ANSYS CFD-Post User's Guide

March 28, 2018 | Author: Adrian David | Category: Texture Mapping, Trademark, Command Line Interface, License, File Format



ANSYS CFD-Post User's GuideANSYS, Inc. Southpointe 275 Technology Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317 [email protected] (T) 724-746-3304 (F) 724-514-9494 Release 14.5 October 2012 ANSYS, Inc. is certified to ISO 9001:2008. Copyright and Trademark Information © 2012 SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication is prohibited. ANSYS, ANSYS Workbench, Ansoft, AUTODYN, EKM, Engineering Knowledge Manager, CFX, FLUENT, HFSS and any and all ANSYS, Inc. brand, product, service and feature names, logos and slogans are registered trademarks or trademarks of ANSYS, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries. ICEM CFD is a trademark used by ANSYS, Inc. under license. CFX is a trademark of Sony Corporation in Japan. All other brand, product, service and feature names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Disclaimer Notice THIS ANSYS SOFTWARE PRODUCT AND PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION INCLUDE TRADE SECRETS AND ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS OF ANSYS, INC., ITS SUBSIDIARIES, OR LICENSORS. The software products and documentation are furnished by ANSYS, Inc., its subsidiaries, or affiliates under a software license agreement that contains provisions concerning non-disclosure, copying, length and nature of use, compliance with exporting laws, warranties, disclaimers, limitations of liability, and remedies, and other provisions. The software products and documentation may be used, disclosed, transferred, or copied only in accordance with the terms and conditions of that software license agreement. ANSYS, Inc. is certified to ISO 9001:2008. U.S. Government Rights For U.S. Government users, except as specifically granted by the ANSYS, Inc. software license agreement, the use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions stated in the ANSYS, Inc. software license agreement and FAR 12.212 (for non-DOD licenses). Third-Party Software See the legal information in the product help files for the complete Legal Notice for ANSYS proprietary software and third-party software. If you are unable to access the Legal Notice, please contact ANSYS, Inc. Published in the U.S.A. Table of Contents Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... xxi 1. About this Manual ............................................................................................................................ xxi 2. Document Conventions ................................................................................................................... xxii 2.1. Spelling Conventions .............................................................................................................. xxiii 3. Accessing Help ................................................................................................................................ xxiv 4. Contact Information ......................................................................................................................... xxv 1. Overview of CFD-Post ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1. CFD-Post Features and Functionality ................................................................................................. 1 1.2. Advanced Features ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.3. Next Steps... ...................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Starting CFD-Post .................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Starting CFD-Post with the ANSYS CFX Launcher ............................................................................... 3 2.1.1. Valid Syntax in CFD-Post ........................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Starting CFD-Post from the Command Line ....................................................................................... 4 2.2.1. Optional Command Line Arguments ........................................................................................ 4 2.3. Setting CFD-Post Operation Through Environment Variables ............................................................. 6 2.4. Running in Batch Mode ..................................................................................................................... 9 2.4.1. Example: Pressure Calculation on Multiple Files using Batch Mode ............................................ 9 3. CFD-Post Graphical Interface ................................................................................................................ 13 3.1. Graphical Objects ........................................................................................................................... 14 3.1.1. Creating and Editing New Objects .......................................................................................... 14 3.1.2. Selecting Objects ................................................................................................................... 15 3.1.3. Object Visibility ...................................................................................................................... 15 3.2. Common Outline View Shortcuts .................................................................................................... 16 3.3. Details Views .................................................................................................................................. 16 3.4. Outline Workspace .......................................................................................................................... 17 3.4.1. Outline Tree View Shortcuts .................................................................................................... 18 3.4.2. Outline Details View ............................................................................................................... 19 Geometry Details Tab .................................................................................................... 19 Selecting Domains ................................................................................................ 19 Color Details Tab ............................................................................................................ 19 Mode: Constant ..................................................................................................... 19 Mode: Variable and Use Plot Variable ..................................................................... 20 Range ................................................................................................................... 20 Hybrid/Conservative ............................................................................................. 20 Color Scale ............................................................................................................ 20 Color Map ............................................................................................................. 20 Accessing the CFD-Post Color Map Editor ...................................................... 21 Undefined Color ................................................................................................... 21 Symbol Details Tab ........................................................................................................ 21 Symbol ................................................................................................................. 21 Symbol size .......................................................................................................... 21 Render Details Tab ......................................................................................................... 21 Show Faces ........................................................................................................... 22 Show Faces: Transparency ..................................................................................... 22 Show Faces: Draw Mode ........................................................................................ 22 Show Faces: Face Culling ....................................................................................... 22 Show Faces: Lighting ............................................................................................. 24 Show Faces: Specular Lighting ............................................................................... 24 Show Mesh Lines .................................................................................................. 24 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. iii User's Guide Show Mesh Lines: Edge Angle ............................................................................... 24 Show Mesh Lines: Line Width ................................................................................. 24 Show Mesh Lines: Color Mode ............................................................................. 24 Show Mesh Lines: Line Color ................................................................................ 24 Apply Texture ...................................................................................................... 24 Apply Texture: Predefined Textures ...................................................................... 24 Apply Texture: Custom Textures ........................................................................... 25 Apply Texture: Texture Examples .......................................................................... 25 View Details Tab ............................................................................................................ 26 Apply Rotation Check Box ..................................................................................... 26 Method, Axis, From, To .................................................................................. 26 Angle ........................................................................................................... 26 Apply Translation Check Box ................................................................................. 26 Apply Reflection/Mirroring Check Box ................................................................... 26 Apply Scale Check Box .......................................................................................... 26 Apply Instancing Transform Check Box .................................................................. 26 3.4.3. Case Branch ........................................................................................................................... 26 Domain Details View ...................................................................................................... 27 Instancing Details Tab ........................................................................................... 27 Info Details Tab ..................................................................................................... 27 Boundary and Subdomain ............................................................................................. 27 Mesh Regions ................................................................................................................ 28 3.4.4. User Locations and Plots ......................................................................................................... 28 Wireframe ..................................................................................................................... 28 Wireframe: Definition Tab ...................................................................................... 28 Wireframe: View Tab .............................................................................................. 29 3.4.5. Report ................................................................................................................................... 29 Omitting Default Report Sections .................................................................................. 32 Changing the Default Report Sections ........................................................................... 32 Adding New Sections to a Report ................................................................................... 33 Report Templates .......................................................................................................... 34 Turbo Report Templates ........................................................................................ 35 Procedures for Using Turbo Reports when Turbomachinery Data is Missing ............................................................................................................................... 37 Choosing a Turbo Report ....................................................................................... 38 Creating, Viewing, and Publishing Reports ...................................................................... 40 Report Object ....................................................................................................... 40 Figures: File Type .......................................................................................... 41 Figures: Figure Size ....................................................................................... 41 Figures: Width and Height ............................................................................. 41 Figures: Fit All Figures in the Viewport Before Generation Check Box .............. 41 Charts: File Type ........................................................................................... 41 Charts: Chart Size ......................................................................................... 41 Charts: Width and Height .............................................................................. 41 Title Page Object ................................................................................................... 41 Custom Logo Check Box ............................................................................... 41 Custom Logo ............................................................................................... 41 ANSYS Logo Check Box ................................................................................. 41 Title ............................................................................................................. 41 Author ......................................................................................................... 42 Current Date Check Box ................................................................................ 42 Table of Contents Check Box ......................................................................... 42 iv Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. User's Guide of Contents Check Box: Captions in Table of Contents Check Box ........... 42 File Report Object ................................................................................................. 42 Mesh Report Object .............................................................................................. 42 Physics Report Object ........................................................................................... 42 Solution Report Object ......................................................................................... 42 Adding Objects to the Report ................................................................................ 43 Controlling the Content in the Report .................................................................... 43 Refreshing the Report ........................................................................................... 43 Viewing the Report ............................................................................................. 44 Publishing the Report ......................................................................................... 44 Format ....................................................................................................... 44 File ............................................................................................................. 44 Save Images in Separate Directory Check Box .............................................. 44 Generate CFD Viewer files (CVF) for Figures Check Box ................................ 44 More Options Button .................................................................................. 45 3.4.6. Display Properties and Defaults .............................................................................................. 45 3.5. Variables Workspace ....................................................................................................................... 45 3.5.1. Variables Tree View ................................................................................................................. 45 3.5.2. Variables Details View ............................................................................................................. 46 Fundamental Variables .................................................................................................. 47 Saving Variables Back to the Results File ................................................................ 47 Radius and Theta ........................................................................................................... 48 Boundary-Value-Only Variables ...................................................................................... 48 User Variables ................................................................................................................ 48 3.5.3. Variables: Example .................................................................................................................. 50 3.6. Expressions Workspace ................................................................................................................... 51 3.6.1. Expressions Tree View ............................................................................................................. 52 3.6.2. Expressions Workspace: Expressions Details View .................................................................... 52 Expression Definition Tab ............................................................................................... 52 Plot Expression Tab ........................................................................................................ 53 Evaluate Expression Tab ................................................................................................. 53 3.6.3. Expressions Workspace: Example ............................................................................................ 53 Further Expressions ....................................................................................................... 54 3.7. Calculators Workspace .................................................................................................................... 54 3.8. Turbo Workspace ............................................................................................................................ 55 4. CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench ............................................................................................................. 57 4.1. The ANSYS Workbench Interface ..................................................................................................... 57 4.1.1. Toolbox .................................................................................................................................. 58 4.1.2. Project Schematic: Introduction .............................................................................................. 59 4.1.3. View Bar ................................................................................................................................. 60 4.1.4. Properties View ...................................................................................................................... 60 4.1.5. Files View ............................................................................................................................... 61 4.1.6. Sidebar Help .......................................................................................................................... 62 4.1.7. Shortcuts (Context Menu Options) .......................................................................................... 62 4.2. File Operation Differences ............................................................................................................... 62 4.3. An Introduction to Workflow within ANSYS CFX in ANSYS Workbench .............................................. 63 4.4. Using ANSYS Workbench Journaling and Scripting with CFD-Post .................................................... 66 4.4.1. Acquiring a Journal File with CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench ................................................... 66 Journal of an Operation That Creates a Plane in CFD-Post ............................................... 66 4.4.2. Scripting ................................................................................................................................ 68 Example: Using a Script to Change an Existing Locator .................................................... 68 4.5. Tips on Using ANSYS Workbench ..................................................................................................... 68 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. v User's Guide 4.5.1. General Tips ........................................................................................................................... 68 ANSYS Workbench Interface .......................................................................................... 68 Setting Units ................................................................................................................. 69 Files View ...................................................................................................................... 69 ANSYS Workbench Connections ..................................................................................... 69 4.5.2. Tips for Results Systems .......................................................................................................... 69 Changes in Behavior ...................................................................................................... 69 Duplicating Systems ...................................................................................................... 69 Renaming Systems ........................................................................................................ 69 Results Cell .................................................................................................................... 70 Recovering After Deleting Files ...................................................................................... 70 License Sharing ............................................................................................................. 70 5. CFD-Post 3D Viewer .............................................................................................................................. 71 5.1. Object Visibility ............................................................................................................................... 72 5.2. 3D Viewer Modes and Commands ................................................................................................... 73 5.2.1. 3D Viewer Toolbar .................................................................................................................. 73 5.2.2. CFD-Post 3D Viewer Shortcut Menus ...................................................................................... 75 Shortcuts for CFD-Post (Viewer Background) .................................................................. 75 Shortcuts for CFD-Post (Viewer Object) .......................................................................... 76 5.2.3. Viewer Hotkeys ...................................................................................................................... 77 5.2.4. Mouse Button Mapping .......................................................................................................... 78 5.2.5. Picking Mode ......................................................................................................................... 79 Selecting Objects .......................................................................................................... 80 Moving Objects ............................................................................................................. 80 5.3. Views and Figures ........................................................................................................................... 80 5.3.1. Creating a Figure .................................................................................................................... 81 Copying Objects for Figures ........................................................................................... 81 5.3.2. Switching to a View or Figure .................................................................................................. 81 5.3.3. Changing the Definition of a View or Figure ............................................................................ 81 5.3.4. Deleting a Figure .................................................................................................................... 81 5.3.5. Views ..................................................................................................................................... 82 Object Visibility ............................................................................................................. 82 Legends ........................................................................................................................ 83 5.4. Stereo Viewer ................................................................................................................................. 83 6. CFD-Post Workflow ............................................................................................................................... 85 6.1. Loading and Viewing the Solver Results ........................................................................................... 85 6.2. Qualitative Displays of Variables ...................................................................................................... 85 6.3. Analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 86 6.4. Quantitative Analysis of Results ....................................................................................................... 86 6.5. Sharing the Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 86 6.6. Typical Workflow ............................................................................................................................. 87 7. CFD-Post File Menu ............................................................................................................................... 89 7.1. Load Results Command .................................................................................................................. 89 7.2. Close Command ............................................................................................................................. 92 7.3. Load State Command ..................................................................................................................... 92 7.4. Save State Command and Save State As Command ......................................................................... 93 7.5. Save Project Command ................................................................................................................... 93 7.6. Refresh Command (ANSYS Workbench only) ................................................................................... 93 7.7. Import Commands .......................................................................................................................... 93 7.7.1. Import Surface or Line Data .................................................................................................... 94 7.7.2. Import FLUENT Particle Track File ............................................................................................ 95 7.7.3. Import Mechanical CDB Surface ............................................................................................. 95 vi Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. User's Guide File ................................................................................................................................ 95 Length Units .................................................................................................................. 95 Specify Associated Boundary Check Box ......................................................................... 95 Boundary .............................................................................................................. 95 Maintain Conservative Heat Flows Check Box ................................................................. 96 Read Mid-Side Nodes Check Box .................................................................................... 96 Mapping Success Label .................................................................................................. 96 7.8. Export Commands .......................................................................................................................... 96 7.8.1. Export .................................................................................................................................... 96 Export: Options Tab ....................................................................................................... 97 File ....................................................................................................................... 97 Type ..................................................................................................................... 97 Locations .............................................................................................................. 97 Name Aliases ........................................................................................................ 97 Coord Frame ......................................................................................................... 97 Unit System .......................................................................................................... 97 Boundary Vals ....................................................................................................... 97 Export Geometry Information Check Box ............................................................... 98 Line and Face Connectivity Check Box .......................................................... 98 Node Numbers Check Box ............................................................................ 98 Profile Type ........................................................................................................... 98 Spatial Fields List Box .......................................................................................... 98 Select Variable(s) List Box .................................................................................... 98 Export: Formatting Tab ................................................................................................... 99 Vector Variables .................................................................................................... 99 Vector Display Options ................................................................................. 99 Brackets ....................................................................................................... 99 Include Nodes With Undefined Variable Check Box ................................................ 99 Null Token .................................................................................................... 99 Precision ............................................................................................................... 99 Separator .............................................................................................................. 99 Include File Info Header Check Box ........................................................................ 99 Include Header Check Box ................................................................................... 100 Exporting Polyline Data ............................................................................................... 100 POLYLINE Data Format ........................................................................................ 100 Exporting Boundary Profile / Surface Data .................................................................... 101 USER SURFACE Data Format ................................................................................ 101 7.8.2. Export External Data File ....................................................................................................... 101 Options Tab ................................................................................................................. 102 File ..................................................................................................................... 102 Location ............................................................................................................. 102 Unit System ........................................................................................................ 102 Boundary Data .................................................................................................... 102 Select Recommended Variables ........................................................................... 102 Select Additional Variables .................................................................................. 104 Formatting Tab ............................................................................................................ 104 7.8.3. Export Mechanical Load File ................................................................................................. 104 Options Tab ................................................................................................................. 105 File ..................................................................................................................... 105 Location ............................................................................................................. 105 Unit System ........................................................................................................ 105 Boundary Vals ..................................................................................................... 105 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. vii ...........15..................................... Image .. 111 7........................... CFD-Post Options .. 134 8............................................................................1..1..............9............ Limitation with CFX-4 Files ....... Quantitative Differences Between FLUENT and CFD-Post ......1.............................................................................. All rights reserved...........7................................ Advanced ... 112 7..........15................................8.......... 120 7................... 126 8..........................................10.... Fluids .........................15.... Object Highlighting ........7.2........................... Interpolation of Results ...3..............12.......... 106 7.............3.........15..........4.............2.... Viewer . Formatting Tab ...3...... 135 viii Release 14................... ANSYS Icepak Files ............. 106 7...................1........................8....5.......................................2.................1... 134 8............................. Stereo ......8............5........1.....................................................................2... .. and its subsidiaries and affiliates......................................................... 114 7..................15............................ 114 7.....................................2.2...... CFD-Post Solution Units ........................1......1.....................1........................................9..2.............1................7...... 106 7.......7....2...................................... Files .5.......... Limitations with FLUENT Files ............. CFX-4 Dump Files ...............2........2............................................. Interpolation Tolerance ...15...15...........7............................ 119 7...................................... ANSYS Files .............5........ 109 7...................................................... CFD-Post Edit Menu and Options (Preferences) ........................14....................... 135 8....2. Appearance ....2............................ 114 7.........1...................................................... 111 7.15..........1.2..... Undo and Redo ....................................1.2................2............5.....2............3..............................15... Color ........................10...............................1..................... Limitations with ANSYS Files ......................... 134 8....................... 105 7.... 106 7.....................1...................................... 111 7..... 111 7...7...................... Loading Recently Accessed Files .....User's Guide 7........2.............1...... Report Command ..............1....8................. Variable Translation .....6...... Other Viewer Options ............................6...............................6..............11........................................................... 133 8................................................................... Axis/Ruler Visibility .......................2...............5 ..........4.........3.......2........1.............................................................................2...............................................Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS..........3...........................................................1....4... Setting Preferences with the Options Dialog ..................... Enable Beta Features .. File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post ..............................................15.............2........................ 135 8..................................................10................2............................................................. 131 8............................. 107 7............................................ ANSYS CFX Files ........................................2.........2............2...................................7...................7....................... 117 7........................................ Hide ANSYS Logo ........4.............15......................... 121 7................................... Export Data ........... FLUENT Files ......................................8............................................................................................2....................2........................... 135 8.................................................... Mechanical Import/Export Example: One-Way FSI Data Transfer .. 130 8... Transient Blade Row Postprocessing ..... .........................................................................3.........................1.. ANSYS Import: Read 3D elements when CDB file has both 2D and 3D types ........................................... Specify Reference Temperature ............1............. 134 8................................© SAS IP...................................2..15...15...3....................1.......... 134 8................ 129 8............2........................15........................... 135 8... 134 8...1........................................................15. 135 8...........................................3................... Quit Command ..............................1...........................................1...4.... Common Options .. 133 8...................................1..............1.1..........................2..........................2......15.........13................................................................7............... Mechanical Import/Export Commands ......................................7............................1..................2...8...................................1.............................2................................................................................................. 129 8..9............ 108 7.............................................. FSI with Mechanical APDL and CFX: Manual One-way Mapping .. Limitations with CFX-TASCflow Files ...... Turbo ............. 117 7. 131 8..........1............................1............................ Angular Shift for Transient Rotating Domains .........................1.................. Inc.. Save Picture Command ............7................................................................ 130 8.............................................................................. 135 8................................... 131 8........................................... CGNS Files .15.................3...... Text/Edge Color ................ Inc.......................................... 114 7......3.........2.......................... 131 8.................................................................7.............................. ANSYS Meshing Files .................... Background .......... CFX-TASCflow Results Files ...... 106 7......6................ 116 7..........1.................9.................................... 120 7............... 133 8............................................................................................................ 115 7...................................................... 115 7..... .. 149 10.2.......................2.....................1.................2....2.1..1.................2.................1........1..................2...............2. 142 10...1.....................2................................. 143 10...................1..1......................3.............................1........ 146 10............................................2..............................1...2...........................................4....... 147 10.............................1.......................1............. 144 10.......................... Point Cloud Command .......................................................2.................................10.....................1............................................ Max Points ............ Factor ................................................2....................................................................................................5.....1.................. Point 2 ..............................................1............... Aspect Ratio ........3.......1...................................................3........................................................2...1..................................................9.... Domains ..................................2...............................1...................2.......................................1....... Node Number ....... Play Session Command .........................3............2...............................2...... Method .........................................1............................1.........1..........1.....1.................8..... CFD-Post Insert Menu ....................5............. 136 8... Line: Geometry .................................................. 148 10...1........ Spacing ....................1........................2......... Inc...............2.... Symbol ...... 147 10.....................1.2...............2............2......1.........................................4.........1.........................................................2........ 147 10...... 139 9...................2..........................................3................ 147 10..................1..................................3....... 143 10....... 148 10........................... 136 8.........1..................................3.........4...................... Start Recording and Stop Recording Commands ............. Viewer Setup ............................1.. Sampling .......... 136 8.......... Method . 143 10............2............1......................1.......3............................... 148 10................ Nearest Node Value ...............1... Grid Angle ...........1......© SAS IP..2..................................... Locations ....................................... 149 10....................................2..1.............1....... CFD-Post Session Menu .............................1..........................1..........1...........2..............................................2...................... 149 10...............................1.........................1......... Point ...............3.................................6.........2..Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS....... 149 Release 14.......... Point Cloud: Render ........3........ 148 10........1.2.......1......................... 145 10.........1.......................2....................... Point Command ..................... 143 10.......1.................................4.................... 144 10............ 139 9.....3..................1...................................3. 149 10..............1........................1...................................1........... Domains ................................................................................. 144 10...... 145 10...............................2.....4...........1.1................1..... 147 10.. Definition .................................1... Location Submenu ...1... 146 10....................... 146 10...............................................................1.....................1.....1...........................................2.............................1...........3............. 144 10. Line Command ........ Double Buffering .... Point 1 ............ 145 10................... New Session Command ....................................1.....3..................2.........1....................................... Seed .......1................................................................ 146 10............................. ..... All rights reserved........... and its subsidiaries and affiliates........... 140 10.......... 146 10. Unlimited Zoom ............................................................. 147 10................ Point Cloud: View ............. 136 9................................................ Point Cloud: Symbol .................1............ 148 10..........1....................1...1...... 145 10....1....................... Mouse Mapping .......1. Point Cloud: Geometry ...............................2.............2...1........... 145 10....... Setting the Display Units .... 141 10.............................................................. Point: Color ............5..........1...........................1............... Reduction .............2... Point Cloud: Color ..............................................2...................................... 147 10.................5.........................................................1.......... Inc........... Point: Symbol ..................................................2.............1................................................................2...2.................................................. Point: Render ............................ Definition ............................1....... 145 10.......1..... Symbol Size ...............2...1.2............ 147 10.......1.........................1................... 136 8.3..............................................................2.........................1...2...............................................2...................................2......... 142 10.........1.....................2...1..............................7..........................1.......... Variable ........2.................................. Location ...........1.....................................1.1..........................1..............................2........5 ...........................2...............2... Definition .....2.. 140 9...1......... Point: View ....1. 149 10..........................3........................ ix .....2.........................2.................................................... # of Points ......................................1.........1................User's Guide 8..........2....2.............................................................3......................................1.............................. 144 10......2.................1. Domains ............. Point: Geometry .............................1..................2.................1.. 145 10......................... .................2..4........1........................... Variable ................................2...3.........................1.............................................................1... 150 10............. Line Translation Using Picking Mode .............. 156 10..........5...........................1...3.............4.........2..5...............1...1.. 156 10....1.... 153 10.....................1..1...........5..............1........... Method ............3............4............................3....5......4.......... Slice Option ............................1......................4............................................5.......5..............................................1......... 151 10.....1.................. Domains .............. Z ......1.....3......................................... 153 10.............................................................3.1................... 154 10..............................................4......................1............4......3..............................1.......................... Invert Plane Bound Check Box ................................. 159 x Release 14......... 156 10......................................... Plane: View ..............1....5 . Point ..1......................................................................................................1...................1.....................1........1................4........ 150 10........... Inc.......3........... Line: Color ...4.. Line Type ....................4..............................3.....1.....................4....2. Point 2..........4...5............. Hybrid/Conservative Options ............................................................................................. 158 10. Plane Command ......................4....1....7...................1. 154 10....1...........4......2............................................Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS........................4................1....................................................................1...........5.4...................4...........3.................. Normal .......1............................................................................................. 158 10.....1...... Radius ........... Type .1..... 152 10............................. Domains .... 153 10..........1................ 151 10......1............................. 153 10................3..4.............1................1...................1.........5......1.............................1................. 155 10..........................................................1.............2................................. 155 10. 156 10.1............5...........1...... Isosurface Command ......................3....1. 154 10... Y .. Value Text Boxes ..........................................1...........1.........1................ X ...3..................... and Point 3 .......................................1......6....1.......1...6..................... 152 10.........5......................4...................4......5................1.....1...................3......5...........................................8.........................2.....1.... Plane Bounds .................1...................... 154 10........1.............1..... Plane: Geometry ......5.................5.......5...1..........................1..................3...............1..................................... Plane: Render ............................. Cut/Sample Options ............1................ Method ..............1...........1........ 155 10.. Plane: Color ..................... 151 10..... 149 10.................1..................4..... Volume: Geometry ...................3..... Isosurface: Geometry ....................................... X/Y/Z Size ...............................1...... 149 10................... Plane Translation using Picking Mode ........................4........4.1..........................................................................4................................................................................... 153 10.............3.............................................. 155 10...............3....2.. 152 10..............................1.....................1.... 153 10..................5....................4......1...... Definition ...............................1......3....................User's Guide 10..........................4................................................................... 151 10........4.......... 155 10................ 150 10...................................................................1..5. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.... Mode (for the Isovolume option) .1..............1..4......... 154 10.................1.3................................................. How CFD-Post Calculates Isovolumes ...............6.....................4............................. 155 10..... Volume: Render ..........9.. 151 10................................4...........1............4................................................................1..... Inc........1.......1..........5.. Plane Type .1..........................1..5....... Point .................. Line: View ...................................... 150 10.© SAS IP............5.........3.... 153 10.......................................... ............................. 155 10..... Point 1...........3...1.....1................................1...........................................1.. 152 10. X/Y/Z Angle ..................... 158 10............ 149 10........... 158 10.................4.....................3. Definition .......................................1..............................2..................... Volume: View .. 150 10......3...............................7...... All rights reserved.....1..................2................. 154 10....2.... Location ....1...... .1...3...3...........3........ Sample Option .............1..... Mode (for the Sphere and From Surface options) ......................................1....... 150 10........5..........2........ Volume Command ........................ 155 10..............................1................2.......................................1...1....4.. Line: Render ......2...........2............ Inclusive Check Box ........... Radius .............................................. 150 10.........1... 150 10...................4......3......................1..................1.1.... 149 10.................... Volume: Color ..............1......4........................................................................................1.. Element Types .............6..... 151 10....................................3................................5.........................2...3...3........3................5......................2.............1......... Samples ...................1................ 9..... Isosurface: Render ................1........1.............2...............1......................r) and Point 2 (a.... and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1............... 168 10....2....8.................4.................................. Definition .1..................6.......................1...................1....................................................... Surface of Revolution Command ............4............6......................................1......................1............ 170 10....................................................................1............................2.............. 159 10................................................................. 168 10.......1......................7........................................................1.. 171 10..........................................1.................1..........1.........2............................1.................................................9...................... Axial/Radial Offset ............................................................ Definition ..... 170 10.2....................................2.......... Hybrid/Conservative Option ............ Actual Value ..................2...............1.....3........................1................1...........User's Guide 10.............................. Project to AR Plane Check Box ...10.........8.......................................1...........1.....................................................1....1.... 171 10.....2.........................2.......1............... 161 10................................. Iso Clip: Geometry ................4..... Vortex Core Region: Render ... 162 10................7.................................1........1.................................. # of Samples .........1....................1... Vortex Core Region . Isosurface: View ....1...........2..............1................................ 172 Release 14.............9.........................1.................1.....9.........................3.........1..... Angle .........................1...................... Level ... 159 10.9..........1.......1............ Polyline: Geometry ............1...........................................................2...................................1...........................3.. Inc..........9...............1..... 172 10.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS....1.....................2......5............. 169 10...............8........1.................................................1... Iso Clip: View .....................9.................9.............. Method ...............1.....6........................1..................4......1.............. All rights reserved. Definition Area .....1.......1................................................. Vortex Core Region: Geometry .................... Isosurface: Color ........9...........2........2........2....... Value ................................ 161 10....... Min............................1.................................................1.....1.....1.3.. Surface of Revolution: Geometry .. 171 10...................................................9... Axis ........9........9. 159 10..... 159 10..1.............1................... 170 10..................................... 170 10...............2...... 169 10..........8................................................ Iso Clip: Color ...............1........................................... ..........10......................................1...........6............... 162 10...9...............3............ Inc.................1..........................................................© SAS IP....... 159 10..1.............................3.......... 159 10........................................................1.............................................1.............1...........1.......2..................1.1..........................................1..8.......7..................................................3......................... Start/End R .................. 168 10.9..........3......................1................... 161 10............ Point 1 (a........ 159 10.............7............ 160 10...............3.......................... 169 10...........1....7........................... xi ................1..........2...............3..............8..1........2..................................9..... 163 10......6..........6.......1......9..1.............. 170 10..............1...1........9. Iso Clip: Render . 168 10................ Method .... Line ..............................3.........1.................1...1..................1.. Surface of Revolution: Render ........................ 171 10................................................. 168 10............................. 169 10..............6................../Max....1...2.1......................................1............8.. 170 10..1.... 161 10.....1......... From/To Text Boxes .........................8...........1...............................5......2........... Rotation Axis ................... Method ..... 167 10......................5.................................. Domains ..........9.8...1..1... Theta Samples ..............................8............................7................ 162 10...... 168 10.................................................... 171 10..................2............................6................1........................................... Domains ..........2................................ 171 10........1........ 170 10......1.............4................ 160 10..................................r) ............................................1...1....1........9.........1......... 161 10...............................1....... 170 10.... Vortex Core References ..... Polyline Command ..5................3........................... Iso Clip Command .1.......1.8... Start/End A .1.9..................9.....................................2................ Surface of Revolution: View ...........1...........3........................ 169 10........................... Surface of Revolution: Color .............................7...4............................1... 170 10..................................................2...................... 160 10......1..... 159 10.............1.............. Vortex Core Region: Color .... Variable .......................................6............................5 .................. Angle Range Check Box ......................... Visibility Parameters ............... Location ............... Domains ..4.........9.........7.................8...............2.............2............ 161 10.......... Vortex Core Region: View ......................................... 171 10..... 162 10...... Vortex Core Mathematics .........1..................2............................1......................................... Domains . ........10........................... 179 10.............10......... Type ............................................................................12............................. File .1.................1.......1......3.1.......1.....1........... 178 10.......... Hybrid/Conservative Options .1............................................................ Contour Level ...... 179 10.................................4.............................................1....................12......................................................© SAS IP...5... 180 10........1.................................5........................................................................ Direction ....... Vector: Symbol ....... Variable .10... and its subsidiaries and affiliates.......... File ......1.................. ................ Locations .....3..1...2. Symbol Size ..................4..................1................................10...........................9............................... Polyline: Color ...11.......................... 180 10..........................2......1......................................... Domains ...2.............. Surface Group: View .......1............. 181 10............. 177 10................................... 173 10.2.......... Inc....2..1. Definition ..1.............................. 176 10....1.........................................................1...... 181 10.3.2........ 179 10............................................ Rotation Check Box ....... User Surface: Render ....... 173 10...............................................13... Domains ....................................................11..............................12.....10..................................................................................... Specify Associated Boundary Check Box ....................1..................1.........14..............5................ 175 10.....................................................................11.....1.......................... 178 10..................1.......................12..... Translation Check Box ..................................................1......7.................. Method .............1........................................10..11.................................User's Guide 10...............2............................... 176 10......11.................. 179 10................................14.........1........1..............................2.....................1...................................................................................................................... Surface Group Command ............2...............4......11...2.....1.............. Turbo Surface Command . Mode .......1..............4...2..............6................................11........................ 176 10......................2.................2...........................1......................1.....1............................................................1........................... 176 10...... 181 10....................1.................1....2...........1...........Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.........1.......12...2...... 177 10.............. Sampling ...............1..10... 180 10................................................................1................................1..................3......2............ Contour Name ..... Scale Check Box ..................................11.................................... 175 10............ 179 10.....1.............................2.....................1.... Polyline: View .. Method .... Domains .1........1....................................................... Surface Group: Geometry ................................. 178 10................................................. All rights reserved..................................................... 176 10...... ...................................................10.....1.......... Projection ............................1........ Polyline: Render ..11. 178 10........11.........................................1...11... Surface Name . 181 10......2......12...1............... 182 xii Release 14.................2................. 180 10............11.......................1....................1................... 178 10........................ 178 10.......................................1...........8........................................................................................... Intersect With ................................10.......................2....................1............................6.............2....................................................3...........................................................2.3..12. 175 10......................................1........................... Direction ............3.............................3... Surface Group: Color ........................ Vector: Color ...... Vector: Geometry ..1........................................ 176 10.........................................................1........2............................ Vector Command ........... 174 10....................11.....2.11.............1...1......... 172 10..1.....................1.......................1............... User Surface Command ....... User Surface: Color ................... Variable ........................ 174 10.......... 180 10...................13............................. 174 10..........................1...11................... Surface Group: Render .......... 181 10...........................4.......................11........ User Surface: Geometry ..... 174 10............... 182 10..................................................1................. User Surface: View ..1................................6............2. Turbo Line Command ..........................................11.....1.................................2.....1...1..................2......................................... 173 10........................ Distance ........................3................................1........................................................................................5 ....................... 176 10. 173 10......................................... 177 10................................ 176 10......1..........................2.........................................12...........1....2............. 182 10...............1................. 179 10.........................................................1................... 173 10........................... 180 10.................11.......2.......................................1.4............ Symbol ....................................................7......11.................1... Contour Name/Contour Level .....1............10...........11.......1..... Inc.................................................................10......... Domains/Boundary List/Intersect With ..................................... Locations ............. Boundary List ...1.............1............ 173 10......1............................................... 178 10... 183 10...................User's Guide 10.4.............. Inc...4....... Contour Command .......................4.................................................... 187 10....4....... 183 10.......5...................... 184 10...........2....................................4................................. 188 10.............4........................................3............................................................................................................................................................1....................1.......... Hybrid/Conservative Options .5.......... and its subsidiaries and affiliates..........................1.........................9..........4...................1................ 189 10...............................................................4............ 186 10...1..........2.......................... 188 10..1......................1......2....4........© SAS IP.....6.................. 187 10...................... Normalize Symbols Check Box . Stream Type ...... 189 Release 14............3.....1..4...... 185 10........................3........3............... 184 10......................3...................................4........3............1......................Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS...............................................4................... Max Time ............................................... Hybrid / Conservative Options ...............1..1....................................3..........1.................................................. Domains ....... Show Numbers Check Box ......... 183 10..............1..........1....1............3.......... 184 10.............................4...................................3............... Locations ............................3............4...... Simplify Streamline Geometry Check Box ..2...................................1.1...........1....................................................... Text Color ............................ 185 10................ Interval .......4.... 182 10.............................4......................................1.....1....................................................................................................4..........................................1..........3.1........... 184 10...1. Initial Direction .....4......................................3............................................... 184 10...........4..................................... Streamline: Limits .........................2.....4.........3.............................................3............2..2............................................4................................................3.......................2..4........1.......................... Symbol Size .......... # of Sides ..................................................................4..............7...................................................... Sampling .........2.....1.......1....2........................... 188 10......9.............................2...................... Contour: Render ................... 188 10................................3.................................. Start From (Surface Streamline) ........ 186 10............................ 187 10.............. Inc.4..................................................................... Contour: Labels .................... 182 10..................... Preview Seeds Button .............................2...............................2.................................................................... 189 10.................2...................................... 183 10....4....................2...................................3................................3................................................. 186 10.. 184 10..................... Show Symbols Check Box ..5................................ Text Height ...............................1... 183 10... Surfaces .1.....3.......3........ 187 10........................................ Vector: Render .........1...............................4...................................... Clip to Range Check Box ...2... Min Time .........................3........... Contour: View ....... Variable ...4.......................................................................................4..... 183 10.......... 183 10.................2.... Symbol ........2.....................................10.........8. 185 10....... 182 10......................1...........................2............................ 188 10.4. Type ..... Domains .................4....2........................................................ 186 10........3...........5 ............3.........4.............................1....................... 187 10... Text Font .............................................1....2........................................ Direction ......2........... 184 10.................................................3..................................3.........................4.......................... Color Scale ............ 189 10................... Streamline: Geometry ................ Start From (3D Streamline) .................................2... 189 10....................... Line Width/Tube Width/Ribbon Width .......4...................... Color Map .............................1.3....................................................................3................................. 187 10...2........1...............4............1........................................................ 184 10.1..... Vector: View ................. # of Contours ............................................. ..................... Show Streams Check Box .........................................3....1..... Range ................................................... 186 10................. 189 10............5. Definition ...........................3................................4........................2..... 188 10...........................3........3........... Variable .. Streamline: Symbol ........3.......... 189 10................................4...........................................2...................... 186 10..................... Streamline: Color .......... xiii .............................................. 187 10............................. All rights reserved...........2....................... 184 10......4...............1.....................1...........................................2...................... Contour: Geometry ...................... Color Mode .............................. Cross Periodics Check Box ................6........7.......................8........ 189 10........... Locations ..3....4.............................................3................3...............................2.....1....1.....3...............4............... 187 10.................3.....................................................................3....................................................... 185 10..........................................3..........................................................2.............. 188 10......2............1....3..... Streamline Command ........... .....................4.. Material ......5.......2........ 193 10....................................................................1............................................6........................6.........2.....................................5..........................1.............5.................................. 192 10....1.................................7...................3..6....1.....2..................4.....5.............. 190 10..... 195 10................................2. Particle Track: Symbol ..........5.................6...................................1.......... 193 10....................... Track Check Box .....1..............................................................7......................................................... 195 10.............................1......2....... Volume Rendering: Geometry ...............................3. Show Track Numbers Check Box ........... 189 10...............4......................................5......7................................................................................... Tolerance ..................7......................... Max Time .................. 190 10... Volume Rendering: View ................... 192 10..... Match ALL/Match ANY Options ......6...1.........6....7......7.......................................... 190 10............1...............4................................................................... Limit Type and Start/End <variable> ....... Max Segments .................4.....................................5................5...........................1..........4...... Domains ...... Text: Location ................................ 194 10..1...........................4..1....................1...........6.. All rights reserved..........4.......1.............5..................................................................................... Particle Track: Info .5............ 199 10...........2... Filter Check Box ................................ 190 10...........................5... 199 10...4................................... and its subsidiaries and affiliates...................5.................................1................................................2..........................................................................................................................5...1...................... Streamline: View ....2... Start/End Region Check Boxes .........1............................................5..................3........................3.......................1.. Particle Track: Color ........................................................... Format (for Filename option) ........... Position Mode ............................................................1............................................................5.........5.....1. 195 10.................. 198 10.......................... Expression ......................1.............................................. 194 10.................................................3.....................5................ 197 10..................................... 190 10..1.................................4...............................................................5................4.............................................7.................................... 193 10................................ Show Symbols Check Box ..............© SAS IP...1......................2.....................5......................... 193 10..... File ............... Inc............................7.............4............................................................. Volume Rendering: Color ..................4........................1....................................4......................2.................................... 194 10.......2. ................ 192 10.............................1............................... 193 10..2........................5....................6......6................ Show Tracks Check Box ................... 195 10.....................4...3.......................................3......................................................1................................ Injections .5........2.....7.......................... 196 10.......... 198 10...1. 190 10... Type ..................3....................................2........................................................5........1. 199 10........................................... Inc...........................................................................................1................ Text: Definition ...............2......................4.......................................................... 197 10...................1....1..................................3...................1.1............1.......................7..................................5.......................................3............................................................. Max Time is ............2..................1................... Particle Track: Render ........................................1............................1..................................................................... 195 10.................. 190 10............................................5........................ 198 10....... Reduction ................................................ Volume Rendering Command ........ 198 10....... 192 10............................ Location .....2..........................7........ .....1.2................ Embed Auto Annotation Check Box ....... 199 10...............3....1.................1..................... Particle Track: View .... 194 10.....................2.2......................4......................................... More/Fewer Buttons .........4.........................................5..... Upper Limits .......................................................... Reduction Type ...................2..5.....................5.............. Volume Rendering: Render ...............................................................5.. 198 10.............................................................1............. Mode .................................................... 199 10...................6.. Particle Track: Geometry ...5.......... Limits Option .................4..... 192 10........... Max Tracks ............... 191 10.4..... Text Command ................. 192 10..........3. Max Periods ... 199 xiv Release 14......................... 192 10.....User's Guide 10........6..................7.... Method ................. Particle Track Command ........................................1. Diameter Check Box ...................... 194 10........ 199 10................... 199 10..... 198 10.......... Step Tolerance .......................... Text String .......5..... Streamline: Render .............4......2.....6.....................4............... 191 10.........................5 ........ 190 10.................4. Format (for the File Date and File Time options) ..........................................................1..........1...1........Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.............. 189 10............... 195 10................... .......6............7..............................................2............ Coordinate Frame: Definition .......9.........................9.................................... Z Axis Point ..............................3............. 200 10..........................9........................4...........2........... Inc...User's Guide 10............ 205 10................ 207 10...... 199 10..10...................2.................. 200 10....7.3........................... 200 10.....................................5 ...........9....2.................4......................................2.. 205 10..............10.........................................3................................................................10......8. 207 10............. 202 10.....................................................4.............................................. Precision .......................2.....................3.......3................................ and its subsidiaries and affiliates....................1.............................................2.....................................................................1.......9...................................1............................. 204 10..... Text Height ..........................................2..........3................................... 207 10........3.......................................................................6.........2...7.......3.........................................................................................10...............1................ 203 10.................1......... Instancing Info From Domain Check Box ................................................2...1... Title Mode ...........................9.......4...10................ 204 10..........................2..............9... Aspect ................... 205 10............................................................. Full Circle Check Box ............ Size ..9...3...................................................................................4................................................................................................ Legend: Definition Tab ...7............3................................. Position (for Two Coords option) ...............4....... 206 10..10.................................................3.............................9..1...... Apply Rotation Check Box ..............1........... Number of Graphical Instances ........................... Plot ..........................7.................................1......... User-defined Legends ................. X Justification ..........................................6.. 204 10............5....................1... 204 10....6.....6....... 207 Release 14..... Text Parameters .................3......................................................................7...............3.. Height ...........2..................... Position (for Three Coords option) ............4...............Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS......3................. 203 10.............................. Value Ticks ....2...9... 200 10......................................... 205 10................................3...... 200 10.......................................9..................1............ Origin ................4....4............... 203 10............. X-Z Plane Pt ........................ Y Justification ................. 200 10. Legend: Appearance Tab ....... 205 10........ 206 10............. 205 10....2.................9........................ 201 10.. 205 10...... 203 10..............................6... 201 10..3.......3............................... All rights reserved..............5......................................................................2............ Vertical / Horizontal Options ....1. 201 10...................7..............9..........................................................9......7............................................................................ 201 10......1... 203 10..................1.......1. Rotation .....................2......................... Default Transform Object ...........................9...........8.....10. 201 10.......................................................... 204 10.9............. Color .......................................4..... Y Justification ............................ Coordinate Frame Details ............................................................. Show Legend Units Check Box .......................................... Font ........................1........................................................ 205 10.................... 206 10.10....2................................1.................................3...................... 205 10............. Text Rotation .....................................2....9................................................ ...........................9............................ Legend Command ..4......2....1...........................8... Instance Transform Command .......................2.................... Axis .............2.......2....3...................... Color Mode ........................................................................4.........8.......................... 200 10.....................................................1...... xv .............4.......................3...................................................................2....6..........................................3........1......... Color Mode ...........8....4...................................... Method ......................... Text: Appearance ..........1.........3.3....................... 205 10.2................................1............. Position .10...3....... Font ......................................... 206 10................4..........8...............................10.. 200 10......................... 206 10...................................................... Inc...............3...4.................................... 201 10............................5....2.............. 200 10............................7.......7......................... Sizing Parameters .................2..........................1....................................... 203 10.......................... 207 10.............4............................... Default Legends ...........................9.......... Instance Transform: Definition Tab .............2.......................................................................... From/To Text Boxes ....................8........................1...........................................2..................... Location ...........................5.................................9..............9............. Symbol Size ..................2..................8........................9............. 204 10........2................................ 201 10........© SAS IP..............1............................ Coordinate Frame Command ....2..........................3...... Title .......... X Justification ........9............................ 205 10.......................9................ Type ....................9................................................ 205 10......... ..... 210 10................................................................................................................... 208 10.........................1..............1......5... 220 10.................... 211 10........................ 214 10........................................................... Method .......... 227 10.... 227 10......16.16.. 224 10..2.....8.............5...................5...... 225 10... Editing in the Table Viewer .................2............... Windowing in Fast Fourier Transforms ........... 208 10..........................16............. Creating a Chart Object ............................3......... 208 10.....................16......10....2........16................16.. Fast Fourier Transform .................2..................................................1...............................1.................... 208 10...........................1................................1............... 220 10..............................................1.................1..............3........................10.............................................3.............. Angle ...... Flip Normal Check Box ............16................................... Chart Command .............16.................10....... 223 10.................. 216 10.......................... 224 10. Method ............... 207 10........4............................... Angle From ........... 219 10................................................11...... 220 10.. 221 10....................3...........................................................14........ Chart Details: Data Series Tab ................ Variable Command ....................................... Data Source .....................4......................................11..4...2.......16..............................................2............. Shortcut Menu ....................... All rights reserved....16. 219 10...................10...................1.....................6............................................11.1. Name Controls ..11.................................. 228 10....2.1.......................................................... Slice Plane ................................................................ Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Theory .....15..................3..........1....3.. 228 10.......................................................................1....... 211 10.1..........Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.......16..........7..............6........................ 214 10.......................... Refresh Settings ................................. 207 10........................................................ Expressions ..........1..........1.. X/Y/Z .....................15..................1.................. 228 10...................................................1.......................................................................1........... Passages per Component .......1.............2.................................16....1.............1..Y Axis: Data Selection ............................ Chart Details: X Axis Tab .12..16.................................16.16.....2..... X Axis Data Selection .............................................10..............1....2..1......2........................................................... Chart Details: Line Display Tab ...... Expression Command .........11.................. 223 10.....................16...1......... ...................3....................3.......................................... 229 10................1..1.................. Plane ............... 211 10........ Color Map Command ..........2..........2...........1..............................................2...............4............... Inc...................................2.15....1......................................1............................................... 225 10............... Chart Details: Chart Display Tab ............ 230 xvi Release 14..................1...................3............2...................... 222 10............1..................................................1................2...............................5........1.........1............16.......10.......4........................................1............1...1....1.......................... Number of Passages ...16.......................................1............2.......1.....................16.............. Clip Plane Command ........................................2...5 ..1......5. 218 10...10.......... Instance Transform: Example .......................2.......... Specifying an X Function ..........16........1. 211 10........ Inc...16............................ and its subsidiaries and affiliates................................ 213 10.... 220 10.....3...............1................. Axis Range ..........................................1.... 227 10... 208 10..................................... 218 10......................................................3.............................................. 213 10..2........ Report: Caption .....10............... Using Fast Fourier Transforms .16.... Chart Details: Y Axis Tab ...........16................ Data Source File Format ..............5................................1.......................................................... Custom Data Selection Controls ....1.......1......1.1................... Type .......... Table Command .......................15... .............. Clip Plane: Geometry ........16....................16. 208 10....1... Apply Reflection/Mirroring Check Box ................. Chart Details: General Tab ............3.. 207 10.1.13......5...... Display Title: Title ......1............................................................. 211 10.........................4....................2...............16......................................1................................10.........1....1............................................................................1...........................2....... Axis Labels ............3.............3..5........... 208 10... 213 10.......4.............................3.........1.............16.....................11... 229 10...............1......................................5................ Definition ...................................User's Guide 10.... Axis Number Formatting ............10.....................................................1...........3................................... 226 10................................................................................... Fill Area Controls .............. Category Divisions ........ 225 10....1................................. 211 10...........10................................4........4....1... 223 10........................ 208 10.© SAS IP........................16..........1................... Apply Translation Check Box .......................2.................................................. Translation ............ 2.....1......................................................................................................................1.........................................5.................. 250 11............... 245 11.................................... 231 10......2....................2....3....................1..3.................. Animation ................ and its subsidiaries and affiliates..............................1...............................2.........................3................... Animation Options Dialog Box ............16.......... Adding Timesteps .............................................4....2.......................................1.................. Multiple Files .................................................. 243 11...............1....3.......................1................© SAS IP.................................4......................2.....6... Animating Mesh Deformation Scaling ......... 244 11..........2.......................................................... Comment Command ..........................................2.. 247 11...1.3....................2............ All rights reserved...........2......................1........5.........................2..................... 245 11........1..........16........................................ Saving an Animation ............ 239 11.............16...............1............... 247 11.....3.............................4....... 231 10....can file) ..2...... Tolerance .............................3.....................................................2.......................................................6..2................. Creating an Animation ............................ Inc..................................................3.......3........... Example: Charting a Velocity Profile ........................ 230 10..........2.......2................. 233 10........ Print Options ..........3.....................5 .............................................6.................1............................................3.......4..... White Background ....6......................................16.....................3................................ 230 10................... Enhanced Output (Smooth Edges) ...................3..........................1.....................3...................... 242 11.....2...............................6.................................1.................3......................................1............. 242 11. Predefined Macros ......1................................................................... Cp Polar Plot Macro ......................................................... 241 11.2. 237 11......................................................... Frame Rate .......................... 241 11........6......................................1.......2......2..3.......................................2.. 251 11..2....................2........1............. 252 Release 14.....1.................... Animation Speed ....... 241 11............. Animating Timesteps .............................................2..........................2......6.........2.........6............ 246 11...................................................2................. 251 11.. Comfort Factors Macro ................................. Figure Command . Animating Planes ........ 235 11...1... Animating Isosurfaces ..3........... 240 11.............. ........3.....................2. 241 11.............................................1........2.................................... 235 11........ 230 10..1.... Transient Case ...........................1.........1...................5.....2...............1..................... Output To User Directory ..................................... Fonts Area ............................................. Grid Area ....................................................................................................................................................................................... Quick Editor ........................3......... Function Selection ............... Macro Calculator ......2..2........... 246 11....1... Example: Comparing Differences Between Two Files .....4.....3................................................. Timestep Selector ............................... Don't Encode Last MPEG Frame . 241 11............... xvii ..16......................................... 244 11......................................................1.................. 245 11... 245 11.............. 245 11......................3................ Inc.....1..........1.......4.. 233 11........ 245 11..................................................................1.....4..............3............ Display Legend Area ...................................1............... 239 11.1...................................................4....... 248 11.......................................................................2..............................1. 245 11.............3................................2............... 246 11...........3......................................3...................2...4..................................4........16.. Animating Streamlines and Particle Tracks .............. Function Calculator ......4.....................1........................................... Quality .................................. 244 11..... 245 11.................. 232 10......16............. 249 11............3.......... Image Size .............................................. Saving the Animation State (*....................................2............. 245 11..................3. 230 10...... Save Frames As Image Files ...............2............................................................. 246 11..... Animating Turbo Surfaces ................................................................................. CFD-Post Tools Menu ....1...5............................2.....3..............................................3.............1.............................................2................................................... Viewing a Chart .................. 246 11.....4........................... Image Format ................................3.......5........... Animating Expressions ...... Sizes Area ............... 245 11............2.2...... 237 11..... Quick Animation ..........................................1.........Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.......3.................1.. Animation Dialog Box ........................1.............................3...................3....................................................2..................... Using the Timestep Selector with Transient Blade Row Cases .........18..User's Guide 10....... 240 11....................6..................................... Probe ..................... Advanced Tab ... Keyframe Animation ....1..2...........1...................................6..1..........17..................... 243 11....................................... Use Screen Capture .........................................3....1................. ...2.................................................5.........1................5.................................................................1....................3...........................................................................................4.......2...............1.....................7.................. Purpose of Background Mesh ............ 281 12..................................1............... Liquid Turbine Performance Macro ........................... Instancing Tab .....................................................................................1........1........5..........4............................ Using the Fan Noise Macro ............. 281 12.......... 258 11..........3...........5................3.................................... Turbo Regions Frame ............2...1.............. 284 12............................... 274 12........2.. Initialize All Components ....... Inc..........User's Guide 11.......................9......................3.................7.......... 282 12.................................3...............1.............................................................................................................8........................2................3......1..................3.................................................2..................... 284 12..................3.............. 283 12....................... 266 11.............. Inc.........3.............................................. Turbo Line: View .3..................... 283 12.... Definition .......................................................3.................5......................................................................... Turbo Surface: Render ........................2...................... 276 12.............. Turbo Line: Common Tabs ............... Requirements for Initialization ...............................................................6.... 254 11............................................................................... 267 11....................................... 277 12. 254 11............6...4.......................................................................... User-defined Macros ..... 275 12.......................................... Turbo Line: Color .......... Macro Example: Output Path .................... Type ............................ Command Editor ........................3.1..........................................................................................................3...............3....5......2........................................ 276 12...............................................................................6.................................. 283 12... 271 12.............3.. .................7................................. Turbo Line: Render ....................... Fan Noise Examples ................... All rights reserved.......... 263 11........1.............. Turbo Line .....................6................. 284 12..................6...............4........................................... Fan Noise Theory in Brief ..... 283 12......3.............................................................................. Turbo Surface ....... 282 12....1..................................................6... 284 xviii Release 14.....................................................................4.........6.............................6.......................................................................3. Liquid Pump Performance Macro ............................................. Types of Background Mesh ......6............................. Gas Compressor Performance Macro .....3...........2.....6... Turbo Surface: Color .......2........... Define/Modify Global Rotation Axis ..........................2.....................................1.. 274 12................... ............................ 262 11.............6....5....................................... 258 11.. Background Mesh Frame .................2........1.........................................1........5........5...............................4....... and its subsidiaries and affiliates......... 277 12........5....................7.....1.............. 280 12.. Turbo Surface: View .............. 279 12...........................5......................................... 265 11........... Visual Representation of Initialization Status ...................5..... 256 11.............2...............1......1..............................................................................................................1....2.............................5............................ Details View for Individual Component Initialization ...... Mesh Visualization Advice .........2...................... 253 11.................. 280 12.......................2............5............ 258 11........2............................. 280 12....................................................... 262 11............................3... 270 11............................. Definition Tab ..........1................................. 283 12..........1.. Turbo Surface: Common Tabs .........6............3....... Turbo Line: Geometry ..................................................................2........................ Uninitializing Components .......................1...1........................3.6......... Turbo Plots ..................... Density of the Background Mesh ...3............................1...................................... 252 11.. 277 12...........6.............................© SAS IP...Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.....................2......................1..6. Turbo Workspace . 277 12................. Mesh Calculator ................ 276 12..6................ Bounds ........................... 284 12......6.............5.................3..............................................................................2.........5 .... Turbo Initialization ..............................................6.....3.......................................... 275 12..... 273 12........... 278 12..............2................................................... 279 12...................... Turbo View Shortcuts ............5.....................................5.......................... Domains .2......................3........3........... Case Comparison ............ 283 12...8................................... Gas Turbine Performance Macro .........6.................................................................................1...................2........................................ Fan Noise Macro Input ... Individual Component Initialization (Advanced Feature) .1.......................................5.................1........................................ Requirements for Setting Up a Background Mesh ...................1.... Calculating Difference Variables ......................... Fan Noise Output (Reports) ..5.... 253 11.............5................... 276 12................. Turbo Surface: Geometry ..................................................................... 274 12......................... Fan Noise Macro ................................. ............... CFX Expression Language (CEL) in CFD-Post ... xix ...........6... 297 12......................... 285 12......................9.................7....... Theta .1......1........... and its subsidiaries and affiliates.7........................ Single Line vs................................ 294 12....................6......................... 287 12......................................................3.1....................................1............. Circumferential Averaging by Length ........................3...................... 289 12........ Point Type .......................................7................. 298 12..6....7......................6...............3.......................................8.1.....1........Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.............. 296 12............................ 288 12..................... Theta .....7...1................................. 298 12............. 289 12.................................................................. 291 12......... 288 12.....................................................4....1............... Distribution .........2..................................6....... Circumferential Averaging by Area or Mass: Inlet to Outlet Turbo Chart ......................... Span .........3............................................................................ 304 13..7............. 291 12........13..............7........................2........ Show Faces/Show Mesh Lines ........ Span Normalized ... 289 12.....................3.................................... Mode ......................................1......6................ Turbo Macros ......... Circumferential Averaging by Mass Flow: Hub to Shroud Turbo Chart ....................1..1.......... Color .....7............................................................... 295 12.2....7................................ 285 12... 285 12.....1...............3.........1.....................1.............. 285 12......... Advanced: Position of Zero Theta ...1.............7....................1....1...............2...6......3............4...............6............. Span Direction ...................................................................................... 291 12........................................................ Span .................1...............6...................1............... 307 13.............. Type ...........3.................................. Inc...........3......................................... 287 12........................1.............................. Blade Loading ........2.6..... 289 12........... Command Actions ..6............................... 294 12........ Inc........1...6......1...............................6............7...................1......... Object Creation and Deletion ....................6.....................7...............................................2...7.............. Hub to Shroud .5 ..................3.....1........ Calculate Velocity Components ............. Instancing ... CFX Command Language (CCL) in CFD-Post ............................7...........................7...................5.11................3........ Initialization Three Views .....................................3............................. 287 12..................1.........................1.................. 311 Release 14.........................1.... Inlet to Outlet .........10. Streamwise ........................1................1. Plot Type ....8............1........................... Linear BA Streamwise Location Coordinates ...... 287 12.................. 287 12........................................ 291 12.....................................7............................. Contour ....2................... 285 12...................6....... 295 12............2....................4... Theta .................2.. 309 14................................................. Vector ......................7.......................................7. 285 12........................................................7....7........7.......................7............1..4.. Display ............. 296 12..6....... 3D View Object .......................3.......1........7......................7........................1...............7. Circumferential Averaging by Area: Hub to Shroud Turbo Chart ..... 289 12............... Streamwise Location .....7.1.......7..3............... Calculating Cylindrical Velocity Components for Non-turbo Cases .......14..1........................... Variables Created by CFD-Post .................................................................................1. Meridional Object ........... 285 12.3............7.7.............. 295 12...................... Samples ...1. 307 14............................6.........................7.................................6...................................4..7... 297 12... 286 12.........................7.... 287 12...........................................1...........................3...3..................7.......6............................5................................. 290 12..7...........7........................3.......................... Stream .........................Turbo Charts .......7............................................... 286 12.........................1.... X/Y Variable ........ Turbo Measurements .........................................1............ Blade-to-Blade Object .......................................................................................................................1...............1...1.......................... 297 12.................................... Angular Shift ..........1............................User's Guide 12. Circumferential ........... 285 12..7...........................1......12.3...............................1...1...5...................................© SAS IP.. Introduction to Turbo Plots .............................1............1..........................6....6...7.7..................5..1.............1..................7................................................ 298 12....9............... 287 12...9...3............7.............................. 287 12................................................................7........ 297 12.......................3...........................6............................1.......6.........2................................1..................................... Two Lines .............. 310 15......6...............3...........1.....1..... All rights reserved........................ ...3.1........................................... 286 12.......................................6...............7................................7............ BA Streamwise Location Coordinates .....7.............. 285 12.. Circumferential Averaging by Length: Inlet to Outlet Turbo Chart ......3........................................ ............................................................. Inc...............1......................... Exporting Data ................ 312 15........1........... Inc..................................... Calculating Velocity Components .... 319 15................................................................2............ Importing External File Formats ............................................................................................................................... 323 Index .......................2.............................. 337 xx Release 14..........2...1.............. Features Available in Line Interface Mode ................................................. load Command Examples . and its subsidiaries and affiliates............................................... Turbo Post CCL Command Actions ........2... 320 15.............................................................................. 312 15......................................... Reading State Files ..................................2........... ............ 314 15..........................3...... 312 15...4.... 311 15. 319 15.....4................6..........................3...............................1.. Creating a Hardcopy .....4..........................................2.................. Initializing all Turbo Components ................................................. 318 15.....................................3...................................................................2... Line Interface Mode ......................2...2..................... 320 15........................... 314 15...........................Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS......4. 319 15........................................... Saving State Files ............. Viewing a Chart .............................................................© SAS IP.....2..........................................2.......................................................................................................8................... 313 15...................... ........ savestate Command Examples ......2..........2......................... 322 17............. File Operations from the Command Editor Dialog Box .........1.....................4.User's Guide 15.............................................................................................................................7.. All rights reserved...... Overview of Command Actions ........ 313 15......1................ Other Commands ..................................... 320 16..........................1........2...... 319 15..................................... Controlling the Viewer ..............................................1.................................... Quantitative Calculations in the Command Editor Dialog Box ...............2.......................... Reading Session Files ............. 317 15...................... 313 15............1.....................5............................................ Loading a Results File .. 317 15.......................4........ 316 15............................4......2.................................................................4...............5 ........................................... 318 15... Deleting Objects ....4....3.......... readstate Command Examples ......................... 315 15.....1......... readsession Command Examples ................. 321 16........................................2.............. FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category ..................................2............................................................. readstate Option Actions .............3................3..................................................2.......... © SAS IP. • CFD-Post Workflow (p.) • CFD-Post Insert Menu (p. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. . • CFX Command Language (CCL) in CFD-Post (p. xxii) how to access the online help system: • Accessing Help (p. 3) describes how to start CFD-Post and the environment variables that affect how CFD-Post operates.5 . All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. the animation editor and the timestep selector. variables. xxv) 1. (Session files contain a record of the commands issued during a CFD-Post session. Release 14. 273) describes how to use the CFD-Post Turbo workspace. 13) describes the CFD-Post interface. • CFD-Post Tools Menu (p. Inc. • CFD-Post Session Menu (p. • CFD-Post Graphical Interface (p.Preface This preface discusses how to use this manual: • About this Manual (p. xxiv) and how to obtain support for your software: • Contact Information (p. 141) describes how to create new objects (such as locators. 129) describes the functionality available from the Edit menu. About this Manual This manual contain the following chapters: • Overview of CFD-Post (p. • CFD-Post File Menu (p. • Starting CFD-Post (p. 307) describes how to use the CFX Command Language (CCL) and the CFX Expression Language (CEL). 1) describes CFD-Post functionality and advanced features. • CFX Expression Language (CEL) describes the CFX Expression Language (CEL) in detail. • CFD-Post 3D Viewer (p. xxi) • Document Conventions (p. and so on). charts. 139) describes how to record and replay session files. 71) describes how to use the CFD-Post 3D Viewer. which offers access to quantitative analysis utilities. 235) describes how to use the CFD-Post Tools menu. tables. • Turbo Workspace (p. • CFD-Post Edit Menu and Options (Preferences) (p. such as customizing CFD-Post by setting your preferences on the Options dialog box. and expressions by using the Insert menu. 85) describes common ways to use CFD-Post. xxi . which improves and speeds up post-processing for turbomachinery simulations. 89) describes the functionality available from the File menu and the file types that CFD-Post supports. Optional Arguments Optional arguments are shown using square brackets: cfx5export -cgns [-verbose] <file> Here the argument -verbose is optional.Preface • Line Interface Mode describes running CFD-Post in line-interface mode (that is. system messages. without using a user interface. Inc. directory names are separated by forward slashes (/). On Linux. For example. continue typing if the command is too long to fit in the command prompt window and press Enter only at the end of the complete command. Document Conventions This section describes the conventions used in this document to distinguish between text.5 . you may type the “\” characters. The default installation directory for CFD-Post without ANSYS CFX is: C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v145\CFD-Post xxii Release 14. but with a viewer that shows objects you create on the command line) and in batch mode (where a viewer is not provided and you cannot enter commands at a command prompt). <CFDPOSTROOT> The installation directory for CFD-Post. file names. /usr/lib). . back slashes are used (\). which differs depending on whether it installed with ANSYS CFX. • FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category describes how to convert variable names in a FLUENT file to CFX variable names for use in CFD-Post. but you must specify a suitable file name. Long Commands Commands that are too long to display on a printed page are shown with “\” characters at the ends of intermediate lines: cfx5export -cgns [-boundary] [-corrected] [-C] \ [-domain <number>] [-geometry] [-help] [-name <file>] \ [-summary] [-timestep <number>] [-user <level>] [-norotate] \ [-boundaries-as-nodes|-boundaries-as-faces] [-verbose] <file> On a Linux system. and input that you need to type. 2. However. the same directory would be named \CFX\bin. a directory name on Linux might be /CFX/bin whereas on a Windows system. User Input Input to be typed verbatim is shown using the following convention: mkdir /usr/local/cfx Input Substitution Input substitution is shown using the following convention: cfx5post -batch <batch_file> you should actually type cfx5post -batch and substitute a batch file name for <batch_file>. All rights reserved. on a Windows machine you must enter the whole command without the “\” characters.© SAS IP. . but on Windows. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. pressing Enter after each. File and Directory Names File names and directory names appear in a plain fixed-width font (for example.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. 274)) Auto-initialise Auto-initialize (or try Requirements for Initialization (p. <os> will generally be used for directory names where the contents of the directory depend on the operating system but do not depend on the release of the operating system or on the processor type. Spelling Conventions ANSYS CFX documentation uses American spelling: • atomization rather than atomisation • color rather than colour • customization rather than customisation • discretization rather than discretisation • initialization rather than initialisation • meter rather than metre • normalization rather than normalisation • vapor rather than vapour • vaporization rather than vaporisation When searching. Wherever you see <os> in the text you should substitute with the operating system name. 184)) Colour Scale Color Scale (or try Color Scale (p. Wherever you see <arch> in the text you should substitute the appropriate value for your system. 19)) Turbo Initialisation Turbo Initialization (or try Turbo Initialization (p. <arch> will generally be used for directory names where the contents of the directory depend on the operating system and on the release of the operating system or the processor type. All rights reserved.Document Conventions Operating System Names When we refer to objects that depend on the type of system being used. use American spellings: For: Search for: Colour Map Color Map (or try Color Map Command (p. .1. Inc. 211)) Colour Mode Color Mode (or try Color Mode (p. 276)) Release 14.© SAS IP. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 20)) Colour Tab Color Tab (or try Color Details Tab (p. xxiii . which can be determined by running the command: <CFDPOSTROOT>/bin/cfx5info -arch 2. The correct value can be determined by running: <CFDPOSTROOT>/bin/cfx5info -os <arch> refers to the long form of the name that CFX uses to identify the system architecture in question.5 . we will use one of the following symbols in the text: <os> refers to the short form of the name which CFX uses to identify the operating system in question.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 275)) Uninitialise Uninitialize (or try Uninitializing Components (p. Inc. otherwise it may (with uncertain results) be opened in Xpdf. .com/docdownloads). Accessing Help You can access the ANSYS CFX help in the following ways: • Select the appropriate command from the Help menu of the ANSYS CFX Launcher or CFX-Pre. 267)) 3. For further information about tutorials and documentation on the ANSYS Customer Portal. You can download the PDF documentation from the ANSYS Customer Portal (support. All rights reserved. • Click a feature of the ANSYS CFX interface to make it active and. you will see help in either online format or PDF format. A PDF file will be opened in Adobe Reader if possible. . For information on using the ANSYS Help Viewer. depending on which of these viewers have been installed. Depending on the command you select. The following table lists the pdf files for ANSYS CFD-Post: xxiv Release 14. go to http://support. you must first download and install the PDF files.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. • To access documentation files on the ANSYS Customer Portal. with the mouse pointer over the feature. These files must be downloaded and extracted to the following location so you can launch them from within your ANSYS product Help menu. To access the help in PDF format. On Windows: path\ANSYS Inc\v145\commonfiles\help\en-us\pdf\ where path is the folder where you installed your ANSYS product (by default. 275)) Undefined Colour Undefined Color (or try Undefined Color (p. The help in PDF format is not installed by default. Inc. see Using Help in the Using Help.© SAS IP.ansys. or Evince. press the F1 key for online help opened to the appropriate page for the feature under the mouse pointer). Inc. On Linux: path/ansys_inc/v145/commonfiles/help/en-us/pdf/ where path is the directory where you installed your ANSYS product. 21)) Synchronise Camera Synchronize Camera (or try Case Comparison (p. and its subsidiaries and To access help in PDF format. the path is C:\Program Files). Not every area of the interface supports context-sensitive help.Preface For: Search for: Initialise All Components Initialize All Components (or try Initialize All Components (p. Gpdf. you must first download and install the PDF files. CFX-Solver Manager. go to http:// support.5 . or CFD-Post. com. Systems and installation Knowledge Resources are easily accessible via the Customer Portal by using the following keywords in the search box: Systems/ All ANSYS Products Web: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal (http://www. Please check with the ANSYS Support Coordinator (ASC) at your company to determine who provides support for your company. functions. National Toll-Free Telephone: German language: 0800 181 8499 English language: 0800 181 1565 Release 14. NORTH AMERICA All ANSYS.pdf ANSYS CFD-Post User’s Guide How to post-process a results file cfd_post.5 . These Knowledge Resources provide solutions and guidance on how to resolve installation and licensing issues quickly. directly or by one of our certified ANSYS Support Providers. Inc. Technical Support can be accessed quickly and efficiently from the ANSYS Customer Portal.5096 Support for University customers is provided only through the ANSYS Customer Portal. directly. One of the many useful features of the Customer Portal is the Knowledge Resources Search. The direct URL is: support. Products Web: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal ( and select the appropriate option.514. Inc.ansys.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.ansys.ansys.pdf 4.ansys. Contact Information Technical Support for ANSYS.ansys. GERMANY ANSYS Mechanical Products Telephone: +49 (0) 8092 7005-55 (CADFEM) Email: support@cadfem. Inc. Inc.711. Inc.Contact Information Book Description PDF Name Tutorials A set of tutorials that demonstrate the workflow cfd_posttutr. If your support is provided by ANSYS. .© SAS IP. xxv .com) under Support> Technical Support where the Customer Portal is located.7199 Fax: 1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. CFX Command and select About ANSYS> Contacts and Locations. Inc. products is provided either by ANSYS.800. which is available from the ANSYS Website (www.pdf Reference Guides Best-practices guides and complete details for APIs.724. All rights reserved. Toll-Free Telephone: 1. or go to www. which can be found on the Home page of the Customer and select the appropriate option. and variables cfx_ref. CFX Expression Language. Inc. All rights reserved. UK: 0800 048 0462 Republic of Ireland: 1800 065 6642 Outside UK: +44 1235 420130 Email: [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM All ANSYS. Mechanical: japan-ansys-support@ansys. JAPAN CFX . Telephone: Please have your Customer or Contact ID ready.Preface Austria: 0800 297 835 Switzerland: 0800 546 318 International Telephone: German language: +49 6151 152 9981 English language: +49 6151 152 9982 Email: support-germany@ansys.© SAS Support for University customers is provided only through the ANSYS Customer Licensing and Installation Email: [email protected] . FloWizard: japan-flowizard-support@ansys. FfC: [email protected] INDIA All and select the appropriate option.ansys. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. ICEM CFD and Mechanical Products Telephone: +81-3-5324-8333 Fax: +81-3-5324-7308 Email: CFX: japan-cfx-support@ansys. Products Web: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal (http://www. . POLYFLOW: [email protected] proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Products xxvi Release Icepak Telephone: +81-3-5324-7444 Email: [email protected] FLUENT Products Telephone: +81-3-5324-7305 Email: FLUENT: [email protected]. . ansys. Toll-Free Telephone: +33 (0) 800 919 225 Toll Number: +33 (0) 170 489 087 Email: support-france@ansys. Inc. Inc.5 . SWEDEN All ANSYS Products Web: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal ( FRANCE All ANSYS.ansys.© SAS IP. All rights reserved.ansys. support-portugal@ansys. xxvii BELGIUM All ANSYS Products Web: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal (http://www.ansys. Release 14. CFD products: [email protected] proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Installation: installation-india@ansys. SPAIN and PORTUGAL All ANSYS Products Web: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal ( Support for University customers is provided only through the ANSYS Customer Portal. +351 800 880 513 (Portugal) Email: support-spain@ansys. Ansoft products: [email protected] Support for University customers is provided only through the ANSYS Customer Portal. Telephone: +34 900 933 407 (Spain). Products Web: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal ( and select the appropriate and select the appropriate option. Telephone: +32 (0) 10 45 28 61 Email: support-belgium@ansys. .com.ansys. Telephone: +91 1 800 209 3475 (toll free) or +91 20 6654 3000 (toll) Fax: +91 80 6772 2600 Email: FEA products: [email protected]/customerportal) and select the appropriate Support for University customers is provided only through the ANSYS Customer and select the appropriate option. and its subsidiaries and and select the appropriate option. Telephone: +44 (0) 870 142 0300 Email: support-sweden@ansys. Inc.Contact Information Web: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal ( . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. xxviii Release Support for University customers is provided only through the ANSYS Customer Portal. Inc.5 . All rights reserved. .Preface ITALY All ANSYS Products Web: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal (http://www. and select the appropriate option.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.© SAS IP. Telephone: +39 02 89013378 Email: support-italy@ansys. CFX-Solver Backup results files (*. It is designed to allow easy visualization and quantitative analysis of the results of CFD simulations. CFX-4 dump files (*.def).err). 273). ANSYS files (*.© SAS IP.gtm). CFD-Post includes the following functionality: • Reads CFX-Solver results files (*. 2) • Next Steps.d*mp*). CGNS files (*. 29). and its subsidiaries and affiliates.cas. for details. *. *. 13) and CFD-Post 3D Viewer (p. *. • Standard interactive viewer controls (rotate. see Quantitative Calculations in the Command Editor Dialog Box. • Variable freezing (for comparison with other files). *. For details.lun. 2) 1. For details.rth. see Turbo Workspace (p. For details. see CFD-Post Insert Menu (p. time plots). *. . • Support for a variety of graphical and geometric objects used to create post-processing plots. *. pan. You can perform a variety of exact quantitative calculations over objects. see Report (p. All rights reserved.cgs). *. 141).inn. Release 14. *. CFX-Solver Error results files (*. CFD-Post Features and Functionality CFD-Post has the following features: • A graphical user interface that includes a viewer pane in which all graphical output from CFD-Post is plotted.brmg. • Post-processing capability for turbomachinery applications.rfl.dat. zoom. to visualize the mesh. *.msh.5 . including charting (XY. • Extensive reports. state-of-the-art post-processor. For details. 1 . stored views/figures. *.res.grd.cmdb.rso). *.1. see CFD-Post Graphical Interface (p.bak). CFX-Mesh files (*. *. Inc.rst.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.Chapter 1: Overview of CFD-Post CFD-Post is a flexible.rmg. and to define locations for quantitative calculation.brst. *.dsdb). *. This chapter describes: • CFD-Post Features and Functionality (p.cdat). 1) • Advanced Features (p.cgns. *. CFX-Solver input files (*. ANSYS Meshing files (*. zoom box). • Scalar and vector user-defined variables. CFX-TASCflow files (*. 71)..res).. and FLUENT files (*.brth). multiple viewports. *.brfl. (p. Inc. For details. 9). • Supports transient data. generic data. Node locations are repositioned based on the position for the current timestep. etc. see CFX Command Language (CCL) in CFD-Post (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.2. • Outputs to PostScript. All rights reserved.Overview of CFD-Post The supported file types are described in File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post (p. expressions.. Next Steps.3.© SAS IP. . CFD-Post enables command line. Note CFX-Solver results files are necessary to access some of the quantitative functionality that CFD-Post can provide. see Quick Animation (p. Power Syntax Power Syntax provides integration of the Perl programming language with CCL to allow creation of advanced subroutines. see Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX. 13). 111). 307). 1. as well as animation (keyframe) and MPEG file output. see Running in Batch Mode (p. various bitmap formats. 2 Release 14. 240). CCL is used to create objects or perform actions. 1. Now that you have an overview of the capabilities of CFD-Post. 3) • CFD-Post Graphical Interface (p. For details. For details. Inc. • Supports macros through an embedded user interface (see Macro Calculator (p. For details. PNG. Batch Mode CFD-Post can be run in batch mode (often using a session file as the basis for a series of actions which will be executed).. CFX Expression Language (CEL) CEL is a powerful expression language used to create user-defined variables. Advanced Features CFD-Post also contains advanced features: CFX Command Language (CCL) CCL is the internal command language used within CFD-Post. and generic geometry. 250)).5 . including moving mesh. . and VRM. For details. Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. or state file input through the CFX Command Language (CCL). see CFX Expression Language (CEL). session file. you may want to explore: • Starting CFD-Post (p. • Imports/exports ANSYS data. JPEG. select All Programs > ANSYS 14. The launcher enables you to: • Set the working directory for your project. refer to the documentation that comes with those products. open a terminal window that has its path set up to run ANSYS CFX and enter: cfx5 If the path has not been set.exe Release 14.exe • On Linux.5.5 .1. • Access the online help and other useful information. Inc. .Chapter 2: Starting CFD-Post This chapter describes how to start CFD-Post and the environment variables that affect how CFD-Post operates: 2.3. other ANSYS products. • Customize the behavior of the launcher to start your own applications. if available. typically this is: /usr/ansys_inc/v145/CFX/bin/cfx5. Starting CFD-Post with the ANSYS CFX Launcher CFD-Post is installed with the ANSYS CFX Launcher. enter: cfx5 If the path has not been set. which makes it easy to run CFD-Post.© SAS IP. you need to type the full path to the cfx5 command. • Launch CFD-Post and. Setting CFD-Post Operation Through Environment Variables 2. Starting CFD-Post with the ANSYS CFX Launcher 2. • Access various other tools.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 2. Running in Batch Mode Note You can also start CFD-Post from other ANSYS products. including a command window that enables you to run ANSYS CFX utilities without having to type the path to the executable.2. Inc. you need to type the full path to the cfx5 command. – In a DOS window that has its path set up correctly to run ANSYS CFX. You can run the launcher in any of the following ways: • On Windows: – From the Start menu. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Starting CFD-Post from the Command Line 2. for details.5 > Fluid Dynamics > CFX 14. typically this is: C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v145\CFX\bin\cfx5.4.1. 3 . All rights reserved. only a period is allowed to be used decimal delimiters in fields that accept floating-point input.1. including the license manager.5 . but an error will be returned. object names must be unique within the physics setup.© SAS IP. Any of the following characters are allowed to name new objects: A-Z a-z 0-9 <space> (however. Valid Decimal Separator In CFD-Post. numeric fields will not accept a comma at all. and spaces at the end of a name are ignored.1. . set your working directory and click the CFD-Post icon.2. In general. Inc. If your system is set to a non-European locale.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Optional Command Line Arguments The table that follows summarizes the most common of the optional command line arguments: 4 Release 14. enter: Windows <CFDPOSTROOT>\bin\cfdpost Linux <CFDPOSTROOT>/bin/cfdpost 2. 2. ANSYS Workbench accepts commas as decimal delimiters. • CFX contains some utilities (for example. the first character must be AZ or a-z).1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 4).Starting CFD-Post When the launcher starts. If your system is set to a European locale that uses a comma separator (such as Germany). fields that accept numeric input will accept a comma. To start CFD-Post from the command line. but translates these to periods when passing data to CFD-Post. Note The launcher automatically searches for CFD-Post and other ANSYS products. All rights reserved. 2. • If you are having problems with CFD-Post. Multiple spaces are treated as single space characters. a parameter editor) that can be run only from the command line. you may be able to get a more detailed error message by starting it from the command line than you would get if you started it from the launcher. any error messages produced are written to the command-line window. Starting CFD-Post from the Command Line You may want to start CFD-Post from the command line rather than by clicking the appropriate button on the ANSYS CFX Launcher for the following reasons: • You may want to specify certain command-line arguments so that CFD-Post starts up in a particular configuration. When you start CFD-Post from the command line. Inc.2. . For details. Valid Syntax in CFD-Post Valid Syntax for Named Objects The names of objects must be no more than 80 characters in length. see Optional Command Line Arguments (p. the results file indicated in the state file. This option also requires the host machine to be running CFD-Post with the -server option.cse> [<results file 1>] [<results file 2> . “. -viewerport specifies the port for the viewer. -report <template> [-name <report name>] [-outdir <dirname>] [<results file 1>] [<results file 2> . then CFD-Post . see Report Templates (p.e” to process the CCL. Inc. -line Starts CFD-Post in line interface (CFD-Post command line) mode. type “e” When done typing CCL commands.. then produces a report and exits. -port specifies the port number for user interface-engine communication. -graphics For Linux only: specify the graphics system (options are ogl and mesa). then make modifications to that file as required.] Starts CFD-Post in batch mode. Alternative form: -gr -local-root <path> Specify the file path of the CFD-Post installation.] Starts CFD-Post in batch mode. <template> may be one of the following: • The word “auto” If you use the word “auto” for a template.. 5 .cst>.. . For details. -gui Starts CFD-Post in graphical user interface (GUI) mode (the default). loads the results files. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. will attempt to find the most suitable built-in template. Inc. Release 14. -t <file. • The name of a state or session file.Starting CFD-Post from the Command Line Argument Description -batch <filename.cst> Start CFD-Post and load the state file <file. All rights reserved..© SAS IP. If you provide a state file as a template. To start a CCL section. -remote <host> -port <number> -viewerport <number> -remote specifies a remote host to run on. Register a template by running CFD-Post in user interface mode. The ability to write and execute CCL is also available in user interface mode through the Command Editor. Typically you would create a session file using the user interface mode. 34). • The name of a registered template. see Overview of Command Actions. running the session file you enter as an argument. will be used when no results file name is provided on the command line. For details. type . This interface will start a command line prompt where you can type CCL commands. Here. if there is one.5 . wrapped in quotes.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 5 . -s <file. • Separate Cases to load all configurations from a multi-configuration run into separate cases. Inc. or only the last results from a results file that contains a run history.res>. • Last Case to load only the last configuration of a multi-configuration results file.res> -multiconfig single|separate|last Alternative form:-m single|separate|last Select a multi-configuration load option to control how you load a multiconfiguration (. .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Setting CFD-Post Operation Through Environment Variables There are a number of environment variables that can be used to change how CFD-Post behaves: 6 Release 14. Alternative form:-session <file. All rights reserved. Each result appears as a separate entry in the tree.cse> Start CFD-Post and load the session file <file.cst> -results <file. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. a file that was produced from a definition file that had its initial values specified from a results file from a previous run and saved to the results file that you are loading). or all of the results history from a results file that contains a run history. If a results file with run history is loaded.© SAS IP. .res) that contains a run history (that is.Starting CFD-Post Argument Description Alternative form: -state <file.3. but you can use the timestep selector to move between results.cse>.cse> -v Display a summary of the currently set environment variables.res> Start CFD-Post and load the results file <file. In either case. Alternative form:-res <file. Inc. only one set of results will appear in the viewer. CFD-Post loads the results from this file and the results for any results file in its run history as separate cases. This option is not fully supported. Choose: • Single Case to load all configurations of a multi-configuration run as a single case. Alternative form:-help 2.mres) file or a results file (. Alternative form:-verbose -h Display a full list of all the possible arguments with short descriptions. If set to none. png. yLoc: horizontal and vertical location of the image in the viewer (0-1) xAttach: left. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. xLoc is used. ' If the macros contain user interface commands.5' Example for Windows (no quotes): CFXPOST_ZERO_THETA=1.5 CFX_USER_IMAGE_DATA Enables you to display a custom logo image in the viewer. jpeg.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. right or none. All rights reserved. Example for Linux: CFXPOST_ZERO_THETA='1.5 .0. the appropriate panels will be added to the Macro Evaluator user interface.cse' CFXEnables adjusting the zero-theta location in single-domain cases. Release 14. macro2. By default. 7 .y. POST_ZERO_THETA Linux: CFXPOST_ZERO_THETA='x. original pixels are shown regardless of the viewer size. center. bottom or none. If set to none.0. Example: CFXPOST_USER_MACROS='myMacro1.z (where x. . and 24-bit bmp files are currently supported.y.Setting CFD-Post Operation Through Environment Variables Environment Variable Description/Usage CFXPOST_USER_MACROS Allows user-defined macros to load at start-up. /home/bob/macros/myMacro3. scale: image size relative to viewer size (0-1) If set to 0.cse.© SAS IP.z' Windows: CFXPOST_ZERO_THETA=x. center. CFXPOST_USER_MACROS='macro1.z is a point not on the rotation axis) This will be used in turbo cases to determine at which position the Theta variable will be equal to zero. yLoc is used.y. xLoc. CFD-Post will set Theta such that the Theta values in the first encountered domain range from zero to some positive value.0. Inc. Inc. yAttach: top.0. CFX_USER_IMAGE_DATA='filepath xLoc yLoc xAttach yAttach scale alphaR alphaG alphaB transparency' filepath: path to the image file Only ppm. © SAS IP. making the pure green color represent 100% transparent. You can rotate the background image so that it appears upright when the X axis is “up” by rotating the image about the Z axis by -90 degrees. . as follows: 8 Release 14.ppm 0 0 right bottom 0. alphaB: red/green/blue components (normalized to 0255) of alpha (the color that will represent 100% transparency) transparency: overall bitmap transparency (0-1) Example: To display image myImage.0 0. 1 = left eye. larger numbers move it further. of the background image The rotation angle is clockwise looking in the direction of the specified direction vector. 3 = left/right eye (two viewports). eyeDist: distance between the eyes (0. the background will appear upright when the Y axis is “up” You may find that the geometry . 4 = right/left (two viewports). It can be used for composing stereo images and movies VIEWER_EYE_POINT='cameraZ eyeDist mode' cameraZ: Z location of the camera (must be less than –1. –5.1 is optimum) mode: 0 = normal. Example: If you start CFD-Post with the mountain scenery background. Inc. CFX_BACKGROUND_ROTATE='x y z angle' x.y. All rights reserved.ppm in the right-bottom corner.12 0 255 0 0. in degrees. use: CFX_USER_IMAGE_DATA= '/logos/myImage.5 . 5 = stereo Example: VIEWER_EYE_POINT='–5. and setting the overall transparency to 60%.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc.Starting CFD-Post Environment Variable Description/Usage alphaR.0.6' VIEWER_EYE_POINT Allows placing the viewer camera to left/right eye position. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.z: specifies a direction vector (in the global coordinate system) about which to apply a rotation to the background image angle: specifies the rotation angle. alphaG. 2 = right eye. .0 is optimum) Smaller numbers bring the camera closer to the scene (and also widen the camera angle). occupying 12% of the viewer size.1 0' CFX_BACKGROUND_ROTATE Applicable to spherical backgrounds only. of your CFD mesh has its “top” side pointing in the X axis direction. 5 . the name of which is specified when executing the command to start batch mode. Example: Pressure Calculation on Multiple Files using Batch Mode This example calculates the value of pressure at a point in each of three results files. To launch CFDPost in batch file mode. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. However. However. Inc.cse> <filename. The remote machine must have permission to connect to the display (for example. Alternatively. You will deal with only three results files in this case. Instead. Running in Batch Mode All of the functionality of CFD-Post can be accessed when running in batch mode. You can leave a session file recording while you quit from user interface or line interface mode to write the >quit command to a session file.res 2. you may list the filenames at the end.Running in Batch Mode Environment Variable Description/Usage CFX_BACKGROUND_ROTATE='0 0 1 -90' 2. load a results file and execute the statements in a session file using one of the following commands: Windows <CFDPOSTROOT>\bin\cfdpost -batch <filename. You could use the results from any file by making the appropriate substitutions in the following example. and so on). fluid. a Viewer is not provided and you cannot enter commands at a command prompt. and it would be faster to produce the output by using the graphical user interface. by use of the xhost command if the X display is on a Linux machine). The session file can be created using a text editor. the DISPLAY variable must be set to a valid X display before running in batch mode. you can also pass the name of a results file and a session to CFD-Post from the command line. which is described in the example below. This allows you to apply a generic session file to a series of different results files. or. All rights reserved.res solid. commands are issued via a CFD-Post session file (*. The display will typically be your local Windows. 9 .res> Linux <CFDPOSTROOT>/bin/cfdpost -batch <filename.cse> Linux <CFDPOSTROOT>/bin/cfdpost -batch <filename. Exceed. Inc. To run in batch mode. execute one of the following commands at the command prompt: Windows <CFDPOSTROOT>\bin\cfdpost -batch <filename.1. In order to carry out this procedure.© SAS IP. more easily. Release 14. The purpose of this example is for demonstration only. .rst fluid1.4. these features can be useful in situations where a large number of results files need to be processed at once.res> To load multiple files.cse). you can use a text editor to add this command to the end of the session file. When running in batch mode.cse> You can include the name of a results file in your session file. power syntax and the Command Editor dialog box. or Linux machine. you will make use of session files.cse> <filename.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. For example.4. by recording a session while running in line interface or user interface mode. When launching CFD-Post on a remote Linux machine (though X. This completes the first part of the example. Place three results files (<resfile1>. 4. For this example. 3. Select Tools > Command Editor. Inc. 0. j. 139). c. ensure that the exclamation points are at the beginning of lines. 0 must be in the solution domain. For example: cfdpost -batch batchtest. . Select Session > New Session from the main menu. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.© SAS IP. Click Process to process the commands. Enter the following into the command window: ! $filePath = getValue("DATA READER". 0. d. g.cse as the session file name and click Save.cse <resfile> where <resfile> is the name of your results file. in all three results files the location 0. ! print "\nFor $filePath. You may want to close down CFD-Post at this time. Select Session > Start Recording from the main menu to begin recording the session file commands. You will now use Power Syntax to find the value of pressure at Point 1. To load multiple files. k."Current Results File"). You can now run the session file on any number of results files using the following command: <CFDPOSTROOT>/bin/cfdpost -batch batchtest. <resfile2>. Check the terminal window to make sure the command worked as desired. Create a session file based on a results file. Inc. it would be useful to know the name of the results file. Enter batchtest. a. see New Session Command (p."Point 1"). e. Pressure at Point 1 is $pressureVal\n". 0. you can list the filenames at the end of the command. Start CFD-Post and select File > Load Results. ! $pressureVal = probe("Pressure". . Select Session > Stop Recording from the main menu to stop recording the session file. and print it to the command line. All rights reserved. h.cse <resfile1> <resfile2> <resfile3> 10 Release 14. Click Apply to create the point at location 0. 2. You will make use of the DATA READER object to find the name of the current results file. Note If you copy the text above into the Command Editor.Starting CFD-Post 1. f. Select Insert > Location > Point and accept the default name Point 1. For details. <resfile3>) in your working directory. b.5 . Select the results file and click Open.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. In addition to printing the value of pressure. i. 11 .cse $file end Release 14.© SAS IP. Inc. Inc. . All rights reserved. this C shell script would pass arguments as results file names to the CFDPost command line: #!/bin/csh foreach file ($argv) <CFDPOSTROOT>/cfdpost -batch batchtest.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.Running in Batch Mode For a very large number of results files.5 . a simple script can be used to pass filenames as command line arguments. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. As an example. . . All rights reserved. Inc.12 Release 14.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc.5 .© SAS IP. Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. The viewer displays an outline of the geometry and other graphic objects. and the viewer area. . 13 . 16)).Chapter 3: CFD-Post Graphical Interface The CFD-Post interface contains the following areas: the menu bar. Release 14. All rights reserved. the toolbar. the workspace area.© SAS IP. as described in Details Views (p. you can use icons from the viewer toolbar (along the top of the viewer) to manipulate the view. Inc. The top area of the Outline workspace is the tree view and the bottom area is the details view (the details view is populated only after you edit an item. the Outline workspace area and the 3D Viewer are displayed. Figure 3. In addition to the mouse. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5 . Inc.1: Sample CFD-Post Interface When CFD-Post starts. Graphical Objects CFD-Post supports a variety of graphical objects and locator objects that are used to create post-processing plots and to define locations for quantitative calculation.8.4.5. 3. The dividing line between the tree view and details view can be dragged vertically to re-size the windows.1. Expressions Workspace 3.5 .1. 13) a plane has been inserted and configured to display temperature. Variables Workspace 3.3.CFD-Post Graphical Interface The width of the workspace can be adjusted by dragging its right border to the left or right. Details Views 3.1. Inc.2. You may want to do this if the details view contains a large amount of information.6.1: Sample CFD-Post Interface (p. In Figure 3.Turbo Workspace 3.1. Calculators Workspace 3. The details of all the possible objects and associated parameters that can be defined in CFD-Post are described in the CFD-Post . . 14 Release 14.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. Graphical Objects 3. Common Outline View Shortcuts 3. Outline Workspace 3. All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.© SAS IP.7. Creating and Editing New Objects New objects can be created and edited by: • Right-clicking an object in the tree view area.ccl file available with the installation. . The width of the viewer is updated to accommodate the new size of the workspace. The remainder of this chapter describes: 3. see CFD-Post Insert Menu (p. and then right-clicking on the group and using the appropriate shortcut menu command (for example. 3. In many cases. You can change the visibility settings for a group of objects by first selecting a subgroup of objects (using mouse clicks while holding down Ctrl (for multiple. In the graphic that follows. For details. some objects have a visibility check box beside them. see CFD-Post 3D Viewer Shortcut Menus (p.5 .1.3.2. All rights reserved. Subsequently right-clicking any of the selected objects allows you to perform commands that apply to all of the selected objects (such as Show and Hide). 75). Inc. Hide or Show).Graphical Objects • Selecting a command from the Insert menu For details. . 75). Plane.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 141). and Streamline objects are set to be visible in the viewer. this is the most convenient way to create locators (such as planes). 15 . For details. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc. Release 14.1. see CFD-Post 3D Viewer Shortcut Menus (p. Object Visibility In the Outline and Turbo workspaces. Selecting Objects You can select multiple objects by holding down the Ctrl or Shift key as you select each object.© SAS IP. • Right-clicking in the viewer (not applicable for all object types). the Wireframe. independent selections) or Shift (to drag over a range of selections)). 3. Tip You control the number and layout of viewports with the viewport icon in the viewer's toolbar. as the selected object. reloading the results file through the Load Results panel may not recover the state completely. . A details view for a particular kind of object (such as a plane object) may be referenced by the name of the type of object being edited. see Command Editor (p. followed by the word “details view” (for example. are listed in the table below. Edit Edits the selected object in a details view. 18) has a more complete list. for the Wireframe object. 3.© SAS IP. This is the recommended procedure. Duplicate Creates a new object of the same type. in particular when Turbo Post is initialized. Delete Deletes the selected objects. Common Outline View Shortcuts The common Outline view shortcuts. Outline Tree View Shortcuts (p. Inc.CFD-Post Graphical Interface When multiple viewports are used. Note that the Replace results file function will keep the original case name even though the results file has changed.3. A details view appears after any of the following actions: • Double-clicking an object in the tree view • Right-clicking an object in the tree view and selecting Edit from the shortcut menu 16 Release 14. the Wireframe details view). the expression can be declared to no longer be an input parameter or it can be deleted. For details.a Edit in Command Editor Edits the selected object in the Command Editor dialoga. 3. However.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Command Description New (or Insert) Inserts an object. 271). the state of each check box is maintained separately for each viewport. Replace results file Replaces the selected results file with another results file while keeping the state.5 . . All rights reserved. with the same settings. a An expression that is set as an input parameter in ANSYS Workbench cannot be edited in CFX-Pre or CFD-Post (as the results of such edits are not passed to ANSYS Workbench) and will be grayed out. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc. accessible by right-clicking an object in the tree. Details Views Details view is a generic term used to describe an editor for the settings of a CCL object.2. For CFX components in ANSYS Workbench. Click the Enter Expression icon that appears beside the field. • Defaults restores the system default settings for all the tabs of the edited object. 2. depending on the type of object being defined. • Reset returns the settings for the object to those stored in the database for all the tabs. the corresponding CEL expression persists and can be managed by the Expression editor. All rights reserved. Inc. The settings are stored in the database each time the Apply button is clicked. You access the Outline workspace by clicking the Outline tab. except that the editor automatically closes.© SAS IP. Details View Controls Details views contain the following buttons: • Apply applies the information contained within all the tabs of an editor. the tree view appears in the top half of that pane. • Cancel and Close both close the editor without applying or saving any changes. Many properties can be set via a CEL expression. or type the name of an existing expression. For details on CEL expressions. You can then use that expression as the value of a property. To enter an expression: 1. This enables the field to accept an expression name. Either enter an expression definition directly. However. . The Details view appears beneath the tree view. • OK is the same as Apply. You can do this by creating an expression and parameterize it by right-clicking it in the Expression editor. You can change a property from being specified by a Workbench input parameter. Release 14. 51). For details. any CEL expression can be made into a parameterized CEL expression by defining it as a Workbench input parameter. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. You must ensure that the expression evaluates to a value having appropriate units for the property that uses the expression. 16). see Details Views (p. see Expressions Workspace (p.Outline Workspace • Highlighting an object in the tree view and clicking Edit from the shortcut menu • Clicking OK on a dialog box used to begin the creation of a new object • Clicking an object in the Viewer when in pick mode • Right-clicking on an object in the Viewer and selecting Edit from the shortcut menu You use the Details view to define the properties of an object. Inc. 3.4. 3. The Details view contains one or more tabs.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5 . Outline Workspace The Outline workspace consists of objects in a tree view and a Details view where you can edit those objects. 17 . Click in the field for a property. Outline Tree View Shortcuts Shortcuts for editing and manipulating objects are accessible by right-clicking an object in the tree view. Shortcuts available to the tree view are described in Outline Tree View Shortcuts (p. Load ‘<template>’ template Loads the registered template having the name indicated by <template>. 34). Report Templates Allows you to select a report template. All of these special objects can have some of their properties edited.5 . For details. see Report Templates (p. 3. .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. with the same settings. All rights reserved. Command Description New (or Insert) Inserts an object. but the objects themselves cannot be created or deleted using CFD-Post (without using CCL commands). as the selected object. invisible in the viewer. 19). . see Report Templates (p. 43). several special objects will exist in the Outline workspace. For details. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. For details. Some of the settings and buttons in a details view of the Outline workspace are common for different object types. These objects are described in the following sections: • Case Branch (p. Show Makes the selected objects visible in the viewer. Inc. Remove from Report Sets the selected report objects to not appear in the report the next time the report is generated.CFD-Post Graphical Interface After starting CFD-Post and loading a results file.© SAS IP. Duplicate Creates a new object of the same type.4.1. 29) Objects that do not exist after loading a results file are described in CFD-Post Insert Menu (p. these are described in Outline Details View (p. Hide Makes the selected objects invisible in the viewer. Inc. Edit Edits the selected object in a details view. Refresh Preview Refreshes the report. 18). Delete Deletes the selected objects. 28) • Report (p. 34). 141). Add to Report Sets the selected report objects to appear in the report the next time the report is generated. Edit in Command Editor Edits the selected object in the Command Editor dialog box. Add All to Report 18 Sets all report objects to appear in the report the next time the report is generated. see Refreshing the Report (p. The following table shows commands that are specific to the tree view. Release 14. except the wireframe object. 26) • User Locations and Plots (p. Hide All Makes all objects. 5 . and can be selected from the Mode pull-down menu. Inc. 3.2. To define the object in more than one domain. Selecting Domains For many objects you can select the Domains in which the object should exist. The Color details tab enables you to view and/or edit the properties of the tree view's Display Properties and Defaults > Color Maps definitions.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Alternatively.2. or to a specific named domain. The coloring can be either constant or based on a variable.1. click the Color selector icon to the right of the Color option and select one of the available colors. with most other properties being object specific.2. most plotting functions can be applied to the entire computational domain. Color Details Tab The Color details tab controls the color of graphic objects in the Viewer.2.4. 19 .4.1. Geometry Details Tab The definition of geometry is unique for each graphic object. Show in Separate Window Displays the selected chart in its own window. . 141). Use the left and right mouse buttons to cycle in opposite directions. Inc. System colors are view-only but Custom colors can be edited.4.2.© SAS IP. Some Outline details views have tabs in common. Outline Details View A details view appears at the bottom of the Outline workspace when you open an object in the tree view for editing (which is described in Details Views (p. Mode: Constant To specify a single color for an object. 3. pick a domain name from the drop-down Domains menu.2. For details.1. To choose a color.4. you can type in the names of the domains separated by commas or click the Location editor icon. Move Down Moves the selected objects down one level in the report so as to appear closer to the end of the report in relation to the other report objects.Outline Workspace Command Description Move Up Moves the selected objects up one level in the report so as to appear closer to the beginning of the report in relation to the other report objects. The basic procedure for geometry setup involves defining the size and location of the object. All rights reserved. 3.4. 3. select the Constant option from the Mode pull-down menu. 3.1.2. When more than one domain has been used. click on the color bar itself to cycle through ten common colors quickly. To select the domain. The default color map appears in bold text. see CFD-Post Insert Menu (p. Release 14. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 16)). 4. For isosurface and vector plots. The list of variables contains User Level 1 variables. • The Local range option uses only the variable values on the current object at the current timestep to set the maximum and minimum range values.2.4. 3. you should select the Variable option from the Mode pull-down menu. Mode: Variable and Use Plot Variable You may want to plot a variable on an object.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.2. . such as temperature on a plane. This sets the variable used to color your plot to the same as that used to define it. Hybrid/Conservative Select whether the object you want to plot will be based on hybrid or conservative values. The lowest values of a variable in the selected range are shown in blue in the Viewer. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. For details.2. the highest values are shown in red. • Rainbow 6 uses an extension of the standard Rainbow map from blue (minimum) to magenta (maximum). • Zebra creates six contours over the specified range of values. the color scale is plotted against a log scale of the variable values.2. the color scale varies from white (minimum) to black and through to white (maximum) again. 3. Local or User Specified range of a variable.5.2.CFD-Post Graphical Interface 3. Range Range allows you to plot using the Global.6. This option is useful to use the full color range on an object.2. Between each pair of contour lines. click More variables .2. the Use Plot Variable option is also available.2. This displays additional options. see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. For a full list of variables. All rights reserved. • Rainbow uses a standard mapping from blue (minimum) to red (maximum).2. Inc.4. You can use this to concentrate the full color range into a specific variable range. . 20 Release 14. Inc. • The Global range option uses the variable values from the results in all domains (regardless of the domains selected on the Geometry tab) and all timesteps (when applicable) to determine the minimum and maximum values. including the Variable pull-down menu where you can choose the variable you want to plot. Color Scale The color scale can be mapped using a linear or logarithmic scale.© SAS IP.2.5 . Color Map The colors along the color bar in the legend are specified by this option. • The User Specified range option allows you to specify your own maximum and minimum range values. 3. For a logarithmic scale. To do this.4.4. This affects the variation of color used when plotting the object in the Viewer. the color map is divided evenly over the whole variable range. 3.2. The Zebra map can be used to show areas where the gradient of a variable changes most rapidly with a higher resolution (five times greater) than the standard Greyscale color map • Greyscale changes in color from black (minimum) to white (maximum).4. For a linear scale.3. For example. see Color Map Command (p. • From an object's Color tab (when the Mode is set to Variable). However. 3.7. A System color map can be set as the default. Values written to the results file as zeros are colored as such and will not be undefined.2. you can duplicate a System color map and use that as a basis for a Custom color map (which will be completely editable). Accessing the CFD-Post Color Map Editor The CFD-Post Color Map editor enables you to define and name a set of colors (a color map) that you can then apply to an object by using that object's Color tab. consider results files containing Yplus/Wall Shear values away from a wall boundary.4. For example.1.4. Clicking the Color selector Alternatively. and select either Insert. 3. select a System or Custom color map. Edit. Release 14. All rights reserved.2. click on the color bar itself to cycle through ten common colors quickly. Symbol Selects the style of the symbol to be displayed. icon beside the Color Map • From the Outline view under Display Properties and Defaults > Color Maps. 21 . you can: • From the menu bar.3. To learn how to use the Color Map editor. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. icon to the right of this box allows you to change the undefined color. Color is the color that is used in areas where the results cannot be plotted because the variable is not defined or variable values do not exist. 211).6. Inc. Depending on how you access the Color Map editor.4.2. 3. a section of an object that lies outside the computational domain will not have any variable value. select Insert > Color Map.3.4. Symbol size Specifies the size of the symbol where 0 is the smallest and 10 is the largest.1.2.2. Undefined Color Undef.2. but otherwise cannot be edited directly. .Outline Workspace 3. Inc.4.5 . it may appear as a dialog box or as a details view. Symbol Details Tab Enables you to configure the appearance of a symbol.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.© SAS IP. right-click. or Duplicate.2.2.3. To access the Color Map editor. Render Details Tab The appearance of the Render tab depends on what type of object is plotted in the viewer. 3. Edit. or Duplicate. click the field and select Insert. Note For volume rendering objects.3.4. All rights reserved. 244) for details on the Screen Capture feature. • Smooth Shading: Color interpolation is applied that results in color variation across an element based on the color of surrounding elements.) Note Optionally.4.2. Flat Shading. The two sides of a thin surface therefore have normal vectors that point towards each other.CFD-Post Graphical Interface 3. or Smooth Shading. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc. Show Faces: Face Culling Note Face Culling affects only printouts performed using use Screen Capture method. The faces are colored using the settings on the Color tab. This allows you to clear visibility for element faces of objects that either face outwards (front) or inwards (back).4. The resulting display will be similar to Draw as Lines. • Draw as Points: This option draws points at the intersection of each line. The color settings that are applied to the lines use Smooth Shading.4. Show Faces: Draw Mode Shading properties can be None.4. This toggle is selected by default and draws the faces of the elements that make up an object. . 22 Release 14. You must use the Screen Capture feature to print an image containing this option.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.© SAS IP. Inc. .2. When Show Faces is selected. you can edit the face you want to show as lines to disable Show Faces and to enable Show Mesh Lines. transparency is set on the Geometry tab. (See Animation Options Dialog Box (p.2. the following options can be set: 3. Toggle Face Culling (removal) of the front or back faces of the polygons that form the graphic object. • Flat Shading: Each element is colored a constant color.2. You must use the Screen Capture feature to print an image or create an animation containing lines drawn using this option. but in constant-color mode only.4.5 . Show Faces The top half of the tab controls the Show Faces options.2. using the color scheme defined on the Color tab. 3. or use the embedded slider. Color interpolation is not used across or between elements. Show Faces: Transparency Set the Transparency value for the faces of the object by entering a value between 0 (opaque) and 1 (transparent). Domain boundaries always have a normal vector that points outwards from the domain.1. 3.4. • Draw as Lines: This option draws lines but uses the color settings defined on the Color tab.4.4. viewing only the back faces means that the data for the inward facing surfaces is always visible.Outline Workspace • Selecting Front clears visibility for all outward-facing element faces. it clears visibility of one side of surface locators. you will need to select Front Face culling for both 2D regions that make up the thin surface to view the plot correctly. You will also generally need to use face culling when viewing values on thin surface boundaries. All rights reserved. for example. • No culling shows element faces when viewed from either side. Release 14. Inc. reduce the render time when further actions are performed on the object.© SAS IP. the effect of back culling is not always visible in the viewer because the object elements that face outward obscure the culled faces. clear visibility for one side of a plane or the outward facing elements of a cylinder locator. When applied to volume objects. As shown by the two previous diagrams. which are defined using a wall boundary on two 2D regions that occupy the same spatial location. the first layer of element faces that point outwards are rendered invisible. • Selecting Back clears visibility for inward-facing element faces (the faces on the opposite side to the normal vector). . The effect of this would be most noticeable for large volume objects. 23 . When applied to a volume object. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. This would.5 . In the same way as for Front Face culling.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. It can. Inc. however. If you want to plot a variable on a thin surface. .9. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.4. They are used to make an object look like it is made of a certain type of material. When selected. Apply Texture: Predefined Textures To use a predefined texture map. Enable Blend to blend the texture with the object color specified from the Color tab. the following options are available: 3. For details. 3. Set the value between 1 and 11. For example. or type in a value. Clear this check box when you want to see variable colors that match the legend colors. logos. . All rights reserved.4.4. Options include brick and various types of metal.2.4. For details. Show Mesh Lines Show Mesh Lines can be selected to show the edge lines of the mesh elements in an object. objects appear shiny. see Wireframe (p. click on the color bar itself to cycle through ten common colors quickly.4.4.6. Default sets the line to CFD-Post default color scheme (set using Options dialog box in Edit menu). Show Mesh Lines: Line Width Set the line width by entering the width of the line in pixels. or other custom markings on an object. Alternatively.5 . if a white object is given the texture Metal.2.4. Inc.5. 3. set Type to Predefined and set Texture to the desired material type using the drop-down menu. 28).2.4. 24).4. 3.4. you can use the graduated arrows. 3. Show Faces: Lighting When selected. Blend allows the colors of the texture to combine with the basic color of the object. the embedded slider. 3. Show Mesh Lines: Line Color icon to the right of the Color box and seLine color can be changed by clicking the Color selector lecting a color.4. Show Mesh Lines: Edge Angle This can be altered to enable the same editing features on each object as for the whole wireframe. 3.4. If the basic color of the object is 24 Release 14. Use the left and right mouse buttons to cycle in opposite directions. the object looks like silver.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. or to add special labels. Inc. see Show Mesh Lines: Line Color (p. Show Mesh Lines: Color Mode The line color can be set as Default or User Specified. surfaces appear realistically shaded to emphasize shape. Apply Texture Textures are images that are pasted (mapped) onto the faces of an object.4.2. 3. User Specified allows you to pick the color.4.4. Show Faces: Specular Lighting When selected.12.13.CFD-Post Graphical Interface 3.© SAS IP.2. • Direction: Controls the direction in which the texture is stamped on the object. . Apply Texture: Texture Examples The next two figures show an object with a gold texture map and an object with a brick texture map.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. producing a “shiny metal” effect.4. Note that the brick pattern was applied in the direction of the Y axis. With the Blend feature turned off. Inc. an image with dimensions 65 by 130 is reduced to an image 64 by 128 before it is applied (the file will not be changed.5 . The texture is applied to all faces of the object Release 14. 3. An Image File (either a bitmap or ppm file) must be specified.14. should be powers of two. The same is true for the number of columns. set Type to Custom. though).2. When Sphere-Map is not used. or textures can “slide” across objects.15. which is roughly going from the lower-left corner to the upper-right corner of the figure. the following additional features apply: • Tile: Causes the texture image to be repeated. The dimensions of the image. some rows are removed (with an even distribution) until the number remaining is a power of two.Outline Workspace orange. 25 . • Scale: Controls the size of the mapped texture relative to the object.4. in pixels. All rights reserved. the basic color of the object has no effect and colors depends only on the texture. • Position: Controls the position of the mapped image relative to the object.4. • Angle: Controls the texture image orientation about the axis specified by Direction. as if painted on.4. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc. There are two basic kinds of texture mapping available. Apply Texture: Custom Textures To use a custom texture map. textures can either move with the object. If the texture image has a number of rows not equal to a power of two. The texture appears undistorted when the object is viewed in this direction. For example. the object looks like copper. 3.© SAS IP. The latter kind of texture mapping is activated by turning on the Sphere-Map feature.2. 3.4. entering [2.1.5. 3.5. Apply Instancing Transform Check Box The Transform setting specifies a predefined Instancing Transform. 3.4.4. Apply Reflection/Mirroring Check Box Select the Apply Reflection/Mirroring check box to mirror an object in the Viewer. Y. textures can be applied to smaller locators (that is. To avoid this. 3. View Details Tab The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.3. 3.5. see Method (p. Inc. The case name is the name of the results file. The Direction setting can then be specified using a direction approximately perpendicular to each of the smaller surfaces. see Apply Translation Check Box (p.1.5 . see Apply Reflection/Mirroring Check Box (p. Case Branch The tree view contains one case branch for each loaded results file or mesh file. All rights reserved.2.5. .2.2. Tip To see the full path to the case file.4. From.5. 208). 3. Apply Scale Check Box Select the Scale check box to set values in the X. For details.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5. 208).1. Inc. hover the mouse pointer over the case name. and Mesh Regions contained in the corresponding results file. For details. . For details.© SAS IP.4.2. A case branch contains all domains. Axis.2. boundaries. less the extension. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.4. Method.CFD-Post Graphical Interface (locator) ignoring the Y coordinate. This results in the texture becoming smeared in the specified Direction.1] would stretch the object to double its size in the X axis direction. Apply Rotation Check Box For details.4. For example. Apply Translation Check Box Select the Apply Translation check box to move the object in the Viewer. see Angle (p.2. see Instance Transform Command (p. subdomains. 207). and Z directions to scale the object about the origin.4. 3. 3.5. Smaller locators can be found in the tree view (for example. under Regions). 206). Angle The Angle setting specifies the angle of rotation about the axis.2. To These settings specify an axis of rotation. For details on Instance Transforms.5. 208). 26 Release 14. ones that cover only a portion of the whole object).4.1. 27 . Instancing information for a domain applies to any instance transform that has the Instancing Info From Domain option selected. The Boundary and Subdomain object types are defined during pre-processing and created in CFDPost when a file is loaded. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. A boundary object exists for each boundary condition defined in the results file. any object associated with a domain is affected by a change to the domain's instancing information. even though you still apply the default wall boundary condition to these named regions. a row of turbine blades can be visualized by applying instancing to an object that shows a single blade.4. You can edit both the Color and Render properties of Boundary and Subdomain objects. The Instancing tab for a domain is the same as the Instancing tab for a turbo component. which you can change by selecting Edit > Options from the main menu bar. see Apply Translation Check Box (p. see: • Instancing Tab (p. You will then have convenient boundary objects created in CFD-Post upon which you can view variables when you come to view the results.3. it may be worth defining named boundary conditions for some of the regions when they are created. Info Details Tab Certain information that CFD-Post reads from the results file is displayed on the Info panel. Double-clicking a domain name displays the domain details view. 3. For details. Boundary and Subdomain All boundaries and subdomains associated with a domain are listed under the domain.3. or delete the existing ones. You cannot create additional boundary or subdomain objects during postprocessing. Select the Apply Translation check box to move the object in the Viewer.4.1.Outline Workspace Double-clicking on the case branch name displays the View tab in the details view.1. 3.1.5 . 206). This applies to the default transform.4. The units that are shown beside some quantities are the default CFD-Post units. see Release 14.2. 3.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. For details. Domain Details View A domain object represents each domain loaded from the results file. Inc.4. . If you have a complex geometry where many mesh regions are assigned to the default boundary conditions.2. You can edit the properties of domains by right-clicking on them in the tree view and selecting Edit.1. 279) • Instance Transform Command (p. therefore. Any mesh regions that were not specifically assigned a boundary condition appear in a default boundary object for each domain. For details. 3. 208).© SAS IP. For example. Inc.3. it allows multiple copies of objects to be displayed with a specified geometric transformation describing the relative positions. All rights reserved. Subdomain objects exist only if Subdomains are defined during pre-processing. Instancing Details Tab Instancing affects the display of objects.3. 3. for Wireframe. Wireframe The Wireframe object contains the surface mesh for your geometry and is created as a default object when you load a file into CFD-Post. see Instance Transform Command (p. CFD-Post can create instance transforms using rotation. 28).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. All rights reserved. After making changes. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. • Legends Legends can be displayed in the viewer to show the relationship between colors and values for the locators you insert. 19) • Render Details Tab (p. . You toggle the visibility of the wireframe on and off by clicking on the Wireframe check box in the Outline tree view.1. for details. see Legend Command (p. see Location Submenu (p. Mesh Regions All of the primitive and composite region names are listed under Mesh Regions.5 .4. • Domains controls on which domains the wireframe is displayed. 202). 3. and reflection. You can change how much of the surface mesh you want to see by altering the Edge Angle (see the following section). 21). .1.1. such as points.3.4. Wireframe: Definition Tab The Definition tab contains the settings listed below. • Transforms Instance transforms are used to specify how an object should be drawn multiple times. 28 Release 14.© SAS IP. as well as the line thickness and color. 3. lines. • Wireframe The Wireframe object contains the surface mesh for your geometry. Inc. click Apply to make those changes visible. for details. 142). 3. For a case with immersed solids. translation. for details. for details.4. the default setting is All Domains. planes. User Locations and Plots The following objects appear under User Locations and Plots: • User-defined locators You can define a variety of locators. double-click Wireframe. Note You cannot create additional Wireframe objects. 3.CFD-Post Graphical Interface • Color Details Tab (p. 206).4. To change the way the wireframe displays. see Wireframe (p. Inc.4. All Immersed Solids.4.4. the setting All Domains refers to all domains except immersed solids. and volumes. • Color Mode determines the color of the lines in the wireframe.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. if you want to see more of the wireframe. 29 . • Edge Angle determines how much of the wireframe is drawn. Here is an example of a report that uses the generic template.2. set Color Mode to User Specified and click on the color bar to select a new color. and publish the report in HTML or in plain text form. . set Edge Angle to a new value. 31).1. 3. much like the one that you generate when you click the Publish button .4: A Sample Report.Outline Workspace • Show Surface Mesh controls whether you see edges and surfaces. Inc. Note The sample report shown in Figure 3. any edges shared by faces with an angle between them of 30 degrees or more is drawn.4. set Line Width to a new value. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.html file.3: A Sample Report. Part 2 (p. reduce the edge angle.4. Part 1 (p.5 . 26). To change the wireframe’s edge angle. • Line Width determines the thickness of the lines in the wireframe. Setting an edge angle in CFD-Post defines a minimum angle for drawing parts of the surface mesh. Wireframe: View Tab The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects. you can see a similar report by clicking on the Report Viewer tab at the bottom of the Viewer area. 30 degrees is the default edge angle. To change the wireframe’s line width. 32) is taken from a Report. and Figure 3. All rights reserved. To change the wireframe’s line color. Report CFD-Post automatically makes available a report of the output of your simulation. 30). or only edges.4.© SAS IP.5. For details on changing the view settings. Figure 3. 3. if you have a RES file loaded in CFD-Post. when the wireframe is visible. You can control the contents of the report in the Outline workspace. For example. The edge angle is the angle between one edge of a mesh face and its neighboring face. Part 3 (p. if an edge angle of 30 degrees is chosen. see View Details Tab (p. add new sections in the Comment Viewer.2: A Sample Report. Release 14. see the available sections of the report in the Report Viewer. Inc. . All rights reserved. Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Part 1 30 Release 14.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.2: A Sample Report.5 .© SAS IP. Inc.CFD-Post Graphical Interface Figure 3. . Outline Workspace Figure 3. All rights reserved. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5 .3: A Sample Report. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc.© SAS IP. . Part 2 Release 14. 31 . .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. For details. Inc.5 . The Report object.2.5. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. title. right-click Report and select Refresh Preview. Changing the Default Report Sections To change a default section. like other objects.4. Inc.4. All rights reserved. can be saved to.1. a state file. 3. dates. Note The Title Page option controls the inclusion of the logo. 111).© SAS IP.CFD-Post Graphical Interface Figure 3. 32 Release 14. click on the section name in the Outline tree view and click Edit. Only one Report object exists in a CFD-Post session. To see the results of such operations. 3.5. Part 3 A report is defined by the Report object and the objects stored under it. and restored from. see File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post (p.4: A Sample Report. . Omitting Default Report Sections You can remove major sections of the report by expanding the Report section in the Outline tree view and clearing the check box beside the section to be omitted. and Table of Contents sections. Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Type your text in the large. In the Comment Viewer toolbar. click OK. Again. 6. Inc.5 . After making changes. Set the level of the heading in the Level field (use "1" for new sections. select its name in the Outline tree view under Report. and solution. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. go to the http://www. When your new section is complete. The updated report appears in the Report Viewer. you can choose where to save the report.Outline Workspace For the Title Page. click Apply and Refresh Preview to see the results in the Report Viewer. 8. Add a title for your new section in the Heading field. 4.3. right-click Report and select Publish. 3. . The report is written to the file you specified. then press Ctrl+Up Arrow (or Ctrl+Down Arrow) to move the new section in the report hierarchy. To save the report. to make the report available in a file that others can see). you can: • Add a new logo (JPG or PNG only) • Remove the ANSYS logo • Change the report's title • Add the author's name • Control the display of the date and the table of contents. you can change the type of graphics files and charts used and their size. 7. 3. In the Publish Reports dialog box.ansys. Inc. Release 14. white text-entry field (HTML code is not accepted as it is generated automatically).© SAS site (under Home > Products Overview > Fluid Dynamics > ANSYS CFD-Post ) to download the CFD Viewer. right-click Report and select Refresh Preview. or to add a CVF file that can be seen by readers who have a stand-alone ANSYS CFD Viewer installed for use in a Microsoft Explorer browser that has ActiveX enabled.4. after making changes. To see how the report will look. To publish the report (that is. click New Comment 2. Note If you see the error "3D Viewer Not Supported". The other report pages control detailed information about the mesh. All rights reserved. If you click More Options. 33 . 5. click Apply and Refresh Preview to see the results in the Report Viewer. 1.5. "2" for subsections. Adding New Sections to a Report You can add new sections by using the Comment Viewer tab (at the bottom of the viewer pane): to ready the Comment Viewer for editing. physics. and so on). Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. To do this: 1. and path to the template file. on the Report Templates dialog box to invoke the Template Properties • View and/or edit the properties of a template. 34 Select a user template in the Report Templates dialog box.5 . View and/or edit the name. Select a state or session file that contains a report. In the same places. Click Edit Properties dialog box. you can choose to use the current state of CFD-Post. Depending on the information contained in a results file.4.cst or . • Add (register) a template. All rights reserved. Click Delete . and made available as a command in the following places: • The File > Report menu • The shortcut menu that appears when you right-click the Report object.cse. set the Execution setting to either State or Session. alternatively. . and the file name does not end in . as applicable. Inc. If you are loading a state or session file. 2. To do this: 1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. You cannot use the name of an existing template. 2.4.© SAS IP. description. there is a Report Templates command that invokes the Report Templates dialog box. Release 14. on the Report Templates dialog box to invoke the Template Properties • Delete templates from the set of available templates. Report Templates Report templates are available for rapidly setting up application-specific reports. Click Add template dialog box. but not the standard templates. as applicable. Inc. Provide a name and description for the template. 4. You can edit the properties for templates that were added. To do this: 1. and provide a file name to which to save the template.5. . 3. 2. You can delete only the templates that were added. a report template will be selected automatically.CFD-Post Graphical Interface 3. This dialog box allows you to: • Browse the list of existing templates. 4. you must initialize Turbo mode manually and re-run the turbo report.1. However if auto-initialization fails.© SAS IP. – Tables will not show differences in comparison mode.5 turbo reports: CFX Variables Required for all Release 14.Outline Workspace 3.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. • Because transient blade row results are different in each passage. (To enable the domain selector.4. Inc. so you need to set this manually. that is. single-phase fluid analyses. Inc. Plots in Turbo reports that appear to show multiple passages actually show copies of the first passage and not expanded passages. – There will be only one picture of the meridional view of the blades (corresponding to the first loaded results file).5 . The turbo reports can be used for individual bladerows of a multi-bladerow analysis by loading each bladerow domain separately into CFD-Post using the domain selector. click on the Edit > Options menu. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5 Turbo Reports • Density • Force X • Force Y • Force Z • Pressure • Total Pressure • Total Pressure in Stn Frame • Rotation Velocity Release 14. Turbo Reports are not designed for transient blade row cases. 35 . In other words.) Important • Turbo reports attempt to auto-initialize Turbo mode. • CFD-Post cannot automatically detect a solution that is "360 Case Without Periodics". select Files and checkmark the Show domain selector before load option. Turbo Report Templates Post-processing within CFD-Post is fully automated using the turbomachinery report templates. and results may not be what is expected. The turbo reports are designed for single-bladerow. These are the variables required for all Release 14. . • Turbo report templates are not designed for multifile usage or comparison mode.5. All rights reserved. In these cases: – User charts that contain local variables will not have plots showing the differences in comparison mode. it makes an instanced copy of the first passage and plots the variables there. the turbo report tool follows the same behavior of any other solution method. then variables having names ending with 'in Stn Frame' are not required.© SAS IP. . Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5 . FLUENT Variables Required for all Release 14. .5 Turbo Reports • Density • Static Pressure • Total Pressure • X Velocity • Y Velocity • Z Velocity In addition to the variables mentioned above.CFD-Post Graphical Interface • Velocity • Velocity in Stn Frame u • Velocity in Stn Frame v • Velocity in Stn Frame w • Velocity in Stn Frame • Velocity in Stn Frame Flow Angle • Velocity Flow Angle • Velocity in Stn Frame Circumferential • Velocity Circumferential • Velocity Meridional Note If all of the turbo components in the results file are 'stationary'. the following variables are required for compressible flow reports: CFX Variables Required for all Release 14.5 Compressible Flow Turbo Reports • Temperature • Total Temperature • Total Temperature in Stn Frame • Static Enthalpy • Total Enthalpy • Total Enthalpy in Stn Frame 36 Release 14. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. All rights reserved. 1. Inc. Release 14. Procedures for Using Turbo Reports when Turbomachinery Data is Missing Results files from FLUENT (and from some other sources) will not have all the turbomachinery data that CFD-Post requires. prior to loading a turbo report template. From the toolbar. create a new variable that the report expects (but which is not available from FLUENT files): a. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.© SAS IP. click Variable .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5. The Insert Variable dialog box appears.4. lines in the turbo report tables that depend on these variables will be missing.1. Inc. . 3.Outline Workspace • Isentropic Total Enthalpy • Polytropic Total Enthalpy • Total Density in Stn Frame • Total Density • Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure • Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Volume • Rothalpy • Static Entropy • Mach Number • Mach Number in Stn Frame • Isentropic Compression Efficiency • Isentropic Expansion Efficiency FLUENT Variables Required for all Release 14. All rights reserved. For FLUENT files.5 Compressible Flow Turbo Reports • Static Temperature • Total Temperature • Enthalpy • Total Enthalpy • Specific Heat (Cp) • Rothalpy • Entropy • Mach Number When variables are missing.5 . For turbo results files that lack data about the number of passages. 37 .4. you must do the following: 1. 5. 3. This expression calculates the angular speed (in units of length per unit time) as a product of the local radius and the rotational speed. . and will prompt you to load it. 4. ensure that the number of passages matches the number of passages in the domain. Match the definition to the number of components in the domain. A <domain_name> Instance Transform appears in the Outline view under User Locations and Plots. click Refresh to ensure that the contents are updated.© SAS IP. This causes charts of Mach number to display only the relative Mach number. In the Name field. . The following table shows the correspondence between the machine type. 3. If you enter a new number. c. or if some of the scalar variables were manually disabled. The report templates are CFD-Post session files located in the CFX install under the etc/PostReports directory. you should load the report in a clean session. Choosing a Turbo Report If the model was set up using CFX-Pre Turbo Mode.2. All rights reserved.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.CFD-Post Graphical Interface b. In the Computed Results table.4. This might happen if the solution was run using an older version of CFX. type Rotation Velocity and click OK. The report can also be loaded manually by right-clicking on the Report item in CFD-Post. Inc. In the Report Viewer. an error dialog box appears that describes warnings and errors.5 . If you enter a new number. then CFD-Post will automatically be able to determine which report to load based on the machine type and flow type selected. Turbo reports for FLUENT files will not display information about absolute Mach number. Generally this means that some rows in the turbo report will not appear. On the Expressions tab.4. When you load a turbo report for a case that is missing some variables. click Apply. Machine Type Fluid Type Domain Motion (Single Domains Only) Report Template Pump Any Rotating Pump Impeller Stationary Stator Rotating Fan Fan 38 Any Release 14. b. Prior to viewing the report. click Apply. For any results file that is missing the number of passages (such as FLUENT files and CFX results files not set up using the Turbo Mode in CFX-Pre). type Radius * abs(omega) / 1 [rad] and click Apply. and the report selection. double-click this name to edit the instance transform. any values that are shown as “N/A” means that the necessary scalar variables for computing these values were missing from the results file. To avoid conflicts with the current CFD-Post state. double-click on the expression domain_name Components in 360 to edit it. after you load the turbo report template. Inc. In the # of Passages field. do the following for each domain: a. 2. You can edit these reports or make new versions to add to the list of report templates. The Details view for Rotation Velocity appears. In the Expression field. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. the flow type settings. Inc. Machine Type Fluid Type Report Template Pump Any Pump Axial Compressor Compressible Axial Compressor Centrifugal Compressor Compressible Centrifugal Compressor Release 14.cse Report template for compressible flow turbines.5 . HydraulicTurbineReport.cse Report template for centrifugal compressors CompressibleTurbineReport. The reports attempt to group the components into stages. you can control how the stages are formed by editing the report session file.cse Report template for incompressible flow pumps. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.cse Report template for axial compressors CentrifugalCompressorReport. . The new reports include: AxialCompressorReport.Outline Workspace Machine Type Fluid Type Domain Motion (Single Domains Only) Report Template Stationary Stator Fan Any Rotating Fan Noise Axial Compressor Compressible Rotating Axial Compressor Rotor Stationary Stator Rotating Centrifugal Compressor Rotor Stationary Stator Rotating Turbine Rotor Stationary Turbine Stator Rotating Turbine Rotor Stationary Turbine Stator Rotating Hydraulic Turbine Rotor Stationary Stator Rotating Pump Rotor Stationary Stator Centrifugal Compressor Axial Turbine Radial Turbine Hydraulic Turbine Other Compressible Compressible Compressible Incompressible Any Several new report templates have been added to CFD-Post for Release 12. All rights reserved. The components can be any combination of stationary or rotating types in one or more domains. These reports support post-processing of results that have multiple components/blade rows.© SAS IP.cse Report template for incompressible flow turbines.0. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. PumpReport. 39 . see Report Object (p. Refresh the report. Specify the settings for the report that are contained in the Report object.CFD-Post Graphical Interface Machine Type Fluid Type Report Template Axial Turbine Compressible Turbine Radial Turbine Compressible Turbine Hydraulic Turbine Incompressible Hydraulic Turbine 3. 42) • Mesh Report Object (p. 43). Inc. Control which objects get included in the report. 41). 44).1.© SAS IP. 3. Inc. 2.5. For details. 40). You may refresh the report at any time to see the effect of changes you make to the report settings and content. create objects that give additional content to the report. Optionally. see Publishing the Report (p. Decide which predefined tables to use.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 3. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Creating. 43). and Publishing Reports To create or modify a report. All rights reserved. see Title Page Object (p. . see Refreshing the Report (p. For details. see: • File Report Object (p. 42) • Solution Report Object (p. 42) 4. 40 Release 14.5 . For details. Report Object The settings on the Appearance tab of the Report object are described next. see Controlling the Content in the Report (p. For details. Specify the settings for the title page that are contained in the Title Page object. . 6.5. see Adding Objects to the Report (p. For details. For details.5.4. Viewing. 43). 42) • Physics Report Object (p. do the following: 1. and the order in which they are included. You can publish a report so that it can be loaded into a third-party browser or editor.4. The report appears on the Report Viewer tab. For details. 5.5. 3.5. 3. There are preset sizes. The logo must be available in a file of compatible format. Charts: File Type Choose the image format in which you want the chart files to be saved. each figure is produced with the view centered and the zoom level set automatically. Custom Logo Check Box The Custom Logo check box determines whether or not a custom logo is included in the title page.5.4. 3.4.4. 3.2: A Sample Report.5.1. Charts: Chart Size Choose the size for charts that are saved as part of the report.Outline Workspace an option for using the same size as figures. ANSYS Logo Check Box The ANSYS Logo check box determines whether or not the ANSYS logo is included in the title page. Figures: Figure Size Choose the size for figures that appear in the report. 3.6.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5.5. The ANSYS logo is shown in Figure 3.4.4. 41 .5.4. Release 14.3. set the figure width and height in pixels. Inc. 3. 3. and an option for setting a custom size.© SAS IP.5. Inc. and an option for setting a custom size. There are options that specify preset sizes.5. Figures: Width and Height If you set Figure Size to Custom. Figures: Fit All Figures in the Viewport Before Generation Check Box When this option is selected.1. and are described next.5 .1.2.5. Charts: Width and Height If you set Chart Size to Custom.1.2.1. 3.4. 30).5.5. .1.4.1. All rights reserved. Part 1 (p. Title The Title setting holds the title of the report. The settings of this object determine the content of the title page. Title Page Object The Title Page object is automatically generated and listed under the Report object. 3. Custom Logo The Custom Logo setting indicates the image file to use for the custom logo.5. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Figures: File Type Choose the image format in which you want the image files to be saved. set the chart width and height in pixels.5. 3. 5.4. 3. Solution Report Object A Solution Report object is automatically generated and listed under the Report object only when you load a CFX-Solver Results type of file.5. All rights reserved. Part 2 (p. Current Date Check Box The Current Date check box determines whether or not the date and time are included in the title page.© SAS IP.5.6.3. The Solution Report object allows you to control 42 Release 14.4.4. . Each entry in the table of contents is an active link to the corresponding section of the report.4.5. The Physics Report object allows you to control the output of physics summary data for domains and boundaries.5. Examples of the physics summary tables are shown in Figure 3. . 265). 3.5. 30).5.5. click the link using the left mouse button. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5. When this check box is selected.5.4. the entries in the table of contents that link to objects in the report contain the titles of the objects.5. Author The Author setting holds the name of the author of the report.2. To follow a link. 31). The Mesh Report object contains settings for a mesh information table and a mesh statistics table. An example is shown in Figure 3. 30). Table of Contents Check Box: Captions in Table of Contents Check Box The Captions in Table of Contents check box controls the level of detail in the entries in the table of contents. Table of Contents Check Box The Table of Contents check box determines whether or not a table of contents is included in the title page. and listed under the Report object. Inc.3: A Sample Report.2: A Sample Report. Part 1 (p. File Report Object A File Report object containing a file information table. For details.5.CFD-Post Graphical Interface 3. An example of the file information table is shown in Figure . which controls whether or not the file information is included in the report. Part 1 (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Examples of the mesh information table and mesh statistics tables are shown in Figure 3.4. A Sample Report. 31).6. 3. The data in these tables are the same as given by the mesh calculator. 3. see Mesh Calculator (p. 3.5.2. Physics Report Object A Physics Report object is automatically generated and listed under the Report object only when you load a CFX-Solver Results type of file.5.3: A Sample Report. Inc. 3.4. is automatically generated for each loaded results file. Mesh Report Object A Mesh Report object is automatically generated and listed under the Report object. There are no user-adjustable settings except the check box in the tree view.2. Part 2 (p. • Click the Refresh button in the Report Viewer tab.Outline Workspace the output of boundary flow. • Figures For details. and momentum data is extracted. 213).4. then select Refresh Preview from the shortcut menu.5.5. then right-clicking on the selection and using the Move Up and Move Down shortcut menu commands as necessary. 3.9. • Click the Refresh Preview button in the details view for the Report object. Controlling the Content in the Report Report objects can be shown or hidden in the report by setting the check box next to them in the Outline tree view. you can do any of the following: • Right-click the Report object. • Comments For details. torque. Adding Objects to the Report You can create objects of the following types to add additional content to the report: • Tables For details.5. Refreshing the Report To refresh the report. the data from the entire dataset is amalgamated. 43 . massflow. 233). see Table Command (p. any such differences will not lead to incorrect results.5. Such objects are listed beneath the Report object in the tree view. Inc. see Chart Command (p. or any of the report objects under it.4. Note A results file from a multi-configuration run contains the monitor data for the initial values case as well as for the case for which the RES file applies.5. Inc. When the case is read. force. The changes take effect the next time the report is refreshed or published. 3. 218). . You can also press Ctrl+Up Arrow and Ctrl+Down Arrow to move selected items. All rights reserved. 3. This may cause the list of boundary conditions in the Outline tree view to differ from the lists in the Solution Report > Boundary Flow and Force and Torque tables.5.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. and the force. 233). see Comment Command (p.© SAS IP. or any of the report objects under it that have this button. Release 14.7. However.5 .8. You can control the order of Report objects by selecting one or more.4. CFD-Post uses the summary data contained in the results files. and torque summaries in the report. • Charts For details. see Figure Command (p. To publish a report.4. Inc.11.5. You can download the CFD Viewer plug-in from http://www.3.11.5. or any of the report objects under it. . click the Publish button in the Report Viewer toolbar to access the Publish Report dialog box.11.10.5. and can be viewed in the report using Microsoft Internet Explorer with the CFD Viewer plug-in installed.1.2. then select Publish.4.5. 3. 3. Viewing the Report After the report preview has been generated. adjust settings as appropriate.4. You can also access the same dialog box by doing any of the following: • Right-click the Report object.5.5. each figure is saved to a 3D image file in addition to the 2D image file that is normally Fluid+Dynamics/ANSYS+CFD-Post/Features/3-D+ANSYS+CFD+Viewer. Inc. • Select File > Report > Publish. Publishing the Report You can publish a report so that it can be loaded into a third-party browser or editor. The 3D image file has an extension of cvf.4. 3. and click OK. Save Images in Separate Directory Check Box Selecting the Save images in separate directory check box causes all image files to be put in a directory that is beside the main output file.5.4.4.CFD-Post Graphical Interface • Select File > Report > Refresh Preview. you can view it in the Report Viewer tab. 3. 3.5.5 .5.5. 3. .ansys.5. • Text The Text option causes the report to be written in a plain text format.11. All rights reserved. 44 Release 14.11. File Set File to the file name to use for saving the report. Format Set Format to one of: • HTML The HTML option causes the report to be written in an HTML format.© SAS IP. Generate CFD Viewer files (CVF) for Figures Check Box When this option is selected.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. the report will be refreshed automatically. Note The first time you visit the Report Viewer tab after loading a results file. Browsers other than Microsoft Internet Explorer display the 2D image file associated with each figure.5. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.4. 211).4. Display Properties and Defaults The Display Properties and Defaults branch of the Outline tree contains a Color Maps area that is divided into Custom and System area.5.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. When the results file from a transient blade row case is loaded. CFD-Post creates all the variables with available Fourier Coefficients. More Options Button The More Options button opens the Publish Options dialog box.5 . these are the default color map names. Note Vector Fourier Coefficients variables are only available for the master geometry. which are stored in the Custom color map area. the variables will not be oriented correctly. You can use any of the default color maps as the basis for color maps that you define. Variables Workspace The Variables workspace is used to create new user variables and modify existing variables. Inc. Fourier Coefficients variables. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The following topics will be discussed: • Variables Tree View (p. To learn how customize color maps. Even for the master geometry.© SAS IP. Variables Tree View The Variables Tree View displays the variables created from the loaded results file. Release 14. and overrides the latter for the purpose of publishing the report. see Color Map Command (p. 3. only the System area has entries. All rights reserved. Inc. Initially. as well as transient statistics such as average.1. are listed in their own folder under the Solution node. RMS and standard deviation. 50).Variables Workspace 3. The timestep selector defaults to the last time step in the simulation. . The Publish Options dialog box offers the same settings as the Report object. 46) • Variables: Example (p. 45 . 45) • Variables Details View (p.4.5. Note The Publish Options dialog box settings will be overwritten with the settings of the Report object if you change or otherwise apply the settings of the latter.6. 3. 3. then choose Edit from the shortcut menu. see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values.© SAS IP. and a list of commands that appear in most tree views. All to Hybrid Makes all variables assume hybrid values. see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. All rights reserved.5. see Calculate Velocity Components (p.CFD-Post Graphical Interface Variables Tree View Shortcuts The following table shows shortcuts that are specific to the Variables tree view. 298). . Inc.5 . 3.2. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Variables Details View The Variable details view is used to change the definition of fundamental (system) variables. For a description of how to access these shortcuts. Calculate Velocity Components Calculates velocity components using the global rotation axis. 16). Inc. For details. and to create and edit user variables. either: • Double-click the variable in the tree view • Right-click the variable. . To edit an existing variable. This can also be done in the Turbo workspace. 46 Release 14. For details. Command Description All to Conservative Makes all variables assume conservative values.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. The above actions cause the Variables details view to appear. see Common Outline View Shortcuts (p. For details. 3.5 . clear the Replace with expression (write to results) check box and click Apply. Click Reset to restore the variable settings stored in the database. Fundamental Variables Fundamental variables (variables provided by the solver) can have their units changed. 2. Inc. To change a vector variable. . Toggle between Hybrid and Conservative values. in most cases. and Z).Variables Workspace 3. the principal variable for a given equation is the same as the variable used to specify initial conditions. Use this to undo changes if you have not yet clicked Apply. Inc. enter one or more expressions.2. Y. Select the units. 47 . Note These settings override the global units setting (defined in the Options dialog box.2. Saving Variables Back to the Results File In cases other than transient blade row cases. see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values.5. In this case.1.© SAS IP. This would allow you to create a legend that uses alternative temperature units (such as degrees Celsius). you must write three expressions: one expression for each direction (X. To restore a fundamental variable to its original state. fundamental variables can be redefined using expressions and then saved back into the results file for later use.5. accessible from the Edit menu). To do this. This affects any dependent variables and expressions as well. The result file is updated when you click Apply. For details. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. you must modify the principal variable for each affected equation. select the Replace with expression (write to results) check box. All rights reserved. 1. then click Apply.1. but there are some exceptions. as shown in the table below: Equation CFX-Pre Variable Principal Variable Thermal Energy Temperature Static Enthalpy Total Energy Temperature Total Enthalpy Mass Fractions Mass Fraction Conservative Mass Fraction Volume Fractions Mass Fraction Conservative Volume Fraction Continuity (with cavitation activated) Pressure Solver Pressure Release 14. 3.1. In CFX-Pre. One reason for modifying the variables in a results file is to modify the initial conditions for a new solver run. you must use the Conservative setting. only at the very edges of the geometry will there be useful coloration. you try to color a slice plane through the center of the geometry with one of these variables. Inc. but are reconstructed from the available Fourier coefficients stored in the results file.2.5.3.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Note • For the thermal energy and total energy equations. Inc. you would set Conservative Mass Fraction instead. In order to modify the initial conditions for the same equation in a results file. .2. For boundary-value-only variables. to initialize the mass fractions equation in CFX-Pre. . The rotational axis can either be defined in the results file or in CFD-Post through the Initialization panel in the Turbo workspace. Radius and Theta The variables Radius and Theta are available only when the rotational axis has been defined. use them to color only boundary objects. To obtain sensible plots when using these variables.CFD-Post Graphical Interface For example.4. Wall Shear.2.5. solution variables will not be overwritten because the variables displayed in CFD-Post are not directly loaded from the results file. Boundary-Value-Only Variables Some variables in the CFX results file take meaningful values only on the boundaries of the geometry. Heat Transfer Coefficient. only hybrid values exist (as they are undefined away from a boundary). you would set Mass Fraction. you must set Temperature as well as the principal variable. and Wall Heat Flux. All rights reserved. 3. you will see a large area of color that is meaningless. 3. For detail. the locations of the mesh nodes in CFD-Post will not be affected. Note – When creating a Frozen Copy. for example. 48 Release 14. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. only the variable values. 3.5. • For transient blade row cases. User Variables User variables can be defined in any of the following ways: • As a scalar by defining one expression • As a vector by defining three expressions • As a scalar or vector by copying an existing scalar or vector variable (Frozen Copy).5 .© SAS IP. If. • When overwriting the mesh Total Mesh Displacement. Examples of this sort of variable are Yplus. refer to the CFX Output File section in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.2. not Hybrid. Release 14. • Enter an expression or select from the drop-down menu.5 . then select New from the shortcut menu. Note that state files will not preserve your Frozen Copies. It displays after clicking Apply. 49 . The details view of an existing User Variable looks different than that for a new User Variable. see Expressions Workspace (p. To create a new User Variable. • Method is set to Frozen Copy. All rights reserved. click on the right side of the details view. This affects all objects and expressions that depend on the variable. – Units are shown. For details. – Range information is shown if Calculate Global Range was selected. • For Copy From select scalar variable to copy. 51). Both the hybrid and conservative values copy. – Toggling Hybrid/Conservative selects within the copy. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. In particular: • The ability to control the type of User Variable is no longer available. Inc. Note You cannot create a variable with the same name as an existing expression or object. If a different variable is selected. – The scalar variable to Copy From is still an option. Subsequent changes to the original variable will not affect the copied variable (such as changing timestep).Variables Workspace – To preserve Frozen Copies between sessions. For vectors. 139) to record your current session in a session file. • A variable created as a frozen copy allows you to select Hybrid or Conservative values. – The expression is still adjustable. • If Calculate Global Range was selected. • Select Scalar or Vector.© SAS IP. • Select Calculate Global Range to have range data calculated. or right-click a variable in the tree view. you can use the New Session Command (p. you will see the range limits. a new copy is made upon clicking Apply. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. three expressions are required. It does not cause data to be copied again from the Copy From variable. • Method is set to Expression. 2. Inc. Additional information on expressions is available. 6. . Click Apply to create the new variable. This is a suitable value for results from the StaticMixer_001. see Surface of Revolution Command (p. 3.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 50 Release 14.res file. Temperature or Velocity) with which to color the isosurface. Select a sensible variable (such as. On the Geometry tab for the Isosurface: a.3. 1. Click the Color tab and set the Mode option to Variable. In the New Isosurface dialog box. Notice that the variable is listed as User Defined. Before trying this example. This variable appears in the tree view and can be used like any other variable. Click 4.res file to your working directory and load it into CFD-Post.5. you will use an expression to create an Isosurface that is a fixed radial distance from an axis or point. 168). For details. All rights reserved. 6. Click Apply to create the isosurface. you must first create the expression in the aforementioned example. Copy the <CFX_install_dir>/examples/StaticMixer_001. You can now create an Isosurface using this variable as follows: 1.© SAS IP. 54). 4. Set the Range option to Local so that the full color range is used on the Isosurface. Click the Variables tab. In the variable details view. enter a name and then click OK. You may need to alter this value to something sensible depending on the results you are viewing. for details. Set Variable to Radial Distance. 3. .5 . see Expressions Workspace: Example (p. Set Value to 1 [m]. 53). Inc.CFD-Post Graphical Interface 3. Select Insert > Location > Isosurface. see Further Expressions (p. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. type the name Radial Distance. All points on the Isosurface are a distance of 1 m (or the value you used in the Value box) from the Z-axis. 5. You should now see a cylindrical Isosurface centered about the Z-axis. and then click OK. When the New Object window appears. b. Variables: Example In this example. in the Variables details view to create a new variable. For details. 5. Note that a cylinder can also be created as a surface of revolution. 2. set Expression to radial (which is the expression you created earlier). the expression syntax is: When multiple files are loaded: function()@CASE:case name. Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 51 . 53) You should be aware of the guidelines regarding expressions: • You cannot create an expression with the same name as an object or variable. the places where the plane is cut by mesh edges). area()@CASE:2. Release 14. Note • When a setting is defined by an expression.myplane For file comparisons: function()@CASE:[1|2]. an expression defined as 2*p represents 2*Pressure. Inc. a term that has no units can be added to a term that has angular units. All rights reserved. it is ignored. • Within the CFX Expression Language. p refers to Pressure. which you can then use in CFD-Post in place of almost any numeric value (as long as the correct units are returned by the expression). For example. Although it is possible to create an expression with the same name as an abbreviated variable. Expressions Workspace The Expressions workspace is used to select and generate expressions using the CFX Expression Language (CEL). Note CFD-Post and the CFX-Solver evaluate expressions differently: • CFD-Post evaluates expressions on slice planes by first interpolating the variables in the expression to the "plane points" (that is. and then evaluates the expression. For example.myplane The following topics will be discussed: • Expressions Tree View (p.© SAS IP. and the latter evaluates to a quantity that has no units. in which case the software internally applies radians to the term that has no units.6. the software internally applies the default units for that setting. • You must always provide units inside square brackets for constant values typed into an expression. When using expressions in multifile and case-comparison situations. not 10 [K].5 .location For example.Expressions Workspace 3. area()@CASE:newcase. . • In an expression. if you define an expression named p with the definition 5 [K]. some variables are known by short names to save typing the full variable name. 52) • Expressions Workspace: Example (p. 52) • Expressions Workspace: Expressions Details View (p.location For example. Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. locators. functions and constants by right-clicking in the definition window when defining an expression. The value of the expression is shown in the Value field. 52) • Plot Expression Tab (p. expressions. see CFX Expression Language (CEL). Inc. Use this to undo changes that have not yet been applied. The icon next to the expression changes to help identify it as a parameterized expression. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 16). Use as Workbench Output Parameter 3.6. . Expression Definition Tab You can access lists of variables.© SAS IP.1. Although valid values can be chosen from each of the various lists. see Common Outline View Shortcuts (p. Inc. For details. 309).CFD-Post Graphical Interface • The CFX-Solver evaluates expressions on the vertices and then interpolates to the plane points.1. Any expressions not containing variables are evaluated when you click Apply. interpolate and then evaluate) will differ most significantly where the variable gradients are large. Command Description Use as Workbench Input Parameter Specifies the expressions that are to be used as parameters in a Design Exploration session. 3. Expressions Workspace: Expressions Details View The Expressions details view contains the following tabs: • Expression Definition Tab (p. To parameterize an expression. Expressions Tree View The following table shows shortcuts that are specific to the Expressions tree view and are accessed by right-clicking an expression in the tree view. These parameterized expressions are saved to the CFD-Post state file. All rights reserved. Enter the definition of a new expression or edit the definition of an existing expression in the Definition text field.6. 4.6. The results given by these two approaches (evaluate and then interpolate vs. Constants. 53) 3. Click Reset to restore the expression to the definition stored in the database. Release 14. For a list of shortcuts that appear in most tree views. 1. 52 Click Apply to commit any changes or entries made in the Definition box.2.5 . see CEL Operators.2. right-click the expression and select Use as Workbench Input Parameter or Use as Workbench Output Parameter. 53) • Evaluate Expression Tab (p. and Expressions and CFX Expression Language (CEL) in CFD-Post (p. the validity of the expression itself is not checked until you click Apply. . 2. For details. 3. 5 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 53 . see Variables: Example (p. 3. Inc.3. The Insert Expression dialog box appears. Select the independent variable (X) of the expression for use in the plot. you can right-click it to make it a parameter for use in a Design Exploration: • You may choose Use as Workbench output parameter. specify the Case in which you want the expression evaluated. Inc. Plot Expression Tab The Plot tab enables you to plot an expression for a range of one of its variables with the other variables (if there are any others) held constant. If the expression requires that you provide values. The value of the expression is displayed in the Value field.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Note that this is not a common situation. 4.2. If you have multiple cases loaded and a locator-based function (such as "areaAve(Pressure)@outlet") highlighted. Specify a Range for this variable in the plot. • If the expression will influence CFX-Pre. 3. 3. you may choose Use as Workbench input parameter. you will create an expression that you can use to define a new User Variable. Enter fixed values for them. you may click Define Plot to return the Plot tab to its previous state (which shows the plot settings). • If the expression will not influence CFX-Pre. . If you have multiple cases loaded and an expression that applies to only one case highlighted. 1.2. Release 14. Choose the number of sample data points (# of Points) of the expression that you would like plotted. All rights reserved.6. 2. 3. 5. Select Insert > Expression to create a new expression. type them in. specify the Case. All other values are constant (their check boxes cannot also be checked).2.Expressions Workspace After you have defined an expression. 50). Click Plot Expression to view the plot. 2. 3. 1.3.© SAS IP. Evaluate Expression Tab The Evaluate tab is provided to help you verify that the expression highlighted in the Expression tree view is set up correctly. After viewing the chart. you must use the Expression shortcut menu in CFX-Pre to make the expression an ANSYS Workbench input parameter. Expressions Workspace: Example In this example.6.6. To evaluate an expression: 1. For details. Click Evaluate Expression. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. see: • Function Calculator (p. Inc. Try moving the location of the sphere by adding values to the X. type a name for the expression and click OK. 9. Click Apply to create the expression. For Y. Check the check box beside X. In the Definition area of the Expression details view.5 m in the positive Z direction.5 . set Fixed Value to 3 [m]. 4. The value 3. This selects X as the variable that varies. Set X to 0.55 [m] and Y to 3 [m]. click the Calculators tab. 3. Because the function has two independent variables1. Here. A plot shows the variation in the expression with values of X ranging from 0 to 1 [m] and the value of Y held constant at 3 [m]. All other variables requires a fixed value (for plotting). or Z components.05 [m] appears in the Value field. 5. To access the Calculators workspace.CFD-Post Graphical Interface 2. you can try modifying this expression.3.© SAS IP. Click Evaluate Expression. Leave Start of Range and End of Range at their default values. you must select a constant value for one of the variables. and mesh calculators. . Inc. enter the expression: sqrt(X^2+Y^2) This expression gives the distance of a point from the Z-axis. 8. This is consistent with the plot and can easily be verified. Further Expressions After completing the variable editor example. Calculators Workspace The Calculators workspace offers access to the function.6. 3. 248) 1 CFD-Post automatically finds the variables associated with an expression. In the Insert Expression dialog box. for example. sqrt(X^2+Y^2+(Z-0. 7. macro. All rights reserved. 10. For details on the functions available from the Calculators workspace.7. 3. Click the Evaluate tab. Click the Plot tab. Y. 12. as indicated by the placeholder: <variable>. 11. even if the expression depends on another expression.5[m])^2) moves the sphere a distance of 0. Click Plot Expression. 54 Release 14. . The value is variable so a single number cannot be shown. Note that the Value field shows that the variable has units of meters. You may want to try sqrt(X^2+Z^2) to define a distance from the Y-axis or sqrt(X^2+Y^2+Z^2) to define a sphere.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 6. you can define a simple 2D plot. .Turbo Workspace • Macro Calculator (p. All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. see Turbo Workspace (p. 250) • Mesh Calculator (p.5 . 273).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. To access the Turbo workspace. click the Turbo tab. 55 . Release 14. Inc. 3. 265). Inc. For details about using the Turbo workspace.8.© SAS IP. Turbo Workspace The Turbo workspace improves and speeds up post-processing for turbomachinery simulations. 5 .© SAS IP.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc.56 Release 14. Inc. . . All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Chapter 4: CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench CFD-Post can be run in two modes: • As a stand-alone application started from the ANSYS CFX Launcher and independent of the ANSYS Workbench software • As a component launched from ANSYS Workbench.The ANSYS Workbench Interface 4. This chapter describes using CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench: 4. Inc.5. 4. These features and the status indicators in the system cells guide you through the completion of the System steps. Once you have chosen a system from the Toolbox and moved it into the Project Schematic. File Operation Differences 4.5 > Workbench 14.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Release 14. .3.5 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. supporting features such as Properties and Messages provide orienting information. Inc. “~/ansys_inc/v145/Framework/bin/Linux64/runwb2”). then select All Programs > ANSYS 14. open a command line interface. The ANSYS Workbench Interface To launch ANSYS Workbench on Windows. 57 . All rights reserved. An Introduction to Workflow within ANSYS CFX in ANSYS Workbench 4. Using ANSYS Workbench Journaling and Scripting with CFD-Post 4. type the path to “runwb2” (for example. The ANSYS Workbench interface is organized to make it easy to choose the tool set that will enable you to solve particular types of problems. click the Start menu. then press Enter.1.5.4.© SAS IP. To launch ANSYS Workbench on Linux.2.1.Tips on Using ANSYS Workbench Note This chapter assumes that you are familiar with using CFD-Post in stand-alone mode. You should consult the ANSYS Workbench help for more detailed information on ANSYS Workbench. All rights reserved. . 58 Release 14. Component Systems Systems based on software or software sets. Solution (CFX-Solver Manager). and its subsidiaries and affiliates. For example.5 . . the CFX component system contains Setup (CFX-Pre). the FSI: Fluid Flow (CFX) > Static Structural system combines ANSYS CFX and the Mechanical application to perform a unidirectional (that is. setting up the solver. Custom Systems Systems that combine separate analysis systems. and Results (CFD-Post).1. 4. using the solver to derive the solution. For example. The Results component system contains only Results (CFD-Post). Inc.CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench The following sections describe the main ANSYS Workbench features. Inc. one-way) Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) analysis. performing the meshing.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Toolbox The Toolbox shows the systems available to you: Analysis Systems Systems that match the workflow required to solve particular types of problems.© SAS IP. and viewing the results.1. the Fluid Flow (CFX) system contains tools for creating the geometry. For example. 1. At each step you can select the operations that process or modify the case you are solving. When you move a system from the Component Systems toolbox to the Project Schematic. Right-click the cell to see what options are available for you to complete a step. You can hide systems by enabling View > Toolbox Customization and clearing the check box beside the name of the system you want to hide. It keeps track of your files and shows the actions available as you work on a project.5 . Selecting Edit in the example above launches CFD-Post. you will see a system similar to the following: Each white cell represents a step in solving a problem. Project Schematic: Introduction The Project Schematic enables you to manage the process of solving your CFD problem. Note Which systems are shown in the Toolbox depends on the licenses that exist on your system. 4.The ANSYS Workbench Interface Design Exploration Systems that enable you to see how changes to parameters affect the performance of the system. Release 14. drag it into the Project Schematic area. 59 . Inc. All rights reserved.© SAS IP.2. To begin using a system. . Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The None option has no effect when the Results cell is updated or edited. Release 14. Sets the directory where the report is published.html. Properties View The Properties view is a table whose entries describe the status of a system.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. others are for information only. when you select the Publish Report option. it appears as a tab in the View Bar and the check box is cleared from the View menu. you cannot configure these settings from the Properties view of a Results cell. Some entries in the Properties area are writable.1. Report Location 60 Sets the name of the report template when you select Custom under Load Report. Once the Properties view is open. Inc. Report Output Filename Sets the name of the report being published when you select the Publish Report option. The location of the report is displayed in the Files view. If you minimize that view.CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench 4. CFD-Post clears the existing state when the Results cell is updated or modified. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. . Inc. View Bar You control which views are displayed by opening the View menu and setting a check mark beside the view you want to display. simply selecting a cell in the Project Schematic will display its properties. All rights reserved.© SAS IP. Load Report Loads either a predefined report template or a custom template after CFD-Post reloads the upstream data.1. right-click the cell and select Properties.5 . the existing state is cleared before CFD-Post reloads the upstream data and performs any postprocessing.3. These entries vary between system cells and are affected by the status of the cell. when CFD-Post is already open. The default name is set to Report. 4. The way that multi-configuration files and transient files open in CFD-Post must be set beforehand in CFD-Post or in the Properties settings for each Solution cell. When you select this checkbox. . General Update Options Multi-configuration Post Processor Load Options Clear State This is a display-only value. Custom Report Template Publish Report Select this check box to automatically publish a HTML report. To display the Properties for a particular cell.4. When you update the Results cell. The table that follows associates cell types with file types and gives typical extensions for those file types. 4.pngb Report. 61 . . they appear in the Files view. including as part of the ANSYS Workbench project file or as separate files. Inc. Important Although the Files View reveals the data files that make up a project. Inc. This view can be used to identify which files are associated with each cell. When files are generated.The ANSYS Workbench Interface If you leave this field undefined. as project data management will proceed unaware of your changes and with unpredictable results.5 . The project files are updated constantly.cst a AnsysReportLogo. you should not attempt to manipulate these files directly.) b Release 14. Files View The Files view shows the files that are in the current project. System Cell File Type Results CFD-Post State File CFD-Post Output Files File Extension Examples . ANSYS Workbench associates data with system cells.5. This data may be stored in different ways. All rights reserved. the report is saved in the directory associated with the Results cell.htmlb a Does not include animation files or the output of Save Picture commands. and any “save” operation from a component will save all files associated with the project.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Generated file (Generated files are not copied when you duplicate a system and are removed when you run the Clear Generated Data command.© SAS IP. Shortcuts (Context Menu Options) You can access commonly used commands by right-clicking in most areas of ANSYS Workbench.5 . but change to the last directory used for an export operation during a session.CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench 4. The user_files directory appears under the directory that holds the Project file (projectfile_name/user_files/).1. In addition. .1. Sidebar Help In addition to having a visual layout that guides you through completing your project.6. Sidebar Help is a dynamically generated set of links to information appropriate for helping you with questions you have about any of the tools and systems you currently have open.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. These commands are described in Context Menu Options in the Workbench User Guide. The permanent files directory holds the Project file.2. you can also access Sidebar Help by pressing F1 while the mouse focus is anywhere on ANSYS Workbench. 4. • Open operations default to the permanent files directory. 62 Release 14. Inc. and all recent directory selections are available from the directory path drop-down selector. • Export operations initially default to the user_files directory.© SAS IP. File Operation Differences CFD-Post launched from ANSYS Workbench has default locations for file operations that are appropriate for ANSYS Workbench: • Save operations default to the user_files directory. 4. Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. . there is an icon in the directory tree that takes you to the user_files. All rights reserved.7. In your file system you create a directory in which to store your project files. This walkthrough assumes familiarity with the basic ANSYS Workbench and ANSYS CFX applications and does not discuss the details of the steps within each application.An Introduction to Workflow within ANSYS CFX in ANSYS Workbench 4.3.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.) Release 14. In the Analysis Systems toolbox. 1. Note Although this example uses a Fluid Flow (CFX) analysis system to show workflow. 63 . Inc.5 . This automatically sets your working directory for this project. (Notice that if you “hover” over systems in the Toolbox. a tool tip appears. All rights reserved. CFD-Post is the results viewing program for a variety of Analysis and Custom systems such as the Fluid Flow (FLUENT) analysis system. Inc. CFD-Post can also be launched from a Results component system. 3. . double-click Fluid Flow (CFX) to create a fluid-analysis system in the Project Schematic. An Introduction to Workflow within ANSYS CFX in ANSYS Workbench This section walks through an example of using ANSYS CFX in ANSYS Workbench to perform a fluidflow analysis. You then select File > Save As and save your new project to that directory.© SAS IP. 2. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. which opens as an unsaved project and displays the available analysis systems. You begin by launching ANSYS Workbench. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. each cell can launch a tool that will enable you to perform the task it names. 2. . 4. All rights reserved.© SAS IP.CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench The fluid-analysis system in the Project Schematic shows the steps in performing a fluid analysis: 1. Create a mesh for the geometry. Right-click the Geometry cell to see your options for adding a geometry to your project: Release 14. 64 In addition to showing those steps in appropriately named cells. Set up the analysis that will be sent to the solver. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5 . Create or import a geometry. 3. Inc. 4. Control and monitor the solver to achieve a solution. 5. Visualize the results in a post-processor and create a report. . control the solver's solution with ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager. 65 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc.5 . run File > Restore Archive on that machine. To open the project on a different machine.© SAS IP. When the analysis is complete and the project is finished. To make the project available on another machine. When the case is loaded. Note You could open a Fluid Flow (CFX) system and go immediately to the Setup cell to import an existing case. you need to use File > Archive to create a project archive. As you move through the cells from Geometry to Results. and control the display of the results with CFD-Post. you save the project (and therefore the associated files). 6.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. it can be re-opened at a later date for review or modification of any aspect of the simulation. Important Saving a project enables you to re-open the project on the machine that originally created it. Once a project has been saved. . edit the case with ANSYS CFX-Pre. the now-unnecessary Geometry and Mesh cells disappear. you can choose to launch the tool that will enable you to complete the cell's step: create a new geometry with ANSYS DesignModeler. create a new mesh with ANSYS Meshing. Release 14. All rights reserved.An Introduction to Workflow within ANSYS CFX in ANSYS Workbench 5. 7. Start ANSYS Workbench.res file record the path of the file.wbjn file. Inc. All rights reserved. • The handling of file paths described in File Path Handling in ANSYS Workbench in the Workbench Scripting Guide applies to file references that are made outside of CCL and command actions. 2. More generally. CCL and command actions are embedded within ANSYS Workbench actions. Journal of an Operation That Creates a Plane in CFD-Post In the following incomplete snippet. 5. Inc.1.CreateSystem(Position="Default") 66 Release 14. Stop journaling: File > Scripting > Stop Recording Session. For ANSYS CFX applications.4.© SAS IP. and so on) to a file. edited the Results cell. Note • Journal actions such as a CFD-Post Export or the loading of a static . Run File > Scripting > Run Script File and select a . as happens before the project is saved).wbjn file. Edit the Results cell. 6. The actions you perform are captured by the journaling process and written to a .4. a user has created a Results system.5 . • Journal files must not contain an Undo command from CFD-Post. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. implement a prescribed workflow. refer to the ANSYS Workbench online help. With scripting. For more general information on journal files as well as scripting. for example. you should save the project immediately to set file paths that ANSYS Workbench uses (rather than require ANSYS Workbench to use file paths that have temporary directories.4. This section describes how to acquire. edit. Optionally. 4. 4. and run script files that have commands that affect CFDPost. when you create a project.1. Acquiring a Journal File with CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench The basic workflow for acquiring a journal file with CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench is as follows: 1. Scripting refers to the processes of editing and running a journal file in ANSYS Workbench.1. particularly if you have created the journal using an unsaved project.CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench 4. edit the journal file (this is the process of scripting). Start journaling: Select File > Scripting > Record Session and set a name for the journal file. you could. opening a system.res) and then created a plane named "Plane 1": Create the Results system template1 = GetTemplate(TemplateName="Results") system1 = template1. open a system that has a Results cell with an available solution. loaded a CFX-Solver Results file (StaticMixer_001. 4.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. From Toolbox panel. . . You may need to manually adjust this file path before attempting to rerun the journal. Using ANSYS Workbench Journaling and Scripting with CFD-Post Journaling is the capturing of ANSYS Workbench actions (creating a project. 3. res) results1 = system1.75.. Command="""PLANE:Plane 1 Apply Instancing Transform = On Apply Texture = Off Blend Texture = On Bound Radius = 0.Edit() results1. 0 Scale = 0. -0.115917. multifile=append""") Set the camera and define a plane colored with a constant color CFX. view=VIEW:View 1""") CFX. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 0.SendCommand( Container="Results".75. 0. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 0.GetContainer(ComponentName="Results") results1.75 Colour Map = Default Colour Map Colour Mode = Constant Colour Scale = Linear Colour Variable = Pressure # .res.226146 Pan = 0. Inc.279848.wbpj".5 [m] Colour = 0.880476 Send To Viewer = False END END > autolegend plot=/PLANE:Plane 1.SendCommand(Command="""# Sending visibility action from View.SendCommand( Container="Results". All rights reserved.5 . Overwrite=True) The commands in the script above are the default values for a plane. 0. -0. . Command="""VIEW:View 1 Camera Mode = User Specified CAMERA: Option = Pivot Point and Quaternion Pivot Point = 0..... 0 Rotation Quaternion = 0.. Release 14.364705. view=/VIEW:View 1""") Save the project Save( FilePath=r"C:\SaveJou. # (Lines omitted for brevity) # .© SAS IP. END""") results1.Using ANSYS Workbench Journaling and Scripting with CFD-Post Edit the Results cell and load the Results file (StaticMixer_001. >show /PLANE:Plane 1.SendCommand(Command=r"""DATA READER: Clear All Objects = false Append Results = true Edit Case Names = false Open to Compare = false Multi Configuration File Load Option = Separate Cases Open in New View = true Keep Camera Position = true Load Particle Tracks = true Files to Compare = END DATA READER: Domains to Load= END > load filename=C:\StaticMixer_001. 67 . you should enable the View > Properties view and investigate options for each cell.© SAS IP. Command="""PLANE:Plane 1 Colour Mode = Variable Colour Variable = Pressure END""") Depending on the value of x you input in the Command Window. 4. For example.5. General Tips The following are useful tips for the general use of ANSYS CFX in ANSYS Workbench: 4. if you have opened CFD-Post from an ANSYS Workbench system and CFD-Post is displaying a plane named "Plane 1". 68 Release 14. and logic.5 . and so on).1.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.4.5.SendCommand( Container="Results". you can run the following script to change the plane to be colored by the variable Velocity or Pressure. you would have to first open the Command Window dialog box (by selecting File > Scripting > Open Command Window from the ANSYS Workbench main menu). Also.SendCommand argument to set the values for Colour Mode and Colour Variable in the PLANE:Plane 1 object for either the Velocity or Pressure variable.2. . Tips on Using ANSYS Workbench This section highlights helpful tips on using ANSYS Workbench.1.SendCommand( Container="Results". You can create your own scripts and include the power of Python to implement high-level programming constructs for input. General Tips 4.5.2. the script includes the CCL in the appropriate CFX.5.CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench 4. Example: Using a Script to Change an Existing Locator If you have an ANSYS Workbench project currently open. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.4.Tips for Results Systems 4. All rights reserved. 2=Pressure: ")) if x == 1: print 'Velocity' CFX. Scripting Scripting refers to the processes of editing and running a journal file in ANSYS Workbench. parameter bar. Inc. Command="""PLANE:Plane 1 Colour Mode = Variable Colour Variable = Velocity END""") elif x == 2: print 'Pressure' CFX. 4. x = int(raw_input("Enter an integer: 1=Velocity.5. . To run the script.1.2.1. ANSYS Workbench Interface A lot of important functionality is available in the right-click menu (cells.1. Before running this script. Inc. output. you would select File > Scripting > Run Script File from the ANSYS Workbench main menu and then use the browser to open the file containing the script. you can run a script to change how the results of the simulation are post-processed. variables. 4. The example that follows illustrates this for CFD-Post. Other files. you must use the system cells. displays different behavior for loading or saving any files. Renaming Systems Rename all your CFX and Fluid Flow (CFX) systems to something unique and meaningful that reflects the contents of the system.1. You cannot launch ANSYS CFX products from one another in ANSYS Workbench. 4. 4. 69 . ANSYS Workbench Connections When selecting a system in the toolbox. Inc.1.© SAS IP. CFD-Post.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.2. as the generated file names and/or the CFD-Post case names will not necessarily be updated if a system is renamed after the appropriate cells already have associated data (for example. It may be useful Release 14. especially if there are multiple systems. always using the directory specified in the Tools > Options > Default Folder for Permanent Files in ANSYS Workbench. making it easier for you to identify the files in the Files view. 4. which are considered to be "generated" (for instance.cfx file with the Setup cell). and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. This will sort the list by system and then by cell.2.4.Tips on Using ANSYS Workbench Compact Mode is very useful.2. It is easiest to find files associated with a specific cell by sorting the view by Cell ID.5. .cst file.html files).5. 4. CFD-Post will take the system name (by default "Fluid Flow" for a Fluid Flow system) as the case name of the results in CFD-Post. however. 4. All rights reserved. or if you want to manually delete some but not all files associated with a particular cell.1. ANSYS Workbench "remembers" previous locations of imported files / projects. are not duplicated.5.5. Setting Units ANSYS Workbench units and options are not passed to CFD-Post.3.3.5 . Inc.5. a . Note that it is best to rename the systems as soon as they are placed on the Project Schematic. It turns the schematic into a small non-intrusive button that is always on top.2.5. The names of the files associated with the system cells will incorporate this system name when the files are first created. Files View Use the Files view to determine which files were created for each cell/system. the . Changes in Behavior The ability to play session files is missing in ANSYS Workbench for CFD-Post. The undo stack is cleared in CFD-Post after the application receives commands from ANSYS Workbench. 4. effectively replacing the need for the toolbar navigation. this would include the . this could require you to set units twice. In particular. This can be very useful if you need to do some runs or change some settings outside of ANSYS Workbench.2. ANSYS Workbench will highlight the cells in any systems already in the Project Schematic to which a valid connection can be made.5. For CFD-Post.2. Duplicating Systems Duplication normally involves only user files (files for which you have specified settings). Tips for Results Systems The following are useful tips for the use of Results systems in ANSYS Workbench: 4. In this case you will need to replace the files in the File Manager. you may also need to Clear Generated Data for the Setup cell before updating the system.5. This has implications if. you can provide a unique name for each system.© SAS IP. . You can have CFD-Post generate report output at every update (by setting Generate Reports in Results cell Properties view). resetting the Results cell will not remove the CFX-Solver Results file. or Reset the Solution cell. To perform a file comparison in CFD-Post. All rights reserved. You can change the CFD-Post multi-configuration load options (available on the Load Results File dialog box of CFD-Post when in stand-alone mode) by editing the properties of the Solution cell. To maintain multiple states.res files) are associated with the Solution cell. drag a solution cell from another system to the Results cell.2. for example.5.2. select Open containing folder.5. For your convenience.out files for a CFX system and the Solution cell status is up-to-date. Inc.2. 70 Release 14. you must generate multiple Results systems. the state of CFD-Post is associated with the Results cell.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5. Results Cell CFX-Solver Results files (in particular the . . not the Results cell. The . you may get errors when trying to display the solution monitor or edit the Results cell. you want to run a long animation in CFD-Post and use CFX-Pre at the same time. This means that a CFX-Solver Results file cannot be imported onto a Results cell. you need to change the license-sharing setting before starting your project. 4. If you know you are going to be working with CFX-Pre and CFD-Post at the same time. and update the system. License Sharing If you are using license sharing in ANSYS Workbench. turbo reports).6.5 . and double-click the file in the explorer to see the report in a browser. 4. Inc.def. Similarly.res or . This is a property of the Solution cell. When updating existing Results cell data (with CFD-Post open) where a turbo chart with an averaged variable was used (for example. but you will lose any existing CFD-Post settings and objects by doing this.def file is missing. In ANSYS Workbench. rather than the Results cell. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.4. 4.html file is visible in the Files view: right-click it. you can use only one license for CFX-Pre/CFDPost even if you have more available. . it can be imported onto a Solution cell of a Fluid Flow or CFX system.CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench to reset the Results cell to update the CFD-Post case name if the system is renamed. a warning dialog box may appear reporting that "No data exists for variable …" This warning can be ignored. Recovering After Deleting Files If you accidentally delete the current . If the . After loading a results file into CFD-Post. type the number: 0 7. open a command window and enter: set The results should include the line: VIEWER_CACHE_COLORS=0 This setting will fix problems such as: • Boundary condition markers placed incorrectly or rendered in white.Chapter 5: CFD-Post 3D Viewer In CFD-Post. see CFDPost Insert Menu (p. 3. Click OK. 71 . click New. shortcut menus. In the Variable value field. CFD-Post has “figures” which are similar to views except that they can be included . Click Environment Variables. To verify the setting. 73). 4.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. You can create various other objects that can be viewed in the 3D Viewer. the 3D Viewer is accessible by clicking the 3D Viewer tab at the bottom of the panel on the right side of the interface. Descriptions of the various viewing modes and 3D Viewer commands. including toolbars. Note In order to see correct colors and accurately displayed objects in the 3D Viewer. 80). type: VIEWER_CACHE_COLORS 6. Under System variables. For details. . in reports.© SAS IP. You can switch between four adjustable “views” that each remember the camera angle and state of visibility of all objects. and hotkeys. • Regions around the circles are incorrect (rendered as yellow areas marked with blue) Release 14. The System Properties dialog box appears. 2. 8. Right-click on My Computer and select Properties. 5. Inc. are given in 3D Viewer Modes and Commands (p. For details. some combinations of ATI video cards and ATI graphics drivers on Windows XP require that you set the environment variable VIEWER_CACHE_COLORS to 0: 1. 141). All rights reserved. Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. In the Variable name field.5 . see Views and Figures (p. you can see a visual representation of the geometry in the 3D Viewer. Click the Advanced tab. 5 .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. . Once an object has been hidden. Inc.© SAS IP. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Object Visibility The visibility of each object can be turned on and off using the check boxes in the tree view.CFD-Post 3D Viewer • Mesh lines not displayed properly and with dark patches showing. you can show it again by right-clicking on the background of the Viewer and selecting Show Object: 72 Release 14. 5. However. All rights reserved. you can also hide objects by right-clicking on them and selecting Hide. as described in Object Visibility (p.1. The right-click menu has a title that indicates the object that will be acted upon (Wireframe in the figure that follows) so that you do not accidentally hide the wrong object. Inc. 15). . 3D Viewer Modes and Commands 5. All rights reserved. 73 . You can use this tool to drag line. . plane. Selects objects. 75) • Viewer Hotkeys (p. Release 14. 78) • Picking Mode (p. 3D Viewer Toolbar The 3D Viewer toolbar has the following tools: Tool Description Activates one of the three picking tools (shown below). Inc. point.1.© SAS IP.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Drag a box around the objects you want to select. 77) • Mouse Button Mapping (p. 73) • CFD-Post 3D Viewer Shortcut Menus (p. and isosurface objects to new locations. 3D Viewer Modes and Commands This section describes: • 3D Viewer Toolbar (p. Inc.2.2. Selects objects using a box. 79) 5. Alternatively. any subsequent action to hide or display an object affects all viewports. Inc. Alternatively. However.© SAS IP. Alternatively. When enabled. the camera orientation and zoom level of the non-selected viewports are continuously synchronized with the selected viewport. Inc. Alternatively.CFD-Post 3D Viewer Tool Description Selects objects using an enclosed polygon. Toggles between locking and unlocking the views of all viewports. Click to drop points around the objects. activating this feature does not affect any existing show/hide states. 74 Release 14. Toggles between synchronizing the visibility of objects in all viewports. clicking on an object in the tree view causes that object to be highlighted in the 3D Viewer. When the views are locked. . This tool is available only when all viewports are using the Cartesian (X-Y-Z) transformation. such as would occur if you attempted to move a point such that the resulting line would cross an existing line in the polygon. When active. you can drag and zoom the view by holding down the right mouse button. All rights reserved. hold down the middle mouse button to rotate the view. Pans the view as you drag with the mouse. rotation and translate options in each viewport. Note This toggle will not synchronize the visibility of objects in different cases that have the same name. . you can pan the view by holding down Ctrl and the middle mouse button. Selects the viewport arrangement. Centers all visible objects in the viewer. You can perform Independent zoom. Zooms to the area enclosed in a box that you create by dragging with the mouse.5 . Rotates the view as you drag with the mouse. The style of highlighting is controlled by Edit > Options > CFD-Post > Viewer > Object Highlighting > Type. Double-click to complete the selection. Adjusts the zoom level as you drag with the mouse vertically. Note Polygon Select mode will not allow you to create an invalid region. in file comparison mode CFD-Post does synchronize the visibility of objects that have the same name. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. you can zoom the view by holding down Shift and the middle mouse button. Locking the view for the viewports in this way can be a useful technique for comparing different sets of visible objects between the viewports.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 2. 75 . the deformation is scaled so that the maximum deformation results in a viewable displacement of a percentage of the domain extents. 5. it will be applied to all objects in every view and figure.5 ..2. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Opens the Animation dialog box in Quick Animation mode. The shortcut menu is different depending on where you right-click.3D Viewer Modes and Commands Tool Description Displays the Viewer Key Mapping dialog box.2. 77) for details. Select from the following: • Undeformed Shows all objects as if they were not deformed • True Scale Displays all objects with their regular deformation values • 0.. See Viewer Hotkeys (p. When an option is selected.1. For details. Release 14.5x Auto Shows all objects with half of the optimal (Auto) scale • Auto Adjusts the deformation scaling for optimal viewing. All rights reserved. Shortcuts for CFD-Post (Viewer Background) The following commands are available in CFD-Post when you right-click the viewer background: Command Description Deformation Specifies the deformation scale to be viewed. • 2x Auto Adjusts the deformation to be double that of regular deformation • 5x Auto Shows all objects with 5 times their regular deformation value. . regardless of the problem size. Internally. CFD-Post 3D Viewer Shortcut Menus You can access the shortcut menu by right-clicking anywhere on the viewer.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. This option is only available when the Total Mesh Displacement variable exists. see Animating Mesh Deformation Scaling (p. 5. Inc. Opens the Deformation Scale dialog box and displays the currently applied scale value for the deformation. Specify a new value to change the scale.2. • Custom.. • Animate.. 241).© SAS IP. Fit View Centers all visible objects in the viewer. and can be used in a report. Axis Shows or hides the axis orientation indicator (known as the triad) in the bottomright corner of the viewer. see Views and Figures (p. 29).2. For details. see Quick Animation (p. . and object visibility settings. Shortcuts for CFD-Post (Viewer Object) The following commands are available in CFD-Post when you right-click an object in the viewer: Command Description Edit Opens the object for editing.2. selecting Copy Camera From > view name will apply that angle to the current view. and the object visibility settings are stored in the definition of the figure. Use this option if you want the figure to retain its appearance when the original objects are modified. see Report (p. For details.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. This disables the manual resizing actions otherwise available from the tool bar or mouse. 109). Inc. For details. Auto-Fit View Automatically fits the view while you rotate the camera or resize the 3D Viewer. • When the check box is cleared. . Projection Switches between perspective and orthographic camera angles. boundaries. Show Object Shows hidden objects. Clip Scene Controls scene clipping via clip planes. only the camera position. 210). This is equivalent to clicking the icon. Animate Brings up the Animation dialog box and animates the selected object automatically. Save Picture Same as selecting File > Save Picture.© SAS IP. Predefined Camera Displays different views by changing the camera angle to a preset direction. 72). All rights reserved. 240). zoom level. Use this option if you want the figure to automatically update with changes to the original objects. see Viewer (p. Viewer Options Opens the Options dialog box with the viewer options displayed. visible objects are copied for the new figure. and regions. See Object Visibility (p. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The Make copies of objects check box controls how the new figure is made: • When the check box is selected. For details. 5. Inc. see Clip Plane Command (p. 80). Default Legend Shows or hides the default legend object. 133).5 . see Save Picture Command (p. Copy Camera From If you have set a Predefined Camera angle in another view. Color Enables you to change the selected object’s color. Ruler Shows or hides the ruler on the bottom of the viewer. 76 Release 14. For details. The figure appears under the Report object.CFD-Post 3D Viewer Command Description Copy to New Figure Creates a new figure based on the current camera position.2. For details. Hide Hides the selected object in the 3D Viewer. zoom level. Inc. arrow keys Rotates about horizontal and vertical axes. the solution automatically generates to the right of the variable type setting. and on. select Edit and make your changes on the object's Render tab. 152).© SAS IP. see CFD-Post Insert Menu (p. 4 Switches to four viewports. Viewer Hotkeys A number of shortcut keys are available to carry out common viewer tasks. off.3. See Plane Bounds (p. Key Action space Toggles between picking and viewing mode. To change other render options. Probe Variable Opens a toolbar at the bottom of the viewer allowing the specification of coordinate points and variable type. Shift+Y Sets view from -Y axis. Inc. Shift + arrow keys Moves the light source. 247). Shift+X Sets view from -X axis. Z Sets view from +Z axis. 3 Switches to three viewports. C Centers the graphic object in the viewer window. 1 Switches to one viewport. After each field is changed. N Toggles the projection between orthographic and perspective. etc. contours. U Undoes transformation. Release 14. Set Plane Center For planes defined using the Point and Normal method. 5. 77 . Insert Opens another menu with options to insert planes. S Toggles the level of detail between auto. These can be carried out by clicking in the viewer window and pressing the associated key. Shift+U Redoes transformation.2. this action moves the point that defines the plane. streamlines. 141). This changes the focus for plane bounding operations. see Probe (p. R Resets the view to the initial orientation. Y Sets view from +Y axis. To use this command.3D Viewer Modes and Commands Command Description Render Enables you to change some of the selected object’s render options (such as lighting and face visibility). . Reflect/Mirror Applies a reflection to the selected domain. X Sets view from +X axis. rightclick the corresponding wireframe in the viewer.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. For details. 2 Switches to two viewports. All rights reserved.5 . For details. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Ctrl + up/down arrow keys Rotates about an axis normal to the screen. then Viewer Setup > Mouse Mapping. Mouse Button Mapping The mouse mapping options enable you to assign viewer actions to mouse clicks and keyboard/mouse combined clicks. Inc. toolbar icon in the 3D 5. . Shift + middle mouse button Middle mouse button Object Zoom Camera Zoom Shift + middle mouse button zooms in a step.© SAS IP. drag the pointer up. to zoom in. . drag the pointer down.CFD-Post 3D Viewer Key Action Shift+Z Sets view from -Z axis.4. Inc.1: Mouse Mapping using Workbench Defaults Table 5.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. The information in this table is accessible by clicking the Show Help Dialog Viewer toolbar. To adjust or view the mouse mapping options. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Figure 5.1: Mouse Operations and Shortcuts Operation Description Workbench Mode Shortcuts CFX Mode Shortcuts Zoom To zoom out. Shift + right mouse button 78 Release 14.2. select Edit > Options.5 . All rights reserved. The selected area fills the viewer when the mouse button is released. Inc. Ctrl + Shift + left mouse button Ctrl + Shift + left mouse button 5. When you set the pivot point. pan. The light angle hold two angular values between 0 . starting from one corner and ending at the opposite corner. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Enter picking mode by selecting the Single Select a pull-down menu of the viewer toolbar. The mesh faces must be visible on an object or region to allow it to be picked.180.5. The point selected must be on an object in the 3D Viewer. Right mouse button Shift + left mouse button Shift + left mouse button Shift + right mouse button Rotate Rotate the view about the pivot point Middle mouse button (if no pivot point is visible.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.3D Viewer Modes and Commands Operation Description Workbench Mode Shortcuts CFX Mode Shortcuts zooms out a step. If the Single Select click the New Selection tool in icon is already visible.5 . Ctrl + middle mouse button Right mouse button Zoom Box Draw a rectangle around the area of interest. click on a blank area in the 3D Viewer. zoom. 79 . the rotation point will be the center of the object). you can simply icon. You can also pick objects while still in viewing mode by holding down the Ctrl and Shift keys as you click in the viewer.2. Drag the mouse left or right to move the horizontal lighting source and up or down to move the vertical lighting source. To hide the red dot that represents the pivot point. Left mouse button when in rotate. Ctrl + right mouse button Ctrl + right mouse button Picking Mode Select an object in the viewer. Release 14. . Translate Drag the object across the viewer. or zoom box mode (as set by the icons in the viewer's tool bar). Inc.© SAS IP. it appears as a small red sphere that moves (along with the point on the image where you clicked) to the center of the 3D Viewer. Picking Mode Picking mode is used to select and drag objects in the viewer. Ctrl + middle mouse button Move Light Move the lighting angle for the 3D Viewer. Set Pivot Point Set the point about which the Rotate actions pivot. All rights reserved. see 3D Viewer Modes and Commands (p.© SAS IP. By default.5. you can press u to revert your change. you can create figures.2: Viewport Control The contents of a viewport are a view. View 4. its definition is updated in the details view. and visibility setting of each object in the tree view. 73). .2. points and boundaries) from the viewer. Moving Objects Point. 5. you can increase the number of viewports to four by using the viewport icon: Figure 5. When an object is moved.5. which is a CCL object that contains the camera angle.2.5 . which are the same as views.CFD-Post 3D Viewer 5. For details.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. You can change the picking mode by selecting one of the toolbar icons: • Single Select • Box Select • Polygon Select For details. .1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 80 Release 14. 29). its information is applied to the active viewport. Inc. four views exist: View 1. lighting. 5. Selecting Objects Use the mouse to select objects (for example. When you manipulate an object in the viewport. independent view.3. However if the focus is on that viewport. the view's CCL is updated immediately. When a number of objects overlap. Views and Figures The 3D Viewer opens with a single viewport. Inc. the one closest to the camera is picked. except that they are usable in reports. When you select an object in the tree view. All rights reserved. see Report (p. Any other plots that are located on these movable objects are automatically updated. plane and line objects can be moved in the viewer by dragging and dropping the object to a new location. In CFD-Post. View 3. zoom level.2. Each viewport contains a different. View 2. 3. 5.2. where FigureName is the name of the figure. or by selecting Copy to New Figure from the viewer shortcut menu (after right-clicking a blank area in the 3D Viewer). see Switching to a View or Figure (p.4.1. or.1. 2. 5. Switching to a View or Figure To switch to a view or figure. A new figure gets its definition from the currently existing view or figure. Switch to the view or figure that you want to change.© SAS IP. Deleting a Figure The figure objects that you have created can be deleted using the tree view or the viewer shortcut menu. All rights reserved. select one of the Copy Camera From commands from the viewer shortcut menu after right-clicking a blank area of the viewer. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Copying Objects for Figures A change made to an object will affect all figures that show that object.3.3. In order to avoid this problem. figures can be created by selecting Insert > Figure. you may select the Make copies of objects option that is available when creating a new figure. 81 . 5.3. Change the view or figure (for example. • For figures only: Double-click the figure in the tree view (under the Report object). For details.Views and Figures 5. Release 14. 81).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Creating a Figure In CFD-Post. then select Edit from the shortcut menu. This causes all visible objects to be copied. Any copied objects for a figure will appear in the tree view under User Locations and Plots > Local Objects for FigureName. The latter remains active so that subsequent view manipulations do not affect the new figure. • For figures only: Right-click the figure in the tree view (under the Report object). where m is an integer that results in a unique name. do one of the following: • Use the drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of the viewport. in CFD-Post only. rotate the view) either directly. 2. . View and figure objects are saved automatically when you switch to a different view or figure. To use the viewer shortcut menu: 1. This can result in an unwanted change to a figure after it has been created. Changing the Definition of a View or Figure To change a view or figure: 1.5 . Switch to the figure that you want to delete.3. Inc. Select the Delete Figure command from the viewer shortcut menu after right-clicking a blank area of the viewer. 5.3. and the new figure to use the copied objects rather than the original ones. Inc. The names of views that you create are of the form “Figure m” by default.1. >hide Plane 1. the actions optionally take a parameter that specifies the view to show the object. All rights reserved. there are command actions that enable you to change the visibility of objects: • >show • >hide • >toggle Each of these actions take an object name. /PLANE:Plane 2. The VIEW object has a parameter named Object Visibility List that is set to a comma-separated list of object paths that should be visible in the VIEW object. Object Visibility The visibility of an object is specified by the VIEW that should display the object. or toggle the visibility.5 . For session files. Views There are four default views that are handled specially.3.5. and Plane 2 is not visible in /VIEW:View 2. Also. Inc. These are named: View 1. Here is an example of the VIEW object CCL to define the visibility for the view: VIEW: View 1 Object Visibility List=/PLANE:Plane 1. .5. The visibility action parameters can alternatively take names or entire paths to specify the objects and the views. and /PLANE:Plane 2 visible in view /VIEW:View 2: >toggle Plane 1. the object is made visible in a certain view--it is no longer a property of the object.3. These views will not be included in CFD-Post reports. View 2. or list of names and paths for which to show. That is. >show Plane 1 Example 2: The following action will hide both /PLANE:Plane 1 and /PLANE:Plane 2 in view /VIEW:View 1. the following action will make /PLANE:Plane 1 not visible.CFD-Post 3D Viewer 5. and not object names. and View 4. View 3. and you can create new views or figures that will be shown in reports. path. view=View 1 Example 3: If Plane 1 is visible. hide. 5. . Setting the Visibility parameter on an object has no effect. any of these views can be viewed in any of the viewports. Inc.1. However.© SAS IP. view=/VIEW:View 2 82 Release 14. /VECTOR:Vector 4END Note The Object Visibility List parameter should contain only object paths. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. including user figures. rather than the object specifying whether it is visible. Example 1: The following action will show the object /PLANE:Plane 1 in all existing views. Plane 2. 3. Have set your view to Perspective mode (right-click in the Viewer and select Projection > Perspective) . Have a graphics card that supports quad buffering OpenGL output 3. By default. either move away from the display. 1 Set the Stereo Mode to Stereo.© SAS IP. Select Edit > Options. Release 14. 5. Inc. 4.5 . . To enable this functionality: 1. The value of the "stereo effect" that is required is related to the distance between the observer and the display. On the Viewer panel: a. The stereo viewer feature has been tested on: • XP-64 and Vista-64 with an NVidia graphics card and a Planar Stereo Monitor • XP-64 with an ATI card and a Zalman Stereo Monitor. the default legend is made visible in the view it is associated can view output in stereo1. All rights reserved.. The default legend is automatically created and deleted along with the view. or move the slider towards Weaker.5. Click OK to save the settings.3.4.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Have a standard stereo display 2.. b. Stereo Viewer If you: 1. Set the Stereo Effect. 83 . If the stereo effect is too strong. select CFD-Post > Viewer.Stereo Viewer 5. Have set your graphics card to "Stereo" 4. In the Options dialog box.2. Legends There is a default legend for each VIEW object. 2. Inc. Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5 . .© SAS IP. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. . All rights reserved. Inc.84 Release 14. Inc. Qualitative Displays of Variables The display of graphic objects (locations and qualitative displays) occurs in the 3D Viewer and the Chart Viewer.5 . etc. or functions required. point clouds. 6.1. All rights reserved. and surface groups). . 85 . the mesh. lines. or animation that shows the findings of the study to best advantage. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. volumes.). the general workflow is: 1. 2. and the domains.© SAS IP. c. c. 6. Production steps: a. publish the report.2. Inc. contours. user surfaces. • Expressions or macros that you can use to make new variables or to perform quantitative evaluation. vortex core regions. generate vectors. such as: Release 14.Chapter 6: CFD-Post Workflow CFD-Post enables you to qualitatively visualize and quantitatively analyze the processes taking place in a simulation. Decide which variables you want to study (your options are constrained by the variables that were solved in the process of creating the solver results file). the 3D Viewer displays the wireframe of the geometry. and averaging. integration.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Loading and Viewing the Solver Results When you load a solver results file into CFD-Post. polylines. picture. either qualitative displays (such as contour plots and charts) or quantitative analysis and displays (tables. b. surfaces of revolution. streamlines and particle tracks to generate qualitative displays of the results. CFD-Post provides a wide range of control over the 3D Viewer. Create any locations. • Using selected locations. variables. thus. You can also use the functions and macros that are supplied. expressions. Planning steps: a. Decide how you want to display those variables. Inc. you can make use of CFD-Post's features to add: • Locations where you can display or analyze variable values (points. You can immediately display on any of the walls or boundaries the values of the variables that were imported with the geometry. Determine where in the simulation you want to view those variables. b. planes. isosurfaces. Load the solver results file for the simulation into CFD-Post. the boundaries. Optionally. If those elements do not provide enough resolution. turbomachinery performance. 86 Release 14. Inc.CFD-Post Workflow • How the graphical object is to be colored. • Use the Variables workspace to make new variables. • Up to four viewports where the orientation of the objects in these miniature viewers can be controlled independently. such as averaging and integration. including PNG. an HTML publication that includes information about the solver results file. .3. including transparency. • Use the Calculators workspace to: – Invoke analysis macros supplied for various applications including fan noise. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. quantitative information.5. Sharing the Analysis There are a variety of ways to output the results of your analysis: • Save a picture of the contents of the 3D Viewer in a variety of formats. shading. translation.© SAS IP. how the color is mapped over the range of the selected variable. lighting. 6. All rights reserved. If colored by variable. specularity. and so on – Calculate various measures of mesh quality – Probe the value of a function at a given location. and the physics (as well as any other qualitative information. reflection and instancing. and VRML. Analysis The quantitative analysis of variables can be displayed in the Table Viewer to enable you to display data and expressions. • Use the Turbo workspace to initialize settings for turbomachinery applications. • Display of lines and faces as well as geometric transformations including rotation. PostScript. 6. Inc. and texture. scaling. • Rendering. Quantitative Analysis of Results There are a variety of ways you can perform quantitative analysis of results loaded into CFD-Post: • Use the Expressions workspace to make new variables and to numerically process results using a variety of mathematical operations.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.4. either prescribed color or by variable.5 . . or comments you want to add). 6. The Chart Viewer can display data as lines or as symbols. the mesh. • Publish a report. • Produce an animation showing the changes in a variable over a range in the domain. 251)) to perform the desired numerical processing of results.5 . Create any desired charts and display in the Chart Viewer. 9. legends. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 45)) 5. 4. 3)) 2. (Report Command (p. Create tables of data as required and display in the Table Viewer. 240)) For a more detailed illustration of the use of CFD-Post. Use the 3D Viewer to explore the graphic objects and produce animations as required. Generate or edit any required titles. Create any new variables that will be used for qualitative display.Typical Workflow 6. method of coloring. reorganize. or labels (Legend Command (p. 71)) 10.6. Inc. Optionally. (Starting CFD-Post (p. Create expressions (Expressions Workspace (p. save a picture of the contents in the 3D Viewer. Optionally. vectors. 213)) 11. select visibility. 141)) 8. (Chart Command (p. 51)) and/or invoke macros (Predefined Macros (p. rendering. . 218)) 12. (Quick Animation (p. save animations. or contours) for quantitative display. Typical Workflow The following is a typical workflow.© SAS IP. (Load Results Command (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 89)) 3. 109)) 14. (Table Command (p. (CFD-Post 3D Viewer (p. Display the report in the Report Viewer and/or modify the report as required. see the CFD-Post Tutorials. 29)) 16. 108)) 15. Inc. (Variables Workspace (p. or extend suit your work patterns and objectives: 1. 7. (Location Submenu (p. and transformation. (Save Picture Command (p. Create any additional objects (such as lines. All rights reserved. Load one or more results files. 87 . and transformation. 202) and Text Command (p. (Report (p. If required. 142)) 6. Examine the existing locations (wireframe and surface boundaries) and create any additional locators required. publish the report to an HTML file. Start CFD-Post. rendering. For each object. method of coloring. which you can simplify. Release 14. For each locator. (CFD-Post Insert Menu (p. 198)) 13. select visibility. Inc. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc.© SAS IP.5 . .88 Release 14. All rights reserved.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. If Keep current cases loaded is selected. However.5. If you choose to open the new case the same view. The Load Results File dialog box presents you with the following options: Edit case names Enables you to change the case name as it appears in the Outline tree. Load Results Command 7. Mechanical Import/Export Commands 7.2.15. Load State Command 7. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Changing the case name does not affect the filename in the file system.11. Loading Recently Accessed Files 7.© SAS IP.12.9. Report Command 7.Chapter 7: CFD-Post File Menu This chapter describes the commands that are available from the File menu: 7.7.3. 111). . you can use the Viewer's toolbar to manually display two views. the two cases overlap and the title bar of the view displays All cases.10.14. 111). For information on valid results and CFX-Solver input files.6. Save Project Command 7. select File > Load Results and browse to the file you want to load. 89 . If Release 14. you can choose Open in new view to see the two cases side-by-side. Import Commands 7.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. CFX results files and CFX-Solver input files can be loaded from the Load Results File dialog box. Inc. Keep current cases loaded Controls whether to add to or replace the results that are currently in memory. The default case name is the filename (without the file type extension). Refresh Command (ANSYS Workbench only) 7.4. Quit Command 7. Close Command 7. Save Picture Command 7.1. FSI with Mechanical APDL and CFX: Manual One-way Mapping 7. 7.8.13. see File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post (p. Export Commands 7. Load Results Command To load a results file (or files).5 . Save State Command and Save State As Command 7. File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post The file types that you can load and display are described in File Types Used and Produced by CFDPost (p.1. All rights reserved. then manually display change All cases to Case 1 in View 1 and Case 2 in View 2. Inc. the solution expressions (Reference Pressure. and so on) represent the last configuration. Inc. vector plots) are plotted using the most recently loaded results. if possible. the new case opens to fit into the view. Failing to clear the user state will cause CFD-Post to apply the state of the current file to the results file being loaded. when cleared. a file that was produced from a definition file that had its initial values specified from a results file from a previous run and saved to the results file that you are loading). only one set of results will appear in the viewer. the new case loads in the same orientation and size as the initial case. and variable objects associated with the results file to automatically be created or updated by default. Note The Keep current cases loaded option is particularly useful to perform simultaneous postprocessing of both fluid (CFX) and solid (ANSYS) results when a two-way FluidStructure simulation has been performed. Note When multi-configuration files are loaded as a single sequence. with the differences displayed in a third view. • Choose Load complete history as: a single case to load all configurations of a multi-configuration run as a single case. You can disable this behavior by selecting the Clear user state before loading check box. boundary. Maintain camera position Controls the loading behavior when you replace one case with another. For Turbo cases. CFX run history and multi-configuration options Controls how you load a multi-configuration (. Any existing objects (such as planes. no matter which configuration is currently viewed.5 . or only the last results from a results file that contains a run history. Clear user state before loading Loading a results file causes all domain. but you can use the timestep selector to move between results. All rights reserved. or all of the results history from a results file that contains a run history. Inc. Load particle track data Controls the loading of the particle tracks that exist in the case.CFD-Post File Menu you have loaded two cases and you select Tools > Compare cases.mres) file or a results file (.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. In either case. This would typically include the wireframe model of the geometry and all the boundary conditions created in CFX-Pre.© SAS IP. each case appears in a separate view. • Choose Load only the last results to load only the last configuration of a multi-configuration results file. The data associated with a variable is not loaded until the variable is actually used. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. it is important to ensure that settings such as the number of instances in 360 degrees is correct (or to adjust the setting to be correct after the file is loaded) as CFD-Post does not automatically check to see if the user settings match between files. If a results file with run history is loaded. This option is not fully supported. . .res) that contains a run history (that is. When selected. • Choose Load complete history as: separate cases to load all configurations from a multi-configuration run into separate cases. CFD-Post loads the results from this 90 Release 14. Choosing to load only the domains you require will reduce memory usage and can speed processing time. Kelvin. the final results file determines whether all configurations have particle tracks (as this is how transient particle tracks are determined). and radians will be used. do not use this method of loading files. global variable ranges are not updated. (Reloading the results file through the Load Results panel may not recover the state completely. If you select the Don't show this panel again option. Domain Selector Dialog If the results file being loaded contains multiple domains. right-click the case name in the tree view and select Unload. When you load a file that does not store solution units (such as CFX-4 dump files. right-click the case name and select Replace results file. the solution units that were used by the CFX-Solver are automatically read from the file. or ANSYS results files). all domains will be loaded automatically on subsequent uses of the Load Results command. you can enable the Don’t prompt for Solution Units before loading results toggle to suppress this prompt. by default the Solution Units dialog box appears and you are prompted to specify the solution units. All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. However. in particular when Turbo Post is initialized. . in which case the default units of kilograms.© SAS IP. • To replace the selected results file with another results file while keeping the state. Note that you can always re-enable this dialog box from the Edit > Options > Files panel (select Show domain selector before load). FLUENT files. Inc. Once you have specified the units that were used in the results file. Release 14. CFD-Post can convert those units to your preferred display units. seconds. CFX-TASC files. 91 .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. the Domain Selector dialog box appears and you are prompted to specify which domains to load. Solution Units Dialog Box When you load CFX files into CFD-Post.) Note that the Replace results file function will keep the original case name even though the results file has changed.Load Results Command file and the results for any results file in its run history as separate cases. Note When loading multiple configurations. Each result appears as a separate entry in the tree.5 . • When a case is unloaded. meters. Note • To unload a set of results. If the physics for each configuration differs significantly. For details. Note In CFD-Post. see Setting the Display Units (p. 111). Load State Command Selecting Load State opens an existing state file. use the Quit Command (p.CFD-Post File Menu You set your preferred display units by selecting Edit > Options. • Replace current state selected and Load results cleared: All existing objects are deleted and new objects that are defined in the state file are created. 7.3. • Add to current state selected and Load results selected: The results file used to create the state file is opened.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 7. for details. Inc. • Replace current state selected and Load results selected: The results file used to create the state file is opened. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 133). The results of these combinations are outlined below. CFD-Post remains open. All rights reserved. You can optionally choose to use variable values that apply to the nearest full results file by changing an option in the Options dialog box. Inc. Note Timestep and phase information are not stored in the state file. All objects defined in the state file and all existing objects are plotted with the new results. so loading a state file does not change the timestep or phase.5 . you cannot use Celsius and Fahrenheit. Kelvin [K] or Rankine [R]). Variables that do not exist in partial results files are not applicable to the currently loaded time step and are undefined. The results are plotted on the new objects using the existing results. . Temperature quantities elsewhere in ANSYS CFX can be set in Celsius and Fahrenheit. You can also choose to load the results file from which the state file was created.2. Partial Results Files When a partial results file is loaded. but do not necessarily exist in the partial results file. 92 Release 14. 136). all existing objects are deleted.© SAS IP. The results are plotted on the new objects. . prompting you to save if necessary. then Common > Units from the menu bar. Close Command The Close command closes the currently loaded file. Overwrite and Append You can choose to either replace or append to the current state in CFD-Post. and new objects that are defined in the state file are created. the temperature solution units must be an absolute scale (for example. To exit CFD-Post. the existing objects are replaced by those in the state file. If objects in the state file have the same name as existing objects. CFD-Post makes available the variables that exist in the full results file. see Turbo (p. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. selecting Save State opens the Save State dialog box where you can enter a file name. Inc. If you have already saved a previous state. Inc. All rights reserved. the Save State command produces a CCL file with a . then selecting the Preserve current results expressions check box. 93 . To save a state to a different file name.5 . Save State Command and Save State As Command When CFD-Post is started from the ANSYS CFX Launcher.Import Commands • Add to current state selected and Load results cleared: All objects defined in the state file are created and plotted using the current results. you can prevent overwriting these expressions by clearing the Load results check box. 7.6. selecting Save State overwrites that file.7. Therefore.5. Existing objects are not removed unless they have the same name as an object in the state file. 95)) • A Mechanical CDB Surface (see Import Mechanical CDB Surface (p.© SAS IP. 95)) Note Only CFX-4 and FLUENT particle track formats are supported for CFD-Post import. Important A state file is linked to the results file from which it was created by an absolute path. The state file does not contain the geometry. 7. these are loaded from the results file into CFD-Post. in which case they are replaced. 7. Refresh Command (ANSYS Workbench only) Reads the upstream data. If you have not saved a state file during your current CFD-Post session. All objects that currently exist in the system are saved to the state file. do not change the location of the results file. Import Commands The Import menu enables you to import data for: • A polyline or surface (see Import Surface or Line Data (p. 7. but does not perform any long-running operation.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. or any results. the Save Project command writes the current state of the project. Release 14. When CFD-Post is started from ANSYS Workbench. Save Project Command When CFD-Post is started from ANSYS Workbench. the Save Project command writes the current state of the project.cst file extension. 94)) • A FLUENT particle track file (see Import FLUENT Particle Track File (p. If you have one or more results files already loaded and you are about to load a state file. mesh. Results files may contain CEL expressions.4. you should select Save State As from the File menu. 0.0. 3.0. the locator that is created is called Imported Line 1.0. if the imported file specifies a locator called Line 1. -1. 0. 6.3. All rights reserved. 8. Inc.0. Refer to USER SURFACE Data Format (p. 5. # The face normal is defined by the order of the points... -0.0.0. 1.[Pa].3.0.6323. 1. 0.0. .82.[R]. 0. 7. in which case the locator is called Imported Line 1 1.0. typically this data will be for a user surface boundary profile or a polyline.0. Z[m].and quad-faces may be combined 5 1 3 2 7 3 3 7 4 Release 14. 8. Importing Experimental Data in a Customized File You can import experimental data in a customized file.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 0.0. 9. 100) as appropriate.0. X[m]. 2.3. For example. with the prefix Imported. the locator that is created is named using the locator name stored in the file.3. then importing another file with a locator called Line 1 would cause the creation of a locator called Imported Line 1 2.0. 5. 0. . -4. -1. 7. -5.3 The face above is created from points 0 through 3 .0.45.. Click Browse to browse to the file to read the data from.456. Example 7. 1. [Faces] # Faces are defined by their points. If the latter were the case. 2.0.1859. 1.0. 0. or enter the file name. 2.0.1. 4. 3. - except that the user surface description requires more information to define the boundary. 101) or POLYLINE Data Format (p. -0. 1.CFD-Post File Menu 7.0. Y[m]. . The file structures are similar. 2.1: A Surface Data File for CFD-Post [Name] Experimental Data Set 1 [Data] Node No.35987. Note Importing of polylines from a file is not supported in Case Comparison mode. Temp. 6.4 1 0 Tri. 1. The example that follows shows experimental data that can be imported into CFD-Post.0. Vel. you can read in data for a polyline or surface. 4. -0. 1. 2.[m/s]. the lowest integer greater than 1 that creates a unique name is appended. -1.0. If a locator with the same name already exists. -1. 7.3. 1.5 .0.3. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1.3. 0. Press. -1. 1.0. 3. Import Surface or Line Data Using the Import Surface or Line Data dialog box. unless such a locator already exists.0.© SAS IP. Inc. 2. -1. 1. 3.0.0. -0. so define # all points in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction # to obtain a uniform face normal 0 # 7 4 # 4 6 6 0 94 . 9. -1. 6.0.656234. 0. Locator Names If you import a generic file. - represented by the point IDs: # 3 points for a tri-face and 4 points for a quad-face.0. 0. 5. Specify Associated Boundary Check Box Select the Specify Associated Boundary check box to specify an existing boundary to associate with the data in the *. All rights reserved. Import FLUENT Particle Track File The Import FLUENT Particle Track File option enables you to import the particle track file associated with the . For details on creating a particle track file in ANSYS FLUENT. Inc.5 . Release 14.3. The Import Mechanical CDB Surface dialog box has the following options: 7.3.3. Note In the volumetric transfer.7. see Particle Track Command (p. .7.2. 7.3.3. 95 . Length Units The Length Units setting specifies what units the imported file will be in. Import Mechanical CDB Surface The Import Mechanical CDB Surface feature is fully supported when initiated from the Mechanical side. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.cdb) file. 7. For an example of using this option.cas/.7. see Mechanical Import/Export Commands (p.3. and exported with. Inc. File The File setting specifies the filename of the file to import.cdb (ANSYS mesh) file. Boundary The Boundary setting specifies the associated boundary for the imported file. see Limitations with FLUENT Files (p. you should specify an associated existing boundary.7.cdat file currently loaded in CFD-Post. the ANSYS file locator. When importing ANSYS files. or click the Browse icon to search for the file to import. 106). If an export of ANSYS data is subsequently performed using the locator from the ANSYS file. The Import FLUENT Particle Track File dialog box enables you to browse for the appropriate FLUENT Particle Track XML file. 7. For limitations associated with FLUENT particle tracks.© SAS IP. The main purpose of the Mechanical import/export facility in CFD-Post is to allow fluid-structure interaction (FSI). see Particle Tracks Dialog Box in the FLUENT User's Guide.3.7. 7. 190). The facility enables a mapping of boundary data stored in a CFX results file to a surface stored in an ANSYS Mesh (.1. 121).dat/.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.2.7. the temperature at the unmapped nodes will be set to the average temperature of all mapped nodes. You can type the file path of the file.Import Commands 2 6 5 1 1 2 6 5 8 8 8 8 7. data from the associated locator is mapped to. For details on configuring the display of a particle track file in ANSYS CFD-Post.1. 3.8.5 . 3. Export 7. All rights reserved. Export Commands The Export option has the following sub-options: 7.cdb) nodes that have been directly mapped to the CFX boundary surface.3.5. .8. 100) 96 Release 14. 2.3. data is written in blocks on a per locator basis in the order given by the locator list. In this case the ANSYS surface node is mapped to the nearest boundary surface node regardless of the distance.3. Inc. In the export file. An ANSYS surface node is considered equivalent to the nearest boundary surface node if the node is within a certain tolerance of each other.6.1. Mapping Success Label The Mapping Success label indicates the percentage of the ANSYS surface (. Export The Export action enables you to export your results to a data file. after the ANSYS surface (. Maintain Conservative Heat Flows Check Box Select the Maintain Conservative Heat Flows check box to ensure that the total heat flow for the boundary is equal to that of the imported ANSYS surface.7.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.4. Read Mid-Side Nodes Check Box Select the Read Mid-Side Nodes check box to map the ANSYS classic geometry for side nodes to CFX geometry. like Nodal Temperature Export.2. Export Mechanical Load File 7. You may export results for any available variable in CFD-Post on any defined locator. Export External Data File 7. An ANSYS surface node is mapped to the closest edge if it is less than a certain tolerance. The following two examples on how to export data are given at the end of this section: • Exporting Polyline Data (p.1. Nodes are considered unmapped if none of the above conditions are met.7. The mapping success is determined in the following order: 1.© SAS IP. Mid-Side nodes are only useful when you perform nodal exports. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates.7. An ANSYS surface node is mapped to the closest face if it is closer to a node than the closest edge. Using this feature can greatly extend the time it takes to load a file as reading the mid-side nodes increases the number of nodes that need to be mapped.8. Note This label only appears in the corresponding User Surface panel. or if the distance from the node to the closest edge is greater than the allowable tolerance. 7. The mapped mid-side nodes are not used for surface export data calculations 7.CFD-Post File Menu 7. Each block starts with lines listing the values of the selected variables at the locator points (one line corresponds to one point).8. Inc. 7.cdb) nodes that have been mapped to the CFX boundary surface.8. The Locations setting specifies the locators for which the results of your variable is written.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. To change the names of locators that will appear in the output file.4. BC Profile Creates a boundary condition profile to be exported.1. For details. All rights reserved. see Setting the Display Units (p.8. 97 .6. 7.1. File The File setting specifies a file for the data to be exported to.1. 7. 136). 7. By default.1.8. Locations Locations is available only if either the Generic or BC Profile option is selected. see Export Geometry Information Check Box (p. 7. You may type a filename or click Browse to search for a file to export the results to. The Generic option displays the Export Geometry Information check box. Each block starts with listing the values of the selected variables at the locator points. The Coord Frame setting specifies the coordinate frame relative to which the data will be exported.8.1. Export: Options Tab 7.1. Inc. Unit System The Unit System setting determines the units in which the data will be exported. 7.1. . see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. Type The Type setting has the following options: Option Description Generic Exports data to a file. 7.1. this will use the global units system selected in Edit > Options. For details.8.8.1. Name Aliases Name Aliases is available only if either the Generic or BC Profile option is selected.1.8. For details.1.1. The Boundary Vals setting enables you to select Hybrid or Conservative boundary values.© SAS IP.3. Inc. or enter a new file name. The Name Aliases setting specifies custom naming of locators.2. Information on creating a custom coordinate frame is available. 98). Case Summary Provides a short summary of the results file in xml format. Boundary Vals Boundary Vals is available only if either the Generic or the BC Profile option is selected. For details. 200). 101) 7. see Coordinate Frame Command (p. Setting Boundary Vals to Current will select Hybrid/ConRelease 14. The BC Profile option enables you to select a Profile Type. insert a comma-separated list of names in the same order as locators. writing the data in blocks for every locator.1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1.1. You can hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one locator and the Shift key to select a block of locators.5 .5. Coord Frame Coord Frame is available only if either the Generic or BC Profile option is selected.8.Export Commands • Exporting Boundary Profile / Surface Data (p. .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and Velocity Direction variables.8. Node Numbers Check Box Node Numbers is available only if the Generic option is selected.1. The Spatial Fields list box specifies the coordinate plane axes for the file being exported.11.1. Inlet Supersonic Exports the Velocity Vector. Outlet Pressure Exports the Pressure variable. You can hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one variable or use the Shift key to select a block of variables. 7. Select Variable(s) List Box Select Variable(s) is available only if either the Generic or BC Profile options are selected.1.1. and Temperature variables.CFD-Post File Menu servative for each variable depending on the current setting. 7. Select this check box to export the node numbers after the coordinate information in the file. All rights reserved. Custom Enables you to select custom variables to export from the Select Variable(s) list box. Spatial Fields List Box Spatial Fields is available only if the BC Profile option is selected.8. 7.1. Export Geometry Information Check Box Export Geometry Information is available only if the Generic option is selected. .8. y. Inc. Select this check box to export the x. 7.8. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Pressure. Select this check box to export the connectivity information after the coordinate information in the file. Wall Exports the Velocity Vector and Temperature variables.10. For details. Inlet Total Pressure Exports the Total Pressure.© SAS IP. Line and Face Connectivity Check Box Line and Face Connectivity is available only if the Generic option is selected. This list box is displayed for the BC Profile option only if the Custom option is selected for the Profile Type setting. see Variables Details View (p. The Profile Type setting has the following options: Option Description Inlet Velocity Exports the Velocity Vector variable. 7. Total Temperature. Inlet Direction Exports the Velocity Direction variable.1. 46).5 . Inc.8.9. 98 Release 14. This list box selects the variables to export.8.1. Profile Type Profile Type is available only if the BC Profile option is selected.2. z coordinate information of the locator at the beginning of the block. 7. 2.2.2. Vector Variables Vector Variables is available only if either the Generic or Case Summary options are selected for the Type setting in the Options tab. Vector Display Options The Vector Display options enable you to select either Components or Scalar.© SAS IP.1. and results file from which it is generated.8.8.2. The data is exported in scientific number format.3. Separator The Separator setting specifies the character to separate the numbers in each row.2.1. and Precision sets the number of digits that appear after the decimal point.1.1. Select the symbol used to denote undefined variable values.1.3490000e+04. Examples of a variables with undefined values include Velocity in a Solid Domain and a variable value at a point outside the solution domain. see Null Token (p.1. then the Null Token is automatically exported. Release 14.8. 13490 set to a precision of 2 outputs 1. 7. The Brackets setting selects the type of brackets to wrap around the components.1.Export Commands 7. You may select the item used as a null token from a predefined list.8.1.35e+04.1. . Include File Info Header Check Box Select the Include File Info Header check box to export comments at the top of the export file displaying the build date.2.8. Precision The Precision setting specifies the precision with which your results are exported. For details.1.2.1. The Null Token setting specifies the token to be displayed in the place of an undefined variable value.8. Brackets Brackets is available only if the Components option is selected. sampling plane or surface locator.8. 7. All rights reserved.5 . If the Line and Face Connectivity check box is selected in the Options tab.1. 7. including Yplus and Wall Shear. Null Token Null Token is available only if the Include Nodes With Undefined Variable check box is selected. 99).2.8. The same number set to a precision of 7 yields 1.2. Export: Formatting Tab 7. date and time. 7.5.4. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. are calculated only on the boundaries of the domain and are assigned UNDEF values elsewhere. The Scalar option writes only the magnitude of a vector quantity. The components appear inside the selected brackets.2.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 99 .1.8. 7. 7. The Components setting writes each component of a vector to the data file. For example. which can be created using a polyline. Inc. 7.1.2. Some variables. Inc.2. Include Nodes With Undefined Variable Check Box Select the Include Nodes With Undefined Variable check box to write Null Tokens to the output file. 1.8. see Polyline Command (p.27597000e-02.1. This is used to indicate the string that should be written to represent values that are undefined. on the Formatting tab. 0. [Name] Polyline 2 . Point coordinates and the corresponding variable values are stored in the Data section. .3. follow the format specified below. . ensure that the Vector Display option is set to Scalar.6.00000000e+00. 2. . Set Type to Generic. under Vector Variables. . For details.CFD-Post File Menu 7. Y [ m ].89871025e-02. Select Export Geometry Information and Export Connectivity.00000000e+00.68649014e-02. 3. 5. 100 Release 14. . 5.2.. All rights reserved.5 . 1 1. where the latter are implicitly numbered. and references the points in the Data section. 7. Note that. The name of each locator is listed under the Name heading. b.1. . On the Options tab: a.04539007e-01. If you want to make your own polyline file with a text editor. -9. . Exporting Polyline Data To save a polyline or line to a file: 1. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Select File > Export. POLYLINE Data Format The following is an abbreviated polyline file: [Name] Polyline 1 [Data] X [ m ]. On the Formatting tab.8. Inc. 3.8.. The Export dialog box appears. 0. . starting with 0.3.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 172). Line connectivity data is listed in the Lines section.1. Inc. Density [ kg m^-3 ] -1.© SAS IP. there is a Null Token field. Area [ m^2 ].99999987e-02. [Lines] 0. The header should be included for most export applications to ensure successful import into ANSYS CFX products. 7.99999987e-02. 2 . Z [ m ].1. Include Header Check Box Select the Include Header check box to include the list locators and a list of variables with their corresponding units. . axdt) is described in ANSYS External Data File Format in the Workbench User Guide.79627529e-02.06326614e-06. 351 . Exporting Boundary Profile / Surface Data Surfaces can be exported and then read into CFX-Pre as a boundary profile (or into CFD-Post as a User Surface). The points must be ordered to trace a path going around the face.8. The file format for an ANSYS External Data File (. 7.2. 370. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. where <data> is one of the key words in square brackets). 374.6 polyline format) and can appear anywhere in the file.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. .5 . the faces should have consistent point ordering. 100)). -5. Area [ m^2 ]. 7. 7. Z [ m ].12153496e-06. 375 350. This file can be imported into the External Data system.axdt). 367. 7.1.Export Commands Comments in the file are preceded by # (or ## for the CFX-5. Inc. . For proper rendering.4. 368. each by 3 (triangle) to 6 (hexagon) points. Instead of defining lines.38203605e-02. 101 . except for the connectivity information. Blank lines are ignored and can appear anywhere in the file (except between the [<data>] and first data line.77312009e-02.1.99999949e-02. Release 14. . 5.8. This is similar to the polyline data format described earlier (POLYLINE Data Format (p. starting with 0. either clockwise or counterclockwise.8. that could be read back into CFD-Post. . is shown below: [Name] Plane 1 [Data] X [ m ]. Density [ kg m^-3 ] -1. Y [ m ]. this file defines faces (small surfaces).4.00000024e-02.. USER SURFACE Data Format An abbreviated user surface file.. 376. . . 5. All rights reserved. . where the latter are implicitly numbered. which can be read into a Mechanical application or System Coupling component system. 367. Export External Data File The Export External Data File action enables you to export your results as an ANSYS External Data File (.1. 6. -5. [Name] Plane 2 . [Faces] 369. Face connectivity data is listed in the Faces section and references the points in the Data section.© SAS IP. . Each face is automatically closed by connecting the last point to the first point. Inc. -1.77312009e-02. 8. Options Tab 7.2.3. see Setting the Display Units (p. Inc. see Variables Details View (p. Select Recommended Variables The Select Recommended Variables list box allows you to select the variables to export. For details. 136). Inc. the External Data system cannot determine the unit system used in the file. For details.1.1. If Boundary Data is set to Current. this uses the global units system selected in Edit > Options.2. 46).1. .4.8. Note For conjugate heat transfer cases.8.5. All rights reserved. Unit System The Unit System setting specifies the units for the exported data. File The File setting specifies a file for the data to be exported to. as intended. Location The Location setting specifies the locators for which the results of your variables are written. this setting is picked up from each variable. .8.8.2.axdt and the default file path is your current working directory.© SAS IP. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. If any of the above systems is selected in CFD-Post. By default. 7. You can select from the following options: 102 Release 14. Note The following unit systems in CFD-Post are not supported in the External Data system: • English Engineering • British Technical • US Customary • Custom In such cases. and the data will be exported in SI units. you should make sure that the selected location corresponds to the fluid/solid side of the interface. You may type a filename or Browse to search for a file to export the results to.CFD-Post File Menu 7.5 .1. Boundary Data The Boundary Data setting specifies Hybrid or Conservative boundary values.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.8. a warning is issued.2. 7.2.1. The default filename is export. 7. Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Note User defined variables named Temperature or Heat Flow will be ignored and a warning message will be issued. The HTC and Wall Adjacent Temperature variable is not calculated for laminar flow and will not appear in the Export External Data File window for such cases.© SAS IP. This option is not available for inviscid flows and Eulerian multiphase cases. CFD-Post will calculate and output the Bulk Temperature. Inc. • Temperature For multiphase cases. Note For cases where you have specifically solved for conjugate heat transfer. the combined temperature variable will be written to the output file under Bulk Temperature. However. you can select phase-specific temperatures from the Additional Variables list. You should ensure that heat fluxes are available at the boundaries you export. . 103 . Inc. For a list of FLUENT field variables and their equivalent in CFD-Post. it is recommended that you export the solid-side temperature instead of the fluid-side temperature. Note For cases where you have specifically solved for conjugate heat transfer.Export Commands • Heat Flow Note For FLUENT results. You can select phase-specific temperatures from the Additional Variables list. Release 14.5 . Heat Flow is not always defined at the CHT interface boundaries. All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. CFD-Post will not calculate the Bulk Temperature. see FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category. instead of HTC and Wall Adjacent Temperature. • HTC and Wall Adjacent Temperature This option allows you to export the Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient and Wall Adjacent Temperature variables to the external data file. it is recommended that you export the solid-side Temperature. which is the temperature weighted by the volume fraction of the individual phases. For Eulerian multiphase cases. For multiphase cases that include a combined temperature variable instead of phasespecific temperatures. Formatting Tab The Formatting tab enables you to specify only a precision value.© SAS IP. and can be used in plots. This is the data that will be mapped to Mechanical.CFD-Post File Menu 7. 106). and Stress (the latter being combination of Normal Stress and Shear Stress) are vector quantities. The element stress variables are computed upon importing the ANSYS surface into CFD-Post. When verifying the load applied to the ANSYS surface. whereas the Pressure variable is a scalar quantity. the element stress variables. 95). see Specify Associated Boundary Check Box (p. However. . 96) 7.3. The interpolated data is then exported to an ANSYS load file. This setting is the same for the Export command. For details. Select Additional Variables In addition to the variables listed in the Select Recommended Variables list box you can select other field variables you have set to output in FLUENT. Inc. 104 Release 14. 3D Temperature. Note User defined variables named Temperature or Heat Flow will be ignored and a warning message will be issued. All rights reserved. see Export (p. You can hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one variable or use the Shift key to select a block of variables. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. including the ones from the neighboring surface (which may have non-zero flux).8. Shear Stress. as it is interpolated from all faces that touch those nodes. Note Transfer of data between FLUENT and Mechanical through CFD-Post is based on nodal data.2.6. nodal data may have non-zero values on surface edge nodes. Values that are visualized in CFD-Post may differ from values that are exported.2. For example in cases where Wall Heat Flux values are zero on the mapped surface.2. see Mechanical Import/Export Commands (p. Normal Stress. For details on how to associate a boundary with an ANSYS surface. Heat Transfer Coefficient. Note One-way FSI cases with porosity transfer only the fluid quantities for 2D Temperature.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 7.8. you would see zero total flux on the surface. Export Mechanical Load File The selected CFX data that is exported by CFD-Post is interpolated onto the ANSYS surface from the associated CFX boundary.5 . Inc.8. . For an example of using this option. as this calculation is based on face data. note that the Pressure variable available in CFD-Post is not the same as the element stress representing the static structural load. and Heat Flux. Stress Vector Exports Stress variable data onto imported surf154 surfaces. 105 .3. the Specify Reference Temperature check box will appear. this uses the global units system selected in Edit > Options.8.5 .cdb file originally imported into CFD-Post. which is generated by importing a .© SAS IP.8. 7.1.5. The default name is export. If Boundary Vals is set to Current. For details.8. You may click the Browse icon to select the name and location of the file to be exported. 136). 46). 7. 7. By default. 106). this setting is picked up from each variable. Release 14. Export Data The Export Data setting has the following options: Option Description Normal Stress Vector Exports Normal Stress variable data onto imported surf154 surfaces. For details.1. When selected. see Import Mechanical CDB Surface (p. Heat Transfer Coefficient Exports convection variable data onto imported surf152 surfaces. For details.xml (depending on which File Format is chosen) and the default file path is your current working directory.1. All rights reserved. see Setting the Display Units (p. Stress data is calculated by vector summing the normal stress and shear data.Export Commands 7.3.8. and must be interpreted along with the .8. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.4.3. File The File setting specifies the file path and filename of the file to be exported. Boundary Vals The Boundary Vals setting specifies Hybrid or Conservative boundary values.3. . Inc. Note The Mechanical load file does not contain mesh coordinate data. Inc.cdb file. Shear stress data is calculated from the tangential component of Force. 95).3. below.3. Tangential Stress Vector Exports Shear Stress variable data onto imported surf154 surfaces.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1.1.8. Options Tab 7. Location The Location setting selects the Mechanical surface object to export. Unit System The Unit System setting specifies the units for the exported data.sfe or export. see Variables Details View (p. Normal Stress is a vector variable calculated from the normal component of Force. See Specify Reference Temperature (p. 7. cdb) file. the wall adjacent temperature is calculated by averaging the adjacent cell temperatures to the wall nodes. 7.9. In FLUENT. . Mechanical Import/Export Commands The main purpose of the Mechanical import/export facility in CFD-Post is to allow fluid-structure interaction (FSI). 106 Release 14. . 7. If you specify a reference temperature. Coef (which will be converted to the CFX variable Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient) • Temperature.9. 2. or All Fluids. Formatting Tab The Formatting tab enables you to specify only a precision value. The facility enables a mapping of boundary data stored in a CFX results file to a surface stored in an ANSYS mesh (. All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 7. If you do not specify a reference temperature. For details.1.1.3. Inc. Fluids Fluids is available only if either the Tangential Stress Vector or Stress Vector options are selected. 7.CFD-Post File Menu Option Description Heat Flux Exports the Heat Flux variable data onto the surf152 surfaces. This setting is the same for the Export command. 96). the following variables have to be exported to the DAT/CDAT file: • Wall Func.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. that will affect the elements shear or stress values. the exported data is based on the Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient and Wall Adjacent Temperature. For FLUENT Cases: To transfer HTC from FLUENT cases without specifying a reference temperature (method 2 above). Heat Tran. and exporting the SFE commands).5 . then the exported heat transfer coefficient is calculated based on Heat Flux and Temperature data.8.6.8. 1.3.7. importing the surface in CFD-Post. Specify Reference Temperature Specify Reference Temperature is available only if the Heat Transfer Coefficient option is selected. 7. Select this check box to enable you to specify a fixed reference temperature value or expression. For more information. Inc. Note that the variable “Surface Heat Transfer Coef” is not recognized by CFD-Post for one-way FSI. see Export (p.1.8. Temperature Exports the Temperature variable data on the nodes of the imported surface. The Fluids setting specifies which fluids.2. see the Reference Guide for Mesh Deformation and Fluid-Structure Interaction in the CFX Reference Guide.© SAS IP. Mechanical Import/Export Example: One-Way FSI Data Transfer You can perform one-way FSI operations manually (by exporting CDB files from Mechanical APDL.3. 5 . 107 .10. • Select the XML document that provides all transfer information. .) Also select the appropriate data to export: Normal Stress Vector. Write out a . 2. 4.cdb file.cdb file for Temperature surface mapping. Note If you write out a . 7. Select File > Export > Export Mechanical Load File. For details. The one-way FSI data transfer described above is performed automatically when using the FSI: Fluid Flow (CFX) > Static Structural custom system in ANSYS Workbench. from which you want to transfer results. Click Save. In the Export Mechanical Load File dialog box. The Export Mechanical Load File dialog box appears. select the nodes on the surface of interest and write these to the .cdb file that contains the surface or volume mesh by using the CDWRITE command in Mechanical APDL. For surface load mapping. create a layer of SURF154 elements (pressure) or SURF152 elements (thermal) on the boundary of interest and write out only these elements to the . Release 14. Heat Transfer Coefficient. The Import ANSYS CDB Surface dialog box appears. and the surface data is loaded. FSI with Mechanical APDL and CFX: Manual One-way Mapping You can use CFD-Post to manually generate a load file for Mechanical APDL: 1. there is no need to create surface-effect elements because Temperature will be the Degrees Of Freedom and is set directly. Also select the Associated Boundary for the surface to map onto. select the imported ANSYS mesh object. Under File Format select ANSYS Load Commands (FSE or D). and make other selections as appropriate. In the Import Mechanical CDB Surface dialog box. Heat Flux.cdb file into CFD-Post using File > Import > Import Mechanical CDB Surface. Instead. Stress Vector. 3. see the FSI: Fluid Flow (CFX) > Static Structural in the Workbench User Guide section in the ANSYS documentation. and the data file is created. Inc. Load the.FSI with Mechanical APDL and CFX: Manual One-way Mapping To create an ANSYS load file using CFD-Post to transfer FSI data: 1. Click OK.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. (Alternatively.cdb file. you can select WB Simulation Input (XML) to get XML output. 5. either: • Select the CDB file that specifies the surface mesh of the solid object to which to transfer data. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. or Temperature.© SAS IP. All rights reserved. For the Location parameter value. select a filename to which to save the data. Select File > Import > Import Mechanical CDB Surface. into CFD-Post 2. Load the fluids results file. Tangential Stress Vector. Inc. Note Pick the solid side of a CHT interface. – A body load file will contain BF commands. the solution will still proceed without the load applied. note that Mechanical is Celsius by default. you can enable the visibility and view the mesh using the usual Render options. while CFX is Kelvin. 34). • A structural analysis reads BF loads in Celsius regardless of the units selection in Workbench. the load file will contain SFE commands to apply loads via the SURF152/SURF154 elements. 4. To see the node locations. • For volume mapping.5 . You can open the exported file in a text editor to make sure the values look reasonable. In particular. • You must export in Celsius. • For Stress. Inc. Load 'Generic Report' Template Reloads the default template. enabling the visibility will not display the Mechanical volume mesh. If the file was not read. 3. .11. and HTC. Heat Flux.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.© SAS IP. After solving. Upon importing the . To learn how to use templates. All rights reserved. Read the load file into Mechanical APDL using the /input command. Inc. • For Temperature: – A surface load file will contain D commands to set the Degrees of Freedom. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.err file to make sure the /input command was successful.cdb file. Export the load file from CFD-Post using File > Export > Export Mechanical Load File. see Report Templates (p. create a Point Cloud object scoped to the User Surface with Sampling = Vertex and a Reduction Factor of 1. • For surface mapping. 7. where you can browse the list of existing templates or add (register) a new template. a User Surface object is created in CFD-Post.CFD-Post File Menu Select the associated CFD boundary (disable for body import). check the Solution Information and the . Report Command The File > Report menu item has the following options: Report Templates Invokes the Report Templates dialog box. 108 Release 14. 5. The existing templates are for turbomachinery simulations. . Make sure your solution units are consistent with the values exported from CFD-Post. Options Tab The Options tab has the following settings: File Enables you to specify the file name of the file. File sizes are small and lack detail. note that the font sizing and line thickness in the chart image output are adjusted to approximately reproduce the appearance of the chart at the initial screen size (700x700 pixels). It was designed for use on the World Wide Web and retains many of the features of GIF with new features added. 7.5 . see Report (p. 109 . 44) for details. Inc. JPEG A compressed file format developed for compressing raw digital information. and are independent of the output image resolution. a file format intended to replace the GIF format.12. This command is equivalent to clicking on the Publish icon at the top of the Report Viewer. See Publishing the Report (p. This file type does retain all of the quality of the original image and can be easily converted to other formats. All rights reserved. This command is equivalent to clicking on the Refresh icon at the top of the Report Viewer. a file format similar to a Windows Bitmap. To learn more about publishing a report.bmp) that is usually large and does not adjust well to resizing or editing.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.Save Picture Command Refresh Preview Updates the report that is displayed on the Report Viewer. 29). Windows Bitmap A file type (*. Inc. PPM Stands for Portable Pixel Map. or click the Browse icon and search for the directory in which the file is to be saved. Release 14. CFD Viewer State (3D) A 3D file format that can be read back directly into a stand-alone CFD Viewer. Publish Displays the Publish Report dialog box. You need to do this after making changes to your report. Format Can be set to one of the following: PNG Portable Network Graphics. . You may enter the file name and path into the File text box. which enables you to save the current contents of the viewer to a file. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Save Picture Command Select File > Save Picture to open the Save Picture dialog box. Note When you save a picture of the Chart Viewer. so this method is not recommended for line drawings.© SAS IP. where you can configure the format and name of your report. you may move any other forms away from the viewport before capturing the image.CFD-Post File Menu PostScript and Encapsulated PS PostScript (*.com/products/cortona/). Note that the ANSYS logo and the axis do not cause the PS/EPS output to become a bitmap. The Render settings Draw as Lines and Draw as Points are not picked up in screen capture mode. On some systems with particular window systems and OpenGL installations. White Background Check Box Select the White Background check box to color white objects black. 2 Controlled from an object's Render tab (when available).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and text added by using the Insert > Text command.parallelgraphics. in which case a PNG file would be a more efficient alternative.© SAS IP. Enhanced Output (Smooth Edges) Check Box Smooths the edges of the image. so slightly off-white and off-black objects are also inverted. The only supported VRML viewer is Cortona from Parallel Graphics (see http://www. This setting does not work for VRML files. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. All objects are affected by this toggle. . Inc. and transparency3 will cause the PS/EPS to output as a very large bitmap file. Note that Face Culling affects Screen Capture mode only. CFD-Post always attempts to capture only the viewport when this check box is selected. For a better quality image. or disable the screen capture method. 3 Controlled from an object's Render tab. text1. VRML (3D) Virtual Reality Modeling Language (*. Image Quality Specifies the JPEG compression number for the output image.eps) are generally recommended for output to a printer or line drawings. texture2. Width/Height These settings are available only if the Use Screen Size check box is cleared. 110 Release 14. other objects (such as forms) may also be captured and appear in the image. Scale (%) Specifies the size the image is to be reduced or increased from the current viewer screen size. a file format used to present interactive three-dimensional views and that can be delivered across the World-Wide Web. All rights reserved. in the image file. increase the value. Clear this check box to specify a custom image size in pixels.wrl). If you experience this behavior. . and black objects white. the ruler (which you can hide from Edit > Options > CFD-Post > Viewer > Ruler Visibility). However. Inc. 1 The sources of text include the legend (which you can hide from the User Locations and Plots control on the Outline view).5 . Use Screen Size Check Box Select Use Screen Size to use the Viewer size for the and Encapsulated PS (*. Use Screen Capture Check Box Select the Use Screen Capture check box to save a screen capture of the 3D Viewer as the output. These settings specify the width and height of the image in pixels. To re-open a recently used file.7.1.8.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Recent State Files. Limitations with FLUENT Files 7. or since the last state save.15. such as frozen gust (inlet disturbance (for one domain only. ANSYS CFX Files 7. Inc. select File > Quit from main menu.3. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. multi-domain modeling. the results of a Save Picture command may not match what you see in the 3D Viewer (depending on the orientation of the case).15. All rights reserved. CFX-TASCflow Results Files with vastly reduced memory requirements and computational time. and session files.15. set the Use Screen Capture check box.2.10. a dialog box asks whether you want to save the state before closing. 7. either rotor or stator)).Transient Blade Row Postprocessing 7. Loading Recently Accessed Files CFD-Post saves the file paths of the last six results files. see Save State Command and Save State As Command (p. In this situation.15.File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post Tolerance A non-dimensional tolerance value used in face sorting when generating hardcopy output. ANSYS Icepak Files 7.15. the state was changed since the file was opened. but may cause defects in the resulting output. Release 14. ANSYS Meshing Files 7. CGNS Files 7. Larger values are faster. or interfaces that are planes. 7. . 111 .5 .15.9. or Recent Session Files. • Single-stage. Objects created during your CFD-Post session are not automatically saved. File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post This section describes the file types used by CFD-Post and the software that outputs those file types: 7. Inc.15. For details. FLUENT Files 7. If the there is no state file in memory.1. CFX-4 Dump Files 7. There are two main types of case where these transient blade row models can be applied: • Single-domain modeling. state files. ANSYS Files 7. Important When a clip plane is coincident with regions. 93). or any multistage model.6.15. boundaries.15. Quit Command To exit from CFD-Post.5. 7. as appropriate. such as transient rotor-stator. select it from the Recent Results Files.4. Transient Blade Row Postprocessing Transient blade row models available in ANSYS CFX (described in Transient Blade Row Modeling in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide) make it possible to obtain temporally accurate solutions of transient blade row interaction.14.© SAS IP. Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Limitations with a GTM File in Multiple Results Files When loading a state file that loads multiple results files including a GTM file.15. Inc.def) file that can be run by the CFX-Solver.def) contains all physics and mesh data. or if you change the timestep. the global range in the plot's legend will be extended automatically to cover both the original and the new plot definitions. isosurfaces. 7. Note Use the -norun command line option (described in Command-Line Options and Keywords for cfx5solve in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide) to merge global information into the configuration definition files. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.mdef) A CFX-Solver input file is created by CFX-Pre.gtm) GTM files (. and mesh information for the simulation and is used by CFX-Pre as the 'database' for the simulation setup.gtm) contain mesh regions that can be used to set up a simulation in CFX-Pre or viewed in CFD-Post. ANSYS CFX Files Case Files (. CFD-Post automatically creates valid solution variables for postprocessing (see Variables Tree View (p. . the global range is computed and extended dynamically based on the selected domain(s) and timestep. 237) for details. . For example if you change the definition of a plot to include another domain.5 . CFX-Solver Input Files (. 45)).mdef) contains global physics data only (that is. cut-planes.mdef input file is supplemented by Configuration Definition (. . and produce a CFX-Solver Input file (. A case file is a binary file and cannot be directly edited. and then apply the state.2. region definitions.def. transient statistics for boundary-only variables (such as Force. In a transient blade row case. All rights reserved.cfg) files that: • Are located in a subdirectory that is named according to the base name of the input file • Contain local physics and mesh data. • CFD-Post displays the global range for plots in transient blade row cases differently than in other cases. Locator Object Limitations • For Transient Blade Row cases. The case file contains the physics data. the input file for multi-configuration simulations (. 112 Release 14.cfx) A case file is generated when you save a simulation in CFX-Pre. CFX-Mesh Files (. load the mesh file first. see Using the Timestep Selector with Transient Blade Row Cases (p. An . The input file for a single configuration simulation (. Heat Flux) are not available on the following postprocessing locators (points. Transient blade row cases also interact with the timestep selector. and iso clips). Mass Flow. Inc. lines.© SAS IP. Library and Simulation Control CFX Command Language specifications).CFD-Post File Menu When a transient blade row case is loaded. res and .trn) A transient results file (.cst) State files are produced by CFD-Post and contain CCL commands.trn) is created at your request.bak) Intermediate and final results files are created by the CFX-Solver: • Intermediate results files.mres. For details. Inc. respectively) are created while running an analysis. 139). either by configuring the settings on the Backup tab in Output Control in CFX-Pre. Session Files (. 93) and Load State Command (p.bak) is created at your request. which include transient and backup files (.File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post CFX-Solver Results Files (. a configuration result file (. For details.bak. . it may become corrupted and accurate solutions cannot be guaranteed.cse) Session files are produced by CFD-Post and contain CCL commands. . The . 113 . Each results file contains the following information as of the iteration or time step at which it is written: • The physics data (that is. but if the CFX-Solver encounters another failure while writing the . the CFX Command Language specifications) • All or a subset of the mesh and solution data. or by choosing to write a backup file while the run is in progress in the CFX-Solver Manager.err) is created when the CFX-Solver detects a failure and stops executing an analysis.mres. see New Session Command (p. You can also write your own state files using any text editor. • Final results files for single and multi-configuration simulations (. CFX-Solver Error Results Files (.bak file.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.res) is also created at the end of each configuration’s execution. by configuring the settings on the Output Control > Trn Results tab in CFX-Pre.trn.© SAS IP. . . You can record the commands executed during a session to a file and then play back the file at a later date. see Save State Command and Save State As Command (p. respectively) are written at the end of the simulation’s execution. CFX-Solver Transient Results Files (. Inc.err file can be loaded into CFD-Post and treated the same way as a .res. They differ from session files in that only a snapshot of the current state is saved to a file.err file. Release 14. For multi-configuration simulations. CFX-Solver Backup Results Files (. 92).err) An error results file (. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. State Files (.trn and . You can also modify session files in a text editor.5 . All rights reserved.bak) A backup file (. Calculating the range for a very large problem would.d*mp*) created by CFX-4. All rights reserved. see File Types Used and Produced by CFDPost (p. CFX-4 Dump Files CFD-Post can load dump files (*. 111).cmdb files generated by the Meshing application prior to Release 11. Limitation with CFX-4 Files There is an important limitation with CFX-4 results files that should be noted: the CFX-4 Solver does not output minimum/maximum ranges for each of the calculated variables. Inc. For details. • CFD-Post does not support . such as in the following diagram: 114 Release 14. are in fact ranges that exist for that time step only.0.CFD-Post File Menu 7. 7. . ANSYS Meshing Files Both .gtm (and . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Note • You must have ANSYS Workbench installed in order to be able to load ANSYS Meshing files (cmdb and dsdb) into CFX-Pre or CFD-Post. These ranges are calculated when the results file is loaded by CFD-Post.15. . Possible problems can be encountered at the intersection of patches.2. 7.15. This means that values that appear as global range. For details.cmdb files (created in the Meshing application) and . When you load the results.dsdb files (created in Simulation) behave the same in CFD-Post as . As a result.15. 7.5 .© SAS IP.4. 133).3. however. Interpolation of Results The CFX-4 Solver uses a cell-based solution method.4. Inc. whereas CFX-Solver uses a node-based solution method.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. require prohibitively large amounts of CPU time. see CFD-Post Solution Units (p.1. range values are calculated for the loaded time step only.4. you may be prompted to provide the solution units that were used in the simulation.15.def) files. bcf and prm files are required. • When using the Turbo Post functionality. Inc. the value of the node is interpolated from the wall value of the CFX solution. the data at a given node is affected by all surrounding cells. If you cannot load a turbo file.5. for example in the above diagram. .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. As a workaround. Note If this list exists but is incomplete. remove TBPOST related parameter and macro definitions from the GCI file. 7. When considering a situation in 3D. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. see CFD-Post Solution Units (p. • bcf files must be complete (must contain all domain and boundary condition definitions). If TBPOST_COMP_X parameters (where X is the component number) are defined in the GCI file. either on their own or within the TBPOST_COMP_LIST macro.15. 133). Limitations with CFX-TASCflow Files • When loading rso or grd files. allowing for their individual turbo initialization. 7. 115 . For details. only the defined components are loaded. These errors can be minimized by refining the grid density in the region around problem areas. therefore. Inc. CFD-Post uses the same default values for every problem.1.5. be assumed to be approximations for the purposes of quantitative analysis. if the wall has a higher priority number than the inlet. so there are cases in which accuracy can be compromised.5 . the priority of all faces is read and interpolation occurs from the face(s) with the highest priority. CFX-TASCflow Results Files CFD-Post can import CFX-TASCflow results files for postprocessing. All rights reserved. a priority number is assigned to each patch by CFD-Post. they are used to obtain the list of turbo components to load. When you load the results.© SAS IP.15. Each defined component is treated as a separate domain inside CFD-Post. The results of mass flow calculations should. This means that. separate region names are required for the following 2D location types: – Hub – Shroud – Blade – Inlet – Outlet – Periodic1 – Periodic2 Release 14. you may be prompted to provide the solution units that were used in the simulation.File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post When interpolating from cell-centered to node-centered data. it may be due to an incompatibility in the component definition. In order to get the correct behavior at boundary patches. Quantitative calculations can suffer a loss of accuracy due to the limitation described above. CFD-Post File Menu If these regions have not been specified separately (that is. If you want to use all of the embedded CFD-Post macros and calculation options. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc. You can convert the variable names to CFX variable names before reading the file by selecting the Translate variable names to CFX-Solver style names check box in the Edit > Options > Files menu. . Translation is carried out according to the following: CFX-TASCflow Translated to CFX Variable T Temperature TKE Turbulent Kinetic Energy EPSILON Turbulence Eddy Dissipation VISC_TURBULENT Eddy Viscosity VISC_MOLECULAR Molecular Viscosity CONDUCTIVITY Thermal Conductivity SPECIFIC_HEAT_P Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure SPECIFIC_HEAT_V Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Volume PTOTAL Total Pressure PTOTAL_REL Total Pressure in Rel Frame PTOTAL_ABS Total Pressure in Stn Frame POFF Pressure Offset P_CORRECTED Pressure Corrected TTOTAL Total Temperature TTOTAL_REL Total Temperature in Rel Frame TTOTAL_ABS Total Temperature in Stn Frame TOFF Temperature Offset T_CORRECTED Temperature Corrected TAU_WALL Wall Shear YPLUS Solver Yplus Q_WALL Wall Heat Flux P Pressure PRESSURE_STATIC Static Pressure PRESSURE_REL Relative Pressure MACH Mach Number MACH_ABS Mach Number in Stn Frame MACH_REL Mach Number in Rel Frame 116 Release 14. For details. Variable Translation By default.5. . 7. you will either need to recreate them in the CFX-TASCflow preprocessor or specify the turbo regions from line locators. These values are approximated in CFD-Post and may not be suitable for use in a formal quantitative analysis.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.© SAS IP. • Mass flow and torque are not written to rso files by CFX-TASCflow.2. hub and blade comprise of one region). All rights reserved. see Initialize All Components (p. Inc.15. CFD-Post does not modify the variable names in the rso file.5 . 275). you need to convert variable names to CFX types. 6. range values are calculated for the loaded time step only.rst. *. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post CFX-TASCflow Translated to CFX Variable HTOTAL Total Enthalpy HTOTAL_REL Total Enthalpy in Rel Frame HTOTAL_ABS Total Enthalpy in Stn Frame ENTHALPY Static Enthalpy ENTROPY Static Entropy FE_VOLUME FE Volume CONTROL_VOLUME Volume of Finite Volumes DIST_TURB_WALL Wall Distance 7. see CFD-Post 3D Viewer Shortcut Menus (p.rmg. Calculating the range for a very large problem would. *. *. . stress. however. As a result. The deformations due to change in temperature and stress/strain of the mesh can be amplified by using the Deformation option available by right-clicking the viewer background. In those cases. The valid file types are *. velocity. *. 89). This means that values that appear as global range. see Load Results Command (p.brfl. 7. • CFD-Post does not fully support undefined and user-defined as values for RST units. magnetic forces. For details. you can set the environment variable CFDPOST_RST_SKIP_LAST_DATASET=1 to plot the variables with non-zero values from the second-last dataset of the results file (which does not contain frequency values of zero).15. *. require prohibitively large amounts of CPU time. CFDPost assumes SI units. If you want to use CFD-Post to postprocess an ANSYS RST file outside of ANSYS Workbench and you do not want to have CFD-Post assume SI units. CFD-Post will represent both as time steps. strain. CFD-Post is able to read results for temperature. ANSYS Files ANSYS solver files are created from the ANSYS solver. • The ANSYS Solver does not output minimum/maximum ranges for each of the calculated variables. *.inn. 117 .6. The ANSYS solver files may have load-step variables and time steps. Note that this will cause the Solution Units dialog box to appear even when CFD-Post can read the units in the results file. are in fact ranges that exist for that time step only. acceleration. Inc. the global range is extended accordingly. All rights reserved. Inc. 91)) to appear. you can set an environment variable (CFDPOST_RST_SHOW_UNITS_DIALOG=1) to cause the Solution Units dialog box (described in Solution Units Dialog Box (p. at first. Limitations with ANSYS Files There are some important limitations with ANSYS results files: • If you are post-processing ANSYS harmonic-analyzed files and all of the variable values are incorrectly displaying as zeroes.brth. *. When ANSYS solver files are read together with CFX-Solver files.15.1.brst. *.© SAS IP. and mesh deformation.rfl.5 . fluid dynamics and solid mechanics results can be analyzed simultaneously. For details on how to load multiple files.brmg. If you want to enable the calculation of true global ranges (and incur the potentially large Release 14.rth.inp.cdb.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 75). As more time steps are added. these ranges are calculated when the results file is loaded by CFD-Post. *. *. CFD-Post will read only nodal components. CFD-Post will read the outer surface only. There is a slight difference for principal stress calculated in CFD-Post and ANSYS. • CFD-Post plots only ANSYS variables that exist in RST files. Refer to the ANSYS documentation to learn how to control the ANSYS output format. When you use CFD-Post. some variables that you would expect to be able to plot (as in ANSYS) either will be missing or will have all zero values in CFD-Post. it is possible to produce an additional "components" file that does contain these files are to be loaded into CFD-Post. • CFD-Post can read a limited number of ANSYS results files that contain shell elements in the same directory to find component definitions. This difference can be minimized by the use of a finer mesh. and regular runs. In CFD-Post values need to be presented on global nodes. For instance. Inc. You can also configure ANSYS to calculate principal stresses the same way as CFD-Post by issuing the command avprin. All regions from components files are read as surfaces. job names need to be consistent across restarts. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. For details. then this command is already added automatically into the resulting ANSYS input file as part of the input file processing. However. • RST files do not store data for principal in the same directory and with the same filename (excluding the file extension) as the ANSYS results file. if you are post-processing the ANSYS results file OscillatingPlate. before the SOLVE command. and replotting the values.5 . • Components files (CM files) must have been output in blocked format (which is the default output format). The latter situation occurs when a case has multiple bodies with matching mesh on the interfaces. you can do this by selecting Edit > Options and selecting Pre-calculate global variable ranges. CFD-Post will look for the file OscillatingPlate. 131). which causes one domain to appear to spill into the next. then it will read component definitions from this file. an ANSYS results file does not contain the definitions of any components that you may have created in the simulation set up and so these will not be available as regions for plotting in CFD-Post. If your ANSYS results file was produced by an ANSYS Multi-field run that had its multi-field commands set up in CFX-Pre. Components that consist of elements will be ignored. unlike ANSYS.<jobname>. • When reading RST files. However. It depends on the problem setup details as to whether a file can be successfully read or not.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. ANSYS calculates principal stresses based on node-averaged stresses. CFD-Post cannot read any ANSYS results files that contain no 3D or shell elements. see Files (p. it will not calculate other variables automatically. All rights in your ANSYS input file. If CFD-Post finds a file with the name filename. all data must be available at all nodes/elements for all time steps.CFD-Post File Menu CPU time each time you load a non-ANSYS CFX file). • While the ANSYS MFX solver requires nodal and element solution data to be present in the results file for all time steps on the FSI interface. If . • By default. 1. CFD-Post ignores mid-side nodes and duplicate nodes. therefore CFD-Post takes a simple average from 118 Release 14. • In ANSYS. . However CFD-Post picks up only one of the nodes. input file processing. giving a discontinuous plot.© SAS IP. Excluding that data means that the results file size can be reduced when you use ANSYS.rst. CFD-Post calculates principal stresses on a node by averaging the stresses on each element touching the node. Therefore. simulation characteristics such as maximum values are derived from actual local node values. You can get ANSYS to write the components file by including a command CMWRITE. If a region is volumetric. under Files. Inc. The simulation picks up duplicate nodes and plots accordingly. on the other hand. it does not require this data in other places in the geometry. 5 . In addition.cas and . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Icepak exports the solution variables: Pressure. you should always select the fluid side of the interface. CFDPost currently does not support separate data on the two sides.7. If you want to load results from the bottom side. but not exactly the same. you can use this variable to plot heat flux vectors at any location in the domain. . thus implying possible regions for shorting heat flow. You can use this to locate regions of large heat flux vectors that are not aligned with high temperature gradients.15.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. for some models you can select additional variables in Icepak to export to CFD-Post: User defined memory 0/1/2 The X/Y/Z direction thermal conductivities at every node in the domain. Thermal Cross The cross product of the Heat Flux and the gradient of Temperature. X/Y/Z velocities. you can set the environment variable CFDPOST_RST_READ_BOTTOM_SHELL_DATA. • ANSYS files that contain mid-edge nodes will cause mesh report to be inaccurate (the Connectivity range may be reported as zero). This session file creates variables required to use the ANSYS Icepak files fully within CFDPost. • ANSYS Mechanical results file contains shell elements with data on both the top and bottom sides.File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post all shared elements' local values. 7. Heat Flux Vector Akin to velocity vectors. • When ANSYS electrical data is read in CFD-Post. and temperatures. • When exporting Heat Flux to ANSYS Mechanical.cse) loads into CFD-Post when you load results files (. Inc.© SAS IP. a custom session file (IcepakCustomVariables. Thermal Chokepoint The dot product of Heat Flux and the gradient of Temperature. Release 14. ANSYS Icepak Files When using ANSYS Icepak with CFD-Post. units are not displayed for quantities such as Electric Potential or for Electric Flux4. Inc. 4 Electric Flux is the electric current density.dat) or refresh the Results cell in ANSYS Workbench. All rights reserved. You can use this to locate regions of high heat flux coupled with high thermal resistances. Only data from the top side will be read. 119 . When compared the two calculations will be similar. cgns and . . CFD-Post can load FLUENT particle track files. multiple simultaneous CGNS files are not supported. variable names are adjusted to conform to the CFX naming style. PENTA_18. . see Interpolation of Results (p. Inc.gz.15. All rights reserved.0 or later. The valid file extensions are listed in the File type setting of the Load Results File dialog box.9.cas.8. However. PYRA_5. you can export any variable to the dat or cdat files from FLUENT 12.gz) for post-processing.4 files and version 3.© SAS IP. which may not always be desirable. HEXA_8 and MIXED TRI_6. . . HEXA_27 Base #1 Base selection Steady State solutions (solution #1) Transient solution Regions Zone connections Periodic crossings 7. TETRA_10. To preserve the original variable names in the file. QUAD_9. For results generated using FLUENT prior to version 12. and then load these in CFD-Post. Note • By default.0. save the results. CFD-Post does not calculate derived variables.cdat.0 files.dat. QUAD_4. QUAD_8. PENTA_15. FLUENT files store variable values at the cell centers of the mesh.15. Extensions for such files are typically .gz. 114). FLUENT Files CFD-Post can load FLUENT version 6 and version 12. TETRA_4. Supported Not supported 3D problems 1D and 2D problems Elements of the following types: Elements of the following types: TRI_3. run at least one iteration. PYRA_14. . . Inc. CGNS Files CFD-Post has limited support for reading meshes and solutions from CGNS (CFD General Notation System) version 2. The following shows the supported and unsupported features of CGNS.5 .dat.0 or later (preferred) result files (. CFD-Post interpolates these values to nodes using an interpolation method similar to the interpolation of CFX-4 files. load the results into FLUENT 12. therefore only variables available in the file can be used. For more information about these file types. For details. • Only one CGNS file can be post-processed at a time.cas. see the ANSYS FLUENT documentation. 120 Release 14. PENTA_6.CFD-Post File Menu 7. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. . open Edit > Options > CFD-Post > Files and clear Translate variable names to CFX-Solver style names. HEXA_20.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.0 or later.cgs.cdat. The maximum number of nodes in a polyhedron element is 256 and in a polygon face is 128 (however the contour-creation algorithm has a limit of 64 nodes per face).msh and . • For Fluent files. In such conditions. and save the file to change to the new grid interfaces. This will convert grid interfaces to use the virtual polygon method and make the file readable in CFD-Post.5 . Limitations Involving Elements and Nodes • In ANSYS FLUENT. All rights reserved. This results in undesired smoothing of result on the edges where nodes are shared by two objects. that is. axis. contour and color plots as well as iso-surfaces are discontinuous across these interfaces.5 may appear as holes for hex-core and cut-cell mesh cases. the gradients computed by CFD-Post are discontinuous across domains. Release 14.dat file into the FLUENT Release 12. Note You must select only one of the FLUENT files in the Load dialog box (normally the final timestep's dat or cdat file).15. • To post-process forces or fluxes using the DBNS solver of FLUENT for cases from versions prior to Release 12. • Plots created in CFD-Post are based on node values and not cell/face values. you must read the case into FLUENT Release 12. omega. Attempting to read old grid interfaces may cause CFD-Post to exit. export them explicitly in a CDAT file or append them to the DAT file. File-based Limitations • Unsteady statistic variables (such as Mean X Velocity and RMS Static Pressure) are not to be read from the standard DAT file. other related files are loaded automatically. Other dependent variables (such as Mach Number. a wall boundary takes precedence over other boundaries. CFD-Post cannot transform the velocity from absolute to the relative frame or the reverse. so all wall nodes will have wall values irrespective of whether they are on any other boundary.0. there must be a 1-1 mapping of nodes across the interface. Inc.cas and .0 (or later).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. As a result.cas file has old grid interfaces. • Planes and iso-surfaces created using FLUENT . and then write out the . • CFD-Post does not smooth out values across non-conformal interface boundaries.10.dat files.cas files prior to Release 14.3 and older are not supported by CFD-Post. . 7. Vorticity. run at least one iteration. If your . • CFD-Post can read zone-motion variables (origin. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 121 . For cases where any of these values are specified as nonconstants.© SAS IP.File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post In CFD-Post. read the . any element can have any number of faces. iterate at least once.0 (or later).cas and . Inc. If you need variables such as these. Limitations with FLUENT Files FLUENT files are supported with the following limitations: Limitations in Previous Versions • Grid interfaces from FLUENT versions 6. grid-velocity) on profile boundaries from FLUENT files only if the variables are constants. CFD-Post ignores the variable. To determine the direction of mass flow.5 . the variable from the basic section will not be read in CFD-Post. Heat Flux is available for all boundaries and Wall Heat Flux is available only for walls. The values of these two variables will be same on walls.cas/. 122 Release 14. • You need to be careful when choosing geometry names in FLUENT when the file will be read in CFD-Post. • FLUENT . only the variables from the user-specified section of the DAT file will be read. • Value ranges reported by the function calculator may differ from the values shown by a contour.dat files are read into CFD-Post. The geometry names must not contain special characters such as '-'. the point values in CFD-Post may differ from values reported in FLUENT due to the extrusion of the 2D domain in the theta direction. user-defined memory. UDM/UDS variables will appear with names as "User Defined Memory 0"/"Scalar 0". . – When . There will be a warning message issued when these files are read. Inc. CFD-Post will check to see if the same variable is available in the basic section of the DAT file. Inc. All such characters will be replaced by a space (which is allowed in names in CFD-Post).cdat file or data file options. but the reading of mesh files written from TGrid or GAMBIT is not supported and may cause CFD-Post to terminate abnormally. . CFD-Post may report an incorrect sign for mass flow on a conformal internal boundary (known as an "interior" type in FLUENT) that is located at the boundary between two domains.© SAS IP. The function calculator results are based on cell/face values while contours show values based on node values. '|'. • CFD-Post does not account for surface tension forces. • For FLUENT files using the energy model.cas.dat. use a CEL expression based on the normalized dot product of the local velocity and the face normal: Corrected Mass Flow = sum(abs(Mass Flow)*massFlowCorrectionNorm)@<region> massFlowCorrection = Normal X*u + Normal Y*v + Normal Z*w massFlowCorrectionNorm = -massFlowCorrection/abs(massFlowCorrection) • For axisymmetric cases.dat files are read into CFD-Post. molecular viscosity. All rights reserved. CFD-Post will show all UDM/UDS variables that were exported to the CDAT file.cas/. . • Computing the sum of any variable on any surface returns a value in CFD-Post that is the FLUENT value divided by 2*pi. • Certain real gas properties are not available in CFD-Post for use: gas constant. • CFD-Post can read files written from FLUENT.cdat files do not contain the units for user-defined scalars. or custom field functions.CFD-Post File Menu and so on) will not be available unless explicitly exported from FLUENT using either a . ':' and so on. • When selecting to output additional variables in a DAT file in FLUENT (via the Data File Quantities panel). If so.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. so these will be dimensionless in CFD-Post. a variable is written to the user-specified section of a DAT file. General Limitations • When reading a Fluent results file. specific heat. and . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. • CFD-Post reads User-Defined Materials (UDM) and User-Defined Scalars (UDS) as follows: – When . and sound speed. Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. • For transient FLUENT cases. instead of an Isosurface of X. pressure-inlet. For example. you can use the near wall velocity for streamlines (and other plots) by setting CFDPOST_BOUNDARY_DATA_FROM_ELEMENTS before running CFD-Post. the results calculations are for the complete cylindrical region. • There is no support for loading of a subset of domains. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. • When creating Streamlines for Dual Cell heat exchanged Fluent cases. 123 . FLUENT always uses adjacent cell velocity for plotting vectors whereas CFD-Post uses node velocity (interpolated from cell/face values). there is no support for adding or removing time steps in the timestep selector. return to FLUENT and export that variable. Results will be consistent for all quantitative calculations on all locations. and not what is shown in the viewer (which is a sector from the complete cylinder). mass-flowinlet. use a YZ Plane. • Plots of velocity vectors on wall boundaries do not match between CFD-Post and FLUENT.File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post • The variable Boundary Heat Flux Sensible is available only for boundary types velocity-inlet. This will be true for all quantities involving 'mol' or 'kmol' in units. Y. Differences Between CFD-Post and FLUENT • A line in CFD-Post of type Sample gives results that match with FLUENT's 'line' if the environment variable CFDPOST_BOUNDARY_DATA_FROM_ELEMENTS is set to 1.© SAS IP. a slice plane will be assumed to be cutting the full cylinder. Force calculations will not include viscous component in such cases. Inc. • A DBNS solver with laminar flow will have zero shear stress on all walls. To learn how to control the units displayed by CFD-Post. The recommendation is to create the streamline based on the Wall Shear vector. For axisymmetric cases. All rights reserved. streamlines in CFDPost may hit walls earlier than similar streamlines in FLUENT. For example. the reference-depth is 2*pi. Release 14. All domains are always loaded. pressure-outlet. 136). that is. pressure-far-field. or Z variables in expressions or plots in moving mesh transient cases. In the regions where the mesh is coarse and vector variable gradients are steep. • You cannot use X. exclude Auxiliary Fluid domains from the Domains list as these domains can cause the streamlines to terminate too early. • Molar Weight will always have units of kg/mol in CFD-Post. if it is not. However. • The results of calculations by CFD-Post for FLUENT 2D cases are for a reference-depth from the FLUENT case file. see Setting the Display Units (p. Ensure that Wall Shear is in the file. Alternatively. . a line in CFD-Post of type Cut gives results that do not match with FLUENT's 'rake' as the former in infinite and the latter is clipped.5 . but units of kg/kmol in FLUENT. • CFD-Post will not display any shear stress values on coupled non-conformal interfaces as shear stresses are undefined on such interfaces. Inc. This is due to a difference in computation methods. and outflow. • Surface streamlines cannot be created on wall boundaries as wall velocities are zero. and can be avoided by refining the mesh. • CFD-Post cannot read FLUENT cases that have CAS and DAT files output in different directories. This matches the behavior of FLUENT. • Velocity magnitude values for FLUENT in CFD-Post are not in good agreement with FLUENT results for cases with multiple-frame-of-reference or sliding-mesh models. not a “Reference Velocity”).CFD-Post File Menu • CFD-Post reads Total Pressure data from the FLUENT results file if this quantity exists. making a smoother contour. In FLUENT. lines. In CFD-Post. due to a difference in the handling on nodes at these interfaces. In CFD-Post this pair appears as a Periodic object and a corresponding Periodic Shadow.5 . cell and face data will be used in quantitative reports on volumes. . This difference is due to the additional cells FLUENT creates internally for solving some physics. For example. points will use only nodal averages for quantitative calculations. – When loading FLUENT results. polyline. in CFD-Post. and isosurfaces (averages. Inc. and as timesteps are loaded. only vector components are averaged to nodes. In FLUENT. planes. • In the cavitation model in FLUENT. an “Absolute Velocity” is used. "Relative Velocity" is always relative to a global frame of reference (which you can select in FLUENT Reference Values panel. The two magnitudes will differ in cases with sharp vector gradients or high face angles (usually due to a coarse mesh). However. If the data is not supplied in the file. Inc. mass flows. when the variable is used for the first time (for example. these are never written into the case file. the global range should be continually updated. the hanging node is made to be a conformal node and takes values from cells on both sides. • A periodic surface in FLUENT is actually a pair of surfaces. the direction is ignored and only magnitude is taken into account while calculating the stress magnitude at the node. if a node has four faces attached that have shear stresses in directions radially away from the node. (this is not done in CFD-Post). boundaries. However. shell conduction model). • For some cases (for example. CFD-Post does not calculate global ranges by default as this would be too time-consuming (there is a warning to this effect when you load a FLUENT case). However. – There is no CFD-Post equivalent for FLUENT's "Relative Velocity". integrals). the number of nodes reported by CFD-Post will be different than the number reported by FLUENT.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. this quantity is not calculated by CFD-Post. when it is plotted). In FLUENT. • CFD-Post and FLUENT display contours differently in the vicinity of a hanging node. the number of cells should match. the minimum value for Pressure is limited by the cavitation pressure. FLUENT reports include these cells as well. For cases solved with relative velocity: – The "Velocity in Stn Frame" plotted in CFD-Post is equivalent to "Velocity Magnitude" in FLUENT. only nodal averages. • Averaging of vector quantities to nodes differs between CFD-Post and FLUENT. if no reference frame is selected. causing a discontinuity of contours. vector magnitudes are averaged to nodes explicitly. in CFD-Post the shear stress values at the node will be much smaller in magnitude compared with the face stresses because the stresses in opposite directions cancel out. Plots cannot display cell or face data directly. . you need to look 124 Release 14. while the magnitude is calculated from the components at the nodes. When looking at quantitative results in CFD-Post. FLUENT takes values from cells only on one side. Iso-clips. the number of cells/elements reported by FLUENT is more than that of CFD-Post. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.© SAS IP. – There is no FLUENT equivalent for the CFD-Post variable "Velocity" as this represents a relative velocity in the local reference frame of the domain (which is not available for post-processing in FLUENT). All rights reserved. • For cases with 1:1 interfaces. You can manually calculate force/torque using expressions as shown in the examples below: – Force in X-direction: areaInt_x(PRESSURE)@<surface> – Torque around Z axis: areaInt_y(PRESSURE*X)@<surface> . 125 . Inc. and expressions will require manual updates. This is particularly shown by transient cases when viewing tracks for a particular timestep: CFD-Post displays tracks as segments of the track from the previous timestep to the current timestep. select variables. these "interior boundaries" cannot be used to create Polyline objects by intersecting them with a slice plane. Unlike other boundaries. • For rotating machinery applications. for details see Procedures for Using Turbo Reports when Turbomachinery Data is Missing (p. ntx86. Polyflow and FIDAP Limitations • Some Polyflow and FIDAP cases may have interior surfaces that are read into CFD-Post as boundaries. but appears only in transient cases. • CFD-Post displays particle tracks as segments.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and shroud regions. • The size of exported files and the intermediate history file is limited to 2 GB on architectures that have sizeof(long)==4 (for example: win64. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. including force and torque functions. regions. outlet. identification of components and ordering.File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post at a surface group that contains the “periodic/periodic-shadow” to see output that is in agreement with FLUENT's results.areaInt_x(PRESSURE*Y)@<surface> Limitations in the Export and Display of FLUENT Particle Tracks • It is not possible to group or color transient particles by stream. Report template that have “Rotor” in the template name are from Release 11 and require variables that are not available from FLUENT turbo files. • When choosing a report template for a FLUENT turbo report. instance transforms. choose Release 12 templates (which do not have the word “Rotor” in the template name). This is most visible if instancing is enabled. rotation axis. Inc. Because of this.5 . there will be a gap between the point on one side of the periodic boundary and the point on the other side. where as ANSYS FLUENT displays particle tracks as points. When generating turbo reports. you must supply this information on the Turbo initialization panel. the range of the color variable will include data that is not included by ANSYS FLUENT when displaying particle tracks. • CFX Results files generated by Polyflow do not contain all the necessary information required for some automatic calculations in CFD-Post. hub.© SAS IP. and interfaces cannot be done automatically. • When FLUENT particle tracks cross periodic boundaries. while ANSYS FLUENT shows points at the current timestep. All rights reserved. number of passages. and lnx86) . . Release 14. For more complex geometries you must set up the problem such that the region of interest is isolated into a separate domain that can be initialized in CFD-Post. Turbo Limitations • CFD-Post can initialize turbo space only for domains that are enclosed with inlet. 37). This is because FLUENT adds pressure work to get the energy balance. and interiors that are different from those given by FLUENT. If you export 'Total Pressure' from FLUENT. both calculations are correct. on boundaries that have zero velocity. the fluxes (Mass Flow()@<surface> or AreaInt(Boundary Heat Flux)@<surface>) from CFDPost are different from the values reported by Flux Reports panel from FLUENT. • There are very small differences between FLUENT and CFD-Post in the way that area is calculated for axisymmetric cases. To have results from CFD-Post match results from FLUENT.5°) then calculates the area by repeating the wedge to create a 360° cylinder. However. Inc. 126 Release 14. • In CFD-Post. the nodes on the boundary in FLUENT will get their values from the domain that has the higher priority. ¡  • CFD-Post results match with FLUENT "Vertex" values instead of "Facet" values for Species Reaction and VOF cases. this area is used in quantitative functions. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.10. • Due to differences between FLUENT and CFD-Post in the handling of vector quantities. • For some cases. This is because FLUENT uses geometric variable data from adjacent cell centers instead of the boundary face centers. CFD-Post may use the element-center data from a different element than FLUENT uses. CFD-Post produces more accurate quantitative results involving geometric variables (such as X. the phase forces reported by CFD-Post will be same as the total force. Total Temperature and Total Pressure will have same values as Temperature and Pressure. where r is centroid-y of the facet. you can get CFD-Post results to match FLUENT results exactly by setting the environment variable CFDPOST_MATCH_FLUENT_RESULTS to 1 before running CFD-Post. This is a limitation in FLUENT. In this situation. • The Function Calculator may give variable averages on slice planes. similar differences apply between Total Pressure and Pressure. Inc.© SAS IP.CFD-Post File Menu 7. These differences may occur when the surface is cutting through a mesh face that joins two mesh elements.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. isosurfaces. . Y. FLUENT calculates the area for any . This is similar to approximating the perimeter of a circle by measuring the perimeter of an inscribed uniform polygon. the CFD-Post results will be closer to what FLUENT shows. you can use the FLUENT Surface Integral or Volume Integral panel results for comparison with CFDPost. • Wall Heat Flux values reported by CFD-Post for moving and deforming meshes cases will not match those for FLUENT. • Global variable ranges shown in plots are nodal (averaged) ranges. • If Volume Fraction is not available in the list of variables for multiphase FLUENT cases. quantitative evaluations (for example. Total Temperature is different from Temperature for boundaries that have zero velocity. Z) than FLUENT reports. area averages) differ between FLUENT and CFD-Post as the former uses face/cell variable values and the latter uses nodal values. velocity values can be different on 'interior' zones (conformal domain interfaces). In FLUENT.5 . However. set the environment variable CFDPOST_BOUNDARY_DATA_FROM_ELEMENTS to 1.15. All rights reserved. respectively (as expected). • On boundaries. Note that as both elements are equally valid choices.1. . This is due to some additional physics model-based calculations done by FLUENT that are not available in CFD-Post. CFD-Post uses the average of the boundary values from both domains. • In a case with two domains. CFD-Post extrudes the 2D geometry to create axisymmetric case as a 3D wedge (of wedge angle 7. Quantitative Differences Between FLUENT and CFD-Post • On iso-clips. • In cavitation cases. All rights reserved. Inc. Pressure values are not clipped to the cavitation pressure. Release 14. use the Local variable range instead. 127 .File Types Used and Produced by CFD-Post • The Global variable range for a Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient is incorrectly reported as zero. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. . Inc.© SAS IP.5 .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc.© SAS IP. All rights reserved. . . Inc.5 .128 Release 14.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Additionally. . Issue the Undo command by doing any of the following: • Select Edit > Undo. 129 . This chapter describes: • Undo and Redo (p. you must choose undo a second time to “uncreate” the object. there are a variety of options that can be set to customize the software. • Click Undo on the toolbar. Release 14. Thus. Open. • Undo cannot be used when recording session files. In stand-alone mode. Inc. Undo and Redo The undo and redo capability is limited by the amount of available memory. the undo stack is cleared whenever a New.Chapter 8: CFD-Post Edit Menu and Options (Preferences) Undo and Redo commands are available in the Edit menu. when using CFX-Pre/CFD-Post from within ANSYS Workbench.5 . you are setting the visibility of the object off.© SAS IP. All rights reserved. Inc. • Some commands that you issue have multiple components. The redo feature is used to do an action that you have just undone using the Undo command. • Press Ctrl + Z Note • You can repeatedly issue the Undo command. the undo stack is cleared in CFX-Pre/CFDPost after the application receives commands from ANSYS Workbench. Similarly. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1. • Some viewer manipulations cannot be reverted using the Undo command. Issue the Redo command by doing any of the following: • Select Edit > Redo. when you perform an undo operation in such a situation. For example. 129) • Setting Preferences with the Options Dialog (p. or Close action occurs. 130) 8. when you create some objects the software creates the object and sets the visibility of the object on (in two separate operations). and CFD-Post to have the standard appearance and operation of CFX or Workbench respectively. Your changes are generally implemented immediately. . All rights reserved.2. Settings are retained per user. Setting Preferences with the Options Dialog The Options dialog box enables you to set various general preferences. Inc. when changing the following user preferences. Select Edit > Options.5 .2.1. • Press Ctrl + Y 8.© SAS IP. The only CFD-Post settings that are affected by these buttons are: • CFD-Post > Viewer > Background > Color Type • CFD-Post > Viewer > Background > Color • CFD-Post > Viewer > Text Color • CFD-Post > Viewer > Edge Color • Common > Viewer Setup > Mouse Mapping 3. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. see: • CFD-Post Options (p. 1. CFD-Post options can be configured under CFD-Post. However. it will be necessary to restart CFD-Post for the setting to take effect: • CFD-Post > Enable Beta Features • CFD-Post > Viewer > Object Highlighting • CFD-Post > Viewer > Hide ANSYS Logo • CFD-Post > Viewer > Stereo • Common > Temporary Directory • Common > Viewer Setup > Double Buffering 8. The Options dialog box appears. 130 Release 14. For descriptions of the available options. 2. Set options as required.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. CFX-Solver Manager. 130) • Common Options (p. CFD-Post Options When the Options dialog box appears. Click OK. . Inc.CFD-Post Edit Menu and Options (Preferences) • Click Redo on the toolbar. you can use the CFX Defaults or the Workbench Defaults buttons at the bottom of the dialog box to quickly set CFX-Pre. 135) If desired. may have slightly changed behavior.2. Inc. CFD-Post will apply rotation in a domain only if the domain touches a transient rotor-stator interface.2. Release 14.5 . and so on.1. Enable Beta Features Some beta features are hidden in the user interface.1. This option takes effect when a new case is loaded. depending on how close the defined points are to the domain.3.Setting Preferences with the Options Dialog 8. This prevents a point from being detected in two overlapping Interpolation Tolerance regions. a point that is within this tolerance distance will be given a value that is interpolated from the nearest domain boundary face. 131 . You can set the value to 0 to turn the Interpolation Tolerance off. Automatic CFD-Post works through the physics of the simulation and uses what it determines the last position of the rotated domains to be. User surfaces. 8.2. Because the rotating domains may be in a rotated position when they are loaded into CFD-Post for post-processing.1. especially around sharply-contoured regions of the domain surface. Each of these objects.2.1.1. By default the tolerance "layer" is 0.© SAS IP. Interpolation Tolerance The Interpolation Tolerance sets the amount of the area outside the domain that will be treated as a part of the domain when interpolating variables.2% of the domain. Files Changes made in this panel will take effect the next time you load a file. All rights reserved. For example. Inc. • Warn prior to loading the same results file more than once controls whether you are warned when you attempt to load a file that is already loaded. Never rotate CFD-Post always uses the initial position of the rotated domains. 8. If the Interpolation Tolerance setting is too high. You can select this option to “unhide” those beta features.2. 8. Surfaces of Rotation. When selected. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates.4.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. force calculations made on the rotating domains can have different results depending on the setting of the option above. Angular Shift for Transient Rotating Domains You can set this option to: Always rotate CFD-Post always uses the last position of the rotated domains. such Beta features will be identified by "(Beta)" in the user interface. there could be undefined nodes and malformed elements in the virtual layer. The warning appears when both the file name and the file contents are the same as a currently loaded file. Changes to the interpolation tolerance can affect how data is interpolated onto objects such as Sample Planes. Polylines. depending on how close to the domain the points are defined. Note that this value should be set to a value less than half the size of the smallest openings or features of the domain geometry. All rights reserved. then all domains will be loaded next time you load a results file. (Cell zones are similar to element sets in CFD-Post. • When CFX Transient: Load missing variables from nearest FULL time step is cleared. 116). • Clear Files other than CFX: Pre-calculate global variable ranges to turn off the calculation of all variable ranges. . • Files other than CFX: Translate variable names to CFX-Solver style names converts variable names from other results files into CFX variable names. If this option is turned off. CFD-Post will not modify the variable names in the . these variables will be undefined (but still visible in the variables list) for the current timestep. Inc. By default. Of the face zones.5 . FLUENT cases contain cell zones and face zones. – In order to use the Turbo Charts feature with FLUENT files. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.) All cell zones are read into CFD-Post and are listed as domains. . 1 CFD-Post will never list: – Default interior zones.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. • Select Files other than CFX: Convert region names to title case to have region names follow the CFX convention of using title case.CFD-Post Edit Menu and Options (Preferences) • Select Show domain selector before load to enable you to choose which domains to load when more than one domain exists in the results file.5. The complete list of translated variables is given in Variable Translation (p. • Select CFX Turbo: Don’t prompt to auto-load reports to prevent CFD-Post from automatically asking you if you want to load a report upon loading results files. This option is mainly useful for backwards compatibility with scripts created prior to Release 14. and face zones are similar to face sets. Inc.© SAS IP. you must have Translate variable names to CFX-Solver style names enabled. you will need to convert variable names to CFX types. When selected.rso file. CFD-Post loads the missing variables from the nearest full results file. it makes all variables that are not written to the partial results file undefined for the current timestep. (For example. Important Take care when using this option because values that are plotted may not apply to the current timestep. • Select CFX: Don't load mesh regions if you do not want to have region definitions loaded when you load a file that contains them. This option is used when partial transient results files do not contain all of the variables calculated by the CFX-Solver. • FLUENT:Load interior face zones controls whether or not interior face zones are displayed. 132 Release 14. the variable P in a CFX-TASCflow file will be converted to Pressure. If you want to use all of the embedded CFD-Post macros and calculation options.) Important – By default. by default only those that bound a cell-zone/domain are shown in CFD-Post1. or ANSYS results files) are loaded. but are the solution units used in the currently loaded file. When files that do not store solution units (such as CFX-4 dump files. Interior face zones are inside a domain and do not form a boundary of the domain. All rights reserved.5. The units used by CFD-Post are set elsewhere. When CFX files are loaded into CFD-Post. for details.1. CFD-Post needs to know the solution units used in the file so that it can convert them to the units specified. Kelvin. . To see interior face zones. Turbo These settings are related to turbomachinery simulations loaded into CFD-Post. CFD-Post Solution Units CFD-Post has a Solution Units option that is available from the Options tab.7.Setting Preferences with the Options Dialog However. and radians will be used.2. ':' and so on) are replaced by space characters. you cannot use Celsius and Fahrenheit. you will be prompted to specify the solution units. the units used are not necessarily those used in the results file.© SAS IP. seconds. CFX-TASC files. 133 . see Setting the Display Units (p. right-click on the viewer and select Viewer Options. CFD-Post will convert to your preferred units. Temperature quantities elsewhere in ANSYS CFX can be set in Celsius and Fahrenheit.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. are displayed on the right. Viewer To configure the viewer.6. Release 14. When post-processing a results file in CFD-Post. the solution units that were used by the CFX-Solver are automatically read from the file.1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. FLUENT files. in which case the default units of kilograms. FLUENT meshes can also contain 'interior' face zones that are useful for postprocessing. 8. the temperature solution units must be an absolute scale (for example. 8. except that characters that are not allowed in CFD-Post (such as '-'. Note In CFD-Post. You can enable the Don't prompt for Solution Units before loading results toggle to suppress this prompt.2. – Sliding interface zones.1. Note The names of 'interior' zones in CFD-Post are kept same as that in FLUENT.2. Don’t prompt for Solution Units before loading results is ignored when loading CFX files and selected by default for other file types. – Any other zones that cannot be displayed from FLUENT's Mesh Display panel. Inc. 8. enable Load interior face zones. The units shown on this dialog box are not necessarily those used by CFD-Post. The solution units assumed. Kelvin [K] or Rankine [R]). meters. Inc.5 . and are mostly self-explanatory. – Walls created during creation of non-conformal interfaces. For this reason. which are read when the file was loaded. 136). If selecting a custom image.1. . 8. Note When you load a state file. Image types that are supported include *. Object Highlighting Controls how an object that is generated after a change to the setting of this option is highlighted in the viewer. Such highlighting occurs when in picking mode.CFD-Post Edit Menu and Options (Preferences) 8.1.png. the viewer sizes the image to be a power of 2 by doing bicubic resampling.2. Image Select one of a list of predefined images or a custom image.1.1.7. rather than by the current preferences setting.2. .3.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. Color Use Color Type to set either a solid color or a gradient of colors.2. 512 x 512 or 1024 x 1024).7. Mapping options are Flat and Spherical. which gives you control over what fill color your background has. the highlighting is dictated by the setting that is stored in the case. Other Viewer Options 8.2.jpg.1. • Wireframe: Traces objects that contain surfaces with green lines.7.1. All rights reserved. Text/Edge Color Select a color by clicking in the box. To make the background image square. Flat maps are stationary while spherical maps surround the virtual environment and rotate with the objects in the viewer. when selecting a region in a list. choose an image file and a type of mapping.2.1.1. *. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.3. 8. The transparent pixels enable you to see the regular viewer background. Inc.bmp (24-bit BMP only).© SAS IP. or when selecting items in the tree view.7.5 . *. • Bounding Box: Highlights the selected objects with a green box. 8. use Color to set the color (and Color 2 for gradients). Custom images have some restrictions: all background images and textures sent to the viewer must be square and must have dimensions that are powers of 2 (for example. transparent pixels are added to the smaller dimension to make it the same as the larger dimension.2. and *.7.2. 8.ppm. Under Type.2. Background Set Mode to Color or Image.2. select one of the following: • Surface Mesh: Displays the surface mesh for selected regions using lines. or clicking the Ellipsis 134 icon. If the dimensions of your background image is not a power of 2.2. Release 14.7.1. select to use this instead of the Windows style.2. on Windows. set Auto Save to Never. . for example. Stereo See Stereo Viewer (p.2. 8. select the user interface style to use. For Font and Formatted Font. Inc. The default user interface style will be set to that of your machine. a Motif appearance to the user interface is preferred.2. Inc.3.9.1.© SAS IP. Note This option affects more than one CFX product.Setting Preferences with the Options Dialog 8. the user interface has a Windows look to it. To turn off automatic saves.1. All rights reserved. Advanced Under Cmd Timeout. in milliseconds. ANSYS Import: Read 3D elements when CDB file has both 2D and 3D types Enable this setting to ensure that 3D elements are read when a CDB file being imported has both 2D and 3D elements.1.5 . Hide ANSYS Logo Controls whether or not the ANSYS logo appears in the 3D Viewer. Axis/Ruler Visibility Select or clear Axis Visibility or Ruler Visibility to show or hide the axis indicator or ruler in the viewer. Appearance The appearance of the user interface can be controlled from the Appearance options. 8. Common Options Auto Save Select the time between automatic saves. Temporary directory To set a temporary directory.2.1.2.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. click Browse will save state files. 1. 2. is not recommended) or the dialog boxes may become difficult to read. to find a convenient directory where the autosave feature 8.3.1. 8.2. specify the minimum time between registered mouse clicks.7. 83). For example. Under GUI Style.1.8. Setting the font size too small may cause Release 14.7.2. If. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. specify the fonts to use in the application.2.2. Note It is important not to set the font size too high (over 24 pt.2. 8. 135 . to use inches for the dimensions in a file that otherwise used SI units). 8.5 .2. To adjust or view the mouse mapping options. time. 8. To set your preferred units: 1.2. 2. For details. and so on. see Mouse Button Mapping. CGS.2.2. the values you see in CFD-Post will be in SI. For details. Select or clear Unlimited Zoom. For details. . you can clear this check box. For example. 8. Viewer Setup 1. Preferred units are the units of the data that CFD-Post uses when information is displayed to you and are the default units when you enter information (as contrasted with units of the data that are stored in results files).CFD-Post Edit Menu and Options (Preferences) some portions of the text to not be visible on monitors set at low resolutions. or similar type faces. 136). The options under System include SI.2.2.3. Selecting Unlimited Zoom allows an unrestricted zoom. British Technical.2.1. 136).2. Wingdings. It is also important not to set the font to a family such as Webdings. if your preferred units are SI and you load a results file that contains data in British Technical units. Unit systems are sets of quantity types for mass. English Engineering.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. All rights reserved. select Edit > Options.© SAS IP. US Customary. 136 Release 14. Inc. Double Buffering Double Buffering is a feature supported by most OpenGL implementations. select the unit system to use. Inc.2. length. see Double Buffering (p. Mouse Mapping The mouse-mapping options allow you to assign viewer actions to mouse clicks and keyboard/mouse combinations. or the dialog boxes become illegible. These options are available when running in stand-alone mode. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Unlimited Zoom By default. . Under System. zoom is restricted to prevent graphics problems related to depth sorting. US Engineering. 8. see Unlimited Zoom (p. It provides two complete color buffers that swap between each other to animate graphics smoothly.2. Setting the Display Units The settings on the Edit > Options > Common > Units dialog box control the preferred units of the CFX application. Only Custom enables you to redefine a quantity type (for example. Symbols. 8. Formatted Font has no function in CFD-Post.2. If your implementation of OpenGL does not support double buffering. or Custom. Select Double Buffering to use two color buffers for improved visualization. then Viewer Setup > Mouse Mapping. the entered value is immediately converted and displayed as 8. 2. to see all quantity types. The two sets of units are: • The units presented on this dialog box. . For example.Setting Preferences with the Options Dialog The most common quantity types appear in the main Options dialog box.© SAS IP. Select or clear Always convert units to Preferred Units. 133). and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5 . which control the default units presented in the user interface. Inc. see CFD-Post Solution Units (p. All rights reserved.94078 [m s^-1]. 137 . If Always convert units to Preferred Units is selected. click More Units. for details. as well as the units used for mesh transformation. Inc. and elsewhere you enter 20 [mile hr^-1] for a velocity quantity. if you have set Velocity to [m s^-1] in this dialog box to make that the preferred velocity unit. Release 14.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. the units of entered quantities are immediately converted to those set in this dialog box. • The solution units. © SAS IP. Inc. All rights reserved. .138 Release 14. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc.5 . .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and then enter a name for the file ending with a . • Creation of new objects and changes to an object committed by clicking OK or Apply on any of the panels available from the Tools and Insert menus/toolbars. • Creation of expressions. you must select Session > Start Recording. New Session Command When a session file is not currently being recorded. The actions that cause commands to be written to a session file include: • Viewer manipulation performed using the commands available by right-clicking in the viewer window.1. This will not start recording to the session file. Play Session Command 9. it becomes the current session file.1. This chapter describes: 9. If you create more than one session file during a CFD-Post session. Click Save to create the file. the existing session file is deleted and a new file is created in its place. Once you have saved the file.cse (CFD-Post) extension.5 . Because the file exists. • Commands issued in the Tools > Command Editor dialog box. . Release 14. Inc. you can select Session > New Session. Inc.3. a warning dialog box appears: • If you select Overwrite. Commands are not written to the file until you select Session > Start Recording.2. This opens the Set Session File dialog box where you can enter a file name for your session file.Chapter 9: CFD-Post Session Menu Session files contain a record of the commands issued during a CFD-Post session. To start recording. 139 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1. • If you select Append. All rights reserved.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Start Recording and Stop Recording Commands 9. You can set a different file to be the current session file by selecting an existing file from the New Session > Set Session File window and then clicking Save. commands will be added to the end of the existing session file when recording begins. the most recently created file is the current session file by default. New Session Command 9. • All actions available from the File and Edit menus. 2. Browse to the directory in which you want to create the session file.© SAS IP. playing the session file will overwrite any existing object with the name Plane 1). In the Play Session File dialog box. select Session > Play Session. A session file must first be set before you can start recording (see New Session Command (p. To play a session file: 1. 140 Release 14. Inc. Inc. From the menu bar. 3. Stop Recording terminates writing of CCL commands to the current session file. . The commands listed in the selected session file are then executed. Important Existing objects with the same name as objects defined in the session file are replaced by those in the session file (for example. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Start Recording and Stop Recording Commands The Start Recording action writes into the current session file the CCL commands you issue. Click Open to play the session file.3.5 .CFD-Post Session Menu 9. To run a session file that contains an Undo command. 139)).2. Play Session Command Selecting Session > Play Session opens the Play Session File dialog box in which you can select the session file to play. Existing objects with the same name as objects defined in the session file are replaced by those in the session file. if Plane 1 exists in this CFD-Post session file. but not in CFD-Post in ANSYS Workbench.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.© SAS IP. browse to the directory containing the session file and select the file you want to play. Important A session file cannot be played if it contains an Undo command. 9. 2. . You can start and stop recording to a session file as many times as necessary. The commands listed in the selected session file are executed. Note You can play session files in stand-alone CFD-Post. All rights reserved. first edit the session file to remove the command. are not going to evaluate to precisely the same number as the underlying mesh density location. charts. Particle Track Command 10. variables. Comment Command 10.9. the plane would be a locator. and so on). element-to-face interpolation for quantitative evaluation (such as area averages).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Coordinate Frame Command 10.5 . and expressions.17. Consequently. if you were to select a plane from which to start a streamline. Volume Rendering Command 10. in FLUENT cases. This chapter describes: 10. isosurfaces. Location Submenu 10. boundaries directly map to mesh nodes or faces.16. Figure Command Release 14. cut-planes. iso clip and user surface locators interpolate values using general (tri-liner) interpolation from mesh nodes to surface nodes.Text Command 10.Table Command 10. Contour Command 10. transient statistics for boundary-only variables (such as Force. Legend Command 10. A locator is a place or object that another object uses to plot or calculate values. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 141 .18. Clip Plane Command 10.© SAS IP.5. All rights reserved. Inc. Planes and isosurfaces use more accurate "edge interpolation" for plots and. Instance Transform Command 10. Interpolation in CFD-Post For both plots and quantitative evaluation. Similarly. Color Map Command 10. . Heat Flux) are not available on the following postprocessing locators (points.1. For example. Streamline Command 10.13. tables. or boundary).6.7. Locator Object Limitation For Transient Blade Row cases. Expression Command 10. Mass Flow. isosurface.Chapter 10: CFD-Post Insert Menu The Insert menu in CFD-Post is used to create new objects (such as locators. quantitative operations on a user surface or on an iso clip that is based on a mesh density location (slice plane.14. Chart Command 10.3. Inc.8. Vector Command 10. and iso clips). lines.10. Variable Command 10. 160) • Vortex Core Region (p. 172) • User Surface Command (p.1. 174) • Surface Group Command (p. 179) • Turbo Line Command (p. 148) • Plane Command (p. 158) • Iso Clip Command (p. an Insert Object dialog box appears in which you can either accept the default name for the new object or enter a new one.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10. 145) • Line Command (p. Inc.5 . 161) • Surface of Revolution Command (p. Inc. 145) 142 Release 14.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Point Command A point is an object in 3D space that has a set of coordinates. Tip You can also access locator objects from the Location icon on the toolbar.1. . A new object will be created in the database when you click Apply in the details view of the location object. 150) • Volume Command (p. Click OK on the dialog box to open the relevant details view in the Outline workspace. Location Submenu When you select any of the objects from the Insert > Location submenu. The following characteristics of points will be discussed: • Point: Geometry (p. 178) • Turbo Surface Command (p. 168) • Polyline Command (p. 154) • Isosurface Command (p. All rights reserved. You can use a point to locate the position of a variable minimum or maximum or as an object with which other objects can interact.© SAS IP. The following topics will be discussed in this section: • Point Command (p. 143) • Point: Color (p. CFD-Post will not let you create objects that have duplicate names.1. 142) • Point Cloud Command (p. 179) 10. . Point: Geometry 10.1.1. or other locators that are offset into the immersed solid domain.1. 145) Note There are several ways to insert a point: • From the menu bar. Note For a case with immersed solids. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. click the Location Editor icon and hold down the Ctrl key while selecting All Domains and All Immersed Solids. instead. 143 . and set the applicable Domains setting to refer to the immersed solid domain. Inc.Location Submenu • Point: Symbol (p.2.1. 145) • Point: Render (p. Node Number Enables you to select a node to which to attach the Point. To display all of the domains in a case that contains immersed solids. Definition 10. All rights reserved. Method The Method setting has the following options: Option Description XYZ Enables you to set a coordinate in 3D space for the Point.1.1.2. user surfaces. Variables used for plots or calculations on immersed solid domain boundaries are not taken from the immersed solid domain. or perform computations with.5 . Domains The Domains setting selects the domains in which the point will exist. Release 14.1. Inc. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view or in the 3D Viewer. .© SAS IP. • From the toolbar.1. • Depending on the context.1. variables that are associated with the immersed solid domain. select Location > Point.1.1. use slice planes. 10. 10. they are interpolated from the fluid/porous domain in which the solid is immersed. To visualize.1. 145) • Point: View (p. The accuracy of such interpolation is dependent on the mesh densities of both the fluid/porous domain and the surface of the immersed solid domain.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. the setting All Domains refers to all domains except the immersed solids. select Insert > Location > Point.1. the point is placed at the location of the overall minimum/maximum.1. The Variable setting selects the variable to be used to find the maximum or minimum point. The Node Number setting specifies at which node to place the Point object.1. you should select only the domain in which the node exists or an error message will be displayed.2. see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. you can use the mouse pointer to drag the point around in the domain. Once the point is created.© SAS IP.1. Select whether the object you want to plot will be based on hybrid or conservative values. Node Number Node Number is available only if the Node Number Method is selected. 79). 144 Release Insert Menu Option Description Variable Minimum Places the Point at the selected variable’s lowest value. For details. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Location Location is available only if the Variable Minimum or the Variable Maximum options are selected. see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values.2.1. 10. Places the Point at the selected variable’s greatest value. 10. a point is created for the minimum or maximum value of the variable within each domain.1.1.1. The Point setting specifies the Cartesian coordinates for the Point object. see Picking Mode (p.3. If you want to place the point at the minimum/maximum value for the individual cases. . 10.1. a point is created for the specified node number in each domain (if it exists).1.3. When more than one domain is selected. If the node number does not exist in one domain but exists in another.1. 10. Variable Variable is available only if the Variable Minimum or the Variable Maximum options are selected. Variable Maximum Select whether the object you want to plot will be based on hybrid or conservative values.1. select the appropriate case in the point's Domain List selector. The Nearest Node text displays the numerical value of the nearest node to the point's current position. .1. Note You can move only points that have been specified with the XYZ option. Nearest Node Value Nearest Node appears when any option except the Node Number option is selected.1. When more than one domain is selected.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.2.5 . Inc. Point Point is available only if the XYZ option is selected. For details.5. For details. When using Variable Minimum or Variable Maximum option on a point in multi-file or comparison mode. The Location setting specifies an object for the Point to be located in. Inc.4. 10. All rights reserved.1. 3.1. select Insert > Location > Point Cloud.1. and Z ranges. 10.1. The following characteristics of point clouds will be discussed: • Point Cloud: Geometry (p.1. For details.2. 146) • Point Cloud: Color (p. 145 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. You can create uniform vector plots independent of the mesh by using the Point Cloud object.© SAS IP. For details. 21). All rights reserved.1. 10.1. Octahedron A 3D diamond that has eight faces. 10.1.1. The domain span. see View Details Tab (p.1.2. Point: Render The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab. Symbol The Symbol setting has the following options: Symbol Description Crosshair A 3D “+” sign. 10. Each Symbol Size unit represents 5% of the domain span.2. Ball A sphere.4. which is dependent on the geometry. 10.3. see Render Details Tab (p. Point Cloud Command To create multiple points. 26). is equal to the largest difference from the X.3.1. Y. 148) Release 14. 148) • Point Cloud: Render (p.1. 19). Inc. 148) • Point Cloud: Symbol (p.1. Point: Color The Color tab controls the color settings. see Color Details Tab (p.1. Inc.5 . For details on changing the view settings. Point: Symbol 10.1. Cube A box. You can also create streamlines that use a Point Cloud as the locator.Location Submenu 10.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. . Symbol Size The Symbol Size setting specifies the size of the Point symbol.5. Point: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects. 2. the point distribution can be reproduced.1.1. 10. Rectangular Grid Generates a rectangular grid of points on the surface. The maximum number of points is the total number of vertices in the mesh. The maximum number of points is the total number of faces in the mesh.5 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Locations The Locations setting selects the location or locations in which the point cloud is created. This option should be used only on flat surfaces. Free Edge Generates the points on the outer edge at the center of the edge segments. Face Center Generates the points at the center of the mesh faces. Definition 10.1. • From the toolbar. 148) Note There are two ways to insert a point cloud: • From the menu bar. Domains For details.2. Inc. select Insert > Location > Point Cloud.2. 10.1.1. 146 Release 14. see Domains (p. 143).1.© SAS IP. Vertex Generates the points on the vertices of the mesh. .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.CFD-Post Insert Menu • Point Cloud: View (p. If the seed is positive.1.1. which displays the Click Location Editor complete list of available locations. Sampling The Sampling setting has the following options: Option Description Equally Spaced Generates points with roughly the same distance between them. Tip to open the Location Selector dialog box.1. select Location > Point Cloud. Random Generates the points randomly.1. Inc.1. All rights reserved. .2.2. Point Cloud: Geometry 10. 10. 2.10.© SAS IP.2. Reduction Reduction is available only when the Vertex.Location Submenu 10.2.9. The Max Points setting specifies a value for the maximum number of points allowed.5 . Inc.1 [m] spacing would be created.1. the grid will be stretched in the direction perpendicular to the previous direction.2. 10. 10.3. # of Points # of Points is available only when either the Equally Spaced or Random option is selected.1. For example. Inc. If a value less than one is entered.1 was used. The Seed setting generates a different set of random points for each value entered.8. 10. The Aspect Ratio setting stretches the rectangle in a direction parallel to the grid axes. Factor Factor is available only if the Reduction Factor option is selected. and n is the reduction value entered into the box. Aspect Ratio Aspect Ratio is available only when the Rectangular Grid option is selected. The # of Points setting specifies the number of equally spaced points you want generated on the surface of the mesh.2. Reduction Factor Enables the option to specify a reduction factor from the full number of points.1. 10. If the maximum number of vertices is greater than that of the specified value.2. The Factor setting specifies a value by which to decrease the total number of points in the Point Cloud object.4. The Grid Angle setting specifies the magnitude and direction of grid rotation. If a value greater than one is entered. Grid Angle Grid Angle is available only when the Rectangular Grid option is selected.1. The final number of vectors is total/n.1. Max Points Max Points is available only if the Max Number of Points option is selected. where total is the total number of seeds. 147 . Seed Seed is available only if the Random option is selected. or Free Edge options are selected. a rectangular grid with 0.7. The Spacing setting specifies a value that represents a fraction of the maximum domain extent. Spacing Spacing is available only when the Rectangular Grid option is selected.1. The distribution cannot be replicated or reproduced for negative Release 14.1. .2.1. All rights reserved. Face Center. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. if your domain has a maximum extent of 1 [m] and a Spacing of 0.2.1. The Reduction setting has the following options: Option Description Max Number of Points Enables the option to specify the maximum number of points allowed to be plotted.5.1. 10.2.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.2.1.1. then the points taken will be randomly selected. the grid will be stretched in one direction. 10.2. © SAS IP. see View Details Tab (p. For details. 10.2. Point Cloud: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 10. Note Similar sampling options are also available directly on Vector and Streamline objects. Point Cloud: Color The color settings can be changed on the Color tab. For negative seed values. 26). 150) Note There are several ways to insert a line: • From the menu bar. 150) • Line: View (p. Different compilers may generate different distributions for the same positive seed value.3. For details. see Render Details Tab (p. 148 Release 14. see Color Details Tab (p. 21).2.2. The following characteristics of lines will be discussed: • Line: Geometry (p.1. Inc.4. • From the tool bar.1.1.1.CFD-Post Insert Menu seed values. . the random series is based on the system time. 10. Point Cloud: Render The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab. 10. . Line Command A line locator can exist between two points anywhere inside or outside the domain. All rights reserved.5 . 149) • Line: Color (p. select Location > Line. • Depending on the context. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 145).3. 10. Inc. select Insert > Location > Line. For details on changing the view settings. see Point: Symbol (p. Point Cloud: Symbol For details. 19). you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view. 150) • Line: Render (p. Domains For details. Tip In cases with very thin elements near a boundary.1. To correct this.1. select picking mode by clicking Single Select in the Selection Tools toolbar and drag the line to a new location. Inc. and the number of points along the line corresponds to the value you enter in the Samples box.1.1. 10.3.Location Submenu 10.3. 79). 10.2. Inc.5 .4. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. It is mesh-independent. Line: Geometry For example: CFDPOST_CUT_LINE_TOLERANCE='1.3. The Samples setting specifies a value for the number of evenly-spaced sampling points along the line. Point 1 The Point 1 text boxes specify the start point of the line.3.3. see Picking Mode (p.2. Definition 10. Points on this line exist where the line intersects with a mesh element face. you can set the environment variable CFX_CUT_LINE_TOLERANCE before starting CFD-Post.1.0e-8 [m]' The smaller the number. a cut line normal to the boundary may stop too early and not quite reach the boundary.3. the more likely it is that the line will reach the boundary.2. For details. To move a line.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1. 149 . However.© SAS IP. Release 14. the line could end up with a number of coincident (repeated) points. Line Type 10.1. Line Translation Using Picking Mode You can use picking mode to select or translate a line in the viewer.2. All rights reserved.1. 143). Point 2 The Point 2 text boxes specify the end point of the line.1.3. Cut/Sample Options Selecting Cut will extend the line in both directions until it reaches the edge of the domain.1. Selecting Sample creates a line existing between the two points entered.1. 10. Method The only available option is the Two Points option.3.1.3. Samples Samples is available only if the Sample option is selected.1. see Domains (p. The line properties will automatically update in the details view. . if it is too small. 2. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1.1.© SAS IP. . select Location > Plane. 10. All rights reserved.3. 10. You can specify the value between 1 and 11 by using the graduated arrows.3. see View Details Tab (p.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10. 143). 154) Note There are several ways to insert a plane: • From the menu bar. Line: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.3. 10.4.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view or in the 3D Viewer.1.4. Line: Render You can change the Line Width by entering a value corresponding to the pixel width of the line. For details.3.5 . Method The Method setting has the following options: 150 Release 14. • From the toolbar. 10. Inc.1. 153) • Plane: Render (p. The following characteristics of planes will be discussed: • Plane: Geometry (p. Inc. Domains For details.1. Plane: Geometry select Insert > Location > Plane. Line: Color The color settings can be changed by clicking the Color tab.1. the embedded slider.2. see Color Details Tab (p. . or by typing in the value. 19).1. 26).4.1. For details on changing the view settings. 154) • Plane: View (p. Definition 10. Plane Command A plane is a two-dimensional area that exists only within the boundaries of the computational domain. 150) • Plane: Color (p. see Domains (p. • Depending on the context.1.1. 6. The Point 1.2. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. 10. The plane normal is calculated as a vector from the origin to the specified coordinates. X X is available only if the YZ Plane option is selected. All rights reserved. Normal Normal is available only if the Point and Normal option is selected. Y Y is available only if the ZX Plane option is selected.7.5 .2.1. Release 14. Inc. 151 . Z Z is available only if the XY Plane option is selected.2.1. and the second is from Point 1 to Point 3. The X setting specifies an offset value from the X axis. Point 1.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.4. The Y setting specifies an offset value from the Y axis.2. Three Points Enables you to define a plane by providing three points that lie in the plane.1. For example.Location Submenu Option Description YZ Plane Defines a plane normal to the X axis. Point Point is available only if the Point and Normal option is selected. Point and Normal Enables you to specify a point on the plane and a normal vector to the plane. Point 2.4. 10.1.© SAS IP.1. 10. XY Plane Defines a plane normal to the Z axis. The normal vector to the plane is calculated using the right-hand rule. the direction of this vector might be important if you are using the plane to define a Clip Plane. and Point 3 settings specify three points that lie on the plane. .1. as shown in the following diagram. Inc. The Z setting specifies an offset value from the Z axis.4. The Point setting specifies the 3D coordinates of the point that lies on the plane. The first vector is from Point 1 to Point 2.4. ZX Plane Defines a plane normal to the Y axis. Point 2.4. 10. and Point 3 These options are only available if the Three Points option is selected.1. The size of the rectangle is determined with reference to the planes origin (that is.1.1.3. and XY Planes. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Rectangular Causes the boundary of the plane to be a rectangular shape. The rectangle is centered at the origin for the YZ. Inc. The Plane Type must be set to Slice for this option (default).1. Plane Bounds 10. 10. . All rights reserved.1. icon to the right of the Radius the rectangle is centered at the first point entered in the Definition frame.4.1. 152 Release 14. and XY Planes. X/Y/Z Size These settings are available only if the Rectangular option is selected.4. Inc. . These settings will specify a width and height for the rectangular boundary.3.3. For the other two methods. A slice plane is bounded only by the limits of the domain. You can enter a value or select the Expression setting to specify the radius as an expression.© SAS IP. ZX. The circle is centered at the origin for the YZ. ZX. Two of these options will be displayed because a plane is a 2D object. Circular Causes the boundary of the plane to be in the shape of a circle.4. Radius Radius is available only if the Circular option is selected.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1.1.5 . Type The Type setting has the following options: Option Description None Cuts through a complete cross-section of each domain specified in the Domains list.3. the circle is centered at the first point entered in the Definition frame. the plane is resized around its center).CFD-Post Insert Menu 10. The Radius setting specifies a radius for the circular boundary. For the other two methods. see Color Details Tab (p. X/Y/Z Angle This setting is available only if the Rectangular option is selected. the Plane Bounds must be either Circular or Rectangular. For example.5 . the sampling points are placed at locations where the slice plane intersects an edge of the mesh. The density of sampling points depends on the size of the plane and the number of samples in each of the two coordinate directions that describe the plane. A slice plane differs from a sampling plane. The area inside the bounds of the rectangle or circle do not form part of the plane. the seeds are the points where the plane intersects a point on the edge of three mesh elements. Plane: Color The color settings can be changed by clicking the Color tab.4. For the Circular option. All rights reserved.4. Only one of these settings is displayed at once.1.4.1. Inc. 153 . 10.1.1. Invert Plane Bound Check Box Invert Plane Bound is available only if the Circular or the Rectangular option is selected. causing an uneven distribution of the sampling points. When creating a sampling plane.4. You can view the seeds by turning on the Show Mesh Lines option on the Render tab for the plane.4. 149). Certain types of plots will show small differences across GGI interfaces.4.1.2. Plane Type 10. .1. but everything on the slice plane outside of these bounds is included. If this check box is selected.1.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.Location Submenu 10. 10. When you use the slice plane for Vector plots.4.4. Plane Translation using Picking Mode For details. 19).1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 10.5. see Line Translation Using Picking Mode (p. the density of sampling points is determined by the radius of the plane specified in the Plane Bounds tab and the number of radial and circumferential sampling points. This is a very minor effect and is not an indicator of any problem. This is to be expected when the nodes of the computational grids on each side of a GGI connection do not match.1.© SAS IP.1. A sampling plane is a set of evenly-spaced sampling points that are independent of the mesh.1.1.5. the area defined by the rectangle or circle is used as a cut-out area from a slice plane that is bounded only by the domains. Release 14.4. The density of these sampling points in a slice plane is related to the length scale of the mesh. For Rectangular bounds. 10. For details. 10.3.1. Sample Option Select the Sample option to specify the amount of seeds in the plane.3.4. you must specify the size of the bounds for your plane in each of the plane directions. When you create a slice plane.4.1. Slice Option Select the Slice option to cut the plane so that it lies only inside the domain. Inc.2. contour lines or fringe lines may not match exactly across a GGI interface. This setting specifies an angle to rotate the plane counterclockwise about its normal vector by the specified number of degrees. a perfect sphere) because mesh elements are either included in or excluded from the Volume object. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. Domains For details. Plane: Render The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab. • Depending on the context. The following characteristics of volumes will be discussed: • Volume: Geometry (p.5 . Volumes will not be displayed as perfect shapes (for example.2. . Inc. 10. see Domains (p. 158) • Volume: Render (p. 10. 154) • Volume: Color (p. 154 Release 14. For details. • From the tool bar.3. 158) • Volume: View (p.1.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10.1. Plane: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.4.1. select Location > Volume. select Insert > Location > Volume.© SAS IP. All rights reserved. 10.4. 21). Element Types The Element Types setting has the following options: Option Description Tet Displays volume that is connected to a tetrahedral mesh. see Render Details Tab (p.1. see View Details Tab (p.4.1.1. 143).5. 158) Note There are several ways to insert a volume: • From the menu bar.1. Inc. . you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view or in the 3D Viewer.5. 26). Pyramid Displays volume that is connected to a pyramid-shaped mesh. For details on changing the view settings. 10.1. Volume: Geometry 10.1.5. Volume Command A Volume is a collection of mesh elements that can be used as a locator for graphic objects or calculations.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5. Location Submenu Option Description Wedge Displays volume that is connected to a wedge-shaped mesh. Hex Displays volume that is connected to a hexagonal mesh. Definition Method The Method setting has the following options: Option Description Sphere Creates a sphere-shaped volume. Enables you to specify a center point and radius for the sphere volume. From Surface Creates a volume on a surface. Enables you to select a surface from the Location setting. Some surface types may not be available. Isovolume Creates a volume at a specified variables value. Enables you to specify a variable and one or two values (depending on the Mode) to create one or two isosurfaces that bound the isovolume. Surrounding Node Creates a volume at a node. Enables you to specify a node by number. Point Point is available only if the Sphere option is selected. The Point setting specifies a center point for the sphere volume. The point can be anywhere in 3D space. Radius Radius is available only if the Sphere option is selected. The Sphere setting specifies a radius for the sphere volume. Location Location is available only if the From Surface option is selected. The Location setting selects from a list of valid locations for the volume to exist on. Variable Variable is available only if the Isovolume option is selected. The Variable setting selects a variable to plot the volume on. A Value for the variable must be selected before the volume can be defined. Hybrid/Conservative Options These options are available only if the Isovolume option is selected. For help on which field to select, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. Mode (for the Sphere and From Surface options) The Mode setting has the following options: Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 155 CFD-Post Insert Menu Option Description Intersection Creates a volume at the specified radius for the Sphere option. For the From Surface option, the volume is created on the surface of the object. Below Intersection Creates a volume for all of the radii less than the specified radius for the Sphere option. For the From Surface option, the volume is plotted for all values less than the given value on the location object. Above Intersection Opposite to the Below Intersection option. Mode (for the Isovolume option) The Mode setting has the following options: Option Description At Value Creates a volume for all the mesh elements in the domain equal to the entered value. Below Value Creates a volume for all the mesh elements in the domain above the entered value. Above Value Creates a volume for all the mesh elements in the domain less than the entered value. Between Value Creates a volume for all the mesh elements in the domain in between the two entered values. Value Text Boxes The Value text boxes are available only if the Isovolume option is selected. The Value text boxes specify values to compare to using the Mode options. For example, if Value is set to 2 and Mode is set to At Value, the Volume will plot where the variable is equal to 2. Inclusive Check Box Select the Inclusive check box to add the entered values to an above or below comparison Mode. For example, if the Inclusive check box is selected with the Below Intersection option, the volume will include the radius entered or surface selected. How CFD-Post Calculates Isovolumes In order to see the affects of the Inclusive check box on the Minimum Face Angle variable set to the Below Value mode, do the following: 1. Open a results file. 2. Create a volume, accepting the default name. 3. Set Variable to Minimum Face Angle, Mode to Below Value, and then click Apply. Few volumes appear. 4. Now enable Inclusive and click Apply again. Many more volumes appear. 156 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Location Submenu The differences you see are caused by how CFD-Post calculates values for a given point on a mesh (Mode is set to At Value): compared to Mode being set to Below Value ...and as compared to Mode being set to Below Value with Inclusive being enabled: Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 157 CFD-Post Insert Menu Volume: Color The color settings can be changed by clicking the Color tab. For details, see Color Details Tab (p. 19). Volume: Render The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab. For details, see Render Details Tab (p. 21). Volume: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects. For details on changing the view settings, see View Details Tab (p. 26). 10.1.6. Isosurface Command An isosurface is a surface upon which a particular variable has a constant value, called the level. For instance, an Isosurface of pressure would be a surface consisting of all the points in the geometry where the pressure took a value of 1.32e+05 Pa. In CFD-Post, isosurfaces can be defined using any variable. You can also color the isosurface using any variable or choosing a constant color. The following characteristics of isosurfaces will be discussed: • Isosurface: Geometry (p. 159) • Isosurface: Color (p. 159) • Isosurface: Render (p. 159) • Isosurface: View (p. 159) Note There are several ways to insert an isosurface: 158 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Location Submenu • From the menu bar, select Insert > Location > Isosurface. • From the tool bar, select Location > Isosurface. • Depending on the context, you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view. Isosurface: Geometry Domains For details, see Domains (p. 143). Definition Variable The Variable setting specifies the variable that you want to plot. Tip Click the Location Editor to open the Variable Selector dialog box, which displays the complete list of available options. Hybrid/Conservative Option For help on which field to select, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. Value The Value setting specifies a numerical value or expression to plot for the given variable. Isosurface: Color You can change the color settings by clicking the Color tab; for details, see Color Details Tab (p. 19). You should not select the Local Range option when coloring an isosurface with the variable used to define it. In this case, the Local Range would be zero by definition, and the plot would highlight only round-off errors. Isosurface: Render To change the rendering settings, click the Render tab. For details, see Render Details Tab (p. 21). Isosurface: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects. For details on changing the view settings, see View Details Tab (p. 26). Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 159 CFD-Post Insert Menu 10.1.7. Iso Clip Command An iso clip hides the portion of one or more locators subject to one or more constraints (visibility parameters) that you specify. The following characteristics of iso clips will be discussed: • Iso Clip: Geometry (p. 160) • Iso Clip: Color (p. 161) • Iso Clip: Render (p. 161) • Iso Clip: View (p. 161) Note There are several ways to insert an iso clip: • From the menu bar, select Insert > Location > Iso Clip. • From the tool bar, select Location > Iso Clip. • Depending on the context, you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view. Important Iso clips have the following restrictions: 1. Iso clip locators interpolate values using a method that is slightly less accurate than that used for slice planes and isosurfaces. For details, see Interpolation in CFD-Post (p. 141). 2. Iso clips cannot clip volumes. 3. Iso clips cannot have mix of faces and lines. 4. Setting Visible when [value] to = always results in lines, never faces. 5. Setting Visible when [value] to both >= and <= produces only faces, no lines (due to restriction 3), yet clipped lines may mix with mesh lines if the latter are shown. 6. In polyhedral cases, an iso clip may show missing faces when multiple locations are selected as the basis for the iso clip. As a workaround, use multiple iso clip objects, selecting a single location for each. Iso Clip: Geometry Domains For details, see Domains (p. 143). 160 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Location Submenu Location Click the Location Editor icon to open the Location Editor dialog box, which displays the complete list of available options. If you specify multiple locators, they must all have the same dimensionality (for example, all must be planes, rather than a combination of lines and planes). Visibility Parameters The Visibility parameters area is where you set the variables that hide the values that fail to meet a specified condition on a locator specified in the Locations field. For example, if the locator is an X-Y plane and the visibility is restricted to Y>=0, Y<= .1, and X>=.15, only areas that have values within those bounds will be displayed. icon or by right-clicking in the Visibility paraYou create a new clip setting by clicking the New meters area and selecting New. These actions cause the Visibility Parameter Properties settings to appear: Variable Sets the variable that controls where the iso clip regions are placed. Typically you would specify geometric variables. Visible when [value] Sets the display of regions (>=, <=) or a line (=). Boundary Data Enables you to set the boundary data to use of hybrid or conservative variable values. For details, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. Iso Clip: Color You can change the color of the locator or the variable that is colored on the locator by clicking the Color tab. For details, see Color Details Tab (p. 19). Iso Clip: Render To change the rendering settings, click the Render tab. For details, see Render Details Tab (p. 21). Iso Clip: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects. For details on changing the view settings, see View Details Tab (p. 26). 10.1.8. Vortex Core Region A vortex is a circular or spiral set of streamlines; a vortex core is a special type of isosurface that displays a vortex. The CFD-Post vortex core visualization tools are designed to help you identify and understand vortex regions. The following characteristics of vortex cores will be discussed: • Vortex Core Region: Geometry (p. 162) Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 161 select Location > Vortex Core Region. Domains The Domains setting specifies the domains where the vortex core should be found. 168) Note There are several ways to insert a vortex core region: • From the menu bar.© SAS IP. 162 Release 14. Lambda 2-Criterion The negative values of the second eigenvalue of the symmetry square of velocity gradient tensor. Swirling Discrim.8.8.1.CFD-Post Insert Menu • Vortex Core Region: Color (p. Selected domains do not need to be contiguous. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. select Insert > Location > Vortex Core Region.8. it could include regions with negative discriminants and exclude region with positive discriminants. 143). 10.2. Click the dropdown arrow to choose a method: Absolute Helicity Absolute value of the dot product of velocity vector and vorticity vector. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view. Definition Area The Definition area is where you define the type and the strength of the vortex core. the plane spanned by the real and imaginary parts of complex eigen-vectors of velocity gradient tensor).1. Method The Method setting specifies sets of equations that detect vortices as spatial regions.1. see Domains (p. For a region with positive values. All rights reserved.1. • From the tool bar. 10.5 . Inc. Real Eigen Helicity Dot product of vorticity and swirling vector that is the real eigen-vector of velocity gradient tensor. . • Depending on the context. 168) • Vortex Core Region: View (p.1. 10.The discriminant of velocity gradient tensor for complex eigenvalues. Derived through the hessian of pressure. Inc. Q-Criterion The second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor. The positive inant values indicate existence of swirling local flow pattern. .1. For details. 168) • Vortex Core Region: Render (p.1. Vortex Core Region: Geometry 10. Eigen Helicity Dot product of vorticity and the normal of swirling plane (that is.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1. 1.4) − + (10. For the velocity gradient tensor ∂ ∂ £ § £ ¦ £ ¢ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ¤ § ¤ ¦ ¤ ¢ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ©¨ ¡ =   ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ¥ § ¥ ¦ ¥ ¢ −    =             =                    (10.© SAS IP.5) − Now let + WU ≡ (10.6) − VU − RQ ≡ (10.2.2)     where = −∇⋅ = − + + FGDEFD FFDEGD GED GFDEGD GGDEFD FED GGDFFD FGDGFD EED C C C BA @9 H 9 8 653563 663553 643463 443663 453543 553443 2 2 10 7 ) ( " !    ≡ # − − =   + − − − −  ≡ + − − ''$ &&$ %%$ ≡ − − − − − + +  =  − (10.Location Submenu Swirling Strength The imaginary part of complex eigenvalues of velocity gradient tensor.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. The following are the related notations and equations.8. It is positive if and only if the discriminant is positive and its value represents the strength of swirling motion around local centers. Inc.3) (10. . Vortex Core Mathematics A number of methods are based on eigen analysis in local velocity gradient tensor. 163 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. Inc.5 .1.1. Vorticity Curl of velocity vector.7) P I T S Then. All rights reserved. the appropriate choice of vortex core is always case-dependent. Note There is no recommended vortex core method.1)   The eigenvalues of the gradient tensor satisfies + + + = (10. if the discriminant is Release 14. 10. 26 (p. and represents the strength of the local swirling motion.19 (p.© SAS IP. In CFDPost.15) −         (10. All rights reserved.8) ¡   then the tensor has one real eigenvalue ¥¤  +      and a pair of conjugated complex eigenvalues ± ¨ ¦ § ©¨ ¦ ¢ ≡    That is. The direction of the Swirling Vector is that of the real eigen-vector ( in Equation 10.16) (10.17) − ih p d a q ih e +  +      pp e XR cb a − T g S e cb a ∇× + XR WV R Y =    + U =      = XR ` QH PH = + U = (10. ED GF The following relationships are useful: I (10.CFD-Post Insert Menu £  >   (10. .11) $" Then − − (10. the magnitude of both Swirling Vector and Swirling Normal is the Swirling Strength. Inc.12) 3 72 ( % 62 (10. 164)) and the direction of the Swirling Normal is that of defined in Equation 10.13) C9 + )' = − − 0' = − − & = (10.19) Release 14. the tensor can be decomposed as         −     =       −           (10.9)   We denote = − (10.18) f Now the real eigen-vector meets: v u tv s r 164 − = (10.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.14) B9 (% 54 1 A@ 8 The last one is called Swirling Strength.5 . Inc.10) ! and + # = & = (10. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 165). . ≤ ‡„ UT So any non-zero row vector of matrix A can be used to calculate w On and (10. if 33 GFE D × × = . is used in the method proposed by F. we have l n k n e j id –“ ”—’–—’–’ ™ •” ‘ oo Also.26) `Y 2 CBA @ = (10. we can express the tensor + = gf m d ”— –— ”— “–— “ ™“ ™“ ”— “–— “ ”— –— ™“ So.5 . u vt t x g = let . are all proportional to + SRQ + 76 9 4 − 5 986 4 ≡ ). 165 .© SAS IP. therefore they . Inc. Hussain. All rights reserved.Location Submenu We can calculate the real eigen-vector using one of the non-zero vectors:                   − −       − − £¤  ¤£  ¢ ¡ ¤¤   ¢ ¡ ££  ¢ ¡ ££  ¥¤  £¤ ¥£  ¢ ¡ ¤¤  ¥£  ¥¤ ¤£  − − ¨ § ©©¦ ¦ ¨ § ©©¦ ©¦©¦ ¨ § ¦ ©¦ − − − − − − ©¦©¦ ¨ §  ¦ ©¦¦ − − − − −                        − − − − (10.25) PIH 376 4 = and then. all rows of matrix A are normal to both XVT WVT XVT WVT = − ≡ have all real eigen-values ( …„ + and ≤ †„ ƒ ‚ €y ƒ p ƒy i and r sq q ih + + ≡ is the vorticity vector. That is. where c eb d a Then + = f This is useful to get the eigen-helicity and . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. By using the eigen-values The region with negative of and eigen-vectors of velocity gradient tensor . in the case the second eigenvalue is − − − (10.22) The complex eigen-vectors' real and imaginary parts meet: = − = − (10.20)             (10.24) %  Therefore.21) (10.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc.23) 0)(1) & $"!$"  1)( '0) & #"! #"  − − (10. .27) hf d m ™“ − − ”—’–—’–’   =        ˜ ‰ˆ         as Release 14. (10.28)  + +  − § ¨ £¥£ ©¦¤ ¡ © ¥¤ ¡ ¥ ¡ = . Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.32) − (10. (10. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. .33) Then the three eigenvalues are: = + s xw v r q u p c hg f b a e ` Y S X WV UR Q TP + + + where − ˆ ƒ ‚ − + +          − is in the range of + ‰ ‘ − − sqsq r xq r wq r wq tq squq r vq uq tqsq 166 − − − −       ≤ ≤ .29)  Its eigenvalues meet − − $ !# &!" %! where + = (10.35) ˆ ‡ ˆ † ˆ … + u ty i de = (10. Inc.37) (10.40) .34) can be one of the non-zero vectors Release 14. the same should apply to  Let                =     (10.39) .CFD-Post Insert Menu + − + ¢ ©¦¤ ¡ ©¥¤ ¡  ¥¤ ¡    Now when we look into the eigenvalues and vectors of .38) − = − if hf gf = + ˆ „ ƒ = (10. Therefore. we have + symmetry tensor is       +    o k j mn l e ™ d —’ ˜” • ” “ – + p  € Because + (10. the second eigenvalue for a 3x3 .36) ˆ ‚ „ = (10. All rights reserved.31) − − + + I FBEB I HBDB @ 93 @ 83 @ 73 − − (10.30) + I GBCB HBGBFB EBDBCB A 4363 6353 5343 2 1( 0( )( ' ≡ ≡ + ≡ + + (10. The eigenvector corresponding to an eigenvalue − (10.5 .© SAS IP. Autogeneration of Near Wall Vertical Structure in Channel Flow. Zaric Memorial International Seminar on Near Wall Turbulence. and P. [4] J. Journal of Fluid Mechanics.1. 69-94. Haimes and D. Report. Copyright © 2002.Location Submenu ¨ ¨ ¡ − © © − © − − ¥  ¢  §  ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¦  ¡ − ¡ − − £  © ¥  ¥  ¦  ¤  − − − ¡ £  ¢  − − ¡ − − − ¥  ¤  ¨ ¨  ¨¨ ¨                         (10. Wary. R. 288-291. 765-777. In Proc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. R. Copyright © 1991. Choudhury. and H. MIT. [5] J. 167 . Thompson.2. Sujudi. Moin. and D. Fluids 8. Eddies. [11] J. Adrian. Hunt. B. NASA Ames / Stanford University in Oroc.8. Inc. Balachander. Identification of Swirling Flow in 3D Vector Fields. Dallman.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Eigen Helicity Density: A New Vortex Identification Scheme and its Application in Accelerated Inhomogeneous Flows. E. Weinkauf. [7] S. CP-494. [8] M. S. Phys. R. Robinson. All rights reserved. Spalart.41) (10. Copyright © 1996. Dept. and H. 285. Roth and R. J. [9] J.1. Vortex Core References Bibliography [1] M. T. Kline. Eurographics – IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization. S. Copyright © 1995.© SAS IP. Release 14. [10] S. Zoran P. [2] U. Hege. J. Tech.42) 10. Machiraju. 193-207. and S. A Novel Approach to Vortex Core Region Detection. Proc.2. A General Classification of Three Dimensional Flow Fields. On the Footprints of Three-Dimensional Separated Vortex Flows Around Blunt Bodies. Hussain. Copyright © 1988. Streams. Schulte-Werning. Jeong and F. Fluid. Vollmers. and Convergence Zones in Turbulent Flows. A. AGARD Conf. Riedelbauch. K. Copyright © 2005. 1988 Summer Program of the Center for Turbulent Research.-C. . Chong. Phys. Statistical Analysis of Near-wall Structures in Turbulent Channel Flow. [6] M. Eurographics – IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization. Inc. S. Hilgenstock. and P. Copyright © 1990. Fluids 18. and B. R. of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Phys. Perry. MA. Peikert. Cambridge. On the Identification of a Vortex. Zhou. A. Sahner. [3] R. Galilean Invariant Extraction and Iconic Representation of Vortex Core Lines. Cantwell. A. Zhang and D. J.1.5 . A Higher-order Method for Finding Vortex Core Lines. Copyright © 1998. A. Jiang. Copyright © 2006. Copyright © 1995. C. Copyright © 1988. A 2. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.2. Ph.8.1. Copyright © 1997. Vortex Core Region: Color To learn how to use color to show how a variable changes through a region or just to change the color of the vortex core regions. 169) • Surface of Revolution: Color (p. . Self-sustaining Formation of Packets of Hairpin Vortices in a Turbulent Wall Layer.2. The polyline may be as simple as a single line segment or as complicated as a general curve. see Color Details Tab (p. see View Details Tab (p. 387. 10.2. Copyright © 1999. 10. All rights reserved.8. see Render Details Tab (p. Actual Value The Actual Value setting displays the isosurface value.5 .D. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Kendall. 19). thesis.3.CFD-Post Insert Menu [12] J. The Level setting is normalized between Method types so that it is easy for you to compare the output of the different methods. Zhou.© SAS IP. M. This read-only value varies between methods.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. J. Vortex Core Region: Render To learn how to control the display of mesh lines. 26).8. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Mechanisms for Generating Coherent Packets of Hairpin Vortices in Channel Flow. and T. S. the range will not be calculated across all timesteps). 353-396.8.4. Inc. 10.1. textures. 21). R. [13] J. Inc. Vortex Core Region: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.1. Surface of Revolution Command A Surface of Revolution is a surface created by revolving a polyline about an axis.9.3.1. 171) • Surface of Revolution: Render (p.1.1. The following characteristics of surfaces of revolution will be discussed: • Surface of Revolution: Geometry (p. Illinois.1. Level The Level setting controls the strength of the vortex core that is displayed. 10. Adrian.1. 10. and vortex core faces. 10. Balachander. Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Zhou. Urbana.2. . For details on changing the view settings. 171) 168 Release 14. Note The ranges of vortex core variables are calculated by CFD-Post and will be local to the timestep (that is.8. Domains For details.1. Surface of Revolution: Geometry 10.1. The axial value offsets the sphere in the direction of the rotational axis.© SAS IP. 10.1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc. 10. .1. select Location > Surface of Revolution.2. Disc Creates a disc using one axial and two radial coordinate points.9. • Depending on the context. and the radial value is used as the radius of the sphere. Point 1 (a. 171) Note There are several ways to insert a surface of revolution: • From the menu bar. Sphere Creates a cylinder using one axial and radial coordinate points.1.2. 10. Definition 10.9. 143). Inc.1. select Insert > Location > Surface of Revolution.5 . see Domains (p.r) and Point 2 (a. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1. Release 14.9. These text boxes specify axial and radial coordinates to define the surface of revolution. 169 .2. All rights reserved.2. Only one set of coordinates are available for the Sphere option. Cone Creates a cone using two axial and radial coordinate points. From Line Enables you to specify a line or polyline to revolve about the axis (to be specified later). • From the tool bar.Location Submenu • Surface of Revolution: View (p. Method The Method setting has the following options: Option Description Cylinder Creates a cylinder using two axial and one radial coordinate points.r) These text boxes are not available for the From Line option.1. © SAS IP.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10. Y.1.9. Method The Method setting has the following options: Option Description Principal Axis Enables you to specify a principal axis to rotate around. These text boxes create a line representing the axis about which the Solid of Revolution is created. 170 Release 14. Rotation Axis 10.3.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.9.3.1. This produces a more refined mesh. Axis Axis is available only if the Principal Axis option is selected.1. Tip icon to open the Location Selector dialog box. The Line setting selects a valid line or polyline to use for rotation around the axis. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. 10. From/To Text Boxes The From and To text boxes are available only if the Rotation Axis option is selected. or Z axis to rotate around.1. which displays Click the Location Editor the complete list of available lines.3. Line Line is available only if the From Line option is selected. If Project to AR Plane is selected (it is by default).2.1. . Theta Samples The Theta Samples setting specifies the amount of sample points evenly rotated around the rotational axis. The # of Samples setting sets the amount of sample points in the direction of the rotational axis.2.6.9. Inc.1.5 .1.9. Project to AR Plane Check Box The Project to AR Plane check box is available only if the From Line option is selected. 10. 10. The Axis setting enables you to select from a list the X.1.2. increasing this setting would make a cylinder's curve around its origin more accurate (more like a circle). For example.9. # of Samples # of Samples is not available if the From Line option is selected. Angle Range Check Box Select the Angle Range check box if you want to specify a minimum or maximum angle to rotate to. 10.9. . All rights reserved. 10.9.1. Rotation Axis Enables you to specify a custom axis to rotate around using a line.1. Inc. then the Theta values will be projected to the plane of constant Theta.1.3. All rights reserved.4.9.2.© SAS IP. The following image shows two partial cones with the same profile and theta limits. Surface of Revolution: Render The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab.1.9.1. 19).9. Inc. Axial/Radial Offset 10. .9. the radial offset is positive and the axial offset is negative. For details on changing the view settings. 10. For the end profile of one of the cones.1.1.5. see Color Details Tab (p.1.9.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 10.3. Release 14.1. Start/End R These settings specify a start and end offset for the radius. 26). 171 .1. 21). Min. see Render Details Tab (p. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Surface of Revolution: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.9./Max.5. see View Details Tab (p. Start/End A These settings specify a start and end offset along the axis of rotation. causing the radius to increase and the axial coordinate to decrease with increasing theta (as determined by the right hand rule with reference to the axis shown).5 .1. 10. Two other surfaces of revolution were included in the figure to help illustrate axial displacements. 10. For details.Location Submenu 10. 10. For details. Angle These settings specify a minimum and/or maximum angle to rotate to.1.1. Inc. Surface of Revolution: Color The color settings can be changed by clicking the Color tab.9.5.1. 1. • From the tool bar. a velocity of 5 m/s).10. 10.1. 100).1. 174) Note There are several ways to insert a polyline: • From the menu bar. The line will then plot on the intersection. Inc. Polyline Command A polyline is a line connecting a series of points. Method The Method setting has the following options: Option Description From File Enables you to specify a file that has the point data contained within it. The points may have local (path) variables associated with them. . 172) • Polyline: Color (p. The following characteristics of polylines will be discussed: • Polyline: Geometry (p. The polyline can interact with CFD data and can be colored using path variables or domain variables.10. Inc.1. All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1.1. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view.© SAS IP.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10. 174) • Polyline: Render (p.5 . select Insert > Location > Polyline. Polyline: Geometry 10. Boundary Intersection Enables you to select a boundary and an object to intersect it with. • Depending on the context.10. The data file format is described in POLYLINE Data Format (p. 174) • Polyline: View (p. 172 Release 14. select Location > Polyline.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. . From Contour Enables you to plot using contour data (for example. see Contour Command (p. If you have not created a contour.10.3.1. Release 14. Inc. The Intersect With setting specifies a graphic object that intersects the boundary. . Domains Domains is available only if the Boundary Intersection option is selected. Inc. make sure to select Export Geometry Information. 10.1. To intersect only one side. 100).6. by using the same format. pick the primitive region that defines one side of the thin surface instead of the entire boundary. 10. 183) 10. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The Boundary List setting specifies a boundary. see POLYLINE Data Format (p.2. The Contour Level setting specifies a contour level. 10.1.© SAS IP.Location Submenu 10. The Domains setting selects a domain for the polyline to exist in. The File setting specifies the filename of a file to insert. 10.10. File File is available only if the From File option is selected. 173 . You can type in the filename or click Browse to open the Import dialog box and search for the file. Tip This method enables you to read polylines or lines from another case (if that case has the required geometry). then use the From File method in the other case to import the lines along with any local data. see Domains (p. 143). Boundary List Boundary List is available only if the Boundary Intersection option is selected.1. For details. The only valid file types to import are *. such as experimental data. the resulting polyline will include both sides of the boundary. 183).csv.1. You can also create your own file containing your data.10. All rights reserved.1.10. Intersect With Intersect With is available only if the Boundary Intersection option is selected.5 . which displays the complete list of available boundaries. Contour Level Contour Level is available only when the From Contour option is selected. Note When intersecting with a thin surface boundary.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. First export a polyline or a line from another case. Tip Click the Location Editor icon to open the Location Selector dialog box. For a description of the polyline file format.10.1.1. The Contour Name setting selects a predefined contour plot.1. Contour Name Contour Name is available only when the From Contour option is selected.5.4. The amount of contour levels is predefined by the Contour Command (p.txt and *. For details. • By transforming an existing surface. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.10. see Render Details Tab (p.5 . The following characteristics of user surfaces will be discussed: • User Surface: Geometry (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 10. For details. All rights reserved. Inc. 178) • User Surface: Render (p. select Location > User Surface.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10.© SAS IP. Note User Surface locators interpolate values using a method that is slightly less accurate than that used for slice planes and isosurfaces. The offset can be uniform or described by a variable. Inc.1. . 21). 26).1. Polyline: Color The color settings can be changed by clicking the Color tab.2. see Color Details Tab (p. 178) Note There are several ways to insert a user surface: • From the menu bar. 141).1. • From the intersection of a boundary and an existing locator. see Interpolation in CFD-Post (p. .1. User Surface Command A user surface can be defined in a number of different ways: • From a file containing data points. 174 Release 14. For details on changing the view settings. see View Details Tab (p. 178) • User Surface: View (p.10. 10. 19). • From the tool bar. • From a contour fringe number. • Offset from an existing surface. For details.4. 175) • User Surface: Color (p. select Insert > Location > User Surface.10. Polyline: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.3. Polyline: Render The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab. 10.11. by using the same format.5 . 175 . 172). see Polyline: Geometry: File (p. For details. such as experimental data. Boundary Intersection Same as for the polyline object. For details. 101). ANSYS Similar to the From File option.© SAS IP. Inc.11. and uniform scale for the user surface. translation. see Polyline: Geometry: Method (p. 10. You can also create a file containing your own data. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. 172).1. 178). see Polyline: Geometry: Method (p. For details. . Inc.2.1.1. see USER SURFACE Data Format (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1. From Contour Same as for the polyline object. see Polyline: Geometry: Method (p.1. File File is the same for the polyline object. 172). Method The Method setting has the following options: Option Description From File Same as for the polyline object. For details. except that this option uses ANSYS files to load into the instance.11. User Surface: Geometry 10. First export a surface (such as a plane or a boundary) from another case and make sure to select Export Geometry Information and Export Line and Face Data. For a description of the surface file format.Location Submenu • Depending on the context. All rights reserved. see Specify Associated Boundary Check Box (p. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view. For details. 10. Tip This method enables you to read surfaces from another case. Transformed Surface Enables you to specify a preexisting surface to plot.1. 101). The data file format is described in USER SURFACE Data Format (p. 173). You may specify different methods of offset for the user surface.11. You may also specify an associated boundary for the file to be loaded onto. Then use the From File method in the other case to import the surface along with any local data. Release 14. Offset From Surface Enables you to specify a preexisting surface to plot. You may specify a rotation. Translation Check Box The Translation check box is available only if the Transformed Surface option is selected.5. 10. the User Surface fills in all of the area above the contour level entered and below the contour level above.1. Scale Check Box The Scale check box is available only if the Transformed Surface option is selected. Type Type is available only if the Offset From Surface option is selected. Select the Scale check box to specify a scale for the User Surface.1.1.© SAS IP. 10. see Contour Name (p. Each mesh element that the line passes through forms part of the User Surface. Inc. Select the Rotation check box to specify a rotation for the User Surface.1. 10. . . For details. 10.5 .1. Translational Enables you to offset the User Surface from the selected surface by moving the User Surface. 173). 173). Select the Translation check box to specify a translation for the User Surface. except that instead of outlining the intersection. 10. The Type setting has the following options: Option Description Normal Enables you to offset the User Surface normal to selected surface. see Apply Translation Check Box (p. For details.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.4. For details.7. The Mode setting has the following options: 176 Release 14. All rights reserved. For details. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 10. see Domains (p.11.1.1. when applicable.9. Inc. Domains/Boundary List/Intersect With These settings are the same as for a polyline. see Apply Rotation Check Box (p. 10. Contour Name/Contour Level These settings are the same as for a polyline. Also. Contour Level 1 creates a surface below the first contour line. Mode Mode is available only if the Offset From Surface option is selected.1.CFD-Post Insert Menu 207). 208). Surface Name Surface Name is available only if either the Transformed Surface or Offset From Surface options are selected. The Surface Name setting selects a surface on which to plot the User Surface. except that instead of outlining the contour. a line of intersection is formed between the boundaries and the location. Use the Scale text box to specify a uniform scale factor.1.11. Rotation Check Box The Rotation check box is available only if the Transformed Surface option is selected. 12. An example of a uniform normal offset of -0. after you have chosen a variable you can click in the Distance box and amend it with valid CFX Expression Language (CEL) (for example. Direction Direction is available only if the Translational option is selected. The Distance setting specifies an offset distance.11. Variable Enables you to select a variable to plot from the surface. For example.Location Submenu Option Description Uniform Enables you to specify a uniform offset. 0. Y.13.6. When the distance is described by a variable. 10. The Direction setting selects a direction to offset the User Surface. Distance Distance is available only if the Uniform option is selected. Variable Variable is available only if the Variable option is selected. Release 14. Increased values do not increase the translational offset. [m] to the Default surface of the static mixer. Inc.5 * Temperature). and its subsidiaries and affiliates.2] would identically offset the User Surface.1.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1] and [4. For example.11. [2. 10. colored by Temperature.© SAS IP. The Variable setting specifies a variable to plot.3.1.1. whether it is translational or normal.5 . and Z directions are placed at.11. is shown in the diagram. . 10. Inc. 177 . you can also incorporate the variable into an expression. they merely change the ratio that the offset X.1. All rights reserved. Inc. All rights reserved. Specify Associated Boundary Check Box The Specify Associated Boundary check box is available only if the ANSYS option is selected. see Import Mechanical CDB Surface (p. User Surface: Render The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab. 10. 179) • Surface Group: View (p. select Location > Surface Group.1.1. For details. see Color Details Tab (p. select Insert > Location > Surface Group. For details. 95).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1.12.1. see View Details Tab (p.1.11. 21).1. For details.11. For details. 10. 179) • Surface Group: Render (p.12. Surface Group Command A surface group enables you to create a locator consisting of multiple surface locators.14. 143).12.2. • From the tool bar. This setting is also available in an import menu. 26).1.5 . 10. The following characteristics of user surface groups will be discussed: • Surface Group: Geometry (p. see Domains (p. 10. Domains The Domains setting selects the domains in which the surface group will exist. Inc. 178) • Surface Group: Color (p.1.4. 178 Release 14. 179) Note There are several ways to insert a surface group: • From the menu bar. User Surface: Color The color settings can be changed by clicking the Color tab.© SAS IP. .11. see Render Details Tab (p. 10.11. .CFD-Post Insert Menu 10.1. Surface Group: Geometry 10.1. • Depending on the context. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view. User Surface: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.3. 19). For details on changing the view settings.1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1.12. 146). 10.1. For details. • From the tool bar. Locations The Locations setting specifies a location or locations on which to plot the Surface Group.1. For details on changing the view settings. Turbo Line Command Turbo lines are graphic objects that can be viewed and used as locators.3. 283). 10.Location Submenu 10. Surface Group: Render The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab.1. Inc. Inc. just like other graphic objects.12. see Color Details Tab (p. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. • From the tool bar.14.1. Release 14. 19). select Location > Turbo Surface. see Render Details Tab (p. Surface Group: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects. 21).1.© SAS IP. select Location > Turbo Line. 10. see Turbo Surface (p. 10.12. All rights reserved.13. see Locations (p. For details.1. Note There are two ways to insert a turbo line: • From the menu bar. . Turbo Surface Command Turbo surfaces are graphic objects that can be viewed and used as locators.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 26). Surface Group: Color The color settings can be changed by clicking the Color tab. 10. For details on working with turbo lines. see Turbo Line (p. see View Details Tab (p. Note There are two ways to insert a turbo surface: • From the menu bar. For details on working with turbo surfaces. 280). For details. 179 .12.4. select Insert > Location > Turbo Surface.5 . select Insert > Location > Turbo Line.2. just like other graphic objects.2. known as seeds. the velocity vectors can be plotted in the local frame of reference for each domain (Velocity Field Selection) or in the absolute frame of reference for each domain (Velocity in a Stationary Frame).1. The following characteristics of vectors will be discussed: • Vector: Geometry (p.1. These two choices produce the same plot in all stationary frame domains. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the 3D Viewer. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 146). Sampling Sampling and all of the settings that correspond to it are the same for the Point Cloud object.5 . When post-processing a GGI simulation. 182) Note There are several ways to insert a vector plot: • From the menu bar. Inc. 10.1. These points. 181) • Vector: Symbol (p. Inc. Locations Locations is the same for the Point Cloud object. 10.1. 180 Release 14. 182) • Vector: View (p.2.2. select Insert > Vector. see Sampling (p.2.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.2. . are defined by a location. Vector: Geometry 10.2.1. click the Vector icon.© SAS IP.2. 146). 10.2. . Domains For details.2. 180) • Vector: Color (p.2. For details. see Domains (p.2. All rights reserved. For details. Vector Command A Vector Plot is a collection of vectors drawn to show the direction and magnitude (optional) of a vector variable on a collection of points. Definition 10.1. see Locations (p.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10.1. 143). but plot either the rotating frame or absolute frame velocity vectors in domains that are in the rotating frame of reference. • From the toolbar. 182) • Vector: Render (p. • Depending on the context. the Projection setting has the following additional options: Option Description Axial Plots vector components along the rotation axis. 10. For details. All rights reserved.2. Radial Plots vector components radially to the rotation axis.5 . Tip Click the Location Editor icon to open the Variable Selector dialog box. The second list box represents the available directions to plot the vector in.2. 10.3. 181 . Available when a rotation axis is defined.1. Applicable only for surface locations. Normal Plots vector components normal to the location. 19).2. . Coord Frame Plots vector components aligned with a principal axis or an axis of a custom coordinate frame.5.© SAS IP. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.2.6. The first list represents the options for the range of the vector.2.4.2.Vector Command 10. see Color Details Tab (p. or by reading a turbo case).2. Projection The Projection setting has the following options: Option Description None Original vectors are plotted without any projection. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Hybrid/Conservative Options For details.1. Applicable only for surface locations. When a rotation axis is defined (set in the Turbo tab. Available when a rotation axis is defined. Release 14. Circumferential Plots vector components along the theta direction about the rotation axis. 10. Available when a rotation axis is defined. Variable The Variable setting selects a variable from the list to plot at the selected location. which displays the complete list of available variables. Tangential Plots vector components tangential to the location. 10. see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. Direction There are two drop-down list boxes for this setting. Inc. Vector: Color The color settings can be changed by clicking the Color tab.1. Arrowhead3D Displays a 3D version of the Arrowhead option.3. Fish3D Displays a 3D fish. However.2. Normalize Symbols Check Box Select the Normalize Symbols check box to make all of the vectors the same size.2. 21). see View Details Tab (p.4.2. Cube Displays a 3D box. Crosshair Displays a 3D “+” sign. All rights reserved. displays the normal and the tangential vector to the surface automatically. . Ball Displays a sphere at every vector point. For details. Arrowhead Displays the tip of the Arrow2D option. only a scalar value. This option does not specify a direction.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Symbol The Symbol setting has the following options to select a shape for the vector: Option Description Line Arrow Displays the vector as a line arrow. Inc. This option. the crosshair does not point to the actual direction (does not have an arrow pointing the direction of the actual vector). through its natural shape. Vector: Render The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab.2. One face of the cube lies tangent to the surface and one of the corners points in the direction of the vector. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. 10.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10. 10.3.2. 182 Release 14. Inc. 10.3. 26). Octahedron Displays a filled Crosshair option.5. see Render Details Tab (p.5 .© SAS IP. This option takes the least amount of memory and is suggested for large vector field plots. Symbol Size The Symbol Size setting specifies the scale for the vectors symbol. 10. Vector: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.3. For details on changing the view settings.3.2. Vector: Symbol 10. Arrow2D Displays a filled line arrow.2. Arrow3D Displays a 3D filled line arrow. 20). For example.3.3. In addition to the options specified in the link. 500. Locations For details. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 10. 184) • Contour: Render (p.1. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view or in the 3D Viewer.5 . Value List is a comma-separated list that enables you to specify the actual values at which contours should be plotted. 10. All rights reserved. see Range (p. 183) • Contour: Labels (p.1. select Insert > Contour.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 10. 20). Domains For details. • Depending on the context.3. 143).1. The following characteristics of contours will be discussed: • Contour: Geometry (p. see Hybrid/Conservative (p.© SAS IP. and 1100K.5.3.2. Inc.1. there is the following option.3.3. It should be noted that entering a value list overrides the number specified in the # of Contours (p. .3. 184) text box.1. 10. 700. 900. • From the toolbar.3. 20). if plotting temperature in a combustor. see Locations (p. Variable For details. click the Contour icon. Hybrid / Conservative Options For details. Contour Command A contour plot is a series of lines linking points with equal values of a given variable. Range For details. 146). 185) • Contour: View (p.4. Release 14. you might try a value list of 300. see Domains (p.1.1. 10. contours of height exist on geographical maps and give an impression of gradient and land shape. 185) Note There are several ways to insert a contour plot: • From the menu bar. Inc. see Mode: Variable and Use Plot Variable (p. Contour: Geometry 10.Contour Command 10. For example. 183 . # of Contours The # of Contours setting specifies the number of contours in the plot. Color Mode The Color Mode setting has the following options: Option Description Default Displays the text as gray. Clip to Range Check Box Select the Clip to Range check box to plot values only within the specified Range.3. Inc.1. For example. 10.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.© SAS IP. The contour numbers will appear next to the contour values in the legend.2.1. If selected.3. 10. Text Font The Text Font setting specifies a font from the list. .6.1. it will increase only the number of contours within the range.3. This will not increase the range. a value of 1 would display the contour numbers to be the full height of the 3D Viewer.5 .1.1.1. you should use this setting in conjunction with the User Specified range. see Color Scale (p. All rights reserved.9.3. Color Scale For details. User Specified Enables you to specify a custom color. Inc. see Color Map (p. Contour: Labels 10.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10.7.3. 10.2. 184 Release 14. 20).2. 20).3.1. 10.8. Text Height The Text Height setting specifies a value for the text height. .2. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The value corresponds to a ratio of the height of the 3D Viewer.1. Show Numbers Check Box Select the Show Numbers check box to display numbers for the contour lines and edit their appearance. Color Map For details. 10. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 21). but rather as outlet/inlet pair (for example. The following characteristics of streamlines will be discussed: • Streamline: Geometry (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.4. Although the CFD-Post streamline algorithm is efficient. 185 .Streamline Command 10. . streamlines may not always cross from one domain to next. 10. Inc. This can happen when there is no overlap between the two domains. 188) • Streamline: Symbol (p. Streamline Command A streamline is the path that a particle of zero mass would take through the fluid domain. which displays the Click the Location Editor complete range of available colors. or when the domain interface is not modeled as an interface. Streamlines start at each node on a given locator. setting the Direction to be Forward and Backward. 10. The path is calculated using a Runge-Kutta method of vector variable integration with variable timestep control.2.© SAS IP.3. in FLUENT). 186) • Streamline: Color (p.3. when calculating streamlines for a solution for the first time. the calculation of large numbers of streamlines in a large domain can still take a long period of time. Note In multi-domain turbo cases.4. detail ratio is found. 188) • Streamline: Limits (p. Therefore. 10. Inc. or from the inlet and the outlet. Text Color The Text Color setting selects a custom color. even with a transient simulation. If you want to view streamlines in both domains in such cases. Contour: Render The Render tab for a contour does not contain an Apply Texture section. see View Details Tab (p. All rights reserved. 26). The assumption of steady state flow is assumed when a streamline is created. Tip icon to open the Select color dialog box. For details on changing the view settings.4. 189) Release 14.1.3. Contour: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects. start by plotting a small number of streamlines and then increase the number of streamlines until the best generation time vs. but does contain the other sections described in Render Details Tab (p. you can start the streamlines from both "inlets".3.5 . You can select a predefined color by clicking the color bar. Streamline: Geometry 10. see Domains (p. 10.2. you are advised to reduce the Max Segments number to a few hundred streamlines.4.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.2. For details.4. . increase the Max Segments value until you receive good results. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. For details. 10.© SAS IP.1. see Locations (p. For details.1. you are advised to use the Factor text box to reduce the number of streamlines. If the streamlines stop part of the way through the domain. 190) Note There are several ways to insert a streamline: • From the menu bar. • From the toolbar. or regions of high vorticity. The Start From setting selects a location or locations to start from.1. Type The Type setting has the following options: Option Description 3D Streamline Plots the streamline inside a specified domain from a location. see Locations (p. 190) • Streamline: View (p. A Surface Streamline is defined as a line everywhere tangent to the surface variable component at a given instant of time.1. click the Streamline icon. If you are starting your streamlines from an inlet.2.4. 143). Inc. Inc. Surface Streamline Plots the streamline on a surface from a location.4. 10. Surfaces Surfaces is available only if the Surface Streamline option is selected.4. outlet. 146). you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view or in the 3D Viewer.1. • Depending on the context. All rights reserved.1.2. . If your solution is likely to contain recirculation areas. Start From (3D Streamline) Start From is available only if the 3D Streamline option is selected. 10. Definition 10.3. 146).CFD-Post Insert Menu • Streamline: Render (p.5 .1.1. The Surfaces setting selects a location or locations to plot on.2. 186 Release 14. select Insert > Streamline.4. or slice plane. Domains Domains is available only if the 3D Streamline option is selected. 1. 146). 10.4. 146). 10. Select the Cross Periodics check box to have the streamline cross from one periodic interface to the opposite boundary. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5 . 181).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.9.4. Inc.10.4. For details.4. 10.1. see Variable (p.5. Locations Locations is available only if the Locations option is selected.2.© SAS IP. see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values.2. The Sampling setting is identical to the Sampling setting for a Point Cloud object. For details.2. 187 .1. 10. For details. 10.4.1. Domain interfaces are used for multiple purposes: • Connecting domains or assemblies Release 14. Inc. Hybrid/Conservative Options For help on which field to select. Forward and Backward Specifies that the streamline goes in both the positive and negative directions from the start point. 10.1.2. except that you cannot select the Random option for this setting. Backward Specifies that the streamline goes only in the negative direction from the start point.4. This setting is similar to the Sampling setting for a Point Cloud object. see Locations (p. .3. For details. see Sampling (p. Cross Periodics Check Box Cross Periodics is available only if the 3D Streamline option is selected.4. Preview Seeds Button Click the Preview Seeds button to display in the Viewer where the streamlines will originate from. Using the Velocity variable is recommended. Direction The Direction setting has the following options: Option Description Forward Specifies that the streamline goes only in the positive direction from the start point. Sampling Sampling is available only if the 3D Streamline option is selected. see Sampling (p.1. The differences between the settings are that you cannot select the Random option for this setting and that the Start From setting also has the Locations option.2. A periodic interface can be defined by selecting a periodic option for a domain interface. Start From (Surface Streamline) Start From is available only if the Surface Streamline option is selected. 10.Streamline Command 10.4. Variable Use Variable to select a variable to plot.7. All rights reserved.4. 146).2.8. 3.1.3. 10. 10.4. • Creating periodic interfaces between regions This occurs when you are reducing the size of the computational domain by assuming periodicity in the simulation. .1. starting at the location. and can be used to track individual streamlines through a domain. These are Time and Unique.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. • Modeling changes in reference frame between domains This occurs when you have a stationary and a rotating domain or domains rotating at different rates. 10. Simplify Streamline Geometry Check Box Simplify Streamline Geometry is available only if the Surface Streamline option is selected.4. 10.2. To create an expression.4. click the Expression icon and enter the expression. The time value may also be an expression.4.3. Select the Simplify Streamline Geometry check box to interpolate a linear line in between points if the streamline is almost linear. All rights reserved.2.4. The time value can also be an expression. The Time option colors the streamline by the amount of time a massless particle would take to get to each point of the streamline.CFD-Post Insert Menu Domain Interfaces are required to connect multiple unmatched meshes within a domain (for example.4.1. Inc. see Color Details Tab (p. The Unique option gives each streamline a different color along its whole length. Interval The Interval setting specifies the time interval at which you want to plot the symbols. This will have negative effects if you plot a variable on the streamline because the linearly interpolated line will omit the points in between the points that create the line. 10. Inc. click the Expression icon and enter the expression. To create an expression. For details on how to use the rest of the Color tab. 188 Release 14.3. 10. Min Time The Min Time setting specifies a minimum time to start plotting the symbols.3.4. Streamline: Symbol The Symbol tab adds markers to each streamline at given time intervals. Max Time The Max Time setting specifies a maximum time to stop plotting the symbols. 19).© SAS IP.3. .1.5 . when there is a hexahedral mesh volume and a tetrahedral mesh volume within a single domain) and to connect separate domains.4.1. Show Symbols Check Box Select the Show Symbols check box to draw symbols at a user-specified time interval along the streamline. Streamline: Color There are two additional options for coloring streamlines not available on other objects. 10. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. For details.3. The symbols are drawn along the vector for the streamline at the given point. For details.1. All rights reserved. 10.3.2. Mode The Mode setting has the following options: Release 14. 10. 10. The minimum number of sides is 3 and the maximum is 20.4.2. .3. 10. 10. Inc.4. Tube Plots the streamline in tube shape. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 189 . The # of Sides setting specifies the number of sides to the tube.4.1.3. Show Streams Check Box Select the Show Streams check box to display the streamline or streamlines. Step Tolerance The values for the streamline (location and direction) are calculated at points determined by the step tolerance mode. # of Sides # of Sides is available only if the Tube option is selected. Streamline: Limits The Limits tab enables modification of the tolerance. Ribbon Plots the streamline in a flat tube shape. Symbol Size This setting is identical to the Symbol Size setting for the vector object.4. Ribbons also displays axial rotation of the fluid as it passes through the domain. see Symbol Size (p. Symbol The same options are available for the Symbol setting for the vector object.4.2.5 . The Initial Direction setting specifies the initial direction of the ribbon streamline. Inc. 10. Initial Direction Initial Direction is available only if the Ribbon option is selected.4.2. 182).3.© SAS IP.1.4.4. Line Width/Tube Width/Ribbon Width These settings control the width of the streamline. You can choose to have streamline elements calculated relative to the mesh (grid) or at absolute increments as shown in the table that follows: 10. 182). and maximum time settings.Streamline Command 10.4. Stream Type The Stream Type setting has the following options: Option Description Line Plots the streamline as a line.4. 10.4.1. see Symbol (p. segments. proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5. CFD-Post Insert Menu Option Description Grid Relative Specifies that the streamline must lie within the specified fraction of the local grid cell size. 190 Release 14. represents infinite time (because zero would actually plot nothing). • The injection of several particles from a point can help to display the turbulence properties of the flow. For details on changing the view settings. Selecting Grid Relative means that the Tolerance is directly proportional to the mesh spacing.4.5. Max Time The Max Time setting specifies the maximum time allowed to pass before the streamline ends. as well as by the mean and turbulent flow behavior. 21). 10. it is often useful to track the flow of discrete particles through the flow field. Absolute Specifies that the calculation points for streamline elements must lie within the Tolerance distance specified. see Render Details Tab (p.4. Streamline: Render The render settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab. Inc. Particle Track Command In complex flows. Tolerance The Tolerance setting specifies the accuracy of the path.1. In areas where the mesh has been refined (such as areas where the flow pattern changes quickly). For details.2. the Tolerance setting reduces the distance between streamline points proportionately.2.2. in this case. All rights reserved. 10.4. Upper Limits 10.2. 10. 10. Max Periods The Max Periods setting is available only if the Cross Periodics check box is selected in the Geometry tab. This in turn produces more accurate streamlines in these areas. the accuracy increases but the calculation time increases. As the Tolerance setting becomes finer. 10. following a path that is determined by the particle properties. These particles interact with the fluid.2.2.5. see View Details Tab (p. Streamline: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects. Max Segments The Max Segments setting specifies the maximum number of segments allowed for a streamline before it ends.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.6. .4.4. 10. A time of zero.© SAS IP.4. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5 . The tracking is useful in two ways: • Particle tracking can trace the mean flow behavior in and around complex geometries.4. . This setting sets the number of times a streamline is able to pass through a periodic boundary. Inc.3. 26). 10.1. 1. 194) • Particle Track: Symbol (p. 191) • Particle Track: Color (p. Particle Track: Geometry 10. 95). particle tracking information is written to the results file. see Import FLUENT Particle Track File (p. For details on creating a particle track file in ANSYS FLUENT. Once the FLUENT Particle Track file has been loaded. Clicking that button causes the particle track file to be reread and automatically updates any object that has a dependency on that file. • From the menu bar. 191 .res file. click the Particle Track icon. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view. 195) Note There are several ways to insert a particle track: • To insert a FLUENT particle track. . This option is available only with a vali results file. In ANSYS CFX. see Exporting Steady-State Particle History Data in the FLUENT User's Guide. an object will exist in the tree view of type Res Particle Track.1. The parameters are set in the pre-processor.Particle Track Command In ANSYS FLUENT. The following characteristics of particle tracks will be discussed: • Particle Track: Geometry (p. • Depending on the context.5. 194) • Particle Track: Render (p. To learn how to import such a file into a case loaded in CFD-Post. Release 14. a Reread button appears in the Particle Track details view. select Insert > Particle Track. select File > Import > Import FLUENT Particle Track File. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 195) • Particle Track: Info (p. particle tracking information is contained in a Fluent Particle Track XML file. If a CFX results file contains particle tracking data. 10. • From the toolbar.5. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Method For ANSYS CFX cases. All rights reserved. Inc. CFD-Post also provides support for track files created in CFX by allowing the import of particle tracking data from a separate file.1.5 . 195) • Particle Track: View (p. the Method setting has the following options: Option Description From Res Creates the particle track from the current .© SAS IP. 2. This setting is the same as Factor for the Point Cloud object. 143). All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5. Reduction Factor Enables you to specify a reduction factor to decrease the number of tracks to be plotted.CFD-Post Insert Menu Option Description CFX-4 Tracks From File Creates the particle track data from the selected file. The File setting specifies the filename of a file to load.© SAS IP.1.1.2. . Reduction Type The Reduction Type setting has the following options: Option Description Maximum Number of Tracks Enables you to set the maximum number of tracks to be plotted.5.4. Note You cannot load FLUENT Particle Track Files using this option.4.1.5. 147). The Material setting selects a material to emulate with the particle track.5. 10.1. .1. the Injections setting enables you to filter by injection region. Inc. Injections For ANSYS FLUENT cases.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. The Max Tracks setting specifies the maximum number of tracks to be plotted. 10. 10. Domains Domains is available only if the From Res option is selected. Reduction Reduction is available only if the Reduction Factor option is selected. 10.5. 192 Release 14. such files can be loaded only via File > Import > Import FLUENT Particle Track File.2. Inc.5.1. File File is available only for ANSYS CFX cases. 10.1.3. For details. For details. 10. .1. see Domains (p.1. Max Tracks Max Tracks is available only if the Maximum Number of Tracks option is selected. You may type in the filename or click Browse and search for the file.1. Material Material is available only if the From Res option is selected. to open the Select CFX-4 Particle Track File dialog box. see Factor (p.1. © SAS IP. Limit Type and Start/End <variable> Limit Type and Start/End <variable> are available only if the User Specified option is selected. Diameter.1. this option will not limit the tracks in any way.2. User Specified.5.1. Enables you to specify a beginning and ending time/distance. 10.5. Release 14. • For FLUENT cases. Therefore.1. or by what is written in the particle tracking XML file as separate times. Filter Check Box Select the Filter check box to specify filters. 193 . . Select the Start/End Region check boxes to filter out the tracks that do not start or end in the selected region. End Region. If this is a steady-state case.5. Since Last Timestep Plots the track values from the previous timestep to the current timestep. if Since Last Timestep is selected.1. Limit Type can be either Time or Diameter.1. The Limit Type setting specifies the limiting variable for the plot. Limits Option The Limits Option setting has the following options: Option Description Up to Current Timestep Plots the track values up to the current timestep only. CFD-Post uses transient timesteps (as shown in the timestep selector) to determine Since Last Timestep values. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.6. 10.6. The settings included are Start Region.6. Start/End Region Check Boxes These settings are available only if the From Res option is selected. Note For transient cases.5.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 10. and Start/End <limiter> specify a start and end value for the selected limiter.5. 10.5. All rights reserved. CFD-Post does not limit timesteps by solver timesteps.1. and the Match ALL/Match ANY options. Inc. the tracks will be limited to the values between the previous timestep (from that selected in the Timestep Selector) and the currently selected timestep. • For CFX cases.1. Limit Type can be either Time or Distance.5. Track. Inc.5 . Diameter Check Box Select the Diameter check box and set the corresponding text and list boxes to place restrictions on particles at the injection location.Particle Track Command 10. symbol sizes are scaled by the domain. 19). For details. You may view the Info tab to view the Total Tracks and Tracks Shown. Match ALL/Match ANY Options Select Match All to display only the tracks that meet all of the specified Filter conditions.5.© SAS IP. The particle size displayed is a mean particle diameter size multiplied by the value you set with the Scale setting.5. This behavior is different than for tracks that have segments. Time and.5. see Particle Track: Info (p. as described in Show Symbols Check Box (p. the Scale Type can be Absolute or Relative. You may also enter a range of track numbers.6.5. 188). Inc. All rights reserved. Time and Max.3.6.3. if the time on that vertex 194 Release 14. The interval setting has no effect because there is no interval to show. • When Size Option is Particle Diameter. The differences are that a particle track has a Max Time is setting and different symbol size options. Inc. the particle size displayed is a mean particle diameter size multiplied by the value you set with the Scale setting. Particle Track: Color The color settings can be changed by clicking the Color tab. Note Enabling symbols for single-point tracks will cause CFD-Post to show symbols for each point that exists between the Min. 10. .specifies track numbers above 40 • 10-100 specifies tracks 10 to 100. Track Check Box Select the Track check box and enter numbers corresponding to tracks to display indicated tracks by entering a comma-delimited list of track numbers. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. .CFD-Post Insert Menu 10. – When Scale Type is Absolute.5 .4. Particle Track: Symbol 10. see Color Details Tab (p. For details.1.1. – When Scale Type is Relative.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. because tracks without segments are not visible unless a symbol is drawn on them. The Size Option choices are Constant and Particle Diameter: • When Size Option is Constant. Time and Max. 10. Show Symbols Check Box This setting and its options are similar to those for the Show Symbols check box for the streamline object. For particle tracks that have no lines for the given set of tracks. 10.1. Time. For example: • -5 specifies tracks 1 to 5 • 40. Selecting Match Any draws all tracks that meet one or more of the selected conditions.2.3. the symbol size is constant for all particles. 195).5. CFD-Post evaluates each point for the tracks against the Min. All rights reserved.3. see Render Details Tab (p. then nothing will be shown for that track.5. Release 14. you can turn on Show Track Numbers in the Symbol tab.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.2.1.0 s). For details. Show Track Numbers Check Box Select the Show Track Numbers check box to display and edit the appearance of track numbers. 10. This is the default for steady-state simulations. Note that the File field is read-only for FLUENT particle track cases. The track numbers will be displayed at the beginning of each numbered track. For details. For details.Particle Track Command falls between those times.5. 189).3.5 s and 1. Current Time Uses the current timestep as the maximum time value. 21). it will be a symbol for all track points with a time between 0.5. Tip If you want to see the track numbers for that particle tracks that are visible within the limits. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. track symbols will exist on track vertices that have differing times (that is. 10. Particle Track: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.4. it will not just be a symbol at 1.5. see Show Streams Check Box (p. 195 . Max Time is The Max Time is setting has the following options: Option Description User Specified Enables you to enter a custom value for the maximum time value. Inc. 10.5. Inc. if a track happens not to be visible during the Track Limiting range. Track Limiting is just a way to show parts of a track that are displayed (after reduction and filtering). Show Tracks Check Box The settings for this check box are the same as for the Show Streams check box for the streamline object.5. a symbol is drawn. 26). 10. Particle Track: Info The Info tab displays information about the current state of the particle tracks. 10.5 .1.0 s for all tracks. 184). see Show Numbers Check Box (p. 10. This is the default for transient simulations. but the number of tracks and the track index range is always reported for all tracks. rather. This setting and its options are similar to the Show Numbers check box for the contour object. Particle Track: Render The render settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab. Therefore.5.© SAS IP. For details on changing the view settings. see View Details Tab (p.3.6. . Note that CFD-Post shows the tracks displayed after reduction and filtering.3. The following characteristics of volume rendering will be discussed: • Volume Rendering: Geometry (p. .© SAS IP. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 198) 196 Release 14.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. you can make realistic images of smoke and analyze how it spreads and how the smoke affects visibility. You can set the viewer background with the Tools > Options > CFD-Post > Viewer > Background: Color Type option. you must click Apply before the information is updated. All rights reserved. You may find it useful to set the viewer background to solid white so that the gradients of the solution itself are easier to see. Inc. 197) • Volume Rendering: Color (p. Tip A gradient background in the viewer can interfere with the interpretation of volume rendering results.5 . For example. Inc.6. Volume Rendering Command The Volume Rendering feature enables you to visualize field variables throughout the entire domain by varying the transparency and color of the plot as a function of the variable value.CFD-Post Insert Menu If you have changed settings on another tab menu. 197) • Volume Rendering: Render (p. . 10. 198) • Volume Rendering: View (p. 5 . Boundary Data You can specify the use of Hybrid or Conservative values. Variable The name of the variable to be used in determining the transparency of the object. The larger the number of plane cuts. By default. All rights reserved. This option is useful to use the full transparency range on an object.© SAS IP. This affects the variation of transparency used when plotting the object in the Viewer.6. . For help on the use of Hybrid or Conservative values.2. Volume Rendering: Color The color settings can be changed by clicking the Color tab. see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values in the CFX Reference Guide.1. Range Range enables you to plot using the Global. Volume Rendering: Geometry The Geometry tab has the following settings: Domains Where the Volume Rendering will be calculated. Resolution The number of plane cuts per axis.6. • The Global range option uses the variable values from the results in all domains (regardless of the domains selected on the Geometry tab) and all timesteps (when applicable) to determine the minimum and maximum values. It is possible to invert the transparency gradient (making larger data values more transparent). Release 14. 19). Inc. Transparency Scale Sets calculation of the object transparency with either a Linear or Logarithmic scale. Local or User Specified range of a variable. • The Local range option uses only the variable values on the current object at the current timestep to set the maximum and minimum range values.Volume Rendering Command 10. the finer the resolution in the volume rendering. 197 . only the colors of the selected color map are used. Note that the transparency of the selected color map is disregarded. the scale is Linear. Values can range from 0 (fully opaque) to 1 (fully transparent). and its subsidiaries and affiliates. For details. Transparency Map The name of the color map to use when rendering the transparency of the object.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. but using an inverted transparency gradient with a user-specified range of values may cause “holes” to appear in the plot. Note You can create your own transparency map by clicking the map editor icon . 10. Transparency Factor The factor applied to the overall transparency of the plot. Inc. see Color Details Tab (p. or comments in CFD-Post. All rights reserved. see Render Details Tab (p. 199) • Text: Appearance (p. For details.6. 10. Inc. Text Command Text can be added to the viewer for titles.5 . annotations.1.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. The following characteristics of text will be discussed: • Text: Definition (p.2. Text String The Text String setting enters text for the object. Important Volume rendering data displays properly for translational and reflective instances. Text: Definition 10. 10. For details on changing the view settings.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view. 10.7. 26).4.1. auto-annotation will be embedded there. Inc. 200) Note There are several ways to insert a text object: • From the menu bar. • Depending on the context. click the Text icon.7. When <aa> appears. .© SAS IP. select Insert > Object >Text. Volume Rendering: View The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.6.7.3. Embed Auto Annotation Check Box Select the Embed Auto Annotation check box to insert auto-annotation into the text string.1.1. 198) • Text: Location (p. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 21). • From the toolbar. Volume Rendering: Render The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab. . see View Details Tab (p. 198 Release 14. but not for rotational instances. 10.7. . Expression Expression is available only if the Expression option is selected.1. Inc. Timestep Adds the current timestep to the text string. Inc. Three Coords Specifies the text to be fixed to one point in the Viewer and rotate with that point when the view is rotated. More/Fewer Buttons Click the More button to create another line of text.2.2. Position Mode The Position Mode setting has the following options: Option Description Two Coords Specifies the text to sit in the Viewer in the 2D plane.1. to the text string.3. Format (for Filename option) Format is available only if the Filename option is selected.5 .1.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Location File Date Adds the date that the file was created to the text string. File Time Adds the time that the file was created to the text string. 199 . Time Value Adds the current time value to the text string. Release selected from a list. Filename Adds the filename or the entire pathname to the text string. 10. The Format setting selects either Entire Path or Filename Only to insert into the text string. 10. 10. 10.1.2. Format (for the File Date and File Time options) Format is available if either the File Date or File Time options are selected.1. The Expression setting specifies an expression to enter into the text string.2.© SAS IP.7.1. Type The Type setting has the following options: Option Description Expression Adds an expression.Text Command 10. Text: Location 10.7. The Format setting selects a time format to enter into the text string. Click the Fewer button to remove these added lines of text. 10.2. 204).7.2.2. For details.7.2. All rights reserved. 10. X Justification This setting is available only if the Two Coords option is selected and is the same for the Legend object.7. see X Justification (p. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Rotation The Rotation setting specifies a rotation for the text about the bottom-left corner of text in a counterclockwise direction. click the Coordinate Frame icon. 10. Text: Appearance 10.7.7. 10.7.3.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10. Inc. 10. 200 Release 14.1. which are described in Function Calculator (p.7.1. When the X/Y Justification is set to Center. the object rotates about the center point of the text. Y Justification This setting is available only if the Two Coords option is selected and is the same for the Legend object.3. 10. Inc. 248).5 .4.3. Color Mode This setting and its corresponding settings are the same for the Contour object. 204).1. – From the toolbar.2. The value is equivalent to a fraction of the Viewer size.© SAS IP.3. – Depending on the context. 10. For details. see Y Justification (p. The Position setting specifies a 3D point at which the text will be displayed.3. 184). and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The Position setting specifies a fixed 2D point at which the text will be displayed. Coordinate Frame Command In CFD-Post it may be necessary to define a new coordinate frame for certain quantitative operations.7. Position (for Two Coords option) Position is available only if the Two Coords option is selected.2.7.3. Height The Height setting specifies a text height.2. Position (for Three Coords option) Position is available only if the Three Coords option is selected. For details.2. . Font The Font setting specifies a font type for the text from a list.1.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5.8. 10. . select Insert > Coordinate Frame.7.6. All rights reserved. 10.7. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view. Note • There are several ways to insert a coordinate frame: – From the menu bar. see Color Mode (p.1.2. The first point is the origin for the new coordinate frame (labelled Origin in the Definition tab).8.5. The second point is used to create a Z axis in the new frame. Z Axis Point The Z Axis Point setting specifies a point on the Z axis from the origin. Inc.3. X-Z Plane Pt The X-Z Plane Pt setting specifies a point in the XZ plane used to define the positive X axis direction.Coordinate Frame Command • You cannot use a user-defined coordinate frame as part of a general CEL expression. Because the X axis must now lie in both Release 14. along with the two points already specified.8. Inc. 10.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. A third point entered into the X-Z Plane Pt box is needed to define the location of the X and Y axis in the plane normal to the Z axis.© SAS IP. 201). 10. Type The Type setting is always set to Cartesian.1. It is important to understand how these three points are used to create a coordinate frame. 10.1.5 . radius = sqrt(x_myAxis^2 + y_myAxis^2) is not valid.8. For example.4. 10.1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. define a plane that lies in the X-Z plane (see diagram below). 10.6. Origin The Origin setting specifies 3D coordinates corresponding to the location of the new Coordinate Frame. For information on how to define a coordinate frame. .1. The X-Z Plane Pt point. The plane normal to the Z axis is now set and contains both the X and Y axes. Coordinate Frame Details A coordinate frame is created by specifying three points.1. .1. 10.1.1. Coordinate Frame: Definition 10. A vector is calculated from the Origin to the point defined in the Z Axis Point box and used as the third axis of the new coordinate frame.2. All rights reserved.8. 201 . see Coordinate Frame Details (p.8.8.8. Symbol Size The Symbol Size setting scales the size of the coordinate frame being edited. CFD-Post Insert Menu the X-Z plane and the plane normal to the Z axis, its location must be the line of intersection between the two planes. The positive direction for the X axis is the same side as the X-Z Plane Pt point lies with respect to the Z axis. Finally, because the Y axis must be perpendicular to both the X Axis and the Z Axis, its positive direction is determined by the right-hand rule. If X-Z Plane Pt is specified such that it lies on Axis 3, an error is displayed. The projection of the XZ Plane Pt onto the plane normal to the Z axis would be on the origin and does not give enough information to define the X axis. 10.9. Legend Command Default and user-defined legends can be plotted in the viewer to show the mapping between colors and quantities for plots that are colored by variable values. The following characteristics of legends will be discussed: • Default Legends (p. 203) • User-defined Legends (p. 203) • Legend: Definition Tab (p. 203) • Legend: Appearance Tab (p. 205) Note There are several ways to insert a legend: • From the menu bar, select Insert > Legend. • From the toolbar, click the Legend 202 icon. Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Legend Command • Depending on the context, you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view. 10.9.1. Default Legends Each view/figure has a Default Legend object that appears whenever an eligible plot is created or updated. As further objects are added to, or updated in, a viewport, the Default Legend updates to show the variable values for the latest plot. Only the default legend for the selected view/figure is shown in the tree view. The other default legends continue to exist, even when not displayed in the tree view. 10.9.2. User-defined Legends To create a user-defined legend, select Insert > Legend. 10.9.3. Legend: Definition Tab Plot The Plot setting is available only when creating or modifying a user-defined legend (not the default legends). Select from a list of objects for the legend to act on. Title Mode The Title Mode setting has the following options: Option Description No Title Omits the title. Variable Sets the title to the name of the variable mapped by the legend. Variable and Location Variable and Location is the same as Variable except that the name of the locator is appended to the title. User Specified Enables you to specify a custom title. Title The Title text box is available only after the User Specified option has been selected. This setting enters a custom title. Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 203 CFD-Post Insert Menu Show Legend Units Check Box Clearing the Show Legend Units check box will hide the legend units. By default, the check box is selected, and so units are displayed. Note The legend will always display Temperature in absolute units: if C or K are selected as temperature units, the legend's data will be displayed in K; if F or R are selected, the legend's data will be displayed in R. For details, see Function Calculator (p. 248). Vertical / Horizontal Options Selecting Vertical or Horizontal will display the legend vertically or horizontally in the Viewer. Location X Justification The X Justification setting has the following options: Option Description None Enables you to specify a custom X location using the Position text boxes. Left Places the legend on the left side of the viewer. Center Places the legend in the center of the viewer. Right Places the legend on the right side of the viewer. Y Justification The Y Justification setting has the following options: Option Description None Enables you to specify a custom Y location using the Position text boxes. Top Places the legend at the top of the viewer. Center Places the legend in the center of the viewer. Bottom Places the legend at the bottom of the viewer. Position The Position text boxes specify a custom point at which to position the legend. This setting is available after the None option is selected for the X and/or Y Justification settings. The values entered are fractions of the screen width/height for x and y respectively. For example, 0.2 for the X value would place the legend 1/5 across the screen from the left. A value of 0.2 for the Y direction would place the legend 1/5 up from the bottom of the Viewer. The placement uses the bottom left corner of the legend as a reference. 204 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Legend Command 10.9.4. Legend: Appearance Tab Sizing Parameters Size The Size setting scales the legend height to a fraction of the Viewer height. Aspect The Aspect setting specifies the width of the color range bar. Text Parameters Precision The Precision setting specifies the number of significant digits after the decimal place that the legend can hold. You may also choose to display the numbers in a Fixed or Scientific format. Value Ticks The Value Ticks text box holds the number of intervals that you want shown by the legend. Font The Font setting specifies a font for the interval labels. Color Mode The Color Mode setting specifies whether to use a User Specified color or the Default color. Color The Color setting specifies a color for the title and interval labels. You can click the color bar to browse through predefined colors, or click the Color Selector dialog box. icon and select a color from the Select color Text Rotation The Text Rotation setting specifies a value in degrees to rotate the text at (in a counterclockwise direction from horizontal). Text Height The Text Height setting specifies a value corresponding to the text height of the legend relative to the Viewer size. You may enter a value between 0.005 and 0.1. Note When using a legend as the basis for quantitative analysis, you should ensure that lighting is turned off for any objects colored by a variable. This will give you exact matches between object colors and legend colors. Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 205 CFD-Post Insert Menu 10.10. Instance Transform Command Instance Transforms are used to specify how an object should be drawn multiple times. CFD-Post can create Instance Transforms using rotation, translation, and reflection. For example, if you have a mesh that contains one blade from a blade row that contains 51 blades, you would set Number of Passages to 51. You could then choose to display any number of blades by setting Number of Graphical Instances. To apply an Instance Transform to an object, select the Apply Instancing Transform check box on the View tab for the object and select the transform from a list. The following characteristics of instance transforms will be discussed: • Default Transform Object (p. 206) • Instance Transform: Definition Tab (p. 206) • Instance Transform: Example (p. 208) Note There are several ways to insert an instance transform: • From the menu bar, select Insert > Instance Transform. • From the toolbar, click the Instance Transform icon. • Depending on the context, you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view or in the 3D Viewer. 10.10.1. Default Transform Object By default, an Instance Transform called Default Transform (which is set to apply no instancing by default) is applied to all objects where Instance Transforms are possible. As a result, editing the definition of Default Transform will cause all plots and objects to be transformed (unless you modify the View properties for a particular object). An example is available for applying Instance Transforms. For details, see Instance Transform: Example (p. 208). Note that instancing is purely geometric (in the Viewer). This means that quantitative calculations are carried out for the original geometry. 10.10.2. Instance Transform: Definition Tab Instancing Info From Domain Check Box Clear the Instancing Info From Domain check box to enable creating a custom Instance Transform object. Selecting Instancing Info From Domain will ignore the application of the Instance Transform inside the domain. Number of Graphical Instances The Number of Graphical Instances setting specifies the number of copies to be made of the object when it is transformed. 206 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Instance Transform Command If the Instance Transform object is using more than one of the following check boxes, (Apply Rotation, Apply Translation, and Apply Reflection/Mirroring) the order in which each segments are applied are rotation, translation, then reflection. Apply Rotation Check Box Select the Apply Rotation check box if you want to apply a rotation. Method The Method setting has the following options: Option Description Principal Axis Rotates about a principal axis. Rotation Axis Rotates about a user-specified axis. Axis Axis is available only if the Principal Axis option is selected. The Axis setting specifies a principal axis to rotate about. From/To Text Boxes These settings are available only if the Rotation Axis option is selected. These settings create an axis of rotation. Full Circle Check Box Select the Full Circle check box to uniformly distribute the copies around 360 degrees of rotation. Angle From The Angle From setting has the following options: Option Description Instances in 360 Splits 360 degrees into the amount of passages entered and places a copy at each passage, if possible. Value Evenly distributes copies from zero to the specified angle. Number of Passages Number of Passages is available only if the Instances in 360 option is selected. The Number of Passages setting specifies a value for the number of passages in 360 degrees. Passages per Component Passages per Component is available only if the Instances in 360 option is selected. The Passages per Component setting specifies a value for the number of passages per component. Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 207 CFD-Post Insert Menu Angle Angle is available only if the Value option is selected. The Angle setting specifies the rotational angle. Apply Translation Check Box Select the Apply Translation check box if you want to specify a translation. Translation The Translation setting specifies a 3D translation. Apply Reflection/Mirroring Check Box Select the Apply Reflection/Mirroring check box to select a reflection method and direction. Tip A quick way to define a reflection for your case is to right-click on the Wireframe near the reflection plane and select Reflect/Mirror. Method The Method setting has the following options: Option Description YZ Plane Specifies a reflection about the YZ plane. ZX Plane Specifies a reflection about the ZX plane. XY Plane Specifies a reflection about the XY plane. From Plane Specifies a reflection about a user-specified plane. X/Y/Z These settings are available only if one of the principal plane options are selected. These settings specify the distance along the normal axis to the plane to reflect by. Plane Plane is available only if the From Plane option is selected. The Plane setting specifies a plane from the list. 10.10.3. Instance Transform: Example The following example shows how coupling of rotation and reflection instancing can be used to simulate reflection in two planes using a random geometry. 208 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 5 . The next step involves creating an XY plane (called Plane 1) at X= -1 and Z=1. Inc. An angle of 180 degrees was implemented.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc. reflection is applied on Plane 1. .Instance Transform Command The axis of rotation is defined using the Rotation Axis feature on the Rotation section of the Instance Transform tab. All rights reserved. An axis parallel to the z-axis was set. After clicking to expand the Reflection/Mirroring submenu.© SAS IP. 150). Release 14. Rotation only was applied initially. 209 . see Plane Command (p. For details. In this situation. For example. Inc. boundaries.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. • Depending on the context. whether visible or not). 210 Release 14. you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view. • From the toolbar. click the Clip Plane icon. the results of a Save Picture command may not match what you see in the 3D Viewer (depending on the orientation of the case). .5 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. select Insert > Clip Plane. Important When a clip plane is coincident with regions. All rights reserved. including the Wireframe. Inc. Note There are several ways to insert a clip plane: • From the menu bar.11. or interfaces that are planes. . A clip plane will act on all objects in the Viewer. you could use an XY plane and clip it at Z=1 so that objects are visible only where Z is less than or equal to 1 (or greater than or equal to 1 if the Flip Normal check box is selected). but will not affect other functions such as calculations (that is.© SAS IP. set the Use Screen Capture check box. Clip Plane Command A clip plane enables you to define a plane that hides all objects displayed in the Viewer that lie to one side of the plane.CFD-Post Insert Menu 10. a calculation will still use the entire location. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. You can apply a color to the opaque color point to better visualize the transparency gradient in the Preview area of the Transparency editor. Flip Normal Check Box Select the Flip Normal check box to cut all objects in the negative normal direction. click the icon on the Volume Rendering editor. Slice Plane Slice Plane is available only if the From Slice Plane option is selected. Note To enable/disable Clip Planes. 10.1. see CFD-Post 3D Viewer Shortcut Menus (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. which forms bands between only two color points.1. For details. Note The Transparency editor is similar to the Color Map editor. which forms continuous bands of colors between any number of “color points” that you set. you must use a Viewer shortcut menu command. Clip Plane: Geometry 10.1. Inc. Delete.2.1. except that it controls the density of a color. in zebra mode. 150).11. but the color will not be used in the Viewer.11. see Method (p. 211 . For details. To access the Transparency editor.1. and Distribute are all disabled and the Position indicator is read-only (and reflects the setting in the divisions indicator). Insert. from the menu bar select Insert > Color Map. using a number of divisions that you set with the divisions counter. It is currently used only in conjunction with Volume Rendering objects.1.1.2. Color Map Command To access the Color Map editor. The Slice Plane setting selects a plane to clip by. If the check box is cleared. all Color Map controls other than divisions are enabled. rather than the color itself. .5 . Release 14. Inc. In gradient mode. All rights reserved. 10. The color map editor has the following controls: Color Map Style The Color Map Style controls whether the Color Map is a Gradient.11. 10.12.© SAS IP.1. Method Method has the same options and settings as for the Plane object.Color Map Command 10.11. From Slice Plane enables you to select a predefined slice plane. or Zebra.11. the Clip Plane cuts all objects in the positive normal direction. except for the From Slice Plane option. 75).1. Definition 10. and the distribution of color points. One color point will always be longer than the others. this indicates the color point that you can drag with the mouse or modify with the controls in the Color Point Properties area: the Color definition bar. . Inc. it cycles through ten preset colors. and (in gradient mode) the Position indicator. In gradient mode. icon to the right Transparency The Transparency slider enables you to control how opaque each color is. To define any color.CFD-Post Insert Menu Preview The Preview both shows the results of your edits and enables you to modify your color points. Symbol Option Description Insert Add a color point mid way between the current color point and its neighbor Delete Delete the selected color point Previous Select the previous color point Next Select the next color point Distribute Evenly distribute the defined color points Make available in other cases. adjusting its location by typing a value in the Position field. Color The Color control enables you to change the color of the active color point. Set as default These settings control where the color map is stored. In Zebra mode. All rights reserved. • Clicking on the Preview bar to insert the color point and. which color point is active. the color map you define will be available only with the current file.5 . unless you specify otherwise.© SAS IP. the Transparency slider. If you select Make available in other cases. you can insert a new color point by: • Clicking Insert to add a color point mid way between the current color point and its neighbor. click the Color selector of the Color option and select one of the available colors. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Delete.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. When you click the color field. the color map will be stored in your preferences file when you click Apply. if necessary. Distribute The color point buttons control the number of color points. You can navigate from one color point to the next by: • Clicking a color point • Clicking Next or Previous. Previous. Inc. Next. . only the buttons that control the active color point are enabled. Insert. 212 Release 14. On the General tab for the locator. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. . For this reason Make available in other cases will also be enabled automatically. Inc. Select File > Load Results and double-click the desired file. click the Variable icon. • In the CFD-Post workspace. select Insert > Expression.Table Command If you select Set as default. On the Render tab. 10. set Color Map to Fluent Rainbow. To use the default FLUENT color map for a particular locator (such as a contour): 1. Expression Command There are several ways to insert an expression: • From the menu bar.© SAS IP. c. 10. • From the toolbar. Table Command The Insert > Table command opens a table for editing in the Table Viewer tab. In addition to that method.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. a. you can also create a table as follows: Release 14. 213 .14. Make any other changes desired and click OK. clear the Lighting check box. All rights reserved. Inc. Each of these methods inserts a new variable and opens the Variables workspace.13. click the Expression icon. Variable Command There are several ways to insert a variable: • From the menu bar. Select the locator from the Insert menu. • In the CFD-Post workspace. For details. 51). Note The default CFD-Post color map is not the same as the default FLUENT color map. • From the toolbar. 10. click the Expressions tab. 2.15. see Expressions Workspace (p. when you click Apply the color map will be stored in your preferences file and will be the default color map for all future objects in all future files. Each of these methods inserts a new expression and opens the Expression workspace. b. click the Variables tab. 45). For details. see Variables Workspace (p. select Insert > Variable.5 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. To see the table in the report. and underline fonts. If the cases are in case-comparison mode. italic. 10. All rights reserved.15. left. the Default Case field enables you to specify which case the table values apply to. can be formatted to display in scientific or fixed notation with a specified number of significant digits. For faster expression entry. 216). and expression results). select a cell and type in the information you want. 10. double-click the cell. (that is. Inc. click in the lower-right cell of the group. The cell contents can be formatted with bold.1: Shortcut Menus Toolbar (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. .15.CFD-Post Insert Menu • From the toolbar. titles) to span multiple cells. Each of these methods inserts a new table under the Report object. and right justification.5 . word wrapping. plus an Edit submenu that has the standard editing commands. Numeric data.1. To learn how to work with tables. While the group is highlighted. The shortcut menu has all of the commands listed in Table 10.1. while pressing Shift. numbers alone. Table contents can be cut (Ctrl+C) and pasted (Ctrl+V) into Microsoft Excel documents and vice versa. click in the upper-left cell of the group and. and text and background colors.© SAS IP. click the Create Table icon. center. 214). see Report (p. font sizes. For details. click the New Table icon.1. . To edit the current contents of a cell in the cell itself (rather than in the cell definition field). or right-click the text box for the selected cell above the table. 215). you must generate the report. there is also a Shortcut Menus toolbar above the table with the following items. numbers with units. type = into a cell and right-click the cell. Inc. tool bar operations are applied to all cells in the group. Editing in the Table Viewer Note When multiple cases are loaded. To perform a formatting operation on multiple cells. Type = into the cell and click the given menu to display a variety of items that can be inserted 214 Release 14. Multiple cells can be merged into a single larger cell to allow large items (for example. see Editing in the Table Viewer (p. • In the Table Viewer tab. you have the option of creating a table that uses values from the differences in values between cases 1 and 2. Shortcut Menu To access the shortcut menu for a table. see Table 10. To enter data into a cell. For details. 29).2: Table Viewer Tools Toolbar (p. Changing the Default Case field removes all unsaved values and definitions from the table. 307). 53). Select from a list of existing locations to insert into the cell. see CEL Mathematical Functions in the CFX Reference Guide. . • File Date submenu Release 14. Select from a list of mathematical constants to insert into the cell. • CEL Select from a list of predefined CEL functions. For details.Table Command automatically at the current cursor location. Inc. Enables you to specify CFD-Post expressions or expressions that you have created with the Expressions workspace. including the extension. Select from the following menu items/submenus: • Time Step Inserts the value of the current timestep. • Time Value Inserts the value of the current time value. Inc. For details. see CFX Command Language (CCL) in CFD-Post (p. except Annotation. are also available in details view for expressions. 215 .© SAS IP. For an example of using the Expressions workspace. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. • File Name submenu – Name Inserts the name of the current results file.5 . see Expressions Workspace: Example (p.1: Shortcut Menus Toolbar Type of Item to Insert Description Select from the following submenus: • CFD-Post Select from a list of predefined and user-defined functions from CFD-Post to insert into the cell. Table 10. All rights reserved. All.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. – Path Inserts the file path of the current results file. Select from a list of existing variables to insert into the cell. If there is an error in evaluating the expression contained in a table cell. Opens the Load Table from file dialog box.CFD-Post Insert Menu Type of Item to Insert Description Select from a list of different date formats to insert into the cell. Alternatively. For details on how to enter common expressions and functions quickly.2. To enter an expression.1. Inc.csv) . you may enter the following into a cell: =2*areaAve(Pressure)@inlet When the focus leaves the cell. edit a cell and prefix a valid CFD-Post expression with an equals sign (=). . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. see Shortcut Menu (p. Tables can be saved to several formats: 216 Release 14. All rights reserved. numbers will be added to the end of the names of the imported tables to differentiate them from existing tables. . Expressions Tables in CFD-Post have the ability to evaluate and display expression results and update those results when variables and/or locations they depend on change. The inserted value represents the date that the file was created. The toolbar above the Table Viewer contains the following icons: Table 10.Loads the values in the CSV file into a new table. For example.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 214). 10. Inc. Opens the Save Table to file dialog box. the cell will be colored red.cst) . you can double-click the cell and edit the equation from the cell itself.Loads the table CCL from the given state file. You can specify the table name in the Load Table dialog box. • Comma Separated Values Files (*. the expression is displayed in the cell editor box immediately above the table.© SAS IP. • File Time submenu Select from a list of different time formats to insert into the cell.5 . Tables can be loaded from files in two different formats: • CFD-Post State Files (*. You can edit the expression in the cell editor box. The inserted value represents the time of day that the file was created. When selecting a cell containing an expression.2: Table Viewer Tools Toolbar Icon Description Creates a new table.15. If the file contains tables with names that already exist. the table displays the evaluated result of that equation in the cell. • Text (*. and Right.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. spacing. except that you can specify the separator. Font operations for text in cells: Bold. This format can be directly imported to Microsoft Excel.htm. To select a rectangle of cells for an operation. • HTML (*. All rights reserved. click in the cell in the upper-left corner.csv) . caption. Opens the Select color dialog box for setting the background color. Opens the Select color dialog box for setting the text color. the precision. extra commas will appear on some lines so that all rows in the CSV file will contain the same number of columns.Behaves identically to the CSV option. If this option is on.© SAS IP. and whether to show the value or the units (at least one of the value or units must appear). The Save Table dialog box provides the option to clear the output of trailing separators for table rows that have fewer columns than other rows.cst) . Causes a cell to span rows or columns (Merge Cells) or reverses that operation (Unmerge Cells). margins.Table Command Icon Description • CFD-Post State (*. Italic. and Underline. 217 . Note that the saved HTML table will contain expression results. and not the expressions. Makes all cells in the table wrap text. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Here is an example of formatting applied to a table: Release 14. Inc. and Paste.Saves the current table to a CSV file. The cells become highlighted and can be operated upon as a unit.html) . Inc. All formatting will be converted to the HTML equivalent. Changes the size of the font used in the cell. Note that the saved table will contain expression results. where you can specify scientific or fixed notation.txt) .5 . Text-alignment operations: Left. The Save Table dialog box contains additional formatting options including table title. No formatting information is saved to the file. when reloaded. and gridline visibility. Edit operations for contents of cells: Cut. Tables saved in state files will maintain expressions and formatting and.Saves the current table to an HTML file. Copy. then Shift-click the cell in the lower-right corner. *.Saves the current table to a state file. Launches the Cell Formatting dialog box. not the expressions. . will exactly reproduce the original table. Word-wrapping is always on. • Comma Separated Values (*. borders. Center. While the group is highlighted. Manually resized cell widths individually. Creating a Chart Object To create and view a chart object: 218 Release 14. You can create charts that can be used on their own or in reports.1. 4. Inc. Cells A2-A3: Manually changed the font color.16.16. . All rights reserved.© SAS IP. Inc. 10. Chart Command Charts are graphs that use lines and/or symbols to display data.5 . while pressing Shift.CFD-Post Insert Menu Figure 10. 3. Note To perform a formatting operation on multiple cells. click in the upper-left cell of the group and. 2. tool bar operations are applied to all cells in the group. Cells A1-D1: Applied bold font. . 10.1: Sample Table Formatting To format the table shown above: 1. 231) Note When using the Turbo workspace to post-process a turbo-machinery case. 218) • Viewing a Chart (p. Cell A1: Applied text wrapping and resized cell height manually. several "Turbo Charts" are created by default. and text centering. refer to Turbo Charts (p. 288). Cells A2-D6: Right-justified text. click in the lower-right cell of the group. For details. The following characteristics of charts will be discussed: • Creating a Chart Object (p. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. background color.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 231) • Example: Charting a Velocity Profile (p. 1. 29). 225) • Chart Details: Y Axis Tab (p. Optionally.1. The Insert Chart dialog box appears. you must generate the report as described in Report (p.Chart Command 1. click Export to save the chart data in a comma-separated values (CSV) file. 219) • Chart Details: Data Series Tab (p. . 4. 10.5 . the main title. Transient or Sequence charts use expressions or a point locator to plot the variation of a scalar value vs. 223) • Chart Details: X Axis Tab (p. Chart Details: General Tab The General tab is used to define the chart type. time or multiconfiguration runs. the Y axis variable.© SAS IP. 219 . A Details view appears for the new chart object and the Chart Viewer takes focus. Inc. You can load the values in the CSV file into external programs such as Microsoft Excel. 6. and the report caption.16. to view summary data To see the chart in the report. All rights reserved. 229) • Chart Details: Chart Display Tab (p. 3. Release 14. Optionally. The chart object appears under the Report heading in the tree view. Enter a name for the new chart object.16. 10. Inc. Click Apply to see the results of your changes displayed in the Chart Viewer.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 7. Type The Type setting has the following options: Option Description XY Plots X axis variable vs. XY charts use polyline or line locators to plot values that vary in space. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Click OK. Transient or Sequence Plots an Expression (typically time) on the X axis and enables you to specify a variable to plot on the Y axis. 228) • Chart Details: Line Display Tab (p. Edit the chart settings as appropriate for each tab: • Chart Details: General Tab (p. Click Create Chart or select Insert > Chart.1. 230) 5. 2.1. on the Data Series tab click the Get Information on the Item icon for the current series.1. you may need to compute the frequency distribution of turbulent kinetic energy using data for fluctuating velocity components.16. 10. it is often useful to look at the data's frequency attributes.16. Note This feature applies to all loaded files. Display Title: Title The Title setting specifies a title for the Chart object. you need to perform Fourier transform analysis.1.4. and whether to Save as default. All rights reserved. Barlett. Full range of input data vs.1. Fast Fourier Transform The Fast Fourier Transform check box can be selected only for Transient or Sequence charts. see Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Theory (p. 10. 220).1. For instance. Similarly. Reference Values Click Reference Values to display the Reference Values dialog box. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Theory When interpreting time-sequence data from a transient solution. 10. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.© SAS IP.CFD-Post Insert Menu Option Description Histogram Plots the number of values or the proportion of values that fall into each specified category.16. Velocity. Setting Min/Max Limits You can choose to analyze the Full range of input data or to set Min and Max values.4. Inc. To get the range for the Min and Max values. When the Fast Fourier Transform check box is selected.1. Inc. you may want to determine the major vortex-shedding frequency from the time-history of the drag force on a body recorded during a simulation.1. . the following options are available: Modify Input Signal Filter Enables you to select the signal filter to be Hanning (default). Hamming. For details. click Get range from FFT output .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. or None.5 .2. There you can set the following values (which will apply to all Fast Fourier Transform charts): Reference Acoustic Pressure.1. The Fourier transform enables you to take any time-dependent data and resolve it into an equivalent summation of sine and cosine waves. Length. Subtract mean Causes the mean to be subtracted from each value to better show the amplitude of the noise.1. 10. or you may want to compute the frequency distribution of static pressure data recorded at a particular location on a body surface. .1. Report: Caption The Caption is the description of the Chart object that appears in the report. To interpret some of these time-dependent data.1.3. 220 Release 14. Clear the Display Title check box if you don’t require a chart title.16. Blackman. 45) < < $ # #" $    − $ $    =     %! Hanning's window: ( ≤ ≥ (10. is the sampling interval ¢¡ 10. 221 .4. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc.1. The lowest frequency that the FFT module can pick up is given by . You can condition the input signal before the transform by "windowing" it. = − (10.46) < < ) (    ) (' )    ( )   −  )    =     0& Barlett's window: Release 14.1.Chart Command The CFD-Post FFT module assumes that the input data have been sampled at equal intervals and are consecutive (in the order of increasing time).5 .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. where t is the total sampling time. the repeating signal implied in the assumption can have a large discontinuity.43) ¨ © ¨ ¨ §  § Windowing is done by multiplying the original input data (  =      = ) by a window function −  © ≡ consecutive discrete (time-sequence) data that are sampled with a constant interval  ¦ ≡ ¥ Suppose there are : : (10. in order to avoid this problem. .© SAS IP. causing an aliasing error.1.1. these frequencies will be aliased into higher frequencies. All rights reserved. Windowing in Fast Fourier Transforms The discrete FFT algorithm is based on the assumption that the time-sequence data passed to the FFT corresponds to a single period of a periodically repeating signal. Because in most situations the first and the last data points will not coincide.   . where ¤£ The highest frequency that the FFT module can pick up is (or time step). If the sampled sequence contains frequencies lower than this.16. The large discontinuity produces high-frequency components in the resulting Fourier modes.44)  There are four different window functions: Hamming's window: ≤ $    # # ≥ (10. Inc. 48) < < ¨¤ These window functions preserve 3/4 of the original data. from a finite number of its sampled points. 222 Release 14. 10.5 .3. Note that when you vary from 0 to − in Equation 10.9. . The number of data points permissible in the prime-factor FFT algorithm is any products of mutually prime factors from the set 2. Therefore.13. Furthermore. = still corresponds to zero frequency. 222) or Equation 10. valued function. Using Fast Fourier Transforms − '& "     % ! $   #  ∑ = = .50 (p.7. which can be obtained from: − − ∑ = ) 7 3 2 ) 2( 1 4 @ 23659 0 ( 8 4 = = − (10.4. the CFD-Post adopts the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. − (10.47) ¢ ¡ ¢  −   ¢ ¡     =      < < £  Blackman's window:   +        § ¦ § ¦ § ¦ § ¦¥ § ¦¥    − ≤ ≥ §    =     (10.49) where are the discrete Fourier coefficients.16. which significantly reduces operation counts in comparison to the direct transform. affecting only 1/4 of the data the ends. the range of index ≤ ≤ and the range of index + ≤ ≤ − corresponds to negative frequencies. Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. unlike most FFT algorithms in which the number of data should be a power of 2. All rights reserved.1.8. of from − to .16. the prime-factor FFT preserves the original data better than the conventional FFT. a real- is defined by:  =  The discrete Fourier transform of  © The Fourier transform utility enables you to compute the Fourier transform of a signal. the FFT utility in CFDPost employs a prime-factor algorithm.CFD-Post Insert Menu ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ≤    ≥ (10. with a maximum value of 720720=5x7x9x11x13x16. I F E G H B A G D C For the actual calculation of the transforms.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.50) The previous two equations form a Fourier transform pair that enables you to determine one from the other.1.© SAS IP. . 222) instead − corresponds to positive frequencies. Inc. (p.1.5. CFD-Post determines the largest permissible number of data points based on the prime factors. therefore refreshing data from a series of files (such as transient files for a transient case) is potentially a time-consuming operation. discarding the rest of the data. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.2. Refresh all charts on Apply Causes all loaded charts to be refreshed when you click Apply. Inc. Refresh Settings Performing a refresh means re-reading files. This is provided as a convenience. settings appear that control how charts are refreshed: Refresh chart on Apply Causes only the currently displayed chart to be refreshed when you click Apply. You perform all of these tasks by clicking the icons beside the list area (New. Name Controls to The Name list is where you add and delete data series on the chart. it enables you to work on a series of charts. 10. 10. You can also click Statistics display a dialog box that shows statistics about the data set. you have control over when to perform a "refresh" of the data.1.16.© SAS IP. refreshing all of them when you are done your editing (rather than clicking Apply on each chart individually).Chart Command Just prior to computing the transform. Delete.1.1.1. . All the icons become enabled after you create an initial series. Chart Details: Data Series Tab The Data Series tab is used to specify the data series to be plotted and to define the lines and fills used on the chart.16. all functions are available when you right-click a data series name.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. When the General tab is set to create an XY transient or sequence chart.16. If necessary.1. 223 .5 . Release 14.2. in addition.5. CFD-Post automatically performs a refresh of all charts when printing a chart and when generating or refreshing a report. Statistics). All rights reserved. At other times. Inc. 10. out.Velocity [ m s^-1 ] -0. Inc.xy. choose either Location or File to define the source of the data for the series you are creating.Transient or Sequence chart. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. If the extension of the file is . Data Source File Format The data delimiter in a Data Source file is usually a comma. a typical Location would be a point.2. .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. For example.16.1.2.© SAS IP. • For a General > XY .2.1 For files in which the data delimiter is a comma. 224 Release 14. you could use an expression to plot areaAve(Temperature)@Outlet as a function of time. .CFD-Post Insert Menu 10. 1 There are two exceptions to this: if the extension of the file is . Inc.csv file. after which it is expected that the file's variable names will be listed with their units. such a chart will also accept a File or an Expression as the data source. Data Source The fields in the Data Source area become enabled after you create an initial series. then the delimiter is a space character. the data file must include a [Data] line.4.1.5 . For example: [Data] Z [ m ].10000000. However. All rights reserved. a typical data file would be a . then the delimiter is a tab character. • For a General > XY chart or a General > Histogram chart. A typical location would be a line or a streamline.16. 10. Note When exporting histogram data. Note. Chart Details: X Axis Tab The X Axis tab is used to set properties for all data series that do not have custom data selection (which is set on the Series tab).4.4.out files will have no [Data] section (as that is a CFD-Post convention).4. Other available settings depend on the chart type. so data exported from CFD-Post can directly be imported back into CFD-Post in a chart line. For help on the use of Hybrid or Conservative values. 225) and Chart Details: Y Axis Tab (p.3. . The options available on the X Axis tab vary according to the General tab's Type setting.16. the . 225) for details.3. X Axis Data Selection The Data Selection settings control which variable is used as the data source and how the data is processed: Release 14.2.xy and . if there is no [Data] part that defines the variable names. all other line data in the file will be ignored. the Y Axis data (that is.1.3.54667473 -0. the Custom Data Selection controls enable you to override the settings on the X Axis and Y Axis tabs for each series individually. that if you export chart data for multiple chart lines/series.5 .1.54762697 . 225 . and then try to import them again into CFD-Post.16. The "(Histogram Data)" suffix is required if this information is imported into CFD-Post as it tells CFD-Post that this variable must be interpreted as histogram data. CFD-Post uses only the first two columns of the file data.54347515 -0. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. You can also specify the use of Hybrid or Conservative values or to use the absolute value of data points. however. so the default variable names will be used in these cases. Inc. then "Loaded X Values" and "Loaded Y Values" will be used as the default variable names. Custom Data Selection Controls When enabled (which occurs when you have multiple lines to compare and when General > Fast Fourier Transform is disabled).1. the counts) will be stored in the CSV file with the variable name "Count(Histogram Data)". and will end up on the X Axis of the chart as the Y Axis will be the "Count" or "Percentage" (whichever you have chosen). Currently. only the data for the very first line will be imported.. 228) for more details on what each setting means.54303789 -0. see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values.09595960.09191919.09797980. see X Axis Data Selection (p. This is the same format as CFD-Post's export file.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. so any other columns will be ignored completely.© SAS IP. Generally.4.09393939..Chart Command -0.1. See Chart Details: X Axis Tab (p. 10. and not as regular chart line data. and the second column as the chart's Y axis data. the second column is used as the variable data.16. Inc. For Histograms. However. The first column will be used as the chart's X axis data. All rights reserved. 10. resulting in multiple [Data] sections in the file (one for each line). 53) 5 4 0 and/or F H E C = − (10.CFD-Post Insert Menu When General > Type is XY or Histogram. All rights reserved. 227)). Specifying an X Function The options for the X Function are related to the discrete frequencies at which the Fourier coefficients are computed. the Variable field can be set to any variable. Inc. Conservative sets how conservation equations for the boundary control volumes are solved. 226 Release 14. For example.16. . Inc. The range of each octave band is double to that of the previous band (see Table 10. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. you could use this option to plot areaAve(Temperature)@Outlet as a function of time. Note that you can set by clicking Reference Values on the General tab.51) ¡ £ = £ ¢ ¡ ¤   where N is the number of data points used in the FFT. When General > Type is XY — Transient or Sequence. Strouhal Number is the nondimensionalized version of the frequency defined in the equation for Frequency: ≡  ¨ § (10. (10. See Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values for details. Octave Band Full is a range of discrete frequency bands for different octaves within the threshold of hearing.3: Octave Band Frequencies and Weightings (p. When General > Type is XY — Transient or Sequence and Fast Fourier Transform in enabled.© SAS IP.3.5 . the Expression field can be set to expressions provided in CFD-Post or to expressions that you have defined.54) R = − D S ∑ I U G HQPT I H D = − G C which represents the nth or kth term in the Fourier transform of the signal.1. 10. . Hybrid vs.1.52)  © !    = 3 2 9 4 1 0 6 = @ ∑ 6 B 5 487A = − %$ # " Fourier Mode is the index in − and )( ' &  ¦¥ where and are the reference length and velocity scales. you can define an X Function. Take absolute value of data points controls whether the values of data points are always positive.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1. You can apply the following specific analytic functions: Frequency is defined as: = (10. 4. Here the range of each band is one-third of an octave.4 -8. If Category Divisions are set to User Defined. (Hz) dB A dB B dB C 11 16 22 -56. meaning that there are three times as many bands for the same frequency range. Table 10. All rights reserved.0 11200 16000 22400 -6. CFD-Post will change the formatting to the one that best suits the data being plotted.0 0.2 -9.8 90 125 180 -16.5 -8. The Division Values field enables you to type points where you want to create histogram boundaries.9 -3.0 45 63 90 -26.3 0. (Hz) Upper Freq.1 -3.3.6 -1. 10. Inc.2 180 250 355 -8. Inc.5 22 31. you are able to specify the Number of Divisions. click Get range from existing chart .© SAS IP. Axis Number Formatting You can have axis numbers set automatically or choose the format yourself: • If you select Determine the number formatting automatically.3.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. (Hz) Center Freq. Category Divisions These controls are enabled when the chart type is Histogram.0 0. The default X-axis scale is linear but can be set to be a Logarithmic scale.3: Octave Band Frequencies and Weightings Lower Freq.1.Chart Command One Third Full is a range of discrete frequency bands within the threshold of hearing.1. If Category Divisions are set to Automatic.2 2800 4000 5600 1.3. 227 . you are able to specify the Division Values.16.7 –28. or click More to open up an editor for the division values (which includes the ability to set the values in a particular unit).3.5 45 -39.5 10.6 -8. Select Invert Axis to reverse the direction of the scale. Axis Range You can choose to Determine ranges automatically or to set Min and Max values.2 -0. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.4 -17.2.3 -0. then the values do not need to be entered in order as you will be offered the chance to sort the values when you close the editor.5 . You can either enter user-defined category divisions by typing a comma-separated ordered list directly into the Division Values text box.1 -2.1 -4.3 0. 10.0 355 500 710 -3.16. .1 -0.2 -0.0 710 1000 1400 0.16.7 -0.2 -0. Release 14.8 5600 8000 11200 -1.0 1400 2000 2800 1. If you use the editor. To get the range for the Min and Max values.0 -0.1. 5 .© SAS IP. 10.5. the Geometrical setting removes that bias). 10. Power Spectral Density The distribution of signal power in the frequency domain.1. Inc. if mesh density varies along a line. The weighting setting changes the shape of the histogram by removing mesh dependencies (for example. the Data Selection includes a Variable that you can set.1. Fields unique to this tab are described below. counts are biased towards areas of higher density. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.16. 225). (10.55) = ©  ¨ £¢ § = ¤ = (10.4. or Mass Flow. Inc. It has units of the signal magnitude squared (Pa^2) and is defined as: (10. This quantity is also applicable for acoustics analysis. Weighted scales characterize the loudness of a noise source and are designed to quantify sounds by one single value in dB(Y) where Y is the weighted scale used. Chart Details: Y Axis Tab The Y Axis tab is used to define the characteristics of the Y axis of the chart you are going to produce. 10. C and D. . a Y Function field appears where you can choose one of the following settings: A Weighted | B Weighted | C Weighted These options are available only when the X-Axis tab's X Function is set to Octave Band Full or One Third Full. B.3. The Weighting can be None. and whether or not to take the absolute value of data points. Axis Labels You can choose to Use data for axis labels.1. the A weighted scale is used almost exclusively in measurements. Y Axis: Data Selection When the General tab is set to create an XY or an XY transient or sequence chart. All rights reserved. you can choose between scientific notation and fixed notation. Geometrical. you can also control whether the boundary data is Hybrid or Conservative. Four weighted scales are used in industry: A.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. the Y axis Value can be Count (which displays the number of times a set of values occurs for a given range) or Percentage (where the sum of the histogram values = 100).CFD-Post Insert Menu • If you clear Determine the number formatting automatically. or to use a Custom Label.16. When the General tab is set to Fast Fourier Transform. see Chart Details: X Axis Tab (p.4. and set the amount of precision.57) .1.16. When the General tab is set to create a histogram.56) ¦ ¥ £¡   Sound Amplitude Sound Amplitude (dB) is exactly one-half of the sound pressure level in the equation for Sound Pressure Level. ′ ! "       228 = Release 14. For descriptions of many of the fields on this tab. For either general or acoustic data. but cannot be set for each line individually. Use the Symbol Color control to set a color for the graphic the same way you did for the Line Color. Dash. you can choose any color by clicking Color Selector to the right of the Line Color option. Note Plotting fill areas for graphs that have multiple y values for a given x (such as streamlines) does not produce useful results. you can choose to have a fill color generated automatically or at all times (Always On). Note Line width and symbol size can be set on the Chart Display tab for the chart as a whole. = (10. The Automatic setting generates a fill when the chart's General tab's Type is set to Histogram. Use the Symbols drop-down menu to place a graphic at every data point of the series. if more than one case is loaded. including Automatic. (Click the right-mouse button to cycle backwards.5 . Chart Details: Line Display Tab On the Line Display tab you can set the Line Style to a variety of settings. and so on. Note that you  ©¨§  ¢ ¥¡ ¢ ¦ ¥¡ ¤£  !    can set ′  =   ©¨§¢ ¥¡ ¢ where    = by clicking Reference Values on the General tab.16.© SAS IP.16. you can clear that check box and type in a new Legend Name. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 10.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1.Chart Command Sound Pressure Level Sound Pressure Level (dB) is the decibel level. when the sampled data is pressure (for example. . Inc.5. Fill Area Controls When Fill Area is enabled. Alternatively. from the case name). Dot. Inc. You can have CFD-Post Automatically generate Line Color or you can click the bar beside Line Color to cycle through 10 basic colors. 229 . You can select the Use series name for legend name check box to derive the name of the line (as it appears in the legend) from the series' name (as defined on the Data Series tab and.) Alternatively. Solid.59) & % '# $ = '# " 10. Release 14. you can compute the power in decibel units using  ′    ′    is the acoustic pressure and    (10. static pressure or sound pressure).1.5.1. Magnitude The square root of the power spectral density. All rights reserved.58) is the reference acoustic pressure. CFD-Post Insert Menu Chart Details: Chart Display Tab The following sections describe the Chart Display tab. Display Legend Area The legend is the text that you entered in the Name field on the Data Series tab displayed beside the line color that represents its data source. When Display Legend is enabled, the chart's legend appears, either Outside Chart or Inside Chart. When Outside Chart is selected, set the Location and Justification of the legend: • Location is Below or Above, Justification can be Left, Center, or Right. • Location is Right or Left, Justification can be Top, Center, or Bottom. When Inside Chart is selected, the legend is displayed in a box that appears on the chart. Use the X Justification and Y Justification controls to locate a fixed-size box at standard locations, optionally using Width/Height to change the size of the box. Alternatively, set X Justification and Y Justification to None so that you can use Position and Width/Height to control the size and position of the box exactly. Sizes Area Here you set the width of the line and the size of the symbol (if any) that you defined on the Line Display tab. These sizes apply to all lines and all symbols (you cannot set sizes for individual lines or symbols). Fonts Area Here is where you control the font type and size of the Title (which you defined on the General tab), the Axes Titles, the Axes values, and the Legend. Note By default, the titles of the axes are derived from the variables used in the line definition (not necessarily from the X Axis and Y Axis tabs because a transient chart that uses an expression and any chart that uses custom data selection will set the variables used directly). You can override these default titles by going to the X Axis and Y Axis tabs, clearing the Use data for axis labels check box, and typing in a Custom Label name. The legend text is defined by default as a combination of the series definitions on the Series tab and, when more than one case is loaded, the case names, but can be specified on a lineby-line basis directly on the Line Display tab by clearing the Use series name for legend name check box and typing in a Legend Name. Grid Area Here is where you configure the background grid (if any) and the thickness of its major and minor lines. 230 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Chart Command 10.16.2. Viewing a Chart After a chart object has been created, you can view it in the Chart Viewer tab after selecting it in the tree view, or by including the chart in a report and viewing the report. For details, see Viewing the Report (p. 44). Time charts, which depict transient runs, have a Refresh button at the top of the page. When CFD-Post determines that the chart requires updates, a note appears beside the Refresh button. Refreshes are generally not automatic in order to ensure that you can make a series of changes without having to wait through the update required by each change. However, time charts are updated automatically when you print the chart, when a report is previewed, or when a report is generated (HTML/text). Note As time charts are compute-intensive, they are generated only after user action. And because time chart data is not included in a state file, loading a state file will show an empty chart until you click Apply in the chart details view or Refresh in the Chart Viewer. 10.16.3. Example: Charting a Velocity Profile This example demonstrates how a polyline locator can be used to create a chart of a velocity profile. 1. Load the following results file, which is provided with your installation: <CFXROOT>/examples/StaticMixer_001.res. 2. Insert a plane (Insert > Location > Plane) and define its location using the point and normal method. Define the point to be (0,0,0) and the normal to be (0,1,0) so that the plane is normal to the Y axis; click Apply when you are done. For details, see Plane: Geometry (p. 150). 3. Insert a polyline (Insert > Location > Polyline) and define its location using the Boundary Intersection method. Set Boundary List to out and Intersect With to the plane you just created; click Apply when you are done. For details, see Polyline: Geometry (p. 172). 4. Create a new chart by clicking Create chart 5. In the Insert Chart dialog box, enter a name for the chart, and then click OK. . The details view for the chart appears. 6. On the General tab, set Title to Velocity Profile at Outlet. 7. Click the Data Series tab. 8. Set data source Location to the name of the polyline you just created. 9. Click the X Axis tab. 10. Set the x-axis Variable to X. Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 231 CFD-Post Insert Menu The x-coordinate direction is parallel to the polyline in this example so the plot shows a variable profile across the outlet. 11. Click the Y Axis tab. 12. Set the y-axis Variable to Velocity. 13. Click Apply. A chart showing Velocity versus X is displayed on the Chart Viewer tab. 10.16.4. Example: Comparing Differences Between Two Files You can use Case Comparison mode with the Chart Viewer to automatically see the differences in values between the two files: 1. Load the following results files, which are provided with your installation: <CFXROOT>/examples/elbow1.cdat and <CFXROOT>/examples/elbow3.cdat. (Press the Ctrl key while selecting the two files, then click Open.) Two viewports open, one with elbow1 and the other with elbow2 loaded. 2. Insert a line (Insert > Location > Line). Accept the default values for Geometry > Method, but set Line Type to Cut. On the Color tab, set Mode to Variable and Variable to Temperature. Set the Range to Local. Click Apply when you are done. 3. In the Outline view, double-click Case Comparison. The Case Comparison details view appears. Select Case Comparison Active and click Apply. A third viewport opens that displays the temperature difference between the two cases. . 4. Click Create chart 5. In the Insert Chart dialog box, enter a name for the chart, and then click OK. The details view for the chart appears. 6. On the General tab, set Title to Comparison of Temperatures in the Elbow. 7. Click the Data Series tab. 8. Set data source Location to the name of the line you just created. 9. Click the X Axis tab. 10. Set the x-axis Variable to X. The x-coordinate direction is parallel to the polyline in this example so the plot shows a variable profile across the outlet. 11. Click the Y Axis tab. 12. Set the y-axis Variable to Temperature. 232 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Figure Command 13. Click Apply. A chart showing Temperature versus X is displayed on the Chart Viewer tab. Three lines are there: one for each of the sets of temperature values, and a third line that shows the difference between those values. Note • You can change some of the properties of each line individually (including turning them on and off ) by using the Line Display tab. • The Difference line plots only the variable difference on the y-axis. For example, if you defined a chart of Velocity (y-axis) against Pressure (x-axis), then the difference line will plot Velocity Difference against Pressure, not Velocity Difference against Pressure Difference. 10.17. Comment Command You can create comment objects to include in the report. Comments are used to add text to a report in the form of titles and paragraphs. To define a comment object: 1. From the toolbar, click the Comment icon or select Insert > Comment. The Insert Comment dialog box appears. 2. Enter a name for the comment object. 3. Click OK. The Comment Viewer tab is displayed. The comment object appears in the tree view, under the Report object. 4. Enter a heading and/or a paragraph of text. A heading is entered into the Heading box. The Level setting controls the level of the heading text in the report. Paragraph text is entered into the large text box below the Heading box. Some Rich Text features are supported using toolbar icons that appear at the top of the Comment Viewer tab. Pictures can be inserted in the paragraph text area. External hyperlinks can be included in the paragraph text, but will not work in the Report Viewer tab of CFD-Post. External hyperlinks will work when the report is viewed in a web browser. To see the comment in the report, you must generate the report. For details, see Report (p. 29). 10.18. Figure Command You can create a figure (an image of the objects in the 3D Viewer) to include in the report. There are two ways to create a figure: Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 233 CFD-Post Insert Menu • From the menu bar, select Insert > Figure. • From the toolbar, click the Figure icon. To see the new figure, you must open the Report Viewer and refresh or publish the report. For details, see Report (p. 29). 234 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Chapter 11: CFD-Post Tools Menu The Tools menu offers access to quantitative analysis utilities, the animation editor, and the timestep selector. The Command Editor dialog box is also available so that you can enter CFX Command Language (CCL) directly. This chapter describes: 11.1.Timestep Selector 11.2. Animation 11.3. Quick Editor 11.4. Probe 11.5. Function Calculator 11.6. Macro Calculator 11.7. Mesh Calculator 11.8. Case Comparison 11.9. Command Editor 11.1. Timestep Selector For a transient results file, the Timestep Selector dialog box enables you to load the results for different timesteps by selecting the timestep and clicking Apply. When reading transient cases, CFD-Post re-reads and re-imports the mesh, if the transient file contains them. This feature enables CFD-Post to support transient rotor/stator problems, as well as moving-mesh cases. When CFD-Post reads a Transient Blade Row results file, the variables are reconstructed automatically and the flow solution time is taken to the last time step. By default, the Simulation Timestep option is used in the Timestep Selector, and includes the timesteps used in the CFX-Solver. It is possible to recreate this timestep list by selecting a different Timestep Sampling option, and the solution will be accordingly reconstructed for these new time location. Note All variables will always appear in the variables list for all transient files, even if the transient file does not contain some of the variables. If you have the Load missing variables from nearest FULL timestep option selected (Edit > Options > Files > Transient Cases), then the missing variable data will be loaded from the nearest full timestep. Otherwise, the data will be colored with the undefined color in these cases. The following list describes the column headings in the list box. Some of these columns also appear in the Case Comparison editor in CFD-Post. • The Configuration column indicates the configuration name as set in CFX-Pre. This column appears when you have a multi-configuration (.mres) file loaded. Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 235 CFD-Post Tools Menu • The # column displays the index number for the timestep. These values always begin at 1 and increase by 1. • The Step column displays the timestep number, which is used for synchronization by time step. These values always increase; because they are unique, they can be used in scripts. For most cases, the values in the Step column are the same as those in the Solver Step column. However, if you have a multi-configuration case or a case with run history, loaded using the Load complete history as: A single case option (described in Load Results Command (p. 89)), then the Step is calculated to give a unique, increasing value through all the configurations. It differs from index because it can maintain a consistent value even though (for example) some transient files (.trn) that were present when the run completed are no longer available. (For example, suppose that a case has transient files at three timesteps and these appear in CFD-Post as steps 1, 2, and 3. If you delete the middle transient file, CFD-Post will show entries in the timestep selector at steps 1 and 3, but not 2. If a script was loading step 3, it will load the same results as previously.) Note, however, that if an entire results file (.res) that is referenced by the multi-configuration results file (or the run history) is no longer available, Step cannot maintain a consistent value for the remaining entries in the timestep selector. For example, if you load just Step 10, you will not necessarily get the same results loaded at the same timestep as you would have if you had loaded Step 10 before you deleted the .res file. • The Solver Step column displays the solver timestep or outer iteration number. In multi-configuration cases, the solver step may not always increase across different cases and may not be unique. Solver Step can be used in expressions. Timestep-related expressions such as Current Time Step and Accumulated Time Step refer to the Solver Step. • The Time [s] column shows the real time duration corresponding to the timestep. The units are always seconds. • The Type list displays the Partial or Full results file corresponding to that timestep. • The Phase column appears for transient blade row cases. For details, see Using the Timestep Selector with Transient Blade Row Cases (p. 237). The following icons/commands appear on the right side of the dialog box and/or the shortcut menu accessible by right-clicking on a timestep in the list box. Icon/Command Description Switch To Selects the timestep. Same as double-clicking the timestep. Add timesteps Delete Only applies when there are added timesteps. This command enables you to delete added timesteps from the timestep selector. Animate 236 Opens the Add Timestep Files window, which enables you to select one or more results files and load them into the memory. Automatically animates the timesteps using Quick Animation mode. For details, see Animating Timesteps (p. 241). Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Timestep Selector 11.1.1. Adding Timesteps After you load a results file, the Timestep Selector dialog box shows the set of timesteps from that file. You can add to the set by clicking Add Timesteps or a directory containing files of type trn. and selecting a file of type res, bak, or trn, Select Ignore duplicate timesteps to avoid loading duplicate timesteps when loading a new file or directory. If this option is not selected, duplicate timesteps will appear at the end of the list, and will be given a unique timestep number. Note Adding timesteps to steady-state runs that contain particle tracks causes particles to be displayed up to the current time (which is zero for steady-state runs). To see the full particle track: 1. Open the particle track in question for editing. 2. On the Geometry tab, set Limits Option to User Specified and End Time to the maximum time value for the simulation. 11.1.2. Using the Timestep Selector with Transient Blade Row Cases The Timestep Selector shows discrete timesteps based on the Timestep Sampling option selected. Unlike traditional transient simulations, these discrete timesteps do not represent transient files but time locations where the compressed data is evaluated using Fourier Coefficients from the results file (For more information, see CFX-Solver Output File (Transient Blade Row Runs) in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide). These evaluated solutions do not attempt to reproduce the transient iterative process towards a steady periodic behavior. However, they are evaluated from the start of the transient run to facilitate comparisons to traditional transient calculations. Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 237 CFD-Post Tools Menu For transient blade row cases, the Timestep Selector has an extra column, Phase, and a new sampling control (Timestep Sampling): • The Phase values are based on the common period. • The Timestep Sampling options are: Simulation Timestep The timestep list is obtained from the results file. (Default) Uniform You can specify the Number of Samples and the timestep list will show the appropriate number of divisions between Phases 0 and 1. Value List You can create a custom timestep list based on a set of Phase Positions between 0 and 1. The listing of timesteps changes as the Timestep Sampling options are changed. When you click Apply, these changes are set appropriately. The selected timestep will be automatically updated to the closest phase position in the new timestep list. Tip For an overview of working with transient blade row cases, see Transient Blade Row Postprocessing (p. 111). 238 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Animation 11.1.3. Multiple Files When multiple files are loaded, they appear on separate tabs on the top of the Timestep Selector dialog box. The Sync Cases setting is available to synchronize the cases in the following ways: • Off The Off option causes each set of results to be independent in terms of the selected timestep. • By Time Step The By Time Step option causes each set of results to switch to “match” the timestep you select for any set of results. All sets of results are therefore synchronized by timestep. The Match setting controls the matching criterion. The Same Step option causes results with identical timesteps to be synchronized, and results without identical timesteps to remain at their current timestep. The Nearest Available option causes the closest timestep to be selected for each set of results if there is not an exact match. • By Time Value The By Time Value option causes each set of results to switch to "match" the time value you select for any set of results. All sets of results are therefore synchronized by time value. The Match setting controls the matching criterion. The Same Value option causes results with identical time values to be synchronized, and results without identical time values to remain at their current time value. The Nearest Available option causes the closest time value to be selected for each set of results if there is not an exact match. The remaining Match options allow different degrees of matching; they are: Within 1%, Within 5%, and Within 10%. • By Index The By Index option causes each set of results to switch to "match", as closely as possible, the index number you select for any set of results. All sets of results are therefore synchronized by index. Note For Transient Blade Row cases, Timestep and Index are the same. Hence, timestep sync By Time Step and By Index are identical options. 11.2. Animation There are the following types of animation: • Quick Animation (p. 240), which is a means to automatically sweep objects across their defined range • Keyframe Animation (p. 242), in which you define the start and end points of each section of animation using keyframes, then link these end points together by having CFD-Post create a number of intermediate frames. Selecting Tools > Animation produces the Animation dialog box, where you can choose the type of animation you want. The animation options are described in the following sections. Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 239 CFD-Post Tools Menu 11.2.1. Quick Animation The Quick Animation option in CFD-Post provides a means to automatically sweep objects across their defined range to visualize the data throughout the domain. Planes, isosurfaces, turbo surfaces, streamlines, and particle tracks can all be animated with the Quick Animator. To activate the Quick Animator, right-click on an object in the 3D Viewer and select Animate, or open Tools > Animation and select Quick Animation. Use the slider to select the number of frames per animation loop. The more frames you add, the more positions the animating object will go through. The number of frames increases logarithmically as you move the slider toward the Slow end. You can animate as many objects, of any type, as you want. Just select the objects in the list and click Play ; all selected objects will animate. To stop an animation in progress, click Stop the animation began. . The objects will return to the state they were in before By default, the animation will repeat infinitely until you click Stop. You can also specify a number of repetitions (raise the Repeat forever button to enable the Repeat field). You can create an animation in any of a variety of formats by selecting the Save Movie option, specifying the Format, and providing a filename. Select the Options button to select video creation and quality options, just as for keyframe animations. Note The Windows Media Video (WMV), AVI, and MPEG4 format options all use MPEG-4 encoding, so you will need a player that supports MPEG-4 to view animations in those formats. Depending on the player and operating system, you may also need to install an additional codec, such as FFDSHOW MPEG-4 Video Decoder, to view an animation. You can download this from Install the 32-bit version (not x64). This is known to be required for AVI format animations with Windows Media Player on Windows XP and Vista (however, it should not be required with Windows Media Player on Windows 7). Animating Planes An animated plane will be shifted in a direction normal to its surface. If the Bounce option is selected (default), the plane will move to the positive limit, and then in reverse to the negative limit, and then repeat, moving to the positive limit again. If the Loop option is selected, the plane will move to the positive limit, and then jump to the negative limit (in one frame), and then start moving to the positive limit again. Depending on the shape of the domain relative to its bounding box and the plane orientation, the animating plane may disappear for a number of frames at the ends of its ranges. 240 Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Animation Animating Isosurfaces Isosurface value is modified to traverse through the entire variable range. If the Bounce option is selected (default), the isosurface value is increased to its maximum value, and then decreased to its minimum value, and repeated. If the Loop option is selected, the isosurface value is increased to its maximum value, then set to its minimum value (in one frame), and then increased to its maximum value again. Animating Turbo Surfaces Depending on the surface type, Span, Streamwise Location or Theta value will be modified to sweep through its respective range. Note Quick animation will not work if a Turbo Surface is defined using the Cone option. Animating Streamlines and Particle Tracks Streamlines and Particle Tracks symbols are shifted along the lines. By default, the symbol shape, interval, and size are overridden by the animation routines. If you want to change these settings, click the Options… button. To use symbol settings from the original object, clear the Override Symbol Settings check box. The Spacing option specifies the interval at which to start a new batch of symbols. For example, with a spacing of 0.6, the symbols animating on the object will move 60% of the way along the lines, at which point another group of symbols will start at the beginning of the line. With a spacing of 1.0, all symbols will travel to the end of their lines before a new group of symbols starts at the beginning. Animating Timesteps Timestep animations play from the first to the last, and then repeat from the beginning. Unlike other quick animations, Timestep animation does not automatically start when selected from the Timestep Selector, you need to click Play. This gives you an opportunity to configure the animation, which takes longer to load than other types of quick animations. Note that the Bounce setting and the Frame Count (fast/slow) setting have no effect on Timestep animations. Animating Mesh Deformation Scaling The Deformation scaling factor is animated from Undeformed to the current scaling factor. If the current scaling is set to Undeformed, the animation goes from Undeformed to True Scale. Release 14.5 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 241 5 . the visibility of an object). The basic approach to creating an animation sequence is to configure the problem in a particular state and then save this state as a keyframe. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 11. For example. 2. Every option and button that is accessible when Animation is active will increment by one linearly for each of the frames between the two states.CFD-Post Tools Menu 11.2. click New current state as Keyframe Inc.2. You can then save this state as a second keyframe. Depending on the player and operating system. AVI. The keyframe becomes visible in the Keyframe Creation and Editing window. Animations are created by linearly interpolating the change in state of the viewer position between keyframe states. and the next has 20 contour levels. Keyframe Animation Note The Windows Media Video (WMV). Change the viewer and/or object parameters to obtain the second required state and click New create Keyframe 2. All rights reserved. This is known to be required for AVI format animations with Windows Media Player on Windows XP and Vista (however. Animations can also be created using the different timesteps in a transient run. you may also need to install an additional codec. change the viewer orientation by rotating the viewer object. such as FFDSHOW MPEG-4 Video Decoder.2. if one keyframe has 10 contour levels. but this is easily adjustable. 3. change one or more aspects of the problem state. to view an animation. you can make animations based on keyframes.htm. You can download this from http://www. the number of which is set by the # of Frames field in the Animation dialog box. so you will need a player that supports MPEG-4 to view animations in those formats. Next. 242 Release 14. For example. Inc. Install the 32-bit version (not x64). Creating an Animation The basic steps to creating an animation are as follows: to set the 1. In CFD-Post. Keyframes are linked together by drawing a number of intermediate frames. the view is interpolated between the two positions at each frame. 10 frames are created between keyframe states. If the camera position changes between keyframes.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and MPEG4 format options all use MPEG-4 encoding. it should not be required with Windows Media Player on Windows 7). .2. there are a total of 11 steps from one keyframe to the next.© SAS IP. Keyframes define the start and end points of each section of animation. Once you have manipulated the user interface into a chosen start position. to . By default. Note If you have 2 keyframes with 10 frames between them. Objects that are binary in state are toggled at the end of the keyframe sequence (for example.1. then the number of contour levels will increment by one for each of the ten frames between the two all objects. which causes the animation to be unexpectedly discontinuous.© SAS IP. after the value of the parameter is determined for the first keyframe. click Set Keyframe 2 keyframes exist and you want to change their order.3. that value does not change for the intermediate frames until it is recalculated at the next keyframe. For example. To delete a keyframe. 5. All rights reserved. but those values are not interpolated to obtain values at the frames between the keyframes.2.5 . Selecting Bounce for the same number of repeats will cause the animation to play forwards. the other options to the right of the keyframe list become active. and then backwards before playing forwards once more. that expression is evaluated at the keyframes. so the animation will repeat continuously until you click . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. To apply changes in the viewer to the highlighted keyframe. jumping from the last Keyframe back to the first at the end of the first two cycles. The looping option enables you to specify whether you want the animation to play in one direction during each repeat or play forwards and backwards. you can move a Keyframe up and down by clicking on the blue arrows. 7. If more than itself.2. Animation Dialog Box The following is a general explanation of the icons in the Animation dialog box: Icon Description Icon Description Create a new keyframe Go to beginning Edit a keyframe Go to previous keyframe Set the keyframe Go to previous frame Move the keyframe up Go to next frame Release 14. If it is switched off. button is selected. When you click a keyframe to highlight it. With the Repeat option. Inc. selecting Repeat of 3 on the Loop setting will play the animation three times. The Animate Camera feature toggles whether the camera position is moved (interpolated) with the animation. If the value of a parameter of an object is set to an expression. click Edit Keyframe or double-click on the keyframe . . To display the highlighted keyframe in the viewer. Inc. To set the number of intermediate interpolated frames. After a second keyframe has been created. Animating Expressions There is a limitation with respect to the animating of expressions.Animation 4. you specify how often the animation repeats before stopping. 11. additional playback options are made available. Thus. except for the camera positions. click on a keyframe and set the value in the # of Frames box. click Delete 6.2.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. are animated. 11.2. . By default the Repeat forever Stop 8. 243 . as if you had reduced the number of frames manually.3. This results in higher quality animations.2. but the quality of the movie may suffer: it may look a little jerky.5 . Selecting Skip frames when saving movie skips existing frames only when generating the final movie output. but only some of the frames will be used to generate the movie. . but will take longer to compute because of the additional frames to interpolate.1. The effect of this will only be visible when playing back the movie file.1. The Approximate Animation Time is calculated with the following information: total number of frames in the animation. Selecting an animation speed of Faster speeds up the animation by removing sufficient frames to achieve the specified factor. Sequential Interpolation evenly distributes frames over each transient output file.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Transient Case The Transient Case setting is effective only for transient simulations and controls the way in which timesteps are selected. . 11. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc. then clicking Options. You will see the effect of this the next time you play the animation. spread evenly automatically and transparently adds additional frames between keyframes.3. spread evenly automatically and transparently removes some of the frames between keyframes. Selecting Generate more frames. You will see the effect of this next time you play the animation.2. Selecting an animation speed of Slower slows down the animation by adding sufficient additional frames to achieve the specified factor. Timestep Interpolation evenly distributes frames 244 Release 14. Animation Options Dialog Box The Animation Options dialog box is opened by expanding More animation options of the Animation dialog box. The fewer frames between keyframes will be interpolated smoothly. the frame rate (regardless of whether you are saving to a movie or not). Selecting an animation speed of Normal does not scale the animation by any factor. Animation Speed The Animation Speed settings enable you to scale the animation to speed it up or slow it down without having to manually adjust the number of frames between keyframes in the animation. A particular frame is calculated. This option is faster. The effect of this will be visible only when playing back the movie. This option is slower because all frames will be played in CFD-Post.© SAS IP.CFD-Post Tools Menu Icon Description Icon Description Move the keyframe down Go to next keyframe Delete the keyframe Go to end Load animation state Play forward Save animation state Stop the animation More animation options Repeat forever 11. the number of repetitions. at the bottom 11. and any animation speed adjustments. Selecting Duplicate frames when saving movie duplicates existing frames when generating the final movie output. Selecting Generate fewer frames. you will see no effect when playing the animation in CFD-Post.2.1.2. All rights reserved. Inc.1.3. you will see no effect when playing the animation in CFD-Post. 11. 11.4. or select Use Screen Size and specify a scale factor in the Scale (%) field.1. 11. 640 x 480 is selected. However. Release Image Size Enables you to specify the resolution of the resulting movie. or HD resolutions.2. 245 .4.2.3. the back faces in an image may be displayed on top of near faces. if the Tolerance value is too high (for instance. In some situations.1. This is possible by selecting the Use Screen Capture toggle. in some cases.2. For very complex images.3. Inc.4. this option can be significantly faster.1.3. Tolerance Controls the amount of depth calculated for the creation of an image.3. a value of 1).2.2. where smaller values represent more accurate images.3. 11. All rights reserved.3. It is important to note that this is a true screen capture.3. Advanced Tab 11. it is desirable to create an exact copy of the screen image.5. and on some machines and graphics cards. Output To User Directory Selecting this option enables you to specify where you want the animation files to be saved by entering a path in the Directory field. 11. Use Screen Capture By default. White Background Toggles between a white/black background.1. Save Frames As Image Files If you have enabled Save Movie (see Quick Animation (p.1. 11. Image Format Select either a JPEG or PPM format for creation of the movie. but you can select any of the values in the drop-down list. By default. as rendered by the graphics hardware on the computer.3. . where they are stored by default. .2.1. Enhanced Output (Smooth Edges) Enables you to select higher quality output for the generated images.3.1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. including NTSC or PAL standard resolutions. Print Options 11. become part of the movie. all image files are created using an internal (software-based) rendering engine. 11.3.1. 11. You can also select Custom to specify the pixel resolution in the Width and Height fields.Animation based on the timestep number associated with each transient output file.3. TimeValue Interpolation evenly distributes frames based on the time value associated with each transient output file. The benefit of relatively high values is that less processing is required.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. it will be important to make sure that there are no other undesired windows or screen objects overlapping the viewer window at the time that the image file is created.3. 240)). Inc.2. These unwanted windows can.© SAS IP.6.3. selecting Save Frames As Image Files will prevent the deletion of the animation frame files from the temporary directory.2. the extension is taken from the setting of the Format field. 11. Click Save to save the file.1. and MPEG4 format options all use MPEG-4 encoding. If you repeat a loop. Enter the name of the file. AVI.3. This is known to be required for AVI format animations with Windows Media Player on Windows XP and Vista (however.2. Frame Rate The rate (in frames per second) at which the movie will be generated. . Inc. Don't Encode Last MPEG Frame A single cycle of an animation loop starts and ends at the same frame.2. that frame is encoded twice at the end of each cycle. High.3. Saving the Animation State (*.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Saving an Animation When Save Movie is selected and a filename is Tools Menu 11. leading to a brief pause at that point in the animation.2. To open: (CFX Animation) file. Install the 32bit version (not x64). click Browse 2. 11. the animation is saved to a file when the animation is played. Reduce the Bit Rate value to lower the file size (and the file playback quality). file) You can load or save your animation state as a . .3.3. To select a file. Quality Select a Quality from: Highest. Inc. Enable this setting to smooth the playback of repeated loop animations. With the Custom setting. 246 Browse to the correct directory to load the file. to view an animation. Release 14. The movie viewer may also dictate the playback rate. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Depending on the player and operating system.1.htm. 11. or Custom.1. Medium.5.5 . you may specify the Variable Bit Rate by clearing the Variable Bit Rate toggle and entering a bit rate. it should not be required with Windows Media Player on Windows 7). such as FFDSHOW MPEG-4 Video Decoder. Low. you may also need to install an additional codec. You can download this from http://www. Note The Windows Media Video (WMV).4.3.© SAS IP.2.3. All rights reserved.4.2.4. so you will need a player that supports MPEG-4 to view animations in those formats. 3. 11. and browse to a convenient location. It saves the current status of all of the animation settings. 3. The probe variable can also be selected manually from the variable list. You can manually input the probe coordinates in the Probe At boxes or select a point in the viewer.. 4. To save: 1.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.Probe 2.3. Inc. 11. . not necessarily exactly where you chose. Release 14. Enter the name of the file or select it by using the mouse. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. set the value of isosurfaces. Select Hide Probe tool is selected. 6. the probe variable will not change automatically when new to close the Probe tool.can (CFX Animation) type. All changes are applied immediately. Click Open. you can enter a number in the value editor.4. You can move planes along their normals to a specified location. 11. select Other. Temperature will be selected if you select a point on a plane that is colored by Temperature). Browse to a convenient directory to save the file. If Probe only this variable coordinates are entered. 5. If the desired variable does not appear in the list. Quick Editor The Quick Editor in CFD-Post lets you easily perform repetitious modifications to certain objects. or click left/right mouse buttons to increment/decrement the value by a portion of the range. 3. there is no need to click Apply. Enter or select the name of the file. 247 . and set turbo surface locations. 2. is not selected. Probe Probe in CFD-Post enables you to determine exact variable values at specified points within a domain. 1. (For If Probe only this variable example. and choose the variable from the Variable Selector.. 2. or right-click on an object in the viewer and select Probe The Probe tool appears at the bottom of the viewer. You should save the file as a . move the slider.5 . . To specify a value. the probe variable will be automatically chosen.© SAS IP. Inc. The probed value appears in the box adjacent to the variable list and automatically updates every time a new coordinate or probe variable is selected. Select Tools > Probe or click Probe Variable. 3. If you probe on a Point object. All rights reserved. the probe position will use the position coordinates of the Point object. see Quantitative Function List. abs(Velocity u) could be entered so that the calculation is performed using the absolute values of the variable Velocity u. For details. Select the function to evaluate from this list. These two options appear because have different origins (FLUENT and CFD-Post respectively). 11. 3. the option Mixture gives the same results as All Fluids.5. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The All Fluids option can be selected to perform the calculation using all of the fluids in the results. For most functions. For multiphase results. .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Note When calculating mass flow rate for a FLUENT file. Only locations valid for the selected function will be available. User variables are also available. Function Calculator The function calculator is used to provide quantitative information about the results. you can select which fluids to use in your calculation for selected functions. The expression can include variables and any valid CEL (CFX Expression Language) function. choose which cases the function calculator should act upon. and Expressions and CFX Expression Language (CEL). This problem may disappear if you zoom in on the boundary and probe again. choose a variable from the list. see Variables Workspace (p. For details. The smaller the object in the viewer is. the less accurate the picked location will be. If applicable to the function. Inc. To use the function calculator: 1. modify the Interpolation Tolerance setting under Edit > Options > CFD-Post. For example. To increase the extent of the virtual layer. select the appropriate fluid. For details. see CEL Operators. A consequence is that you may get an undefined value on an outer boundary because the point location will be slightly outside the domain.© SAS IP. you may choose either for your calculations. 2. All rights reserved.5 .CFD-Post Tools Menu Limitation: Probe locations will be more accurate when you zoom in tight on the probe location when picking in the viewer. If applicable to the function. Choose the location for the calculation. Inc. For some functions None is available. 248 Release 14. 4. 45). Note that you can also adjust the probe location by typing in the coordinates. Select the direction if applicable to the function. If multiple cases are open. . 5. you can click in the Variable box and enter an expression. 6. Constants. 249 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. if the surface is fully closed. Thus when analyzing temperature differences. Release 14. This has an implication for calculations of temperature differences measured in C or F. Choose whether to base the calculation on hybrid or conservative values. If F or R are selected. see CFX-4 Dump Files (p. For additional information on the function calculator see Quantitative Calculations in the Command Editor Dialog Box. Function Name Operation area Area of location areaAve Area-weighted average Note Projected areaAve (for example. For details. The available quantitative functions are outlined in the table below. 11. the result’s units will be K.© SAS IP. Most quantitative calculations are best performed using conservative variable values. the temperature will be returned in R. Expressions are always evaluated in absolute temperature units (K or R) and then. if necessary. areaAve_x) works as expected only for surfaces that do not fold in the selected direction. which is 0[K] and is reported as such (with the units forced to be in an absolute scale). and if C or K are selected as temperature units. Important There are some important limitations concerning calculations performed on CFX-4 results files.Function Calculator Click Calculate to calculate the result. All rights reserved. the software cannot tell whether the result is a temperature difference or just the temperature. For example. set the preferred temperature units to be in an absolute scale (K or R) in the Edit > Options > Units dialog box.5. internally it is evaluated as 274[K] . the result is converted to the user-selected units.274[K]. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. . the projected average will result in a randomly large number.5 . see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. In plots (where CFD-Post cannot force the units to be K). as the projected area will be zero. In extreme case. -273[C]) and a value of -273 is reported in the plot legend. 114). For details. if you evaluate 1[C] .1[C]. Note If the function result is a temperature.1. so the result is converted to user-selected units (in this case. Inc. Function Selection The quantitative functions available from the function calculator in CFD-Post are integrated into CEL and can be used in any expression. 11. All rights reserved. the number of harmonics. . for the macro that calculates the noise generated by a low-speed fan. 251) • User-defined Macros (p. For example.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. see Quantitative Function List in the CFX Reference Guide. you need to specify the number of blades. force Force on a surface in the specified direction forceNorm Length normalized force on a curve in the specified direction length Length of a line lengthAve Length-weighted average lengthInt Length-weighted integration massFlow Total mass flow massFlowAve Mass Flow-weighted average massFlowAveAbs Mass Flow-weighted average with absolute values of mass flow used in numerator and denominator of formula for averaging massFlowInt Mass Flow-weighted integral maxVal Maximum Value minVal Minimum Value probe Value at a point sum Sum over the calculation points torque Torque on a surface about the specified axis volume Volume of a 3D location volumeAve Volume-weighted average volumeInt Volume-weighted integral For details on each of the functions listed in the table above.6. .© SAS IP. Inc. 256) 1 For details on power syntax. and so on. 250 Release 14. Macro Calculator A macro is a set of Perl and Power Syntax1 commands that are stored in a session file. Inc. see Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX.CFD-Post Tools Menu Function Name Operation areaInt Area-weighted integral (can be projected to a direction) ave Arithmetic average count Number of Nodes countTrue Number of nodes at which the logical expression evaluates to true.5 . the position of the observer. You can run one of the pre-defined macros provided with CFD-Post or run one of your own: • Predefined Macros (p. The commands create an extension to the user interface in the Macro Calculator that prompts you for the arguments that are required. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Click Calculate to perform the calculations defined in the macro. velocity. Inc.3. In order to use the macro.6.6. 11. Inc.6. and temperature are required. and expressions defined in the macro are created.2. Cp Polar Plot Macro 11. you must close this window by clicking OK before you can continue using CFD-Post.6.) 3. All rights reserved. (In the latter case. These are session files that contain a subroutine. Comfort Factors Macro This macro can be used to calculate values for Mean Radiant Temperature and Resultant Temperature in HVAC simulations.1.6. Fan Noise Macro You execute a macro by clicking the Calculate button.cse file extension. The options available in the Macro Calculator are simply the arguments with which the subroutine is called. Release 14. The created expressions are visible on the Expressions tab.1.1.1. Fill in the fields that appear in the Macro Calculator.1. Click View Report to open the Report Viewer. Select an appropriate macro function from the list or open a file that contains a user-defined macro definition. opening the file both loads the macro into the Macro Calculator and adds that macro to the macro list.6. Note You can view the macro definitions in a text editor: they are located in <CFDPOSTROOT>/etc/ and have a . The Report Viewer window displays the results.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 2.1. From the menu bar. user variables. For details on the input parameters and output expressions for any given macro. The variables Mean Radiant Temperature (evaluated using the expression meanTemp) and Resultant Temperature (evaluated using the expression resultTemp) are created. 5. select Tools > Macro Calculator.1. The values that you must specify vary for each macro. .1.6. Any objects.1. you can view the details on the Expressions tab in CFD-Post once the macro has been executed. Liquid Pump Performance Macro 11.Macro Calculator To run a macro (assuming that a case is already loaded): 1. Comfort Factors Macro 11.5. 4. Gas Turbine Performance Macro 11. Liquid Turbine Performance Macro 11. The predefined macros are: 11.6. Gas Compressor Performance Macro 11. the radiation intensity.5 . 251 .1.© SAS IP. Predefined Macros Some predefined macros are provided as CFD-Post.7. This displays results and charts of the calculations performed.1.6. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. A report is also generated in HTML format and can be viewed by clicking on View Report. 11.4.6. 172). . The cp expression can be defined as: (Pressure . • Slice Normal: The axis that will be normal to the slice plane. The boundary and intersecting slice plane are defined in the macro calculator and passed to the subroutine as arguments.5 .1. The boundaries selected as the Boundary List in the macro calculator make up one surface for the intersection.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. The generated report contains the chart and the settings from the macro calculator. The second surface is a slice plane created using the X. Pressure set in the macro calculator and dynHead is a reference dynamic head (evaluated at the inlet) that can be defined as: 0. The following information must be specified: • Boundary List: A list of boundaries used in the simulation. • Machine Axis: The axis of rotation of the compressor. All rights reserved. 252 Release 14. • Ref. Y. the comfort factors may be calculated during the solution process. • Inlet Region: The locator used to calculate inlet quantities.$pref [Pa])/dynHead where $pref is the Ref. this would be required. Gas Compressor Performance Macro The Compressor Performance macro performs a series of calculations using the data set in the macro calculator. The macro creates the polyline using the Boundary Intersection method.2. Inc. a Chart line of the cp variable versus the Plot X Axis value is created. The cp user variable is created by the macro from the cp expression. • Plot Axis: The axis on which the results will be plotted.1. 11. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The following information must be specified: • Inlet Region: The locator used to calculate inlet quantities. .5 * areaAve(Density)@inlet * areaAve(Velocity)@inlet^2 The Inlet Region selected in the macro calculator is used as the inlet location in the calculation of dynHead.6.© SAS IP. Cp Polar Plot Macro The Cp Polar macro produces a polar plot of the pressure coefficient (Cp) along a polyline.6. see Polyline Command (p. when the model simulates a ventilation system in which the control system depends dynamically on derived comfort factors.3. Next. • Outlet Region: The locator used to calculate outlet quantities. 11. • Rotor Blade(s): The locator used to calculate torque (one blade row) about the machine axis. or Z normal axis to the plane (Slice Normal) and a point on that axis (Slice Position). Pressure: The reference pressure for the simulation.CFD-Post Tools Menu As an alternative to calculating comfort factors in CFD-Post. For details. Inc. for example. • Slice Position: The offset of the slice plane in the direction specified by the normal axis. • Machine Axis: The axis or rotation of the pump. • Num Blade Rows: Some quantities calculated for a single blade row are multiplied by the number of blades to produce total (all blade) values.5. 253 . • Ref Pressure: The reference pressure for the simulation. Inc.6. Blade Rows: Some quantities calculated for a single blade row are multiplied by the number of blades to produce total (all blade) values. • Ref Pressure: The reference pressure for the simulation. • Outlet: The locator used to calculate outlet quantities.1. Speed: The rotational speed of the pump. • Rotor Blade(s): The locator used to calculate torque (one blade row) about the machine axis. . Liquid Pump Performance Macro The following information must be specified: • Inlet: The locator used to calculate inlet quantities. 11. • Ref Radius: Reference radius between the hub and tip. 11. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. • Machine Axis: The axis or rotation of the turbine. • Fluid Gamma: The ratio of specific heat capacity at constant pressure to specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cp / Cv). Speed: The rotational speed of the turbine. • Num.Macro Calculator • Rot. • Ref Radius: A reference radius between the hub and tip.1. All rights reserved.© SAS IP. Speed: The rotational speed of the compressor. • Ref Pressure: The reference pressure for the simulation. • Outlet Region: The locator used to calculate outlet quantities. • Num Blade Rows: Some quantities calculated for a single blade row are multiplied by the number of blades to produce total (all blade) values. • Fluid Gamma: The ratio of specific heat capacity at constant pressure to specific heat capacity at constant volume (Cp / Cv).6. • Rotor Blade(s): The locator(s) used to calculate torque (one blade row) about the machine axis.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Gas Turbine Performance Macro The following information must be specified: • Inlet Region: The locator used to calculate inlet quantities. Release 14.5 . Inc. • Rot. • Rot. • Ref Radius: Reference radius between the hub and tip.4. the height of the outlet region.6. you will need to specify the 2D region for the blade (Custom Blade) as well as the number of blades (Custom # Blades).7. If this is set to Custom. Speed: the rotational speed of the turbine.6. 11. • Ref Pressure: The reference pressure for the simulation.: The acceleration due to gravity. • Num Blade Rows: some quantities calculated for a single blade row are multiplied by the number of blades to produce total (all blade) values. • Ref Density: The reference density for the simulation. • Rotor Blade(s): the locators used to calculate torque (one blade row) about the machine axis. • Machine Axis: the axis or rotation of the turbine.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. relative to the blade. • Gravity Accel.: The acceleration due to gravity. . 254 Release 14. • # of Harmonics: The number of harmonics used in the calculation. All rights reserved.5 . Inc.1. • Observer (r) and Observer (theta): The distance and location of the observer.CFD-Post Tools Menu • Ref Height: Cross-section height (that is. the height of the outlet region. The following information must be specified: • Domain: The domain in which the blade is located. • Head Rise: The pressure head at the inlet. Fan Noise Macro This macro calculates the noise levels of the turbomachinery as observed at a specific location. • Blade Selection: Set to Automatic for a single blade passage or Custom for a multiple blade passage. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. or the height of the blade at the trailing edge). • Ref Density: The reference density for the simulation. 11. • Outlet: the locator used to calculate outlet quantities.© SAS IP. or the height of the blade at the trailing edge). • Ref Radius: reference radius between the hub and tip. Liquid Turbine Performance Macro The following information must be specified: • Inlet: the locator used to calculate inlet quantities. • Rot. • Ref Height: Cross-section height (that is.1. • Gravity Accel. • Flow Rate: The volume flow rate.6. Inc. . In general.10-5 [Pa]. Ref. Pressure: Acoustic reference pressure ( audible sound of 2. but takes more time to calculate. . this decay follows an exponential law with a negative slope. • Directivity Harm. the loading coefficient defines the slope of the exponential law. Release 14. the decay of the sound-pressure level is very quick (one or two peaks in the sound-pressure level spectrum) and therefore a higher value of the loading coefficient will be appropriate. Power: Acoustic reference power ( − 0 )(  $#"! of   to units of dB.: A coefficient between 2 and 2. The reference pressure depends on the fluid.5.© SAS IP. #: The harmonic level at which the sound pressure levels will be calculated. In his experiments.  ) is used to convert the sound power '&%  where    = from units The equation used is:    CBA2 @9 827 6 51 =    (11.1) is the acoustic reference pressure.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc.5 gives a sound-pressure level close to the experimental data.5 . £¢¡  • Acou. The loading coefficient parameter defines the decay (or decrease) of the sound-pressure level vs the frequency. the acoustic reference power is: −   − q i h pp g ∫ XY X d eV U ` bT S R Q a c = ` f W – GFED –   • Sound Speed: The speed of the sound in the fluid at rest. Lowson found that a loading coefficient between 2 and 2. ) is the international standard for the minimum The acoustic reference pressure is used to convert the acoustic pressure into Sound Pressure in dB using the following equation: ′    ¥  ¥  ©¦ ¨§  ¦¥¤ (11.3) For air. All rights reserved. Based on these experiments. In general and for highly loaded blades. Ref. the sound-pressure level decreases when the frequency increases. A higher number leads to a more accurate solution. used to calculate the noise values. In other words. • Acou. Lowson replaced the unsteady loading by a steady one multiplied by a decay function.2) 43 821 where: is the value of the acoustic reference power PIH is the sound power and is defined by: ′ (11. • Loading Coeff. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 255 .Macro Calculator • Theta Sectors: The number of sampling points (sectors) equally spaced over 360° at a given radius around the fan. Inc. This is done by adding macro GUI parameters between # Macro GUI begin and # Macro GUI end lines. The macro file must contain at least one power syntax subroutine.2. the types of options and the subroutine to call are all specified.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. All rights reserved. see Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. . $name) = @_. $plane) = @_.cse and study the definitions in order to understand how to create your own macro. Inc. User-defined Macros You can load macros from a file and have them available in the Calculators workspace. In the following example. You can also embed user interface controls into the macro using lines with special comments. For details on power syntax. } Loading the file containing the subroutines makes each subroutine available for execution. To add your own macros to the list. . Use quotation marks for string entries.© SAS IP. and separate each argument with a comma. 258). print "Hello $title $name\n". You can also view the existing macros in <CFDPOSTROOT>/etc/*. see Using the Fan Noise Macro (p. The following is an example of a short subroutine: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! sub Hello1 { print "Hello !\n". set the CFXPOST_USER_MACROS environment variable to a comma-separated list of the path of each macro you want to add. Release 14. the name of the macro. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ! ! ! 256 Macro GUI begin macro name = A simple macro macro subroutine = mySub macro parameter = Var type = variable default = Y macro parameter = Location type = location location type = plane Macro GUI end sub mySub { ($variable.CFD-Post Tools Menu For details on completing this dialog box. An example of the Comfort Factors subroutine is shown.6. 11. } sub Hello2 { ($title.5 . Inc. Inc. # macro parameter = <name> Specifies a user interface option for a subroutine parameter. 100 default 0. Inc.. <file2> Other related files to load when loading this macro.Macro Calculator ! print "variable = $variable.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. #<option2> = <val> #.5 .4 [s] controls unitsa quantity type Time default 0. 1[m] float triplet range quantity type -1[m].1 [s]. This enables the View Report button. The type of widget for the option is determined by the type of parameter. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. For each type there can be several possible options. !} where the macro controls are as described in the following table: Value Definition # macro name = <name> The macro identifier to appear in the macro combo # macro subroutine = <subname> The subroutine to call # macro report file = <filename> The file generated by the macro (if any). 0[m]. Type Option Example string default My String integer default 10 range 1.1 [s] units are optional range 0. 0. plane = $plane\n".5[m]. #type = <type> #<option1> = <val> The order of the user interface options must match the order of the arguments for the subroutine. 257 . All rights reserved. # macro related files = <file1>.© SAS IP. This is useful when your macro uses subroutines from other files. as described in the table below. 1[m] Notes units are optional controls units* Length location Inlet location type Boundary location category list default point default orange either type or category can be specifiedbc Release 14. . which attempts to load the file in a text/html browser. it just prints what is selected in the combos.CFD-Post Tools Menu Type Option Example list apple.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.A combo with all objects of type plane listed When it is executed. . For file surfaces (boundaries. 1970. surface. so that the object can be re-used in other files or for file comparisons. $val = ave("Pressure". 47 (1). Lighthill established the acoustic pressure expression produced by a punctual force.5 . 11. Inc. geometry. line. Thus. variable.] showed that the noise generated by a fan is directly related to the aerodynamic forces exerted on the fixed and rotating blades.A combo with all loaded variables listed. 1970.1. Fan Noise Theory in Brief Several methods have been developed to predict tonal noise. In 1962. To get the object's name. selectable. . a contour plot on a boundary). The Fan Noise macro can be applied to low speed fans having a tip Mach number less than 0.">myOut. not path (for example. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. the fan is considered as a noise source for which the frequency depends on the rotational speed and other parameters. All rights reserved. In the low-speed regime. the Lowson Model is described here. Categories: point. 371. 385. pp. Using the Fan Noise Macro The Fan Noise macro calculates the tonal noise levels generated by a low-speed fan (primarily axial-flow fans). the main noise component is a dipolar source. use getObjectName(Object Path).6. or discrete-frequency noise. orange. he calculated these forces. Am. in a semi-empirical way. this will be only the name. a contour in "inlet" will automatically turn into two separate objects when two files are loaded and both have "inlet". "Point 1").6. In this case. viewer-viewable. with two options: • Variable . M. Inc.. the accuracy of the results is questionable. plane. Lowson [Lowson. c Returns the object's path.6.cfx Full list of types and categories include: Types: any valid object type. $time = getValue( "DATA READER". defaulting to Y • Location . For example.txt"). V.© SAS IP. 11. Macro Example: Output Path This is an example macro that explicitly defines the output path using the Perl Print command output redirection. 11.1. "Current Timevalue"). regions). CFD-Post normally refers to boundaries in other objects by name.3. in rectilinear motion.. First.3. For a higher tip Mach number. then he took into account the distance between the source and the observer. fig variable default Pressure domain default Notes Stator a A full list of quantity types can be found in <CFDPOSTROOT>/etc/<version>/common_units. . close(FH). the Fan Noise macro cannot be applied to ducted fans. ¡  258 Release 14. Vol. is due mainly to periodic forces exerted on fluid passing a fan. print FH "$time $val\n". Tonal noise.45. ! ! ! ! ! open(FH. “Theoretical analysis of compressor noise” The Journal of Acoustics So. b Loading this macro adds an entry A simple macro in the macro combo. The fan must radiate in the free field where the observer can see the fan blades (the Fan Noise macro does not take into account the reflection effect). volume.2. Note that object path is returned only for surfaces that are not read from the file. respectively. Inc. QP DC GF B IH A@ E drag (torque) forces exerted on the blade. and 98 52 2 − 52 3 % = 3  = − 10 ) =   =  = are the co- is the convective comordinates of the Observer O (r. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.4 (p. and are respectively the thrust and the ponent of the rotational Mach number in the direction. is Lowson extended Equation 11. Note that Equation 11. t).5) aT a S R This relation describes the contribution of the convective phenomenon due to the term ∂ ∂ . the acoustic pressure is equal to zero. All rights reserved.4) ©¢ © ¡   where:    − $" &! #" 76 ( ' 42 As shown in Figure 11. .Macro Calculator − ¦ ©¢ −   ¥ ¤ £ ©¡ = ∂ ∂ ¨ ©§ ′ (11.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. According to Equation 11. ) and of the Source S(R. 259).4 (p. This equation can be used to find an expression for the sound from a point force in arbitrary harmonic motion. 259) to create a more general equation: d bX aT −  ∂   ∂ ` aY − + bX aY c dW V U aS = − ∂ ∂ ` bX ′    (11. when the force constant.1: Relative position of the source and the observer (p. f ge h Release 14. 259 .5 (p.© SAS IP. 260).5 . 259) must be evaluated at retarded time . . . 7) &# '% = $# and integrating Equation 11.8) A@ D CH G 1 P0 ) B( = −      as shown in Figure 11.5 . 260) by parts gives: ′ P1 F7 + F8 1 F6 E6 F4 −                +  9 )3 2 + − I5 1 I5 E4 ) 3 2 ∫  −       (11.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.6 (p. of the acoustic pressure generated by steady and unsteady efforts. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc.CFD-Post Tools Menu Figure 11. .1: Relative position of the source and the observer The Lowson model enables the calculation.6)    ¤ ¢  ¥ ¤ =   + −    £ ¢ ¡ =    using the following equation: − (11. Lowson integrated Equation 11. .© SAS IP. All rights reserved. Inc. The latter are considered as punctual sources and correspond to the loads exerting by the z blades of the rotor.5 (p. at the observer position.1: Relative position of the source and the observer (p. 259) in time and space to get the mth harmonic of the acoustic pressure generated by a periodic rotating loading: ′ + ©    " © § − − ∂ ∂  © ! "¨ ¡ ¥ ¦ ∫  ∂   ∂ (11. 260) with x being the axis of rotation and the fluctuating loading and observer position being defined as: 260 Release 14. 261) gives:    ‚e ba q i b a rp t` where the rotational Mach number is            (11. and.Macro Calculator   −  =  −    ¡ ¤  ¡ ¤  £    =  −  −  ¨ § ¨ § ¦ ¥  ≈ −   −   ©¦ © ¥  =     ¢  −     In  $  #  (' and  −      (11.11) UTRS WQ VQ X X Y WQ VQ where =∞    = ∑   = −∞   R R     is the effort harmonic order or the mode. • The terms in Equation 11. All rights reserved. using the expressions: Release 14. 10 and are important only in the acoustic near field. 261) into Equation 11. Inc. Inc. . 260) becomes:   +  @ 37 6     I9 5 I9 F8 3 7 6 E DH            (11. in the acoustic far field. Lowson proposed the following formulation:     − (11. 261) and Equation 11.5 . Thus. 261 .10 (p. 261) can be identified as Bessel functions.11 (p.8 (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.© SAS IP.10) BA )   ∫ G 5 P4 3 ′ = − C2 Taking into account of the thrust and drag periodicities.12 (p. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.9) ! " • = − are respectively the thrust and drag (torque) components of the aerodynamic unsteady force &% represented by a global force exerted on the blade. Substituting the results obtained from Equation 11.9 (p.12) = ˆ‡ † … „ −    qs q v y f e ƒ d cb a − + q u€     v ∫ ‚e i wh g −  =∞   ∑   = −∞  ‚e i xh p ′ = The integrals in Equation 11. ded Equation 11. Fan Noise Output (Reports) The Fan Noise macro outputs a report. 261) can be evaluated directly to give the sound level radiated from z rotor blades: ′    (11. Load the . Inc. 1964. 3.5 . 254). 11. “Sources of noise in axial flow fans” Journal of Sound and Vibration.3..3. When the Macro Calculator fields are filled in. select Fan Noise. and the overall results. the sound power levels.]. All rights reserved. to view it. Fan Noise Macro Input The Fan Noise macro calculates the tonal noise levels generated by a fan as heard at a specific location. click Calculate. 1964. 302-322. The report displays the input values. the directivity of harmonic 1.12 (p. 5. . 2. click View Report.6.13)    ¨ £    ¡ ¨ − = − ¦   ¥ ¢¤ ¢ ¢ £ − £ § ¢¡ ∫   © Equation 11.14 (p.res file into CFD-Post.CFD-Post Tools Menu ¨ − = ¨¦   ¥ ¢¤ ¢ £ − £ § ¢¡ ∫   © (11. 4. Lowson exten. In the Macro field. (3). 262) to an equation that relates the steady-state components of the force to the acoustic pressure.3. Vol. Here is a partial sample: 262 Release 14.6. To access the Fan Noise macro: 1. In the Macro Calculator.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. specify the information described in Fan Noise Macro (p. Inc. 1. J. 11. the sound pressure levels.© SAS IP. Click the Calculators tab. DB @ The interest of this relation is the knowledge of the components of the fluctuating efforts C A • and F GE Following the experimental work done on helicopter blades by Scheiman [Scheiman.2. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. . pp.14) − & −    ! ) "   −   ' %# ! (    "      $ − & '%  & = −∞ −  ∑ ! %   2   = =∞ & 1 0   where: is a first Bessel Function of order 87 6 − − 9 5 43 • • z is the number of blades =− . 2 Release 14. 2. Inc. 11.5 . 263 .© SAS IP.6.3. including a 360° case.Macro Calculator The turbo noise report will be created in your working directory as turboNoise_report.2 2. if required. # 1 1 Loading Coeff.4. . Inc. you can have: • A case with a single blade passage (the Lowson model is based on this) • A case with a multiple blade passage.png) included in the report. All rights reserved. Fan Noise Examples There are two ways to perform turbo noise calculations. This enables you to reuse these elements in other documents. Fan Noise Macro Values Single Blade Passage Multiple Blade Passage Domain Fan Block Fan Block Blade Selection Automatic Custom > Custom Blade Blade > Custom # of Blades 9 # of Harmonics 6 6 Observer (r) 1 1 Observer (theta) 0 0 Theta Sectors 36 36 Directivity Harm.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.csv) and graphics (turboNoise_*. the only necessary differences in the two cases are the settings for Blade Selection and the custom blade fields. As the following examples show. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.html along with the tables (turboNoise_*. Ref. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Ref.CFD-Post Tools Menu Fan Noise Macro Values Single Blade Passage Multiple Blade Passage Acou.© SAS IP.2: Example Table and Chart of Sound Pressure Levels Created by the Fan Noise Macro 264 Release 14. Pressure 2e-005 2e-005 Acou. All rights reserved. . Power 1e-011 1e-011 Sound Speed 340 340 To view the report. The report will contain graphs and charts similar to the following: Figure 11. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5 . click Calculate and then View Report. Inc. the angle between the two edges of the face that touch the node is calculated and the smallest angle from all faces is returned for each node. You can select the following functions to calculate: Maximum Face Angle This calculates the largest face angle for all faces that touch a node.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. . Each calculated variable is also added to the list of available variables. Inc. Therefore.7. The results of each calculation are performed over all domains2 and printed to the output window.© SAS IP. Mesh Calculator The Mesh Calculator (Tools > Mesh Calculator) offers a variety of tools to check the quality of your mesh. For each face. see Mesh Visualization Advice (p. there is one minimum value for each node.3: Example Table and Chart of Sound Power Levels Created by the Fan Noise Macro 11. based on the criteria described below. Release 14. 266). 265 . Therefore. Minimum Face Angle This calculates the smallest face angle for all faces that touch a node. For details. 266). which enables you to use them as a basis for creating new plots. the angle between the two edges of the face that touch the node is calculated and the largest angle from all faces is returned for each node. the results of each calculation are performed over all domains in the specified cases.5 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. see Mesh Visualization Advice (p. 2 If multiple cases are loaded. The maximum face angle can be considered to be a measure of skewness. The values that are reported are the smallest and largest of these minimums. For each face. For details. there is one maximum value for each node. Inc. It is important to note that these variables are evaluated on nodes rather than elements. All rights reserved.Mesh Calculator Figure 11. The values that are reported are the smallest and largest of these maximums. Note When you compare the mesh information for a FLUENT file in FLUENT and in CFD-Post. it will be created. the actual number of cells is the same as reported by CFD-Post. Inc. For each face: £  ¢¡  (11. the reported number of nodes (FLUENT's "cells" ) will differ. you may find problems with using the mesh in the CFX-Solver. If there are elements which have mesh quality parameters greater or less than those listed. Mesh Information The Mesh Information option returns the number of nodes and elements in your volume mesh.1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. the mesh for the following output contains two domains: one using hexahedral elements and the other containing tetrahedral elements. . however. . 11. Mesh Visualization Advice The following table gives some guidelines for checking mesh quality.5 . Inc. the result window displays the results of the specified calculation. Element Volume Ratio Element Volume Ratio is defined as the ratio of the maximum volume of an element that touches a node.© SAS IP. Connectivity Number Connectivity number is the number of elements that touch a node. This enables you to create plots of the calculated variable. It also lists the number of elements of each element type. each domain can have nodes at its boundaries that are not acknowledged as being shared with other domains.CFD-Post Tools Menu Edge Length Ratio This is a ratio of the longest edge of a face divided by the shortest edge of the face. The value returned can be used as a measure of the local expansion factor. Element Type Elements may be a problem if they have any of: Tetrahedrons (4 nodes) Edge Length Ratio > 100 Max Face Angle > 170˚ Min Face Angle < 10˚ 266 Release 14. In FLUENT. The domains were connected using a domain interface: Number of Nodes: 71680 Number of Elements: 139862 Tetrahedra: 75265 Wedges: 31395 Pyramids: 0 Hexahedra: 33202 When you click Calculate. to the minimum volume of an element that touches a node. If the calculated variable does not already exist.7. The largest ratio is returned.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. As an example. All rights reserved. This causes FLUENT mesh reports to contain duplicated nodes.15) £   ¢¡  is calculated for the two edges of the face that touch the node. 11. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. so that results for two or more steps are available through the timestep selector. Inc. For optimal accuracy. Inc. Selecting Compare Cases displays the Case Comparison details view.8. you should be aware that accuracy will decrease as the element volume ratio increases.© SAS IP.Case Comparison Element Type Elements may be a problem if they have any of: Element Volume Ratio > 30 Connectivity Number > 50 Pyramids (5 nodes) Edge Length Ratio > 100 Max Face Angle > 170˚ Min Face Angle < 10˚ Element Volume Ratio > 5 Prisms (6 nodes) Edge Length Ratio > 100 Max Face Angle > 170˚ Min Face Angle < 10˚ Element Volume Ratio > 5 Connectivity Number > 12 Hexahedrons (8 nodes) Edge Length Ratio > 100 Max/Min Edge Length > 100 Min Face Angle < 10˚ Element Volume Ratio > 5 Connectivity Number > 24 In many cases. using the Load Results File dialog box option Load complete history as (either as a single case or as separate cases). or between two steps of a single case. the robustness of the CFX-Solver will not be adversely affected by high element volume ratios. The Compare Cases command is available in the Tools menu in any of the following situations: • You have loaded two or more cases using the Load Results File dialog box option Keep current cases loaded • You have loaded a single transient case (with results available for at least two time steps) • You have loaded a multi-configuration case. However. you should try to keep the element volume ratio less than the value suggested in the above table.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. . All rights reserved.5 . Case Comparison The Compare Cases command enables you to compare results from two distinct cases. or a case with run history. 267 . The following options are available: Release 14. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. For example. producing additional difference in the plot. The function calculator and Table Viewer have special support for the difference variables. the interpolated values could randomly oscillate between values of the two sides. a chart that is based on locators which exist in both Case 1 and Case 2 will have a "Difference" chart line. As a result. 232). • A Difference view is shown in a new view (in addition to the Case 1 (<case_name>) view and the Case 2 (<case_name>) view). To reverse the order of subtraction. See Example: Comparing Differences Between Two Files (p.CFD-Post Tools Menu Case Comparison Active Enables the Case Comparison function. swap the specifications for Case 1 and Case 2 in the Case Comparison details view. the comparison occurs when you click Apply. . • Each difference variable is named by appending “. differences are shown on the mesh from Case 1. If the two sides do not have the same values. In that view. In Case Comparison mode: • Difference variables are computed as the variable values from Case 1 minus the variable values from Case 2. the difference variables are located on the mesh from Case 1. This can happen because during mesh interpolation. All rights reserved.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Note – CFD-Post does not support comparison of the following variables: ¡ Connectivity Number ¡ Edge Length Ratio ¡ Element Volume Ratio ¡ Force ¡ Length ¡ Mass Flow ¡ Maximum Face Angle ¡ Minimum Face Angle – When comparing variables on interior walls in cases where meshes are not identical.Difference. 268 Release 14.Difference” to the end of the variable name from which it was derived.© SAS IP.5 . The latter are interpolated onto the mesh from Case 1 before the subtraction. the difference variable for the variable Pressure is Pressure. you may see unexpected differences in difference plots. In addition. Inc. • The difference variables can be used anywhere that variables can normally be used. enabling you to easily see functions and tables (respectively) of difference values. Inc. . variable values may get picked up from one or the other side of the interior boundary. In such cases do not use the Autodetect same mesh setting because this fails when node numbering is not the same. Note Absolute difference works only for scalars.© SAS IP. Inc. the first movement of any view will align all views to the same orientation. The timestep selector that is embedded into the Case Comparison details view then enables you to select which steps you want to compare. This enables CFD-Post to match nodes between the two cases for one of the symmetry boundaries and to define difference plots. If the views are initially in different orientations. Case 1 and Case 2 Enables you to select the cases to be compared. If you want to compare two steps from within the same case (that is. . set the case that is extruded less as Case 1.Case Comparison • CFD-Post refers to the cases as “Case 1” and “Case 2” rather than as the original case names (which are usually based on the results file name). use Meshes are identical. so you will see a second case appearing in the tree view. If you know beforehand that the meshes are the same or different. the steps used for the comparison can be changed either by using the embedded timestep selector on the Case Comparison details view. Options: Synchronize camera in displayed views Causes changes in orientation of one view to be duplicated in the other. Mesh Detection Enables you to control whether or not CFD-Post needs to determine whether the meshes in the two cases are identical. or by using the usual timestep selector (which now has separate entries for each of the two copies of the case being compared). CFD-Post needs to load the results from the selected case a second time. Your options are: • Auto-detect same mesh causes CFD-Post to analyze the two meshes to determine whether they are the same or different before performing any interpolation. All rights reserved.5 . two time steps from a transient case) then you should select the same case for both Case 1 and Case 2. In this circumstance. Inc. After the comparison has been initialized.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 269 . Release 14. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Options: Use absolute value of Difference Causes all values to be reported as positive numbers. not vectors. Tip When comparing two 2D cases. This setting causes CFD-Post to ignore node numbering and just use the topology of the mesh. which saves processing time when cases are large. • Meshes are identical and Meshes are different enable CFD-Post to perform interpolation immediately. you can save processing time by enabling the appropriate mesh detection setting. Note When you know meshes to be topologically identical but the node numbering may be different. location For example. If you want to place the point at the minimum/maximum value for the individual cases. The magnitude of a difference variable "<vector variable>. area()@CASE:2.© SAS IP. so the Meshes are identical setting is required. All rights reserved.Difference" (such as Temperature.Difference). the variables will be viewable again if you reload the results file. As a result. 11. Note • If you run a case comparison on a file that contains solver-generated difference variables (such as Volume Porosity. Inc. the node numbering may differ even between apparently identical meshes. . Calculating Difference Variables There are two ways of creating difference variables: • You can use the CFX Interpolator. and then subtracting the two variables. see Quantitative CEL Functions in ANSYS CFX in the CFX Reference Guide. the expression syntax is: function()@CASE:[1|2]. if a multidomain case is loaded and a difference variable colors a locator that is in a single domain. Inc. . • When using Variable Minimum or Variable Maximum option on a point in multi-file or comparison mode. the point is placed at the location of the overall minimum/maximum.1. If the locator is moved to another domain (or a new locator colored by the same variable is added).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. However.Difference). • You can use CFD-Post in comparison mode.myplane • Case comparison is supported only for General mode. • Global ranges of difference variables are updated as domains are used. the global range for that difference variable is updated to reflect both domains. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Difference" (such as Velocity. • When using expressions in case-comparison situations.CFD-Post Tools Menu For example. For a description of the general variable syntax. Difference variables are computed on the mesh of the first case by first interpolating the variable from the second mesh to the first mesh.8. For example. when comparing a case from ANSYS CFX with a case from FLUENT. these variables will become unviewable when you enter case comparison mode. In each case you can then view variables such as "<vector variable>. the range displayed will reflect the range of the difference variable only in that domain.Difference” is always calculated as: 270 Release 14. case comparison initiated from the Turbo tab will revert to General mode. select the appropriate case in the point's Domain List selector.Difference) and "<scalar variable>.5 . Click in the Command Editor. Enter a search Release 14. which would give a value of 0 [m/s]. 0). it is 2 [m/s]).16) This is not the difference of the vector magnitudes between file 1 and file 2. 0. 0. • If you right-click an object and select Edit in Command Editor. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. the Command Editor opens and displays the current state regardless of any selection. but this is incorrect. so the velocity magnitude is also 1 [m/s].Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. These functions include Find. 2. see: • CFX Command Language (CCL) Syntax in the CFX Reference Guide • Command Actions in the CFD-Post User's Guide • Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX in the CFX Reference Guide. If you do not want to edit the CCL that appears. – If the Command Editor dialog box has been used previously. Prepare the content of the Command Editor by adding new content. If you plot a vector plot such as Velocity. Alternatively. if you plot "<vector variable>.Difference variable is (2. For example. • If you select Tools > Command Editor. right-click any object that can be modified using the Command Editor and select Edit in Command Editor. The vector variable Velocity. 271 . or both. Inc.© SAS IP. and in the second file you have a velocity vector of (-1. it will contain CCL commands. which makes a search tool appear at the bottom of the Command Editor dialog box. the CCL definition of the specific object populates the Command Editor automatically. All rights reserved. Inc. 0). modifying the existing content. so the velocity magnitude is 1 [m/s]. click Clear to erase all content.Difference" in plots that use a scalar variable.Command Editor > + < > + < > £¥¤ £ ¢ £ ¡ £   < (11. Select Tools > Command Editor. Combinations of these types of content are allowed.Difference. – If the Command Editor dialog box has not been used previously. it is obvious that a real vector is being plotted. and power syntax. it will be blank. The types of content that may be prepared are CCL.5 . 0)."velocity magnitude in file 1". how the difference variable is calculated is an issue. 3. 0.Difference to be equal to "velocity magnitude in file 2" . For details. 11. then process the new object definition to apply the changes. action commands. Right-click in the Command Editor to access basic editing functions.9. Modify or add parameters as required. suppose in one file you have a velocity vector (1. Command Editor To start the Command Editor: 1. However. and the scalar variable that CFD-Post calls "Velocity.Difference" is equal to the magnitude of this vector variable (that is. . You might expect Velocity. All rights reserved. Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.© SAS IP. The contents are processed: CCL changes will affect CCL object definitions. To hide the search tool. . Click Process. . 272 Release 14. press Esc. Inc. 4. actions will be carried out.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5 . and power syntax will be executed.CFD-Post Tools Menu term and click either Next or Previous to search upwards or downwards from the insertion point or text selection. Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. Inc.Turbo Initialization 12. . To access the Turbo workspace.Turbo View Shortcuts Release 14. This chapter describes: 12.2. Visual Representation of Initialization Status 12.1.4. The two main parts of the Turbo workspace interface are the Turbo tree view and the Turbo details view.Chapter 12: Turbo Workspace The Turbo workspace improves and speeds up post-processing for turbomachinery simulations. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.3. 273 .5 . All rights reserved.© SAS IP. click the Turbo tab. Define/Modify Global Rotation Axis 12. When you click that button.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. you are ready to start using the turbo-specific features offered in the Turbo workspace.Turbo Workspace 12.5. Turbo Initialization Before using the Turbo workspace features.6.5 . . it will be accompanied by a visual depiction of the background mesh. 275) • Initialize All Components (p. After entering the Turbo workspace and initializing the turbo components. Visual Representation of Initialization Status Tip You can copy the sample file AxialIni_001. Upon changing the axis definition. 276) 1 Available components depend on the turbo setup in the pre-processor.9. span. If it also happens to be initialized. Define/Modify Global Rotation Axis The Define/Modify Global Rotation Axis button is found on the Turbo workspace's Initialization view. Y. 276) • Individual Component Initialization (Advanced Feature) (p. or it can be specified manually as either a Rotation Axis (six Cartesian coordinates) or a Principal Axis (X. radial. The Turbo tree view also indicates which components are initialized and which are not. the components of the loaded case (such as rotor.Turbo Line 12. For details. 12. and Theta coordinates (and their dependent objects and expressions) are automatically updated.Turbo Plots 12. a wireframe representation of each component appears in the viewer. .2. stator. There is a minimum of one component available for each domain.3. the axial.Turbo Macros 12. Calculate Velocity Components 12.Turbo Surface 12.8. The topics in this section include: • Requirements for Initialization (p. 274 Release 14. 12. shown as a transparent green surface with white mesh lines.1. Inc. Initialization causes. 285).7. or Z). When in the Turbo workspace.res from the installation directory for your software (<CFXROOT>/examples/) to your working directory. the Define/Modify Global Rotation Axis dialog box appears. The axis definition can come from the results file. ′. the symbol next to a component name is greyed out. 275) • Uninitializing Components (p.© SAS IP. The currently selected turbo component appears as a green wireframe. Exactly one axis of rotation method must be specified. then load that file into CFDPost so that the descriptions in this chapter are easier to follow. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. among other things. and Theta coordinates to be generated for each component. All rights reserved.1) need to be initialized. see Theta (p. if the component is uninitialized. Inc. a (axial) and r (radial)   etc. Do not initialize Turbo Post for the nondata domain because this will cause some Turbo-related features to fail. Release 14. However. Tip For automatic 360° initialization. if gaps within the slice (due to the blade region) are large relative to complexity of the topology and curvature of the passage is high. • Right-click a component in the Turbo tree view and select Initialize All. automatic 360° initialization might fail as CFD-Post cannot reconstruct the passage curves. can be automatically initialized. double-click Initialization in the Turbo tree view. 12. For details. If your case has regions. Inc. To automatically initialize all components using the default (best guess) region assignment. rotor. Correctly defined turbo spaces. see Initializing all Turbo Components.3. The Initialize All Components button that appears is used to set the region and instancing information for each of the domains contained in your results file.5 . but only one domain will have data. see Purpose of Background Mesh (p.3. • Specification of the number of instances of each turbo component (such as stator. you must set up the problem to isolate the region of interest into a separate domain that has these regions. For more complex geometries. outlet.) required to represent the full geometry around the rotation axis. etc. Requirements for Initialization Initialization of a turbo component requires the following: • Input for calculating a background mesh.Turbo Initialization • Details View for Individual Component Initialization (p. See Individual Component Initialization (Advanced Feature) (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1. 277). 275). All rights reserved. . you can do one of the following: • Choose to auto-initialize all components when a message prompts you upon entering the Turbo workspace for the first time (after loading a case).2. Note CFD-Post can initialize turbo space only for domains that are enclosed with inlet. 275 . for details. hub. Initialize All Components To access the initialization options. and shroud regions. CFD-Post uses cut planes and then looks for intersections between these and the turbo regions. 12. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 276) Important Transient Blade Row cases that use the Fourier Transformation method will have two domains in CFD-Post. 276) for details.© SAS IP. Inc. as described in Requirements for Initialization (p. you should be able to manually initialize by setting the turbo regions from any one of the passages. • Use a CCL instruction. 1. The Uninitialize All Components button is accessible in the Turbo details view after double-clicking Initialization in the Turbo workspace. as long as the rotation axis is defined.1. All rights reserved. A details view for the component appears with two tabs: Definition and Instancing. 277) • Background Mesh Frame (p. Details View for Individual Component Initialization The Individual Component Initialization view contains the following tabs: • Definition Tab (p.3.Turbo Workspace 12.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. To select multiple regions. having only one component initialized in a domain with many components restricts calculations and plots to just the initialized component.3. Uninitializing all turbo components can be followed by initializing only the components that will be studied. click the icon to the right of the drop-down list and hold the Ctrl key while selecting the regions. A right-click menu associated with a turbo component in the Turbo tree view enables uninitialization for that component. or for all components. inlet. Uninitialization does not cause graphic objects to be deleted. shroud. Definition Tab The Definition tab is used to specify: 276 Release 14. 3.© SAS IP. 4. for subsequent initializations). 12. radial and Theta coordinates generated for it. 279) 12.5 . If From Line is chosen. An uninitialized component still has axial.3. and outlet curves. Additional information on Individual Component Initialization is available in the Details View for Individual Component Initialization (p. 276) • Instancing Tab (p.4. A graphic object that disappears due to the uninitialization of a turbo component reappears if the component is initialized. it is possible to change or even remove its initialization settings. Inc. Inc. 276) section.3. For example. 12. . Select the boundary names that correspond to the required turbo regions. 2. Keeping the number of initialized components to a minimum saves computer memory. In the Background Mesh frame for each of the hub. It also saves computational effort when generating plots that span multiple components. 277). choose to specify each to be From Turbo Region or From Line (that is.5. from a predefined line). and its subsidiaries and affiliates. see: • Turbo Regions Frame (p. Individual Component Initialization (Advanced Feature) To manually initialize or modify the initialization of a turbo component. Click Apply (or Initialize. double-click the component in the Turbo tree view. Uninitializing Components After a turbo component has been initialized. for details.3.5. . Set the mesh Method to either Linear or Quasi Orthogonal. choose the line locator. a separate 2D mesh is created as an intermediate step. Select the 360 Case Without Periodics check box. Outlet.   12. used to define spanwise and meridional coordinates for the 3D geometry.2. The two available options are: • From Turbo Region Release 14. Inc. polylines/lines may be specified explicitly in the Background Mesh frame. Specify polylines for the hub. After the plane is in the correct position. Inlet and Outlet regions with Periodic 1 may be used in order to generate internal polylines that are then collapsed in the Theta direction to form the boundaries of the background mesh. see Background Mesh Frame (p. Create a rectangularly-bounded slice plane. 277). The mesh. shroud. Specify the hub. For details. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. inlet.5 . shroud. All rights reserved. and outlet in the Background Mesh frame (described next). you may do one of the following: 1. Purpose of Background Mesh In order to calculate Streamwise Location ( ′) and Span coordinates for a turbo component.5. is formed by taking the 3D passage boundaries (hub.1. inlet. and outlet curves and other regions for a turbo component (such as a rotor or stator). 277).2.2. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5. see Turbo Regions Frame (p. 277 . .1. specify this slice plane as Periodic 1. For details. Requirements for Setting Up a Background Mesh The background mesh frame requires you to specify how the hub. forming a 2D passage outline on an axial-radial plane. Alternatively. These regions are not always required.5.3. it may be helpful to temporarily set the plane type to Sample so that you can see the entire plane. You do not need to set Periodic 2. Blade. inlet. Shroud. or if any of these intersections are not possible. inlet.5. here referred to as a background mesh.Turbo Initialization • The hub.3. and Periodic regions of a turbo component. In this case. shroud. such that it intersects the turbo component on only one side of the rotation axis. using the point-and-normal method. In the special case of a turbo component that wraps 360 degrees around the rotation axis. 277). The outline is then filled in with a mesh consisting of lines of constant span and meridional coordinate. 2. 3. outlet) and collapsing them in the Theta direction. a blade loading macro). In this case. 12. there may be no periodic regions available. and outlet curves will be obtained.© SAS IP.1. but when provided. Finally. Shroud. may be used in the following ways: • The Blade region specification is used to enable macros and plots that deal with blades (for example. 12. shroud. shroud.1. set the type to Slice. Turbo Regions Frame The Turbo Regions frame is used to assign 2D regions to the Hub. and outlet regions. • The parameters controlling the component’s associated background mesh.3. • The intersections of the Hub. For details. The background mesh is a mesh generated on a constant-Theta projection of the passage. inlet. Inlet. Background Mesh Frame 12. The resulting mesh is then used to associate Streamwise Location and Span coordinates with any 3D position in the passage. see Background Mesh Frame (p. . Inc. All rights reserved.Turbo Workspace When From Turbo Region is specified for a particular curve.3. You must use the latter method for every curve that cannot be derived by the first method (for example.2. Before the polyline is used for initialization. One way in which a polyline can be created is by using the intersection between a bounded plane (such as a slice plane or a turbo surface of constant Theta) and the appropriate surface (for example.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. • From Line When From Line is specified for a particular curve.3.5. Types of Background Mesh Two methods are offered for creation of the background mesh: • Linear • Quasi Orthogonal 278 Release 14. 172). therefore. see: • Line Command (p. because one or more Turbo Regions are not specified). use an editor to consolidate the parts. polylines obtained by intersection with a plane need not use a constant-Theta plane. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5 . is transformed by adjusting all Theta coordinates to the same value. 148) • Polyline Command (p. The Theta coordinates of the polyline. that curve is automatically extracted by intersecting the corresponding turbo region (specified in the Turbo Regions frame) with the specified Periodic 1 region (also specified in the Turbo Regions frame). If you cannot form the polyline easily. A line or polyline used to generate a background mesh must follow the entire surface it represents (along the component). you must provide a polyline/line locator for that curve.© SAS IP. you can save pieces of the polyline to a series of files. have no effect. Inc. For details. and then reload the edited file.1. 12. . the hub surface). This is because. 4. At least part of the graphic object must be generated using data from the component (that is. 279 .5. the instancing information for a component is actually the instancing information for the component’s domain. All rights reserved. . set the rotation angle using one of two methods: Instances in 360 degrees or a specified value. the Axis Definition can be automatically determined From Results file.3. a turbo surface of constant span that covers both components will show. changes to the domain instancing. Density of the Background Mesh The density of the background mesh influences the accuracy of the representation of the meridional space and. therefore. 3. then set Principal Axis or Rotation Axis (specified using a From/To Line). with the instancing information for component 1 specifying one copy. if there are two components. Set the Number of Graphical Instances. For example. in the current version of CFD-Post. a reflection is set using an existing plane.5 . 7.5.1. Instancing Tab The Instancing tab for a turbo component is shown below: 1. 2.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. By selecting Apply Reflection/Mirroring. in order for this instancing information to apply to a graphic object: 1. Between Number of Passages and number of passages per component (Passages per Component). The instancing information is used to display multiple instances of the geometry. 5. Inc. the accuracy of the nonlinear coordinate transformations. the Quasi Orthogonal method offers a higher-quality meridional space representation. the number of components per 360 degrees is determined. The default offered for Density should be sufficient in most cases.2. For Angle From. otherwise. Inc. Consequently. Release 14. by default. The graphic object must have Apply Instancing Transform selected and Transform set to an Instancing Transform that has Instancing Info From Domain selected.3. while the figure on the right shows the mesh using the Orthogonal (default) method. one copy of the portion generated for component 1. 12.Turbo Initialization The figure on the left shows a background mesh (for clarity. and ten copies of the portion generated for component 2. Axis Definition: By default. also alters the instancing information for the component. Apply Rotation should be used when the number of copies is more than 1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. select Custom. Density was set to 200) using the Linear method. 6. You may need to create a plane before you apply the reflection. 12.2. or instancing for any other component in the domain. all copies will be drawn in the same location. The instancing specified for a component applies to objects (or parts thereof ) generated over the component. and component 2 specifying ten copies.4.© SAS IP. Translation is set by entering three vector components. As can be seen from pictures. To set your own. especially in highly curved passages. there must be an association between the graphic object and the component). 2. 276). and its subsidiaries and affiliates. see Individual Component Initialization (Advanced Feature) (p. 12. for example. To access these commands. Turbo View Shortcuts The following table shows commands that are specific to the Turbo tree view. After you enter a name in the new Turbo Surface dialog box and click OK. just like other graphic objects.5 . see Initialize All Components (p. Turbo Surface Turbo surfaces are graphic objects that can be viewed and used as locators. see Common Outline View Shortcuts (p. This would allow. when the edges are too close to inlet/outlet). Inc. 206).Turbo Workspace Additional information on instance transforms is available in Instance Transform Command (p.4. For details.© SAS IP. see Uninitializing Components (p. Initialize All Initializes all turbo components.1. . a line locator) to the Outline workspace. Note Blade Aligned Turbo Surfaces can fail due to the following limitations: • The extraction of leading and trailing edges of the blade is sensitive to tip clearance and to the curvature of the edges. 276). . You can always use the Streamwise Location coordinate when the quality of the blade aligned coordinates are in doubt.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Command Description Initialize Initializes the selected turbo components. Inc. Uninitialize Uninitializes the selected turbo components. 12. Turbo Surface: Geometry Options available for Definition are: • Constant Span 280 Release 14. 12. Promote to General Mode Copies the selected plot object and any required supporting objects (for example. right-click the appropriate elements in the Turbo tree view. 16).5. • The normalization of coordinates is sensitive to blade extend comparing to inlet and outlet extend (that is. the selected plot to be included in a report. For a list of the other commands that appear in the Turbo tree view (and in most tree views). For details. All rights reserved. Uninitialize All Uninitializes all turbo components. For details. the details view for the turbo surface will appear. 276). For details. select Insert > Location > Turbo Surface from the menu bar. see Uninitializing Components (p. To create a turbo surface. Show in Separate Window Displays the selected plot or chart in its own window.5. 275). 1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. the surfaces will be flat and aligned to run through the middle of the curves.Turbo Surface • Constant Streamwise Location • Constant Blade Aligned • Constant Blade Aligned Linear • Constant Theta • Cone The Constant Span. 285). The cone is created where the user-defined line intersects the axis of rotation and Point 2: Release 14. and Constant Theta options are similar to planes in that they can be bounded and have Slice or Sample types.1. For details.5.5 .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. . For details. see Theta (p. 285). • Cone uses the two supplied points to create a line. • Constant Theta creates a surface at a specific Theta value. Domains See Selecting Domains (p.2. • Constant Blade Aligned Linear create surfaces that is aligned with the leading and trailing edges of the blade. • Constant Blade Aligned create surfaces that is aligned with the leading and trailing edges of the blade. see Span Normalized (p. 19). 282). If the blade is curved. For details.© SAS IP. 281 . see Streamwise Location (p. 12. 12.5. • Constant Streamwise Location creates a surface at a fractional streamwise distance between the inlet and outlet. the surfaces will also be curved. 285). If the blade is curved. For details. Inc. Inc.1. All rights reserved. see Type (p. Constant Streamwise Location. Definition • Constant Span creates a surface at a fractional span value between the hub and shroud. 4. The surface is defined only in regions outside the bounding constraints. Note Constant Theta and Cone methods are available even before turbo initialization has been performed because these methods do not depend on span or streamwise coordinates. . The Invert Surface Bounds check box reverses the effect of the surface bound. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. only the axial distance and radius are required. 12.3. Inc. Bounds The available types of Bounds for the Turbo Surface to be created can be seen by clicking the Type box. • Using Rectangular.5. If the line is normal to the axis of rotation. the Turbo Surface cuts through a complete cross-section of each domain specified in the Domains list. The Turbo Surface is undefined in areas where the rectangle extends outside of the domains specified in the Domains list. you can enter the maximum and minimum value for the two dimensions on the Turbo Surface.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Type You can set the Type to either Slice or Sample. 12.1. All rights reserved. . next to • When None is selected.© SAS IP. a cylinder is created.5 . The points can be entered or picked directly from the viewer. 282 Release 14. The Turbo Surface is bounded only by the limits of the domain.Turbo Workspace The user-defined line is then rotated about the axis of origin to create the cone. Inc.1. When entering cylindrical coordinates. a disc is created. If the line is parallel to the axis of rotation.5. The line can be described by Cartesian or cylindrical components. 12.Turbo Line Slice extends the Turbo Surface in all directions until it reaches the edge of the domain.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 12. After entering a name in the new Turbo Line dialog box. 19). Turbo Surface: Color To change the color settings. Sample creates the Turbo Surface with rectangular bounds.3. see Render Details Tab (p. All rights reserved. A sample Turbo Surface is a set of evenly-spaced points which are independent of the mesh spacing.6. To create a turbo line. 12. and the value in the Samples box for each of the two directions that describe the Turbo Surface. As a result. click the View tab. 2.1. see Color Details Tab (p. The options available for the Method are: • Inlet to Outlet. For details.2.6. click the Color tab. Turbo Line: Geometry Set the following: 1.5 .2. You can type in the value in the Samples box. 283 .2. 26).5. Turbo Line Turbo lines are graphic objects that can be viewed and used as locators. Turbo Surface: Common Tabs You can adjust the other Turbo Surface settings on tabs that are common to other features in CFD-Post: 12. just like other graphic objects.© SAS IP. over a range of streamwise values. For details. The density of points on the Turbo Surface corresponds to the size of the bounds for your Turbo Surface in each of the Turbo Surface directions.5. Points on the Turbo Surface correspond to points where the Turbo Surface intersects an edge of the mesh. Inc. Define the line. The sample line is a set of evenly-spaced sampling points that are independent of the mesh spacing.2. Turbo Surface: Render To change the rendering settings. the details view for the turbo line will appear. Select the number of points along the line per component with the value you enter in the Samples/Comp box. or use the embedded slider (which has a maximum value of 998 and a minimum value of 2).5. which creates a line at specific Span Normalized (p. For details. Set the applicable Domains as described in Selecting Domains (p. 21). and its subsidiaries and affiliates. . 12. Inc. the number of points in a slice Turbo Surface is indirectly proportional to the mesh spacing. 285) and Theta (p. see View Details Tab (p. click the Render tab.1. increase or decrease the value by 1 by clicking or respectively.2. 285) value. 12. Release 14. 19). Turbo Surface: View To change the view settings. select Insert > Location > Turbo Line from the menu bar.5. All rights reserved. For Inlet to Outlet and Circumferential.2. click the Color tab. The number of samples is required. • Circumferential.7.6. For details. you can define the ends of the Turbo Line by entering the maximum and minimum for the dimension making up the line. click the Render tab. click the View tab. which creates a line at specific streamwise and span values. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5 .2.2. 12.6. The Turbo Line is not bounded by the limits of the domain if the conditions you specify describe locations outside of the domain. For details. . Inc. 285) value. The Turbo Line is visible but will be colored with an undefined color in areas where the line extends outside of the domains specified in the Domains list.1. set the Bounds. 3. Tip If you set a mesh-density based turbo line and want to be able to see the points of analysis so that you can set an appropriate amount of reduction. Turbo Plots The following topics will be discussed: • Introduction to Turbo Plots (p. see Hub to Shroud (p. . • When None is selected. Turbo Line: Color To change the color settings. The method for creating a line in this way is the same as for the locator line in a hub-to-shroud turbo chart.Turbo Workspace • Hub to Shroud.2. see Color Details Tab (p. 12. Turbo Line: View To change the view settings. • When End Points is selected. 26). For details on the possible Mode settings. see: – Streamwise Location (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Turbo Line: Render To change the rendering settings. For details.2.6. 19). see Render Details Tab (p. 289). 285) 284 Release 14. For details.6. which creates a line of a specific Mode at a specific Theta (p. see View Details Tab (p. the Turbo Line is restricted to only the parameters specified in the Definition section of the form. 285) – Span Normalized (p. 21). Turbo Line: Common Tabs You can adjust the other Turbo Surface settings on tabs that are common to other features in CFD-Post: 12. The number of points along the line will correspond to the value you enter in the Samples box. 285). Inc. you can create a vector (Insert > Vector) and define its Location to be the turbo line. 12.3.© SAS IP. The sample line is a set of evenly-spaced sampling points which are independent of the mesh spacing. over a range of Theta values. 12. 286) • Meridional Object (p. m away from the outlet.7.3. If the same duct were the second component in a multi-component case.7. 288) • Turbo Charts (p.4. the same location would then be expressed as a streamwise location of 1. For example. 12.© SAS IP. Span Span is the distance from hub region in length units. 279). Span Normalized Span Normalized defines the dimensionless distance (between 0 and 1) from the hub to the shroud. Streamwise Location Streamwise location is the dimensionless distance from the inlet to the outlet.1. in a single domain case. Inc. For details.5.4 m from the inlet and 0.4.3. 12. 286) • Blade-to-Blade Object (p. based on the background mesh. Turbo Measurements 12. see Instancing Tab (p.1. It ranges from 0 to 1 for the first component. 12.1.1. Release 14.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.9 would describe a location 0. You can opt to show instancing for the plots in each domain by changing the # of Copies. 12.01 m away from the shroud.1. m.1.1. Instancing The instancing information has already been entered during the initialization phase. a streamwise location of 0. Introduction to Turbo Plots Each turbo plot appears in the Turbo tree view under Plots. a span of 0. 288) 12. Show Faces/Show Mesh Lines Double-click 3D View and choose to view the faces (Show Faces) or the edges of the mesh elements (Show Mesh Lines) by enabling the appropriate toggles.Turbo Plots • Initialization Three Views (p.4 would describe a location 0.7.09 m from the hub and 0.7. if the distance between the inlet and the outlet in a straight duct is 1 m. All rights reserved. and can be edited. if the distance between the hub and shroud in a straight duct is 0.1. Inc. . and so on. Theta Theta is the angular coordinate measured about the axis of rotation following the right-hand rule. For example.3.5 . 12.2. 285 . 1 to 2 for the second.7. 12. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. Span Direction Span Direction is a unit vector pointing along the direction of span coordinate for each mesh node.3. 287) • 3D View Object (p. 12. The three views listed above are also listed in the Turbo tree view under Plots. The view will allow the same transformations as the bladeto-blade view.5 . see Setting CFD-Post Operation Through Environment Variables (p. . Because of these properties. Selecting this toggle causes the viewer to show three viewports that have the following views: • A 3D View. 286). Choose the fractional Span (0 to 1) where the plot is located. zoom.7. • A Blade-to-Blade 2D view. For details. 6).© SAS IP. 280). Inc. and rotation around the axis normal to the blade-to-blade view. All rights reserved. This is the same as the standard viewer. zero Theta is generally at an arbitrary position. 1. . This is particularly useful for high-wrap blades. translate and zoom functions. 287). For full 360° geometries. • Continuously increasing values of Theta independent of the total blade wrap. For geometries that define a partial machine (not full 360°). which is described in Meridional Object (p.6.3.7. The Plot Type can be one of the following: • Color (p. Initialization Three Views If you double-click Initialization in the Turbo tree view. You can specify zero Theta via an environment variable.Turbo Workspace The Theta variable is intentionally generated by CFD-Post to have the following two properties: • A minimum Theta value of zero (at the inlet). click the multiple select icon and pick the entities. You can copy these two objects into the Object tree view by right-clicking each one and selecting Promote to General Mode. These default objects can be edited in the same way as other objects created in CFD-Post. the Initialization editor appears and a Three Views toggle will be available.2. The horizontal axis shows streamwise location and the vertical axis shows Theta. The 2D view enables translation. Select the Domain(s). see Turbo Surface (p. zero Theta is at the geometry point with the lowest angle following the right-hand rule. The horizontal axis shows axial distance and the vertical axis shows the radius.7.3. Advanced: Position of Zero Theta The position of zero Theta (Theta = 0°) relative to the global coordinate system depends on the loaded case. Other rotations are not possible. with rotation possible around the axis normal to the meridional view. 287) 286 Release 14. To select more than one domain.1. with 3D manipulation available using the rotate. • A Meridional 2D view. the Theta variable generated in CFD-Post is most likely different than that of a user-defined expression based on the Cartesian coordinates. 2. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The surface is displayed in the Cartesian (X-Y-Z) and Blade to Blade views. 12.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 12. Blade-to-Blade Object The Blade-to-Blade object is used to view plots on a surface of constant span. which is described in Blade-to-Blade Object (p. For details. Inc. 7.3. see Instancing (p.1. Inc. This is useful to control the point of splitting in high wrap turbo cases. For details.7. It does not affect the data. Select a color if Color By Variable is not chosen as the Plot Type.1. 20) • Instancing (p. 285). A surface of constant Theta at 0 degrees is created.7.3. The surface is displayed in the Cartesian (X-Y-Z) and Meridional (A-R) viewports. All rights reserved. see: • Mode: Variable and Use Plot Variable (p.7. 12. 285).© SAS IP.3.3. Inc. For details. 287 . 12.5 . . 287) • Vector (p.3.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.2. For details. Span Set the fractional distance between the hub and shroud. For details.3. Vector A vector plot is created on the location described by the surface plot. see Vector Command (p.3.7.3. 12. 1. Contour Contour lines are drawn on the location described by the surface plot.3. range and the option of using hybrid or conservative values.7. Stream A plot of streamlines are drawn on the location described by the surface plot. It requires the specification of a variable. 287) • Stream (p. see Streamline Command (p.3. 185).2.7.Turbo Plots • Contour (p. For details. 287) 3. see Span Normalized (p.7. Angular Shift The Angular Shift parameter moves the blade-to-blade plot along the Theta coordinate. 12. this is purely a rendering feature. Select the Domain(s).4. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.3. 285).3. Release 14.3. Additional information on the option is available in Contour Command (p. Meridional Object The Meridional object is used to view plots on an axial-radial plane. 12. Plot Type 12.4. 180). 183). 12. Color The Color option displays variable values using a color legend. 12. 6. It is not intended to be the basis for quantitative calculations. In order to obtain values for variables on the meridional surface.7. Inc. or Vector plot types. 289) • Inlet to Outlet (p. Note that you can view chart location lines in the 3D View object by setting the appropriate option in the 3D View object. Contour. 288 Release 14. • Mass For details. see Circumferential Averaging by Length (p. 3D View Object 3D View is used to draw regions of the turbo assembly for visualization purposes. Inc. After creating the blade-to-blade object (select the Three Views toggle in the Initialization object). double-click it in the Turbo tree view.7. The types of circumferential averaging are: • Length For details. 294). 295).© SAS IP.Turbo Workspace To select more than one domain.5 . 2. 12. circumferential averaging is used. 295). you can view the blade-to-blade object in the 3D View object by setting the appropriate option in the 3D View object. Select the regions that you want to draw.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Turbo Charts The following turbo charts are created by default: • Hub to Shroud (p. Color. . 296) • Blade Loading (p. • Area For details. 3. Choose the number of Stream Samples and Span Samples. Area averaging is default. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved.5. Toggles are available to show the following: • Blade wireframe • Sample mesh • Chart location lines 12. Choose from: Outline. click the multiple select icon and pick the entities. . see Circumferential Averaging by Area: Hub to Shroud Turbo Chart (p. 298) To see a chart. 297) • Circumferential (p. see Circumferential Averaging by Mass Flow: Hub to Shroud Turbo Chart (p. © SAS IP.1.6. 12.6.7. to Two Lines. Inc. Distribution . you can set the Compare option to X Values or to Y Values.1.7.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Type 12.1.7. Point Type 12.1.7. Two Lines Select either Single Line or.6. 289 .6.7.6. relative to the first line’s location. • Difference (S2–S1) Displays the difference in the circumferentially averaged variable between the two locations.1. • Ratio (S2/S1) Displays the ratio of the difference in the circumferentially averaged variable between the two locations.7. When Display is set to Difference (S2–S1) or Ratio (S2/S1). 12. you can set Display to: • Separate Lines Displays the two lines without performing any comparisons. Lines 12. Single Line vs. Mode 12.Turbo Plots Display If you have selected Two Lines.5 .1.1. BA Streamwise Location Coordinates 12. Hub to Shroud Hub to Shroud has the following options: relative to the first line’s location.11.7. All rights reserved. Inc. X/Y Variable 12. Display 12.1. Linear BA Streamwise Location Coordinates 12.6. Samples Streamwise and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1. The selected values will be compared between the two lines.1. Circumferential Averaging by Area: Hub to Shroud Turbo Chart Mode Set Mode to one of the following options: • Two Points Linear Release 14.7.1. Circumferential Averaging by Length 12. Single Line vs. Circumferential Averaging by Mass Flow: Hub to Shroud Turbo Chart 12.14.1. to perform a comparison between two streamwise locations on a hubto-shroud plot. turbo surface. For details. It controls the coordinate system for defining the specified hub and shroud point coordinates. • Blade Aligned The Blade Aligned option causes the hub-to-shroud line to be specified by a curve of constant BA Streamwise Location coordinate. depending on the case geometry. and related editors. • In turbo line.25 and 0. 296). The normalization of the input values is to enable a consistent reference to the leading and trailing edges regardless of specific cases. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved. Note • Blade Aligned coordinates may not always be available. 295). the Blade Aligned coordinate values that you enter in the input fields (and the related CCL parameters) are normalized to the blade's leading and trailing edge locations with predefined constant references: 0. For details. you specify the x.4. Inc. The Point Type setting (described below) specifies the coordinate system for interpreting the specified points. respectively. • Blade Aligned Linear 290 Release 14. • XYZ When the XYZ option is selected. Point Type The Point Type setting is applicable when Mode is set to Two Points Linear. not real blade aligned coordinated values.6. • Blade Aligned Linear The Blade Aligned Linear option causes the hub-to-shroud line to be specified by a curve of constant Linear BA Streamwise Location coordinate. In particular. y. see Background Mesh Frame (p. • Streamwise Location The Streamwise Location option causes the hub-to-shroud line to be specified by a curve of constant streamwise coordinate.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. see Linear BA Streamwise Location Coordinates (p. These values are conventions. The options for Point Type are: • AR When the AR option is selected. the hub and shroud points are specified in AR (axial. . if the blade tip clearance is large or uneven between the leading and trailing edges. 277). see BA Streamwise Location Coordinates (p. 12.5 . the streamwise coordinate system is derived from a “background mesh” For details. In this case you will not be able to use Blade Aligned coordinates in turbo surface or turbo chart specification. . Inc.1.Turbo Workspace The Two Points Linear option causes the hub-to-shroud line to be a straight line.1. Here. CFD-Post may not be able to detect the blade edge lines. specified by two points: one on the hub and one on the shroud. .© SAS IP.7. radial) coordinates.75 are taken to be the blades leading and trailing edges. and z coordinates of the line's end points. the normalized values are translated by the engine to create the real Blade Aligned coordinate values before constructing turbo lines and turbo surfaces. . For details. • Streamwise Location When the Streamwise Location option is selected. 12. .1. Streamwise The Streamwise fields enable you to set the locations to compare when Display is set to Difference or Ratio. Release 14. Samples The Samples setting controls the number of sampling points between the hub and shroud. see Linear BA Streamwise Location Coordinates (p. each by a single streamwise coordinate. one for each sampling point. each by a single Linear BA Streamwise Location coordinate. 277). Theta The Theta (p. the streamwise coordinate system is derived from a “background mesh” For details.8. All rights reserved.1.1.Turbo Plots When the Blade Aligned Linear option is selected. contiguous circular bands are internally constructed.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.7. Set Distribution to one of: • Equal Distance The Equal Distance option (default) causes the sampling points to be distributed at uniform distances along a hub-to-shroud path.5 . 295). 285) setting is available with the Hub to Shroud methods.6. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. the hub and shroud points are specified.6. see Background Mesh Frame (p.7. 291 . Here. concentric about the rotation axis. Distribution The Distribution setting controls the method used to distribute sampling points from hub to shroud (at the same streamwise coordinate).6.6.1. 12. Inc. 12. 12. For circumferential averaging purposes.© SAS IP.1.1. the hub and shroud points are specified.6. Inc.7.5. • Equal Mass Flow The Equal Mass Flow option causes the sampling points to be distributed along a hub-to-shroud path such that contiguous circular bands can be internally constructed. concentric about the rotation axis. . with an equal mass flow through each band (except possibly the first and last bands). – When there is a mass flow 'spike' on the section (usually this is caused by an ill-defined solution). the point distribution will fail.5 . one for each sampling point. See Include Boundary Points. • Equal Area 292 Release 14.© SAS IP. . Inc.Turbo Workspace width-centered (in the spanwise direction) about each sampling point. Note CFD-Post cannot create an Equal Mass Flow point distribution for some cases: – When there is a cross-section recirculation and the total mass flow on the section is near zero. below.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. the equal mass distribution will be impractical – When too many sample points are requested over a small area. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved. each band having the same width or spanwise extent. width-centered (in the spanwise direction) about each sampling point. with an equal area for each band (except possibly the first and last bands).5 .Turbo Plots The Equal Area option causes the sampling points to be distributed along a hub-to-shroud path such that contiguous circular bands can be internally constructed. The resulting turbo line will not have the exact distribution of the inlet-outlet/periodic intersection. . With this option you can reduce the amount of computation time by setting a Reduction value: Release 14. width-centered (in the spanwise direction) about each sampling point.© SAS IP. All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. one for each sampling point. Inc. 293 . • Mesh Density Based The Mesh Density Based option looks at the mesh density on a line that intersects the periodic surface from the inlet to the outlet and bases the number of points on whichever section is more dense. but it will be similar. Inc. See Include Boundary Points.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. below. concentric about the rotation axis. . which. using values 294 Release 14. Inc. Points setting controls the number of points of analysis.1. – Reduction Factor > Factor The Factor setting specifies the value by which to decrease the total number of points.7. Number of Points > Max.6. All rights reserved. you may not be able to create Difference and Ratio plots using Reduction Factor if the two lines are in different domains. will shift all bands (and consequently the sampling points) by “half” the band width (in the spanwise direction) so that sampling points appear on the hub and shroud (see Figure 12.Turbo Workspace – Max. Inc. there is a check box.© SAS IP. Average setting is set to Length.1. if selected. or area. centered about the rotation axis. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.1: Sampling Point Distribution with Include Boundary Nodes Option 12. mass flow. circumferential averaging of values at a sampling point is carried out internally by forming a circular arc.6. 12. The first and last bands are then half the size of the other bands in terms of the particular measure used in the initial construction: distance. passing through the sampling point.7.9.1.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5 . . X/Y Variable Choose X and Y variables for the chart axes from the list.1: Sampling Point Distribution with Include Boundary Nodes Option (p.10. Figure 12.1. A value of 1 causes all points to be used. Values are interpolated to n equally-spaced locations along the arc. Include Boundary Points. Points The Max. When either Equal Mass Flow or Equal Area is set. Note Note that for Two-Line Hub to Shroud plots. Circumferential Averaging by Length When the Circ. 294)). 6.1.6. 296) show constant values of Linear BA Streamwise Linear coordinate. The n values are then averaged in order to obtain a single.5 .25 at a straight line that approximates the blade leading edge. Linear BA Streamwise Location Coordinates The Linear BA Streamwise Linear coordinates are defined as 0 (zero) at the inlet. a variable value at each sampling point is calculated as an area average over the corresponding circular band that was internally constructed as part of the process of distributing the sampling points.75 at a similar line for the trailing edge. 291).12.7.0 for each successive turbomachinery component downstream of the first. Inc. and 1. 0. Samples setting. Release 14. All rights reserved. Dashed lines in Figure 12.7. For more details on the convention that 0.0 at the outlet. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. adding 1. see Distribution (p. For details. Figure 12.Turbo Plots from nearby nodes. Average setting is set to Area.3: Blade Aligned Linear Coordinates (p.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1.1. 289). For details. where n is a number that is inversely proportional to the mesh length scale. 12.7. 291).2: Circumferential Averaging by Length 12. 295 .25 and 0.1. Inc. see Mode (p.13. . 0. Average setting is set to Mass. see Distribution (p. Circumferential Averaging by Area: Hub to Shroud Turbo Chart When the Circ.75 are taken to be the blades leading and trailing edges.11.1.6. circumferentially-averaged value for the sampling point. Circumferential Averaging by Mass Flow: Hub to Shroud Turbo Chart When the Circ.© SAS IP. and limited by the Max. a variable value at each sampling point is calculated as a mass flow average over the corresponding circular band that was internally constructed as part of the process of distributing the sampling points.1. 12. 7. . 0.25 and 0.1. Inlet to Outlet The distance between sampling points between the inlet and outlet is controlled by the number you enter in the Samples box.4: Blade Aligned Coordinates 12.1.2.© SAS IP. adding 1. 289).75 are taken to be the blades leading and trailing edges.6. see Mode (p.7. Figure 12.5 . Inc.6.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. For more details on the convention that 0.14. All rights reserved. and 1. Inc.1.Turbo Workspace Figure 12. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. BA Streamwise Location Coordinates The BA Streamwise Location coordinates are defined as 0 (zero) at the inlet. 0.25 at the blade leading edge.0 at the outlet. 296 Release 14.3: Blade Aligned Linear Coordinates 12.75 at the trailing edge. .0 for each successive turbomachinery component downstream of the first. Choose X and Y variables for the chart axes from the list. 6. Inc. Blade Loading The Blade Loading feature plots pressure (or another chosen variable) on the blade at a given spanwise location. X) or the variable Chart Count. Inlet to Outlet Sample Points 12.2. The n values are then averaged in order to obtain a single. . 297). Streamwise (0-1) is available as the X Variable used in blade loading plots.2. circumferentially-averaged value for the sampling point.1.6.1. surfaces of constant-streamwise coordinate are used to carry out the averaging. where n is a number that is inversely proportional to the mesh length scale. Circumferential Averaging by Length: Inlet to Outlet Turbo Chart When the Circ.7. Samples setting. as shown in Figure 12. Figure 12.5 . 12. and limited by the Max. All rights reserved. 297 . A polyline is created at the given spanwise location. Values are interpolated to n equallyspaced locations along the arc. Average setting is set to Length. Release 14. it can be used as a substitute for the axial coordinate (for example. Theta The Theta (p.2.6.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.1.4.© SAS IP. A special variable. This is a streamwise coordinate that follows the blade surface. Each surface passes through its associated sampling point.1. 285) setting is available with the Inlet to Outlet methods.1. 12. The streamwise coordinate is based on the meridional coordinate. using values from nearby nodes.5: Inlet to Outlet Sample Points (p. circumferential averaging of values is carried out internally by creating arcs through sampling about the rotation axis. Circumferential Averaging by Area or Mass: Inlet to Outlet Turbo Chart When performing area average or mass-flow average calculations.Turbo Plots 12.6. and is normalized so that it ranges from 0 at the leading edge to 1 at the trailing edge of the blade. Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. some of the sample points may fall outside the domain. Figure 12. and Blade-to-Blade Velocity Components (p. you can divide the expression by 1 [rad] to eliminate the angle units from the expression. and Figure 12. 300). 253) • Liquid Pump Performance Macro (p. Note Turbo initialization automatically sets up the performance macros in such a way that you have to define only a limited number of parameters. Equation 12.6: Axial. Figure 12. Inc. 302). For this reason. All rights reserved. and Meridional Velocity Components (p. 254) • Fan Noise Macro (p.10: Velocity Flow Angle Sign in Each Quadrant on the Blade-to-Blade Plane (p. Inc. .9: Velocity Components in Blade-To-Blade Plane (p. Calculate Velocity Components The Calculate Velocity Components button on the Initialization object can be used to calculate velocity component (and other) variables pertinent to turbo simulations.3 (p. Turbo Macros Select the macro of choice from the Turbo tree view.2 (p. . For example. 253) • Liquid Turbine Performance Macro (p. Circumferential. 303). 12.8. Radial. 12.7.5. 252). • Gas Turbine Performance Macro (p. Circumferential Select a streamwise and spanwise location and a number of sampling points.6.9. Figure 12. 301). see: • Gas Compressor Performance Macro (p.1 (p. Note The Theta extents of the chart line are set to the Theta extents of the domain.7: Velocity Components in Meridional Plane (p. 303).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. use: 298 Release 14. For details. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. These variables are listed in Table 12. To see the circumferential chart line.© SAS IP. The relationship between the velocity components is described in Equation 12.5 . 254).1: Generated Variables (p. 300). Circumferential. 299) and illustrated in Figure 12.1. and Equation 12.8: Streamwise. 304). Note To get velocity units for tip speed derived from R and Omega quantities. edit the Plots > 3D View object and turn on Show chart location lines. Spanwise.Turbo Workspace 12. 302). 301). It is positive when the velocity is in the direction of increasing spanwise coordinate. Circumferential. see Figure 12. It is positive when the velocity is in the direction of increasing axial coordinate. 302).6: Axial. 300). For details. 302). For details.© SAS IP.7: Velocity Components in Meridional Plane (p. Radial. 299 .1 (p.1: Generated Variables Variable Name Type Description Velocity Axial Scalar The velocity component in the axial direction.8: Streamwise. Velocity Blade-toBlade Vector The vector sum of the circumferential and streamwise vector components of velocity. see Figure 12. It lies in the meridional plane. and Blade-to-Blade Velocity Components (p. 303).5 . and Meridional Velocity Components (p. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.2 (p.9: Velocity Components in Blade-To-Blade Plane (p.7: Velocity Components in Meridional Plane (p. and Meridional Velocity Components (p.10: Velocity Flow Angle Sign in Each Quadrant on the Blade-to-Blade Plane (p. Figure 12. For details. . Inc.6: Axial.8: Streamwise. Spanwise. Figure 12.7: Velocity Components in Meridional Plane (p. see Figure 12. see Figure 12. 301). Release 14.8: Streamwise. For details. 302). see Figure 12. and Meridional Velocity Components (p. Circumferential. Circumferential. 285)). Radial. Velocity Spanwise Scalar The velocity component in the spanwise direction. For details. Radial. It is positive when the velocity is in the direction of increasing radial coordinate. 302). For details. and Blade-to-Blade Velocity Components (p. All rights reserved. For details. 301). 303). 304). 300) and Figure 12. 300). see Theta (p. Velocity Meridional Vector The vector sum of the axial and radial vector components of velocity.7: Velocity Components in Meridional Plane (p. Figure 12. Velocity Circumferential Scalar The velocity component in the Theta direction. Velocity Radial Scalar The velocity component in the radial direction. Circumferential. Inc. Velocity Streamwise Scalar The velocity component in the streamwise direction. and Equation 12. 301).Calculate Velocity Components tipVel = Radius * omega / 1 [rad] Table 12. see Figure 12. For details. Circumferential. 300). Spanwise. and Figure 12.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.6: Axial.9: Velocity Components in Blade-To-Blade Plane (p. 300) and Figure 12. Velocity Flow Angle Scalar The angle between the blade-to-blade and circumferential velocity vector components. It lies in the blade-to-blade plane.7: Velocity Components in Meridional Plane (p. Circumferential. and Blade-to-Blade Velocity Components (p. and Equation 12. see Figure 12. It is positive when the velocity is in the direction of increasing streamwise coordinate. 304).10: Velocity Flow Angle Sign in Each Quadrant on the Blade-to-Blade Plane (p. and Meridional Velocity Components (p. Radial. 301) and Figure 12. Figure 12. see Figure 12.6: Axial. Spanwise. Circumferential. It is positive when the velocity is in the direction of increasing Theta (for details. . Radial.6: Axial. Inc. and Meridional Velocity Components The velocity in the meridional plane can be represented by axial and radial components or streamwise and spanwise components: + + £ ¢ ¤£ ¡   300 = = (12. Circumferential. All rights reserved.Turbo Workspace Figure 12.1) Release 14.5 .© SAS IP. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc. .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. All rights reserved. Inc.Calculate Velocity Components Figure 12.7: Velocity Components in Meridional Plane Release 14.© SAS IP. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. . 301 .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc.5 . © SAS IP.5 . All rights reserved.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. . .2)   ¤£ ¡¢¡ 302 Release 14. Spanwise. and Blade-to-Blade Velocity Components The velocity in the blade-to-blade plane can be represented by streamwise and circumferential components: = + (12. Circumferential.8: Streamwise.Turbo Workspace Figure 12. Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. © SAS IP. Inc.5 . For details. Inc. . radial and meridional velocities are not calculated for Velocity in Stn. Release 14. The range of Velocity Flow Angle is from -180° to +180°.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 304). and its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved.9: Velocity Components in Blade-To-Blade Plane The velocity components are related as follows: = + + = + + = + = + £ ¦§¦   ¥   £ ¤£   ¢ ¡ (12.3) Axial. Four examples are shown in Figure 12.Calculate Velocity Components Figure 12. 303 . Information on calculating velocity components using CCL is available.10: Velocity Flow Angle Sign in Each Quadrant on the Blade-to-Blade Plane (p. see Calculating Velocity Components. Frame because these components are not different from the regular Velocity components. 304 From the menu bar. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. select Insert > Location > Plane.1.© SAS IP. (You can see these new variables in the Variables workspace. 4.) 2. set Axis to Z.9. click Calculate Velocity Components. you can use the Calculate Velocity Components button on the Turbo workspace: 1. (You can load a copy of <CFXROOT>/examples/StaticMixer_001. In the dialog box that appears.10: Velocity Flow Angle Sign in Each Quadrant on the Blade-to-Blade Plane 12.) 6. All rights reserved. select the appropriate axis and click OK. Inc.Turbo Workspace Figure 12. In the Initialization area. In the Define Global Rotational Axis dialog box.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 3. Release 14. On the Turbo workspace's Initialization area. accept the default name and click OK. but as this is unnecessary click No. Inc. . Create a plane so that you can display a cylindrical velocity component: a. Calculating Cylindrical Velocity Components for Non-turbo Cases If you want to calculate cylindrical velocity components for non-turbo cases.) 5. New variables such as Velocity Circumferential become available. .5 .res to work through this example. Select the Turbo tab to open the Turbo workspace. Load a results file for an axisymmetric simulation. click Define Global Rotational Axis. (For the static mixer example. A dialog box asks if you want to auto-initialize all components. such as for swirling flows in axisymmetric geometries and mixing tank calculations. In the details view for Plane 1 on the Geometry tab.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. cases that involve particles (such as smoke) will fail. Important Not all axisymmetric cases can have velocity components calculated in this way. Inc. d. On the Color tab. Click Apply. The plane is colored to show the velocity at each point. c.Calculate Velocity Components b. Release 14. All rights reserved. 305 . In particular.5 . set Mode to Variable and Variable to Velocity Circumferential. e. ensure that Method is YZ Plane. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Right-click the viewer background and select Predefined Camera > View From +X so that the plane is easier to see. .© SAS IP. Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5 . .306 Release 14.© SAS IP. . All rights reserved. The CFX Command Language (CCL) is the internal communication and command language of CFD-Post. declarative language that has been developed to enable CFX users to enhance their simulations without recourse to writing and linking separate external Fortran routines. and custom macros (subroutines).© SAS IP. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. session files can also contain CCL action commands.Chapter 13: CFX Command Language (CCL) in CFD-Post CFX Expression Language (CEL) is an interpreted. logic. see: • CFX Command Language (CCL) Syntax • Object Creation and Deletion (p. which uses the Perl programming language to allow loops. For details. You can view and modify the CCL in these files by using a text editor.5 .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. It is a simple language that can be used to create objects or perform actions in the post-processor. Object Creation and Deletion You can create objects in CFD-Post by entering the CCL definition of the object into the Command Editor dialog box.1. 307 . which are described in Object Creation and Deletion (p. see Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX. and you can use CCL to create your own session and state files to read into CFD-Post. The object will be created and any associated graphics shown in the viewer. or an isosurface may depend on the definition Release 14. All other parameters will remain unchanged. Inc. a vector plot may depend on the location of an underlying plane. 307) 13. For example. Only those parameters that are to be changed need to be entered. All rights reserved. . or by reading the object definition from a session or state file. You can modify an existing object by entering the object definition with the modified parameter settings into the Command Editor dialog box. State files and session files contain object definitions in CCL. You can use CEL expressions anywhere a value is required for input in ANSYS CFX. Power Syntax enables you to embed Perl commands into CCL to achieve powerful quantitative post-processing. and which are described in Command Actions. which are commands that perform a specific task (such as reading a session file). • Power Syntax programming. In addition. Inc. All CCL statements can be classified into one of three categories: • Object and parameter definitions. 271)). 307). There may be a significant degree of interaction between objects in CFD-Post. • CCL actions. or by running CFD-Post in Line Interface mode (see Line Interface Mode). For more information. Tip Advanced users can interact with CFD-Post directly by entering CCL in the Command Editor dialog box (see Command Editor (p. 5 . 308 Release 14. To delete an object. Inc. but the object will still be deleted. Inc. the other objects will be updated automatically.CFX Command Language (CCL) in CFD-Post of a CEL expression.© SAS IP. If you delete an object that is used by other objects. All rights reserved. . type >delete <ObjectName>. If changes to one object affect other objects. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. warnings will result. 309 . you cannot use CEL to solve systems of equations in CFD-Post—CEL expressions are purely algebraic operations. .© SAS IP. but in Perl. • Set any numeric parameter in a CFD-Post object based on an expression (and the object will update if the expression result changes).5 . • Use the variables x. see Quantitative CEL Functions in ANSYS CFX. Additionally. see CFX Expression Language (CEL). New expressions are added by defining new parameters within the expressions object (the EXPRESSIONS object is special in that it does not have a predefined list of valid parameters). CEL Variables In CFD-Post Within CFD-Post. Inc. y. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. consult a Perl reference guide. Inc. Important Because Power Syntax uses Perl mathematical operators. 22 is represented as 2^2. would be written 2**2. • Directly use the post-processor quantitative functions in an expression.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. • Create user-defined variables from expressions. you should exercise caution when combining CEL with Power Syntax expressions. All expressions in the post-processor are defined in the EXPRESSIONS singleton object (which is also a sub-object of LIBRARY:CEL). However. For details on the CFX Expression Language. and z in general CEL expressions. you can: • Create new expressions. you can use user-defined coordinate frames with the CEL functions. in CEL. Each expression is a simple name = expression statement within that object. If you are unsure about the validity of an operator in Perl. All rights reserved. A list of variables available for use in CEL expression is available in Variables and Predefined Expressions Available in CEL Expressions. For example. Release 14. For details. • Specify units as part of an expression.Chapter 14: CFX Expression Language (CEL) in CFD-Post This chapter provides information that is specific to CFX Expression Language (CEL) use in CFD-Post. plane.1: Variables Created by CFD-Post Name Description Area This is meaningful only for surface locators (user surface. The value at each node is equal to the sum of the sector volumes associated with the node (a sector volume is the portion of volume of an element touching a node that can be associated with that node). for details. There is a function to sum this variable over a 2D locator to obtain the area of the locator. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved.1. The value at each node is equal to the sum of sector areas associated with the node (a sector area is the portion of area of a face touching a node that can be associated with that node). boundary). There is a function to sum this variable over a 3D locator to obtain the volume of the locator. Inc. see massFlow in the CFX Reference Guide.CFX Expression Language (CEL) in CFD-Post 14. domain. plane. you can use them in expressions or as plot variables: Table 14. . There is a function to sum this variable over a line locator to obtain the length of the locator.© SAS IP. subdomain). see force in the CFX Reference Guide. boundary). Mass Flow There is a function for calculating mass flow.5 . see volume in the CFX Reference Guide. isosurface. for details. Length This is meaningful only for polyline and line objects. see area in the CFX Reference Guide. . Variables Created by CFD-Post CFD-Post derives the following variables from the results file. for details. isosurface. The value on each line node is equal to the sum of halfs of the two line segments joined at the node. see length in the CFX Reference Guide. Force There is a function for calculating force. 310 Release 14. Volume This is defined only on volume locators (volume. Normal This is meaningful only for surface locators (user surface. It is a vector variable defining the surface unit normal at each node in the locator. for details. for details. CCL takes advantage of the full range of capabilities and resources from an existing programming language.2. • When running CFD-Post in Line Interface mode. much more with any CCL input file. usually related to the input and output of data from the system. File Operations from the Command Editor Dialog Box 15. All such actions must be preceded with the > symbol. Note In addition to command action statements. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.3. By default. 321). Lines starting with the # character are not interpreted and can be used for comments. Perl. Overview of Command Actions 15. Additional information on using Power Syntax in the Command Editor dialog box is available in Power Syntax in ANSYS CFX in the CFX Reference Guide.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. see Command Editor. the CFX> command prompt is shown in a DOS window or UNIX shell. For convenience. Many actions require additional information to perform their task (such as the name of a file to load or the type of file to create). Inc. This chapter describes: 15. Release 14. If multiple arguments for an action are specified. All rights reserved.© SAS IP. providing capabilities such as loops.4. Additional information on editing and creating graphics objects using the CFX Command Language in the Command Editor dialog box is available in CFX Command Language (CCL) in CFD-Post. Overview of Command Actions Command action statements are used to force CFD-Post to undertake a specific task.5 . 311 . Perl statements can be embedded in between lines of simple syntax. You do not have to precede commands with the > symbol when running in Line Interface mode. Other Commands 15. logic. they must be separated by a comma (. these actions get the necessary information from a specific associated CCL singleton object. Inc.Chapter 15: Command Actions You can use command actions to edit or create graphic objects and to perform some typical actions (such as reading or creating session and state files). some actions accept a few arguments that are used to optionally override the commonly changed object settings. • Command actions also appear in session files (where they are also preceded by the > character).1. Additional information on using Line Interface mode is available in Line Interface Mode (p.1. You can use command action statements in a variety of areas: • You can enter command action statements into the Tools > Command Editor dialog box. . and much. All the actions described in this section along with some additional commands can be entered at the command prompt. Quantitative Calculations in the Command Editor Dialog Box 15.). For details on the Command Editor dialog box. These Power Syntax commands are preceded by the ! symbol. 314) • Creating a Hardcopy (p. 317) • Exporting Data (p. 313) • Saving State Files (p. >load [filename=<filename>][timestep=<timestep>] If a timestep is not specified. all Domain. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. all the settings for >print are read from the HARDCOPY: object. some parameters may be set via optional parameters as part of the load command.Command Actions For example.© SAS IP.1. timestep=3 312 Release 14. 313) • Reading State Files (p.1. When a results file is loaded. 312) • Reading Session Files (p. .jpg Image Scale = 70 White Background = Off END #Create an output file based on the settings in HARDCOPY >print #Create an identical output file with a different filename. The parameter settings for loading the file are read from the DATA READER object. The following CCL example demonstrates this behavior of actions: # Define settings for printing HARDCOPY: Hardcopy Format= jpg Hardcopy Filename = default. 318) • Controlling the Viewer (p. File Operations from the Command Editor Dialog Box You can enter command action statements into the Tools > Command Editor dialog box. This section discusses the following actions: • Loading a Results File (p. Loading a Results File You load a results file by using the >load command. load Command Examples The following are example >load commands with the expected results. 317) • Importing External File Formats (p. Inc.2.1. All rights reserved. if you desire. >load filename=c:/CFX/tutorials/Buoyancy2DVMI_002. but the associated data is not actually read into the post-processor until the variables are used (load-on-demand).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. For simplicity. >print another_file. Inc. Variable objects are created. 318) 15. Boundary. 15. .2. Variables will be pre-loaded if specified in the DATA READER.5 . However. a value of -1 is assumed (this corresponds to the Final state).2.res. and Variable objects associated with the results file are created or updated. you can specify the name of the hardcopy file as an argument to >print.jpg 15. cse file.3. For this command. Reading Session Files >readsession [filename=<filename>] Performs session file reading and executing. the filename command parameter value replaces the session filename parameter value in the SESSION singleton. Tip If going from a transient to steady state results file. 15.© SAS IP. The >savestate action supports the following options: • mode = <none | overwrite> If mode is none. >readsession Reads the session file specified in the SESSION singleton.2. the values of the parameters listed after the session command replaces the values stored in the SESSION singleton object. the executor creates a new state file. 15. readsession Command Examples The following are example >readsession commands. and if the file exists. 313 .2. Inc. If no SESSION singleton exists. an error will be raised indicating that a filename must be specified. and execute its contents.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.5 . you should specify the timestep to be 1 (if this is not the current setting). you will get a warning message stating that the existing timestep does not exist. and if the specified file exists. >readsession filename=mysession.2. All rights reserved.cse Reads and execute the contents of the mysession. Inc. If mode is overwrite. If no filename is specified. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. If the SESSION object does not exist. The >savestate command is used to write the current CFD-Post state to a file. >load timestep=4 This command loads timestep 4 in the existing results file. an error will be raised indicating that a filename must be specified. 15. The -1 timestep will then be loaded. the SESSION singleton object indicates the file to use.File Operations from the Command Editor Dialog Box This command loads the specified results file at timestep 3. the executor creates a new state file. The commands required to save to these files from the Command Editor dialog box are described below. The following option is available: • filename = <filename> Specifies the filename and path to the file that should be read and executed. Release 14. and the expected results. Saving State Files >savestate [mode=<none | overwrite>][filename=<filename>] State files can be used to quickly load a previous state into CFD-Post.2. State files can be generated manually using a text editor. If you do not explicitly set this. .2.1. an error will be raised. it will be deleted and replaced with the latest state information. or from within CFD-Post by saving a state file. If a SESSION singleton exists. 4.1.Command Actions • filename = <filename> Specifies the path and name of the file that the state is to be written to. and the current state information will be saved in its place. 314 Release 14. filename=mystate.cst Writes the current state information to the mystate. If the STATE singleton does not exist. the STATE singleton object will be queried for the filename. Inc. the filename command parameter value replaces the state filename parameter value in the STATE singleton. If a STATE singleton exists. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. and the file already exists. an error will be raised indicating that a filename must be specified.cst file.3. the command causes an error. the values of the parameters listed after the >savestate command replaces the values stored in the STATE singleton object. the command causes an error. If the STATE singleton does not exist. and the filename exists. and the current state information will be saved in its place. an error will be returned. the file will be deleted. and the current state information will be saved in its place. If the file already exists. If the STATE singleton does not exist.2. and the mode command parameter value replaces the savestate mode parameter value in the STATE singleton. 15. 15. an error will be raised. If the STATE singleton does not exist. the existing file will be deleted. If the savestate mode is set to overwrite. savestate Command Examples The following are example >savestate commands. Inc. load=<true | false>] The >readstate command loads a CFD-Post state from a specified file. and the expected results. If the STATE singleton does not exist. Reading State Files >readstate [mode=<overwrite | append>][filename=<filename>. then an error will be raised indicating that a filename must be specified.5 . filename=mystate. .© SAS IP. it will be deleted. If the file already exists. If the file already exists. and the state information will be written to the file. >savestate mode=overwrite Writes the current state information to the file specified in the STATE singleton. If the mode in the STATE singleton is overwrite.cst file.cst file. then the system assumes a savestate mode of none. . >savestate mode=none. an error will be raised indicating that a filename must be specified. If no filename is specified. >savestate filename=mystate.cst Writes the current state information to the mystate.2. >savestate mode=overwrite. it will be deleted. If the mode in the STATE singleton is none. >savestate Writes the current state information to the filename specified in the STATE singleton. and the savestate mode is set to none. and the file already exists.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and behave as described above. If the file already exists. For this command. an error will be raised indicating that a filename must be specified. >savestate mode=none Writes the current state information to the file specified in the STATE singleton. All rights reserved. and the filename exists. If the STATE singleton exists.cst Writes the current state information to the mystate. If the system has an equivalent object in name only. BOUNDARY objects that are not valid for the currently loaded results file will be culled. readstate Option Actions The following table describes the options.4. It gets deleted and replaced. Default objects in the state file that do not exist in If it exists.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. If load is set to false. Inc. and so on) including deletion of objects that are no longer relevant to the new results. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Mode Selection Load Data Selection What happens to the objects? What happens to the Data Reader Overwrite True All user objects (planes. the executor adds the objects saved in the state file to the objects that already exist in the system. • load = <true | false> If load is set to true and a DATA READER object is defined in the state file. the following logic will determine the final result: If the system has an equivalent object (the name and type). Inc. and load the objects saved in the state file. and replaced with that in the state file. then the object that already exists in the system will be deleted. the executor deletes all the objects that currently exist in the system. it remains unchanged regardless of Release 14. 315 . Default objects that are not explicitly modified by object definitions in the state file will have all user modifiable values reset to default values. If a state file contains BOUNDARY objects. • filename = <filename> The path to the state file. some boundaries defined may not be valid for the loaded results. Overwrite False All user objects get deleted. If the mode is set to append and the state file contains objects that already exist in the system.2. The loading of the new results file changes the default objects (boundaries. >readstate supports the following options: • mode = <overwrite | append> If mode is set to overwrite.1.© SAS IP.5 .File Operations from the Command Editor Dialog Box If a DATA READER singleton has been stored in the state file. 15. and the DATA READER object that currently is in the object database (if any) will not be updated. and what will happen based on the combination of options that are selected. the load action will be invoked to load the contents of the results file. If mode is set to append. All rights reserved. Overwrite mode is the default mode if none is explicitly specified. then the results file will be loaded when the state file is read. wireframe. then the object already in the system will be modified with the parameters saved in the state file. the results file will not be loaded. All default objects that exist in the state file updates the same objects in the current system state if they exist. . and the state file is appended to the current state (with no new DATA READER object). and so on) get deleted. and the mode command parameter value replaces the readstate mode parameter value in the STATE singleton. • Be created if they have a unique name. then the system objects are deleted before loading the new state information. User objects have the same behavior as the Append/True option above. For this command. the values of the parameters listed after the >readstate command replace the values stored in the STATE singleton object. Default objects in the state file will only overwrite those in the system if they already exist. All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Append False No objects are initially deleted. Append Load Data Selection what is in the state file. No objects are initially deleted.cst file. If a STATE singleton exists. >readstate filename=mystate.cst Deletes all objects currently in the system. User objects will: It is modified with new value from the state file. opens the mystate. filename=mystate. 15. >readstate mode=append. .5 . the filename command parameter value replaces the state filename parameter value in the STATE singleton. If the STATE singleton does not exist.2. >readstate mode=overwrite.cst The readstate mode parameter in the STATE singleton determines if the current objects in the system are deleted before the objects defined in the mystate. and creates the objects as stored in the state file. it remains unchanged regardless of what is in the state file.2.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. >readstate 316 Release 14.4. The default objects in the state file replaces the existing default objects. Inc.Command Actions Mode Selection True What happens to the objects? What happens to the Data Reader the current state will not be created.© SAS IP. readstate Command Examples The following are example >readstate commands and their expected results.cst file if it exists. . • Replace existing objects if they have the same name but different type. Inc. filename=mystate.cst Opens the mystate.cst file are loaded into the system. if it exists. All user objects in the state file will be created. and adds the objects defined in the file to those already in the system following the rules specified in the previous table. If it exists. • Update existing objects if they have the same name and type. All rights reserved. HARDCOPY must exist before print is executed. The optional argument <filename> can be used to specify the name of the output file to override that stored in HARDCOPY. Inc.2. This association is used during an ANSYS file import to project data from the ANSYS surface onto the CFD-Post boundary/region. Importing External File Formats Data import is controlled using the >import command. object name=<name of object>. The same association is used during an ANSYS file export. 15. Settings for output format. Inc. quality. The CCL options associated with the >import command are: >import type=<Ansys | Generic>.2.5 . object name The name to give the USER SURFACE object that is created as a result of importing the file. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. If the STATE singleton does not exist. If the STATE singleton does not exist.File Operations from the Command Editor Dialog Box Overwrites or appends to the objects in the system using the objects defined in the file referenced by the state filename parameter in the STATE singleton. There are two file types that can be imported: ANSYS (*. conserve flux=<true | false> type Indicates whether to import the file as an Ansys file or Generic file. filename=<filename>. are read from the HARDCOPY singleton object. . an error will be raised indicating that a filename must be specified. Creating a Hardcopy >print [<filename>] Creates a file of the current viewer contents. filename The name of the file to import. 317 . an error will be raised indicating that a filename must be specified.5. Release 14.6. >readstate mode=append Appends to the objects in the system using the objects defined in the file referenced by the state filename parameter in the STATE singleton. If the STATE singleton does not exist. and so on.csv). when data from the CFD-Post boundary/region is projected back onto the ANSYS surface.© SAS IP.cdb) and Generic (*. an error will be raised indicating that a filename must be specified.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. boundary=<associated boundary>. boundary The name of the CFD-Post boundary/region to associate with the imported ANSYS surface. conserve flux Boolean to indicate whether or not to ensure that the heat fluxes associated with the imported ANSYS geometry remain conservative relative to the fluxes on the associated CFD-Post Boundary. >readstate mode=overwrite Overwrites the objects in the system STATE using the objects defined in the file referenced by the state filename parameter in the STATE singleton. 15. Exporting Data Data export is controlled using the >export command.8. which are numbered from 1-3 in a clockwise direction. changes should be made to the VIEWER singleton. For example.Command Actions 15.2. Inc. to modify filtering in the first viewport.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. The names of variables to export.7. 15. . For all other viewports.© SAS IP. to filter the top-left viewport: VIEWER Draw All Objects=false Object Name List=Wireframe END To filter the bottom-right viewport when all four viewports are active: VIEWPORT:Viewport 2 Draw All Objects=false Object Name List=Wireframe END The following are examples of viewport layouts: 318 Release 14. and how they are ordered and named. while others are VIEWPORT objects. and so on. For example. are defined in the EXPORT singleton object. locations to export.2. . filenames. Inc. All rights reserved. changes are made to the VIEWPORT objects.5 . Controlling the Viewer This section describes how multiple viewports can be accessed using Command Language. The first (top-left) viewport is represented by the VIEWER singleton. 5 . Quantitative Calculations in the Command Editor Dialog Box When executing a calculation from the Command Editor dialog box. 319) • Viewing a Chart (p. The command must be supplied with a list of object names separated by commas.Other Commands 15. Release 14. Viewing a Chart >chart <objectname> Invokes the Chart Viewer and displays the specified Chart object. but the deletion of valid objects in the list will still be processed. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 319) • Turbo Post CCL Command Actions (p. 319 .2. Entering >calculate <function name> will not work if required arguments are needed by the function. An error message will be displayed if the list contains any invalid object names. The >calculate command is used to perform function calculations in the Command Editor dialog box. Other Commands The following topics will be discussed: • Deleting Objects (p.© SAS IP. . and its subsidiaries and affiliates.4. Typing >calculate alone performs the calculation using the parameters stored in the CALCULATOR singleton object.4. Inc. Deleting Objects >delete <objectnamelist> The >delete command can be used in the Command Editor dialog box to delete objects. 15. 320) 15. All rights reserved. the result is displayed in the Calculator Window. Chart objects and Chart Lines are created like other CCL objects. 1. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 15.5 . For details.4. . All rights reserved.2.3.3. 320 Release 14. Initializing all Turbo Components >turbo init Issuing the >turbo init command is equivalent to selecting Initialize All Components from the Turbo menu.3. Inc.© SAS IP. .4.Command Actions 15. see Calculate Velocity Components. see Initialize All Components. Calculating Velocity Components >turbo more vars Issuing the >turbo more vars command is equivalent to selecting the Calculate Velocity Components in the Turbo workspace.4. Turbo Post CCL Command Actions 15. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. For details. An explanation and list of command actions are available. printing.5 . You may want to change the size of the MS-DOS window to view the output from commands such as getstate. you can enter any set of valid CCL commands. To run in Line Interface mode: • Windows: Execute the command <CFXROOT>\bin\cfdpost -line (or <CFDPOSTROOT>\bin\cfdpost -line) at the DOS command prompt (omitting the -line option will start the user interface mode). Line Interface mode differs from the Command Editor dialog box because Line Interface action commands are not preceded by a > symbol. • UNIX: Execute the command <CFXROOT>/bin/cfdpost -line (or <CFDPOSTROOT>/bin/cfdpost -line) at the command prompt (omitting the -line option will start the user interface mode). and perform quantitative calculations when running CFD-Post in Line Interface mode. In summary. 312).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. you are simply entering the commands that would otherwise be issued by the user interface. It Release 14. For details. create graphical objects. In CFD-Post Line Interface mode. All of the functionality of CFD-Post can be accessed when running in Line Interface mode. In the same way. see File Operations from the Command Editor Dialog Box (p.e. 321 . This can be done by entering mode con lines=X at the command prompt before entering CFD-Post. All of the functionality available from the Command Editor dialog box in the user interface is available in Line Interface mode by typing enterccl or e at the command prompt. where X is the number of lines to display in the window.© SAS IP. Inc. . the > symbol required in the Command Editor dialog box is not needed. Inc. The commands are not processed until you leave e mode by typing .) You can create objects by entering the CCL definition of the object when in e mode.c. see Overview of Command Actions (p.Chapter 16: Line Interface Mode This chapter contains information on how to perform typical user actions (loading. file paths should contain a forward slash / (and not the backslash that is required in MS-DOS). see Command Editor. For details. (The action commands shown in this link are preceded by a > symbol. This should be omitted when entering action commands at the command prompt. when entering lines of CCL or Power Syntax. all commands are assumed to be actions. type help at the command prompt. In Line Interface mode. 311). For details. A viewer is provided in a separate window that will show the geometry and the objects that are created on the command line. or by reading the object definition from a session or state file. You may choose a large number of lines if you want to be able to see all the output from a session (a scroll bar will appear in the DOS window). You can cancel e mode without processing the commands by typing . and so on). All rights reserved. To call up a list of valid commands. When in e mode. Note that once inside CFD-Post. e must be typed (whereas this is not required in the Command Editor dialog box). and its subsidiaries and affiliates. click in the Viewer to make it the active window and select the ? icon.© SAS IP. All rights reserved. CFX> load filename=c:/MyFiles/StaticMixer.Line Interface Mode should be noted that these are the only principal differences. type calculate help at the command prompt. Repeating CCL Commands If you want to repeat the most recent CCL command.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. To execute a hotkey command. type % directly before your command. Viewing a Chart You can view a chart object in the Chart Viewer using the chart <ChartObjectName> command. 16. pan and other mouse actions available for manipulating the Viewer in the user interface perform identical functions in the Viewer in Line Interface mode. . as some functions are object-specific) and type the command. for details. For a full list of all the hotkeys available. see Quantitative Calculations in the Command Editor Dialog Box (p. rotate. %ls will list all the files in your current directory. type: = Executing a UNIX Shell Command If you want to carry out a UNIX shell command. To get details on a specific object. . enter: quit Example The following example provides a set of commands that you could enter at the CFX> command prompt.5 END . For a list of valid calculator functions and required parameters.res CFX> getstate StaticMixer Default CFX> e BOUNDARY:StaticMixer Default Visibility = On Transparency = 0. In addition to this. and all commands that work for the Command Editor dialog box will also work in Line Interface mode. Viewing All Currently Defined Objects (getstate Command) The list of all currently defined objects can be obtained using the getstate command. type getstate <ObjectName>. providing the correct syntax is used. The output written to the screen when executing these commands is not shown. hotkeys can be used to manipulate other aspects of the Viewer. For example. Inc. the result is simply printed to standard output. Inc. Features Available in Line Interface Mode The following features are available in line interface mode: Viewer Hotkeys The zoom. 319).e CFX> quit 322 Release 14. Additional information is available. Calculator When functions are evaluated from the command line.1. click once in the Viewer (or on the object. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.5 . Quitting a Command Line Interface Session To end you CFD-Post command line interface session from the command prompt. The variables are defined in Alphabetical Listing of Field Variables and Their Definitions in the FLUENT User's Guide.© SAS IP. If you want to use all of the embedded CFD-Post macros and calculation options. which list the FLUENT field variables and gives the equivalent ANSYS CFX variable. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.Chapter 17: FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category By default. Inc. where one exists. .5 . and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Translation is carried out according to the tables that follow. All rights reserved. 323 . The following restrictions apply to marked variables: 2d available only for 2D flows 2da available only for 2D axisymmetric flows (with or without swirl) 2dasw available only for 2D axisymmetric swirl flows 3d available only for 3D flows bns available only for broadband noise source models bnv node values available at boundaries cpl available only in the density-based solvers cv available only for cell values (Node Values option turned off ) des available only when the DES turbulence model is used dil not available with full multicomponent diffusion do available only when the discrete ordinates radiation model is used dpm available only for coupled discrete phase calculations dtrm available only when the discrete transfer radiation model is used fwh available only with the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings acoustics model e available only for energy calculations edc available only with the EDC model for turbulence-chemistry interaction emm available also when the Eulerian multiphase model is used ewt available only with the enhanced wall treatment gran available only if a granular phase is present h2o available only when the mixture contains water id available only when the ideal gas law is enabled for density ke available only when one of the k-epsilon turbulence models is used kw available only when one of the k-omega turbulence models is used les available only when the LES turbulence model is used melt available only when the melting and solidification model is used mix available only when the multiphase mixture model is used Release 14. you need to convert variable names to CFX types. CFD-Post does not modify the variable names in the FLUENT file. You can convert the variable names to CFX variable names by selecting the Translate variable names to CFX-Solver style names check box in the Edit > Options > Files menu. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc.. Static Pressure (bnv) Pressure Pressure Coefficient Pressure Coefficient Dynamic Pressure Dynamic Pressure Absolute Pressure (bnv) Absolute Pressure Total Pressure (bnv) Total Pressure Relative Total Pressure Relative Total Pressure 324 Release 14.1: Pressure and Density Categories Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Pressure.5 . All rights reserved. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. .FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category mp available only for multiphase models nox available only for NOx calculations np not available in parallel solvers nv uses explicit node value function p available only in parallel solvers p1 available only when the P-1 radiation model is used pdf available only for non-premixed combustion calculations pmx available only for premixed combustion calculations ppmx available only for partially premixed combustion calculations r available only when the Rosseland radiation model is used rad available only for radiation heat transfer calculations rc available only for finite-rate reactions rsm available only when the Reynolds stress turbulence model is used s2s available only when the surface-to-surface radiation model is used sa available only when the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is used seg available only in the pressure-based solver sp available only for species calculations sr available only for surface reactions sol available only when the solar model is used soot available only for soot calculations stat available only with data sampling for unsteady statistics stcm available only for stiff chemistry calculations t available only for turbulent flows turbo available only when a turbomachinery topology has been defined udm available only when a user-defined memory is used uds available only when a user-defined scalar is used v available only for viscous flows Table 17..© SAS IP. . © SAS IP.Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Density.5 . 3d) Vorticity in Stn Frame X Release 14. Inc. 325 . nv) Mesh Velocity w Velocity Angle Velocity Angle Relative Velocity Angle Vorticity Magnitude (v) Vorticity Helicity Helicity X-Vorticity (v. Inc. Velocity Magnitude (bnv) Velocity Relative Velocity Magnitude (bnv) X Velocity (bnv) Velocity u Relative X Velocity (bnv) Y Velocity (bnv) Velocity v Relative Y Velocity (bnv) Z Velocity (3d. Density Density Density All Table 17.2: Velocity Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Velocity. bnv) Velocity Circumferential Relative Tangential Velocity Relative Mach Number (id) Mach Number Mach Number Mesh X-Velocity (nv) Mesh Velocity u Mesh Y-Velocity (nv) Mesh Velocity v Mesh Z-Velocity (3d.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. bnv) Velocity w Relative Z Velocity (bnv) Swirl Velocity (2dasw. All rights reserved... bnv) Velocity Circumferential Tangential Velocity Axial Velocity (2da or 3d) Velocity Axial Radial Velocity Velocity Radial Stream Function (2d) Stream Function Tangential Velocity Velocity Circumferential Mach Number (id) Mach Number Relative Velocity Magnitude Velocity Magnitude Relative Axial Velocity (2da) Velocity Axial Relative Radial Velocity (2da) Velocity Radial Relative Swirl Velocity (2dasw.. .. . Inc. All rights reserved. 3d) Vorticity in Stn Frame Z Preconditioning Reference Velocity (cpl) Reference Velocity (Preconditioning) Table 17. e) Fine Scale Temperature Wall Temperature (Outer Surface) (e. p1. Static Temperature (e.. Inc. p1. v) Wall Temperature Inner Surface Inner Wall Temperature Inner Wall Temperature Total Enthalpy (e) Total Enthalpy Total Enthalpy Deviation (e) Total Enthalpy Deviation Entropy (e) Static Entropy Total Energy (e) Total Energya Internal Energy (e) Internal Energy Absorption Coefficient (r. and Solidification/Melting Categories Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Temperature. Surface Cluster ID Pull Velocity Radiala Release 14.FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Y-Vorticity (v. v) Wall Temperature Outer Surface Wall Temperature (Inner Surface) (e.3: Temperature.5 . or dtrm) Absorption Coefficient Scattering Coefficient (r.Incident Radiation Surface Cluster ID (s2s) Mass Fraction Contact Resistivity (melt) Contact Resistivity Pull Velocity ua Y Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated)) Pull Velocity va Z Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated).. 3d) Vorticity in Stn Frame Y Z-Vorticity (v..Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. nv) Total Temperature Enthalpy (e. 2da) Pull Velocity Axiala Radial Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated).. nv) Rothalpy Fine Scale Temperature (edc.© SAS IP. bnv. Incident Radiation (Band n) (do (non-gray)) <Band n>.. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 3d) Pull Velocity wa Axial Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated). Radiation. nv) Temperature Total Temperature (e.. nv. 2da) 326 Liquid Fraction (melt) X Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated)) Solidification/ Melting. or do) Scattering Coefficient Refractive Index (do) Refractive Index Radiation Temperature (p1 or do) Radiation Temperature Incident Radiation (p1 or do) Incident Radiation Radiation. nv) Static Enthalpy Relative Total Temperature (e) Total Temperature Rothalpy (e. do. . kw. rsm. ke. rsm. ewt) Turbulent Reynolds Number Release 14. kw. Inc. emm) Reynolds Stress vw Turbulence Intensity (ke. or emm) Turbulence Eddy Dissipation Turbulent Dissipation Rate Specific Dissipation Rate (Omega) (kw) Turbulence Eddy Frequency Specific Dissipation Rate Production of k (ke. kw. emm) Reynolds Stress ww UV Reynolds Stress (rsm. 3d.© SAS IP. or des. kw. 2dasw) a FLUENT Variable Pull Velocity Circumferentiala CFD-Post naming convention Table 17. ke. sa. emm) Eddy Viscosity Ratio Subgrid Kinetic Energy (les) Kinetic Energy (subgrid) Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity (les) Eddy Viscosity (subgrid) Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity Ratio (les) Eddy Viscosity Ratio (subgrid) Effective Thermal Conductivity (t. kw. emm) Reynolds Stress uu VV Reynolds Stress (rsm. or emm) Turbulence Kinetic Energy Turbulent Kinetic Energy UU Reynolds Stress (rsm. nv. emm) Reynolds Stress uv UW Reynolds Stress (rsm. 3d.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. nv. rsm. emm) Reynolds Stress uw VW Reynolds Stress (rsm. bnv. Inc.5 . or des.. emm) k Productiona Modified Turbulent Viscosity (sa) Eddy Viscosity (modified) Turbulent Viscosity (sa. emm) Reynolds Stress vv WW Reynolds Stress (rsm. e) Effective Thermal Conductivity Effective Prandtl Number (t. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) (ke. All rights reserved. bnv. or rsm) Turbulence Intensity Turbulent Dissipation Rate (Epsilon) (ke or rsm. 327 . .Category CFX Variable Swirl Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated). emm) Effective Viscosity Turbulent Viscosity Ratio (ke. e) Effective Prandtl Number Wall Ystar (ke.4: Turbulence Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Turbulence. kw. or rsm) Ystar Wall Yplus (t) Yplus Turbulent Reynolds Number (Re_y) (ke or rsm.. kw. or rsm. or rsm. or des) Eddy Viscosity Effective Viscosity (sa. and Premixed Combustion Categories Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Species.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.Surface Coveragea Relative Humidity (sp. dil) <Species-n>. Inc.. pdf.Kinetic Rate of Reaction(Porous) Arrhenius Rate of Reaction-n (rc) <Reaction-n>.Effective Diffusion Diffusivity Thermal Diff Coef of species-n (sp) <Species-n>.Laminar Diffusion Coefficient Eff Diff Coef of species-n (t. pdf.Mass Fraction nv) Mole fraction of species-n (sp.Thermal Diffusion Coefficient Enthalpy of species-n (sp) <Species-n>. dil) Reactions.FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Relative Length Scale (DES) (des) Relative Length Scale (DES) Table 17. <Species-n>.. or ppmx.Static Enthalpy species-n Source Term (rc. pdf.Surface Deposition Rate Surface Coverage of species-n (sr) <Species-n>.Arrhenius Rate of Reactiona Turbulent Rate of Reaction-n (rc... nv) PDF.Mole Fraction Molar Concentration of species-n (sp. All rights reserved..5: Species.5 . stcm) Time Step Scale Fine Scale Mass fraction of species-n (edc) <Species-n>. or ppmx.© SAS IP. Pdf.Source Terma Surface Deposition Rate of species-n (sr) <Species-n>. or ppmx) <Species-n>. nv) Fvar Prod (pdf or ppmx) Fvar Prod Scalar Dissipation (pdf or ppmx) Scalar Dissipation PDF Table Adiabatic Enthalpy Adiabatic Enthalpy (PDF Table) PDF Table Heat Loss/Gain 328 Secondary Mixture Fraction Variancea Heat Loss/Gain}. cpl) <Species-n>. Reactions.Turbulent Rate of Reactiona Heat of Reaction Heat of Reaction Mean Mixture Fraction (pdf or ppmx. Inc.Kinetic Rate of Reaction Kinetic Rate of Reaction-n(Porous) <Reaction-n>. Mass fraction of species-n (sp. t) <Reaction-n>. .Net Molar Reaction Rate Kinetic Rate of Reaction-n <Reaction-n>. . <Species-n>. nv) Mixture Fraction Variance Secondary Mixture Fraction Variance (pdf or ppmx.. h2o) Relative Humidity Time Step Scale (sp. (PDF Table) Release 14. pdf. sp.Molar Reaction Rate Net Reaction Rate of Species-n <Species-n>. nv) Mixture Fraction Secondary Mean Mixture Fraction (pdf or ppmx. <Species-n>. or ppmx) Lam Diff Coef of species-n (sp. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Molar Concentration Secondary Mixture Fractiona a Mixture Fraction Variance (pdf or ppmx.Fine Scale Mass Fraction Fine Scale Transfer Rate (edc) Fine Scale Transfer Rate 1-Fine Scale Volume Fraction (edc) 1-Fine Scale Volume Fraction Rate of Reaction-n (rc) <Reaction-n>. . .Molar Reaction Rate Rate of Prompt NO (nox) Prompt No.Molar Fraction Mole fraction of NH3 (nox) Nh3.Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Premixed Combustion. Progress Variable (pmx or ppmx.Molar Reaction Ratea Rate of SNCR NO (nox) SNCR No. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. and Unsteady Statistics Categories Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable NOx.Molar Fraction Mole fraction of N2O (nox) N2o. a a a 329 .5 .Molar Reaction Rate Rate of Reburn NO (nox) Reburn No.Molar Fraction NO Density (nox) No. Soot. Inc.Density N2O Density (nox) N2o..Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.Molar Reaction Ratea Rate of USER NO (nox) User No.Source Rate of NH3 Nh3.Density HCN Density (nox) Hcn.Source Rate of HCN Hcn.Mass Fraction Mass fraction of N2O (nox) N2o.Variancea Rate of NO No..Source Rate of N2O (nox) N2o Source Rate of Thermal NO (nox) Thermal No. All rights reserved.Molar Reaction Rate Rate of N2OPath NO (nox) N2oPath. nv) Reaction Progress Damkohler Number (pmx or ppmx) Damkohler Numbera Stretch Factor (pmx or ppmx) Stretch Factora Turbulent Flame Speed (pmx or ppmx) Turbulent Flame Speeda Static Temperature (pmx or ppmx) Temperature Product Formation Rate (pmx or ppmx) Product Formation Ratea Laminar Flame Speed (pmx or ppmx) Laminar Flame Speeda Critical Strain Rate (pmx or ppmx) Critical Strain Ratea Adiabatic Flame Temperature (pmx or ppmx) Adiabatic Flame Temperature Unburnt Fuel Mass Fraction (pmx or ppmx) Unburnt Fuel Mass Fractiona a Table 17.Molar Fraction Mole fraction of HCN (nox) Hcn.Density Variance of Temperature (nox) Variance of Temperature Variance of Species-n (nox) <Species-n>..Mass Fraction Mass fraction of NH3 (nox) Nh3.Mass Fraction Mass fraction of HCN (nox) Hcn. Inc.Density NH3 Density (nox) Nh3. Mass fraction of NO (nox) No.Molar Reaction Rate a Release 14.© SAS IP.6: NOx.Mass Fraction Mole fraction of NO (nox) No.Molar Reaction Ratea Rate of Fuel NO (nox) Fuel No. e) <particle>. . rad) <particle>..Particle Momentum Source Z a DPM Swirl Momentum Source (dpm. Inc.Volume Fraction Particle Absorption Coefficient Release 14.Particle Energy Source DPM Absorption Coefficient (dpm..Particle Momentum Source X DPM Y Momentum Source (dpm) <particle>. 2dasw) <particle>.Trnavg RMS quantity-n (stat) <variable>.FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Soot. Volume fraction (mp) <phase>.Particle Radiative Emission DPM Scattering (dpm. cv) <particle>.Particle Sensible Enthalpy Source DPM Enthalpy Source (dpm. sp.Volume Fraction Discrete Phase Model.. 3d) <particle>... sp.Particle Swirl Momentum Source DPM Sensible Enthalpy Source (dpm. a . Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.Particle Radiative Scattering DPM Burnout (dpm. e) Particle Burnout DPM Evaporation/Devolatilization (dpm. Table 17. Particle Evaporation-Devolatilization e) DPM Concentration (dpm) DPM Mass Source Particle Mass Source DPM Erosion Particle Erosion Rate Density DPM Accretion Particle Wall Mass Flow Density DPM X Momentum Source Particle Momentum Source X DPM Y Momentum Source Particle Momentum Source Y DPM Z Momentum Source Particle Momentum Source Z DPM Swirl Momentum Source Particle Swirl Momentum Source DPM Sensible Enthalpy Source Particle Sensible Enthalpy Source DPM Enthalpy Source Particle Enthalpy Source DPM Absorption Coefficient 330 <particle>.Particle Momentum Source Y DPM Z Momentum Source (dpm.Density Rate of Soot (soot) Soot Mass Sourcea Rate of Nuclei (soot) Soot Nuclei Sourcea Heterogeneous Reaction Rate n Heterogeneous Reaction Rate n Mean quantity-n (stat) <variable>.5 .. DPM Mass Source (dpm) <particle>.Trnrms Unsteady Statistics.7: Phases. cv) <particle>.. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.. All rights reserved. rad) <particle>.Particle Erosion Rate Density DPM Accretion (dpm. rad) <particle>. e) <particle>. Discrete Phase Model.Particle Wall Mass Flow Densitya DPM X Momentum Source (dpm) <particle>. Granular Pressure.Particle Absorption Coefficient DPM Emission (dpm.© SAS IP. Mass fraction of soot (soot) Soot Mass Fraction Mass fraction of Nuclei (soot) Soot Nuclei Specific Concentration Mole fraction of soot (soot) Soot Molar Fractiona Soot Density (soot) Soot.Particle Mass Source DPM Erosion (dpm. and Granular Temperature Categories Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Phases. Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable DPM Emission Particle Radiative Emission DPM Scattering Particle Radiative Scattering DPM Burnout Particle Burnout DPM Evaporation/Devolatilization Particle Evaporation-Devolatilization DPM Concentration Particle Mass Concentration DPM Turbulent Kinetic Energy Source Particle Turbulent Kinetic Energy Source DPM Turbulent Dissipation Source Particle Turbulent Dissipation Source DPM Species-n Concentration <Species-n>. emm) Mean Particle Diameter Granular Conductivity (mix. emm) Wall Shear Y Z-Wall Shear Stress (v. a a 331 . gran) Granular Conductivity Thermal Conductivity (e..Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS.8: Properties... cv) Wall Shear Axial Radial-Wall Shear Stress (2da. Granular Pressure (emm.5 . Inc.. emm) Wall Shear X-Wall Shear Stress (v.Particle Mass Concentration DPM Species-n Source (dpm. cv) Wall Shear Radial Wall Fluxes. Wall Fluxes. pdf) Molar Massa Compressibility Factor Compressibility Factor Reduced Temperature Reduced Temperature Reduced Pressure Reduced Pressure Critical Temperature Critical Temperature Critical Pressure Critical Pressure Acentric Factor Acentric Factor Critical Specific Volume Critical Specific Volume Sound Speed (id) Local Speed of Sound Wall Shear Stress (v. 3d. emm) Wall Shear Z Axial-Wall Shear Stress (2da.. cv. Inc. . cv. sp.Granular Temperature Table 17. User Defined Scalars. cv.Particle Mass Source Granular Pressure. v) Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat (Cp) (e) Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure Specific Heat Ratio (gamma) (id) Specific Heat Ratioa Gas Constant (R) (id) R Gas Constant Molecular Prandtl Number (e. Granular Temperature (emm. v) Prandtl Numbera Mean Molecular Weight (seg.. emm. cv. and User Defined Memory Categories Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Properties.Granular Pressurea Granular Temperature. gran) <phase>. e) <Species-n>. Molecular Viscosity (v) Dynamic Viscosity Diameter(mix. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved. emm) Wall Shear X Y-Wall Shear Stress (v...© SAS IP. gran) <phase>. Release 14. v. Coef. Grid. All rights reserved. ..Diffusion Coefficient User-Defined Memory. (e. cv) Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient Surface Nusselt Number (e.. cv) Wall Shear Circumferential Skin Friction Coefficient (v. v. v..5 . Surface Incident Radiation cv) Surface Heat Transfer Coef. . Inc. cv) Solar Heat Flux Absorbed Radiation Flux (Band-n) (do. and Adaption Categories Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Cell Info.Beam Irradiation Flux Surface Incident Radiation (do. cv) Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient Wall Func. 332 Release 14.... User Memory n (udm) User Defined Memory <n> Table 17. cv) Reflected Visible Solar Flux Reflected IR Solar Flux (sol. Absorbed Radiation Flux (Band-n) Absorbed Visible Solar Flux (sol. cv) Transmitted IR Solar Flux Beam Irradiation Flux (Band-n) (do. emm) Skin Friction Coefficient Total Surface Heat Flux (e. cv) Surface Stanton Number User-Defined Scalars. cv) Wall Radiative Heat Flux Solar Heat Flux (sol. nv) Z Axial Coordinate (nv) Axial Coordinate Grid. cv) Wall Heat Flux Radiation Heat Flux (rad.. cv. cv) Reflected Radiation Flux Reflected Visible Solar Flux (sol.. cv) Absorbed Visible Solar Flux Absorbed IR Solar Flux (sol. Heat Tran. cv) Surface Nusselt Number Surface Stanton Number (e. v. Cell Partition (np) Cell Partition Active Cell Partition (p) Active Cell Partition Stored Cell Partition (p) Stored Cell Partition Cell Id (p) Cell Id Cell Element Type Cell Element Type Cell Zone Type Cell Zone Type Cell Zone Index Cell Zone Index Partition Neighbors Partition Neighbors X-Coordinate (nv) X Y-Coordinate (nv) Y Z-Coordinate (3d. cv) Absorbed IR Solar Flux Reflected Radiation Flux (Band-n) (do.FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Swirl-Wall Shear Stress (2dasw. v. (e. cv) <Band-n>.© SAS IP. of Scalar-n (uds) <Scalar-n>. Inc.9: Cell Info. Scalar-n (uds) <Scalar-n> Diffusion Coef.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. cv) Transmitted Visible Solar Flux Transmitted IR Solar Flux (sol. or s2s. cv) Reflected IR Solar Flux Transmitted Visible Solar Flux (sol. turbo) Abs Meridional Coordinate Spanwise Coordinate (nv. turbo) Abs (H-C) Spanwise Coordinate Abs (C-H) Spanwise Coordinate (nv.5 . turbo) Meridional Coordinate Abs Meridional Coordinate (nv. 333 ... and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Angular Coordinate (3d. Meridional Coordinate (nv.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. turbo) Spanwise Coordinate Abs (H-C) Spanwise Coordinate (nv.Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Angular Coordinate (3d. ... turbo) Abs Pitchwise Coordinate Adaption Function Adaption Function Adaption Curvature Adaption Curvature Adaption Space Gradient Adaption Space Gradient Adaption Iso-Value Adaption Iso-Value Existing Value Existing Value Boundary Cell Distance Boundary Cell Distance Boundary Normal Distance Boundary Normal Distance Boundary Volume Distance (np) Boundary Volume Distance Cell Volume Change Cell Volume Change Cell Surface Area Cell Surface Area Cell Warpage Cell Warpage Cell Children Cell Children Adaption. nv) Angular Coordinate Abs. turbo) Abs (C-H) Spanwise Coordinate Pitchwise Coordinate (nv. Inc. All rights reserved.10: Grid Category (Turbomachinery-Specific Variables) and Adaption Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Grid. nv) Absolute Angular Coordinate Radial Coordinate (nv) Radial Angular Coordinate Face Area Magnitude Face Area Magnitude X Face Area Face Area X Y Face Area Face Area Y Z Face Area (3d) Face Area Z Cell Equiangle Skew Cell Equiangle Skew Cell Equivolume Skew Cell Equivolume Skew Cell Volume Cell Volume 2D Cell Volume (2da) 2d Cell Volume Cell Wall Distance Cell Wall Distance Face Handedness Face Handedness Face Squish Index Face Squish Index Cell Squish Index Cell Squish Index Table 17. Inc. Release 14. turbo) Pitchwise Coordinate Abs Pitchwise Coordinate (nv.© SAS IP. 3d) Residual w Velocity Axial-Velocity Residual (cpl.FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Cell Refine Level Cell Refine Level Table 17. Mass Imbalance (seg) Mass Imbalance Pressure Residual (cpl) Residual Pressure X-Velocity Residual (cpl) Residual u Velocity Y-Velocity Residual (cpl) Residual v Velocity Z-Velocity Residual (cpl.5 . 2dasw) Residual Velocity Circumferential Temperature Residual (cpl.12: Derivatives Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Derivatives.... .Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. e) Residual Temperature Species-n Residual (cpl. 2da) Velocity Correction Axial Radial-Velocity Correction (cpl. 2dasw) Velocity Correction Circumferential Temperature Correction (cpl.. All rights reserved. sp) d<Species-n>-dx dX-Velocity/dy du-Velocity-dy dY-Velocity/dy dv-Velocity-dy dZ-Velocity/dy (3d) dw-Velocity-dy dAxial-Velocity/dy (2da) dAxial-Velocity-dy 334 Release 14. . 3d) Velocity Correction w Axial-Velocity Correction (cpl. Inc. Strain Rate (v) Strain Rate dX-Velocity/dx du-Velocity-dx dY-Velocity/dx dv-Velocity-dx dZ-Velocity/dx (3d) dw-Velocity-dx dAxial-Velocity/dx (2da) dAxial-Velocity-dx dRadial-Velocity/dx (2da) dRadial-Velocity-dx dSwirl-Velocity/dx (2dasw) dCircumferential-Velocity-dx d species-n/dx (cpl. e) Temperature Correction Species-n Correction (cpl. 2da) Residual Velocity Axial Radial-Velocity Residual (cpl. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 2da) Residual Velocity Radial Swirl-Velocity Residual (cpl. Inc. 2da) Velocity Correction Radial Swirl-Velocity Correction (cpl. sp) <Species-n>.© SAS IP. sp) <Species-n>.Correction Table 17.11: Residuals Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Residuals.Residual Time Step (cpl) Time Step Pressure Correction (cpl) Pressure Correction X-Velocity Correction (cpl) Velocity Correction u Y-Velocity Correction (cpl) Velocity Correction v Z-Velocity Correction (cpl. 2da) Jet Acoustic Power Surface Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns) Surface Acoustic Power (bns) Lilley's Self-Noise Source (bns) Lilley's Self-Noise Source Lilley's Shear-Noise Source (bns) Lilley's Shear-Noise Source Lilley's Total Noise Source (bns) Lilley's Total Noise Source LEE Self-Noise X-Source (bns) LEE Self-Noise X-Source LEE Shear-Noise X-Source (bns) LEE Shear-Noise X-Source LEE Total Noise X-Source (bns) LEE Total Noise X-Source LEE Self-Noise Y-Source (bns) LEE Self-Noise Y-Source LEE Shear-Noise Y-Source (bns) LEE Shear-Noise Y-Source LEE Total Noise Y-Source (bns) LEE Total Noise Y-Source LEE Self-Noise Z-Source (bns. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 3d) LEE Self-Noise Z-Source LEE Shear-Noise Z-Source (bns. All rights reserved. 3d) LEE Shear-Noise Z-Source Release 14.Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable dRadial-Velocity/dy (2da) dRadial-Velocity-dy dSwirl-Velocity/dy (2dasw) dCircumferential-Velocity-dy d species-n/dy (cpl.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 3d) dp-dZ Table 17. 3d) d<Species-n>-dz dOmega/dx (2dasw) dOmega-dx dOmega/dy (2dasw) dOmega-dy dT/dx dT/dx dT/dy dT/dy dT/dz dT/dz dp-dX (seg) dp-dX dp-dY (seg) dp-dY dp-dZ (seg. sp) d<Species-n>-dy dX-Velocity/dz (3d) du-Velocity-dz dY-Velocity/dz (3d) dv-Velocity-dz dZ-Velocity/dz (3d) dw-Velocity-dz d species-n/dz (cpl. . sp.. 335 .5 .13: Acoustics Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Acoustics.© SAS IP. Inc. Surface dpdt RMS (fwh) Surface dpdt RMS Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns) Acoustic Power Level (dB) Acoustic Power (bns) Acoustic Power Jet Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns. 2da) Jet Acoustic Power Level (dB) Jet Acoustic Power (bns. Inc.. All rights reserved. Film Thickness Film Thickness Film X Velocity Film Velocity u Film Y Velocity Film Velocity v Film Z Velocity Film Velocity w Film Temperature Film Temperature Film Weber Number Film Weber Number Film Surface X Velocity Film Surface Velocity u Film Surface Y Velocity Film Surface Velocity v Film Surface Z Velocity Film Surface Velocity w Film DPM Mass Source Film DPM Mass Source Film DPM x-mom Source Film DPM mom Source X Film DPM y-mom Source Film DPM mom Source Y Film DPM z-mom Source Film DPM mom Source Z Film DPM Energy Source Film DPM Energy Source Film DPM Shed Mass Film DPM Shed Mass Film DPM Stripped Mass Film DPM Stripped Mass Film DPM Stripped Diameter Film DPM Stripped Diameter Note The FLUENT variable XF_RF_REACTING_CHANNEL_DATA will not be read by CFD-Post... 3d) LEE Total Noise Z-Source Table 17..© SAS IP. .5 ..Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 336 Release 14. Inc.FLUENT Field Variables Listed by Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable LEE Total Noise Z-Source (bns. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. .15: Film Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Film. Sensitivity to Body Force X-Component Sensitivity to Body Force X Sensitivity to Body Force Y-Component Sensitivity to Body Force Y Sensitivity to Body Force Z-Component Sensitivity to Body Force Z Sensitivity to Mass Sources Sensitivity to Mass Sources Table 17. Inc.14: Sensitivities Category Category FLUENT Variable CFX Variable Body Force. 112 CFX-TASCflow files in CFD-Post. 7 shortcut menus. 113 batch mode in CFD-Post. 243 quick. 60 shortcuts. 244 annotation. 62 Sidebar Help. 63 append when loading state files. 48 C Calculators workspace. 168 backup (.B Index Symbols . 218 viewing using the command line. 120 chart creating. Inc. 114 CFX-Solver input file. 198 ANSYS CFX files in CFD-Post. 26 case comparison tool. 113 . 113 . 60 workflow. 240 animation editor. 62 tips on using. 60 CFD-Post command line arguments. 115 CGNS files in CFD-Post. 114 limitations with. 198 auto-initialise. 112 . 4 environment variables. 337 . 117 limitations with.bak (backup) files. . 113 BAK (backup) files. 73 A animation keyframe. 307 CFX-4 files in CFD-Post. 242 limitations in expressions. 109 boundary object. 307 overview. 3 workspaces. 304 axisymmetric object. 4 CFX command language (CCL) object creation. 112 CCL (CFX command language) object creation.err files. 54 camera.bak) file. 115 limitations with. 19 Release 14.mdef files. 243 icons. 75 toolbar. 71 displaying a custom logo in. 41 ANSYS Meshing files in CFD-Post. 68 Toolbox. 1 running in batch mode. xxiii (see also auto-initialize) axisymmetric geometries calculating cylindrical velocity. 92 auto annotation.gtm (mesh) files.© SAS IP. 319 clipping plane.def files.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. Inc. 112 3D Viewer. 210 cmdb files require ANSYS Workbench to be installed. 267 case file. 6 overview. 307 object deletion. 58 view bar. 243 options panel. 9 starting. 112 .5 . 307 object deletion. 80 case branch. 307 overview. 307 CEL (CFX expression language) in CFD-Post. 27 value-only variables. 114 ANSYS Workbench Files view. 61 Project Schematic . 117 ANSYS logo controlling the display in reports. 59 Properties view. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 112 ANSYS files in CFD-Post. All rights reserved. 309 cell properties. 9 bitmap (bmp). 13 cfdpost command. 114 color by variable. 106 polyline data. 110 ERR files. 321 object creation and deletion. 313 command line mode. 270 documentation. 4 DEF files. 16 difference variables calculating. 314 readstate option actions. xxiii (see also color mode) colour scale. 41 cylinder. 312 readsession command.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 307 Details views overview. 304 D Data Source file data delimiter. 174 volume. 4 command editor. 252 create plane. 168 contour plot creating. 27 deleting objects using the command line. 178 338 surface of revolution. 313 reading state files. 24 undefined. 315 saving state file. Inc. 311 exporting data. 312 printing from. xxiii (see also color tab) comfort factors macro. 183 coordinate frame creating.5 . 313 readstate command. 267 cone. xxiii (see also color scale) colour tab. xxi domain in CFD-Post. 266 encapsulated PostScript (eps). 21 colour map. 318 file operations. 27 Domain Selector dialog box. . 271 action commands. 317 loading a results file. 19 panel. 20 color map editor controls. 161 creating object using the command line. 113 error results file. 179 user surface.© SAS IP. 200 cp polar macro. 142 polyline. 100 variables on a locator. xxiii (see also color map) colour mode. 307 custom logo controlling the display in reports. All rights reserved. 145 compare cases tool. 266 element volume ratio mesh calculator evaluates. 114 E edge length ratio. 20 textures. 21 color map. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 172 surface. . 312 importing data from. 307 commands Point Cloud. 112 default objects. 136 dsdb files require ANSYS Workbench to be installed. 91 double buffering. 317 reading session files. 150 point. 96 Release 14. Inc. 19 line. 179 turbo surface. 316 savestate command. period not valid as a decimal separator. 168 cylindrical velocity calculating. 251 comma vs. 24 object. 154 vortex core region. 19 scale.Index cycling through. 224 decimal separator only a period is allowed. 113 examples load command. 211 color map pane defines color maps. 174 surface group. 168 turbo line. 314 export ANSYS load file. 53 Expressions workspace. 220 theory. 94 load results.© SAS IP. 107 function calculator. 253 geometry. 14 graphs creating. 220 windowing in. 89 file operations from the command editor. 111 FLUENT field variables. 323 FLUENT files in CFD-Post. 81 file export. 89 load state. All rights reserved. 206 Interpolation Tolerance option. 80 creating. 230 font size in charts. 22 fan noise macro. 248 G gas compressor performance macro.5 . 221 figure changing the definition of. xxiv (see also initialize all components) Insert menu. 220 settings. 94 data from the command editor. 230 font type in charts. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 230 GTM (mesh) files. 339 . 20 grid area in charts. 94 initialise all components. . 220 settings.exporting. 81 figures. 220 theory. 51 F face angle mesh calculator evaluates. 81 switching to. 230 FSI manual one-way mapping with Mechanical APDL and CFX. 111 save picture. 96 import. 317 experimental data. 202 legends. 112 H heat transfer coefficient. 254 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for Transient or Sequence charts. 20 graphical objects for post-processing plots. 265 face culling. 48 help. xxi accessing. 109 save project. 220 windowing in. 218 greyscale. 131 iso clip creating. 252 gas turbine performance macro. 121 font effects in charts. 221 FFT for Transient or Sequence charts. Inc. 83 light moving. 158 J jpeg (jpg). 81 deleting. 79 Release 14. 318 expressions evaluating on slice planes. 20 creating. xxiv highlight type. 51 example. Inc. 312 file types displayed by CFD-Post. 96 data using the command editor. 109 L legend colors. 93 file menu. 141 instancing transformation creating. 160 isosurface creating. 19 global range. 93 save state. 120 limitations with. 133 I importing.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 92 quit. 254 Mechanical import/export example. 15 objects copying for figures. 135 Hide ANSYS Logo. Inc. 92 local range. . 312 state file. 235 mesh calculator. 283 slice. 94 locator objects for post-processing plots. 81 deleting using the command line. 134 CFD-Post Solution Units. Inc. 109 printing Release 14. 250 comfort factors. 18 overwrite when loading state files. 131 Object Highlighting. 20 locator names when importing files. 79 plane creating. 134 Interpolation Tolerance. 109 PostScript (ps). 241 mesh information mesh calculator evaluates. 72. 254 load command examples. 135 Image for Viewer background. 283 png (portable network graphics). 19 view. 145 polyline creating. 266 face angle. 106 menu Insert. 172 data. 252 fan noise. 133 common. 100 portable network graphics (png). 131 Axis/Ruler Visibility. 26 Outline workspace. xxiv options Angular Shift for Transient Rotating Domains. 100 exporting data from. 253 liquid turbine performance. 254 gas compressor performance. 266 mesh statistics mesh calculator evaluates. 112 M macro calculator.© SAS IP. 109 point creating. 130 Text/Edge Color. 135 background of Viewer. 80 selecting. 142 Point Cloud command. 107 online help. 265 connectivity number. 150 sample. 319 340 moving. 17 shortcuts. 265 mesh deformation scaling animating. 109 portable pixel map (ppm). . xxiv picking mode. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 266 mouse button mapping. 92 P particle track file importing from FLUENT. 80 visibility of. 95 PDF files downloading. 321 liquid pump performance macro. All rights reserved. 251 cp polar. 134 setting for ANSYS CFD-Post.5 . 89 results file from the command editor. 133 outline editor geometry. 110 ppm (portable pixel map).Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 266 edge length ratio. 79 O object editor render. 82 one-way FSI manual mapping with Mechanical APDL and CFX. 253 liquid turbine performance macro. 14 locators definition. xxi accessing.Index line interface mode. 253 liquid pump performance. 312 loading results file. 141 tools. 21 object visibility controlling. 252 gas turbine performance. 134 Turbo. 78 move light. 141 limitations in Transient Blade Row cases. 315 recording start and stop commands. 155 state file append option. 92 reading. 248 macro calculator. 314 readsession command examples. 20 reading state files using the command editor. 62 slice plane. 178 surface of revolution creating. 280 Sidebar Help. 283 solution and geometry units. 4 T table viewer formatting multiple cells in. 250 quick editor. 283 savestate command examples. 317 probe tool. 314 saving using the command editor. 111 R range global. 110 Q quantitative calculations using the command editor. All rights reserved. 92 overwrite option. 249 temperature units use absolute scales for temperature differences. 93 seeds in. 314 saving save project. 101 surface group creating. 313 set pivot. 16 Outline tree view. 185 subdomain object. 24 Release 14. . 40 results file loading. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc. 180 session recording a new. 79 shortcuts common Outline view.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 319 quantitative functions functions calculator. 20 user-specified. 214 temperature differences use absolute scales for. 20 local. 313 readstate examples. 168 symbol size in charts. 140 render. 91 spherevolume. 313 saving using the save state dialog box. 93 stereo viewer enabling. 247 quitting from the file menu. 89 loading from the command editor. 24 report templates. 341 .© SAS IP.(saving a picture). 109 from the command editor. 198 texture. 249 text creating. 316 option actions. 89 loading. 92. 27 surface creating. 168 rotate. 139 reading. 230 synchronise camera. xxiv (see also synchronize camera) syntax for named objects. 18 Turbo view. 247 ps (PostScript).5 . 29 publishing. 83 streamlines creating. 93 save state. 312 revolved surface. 79 S sample plane. 133 solution units. 34 reports controlling the display of. 133 Solution Units dialog box. 40 generating. 139 session files in CFD-Post. 92. 92 load results file option. Inc. 174 surface data format. 21 texture. 179 Turbo Line. xxiii (see also uninitialize) units. 332 grid (turbo). xxiii (see also Turbo initialization) turbo line creating. 247 timestep selector. 333 body force. 21 undefined colour. 336 boundary value only. 35 Turbo reports choosing. 333 NOx. 48 user vector. .Index timestep selector. 273 U undefined 342 color. 283 Turbo macros. 332 Release 14. 270 cell. All rights reserved. 111 transient flow variables limitations in Transient Blade Row cases. 304 calculating differences. 55 Variables workspace. 334 film. 235 Turbo workspace. 334 soot. 48 V Variable editor example. 332 user-defined scalars. 51 function calculator. 325 derivatives. 248 macro calculator. 331 granular temperature. 239 Calculators workspace. 298. 267 command editor. 331 radiation. 328 temperature. 326 reactions. 320 Turbo Report templates. 174 user vector variable. Inc. 45 Transient Blade Row postprocessing. 330 phases. 48 calculating cylindrical velocity. 320 CCL command actions. 323 granular pressure. 275. 328 phase model. 331 grid. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 265 Outline workspace.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 280 creating. . 131 uninitialise. 54 case comparison. 247 quick editor. 326 turbulence. 20 user surface creating. 55. 332 density. 48 user-defined memory. 330 user scalar. 133 user specified range. 335 adaption. 241 tools animation. 17 probe. 298 Turbo Plots. 250 menu. 112 translate (viewer control). 271 compare cases. 320 initializing all turbo components. 327 unsteady statistics. 211 Turbo initialisation. 237 timesteps adding. 324 properties. 330 premixed combustion. 179 Turbo workspace. 237 animating. 328 residuals. xxiv (see also undefined color) undefined nodes affected by Interpolation Tolerance option. 267 Expressions workspace. 284 Turbo Post calculating velocity components. 50 variables acoustics. 92.© SAS IP. 79 transparency editor controls. 235 Timestep Selector using with transient blade row cases. 336 FLUENT field. 21 values.5 . 329 pdf. 329 pressure. 330 species. 45 transient blade row variables created. Inc. 38 turbo surface. 235 mesh calculator. 82 virtual reality modelling language (vrml). 45 Variables tab. Inc. 63 workspaces CFD-Post. 110 VRML viewer Cortona viewer is supported. Inc. 45 Variables workspace.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. 80 and backwards compatibility. 71 highlight type. All rights reserved. 77 shortcut menus. 48 Z zoom (viewer control). and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 13 wrl (vrml file extension). 45 vector plots. 48 wireframe object. 79 Release 14. 81 switching to. 78 zoom box (viewer control). 110 Y Yplus.© SAS IP. 75 toolbar. 110 W wall heat flux. 154 vortex core region creating. 81 View tab.5 . 343 . 48 wall shear. . 133 hotkeys. 28 Workbench introduction. 325 wall fluxes. 180 vectors creating. 331 variables editor. 161 vrml (virtual reality modelling language). 110 volume creating.velocity. 26 viewer accessing. 180 view changing the definition of. 57 workflows. 85 working directory setting in Workbench. 73 views. Inc.© SAS IP. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Inc.Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS. .344 Release 14.5 . All rights reserved. .
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