Annual Report 31 March 2009 HBLPOWER

March 28, 2018 | Author: prm811tdc | Category: Internal Audit, Board Of Directors, Audit, Financial Statement, Audit Committee



HBL POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED INDEX Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. CONTENTS Page Nos. Notice ............................................................................................................................................ 2-6 Director’s Report ....................................................................................................................... 7-14 Compliance Certificate ........................................................................................................... 15-19 Report on Corporate Governance ........................................................................................ 20-33 Management Discussion and Analysis ............................................................................... 34-35 Auditors’ Report on Standalone Accounts ......................................................................... 36-41 Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account, Cash Flow Statement and Notes on Accounts thereon ........................................................................................... 42-72 Auditors Report on Consolidated Accounts ...................................................................... 73-74 Consolidated Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account, Cash Flow Statement and Notes on Accounts thereon .................................................... 75-96 10. HBL Power Systems (M) SDN BHD., Malaysia, Directors’ Report, Auditors’ Report, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet ..................................... 97-111 11. Bhagirath Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd., Nepal, Liquidators Report and Statement of Affairs ............................................................... 112 - 113 12. Attendance Slip and Proxy Form ............................................................................................ 114 HBL Power Systems Limited Board of Directors Dr. A J Prasad Mr. Ashok Nagarkatti Mr. J K Verma Mrs. M Kavita Prasad Mr. P Ganapathi Rao Mr. M S Ramakrishna Mr. V V Rao Mrs. Preeti Khandelwal Audit Committee Mr. P Ganapathi Rao Mrs. M Kavita Prasad Mr. V V Rao Company Secretary Registered Office Mr. D Mabu Basha 8-2-601, Road # 10 Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500 034 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Aliabad (V), Shameerpet(M), RR Dist., AP Nandigoan(V), Kothur(M), Mahabubnagar Dist., AP Seripally (V), Bhoothpur(M), Mahabubnagar Dist., AP Kandivalasa (V), Poosapatirega(M), Vizianagaram Dist., AP VSEZ, Vishakhapatnam, AP Thumkunta (V), Shameerpet(M), R R Dist, AP. Haridwar, Uttarakhand IMT, Manesar, Haryana Chairman IDBI Nominee Director Chairman & Managing Director Director-Battery Technology Director-Operations Location of Plants Auditors M/s Satyanarayana & Co. Chartered Accountants Secunderabad M/s Narasimha Murthy & Co. Cost Accountants, Hyderabad State Bank of India State Bank of Hyderabad IDBI Bank Ltd. State Bank of Indore. Cost Auditors Bankers Annual Report 2008-09 1 Hyderabad 500 004 on Thursday.each into 10 shares of Rs. To receive.10/. 1956 and provisions of Article 50 of the Articles of Association of the Company and subject to the approvals. M/s Satyanarayana & Co. To declare Dividend for the year ended 31st March 2009. who retires by rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-appointment. SPECIAL BUSINESS: (A) TO CONSIDER AND IF THOUGHT FIT TO PASS WITH OR WITHOUT MODIFICATION THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS AS ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS: 5. the retiring auditors are eligible for re-appointment. ORDINARY BUSINESS: 1.555 of Rs.1/.27. consents. To appoint Auditors for the year 2009-10 till the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and to authorize the Board to fix their remuneration.00 p. instruments and writings as may be required in this connection and to delegate all or any of the powers herein vested in the Board. Red Hills.each) and Capital Clause of Memorandum and Article 4(1) of the Articles of Association be altered accordingly.m. the 17th day of September 2009 at 4. consider and adopt Audited Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2009 and the Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on 31st March 2009. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board of Directors of the Company (“the Board” which expression shall also include a committee formed thereof) be and is hereby authorised to issue new share certificates in lieu of the cancellation of the old certificates representing the sub divided equity shares with new distinctive numbers.550 equity shares of Rs.. to any committee thereof or to any Director(s) or the Company Secretary. to give effect to this resolution.each subdivided into 24.79.10/. 2. 11-6-841. subject to rules as laid down in the Companies (Issue of Share Certificates) Rules.NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the Twenty Third Annual General Meeting of the Members of HBL POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED will be held at Surana Udyog Auditorium. M S Ramakrishna. Sub-division of existing Equity Shares of Rs.each: “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 94(1) (d) and other applicable provisions. if any.1/.95. 3. 4. Annual Report 2008-09 2 .42.1/. Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry. permissions and sanctions as may be necessary from the appropriate authorities or bodies. consequent to the subdivision of shares as aforesaid and/ or credit the shareholders’ accounts maintained with the Depositories.each (from face value of Rs. the existing equity shares of 2. together with the Director’s Report and the Auditor’s Report thereon. To appoint a Director in place of Mr.. 1960 and the Articles of Association of the Company and to inform the Depositories and the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the Company to execute all the documents. Chartered Accountants. to transact the following business. of the Companies Act.10/equity share into 10 share of Rs. be vested in a special account held by M/s Karvy Computershare Private Limited. the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent of the Company. equity shares of Rs. Preeti Khandelwal.000/. Preeti Khandelwal as a Director of the Company: “RESOLVED THAT Mrs. if any.000 equity shares of Rs.00.00.(Rupee One) each only”.1/. 1956 to borrow money from time to time up to a limit not exceeding in aggregate an amount of Rs. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the sub-division shall be effective from such date as may be decide by the Board of Directors/Committee in consultation with the Stock Exchanges”. 6.(Rupee One) each only”. 500 crores (Rupees five hundred crores) only notwithstanding that the money to be borrowed by the Company together with the monies already borrowed by the Company (apart from temporary loans obtained from the Company’s bankers from time to time in the ordinary course of business) will exceeds the aggregate of the paid up capital of the Company and its free reserves i.000/. To revise the Borrowing Powers of the Board: “RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors of the Company be and is are hereby authorised under Section 293(1)(d) of the Companies Act. 30. 8. For and on behalf of the Board Place: Hyderabad Date : July 30.00. 1956”.(Rupees Thirty Crores) Only divided into 30. be and are hereby authorised to act as Trustee for this purpose. 30.e.00. arising out of the subdivision of equity shares. as resolved above. To amend Clause V of the Memorandum of Association: “RESOLVED THAT Clause V of the Memorandum of Association of the Company be deleted and substituted by the following: The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is Rs. 2009 D Mabu Basha Company Secretary Annual Report 2008-09 3 . who was appointed as Additional Director and whose term of office expires on the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting be and is hereby appointed as Director. To Appoint Mrs.00. (B) TO CONSIDER AND IF THOUGHT FIT TO PASS WITH OR WITHOUT MODIFICATION THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION AS SPECIAL RESOLUTION: 9 To amend the Article 4 of the Articles Association: “RESOLVED THAT Article 4(1) of the Articles of Association of the Company be deleted and substituted by the following: The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is Rs.(Rupees Thirty Crores) Only divided into 30. to say reserves not set apart for any specific purpose”.RESOLVED FURTHER THAT fractional entitlements. 7. be liable to determination by retirement by rotation as per the provision of Section 255 of the Companies Act. and these entitlements be dealt by the Committee constituted by Board /Trustee in the best interests of the Members.1/. if any. 2.Notes: 1. if any. The Explanatory Statement. A MEMBER ENTITLED TO ATTEND AND VOTE AT THE MEETING IS ENTITLED TO APPOINT A PROXY TO ATTEND AND VOTE INSTEAD OF HIMSELF AND THE PROXY NEED NOT BE A MEMBER. The dividend. Change in the address. in order to be effective. as required by Section 173(2) of the Companies Act. quoting Registered Folio Number. The Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company shall remain closed from 10th September. Annual Report 2008-09 4 . Members desirous of making nomination in respect of their shareholding may approach the Company for obtaining prescribed form and return the same duly filled in and signed for registration with the Company. 5. 1956 in respect of item No.5 to 9 set out above is annexed hereto. should be completed. 2009. declared would be paid to those members whose names appear on the Register of Members of the Company as on 17th September. Members are requested to intimate immediately their change of address to the Company. 4. with the Pin Code Number. 2009 (both days inclusive). 8 Members attending the meeting are requested to bring with them the Attendance slip attached to the Annual Report duly filled in and signed and hand over the same at the entrance of the hall. 3. 2009 to 17th September. 7. stamped and signed and must be deposited at the Registered Office or Investor Service Department of the Company not less than 48 hours before the commencement of the meeting. 6. Proxies. Now it is proposed to appoint her as Director subject to retirement by rotation and to comply with the provisions of Corporate Governance as per Listing Agreement.per share. None of the Directors are interested in this resolution.each into 10 shares of Rs. None of the directors other than Mrs. Preeti Khandelwal is interested in this resolution. the Articles are proposed to be amended. Preeti Khandelwal. 5: The Board of Directors in their meeting held on 25th June. 1956) Item No. 8: Mrs. to improve the liquidity of shares in the stock market. Item No. Item No. Item No. Your Directors commend the resolution for the approval of Shareholders as an Ordinary Resolution. your Directors sought your approval for the proposed enhanced borrowing limits/ powers. For and on behalf of the Board Place: Hyderabad Date : July 30.EXPLANATORY STATEMENT (Pursuant to Section 173(2) of the Companies Act. None of the Directors are interested in this resolution. Your Directors commend the Resolution for the approval of the Shareholders as an Ordinary Resolution. None of the Directors are interested in this resolution. 1956 to affect Sub-division of shares (item no. Your Directors commend the Resolution for the approval of the Shareholders as Special Resolution. 2009. 1956 to affect Sub-division of shares (item no. None of the Directors are interested in this resolution. as this will widen the scope for small investors to pick up the scrip in smaller denomination. Item No. 5 of Agenda). 5 of Agenda).10/. Your Directors commend the Resolution for the approval of the Shareholders as an Ordinary Resolution.7: To borrow funds to meet the Company’s capital expansion activities to expand the existing capacities of the Company. 2009 D Mabu Basha Company Secretary Annual Report 2008-09 5 . 6: In order to comply with the provisions of Companies Act. 9: In order to comply with the provisions of Companies Act.1/. so that trading volumes are improved. was appointed as Additional Director of the Company with effect from 2nd March. Your Directors commend the Resolution for the approval of the Shareholders as an Ordinary Resolution. the Memorandum of Association are proposed to be amended. 2009 has approved the Sub-division of the existing equity shares of Rs. Karvy Insurance Broking Limited 7. He is one of the Founder Directors of Karvy Group Companies. Viz Projects Pvt. Ckar Systems Private Limited 17. Karvy Global Services Inc/USA 9. Karvy Computershare Private Ltd 20. Karvy Investor Services Limited 4. Ltd 15. Karvy Financial Services Limited 8. Karvy Global Services Limited 5. Muthe Power Private Limited 22. Ltd 21. ACS She is a Practicing Company Secretary and has expertise in Company law and FEMA related issues. Athena Energy Ventures Pvt. East Coast Energy Pvt. Andhra Cements Limited 11. 1. Athena Infra Projects Pvt.1954 30. M S Ramakrishna 06. R-Squart Innovations (P) Ltd. Countrywide Power Transmission Limited 16. Preeti Khandelwal 24.09.. Karvy Consultants Limited 2.2009 B Com.1971 02. Ltd 14.03. Details of other Directorships Details of Committee and membership status. East India Petroleum Ltd 18. Ltd Member of Share Transfer Committee Mrs. Sainj Hydro Power Pvt.BRIEF PARTICULARS OF DIRCTORS PROPOSED FOR APPOINTMENT AT THE ENSUING ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (In pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement) Name of the Director Date of Birth Date of first appointment Qualification Expertise in specific functional Area Mr. -NA- Annual Report 2008-09 6 . Himshakti Projects Pvt. Karvy Comtrade Limited 10. USA 6. Ltd (GIPL) 13.2006 Graduate in Commerce.10. Karvy Inc. Athena Demwe Power Pvt. Karvy Stock Broking Limited 3. Athena Projects Private Ltd 12. Ltd 19. Ltd 23.03. He was instrumental in diversifying Karvy into the field of Medical Transcription. The comfortable order book position for these Batteries resulted in increase in sales volumes by 28% over last year.per equity share of Rs.17 lakhs.250 crores. The financial performance is presented below. This increase is on account of utilization of additional capacities installed particularly VRLA and NICAD batteries at Vizianagaram and VSEZ units respectively. Expansion plans: The demand for your Company’s products is encouraging despite general economic slowdown.63 15% Performance Review 2008-09: Overall Sales of the Company for the year 2008-09 has recorded Rs.240 crores capex planned last year. increase in export sales by 50% over last year. Annual Report 2008-09 7 .) Dividend Particulars 2008-09 124390 19977 509 3883 2784 136 4372 215 9096 8000 37. This is part of Rs. Rs.340 crores. No. Dividends: Your Directors are pleased to recommend a dividend of Rs.DIRECTORS’ REPORT Dear Members. To meet the additional demand. an expansion plan to create additional capacity is underway and is expected to commercialize during the next 18 months. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Net Sales Operating Profit before interest.10/-fully paid up share @30% (Previous Year 15%) for the Financial Year 2008-09.3/.46 30% 2007-08 97276 15480 370 3175 1546 103 4075 242 6709 6000 27. subject to the approval of the members at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. 124390 lakhs compared to previous year of Rs. depreciation and extra-ordinary items Other Income Finance Cost Depreciation Extra-ordinary losses/non-recurring cost Provision for tax & tax adjustment Deferred tax liability Net Profit Transfer to General Reserve Earnings per Share (Diluted) (Rs. The proposed dividend including Corporate Dividend Tax will absorb Rs. This 18 months plan involves a capex of Rs. Your Board of Directors take pleasure in presenting the Annual Report for the financial year ended on 31st March 2009. In Lakhs Sl. 97276 lakhs. including term loans of Rs.852. The company initiated winding up proceedings. That the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing/detecting fraud and other irregularities. is having problems and limitation in providing financial information.Subsidiary Companies: HBL (UK) Limited a 100% subsidiary in UK has a Trademark violation case initiated against it during financial year 2006 as a first defendant and the Parent company as a second defendant by SAFT AB.e.03.72. BHAGIRATH ENERGY SYSTEMS PVT. Further a sum of Rs.29 lakhs.2005. Directors’ Responsibility Statement: In Compliance with the Provisions of Section 217(2AA) of the Companies Act. 16.44 lakhs. the Consolidated Accounts of the Company and its Subsidiaries are annexed to this Annual Report. which was Rs.03. Annual Report 2008-09 8 .2009.2009. Considering liquidation proceeding and non-availability of audited financial statements of the Subsidiary Company. 1956.24 lakhs remitted towards share capital is shown under loans and advances pending allotment of shares. No further provision is considered necessary. a Jointly Controlled Entity (Proportionate holding of 50% as per AS-27). your Directors wish to place on record 1.51 lakhs up to 31. The Consolidated Accounts includes HBL Power Systems (M) SDN BHD. all applicable Accounting Standards have been followed.95 lakhs and other dues Rs.(BES) a wholly owned subsidiary in Nepal is in process of winding up and hence the latest audited financial statement are not available. Malaysia. That the Annual Accounts have been prepared on a Going Concern basis.14. the investment of Rs. That the Accounting Policies adopted are consistently followed and the judgments and estimates made are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the Financial Year and the Profit and Loss Account of the Company for the Financial Year under review.79.16. Ltd. Bhagirath Energy Systems Pvt. This loss is considered temporary as it is a trade loss and hence no provision is made in the accounts for the fall in the value of investment. HBL (UK) Ltd.03. as there is no reduction in cash balance as on 31.40 lakhs have been fully provided for in these financial statements. That in preparing the Annual Accounts. and 4. LTD. advance against investment of Rs. has been made based on Official Liquidator’s Certificate of cash available as on 31. Only as regard to the other subsidiary i.3. a separate section titled “Report on Corporate Governance” is attached to the Annual Report. 2. HBL Power Systems (M) SDN BHD a Joint venture company in Malaysia has reported a profit of Rs.30. Consolidation of Accounts: In accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standard AS-21 prescribed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.52 lakhs for the year and accumulated loss of Rs. Nepal and HBL ELTA Avionics Systems Private Limited. Corporate Governance: Pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges. 3. Provision for diminution in the value of investment. We are not in position to comment on the non-accountal of the same as the matter is reported to be ‘sub-judice’.13 of Schedule 20 regarding disclosure made under section 22 of the MSMED Act. Our reply: The Company has written letters to all the Vendors requesting them to provide their status certificate and outstanding balances under MSMED Act. 3. 1956 in respect of HBL Power Systems (M) SDN. 2006.. The information is as compiled by the management and relied upon by us. Malaysia and Bhagirath Energy Systems Pvt. 2006. for the reasons explained in the notes referred to the above. many have not responded to complete the process of compilation of data in time. The Company has received replies from some Vendors. Nepal are appended to the Annual Report. Both parties have reached an understanding that the claim will not be pursued. Point No 5 (c): Reference is invited to Note No. advances to suppliers/ from customers and claims recoverable are subject to confirmation/ reconciliation and consequential adjustments. 2. Our Reply: Letters for confirmation of balances as appearing under Debtors and Creditors. Advances to the suppliers have been sent by the Company. except HBL (UK) Ltd. The Board has considered the observations/ queries as raised by the Statutory Auditors and the explanations are as under. 1. the impact of which is not quantifiable by us. The company is of the view that the amount will not be of material nature.The note below explains the status of the HBL (UK) Subsidiary: HBL (UK) Ltd.K: is under winding up process. which was the main contention of the claimant. hence the same was not provided.000 towards damages which is not provided for. The claim for trademark violation as made during the year 2005-06 is maintaining the status quo. Point No 5 (a): Reference is invited to note 5(h) Schedule 20(B) regarding legal case for infringement of ‘Trade Mark’ against wholly owned subsidiary in UK and the Company which is also mentioned as 2nd defendant and the claim of UK Pounds 200. In the absence of financial information the consolidation exercises could not be concluded. Annual Report 2008-09 9 . This is a continuous process and the company has not faced any problem on this account.20 the balances appearing under sundry debtors. Auditors’ Report: The Board noted the contents of the Auditors Report. Some of the parties have replied confirming the balances. Further the company has neither paid nor provided the applicable interest on such dues from the date the Act came into force and the amount of which is not ascertained. Point No 5 (b): Reference is invited Note no 17 of Schedule . BHD. A statement pursuant to Section 212(1) of the Companies Act. to be disclosed under Schedule VI of the Companies Act. creditors. U. Ltd. Our Reply: The management is of the view that the provision need not be made as the company has already removed the word ‘NIFE’ from its name. However. we are not in position to comment on the discrepancies. in our opinion. Our Reply: The company has already initiated steps for physical verification of the assets. Point No i (b): the Fixed assets have not been physically verified by the management. 5. Point No i (a ): there has been a shifting of location of Fixed Assets and interdivisional transfer of assets. Point No vii : The company has appointed a firm of Chartered Accountants to cover the internal audit function of certain manufacturing divisions and there is no internal audit system at Branches and certain manufacturing locations / divisions. the scope and coverage of internal audit wherever in existence needs to be enlarged to be commensurate with the size of the divisions and nature of business. Asset wise Original Cost/Depreciation/written down value and other relevant details/ identification details. Accordingly the company has already appointed a firm of Chartered Accountants as Internal Auditors for VSEZ and Viziangaram units. Further.Annexure referred to in Paragraph 4 of Our report of even date (under CARO Report): 4. the Company is yet to maintain and update the assets register showing location wise details. Our reply: The company has already taken steps to update the Location/ Division wise fixed assets register as recommended by the Auditor. Annual Report 2008-09 10 . Our Reply: The company already initiated measures for timely action to improve the same. Point No iv : During the course of our Audit. 7. In the absence of physical verification. However. between physical and book balances and the impact thereof. review of vendors and customer balances for proper and timely accounting and identifying the relevant components of the costs relating to Fixed Assets / Capital Work in Progress and the Capitalisation thereof on erection / put to use. 6. if any. no major weakness have been noticed in the internal control in respect of these areas. particularly in the areas of accounting of input VAT / input Service Tax. Our Reply: The company has already taken appropriate steps to strengthen and enlarge the scope of Internal Audit. input Service Tax Credit available and utilization thereof (b) timely and prompt capitalization of fixed assets including linking the additions to the Assets already in existence (c) obtention of balance confirmation from vendors and customers and review/ reconciliation thereof with book balances need to be stream-lined and strengthened considering increasing volume of business and transaction. the internal control procedures with regard to (input VAT credit. 8. Chartered Accountants. Directors: Mr. capital expenditure requirements like balancing equipment. Point No xvi: The term loans raised by the company to the extent utilized were prima facie applied for the purpose of which the loans were obtained except for a capital expenditure of Rs. covered by the provisions of Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act. Auditors of the Company retires at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and is eligible for re-appointment. Audit Committee has recommended for the re-appointment of M/s Satyanarayana & Co. Our Reply: In view of rapid growth in several business lines. 1975 as amended. M S Ramakrishna. by the Company for the year 2009-10 will be within the limit prescribed under Section 224(1-B) of the Companies Act. these assets were funded from internal accruals and term loans as sanctioned. Chartered Accountants as Auditors at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. The Company has received a letter from them to the effect that their appointment. Personnel & Industrial Relations: Your Company continues to enjoy cordial relations with the employees.. 1956. offer himself for re-appointment. Hyderabad. 1956 read with the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules. This will take effect in 2009-10 year. Director retiring by rotation and being eligible. if made. which were not envisaged in original proposals.. The company intends to approach the banks with a revised estimate to include these additional assets in earlier sanctioned loans. To meet time schedules without delay. There were no employees. Annual Report 2008-09 11 . The Board of Directors recommends their re-appointment.. factory/auxiliary sheds and space for electronic projects came up during last two years. subject to the approval from Central Government. Auditors: M/s Satyanarayana & Co. Cost Auditor: Your company proposes to re-appoint the cost auditors M/s Narashima Murthy & Co.1600 lakhs which is beyond the scope of assets included in the sanctioned term loans. Agencies for their support and cooperation to the Company. 1988 are given in a separate statement attached hereto and forms part of this report. 1956 is annexed to this report. Acknowledgements: Your Directors take this opportunity to thank all the Company’s Bankers and Financial Institutions. A J Prasad Chairman and Managing Director Annual Report 2008-09 12 . The Board of Directors also thanks all its Shareholders for the confidence reposed in the Management.Conservation of Energy. Compliance Certificate from a Practicing Company Secretary: The Company obtained a Compliance Certificate under section 383A of the Companies Act. read with Rule 2 of the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of the Board of Directors) Rules. 2009 Dr. the concerned Central and State Government Departments. Technology Absorption and Foreign Exchange Earnings & Outgo: The information required under Section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act. 1956. The Board has special appreciation for the employees for their dedicated services. For and on behalf of the Board Place: Hyderabad Date : July 30. 93 84.16 34.60 39097.Lakhs) 2007-08 Annual Report 2008-09 13 . Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo.16 25213.09 20.61 953. C. (Cash basis) Raw Materials. Components & Spares Capital items/ Equipment 2 Expenditure in Foreign Currency Commission on export Sales Traveling expenses Royalty Professional charges Technical Know How Marketing Expenses 3 4 Investments Foreign Exchange Earnings Export sales 11674.45 1141. A. which is LPG.50 63. are being implemented B.48 92. Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo: Sl. Conservation of Energy: Operations of the Company are not energy intensive.94 23. 1 Particulars Value of Imports on C. We may avail the Consultancy Services from overseas experts for strengthening our technology. We are in the process of absorbing the technology so developed and improved further.31 45.I. energy saving devices such as re-cycling of Heat and use of alternate sources of energy.58 17.85 7874.46 104.61 31.F.35 340. Technology Absorption: We have in-house R&D facilities.ANEXURE TO THE DIRECTORS’ REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2008-09 Conservation of Energy. No. Technology Absorption. as and when needed.75 36. However.94 2008-09 (Rs. In lakhs): a. for subsidiary’s financial year ended 31st March. 2009 Dr..72. 31.51) Change in the interest of HBL POWER SYSTEMS LTD. For and on behalf of the Board Place: Hyderabad Date : July 30. 2009 for previous financial year of the subsidiary since it became subsidiary of HBL POWER SYSTEMS LTD. of Share in the subsidiary company held by HBL Power Systems Ltd. b. Extent of interest The net aggregate of losses of the subsidiary companies so far as concerned to the members of HBL POWER SYSTEMS LTD 1. Deals with in the accounts of HBL POWER SYSTEMS LTD amounted to (Rs. 31.160 100% HBL Power Systems (M) SDN. **The Company’s wholly owned subsidiary HBL(UK) Ltd. for subsidiary’s financial year ended 31st March.60. A J Prasad Chairman and Managing Director Annual Report 2008-09 14 . is under liquidation.000 80% Name of the Subsidiary Company Financial year of the Subsidiary company ended on No.03.03.2009 1.Statement pursuant to Section 212 of the Companies Act. Not dealt within the accounts of HBL POWER SYSTEMS LTD to (Rs. Bhagirath Energy Systems Pvt.03. b.2009 1. not applicable since all the accounts are drawn between the end of the subsidiary’s financial year and up to 31st March 2009. Ltd.2009 93. *Company is under voluntary winding up. 1956 Relating to Subsidiary Companies: HBL (UK) Ltd.000 100% Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 2. in lakhs): a. BHD. 31. 2009 for previous financial year of the subsidiary since it became subsidiary of HBL POWER SYSTEMS LTD NA** NA** NA* NA* 16.52 (3. books and papers of HBL Power Systems Limited as required to be maintained under the Companies Act. 4. as per the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder and all entries there in have been duly recorded. The company has duly filed the forms and returns as stated in Annexure “B” to this certificate with the Registrar of Companies. 1956 (the Act) and the rules made there under and also the provisions contained in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company for the financial year ended on 31st March.COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE Registration No.00.00. its officers and agents. 5. The Company. Annual Report 2008-09 15 . comments are not required. Company Law Board or other authorities as per the provisions of the Act and the rules made there under along with additional fee wherever required. No Extra-ordinary General Meeting was held during the financial year. 6. In my opinion and to the best of my information and according to the examinations carried out by me and explanations furnished to me by the company. I certify that in respect of the aforesaid financial year: 1. 03/11/2008.06745 of 1986-87 CIN : L40109AP1986PLC006745 Nominal Capital: Rs. of the Company: .10 Banjara Hills Hyderabad . 2009. 2. and 30/01/2009 in respect of which meetings proper notices were given and proceedings were properly recorded and signed in the Minutes Book maintained for the purpose. records. Regional Director. The company closed its Register of Members from 01st September 2008 to 04th September 2008 (both days inclusive) and necessary compliance of Section 154 of the Act has been made. 28/07/2008. 03/10/2008. The company has kept and maintained all registers as stated in Annexure “A” to this certificate. 7.01.000/To The Members HBL Power Systems Limited 8-2-601. The Board of Directors duly met six times respectively on 23/04/2008. 25/06/2008. 3. Central Government. Road No. being a public limited company. The Annual General Meeting for the financial year ended on 31/03/2008 was held on 04/9/2008 after giving due notice to the Members of the Company and the resolutions passed thereat were duly recorded in Minutes Book maintained for the purpose.30.500 034 I have examined the registers. The Company has not advanced any loan to its Directors and / or persons or firms or companies referred to under Section 295 of the Act. 11. 13. The Board of Directors or the duly constituted Committee of Directors has approved the issue of duplicate share certificates. (v) duly complied with the requirements of section 217 of the Act. Annual Report 2008-09 16 . The company has duly complied with the provisions of section 297 of the Act in respect of contracts specified in that section. an application was made to the Central Government under Section 314(1B) and the approval is awaited. The Directors have disclosed their interest in other firms/companies to the Board of Directors pursuant to the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder. 12. 10. 16. However. The company has not appointed any sole selling agents during the financial year. 18. 15. the members and applied to the Central Government for approval pursuant to section 314 of the Act. (iii) paid/posted warrants for dividend to all the members within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of declaration and that all unclaimed / unpaid dividend has been transferred to Unpaid Dividend Account of the Company with M/s Axis Bank Limited. The company has made necessary entries in the register maintained under section 301 of the Act. The Board of Directors of the company is duly constituted and the appointment of directors and additional directors has been duly made. 17. (ii) deposited the amount of dividend declared in a separate bank account on 07/09/2008 which is within five days from the date of declaration of such dividend. Regional Director. 9. The appointment of the Managing Director/Whole-time Director/ Manager has been made in compliance with the provisions of Section 269 read with Schedule XIII to the Act and an application has been made to the Central Government in respect of the appointment of Mr. The Company has (i) delivered all the certificates on allotment of securities and on lodgment thereof for transfer/ transmission or any other purpose in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Registrar and / or such other authorities as may be prescribed under various provisions of the Act during the financial year. (iv) Transferred the amounts in unpaid dividend account which have remained unclaimed or unpaid for a period of seven years to Investor Education and Protection Fund. M S S Srinath as President under Section 314(1-B) and the approval is awaited. 19.8. Secunderabad on 14/10/2008. The company has not issued any shares/debentures/other securities during the financial year. The Company has obtained necessary approvals from the Board of Directors. 14. The company was not required to obtain any approvals of the Company Law Board. 21. rights shares and bonus shares pending registration of transfer of shares. 2009 Name of the Company Secretary C. The company has not altered the provisions of the Memorandum with respect to share capital of the company during the year under scrutiny. The company has not altered the provisions of the Memorandum with respect to situation of the company’s registered office from one State to another during the year under scrutiny. The company has not received any money as security from its employees during the financial year. 29. There were no transactions necessitating the company to keep in abeyance rights to dividend. 26. There was/were no prosecution initiated against or show cause notices received by the company and no fines and penalties or any other punishment was imposed on the company during the financial year. 33.20.P No : Y. The amounts borrowed by the company from Directors. Place: Hyderabad Date : 25th July. 25. banks and others during the financial year ending 31st March 2009 is/are within the borrowing limits of the company and that necessary resolutions as per Section 293(1)(d) of the Act have been passed in duly convened annual general meeting. 28. 31. 24. financial institutions. The company has not issued any preference shares/debentures so far and hence the question of redemption does not arise. The company has not bought back any shares during the financial year. 23. for offences under the Act. 32. The Company has not made any loans or advances or given guarantees or provided securities to other bodies corporate consequently no entries are made in the Register kept for the purpose. The company has not altered the provisions of the Memorandum with respect to the objects of the company during the year under scrutiny. public. The company has not altered the provisions of the Memorandum with respect to name of the company during the year under scrutiny. 22. The company has not constituted a separate Provident Fund Trust for its employees or class of employees as contemplated under section 418 of the Act. members. Ratan Kumar : 1112 Annual Report 2008-09 17 . 27. 30. The company has not altered its Articles of Association during the financial year. The company has not invited/accepted any deposits including any unsecured loans falling within the purview of section 58A during the financial year. Register of Members and Index of Members 2. Annual Report 2008-09 18 . Minutes Book of Meetings 4. Register of Charges U/s 372 A U/s 143 U/s 303 U/s 307 U/s 301 U/s 150 U/s 151 U/s 163 U/s 193 U/s 209 13. Register of Investments/Loans 12. Registers & Returns 3. Register of Duplicate Share Certificates under Rule 7 of the Companies (Issue of Share Certificate) Rules. Managing Directors & Secretary 6. Register of Proxies 11. Register of Directors. 1960. Books of Accounts 5. Register of Director’s Shareholding 7. Register of Directors’ Attendance 9. Register of Particulars of Contracts 8.ANNEXURE . Register of Shareholders’ Attendance 10.A REGISTERS AS MAINTAINED BY THE COMPANY: 1. 2008 28.2008 19. 12. 16.2008 27. Yes Yes N.A N. 8.02.A. Sl.2008 17. N.2008 23.2008 23.05.2009 17. 18.A.2008 28.2008 04.04. N.2008 22.05.2008 07. Form No.2008 30. 3.2009 Annual Report 2008-09 19 .09.06. 17. 14.A N. 2. 1.07. 5.2009 02.02.2008 22.2008 07. 2009. 9.A N.09.A N. 7.A.2008 04.09.A.2008 04. No. N.09.ANNEXURE .05. 13. 11.2008 27.04.2009 09.2008 23. N.A.01.2009 12.B Forms and Returns as filed by the company with the Registrar of Companies / Central Government during the financial year ending on 31st March.2008 29.09.A N.06.01. 15.06.A.2009 02.A N.2009 18.07. 10. N. 6.10.2008 23. Filed u/s For Date of filing Whether filed within the prescribed time Yes/No.2008 06.02. 4.01.2008 15.A Yes Yes N.06.A N.10.07.2008 28.04. Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes If delay in filing whether required additional fee paid Yes/no.01.2009 27.10.2008 23.2008 27.03.2008 25.2008 23C 23 23 25C 32 32 17 8 8 8 23AC/ACA 23 20B 32 32 8 8 32 233B 192 192 269 303 303 138 125 125 125 220 192 159 303 303 125 125 303 31. Our choice is for businesses with technological barriers and /or engineering intensity. Fairness to all Innovative spirit Craftsmanship Entrepreneurial opportunism Development of individuals Harmonious coexistence To initially try to achieve the very best we can do. VALUES: l l l l l l 2. We want to become a learning organization to export technology from India. whether in manufacturing or services. and then improve further. Unconventional when convention comes in the way of business sense. VISION: HBL’s vision is to organize India’s engineering talent into a globally competitive business. Compensation based on value added rather than seniority or qualifications. Self learning. like Ekalavya. 3. Pride in being Indian.REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FOR THE YEAR 2008-09 Company’s Philosophy: The Company follows the Principles of Corporate Governance: 1. THE HBL WAY: l l l l l Annual Report 2008-09 20 . of Meeting held 6 3 No.01. 3 are Executive Directors. Details of Changes in Directorship during the year 2008-09 Name Status No. No.2008.2009. V V Rao nominee of IDBI appointed as Director with effect from 07.01.10. Ashok Nagarkatti Executive Whole-Time Director Director Mr.Board of Directors Composition and Category of Directors as on 31st March 2009: In pursuance of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement the Board consists of 8 Directors: 4 are Independent Directors.) D Chitra Rao at the meeting held on 3. of Meetings attended Nil 2 Attendance at Last AGM No No Date of joining 30. Name & Designation Category No of Meetings Held 6 No of Meetings Attended 6 No of other Directorships 2 Attendance at last AGM Yes 1 Dr. (Smt.2009 at the meeting held on 30. Preeti Khandelwal.2008 Mr. A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director Promoter & Executive Director 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mr.2009 07.2006 13. Preeti Khandelwal # Director Independent Director *Mr.) D Chitra Rao Independent Director Nominee Director Annual Report 2008-09 21 .M Kavita Prasad Non-Executive Director Director Mr. Sl. J K Verma Executive Whole-Time Director Director Mrs.10. P Ganapati Rao Director Independent Director Independent Director 6 6 6 2 6 6 - 4 6 2 6 5 - 1 Nil 4 1 Nil 23 1 No Yes No NA No No NA Mr.5.10. which includes the Chairman and Managing Director and 1 Director is a non-executive promoter director. M S Ramakrishna Independent Director Director Mrs. #Mrs. V V Rao* Nominee Director Mr.10. (Smt.2008 in place of Dr. appointed as an Additional Director with effect from 02. S N Rajesh Dr.2003 Date of Cessation 30.03. 000 Mrs.60 lakhs as rental charges for the premises owned by her. A J Prasad Mr. M S Ramakrishna Dr.423 15.49. Directors Remuneration for the year ended March 31. in Rs 6. The gap was on account of resignation of one Independent Director on 30.03.Battery Technology Director-Operations Remuneration Paid for the year (Rs.(Smt.e.943 43.) 10. 2009 Directors Remuneration Committee: There have been no major changes in the Composition and compensation of the Board and hence the need is not yet felt for forming of such a Committee.2009 to 02.000 6.000 2. 2008 iv) 3rd October.000 5. Director has been paid Rs. such vacancy was filled by appointing a new Independent Director with effect from 02. which was under lease to the Company. Meetings of the Board of Directors: During the financial year 2008-09.03. 2008 ii) 25th June.2009 the Board has 4 Independent Directors out of a total strength of 8 Directors. M Kavita Prasad.000 2. A J Prasad Grand Total Designation Chairman and Managing Director Director.896 17.36.000 21. M Kavita Prasad Mr.10. J K Verma Total Add: Commission on profit to Dr.01. Board consisted only 3 Independent Directors as against stipulated 4 Independent Directors.3. Name of Directors Mrs.70.000 4. Annual Report 2008-09 22 .) D Chitra Rao Mr. The Company shall continue to comply with the code of Corporate Governance in respect of Composition of the Board.2009. 2009: Name of the Directors Dr.35. Ashok Nagarkatti Mr.75.2009 out of 7 Directors in the Board.88.03. 2008 v) 3rd November. there were six meetings of the Board of Directors: i) 23rd April.262 4. S N Rajesh Mrs. 2008 iii) 28th July.262 Non-Executive Director and Independent Directors were paid sitting fees for the Board meetings attended by them.2009 i.26. 2008 vi) 30th January. V V Rao Mr.During the period from 30.01. Preeti Khandelwal Total Meetings Held 6 6 6 3 2 6 NA Meetings Attended 6 6 5 2 2 NIL NA Sitting Fees Paid. within 180 days period of such resignation as permitted in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement and as on 31. P Ganapathi Rao Mr. The Audit Committee consists of three Non-Executive Members out of which two are Independent Directors. M Kavita Prasad Dr. 3rd November 2008 and 30th January 2009 respectively.The Audit Committee has been reconstituted on 25th April 2005 and on 3rd October. of meetings attended 4 4 1 1 The agenda and minutes of the Audit Committee was dicussed and ratified by the Board at subsequent meetings. l Reviewing management and annual financial statements before submission to the Board. (Smt. 1956. P Ganapati Rao Mrs.) D Chitra Rao Mr. V V Rao Status Member & Chairman of the Committee Member Member Member Membership Status Independent Director Non-Executive Director Independent Director Independent Director No. Chief Finance Officer Mr. 28th July 2008. fixation of audit fee and also approval for payment for any other services. s Major accounting entries based on exercise of judgment by management. focusing primarily on: s Changes in accounting policies and practices. 2008. s The method of Capitalization of the Capital WIP/Assets s Significant adjustments arising out of audit. having in-depth financial and accounting knowledge. The Chairman of the Committee and other two members are professionals in their respective fields of activity with vast experience. Name of the Director Mr. l Recommending the appointment and removal of external auditors. Annual Report 2008-09 23 . The Company Secretary of the Company is the Ex-Officio Secretary of the Audit Committee. The terms of reference of the Audit Committee are broadly as under: l Overview of the Company’s financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statements reflect a true and fair position and that sufficient and credible information is disclosed. Terms of Reference & Composition: Terms of reference of this committee cover the matters under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement and Section 292A of the Companies Act. l Reviewing the financial statements including quarterly/half yearly financial information.Audit Committee: 1. P Satish Kumar and Auditors are invitees to meetings. l Discussion with external auditors before the audit commences of the nature and scope of audit as well as post-audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern. The Committee met Four times (4 meetings) during year on 25th June 2008. P Ganapathi Rao Dr. Reviewing adequacy of internal control system with the management. 1st September. 2008. due to changes in composition of the Board. Composition: Mrs. Nature of Complaints /Query Opening Balance of Complaints / Queries Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Number of Complaints/ Queries received 32 04 03 07 46 Number of Complaints/ Queries attended 32 04 03 07 46 Number of Complaints pending Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Chairperson of the Committee Member Member Member 1 2 3 4 Non-receipt of Dividend Warrants Non-receipt of Securities Non Receipt of Stickers Against payment of Allotment Money for the IPO of 1992. (Smt. 2008. The Committee met on 15th April. M Kavita Prasad Mr. No. 2008. Reviewing the company’s financial and risk management policies. 2008. 2008. 30th October. Disclosure of contingent liabilities. 2009 and 31st March. M S Ramakrishna Mr. Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function. 2008. 10th January. 2008. approval of audit plan and its execution. D Mabu Basha.) D Chitra Rao (Since Resigned) Mr. Remat. and to address the Investors grievances. 11th August. l l Share Transfer/ Investors Grievances Committee: The Share Transfer Committee has been reconstituted on 25th April 2005 and on 3rd October. Sl. 30th April. 2009. Details of Investor Complaints/Queries during the year 2008-09. Compliance with Stock Exchanges and legal requirement concerning financial statements. etc. Company Secretary is the Compliance Officer. Demat. staffing and seniority of the official heading the department. To look after the Transfer of Shares. the structure of the internal audit report. 20th August. 2008. 20th September. 2008. external and internal auditors. 2008. 21st July 2008. 10th December. Discussion with internal auditors of any significant findings and follow-up-thereon. 28th February.s s s l l l Compliance with accounting standards. coverage and frequency of internal audit. Related party transactions as per Accounting Standard 18. report structure. 2009. 20th June. Non-receipt of Share Certificates after Transfer TOTAL Annual Report 2008-09 24 . Preeti Khandelwal No. Hyderabad-500 004 -do-doTime 4.Venue and Time of the last three Annual General Meetings: Date September 4. 2008 Venue Federation of AP Chambers of Commerce & Industry.30 P. However. Red Hills. No. 2. It is this meticulous functioning and close monitoring that the company has a distinct advantage of reducing the hazards is it a Business or Financial risk or Legal and Statutory risk or a Management risk. Risk Management: The Board has been very meticulous in making aware all the members about the potential hazards that the company can be exposed to. 1. Annual Declaration regarding compliance with code is obtained from every person covered by the code. 3. of Special Resolutions Passed 4 September 26. Name Mrs.03.code of conduct: The Company has framed a Code for Prevention of Insider Trading based on SEBI [Insider Trading] Regulations.465 Nil Nil Nil Nil % 1. No. all the related party transactions required to be disclosed as per AS 18 are given in the annual accounts for the year under review.03. V V Rao Mr.M 3 2 The resolutions were passed on show of hands with requisite majority Postal Ballot: The Company has not availed the benefits of Postal Ballot during the year. M S Ramakrishna Mrs.M. 2006 4. of Shares held 4.00 P. The code ensures the prevention of dealing in shares by persons having access to unpublished price sensitive information. This code is applicable to all Directors/Designated Senior Manegement Personnel and it is posted on website of the company. 4. 5. 4. Shareholding of Non executive directors as on 31.00P. Prevention of Insider Trading . Disclosures: Related Party Transactions: There are no materially significant related party transactions having potential conflict with the interests of the Company.2009: Sl. P Ganapathi Rao Mr. 1992. In fact the very Philosophy of the Corporate Governance vouches the effort in imparting the right education and management practices at functional level. 2007 September 30.M.66 Nil Nil Nil Nil Annual Report 2008-09 25 . M Kavita Prasad Mr. A declaration to this effect signed by CEO is forming part of this report. Time & Venue Forth Coming Annual General Meeting Financial Year Financial Reporting First quarter ending 30/6/08 Half-year Ending 30/9/08 Third quarter ending 31/12/08 Audited Annual Results Dates of Book-Closure Dividend Registered Office : 17th September 2009 at 4. but no personnel is being denied access to the Audit Committee. Whistle Blower Policy: The company does not have any Whistle Blower Policy as of now.500 034 2. Quarterly/Annual Financial results.09. Red Hills.Compliances by the Company: The company has complied with the requirements of the Stock Exchange.2009 to 17. 2009 From 10. In accordance with Clause 51 of the Listing Agreement the Company has displayed the Shareholding pattern. There were no non-compliance issues raised either by SEBI or Stock Exchanges for the transactions of the Company during last three years. 1956 to this Annual Report. : : : : : : : : : Annual Report 2008-09 26 . 2009 25th June. SEBI and other statutory authorities on all matters related to capital market. The financial results of the Company are usually published either in Business Line or The Financial Express (English) and Andhra Prabha or Andhra Bhoomi (Telugu). Hence the Company is unable to attach the financial statements of UK subsidiary. (SEBI website) maintained by National Informatics Centre (NIC).2009 (Both days inclusive) Dividend on Equity Share Capital @30% 8-2-601.10.nic. Annual Report and other compliances as required under the corporate governance guidelines on the Electronic Data Information Filing and Retrieval (EDIFAR) System website at: www. 4. in pursuance to Section 212 of the Companies Federation of AP Chambers of Commerce and Industry.hbl. 2008 3rd for the information of shareholders and public. General Shareholder Information: 1. Surana Udyog Auditorium. 2008 30th January. Non Mandatory Requirement: The Company not adopted the Non Mandatory Requirement as specified in annexure 1D of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.sebiedifar. 3. Banjara Hills. This has resulted in having an operational difficulty resulting in the Accounts/ Financial Statements are not being available for presenting the Group performance by consolidating all the Information / Financial Statements. Hyderabad . Road no.09. The Company has also been facing claims on its Subsidiary in UK on account of Trademark’s violation in the UK.00 p. Date. 5.500 004 Financial year 2008-09 28th July. Hyderabad . Means of Communications: The Company has displayed its financial results on websites at www. 6.. AP 1.6. 040-23420815-20 Fax: 040-23420859 E-mail : mailmanager@karvy. 27795434 Fax: 040-27795419 E-Mail: contact@hbl. S Krishnan. AP Nandigoan(V). 2. Haryana 7. Listing on Stock Exchanges : : : : Bombay Stock Exchange Limited.. AP Haridwar. D Mabu Basha Phone: 040-27791641. 4. Shameerpet(M). Senior Manager Phone nos. Secretarial Office : 8. Mumbai National Stock Exchange of India Limited. Hyderabad-500081 Contact Person: Mr. Shameerpet(M). AP Thumkunta(V). Madhapur.. Aliabad(V). Mahabubnagar Dist. AP Kandivalasa(V).Poosapatirega(M). Bhoothpur. 5. Secunderabad . 3. RR Dist. Kubera Towers Trimulgherry. Plant Locations : 9.(M) Mahabubnagar Dist. Visakhapatnam. Kothur(M). Manesar. Stock Code-BSE : BSE/ NSE Trading name Demat ISIN number: Annual Report 2008-09 27 . Mumbai 517271 HBL P SYS/ HBLPOWER INE 292BO1013 10. Registrars for Electronic Transfer and Physical Transfer of Shares : 8. RR M/S Karvy Computershare Private Limited 17-24. AP Seripally (V). Vizianagaram Dist. Uttarakhand [email protected] 015 Contact person: Mr. 7. Vittal Rao Nagar.. 00 SHARE PRICE 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 JAug 08 June 08 Apr-08 July 08 Sept 08 May 08 Nov 08 Dec 08 Mar 09 Oct 08 Feb 09 Jan 09 PRICE (HIGH & LOW) High (Rs.36.68.10 180.13.00 2.822.00 2.436.00 58.580.00 51.00 300.00 320.31.00 225.00 160.29. Stock Market Price Data during 2008-09: Quoted at The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited. of Shares Traded 31187 18921 27429 18990 81751 95152 28019 136150 83481 15341 58552 189895 Turnover Rs.20 120. Mumbai Month April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 High Price 334.41.00 240.926.00 21.493.90 116.00 250.80 117.20 Close Price 306.25.96.00 274.51.00 1.) Low (Rs.00 Low Price 260.34.) MONTH Annual Report 2008-09 28 .79.00 70.30 294.95 330.00 179.00 51.00 309.218.00 291.15 104.78.990.391.612.00 1.00 68.80 128.00 90. 94.70 No.00 260.25 315.05 115.00 202.28.10 123.00 111.10 115.55 104.00 134.00 312.11.80 252.10 145.31.00 260. 240 1.48 100. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Category From .32 0.646 — — 65. Distribution of Shareholding as on 31st March 2009: Shareholder Category a) Indian Promoters and relatives b) Foreign promoters c) Foreign Collaborator d) Others (Public.45.64 14.30000 30001 .) Total Distribution of Shareholding as on 31st March 2009 as follows: Sl.85 0.630 24. Bodies Corporate.86 92.76.20 0.520 17.61 1. etc.27.87 — — 27.40000 40001 .42.10.00 No.To 1 5001 .10000 No.21 0.June 08 May 08 Sept 08 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 u n n u u u u u u u u u u n n u n u n n n n High (Rs.909 2.20000 20001 .50000 50001 .13 100.5000 .00 Amount (Rs.) n n n n Apr-08 July 08 Aug 08 Nov 08 MONTH 12.890 20.65 2.) Low (Rs.70 0.52 100.34 % of Amount 3.) 89.555 % of Shares held 72.39. of Shares held 1.140 22.27 0.210 25.00 10001 .100000 100001 and above Total Mar 09 Dec 08 Oct 08 Feb 09 Jan 09 Annual Report 2008-09 29 . of shareholders 8368 233 165 57 19 18 29 40 8929 % of shareholders 93.970 8.58 0. 2003 to 23.09. Transfers / Transmissions which are complete in all respects are processed and the Demat-cum-Transfer Option Letter sent to the shareholder giving 30 days time to exercise their option.662 3.2007 01.2005 25.11. Book Closure / Record Date Unclaimed Dividend as on 09.2013 09.2010 24.08. It is the Company’s Moral responsibility to inform that those shareholders who have not claimed the dividend amount of respective years do lodge their claim as early as possible with the Company.11.2012 13.09.485 3. the entitlement for any such claims would have to be forfeited. to 04. Share Transfer System: As per notification issued by SEBI.2006 26.09.2008.2014 14. The Company has appointed M/s Karvy Computershare Private Limited as Registrars and Share Transfer Agents for share transfer work. 3.51.097 2.662 3.76.2008 14.19.09. the company is sending physical share certificates to the shareholders immediately after transfer.09. Accordingly the Company has transferred the unclaimed dividend amount to IEPF for the financial year 1997-98 on 21st November 2005. Unclaimed Dividend: From the financial year 1997-98 Unclaimed dividend has to be transferred to ‘the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF)’ established by Central Government. Annual Report 2008-09 30 . 1998-99 on 12.40.068 2. Please note that once the Unclaimed Dividend is transferred to IEPF.2008 15% 12% 15% 15% 15% 15% and 1999-2000 on 29.485 2.64. the shares of the Company are traded compulsorily in dematerialised form by all investors with effect from 8th May.2004 to 23. Since the Transfer cum Demat Scheme was withdrawn by SEBI with effect from 6/2/2004. 14.2007 04.09.2003 23.09.901 18.10.788 3. 2000.2005 to 24.2003 16.11. AGM in which Dividend Declared 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd Date of Declaration of Dividend Rate of Dividend Total Dividend Rs.2009 Rs.2005 30.86.2006 20.2007 to 26. The Company processes shares sent for transfer or transmission thrice every month. The share transfers / transmissions takes around 15 days time. If the shareholder does not exercise the option within 30 days the concerned physical share certificates is sent to the shareholder. to 30.13.418 Due for transfer to IEPF 23.632 3.01. Government of India.01. .555 16. should be addressed to the Company’s offices mentioned above or its Registrars. ADRs. transmissions of shares. For and on behalf of the Board Place: Date: Hyderabad 30th July 2009 Dr A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director DECLERATION As provided under Cluase 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchange the Board Members and the Senior Management Personnel has affiremed to the compliance with code of conduct for the year ended 31st March. 15.50.2009: Form of existence Dematerialized Agency Central Depositaries Securities Limited (CDSL) National Securities Depositories Limited (NSDL) Total No of Share Holders 1. Compliance Certificate: The Certificate on Compliance with Corporate Governance by the Company from Statutory Auditor as required under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement is annexed.36. or non receipt of dividend warrants. Outstanding GDRs.00 In case of enquiries relating to shareholders accounting records.02.03.25. change of addresses for physical shares.Dematerialization of shares and liquidity as on 31.12 -do- 4.213 67.929 39. Warrants or Convertible Instruments etc.122 No of shares 1. 2009.895 % of Total Issued Capital 56.928 2. 17. loss of share certificates etc.42. For and on behalf of the Board Place: Date: Hyderabad 30th July 2009 Dr A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director Annual Report 2008-09 31 . as on date: Nil 16.27 100.732 27. CEO and CFO Certification: The certificate from CEO and CFO of the Company regarding Compliance under Clause 49 of the Listing agreement is annexed. share transfers.594 8.79.61 Physical 3. Chief Finance Officer. no transactions entered into by the Company during the year ended 31st March. Place: Hyderabad Date: 30. applicable laws and regulations. 2009 are fraudulent. There has not been any significant changes in accounting policies apart from change in the Depreciation Policy with regard to Dies & Moulds requiring disclosure in the note forming part of Financial statement. Chairman and Managing Director and P Satish Kumar. of which we are aware have been disclosed to the Statutory Auditors and Audit Committee and steps have been taken to rectify these deficiencies. These statements together present a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing Accounting Standards. responsible for the financial functions certify that: a) We have reviewed the financial statements and cash flow statement to the best of our knowledge and belief. We accept responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal control for financial reporting and we have evaluated the effectiveness of the internal control systems of the Company pertaining to financial reporting.2009 P Satish Kumar Chief Finance Officer A J Prasad Chairman and Managing Director Annual Report 2008-09 32 . i) ii) There has not been any significant changes in internal control over financial reporting during the year under reference. if any. i) ii) b) These statements do not contain any material untrue statements or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading. and c) d) iii) We are not aware of any instance during the year of any significant fraud with involvement therein of the management or any employee having a significant role in the Company’s internal control system over financial reporting. Deficiencies in the design or operation of such internal controls. A J Prasad.07. To the best of our knowledge and belief.CEO AND CFO CERTIFICATION We. illegal or violative of the Company’s code of conduct. 03. Seshagiri Rao Partner Membership No.01. However.09 and thus replaced by a new Independent Director within the permitted period of 180 days form the date of such resignation.f. the Chairman being Independent Director. in the meetings held on July 28. However. 2008 and November 3. The Chairman of the audit committee was not present at the last Annual General Meeting held on September 4. The gap was due to resignation of one Independent Director on 30.03. we certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the above mentioned listing agreement. The Compliance of conditions of corporate governance is the responsibility of the management. for Satyanarayana & Co.09 to 02. out of 7 Directors in the Board. Audit Committee: The audit committee has 3 directors as members. the quorum of the audit committee shall be minimum of two Independent Directors present.: 18523 Place : Hyderabad Date: 30th July. 2009 Annual Report 2008-09 33 .01. Our examination was limited to procedures and implementation thereof. 2008. 2008 only one Independent Director was present besides non-executive Director. Further. 02. We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company. out of which two are Independent and one Nonexecutive. the Board has filled the vacancy by appointing a new Independent Director w. adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance of the conditions of the Corporate Governance.e. We state that no investor grievances are pending for a period exceeding one month against the Company as per the record maintained by the Shareholders / Investors Grievance Committee. Chartered Accountants Ch.09.09. Composition of the Board: For the period from 30. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us and subject to the following.AUDITORS’ CERTIFICATE ON COMPLIANCE OF CONDITIONS OF CORPORATE GOVERNANACE UNDER CLAUSE 49 OF THE LISTING AGREEMENT To The Members of M/s HBL Power Systems Limited We have examined the compliance of conditions of corporate governance by HBL Power Systems Limited for the year ended 31st March 2009 as stipulated under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of the said Company with Stock Exchanges. there were only 3 Independent Directors as against stipulated 4 Independent Directors. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company. One of the two major Defence Electronics tenders (referred to in last years report) has been cancelled and will be refloated.12. the development budget has steadily gone up to about Rs. will also export to several other markets beyond meeting the demand in Saudi Arabia itself. and for HBL Defence and Railway Electronics were both new businesses in 2000. each contributing 30% of the equity and HBL 40%. ELECTRONICS: HBL ELTA commenced exports and future prospects are commensurate to the scale of the investment. the SBI group and IDBI.11 is approximately 30 million US Dollars. VRLA and other lead batteries. There are two reputed local partners: Advanced Electronics Company. and later. HBL did not have any participation in exchange derivatives. given our lack of background and are similar to HBL’s success in developing specialized battery technology.40 crores on Electronics projects during the year. that HBL’s key customers are in strong industries. The main reason is. INVESTMNETS: The company invested about Rs. which created losses to many companies. 5 crores for 09-10. HBL signed an agreement to establish a joint venture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a manufacturing plant. Al Shuwayer & Sons T&C Company. This offered HBL some relief from global competition. Railway Electronic Signaling Products should be qualified during this year. the Indian Rupee depreciated even against the US dollar. This position has been further supported by HBL bankers. And. across various units. there is increased uncertainty and it is not wise to make a forecast of sales for FY 2010. From our initial miniscule outlays in 2000 . or may also be refloated. Nevertheless. The other may be decided by early 2010. The joint venture. called Gulf Batteries Company Ltd.01. The total project outlay. while the Chinese Remnimbi and other currencies appreciated. It is not uncommon to take ten years to establish a new business. Annual Report 2008-09 34 . The technical results are extraordinary. Management is confident that all the effort and investment in Electronics will yield good results during 2010 .54 crores on Battery projects and about Rs. This plant will initially produce Alkaline Nickel batteries. and Abdullah H. Finally. to be incurred during 2009 . whose investments are not influenced by short-term consumer discretion. in several projects. Delays have continued. BATTERIES: During 2008 -09. thus completing ten years. who were not affected by developments that impacted some banks (and consequently their clients). of course.Management Discussion and Analysis 2008-09 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT: Financial performance during 08-09 has been very satisfactory in spite of the slowdown that has badly impacted many industries during this period. although there has still been no set back as such. says: “HBL’s vision is to organize India’s engineering talent into a globally competitive business.50 and well within the norm of 1. These investments were financed by Term loans from banks and required margin money from HBL’s internal accruals. HBL is responding to changing realities. equipment. the company’s term debt/net worth ratio as on 31st March. Our deliverables in Railway and Defence Electronics already have a higher service component than batteries. plant and machinery. first printed over ten years ago. technology fees and miscellaneous fixed assets. And in India. many countries today can produce even nuclear weapons in spite of strenuous efforts by major governments. Despite increase in term loans. Annual Report 2008-09 35 . whether in Manufacturing or services. Future activities will be further along this direction. and which all HBL employees are expected to carry in their wallets. Our choice is for businesses with technological Barriers and/or engineering intensity”.The investments cover infrastructure like new factory and auxiliary buildings. Engineering intensity has recently become more prominent in services. and plans to gradually move into engineering services. FUTURE OUTLOOK: A small card.50. HBL does not expect is present competitive advantage to last forever. services are growing as a component of GDP. Technological barriers are not permanent. as compared to manufacturing. We want to become a learning organization to export technology from India. 2009 remained healthy at 0. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. b) Annual Report 2008-09 36 . As required by the Companies (Auditors Report) Order (CARO) 2003.AUDITORS’ REPORT To The Members of M/s. 2009. 4. evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. the Profit and Loss account. HBL POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED Hyderabad 1. HBL Power Systems Limited. and also the cash flow statement for the period ended on that date annexed thereto. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of M/s. An audit includes examining. we set out in the annexure a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said order. We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. issued by the Company Law Board in terms of Section 227 (4A) of the Companies Act. 17 of Schedule 20 The balances appearing under Sundry Debtors.13 of Schedule 20 regarding disclosure made under section 22 of the MSMED Act. The information is as compiled by the management and relied upon by us. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management. c) Reference is invited to Note No. 1956 and on the basis of such checks as we considered necessary and according to the information and explanations given to us. the impact of which is not quantifiable by us.000 towards damages which is not provided for the reasons explained in the notes referred to above. Reference is invited to Note No. Creditors. 3. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Attention is invited to Note 12 and Note 15 of Schedule 20 regarding change in the Accounting Policy with retrospective effect and Extraordinary items and the resultant impact on the accounts disclosed in the notes referred to. Advances to Suppliers / From Customers and claims recoverable are subject to confirmation / reconciliation and consequential adjustments. on a test basis. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatements. 5. Hyderabad as at March 31. 2006. Further the company has neither paid nor provided the applicable interest on such dues from the date the Act came into force and the amount of which is not ascertained. We are not in a position to comment on the non accountal of the same as the matter is reported to be ‘sub-judice’. 2. Our comments on the financial statements for the year are as under: a) Reference is invited to Note 5(h) Schedule 20(B) regarding legal case for infringement of ‘Trade Mark’ against the wholly owned subsidiary in UK and the Company which is also mentioned as 2nd defendant and the claim of UK Pounds 200. and taken on record by the Board of Directors. 1956 in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India: i) ii) iii) In the case of the Balance Sheet. 2009 from being appointed as a director in terms of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of sections 274 of the Companies Act. 18523 Annual Report 2008-09 37 . 2009. for Satyanarayana & Co. to the extent applicable. and In the case of Cash Flow Statement. Further to our Comments in the annexure referred to in paragraph 4 and subject to our comments given in paragraph 5 above. which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit. On the basis of the written representations received from the directors as on 31st March. we report that: a) b) c) d) We have obtained all the information and explanations. The Balance Sheet. we report that none of the directors is disqualified as on 31st March. of the Profit of the Company for the year ended on that date. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us. Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report comply with the accounting standards referred in sub section 3(c) of Section 211 of the Companies Act 1956. of the affairs of the Company as atMarch 31. give the information required by the Companies Act.5. In our opinion proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as appears from our examination of such books. Profit and Loss account and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account. In the case of the Profit & Loss Account. the Balance Sheet. the said accounts read together with the accounting policies and notes forming part of the accounts and further read with our comments given in the annexure referred to in Paragraph 4 and subject to comments given in Paragraph 5 above. 1956.. 2009. Chartered Accountants e) f) Hyderabad 25-06-2009 Ch Seshagiri Rao Partner Membership No. the impact of which is not quantifiable. In our opinion. of the cash flows for the year ended on that date. the procedures of physical verification of inventories followed by the management. between physical and book balances and the impact thereof. (iii) (a) The company has not granted any advances in the nature of Loan. Assetwise original cost / Depreciation / written down value and other relevant details / identification details. we are not in a position to comment on the discrepancies. the clause relating to receipt of the principal and interest is not applicable to the company. (iv) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us. the clause relating to rate of interest and other terms and conditions of loans given by the company is not applicable to the company. (ii) (a) The Inventories within the factory premises/stores have been physically verified by the management during the year and also at the year end. In the absence of physical verification. For material. Annexure referred to in Paragraph 4 of our report of even date : (i) (a) The Company has maintained yearwise particulars and record of Fixed Assets acquired showing the description. the clause relating to steps taken for recovery of the principal and interest on over dues of more than one lakh is not applicable to the company. (e) The company had taken unsecured loan from its Holding company in previous years and the loan has been paid back during the year. (b) The Fixed assets have not been physically verified by the management. (f) The rates of interest and other terms and conditions of such unsecured loans taken by the company.Reg : HBL Power Systems Ltd. (b) As the company has not granted any loans. the Company is maintaining proper records of inventory. if any. are reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the company and nature of its business. The discrepancies noticed on verification between physical stocks and book records were not material and such differences have been properly dealt with and physical inventories have been considered and valued for the purpose of financial statements. there have been shifting of location of Fixed Assets and interdivisional transfer of Assets. location and other particulars along with the costs incurred at the time of initial acquisition. the frequency of verification is reasonable. (c) The Company has not disposed off of fixed assets having. secured or unsecured to companies. the Company is yet to maintain and update the Assets register showing locationwise details. Subsequent to acquisition. (d) As the company has not granted any loans. (c) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us. there are adequate Annual Report 2008-09 38 . lying with subcontractors confirmations have been obtained in some cases. In our opinion. are primafacie not prejudicial to the interest of the company. However. (c) As the company has not granted any loans. (b) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us. 1956. firms or other parties covered in the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act. affect on going concern. however. 1956 have been made at mutually agreed prices having regard to the explanation that certain items purchased / sold are of special nature for which suitable alternatives do not exist to compare with prevailing market prices. Employee’s State Insurance. in our opinion.20 lakhs. (vii) The company has appointed a firm of Chartered Accountants to cover the internal audit function of certain manufacturing divisions and there is no internal audit system at Branches and certain manufacturing locations / divisions. (vi) The company has not accepted any deposits from public. needs to be streamlined and strengthened considering increasing volume of business and transactions. Income Tax. particularly in the areas of accounting of Input VAT / Input Service Tax. no major weakness have been noticed in the internal control in respect of these areas. no undisputed amounts payable in respect of Income Tax. review of vendors and customer balances for proper and timely accounting and identifying the relevant components of the costs relating to Fixed Assets / Capital Work in Progress and the Capitalisation thereof on erection / put to use. Custom Duty. However. Wealth Tax. Sales Tax. we are of the opinion that the particulars of contracts arrangements referred to in section 301 of the Companies Act. as at 31.03. Custom Duty. According to the information and explanations given to us.09 for a period more than six months from the date they became payable except sales tax of Rs. Excise Duty and Cess were in arrears. Excise Duty. the transactions made in pursuance of contracts or arrangements entered in the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act. 1956 and we are of the opinion that prima facie the prescribed accounts and records have been made and maintained. for purchase of inventory and fixed assets and for the sale of goods and services. the internal control procedures with regard to (a) Input VAT Credit. (viii)We have broadly reviewed the books of account maintained by the company pursuant to the Rules made by the Central Government for the maintenance of cost records under section 209(1)(d) of the Companies Act. made a detailed examination of the same. Annual Report 2008-09 39 . (c) obtention of balance confirmation from vendors and customers and review / reconciliation thereof with book balances. 1956 have been entered in the register required to be maintained under that section. Service Tax.49. We have not. (ix) (a) The company is regular in depositing with appropriate authorities undisputed statutory dues including Provident Fund. Service Tax. Sales Tax. Wealth Tax. to the extent applicable (b) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us. Cess and other material statutory duties applicable to it. the scope and coverage of internal audit wherever in existence needs to be enlarged to be commensurate with the size of the divisions and nature of business.internal control procedures commensurate with the size of the company and the nature of its business. Input Service Tax Credit available and utilization thereof (b) timely and prompt capitalization of Fixed Assets including linking the additions to the assets already in existence. Further. Investor Education Protection Fund. (v) (a) According to the information and explanations given to us. During the course of our audit. we are of the opinion that funds raised on short term basis have not been used for long term investment.77 CESAT . (xv) The company has given guarantee for loan sanctioned to a Joint Venture Company by Bank amounting to Rs.927.Lakhs 94. 2003 are not applicable to the Company.Bangalore Dy. Therefore.71 31. 2003 are not applicable to the Company. (xvii)According to the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the Balance Sheet of the company. The company also gave a corporate guarantee for USD 1079100 (Rs. the provisions of clause 4(xiii) of the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order. debentures or other investments. Commissioner. Mumbai Customs Act 4. (xi) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us.(b) According to the information and explanations given to us. not prejudicial to the interest of the company.A.546. (xix)The company has not issued any debentures. (xviii) During the year under review.96 9. (xii) The company has not granted loans and advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares. (xiii)The company is not a chit fund or Nidhi / Mutual benefit fund / society. the following demands have not been deposited on account of disputes.1600 lakhs which is beyond the scope of assets included in the sanctioned term loans.13 lakhs. the term loans raised by the company to the extent utilised were prima facie applied for the purpose of which the loans were obtained except for a capital expenditure of Rs. debentures and other securities. Chennai STAT . the company has not made any preferential allotment of shares to any parties and companies covered in the register maintained under section 301 of the Act. Classification of goods “ CST Act “ Rebate to customers disallowed Amount In Rs. the terms and conditions of which are prima facie.P (x) The company has no accumulated losses and it has not incurred cash losses during the financial year covered by our audit and in the immediately preceding financial year. Name of the statute Excise Act 1944 Nature of the dues Claim for duty on Intermediate goods emerged out of Jobworks and used in the manufacture of exempted Finished Goods. (xiv)The Company is not dealing in or trading in shares. (xvi)On the basis of the records examined by us and on the basis of review of utilisation of funds pertaining to term loans on an over all basis. securities. the provisions of Clause 4(xiv) of the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order. the company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to financial institutions and Banks. Therefore. Annual Report 2008-09 40 .85 Forum where the Dispute is pending Departmental Appeal before High Court.46 lakhs) to a foreign company towards advances paid to the said Joint Venture Company. for Satyanarayana & Co. we report that no fraud on or by the Company has been noticed or reported during the course of our audit. (xxi)Based upon the audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting true and fair view of the financial statements and as per the information and explanations given by the management.(xx) During the year the company has not raised funds on ‘Public issue’. Seshagiri Rao Partner Membershhip No. Hence disclosure on the end use of money is not applicable.18523 Hyderabad 25-06-2009 Annual Report 2008-09 41 . Chartered Accountants Ch. Chartered Accountants Ch Seshagiri Rao Partner M.70.695 42.683 4.479 66. Mabu Basha Company Secretary Annual Report 2008-09 42 . 2.No: 18523 Place : Hyderabad Date : 25th June 2009 As at March 31.79.973 17.48. 1 2 3 4 5 60.36.Balance Sheet as at March 31.06.361 2.459 Loans and Advances Inventories Receivables Cash & Bank Balances Loans & Advances Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions Current Liabilities Provisions Net Current Assets Miscellaneous expenditure (to the extent not written off) Preliminary Expenses Total Accounting Policies & Notes on Accounts Per Our Report of even date annexed for M/s Satyanarayana & Co.166 3.206 1.44.927. 1.54.133 3.43.192 47.95.551 9.000 1.045 6 7 8 9 12.15.746 11 20 On Behalf of the Board Dr A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director Place : Hyderabad Date : 25th June 2009 51.831 3. Kavita Prasad Director D.98.32.38. 2009 Rs.49.17.700 2009 Schedule Sources of Funds Share Holders Funds Share Capital Reserves and Surplus Loan Funds Secured Loans Unsecured Loans Deferred taxes Deferred Income Tax Total Application of Funds Fixed Assets Less: Depreciation to date Net Fixed Assets Intangible Assets Capital Works in Progress Investments Current Assets.67.368 2.674 6.247 81.725 34. 2008 Rs.510 14.15.290 10 1. As at March 31.35.910 M.550 2.944 24.45.515 8.35.156 7.57.088 5.615 3.166 2009 Particulars Income Gross sales Less : Duties and taxes Net sales Other Income Expenditure Material Cost Manufacturing Cost Employees Cost Administrative and Selling Cost Finance Cost Depreciation Amortisation of Intangible Assets Profit before extra-ordinary items Extra-ordinary items Profit before tax Less:Income Tax Provision Less:Wealth Tax Provision Less: Fringe Benefit Tax Provision Less:Deferred Tax liability/ (asset) for the year Less:Income & Wealth Tax Adj. 80.13.46 Year Ended March 31.850 1.09.16. relating to Previous Years Profit after Tax Surplus as per last Balance Sheet Less: Appropriations Transfer to General Reserve Provision for Dividend Tax on dividend Surplus Carried to Balance Sheet Earnings per Share ( Diluted) Accounting Policies & Notes on Accounts Per Our Report of even date annexed for M/s.04.442 7. 12.683 38.201 1.583 8.Profit & Loss Account for the Year ended March 31.No: 18523 Place : Hyderabad Date : 25th June 2009 Schedule 12 12A 13 Year Ended March 31.25.000 1.493 31.596 37.466 64.545 6.130 63.42.346 1.56.74. 2008 Rs. 1.63 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 On Behalf of the Board Dr A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director Place : Hyderabad Date : 25th June 2009 M.558 81. Seshagiri Rao Partner M. Mabu Basha Company Secretary Annual Report 2008-09 43 .17.78. Kavita Prasad Director D.89.825 59.26.000 88.785 69.201 27.402 1.000 3.000 1.853 5.000 8.569 9. 2009 Rs.196 27.000 15.061 9.389 1.143 1.20.000 2.33.730 12.97.085 46.760 72.665 Chartered Accountants Ch.75.799 17.Satyanarayana & Co.000 3.37.851 90.00.210 11.293 815 30.000 - 28.555 Equity shares of Rs.050 70.38. 60.08.550 Equity shares of Rs.17.23.133 35.236 37. 2009 Rs.27.000 each) Schedule : 2 Reserves and Surplus Capital Reserve Investment Subsidy from State Government Share Premium Account General Reserve Opening Balance Add:Transferred from Profit & Loss Account Surplus as per Profit & Loss Account Schedule : 3 Secured Loans Term Loan from IDBI Corp Loan IDBI Corp Loan(Project) IDBI Short term Loan SB Indore Corp Loan SB Indore Corp Loan(Project) SBI Corporate Loan SBI Adhoc Loan SBH Corporate Loan Exim Bank Corporate Loan Axis Bank Loan (Project) HDFC State Bank of India Short term Loan Cash Credit FCNR B Demand Loan As at March each (Previous Year 3.000 24.019 38.00. Schedule : 1 Share Capital Authorised 3.03.300 10.070.547 24.046 14.10 each (Previous Year 2.70.722 80.22.000 17.685 2008 Rs.300 55.000 87.000 66.242 17.00. Subscribed & Paid-up 2.000 Equity shares of Rs.098 15.33.000 30.10 each) Issued .201 Forming Part of Balance Sheet As at March 31.35.967 Annual Report 2008-09 44 .26.68.550 24.000 Equity shares of Rs.29.42. 61.30.000 5. 2009 Rs.36.973 4.979 Annual Report 2008-09 45 . 17.68.000 2.349 3.744 10.15.75.Schedules Forming Part of Balance Sheet As at March 31. 2008 Rs.00.37.107 1.665 1.44. Export Packing Credit Stand by line of credit State Bank of Hyderabad Cash Credit Export Packing Credit Stand by line of credit IDBI Bank Cash Credit Export Packing Credit State Bank of Indore Cash Credit SBI Factors Bills Discounted From Others Against Vehicles Against Equipment Schedule : 4 Unsecured Loans Interest Free Sales Tax Loan Inter Corporate Deposit from Holding Company Schedule : 5 Deferred Taxes Deferred Income Tax Liability Add : Deferred tax liability for the year 17.57.784 7.75.000 14.33.604 17.246 5.000 24.16.000 3.374 13 17 32.04.989 As at March 7. 8.00.031 10.291 4.000 8.16.887 Gross Block Additions Adjustments/ As On As On Deletions March 31.174 Sub Total (B) 9.674 *Amortisation during the year ** Reference is invited to Note No : 12 46 .63.84.495 Intangible Assets New Product Development Expenditure 9.09.433 30.05.090 3.170 3.23.725 Depreciation Block Net Block For the Adjustments/ As On As On As On Period Deletions March 31.091 91.13.681 Buildings .549 1.162 Plant & Machinery 2.11.344 1.19.894 42.65.515 2.45.851 5.97.549 3.45.492 92.127 2.43.169 12.525 Furniture & Fixtures 30.81.567 60.922 Schedule : 6 Fixed Assets (at Cost) As On Description April 1.44.934 1.94.876 Technical Library 15.637 44.06.964 1.684 29.336 6. 2009 April 1.38.657 3.83.10. in Rs.691 9.964 2.02.780 27.866 2. 2009 March Buildings .06.71.944 8.362 84.714 Vehicles 8.88.150 3.780 Sub Total (A) 3.56.241 * 1.848 1.710 6.10.80. 2008 14.944 3.636 43.69.801 2.174 Grand Total (A+B) 24.01.804 87.069 3.56.35. 2009 March 31.627 1.344 87.55.801 49.551 Land . 4.Freehold 12.68. 2008 Land .39.250 20.174 9.944 ** 27.318 69.Leasehold 6.549 Office Equipment 11.091 46.479 2.54.008 15.11.442 3.19.964 3.492 2008 60.808 23.515 6.81.680 1.65.549 2.973 Forming Part of Balance Sheet Annual Report 2008-09 Figs.06.669 Previous Year 25. of Face Shares Held A Trade .725 2.47.500 72.000 10.53.500 Aggregate Market Value of Quoted Investments Annual Report 2008-09 47 .000 Naval Systems & Technologies Pvt Ltd Kairos Engineering Ltd.48.00.500 72.95.200 1.Schedules Forming Part of Balance Sheet As at March 31. Schedule : 7 Capital Work in Progress (At Cost) Machinery under Erection Civil Works in Progress Advances for Capital Works/Equipment Pre-operative Expenses pending to be capitalised Schedule : 8 Investments (At Cost) No.628 14. Bhagirath Energy Systems (172160) Private Ltd.16.523 20.700 - 4.17.28.Quoted 200 10 (200) (10) Non Trade .00.Un quoted (Equity) 1 In Subsidiary Companies SBI Mutual Fund SBI-Infrastructure Fund-I-Growth SBI Mutual Fund SBI One India Fund Indian Lead Ltd - 15.569 34.48.000 9. 15.35.21. Nepal Less: Dimunition in Value provided for 93000 (93000) GBP 1 HBL (UK) Ltd Less: Provision HBL Power Systems(M)SDN BHD Malaysia HBL Elta Avionic Systems Pvt Ltd 1. 2008 Rs.02.25.Quoted 150000 As at March 31. Details 10 B C 100000 10 (100000) Non Trade .523 2. 2009 Rs.722 3.10.459 13.500 78.831 Value (Rs.000 29.000 29.543 7.000 172160 100 Nepal Rs.500 78.00.700 160000 1 RM (160000) 2 In Joint Venture Company 100000 10 (100000) 3 In Other Companies 41000 90000 (90000) 10 10 2.523 72.12.000 9.728 1.523 79.509 1.031 29.42. Loans and Advances A.Schedules Forming Part of Balance Sheet Schedule : 9 Current Assets.470 74.678 33.537 14.274 11.06.92. 1908 Lakhs less than 6 months as per payment terms) C. 28.04.009 1.188 17.16.785 12.26. valued and certified by the management) Raw Materials.785 30.825 8.49. 2008 Rs.82.775 2.218 9.851 10.015 Annual Report 2008-09 48 . 2009 Rs. 42.73.088 18.577 26.99.192 1.33.754 5. 14.486 42.624 5.71.235 2.79.770 81.58. Loans and Advances (Unsecured and Considered Good and recoverable in Cash or kind or for value to be received) Advance for investment pending allotment of shares Less : Provision Advances for Purchases and others Others Advances Excise & Customs Deposits Service Tax Input /VAT receivable Deposits with Government and Others Claims Recoverable Interest Accrued TOTAL (A+B+C+D) As at March 50. Sundry Debtors (Unsecured & Considered Good) For a period exceeding Six Months Less:Provision for bad and doubtful debts Others (note:Includes Rs. 52.83.921 25.98.472 2.140 1.534 1.70.350 28.89.757 18.95.493 4.048 6.19.973 As at March 31.998 2.580 1.74.547 2. Components & Consumables Stores & Spares Tools & Fixtures Semi Finished Goods Finished Goods Materials in Bonded Warehouse / Transit B.50.785 30.329 2.29.750 1.174 1.296 21.458 15.302 89.156 5.24. Cash and Bank Balances Cash on Hand Cheques on Hand Balances with Scheduled Banks in: Current Accounts No-lien accounts Dividend Current Account E E F C Accounts Fixed Deposits Margin Money Deposits D.55.943 14.368 41.98.895 Inventories (As taken. 000 54.075 contribution to valuable employee scheme Provision for Income Tax/Wealth Tax/FBT Less:Advance taxes paid on account Provision for Dividend Tax on dividend Tota (A+ B) Schedule : 11 Miscellaneous expenditure (to the extent not written off) Preliminary Expenses : Expenses on Preferential/Rights Issue as per last Balance Sheet Less: Amortised during the year 82.456 1.988 9.599 1.000 1.935 52. Schedule : 10 Current Liabilities and Provisions A.11.53.304 1.51.648 64.76.674 30.95. 2009 Rs.045 1.Schedules Forming Part of Balance Sheet As at March 31.64.000 74.360 3.135 1.13.917 24.494 supplies Sundry Creditors .56.95.for expenses Advances from Customers Advances for Projects Other Liabilities Directors Current Accounts Unpaid Dividend B. 16.913 1.94. Current Liabilities Bills Payable Sundry Creditors . 2.77.903 4.746 49.750 61.600 10.00.000 1.910 As at March 31.563 50.100 10.21.866 88.816 17.23.000 6.000 18.674 Annual Report 2008-09 49 .55. Provisions Provision for Excise & Custom Duty Provision for Commission on Profits Provision for Earned Leave Encashment Provision for Warranties Provision for.60.361 2. 2008 Rs. 945 Components & Other Material Consumed Freight Inward Less : Internal Capitalisation Job Work Charges Material Cost For the Year Ended March 31.92.154 1.406 2.782 29.01.821 5.911 7.37. 2009 Rs. 2.624 83. Material Cost Materials Consumed Materials.23.92.120 30. 12.78.701 Annual Report 2008-09 50 .305 78.617 15.27. 2008 Rs.296 7.571 Rent Received Gain on Redemption of Mutual Fund Profit on sale of assets Bad debts written off recovered Excess Provisions / Old Credit Balances no longer required written back Miscellaneous Income Duty Drawback Received Schedule : 14 A. 71.23.732 14.804 8.46.237 6.97.583 7.767 10.13.679 26. Schedule : 12 Gross Sales Domestic Sales Export Sales Installation Charges Received Works contract Receipts Service charges Received Testing Charges Received Schedule : 12 A Duties & Taxes Excise Duty Sales Tax Service Tax Schedule : 13 Other Income Interest Received (TDS Rs.17.14.150 1.86.448 29.776 11.73.000 1.81.772 1.053 1.35.500 41.169 10.209 5.590 35.801 6.29.354 6.85.569 3.37.730 1.58.Schedules Forming Part of Profit & Loss Account For the Year Ended March 31.61. 2008 Rs.71.73.252 4.85.156 4.244 11.86.187 (2.868 3.825 Wages & Bonus Contribution to Provident Fund & Other Funds Gratuity Staff Welfare Expenses Recruitment & Training Remuneration to Directors: Salaries & Allowances Commission on Profits Contribution to Provident Fund Other Perquisites 86. Increase / (Decrease) in Inventory i) Opening Stocks a) Finished Goods b) Semi Finished Goods ii) Closing Stocks a) Finished Goods b) Semi Finished Goods (A + B) Schedule : 15 Manufacturing Cost Power and Fuel Stores & Spares Consumed Factory Rent Tools & Fixtures Charged Off Testing Charges Schedule : 16 Employees Cost Salaries.06.943 74.085 43.16.943 55.434 10.016 3.80.322 4.423 26.06.115 5.517 Annual Report 2008-09 51 .658 84.000 2.60.Schedules Forming Part of Profit & Loss Account For the Year Ended March 31.758 80.274 33.192 73.646 42.37.683 5.844 4.497.029 16.483 For the Year Ended March 8.85.262 18.313 2. 2009 Rs.43.760 4.549 49.000 3.268 59.130 86.370 8.41.509 50.31.42. B.559 11.97.325 63.71. 1.70.837 2.058 38.559 84.102 3.250 1.135 6.734 For the Year Ended March 31.30.620 12.349 1.01.701 1.79.637 60.95.263 2.865 1.30.458 2.57.517 2.754 41.879 95.88.619 4.223 77.072 31.182 4.995 37.300 Annual Report 2008-09 52 .41.244 26.17.364 73.282 65.22.168 7.527 1.23.021 5.592 4.13.Schedules Forming Part of Profit & Loss Account Schedule : 17 Administrative and Selling Cost A.96.92.00. Selling Cost Freight Outward Freight and Insurance on exports Export Expenses Liquidated Damages Commission On Sales Commission On Export Sales Advertisement Business Promotion Membership & Subscription Transit Insurance Royalties On Sales Bad debts written off / Provision for Doubtful Debts Provision for Warranries Installation Charges paid Televan Hire Charges Other Selling Expenses For the Year Ended March 31.425 31.48.827 1.927 73.062 1.67.654 2.816 25.551 1.712 4.460 1.727 24.800 Administrative Cost Rent Rates & Taxes Excise duty paid Insurance Professional & Consultancy Charges Security Expenses Building & Garden Maintenance Office & Office Equipment Maintenance Vehicle Maintenance Maintenance . 71. Telephones & Telex Books & Periodicals Sundry Expenses Directors Sitting Fees Audit Fees Audit Expenses Debit Balances written off Donations B.09.317 1.20.770 2.71.624 58.122 2009 Rs.56.36.901 46.420 26.919 49. 2008 Rs.819 57.42.694 2.76.651 1.Others Conveyance Travelling Printing & Stationery Postage.500 10.624 2.000 1.000 33.21.377 38.12.776 95.99.113 2.86.460 81.92.548 7.64.89. 267 For the Year Ended March 31.523 10.69.51. C.721 31.83.145 3.10.552 62.683 (1.95.753 38.986 2.64.422 13.850 Annual Report 2008-09 53 .452 31.81. Others Loss on Assets Sold Capital Issue Expenses Rights Issue Expenses written off Preliminary Exp written off Prior Period Expenditure Consumption of Material Professional & Consultancy Charges Sundry Expenses Depreciation (A+B+C) Schedule : 18 Finance Cost Interest on Term Loans Interest on Bank Borrowings Interest on Unsecured Loans Bank Charges BG Charges LC Charges Less: Capitalised & Transferred to Pre Operative Expenses Schedule : 19 Extra-ordinary items Assets written off Projects Written off Provision for Dimunition in the value of Investments Provision against Advance for Investments 88.22. 2008 Rs.683 (52.834 1.59.781 8.523 2.69.404 57.39.949 3.553 1.523 (1.506 18.097 33.186 42.905 1.271) (20.327 1.346 1.Schedules Forming Part of Profit & Loss Account For the Year Ended March 31.692 72.88.414) 7.68. 2009 Rs.369 12.26.478) 20) (176.32 4792.86 3900.31 3130.22) Increase(+)/Decrease(-) in unsecured loans (745.29) ( beginning of the period Cash and Cash equiv.86 Net Cash flow from investing activities C CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Interest free sales tax loan received Proceeds from long-term borrowings 3766.50) Purchase(-)Sale(+) of Investments 25. at end of the period Cash and Cash equivalents Cash on hand Balances with Banks(current a/c & term deposits) Total NOTES TO THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2008-09 1 This statement is prepared as per Accounting Standard-3 (indirect method) 2 Previous year’s figures were re-grouped wherever necessary.28 21.72) Amortisation of Intangible Assets 102.26 8170.98 (9969.83 (29.Cash Flow Statement (As per Clause 32 of the Stock Exchange Listing Agreement) 31-Mar-09 A CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Profit before Tax and extraordinary items Assets written off (116.88) (9714.73) (5183.56 2515. Chartered Accountants Ch Seshagiri Rao Partner M.98) Projects written off (18.44) Increase(+)/Decrease(-) in Current Liabilities 1120.64) (8355. Kavita Prasad Director D. Per Our Report of even date annexed for M/s Satyanarayana & Co.09) (1375.09) Interest Paid (2422.20) (9476.00 Sale of fixed assets 120.82) 3377.47) (3653.37) Net Cashflow from Operating activities B CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of fixed assets (9622.28 15815.37) 14190.31 5433.78 (15789.73 6632.14 Operating Profit before working capital changes Increase(-)/Dec(+) in Sundry debtors (887.35 1.69 Loss on sale of fixed assets 0.00) Dividend payment (426.96 Annual Report 2008-09 54 .No: 18523 Place : Hyderabad Date : 25th June 2009 On Behalf of the Board Dr A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director Place : Hyderabad Date : 25th June 2009 M.84) Loss on Investment Provided Loss on Investment Advance Provided Depreciation 2783.97) (1536.40 4792.09) (1529.85) 162.31 14259.83) (8341.45) 10784.62 (555.18 Proceeds from working capital borrowings (1509.67 19252.95 Provisions 229.96 8170.69) Net cash flow used in financing activities NET INCREASE IN CASH and CASH EQUIVALENTS (A+B+C) Cash and Cash equiv.97 Interest 2422.14) 30.35) Rs lakhs 31-Mar-08 11129.65) Increase(-)/Dec(+) in Inventories (751.90) (3639.95 408.00 (426.01 8149. Mabu Basha Company Secretary 13818.83 2277.96 892.58 1375.48) 5432.88 Profit on sale of fixed assets (0.17) 18697.98 (0.10 4792.54 Cash generated from Operations Expenditure on employee VEBF Income taxes paid (4506.15 (4506.95) 1445.65 (72.61) Increase(-)/Decrease(+) in Loans & advances (36.56 Preliminary expenses written off 30.06) (1336.99 200.24 (13. wherever applicable. 6. b) Capital Work-in-Progress includes advances for capital items.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account Schedule: 20 Accounting Policies and Notes on Accounts A) Significant Accounting Policies 1. capital items under erection and pre-operative expenses pending allocation on the assets to be commissioned/ capitalised. less accumulated depreciation. 3. duties and taxes (net of CENVAT and VAT). Difference between the actual results and estimates are recognised in the period in which the results are known / materialised. Cost of acquisition of Fixed Assets is inclusive of freight. under Straight Line Method except for Dies & Moulds on which depreciation is charged @ 20% from the date of addition. 5. 4. The impairment loss recognised in prior accounting period is reversed if there has been a change in the estimate of recoverable amount. 7. Use of Estimates: The preparation of financial statements requires estimates and assumptions to be made that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities on the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. 1956. Intangible Assets: Related costs of Development expenditure incurred on the new products is recognised as intangible assets to be amortised over expected benefit periods commencing from the year in which such products are put to commercial use/sale. Fixed Assets: a) Fixed Assets are stated at Historical Cost. Impairment of Assets: An asset is treated as impaired when the carrying cost of the assets exceeds its recoverable value. Depreciation: Depreciation is provided in accordance with the rates and rules specified in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act. the Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the relevant provisions of the Indian Companies Act. Foreign Currency Transactions: a) Import of Material / Capital Equipment are accounted at the exchange rates at which the actual payments are made. Basis for preparation of accounts: The accounts have been prepared to comply in all material aspects with applicable accounting principles in India. Annual Report 2008-09 55 . b) Assets and Liabilities arising out of foreign exchange transactions are translated at the exchange rates ruling on the date of Balance Sheet and are suitably adjusted to the appropriate Revenue / Capital account. An impairment loss is recognised when an asset is identified as impaired. 2. and incidental expenses thereto and interest on direct borrowals up to commissioning. 1956. lease payments are recognised as expenses on straight line basis over the lease term. The finance charges are allocated to periods during the lease term and charged to revenue. 11. the fair value of the leased asset is recognised as an asset and corresponding liability is created. The Deferred tax Asset is recognised and carried forward only to the extent that there is realisable certainty that the Asset will be realised in future. b) Cost of materials is net of CENVAT /VAT on all the items. Contingent Assets are neither recognised nor disclosed in the financial statements. Provisions.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account 8. 14. except where the diminution in the value of investment. 10. 15. Assets taken under leases: a) In respect of Equipment taken under finance leases. Investments are carried at cost. Deferred Tax: Provision for Current Tax is made after considering admissible deductions under the provisions of the I. c) The Excise and Customs duties payable on finished goods and bonded stocks are included for the purpose of valuation. b) In respect of Equipment taken under operating lease. Works contract receipts are accounted on the basis of bills submitted and accepted by the customers. Issue Expenses: Expenditure incurred in connection with the issue of shares including Preferential / Rights issue is treated as Preliminary expenses to be amortised in five instalments in line with the provisions of Section 35D of the Income Tax Act. 13.T Act. Liquidated Damages: Liquidated Damages levied by customers for delayed supplies are accounted as expenditure after avenues for waiver/reduction are exhausted or on acceptance by the Company. Income Recognition: Sales revenue is recognised on despatch to customers as per terms of order. Consumables and Stores are valued at Weighted Average cost. 12. Deferred tax resulting from timing differences between book and taxable profit is accounted for using the tax rates and laws that are enacted or substantively enacted as on the Balance Sheet date. It does not include Inter-divisional Transfers. Annual Report 2008-09 56 . Finished Goods are valued at Weighted Average Cost of materials plus cost of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing them to their present location and condition or net realisable value whichever is lower. if any. Inventories are valued as under: a) Materials and Components. 9. Dividends are accounted for when received. d) Tools & Fixtures are valued at cost less amount charged off (at one third of the value each year). Gross Sales are inclusive of Excise duty and Central Sales tax and service tax collected. Work in Progress is valued at Weighted Average Cost of materials plus cost of conversion. is considered permanent by the management. Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets: Provisions involving substantial degree of estimation in measurement are recognised when there is a present obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that there will an outflow of resources. 1961. Contingent Liabilities are not recognised but are disclosed in the notes. J. Shameerpet Mandal. All the loans are also guaranteed by Managing Director. New Projects/Expansions: The Company’s projects under expansion to the extent completed/put to use have been capitalised and shown as additions to Fixed Assets. The Projects under progress are shown as ‘Capital Works in Progress’ which includes related expenditure on the Projects. The loan is also guaranteed by Managing Director and one Director in their personal capacity. Employee Benefits: a) Short-term employee benefits are recognised as an expense at the undiscounted amount in the profit and loss account of the year in which the related service is rendered. Actuarial gains and losses in respect of post employment and other long term benefits are charged to the profit and loss account. Yapral. b) Post employment and other long term employee benefits are recognised as an expense in the profit and loss account for the year in which the employee has rendered services. State Bank of Indore.J. at Bhootpur Village. Term Loans from HDFC. Prasad. GHMC. Ranga Reddy Dist. Term Loan from Axis Bank is secured by exclusive charge on the movable and immovable assets of the Company situated at Tumkunta Village.S. Ranipur. (save and except book debts and exclusive charges already created if any) situated at Lalgadi Malakpet and Aliabad Villages. Prasad. The loan is also guaranteed by Dr. b) The Working Capital Loans from the State Bank of India. The loan is also secured by a second charge on the current assets of the company. B) Notes Forming Part of Accounts for the period ended March 31. at Nandigaon Village. State Bank of Hyderabad. The loan is also guaranteed by Dr. Mahbubnagar Dist. Hyderabad are secured by an exclusive charge on the Flats at Hyderabad . Managing Director of the Company in his personal capacity. State Bank of Hyderabad and State Bank of India are secured by a first charge on the movable and immovable assets (both present and future) of the company. BHEL. A. Prasad. Managing Director and Smt. Gurgoan. Director in their Individual Capacity. at IMT Manesar. Haridwar (Uttaranchal). A. M Kavita Prasad. A. at Goverdhanpuri Colony. Vishakhapatnam and Kolkatta. Vijayanagaram Dist. Uma Devi in their personal capacities. and at VSEZ. IDBI Bank Ltd and State Bank of Indore are secured by a first charge on all the chargeable current assets and by a second charge on the fixed assets (both present and future) of the company. two other Directors of the Company. Short Term Loan from IDBI Bank Ltd to meet capital expenditure is secured by a demand promissory note and the Personal Guarantee of Dr. A. Secured Loans: a) Term Loans from IDBI. Visakhapatnam Dist. The expense is recognised at the present value of the amount payable determined using actuarial valuation techniques. Managing Director in his personal capacity. Ranga Reddy Dist. 2. Srinath and Smt. and at IIE.S.J. 2009: 1. at Kandivalasa Village.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account 16. Mahaboob Nagar Dist. Haryana. c) Hire Purchase Loans from Banks and Non Banking Finance Companies are secured by exclusive hypothecation of Equipment/Vehicles acquired under the respective loans and guaranteed by one Director of the Company in his personal capacity. Sri M. Annual Report 2008-09 57 . Interest Free Sales Tax Loan of Rs.19 ii) Contribution to Gratuity Fund (under Group Gratuity scheme of LIC of India using Projected unit credit method) 168. given as loan by Andhra Pradesh State Government to be repaid without interest after 14 years from the date of availment.36 Lakhs shown under Unsecured Loans represents the Sales Tax payable by the company. recognised as expense for the year are as under: 2008-09 2007-08 (Rs . Annual Report 2008-09 58 .10 Expenses recognised in the Profit and Loss account for the year (21. 155.41 307. As per Accounting Standard 15 “Employee Benefits”.in Lakhs) i) Employer’s Contribution to Provident Fund/ESI 405.56 10. 4.11) 128.20 57. interest cost and actuarial gains or losses.11 Less: Leave Encashed during the year 11. The loan requires creation of a charge on the assets of the Company.61 as per Actuarial Valuation under PUC method representing current service cost. Pending creation of charge.61 37.1716.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account 3.35 Actuarial assumptions: for Gratuity Mortality Table (LIC) 1994-96 1994-96 (Ultimate) (Ultimate) Withdrawal Rate 1% to 3% 1% to 3% depending on age depending on age Discount rate (per annum) Salary escalation (per annum) Valuation method Percentage funded as per LIC demand 8% 8% 4% 4% Projected Unit Projected Unit Credit (PUC) Credit (PUC) 100% 100% b) Defined Benefit Plan: The present value of obligation for Leave Encashment (encashable only at the time of retirement/resignation/death) is determined based on actuarial valuation using the PUC method and the same is charged to Profit and Loss Account (the obligation is not funded) 2008-09 2007-08 (Rs .01 Lakhs) Provision for Leave Encashment as per Actuarial Valuation of the beginning of the year.05 27.94 155.51 Provision required and held for Leave Encashment liability 122. the amount is shown under Unsecured Loans and will be regrouped under Secured Loans as and when charge is created. the disclosure of Employee benefits as defined in the Accounting Standard is given below: a) Defined Contribution Plan: Contribution to Defined Contribution Plan. 01) (81.56) (71.94 11.41 34. 8.56 (11.41 81.68) (81.45 (116.00% 23.68) - II III IV V Annual Report 2008-09 59 .11 2.00 24.68) (81.61 12.00% 4.00 155.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account I Assumption as at Mortality Interest/Discount Rate Rate of increase in compensation Rate of return (expected) on plan assets Employee Attrition Rate Expected average remaining service Changes in present value of obligations PVO at beginning value of period Interest cost Current Service Cost Benefits Paid Actuarial (gain)/loss on obligation PVO at end period Changes in fair value of plan assets Fair Value of Plan Assets at beginning of period Expected Returns on Plan Assets Contributions Benefit Paid Actuarial gain/(loss) on plant assets Fair Value of Plan Assets at end of period Fair Value of Plan Assets Fair Value of Plan Assets at beginning of period Actual Return on Plan Assets Contributions Benefit Paid Fair Value of Plan Assets at end of period Funded Status Excess of actual over estimated return on Plan Assets Actuarial Gain/(Loss) Recognized Actuarial Gain/(Loss) for the period (Obligation) Actuarial Gain/(Loss) for the period (Plan Assets) Total Gain/(Loss) for the period Actuarial Gain/(Loss) recognized for the period Unrecognised Actuarial Gain/(Loss) at end of period 31-Mar-09 31-Mar-08 LIC (1994-96) Ult.56) 11.32) 37.68 155.01 (10.00% 2.01 (10.00% 4.32) (71.56 (11.61 10.01) 10.00% 2.32 122.00% 8.32) (71.44) 71. 41 81. e) Guarantee given by the company to Bank for the loans sanctioned to M/s HBL Elta Avionics Systems Pvt Ltd (a JVC) . 155. Contingent Liabilities not provided for:All known and undisputed liabilities have been duly provided for.61 (32.56) 122.49 Lakhs (Previous year Rs.3558. Israel for US$ 1079100 equivalent to Rs.24 Lakhs).32 (32.3778. 927.41 2.Rs.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account VI Amounts to be recognized in the balance sheet and Statement of profit & loss account I PVO at end of period Fair Value of Plan Assets at end of period Funded Status Unrecognized Actuarial Gain/(Loss) Net Asset/(Liability) recognized in the balance sheet VII Expense recognized in the statement of P & L A/C Current Service Cost Interest cost Expected Return on Plan Assets Net Actuarial (Gain)/Loss recognized for the period Expense recognized in the statement of P &L A/C VIII Movements in the Liability recognized in Balance Sheet Opening Net Liability Expenses as above Contribution Paid Closing Net Liability 5.29 Lakhs (Previous year Rs.46 Lakhs (Previous year Nil). except following: a) Unexecuted portion of Letters of Credit opened by Banks Rs.45 71.32 Lakhs and the process of discharging the Legal Undertakings by the concerned authorities is at various stages. 10996.68 118.01) 155.13536. b) Guarantees issued on behalf of the Company by Bankers for which the Company gave counter guarantees Rs.546.11 118.50 122. 3344. d) Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for Rs.78 Lakhs) against which export obligation has been fulfilled to the extent of Rs.13 Lakhs. 1534.67) (11.67 Lakhs (Previous year Rs.13 Lakhs).52 Lakhs).94 37.50 (10.44) 12.927.72 Lakhs (Previous year Rs. 3399.94 155.61 (116.67) 34. 3285. f) Corporate Guarantee given by the company towards advance paid to HBL Elta Avionics Systems Pvt Ltd (a JVC) by IAI Elta Systems Ltd.58 Lakhs). c) Legal Undertakings given to Custom’s Authorities for clearing the materials at Nil or Concessional rate of duty pending fulfilment of export obligations Rs. (Previous year Rs. 3096.61 - Annual Report 2008-09 60 . Y 05-06. Annual Report 2008-09 61 . (BES) a wholly owned Subsidiary Company in Nepal is in the process of winding up and hence the latest audited statement are not available.24 Lakhs remitted towards share capital is shown under loans and advances pending allotment of shares.85 Lakhs (previous year Rs.95 Lakhs).9. 9. Customs Duty claim of Rs. 7.67 Lakhs (Previous year Rs.Y 08-09 is provided considering the deductions and reliefs available as per the Provisions of the I. the Investment (Rs. M/s Bhagirath Energy Systems Private Limited.14. the claim may not be devolved on the Company and hence no Provision is considered necessary for the said amount.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account g) Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts: l l l l Excise Duty claim of Rs 94. will be accounted after completion/finalisation of the assessments. from out of taxes paid and charged to revenue in respect of matters pending before appellate authorities will be accounted as and when settled/received. 26. Refunds. Further a sum of Rs. 26. Considering the liquidation proceedings and the non-availability of the financial statements of the Subsidiary Company. 94. 36.000. 36.30. and other dues (Rs.T. Advance against Investment (Rs. This loss is considered temporary and hence no provision is made in the accounts for the fall in value of investment.03. 1961. 8.29 Lakhs).72.2009.67 Lakhs) Other Claims of Rs.51 Lakhs up to 31. Subsequent to the above referred Court Order dated 08/02/06.40 Lakhs) have been fully provided for in these financial statements.. London and where in HBL Power Systems Ltd. 16. winding up proceedings of the subsidiary have been initiated and its financial statements are not available.2009.03. 3. (formerly known as HBL Nife Power Systems Ltd) was mentioned as 2nd defendant.2005. On February 8.77 Lakhs). restraining the defendants against infringement of UK trademark and claimed a damage of £200.85 Lakhs). Current Tax for F.03. if any. In view of the negotiations for settlement of the disputes. London passed an order against the Company’s subsidiary and the Company.25 Lakhs) h) SAFT AB (earlier known as SAB Nife AB) has initiated legal proceedings for infringement of its trademark against the company’s subsidiary HBL Nife (UK) Limited in the Royal Court of Chancery Division.16. 2006 the Royal Court of Chancery Division.77 Lakhs (previous year Rs. 6.52 Lakhs for the year and accumulated loss of Rs. if any.25 Lakhs (Previous year Rs. Act. HBL Power Systems (M) SDN BHD a subsidiary company in Malaysia has reported a Profit of Rs. Sales Tax (CST) claims of Rs 9. Provision for diminution in the value of investment has been made based on Official Liquidator’s Certificate of cash available as on 31. The liability in respect of pending assessments. No further provision is considered necessary as there is no reduction in cash balance as on 31. The Company’s assessments were completed up to F. The Company has paid tax dues in respect of Income Tax/Wealth tax/Fringe Benefit tax for the past assessments years based on the returns filed/assessments completed and charged off the same to revenue. 03.70 5 Others 14.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account 10.26 “intangible assets” are as follows: Intangible Opening Amortisation Closing Balance Asset balance during the year as an 31.29 lakhs for the year 2008-09 with consequent reduction in the Profit for the year by Rs. 2006-07 and it is decided to amortise such value in 5 equal annual instalments and accordingly Rs.70 3.84 1302.81 lakhs up to F.130.09 1302.30 lakhs. a) During the year the company started commercial activity of certain Intangible Assets on which the company incurred expenditure of Rs. The value of which as on 31-03-2009 is Rs.56 Lakhs Rs.11 Lakhs Rs.2008 New Products Rs. Depreciation on Dies & Moulds was charged as per rates provided in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act.07 will be made upon commercial operations/use of the products developed.2009 (Internally as on Generated) 01. Long Term Capital Loss 8. During the year. amortisation of the expenditure incurred up to 2006.55 Lakhs Development 12.72 4. b) The development activity of certain Intangible Assets (Products under Development) is almost completed and commercial operations are expected shortly after acceptance/ approval by the customers.512. This change in the policy has resulted in an additional depreciation of Rs. Hitherto.72 8. Contribution to Valuable Employees Scheme 3.56 lakhs is charged to Profit & Loss account. In Lakhs) Deferred Tax Current Year Previous Year Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities 1.906. Annual Report 2008-09 62 . Major components of deferred tax assets and liabilities arising on account of timing differences are: (Rs.Y.04.94 3. 611.42 1503.94 11.67 lakhs.67 Total 12.741. it has been decided to change the accounting policy with retrospective effect by charging depreciation @ 20% from the date of additions considering the wear and tear assessed technically.393.38 lakhs up to 31-03-2008 and Rs. 803.84 27.102. c) Disclosure required by Accounting Standard. Depreciation 1503.102. 2009 as on 31.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account 13. 14.00 1973. small and medium enterprises. The interest payable will be accounted as and when paid. Limited The Company’s interest in this joint Venture is reported under the Head Investment (Schedule8) and stated at cost.Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures : The Company’s interest in Joint Venture (Jointly controlled entities): S.40 Note: The information has been given in respect of only those suppliers who have intimated the Company that they are registered as micro. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act.03. Income and Expenses (each without elimination of the effect of transaction between the Company and joint venture) interest in joint venture based on unaudited financial statements as on 31-03-2009 is as under : Country of Incorporation India Percentage of Percentage of ownership interest ownership interest as on 31. However. 2006 (MSMED Act) as at March 31. 2009.17 1. 2009 Principal amount Interest ii) The amount of interest paid by the Company along with the amounts of the payment made to the supplier beyond the appointed day for the year ending March 31. the company’s share of each of the Assets and Liabilities. Principal amount Interest iii) The amount of interest due and payable for the period of delay in making payment (beyond the appointed day during the year) iv) The amount of interest accrued and remaining unpaid for the year ending March 31.40 Not Available 29. 2009.03. in Lakhs) i) The principal amount and the interest due thereon remaining unpaid to any supplier as at March 31. 30.06 124. 2009 v) The amount of further interest remaining due and payable for the earlier years. (Rs. No. The Company has amounts dues to Micro and Small Enterprises under The Micro. Name of the venture HBL ELTA Avionics Systems Pvt.2008 50 50 1 Annual Report 2008-09 63 . Disclosure of interest in Joint Ventures as required under Accounting Standard 27 . 56 Rs. 116.03.42 Charge for the year 219. Balances shown under Sundry Debtors. Creditors for supplies/Others. 18. Contingent Assets” Provision for Warranty: Rs. b) Expenditure incurred on certain projects amounting to Rs.03 2. Annual Report 2008-09 64 .75 113.84 lakhs has been charged to Profit & Loss account as the projects are discontinued 16.03.2009 694.58 798.22 437. Particulars I Assets Fixed Assets Current assets Accumulated Loss II Liabilities Reserves Secured Loans Current Liabilities III Income Sales Other Income IV Expenses 166. 17.17 Provision reversed from the opening Balance 308. Advances to Suppliers/ Others. Extra-ordinary Items : a) During the year.03 2.30 199. Actual expenditure incurred during warranty period towards replacements etc is charged to revenue under respective head of expenditure.57 It is expected that these costs will be incurred in the next 12 to 24 months. Disclosure required by Accounting Standard-29 “Provisions. in lakhs As on 31.79 673.06 226.2009 15. Contingent Liabilities.82 Provision required for the year 528.98 lakhs and the same is charged to Profit & Loss account and disclosed as extra-ordinary expenditure.75 Carrying amount as on 31.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account S No. In Lakhs Provision at the beginning of the year 474. the company has discarded and scrapped certain assets whose written down value was Rs. Advances from Customers and Claims recoverable as appearing in books are subject to confirmation/reconciliation and consequential adjustments. Such advances are made in the ordinary course of business/for investment.42. 90.Later than one year and non later than five year. 20. Rs. The disclosure as required under Accounting Standards AS-17 “Segment Reporting” and AS-18 “Related Party Disclosure” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India: a) Segment Reporting: Rs.6.46 22.01 Lakhs (previous year Rs. 37.93 Lakhs) due from Subsidiary companies and Rs.Lakhs 2008-09 Segment Revenue Batteries Exports Domestic sales Unallocated Exports Domestic sales Total Less : Inter-segment Revenue Gross Revenue Segment Result Batteries Unallocated Total 2007-08 11260 104567 1114 8067 115827 7694 83003 650 6751 90697 9181 125008 618 124390 20249 736 20985 7401 98098 822 97276 17046 345 17391 Annual Report 2008-09 65 .Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account 18.02 Lakhs) due from Companies in which Directors are interested.79. 65. 316.80 Lakhs) due from companies in which Directors are interested.Not Later than one year. Nil . Loans and advances include Rs.05 Lakhs (previous year Rs.Later than five year Nil Lease Rents for the year recognised in the Profit & Loss a/c (under Maintenance-Office Equipment) Rs.305.77 Lakhs .95.19 Lakhs 19.555 EPS Rs.56. of shares 2. 35. 21.24 Lakhs) (Maximum amount due at any time during the year Rs. Sundry debtors include Rs. 23.8.55 Lakhs (Previous year Rs. 152.492 No. Computation of EPS: Net Profit Rs. Disclosure under Accounting standard 19-Leases: Finance Leases Nil Operating Leases: Future lease Rents Payable: . 84. 3883 3419 13683 72085 22433 94518 13908 42103 56011 6759 2656 9415 2556 228 2784 3175 3190 11026 64068 18762 82830 14516 38051 52567 6919 1263 8182 1361 185 1546 Annual Report 2008-09 66 . Inter segment revenue is measured at the market prices at which the products are sold to external Customers 2. Battery segment consists of various types of batteries for defence. telecom and industrial application. The comparative figures of Previous Year / Period related to “Electronics“ have been included in “Unallocated“.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account Less : Interest Unallocable expenditure net of unallocable income Net Profit before taxes Segment Assets Batteries Unallocated Total Assets Segment Liabilities Batteries Unallocated (includes Term Loans. Hire Purchase Loans) Total Liabilities Segment Capital Expenditure during the year Batteries Unallocated Total Segment Depreciation Batteries Unallocated Total Note: 1. However the segment revenue. Up to 31/03/2008. Bank Loans. 3. the Company had reported the “Batteries“ and “Electronics“ as reportable segments. Hence it is decided by the Board not to report “Electronics“ as reportable segment from now onwards and the same is included in “Unallocated“. the segment results and the segment assets of “Electronics” for the past 6 years is below the threshhold limit of 10% as provided in “AS-17 Segment Report”. aviation. UK HBL POWER SYSTEMS (M) SDN BHD.05 3 Joint Venture Investment in Shares 225.68 51.65 4 Controlled Companies Investment in Shares 9.60 - Annual Report 2008-09 67 .39 Funds Borrowed 2 Subsidiaries Investment in Shares 199.05 152.20 Sale of goods 132.03 Sale of goods 1200.92 Advance for investment in shares 47. Hyderabad 5 Associate Eko Vehicles Pvt Ltd Naval Systems & Technologies India Pvt Ltd Guided Missile Engineering India Pvt Ltd 6 Key Management Personnel Dr A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director M S S Srinath President (Marketing) M Kavita Prasad Director Ashok Nagarkatti Director J.10 Purchase of goods 11.29 129.32 Personnel Royalty 25.10 Advance for investment in shares 2. 2009 Rs Lakhs Sl.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account b) Related party Disclosure: 1 Holding Company 2 Subsidiaries Beaver Engineering Limited Bhagirath Energy Systems Limited.64 Rent 3.22 Funds Given 25.K.20 Sale of Goods 1.27 6 Key Management Remuneration 497.00 Funds Given 4.17 1. Nepal HBL (UK) Limited.17 Sale of Assets 185. Malaysia 3 Joint Venture HBL Elta Avionics Systems P Ltd.Satish Kumar CFO Disclosure of transactions between the Company and Related parties and the status of outstanding balances as on 31st March.Verma Director P.00 Services Received 75.00 Funds Given 10. Hyderabad 4 Controlled Companies Kairos Engineering Limited.No Nature of Transaction During Outstanding the year at the end 1 Holding Company Interest Paid 49.17 5 Associates Companies Investment in Shares 4. 312 Battery Operated Vehicles Nos 12. 1956. Licenced and Installed Capacities i) Installed Capacity (Qty) LeadAcid Batteries 1280 Mil Ah Nickel Cadmium Batteries 70 Mil Ah Chargers / Rectifiers 3500 Nos Lithium Thionyl Chloride Cells 16000 Nos Battery Operated Vehicles 30000 Nos Others Inview of the items being manufactured as per the customers orders it is not possible to ascertain installed capacity 2008-09 2007-08 Particulars Units Quantity Value Quantity Value (Rs.805 12.185.842 Nickel Cadmium Pocket Plate Batteries Lac AH 554.57 96.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account 23. Opening Stock of Finished Goods Lead Acid Batteries Lac AH 116.66 264.85 Electronic Charges/Rectifiers Nos 9.341 10.206 Silver Zinc Battery Cells Nos 12. Production (Major Items) Lead Acid Batteries Lac AH 9.00 6.22 417.073 Annual Report 2008-09 68 . Details of Production.31 1.36 7.78 4. Turnover and Finished goods 1. B.20 Nickel Cadmium Pocket Plate Batteries Lac AH 3.277 76.082. (Quantitative Information in A.77 1.26 14 23. Additional Information Pursuant to the requirements under Part-II of Schedule VI of the Companies Act.79 62. Lakhs) (Rs.963.97 2. C and D are certified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors being a technical matter) A.62 6.17 Battery Operated Vehicles Nos 108 26.44 Nicad Battery Cells Nos 6.52 Nicad Battery Cells Nos 43.947 1. Lakhs) B.69 Electronic Charges/Rectifiers Nos 6.970.980 38.27 76. 320.31 423 116.98 1. Electric Items Others Units 2008-09 Quantity Value (Rs.022.74 2.946.84 868.79 258.856.95 1.03 661.53 335.341.777.863.297.25 1.498. Details of Consumption of Raw Materials Battery Seperator Lead Calcium Lead Sub Oxide PP C R Sheet Nickel Hydroxide Powder Nickel Sulphate C R Strip Nickel Powder Transformers.98 38.07 79.126.88 0.48 113.992.243.80 22.35 Annual Report 2008-09 69 .39 1.438.57 3.689.341 Lac AH Lac AH Nos 506.55 794.580.46 9.04 111. Closing Stock of Finished Goods Lead Acid Batteries Nickel Cadmium Pocket Plate Batteries Electronic Charges/Rectifiers C.04 1.613.35 716.397.81 486.181 92.759.81 1181.221.26 11.26 1.87 10.63 1.30 28.06 18.84 154.38 78.62 96.242.31 10.23 1251.338.22 22.127.483 12.77 3.25 43.778.38 409.34 85.373.48 6.940.35 1.67 7.805 557.05 2216.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account Particulars 3. Chokes.59 691.41 3.510.300. Sales (Gross Value) Lead Acid Batteries Nicad Battery Cells Silver Zinc Battery Cells Nickel Cadmium Pocket Plate Batteries Electronic Charges/Rectifiers Battery Operated Vehicles Others Products Installation & commissioning Charges Received Works Contract Receipts Service Charges Job Work Charges / Testing Charges 4.40 2007-08 Quantity Value (Rs.57 9 2.88 23.08 717. MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT 1.26 1.25 127.999.86 68.74 1.51 1686.102.533 12.78 6.03 338.082.45 1.539.905.853.81 775.359.01 2868.72 8.842 418. Lakhs) 7.76 3.185.84 Note: In view of number of individual items of smaller value quantitative details are not furnished for certain items.68 140. Lakhs) 109.66 Lac AH Nos Nos Lac AH Nos Nos 9.25 17.997.598.067.53 6.79 1273.056.981 12.37 29.55 3.90 11.061.90 108.54 44.91 4.960.15 14.74 4.317 10.14 14.82 2.83 1.21 140. 000 Rs.24 Indigenous Materials 44159.00.03.84 100. Lakhs 2008-09 % 2007-08 % Imported Raw Material 34942.46 104.00.86 100.61 953. G.50. Lakhs 2008-09 E.000 1.99 44.50 31.16 20.50.60 7874. 7.17 27607.94 63.03.00 68598.83 40991.58 17.000 1.09 92. Value of Imports on CIF (Cash Basis) Raw Materials.000 92.700 F.00 Rs. 5.61 34.50.14 40.31 23.16 84.700 8.35 36.00.70 59. Lakhs 2007-08 25213.76 79102.85 Rs.87 55.42.000 1. Value of Imported Raw Materials consumed and their percentage to Total Consumption Rs.000 1.75 Rs.93 45.000 1.94 340.45 1141. Components & Spares Capital Items / Equipment Expenditure in Foreign Currency (Cash Basis) Travelling Expenses Professional Charges Commission Royalty Technical Know How Marketing Expenses Income in Foreign Currency (Cash basis) Export Sales Remuneration to Auditors Audit Tax Audit Tax Representation Service Tax Total 39097.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account D.48 11674. 24 Annual Report 2008-09 70 .000 11. in Lakhs 2007-08 11026.18 (52.83 470.07 382.84 44. 198 Commission Payable @ 3% 2008-09 13682.97 121.27 29.13 1545. 2009 D. A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director M.24 11386.13 1980. Sitting Fee & Commission Prior Period Expenses Loss on sale of assets/written off Dimunition in Value of Investments Depreciation as per books Less : Excess Provision / Credit Balances Written Back Profit on Sale of Assets/Investments Depreciation as per sec 350 of the Companies Act Profits U/s. Signature to Schedules 1 to 20 forming part of Accounts Per our report of even date annexed for M/s Satyanarayana & Co. 27 Additional information required under Part-IV of Schedule VI to the Companies Act.42 62.35 Rs.84 1619.86 2783. 2009 On Behalf of the Board Dr.97 2905.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account 25 Computation of Managerial Remuneration U/s.88 117.99) 1.97 14211. 349 read with Sec.Mabu Basha Company Secretary Annual Report 2008-09 71 .No: 18523 Hyderabad Date: 25th June. 198 Particulars Net Profit as per Profit & Loss Accout Add : Directors Remuneration.09 26 Previous Year’s figures have been regrouped wherever necessary. 1956 is annexed.Kavita Prasad Director Hyderabad Date: 25th June.99 426.29 0.60 3435.71 2783.92 341. Chartered Accountants Ch. Seshagiri Rao Partner M.24 1545.82 103. 59 Total Assets Rs. 40. 124.85 Lakhs) Annual Report 2008-09 72 . Accumulated losses Rs.40 Investments Rs.42 Secured Loans Rs.58 Miscellaneous Expenditure Rs.040. 1.079. ‘000) Turnover * Rs.Preferential Issue -NilRight Issue -NilBonus Issue -Nilc) Position of mobilisation and deployment of funds (Rs.00 3 Silver Zinc and Other Silver based Batteries (Torpedo) 850620.37 Application of Funds Net Fixed Assets (including pre-operative expenditure) Rs. 111.56 Earnings per share ( Basic) Rs. 37. 76.58 Total Expenditure Rs. Government of India Part IV : Balance Sheet Abstract and Company’s General Business Profile a) Registration details Registration Number 6745 State Code Number 01 CIN L40109AP1986PLC006745 Balance Sheet date March 31. 2009 b) Capital raised during the year (Rs.09 8 Lithium Batteries 850620. Earnings per share ( Diluted) Rs. 1995 issued by the Department of Company Affairs.09 *Excludes Other Income (Rs.491.095. 13.915.Notes Forming Part of the Balance Sheet and P&L Account 27 Additional information in Part IV of Schedule VI of the Companies Act. pursuant to notification GSR 388 (E) dated May 15. 76. ‘000) Public Issue .682.389.00 9 Battery Materials 850790.05 7 Perforated Steel Strip 721250. 2.215.716.83 Profit After Tax Rs.60 Profit Before Tax Rs. 1956.59 Sources of Funds Paid-up Capital Rs. 1.00 2 Nickel Cadmium Batteries 850730.80 Unsecured Loans Rs. 35. 9.05 Deferred taxes Rs.755. 336.09 6 Uninterrupted Power Supply Systems 847199.00 4 Silver Zinc Batteries (Aircraft) 850780.96 Reserves & Surplus Rs. 1 Lead Acid Batteries 850720.36 Net Current Assets Rs. 508. 6.637.755. 36.00 5 Power Electronic Rectifiers 850440. d) Performance of the Company (Rs. ‘000) Total Liabilities Rs.46 Dividend Rate 30% f) Generic Names of Principal Products / Services of the Company (as per monetary terms) Product Description Item Code No.427. consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year then ended and the cash flow statement for that period and report that the Company. viz.03. as well as evaluating the overall financial statements. the attached Consolidated Financial Statements have been made excluding the subsidiary in UK as the audited/unaudited Financial Statements of HBL (UK) LTD on 31.09 are not available and the company is reported to be under liquidation.. b) Reference is invited to Note No. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in India.2009. 1(a):Sch. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. 2) These financial statements are the responsibility of the HBL Power Systems Limited’s management. HBL Power Systems Ltd (Holding Company) has three subsidiaries as on 31.72. However. subject to limitations in Para(3) below.40 lakhs) continued to be shown in CFS. 20(B) regarding consolidation of un-audited Statement of Affairs of Bhagirath Energy Systems (P) Ltd.14. BHD.e.03. Bhagirath Energy Systems (P) Ltd.09 of HBL (UK) Limited. Malaysia. An audit includes. Consequently our report is on the Consolidated Financial Statements which include the Financial Statements of the Holding Company and two subsidiary companies and a Joint Venture Company only.AUDITOR’S REPORT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF HBL POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED ON THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF HBL POWER SYSTEMS LIMITEDAND ITS SUBSIDIARIES 1) We have examined the attached consolidated Balance Sheet of HBL Power Systems Limited and its subsidiaries as at 31st March. The Profit for the year and Reserves & Surplus shown in CFS are subject to adjustments. in all material respects.95 lakhs) and dues from Subsidiary (Rs. These Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are prepared. Nepal and a Joint Venture Company HBL Elta Avionics Systems Private Ltd. consequently the Intra Group balances and Intra Group transactions in between the Holding Company and the Subsidiary as disclosed in the notes have not been eliminated i. the Annual Report 2008-09 73 .. examining on a test basis. 3) Our comments on the Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS) are: a) Reference is invited to Note No. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management. Income and Expenditure and the Profit or Loss of the Subsidiary Company. U. Advance for Investment and dues from the said subsidiary as appearing in the Holding Company books have been fully provided for and charged to revenue in Holding Company Financial statements..K and the reasons explained for the same. Advance for Investments (Rs. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. Nepal a wholly owned subsidiary company which is under voluntary winding up.1(c):Sch: 20(B) regarding non-availability of Financial Statements of a wholly owned subsidiary in U.03.30.29 lakhs). In the absence of Financial Statements as on 31. the Investment. The Loss of subsidiary upto 31. HBL POWER SYSTEMS (M) SDN. the Consolidated Financial Statements under reporting do not include the Assets and Liabilities. evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. However. Investment in Subsidiary (Rs. in accordance with an identified financial reporting framework and are free of material misstatements.03. HBL (UK) LTD.2009 is not considered in Consolidated Financial Statements as the financial statements are not available.K. 2009. The Statement of Affairs is compiled and certified by the Management which has been relied upon. in so far as it relates to the amounts included in respect of the Subsidiary Company and the Joint Venture are based solely on the report of the other auditors.. and (c) The cash flow statement. BHD. Subsidiary.. which can not be quantified by us due to non availability of the Financial Statements of the Subsidiary Company.K £ 2. for Satyanarayana & Co. The CFS are subject to above limitations and the consolidated profits are subject to adjustments on account of operational results of the U. d) The ‘Cash Flow Statement’ is subject to corrections due to unreconciled differences arising out of non inclusion of subsidiary’s operations for the year 2008-09. of the cash flows for the year ended on that date. 2009. Malaysia whose Financial Statements as of 31. 4) We did not audit the Financial Statements of HBL ELTA AVIONICS SYSTEMS PRIVATE LTD. HBL Elta Avionics Systems Private Ltd.: 18523 Place : Hyderabad Date : 30th July 2009 Annual Report 2008-09 74 . c) Reference is invited to Note No. 6) On the basis of the information and explanation given to us and on the consideration of the separate audit reports to the extent available on individual audited financial statements of HBL Power Systems Limited and its Subsidiary in Malaysia and Joint Venture.000 on the Company which however has not been considered / provided for the reasons stated in the notes. the impact of which is not quantifiable. we report that the Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared by the Company in accordance with the requirements of Accounting StandardAS-21. (a Joint Venture) and HBL POWER SYSTEMS (M) SDN. on “Consolidated Financial Statements” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and on the basis of the separate financial statements of HBL Power Systems Ltd. but subject to above limitations and comments.K. we are of the opinion that: (a) the consolidated Balance Sheet gives a true and fair view of the consolidated state of affairs of HBL Power Systems Limited and its subsidiaries as at 31st March. a Joint Venture and two Subsidiaries out of three Subsidiaries included in the CFS. Thus CFS are not full and complete in all respects and to this extent do not meet the requirements of Accounting Standard-21 on “Consolidated Financial Statements”.00.2 regarding the legal proceedings against the subsidiary company and the Holding Company which was made a 2nd defendant in the case and also the claim of U.03. (b) The consolidated Profit and Loss Account gives a true and fair view of the consolidated results of operations of HBL Power Systems Limited and its subsidiaries for the year then ended. Chartered Accountants Ch.amount of which is not quantifiable by us. Seshagiri Rao Partner Membership No.2009 have been audited by it’s auditors whose report have been furnished to us and in our opinion. 5) Subject to above comments and limitations. 77.81.525 49. Mabu Basha Company Secretary Annual Report 2008-09 75 .51.719 3.674 6.83.980 2.01. 2008 Rs.45.415 1.557 Loans and Advances Inventories Receivables Cash & Bank Balances Loans & Advances Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions Current Liabilities Provisions Net Current Assets Miscellaneous expenditure (to the extent not written off) Preliminary Expenses Total Accounting Policies & Notes on Accounts Per Our Report of even date annexed for M/s.519 42.81.901 60.30.400 2. Seshagiri Rao Partner M.20.511 1.368 5.471 24.000 1.40.964 3.510 82.69. 66.No:18523 Place : Hyderabad Date : 30th July 2009 As at March 31.Kavita Prasad Director D.59.498 14.047 2.699 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3. Chartered Accountants Ch.51.39. 2009 Schedule Sources of Funds Share Holders Funds Share Capital Reserves and Surplus Loan Funds Secured Loans Unsecured Loans Deferred taxes Deferred Income Tax Total Application of Funds Fixed Assets Less: Depreciation Net Fixed Assets Intangible Assets Capital Works in Progress Investments Current Assets.391 8.70. 2009 Rs. As at March 31.709 13.599 7.09.030 Satyanarayana & Co.06.074 87.699 11 20 On Behalf of the Board Dr A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director Place : Hyderabad Date : 30th July 2009 M. 38.45.24.Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 7.67.100 10 4.29.684 3.562 2.253 3.949 24. 12.794 2.000 46.450 38.16.000 1.81.284 Satyanarayana & Co. 11.38.347 5.457 8.489 66.603 16.Kavita Prasad Director D.77.477 1.83.35.No:18523 Place : Hyderabad Date : 30th July 2009 On Behalf of the Board Dr A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director Place : Hyderabad Date : 30th July 2009 M.20.000 12.95.Consolidated Profit & Loss Account for the Year Ended March 31. Chartered Accountants Ch. 1.08.466 12.85.995 19 Per Our Report of even date annexed for M/s. 88.37.89. 11.639 1.12. 2009 Rs. 1.00.17. 2009 Particulars Income Gross Sales Less : Excise duty and taxes Net Sales Other Income Expenditure Material Cost Manufacturing Cost Employees Cost Administrative and Selling Cost Finance Cost Depreciation Amortisation of Intangible Assets Profit before extra-ordinary items Extra-ordinary items Profit before tax Less: Income Tax Provision Less: Wealth Tax Provision Less: Deferred Tax liability/ (asset) for the year Less : Fringe Benefit Tax Less :Income & Wealth Tax Adjustment Relating to Previous Years Profit after Tax Surplus as per last Balance Sheet Less: Appropriations Transfer to General Reserve Provision for Dividend Tax on dividends Surplus Carried to Balance Sheet Accounting Policies & Notes on Accounts 20 Schedule 12 12 A 13 14 15 16 17 18 Year Ended March 31.26.333 3.835 2008 Rs.850 4.593 1.743 37. Mabu Basha Company Secretary Annual Report 2008-09 76 . 60.106 27.440 1.488 18.999 9. Seshagiri Rao Partner M. 70.118 1.99.342 Year Ended March 31.130 73.64.458 7.605 15.35.692 1.94.049 6.668 2.688 80.07.719 1. b Grand Total Schedule : 3 Secured Loans Term Loan from IDBI-Corporate Loan IDBI-Corporate Loan(Project) IDBI Short Term Loan SB Indore Corporate Loan SB Indore Corporate Loan(Project) SBI Corporate Loan SBI Adhoc Loan SBH Corporate Loan Exim Bank Corporate Loan Axis Bank Loan (Project) HDFC As at March 31.27.000 1.02.000 80.507 each) Issued .77.51.63.Schedules Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet As at March 24. 2008 Rs.59. 2009 Rs. Equity shares of Rs. 24.995 3.10 each (Previous Year 2.317 Annual Report 2008-09 77 .000 2.694 70.719 37.05. Schedule : 1 Share Capital Authorised 3.053 2.550 1.000 30.42.532 28.300 Equity shares of Rs.77.95.000 1.992 7.046 66.10 each (Previous Year 3.050 70.00.000 28.08.806 63.22.253 2.000 30.17.746 18.722 30.95.000 60.90.014 1.547 24.01.666 3.666 2.10 each) Schedule : 2 Reserves and Surplus Capital Reserve Investment Subsidy from State Government Share Premium Account General Reserve Opening Balance Add:Transferred from Profit & Loss Account Exchange Variation Reserve Surplus as per Profit & Loss Account Total Share of Joint Venture .555 Equity shares of Rs.Schedule 20 (B) 1.910 10.29.550 24.95.000 Equity shares of Rs. 28.50.72. Subscribed & Paid-up 2.00.300 2. 12.15.697 20 (B) 1.86.949 17.979 98.50.971 Annual Report 2008-09 78 . 7.498 17.46.510 2008 Rs.55.45.604 70.971 21.360 1.031 3.000 17.019 38.95.411 10.510 24.19.665 1.75. 2009 Rs. 14.40.327 20.407 7.32.989 As at March 31.77. State Bank of India Short Term Loan Cash Credit FCNR B Demand Loan Export Packing Credit Stand by line of credit State Bank of Indore Cash Credit State Bank of Hyderabad Cash Credit Export Packing Credit Stand by line of credit IDBI Bank Cash Credit Export Packing Credit Bill Discounting From Others Against Vehicles Against Equipment Total Share of Joint Venture .291 b Grand Total 80.33.744 1.36.107 3.52.246 5.13.988 17.510 28.00.374 13 17 32.345 3.90.785 5.37.Schedule 20 (B) 1.28.498 12.784 29.61.967 14.28.000 2.61.Schedule 20 (B) 17.71.36. b Grand Total Schedule : 4 Unsecured Loans Interest Free Sales Tax Loan Inter Corporate Deposit Received Total Share of Joint Venture . b Grand Total Schedule : 5 Deferred Taxes Deferred Income Tax Liability Deferred tax liability / asset for the year Total Share of Joint Venture .07.36.83.Schedules Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet As at March 31.38.44. 836 56.65.169 29.16.064 27.Leasehold Buildings .03.90.248 60.176 5.861 3.23.163 4.12.737 92.592 10.09.794 2.16.592 92.338 44.549 1.42.154 46.990 5.430 8.284 2.69.318 2008 Deletions March 31.11.444 2.249 1.06.957 30.964 9. 2009 March 31.821 1.851 3.507 2.888 * Amortisation during the year ** Reference is invited to Note No : 8 79 . ** 3.79.174 9.292 3.20. 2009 2.250 64.54.808 1.10.310 Net Block As On As On March 31.669 9. 2009 April 1.911 Annual Report 2008-09 93.780 87.93.567 89.445 Plant & Machinery Office Equipment Furniture & Fixtures Vehicles Technical Library Sub Total (A) Intangible Assets New Product Development Expenditure Sub Total (B) Share of Joint Venture Schedule 20 (B) 1.* 3.88.876 5.637 11.38.964 8.39.549 .23.23.174 15.63.780 42.03.973 2.922 7.827 Schedule : 6 Fixed Assets (at Cost) Depreciation Block For the Adjustments/ As On Year Deletions March 31. 2008 .65.102 3.Factory Buildings . 91.822 5.174 3.67.594 Land .54.30.300 1.41.424 2.12.646 6.964 8.78.525 1.87.56. b Grand Total Previous Year 9.440 91.98.780 3.365 in Rs. 43.19.884 15.04.567 89.51.Schedules Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet Figs.56.440 30.801 1.225 87.865 3.630 4.000 13.15.439 Description Gross Block As On Additions Adjustments/ As On As On April 60.916 42.87.412 14.503 4.439 . 4.562 Land .090 3.154 68.061 60.241 84.964 8.95.64. 2008 2.60. 89.40.Schedule 20 (B) 1.725 2.Schedule 20 (B) 1. b Grand Total Schedule : 9 Current Assets.973 Loans and Advances A.384 52. Inventories (As taken.901 Schedule : 7 Capital Work in Progress (At Cost) Machinery under Erection Civil Works in Progress Advances for Capital Works Pre-operative Expenses Total Share of Joint Venture .80.739 1.83.838 1.569 15. 2008 Rs. 2009 Rs.06.402 b Grand Total Schedule : 8 Investments (At Cost) Share of Joint Venture .41.728 1.000 1. valued and certified by the management) Raw Materials.525 Annual Report 2008-09 80 . 1.472 2.21.329 2.000 13.51.470 74.209 7.05.030 41.20.049 17.628 14.72. b Grand Total B. 2.Schedules Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet As at March 31.20.99. Sundry Debtors (Unsecured & Considered Good) For a period exceeding Six Months Less:Provision for bad and doubtful debts Others Total Share of Joint Venture .663 1.57.031 83.678 33.75.406 50.79. b Grand Total As at March 31.943 14.921 49.192 18.89.235 2.89.000 13.443 1.000 13.59.242 50.543 12.06.30.Schedule 20 (B) 1. Components & Consumables Stores & Spares Tools & Fixtures Semi Finished Goods Finished Goods Materials in Bonded Warehouse / Transit Total Share of Joint Venture .35.46.459 14.577 41.672 77.Schedule 20 (B) 1. 29.188 17.134 5.29.048 87.537 14. b Grand Total D. 48.172 9.299 42. 2008 Rs.04.327 30.493 4.770 3.57.160 1. Annual Report 2008-09 81 . C.82.90.326 21.871 17. b Grand Total TOTAL (A+B+C+D) 32.815 49.796 1.865 29.998 42.19.50.Schedule 20 (B) 1.467 1.117 8.95.458 13.785 15.47.509 16.99.757 4.75.851 Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet As at March 37.714 29.557 5.Schedule 20 (B) 1.785 1.368 5.277 28.91. 2009 Rs.288.486 Cash and Bank Balances Cash on Hand Balances with Scheduled Banks in: Current Accounts No-Lien Accounts Dividend Current Account E E F C Accounts Fixed Deposits Margin Money Deposits Total Share of Joint Venture .319 Loans and Advances (Unsecured and Considered Good and recoverable in Cash or kind or for value to be received) Advance for Investment pending allotment for Shares Less : Provision Advances for Purchases and others Others Advances Excise & Customs Deposits Service Tax Input / VAT Receivable Deposits with Government and Others Claims Recoverable Interest Accrued Total Share of Joint Venture .04.572 As at March 8.327 2. Schedules Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet As at March 31, 2009 Rs. Schedule : 10 Current Liabilities and Provisions A. Current Liabilities Bills Payable Sundry Creditors-for supplies Sundry Creditors-for expenses Advances from Customers Advances for Projects Other Liabilities Directors Current Accounts Unpaid Dividend Total Share of Joint Venture - Schedule 20 (B) 1. b Grand Total B. Provisions Provision for Excise & Custom Duties Provision for Commision on Profit Provision for Earned Leave Encashment Provisions for waranty Provision for valuable employee scheme Provision for Income Tax Less :Advance Taxes Paid Provision for Dividend Tax on Dividends Total Share of Joint Venture - Schedule 20 (B) 1. b Grand Total Schedule: 11 Miscellaneous expenditure (to the extent not written off) Preliminary expenses Expenses on Preferential /Rights Issue as per last Balance Sheet Less: Written off during the year As at March 31, 2008 Rs. 18,74,60,967 88,07,96,843 16,76,71,917 26,56,44,761 50,00,000 1,13,21,913 1,57,34,648 17,69,304 1,53,54,00,353 7,39,82,551 1,60,93,82,904 2,25,00,425 4,26,35,000 1,22,94,000 6,94,56,100 10,90,000 97,11,52,360 96,38,60,875 72,91,485 7,28,38,665 1,23,78,931 24,04,84,606 7,82,905 24,12,67,511 1,85,06,50,415 54,54,03,935 52,44,81,836 49,30,19,823 64,82,45,506 16,80,75,988 9,53,21,563 50,00,000 74,11,004 1,29,24,173 14,56,903 1,43,14,54,960 2,84,41,749 1,45,98,96,709 1,11,58,834 3,41,60,000 1,55,60,816 4,74,81,600 10,90,000 2,09,22,099 3,64,19,333 61,89,466 17,29,82,148 49,243 17,30,31,391 1,63,29,28,100 82,00,674 30,95,075 51,05,599 1,12,95,750 30,95,076 82,00,674 Annual Report 2008-09 82 Schedules Forming Part of Consolidated Profit & Loss Account For the Year Ended March 31, 2009 Rs. Schedule : 12 Sales / Job Work Receipts (Gross) Domestic Sales Export Sales Installation Charges Received Works contract receipts Service charges received Testing Charges Received Total Share of Joint Venture - Schedule 20 (B) 1. b Grand Total Schedule : 12 A Excise Duty & Sales Tax Excise Duty Sales Tax Service tax Schedule : 13 Other Income Interest Received Rent Received Gain on redemption of Mutual funds Profit on sale of assets Bad Debts Written off recovered Excess Provisions / Old Credit Balances no longer required written back Miscellaneous Income Duty Drawback Received Exchange variation Gain Total Share of Joint Venture - Schedule 20 (B) 1. b Grand Total 1,21,28,617 15,77,590 35,89,231 37,708 5,17,05,847 17,31,847 5,34,37,694 44,27,120 30,91,911 15,06,571 88,048 3,65,57,739 2,12,588 3,67,70,327 3,20,45,242 10,55,000 1,03,166 71,514 10,97,779 2,57,53,194 16,90,895 1,29,86,46,347 26,00,01,855 1,50,69,528 1,57,37,17,730 1,31,59,84,448 29,09,81,354 52,04,767 1,61,21,70,569 12,49,50,54,772 1,24,04,28,485 2,58,81,305 11,81,78,701 12,73,37,809 78,20,732 14,01,47,01,804 1,72,87,835 14,03,19,89,639 10,37,92,14,624 83,44,95,283 1,11,81,340 7,75,53,150 3,35,98,009 38,47,776 11,33,98,90,182 1,53,65,537 11,35,52,55,719 For the Year Ended March 31, 2008 Rs. Annual Report 2008-09 83 Schedules Forming Part of Consolidated Profit & Loss Account For the Year Ended March 31, 2009 Rs. Schedule : 14 A. Material Cost Materials Consumed Materials, Components & Other Material Consumed Freight Inward Less : Internal capitalisation Materials Consumed Job Work Charges Material Cost B. Increase / (Decrease) in Inventory i) Opening Stocks a) Finished Goods b) Semi Finished Goods ii) Closing Stocks a) Finished Goods b) Semi Finished Goods (A + B) Share of Joint Venture - Schedule 20 (B) 1. b Grand Total Schedule : 15 Manufacturing Cost Power and Fuel Stores & Spares Consumed Equipment Lease Rent Factory Rent Tools & Fixtures Charged Off Testing Charges Total Share of Joint Venture - Schedule 20 (B) 1. b Grand Total Schedule : 16 Employees Cost Salaries, Wages & Bonus Contribution to Provident Fund & Other Funds Gratuity Staff Welfare Expenses Recruitment & Training Less : Capitalised For the Year Ended March 31, 2008 Rs. 7,84,73,78,801 6,19,88,169 7,90,93,66,970 2,08,110 7,90,91,58,860 26,92,44,804 8,17,84,03,664 11,85,64,943 74,83,06,274 33,73,40,509 50,58,16,678 2,64,97,414 23,72,00,244 11,85,64,943 74,83,06,274 6,80,78,48,203 5,25,21,146 6,86,03,69,349 41,68,801 6,85,62,00,548 16,99,78,945 7,02,61,79,493 86,68,71,217 84,31,57,187 (2,37,14,030) 8,20,21,17,694 74,04,141 8,20,95,21,835 43,86,41,216 18,71,88,029 18,24,953 49,43,192 73,19,325 63,99,16,715 73,415 63,99,90,130 56,58,44,094 4,02,55,646 1,68,20,115 5,64,95,434 10,90,534 68,05,05,823 68,05,05,823 26,36,97,658 86,68,71,217 60,31,73,559 6,42,30,05,934 1,06,23,229 6,43,36,29,163 34,51,53,483 10,53,14,420 24,950 10,59,954 42,10,758 80,85,918 46,38,49,483 46,38,49,483 47,42,56,183 3,04,45,483 57,34,844 4,85,18,271 4,60,051 55,94,14,832 55,94,14,832 Annual Report 2008-09 84 Telephones & Telex Books & Periodicals Sundry Expenses 1.559 1.60.675 36.56.551 1.995 2.364 65.01. Remuneration to Directors: Salaries & Allowances Commission on Profits Contribution to Provident Fund Other Perquisites Less : Transferred to Development Expenditure Total Share of Joint Venture .683 5.40.837 2.98.103 2.449 73.879 4.021 b Grand Total Schedule : 17 Administrative and Selling Cost A.965 1.99.976 57.22.223 6.727 72.29.000 3.592 4.862 37.06.478 3.000 2.92.039 For the Year Ended March 31.250 4.843 Annual Report 2008-09 85 .30.865 1.694 4.000 2.377 1.843 3.Schedule 20 (B) 4.26.875 60.375 4.313 95.Others Conveyance Travelling Printing & Stationery Postage.01.77. 2009 Rs. 73.550 47. Administrative Cost Rent Rates & Taxes Excise duty paid Insurance Professional & Consultancy Charges Security Expenses Building & Garden Maintenance Office & Office Equipment Maintenance Vehicle Maintenance Maintenance .624 58.812 34.39.32.Schedules Forming Part of Consolidated Profit & Loss Account For the Year Ended March 31.527 1.426 2.24.654 2.113 2. 2008 Rs.67.00. 000 7.062 1.14.244 26.063 81.65.781 20.10.901 1. b Grand Total 38.450 For the Year Ended March 31.17.226 25.10.800 2.093 83.754 41.414) 46.99.441 2.99.271) (20.58.734 88.620 1.21.776 66.09.168 7.64.500 10.122 3.790 6.Schedule 20 (B) 1.727 52.523 1.619 4.89.422 1.99.182 33.05.254 10.83.Schedules Forming Part of Consolidated Profit & Loss Account For the Year Ended March 31.03. Selling Cost Freight Outward Freight and Insurance on exports Export Expenses Liquidated Damages Commission on Sales Commission on Export Sales Advertisement Business Promotion Membership & Subscription Transit Insurance Royalties on Sales Bad debts written off Provision for Waranties Installation Charges paid Televan Hire Charges Other Selling Expenses C.230 Directors Sitting Fees Audit Fees Audit Expenses Debit Balances written off Donations B.35.458 Annual Report 2008-09 86 .517 57.637 24.79. Others Loss on Assets Sold / Discarded Capital Issue Expenses Rights Issue Expenses written off Preliminary Expenses Written Off Prior Period Expenditure (A+B+C) Share of Joint Venture .84.86.325 31.317 41.364 1.115 71. 2008 Rs.00.133 86.651 1. 2009 Rs.553 (52.41.369 20.552 26.349 1.919 86.278 70.058 38.24.584 6.75. 28. 2009 March 31.96.692 18.186 1.269 2.75.772 1.39.284 13.65.488 31.03. Schedule : 18 Finance Cost Interest on Term Loans Interest on Bank Borrowings Interest on Unsecured Loans Bank Charges BG Charges LC Charges Less: Capitalised and transferred to Pre Operative Expenses Total Share of Joint Venture .69.68.160 38.Schedule 20 (B) 1.721 49. b Grand Total Schedule : 19 Extra-ordinary items Assets Written Off Projects Written Off Provision for Dimunition in the value of Investments Provision for Dimunition in the value of Advance for Investments 11.35.188 12.369 42.69.905 1.26.951 8.Schedules Forming Part of Consolidated Profit & Loss Account For the For the Year Ended Year Ended March 31.986 2008 Rs.097 33.952 1.35.284 1.80.523 30.235 1.145 3.58.850 Annual Report 2008-09 87 . Rs. 36 4032.98) Projects written off (18.64 4926.88 Profit on sale of fixed assets (0.81) (4492.43) (8657.83 (16.69 Loss on sale of fixed assets 0.16) (8525.74 (32.00 M.28 Cash and Cash equivalents Cash on hand 21.95 Provisions 229.52) Increase(+)/Decrease(-) in unsecured loans (716. On Behalf of the Board Chartered Accountants Ch.89 14229.86 Net Cash flow from investing activities (B) (9599.10 Increase(-)/Dec(+) in Sundry debtors (886.21) NET INCREASE IN CASH and CASH EQUIVALENTS (A+B+C) 3815.77 Total 8741. Seshagiri Rao Partner M.95) 1449.91) 30.84) C CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Share Premium Interest free sales tax loan received Proceeds from long-term borrowings 3766. Per Our Report of even date annexed for M/s.27 197.09) ( beginning of the period 4926.Kavita Prasad Director D. Mabu Basha Company Secretary Annual Report 2008-09 88 .85) Increase(+)/Decrease(-) in Current Liabilities 1575.98 (9986.69) Interest Paid Net cash flow used in financing activities (C) (1178.Lakhs) 31-Mar-08 (72.50 (15610.50 (426.32) (1380.69 Interest 2422.71 Assets written off (116.00 Cash and Cash equiv.33 B CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of fixed assets (9745.56 Preliminary expenses written off 30.95 408.14 Expenditure on employee VEBF Income taxes paid (4492.61 2289.18 Proceeds from working capital borrowings (1379.08) Dividend payment (426.35) 11082.02 2636.44) 15851.No:18523 Place : Hyderabad Date : 30th July 2009 Dr A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director Place : Hyderabad Date : 30th July 2009 31-Mar-09 (Rs.99 (13.70) Sale of Investments 25.96) Cash generated from Operations 19086.42) (1572.61 3146.45) 10784.84) Loss on Investment Provided Loss on Investment Advance Provided Depreciation 2795.19) (9718.29) (30. Satyanarayana & Co.00 893.28 Cash and Cash equiv.73 6703.81) Net Cashflow from Operating activities (A) 14593.40) Increase(-)/Dec(+) in Inventories (753.14 5445.51 Balances with Banks(current a/c & term deposits) 8719.35 1.70) 5666.39 Operating Profit before working capital changes 19259.33) (5037.92 1375.08) (19.72) Amortisation of Intangible Assets 102.61 (172.Cash Flow Statement (As per Clause 32 of the Stock Exchange Listing Agreement) A CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Profit before Tax and extraordinary items 13813.83) (3656.00 Sale of fixed assets 120.09) (2422.28 NOTES TO THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31-03-2009 1 This statement is prepared as per Accounting Standard-3 (indirect method) 2 Previous year’s figures were re-grouped wherever necessary.90) (3642. at end of the period 8741.32) Increase(-)/Decrease(+) in Loans & advances (108.00) (0.10) 150.98 4926. The accounts of the subsidiary companies. As far as possible. Other Significant Accounting Policies: These are set out under “Significant Accounting Policies” as given in the stand alone Financial Statements of M/s HBL Power Systems Limited. B) Notes Forming Part of Accounts for the period ended 31st March. Accounting for the Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates.Notes Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account Schedule: 20 Accounting Policies and Notes on Accounts A) Significant Accounting Policies 1. The interests in Jointly controlled entities (incorporated Joint Ventures) have been accounted for using proportionate consolidation method. Investments: Investments other than in subsidiaries/Joint Ventures have been accounted as per Accounting Standard 13 on Accounting for Investments. 3. 1956. Liabilities. Income and Expenditure after eliminating intra Group balances. Basis for preparation of accounts: The accounts of HBL Power Systems Ltd the Holding Company have been prepared to comply in all material aspects with applicable accounting principles in India. 5. prescribed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Principles of consolidation: The financial statements have been consolidated on a line-by-line basis by adding together the book values of like items of Assets. transactions and other events in similar circumstances and are presented in the same manner as the Company’s separate financial statements. The Consolidated Financial Statements comprises of the financial statements of HBL Power Systems Limited. the consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policies for . intra Group transactions and the unrealised profits/losses on intra group transactions. The Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS) are prepared in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 21 “Consolidated Financial Statements” and Accounting Standard-27 (AS-27) “Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. the Holding Company and the following subsidiary companies/Group’s interests in jointly controlled entity (incorporated Joint Venture). the Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the relevant provisions of the Indian Companies Act. 2. 2009: 1. Annual Report 2008-09 89 . which are in respective currencies of the countries in which they are situated are translated using “Translation of the Financial Statements of Foreign Branches” under Accounting Standard AS-11. The Financial Statements/Statement of affairs of the subsidiary companies have been recast to comply with the Accounting Policies followed by the Holding Company for the limited purposes of consolidation. United Kingdom have not been compiled and certified by the local auditors of the subsidiary Company as the winding up process has been initiated.BHD. Profit/Loss and the Cash Flow Statement of following subsidiary Company. dues from Subsidiary.09 do not include the Assets/ Liabilities. Therefore.03. such as sale by Holding Company to Subsidiary Company. Hyderabad) and its wholly owned subsidiary in UK.03. Income/Expenses. Consequently the balances on 31. c) The Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS) on 31. HBL POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED as a Second Defendant. Annual Report 2008-09 90 . Name of the Subsidiary Company Country of % of Holding / Incorporation Voting Power HBL (UK) Limited United Kingdom 100 Reasons for non-consolidation of Subsidiary Financial Statements: The accounts of Foreign Subsidiary.03.09 and the profit or loss for the year ended 31. Malaysia 80 ii) Bhagirath Energy Systems Private Limited Nepal 100 * (Under voluntary winding up). No separate profit and loss is prepared as there are no operations except the transactions incidental to winding up of the company. b) Interests in Joint Venture: The group’s interests in Jointly Controlled entities: Name of the Company Country of % of Holding/ Incorporation Voting power HBL ELTA Avionics Systems Private Limited India 50 ** ** HBL ELTA Avionics Systems Private Limited is a jointly controlled entity with 50% holding of HBL Power Systems Limited. In the absence of Financial Statements of subsidiary the state of affairs on 31. the statements of affairs of this company as certified by the management (unaudited) are directly consolidated into the Balance Sheet.Notes Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account a) The subsidiaries considered in the preparation of these Consolidated Financial Statements are : Name of the Company Country of % of Holding / Incorporation Voting Power i) HBL POWER SYSTEMS (M) SDN.09 are not reported/included in CFS. The joint venture accounting for consolidation is as per the principle of proportionate consolidation as laid down in AS-27 based on the Audited Financial Statements of the said Joint Venture. This claim has in fact acted as an impediment for all operational workings and thus the Parent Company could not consolidate the accounts of the subsidiary because of non-availability of either audited or unaudited financial statements of the subsidiary company.03.09 as a result of transactions between the Holding Company (HBL Power Systems Ltd. a wholly owned subsidiary in Nepal is under voluntary winding up. The Subsidiary company has been facing a claim for a Trademark’s alleged violation in the state of UK naming the Parent Company. * Bhagirath Energy Systems Private Limited. HBL (UK) Limited. 000.. Vizianagaram Dist. London and where in HBL Power Systems Ltd. at Kandivalasa Village. Mahaboob Nagar Dist. State Bank of Hyderabad and State Bank of India are secured by a first charge on the movable and immovable assets (both present and future) of the company. Shameerpet Mandal. Mahbubnagar Dist. The loan is also secured by a second charge on the current assets of the company.Notes Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account Investment in and advances to subsidiary company which are required to be eliminated as per Accounting Standard 21 for the purposes of consolidation could not be eliminated in CFS. Gurgoan. Secured Loans a) Term Loans from IDBI.09 are as under: Sundry Debtors include Investments include Advances include Rs. 3. and IIE. Goverdhanpuri Colony. 14. GHMC. 2. the claim may not be devolved on the Company and hence no provision is considered necessary for the said amount. (save and except book debts and exclusive charges already created. On February 8. SAFT AB (earlier known as SAB Nife AB) has initiated legal proceedings for infringement of its trademark against the company’s subsidiary HBL Nife (UK) Limited in the Royal Court of Chancery Division. Vishakhapatnam Dist. Term Loan from Axis Bank is secured by exclusive charge on the movable and immovable assets of the Company situated at Tumkunta Village. The loan is also guaranteed by Managing Director in his personal capacity. London passed an order against the Company’s subsidiary and the Company. Such balances as appearing in Holding Company’s Financial Statements as on 31. in their Individual Capacity. if any) situated at Lalgadi Malakpet and Aliabad Villages. Haridwar (Uttaranchal). The loan is also guaranteed by Managing Director and one Director in their personal capacity. Ranga Reddy Dist. Annual Report 2008-09 91 .29 lakhs Rs. Ranipur. 30. (formerly known as HBL Nife Power Systems Ltd) was mentioned as 2nd defendant. and at VSEZ. Hyderabad are secured by an exclusive charge on the Flats at Hyderabad.03. The loan is also guaranteed by the Managing Director of the Company in his personal capacity. at Nandigaon Village. 2006 the Royal Court of Chancery Division. State Bank of Indore. at Bhootpur Village. Vishakhapatnam and Kolkatta. BHEL. Short Term Loan from IDBI Bank Ltd to meet capital expenditure is secured by a demand promissory note and the Personal Guarantee of the Managing Director and Smt M Kavita Prasad. 72. Yapral.95 lakhs The above balances have been fully provided for in the financial statements of the Holding Company.40 lakhs Rs. In view of the negotiations for settlement of the disputes. Haryana. restraining the defendants against infringement of UK trademark and claimed a damage of £200. Term Loans from HDFC. IMT Manesar. Ranga Reddy Dist. State Bank of Hyderabad.49 Lakhs (Previous year Rs. 5.Notes Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account b) The Working Capital Loans from the State Bank of India. c) Legal Undertakings given to Custom’s Authorities for clearing the materials at Nil or concessional rate of duty pending fulfilment of export obligations Rs. 94. e) Guarantee given by the company to Bank for the loans sanctioned to M/s HBL Elta Avionics Systems Pvt Ltd (a JVC) . c) Hire Purchase Loans from Banks and Non Banking Finance Companies are secured by exclusive hypothecation of equipment/vehicles acquired under the respective loans and guaranteed by one Director of the Company in his personal capacity. 36. given as loan by Andhra Pradesh State Government to be repaid without interest after 14 years from the date of availment. A. The loan requires creation of a charge on the assets of the Company. Pending creation of charge. Srinath. two other Directors of the Company. l Sales Tax (CST) claims of Rs 9. 3399.72 Lakhs (Previous year Rs.546.24 Lakhs).HBL Elta Avionics Systems Pvt.1716. 26.67 Lakhs (Previous year Rs.58 Lakhs).46 Lakhs (Previous year Nil). All the loans are also guaranteed by Managing Director. except following: a) Unexecuted portion of Letters of Credit opened by Banks Rs. 927.29 Lakhs (Previous year Rs. 3344. Israel for US$ 1079100 equivalent to Rs. 36.S. Uma Devi in their personal capacities. the amount is shown under Unsecured Loans and will be regrouped under Secured Loans as and when charge is created.1534. Ltd Annual Report 2008-09 92 .78 Lakhs) against which export obligation has been fulfilled to the extent of Rs.25 Lakhs) h) Proportionate share of Contingent Liabilities of Joint Venture Company .25 Lakhs (Previous year Rs. Interest Free Sales Tax Loan of Rs.67 Lakhs) l Other Claims of Rs.9.85 Lakhs).927.S. 4. 3096. 3285. Contingent Liabilities not provided for:All known and undisputed liabilities have been duly provided for.3778. d) Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for Rs.13 Lakhs.32 Lakhs and the process of discharging the Legal Undertakings by the concerned authorities is at various stages. and Smt.13536.77 Lakhs). b) Guarantees issued on behalf of the Company by Bankers for which the Company gave counter guarantees Rs.13 Lakhs).77 Lakhs (previous year Rs. 26. Sri M. 10996. g) Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts: l Excise Duty claim of Rs 94.3558. l Customs Duty claim of Rs. (Previous year Rs. IDBI Bank Ltd and State Bank of Indore are secured by a first charge on all the chargeable current assets and by a second charge on the fixed assets (both present and future) of the company.67 Lakhs (Previous year Rs.52 Lakhs).36 Lakhs shown under Unsecured Loans represents the Sales Tax payable by the company. f) Corporate Guarantee given by the company towards advance paid to HBL Elta Avionics Systems Pvt Ltd (a JVC) by IAI Elta Systems Ltd.85 Lakhs (previous year Rs.Rs. if any. Bank Guarantees outstanding towards various performance obligations Rs.96 31.95 Lakhs).27 Lakhs (Previous year Rs. Major components of deferred tax assets and liabilities arising on account of timing differences are: (Rs. Act. if any.512. The value of which as on 31-03-2009 is Rs. 10. 30. a) During the year the company started commercial activity of certain Intangible Assets on which the company incurred expenditure of Rs. 30. 6.Y 05-06. pending which. 2006 to December 31.Y 07-08 is provided considering the deductions and reliefs available as per the Provisions of the I. iii) The Company has received a demand. b) The development activity of certain Intangible Assets (Products under Development) is almost completed and commercial operations are expected shortly after acceptance/ approval by the customers. Payments under VRS 3. Depreciation 2. Annual Report 2008-09 93 . 2006-07 and it is decided to amortise such value in 5 equal annual instalments and accordingly Rs.84 Previous Year Assets Liabilities 8. Refunds.72 1302. 2008.94 7. The Company’s assessments were completed up to F. dated May 28.Notes Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account i) ii) Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for. will be accounted after completion/finalisation of the assessments. The management is in the process of filing an appeal against this demand.58 Lakhs ((Previous year Rs. from the Deputy Commercial Tax Officer. 1961.Y. i) The Company has paid tax dues in respect of Income Tax/Wealth tax/Fringe Benefit tax for the past assessments years based on the returns filed/assessments completed and charged off the same to revenue.30 lakhs Amortisation of the expenditure incurred up to 2006.84 3. Others Total 3. no provision has been created in these financial statements. The liability in respect of pending assessments. 48.72 1503.393. 97.10 Lakhs for the period from March 1.45 12.87 1503.70 18.07 will be made upon commercial operations/use of the products developed. Current Tax for F. 2009. net of advances Rs.56 lakhs is charged to Profit & Loss account. In Lakhs) Deferred Tax Current Year Assets Liabilities 1.70 0.38 1302.81 lakhs up to F.T. from out of Taxes paid and charged to revenue in respect of matters pending before appellate authorities will be accounted as and when settled/ received. Hyderabad towards payment of value added tax amounting Rs. Long Term Capital Loss 4.94 8. Contribution to Valuable Employees Scheme 5.102.89 Lakhs). 803.130. 19 B a. This change in the policy has resulted in an additional depreciation of Rs.56 Lakhs Rs.03.741.2008 31. Depreciation on Dies & Moulds was charged as per rates provided in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act.55 Lakhs 8. it has been decided to change the accounting policy with retrospective effect by charging depreciation @ 20% from the date of additions considering the wear and tear assessed technically.29 lakhs for the year 2008-09 with consequent reduction in the profit for the year by Rs. The disclosure as required under Accounting Standards AS-17 “Segment Reporting” and AS-18 “Related Party Disclosure” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India are given in annexure.Notes Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account c) Disclosure required by Accounting Standard.906.102.38 lakhs up to 31-03-2008 and Rs. During the year.lakhs 2008-09 2007-08 Segment Revenue Batteries Exports 11987 7696 Domestic sales 104567 116554 83003 90699 Unallocated Exports 1114 650 Domestic sales 8067 9181 6904 7554 Total 125735 98253 Less : Inter-segment Revenue 618 822 125117 97431 Segment Result Batteries 20253 17023 Unallocated 736 321 Total 20989 17344 Less : Interest 3892 3175 Unallocable expenditure net of unallocable income 3419 3190 Net Profit before taxes 13678 10979 Annual Report 2008-09 94 .26 “intangible assets” are as follows: Intangible Opening Amortisation Closing Asset Balance during the year Balance (Internally As on As an Generated) 01. 7 under Schedule No.2009 New ProductsDevelopment Rs.67 lakhs 9. 611. Hitherto. Schedules Forming Part of Balance Sheet and P & L Account Annexure to Note No. The segment wise disclosure as required by.04. Rs. under the Accounting Standards AS-17 “Segment Reporting” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is as under.11 Lakhs Rs. 19B b. 72988 22433 95421 14881 42103 56984 7091 2656 9747 2568 228 2796 64068 19042 83110 14560 38356 52916 6919 1557 8476 1362 188 1550 Annual Report 2008-09 95 . The comparative figures of Previous Year / Period related to “Electronics“ have been included in “Unallocated“. 7 under Schedule No. Schedules Forming Part of Balance Sheet and P & L Account Annexure to Note No. Battery segment consists of various types of batteries for defence. Hence it is decided by the Board not to report “Electronics“ as reportable segment from now onwards and the same is included in “Unallocated“. However the segment revenue. Hire Purchase Loans) Total Liabilities Segment Capital expenditure during the year Batteries Unallocated Total Segment Depreciation Batteries Unallocated Total Note: 1. Bank Loans. the Company had reported the “Batteries“ and “Electronics “ as reportable segments. aviation. Disclosure of transaction with related parties as required by the Accounting Standards AS-18 “Related party Disclosure” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is as follows. the segment results and the segment assets of “Electronics” for the past 6 years is below the threshold limit of 10% as provided in “AS-17 Segment Report”.Notes Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account Segment Assets Batteries Unallocated Total Assets Segment Liabilities Batteries Unallocated (includes Term Loans. Up to 31/03/2008. telecom and industrial application 3. Inter segment revenue is measured at the market prices at which the products are sold to external customers 2. On Behalf of the Board Chartered Accountants Ch.No Nature of Transaction During Outstanding the year at the year end 1 Holding Company Interest Paid 49.Satish Kumar CFO Kamaluddin Bin Saidon Director-HBL Power Systems (M) SDN BHD Disclosure of transactions between the Company and related parties and the status of outstanding balances as on 31st March.29 499.60 9. 2009: Rs Lakhs Sl.Kavita Prasad Director Ashok Nagarkatti Director J. 2009 Dr. A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director Hyderabad Date: 30th July.68 11.K.10 129.39 2 Controlled Companies Investment in Shares Services Received Funds Given Investment in Shares Advance for investment in shares Funds Given Purchase of goods Sale of goods Remuneration Paid Royalty Paid Rent Paid 75. 2009 M.Verma Director P.Mabu Basha Company Secretary Annual Report 2008-09 96 .27 - 3 Associates Companies 4 Key Management Personnel Signature to Schedules 1 to 9 forming part of Accounts Per our report of even date annexed for M/s Satyanarayana & Co.Kavita Prasad Director D.30 25.03 1200.00 51.00 10.Notes Forming Part of Consolidated Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account Related Party Disclosure: 1 Holding Company 2 Controlled Companies 3 Associate Beaver Engineering Limited Kairos Engineering Limited Eko Vehicles Pvt Ltd Naval Systems & Technologies India Pvt Ltd Guided Missile Engineering India Pvt Ltd 4 Key Management Personnel Dr A J Prasad Chairman & Managing Director M S S Srinath President (Marketing) M.17 4. Seshagiri Rao Partner M.22 25.64 3.No: 18523 Hyderabad Date: 30th July.10 2. OPTIONS No option has been granted during the financial year covered by the income statement to take up unissued shares of the Company. substantially affected by any item. ITEMS OF MATERIAL AND UNUSUAL NATURE The results of the operations of the Company for the financial year were not. BHD DIRECTORS’ REPORT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH 2009 The directors hereby submit their Annual Report and the audited financial statements of the Company for the financial year ended 31st March 2009. in the opinion of the directors. PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY The principal activity of the Company is manufacturing of nickel batteries. RESERVES AND PROVISIONS 2009 RM 124. the directors of the Company are not aware of any circumstances which would necessitate the writing off of bad debts and providing of allowance of doubtful debts in the financial statements of the Company. There has not arisen in the interval between the end of the financial year and the date of this report any item. The directors do not recommend the payment of any dividend in respect of the current financial year. transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely. RESULTS Profit after tax DIVIDENDS No dividends were paid or declared by the Company during the financial year. However. ISSUE OF SHARES AND DEBENTURES The Company did not issue any new shares or debentures during the financial year. in the opinion of the directors. BAD AND DOUBTFUL DEBTS Before the Income Statement and Balance Sheet of the Company were made out. the directors took reasonable steps to ascertain that proper action had been taken in relation to the writing off of bad debts and the making of allowance for doubtful debts and satisfied themselves that there are no known bad debts to be written off and that no allowance for doubtful debts is required. the Company became a marketing agent during the financial year.894 There were no material transfers to or from reserves and provisions during the financial year except as disclosed in the financial statements. transaction or event of a material and unusual nature. Annual Report 2008-09 97 .HBL Power Systems (M) SDN. At the date of this report. to affect substantially the results of the operations of the Company for the current year in which report is made. 03.2009 DIRECT INTEREST Kamaluddin Bin Saidon INDIRECT INTEREST HBL Power Systems Ltd. BHD CURRENT ASSETS Before the Income Statement and Balance Sheet of the Company were made out.000 Annual Report 2008-09 98 . the directors took reasonable steps to ensure that any current assets which were unlikely to be realised in the ordinary course of business their values as shown in the accounting records of the Company have been written down to an amount which they might be expected to realise. or any contingent liability which has arisen since the end of the financial year. in the opinion of the directors. the directors are not aware of any circumstances which would render the values attributed to the current assets in the financial statements of the Company misleading. At the date of this report. VALUATION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES At the date of this report. 40. DIRECTORS AND THEIR SHAREHOLDINGS The names of the directors of the Company in office since the date of the last report are as follows:Kamaluddin Bin Saidon Mikkilineni Satyanarayana Subramanya Srinath Aluru Kavitha Prasad (f) Partha Pratim Paul Yusnita Binti Hamdan (f) In accordance with the register of directors’ shareholdings. there does not exist:a) b) any charge on the assets of the Company which has arisen since the end of the financial year which secures the liabilities of any other person.000 40.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN. the directors are not aware of any circumstances which have arisen which render adherence to the existing methods of valuation of assets or liabilities of the Company misleading or inappropriate.00 each-------------As at As at 01. CONTINGENT AND OTHER LIABILITIES At the date of this report. will or may substantially affect the ability of the Company to meet their obligations when they fall due. No contingent liability or other liability has become enforceable or is likely to become enforceable within the period of twelve months after the end of the financial year which. the interest of the directors who were in office at the end of the financial year in shares in the Company during the financial year were as follows:-----------.000 160.Ordinary Share of RM 1.000 160.2008 Acquired Disposed 31.04. CHANGE OF CIRCUMSTANCES At the date of this report.. AUDITORS The auditors Messrs. was the Company a party to any arrangements whose object is to enable the directors to acquire benefits by means of the acquisition of shares in or debentures of the Company or any other body Corporate. 17A. Signed on behalf of the board in accordance with a resolution of the directors.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN. REGISTERED OFFICE The registered office of the Company is situated at No. Neither at the end of the financial year. Jalan Nelayan 19/A. DIRECTORS’ BENEFITS Since the end of the previous financial year. BHD Retirement and re-election of the directors at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting will be in accordance with the Company’s Article of Association. nor at any time during that financial year. Maran & Co. 40300 Shah Alam. Place : Shah Alam Date : 16 June 2009 Yusnita Binti Hamdan Kamaluddin Bin Saidon Annual Report 2008-09 99 . have indicated their willingness to continue in office. Selangor Darul Ehsan. ULTIMATE HOLDING COMPANY The ultimate holding company is HBL Power Systems Ltd. a company incorporated in India. the directors are not aware of any circumstances. no director of the Company has received or become entitled to receive any benefit (other than the benefit included in the aggregate amounts of emoluments received or due and receivable by directors shown in the financial statements) by reason of a contract made by the Company with a director or with a firm of which the director is a member or with a Company in which the director has a substantial financial interest. not otherwise dealt with in this report or the financial statements of the Company which would render any amount stated in the financial statements misleading. the accompanying Balance Sheet. together with the notes thereon. together with the notes thereon. Kamaluddin Bin Saidon (NRIC: 620729-10-5753). Subscribed and solemnly declared by the abovnamed at KLANG in the state of SELANGOR on this day of 16 June 2009 Before me: } } } } Kamaluddin Bin Saidon Annual Report 2008-09 100 . do solemnly and sincerely declare that the accompanying Balance Sheet. do hereby state that. are to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kamaluddin Bin Saidon and Yusnita Binti Hamdan. Signed on behalf of the board in accordance with a resolution of the directors. 1960. 1965 so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at 31st March 2009 and of the results of the business of the Company and cash flow for the financial year ended on that date. being the two of the directors of HBL POWER SYSTEMS (M) SDN. are drawn up in accordance with applicable Financial Reporting Standards in Malaysia and the provisions of the Companies Act. in the opinion of the directors. BHD.. Place : Shah Alam Date : 16 June 2009 Yusnita Binti Hamdan Kamaluddin Bin Saidon STATUTORY DECLARATION (Pursuant to Section 169(16) of the Companies Act. correct and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true. 1965) I. and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act. Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN. BHD. being the director primarily responsible for the financial management of HBL POWER SYSTEMS (M) SDN. BHD STATEMENT BY DIRECTORS (Pursuant to Section 169(15) of the Companies Act.. 1965) We. Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement. .HBL Power Systems (M) SDN. and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments. selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies. BHD. and the income statement. as set out on pages 9 to 21. and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. which comprise the balance sheet as at 31st March 2009. 486701-H INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS HBL POWER SYSTEMS (M) SDN. Directors’ Responsibility For The Financial Statements: The directors of the Company are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Financial Reporting Standards and the Companies Act 1965 in Malaysia. Annual Report 2008-09 101 . We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. including the assessment of risks of material misstatement of the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on our judgement. implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement. Bhd. we consider internal control relevant to the Company’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. statement of changes in equity and cash flow statement for the financial year then ended. We conducted our audit in accordance with approved standards on auditing in Malaysia. Auditors’ Responsibility: Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. Report On The Financial Statements: We have audited the financial statements of HBL Power Systems (M) Sdn. whether due to fraud or error. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. BHD COMPANY NO. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors. This responsibility includes: designing. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control. we also report that in our opinion the accounting and other records and the registers required by the Act to be kept by the Company have been properly kept in accordance with the provisions of the Act.A. the financial statements have been properly drawn up in accordance with Financial Reporting Standards and the Companies Act 1965 in Malaysia so as to give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Company as of 31st March 2009 and of its financial performance and cash flows for the financial year then ended.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN. in accordance with Section 174 of the Companies Act 1965 in Malaysia and for no other purpose. Report On Other Legal And Regulatory Requirements: In accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 1965 in Malaysia. Other Matters: This report is made solely to the members of the Company. BHD Opinion: In our opinion. as a body.(M) Approval No: 2411/09/09(J) Chartered Accountant Place : Klang Date: 16 June 2009 Annual Report 2008-09 102 . We do not assume responsibility to any other person for the content of this report. MARAN & CO Firm No : AF001809 Chartered Accountants (M) NEDUMARAN A/L VENGU C. 66.10.2009 The financial statements of HBL POWER SYSTEMS(M) SDN BHD for the accounting year ended 31st March 2009.303 1.each Reserves and Surplus Exchange variation reserve Total Application of Funds A Fixed Assets Less: Depreciation Net Fixed Assets B Deferred Tax Asset C Current Assets.03.88.029 9.855 9.000 ordinary share of RM 1/ each Issued .495 9. Loans and Advances Inventories(as taken and valued by management) Sundry Debtors(unsecured and considered good) for a period exceeding six months Others Cash and Bank Balances Balance in current account with bank Deposits D Less:Current Liabilities and provisions Due to holding company Creditors for expenses E Net Current Assets(C-D) F Misc.16.291 60.000 24.45.791 25.50.50. The accounts have been prepared for the purpose of attachement to the accounts of the holding company HBL Power Systems Limited to comply with the provisions of the Indian Companies Act.80.023 19.2009 For the period Ended March 31.994 25.555) 20. Annual Report 2008-09 103 .16.551 1. 1956.192 (8.189 21. The financial statements of HBL POWER SYSTEMS(M) SDN BHD are presented in Indian Rupees duly converted. being a company incorporated in Malaysia.142 94.098 1.837 893174 78. Malaysia and we have been furnished with their audit report dated 16th June 2009.95.10.488 25.13.60.* 1000000 200000 200000 153881 93161 60720 3424 1061194 144710 6270 1212174 1105613 4363 1109976 102198 33658 196576 200000 1.45.899 14.12.023 25. Expenditure ( to the extent not written off or adjusted) Debit balance in Profit and loss account Total(A+B+D+E) Year ended March 31.000 63.14.791 1000000 200000 200000 153881 77800 76081 34869 73113 71226 6270 150609 212611 7500 220111 (69502) 158552 165131 200000 - 1. subscribed and paid up 200000 ordinary share of RM 1/.736 7.03. 2009 RM Rs.* Sources of Funds Share holders Funds Share capital Authorised 10.000 24.637 26.30.196 87.716 on the basis of aforesaid audit report to comply with requirements of Section 212 of the Companies Act. Chartered Accountants.023 * RM 1 = Rs.04.89 as on 45.33.653 3.19.791 19. 2008 RM Rs.000 1.2008 * RM 1 = Rs.41. BHD Balance Sheet as at March 31.050 27.360 4.58. are audited by Maran & Co.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN..00.71.626 18.82.855 11. 1956.83.36.57 as on 1.82.258 20.24. 505 15.2009 RM Rs.32.22.237 Year ended March 31.006 7.467 2.048 6.926 420 5.551 2.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN.444 3.241 997715 1.29.288 928571 1.52.049 124894 16.03.772 2850 37.514 1.126 0 3.277) (20.309 8. BHD Profit and Loss Account for the year ended March 31.17.314 2.708 1154054 1.78.103 ( 710 9.604 6.394 594 (33658) (3.551 2230 29.124 1.716) Annual Report 2008-09 104 .315 1.* 44723 7041 51764 70333 70333 926 15600 837 17363 12900 15000 27900 75 848 500 250 0 265 175 684 1000 1200 575 1235 270 15360 138033 (86269) 16. 2009 Particulars For the period Ended March 31.85.553 12.98. * 1151204 1.57.12) (11.2008 RM Rs.473 (158552) (20.261 88.575 1.521 31.557 15361 4.767 156339 20.68.859 1260 16.580 1.514 344 15600 15944 12000 15000 27000 4.882 ( 17.404 2.339 575 7.465 3.608 1506 19.00.794) 2.39.188 8.06.923 928571 1.189) Income Gross Sales Exchange Gain Total Income Expenditure Material Cost Purchase of materials and components Manufacturing Cost Power and fuel Factory rent Shipping Charges Manpower Cost Salaries & Other Allowances Directors remuneration Admnistrative and Selling Expenses Bank Charges Courier Charges Donations Entertainment Maintenance Vehicles Sundry Expenses Printing and stationery Telephone and internet charges Accounting fee Auditors remunertion Taxation service charges Secretarial fee Licence charges Exchange Variation Depreciation Total Expenditure Profit before Taxation Tax for the year Profit after tax Loss brought forward from last year Loss carried to forward to Balance sheet 344 4.59.384 (69885) (88667) (158552) 5.253 3.078 3200 42.890 938 10.190 15. 766 59.736 8.626. 7.2008 6.077 15360 As at 31.424 65385 61.906 9033 48.667 6119 66.360 76081 Plant and Machinery Fixtures and Fittings Office Equipment Computers Total Previous year 105 .344 722 1083 7.03.03. RM As at 1.720 2800 9.906 9033 48.166 4515 33.68.855 153881 1.482 1019 11. RM Rs. RM Rs.855 153881 19.974 905 4.2009 1.13.776 361 2.360 60720 76081 9.065 3883 19.626. 13076 4079 5098 47.744 52306 65382 54. RM Rs RM Rs.28.241 15361 1.4.717 10198 1.73.495 77800 7.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN.03.740 3613 4518 9.41.049 67.16.495 77800 Net Block As at As at 31.4.83. RM Rs.737 93161 9.855 153881 19. BHD Fixed Assets Gross Block Additions Depreciation For the year Schedule of Fixed Assets(at cost) Annual Report 2008-09 Rs.2009 9.065 3883 19.168 130767 1.497 3161 11.185 5100 54.717 10198 1.568 14.2008 1.418 62440 As at 130767 1.57.141 5420 9.2009 31.80.855 153881 As at 1.432 78461 74. 2. Selangor Darul Ehsan. 2. in which case it is taken to revaluation surplus. are reviewed for impairment losses whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Any subsequent increase in recoverable amount is recognised in the income statement unless it is reverses an impairment loss on a revalued asset. 40000 Shah Alam. For the purpose of assessing impairment. The Company is a Private Limited Company incorporated and domiciled in Malaysia. including intangible assets. The annual rates used for this purpose is as follows : Computers 20% Factory equipment 10% Furniture and fittings 10% Office equipment 10% Renovations 10% Signboard 10% 3. Plant and Equipment Property. 3. 1965. Basis of Accounting The financial statements of the Company have been prepared under the historical cost convention. plant and equipment are calculated to write off the cost on a straight line basis over their expected useful lives. Annual Report 2008-09 106 . The recoverable amount is the higher of an assets net selling price and value in use. Depreciation of property. BASIS OF PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and comply with applicable Financial Reporting Standards in Malaysia and the provisions of the Companies Act. if any. Jalan Nelayan 19/A. GENERAL INFORMATION The financial statements of the Company were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors in accordance with a resolution of the directors. The address of the registered office of the Company is situated at No. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. 40300 Shah Alam. 11. Property. The impairment loss is charged to the income statement unless it reverses a previous revaluation in which case it is charged to the revaluation surplus. Jalan Nilam 1/4. BHD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS : 31ST MARCH 2009 1.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN. The principal place of the business of the Company is situated at No. Impairment of Assets Property. Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park. Selangor Darul Ehsan. Impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its recoverable amount. plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. assets are grouped at lowest level for which there is separately identifiable cash flows. 17A. plant and equipment and other non-current assets. BHD 4. 8. Retirement benefits Contributions to the statutory pension scheme are recognised as an expense in the income statement in the financial year to which they relate. 10. Dividends on ordinary shares will be recognised as liabilities when the shareholders’ rights to receive the dividends are established. Bad debts are written off when identified. 9. Income tax Income tax on profit or loss for the financial year comprises current and deferred tax. Nonaccumulating compensated absences. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash comprise of cash at bank and in hand. Equity Equity is stated at proceeds received. on temporary differences at the balance sheet date between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. Short term employee benefits Wages. 6. Cash equivalents are short term. Current tax is the expected amount of income taxes payable in respect of the taxable profit for the financial year and is measured using the tax rates that have been enacted at the balance sheet date. Short term accumulating compensated absences such as paid annual leave are recognised when employees render services that increase their entitlement to future compensated absences. 11. Revenue recognition Revenue from sale of goods is measured at the fair value of the consideration receivable and is recognised in the income statement when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer. 7. salaries and social security contributions are recognised as an expense in the financial year in which the associated services are rendered by employees of the Company.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN. 5. An estimate is made for doubtful debts based on review of all outstanding amounts as at balance sheet date. In principle. Profit from long term construction projects are recognised based on percentage of completion method and profit from short term construction projects are recognised based on completed contract method. highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. which is the fair value of the consideration to be paid in the future for goods and services received. using the liability method. Trade and other payables Trade and other payables are stated at cost. deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences to Annual Report 2008-09 107 . such as sick and medical leaves are recognised when the absences occur. Deferred tax is provided for. Trade and other receivables Trade and other receivables are carried at anticipated realisable values. 385 1.161 Annual Report 2008-09 108 .260 93.200 6.767 2.200 6. BHD the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences. 5.320 4.998 2. Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the year when the asset is realised or the liability is settled. 4.2009 RM Accumulated depreciation Computers Factory equipment Furniture and fittings Office equipment Renovations Signboard 2. affects neither profit nor taxable profit. Deferred tax is not recognised if the temporary difference arises from goodwill or negative goodwill or from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is not a business combination and at the time of the transaction.100 153.100 3. PROPERTY. unused tax losses and unused tax credits can be utilised.767 2.04.361 RM Disposals RM 3.933 7.000 1.998 2. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred taxes relate to the same tax authority. PLANT AND EQUIPMENT As at Additions Disposals As at 01.2008 RM Charge for the financial year RM 361 13. in which case the deferred tax is also charged or credited directly in equity.2009 Cost Computers Factory equipment Furniture and fittings Office equipment Renovations Signboard RM 3. or when it arises from business combination that is an acquisition. PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY The principal activity of the Company is manufacturing of nickel batteries and to act as a marketing agent.160 4.799 1. Deferred tax is recognised in the income statement.883 130. except when it arises from a transaction which is recognised directly in equity.076 220 695 799 210 15.03.050 77.03. based on the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.2008 31.933 7.465 4.800 65.04. in which case deferred tax is included in the resulting goodwill or reserve on consolidation.161 78.881 As at 01.100 153.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN.800 RM - RM 3.883 130.461 1.881 As at 31. DEFERRED TAX ASSETS 2009 RM 34.485 16.384 34.951 37.221 Total Balance at beginning of financial year Recognised in income statement Balance at end of financial year RM 18.869 The components and movements of deferred tax assets during the financial year prior offsetting are as at 31.424) 34.352) (3.375) (2.550) 24.869 (31.773 3.03.384 34.186 (2.221 34.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN.424 As at 31.035 3.445) Balance at end of financial year (6.100 3.03.846) (31.050 76.083 65.306 880 2.445) 3.599) (26.424 2008 RM 18. Unabsorbed Total plant and tax losses equipment RM RM RM Balance at beginning of financial year (2.352) 37.375 3.869 722 52.951) 10.198 13.352) 37.485 16.869 Recognised in income statement (4.2009 Property.081 Balance at beginning of financial year (Deduction) / addition during the financial year Balance at end of financial year Presented after appropriate offsetting as follows : Deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities 6.468 3.382 1. Unabsorbed plant and tax losses equipment RM RM (5.869 Annual Report 2008-09 109 .720 2008 RM 1.221 (10.998 1. BHD 2009 RM Net book value Computers Factory equipment Furniture and fittings Office equipment Renovations Signboard 6.2008 Property.199 840 60. 600 12. PROFIT / (LOSS) BEFORE TAX Profit / (loss) before tax is arrived at after charging and crediting the followings:After charging Audit fees 3.000 Factory rental 15. INCOME TAX EXPENSE Tax based on results for the financial year :Deferred tax (31.198 (31.108) Expenses not deductible for tax purposes (4.204 44.000 Issued and fully paid 200. TRADE RECEIVABLES Included in trade receivables is an amount of RM697.151. 8.600 1.200 Depreciation of property.000 15.294 Utilisation of unabsorbed tax losses 36.000 1.000.00 each :Authorised 1.430 Differential tax rate for small and medium companies (4.000 10.846) 3.384 Annual Report 2008-09 110 . 9. SHARE CAPITAL 2009 2008 RM RM Ordinary shares of RM1.627) Utilisation of capital allowances 7. REVENUE Sales of nickel batteries and commission received during the financial year 1.384 Reconciliation of income tax expenses applicable to profit / (loss) before tax at the statutory income tax rates to income tax expenses at the effective income tax rates of the Company is as follows :Profit before tax 156. interest free and with no fixed terms of repayment.000 200.445) 16. AMOUNT DUE TO HOLDING COMPANY The amount due to holding company is unsecured.151 Timing difference arising from capital allowance (4.113) owing to a company in which certain directors of the Company have a financial interest.599) (509) Timing difference arising from unabsorbed tax losses (26. plant and equipment 15.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN.200 15.360) (4.723 11.269) Tax at statutory rate of 25 / 26% (39.339 (86.361 Directors’ emoluments 15. BHD 7.360 15.000.085) 22.445) 16.100 (2008: RM73. 000 12.000 27. 16. EMPLOYEES’ INFORMATION 2009 RM Staff cost:Director’s emoluments Salaries.900 1 14. 2. The main areas of financial risks faced by the company and the policy in respect of the major areas of treasury activity are set out as follows: 1. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT The company’s financial risk management policy seeks to ensure that adequate financial resources are available for the development of the company’s business whilst managing its risks. Foreign exchange risk The company has exposure to foreign exchange risk due to assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies. Liquidity and cash flow risks The company monitors and maintains a level of bank balances deemed adequate by the directors to finance the operation and mitigate the effects of fluctuation in cashflow. 15. 5. CURRENCY All amounts are stated in Ringgit Malaysia. COMPARATIVE FIGURES Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with current year’s presentation. Hence. the company does not have any exposure to interest rate risk. allowance and bonus Number of employees employed at the end of the financial year excluding directors 15.000 12. However. Annual Report 2008-09 111 .900 27. 4. 3. the company does not hedge its exposures to foreign exchange risk as the risk is not expected to be significant.000 1 2008 RM 15. Interest rate risk The company does not have any interest bearing assets or liabilities.HBL Power Systems (M) SDN. Market risk The company does not expose to any market risk. Credit risk The maximum credit risk associated with recognised financial assets is the carrying amount shown in the balance sheet. BHD 13. However. policies had been established by the company to minimise such risks. BHAGIRATH ENERGY SYSTEMS PVT LTD AS on 31-3-08 NPR 17216000 17216000 39648 13687883 79713 375979 14183223 4063836 -1031059 17216000 24780 8554927 49821 234987 8864515 2539898 -644412 10760000 INR 10760000 10760000 Annual Report 2008-09 N Balasubramanyam Statement of Affairs as on 31st March 2009 As on 31-3-09 NPR INR Capital and Liabilities Share Capital 17216000 10760000 Total 17216000 10760000 Assets Cash at Bank 39648 24780 Fixed Deposits ( Including interest accrued) 14678134 9173834 Cash in Hand 79713 49821 TDS deducted 638414 399009 Other Advances 15435910 9647444 Accumulated Loss C/f 3032777 1895486 Interest Income on FD‘s during the year -1252687 -782929 Total 17216000 10760000 For Bhagirath Energy System Pvt Ltd MSS Srinath 1st July, 2009 112 Bhagirath Energy Systems Pvt Ltd Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Account 1. Significant Accounting Policies (a) Basis of Accounting The company is under voluntary liquidation. Since the company does not have any income during the year, profit and loss account has not been prepared. The following receipt, expenditures were directly charged to the accumulated loss . Audited Statement of Affairs is not available, hence certified by the Directors. Account Head Amount NPR Remarks Interest Income (12,52,687) Charged against accumulated loss. 2. Taxation The company has submitted tax returns under self-assessment system for the financial years 2058/059, 2059/060 and 2060/061 (up to the date of liquidation) and the same is pending final assessment from them. No provision for taxation has been made for the current period, as the Company does not have any taxable income. 3. Liquidation The Company has opted for voluntary liquidation of the Company as per Section 112 of the Company Act 2053 and has appointed a liquidator with effect from 16 March 2004 for initiating and completing the liquidation of the Company. Accordingly, all assets and liabilities of the Company have been handed over to the official liquidator of the Company. The appointment of the liquidator and the decision to voluntarily liquidate the Company has been notified to the Registrar of the Company. Annual Report 2008-09 113 HBL POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED Regd. Office: 8-2-601, Road No. 10, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500 034 Twenty Third Annual General Meeting, Thursday, 17th September 2009, at 4.00 pm ATTANDANCE SLIP DP_Id* Clinet_Id* Regd. Folio No. No. of Shares Name & Address of the Registered Shareholder * Applicable if shares are held in electronic form. I Certify that I am a registered shareholder/proxy for the registered shareholder of the Company. I hereby record my presence at the Twenty Third Annual General Meeting of the Company at Surana Udyog Auditorium, Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry, 11-6.841, Red Hills, Hyderabad - 500 004. ...................................................... Member’s/Proxy’s Signatue Note : Please fill this attendence slip and handover at the Entrance of the Hall FORM OF PROXY Regd. Office: 8-2-601, Road No. 10, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad - 500 034 th Twenty Third Annual General Meeting, Thursday, 17 September 2009, at 4.00 pm I/We ............................................................................................... of ................................................................ in the district of ................................... being a member/member of HBL Power Systems Limited hereby appoint ........................... of .................. in the district of ............................. or failling him ....................... of ........................ in the district of ................................. as my/our proxy to vote for me / us on my behalf at the Twenty Third Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Thursday, 17th September, 2009 at 4.00 pm. HBL POWER SYSTEMS LIMITED DP_Id* Clinet_Id* Regd. Folio No. No. of Shares Name: Address: *Applicable if shares are held in electronic form. Affix Re 1/Revenue Stamp Signature ................................ Note : This form in order to be effecting should be duly completed and must be deposited at the Registered Office or Secretarial Office of the Company, not lessthan 48 hours before the meeting. Annual Report 2008-09 114
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