API 619.Rotary Compressor
S T D - A P I / P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL 1777 m 0732270 05b?3LV h30 Rotary Type Positive Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services API STANDARD 61 9 THIRD EDITION, JUNE 1997 --``,,,,,``,,``,`,,`````,,```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- American Petroleum Institute COPYRIGHT 2003; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. STD*API/PETRO STD bL9-ENGL L997 E 0732270 05b73L5 577 m Rotary Type Positive Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services Manufacturing, Distribution and Marketing Department API STANDARD 61 9 THIRD EDITION, JUNE 1997 --``,,,,,``,,``,`,,`````,,```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- American Petroleum Institute COPYRIGHT 2003; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. S T D - A P I I P E T R O STD bLS-ENGL L977 II 0732Z70 05b73Lb 403 API publications necessarily address problems of a general nature. W~threspect to partic- ular circumstances, local, state, and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed. API is not undertaking to meet the duties of employers, manufacturers,or suppliers to warn and properly train and equip their employees, andothers exposed, concerning health and safety risks and precautions, nor undertaking their obligations under local, state, or federal laws. Information concerning safety and health risks and proper precautions with to respect par- ticular materials and conditions should be obtained from the employer, the manufacturer or supplier of thatmaterial, or the materialsafety data sheet. Nothing contained in any API publication is to be construed as granting any right, by implication or otherwise, for the manufacture, sale,or use of any method, apparatus,or prod- uct covered by letters patent. Neither should anything containedin the publication be con- strued as insuring anyone against liability for infringement of letters patent. Generally, MI standards are reviewed and revised,reaflkmed, or withdrawn at least every five years. Sometimes a one-time extensionof up to two years willbe added to this review cycle. This publication will no longer be in effect five years afterits publication date as an operative API standard or, where an extension has been granted, upon republication. Status of the publication can be ascertained from the API Authoring Department [telephone(202) 682-8000]. A catalog of API publications and materialsis published annually and updated quarterly by M I , 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. This document was produced underM I standardization procedures that ensure appropri- ate notification and participation in the developmental process andis designated as an M I standard. Questions concerning the interpretation of the content of this standard or com- ments and questions concerning the procedures under which this standard was developed should be directed in writing to thedirector of the Authoring Department (shown on the title page of this document), American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate all or any part of the material published herein shouldalso be addressed to the director. API standardsare published to facilitate the broad availability of proven, sound engineer- ing and operating practices. These standards are not intended to obviate the need for apply- ing sound engineering judgment regarding whenandwherethese standards should be utilized. The formulation and publication of API standards is not intended in any way to inhibit anyone from using any other practices. Any manufacturer marking equipment or materials in conformance with the marking requirements of an API standard is solely responsible for complying with all the applicable requirements of that standard.M I does not represent, warrant, or guarantee that such prod- ucts do in fact conformto the applicable API standard. --``,,,,,``,,``,`,,`````,,```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- All rights reserved No part of this work may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any m e a n s , electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permissionfrom the publishel: Contact the Publisher; API Publishing Setvices, 1220 L Street, N. W ,Washington, D.C. 20005. Copyright O 1997 American Petroleum Institute COPYRIGHT 2003; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. This is especially trueof new equipment proposals. Although it is recognized that the purchaser may desire to modify. N. Every effort hasbeen made by the Instituteto assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them. Alternative approaches that may result in improved energy utilization shouldbe thoroughly investigated and brought forth. D. it is strongly recommended that such modifications.1220 L Street.`.. innovative energy-conserving approaches should be aggressively pursued by the manufacturer and the user during these steps. These standardsare not intended to inhibit purchasers or producers from purchas- ing or producing products made to other standards.``. 20005. API publications maybe used by anyone desiring to do so. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. Energy conser- vation is of concern and has become increasingly important in all aspects of equipment design. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. Equipment manufacturers. Suggested revisions are invited and should be submitted to the director ofthe Manufactur- ing.`````.`. --``. warranty. deletions. Thus. state. delete.`. API standards are published as an aid to procurement of standardized equipment and materials. This limitationin scope is oneof charter as opposed to interest and concern. and amplificationsbe made by supplementing this standard.-`-`. or municipal regulation with which this publication may conflict. This standard requires the purchaserto specify certain details and features. American Petroleum Institute. . Distribution and Marketing Department. however. in particular. rather than by rewriting or incorporating sections thereof into another complete standard.``. application..`.`--- iii COPYRIGHT 2003.. are encouraged to suggest alternatives to those specified when such approaches achieve improved energy effectiveness and reduced total life costs without sacrificeof safety or reliability. or amplify sections of this stan- dard.. Washington. User=.C. and gas industry services. The objective of this standard is to provide a purchase specification to facilitate the manufacture and procurementof rotary type positive displacement compressors for use in petroleum..W.. chemical. The primary purpose of this standard is to establish minimum mechanical requirements. and operation.. sincethe evaluation of purchase options will be based increasingly on total life costs as opposed to acquisition cost alone.. the Institute makes no representation. S T D = A P I / P E T R O S T D bLS-ENGL L777 0732290 0 5 L 7 3 1 7 3 V T m This standard is based on the accumulated knowledge and experienceof manufacturers and users of rotarytype positive displacement compressors...```..or guarantee in connection withthis publication and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from its use or for the violationof any federal. ...............`--- 1...............7Intake Air Filters .......................................... American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101...................... 1 2 REFERENCES .............................13Quality ...... 21 5 ACCESSORIES.......... 16 4.............................2CouplingsandGuards .............................................................. 6 4............8Bearings ...................2PressureCasing ...... 31 5.....4 External Forces and Moments ............................ 31 5..```...1General ............................ 14 4.................. 40 V COPYRIGHT 2003................. 21 5.API/PETRO STD bL9-ENGL L997 I0732290 05b73LB 28b M CONTENTS ...........................................1TermsUsedIn This Standard ..............................................6 Shaft Seals ....................................................... 37 7 VENDOR’SDATA ........................... 22 5....... 32 5............................11Materials ........................................................................1 AlternativeDesigns.........................................................10 Lube-Oil and Seal-Oil Systems .... 10 4......9 SpecialTools .. 38 7.......... .............. 16 4..............5RotatingElements .. 1 --``........................................................................................... 5 4........ 27 5..`....... 33 6........... 21 4.......... 33 6 INSPECTION..........................................................6IntercoolersandAftercoolers ................ 7 4..................... 34 6.........................``.......... .................. .......`......................................................... 2 \ 3 DEFINITIONS....................................................................... IIESTING................`........ 3 4... 2 4 BASICDESIGN .........1General .........3 Testing ...2ConflictingRequirements ............................. 18 4....................`....... page 1 SCOPE ................................... 22 5...........2 Proposals ...............9 BearingHousings ..........................................3 CasingConnections ..4Preparation for Shipment ....................................... 29 5................. 38 7.................................. 6 4.... 1 1............................................................. 6 4...........................1 Drivers .. 2 3................................2Inspection .........2UnitConversion .4 Controls andInstrumentation ..................5 Piping..........12 Nameplates and Rotation Arrows ............ STD.............................................. 1 2.7Dynamics ............................. 33 6............................. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.... 33 6....... 21 5...... AND PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT ...........-`-`.3 Mountingplates.....1General ................................. User=....... 3 4...`````............................................................1 Standards ....................................................................``...............3ContractData .8 Pulsation SuppressordSilencers for Dry Screw Compressors ................................ 1 2.................................. 39 7........................................ ............. 87 D-9E Instrument Piping Details: Single Pressure Gaugefor Differential- Pressure Use ........................... vi COPYRIGHT 2003........... . and Transmitters ....`......... 15 9A Typical Mounting Plate Arrangement ..................... 111 APPENDIX I INSPECTORS CHECKLIST (INFORMATNE).......`.........```....... 23 9B Qpical Mounting Plate Arrangement .................................. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584...... 82 D-6 Twin Oil Coolers and Filters W ith Separate Continuous-Flow Transfer Valves .. User=.............................................. 8 4 OilBufferedMechanical(Contact)SealAssembly ....... 63 APPENDIX C TYPICAL VENDOR DRAWINGAND DATA REQUIREMENTS (INFORMATIVE)...................... 77 APPENDIXE INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS (INFORMATIVE) ........-`-`................................ 101 APPENDIX G FORCES AND MOMENTS (NORMATIVE) .. ... 109 APPENDIXH NOMENCLA.. Switches........... 79 D-2 Basic Oil System for Flooded Screw Compressor....................... 11 6 LiquidFilm Seal...................................... 9 5 GasBuffered or Dry Contact-Type Seal Assembly ...... 84 D-8 Lube-Oil Module at Equipment-Dry Screw Compressors ............................. 24 9C Typical Mounting Plate Arrangement .... 43 APPENDIX B MATERIALS AND THEIR SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROTARY COMPRESSORS (INFORMATIVE) ..... S T D * A P I / P E T R O STD bL7-ENGL 1997 m 0732290 05b73117 112 m k s APPENDIXA TYPICAL DATA SHEETS (NORMATIVE) ..................... 8 3Restrictive-Ring-Type Seal (purged) .......................... 12 8 RotorResponsePlot ........`````......................... 79 D-3OilReservoir .......................... 67 APPENDIX D TYPICAL SCHEMATICS FOR GENERAL PURPOSE OIL SYSTEM (DRY SCREW COMPRESSOR)AND FOR BASIC OIL SYSTEM (FLOODEDSCREW COMPRESSOR) (INFORMATNE) .................... 88 --``............`....... 85 D-9A Instrument Piping Details: Pressure Gauges............. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101......... 26 D-1 General Purpose Oil System for Dry Screw Compressor ................. 115 Figures 1 HelicalCompressorRotors ................................................. 81 D-5 primary (Centrifugal or Rotary) h p Arrangement......... 25 9D Typical Mounting Plate Arrangement ...............................``................................ FOR EQUIPMENT (INFORMATIVE) ................................ 80 D-4OilSeparator ........ 87 D-9G Instrument Piping Details: Panel.................................... 1 2 LabyrinthShaftSeal .................................`.............. 86 D-9C Instrument PipingDetails: Combined Instrument Systemfor Low- Pressure Alarms and PumpStart Switches (Alternative Design)......``........... 11 7Self-Acting Gas Seal ................. 83 D-7 Seal-Oil Circulation System for EquipmentW i th Double Mechanical Seals.`--.............. 86 D-9B Instrument Piping Details: Combined Instrument System for Low- Pressure Alarms and PumpStart Switches Crypical Design)............................................. 87 D-9F Instrument Piping Details: Diaphragm Actuator................ 86 D-9D Instrument Piping Details: Low-Pressure Trip Switch (Altemative Design) .........................................................and Board-Mounted Gauges and Switches With Instrument Valves............... 89 APPENIMF PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINATIONOF RESIDUAL UNBALANCE (INFORMATIVE) ..................... ....... S T D ............................................................... 107 G-1 Combined Resultants of the Forces and Moments of Corrections ........... 110 H-1 Dry ScrewCompressor ....................... 34 B...........`......................`..... 65 E............. 14 2 Antifriction Bearing LimitingdmN Factors ...... 88 F-1SensitivityCheckWork Sheet........ American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. User=.. 105 F-4SampleCalculationsforResidualUnbalance ........1 Materials and Their Specifications for Rotary Compressors. Switches...... 29 4 Minimum Requirementsfor Piping Materials .......`........`````......................... 114 Tables 1 Vibration Limits for Screw Compressors............................ 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584... 93 --``..-`-`...............A P I I P E T R O STD bLS-ENGL L777 W U732270 05b7320 73q m page D-9H Instrument Piping Details: Externally Connected Level Instruments.... 88 D-91 Instrument Piping Details: Differential Diaphragm Actuators.........`.......`--- COPYRIGHT 2003................................... ...................1 International Standards and Referenced Publications. 106 F-4 Sample Calculations for Residual Unbalance (Continued) .``............................................... 30 5 Maximum Severityof Defects in Castings........................... 91 E-2 Intemational Materials Standards....``........................ . and Transmitters...........```................ 102 F-2SensitivityCheckWorkSheet .. Indicators....... 104 F-3ResidualUnbalanceWork Sheet (Continued) ................... 103 F-3ResidualUnbalanceWork Sheet....... 14 3 Conditions RequiringAlarms and Shutdowns ....................... 113 H-2 Flooded ScrewCompressor .................... -`-`.. otherwiseit should be stated in the quotation request (Inquiry) or in the order. codes. It is primarily intended for com- pressors that are in special purpose applications. Male rotor --``. corresponding national and intemational standards.`.. 11 West42nd Street.codes. The vendor may offer alternative designs. This infonnation should be indicated on the data sheets (SeeAppendix A).andspecifica- agreed upon by the purchaser and the vendor. 1995-Rotary Type Positive Displacement Oil-free Compres- otherinternationalornationalstandardsmay be used as sors for General ReJinely Services Part 2-Packaged Air mutually agreed between purchaser and vendor provided it Compressors..`````. American standards referenced. Chemical.See Appendix E for a list of sion is required or further information is to be provided by the purchaser.`--- Figure 1-Helical Compressor Rotors 1 COPYRIGHT 2003. after the inquiry shall be mutually agreed upon by the pur- New York.``. and gas industry services. It does not 2 References cover portable air compressors. At the time of order.`.API/PETRO S T D bL7-ENGL L777 I0732273 05b7321 870 D Rotary Type Positive Displacement Compressors for Petroleum. See Appendix E tions presented in AppendixE that are in effectat the time of for list of corresponding national and international standards..``.. can be shown that these other standards meet or exceed the Note: A bullet (O)at the beginningof a paragraph indicates that either a deci.changes instandards. .`.. It is the responsibility of the pur- 1.1..1 STANDARDS dutyarecoveredinInternationalStandard ISO' 10 440: Thisstandardmakesreference to Americanstandards.1 ALTERNATIVEDESIGNS chaser and the vendor to verify that the specified standard meets m exceeds the requirements of the standard listed under USA.Theapplicability of lIntemational Organization for Standardization. User=. govern.andspecificationsthatoccur able from the American National Standards Institute. New York 10036. and flooded helical lobe rotary compressors (see Figure 1) the inquiry shall govern. IS0 publications are avail. and Gas Industry Services 1 Scope 1.`.1 Theeditions of the standards.. Equivalent met- ricfasteners. chaser and the vendor. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.the order shall used for vacuum or pressure or both in petroleum. Note: Listing in AppendixE does not implythat the corresponding standard is equivalent to the American standard.formapart of this standard. liquid ring compressors.andflangesmaybesubstituted as mutually 2.2 CONFLICTINGREQUIREMENTS This standard covers the minimum requirements for dry In case of conflict between this standard and the inquiry. chemical. Standard air compressorsforlight 2.. and vane-type compressors. STD.```.. publication of this standard shall. to the extentspecified herein. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. 1.Theirsurfacesare 2. switches. used to refer to flow at any particular location suchas inter- Note: Refer to Hgure 1 and Appendix H for additional definitions.helical maximum continuous pressure for which the manufacturer lobe compressor which is injected with a lubricant (compati.. has designed the equipment(or any part to which the term is ble with the process gas) into the rotor area after the closed referred) when handling the specified fluid at the specified thread position of the rotor.`.``. or rules are that applicable to the equipment.1.5design: The use of theworddesign in any tem relief valve setting.1. The term ments or other ancillaries mounted on. ~~ S T D * A P I / P E T R O STD bLS-ENGL L797 9 0732290 05b7322 7 0 7 m 2 API STANDARD 619 2.1.3 It is the vendor’s responsibility to invoke all applica- ble specifications to each subvendor. stage.1.. 3. governmental codes. or in close proximity fowrdariom refers to onshoreconcretdput foundations. ordinances. User=.S.1. --``.15maximumallowabledifferentialpressure: parallel to the shaft centerline.12 informative: An appendix of the standard which is tomary to SI units. 3.19maximum continuous speed (revolutions per minute): The speed of the power input rotor at least 3.4 critical speed: See 4.``. 3.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.8 gauge board: An open bracket or plate used to sup.3 axially (horizontally) split: Casing joints that are 3. This terminology should be used only by the equip minute): The highest speed ofthe power inputrotor at which ment designer and manufacturer.1. understanding or use of the standard.13 inlet volume flow: The flow rate expressed in vol- 3.1.7 flooded screw compressor: A rotary.`..1.-`-`.`. 3. ...andgascomposition.18maximumallowableworkingpressure: The 3.9generalpurposeapplication: An application mine the measures that must be taken to comply with any that is usually spared or is in noncritical service. Note: To determine inlet volume flow.1. the equipment or console. temperature.1.includingmoisture The terms used in this standard are defined in3. Actual volume flowmay be 3. structure or foundation.1. the manufacturer’s design will permit continuous operation.1. The resulting exact SI units were then provided forinformationand is intended to assist in the rounded off. clearances and establishes an oil film between rotors. 3.19 anchor b o b : Bolts holding a mounting plate to a terms of standard volume flow or mass flow dry or wet.. or design speed) should be avoided inthe purchaser’s specifi. No maximum operating pressure. (such as design power. 3 Definitions 3.14 local: The term. 3. is used in relation to instru- Note: 7heterm structure is meant to refer to offshore platforms. rotor inlet or compressor discharge and should there- fore not be used interchangeably with inlet volume.1 through content.. 3..`````. One rotor drivesthe other in the absenceof a timing gear.1 alarm point A preset value of a parameter at which an alam is actuated to warn of a condition that requires cor. compressibility.```. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.1. to.6 dry screw compressor: A dry screw compressor 3.1. rotor to rotor contact occurs in drythescrew compressor. Compliance with an informative appendix is not mandated. design pressure. casing under the most severe operating conditions of mini- mum suction pressure and discharge pressure equal to the 3. design temperature. The factors in Chapter 15 of the API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards were used to convert fromU. 2.43. The purchaser is advised to specify flow requirement in 3.17maximumallowabletemperature: Themaxi- uses no liquid for sealing the rotor clearances and driving themum continuous temperaturefor which the manufacturer has noncoupledrotor. allowance must be made for pressure rective action. at the compressor inlet. 3.10 hold downbolts (mounting bolts):Bolts hold- ing the equipment to the mounting plate.1 TERMS USED IN THIS STANDARD umeflowunitsat the conditions of pressure. and other equipment in vendor’s drop through silencer (pulsation suppressor) scope of supply. regulations.1.2 Thepurchaserandthevendorshallmutuallydeter.2UNIT CONVERSION oriented so that relative motion forms an oil wedge or wedges to support the load without contact. local.`. Cus. the specified operating conditions. 3. This lubricant helps seal rotor maximum operating temperature..7.Therotor to rotor relationship is main.1.1.11 hydrodynamic bearings: Bearingsthat use the principles of hydrodynamiclubrication. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.16maximumallowable speed (revolutions per cations.. and other instruments. designed the equipment (or any part to whichthe tem is tained by timing gears on each rotor and the noncoupled rotor referred) when handling the specified fluid at the specified is driven by the coupled rotor through the timing gears.1. 3. The highest differential pressurethat can be permitted in the 3.1. equal to 105 percent of the highest speed requiredby any of port and display gauges. piping. User=. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 3 3.1.A P I / P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL L797 W 0732290 05b7323 b y 3 W ROTARYTYPEPOSKIVE DISPIACEMENTCoMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.1. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. intercoolers. into the discharge port.```.1. the specified operating conditions..S. 3.1. 3.42 unit responsibility: The responsibility for coordi- nating the technical aspectsof the equipment and all auxiliary 3.1.1 The equipment (including auxiliaries) covered bythis required by the specified operating conditions.materialtestreports. determined by measurement with a dial indicator.`.013 bar (14. 3. 3.22minimumallowablespeed(revolutions per minute): The lowest speedof the power input rotor at which 3. shaft and shrunk-on sleeves (when furnished). timing gears and thrust collars. process piping. is the agency pressure-containing parts of the unit. million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) atan absolute pressure of 14.. This point is usually the point at which the vendor 3.rotation.32requiredcapacity: The largest inlet volume 4. and other attached parts. and sepa.sealingsystem.1. 4 Basic Design 3. ment or console.38 standard volume flow: The flow rate expressed the manufacturer’s design will permit continuous operation.29 pressure casing: The composite of all stationary 3. .1. Note: The vendor may be the manufacturerof the equipment or the manufac- 3. U. is the deviation of a diameter or face Note: All referenced standards are normative. for which the equipment is designed for uninterrupted. required. Pocket passing frequency is rotor rev-speed. and other instruments.7pounds per square inch and a temperature of 3. CHEMICAL. 3..43 vendor: Also known as the supplier. ual start-up and continuous operation.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.1.-`-`.at which automatic or manual shutdown of the system is rators) furnishedby the compressor vendor.and protect gauges. turer’s agent and normally to the shaft centerline. temperatureforwhichthemanufacturerhasdesignedthe Customary units are standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) or equipment (or any part to which the term is referred).`.24normaloperating point Thepointatwhich 60°F.35 rotor body: The profile section on or integral with pressor and any shaft-driven appurtenances require for any of the shaft.1.1.1.``.1.dynamics. after-coolers. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. in IS0 standard conditions as Normal cubic meters per hour (Nm3/hr) at an absolute pressure of 1. S T D .1.1.lubrication.28pocketpassingfrequency(hertz): Thefre. It is recognized thatthis is a design criterion. may delegate another agent speed at which the independent emergency overspeed device operates to shut down a variable-speed prime mover.. 3. switches.40 totalindicatedrunout (TIR): Also known as total indicator reading.26owner: Thefinalrecipientoftheequipmentand 3.1.1. 4.27panel: An enclosureusedtomount.1. except the intemational stan.33 rotor: The complete rotor body (see3.1.41 trip speed (revolutions per minute): The as the purchaserof the equipment.generalarrangement. This power shall include the effect of any equipment (such as pulsation suppression 3. divided by 60. usualoperationisexpectedandoptimumefficiency is desired. tinuous operation in critical service and for which there is usually no spare equipment.`````. instrumentation. standard shall be designed and constructed for a minimum service life of 20 years and at least 3 years of uninterrupted 3.``.1. Appendix E. systems includedin the scope of the order.1. typically 4.21maximumsealingpressure: Thehighestpres.. 3. 3.20maximumpower: Thehighestpowerthecom. 3. --``..7pounds 3. and testing of components.31remote: A devicelocatedawayfromtheequip- in a control house.couplings. including all nozzles that supplies the equipment.30)and the operation.1. equipment and all auxiliary systems included in the scope of where applicable.`.30 radially split: Casing joints that are perpendicular is responsible for servicesupport.1.. It includes respon- quency at which the gas is discharged from the rotor lobes sibility for reviewing such factorsas the power requirements..37specialpurposeapplication: An application sure expected at the seals during any specified static or oper.39 standby service: A normally idle or idling piece certifies that performance is within the tolerances stated in of equipment thatis capable of immediate automatic or man- this standard.1.1. olutions per minute(rpm)times number of lobes on that rotor noise..23minimumallowabletemperature: Thelowest per square inch (psi)) and a temperature of 0°C(32°F).34rotorassembly: Consists ofbothrotorsand.2 Thevendorshallassumeunitresponsibilityforall 3.1 GENERAL 3. con- ating conditions and during startup and shutdown.`.1.1. the order. dards in the cross-reference table in 3.display.1.25 normative: A requirement of the standard.36 shutdown point: A preset value of a parameter devices.. required inthedischarge gas stream shall be developed ance areas and safe access for operation and maintenance.1.. Fouling factoron water si& 0. Thc criteria for velocity over heat exchange surfaces is intended to minimize water-side fouling. noise levels within the enclosure. ifrequind) shall be a joint effort ofthe purchaser of the system or systems. and &vision or zone) specified by the purchaseron the Maximum tempemme rise 200K 30 F Minimum tempemhue rise 10°K 20 F data sheets and shall meet the requirements of NFPAZ 70.6 The arrangement of the equipment. economical maintenance.``.5 x MAWP >I 0.dustandotherforeign during matterpoint.0 mm 0.9 Oilreservoirsandhousingsthatenclosemoving lubricated parts (suchas bearings. highly polished parts. roof). In chaser and the vendor who has unit responsibility.501. 4.the criterion for minimum temperaturerise is and the vendor. These compressors tend to be very noisy. instruments. and electrical instal- --``. and 504.1.002hr-fi-F/Btu Articles 500..7 All equipment shall be designed to permit rapid and Note: Liquid separalion is always required for flooded screw compressors. 4.1.4 bar >I50 psig Maximum pressm drop 1 bar 15 psi 4.1 and 4. and control elements) shallbe designed to COPYRIGHT 2003. minimum temperatures. the performance of the Note: To run without damage involves factors other than differential pres.`.1.5.. combined units shall be the joint responsibility of the pur- sure. Note 1: The vendor shall notify the purchaser if the criteria for minimum 4. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.1.5. To minimize the influence 4. User=.14 Specifications for liquid separation equipment and the vendor. 4. .8 Spare parts for the machine and all furnishedawilia.2.1.3 Thepurchaserwillspecifytheequipment’snormalminimizecontamination by moisture. unusual humidity.1.`. Major parts suchas casing compo- nents and bearing housings shall be designed (shoulderedor 4. 4. temperaturetothebearinghousingsshouldpreferablybe explosion-proof doors.15 The purchaser will specify whether the installation cylindrically doweled) and manufactured to ensure accurate is indoors (heatedor unheated) oroutdoors (with or without a alignment on reassembly. acceptance criteria. including piping and auxiliaries. Test pressure1.35 m-KkW 0.1. The compresor may require an acoustical enclosurt to achieve acceptablenoise levels. and may be required for dry screw compressors if liquid injectionis utilized.5 Unlessotherwisespecified. andhandlingandassemblyatthe site) may adversely affect site performance..`````.theminimuminletwater factors as accessibility for operation and maintenance.and c) be present duringthe ini- pressun (MAW) %.`..1. Thearrangement shall provide adequate clear.502. The purchaser will approve conformtothemaximumallowablesoundpressurelevel the final selection... shipment. Note 2 Gauge pressure.2 To avoid condensation.12 Motors. Velocity overheat exchange the vendor’s representative shall a) observe a check on the surfaces 1S-2. such as maximum discharge temperam or limiting driver p e r .`.1. After installation.`--- Maximum inlet temperature 3OoC 90F lationsshall be suitable forthe areaclassification (class. jointly by the purchaser and the vendor.9 bar (Note 2) >IOOpsig tial alignmentcheck... Note: Control ofthe sound level ofthe compressor installation (including the Provision shall be madefor complete venting and draining design ofsound enclosures.```. electrical components. as well as local codes speci- Shell corrosion allowance 3. b) check alignment Maximum allowable working at the operating temperature.1.The equipment furnished by the vendorshall intended to minimize the use of cooling wafer.10 The machine and its driver shall perform on the test specified maximum differential pressure and 1 10 percent of stand and on their permanent foundation within the specified relief valve settings without damage.1.5 m l s 5-8 ftk piping performed by parting the flanges.4 Equipment shall be designed to run to the trip speed. When specified. O 4. specified by the purchaser.alignmentat 4.``. as well as the weather and environmental conditionsin 4.1.. shaft seals.handlingduring shall be in accordance with4.1. some cases the manufacturermay require special controls to avoid damage to intemal parts. monitoring shouldbe considered in the design and consauction of acoustical enclosures. and the vendor.supportingstructure.13 Controlofthesoundpressurelevel (SPL) ofall temperatwe rise and velocity over heat exchange surfaces result in a con- equipment furnished shall be a joint effort of the purchaser flict. operating periods of andoperation idleness. which the equipment must operate (including maximum and ries shall meet all thecriteria of this standard. S T D = A P I / P E T R OS T D bLS-ENGL 1917 m 0732270 05b7324 4 A P I STANDARD 619 o 4.1 1 Many factors (such as pipingloads. and see-through window requiremts for machine above the ambientair temperature.125 m fied and furnishedby the purchaser.5.the vendor shall review and comment on the designed for the following conditions: purchaser’s piping and foundation drawings.1 A cooling water system or systems shall be of these factors. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.1.5. purge requirements when handling flammable or toxic gas.coolingwatersystems operatingconditions. 4. and dusty or cor- rosive conditions). Maximum outlet temperature 50T 120 F group.1. shall be developed jointly by the purchaser 4.-`-`.such 4.1. 4.2 millime- oil separators will be furnished by the vendor and sized per ters (100 to 125 mils) thick couldbe applied to the cast steel API Recommended Practice520 (including fire case) or other casing wall. a steel through 4. 100 Bar Harbor Drive.12 The machined finish of the mounting surface shall of its lateral and axial jackscrews.2.2. metal equal in thicknessto at least half the nominal bolt 4.11 The use of tapped holes in pressure parts shall be turbing rotor-to-casing running clearances. cient length to prevent damage to the internalsor casing studs 4.```. 4. Note: In cases wherecastironcasings are acceptable. caused by the worst combination The depth of the tapped holes shall be at least 1'I2times the of pressure.102 Studs shall be supplied unless cap screws are spe- tions between the upper and lower housings (if applicable) and shall have gasketed no connection joints. 4. This pressors system pressure protection will be furnished by the procedure may require an overboreof the casing during man- purchaser.this jacket shall haveonly external connec- 4. micrometers (0. of the bored or recessed)to prevent a leaking joint or an improperfit ASME3Code at the maximum operating temperature of the --``.``.. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.2 Themaximumallowableworkingpressureofthe bythecasing duringdisassemblyandreassembly. orspanner-type on the axial joint with purchaser approval.3 Adequateclearanceshall be providedatbolting (with a suitable joint compound) that is tightly maintained by locations to permit the useof socket or box wrenches.4.2.9 Whenspecifiedforcorrosionresistance. User=. ufacture prior to final machining. jacket is utilized.2.10.5. they shall be securely maintained by confinement of the gaskets.`````. As an example.3 Casings shall be made of steel if (a) rated discharge The casing wouldbe finish machined after the stainless over- pressure is over 27.left around and below the bottom of drilled and tapped holes. and cylindrical casing-align- ment dowels shall be provided to facilitate disassembly and 4. To prevent leakage in pressure sections of cas- ings.2.New York 10017. cladding or plating shall be applied to the casing wall.overlay 4.. diameter. be 3.5 to 3. Pennsyl- York. CHEMICAL. if a relief valve is not Specified.2.25 times the maximum be specified by the vendor.``. 4. Gaskets (including string type) maybe used 4. specified discharge pressure (gauge).. . Methodsof lifting the assembled machine shall working pressure shall be at least 1.2. lay. The casing would be overbored to allow for a criteria as specified by the purchaser. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. multilayer weld overlay lining consisting of a barrier passof Type 309 stainless steel followedby a cover pass of 308/3 16.5 Axially split casings shall use a metal-to-metal joint 4. one of the faces shall be relieved (counter- ues in tension specified in Section VIII.2.1 ThedetailsofthreadingshallconformtoASME able process pressure level are not permitted. ment at the coupling flange. 4. minimized.4 Casingsdesignedformorethanonemaximumallow. S T D * A P I / P E T R O S T D bLS-ENGL 1777 W 0732270 0 5 b 7 3 2 5 '+Lb W ROTARYTYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT CoMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.. 4..otherconsiderations 4-2-10 ~ ~ lshall t furnished i ~ ~ as specifiedin 4.10. When a cooling B l .8 Jackscrews. in addition to the allowancefor corrosion. a stainless overlay 2.2. New 4ASTM International.lugs or eyebolts shall be provided for lifting only the top half ting.10.Lifting casing shall be at least equal to the specified relief valve set.2.2.2. suitable bolting..2. relief valves on the service (carbonic acid). 4.5 bar gauge(400 pounds per square inch).slotted nut.2.`. cifically approved by the purchaser. COPYRIGHT 2003. The vendor shall include is flammable or toxic. or (c) gas stainless steel end plates provided. the maximum allowable of the casing.3 micrometers (125 to 250 micro-inches) arith- I l 'American Society Of MechanicalEngineers. When gasketed bolting shall not be used unless specifically approvedby the joints are used between the end covers and the cylinder of purchaser. 1.10.-`-`. 345 East 47th Street. for wet CO. 4. Supportsand alignment bolts shall be rigid enoughto permit the machine be to moved by the use 4.1 The hoop-stressvaluesusedinthedesign of the reassembly. torque. West Conshohocken.002 inch). details of this procedure in the casing design proposal.2 PRESSURE CASING 4.2.2. to 50 stud diameter.2. The end wall could be lined similarly or have compatible or (b) discharge temperature is over 260°C (500"F)..2 For flooded screw compressors.2.fordryscrewcom. Guide rods shall be of suffi- material used.1 Unlessotherwisespecified.`..2 to 6.10. guide rods.& and rigidity to limit any change of shaft align..7 Casings and supports shall be designed to have suffi. vania 19428.2.1 such as repairability of the casing dueto close rotodcaingclearances may be a consideraton in specifyingcasing.`.4 Internalsocket-type. When jackscrewsare used as a means of parting casing shall not exceed the maximum allowable stress val- contacting faces. Division 1. and piping forces and moments.10..5 Stud ASTM4 grade markings shall be located on the nut endof the exposed stud end.2.6 Each axially split casing shall be sufficiently rigid to allow removal and replacement of its upper half without dis.`--- caused by marring of the face.`. radially split casings.2. shall be cient stren.2. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 5 4. 3 Connectionswelded to the casing shallmeet the or B16.2 All of the purchaser’s connections shall be accessible for disassembly without the machine being moved.3.3. preferably not more than 150 milli- meters (6 inches) long. and allowable forces and however. As a minimum.3. tions. 4..5 Casingopeningsforpipingconnectionsshall be at dance withASME B 16.4.```. 4.3. including impact values. Studs and nuts shall be furnished installed. 4.1.5.A P I / P E T R O STD b L 7 .`. meet the requirements of the casing. and 9 shall not timed rotor bodies at the most unfavorable specified condi- be used. The material requirements of the casing. nish the allowable forces and moments for each nozzle in 4.5 or B16.5.1. Rotor bodies not integralwith the shaft shallbe perma- COPYRIGHT 2003.8 Machined and studded connections shall conform to the facing and drilling requirements ofASME B 16.3. User=. 4..1 Rotor stiffness shall be adequate to prevent contact ASME B 1. 4.3 The pipe nipple shall be provided with a welding. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.3. or holes shallbe drilled perpendicularto the mounting surfaceor B16.5.9 Tapped openings not connected to pipingshallbe 4. and suitable for B 16. cientstrengthand rigidity to limitdistortion of coupling 4.3. hydrostatic testing (see6. A impractical. shall be screwed into the threaded 4.3. Note:Silenœls may require additional support.7 Flangesshallconform to ASME B16.Seal-welded joints shall be in to prevent possible early fatigue due to either pulsadon or expansion strain or both Expansionjoints should not be used in flammable or toxic serviœ.. -~~ ~ ~ S T D .3.3.and smaller. orientedas specified.1.7.20. Unless the working pressureof the casing as defined in 3.5 4.3.1 The compressorshall be designed to withstand 4.5..5.``.4EXTERNAL FORCES AND MOMENTS opening.1 Rotors 4.3. 2V2. otherwisespecified. for instrument connections.1 Cast iron flanges shall be flat-faced and shall 4.1 through surfaces and spot faced toa diameter three times that of the 4. welding of connections shall be done before the requirementsof 4.002 inches).`.7.``.3.3..1. 4.3 Connectionsother than thosecovered by ASME machined and studded.3.1 Inletandoutletconnectionsshall be flanged or 4.59 Pipe nipples shall be a minimum of Schedule 160 external forces and moments on each nozzle calculated per seamless for sizes NPS 1 and smaller and a minimum of Equations G-1 and G-2 of Appendix G .1through 4..`--- Whereflanged or machined andstuddedopeningsare require removal shall beof corrosion-resistant material.5.3. conform to ASME B 16. except as specified in 4. or where disassembly is Note: Care should be exercised in the selectionand location of expansionpints requiredformaintenance.E N G L L777 I0 7 3 2 2 7 0 05b732b 352 6 API STANDARD 619 metic average roughness (Ra). torque. between the rotor bodies and the casing and between gear- 4.6 Tapped openings and bosses for pipe threads shall 4.B 16.-`-`.7 pipe threads shall be taper threads conforming to 4.42 as applicable.5. ratherthantherequirementsoftheconnectedpiping(see Connections larger than those covered by ASME shall meet 4. round-head steel plugs furnished in accor- 4.1 1. The vendor shall fur- Schedule 80 for sizesN P S 1V z and larger.3.3.matingparts for thesenonstandard flanges shall be furnished by the vendor.3.1 A pipe nipple. first 1VZ threads at both ends of each stud shall be removed.3.1.3. Plugs that may later --``.5.3. 4.5. B16. These threaded openings shall be installed as be used on allthreaded connections.7.5.`. sible for use in final doweling.2.6)All . threaded openings in sizes N P S V4 through 1V2 lubricant that meets the proper temperature specification shall are permissible.7. these plugs shall least NPS 3/4 and shall be flanged or machined and studded. 4.7..2 Casing and supports shall be designed to have suffi- requirements of 4. plugged with solid. Flat-facedflanges with full raised-facethickness 4. Tape shall not be applied specified in4.3..5. seal welding is not permitted oncast iron equip moments to 50 micrometers (0.3.4 A casing drain shallbe provided. alignment due to pressure..6 Openings for N P S IV4.47 require the purchaser’s approval. Plastic plugs are not permitted. 4..3CASINGCONNECTIONS are acceptable on casings otherthan cast iron. accordance withASME B31.3. Hold-down or foundation bolt 4.1 1.3V2. The nippleandflangematerialshallmeetthe 4. . American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.`. to threads of plugs inserted into oil passages.3. neck or socket-weld flange.2).18.13 The equipment feet shall be provided with vertical have a minimum thickness of Class 250 for sizes 8-inches jackscrews and shall be drilled with pilot holes that are acces.4.42. 4. ment. hole.5. tabular form.3.`````.5 Thethreadedconnectionshall be seal-welded. . regulating and control valves.5.5 Inspection ports or other means.`````.`. Seal operation shall be suitable for specified variations exceed25percent of themaximumallowedpeak-to-peak in suction conditions that may prevail during startup. These shall not be metallized. shall be furnished provisions shall be accessible with the rotors in their bearings. The maximum sealing pressure a. shut- vibrationamplitude or thefollowingvalue. scribe marks or another surface discontinuity. replacement. . The adjustment andlocking Eductors or injection systems.5.6 Keyways shall havefillet radii conforming to a 4. ings of a vertically split unit. tration continuous welds and shall be stress relieved. Materialsof component parts shallbe suitable for 4.suchthattiminggearsmay be vibration and axial position) shall be free from stencil and inspected without disassembly of the unit. piped and valvedto permit its removal during operation of the Alexandria.2LabyrinthType a minimum of 3. 'liming gears mechanical contact type seals as described in4.-`-`.1. User=.4.25 mil). All shaft sensing areas (both radial onthehousingcovers. pressure gauges.5.1.1 General mum of 1. The labyrinthseal (a typical seal is shown in Figure2) may 4. Service factor isas defined inAPI Standard 613. seals and seal system shall be designed to permit safe com- pressor pressurization with the seal system in operation prior b.1500 King Sneet. 4. or plated.2 through 4.5. Each item shall be 5AmericanGear Manufacturers Association. when used. process gas leakage to the atmosphere and. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.1.6. the rotor shaft sensing areas to that axial position has minimal effect on timing..5 Shaft ends shall conformto API Standard 671.`--- greater: specified by the purchaser. beobservedbyradial-vibrationprobesshallbeconcentric 4.1.1. to process startup. nently attached to the shaft to prevent relative motion under The gear enclosing chamber shall not be subject to contact any condition.2 Timing Gears (Dry Screw Compressors) the service. with Timinggearsforhelicalandspiralcompressors 4.`.and related components.as specified by the purchaser.3 Shaft seals preferably shall beaccessible for damage. The final surface finish shall be a maxi.1.2 For low-temperatureservicessystemsshallhave 4.5.2..``. This number shallbe on the endof the shaft opposite the cou- pling or in an accessible area that is not prone to maintenance 4. For areastobeobserved by radial-vibrationprobes.6 SHAm SEALS on each side of the probe.5 Flooded screw type compressorsshall have shall be aminimumof AGMAS Quality 12.2.``. 4.. complete with piping. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.3 Wheretiminggearshavetoberemoved for seal appropriate ASTM heat treatment procedure..2 Shaftsshallbeforgedsteelunlessotherwiseap. 4. further disassembly of the casing. with the gas.1.`.2.5.preferably 4. and shall be 4. inspection and replacement without removing the top half of the casing of a horizontally split compressor or the end hous- 4. shall beof the helical type for helical and spiral compressors. For areas to be observed by axial-positionprobes. shall be provided with the bearing journals..1.1 Shaft seals shall be provided to restrict or prevent obtained by honing or burnishing. temperature at the inner-seal drain.1 Timinggearsshallbemadeofforgedsteeland 4. arranged for positive locking. it shall be possible to retime the rotors without 4.whicheveris down.6.6.and during any other special operation --``.6.3 Whenspecified orwhen vibrationand/oraxial. These areas shall be properly demagnetized to the levels seal fluid leakage into the process gas stream over the range specified inAPI Standard 670 or otherwise treatedso that the of specified operating conditions. or settling out. shall have the same helix hand (rightor left) as the rotors so position probes are furnished..Wheregasfromthecompressordischarge is COPYRIGHT 2003.6. 10 micrometers (0. shall be at least equal to the settling out pressure.2.5. 4. for a minimum ofone probe-tip diameter 4. sleeved. compressor. 4.0 micrometer(32micro-inches)Ra.5.6.6.. Labyrinths may be stationary or rotating. Structural welds on rotors shall be fúll-pene.```. The shaft 5 micrometers (0.5 mil).5.4 Shaft seals may be one o f . the types described in 4. Virginia223 14. strainers. including startup and shut- combinedtotalelectricalandmechanicalrunoutdoesnot down. proved by the purchaser. such as an oil hole or a keyway.6.4 Eachrotor set shall be clearly markedwitha provision for maintaining the seal oil above its pour-point unique identification number on each male and female rotor.1.`.1.2.5...5.0. fordry screws.1. suite 201.6.2.o r a combination of- ASME B17.2 The meshing relationship between gear-timed include carbon rings in additionto the labyrinths if approved rotorsshallbeadjustableandtheadjustmentshallbe by the purchaser. Seal cage 3.`````.``. . Spacer ring --``.. Spacer washer 5.`. Seal assembly 6.. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. S T D = A P I / P E T R OS T Db L 7 .E N G L L777 M 0732290 0 5 b 7 3 2 8 L25 m 8 API STANDARD 619 purging required Figure 2-Labyrinth Shaft Seal ..`.... to Vent Purge 6 5 Key: l . Windback labyrinth 2. Washer spring 7.-`-`..`.```.`--- L Figure 3-Restrictive-Ring-Type Seal (Purged) COPYRIGHT 2003.... Capscrew 8. Spacer ring 4. User=. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`.``. provisionsmust be 4..1 Restrictive-ring-typeseals(seeFigure 3) shall beprovidedwithlabyrinthsandslingers to minimizeoil include rings of carbon or other suitable material mounted leakagetotheatmosphere or intothecompressor. furnished the under purchaser. Clean oilreturn E.10.`.3..3 Whennoprocessgasleakageis permitted. 4. provisions shall be included to keep oil pumps operating to prevent leakageor by other means. 4-6-42 sealsforFlooded screwc~~~~~~~ ential pressure controller. with automatic control to maintain the desired seal chamber pressure. Shoulder 15. STD-API/PETRO STD bL9-ENGL L997 H 0732290 05b7329 Ob1 m ROTARYTVPEPOSITIVE DISPUCEMENFCOMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. conditions in addition to any sealing medium.3. Rotationlockpin 6. The sealsmay be operated dry.4 Pipingforcontinuousbuffergasinjectionshall includea150-micron(100-mesh)strainer.-`-`. Any alternativearrangementshall be speci.6.as specified. faces may be supplied from the lube oil system or from an ical type.``.`.`.4.6.Oil or in retainers or spacers. 4.1. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 9 usedforthemotivepower oftheeductor.. 0 4. as in other suitable liquid furnished under pressureto the rotating the labyrinth type.3..4. Leakage oildrain Figure M i l Buffered Mechanical (Contact) Seal Assembly COPYRIGHT 2003. O-ring 7.`````. Bufferingoilinlet C. O-ring 13.```.2 Mechanical-typesealsshallincorporateaself- discharge gas. Compression ring 11.4. Clean oil return D. Snapring 11 4..3.. Snapring 10. Oilleakage to minimize theoilby fied Key: 1.2..1.3Restrictive-RingType 4. as in the mechan. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. or with a sealing liquid. CHEMICAL.`. it shall be provided applications (see Fieme 5). User=. Runner A. O-ring 14.1 Seals for Dry Screw Type Compressors 4.``.automaticdiffer. The motive fluid shall be inert gas or compressor 4. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.6. closing feature to prevent uncontrolled gas leakage from the compressor on shutdown and loss of seal oil pressure.. Sealhousing 8..2 If an ejector system is used.6. Spacer 12. Gas- buffered dry-contact-type seals are also available for special O 4. Bushing sealring 3.1 Single mechanical-type seals (see Figure 4) shall --``. independentoilsysteminaccordancewith 4. Bushing retainer 2.1 Mechanical-typesealsshall be provided to tmosphere.6.`--- 4.4 Mechanical (Contact) Type made for sealing during startup and shutdown. 4. Wavewasherspring 5.6.3 The purchaser and the vendor shall mutually agree if buffer gas injection is required for the specified operating 0 4.. Sealface B.6. Facesealring 9. and buffer gas pressuregauge. . low-pressure alarm.6.4.6. ```. tinuous speeds.Thesealwillleakasmallamountofsealgas.5 Resonances of structural supportsystemsmay gas injection is to be used and.``.`.4 An exciting frequency may be less than.7. The method of control first actual lateral critical speed at least 120 percent of the will be specified by the purchaser. the 4.. be taken from the compressor discharge or interstage point.. than or equal to 2.. and fil.`.1 Excitations of undamped torsional natural frequen- system may be in a state of resonance. and.5.42.1. independent seal fluid system. The seal design shall have provisionsfor buffer gas injec- tion to each seal.10.res- gas. flowrates. exciting frequencies that areto be considered inthe design of A typical configurationis shown in Figure 7.1.A seal..6.12 A rotor bearing system in resonance willhave its oil systemin accordance with4.6. In addition.andmaybeunidirec- tional in operation. Unbalance in the rotor system.6. is greater oil leakageto the atmosphere andinto the compressor. 4..or tandem amplification factoris less than 2. The magnitude of amplification and the rate of phase-angle are related to the 4.6. Internal rubs. equal to. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. ing housing. and the 4.6 Rotors shallbe of a stiff-shaft construction with the tem schematic and bill of material. Hysteretic andfriction whirl.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. User=. oil flooded screws require dual seal designs with by the rotor.`````.``.1.6Self-ActingGas Seal standard. The seal gas source may Pocket passing frequencies.2TorsionalAnalysis enon (exciting frequency) applied toa rotor-bearing support system coincides witha natural frequency of that system.2 The self-acting gas seal may require external seal or greater than the rotational speed of the rotor.5. the vendor shall state amplitude shall notoccur within the range of specified con- the gas requirements including pressures. Unless otherwise specifieda lat- eral critical analysisis not required.`.7.1 When the frequency of a periodic forcingphenom. Liquid-film typeseals (see Figure6) shall be provided with 4. This isolating seal shall preferably be capable of b.2. any contaminants that form residues. and may be f. nth) bending mode.7. the vendor shall state whether buffer gas onances of structural support systems thatare within the ven- injection is required for any specified operating conditions.1 Critical Speed onstratethatthemachinehasastiffshaftdesign.`. as specified.6.Couplingmisalignment.7..4. Note: other miations are commonly used depending on the particular appli. amount of damping in the system and the mode shape taken missible. 10 API STANDARD 619 pressure to the rotating faces may be supplied from the lube 4. j. acting as a backup seal should the primary seal fail during operation. the corresponding frequency is called a ing liquid shall be supplied(asin the mechanicaltype). cies may come from many sources.-`-`.1. the composition of that adversely affect the rotor vibration amplitude. Note:Themode shapes commonly referred to as the first rigid (transla- tory or bouncing) mode. 4. required during startup or shutdown. when specified.7. the second rigid(conical or rocking) mode. 4. 4. Gear tooth meshingand side bands. g.7.. Boundary-layer flow separation.7 DYNAMICS Note: In most cases based on historical data the vendor will be able to dem- 4. Oil film instabilities (whirl). second. d. critical speed.a.. furnish the complete control sys. unless the resonances are critically damped. Therefore... An alternate seal gas sourcemay be used. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. For testing considerationsat the seal manufacturers shop i. a criticallydampedsystem is one in whichthe 4.Where toxic or rotor-bearing systems shall include but are not limited to the flammable sealgases are used..6.7. e 4.6. . which shouldbe consid- --``.. For the purposes of this 4. and the correspondingshaftrotationalfre- quency is also called a critical speed.. 4. maximum allowable speed. cation. forthistypeofsealseeAppendixA. Acoustical and aerodynamic cross-coupling forces.7.1.1 Seal arrangement shall be single. Loose rotor-system components. tration. Asynchronous whirl.5LiquidFilm Type (first. normal vibration displacement amplified. The seal gas shall be filtered and shall be free of c. Potential gas but does notrequire any liquid for lubrication or cooling. third .2 Where gas leakage to atmosphere is notper.7. double.7Seal Buffer Gas 1.6. k.3 When the rotor amplification factor (see Figure 8) metallic sealing rings or sleeves and labyrinths to minimize as measured at the shaft radial vibration probes. Ball and race frequencies of antifriction bearings. h. The purchaser will specify whether buffer 4. if so. an isolating sealis required to following sources: prevent uncontrolled leakage to the atmosphere or to the bear. dor’s scope of supplyandthateffecttherotorvibration When buffer gas injection is required. e. -`-`. Inner end retaining ring 3. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.. Sleeve 5.Compressionspring 14...`.``. STD.Assemblylock A.`. Socketheadcapscrew 9.`````. Pistonringretainingplate 6. CHEMICAL. Pistonringretainer 7. Rotation lock 11.`--- 2. Housing 2..`.`. User=. Shaft sleeve 12. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 11 -Gas buffer Key: 1.. Locknut 13... Piston ring 5. Hexagonheadcapscrew 10. Assemblylock 8. . Spacer 1O. Wave washer 16. Spring 6. Hexagon head capscrew 14. Rotation lock 7. Sealingdam Figure M a s Buffered orDry Contact-Type Seal Assembly Key: 1. Gasket 11.O-ring 13. Sealringassembly --``. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584..```.. 4. Seal ring Shoulder 3.Coverplate 4.O-ring 12.``. Compression spring 9. Contaminated oil drain Figure &Liquid Film Seal COPYRIGHT 2003. O-ring 8. Carbon ring assembly 15.API/PETRO S T D bL7-ENGL L777 E 0732270 05b733L 7 L T m ROTARY TYPEPoSmE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.. Oilinlet B. Shoulder ring A. `. A P I / P E T R OS T D bLS-ENGL L997 m 0732270 05b7332 b5b m 12 API STANDARD 619 lntemal I ! - Main primary seal Backup seal or isolating seal """""" "- --``.``.`--- Figure 74elf-Acting Gas Seal COPYRIGHT 2003.....-`-`.`. . 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`.... User=. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. ~ ~~ S T D ..`...```.``.`````. 4 Whentorsionalresonancesarecalculated to fall with the balanced rotor operating at maximum continuous within the margin specified in 4. the vibration shall be measured in accordance fromwithin the limiting frequencyrange have been with M I Standard 670. The initial balance cor- c. manufacturer’s procedure on at least a 60 day basis...7.2. Note: Balancing small screw compressors with speeds up to 25.3.3.O of IS0 f. loop resonances from variable-frequency motors.3. in systems in which cal to achieve.S. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. ~ plete train. ..-`-`. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. N = rotativespeed.000 rpm to 4.7..7. d.3.7.2.`..7. COPYRIGHT 2003.. W = load perjoumal. A shaft with key- tric motors and transients due to generator phase-to-phase ways 180 de.3.and two-times line frequency. The maximum unbalance shall be per grade G1.7.7.gees apart but not in the same transverse plane fault or phase to ground fault. Unless otherwise specified the strate thatthe resonances have no adverse effect on the com- limits in Table 1 will apply. 1 1 West42ndStreet.4 probe-tip diameter to either side.6 In additiontothetorsionalanalysisrequiredin 4. CHEMICAL. Pocket passing frequency.2. Note: Unbalanceis expressed inIS0 tem as balance quality of IS0 1940 or in U. Acceptance limits are to be agreed exhausted). In addition to multiples of running e 4. New York 10036. ~ S T D . or keyed.3VibrationandBalance limited to the following: 4. oz-in. Customaryunits as: 4.2.```.. These sources may include but are not 4.the numberof test weights shall correspond and the vendor.`````.2. to the numberof lobes on the rotor. Exposed keys and unfilled keyways are unacceptable.7. for the full 360 degrees at each probe location. oz-in). 4.``.7. whichever is greater.7. shall also be filledas described above.New York. Torsional excitation resulting from drivers suchas electric 4.2 through 4.7.19 corresponding t0-4W1N or 7 g-mm ( Thecalibration of therotorbalancing machine --``. This assembly shall be check-balanced (including e.A P I / P E T R O S T D bL9-ENGL L997 m 0732270 05b7333 592 m ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.Theacceptancecriteria for this analysis shall be mutually agreed upon by the purchaser and bAmerican National Standards Institute. keys).2.5. The specified minimum unbalance limit typically results in satisfactory lateral vibrationlevels.6 Accuraterecords of electricalandmechanical 4. When a bare shaft with a b. When sidered in the torsional analysis when applicable and shall be specified. or variablespeedmotors. shall torsional vibration analysis for synchronous driven units and/ be included in the mechanical test report. Running speed or speeds of all rotating elements. Start-upproblemssuch as speeddetentsandothertor- single keyway is dynamically balanced.2 The rotors and timing gears shall be matchmarked motors and reciprocating engines. i quenciesshall be the mutualresponsibilityof the purchaser Note: If the actual rotor is used. accordance with Appendix F.01 g. shall be verified in accordance with the balancing machine ing speeds or thatare nonsynchronous in nature shall be con.. which are not practi- speeds shall preferably be avoided or. One.7.andnonintegralthrustcollarsshall be individually dynamically balanced. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 13 ered in the analysis.assembled 4.the vendorshall perform a tor. torsional excitations that are not a function of operat. operating speed range (from minimum to maximum continu. Gear problems suchas unbalance and pitch line runout. ous speed). a stress analysis shall be performed to demon- between purchaser and vendor. h.`.1 Majorpartsoftherotatingelement. Identification of these fre. Theacceptancecriteria for this analysis shall be mutually agreed upon by the purchaser and the vendor. corresponding excitation frequencies occur.5 When specified. User=.5 When shaft vibration probes are supplied. rection to the bare shaft shall be recorded.2 The undamped torsional natural frequencies of the U = 4WIN complete train shallbe at least10percent above or10 percent Where: below any possible excitation frequency within the specified U = unbalance per plane. . filled with a fully crowned half key. the vendor shall perform a transient runout. the residual unbalance check shall be performed in shown to have no adverse effect. Hydraulic governors and electronic feedback and control.`--- speeds.7.7.rpm.1 through 4..2.``. rolling the rotor in V-blocks at the journal centerline while sional vibration analysis of the complete coupled train and measuring runout with a noncontacting vibration probe and a I shall be responsible for directing the modifications necessary dial indicator at the centerlineof the probe location and one to meet the requirements of 4. 1940/ANS16S2. the keyway shall be sional oscillations. Duringtheshoptest of themachine. p o u n d s .7.such as the a.`.3.3 Torsionalcriticals at twoormoretimesrunning 4WlN would lead to extremely small unbalancevalues.. the vendor. O 4. Torsional transients such as star-ups of synchronous elec.timinggears.`. shall be shown to have no adverse affect. 4.2 (andthe purchaser and speed or at any other speed within the specified operating the vendor have agreed that all efforts to remove the critical speed range. shaft. electrical ~ and mechanical runout shall be determined and recorded by ~ O 4. ```..2 Exceptforthe angular contacttype.`--- 4.000 Vu = uufïlteredvelocity.000/rpm in mils Radial: or 63 pm (2.`.``.antifriction b.8.unlessspecificapproval is obtained from the purchaser..Oo Where: tapered roller bearings 230.for example seriesW. continuous s p e d in revolutions per minute. speed Table 2-Antifriction Bearing Limiting dmN Factors Measurement on shaft Hydrodynamic journal ..000 speed but less that Thrust: h P speed double row angular contact m9000 ~ O .3.2.7. N = shaftspeed(rpm) A = unfiltereddoubleamplitude of vibration.1 Antifriction bearings shall be retained on the shaft Hydrodynamic radial and thrust bearings shall be required and fitted into housings in accordance with the requirements under the following conditions: of AFBMA Standard 7.000 250.3HydrodynamicRadialBearings Discrete frequencies Vf < 2.2AntifrictionBearings --``..W.gear box) mto be dm = mean bearing diameter = (d+D)/Z(mm) filtered out. oil adjacent to bearing bearings BearingTYPe Lubricated (Splash) Lubricated Vibrationat any A shall bethelesservalue of: . static oil Re SS.1 General 4. COPYRIGHT 2003.8.1 Hydrodynamicradialbearingsshall be precision- (0.8. the application and meet the bearing life requirements Overall vu<5mm/sRMs Vu<8dsRMS (0.000 operatingrange 41. may be vec. Note: The rating life is the number of hours at the normal bearing load and tonally subtracted from the vibration signal measured during speed that 90percent of a group of identical bearings will complete or exceed the factory test.`. . the device used to lock ball thrust bearings to the shaft shall be restricted by a nut with a a.Washington.. User=. ABMA Symbol 3. as defined in ABMA Standard 20. 225 kW (300 horsepower). 6. whicheveris greater. l. RMS = roof mean squale.installedback-to-back(db).8 m m l s RMS Vf c 5 mm/s RMS 4. driver.C.3. Vf = filtered velocity: pocket passing fresuencyand vibrations from Where: sources other than the compressor (e.3 ids) 4. 4..25 mil).8.8 BEARINGS 4.5 mils) tapend roller bearings 350.000 Vibration at any speed series).000 350. 4. 20036.. 7American Bearing Manufactums Association. a maximum of 25 percent of the ing life (seeA B M A 7 Standard 9) of 50.8.. Radial: speed within the single row ball bearings 500.`````. rat- mechanical runoutis present. sin- Bearing Housing Bearings Bearings gle row.. before the first evidence of failure. S T D * A P I / P E T R O S T D bLS-ENGL L777 W 0732290 05b7334 429 W 14 API STANDARD 61 9 4.2 ids) (0. Single or double-row bearings shallbe of the Conrad type (no filling Table 1-Vibration Limits for Screw Compressors slots).1 ids) (O2i d s ) bored.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. Measurementon Hydrodynamic Journal Antifriction 4.8.``. 0.g. or shells./l6.`...Theneedfor bearing within the operating clearance for preload shall be determined bythe vendor to suit mge of 4.000 300. N.8.. andof the sleeveor pad type.Suite 700.`.000 Increase allowable in 50% spherical roller bearings vibration at speeds Thrust: beyond operating single row ball bearings 200.2. rpm = max.On screwcompressorswithdriversrated greater than tongue-type lock washer.7 Ifthevendorcandemonstratethatelectrical or c. pads. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. The bearings shall be vibration at speeds equippedwithantirotationpinsandshall be positively beyond operating speed but less than trip secured in theaxial direction.03 X in (1) cylindrical roller bearings -. however. When standard antifriction bearings fail to meet an L.000 hours with contin- test level calculated from Equation 1 Table in 1 or uous operation at normal conditions.8.-`-`. D. 1101 ConnecticutAvenue.7 radian (°ree) angular contact type (7.2. Where antifriction-bearing dmN factors exceed the limits bearings shall havea loose internal clearance fit equivalent to ' Table in 2. with steel-backed babbit- allowable Incnase in 50% 50% ted replaceable liners.5 micrometers (0.3 Ball-type thrust bearings shall beof the duplex.000 450. 4.replaceablethrustcol.2 Thebearingdesignshallsuppresshydrodynamic 4.``.3 Theactivesides of hydrodynamicthrustbearings instabilities and provide sufficient damping over the entire shall be of the babbitted multiple-segment.4Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearings connected. Nu. no more than 50 percent of the bearing manufacturer’s ulti- d.Theinactive-sidethrustpadsorsegmentsshall be babbitted and arranged for positive lubrication. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.8.8.8. center frequency.8.8. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 15 4. sized to the maximum specified amplitudes (see Table 1) while the for continuous operation under all specified operating condi- unit is operating loaded or unloaded at specified operating tions(includingthemaximumallowabledifferentialpres- speeds including operation at any resonant condition.5 If two or more rotor forces are to be canied by one lars shall be furnished and shall be positively locked to the thrust bearing (such as in a gear box).. Nmc= Maximum continuous speed. Step thrust fromall diameter changes.4.3.``. N2. Variations in inlet and exhaust pressure.. A.A P I / P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL L777 W 0732270 05b7335 3 b 5 m ROTARYTYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. 4.8..4. Acl = Amplitude at Ncl. a.4. forces shallbeused...4. sure).7 Hydrodynamic thrust bearings shall be selected at c.4. Stage differential pressures. 4.. 4= Final (greater) speedat 0.707 x peak amplitude (critical). .```.`. CHEMICAL. Thrust forces from flexible element couplings. 105 percent. S T D .4. C߀ = Critical response envelope. = Amplitude at Nu.`. Figure 8”Rotor Response Plot --``.4 Add to thethrustbearingloadsthemaximum thrust from the sleeve-bearing-type drive motor if directly 4. Nl = Initial (lesser) speed at 0.8.`````.8. produce the minimum acceptable oil-film thickness without I I I I I I I I I Nm. 4.`. AF = Amplification factor: = - 4 1 N241 SM = Separation margin. cycles per minute. 4. External loads from driven equipment.-`-`.2 Thrust bearings shall be sized for continuous oper- forces shall be used. the resultant of the shaft to prevent fretting. The ultimate load rating is the load.. User=.N1 = Peak widthat the half-power point.1 Unlessotherwisespecified.. otherwise the largest of the 4. self-leveling tilt- range of allowable bearing clearancesto limit rotor vibration ing-pad type or other types approved by the purchaser.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. mate load rating. b.8.. Revolutions per minute Nd = Rotor first critical. = Critical speed.8. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101..4.3. Calculations of the thrust force shall include but shall not be 4.. ation under the most adverse specified operating conditions. nth.`.3 Bearings shall be designed to prevent their installa- tion backwards and/or upside down.6 Thrustbearingsshallbearrangedtoallowaxial limited to the following factors: positioning of each rotor relative to the casing and setting of the bearings’ clearanceor preload.providedthedirections of the forces make them numerically additive. that will e.707 x peak amplitude (critical). c. API Standard 670. a gear.start. g.Note: For flooded screw compressors caution should be exercised in select- let oil temperature shall not exceed80°C (180°F).low tions on bearing housings shallbe in accordance with4. The bearings of the driver and or the driven equipment d. The governing and control-oil system.5. sures.1 Unlessotherwisespecified. lube-oil pressure shutdownswitches. pressors and when specifiedfor flooded screw compressors. viscosity. for dry screw compres- sors pressurizedoilsystemsshallconform to the require- ments of API Standard 6 14. and supply temperature of the oil. The sizing of hydrodynamic thrust bearings shall be re- viewed and approvedby the purchaser.automatically Note: Some smaller machims m a y not accommodate proximity type probes controlled standby pump shall be supplied for dry screw com- due to space limitations.10. inlet oil temperature exceeds50°C (12OoF). American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.10. bearing and housings shall not exceed 3OoC(5OOF) under the most adverse specified operating conditions. Oil connec. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. have water through the tubes.``. shell-and-tubetype or of a suitable ( I inch) in diameter shallbe supplied for the location of mag. In sizing thrust bearings.2 Compressorsshallhavebearing-housingshaft seals The oil system shall be designed to provide sufficient oil at the driveend to prevent oil leakage.The require- ments of 4. bearing housings shall have a thread. system. one system for dry screw compressors. The seal-oil system if combined with the lube-oil systems.a full-flow filter.9.`.6 When specified. consideration shall be given to the followingfor each specific application: 4.102 Unless otherwise specified.9. auxiliary oil pump.fullcapacity. switching shall be fitted with bearing-metaltemperaturesensors in..-`-`.10.and other necessary instruments.special consider- ation shall be givento bearing design. d.1 through 4. 4. thethreads shall be MS. The turbulence of the oil film..10. and oil cooler (when required).5. The probe installation shallbe in accordance with 4.9. A removable-bundle design is --``. and maintain stalled in accordance withAPI Standard 670.10. e.`.9. . a pressurized oil system shall be furnished to supply oilat a suitable pressure orpres- a.4 For dry screw compressors provision shall be made Note: SeeAppendix D for oil-flooded screw cornpressonand for alternate oil for mounting two radial vibration probes on each bearing. b. (includingany gear). O 4.``.9. flow at required pressure under all operating.10 LUBE-OIL AND SEAL-OIL SYSTEMS will not exceed the creepinitiation or yield strength of the 4. a.5 When specified. described in API Standard 614 shall consist of a separately gential andin the upper halfof the control ring. whichever load is less. S T D = A P I / P E T R O STD bL7-ENGL 1797 W 0732290 056733b 2 T 1 16 API STANDARD 619 inducing failure during continuous service or the load that 4. 4. 4. The rise in oil temperature throughthe plying equipment servedby the common oil system.5. in the thrust bearing cartridge. User=. ducers in accordance with M I Standard 670. f..5.1 Bearinghousings for pressure-lubricatedhydrody- ormoremachines(such as a compressor. The motor)..5 Pressure lubricationsystems other than those temperature rise.10. The design configuration of the bearing..`. Rotor internal cooling. rundown.8shall apply. a flat surface at least 25 millimeters shall be of a water-cooled..1052 A separatelydriven. The feed rate.3 Whenspecified. Oil outletsfrom thrust bearings shall betan. the oil's characteristics will be specified by the pur- drain system shallbe adequate to maintain the oil foam level chaser on thebasis of mutual agreement with all vendors s u p below shaft end seals.4 Where oil is supplied froma common system totwo 4.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. as applicable.```. may have cast iron cases. When the inglubrication fluid compatible with the process gas and system internal coatings.10.9 BEARING HOUSINGS 0 4. to the following: b.`.3. or. The bearing out.53 Standbypumpsthatareenclosedin a reservoir ed connection(s) for permanently mounting vibration trans. When metric fasteners are supplied. axial position probe on each rotor and a oneevent per revolu- tion probe.4 An oil cooler shall be providedto maintain the oil supply temperature at or below 5OoC(120°F). The babbitt alloy.`````.. as specified. Rotors of oil-flooded compressors including slidevalve if applicable. 4. oil flow. The minimum oil film thickness.air-cooledtype. c. h. The deflection of the bearing pad.Shell-and-tubecoolersshall netic-based vibration measuring equipment. postlubrication. thrustbearingsandradialbearings standstill conditions including prelubrication. O 4.10. transient and O 4.9..3 Unless otherwise specified.and a namic bearings shall be arranged to minimize foaming. The temperature of the bearing babbitt.and allowable O 4.. if control driven oil pump with a suction strainer. housings shall be arrangedfor hydrocarbon oil lubrication.1 Oil-containing pressure components shall besteel.The oil cooler 0 4. e. The shaft speed. 4. bearings andbearing babbitt at the location of maximum temperature on the pad.. 4. a supply and return rings are not used.1 0. seal oilpressureatstandstillwhenspecified. chan. Coolers shall microns.and*-side vessel or vessels shall be supplied as specified in 4. . 20005. the purchaser will specify the make and model num- C and shall be constructed with a removable channel cover.67 percent ment external to the oil reservoir or a thermostatically con- (equivalent to beta ratio 75) minimum efficiency. driven centrifugal oil pumps.. 10-microns nominal implies that the efficiency of --``. Clean-out openings as largeas is practicable.5.10. To prevent the oil from being contaminated Micron particle size implies the shape of a spherical bead: ifthecoolerfails. For example.30 bar (5 poundsper and breathers suitable for outdoor use.10.a center post and a cap quate allowance for system rundown. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 17 required forcoolerswithmorethan 0. Tubesshallnothave an outsidediameteroflessthen Note: Beta ratio is defined as upstream particle count at specified size and 15 millimeters ( Y 8 inch).or 0.4.0 watts per square centi- weighingmore than 15 kilograms (35 pounds)shallhave meter (15 wattsper square inch). tube sheets shall be of brass.. U-bend tubes are Filter efficiency (76) = x 100 beta ratio not permitted. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.5.5 Dualfull-flowfilterswithreplaceable elements e 4. CHEMICAL. A micron-absolute filter rat- with a manual override or bypass and flanged steel construc. cooler shell. Remov.. Eachcooler shall be sized to accommodate the total coolingload. Within the element’s recommended maximum pres- be equipped with vent and drain connections on their oil and sure drop. Filters that have covers the watt density shall not exceed 2. a filter rating oil temperature to the equipment. allowabledirtypressuredrop.8 For flooded screw compressors.10.50 squaremeter located lower in the housing than the filter elements or car- (5 square feet)of surface.10. Internal oil coolers will be an average of 90 percent for the life of the element are not acceptable. beta ratio . ’ e 4. ing is defined as micron size at beta ratio of 75 or greater at tion shall be provided in the oil circuitto maintain a constant any time inthe life of the element.7 For dry screw compressors. filter cartridge materials shall be cor- steel oil reservoir shallbe supplied with the following charac- rosion resistant. town. to provide ade- cartridges stacked two or more high. filter temperature to the manufacturer’s required start-up tempera- cases and heads shall be suitable for operation at a pressure ture within 12 hours.8. For positive displacement pumps. Metal-mesh or sintered-metal filter elements teristics and appendages: are not acceptable. Cartridgesshallhave a minimumcollapsing differential pressure of 5.1 valved drain connections. tridgesupportbase. The vendor shall include in the proposal com.C. Unless otherwise specified. COPYRIGHT 2003. a collar shall be used between the b. T W .ing the charge capacityof oil before start-up in cold weather..5. andto provide a reten- for the top cartridge shall be used to secure the cartridgesto tion time of at least 3 minutes to settle moisture and foreign the bottom of the filter housing.-`-`.`. joint is not self-aligning.8. unless otherwise specified. and with trolledelectricimmersionheaterwith a sheathof AISP suitable valving for online maintenance shall be supplied. 1101 17th Street.A three-port oil temperature control valve (corresponding beta ratiois 10).```.theoil-sideoperatingpressureshallbe a 10-micronparticle is a spherewith a diameter of 10 higher than the water-side operating pressure.10. D. an armored gauge glass. The dirty-side connections shall be through 4. Fill connections. STD-API/PETRO STD b19-ENGL L777 m 0732290 05b7337 138 D ROTARYTYPEPOSVIVE DISPLACEMENT CoMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. Provisions to eliminate air and to minimize flotation of stacked cartridgesto ensure alignment.5. 10 microns or larger in diameter the filter on particles that are plete details of any proposed air-cooler. For turbine.25 millimeters (0.5.``..0 bar (70 pounds per square inch). Flow shall be from the outside toward the center of the filter cartridge.``. When the filter design requires a.`. New York 10591. The filter 4. 9AmericanIron and Steel Institute. clean filter elements shall not exceed 15 percent of the total c.10. The pressure drop for foreign matter to the pump suction.. square inch) atan operating temperatureof 40°C ( 1 0 0 O F ) and d... normal flow. e. a removablesteam-heatingele- and filtration of 25 microns absolute or finer at98. cover lifters.`--- water sides.050 inch)].W. Washington. Tubular Exchange Manufacturen Association. Filters shall notbe equipped with a relief valve 4. and covers shall be of steel. not less than the relief valve setting.6 Whenspecified. TheStandard Type 300 stainless steel shall be provided for heat- filters shall be located downstream of the cooler. ber of the element.. Filter efficiency is calculated as follows: nels. 25 Noah Broadway. N.`````.1 and tubes shall be of inhibited admiralty.`.. If an electric immersion heater is used. filter cases and heads shall be The heating device shall have sufficient capacity to heat the suitable for operation at the maximum discharge pressure at oil in the reservoir from the specified minimum site ambient the driver’s trip speed. and the tube wall shall not have a larger divided by downstream particle countat specified size and larger.. an austenitic stainless or an automatic bypass. User=. If the cartridge-to-cartridge matter adequately. an oil separation shall be equipped witha valved vent andclean. The capacity to avoid frequent refilling.5. Sloped bottomsand connections for complete drainage. thickness of less than 18 BWG [1. may be 10-microns nominal and 25-micron absolute.a level indicator. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`.Where a specifiedfilterelement is able-bundle coolers shall be in accordance with TEMA*Class desired. 3. designation is available.1 1.S that may be present.with the requirements of that standard.8. oil conditioner inlet.1 for use ofother international or national standards. tion. d. The purchaser may Note: Austenitic stainless steel shouldbe specified for corrosive services or considerspecifyingadditionaltestsandinspections.pressure 4.Grade B.3 Unlessotherwisespecified. When specified.-`-`.@h not exceeding620 N/mm2(90. requirements. granular corrosion are to be fabricated. Houston. form to ASTM A 194.1.1 1.10.O. Internal coalescing filtration and impingement bafftes. specified. and electric heater connections.espe- applications where the vesselinteriorisfrequently exposed to the atmo.. Box the vendor'sproposal. except as required or prohibited by the data sheets or this standard loSociety of Automotive Engineers International. When no such Note: Multiple separators may be required for seMces that have stringent limits on oil canyover.-inch) that materials are satisfactory for the service.`. 400 Commonwealth Drive. sphere.12 Materials shall be identified in the proposal with in the process gas stream that leaves the separator. separate austenitic stainless steel thermow.1 1. givingphysicalproperties.chemicalcomposition. Ferrous materials not as well as maximum. --``. stress relieved. if required. For temperatures 4. cially for materials used in critical components. Such tests and corrosion allowance.5.flanged.4 Thepurchaserwillspecifyanycorrosiveagents 4.4. Separate flanged vent. A minimum two. the purchaser should f. Whenspecified.11.``.1 1. The purchaser will specify on the data sheets i.1 Materialsof constructionshall be themanufac. turer's standard for the specified operating conditions.1 The allowable oil carryover (in partsper million) 4.levelswitch. sure joints shall be carbon steel (ASTM A 307. including the material grade (see Appendix B).`. Stilling tubes on oil fill andreturn connections to direct oil heat-affectedzonesmeettheyieldstrengthandhardness to a level below the minimum operating level. A baffle by the gas inlet opening to help direct gas upward required. 218340. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. forcast iron casings andhightemperaturealloy steel k.10. cracking. Componentsthat are fabricated by welding shall be and oil downward.separate.1. 4. and normal operating levels. metallurgy of all major components shallbe clearly stated in "National Association of Conosion Engineers International. case hardened. Grade B7) for steel casings. Texas77218-8340. (see 5. ASME!. to require NACE materials. stren.``. filter drain (if applicable).. upsets.separatorsshall be and inspection procedures that may be necessary to ensure constructedofcarbonsteelwith a 3-millimeters('/.`. Nuts shall con- ell connections fora temperature gauge and/or switch(es).. Section VIII of the ASME Code and shallbe code stamped. where spaceis limited).5. A flanged. pressure indicator. or SAE'O numbers.8.. the presenceof such agentsin the media. H2S known to be present or if there is any uncertainty about oil fill. j.`.7 If parts exposed to conditions that promote inter- 4.1.The Warrendale. See 2..1.S that may be present. the amount of H.8. A vortex breaker upstreamof the oil outlet connection.1 0. Grade B) oil conditioner outlet.See Figure D4 in AppendixD. shallbe included in the proposal. necessarytoachievethespecifiedallowableoilcarryover concentration. as inch) anda hardness not exceeding RockwellC 22. The vendor shall H$) as defined by NACE" MR-01-90 shall be in accordance specify the proposed separator dimensions and retention time.. minimum. oil return.. so that both the welds and the h.5 for requirements for auxiliary piping materials). and drain connections. armored level gauge. will be their applicable ASTM. Grade 2H (or ASTM A 307. or unusual operating conditions such as catalyst regenera- accordance with 5. quateallowanceforsystemrundown. S T D .(ASTM A 193.5. the vendor's material specification.5. idle c.4 Separators shallbe equipped with the following present in the motive and process fluids and in the environ- characteristics and appendages: ment.. The capacity to avoid fiequent filling and to provide ade. Whenthere are trace quantitiesof e. . overlaid.1.1 1 MATERIALS below -3O'C (-2093 low-temperature bolting material in accordance with ASTMA 320 shall be used.6 The minimum quality bolting material for pres- differential indicator. hard faced. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.. Note: It is the responsibility of the purchaser to determine the amount of H. start-up.10.1 General 4. 4.1 1. Unless otherwise specified.11.11.OOOpounds per square b. including constituents that may cause stress corrosion a.8. Pennsylvania 15096-OOOl. inspections shallbe listed in the proposal. considering normal operation.1.3 The vendor shall specify the ASTM optional tests 4.6. a flanged safety relief valve in standby. 0 4. small amountsof H2S are sufficient cleaning of the separator intemals.andtest 4.```. shutdown.`````.A P I I P E T R OS T D 617-ENGL L777 M 0732270 0 5 b 7 3 3 8 071r m 18 API STANDARD 619 4. P.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.5 Materials exposedto a sourenvironment(wet minuteretentiontimeshall be provided. User=.0 4..2 Separators shallbe designed in accordance with requirements. A flanged opening (Cinch minimum) for servicing and In many applications. AISI. covered byNACE MR-01-90shall be limited to a yield in the proposal. automatically note on the data sheets that NACE materialsare g. Mold-parting fins and remains of gates and stabilized gradesof austenitic stainless steel.3 The use of chaplets in pressure castings shall be tice are acceptable.. Surfaces 395.plugging. They shall be clean and corrosion-free (plating permitted) and ofa composition compatible with the 4. Classification resistance at least equal to that of specified parts in the same of graphite nodulesshall be in accordance withASTM A 247.1 1. ferent electrical potentials are placed in contact in the pres- ence ofan electrolyticsolution.1 1. normalized steels made to fine-grain prac. valveports. sections poured first and last. The manufacturer’s data report casting. the cylinder bore.2.. S T D * A P I / P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL L977 m 0732270 05b7337 T O O ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.11.22.1 1..14 O-Rings shall be compatible with all specified casting.112.13 The useof ASTM A 515 steel is prohibited. held to a minimum. forms.5 Brinell hardness readings shall be made on the result in serious corrosion of the less noble material may be actualcastingatfeasiblelocationsonsectionchanges.1 1. These shall be made in addition Low-carbon steels can be notch sensitive and susceptible to to Brinell readingson the keel or Y-blocks. User=. When dissimilar materials with significantly dif- chemically analyzed.11.`. section changes. (10 foot-pounds) at mom temperature.10 External parts that are subjectto rotary or sliding 25millimeters (1 inch) inheightanddiameter. created.2.1 1.. high-stress points such as drilled lubrication 4. repaired by welding. they shall be lubricated with Charpy V-notch impact specimens at one-third the thickness an antiseizure compound of the propertemperature specifica. risers shallbe chipped.andkeys)shallhavecorrosion agreed upon by the purchaser and the vendor. cracks.1 1.or ground flush.1 and 4.11.`--- tion and compatible with the specified gas.`.gaskets. Note: Overlaysor hard surfaces that contain more than 0.0 joules antiseizure compound.2 Nodular iron castings shall be produced in accor- can sensitize bothlow-carbon and stabilized grades of austenitic stainless dance withASTM A 395. the cylinder bore.are not required..2 Castings Section M of theASME Code.Forhigh-pressureservices. Readings shall also be made at the extremities of the casting at locations that represent the 4. and by plugging within the limits specified in ASTM A 278. filed. .1 Weldablegradesofsteel castings may be ber of cycles.3 Integrallycasttestbosses. If such conditions exist.`.1 A minimum of one set (threesamples) of ilar galling tendencies are used.4..1. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`````.using a qualifiedwelding procedure based on the requirements of Section VIII.2 Cast gray iron or nodular iron may be repaired hot tears.2. temperatureof exposure.2.1 through 4.``. The production of the castings shall steel unless a buffer layer that is not sensitive to intergranular corrosion is applied.1. 4.4.11. not be damaged upon rapid depressuring of the compressor.11.2. the rate of decompression.2.burningin.2. Division 1.1.9 Materials.1 Castingsshall be soundandfree from porosity.2.except as Note: Susceptibilityof an O-Ring to damage fromexplosive decompression specified in 4. shrink holes. to ensure that all defective COPYRIGHT 2003. depends onthe gas to which the O-Ring is exposed. A of castings shallbe cleaned similar injurious defects. shotblasting.. 4. or A 536. The holes drilled for plugs shall be carefully by sandblasting. 4..2.2.1 1. and 4. 4. 4.1 1. to eliminate any skin effect.1 1.. shall be at least as thick as the thickest section of the main sion 1. Divi. These Note: Torque loading values will differ considerably with and without an specimens shall havea minimum impact value of14.11.4.-`-`.4 Ferrous castings shall notbe repaired by welding.5. using liquid penetrant.``.1 1. and valve ports.specialconsideration shall be given to the selection of O-Ringsto ensure that they will 4. as specified in the code.washers. flanges.1 1.Criticalareas are typicallyheavysections.1 1. 4.2. or any other examined. Sufficient surface should select materialsin accordance with the NACE C o m .1. providedatcritical areas ofthe castingforsubsequent nisms) shall be of corrosion-resistant materials suitable for removal for the purposes of hardness testing and microscopic the site environment.1.8 Wherematingpartssuch as studs andnuts of AIS1 Standard Type 300 stainless steel or materials with sim.blow holes. only fully killed. scale.2 The keel or Y-block cast at the end of the pour welding shallbe equal to those required by SectionW. of the ASME Code.2. 4. CHEMICAL. casting factors.11 Minor parts that are not identified (such as nuts.1. they shall be made of low-carbon or standard method.. 4.preferablyat least 4. Therefore. the purchaser and the vendor flanges.`. services.22.11 22. material shall be removed before hardness readings are made Sion Engineer’s ReferenceBook.11 2.11. AND GASlNDUSTRY SERVICES 19 or repaired by welding.galvaniccouplesthatcan 4. of the test block shall be made from the material adjacentto --``. brittle fracture at ambient orlow temperatures. and the quality of any 4. points. and other points springs. also conform to theconditions specified in 4.shall be motions (suchas control linkagejoints and adjusting mecha.2.4 An as-castsamplefromeachladleshall be 4.orimpregnating. the tensile specimenon each keel orY-block. peening.blisters.The compounding of the elastomer.4. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. chemical cleaning.11. environment.```.10 percent carbon 4. examination.and the num 4. 4.1 1. all repairs and repair welds to ensure that they are properly 4. Allrepairs that are not coveredby requirepost-weldheattreatment shall be heattreated ASTMspecificationsshall be subject to the purchaser's regardless of thickness.3.```. tion W. mainte- nance.11. 1.1 Plateedgesshallbeinspected bymagnetic ASME Code and ANSI standards are based on minimum teasile properties. in accordance withAWS Dl.4. shallbe full.1 1. User=.6 Unless otherwise specified. and compliancewith the applicable qualified procedures(see of the ASME Code.11..4Welding for 12-percent chrome steelpipe.4. all welding other than mum.1 In addition to the requirements of 4.5 Impact Test Requirements shall be inspected by means of magnetic particleor dye pene- trant examination.2 Accessible surfaces of welds shall be inspected intended for services between W C ( 1 OOOF)and -309C (-2o"r). the purchaser may specify that 100-percent radiography.theforgingmaterialshall be selectedfromthose 4. the inspection shall be by the magnetic particle method that covered by Section VIU.. Division 1. materials or combinationsof wrought and cast materials shall welding procedures and materials for vendor furnished steel conformtotheconditionsspecifiedin4.4. Division 1.1 1.4. semi-Wed.1 1. Impact testing is not required if the requirements of Sec- according to Section W I .4. 4. lagging and control panels.1 1. transportation.1 1.. 4.11.1 1. Divi- sion 1.``. Sections W .. sure ducting.11. magnetic 4.`````.5. Division 1. be performedandinspected by operators and procedures qualified in accordance with Section WI. Section UG-20f of the ASME Code are --``.5.4.5.. Repair welds shall be nondesrructively tested by the same method used to detect the original flaw.`.11.Sections USC-65 through 68of the ASME Code.5.Thedrawingsshallshowwelddesigns. 4.4. W I .4 Casings fabricated from materials that..4. including voids closed installed as specified in 4.11. UG-93(d)(3) of the ASME Code.1 1.11. 20 API STANDARD 619 material has been removed. shall shall be made before the componentis heat treated. and O 4. 4.4 below the ductile-brittle transition point.size.2 Allpressurecontainingcomponentsincluding nozzles.1. 4. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the purchaser and the vendor. and pre-and post-weld heat treatments.4. approval.11.includingweldsof accordance with the requirements of Section WII.3 Pressure-containingwelds.5.3 All accessible areas ofweldson built-uprotors 4.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.2. Division 1.1 1. 4.1 Welding of piping and pressure-containing parts. 4. Division 1. such as welding on baseplates..``.5 for non.4. by plugging.1 1.11. molybdenum alloy steel or 12-percent chrome steel componentsshall be ofthe samematerial. steels.42 The vendor shall be responsible for the review of materials.4. Nor do they talceintoaccountwhethermaterialswereproducedunderfineorcoursegrain practices.4.4.4..4. SectionUHA-51 of the ASME Code.1through pressure retaining parts that may be subject to temperature 4. nonpres- liquid penetrant methodin accordance with 6. hot-rolledand normalized material.5 Fully-enclosed cored voids.4 Whenspecified.2.4.1 1. The vendor shall exercise caution in the selection of materials 4.1 1.1 12.4.flanges andweldmentsshall be impacttestedin the case to horizontal-and vertical-joint flanges. of the ASME Code.1 15 1 To avoid brittle fracture during operation. As a mini. Note: The published design-allowable stresses for many materials in the 4.5 Connections welded to pressure casings shall be 4. Division 1. erection and testing good design prac- 4.4.proposedconnectiondesigns Section IX of the ASME Code.2 Auxiliary piping welded chromium- to listed in AppendixB. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.11.5..4. 0 4. High-alloy penetration welds.`.3Forgings particle inspection or liquid penetrant inspection of welds is required. When heat treatment is required.4 Pressurecontaining casingsmadeofwrought tice shall be followed in the selection of fabrication methods.9). .4. piping welds as well as any dissimilar-metal welds and weld repairs. particle or liquid penetrant examinationas required by Section The ASME Cade and ANSI standards do not diffemtiate between rimmed..2. of the ASME Code in accordance with 6.1. are prohibited.1. fully-killed. by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination after back chipping or gouging and again after post-weld heat treatment. shall be submitted to the purchaser for approvalbefore fabrication.4 for magnetic material and by the and ASME B31.4.5 Allwelds shall be heattreated in accordance heat treatedandnondestructivelyexaminedforsoundness with Section VIU. shall be tested in accordance with Section W.5.11.4.`.exceptthat chromium-molybdenum alloy steel pipe may be substituted 4.4. 4.-`-`.through 4.`. 4.2.I O and W-40. Division 1.shall be performed magnetic material. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. S.1 A nameplate shall be securely attached at a readily b.`.thevendor’sname. User=. applicable.``..1. Equipment driven by induction motors shall be 4. start up conditions) willbe specified. the requirements in 5. c. paragraph UCS-66 (2) of the ASME Code ing of the driver (such as changes in the pressure. Standard 541 or546 as applicable.``..3 Thepurchaserwillspecifytheminimumdesign upon by the purchaser and the vendor. e. Critical speeds pre. 4.. blowers.4 become part of the motorstandardand 5. normal voltage. dance with IEEE12 841.6 Themotor’sstartingtorquerequirementsshall be 5 Accessories met at a specified reduced voltage and the motor shall accel- 5. this will be the lower of the minimum surrounding ambient temperature or minimum fluid pumping temperature. and shallbe in less than 15 seconds. The type of enclosure.12 NAMEPLATES AND ROTATIONARROWS characteristics and accessories.5. and its 4. ify on the data sheets whether U.the starting voltageis typically 80 percent of the be sized to meet maximum specified operating conditions.vibrationsensors. Transmissionlosses.`.if as well as its minimum and maximum allowable design limits these are specified.speeds k.1. and the time required to accelerate to full speedis generally including externalgear and/or coupling losses. Refer toAPI Recommended Practice683 for guidelines on Note: When motor standardis selected in accordance with this paragraph.`````.Nominalthicknessforcastings as definedinSection 0 5. The driver’s starting metal temperature used to establish impact test requirements.. 0 5.1S . j. appear on the machine’s nameplate.1. such as auto-refrigeration at reduced pressures.12. specified and the starting method shall be mutually agreed O 4. Note: This paragraph is applicable whenno choice is made per 5.The purchaser willspec. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.ventilation and power). 4. Auxiliaries (such as motor-generatorsets.13 QUALITY rated at the actual motorspeed for the rated load condition.12. The driver shall I*lnstituteof Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The area classification.1.1. York. shall 1. or properties of the fluid handled. 0 5. i. Division 1.. piece of auxiliary equipment. Temperaturedetectors. met. . NewYork 10017-2394.```. andratingdata(includingpressures. the purchaser Note: Consideration should be given to starling the compressor at normal may specify a minimum metal temperature based on fluid pumped properties suction pressure.1 DRIVERS erate to full speed within a period of time agreedupon by the purchaser and the vendor. accordancewithapplicablespecifications.2 Anticipated process variations that may affect the siz- VIII. 345 East 47th Sueet. Customary orSI units are 0 5. mum impact energy requirements of Section VIII.`. However. including the following: a. The motor nameplate rating (exclu- dicted by calculation upto and including the critical speed above trip speed and not identifiable by test shall be stamped on the nameplate followed by sive of the service factor) shallbe at least 110 percent of the the abbreviationCALC. The required service factor. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.122 Rotation mows shall be cast in or attached to each d. (Monel or its equivalent).4 is not improving the quality of equipment. maximum power required for any of the specified operating conditions. maximum allowable working pressures and tem. based on M I Recommended Prac- Nameplates and rotation arrows (if attached) shall be of AIS1 tice 500. h..motordrivesshallconform to API to be shown. Starting conditions (including the expected voltage drop visible location on the equipment and on any other major on starting). --``. same material.. peratures. Note: Normally. The results of the impact testing shall meet the mini. Attachment pins shall be of the g. The type of insulation.1. The driver shall Note: For most applications..`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. The ambient temperature and elevation above sea level. O 4.11.4 The purchaser will specify the type of motor. as well as special plant lugs.1. Vibration acceptance criteria.andheaters. as statedinthe be suitable for satisfactory inquiry and order.1 The type of driver will be specified. Electrical characteristics. New operation under the utility and site conditions specified. hydrostatic test pressures. Standard Type 300 stainless steel or of nickel-copper alloy f. Motors that are below the Note: Any lateral critical speeds determined from running tests shall be power scope of M I Standard 541 or 546 shall be in accor- stamped on the nameplate followed by the word TEST.1. The sound pressure level. major itemof rotating equipmentat a readily visible location.. the machine’s serial number and the machine’s size and type.`.-`-`. and instrumentation). Division 1. 0 5. 5. Welding is not permitted. torque capabilitiesshallexceed thespeed-torquerequire- ments of the compressor.3 Thestartingconditionsforthecompressorshallbe section UG-84 ofthe ASME Code. and critical speeds. tempera- shall exclude structural support sections such as feet or lifting ture..3 Thepurchaser’sitemnumber.temperatures.5 Whenspecified. 5. STD*API/PETRO STD bl7-ENGL L777 0732270 05b73V2 5T5 W 22 API STANDARD 619 m 5. All s h i m packs shall straddle the mountingplatesshallbemachinedflatandparallelafter hold-downboltsandverticaljackscrewsand be at least fabrication and shall extend at least 25 millimeters (1 inch) 5 millimeters (V4 inch) larger on all sides than the footprint of beyond the outer three sidesof the equipment feet to prevent the equipment.3.`.3. The epoxy primer shall be compatible with epoxy be supplied bythe manufacturer of the driven equipment. Multiplesection baseplates COPYRIGHT 2003.1 General 5.1 2..002inch) (see Figure 9). type.2.`.6 Anchor bolts shall notbe used to fasten machinery 5..3.3.3. a baseplate.All surfaces onwhich a piece of equipment 5.7 Mounting plates shall not be drilled for equipment to be mounted by others. The maximum surface finish shall 5. Steam turbine drivers shall be jackscrews..3. and allowable piping steam conditions. Mounting plates that are to be grouted adapter.12.3.002 inch) at thecouplingflange (see 4.3. torque. If the equipment is too heavy to use dard 61 1or 612 as specified.1. thepurchaserwill in the equipment feet shall be arranged to prevent marring of indicate the major equipment to be mounted on it.The grout manufac- ment of couplings shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and turer should be consulted to insure proper field preparation of the mounting plate for sarisfaaorybonding of the p u t .`--- 5. Mounting plates shall be supplied 5. 5.122 When the equipmentsupportedweighsmore than 250 kilograms (500 pounds).1O Anchor bolts willbe furnished by the purchaser- mounts shall beinthe same plane within 50 micrometers (0.12..2.they 5.1. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.2. sized to deliver continuously 110 percent of the maximum 5.to '/.9 For drivers that weigh more than 250 kilograms (500 shall be designed and manufactured to permit the machine to pounds). mountingplatesandjackscrewsforlevelingthepedestal soleplates shallbe supplied by the vendor. User=.3. A base- shimming surfaces.11 Fastenersforattachingthecomponents to the be 3.2 micrometers(125 microinches)Ra.1.4 Thepurchaserofthecouplingshallsupplyidling with leveling screws. a soft foot.1.3. and mounting arrange. 5.flexibleelementcou. the equipment feet shall be provided with vertical be moved using the horizontal jackscrews.3 Informationon shafts.12.1.2COUPLINGSANDGUARDS used..2...1 All machinery mounting surfaces on the and the mounting plates. all the grouting surfaces of the mounting 5.1 .Note: Epoxy primers have a limited life after application. the tem mounting stainless steel(AIS1 Standard Type 300) shim packs3.2. The make. the mounting plates shall Mounting platesshall extend at least 25 millimem O 5. Mounting surfaces that are not to be 5.`. as specified on thedata sheet.3. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.4 Wherecenterlinesupports are provided.5 Unless otherwise specified. as requiredforthemechanicalrunningtest(see shall have 50-milIimeter-radíused(2-inch-radiwed)outside 6. through 5. plates and shallprecoat these surfaces witha catalyzed epoxy plings andguards between drivers and driven equipment shall primer.9 The vendor of the mounting plates shall furnish --``.1.32 Baseplates be furnished with axial and lateral jackscrews the samesize as or larger than the vertical jackscrews.3.3.I The equipment shallbe furnished with soleplatesor (1 inch) beyondthe outer thm sides of equipmentfat.12.7 Steam turbine drivers shall conform to API Stan.1.2.. to the mounting plates. keywaydimensions(ifany). unless the pur- be attached to the mounting plates so that the lugs do not chaserandthe vendormutuallyagree that it may be interfere with the installation or removal of the equipment..3.3. (0.in accordance with SSFC SP 6.```.to 15- pkzre refers to both baseplates and soleplates.-inch) thick between the equipment feet 5.1 When a baseplate is specified.8 Gears shall conform to API Standard 677 or 613 as piping forces).5 forallowable O 5.1. millimeters (V. jackscrews. The vendor shallsubmit to the purchaser instructions 5 2 2 Coupling to stiaft junctures and guards shall conform for field preparationof the epoxy primer.3.1 2.1 2. to MI Standard 671. fabricated in multiple sections. or shims.2 In 5. The lugs holding these jackscrews shall plate shall be a single fabricated steel unit.3. 5.2..``. Vertical jackscrews 0 Machinery supports shallbedesigned to limit a powerrequired for thepurchaser'sspecified conditions change ofalignmentcausedbytheworstcombinationsof while operatingat a corresponding speed withthe specified stress to 50 micrometers pressure.``. 5. epoxy grout shall be 5.1 Unless otherwisespecified. 5. specified. and shaft end movements due to end play and thermal effects shall be furnished to the vendor supplying the coupling.1 2.7).`````..1. jack screws.-`-`.`. comers (in the plan view). The vendorshall commercially sandblast. other means shall be provided. 5. the vendorsof the driver and driven equipment. . grout..3MOUNTING PLATES grouted shall be coated with a rust preventive i&ediately after machining. . grease.A P I / P E T R O STD bLS-ENGL L977 m 0732270 05673I43 y 3 1 TYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT ROTARY COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 23 ~ ~~~ TOP VIEW OF FOUNDATION AT FOUNDATION BOLT 7Final after grout level /..```.``. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.. CHEMICAL. Figure 9A-Typical Mounting Plate Arrangement --``..`````...or other protedant.`. Prevent leveling jackscrewfrom adheringto epoxy grout by applyingwax.-`-`.`. bolt shimming is complete sleeve Note: Epoxy grout is not to contact anchorbolt. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.`...``.. User=.. S T D .`.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. ..`..``. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. grease. Epoxy grout is not to contact anchor bolt..or other protectant.``..`````. .```. Revent levelingjacksaw from adheringto epoxy grout by applying wa x. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. ~ ~___~_______ ~_______ STD*API/PETRO STD bL7-ENGL L777 0732270 05b734q 378 24 API STANDARD 619 TOP VlRN OF FOUNDATION AT FOUNDATION BOLT \ Baseplate mounting /C Anchorbolt Optional full bed grout level --``..`...`.`.-`-`..Thispouristobemadeaffershimmingiscomplete. User=.. 2.`--- Notes: I. Figure SB-Tjqical Mounting Plate Arrangement COPYRIGHT 2003. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 25 --``. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.`--- TOP VIEW OF FOUNDATION AT FOUNDATIONBOLT Leveling jackscrew CROSS-SECTION OF FOUNDATIONAT FOUNDATION BOLT wax.`. or other protectant... . User=.``... grease. Note: Epoxy groutis not to contactanchor bolt.. STD..`````. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`. CHEMICAL.`.-`-`..`.API/PETRO STD b29-ENGL 2997 m 0732290 0 5 b 7 3 4 5 204 m ROTARY TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT CoMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.. Prevent leveling jackscrewfrom adhering to epoxy grout by applying Figure 9C-Typical Mounting Plate Arrangement COPYRIGHT 2003.```.``... Prevent levelingjackscrew from adhering to epoxy grout by applying wax grease.. . STD*API/PETRO S T D bLS-ENGL L 9 9 7 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 05b734b L l l O m 26 API STANDARD 619 Baseplate beam /""""".... \ I / \ / \ I \ I I I I l I l I \ '.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.``.```. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101..`.``. Figure 9D-Tpical Mounting Plate Arrangement COPYRIGHT 2003.`.. User=.`.or other proteaatlt. / TOP VIEW OF FOUNDATIONAT FOUNDATION BOL Leveling jackscrew --``....`--- CROSSSECTION OF FOUNDATION AT FOUNDATION BOLT Note: Epoxy grout is not to contact anchor bolt.-`-`.`````.`. 2.``.4. or shall be in one plane to permit use of a single-level foundation.3.1 General structural members.3 The purchaser will specify controls.3.theyshallbe 5.4. and if located in an does not hamper removal of bearings. it shall be providedwithatleastone trols.3.4.4CONTROLSANDINSTRUMENTATION columnmounting(thatis. ~ STDmAPI/PETRO STD bL7-ENGL 1777 m 0732270 0 5 b 7 3 4 7 087 m --``. When the baseplate is installed on a 5. instruments. 5.1.4. (20 square inches) andno dimension less than 75 millimeters 0 5. discharge pressure. the control signal shall 5.`. The purchaser will specify the source of the control signal.`. pneumatic. The control sys- O 5. When requested by the all equipment mounted shall not permanently distort or other-purchaser. and the equipment to be furnished by the vendor. metal-intemals.Theseholesshallbe located to permit grouting under all load-carrying structural control panel requirements on A P I Standard 614 data sheets.3.2.2.. which- ever is lower. The system may be manual or it When specified.3.3..3.1. after the baseplateis fabricated..andinstallationshallconformtothe grout hole having a clear area of at least 0. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.01 square meter requirements ofA P I Standard 614.1 When soleplates are specified. the vendorshallreviewthepurchaser’soverall wise damage the baseplate or the machinery mounted on it. multiservice or multistream applications.. .1. flow.2. the holes shall be accessible for 5.1 The vendor shall provide sufficient compressorper- formance data (in accordance with Section 7) to enable the 5. soleplates (see 5.6 Unless otherwise specified. compressor control system for compatibility with vendor-fur- nished control equipment. enough to transmit the expected loads from the equipment feet to the foundation. electric.2.controlpanels.3.1).3 When specified.2 Soleplatesshall be steelplatesthat are thick accurate field reassembly.4.Lifting the baseplate complete with for all specified operating conditions. seals or equipment area where liquids could impinge on the exposed grout.3.2. 5.2. Unless otherwise specified. The finish extend under the drive-train componentsso that any leakage of the subsoleplates’ mating surfaces shallmatch that of the from these components is contained within the baseplate. This may be accomplished by suction covering all walk and work areas shall be provided on the top throttling.3..`. The baseplate design shall be mutually agreed upon bythe purchaser and the vendor.-inch) raised-lip edges.3. or a cooled bypass from discharge to suction.4.1.3. O 5.1.7 The mounting pads on the bottom of the baseplate tem may be mechanical.3.1 The compressor may be controlled on the basis of inlet pressure.`.32 Whensubsoleplatesarespecified.-inches) thick. Whenspecified.con- concrete foundation.thebaseplateshall steel plates at least 25-millimeters (1-inch) thick. or some combination 5. User=.5 Thebottom of the baseplatebetweenstructural members shall be open. case or 70 percent of the maximum continuous speed. of the baseplate. Vent holes at least15 millimeters inch) in size shall (V.2 in additionto those of of the minimum speed required for any specified operating 5. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. but in no case shall the platesbe less Note: A baseplate with a nominal length of more than I2 meters (40feet) or a nominal width of more than 4 meters (12 feet) may have to be fabricated in than 40-millimeters (1‘/.8 Thebaseplatemountingpadsshall be machined range.1 and 5. 5. subplates shall be provided by the vendor. the baseplate shall be suitable for 5.1. they shall meet the range shallbe from maximum continuousspeed to 95 percent requirements of 5.4 The baseplate shallbe provided with lifting lugs for purchaser to properly design a control system for startup and at least a four-pointlift.. members. multiple sections because of shipping restrictions.acombination of controlmodes wrenches and to allow the equipment to be moved using the shall be required on drives with a limited speed range on and horizontal and vertical jackscrews. COPYRIGHT 2003. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 27 shallhavemachinedanddoweledmatingsurfacestoensure 5..2ControlSystems be provided at the highest point in each bulkhead section of the baseplate. may be automatic with a manual override.2. speed variation. The holes shall have can be easily removed without damage and locatedso that it 15-millimeter (‘/.2..4.1. the control and operating speed 5.3 Soleplates and Subsoleplates act to adjust the set pointof the driver’s speed-control system. O 5.2 For a variable-speed drive.`--- ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISP~ACEMENT CoMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. 5. lic covers with a minimum thickness of 16-gauge shall be pro- vided.``. nonskid metal decking of these parameters. and (3inches)ineachbulkheadsection.3.4. slide valve volume control device. CHEMICAL.4.instrumentation. its sensitivity and 5.`````.3.2. hydraulic. any combination thereof.3..-`-`.3. O 5.3.2 Unlessotherwisespecified.2. Where practical.. 5.22 Unlessotherwisespecified.ofsufficientrigiditytobe sup ported at specified points) without continuous grouting under 5.4 All conduit shallbe designed and installedso that it grouting with the equipment installed.1.1 Adequate working clearance shall be provided at theboltinglocationstoallowtheuse of socketorbox 5.```.3. 1 General background is standard for gauges.5VibrationandPositionDetectors signal shall actuate the slide valve V o l k e control device if 0 5. In no case.2TemperatureGauges be installed on equipment or inpipingthatthevendor is supplying. gauges 125 millimeters (5 inches) in diameter shall Standard 526.4. the maximum flow.4. for other variable speedunits.. User=. system pressure protection will be furnished by shall be furnished with NPS 3/.1 When Specified.3.``.Otherreliefvalves will be furnished bythe Dial-type temperature gauges shallbe heavy duty and cor.3. when specified. less steel separable solid-bar thermowells.12 All compressorsshall be furnishedwithhigh- excess case pressure. correspond to therequiredoperatingrangeofthedriven 0 5. 5.and 5. for dry screw toxic fluids or that are located in pressurizedor flooded lines compressors.Blackprintingon a white 5. and calibrated in accordance with signal shall correspond to the maximum continuous speed or A P I Standard 670..4 Whenconstant-speeddrive is specified.4.4.3. the alarm setting shall precede the the dial be less than the applicable relief valve setting plus 1O shutdown setting. drain return lines.`.5.When RecommendedPractice 520. the control 5.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.5.```.6. Each pressure gauge shall be provided with a device such as a disk insert or blowout back designed to relieve O 5.4.3.Whenspecified. shall takeinto consideration all possible types of equipment failure and the 5.5The full range of the specified control signal will calibrated in accordance withAPI Standard 670.3.4.. unlessother maw 5.3. Reliefvalvesforalloperatingequipmentshall rosion resistant. For the range over 55 bar 5. Unless otherwise specified. valvesettings.3.3 Whenspecified.110-millimeter (4V2-inch) dials shall be supplied. or the control valve in the compressor piping.4.3 Thermowells protection of the pipingsystems.`.4AlarmsandShutdowns (800 pounds per square inch) gauges shall be furnished with 150-millimeter(&inch)dials.4 Whenspecified.3. installed.and 5.3.. andin API specified.. and annunciator filledgaugesshall be furnishedinlocationssubject to display units shallbe furnished and mounted by the vendor as vibration. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. the oil separators will be furnished by the vendor and sized per A P I Recommended Practice 520 (including lire case) or 5. AISI Standard Type 300 stain.1. percent. of tachometer will be specified. .3.2 Unless otherwise specified.4.4. purchaser. includingaccumulation.4.4. 5.. the minimum tachometer range shall be from O to 125percent 5.4. O 5. noncontacting vibration and furnished. axial position. Pressuregauges(notincludingbuilt in instxument air gauges)shall be furnishedwith AISI Standard Type 316 5.`````.2. The vendor shall determine the size and the set be supplied.4.`.seismicvibrationtransducers equipment.3 Instrumentation seismicmonitorsshall be supplied and calibrated in accordance withAPI Standard 670.4. They shall be bimetallic type or liquid-filled meet the limiting relief valve requirements defined in API andatleast 100millimeters (4 inches) in diameter.``.4.4.1 The vendor shall furnish relief valves that are to 5. Temperature gauges that are in contact with flammable or 5. liquid- O 5. millimeter(4-inch)dials..4..7 Flow Indicators stainless steel bourdon tubes and stainless steel movements.4. a bearingtemperaturemonitor A tachometer shall be provided for engine-driven units shall be suppliedandcalibrated inaccordancewith API and.6.-`-`. relief valves on rial is required for compatibility with the process fluid.3..4. conml devices.5. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.installed. Black printing on a white backgroundis standard pressure of all relief valves related to the equipment. Flow indicators shall be furnished in all atmospheric oil- W S malealloy steel connections.6ReliefValves of the maximumcontinuous speed.4.`.. Gauge ranges shall preferablybe selected so that mutually agreed by the purchaser and the vendor and may the normal operating pressureis at the middle of the gauge’s includethoselisted inTable3. Parts I and II.3.3 For flooded screw compressors.2 Whenspecified.3.4. discharge-temperature and low-oil-pressure alarm and shut- --``. however. The type Standard 670.4PressureGauges other criteriaas specified. Unless otherwise specified. shall the maximum reading on shutdown are specified.4.and at least 100. o 5.vibration.Whenbothalarmand range.2.. the purchaser. When specified.1 Switches. Relief for gauges.5.4.1 Tachometers 0 5.the maximum control shall be supplied.4. axial-positiontransducersshall be supplied.3.6. 3 Pressuresensingelementsshall be of AISI StandardType 300 stainless steel. Recirculation fluid. inspectionandmaintenance. Gland and flushing fluid.5 PIPING Unit shutdown Operation of spare lube-oil pump 5.5. Drains and vents. single-pole. shall Condition be equipped with valved test connections so that a portable Axial position movement test pump canbe used to raise the pressure. Ovenpeed Reverse rotation 5. they shall be hermetically sealed.3 Pipingsystemsfurnished bythe vendorshall be ac andampereat 120 volts dc. High compressor outlet temperatut High gas differential pressure 5.Mercury fabricated.2 Alarm and Trip Devices 3. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. Low-pressure alarms. unless other material is 5. and properly supported. variable signal to a remote end device.. GrouplII: on the data sheet.. Buffer gas.4. High orlow lube-oil reservoir level 5. --``.5. Low lube-oil pressure 3. Balance gas.5. Lubricating oil. .4. 5. Sealing steam. CHEMICAL. shall be used.2. 4.. Drains and vents. l. display. Sealing fluid.5.5. Liquid wash. High frame vibration and inspection shallbe in accordance withMI Standard 614. Cooling water. High- pressure alarms.API/PETRO S T D bL7-ENGL 1777 m 0732270 05b7347 7 5 T COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. double-throw switches with a minimum capacity of 5 amperes at 120 volts 5. High seal-oil-filter differential pressure 2. Group IV O 5. High or low lube-oil temperature 4. AND GAS INDUSTRY SERVICES ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISPUCEMENT 29 Table 3"Conditions Requiring Alarms and Shutdowns alarm set pressure on the associated pressure gauge.1 Pipingdesignandjointfabrication. Note: A transmitter is an instrument that sends the value of the measured 3.1. STD.`.1.`.4.`.. whichtakes apprupnate action (such as alatm relay. High thnrst-bearing drain temperature 3. process control computer).1 General Operation of spare seal-oil pump High radial shaft vibration 5. holes for flanged connections shall straddle horizontal and vertical centerlinesof the flange. Low buffer-gas flow 2. which are activated by rising pressure.4.1 Provisionsshall be madeforbypassingthe bear- equipped with a valved bleed or vent connection to allow ings (and sealsif applicable) of equipment during oil system controlled depressurizing so that the operator can note the flushing operations.examination. Drains and vents.1.12 Auxiliarysystemsaredefined as pipingsystems High gas differential temperature that arein the following services: High inlet-air-filter differential pressure a.1 Thepurchaserwillspecifywhetherindividual 1. High or low seal-oil tempenuure b. installed in the shop. Instrument and controlair. Control oil. Bolt switches shallnot be used. d.2OilPiping required for compatibility with process fluid.`````. Group1 High level onseparaton High lube-oil-filter differential pressure 1..``. Drains and vents.``.4. Note: Casing connectionsare discussed in4. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. alarm and trip devices 2. User=. 5. Group II: High or low seal-oil reservoir level Low coolant flow to cornprtbsor jacket l .Whereswitchesarespecified. Steam injection.. which areactivated by fallingpressure..2.`--- 5...4.. Water injection. High or l o w seal-oil pressure 6. down switches. Additional instrumentation shallbe specified c. COPYRIGHT 2003.2 and Table 4.shall be 5. 2. 5. Seal oil.5. 4.2.4. High winding temperature except minimum requirements for piping materials be shall in High bearing temperature accordance with5. are transmitters or switches.```.2 Each alarm deviceandeachshutdowndevice Auxiliary systems shall comply with the requirements of shall be furnished in a separate housing located to facilitate Table 4.`.5.3.-`-`.2.4. `. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`..```.``. User=.`.``.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.....`````... American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101..-`-`.. .`. S T D = A P I / P E T R O S T D bLS-ENGL I 9 9 7 H 0732290 05b7350 b 7 1 m 30 API STANDARD 619 I I 'o --``.. .Separateconnectionsandlevelswitchesforhigh-level alarm and trip on the collection pot. An armored gauge glass with isolation valves and blow- and shall be designed with a minimum slope of 40 millime- ters per meter( V 2 inch per foot) to ensure drainage toward the down valves on the collection pot.. An automatic drain trap with manual bypass.4. examination.Separate when specifically approved by the purchaser. 5. Beyondtheinitial 3/.8 Unlessotherwisespecified. 0 5.`````.thevendorshallreviewallpiping.5. variable speed fans.thevendorshallfurnish sheets.4 For flooded screw compressors the interconnecting ties are furnished by the vendor.6.. cles 1 micron or larger over the inlet capability range. is to be used for testing pressure alarm or shutdown switches.`. dis- mantling piping or compressor components.5.knockoutdrums.-inch isolatingvalve. cooled shell-and-tube intercooler between each compression O 5.. c.doublepipeintercoolers 5. the vendor shall furnish the fabri- stage. Where a pressure gauge dance withAPI Standard 661.6. NPS V 2 5. Proposed control systems shall O 5. instruments and test points shall conform to M I Standard 614. Where convenient. variable pitch fans. arately mounted. Interstage piping shall conform to be furnishedby the vendor. and fittings maybe used. review. 5.4.5.`. appurtenances(pulsation suppression devices. they shall include: piping between the compressor discharge and the separator a. air intakefilters. The purchaser O 5. AND GAS INDUSTRY SERVICES CHEMICAL. and trip.5 Fixed-tube-sheetexchangersshallhaveinspection piping. the heat exchanger shall ciency filters shall be capable of removing 97 percent of parti- also be in accordance with API Standard 660.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. User=. valves. or any combination of these. compressors taking suction from the atmosphere.42 Piping design and joint fabrication.6. design may be furnished only when specifically approved by ~.1 The extent of and requirements for process piping be approved by the purchaser.6. Rupture disks on the shell commonconnectionmaybeusedforremotelymounted side (to protect in case of tube failure) shall be used only instrumentsthat measure thesamepressure.10 Materials of construction shall be those specified on and the vendorshallmutuallyagreeonthescope of this thedatasheets. separator.. a openings into their gas passages. 31 5.2 Air intake filters shall be suitable for mounting out- intercoolers and aftercoolers shall be constructedand doors.5.```. ASME B 31.6.6INTERCOOLERSANDAFTERCOOLERS d.. as specified.separators.3 Water-cooledshell-and-tubeintercoolersandafter- 5. 5. 5.6. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.11 Whencondensateseparationandcollectionfacili- 5.7.4ProcessPiping vers.7 Unless otherwise specified.5. bypass valves. Collection pots sized to provide an agreed-upon holding capacity and a 5-minute time span between high-level alarm 0 5. 5. Water shall be Connections on equipment and piping for pressure on the tube side.-inchisolatingvalvesarerequiredforeach 5.1 Unlessotherwisespecified.9 Intercoolers shall be either machine-mounted or sep aftercoolers. air-cooled heat exchang- switches.Intercoolers andaftercoolersshall be furnishedin dry-type multistage high-efficiency air intake filters for air accordance with Section VIII. as specified by the purchaser on the data 5. exchangers and their supporting (5.`. . STD-API/PETRO STD bL7-ENGL L797 m 0732290 0567353 508 m ROTARYTYPEPosmvE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. vessel shall be sized to run no more than half-full of liquid b.3 Whenspecified.. cated piping between the compressor stages and the inter- 0 5.thepurchaser.12 When specified.6.``.thevendorshallfurnishawater. based on the expected normal liquid condensate rate. and aftercoolers may be A finned double-pipe and inspection shall be in accordance ASME with B31. to be supplied by the vendor willbe specified.5.7 INTAKEAIRFILTERS coolers shallbe designed and constructed in accordance with TEMA Class C or R.6.4 Unlessotherwiseapproved by thepurchaser.0 inches) water gauge..6.preferablyatgrade. The Note:Cautionshould be exercisedregarding the susceptibility of heat maximum clean pressure drop shall not exceed 12 millibar smctuns to pulsation-inducedvibration. This control may be accomplished by means of lou- 5. High effi- When TEMA Class R is specified.. ersused forintercoolersshallhaveautomatictemperature control.-`-`.``. 5.the O 5..6.6 When air coolers are specified.3.7.`.6.4.3. common connections are required for the pressure gauge and 5. they shall be in accor- instrument on a common connection. DivisionofI the ASME Code.andshallbeprovidedwitha --``.6. and expansion joints) and vessels immediately upstream or downstream of the equipment and supports. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. secondary'/.1 Whenspecified.3 Instrument Piping bundles tube without the removal allow arranged ofto.2 The purchaser will specify whether aftercoolers shall coolers and aftercoolers. system. the inlet to the filter shall be submitted with the proposal. shall be considered.2 Unlessotherwiseagreedupon. The thickness for noncarbon steel shell material shallbe equal to 5. but full details of the proposed alternative type unusual conditions..2. Fad-type flanged inspection openings. 5.8. such as sandstorms. Where specific filter features are desired. vendor shall supply detailed drawingsto permit an indepen- sure indicator and switch. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. (poundsper square inch absolute). 150-millimeter (Ginch).8..-`-`.`````.8. = 1s / P l ß 5. steel material for the specified gas to be compressed. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. 0 5. Where individual compartment drains are impracticable percent of the mean lineabsolute pressure or the value calcu.13 Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser all main Note: Maximum silencer efficiency results from mounting the pulsation SUP connections to pulsation suppressordsilencers shall be flanged.4 Filters shall be designed such that the first-stage (pre.6 Whenspecified. whichever is smaller: openings in the bulkheads may be used with the purchaser’s In SI units..9 All welds shall be continuous full penetration.. The effect of drain openings on silencer performance In U.8 Pulsation suppressordsilencers shall be designed and the compressor manufacturer. prssors/silencersdirealy on the compressor flanges. a minimum thickness of 6 millieters (V4 inch). require the useof materials otherthan carbon steel. filter) elements may be changed while the unitis operating.`. Customary units.Division 1..thepressure drop through each pulsation suppressor/silencer shall not exceed 1 5.8.S.`. Intemals shall have 5.3 Each filter shall be provided with a differential pres. STD-APIIPETRO STD bL9-ENGL L997 m 0732270 05b7352 L(4q m 32 API STANDARD 619 weatherhood or louvers. may be elevated some distance above the compressor. these wiU be in the pur.Thepurchasershallspecifyonthedata dipped galvanized coatingis required for the filter frame and sheet the corrosion allowance for carbon steel or noncarbon inlet piping. shells shall be 3 millimeters ( V 8 inch). 5.6 / P1l3 tions. in 5.``. 0 5. dent study of the acoustical characteristics of the pulsation suppressor/silencerstogether with the purchaser’spiping 5. and outlet nozzle.8.inkilopascalsabsolute alarm or shutdown elements. = 28. Alternative types may access to each compartment.5 Unlessotherwisespecified..`.8PULSATIONSUPPRESSORWSILENCERS FOR or greater than the thickness required for carbon steel includ- DRY SCREW COMPRESSORS ing the carbon steel corrosion allowance.11 Unless otherwise specified.100 millimeter (4-inch) pad-type --``.12 Connections40millimeters (1 inches)andsmaller 5.. tion suppressordsilencers for each casing shall be supplied by 0 5.8. The arrangement of intemals shall ensure that liq- uids will flow to drain connections under all operating condi- P.inorganiczincorhot- bythepurchaser.A 25 millimeter (1 inch) minimum external drainconnectionshall be providedforeachcompartment 5.8. dialthermometersandthennowells for high-temperature P = mean line-si&pressure. .8. the mate- rial and any required corrosion allowance shall be specified 5.3 The peak-to-peak pulsation levels on the process pip. .8.8.10 A 20 millimeter (Y.8.7.andbulkheadsextendtothevesselwall. without interference.1 Unlessotherwisespecified.4 Pulsation suppressordsilencers shallbe oriented with shall be gusseted intwo planes to avoid breakagedue to pulsa- respect to the compressor flanges as mutually agreed by the tion-induced vibration.``. approval.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.inletandexhaustpulsa.thepulsationsuppressor/silencer 5.8. the purchaser’s installation of absolute pressure..5 Pulsationsuppressorsandsilencersshall be ofthe complete with blind flanges and gaskets shall be provided for externally lagged multichamber type. P l .`. purchaser and vendor.7 Theminimumcorrosionallowanceforcarbonsteel Note: It should be recognized that many configurations andm g e m e n t s are available.8. 5.-inch) pressure test connection percent of the absolute pressure at the pulsation suppressor/ shall be provided at each pulsation suppressor/silencer inlet silencer inlet.7.circular-notched lated from the following formula. of the to provide the maximum practical reduction of pulsations in ASME code and shall be suitable for not less than the speci- the frequency range of audible sound without exceeding the fied relief valve setting.8. = maximum allowable peak-to-peak pulsation two flanged 25 millimeter (I-inch) connectionslocated to expressed as a percentage of the mean line-side permit. Where corrosive gases chaser’s inquiryspecificationsor data sheets. Their primary function shall be fabricated in accordance with SectionW.7. the inlet nozzle of inlet pulsation suppressor/silencerand the discharge nozzleof dis- Where: charge pulsation suppressor/silencer shall be provided with P .where liquids could collect while the compressor is in ser- ing sideof the inlet and discharge silencers shall not exceed 2 vice.```.... 5. User=. pressure drop limit specified 5.Forplantlocationssubject to be considered. 5 shall apply unless 6.insulation 6.thepurchaser’srepresentative.`..4and6. the criteria in 6.2 When special tools are provided. and if the purchaser or his representative is not present.Whenspecified.2 Witnessed means that a hold shallbe applied to the reinforced with pad-type metal providing a metal area equal production schedule and that the inspection or test shall be to the cutaway area (excluding the thickness of any metal carried out with the purchaser or his representative in atten- present in the connection wall).2 Whenspecified. Thetypeofexaminationrequired.1.2.1 When shop inspection and testing have been speci.3 After advance notification of the vendor by the pur- chaser.5. the pur- the purchaser before shipment. dance.1.9. however. purchaser or his representative upon request: a.``.1 When special tools and fixtures are required to disas- semble.2. Necessarycertification of materials. O 6.2.3 In addition to the requirementsof 4. ultrasonic.2.the 6. CHEMICAL. assemble.2 through 6. this requires written notificationof a successful preliminary test.6 Equipment for specified inspection and tests shall be in the quotation and furnishedas part of the initial supplyof provided by the vendor. penetrant inspectionof welds or materials is required or spec- ified.7 Thepurchaser’srepresentative. 6.. dating. and submitting the completed checklist to O 6.5 COPYRIGHT 2003.1 General 6.1.9..1 General 5. in the inspection and testing and the amount of advance noti.15. other criteria are specified by the purchaser.```. the machine. (The purchaser should expect be into the fac- tory longer than for a witnessed test.3 Observed means that the purchaser shallbe notified clips shall be provided. c.and ultrasonic examination.8. or test shall be performed as scheduled.1 GENERAL tion have been met. they shall be included 6. All connections and nameplates shall of the timing of the inspection or test. rugged metal box or boxes and shall be m 6.1. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.such as mill test 6 Inspection.thepurchaserandthevendorshall onlybeinspected in accordancewith6.5 The vendor shall provide sufficient advance notice to the purchaser before conducting any inspection or test that the When radiographic.5.2.API/PETRO S T D bL7-ENGL L777 I0732270 05b7353 380 m ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISPUCEMENTCOMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. User=. Results of documentedtestsandinspectionsincluding 0 6. magnetic particle. Each tool shall be for at least 20 years for examination or reproduction by the stamped or tagged to indicate its intended use.15 Constructionshallbesuitableforserviceinan unprotectedoutdoorlocatiòn.or maintain the unit. inspection of the equipment is in progress.14 Side-enteringmainnozzleconnectionsshallbe 6. or b. chaser may specify the following: a.`````.1 2 Pressure-containing parts shall not be painted until vendor’s representative.2. Shipment b.1.1. the vendor shall proceed 5.8.2. the purchaser’s representative shall have entry to all examination.shallhaveaccessto for quantities of special tools and fixtures shall be mutually the vendor’s quality program for review. and running fication required. AND GAS INDUSTRY SERVICES 33 flanged inspection openings may be provided on vessels less meet to coordinate manufacturing hold points and inspec- than 500 millimeters (16 inches) in diameter. or liquid purchaser has specified to be witnessed or observed. they shall be pack- aged in a separate.1. the inspection be arranged to clear the insulation.or both shall indicate compliance in the specified inspectionof the partsis completed.2..4 The vendor shall notify subvendors of the purchaser’s 6.2MaterialInspection inspection and testing requirements. Parts thatshallbesubjectedtosurfaceandsubsurface --``.2. vendor and subvendor plants where manufacturing. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584..`--- 6. liquid penetrant.2. the requirements 6.1. agreed upon by the purchaser and the vendor. Cast iron may fiedby the purchaser..-`-`.2.1 1.`. For multiple-unit installations.1 The vendor shall keep the following data available marked special foolsfor (fughtemnumber).1. .4.suchasmagneticparticle.`. These or simi- lar special tools shall be used during shop assembly and post. final-assembly. testing.2. accordance with the inspector’s checklist (see Appendix by I) initialing.1.9 SPECIALTOOLS to the next step. clearances. 6..Testing. 6.2. 5. 6.d.1.2.. When specified.1 The purchaser will specify the extent of participation fully identified recordsof all heat treatment andradi0.Oraphy.) 5.`.Formechanicalrunningorperformancetests. radiographic. maintenance.2 INSPECTION test disassembly of the equipment.. O 5.2.and Preparation for reports. Test data to verify that the requirements of the specifica- 6.. tors’ visits.1.``. STD. 3UltrasonicInspection furnished by or through the vendor before heads are welded to vessels. shall be ASTM A 388.3.2.2. The acceptability of ning test. the vendor shall submit to the purchaser..2. of the ASME Code.3. openings in vessels or exchangers are closed. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.2. it shall be the vendor’s accordance with Section V. 6. Division allowablevaluesbytestingoftheparts. Appendix 7.3.2 shall be removed to meet the quality staudards cited.3. the vendor shall Type Defect Maximum severity Lwel notify the purchaser not less than 5 working days before the 1 L i n a discontinuities 1 new test date..2. Other tests thatmay be specified by the purchaser are describedin 6.. of the ASME Code. detailed proceduresfor the mechanical photographs in ASTM E 125. 34 API STANDARD 619 Welds.3 TESTING 6.the purchaser may inspect for cleanliness the equipment and all piping and appurtenances 6..3. corrosion products.3 Whenspecified.(100 percent)and UW-52 (spot) of the ASMECode.1 Pressure-containing parts (includingauxiliaries) VI Welds 1 shall be tested hydrostatically with liquid.5LiquidPenetrantInspection accordance with 6.2.5. Section V.1 Liquid penetrant inspection shall be in Note: Regardless of the generalized limits in 6.4). 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. 6.`````.3..3. Table 5.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.1 During assembly of the equipment before testing. and mill scale.4MagneticParticleInspection 6.`.Article inspection shallbe in accordance with ASTM E 709. The acceptancestandard for steel affected zones.1 Bothwetand dry methods of magneticparticle 6. the cleanliness requirements inM I Standard 614. and wrought material may be inspected in 6.2. of the ASME Code. Criteria developedfor other materials may notbe applicable. Article 6. of the ASME Code.2. fabrications shall be Section W I . of the ASME Code.1.2 At least six weeks before the first scheduled run- Section V. extent.```. of the nessing of the testing shall be mutually agreed upon by the ASME Code.2.1 Radiography shall be in accordance with ASTM each component (including cast-in passages of these compo- E 94 and AST” E 142. 6.``.-`-`.2. Division the running test and all specified running optional tests (6. 6.welds.`.2 The acceptance standard used for welded heat-affectedzonesshallbeverified as beingwithinthe fabrications shall be Section VIII.2 through 6.3MechanicalInspection 6. Division 1. for his defects in castings shall be based on a comparison with the review and comment. and 6. standard used for castings shall be Section W.2 The acceptance standard used for welded eign materials.5.2.3. W . 6. welds.4 Whenspecified. degree ofseverityshallnotexceedthe limits specifiedin including acceptance criteriafor all monitored parameters.2. Section V. documentation.3..2.1.2. which shouldbe mutually determined betweenthe vendor and the purchaser.3 The vendor shall notify the purchaser not less than 5 working days before the date the equipment will be ready Table 5”aximum Severity of Defects in Castings for testing. Division 1. Division 1. Division 1.2. User=.1 Equipment shall be tested in accordance with 6.2. cast steel. and wit- castings shallbe Section VIII. II Shrinkage 2 III Inclusions 2 6. The acceptance standard used for steel forgings purchaser and the vendor. Division 1.3.2. or 6.. as fabrications shallbe SectionVIII.. Appendix 7. Article 25 of the ASME Code.1 Ultrasonic inspection shall bein accordance with piping is finally assembled.2.3.2.. nents)andallpipingandappurtenancesshall be cleaned chemically or by another appropriate methodto remove for- 6.3.2 Radiography 6.2 HydrostaticTests IV Chills and chaplets 1 V Porosity 1 6. For each type of defect. or heat of the ASME Code. Appendix6 and 6.`. The method.3. .3.2.1 General 6.2. responsibility to review the design limits of the equipment in the event that more stringentrequirements are necessary. Articles 5 and 23.2. Appendix 7.2.2 The acceptance standard used for welded imposed in 6.2 The acceptancestandard used for welded fabrications shallbe SectionVIII.2.2.``.2. 6. O 6.4.Ifthetesting is rescheduled.4.`.5 1 . The acceptance Note: Care should be taken in theuse of acceptance criteria for iron castings. and 6.2.. Appendix 12.2. the hardness of parts.Appendix 8 and determined bythe inspection method specified. Defects that e x d the limits A11 furnished portions of the oil system shall meet acceptance standard used for castings shall be Section VID. O 6. at a minimum of --``. 3. heavy castings use of the instrumentation specified of the ASME Code for vessels. readouts that meet the accuracy requirements of API Standard 50 parts per mil- itic stainless steel materials shall not exceed 670 shall be used. STD. Oil system Note: The possibilityof damage may prevent sustained operation belowmin- components downstream of the filters shall meet the imum allowablespeed.5.6 All warning. shall be multiplied by a factor obtainedby dividing the allow- able working stress for the material at room temperature by 6. maximum continuousspeed until bearings.2.themechanicalrunningtestshallbe conform to those givenin ASME B31..3. 6. 6. to the purchaseras part of the special tools.7 Testing with the contract coupling is preferred. performed with coupling-hub adapters in place.``. lion. equipmentvendoror ifthepurchasedprobes are not compatible with shop readout facilities.11 to each bearing centerline(if possible).3.1.3.`.10. To preventdepositionofchlorides as a result of evaporative drying.viscosities. data The sheets all testing is completed.3. the vendor’s operating instructions for the specific unit being the hydrostatic test pressure made as required.3. Division The moments equal (&lopercent) to the moment of the contract pressure thus obtained shall then be the minimum pressure atcoupling hub plus one-half that of the coupling spacer. and control devices used --``.1. Note: For gas-pressure-containing parts. absolute at beta ratio 75 or better (see Large..`--- which the strength of a material is below the strength of that during the test shall be checked.5 bar(20 pounds per square inch is started. Thehydrostatictestshallbeconsideredsatisfactory when neither leaks nor seepage through the casing or casing joint6. resulting in tion VIII.. theASMECode. CHEMICAL.-`-`. using shop shall be met before the mechanical running test is performed. gauge). with the capability of continuously monitoring and plotting revolutions per minute.phase marker shallalso be by oscilloscope.5 All joints andconnectionsshallbecheckedfor mechanical integrity of the component andis not a valid leakage test.1 The equipment shall be operated at speed tested. tests shall be in accordance with machine (see4.API/PETRO STD bL7-ENGL L777 m 0732270 05b7355 L53 m ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.1.1..3.1.4 Bearingsusedinoil mist lubricationsystems tested.5). instrumentation during the test.2 The mechanical running test shall be run at maxi- used in the machine for the mechanical running test.3.1 shall be within the range of operating values recommended in and 6.3. Variable 6. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 35 1 times the maximum allowable working pressure but not cleanliness requirementsof API Standard 614 before any test less than gauge pressure of 1. shall be prelubricated.Intheeventthatadiscrepancyexists oscillator-demodulators.. the higher pressure shall govern.3. and adjustments shall be material at room temperature.1 Therequirements of 6..3.2 Alloilpressures.1.9 Shoptestfacilitiesshallincludeinstrumentation tested parts at the conclusionof the test.3.andtemperatures speed equipment shall alsobe tested as specified in 6.3.3. If that at the operating temperature. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.Presentation of vibrationdisplacementand time to permit complete examination of parts under pressure. User=.3.1 The contract shaft sealsandbearingsshall be 6.1.2.`.1.3. then shop probes and 6. COPYRIGHT 2003. and phase 6. all residual liquid shallbe removed from 6... If vibration probes are not furnished by the standard.3.3.``.2. the hydrostatic test is a test of the 6.5 Tests shall be maintained for a sufficient period of angle(x-y-y3.Forpressurelubricationsystems.1 1 When seismictest values are specified.3. The test liquid shall be at a higher temperature than the nil-ductility transition temperature of the material being 6. When which the hydrostatic test shall be performed.oilflowratesfor increments of approximately 10 percentfromzero to the each bearing housing shall be measured.3.3.4 The chloride content of liquids used to test austen. and accelerometers shall be in use between the code test pressure and the test pressure in this during the test. and shaft vibrations have stabilized.2. peak-to-peak displacement.3.3 Where applicable.4). the idling adapters shall be furnished shall list actual hydrostatic test pressures.2. The stress values used shall this is notpractical.3. cables.3.1 through 6.3.```.3.2 If the part tested is to operate at a temperature at 6.3.3 Teststandoilfiltrationshallbe 25 microns temperatures.`.9 may require a longer testing periodto be agreed upon by the shall serve as the basis for acceptance or rejection of the purchaser and the vendor. .3 for pipingor in Sec.1. tightness.1.1.`````.8 purchased All vibration probes. 6..`.3MechanicalRunning Test vibration data (minimumandmaximumvalues)shallbe recorded and located (clock angle) in a radial plane transverse 6. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.3.3. protective.7.3.1 is O The vibration characteristics determined by the observed for a minimum of 30 minutes.3. and any leaks shall be corrected.8 in and 6.. 6.3.3. 6.3. lube-oil 6.3. mum continuous speed for a minimum of four hours.1. The machine shall be tested in accordance with ASME Power Test Code 9.3.`.5 When specified..3. shallbe tested as specified in range.. and the vidual components specifiedby the purchaser.4.Thetestshallbeconsideredsatisfactorywhen no and phase angle versus speed for deceleration shallbe made casing or casingjoint leaks are observed.-`-`. The each completely assembled compressor casing intended for measured unfiltered vibration shall not exceed the limits of toxic.orhydrogen-richservice.3.4.4 When specified. the shall be considered satisfactory when no casing or casing amplitude of any discrete. when specified.2 levels.4.3.3. User=.`.1 through 6.3 6.1 The casing(includingend seals) shall be continuous speed and at other speeds that mayhavebeen pressurizedwithaninertgas to themaximumsealing specifiedinthetestagenda.4.the shop tests described in 6. These data shall also be furnished in may necessitate two separate tests.4.3.3. and subjectedto a soapbubble from 0.3.3. During the mechanical running test.4 shall be met after the mechanical ative tolerance on capacity. 20 percentof the allowable vibrationas defined in 4. drivers.3.3. .3..3.4 After the mechanical running test is completed. tape recordings shallbe made of 6..3.500 hertz (90.3. nonsynchronous vibration exceeds joint leaks are observed. The speed range covered by these plots shall be 400rpm to the maximum continuousspeed or to the specified o 6. and the equipment shallbe corrections are made. through 6.4. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.`--- operation of the test instrumentation shall be satisfactory.`.42 If replacementormodificationofbearingsor vibration measurements shall be made and documented to seals or dismantling of the case to replace or modify other verify the vendor’s analysis. as agreed vibration amplitudes at frequencies other than synchronous. the purchaser and the vendor shall mutually agree on 6. and reassembled.3. o 6..3.sweepsshall be madefor pressureorthemaximum seal designpressure.3.therequirements of shall not exceed104 percent of the quoted value with no neg- 6.4.`.2Complete-Unit Test inspected.3.4.1 and 6.3.4..3 Therequirementsof6.3 When spare rotors are ordered to permit 6.3.25 to 8 times the maximum continuous speedbut not test or another approved test to check for gas leaks. The test more than 1. the initial test will not be acceptable. liming gears contact areas shall be visually inspected.3. Test details shall be mutually all real-time vibrationdata..3..4..3.1 Hydradynamic bearings shall be removed.3.3.1 through O 6. before and after the Chour run.4.4. lube-oil andseal-oil inlet pressures and temperatures shallbe varied through the range o 6.12 shall be performed.3 Plotsshowingsynchronousvibrationamplitude leaks. Test permitted in the compressor operating manual.3.3.3. and subjected ato soapbubble test or another approved test to check for gas O 6.`````.3.3.1through6. polar form.3.``.7.4.``. agreed upon by the purchaser and the vendor.3.4 Optionallests driver trip speed. held at this pressure As a minimum.hazardous.4. 6. run for a minimum of 15 minutes. Plots shall be made of both the filtered (one per revolution) and the unfiltered vibration 6. running testis completed. each spare rotor set shall also be shall be met during the mechanical running test.3.4 Unlessotherwisespecified. this pressure for a minimum of 30 minutes.```.322 The speed shall be increased to 110 percentof final shop testsshallberun after thesereplacementsor the maximum continuous speed.3. given a mechanicalrunningtest inaccordancewiththe requirements of this standard.3. held at equipment’s suitability for shipment.2 The casing (with or without endseals installed) requirements . --``.4.2 Whiletheequipment is operating at maximum 6. The results of the inspections shall be Such componentsas compressom.This shall be done during the 4hour test. The power at the normal operating point 6.5 concurrent manufacture.3. these sweeps shall cover a frequency range for a minimum of30 minutes.3. The complete-unit test shall be parts is required to correctmechanicalorperformance performed in place of or in addition to separate tests of indi- deficiencies.for any additional testing and on the shall be pressurized to the rated discharge pressure.3.3.4. When specified. O 6.4. When specified. and aux- recorded. 6. upon by the purchaser and the vendor.3. or 4. COPYRIGHT 2003. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.OOO cycles per minute).3.3. the mechanical operation of all equipment being tested and the 0 and shall be recorded throughout the operatingspeed when specified for other gases.3. 6.. iliaries that make up a complete unit shall be tested together during the mechanical running test. S T D = A P I / P E T R O S T D b17-ENGL 1717 0732270 0 5 b 7 3 5 b 0 9 T H 36 API STANDARD 619 6. torsional 6. gears.3.7.43 The requirements of API/PETRO S T D bL7-ENGL L997 m 0732290 05b7357 T 2 b ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.3.9 Full-PressurdFull-LoacUFull-SpeedTest The gear shall be tested with the machine unit during the 6. with no bubbles permitted.4.1 1 Governor-Response and Emergency- Overspeed-Tripsystems Test Bodies arranged for tandem drive shallbe tested as a unit during the mechanical running test by using the shop driver 6. Unless otherwise specified.3. The modified test procedure shallbe agreed upon by O 6.1 1.4.4PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT Thedetails of the full-pressure/full-loadfull-speedtest 6.``. gears.`--- chaser will specify whether the gas test requiredby 6.1 O Inspectionof HubEhaft Fit for preparation shall make the equipment suitable for 6 months Hydraulically Mounted Couplings of outdoor storage from the timeof shipment.`.4. Rosslyn.5.4. Immediately upon completion of each witnessed mechani- --``. As 6.3. more rigorous test shall be performed perI S 0 3744.`.4..4.3.. and the driver shall be dismantled.3 For compressors usingoil-buffered seal units. copies of the data logged shall be shall be performed before or after the post-test inspection.3. the gear. Details of when any test run with air will involve a discharge tempera- the auxiliary-equipment tests shall be developed jointly by ture above 120°C (250°F).`````.12Spare-PartsTest helium at the maximum allowable working pressure.`. When specified.4. The o 6. COPYRIGHT 2003. STD. except for inspection of Aftertherunningtests. modified procedureto eliminate the oil-air high-temperature hazard.4. and seals shall be conducted with the casing submerged in water.4.4. including blocking oftherotorswhen This test maybe substituted forthe mechanical running test.4.7Auxiliary-EquipmentTest included shallbe noted.2 The response time of the emergency overspeed mechanical running test.2 After the heat run.4. The shall be tested as specified.3.8Post-TestInspection the purchaser and the vendor. a nonsubmergedsoapbubble test may be per- formed if approved by the purchaser. maximumallowableworkingpressureshall be maintained for a minimumof 30 minutes.5. 0 6.1 For dry screw compressors a heat run shall be per- formed at the maximum allowable speed. . User=. bearings. Virginia..4. and the temperature of the bearings where instrumentationis O 6. given to the witness..`. inspected. shall be recorded on astrip chart to confirm compliance with the requirements for maximum speed rise of the driver and 0 6.. The pur.3..3.3..3. necessary.6Test Data torycompletionofthemechanicalrunningtest. the test shall be conducted using a the purchaser and the vendor.```.4GearTest the N E M A 1 3 class of the specified governor. The test Spare parts such as couplings.3. trip system shallbe recorded to confirm compliance with the requirements of thedriverandthe NEMA class ofthe 0 6.5. shipment specified.3TandemTest 0 6. trol systems shall be tested in the vendor's shop.5HeatRun an alternative. gears. a be possible to achieve the heatrun temperature.1 Equipment shall be suitably prepared for the type of shall be developed jointly by the purchaser and the vendor. The capacity. When specified. practical at normal speed.6. AND GAS INDUSTRY SERVICES 37 o 6.3. and con. the compressor.5HeliumTest specified governor. Auxiliary equipment such as oil systems.4 cal and perFormance test. the power required. Suite 1847. for leakage with o The compressor casing shall be tested gas 6.``.6Sound-LevelTest temperature stabilized at the specified maximum operating temperature plus11"C (20°F)for a minimum of 30 minutes. 6. 6.-`-`. 6.3..theshrink fit ofhydraulically bearings and seals. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. If storage for a longer period is contem- mounted couplings shall be inspected by comparing hublshaft match marks to ensure that the coupling hubhas not moved I3NationalElectricalManufacturers Association.. Blocked rotors shall be identified by means of cor- rosion-resistant tags attached with stainless steel wire.. with no disas- sembly required before operation. CHEMICAL. and reassembled after satisfac. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. the sound-power test shall be Note: On machines with water-flush seals and high leakage rates it m a y not performed in accordance with IS0 3746.1 The response time of speed-governing systems and oil system. on the shaft during the tests. with the discharge 0 6.3. a check shall be performed with Note: Refer toIS0 3740 for guidance on whichof the two standards is more the compressor operating on air at the highest test pressure appropriate for the given application.3. 11 When spare rotors are purchased.4.3. The paint shall not contain lead or chromates.-inch thick).When supporting the rotors care shall be taken 6. The seams shall be sealed with oil 6.`.. be removed or flushed with a suitable rust preventive that can 6.3. per 7. release volatile corrosion inhibitor. Service and connection desig- tant. and shall be housed in a vapor-banier envelope witha slow- 6.8 When specified.2 and 7. Each opening shallbe car-sealed so that the protective cover cannot be removed without the seal 6. and damage to the bevel. 6. of the shipping container.4.`.``. In no case shall nonmetallic ment shallbe matchmarked for ease of reassembly. cokoiion-inhibitor paper.4. used to secure closures.3.6 One copy ofthemanufacturer'sinstallationmanual being broken..4. The rust preventive shall be appliedto all open. vessels.4.-inchthick) [nottetrafluoroethylene (TFE) or polytetrduoroethylene 6.2 Exterior machined surfaces exceptfor cmosion.4. . with elastomer cages attached to flanged covers.1..3..2shall be packed and shipped with the equipment. wrapped with waterproof. must be takento assure compatibility with the paint..4.6 Flanged openings shallbe provided with metal clo. When synthetic lubricants are used. (F'TFE)] shall be used between the rotor and the cradle at the --``..4.```..3.4 Internal areas of bearing housings. mounted piping. The rotors shall tion shall include that specified in6. andso forth shall be completed in the vendor'sshop prior to shipment.`. bearings. except for machinedsurfaces. cooling media.4... permanent plugs arc c o d in 4.1 Exterior surfaces. O 6.4. (such as plastic) capsor plugs be used. general arrangement drawing. and lubricants.Forstudded indicated by corrosion-resistant tags attached with stainless openings.4.3. crated equipment shall be shipped preparation after the equipment arrives at the job site and with duplicate packinglists. be treated witha rust preventive least 3 years. and foreign objects.3.1 Theinformation to befurnishedbythevendor is mended lifting arrangementshall be identifiedonboxed specified in 7. In addition. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. oil system auxiliary equipment such as reservoirs. welding spatter. removal.``.3. " ward (see Drawing the Vendor Requirements form Data and COPYRIGHT 2003. the rotors shall alltestingandinspectionshavebeencompletedandthe be prepared for unheated indoor storage for a period of at equipment has been released by the purchaser. The recom.4 Auxiliarypipingconnectionsfurnished onthepur- and piping shallbe coated witha suitable oil-soluble rust pre. 7. 38 STANDARD API 619 plated. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. and bag locations shall be gasketsand at least four full-diameter bolts.`````.9 Lifting points and liftinglugs shall be clearly iden- tified on the equipment or equipment package.-`-`.3. serial numbers.4. and sprayed probe areas.4. corrosion-resistant metal tags indicat- 6.3 The equipment shall be prepared for shipment after O 6.4. and carbon steel proof adhesive tape. the bags must be attached in an accessible area for ease of 6.3. The vendor shall complete and for- wuipment..5 Bearing assemblies shall be fully protected from the 6. User=. chasedequipmentshall be impressionstamped or perma- ventive.5 Permanentinternalcoating must be compatible entry of moisture anddirt.If volatile corrosion inhibitor crys- with process gases.7 Threadedopeningsshall be providedwithsteel 6.3. 6. A purchaser- paint. free not to damage functional surfaces such as seals.1 through 6.3. moldable waxed cloth or volarile- ings while the machine is slow-rolled. 6. intercoolers. the fit-up and assembly of machine- Note: These are shipping plugs.12 Exposed shafts andshaftcouplingsshall be with solvent. support areas. bags shall be installed in wire sures at least 5-millimeters (V.`--- resistant material shall be coated with a suitable rust preventive.3 The interior of the equipment shall be clean. approvedresilientmaterial3. all nuts needed for the intended Service shall be steel wire. The prepara.0-millimeters('/.4..10 The equipment shall be identified with item and recommended procedures to be followed.4.4.3. and from scale. The rotors shall be crated shall be givenat least one coatof the manufacturer's standard for domestic or export shipment.one inside and one onthe outside before start-up.3.8 Openings that have been beveled for welding shall be provided with closures designed to prevent entrance of moisture and foreign materials.3.4.2 The vendorshallprovidethepurchaserwiththe ing the item and serial number of the equipment for which it instructions necessary to preserve the integrityof the storage is intended. the purchaser will consult with the vendor regarding 6. 6.3.7 Connectionson auxiliarypipingremovedfor ship- caps or round-head steel plugs. as specified.12. nently tagged to agree with the vendor's connection table or CACl77ON: Any paint exposedto lubricants must be oil resis. special precautions nations shallbe indicated. 6.1 GENERAL 6.6. 7 Vendor's Data 7. Where applicable.`. Material shipped separately shall be identified with securely affixed. tals in bags are installed in large cavities to absorb moisture. a. e.Applicablespecificationsandpreviouslyagreed-upon exceptions. unit responsibility. A list of the special tools furnished for maintenance.``.2.2. The equipment item number and service name.1 General ability with the purchaser’s other units.Thevendor’sidentifyingproposalnumber. The job/projectnumber. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 39 Appendix C) to the address or addresses noted on the inquiry native designs.. The following data shall be included in the proposal: f. tion may be included on the drawings specified in itema ing. 7.) following items: 7. weight and dimension data and to reflect the actual equipment b.`.(This informa- dor shall prepare and distributean agenda prior tothis meet.`.2 The data shall be identified on transmittal (cover) Data Requirements form (seeAppendix C) shall be included letters and in title blocks or title pages with the following in the proposal. A listof major wearing components. and d. operation. maximum maintenance weights (indicated for each piece). Inspection. e. The purchase order. inquiry documents. Other technical items.`````. and bills of mate- a.-`-`. within4 to 6 weeks after the d. serial number.. Cross-sectional drawings showing the details of the pro- number.2. showing interchange- 7.andelectricalsystems. as well as a specific vendor shall identify any metric items included in the offering. production.. e. User=.2. the ven.1. they shall be marked up to show the correct and subvendor items. a coordination meetingshall be held.. Schematics and bills of materialfor auxiliary systems. and periods of idle- are not in strict accordance. Coupling selections.```. scope of supply.which.2 PROPOSALS receipt of the order. clearance dimensions.1. f. The purchaser’s data sheets.includinglube-oil. The vendor shall provide the protectionto be furnished by the purchaser. Unless otherwise specified. return correspondence completely. The purchaser’s noise data sheet. 7.showingoveralldimensions..2 If typical drawings. overall weights. The data sheets. and data as agreed to at the time of the order. The quality assurance program and procedures.maintenance c. the vendor shall include a list that ness under the site conditions specified. The the data specified in7. mation entered thereonand literature to fully describe details h. the following data shall be information: furnished: a.and of the offering. indicating the schedule according which to the k. This form shall detail the schedule for transmission in accordance with7.Sketchesthat showmethodsof liftingtheassembled --``. statement that the system and all its components are in strict h. erection weights. contract. If the system and components ization required for start-up. Thrust-bearing sizing and estimated loadings..piping.Thephysicalorientation oftheequipment.`.shallincludereviewofthe above. All correspondence shall be clearly identified or order.2.. c. Thevendorshallforwardtheoriginalproposalandthe f. The purchaserher’s corporate name. ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT CHEMICAL. A statement of any special weather protection and winter- accordance with this standard. ~~ S T D = A P I / P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL L777 m 0732290 0 5 b 7 3 5 9 A T 7 m CoMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.2 Drawings the purchaser. c. vendor agrees to transmit all the data specified as part of the 1.1 The drawings indicated on the Vendor Drawing and 7.`. The inquiry or purchase order number. .`--- purchase commitment.3 When specified.. skid or system.3TechnicalData d. b. rial are used. control.as well as that details to enable the purchaser to evaluate any proposed alter-included in the vendor’s scope of supply. Appendix C). or other reference required to identify posed equipment. COPYRIGHT 2003.2 through 7. The direction of rotation and the size and location of major chase order. machine or machines and major components. expediting.2. purchaser connections shall alsobe indicated.2. and testing. 1. and scope proposed. the proposal shall includeg. as aminimum. in weeks after 7. c.2.Bills of materialshallbe @ 7. auxiliary systems..2. A schedule for shipmentof the equipment. A list of spare parts recommended for start-up and normal specified number of copies to the addressee specified in the maintenance purposes. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.``. included.1. and testing..4. curves. Schedules for transmittalof data.2. As a minimum.shoporder b. schematics. as well as the number and type of copies required by 7. A general arrangement or outline drawing for each major b.Schematics ofallauxiliarysystems. The list shall show details and explains each deviation. of drawings.with complete vendor’s infor- g. a.Any other identification specified in the inquiry or pur. The Vendor Drawing and Data Requirements form (see j. d. preferably at the vendor’s plant. The rotor dynamics analysis. As a minimum. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. 7.and5.water.1.1 h e contract data to be furnished by the vendor is poses. a reference toall iden.such as 7. STD=API/PETRO STD b17-ENGL 1 7 7 7 m 0732270 05b73b0 510 40 API STANDARD 619 i.2M.3. fied in 4.. unless specifically agreed upon in writing. For constant speed shown on cross-sectional or assembly-type drawings so that equipment referto the operating point on the data sheet. or operating restrictions required to protect the integrity of the equipment.3). data sheet shall havea title block in its lower right-handcor. therevisionnumber and parts are recommended for nomal maintenance (see Item f of date. The data shall be submitted in accordance with Appendix 1.This list shall con- tain titles.3.4.5. Any comments conditions analogousto those Specified inthe proposal.air.2.1 General number for interchangeabilityand future duplicationpur- 7.1. ~.1. Eachpart shall be completelyidentifiedand I withany limitations indicated thereon. o. Vendor shall list allrequired relief valves and clearly indi. the vendor shall outline the pro- cedure that can be followedto reduce power consumption. materials of construc- --``. each drawing shall j. k.12 Thepurchaserwillpromptlyreviewthevendor’s promptly after receipt of the reviewed drawings and in timeto permit order and delivery of the parts before field start-up. A list of similar machines installed and operating under C and identified in accordance with 7.3. 7.3. the purchaser may determine the interchangeability of the partwithotherequipment.10. this review shall not constitute The transmittal letter shall be identified with the data speci- permission to deviatefromanyrequirements intheorder fied in 7.3.`.2.4...1. at the intervals specified on the Vendor Drawing and Data Requirements form (see Appendix C).1.-`-`.6 Installation.``.``. n.maximumandminimumliquidlevelsand 7. The vendor shall submit progress reportsto the purchaser cate those furnishedby the vendor. 4.3.After the data has been reviewed. 7. a listofalldrawingstoenablethepurchaser to correctly COPYRIGHT 2003. compressors. gas.thevendorshallstate retentiontime. A complete tabulation ofutility requirements. the vendor shallfurnish certifiedcopiesin the quantity specified.6. operate.3. and original manufacturer’s name and part number. A description of the tests and inspection procedures for include the details for that drawing listed in AppendixC. Asa minimum.3 A completelist of vendor data shallbeincluded 7. anda schedule for transmission The vendor shall provide sufficient written instructions and of all the data the vendor will furnish (see Appendix C).4 Progress Reports the event that excess pressure or flow is developed.. however.1. Parts thathavebeenmodified 7. For constant speed units. 7.3. and maintain the thenameplatepowerratingandoperatingpowerrequire- ordered equipment.`. data when received.6. User=. bill of material.1 1..3. the heat load to be removed by the oil.1. The vendor shall forward the lists to the purchaser 7. Maintenance. . Note: These notations will result in the purchaser’s issue of completed. shall be ments ofauxiliarydrivers.1.electricity. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.2 Drawings those for steam.3TechnicalData purchaser’sinquiryand as outlined in 4. as required by 4. and shall be in accor- defined and clearly identified as such..) dance withANSI Y 14. and the title. Each drawing.4 Curves equipment and accessories supplied.3.3. materials.which parts are recommended spares for startup and which tificationdataspecifiedin7. and Technical Data Manuals 7.6. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`. shutdown. The drawings furnished shall contain sufficient information including the quantity (andtype) of lube oil required and the supply pressure.`--- The vendor shall provide complete performance curves for tion. A description of any special requirements specified inthe 7.1.. Materials shall be identified as speci- variable speed machines to encompass the map of operations.3. Operation. (Approximatedatashall be identified in accordance with 7. and so that with the drawings and the manuals specified in 7.2.1.. p.3.3.52 The vendor shall indicate on the above parts lists ner that shows the date of certification. The lists shall include manufacturer’s unique part numbers.5 Parts Lists and Recommended Spares capacity in the separator vessel. and deliveq times.2. Drawings shall be clearly legible.`.3.3.1.. Any start-up. on the drawingsor revisions of specificationsthat necessitate a change in the data shall be noted by the vendor.1 1.11.1. 4.2. the purchaser can properly install.```.1. cor- rected data sheets as part of the order specifications.1 The vendor shall submit complete partslists for all 7.`````. m.3CONTRACTDATA from standard dimensions and/or finishto satisfy specific per- formance requirements shall be uniquely identified by part 7. drawing numbers. and lube oil. Standard purchased items shall be identifiedbythe specified in Appendix C..in 7.1 General with the first issue of the major drawings.3. 6.utilityspecifications(includingquantities). American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.```. and any subassemblies that weigh more than specified in 7.3.-`-`... The manualshallcontain e 7. 135 kilograms (300pounds).. The manualcontainingoperatingandmaintenancedata 7. This manual shall include a section that provides special instructions for opera- Any information required for proper installation shall be tion at specified extreme environmental conditions. The manual shall be prepared for 7. As a minimum. an index sheet that contains section titles.2InstallationManual shall be forwarded at timeof shipment. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. User=.`--.`..6. a typical manual is not acceptable. and maintain all of the equipment ordered. and a complete list of referenced and enclosed drawings by title and drawing number..`.6. sketches that show the location of the center of gravity and This information shall be compiled in a manual or manuals rigging provisionsto permit the removal of the top half of the with a cover sheet that contains all reference-identifying data casings.``. The manual shall also include Appendix C for detailed requirements). the vendor shall provide a technical data other installation design data. CHEMICAL.. .. rotors. such as compiled in a manual that is separatefrom the operating and high or low temperatures.1.. COPYRIGHT 2003. time that is mutually agreed upon in the order but not later thanshipment of themachine.`````.2.`.4TechnicalDataManual information such as special alignment and grouting proce- dures. including the drawings and datamanual within 30 days of completion of shop testing (see specified in 7.`.3. STD-APIIPETRO STD bLS-ENGL L997 m 0732290 0 5 b 7 3 b l q57 m --``.2.3. ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT CoMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM..2 and 7.andall When specified.``.3OperatingandMaintenanceManual the specified installation.2.. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 41 install.3. operate. the manual shall maintenance instructions.This manual shallbe forwarded at a also include all of the data listed in AppendixC. `.``..```.. S T D . User=. 43 COPYRIGHT 2003. .`--.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`.-`-`.``.....2777 m 0732290 0 5 b 7 3 b 2 3 9 3 m APPENDIX A-TYPICAL DATA SHEETS (NORMATIVE) --``. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.`````..A P I / P E T R O STD bL’f-ENGl...`.`. .21) .`.-`-`.``. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.1..1..`.A P I / P E T R O STD bL7-ENGL L777 II 0732290 05b73b3 2 2 T JOB NO. SI UNITS PAGE 1 OF 9 BY A U DATA ON PER UUm BASIS 0 COMPRESSOR INLET FIANGE 0SILENC I I I I l 6 0 PRESSURE (BAR) @Pa-abo) 7 0 TEMPERATURE (%) 8 0 RELATlVEHUMIDITY (u 9 0 MOLECULAR WEIGHT (M) 0 n C P / c v ( K t ) OR ( b v d !1 0COMPRESSIBILITY (2.39) 0 DRYSCREW(3.. .13) ~~ !3 DISCHARGE comrnoNS: 0 COMPRESSOR INLET FLANGE O SIKCER INLET FLANGE !4 O PRESSURE (BAR)@Pa-&) !5 OTEMPERATLIRE (oc) !6 0Cflv (Kz) OR W A V ~ !7 0COMPRESSIBILITY (&J OR (&va) !8 ?90kW REQUIRED ( A U LOSSES INCL) 30[7SPEED (RPM) 310PRESSURE RATlO(R) E OVOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY (%) a 0SILENCER A P 340 35 PERFORMANCE CURVE NO.7) OSEPARATOR (4. DATE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR REQUISITION NO.5.4. 36 PROCESS 37 CONTROL: (5. User=..`````.1.``.37) 0 GENERAL PURPOSE (3. i METHOD 0 BYPASSFROM rn OWPASS OMANUAL OAUTO VARIATION 0 SPEED FROM TO 0 OTHER SIGNAL: 0 SOURCE 43 0 TYPE 44 0 RANGE PNEUMATIC CONTROL RPM FOR O (BARG) 8 RPM O (BARG) 8 45 0 OTHER 46 SERVICE 0 SPECIAL PURPOSE (3. ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE ORDER PURCHASE NO.`..1. ITEM NO.10..8) 50 51 45 --``. S T D ..6) OFLWDED SCREW (3.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003..9) (kW (kW 47 0 CONTINUOUS 0 INTERMITENT 0 STANDBY(3..1.`.1.```. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.)OR (ZA-) Y 0INLET VOLUME FLOW(#M-WET) (3. SHEET DATA INQUIRY NO.. 1.1.. ROTARYœTYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENTCOMPRESSOR JOB NO.: (kPa-abs) APPLICABLE SPECIRCATK)EIS: BULB DRY WET BULB API 619 POWIVE MSPLACEMENT ROTARY COMPRESSORS K1 SMPUEHT: (6..1.2) 2 O W L % i o MAL A IMUMB C D 3 M.42) 0 LONG TERM STORAGE FOR MONTHS il I 46 COPYRIGHT 2003.1. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.4. 0 TROPICALWTIONREQ'D.1.``.W. REVISION DATE SI UNITS PAGE 2 OF 9 BY 1 GAS ANALYSIS NOR.`--- ?Q AVG.-`-`.042 I5 16 17 18 19 !O !1 24 0 CORROSIVE I I I I I I(4.966 5 OXYGEN 32axl 6 NITROGEN 28. User=.010 IO HYDROOEN SULFIDE 34.5) Il HYOROOEN 2. I I I I 1 %O LOCA.0002 MICROBAR 0 RANGE W AMBIENT TEMPS. ITEM NO..010 9 CARBON MOXIE 44. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.1. MOL.. ODoMEsrlC 0 EKPORT 0 EXPORT BOXING REQ'D i0 0VENDOR HAVING UNIT RESPONSIBILIM: (3.016 7 WATER VAPOR 18. (4.`````.11.13) 0 INDOOR 0 HEATED 0 UNDER ROOF 0 APPLICABLE TO MACHINE o OvrWoR 0 UNHEATED 0 PARTlALSlMS SEE SPECIFICATION 0 GRAM 0 MEZZANINE 0 0 APPLICABLE TO NEIGHBORHOOD 0 ELECTRICAL AREA CLASS GR -MV.`...11.016 12 METnANE 16.4) 25 I I I l I --``.5) I NOlSESPEC1FICATIONS:(4. OTHER CONDITIONS 0 REMARKS(5.``.016 8 CARBON MONOXIDE 28.`. DATA SHEET NO.1.`.`.. MAX...076 (4. 4 AIR 28.```. .1) L9 .. W. ACOUSTlC HOUSING 0 YES 0 NO Sm DATk SOUNDLEVQ me- m o ELEvATloN m BAROMmR (M) dB R E 0.. SEE SPECIFICATION 0 WlNlERlZATlON RECYD. YIELD STRENGTH(mm) (N) THICKNESS BABBITT TYPE 43HARDNESS.``. ACT.3& 4.1S) 0 LATERAL CRITICAL SPEEDS(4. LOADING ACT.1.9. 0 TEMPSENSORS(4. TAPERED CYLINDRICAL (4.wt LIQUID ROTORON PADSNO.. BRINELL MAX. (3. User=.6.6) RPM SHAFT SLEEVES ED DAMPED 3 AT SHAFT SEALS [7MAL B MODE SHAPE B LATERALcRmcAL SPEED BASIS - D 0 DAMPED UNBALANCE RESPONSE ANALYSIS IITUINGGEARS (45.5.9..``. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. . OR BETWEEN PADS !8 THICKNESS(mm) CORR. (IDENTIFY HIGHEST LOADED BEARING) (4s) !5 CASlNG SPUT (mm) SPAN TYPE !6 MATERIAL OCIADDING (42. TYPE MATERIAL !4 MODEL I:3RADU BEAR.1.```. STD.1. TEMP. COPER.. 40 TYPE FABRICATION NUMBEROF PADS 41 MATERIAL PAD MATERIAL 42 MAX.~1) H T R U SI TBEARING (IDENTIFY HIGHEST LOADEDBEARHG) (4. ALLOW.`````..`. MIN. DATA SHEET REVISION NO.) MAX.6) 4 OTORSIONAL CR T C IAL SPEEDS: (4..8.3. MFR.2) 1 0SHOP TEST PITCH UNE DIAMETERTYPE (mm) 2 OTHER TYPE ANALYSIS: (SPECIFy) MATERIAL 3 0 POCKEl FREQUENCY PASSING Hz SHAFT SEALS: (4.81 37 DIAMETER (mm): TYPE LOCATION FEMALEMALE LOBES: 38 NO.`.12) MATERIAL MAX. DEFLECTION (mm) UNCOOLED COOLED 47 INTERNALLY 48 49 REMARKS: 50 51 47 --``.18) BABBITT (BARG) &Pa) TYPE IO REUEFVALVE SETnNG &Pa) (BARG) Il MARGINFOR ACCUMULATION (BARG) RPa) I2 TEST PRESS.-`-`. O TEMP.22) RPM SHAFT END.1.4) [:3INNER OIL LEAKAGE GUAR... DATE SI UNITS PAGE 3 OF 9 BY r SHAFT: (45.3) M ROTOR LENGTH TO DIAMETER tuno (m) 0 TC 0 RTD TYPE 45 ROTOR CLEARANCE (mm) =ACTIVEBRG PER NO OINACTIVE 46 MAX.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. SPEED DIA O ROTORS DIA (mm) O COUPLING (mm) ALLOWMIN. ALLOW (mm) PAD MATERIAL !9 0 PRESS.7. . ITEM NO. (mm') AREA 39 TYPE: LOADING ( M m ? : ALLOW.1.7) 8 OWBRATION c1 BUFFER GAS FLOW (PER SEAL) 9 ALLOWABLE T ES NORMAL: kmlNO (BAROI) k W O (PEAK TO PEAK) SITE MAX.19) TRIPRPM (3.41) RPM m/$ O MAX.`. OC 0 TC ORTDTYPE M COOUNGJACKET U ONYO ES NO PER BRG 35 RADIOGRAPH QUAUTY o YES -O N 0 S OROTORS (4.API/PETRO S T D bL'1-ENGL L717 m 07322713 05b73b5 U T 2 ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR JOB NO. (3. OPER. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. (BARG) &Pa) HEUUM HYDRO 0 TEMP SENSORS(4.6.3) 13 MAX.2) 0 TYPE 0 SEAL SYSTEM TYPE(4.7.9) SPUT INTEGRAL) (SEPARATE. MIN.. (LTRS/DAY/SEAL) 7 C> W E BUFFER GAS(4.: kgMIN O (BARG) )Wa) c1 BEARING HOUSING (4.9) AREA (mm? ALLOW. (N/mrn?: !7 OPERATION ODRY OFLOODED.`. (IN... COM. ALLOWABLE WORK THICKNESS (3.1. 3) $4 O M F R 0 COMMON (4.0 ALARM.10.3. STD-APIiPETRO STD bL7-ENGL 1777 m 0732270 05b7366 T37 ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENTCOMPRESSOR NO. HOUSING 0 UNDER COMP.323) 0 SUITABLE FORPERlMmR SUPPORT 10 VIBRATION DITECTORS: (WS) 0 EPOXY GROUTEPOXYPRIMER (5.5) W 0 MONITOR SUPPUED BY 0 HEATER (4.10.MTEcfoRSSUPPLIED BY 0 OIL COOLER (4.r) 0 IN ACCORDANCE Wrm: API 670 OTHER (SPECIFY) o TYPE MODEL 0 MR. REQD' 0 OSCILLATOR-DETECTORS SUPPUED BY 0 MFR 0 MODEL 0 MONITOR SUPPLIED BY 0 LOCATION ENCLOSURE o MR..`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. RATING(kW/lOORPM) KEYED (1) OR (2) OR MDR.10. O ALTERNATE LUBE SYSTEM (410.5) W 0 0SCILIAToR. 0 MODEL 0 CARRYOVER (4.10. JOB E M No.7) 37 38 I 0 OIL MIST CONNECIION ~ ~~ ~~ ~ 0 HORIZONTU ADJUSTINGSCREWS FOR MUIPMENT 0 SUITABLEFOR COLUMN SUPPORT (5. DATE SI UNITS PAGE 4 OF 9 BY ~ ~~ ~ ~~ UIAL msmm DETECTOR: (5.`. User=. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.5.`..1.5.5) 11 0 IN ACCORDANCEWITH: APE70 12 0 OTHER (SPECIFY) &BE 011SYSTEU (4.5.4) 47 0 MR.3.``.5..1 O) 43 O W E MODEL 0 614 LUBE OILSYSTEM (4.```. HALVES 0 SPACE REQUIRED 0 LIMITED END FLOATRECYD 0 IDLINGADAPTER REWIRED U C P L G .``.4: j I k) i2 0 SHUTDN: [ 7 S E T @ -UM 0 TIMEDLY.s.6) 49 OLOCATION ENCLOSURE 0 OIL SEPARATOR (4. 0MODEL . -SEC 53 0 PHASE REFERENCE TRANSDUCER --``.5..4.3) joLE PLATES FOR: 0 COMPRESSOR 0 GEAR 0 DRIVER USEPIATE: 0 COMMON (UNDER COMP.2...2) VERTICAL 0 IN ACCORDANCE WITH API 671 HORIZ. W OTHER (SPECIFY) 17 FORCE MOMT -CE MOMT FORCE MOMT DRIVERCOMP OR DRlVER GEARCOMP OIIIw<E UMODEL 0 LUBWCATlON 0 MOUNT CPLG..`````. 0 NO. S M BEARING TOTAL NO.GEAR (L DRIVER) BRG... .4) 0DEDICATEDSYSTEM U 0EACH AT NO. FIT 3 A s E p L A T E & s o L E P u ~(5. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.`.-`-`. UMODEL 0 OIL FILTER( OSCALERANGE OALAAM: - ' DsETe UM 0 SHUTWWN: 0 SET Q -UM O nME DELAY SEC XHIPLINGS: (5.1) 51 .5.10..B sw 0 DECKEDWITH NONSKIDDECKPLATE 0 -N CONSIR BETWEENSEAL b GAS 0 DRIP RIM 0 WITH OPEN DRAlN 0 SUBPLATE (5.8.`.3.8) 50 OMFR. OSCALERANGE OSETg UM 0 INSTRUMENTS(4.8.2. DATA SHEET REVISION NO. ONLY 0 OTHER BETWEEN BRG. . PROBES..3.`.3.3.3) O O O 0 2 YEARS SUPPLY 35 MECHANICAL RUN SPARE ROTORS (6.1 1) 1 C) VENDOR REPRESENTATIVE OBSERVATIONATTHE SITE (4.4. .6) 2 C> TORSIONAL ANALYSIS REPORT REQUIRED (4.1) O O O RIN A R K S 38 COMPLETE UNIT TEST ( DATE SI UNITS PAGE S OF 9 BY --``. EQUIPMENT (6. O O O 43 USE JOB VIB.3) O O O 0 OTHER: 36 CASING LEAK TEST (6. CONSOLE I MAX.3. c> SPARE PARTS TO BE SUPPLIED(7.7.3.`--- 1 VnUTYCONDITIONS: IJ WEIGHTS (LBS): 2 STEAM HEATING BASE DRIVERS DRIVER GEAR COMPR.`````.5) 2 C> PROVISIONSFOR TORSIONAL PICKUP ON CASE 2 CONDENSATE REMOVAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 2 0 YES 0 NO 2 SILENCERS FURNISHEDBY 2 - 3 .A P I / P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL L717 m 0 7 3 2 2 7 0 05b73b7 7 7 5 m ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR JOB NO. TOFULL OPER.. CONSOLE S.11) 1 C OPTICAL ALIGNMENTFIATS REQUIRED ON COMPRESSOR.3) O O O 51 AUX.4) O O O 35 7 PERFORMANCE TEST (GAS) (AR) ( MI!ICEUANEOUS: 11 c]RECOMMEND W G H T RUN OF PIPE DIA BEFORE SUCTION 1. ETC. GEAR DRIVER COMPR. ROTORS: COMPR.3) O O O 49 COPYRIGHT 2003.O. FOR MAINTENANCE(IDENTIM) TOTAL SHIPPING WEIGHT I II 1 I 1: 1: - 1. ITEM NO. 53 RESIDUAL UNBALANCE CHECK(4.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. FOUNDATION(4. DATA SHEET REVISIONNO. 2 GEAR 8 DRIVER 2 C) PROVISION FOR WATER WASHING BEFORE OPENING CASING 2 BY 2 C> LATERAL ANALYSIS REPORT REQUIRED(4.3. PRESS.8) O O O 48 CHECK BEARINGS AFTER TEST (6. S T D .5) O O O 0 START-UP/COMMISSIONING 34 MECHANICAL RUN(6. 47 AFTER TEST (6.3.2) O O O o SEALS 0 GASKETS.1.6) O O O 50 TANDEM (6.9) O O O .3.4. M SEISMICTRANSDUCERS a MONITORS O O O 45 PRESSURE COMP. L AXIAL DISP..``..`.4.4. O O O 46 DISASSSEMBLE-REASSEMBLE COMP.. UPPER CASE LO.. User=.3.F) I 0 3 1 SHOP INSPECTION(6.1..4.2. C1VENDOR'S REVIEW a COMMENTS ON PURCHASERSPIPING 1' 6.2) O O O 39 COMP.`.4.7) O O O 52 FULL-LOAD TEST(6..4. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.``. LESS DRIVER O O O 40 USE SHOP LUBE a SEAL SYSTEM O O O 41 USE JOB LUBE a SEALSYSTEM (6.`. O O O ROTOR ASSEMBLY 32 HYDROSTATIC(6.-`-`.3.```.72.1) O O O 49 SOUNDLEVELTEST(6.7) O O O 42 USE SHOP VIBRATION PROBES. O-RINGS 33 HELIUM wK(6.4. 3. IANUFACTURER 1 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS: (5.27) LUBE OIL PUMP DISCHARGE O0 GOV. S I E a TYPE: 9 0 VIBRATION EQUIPMENT: Mm.1..`--- ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR NO.. MODEL 8 NO.4. 'ENDOR MUST FURNISHM L PERTINENT DATA FOR E M NO. PRESSUREGAUGES MFR. SIZE8TYPE !e O GASFLOW NI DC I ATOR: MFR.4. O0 CHEST STEAM O0 O0 SEAL OIL DIFFERENTIAL 0 0 EXHAUST STEAM O0 O0 REFERENCE GAS O0 EXTRACTIONSTEAM no I70 BALANCE LINE O0 STEAM EJECTOR O0 O0 S E M EDUCTOR O0 SUCTION COMPRESSOR 00 O0 BUFFER SEAL O0 COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE 00 O0 O0 00 O0 50 COPYRIGHT 2003.2) MFR. SIZE 8 TYPE: !O 0 PRESSURE SWITCHES: MFR...4. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. OIL A P O0 O0 LUBE OIL SUPPLY 00 COUPLING OIL A P O0 00 SEAL OIL PUMP DISCHARGE O0 MAINSTEAMIN O0 U0 SEALOILWLTERAP O0 1ST STAGE STEAM 00 O0 SEAL OIL SUPPLY(EACH LEVEL) . SlZEaTYPE: 12 0 ANNUNCIATOR: MFR..`. S I E & WE: ~ D 0 TACHOMETER: ( MOUNTED FUNCTION (3.``.. DATE SI UNITS PAGE 6 OF 9 BY THIS SPECIFICATION SHEET BEFORE RETURNING.``. ~ ~~ ~~ S T D .`. PRESSURE SWITCHES Mm. SIZE a TYPE: !1 0 DIFF..51) MFR W E & TYPE- Il 0 SOLENOlD VALVES Mm.4.w. SIZE & TYPE: !3 0 L M L SWITCHES MFR. SIZE 8 TYPE !6 OTHERMALRELIEFVALES MFR. SIZE a TYPE I7 0 TEMPERATUREGAUGES (5..4) MFR.14) PANEL (3.31 I6 0 PRESSURE GAUGES:(5. CONTROL OIL O0 O0 LUBE OILflLTER A P O0 CONTROL GOV. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. SZE & TYPE: 9 0 D l f f .1. SIZE a TYPE: a OLEELGAUGES MFR.14) PANEL (3.12) AREA C L A S S I F I C A T I ~ 2 AP1614 0 YES 0DIVISION NO GROUP CLASS 3 MOTORCONTROL a INSTRUMENT VOLTAGE: 4 PHASE VOLTS CYCLES S ALARLI a SHUTDOWN VOLTAGE: 6 CYCLES PHASE VOLTS OR Dc 7 e LOCAL COMROL PANEL. S I E a TYPE: !S 0 PRESSURERELIEF VALVES (5. .A P I / P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL L777 Rl 0732270 05b73bB B O L W --``. SIZE a TYPE: 2 0 TEMPERATURE SWITCHES: MFR.6) MFR.`````.```.1.-`-`. ITEM NO. JOB DATA SHEET REVISION NO. POINTS U MFR SIZEaMpE: Ld MFR SIZELMpE: SUPPLIED BY VENDOR 0 SUPPLIED BY PURCHASER LOCAL LOCALLY LOCAL MOUNTED (3. S I E & TYPE: !4 oCONTROLVALES: MFR. SIZE a TYPE: 7 0 SIGHT !=LOW INDICATOAS:(5.3.7) MFR.`..1.`.. User=.4.4. $7 00 HI SEALOILOUTLETTEMP. LUBE AND/OR SEALOIL RESERVOIR..`.4.O.. " 00 GEARVIBRATION H 00 HISEALOILLEVEL " 00 GEAR AXIAL POSITION P12 0 LOW SEAL OIL LEVEL " c] 0 COMPRESSOR MOTOR SHUTDOWN N 0 HI SEAL OIL PRESSURE " 0 TRIP & M R O T N VALVE SHUT EM 00 LOW SEAL OIL PRESSURE " 0 0 HI TURB. SEAL OIL PUMP START " 00 HI COMPR.1. THRUST BEARING & EACH COUPLING OIL RETURN UNE 14 0 0 SIGHT FLOW INDICATORS.14) PANEL (3. ~ STD-API/PETRO S T D bL7-ENGL L997 m 0732270 0 5 b 7 3 b 9 748 m ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR NO.. SUCT. 44 MISCELLANEOUS 45 0 INSTRUMENTTAGGING REQUIRED. STEAM SEAL LEAKAGE I15 00 AUX. OVERHEAD TANK 16 0 VIBRATION AND SHAFT POSITION PROBES & PRONMITORS 17 [7 0 VIBRATION ANDSHAFT POSITION READOUT EQUIPMENT 18 0 0 VIBRATION READOUT LOCATED ON: 0 LOCAL PANEL SEPARATE PANEL 0MAINBOARD 19 0 0 TURBINE SPEED PICKUPDMCES 2O 0 TURBINE SPEED INDICATORS 2:I 00 TURBINE SPEED INDICATORS LOCATED ON c]LOCAL PANEL MAIN BOARD 22 00 REMOTE HAND SPEED CHANGER. TEMP.27) P LUBEOILDISCHARGEFROMEA 0 O0 COOLEROILlNLET8OUM .. 49 COMMENTS REGARDING INSTRUMENTATION -50 51 COPYRIGHT 2003.1) PE.-`-`.1.(COOLER) 0 COMPRESSORA P B 00 HI LIQUID LEV. TEMP.. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. " " 10 00 HI LUBE OIL OUTLET TEMP. SEPARATOR 39 00 COMPRESSOR HI DISCH. " 0 TURBINE AXIAL POSITION D 00 LOW SEALOIL RESERVOIR L N . LUBE OIL PUMP SFART " 0 HI DRIVER THRUST BRG.1. 2!5 FuNcnoN ALARM TRIP FUNCTION ALARM TRIP 2I6 0 0 LOW LUBE OIL PRESSURE " 0 0 COMPRESSOR VIBRATION 2'7 [7 0 HI LUBE OIL FILTER A P " 0 0 COMPRESSOR AXIAL POSITION 218 0 0 HI SEAL OIL FILTER A P " 0 TURBINE VIBRATION 2!9 c] 0 LOW LUBE OIL RESERVOIR LEV. DATE SI UNITS PAGE 7 OF 9 BY VE:NDOR MUST FURNISH ALL PERTINENT DATA FOR THIS SPECIFICATION SHEET BEFORE RETURNING. JOB ITEM NO. THRUSTBRG. .``. 0 O0 5 JOURNAL BEARINGCOMPR 00 O 0 OIL OUTLET SEAL 00 O0 5 JOURNAL BEARING DRIVER O0 O0 COMPRESSORSUCTION 00 O0 no 00 00 no --``.MOUNTED ON LOCAL PANEL 213 00 ALARM HORN8 ACKNOWLEDGMENT SWITCH 214 ALARM & SHLITOOWNSWITCHES: (5. 0MADE m E c n Y BY THE PURCHASER.. User=. DR4N TRAPS a S.TEMP.```.14) PANEL (3.4. 16 0 0 AUX.``.`--- 7 GEAR JWRNAL BEARING DISCHARGE COMPRESSOR IB COMPRESSOR BEARING THRUST n0 O 0 OIL RESERVOIR LUBE O0 CIO B DRIVERTnRUST BEARING O0 00 00 CIO 113 BEARING THRUST GEAR O0 no O0 cl0 11 MISCELIANEOUSINSIWMENTATDN: 1:2 00 DRIVER STARTETOP 0LOCALPANEL 0SEPARATEPANEL 0BOARD MAIN 13 [7 0 SIGHT FLOW INDICATORS.. 46 ALARM AND SHUTDOWN SWITCHES SHALL BE SEPARATE.. mEM NO.27) MOUNTED FUNCTION (3..`.. DATA SHEET REVISION NO. - M/VJUFACNRER I TEMPERATURE GAUGE REQUIREMENTS :? LOCAL LOCALLY LOCAL LOCALLY 3 FUNCTION MOUMED (3. EACH JOURNAL 6.S.1. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. EACHSEALOIL RETURNUNE 15 [7 0 LEVEL GAUGES.`.O.`````. (COOLER) CIO " Il SWITCH CLOSURES 41 ALARM CONTACTS SHALL: 0OPEN 0CLOSE SOUND TO ALARM AND BE NORMALLY 0ENERGIZED c]DE-ENERGIZED 42 SHUTDOWN CONTACTS S H U OPEN 0 CLOSE TO TRIP AND BE NORMALLY 0ENERGIZED 0 DE-ENERGIZED 43 N O l E NORMAL CONDITION IS WHENCOMPRESSOR IS IN OPERATION. OF THE BASEPLATEAND CONSOLE SHALL 47 PURCHASERS ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENT CONNECTIONS WITHIN THE CONFINES 4s BE: 0 BROUGKT our TO ERMINAL BOXES.`. -"CMIN YOISE 16 UNUSUAL CONDITIONS: 0 DUST O G E S ' 0 STANDARD NEMA O 17 O O T H E R ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT 18 DRIVE sysm 0 DIRECT CONNECTED 0 BASEPLATE 0 SOLEPLATE 0 STATORSHIFT 19 0 GEAR 0 MFR. 0 EXPLOSION-RESISTANTNON-PURGED 2'7 0 WOUND ROTOR INDUCTION 0 FORCED VENTILATION 28 29 ENCUISURE: (!ilAc) 0 o m & 0 BEARNGTEMPDEVICE& . ALLOW. 25 EXCITATION: 0 BRUSHLESS 0 SUPRING 0 PURGED PRESS..0 TEIGF. 0 ENCLOSEDCOUECTDR RINOS.1.. DESCRIPTION 511 0 TEMP.T.. COEFF. mm H& 3o OCLASS .`````. mm WINDING TEMPERATURE DETECTORS: AND FOUL FACTOR 0 THERMISTORS: NOJPHASE 2 0 (AIR) (GAS)SUPPLY h PRESS. (BARGWlSr) TEMP..DIV. PROOF 0LOCATION 31 OTEFC DESCRIPTION 32 33 0 M A C .USING I0 WUSLE WALLCARBONSTEEL N B E S GAS 0 o=SPACE H E A m @ OCFORAIARM %CSHUTDOWN 0 WATER SUPPLY PRESS..```. m . GR.`. "P. COEFF.``.5) 0 LOADED 0 UNLOADED 1 0 VOLTAGE DIP % 1 flBRATIoN: 14 AREA: 0 CL .TEMPS: MAX.. . DROP PRESS. AP -@ARGXkPa) a TOUIP. GROUP .4b) --``.ln) O KW REQD 0 VOLTS 22 0 SQUIRRELCAGE INDUCTION 0 NEMA DESIGN By: 0 PURCHASER 0 MANUFACTURER 230 SYNCHRONOUS DESCRIPTION 241 0 POWER FACTOR RMD.EXP. EXCITATION: 2'1 TVPEYOTOR: @. ~a*RoHkw NP€ o POS. MEDIUM (WGHkPa 2'6 0 FIELD DISCHARGERESISTOR BY MOTORMFR. RISE -"C ABOVE -"C BY 0 EXTENDED LEADS 0LENGTH m -5 0 SURGE CAPAMORS 52 COPYRIGHT 2003. CORR. TEMP.1. 0 NEO.-`-`. STATOR WINDINGTEMPS 4 1 40 OC FORUM OC FOR SHUTDOWN 4 1 50 WINDING TENP. STD. ~~ ~~ STD-APIIPETRO STD bLS-ENGL L997 m 0732290 05b7370 4bT ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR NO. SHEATH TEMP. "C : 0 WATER S I M MIN. JOB ITEM NO.. TYPE 0 RESISTANCETEMPERANRE DETECTORS: NOPHASE 4 0 FORCEDVENTILATED 0RESISTANCE mn OHMS 4 0 OPEKDWPPROOF SELECTOR SWITCH (L INDICATOR BY: 0 PURCHR. O -c n o-VOLTS "HERTZ O WATER ALLOW.1. 0 MFR 4 0 OPEN MAX. FANS 0 NON-SPARKING FANS 2!O 0 OTHER 0 D. User=.`--- 1O 0 NEMA 0 FULL VOLTAGE 0 VOLTAGE REDUCED % 11 0 AP1541 (5.`. .40) 0 MOTOR ARRANGEDFOR DIFFERENTIALPROTE- 419 0 SYNCHRONOUS RPM 0 SELF-BALANCE PRIMARY CURRENT METHOD 50 0TYPE INSULATION CLASS 0 C. REVISION SI UNITS PAGE 8 OF 9 BY 1 APPLICABLETO 0 PROPOSAL 0 PURCHASE 0 AS BUILT 2 FOR UNIT 3 SITE DRIVEN 4 SERVICE 5 MANUFACTURER 6 NOTE 0 INDICATES INFORMATION BE TO COMPLmDPURCHASER BY MANUFACTURER BY 7 8 MOTOR DESIGN DATA MOTOR DESIGN DATA(CONTD) 9 APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: STARMG (5. RISE "C 0 MAX. DETECTOR 1SPACE HEATER LEAD8 416 BASIC DATA: 0 IN SAME CONWIT BOX 41 7 PHASE o VOLTS 0 IN SEPARATE CONDUIT BOXES 4B 0 NAMEPLATE SERVICE FACTOR HP (5. -0 NON-HAZARDOUS 0 STANDARD NEMA O 15 O A L T .C..``. O AMB. "C. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.. 2 U TEMPERATURE SWITCH: OYES ON0 1 0 WEATHER PROTECTED. DATA SHEET DATE NO..`.`. . [7MODEL 37 MAX. W.`````. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.) 39 ACCELERATION TIME (MTR ONLY O RATED VOLT. MFR.`.T. O FULLVOLTAGE 8 95% SPEED % 0 MFR. & LOCKED ROTOR (SYN..``. O PULL-OUT 0 MTR.T. LINE CURR. (GAS) (AIR) -m& PRESS. TO MT MTR.) BRWGWWN(1ND.``. MAINT.) INSPECTION SHOP O O 26 (SYN. IN STATOR ONIST SUP CYC.) X 0 SUPPUEDBY 36 KVA.) WEIGHT Ws): 18 EFFICIENCYF. FOR(MOUNTED BY ) FOR W A C & TElGF MOTORS: 9 BY 0 SURGE CAPACITORS (MOUNTED 1REQD. 51 SUPPLIED BY 53 COPYRIGHT 2003. 0 COMPR. R PER 0 DOMESTIC 0 EXPORT REQUIRED 0BOXING EXPORT 44 0 OUTGOOR STORAGE OVER3 MONTHS DISCHARGE 45 FIELD O OLTAGE FIELD EXCITATION 46 RATED REMARKS: 47 EXCITATION RESISTANCE FIELD OF O 25°C OHMS O FULL LOAD& RATED P. RISE ..T... 20 CURRENT (RATED VOLT. 50 EXCITATION FIELD RHEOSTAT c]FIXED RES'TR REQD.-`-`. PRESS.L 244 L li2 L ROTOR WEIGHT MAX.```. User=.`--- 25 PUU-UP (IND) PUU-IN (SYN..A P I / P E T R O STD bL7-ENGL L777 H 0732290 0 5 b 7 3 7 1 3Tb H ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR NO. SHOP TESTS O O 28 OPEN CIRCUIT TIME CONSTANT (SEC. FOR AMMETER ( M O U M D BY ) REQD.`. DATA SHEET REVISION NO. . ERECTION W. MAX.L WEIGHT SHIPPING WEIGHT 244 L NET li2 L 19 PWR. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`.) 24ROTOR STARTING LOCKED mMESS --``..MAX.): FACTOR F. ~ S T D .W.. JOB ITEM NO. LOAD . FOR AMMETER REQUIRED: OIL LUBE mhO (BARG)(kPa) 4 0 DESCRIPTION TOTAL SHAFT END FLOAT 5 MAIN CONDUIT BOXSUED FOR LIMIT END FLOAT TO 6 0 MAINMOTOR LEADS 0 TYPE ROTOR MOTOR OOSSPOULTI D 7 0 INSULATED 0 NON-INSULATED MOTOR HUB SOUD 0 0 SPLIT 8 0 C.TIME (MTR & LOAD O 85% RATED VOLT..): NULOCKEDROT.) 2 0 LIGHTNING ARRESTERS BEARING N P E LUBR. 'C DROP (BARG)(kPa) 1 1 0 C.`. 0 PURCH.(IND.WATER COOLING mlh 10 0ARRESTERS (MOUNTED LIGHTNING BY ) C. 48 EXCITATION FIELD AMPS 49 EXCITATION FIELD AMPS MIN. MFR.'PROTECTION SDIFF. BASED ON MTR SATuRAnoN O RATED 13 0 AIR RLTERS: VOLTAGE 14 num Ol-fpE 0 SPEED VS TORQUE (ALSOO % RATEDVOLTAGE) - 15 n MANUFACTURERS DATA 0 SPEED VS.) PULL-OUT NEMA PER TESTING O O 27 MFR. STD. mm 12 0 SPACE FOR STRESS CONES CURVES REQD. (IDENTIFY) 21 LOCKED ROTOR POWER FACTOR DIMENSIONS(MILLIMETERS): 22 START) L W H LOCKED ROTOR WITHSTAND TIME (COLD 23 TORQUES (Na): NULOAD SHOP INSPECTION AND TESTS REQUIRED (SYN. 3 0 C. RF" (IND...) SEC 0 MANUFACTURERS STANDARD 41 ROTOWFIELDWK2 O MTR SHAFT( N M ) O LING FACING 42 ROTATION STARTSOF 43 NO. MAINT.) TEST IMMERSION O O 29 SYMMETRICAL CONTRIBUTION TO 30 TERMINAL FAULT SPECIAL TESTS (UST BELOW) 30 AT 1R CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES O O 31 REACTANCES: SUB-TRANSIENT wd) O O 32 TRANSIENT(X'd SYNCHRONOUS&) O O AC.) SEC PAINTING 40 ACCEL. TEMP.STATOR OHMS RESISTANCE 33 O OC O O 34 RATED KVA COUPUNO: 35 KVA INRUSH O FULL VOLT.F. HALF 38 (SYN. POWER FACTOR 16 0 SPEED VS CURRENT MANUFACTURER 17LOAD FULL FRAME NO. DATE SI UNITS PAGE 9 OF 9 BY r 1 ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT(CONTD) MANUFACTURER'S DATA(CONTD. Y 37 PROCESScoMRok (5. 4 SERVICE MODEL5 MANUFACTURER (5.12 4 L 4.1.1) TO 0 BYPASS OMANUAL om0 10 VARIATION 0 SPEED FROM TO 11 oOTHER 12 SIGW 0 SOURCE 13 0 TYPE 14 0 PNEUMATIC CONTROL FORRANGE: RPM o PSlG 8 RPM O PSIG 15 0 OTHER 16 0 SPECIAL PURPOSE( IBFE"% ig 50 51 54 --``..``.1.37) 0 GENERALPURPOSE (3. JOB ITEM NO.`````.1. CUSTOMARY UNITS 1 PAGE OF 9 BY 1 J A p P u c m E ~ oOPROPOSAL OPURCHASE OAS BUILT DATE REVISION 2 FOR 3lsm SERIAL NO.2.10.1. DATA SHEET INQUIRY NO. ORDER PURCHASE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR REQUISITIONNO...l) 6 NOW 0 INDICATESINFORMATIONTOBECOMPLETEDBYPURCHASER 7 OPERAllNG CONDITIONS c 8 CONDITIONS (5.4) . Ibs/MIN (WET)(DRY) I I I .```.39) 0 DRYSCREW(3. . American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.`. 14 15 ~ C O N ~ O N S : 0 COMPRESSOR N IL E TFLANGE 0SILENCER INLET FLANGE COMPRESSOR INLET FLANGE 29 [7BHP REQUIRED (ALLLOSSES INCL) 30 C]SPEED(RPM) 31 PRESSURE RATIO(R) ?2 0VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY(%) 33 OSILENCERAP 3 40 3s 0 P E R ~ M A N C Ec u m NO.38) 0 WEIGHT FLOW.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003..`. U.6) 0FLOODEDSCREW(3.S. User=.7) 0SEPARATOR (4.-`-`.7PSIA 8 W F DRY) (3..1..2) OTHER MAXIMUM NORMAL 9 AIL DATA ON PER UNiT BA= A (3 (4.13) B C I D 10 I I I 11 0 CERTIFIEDW N T (4 12 0 GAS HANDLED ( A L S O SEE PAGE2) 13 0 MMSCFDBCFM (14. ROTARY-TYPE DATE POSITIVE NO.1.`.5..1....``.9) 17 0 CONTINUOUS 0 INTERMITTENT 0 STANDBY(3. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`. NO. 1. ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENTCOMPRESSOR . 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 --``.``..2) 0 REMARKS I 3 M.`.`````. I I 11 1 1: 1.-`-`.. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. SEE SPECIFICATION 385 0 WlNlFRlZATlON REQD..0002 MICROBAR 38 0 RANGEOFAMBIENT TEMPS.S.W.1.4..: APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: 39 BULB DRY BULB WET API 619 POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT ROTARY COMPRESSORS 40 SITE RATED OF 0 ACOUSTIC 41 NORMALOF 0 MOTOR 42 MAXIMUM "F 43 MINIMUMOF 44 UNUSUAL CONDITIONS: 0 DUST 0 FUMES PAINT'ING 45 o OTHER 0 MANUFACTURERS STD. 46 0 OTHER 47 48 SHIPMENT: (6.1.- Jc)B NO..1.```. 317 0 ELEVATION FT..`. CUSTOMARY UNITS PAGE 2 OF 9 BY - 1 NOR- 2 ANALYSIS GAS 0 MOL% 0 D CMAL MAX- MUM B A CONDITIONS OTHER I (5. 0 TROPlCALEATlON REQD.`..1) A9 O mMEsnc 0 EXPORT 0 EXPORT BOXING REO'D 50 0 VENWR HAVINGUNITRESPONSIBILITY: (3. ITEM NO.42) 0 LONG TERM STORAGE MONTHS FOR 51 52 REMARKS: -53 55 COPYRIGHT 2003. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584..``. User=. BAROMETER PSlA dB R E 0.. . REVISION U. DATA SHEET DATE NO. ACOUSTIC HOUSING 0 YES 0 NO 3IGISITEDATA LEVELSOUND dB 8 Fr.13) 31 O l N D o o R 0 HEATED 0 UNDER ROOF 0 APPLICABLE TO MACHINE 32 O O U l D O O R 0 UNHEATED O PARTIAL SIDES SEE SPECIFICATION 33 OGRADE 0 MEZtANlNE 0 0 APPLICABLE TO NEIGHBORHOOD 34 0 ELECTRICALAREA CLASS GR -DIV..`.`--- 22 23 24 2'5 26 2'7 2'8 2'9 I I 3O LOCATION: (4.15) NOISE SPECIFICATIONS: (4.. TEMP. OPER. -0NO- S OROTORS.) SPAN !6 MATERIAL OClAoDlNG (4. 'F MIN. ARE4 (IN.. User=.2.1. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.3.) 17 COOLE0 INlERNALLY UNCOOLED KI 19 R E " ia 56 COPYRIGHT 2003. 0 TEMP SENSORS (4.7) 19 !O I 18 OWBRATION: ALLOWABLE LEVEL (PEAKTO pw<) TEST SITE 7BUFFER GAS FLOW (PER SEAL) NORMAL MAX. n oPEwnw.1. (GAUDAYLSEAL) 17 0 TYPE BUFFER GAS (4.9. .1.LOBESMALE FEMALE MFR. MAX MIN. OORY OFLOODED.DEFLECTION (IN.) . D TypEFABRlCATlON NUMBER OF PADS Il MATERIAL PADMATERIAL 12 MAX.. STD*API/PETRO STD b17-ENGL 1777 0732290 05b7374 0 0 5 ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR JOB NO.3) ROTOR LENGTH TO MAMETER m o (m) 0 TC ORTOTYPE 15 ROTOR CLEARANCE (IN. DATE US.6. TYPE SPUT D OCASINO: MATERIAL !4 MODEL 7RADIAL BEARINGS:(IDENTIFY HIGHEST LOADED BEARING) (4. (3.) THICKNESS BMNELL HARDNESS.) CORR ALLOW (IN.1.~/ UQUID NO.9) 9 OROTAWN..`.7.) PAD MATERIAL B ~MAXALLOWABLEWORKPRESS. (3.ALLow.2) 2 MAX. UTAPERED C]CYLINDRICAL(4.``.1.6.6) 14 C]TORSK]NALCR~CALSPEEDB (4. ACT.``. ROTORON PADS -OR BEWEEN PADS !8 T!41CKNESS (IN.: #/MIN O #/MIN O PSI PSI !1 3 BEARING HOUSINO: (4.) DIA O COUPUNG (IN.? LOADING (PSI): ALLOW.8) V DIAMITER (IN.TEMP. DATA SHEET REVISION NO.38 4.`..`.1.-`-`.4) CRITICAL 16 SECOND 2 INNER OIL LEAKAGE GUAR.72) 0 TYPE 15 FIRSTCRITICAL RPM 0 SEAL SYSTEM TYPE(4.5.1. WELD STRENGTH (PSI) TVPE BABB1l-r (IN. *F O T C ORTDTYPE I4 COOUNGJACKET OYES ON0 NO PER BR0 Is RADIOGRAPHQUAUN 0.9) AREA (IN.6) CAL 6 FIRST SHAFT SLEEVES: --``.3) M MAX.`--- UNDAMPED 7 DAMPED 0 AT SHAFT SEALS MATL 8 SHAPE MODE 9 LATERALCRITICAL SPEED BASIS - IO 0 DAMPED UNBALANCE RESPONSE ANALYSIS 2TIMING GEARS (4.41) RPM MATERIAL ~ ~~~ ~ 3 MAX.221 RF" SHAFT END.8) I CASINGSPLIT NP€ (IN.`.5.```. ITEM NO..): TYPE LOCATION K1 NO.19) TRIPRPM (3...1.18) PSlG TYPE BAEBllT (IN. ALLOW.9..5) 5 0LATERAL cRlncAL SPEEDS (4. SPEED DIA Q ROTORS (IN.`````.) 4ALLOWMIN.. CUSTOMARY UNITS PAGE 3 OF 9 BY 1 OSPEEDS: 2SHAFT: (4.52) Il 0SHOP TEST PITCH UNE MAMETER TYPE (IN.l? OTHER N P EANALYSIS: (SPECIM MATERIAL 13 [7POCKETPASSINGFREQUENCY: Hz SHAFT SEALS: (4. CONT.? D TYPE (PSI): LOADING ACT.. OPER. SPEEDS TIP FPS B MAX.(3.6.) NO PER BRG OACT~VE UINACTIVE 18 MAX.VIEWEDFRWCOUPRESSOR DRIVENEND: n c w o c c w INTEGRAL) (SEPARATE.(-1) I T H R V S T BEIRH(0: (IDENTIFY HlQHEST LOADED B-1 (4. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.) THICKNESS $0 REUD VALVE SErllNG PSlG II MARGIN FOR A c c u M u m n m PSlG 12 TEST PRESHYDRO S HEUUM (PSIG) 0 TEMP SENSORS (4. . 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. ONLY COMP.`.7) HORIZONTAL ADJUSTINGSCREWS FOR EQUIPMENT SUITABLE FOR COLUMN SUPPORT(5.3..10.10.2.`.8.COMPRESSOR ITEM NO..5. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.. HALVES SPACE REQUIRED LIMITED END FLOAT REQ'D OMPRESSOR 0 GEAR 0 DRIVER HOUSING BRG. BETWEEN 8 SEAL CONSTR..3) 0 COMMON(4. . STD-API/PETRO STD bL7-ENGL L777 0732270 05b7375 T'4L W ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENTNO. 0 UNDER 0 OTHER BRG.10.S. JOB DATA SHEETDATE NO..2.5) 0 OIL COOLER (4.4: j 8 k) MILS 0 TIMEDLY. REVISION U.5.10.``.`.3) SUITABLE FOR PERIMEFER SUPPORT LUBE OIL SYSTEM (4.`.10..8) 0 CARRYOVER (4.```. User=.``.4) 0 OIL FILTER (4. - 57 --``.8.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. 0 ALTERNATE SYSTEM LUBE (4.5. 0 OPEN BETWEEN SEAL 8 GAS 0 SUBPIATE (5.6) 0 OIL SEPARATOR (4.-`-`.10..5.5) 0 HEATER (4.1) 0 INSTRUMENTS (4.4) O DEDICATEDSYSTEM TOTAL NO.`````. CUSTOMARY UNITS 4 PAGE OF 9 BY 0 IN ACCORDANCE WITH: API 670 OTHER (SPECIPI) 0 OSCILLATOR-DETECTORS SUPPLIED BY 0 MONlTOR SUPPLIED BY CE WITH: API 671 MOUNT CPLG..10.10) 0 614 LUBE OIL SYSTEM(4..10. MAX #IHR 0 TORSIONAL ANALYSIS REPORTREWIRED (4. PROBES. PSlG DESIGN PSI0 0 VENDOR'S REVIEW 8 COMMENTS ON PURCHASER'S PIPING 1' 7 RETURN MIN. NORMAL #"R 0 LATERAL ANALYSIS REPORT REQUIRED (4. .32) L2 HYDROSTATIC O 0 O o SEALS 0GASKETS.`````.`. DATA SHEET REVISION NO.6)419TEST SOUNDLEVEL O 0 O 6ib TANDEM (6.9) 5i2 FULL-LOAD TEST O 0 O O 0 O -59 RESIDUAL UNBALANCE CHECK (4.4.8) O 0 O 4B CHECKBEARINGS AFTER TEST (6. W.11) 19 INSTRUMENTA I R 0 OPTICAL ALIGNMENT FLATS REQUIRED ON COMPRESSOR. OF -PSI0 -'F 9 ELECTRICm SHUT. EQUIPMENT O 0 O (6. -PSIG -OF .3.-`-`. O F .3.3.3..3. STD*API/PETRO STD bL7-ENGL L777 0732290 056737b 988 m ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR JOB NO.1..11) 18 WATER SOURCE 0 VENDOR REPRESENTATIVE OBSERVATION AT THESITE (4. O O O 4L6 DISASSSEMBLE-REASSEMBLE COMP. PSlG -*FCOMPR.4.3.3. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. ROTORS: DRNER GEAR 4 NORM -PSIG -OF ..7) 5i l AUX.3) O 0 O (6.3.4) O O O BL' PERFORMANCE TEST (GAS) (AIR) (6.4..4.1) REQD WITNESS OBSERVE 0 SPARE PARTSTO BE SUPPUED (7. 417 #l'ER TEST (6. ETC. OF MAX.1) O 0 O (6.7.2) O O O R LESS 319 COMP. User=. CONSOLE S. H - 113 PHASE "" 114 COOUNG WATER HSCEUANEOUS: INLET 1'5 TEMP.4. CONSOLE 6 EXHAUST MIN. *F MAXRETURN 'F 0 RECOMMEND STFl4lGHT RUN OF PIPE M A BEFORE SUCTION NORM 16 PRESS. PSlG :!O MAX PRESS PSI0 GEAR 8 DRIVER :!1 TOTAL UTluTy CONSUW" 0 PROVISIONFOR WATER WASHING BEFORE OPENING CASING 5!2 COOUNG BY I!3 STEAM.```. PSlG ... 414 SEISMIC TRANSDUCERS & MONITORS O 0 O 415 PRESSURE COMP. O-RINGS 4!3 HEUUMLMK(6.5) :!5 INSTRUMENTAIR SCFM 0 PROVISIONS FOR TORSIONAL PICKUP ON CASE :!6 HP CONDENSATE REMOVALEQVIPMENTREQUIRED 5!7 HP (AUXILIARIES): HP o YES ON0 :!8 SILENCERS FURNISHED BY '8 IO SHOP NSPECllON AND TESTS: (6.4. h AXIAL DISP. FOR MAINrENANCE (IDOVnn) 7 NORM -PSlG .2) O O O 0 ROTOR ASSEMBLY (6..6) 2!4 Sl€AM.. 0SPACE REQUIREMEFC~S(FEETL INCHES): 1IO DRIVERS HEATING CONTROL DOWN COMPLETE UNIT L.3) 0 0 O 0 OTHER: BW CASING LEAK TEST (6. L. BASE 3 MIN. CUSTOMARY UNITS PAGE 5 O F 9 B Y - 1UTI~cONMnoN~ WE mfi (LBS): 2 s THEATING E A M DRIVERS DRIVER GEAR COMPR.O.72.3.233 11 SHOP INsPEcnoN (6.3.83) O 0 O 0 2 YEARS SUPPLY 15 MECHANICAL RUN SPARE ROTORS (6. O O O 4LUBE SHOP D USE h SEAL SVSTEM O O O 4ll USE JOB WBE 6 SEAL SYSTEh4 (6.4.`--- 1I2 HEKL? "" S.O.``.3) 58 COPYRIGHT 2003.3.. CONSOLE: L-W.`. . DATE U. W.4. OF -PSIG -'F TOTAL SHIPPING WEIGHT 8 "PSlG .3.`. PSlG . PSlG MAX ALLOW PSIA P 8 FOUNDATION (4. H- "" --``.4.7) O O O 412SHOP VIBRATION USE PROBES. H - 1I1 VOLTAGE LO.5) O O O 0 START-UP/CO"ISSIONING 414MECHANICAL RUN (6. -PSlG -OF . O 0 O 413 USE JOBWB.4. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.3.1. OF LO.3.9. INLET -PSlG .4.``. T IE MNO. TO FULL OPER.3.7.`.1) O O O LEIIIARKS: 1B COMPLETE UNIT TEST (6.4.S. FSIG -'F COMPR UPPER CASE 5 MAX.1.. PRESS. CONTROLOIL A P no DO 40 LUBE OIL SUPPLY O0 00 COUPLING OILA P O0 00 41 SEALOILPUMP DISCHARGE 0 D O MAIN STEAM IN n o no 42 SEAL OIL FILTER A P 00 O0 1ST STAGE STEAM O0 00 43 SEAL OIL SUPPLY (EACH LEVEL) -00 O0 STEAM CHEST 00 00 44 DIFFERENTIAL SEAL OIL O0 O0 EXHAUST STEAM O0 00 45 REFERENCE GAS 00 00 EXTRACTION STEAM O0 00 LINE46 BALANCE 00 O0 STEAM WECTOR O0 00 EDUCTOR 47 SEAL 00 00 COMPRESSOR SUCTION O0 CIO SEAL 48 BUFFER n o CIO COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE no u0 49 O0 O0 O0 00 59 --``.3.3. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.6) SIZE MFR. ITEM NO.4. SIZE 8 TYPE: 30 0 TACHOMETER (5.. CUSTOMARY UNITS PAGE 6 OF 9 BY VENDOR MUST FURNISHALL PERTINENT DATA FORM I S SPECIFICATION SHEET BEFORE RETURNING.1.```. SIZE 8 TYPE 18 0 LEVEL GAUGES MFR.1.`. 8 TYPE: ES: 26 0 THERMAL RELIEF MFR.27) FUNCTION MOUNTED (3.4.4. DATA SHEET DATE NO. SIZE & TYPE: 24 0 CONTROL VALVES MFR S E & TYPE: 25 0PRESSURERELIEF VALVES (5.. STD*API/PETRO STD bL7-ENGL L797 m 0732270 0 5 b 7 3 7 7 8LY M ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR JOB NO.3. User=.14) PANEL (3. SIZE & TYPE: SWITCHES 21 0 DIFF.`. POINTS MODEL & NO..1) RANGE MFR. SIZE a TYPE: 34 Mm. SIZE 8 TYPE: GAUGES 19 0 DIFF..12) AREA C u s s m c A n o N : 2 W1614 0 YES 0DIVISION NO GROUP CLASS 3 MOTOR CONTROL& INSTRUMENTVOLTAGE 4 CYCLES PHASE VOLTS S AUUM & SHUTDOWN VOLTAGE: 6 CYCLES PHASE VOLTS OR Dc 7 B LOCAL C O W L PANEL: (5. CONTROLOIL O0 00 39 LUBE OILPFILTER A 00 00 GOV.4.13) 9 FURNISHED BY: UVENDOR PURCHASER DOTHERS 10 U F R E E STANDING OWEATHERPROOF OTOTALLY ENCLOSED u(TRA 11 0 v l B w n o N ISOLATORS STRIP HEATERS [7PURGE0 CONNECTIONS 12 ANNUNCIATOR: FURNISHED BY: VENDOR PURCHASER 0OTHERS 0 13 ANNUNCIATOR LOCATED ON LOCAL PANEL MAIN CONTROL 0 BOARD c] 14 n CUSTOMER CONNEmONS BROUGHT om To TERMINAL BOXESBy VENWR 15 INSTRUMENT SUPPLIERS: 16 0 PRESSURE GAUGES (5. PRESSURE & TYPE: 22 0 TEMPERATURE SWITCHES MFR.. SIZE 8 TYPE: 20 0 PRESSURE SWITCHES Mm.1. FLOW 28 0 GAS 8 TYPE: 29 0 VIBRATION EQUIPMEM: MFR..3. REVISION U.``. SIZE 8 TYPE: SWITCHES: 23 0 LEVEL MFR. SIZE &TYPE 27 0 SIGHT INDICATORS: FLOW (5. MANUFACTURER 1 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS: (5.`.1...14) PANEL(3. ITEM NO. PRESSURE MFR.2) MFR.S. SIZE a TYPE: 35 NOTE: 0 SUPPLIEDBYVENDOR 0 SUPPLIED BY PURCHASER 36 REQUIREMENTS PRESSURE GAUGE LOCAL LOCALLY LOCAL LOCALLY 37 FUNCTION MOUNTED (3. .4..4. SIZE a TYPE: OR. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.27) 38 LUBE OIL DISCHARGE PUMP 00 O0 GOV. 8 TYPE VALVES31 0 SOLENOID MFR.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. SIZE & TYPE 32 OANNUNCIATOR MFR.``.`````. 33 Mm. SIZE & T Y P E 17 0 TEMPERATURE GAUGES (5..4) MFR.3.4.-`-`.`.7) Mm. " 0 GEAR VIBRATION " 31 0 0 HISEALOILLEVEL " 0 0 GEAR AXIAL POSITION " 32 0 o LOWSEALOILLEVEL 0 0 COMPRESSOR MOTOR SHUTDOWN " 33 0 HI SEALOIL PRESSURE o TRlPaTHFlo~VALVEsHln " 34 c] 0 LOWSEALOILPRESSURE 0 0 HI TURB.`````. LUBE ANWOR SEAL OIL RESERVOIR. . STEAM SEALLIMAGE " 35 [7 0 AUX...`.14) PANEL (3. LUBE OIL PUMP START " 0 0 HI DRIVER THRUST BRG..MOUNl€D ON LOCAL PANEL 23 0 0 ALARM HORN (L ACKNOWLEDGMENT SWITCH 24 ALARY L SHUTDOWN SWITCHES: (5. " 36 [7 0 AUX. SEAL OIL PUMP START " 0 0 HI COMPR THRUSTBRG TEMP.. 46 ALARM AND SHUTDOWN SWTTCHESS W BE SEPARATE. User=.. JOB NO.-`-`.```. E M NO.1. D W N TRAPS 8 S. 44 YISCELUNEWS 45 0 INSTRUMENT TAGGING REQUIRED.(COOLER) O COMPRRESSORAP " 38 0 0 HI LIQUID LEV.O. O0 0 0 5 JOURNAL BEARING COMPR. DATA SHEET REVISIONNO.1.`. DATE U.. O0 D O OIL SEAL OUTLET D O 0 0 6 JOURNAL BEARING DRIVER D O 00 COMPRESSORSUCTION 00 0 0 7 BEARING JOURNAL GEAR D O 0 0 COMPRESSORDISCHARGE 00 00 8 COMPRESSOR BEARING THRUST D O c30 OIL RESERVOIR LUBE 00 00 9 THRUST BEARING DRIVER O0 O0 Cl0 O0 --``. TEMP. CUSTOMARY UNITS PAGE 7 OF 9 BY ~ ~____ ~~~~ ~ ~ VENDOR MUST FURNISHALL PERTINENT DATAFOR THIS SPECIFICATION SHEET BEFORE RETURNING. EACH SEAL OILRETURN UNE 15 0 0 LEVEL GAUGES. " W O 0 HISEALOILOVTLETTEMP. " 0 0 TURBINE A" msmm " 30 0 0 LOW SEAL OIL RESERVOIRLEV. (COOLER) 00 " 41 SmrCHCLOSURES: 41 ALARM CONTACTS SHALL 0OPEN CLOSE TO SOUNDALARM AND BE NORMALLY [7ENERGIZED 0 DE-ENERGIZED 42 SHUTDOWN CONTACTS SHALL OPEN 0CLOSE TO TRIP AND BE NORMALLY 0ENERGIZED 0 DE-ENERGIZED 43 NOTE NORMAL CONDITIONIS WHEN COMPRESSORIS IN OPERATION. TEMP. 47 PURCHASERS ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENT CONNECTIONS WITHIN THE CONFINES THEOF BASEPLATE AND CONSOLE SHALL M BE: BROUGHT OUT TO TERMINAL BOXES.. OVERHEAD TANK 16 0 VIBRATIONAND SHAFT PoslnoNPROBES 8 PROXIMITORS 17 0 VIBRATION ANDSHAFT POSITIONREAEOUT EQUIPMENT 18 0 v l B w n o N READOLIT LOCATEDON: c]LOCALPANEL SEPARATEPANEL OWINBOARD 19 00 TURBINE SPEED PICKUP DEVICES 20 0 0 TURBINE SPEED INDICATORS 21 0 0 TURBINE SPEED INDICATORS LOCATED ON : LOCAL PANEL J-r 0MAIN BOARD P 0 REMOTE HAND SPEED CHANGER.`--- 10 BEARING THRUST GEAR 00 O0 D O Do 11 MISCEWNEWS INSTRUMENTA-.1.1) PRE- 25 FuNCnoN ALARM TRIP FUNCTION ALARM TRIP 26 0 0 LOWLUBEOILPRESSURE 0 0 COMPRESSORVIBRATION " 27 0 HI LUBE OILRLTERA P 00 COMPRESSOR AXIAL PoslnoN " 28 0 O HISEALOILFILTERAP 0 0 TURBINE VIBRATION " 29 0 0 LOW LUBE OIL RESERVOIRLN.`. OUTLET . MANUFACTURER 1 ITEMPERATWE GAUGEREQUIRWEN~S 2 LOCAL LOCALLY LOCAL LOCALLY 3 FUNCTION MOUNTED (3.27) FUNCTION MOUNTED (3. ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR NO. 0 0 MADE DIRECTLY BY THE PURCHASER 49 COMMENTS REGARDING INSTRUMENTATION 60 COPYRIGHT 2003. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.S.O. EACH JOURNAL THRUST BEARINGQ EACH COUPLING OIL RETURN UNE (L 14 0 0 SIGHT FLOW INDICATORS..`. SEPARATOR O0 " 39 0 COMPRESSOR HI DISCH.S.``.1.4.. 12 [7 0 DRIVERSTAATETOP 0LOCAL PANEL SEPARATE PANEL 0MAIN BOARD 13 0 0 SIGHT FLOW INDICATORS. JOB ITEM NO.14) PANU(3..27) 4 LUBEOILDISCHARGEFROMa O D O COOLER INLET OIL 6. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.SUCT.4. " O0 " 40 0 0 HI LUBE OIL OUTLETTEMP.``. `--- d SERVICE L !5 MANUFACTURER (6 NOTE: 0 INDICATES INFORMATION BE TO COMPLmD BY PURCHASER 0MANUFACTURER BY 7 B MOTOR DESIGN DATA MOTOR DESIGN DATA(CONTD) 9STIFITWG: APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS: (5.1.`. 0 MFR.1.5) 0 LOADED 0 UNLOADED 1'2 0 O VOLTAGE DIP % 13 SITE DATk VIERATKM 14AREA: 0 CL . EXTATION I l TYPE MOTOR (5. GROUP . RISE OF 0'FMAX.T. STD-APIIPETRO S T D bL7-ENGL L777 M 0732270 05b7377 h77 ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR NO.. User=. TYPE 0 RESISTANCE TEMPERATURE DETECTORS NOPHASE 41 0 FORCEDVENTILATED 0 RESISTANCE MATL n OHMS 42 0 OPEN-DRIPPROOF SELECTOR SWITCH8 INDICATOR BY: 0 PURCHR. MEDIUM PSI0 !6 0 FIELD DISCHARGE RESISTORBY MOTOR MFR..1.TEMP.``.`. COEFF. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.`. COEFF. H20 !9 ENCLOSURE (5.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.k) 0 BEARING TEMP DEVICES D oclnss . TEMP. FANS 0 NON-SPARKING FANS !O 0 OTHER 0 D. PSI0 NP€ 0 POS. 0 AMB.49) 0 MOTOR ARRANGEDFOR DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION 49 0 SYNCHRONOUSRPM 0 SELFBALANCEPRIMARY CURRENT METHOD 50 0 INSULATIONC M S TYPE 0 C.S. UNITS PAGE 6 OF 9 BY . 43 0 OPEN MAX. MNDMOTEMPERATURE DETECTORS: 37 AND FOUL FACTOR 0 THERMISTORS: NOJPHASE 38 0 (AIR) (GAS) SUPPLY PRESS.1. GR. MIN "F.STD. SHEATH 36 0CORR.`````. EXP. TEMP. 390 TEMPERATURE SWITCH: OYES 0 NO 40 0 WEATHER PROTECTED.. -O NON-HAZARDOUS 0 STANDARD NEMA O 15 0 ALT. DESCRIPTION 51 0 TEMP. ITEM JOB NO. PROOF 0 LOCATION 11 0 TEFC 0DESCRIPTION 12 - 0 TEWAC GASUSING 0 TEIGF. -FT. 0 EXPLOSION-RESISTANT NON-PURGED !7 0 WOUND ROTOR INDUCTION 0 FORCED VENTILATION !B 0 OCFM IN. 0 ENCLOSED COLECTOR RINGS !5 EXCITATION 0 BRUSHLESS 0 RING SUP 0 PURGED PRESS. SUPPLY WATER OF KW 0-VOLTS HERTZ PHASE 35 0 WATERAU0W.`....DIV. STATOR WINDINGTEMPS MO OF ALARM FOR SHUTDOWN OFFOR 45 o WINDING TEMP.-`-`. 0SET e.```.C.. MIN. .4b) 11D 0 NEMA 0 FULL VOLTAGE 0 REDUCED VOLTAGE 16 11 o A P I 541 (5. SIDE IN. 0 NEG. PSlG PRESS. NOISE 16 UNUSUAL CONDITIONS: 0 DUST 0=ES 0 STANDARD NEMA O 17 0 OTHER ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT 18 ORNE SYSTEM: 0 DIRECT CONNECTED 0 BASEPLATE 0 SOLEPLATE 0 STATOR SHIFT 9 0 GEAR 0 Mm... .``. REVISION CUSTOMARY U.A P -PSI a TEMP. F'. WATER ALLOW.DROP PRESS. OF ABOVEBY-OF 0LEADS EXTENDED 0LENGTH Fr. SHEET DATA DATE NO.1. OF FOR ALARM OF FOR SHUTWWN 33 0 M)UBLE WALL CARBON STEEL TUBES 0 SPACE HEATERS 34 0 TEMP. RISE . I APPLICABLE TO: 0 PROPOSAL 0 PURCHASE 0 AS BUILT ? FOR UNIT 3 SITE DRIVEN --``. 52 0 SURGE CAPACITORS 61 COPYRIGHT 2003.4) W REQD 0 VOLTS 2 0 SQUIRREL CAGE INDUCTION 0 NEMA DESIGN BY: 0 PURCHASER 0 MANUFACTURER !3 0 SYNCHRONOUS DESCRIPTION !4 0 POWER FACTOR REQD. DETECTOR& SPACE HEATERW D S 46 BASIC D A T k 0 IN SAME CONDUITBOX Z PHASE 47 o VOLTS 0 IN SEPARATE CONDUIT BOXES 48 0NAMEPLATE SERVICE FACTOR HP (5.TEMPS MAX. (IDENTIFY) 21 LOCKED ROTORPOWER FACTOR DIMENSONS (RET81INCHES): 22 L W H LOCKED ROTOR WITHSTAND TIME (COLD START) 23 TORQUES (FT-LBS): FULL LOAD sm)P INSPECTIONAND TESTS 24 STARTING LOCKEDROTOR (SYN.-`-`. OF STARTS PER HOUR Ow s n c 0 EXPORT REQUIRED 0BOXING EXPORT 44 ~~ 0 OUTMX)R STORAGE OVER3 MONTHS ISCHARGE 45 FIELD OHMS O TAGE FIELD 46 RATED EXCITATION D. WEIGHT (LBS): 18 EFFICIENCI: F.L Y4 L 1/2 L WEIGHT SHIPPING WEIGHT NET 19 PWR. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584...): FULLLOCKEDROT. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.) TEST IMMERSION O O 29 SYMMETRICAL CONTRIBUTION TO 30 TERMINAL FAULT: SPECIAL TESTS(UST BELOW) 30 AT 1R CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES O O 31 REACTANCES SUETRANSENT (x'd O O 32SYNCHRONOUS TRANSIENT(XJ (W O O 33 AC..WATER COOUNG 10 0ARRESTERS BY LIGHTNING (MOUNTED 1 RISE TEMP.) RPM LOAD FULL FRAME NO.) PER TESTING O O 27 Mm.S. SID.`. 50 MCITATIONFIELD RHEOSTAT FIXED RES'TR REQD.W..PSIDROP 11 0 C. 0 51 SUPPLIED BY --``.) % 0 SUPPUEDBY 36 KVA 0 FULL VOLTAGE S 95% SPEED % o Mm. -"F PRESS..): FACTOR Y4 L 1R L ROTOR WEIGHT MAX.`. 20 CURRENT(R4TEDVOLT.C. MAINT.``. " DATA SHEET NO.) REQUIRED WITNESS 25 WU-UP (IND) PULL-IN (SYN. REMARKS: 47 RESISTANCE EXCITATION FIELD OF 02 5% OHMS 8 FULL LOAD8 RATED P.'S FOR DIFF. 48 EXCITATION FIELD AMPS 49 EXCITATION FIELD AMPS MAX. Q PULL-OUT o MTR Mm.. SHOP TESTS O O 28 OPEN CIRCUITTIME CONSTANT (SEC. ~~ ~ ITEM -~NO.) 2 0 UGWMINGARRESTERS BEARING: N P E LUBR. MFR. 3 0 C. IN STATOR ON 1ST SUP CYC. -SCFM PRESS.``.. 0 COMPR.F. MAINT.`. STD=API/PETRO STD bL7-ENGL L777 m 0732270 05b7380 309 m ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR JOB NO. C. F.) 39 ACCELEMTlON TIME (MTR ONLY B RATEDVOLT. FOR AMMETER GPMREQUIRED OIL LUBE B PSlG 0 DESCRIPTION TOTAL SHAFT END FLOAT 5 MAIN CONDUIT BOX W E D FOR: 41 LIMIT END FLOAT TO 6 0 MAIN MOTOR LEADS O TYPE: MOTOR ROTOR 0 SOLID 0SPLIT 7 0 INSULATED 0 NON-INSULATED HUB: MOTOR U SOPSLO I TL I D 8 0 C. LOAD ..) SEC PrnNG: 40 A c c E L n m (MIR 8 LOAD Q m% RATEDVOLT. MIN. FORBY (MOUNTED AMMETER 1 (AIR) (GAS) REQD.`--. PROTECTION (MOUNTED BY FOR TEWAC a TEIGF MOTORS: 0 SURGE 9CAPACITORS (MOUNTED BY GPM 1REQD.`.`````. BASED ON MTR SATURATION B) RATED 13 0 AIRFILTERS VOLTAGE 14 UMFR ON= 0 SPEEDVSTORQUE (ALSO B) .T.L (IND. STATOR RESISTANCE OHMS B 'C O O 34RATEDKVA ~ couPuNG 35 KVA INRUSH B FULL VOLT. nMoDEL 37 MAX UNE CURR.. TO MT MTR HALF 38 (SYN. POWER FACTOR 16 MANUFACTURER 0 SPEED VS CURRENT 17 (IND. . 0 PURCH.) NEMA(SYN. CUSTOMARY UNITS PAGE 9 OF 9 BY ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT (CONT'D) MANUFACTURER'S DATA (CONTD. 4 2 ROTATION 1 43 NO. WT. 62 COPYRIGHT 2003. % RATEDVOLTAGE) 15 n MANUFACTURERS DATA 0 SPEED VS.. User=.T. ERECTION W. S LOCKED ROTOR (SYN.) INSPECTION SHOP O O 26 BRWCWWN PULL-OUT (IND.T. IN H& 12 0 SPACE FOR STRESS CONES CURVES REQD. REVISION DATE U.```. MAX.) SEC 0 MANUFACTURERS STANDARD 41 ROTOWFIELDWK2 Q MlR SHAFT (LB-FF) O NG FACING. .``..```..`..E N G L L777 M 0732270 0 5 b 7 3 8 l 245 --``. .`.`. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101..`. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584..``..`--- APPENDIX B-MATERIALS ANDTHEIR SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROTARY COMPRESSORS (INFORMATIVE) 63 COPYRIGHT 2003.. User=.`````..-`-`.. S T D = A P I / P E T R O S T D b l 7 . 00 -20 500 Ductile iron ASTM A 395 Cast -28.56 343.410.89 -20 750 Steel AISI 1040-1050 -28.33 -75 650 Steel.00 426..56Forged 343.89 260.33 -275 650 Stainless Steel ASTM A 240Types 304.56 343.`.44 343.33 50 650 (fabricated) Steel ASTM A5 I6 Grade 55 (without impact test) -28.304.89 -20 750 Steel ASTM A 352 Grade LCB Cast -45..56 3 15.00 -1 343.CF8M cast -195.355.56 343.33 -75 650 Stainless steelPH ASTM A 564..`. 2-3% Ni ASTM A 352Grade LC2 cast -73.22 -20 450 (-0 Gray iron ASTM A 278Class 40 cast -28.56 343.CF3M.33 -320 650 Shaft Steel AIS1 1030-1035 -28.33 -160 650 Steel ASTM A 537 wrought -59.33 -320 650 Titanium ASTM B 367Grade C3 or C4 Cast 45. 4 5 % Ni ASTM A 352 Grade LC4 Cast 15.56 Cast 260.``.89Forged 398.22 -1 343.00 Wrought 343..00 -20 500 Austenitic iron ASTM A 436 Type II -45.00 343.89 Wrought 343.44 343.33 -175 650 stainless steel ASTM A 351 GradesCF3.56 343.56 343. User=.56 260.89 -50 300 Casing Steel ASTMA285GradeCorA515Grade55 10. A850..89 Cast 232. CHEMICAL.`. 316.35 -28.`.33 -20 650 Steel AIS1 41404145 -28.30.33 -20 650 Steel ASTM A 5 16 per ASTM A 593) Wrought Grade 55 (impact tested 45.``. S T D . American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. Temperature Limitsof Application OC OF cificationMaterial Component MaximumMinimumForm MaximumMinimum Casing Gray iron ASTM A 48Class 20.```.56 343. B850 cast -195.33 -320 650 Shaft Aluminum ASTM B 26 Alloys 443.56 343.56 343.-`-`.67 -175 800 Steel AISI 2320 Forged 12.56 148.33 -100 650 Steel. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 65 Table B-1-Materials and Their Specificationsfor Rotary Compressors CAUTION: This table is intended as a general guide.33 -1 75 650 Nonmetallic tetra. .89Forged 398.56 -320 600 Labyrinth' Babbitt ASTM B 23 Cast -195.15-5.416.89 -50 m ZirCOniUm ASTM B 495 Grade R60702 45. Molded -195.89 -20 750 Steel AISI 4340-4145 Forged -1 15.33 -75 650 Steel ASTM A 353 Wrought -195.56 260. 3 4 % Ni ASTM A 352Grade LC3 cast -101..Alloy 2OCb Wrought -195.89Forged 343.304L.1 I 343.89 260.00 -320 500 Steel ASTM A 216 Grade WCB normalized cast -28.33 -320 650 Stainless steel honeycomb .`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.... Fabricated -195.316L.A P I I P E T R O STD b19-ENGL ROTARYTYPE POSITIVE DISPUCEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.89 398.56 343.33 -320 650 Stainless steel ASTM A 743 and 744 CA6-NM cast -195.00 -320 500 fluomthylene ('IFE) --``.00 -50 500 Austenitic iron ASTM A 57 Type 1 D2M cast -195.33 -320 650 Monel Alloy400 ASTM B 164 Class A Wrought -1 15.33 343.33 -320 650 Steel ASTM A 553 Type Ior II Wrought -170.316.33 -170 650 Steel ASTM A 470Class 7 -45.44 343. 9%Ni ASTM A 522 Type I Forged -195.56 176.`````.56 cast 148..67 343.33 -50 650 Steel ASTM A 203 Grade orAB Wrought -59.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.33 -75 650 Steel ASTM A 203Grade Dor E Wrought -106.33 -150 650 Steel.33 -50 650 Stainless steel ASTMA 151 Type41OSS Forged -59.33 -50 650 Steel.67 -320 350 seal Stainless steel AISI Type 403.44 343.303.17-4 PH Forged -59. CF8.850. 321 Wrought -195. It should not be used without a knowledgeable review of the specific services involved. 89 260. 66 API STANDARD 619 Table B-1-Materials and Their Specificationsfor Rotary Compressors CAUTION: This table is intended as a general guide.89 343. 9% Ni ASTMA522TypeI -59..33 -320 650 Steel Pulsation ASTM A 5 16-65madc to A593 45.11’ -158 Steel ASTM A 203 Grade E (3 IL? Ni) made to A593 -101.33 -20 650 seal sleeves stainless steel ASTMA 564-15-5. COPYRIGHT 2003.`--- Aluminum ASTM B 26 Alloy 355OR C355 -195..56 -50 Steel ASTM A 333 Grade 7 (2 114 Ni) -73. Temperature Limits of Application OC OF Material Component Specification Form Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Nonmetallic carbon .33 -320 650 Stainless steel ASTM A 151 Type410 SS -195.44 343..56 -320 Steel ASTM A 333 Grade 1 (siliconkilled cast steel) -45.00 -65 500 filled TFE Rotor body Steel AIS1 1030-1045 -28.``.00 -20 500 Gray cast iron ASTM A 48 Class 358 -28.44’ -757 Steel ASTM A 203 Grade D (3 IL2 Ni) made to A 593 -101. .22 -20 450 F l u e n coating .-`-`.89 398.89 -1 75 750 and labyrinth Stainless steel AIS1 Type403 or410 -28. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.33 -100 650 Monel U 00 AMS-4676 -1 15.56 148.56 -50 Steel ASTM A 333 Grade 6 (siliconkilled cast steel) -45.33 343. 9% Ni ASTMA522TypeI -195.```.11’ -15P stainless steel ASTMA167Types304and316 -195.33 -1 75 650 Steel.56 343..89 -175 750 Steel..89 398. User=....`. Molded -28.89 -20 750 Steel AlSl4130-4150 -28.00 343.`.`.22 -20 450 shaft sleeves Steel Als1 4340 -1 15.00 398.89 -20 750 Steel AIS1 43304345 -1 15.174 PH -73.44a -752 Steel ASTM A 203 Grade B (2 114 Ni) made to A 593 -59.00 -20 filled TFE Nonmetallic mica .89 232. -28.It should not be used withouta knowledgeable reviewof rhe specific services involved.`.00 398..89 232.`````.w -9 daices Steel ASTM A 5 16-70 made to A 593 -45.89 260..56” -5P Steel ASTM A 203 Grade A (2 114 Ni) made to A 593 -59.``.56 343.1 1 -1 50 srainless steel ASTMA312Types304and316 -19556 -320 aMMustbe impact-tested for the operating t em.33 -1 O0 Steel ASTM A 333 Grade 3(3 1R Ni) -101. -53. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.33 -75 650 --``.89 -320 300 Ductile cast iron ASTM A 395 -28.89 260. .``.`````. S T D . .``....-`-`.. User=..```.`. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101...`.`.`..A P I / P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL L777 m 0732270 05b73811 T 5 4 m APPENDIX &TYPICAL VENDOR DRAWING AND DATA REQUIREMENTS (INFORMATIVE) --``. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`--- 67 COPYRIGHT 2003.. I I I vendor from Final-Received 1 vendoß from Due 1 I vendor to Review-Returned DISTRIBUTION I RECORD Review-Received vendor from 1 I I I Review-due from vendof .-`-`. I Reviewb Vendor shall furnish copies and transparencies of drawings and data indicated. ITEM NO. I ~~ I Finalb Vendor shall furnish copies and transparencies drawings of and data indicated. bPurchaser will indicate in this column the time frame for submission of materials using the nomenclature given at of thetheend form.```...`.``. CBidder shall complete these two columns to reflect his actual distribution schedule and include this form with his proposal...``. I I I I I l I l l DESCRIPTION aProposal drawings anddata do not haveto be certified or as-built.. User=.. DATE INQUIRY NO. DATE DATA REQUIREMENTS PAGE 1 OF 2 BY FOR REVISION SITE UNIT SERVICE --``..`. I I Vendor shall furnish operating andmaintenance manuals. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584..`````..`--- ProposalaBiddershallfurnishcopiesofdata forallitemsindicatedbyan X. DATE VENDOR DRAWING AND REQUISITION NO.`.API/PETRO STD bL7-ENGL L777 m O732270 0 5 b 7 3 8 5 970 m ROTARY TYPE POSKIVE DISPUCEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PEFROLEUM. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.. ~~ STD. CHEMICAL.`. DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR PURCHASE ORDER NO. COPYRIGHT 2003. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 69 ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE JOB NO.-. . see “Description” below.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`. REV NO.``. ITEM JOB NO- 2 BY COMPRESSOR VENDOR DRAWING AND DATA OF . . American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.-`-`.```. appropriation. 4. and item numben.. I I I I vendor Final-Received from 1 vendor“ from Due I I DISTRIBUTION Review-Returned to vendor 3 I I RECORD Review-Received from vendor 1- Review-Due from vendor“ I I I I I I I l i l DESCRIPTION 46. Notes: 1. Presetvation. REQUIREMENTS ______ ~ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ Proposala Biddershallfurnishcopiesofdatafor all items indicated byan X. 2. All drawings and data must show pmjcct...`````. sProposal drawingsand data do not haveto be certified or as-built. 3...`. All of the requested information indicated above shall be received before final payment will be made. Send alldrawings and data to Nomenclature: ..`.``. Vendor shall furnish operating and maintenance manuals. For a detailed explanation of drawing and data requiremtnts. purchaseorder.2. in addition to plant loeation and unit.S-numkr of weeks prior to shipmnt -F-numberof weeks after fim order . bPurchaser will indicatein this column the time frame for submission of materials using the nomenclature given at the end of this form. I Revie+ Vendor shall furnish copies and transparencies drawings of and data indicated.D-number of weeks after receipt of approved drawings Vendor Date VendorReference Signanue (Signature acknowledgesreceipt of all insauctions) COPYRIGHT 2003... I ~~~~~ ~ Finalb Vendor shall furnish copies and transparencies of drawings and data indicated. cBidder shall complete these two columns to reflect his actual distribution schedule andindude this formwith his proposal. STD*API/PETRO STD bLS-ENGL 1997 H O732290 05b738b 827 m 70 --``.and shipping procedures Bearing babbitt strengthversus temperature curves 48.`.2. Pennissionto proceed with manutäuure without purchaser’s w i e w of drawings is defined in the purchase order andlor7. Material Safety Data sheets 47.. 5. One set of drawings/insrmctonsnecessary for field instalkion must be forwarded with shipment in addition to copies specified above.`--- API STANDARD 619 ROTARY-TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT NO. User=.2. packaging. c. water. centers of gravity. maintenance clearances. b.. --``. . Seal-oil assembly drawing and list of connections. 3.`. Control. g. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. d.. Dimensioned shaft end@) for coupling mounting(s). 5.API/PETRO S T D bL9-ENGL L997 m 0732290 O567387 7b3 m COMPRESSORS FOR P€lROLEUM. d. CHEMICAL. Bill of materials. and trip settings. Concentricity (or runout) tolerance. 4. Instrumentation.`. b. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. 6. c. Utility requirements including electrical. Arrangement including size. Thrust-collar assembly details including: 1. Each lobe end. Rotor assembly drawing including: a.`--- 4. and drain tanks: 1. and orifice sizes.. D i d o n of rotation. valve. and location Of all customer connections. User=. Dimensions of baseplates (iffurnished)complete with diameter. e. STD. Axial position from active thrust collar face to: l. Cross-section and bill of materials. Surface finish requirementsfor collar faces. 10.Lobeclearances. Pipe. Heat loads. Required torque for locknut. f. liming gear clearances. Approximate overall and handling weights. Completed data forms for pumps and drivers.-`-`. 2.`. Joumal-bearing clearanees and tolerance. 3. 5. Phase angle notch. and derails for foundation design. Seal assembly drawing and bill of materials. rating. Each joumal bearing centerline. and normal liquid levels.Rotor float (axial). including allowable misalignment tolerances. Maximum. and recommended clearance. Control valve Ç h. Location of silencers (if furnished). 2.. and locations of bolt holes and thickness of metal through whichbolts must pass. Coupling faceor end of shaft b.. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVlCES ROTARY TYPEPOSITIVE DISP~ACEMENT 71 Description l. and control schemes. 2. 4. Coupling assembly drawing and bill of materials. 8. 9. and dismantling clearances. e. b. d. Fabricationdrawings. 2. f. Certified dimensional outline drawing including: a. c.`````. safety devices.. c. minimum... 3. 3. Cross-sectional drawings and billof materials including: a. c. Overall dimensions. Seal clearances (shafi and intcmd labyrinth) and tolerance. number. 5. Preheat method and temperature requirementsfor “shrunk-on” collar instdlation. Collar-shaft fit with tolerance.. 7. Certified dimensional outline drawing. alarm. e. Pumpsand driven: l . Shaft centerline height. Steady-state and transient oil flows and pressures. Coolers andfilters: COPYRIGHT 2003. 3. and location of all customer connection. Overhead tank. Bill of materials. rating. reservou. and air. Size. Each radial probe. Mechanical seal drawing and bill of materials. Journal bearing assembly drawing and bill of materials. Seal-oil component drawings anddata including: a. 4.. b. d. Seal-oil schematic including: a.```.. g. Designcalculations.``. 2. Thrust-bearing assembly drawing and bill of materials.`.``. d. Gauges. c. 4. Mechanical seal drawing and bill ofmatera is l. alarm. Supply temperature andheat loads. for gears and gear-type couplin@î.```.. Graphic display ofbearing and s u p p t stiffness and its effect on criticalspeeds. 15. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. b. 21. Fabricationdrawings.rating. and air. Both curves shall be shown onthe same sheet. minimum. Lateral critical analysis including a Methoduscd.. 3. c.`. and dischargetemperahue versus compmsion ratio and speed shall be shown for each casing. Controllers. d. Utility requirements including electrical. Instrumentation: 1.and trip settings. safety devices. 2. S T D * A P I / P E T R O STD bL9-ENGL L997 0732290 0 5 b 7 3 8 8 bTT m 72 API STANDARD 619 1. Oil separator arrangement drawing: a outline drawing. Instnunentation: l . b. Number of te&. d. filters. and orifice sizes. C. on --``.``. User=. and location ofall customer connections. and controlschemes (including slidevalve if applicable).including load inertia wherean electric motordriver is supplied. Cross-section and bill of matera isl. Lube oiltemperatun waming and shutdownlimits..`. Fabricationdrawings. Certified dimensional outline drawing. and memoir: l . Lube-oil assembly drawing includingi e. Completed data forms for pumps and drivers. c. Speed versus torque curve. 4. 11. Completed data form foraler(s).. 5.including steady-state and use point. 2. Inlet capacity.water. Controlvalves. 18. b. switches. Completed data form for cooler@). Control. pipe. and 105percent of rate4lspeed. g. Coolers. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. Controlvalves. c.-`-`. Number of pockets. and n d liquid levels in reservoir.`. switches. 3. valve. Controllers. 16... 3. Gmphic display of rotor responseto unbalance. 17.100. Electrical and instrumendon arrangement drawing and listof connections. ASME code calculations. b. Comp~sorswith variable speed driven shall have cuves for 80. 4. 14. 13. 20.. f. 2. Electrical and instrumentation schematics including: a Vibration warning and shutdown limits.`````. Maximum. sz 12. 2.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.. 2. 19. Bearing temperatllrewarning and shutdown limits. Vibration analysisdata including: a Number of lobes.`. Control valve C. Billofmaterials. b. includingthe following: a. e. Graphic display of overhung moment and its effect c riticalspeed. d. 3. b..90. Performance curves for cenhfugal pumps. c. .. Steady-state and transient oil flowsand pressures. Lube-oiUcontrol-oil schematics and bills of materials.``. Gauges.brake horsepower. Injection-system schematic and transient flows and pressures at each bill of materials. Lube-oil component drawings anddata including: a b p s anddrivers: 1. Derails of intemals. Instrumentation. Outlinedrawing. Allowable flange loading(s) forall customer connections including anticipated thermal movements referenced to a defined point. 36.`. 34.. c. As-built dimensions anddata including: a. CHEMICAL.7. but not limited to. Shafts. 23. c. Weld procedures for fabrication and repair. 4. Thrust-bearing axial runout f. 32. e. Each bushing seal component..``. Observed critical speeds (if any). c. Eachrotor. Each journal bearing.A P I / P E T R O S T D bL9-ENGL 1797 0732270 0 5 b 7 3 8 9 5 3 b m ROTARYTYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. 3.. Graphic display of mass-elastic system. Eachlabyrinth. 2. Metallurgy and heat treatment for: l . Rotor combined mechanical and electrical runout in accordance with4. S T D . Methodused. Bearing metal temperatures. Thrustcollar. gas leak test logs. Oil Bows. Transient torsional analysis for all synchronous motor-driven units. 27. 5. b. Thrust collars. Rotor balancelogs. tape recordings of real-time vibration data. 3. Pivotclearance. d. Pad clearance.`. but not limited to. --``. Graphic display of exciting sources (molutions per minute). journal bearing. and seal clearances. including a residual unbalance F.`. d. the following: a. Mechanical run testlogs including. Padangle. including cold and msient alignments and recommended misalignment limits during operation. 29. When specified.. Stiffness and damping coefficients. Vibration. b. Intercoolers/aftercoolers drawings anddata including: a. 4. b. Silencer drawingsand data including: a. . ASME design calculations. 33. Each labyrinth bore. g. includingX-Yplot of amplitude and phase angle versus revolutions per minute duringstartupand coastdown. Tilting-pad geometly and configuration: 1. 2.. Journal static loads..```. Tabulation identifyingthe mass moment torsionalstiffness for each component in themass elastic system. 30. pressures. As-built datasheets.``. Graphic display of torsionalcritical speeds and deflections (modeshape diagrams)..6. 26. 25. 24. Torsional criticalspeed analysis including. and materials of construction.-`-`. An alignment diagram. c.3. f. Each journal-bearing inside diameter. Preload. the following: a. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. pressure losses. Thrust bearing. Outlinedrawing. repolt in accordance with Appendix 31. Each seal component. User=.`````. d. 35.. b.`.. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 73 e. Performance test logs and r e p t in accordance with ASME PTC 9. Nondesuuctive test procedures and acceptance criteria data sheets or the as itemized on the purchase order Vendor Drawing and Data Requirements form.Hydrostatic test logs and 28.. e. Shaft or sleeve diameters at: l. e. 22. 2.and temperatures. 3. Hardness readings (whenH2Sis specified in process gas).`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. Data sheets including dynamic insertionlosses for each octave band. g. Performance data including: I. 4. Curve showingincremental power outputversus watedsteamsystem injection rate (optional).3. Disassembly and reassembly ofthrust beating. operating limits. Rotor unstacking and restacking procedures. Electrical and instrumentation assemblydrawings and list of connections. and testing schedules for allmajor components. Wheel reblading procedures.Grouting details. Piping recommendations. other operating restrictions. Planned and au al dates and the percentage completed shallbe indicated for each milestone inthe schedule. Rotor mechanical and electrical Nnout at each journal. component weights. 8.5. Certified dimensionalo & i h w i n g and listof connections. Operating and maintenance manuals describing the following: a starr-up. Hydrostatic test logs. including anchor-bolt locations. g.4). j. Installation manual describingthe following (see7. Disassembly and reassembly of rotor in casing. 7. f. d. k. As-built data sheets. Curve showing output-powershaft speed versus toque. ~ 6. User=. As-buiit data. e. 9. Composite outline drawings for the driverldriven-equipment train. 4. including: 1. 3. Disassembly and reassembly ofseals (including maximum and minimumcleannces)..`. Wecvical andinstrumentationschematicsand bills of materials. Coupling alignment diagram (per item 25 above). per item27 above. 6. h.`. Curve showing ambient temperature versus site rated power. Routine operational procedures. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. 4. in accordance with7. Curve showingcertified shaft speed versus site rated power. Lube-oil component drawingsand data IO. purchasing. 6. 11.. --``. Progress reports and delivery schedule.. 7. f. h. Setting equipment. .-`-`. and a list of undesirable speeds from zero to trip. per item 28 above. 38. Vibration analysis data. Heat-rate correction f a a o (optional). 4. 2. Spare par& list with stockinglevel mmmendations.Instructionsfor: l .the instructions shall include gdno-go dimensions with tolerancesfor three-step plug gauges).Foundationplan. Trip and throttle-valve construction drawings. b. Emergencyshutdown. 3. d. buyouts and milestones... 2. 3. Disassembly and reassembly ofthrust collar. M . including assemblycl-ces. manufaauring. Physical and chemicalmill certificates for critical components.`--- 7. 39. Rotor assembly drawiigs and bills of materials. Boring procedures and toque values.```. Drawings and data including: 1. including allowable flange loads. Mechanical running testlogs. Thrust-bearing assembly drawing and bill of materials. Cross-sectionaldrawing and bill of materials. 5. Rotor balancinglogs. COPYRIGHT 2003. including vendor engineering. c. Dismantling clexances. Test logs of all specified optional tests. 13. &-built dimensions or data.6. Disassembly and reassemblyof journal bearings (for tilting-pad bearings.. Lubeoil recommendations and specifications. including recommended inspection schedules and procedures. Seal-component drawing and bill of materials.b e a r i n g performance data i.3. 40. per item 30above. Lube-oil schematics andbills of materias. Rocedures for any special or optional tests (see 6.and tripsystem data. STD-API/PETRO STD bL7-ENGL L977 0 7 3 2 2 7 0 0 5 b 7 3 9 0 258 74 API STANDARD 619 ~ 37.per item 31 abox.. g. 8.`.``. and lifting diagrams.`````.2): a. per items 20 to 23 above. 6. Normal shutdown. 8. b. Lube-oil assembly drawing and list of conneCti0nS. 5. Governor and control. 3. rigging procedures. 5. c. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.3.. 12..``. 2.. Storageprocedures. Joumal-bearing assembly drawings and bills of materials. 2.`. e. 5.The reports shall include 41. ``. User=.List of special tools furnished for maintenance (see 5... Bearing babbitt strength versus temperature curves.`--- Wccupational Safety andHealth Administration. Certified performance curves per item 29 above. As-built assembly clearances. 44. Reports per items 21.. Drawings in accordance with 7.29.30... CHEMICAL.2. Technical data manual. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.. 48.`. ROTARYTYPE POSITIVE DISPUCEMENTCOMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. including all major components thatwill ship separately. D..`````. 47. List of drawings. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. includingthe following: a. f. Vibration data per item 20 above. --``.3.`. 45.. g. h.28.`. c.packaging.`.25. AND GAS INDUSTRY SERVICES 75 42.S. API data sheets.3. d. b. .22.20402.. and 43. U. Preservation. Spare parts list in accordancewith 7.. COPYRIGHT 2003. e. and shippingprocedures. Material SafetyData S k u (OSHAt4Form 20).23. As-built purchaser data sheets per item32 above.``.5. Department of Labor.C. Washington.9).```. 46. and 31 above. Shipping list.-`-`. including latest revision numbers dates. however. eral pupose.8 The purchaser’sconnectionsshownarebasedona console arrangement.andD-9D representdesigns TC temperature controller which permit alarm and trip switchesbetoisolated for testing TCV direct-acting temperature control valve while the system is in operation. 77 --``. AS air supply Note:The default oil system for dry screw compressors is an API 614 special ES electric supply purpose oil system (Paragraph 4. PY relay in pressure control loop SS steam supply D.1GeneralNotes isused. user-specified alternative to FG flow gas D. Box 12277. these control valves may PDCV direct-acting differential-pressure control valve be of the self-contained type without external connections. Where applicable and when permitted by the pur- chaser.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.l The schematics presented in this appendix illustrate the general philosophy and requirements of this standard and typify commonly used systems for dry screw compres- D. hydraulic. PD1 pressure differential indicator PDSH high-differential-pressure switch D..`````..thepurchasermustmakeadditionalconnections among the separate groups.``. LSHH very high level switch trated show pneumatic transmission.```... LIC level-indicating controller mitters (pilot operators) with suitable separate control valves L-P low pressure shall be substituted for the direct-acting control valves shown LSH high-level switch on the schematics. appendix. actual transmission shall LSL low-level switch be pneumatic.`.-`-`.4 External control connections are shown on the con- LY relay in level control loop trol valves to illustrate more clearly the intended functionof PCV direct-acting pressure control valve the system. The oil system shown here is a gen.6 Reliefvalveswhosesolepurpose is toprotect PRV pressure-regulating (relief) valve blocked-in equipment (for example.1. S T D ...`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. or electric as specified by the pur. ResearchTriangle Park.`. H-P high pressure trated in Figures D-9A through D-91 and shall apply unless LC level controller otherwise specified.P. LG level glass 0.A P I / P E T R O STD bLS-ENGL L997 M 0732290 05b7392 O20 H APPENDIX D--TYPICAL SCHEMATICS FOR GENERAL PURPOSE OIL SYSTEM (DRY SCREW COMPRESSOR) AND FOR BASIC OIL SYSTEM [FLOODED SCREW COMPRESSOR] (INFORMATIVE) D.3).Astraight-throughpatternmay be PDSLL very low differential-pressure switch used if it is adequate for the required service conditions.O.1. Some of the abbreviations and symbols listed are dor to achieve a system or systems adequate for a particular from ISA15 S5.l.The systems illustratedmay be modified as necessary tions and understanding of the schematics presented in this and as mutually agreed upon by the purchaser and the ven. TI temperature indicator D.`.2Legend for Schematics sors (Figure D-1)and for flooded screw compressors (Figure The following legend is provided to facilitate interpreta- D-2).10.. LSLL very low level switch chaser.1.1. The purchaser shall THERM mark PSV pressure safety (relief) valve outside the relief valve symbol on the schematic when the PV loopactuated pressure control valve relief valve is for protection from thermal expansion only.`..7 FiguresD-9B. these details are illus. The transmitter controller schemes illus.2 Instrument piping and valving details are not shown F0 flow restriction orifice on most of the schematics. the PDSL low-differential-pressure switch mostcommonpattern.When a multiple-package arrangement ISISA. User=. D-9C.North Carolina 27709. PI pressure indicator D. D.5 Relief valves are illustrated as angle-type valves. FCV flow control valve the Ml 614 system.1. LT level transmitter LV loop-actuated level control valve D. .1. equivalent trans.13 When specified by the purchaser or when necessary LI level indicator for the conditions and functions involved. coolers or filters) from PSH high-pressure switch thermal expansion are not shown but shallbe supplied when PSL low-pressure switch specified by the purchaser. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. application.``..1. manual. for actuator ++. with two functions tine. @ "Lettersinside the balloon indicatethe instrument's function.. y-type Valve.`. check --``.`````.. . atmospheric breather Lr' e Valve... differential-pressure diaphragm ' \ Reducerswage or nipple Actuator. tine. three-port. purging valve. two-way actuator-operated d I Flange. with hand jack Piping.. blind. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. rotametertype Instrument: combined arrangement Valve. hydraulic tine.. gateor vabe. solenoid Spectacle blind Connections by purchaser Trap (HOAI Control switch.withhandoff automatic positions * Tubing. diaphragm. gas andoil Actuator. relief Ports failing closed 33 e Instrumenta pad-mounted(flush) hwrument: panemounted FI Ports failing indeterminately FL Ports failinglocked in position ""_ 8 Instrument: single.```.. Manual-reset feature manually operated COPYRIGHT 2003.`.`.capillary (filled system) ØF l Coupling. tine.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. strainer. six-port continuous-flow transfer. User=. electrical F0 Ports failing open +.``. diaphragm Actuator.continuouslylubricated n u Valve..`--- Device. S T D = A P I / P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL L777 m 0732270 05b7373 T b 7 78 API STANDARD 619 D.3 Symbols f Actuator.`.``. or plug Flow indicator. pressure control Instrument: extemalb connected O Instrument: bcaity mounted & FC Valve.. pneumatic Valve.-`-`. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`.. Figure D-2-Basic Oil System for Flooded Screw Compressor COPYRIGHT 2003....-`-`. STD-API/PETRO STD bL9-ENGL L997 E 0732290 05b737V 9T3 ROTARY TYPE POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. User=.. Flooded compressor (Appendix K) i Injection Lubekeal oil (see note) to separator --``.`````.`. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. CHEMICAL.``.`.`.. .```....``.. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 79 Seal oil system for equipment with double module seals mechanical (Figure D-7) (Figure D-8) I ' I 4 u Oil supply header I P v Reservoir Oil returnto reservoir (Figure D-3) Coolerslfilters A Oil pumps (Figure D-6) (Figure D-5) Figure D-l-General Purpose Oil System forDry Screw Compressor Process gasin 1 b ($::1 : I.`--- Coolers/filters Oil pumps (Figure D-6) (Figure D-5) Note: Figure D-7 may be used for flooded compressors with a double mechanical seal. 80 API STANDARD 619 I Slopeddegasificationtray Minimum operating level I " Plugged purge "L " " "_ Altemative arrangement (see Note1) L"_ --``. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. and arranged to provide themaximum residence time.`````. two tapped grounding pads positioned 4. Individual oil returns shall be located away from the pump suction 5 . tube or sloped &gasificationtray arranged to prevent splashingand pro. 12.`. Blind-flanged connectiondrain grounding \ 1 (see Note11) Baffle attachedto stilling tubes and pressurizedoil returns to prevent stirring of bottom sediments (see Note 12) Notes: 1....An internal-type float shall be protected by a staticconducting shield. 8. 1 l .```.`. A blind flange shall be provided for ventingthe reservoir."j Manways I I T T Note 3) Open top / Filter-breather cap (see Note 5) Fill opening with strainer Individual nonpressurized returns (see Note 1) extemal-type float Minimum operating level Pump suction loss level "- Elecm'c Conditioner suction Electric heater (see Note 8) connection Pump suction-I- connections Twotapped~c ( U Steam heater (see Note 1O) \ \. "D<1I -I -I . For nonpressurized gravity oil return lines and fill openings. this vent shall be piped to a safe location by the purchaser.-`-`. User=.. a stilling 6. For seal oil 9. . No ex.. spare connection.`--- k n See Note 4 I .`. Figure D-3-Oil Reservoir COPYRIGHT 2003.. Option D3d: The purchaser may specify an oil conditioner suction reservoirs.``.. Option D-3e:The purchaser may specify a steam heater. Option D-3f: When specified. Purge and ventconnections shall enter the top of the reservoir. A filter breathercap is notpermitted on a reservoir containingseal oil. tension tubesor seals are permitted. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. Option D-3b The purehaser may speeiry a siphon breakerwhen an oil vide r e l e a s e offoamandgas is required for every return inlet and conditioner suction connectionis specified. diagonally to each other shall be provided.. 7. 2. connection...`. and other pressurized oil returns in addition to thespare top connection. Option D3a: The purchaser may specify a particular oil conditioner IO. Option D-3c:The purchaser may specify an electric heater. 3.``. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. The purchaser may specify an electric heater.`..-`-`.. - --``. User=. . The purchaser m a y also specifya low-low (LSLL) level trip switch. 3.``. Coalescers oil drain I. Note 4 I Oil conditioner return I I See Note 1 il conditioner supply ' I " """_ "" Electric -1 heater- ! I See Note 2 " /-- / - / / breaker Notes: l . AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 81 Discharge gas outlet connection See Note 3 -i.. The purchaser mayspecify an oil conditioner.``. Figure D-4--0il Separator COPYRIGHT 2003. STD... 4.. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.`... The separator may be either vertically or horizontally oriented.`. 2.`. 1 from compressor(s) I - I I J Minimum operating level I Oil drain hole See >-It..```. Internal float-type switches shall not be used.`````.API/PETRO STD blS-ENGL L777 m 0732270 O5b737b 77b ROTARY TYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. CHEMICAL.`--- Impingement plate 4 I Oil fill " 4 Baffle \ I I l - Gas and oil 41 .. S T D - A P I / P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL L797 m 073Z270 05b7397 h02 m a2 API STANDARD 619 - To downstream equipment L To start / LIndividual See Note2 return lines to reservoir --``,,,,,``,,``,`,,`````,,```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- See Note 3 * or separator Pump running W 1 7 G L See Note 7 ” ” 7 Return line to reservoir or separator x Pumpsuctionh resemir or separator Notes: 1. The pressure relieving valve and the dm-acting bypass pres- 6. m o n D-5d For positive displacement pumps,the purchaser sure control valvecircuit are omitted for centrifugal pumps. may specify an auxiliary emergency suction l i from the reser- 2. Option D-5a: The purchaser may specify a bypass valve to voir to the main or standby pump. start. 7. A main oil pump may not be required for flooded system 3. Option P 5 b The purchaser mayspecify an additional switch where the separator pressure is sufficientto circulate the oil. In to start the standby pump (seeFigure D-5). such cases,the supplier shall furnish a start-up circulation pump. 4. Option D-5c: The purchaser may specify a standby pump. 8. The direct-acting bypass control valveis a pressure differential 5. For centrifugal pumps, the line strainers are omitted and tem- control valve whenused in a flooded compressor oil system (i.e., porary screens are provided. a system witha pressurized oil separator). Figure D-%Primary (Centrifugal or Rotary) Pump Arrangement COPYRIGHT 2003; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. STD.API/PETRO S T D bL7-ENGL 1777 0732270 0 5 b 7 3 7 8 547 m TYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT ROTARY COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM, CHEMICAL, AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 83 _" " " " I r l Oil out Normally open 1 I I -""" F0 I i Note 6 See --``,,,,,``,,``,`,,`````,,```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- See 1 W S e e N o t e 8 L"" Lt-------- ' - -7-""""See Note 8 I Note See See Cooler 1 Cooler Note 7 l 4 Bypass J Normally TI IE?n" Oil in Notes: 5. Option D-k. The purchaser may specifya constant-temperaturethree- l. Option D6a: The purchasermay specify tight shutoff requiring spec- way control valveas an alternative. tacle blinds. 6. Provision may be required to ensure adequate lube- and/or control-oil 2. Option D-6b: The purchaser may specify a high-temperature switch pressure whenthe seal oil supply pressure is low relativeto the lube- and/ (TSH) and/or a low temperature switch(TSL). or control-oil pressure, or to maintain the required oil-pressure differen- 3. Option D-6c: The purchaser may specify a bypass oil line andlor a con- tial above the cooling water pressure. stant temperature control valve temperature controller. 7. Option D-6F The purchaser may specify a standby oil cooler with 4. Option D-6d: If the fail-closed (FC) feature of the direct-acting temper- transfer valve. ature control valve is not acceptable, the purchasermay specify a valve 8. Option D-6g: The purchaser may specify dual 3-way valves (with with a fail-locked (FL) feature. mechanical linkage)as an alternative to the transfer valve. Figure D-&Twin Oil Coolers and Filters WithSeparate Continuous-Flow Transfer Valves COPYRIGHT 2003; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. ~~ ~ STD-API/PETRO STD bL9-ENGL L797 II 0732290 0 5 b 7 3 7 9 V85 I a4 API STANDARD 619 I I See Note 4 See Note 4 8 J Oil return header to reservoir or separator - < < { I Coderfilter module (Figure D-6) Notes: 3. Option D-7a: Switch to a l a m or trip or both. 1. Each direct-acting diffmntial-pressure control valve must be refer- 4. Option D-% Flow restriction orifice. e n d to sense the working fluid pressure acting the at conespondhg me- 5. This figure depicts a rotor with two shaft end-scals. A dry screw com- chanical seal. havewill pressor two such rotors (total of 4 seals). A compressor flooded 2. Block and bypass valves may be omitted if the equipment is spared. will have two rotors, but will only have one mechanical seal. Figure D-7-Seal-Oil Circulation System for EquipmentWith Double Mechanical Seals --``,,,,,``,,``,`,,`````,,```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- COPYRIGHT 2003; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. If required by the motor design.``.. control-oil drains.-`-`.`.`...```.. CHEMICAL.`.all connections shallbe electrically insulated.`--- Notes: -L Oil in L l ... These componentsm a y be located on the gauge board.. . and the like.- Alarm O See Note t z See Note 1 Driven unit c 5\Ttlmt trip Todrain / / main driver See Note 2 --``.`````. as necessary Lube drain header ~ ~~ 4 âi U a m æ (3 - E 3 e! - . 3. 2. ROTARY TYPEPOSTIVE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. Option D-Sa: An oil drain high-temperatureswitch may be specified. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 85 From equipment outer seal drains.``. User=.`. Lube supply header i Figure D-8-Lube-Oil Module at Equipment-Dry Screw Compressors COPYRIGHT 2003. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101... `. .``. a combination block and bleed gauge valve maybe substituted for individual block and vent-bleed valves.`````. See Notes 1-3 F . and Transmitters Alarm@) To reservoir or drain line Note: The block valvemay be locked open. 3. bleed valves maybe omitted. 1 Service line ' --``. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. Option D-9c:This design is intended for cold climates and for pump-running dann switches(high-pressure To reservoir switches).```. or drain line 2.. Option D-9b: Unless otherwise specifiedby the purchaser.`.I 2. Option D-9a: If approved by the purchaser.`. STD=API/PETRO STD bLS-ENGL 1 7 9 7 R 0732270 05b7110L 963 86 API STANDARD619 Notes: 1. The block valve maybe locked open.``.-`-`.. except as specified in Note 2... 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.. block and vent-bleed valves shall be omitted for all instruments in trip service. For services of less than or equal to 14 bar effective(200pounds per square inch gauge)... Option D-3d:The purchaser may specify a block valve.. User=. Figure D-SC-Instrument Piping Details: Combined Instrument System for Low-Pressure Alarms and PumpStart Switches (Alternative Design) COPYRIGHT 2003.`. Switches.. I Service line ' Figure D-SA-Instrument Piping Details: Pressure Gauges.. except for the arrangements shown in Fig- ures D-9B and D-9C or when Note2 applies.`--- Figure D-SB-Instrument Piping Details: Combined Instrument System for Low-Pressure Alarms and Pump-Start Switches nypical Design) Alarm@) Notes: 1. . signals.`--- Signal . Figure D-SE-Instrument Piping Details: Single Pressure Gaugefor Differential-Pressure Use --``. Valve porting shall be as follows: A B Position Connected Closed 1 A.``. C 3. . orifice are foroil Figure D-SF-Instrument Piping Details: Diaphragm Actuator COPYRIGHT 2003. B..-`-`. STD-API/PETRO STD bLS-ENGL B197 m 0732270 05b7q02 8 T T Trip 7 ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT . The devices are receivingthe same reservoir and flow restriction service. blockand vent- bleed valves shallbe omitted for all instruments in trip service. C ? 2 3 B. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser.```.`.. AND GAS INDUSTRY SERVICES Note: The block valve may be locked open.`. *I 2. User=.. a7 ( Service line Figure D-SD-Instrument Piping Details: Low-Pressure Trip Switch (Alternative Design) Notes: 1.. For services of less than or equal to 14 bar effective (200 pounds per square inch gauge). See To reservoir Note 2 Notes: 1.`. C B 2 None A. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.. See note COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. C A It shall notbe possible to connect Port A to Port B. To reservoir or drain line CHEMICAL..``. ex- SeeNote 2 cept for the arrangements shownin figures D-9B and D-9C or when Note 1 applies.. bleed valves may be omitted... American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. A diaphragm actuatoris not required for air signals unless other 2.`````.`. `. .`. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.`... User=. bleed valves may be omit- ted. Indicators. blockand I vent-bleedvalves shall be omitted for all instruments in trip Service.`````.I- - Note: This connection may be added to facilitate cleaning of the level indicator. except for the anangements shown in figures D9B and D9C or when Note 1 applies. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.```.and Board-Mounted Gauges and Switches With Instrument Valves See note .-`-`..`. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser. STDmAPIIPETRO S T D bLS-ENGL L 9 9 7 m 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 05b7'i03 7 3 b m 88 API STANDARD 619 Equipment panel 1 Gauge bad L Instrument 8 Figure D-&Instrument Piping Details: Panel. --``.``.`--- - Figure D-9H-Instrument Piping Details: Externally Connected Level Instruments \ See Notes 1 and 2 Notes: l.. and Transmitters COPYRIGHT 2003. Switches.... For seMces of less than or q ual to 14bar effective (200 pounds per squaxe inch gauge).``.. 1 1 Source B Figure D-9l-Instrument Piping Details: Differential Diaphragm Actuators... 2. S T D = A P I / P E T R O S'TD b L 9 . User=.`--- 89 COPYRIGHT 2003.`.. It is the responsibility of the purchaser and the vendor to verify that the specified standard meets or exceeds the requirements of the standard listedUSA..`.E N G L L777 m 0732290 05b7404 b 7 2 m APPENDIX E-INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS (INFORMATIVE) CAUTION: A listing in the cross-reference table does not imply that the corresponding standardis equiv- alent to the American standard.```..-`-`.``. .. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. under --``.`.``....`. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584...`````.. .`--- Systems Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers API STD 660 Air-cooled Heat Exchangers API STD 661 Vibration. . 281 Bearings 76 Metric Beitrings Boundary ABMA STD 20 5753.`. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.5 Forged Fittings.1 Pipe Threads. GeneralPurpose ASME B 1. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.. CHEMICAL.`.492 6107 Part 3 NF IS0B1515. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 91 Table E-1-International Standards and Referenced Publications International Germany Great Britain FranCe Japan Application USA IS0 DIN AFNOR BSI JIS Shaft Housing Fits and forABMA Memc STD5425 2982. User=...11 Threaded Ductile lron PipeFlangesandFlangedASME B 16.15. 5753 B1515 Dimensions B1514. Axial Position and Bearing API STD 670 IS0 2372 VD1 20% 4675 NFE 90300 Temperature Monitoring Systems IS0 3945 VD1 2059 NFE 90301 Special Purpose Couplings API STD 67 1 General Purpose Gears API STD 677 screw Threads ASMEB 1. B1566 and Radial 5646286-1.`. Ball ABMA 28 STD 9 I Part 5512662 I NF IS0 B1519 B1518.286-2 Part I 5646Part2 Load Ratings and Fatigue Life.1 Fittings Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ASME B 16.``.`.....Bl520 Gears AGMA Classification of Electrical k e a in RP API 5OOA 49 ED-PUBL 5345 Part2 NF-S RIIS-TR-79-1 Petroleum Refineries IEC 79 RIIS-TR-85-1 Sizing.`````.. Selection and Installation of API RP 520 Pressure Relieving Devices Quality Improvement Manual API RP 683 Flanged Steel Safety Relief Valves API STD 526 Form-Wound Squirrel Cage Induction API STD 5 4 1 Motors 250 HP andLager Form-Wound Brushless Synchronous API STD 546 Motors General Purpose Steam Turbimes 1 API1STD 61 132 4312O436 Special Rupose Steam Turbines API STD6l2 Special Purpose Gears API STD 613 Special Purpose Oil Lubrication 48W 24425 API STD 614 10438 --``.20.2983 7 5446 NFE 22396 80401. S T D API/PE’l‘RO ST]) bL1-ENGL 507 m ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT CoMPRESORS FOR PETROLEUM.``..1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged ASME B 16.```. Socket-Welding and ASME B 16.42 Fittings COPYRIGHT 2003.-`-`. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.``.```.501..`..`````. .`. Table E-1-International Standards and Referenced Publications Application Keys and Keyseats ASME B 17.3 Piping Nondestructive Examination ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code Section V RessureVesSels ASME Code Section V111 Division 1 & 2 Welding and Brazing Qualifications ASME Code Section IX Power Test Code for Displacement ASME PTC-9 Compressors. 31..1 chemicalPlant and Petroleum Refinery ASME B 31..3098 Method for Evaluating the MicrostructureASTMA 247 of Graphite in Iron Castings Recommended Practice for Ultrasonic ASTM A 388 Examination of Heavy Steel Forgings Guide for Radiographic Testing ASTM E 94 Reference Photographsfor Magnetic ASTM E 125 Ferrous Castings particle Indications on Method for ControllingQuality of ASTM E 142 Radiog~aphicTesting Practice for Magnetic Particle ASTM E 709 . Vacuum Pumps and Blowers Line Conventions and Lenering ASMEY 14.502..1 4780/1/2 NFP 22471 Code of Japan Wdding Engi- IKmingSOciety Swere Duty TEFC SquinelCage IEEE 841 Induction Motors upto 500 HP Corrosion Resistant Material NACE Requirements Steam Turbines for Mechanical Drive NEMA SM23 service National Electrical Code NFPA 70 f i c l e s IEC 79 NFC 02-205u m c8001 500..2M 128. Exarmnatlon structuralwelding Code-steel AWS D 1. 308 piut 2&3 NFE 04202/203 129.`. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.504 Bala& Classification for Flexible IS0 1940 Couplings Tubular Heat Exchangers TEMA --``..`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.``.`... . User=..-`-`. .: rc: > g o o a s 8 8 3vvu O W N m vim 5 NNOIO ww-- --*m d ddd O 0 0 0 N m N m N m 22'22 r- N S S 3 * x F W r- "m $$F O 0 0 4m U. 4 5 5 --``..-.`.`.``..`. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584...```.`..`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. E m vlr-ww mamm Y 3 -m m N m m 4 li m a 4 Q Em H E E a t. S T D * A P I / P E T R O S T D bL9-ENGL L797 H 0732290 05b71107 381 m W - L O 2 " f. . American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.``...`````. User=..-`-`.. ...-`-`...`.`````. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101..`--- W " " N N N -N S ü ü ü N v) Ifl2'0 m u u õ 2 8 8 % S % % o -1 8 m F O 3 4 u k u= E 5 COPYRIGHT 2003..```.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584..``.API/PETRO STD L29-ENGL L947 m 0732290 05b7408 2213 D --``.`. User=.`.``..`. 'STD.. `. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.-`-`.`. . STD...API/PETRO STD LL7-ENGL L777 m 0732270 O5b7g07 15LI E S E c --``.`--- r" n n v ) m ....```.`.``.0 0 2 z F't $25 z xa m a u n ....``. P S ! m 8 8 8 e e e u u u d d d COPYRIGHT 2003.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. User=.`````.`.. STD-APIIPETRO S T D bL7-ENGL 1 7 7 7 H 0732270 05b74LO 77b m 5 r p si 5 --``.``..... .``. User=....`.`.-`-`..`````. " - VI xa VI I I r? 23 d COPYRIGHT 2003. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`.`..`--- O I- C i? m % o VI d O F x m O N N ? d O E SI 3z .```. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.. õ. N N In . -" . r.`. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101... e m 3 N aa d Ls' 2 a V I O V I O U I n w w r s o U o m m 6 VI m d o 3 3 m N In m o.`. .`````. " " N õ q m --``.``.`.API/PETRO S T D b39-ENGL 3977 0 0732290 0 5 6 7 q 3 38 0 2 O d 3 d N N m VI % % S % m m m m V I I n V I I n N 2 ggg 3 Y "ö??S W N ??S 3.`--- m U X X . O O 0 ? N 2m 2 9 W 3a ax a a m a 0. STD. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.. ..`.. a a a a a a a a a a a a a t-" E E E E E Y a 5 ka ka 5 k d COPYRIGHT 2003.-`-`. m r.. User=..``... ö. õ. . ..```. .. . “ Y Z b a a a u 4 a a --``. User=. (p.``..t.`. . 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.-`-`.`..: W:: ÛI. “ O 0 o m 2 2 6 6 m r- 8 g 5 W 3m 7 O0 S W W W I- C o o m $ $ c c z c O 0 m N F...``.t. $5 ca ca asa q u a E E E E E E .`.. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. STD=API/PETRO STD bLS-ENGL 1797 m 0 7 3 2 2 9 0 05b7q12 749 m l i b d N S N G û m.. t...`.```.`````.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. ..`. S T D .- 5 S v1 eu --``..`. User=.`--- m m m m m m m COPYRIGHT 2003..``..`. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101..A P I / P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL L777 H 0732270 05b7913 h85 D W c O I- o O0 2 ü .-`-`..``. .```.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584..`````.`.. `.API/PETRO S T D bL7-ENGL L797 M 0732290 05b7qL4 5 L L M --``...``. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101..-`-`.``...`.`.`. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`--- 8 P) U E U 9 -2- m SPI VI S m B < U : S S COPYRIGHT 2003. STD...```... User=.`````. .. each at balance plane.5 for eachbalanceplane.2.A completed example is shown in Figure F-2.2.6 Repeatthestepsdescribedin F.or 30-degree) increments .1 Select a trial weight and radius that willbe equiva- lent to between one and times the allowable F.1 The maximum allowable residual unbalance per positions in turn. and checked again. Although some trial weight to any one ofthe marked radial positions.2 Starting at the last known heavy spot in each cor. it shall anced precisely enoughor that the balancing machine is not be expressed in ounce-inches or gram-millimeters.. and record the amount of unbalance indi- plane shall be determined per4. An average of the maximum F. F 5 2 Sequentiallyinstalleachtrialweightatthephase rection plane. The distance of the circle's center from the Ori- therotorhasbeenbalancedtowithinthespecifiedtolerance. angle of unbalancefortherotorbeingtested. All verification shall performed be usingonly F. Thus. Prepare (2 ounce-inches).1 GENERAL and minimum meter readings represents the effect of the F.allowable residual unbalance has been exceeded in any fied by the purchaser) equally spaced radial positions.7.3.42. operate the balancing machine and note the units of rotor with a known amount of unbalance.000 Figue F-3). If thespecifiedmaximum isattachedto the rotor sequentially in six (or twelve.3 MaximumAllowableResidual and Figure F-1. Unbalance F. mark off the specified number of radial posi. If the rotor has been balanced very pre- This appendix describes the procedure be to used to deter- cisely and the final heavy spot cannotbe determined. add the mine residual unbalance in machine rotors.1.)] and 4Urn. If little or no meterreading F. the around theheavy known trial to Addlast the weight spot in one plane.``. Balancing-MachineSensitivity Check F.5.``.4 ResidualUnbalanceCheck spot.3 To verify that an appropriate trial weight has been sure method of determining residual unbalance isto test the selected.42.4. if speci.4. the trial weight should Caux 1. F. --``. If the meter pegs. F.2..`. the calibration can be in error.. Unless otherwise specified. a smaller trial weightshould be used.1 m e n the balancing-machine readings indicate that trial weight. The onlyF. If a correction is made in any balance and the readings in each plane are plotted on a P P h using plane.If this occurs..5 Plot the readingson the residual unbalance work weif#% 29720 (63000POundS) be assumed sheet and calculate the amount of residual unbalance(see to impose a static weight load Of 19360 (3. ~~ STD=API/PETRO STD hLS-ENGL 1777 m 073227U 0567415 458 m APPENDIX F-PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINATION OF RESIDUAL UNBALANCE (INFORMATIVE) F.Recordthe tions (six or twelve) in equal (60. cated on the meter for each position.```.`````.4.440 to 2.880 trial weighs for U " l c e factors of '/2urnanr 1uma*2urnax. Little or no meter Residual unbalance is the amount of unbalance remaining reading also generally indicates that the rotor was not bal- in a rotor after balancing.3. the plotted readings should form an approxi- mate circle (see Figure F-4).1 Usingthe maximumallowable residual unbalance residual unbalance [that is. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. balancingmachinesmaybesetuptoreadouttheexact amount of unbalance.`. trial weightis added at the rotor's heavy spot. the minimum reading occurs when the trial weight is opposite the heavy F...42..2.4 Locatetheweightateachoftheequallyspaced F.4. is 1. planes.`.4. The maximum meter reading occurswhen the pounds) on each journal. the residual unbalance check shall be repeated in all Specified procedurethe F. sensitive enough.4.assumethatthetotalrotorweightisequally sup ported by the bearings* For a mebearing rotor F. unbalance indicated on the meter. User=.5 F.32 If the actual static weight load on each journal is not one sensitivity range on the balance machine. gram-millimeters (2 to 4 ounce-inches of unbalance.440 gram-millimeters (urna) determined for the specific rotor being tested. rotor is removed from the balancing machine.The check is run in each COrrection Plane. the balancing machine can be checked for sensitivityby using the procedure outlined in F.ginofthePolarPlot represena the residual unbalance in aresidualunbalancecheckshall be performedbeforethethatPlane. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. Repeat the initial posi- tion as a check.2.a known trial weight F. the rotor shall be balanced more precisely the same m%us. if u.`--- F..2 PROCEDURE F.-`-`.`.2 To checkresidualunbalance.1 through e F. ...l Scope rotor.4. F-1 balancing-machine readings on the form shown in Figure 101 COPYRIGHT 2003.4..2 Definition results.2. known..4. a largermal weight should beused. 5.Performthesensitivitycheckatthebalancingmachine's not sensitive enough..`. Figure F-l-sensitivity Check Work Sheet --``..4 Thefollowingthreeoptions are available whenresults Then draw a best-fit straight line through the four points.) If the line inter- sects the vertical =is abve I/~U-.`.-`-`.ax.. ing machine is sensitiveenough. I U. the balanc.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. rotor the and should be the and repeat the sensitivity rebalanced using the residual unbalance verification proce- b. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.. highest allowable speed.. F.. If of the balancing-machine sensitivity check are unacceptable: the line intersects the vertical axis below l/zU.`. Use a more sensitive balancing machine...`. (See Figure F-2 for an example plot.`````. the balancing is c. ~ STD*API/PETRO STD bL7-ENGL L777 m 0732290 0 5 b 7 4 L b 394 m 102 API STANDARD619 F.. factors Balancing-machine readouta 'Use balancing-machine readouts to scale graph.```. a. dure. Have the balancing in accordancewith..`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. .``.. and the results are unacceptable.``. This speed must thenbe used when the rotor is balanced.53 Plot the readings on thegraphshowninFigure F-l.. User=. -`-`. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.1 I 4uma..CHEMICAL.`.`. factors Balancing-machine readouta '12 urna 5...`.1 Wse balancing-machine readoutsto scale graph. S T D = A P I / P E T R O S T D bLS-ENGL L777 m 0732270 0 5 b 7 9 1 7 220 m ROTARYTYPEPoSrrlvE DISPLACEMENT COMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. .```... User=... Figure F-24ensitivity Check Work Sheet --``.`````..1 1~ l n a z 10.. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 103 U..``. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`.x 40..``. Scale Factor You now have a conelation between the units on the polar chart and the gm-in.-use sketch): Balancing Speed: &Maximum Allowable Rotor Speed: &Weight of Journal (closest to this correction plane): U..d m the best fit arde through thesix points and mark the center of this circle. of actual balance.`...2) 6 . 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.: Correction Plane (inlet.-in..`````.``...`.. . units Step 4: Record the trial unbalance from above. Step 3: Measure the diameter of the arde inunits of scale chosen in Step 1 and record.``.350 grams Test Data Rotor Sketch I Position 1 Phase Angle I Amplitude I 5 6 Test Data-Graphic Analysis Step 1: plot data on the polar chart (Figure F-3contiwed)..-`-`. gmmm (oz. drive-end..`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.: Purchase OrderNo.. ~ kg/ 4 x rPm lbs/ gm-mm (oz. gm-mm/ Conversion Information: 1 ounce = 28.`. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.`./ mm.-in..7. 104 API STANDARD619 Equipment (Rotor) No. = Maximum Allowable Residual Unbalance = (see 4.```.-in.Scale thechart so the largest and smallest amplitude wil fit conveniently. User=.) Trial unbalance(2 x U .3. etc. a m a l residual (oz&. (oz.-in. 3 5 0rpm.) Step 6: Divide the answer in Step 5 byanswer the in Step 3. ~- Figure F->Residual Unbalance Work Sheet --``.) Ø?-Raduis (at which weight will be placed): mm (inches) Trial Unbalance Weight= Trial Unbalance/Ø7 nches oz. Step 2: Wrth the campass.)gm-mm Step 5: Double the trial unbalance in Step 4 ( m a y us8 the gm-mmtwiceunbalance). 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.A P I / P E T R O S T D bL9-ENGL L997 m 0732290 0 5 b 7 4 L 9 U T 3 ROTARYTYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT CoMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM...```.`. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES 105 O" 270" goo --``.. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.``. dual actual Record Record allowable residual unbalance (from Figure F-3) (am-mm)(oz.not) BY Date Figure F-"Residual Unbalance Work Sheet (Continued) COPYRIGHT 2003.`````. the distance between origin of the chart and the center of your circle is the actual residual unbalance present on the rotor correction plane. If the circle does contain the originof the polar chart.``. Distance in units of scale between origin and center of the circle times scale factor equals actual residual unbalance. Measure the distancein units of scale you choosein Step 1 and multiply this number by the scale factor determined in Step 6..`--- 180" The circle you have drawn must contain the origin of the polar chart.... the residual unbalance of the rotor exceeds the applied test unbalance. CHEMICAL.`.) Rotor for Correction plane No. Proceed with the balancing machine sensitivity check before rebalancing is attempted. If it doesn't. User=.-`-`.`.. .-in. S T D .. (hashas passed.`.. l f f f f ) (oz-in..) Conversion Information:1 ounce = 28. 70 ft (oz.-in.: G107 Purchase OrderNo.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003.``... O.) Step 6: Divide the answer Step in 5 by the answer in Step 3. draw the best fit circle through the six points and mark the center of this circle.`. User=. Correction Plane A Balancing 800 rpm ed: Rotor Allowable N-Maximum 70.'u~"". 106 API STANDARD 619 Equipment No.``. 4 908 x lbs/ 70.Y 0.: drive-end. 35 units Step 4: Record the trial unbalance from above.047 Scale Factor You now have a correlation between the units on the polar chart and the gm-in..72 gm" (oz. 0..350 grams Test Data Rotor Sketch A c-1o1 Test Data-Graphic Analysis Step 1: Plot data on the polar chart (Figure C-2 continued)..44 g f f t .-in.-`-`..`````.```.72 oz. sketch): etc.-".`.`.000 rpm ./ 6.) ~ Step 5: Double the trial unbalance in Step 4 (may use unbalance). Scale the so chart the largest and smallest amplitude willfit conveniently. . &Weight ofcorrection Journal this (closet to plane): 908 kg (lbs) Umm-Maximum Allowable Residual Unbalance= 6350 WAI (4 W/N) € % Q Q q x ~ . Step 3: Measure the diameter of the circlein units of scale chosenin Step 1 and record..36 gm-mm (oz. Figure F"-Sample Calculations for Residual Unbalance --``. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584..-in. of actual balance.. residual actual the twice 7.875 m (in.`.875 inches O. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.) Trial Unbalance Weight =Trial Unbalance/R . 72 g f w t w (oz.) Trial unbalance(2 x Umd 0.-in.-use (inlet.000 rprn 0.) R-Radius {at which weightwil be placed): 6. Step 2: With a compass. `..-in.```.. c-101 (has/hs-&) passed.`````.`. 36 (gm-mm)(oz.`.`--- COPYRIGHT 2003. Distance in units of scale between origin and center of the circle times scale factor equals actual residual unbalance..-in. it doesn't..041) = 0.) Record allowable residual unbalance (from Figure 22) O..`. the residual unbalance of the rotor exceeds the applied test unbalance.``. the distance between origin of the chart and the centerof your circle is the actual residual unbalance present on the rotor correction plane.. 107 O' 270' 90" 180' The circle you have drawn must contain the origin of the polarIf chart..``. or the balancing machine is not sensitive enough. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. BY John Inspector Date 11-31-94 Figure F-&Sample Calculations for Residual Unbalance (continued) --``..21 (gm-mm)(oz. Record actual residual unbalance 5 (0.-`-`. User=. . a fautty balancing machine-pickup or cable. AND GASINDUSTRY SERVICES CoMPRESSORS FOR PETROLEUM. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. Mea- sure the distancein units of scale you choosein Step land multiply this number by the scale factor determined in Step6. STD-API/PETRO STD bLS-ENGL L797 0732270 05b742L 751 m TYPEPOSITIVE DISPLACEMENT ROTARY CHEMICAL... If the circle does contain the origin of the polar chart.) Correction plane A Rotorfor No. NOTE: Several possibilities for the drawn circle not including the of origin the polar chart include: operator error during balancing. = combined resultantof inlet./v In U. usea value of D. M. inNewtons(pounds). As a standard. Thetotalresultantforceandtotalresultantmoment Where: imposedon thecompressorat anyconnectionshouldnot exceed the values shown in Equation G. Fy= 2310.I 4 6 2 D. and discharge openings.If the equivalent Where: nozzle diameter is greater than 230 millimeters (9 inches). = 1850. meters (inches)./m 2. (G-1) M.85 times NEMA. sid-stream.S. In U.= 24. in the NEMA calculation is the largest compressor nozzle.+ M. 1 F. opening equal to the totalareas of the inlet. I927 D..10. and October 1973 issues D. as low as possible regardlessof the compressor’s load-cany- ing capability.. and moments resulting from In U. For maximum system reliability.554.” Therefore. = 920. = equivalent pipe diameter of the connection. = resultant moment.64 M. side- stream.30.. D. 1 1o9 COPYRIGHT 2003.40. and dis- charge forces.the inlet nozzle. = . 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.4 ((3-2) D. M. Customary units: For sizes greater than 200 millimeters (8 inches). F. F.85. b. S T D . in Newton-meters (foot-pounds) .``. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101. sidestream.-`-`. the equations millimeters (inches). Theindividualcomponents(FigureG-1) resultants should not exceed: ofthese For sizes up to 200 millimeters (8 inches) diameter: in F. but not necessarily.`.(SeeFigure G-1. = 16. equal to: F.= 4620. sidestream.in Newtons (pounds)..... November 1979. inlet.`. = (16 D”)(inches) + of this standard referred nozzle forces and moments calcula. nozzle loads imposed by piping should be F. 3 M. = combined resultantof inlet. The resultants shall notexceed ited piping loads on the various casing nozzles.2 Equations following: The design of each compressor body must allow for lim- 1. a. in milli. Experience has shown that there has not been a uniform inter.`--- pretation of “1. Customary units: forces. F.. + 1. use a value Of: F. D. = 32.``.) .l. in Newton-meters (pound-feet).`.S. M y= 23 D.in --``..Customary units: oncompressors due to the inlet.l. have been adapted to compressors by identifying all the con. millimeters in stants and clarifying that the equivalent of the exhaust nozzle (inches). the forces and moments acting In US... D. The combined resultantsof the forces and moments of the This is usually.`````.60.and dis- charge moments. = .09 M. . 3 tions to appropriate NEMA documents with the stipulation Where: thatthe constants intheequations be multiplied by1. User=. = nominal pipe diameter. My= 12..S.= 23 D. Customary The April 1988. and discharge connections shouldbe limited by the following: 2F. = 40.`.50. sidestream. = diameter [in millimeters (inches)] of one circular 3F.l General units: In U. + 1. and discharge connections resolved at the centerlines of the largest connection should not exceed the G.1 D.= 12.A P I I P E T R O S T D bL7-ENGL L777 0732270 05b7422 h78 9 APPENDIX G-FORCES AND MOMENTS (NORMATIVE) G. = nominal pipe diameter of the connection. Customary units: 3 M. F.I40. M. = resultant force.(460 + Equivalent diurnerer)(millimeters) F.( 18 + Equivalenr diarnerer)(inches) - from FigureG. + M. M. D.S.```.30. COPYRIGHT 2003. These of values forces moments and pertain to thecompressorstructure only.around the horizontalaxis at right angles to the compressor shaft. which should not exceed the allowable stress Fy= vertical componentof F.. flange bolting.= horizontal component of F. flanges.in Newtons (pounds). and pressor shaft.-`-`. at right angles to thecompressorshaft. around the vemcal axis.`. as defined by applicable codes and regulatory bodies..`````.. in Newtons(pounds).in Newtons (pounds). in Newton-meters (foot-pounds). 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.it is recommendedthat Newton-meters (foot-pounds). in New- ton-meters (foot-pounds)...``. Loads may be increasedbymutualagreementbetweenthe M. in purchaserand vendor.aroundthehorizontal axis.```.`. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.= horizontal componentof F.``.= component of M.= component of M. F.. .`.. parallel to the com- forces and moments in the connecting pipes. expected operating loads be minimized..`. M.`--- Where: allowable c.. My=component of M.They do no pertain to the F. User=. 110 API STANDARD 619 Parallel to Compressor Shaft I I Figure G-l-Combined Resultantsof the Forces and Momentsof Corrections --``.However... American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101..`.`````.```.... 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584..`.. .``. User=....`--- APPENDIX H-NOMENCLATURE FOR EQUIPMENT (INFORMATIVE) 111 COPYRIGHT 2003.`.-`-`.`. 'STD-API/PETRO S T D bL7-ENGL L777 W 0732290 05b7V24 '4bO --``.``.. . User=.``....`--- ROTARYTYPEP o s m v E DISPLACEMENT CHEMICAL. COMPRESSORSFOR PETROLEUM.``. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.```. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.`.`..... .`.`. SERVICES AND GASINDUSTRY 113 COPYRIGHT 2003. --``..`````..-`-`. ``.-`-`. Female rotor 8. Mechanicalseal 2. Capacity control slide valve 5. .`.`--- 9 8 2 3 6 5 \ / / I I Major components: 1. Male rotor 7. Oil pump 3.. American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584..`... --``.. Double acting hydraulic piston Figure H-2-Flooded Screw Compressor COPYRIGHT 2003.`````. User=. Housing 6.``. Radial bearings 9... Hydraulic thrust compensatingpiston 4. Axial bearings 10...`.`.```. STD.API/PETRO S T D bL9-ENGL L777 m 0732290 0 5 b 7 q 2 7 L7T APPENDIX I-INSPECTOR’S CHECKLIST (INFORMATIVE) --``,,,,,``,,``,`,,`````,,```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 115 COPYRIGHT 2003; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. ~~ S T D - A P I I P E T R O STD bL7-ENGL L777 0732270 05b7Y28 OOb INSPECTOR'S CHECKLIST REFERENCE PARAGRAPH DATE INSPECTED ITEM API 619 INSPECTED BY STATUS ~ Material inspection 6.2.2 Piping fabrication andinstallation Hydrostatic test 6.3.2 Mechanical running test 6.3.3 Gas leakage test Optional tests: Performance test Complete unit test Tandem test Gear test Helium test Sound-level test Auxiliary equipment test Post-test inspection Full-pressudfull-load/full-speedtest Inspection ofhuWshaft fitfor hydraulically mounted couplings Governor response and Emergency- Overspeed-Tripsystems test 1 Spare parts test Check after the heatrun 6.3.5 Additional tests-as specified Examination of internals for cleanliness: piping oil reservoir bearing housings gear housings coolers filters other --``,,,,,``,,``,`,,`````,,```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Nameplates and Rotation Arrows 4.12 Overall dimensions and connection locationss Flange dimensions and finish" Anchor bolt layout andsizea ~ ~ seck against certified drawings. COPYRIGHT 2003; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. INSPECTOR'S CHECKLIST REFERENCE PARAGRAPH DATE INSPECTED ITEM M I 619 INSPECTED BY STATUS Preparation for shipment Corrosion protection-exterior Corrosion protection-interior ~~ Corrosion Drotection-lubricated surfaces Closures of all openings, Equipment nameplate data 4.12.3 Equipment identification Piping connections identification (tagging) 6.4.4 Additional inspections-as specified --``,,,,,``,,``,`,,`````,,```,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- COPYRIGHT 2003; American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584. .A P I / P E T R O STD bL7-ENGL L977 m 0732270 0 5 b 7 4 3 0 7 b 4 m --``. . American Petroleum Institute Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101.```. D.. 03/18/2003 01:22:58 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.-`-`. 20005-4070 Order No.org American 1220 L Street. S T D .Jhryww.`--- Additional copies available from API Publications and Distribution: (202)682-8375 Informationabout API Publications.`````.`..`. Programs and Services is avaiiable on the World Wlde Web at: hnp.api. User=..``.. Northwest Petroleum Washington.``.`.`.:C61903 Institute 202-682-8000 COPYRIGHT 2003.....C.. 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