API 578 Positive Material Identification Pmi

March 25, 2018 | Author: riysall | Category: Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Spectroscopy, Emission Spectrum, Physical Sciences, Science



10/7/20105.2 API 578 Positive Material Identification (PMI) • Objectives and methodologies (e.g. X-Ray Fluorescence and Optical Emission Spectroscopy) – ASTM- E1916 – Pipe Fabricator Institute PFI-ES42 – API 578 – MSS SP-137-2007 – Material Test Reports Positive Material Identification (PMI) Testing • Any physical evaluation or test of a material to confirm that the material which has been or will be placed into service is consistent with the selected or specified alloy material designated by the owner/user. • These evaluations or tests may provide qualitative or quantitative information that is sufficient to verify the nominal alloy composition. composition N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant 1 10/7/2010 Positive Material Identification (PMI) • It is critically important for workers in inspection, safety and maintenance departments in refineries, safety, refineries petrochemical, process, power and other industrial plants to prevent the accidents that can occur as a result of the installation of incorrect or out-ofspecification metal alloy parts. • With Positive Material Identification (PMI) the alloy composition and so, the identity of materials can be determined/verified. Positive Material Identification (PMI) • As a result of a series of accidents resulting from material mix mix-ups, ups many companies have instituted stringent Positive Material Identification (PMI) programs. • Industry organization has also worked to develop guidelines to assure that the nominal compositions of all alloy components in a process system are consistent with design specification. N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant 2 10/7/2010 OSHA Regulations and PMI 1/2 • Inspection Scheduling by OSHA: All Refineries – Section E-10 E 10 – It should be noted that both PMI and proper OPERATOR TRAINING programs are QUESTIONS that the Compliance Safety and Health Officer (CSHO) will address to the Owner/Operator as to compliance with their Process Safety Management (PSM) program. – Does D the h employer l ensure that h replacement l piping i i is i suitable for its process application? Yes. BP Texas City. Al-Khirdaji. Safety Bulletin – Positive Material Verification: Prevent Errors During Alloy Steel Systems Maintenance. Section 4. TX Refinery Fire. N. Consultant 3 . possible violations include: – The employer p y did not f follow Recognized g z And Generally y Accepted Good Engineering Practice (RAGAGEP) when it failed to conduct Positive Material Identification (PMI) testing to ensure that construction materials of replacement/repaired piping were adequate for process conditions. AZTech Sr. Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems. Examples RAGAGEP for PMI testing for existing piping systems include but is not limited to. and • CSB. N/A OSHA Regulations and PMI 2/2 • If no. No. • API RP 578.3. Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems. N/A • If no. or maintenance activities based on established codes. API RP 578. operation. and CSB. such as fabricating a vessel. Consultant 4 . • RAGAGEPs detail generally approved ways to perform specific engineering. TX Refinery Fire). possible violations include: – The employer did not follow RAGAGEP when it failed to conduct Positive material identification (PMI) testing to ensure that construction materials of replacement/repaired piping were adequate for process conditions (An example RAGAGEP for PMI testing for existing piping systems includes but is not limited to. AZTech Sr. Al-Khirdaji. standards.10/7/2010 Recognized And Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice (RAGAGEP) • “Recognized And Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice” Practice (RAGAGEP) . engineering inspection or mechanical integrity activities.3). N. BP Texas City. published technical reports or recommended practices (RP) or a similar document. or servicing a relief valve Regulatory Compliance Positive Material Identification (PMI) • Does the employer ensure that replacement piping process application? pp is suitable for its p – Yes. Section 4. No. inspecting a storage tank.are engineering. Safety Bulletin – Positive Material Verification: Prevent Errors During Alloy Steel Systems Maintenance. Al-Khirdaji. AZTech Sr.10/7/2010 Approximate Hardness of Steel By the File Test File Reaction File bites easily into metal File bites into metal with pressure File does not bite into metal except with extreme pressure Metal can only be filed with difficulty File will mark metal but metal is almost as hard as the file and filing is impractical Metal is harder than file Brinell Hardness 100 BHN 200 BHN 300 BHN 400 BHN 500 BHN Type of Steel Mild Steel Medium carbon steel High carbon steel High alloy steel Unhardened tool steel Hardened tool steel 600+ BHN Metal Identification – Spark Test N. Consultant 5 . Flanges.Standard for Positive Material Identification of Piping Components Using Portable X-Ray Emission Type Test Equipment Pipe Fabrication Institute / 01-Oct-1996 PMI Standards • API R P 578 Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems American Petroleum Institute / May 1999 N. • PFI ES42 . Al-Khirdaji. and pressure boundary parts of valves and other piping components. fittings. and Other Piping Components Edition: 1st Manufacturers Standardization Society / 01-May-2007 This Standard Practice provides methods and acceptance standards for Positive Material Identification (PMI) of metal flanges.Quality Standard for Positive Material Identification of Metal Valves. reaffirmed 2004 • MSS SP-137-2007 . Consultant 6 . valves. Fittings. AZTech Sr.10/7/2010 PMI Standards • ASTM E1916 Standard Guide for Identification and/or Segregation of Mixed Lots of Metals American Society of Testing Material /1997 . • When establishing a material verification program. vendor. d Within Wi hi the h operating i plant. maintenance. or fabricator. PMI Standards – API RP 578 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • A material verification program for piping systems may involve participation of several groups within the operating plant or the shop of a contractor.3 and API 570 piping codes. • Carbon steel components specified in new or existing piping systems are not specifically covered under the scope of this document. reliability. warehousing/receiving. fabricators. consideration should be given to the roles and responsibilities that each group has within the specific organization. and inspection N. Al-Khirdaji. • These roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined and d documented.10/7/2010 PMI Standards – API RP 578 SCOPE • This recommended practice provides the guidelines for material control and material verification programs on ferrous and nonferrous alloys during the construction. installation. maintenance. and erection of these materials. • This practice applies to metallic alloy materials purchased for use either directly by the owner/user or indirectly through vendors. engineering. operations. Consultant 7 . l this hi can include i l d those h groups responsible for purchasing. fabrication. or contractors and includes the supply. and inspection of new and existing process piping systems covered by the ASME B31. AZTech Sr. There Th have h been b relatively l i l fewer f nonconformances in stainless steel and nonferrous (e. PMI Standards – API RP 578 • Alloy Substitutions In Carbon Steel Systems – Wh When determining d t i i the th need d to t perform f material t i l verification ifi ti on carbon steel systems. it is worth noting that historically the greatest number of material nonconformances with serious consequences have involved carbon steel components in low alloy steel – (e.10/7/2010 PMI Standards – API RP 578 • Carbon Steel Substitutions in Low Alloy Steel Systems – In determining the likelihood of material nonconformances. Monel. 5 Cr– ½ Mo. the owner/user should evaluate the effect that the process stream could have on substituted alloy materials.g. Al-Khirdaji. 2 ¼ Cr–1 Mo. Inconel) systems because of appearance and weldability issues.. – In some cases. and sulfuric acid (H2S04) services N. containment Examples of such systems include wet hydrogen sulfide (H2S). hydrofluoric acid (HF).g. 9 Cr–1 M ) piping Mo) i i systems. Consultant 8 . the substitution of hardenable alloy materials in carbon steel piping systems resulted in failure and loss of containment. 1 ¼ Cr– ½ Mo. AZTech Sr. There are two methods for PMI: 1. mill test reports. Consultant 9 . 2.It is important that repair procedures include consideration of PMI testing as part of obtaining satisfactory alloy materials to be used for the repair – Material Certifications . Al-Khirdaji.10/7/2010 PMI Standards – API RP 578 • Some Highlights – PMI Testing g of W Welding gC Consumables .W When welding g is conducted. The remainder of the lot should be compared to the sample to verify that the markings of the wires/electrodes are correct – Maintenance Repairs of Piping Systems . AZTech Sr. but may be an important part of an overall quality assurance program Positive Material Identification (PMI) • Positive Material Identification (PMI) is one of f the th more specialized i li d non-destructive d t ti testing (NDT) methods. The XRF-principle (x-ray fluorescence) 2 Optical emission systems (OES). (OES) also called arc/spark • N. or Certificates of Compliance should not be considered a substitute for PMI testing.Material certifications. one electrode or wire sample from each lot or package of alloy weld rod should be positively identified. – By measuring the intensity of the peaks in this spectrum.XRF 1. however the excitation energy comes from a spark formed between sample and electrode. – The energy of the spark causes the electrons in the sample to emit light. – The atoms of the sample absorb energy from the Xrays. Consultant 10 . By measuring intensity and characteristic energy of the emitted X-rays. Al-Khirdaji.OES 2. PMI Methods . which is converted into a spectral pattern. the OES analyzer can produce qualitative and quantitative analysis of f th the material t i l composition.10/7/2010 PMI Methods . become temporarily excited and then emit secondary X-rays. the spark does leave a small burn on the sample surface N. The Optical Emission Spectroscopy Technique OES • In the OES technique technique. however. an XRF analyzer can provide qualitative and quantitative analysis regarding the composition of the material being tested. – Each chemical element emits X-rays y at a unique q energy. atoms also are excited. The X-Ray Fluorescence Technique XRF • XRF i instruments t t work k by b exposing i a sample l to t a beam of X-rays. AZTech Sr. iti • Although OES is considered a non-destructive testing method. OES Optical Emission Spectrography – A spark is released that vaporizes a very small portion of the sample (without impairing its functionality). The analyzer optically measures the atoms in the vapor and d determines d t i the th components of the material. The h emitted i d quanta of f radiation di i are X-ray photons whose specific energies permit the identification of their source atoms. the elements present may be identified and quantified. “Spectro” metal analyzer XRF Excitation Model X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry is an elemental analysis technique with broad application in science and industry. Al-Khirdaji. N. By counting the number of photons of each energy emitted from a sample. emit X-ray photons of a characteristic energy or wavelength.10/7/2010 PMI Methods . when excited by an external energy source. Consultant 11 . XRF is based on the principle that individual atoms. AZTech Sr. The identification of elements by X-ray methods is possible due to the characteristic radiation emitted from the inner electronic shells of the atoms under certain conditions. for separation of 316 H (>0. . Al. Ideal.10/7/2010 Optical Emission Analyzer Optical Emission analyzer designed to identify all the key elements in metals especially p y where highest g accuracy y and/or the analysis y of light g elements like C. ARC-MET 8000 Optical Emission Analyzer.S. Si is needed and when sorting low alloys and aluminums. for example.000 pounds of Chlorine into neighboring area. – Safety Bulletin from U. a 1-inch transfer line ruptured during a railcar offloading operation at DPC Enterprises in Festus. Al-Khirdaji. AZTech Sr. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB)-Chlorine Transfer Hose Failure due to improper material braid construction (i. P.e.. Case Study 1 – Chlorine Transfer Hose Failure – On August 14.04% C) and 316 L (<0.316L and not the recommended braid of Hastelloy C-276). 2002. Mg. Consultant 12 . Missouri and released 48. N. S.03% C). Iron. Zinc. one of the results of the interaction is the emission of photons which have a broad continuum of energies.10/7/2010 PMI Testing The elements of the basic alloy materials to be verified should be in accordance with Table below: Basic Alloy Carbon-Molybdenum. and other elements specified in purchase order or SAMS catalog description X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analyzer When an electron beam of high energy strikes a material. Copper. N. Consultant 13 . Titanium and Niobium Nickel. and Chromium Molybdenum steels Nickel steels Regular carbon grade stainless steels Low carbon stainless steels Low-carbon Stabilized stainless steels Nickel-based alloys Copper-based alloys Elements to be Verified Chromium and Molybdenum Nickel Chromium. This radiation. Manganese Molybdenum. Chromium. and Molybdenum Copper. Al-Khirdaji. Chromium. and Molybdenum Chromium Nickel. Nickel. Nickel. Molybdenum. Nickel Molybdenum Molybdenum. called bremsstrahlung. AZTech Sr. and Carbon Chromium. 3 Code requires random examination i ti of f materials t i l and d components t to t ensure conformance to listed specifications and standards. N. the inspector shall verify that the installation of new materials is consistent with the selected or specified construction materials. Consultant 14 . REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN PRESSURE CONTAINMENT. AZTech Sr. • Component standards and specifications have various marking requirements. • B31.3 also requires these materials to be free from defects.10/7/2010 Component Identification • The ASME B31. • This material verification program should be consistent with API RP 578. Material Verification And Traceability • During repairs or alterations alloy material piping systems WHERE THE ALLOY MATERIAL IS systems. 578 Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems. Al-Khirdaji. shown in Figure. • The line split longitudinally. (6. • The line contained oil with sulfur compounds and coke particles at a temperature of 705 °F (374 °C) and a pressure of 240 psig (1 (1.125 in. (2. five i l The carbon steel section had a thickness of only 0.4 to 6.6 mm) thick.3 to 3. Al-Khirdaji. that had been welded into the line approximately fi years previously.66 66 MPa) MPa).10/7/2010 Case Study 1: Failure of A Slurry Recycle Line in a Delayed Coker – Canada 1984 • Failure of a slurry recycle line in a delayed coker unit in Canada in 1984. (406-mm) long section of carbon steel. AZTech Sr.2 mm) prior to the failure while the adjacent pipe was between 0. Consultant 15 .250 and 0. showering the unit with hot oil and causing a fire to spread through the unit resulting in a half dozen additional pipe failures Case Study 1: Failure of A Slurry Recycle Line in a Delayed Coker – Canada 1984 The fire was traced to the rupture of a 16-in.260 in. The line was specified to be NPS 6. schedule 40 ASTM A 335 grade P5 (UNS K41545) seamless pipe having a nominal composition of 5% chromium and ½% molybdenum.090 to 0. N. N.S. Safety Bulletin . Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) issues this Safety Bulletin to focus attention on process equipment configuration control and positive material verification of critical alloy steel piping components. • The CSB recommends e e d th that t the refining. efi i petrochemical.S. AZTech Sr. et he i l and d chemical industries review material verification programs to ensure that maintenance procedures include sufficient controls and positive material identification (PMI) testing to prevent improper material substitutions in hazardous process systems.10/7/2010 Case Study 1: Failure of A Slurry Recycle Line in a Delayed Coker – Canada 1984 Figure below is a longitudinal metallographic section of one of the girth welds at the end of the carbon steel section illustrating the abrupt change in wall thickness between the carbon steel section and the adjacent 5% chromium steel pipe and weld. Consultant 16 .U. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) Positive Material Verification: Prevent Errors During Alloy Steel Systems Maintenance • The U. Al-Khirdaji. AZTech Sr. Al-Khirdaji. Consultant 17 . 2005. • One employee sustained a minor injury during the emergency unit shutdown and there were no fatalities. hightemperature hydrogen line ruptured after operating for only 3 months. months The escaping hydrogen gas from the ruptured elbow quickly ignited.10/7/2010 Case Study 2: Material Verification Error • On July 28. the BP Texas City refinery experienced i d a major j fire fi in i the th Resid R id Hydrotreater Unit (RHU) that caused a reported $30 million in property damage. Case Study 2: Material Verification Error The RHU incident investigation determined that an 8-inch diameter carbon steel elbow inadvertently installed in a high-pressure. N. Carbon steel RHU heat exchanger outlet pipe (arrow) ruptured after operating only 3 months in high-temperature hydrogen service. AZTech Sr. Case Study 2: Material Verification Error Dimensionally identical piping elbows on RHU heat exchangers A and B. not Metallurgical analyses of the failed elbow concluded that HTHA severely weakened the carbon steel elbow. N. Consultant 18 . Al-Khirdaji.10/7/2010 Case Study 2: Material Verification Error • This incident occurred after a maintenance contractor accidentally switched a carbon steel elbow with an alloy steel elbow during a scheduled heat exchanger overhaul in February 2005. • The alloy steel elbow was resistant to high temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA) but the carbon steel elbow was not. N. Consultant 19 .10/7/2010 Case Study 2: Material Verification Error Ruptured 8-inch carbon steel pipe elbow pieces recovered after the fire Case Study: Material Verification Error RHU hydrogen heat exchanger piping material requirements. AZTech Sr. Al-Khirdaji. 3 Code requires random examination i ti of f materials t i l and d components t to t ensure conformance to listed specifications and standards. maintenance. N. or contractors. Consultant 20 . • Presents material control and verification programs on ferrous and nonferrous alloys during construction. and includes the supply. • Component standards and specifications have various marking requirements.3 and API 570 codes. Positive Material Identification (PMI) • The ASME B31.10/7/2010 API RP 578: Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems • Provides guidelines for a material quality assurance system to verify the consistency between the nominal composition of alloy components t within ithi the th pressure envelop l of f a process piping i i system with the selected or specified construction materials to minimize the potential for catastrophic release of toxic or hazardous liquids or vapors. • B31. Al-Khirdaji. • Applies to metallic alloy materials purchased for use by the owner/user or indirectly through vendors. fabricators. AZTech Sr. • Carbon steel components specified in new or existing piping systems are not covered under the scope of this document.3 also requires these materials to be free from defects. fabrication and erection of these materials. installation. and inspection of new and existing process piping systems covered under the ASME B31. Welded and Seamless 1.36 N. Weight on NPS 4 and larger ASTM A53 ASTM A106 Markings – Flanges & Flanged Fittings Standard ASME B16. Marking requirements of A530/A530M 2.5 Title and Marking Requirements Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings 1. Steel. Heat Number 3. 400. air underwater pressure test.g. Manufacturer’s Name or Trademark 2. Hydro/NDE y Marking g 4. Zinc Coated. XS) 3.5 5 2. Length Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service 1. Name of Brand of Manufacturer 2. and stabilizing heat treatment) 5. “S” for supplementary requirements as specified (stress-relieved annealed tubes. Schedule Number 7. AZTech Sr. 1500 and 2500 1 Fl 1. Rating Class 4. Size Orifice Flanges Classes 300. Flanges shall h ll b be marked k d as required i db by ASME B16 B16. ASTM Specification and Grade 3. For welding neck flanges only. ERW B. Kind of Pipe (e. the bore diameter shall be marked.10/7/2010 Markings – Pipe Standard Title and Marking Requirements Pipe. Consultant 21 . “B16” 5. Al-Khirdaji. Specification Number 4. Black and Hot-Dipped. 600. ASME B16. Length 6. Manufacturer’s identification mark. Material t i l id identification tifi ti i in accordance d with ith th the appropriate i t ASTM ASTM. either “WP” or “B16”. and whenever feasible studs less than 3/8”. A. DH3 shall be marked with the symbol HX3 on one face. Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure and High-Temperature Service 1.Grade and process of manufacture (e. Socket-Welding and Threaded 1.g. and DH3 and hex nuts made to the requirements of DH3. NPS Forged Fittings. Material and Product Identification (ASTM or ASME grade symbol). “WP” in grade symbol. Manufacturer’s Name or Trademark 2. 3. Schedule number or nominal wall thickness. ASTM 193 ASTM 194 ASTM 307 ASTM 563 N. 3.Grade or manufacturer’s identification symbols shall be applied to one end of studs 3/8” in diameter and larger and to the heads of bolts ¼ ” in diameter and larger. AZTech Sr.2000. 2.Fasteners Standard Title and Marking Requirements Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for HighTemperature Service 1. Al-Khirdaji. Where size and shape do not permit all of the above markings. 5.11 Markings . 6000. 2 M 2.Manufacturer’s identification mark. Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts 1. are marked with the manufacturers symbol. 4. Product conformance symbol.Grade D. Heavy hex nuts made to the requirements of DH3 are marked with HX3 on one face. shall be marked with a grade material. C3. 3000. 2. one end of studs 3/8” and larger. D. DH.Grades O. Consultant 22 . Class designation .10/7/2010 Markings – Fittings Standard Title and Marking Requirements Factory Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings Factory-Made 1. they may be omitted in the reverse order given above ASME B16.Grades C. and B are not required to be marked unless identified as such by the purchaser. DH.All bolt heads. 3. Manufacturer’s Name or Trademark. 2.9 ASME B16. or 9000. 8F indicates nuts that are hot-forged or cold-forged) Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs 1. 4. and • complete analysis of metals. and Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) Innov-X Portable XRF Metal Analyzer Spark Emission Spectrometer – PMI-MASTER SORT (Oxford) The PMI-MASTER is a portable universal spectrometer for alloy sorting. Measurement results are shown in the form of elemental concentration in percentage or by specific alloy name such as SS316L or Inconel 625. The respective excitation mode can be selected according to application and can be changed easily. Al. Consultant 23 . Depending upon the requirements.10/7/2010 Metal Analyzers Positive Material Identification (PMI) refers to the identification and analysis of various metal alloys based on their chemical composition in non-destructive testing (NDT). Ni. PMI is a field-testing method made possible by the portability of most PMI analyzers. N. The two main technologies used for alloy identification in PMI are: X-ray Fluorescence (XRF). Ti and CO base. • sorting. Al-Khirdaji. • Grade ID. The instrument source works with a high-frequency spark in argon or a direct current arc in air. AZTech Sr. Cu. The instrument provides a quick and precise analytical overview of all common materials with a Fe. the instrument offers three different operation modes. 13 0.21 0.32 0.e. or +/. AZTech Sr. Missouri and released 48. N. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB)-Chlorine Transfer Hose Failure due to improper material braid construction (i. Consultant 24 .14 0. The CSB also recommended that the hose fabricator implement a materials’ verification procedure to improve quality and ensure that Hastelloy chlorine hoses are readily identifiable Example: PMI on Type 304 SS Sample Using NITON XRF Analyzer Sample: SS 304 Cert Grade ID Cr Ni Mn Mo W 18.55 1.01 0. Al-Khirdaji.80 0.S. a 1-inch transfer line ruptured during a railcar offloading operation at DPC Enterprises in Festus. This represents an error band of two standard deviations on either side of the result. Note the precision.31 9. 316L and not the recommended braid of Hastelloy C-276 as specified by DPC).40 0.14 0. but a measurement of repeatability around a most probable value.000 pounds of Chlorine into neighboring area.error band. is not an indication of accuracy. Accuracy must be assessed by comparing the measured result and precision to known values from a reference standard.10/7/2010 CSB Bulletin – Failure Due to Improper Material August 14.14 0.57 1.30 0.81 0.05 +/- NITON XRF instruments report a two-sigma precision along with the result for each element.10 +/20 Sec 304 18..73 0.13 5 Sec 304 18. The two sigma precision represents a 95 % confidence interval for the data.36 9.39 9. Safety Bulletin from U. 2002.45 0.38 0.03 0.52 1.40 0.
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