Anti-Corruption Action Plan - Parliament Moldova_ENG

March 25, 2018 | Author: Kirilov Kiril | Category: Political Corruption, Corruption, Moldova, Committee, Justice



Anti-Corruption ActionPlan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 Attached to: Anti-corruption self-assessment report for the Parliament of Moldova and the anti-corruption aspects of the EU Association Agenda. 2 Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 . The Action Plan has been designed for a timeline from November 2015 to December 2018. the parliamentary Rules of Procedures and other applicable legislation in Moldova. dealing with the availability of information on the Parliament of Moldova and social media policy of the Parliament of Moldova. at which moment in time. dealing with the budget process and the cooperation between the Court of Accounts and the Parliament. Ethics framework. oversight on implementation of legislation and reports of public authorities. Oversight role of parliament. Budget role of parliament. dealing with the Moldova Parliament's role towards UNCAC.  Section 8.  Section 2. National Integrity Commission and Parliament's role in implementation of anti-corruption policies. The sections of the Action Plan follow the main chapters of the Anti-Corruption SelfAssessment Report for the Parliament of Moldova. The purpose of this Action Plan is to provide practical guidance on which initiatives require action by which stakeholder. dealing with instruments for parliamentary oversight. GOPAC Chapter for Moldova. the Action Plan has eight sections.  Section 5. Council of Europe. dealing with anti-corruption "proofing" of draft legislation.Introduction The Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 outlines the proposed 60 initiatives deriving from the Anti-Corruption Self-Assessment Report for the Parliament of Moldova (ACAR).  Section 3. The content of the Action Plan is based upon the findings and recommendations of the Anti-Corruption Self-Assessment Report For The Parliament Of Moldova. GRECO and PACE. law on political parties and the Strategy for Justice Sector Reform. A timeframe of just over three years seems realistic and achievable for all 60 initiatives listed in this document.  Section 6.  Section 7. dealing with the Code of Conduct and Ethics for Members of Parliament. dedicated to these issues:  Section 1. dealing with the Anti-Corruption Strategy.  Section 4. Legislative role of parliament. the evaluation and compliance reports of GRECO. dealing with the establishment of such chapter. National Anti-corruption Centre. Hence. the current National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2011-2015 (NAS). Parliament's transparency and communication. The institutional framework. and the Code of Conduct and Ethics for staff in parliament. The international anti-corruption framework. Hence. stakeholders responsible for implementation. We have added a column for reference documents.The format of the Action Plan is similar to the format of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy itself. the data inserted in the Action Plan will enable a more efficient Monitoring and Evaluation of the implementation of the Plan. it is worth mentioning that this Action Plan is part of the anti-corruption proposals developed in the framework of the UNDP assistance project to the Parliament of Moldova. Finally. the Action Plan has columns related to the deadline/frequency of the actions. Acronyms are listed at the last page. 3 Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 . In this way. progress indicators and expected results. 88 MoJ legislative package 2014 Number of trainings. debate in session and adopt a motion Every six months articipate in Monitoring Group for Antion Strategy and in NAC Board. Finance and Economy NAS ACAR Decisions on extension timeline and adoption Action Plan Separate budget lines identified in state budget Committee on National Security. 78-79 MoJ legislative package 2014 Public hearing conducted. 78-79 MoJ legislative package 2014 Selection procedure completed 4 Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 P d m p s R c a N P d m p s A f in s L p e im L r f N . number of participants NAS 23. participants After adoption of law on National Integrity Centre Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities NAS 23. restate the for appointment and dismissal of the and re-assign to Parliament the bility for approving the budget of the By 31 March 2016 public hearing with all stakeholders on ws on National Integrity Commission and ion of assets As soon as draft laws are tabled in Parliament NAS ACAR plenary session the draft laws on Integrity Commission and declaration of First half 2016 briefing and training sessions for MPs nior Parliamentary staff on how to y fill in the new declaration form in the ormat. Defence and Rule of Law Ongoing blish the merit-based procedure for the n of the Director of NAC. he members of the National Integrity First half 2016 Parliament Legal Directorate NAS 30. Defence and Rule of Law Speaker NAS 23. Defence and Rule of Law Committee on National Security. Defence and Rule of Law Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities NAS ACAR Conducted debate. adopted motion C p a w s S fi m a a In a N p Minutes of Monitoring Group and NAC Board Number of meetings MP participated EU-Moldova Association Agreement Procedures for NAC director and budget revised and implemented Committee on National Security. 78-79 MoJ legislative package 2014 Draft laws adopted ate budget with separate budget lines for measures foreseen in National Antion Strategy Annually progress report on implementation of Anti-Corruption Strategy. Defence and Rule of Law Committee on Budget.Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 utional framework for anti-corruption imeline of National Anti-Corruption (NAS) to December 2017 and adopt uption Action Plan 2016-2017 Deadline / frequency Responsible for implementatio n Reference document Progress indicators E r December 2015 Committee on National Security. and inform bers of the Committee on National . Finance and Economy Ongoing Prior to final vote in plenary session Ongoing ACAR NAS 21 ACAR Number of requests NAS 88 Number of staff trained ACAR Number of draft laws returned Number of final readings NAS 22 NAC 26 Strategy for Justice Sector Reform Strategy for Justice Sector Reform ACAR Number of draft laws returned Independent review conducted and published CEC report analyzed and recommendati ons followed through Draft law adopted Reforms adopted Number of implementatio n measures 5 Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 L r f N s F h r N s H e A H e A C r id In s k C r C r H e A C w in A v In e in im n A f in A f in P d m . new anti-corruption proofing by NAC. 3th Evaluation Round and follow-up to the report of the Central s Commission on implementation and ment of the law on political parties and campaign financing Annually new Law on Prosecutorial Reform and ate the recommendations of the Venice sion he reforms of the Constitutional Court g to the Justice Sector Reform Strategy ns progress in implementation of the antion measures in the new National Security 2016-2020 2015 Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities Speaker 2016 Speaker 2016 onwards Committee on National Security. Antion assessment o plenary session when recommendation i-corruption proofing is not upheld Law 17/2007 ACAR Selection procedure completed Law 17/2007 ACAR Budget needs identified and allocated ACAR Template agreed and implemented Number of reports raft law to Committee when ments are (re)introduced without ng materials e final reading and vote in case draft law on legal and linguistic compliance after l in plenary o the government any draft law which is oor quality in terms of legal and linguistic nce sion an independent review of law on parties funding and campaign financing s of compliance with OSCE/ODHIR and ecommendations Ongoing Parliament Legal Directorate Parliament Legal Directorate Parliament Legal Directorate Parliament Legal Directorate Speaker Ongoing Speaker RoP 71 Ongoing Speaker RoP 47/11 Before the end of 2017 NAS 22 Greco.he new Director and Deputy Director of onal Centre for Personal Data Protection As soon as possible sufficient budget and staffing structure National Centre for Personal Data on Annually e role of parliament a standard template to prepare a ed report on each draft law. incl. uption proofing and legal reviews Before the end of 2015 Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities Committee on Budget. in hen draft law was changed substantially eview process rliament staff on anti-corruption policies. Committee for Foreign Affairs and European Integration Committee for Social Protection. Youth. Youth. hearings) on ication of corruption prevention sms in pre-University Education and lympics. Number of participants in hearing. sportsman Ongoing Parliament Legal Directorate Committee for Culture. Research. Mass-media. Army. recommendati ons identified Number of participants in hearing. hearings) on ication of the Code of Conduct for s Service Officer. Border Police. Education. Customs Service. hearings) on ication of internal regulations on whistleby the public authorities Ongoing NAS 63 RoP 126 oversight (consultations. 83 RoP 126 NAC 26 RoP 111 Number of Codes of Conduct reviewed. diplomatic s and consular services Ongoing Number of MPs participating Number of corruption risk assessment and integrity plans reviewed. Number of recommen. Health and Family. Committee for Social Protection. and on admission in higher n institutions Ongoing Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities Committee for Culture. Annually ACAR oversight (consultations. in ar on issues of anti-corruption. Number of recommenen. recommendati In e in 6 Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 C r a d im in In f a m o N c e a im C r a d . Education. Parliament Legal Directorate RoP 102. N c e a im Pilot project agreed. medical and ceutical worker. healthcare penitentiary system. Sport and Massmedia Two committees of parliament ot project for systematic review of entation of key pieces of legislation 2016-2017 NAS 44-51 RoP 126 NAS 57-60 RoP 126 NAS 64-65. 122124 Revision to RoP adopted mple motion more frequently. hearings) on on risk assessment and integrity plans entral public authorities.Defence and Rule of Law role of parliament n the RoP that only the Prime Minister and s answer parliamentary questions identified p s In f a m o In f a m o R im 2015 Speaker. Health and Family oversight (consultations. Ongoing Speaker RoP 112 Number of motions adopted e a briefing and training session for MPs amentary motions. teacher-coach of physical n and sports. Sport. Research. Number of participants in oversight hearings Number of recommendati ons identified oversight (consultations. comprehensive communication . of 7 Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 im n In s k p s In f a m o In s k H e r r H e r r E c b P C E a A p p E in A p r p T e Im m c . tion and judicial authorities regarding the ng of corruption. of budget org. 2016-2018 Communicatio ns Department ACAR 2015 Communicatio ns Department hat parliamentary information be on-line in an open and structured such as structured XML a smart phone mobile application to citizens with access to information on the ent and the option to comment on draft 2016 ICT Department IPU Guidelines on parliamentary websites. number of motions adopted 2016-2018 Secretary General Law 847/1996 ACAR h a Parliamentary subcommittee to deal CoA reports 2015-2016 Law 261/2008 NAS 40 mendments to the RoP to stipulate that ent committees need to examine the CoA and oversee their follow-up. of app downloads. on social media Law 982/2000 Number of activities attended Communicatio n strategy adopted. a new.ons adopted for staff of Parliament Legal Directorate mmittee staff on the methodology of postve scrutiny 2016 Parliament Legal Directorate RoP 111 Number of staff trained 2016-2018 Committee on National Security. No. Defence and Rule of Law NAC 16 Number of reports discussed. Budget and Finance Parliament Legal Directorate Concept Note & Centre agreed Decision on subcommittee taken NAS 40 ACAR Amendments discussed and approved reports of law enforcement agencies. 2016 Committee on Economy. and adopt motion in session le of parliament h a well-equipped Parliamentary Centre etary Studies he hearings of the CoA in preparation of audit reports more frequently 2015-2018 Committee on Economy. issues addressed 2016 Communicatio ns Department Law 239/2008 Draft Action Plan prepared activities of the Legislative Openness Group of the Open Government hip (OGP). Budget and Finance NAS 40 ACAR Number of CoA hearings attended by MPs e oversight hearings on measures taken udget organizations to address issues by the CoA Ongoing All committees NAS 40 ACAR No. monitored and implemented Amount of info released 2017 ICT Department t's transparency and communication and adopt an 'Open Parliament Action Law 982 / 2000 No. including actions in the fields of ent outreach. social media and "Open licies. mtg. including ts to the Members of Parliament. 2006 ACAR ACAR 100 % signature to Code pledge UNDP ACAR Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities Human Resources Department ACAR Study published and posted online No. 373/2005 NAS 91 ACAR IPU Guidelines comments Roundtables organized. Paper and CSO proposals received 2016-2018 ACAR Ethics Commiss. recruited and fully operational Number of events organized nsultative meeting with CSOs on the on of the Code and call for CSO feedapplication of Code Annually Code of Conduct and Ethics for all staff in and with the Parliament. decision 906 / 2008 Training course conducted e and conduct a training seminar for staff arliament Secretariat on corruption risk ment Annually Secretary General NAS 43 Number of staff attending seminar 8 Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 S in p P s E im n p e In s k . when new members take office 2015 Best Practices Comparative Study on Conduct and Ethics for MPs t P d m p s Communicatio ns Department h function of Parliamentary Ethics sioner to conduct investigations of s of the Code and make endations on the enforcement of the Law 982 / 2000 Parliamentary Dec. consult.on the right of access to information by f establishing and strengthening hips with mass media and civil society. and maintain active Facebook and Twitter s of the Parliament. in the official es and in English mework comprehensive Code of Conduct and r MPs. including n for new MPs and consultations with parties represented in parliament 2016 s acknowledge the Code of Conduct and nd sign a pledge to abide by the Code’s ns when Code enters into force. Ethics Code civil servants 2008 Code for all staff issued and published 2016 initiatives to encourage a culture of entary ethics among MPs. in line with best international and n practices Increase in FB & Twitter followers B o t Code adopted and published S in r M P N c e a im M a in n c S c t a c T o e P p s 2016-2018 Communicatio ns & ICT Department 2015-2016 Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities Speaker 4th round of GRECO evaluation OSCE PA res. partd non-paid staff 2016 e and conduct a training course for senior ment of the Parliament Secretariat on the anager's role in corruption risk ent" Annually Secretary General NAS 42 Gov. of written CSO feedback to Code. of documents shared No. inputs in St. of reports received. & DCFTA formation from Steering Committee for an to support democratic reforms in 2013-2016 and Parliament's input in the Committee with all MPs Ongoing e GRECO assessment and compliance on Moldova with all MPs 2016-2018 Parliament Administration th all MPs reports on monitoring entation of 2014-2015 Action Plan under ion Agreement with EU Ongoing Parliament Administration 2015 MPs from all factions GOPAC HQ Guidelines Ongoing MPs from all factions MoU with other GOPAC chapters apter for Moldova h the GOPAC Chapter for Moldova in line GOPAC HQ Guidelines for National s te with other GOPAC chapters as per the ned at regional GOPAC-UNDP conference 15) Strategy Justice Sector Reform. of GOPAC mtgs attended C o w 9 Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 E in s . members agreed No. Cmt.national anti-corruption framework e periodical reports of the Ministry of Affairs on UNCAC compliance with all Ongoing MFA. Number of parl. Parliament Administration Parliament Administration UNCAC 2th review cycle GRECO reports 3th and 4th round EU Association Agreem. National Human Rights Action Plan No. shared Amount of reports received. No. shared. of documents shared s k in m p s f a m o in s GOPAC statutes. Acronyms: ACAR Anti-Corruption Assessment Report CoA Court of Accounts DCFTA Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area GOPAC Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption GRECO Group of States Against Corruption IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MoJ Ministry of Justice MoU Memorandum of Understanding MP Member of Parliament NAC National Anti-Corruption Centre NAS National Anti-corruption Strategy NCPDP National Centre for Personal Data Protection ODIHR Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights OGP Open Government Partnership OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe PA Parliamentary Assembly RoP Rules of Procedure UNCAC United Nations Convention Against Corruption 10 Anti-Corruption Action Plan of the Parliament of Moldova 2015-2018 .
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