minimum height of enclosure shall be 6 inches 23. 18. 22. 8. 5. Calorimeters-I l/z" cubes (Ref. 2.2). Fuel gas supply to burners (Ref. Shutoff valve. Vessel for water 14. 17. Shutoff valve. Piping arranged to provide vapor trap. Figure &Schematic of Suggested Systems for Fire Test for Check Valves COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . Check valve. 9. 4. Enclosure for test-horizontal clearance between 20. (152 mm) above the top of the valve. Shutoff valve. 3. Shutoff valve. 2. Pressure regulator and relief. 16. Vent valve. Water supply. Vent valve. 7. Test valve mounted in its normal operating position. Calibrated sight gauge. 2. 12. 24. 15. Pressure gauge. Vent valve on test valve body cavity. Calibrated container. 10. 8 ml/mm/min) 11).4 EXTERNAL LEAKAGE-AFTER 3.1 One test valve may be used to qualify valves larger (15. Verify pressurization of The valve shall be capable of being unseated from the the entire test valve body by briefly opening the body cavity closed position one time (Ref. A N P S 16 valve will qualify all larger 4. through the vent valve. 3.19 Test Adjustments. to isolate the pres- Rate 20 ml/in/min* sure source from the upstream end of the test valve (Item (0.3 The nominal size of the test valve is determined by Test Duration 30 Minutes plus time the size of the end connections. seat to body seal.6 ml/mm/min) 3.17 Increase the pressure at the source (Item 1) to the high test pressure shown in Table 1.3 THROUGH LEAKAGE-AFTER with ratings of class 600 and lower. Measure and record the through valve and external leakages over a 5. to cool-down to 212°F (100°C) 4. Rate 40 ml/in/min* (1.9): 4. Table 3). excluding the test With the test valve unseated. *Note: Leakage rates are milliliters per inch of nominal valve size per 3. Decrease the test pres. 4. per Paragraph 3. The leakage shall not be within the limits specified herein. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . then close the vent the value shown below (Ref. 4.2 One test valve may be used to qualify valves with PRESSURE. COOL-DOWN (LOW TEST PRESSURE) 3. not exceeding twice the size of the test valve (Ref.1 1 Decrease the test pressure to 1% or less of the valve’s Test Duration 5 Minutes rated room temperature pressure. vent valve (Item 15).7. vent air or steam at vent valves (Items 15 and 23).7 ml/mm/min) than the test valve.8): seal. may be adjusted during the test period to keep the test ternal leakage. 24.16 Open the upstream vent valve (Item 23). and observing flow.9 ml/mm/min) part of the design of the component. other valves of the same basic design as the test valve and same nonmetallic materials with respect to the seat The maximum through seat leakage shall not be greater to closure member seal.18.6 EXTERNAL LEAKAGE-OPEN POSITION 3.14 Open valves (Items 22. than the value shown below (Ref. 4. may be qualified. and body joint and than the value shown below (Ref. Verify that minute (milliliters per millimeter of nominal valve size per minute).4 Valves shall not be protected with insulation material Rate 1O0 ml/in/min * of any form during testing. The maximum through seat leakage shall not be greater minute period.7 TESTS REQUIRED 4.2 EXTERNAL LEAKAGE-DURING BURN sizes.1 O This step is required only for API Spec 6D valves 4. AND COOL-DOWN PERIOD (HIGH TEST 4. 3. then close the vent valve.18 Measure and record the external leakage over a 5- (HIGH TEST PRESSURE) minute period while at the high test pressure.7. measure and record the ex- valve. VALVE IN CLOSED POSITION) higher pressure ratings. A P I SPEC*bFD 95 0732290 0538648 959 6 API SPECIFICATION 6FD 3.1 1. 3. the value shown below (Ref.10): 3. 4 Performance Requirements 4. by observation of steady flow over the duration of the particular test period. The test system.1 THROUGH LEAKAGE-DURING BURN In lieu of testing each size and pressure rating of a given PERIOD (HIGH TEST PRESSURE) valve design. and 25) to water fill and The maximum external leakage shall not be greater than purge air from the downstream piping.5 OPERATION OF VALVE AFTER FIRE TEST 3.10): valve (Item 24). 3.12 While maintaining the test pressure of Step 3. Table 2). 3. subject to the following limitations: Burn Period 30 minutes Rate 400 ml/in/min* 4. greater than 200 ml/in/min (8 ml/mm/min). 3.7. but no greater than twice the pres- The maximum external leakage shall not be greater than sure rating of the test valve (Ref. Test Duration 5 Minutes 3.1 3 Close the downstream shutoff valve (Item 16). except where such protection is (3. COOL-DOWN (LOW TEST PRESSURE) sure to the low test pressure value shown in Table 1.7.16).15 Close the shutoff valve (Item 21). average the test valve has unseated. 1O0 4.125 3 API 6D. 10 API 6D 200. 50 2. 12 API 6D.200 5'18 API 6A 125 5'/8. 3. 100 2'116 API 6A. Protec- tion for test personnel shall be provided. 6.250. 4 . 50. 100 3'18 API 6A 3'18.400 9 API 6A NIA 9. 200. 9. 6580 2'12 API 6D 2'12. 300 through 10 through 24 API 6D 500 12 API 6D 300 12 through 24 API 6D 300 through 600 14 API 6D 350 14 through 28 API 6D 350 through 700 16 API 6D 400 16 and larger API 6D 400 and larger '"DN" is the size designation utilized in IS0 (International Standards Organization) documents COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . 2'116 API 6A 113/16. valves which have been qualified by this specification shall be permanently marked: Because of the possible design of the test valve and the na- ture of the test program. 4'116 API 6A 4'116. 6FD Table 2-Qualification of Other Size Valves (Ref. 5'18.200 7'116 API 6A 7l/i6. 16 API 6D. A P I SPEC*bFD 95 m 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 0 5 3 8 b 4 9 895 9 FOR FIRETESTFOR CHECK SPECIFICATION VALVES 7 5 Certification ardous rupture of the pressure boundary components. 11. 4 API 6D.300 8 API 6D 200 8. 125. 6 API 6D. 9. the potential may exist for a haz. Records of the test upon which certifications are based shall be available for purchaser's review on request. 14. 10.8. I l API 6A 300. 80 3 . 7'116 API 6A 125. API 6A. 150. î9/i6. 150 6. 3'18.65 113/i6. 8 API 6D. 5'18 API 6A. 250 through 1 i API 6A 500 1I API 6A NIA 11 API 6A.2l/2. 5'18. 9 API 6A.350. 2'116.6. specified in API 6 Safety Considerations Spec 6A or 6D.s. 7'116 API 6A 150. 3'18.7'/16. 250 through 8 through 16 API 6D 400 10 API 6D 250 10 through 20 API 6D. 150 4 API 6D. 4'116. 100. 125. 12. 4.1) Size of Test Valve Other Valve Sizes Qualified NPS DN* NPS DN* 2" API 6D. 4'116 API 6A 80.250 6 API 6D. 4 API 6D 100. 10. 7 Equipment Marking In addition to the marking requirements. 150. 11 API 6A 250. 65 2'116. 4'/i6. 80.7. 3. 20.7.5 345 5000. 138. 420 NIA NIA loo00 API 6A NIA 69.420 NIA NIA 5000 API 6A 34.1379 20000 API 6A 138.1500 API 6D 150.5 1034 15000. 3000 API 6A NIA 13.7 207 1500 API 6D 260 NIA 1500.0 690 psi MPa B¿U psi or Class PN* MPa Bar 2000 API 6A 13. NIA 34.3000 API 6A. NIA 20. COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .10000 API 6A.690 2500 API 6D 420 NIA NIA loo00 API 6A 69. A P I SPECxbFD 95 = 0732290 0538650 507 8 API SPECIFICATION 6FD Table 3-Qualification of Other Pressure Rating Valves (Ref.8. 4. 34.260 NIA NIA 3000 API 6A 20. 69. 1 034.207 900 API 6D 150 NIA 900.2500 API 6D 260.2) Rating of Test Valve Other Valve Ratings Qualified Class PN* B¿U Class or psi PN* MPa Bar 150 API 6D 20 NIA 150. 110.0 1034.5.345 1500.20000API 6A NIA 103.64.1500 API 6D.0 1 379 2oooO API 6A NIA 138.7 138. 138.0 1379 15000 API 6A 103.2oooO API 6A NIA 69.0 690 1oooO.7 138.2500 API 6D. 20. 150.150 NIA NIA 2000.900 API 6D.600 API 6D 64.420 NIA NIA Soo0 APi 6A NIA 34.400.8.110 NIA NIA 600 API 6D 110 NIA 600. 103.7 207 3000.600 API 6D 50.50 NIA NIA 300 API 6D 50 NIA 300. NIA 13. 1 10 NIA NIA 400 API 6D 64 NIA 400.0 1379 *“PN’ is the pressure class designation utilized in IS0 (International Standards Organization) documents.300 API 6D 20.207 900. 260.5 207.15000.5000 API 6A.0 345.260 NIA NIA 3000 API 6A NIA 20.5.5 345 2500 API 6D 420 NIA 2500 API 6D.8 138 2000.0.5 690.7. e. 9 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .006894757 MPa Temperature The following formula was used to convert degrees Fahrenheit (OF) to degrees Celsius (OC): "C = 5/9 (OF -32) In addition to the above conversions. the PN designa- tions relate to pressure classes. the designations PN for nominal pressure and DN for nominal size are sometimes used. and the DN designations relate to NPS. For the purpose of this specification.. English units are in all cases preferential and shall be the standard in this spec- ification. Customan.S.4 mm). Note that the comma is used as a decimal marker for metric data. The factors used for conversion of English units to SI units are listed below: Table A-1-SI Units Ouanitv U. multiply the NPS by 25 to obtain the DN. SI Unit Length 1 inch (in. A P I SPECbbFD 95 0732290 0538651 4 4 3 M APPENDIX A-CONVERSIONS OF ENGLISH UNITS TO SI METRIC UNITS Conversions of English units to International System (SI) metric units are provided throughout the text of this specification in parentheses. SI equivalents have also been included in all tables. 6 in. as follows: Class 150 = PN 20 Class 300 = PN 50 Class 400 = PN 64 Class 600 = PN 110 Class 900 = PN 150 Class 1500 = PN 260 Class 2500 = PN 420 NPS 2 = DN50 NPS2'/2 = DN65 NPS 3 = DN80 NPS4 = DN 100 For NPS 4 and greater listed sizes.4 millimetres (mm) exactly Pressure 1 pound per square inch (psi) 0.g. (152.) 25.06894757 Bar 0. except that there is no equivalent DN for NPS 36. or nominal pipe sizes. API SPEC*bFD 7 5 W O732290 0 5 3 8 6 5 2 38T 1-000M9C--XM( ) COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services . Northwest Order No. A P I SPECxbFD 75 0732270 0538653 2Lb ADDITIONAL COPIES AVAILABLE FROM PUBLICATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION (202) 682-8375 American Petroleum Institute 1220 L Street. 81 1-06FD1 COPYRIGHT American Petroleum Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services .
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