


National Transmission and Despatch Company LimitedNational Power System Expansion Plan 2011 - 2030 Final Report Annexure 3: Transmission Plan 504760-01-A3 2011 Prepared by SNC-Lavalin SNC Lavalin International Inc. Inc in association with National Engineering Services Pakistan (PVT) Limited NOTICE This document contains the expression of the professional opinion of SNC-Lavalin Inc. (“SLI”) as to the matters set out herein, using its professional judgment and reasonable care. It is to be read in the context of the agreement dated October 4, 2010 (the “Agreement”) between SLI and National Transmission and Despatch Company (the “Client”), and the methodology, procedures and techniques used, SLI’s assumptions, and the circumstances and constraints under which its mandate was performed. This document is written solely for the purpose stated in the Agreement, and for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Client, whose remedies are limited to those set out in the Agreement. This document is meant to be read as a whole, and sections or parts thereof should thus not be read or relied upon out of context. Unless expressly stated otherwise, assumptions, data and information supplied by, or gathered from other sources (including the Client, other consultants, testing laboratories and equipment suppliers, etc.) upon which SLI’s opinion as set out herein is based has not been verified by SLI; SLI makes no representation as to its accuracy and disclaims all liability with respect thereto. 504760 © 2011 SNC-Lavalin Inc. All rights reserved Confidential T&D Division . National Power Systems Expansion Plan LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS Abbreviations: ADB Asian Development Bank AEDB Alternative Energy Development Board cct-km Circuit-kilometre Consultant SNC-Lavalin. prepared by Acres International Limited in 1994 NTDC National Transmission and Despatch Company OGDCL Oil and Gas Development Company Limited P. Transmission and Distribution Group DISCO Distribution Company DSM Demand Side Management GDP Gross Domestic Product GENCO Generation Company HPP Hydel (or Hydro) Power Project HSFO High-Sulphur Furnace Oil HVAC High Voltage Alternating Current HVDC High Voltage Direct Current IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers kA Kilo-ampere KESC Karachi Electric Supply Company km Kilometre KPT Karachi Port Trust kV Kilovolt MMcfd Million cubic feet per day MOU Memorandum of Understanding MT Metric Tonnes MTOE Million Tons of Oil Equivalent MVA Mega volt-amperes MWh Megawatt-hour or 1.000 kilowatt-hours NEPRA National Electric Power Regulatory Authority NESPAK National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt) Limited NPP National Power Plan.P. Power Project PAEC Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission PARCO Pak-Arab Refining Company PEPCO Pakistan Electric Power Company i . National Power Systems Expansion Plan PPIB Private Power and Infrastructure Board PPL Pakistan Petroleum Limited PQA Port Qasim Authority PSO Pakistan State Oil PSS/E Power System Simulation RFO Residual Furnace Oil SIL Surge Impedance Load SNGPL Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited SSGCL Sui Southern Gas Company Limited SYPCO Generation planning software (System Production Costing) TAVANIR The Iranian Electric Utility WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority  ii . .......................1  Load Forecast ..................................................... 9  6..........1  Expansion Scheme ......... 5  DETERMINATION OF FUTURE NEEDS OF 500/220 KV & 220/132 KV GRID STATIONS ......................................1..........................1  7..........1......... 20  7........................... 7  5..................................................1  Expansion Scheme .....................1..................................................................................................................1................ 8  TRANSMISSION EXPANSION UP TO 2016-17 ...................... 26  8........................................................................5  Augmentations and Extensions at 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV Grid Stations: 2016-17 to -2020-21.1...................................................................... 21  7............................................ 26  8...........6  Load Flow Results of the year 2016-17 .............................................National Power System Expansion Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS NTDC TRANSMISSION EXPANSION PLAN 1  OBJECTIVES ...................... 7  5...............................................................3  New 220/132 kV Grid Stations at Load Centers: 2016-17 to 2020-21 ..........................1......................................................................3  Power Import Projects: Till 2016-17 .......... 9  6...............................................3  Needs of 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV Grid Stations from 2020/21 to 2029/30 ....2  Power Dispersal Projects: Till 2016-17 ........ 14  TRANSMISSION EXPANSION FROM 2016-17 TO 2020-21 .......................1  Power Dispersal Projects: 2021-22 to 2025-26 .......................................................................................................................1  Power Dispersal Projects: 2016-17 to 2020-21 ......... 12  6................................2  8  Expansion Scheme ....................... 26  8................................... 7  5............................ 9  6.... 22  TRANSMISSION EXPANSION FROM 2021-22 TO 2025-26 ....................................................1  Inputs ...... 17  7..............................2  New 500/220 kV Grid Stations and Related Transmission Lines of 500 kV: 202122 to 2025-26 ...........................1........................ 3  4  APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ............... 29  504760-01-A3 i Transmission Plan ............................... 5  5  6  7  4............4  New Grid Stations of 500/220 kV at Load Centers: Till 2016-17 ..................................................................................................2  New 500/220 kV Grid Stations at Load Centers: 2016-17 to 2020-21 ........ 1  2  PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ..........2  Development of Study Cases ................................................. 11  6.. 5  4....2  Needs of 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV Grid Stations till 2020/21 ............................................................................4  New Transmission Lines for System Reinforcements Required for Normal and N1 Contingency Conditions: 2016-17 to -2020-21 ................................. 22  7....................................................... 1  3  TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NTDC LONGITUDINAL NETWORK................ 16  7... 11  6.................................................................................... 22  7.......5  New Grid Stations of 220/132 kV at Load Centers: Till 2016-17 ......................................... 16  Load Flow Results of the year 2020-21 ............................. .............. 38  9...........................5  Augmentations and Extensions at 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV Grid 2026-27 to 2030 .......................................................1..... 58  11........................................................................................................................................ 32  8.................4  New Transmission Lines for System Reinforcements Required for Normal and N1 Contingency Conditions: 2021-22 to 2025-26 ..... 40  9.........2  9  Load Flow Results of the year 2025-26 ........ 38  9..............................5  Augmentations and Extensions at 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV Grid ................1............................... 30  8.................................................. 61  12............................National Power System Expansion Plan 8............................. 56  11....................................2  Methodology and Assumptions for Maximum Fault Current Calculations ......................................1  Stability Studies for the year 2020 .................... 52  11  TRANSIENT STABILITY STUDIES ........................................................ 42  10  SHORT CIRCUIT ANALYSIS ......................... 34  TRANSMISSION EXPANSION FROM 2026-27 TO 2029-30 ................................... 49  10.............................................................2  New 500/220 kV Grid Stations and Related Transmission Lines of 500 kV: 202627 to 2030 ..............................1  Total requirement (BOQs) between 2017 and 2030 ....3  General Conclusions of Stability Studies ..1  Significance of Short Circuit Analysis ................................. 49  10.......2  Stability Studies for the year 2030 ............................................................1....................................................................................................................................1  Power Dispersal Projects: 2026-27 to 2029-30 ..................2  Load Flow Results of the year 2030 .................... 55  11... 62  504760-01-A3 ii Transmission Plan ........4  Fault Current Calculations of the year 2030 ....................................4  New Transmission Lines for System Reinforcements Required for Normal and N1 Contingency Conditions: 2026-27 to 2030 .... 41  9.............................................3  New 220/132 kV Grid Stations and Related Transmission Lines of 220 kV: 202122 to 2025-26 .......................2  Total Cost ............................................................ 61  12  COST ESTIMATE OF TRANSMISSION EXPANSION .1.............................................................................. 40  9...................... 62  13  CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................1  Expansion Scheme ........... 41  9...... 33  8.............3  New 220/132 kV Grid Stations and Related Transmission Lines of 500 kV: 2026-27 to 2030 ...................................................................................... 61  12....... 51  10..........................................1...................................................................1.........1............. 38  9............................... 49  10......1......................................................3  Fault Current Calculations of the year 2020 . .............................................. 4  Figure 9-1  500/220 kV System in the Ultimate Year 2030 .................................................. 48  LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix-1: Input Data Appendix-2: Load Flow Study Results for year 2016-17 Appendix-3: Load Flow Study Results for year 2020-21 Appendix-4: Load Flow Study Results for year 2025-26 Appendix-5: Load Flow Study Results for year 2030 Appendix-6: Short Circuit Study Results for year 2020 Appendix-7: Short Circuit Study Results for year 2030 Appendix-8: Stability Study Results for year 2020 Appendix-9: Stability Study Results for year 2030 Appendix-10: Transmission Expansion Schedule 504760-01-A3 iii Transmission Plan ..National Power System Expansion Plan LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1  Existing/Committed 500/220 kV System .......... . • To fulfill the reliability criteria of NTDC Grid Code approved by NEPRA in terms of acceptable voltage. the regulatory authority of electrical power in Pakistan. 2 PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA The transmission system expansion plans are required to fulfil the Grid Code of NTDC approved by NEPRA. • To estimate the economic cost of these reinforcements in a staged manner. • To determine the long-term impacts on fault levels throughout the transmission network and to examine mitigating measures to deal with excessive fault levels. loading of lines and transformers for normal (N-0) and contingency (N-1) conditions both under disturbed dynamic/transient conditions and steady state conditions. The following are the planning and performance criteria laid down in the Grid Code: 504760-01-A3 1 Transmission Plan . frequency. • To check the transient and dynamic stability of 500 kV HVAC or above.National Power System Expansion Plan NTDC TRANSMISSION EXPANSION PLAN 1 OBJECTIVES The transmission expansion plan for NTDC has been developed to fulfil the following objectives: • To ensure that the planned generation expansion can be delivered to the major load centres throughout the country • To identify any requirements (technical and/or economic) that might require the introduction of any new voltage levels and/or transmission types into the existing transmission network • To determine the reinforcements required in the transmission network to meet the growing demand of the load centres by developing new grid stations and their associated transmission lines at 500 kV and 220 kV levels interconnecting with the transmission lines emanating from the proposed power plants. Such costs are then added to the cost of the new generation required to provide the basic input data to the financial analysis and the examination of the impact on tariffs. and HVDC systems catering for the bulk transmission of power from major power plants to the major load centres to verify the adequacy of network for normal and disturbed conditions. Under (N-1) contingency operating conditions. criterion (b) needs to be applied at detailed design stage of generating stations.2 unless exceptional circumstances prevail. congestion management. It is assumed that a fault will be cleared by circuit breaker action in 5 cycles. Dynamic/Transient Conditions: System stability must be maintained following the disturbances listed below: (a) Permanent three-phase faults on any primary transmission line and associated components. Steady-state planning studies for steady state load flow studies shall be deemed acceptable if they do not result in any voltage violations or overloads based on predetermined loading limits for Normal (N-0) and Emergency (N-1) contingency conditions. fault levels and voltage regulation. (b) Failure of a circuit breaker to clear a fault (“Stuck Breaker” condition) in 5 cycles. the voltage variation shall be in the range of +10% and –10% of Nominal System Voltage Short Circuit (Fault Levels): Short circuit calculations shall be prepared for each study year. then mitigation measures shall be identified and incorporated into the system improvement plans for future years. and adequacy of fault interrupting capability and short circuit withstand capacity shall be ensured. Grid Voltage Variations: Under (N-0) normal operating conditions. Grid Frequency Variations: The Frequency of the NTDC Transmission System shall be nominally 50Hz and shall be maintained within the limits of 49.e. If the System is found to be unstable.National Power System Expansion Plan Steady State: Adequacy evaluation of planning studies for steady-state system performance shall be based on equipment loading. with back up clearing in 9 cycles after fault initiation The robustness of the proposed transmission expansion plan shall be tested against criterion (a) whereas the worst case of critical clearing time i.8 to 50. 504760-01-A3 2 Transmission Plan . System Operating Voltages of the Total System shall be maintained within the bandwidth of +8% to –5% of Nominal System Voltage. The lightly loaded HVAC lines generate excessive VARs due to their high charging current and would require a sufficient amount of shunt reactors. Also in the high water season. and other FACTS devices might be required to be installed at appropriate locations in mid-country. The least cost Generation Plan (Base Case) developed for this Expansion Plan Study also envisages maximum hydropower generation located up in the North whereas the major thermal power plants based on indigenous and imported fossil fuel are located in South. when power flows mainly from hydel power plants in the North. inductive and capacitive. the power flow is reversed to be from the South to North.1). 504760-01-A3 3 Transmission Plan . the HVAC circuits in the South would be lightly loaded because of the low dispatch of thermal power from the South and vice versa. Therefore during high water months when hydel power is at the maximum the power flows from the North to South. more like a vertical rectangle and same is true for the primary network of NTDC. Other dynamic VAR compensation devices such as SVCs. therefore sufficient VAR sources would be required to be installed in terms of shunt capacitor banks at the distribution level and. Long HVAC (500 kV or above) and HVDC lines are required to carry power from the far North and far South to mid country where the maximum load is concentrated. Therefore the levels of compensations. are to be very carefully studied and planned. at the transmission level as well. i.e. With insignificant local generation in mid-country. whereas in low water months when the thermal power in the South is run at its maximum. line connected or bus connected depending on the requirement. SVS. The 500 kV network runs from Peshawar in the North to HUBCO near Karachi in the South (see Figure 3. The maximum load is concentrated in the middle of the country where local generation potential is limited because of lack of fossil fuel resources and meagre hydropower potential in the plains. Hydropower generation potential is located in the North and thermal power generation sources are mainly in the South.National Power System Expansion Plan 3 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NTDC LONGITUDINAL NETWORK Pakistan is geographically a longitudinal country. if required. the huge reactive power (MVAR) demand would not be advisable to be supplied from power plants in the far North and far South as excessive flow of VARs would cause severe voltage drop across long and heavily loaded lines. National Power System Expansion Plan Figure 3-1 504760-01-A3 Existing/Committed 500/220 kV System 4 Transmission Plan . 504760-01-A3 5 Transmission Plan . base case scenario. • Inputs from the other ongoing feasibility studies have been incorporated as follows: o ± 500 kV HVDC Bipole for 1000 MW import of power from Iran (conducted by NESPAK and SNC Lavalin) o ± 500 kV HVDC Bipole for 1300 MW import of power from CASA (conducted by NESPAK and SNC Lavalin) o Transmission scheme based on 500 kV double circuits using quad bundled Martin conductor for the evacuation of power from 26 hydropower plants to be located on river Indus and its tributaries in Northern Areas of Pakistan (being conducted by PB/PPI/MAES) o Transmission scheme for evacuation of power from indigenous and imported coal based thermal power plants in the South (Thar and Karachi) connecting with the Southern Grid at 500 kV and at ± 600 kV HVDC from South to Mid-country (being conducted by NESPAK and SNC Lavalin) 4. 2025 and 2030 respectively.4) • Transmission network data file in PSS/E format supplied by NTDC for the years 2010 and 2014 • All the ongoing and committed or planned transmission expansion plans of NTDC envisaged up to the year 2016-17 (Appendix-1.2) • Base Case Generation Expansion Plan developed by SNC-Lavalin for NPSEP (Appendix-1.5). 2020. prepared by NTDC and validated by SNCLavalin (Appendices1.National Power System Expansion Plan 4 4.1 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY Inputs The following input data has been assumed for the study cases: • Load Forecast.1 and 1. which are 2016.2 Development of Study Cases • The spot years for study have been identified in agreement with NTDC corresponding to different intervals in which major generation additions occur as per the Base Case Generation Expansion Plan. • Transient stability analysis was carried out for the system of 500 kV for the years 2020 and 2030 employing the following standard worst case disturbance: o 3-phase fault at bus bar with fault clearing time of 5 cycles o Trip of the heavily loaded circuit emanating from the bus bar o Monitor post fault damping of transients of rotor angles and power swings with recovery of voltage and frequency of the system 504760-01-A3 6 Transmission Plan .e. 2016. The expansion of DISCO transmission network up to the 132 kV level was assumed frozen at the year 2020 and future projections of loads were assumed lumped at new 220/132 kV substations proposed to be constructed between 2020 and 2030.National Power System Expansion Plan • Base case of the year 2020 was developed as a reference to develop the other spot years’ cases.e. Load flow simulations were carried out for normal (N-0) and ) contingency (N-1) conditions for each case to determine the adequacy of the proposed transmission facilities for each seasonal pattern of power flow • Short circuit analysis was carried out for the calculation of maximum three-phase and single-phase fault currents for the years 2020 and 2030 using IEC 909 as employed in PSS/E® software. • The cases for the intermediate years of 2016 and 2025 were developed to determine the scope of the transmission system expansion during the intermediate years. superimposing the NTDC transmission infrastructure of 220 kV and 500 kV adequate to meet the DISCO transmission needs with the proposed extensions. 2025 and 2030. load flow. • Standard tools of analysis for transmission expansion planning i. augmentations and construction of new 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV substations • Case for the year 2030 was developed to determine the ultimate scope of 220 kV and 500 kV transmission additions in the system to meet the projected forecast and the corresponding generation additions. 2020. • Two cases each for high water (high hydel) and low water (high thermal) were studied for each spot year of the study i. DISCO transmission expansion plan up to the 132 kV level developed till the year 2020 was used as the fundamental base case. short circuit and transient stability analyses were employed using the state of art software PSS/E® of Siemens-PTI. 504760-01-A3 7 Transmission Plan .National Power System Expansion Plan 5 DETERMINATION OF FUTURE NEEDS OF 500/220 KV & 220/132 KV GRID STATIONS 5.1 Load Forecast NTDC has developed two scenarios of load forecast based on: • Power Market Survey (PMS) • Long Term Forecast involving growth indices of country globally These forecasts are attached as Appendices 1. 5. The PMS forecast was used for developing the DISCO and NTDC transmission expansion plans up to the year 2020.2 Needs of 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV Grid Stations till 2020/21 For NTDC transmission system expansion between 2021 and 2030. the global forecast was used because the focus is only on 500 kV and 220 kV network expansion in these years.5 • Need for new 220/132 kV substations established by DISCO transmission expansion load flow analysis for normal and N-1 contingency cases up to the year 2020. The other approach may be called “top down” that considers overall country’s growth indices and develops future peak demand globally at country level and then breaks it down to DISCO peaks. The first one may be called “bottom-up” approach initiating from grass root level of 11 kV feeders and developed up to 132 kV level of DISCO peak. Future reinforcements up to 2020 in the existing 220/132 kV grid stations in terms of augmentation or addition and requirements for new 220/132 kV grid stations have been worked out based on the following: • Tentative transmission expansion plan up to 2016-17 supplied by NTDC as attached in Appendix-1. Individual DISCO peak cases have been combined together to make a composite case for NTDC transmission expansion of the spot years of study up to 2020.1 and 1.2. being given that the132 kV network expansion was frozen as of the year 2020. 3. The methodology of this analysis is explained below: • Load flow case of year 2020 for NTDC transmission with all DISCO peak cases combined in it. • The concept of firm capacity i. N-1 of the transformers capacity has been applied for the period 2020 – 2030.e. • Sum of MW flows at 220/132 kV transformers and the internal supply at 132 kV levels is equal to DISCO peak load.5) plus further requirements established due to overloading of 500/220 kV transformers revealed in load flow analysis of DISCO peaks especially in big load centres of Lahore. • MW flows of 220/132 kV transformers of 2020 base case load flow were projected up to the year 2030 at the annual growth rates of the respective DISCOs maintaining the same ratio of MW flow that was worked out from the 2020 base case load flow. All loads represented at 11kV and 132 kV have been frozen. Faisalabad. either of the following reinforcements have been proposed o Augmentation to higher capacity assuming maximum size of transformer to be 350 MVA 504760-01-A3 8 Transmission Plan . The proportion of MW flows through a particular 220/132 kV grid station with reference to total MW flows injected into DISCO peak as of 2020 base case has been worked out.3 Needs of 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV Grid Stations from 2020/21 to 2029/30 Detailed load capacity analysis has been carried out to determine the requirements of new 220/132 kV grid stations to feed different DISCO loads between 2020 and 2030. Islamabad. has been assumed as the base reference case. The power supplied internally through generation connected at 132 kV and imported from neighbouring DISCOs (at CDPs) is also frozen • MW flows on 220/132 kV grid stations feeding each DISCO peak load in 2020 case have been noted for respective DISCO in separate sheets. The results are attached in Appendix 1.National Power System Expansion Plan Expansion of 500/220 kV grid stations up to the year 2020 has also been assumed principally based on the tentative transmission expansion plan of NTDC (Appendix-1. • When the projected MW flows at 220/132 kV grid station cross the firm capacity. Peshawar and Karachi. 5. the results of the load capacity analysis for determining the need of 220/132 kV reinforcements in the concession area of each DISCO has been presented in separate sheets which indicate replacement (augmentation). NTDC provided their in-house developed transmission expansion plan till the year 2016-17 as shown in Appendix-1. including the committed and planned power plants.5. a corresponding transmission expansion plan has been developed. • In Appendix 1. 6 TRANSMISSION EXPANSION UP TO 2016-17 6.3. addition (extension) and new 220/132 kV grid stations required between 2020 and 2030. MW Commissioning Year Guddu New CC 747 2013-14 Haveli Bahadur Shah CC 3000 2015-16 Sahiwal CC 1414 2015-16 Hydro 969 2015-16 Coal 3000 2016-17 Nuclear 680 2016-18 Import from Iran and CASA Import 2000 2016-17 Wind Power (Gharo/Jhimpir) Wind 1400 2012-17 Power Plants Neelum-Jehlum Thar/Imported Coal CHASHNUPP-III & IV To meet the forecasted demand and facilitate the evacuation of power from the committed and planned power plants by the year 2016-17. The plan envisages removing the present bottlenecks in the existing 500 kV and 220 kV network and substations which presently face severe 504760-01-A3 9 Transmission Plan .National Power System Expansion Plan o Addition of transformers depending on availability of space capping maximum number of transformers to be 4 at one grid station with maximum size of a transformer as 350 MVA .4).1 Expansion Scheme 6. requiring additional transmission facilities by the year 2016-17 are as follows: Type Installed Capacity.2 Power Dispersal Projects: Till 2016-17 The major generation additions indicated in Generation Expansion Plan (Appendix-1. o New grid station in the neighbourhood of the same grid station where the load has exceeded the firm capacity. I. This plan has been incorporated as such in the load flow simulations for 2016-17 with some changes proposed for the evacuation of power from the New Hydropower Plants (PB/PPI/MAES Study) and for the Thar Coal and Imported Coal based thermal power plants (SNC/NESPAK Study). overloadings and violations of Grid Code criteria.National Power System Expansion Plan congestions.Multan 500 kV S/C at M.South 500 kV D/C For Neelum-Jehlum (Hydro) o  For Thar (Coal) o   Neelum-Jehlum to Gujranwala (Gakhar) 500kV D/C Thar to Matiari switching station 500 kV D/C For Imported Coal (AES) o In-Out of Hub-Jamshoro 500 kV S/C at AES o AES to Matiari 500 kV D/C o In–out of AES-Matiari 500 kV S/C at Public Sector (Imported Coal) o In-out of 500 kV Jamshoro-Moro S/C at Matiari For CHASHNUPP-III and IV (Chashma New) 504760-01-A3 o Chashma New – Bannu 220 kV D/C o In-out of 220 kV D. Garh For Haveli Bahadur Shah (CCPP) o Haveli Bahadur Shah CCPP – Faisalabad-West 500 kV D/C o In-Out of M. Khan – Jauharabad S/C at Chashma New 10 Transmission Plan .G. Khan . Garh – Faisalabad-West S/C at Haveli Bahadur Shah CCPP o In-Out Gatti – Multan 500 kV S/C at Faisalabad-West o In-Out Gatti-Rousch 500 kV S/C at Faisalabad-West For Sahiwal (CCPP) o In-Out of Sahiwal – Multan 500 kV S/C at Sahiwal (CCPP) o 500 kV Sahiwal-Lahore. The additions of transmission network necessary for the evacuation of power from the major power plants in NPSEP by 2016-17 would be as follows:     For Guddu–New (CCPP) o Guddu New CCPP – M. Garh 500 kV S/C o In-Out of 500 kV Guddu – Multan at Guddu New (CCPP) o In-out D. Khan 2 D.Y. New 500/220 kV Grid Station 1 R. G.C In-Out at Islamabad West  In-Out of Tarbela-ISPR 220 kV at Islamabad West 220 kV 6 Lahore-South 2 x 750  Sahiwal – Lahore S/C In-Out at Lahore South  Lahore-South – Lahore D/C 7 Faisalabad. Khan 2x600 Guddu – Multan In-Out at D.3 For two clusters of wind power plants at Gharo and Jhimpir o Jhimpir – T. Khan 2x600 Guddu-New – Multan In-Out at R.Jhimpir 220 kV D/C Power Import Projects: Till 2016-17   For import of power from Iran o ± 500 kV HVDC Bipoles from Zahedan to Quetta o Quetta .4 In-out of Peshawar – Shahibagh 220 kV S/C at Peshawar-2 New Grid Stations of 500/220 kV at Load Centres: Till 2016-17 The new 500/220 kV grid stations at load centres to be added in the system by 2016-17 with their proposed installed capacities and connectivity schemes are as follows: No. Khan 3 Shikarpur-New 2x600 Guddu – Dadu 1st and 2nd circuits In-Out at Shikarpur New 4 Peshawar-2 2 x 750 In-out of Tarbela – Peshawar 500 kV S/C at Peshawar-2 5 Islamabad-West 2 x 750  Tarbela – Rewat 500 kV S/C In-Out at Islamabad West  Ghazi Brotha – Rewat 500 kV S.Loralai 220 kV D/C o Quetta .National Power System Expansion Plan  6. 220 kV D/C o Quetta .M Khan Road 220 kV D/C o Gharo . Y.Quetta Ind. Garh – Gatti S/C In-Out at Faisalabad-West 504760-01-A3 Capacity MVA Connectivity at 500 kV 11 Transmission Plan .G.Mastung 220 kV D/C For import of power from CASA o ± 500 kV HVDC Bipoles from Tajikistan to Peshawar-2 o In-out of Tarbela – Peshawar 500 kV S/C at Peshawar-2 (new 500/220kV substation) o 6.West 2 x 750 M. S. Singh 12 Nowshera Ind.S. Khan – Loralai 220 kV D/C 9 Okara New 3 x 250 Yousafwala – Sarfraznagar D/C In-Out at Okara New 10 Gujrat New 3 x250 Mangla – Gujranwala 220 kV S/C & Mangla – Gakhar 220 kV S/C In-Out at Gujrat 11 T.M. Road 220 kV D/C 7 Ghazi Road 3 x 160 • K. Pesh. Jamali 1 x 160 + Uch – Guddu 220 kV S/C In-Out at D.S. Kaku–Ravi 220 kV S/C In-Out at Ghazi Road • NKLPT – Sarfraznagar 220 kV S/C In-Out at Ghazi Road 8 Loralai 2 x 250 D.5 New Grid Stations of 220/132 kV at Load Centers: Till 2016-17 The new 220/132 kV grid stations going to be added in the system by 2016-17 with their proposed installed capacities and connectivity schemes are as follows: No. Pat 220 kV D/C In-Out at Wapda Town 6 Mansehra 2 x 250 Allai Khwar – Mansehra 220 kV D/C Mansehra – Isbd.Brotha – Shahibagh 220 kV D/C In-Out at Nowshera Ind. 13 R.5 6. Jamali 1 x 100 17 D.T.Y.K – Ghazi Raod220 kV D/C In-Out at Shalamar 16 D.L. Khan 500/220/132 kV 2 x 250 14 Chishtian New 2 x 250 Vehari – Chishtian New 220 kV D/C 15 Shalamar 3 x 160 Ravi/K. New 220/132 kV Grid Station Capacity MVA 1 Rohri New 2x250 Engro IPP – Rohri New 220 kV D/C Rohri New – Shikarpur 220 kV D/C 2 Kassowal 2 x 160 Vehari – Yousafwala 220 kV D/C In-Out at Kassowal 3 Bandala 2 x 160 Gatti – K.K 220 kV D/C In-Out at Bandala 4 Khuzdar 2 x 160 Dadu – Khuzdar 220 kV D/C 5 Wapda Town 2 x 250 Lahore–New K. Singh 3 x 250 Multan – Samundri Rd 220 kV D/C In-Out at T.G. 3 x 250 G.T.M.National Power System Expansion Plan The details of extensions and augmentations proposed in the existing 500/220 kV grid stations are indicated in detail in Appendix-1.I. Khan 2 x 250 504760-01-A3 Connectivity at 220 kV In & Out of Chashma– Ludewala 220 kV S/C at 12 Transmission Plan . M.T. Khan 18 19 20 21 Chakwal New Lalian New MirpurKhas New Shadman 2 x 160 Mangla – Rewat 220 kV S/C In-Out at Chakwal New 2 x 250 Gatti – Ludewala 220 kV D/C In-Out at Lalian New. 2 x 250 Shadman – Bund Road 220 kV D/C (XLPE Cable) 22 Taxila 2 x 250 Tarbela/Burhan – Islamabad Pesh. New 220/132 kV Grid Station Capacity MVA Connectivity at 220 kV D. Road 220 kV D/C In-Out at Taxila 23 Chakdara 2 x 250 Mardan – Chakdara 220 kV D/C 24 Jhimpir 2 x 250 Jhimpir – T. Road 220 kV D/C InOut at Kamalabad 34 Kamra 2 x 250 Tarbela – Taxila 220 kV S/C In-Out at Kamra 35 Iqbal Town 2 x 250 Lahore – Wapda Town 220 kV D/C In-Out at Iqbal Town 36 Gujranwala New (In-between Theri Sansi & G. Khan 500/220/132 kV 2 x 250 27 Mastung 2 x 250 28 Faisalabad West 2 x 250 500/220/132 kV Samundri Road – Jhang Road 220 kV D/C Faisalabad West – T.S.I. Khan Road 220 kV D/C 25 Gharo 2 x 250 Garho – Jhimpir 220 kV D/C 26 D. Khan Road 220 kV D/C Hala Road – T.G.P. Kaku 220 kV S/C In-Out at Gujranwala New Gujranwala – Gujranwala New 220 kV D/C 504760-01-A3 Industrial 2 x 250 Sibbi – Mastung 220 kV D/C 13 Transmission Plan . Singh 220 kV D/C 29 M-3 Estate Faisalabad West – M-3 Industrial Estate 220 kV D/C Faisalabad West – M-3 Industrial Estate 220 kV S/C In-Out at Lalian 30 Jamrud 2 x 250 Peshawar – Jamrud 220 kV D/C 31 Kohat 2 x 250 Peshawar New – Kohat 220 kV D/C Bannu – Kohat 220 kV D/C 32 Islamabad I-10 2 x 250 Rewat – Islamabad University 220 kV D/C In-Out at Islamabad I-10 33 Kamalabad 2 x 250 Rewat – Islamabad Pesh.Khan Road 220 kV S/C In-Out at MirpurKhas New.M.National Power System Expansion Plan No.M. 2 x 160 Hala Road – T. Road) 2 x 250 Mangla – K. 5 and are modeled and indicated in the load flow study results. Bhattian Ind.0 Results of Northern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2017-LW-3.0 Results of Northern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2016-HW-2.6 Load Flow Results of the year 2016-17 Load flow studies for high water (low thermal) and low water (high thermal) have been performed for normal (N-0) and contingency (N-1) conditions for each case. 220 kV D/C 38 Head Faqirian 2 x 250 Ludewala – Head Faqirian 220 kV D/C 39 Jauhrabad 2 x 250 Ludewala – Chashma/D.0 Results of Northern System of 220 kV 504760-01-A3 14 Transmission Plan . Bhattian Ind.1 and 2.I. The drawings of plotted results for high (HW) and low water (LW) cases are placed in Appendices 2. at 500 kV and 220 kV planned till 2016-17 to resolve congestion and overloading in the system have been indicated in Appendix-1.0 Results of Southern System of 500 kV and 220 kV Exhibit-2016-HW-3.Khan 220 kV D/C InOut at Jauhrabad 40 Alizai 2 x 250 Kohat – Alizai 220 kV D/C 41 Arifwala 2 x 250 Yousafwala – Kassowal 220 kV D/C In-Out at Arifwala Connectivity at 220 kV The additions. The automatic contingency analysis (ACCC) facility of PSS/E® was used for the 220 kV network assuming thermal limit as the permissible loading limit because 220 kV lines in the NTDC network are not very long.0 Results of Southern System of 500 kV and 220 kV Exhibit-2017-LW-2.National Power System Expansion Plan No. Normal (N-0) cases: Exhibit-2016-HW-1. 6. augmentations. extensions etc. The loading limit in 500 kV may not be the thermal limit and it is necessary to see the loading levels on the intact circuits for each individual outage case from the point of view of stability limits. However for the 500 kV system separate load flow simulations were performed for each individual outage of a 500 kV circuit. New 220/132 kV Grid Station Capacity MVA 37 P.2 respectively. 2 x 250 Gujranwala – P.0 Results of Northern System of 220 kV Exhibit-2017-LW-1. National Power System Expansion Plan The results indicate that in the high water season.6 Gatti to FBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1. the 500 kV circuits in the Northern system i.e. Contingency (N-1) cases: The automatic contingency analysis (ACCC) for 220 kV network indicates no violations of voltage and line loadings establishing the adequacy of 220 kV lines and 220/132 kV transformers envisaged in the NTDC proposed tentative expansion plan up to 2016-17.4 ISBD-W to G.Brotha 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1. The power flows on the lines of 500 kV and 220 kV and 500/220kV and 220/132 kV transformers are also within their rated limits.11 N-Jehlum to Gujranwala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1. are relatively heavily loaded compared to those in the Southern system and vice versa in the low water season.5 G.8 ISBD-W to Rewat-N 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1.7 FBD-W to Haveli-P 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1.1 Peshwar-2 to Tarbela 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1.Brotha to Gatti 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1.10 Rewat-N to Gujranwala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1.2 as follows: Outages for HW season (Appendix 2.Brotha 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1.3 Tarbela to ISBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1.2 Tarbela to G. Voltages on the 500 kV and 220 kV systems on the entire NTDC system from North to South are within the normal permissible limits of the NEPRA Grid Code. The plotted results are placed in Appendices 2.Brotha 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1.1 and 2.9 Rewat-N to G. North of Multan and Sahiwal. This is for the obvious reasons of dispatch of more power from hydropower plants located in North and less power from thermal power plants in the South during HW season and vice versa in LW season.1): Exhibit-2016-HW-1.12 Gujranwala to Lahore-O 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2016-HW-1. The one-line-out contingency cases of the 500 kV system has been carried out for Northern system for HW season and for Southern system for LW season respectively.13 Lahore-O to Gatti 500 kV Single Circuit Out 504760-01-A3 15 Transmission Plan . 504760-01-A3 16 Transmission Plan .9 Moro to R.Garh to Haveli-P 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.2): Exhibit-2017-LW-1.Y.19 Multan to Sahiwal 500 kV Single Circuit Out The results indicate that power flows on the intact circuits of 500 kV and 500/220 kV transformers for each outage are within the limits. The voltage profile on all 500 kV bus bars is also within the permissible criteria.Khan to Multan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.12 Guddu to M.3 AES-Coal to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.1 Tharcoal to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.17 Multan to Rousch 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.Garh 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1. The above analysis establishes the fact that the proposed expansion scheme of the 500 kV and 220 kV network till 2016-17 is adequate and fulfills the criteria of the Grid Code.11 Guddu to Guddu-New 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.16 Multan to FBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.10 D.National Power System Expansion Plan Outages for LW season (Appendix 2.5 Matiari to Moro 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.Y.18 Rousch to FBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.Garh to Multan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.Khan to M.1 TRANSMISSION EXPANSION FROM 2016-17 TO 2020-21 Expansion Scheme The sizes of 500/220 kV transformer banks are to be multiples of 750 MVA or 1000 MVA for all the new 500/220 kV grid stations and multiples of 250 MVA or 350 MVA for all the new 220/132 kV substations as per requirements.4 HUB to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.6 Jamshoro to Dadu 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1. 7 7.13 R.Khan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.8 Shikarpur to Guddu 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.15 M.Garh 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.2 Matiari to Jamshoro 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.14 M.7 Dadu to Shikarpur 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2017-LW-1.G. 1. MW Commissioning Year Coal 2400 2017-18 Tarbela 4th Extension Hydro 960 2017-18 Karot Hydro 720 2017-18 Asrit-Keddam Hydro 215 2017-18 Madyan Hydro 157 2017-18 Golan Goal Hydro 106 2017-18 Coal 4200 2018-19 Azad Pattan Hydro 222 2018-19 Chakothi Hydro 500 2018-19 Kalam-Asrit Hydro 197 2018-19 Gabral-Kalam Hydro 101 2018-19 Shogosin Hydro 127 2018-19 Shushgai Hydro 102 2018-19 Coal 4200 2019-20 Chashma Nuclear 1000 2019-20 Suki Kinari Hydro 840 2019-20 Kaigah Hydro 548 2019-20 Coal 2400 2020-21 Diamer Basha 1 Hydro 2250 2020-21 Bunji 1 Hydro 1800 2020-21 Nuclear 1000 2020-21 Wind 400 2017-2021 New Power Plants Thar Thar Thar Thar Qadirabad Wind Power (Total) All rental power plants such as Samundri.1 Power Dispersal Projects: 2016-17 to 2020-21 Following are the major additions of power plants between 2016-17 and 2020-21 proposed in the NPSEP: Type Installed Capacity. Gulf.1.National Power System Expansion Plan The consolidated list of all the transmission expansion projects between 2016-27 and 202021 is provided in Appendix-10. Karkey and Reshma have been assumed dismantled and not considered in the study for this period. Walters. 7. 504760-01-A3 17 Transmission Plan . Aliot 500 kV D/C o Two 500 kV Switching Stations of Chilas & Aliot and a 500/220/132 kV substation of Mardan New to feed local loads  o Aliot .Chilas 500 kV D/C o Chilas . and Madyan (Swat Valley HPPs) o  In-out one each of Basha-Mardan 500 kV D/C at each of Swat HPPs For Shogosin.National Power System Expansion Plan The already proposed interconnection schemes by NTDC for Neelum Jhelum and Karot hydro power plants have been modified to call at new hydropower plants on its way.Gujranwala 500 kV D/C at Aliot Switching Station is required for interconnection of Both Karot and Azad Pattan HPPs  For Diamer-Basha 1 and Bunji 1 o Basha . Kalam-Asrit. Asrit-Kedam.Chilas 500 kV D/C o Basha .Lahore-North 500 kV D/C (new 500/220 kV substation of Lahore-North) For Gabral-Kalam. The transmission additions vital for the evacuation of power from these major power plants in the NPSEP between 2016-17 and 2020-21 would be as follows:  For Thar Coal o ± 600 kV HVDC 2x2000 MW Bipoles from Thar to Lahore-South with converter stations of same capacity on both ends o ± 600 kV HVDC 2x2000 MW Bipoles from Thar to Faisalabad-West with converter stations of same capacity on both ends o  For Karot o  500 kV D/C from Thar to Karachi (a new 500/220 kV substation at KDA-33) In-out of one circuit of 500 kV D/C Neelum Jehlum to Gujranwala For Azad Pattan o In-out of one circuit of 500 kV D/C Neelum Jehlum to Gujranwala o In-out Neelum Jehlum .Islamabad West 500 kV D/C o Aliot . Shushgai and Golen Gol (Chitral Valley HPPs) o Chitral 220/132 kV substation to collect power from all HPPs at 132 kV o Chitral-Chakdara 220 kV D/C 504760-01-A3 18 Transmission Plan .Mardan New 500 kV D/C via Swat Valley o Bunji . National Power System Expansion Plan  For Suki Kinari o   For Chakothi o Chakothi-Aliot 220 kV D/C o 500/220kV transformers 2x600 MVA at Alliot For Chashma Nuclear o  In-out of one circuit of 500 kV D/C Chilas-Aliot Chashma-Ludewala 500 kV D/C For Kaigah o Kaigah-Mardan New 500 kV D/C (operated as an interim arrangement until the commissioning of 2nd stage of Basha). its interconnection would be In-out of Basha-Mardan 500 kV S/C at Kaigah)  For Qadirabad Nuclear o 500 kV D/C from Qadirabad Nuclear power plant to Gujranwala The following switching stations will be constructed as power collecting hubs from HPPS on the rivers Indus.Bunji 500 kV D/C(already mentioned above) Aliot 500/220 kV with following connections: o Chilas Aliot 500 kV D/C(already mentioned above) o In-Out Neelum Jehlum to Gujranwala D/C at Aliot (already mentioned above) o Aliot .Basha 500 kV D/C(already mentioned above) o Chilas . Jehlum and their tributaries:   Chilas 500 kV with following connections: o Chilas .Aliot 220 kV D/C (already mentioned above) 504760-01-A3 19 Transmission Plan .Lahore-North 500 kV D/C with one circuit calling at Gujrat o Chakothi .Islamabad-West 500 kV D/C (already mentioned above) o Aliot . In that case. (This plant would be advisable to be built in the timeline of 2n d stage of Basha. 2x750 MVA(already constructed as discussed above). 2X1000 MVA to be connected completing the 500 kV ring around Lahore as follows: • o Gujranwala-Lahore North 500 kV D/C o Lahore-South to Lahore –North 500 kV D/C Faisalabad-West 500/220/132 kV.2 New 500/220 kV Grid Stations at Load Centers: 2016-17 to 2020-21 The expansion of the 500 kV network in and around major load centers. Lahore. to be built as big power-hub of HVDC and HVAC connecting with the coal based power plants in South through HVDC Bipoles and respective converter stations as discussed above • Following will be carried out at Ghazi-Brotha to avoid overloading in N-1 contingencies at 500 kV circuits between Tarbela and Faisalabad: 504760-01-A3 20 Transmission Plan .National Power System Expansion Plan 7.1. This is in addition to in-out of Lahore-Sahiwal 500 kV S/C at Lahore-South proposed in 2016-17. to be built as big power-hub of HVDC and HVAC connecting: o With the coal based power plants in South through HVDC Bipoles and respective converter stations as discussed above and o With 500 kV ring around Lahore by initially constructing 500 kV D/C LahoreSouth . such as Peshawar. has been proposed in such a manner that a ring of 500 kV encircles them with stage by stage additions of new 500/220 kV substations as needed in future years briefly described below: • Mardan 500/220 kV.Lahore-Old. Faisalabad and Karachi. connected as follows: o With HPPs of Northern Areas through a 500 kV D/C via Swat valley as discussed above o • With Peshawar-2 through 500 kV D/C Matiari 500/220 kV (initially switching station) to be a full substation of 2x750 MVA capacity • Islamabad-West 500/220/132 kV (already constructed as discussed above) to connect to Aliot S/S with 500 kV D/C • Lahore-South 500/220 kV (already constructed as discussed above). 3x750 MVA. o • 500 kV D/C from Lahore-South to Sahiwal (already mentioned above) Lahore-North 500/220 kV. Islamabad. as discussed above. 2x750 MVA connected through In-Out Aliot to Lahore-North 500kV S/C • Vehari 500/220 kV. Jamshoro and Matiari • Ludewala 500/220 kV. 2x750 MVA (assumed at the same place as of existing Ludewala 220/132 kV substation having enough space available). The new 220/132 kV grid stations to be added in this period are as follows: Year Voltage Size MVA 220 kV D/C Connections 2018 Shaikh Manda (Quetta) 220/132 2x250 Quetta-New(HVDC) to Sh. It will be connected to main grid through in-out of Ghazi-Brotha – Gatti 500 kV S/C and Tarbela-Gatti 500kV S/C (amended as discussed above).National Power System Expansion Plan o Disconnect one 500 kV circuit each presently connected to Tarbela and Gatti and jumpers to be connected to bypass Ghazi-Brotha to achieve a direct Tarbela-Gatti S/C. • Gujrat 500/220 kV.3 Moro 500/220 kV. o Construct 500 kV D/C from Faisalabad-W to Ghazi Brotha and utilize the two circuit breakers of 500 kV spared at Ghazi-Brotha. Whereas NKI has already been connected to two Imported Coal fired plants (AES and Public Sector) to form a bigger ring of 500 kV between Karachi.1. 2x750 MVA (switching station already constructed in 2016-17).I. New 220/132 kV Grid Stations at Load Centers: 2016-17 to 2020-21 The detailed transmission expansion studies of all DISCOs for this period have established the need for new 220/132 kV grid stations. connecting with NKI through 500kV D/C to form a ring of 500 kV around Karachi. 2x750 MVA connected through In-Out Multan-Sahiwal 500 kV S/C • 7. Manda 2020 Qasimpur 220/132 3x250 Multan-New to Qasimpur 220 kV (UGC cable if ROW not available) 2020 New Larkana 220/132 2x250 Shikarpur to Larkana-New 220 kV 2020 New Hala 220/132 2x250 Matiari-New-Hala 220 kV 2020 Bhakkar 220/132 2x250 D. 3x1000 MVA. Khan to Bhakkar 220 kV 504760-01-A3 Substation 21 Transmission Plan . • Karachi (near KDA-33) 500/220 kV. to connect to Ghazi-Brotha. 1.1.Rd 220 kV D/C 2018 Mardan-Mardan –New (500/220 kV) 220 kV 2xD/C 2018 Faiselabad-West to Samundri Rd.5 Line kV Type 2016 In-Out Karachi-Coal PPs to Matiari at NKI 500kV 2 X D/C 2018 ISBD-West to IBD-P. 220 kV D/C Augmentations and Extensions at 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV Grid Stations: 2016-17 to -2020-21 Augmentations/Extensions at 500/220 kV grid stations proposed in this period are as follows: Year Substation Voltage Size Type 2018 Lahore-South 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2019 Islamabad-West 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2019 Gujranwala (Gakhar) 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2019 Rewat 500/220 2x750 MVA Augmentation 2019 Sahiwal (Yousafwala) 500/220 2x750 MVA Augmentation 2020 Peshawar-2 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2020 NKI 500/220 2x600 MVA Extension Twenty three (23) Augmentations/Extensions at 220/132 kV grid stations have been carried out as explained in Appendix-10.National Power System Expansion Plan 7. 7. The load flow studies for high hydel (low thermal) and low water (high thermal) have been performed for normal (N-0) and contingency (N-1) conditions for the study spot year of 2020-21 for each case. The study results with connectivity of all the new 500kV and 504760-01-A3 22 Transmission Plan .2 Load Flow Results of the year 2020-21 The above transmission scheme is the outcome of load capacity analysis and detailed load flow analysis.1.4 New Transmission Lines for System Reinforcements Required for Normal and N-1 Contingency Conditions: 2016-17 to -2020-21 The following additional circuits are required to be added to avoid overloading on lines during normal and N-1 contingency conditions: Year 7. e.2 respectively: Normal (N-0) cases: Load flow results of normal cases i. are attached as follows: Exhibit-2020-HW-1.2 as follows: Outages for HW season (Appendix 3.0 Results of Southern System of 500 kV and 220 kV Exhibit-2021-LW-2. With the proposed reinforcements the violations of voltage and line loadings were eliminated.1 and 3.5 Asrit-K to Mardan-New 500 kV Single Circuit Out 504760-01-A3 23 Transmission Plan . The plotted results are placed in Appendices 3. heavier flows in Northern circuits of 500 kV and 220 kV during HW season and relatively lighter flows on Southern grid.3 Asrit-K to Madyan -N 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1. The power flows on the lines of 500 kV and 220 kV and 500/220kV and 220/132 kV transformers are also within their rated limits.1. The one-line-out contingency cases of the 500 kV system have been carried out for Northern system for HW season.0 Results of Southern System of 500 kV and 220 kV Exhibit-2020-HW-3. and vice versa during LW season. Contingency (N-1) cases: The automatic contingency analysis (ACCC) for the 220 kV network was carried out which indicated some violations requiring reinforcement of the network as described above in section 7.2 Gabral-K to Asrit-K 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1. The voltages on 500 kV and 220 kV on the entire NTDC system from North to South are within the normal permissible limits.4 Basha-1 to K-Asrit 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.0 Results of Northern System of 220 kV The results indicate the same pattern of power flows as in the previous spot years of study i.0 Results of Northern System of 220 kV Exhibit-2021-LW-1.e.0 Results of Northern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2020-HW-2.1): Exhibit-2020-HW-1. With the proposed schemes of transmission expansion the system performance fulfills the Grid Code criteria.4. with no circuits out of service.1 Basha-1 to Gabral-K 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.0 Results of Northern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2021-LW-3.1 and 3. and for Southern system for LW season respectively.National Power System Expansion Plan 220 kV grid stations and new transmission lines proposed for this period have been plotted and attached for HW and LW seasons in Appendix-3. 13 N-Jehlum to Aliot-s/s 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.6 Madyan to Mardan-New 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.17 Chashma-Nuc to Ludewala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.26 Aliot-S/S to Karot 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.28 Aliot-S/S to Azad Patan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.29 Azad Patan to Gujranwala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.8 Basha-2 to Chilas 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.35 Lahore-N to Lahore-S 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.11 Suk-Knri to Aliot-S/S 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.Brotha to FBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.25 G.30 Aliot-S/S to Lahore-N 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.Brotha to Ludewala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.16 G.18 Ludewala to Gatti 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.24 Tarbela to ISBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.Brotha to Rewat-N 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.27 Karot to Gujranwala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.23 ISBD-W to Rewat-N 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.22 Aliot-S/S to ISBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.20 FBD-W to Multan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.37 Tajikistan to Peshwar-2 500 kV HVDC Monopole Out 504760-01-A3 24 Transmission Plan .12 Chilas to Aliot-S/S 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.14 Tarbela to G-Brotha 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.21 Haveli to M.31 Aliot-S/S to Gujrat 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.33 Gujranwala to Lahore-N 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.15 Tarbela to Ludewala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.National Power System Expansion Plan Exhibit-2020-HW-1.Garh 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.19 G.7 Mardan-New to Peshawar 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.10 Chilas to Suki-Knri 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.36 Lahore-S to Sahiwal 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.9 Bunji to Chilas 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.34 Gujranwala to Lahore-O 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1.32 Gujrat to Lahore-N 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2020-HW-1. 10 Dadu to Shikarpur 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.2 Tharcoal to KDA 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.3 KDA to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1. 504760-01-A3 25 Transmission Plan .22 Tharcoal-2 to FBD-W 600 kV HVDC Monopole Out The N-1 contingency load flow results of 500 kV indicate that with the proposed scheme of 500 kV expansion during 2016-17 and 2020-21.G.Khan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.19 Vehari to Sahiwal 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.17 M.Garh 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.Khan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.6 HUB to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.16 R.Y.Y. The power flows on the intact circuits of 500 kV and 500/220 kV transformers for each outage are within the limits. The above analysis establishes the fact that the proposed expansion scheme of the 500 kV and 220 kV network till 2020-21 is adequate and fulfills the criteria of the Grid Code under normal and N-1 contingency conditions.13 Guddu to D.5 AES Coal to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.1 Tharcoal to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.Khan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.11 Moro to R.Garh 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.18 Multan to Vehari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.21 Tharcoal to Lahore-S 600 kV HVDC Monopole Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.Garh to Multan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.20 Haveli to FBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1. all the criteria of Grid Code are met.2): Exhibit-2021-LW-1.9 Jamshoro to Dadu 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.14 Guddu-New to R.Y.4 IMP. The voltage profile on all 500 kV bus bars is also within the permissible criteria.8 Matiari to Moro 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.Khan to Multan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.15 Guddu-New to M.12 Guddu to M.National Power System Expansion Plan Outages for LW season (Appendix 3. Coal to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1.7 Matiari to Jamshoro 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2021-LW-1. 1 TRANSMISSION EXPANSION FROM 2021-22 TO 2025-26 Expansion Scheme Power Dispersal Projects: 2021-22 to 2025-26 For the period from 2021-22 to 2025-26.National Power System Expansion Plan 8 8.1 8.1. MW Commissioning Year CC 1414 2021-22 Coal 600 2021-22 Bunji 2 Hydro 1800 2021-22 Kohala Hydro 1100 2021-22 Munda Hydro 735 2022-23 Bunji 3 Hydro 1800 2022-23 Diamer Basha 2 Hydro 2250 2022-23 Palas Valley Hydro 580 2022-23 Thar Coal 2400 2023-24 Dasu Hydro 4320 2023-24 Lower Spatgah Hydro 496 2023-24 PAEC (Karachi) Nuclear 1000 2023-24 Thakot Hydro 2800 2024-25 Pattan Hydro 2800 2024-25 Nuclear 1000 2024-25 Coal 3600 2025-26 Dhudnial Hydro 792 2025-26 Wind Power(Total) Wind 2000 2022-26 Bhikki Thar PAEC (Karachi) Thar Some old power plants have been considered retired between the period 2019 and 2025 as proposed in the Generation Expansion Plan as follows: 504760-01-A3 26 Transmission Plan . The major plants are as follows: New Power Plants Type Installed Capacity. the major generation additions comprise major blocks of thermal power at Thar coal fields and hydel power plants in the Northern Areas across the Indus and its tributaries. National Power System Expansion Plan Year 2019 2020 Retiring Power Plant #of Units Unit Capacity MW Guddu 285 Faisalabad 129 KESC Gul Ahmed 9 13.5 122 KESC Tapal 12 11.5 138 Jamshoro-ST 1 170 170 Jamshoro 3 164 492 KESC Kannup 2021 Total MW 114 Shadara 3 9 27 Kotri 2 9 18 Faisalabad 4 18 72 Quetta 25 Kotri 120 Multan 2 28 55 Faisalabad 2 46 92 Guddu 2 58 116 Guddu 2 147 294 2023 Guddu 2 215 429 2024 Muzaffargarh 5 167 836 2025 Lakhra 1 28 28 The previously proposed interconnection schemes by NTDC for Kohala and Munda hydropower plants have been modified. The essential transmission additions for the evacuation of power from the major power plants in the NPSEP between 2020-21 and 2025-26 would be as follows: • For Bhikki o • In-out Lahore-Gatti 500 kV S/C For Thar Coal: o Second ± 600 kV HVDC 2x2000 MW Bipole from Thar to Lahore-South with converter stations of same capacity on both ends o Second 500 kV D/C from Thar to Matiari o 500 kV D/C Matiari-Moro-R.Y. Khan o 500 kV S/C Matiari-Jamshoro 504760-01-A3 27 Transmission Plan National Power System Expansion Plan o • • For Bunji 2 and 3 o 500 kV D/C from Bunji to Chilas o 500 kV D/C from Chilas to Aliot For Basha-2 o • • o In-Out Peshawar-2 (Pajjagi Rd.) – Ghallani 220 kV S/C at Munda o Munda – Mardan New (Charsaddah) 220 kV D/C For Kohala • • o Dasu – Mansehra 500 kV D/C o Dasu-Palas-Valley 500 kV D/C For Lower Spatgah o 500 kV D/C PAEC to Karachi-South 500/220 kV S/S o 500 kV D/C Karachi-South to Karachi-East 500/220 kV S/S For Wind Power Cluster at Jhimpir In-Out Thar-Karachi-East 500 kV D/C For Thakot o • In-Out one circuit of Karachi-East to Matiari 500 kV D/C For Wind Power Cluster at Gharo o • In-Out one circuit of Dasu-Palas Valley 500 kV D/C For PAEC Karachi (3 x 1000 MW) o • Palas Valley – Mansehra 500 D/C For Dasu o • In-out Neelum-Jehlum to Aliot 500 kV D/C For Palas Valley o • In-Out Basha-1-Chilas 500 kV D/C and Basha-1 to Mardan (via Kaigah) 500 kV D/C For Munda o • 500 kV D/C from Thar to Karachi (Karachi-South) Thakot-Mansehra 500 kV D/C For Pattan o 504760-01-A3 Pattan - Thakot 500 kV D/C 28 Transmission Plan National Power System Expansion Plan o • Thakot-Mardan New 500 kV D/C For Dhudnial o Dhudnial - Neelum Jehlum 500 kV D/C A switching station/substation of 500/220 kV is proposed to be built at Mansehra to collect power from Dasu and its neighboring Lower Spatgah and Palas Valley HPPs. As the bulk of the big hydropower plants in the Northern Areas of the Indus and its tributaries have been added during 2022-2026, and all that power is being collected at the intermediate switching stations/substations of Aliot, Mansehra and Mardan New, more circuits would be required to be built from the switching stations to the main load centers as discussed in 8.1.3 below. 8.1.2 New 500/220 kV Grid Stations and Related Transmission Lines of 500 kV: 202122 to 2025-26 For the growing demand of the loads during the years 2021 and 2026, new bulk supply points in terms of 500/220 kV grid stations are required to be added during this period, especially in the big load centers such as Islamabad, Lahore, Faisalabad and Karachi which would be integrated in the 500 kV ring to be developed around these cities as follows: Year 2022 Grid Station IslamabadNorth kV 500/220 MVA 3x750 Connections In-Out Aliot to Islamabad -West 500 kV D/C at Islamabad Aliot-Islamabad-North 500 kV D/C Islamabad-North to Rewat 500kV D/C 2023 Karachi-East 500/220 3x1000 In-Out NKI-Matiari 500 kV D/C at KarachiEast 2023 Lahore-East 500/220 2x1000 In-Out Lahore-North to 500kV D/C at Lahore-East 2023 Mansehra 500/220 3x750 Dasu-Mansehra 500 kV D/C (as mentioned above) Lahore-South Palas-Valley – Mansehra 500 kV D/C (as mentioned above) Mansehra - Faisalabad-West 500 kV D/C Mansehra-Qadirabad 500 kV D/C Mansehra – Faisalabad -East 500 kV D/C Mansehra - ISBD-West 500 kV D/C 504760-01-A3 29 Transmission Plan 1. Based on this analysis.3 New 220/132 kV Grid Stations and Related Transmission Lines of 220 kV: 202122 to 2025-26 Detailed load capacity analysis has been carried out and attached in Appendix-1.National Power System Expansion Plan Year Grid Station kV MVA Connections 2023 Karachi South 500/220 3x1000 Karachi-East-Karachi-South D/C (as already mentioned above) 2023 Okara 500/220 3x750 In-out Sahiwal – Lahore South D/C 2024 Bannu 500/220 3x750 Mardan New . When a grid station hits the maximum firm capacity.Faisalabad -East 500 kV D/C Faisalabad-West-Faisalabad-East(North) D/C Gatti-Faiselabad-East (North) D/C 8. Singh – Tandlianwala D/C 2021 Narwala Rd 220/132 3 X 350 Faisalabad -East(North) to Narwala RD.T. D/C 2021 Layyah 220/132 3 X2 50 KAPCO-Layyah D/C 2021 Saryab 220/132 3 X 350 In Out Quetta-Mastung D/C 2021 Surab 220/132 3 X250 Mastung-Surab D/C 504760-01-A3 30 Transmission Plan .Bannu 500 kV D/C Bannu-Chashma (Nuclear) 500 kV D/C 2024 Sialkot 500/220 3x750 In-Out Aliot-Lahore-North 2nd circuit 500 kV at Sialkot 2024 FaiselabadEast (North) 500/220 3x750 Mansehra . D/C Faisalabad -West to Narwala Rd.3 to establish the need for new 220/132 kV grid stations during this period taking into account firm capacities i. considering N-1 contingency of one transformer out of service.e. following are the new 220/132 kV grid stations to be added in the system during this period Year Grid Station kV MVA 220 kV Connections 2021 Ghalanai 220/132 3 X 250 Pesh-2 – Ghalanai D/C 2021 Bahter More 220/132 3 X350 ISBD-West to Bahter More 2xD/C 2021 Tandlianwala 220/132 3 X 350 Faisalabad -East(North) to Tandlianwala D/C T. a new grid station is proposed in the same vicinity or extension/augmentations are proposed if space to accommodate more transformers is available (4 transformers are taken as the maximum number of transformers at one grid station). 220/132 3 X2 50 In-Out Pesh-2 – Ghalanai D/C at Pajjagi Rd.Lulliani D/C 2022 Model Town 220/132 3 X 350 KLPAT-Model Town 2 S/C Cables 2022 Depalpur 220/132 3 X350 Okara-Depalpur D/C 2022 Sargodha 220/132 3 X250 Ludewala-New-Sargodha D/C 2022 Jaranwala 220/132 3 X250 Faisalabad -(East)North-Jaranwala D/C 2022 Fiedmic 220/132 3 X 250 Faisalabad -(East)North . I.Fiedmic D/C 2022 Multan City (GIS) 220/132 3 X 350 Qasimpur-Multan City (GIS) D/C 2023 Pesh-City (GIS) 220/132 3 X3 50 Pesh-2 – Pesh-City-GIS 3 S/C Cables 2023 Mingora 220/132 3 X2 50 Chakdara-Mingora D/C 2023 Mominpura 220/132 3 X3 50 Lahore-N . I.Lullyani 2xD/C Sarfraz Nagar .Miranshah D/C In-Out Mardan New-Munda Charsaddah Lahore-North To Karol D/C D/C at Karol – Moinpura D/C 2025 Saidpur 504760-01-A3 220/132 3 X 350 31 Lahore-South .Mominpura D/C 2024 Pajjagi Rd. Khan-2 D/C 2024 IslamabadSociety (Lohibir) 220/132 3 X 250 IBD-North -Islamabad--Society (Lohibir) D/C IBD-I-10 to Islamabad-Society (Lohibir) D/C 2024 Kandiaro 220/132 3 X 350 Moro-Kandiaro D/C 2024 Meharr 220/132 3 X2 50 Dadu-Meharr D/C 2024 Jehlum 220/132 2 X 250 Gujrat-Jehlum D/C Islamabad-North-Jehlum D/C 2024 Miranshah Charsaddah 220/132 220/132 2 X 250 3 X 250 2025 2025 Karol 220/132 3 X 350 Bannu . I. 2024 D.Shahdra-N D/C 2022 Lulliani 220/132 4 X 350 Lahore-E . Khan – Pezo D/C 2022 Regi Model Town 220/132 3 X2 50 Jamrud-Regi Model Town D/C 2022 Shahinabad 220/132 3 X 350 Gujranwala-Shahinabad D/C 2022 Jalalpur-Jattan 220/132 3 X 350 Gujrat-Jalalpur-Jattan D/C 2022 Raiwind Road 220/132 3 X 350 Lahore-South . I.Saidpur D/C Transmission Plan . Khan .National Power System Expansion Plan Year Grid Station kV MVA 220 kV Connections 2022 Pezo 220/132 3 X2 50 D.Raiwaind Rd D/C 2022 Shahdra New 220/132 3 X 350 Lahore-N .2 220/132 3 X2 50 D.D. Khan . M.Kohsar D/C 2025 Gujar Khan 220/132 3 X 350 In-Out Islamabad North-Jehlum at Gujar Khan 2nd D/C ISBD-N-Gujar-Khan D/C 2025 DHA Lahore 220/132 2 X 350 Lahore-East To DHA D/C 2025 Panwan 220/132 2 X 350 Lahore-N To Panwan D/C 2025 Burewala 220/132 3 X 250 Vehari-Burewala D/C Burewala-Arifwala D/C 2025 8. additional new lines are required to keep the loading on the circuits within the permissible limits under normal as well as N-1 contingency conditions.National Power System Expansion Plan Year 2025 Grid Station Shershah kV MVA 220/132 3 X2 50 220 kV Connections In-Out Muzaffergarh-N-Multan In-Out Muzaffergarh-2-Multan 2025 Bahawalpur-North 220/132 3 X2 50 In-Out Muzaffergar-1-Bahawalpur-N D/C 2025 Khairpur 220/132 3 X 250 Rohri-New . The details of such additional lines to be added in this period are as below: Year Line kV Type 2022 Mardan-Faisalabad -West 500kV D/C 2022 Ludewala-Faisalabad -West 500kV D/C 2023 Sialkot-New to Sialkot (Sahuwala) 220 kV 2 x D/C 2024 Haveli-Multan 500 kV D/C 2025 Matiari – Moro 500kV D/C 504760-01-A3 32 Transmission Plan .1.Khairpur D/C 2025 Kohsar 220/132 3 X2 50 T.4 Bahawalnagar 220/132 2 X 250 Chishtian-Bahawalnagar D/C New Transmission Lines for System Reinforcements Required for Normal and N-1 Contingency Conditions: 2021-22 to 2025-26 In addition to the new lines added in the system for evacuation of power from new power plants and for making connections with the new 500/220/kV and 220/132 kV grid stations. Khan Rd . Khan 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension It can be seen that most of the existing old 500 kV grid stations such as Multan Gatti.3). Peshawar (Sh. Khan 500/220 2x750 MVA Augmentation 2024 Lahore-North 500/220 1x1000 MVA Extension 2025 Faisalabad -West 500/220 3x1000 MVA Augmentation 2022 Sh. The Augmentations and Extensions at 500/220 kV for this period are as follows: Year Substation Voltage Size Type 2022 Ludewala 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2022 Multan 500/220 3x1000 MVA Augmentation 2022 Islamabad-West 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2023 Lahore-South 500/220 3x1000 MVA Augmentation 2023 Gujranwala (Gakhar) 500/220 2x750 MVA Augmentation 2022 D. G. the capacities of already existing grid stations were enhanced by Augmentations and Extensions.G.5 Augmentations and Extensions at 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV Grid In addition to adding the new grid stations of 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV discussed above. Lahore-Old. 504760-01-A3 33 Transmission Plan .National Power System Expansion Plan 8.2. Mohammadi (Peshawar) 500/220 3x750 MVA Augmentation 2022 Vehari 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2023 Gatti 500/220 4x750 MVA Augmentation 2023 Lahore Old (Sheikhupura) 500/220 4x750 MVA Augmentation 2024 Sahiwal 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2022 Shikarpur 500/220 2x750 MVA Augmentation 2025 Shikarpur 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2022 Dadu 500/220 2x750 MVA Augmentation 2025 Dadu 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2025 Gujranwala (Gakhar) 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2025 D. Mohammadi)) and Dadu. There are forty eight (48) grid stations of 220/132 kV where either extension or augmentation has been carried out as listed in detail in Appendix 10. have been augmented with new higher capacity of multiples of 750 MVA or 1000 MVA transformers. The extensions and augmentation at 220/132 kV grid stations are based on the load capacity analysis (Appendix-1.1. 0 Results of Mid-Country System of 220 kV Exhibit-2025-HW-5. Mid-Country system and Southern system.National Power System Expansion Plan 8. with no circuits out of service.2 Load Flow Results of the year 2025-26 The transmission scheme discussed above was evolved on the basis of load capacity analysis and detailed load flow analysis carried out for high hydel (low thermal) and low water (high thermal) conditions for normal (N-0) and contingency (N-1) conditions respectively. 504760-01-A3 34 Transmission Plan . the plotted results of 220 kV network are separated from 500 kV network and divided in 3 parts each for Northern system.0 Results of Mid-Country System of 220 kV Exhibit-2026-LW-5.0 Results of Northern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2025-HW-2.0 Results of Northern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2026-LW-3.2 respectively: Normal (N-0) cases: Load flow results of normal cases i. are attached as follows: Exhibit-2025-HW-1. heavier flows in Northern circuits of 500 kV and 220 kV during HW season and relatively lighter flows on Southern grid.e. The results indicate the same pattern of power flows as in the previous spot years of study i. The study results with connectivity of all the new 500kV and 220 kV grid stations and new transmission lines proposed for this period have been plotted and attached for HW and LW seasons in Appendix-4.0 Results of Southern System of 220 kV Due to congestion in the drawings. The power flows on the lines of 500 kV and 220 kV and 500/220kV and 220/132 kV transformers are also within their rated limits. and vice versa during LW season.0 Results of Southern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2025-HW-3.1 and 4.0 Results of Northern System of 220 kV Exhibit-2025-HW-4.0 Results of Southern System of 220 kV Exhibit-2026-LW-1. The voltages at 500 kV and 220 kV on the entire NTDC system from North to South are within the normal permissible limits.e.0 Results of Northern System of 220 kV Exhibit-2026-LW-4.0 Results of Southern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2026-LW-2. Because of the power flow pattern causing more loading on lines on a seasonal basis.20 Suk-Knri to Aliot-S/S 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.17 Dasu to Mansehra 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.1): Exhibit-2025-HW-1.4 Basha-1 to K-Asrit 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.14 Lower Spatgah to Palas 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1..4 With the proposed reinforcements the violations of voltage and line loadings were eliminated.1 and 4.1 Basha-1 to Gabral 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.8 Basha-1 to Kaigah 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.12 Thakot to Mansehra 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.21 Chilas to Aliot-S/S 500 kV Single Circuit Out 504760-01-A3 35 Transmission Plan . The plotted results are placed in Appendices 4.9 Kaigah to Mardan-New 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.5 K-Asrit to Madyan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.18 Bunji to Chilas 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.1.19 Chilas to Suk-Knri 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.11 Thakot to Mardan-New 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.2 as follows: Outages for HW season (Appendix 4.15 Dasu to Palas 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.3 Asrit-K to Mardan-New 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1. the one-line-out contingency cases of 500 kV system have been carried out for the Northern system (HW season being the season for heavy loading) whereas for the Southern system the outages have been performed on LW season respectively due to heavier loading during LW season.13 Dasu to Lower Spatgah 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.7 Basha-1 to Mardan-New 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.6 Madyan to Mardan-New 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.2 Gabral to Asrit-K 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.National Power System Expansion Plan Contingency (N-1) cases: The automatic contingency analysis (ACCC) for 220 kV network has been carried out which indicated some violations requiring reinforcement of the network as described above in section 8.16 Palas to Mansehra 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.10 Pattan to Thakot 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1. 33 G.26 FBD-W to Haveli 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.44 Rewat-N to Gujranwala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.24 Kohala to Aliot-S/S 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.34 Ludewala to Gatti 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.54 Karot to Gujranwala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.30 Mardan-New to Peshawar-2 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.25 Mardan-New to FBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.Brotha to Ludewala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.35 G.53 Aliot-s/s to Karot 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.42 ISBD-N to Rewat-N500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.31 Tarbela to Ludewala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.45 Mansehra to Qadirabad 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.48 Gujranwala to Lahore-O 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.50 Bhikki to Lahore-O 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.27 Mardan-New to Banu 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.38 Faisalabad -E to Gatti 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.46 Qadirabad to Gujranwala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.32 Tarbela to G.36 Mansehra to FBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.39 Mansehra to ISBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.22 Dhudnial to N-Jehlum 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.Brotha 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.55 Gujranwala to Lahore-N 500 kV Single Circuit Out 504760-01-A3 36 Transmission Plan .23 N-Jehlum to Kohala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.40 Tarbela to ISBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.51 Aliot-S/S to Azad Pattan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.43 ISBD-W to Rewat-N500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.49 Lahore-O to Lahore-South 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.28 Chashma-Nuc to Ludewala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.Brotha to FBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.41 Aliot-s/s to ISBD-N 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.52 Azad Pattan to Gujranwala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.47 Mansehra to Gujranwala 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.37 Mansehra to FBD-E 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.29 Ludewala to FBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.National Power System Expansion Plan Exhibit-2025-HW-1. 22 Guddu-NEW to Guddu 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.11 NKI to Karachi-E500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.57 Sialkot to Lahore-N 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.Garh 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.14 Matiari to Jamshoro 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.23 R.3 Tharcoal1 to Karachi-E 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.9 HUB to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.26 Rousch to Multan 500 kV Single Circuit Out 504760-01-A3 37 Transmission Plan .18 Moro to Dadu 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.10 NKI to KDA 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.58 Aliot-s/s to Gujrat 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.15 Jamshoro to Dadu 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.61 Tajikistan to Peshawar-2 500 kV HVDC Monopole Out Outages for LW season (Appendix 4.1): Exhibit-2026-LW-1.25 Haveli to Multan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.21 Guddu to D. Y. Khan to Multan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.17 Matiari to Moro 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.5 NTDC Gharo to Karachi-E 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.6 IMP-Coal to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.7 IMP-Coal to AES-Coal 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.59 Gujrat to Lahore-N 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.2 Tharcoal1 to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.60 Lahore-N to Lahore-E 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.1 Tharcoal-2 to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.24 Haveli to FBD-W 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.12 NTDC-Jhimpir to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.13 Karachi-E to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.19 Dadu to SHKPR500 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.National Power System Expansion Plan Exhibit-2025-HW-1.8 AES-Coal to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1. G. Khan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.16 NKI to Jamshoro 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.56 Aliot-s/s to Sialkot 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2025-HW-1.4 Karachi-S to PAEC 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1.20 Guddu-NEW to M. 1 TRANSMISSION EXPANSION FROM 2026-27 TO 2029-30 Expansion Scheme Power Dispersal Projects: 2026-27 to 2029-30 The major generation additions during the period from 2026-27 to 2029-30. 9 9.27 Multan to Vehari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1. fulfills the criteria of the Grid Code.1.31 Tharcoal-1 to Lahore-South 600 kV HVDC Monopole Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1. The major plants are as follows: 504760-01-A3 38 Transmission Plan .28 Sahiwal to Vehari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1. include major blocks of coal-fired power plants at Thar coal fields.32 Tharcoal-2 to FBD-W 600 kV HVDC Monopole Out The normal and N-1 contingency load flow results of 500 kV indicate that the proposed transmission expansion scheme of 500 kV during 2021-22 and 2025-26. The power flows on the intact circuits of 500 kV and 500/220 kV transformers for each outage are within the limits. nuclear plants and a few hydel and thermal power plants across the Indus river and mid country respectively.National Power System Expansion Plan Exhibit-2026-LW-1.1 9.30 Tharcosl-2 to Lahore-South 600 HVDC Mono Pole out Exhibit-2026-LW-1. The above analysis establishes the fact that the proposed expansion scheme of 500 kV and 220 kV network till 2025-26 is adequate fulfilling the criteria of the Grid Code under normal and N-1 contingency conditions.29 Lahore-South to Okara 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit-2026-LW-1. The voltage profile on all 500 kV bus bars is also within the permissible criteria. Khan Thar PAEC (Karachi) Thar Chashma Thar Balloki Wind Power(Total) Some old power plants have been considered retired between the period 2016 and 2030 as proposed in the Generation Expansion Plan as follows: Year Retiring Power Plant #of Units Unit Capacity MW Total MW 2026 Kot Addu 244 2027 KESC-Anoud 12 Muzaffargarh 240 KESC-Bin Qasim 4 177 708 Kohinoor 6 12 72 2028 KESC-IIL 6 19 113 2029 KESC-SGTPS 87 KESC-KGTPS 87 Kot Addu 3 240 721 SEPCOL 6 19 115 The essential transmission additions for the evacuation of power from the major power plants in NPSEP between 2026-27 and 2029-30 would be as follows: • For Tungus o • Tungus-Yulbo 500 kV D/C For Yulbo o 504760-01-A3 Yulbo-Bunji 500 kV 3 circuits (One D/C and One S/C) 39 Transmission Plan . MW Commissioning Year Tungas Hydro 2000 2026-27 Yulbo Hydro 2400 2026-27 CC 1414 2026-27 Coal 6000 2027-28 Nuclear 1000 2027-28 Coal 4800 2028-29 Nuclear 1000 2028-29 Coal 6000 2029-30 CC 1414 2029-30 Wind 1600 2026-30 Power Plants D. I.National Power System Expansion Plan Type Installed Capacity. Bhakkar.3). I.2 New 500/220 kV Grid Stations and Related Transmission Lines of 500 kV: 202627 to 2030 No new 500/220 kV grid station has been proposed to be constructed at the load centers during this period. 9. I.3 New 220/132 kV Grid Stations and Related Transmission Lines of 500 kV: 2026-27 to 2030 The requirements for new 200/132 kV grid stations for this period were established through load capacity analysis (Appendix 1. D. However many extensions and augmentations have been proposed to enhance the capacity of already envisaged 500/220 kV grid stations. Pezo. These are explained with their proposed sizes and connectivity schemes as follows: 504760-01-A3 40 Transmission Plan . Khan-2.1. Khan 220 kV grid station already connected to Bannu. Khan (CCPP) o To be connected at D.National Power System Expansion Plan • For D. This served the needs of extra transformation capacity required to cater for the projected loads during this period.1. I. C1/C2 and C2/C3 • • o To be connected to already constructed Chashma-Nuclear PP at 500 kV o Chashma-Bannu 500 kV D/C For Balloki o • For Chashma (Nuclear) In-Out Lahore-South to Okara (Sahiwal) 500 kV D/C For Thar Coal: o Third and Fourth ± 600 kV HVDC each 2x2000 MW Bipoles from Thar to Lahore-South with respective converter stations of same capacity for each Bipole on both ends o Second and Third ± 600 kV HVDC each 2x2000 MW Bipoles from Thar to Faiselabad-West with respective converter stations of same capacity for each Bipole on both ends o ± 600 kV HVDC 2x2000 MW Bipole from Thar to Multan with respective converter stations of same capacity on both ends o Third and Fourth 500 kV D/C from Thar to Matiari o Third 500 kV D/C from Thar towards Karachi – East (Upto NTDC-Gharo which is already connected to Karachi-East via 500 kV D/C) 9. 220kV D/C 2026 Gatti-Jaranwala Rd.Raiwaind Rd. Year 9.1.Sunder D/C 2028 Mianwali 220/132 2 X 350 In-Out C3/C4 . D/C at Sunder 2nd Lahore-South .Peshawar-City 220kV S/C (cable) 2026 Faisalabad – West -Samundri Rd.1.Swabi D/C 9.Jhang D/C 2027 Sahiwal-2 220/132 3 X 350 Yousufwala-Sahiwal-2 D/C 2027 Khanozai 220/132 2 X 250 In-Out Quetta-Loralai D/C 2028 Thal 220/132 3 X2 50 Bannu-Thall D/C 2028 Sialkot-North 220/132 2 X 250 Sialkot 500/220 kV .5 Line kV Type 2026 Peshawar-Jamrud 220kV D/C 2026 Peshawar-2 .4 New Transmission Lines for System Reinforcements Required for Normal and N-1 Contingency Conditions: 2026-27 to 2030 Some additional lines would be required other than those proposed earlier for evacuation of power from new power plants and those required for the interconnection of new grid stations with the system. (Reconductor) 220kV D/C 2027 Sibbi-Mastung 220 kV 2D/C 2027 Basha – Bunji 500 kV D/C Augmentations and Extensions at 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV Grid 2026-27 to 2030 The Augmentations and Extensions at 500/220 kV to enhance the transformation capacity to meet the additional demand in this period would be as follows: 504760-01-A3 41 Transmission Plan .Jauhrabad At Mianwali 2028 Nawabshah 220/132 2 X 250 Moro-Nawabshah D/C 2029 Pasrur 220/132 3 X 350 Sialkot New .Pasrur D/C 2029 Fsbd-City (GTS) 220/132 2 X 350 Gatti .Sialkot-North D/C 2028 Wazirabad 220/132 2 X 350 Gujrat-Wazirabad D/C 2028 Sunder 220/132 3 X 250 In-Out Lahore-South .Faisalabad-City (GTS) D/C (cables) 2030 Swabi 220/132 3 X2 50 Mardan New .National Power System Expansion Plan Year Grid Station kV MVA Connections 2027 Islamabad-H-11 220/132 3 X 350 Bahter-More To Islamabad H-11 D/C 2027 Jhang 220/132 3 X 250 Fsbd-W . The total transmission expansion plan is seen in these simulations.National Power System Expansion Plan Year Substation Voltage Size Type 2026 Guddu 500/220 3x600 MVA Augmentation 2026 Ludewala 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2026 Peshawar-2 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2027 Multan 500/220 1x1000 MVA Extension 2027 Lahore-South 500/220 1x1000 MVA Extension 2027 Gujranwala (Gakhar) 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2028 Lahore-North 500/220 1x1000 MVA Extension 2028 Lahore-East 500/220 1x1000 MVA Extension 2028 Faisalabad -West 500/220 1x1000 MVA Extension 2028 Faisalabad -East (North) 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2029 Shikarpur 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension 2028 Karachi-South 500/220 1x1000 MVA Extension 2028 Karachi-East 500/220 1x1000 MVA Extension 2030 R.2 respectively. 504760-01-A3 42 Transmission Plan .1 and 5. The plotted results have been placed in Appendix 5. Y. these load flow simulation cases contain the entire scope of proposed transmission expansion under the purview of this study.2 Load Flow Results of the year 2030 The proposed transmission schemes as discussed above are based on load capacity analysis and detailed load flow simulations for high hydel (low thermal) and low water (high thermal) have been performed for normal (N-0) and contingency (N-1) conditions for each case. The year 2030 being the ultimate spot year of this study. Khan 500/220 1x600 MVA Extension 2030 Moro 500/220 1x750 MVA Extension Augmentations and Extensions at existing 220/132 kV grid stations are based on the load capacity analysis (Appendix-1.3).3 9. There would be nineteen (19) such extensions/augmentations required in this period as described in detail at the end of Appendix-10. 0 Results of Southern System of 220 kV Exhibit-2030-LW-1.0 Results of Southern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2030-HW-3. With the proposed reinforcements the violations of voltage and line loadings were eliminated. Y. The plotted results are placed in Appendices 5.0 Results of Northern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2030-HW-2.e. with no circuits out of service.0 Results of Southern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2030-LW-2. Contingency (N-1) cases: The automatic contingency analysis (ACCC) for 220 kV network has been carried out and wherever it indicated violations of rated limits of line loadings the network was reinforced as described above in section 8. Even in high water months the demand of the Southern grid up to R.0 Results of Northern System of 500 kV Exhibit-2030-LW-3.4. Also the voltage on bus bars of 500 and 220 kV has been found within the permissible limits. The one-line-out contingency cases of 500 kV system have been carried out for the Northern system for HW season and for the Southern system the outages have been performed on LW season.0 Results of Northern System of 220 kV Exhibit-2030-HW-4.1 and 5.0 Results of Mid-Country System of 220 kV Exhibit-2030-HW-5. are attached as follows: Exhibit-2030-HW-1.2 as follows: 504760-01-A3 43 Transmission Plan . Khan is met by transmitting more power from the South (coal based thermal power plants at Thar and Karachi including the nuclear power plants and significant wind power at Jhimpir and Gharo wind power clusters). Khan and D.0 Results of Southern System of 220 kV The results indicate that the pattern of power flow set during the earlier years of study changes in this year because of major retirements of old generating units in mid country and the South.0 Results of Northern System of 220 kV Exhibit-2030-LW-4.1. G. However the power flows on the lines remain within the rated limits.0 Results of Mid-Country System of 220 kV Exhibit-2030-LW-5.National Power System Expansion Plan Normal (N-0) cases: Load flow results of normal cases i. 1): Exhibit -2030-HW-1.8 Basha-1 to Kaigah 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.22 Dhudnial to N-Jehlum 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.1 Basha-1 to Gabral 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.25 Bunji to Basha-1 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.32 Chashma-Nuc.6 Madyan to Mardan-New 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.11 Thakot to Mardan-New 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.15 Dasu to Palas 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.14 Lower Spatgah to Palas 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.20 Suk-Knri to Aliot-S/S 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.Ludewala 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.29 Mardan-New to FBD-W 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.28 Peshawar to Peshwar-2 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.21 Chilas to Aliot-S/S 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.33 Ludewala to FBD-W 500kV Single Circuit Out 504760-01-A3 44 Transmission Plan .18 Bunji to Chilas 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.24 Kohala to Aliot-S/S 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.17 Dasu to Mansehra 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.9 Kaigah to Mardan-New 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.27 Tungus to Yulbu 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.31 Mardan-New to Banu 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.13 Dasu to Lower Spatgah 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.7 Basha-1 to Mardan-New 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.30 FBD-W to Haveli 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.5 K-Asrit to Madyan 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.2 Gabral to Asrit-K 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.4 Basha-1 to K-Asrit 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.16 Palas to Mansehra 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.23 N-Jehlum to Kohala 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.26 Yulbu to Bunji 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.19 Chilas to Suk-Knri 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.12 Thakot to Mansehra 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.10 Pattan to Thakot 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.3 Asrit-K to Mardan-New 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.National Power System Expansion Plan Outages for HW season (Appendix 5. 49 Qadirabad to Gujranwala 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.42 Mansehra to ISBD-W 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.51 Gujranwala to Lahore-O500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.45 ISBD-N to Rewat-N 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.37 G.54 Azad Pattan -Gujranwala 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.46 ISBD-W to Rewat-N 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.39 G.44 Aliot-S/S to ISBD-N 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.Brotha 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.National Power System Expansion Plan Exhibit -2030-HW-1.34 Mardan-New to Peshwar-2 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.38 Ludewala to Gatti 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.50 Mansehra to Gujranwala Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.59 Sialkot to Lahore-N 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.47 Rewat-N to Gujranwala 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.36 Tarbela to G.61 Gujrat to Lahore-N 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.56 Karot to Gujranwala 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.57 Gujranwala to Lahore-N 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.52 Bhikki to Lahore-O 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.53 Aliot-S/S to Azad Pattan 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.55 Aliot-S/S to Karot 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.63 Lahore-South to Lahore-E 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.48 Mansehra to Qadirabad 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.40 Mansehra to FBD-W 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.35 Tarbela to Ludewala 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.41 Mansehra to FSBD -E500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.58 Aliot-S/S to Sialkot 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.Brotha to FBD-W 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.64 Balloki to Lahore-South 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.43 Tarbela to ISBD-W 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.65 Tajikistan to Peshwar-2 500kV HVDC Monopole Out 504760-01-A3 45 Transmission Plan .60 Aliot-S/S to Gujrat 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.Brotha to Ludewala 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1.62 Lahore-N to Lahore-E 500kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-HW-1. 3 Tharcoal-3 to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1. G.19 Dadu to Moro 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.21 Shikarpur to Guddu 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1. Khan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.17 Jamshoro to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.Garh 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.23 Guddu to Guddu-New500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.5 Matiari to Moro 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.1 Tharcoal-2 to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.2) Exhibit -2030-LW-1.11 KDA to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.National Power System Expansion Plan Outages for LW season (Appendix 5.16 NTDC-Jhimpir to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.12 NKI to Karachi-East 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.2 Tharcoal-4 to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.33 Tharcoal-2 to Lahore-South 600 kV HVDC Monopole Out 504760-01-A3 46 Transmission Plan .4 Tharcoal1 to Matiari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.22 Moro to R.25 M.6 Tharcoal2 to KDA 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.9 IMP-Coal to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.15 NTDC-Jhimpir-Karachi-East 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.9 ASE-Coal to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.32 Lahore-South to Sahiwal 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.Garh to Multan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.27 Haveli to M.Garh to D.31 Balloki to Okara 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.26 Multan to Haveli 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.20 Dadu to Shikarpur 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.14 NTDC-Gharo-Karachi-East 500 kV Single Circuit out Exhibit -2030-LW-1. Y.13 Karachi-South to Karachi-East 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.29 Multan to Vehari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.30 Sahiwal to Vehari 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.7 PAEC-1 to Karachi-South 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1. Khan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.18 Jamshoro to Dadu 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.10 HUB to NKI 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.28 Rousch to Multan 500 kV Single Circuit Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.24 M. The entire expansion plan of 500 kV and 220 kV upto the ultimate year 2030 is shown in the map placed in Figure 9.37 Tharcoal-1 to FBD-W 600 kV HVDC Monopole Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.National Power System Expansion Plan Exhibit -2030-LW-1.36 Tharcoal-2 to FBD-W 600 kV HVDC Monopole Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1. 504760-01-A3 47 Transmission Plan .35 Tharcoal-3 to Lahore–South 600 kV HVDC Monopole Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.34 Tharcoal-1 to Lahore-South 600 kV HVDC Monopole Out Exhibit -2030-LW-1.1.39 Tharcoal-4 to Multan 600 kV HVDC Monopole Out The normal and N-1 contingency load flow results of 500 kV indicate that the overall transmission expansion scheme proposed up to the ultimate year of 2030 fulfills the system demand remaining within the rated limits of loadings on lines and transformers. The above analysis establishes the fact that the overall transmission expansion plans of 500 kV and 220 kV network proposed till the ultimate year of 2030 are adequate fulfilling the criteria of Grid Code under normal and N-1 contingency conditions. and within permissible voltages on bus bars for normal as well as N-1 contingency conditions.38 Tharcoal-4 to FBD-W 600 kV HVDC Monopole out Exhibit -2030-LW-1. National Power System Expansion Plan Figure 9-1 504760-01-A3 500/220 kV System In the Ultimate Year 2030 48 Transmission Plan . c) Check if the ratings of the existing breakers and other switchgear of an existing grid station or switching station are not violated with the increase of fault current contributions from new power plants. usually symmetrical because most of the equipment is rated for symmetrical faults. 10.1 Significance of Short Circuit Analysis Short circuit analysis is carried out to calculate the fault currents for balanced and unbalanced faults on the system. sectionalizers or couplers. new lines or transformers going to be installed in the system especially in its close vicinity d) Protection coordination of the relays at new or existing grid stations or switching stations to operate the breakers to isolate the faulted equipment within the specified rated time interval e) Fault levels in terms of MVA determine the short circuit strength of the system at a specific node in the system. VTs etc. the most common of them are three-phase to ground faults (balanced) and single-phase to ground faults (unbalanced). bus bars. Since this study is focused on a wide range of the entire expansion of generation and transmission including the hydropower plants in the north and coal based 504760-01-A3 49 Transmission Plan .2 Methodology and Assumptions for Maximum Fault Current Calculations Maximum fault current would occur if the maximum fault current contributions combine at a fault location and that would happen if the maximum sources of fault currents are modeled in the system. This is used in the calculations of relay coordination and developing system equivalent sources for modeling of a reduced network for electromagnetic transient analysis.National Power System Expansion Plan 10 SHORT CIRCUIT ANALYSIS 10. The objectives of the maximum fault current calculations are: a) Determine the rating of rupturing capacity of the breakers to be installed at the new grid stations or switching stations to connect to new power plants to evacuate their power to the grid or to feed the power at the load centers received from power plants through transmission lines. b) Determine the ratings of the switchgear and other equipment of a new grid station or a switching station such as disconnect-switches. CTs. f) Determine the short circuit impedance of a specific node in the system. the different blocks of power plants can be kept isolated electrically to mitigate the fault levels within the available standard breaker ratings of 63 kA. 10 % higher than nominal) to cover the upper limit of operation and the upper design limit as per NTDC specifications b) Set tap ratios to unity c) Set line charging to zero d) Set shunts to zero in positive sequence The initial runs of short circuit simulations indicated very high fault currents at large hydropower plants such as Bunji. the following are assumed and recommended: a) The reactance of 50/220 kV and 220/132 kV transformers = 20 to 25 % b) The bus bars of 500 kV and 220 kV which are normally breaker-and-half in the NTDC system should be split into two groups at each grid station such that all the lines and transformers should not be connected to one electrical node.1 Per Unit (i. Yulbo. Similarly at bus bars of large grid stations of 500/220 kV and 220. The software PSS/E® has been used for short circuit analysis which provides the methodology of maximum fault current calculations as per IEC 909 and IEC 60909 standards.National Power System Expansion Plan Thar coal filed projects. the fault currents were revealed to be very high. Basha. 504760-01-A3 50 Transmission Plan . and at Thar coal field where current sources are quite closely grouped. However for the Thar coal power plants. they must be grouped as described. Tungus which are grouped together. Two spot years of 2020 and 2030 have been modeled to take into account the fault contributions of all proposed power plants in the plan period for determining the ultimate sizes of switchgear of the grid stations/switching stations to be constructed for the evacuation of power from the power plants and the receiving end grid stations located in the load centers. The maximum fault currents have been calculated with the following assumptions under IEC909: a) Bus Voltages to be equal to 1.132 kV where many lines are terminating.e. therefore maximum fault current contributions from all the power plants from North to south have been included. because the major evacuation of power is via HVDC lines. As a standard measure of mitigating the fault levels. For hydropower plants. due to constraints of transmission corridors. 3 21 ISBD-W 500 39.6 29.Brotha 500 40.1 46.2 Tarbela.8 38.9 30 Lahore-O 500 38. Gatti and Faiselabad–West are exceeding 40 kA.1 35.0 25 G.7 33. Therefore it is imperative to make sure that at these grid stations the switchgear must be replaced. if not yet replaced. The fault levels thus calculated for all 500kV and 220kV bus bars have been tabulated in Appendix-6. the fault levels of the ten highest grid stations of 500 kV bus bars are listed as follows: Bus No. The top 10 bus bars in terms of fault levels of 220 kV are as follows: 504760-01-A3 51 Transmission Plan . Just to establish the fact that the assumptions mentioned above have mitigated the fault levels within the industry standard ratings of circuit breakers.1 42 Haveli 500 37.6 46.6 30.0 24 Gujranwala 500 38.6 40 Gatti 500 41. by switchgear of 50 kA or 63 kA short circuit rating before the year 2020.7 20 Tarbela 500 44. lines and transformers to make the files ready for fault current calculations.5 41 Faisalabad -W 500 44. Ghazi Brotha. Bus Name Bus Voltage Short Circuit Levels (kA) (kV) 3-Phase 1-Phase 6 Aliot 500 39.3 85 Tharcoal 500 39.0 34.3 Fault Current Calculations of the year 2020 The PSS/E® files used for load flow simulations for the year 2020 were enriched with the sequence data of the generators.8 30. NTDC keeps on augmenting the switchgear of their existing grid stations with higher ratings and the top ten grid stations highlighted above should now be in their priority list to upgrade the switchgear.National Power System Expansion Plan 10. The maximum generation dispatches and network conditions of the year 2020 have been simulated to calculate the maximum fault currents of 3-phase and 1-phase faults assumed at each bus (or split buses) of 500 kV and 220 kV.2 29. The simulations were run using the IEC 909 standards. 0 38.8 245 Gujranwala 220 44.9 33.5 530 M. lines and transformers to make the files ready for fault current calculations.1 as follows: 504760-01-A3 52 Transmission Plan .P.7 444 Faisalabad -W 220 44. almost all of them are crossing 40 kA by the year 2020.8 38. 10. either 3-phase or 1-phase or both. The fault levels thus calculated for all 500 kV and 220 kV bus bars have been tabulated in Appendix-7.Garh-1 220 41.3 500 Multan-1 220 39. The same PSS/E files used for load flow simulations for the year 2030 were enriched with the sequence data of the generators. The maximum generation dispatches and network conditions of the year 2030 have been simulated to calculate the maximum fault currents of 3-phase and 1-phase faults assumed at each bus (or split buses) of 500 kV and 220 kV.9 350 Yousafwala 220 39.4 37. The 500 kV bus bars found to have fault levels more than 50 kA.Rd 220 42.0 215 IBD.5 32. have been picked up from Appendix-7.National Power System Expansion Plan Bus No.2 600 Guddu 220 41.2 33.5 300 Lahore-1 220 44.4 From the top 10 fault levels of 220 kV bus bars. Therefore it is imperative to make sure that at these grid stations the switchgear must be replaced. The simulations were run using the IEC 909 standards.2 35.4 Fault Current Calculations of the year 2030 This is the ultimate year of the study period. Bus Name Bus Voltage Short Circuit Levels (kA) (kV) 3-Phase 1-Phase 212 ISBD-W-1 220 39. if not yet replaced.6 45.5 303 Lahore-South 220 40.9 43.2 32. by the switchgear of 50 kA or 63 kA short circuit rating. 3 38.0 57.5 42.0 50.0 55.0 52.2 46.0 51.1 23 93 Karachi-E-1 500.8 20 80 Jamshoro 500.1 16 85 Tharcoal1 500.7 5 67 Aliot-S/S-2 500.0 18 91 NKI-1 500.0 38.0 55.5 38.0 49.0 50.1 44.0 40.0 51.6 7 14 Yulbu 500.9 13 41 Faisalabad -W-1 500.7 52.7 3 4 Chilas 500.7 31.0 57.0 52.3 54. Bus Voltage Bus Name Short Circuit Levels (kA) (kV) 3-Phase 1-Phase 1 3 Bunji 500.7 49.6 2 64 Bunji-2 500.3 9 22 Rewat-N 500.0 51. have been picked up from Appendix-7. The 220 kV bus bars found to have short circuit levels more than 40 kA.9 42.0 60.0 54.4 22 214 Kohala 500. It is suitable to adopt 63 kA for these substations.0 34.5 53.0 51.8 21 95 Matiari 500.National Power System Expansion Plan Sr.9 11 39 Faisalabad -E 500.2 The fault levels on 23 bus bars are more than 50 kA but less than 63 kA which is the next available industry standard size. either 3-phase or 1-phase or both.9 12 40 Gatti 500.5 39.0 51.4 48.0 50.9 14 49 Faisalabad -W-2 500.4 17 84 Tharcoal2 500 43.4 15 42 Haveli 500.0 53.4 50.2 47.0 51.0 56.0 53.0 53. Therefore it is imperative to make sure that the switchgear of the rating of 63 kA must be installed (for new substations) or replaced (for old substations) before the year 2030. Bus No.5 36.0 51.9 34.0 58. No.6 6 9 Thakot 500.7 19 69 NKI-2 500.2 as follows: 504760-01-A3 53 Transmission Plan .6 41.7 4 6 Aliot-S/S-1 500.8 8 20 Tarbela 500.1 10 37 Ludewala 500. 2 18 261 Lahore-N-2 220 41.9 22 304 Lahore-2 220 43.1 32.4 31.National Power System Expansion Plan Sr.3 8 212 ISBD-W 220 54.K-2 220 42.8 37.8 5 200 Tarbela 220 53.1 51.5 14 250 K. Bus Voltage Bus Name Short Circuit Levels (kA) (kV) 3-Phase 1-Phase 1 100 Peshawar 220 44.7 504760-01-A3 54 Transmission Plan .6 37.9 26 340 Okara220 220 43.3 30 443 FBD-W-2 220 40.8 7 207 ISND-N 220 43.0 41.4 31 444 FBD-W-1 220 42.8 35.9 2 151 Peshwr-2 220 47.9 6 202 Bahter More 220 41.5 45.8 3 154 Mardan-N-1 220 41.1 21 303 Lahore-South 220 60.2 39.4 40.7 32.3 24 312 Mominpura 220 44.RD 220 55.5 48.6 25 320 Ravi 220 41.5 44.1 32.5 50.7 29 430 Narwala Rd.S.3 28.3 35.3 45.6 19 295 Lahore-E 220 56.9 28 405 Faisalabad -N 220 52.7 20 300 Lahore-1 220 49.4 42.1 27.9 10 218 ISBD-W-2 220 54. 220 40.4 36.2 28.4 43. Bus No.7 29.9 4 155 Mardan-N-2 220 41.4 11 230 Mangla 220 40.5 34.3 30.8 23 310 Shalimar 220 40.6 15 251 K.5 37. No.6 27 360 Ludewala 220 55.3 32.6 42.4 13 245 Gujranwala 220 52.7 9 215 IBD.3 34.4 16 252 Karol 220 42.S.1 34.6 12 242 Gujrat 220 47.6 17 260 Lahore-N-1 220 59.K-1 220 59.P. 7 44. 504760-01-A3 55 Transmission Plan . M. Lahore-E.S. IBD.National Power System Expansion Plan Sr.9 38.9 34 520 Piranghaib 220 40. The performance of the proposed transmission schemes have been tested for steady state conditions of the system under normal and contingency cases by extensive load flow studies already discussed. Lahore-N-1.8 37.8 38.6 33 501 Multan-2 220 48. Faisalabad -N. Bus No.1 41 9934 ICI 220 40.0 38 9429 NTDC Jhimpir 220 51.RD. wind and thermal generation based on coal fired steam and combined cycles etc.e. nuclear.K-1.0 35 620 Shkpr220 220 40.4 42 9966 BinQasim-1 220 41.9 35.6 43 9967 BinQasim-2 220 40. Ludewala. Tarbela. Gujranwala. It is recommended to go for • 50 kA rating for those grid stations which exceed 40 kA but are much less than 50 kA to leave enough margin • 11 63 kA for those where the fault levels are reaching close to and/or exceeding 50 kA. Rd 220 42. Also it is revealed that at 12 grid stations.8 39 900 KDA33-1 220 44.3 37 9256 NTDC Gharo 220 45. ISBD-W-2.0 36 840 T. K. However the robustness of the system has to be checked for transient / dynamic behavior under disturbed conditions of the system. Kh.P. No. hydel. The generating unit sizes vary from medium to very large sizes connecting to the system through medium to long HVAC transmission lines and HVDC lines.6 38. 43 grid stations bus bars of 220 kV are crossing 40 kA by the year 2030.6 41.1 From the above list. TRANSIENT STABILITY STUDIES In the NPSEP.1 33.3 39. the fault levels at 220 kV are higher than 50 kA i. Lahore-South.1 42. Bus Voltage Bus Name Short Circuit Levels (kA) (kV) 3-Phase 1-Phase 32 500 Multan 220 46. significant amounts of generation have been added with a varied nature of generating technologies.7 34.2 38. ISBD-W. NTDC Jhimpir.9 40 901 KDA33-2 220 43. • Power System Stabilizers (PSS) were assumed with all the new proposed generating units and at some existing power plants South of Multan. • Run simulation nearly 9 seconds after fault clearing (total simulation time = 10 seconds) • The values monitored and recorded in the simulations are: o Rotor Angles of Generators. The details of the faults and the outages and description of respective plots are as follows: High Water-2020 Cases: For each case representing a fault location. • Fault locations at 500 kV grid stations North of Gatti and Lahore for high water case and South of Lahore/Gatti for low water case because of heavier power flows on the lines in each respective season. o Voltage o Frequency All the results of the stability simulations are attached in Appendices 8 and 9 for year 2020 and 2030 respectively. The plotted results of the simulations for 2020 are attached as Appendix-8. four subplots are provided in each page Appendix-8.1 Stability Studies for the year 2020 The transient stability simulations have been carried out using the same load flow cases of high water (HW) and low water (LW) for 2020 and 2021 respectively. corresponding to: 504760-01-A3 56 Transmission Plan . 11.National Power System Expansion Plan Transient stability studies have been performed for the years 2020 and 2030 as follows: • 3-phase faults to be cleared in 5 cycles followed by the tripping of a heavily loaded 500 kV circuit emanating from that bus • All the loads were modeled as static loads with maximum stringent assumptions of 100 % constant current for active power and 100 % constant impedance for reactive power. o Power flow swings on the healthy circuit or circuits impacted to carry maximum power flow due to the trip of the faulted circuit. 13 Azad Pattan .Ludewala 500 kV Stable G-Brotha 500 kV 20H.Aliot 500 kV Stable Suki Kinari 500 kV 20H.Tarbela 500 kV Stable ISBD-W 500 kV 20H.6 Chilas .ISBD-W 500 kV Stable Tarbela 500 kV 20H.Gujrat 500 kV Stable Karot 500 kV 20H.12 Karot .5 Bunji .Chilas 500 kV Stable Chilas 500 kV 20H.M.1 Basha .24 ISBD-W .17 G-Brotha .Gujranwala 500 kV Stable Azad Pattan 500 kV 20H.Aliot 500 kV Stable Neelum-Jehlum 500 kV 20H.9 Aliot .8 Neelum Jehlum .4 Asrit-K .21 Haveli .Brotha 500 kV Stable Tarbela 500 kV 20H.23 ISBD-W .Gatti 500 kV Stable Haveli 500 kV 20H. • Bus voltages in the vicinity of the fault.Multan 500 kV Stable ISBD-W 500 kV 20H.3 Asrit-K .Azad Pattan 500 kV Stable Aliot 500 kV 20H.Gabral 500kV Stable Gabral 500kV 20H.22 FBD-W .ISBD-W 500 kV Stable Aliot 500 kV 20H.18 G-Brotha .Garh 500 kV Stable FBD-W 500 kV 20H.Asrit-K 500kV Stable Asrit-K 500kV 20H.Gujranwala 500 kV Stable Tarbela 500 kV 20H.Mardan 500 kV Stable Bunji 500 kV 20H.Aliot 500 kV Stable Aliot 500 kV 20H.2 Gabral .Ludewala 500 kV Stable G-Brotha 500 kV 20H.Lahore-O 500 kV Stable 504760-01-A3 57 Transmission Plan .25 Gujranwala .Ludewala 500 kV Stable Ludewala 500 kV 20H.10 Aliot .16 Tarbela . Post-fault Outage Performance Basha 500kV 20H.Madyan 500kV Stable Asrit-K 500 kV 20H.20 Ludewala .G.Rewat-N 500 kV Stable Gujranwala 500 kV 20H.19 Chashma-Nuc .FBD-W 500 kV Stable Chashma-Nuc 500 kV 20H.National Power System Expansion Plan • Rotor angle plots for selected generators • Line flows for a line in the vicinity of the fault that is heavily loaded following the outage of the faulted circuit (usually a parallel circuit to the outaged circuit).15 Tarbela .14 Tarbela .7 Suki Kinari .11 Aliot . • System frequency The following table summarizes the results: Fault Location Figure No. 4 Tharcoal .26 Lahore-O . The details of the faults and the outages and description of respective plots are shown in a similar fashion to those for the year 2020 as follows: 504760-01-A3 58 Transmission Plan .Lahore-N 500 kV Stable Tharcoal 500 kV 20T. for the 2020-21 scenarios.National Power System Expansion Plan Figure No.D.G.Dadu 500 kV Stable Guddu 500 kV 20T.11 Guddu .9 Matiari .Vehari 500 kV Stable As seen above.12 Multan .6 AES-Coal . Post-fault Outage Performance FBD-W 500 kV 20T.10 Jamshoro .7 KDA .Sahiwal 500 kV Stable Low Water-2021 Cases: The following table summarizes the results: Fault Location Figure No. Khan 500 kV Stable Multan 500 kV 20T.NKI 500 kV Stable Matiari 500 kV 20T. 41 stability cases were analyzed and instability issues were not observed.Aliot 500 kV Stable Lahore-South 500 kV 20H.Jamshoro 500 kV Stable Jamshoro 500 kV 20T. The plotted results of the simulations for 2030 are attached as Appendix-9.29 Lahore-South .Gatti 500 kV Stable Lahore-South 500 kV 20T. Fault Location Post-fault Outage Performance Lahore-O 500 kV 20H.3 Tharcoal .1 FBD-W .Lahore-N 500 kV Stable Lahore-South 500 kV 20H.5 Imp-Coal .KDA 500 kV Stable Imp-Coal 500 kV 20T.NKI 500 kV Stable KDA 500 kV 20T. 11.2 Lahore-South.NKI 500 kV Stable HUB 500 kV 20T.Matiari 500 kV Stable Tharcoal 500 kV 20T.Gujranwala 500 kV Stable Lahore-N 500 kV 20H.8 HUB .27 Lahore-N .2 Stability Studies for the year 2030 This is the ultimate year of the study period and has been analyzed in detail to test the robustness of the proposed transmission expansion plan for the disturbed transient / dynamic conditions of the system.28 Lahore-South .NKI 500 kV Stable AES-Coal 500 kV 20T. Neelum-Jehlum 500 kV Stable N-Jehlum 500 kV 30H.ALIOT-S/S 500 kV Stable Faisalabad-W 500 kV 30H.8 Dasu .28 ISBD-W .FBD-W 500 kV Stable FBD-E 500 kV 30H.Gujranwala 500 kV Stable Qadirabad 500 kV 30H.10 Tungus .Mardan 500 kV Stable Madyan 500 kV 30H.Ludewala 500 kV Stable Mansehra 500 kV 30H.29 Rewat-N .Mansehra 500 kV Stable Dasu 500 kV 30H.Bunji 500 kV Stable Bunji 500 kV 30H.19 Mardan .7 Thakot .Yulbu 500 kV Stable Yulbu 500 kV 30H.Ludewala 500 kV Stable ISBD-W 500 kV 30H.22 Tarbela .18 Faisalabad -W .24 Mansehra .25 FBD-E .Mansehra 500 kV Stable Palas 500 kV 30H.5 Madyan .2 Asrit-K .Mardan 500 kV Stable Mardan 500 kV 30H.11 Yulbu .1 Basha .Brotha .Aliot 500 kV Stable Suki-Kinari 500 kV 30H.Mardan 500 kV Stable Basha 500 kV 30H.27 ISBD-W .Aliot-S/S 500 kV Stable Dhudnial 500 kV 30H.Mansehra 500 kV Stable Tungus 500 kV 30H.21 Peshawar .23 G.Brotha 500 kV 30H.National Power System Expansion Plan High Water-2030 Cases: Fault Location Figure No.17 Kohala .30 Mansehra .Gujranwala 500 kV Stable 504760-01-A3 59 Transmission Plan .Kaigah 500 kV Stable Kaigah 500 kV 30H.16 N-Jehlum .Mardan 500 kV Stable Pattan 500 kV 30H.Brotha 500 kV Stable G.6 Pattan to Thakot 500 kV Stable Thakot 500 kV 30H.Ludewala 500 kV Stable Peshawar 500 kV 30H.14 Suki-Kinari .20 Chashma-NUC .13 Chilas .9 Palas .12 Bunji .Gabral 500 kV Stable Asrit-K 500 kV 30H.Banu 500 kV Stable Chashma 500 kV 30H. Post-fault Outage Performance Basha 500 kV 30H.Mansehra 500 kV Stable Gatti 500 kV 30H.Chilas 500 kV Stable Chilas 500 kV 30H.31 Qadirabad .3 Basha .Gujranwala 500 kV Stable Mansehra 500 kV 30H.Mansehra 500 kV Stable ISBD-W 500 kV 30H.G.15 Dhudnial .Mardan 500 kV Stable Tarbela 500 kV 30H.Kohala 500 kV Stable Kohala 500 kV 30H.Rewat-N 500 kV Stable Rewat-N 500 kV 30H.26 Gatti .4 Kaigah . Gujranwala 500 kV Stable Lahore-E 500 kV 30H.Matiari 500 kV Stable Tharcoal 500 kV 30T.Moro 500 kV Stable NTDC-Gharo 500 kV 30T.Gujranwala 500 kV Stable Aliot-S/S 500 kV 30H.Gujranwala 500 kV Stable Gujranwala 500 kV 30H.Matiari 500 kV Stable Jamshoro 500 kV 30T.8 NTDC-Gharo .36 Lahore-N .33 Azad Patan .National Power System Expansion Plan Fault Location Figure No.2 Multan .NKI 500 kV Stable Tharcoal 500 kV 30T.Gujranwala 500 kV Stable Karot 500 kV 30H.17 Trip Tharcoal .13 IMP-Coal .39 Lahore-E .16 Tharcoal .Sialkot 500 kV Stable Lahore-N 500 kV 30H.6 Dadu .Garh 500 kV Stable Multan 500 kV 30T.9 PAEC .Karachi-S 500 kV Stable Karachi-S 500 kV 30T.1 Haveli .Haveli 500 kV Stable Balloki 500 kV 30T.3 Lahore-South to Sahiwal 500 kV Stable Multan 500 kV 30T.Shikarpur 500 kV Stable Matiari 500 kV 30T.5 Balloki .40 Balloki to Lahore-South 500 kV Stable Low Water-2030 Cases: Fault Location Figure No.32 Aliot-S/S . Post-fault Outage Performance Aliot-S/S 500 kV 30H.12 Jamshoro .11 NTDC-Jhimpir .KDA 500 kV Stable Tharcoal 500 kV 30T.NKI 500 kV Stable AES-Coal 500 kV 30T.37 Gujranwala .Azad Patan 500 kV Stable Azad Patan 500 kV 30H.14 AES-Coal . Post-fault Outage Performance Haveli 500 kV 30T.4 Multan .Haveli 500 kV Stable Lahore-South 500 kV 30T.Karachi-E 500 kV Stable NTDC-Jhimpir 500 kV 30T.34 Azad Karot .10 Karachi-S .15 HUB .M.Karachi-E 500 kV Stable PAEC 500 kV 30T.35 Trip Aliot-S/S .Okara 500 kV Stable Dadu 500 kV 30T.Dadu 500 kV Stable IMP-Coal 500 kV 30T.18 Tharcoal to Matiari 500 kV Stable 504760-01-A3 60 Transmission Plan .38 Lahore-O .Lahore-O 500 kV Stable Lahore-O 500 kV 30H.Lahore-South 500 kV Stable Balloki 500 kV 30H.7 Matiari .NKI 500 kV Stable HUB 500 kV 30T. 623 500 kV D/C Lines (kM) 5394 6700 220/132 kV transformers/substations (MVA) 19.3 General Conclusions of Stability Studies Following are the general findings and recommendations to improve stability of the system. There is good damping torque in the system. All the transients damp down within 2-3 seconds after the clearance of faults in almost all the simulations.1 Total requirement (BOQs) between 2017 and 2030 The following Table shows the total additional reinforcements required for NTDC network till the year 2030 over and above the ongoing.850 79.National Power System Expansion Plan 11.150 2x(1x1000) - 654 - 2x (2x4. This would optimize the size and locations of any SVC. 12 COST ESTIMATE OF TRANSMISSION EXPANSION 12.000) 6x(2x4. • There are no problems of angular stability in the system. • Power System Stabilizers (PSS) should be installed with all the generating units in the system • Detailed studies to work out the dynamic reactive power compensation with loads modeled as dynamic loads should be performed as a separate exercise.600 500/220 kV transformers/substations (MVA) 25. FACTS devices if required in the system due to voltage collapse.000) 2000 5770 Items ± 500 kV HVDC Bipole Converters (MW) ±500kV HVDC Bipole Transmission line (kM) ± 600 kV HVDC Bipole Converters (MW) ±600kV HVDC Bipole Transmission line (kM) 504760-01-A3 61 Transmission Plan .800 68. committed and planned till 2016-17: Between 2017-2020 Between 2021-2030 220 kV D/C lines (kM) 270 2. 2 Total Cost The following Table indicates the total investments required till 2030.118 Projects proposed from 2021 to 2030 1. Karachi and Faisalabad. o 500 kV lines to be double circuit quad bundled using Martin conductor (ACSR) in North and mid country.160. Faiselabad and Multan.010 Projects already committed/Planned completed by 2016-17 but not yet funded to be *Cost for lines crossing international boundaries only include Pakistan component ** USD 1.542 Total 2.2: Year by year expansion from 2021-22 to 2025-26 o Appendix-10.800 27.0 = PKR 80.0 13 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS • Transmission Expansion Plan for NTDC system of 500 kV and 220 kV has been evolved through extensive load capacity analysis and load flow analysis in three stages and the consolidated schedule of expansion is attached in Appendix-10 as follows: • o Appendix-10.360 14. 504760-01-A3 62 Transmission Plan . Islamabad.1: Year by year expansion from 2016-17 to 2020-21 o Appendix-10.440 7. Item* Million PKR Million USD** 428. Peshawar. Karachi. o 220/132 kV transformers to be 250 MVA in general and 350 MVA for grid stations in big load centres such as Lahore. and Araucaria (AAAC) in South.350 Projects proposed from 2017 to 2020 569.National Power System Expansion Plan 12.3: Year by year expansion from 2026-27 to 2029-30 The expansion plan has progressively assumed to adopt higher ratings of equipment as follows: o 500/220 kV transformers to be 750 MVA in general and 1000 MVA for grid stations in big load centres such as Lahore.163.000 5. augmentation and/or extension to enhance their capacity to have at least four transformers each of 500/220 kV and 220/132kV depending on the availability of space o Reconductoring or replacement of all existing 220 kV lines of single conductor to twin-bundled Rail or Greeley conductors o 220/132 kV grid stations have been proposed in thickly populated areas of big load centres through: ƒ GIS grid stations of 220/132 kV ƒ Underground cables (XLPE) of 220 kV to interconnect these grid stations with the main NTDC grid. To overcome this problem the following assumptions were made: 504760-01-A3 63 Transmission Plan . o Power System Stabilizers (PSS) to be installed at all the existing and future new power plants o Dynamic System Monitors (DSM) to be installed at all the 500/220 kV grid stations for real time recording of voltage.National Power System Expansion Plan o The space in the existing 500/220 kV and 220/132 kV grid stations should be utilized for conversion. frequency etc. • Short circuit analysis has been carried out for the spot years of 2020 and 2030 and uprating of switchgear has been proposed at existing and future grid stations as follows: • o 500 kV: short circuit ratings to be 63 kA or 50 kA o 220 kV: short circuit rating to be 63 kA or 50 kA o 132 kV: short circuit rating to be 50 kA or 40 kA Transient stability study has been performed for the spot years of 2020 and 2030 by applying the most severe 3-phase permanent fault and final trip of the faulted circuit. currents. would be the deficiency of reactive power (VAR) supply for the load centres. to be used for post-mortem analysis and for tuning of dynamic data of generators and dynamic loads in the system • The upcoming problem in the NTDC longitudinal problem having sources of generation in the far North or far South and load concentrated in mid-country. It is recommended to have. if necessary. a phenomena common in the system where air-conditioning load is significantly increasing which is now commonplace in Pakistan. the requirement to provide overload capacity on the HVDC lines and converters. SVS and/or FACTS through a detailed voltage stability study • Detailed voltage stability study is required to be carried out for the entire NTDC system using carefully selected composite load model comprising mix of dynamic and static loads. o Dynamic reactive power compensation devices such as SVCs. The present plan has quantified the requirement and locations in terms of switched shunt capacitor banks. • Capacity building of NTDC Planning engineers for the upcoming challenges and new devices proposed in the expansion plan. However the bottom line should be to provide reactive power compensation as close to the load as possible. which can be categorized in terms of SVC. 132 kV and 220 kV if necessary. FACTS and HVDC 504760-01-A3 64 Transmission Plan . SVS and other FACTS controllers. • It is recommended that complimentary studies considering HVDC faults are undertaken with both single pole and bipole outages. These studies are intended to assess the system stability and indicate. to optimally quantify and locate the dynamic reactive power compensation to overcome slow recovery of voltage after fault clearance.National Power System Expansion Plan o Switched shunt capacitor banks at all levels 11 kV. especially SVC. . SNC-LAVALIN 1801 McGill College Avenue Montreal.: (514) 393-1000 Fax: (514) 334-1446 www.snclavalin. 2011 .com Issued September 15. Québec Canada H3A 2N4 Tel.
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