Analysis of Role and Importance of Audio-Visual Aids in Teaching-Learning Process at Primary School Level in District Chitral (M. Saleh Aman)

May 4, 2018 | Author: Muhammad Nawaz Khan Abbasi | Category: Graphics, Learning, Teachers, Self-Improvement, Motivation



ANALYSIS OF ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OFAUDIO-VISUAL AIDS IN TEACHING- LEARNING PROCESS AT PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL IN DISTRICT CHITRAL Submitted By: MUHAMMAD SALEH AMAN M.Ed Roll. No: 53 Supervised By: MR. SARDAR AHMAD KHAN CHITRAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION CHITRAL Affiliated With SHAHEEED BANAZIR BUTTO UNIVERSITY SHIRINGAL DIR, UPPER SESSION: 2016-2017 ANALYSIS OF ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS IN TEACHING- LEARNING PROCESS AT PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL IN DISTRICT CHITRAL A thesis submitted to the CHITRAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION CHITRAL, in partial fulfillments of the requirements for the award of the degree of M.Ed. Supervised By: MR. SARDAR AHMAD KHAN CHITRAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION CHITRAL Affiliated With SHAHEEED BANAZIR BUTTO UNIVERSITY SHIRINGAL DIR, UPPER SESSION: 2016-2017 ii APPROVAL SHEET It is recommended that the Thesis prepared by Muhammad Saleh Aman, Entitled, and Analysis of role and importance of audio-visual aids in teaching learning process at primary school level in district Chitral is accepted as fulfilling this part of the requirements for the degree of M.Ed. Supervisor: MR. SARDAR AHMAD KHAN External Examiner: INTERNAL EXAMINER: CHITRAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION CHITRAL Affiliated With SHAHEEED BANAZIR BUTTO UNIVERSITY SHIRINGAL DIR, UPPER SESSION: 2016-2017 iii DEDICATED To my Loving Parents & Respectable Teachers iv DECLARATION I, Muhammad Saleh Aman, Roll No. 53, student of M.Ed. CHITRAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION CHITRAL, declare that during the period of this study, I was not registered in any other course. The material used in this thesis entitled ‘ANALYSIS OF ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS IN TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS AT PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL IN DISTRICT CHITRAL’ has not been submitted by me wholly or in part for any other academic award or qualification and shall not be submitted by me in future for obtaining any degree from this or any other university. I confirm that this thesis is the original work of the researcher except where otherwise acknowledged in the dissertation. (Muhammad Saleh Aman) v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am very grateful to my supervisor Mr. Sardar Ahmad khan & especially sir Riaz ud din for her constant guidance, patience, and understanding, for without here, this work could have never been completed. I am also indebted to my friends: Asadullah, Javeet hayat, Amjad masood, Ijaz for their help and support. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION......................................................................................................... V ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................... VI TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ VII LIST OF TABLE ...................................................................................................... IX ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. X LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................. XI CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 1 1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: ............................................................................ 3 1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: ........................................................................... 4 1.4 HYPOTHESIS: ...................................................................................................... 4 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTION: ........................................................................................ 4 1.6 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY:................................................................................ 4 1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: ............................................................................ 5 CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................. 6 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................... 6 2.1 HISTORY OF THE USE OF A.V AIDS: .................................................................... 6 2.2 MEANING OF AUDIO & VISUAL AIDS: ................................................................. 7 2.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS IN TEACHING:........................................ 8 2.4 PSYCHOLOGY OF USING THE A.V AIDS: ........................................................... 11 2.5 TYPES OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS: ....................................................................... 12 2.5.1 Graphic Aids ............................................................................................ 13 2.6 CLASSIFICATION OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS: ....................................................... 16 2.6.1 Projected Aids .......................................................................................... 16 2.6.2 Non-Projected Aids .................................................................................. 16 2.6.3 Activity Aids ............................................................................................. 17 2.7 PRINCIPLE OF USING A.V AIDS: ........................................................................ 17 2.7.1 Principle of Selecting the Proper A.V Aids: ............................................ 17 2.7.2 Principle of Preparation .......................................................................... 17 2.7.3 Principle of Physical Control .................................................................. 18 2.7.4 Principle of Proper Presentation ............................................................. 18 vii 2.7.5 Principle of Evaluation ............................................................................ 18 2.8 CHARACTERISTICS OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS: .................................................... 18 2.9 USES OF A.V AIDS IN EDUCATION .................................................................... 20 2.10 NEED AND IMPORTANT OF A.V AIDS ................................................................ 21 2.10 STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF AUDIO VISUAL AIDS: ................................. 22 2.10.1 Strength of Audio Visual Aids: ................................................................. 23 2.10.2 Weaknesses: ............................................................................................. 23 CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................... 24 METHODOLOGIES ................................................................................................. 24 3.1 NATURE OF STUDY: .......................................................................................... 24 3.2 POPULATION: .................................................................................................... 24 3.3 SAMPLING AND SAMPLE: .................................................................................. 25 3.3 DATA COLLECTION TOOLS: .............................................................................. 25 3.3.1 Questionnaire ........................................................................................... 26 3.3.2 Interview .................................................................................................. 27 3.3.3 Observation .............................................................................................. 27 3.4 DATA COLLECTION TOOLS: .............................................................................. 28 3.5 RESEARCH ETHICS: ........................................................................................... 28 CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................... 29 DATA ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 29 CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................... 38 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................. 38 5.1 FINDINGS .......................................................................................................... 38 5.2 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................... 38 5.3 RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................... 40 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 41 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................. 45 QUESTIONNAIRE.................................................................................................... 45 viii LIST OF TABLE & FIGURE Table-4.1: Did you use A.V Aids during Teaching 29 Table-4.2: Do you have your lesson plan? 30 Table-4.3: Which A.V Aids do you use frequently? 31 Table-4.4: How many Charts/ Pictures stories are available? 32 Table-4.5: Is there are Multi-Media or Projector Present in school? 33 Table-4.6: Students show interest in class due to use of A.V Aids. 34 Table-4.7: Does A.V Aids make teaching learning process effective? 35 Table-4.8: Have you got any in-service training during last three year? 36 Table-4.9: If Yes, is there any discussion about the use of A.V Aids. 37 ix ABSTRACT The researcher selected the secondary schools of district Chitral as population. From the population, the researcher selected ten schools as a sample. Five schools were selected from those schools, who taught with the help of Audio- Visual aids and five schools from those who taught theoretically. The researcher used the questionnaire tool to get the data from these schools and also observed the learning of children. Comparison was made between these schools and the researcher reached to the conclusion that the learning of those children who learnt with the help of audio-visual aids was better than those who learnt theoretically. The researcher also found out the difficulties faced by the teachers. The major difficulty was the non-provision of audio-visual aids. The government was considered responsible for this difficulty. It was also noticed that the teachers were not provided any refresher course for the proper use of audio-visual aids. The researcher has made some recommendations for the proper use of audio-visual aids by the teachers, some recommendations to the government to provide proper audio-visual aids to different schools and to give refresher training for the proper use of audio-visual aids to the teachers. x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS e.g. Example A.V Audio-Visual T.V Television KPK KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Education is the modification of behavior in a desired pattern. Education is not all about studying and receiving good result but it means to discover new thing and increase our knowledge. Education is necessary and important for every one and it can bring positive impact in our without Education we cannot make our life easy and good. Two important factors are highly influential in the process of education. And these are teaching and learning process. Teaching and learning are such a factor upon which the entire educational process rest. Teaching is the sum of all methods ways and contents through which any idea concept information transferred to the learner. While learning is the modification of behavior, or in other words, it is capacity of learner to direct his behavior according to the provided knowledge and information. Both teaching and learning in term depend upon various factors. These factors are method of teaching, communication, skills of teaching, language and subject command of teacher etc. While learning of an individual depend upon his intelligence, motivation, interest of learner, nature of learning material etc. Beside these both teaching and learning are interrelated and interdependent. The relationship between teaching and learning can be well expressed that effective teaching leads to effective learning In order to improve the quality of teaching and learning educationist has expounded different theories and developed different practices. Sensory stimulation theory present that learning happens when the five senses are stimulated and effective learning involve stimulation of more than one sense. (Dunn, 2002) Theoretical frame work helps us to develop practices for effective learning. In order to 1 stimulate more than one sense in learning audio-visual method has been adopted. Audio-Visual Aids stimulate the sense of hearing, listening and watching. The Audio-Visual Aids are important and useful in teaching and learning process. The Audio-Visual Aids are those tools which are used in the teaching learning process to encourage students and make learning easier and interesting. So with the help of these Audio-Visual Aids we make the teaching more interesting. Researches indicate that about 40% of learning is based upon visual experience and 25% by auditory experience. (A penel of Experienced Writers, 2013) Hence it is considered that effective learning involve stimulation of both Auditory and Visual senses. The Audio-Visual Aids is derived from three words Audio means to hear, Visual means to see and Aids means the helping materials. The Audio-Visual Aid is used in teaching process in which audio and video materials are used to increase the effectiveness of teaching. The Audio-Visual Aid materials help teachers to convey their message to students in an effective way. These materials may be simple charts, markers or advanced multimedia. In developed countries the Audio-Visual Aid materials are even more advanced and both teachers and students are getting more benefits from them. Different studies show that Audio-Visual Aid materials not only help teachers to easily convey his message but also save time of both teachers and students. The Audio-Visual Aids or teaching Aids plays a pivotal role in enhancing the Teaching-learning process. The class’s room’s activities can be managed in a proper way by managing the Audio-Visual Aids thus the role and importance of Audio- Visual aids can’t be neglected in the teaching learning process. The Audio-Visual Aid helps teachers to convey their message to students in an effective way. These materials may be simple charts, markers or advanced multimedia. In developed countries the Audio-Visual Aid materials are even more advanced and both teachers 2 and students are getting more benefits from them. Different studies show that Audio- Visual Aid materials not only help teachers to easily convey his message but also save time of both teachers and students. Nowadays use of Audio-visual Aids has been notably increase. Different methods have yet been used enhance the learning capacity of learner by appealing to the auditory and visual senses of learning. (Arosenius, 2011) The idea of use of Audio-Visual Aids in teaching learning process has got immense momentum in developed countries of the world. In Pakistan due to certain problems and lack of resources the use of Audio-Visuals Aids has not been so common. However resent trends in Pakistan show a shift from conventional (traditional) teaching method to modern teaching practices with use of Audio-Visual Aids, to enhance learning of individuals. Through this paper we will try to study teaching and learning method and the use of Audio-Visual Aids in Primary school of District Chitral. 1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: District Chitral is the remote District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Literacy rate of District Chitral comes after Abbottabad at second position in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. (Mehmood, 2011) Due to its remoteness District Chitral inherit certain problems, and among these problems the quality of teaching learning process at primary level needs immediate attention. Effective use of Audio-Visual Aids helps us to improve the Quality of education at primary level. And by the help of this paper, we would try to take a bright picture of whole situation. 3 1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: Our educational Institutions lack most of facilities within the classroom. One of them is the lack of Audio-Visual Aids for teachers. As Audio-Visual Aids are a helping hand for teacher during teaching learning process and the role can be thoroughly observed. Thus in the present research the researcher will analysis the role and importance of teaching aids for teaching learning process. 1.4 HYPOTHESIS: The Hypothesis’s of this thesis are as follow. 1. In District Chitral the Audio-Visual Aids are not commonly used. 2. Audio-Visual Aids are not easily available in primary school in district Chitral. 3. Uses of Audio-Visual Aids make Teaching and learning effective. 4. Teacher in District Chitral are not well acquainted with the usage of Audio- Visual Aids. 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTION: What is the importance of Audio-Visual Aids in the process of teaching at primary level? 1.6 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: 1. To find out the role of Audio-Visual Aids for both teacher and students. 2. To find out the importance of Audio-Visual Aids for class room activities. 3. Analysis of the role and importance of teaching Aids during teaching-learning process. 4. To find out the proper utilization of Audio-Visual aids by the teacher. 4 5. To explore the role of teacher training program in context to promote to utilize of the A.V aids. 6. To explore the facility of in-service trainings for the promotion of usage of Audio-Visual at primary level. 1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The Audio-Visual Aids role and importance can’t be denied in teaching learning prospective which the role and Importance can be more effective by proper utilization of the teaching aids available to the teachers. The train teachers know better how to utilize and manage the Audio-Visual Aids inside the classroom. In order to improve the effective index and standard of education the education sector in Chitral must be analyzed from different aspect. Studies show that lot of researches have been carried on this sector but still a void can be seen when it comes to the research on role of audio and visual aid in education sector. The significance of this analysis is that we can get enough knowledge about the standard of audio and visual aid materials being used in schools and colleges of Chitral and the role these materials play in teaching process. The analysis will give us an idea whether these materials are up to date or not, whether students get benefits from these materials or not, and how these materials can be used to improve the process of learning. 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review is an analytical explanation of the previous work relevant to the current topic. It is an analytical precipitate (summary). There is a linkage of the reading, which is conducted, related to the relevant topic. In simple, a literature review is a type of story, which asks questions like this, what has been done and what need to be done. Who agrees with whom? And what are the explanations of the differences (theoretical and methodological). These are the questions, which are presented in a literature review so that through these question the crux can be find out. The apex or the culmination of a literature review is a discussion of how the thesis fit in to the past research. It is the procedure that through this discussion a researcher is filling the gap, testing or applying a theory and then expanding empirical work related to the relevant topic (Khan, 2011). 2.1 HISTORY OF THE USE OF A.V AIDS: Desiderious Erasmus (1466-1536) was Dutch humanist, Theologian and writer, who criticized the old technique of learning through memorization and presented the use of Aids in teaching like use of different pictures and other visuals. John Amos Comenius (1592-1670) wrote a book, name was orbit sensulium pictus (The sense object of the world) it consists of 150 pictures of our daily routine. It was the first children text book in the history. The book was famous over the entire world for the children education. J.J Rousseau (1712-1778) was famous British writer, philosopher and educationalist. He was stressed the use of picture and different material in teaching, especially for children education. He studied the psychology of children and method of teaching of his age and he suggested the use of pictures in the teaching. He condemned the 6 traditional method of using the words by the teacher and he stressed the use of pictures and things. He stressed that the teaching should be according the children psychology and the learner natural curiosity. Pestalozzi (1756-1827) put the theory of Rousseau into practical form and used the concept of object method. Nelson I Green was used the term of Visual education in 1926. Eric asliby (1967) contributed four revolutions in education. First he convert home education to school education, second book contain written words, third on is invention of printing book and last one is the use of Audio visuals like Radio, Television, computer in teaching and learning process. (selvi.D, 2007) 2.2 MEANING OF AUDIO & VISUAL AIDS: The term audio-visual materials are defined as those materials, which do not depend solely upon reading to convey meaning. They may present information through the sense of hearing as in audio resources, sight, as in visual resources or through a combination of senses. Indeed, the variety of such resources is a striking characteristic (Dike V. , School Libraries and Development of Library Skills in Nigerian Secondary, 1993). The term audio-visual materials are commonly used to refer to those instructional materials that may be used to convey meaning without complete dependence upon verbal symbols or language. Thus according to the above definition, a textbook or a reference material does not fall within this grouping of instructional materials but an illustration in a book does. Some audio-visual components are in the nature of process and experience, for example, dramatizing an event or a procedure or making drama. Some of the audio-visual materials like the motion pictures require the use of equipment to release their latent value. Some do not need equipment at all like an exhibit or a study print. This term designates in common usage both material things as 7 well as processes such as field trips (Anzako, 2011). A resourceful learning classroom with audio visual aids is favorable for effective language learning. Studies show that visual aids enhance the effectiveness of teaching learning process in a classroom. They reported that these aids were not only a source of help for the teacher but also provided stimulus variation that was indispensable to sustain learners’ attention. The use of audio visual aids makes the task of learning a second language easy and enjoyable for the learner by targeting the maximum skills of the learner (Joshi, 1995) (Vissa, 1994) 2.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS IN TEACHING: Teaching and learning is a complex process, which requires the teacher to use the best materials in his/her classroom. So, teachers need new technologies relate to the teaching /learning process. Nowadays, it is true that audio-visual materials are a great help in stimulating and facilitating the students in the process of learning. Audio- visual materials can encourage students learning and they help in stimulating and facilitating. It makes learning dynamic, experience, and more realistic, it has developed since 1920s by drawing on new technologies of communication. Audio- visual materials consist of two words, audio referring to those materials, which can be heard, and visual referring to those materials that can be seen (Hemei, 1997). Students like audio-visual materials because they are interesting, challenging, and motivating to watch and listen. Motivation is the trait that moves humans to do or not to do something. Students' motivation is a vital element that is necessary for quality of education. Alerted more on the relations between teacher’s, teaching strategies, student’s motivation and language achievement used in the teaching and learning process (Gredler, 1997). Teaching and learning processes are very crucial at all levels of educational development. If well planned and directed, they are the keys to success and progress 8 of an individual. Therefore, best methods have to be used in order to enhance effective teaching and learning. Consequently, the need to employ the use of teaching aids otherwise referred to as audiovisual resources to enhance effective teaching and learning. Audiovisual resources accordingly do not only increase the motivation of the teachers and learners; they add clarity to the topic taught and make learning more interesting (Dike H. , 1989). Learners retain most of what they hear, see and feel than what they merely hear. This concept bears credence to the old Chinese adage which says ‘what I hear I forget what I see I remember and what I do, I know. A visual instruction encourages the use of audiovisual resources to make abstract ideas more concrete to the learners. Therefore, the teacher’s duty is to make learning live, not just something to remember but part of living experience. This can be done effectively by employing the use of audiovisual resources in teaching and learning as a mean of imparting knowledge to learners. Educators have come to realize that the most effective teaching and learning take place when an individual has direct experience with the subject under study, in order wise, learners learn best by doing. It is only by the use of audiovisual resources that learners can be offered the opportunity to learn by doing. This is because attention, motivation, concentration and retention of facts are enhanced through the use of audiovisual materials (Ode, E.O & Omokaro, D.A, 2007) The audio-visual materials help the teacher to overcome physical difficulties of presenting subject matter. That is to say, with audio-visual materials, the barrier of communication and distance is broken. The culture and climatic conditions of other countries can be brought into the classroom with the aid of slides, films, filmstrips and projectors. This is important because, “once the phenomenon is visualized, the picture and knowledge becomes very clear and permanent”. Agreeing to this assertion, a 20th century Chinese philosopher stated, “One picture is worth a thousand words” (Gopal p, 2010). 9 The child is to think, but he must have the information to with. This audio-visual resources serves, because, the information can be got from the good use of perceptual instructional materials especially those provided from our locality. The audio-visual materials are very useful teaching and instructional as well as promotional aids. He further stressed that where consistency of presentation is desirable, audio-visual materials are useful. They provide experiences not easily secured in other ways and hence contribute to the depth and variety of learning (McNaught, 2007) Audio-visual materials are rich opportunities for learners to develop communication skill while actively engaged in solving meaningful problems. In other words, learners certainly like it more and learn better if they are engaged in important and appealing activities. For example, involving learners in bulletin board display may enhance their choice of color and aid their understanding of the concept in question or when they join the facilitator in dramatization of an event or a process. Moreover audio-visual materials are important in the teaching and learning processes because “having seen something, most people remember, for whatever that thing was, it conjures up an image at a mere mention and can be talked about freely” (Natoli, 2011). The audio-visual materials provide a means of individualizing instruction. This he said is possible through programmed learning and tapes, which enable the learner to learn at his pace and also to work on his own. Moreover, the machine frees the teacher to work with individual students, since he or she is not now required to carry out routine drills. Production of resources by students is another way of individualizing instruction (Lestage, 2009) Learning takes place effectively when the teacher sets out to provide learning situation in which a child will learn because of his natural reactions of the provided materials”. During the process of learning, the teacher has to provide the learning situation to satisfy the natural reaction of the learner and this is through the use of 10 instructional aids. The attention of the learner is caught and his interest is also won and he is ready to learn. Contributing on the role of audio-visual materials in stimulating interest “a friendly, accepting group climate is important in any learning situations, especially those materials that require students to reveal their ignorance and confront their fellow students”. When there is a climate of acceptance for learning, then learning is stimulated (Crisham, 2009) Audio visual aids are an important technique in learning. The uses of this technique help to improve the environment of learning in various ways. Through the use of this method the interest of the students for learning is enhanced. It helps to explain the idea precisely, which in turn save the time besides making the teaching understandable for the student. Moreover this method also enlightened the burden of the teachers. It enables the student to avail the diverse experience, which is must for learning. The use of audio-visual aids helps in making the understanding of the lessons easy. Because learning is process that is need of a particular environment and it is the audio visual aids that create the required conducive environment (Daniel, 2013). 2.4 PSYCHOLOGY OF USING THE A.V AIDS: Many researchers had done research for the using of the A.V Aids. The entire Educationalist reached in a conclusion that the A.V Aids are most important for the learner. They can stimulate the entire behavior of the students. The A.V Aids stimulate and increase the power of listening, speaking, thinking, and various senses of the learner. Co Bun in 1968 has done research and proves that 1. The learner learns 1% from the sense of taste. 2. The learner learns 1.5 % from the sense of touch. 3. The learner learns 3.5 % from the sense of smell. 11 4. The learner learns 11% from learning. 5. The learning learns from the sense of sight. (selvi.D, 2007) Through observation and research Co Burn study the holding time of people remember. (1) 10% remember by read. (2) 20% remember by hear. (3) 30% remember by see. (4) 50% remember by see and hear. (5) 70% remember by say. (6) 90% remember by see and do. (selvi.D, 2007) Popular Chinese Proverb about the use of A.V Aids is “I Hear I Forget”, “I See I Remember”, “I do I understand”. (A penel of Experienced Writers, 2013) 2.5 TYPES OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS: According to the Dike the Audio-Visual Aids divided into Audio, Visual and a combination of audio and visual resources. Audio Aids are records, tapes and cassettes, and radio broadcasts. Visual Aids includes models, real objects, three dimensional displays, the chalkboard, bulletin board, adhesives, graphs, diagram’s, charts, maps, cartons, posters and pictures and projected forms like transparencies, slides, filmstrips and films. Audio-visual Aids includes e.g. sound film and filmstrips, slides-tape decks, television programmers, videotapes and dramatization. And the other Aids are educational programs, games, programmed instructions, 12 demonstration and field trips. (Dike V. , Library resources in education, 1993) The following are some important A.V Aids. 2.5.1 Graphic Aids Graphic aids are more important to increase the interest and attention of the students. The graphic aids convey information efficiently, and make the abstract ideas real and interesting. Types of Graphic Aids Charts Charts are the most important teaching Aids included Pictures, Maps, Posters, Graphs, and Diagrams. Charts are visual demonstration of things in the paper. Different things are present in the chart differently, for example human body parts can also be drawing in charts. The charts must be colorful a big in size to be seen by the whole class. Pictures Pictures like photographs, painting, illustration clipped are commonly used and available graphic Aids in teaching. These Aids are used for the purpose of enhance and sharpen the visual perception of children. Through these visual Aids the learner easily learns the difficult terms. With the help of these visual Aids the teacher save time and save his vice. (Oakley, P. & Garforth, C., 1985). Diagrams Diagram is the simplified image of objects which show the relationship with the help of symbols and lines. (Chandler, A.C., & Cypher, I.F., 1948) Graphs Graphs are used to show students, any statistical data. Graph are constructed by using curve, bar or pre graphs, which are used to explain the magnitude or intensity of various factors. Graphs help in comparative analysis of data. 13 Maps Maps are the diagrammatic representation of any geographical area. Maps are used to explain Geographic location and Geographic contingency of any area. Maps are highly useful in study of social study especially the geography of any society, its land and people. (Byk, n.d) Poster or Placard Poster or Play card are used to present short and quick message and draw attentions of student. (Oakley, P. & Garforth, C., 1985) Cartoons Cartoons are the imaginative creation of any character in order to get the interest and attention of student. Comic-strip or Picture Story Comic strip is the presentations of any story with the help of consecutive pictures a drawing which represents the different major parts of any story. Flash Card Flash Cards are such cards having a flash of massage small in size usually use to present any massage before the class. Flash are used for writing a word, with the help of flash card the student write the name of object, animal, family members name, name of object transport, fruits, vegetables, birds, animals, etc. The teachers teach the students with the help of flash cards and remove it. (Chandler, A.C., & Cypher, I.F., 1948) Film Films are the moving pictures with sound played through projector or multimedia. Films are highly efficient in teaching any concept or idea or any events. Films stimulate the hearing and listening ability of students. (Rautrao, 2012) 14 Language Laboratory Language laboratory is the installation of technological Aids in school for the proper learning of any foreign language. Language laboratory aimed at the development of all the four basic skills of language learning, there are listening skills, speaking skill, reading skill, and writing skills. (A.D., 2015) Radio Radio is more important audio aid, which is used to teach a new language for the children. Different programmes for the children are broadcasted in the radio in a particular time. The most important advantage of the radio is to correct the pronunciation of the new language, and also correct the expression. Radio is most important means of communication and broadcast different radio is most important role in the class, when it is used properly. Television Television is also best Audio-visual Aid for teaching-learning help. Television helps in presentation of motion pictures and sounds to the audience. Television stimulates the listening and watching and communication skills of students. It is the combination of radio and tape-recorder because we can hear and see at a time. Television is most important for the current programs especially the current news which is broadcast in the television without delay. The different subjects are also taught in the T.V like physics, Biology and other subject. So in this way it can minimize the coast of education and distant education are also facilitate in the T.V. (Moss, 1982) Internet Internet is the network of computer connected for the transfer of idea and information over long distance. Internet provides a large number of Websites and opens the vast storage of information. Proper use of internet helps lot in proper teaching and learning process. It is an important source of information for any topic, a person choose a topic and find 15 it on World Wide Web and find many information about the topic. So the in internet is essential for teachers and students. Chalkboard/Blackboard/Whiteboard Chalkboard is very important A.V Aid in teaching and learning process. It is used almost all kind of subject for teaching and writing main points of the topic. Teacher used black board for the words, meaning, sentences, summaries, antonyms, synonyms and the definitions of the most of the topics. The writing in the black board should be bold, so all the student seen in all position of the class room. Blackboard has great advantage; it can make the lesson interesting and help the students focusing the attention to the lesson. (Daniel, 2013) 2.6 CLASSIFICATION OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS: According to the J.C Aggarwal teaching aids are classified into three main groups 1) Projected Aids 2) Non Projected Aids 3) Activity Aids 2.6.1 Projected Aids The projected A.V Aids consist of Film, Film strips, Slides, Slides Projector, opaque Projection, Overhead Projection, Motion Picture (Cinema), Video. (Aggarwal, 2009) 2.6.2 Non-Projected Aids Non projected Aids includes Chalkboard, Bulletin board, Picture , Flannel Boards, Magnetic Boards, Pig Boards, Roll up Boards, Marker Boards, photograph, Flannel graph, flip chart, flash card, Tran- slide, Poster, Specimen, model, diorama Diagram, map, graph, Line Graphs, Pie Graph, Pictorial Graph, Charts, Radio, Television. (Aggarwal, 2009) 16 2.6.3 Activity Aids The Activity Aids are Experimentation, Field trip, Excursion, Demonstration, Dramatizations, Exhibitions, Museums, Planetarium, Science kits, Nature calendar, Teaching machines, Computer cd’s, Power point- presentation, Programmed instruction, Computer assisted instructions. (Aggarwal, 2009) 2.7 PRINCIPLE OF USING A.V AIDS: A.V Aids are more important for teaching. If they should be used properly than it makes the teaching and learning more effective. There are some principles for using the A.V Aids are as follow 2.7.1 Principle of Selecting the Proper A.V Aids: The most important thing to keep in mind while using A.V Aids is that they should be selected according to the need, purpose and aims of teaching. The A.V Aids should be selected according to the interest and age level of learners. The A.V Aids should represent the real thing. For proper using of the A.V aids we should consider the following things. (Neelu, 2010) (1) Suitability (2) Visibility (3) Clearness (4) Level of Understanding (5) Ease of presentation (A penel of Experienced Writers, 2013) 2.7.2 Principle of Preparation The next principle is the principle of presentation. According to this principle they should be kept in mind that the A.V Aids should be low-Cost no Cost material. The teacher should be export in making the Aids from locally available and cheap resources. The students also should be given the opportunity to help the teacher in making the cheaply available A.V Aids. 17 2.7.3 Principle of Physical Control The third principle of A.V Aids is that the teaching Aids should be keep in safe after their use and also keep safe for their future use. (Dipu, 2011) 2.7.4 Principle of Proper Presentation The fourth principle of teaching Aids is that they should be used properly according to the situations. The aids should not be used unnecessary. The teacher should keep in mind that the teaching Aids are used according to their need and ends. (Katozai, 2016) 2.7.5 Principle of Evaluation The last principle which is very necessary to know what the students gets from the teaching aids. The teacher should evaluate the student in the last continuously. (Dipu, 2011) 2.8 CHARACTERISTICS OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS: The characteristics of A.V Aids are as follow  BEST MOTIVATION: The A.V Aids are the best motivator and the students work interest. The different Aids motivate the student to work hardly.  CLEAR IMAGE: The teaching should be clear and attractive when the teacher used the different aids in the classroom.  VARIETY: The traditional material like chalk and black board are not enough for teaching, but the teacher used different A.V Aids and provides them to the student.  FREEDOM: The use of A.V Aids motivates the children to talk, laugh, comments and work freely.  OPPORTUNITIES TO HANDLE: Many students have the chance to know and handle different Aids. The students also have opportunity to know about 18 uses of different Aids.  HELPFUL IN ATTRACTION THE ATTENTION: A.V Aids are helpful to attract the attention of the students. The students listened the lesson carefully and work hard in the classroom.  Save the time and energy: When the teacher uses the A.V Aids in the presentation, It can save the time and energy of both the teacher and students.  REALISM: The A.V Aids give the real image to the students.  ENCOURAGEMENT TO THE HEALTHY CLASSROOM INTERECTION: The uses of A.V Aids give encourage to the students and therefore the students participate in the classroom. In this way the classroom Interaction between students and teachers very healthy.  SCOPE OF EDUCATION AS A MASS SCALE: The A.V Aids always play important role in spreading mass education, like Radio, Television, Internet, Computer, Multimedia, and also different Aids play an important role in spreading the mass education.  CREATE POSITIVE ENVIROMENT: If A.V Aids are used in a balanced, rational and scientific way than it develop, motivate and attract the attention of students and make his creativity and give energy for studying and also involve him in classroom activity.  ACCURACY: Accuracy is very important for using the A.V Aids, but it is difficult to make it accurate as desired. The charts and the diagrams are different from the real one. The teacher uses a model of flower in his classroom, but the student does not recognize it. (Rehman, 2008)  RELEVANCY: The relevancy is also most important in the A.V Aids. A teacher use a chart of the sodium structure and the chart is clear and also 19 consists of other structure. This chart loses the teaching value because of the presence of irrelevant things in the chart. (Gastel, 1991) 2.9 USES OF A.V AIDS IN EDUCATION A.V Aids help the teacher to make his lesson more interesting and therefore the teacher use different aids. The purpose of A.V Aids is to make the teaching more effective and interesting.  The employing of A.V Aids should always keep in view the educational aims.  The A.V Aids make the students more attentive and ready for ask different question in the classroom.  The teacher should keep in view that the A.V Aids only use for educational purpose.  The A. V Aids should be purposeful and save time of students and teachers.  The teachers only use the available and low coast A. V Aids.  The undesirable materials are not used in the classroom.  When the teacher used the A.V Aids like Film show or radio in the classroom, after that the teacher hold discussion in the classroom.  The class times are fix and limited, so the A. V Aids selected according to the class time.  The complicated materials should not be used in the classroom.  The illustrative Aids should be used in the classroom.  The A. V Aids should be used in the proper manner and sequence.  They should be removed after use. (Rehman, 2008) 20 2.10 NEED AND IMPORTANT OF A.V AIDS The use of Audio-Visual Aid started after the technological advancement. Technology helps the teacher to use the A.V Aids and make the teaching effective. Nowadays many teacher clam that using the A.V Aids make of teaching more effective and also students show more interest than the old ways. So these are all about to the technology. Due to technology many teaching materials are invented, teachers use these Aids and make the presentation interested and more effective. The student also show interest in the classroom and student positive attitude developed like regularity, show more interest to their studies and participate in the classroom we cannot deny the role and importance of A. V Aids in the teaching learning process. (Farooq, 2014)The importance and needs of A.V Aids in teaching and learning process are as follow  The teaching Aids help an individual to remember things permanently because an individual can be best learn through real things are activity.  The students can learn bitterly through the use of teaching aids because they are motivated through activities.  The A.V Aids give motivation to the learner and reduces the stress which creates in the teaching and learning process.  The teaching Aids help the students in learning process and concept becomes clearer and remembers all the time because all senses are involved in learning when the students hear, see, taste and smell properly.  The student takes interest in learning through the use of A.V Aids because the A.V Aids capture the attention of students.  The A.V Aids clear the concept of students, because the students associated their concept with the visual Aids. 21  The teaching Aids make the learning process more simple and easy, because the student take interest and motivate for learning and make the learning permanent behavior.  The teaching Aids help student to direct experience of the learning because the student use the real thing.  The teaching Aid gives interest to the student in the learning, when the teacher used proper Aids.  Teaching Aids also facilitate the use of A.V Aids to discourage the act of cramming.  The development and changes take place in a human body like from birth to maturation and development of plant and also animal for the purpose to understand well the A.V Aids are important.  Teachers also used charts, film, documentary, etc. to show the interior parts of human being, the interior part of palms and the different part and interior parts are machines to their students.  The A.V Aids are also important to show the historical event, places and people. (Ejike, 2014) 2.10 STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF AUDIO VISUAL AIDS: There are many Audio-Visual Aids like photos, slides, videos, Audios are the essential educational Aids, They are an important component of the many Educational project. In education these Aids should be carefully selected. Their relevancies are also important in order to make the teaching and learning process more interesting. Video recording are most favored audio visual aid in education, it required more finance and more export teachers. 22 2.10.1 Strength of Audio Visual Aids:  Audiovisual Aids are save time of both the teachers and students.  A.V Aids produce and stimulate the interest of students.  A.V Aids make the lecture interesting and real.  With the help of A.V Aids the teachers communicate with students through pictures, so they are more effective than through words. 2.10.2 Weaknesses:  The Video Aids are more expensive and Government cannot effort it.  The different Aids are out of date quickly.  23 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGIES 3.1 NATURE OF STUDY: The undergoing research aimed at exploring, the role and importance of Audio-Visual Aids in Primary schools in District Chitral. Both Qualitative and Quantitative approaches has been used during the study. 3.2 POPULATION: The population of the study includes all the primary public and private schools District Chitral. In public Sector District Chitral has 6000 School and in private sectors District Chitral has 2000 schools. (AFAQ 2015) School Number Percentage Public 6000 75% Private 2000 25% Total 8000 100% 24 3.3 SAMPLING AND SAMPLE: Sampling means the act, process or technique of selection of a small proportion of people for the purpose of observation and analysis from the whole population. In some research there are only a small number of people involve in the research work. But most of the researcher focuses on a large number of population and it is not possible and practicable to interview, test or observe the whole for practical reason, we apply sampling method to solve this problem, and a sample has been selected from the total population. In This process the representative sample is selected which consist of all the important characteristics of this population, which are useful in gathering the relevant facts (Khan, 2011). In order to study the whole population, the Researcher used Stratified Random Sampling. The whole Population has divided into two major Status Upper Chitral Primary School and Lower Chitral Primary School. Due to lake of time 20 schools has been selected as Sample for study. Each Stratum receives 25 Sample which has been selected by Lottery method, 25% of each sample has been fixed for Girls Primary School. 3.3 DATA COLLECTION TOOLS: Data collection Tools or Research Instruments are the various methods or devices which are used to gathering information relating to the research or the problem. The researcher used these tools or methods for the collection of data related to the problem. These techniques are used to gathering the primary data. Some of the Tools which are used in this research are as follow. 1) Interviews 2) Questionnaire 3) Observation 25 3.3.1 Questionnaire According to the Bogardus, “the Researcher sent a list of questions to a number of persons in order to answer them”. (Khan, 2011)The Questionnaire is an instrument that is widely used in the educational purpose. It consists of a series of Questions for the purpose of obtain facts and gathering information about the problems. According to the Goode & Hatt, the Questionnaire is a device in which the respondent fills the form, consists of some questions about him. Questionnaire is an important method to gathering information from a large and scattered group of people (Khan, 2011). Questionnaire can be sent by mail along with full information. The Questionnaire is most important to explore factual data, opinion and experiences of the people. The characteristics of Good Questionnaire are. 1) The Questions in a Questionnaire must be short and precise. 2) The researchers ask clear and answerable questions. 3) The researcher must include relevant questions in the Questionnaire and avoid unnecessary questions in order to spare time of the respondent (Katozai, 2016). Types of Questionnaires The types of Questionnaire are 1) Open-form Questionnaire 2) Closed-form Questionnaire 1) Open-form Questionnaire In this type of Questionnaire the respondent is allowed to react or answer the questions in his own words freely. It is very difficult and slow process, and the respondent is unable to interpret and answer the questions. 26 2) Closed –form Questionnaire In this type the Researcher ask questions with possible options or answers from which the researcher must choose. It is easier method to choose the answer and the analysis is also easier. 3.3.2 Interview It is an oral and face to face Conversation between the interviewer and interviewee. It is most important technique to collect information. The interview is the face to face interaction in which the Researcher gets some information, in order to reach in the conclusion of a particular problem. According to the P.V young’ “it is the shared views of each individual” (Khan, 2011). According to the oxford dictionary, “it is the face to face meeting between the persons in order to reach in the facts” (Khan, 2011). The Interviews are important and mostly conduct for the purpose of sharing information, ideas, opinions and feelings. In interviews the researcher recorded the answers through writing and recording their voice. 3.3.3 Observation Observation is the systematic study of a situation through their five senses or through eyes. It is very helpful to the study of behavior of the individuals. Through the observation the researcher or the investigator easily observe the inside and outside condition of the group. Observation is used in descriptive and experimental studies in order to collect primary data. The observational accuracy depends upon knowledge and experiences, as well as the physical, moral and intellectual condition are important. 27 3.4 DATA COLLECTION TOOLS: Data Collection during the study is carried out through Close ended questioners. Interviews and Observations as a Secondary Tools are also being used for accessible Schools. 3.5 RESEARCH ETHICS:  The study is original work of Researcher.  Sampling is made on the base of Stratified random Sampling.  Data collection and Analysis is carried out under the supervision of Research supervisor.  The study is carried out with the guidance of research of supervisor.  Social and religious values during the study are strictly observed. 28 CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS The researcher collected the data through questionnaire which is analyzed in tabular and forum. Table-4.1: Did you use A.V Aids during Teaching S. No. Description Responds Percentage 1 Yes 21 84% 2 No 4 16% Figure-4.1: Did you use A.V Aids during Teaching 90% 84% 80% 70% 60% 50% Yes 40% No 30% 20% 16% 10% 0% Analysis: The table and figure 4.1 clearly shows that 84% Yes and 16% No, use A.V Aids during Teaching. 29 Table-4.2: Do you have your lesson plan? S. No. Description Responds Percentage 1 Yes 5 20% 2 No 20 80% Figure-4.2: Do you have your lesson plan? 90% 80% 80% 70% 60% 50% Yes 40% No 30% 20% 20% 10% 0% Analysis: The table and figure 4.2 clearly shows that 80% Yes and 20% No in lesson plan. 30 Table-4.3: Which A.V Aids do you use frequently? S. No. Description Responds Percentage 1. Blackboard 20 80% 2. Picture Charts 5 20% 3. Audio Aids 0 0% 4. Video Aids 0 0% 5. Audio-Video Aids 0 0% Figure-4.3: Which A.V Aids do you use frequently? 90% 80% 80% 70% 60% Blackboard Picture Charts 50% Audio Aids 40% Video Aids 30% Audio-Video Aids 20% 20% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% Analysis: The table & figure 4.3 clearly shows that 100% of schools have blackboards only, 80% have pictures and 20% have charts availability of visual aids in the school. 31 Table-4.4: How many Charts/ Pictures stories are available? S. No. Description Responds Percentage 1. Not available 0 0% 2. 0-5 20 80% 3. 5-10 5 20% 4. 10-n 0 % Figure-4.4: How many Charts/ Pictures stories are available? 90% 80% 80% 70% 60% Not available 50% 0-5 40% 5-10 10-N 30% 20% 20% 10% 0% 0% 0% Analysis: The table and figure 4.4 indicate that 80% 0-5 and 20% 5-10 charts/ pictures stories are available. 32 Table-4.5: Is there are Multi-Media or Projector Present in school? S. No. Description Responds Percentage 1 Yes 0 0% 2 No 25 100% Figure-4.5: Is there are Multi-Media or Projector Present in school? 120% 100% 100% 80% Yes 60% No 40% 20% 0% 0% Analysis: The table and figure 4.5 clearly shows that 100% No are multi-media or projector present in school. 33 Table-4.6: Students show interest in class due to use of A.V Aids. S. No. Description Responds Percentage 1. Agree 0 0% 2. Strongly Agree 25 100% 3. Disagree 0 0% 4. Strongly Disagree 0 0% Figure-4.6: Students show interest in class due to use of A.V Aids. 120% 100% 100% 80% Agree Strongly Agree 60% Disagree Strongly Disagree 40% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% Analysis: The table and figure 4.6 indicate that 100% strongly agree students interest in class due to use of A.V Aids. 34 Table-4.7: Does A.V Aids make teaching learning process effective? S. No. Description Responds Percentage 1 Yes 25 100% 2 No 0 0% Figure-4.7: Does A.V Aids make teaching learning process effective? 120% 100% 100% 80% Yes 60% No 40% 20% 0% 0% Analysis: The table and figure 4.7 clearly shows that 100% agree in A.V Aids make teaching learning process effective. 35 Table-4.8: Have you got any in-service training during last three year? S. No. Description Responds Percentage 1 Yes 25 100% 2 No 0 0% Figure-4.8: Have you got any in-service training during last three year? 120% 100% 100% 80% Yes 60% No 40% 20% 0% 0% Analysis: The table and figure 4.8 indicate that 100% Yes got any in-service training during last three year. 36 Table-4.9: If Yes, is there any discussion about the use of A.V Aids. S. No. Description Responds Percentage 1 Yes 21 84% 2 No 4 16% Figure-4.9: If Yes, is there any discussion about the use of A.V Aids. 120% 100% 100% 80% Yes 60% No 40% 20% 0% 0% Analysis: The table and figure 4.9 clearly shows that 100% Yes discussion about the use of A.V Aids. 37 CHAPTER 5 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 FINDINGS The following are the summarized major findings of the study.  84% Yes and 16% No, use A.V Aids during Teaching.  80% Yes and 20% No in lesson plan.  100% of schools have blackboards only, 80% have pictures and 20% have charts availability of visual aids in the school.  80% 0-5 and 20% 5-10 charts/ pictures stories are available.  100% No are multi-media or projector present in school.  100% strongly agree students interest in class due to use of A.V Aids.  100% agree in A.V Aids make teaching learning process effective.  100% Yes got any in-service training during last three year.  100% Yes discussion about the use of A.V Aids. 5.2 CONCLUSIONS The researcher made the following conclusion on the basis of data analysis.  A majority of schools have black boards and charts while minority of schools have flannel board and overhead projectors. 38  A majority of schools have models, maps and microscopes while no school has filmstrips and slides.  Minority of schools have radio and cassettes while no school has gramophone and language laboratory.  Majority of schools have computers while no school has television, VCR and VTR.  Majority of teachers use black boards while no teacher uses filmstrip and slides.  Minority of schools uses Radio and Cassette players while no school use gramophone and language laboratory.  Minority of schools use computers while no school uses the television, VCR and VTR.  Audi-Visual Aids ensures complete Learning  Learning theoretically is very high in Islamic Study while it is low in Maths, Urdu, English, Physics, Chemistry and Pakistan Study.  Saving of time is much more by the usage of Audio Visual Aids in subjects of Maths, English, Physics and Chemistry, Urdu and Biology, Pakistan Study while it is less in Islamic Study.  There is high time consuming of the use of Audio Visual Aids in Maths, English, physics and chemistry while there is least time consuming in Urdu.  The use of Audio Video Aids is highly effective in Maths, English, physics, and chemistry as compared to Pakistan study and Islamic study. 39  A majority of Teachers use direct method of teaching while the least use the structured method.  All AV aids are parched by Government for Schools.  A minority of teachers prepared Visual Aids.  There is very low contribution of audio visual aids from student side.  No AV aids are provided to schools by the community.  No fund is provided to schools for purchase of AV Aids by the Government.  There is no contribution of NGOs in providing of AV aids to schools.  All the teachers have not attended any refresher course about AV Aids use in the last 5 years 5.3 RECOMMENDATIONS Following are some recommendations based on the results and conclusion of the study. 1. The Government should provide the Audio Visual Aids to all schools. And also should allocate funds to schools for the purchase of AV aids by the schools. 2. The teacher should given refresher trainings for proper use of AV aids. 3. The community and NGOs may be sensitized to provide support in provision of Audi Video aids. 4. Language laboratory should be established in every school. 5. It should made mandatory for the teachers to use available AV Aids in their teaching to make the learning teaching process effective and interesting. 40 REFERENCES A penel of Experienced Writers. (2013). B.Ed Complete Guide. peshawar, KPK: Taj Kutub Khana. A.D., A. (2015). School Libraries and Development of Library Skills in Nigerian Secondary. Research Journal of Library Sciences, 1-4. Aggarwal, J. (2009). Principles, Methods & Techniques Of Teaching. Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, India. Anzako, F. (2011). Library Experts Speaks on Audio-Visual Material. 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The progress of education, 215-2019 & 222. 44 APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE Teacher’s Questionnaire Dear teachers For the preparation of a master dissertation, this questionnaire serves as a data collection tool on the role and important of Audio-visual aids in teaching-learning process at primary school level district Chitral, your answering this questionnaire will be of an immense help to this research study in attaining its objectives. Please tick the choices in the boxes or write your information when necessary. Thank You NOTE: The Questionnaire can also be filled in Urdu. (1) Specify your gender: Male______ Female ______ (2) What is your Degree? M.A ____ B.A ____ B.Sc._____ M.Sc. _____ (3) Did you use A.V Aids during teaching? Yes ______ No _____ (4) Do you have your lesson plan? Yes ______ No _____ (5) Which A.V Aids do you use frequently? (a) White Blackboard_______ (b) Picture/Chards______ (c) Audio Aids _______ (d) Video Aids_________ (e) Audio-Video Aids ________ (6) How many Charts/Pictures Stories are available? (a) Not available _____ (b) 0-5 _______ (c) 5-10 _______ (d) 10-n _____ (7) Is there are Multi-Media or Projector present in school? Yes ______ No _____ (8) Students show interest in class due to use of A.V Aids. (a) Agree _________ (b)Strongly agree __________ (a) Disagree _________ (d)Don’t agree ____________ (9) Does A.V Aids make teaching learning process effective? Yes ______ No _____ If Yes how _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 45 (10) Have you got any in-service training during last three year? Yes ______ No _____ (11) If yes, Is there any discussion about the use of A.V Aids. Yes ______ No _____ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 46
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