AOS 5-2011 (010211final)

March 21, 2018 | Author: Qinxi Hon | Category: Runway, Airport, Aviation, Road Transport, Aerospace



AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR CHANGI & SELETAR AIRPORTSCompiled by Standards and Safety Unit Engineering & Development Group Version 5/2011 1 February 2011 List of Amendments S/No. 1 AOS Requirements (Version 4/2010) Section C (Paragraph 1.2) At Changi Airport b) Taxiway All areas bound within 58 metres from the centre line of all the operational taxiways [except taxiways L5, L8, N1 (behind aircraft stands C16 to C19 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3), N2 and N3 (behind aircraft stands D35 to D38 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3)], either existing or new taxiways (see Attachment A4 for details). All areas bound within 26 metres from the centre line of operational taxiways L5 and L8. All areas bound within 48 metres from the centre line of operational taxiways N1 (behind aircraft stands C16 to C19 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3), N2 and N3 (behind aircraft stands D35 to D38 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3). AOS Requirements (Version 5/2011) Section C (Paragraph 1.2) At Changi Airport b) Taxiway All areas bound within 58 metres from the centre line of all the operational taxiways [except taxiways L5, L8, N1 (behind aircraft stands C16 to C19 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3), N2, and N3 (behind aircraft stands D35 to D38 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3)] and NC3 (between taxiways WA and A6), either existing or new taxiways (see Attachment A4 for details). All areas bound within 26 metres from the centre line of operational taxiways L5 and L8. All areas bound within 48 metres from the centre line of operational taxiways N1 (behind aircraft stands C16 to C19 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3), N2 and N3 (behind aircraft stands D35 to D38 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3). All areas bound within 43 metres from the centre line of operational taxiway NC3 (between taxiways WA and A6). 2 Section C (Paragraph 1.2) At Changi Airport c) Taxilane All areas bound within 51 metres from the centre line of all operational taxilanes [except taxilanes NC3 (between taxiways WA and A6) and U4 (behind aircraft stands A18 to A21)], either existing or new (see Attachment A4 for details), including but not limited to the following: Taxilanes A5, A6, B1, B2, B3, C2, C6, V6 which provide access to aircraft stands only. All areas bound within 43 metres from the centre line of operational taxilane NC3 (between taxiways WA and A6). All areas bound within 41 metres from the centre line of operational taxilane U4 (behind aircraft stands A18 to A21). Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/2 Section C (Paragraph 1.2) At Changi Airport c) Taxilane All areas bound within 51 metres from the centre line of all operational taxilanes [except taxilanes NC3 (between taxiways WA and A6) A6 (behind aircraft stands E20 to E24), C6 (behind aircraft stands F50 to F54) and U4 (behind aircraft stands A18 to A21)], either existing or new (see Attachment A4 for details), including but not limited to the following: Taxilanes A5, A6 (except behind aircraft stands E20 to E24), B1, B2, B3, C2, C6 (except behind aircraft stands F50 to F54), V6 which provide access to aircraft stands only. All areas bound within 43 metres from the centre line of operational taxilanes NC3 (between taxiways WA and A6) A6 S/No. AOS Requirements (Version 4/2010) AOS Requirements (Version 5/2011) (behind aircraft stands E20 to E24) and C6 (behind aircraft stands F50 to F54). All areas bound within 41 metres from the centre line of operational taxilane U4 (behind aircraft stands A18 to A21). 3 Section F (Paragraph 3.6) With effect from 2010 (exact date to be confirmed by CAAS ATS Division), all vehicles which need to enter the aircraft manoeuvring areas (i.e. runways, taxiways and taxilanes) are required to be equipped with Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) transponders utilising 1090 MHz Extended Squitter. Such transponders shall comply with the prevailing standards of aircraft avionics for ADS-B OUT (air-to-ground). The purpose of having the ADS-B transponders is to enhance aerodrome safety by facilitating Air Traffic Control (ATC) in tracking vehicular movements in the aircraft manoeuvring areas. For more information and technical details, please contact Engineer (Surveillance) of CAAS ATS Division (Tel: 6541 2402). Section F (Paragraph 3.6) With effect from 1 December 2011 (exact date to be confirmed by CAAS ATS Division), all vehicles which need to enter the aircraft manoeuvring areas (i.e. runways, taxiways and taxilanes) are required to be equipped with Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) transponders utilising 1090 MHz Extended Squitter. Such transponders shall comply with the prevailing standards of aircraft avionics for ADS-B OUT (air-to-ground). The purpose of having the ADS-B transponders is to enhance aerodrome safety by facilitating Air Traffic Control (ATC) in tracking vehicular movements in the aircraft manoeuvring areas. For more information and technical details, please contact Engineer (Surveillance) of CAAS ATS Division (Tel: 6541 2402). Attachment 4 See revised Airport Coordinate System and Location of Aircraft Movement Areas in Singapore Changi Airport. 4 Attachment A4 Revised Airport Coordinate System and Location of Aircraft Movement Areas in Singapore Changi Airport. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/3 AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS CONTENTS SECTION A SECTION B SECTION C SECTION D SECTION E SECTION F SECTION G SECTION H SECTION I SECTION J AIRPORT SECURITY REQUIREMENTS AIRPORT FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AIRPORT SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OBSTRUCTION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS WILDLIFE CONTROL REQUIREMENTS OTHER HAZARDS CONTROL REQUIREMENTS AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS AIRSIDE REGULATIONS COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS AOS/6 AOS/9 AOS/13 AOS/23 AOS/32 AOS/33 AOS/37 AOS/40 AOS/61 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND RISK ASSESSMENT AOS/64 SINGAPORE CHANGI AIRPORT AIRSIDE OPERATIONS NOTICE (30/2009 dated 30 December 2009) AOS/100 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/4 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOREWORD This set of Airport Operational and Safety (AOS) requirements is compiled and published by the Standards and Safety Unit of Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd (CAG) Engineering & Development Group. Any suggestions for improvement. Aerodrome Safety Unit and Aviation Security Unit. The requirements and specifications stipulated in this set of AOS requirements are intended for reference and compliance by Developers. A set of the AOS requirements is also normally found in the contract documents for project works within the airport.O. Airport Operations Division (Airside Operations Section).). All Work Parties are to ensure that their management team and all their site workers read and understand the latest AOS requirements thoroughly and comply with them strictly when carrying out works within the airport premises. who shall be referred to as “Work Party” or “Work Parties” in this document. with inputs from CAG Airport Emergency Service Division. It also contains the requirements forwarded by the Air Traffic Services Division of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Airport Police Division. Project Officer or Coordinating Officer overseeing their works. Project and Maintenance Contractors/Sub-Contractors and all parties working in the airport. Singapore Changi Airport Singapore 918146 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/5 . Consultants. or request for an updated copy can be directed to: The Safety Manager Engineering & Development Group Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd PO Box 168. This set of AOS requirements is owned by CAG and will be updated/revised and republished by CAG from time to time. proposed correction of errors. These Work Parties are required to obtain an updated copy of the AOS requirements from the CAG Superintending Officer (S. Compliance with all the AOS requirements shall constitute part of the Work Party’s lease agreement and/or contractual obligations. 3 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/6 .).1 SECURITY CLEARANCE FOR WORKERS Prior to the commencement of the work. the Work Party shall submit the particulars of all the personnel he intends to deploy for the work in the Airport for CAG and Airport Police Division’s background screening and clearance.O. but not be limited to the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) Full Name NRIC No. The Work Party shall ensure that all his workers involved in executing the works hold valid Work Permits. 2 2. The Work Party shall allow at least 7 days for processing of security clearance. When the Airport Passes for his workers are issued daily at the designated entrance gate to the Airport. 2. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer that all his workers hold valid Work Permits to carry out the works. All the cost for application and making of the Airport Passes (including photograph taking) shall be borne by the Work Party concerned. Nationality Date of Birth Residential Address Appointment In addition to the particulars of his work personnel.AIRPORT SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 1 WORKERS IN THE AIRPORT All workers working in the airport shall be subject to security clearance and approval of Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd (herein referred to as the “CAG”) and the Airport Police Division of the Singapore Police Force (SPF) whose decision on this shall be final and binding. the Work Party shall also be required to furnish the CAG with a proper sample of his company logo to be printed onto the Airport Passes to be issued to his work-persons for identification during the works on site.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SECTION A . The particulars of the workers shall include. Airport Passes issued to the workers are not meant for their possession and are to be surrendered to the designated pass offices at the end of each working day./Passport and Work Permit Nos.2 Workers who are cleared by CAG and the Airport Police will be allowed to apply for Airport Pass to enter the airport premises for work. The workers shall be required to collect the passes daily at the designated pass offices in exchange for their NRIC/Passport or Work Permit before entering the airport premises for work. He shall also submit the particulars of all his workers for record and declare to the Superintending Officer (S. 2. the Work Party shall also provide the Airport Police (Changi)/Auxiliary Police Officer (Seletar) with a proper cabinet at the gate for safe keeping of the passes. Workers found objectionable to CAG or the Airport Police shall not be permitted to work in the airport. No supervisor or worker shall make use of the airport pass to gain access to restricted airport areas for non-work related or unofficial purposes. CAG) and may be withdrawn at any time by the issuing authority without assigning any reason.3 4. Workers shall not be permitted to go beyond the confines of the designated work site. All Airport Pass holders shall obey the directions given by Airport Police (Changi)/Auxiliary Police Officer (Seletar) or any authorised officer of CAG. 2.4 2. the workers are required to surrender without fail their respective Airport Passes to the CAG Pass Office (Changi)/Auxiliary Police Officer (Seletar) for custody.e.2 4. Any person found using the Airport Pass for unauthorised purposes will be arrested and prosecuted by the Airport Police. a written police report shall be made immediately at CAG Pass Office (Changi)/Auxiliary Police Officer (Seletar) and a levy fee will be charged for a replacement other than normal fair. For any loss or damage of the Airport Pass.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 2. Workers shall be required to surrender their passes to the Airport Police (CAG with effect from 1 January 2010) once the project is over. Personnel who are caught with unauthorised photographing or video filming activities in the airport will be arrested and prosecuted accordingly.6 4. The Airport Passes issued are not transferable. PHOTOGRAPH TAKING AND VIDEO FILMING No photograph taking or video filming shall be allowed in the airport without the prior approval of CAG.4 4. On completion of their daily tour of duty. The Airport Passes issued shall remain the property of the issuing authority (i. or when they have no more association with the work in the airport.5 4.1 SITE ENTRY AND SECURITY PASSES The workers when reporting for duty are required to collect their staff passes daily from the CAG Pass Office (Changi)/Auxiliary Police Officer (Seletar) in exchange for their NRIC/Work Permit/Passport.8 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . The Work Party management shall ensure that all his workers and subcontractor workers comply with this requirement strictly at all times.6 3 4 4. wear and tear. Only approved list of persons cleared by CAG and/or the Airport Police and vehicles issued with valid Temporary Airfield Vehicle Entry Permit issued under the CAAS AOS/7 4.7 4. The Airport Passes are to be worn conspicuously on the upper part of the body at all times whilst within the restricted area.5 Workers issued with the Airport Passes must display them at all times while working in the airport. g. gate or barrier is required. dogs and cats) into the airport restricted areas and/or aircraft movement areas at any time due to such changes. All persons/vehicles holding such pass/permit shall ensure that the validity date for the pass/permit has not expired. door. 6 SECURITY The Work Party shall ensure that no work is carried out or structures built adjacent to the security fencing or gates. 5 WORKS INVOLVING SECURITY GATE. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/8 . proper security and fencing measures shall be taken to ensure that there is no entry by unauthorised persons or vehicles or intrusions by wildlife (e. gate or barrier of the airport is allowed to commence. gate or barrier shall be completed and accepted by CAG and the Airport Police before the works affecting the existing security fence. the new security fence. door. or affecting the boundary of the airfield or restricted premises in the passenger terminal buildings. without prior permission of CAG and the Airport Police.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009/CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009 by CAG Airside Operations are allowed entry into the airport via the designated entry gates. door. When erection of security fence. FENCE OR RELATED FACILITIES For works involving the design and construction of new facilities or alteration (either permanent or temporary) of the existing airport security fence or facilities. which may jeopardize the security of the airport. diesel/petrol for vehicle/machinery/plant or other hazardous substances shall be allowed at the site.changiairportgroup. i. There shall be at least two separate accesses for CAG AES vehicles into the site.1 ACCESS FOR CAG AES FIRE VEHICLES Unimpeded access for CAG Airport Emergency Service (AES) vehicles responding to aircraft emergencies shall be maintained at all times and all existing gates and access roads shall not be obstructed.e. except the CAG AES teams or airport authorised personnel during an airport permit to work system and hot work procedures stipulated in the CAG Fire Safety Manual and also the regulations and fire safety practices of the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF). 3rd storey office). construction or installation works shall comply with SCDF regulations and CAG renovation guidelines and shall in no way affect the functioning or efficiency of existing fire protection systems and means of fire escape on CAG’s property at all times. 3 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM All addition and alteration works. Fuel shall only be brought to site as and when refuelling is necessary. reference may be made to the latest Fire Safety Manual available online from the CAG website at http://www. In particular. STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE MATERIALS No storage of flammable liquids. all service roads leading directly from the Fire Station to aircraft movement areas shall be out of bound to all vehicles and personnel.2 5 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/9 . Airport Management Cluster. renovations. Prior written approval of CAG must be obtained and subject to strict compliance with all conditions set by the relevant authorities. 4 4. CAG Airport Emergency Service (AES) provides fire safety consultation on airport fire safety requirements on Mondays to Fridays from 1030 hrs to 1130 hrs and 1530 hrs to 1630 hrs at Changi Airport Terminal 2 #036-053 (Changi Airport Group.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SECTION B – AIRPORT FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 1 GENERAL The Work Party shall comply with all fire safety requirements. 2 FIRE SAFETY MANUAL For details on airport fire safety requirements. safety instructions. The course fee will be at the prevailing rate set by the institute. When the work needs to be carried out Prior approval shall also be required when works are being carried out to isolate the fire alarm system and draining of the sprinkler system. joss sticks. Any burning of these items outside the airport premises shall require approval of CAG AES ncy-services/fire-safety/ or submited to the CAG AES Division at Fax No. The “Hot Work Permit” (Attachment A1) can be downloaded from CAG website at http://www. This shall be done at least 3 working days before the work is expected to commence.2 9. 9 9.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 6 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT SYSTEM Works affecting the airport fire hydrant system shall be reported to CAG and no fire hydrant shall be rendered inoperative without the concurrence of CAG AES Division. 8 OTHER ACTIVITIES INVOLVING BURNING AND OPEN FLAME There shall be NO burning of candles.3 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . within the airport premises. joss papers. The Work Party shall ensure that each and every area where hot works are carried out is AOS/10 9. II and III Division 1. etc.1 HOT WORKS. A qualified fire patroller equipped with appropriate fire extinguisher must be present at site whenever welding/hot works is in progress. ISOLATION OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND DRAINING OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM The prior approval of CAG AES Division shall be obtained for all hot works that generate heat or sparks through submitting a request for approval of hot works. CAG AES Division HQ [Tel our-services/airport-emergency-services/fire-safety/. All hot works on site shall be supervised by a person who has attended the "Fire Patroller Course" conducted by a qualified local training institute. The “Hot Work Permit” shall be applied online from the CAG website under eServices http://www. The approval will be granted subject to the condition that all fire safety requirements are met. Standard for Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated for Use in Class I. Hazardous (classified) Locations.: 6545 7072. One fire extinguisher of the appropriate type shall be placed on site to cover a protection zone within a radius of 15 metres from each hot work 6541 2535 (Changi)/6481 3377 (Seletar) during office hours] or Fire Station 1 [Tel: 6541 2526 (Changi)/6481 3377 (Seletar) during non-office hours] shall be notified and approval sought. particularly on the airside and within buildings.changiairportgroup. 7 USE OF COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT ON THE AIRSIDE Communication equipment used during aircraft refuelling operations within 3 metres (10 feet) of the fuelling equipment or the fill or vent points of aircraft fuel systems shall be intrinsically safe in accordance with UL913.changiairportgroup. oil lamps. : 6541 2526) for notification prior to the start and after the completion of the above-mentioned works. Isolation of the system on Weekends and Public Holidays is not allowed unless with CAG AES Division’s approval. The “Isolation of Fire Alarm System/Draining of Sprinkler System” (Attachment A2) can be downloaded from CAG website at http://www.g. All sprinkler installation works shall only be carried out by Qualified Persons. draining or recharging to the affected sprinkler system must be carried out by CAG Term Maintenance Contractor (TMC). Where hot works that could produce fumes are carried out in the vicinity of airconditioning return air diffusers/ducts. The Work Party shall also make arrangements for the TMC to be on site on standby to react promptly to any situation where there is water discharge due to incorrect isolation of the sprinkler system so as to minimise disruption to operations.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS supervised by a qualified fire patroller. This shall be done at least 3 working days before the work is expected to commence. 3rd storey office). Any isolation.4 The “Isolation of Fire Alarm System/Draining of Sprinkler System” shall be applied manually in person or submitted to the CAG AES Division at Fax No. A joint physical site check must be carried out with CAG TMC to ensure that the requested fire alarm zone to be isolated is correct before recording the zone label in "PART 2" of the application. The Work Party shall take into account of this requirement in his tender CAG AES Division HQ [Tel No.: 6541 2535 (Changi)/6481 3377 (Seletar) during office hours] or Fire Station 1 [Tel: 6541 2526 (Changi)/6481 3377 (Seletar) during non-office hours] shall be notified and approval sought. The Work Party shall engage the CAG TMC for such requests and any fees chargeable by the TMC are to be borne by the Work Party. Airport Management Cluster. Each qualified fire patroller is only allowed to provide fire coverage for a work radius of up to 15 metres. the Work Party shall take appropriate measures to prevent the burning smell from being propagated into the airconditioning return air system (e. 9.: 6545 7072. The Work Party supervisor-in-charge is required to be present during the draining and charging of the requested zone. The sprinkler works contractor is required to label the Alarm Control Valve (ACV) number on all the new sprinkler pipes which they have installed. When the work needs to be carried out urgently.changiairportgroup. The requested works shall be carried out during normal office hours and where applicable be approved by the Work Party's Qualified Person.6 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/11 . The Work Party supervisor-in-charge shall contact Changi Airport Fire Station 1 (Tel No. The applicant shall ensure that all affected parties are duly informed of the application status and the intention to carry out the works beforehand. installing temporary ioniser deodorants near the return air system).5 9. Manual applications of the “Hot Work Permit and “Isolation of Fire Alarm System/Draining of Sprinkler System” can only be submitted on Mondays to Fridays from 0930 hrs to 1030 hrs and 1430 hrs to 1530 hrs at the Changi Airport Terminal 2 #036-053 (Changi Airport Group. Approval will not be given if the joint verification inspection is not carried out. The sprinkler system must be promptly charged up on 1630 hrs for Mondays to Fridays to reinstate its full function. engagement of fire patroller and fire vehicle standby (required for all hot works in the airside and chargeable for non-CAG projects). shall also be complied with. However. such as application for hot works permit.4 10. First Aid Fire Appliances (FAFA) training. vehicle escort. CAG AES Division may levy a service charge on the Work Party for any of the following services: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) removal of fuel hazards. The Work Party Safety Officer must be competent in supervising hot works and monitoring ambient fuel vapors using a flammable gas detector with alarm.1 11.3 10.5 11 11. AES SERVICE CHARGE To prevent abuse of AES resources. hot works standby. the safety distance can be reduced to 50 metres.2 10. explosives escort. Other AES requirements for specific work activities. He must attend a briefing conducted by CAG AES Division on airside fire safety requirements. if the hot works is supervised by qualified Safety Officer (registered with Ministry of Manpower). and fire patroller duties. false fire alarm activation turnout.1 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR HOT WORKS ON THE APRON There shall be NO aircraft or any part of it allowed within 75 metres of any hot works in the apron areas. “No Smoking” signs shall be adequately and prominently displayed at the Work Party’s work site. All hot works must stop immediately when there are refuelling or defueling activities carried out for aircraft at the adjacent bays. refuelling/defuelling standby.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 10 10. 10. Smoking is strictly prohibited on the airside of the airport.2 The schedule of rates is as follows: a) b) c) d) Service Fire vehicle Sea rescue craft Fire officer Firefighter Charge $350 per vehicle per hour or part thereof* $870 per vessel per hour or part thereof* $50 per officer per hour or part thereof* $25 per firefighter per hour or part thereof* * excludes 7% Goods and Services Tax (GST) Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/12 . b) Taxiway All areas bound within 58 metres from the centre line of all the operational taxiways [except taxiways L5.1 GENERAL In general.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SECTION C . All areas bound within 26 metres from the centre line of operational taxiways L5 and L8. For the purpose of this section of the Airport Operational and Safety requirements. N2. either existing or new (see Attachment A4 for details). All works carried out in the airside shall comply with the latest Apron’s requirement for General Conditions of Works in the Airside. c) Taxilane All areas bound within 51 metres from the centre line of all operational taxilanes [except taxilanes A6 (behind aircraft stands E20 to E24). All areas bound within 48 metres from the centre line of operational taxiways N1 (behind aircraft stands C16 to C19 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3). including but not limited to the following: 1.AIRPORT SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 1 1. the following areas are defined as aircraft movement areas in the airport. N2 and N3 (behind aircraft stands D35 to D38 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3). L8. N1 (behind aircraft stands C16 to C19 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3).2 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/13 . C6 (behind aircraft stands F50 to F54) and U4 (behind aircraft stands A18 to A21)]. N3 (behind aircraft stands D35 to D38 and between taxiways NC2 and NC3)] and NC3 (between taxiways WA and A6). All areas bound within 43 metres from the centre line of operational taxiway NC3 (between taxiways WA and A6). At Changi Airport a) Runway All areas within 150 metres from the centre line of Runway 1 and Runway 2 as well as the areas defined at the ends of runway (see Attachment A3 for details). either existing or new taxiways (see Attachment A4 for details). no activity shall be allowed to take place within the aircraft movement areas unless the areas are closed to aircraft operation and permission is obtained from CAG for works to be carried out. Approval will have to be sought from CAG should there be an absolute need for closure of any aircraft movement areas to carry out the works. the Work Party shall submit his work proposal and detailed daily programme (including drawings. At Seletar Airport a) Runway All areas within 75 metres from the centre line of the runway as well as the areas defined at the ends of runway (see Attachment A5 for details). taxilanes.. B3. A6 (except behind aircraft stands E20 to E24). d) Aircraft Parking Apron All operational aircraft parking apron. C2. C6 (except behind aircraft stands F50 to F54). All areas bound within 43 metres from the centre line of operational taxilanes A6 (behind aircraft stands E20 to E24) and C6 (behind aircraft stands F50 to F54).1 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/14 . Note: The above information for Changi or Seletar Airport may change due to work in progress. either new or existing (see Attachment A6 for details). 1. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer for the latest information.O. SIGNS.O. prior to commencement of works. All areas bound within 41 metres from the centre line of operational taxilane U4 (behind aircraft stands A18 to A21). etc. B1. either new or existing (see Attachment A4 for details). B2.). The name of the Work Party's company and associated work title shall also 2 2. b) Taxiway All areas bound within 26 metres from the centre line of all the operational taxiways. either existing or new taxiways (see Attachment A6 for details).) for that portion of the works to the S. The Work Party shall check with the Superintending Officer (S. a pegged down signboard shall be used and placed at a strategic location. AND HAZARD LIGHTINGS The project title of works shall be displayed on the hoardings of worksites. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer for approval. taxiways. sketches. c) Aircraft Parking Apron All operational aircraft parking apron. In the absence of hoarding.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Taxilanes A5. V6 which provide access to aircraft stands only. BARRICADES. aircraft parking aprons and active airside roadways.3 For works on/affecting runways. proper fencing or barricades shall be provided at these trenches and holes to prevent the traffic from running into it during the works.. water-filled plastic barrier shall be used to fence up the work area to prevent vehicle from running into it.2 The Work Party shall provide.5 metres along its boundary and at its corners at all times. full-width roadway pavement is maintained to allow the ground servicing vehicles to access to the parking stand to service the aircraft.3. These work areas shall also be temporarily covered up with properly designed and secured steel plates if the affected roadway is to be re-opened temporarily for traffic use. For trench or pit works to be carried out on the roadway in front the aircraft parking stand. When work affecting the active roadway or requiring the section of the roadway is closed for more than 15 metres long stretch. it shall be planned in such a way that at any one time. Prior to the commencement of the works.4 . the Work Party shall submit a detailed proposal on how he plans to carry out the works.g.) shall be provided at the affected section of roadway throughout the roadway closure period.3. a comprehensive.2 2.3.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS be displayed on all site offices and at designated access points other than the normal entry/exit points of the east and west underpass. During no-work or off-work hours. signs. erect and maintain all necessary barricades. Approved impact-resistant barricades e. foundation works. such trench and hole shall be properly barricaded all round and be illuminated with amber flashing lights spaced at 1. Works and Equipment on Non-pavement Area Open trenches.1 2. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/15 2.3. a minimum continuous 30 metres length of unobstructed.O. 2. underground services works) to be carried out on the active roadway pavement.3 2. including all the necessary safety and traffic marshalling measures. Traffic marshalling service (either manual or via approved traffic signalling equipment etc. these works shall be planned in such a manner that only one lane of the affected roadway pavement be allowed to close at any one time. superstructure works. When the nature of work requires a number of trial holes or trenches to be made and to remain on the active roadway pavement over a period of time. signals and lights for the protection of his work and for the safety of the public activities in the vicinity of his work areas.) shall also be provided at this affected section of roadway to regulate the traffic during the roadway closure period. pits and large excavations on non-pavement area shall generally be fenced up with appropriate barricades approved by CAG and shall be illuminated with amber flashing lights spaced at 1. round-the-clock traffic marshalling service (either manual or via approved traffic signalling equipment etc.3 2. pavement re-surfacing.4 2. Works on Active Roadway or Works Affecting the Active Roadway For open trenches or pit works or any other works (e. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer for evaluation and approval.g. to the S.5 metres along its boundary and at its corners. subject to the approval of CAG. AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 2. shall be placed at the extremities and the highest point of all stationary plant and equipment and their designated parking zones. At the end of each closure period all warning signs.O. signs and markings are constantly maintained in good operating condition. the Work Party's representative shall inspect his worksite in the vicinity of the aircraft movement areas or in areas that could affect the operation of the aircraft movement areas nearby to ensure that no Foreign Objects or potential Foreign Object Damage (FOD) would be encountered by aircraft operation and all other safety and operational requirements of the aircraft movement areas (e. proper operation of obstruction lighting.2 4 4. LIGHTING AND MARKINGS FOR CLOSED AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT AREAS In general. The Work Party's vehicles/plant/machineries/equipment travelling in the airfield shall have appropriate markings approved by CAG or shall display approved markings/signs/flags/flashing lights at all times. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer to proceed. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer so as to warn the aircraft operating in the vicinity of the closure of the aircraft movement areas or parts thereof. The “Daily FOD Checklist” shall be submitted to the S. markers and lights shall be displayed at the closed aircraft movement areas and aircraft parking stands or part thereof to warn pilots.2 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) .1 4.O.) are met.1 3. Approved red and white obstruction barricades shall be used to demarcate areas of equipment and plant storage with amber flicker lamps placed at a maximum spacing of 1.O. INSPECTION AT THE END OF EACH DAY'S WORK Prior to the end of each day's work. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer (Attachment A7) for reference and records of checks carried out shall be kept. ground handlers and other users operating near the area. etc. The Work Party shall also carry out daily inspection and maintenance for all the signs and markers.. markers and illuminated unserviceability lights are properly secured so that they are not dislodged by strong winds. The Work Party shall ensure that all these warning signs. markings and lights displayed at his work site..5 Obstruction lighting comprising illuminated red stationary lamp of not less than 40 candelas. AOS/16 2. the Work Party shall ensure that sufficient quantity of approved closure warning signs. Prior to the commencement of work and after having been instructed by the S. covering up of open trench. within the closed aircraft movement areas and his storage areas and make arrangements to ensure that all these lights.. markers and illuminated unserviceability lights are placed at the strategic locations along the boundary of the closed aircraft movement areas and also at the locations directed by the S.5 metres along its boundary and at its corners at all times. jet blast or other environmental conditions. approved airfield warning signs.6 3 3. markers and illuminated unserviceability lights shall be removed from the aircraft movement areas and stored within the Work Party's designated storage area.g. Under no circumstances shall the Work Party use the runway to gain access to his work areas. ETC. Electrical supply source for the unserviceability lights may be tapped from existing street lighting OG Box in the vicinity of the lights. the Work Party may propose to use appropriate generators sets to power the lights.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 4. paragraphs 7 to 13 for more specific requirements on obstruction markings and lighting in the airfield. All warning signs. by CAG who have jurisdiction over the matter. VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. INTERFERENCE TO AIRCRAFT. The cables shall be adequately protected. In the circumstance that it is not feasible to obtain power supply from existing street lighting to power the lights. and battery operated ones.2 6 6. At all times. The unserviceability lights shall have photocell sensors so that they can be turned on automatically during hours of darkness or bad weather. markers and lights for closed aircraft movement areas shall be inspected daily and their status shall be recorded for submission to CAG. The crossing of taxiway (either active or closed) to gain access to work areas shall strictly be done at designated and approved locations only.4 4.3 The unserviceability lights shall consist of a 50-50 mix of types that can be operated using conventional electrical supply sources tapped from the airport’s power supply network. The Work Party shall refer to Section D. The Work Party shall provide all necessary cables and connections to the power source. the Work Party shall take immediate action to restore or replace it. the movement and deployment of the Work Party's plant and equipment in the airport shall comply with the Airport Operational and Safety requirements stipulated herein and shall also be subject to the conditions imposed from time to time. 4. The Work Party shall engage a qualified electrician to carry out checking to ensure that the existing street lighting supply is able to support the unserviceability lights’ power demand.1 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/17 . pegged down and marked such that the cables would not be damaged. All his workers and machineries movements beyond these designated areas shall be directed and escorted by CAG’s authorised personnel or supervisors. Trespassers to such areas will be prosecuted.1 5. INTRUSION INTO AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT AREAS The Work Party's attention is drawn to the fact that the aircraft movement areas are in operation all the times and no workmen or machinery shall be allowed into the active aircraft movement areas. If any of the light or marker board is found faulty or is damaged. In this connection. Battery operated unserviceability lights shall be checked daily to ensure that the effective intensity does not drop below the minimum acceptable intensity. subject to the approval of CAG. the Work Party working in the airfield shall be required to clearly mark out the boundary of his work site and confine all his workers and activities strictly within these designated work areas.5 5 5. INSPECTIONS PRIOR TO OPENING FOR AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS At the end of each closure period of aircraft movement areas for works. equipment.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 6. RESPONSE TO AIRPORT EMERGENCY The Work Party shall be required to respond to any airport emergency call activated by CAG related to his work at all times. etc. equipment and materials. roadway so opened. OPENING OF SECTION OF AIRPORT TO AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC When in the opinion of CAG any runway. failing which CAG reserves the right to engage a third party to do the same at the Work Party's expense. roadway or any structure is in satisfactory condition. or natural causes other than ordinary wear and tear. 7 7. runway. or other works of the Work Party. aircraft parking apron. due to defective material of work.O. aircraft parking apron. taxiway. the Work Party shall carry out thorough inspection and preparation on the affected aircraft movement areas to see that all the Airport Operational and Safety requirements are met and fully complied with before handling over the area for aircraft operation. 9. do not at any time interfere with airport operations regardless of whether the plant are in operation or unused/parked. it may be opened to traffic with the permission of CAG. shall be performed by and at the expense of the Work Party.2 8 9 9.1 MOTORISED VEHICLES Any vehicle intending to enter the operational aircraft movement areas must obtain clearance from the Aerodrome Control Tower. etc. and the Work Party shall immediately comply with such instruction. The opening of any runway. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer representing CAG.1 7. and his employees.2 10 10. Each radio-equipped vehicle shall not escort more than 3 other vehicles into or across aircraft movement areas at any one time. In the event that the Work Party's plant obstruct the movement of aircraft or other vehicular traffic. roadway shall not be considered as a waiver of any of the provisions of these specifications or the Work Party’s obligations.. all necessary repairs and renewals on any section of the taxiway. CAG reserves the right to instruct the Work Party to shift the plant. The opening of aircraft movement areas for aircraft operations shall be subject to the approval of the S.2 The Work Party shall be responsible for ensuring that the movement of plant..1 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/18 . taxiway. Pending final completion and acceptance of the work. If the vehicle is not radio-equipped. it shall be escorted by an authorised radio-equipped vehicle driven by an authorised person. AIRPORT OPERATION UNDER LOW VISIBILITY CONDITION In the event that low visibility aircraft operating conditions are initiated by CAG due to poor weather conditions.3 10.1 11. he shall immediately mobilise his resources to the site to carry out the works required by CAG to reinstate the operational status of the airport.O. airfield lights diversion. all the vehicles at the site shall display appropriate obstruction lights when moving from place to place and shall also exercise extreme care when entering the runway. The Work Party shall liaise closely with and respond to the S. taxiway. materials and evacuate all workers from these areas and tidy up the site to meet the requirements as stipulated in Section D in order to open the runway for operations within 30 minutes of notification by CAG. these works shall only be carried out in close coordination with the aerodrome operational requirements. taxilane or aircraft parking stand shall be completed within the stipulated working AOS/19 10. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer the restricted night working hours during which works can be carried out.4 11 11.. TAXILANES. all the works within all aircraft movement areas and other out-of-bound areas in the airfield (see Attachment A8) shall cease immediately and the Work Party shall be required to remove all his plants. aircraft parking stands) are called for in the Work Party’s scope of work. During this period. equipment.O.2 Upon receipt of such instruction. The Work Party shall request from the S.2 11. taxilanes. taxiways.e. all the work activities (including construction and maintenance works) within the runway strips and operational surface shall be ceased and the Work Party shall be required to remove all plant. MODIFICATION AND ALTERATION TO EXISTING RUNWAYS.3 12 12. he is required to propose an effective communication channel and a response procedure to CAG for approval at the start of the project. which could require the works to be carried out during the restricted night working hours if so requested by CAG. The Work Party shall request from CAG a copy of the Category II Low Visibility Operational Procedure Manual and disseminate to all his workers the requirements and restrictions for works under such weather conditions.g.) to the existing operational facilities (i. TAXIWAYS. All the alteration/modification works affecting the operation of the runway.. crossing any active taxiway/taxilane and when travelling within the active aircraft parking apron areas. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer’s needs for such emergencies. airfield signs relocation. runways. In connection to this. materials and personnel out of these areas until such time this restriction is lifted. AND AIRCRAFT PARKING STANDS When alteration or modification works (e.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 10. etc. equipment.2 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) .1 12. pavement re-surfacing. pavement marking alteration. In the event of an aircraft emergency requiring the re-opening of the runway. markings or obstruction lights that are required to be placed to demarcate the closed taxiway or taxilane areas.4 When a taxiway or taxilane is closed continuously (more than 3 days) for construction. 12. d) isolate all necessary runway lights in the closed area. e) install temporary runway end and threshold lights provided with a permanent power supply at the shortened runway end. leading into the closed taxiway or taxilane. 12. and i) any other measures requested by CAAS Air Traffic Control. c) change runway light configuration for the shortened runway. runway centre line markings. at a maximum separation of 60 metres or lesser as directed by CAG.3 When a runway is shortened for construction. 12. AOS/20 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . the Work Party shall provide the following measures: a) paint taxiway side stripe markings (double yellow lines 15 cm wide and 15 cm apart) across all entrances leading into the closed taxiway or taxilane. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer.. g) mask out all necessary runway guidance signs at closed runway area. f) install runway guidance sign on shortened runway showing revised runway distance available. leading into the closed section of the runway. threshold markings and touchdown markings and remove existing markings not appropriate for the shortened runway.5 The above works are in addition to any closure markers. including taxiway centre line and side stripe markings. b) blacken existing taxiway markings. e.O. c) install blue reflective taxiway edge markers across all entrances leading into the closed taxiway or taxilane and alongside all straight taxiway or taxilane segments where the side of the taxiway or taxilane abuts a large span of paved area that is not used. TORA distance. or the CAG S.g. b) blacken existing taxiway markings. h) mask out and isolate the circuits of all taxiway lights and taxiway guidance signs leading into the closed section of the runway. including taxiway centre line and side stripe markings. the Work Party shall provide the following measures: a) repaint runway designation markings.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS hours granted by CAG and have the work-area reinstated and handed back to CAG for aircraft operation punctually by the end of the restricted working hours. and d) mask out and isolate the circuits of all taxiway lights and taxiway guidance signs leading into the closed taxiway or taxilane. 2 All light-weight or wind attracting objects shall be kept away from the above areas whenever possible.3 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . The Work Party shall allow for such costs under this work scope. All personnel working within the jet blast hazard area shall temporarily evacuate the site during the times when aircraft is manoeuvring at these areas. Personnel working on or next to the runway.3 14 14. 13 13. shall keep clear at least 750 metres away behind an aircraft taking off.1 13. Personnel working behind the aircraft parking stands shall temporarily move away a distance at least 80 metres behind the aircraft during aircraft power-in operation and shall keep clear 250 metres away behind the aircraft during its breakaway operation. The Work Party shall propose his method of strengthening or securing the signs/markers for CAG’s approval. and in the vicinity of taxiway junctions.1 14. AOS/21 13. LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM Where works are involved in the open or aircraft movement areas.2 14. the Work Party shall be required to subscribe to the meteorological service station located at Changi Airport for auto-paging or sms service to forewarn him of impending lightning activity within the vicinity for the entire duration of the work period. No extension of time due to stoppages of works and loss and expense in compliance with the above Clause will be entertained. All plant/equipment when deployed at these areas shall be checked against stability under jet blast and measures shall be taken to ensure the stability of the plant/equipment when necessary and their suitability for deployment. in the vicinity of apron taxiways and taxilanes.6 The Work Party shall allow for all necessary provision in their scope of work to comply with the above requirements. Upon receiving the warning from meteorological service station it is the sole responsibility of the Work Party to decide whether to proceed works with proper mitigating measures or stop works to protect his personnel and equipment from lighting hazard.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 12. particularly near to the take-off end. JET BLAST HAZARD DURING AIRCRAFT MANOEUVRING Jet blast hazards due to aircraft manoeuvring can be expected at the following locations in the airfield: a) b) c) on or next to the runway. particularly near to the take-off end. adjacent to and behind the aircraft parking stands. All the airfield closure signs and markers placed in the above areas shall be properly strengthened and secured against jet blasts from the manoeuvring aircraft. firmly secured to the ground and make visible by securing them at about 300 mm above ground or placed under marker boards (i. including apron areas and cargo areas. trenching. apron access areas. at taxiways. 16 SAFETY EQUIPMENT All personnel on site shall be equipped with appropriate personal protective/safety equipment such as safety vests.html.e.2 Underground Cables The Work Party shall locate and trace all underground services.). Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/22 . safety helmet and safety boots. etc. before commencement of any ground works such as excavation and piling in the airport excavation or piling works are carried out. The Work Party is required to seek written approval from CAG before any trial hole.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 15 15. both charted ones shown in as-built services layout drawings and uncharted ones.1 DETECTION AND PROTECTION OF CABLES Overlaid Cables a) Overlaid cables shall be protected. are required to wear the high visibility safety vest at all Work Parties shall remove unwanted or unused cables promptly. The checklist and application forms are available from the CAG website at http://www. All personnel performing work in the airside. These cables shall be transferred to permanent installation whenever possible. All unused cables shall be removed from the airfield immediately. b) c) d) 15. The Work Party shall comply with all the requirements stipulated in the checklist for carrying out excavation and piling works in Changi/Seletar Airport (Attachment A9). personnel. If there are special circumstances where it is absolutely necessary to carry out activity or to place objects in the airfield infringing the runway operational surfaces or affect line of sight or navigation equipment performance. etc.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SECTION D . subject to CAG’ and CAAS’ approval. Tower and radar line of sight and any other navigational instrument paths as CAG and/or CAAS may declare from time to time.OBSTRUCTION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS I) 1 WORK ACTIVITIES NEAR RUNWAY & TAXIWAY GENERAL All the Standards and Recommended Practices stipulated in the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) Manual of Aerodrome Standards Volume I and Volume II (where applicable) and in the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Annex 14 Volume I and Volume II (where applicable) are to be complied with. material stockpiles. machineries.3 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/23 . no above ground object or work activity at the site shall be allowed to take place higher than the Height Limit (expressed in above ground level). 2 2. To ensure the active runway operational surfaces are not infringed. as stipulated in the following table. at all times when the runway concerned is in operation. ample advance notice and good justification must be given. At Changi Airport CHANGI AIRPORT RUNWAY 1 & 2 Perpendicular distance of object or activity from centre line of runway. The maximum height of all these objects shall not infringe into the runway operational surfaces. vehicles. equipment.1 MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF OBJECTS All above ground objects (such as structures.2 2.) present on the airfield are subject to height control. D (m) D < 150 m 150 m ≤ D < 465 m D ≥ 465 m Permissible maximum height (expressed in above ground level) No object allow above ground level (D-150) m 7 45 m 2. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer for the latest permissible maximum height. D (m) D < 75 m 75 m ≤ D < 390 m D ≥ 390 m Permissible maximum height (expressed in above ground level) No object allow above ground level (D-75) m 7 45 m Note: The above table for Seletar Airport will change after the runway is extended and equipped with Instrument Landing System in late 2013. stockpiles to be brought onto the airfield. piling rigs. The Work Party shall apply to CAAS ATS Division for height clearance of construction equipment at least 7 days prior to AOS/24 3 3. plant. proposed location of deployment (with site plan).O. b) c) d) 2. etc.). and temporary structures. structures.O. AMSL) of equipment. In the submission.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS At Seletar Airport SELETAR AIRPORT RUNWAY Perpendicular distance of object or activity from centre line of runway. The Work Party shall check with the Superintending Officer (S. 2.1 3. with extensible arms both in extended and retracted positions.4 The Work Party shall submit to CAG for height clearance.2 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) .. stockpiles. expected duration and daily working hours. a list of construction equipment/plant. structures or stockpiles to be deployed on site. etc. HEIGHT CONTROL Work sites near the airport are subject to height restriction imposed by CAG and/or CAAS ATS Division. the following information shall be provided: a) type and height (in metres above mean sea level. and contact number of Work Party. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer shall seek clearance from CAAS Air Traffic Services (ATS) Division and the Aerodrome Control Tower before allowing such equipment. The Work Party shall seek the approval of CAAS ATS Division before deploying tall equipment and ensure that the height restrictions stipulated are strictly complied with. at least 7 days prior to their deployment. The height restrictions imposed by CAG and/or CAAS also apply to temporary structures and construction equipment such as cranes.5 The CAG S. with extensible arms both in extended and retracted positions. e.1 type and height (in metres above mean sea level. runway strip. FOD.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS the deployment of the equipment. Vehicles. clearway. Open Trench and Pits Excavations. proposed work sites (please provide a site plan). All machineries/plants or tall objects. AMSL) of equipment and plant to be used with extensible arms both in extended and retracted positions. The height control requirements specified in paragraph 3 above shall be fully complied with. or be within the various safety areas i. stopway.1 MINIMUM CLEARANCE FROM TAXIWAY All work activities and obstructions such as construction equipment. Take-off Climb and Transitional Surfaces of the operational runway. pits or holes are not permitted to be left uncovered and backfill of these areas are not to be left uncompacted within graded runway/taxiway strips and runway end safety areas when the runway is in operation (see Attachments A13 and A14 for Changi Airport and Seletar Airport respectively). shall be parked or placed as far away as possible from the runway. 4. mobile number and pager number) of the Work Party.2 4. Excavation.5 5 5. etc. The minimum clearance from taxiway for Changi Airport may be less than 58 metres based on the separation AOS/25 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . personnel.4 4. MINIMUM CLEARANCE FROM RUNWAY No object shall penetrate the Approach.e. and name of client. must be kept at least 58 metres (Changi)/26 metres (Seletar) from the centre line of the taxiway when the taxiway is in operation. No above ground object or work activity shall be allowed within the runway strips (i. name and contact numbers (office number. 150 metres and 75 metres from the centre line of the runway for Changi Airport and Seletar Airport respectively) when the runway is in operation. expected duration and daily hours of working.3 4. The Work Party shall apply using the standard application form as at Attachment A10 and shall provide the following: a) b) c) d) e) 4 4. trenches. runway end safety area as declared for the operation of the airport by CAG and/or CAAS (see Attachments A3 and A5 for Changi Airport and Seletar Airport respectively). construction equipment and workers shall keep out of the Instrument Landing System (ILS) critical and sensitive areas at both ends of the runways at Changi Airport at all times (see Attachments A11 and A12). AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS distances stated in paragraph 1. T. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer for the latest information. 5. construction equipment and workers shall not be near the runway and taxiways unless necessary for working purposes. equipment and materials shall be placed within the designated areas assigned by CAG and they shall be as far away from the aircraft movement areas as possible.O. machineries.3 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/26 . storage areas and access routes to and from these areas shall be clearly designated and approved by CAG. parking areas. 6 6. The Work Party shall check with the S.O. The minimum clearance from taxiway for Changi or Seletar Airport may change due to work in progress. they must then be backfilled and compacted before the taxiway is re-opened for operations.2 All machineries/plants or tall objects (objects having a height to smaller base width ratio of more than 1) shall be parked or placed as far away as possible from the taxiway when not in deployment or unattended.1 6. vehicles. from the centre line of the operational taxiway: T = total height of the object/machinery/plant + 58 metres (Changi) T = total height of the object/machinery/plant + 26 metres (Seletar) Note: The above information for Changi or Seletar Airport may change due to work in progress. 5.3 6. plant.. pits and holes are not permitted to be left uncovered and backfill be left uncompacted within 30 metres (Changi)/13 metres (Seletar) from the operational taxiway centre line. When not in use.O. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer for the latest information. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer for the latest information. Outside these areas.4 Excavation. If they are carried out within these areas when the taxiway is closed. The Work Party shall check with the S. trenches. Under no circumstances shall any non-operating or unattended machinery/plant or tall objects be placed nearer than the distance. Working areas. 5. Open Trench and Pits Excavations. The Work Party shall check with the S.. uncovered or uncompacted excavations shall be minimised..2 OTHER AREAS Vehicles.2 of Section C or as published by CAG from time to time. The above information for Changi or Seletar Airport may change due to work in progress. 1 7. Flags used to mark mobile vehicles shall not be less than 0. 10-32 candelas) Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/27 .) GENERAL The marking and/or lighting of obstacles is intended to reduce hazards to aircraft by indicating the presence of the obstacles. taxiways. The effective-intensity of the flash shall not be less than 40 candelas of yellow light. fixed red. pickups. Flags used to mark mobile vehicles shall consist of a chequered pattern.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS II) 7 7. on or near the movement area (i. construction equipment.5 The markings and lighting of obstacles in accordance with the CAAS Manual of Aerodrome Standards and Chapter 6 of the ICAO Annex 14 Volume I standards for cranes. Maximum not more than 400 candelas. rigs.3 7. ETC. Owners of vehicles found operating in the airside not complying with the CAAS (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009/CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009 are liable to be fined. 7. excavators.2 OBSTRUCTION MARKING AND LIGHTING OF MOBILE OBJECTS (PLANT. runways. if they are used at night or in conditions of low visibility. Examples of the obstacle lights and chequered flags are attached for your easy reference (see Attachment A15 and A16).9 metre square. VEHICLES. Vehicles. Orange and white or alternatively red and white shall be used. etc. etc. silos.e. The colours of the pattern shall contrast each with the other and with the background against which they will be seen. Marking and lighting standards for vehicles (e.g. Vehicles entering into the airside shall comply with the Third Schedule of the CAAS (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009/Second Schedule of the CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009 – reproduced in Attachment 1A to Part 1. The markings and lighting of obstacles in accordance with the CAAS Manual of Aerodrome Standards and Chapter 6 of the ICAO Annex 14 Volume I. type A or B. The flash frequency shall be between 60 and 90 per minute. in accordance with the specification given herein and in the manner CAG deems acceptable. lighted.4 f) 7. MACHINERIES. taxilanes and aprons) of an airport are obstacles and shall be marked and. piling. EQUIPMENT. each square having sides of not less than 0.3 metre. are as follows: a) Omni and fixed red light i) Cranes/piling rigs/excavators (< 45 m above the surrounding ground) (Low intensity. trucks and trailers) are as follows: a) b) c) d) e) The dual low-intensity obstacle lights displayed on vehicles shall be flashing yellow. 3 metre. red fixed obstacle light at the highest point at night or during poor visibility condition) when not in use. with the red colour at the extremities. All mobile objects with Temporary Entry Permit shall display flags not less than 0. 2000 ± 25% candelas) b) Flags of size not less than 0.2 9 9.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ii) Cranes/piling rigs (> 45 m. Tall objects shall be lighted up with conspicuous steady red omnidirectional obstacle lights at the top and extremities. unless specified otherwise by CAAS ATS Division. < 150 m above the surrounding ground) (Medium intensity. 8 8.3 metre at its highest point while travelling in the airfield (see Attachment A17). plant and machinery which are required to carry out works in manoeuvring areas shall also carry a portable. flashing. type B.9 metre square of chequered pattern of orange and white colours. Any equipment parked on closed aircraft movement areas (when there are no work activities in the closed areas) shall also be marked with chequered flags and lighted (i. The flashing frequency shall be between 60 and 90 per minute.e. dual yellow flashing low intensity omni-directional obstacle lights shall be installed longitudinally on top of all vehicles. 20-60 fpm. The effective intensity of the flash shall not be less than 40 candelas. The width of each band is 1/7 the total dimension of the equipment (see Attachment A17). The colours of the pattern shall contrast each with the other and with the background against which they will be seen. each square having sides of not less than 0. the obstacle lights shall be linked to the radio set for communication with the Aerodrome Control Tower and AOS/28 8. plants. plant and machinery entering aircraft manoeuvring areas. LIGHTING OF MOBILE OBJECTS All objects including vehicles. Orange and white alternatively red and white shall be used. battery powered yellow flashing light to serve as a backup in case of engine trouble or failure of vehicular mounted lighting system.1 9. For normal registration plate vehicles which access the aircraft manoeuvring areas frequently. while other vehicles moving in the airside shall be painted white or yellow. The backup flashing light shall be placed securely next to the vehicle-mounted lighting system when in use. each square having sides of not less than 0. Vehicles.1 MARKING OF MOBILE OBJECTS All mobile objects issued with Airfield Vehicle Permit shall be painted in a single conspicuous colour except for tall construction equipment. The dual yellow flashing obstacle lights on RU-plate vehicles shall be turned on together when the engine ignition switch. Vehicles that require to enter the aircraft manoeuvring areas shall be shall be painted yellow. cranes and piling rigs in the airfield shall be suitably lighted up at night or during poor visibility condition. Tall construction equipment such as cranes and piling rigs shall be painted in 7 alternate bands of red and white colours.2 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) .9 metre square shall consist of a chequered pattern. Unless otherwise stated. AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS shall be turned on together with the set. taxiway. As for other vehicles with normal registration plate/plant/machinery that only need to access the airfield occasionally.3 The following light characteristics are considered suitable for the obstacle lighting of mobile objects under night-time conditions: a) b) c) 9. a runway closed marker shall be placed at each end of AOS/29 10 10. it shall be lighted with an additional low intensity fixed red obstacle light as specified. and the beam spread measured to 1/10 of peak intensity extending from 10° below to 15° above the horizontal. the switch to turn on/off the obstacle lights shall be installed prominently on the vehicle/plant/machinery dashboard with a large label reminding the driver to turn on the lights whenever he is entering the aircraft manoeuvring areas. Where runway closure period is more than 3 days. If the vehicle is used during hours of darkness.4 360° azimuth coverage in YELLOW colour. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer for the relevant requirements with regards to obstruction marking and lighting of working areas. III OBSTRUCTION MARKING AND LIGHTING OF WORKING AREAS. unserviceable areas and areas closed to aircraft movements. 9. The Work Party shall consult CAG S.O. MARKING OF THE PORTION OF RUNWAY OR TAXIWAY CLOSED TO AIRCRAFT A closed marker shall be displayed on the runway or portion of the runway which is closed to aircraft for more than 2 hours.2 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) .1 11. minimum effective intensity in the horizontal plane not less than 40 candelas nor more than 400 candelas.1 10.. The driver of the vehicle/operator of plant or machinery shall ensure that the yellow flashing lights on top of the vehicle/plant/machinery are switched on and remain illuminated at all times when the vehicle/plant/machinery is on a runway. taxilane or aircraft parking apron (including in closed aircraft manoeuvring areas when there are work activities in the closed areas). or where a section of the runway is closed for more than 3 days. UNSERVICEABLE AREAS AND AREAS CLOSED TO AIRCRAFT MOVEMENTS GENERAL All obstruction marking and lighting of working areas. unserviceable or closed aircraft movement areas shall comply with all the requirements as specified hereunder and in accordance with the operational practices CAG deems adequate and appropriate.2 11 11. An unserviceability light shall consist of a red fixed light and shall not cause glare and confusion to the pilots or traffic controllers. Airfield lights on or certain section/length of airfield light leading to the closed portion of runway or taxiway shall be effectively covered up by the Work Party concerned in a manner acceptable to CAG. At the end of the taxiway closure period. a taxiway closed marker shall be painted at each end of the closed area.4 11.5 11.7 12 12. the marker shall also be heavy enough so that it would not be displaced or lifted by the direct aircraft jet engine blast or by strong winds.) In addition. or where a section of the taxiway is closed for more than 3 days. The following light characteristics shall be complied with: a) b) c) d) light shall be seen in all directions.3 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/30 . 11.1 12.2 12. red colour. or at least 75 mm in depth in areas which are subjected to traction forces exerted by wheels of turning aircraft. LIGHTING OF THE PORTION OF RUNWAY OR TAXIWAY CLOSED TO AIRCRAFT Unserviceability lights shall be placed across the entire entrance and exit to the closed area at intervals not exceeding 3 metres.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS the closed area and additional markers shall be placed along the runway centre line so that the maximum interval between markers does not exceed 300 metres. and 11. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings. The unserviceability lights shall consist of the type that can be operated using conventional electrical supply sources tapped from the airport’s power supply network. (A marking utilising material other than paint on the surface may be suitable for temporary closure. Where taxiway closure period is more than 3 days. the closed marker shall be totally removed by milling and patching of at least 50 mm in depth at straight portions of the taxiway. weather-proof.3 Where runway closure period is 2 hours or less. minimum of 10 candelas effective intensity. a set of lighted red/white obstruction marker board shall be placed at the holding position located at each of the two entry taxiways located at each end of the closed runway. the runway and taxiway closed marker shall be of the form of a cross with the minimum dimensions shown in Attachment A18 and shall be of a single contrasting colour yellow (for taxiway) and white (for runway). and battery operated ones in alternate positions.6 11. such as concrete slabs. An unserviceability marker board shall be at least 0.0 metres in length with alternate red and white vertical stripes (see Attachment A17).8 13. 3. that is under repair. Markers shall be light-weight and frangibly mounted. AOS/31 13.1 MARKING AND LIGHTING OF WORK SITES AND UNSERVICEABLE AREAS Unserviceability markers and lights shall be displayed whenever any portion of a taxiway. In such instances. apron or holding bay is unfit for the movement of aircraft but it is still possible for aircraft to bypass the area safely. Those located near a runway or taxiway shall be sufficiently low to preserve clearance for propellers and for the engine pods of jet aircraft. All lamps used to light up the construction site shall be shielded to shine downward onto the ground. and during periods of poor visibility e.7 13.) Unserviceability markers and lights shall be placed at 3 metres intervals so as to delineate the unserviceable area. All the marker boards shall be properly weighed down to ensure that they will not be displaced by jet blast or strong wind. Each marker board shall have at least two serviceable light mounted at the highest point. or on a taxiway when a major portion of the width becomes unserviceable.3 13. Unserviceability markers and lights are used for such purposes as warning pilots of a hole in a taxiway or apron pavement or outlining a portion of pavement. Gaps between unserviceability markers shall not be greater than 3 metres.5 metre in height. Unserviceability markers shall consist of conspicuous upstanding marker board. to prevent markers which have broken from their mounting from blowing away are to be used where necessary. The exact location of the unserviceability markers and lights shall be subject to the approval of CAG.9 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . such as sand bags. the runway or taxiway is normally closed.4 13. shall not be used to weigh down the marker boards.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS e) the unserviceability lights shall be lit between the hours half an hour before official sunset time until half an hour after official sunrise. (Note: Anchors or chains. Unserviceability lights shall comply with the requirements specified in paragraph 12 above.2 13.g. (Note: Such measures are not suitable for use when a portion of a runway becomes unserviceable. heavy rain. 13 13.6 13. such as on an apron. In no circumstances shall any light be allowed to point in the direction of north or south or towards the Aerodrome Control Tower. will not contribute to FOD.5 13. Non-frangible materials. The intervals between obstacle/warning lights shall not exceed 3 metres.) All the markers and lights shall be adequately designed such that they shall be able to withstand a direct aircraft jet engine blast at velocity of 216 km/h without toppling or displacement. The Work Party shall ensure that materials used to weigh down the marker boards. 6 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/32 . Work Parties shall avoid damaging turf in the course of their activities as ponding could lead to the growth of insects and other invertebrates which in turn attract birds.4 1. cats and other wildlife to the airport. Work Parties shall ensure that their workers consume food only at designated places. Work Parties shall not allow site canteens to operate at their worksites. gates and fences that could permit dogs. drain gratings. Work Parties shall conduct regular checks to ensure that their workers adhere to these measures.1 MEASURES TO MINIMISE WILDLIFE HAZARD Work Parties shall take appropriate measures to avoid attracting birds. Work Parties shall ensure that there are no gaps or holes in the hoardings. 1. and that leftovers are properly disposed of to avoid attracting scavenger birds. In addition. cats or other wildlife. If the dogs and cats escape into the airfield.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SECTION E – WILDLIFE CONTROL REQUIREMENTS 1 1. dogs. Work Parties shall be required to catch any dogs and cats found within their worksites. Work Parties shall report such incident to CAG Airside Operations immediately at Tel: 6541 2257/8 (Changi Airside Control Centre)/6481 5077 (Seletar Airside Office) or contact the Aerodrome Control Tower directly. cats and other stray animals to enter the airfield.3 1. dogs. Work Parties shall minimise the presence of stockpiles or poles or wires and other such items which could act as perches for birds at worksites. security grilles.2 1.5 1. In addition. 2 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/33 . taxiways. construction equipment and workers shall keep out of the ILS critical and sensitive areas along the runways. Should pilots or air traffic controllers complain of glare after the installation of the lights.2 1. taxilanes and aircraft parking aprons. GLARE FROM LIGHTS AND REFLECTIVE PANELS In general.OTHER HAZARDS CONTROL REQUIREMENTS 1 1. earth lumps. To help minimise the foreign object deposits. taxilanes or aircraft parking apron.) or debris left behind on the aircraft pavements (such as runways.1 2. Lightings installed at developments similarly shall not cause glare and confusion to aircraft pilots or to air traffic controllers.3 2 2. are not blown onto the runways. The Work Party shall ensure that all the foreign objects on the aircraft pavements and their vicinity are cleaned up and cleared away before the pavements are opened for operation.2 3 3. nails. as the litter could be blown onto the runways.) as well as in their vicinity as these objects could be ingested by the aircraft engines and may subsequently endanger the safety of the aircraft during operation. There must also be strict supervision to ensure that workers do not litter the work site. taxiways. etc. the lights shall be modified or removed accordingly. these lights shall be modified or removed accordingly. taxilanes or aircraft parking apron. INTERFERENCE TO NAVIGATION AIDS/AIRPORT EQUIPMENT There shall not be large metallic cladding/metallic structures which can cause radio signal reflection or blockage against line-of-sight operations to systems such as Instrument Landing System (ILS) and radars installed in the airport. Vehicles. machineries or equipment are in proper serviceable condition and are cleaned and free from foreign objects or debris before they travel on the aircraft pavement. mud stain. 1. construction waste. etc. Measures must be taken to ensure that objects such as markers and dust from construction areas. etc. piles of material/debris. Should pilots or air traffic controllers subsequently complain of glare or confusion. all lights for illumination of work sites shall be shielded and directed to shine towards the ground. the Work Party shall be required to ensure that all his vehicles.1 FOREIGN OBJECTS/DEBRIS/DUST (FOD) There must not be any foreign objects (such as stones. Installation of such metallic cladding/metallic structures is strictly subject to written approval from CAAS Air Traffic Services (ATS) Division. cut grass.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SECTION F . taxiways.1 3. a suitable consultant would have to be engaged to advise on how radar signal reflections from the buildings could be minimised to a level similar to that of the same building with its walls and roof using conventional building materials. vehicle(s) licence plate number. However. and areas where sets would be used. The contact details of NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd is: NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd Aeradio Service Division Changi Airport P. runways.5 ii) iii) b) c) If acceptable. 3. concrete. CAAS ATS Division will approve the use of mobile radio sets. (Tel: 6541 1677) for rental of mobile radio set. With effect from 1 December 2011 (exact date to be confirmed by CAAS ATS Division). The purpose of having the ADS-B transponders is to enhance aerodrome safety by facilitating Air Traffic Control (ATC) in tracking vehicular movements in the aircraft manoeuvring areas. supporting letter or document from the airport employer. if such metal cladding or materials are to be used.4 3. CAAS ATS Division.3 Metal cladding and materials of high reflectivity to radar signal of frequencies 1 GHz to 3 GHz shall not be used for wall and roof facing our radars.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3.O. taxiways and taxilanes) are required to be equipped with Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) transponders utilising 1090 MHz Extended Squitter.g. Radio equipment to be used must be of the type which will not cause interference to airport telecommunications and navigational aid equipment. (Tel: 6541 2409/Fax: 6542 2447) furnishing the following details: i) reason for the need of mobile radio set. With CAAS’ approval letter.6 Operator of the mobile radio set must hold or be accompanied by the holder of a valid Airfield Driving Permit (Category 1). project title and reference number and duration.e. Box 2838 Singapore 918199 Fax: 65457126 d) 3. e. AOS/34 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . The procedures for application of mobile radio sets are as follows: a) The Work Party is to write to the Engineer (Communications). CAAS ATS Division shall be kept informed of any arc welding carried out during the work. Such transponders shall comply with the prevailing standards of aircraft avionics for ADS-B OUT (air-to-ground). Arc welding shall be avoided as it could interfere with the navigation aids. all vehicles which need to enter the aircraft manoeuvring areas (i. the Work Party is to approach the officer-incharge from NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd. 3. Line Plant Operations Division must be informed of the dismantling of supports and the backfilling procedure of the comms cable ducts. If the proposed works were to overcross the comms cable ducts. ATC radio and comms cables. CAAS and SingTel immediately of such severance. Any severance of existing CAG’s or CAAS’ comm plants/ducts shall be attended to immediately with the aim of restoring normal services in the shortest possible time. The depth of existing ducts shall be ascertained by manual trial hole excavation prior to overcrossing the ducts. prior arrangement shall be made for engagement of SingTel’s repair team when its services are needed. slabs shall be provided to protect the comms cable ducts before heavy machinery could go over them during the works as such ducts are not supported by piles. 4 4.1 4. For the Navaids. CAG.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS For more information and technical details. please contact Engineer (Surveillance) of CAAS ATS Division (Tel: 6541 2402). If the proposed works were to overcross the comms cable ducts. the method of support and protection shall be submitted to NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd. The Work Parties responsible for the works shall inform CAG. NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd.3 4.2 4. Please liaise with SingTel Network Services Outside Plant Planning. PROTECTION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (applicable where works cut across Telecom's Underground Services) The Work Party shall arrange with NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd to make available sufficient special comms cable and ACR (Approach Control Radar) cables where applicable for emergency repairs as their severance will disrupt the aircraft operations.5 4. Such spare cables must be stored at suitable locations. NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd (CAAS’ contractor) shall be engaged for on-site standby to repair the cables in the event of their severance. Please liaise with NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd for further details. (Tel: 6848 5854/Fax: 6848 4110) for further details. In addition. A comprehensive work schedule shall be submitted to CAAS and SingTel through CAG. with the aim of reaching the proposed work sites in the shortest possible time in the event of cable cut.6 4. CAAS and SingTel shall be kept informed in advance of all works approaching existing CAG’s or CAAS’ comm plants/ducts.4 4. Line Plant Operations Division for approval.7 All the cost associated with equipping the Work Party’s vehicles with radio equipment or ADS-B transponders are to be borne by the Work Party. Only manual excavation is to be carried out within 4 metres of such crossing.7 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/35 . Where the works would be carried out over ACR cables. In no circumstances shall any diesel or fuel leaking vehicle be allowed to work in the airfield.8 All construction works within the existing services shall be carried out under the standing supervision and direction of the services detection worker and the Work Party supervisor.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 4. No tracked vehicles.2 5. machineries or plant from damaging the aircraft pavements during the work and shall be responsible to make good all the damaged pavements at his own expense to the satisfaction of CAG. Under Section 49 of the same Act. Diesel or fuel leaking plant and machineries shall also. all the plant and machineries found leaking with fuel or diesel during the work shall be immediately stopped and removed from site and replaced at Work Party's own expense. Under Section 29 of the Telecommunications Act 1999.10 The Work Party shall note the consequences of damaging SingTel’s cables. plant or machineries shall be allowed to travel on the aircraft pavements unless such vehicles. and the cross section and description of the services. 4. 5 5. be discouraged for work in the airfield and shall not be brought to site without CAG’s approval.9 b) 4. in a manner similar to that of making the trial hole or inspection pit. PROTECTION OF AIRCRAFT PAVEMENTS The Work Party shall take all necessary measures to prevent his vehicles. Unless otherwise decided by CAG. any person who fails to give 7 days notification to SingTel prior to commencement of earthworks is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $100. The Work Party shall submit service detection report and surveyed services drawings endorsed by the services detection worker to CAG and CAAS. The surveyed services drawings shall include but not limited to the following: a) the location and depth of the services observed. to be expressed in Airport Coordinates and in elevation with respect to mean sea level (MSL) respectively.1 5. any person who in the course of carrying out earthworks.4 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/36 . plant or machineries are prevented from getting direct contact with the pavements surface by approved plywood or timber plank packing.3 5.000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or both. damages any SingTel’s cable is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1 million or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or to both. as far as possible. such as runways. Runway must be ready for operation (i. the Co-ordinator shall immediately alert the Aerodrome Control Tower Duty Watch Manager through the radio set on 121.g.1 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATIONS The Work Party shall be required to implement the following co-ordination procedures with Air Traffic Control (ATC) during his works within the aircraft movement areas: a) The Work Party shall ensure the provision of a Co-ordinator (e. In case of obstructions or hazards to aircraft operations. etc.9 MHz (Seletar) or Tel No 6541 2416 (Changi) or 6481 2893 (Seletar) [to be used only when a radio set is not available] for Changi and Seletar Airport respectively. taxilanes. etc. are confined to the designated work areas and that there is no unauthorised entry into aircraft movement areas. personnel.2 The Work Party shall provide proper supervision of his workers movement and clearly mark out the work areas to ensure that vehicles. The Work Party’s Coordinator’s mobile phone number shall be provided to the Aerodrome Control Tower. cleared of all obstructions) within 30 minutes upon notification by the Aerodrome Control Tower Duty Watch Manager. or any incidence during the works that may endanger the operation of aircraft within the aircraft movement areas.e. b) c) d) e) 1. runway safety areas. Notification procedure for works or movement of equipment/vehicles that require Aerodrome Control Tower Duty Watch Manager’s clearances. In the event of an aircraft emergency requiring opening of runways or taxiways.AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS 1 1. Both radio-equipped vehicles shall have good conditioned and reliable radio sets turned-on at all time to enable effective and instant communication with the Aerodrome Control Tower.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SECTION G . the Work Party shall provide at least 2 radio-equipped vehicles at site at all time (including night works) during his works within the aircraft movement areas (either operational or closed) or when there is a need to manoeuvre in the aircraft movement areas. the Aerodrome Control Tower Duty Watch Manager will alert the Co-ordinator through radio-set and he shall evacuate all construction personnel and equipment from the work areas within the runway/taxiway strip and operational surfaces to pre-designated holding areas. taxiways. aprons. works. equipment. site engineer or approved certified safety officer) stationed full-time at site during the works who must be contactable and be able to respond immediately and communicate at all times with the Aerodrome Control Tower Duty Watch Manager in case of emergency or irregularities. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/37 . navigational aids sensitive areas.9 MHz (Changi)/122. Unless otherwise decided by CAG. Where entry into a particular movement area is approved by CAG. taxilanes and aprons) shall be equipped with radio sets on 121. personnel or construction equipment into that particular area. Access routes to the work areas shall as far as possible be routed clear of taxiways (either operational or closed).O. The Work Party shall also confirm with the CAG Superintending Officer (S. In this case. No crossing of the taxiway shall be permitted whenever the Aerodrome Control Tower so directs.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 1. the Co-ordinator shall conduct runway/taxiway inspection to see that it is free from FOD and debris hazards. Priority shall be given to the taxiing aircraft on the taxiway during his vehicular crossing activities. He shall also be required to station two workers full-time at his designated taxiway/taxilane crossings to maintain the cleanliness of the taxiway/taxilane pavement and ensure it is free from FOD at all time during his vehicular usage. changed or replaced to cater for the different configurations of taxiways at the various phases of works.5 1. Where crossing of operational taxiway/taxilane is necessary during his works and approved by CAG.). construction equipment and workers shall only use the approved designated routes to gain access to work areas.6 1. runways.1 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/38 . CONTROL OF AIRFIELD LIGHTS FROM THE AERODROME CONTROL TOWER The existing Taxiway Control Panel (TCP) at the Aerodrome Control Tower and the Airfield Lighting Control and Monitoring System software shall be modified.7 2 2. All vehicles/equipment which are required to enter and manoeuvre in the aircraft movement areas (i. 1. the Work Party shall obtain clearance from the Aerodrome Control Tower before each crossing is made and be responsible to engage approved safety supervisor stationed at the designated crossing point to manage and regulate his vehicular crossing activities.3 1.9 MHz (Changi)/122. radio communications between the Aerodrome Control Tower and the Work Party's work supervisor shall be continuously maintained at an approved radio frequency. taxiways.e. FOD and hazards found shall be immediately removed before the runway/taxiway is handed back to CAG for aircraft operation. Crossing is also not permitted when any approaching aircraft is within 200 metres or when any aircraft has passed the crossing point but is still within 250 metres distance from the designated crossing point. ATC clearance shall be obtained before mobilising any vehicle. Project Officer or Coordinating Officer on a daily basis regarding the closure of the airfield facility before entering the area concerned to start work each day.4 Vehicles. At the end of each work period or period of runway closure.9 MHz (Seletar) frequency which must be manned at all times such that there will be a constant communications link between the Aerodrome Control Tower and the vehicle/equipment in the aircraft movement areas. The Airfield Lighting Control and Monitoring System shall be thoroughly tested before it is handed back for operations if there are any changes or modifications made to the system.4 2. 2. In particular. There shall not be any disruption to the ATC operations due to airfield lighting control modifications works.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 2.2 The Aerodrome Control Tower shall at all times continue to have effective remote control to all the active runways and taxiways and apron airfield lights which are not affected by the construction works. in any case not worse than that of the existing system. The response time for stop-bar lights shall be immediate. Training shall be provided to controllers if there are changes to the operation of the airfield lighting system.6 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/39 . operations on the runways shall not be disrupted.3 2. The response time of the modified or new system shall be as low as possible.5 2. except those under paragraph 1.1 1.2. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/40 .2.2. An Airfield Vehicle Permit shall be in force for a period of one year or for any period as CAG CEO may determine.e. The fees payable depend on the type of vehicles i. An Airfield Vehicle Permit shall be issued to vehicles with valid Land Transport Authority (LTA) Road Tax and Insurance Certificate including usage in the airside covering the period of the Airfield Vehicle Permit.6 CAG CEO may impose any condition in the Airfield Vehicle Permit and reserves the right to cancel any vehicle permit without assigning any reason.2. 1 1.7.2 1.2. Trailer-mounted.5 1. All vehicles must comply with the requirements stipulated in the Third Schedule of the CAAS (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009/Second Schedule of the CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009 – reproduced in Attachment 1A to Part 1 – prior to the issue of an Airfield Vehicle Permit.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SECTION H . Petrol/diesel-driven.1 PART 1: PERMITS ISSUED UNDER THE CAAS (CHANGI AIPRORT) BYLAWS 2009/CAAS (SELETAR AIRPORT) BY-LAWS 2009 Under the provisions of the CAAS (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009/CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009. The Work Party shall comply with the latest requirements accordingly as instructed and the latest terms and conditions for works in the airside. The rates are prescribed in Part 3 of this section. All drivers are bound by the terms and conditions for operation as specified by the CAG Airside Operations in the handbook for airside drivers. operating in the airside shall possess an Airfield Vehicle Permit issued by CAG Chief Executive Officer (CEO).AIRSIDE REGULATIONS The content of this section are subject to changes. Battery-operated. 1.2 Airfield Vehicle Permit (AVP) Temporary Entry Permit (TEP) for Vehicles Airfield Driving Permit (ADP) Forklift Driving Permit AIRFIELD VEHICLE PERMIT (AVP) All vehicles.4 1. CAG reserves the right to update and/or revise these requirements as and when necessary.2. the CAG Airside Operations issues the following permits: a) b) c) d) 1.2.3 1. AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 1.2.7 Exemption Airfield Vehicle Permits are not required for the following: a) b) vehicles entering the airside on a Temporary Entry Permit; and vehicles attending to an emergency. 1.2.8 1.3 1.3.1 Guidance notes on the application of an Airfield Vehicle Permit are set out at Attachment 1B to Part 1. TEMPORARY ENTRY PERMIT (TEP) FOR VEHICLES Any vehicle intending to enter the airside on ad hoc basis to let down personnel, deliver heavy equipment, construction material, goods or for other approved purposes has to apply for Temporary Entry Permit issued by CAG, Airside Operations. The conditions of entry for such vehicles shall: a) be accompanied by a holder of a valid airfield driving permit in that same vehicle or in an escorted vehicle by the holder of a valid airfield driving permit who shall act as a steersman; not drive the vehicle into any aircraft hangar; ensure the vehicle is or roadworthy condition that is acceptable to CAG. No fuel-leaking vehicle shall be allowed in the airside airport. All vehicles operating in the airside must possess a valid Insurance Certificate covering its usage within the airside; display a chequered flag (minimum 0.9 metre by 0.9 metre) by day and in addition, two yellow flashing lights by night, at its highest point; maintain a safe distance of 15 metres from any refuelling points and aircraft fuel tank vents; remove any debris from the airside after completion of each day’s work; pay cost of repair for any damage caused to CAG or any airport property plus 15% of total repair cost as administrative charge; and comply with such other conditions as may be imposed by CAG. 1.3.2 b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 1.3.3 1.3.4 Within a year from the date of application, a vehicle is only allowed to be issued with the Temporary Entry Permit for a maximum period of 60 days. The Temporary Entry Permit shall be displayed in a conspicuous place on the front windscreen of the vehicle and shall be produced for inspection upon request by any authorised officer or police officer. Vehicles issued with Temporary Entry Permit shall NOT be used as an escort vehicle. AOS/41 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 1.3.5 Operators are reminded that the use of the Airfield Vehicle Permit and Temporary Entry Permit are also governed by the Rules and Regulations for Airside Personnel published by Airside Operations and shall be subject to changes and revision by CAG from time to time as necessary. AIRFIELD DRIVING PERMIT (ADP) All drivers of motorised vehicles operating in the aircraft movement areas shall hold at least an Airfield Driving Permit (Category 2). All drivers of motorised vehicles intending to operate in the aircraft movement areas (runway, taxiway and/or aircraft parking stands) shall possess an Airfield Driving Permit (Category 1). Only a holder of a current Class 3 driving licence issued by the Traffic Police or foreign license equivalent to Class 3 is eligible to apply for an Airfield Driving Permit. Foreign license holder must show documentary proof that he last entered Singapore less than 6 months ago. Foreign license holders whose stay exceeded 6 months based on date he last entered Singapore, must produce Traffic Police license, obtainable from Singapore Traffic Police. A) i) ADP (Category 2) All first time Airfield Driving Permit applicants can choose to do selfstudying instead of having to attend compulsory classroom-based airfield driving theory course (ARRC), which was previously a mandatory requirement. A permit will only be issued after the applicant has passed the Airfield Rules Test (Theory) and Airfield Driving/Safety Compliance Test (Practical) based on the terms and conditions for operation required by the CAG Airside Operations. ADP (Category 1) Application Applicant must hold a valid ADP (minimum Class 3) for at least 3 months. Application requires a justification letter to obtain an ADP Category 1 permit. Application from contractors must be supported by relevant CAG Divisions. Familiarisation Trips 1.4 1.4.1 ii) B) 1. i) ii) 2. Applicant is required to attend 10 familiarisation trips on at least 3 different days (inclusive of 2 night trips on different nights but can be on the same day trips) in an authorised vehicle, under the guidance of an ADP Category 1 holder. Each trip made must be recorded in the logbook and be certified by relevant CAG Division. The supporting documents are to be forwarded to CAG Airside Operations together with the application form for endorsement. 3. Course, Written Test and Test on the Use of Radio Telephony. AOS/42 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Applicant is required to attend a course on radio telephony procedures and the rules and regulations governing the conditions of entry/exit of runway/taxiway. Applicant is also required to pass a written test and a practical test on the use of Radio Telephony to obtain clearance from duty air traffic controller to make trips to any destination on the runway and taxiway. All such course and tests are conducted by CAG Airside Operations. 4. Endorsement The ADP shall be endorsed with the Category 1 status once all the criteria are met which allow the holder to drive into active taxiways and runways. 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.4.6 1.4.7 1.5 1.5.1 An Airfield Driving Permit authorises the holder to operate any or a combination of the types of vehicles according to the classification of vehicles at paragraph 1.5. An Airfield Driving Permit shall be in force for a period of one year or for any period as CAG may determine. All fees relevant to the issue of an Airfield Driving Permit are listed out in Part 3 of this section. CAG may cancel or withdraw any driving permit without assigning any reason. Upon termination of employment or cancellation of permit, it is the duty of the employer to surrender the driving permit to the issuing authority. Every driver shall carry his driving permit with him at all times and shall produce it to authorised officers upon request. FORKLIFT DRIVING PERMIT All forklift drivers shall hold a Forklift Driving Permit. An application for the issue or renewal of a forklift driving permit for a person shall be submitted by the employer of that person in such form and by furnishing such information as the CAG may require. On the application of the employer of a proposed forklift driver, CAG may, upon being satisfied that the proposed forklift driver is competent to drive a forklift and has good knowledge of the provisions of the CAAS (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009/CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009, issue or renew a forklift driving permit authorising the proposed forklift driver to drive a forklift, subject to such conditions as CAG may impose. CLASSIFICATION OF VEHICLES Class 3A Motor cars with unladen weight of 2500 kilograms and below with automatic transmission. 1.5.2 1.6 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/43 Motor tractors with unladen weight of 2500 kilograms and below. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/44 .AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Class 3 . Passenger Loading Bridges (Aerobridge). Class 3T Class 4 - Motor tractors with unladen weight not exceeding 2500 kilograms. Forklifts or forktrucks. mobile passenger steps. Scooters and motorcycles are not permitted within the aerodrome except in the Changi Airfreight Centre. skyloaders.a) b) Motor cars with unladen weight of 2500 kilograms and below. etc. Motor tractors. with unladen weight exceeding 2500 kilograms and not exceeding 7250 kilograms. Non-load/passenger carrying vehicles with unladen weight exceeding 7250 kilograms. Class 4T Class 5 Class A Class F - Motor tractors with unladen weight exceeding 2500 kilograms and not exceeding 7250 kilograms. a) b) Load/passenger carrying vehicles with unladen weight exceeding 2500 kilograms and not exceeding 7250 kilograms. AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 2 2. Vehicles shall give maximum clearance to aircraft at all times. Installed seat belts shall be properly fastened. AOS/45 e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . The driver of a vehicle who desires to enter the aircraft movement areas other than the apron shall obtain prior approval from the Duty Tower Controller over the radio transmitter on VHF 121. of taxiing aircraft. Any vehicle which is at the point of entering the aircraft manoeuvring area shall stop at the point of entry and the driver thereof shall first ascertain that there is no aircraft movement before proceeding into the manoeuvring area. The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake any vehicle proceeding in the same direction in the movement area. 30 km/h on roadways near aircraft parking stands. The driver of a vehicle shall not leave his vehicle unattended in the aircraft movement areas and in the event of a breakdown shall attract attention to his plight.1 PART 2: RULES AND REGULATIONS General a) Every apron user shall conduct oneself in a manner that prevents exposure of oneself or other persons to danger. in particular. b) c) Before starting.9 MHz(Seletar) and maintain contactable so as to respond or communicate immediately with Duty Tower Controller in the event of emergency or irregularities. Maximum speed is strictly limited to: i) ii) iii) d) 5 km/h within 10 metres of a parked aircraft. ensures safe and smooth traffic performance and precludes impairment of flight operations.9 MHz (Changi)/122. and 50 km/h on roadways away from aircraft parking aprons along perimeter roads and airside tunnels. All drivers shall refrain from using handphone or walkie-talkie whilst driving within the airside and shall comply with any direction or instruction given by authorised officers. the driver shall ensure that his vehicle is in a roadworthy condition and that all requirements under the CAAS (Changi Airport) ByLaws 2009/CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009 have been complied with. Every driver shall stay within the approved lanes of the roadways and shall not leave his vehicle unattended. Do not drive over any hose or bonding cable laid on the ground by fuelling agents during aircraft refuelling. Do not reverse towards an aircraft except for the purpose of servicing the aircraft and only when directed to do so by a vehicle marshaller.2 OPERATING NEAR AN AIRCRAFT a) b) c) d) e) f) Slow down vehicle when approaching an aircraft which is setting down or taking up passengers. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/46 . Do not approach an aircraft which has its engines running and/or its anti-collision lights switched on. Taxiing aircraft shall have right-of-way over all other traffic. Vehicles travelling on designated roadways or service lanes in the aircraft movement areas and vehicles being led by guiding vehicles shall have right-of-way status over other vehicular traffic. Do not draw up or stop the vehicle under the wing. Vehicles that need to be on the turf area beside the taxiway shall keep at least 52. m) n) o) p) q) r) s) 2. tail or fuselage of an aircraft unless when servicing the aircraft. Drivers of vehicles/equipment in the course of their duties or for an adequate period of time before coming on duty shall not consume intoxicating beverages. Vehicles authorised to display a special yellow or red flashing emergency light and any other vehicle being led by such vehicles are exempted from the speed limit and may leave the designated traffic lanes if need be. Such vehicles shall however give way to taxiing aircraft. No vehicle or person shall cross a taxiway if he is within 200 metres in front of an aircraft taxiing or within 250 metres at the rear of an aircraft which has taxied past.5 metres from the edge of the taxiway. Always approach an aircraft at an angle and keep to the right side of the aircraft in order to avoid a collision in case of brake failure. Towed aircraft and guide vehicles escorting aircraft shall have the same right-of-way status as taxiing aircraft over other vehicular traffic.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS l) No person shall cross the aircraft movement areas by moving in front of the path of a taxiing aircraft or at the rear of an aircraft being pushed back (with anti-collision lights switched on when about to or in process of push back). Vehicles not directly involved in the servicing of aircraft are to maintain a distance of at least 15 metres from parked aircraft. This is to avoid obstructing the Aircraft Docking Guidance System (ADGS) operator’s line of sight to the status of the display panel of the ADGS (mounted on the Terminal building) from the marshaller.4 PARKING AND STOPPING a) All vehicles shall be parked within the area designated by CAG. a safety zone of 2. all vehicles shall stop to keep the path of the taxiing aircraft clear or by stopping before the stop line and the "Give Way to Aircraft" sign at the intersection of taxiway. Project Officer or AOS/47 b) Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . 2.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 2. Keep clear of the aircraft's engines and do not pass within 7. paragraph 5 for minimum separation distances). When travelling parallel to taxiing aircraft.2 Moving Aircraft a) When taxiing aircraft approach to as close as 200 metres. Vehicles travelling on roadways behind the parking stands shall hold at edge of parking stands and wait for the aircraft (on the apron taxiway to clear or wait until the aircraft has fully pushed back from its parking stand into the apron taxiway) before joining to the roadway to continue their journey.5 metres from the air intake or within 76 metres from the rear of a running jet engine. positioned at the operator’s control panel.1 SAFETY DISTANCES FROM AIRCRAFT Stationary aircraft a) b) c) d) e) A safe alert distance of at least 5 metres shall be observed when approaching close to any stationary aircraft.). Never start the vehicle when it is within 15 metres of an aircraft which is being refuelled. obstruction or undue inconvenience to other users of the road or to traffic within the airside. If any vehicle is parked at any place in an aerodrome so as to cause danger. the vehicle shall maintain a distance outside the aircraft movement areas (see Section D. the Superintending Officer (S. b) c) d) e) 2.3. Do not cross behind the path of an aircraft taxiing under its own power unless there is a separation of more than 250 metres behind the aircraft. Tall vehicles travelling along the roadways in front of all contact gates shall stop temporarily whenever an aircraft is approaching the gate. No vehicle shall be parked in or near the aircraft movement areas or on a route of communication on the apron. When an aircraft is being refuelled.O.3.3 2.5 metres radius shall be maintained around the aircraft tank vents by all vehicles. CAG may remove the vehicle or prevent the removal of the vehicle from the parking place by fixing an immobilisation device to the vehicle. Only authorised vehicles are permitted to cross these surface roadways.g. Parking and waiting in the tunnel is not permitted. The driver shall take all reasonable precautions to alert other users of his breakdown vehicle by switching on the vehicle hazard lights and place a breakdown sign a distance behind the vehicle where practicable.5.5 metres in height shall not enter the tunnel roadways or other section of airside roads with height restriction or low ceiling areas along the building airside front including those types of vehicles as stipulated in paragraph 2. MDL. All drivers are not to enter the tunnel roadways whenever the Red Light on the gantry at the entrance of the tunnel is activated. 2. For travelling across North Cross Taxiways – Only tall vehicles above 4 metres in height and other approved types of vehicles (e. Any breakdown of vehicles in the tunnel must be reported to CAG Changi Airside Control Centre as soon as possible at Tel: 6541 2257/58 or through any of the SOS telephones located on the wall of the tunnels. Airtugs. The Work Party’s vehicles shall confine to the designated routes during the project works and avoid the secondary roadways behind aircraft stands where possible.1 TRAVELLING ON AIRSIDE ROADWAYS No vehicle is allowed to be near aircraft stands unless permission is granted and conditions complied.3 Airside Surface Roadways Crossing Taxiways a) The airside surface roadways which traverse taxiways are located at the North Cross Taxiway and the South Cross Taxiway.2 c) d) 2.5. Work Party’s vehicles above 4 metres in height are not allowed to travel on apron service road fronting the building where fixed gangway span across above the roadway. Vehicles (including loads) exceeding 4. Any vehicle fixed with an immobilisation device will be detained by CAG until there is payment made on the fees for removal of immobilisation device. c) If any vehicle appears to have been abandoned in a parking place within the airside.5.5. Airside Tunnel Roadways a) b) Vehicles using the airside tunnel roadways must strictly comply with traffic signs and markings.5 2. including vehicles carrying explosives or tankers/bowsers carrying AOS/48 b) Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . The fee for removal of immobilisation devices fixed to any vehicle is $107. JCPL. The owner or driver thereof shall pay all the cost incurred. Catering Hilifts.3(c) of Section H of the AOS requirements.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Coordinating Officer may remove the vehicle and the owner or driver thereof shall pay all the costs incurred. 2. The conditions as stipulated in the Rules and Regulations for Airside Personnel Handbook shall apply for all vehicles travelling on roadways in front and behind aircraft stands. and do not leave the vehicle unattended. also contact the Medical Emergency Hotline 6543 2223 directly 2. 2. d) 2. inform the company maintenance section to get it repaired or towed away as soon as possible. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/49 . Vehicles attending to aircraft parked at the North Apron and those who need to carry out works at the North Apron are permitted to travel on R3N and R5N to the North Apron parking stands.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS flammable liquid) are permitted to travel the surface roadways. In case of accidents involving casualties.8 HYDRAULIC OIL SPILL The person causing the spillage shall mop up the affected area with approved absorbent material except sawdust.6 ACCIDENTS In the event of an accident in the airside. R3N and R5N across the North Cross Taxiways.7 VEHICLE BREAKDOWN In the event of a vehicle breakdown at the airside. the person involved shall: a) b) c) d) inform CAG Airside Operations at Tel: 6541 2148/2257/2258 (Changi Airside Control Centre) or 6481 5077 (Seletar Apron). try and push the vehicle to the side of the roadway or any area which will not cause obstruction. the person involved shall inform CAG Airside Operations immediately at Tel: 6541 2148/2257/2258 (Changi Airside Control Centre) or 6481 5077 (Seletar Apron). the responsible person shall contact the CAG Airside Operations at Tel: 6541 2148/2258 (Changi Airside Control Centre) or 6481 5077/0017 (Seletar Apron) for necessary assistance. All other vehicles shall use the airside underpass roadways. c) For travelling across South Cross Taxiways – Only passenger steps and vehicles above 4 metres in height can travel across the airside surface roadways across the South Cross Taxiways subject to the conditions stipulated and shall be escorted by CAG Airside Operations vehicle. In case of heavy oil spillage. A report of the accident has to be submitted to CAG Changi Airside Control Centre/Seletar Apron and the Police Station within 24 hours of its occurrence. Vehicle owner and persons issued with the NOC has up to 14 days to settle the compounded amount. Notwithstanding any queries payment shall be made in full by due date. CAG Airside Operations or any 'authorised officer' designated by CAG is authorised to issue reprimands in writing (reporting forms). Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/50 .9 2. CAG Airside Operations reserves the right to withdraw permission to enter and drive in the airside as CAG deems fit.9. 2.9. and a police officer may use such force as is reasonable and necessary to arrest and detain the person for the purpose of removing the person from or preventing his entry or re-entry to the airport.9. or to remove the person from the airport.1 PENALTY Action Against Violators Of Traffic Rules a) Any person who contravenes the CAAS (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009/CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine which may extend to $2.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 2. If any driver receives repeated reprimands. cancelled or revoked.2 Notice of Offer of Composition (NOC) Drivers contravening the CAAS (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009/CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009 would be issued with Notice of Offer of Composition (NOC) depending on the regulations violated. b) c) d) e) 2.3 Cancellation Of Permits CAG may at any time in its discretion cancel any airfield vehicle permit and airfield driving permit without assigning any reason thereof under the CAAS (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009/CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009. CAG Airside Operations may demand that the vehicle's owner send the driver to attend a refresher course on the Apron Rules and Regulations or that the driver be replaced. In cases of violation of the licensing regulations. In the case of gross violations the driver's Airfield Driving Permit may be suspended.000. per annum.2 TRAINING COURSE FEE Prior to taking the Airfield Rules Test.per applicant. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/51 . $110/. The fee for an Airfield Driving Permit is $10/. the applicant will need to pass an Airfield Rules Test (Theory) and Airfield Driving/Safety Compliance Test (Practical). Other airside users are required to attend a half-day training course on airside rules and licensing regulations conducted by one of the ground handling agents (i.3 AIRFIELD RULES AND DRIVING TESTS FEE Prior to the issue of an Airfield Driving Permit.will be levied for a duplicate permit.respectively. All Airfield Vehicle Permit and duplicate permit are subjected to 7% Goods and Services Tax (GST). $25/. and the course which is administered by CAG Airside Operations is $20/. SATS or CIAS). The fee for such course is fixed by the ground handling agents at approximately $100/-.per annum.and $12/. 3. The fees are as follows: a) b) c) Diesel/petrol vehicles 8 cents per cc per annum (any odd cents round off to the next dollar).4 AIRFIELD DRIVING PERMIT (ADP) FEE A permit will only be issued after the applicant has successfully passed a test based on the terms and conditions as specified by the CAG Airside Operations.e.per annum.1 PART 3: APRON FEES AIRFIELD VEHICLE PERMIT (AVP) FEE Vehicles that operate within the Movement Area shall possess an Airfield Vehicle Permit. Both services are subject to 7% GST. 3.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3 3. all applicants for an Airfield Driving Permit are required to attend a half-day training course on airside rules and licensing regulations conducted by CAG Airside Operations for exempted staff. The fee per test is $5/. Battery Operated Vehicles Trailer-Mounted Equipment - A fee of $5/. 3. the gasket between the induction manifold and the cylinder block shall be such as to ensure an efficient gas-tight seal.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ATTACHMENT 1A TO PART 1 REQUIREMENTS FOR VEHICLES OPERATING WITHIN AIRSIDE Petrol engine 1. Because of the rapid ease with which screen type arrestors can collect carbon. Alternative types of flame traps or air filters must be approved by the airport licensee. Tail pipe spark arrestor (b) the tail pipe of the exhaust system shall be fitted with an approved type of spark arrestor. (b) (c) Exhaust system 2. oil or other combustible material from coming into contact with the hot metal. If the manifold cannot be effectively protected in such a manner a drip tray shall be provided under the carburettor with drain pipe to direct waste petrol away from the manifold and exhaust pipe.—(1) The exhaust system of the vehicle shall comply with the following requirements: Exhaust manifold (a) the exhaust manifold and the section of the exhaust pipe adjacent to the manifold shall be shrouded with a metal cover to prevent petrol. they must be serviced regularly to ensure that they remain in an efficient condition. The petrol engine of the vehicle shall be effectively flame-proofed as follows: (a) the mixture adjustment for the induction system shall be such that exhaust pipe explosions cannot occur when the throttle is suddenly closed. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/52 . the carburettor air intake shall be fitted with a flame trap or arrestor (a standard automative type oil bath air cleaner complies with this requirement). LEE — Guiness) type MF50 or equivalent. The electrical system of the vehicle shall comply with the following requirements: Spark plugs (a) Spark plugs shall be of the KLG (K. High tension cables (c) All high tension cables shall be fastened by means of screwed connection or equivalent. fuel filters. Electrical system 4. carburettors. The fuel system of the vehicle including the petrol tank. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/53 . shall be free of leaks. Fuel system 3. etc. Any leakage shall be immediately rectified. fuel pump. pipelines.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS (2) The entire exhaust system from the exhaust manifold to the tail pipe should be checked regularly to ensure that there are no gas leaks.. The voltage regulator and cut-out shall be enclosed by a close-fitting cover. Voltage regulator and cut-out (d) Fuses (e) Fuses shall be of the glass enclosed type and protected from breakage by a cover. Distributor (b) The distributor cover shall be free of cracks or mechanical defects and shall fit tightly on the housing. AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Battery (f) The battery shall be suitably covered to avoid accidental shorting of the cells and shall be provided with adequate means of natural ventilation. Generator and starter motor (h) Openings in the casing of the generator and starter motor shall be covered by a fine wire screen having not less than 30 wire meshes of a size not less than 30 S. Diesel engine 5. the fuel system of the engine shall be free of leaks. (b) (c) (d) Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/54 . Spark suppression (i) Spark suppression shall be used where possible to reduce the intensity of sparking at switch and relay contacts and at the commutators of generators and starter motors. Any leakage shall be immediately rectified. the electrical equipment associated with diesel engines shall conform where applicable to the requirements for electrical equipment associated with petrol engines specified in paragraph 4.G. Alternative types of flame traps or air filters must be approved by the airport licensee. Switches (g) All switches shall be of the enclosed type.W. The diesel engine of the vehicle shall comply with the following requirements: (a) flame proofing of the exhaust and ignition system of diesel engines is not required. the air intake to the air blower shall be fitted with a flame trap or arrestor (a standard automotive type oil bath air cleaner complies with this requirement). The front and tail lights of the vehicle shall be switched on when the vehicle is used during the hours of darkness and the front lights shall be dipped when approaching oncoming traffic. (2) The roundel shall be painted in clearly discernible positions on the front and rear of each vehicle and in an appropriate position on other items of equipment. be adequately marked as an obstruction as follows: (a) if the vehicle is for driving in the manoeuvring area. other than a vehicle belonging to the airport licensee and used by its Airport Emergency Service Division or the Government and used by the Airport Police Division of the Singapore Police Force. During the hours of darkness a vehicle. Lights 9. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/55 . the entire body of the vehicle down to the waist and the front portion of the vehicle shall be painted yellow or white. the entire body of the vehicle down to the waist and the front portion of the vehicle shall be painted yellow. Markings 7. unless it is a vehicle owned or operated by the airport licensee and used by its Airport Emergency Service Division or by the Government and used by the Airport Police Division of the Singapore Police Force.—(1) The vehicle shall be painted with a distinguishing roundel comprising a 152millimetre diameter green circle surrounded by a 25-millimetre white band. The vehicle shall. and the vertical yellow or white surface shall bear the owner’s insignia or logo. shall display at its highest point a single fixed red light of a type approved by the airport licensee and that is visible through 360 degrees. if the vehicle is for driving in the apron only. (b) (c) Red light 8.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Markings of vehicles 6. (b) Seat belts 15. No smoking sign 13.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Electrical equipment 10. The wheels of the vehicle shall be fitted with rubber tyres. Every driver and front seat passenger in the vehicle shall fasten their seat belts when the vehicle is in motion. and shall display an occulting red light when in operation. A vehicle used for the transport of passengers and crew shall display a “NO SMOKING” sign inside the vehicle which is visible to all the occupants of the vehicle. The vehicle. the sign shall be illuminated. Fire extinguisher 11. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/56 . During the hours of darkness. Every vehicle belonging to the airport licensee and used by its Airport Emergency Service Division — (a) shall be marked with the distinctive colour of the Airport Emergency Service Division. Airport Emergency Service Vehicles 14. shall be installed with seat belts for the driver and the front seat passenger. The electrical and ignition equipment of the vehicle shall be suppressed to the satisfaction of the airport licensee. unless exempted by the airport licensee. The vehicle shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher (1 kg ABC dry powder or 2 kg Halotron or a suitable alternative as determined by the airport licensee) securely mounted on suitable brackets affixed to a readily accessible position. Tyres 12. The device shall be set to activate when the vehicle exceeds the speed of 50 kilometres per hour. A vehicle. that can travel at a speed in excess of 40 kilometres per hour shall be fitted with a speed warning device. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/57 . unless otherwise exempted by the airport licensee.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Speed 16. valid Insurance Certificate. 1. 1.5 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/58 .AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ATTACHMENT 1B TO PART 1 GUIDANCE NOTES ON THE APPLICATION OF AN AIRFIELD VEHICLE PERMIT 1 1. A Certificate of Compliance (C of C) confirming that the vehicle has satisfied the conditions stipulated in the CAAS (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009/CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009 will be signed by the inspecting officer of the authorised inspection centre and handed over to the vehicle owner. proposed use. which shall also extend to cover the use of the vehicle in the airport restricted operational area. insurance coverage for airside use. MOM approval number for lifting machine/platform. and obtain supporting letter from employer in the airport. Airside. An application shall contain the following information: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 1. parking area when vehicle is not in use. ROV registration number where applicable.4 1.1 APPLICATION An application for an Airfield Vehicle Permit for any type of vehicle is to be submitted in writing to the CAG Airport Manager. the owner shall arrange with an authorised inspection centre appointed by the CAG Airport Emergency Service (AES) for an appointment to have the vehicle inspected. The owner of vehicle shall submit to the CAG Airside Operations within one month from the date of passing the inspection the following items for verification prior to the issue of an airfield vehicle permit: a) b) c) ROV Registration Book/Card where applicable. engine capacity where applicable.3 type of vehicle. The reference to Vehicles includes bicycles and tricycles. vehicle specification. policy number. (for new models to attach brochures). completed Application Form (containing particulars of vehicle). roadworthiness certificate passed date. A separate C of C is used for bicycle and tricycle.2 If the application is approved. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/59 . and fees in accordance with Part 3 of Section H.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS d) e) f) a valid and passed Roadworthiness Certificate dated less than 3 months issued by the authorised inspection centre. Certificate of Compliance duly endorsed by the inspecting officer of the authorised inspection centre. 9MHz (Seletar)] equipped vehicles shall have their radio call signs painted on top of the vehicles. 6. FORKLIFT. JCPL. the employer shall display on such machine or process on the safety measures to be observed in respect of safe operations. Radio telephony set [121.9MHz (Changi)/122. Operators of lifting machine/equipment must receive sufficient training in work at the machine. BOOMLIFT. These machines shall be thoroughly examined at least once in every 12 months. 8. CAG Airside Operations may at any time in his discretion cancel any airfield vehicle permit without assigning any reason under the CAAS (Changi Airport) ByLaws 2009/CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009. The employer shall display on such machine or at the place nearest to the process a notice written in language understood by the person employed at such machine. ETC. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/60 . ITE. CIAS. Operators shall observe the safety measure in respect of safe operation of any such machine/equipment. LIFT-PLATFORM. PSA and SCI. Operators of lifting machine/equipment must be at least 18 years old. 4. 3. 7.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ATTACHMENT 1C TO PART 1 REQUIREMENTS FOR OPERATORS OF LIFTING MACHINE IN THE AIRSIDE LIFTING MACHINE: CRANE. 5. 1. CHERRY PICKER. HOIST. In respect of the safe operation of such lift machine. HI-LIFT. Operators must show documentary proof on their certification of training from any of the following organisations: SATS. MAINTENANCE PLATFORM VEHICLE. The employer shall provide the standard operating procedures (SOP) for recovery of lifting machine/equipment to CAG Airside Operations prior to the commencement of their works. Every lifting machine/equipment shall be properly maintained in order to prevent breakdown which is likely to cause death or bodily injury to any person. 2. 1 GENERAL The Work Party shall comply with CAAS (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009/CAAS (Seletar Airport) By-Laws 2009 and all other applicable local legislation and statutory requirements related to the carrying out of the works.1 2. 1. In this respect. ensure machinery and equipment in use are kept in safe and proper condition at all times. The Work Party shall note that these highlighted items are only a brief representation and not exhaustively mentioned in this section.2 1.2 2. protect the health and safety of his workers and all other users who may be affected by the works. as far as reasonably practical. The Work Party concerned shall be required to find out all other requirements and comply with them fully. The Work Party shall have in place a proper risk management system for stakeholders to proactively identify potential hazards and take reasonable measures to eliminate or reduce risk at source and instil greater ownership to prevent workplace accidents and injuries through sound safety management processes. review and revise risk assessments and safety measures regularly to improve safety performance. WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH (WSH) ACT The Work Party shall. The Work Party shall comply with the statutory requirements stipulated under the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Act.3 b) c) d) Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/61 . The Work Party shall ensure that his workers complete or have completed the necessary training courses (including the refresher courses) required by local legislation and/or CAG before allowing them to perform any work for which the training is required. maintain safe work facilities and arrangements for workers.3 2 2.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SECTION I – COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 1 1. The contents of this section highlight some of the requirements stipulated under these statutory requirements. take reasonably practicable steps to eliminate/reduce foreseeable risk and implement safe work procedures. the responsibilities of the Work Party shall include but not limited to the following proactive safety measures: a) conduct risk assessments of his work activities. a quarterly update of the actual deployment of registered construction personnel on site.4 The Work Party shall notify and report accidents leading to death/injury of worker.2 b) c) d) e) 3.1 3. airport staff and/or members of public to CAG and if necessary. The Work Party shall meet the relevant regulations under the WSH Act and employ one or more full time qualified safety officers as required by the safety regulation for the project.5 3 3. The Work Party shall keep and maintain at the premises of the work site the following documents. f) 2. Technical Controller and expiry of the said licences for the respective builders. Depending on the nature of work.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS e) develop and implement control measures to deal with emergencies in a smooth and effective manner to minimise damage to property or injury to persons. AOS/62 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . 2. BUILDING CONTROL ACT (CHAPTER 29) – BUILDING CONTROL (LICENSING OF BUILDERS) REGULATIONS 2008 The Work Party shall comply with the statutory requirements stipulated under the Building Control Act (Chapter 29) – Building Control (Licensing of Builders) Regulation 2008. Approved Persons. in the form and manner as the Commissioner of Building Control may determine. and provide workers with proper personnel safety apparels. clear safety instruction. books and records for inspection purposes: a) an updated register of all the licensed builders (general and specialist) indicating the valid licence numbers. a copy of the approved manpower programme (if applicable) and approved changes. an official site attendance record for all registered construction personnel deployed. the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and other relevant agencies promptly. the Work Party may be required to register parts of the airport as a “factory” with MOM during the contract period. and a record of all documents accounting for the absence of each registered construction personnel during the scheduled period of his deployment. with adequate training and supervision. Designated or Domestic and the like) possess the necessary valid builder’s licences in compliance with the Building Control Act on Licensing of Builders and shall ensure the necessary deployment of coretrade manpower and resources to the project.3 The Work Party shall ensure that all his Specialist Builders (whether Nominated. CAG will have the right to suspend the Work Party’s Works or portion of the Works without giving any extension of time to the Contract Completion Date.6 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/63 . claims. the Work Party shall submit the updated manpower programme to the Commissioner of Building Control for approval within the stipulated number of days in the Building Control Regulations of the change. Where there are any changes to the manpower programme. proceedings and/or penal sanctions whatsoever arising out of or by reason of the commission of any offence under Part VA of the Building Control Act on Licensing of Builders and of any breach or default of the terms and conditions stipulated in paragraph 3. If the Work Party’s licences cannot be renewed after revocation or expiry. The manpower programme shall be reported in every site meeting and the Work Party shall conform and ensure that the manpower programme is strictly adhered to. he shall be obliged to assist in arranging the novation of his Contract and/or the relevant Sub-Contracts to the replacement Work Party to mitigate the loss to CAG. Chapter 29. In an event of a suspension of works due to a contravention of Part VA of the Building Control Act. the Work Party shall take all necessary measures to maintain the site and ensure it is safe in accordance with statutory requirements. at CAG’s option. 30 calendar days before the date of expiry of the said licences.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3.4 The Work Party shall not employ any unlicensed builders for the purpose of the Works in contravention of Part VA of the Building Control Act. The Work Party shall be liable and shall indemnify CAG against any damage. expense. Chapter 29 on Licensing of Builders. loss. Chapter 29 on Licensing of Builders by the Commissioner of Building Control. In addition. liability. If the Work Party fails to ensure the proper renewal of his licences (whether Nominated.5 3. The manpower programme shall be in such form and manner as determined by the Commissioner of Building Control. 3. The Work Party shall submit the manpower programme to the Commissioner of Building Control for approval within 30 days from the date of grant of the permit to carry out structural works for the project and extend a copy to the Architect for record. CAG may elect to issue a Notice of Termination as though a Termination Certificate had been issued by the Architect immediately upon the expiry of 30 calendar days after the revocation or expiry of the Work Party’s licence. Designated or Domestic and the like) under Part VA of the Building Control Act.4 of Section I of the AOS requirements. commitment and resources to manage safety effectively. from the planning to the implementation and post construction/maintenance stages.2 2.3 The objective of this set of procedures is to ensure that the Work Party has adequate knowledge. The risk assessment form is a live document that is passed through each and every phase of a project.g. The risk assessment form shall be used to identify potential safety hazards that could arise during any phase of the project works and to allow risk analysis to be performed so that all the safety concerns are satisfactorily managed and mitigated. The risk assessment form shall be updated and appended with new items (if necessary) at regular intervals (not more than 6 1. Safety submissions are required at beginning and throughout the planning and execution phases of a project so that CAG can monitor and track closely the safety measures put in place during the project life cycle.2 The risk assessments at the 3 stages. These procedures apply to all projects that involve physical changes to the airport infrastructure (e. 1. RISK ASSESSMENT FORM A risk assessment form shall be created at the commencement of the project when the Work Party is officially appointed. airside works.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SECTION J – HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND RISK ASSESSMENT 1 1.4 1. depending on the nature and scale of the project. detailed design. Risk assessment shall be carried out at the beginning and throughout the following 3 stages of the project: a) b) c) conceptual planning and design. The Work Party shall comply with the latest procedures accordingly as instructed.5 2 2. and that projects are designed and constructed to meet a high level of safety standards. CAG reserves the right to update and/or revise this set of procedures as and when necessary. 1. may be documented separately or together in one or more risk assessment forms. if applicable. major landside works) which have impact on public safety and changes with significant safety implications. and detailed construction and method. new building developments.1 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE This section illustrates the process for hazard identification. risk assessment and safety submission as required of the Work Party carrying out airside and/or development projects at Changi Airport and Seletar Airport.3 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/64 .1 2. 4 3. design engineer.2 3. AOS/65 3 3. equipment (hardware and software) and their interfacing factors. The objective of the hazard identification process is for the Work Party to identify potential safety hazards for airport users and other affected parties so that safety issues are carefully and fully considered prior to actual works being carried out on site. or at other appropriate times such as at the commencement of a new phase of the project. installation.4 The risk assessment form shall be prepared in a format as shown in the sample found in the Attachment A19. The location(s) of such hazards.2 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . Each identified hazard or safety deficiency shall be allocated a risk category estimated according to the procedure described in this section. including the post-completion maintenance stages. harm to project personnel and general public. Where necessary.5 4 4.1 3. testing. Such risks should include all possible damage to equipment and property. the Work Party shall perform a risk assessment by reviewing the severity of the impact of the hazard in the light of all possible environmental. project scheduling or planning. the Work Party shall be responsible for identifying as comprehensively as possible. all possible risks associated with his system or equipment design. RISK ASSESSMENT For each potential hazard identified. 2. unsafe practices. supply. operation relevant to each phase/portion of the project works.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS months apart) during the duration of the project. Such hazards could arise due to design or planning constraints. delivery. the Work Party shall illustrate the potential safety concerns using photographs or an appropriately scaled sketches or drawings. and by assessing the likelihood of these scenarios. commissioning. equipment limitations. storage.1 4. or other external factors.3 3. and a full description of the potential safety concerns shall be clearly explained and documented. Each hazard or safety deficiency identified shall be documented together with a detailed description of the unsafe scenario concerned in the risk assessment form. and works proposed or under construction or on adjoining or nearby sites. as well as plausible impact on airport operations due to first and third party equipment malfunction or human error. site foremen or any competent staff shall endorse on the risk assessment form. The Work Party’s project manager. safety manager. Under the ‘Identified Hazards’ column. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION The Work Party shall develop a complete description of the project and the environment in which the project is to be operationalised. The Work Party shall consider all interfaces between the project and the existing airport system. human. Serious injury. The severity of accidents resulting from the identified hazards or safety deficiencies shall be estimated using the definitions in Table 2 taking into account a pessimistic but reasonable assessment of their consequences.3 Risk probability is defined as the likelihood that an unsafe event or condition might occur. but possible to occur (has Remote occurred rarely). Serious incidents. Table 1: Risk Probability Quantitative definition Frequent Probability of Occurrence Meaning Likely to occur many times (has occurred frequently). Likely to occur some times (has Occasional occurred infrequently). Major equipment damage A significant reduction in safety margins. A large reductions in safety margins. Table 2: Risk Severity Severity of Occurrence Meaning • • • Equipment destroyed. AOS/66 Aviation definition Catastrophic Hazardous Value A B Major • • • C Minor • • • • • • D Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . Injury to persons. Use of emergency procedures. Death. Minor incidents. Very unlikely to occur (not known to Improbable have occurred). Nuisance. a reduction in the ability of the operators to cope with adverse operating conditions as a result of the increase in workload. Unlikely. Operating limitations.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 4. taking as reference the worst foreseeable situation. or as a result of condition impairing their efficiency. The likelihood or accident frequency resulting from the identified hazards or safety deficiencies shall be estimated using Table 1 below. Extremely Improbable Almost inconceivable that the event will occur. physical distress or a workload such that the operators cannot be relied upon to perform their tasks accurately or completely. Value 5 4 3 2 1 4.4 Risk severity is defined as the potential consequences of an unsafe event or condition. AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Negligible 4. 3C 2A. The definitions of the risk tolerability determined from Table 3 are presented in Table 4 below. the work or T 3B. 1E 5 5. 2D. 5E. 4E. not severe enough to be of a concern. E The risk category of the identified hazard or safety deficiency shall be assessed using Table 3 below by cross-referencing estimated risk probability with the risk severity. 5C.5 • Little consequences.7 Minor D 5D 4D 3D 2D 1D Negligible E 5E 4E 3E 2E 1E Where necessary. Table 4: Risk Tolerability Risk Region / Risk Index Criteria Category The consequence is unacceptable under the Intolerable I 5A. existing circumstances. 1D. Annotated photographs AOS/67 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . 2E. 3A After reasonable mitigating measures have Tolerable 5D. The work or activity shall not proceed at all.2C activity may proceed upon endorsement from management. 1B. 4C. Table 3: Risk Assessment Matrix Risk Severity Catastrophic Hazardous Major A B C 5A 5B 5C 4A 3A 2A 1A 4B 3B 2B 1B 4C 3C 2C 1C Risk Probability Frequent 5 Occasional 4 Remote 3 Improbable 2 Extremely Improbable 1 4. 1C. 5B. the Work Party may be required to engage the services of a competent party or suitably qualified consultants to perform the risk assessment. 4D.1 DEFENCES PROPOSED Proposals and recommendations for the elimination or reduction of each of the identified hazards or safety deficiencies shall be made in the risk assessment form. 1A. The consequence is extremely improbable or Acceptable A 3D.2B. 3E. These proposals and recommendations shall be explained as detailed as possible to allow an initial and objective assessment of practicability. 4A.6 4. been taken to reduce the probability or the severity of the consequence. 4B. 3 and 6. The Work Party shall record all identified hazards or safety deficiencies and assess whether their associated risk tolerability are acceptable. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer each time the form is updated. 5.1 6. The Work Party shall also consider each hazard or safety deficiency identified in the risk assessment form and recommended suitable means of eliminating it or reducing its associated risks as far as practicable. system and/or equipment safety. the Work Party shall be entirely responsible for its site.. The Work Party shall prepare detailed proposals to eliminate or mitigate that particular hazard and its consequences.O. These proposals must then be circulated to the other related stakeholders for their inputs on the effectiveness and practicality.5 7 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer shall conduct inspections and checks on site to verify that all the proposed safety defence mechanisms are properly carried out.3 6.). If the outcome of the assessment for the same consequences is assessed to be unacceptable.4 above. or that the risk associated with remaining hazards is tolerable. or when requested for by CAG. then the Work Party shall source for new mitigating solutions or consider abandoning the hazardous work.3 The Work Party shall ensure that these proposals and recommendations are sound and can effectively mitigate. The Work Party shall then follow through to ensure that the level of safety becomes acceptable or.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS or appropriately scaled sketch drawings shall be used to illustrate recommendations wherever possible. CAAS and any other regulatory authorities. severity and risk category associated with each hazard or safety deficiency after the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures in the risk assessment form. The Work Party shall comply with such instructions accordingly. 6. SAFETY SUBMISSION AND VERIFICATION CHECK The Work Party shall submit the risk assessment form and present to CAG Group/Division Safety Action Group (SAG) through the CAG Superintending Officer (S. reduce or eliminate the risks identified. The CAG Group/Division SAG will review the Work Party’s recommendations and determine if the identified risks have been removed to the extent that is reasonably practicable. by taking all necessary precautions and appropriate safety measures and by complying with all standing safety requirements stipulated by CAG. if not possible.2 6. The CAG Group/Division SAG may dictate that additional safety measures be provided by the Work Party if the proposed defence mechanisms are found to be insufficient.2. The Work Party shall also document the risk probability. The Work Party and the CAG S. Notwithstanding paragraphs 6. PENALTY AOS/68 6 6.2 5. tolerable.O.4 6. and issuance of partial stop work orders to specific areas with severe noncompliance to the Airport Operational and Safety (AOS) requirements.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS CAG reserved the right to impose penalty on the Work Party for non-compliance with any safety requirements. removal of the Work Party’s Project Manager or Safety Officer if they are deemed not competent for the job or not effective in ensuring that adequate safety measures are taken. Such recommendations could include: a) b) c) temporary suspension of individuals who are found to be negligent by withholding their work passes. d) Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/69 . removal of passes of negligent workers permanently leading to their expulsion from the work site. AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A1 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/70 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/71 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A2 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/72 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/73 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A3 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/74 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A4 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/75 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A5 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/76 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A6 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/77 . I have removed the cross markers and marker boards. . .I have checked that all excavations within 105 metres (Changi)/75 metres (Seletar) from runway centre line have been backfilled.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A7 DAILY FOD CHECKLIST Date: ________________________________ Time: ________________________________ Name: ________________________________ 1) TAXIWAYS I have inspected the work areas within my project/scope of works (including access route) and its surrounding premises and confirmed that it is free of FOD and other visible equipment/defects/unfinished work. I have checked that all excavations within 30 metres (Changi)/13 metres* (Seletar) from taxiway centre line have been backfilled. including the items below: a) b) I have removed the closure markers. (Please circle accordingly) Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/78 . I have checked all equipment have been cleared at least 58 metres^ (Changi)/26 metres* (Seletar) from taxiway centre line. The taxiways have been swept clean. . c) d) 2) RUNWAY a) Are you the last work party to leave runway? Yes / No b) If Yes.I have checked that all equipment have been cleared at least 150 metres (Changi)/75 metres (Seletar) from the runway centre line. .I have inspected the entire runway and ensure that there is no FOD and other visible equipment/defects/unfinished work. O. The Work Party shall check with the Superintending Officer (S. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/79 .AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3) OTHER OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS (IF ANY) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Inspected by: CAG Counter-Signing Officer: _______________________ Designation: ____________ Date: __________________ ________________________ Designation: _____________ Date: ___________________ ^ The minimum clearance from taxiway for Changi Airport may be less than 58 metres based on the separation distances stated in paragraph 1.). * The above information for Seletar Airport may change due to work in progress.2 of Section C. Project Officer and/or Coordinating Officer for the latest information. AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A8 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/80 . the Work Party shall provide advance notification indicating the period and exact site boundary of intended excavation/piling works to the following parties: • CAG Engineering & Development Group.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A9 CHECKLIST FOR CARRYING OUT EXCAVATION AND PILING WORKS IN CHANGI/SELETAR AIRPORT Objective: To locate and trace all underground services. including CAAS Air Traffic Services Division. before commencement of ground works to ensure that all activities can proceed safely without damage or downtime to operating services. both charted and uncharted. covering: High Tension cables Low Tension cables Airfield lighting cables Control cables Water pipelines Drainage subsoil pipes Sewage pipes Turf maintenance Public and airside safety requirements FOD control CAG Airport Operations Division. covering Horticulture requirements Estate Management requirements Other relevant agencies. where necessary AOS/81 • • Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) . Check boxes when completed Steps: 1. Before commencement of any works on site. covering: Copper communications cables Fibre optic communications cables Radar/Coaxial cables Obstacle height control Obstacle surface protection Operational safety requirements NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd SingTel StarHub CAFHI CityGas Tenants concerned. co-axial cables and radar cables. The LCDW report showing exact locations of services found shall be submitted to relevant services owners for verification. 6. CAFHI fuel pipes. identify and confirm the services detected. The Work Party shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that these “undetectable services” are located and protected during the earthworks. fibre optic cables. Where advised by the LCDW or requested for by the services owners concerned. 3. The method statement for trial holes and trenches shall be submitted to CAG project officer one week in advance for approval before they are dug (Form A). as well as all other services within or in the proximity of the intended excavation/piling area that cannot be accurately located or easily detected. based on sound industrial practice and recommendations by the services owners. un-energized cables. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/82 . The Work Party shall request for and obtain as-built services drawings from the parties above to serve as references in order to produce an excavation/piling work plan and to work out a services protection and/or diversion scheme. The CAG project officer and consultants shall make necessary arrangements to ensure that all related electrical services are turned on to facilitate cable detection work. the Work Party shall provide trial pits that are manually dug under the close supervision of the LCDW to expose. fibre optic cables.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Check boxes when completed 2. Excavator or other machinery shall not be used for digging trial holes. Detailed information shall be obtained from the appropriate party as to the possibility of such services being located within the proposed construction area. 4. The LCDW report will recommend suitable measures to be taken to protect all services on site. 5 All trial holes must be carried out with caution and dug by manual means. The particulars of the licensed cable detector shall be submitted to the CAG project officer and consultants in charge for endorsement. Trial holes shall be required to positively identify all communications cables. Examples of “undetectable services” are certain telecommunication/data cables. The Work Party shall carry out services detection on site through engaging the services of a licensed cable detection worker (LCDW). gas and water pipe location. The LCDW will compile a comprehensive services layout report on information gained from existing services drawings provided by the relevant authorities and the trial holes dug on site. CAG project officer shall coordinate a meeting to sort out such discrepancies with all relevant services owners concerned. where services detection has not been carried out. 11. Upon completing items 1 to11. All workers on site shall be briefed on the above markings and warned against carrying out any excavation/piling works bounded within the red tape. proposed work methods and services protection and/or diversion scheme to the CAG project officer. 8 The LCDW report shall also highlight all discrepancies between the services layout indicated on plans versus their actual location found on site. including any safety buffer required in its vicinity.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Check boxes when completed 7 The Work Party shall implement appropriate measures as required by the project consultant to protect the services found. 10.e. The Work Party shall install safety barriers to protect workers from falling into cable trenches or trial holes that are left exposed. No excavation/piling shall be allowed at all time outside the area demarcated by the green tape. the Work Party shall submit an updated excavation/piling work plan showing markings done on site. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/83 . 12. i. Red tape shall be used to demarcate the areas where services have been detected and identified. The Work Party shall make distinctive markings on site using the following color schemes: Green tape shall be used to demarcate the boundary within which services detection has been completed by the LCDW. The Work Party shall be required to establish a continuous monitoring plan to ensure that no worker or equipment that could cause damage intrudes into the areas where services are found. 9. consultants and relevant service owners for approval at least 2 weeks before the planned commencement of actual excavation/piling work. Sign-posting indicating the type of services found and barricades on the ground surface shall be prominently displayed by the Work Party to prevent any works from spilling into these protected areas and jeopardizing the services within. the Work Party shall submit method of support and protection of these ducts to CAG. Trial holes are to be hand dug until services are successfully located or desired excavation depth is achieved. Only Registered Excavator Operators (REO) or Probational Registered Excavator Operators (PREO) will be allowed to operate excavator machines within the work area. 20. 17. 16. Other than having the LCDW to provide standing supervision on site. 14. 19. the Work Party’s safety manager shall conduct a briefing to all foremen and workers to highlight to them the services layout and to ensure that no works are to be carried out within the services area bounded by red tape unless under the direct supervision of the LCDW and with the explicit approval of the Work Party’s project manager. 15. No excavation/piling works shall commence unless the CAG project officer is satisfied that all the above measures listed in items 1 to 12 above have been met and that other necessary precautions have been taken on site. no excavation is to be carried out by excavator. If the proposed works were to overcross comms cable ducts. Line Plant Operations Division for approval. They shall also be informed prior to the dismantling of supports and the backfilling of comms cable ducts.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Check boxes when completed 13. NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd shall be engaged for on-site standby to respond quickly to any problems. 18. Prior to commencement of works. a competent full-time excavation/piling supervisor shall also be deployed to monitor the site operations during the entire earthworks and to provide close guidance to the excavator operator. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/84 . CAAS Air Traffic Services Division and NCS Communications Engineering Pte Ltd. consultants and CAG project officer. The Work Party shall provide protective steel plates or conduits over exposed services positions so as to prevent damage due to movements of heavy vehicles or human traffic over them. Where the works would be carried out over the Approach Control Radar (ACR) cables. In areas where it has been established that services are or may be present. A ‘Permit to Excavate’ (Form B) would then be issued to the Work Party. 23. at intervals in accordance with the limitations of the detection (typically every 2 to 3 metres). Stage by stage detection of the underground services must be considered and incorporated within the construction schedule for deep excavation works. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/85 . Work Party shall stop all works immediately at the affected area and inform the CAG project officer to help to identify these services found.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Check boxes when completed 21. In simple terms. the Work Party shall plan for further cable detection checks to scan the work area for other undetected/ undetectable services. This procedure must be implemented until services are successfully located or the effective depth of the excavation is reached. investigative detection must be carried out at each stage of the construction process. Excavation by machine shall stop once cable slabs are exposed. Only manual excavation is allowed after the cable slabs are removed. detection is to be carried out during the excavation. 22. until services are precisely located or the desired construction depth is achieved. Protection slabs over HT cables shall not be tampered with and shall be remained intact unless authorised by CAG and the Work Party’s PE to remove them. Where necessary. Given the technical limitations of the equipment currently available. If unknown services are unaccounted in the process of excavation. Your reply with the required information within 2 weeks from the date of this submission would be appreciated. We will seek your approval before commencing the proposed excavation/piling works. We will carry out cable detection and trial holes and where necessary. contact your staff to verify the services identified on site. Name & Designation: ____________________ Contact No: ____________________ Signature: __________________________ Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/86 . Location of Works (Please see site layout plan attached) Description of Excavation/Piling Work Site Period of Excavation/Piling Works Remarks (if any) We hereby request for information of any underground services under your purview that could be affected by the above-mentioned works.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS File Ref: _____________________ Date: _______________________ To: See Distribution List Dear Sir/Mdm REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON UNDERGROUND SERVICES FOR EXCAVATION/PILING WORKS ___________________________________________is planning to carry out excavation/piling works for the following project: PARTICULARS OF PROJECT Project Title Contractor Consultant CAG Officer-in-Charge Contact No. Communications. ATC & Radar Services] PTO(E) [Control Cables] 1E(E) & EE(E) [HT & LT Cables] 2E(C) [Potable/Fire Hydrant/Industrial Water Pipelines & Drainage Subsoil Pipes] EE(SAS) [Airfield Lighting Cables & CCTV Services] Note: The contractor(s) shall purchase the services plans for sewer. communication cables for SingTel and Starhub as per these agencies requirements and seek separate approval from these agencies to commence excavation/piling works.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Distribution List CAFHI Attn: Lester Wong Contact No: 9694 9285 (Fax: 6542 2655) [Fuel Hydrant Pipeline & Emergency Cable] CAAS D(ATS) Attn: Chua Kim Hee / Chan Kok Sunn [NCS. gas. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/87 . APPLICANT: NAME OF PROJECT DIRECTOR/MANAGER: ____________________________ SIGNATURE: ____________________________ DATE: ____________________________ APPROVED NOT APPROVED Supported by Consultant: Approval by CAG Development Group): (Engineering & PROJECT MANAGER: _______________ PROJECT OFFICER: _______________ SIGNATURE AND DATE: _____________ SIGNATURE AND DATE: ____________ Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/88 .AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FORM A APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CARRY OUT TRIAL HOLE AND TRENCHING WORKS CONSULTANTS: WORK PARTY: PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION OF WORKS: (To attached plans) REMARKS: I/We hereby apply for a permit to commence trial hole/trenching works as stipulated in the above location and undertake to comply with the requirements as specified in the checklist and guidelines attached. APPLICANT: NAME OF PROJECT DIRECTOR/MANAGER: ____________________________ SIGNATURE: ____________________________ DATE: ____________________________ * Delete where inapplicable APPROVED NOT APPROVED Supported by Consultant: Approval by CAG Development Group): (Engineering & PROJECT MANAGER: _______________ PROJECT OFFICER: _______________ SIGNATURE AND DATE: _____________ Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/89 SIGNATURE AND DATE: ____________ .AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FORM B APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CARRY OUT EXCAVATION/PILING WORKS CONSULTANTS: WORK PARTY: PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION OF WORKS: (To attached plans and protection/diversion scheme) REMARKS: I/We hereby apply for a permit to commence *excavation/piling works as stipulated in the above location and undertake to comply with the requirements as specified in the checklist and guidelines attached. Singapore 918141 Tel: 6541 2434 / Fax: 6545 6516 / Email: balakrishnan_raman@caas. to: Air Navigation Services Section Air Traffic Services Division Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Singapore Changi Airport P. giving at least 7 day’s TYPE OF CRANE HEIGHT OF CRANE (IN METRES ABOVE GROUND LEVEL) GROUND ELEVATION (IN METRES ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL) PERIOD OF USE FROM TO 1 2 3 4 5 Name of applicant:________________________ _______________________ Signature / Date Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/90 _______________________ Company Stamp . fax or email. Name of Project Manager: (B) NAME AND ADDRESS OF MAIN CONTRACTOR Name of Project Manager: Tel: Fax: Email: Contact (A) NAME AND ADDRESS OF ARCHITECT Tel: Fax: Email: Contact No.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A10 CRANE ERECTION APPLICATION FORM Please send completed application form by post.: (C) PROJECT TITLE AND NAME OF DEVELOPMENT / BUILDING (D) DETAILS OF CRANE ERECTION CRANE NO.Box 1. AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A11 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) Runway AOS/91 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A12 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) Runway Threshold AOS/92 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A13 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/93 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A14 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/94 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A15 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/95 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A16 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/96 AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A17 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/97 AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A18 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/98 AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Attachment A19 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/99 . 1. The airside organization which intends to carry out works or engages contractors to do work at the aircraft stands and roadways (collectively referred to as airside in subsequent paragraphs of this notice) is to comply with the conditions described in this Notice. The airside organization (hereafter referred to as Project Manager) shall ensure that the personnel engaged to carry out the works are briefed and to comply with the conditions contained in this Notice and relevant rules published in Airside Notices and the handbook Airside Personnel.1 2. upgrading and repair works to be carried out at the airside and for any works that have impact on the use of airside facilities for aircraft operations.1 INTRODUCTION This Notice contains conditions for construction. and/or shut down airside facilities including any part of the roadways and/or access points for vehicles and drivers into the airside: 1.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS No. Date  Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd 30 Dec 2009 SINGAPORE CHANGI AIRPORT AIRSIDE OPERATIONS NOTICE 30/2009 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WORKS IN THE AIRSIDE 1 1. With the written approval from CAG(s) E&D Group.2 2 2. CONDITIONS FOR WORKS Approval For Works At The Airside And / Or Shutdown Of Airside Facilities The Project Manager is to seek the approval of CAG(s) Engineering and Development (E&D) Group for the type of works to be carried out on the airside.1 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/100 . the Project Manager is then required to submit the following information to CAG(s) Airside Operations (AO) at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of work to seek CAG(s) AO’s approval to work on the airside. ground handling and airside operations. After approval is granted by CAG(s) AO for closure of airside facilities to facilitate the works approved by CAG(s) E&D Group. the coordinator shall at the end of each day report back to the same office on the progress of the work. (v) (vi) (vii) Provide the contact number and personnel of a recovery team in an event of an incident. If yes.1. (c) Airside Budget Terminal – For works at the budget terminal parking stands and baggage handling area. to state the details and extent of disruptions and also propose measures to minimize the disruptions. the coordinator assigned by the Project Manager is to obtain daily clearance from Airside Operations Control Centre or Baggage Coordination Office at Terminal 2 prior to the commencement of work. (b) Baggage Co-ordination Office – For works within Baggage Handling Area. 2. Closure of airside facilities and/or roadways (to provide details and drawings of the proposed areas for closure). Duration of works (indicating working hours with date and time of commencement and completion of work). and (vii) All request for work must be submitted to respective offices : (a) Airside Operations Control Centre – For closure of apron facilities and roadway works. if any. The contact numbers of these offices are listed under item (3).2 2. Similarly.1. (viii) Schematic drawings (A4 size) of work area. Disruptions to aircraft operations. Name and contact number of a coordinator who is responsible for seeking clearance from CAG(s) AO.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 2 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Purpose/nature of work. Work program with written approval from CAG(s) E&D Group. AOS/101 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) .3 No work shall commence unless with the specific approval granted by CAG(s) AO. the ‘Request for Closure of Airside Facilities’ form (as shown on Annex A) has to be submitted to CAG(s) AO at least 7 working days before commencement of work.7). 2. the Project Manager is responsible for informing Airside Operations Control Centre / Baggage Co-ordination Office immediately. When works are carried out on the PLB including the gangway. PLB or gate holdroom.2. Passenger Loading Bridge (PLB) or Gate Holdroom Where the nature of works involves closure of aircraft stand.5 2.2 2. For any cancellation to the approved works or closure of airside facilities. the Project Manager is to ensure that an obstruction marker board is placed on the aircraft stand centerline near the edge of stand.‘Work-In-Progress.4 All daily works are to be completed within the approved duration for closure of the facility.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3 2.2. Do not operate’. The marker board shall be at least 0. No extension of closure period is allowed unless with specific approval granted by the Airside Operations Control Centre or Baggage Co-ordination Office. Approval for extension of works would only be considered provided the Project Manager makes the request for extension at least one hour before end of the approved closure period.1.5m in height and 0.6 2.2 (ii) Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/102 .1. In addition. the Project Manager shall provide at least 24 hrs notice.4. the following signage shall be provided: (i) A sign on each PLB control console and also at the Aircraft Docking Guidance System (ADGS) operating box with the message .1. For approval of extension of works involving 24 hrs closures of apron facilities. Closure Of Aircraft Stand. Steady red obstruction lights are required on top of the marker board and to be turned on during the hours of darkness. (This sign must have a red background with white wordings as shown in Annex B).1 2. Obstruction tapes with red and white stripes to cordon off the emergency stairs to the PLB to prevent access to the PLB.9m in length with alternate red and white or orange and white stripes (ICAO Annex 14 SARPs recommendation 7. and The contractor shall return the PLB keys to the Enforcement Section immediately after the works are completed and within the same day. The Project Manager is to ensure that a marshaller is available on the ground to assist whenever the PLB operator extends and retracts the PLB.4 2. The Project Manager shall check the condition of the PLB before starting work and report immediately to Airside Operations Centre on any irregularities. They are required to draw the PLB keys from the Enforcement Section in CAG(s) AO.1 2.2.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 4 2.3. After office hours. the contractors shall contact Airside Operations Centre to arrange for the return of the keys. The cleaning contractor must also provide signage as in item 2.2 (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/103 .2. 2.3 2.2. the Project Manager shall ensure that at least one Supervisor must be present at all times to supervise the workers. The Supervisor must not leave the PLB unless it is fully retracted to the designated parking position. The PLB keys issued to the contractor with Class A driving permit are not transferable.3 When works are carried out on the PLB and gangway.3. Conditions for operating PLB by the Cleaning Contractor and the Pest Control Contractor : (i) Only Class A driving permit holders (for operating PLB) engaged by CAG(s) E&D Group are allowed to operate PLB for purpose of cleaning or fumigating the PLB.2 (i & ii) and not to leave the PLB unattended when it is closed for cleaning. Airfield Driving Permit (ADP) All drivers operating any vehicle (including PLB) in the airside shall possess a valid airfield driving permit and comply with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009 and Airside Personnel Handbooks. 1 2.2 Such vehicle shall be insured for operation in the airside. the contractor must be able to provide a recovery team to salvage the vehicle or equipment within half an hour. equipment and machinery used for the approved work shall be parked within the work site and not in the operation areas designated for aircraft handling.6 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/104 .5.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 5 2. 2.4 Each vehicle with TEP will be allowed to operate in the airside for up to maximum of 60 days within any 12-month period. deliver heavy equipment.2 2.5. The vehicle shall be accompanied by a holder of valid ADP who shall act as the steersman of the vehicle if the driver is not an ADP holder.4. construction material.4 2.3 2.5. 2. an oscillating amber light by night at its highest point.5 2. Vehicles shall be insured for operating in the airside. Vehicles.4 2.4. TEP application can be submitted to AO Licensing Office.3 Airfield Vehicle Permit (AVP) Vehicles operating in the airside shall possess a valid airfield vehicle permit and comply with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009 and its Third Schedule on Requirements for a Vehicle Operating in the Movement Area. 2. In an event of a breakdown or any incident. goods or for other approved purposes may apply for TEP issued by CAO(s) AO.5. In an event of a breakdown or malfunction.5 2.5. the contractor must be able to provide a recovery team to attend to the vehicle or equipment within half an hour.5. All TEP vehicles when operating in the airside must display an approved type of chequered flag by day and in addition. Temporary Entry Permit (TEP) For Vehicles Any vehicle intending to enter the airside on adhoc basis to set down personnel. No water hose or pipe is allowed to be placed across or on the roadways.1 Roadway Closure When closure of a roadway is approved by CAG(s) AO. For roadways. Pictures showing samples of Signage and Obstruction Markings are at Annexes C and D respectively.7. 2.6. The markings/signage are to be removed promptly on completion of the work.1 2.6 2. blinker lights shall be placed at every 2-metres interval on the diverted roadway. Project title of the work shall be displayed on the hoarding of work site. The Project Manager shall immediately rectify any markings/signage that have been damaged.6.4 2.7. the Project Manager shall provide traffic lights to regulate the traffic.7 2.7. is to ensure that all obstruction markings/signage are secured and maintained in an orderly manner at the designated location. Placing of any work material across roadways is not permitted as this would impede the movements of vehicles and ground support equipment.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 6 2.2 2.3 2. an approved type obstruction marker board shall be placed on the aircraft stand centerline near the edge of stand.7. Name of contractor and associated works title shall also be displayed on all site offices and at approved access points.3 2.6.6 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/105 .7. the Project Manager shall provide road marshallers at the two ends of the closed lane with ‘GO / STOP’ signs to regulate the traffic.5 2. misplaced or toppled. granted with approval to carry out the work. Water-filled plastic barriers are preferred for placement at edge of diverted roadway. Signage/Obstruction Markings The work area shall be clearly defined by approved type of obstruction markers in the day and shall be lighted during the hours of darkness with steady red obstruction lights. When a roadway is closed for more than 3 days.7.2 2. When an aircraft stand is closed. The Project Manager. 3 2. The workers shall dress presentably at all times.5 2.1 Underground Services Damage to any services/facility that may impede the safety of airside operation especially aircraft operations shall be reported immediately to Airside Operations Control Centre or Baggage Co-ordination Office. 2.2 2. The coordinator shall respond immediately to the site to take immediate control of the area and to prevent further damage and disruptions. The Project Manager shall ensure that the personnel engaged to carry out the work do not bring in or consume food and drinks in the airside.6 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/106 . Chapter 91A” to conduct random check on the workers under his contract to ensure validity of original work permits and verification of workers with the name list. The Project Manager is to ensure that his personnel and subcontractors comply with the rules and regulations issued by MOM from time to time.4 2.9.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 7 2.9. The workers’ attire shall not resemble the state security personnel uniform.9.9 2. Personnel/Equipment The Project Manager shall abide by the Ministry Of Manpower (MOM) “Employment Of Foreign Workers Act.9. The Project Manager shall ensure that the contractor submits a declaration every month to confirm that they have checked and confirmed that there is no infringement of Employment of Foreign Workers Act. The Project Manager shall ensure that all personnel working in the airside have a valid airport pass issued by the Airport Police. and file a copy of the check result for future reference.8.8 2.9.1 2. The Project Manager is required to deploy a Supervisor to be present where lifting machine / crane / maintenance platform are in use and ensure the display of a valid safety inspection certificate on the lifting equipment. Lifting machines/crane/forklift etc shall be operated only by persons with competency certificate to operate that machine. The Project Manager is to seek CAG(s) AO’s approval for access via the airside or roadways to the work-site. Entrance / Exit into and out of the airside shall be via the East or West Underpasses unless otherwise specified by CAG(s).9. equipment and machinery when not in use. The coordinator is required to take immediate measures to clear all equipment and personnel from the work area and report to the Airside Operations Control Centre or Baggage Co-ordination Office as soon as the area is cleared.1 The Project Manager shall ensure that personnel carrying out the work in the airside : (i) (ii) (iii) Use approved type of safety vest.10 Safety and Cleanliness 2. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/107 .1 The Project Manager shall ensure that the organization comply with Airport Police requirement with regards to structures adjacent to the security fencing or gates. from the apron area.11.1 The Project Manager shall ensure that all personnel comply with the directions or verbal instructions given by the CAG(s) AO. Maintain all temporary markings and obstruction markings in working condition. Any spillage or fallen materials must be immediately removed. 2. and (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Maintain temporary streetlights at no less than 20 lux level.10. 2.11 Security 2.12 Additional Conditions 2. Remove all tools.2 During work in progress.12. Remove all debris from the airside worksites after completion of works daily.12. Take precaution not to spill or drop any materials in transit. Airside Operations Control Centre or Baggage Co-ordination Office may issue instruction to the coordinator to stop work despite approval having been granted earlier. 2. Do not smoke at all times.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 8 2. 2.12.12. e. The Project Manager is to provide details of the inspection team to Airside Operations Centre. The inspection team is to respond immediately when aircraft operations are affected by the above signs or as alerted by Airside Operations Control Centre.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 9 2. 4 /2009 dated 6 Jul 2009.3 The Project Manager is to take necessary measure to ensure no stray animals enter the airside through any access / gates approved to facilitate the works in the airside.changiairportgroup. in the aircraft operation areas every 2 hours outside office hour. marker boards.4 The Project Manager is to inspect the obstruction sign. The Project Manager is to ensure that the inspection team carries out the inspections every 2 Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/108 .g. Please bring the content of this notice to all your staff and contractors concerned. barricades etc. 2. IGNATIUS EE AIRPORT MANAGER (AIRSIDE OPERATIONS) Airside Operations Notices are also available on Changi Airport Group Website http://www. blinker lights.5 The Project Manager shall report all incidents/accidents in the airside to Airside Operations Control Centre immediately. 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER OF CAG (s) AIRSIDE OPERATIONS Airside Executive. Airside Operations Control Centre Baggage Coordination Officer T2 Airside Officer At Budget Terminal (BT) 65412273 / 65412275 65412255 / 65412256 64127508 / 65412258 4 This Airside Notice supersedes Airside Notice No.12. 1 CAG (s) Airside Operations Singapore Changi Airport Annex A Page 1 of 2 REQUEST FOR CLOSURES OF AIRSIDE FACILITIES Details of closure : LOCATION OF WORK FACILITIES TO BE CLOSED/SHUTDOWN (Please specify clearly the sub-system affected-e.:ADGS. PLB. floodlight) TIME FROM/TO S/N DATE NATURE OF WORK WORK REQUESTED BY CONTRACTOR Name: Designation: Section: Contact no: Date: Signature WORK APPROVED BY CAG (s) E&D GROUP Name: Designation: Division: Contact no: Date: Signature: * See Remarks on page 2.AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS CAG/AO/F1.g. gateholdroom. ABOVE CLOSURE APPROVED / NOT APPROVED* BY CAG (s) AO Name: Designation: Section: Contact no: Date: Signature: Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/109 . ” 2. 6. To provide the names and contact numbers of a recovery team which can response to the emergencies or breakdown within half an hour. 7. 30 mins prior to commencement of work and immediately after completion of the work. 3. Baggage Co-ordination Office and Budget Terminal Office must be informed of any cancellation to the approved bookings at least 1 day in advance. except for unforeseen circumstances. All approved closures are subject to changes and / or cancellation in real time. Except for urgent request for closures to facilitate repair works. The person requesting for the closure (name as in the request form) shall ensure that their personnel comply with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Changi Airport) By-Laws 2009. 4. The request for the closures of airside facilities must conform to the general conditions of work as spelt out in the “TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WORKS IN THE AIRSIDE. To call Airside Operations Control Centre at 65412273 /75. all requests for scheduled closures of airside facilities must be submitted to CAG (s) AO in the prescribed form at least 7 days before the intended day of the work. 5. Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/110 . Airside Operations Control Centre .AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Annex A Page 2 of 2 REMARKS / COMMENTS : CONDITION FOR APPROVAL OF CLOSURES 1. AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Annex B CLOSURE SIGN Closure sign on PLB Control Panel Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/111 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Annex C SIGNAGE Proper signage must be placed at appropriate locations to guide and warn all drivers and other airport users of the work. Traffic Signal Ahead Two Way Traffic Pass either Side Height limit Pass this Side Stop Turn Right Ahead Left Turn Ahead Deviation sign Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/112 . AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Annex D OBSTRUCTION MARKINGS The work area shall be clearly defined by obstruction markers in the day and shall be lighted during the hours of darkness. 1) Marker Board with obstruction light 2) Water-filled plastic barrier 3) Reflector 4) Traffic Cone 5) Oscillating Light 6) Metallic Barrier Version 5/2011 (dated 1 February 2011) AOS/113 .
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