Anchor Systems

March 18, 2018 | Author: Bonas Ponco Wijanarko | Category: Nut (Hardware), Galvanization, Drill, Concrete, Basement



Anchor Systems.Hilti. Outperform. Outlast. Anchor Systems Anchor Systems Introduction Page Anchor Technical Software –Profis 287 Product Approvals / ETA Advantage 288 Adhesive Anchors HVZ adhesive anchors (for cracked concrete) 289-290 HVU adhesive anchor system 291-292 HIT-RE 500 for reinforced concrete 293 HIT-HY systems 294-298 Dispensers and accessories for HIT 298 Hilti HIT Profi system 299-300 Heavy Duty Metal Anchors HDA undercut anchor and accessories 301-302 HSL3 heavy duty expansion anchor 303-304 HSC self cutting anchor and accessories 305-306 Medium Duty Metal Anchors HST safety stud anchor HSA standard stud anchor HKD-S push-in anchor HLC sleeve anchor HUS (10.5 / 12.5 and 16.5) universal screw anchor HUS-HF universal screw anchor Light Duty Metal & Plastic Anchors HUS-H (7.5) universal screw anchor HT metal frame anchor HRD plastic frame anchors Fixings for scaffolding and restraints HHD-S cavity anchor HLD light duty anchor HSP / HFP drywall anchor HPS-1 hammer screw DBZ wedge anchor metal nail-in HA8 ring anchor ceiling anchor HUD-1 universal anchor 307-308 309-310 311-312 313-314 315 316 7 317-318 319 320-322 323 324 325 325 326 327 327 330 Insulation Fasteners IZ expansion insulation fasteners 328 IDP insulation fasteners 329 IDMR metal insulation fasteners 329 Special Products Test meter kits 331 Rail anchors 332 0800 886 100 | 1850 287 387 | Hilti. Outperform. Outlast. 286 Anchor Systems Technical software and literature Profis Software Profis anchor design software n Makes it easier to find the suitable product n Verified design and selection criteria n Information on products and technical know-how n Keeps technical data at the latest status Profis 3D CAD library n Compatible with most standard CAD packages n 3D an 2D options available n Offers full range and easy selection of components n Produces a full bill of materials for easier estimation and quotation More details are available from the Technical Advisory Service on: GB – 0161 886 1144 or IRL – 1850 287 387 or PROFIS Other major features include: n n n n n n n n Fastening Technology Manual From quick, rough and dirty calculations to fully defined designs Graphical input with all dimensions and loading visible User-defined print output Easy-to-understand Anchor setting animations Supports 13 different design methods and 16 languages Always up to date with regular downloads and add-on Workshop drawings to ensure the fabricators get it right Free downloads For complete Anchor setting instructions and Anchor design data. 287 Hilti. Outperform. Outlast. | 0800 886 100 | 1850 287 387 Anchor Systems Anchor Systems World-wide product approvals Hilti Products – the ETA advantage As a brief introduction to ETAs, we have listed some common questions and answers. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like any further information. What are ETAs? A European Technical Approval (ETA) is, n n n n As an international company, Hilti has gained many approvals for its products. an approval system for products which cannot be standardised performance driven recognised throughout Europe a requirement for CE marking ETA European Technical Approval Most of our medium-heavy duty mechanical and chemical anchors have ETAs. Latest details can be found in the Technical Library on our website. When should I use products with ETAs? ETAs are most beneficial, n n Scheme Advisory gulations Water Re WRAS Water Regulations Advisory Scheme HVU and HIT-RE500 are WRAS-Approved Resin Products, suitable for use in contact with potable water. when the product will be permanently installed into the works if failure would cause risk to human life and/or serious economic consequences DIBt Deutches Institut für Bautechnik (German Institute of Building Technology) HSL-TZ, HVU (with HAS), HST, HST-R, HKD-S, HSC-A, HSC-I. What are benefits to the specifier? By specifying these products in accordance with the guideline (ETAG) you can, n n n n DIBt FM Factory Mutual HST, HKD-S. produce efficient designs show clear, independent evidence of the safety of your designs show compliance with building regulations use the same design across Europe without the need for local approvals 7 SOCOTEC Société de Contrôle Technique (Technical Controlling Body) HSL, HVU, HST, HST-R, HSA-KA, HSA-KR, HSC-A, HSC-I, HLC, HLC-H, HPS-1. SOCOTEC How can Hilti help the specifier? Hilti is now available to offer products with ETAs. We offer a comprehensive range of technical support, n n n n n n ICBO International Conference of Building Officials HSL, HY150, HVU. JCAA Japan Construction Anchor Association The following products meet or exceed the JCAA product classification requirements: HSL, HKD-S, HVU. copies of ETAs copies of the design method – ETAG Annex C (also available on CD ROM) guidance note - Introduction to European Technical Approvals for CE marking telephone technical advice technical specialists can visit your office or site Hilti Anchor Design – Profis Program CD ROM includes options to design to the ETAG. Hilti (Gt. Britain) Limited is a member of the Construction Fixing Association Hilti is committed to gaining ETAs for our complete range of relevant anchors. 0800 886 100 | 1850 287 387 | Hilti. Outperform. Outlast. 288 Injection washer Allows baseplate clearance hole to be filled with HIT HY150. Insert HVU-TZ capsule.9 29.8 32.1 17. This ensures that the applied shear load is distributed evenly on to all anchors.0 M16L 23. Drive in with rotary hammering action.4 19. 1 2 3 ® ® ® 4 Drill holes. www.6 29.cube = 25 N/mm2 Uncracked concrete Cracked concrete HVZ HVZ-RTZ HVZ-HCRTZ Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec M10 15.0 56.hilti. Spherical washer Prevents local stress raisers if hole is not drilled square to surface.4 15.1 19.1 18.6 32.0 50.0 38. even in cracked concrete or when edge   H distance and spacing are small n ods in various grades of steel and sizes for a wide variety of   R applications Optimised and tested for fatigue properties under dynamic loading.3 9.1 M16 18.g. Outperform.0 25.5 11.Anchor Systems HVZ adhesive anchor The first adhesive anchor with foil capsule for use in cracked concrete Reliable: the application n racked tension zone of concrete components   C n ynamic loading. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.6 32.0 56.0 53.0 33.0 M16L 33.5 11.6 10.1 17.2 56. such as fatigue.0 18. shock and seismic   D n mall edge distances and spacing   S Reliable: the handling n uick and easy setting operation   Q n ccurate fastening design with Hilti software   A n nsensitive to frequently made application errors.4 32.0 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above.3 9.8 29.9 32.0 M20 38. poor hole   I cleaning Reliable: the performance n   Automatic follow-up expansion if cracks form n igh loading resistance.4 M12 19.2 56.1 M16 25.6 11. Technical data: HVZ. Nut & Locknut Prevents nut from working loose under vibration.9 32.9 15. Apply tightening torque.0 M10 9.0 23.8 32.2 50. e.4 M12 15.3 38.1 15.1 15.9 17. Blow out dust and fragments.1 23. HVZ-RTZ.6 11.1 25.9 17. L rec (kN): concrete f ck. 5 tgel 6 tcure 7 Tinst Allow gel time to | 0800 886 100 | 1850 287 387 . Outlast.1 33. 289 Hilti.4 29.0 M20 53.4 32. HVZ-HCRTZ Recommended load.4 15. Wait for curing.5 10.hilti.3 15. uk 1850 287 387 | www.Anchor Systems Anchor Systems HAS-TZ Rods and setting tools HVU-TZ adhesive capsule with external hexagon. Stainless steel of A4-80 grade Ordering designation Item Hilti. complete with nut and washer HAS-TZ / HAS-RTZ / HAS-HCR-TZ adhesive anchor rod Dynamic set consisting of: injection washer spherical washer. Steel zinc plated to 10 microns Ordering designation Item Outlast. Outperform. nut & locknut Connection Fastenable Package thread thickness contents Ordering designation (mm) Item no. TE-C HEX M10 TE-C HEX M12 TE-C HEX M16 TE-Y HEX M20 M10 M12 M16 M20   l l     l1)    l1)    l2) 3)          l2) 3)    l  l  00311415 00311416 00311417 00336420 1) 2) 3) use with TE-C-WZA chuck use TE-FY-BY-C setting adaptor use low hammering power for HAS(-R) 7 0800 886 100 | www. Ordering designation Item no M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M20 15 30 50 25 40 50 100 30 60 100 30 60 100 40 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 HVU-TZ M10 HVU-TZ M10 HVU-TZ M10 HVU-TZ M12 HVU-TZ M12 HVU-TZ M12 HVU-TZ M12 HVU-TZ M16 HVU-TZ M16 HVU-TZ M16 HVU-TZ M16 HVU-TZ M16 HVU-TZ M16 HVU-TZ M20 00311368 00311368 00311368 00311369 00311369 00311369 00311369 00311370 00311370 00311370 00311370 00311370 00311370 00335942 HAS-TZ M 10x75/15 HAS-TZ M 10x75/30 HAS-TZ M 10x75/50 HAS-TZ M 12x95/25 HAS-TZ M 12x95/50 HAS-TZ M 12x95/100 HAS-TZ M 16x105/30 HAS-TZ M 16x105/60 HAS-TZ M 16x105/100 HAS-TZ M 16x125/30 HAS-TZ M 16x125/60 HAS-TZ M 16x125/100 HAS-TZ M 20x170/40 00310018 00308383 00308384 00308385 00308386 00308387 00308388 00308389 00308390 00332519 00332520 00332521 00335943 HAS-RTZ M 10x75/15 HAS-RTZ M 10x75/30 HAS-RTZ M 10x75/50 HAS-RTZ M 12x95/25 HAS-RTZ M 12x95/40 HAS-RTZ M 12x95/50 HAS-RTZ M 12x95/100 HAS-RTZ M 16x105/30 HAS-RTZ M 16x105/60 HAS-RTZ M 16x105/100 HAS-RTZ M 16x125/30 HAS-RTZ M 16x125/60 HAS-RTZ M 16x125/100 HAS-RTZ M 20x170/40 00310019 00308391 00308392 00308393 00333769 00308394 00308395 00308396 00308397 00308398 00332522 00332523 00332524 00335944 Dynamic Set M10 Dynamic Set M10 Dynamic Set M10 Dynamic Set M12 Dynamic Set M12 Dynamic Set M12 Dynamic Set M12 Dynamic Set M16 Dynamic Set M16 Dynamic Set M16 Dynamic Set M16 Dynamic Set M16 Dynamic Set M16 Dynamic Set M20 00369201 00369201 00369201 00369202 00369202 00369202 00369202 00369203 00369203 00369203 00369203 00369203 00369203 00369204 Setting tools for HVZ (anchor rods with external hexagon) Ordering designation For use with HAS-(R) TZ Suitable for machine TE-6 TE-18M TE-25 TE-15 TE-15C l  l l  l l TE-35 TE-56 TE-76 Item no. 290 . 3 M39 166. A snug fit in each hole Flexible foil capsule adapts its shape to suit each hole. L rec (kN): concrete f ck. HAS-ER Hole dia.7 55. HAS.2 117.2 208.cube = 25 N/mm2 HVU + HAS Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec M8 7.6 M16 24. HIS-RN Hole diameter.8 6. do (mm) With internal thread HIS-N.. 1 2 3 4 Good hold overhead Barbs at the tip of the foil capsule prevent it from dropping out of holes for overhead fastenings. Outlast.1 17.6 45. 5 trel 6 tcure 7 Features n  A virtually odourless resin system containing no styrene Technical data: HVU.Anchor Systems HVU adhesive anchor Base material n  Concrete n ard natural stone   H Approved for use in contact with potable (clean) drinking water Water Regulations Advisory Scheme Use n eavy-duty fastenings with small spacing and edge distances   H n uitable for making fixings underwater (contact Technical Advisory   S Service for details) System n onsisting of adhesive in a foil capsule and an anchor rod or internally   C threaded sleeve Foil instead of glass Enclosed in foil (not glass).uk | 0800 886 100 www.8 10.6 64.9 n ood flow properties and surface wetting   G n  Unaffected by temperature and weather.0 14.0 13.0 11.3 69.6 M33 122. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.3 M24 64.1 63.6 44.7 62.4 250.1 M12 17.4 77. see page 297 For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 291 Hilti.9 38.2 113.9 97.8 9. do (mm) Package contents Ordering designation Item no.7 M20 44.4 M36 145.hilti. 80 M8 90 M10 110 M12 125 M16 170 M20 210 M24 240 M27 270 M30 300 M33 330 M36 360 M39 Storage temperature 5° to 25°C 10 12 14 18 24 28 30 35 37 40 42 – M 8 M10 M12 M16 M20 – 14 18 22 28 32 10 10 10 10 5 5 4 4 4 2 2 HVU M 8 × 80 HVU M10 × 90 HVU M12 × 110 HVU M16 × 125 HVU M20 × 170 HVU M24 × 210 HVU M27 × 240 HVU M30 × 270 HVU M33 × 300 HVU M36 × 330 HVU M39 × 360 00256691 00256692 00256693 00256694 00256695 00256696 00256697 00256698 00256699 00256700 00256701 Anchor rods and sockets.9 43.3 M27 79.0 81.8 M30 104.2 55.7 24. HAS-HCR Recommended load. Outperform.hilti.0 142.4 96.1 177. www. No 135. HAS-R HAS-E. the adhesive is easier to use on site.8 24. HVU adhesive capsule Hole depth. in any season or climatic zone n  Excellent and constant anchor holding HVU + HAS-R / HAS-HCR power due to a new resin system and a larger amount of quartz granules n ood fire resistance properties   G NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above.8 27.3 M10 11. ho (mm) With external thread with rods HAS.8 5.6 | 1850 287 387 . HAS-R. HIS-RN sockets HIS-S simple setting tool.hilti. screwed into HIS-N anchor For HIS (R) anchor Width across flats (mm) Ordering designation Item no. Outlast. 292 . TE-C HIS 1/2" TE-C HIS 1/2" TE-C HIS 1/2" TE-FY HIS 3/4" TE-FY HIS 3/4" TE-FY HIS 3/4" HIS-N M8 HIS-N M10 HIS-N M12 HIS-N M12 HIS-N M16 HIS-N M20 13mm socket 1/2" 17mm socket 1/2" 19mm socket 1/2" 19mm socket 3/4" 24mm socket 3/4" 30mm socket 3/4" s s s s s s 00060186 00060187 00060188 00045898 00060190 00060191 TE-adaptor with square drive. 7 M8 to M16 M12 to M20 l  l l l l  TE-C-HIS 1/2" TE-FY-HIS 3/4" 00032220 00032221 Setting tools and equipment for HIS-N. M 8 M10 M12 M16 M16 M20 M24 l  l  l  l          l  l  l          l  l  l                    TE-C-E M 8 TE-C-E M10 TE-C-E M12 TE-C-E M16 TE-Y-E M16 TE-Y-E M20 TE-Y-E M24 00369223 00369224 00369225 00369226 00369227 00369228 00369229 Drive sockets Use with TE connection For anchor Ordering designation Item For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www. TE-C HEX M10 TE-C HEX M12 TE-C HEX M16 TE-Y HEX M20 M10 M12 M16   l l   l1)  l1)         l        l        00311415 00311416 00311417 00336420 1) use with TE-C-WZA chuck Setting tool for HAS-E (anchor rods with cone head) For HAS-E with “Cone” For use in: TE-6/TE-15 TE-15 C l  l  l  l  TE 25 l  l  l  l  TE 56 TE 76 Ordering designation Item no. connection shafts for TE tools For HIS(R) anchor For use in: TE-6 / TE-15 TE-15C TE 25 TE 56 TE 76 Ordering designation Item Hilti. 1850 287 387 | www.Anchor Systems Anchor Systems Setting tools for HAS (anchor rods with external hexagon) Ordering designation For use with HAS-(R) Suitable for machine TE-6 TE-18M TE-25 TE-15 TE-15C l  l l  l l TE-35 TE-55 TE-75 TE-76 Item no. M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 13 17 19 24 30 HIS-S M 8 HIS-S M 10 HIS-S M 12 HIS-S M 16 HIS-S M 20 00045964 00045965 00045966 00045967 00045968 s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS. 9 7.2 ∅ 16 31.8 ∅ 14 27. 1 mixer extension Ordering designation Packaging unit (pcs) Item no.9 | 0800 886 100 www. self-opening foil pack system n ow dispensing force for quick and easy work   L n Wide range of dispensers for different requirements Environmentally friendly n Reduced waste due to unique foil pack n  Odourless adhesive Water Regulations Advisory Scheme cures at .5 ∅ 40 154.   S rotary | 1850 287 387 .4 ∅ 12 20.5OC Item no.5 ∅ 25 81.1 12. 1 mixer extenstion Ordering designation Packaging unit (pcs) Item no. External diameter: 16 mm Setting operations 1 2 3 00337111 00024632 00336646 Features n The new adhesive ensures reliable fastening. ini t cure . Outlast. External diameter: 9 mm HIT-EXT 16/700 Length: 700 mm. Outperform. even when holes are drilled using diamond coring equipment or pneumatic drills. are poorly cleaned. L rec (kN): concrete f ck.4 197.) n ptimum working time in the extended temperature range from   O . fu 36h 72h 25h 50h 12h 24h 6h 12h 4h 8h 2h 4h Technical data: HIT-RE 500 + rebar Recommended load.7 169.6 ∅ 20 53.0 49.9 ∅ 10 14.2 31. 1 static mixer.6 ∅ 32 120.Anchor Systems HIT-RE 500 Optimal curing for professional fastening of reinforcing bars up to T40 into large deep holes Reliable n ery high loading values with reinforcing bars in a wide   V range of diameters (8 to 40 mm dia. wet or oversized n Convenient dispensing tools for different requirements 4 5 6 Base material temperature OC t work / t gel -5 4h 0 3h 5 2h 20 30 min 30 20 min 40 12 min t cure .4 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above.5 to + 40°C n uitable for use in holes drilled using diamond coring equipment.6 17. www.hilti. 1 static mixer. dusty and wet holes n ed coloured adhesive for easy checking of proper setting on site   R n  Comprehensive technical data for effective fastening design Convenient n  Well proven.1 ∅ 28 102.8 96.2 ∅ 36 137. HIT-RE 500/1400/1 1 s 00373958 (1400 ml) s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS. Ordering designation Packaging unit (pcs) HIT-RE-M static mixer 1 suitable for foil pack and jumbo cartridge HIT-EXT 9/1000 Length: 1000 mm.8 77.cube = 25 N/mm2 HIT-RE + rebar Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec ∅8 9. HIT-RE 500 foil pack Comprising: 1 foil pack.3 24. 293 Hilti. pneumatic drills n Low sensitivity to oversized holes. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design HIT-RE 500/330/1 HIT-RE 500/500/20 1 20 00305074 00305075 (330 ml) (500 ml) HIT-RE 500 jumbo cartridge Comprising: 1 jumbo cartridge. Outlast.6 26.3 HIT-HY 150 + HAS-R / HAS-HCR NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above.3 M24 32.hilti. 294 .6 M16 15. Outperform.0 8.0 38.0 13.7 25.hilti. of mixers Ordering designation Package Item no. Base material • Concrete • Hard natural stone Use • Connectors • Anchor rods • Internally threaded sleeves Material • Hilti HIT-HY 150 hybrid adhesive Features • Fastenings without expansion pressure • High loading • User-friendly.7 M20 26. HIT-HY 150 dual foil pack Contents (ml) No.4 Hilti. 330 330 330 500 500 1400 2 0 40 2 20 1 Foil pack HY150/330/2 Foil pack HY150/330/0 Promo box HY 150/330/2 Foil pack HY150/500/2 Bulk pack HY150/500/1 Foil pack HY150/1400 1 25 20 1 20 1 00315959 00315960 00331647 00338973 00338824 s 00373955 s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS. odourless • Small edge distances • Complete system of matched components Fire Data Available (330 ml) (500 ml) 7 (1400 ml) Base material temperature OC Tgel (min) Tcure (min) -5 90 360 0 45 180 5 25 90 20 6 50 30 4 40 40 2 30 The foil pack temperature must be at least +5OC Technical data: HIT-HY 150 + HAS.4 62.1 HIT-HY 150 + HAS-R / HAS-HCR Recommended load.0 14.0 10. L rec (kN): concrete f ck.0 9.3 M10 8.0 43.cube = 25 N/mm2 HIT-HY 150 + HAS Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec M8 6.0 5.6 6.1 M12 1850 287 387 | www.Anchor Systems HIT-HY150 injection system Fast curing for concrete and natural stone.0 6. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.6 32.3 27. 0800 886 100 | www.3 24. co. comfortable and flexible • For indoor and outdoor applications. corrosion free. Outperform. 295 Hilti.Anchor Systems HIT-HY 70 injection system Limitless flexibility in all types of masonry. www. 8 × 50 10 × 50 12 × 50 8 × 80 10 × 80 12 × 80 Zinc plated Zinc plated Zinc plated Zinc plated Zinc plated Zinc plated 10 10 10 10 10 10 HIT-IC M 8 × 50 HIT-IC M 10 × 50 HIT-IC M 12 × 50 HIT-IC M 8 × 80 HIT-IC M 10 × 80 HIT-IC M 12 × 80 47938 47939 47940 47935 47936 47937 HIT-HY 70 can also be used with HIS-N range .hilti. Less mortar loss and lower costs per fastening point – with full performance when HIT SC composite sieves are used • Complete system of matched components Flexible embedment depths and variable loads in spite of fewer parts: Hilti’s unique.hilti. Applications Quick and reliable fastening in: • Hollow brick masonry • Solid brick masonry • Composite masonry • Aerated light-weight concrete • Glass construction/facades Advantages • Optimized application.see page 297 HIT-AC rod HIT-IC internal threaded sockets Diameter × length (mm) Material Packaging contents Ordering designation Item no. as well as for use in dry and wet drilled holes • Can be used at any time of year in a temperature range between –5 and +40° C • Fastenings are free of expansion forces • Non-bearing surfaces are effortlessly bridged • High degree of fire resistance • Mortar injection control: the user identifies when the correct mortar amount has been injected.see page 297 For further details on this system. HIT-HY 70/ 330/2 HIT-HY 70/ 330/1 HIT-HY 70/ 500/2 HIT-HY 70/1400/1 330 330 500 1400 2 mixers 20 mixers 40 mixers 1 mixer 1 20 (promo version) 20 1 383677 383678 383681 s 383685 330 ml Anchor rods for HIT-HY 70 Diameter × length (mm) Material Packaging contents Ordering designation Item s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY or www. see www.hilti. | 0800 886 100 www. composite mesh sieve makes it possible! HIT-HY 70 injectable adhesive mortar cartridges Ordering designation Contents (ml) Including Packaging contents (pcs) Item no. including installation and animation.hilti. 500 ml M 6 × 80/14 M 8 × 80/16 M 10 × 80/20 M 12 × 80/23 M 8 × 80/16 M 10 × 80/20 M 12 × 80/23 Zinc plated Zinc plated Zinc plated Zinc plated Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel 20 20 10 10 20 10 10 HIT-AC HIT-AC HIT-AC HIT-AC HIT-AC-R HIT-AC-R HIT-AC-R M 6 × 80/14 M 8 × 80/16 M 10 × 80/20 M 12 × 80/23 M 8 × 80/16 M 10 × 80/20 M 12 × 80/23 274486 274849 274487 274488 s 274850 s 274489 s 274490 1400 ml HIT-HY 70 can also be used with HAS range .ie | 1850 287 387 . combinable. ie Hilti. 12 × 1000 16 × 1000 18 × 1000 22 × 1000 Zinc plated Zinc plated Zinc plated Zinc plated 50 50 TBA 25 HIT-S 12 × 1M HIT-S 16 × 1M HIT-S 18 × 1M HIT-S 22 × 1M 049762 049763 TBA 049764 0800 886 100 | www.hilti. 296 .uk 1850 287 387 | www.Anchor Systems Anchor Systems HIT-HY 70 setting instructions HIT-HY 70 Solid Brick HIT-HY 70 Hollow Brick 7 Sieves for use in hollow brick/block HIT-SC composite sieves Diameter × length (mm) Material rod dia. For Rod dia. Outperform. For socket Packaging Ordering designation Item no. 12 × 50 12 × 85 16 × 50 16 × 85 18 × 50 18 × 80 22 × 50 22 × 85 26 × 125 26 × 200 Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite M6 M6 M8/M10 M8/M10 M12 M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 M8 M8 M10 M10 M12 M12 - 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 HIT-SC 12 × 50 HIT-SC 12 × 85 HIT-SC 16 × 50 HIT-SC 16 × 85 HIT-SC 18 × 50 HIT-SC 18 × 80 HIT-SC 22 × 50 HIT-SC 22 × 85 HIT-SC 26 × 125 HIT-SC 26 × 200 375979 375980 375981 375982 360485 360486 273662 284511 360487 360488 Meter-long sieves Diameter × length (mm) Material Packaging contents Ordering designation Item no.hilti. 4401) Ordering designation Item no.hilti. A4 316 M 8 M 8 M 8 M10 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 14 54 114 21 61 81 111 28 88 128 168 38 108 148 198 348 110 150 240 130 170 190 220 160 220 260 300 190 260 300 350 500 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 HAS M 8 x 110/ 14 HAS M 8 x 150/ 54 – HAS M10 x 130/ 21 HAS M10 x 170/ 61 HAS M10 x 190/ 81 – HAS M12 x 160/ 28 HAS M12 x 220/ 88 HAS M12 x 260/128 HAS M12 x 300/168 HAS M16 x 190/ 38 HAS M16 x 260/108 HAS M16 x 300/148 HAS M16 x 350/198 HAS M16 x 500/348 00066001 00259934 – 00066002 00259936 00259937 – 00066003 00259938 00259939 00259940 00066004 00259941 00259942 00259943 00259944 HAS-R M 8 x 110/ 14 HAS-R M 8 x 150/ 54 HAS-R M 8 x 240/114 HAS-R M10 x 130/ 21 HAS-R M10 x 170/ 61 HAS-R M10 x 190/ 81 HAS-R M10 x 220/114 HAS-R M12 x 160/ 28 HAS-R M12 x 220/ 88 HAS-R M12 x 260/128 HAS-R M12 x 300/168 HAS-R M16 x 190/ 38 HAS-R M16 x 260/108 HAS-R M16 x 300/148 HAS-R M16 x 350/198 – 00259945 00259946 00259947 00259948 00259949 00259950 00259951 00259952 00259953 00259758 00259759 00259954 00259955 00259760 00259956 – HAS-E anchor rod. Steel zinc plated 5 microns thick (grade 5. M 8 M10 M12 M16 8–20 10–25 12–30 16–40 90 110 125 170 10 10 5 5 200 200 100 50 HIS-N M 8 x 90 HIS-N M10 x 110 HIS-N M12 x 125 HIS-N M16 x 170 00258015 00258016 00258017 00258018 HIS-RN M 8 x 90 HIS-RN M10 x 110 HIS-RN M12 x 125 HIS-RN M16 x 170 00258024 00258025 00258026 00258027 HAS anchor rod.hilti. A4 316 M8 14 80 M8 15 80 M8 114 80 M10 21 90 M10 61 90 M10 81 90 88 90 M10 28 110 M12 88 110 M12 128 110 M12 168 110 M12 M16 20 125 M16 38 125 M16 108 125 M16 148 125 M16 198 125 348 125 M16 48 170 M20 M20 68 170 108 170 M20 M20 158 170 208 170 M20 M24 54 210 60 240 M27 M30 70 270 80 300 M33 M36 90 330 100 360 M39 * (Grade 8. Outlast.8 / ISO 898 T1) Tinst. complete with hexagon nut and washer. with external drive hexagon Connection thread Fastenable thickness (mm) Rod length (mm) Package contents Tightening torque. with cone head Connection thread Fastenable thickness (mm) Embedment depth (mm) Package contents Overall length (mm) Tightening torque Steel zinc plated5 microns thick (grade 5. Outperform.(Nm) Ordering designation Item | 1850 287 387 .8 / ISO 898 T1) 20 10 10 20 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 4 4 4 4 4 110 150 240 130 170 190 220 160 220 260 300 170 190 260 300 350 500 240 260 300 350 400 290 340 380 420 460 500 15 15 15 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 160 160 160 160 160 240 270 300 1200 1500 1800 HAS-E M8 80/14 HAS-E M8 80/54 – HAS-E M10 90/21 HAS-E M10 90/61 HAS-E M10 90/81 – HAS-E M12 110/28 HAS-E M12 110/88 HAS-E M12 110/128 HAS-E M12 110/168 HAS-E M16 125/20 HAS-E M16 125/38 HAS-E M16 125/108 HAS-E M16 125/148 HAS-E M16 125/198 HAS-E M16 80/348 HAS-E M20 170/48 HAS-E M20 170/68 HAS-E M20 170/108 HAS-E M20 170/158 HAS-E M20 170/208 HAS-E M24 210/54 HAS-E M27 240/60 * HAS-E M30 270/70 * HAS-E M33 300/80 * HAS-E M36 330/90 * HAS-E M39 360/100 * 00332219 00333099 – 00332220 00333100 00333101 – 00332221 00333102 00333103 00333104 00333105 00332222 00333106 00333107 00333108 00333109 00332223 00333110 00333111 00333112 00333113 00332224 00333114 00333115 00333116 00333117 00333118 HAS-E-R M8 80/14 HAS-E-R M8 80/54 HAS-E-R M10 80/114 HAS-E-R M10 90/21 HAS-E-R M10 90/61 HAS-E-R M10 90/81 HAS-E-R M10 90/88 HAS-E-R M12 110/28 HAS-E-R M12 110/88 HAS-E-R M12 110/128 HAS-E-R M12 110/168 HAS-E-R M16 125/20 HAS-E-R M16 125/38 HAS-E-R M16 125/108 HAS-E-R M16 125/148 HAS-E-R M16 125/198 – HAS-E-R M20 170/48 – HAS-E-R M20 170/108 – – HAS-E-R M24 210/54 HAS-E-R M27 240/60 * HAS-E-R M30 270/70 * HAS-E-R M33 300/80 * HAS-E-R M36 330/90 * HAS-E-R M39 360/100 * 00333119 00333120 00333121 00333122 00333123 00333124 00333125 00333126 00333127 00333128 00333129 00333130 00333131 00333132 00333133 00333134 – 00333135 – 00333136 – – 00333137 00333138 00333139 00333140 00333141 00333142 297 Hilti.8 / ISO 898 T1) Tinst. Stainless steel A4-70 (material 1. www.(Nm) Ordering designation Item no. hs (mm) Sleeve | 0800 886 100 www. Stainless steel A4-70 SS 316 (material 1.4401) Ordering designation Item no. l (mm) Package contents Outer package contents Ordering designation Item no.4401) Ordering designation Item no.Anchor Systems Anchor rods and sockets HIS-N internally threaded sleeve with cover cap Steel zinc plated 5 microns thick Connection thread Thread length. A4 316 Stainless steel A4 SS316 (material 1. complete with hexagon nut and Anchor Systems Dispensers Manual dispensers Designation Item no. Hilti HIT-P 3000 F pneumatic dispenser for 330 ml packs Hilti HIT-P 3500 F pneumatic dispenser for 330 and 500 ml packs Hilti HIT-P 8000 D pneumatic dispenser for 1400 ml packs Spare foil pack holders Holder MD 2000 for 330ml packs Holder MD 2500 for 330 and 500ml packs Holder P 8000 D for 1400ml packs Consisting of: ( 00255032 ) 00354180 + 00373959 Item no. brushes. Blow-out pump Round brush with grip 13 mm dia. brushes. etc. 298 . blow-out pump in Hilti tool case (without battery or charger) ED 3500 battery dispenser for 330 and 500 ml packs dispenseronly in cardboard box (without battery or charger) Pneumatic dispensers Designation % 03426146 & ( 00273295 & 00273291 ) Item no. Battery dispensers Designation = % ED 3500 battery & dispenser kit for 330 and 500 ml packs dispenser. Outlast. silicone.hilti. GA = thread connection Spare nozzles Designation 1 1 1 1 00060579 00229133 00229134 00229135 Item no. brushes. 00229155 00338853 00369220 = 00055205 Item no. Round brush with grip 28 mm Hilti. blow-out pump in Hilti tool case ED 3500 battery dispenser kit for 330 and 500 ml packs dispenser. charger (C7/36-ACS). HIT-RE-M mixer nozzle for HIT-RE 500 and HY 70 (all sizes) and HY 150 (1400 ml only) HIT-M1 mixer nozzle for HY 150 (330 & 500 ml only) HFX-M mixer nozzle for HFX cartridges Roughening tools Use to prepare diamond-drilled holes for HY 150 Designation Package contents 00337111 00068156 00284267 Item no. + 00229170 00339477 00373960 7 Accessories Hole cleaning accessories Designation Package contents Item no. brushes. . Round brush with grip 18 mm dia. mastic. blow-out pump in Hilti tool box) MD 2500 manual dispenser for 330 and 500 ml packs (dispenser only in cardboard box) MD 2500 tool kit for 330 and 500 ml packs (dispenser. battery (SFB 126).uk 1850 287 387 | www.hilti. Outperform. MD 2000 manual dispenser for 330 ml packs (dispenser only in cardboard box) MD 2000 tool kit for 330 ml packs ( blow-out pump in Hilti tool box) CB 200-P1 manual dispenser for HFX. @ @ 00229154 . TE-Y-RT 16/40 TE-Y-RT 18/40 TE-Y-RT 22/40 TE-Y-RT 28/55 1 1 1 1 00259590 00259591 00259592 00259593 0800 886 100 | www. hilti. optimising the load bearing capacity of the system and reaching maximum productivity in the serial applications. air nozzles DL 12-32 (for rebar ∅ 8-25). brush extensions RBS. blowing extension hoses and tubes. Hilti HIT Profi accessories for overhead*aft Description Product name Unit/sales package Item no. manual dispenser MD 2500. Hilti HIT Profi anchor accessory set 1 s 384752 The Hilti HIT set for those professionals who would like to go beyond in their anchoring work with Hilti HIT. manual brush extension and handle. 005205 @ . holders TE-Y and TE-C. brush extensions RBS. www. installation report. blow-out gun. with all the required accessories to post-install rebars up to ∅ 25 and 2500 mm in embedement depth. Hilti HIT Profi rebar accessory set 1 s 274888 The Hilti HIT set for those professionals who often encounter rebar installation in their daily business. round steel brushes RB 10-24 (for threaded rods M10-M20). Content: case. rebar saw Product designation Unit/sales package Item no. Content: case. compressed-air connector. Content: case. round steel brushes RB 12-25 (for rebar ∅ 8-20). installation instructions. installation report. | 0800 886 100 www. versatile and complete to make best use of the Hilti HIT rebar system and gain productivity in the most common applications.hilti. Hilti HIT Premium rebar accessory set 1 s 384753 The Hilti HIT premium set for the rebar professionals who perform post-installation of rebars in the most challenging situations. thermometer. drilling aid. blow-out gun. blowing extension hoses. injection extention hoses and tubes. 100 10 10 s = 387550 s % 387551 s 387552 299 Hilti. piston plugs SZ 12-32 (for rebar ∅ 8-25). installation instructions. holder TE-C. with all the required equipment to post-install rebars up to ∅ 20 mm and 800 mm in embedement depth. round steel brushes RB 12-32 (for rebar ∅ 8-25).ie | 1850 287 387 .Anchor Systems HIT Profi System For heavy anchoring applications and the post-installation of rebars. Empty case Empty case Installation instructions Installation report . manual dispenser MD 2500 Hilti HIT Profi accessoriesaft Description Product name Unit/sales package Item no. brush extension RBS 10/0. markers. manual brush handle.Internat. Outlast. Applications n Unique and approved system for safe installation of rebar and anchoring elements up to 40 mm in diameter and 3200 mm in embedment depth Advantages n Comprehensive sets of accessories for maximising your HIT performance and productivity gain n Great opportunity to customise your HIT installation equipment according to your application needs Hilti HIT Profi accessory sets Product designation Unit/sales package Item no.35. Compact. installation instructions. holders TE-Y and TE-C. piston plugs SZ 12-25 (for rebar ∅ 8-20) Product designation Unit/sales package Item air nozzles DL 12-25 (for rebar ∅ 8–20). = % Overhead wedge HIT-OHW Overhead cup HIT-OHC1 HIT-OHC2 Overhead cup *Note: to be used together with the relevant piston plugs s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS. version Drilling aid Protective goggles HIT Premium rebar HIT Profi HIT Rebar HIT-BH HIT 1 1 1 5 1 1 s s s s s s 384759 384757 384756 384755 @ 038246 . Ideal for installation of anchoring elements up to 20 mm in diameter and 250 mm in embedement depth. injection extention hoses. 3 Holder for brush extension RBS TE-Y Holder for brush extension RBS TE-C Holder for brush extension RBS TE-T Brush extension for round steel brush HIT-RBS 10/0.7 16 HIT-RB 10 10 Round steel brush Round steel brush HIT-RB 12 12 Round steel brush HIT-RB 14 14 HIT-RB 16 16 Round steel brush Round steel brush HIT-RB 18 18 Round steel brush HIT-RB 20 20 Round steel brush HIT-RB 22 22 Round steel brush HIT-RB 24 24 Round steel brush HIT-RB 25 25 Round steel brush HIT-RB 28 28 HIT-RB 30 30 Round steel brush Round steel brush HIT-RB 32 32 Round steel brush HIT-RB 35 35 Round steel brush HIT-RB 37 37 HIT-RB 40 40 Round steel brush Round steel brush HIT-RB 42 42 HIT-RB 45 45 Round steel brush Round steel brush HIT-RB 47 47 HIT-RB 52 52 Round steel brush HIT-RB 55 55 Round steel brush Hilti HIT Profi accessories for injectionaft 9 1 Extension hose HIT-VL 9/1.0 Extension tube HIT-VL 16/0.8 HIT-DL 16/0. = 060579 Blow-out pump Blow-out gun Extension hose for blow-out gun Extension hose for blow-out gun Connecting piece for air compressor Coupler for blowing extensions Extension hose for HIT-DL A Extension tube Extension tube Extension hose Air nozzle Air nozzle Air nozzle Air nozzle Air nozzle Air nozzle Air nozzle G ¼" HIT-DL 10/0.Anchor Systems Hilti HIT Profi accessories for blowing outaft Description Product name Diameter (mm) Length (m) Unit/sales package Item no.7 HIT-VL 16 HIT-DL 12 HIT-DL 14 HIT-DL 16 HIT-DL 18 HIT-DL 20 HIT-DL 25 HIT-DL 32 10 16 16 10 16 16 16 12 14 16 18 20 24 32 0.35 0.8 HIT-DL A HIT-DL K HIT-DL V10/1 HIT-DL B HIT-VL 16/0.3 Manual brush handle for round steel brush HIT-RBH 0.hilti.8 1 : · $ £ | s s s s s s s s   ¡ Q 7 W E s     R s s s s s s s s   T Z I U O s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS.7 Extension hose HIT-VL 16 16 Coupler for injection extensions HIT-VL K 16 Piston Plug HIT-SZ 12 12 Piston Plug HIT-SZ 14 14 Piston Plug HIT-SZ 16 16 Piston Plug HIT-SZ 18 18 Piston Plug HIT-SZ 20 20 Piston Plug HIT-SZ 22 22 HIT-SZ 24 24 Piston Plug Piston Plug HIT-SZ 25 25 Piston Plug HIT-SZ 28 28 HIT-SZ 30 30 Piston Plug Piston Plug HIT-SZ 32 32 Piston Plug HIT-SZ 35 35 Piston Plug HIT-SZ 37 37 HIT-SZ 40 40 Piston Plug Piston Plug HIT-SZ 42 42 HIT-SZ 45 45 Piston Plug Piston Plug HIT-SZ 47 47 HIT-SZ 52 52 Piston Plug Piston Plug HIT-SZ 55 55 0800 886 100 | www.7 Brush extension for round steel brush HIT-RBS-10/0.7 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 10 10 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 m 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s   s s s = 381215 % 038251 & 038252 ( 336643 038250 ) 336644 + 371714 336646 § 038249 / 371715 371716 371717 : 371718 371719 371720 · 371721 238727 $ 229138 £ 263439 | 263437 263438 336645 ¡ 371722 Q 380917 336548 336549 336550 336551 336552 370774 380918 336553 W 380919 380920 336554 380921 382259 382260 382261 382262 382264 382265 E 382266 R 024632 T 336646 038249 Z 335021 U 335022 335023 335024 335025 335026 380922 380923 335027 380924 I 380925 335028 380926 382267 380927 380928 380929 380930 382268 O 382269 % & ( ) + § / Hilti HIT Profi accessories for brushingaft Manual brush extension for round steel brush HIT-RBV 0. 300 .8 0. 1850 287 387 | www. Outperform. Outlast.7 0. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.7 M16 35. Outlast.9 20.7 66. seismic or shock Base material n  Tension and compression zones of concrete n Hard natural stone Uses n  Anchor fastenings for high loads and most stringent safety requirements e. HDA-TR Recommended load. HDA-TR / HDA-PR n   4-80 stainless steel anchor rod A   n  M10 – M16 Fastenings outside exposed to long lasting condensation.4 60. set the anchor until the setting mark on the anchor rod becomes visible 3. securing heavy machinery and machines etc.1 M12 16. sherardised to min. HDA-T.3 33. HDA-PR.9 38.8.7 38.0 M10 11. in basements. underground garages / parking lots.0 45.1 56.6 35.cube = 25 N/mm2 Uncracked concrete Cracked concrete HDA-P HDA-T HDA-PR HDA-TR Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec M10 21.3 56.9 12.9 46. | 1850 287 387 .0 91. securing cranes and machines Features n Exceptional load capacity – loads comparable to cast in – suitable for tensile zone / dynamic loading n Simple installation – no diamond drilling / cutting equipment n Small edge distance and spacing HDA-TF / HDA-PF n   teel grade 8.9 30.3 29.1 29.0 do Tinst SW l HDA-P anchor for pre-setting h1 hef tfix dh do Tinst SW l NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above. 1.hilti.7 33.8 M20 45.7 35.9 56. pipe fitting.1 M12 31. tunnels. etc.1 31. zinc plated to 5 microns S n   10 – M20 M Fastenings in dry inside rooms.5 38.7 17.g. e. electrical installations.0 66.g.0 35.8 M20 91.7 81.g.3 16.e.9 11.Anchor Systems HDA design anchors Maximised loads. Using the setting tool mounted on a hammer drill. shafts.9 18.3 100. etc.9 35. e.9 38. noisebarriers.5 12. 53 mic.7 18.4 35.1 16. in power plant and installation construction.4 11.6 | 0800 886 100 www. L rec (kN): concrete f ck.6 21.4 20.9 12.6 16.3 81.g. Tighten to the specified torque HDA-T anchor for through-fastening h1 hef tfix dh Technical data: HDA-P. 301 Hilti. www.8.9 12. Drill the hole with the stop drill bit and blow out the dust with a pump 2.9 30.9 17.7 46. bridge connections.1 100. S n   10 – M16 M Fastenings in damp conditions. n  High shear loads Material n   Zinc plated 5 microns.7 M16 60. Outperform. fatigue.hilti. sheradised or stainless steel options available n   Tungston carbide cutting teeth Optimal resistance to corrosion for virtually any fastening Through fastening: HDA-T / presetting: HDA-P HDA-T / HDA-P n   teel grade 8. simple installation Suitable for Dynamic Loading e. HDA-TR * stainless A4 20 21 20 107 30 23 22 135 23 22 135 50 32 30 203 40 32 30 203 60 40 37 266 50 40 37 266 100 * Please ask for delivery details... 37-M20×250/100 00331545 00331548 00331549 00331552 00331553 00339267 00339268 00339361 00339362 00339363 00339364 00339365 – – 00339351 00339352 00339353 00339354 00339355 – – HDA-P/PF/PR anchor programme Max.5 45. HDA-T zinc plated 5 µm Item no. HDA-T/TF/TR anchor programme Max. hole nom.. dia. tfix. dh (mm) Drill bit Min.. dh (mm) Drill bit Min.. hole nom. dia. hef (mm) Anchor Tightening length. Outperform.. depth. (mm) Clearance hole. 20-M10×100/ 20 HDA.... 20-M10×100/ 20 HDA. 22-M12×125/ 50 HDA... HDA-PF sherardisied 53 µm Item no.. Fixture thickness.hilti. (mm) Clearance hole.. 30-M16×190/ 40 HDA. HDA-PR stainless A4 20 30 50 40 60 50 100 12 14 14 18 18 22 22 20 22 22 30 30 37 37 107 135 135 203 203 266 266 100 125 125 190 190 250 250 150 190 210 275 295 360 410 50 80 80 120 120 300 300 17 19 19 24 24 30 30 12 8 8 4 4 2 2 HDA.. HDA-TF * sherardisied 53 µm Item no. 37-M20×250/ 50 HDA. 37-M20×250/100 00331544 00331546 00331547 00331550 00331551 00339265 00339266 00339356 00339357 00339358 00339359 00339360 – – 00339346 00339347 00339348 00339349 00339350 – – Required tools Anchor Anchor size Packaging contents (pcs) Stop drill bit Ordering designation Item no. do (mm) h1 (mm) Anchorage depth.. 22-M12×125/ 30 Hilti.. Fixture thickness. 30-M16×190/ 40 HDA. depth. 302 ... torque. fastenable thickness.5 37 57 47 97 HDA-T 20-M10×100/20 HDA-T 22-M12×125/30 HDA-T 22-M12×125/50 HDA-T 30-M16×190/40 HDA-T 30-M16×190/60 HDA-T 37-M20×250/50 HDA-T 37-M20×250/100 00331545 00331548 00331549 00331552 00331553 00339267 00339268 20 30 50 40 60 50 100 Dynamic Set M10 Dynamic Set M12 Dynamic Set M12 Dynamic Set M16 Dynamic Set M16 Dynamic Set M20 Dynamic Set M20 00369201 00369202 00369202 00369203 00369203 00369204 00369204 For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www.. 22-M12×125/ 30 HDA. 30-M16×190/ 60 HDA. do (mm) h1 (mm) Anchorage depth. 37-M20×250/ 50 HDA. l (mm) Tinst (Nm) Width Packaging across contents flats (mm) (pcs) Ordering designation Item no.. Setting tool Packaging contents (pcs) Ordering designation Item no..hilti. 100 125 125 190 190 250 250 150 190 210 275 295 360 410 50 80 80 120 120 300 300 17 19 19 24 24 30 30 12 8 8 4 4 2 2 HDA. HDA-P zinc plated 5 µm Item no...Anchor Systems Zivilschutz Zugelassen in Schutzräumen vom Bundesminister für Raumordnung. hef (mm) Anchor Tightening length. tfix [mm] Ordering designation Item no... 1850 287 387 | www.. Bauwesen und Städtebau.. Outlast. tfix. tfix [mm] HDA-P 20-M10×100/20 HDA-P 22-M12×125/30 HDA-P 22-M12×125/50 HDA-P 30-M16×190/40 HDA-P 30-M16×190/60 HDA-P 37-M20×250/50 HDA-P 37-M20×250/100 00331544 00331546 00331547 00331550 00331551 00339265 00339266 16 25. Ordering designation Item no. 22-M12×125/ 50 HDA. nut and locknut Ordering designation Item no. HDA-T/TF/TR 20-M10×100/20 HDA-T/TF/TR 20-M10×100/20 HDA-T/TF/TR 22-M12×125/30 HDA-T/TF/TR 22-M12×125/30 HDA-T/TF/TR 22-M12×125/50 HDA-T/TF/TR 22-M12×125/50 HDA-T/TF/TR 30-M16×190/40 HDA-T/TF/TR 30-M16×190/60 HDA-T 37-M20×250/50 HDA-T 37-M20×250/100 HDA-P/PF/PR 20-M10×100/20 HDA-P/PF/PR 20-M10×100/20 HDA-P/PF/PR 22-M12×125/30 HDA-P/PF/PR 22-M12×125/30 HDA-P/PF/PR 22-M12×125/50 HDA-P/PF/PR 22-M12×125/50 HDA-P/PF/PR 30-M16×190/40 HDA-P/PF/PR 30-M16×190/60 HDA-P 37-M20×250/50 HDA-P 37-M20×250/100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TE-C-HDA-B 20×120 TE-Y-HDA-B 20×120 TE-C-HDA-B 22×155 TE-Y-HDA-B 22×155 TE-C-HDA-B 22×175 TE-Y-HDA-B 22×175 TE-Y-HDA-B 30×230 TE-Y-HDA-B 30×250 TE-Y-HDA-B 37×300 TE-Y-HDA-B 37×350 TE-C-HDA-B 20×100 TE-Y-HDA-B 20×100 TE-C-HDA-B 22×125 TE-Y-HDA-B 22×125 TE-C-HDA-B 22×125 TE-Y-HDA-B 22×125 TE-Y-HDA-B 30×190 TE-Y-HDA-B 30×190 TE-Y-HDA-B 37×250 TE-Y-HDA-B 37×250 00332090 00237450 00332092 00237452 00332093 00237453 00332098 00332099 00339271 00339272 00332089 00237449 00332091 00237451 00332091 00237451 00332097 00332097 00339270 00339270 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TE-C-HDA-ST 20-M10 TE-Y-HDA-ST 20-M10 TE-C-HDA-ST 22-M12 TE-Y-HDA-ST 22-M12 TE-C-HDA-ST 22-M12 TE-Y-HDA-ST 22-M12 TE-Y-HDA-ST 30-M16 TE-Y-HDA-ST 30-M16 TE-Y-HDA-ST 37-M20 TE-Y-HDA-ST 37-M20 TE-C-HDA-ST 20-M10 TE-Y-HDA-ST 20-M10 TE-C-HDA-ST 22-M12 TE-Y-HDA-ST 22-M12 TE-C-HDA-ST 22-M12 TE-Y-HDA-ST 22-M12 TE-Y-HDA-ST 30-M16 TE-Y-HDA-ST 30-M16 TE-Y-HDA-ST 37-M20 TE-Y-HDA-ST 37-M20 00331843 00287133 00331844 00287134 00331844 00287134 00331846 00331846 00339269 00339269 00331843 00287133 00331844 00287134 00331844 00287134 00331846 00331846 00339269 00339269 7 Undercut anchor suitable for tension zone and fatigue loading HDA-P presetting anchor HDA-T through-fastening anchor Dynamic Set consisting of: injection washer.. fastenable 30-M16×190/ 60 HDA. spherical washer. l (mm) Tinst (Nm) Width Packaging across contents flats (mm) (pcs) Ordering designation Item no.. 5 81.g. cracked concrete   C n  Hard natural stone Applications n  Fastening heavy loads.1 M24 44. Outlast.4 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above.1 M12 17.0 M16 24.8 17. Outperform.3 41.5 | 0800 886 100 www. machines.1 57.1 M12 12. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.hilti. 303 Hilti.6 28.1 M24 31. zinc plating at least 5 microns thick n  A4 stainless steel (material 1.8 M10 14.1 101. www. e.1 17.. apparatus etc.8 M10 | 1850 287 387 . L rec (kN): concrete f ck.0 28. The red cap shears off with correct torque.8 M20 33. also in cracked concrete n ynamic conditions.2 41.4 M8 4.4401 / AISI 316) 3 4 Main features n   Black plastic section – no turning in hole during setting – collapses for flush baseplate-to-surface fit n   Choice of four head types (see next page for detail) n   HSL-3-B. from columns.Anchor Systems HSL-3 Heavy-Duty Expansion Anchor HSL-3 is the most reliable heavy-duty expansion anchor for safety relevant applications. e.g. pictured requires no torque wrench for setting.hilti.8 M20 24.8 with rolled thread.0 81.0 M16 17. Base materials n 57. with vibratory or windy conditions   D n eismic areas   S n ny heavy-duty application where extensive approvals coverage is   A required 1 2 Application areas n uclear power projects   N n Telecom n  Heavy industrial n  Infrastructure Material n  Power generation n  Tunneling n  Stadiums n  Roof/building structures 1 2 3 4 n  Steel strength 8. revealing a tamper-proof green seal n   Embedment depth mark for easy setting n   Extensive range of approvals and technical back-up Technical data: HSL-3 Recommended load.cube = 25 N/mm2 Uncracked concrete Cracked concrete Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec M8 11. t (mm) fix Width across flats AF (mm) Nrec Vrec (kN) (kN) Max.8 25 40 80 120 200 40 20 20 10 6 HSLG-R M 8/20 HSLG-R M 10/20 HSLG-R M 12/25 HSLG-R M 16/25 HSLG-R M 20/30 00067920 00067922 00067924 00067926 00067928 For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www.1 Hilti. l (mm) Hole depth.Anchor Systems HSL-3 heavy-duty anchor Hole dia. tight.6 1850 287 387 | www. 304 . tight. do (mm) H12 HSLG-R Version: threaded rod stainless steel A4 Anchor length. 15 18 24 28 95 107 120 148 183 80 90 100 125 155 20 20 25 25 30 13 17 19 24 30 7. torque. Tinst (Nm) Package contents Ordering designation Item no. torque. Outlast.7 24. h (mm) 1 Max... tfix (mm) Width across flats AF (mm) N rec Vrec (kN) (kN) Max.4 45.5 10.2 16. l (mm) Hole depth.2 34. thickness fastened tfix (mm) Width across flats SW (mm) Box contents (pcs) Ordering designation Item no. 12 15 18 91 102 121 80 90 105 20 20 25 – – – 8.9 13.8 9. 12 12 15 15 18 18 24 24 28 28 32 32 98 118 110 130 131 156 153 178 183 213 205 235 80 80 90 90 105 105 125 125 155 155 180 180 20 40 20 40 25 50 25 50 30 60 30 60 13 13 17 17 19 19 24 24 30 30 36 36 40 40 20 20 20 10 10 10 6 6 4 4 HSL-3 M 8/20 HSL-3 M 8/40 HSL-3 M 10/20 HSL-3 M 10/40 HSL-3 M 12/25 HSL-3 M 12/50 HSL-3 M 16/25 HSL-3 M 16/50 HSL-3 M 20/30 HSL-3 M 20/60 HSL-3 M 24/30 HSL-3 M 24/60 00371775 00371776 00371778 00371779 00371781 00371782 00371784 00371785 00371787 00371788 00371790 00371791 HSL-3-G heavy-duty anchor – stud version 12 12 12 15 15 15 18 18 18 24 24 24 28 28 28 102 122 182 115 135 195 139 164 214 163 188 238 190 220 260 80 80 80 90 90 90 105 105 105 125 125 125 155 155 155 20 40 100 20 40 100 25 50 100 25 50 100 30 60 100 13 13 13 17 17 17 19 19 19 24 24 24 30 30 30 40 40 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 HSL-3-G M 8/20 HSL-3-G M 8/40 HSL-3-G M 8/100 HSL-3-G M 10/ 20 HSL-3-G M 10/ 40 HSL-3-G M 10/100 HSL-3-G M 12/ 25 HSL-3-G M 12/ 50 HSL-3-G M 12/100 HSL-3-G M 16/ 25 HSL-3-G M 16/ 50 HSL-3-G M 16/100 HSL-3-G M 20/ 30 HSL-3-G M 20/ 60 HSL-3-G M 20/100 00371793 00371794 00371829 00371796 00371797 00371830 00371799 00371800 00371831 00371802 00371803 00371832 00371805 00371806 00371833 HSL-3-B heavy-duty anchor with torque bolt 18 18 24 24 28 28 32 32 137 162 159 184 189 219 211 241 105 105 125 125 155 155 180 180 25 50 25 50 30 60 30 60 24 24 30 30 36 36 41 41 20 10 10 10 6 6 4 4 HSL-3-B M 12/25 HSL-3-B M 12/50 HSL-3-B M 16/25 HSL-3-B M 16/50 HSL-3-B M 20/30 HSL-3-B M 20/60 HSL-3-B M 24/30 HSL-3-B M 24/60 00371808 00371809 00371811 00371812 00371814 00371815 00371817 00371818 7 HSL-3-SK Countersunk head Hole dia.hilti. h1 (mm) 70.8 22.6 15. do (mm) Anchor length. fastenable thickness. Outperform. do (mm) Anchor length l (mm) Hole depth h1 (mm) Max.6 25 50 80 40 20 20 HSL-3-SK M 8/20 HSL-3-SK M 10/20 HSL-3-SK M 12/25 00371826 00371827 00371828 Hole dia.hilti. fastenable thickness.2 22. Tinst (Nm) Package contents Ordering designation Item no.3 12. g.3 | 0800 886 100 www.1 3.5 6.1 11.1 8. in the tension or compression zone n Hard natural stone Use n Fastenings where safety is at stake.0 8. e.4 4.3 6.1 7. HSC-A. www.0 8. without undercutting n Automatic undercutting by anchor when anchor sleeve is driven onto stud taper n Fire resistance Technical data: HSC-I. to secure cladding and facades.3 13.0 8.3 8. zinc plated 5 microns thick n A4 stainless steel (material 1.4 3.4 M8x40 M8x50 M10x40 M12x60 4.1 11.5 – M8x40 M10x50 M0x50 M12x60 4.1 6.3 13.9 9.1 6.4 4.5 6.6 6.9 5.9 6. L rec (kN): concrete f ck.0 8.2 M8x40 M10x50 M10x60 M12x60 M6x40 6.7 8.9 6.3 19.1 | 1850 287 387 .6 6.1 4.7 10.1 – 8.1 11.0 8.3 6.1 8.3 13.3 6.3 – 6.1 4.0 8.3 8.3 7. HSC-A Recommended load.5 11.9 5.hilti. 305 Hilti. HSC-IR.0 8.1 8.3 4.7 8. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.3 19. installations and ceilings Material n Steel strength 8. Outlast.2 M8x40 M8x50 M10x40 M12x60 – 6.3 13.3 8.hilti.0 5.0 8. Outperform.cube = 25 N/mm2 Uncracked concrete Cracked concrete l HSC-I Tinst do tfix HSC-IR h1 HSC-A HSC-A Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec M6x40 6.0 7.3 4.1 8.4401 / AISI 316) Tinst Features n Anchor hole drilled as usual.5 11.5 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above.1 – 5.1 7.7 10.Anchor Systems HSC safety self-cutting anchors Automatic undercutting Base material n Concrete.9 9.0 4.1 4.3 4. Outlast. 1850 287 387 | www.4 10 10 20 30 A4 25 25 25 20 HSC-A M 8×40/15 HSC-A M 8×50/15 HSC-A M10×40/20 HSC-A M12×60/20 00031139 00031141 00031140 00015507 HSC-AR Hole dia.2 8.4 3. tight.5 64.5 64.4 6. h (mm) 1 Anchor length.5 103. I (mm) G N rec V rec (kN) (kN) Max. 14 16 18 18 20 43 43. 0800 886 100 | www.5 8. with internal thread Hole depth. l (mm) Max. AF (mm) N rec V rec (kN) (kN) Max. d (mm) o Version: zinc plated steel Hole depth.0 11.5 7. l (mm) Max.6 7. M 8 M 10 M 12 – M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 TE-C HSC-MW 14 TE-C HSC-MW 16 TE-C HSC-MW 18 TE-C HSC-MW 20 00031169 00011267 00071352 00071353 s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS.9 10 10 20 30 30 A4 25 25 25 25 25 HSC-I M 6×40 HSC-I M 8×40 HSC-I M 10×50 HSC-I M 10×60 HSC-I M 12×60 00031142 00031143 00031144 00031145 00031146 HSC-IR Hole dia.0 12.2 7. t (mm) fix Width across AF (mm) N rec V rec (kN) (kN) Max.0 8.5 64.Anchor Systems HSC-A Hole dia. T (Nm) inst Package contents Ordering designation Item no.8 10 10 20 30 30 25 25 25 25 25 HSC-IR M 6* 40 HSC-IR M 8* 40 HSC-IR M 10* 50 HSC-IR M 10* 60 HSC-IR M 12* 60 00031151 00031152 00031153 s 00031154 00031155 Stop bit for exact hole depth Hole dia. d (mm) o Version: stainless steel.7 6..2 8.6 4.2 8. torque. T (Nm) inst Package contents Ordering designation Item no.4 7. 14 16 18 18 20 43 43. t (mm) fix Width across flats.7 6. T (Nm) inst Package contents Ordering designation Item no. l (mm) Thread length. d (mm) o 7 TE 25 Ordering designation Item no..0 7. d (mm) o Version: zinc plated steel.5 46 46 56 56 68 6-16 8-22 10-28 10-28 12-30 6.5 54. Outperform...0 6.5 46 56 46 68 15 15 20 20 13 13 17 19 Hilti.4 11.5 64. h (mm) 1 Anchor length.7 11. 306 . 14 14 16 18 71.5 54.7 11.1 10 20 10 30 25 25 25 20 HSC-AR M 8×40/15 HSC-AR M 8×50/15 HSC-AR M 10×40/20 HSC-AR M 12×60/20 00031148 s 00031150 00031149 00015506 HSC-I Hole dia.5 81.2 11. HSC-A (R) HSC-I (R) For use in: TE 15 TE15-C l l l 14 14 16 18 18 20 M 8×40/15 M 8×50/15 M 10×40/20 – M 12×60/20 – M 6×40 – M 8×40 M 10×50 M 10×60 M 12×60 l l l TE-C HSC-B 14×40 TE-C HSC-B 14×50 TE-C HSC-B 16×40 TE-C HSC-B 18×50 TE-C HSC-B 18×60 TE-C HSC-B 20×60 00031157 00031158 00028568 00030708 00030709 00030710 Setting tool for automatic undercut External thread Internal thread For use in: TE 15 / TE15-C / TE 25 l l l l Only for: TE25 Ordering designation Item no.5 79.4 4.0 11. I (mm) G N rec V rec (kN) (kN) Max.4401) 316 Hole depth.5 103.4401) 316 Hole depth.5 79. torque. fastenable thickness.hilti. torque. h (mm) 1 Anchor length.2 8. T (Nm) inst Package contents Ordering designation Item no. 14 14 16 18 71.5 46 56 46 68 15 15 20 20 13 13 17 19 6.hilti. d (mm) o Version: stainless steel A4 (material 1. l (mm) Thread length.4 8. tight.1 16.2 6.2 11. h (mm) 1 Anchor length. torque.6 18.6 6.6 6. tight. fastenable thickness.5 46 46 56 56 68 6-16 8-22 10-28 10-28 12-30 6.5 81. A4 (material 1. Anchor Systems HST safety stud anchor Offering a high level of safety and suiting a broad range of requirements and applications VdS G 4930030 EDELSTAHL ® Stainless steel ALLGEMEIN BAUAUFSICHTLICH ZUGE LASSEN FM Factory Manual Versions offered: n HST – zinc plated (min. stainless M8–M24) – the anchor can therefore be used in all CE-countries n German approval (DIBt) – for material 1. angles. n Special programme in HCR material: for applications where high corrosion resistance is required. hard natural stone n Fastening through in-place parts e.4401 / AISI 316) n HST-HCR – DIN 1. like street tunnels or swimming pools (high concentration of chlorides) Approvals: n European technical approval (ETA) – Option 1 for concrete in the tensile and compression zone (zinc plated M8–M24. Outperform. www. diameters M8–M16 n Fire resistance – The anchor can be used where fire resistance is required (approved by the IBMB Germany – all offered sizes and materials) n Shock approval – Switzerland – BZS for civil defence shelters – all offered sizes and materials n Sprinkler systems – approved by VDS and FM Characteristics: n Embedment depth marked (black ring) to ensure that the fastening is done right on site n Nut and washer pre-assembled for time saving on site Approved for cracked concrete The anchor is approved for applications in the tensile zone of concrete according to the European building codes (CE) and can therefore be used in the tensile and compression zone Edge and spacing distance The small permitted edge and spacing distances allow design flexibility. the steel material remains ductile. 5 microns) nHST-R – A4 stainless steel (DIN 1. beams etc. g.4529 high corrosion resistant Areas of application: n Base material: concrete in the tensile and compression | 0800 886 100 www.hilti. The result is an anchor which allows alignments without breaking. even with narrow structural members. Cold-formed Due to the manufacturing process (cold-forming technology).ie | 1850 287 387 .4529 – high corrosion resistant (HCR). Outlast. channels. 307 Hilti.hilti. cube = 25 N/mm2 Uncracked concrete Cracked concrete HST Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec M8 3.3 11.4 7.8 M24 19. L rec (kN): concrete f ck.3 29. stainless steel (HCR. HST-R Recommended load. fastenable thickness. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.0 7. Zinc plated (min.6 27.4 M10 7.3 M8 2.7 28.4 M12 5..8 29. Stainless (HCR 1.6 44.1 M16 16.5 17.0 44. Stainless (A4/AISI 316) 8 75 8 95 8 115 10 90 10 110 10 130 12 115 12 145 12 185 12 215 12 235 12 255 16 140 16 165 16 215 16 255 16 295 20 170 20 200 20 260 24 200 24 230 * HST-R packaging contents: 50 10 30 50 10 30 50 20 50 90 120 140 160 25 50 100 140 180 30 60 120 30 60 100 * 100 * 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 12 12 12 12 12 5 5 5 5 5 HST M 8/ 10 HST M 8/ 30 HST M 8/ 50 HST M10/ 10 HST M10/ 30 HST M10/ 50 HST M12/ 20 HST M12/ 50 HST M12/ 90 HST M12/120 HST M12/140 HST M12/160 HST M16/ 25 HST M16/ 50 HST M16/100 HST M16/140 HST M16/180 HST M20/ 30 HST M20/ 60 HST M20/130 HST M24/ 30 HST M24/ 60 00371581 00371582 00371583 00371584 00371585 00371586 00371587 00371588 00371589 00371590 00371591 00371592 00371593 00371594 00371595 00371596 00371597 00371598 00371599 00274697 00371601 00371602 00376039 00376041 00376042 00376043 00376044 00376045 00376047 00376048 00376049 00376050 – – 00376051 00376052 00376053 00376054 00376055 00376056 00376057 – 00376058 00376059 7 HST-HCR.0 57.7 M24 19.4529) Hole dia. high corrosion resistant material as per DIN 1.4 M12 9.6 M16 1850 287 387 | www.6 11.4 M10 4.5 17.6 57.6 M16 16. Outperform.3 39.hilti. 308 . (do) mm Anchor length.9 27.7 M24 28.hilti.4 M10 4. (l) mm Max.1 M16 9.6 M20 23.1 M8 2. (do) mm Anchor length. (tfix) mm Packaging contents (pcs) Ordering designation Item no. (tfix) mm Packaging contents (pcs) Ordering designation Item no.8 39. 5 microns) EDELSTAHL ® Stainless steel Item no. fastenable thickness.7 17.6 7.4 M10 7.Anchor Systems Technical data: HST.1 HST-R NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above.5 M20 14.4529) 8 75 8 95 10 90 10 110 12 115 12 145 16 140 16 165 Special lengths available on request 10 30 10 30 20 50 25 50 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 HST-HCR M 8/10 HST-HCR M 8/30 HST-HCR M10/10 HST-HCR M10/30 HST-HCR M12/20 HST-HCR M12/50 HST-HCR M16/25 HST-HCR M16/50 s s s s s s s s 00308784 00308785 00308787 00308788 00308790 00308791 00308794 00308795 For connection end Setting tool for HSA/HST stud anchors M6–M12 Tool length (mm) Packaging contents Ordering designation Item no. TE-C TE-C 150 300 1 1 HS-SC 150 HS-SC 300 00337918 00337919 s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS. HST safety stud anchor Hole dia.. Outlast. (l) mm Max.6 M20 Hilti.8 M24 28.1 M12 5.7 17.3 7.5 28. For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www.1 M12 9.6 11.5 M20 23.4 M8 4. 7 7. Outlast.5 4.3 4.1 11.5 35.4 5. 45 microns) n HSA-R – A4 stainless steel (DIN 1.1 10.1 11.8 M20 17.2 19.1 8.1 M8 M10 M12 M16 Standard anchorage depth 4. Outperform.8 HSA-R Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec HSA-F Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above. HSA-R. to ensure that the fastening is done right on site – Standard embedment: blue ring – Reduced embedment: thread end n Nut and washer pre-assembled for time saving on site Technical data: HSA.5 15.9 M6 1. 5 microns) n HSA-F – hot dipped galvanized (ISO 1461.4401 / AISI 316) Areas of application: n Base material: concrete in the compression zone n Versatile fastening through in-place parts like wood beams.3 4.0 M20 16.1 M20 25.1 10.1 5.9 18.8 | 1850 287 387 .9 M6 2.0 4.4 7. www. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.7 7.8 M6 2.4 7.7 8.9 M8 M10 M12 M16 Standard anchorage depth 5.9 18.1 29. etc. 309 Hilti.4 7. columns. n Offered in a variety of length (to fit for every specific thickness of the fastening part) and materials (to match specific corrosion requirements) Approvals: n European technical approval (ETA) – Option 8 for concrete in the compression zone (zinc plated M6–M20.5 12. stainless M6–M12) – the anchor can therefore be used in all CE-countries n H  ead   marking Ductilityofthe steel   T  woembedment depths Fire resistance – The anchor can be used where fire resistance proof is required (for the zinc plated and stainless version – approved by the IBMB Germany) Characteristics: n Long thread.2 8.9 22. offering flexibility for special applications n Two embedment depths | 0800 886 100 www.hilti.4 M8 M10 M12 M16 Standard anchorage depth 5.Anchor Systems HSA standard stud anchor Offering a high level of flexibility for all applications in the compression zone of concrete EDELSTAHL ® Stainless steel Versions offered: n HSA – zinc plated (min.8 M20 13.5 9.2 19.3 5.5 4.9 M8 M10 M12 M16 Reduced anchorage depth 4.4 M8 M10 M12 M16 Reduced anchorage depth 4.5 29.1 M20 25.6 11.4 7.8 M6 2.cube = 25 N/mm2 Standard embedment depth Reduced embedment depth HSA Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec M6 2. HSA-F .Uncracked concrete Recommended load.9 M6 2.2 8.2 191 M20 16.4 2.9 22.1 29.6 11.1 10.0 2.2 35. brackets.1 M8 M10 M12 M16 Reduced anchorage depth 3.3 5.5 29.7 8.4 2.5 12.4 2.1 10. L rec (kN): concrete f ck. metal sections.4 2.2 19.0 2.hilti. ie Hilti. Reduced.. (do) mm Anchor (tfix) mm (tfix) mm Packaging contents (pcs) Ordering designation Item no. Stainless (A4/AISI 316) 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 20 20 50 65 85 100 57 75 92 115 137 68 90 108 120 140 80 100 120 150 180 220 240 300 100 120 140 190 240 125 170 A C D E B C E G H C E F G I D E G I L O P S E G I L P G K – 10 30 45 – 10 27 50 72 – 20 37 50 70 – 5 25 55 85 125 145 205 – 5 25 75 125 – 30 5 20 40 55 5 23 40 63 85 5 25 45 57 77 5 25 45 75 105 145 165 225 5 25 45 95 145 10 55 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 16 16 16 16 16 10 10 HSA M 6× 50/ –/ 5 HSA M 6× 65/ 10/ 20 HSA M 6× 85/ 30/ 40 HSA M 6×100/ 45/ 55 HSA M 8× 57/ –/ 5 HSA M 8× 75/ 10/ 23 HSA M 8× 92/ 27/ 40 HSA M 8×115/ 50/ 63 HSA M 8×137/ 72/ 85 HSA M10× 68/ –/ 5 HSA M10× 90/ 20/ 25 HSA M10×108/ 37/ 45 HSA M10×120/ 50/ 57 HSA M10×140/ 70/ 77 HSA M12× 80/ / 5 HSA M12×100/ 5/ 25 HSA M12×120/ 25/ 45 HSA M12×150/ 55/ 75 HSA M12×180/ 85/105 HSA M12×220/125/145 HSA M12×240/145/165 HSA M12×300/205/225 HSA M16×100/ –/ 5 HSA M16×120/ 5/ 25 HSA M16×140/ 25/ 45 HSA M16×190/ 75/ 95 HSA M16×240/125/145 HSA M20×125/ –/ 10 HSA M20×170/ 30/ 55 00255830 00255831 00255832 00255833 00255834 00255835 00255836 00255837 00255838 00255839 00255840 00255841 00255842 00255843 00255844 00255845 00255846 00255847 00255848 00255849 00255850 00255851 00255852 00255853 00255854 00255855 00255856 00255857 00255858 00338260 00337121 – – 00337122 00337123 00337124 – 00337125 00337126 00337127 00337128 00337129 – 00337130 00337131 00337132 00337133 – – 00338261 – 00337134 – 00337135 00337136 – – 00337137 00332183 00332184 00332185 – 00332186 00332187 00332188 00332189 – 00332190 00332191 00332192 – 00332193 00332194 00332195 – – – – – 00337116 – 00337117 00337118 – 00337119 00337120 7 Setting tool for HSA/HST stud anchors M6–M12 For connection end Tool length (mm) Packaging contents Ordering designation Item no. TE-C TE-C 150 300 1 1 HS-SC 150 HS-SC 300 00337918 00337919 For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www.hilti. Zinc plated ( 1850 287 387 | www.Anchor Systems HSA standard stud anchor Hole-dia. Hot dipped (ISO 1461) Item no. 5 microns) Item no. Outlast. (l) mm Head marking Max.hilti. Outperform. 310 . fastenable thickness Standard. The setting tool leaves a mark on the flared end that indicates proper expansion. 8 microns) n G 4930030 HKD-SR: A4 stainless steel (DIN 17440) Areas of application: n Base material: concrete in the compression zone. n Ideal for setting in the undersides of cavity ceilings n Ideal for setting into Bison precast hollow units Approvals: n Fire resistance: The anchor can be used where fire resistance is Low-strength base High-strength base Characteristics: material (fully set) material (fully set) Flared end For accurate setting flush with the surface. No thread damage when hammering the anchor into the hole. Visual verification Visual verification of full expansion. Outlast. HKD-E flush anchor Universal internally threaded anchor for pre-setting fastening applications. hard natural stone n Fastening medium loads with bolts or threaded rods n Ideal for through fastening applications HKD-D flush anchor Specially designed anchor for fastening diamond drilling systems Areas of application: n Base material: concrete in the compression zone. Outperform. No thread damage when hammering the anchor into the hole. Areas of application: n Base material: concrete in the compression zone. www. machine fixing pipe suspensions. size gauge for quick check that the right tool is used and polygonal top that protects from injuries.hilti.Anchor Systems HKD-S push-in anchor Versatile and reliable internally threaded anchor ALLGEMEIN BAUAUFSICHTLICH ZUGE LASSEN Versions offered: n HKD-S: zinc plated (min. Manual setting tool With ergonomic hand guard for better grip. ALLGEMEIN BAUAUFSICHTLICH ZUGE LASSEN SOCOTEC VdS G 4930030 Versions offered: n HKD-E: zinc plated (min. hard natural stone n Fastening medium loads with bolts or threaded rods n Optimum solution for serial fastenings in suspended ceilings. Easy setting 311 Hilti.hilti. Increased | 1850 287 387 . Full expansion Cone design permits the full expansion of the anchor in both low-strength and high-strength material. hard natural stone n fastening drilling rig baseplates For Characteristics: n Outside diameter of 16 mm for higher holding power n Higher torque applicable compared to standard flush anchors n No flared end for easy setting in greater depth n Cone design permits the full expansion of the anchor in both lowstrength and high-strength material. independent of hole | 0800 886 100 www. Easy setting. 8 microns) Approvals: n French approval (Socotec): For fastenings in the compression zone n Fire resistance: The anchor can be used where fire resistance is required Characteristics: No flared end No flared end for easy setting in greater depth. (do) mm Anchor length.9 HKD-E M8 × 30 HKD-E M10 × 40 HKD-E M12 × 50 HKD-E M16 × 65 100 50 50 25 00252962 00252963 00258044 00258045 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – HKD-D flush anchor for diamond drilling rig plates Thread size Drill bit nom. Packaging Item no.0 4. Packaging Item no.1 M6x30 3.2 4. contents Stainless steel (pcs) A4 M 8 M10 M12 M16 10 12 15 20 30 40 50 65 33 43 53 70 3.8 5.1 12.6 8. 312 .Anchor Systems Technical data: HKD-S Recommended load.5 19.2 3.1 M8x30 3.5 16.8 3.3 3.0 3. (ls) mm Hole depth (ho) mm Rec.2 4. Bucket package (pcs) Item no.2 4.1 2. L rec (kN): f ck.1 12. Bucket package (pcs) Item no. (do) mm Anchor length.1 1850 287 387 | www.9 M8x40 M10x30 M10x40 M12x50 M16x65 M20x80 3.. HSD-G Manual setting tool Ordering designation Item no. dia.8 5. (ls) mm Hole depth (ho) mm 17. Packaging Item no. HKD-S flush anchor with flared end Thread size Drill bit nom. (ls) mm Hole depth (ho) mm Rec.5 HKD-S M 6 × 25 100 00242861 HKD-S M 8 × 301) 100 00242866 HKD-S M 8 × 40 50 00242867 HKD-S M10 × 301) 100 00243737 HKD-S M10 × 40 50 00242869 HKD-S M12 × 50 50 00242871 HKD-S M16 × 65 25 00242873 HKD-S M20 × 80 25 00242875 1000 500 – 500 500 250 – – 00254434 00251932 – 00248123 00248124 00248126 – – 100 100 – – 50 50 25 25 00247951 00247952 – – 00247953 00247954 00247955 00247956 HKD-E flush anchor without flared end Rec.4 3.hilti. contents Stainless steel (pcs) A4 M 6 8 25 27 M 8 10 30 33 M 8 10 40 43 33 M10 12 30 M10 12 40 43 M12 15 50 53 M16 20 65 70 M20 25 80 85 1) Effective thread length 12mm Thread size Drill bit nom.5 3.3 5. dia. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements. Outperform.9 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above.0 8.6 3.cube = 25 N/mm2 HKD-S Anchor size Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec M6x25 2.hilti.0 8. load (C25/30) Tensile Shear kN kN Ordering designation Packaging contents pcs Item no.1 7. contents Stainless steel (pcs) A4 M12 16 50 53 HKD-D M12×50 HSD-M mechanical setting tool HSD-M M 6 × 25 HSD-M M 8 × 30 HSD-M M 8 × 40 HSD-M M10 × 30 HSD-M M10 × 40 HSD-M M12 × 50 HSD-M M16 × 65 HSD-M M20 × 80 50 00252961 - - – – 7 Setting tools for HKD flush anchor Setting tool Anchor designation Ordering designation Item no.8 3.4 8.1 12.3 TE15 HSD-M Hilti. Outlast.9 4.2 3. HKD M 6 × 25 HKD M 8 × 30 HKD M 8 × 40 HKD M10 × 30 HKD M10 × 40 HKD M12 × 50 HKD M16 × 65 HKD M20 × 80 Note: HSD-M M6 to M12: TE-C connection HSD-M M16 to M20: TE-Y connection 00243746 00243748 00243749 00243750 00243751 00243752 00243753 00243754 HSD-G M 6 × 25 HSD-G M 8 × 30 HSD-G M 8 × 40 HSD-G M10 × 30 HSD-G M10 × 40 HSD-G M12 × 50 HSD-G M16 × 65 HSD-G M20 × 80 00243738 00243740 00243741 00230935 00243742 00243743 00243744 00243745 Setting tools for HKD-S flush anchor HSD-G For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www. dia. (do) mm Anchor length.5 11.9 19. load (C25/30) Tensile Shear kN kN Ordering designation Packaging contents pcs Item no.5 11.4 8.0 2.. load (C25/30) Tensile Shear kN kN Ordering designation Packaging contents pcs Item no. Bucket package (pcs) Item no. 5 3 60/40 HLC 8 3 40/10 HLC 8 3 55/25 HLC 8 3 70/40 HLC 8 3 85/55 HLC 10 3 40/5 HLC 10 3 50/15 HLC 10 3 60/25 HLC 10 3 80/45 HLC 10 3 100/65 HLC 12 3 55/15 HLC 12 3 75/35 HLC 12 3 100/60 HLC 16 3 60/10 HLC 16 3 100/50 HLC 16 3 140/90 HLC 20 3 80/25 HLC 20 3 115/60 HLC 20 3 150/95 * old sleeve design M5 M5 M5 M6 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M 10 M 10 M 10 M 12 M 12 M 12 M 16 M 16 M 16 25 40 60 40 55 70 85 40 50 60 80 100 55 75 100 60 100 140 80 115 150 5 20 40 10 25 40 55 5 15 25 45 65 15 35 60 10 50 90 25 60 95 | 0800 886 100 Outperform.8 grade steel) n Fire resistance tested HLC Sleeve anchor with bolt version Ordering designation Thread Anchor length L (mm) | 1850 287 387 . sand-lime block and concrete block Features n New metal ribs for improved sleeve rigidity n Optimum dust resistance thanks to closed sleeve n Setting depth check mark n Easily removable n Outstanding screw quality (8. Applications n Permanent and temporary fastening in the light and medium load range n Fastening to concrete. HLC 6.5 3 25/5 HLC 6. solid brick. www.5 6. Outlast.5 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 10 10 10 10 10 385811 385812 385813 385814 385816 385817 385818 385819 385820 385822 385823 385824 385825 385827 385829 385830 385831 385832 385833 * 385834 * 385835 * HLC Sleeve anchor with Hexagonal Head HLC-H 8 3 40/10 HLC-H 8 3 55/25 HLC-H 8 3 70/40 HLC-H 10 3 40/5 HLC-H 10 3 60/25 HLC-H 10 3 80/45 HLC-H 10 3 100/65 HLC-H 12 3 55/15 HLC-H 12 3 75/35 HLC-H 12 3 100/60 HLC-H 16 3 60/10 HLC-H 16 3 100/50 HLC-H 16 3 140/90 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 40 55 70 40 60 80 100 55 75 100 60 100 140 10 25 40 5 25 45 65 15 35 60 10 50 90 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 16 16 16 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 10 15 10 385836 385838 385840 385841 385842 385845 385847 385848 385849 385852 385853 385854 385855 313 Hilti. Fastening height t fix (mm) outside diameter = drill bit nominal dia (mm) Package contents Item no.Anchor Systems HLC sleeve anchors Clever anchors use their heads.5 6.hilti.hilti.5 3 40/20 HLC 6. 5 HLC 8 3 40/10 HLC 10 3 50/15 HLC 12 3 55/15 HLC 12 3 75/35 HLC-H 8 3 55/25 HLC-H 10 3 60/25 HLC-H 10 3 80/45 HLC-H 12 3 75/35 M6 M8 M10 M10 M6 M8 M8 M10 40 50 55 75 55 60 80 75 10 15 15 35 25 25 45 35 8 10 12 12 8 10 10 12 500 400 250 200 500 300 200 150 385815 385821 385826 385828 385839 385844 385846 385851 0800 886 100 | www.5 50 385877 7 HLC Sleeve anchor only sleeve and cone Ordering designation Thread Sleeve length L (mm) outside diameter = drill bit nominal dia (mm) Sales packaging contents Item no. HLC-A 8 3 36 HLC-A 10 3 35 HLC-A 12 3 48 HLC-A 16 3 100 HLC-A 16 3 160 M6 M8 M10 M12 M12 36 35 48 100 160 8 10 12 16 16 100 100 50 10 10 385878 385879 385880 385881 385882 HLC Sleeve anchor / Bucket Ordering designation Thread Anchor length L (mm) 1850 287 387 | www.hilti.Anchor Systems HLC Sleeve anchor with countersunk Ordering designation Thread Anchor length L (mm) Max.hilti.5 3 25 M5 30 6. Outperform. HLC-EC 8 3 40 HLC-EC 10 3 50 HLC-EC 16 3 100 HLC-EC 16 3 160 M6 M8 M12 M12 70 80 160 200 8 10 16 16 50 50 10 15 385871 385872 385873 385874 HLC Sleeve anchor with open eyebolt HLC-EO 8 3 40 M6 70 8 50 385875 HLC Sleeve anchor with tire wire HLC-T 6.5 3 85/60 HLC-SK 8 3 60/25 HLC-SK 8 3 75/40 HLC-SK 8 3 90/55 HLC-SK 10 3 45/5 HLC-SK 10 3 85/45 HLC-SK 10 3 105/65 HLC-SK 10 3 130/95 HLC-SK 12 3 80/35 M5 M5 M5 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M8 M10 45 65 85 60 75 90 48 85 105 130 80 20 40 60 25 40 55 5 45 65 95 35 6. Fastening height t fix (mm) outside diameter = drill bit nominal dia (mm) Package contents Item no.5 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 25 50 385856 385857 385858 385859 385860 385861 385862 385863 385864 385865 385866 HLC Sleeve anchor with rounded head HLC-L 10 3 50/15 HLC-L 10 3 60/25 HLC-L 10 3 80/45 HLC-L 10 3 100/65 M8 M8 M8 M8 50 60 80 100 15 25 45 65 10 10 10 10 50 50 50 50 385867 385868 385869 385870 HLC Sleeve anchor with closed eyebolt Ordering designation Thread Anchor length L (mm) outside diameter = drill bit nominal dia (mm) Sales packaging contents Item no. Outlast.5 6. HLC-SK 6. 314 . Fastening height t fix (mm) outside diameter = drill bit nominal dia (mm) Package contents Item no.5 3 65/40 HLC-SK 6.5 3 45/20 HLC-SK Hilti. 5 + 12. Outlast.3 4.5 screw anchor with hexagon head 13 mm AF.5 70 12.hilti.5 90 16.5×115/5/25/45 HUS-H 16.5 screw anchor with hexagon head 21 mm AF.5 50 12. 14 14 14 14 80 115 135 160 90 90 90 90 70 70 70 70 16 16 16 16 HUS-H 16.2 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above. 2. . dia.m.3 3.5×55/–/5 HUS-H 10.5 kg 1/2" socket HUS-H 16.3 3. Packaging standard minimum contents hnom (mm) hnom (mm) (pcs) Ordering designation Item no.2 10.5×75/15/25 HUS-H 10. ls (mm) Embedment depth.5×130/70/80 HUS-H | 1850 287 387 315 Hilti. d0 (mm) Anchor length.5 60 16.5 mm washer dia.5 70 10.0 27.5×110/50/60 HUS-H 10.5×135/25/45/65 HUS-H 16.5×140/70/80 HUS-H 12.5×90/30/40 HUS-H 10.6 2.5×100/30/40 HUS-H 12.5 60 10.5 7.5×160/90/100 00335089 00335090 00335091 00335092 00335093 00335094 00335095 SI 100 impact screwdriver The tool to drive HUS-H screw anchors into concrete Technical data Voltage: Nominal power: Torque: Speed: Weight: Chuck: SI 100 110 V 470 W 100 Nm 0-2200 r.5×150/90/100 00335082 00335083 00335084 00335085 00335086 00335087 00335088 A B C HUS-H 12.5×120/50/60 HUS-H 12. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 55 65 75 90 110 130 150 – 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 HUS-H 10. L rec (kN): concrete f ck.3 5.5 10.9 10.5 universal screw anchors n Complete and integrated system n for serial fastenings: saves time and money Ideal n be handled with just one hand To n cracked and non-cracked concrete For n to remove Easy n Special Deltatone coating provides unique robustness n permanent dry indoor and temporary outdoor fastenings For Basic loading data (for a single anchor) All data in this section applies to n cracked and non-cracked concrete: as specified in the table n no edge distance. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 65 75 85 100 120 140 160 – 70 70 70 70 70 70 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 HUS-H 12.3 2. 30 mm washer dia.5 60 | 0800 886 100 www.5×75/5/15 HUS-H 12.5 screw anchor with hexagon head 15 mm 20.5×65/5/15 HUS-H 10.5 90 4.p.5 mm washer dia.3 6.5×80/–/–/10 HUS-H 16.8 26.5×160/50/70/90 00377989 00377990 00377991 00377992 Technical data: HUS-H Recommended load.Anchor Systems HUS-H 10..5 110 16.4 24.5×65/–/5 HUS-H 12.5 60 16.3 7.hilti. spacing and other influences n correct setting HUS-H HUS-H 10.cube = 25 N/mm2 Uncracked concrete Cracked concrete Anchor size hmon Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec 10. For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 www. Drill bit nom. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.5 + 16.3 1.5×85/15/25 HUS-H 12. Outperform.5 7.5 70 12.5 7.2 26. 17.0 16.5 50 12.3 20.8 10.5 10. 13 mm AF. Outlast. 15 mm AF. Drill bit nom. Drill bit nom. especially for installing Hilti MQ installation channel system components Socket wrench insert.5 kg 1/2" socket 7 HUS-HF 16. d0 (mm) Anchor length. 21 mm AF. 21 mm AF. deep standard minimum hnom (mm) hnom (mm) hnom (mm) Packaging contents (pcs) Ordering designation Item no. 20. Outperform. 15 mm AF.5 × 80/–/–/10 HUS-HF 16. solid brick.. 316 .5 screw anchor with hexagon head 21 mm AF. Impact tools are not recommended for fastening screws or anchors that require specified torque values. d0 (mm) Anchor length. 1850 287 387 | www.5 × 65/–/5 HUS-HF 12.5 × 115/5/25/45 267763 267764 SI 100 impact screwdriver and socket wrench inserts Note: Corded and cordless impact tools are not torque controlled power tools.5 × 120/50/60 267758 267759 267760 267761 267762 SI 100 impact screwdriver The tool to drive HUS-H screw anchors into concrete Technical data Voltage: Nominal power: Torque: Speed: Weight: Chuck: SI 100 110 V 470 W 100 Nm 0-2200 r.p. ls (mm) Embedment depth.Anchor Systems HUS-HF Screw anchor with extra protection against corrosion Base material n Non-cracked and cracked concrete.5 × 85/15/25 HUS-HF 12.m. 13 mm AF. deep standard minimum hnom (mm) hnom (mm) hnom (mm) Packaging contents (pcs) Ordering designation Item no. short with magnet 40 1 S-NSD21 ½ L 378235 (Drive: ½" square. long with magnet 77 1 S-NSD13 ½ L 335096 Socket wrench insert. Packaging contents (pcs) Ordering designation Socket wrench insert.hilti. dia.5 × 75/5/15 HUS-HF 12. ls (mm) Embedment depth.5 screw anchor with hexagon head 15 mm AF.5 mm washer dia.. short Socket wrench insert. SI100 impact screwdriver in toolbox Accessories Description Length (mm) 1 SI100 334202 Item no. sand lime block and autoclaved aerated concrete Use n Indoor fastenings in coastal areas or in damp rooms with occasional condensation / outdoor fastenings in slightly corrosive atmospheres Material n Steel. 14 14 80 115 110 110 90 90 70 70 16 16 HUS-HF 16. dia.hilti. Driven: hexagon 15 AF/13 AF) Extension S-V125 ½ Pin/O-ring set 21 Pin/O-ring set 26 40 40 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 S-NSD13 ½ S-NSD15 ½ S-NSD21 ½ S-V125 ½ Set 21 Set 26 335097 334802 378234 336616 336618 336619 0800 886 100 | Hilti. Description Packaging contents (pcs) Ordering designation Item no.5 × 100/30/40 HUS-HF short (Drive: ½" square. advanced multilayer coating with corrosion protection equivalent to 45 microns of hot-dipped galvanising Features n Hot-dipped galvanised corrosion protection class for greater protection against corrosion than ordinary galvanising n Ductile shank and a hardened tip for safe and hassle-free fastening n Pressed-on washer for greater setting convenience n Neat head finish. long with magnet 77 1 S-NSD15 ½ L 336413 Socket wrench insert. 10 10 10 10 10 65 75 85 100 120 – – – – – – 70 70 70 70 60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 HUS-HF 12. short Socket wrench insert. Driven: hexagon 15 AF/13 AF). no protruding thread n Suitable for very small edges distance and spacing n Ideal for serial applications A B C HUS-HF 12. 30 mm washer dia. 5 × 45 M10 HUS-A 7.5 screw anchor with hexagon head 13 mm AF. fastenable thickness (mm) Concrete Solid brick* (Hilti rec.5 × 45 HUS 7. strips. Outperform.5 × 200 HUS 7.5 universal screw anchor Screw fastening straight to concrete and masonry without an anchor Base material n Non-cracked concrete n Lightweight concrete n and aerated concrete Gas n Solid-brick masonry n Hollow-brick masonry n Holllow concrete slabs Use n Fastening door frames.5 × 45 M8 HUS-A 7. 5 microns HUS-A 7. zinc plated to min. Max.9 with a T40 head.9. 50 mm Ø 6 mm Ø 6.5 × 65 M8 HUS-A 7.2 mm min. wood battens | 0800 886 100 www.5 × 65 M10 00273668 00273669 00273670 00372671 s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS. 5 15 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 0 5 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 35 45 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 HUS 7. zinc plated to min.5 × 60 HUS 7.hilti. 40 mm Ø 6 mm Ø 6.Anchor Systems HUS 7. For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 317 Hilti.2 mm Concrete min. 40 mm min.5 × 120 HUS 7. clips and pipe rings Material n of strength class 10. 18 mm washer dia.5 × 100 HUS 7.) Sand-lime brick Hollow brick* Gas/aerated concrete Screw length (mm) Package contents Ordering designation Item no. 30 mm Max.5 × 180 HUS 7. window frames.5 × 35 HUS 7. high holding power Hollow brick Ø 6. 5 microns Steel n Screw head 11. Outlast.2 mm T40 min. HUS-A 15 30 15 30 5 20 5 20 0 0 0 0 45 65 45 65 100 100 100 100 HUS-A 7.5 × 220 00383047 00383048 00383049 00381401 00381402 00381403 00381404 00381405 00383050 s 00383051 s 00383052 HUS-A universal screw anchor with metric connection thread Use of HUS-A n Fastening light-duty pipe rings n Making suspensions from concrete ceilings Material n Steel of strength class 10.5 × 140 HUS 7. 60 mm min. 70 mm Ø 6 mm Solid brick | 1850 287 387 .hilti.5 mm in diameter Features n A matched system of screw anchor and screwdriver n Screw driven straight into base material without using an anchor n Suitable for use with firestop systems n Small hole www.5 × 80 HUS 7.5 × 160 HUS 7. fastenable thickness (mm) Concrete Solid brick (Hilti rec.) Sand-lime brick Hollow brick Gas/aerated concrete Screw length (mm) Package contents Ordering designation Item no. n Installing temporary forming boards n Fastening air-conditioning ducts n Securing cable holders. ) Sand-lime brick Hollow brick Gas/aerated concrete Screw length (mm) Package contents Ordering designation Item no. S-BH50M / S-BH75M S-BHU50M 10 S-B TXI 40 00258132 S-BTXI40 s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS.5 × 120 00273655 00273656 00273659 00273663 00273666 00273667 TKI 2500 Impact screwdriver The tool to drive HUS screw anchors 7. (mm) Working length (mm) Package contents Ordering designation Item no. brick.5 kg Chuck: 1/4" hexagan socket with ball-notch retention Electronic cut-out via depth gauge Tangential rotary impact. Driven end: 1/4" hex as per DIN 3126 / E 6. Technical data TKI 2500 Voltage: 110/240 V Nominal power: 600 W Torque: 45 Nm.5 × 100 HUS-H 7.5 screw anchor with hexagon head 13 mm AF.3.m.hilti.3. sand-lime brick and gas/aerated concrete Note: Corded and cordless impact tools are not torque controlled power tools. long.p. short. Uses n Driving the 7.5 × 80 HUS-H 7. magnetic Bit holder with locking sleeve. thus reaction force hardly felt by operator. Weight: 1850 287 387 | www.5-mm-diameter HUS screw in concrete. Outperform. high holding power n Forged-on washer and hexagon head for optimised guidance when screwdriving n Minimal expansion forces in base material HUS-H HUS-H HUS-H 7.5 × 35 HUS-H 7.3 Description Length (mm) Package contents Ordering designation 00318364 3072905 Item no. even with high drive torque n Control electronics for infinitely adjustable speed and impact energy n Reversing switch (clockwise/counter-clockwise rotation) n Pistol grip (pressure from operator acts along spindle axis) Protective insulation.5 mm in diameter into concrete.5 × 60 HUS-H 7. Driving end: 1/4" hex as per DIN 3126 / C 6. fastenable thickness (mm) Concrete Solid brick (Hilti rec. 318 . Adaptor for 3/8" socket wrench inserts Description Length (mm) 6 200 1 Package contents TKI-S 6/35 Ordering designation S-BH 3/8" x 50 s 00220687 Item no. Max. sand-lime brick and gas concrete n Driving 8 mm diameter screws into HRD anchors n Driving 8 mm diameter screws into metal and plastic anchors n Driving 8 mm diameter screws into brick and sand-lime brick n Driving 8 mm diameter woodscrews 7 TKI-S special masonry bit (for hollow masonry) Drill bit dia. magnetic Bit 50 75 50 1 1 1 Package contents S-BH50M S-BH75M S-BHU50M Ordering designation 00257257 00257258 00258987 Item Hilti. steel. 18 mm washer dia. mechanical installation components and parts for interior panelling or cladding Features n matched system of screw anchor and screwdriver A n Screw driven straight into base material without using an anchor n Small hole diameter. Driving end: 3/8" square Socket Description Adaptor 50 Length (mm) 1 Package contents 00236339 Item no. magnetic Bit holder. TKI 2500 (110V) TKI 2500 (240V) 00227351 00227338 Features n tangential rotary impact action. S-BH 3/ ″×50 8 Driven end: 1/4" hex. Outlast. light-duty steel angles.hilti. depending on application Speed: 0-2800 r. S-NSD13L Accessories Description Bit holder. 0800 886 100 | www.Anchor Systems HUS-H 7. class II as CEE/VDE Radio + TV interference suppression as per VDE 0875 Ordering designation Item no. Driving end: 13 AF (Hex) Ordering designation Socket (for HUS-H and HUS-A) 50 1 S-NSD 13L 1 S-NS 13 Socket (thin walled socket for ML channel) 50 Holder for 1/4" bits Driven end: 1/4" hex as per DIN 3126 / E steel. 5 15 30 50 70 90 0 5 20 40 60 80 0 0 0 20 40 60 35 45 60 80 100 120 100 100 100 100 100 100 HUS-H 7. 18 washer diameter with T40 drive recess Use of HUS-H n Fastening light-duty installation channels. thus the A high torque (reaction force) is hardly felt at the operator´s hand. brick.5 × 45 HUS-H 7.5 screw anchor with hexagon head 13 mm AF. Impact tools are not recommended for fastening screws or anchors that require specified torque values. Brown 100 00052722 00052730 00052759 00052760 319 Hilti.8. steel. White 100 Cover cap (flat) HTK-S15 for HT10/HPF. Outperform.Anchor Systems HT metal frame anchor Stress-free fastening through in-place frames Base material n Concrete n Lightweight and gas concrete n Hard and soft natural stone n Solid brick n Cavity/perforated brick Use n Fastening door and window frames Version Anchor sleeve with 13 mm diameter screw. short. magnetic Bit S-BH50M / S-BH75M Accessories Description S-BHU50M Bit 1 10 Box Qty. Brown 100 Cover cap (overlapping) HTK-SU17 for HT10. 72 92 112 132 152 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 HT10/ 72 HT10/ 92 HT10/112 HT10/132 HT10/152 00369263 00369264 00369265 00369266 00369267 Holder for 1/4" bits Description Driven end: 1/4" hex as per DIN 3126 / E 6. d (mm) o Package contents Ordering designation Item no.3. Bit holder. Cover caps Description Cover cap (flat) HTK-S15 for HT10/HPF. Sendzimir zinc plated to 20 microns Features n risk of distortion or forces of constraint No n Expansion cone cannot be lost HT10 (countersunk-head screw) Sleeve length.3 Length (mm) Package contents Ordering designation Item no. Dk. zinc plated to 5 microns. Driving end: 1/4" hex as per DIN 3126 / C 6. | 0800 886 100 www. chromated Sleeve: Steel 02 Z DIN 17162. magnetic 50 75 50 1 1 1 Package contents S-BH50M S-BH75M S-BHU50M Ordering designation 00257257 00257258 00258987 Item no. White 100 Cover cap (overlapping) HTK-SU17 for HT10. preassembled Material n Anchor body: steel of grade 4. L (mm) Hole | 1850 287 387 . www. long. Posidrive 3 Posidrive 3 00080213 00257620 Item no.hilti. Dk. magnetic Bit holder with locking sleeve. Outlast. t (mm) fix Anchorage depth h (mm) nom Package contents Ordering designation Item no. Hollow block f cc 4 N/mm2 Sand-lime hollow block f cc 6 N/mm2 Aerated concrete f cc 6 N/mm2 HRD-SGT HRD-S-10 1. chromated Hole dia.hilti. n Fastening window and door frames n Anchor body of cadmium-free polyamide PA 6 n Screw of zinc plated steel 6.8 0.0 0.0 1. chromated Hole dia.25 1.0 1.4 1.hilti. steel zinc plated to 5 microns.. fastenable thickness.8 0. L rec (kN) Anchor size Concrete f cc 20 N/mm2 Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Solid brick f cc 20 N/mm2 Sand-lime block f cc 12 N/mm2 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions adjacent. fastenable thickness. 320 . h (mm) 1 Max. steel zinc plated to 5 microns. Technical data: HRD-S Recommended load. 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 80 100 120 140 160 60 60 60 60 60 60 10 30 50 70 90 110 10 30 50 90 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 HRD-SGS 10 x 60/ 10 HRD-SGS 10 x 80/ 30 HRD-SGS 10 x 100/ 50 HRD-SGS 10 x 120/ 70 HRD-SGS 10 x 140/ 90 HRD-SGS 10 x 160/110 HRD-SRS 10 x 60/ 10 HRD-SRS 10 x 80/ 30 HRD-SRS 10 x 100/ 50 HRD-SRS 10 x 140/ 90 00331506 00331507 00331508 00331509 00331510 00331511 A4 316 HRD-SRS stainless steel 60 10 60 10 80 60 10 100 60 10 140 60 00331516 00331517 00331518 00331519 For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | Hilti. l (mm) Hole 1850 287 387 | www.25 0..8 1.5 7 HRD-SGT Version: anchor body and T40-head screw. h (mm) 1 Max. 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 80 100 120 140 160 60 60 60 60 60 60 10 30 50 70 90 110 10 50 90 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 HRD-SGT 10 x 60/ 10 HRD-SGT 10 x 80/ 30 HRD-SGT 10 x 100/ 50 HRD-SGT 10 x 120/ 70 HRD-SGT 10 x 140/ 90 HRD-SGT 10 x 160/110 HRD-SRT 10 x 60/ 50 HRD-SRT 10 x 100/ 50 HRD-SRT 10 x 140/ 90 00331500 00331501 00331502 00331503 00331504 00331505 A4 316 HRD-SRT stainless steel 10 60 60 10 100 60 10 140 60 00331513 00331514 00331515 HRD-SGS Version: with hexagon-head screw 13 mm across flats.8 grade or stainless steel A4-70 Use facade 0. d (mm) o Anchor length. curtain walling Material Features n Smooth surface for a larger contact area with greater friction and higher holding power n Insertion detent to avoid premature expansion n Preassembled with screw to fasten parts 30 mm thick and more. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements. for light stand-off cladding. l (mm) Hole depth.0 0. Outlast. d (mm) o Anchor length.Anchor Systems HRD-S short plastic frame anchor The strong anchor system for concrete and solid brick Base material n Concrete n Hard natural stone n Solid brick n Securing support frames. timber frames etc. t (mm) fix Anchorage depth h (mm) nom Package contents Ordering designation Item no. Outperform. Outlast.2 1.4 Shear V Rec 0. 1 Bit TX 30 incl. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements. l (mm) Hole depth.6 1.0 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions adjacent.8 2.3 1.5 Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec .8 HRD-U-14 2.5 1.2 1.4 Tensile N Rec 0.6 0.25 0. 1 Bit TX 30 202341 202342 202343 202344 202345 HRD-U 10mm plastic frame fixing HRD-UGT HRD-UGS HRD-UGT Version: anchor body and T40-head screw.5 0. steel zinc plated Hole dia.. steel zinc plated Ordering designation Drilling diameter (mm) Anchor length L (mm) Minimum anchorage depth (mm) Min. Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec 0. www. thus fewer fastenings.2 0.6 1.5 1.hilti.8 grade or A4-70 stainless steel Technical data: HRD-U Recommended load. 1 Bit TX 30 incl.2 0.5 0.2 1.hilti. hole depth for through-fastening (mm) Max. less installation work and lower costs n Innovative screw design for a better hold (HRD-U8 only) Solid brick f cc 20 N/mm2 Sand-lime block f cc 12 N/mm2 Use in solid material Hollow block f cc 4 N/mm2 Sand-lime hollow block f cc 6 N/mm2 Aerated concrete f cc 6 N/mm2 Use in hollow material HRD-U-8 Tensile N Rec 1.3 2. t (mm) fix Anchorage depth. fastenable thickness tfix(mm) Package contents Comments Item | 1850 287 387 .0 1. HRD-U 8mm plastic frame fixing HRD-U8 Version: anchor body and T30-head screw.3 0.Anchor Systems HRD-U universal plastic frame anchor Base material n Concrete n Hard natural stone n Solid bricks n Hollow/cavity brick masonry n Sand-lime bricks Use n Cladding/facade installation (metal frames/structures) n Metal construction (installing metal parts) n Roofing installation n Fastening door and window frames Material n Anchor body made of high-grade polymide material n Screw made of zinc plated steel of 1 Bit TX 30 incl. Outperform.6 1.14 Shear V Rec | 0800 886 100 www. fastenable thickness. L rec (kN) Anchor size Concrete f cc 20 N/mm2 Features n For use in hollow and solid base material n High holding power.14 HRD-U-10 1.2 1. h (mm) nom Package contents Ordering designation Item no.5 Shear V Rec 0. 10 10 10 10 10 10 80 100 120 140 160 180 80 80 80 80 80 80 10 30 50 70 90 110 10 50 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 HRD-UGT 10 x 80/ 10 HRD-UGT 10 x 100/ 30 HRD-UGT 10 x 120/ 50 HRD-UGT 10 x 140/ 70 HRD-UGT 10 x 160/ 90 HRD-UGT 10 x 180/110 HRD-URT 10 x 80/ 10 HRD-URT 10 x 120/ 50 00257272 00257273 00257274 00257275 00257283 00257276 A4 316 HRD-URT stainless steel 10 80 80 10 120 80 00257289 00257290 321 Hilti. 1 Bit TX 30 incl. HRD-UGT 8 x 60/10 HRD-UGT 8 x 80/30 HRD-UGT 8 x 100/50 HRD-UGT 8 x 120/70 HRD-UGT 8 x 140/90 8 8 8 8 8 60 80 100 120 140 50 50 50 50 50 70 90 110 130 150 10 30 50 70 90 50 50 50 50 50 incl.9 Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec 0. d (mm) o Anchor length.25 1. h (mm) 1 Max.0 3.3 1. l (mm) Hole depth. t (mm) fix Anchorage depth.3. 00032220 1 1 00060186 00060187 00080299 to hex socket) 1 1 00081743 00081494 Drive adaptors (for Description 1/4" hex drive) (Driven end: 1/4" hex as per DIN 3126 / E 6. 1850 287 387 | www. Bit holder. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 HRD-UGT 14 x 80/ 10 HRD-UGT 14 x 110/ 40 HRD-UGT 14 x 140/ 70 HRD-UGT 14 x 160/ 90 s HRD-UGT 14 x 180/110 s HRD-UGT 14 x 200/130 s HRD-UGT 14 x 230/160 s HRD-UGT 14 x 270/200 s HRD-UGT 14 x 310/240 s HRD-UGT 14 x 350/280 00312622 00312623 00312624 00312625 00312626 00312627 00312628 00312629 00312630 00312631 7 Cover caps HKF-T40 White (CSK screwhead) HKF-T40 Brown (CSK screwhead) 100 100 00246780 00246782 1 " /4 Package contents Drive adaptors (for SDS to Description ) Drive bits (1/2" S-BH /8" x 50 TEC-HIS Drive adaptors (for SDS to 3/8" 3 Drive bits (3/8" 13 mm AF socket for HRD 10 17 mm AF socket for HRD 14 13 mm AF socket for HRD 10 17 mm AF socket for HRD 14 to hex socket) ) 1 Item no.3) Length (mm) Package contents Ordering designation Item no. h (mm) 1 Max. Outperform. h (mm) 1 Max... t (mm) fix Anchorage magnetic Bit holder. fastenable thickness. h (mm) 1 Max. steel. 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Description 80 110 140 160 180 200 230 270 310 350 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 10 40 70 90 110 130 160 200 240 280 Box Quantity 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Item no. d (mm) o Anchor length. magnetic Bit holder with locking sleeve. Outlast. long. h (mm) nom Package contents Ordering designation Item no. 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 80 110 140 160 180 200 230 270 310 350 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 10 40 70 90 110 130 160 200 240 280 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 HRD-UGS 14 x 80/ 10 U HRD-UGS 14 x 110/ 40 U HRD-UGS 14 x 140/ 70 U HRD-UGS 14 x 160/ 90 U s HRD-UGS 14 x 180/110 U s HRD-UGS 14 x 200/130 U s HRD-UGS 14 x 230/160 U s HRD-UGS 14 x 270/200 U s HRD-UGS 14 x 310/240 U s HRD-UGS 14 x 350/280 U 00312632 00312633 00312634 00312635 00312636 00312637 00312638 00312639 00312640 00312641 HRD-UGT Version: torx T50 head Hole dia. 322 . steel. magnetic Bit holder 75m SDS Bit (hex) for HRD 8 Bit (hex) for HRD 10 Bit (hex) for HRD 14 50 75 50 75 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S-BH50M S-BH75M S-BHU50M S-BHU75M SDS Torx T30 Torx T40 Torx T50 1/4" 00257257 00257258 00258987 00306013 00258144 00094050 00315122 S-BH50M / S-BH75M S-BHU50M Header drive adaptor for SDS to hex S-BHU75M SDS T30/T40 / T50 For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www.hilti. fastenable thickness.. t (mm) fix Anchorage depth. d (mm) o Anchor length. l (mm) Hole Hilti. Driving end: 1/4" hex as per DIN 3126 / C 6. l (mm) Hole depth. d (mm) o Anchor length. steel zinc plated Hole dia. fastenable thickness. h (mm) nom Package contents Ordering designation Item no.Anchor Systems A4 316 HRD-UGS Version: with hexagon-head screw 13 mm across flats. h (mm) nom Package contents Ordering designation Item no. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 80 100 120 140 180 80 100 120 140 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 10 30 50 70 110 10 30 50 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 HRD-UGS 10 x 80/10 HRD-UGS 10 x 100/30 HRD-UGS 10 x 120/50 HRD-UGS 10 x 140/70 HRD-UGS 10 x 180/110 HRD-URS 10 x 80/10 HRD-URS 10 x 100/30 HRD-URS 10 x 120/50 HRD-URS 10 x 140/70 00257277 00257278 00257279 00257280 00257281 00257291 00257292 00257293 00257294 HRD-U 14mm plastic frame/cladding fixing HRD-UGS Version: hexagon head Hole dia. Outperform. 10 – * 5 metres length 37 – 19 – LT-127-10mm ringbolt Ladder tie strap* 00310901 00057318 Hilti test meter equipment – for details see page 331 s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS. (mm) Box quantity Ordering designation Item no. (mm) Anchor length (mm) Hole depth (inch) Embedment Box depth (mm) quantity Ordering designation Item no. 323 Hilti.9 25 HKD-E M16 x 65 00258045 Setting tools for HKD M16 Ordering designation HSD-G 16 dowel punch EDP 16 dowel punch (across cavity) EAP 16 anchor punch (across cavity) Item no. Z (kN) | 1850 287 387 . (mm) Int. ring dia (mm) Overall shank length (mm) Box quantity Ordering designation Item no. LT ringbolt 27 50 VST 14 00056440 Ladder Restraint System Thread dia. Hole depth Recommended load in Bw 30 Package Ordering designation length do (mm) h1(mm) Tensile. (mm) Overall shank length (mm) Thread dia (mm) Ordering designation Item no. Rapid Scaffold System Anchor Body Hole dia. The system also includes a complete test meter kit for checking the strength of unknown base materials before and after | 0800 886 100 www. www.5 12. natural stone Uses: n Scaffolding and ladder restraints n Temporary or permanent n Completely removable option (HTA) Test meter kit: n For checking the strength of unknown base materials before and after installation HKD-E Thread size A non-flared HKD that can be set below the surface if required.hilti. 14 14 14 70 100 135 90 90 90 70 70 70 50 50 50 GD 14/ 70 GD 14/ 100 GD 14/ 135 00045454 00045455 00045456 00243744 00065822 s 00065848 Scaffold Screw GRS Screw dia. Anchor Hole dia. (mm) Ordering designation Item no. ST ringbolt Scaffold Ringbolt Internal ring dia. Q (kN) contents Item no. 12 12 12 12 12 12 00058253 00057237 00258045 00057252 23 + 2 23 + 2 23 + 2 23 + 2 23 + 2 23 + 2 90 120 160 190 230 350 25 25 25 25 25 25 GRS 12/ 90 GRS 12/ 120 GRS 12/ 160 GRS 12/ 190 GRS 12/ 230 GRS 12/ 350 00056418 00056419 00056420 00056421 00056422 00056423 54 – – – 127 – – – 16 – – – ST-127-M16 ringbolt M16 ringbolt adaptor HKD 16 anchor FC 16 filler cap (grey) Plug (for Anchor Body) Head dia. (mm) Overall shank length (mm) Internal ring dia.hilti.Anchor Systems Fixings for scaffolding and ladder restraints A universal range of fixings for attaching scaffolding and ladders to all types of buildings both concrete and masonry. M 16 65 20 69 11. Base material: n Concrete n Masonry. L rec (kN) Base material thickness 10mm Drywall panel(s) 12. St 1404. breeze blocks n Plasterboard/gypsum panels (drywall) n Hollow-block floors Use n Fastening battens.5 7 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above.2 0.hilti.Anchor Systems HHD-S cavity anchor with assembled screw Base material n Cavity/perforated bricks. Outlast. Screw length l (mm) l (mm) s Screw dia.5mm M4/4x20 M4/6x32 M4/12x38 M4/19x45 M5/8x38 M5/12x52 M5/25x65 M6/9X38 M6/12X52 M6/24X65 M6/40X80 M8/12X54 M8/24X66 M8/40X83 Tensile NRec Shear VRec Tensile NRec Shear VRec 0.2 0.hilti.5 0. DIN 1623.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0. d (mm) Base material thickn.5 0. Setting tool M4–M8 1 HHD-SZ2 00332076 For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www. 1850 287 387 | www. d (mm) o Anchor length.2 0.2 0.2 0..2 0. Material n Steel. etc. channels. Packaging Ordering h + t (mm) * contents (pcs) Designation fix Item no. 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 20 32 38 45 38 52 65 38 52 65 80 54 66 83 25 39 45 52 45 58 71 45 58 71 88 60 70 90 M4 M4 M4 M4 M5 M5 M5 M6 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 4 6 12 19 8 12 25 9 12 24 40 12 24 40 100 100 100 50 100 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 HHD-S M4/ 4×20 HHD-S M4/ 6×32 HHD-S M4/12×38 HHD-S M4/19×45 HHD-S M5/ 8×38 HHD-S M5/12×52 HHD-S M5/25×65 HHD-S M6/ 9×38 HHD-S M6/12×52 HHD-S M6/24×65 HHD-S M6/40×80 HHD-S M8/12×54 HHD-S M8/24×66 HHD-S M8/40×83 00332060 00332061 00332062 00332063 00332065 00332066 00332067 00332069 00332070 00332071 00332072 00332073 00332074 00332075 * Pre setting: Base material thickness h Setting tool For thread size Packaging contents (pcs) Ordering designation Item 0. HHD-S cavity anchor with assembled screw Hole dia. decorative items. zinc plated and chromated Features n Prefitted screw 1 n Ergonomic setting tool for thread size M4 to M8 n Quick and trouble-free installation 2 ls ls 1 d0 d0 2 3 4 h tfix h tfix 3 4 Technical data: HHD-S Recommended load.5 0. 324 . Outperform.2 0. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements. 1/4" connecting thread n HSP and HFP delivered with or without screws Exceptional versatility n Plumbing n Interior finishing n Electrical installations n Drywall installation Screw length Setting operations Ø 4 – 4. 4. screw length = 15 mm + tfix Id t fix HSP Bit for HSP and HFP (D-B PH2 HSP/HFP) HSP-S Anchor length ld (mm) Screw dia.15 0. Outlast.5 100 HSP 39 4. d (mm) Package contents Ordering designation Item no.Anchor Systems HLD light-duty anchor Light-duty fastenings in thin materials Base material n Cavity/perforated brick n Plasterboard/gypsum panels (drywall) Uses n Fastenings to weak materials with cavities. h (mm) Screw shank | 1850 287 387 s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS.08 – 0. Drive and tighten the screw with the Hilti mm × 30 mm 00332682 00332683 s 00332684 00332686 00332687 00332688 s 00332689 HFP HSP with F7. HLD Hole dia.hilti. until it lies flush with the wall. 39 4.05 HLD-4 0. 10 (9) 10 (9) 10 (9) 10 17 26 4-12 15-19 24-28 4-4. (solid material) d (mm) o Length of anchor neck (mm) Base material thickness.5 100 HFP-S * –– –– 5 D-B PH2 HSP/HFP –– –– 5 D-B SQ HSP-G ** Delivered with 100 screws. connection with commercially available wood screws Material n High-quality polyamide PA 6 Features n Resilient toggling action to suit every base material Technical data: HLD Recommended load.25 0.hilti. 325 | 0800 886 100 www.5mm Fibre reinforced gypsum panel 2 x 12.15 0.5 0.1 – 0.. (mm) Packaging contents (pcs) Ordering designation Item no. No setting tool required n Hilti HSP also available with F7. 1/4 connection thread HFP-S Bit for HSP with connecting thread 1/4 /M6/F7 (D-B SQ HSP-G) www.5 4-4.5 100 HSP-S * 39 –– 100 HSP-M6 * 29 4. Features n “Shark’s tooth” design for correct positioning and quick installation n Cuts its own thread n One Hilti bit for anchor and screw. L rec (kN) Concrete f cc 15 N/mm2 Drywall Panel Fibre reinforced gypsum panel 12.5 150 100 100 HLD 2 HLD 3 HLD 4 00335506 00335507 00335508 HSP/HFP drywall anchor Quick and easy The zinc-plated steel HSP (Hilti Speed Plug) and glass-fibre reinforced polyamide HFP (Hilti Fibre Plug) are ideal for light-duty fastenings in drywall panels.15 – Size of Anchor HLD-3 0. .5mm Hollow brick Woodwool panel Working principle C B A B A/B A HLD-2 0.5 mm Ø #8 Push the teeth of the Drive the anchor anchor into the drywall (clockwise rotation) panel..08 – – 0. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.5 4-4. M6. One bit that fits for the anchors and the screws allows a fast and easy setting process. Outperform.05 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above.08 0.2 0. M6.4 0.5 100 HFP 29 4. Outlast. solid Hilti. sand-lime block. For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www. for mechanical installations. mechanical installations (plumbing / pipefitting). even in extremely cold or dry conditions n Stiff anchor body: Ensures good anchor guidance when throughfastening n Quality and reliability Base materials Concrete.hilti. sheeting / foils. A2 stainless steel 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 5 10 15 2 5 10 15 25 30 40 10 20 30 40 60 80 80 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 25 30 35 25 30 35 40 50 55 65 40 50 60 70 90 110 130 250 250 200 200 200 150 150 150 150 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 HPS-1 4/ 0 x 20 5/ 0 x 20 5/ 5 x 25 5/10 x 30 5/15 x 35 6/ 0 x 25 6/ 5 x 30 6/10 x 35 6/15 x 40 6/25 x 50 6/30 x 55 6/40 x 65 8/10 x 40 8/20 x 50 8/30 x 60 8/40 x 70 8/60 x 90 8/80 x 110 8/100 x 130 00260369 00260395 00260347 00230515 00260348 00238159 00260349 00230516 00260350 00260351 00230517 00260352 00260353 00230518 00260354 00230519 00260355 00260356 00260367 – – 00260357 00230524 00260358 00238161 00260359 00230525 00260360 00260361 00230526 00260362 00260363 00230527 00260364 00230528 00260365 00260366 - In addition. aerated / gas concrete. hole depth h1 (mm) Min. fastening wood. for electrical installations. Hollow base material: setting with a screwdriver. anchorage depth hnom (mm) Anchor length l (mm) Packaging contents (pcs) Ordering designation Item no. fixture thickness tfix (mm) Min. Outperform. Setting operations l l Fastening wooden laths Notes on setting If used in perforated or hollow blocks. pipe rings. The anchor should be used solely for through fastening. drywall studs. e. etc. with a counter-sunk head. n Removable: Simple removal using a screwdriver equipped with a cross-recess bit n Reduced hole and setting depths (up to 20 mm less): Time saving over comparable impact anchors n Trouble-free setting: No problems thanks to high-quality material. metal sections and mouldings. vertically perforated brick Fastening of wooden laths / timber battens.hilti. cable trunking.g. d0 d0 hnom h1 tfix hnom h1 tfix Solid base material: setting with a hammer. Anchor dimensions Solid base material Anchor dimensions Hollow base material 7 HPS-1 hammer screw Hole dia.Anchor Systems HPS-1 hammer screw n Quick setting: Simply hammer it in. hollow block. e. for roof. in building construction. even in poorly accessible places n Universal: An anchor for many applications. the anchor length must ensure that the expansion section is in at least one block web. framing. coloured screw head and anchor body.g. etc. we offer various other versions. 326 . connection 1850 287 387 | www. (mm) Max. interior finishing and wall extensions. electrical installation components. galvanised Item no. 1 1.5 DBZ 6/35 00256312 00256311 HA 8 ring anchor and hook anchor A hanger with an integrated connection Base material n Concrete Use n For suspending ceilings and other items from concrete ceilings Material n Steel. 6 6 49 79 41 41 4..1 100 100 DBZ 6/ | 0800 886 100 www. Outlast. anchorage h depth (mm) nom V rec (kN) (kN) Package contents Ordering designation Item no. t (mm) fix Min.. d (mm) o Features n Setting by impact expansion n Automatic follow-up expansion.Anchor Systems DBZ wedge anchors Instant and reliable suspensions Base material n Concrete Use n Suspensions from concrete ceilings e. 50 50 12-15 12-15 5 5 40 40 0. punched band.5 35 32 72 0. thus safe fastening n Fastening of lathes (DBZ 6/35) n Fire resistance N rec Anchor length.hilti. h (mm) 1 Stand-off from surface to centre-line (mm) Shank dia.hilti. www. h1 (mm) Max. d (mm) 8 8 Min. l (mm) Hole and DBZ 6/35 wedge anchor Hole dia.8 100 100 HA 8 R1 (ring) HA 8 R1 (hook) 00057059 00057036 327 Hilti. anchorage depth (mm) h nom N rec (kN) Package contents Ordering designation Item no.8 0. Nonius system hanger. wooden battens Material n Steel St 3k40 (body) and Ck 60 (wedge). zinc plated to 5 microns n Fire resistant hnom do h1 tfix DBZ 6/4. d (mm) o Hole | 1850 287 387 . using slit-steel straps. Outperform. fastenable thickness.8 1.8 0.. zinc plated to 5 microns Features n Quick and easy setting n Automatic follow-up expansion n Fire resistance do h1 hnom HA8 R1 HA 8 Hole dia. hilti. insulation thickness I Fastener length Min. Outperform. 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 IZ 8 x 70 IZ 8 x 90 IZ 8 x 110 IZ 8 x 130 IZ 8 x 150 IZ 8 x 170 IZ 8 x 190 IZ 8 x 210 378160 378161 378162 378163 378164 s 378165 s 378166 s 378167 IZ top plate as an additional part. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements. hole depth tfix Max. h (mm) 1 Package contents Ordering designation Item no. 90 mm dia. I (mm) Hole dia.Anchor Systems IZ expansion insulation fastener Base material n Concrete n Lightweight concrete n Hard natural stone n Solid brick n Cavity/perforated brick Use n For fastening hard. t (mm) fix Fastener length. d (mm) o Hole 1850 287 387 | insulation thickness. 328 . For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www.. IZ with plastic pin of high-tech composite fibre Max. self-supporting. for fastening soft insulation materials Package contents Ordering designation Item no. HDT 90 top plate 100 HDT 90 s 285627 s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS. insulating materials such as expanded polystyrene Material n Made entirely of high tech plastic Features n Reliable and simple expansion n Insensitive against bore dust n Universal use for most common base materials n High tech in thermal conductivity n Hammer setting Setting instructions 7 I ∅ 50mm do h1 tfix Technical data do Nominal drill bit diameter h1 Min.hilti. Outlast. embedment depth (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 8x70 8 40 40 70 30 8x90 8 40 60 90 30 8x110 8 40 80 110 30 8x130 8 40 100 130 30 8x150 8 40 120 150 30 8x170 8 40 140 170 30 8x190 8 40 160 190 30 8x210 8 40 180 210 30 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above. Outperform.60 60. Sendzimir zinc plated. www.Anchor Systems IDP insulation fastener Base material n Concrete n Lightweight concrete n Solid brick n Cavity/perforated brick Use n Fastening of hard. white. hole depth tfix | 0800 886 100 www.60 60. Outlast. such as expanded polystyrene Material n Made entirely of plastic. up to 30 30. t (mm) fix Fastener length. hole depth tfix Max. up to 20 20. for IDMR to secure soft insulating material Insulation disc Stainless steel expansion pin Setting punch for expansion pin 250 250 1 IDMR-T 00065789 00065728 00065729 329 Hilti. l Technical data do Nominal drill bit diameter h1 Min. fastenable thickness I Fastener length tfix (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 0/2 8 50 20 50 2/4 8 50 40 70 4/6 8 50 60 90 6/8 8 50 80 110 8/10 8 50 100 130 10/12 13/15 8 8 50 50 120 150 150 180 h1 IDP | 1850 287 387 . h (mm) 1 Package contents Ordering designation Item no. IDMR-T insulation plates as accessories. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.40 40. 80 mm dia.4301) Max. building material class B2 as per DIN 4102 Features n Excellent bonding of plaster on specially structured fastener head l do Technical data do Nominal drill bit diameter h1 Min. IDT top plate 500 IDT 00065621 IDMR Metal insulation fastener l l ∅35mm Base material n Concrete n Lightweight concrete n Solid brick n Cavity/perforated brick Use n Fastening insulating materials beneath cladding/facade panels where IDMR non-flammable material is specified Material n Sheet steel. building material class A as per DIN 4102.90 For use with: 80 110 140 8 8 8 55 55 55 250 250 250 Package contents IDMR 0/ 3 IDMR 3/ 6 IDMR 6/ 9 Ordering designation 00065786 00065787 00065788 Item no. self-supporting insulating materials.hilti.. fastenable thickness do I Fastener length h1 tfix Features n insulation thickness up to For 90 mm n resistant Fire (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 0/3 8 55 30 80 3/6 8 55 60 110 6/9 8 55 90 140 9/12 8 55 120 170 12/15 8 55 150 200 NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions above.hilti. t (mm) fix Fastener length. h (mm) 1 Package contents Ordering designation Item no.80 80-100 100-120 130-150 50 70 90 110 130 150 180 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Package contents IDP 0/ 2 IDP 2/ 4 IDP 4/ 6 IDP 6/ 8 IDP 8/10 IDP 10/12 IDP 13/15 Ordering designation 00332105 00332106 00332107 00332108 00332109 00332110 00332111 Item no. I (mm) Hole d (mm) o Hole depth. insulation thickness. d (mm) o Hole depth. IDMR Version: A2 stainless-steel sheet metal (material 1.. insulation thickness. I (mm) Hole dia.. 0 1. 500 500 400 200 100 50 Package contents HUD-1 5 x 25 HUD-1 6 x 30 HUD-1 8 x 40 HUD-1 10 x 50 HUD-1 12 x 60 HUD-1 14 x 70 Ordering designation 00331615 00331616 00331617 00331618 00331619 00331620 Item no.3 0.0 3.3 8x40 0.0 – – NOTE: These figures are given for single anchors without influence from neighbouring anchors or concrete edges and the conditions adjacent. Outlast. 7 HUD-L (extra long) Outside dia. hnom (mm) Anchor length (mm) 6– 7 8–10 10–12 7– 8 8–10 10–12 Screw size No. bit dia (mm) Anchor length (mm) Screw size No. bit dia (mm) 6 8 10 70 80 90 50 60 70 8–10 10–12 7– 8 400 200 100 HUD-L 6 x 50 HUD-L 8 x 60 HUD-L 10 x 70 00315938 00315939 00315940 HDS standard screw Screw shank Hilti. 5 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 40 50 60 70 Min. HUD-1 universal anchor Outside dia. Outperform.4 0.6 1. = nom.85 1.55 0.44 10x50 1. Package contents Ordering designation Item no.17 0. = nom.hilti.4 2.9 0.24 6x30 0.0 3. L rec (kN) Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Tensile N Rec Shear V Rec Solid brick f cc 20 N/mm2 5x25 0. anchorage depth.35 0.6 0.25 0.Anchor Systems HUD-1 universal anchor Noticeably easier handling Base material n Concrete n Natural stone n Brick n Sand-lime brick etc. (mm) Screw length (mm) Head shape Package contents Ordering designation Item no.8 – 12x60 14x70 2. 7 7 7 7 10 85 85 105 105 115 Countersunk* Hexagon Countersunk* Hexagon Countersunk* 50 50 50 50 50 HDS-HT 7 x 85 HDS-HS 7 x 85 HDS-HT 7 x 105 HDS-HS 7 x 105 HDS-HT 10 x 115 00035990 00038166 00036600 00038505 00038165 * = With Torx T 40 drive socket in screw head For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www. n Many fastenings using commercially available woodscrews n High-quality polyamide PA 6 Use Material Anchor size Concrete f cc 30 N/mm2 Technical data: HUD-1 Recommended 1850 287 387 | www. Please consult Hilti Fastening Technology Manual for specific design requirements.2 0. 330 . 6 threaded button adaptors (M4. set screw and washer set (M6. 10. 8.5. Heavy duty Tester Kit and Master Kit. www. Supplied in robust Hilti case. Supplied in a large red padded steel carrying case. M16). M16 threaded stud | 0800 886 100 www. 2 threaded rod adaptors (M4. M6.Anchor Systems Hilti test meter equipment – Mark V . 12. Bolt tester adaptor.5. Item number: s 0321481 Wall Tie Tester Kit Kit contains: Tester with 5 kN fixed gauge with maximum load indicator. M8. M8. 150 mm load spreading bridge with 75 mm hex legs. set screw and washer set (M6.5. 10. M5 and M6 wall tie adaptors (threaded rod adaptors). Supplied in robust Hilti case.5 mm). standard load spreading bridge.5 mm). 6 threaded button adaptors (M4. calibration certificate and method | 1850 287 387 331 Hilti.hilti. Kit contains: Tester with fixed gauge calibration to 20 kN.5.5. bolt tester adaptor. M16. Outperform. Item number: s 0355338 s – PLEASE ASK FOR DELIVERY DETAILS. M16). 100 mm wall tie spacer bridge. M5. 6. M12 clevis adaptor with locking adaptor. M10. Calibration Certificate and Method Statement. M12. M20 and 5/8” Whitworth stud adaptors. Item number: s 0321489 Master Kit “The Hilti Field Engineers Kit” Covers most testing applications up to 20 kN* Kit contains: Test with 2 interchangeable gauges (0-5. M5). 6 plain slotted adaptors (internal diameter 4. extension legs sets. operating nut (alternative “handle” for confined spaces). M5. M10.5. M12 button adaptor. M8.2000 General Purpose Tester Kit Kit contains: Tester with 20 kN or 5 kN fixed gauge with maximum load indicator. calibration certificate and method statement.5 and 12. M12. 6 plain slotted adaptors (internal diameters 4. 2 x M12 threaded button adaptors. M5).hilti. 50 mm and 100 mm hex.k 0-20 kN) standard 150 load spreading bridge. Item numbers: (with 20 kN gauge) s 0335337 (with 5 kN gauge) s 0321480 Scaffold Ring Bolt Tester Kit The new NASC/CFA Guidance Note TG4:04 Anchorage Systems for Scaffolding sets out requirements for ‘Preliminary Tests’ of scaffold anchors (to check the suitability and allowable loads of an anchor type in a particular base material) and ‘Proof Tests’ (sample tests to check that anchors have been installed correctly) – to be carried out on all jobs. Supplied in robust Hilti case. bolt tester adaptor. 2 threaded rod adaptors (M4. 5. insulation fastener adaptor. M10 and M12). 22 mm hex. 5. . M12 clevis adaptor with ring bolt adaptor. M8. calibration certificate and method statements. 6.5. M10 and M12). Outlast. It is no surprise that the hold they once provided is no longer what it should be. 332 . an innovative solution was developed – the HRA Rail Anchoring System. Outperform. Would not it be possible. All are justified demands which have to be met. to extend the life of these ties by several years? HRS – the problem solver Hilti’s HRS anchor now makes it possible to restore the holding power of rail screw spikes in ties which are otherwise still perfectly serviceable – conveniently and Hilti. highly convenient. HRS 22 00216962 Computer-designed thread flanks The thread flanks provide a secure keying hold in the timber tie. 7 Hilti Rail anchoring system A revolutionary.Anchor Systems Hilti HRS Timber Rail tie A repair concept for old timber ties Features: n can be set simply and quickly HRS n special tools required No n Suitable for all screw spikes in common use n Convenient and inexpensive method As trains rush by and the years slip past. The resulting requirements are a major challenge to engineers all over the world n proper fastening of rails to concrete is a new requirement which must The also be met n has been concerned in great depth with this kind of fastening for many Hilti years. Hilti Rail Anchor family: HRA HRC HRT For further Technical Information see Fastening Technology Manual or visit the website or call Hilti TAS on (GB) 0161 886 1144 or (IRL) 1850 287 387 0800 886 100 | www. Following a great deal of research work. Basically an adhesive system. greater speeds. The HRS is expanded by the screw shank. Outlast. Currently. with good long-term characteristics under dynamic 1850 287 387 | www.hilti. it satisfies stringent requirements for stray current new dimensions in passenger Rail comfort. lasting and reliable fastening method Applications: n travel of the future: higher safety levels. making it insensitive to variances in screw geometry. protection against corrosion and resistance to dynamic loading. please call Customer Services. timber rail ties begin to rot and rail anchoring screws corrode. it makes a major contribution towards meeting specifications n Technical University of Munich has subjected the HRA rail anchoring The system to dynamic testing and has verified it as suitable for the purpose For further information on Hilti Rail Anchoring Systems. environmental protection and less noise. The rail ties then have to be replaced. in many cases. rail systems are gaining in importance in transport networks and they are continually being assigned new tasks. As a result. Ordering designation Item no. 3444408 January Hilti (Fastening Systems) Limited l Unit C4 l North City Business Park l Finglas l Dublin 11 CallSave: 1-850-287-387 l Freefax: 1-800-654-600 l www. Hilti (Gt.Hilti. Britain) Limited | 1 Trafford Wharf Road | Trafford Park | Manchester | M17 1BY Freephone: 0800 886 100 | Freefax: 0800 886 200 | www. .
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