A+P Chp 15 Quiz

March 29, 2018 | Author: Gennaro | Category: Ear, Auditory System, Human Eye, Eye, Retina



5/2/2015Print Chapter 15 The Special Senses Matching questions lab exam flashcards | Easy Notecards Chapter 15 The Special Senses Matching questions lab exam 1. Figure 15.1 Using Figure 15.1, match the following: 1) Ganglion cells. 2) Bipolar cells. 3) Horizontal cell. 4) Amacrine cell. 5) Rod. 1. Answer: E 2. Answer: C 3. Answer: A 4. Answer: D 5. Answer: B 2. Figure 15.2 Using Figure 15.2, match the following: 6) Optic nerve 7) Lateral geniculate. http://www.easynotecards.com/print_list/5023 1/8 Answer: B 12. 18) Balance organ. Answer: D 10. 14) Tympanic membrane. 15) Stapes.com/print_list/5023 2/8 . http://www. 12) Controls the lateral rectus muscle. Answer: E 3.3 Using Figure 15. 10) Pretectal nucleus. 9) Part of the thalamus. 17) Cochlea.5/2/2015 Print Chapter 15 The Special Senses Matching questions lab exam flashcards | Easy Notecards 8) Nerve containing sensory nerves from both eyes. Answer: A 7. Answer: D 8. Answer: B 11. Answer: C 9. 11) Mediates the pupillary light reflexes. match the following: 13) Pinna.easynotecards. 16) Semicircular canals. 6.3. Figure 15. outer tough connective tissue covering of the eyeball. Answer: B 17. Answer: C 16. 13. deeply pigmented.easynotecards. Answer: D 18. Match the following: A) Aqueous humor B) Retina C) Lens http://www. 23) A muscle that moves the eyeball. 21) The muscle responsible for altering the shape of the lens. Match the following: A) Ciliary muscle B) Sclera C) Rectus muscle D) Choroid 20) The white. 20) B 21) A 22) D 23) C 5. Answer: C 4. Answer: B 19. 22) The vascular coat of the eyeball.com/print_list/5023 3/8 . Answer: E 15.5/2/2015 Print Chapter 15 The Special Senses Matching questions lab exam flashcards | Easy Notecards 19) An ossicle. Answer: A 14. 26) Helps maintain the intraocular pressure.5/2/2015 Print Chapter 15 The Special Senses Matching questions lab exam flashcards | Easy Notecards D) Fovea centralis 24) The sensory layer of the eye. 32) Detects acceleration. 27) Area of greatest visual acuity. 31) Contains utricle and saccule. 24) B 25) C 26) A 27) D 6. 25) The structure most responsible for focusing light rays that enter the eye. Match the following: A) Night blindness http://www. located in the anterior part of the eye.easynotecards. 29) Connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx. Match the following: A) Vestibule B) Otoliths C) Tympanic membrane D) Pharyngotympanic tube 28) Ear stones. 28) B 29) D 30) C 31) A 32) A 7.com/print_list/5023 4/8 . 30) Separates external auditory canal from the middle ear. 37) D 38) A 39) C 40) B http://www. 40) The receptors of olfaction are found in this structure. 36) A condition often leading to blindness due to increased intraocular pressure.easynotecards. 33) A 34) D 35) C 36) B 8. Match the following: A) Taste buds B) Olfactory epithelium. 34) A condition of deafness that may result from otosclerosis. 38) Gustatory cells are found in this structure. 39) Hair cells receptive to changes in static equilibrium are found in this structure.5/2/2015 Print Chapter 15 The Special Senses Matching questions lab exam flashcards | Easy Notecards B) Glaucoma C) Otitis media D) Conduction deafness 33) A condition that can result from a deficiency of vitamin.com/print_list/5023 5/8 . 35) An inflammation of the lining of the middle ear. C) Macula D) Crista ampullaris 37) Hair cells receptive to changes in dynamic equilibrium are found in this structure. 45) B 46) A 47) C 48) A 49) A http://www. 47) A possible side effect of medications such as aspirin. 49) Can result from impacted cerumen. Match the following: A) Vestibule B) Tympanic membrane C) Cochlear duct D) Spiral organ (of Corti) 41) Houses the spiral organ (of Corti. 46) Can result from the fusion of the auditory ossicles. 44) A membrane that transmits sound vibrations to the auditory ossicles. Match the following: A) Conduction deafness B) Sensorineural deafness C) Tinnitus 45) Loss of hearing resulting from prolonged exposure to high-intensity sounds.easynotecards. 41) C 42) D 43) A 44) B 10. 48) One of the most common results of otitis media.5/2/2015 Print Chapter 15 The Special Senses Matching questions lab exam flashcards | Easy Notecards 9. 43) The central part of the bony labyrinth.) 42) The receptor organ for hearing.com/print_list/5023 6/8 . Answer: FALSE 15. 4) Like the cornea. 5) The optic disk is the spot where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball. 8) When one has a cold. 9) High-frequency sounds will stimulate the hair cells of the basilar membrane near the oval window. 6) Sour taste receptors are stimulated by hydrogen ions of acidic food substances. Answer: TRUE 17.easynotecards. 10) The structure that allows equalization of the pressure in the middle ear with that outside the body is the external auditory meatus. Answer: TRUE 14. 12) The anterior chamber of the eye is filled with vitreous humor Answer: FALSE 23.com/print_list/5023 7/8 . 2) Researchers have found that retinal ganglionic fields are of two types: on-center or offcenter. Answer: TRUE 19. the lens is vascular. Answer: FALSE 21. True/False Questions 1) The mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and is reflected over the anterior surface of the eyeball is the conjunctiva. Answer: TRUE 12. 11) The bending of light rays is called reflection. 3) The photoreceptor cells are sensitive to damage from light. Answer: FALSE http://www. Answer: TRUE 13. Answer: TRUE 20. 13) The neural layer of the retina prevents excessive scattering of light within the eye. Answer: FALSE 22. 7) The fluid contained within the membranous labyrinth is called perilymph Answer: FALSE 18.5/2/2015 Print Chapter 15 The Special Senses Matching questions lab exam flashcards | Easy Notecards 11. Answer: TRUE 16. swelling of the lacrimal mucosa may result in watery eyes due to impaired drainage of tears. Answer: TRUE 28. 17) Without a functioning crista ampullaris. the auditory ossicles must vibrate the oval window and set the endolymph in motion.5/2/2015 Print Chapter 15 The Special Senses Matching questions lab exam flashcards | Easy Notecards 24. 16) Visual pigments of the rod are found in the inner segment Answer: FALSE 27. Please message me. 19) Theoretically. Answer: FALSE 33. Answer: TRUE 30. an individual born without a middle ear would be able to hear by bone conduction with a hearing aid. Thank you for taking the time to view my notecards! Good luck in class! http://www. retinal sensitivity is lost. 14) In order for sound to reach the spiral organ (of Corti).com/print_list/5023 8/8 . 22) Each olfactory cortical neuron receives input from one receptor at a time. Answer: TRUE 32. 15) Sound is generally perceived in the cerebral cortex of the occipital lobe. If you have any questions or notice any mistakes. Answer: FALSE 26. Answer: TRUE 25. 20) When we move from darkness to bright light. Answer: FALSE 29. 21) The function of the lens of the eye is to allow precise focusing of light on the retina.easynotecards. I will try to reply within 48 hours. Answer: TRUE 31. the semicircular canals would not function. but visual acuity is gained. 18) Contraction of the ciliary muscle causes the lens to bend the light less.
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