
March 23, 2018 | Author: Annette Calhoun | Category: Database Index, Comma Separated Values, Information Science, Computing, Technology



1. why the loading set-up tables only for LO extraction.why not for other extrac tions like FI,CO-PA?plz gv me answer clearly..very need. ans : using setup table concept in lo data will be loaded huge volume data load is data not a stranded table.v1 job can run data record stored on db table and e xtraction Q,v2 job run to data records directly stored on db table and delta Q stored(lbwq)or sm13 v3 job run v3 triggers vl data will be stored on bw dela Q(r sa7). data will cumming full or delta records its no well time mechanism so lo c oncept using setup table . 2. What is the use of setup table? ans :generally setup table is using for first time full load and it maintain historicall data.if you want go to full load thsis is useful. exact usage is: By using extractstructer we are featching the data from cluster tables. extractstructure didn't pick the from transparent tables. so that at the time of extracting full load setup table is requeired. 3. what are the datasources for inventory . ans : DataSources in R/3 1. 2LIS_03_BX Material stock 2. 2LIS_03_BF Material movements 3. 2LIS_03_UM Revaluations &#61623; 2LIS_03_BX - Material stock The first Data Source (2LIS_03_BX) is used to extract an opening stock balance on a detailed level (material, plant,storage location) at this moment. "At this moment" is the point in time at which the statistical setup ran for Dat aSource 2LIS_03_BX. &#61623; 2LIS_03_BF - Material movements This datasource is used to extract the material movements into the BW system. Material movements like goods receipts and goods issues are being pulled using this extractor using MSEG table. &#61623; 2LIS_03_UM Revaluations The third of the above DataSources (2LIS_03_UM) contains data from valuated revaluations in Financial Accounting (BSEG Table). 4. can we do sap BO without Sap BW. ans : Yes, SAP BO implementation depends on the kind of database you take as a source. SAP BO mainly used for report generation on any kind of Data source. When SAP BW is your Datasource for SAP BO report generation, then you only you n eed to connect to SAP BW. BO is capable of creating reports on any kind of data i.e., on traditional RDBMS Tables, Warehouse data, and so on. Even a report can be generated With MS EXCEL as a data source using SAP BO . 5. what is object documentation ? where you can do it? what is the use of that? ans1 : What ever changes like edit or modify or newly added or deleted are comes under delta. Ex:from change log table delta records loads to further targets like cube. ans2: Delta mechanisum in SAP BI is to capture the new records or the modified records to the system after the initilization . 6. how to load data to direct update DSO in sap bi. ans1 : Hi,We can Load data to Direct update DSO through APD or BAPI. ans2 : Using API's An application programming interface (API) is a particular set of rules and spec ifications that software programs can follow to communicate with each other. It serves as an interface between different software programs and facilitates th eir interaction. 7. When is SID created? When is DIM ID created? ans : SID is surrogate ID generated by the system. The SID tables are created wh en we create a master data IO. In SAP BI Extended star schema, the distinction is made between two self contain ed areas: Info cube & Master data tables and connecting SID tables. The master data doesn't reside in the Extended Star schema but resides in separa te tables which are shared across all the star schemas in SAP BI. An Unique Numeric ID , the SID is generated which connects the dimension tables of the infocube to that of the master data tables. The dimension tables contain the DIM IDs and SIDs of a particular Characteristic Info Object. Using this SID Table the Master data ( attributes and texts of Inf o Object) is accessed. 8. what is meant by sid key and what was the use of it? ans : SID is a surrogate ID created by the system when the master data getting l oaded and this SID will help you to link with the DMID . SID links master data tables with the Dimension tables . 9. what is DBCONNECT AND UDCONNECT IN SAP BI? ans : DB Connect is used to connect the relational databases like oracle, DB2 an d uses Database shared libarary(DBSL) interface. Where as UD connect is used to connect third party databases like hyperion etc a nd uses universal data connecter(UDC) interface to interact with BW system . 10. WHAT IS THE MAIN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INFOPACKAGE & DTP? WHAT ARE THE REPEATED TABLES WE ARE USE IN REALTIM PROJECTS? WHAT IS THE DELTA UPDATE IN LOCOCKPIT? WHAT ARE THE TABLES IN SD,FISL & MM? How to we modify the processchain running errors? what is the repeated error in realtim projects? tel me the realtime flow & hw to answer the interview level? ans1 : Main Difference between InfoPackage and DTP is: InfoPackage can request the data from source system but DTP can not. DTP is just an object that determines how data is transferred between two persistent objects within the BW system. ans2 : 1.)In r/3 moduels we use sales tables and mm tables and fi tables like bk pf and bseg..etc 2.)Delta update means after sending data in setup tables newly added or changed records are called as delta records. To send them into bw system we use direct delta,queued delta,unserialized v3 del ta methods. 3.)vbak,vbap,vbup,vbuk,vbrk,vbrp,vcon,likp,lips,bkpf,bseg,mseg,mara....etc 4.)Sm37 jobs monitor and rsmo infopackage monitor, and rsrq individual req monit using these we can see ther errors and can analyze to get solution. 5.)In support mainly we get system outages, gateway not assigned , rfc connectio n error, lock issues, table space error, many errors in tranportation due to lac k of knowledge in tranporting objects in sequence...etc ans3 : Realtime flow Development>Testing>production>go-live. if data huge frequent archivng and regression will be done. This is how real tim e IT practice carried. 11. we have a ods in process chain and the ods activation is taking long time h ow will u optimize the activation process. ans : Please un check the SID creations if the ods is not used for reporting and it is used for staging. 12. I have 2 cubes,1 is sales cube 2 is billing cube.I've loaded data to 2 cube s separately.Now i want to load sales data to Billing Cube.How can i Load? ans : Infact, Question is wrong, He is trying to check your experience by asking technically. In function, the entire structure(IO's in the IC) will have totall y different. So, You can't load by creating transformation neither you go to load that way fr om INFOCUBE to INFOCUBE.. ans2 : But What is the need to load billing cube data to sales or vice versa...! !!Simply create multiprovider...!! 13. how to reduce the down time ? ans : 1) Early delta intialization - only few detasource support this like inven tory management datasources . 14. 1.what is exception aggregation? 2.difference between condition and filter cordinality but i need some more things to improve performance please send to me 19. How to Genarate the datasource using functionmoudle?plz give the scenario.difference between direct update dso and write optimized dso? 4.Ex:if want one Value Min. 0 5)disadvantage due to numeric pointer:We change the existing record it is not ab le to track that is main disadvantage. It serves as an interface between different software programs and facilitates th eir interaction. 2)filter works on characteristics. 16.3. tell me any 3 reports u have created in sd and also in fi? ans : FI 1)Creditor's Aging 2)Cash Flow Statement 3)Cash Expenses SD 1)Monthly Actuals 2)Budget vs SCH vs Actuals Report 3)Weekly SCH vs Supply 18.avg. how to improve cube performance. transforming and Loading) direct update:it Doesn't support ETL only thought APD or ABAP program 4)We use this both options in process chain. ma x. max. how to load data to direct update DSO in sap bi. stranded divination in except ion aggregation.compression 4.Condition works on Key figures.aggregation 2. 3)In Both DSO only one TABLE that is many ways ?what is near line storage? ans : i answered there are are 9 ways 1.avg.near line storage 3.difference between repeat and repair process types? 5. repeat:That terminated instant run again. repair:The new instant creates and it will run this option available in SAP BI7. .write optimized:supports ETL(extract ion.Based on taking one reference info object then we create Min. ans : Using API's An application programming interface (API) is a particular set of rules and spec ifications that software programs can follow to communicate with each other. stranded divination using this exception aggregation. disadvantage due to numeric pointer in generic extraction? ans : 1)exception aggregation use in Query designer. 17. VIRTUAL INFO CUBE (ALSO CALLED REMOTE INFOCUBE). BASIC INFO CUBE(ALSO CALLED PHYSICAL INFOCUBE) 2. 22. ans : I_step1 before sereenit executed I_step2 mandatory with processing type as customerexit I_ step3 valioutiancheck I_step1 : when the code is triggered before the selscted screen is pepedup the screen when we use this I_ step when we want to feed some dynamic valuees to the variables . You have to inform the BASIS person about the lock the users then take donw time form ECC system then only install the business Data source . ans2 : 1.We can create at W EBI level these HYPER LINKS improves the query performence.e. ans : We are not able to create hyper links at universe level.Trasactional infocube 2.Physical datasource(contains data) 1. 20.ans: Just open ur R\3 system and by using a tcode se37 create a function module under a function group give the import and export parameters and write the code in source code what ever is reqired and then save check activate it and open the tcode RS02 create a z program and then given a application component give the dscription and click on FM u will be see that the feild of FM is enabled. how many types of infocubes are there.virtual infocube with service 24. these aggregates are called flat aggregates.Remotecube 2. ans: THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF INFO CUBES i.Virtual datasource(contains no data) 1.Basic infocube 2. What is I_step1. 1.I_step2.First yo u have lock the remotecube 3. 21. 23. Note : Flat aggregates can be rolled up on DB Server (without loading data into Application Server). give ur function module name are save it and use the genric operation on the parameters. Can we create hyperlink at universe level ? can u please explain with real t ime example. BW 3. and go to rsa3 extactor and extract the data. what is meant by flat aggregate?explain in detail. what are the pre requisites for BI content installation? ans : When you want install the business Data source the pre requisites. log on to bi sever and replicate the data source follow the same procdure of all the BI road map. ans : If an aggregate has less than 15 components.I_step3 in customer exit.x puts each component automatically into a separate dimension that will be marked as line item (except package and unit dimension). 5 Transfer rule types are 1:Infoobject (by default) 2:Constant 3:Routines 4:Formula using routines in bw 3.Transfer structure format is used as parameter for the routine. 27. Caller 70 error. Table space. in which case suppose to be use? ans: Dimension table which holds character infobjects. what are the common errors occur during data loading and perfornance level? ans : Master data missing. what is a dimension table and types? explain about line item dimension and h igh cardinality and uses. Types of Dimension tables. Time dimension Unit dimension Package dimension Line item dimension when the dimension table contains more than 20% size of fact table then it is a line item dimension.. Short dump..5? ans : Update rules types are 1:Addition (by default) 2:No update 3:Overwrite(with ods and infoobjects)in bw 3.. Invalid character's. Ods activation. in line item dimension table we will have only one .I_step2 : when the code triggered ofter the seiection is popedup to the user and if we have any customer exit variables we use this I_step2 when we wznt to fedd the variabi based oa the value of the thess variable which is fedd by the user I_step3 : when the code is triggered by exceerte the selection sereen we can use this I_step3 for all valioutianchecks 25. 26.. Time stamp error.5 It is to implement complex transfer rules and update rules it will run for each datapackage.. what are types of update rules and transfer rules? and what are the routines to be used in bw 3.. SPRO path SAP Customizing Implementation Guide SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence Settings for Reporting and Analysis General Settings for Reporting and Analysis Analysis Authorizations: Select Concept to create authorization object for SAP BI 7 Go to t-code RSECADMIN Select Maintenance button 4 0 1 2 3 4 options are given . document number in granular infocubes.. 29.character info object.0 and what are the uses and in which case supposed to be use? ans : RE.Subtree below nodes .banking and insurance. customer numbers in coustmer-centric business like telecommunications.Modelling means changing the infocube which contains data.x . what is re-partioning and re-modeling in bi 7. For SAP BI 7 or above . To assign restricted access of data to report users.. but in BI7 we dont need to delete the data... secondary index of two types BITMAP and B-TREE Bitmap are created when binary digit like B-TREE when hierarchy. What is Authorization and types? what are uses and explain me in detailed? ans : To avoid the unwanted access to various objects as well as data in SAP BW system...Only the selected nodes . to check the Authorization Mode in SPRO For SAP BW 3. ) Level ( Relative ) 30.Obsolete concept with RSR authorization objects.Complete hierarchy . 28. what is an index and types? what is use and where to be used? ans : index gives more performance to get data for reporting.Subtree below nodes to ( and Incl.Subtree below nodes to Level ( Incl.Current procedure with analysis authorizations. ) .. system will create primary index.index are two types primary and secondary. eailer verion of SAP does not allow to change the structure of a infocube which contain data in these case delete the data & then modify the Infocube.. we can change the structure .. scenario. 0. 2. Ods/DSo.5 in reporting? ans : Bex difference : 1.code is RSRV.Repair & Analysis of objects purpose It is for testing the consistency of standard infoobject.etc in bi7.5? ans : For joining the two or More than two info providers we are using this info set.. Write optimized DSO .Left outer join. RE Partitioning is similar. 31.5 info set in 3.Other wise we are not able to per form filter in reporting level. InfoCubes. Analysis design grade extra function are available sch as data provider icon and design mode icon and open variable screen icon etc 4.0/bw3. Standard DSO Standard DSO contains 3 tables i)new data table ii)active data table iii)change log table 2.Additional Query Properties.It works on JOIN bases like(Equiv j oin.item level information There are classified into 3 types 1.5? ans : Both open hub destination and inspoke can be used in BI 7. what is DSO? what are the types and uses and in which case it suppose to be use? ans : DSO stands for data store objects. 32what is infoset? what are the uses? in which case it suppose to be use? and di fference in bi7.5? (Is there any T-Codes to find out) ans : T.0 and Infospoke in BW3. 33. reports. Convert to formula Keep filter value Select filter value Keep filter value axis 3. difference in bi7. partitioning the Infocube which contains data. queries. what are differences between bi 7.0/bw3.5 . It contains document level. java tool 34. what is openhub destination? what are the uses and in which case it suppose to be use? and difference in bi7.transformations.x we are not able to join CUBES.create condition locally mean you can apply condition in query sheet or workbook sheet .0/bw3. How to check for standard info Objects. Direct DSO 3.0/bw3. 35.and temporal join)in which case we use means in multi provid er using for joining the info providers but some problem with multi provider the ir have a common column in both info providers.without deleting the data. It is not tha t open destination is in BI 7.At that we will go for info set. Info set is Virtual it doesn't hold any data.0/bw 3. 3. can any one explain me.What Update mode(v1 or v2) will execute? ans : v1 update. 4.In BW3.this job names as v1 job. time stamp means wh enever we are loading delta records those records are accompanied by time stamp means record is followed by yyyymmddhhmmss..The delta queue will get data from extractor queue by v3 update. 39..Before coming luw's into Extractor queue(Lbwq)..This DSO does not support over write functionaliy. what are the difference between Extractor queue and delta queue? ans :In extractor queue the extracted data will be kept there as along as v3 collective update run has taken place and we cant do delta's on extractor queue....e Active data table.This DSO contains only one table i. what is writeoptimized data store in dso? ans : write optimised DSO is also called as pass-through DSO... this is t he requirement 42. Delta Queue is used for delta's.5 it was known as ODS(operational data store) 36.when ever the document had been posted . The error handling capability Breakpoints in DTP Inclusion of infocube for infoset creation Additional properties in Bex Query Designer 37.. 2. while 0-tables are SAP generated/standard Tables. 41... what are the reports generated in a sap bw project?name them and what is the requirement? ans: particular sales office want to see their year wise sales report. What is the difference between Z and 0 Tables in SAP BW3.5? ans : The Z -table is a custom table.. .. what are advantages of using bi 7.5? ans : The advantages of using BI 7. when do we go for generic extraction and why we use time stamp ?how long it will run?explain? ans : whenever suitable business content is not available between source system and target system at that time we go for generic extraction.those r directly goes to db tables and lbwq..The unique records will be appended every time.0 instead of bw 3.This is used to load huge amounts of data or whenever require for multiple loads per day.... 38.0 are 1. Can any one explain me. ans2 : /bic is user tables /bi0 is sap defined tables ans3: simply Z-means user defined and 0-SAP generated its Standered 40. Which data you load first ( MASTER or TRANSACTIOANAL ) And why ? ? ans : The master data is loaded first. ans2: im vijay from syntel. not over any multiprovider. The Constant Selection function allows you to mark a selection in the Query Designer as constant. 44. The master data is building block. 46.DSOs. new & active table. SID problems.part no) .rec no. You can alter the selections at runtime using navigation and filters. it is not possible to include a multiprovider within a multiprovider ans2 : We can Create Multiprovider only overInfocubes. thats why first we load master data first . upon which we maintain the record of the tran sactions as they takes place. can we define a multiprovider in multiprovider.packet no. ans : Standard DataStore object Data provided using a data transfer process SID values can be generated Data records with the same key are aggregated during activation Data is available for reporting after activation. What is constant selection.InfoObjects and Infos ets. first load the master data becz of SID's. This allows you to easily select reference sizes that do not change at runtime. Write-optimized DataStore object Data provided using a data transfer process SID values cannot be generated Records with the same key are not aggregated Data is available for reporting immediately after it is loaded. if you load transaction data first. 43.. It is used when you want to insert some . you use selections to determine the data you want to display at the report runtime. 45. it gives performance problems. query related errors. Because . This allows you to further restrict the selections. You cannot select an entire restricted key figure as a constant. This means that navigation and filtering have no effect on the selection at runtime. only its characteristics.. next master data. ans : In the Query Designer. it determines how transactions happens and which way it is to be happened.This consists of semantic keys(primary keys)and Technical keys(Req id. what is the differences between standard DSO and write optimised DSO and Direct update DSO. next transaction data. Having three tables: chage log. ans : No. DSO. But from BI7 Infopackage brings data upto PSA.if u click that will come to know from which cube we r getting data. 4. 50. having two tables DataStore object for direct update Data provided using APIs SIDs cannot be generated Records with the same key are not aggregated Mainly used with APDs 47. You are working on a report... They also include objects that do not st ore physical data. ans : Infoproviders are objects for which you can create and execute queries in SAP BI. ans : DTP is new in BI 7. 7. 48. such as Info cube.. such as Infosets. Virtual Infoproviders and Multiproviders.. 1. 5. 49. how do you know from which INFOCUBE . what is the difference between Data Target and Info Provider. characteristics Infoobjects. Last delta not loaded correctly OLTP to OLAP process or IDOC not transferred update rule or transformation inactive These are some of issues airsing during process should be generated ? ans : will have one icon called technical information. 6. Now u can create DTP two ways. Data Targets become InfoProviders if they are used for BEx Reporting. I want to know about DTP in bi 7. 3.. In BW infopackage brings the data from Source Sytem to PSA & InfoCube(Data Targer). Infoproviders is a generic term used to describe any objects or views relevant t o reporting. what are the errors in process chain. Also u have conversion rules etc. As process chain is basically meant with the data loading perpose. 2. . Lock issue Activation failure at ODS Source sysem not connected or RFC connection issue Invalid value not recognized. first u need to create transformation either from PSA(Data Source)--InfoCube or InfoCube to PSA(Data Source) when u create transformation then u can see the field mapping between souce fields to target fields.amount from the other application like can we solve them? ans : there are many types of error during the process chains. These includes objects that physically store data the data targets.Suppose. 58. the SID table of the characteristic takes on the role of dimension table.How can we stop the Collapse process in process chain. 2. Good luck. Dtp u have 3 sub tabs. what is line item dimension? when we need them? how we will come to know we need to create line item dimensions? ans : This means the dimension contains precisely one characteristic. .what type of tables join in generic view? ans : Transparent tables are joined in generic views 55. Delta (only Change or new data) Update Execute--. 52. ans :caluculated key figure is global and new formula is local. This improves the query performance.. 53.( cube( f/ e table or ods or aggregates)? ans : Reconcillation is the process of verifying the data that's been replicated or loaded in BW matching exactly to that in R3 . To overcome this problem we can go for aggregates. 3. what purpose u want to create aggregates? ans : When we access the data frequently for reporting and when the data is in huge quantity.. This means that the system does not create a dimension table.PSA(Data Source)--InfoCube or InfoCube to PSA(Data Source) In 1. Instead. where do u find the option "REPAIR REQUEST"? WHAT IS THE USE OF THAT? ans : You can find this in the InfoPackage via scheduler at the top menu or the key combination CTRl+SHIFT+F1. After Executing u can go to monitor. 51. what is the diffarence between formula and caluculated key figure. we face delayed data retrival problem. 57. 54. 56. what is attribute change run? ans : Attribute change run is process to update the aggregates with masterdata attributes and hirarchies. how do u deceided to go create Aggregates for cube. what is reconcillation? where can u find the option.Execute button. Extract Full. the process involves setting the technical status to red in monitor screen. Note: You have to do it after the execution & before finish of the job. Good luck. 62. select the job and stop it. what is the sructure of RRI. i will try to get the RRI structure and conditions ASAP. for delta failure.. you can create several individual reports. ans : he report/report interface (RRI) makes the parameterized call of programs possible from other programs. the data comes first to extractor queue (LBWQ) and then upon following processing it move to delta queue.any conditions for RRI. you can arrive at branch destinations within and outside of the BI system. its ok and proceed to load the delta. In Direct delta. 59. With the report/report interface. 61. It gives the user the ability to jump from one report into another report that supplies further information. ans:Right Click on the infoarea you want the object in and select: add infoObject as datatarget 64. each with a limited number of characteristics. can we make a info object as info provider other than master data. 63. It will cancell that process. ans: we perform repeat delta.ANS :Go to the batch monitor in the Collapse process of the process chain. In SAP BI.This Load is processed once data is queued with 10000 LUW. 60.where do u find the option "REPAIR REQUEST"? WHAT IS THE USE OF THAT? ans :You can find this in the InfoPackage via scheduler at the top menu or the key combination CTRl+SHIFT+F1.what are step in transporting the object? .What is the RRI. Every document is one LUW and it comes direcly to delta queue(RSA7) and upon requent it is extracted to BW. deleting the request in the requests tab of infotarget/manage and then scheduling the delta load normally. go to job can u correct the error in loading for Delta failure. ans:in queued delta. this brings up the old delta records and any of the newly added delta records. there will be an alert that the repeat delta is being performed.what is diffarences between QUEUE DELTA & DIRECT DELTA. These can be linked one to another to make very flexible data evaluations possible online... .how to load transaction datawith out master data? ans:while creating an infopackage in data targets tabs trip u want to enable the LOAD TRANSACTION DATA WITH OUT MASTER DATA option 67. 68. SAP BW automatically assigns the infoobjects which have not been assigned to char/keyfigures infoobj ect catalog into default one. . 3. 4. infoobject catalog for char and keyfigures.what is un assigned notes? how to define keyfigure as attribute? how to load text data with out attribute data? ans: unassigned nodes .Where you have to done cube testing? ans: RSRV testing for Infocube 66. it is used for chracteristics restriction just drag and drop the characteristics in that filter box and retsrict that characteristice according to the requirement .infoobjets(char/keyfigures) are stored in their respecti ve folders i. choose the Transport Connection functional area (transaction RSOR) by choosing the pushbutton in the left navigation window or by choosing the menu option Goto ® Transport Connection..but tomorrow the same type of loading takes 3 hours. 2. unassigned unassigned unassigned unassigned units keyfigures chars time chars Infoobject catalogs are also stored in folder: infoarea. Collect objects that you want to transport and check the settings. 65. In the Data Warehousing the loading time is 15 min. 2.How do you analyse? ans:There can be many reasons:1)Data Records can be more.ans:1.How do you analyse the data loading time . HOW TO SUPRESS TEXT DATA WHILE LOADING MASTER DATA? HOW TO LOAD MASTER DATA WITH OUT CREATING INFOPACKAGE? ans :GO to master/text in infoobject maintanance and deselect the Text check box. 70..what is the use of filters in Bex ans:the use of filrers in bex is that we can restrict a characteristics.e. All infoobject catalogs which are not explicitly assigned to infoarea are assigned to an infoarea and s tored in Unassigned nodes infoarea. U can load master data by updating Transactional data by selecting allowing update without master data check box 69. 1. 73. 3)Lot of other extraction going on from the same source system.? how to filter the data for the period? ans: n r/3 go to data source maintanance check the selection option so that in bw when creating infopackage we will get option from date to to date by this we can select period 72.. in the account model. you add a new characteristic which separates the key figures (here: price types) within the data record. it is used for reporting..DSO is 2 dimensional and flat table.account modeling and key figure modeling The key figure model includes all the key figures in one data record: Product Sales Price Manufacturer Price Mean Price P1 100 50 75 However. of customer details. customer details.. IS IT POSSIBLE TO PARTITATION AN ODS? IF YES HOW..WHAT IS THE T-CODE FOR PSA PARTIATION...2)System performance of Source or BW system can be poor. take a example. 6)Target is already locked by some other job.... and which you can use to determine which key figure is being used for do you extract data from R3 to BW for a specific date.what is the use of attribute in the attribute i think it is transitive attribute. 4)TRFC stucked in TRFC no so you can use this details in reports 74. cube is 3 dimensional .so in cube partition possible.customer phone no..... 5)Temporary Table space is less in BW. Product Price Type Price . ans :RSCUSTV6 this is a tcode partitation for psa not possible to partition the DSO eventhough psa and dso table structures are sa me. no . . In Lis we use two tables for Delata update... In Lo we use . In Lis we use Transparent tables. via RFC will the setup be in bw in real time scenario how will the setup between r/3 and bw in real time scenario ans: 2 posibilities: 1) using a Virtual Cube...lo and difference between them ? In Lo we use Cluster tables.. For example: Is we are looking at a report which shows the Number of employees by year for the past 10 years the total field for the Number of employees shows the total of all the figures for the past 10 years which is wrong but it should show the last value i. here in this case we use Last Value.. Some more examples of exception aggregation are Average. the data actually doesn't go into a BW InfoProvider. 2) (near) realtime ETL is possible in the new 2004s BI. (approx..what is exception aggregation ansThe Exception aggregation is used in special scenarios where we do not want to show the result of key figure as simply the total of all the values. Lo generates extract strucutures annd Lis generates transfer structures. First Value etc..what is lis . 77. only the data is read in the source system at query runtime. Hope I understood the question correctly. In lo we use pull scenario and in Lis we use push scenario. every 2 minutes) a daemon takes care of loading the data from the source system into SAP BW. A BW Query however can use this Virtual Cube as if it was a regular Cube. Here we use the exception aggregation to let the BEx know how to show/summarise the values. 76.P1 Sales Price 100 P1 Manufacturer Price 50 P1 Mean Price 75 75.e the recent years figures becoz the number of employees is not something to add up. but rather stays in the source system. .Which table contains the exchange rate? ans:TCURR Exchange Rates TCURV Exchange rate types for currency translation TCURF Conversion Factors 80.What are the size parameters for archiving? ans:PARAMETERS FOR ARCHIVING ARE > MAX FILE SIZE IN BYTES > MAX NO..What is the namespace of BW? ans :All sap object start with 0.. What is the propose from statistics for aggregates? ans :we can define the aggregates manually and from system proposals also.strucures for Lo update. what is the meta data and meta data manager ? ans: THE DATA ABOUT THE DATA IS CALLED META DATA.. What technology is used in BW archiving? ans:Archive Development Kit (ADK) 83. the customer name space is AZ.What are time dependent text/attribute of characteristics? ans :Time Dependent Attribute: Which define's the validity of characteristic..when we are creating the aggregates from system proposals there is the option is propose from statistics from load the all historical data at once.What are the update modes available? ans : FUll mode DELTA mode FULL load . OF DATA OBJECTS 81. 82.What is aggregate realignment run maintenance? ans : Aggregate realignment run maintenance will cause reconstruction of aggregates. Like Valid date from . .valid date to 86.(HISTORICAL DATA). for this there are two conditions 1)one is statistics should be there in infocube 2) another one is query must be exist. 78. THE FOURTH LAYER IN THE BIW ARCHITECTURE IS CALLED META DATA MANAGER update the modified or new data.. All table begin with /BIO for SAP and /BIC for customer 85. 84. DELTA load. aa this can be used only for master data 93. give the delta specific field. so that at the time of extracting full load setup table is requeired. no communication sturcture will be there. it is done to homogenize data.if you want go to full load thsis is useful.Two scheduling options for start process: 1) Direct Scheduling 2) Start Using Meta Chain or API 95. use safety intervals either upper or lower.. 1.Which transactions shows templates for authorizations? PFCG 91..What is a characteristics variable? ans : Characteristic value variables represent characteristic values and can be used wherever characteristic values are used. Removes spaces on the right side of a numeric value .What is the use of setup table? generally setup table is using for first time full load and it maintain historicall data. extractstructure didn't pick the from transparent tables. 88.What is direct updating of info objects? direct update means..and foolowed by any one of date or time or numeric pointer field.replicate the structure. What is the SAP enhancement used for this user exit? ans : RSR00001 89.87. What are the steps to enable delta load for generic data sources? ans: rso2.When should you do the alpha conversion? Alpha conversion is done to convert data from external format to internal format. What are the important formulas available in BW? Just to list a few. 90. Usually when data is staged from an external system into SAP BW. save the data source. 94. exact usage is: By using extractstructer we are featching the data from cluster tables. select ur data source: edit. LAST_WORKINGDAY_MONTH Calculates Last Work Day for Month ADD_TO_DATE Add Day to a Date CONDENSE Summarize DATE_DIFF Date Difference 92. choose generic delta push button. com applications today use the delta queue technology to identify deltas.What is v1. the corresponding sales order tables would be updated in V1 mode.v2 and v3 updates? A) V1 denotes time-critical updates used for updating the actual transaction tables. there name starts with 1. For example.. the fact tables are called: /BIC/E100001 and /BIC/F100001. in techical terms. which are not the same as those in the InfoCube.2. What are the naming conventions used for aggregates created from query? There are two types of aggregates generated from Query. after a sales order entry transaction is completed. the date to month is . C) V3 update mode(Uses delta queue technology) is similar to the V2 update mode. if the aggregate has the technical name 100001. Many extraction programs available for mySAP. Adds zeros to the left side of a numeric value 96. V1: syncronious V2: asyncronious V3: asyncronious with background schduling. while V3 updates may be scheduled independently. For instance. and the corresponding statistics tables would be updated in V2 mode. 98. What are the special conversions for time in update rules? Special conversions for time in update rules are automatically conversion rules. The main difference is that V2 updates are always triggered by applications. However. The table names that make up the logical object that is the aggregate are then derived in a similar manner. 99. B) V2 denotes non-time-critical updates used for updating statistics tables related to the transaction tables. Its dimensions.MIN and MAX.What is ?roll up?? Newly loaded data is not available for reporting unless it is Rolled up into all the aggregates associated with the Infocube 97. . /BIC/D100001T and so on. The above answer is exactly correct. Example: If the cube contains calendar month and your transfer structure contains date. have the table names /BIC/D100001P. as are the table names of an InfoCube.What is LIS? logistics information system 100. A hierarchy is created from nodes. a leaf cannot have any subnodes. 102. What is a free characteristic? The characteristics in the area are not displayed in the intial view of the query but you can drill down and filter . * Exactly one other node is directly superior to each node (except for the uppermost node). master data allowed. 106. Hierarchy Levels All nodes on the same level of the hierarchy (nodes that are the same distance away from the root) form a hierarchy level. Leaves The leaves of a hierarchy consist of characteristic values for the basic characteristic and therefore can also have entries in the fact table.converted automatically. Where will you get more information on the delta methods? IN ODS OBJECTS WE USE TO GET MORE INFORMATION ON THE DELTA METHODS 105. The relationships between the nodes are defined as follows: * The uppermost node is the root. Then you can analyze the size of fact table vs dimension table.STEPS:GOTO SE37 THEN GIVE functional m odule NAME:RSDW_DESIGN_INFOCUBE THEN GIVE CUBE NAME. They do not have a superior node. The level of a node denotes the distance from the node to the root. What is hierarchy? A hierarchy is a method of displaying a characteristic structured and grouped according to individual evaluation criteria. performance is poor. What is the diference between defining calculated key figure in info provider level vs query level? The CKF defined at the infoprovider level will be available to all the query define for that perticular Infoprovider 103. There can be more than one root.We will trough functional module. What are the restrictions/recommendations for using remote cube? These are used for small values of data with few user. 104. The roots of a hierarchy form level 1. In contrast to nodes that can be posted.How would you analyze the size of fact table vs dimension table using RSRV? Trough the RSRV we are not able to do analyze the size of fact table vs dimensio n tables. 107.t add up to the head count. We don. What is Open Hub (OH)? THIS IS USED TO SEND THE DATA TO DIFFERENT EXTERNAL SYSTEMS.What are the reporting performances can we do? We have to doing various performances. while creating a report. 114.. What file formats are supported? CSV. before data flow ofter data flow before and ofter data flow 112. ODBO.Code ST05) and Performance tuning(SE30). VIRTUAL 113. ASCII 111.What are non cumulative key figures? these kinds of key figures are not summarized ( unlike sales etc). What is the grouping option available when installing? only necessary object.we have to use inplace of SELECT *. What is a transactional info cube? How will you report on this? IN TRANSACTIONAL INFOCUBE U CAN APPEND THE DATA INFOCUBE 1. TRANSPARENT FILE. Define the record modes for delta? After image " " Before image "x" Delete image "D" reverse image "R" New image "N" Additive image "A" 110.. THIS IS PROCESS OF SENDING CONSOLIDATED AND CLENASED DATA TO DIFFERENT EXTERNAL SYSTEMS LIKE. 108. for example we will ask how many employees we had as of last quarter. We have to use commands like FOR ALL ENTRIES. How is multi provider different from info set? . these are always in relation to a point in time. FLAT FILE TRANSACTION USED FOR IT IS : RSBO 109. for example head count. STANDARD 2. REMOTE 4. TRANSACTIONAL 3. DATABASE. inventory amount. SELECT SINGLE .once execute the query. We can analyse this performance by using SQL Trace(T. aditive delta.. now u need perform some calculations on material price. thus the query will subtract reciept .. What are the options available for updates to data target? 1..for this u rght clcik on u r KF structure --->new formula.issue = total 116. What is the function module for this user exit? FUNCTION MODULE: EXIT_SAPLRRS0_001 INCLUDE PROGRAM: ZXRSRU01 118. full update 2. material proce as KeyFigure its not available for calculations. 119. in a short description basically the inflow will be the amount of something (maybe inventory) coming into the warehouse or something and the outflow will be the amount of inventory leaving.Multiprovider works on the concept of union of all infoproviders but the info set works on the concept of intersection of the data in the fields available in the different infoproviders 115.. if I am correct in this assumption. the inflow and outflow will be the way the non-cumulative keyfigure is calculated at the query run time (since the value is not contianed in the infocube itself but calculated at the query runtime).e. so an example of this continuing with our inventory would be Quantity Total stock will be a non-cumalitive key figure with reciept quantity total stock being the inflow and issue quantity total being the outflow.but there only formula variables and keyfigures are available for calculations.. new status for changed records 3. i. now go with--?new formula variable--->choose processing type as "replacement path"-->next--->choose characteristc as .eventhough matearial price is a Kf but it has been defined as attribute of a characteristic.. What is replacement path? lets take one example: we have a material price(KF) as display attribute of material.. What is inflow and outflow? 1)I assume when you are asking about inflow and outflow you are talking about the aggregation tab of a key figure and the non cumulative section. What are the user exits within the enhancement? exit_saplrsap_001-transaction data exit_saplrsap_002 masterdata att exit_saplrsap_003 text exit_saplrsap_003 hierarcchy 117. then load the data R/3 to BW. 124. 128... Which table has the aggregate status and data? GO TO SE11 IN THE TABLE SPACE TYPE THIS TABLE NAME "RSDDAGGRDIR" AND CLICK ON DISPLAY.when u are extracting the 2LIS_03_ BX for this data source we will use the MARKER UPDATE.. Can you define aggregates on time dependent navigational attributes? Aggregated can be defined on any kind of navigational attribute incl of "Time dependent" 123.. What is the top transaction for extraction? SBIW 121. this data source OPENIN G STOCK IS THEIR BASED ON OPENING STOCK WE WILL CALCULATE THE MATERIEL. U CAN SEE ALL THE AGGREGATES 127. Define a ?Marker?? Marker update means. What is the archival transaction? SARA 126.How does change run affect aggregate? ."material"--->next---> replace variable with as " attribute"--->next-->selct 'material price" from drop down menu. BCOZ IT IS CREATED ON THE INFO OBJECT LEVEL 125.. now u have material price formula variable. Define the process of replication? Replication is a process that copies the data source structure from R/3 to BW. 122.drag and drop this matraial price into formula window and use it in calculations.. It's identification mark.. What is the scope of variables? SCOPE OF VARIABLES WILL BE GLOBAL TO THE ENTIRE REPORT. 2)currency convert at reporting level in query designer level GOTO:TCODE->RRC1 t hen u can do the currency convert. What are the options to convert currency? currency convert options we can do TWO level when u bring the data to R/3 to BW> GOTO->source system->right click on source then click on EXCHANGE GLOBAL TRANSPO RTATION.. How do you delete query objects (like workbooks. What is the name restriction on field when you append structure? name should be prefixed with zz 131.attr and hierarchey changes will not effect on data in cube. Direct update and write optimized ODS.SIDs Generation upon Activation---.set this when u are guarenteed that u will receive distinct records. useful in staging DSO. What is the ODS object settings? These settings are useful to control the behavior of ODS: 1.I MEAN IF ONE THE PROCESS FAILS ALSO THE PROCESS CHAIN WILL CONTINUE PROCESSING THE OTHER PROCESS1 EXOR PROCESS2 "EXOR" IF THE PREDESSOR PROCESSER FAILS THEN THE NEXT PROCESS WILL ALSO FAIL 130. FI-SL.Type of DataStore Object ---.) in a single transaction? through transaction RSZDELETE 132.. LO Cockpit o Customer-Generated Extractors LIS. where in the customer need to enter the value while executing the query 134. HR. Function Module 133. 4. etc. What are the extractor types? APPLICATION SPECIFIC 1. set the . What is user entry? user entry is a variable processing type. 3. 2. InfoSet. CO. SCENARIO: IF THERE ARE TWO PROCESSES SCHEDULED IN PROCESS CHAIN THEN PROCESS1 OR PROCESS2 "OR" IS USED WHEN U WANT ATLEAST ONE PROCESS TO PERFOM CORRECLY. SAP CRM.Unique Data Records---. What are the extractor types? Application Specific o BW Content FI. improves loading performance.if this is not set SID won't be generated .without change run the masterdata navi.u can create standard. Set Quality Status to 'OK' Automatically-. CO-PA Cross Application (Generic Extractors) o DB View. 7.Update Data Automatically---.when this is set no need to activate data request manually. 5. 3. What is a condition? To restrict the out put of the query based on some conditions on characterstick we go for conditions. INTERNALLY IS STORED AS 0004 INSTEAD OF 4 TO AVOID THE CONSISTENCIES BETWEEN 0001 AND 01. What is percentage share of result (%CT)? Parameter %ct gives the percenatge values for the parameter 137. 5. 6. 135. 9. What is a restricted key figure and give an example? RKF'S CAN BE RESTRICTED BY ONE OR MORE CHARACTERSTICS EXAMPLE: RESTRICT "SALES VOLUME" -----> KF .to upload data into further cube/dso automatically. 4. FOR EXAMPLE WHEN U MENTION THE SIZE OF THE KEYFIGURE AS 4. IDENTIFY FACT TABLE IDENTIFY DIMESNION TABLE DEFINE ATTRIBUTES OF ENTITIES DEFINE GRANULARITY OF FACT TABLE DEFINE AGGREGATES SLOWLY CHANGING VARIABLES PRE CALCULATED KEY FIGURES HOW LONG THE DATA WILL BE KEPT HOW OFTEN THE DATA IS EXTRACTED 140. What are the nine decision points of data ware housing? 1. How do you create/maintain aggregates? RIGHT CLICK ON INFOCUBE ====>> CLICK ON CREATE/MAINTAIN AGGREGATES request status OK for activation. What is the DIM ID? DIM ID: ARE USED TO CONNECT FACT TABLES AND DIMENSION TABLES 139.Activate Data Automatically--. 8. 6. 138. 141. What is alpha conversion? ALPHA CONVERSION IS DONE TO SYNCHRONIZS THE KEYFIGURE VALUES. 2.What is the transaction for LIS? LBWO 142. BY "COMPANY CODE" = "001" 0R "002" OR "003" 143. we change separator (. Otherwise.So. otherwise x NDIV(<Expression>) Is 0 if the calculation of <Expression> causes a division by 0.Since structure of operating concern is designed based on client requirements.CSV files Generally We use CSV(COMMA SEPARATED VALUE) files used.) Escape with (. What is the optional size of the aggregates? . What are the settings for flat files? Source as FlatFiles we have two type 1. 146. but number will not have any value associated with it. what are they? Selection field: When u select this flag in the infopackage this particular filed will be available for extraction Hide: if u select this flag filed value will not be available for extraction Inverse: the field value is reversed when the transaction is cancelled 145. Explain variable offsets? IT IS POWERFULL TOOL IN REPORTING WHERE U CAN SEE THE DATA BEFORE OR AFTER A PERIOD U CAN GIVE +VE AND -VE VALUES FOR OFFSET 147. the result is the value of the expression.) is not possible to give readymade data source. How is amount/quantity different from number? amount/quantity will have a an associated unit value along with it.What is NDIV0? NDIV0 (x): Equals 0 when divided by 0. 149. It is used to avoid error messages or so that you can continue to calculate a defined result.ASCII files 2. Why CO-PA is a generic extraction and not a business content extraction? Datasource for co-pa is generated based on operating concern. 144.When you create a datasource some flags are attached for each filed. no business content extractor. for ex: if fact table contains 1 million rows the aggregate should have less than 200. What are the LO extraction transaction? R/3 SIDE ========= LBWE:. What are the read modes for query? It determines how the query reads the data from the data base A : Query is to read all data at once X : Query to read data during Navigation H : Query to read data when U navigate or expand Hierarchies U can acces this from trancastion RSRT and Query properties 152. A controlling area can be assigned to multiple company codes. 157. What is the use of change log? change log is used for delta updates to the target.EXTRACTOR CHECKER BW SIDE. CMOD is the transaction and RSR0001 is the Enhancement and Function Module EXIT_SAPLRRS0_001 154. . How do you delete change log? dso--> manage-->environment-->delete change log data 156. What is a controlling area? A controlling area is an organizational unit which is a closed system which is used for cost accounting. What is processing type customer exit? Using Customer exit we can write ABAP code for how to process that variable.FILLING UP SET UP TABLES RSA3:. the system feeding data to itself called as my self data mart. Define ?myself data mart?? BW System can be a source system to other BW system that is called as data mart .It should have around 10-20% of the size of fact table. It stores all changes per request and updates the request 151.DELETE SET UP TABLES SBIW(0R)OLI*BW :.MANITAIN EXTRACT STRUCTURE AND DATASOURCE LBWG:. What is the difference between LIS to LO in init of delta and delta? for init of delta lo uses setup tables for init of delta lis uses s tables 153. For exits.000 rows 150. 155. status. cancel.e unused licences are removed.finished status. in this we r monitor and create the process chain. Define a process chain? Process chain is diffarent kind of process link in one chain. . i.detail tabs. This is done to control the User licences cost. repeate. Use: We can do Master Data Reporting? with this procedure. What is the 90 day rule? 90 Days rule is for checking the logging of users in system. here we monitor indivisual PCs. Now your info object will become your info provider. we can make info object as a info provider. active.Monitor the Process chains. What is the transaction to check delta? In the BW Delta Queue Maintenance(RSA7) you can check the data in the centralized delta management before the data is sent to the online BW server. here we check status of the all process chains. RSPCM . If "CNO" is one of your info object for characterstics. here we can see the job status like scheule. 161. If users are not logged in system for more than 90 Days such users are marked for Expiration. repair.process chain display palning view. Can you make an info object as info provider and why? Yes. here we see the status of the load by using header. RSPC . You can also test it in Extractor Checker (rsa3) 160. RSMO.======= REPLICATE THE DATASURCE ASSIGN THE COMMUNICATION STRUCTURE AND DATASOURCE CREATE AN INFOPACKAGE AND LOAD 158.Monitor adminstration work bench. SM37 . These rules may vary from company to company 159. select that and right click on that and select the option as " Insert the characterstic as Data Target".Job over View. in process chain diffrent kinds of T code are there. codes based on failures..SM50.Process over view. that is the right option 164. why u go for aggregate? tell me one example? to improve performence aggregates r used the main use of aggregates are 1) when infoobject data is used repeatedley 2) when master data do not change much 3) to improve the performance in reporting 4) aggregates acts like indexes demerites :1) denormilisation of data in cube and aggregates if u cube contains infoobject object country we can create fixed aggregate on country 166. u have the option transfer exchange rates . 162.. SM51. what is alpha conversion? u faced any errors in alphaconversion? alpha conversion is the exit which converts data to be stored constitently like internal format and external format some time we may face problems that sap provided alpa conversion will not work so we have to write this in transferrules . and also we use so many t. what are data tranformation in bw ? transformation of data from other sources to bw specific formet is call data tranformation 165. what is 0unit of meassure? 0unit is the infoobject which is provided by SAP to caluclate measures for key fig data types quantity is also same as SM50 but it will give detail information about catorized application servers. How do you load exchange information from R/3 to BW? When u right click the source system in BI. What is a link node? link node is nothing but it gives the address of the next node which is linked to it. 163.
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