Analysis of artist websites.docx

May 10, 2018 | Author: abdulvijay | Category: Websites, Social Networking Service, You Tube, Facebook, I Tunes



G053: Developing and Creating Websites.Task A: Reviewing existing websites Further to my brief, I will be creating a website for Phoenix Rocks. The brief describes Phoenix Rocks to be a relatively new music group that promote ‘Free and Easy’ entertainment. The purpose of the website I will be creating is to promote the band and their ‘music for all’ philosophy, to be able to showcase the bands talents through different types of multimedia and also to update the bands fans and general public on the bands activities. I will be using a number of tools and methods to do this. For this task I have been asked to research existing websites which are similar to the one I am to create for ‘Phoenix Rocks.’ I will be analysing the features used within the website, which ones were effective and why and which ones that weren’t. I will then explain which features I would want to use when creating my website. I carried out a search using ‘Google’ in the form of a phrasal search. I will be using two commercial websites which I find similar to that of the brief and also music groups I enjoy listening to personally. They are Boyce Avenue (appendix 1) and Biffy Clyro (appendix 2.) The official website URLs are presented below: Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 Appendix 1. 2. 1. 3. 4. 11. 5. 10. 6. 9. 8. 7. Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 Appendix 2. 13. 12. 14. 15. 16. Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 1. Appendix 3. 2. 3. 11. 4. 10. 5. 6. 7. 9. 8. Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 Analysis of Boyce Avenue website: Appendix 1. 1. The website has been designed with a strip the name of the band’s record company ‘3 Peace Records.’ This is an effective way of promoting the band as people can associate the record label with talent. It also identifies the website as being part of that record label. I feel that this is an effective feature, as it requires very little effort yet the impact can be quite large. 2. A static feature is used in the form of an image. The name of the band ‘Boyce Avenue’ has been placed in the top centre of the page as it’s the first place the user will make eye contact with. The justification of the band logo is effective as it’s the thing the user sees and becomes more memorable. Similar to the use of the record label ident, using the band’s name in a large bold font establishes the band and also draws the user to the information on the rest of the page. Fans of the band recognise the logo straight away and will be persuaded to navigate through the rest of the site. 3. The navigation bar has been designed to as part of the strip and is structured by using simple lines to separate the different buttons. Each heading summarises the page content making it easy for the user to navigate to the piece of information they want and fades into a light brown as the user hovers over it. This is a vital feature I will need to implement into my website; I may consider offering a sub-menu in order to refine what the user is looking for. Similarly, I would use a feature that signals to the reader what page they are about to navigate to. The designer of the website has used blends of red and browns with white which is consistent throughout the page. This is also effective as it reflects the genre of the band’s genre of music- alternate rock. The colours use evoke a rustic, vintage and gentle tone, the lack of heavy and bold colours draws attention to places where these sort of colours are used but also makes the website appealing. 4. A dynamic feature is used here in the form of a transition image that uses Flash to operate. The image uses a simple fade from an image of the band to album art, promoting a new album. This also adds a sense of professionalism to the website with its dual purpose to persuade and inform. This is a very simplistic form of a dynamic feature. Nevertheless, it makes the page more visually appealing and adds some life to the page; rather than just having pages of content. 5. An interactive feature in the form of a Twitter feed has been implemented due to technological convergence. Today social network giants such as Facebook or Twitter are used by millions each day; for bands, social networks are an effective way of creating Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 awareness and also a fan base. They are also effective in regularly updating the public about band activities in real time; and can be accessed from hardware types such as a PC, laptop, tablet, mobile device etc. This news feed has been cleverly designed to fit the design of the rest of the page. The declarative ‘Follow us’ persuades the user to follow the band in order to be regularly updated with the bands lifestyle; which may be of an interest to many users. People who don’t even have an account on Twitter are able to see the band’s activities and are more likely to make an account or visit the website more often. I will also implement this feature in order to cater to the client’s request of being able to regularly update fans and also to showcase the band’s talent. 6. Another interactive feature that is used is the newsletter. This also has been designed to blend in with the theme and structure of the rest of the website. The newsletter is an effective feature in informing and updating the user about any activities the band have encountered over a short period of time. The benefit of having an online newsletter or EZine allows the user to be able to not only read content but unlike paper based documents, interactive features such as video can be implemented. Overall it makes the offers a better experience to the users and they are more likely to read the newsletter. The process of signing up is quick and simple, containing only three steps. This is also effective in persuading the user to sign up as its convenient and not time consuming. The newsletter also allows the band to have control over what is written and can use as it another form of advertising and also promoting things like events of concerts. I feel that this feature is effective as it will not only meet the requirements of my brief but also allows the band to go further and monitor their audience demographically. 7. Located at the bottom centre of the page are a number of interactive features in the form of buttons. The button navigates the user to iTunes once clicked. iTunes is a proprietary digital media player application, used for playing and organizing digital music and video files. It is also a market place where potential unsigned music artists can sell and promote their own music. This application also allows the band to monitor the amount of downloads they have for each song or album. This is an effective way of promoting and showcasing the band’s talent and also generating a profit. 8. YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos. Today’s millions of users use YouTube to broadcast themselves to the public. The music industry has influenced many users to use YouTube and share their own talents. Record companies such as 3 Peace are able to exhibit the band’s music. The website allows the band to monitor how their videos were received through likes, comments and views. Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 Similar to social networking websites, the band can also make videos about their daily life, events and so on. Similarly, when creating my website I will also implement this interactive feature as it broadens the bands audience and can be accessed by users worldwide. They are also able to promote their ‘Free and Easy’ theme through videos of their concerts and performances. Also like social network an application is available on most markets for YouTube. This is as a means of accessing that particular type of content on mobile devices, tablets etc. 9. Facebook is used by millions of people every day. In today’s society the average person spends about 2.8 hours every day on Facebook. They allow users from all over the world to interact, communicate, share and ‘like.’ The website also allows a user with the ability to create and promote their own pages. Here Boyce Avenue uses a button to take the user directly to their official page. Here they can combine their channel on YouTube to post videos, share pictures and news about the band and also to increase their fan base. As a result of liking their page, the user is updated with new on their news feed. I will be using this feature for my website and it is another way of updating fans on the bands activities on a regular basis. 10. Another form of an interactive feature is the link to the ‘Merchandise’ page. The website has been designed with a navigation bar to present this option however, they then enforce this by adding an image and link on the page as the user is more likely to click it. Not only does static feature make the page more appealing, it also persuades the user to stay on the website for longer. I would also like to use this idea as I feel it’s an effective way of keeping the user of the website. 11. Similar to the interactive feature of the Twitter feed, a feature is used to present up to date tour dates and locations. This can be separated into different countries or areas in order to help the user refine their search to somewhere that is appropriate for their location. Along with other interactive features such as the social networks and the newsletter, the band’s record label can see which are they have a large fan base and make the decision to perform there as they know they’ll have a larger audience. The tour dates are a great way of informing the user on relative information and also provide direct links to booking tickets. This is an effective way of promoting events, concerts and activities which I would find useful when creating my website. Analysis of Boyce Avenue website: Appendix 2. 12. A page that included a number of features that weren’t found on the home page was the ‘Extras’ page. I found this page to contain other features that I may want to implement into my own website. The title of the page is clearly presented through a large font size in a burgundy colour that stands out against the background. The effect of this is that the user is able to acknowledge what page they are on. The title also summarises the pages content so the user can understand what they are to be presented with. I will also make sure that each page is clearly labelled with a heading that stands out on the page. The extras page is split up into a four subpages: ‘Biography,’ ‘Photos,’ ‘Tabs’ and ‘Free.’ I found the way this content was presented to be particularly effective as instead of using just text as a hyperlink the designer chose to combine a static image with text in Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 order to navigate the user to their chosen page. I found this to be effective as it was different to what is expected of a hyperlink button and also because it looked good visually. The use of the image draws the reader to the page content. The use of images is also effective can be derived into a number of meanings to create conclusions and meanings according to Barthes’ Codes. From the images used the user gains an insight to not only the pages content but also the layout and presentation of the page. 13. Biography which is also known as the About Us section is an effective way of telling the user about the band’s personal life and journey into the music industry. This page can inform the user of the band’s past and upbringing and also their background. It is an effective way of building a relationship with the fans and users as they may be able to relate to. Also from this the band can promote trivia and competitions in newsletters about their life. The text used on the biography page is Helvetica and is consistent throughout the page. The use of black text connotes professionalism and also contrasts against the rustic/ vintage background. I found this font style to be easy to read, which will help people with visual impairments. Like many other pages, the website can be zoomed in through the use of a zoom tool that is included with a large majority of search engines. This allows the user to increase the size of the text to a suitable size. 14. The designer has also incorporated a gallery page on the website. A static feature in the form of a thumbnail image of the band is used for the link to the gallery. I found that the colours in the image were of a royal purple which enabled the link to stand out against the other images and information on the page. The use of the purple connotes creativity and spirituality often associated with music. It is also known to uplift and calm the mind and nerves. The use of the royal purple also reflects the band being of ‘royal’ stature to their fans and that their music is one of the best. I will also make sure I choose colours with connotations that I would like to reflect my band and appeal to the audience. On the other hand, I found that the page couldn’t be accessed through the navigation bar and found that the steps in order to get to this page could be reduced. For my website I will make sure that all pages can be accessed from the navigation page and this may be through a dropdown that will breakdown the pages content. Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 15. Another feature I found effective was the link to the ‘Free’ page. This graphical link is effective in drawing the user’s attention. The name of this page itself is successful in doing so, as the word free instantly gains a person’s attention and they instantly feel compelled into attaining the free items, often regardless of what that is. When navigated to the free page the user is presented with a number of free downloads, which include desktop and mobile backgrounds. The downloads are available in PNG, JPEG, WMV, MP4 all of which can be accessed via mobile and PC devices. This also helps create a number of followers that remain loyal, as in a sense they are gifted for their loyalty to the band. With users downloading from the website, they are more likely to return and continue to follow the band. This makes them more aware of the band’s activities. I will also implement a page like this as I found it to be effective in retaining fans whilst creating new ones. I will also want to offer video downloads of upcoming music videos by the band, sneak previews and so on. In order to persuade the user to keep visiting the page and staying up to date with the band. 16. The final feature I also found to be effective was the ‘Tabs’ feature which is also a feature in the form of a graphic link. I found that the tabs page is rarely seen on music websites so in itself was an effective feature to distinguish it from other music websites. The band not only creates fans but a community, involving the public with their music, offering budding musicians to take on challenges and join in with their music. I found this to be similar with that described in the brief, a sense of involvement; free and easy entertainment. The tabs page allows the user to learn the piece of music and create covers which can be shared with the band, through social media this can increase the awareness of the band and make them more successful .I find that this would be an effective feature to implement into my website for Phoenix. The tabs are categorised in order for easy access, in the same way I will make sure information is categorised appropriately for easy navigation. Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 Analysis of Biff Cylro website: Appendix 3. 1. I found that Biffy Clyro was much larger in height and therefore allowed the band to add more content and information into their website. I found that I would want my webpages to be larger than of Boyce Avenue however not as large as the Biffy Clyro website as I found that organised other than the use of generic headings and strips. However I did find that this worked effectively in conveying the band’s image and music genre of alternate rock. I found that in comparison to the Boyce Avenue website, the Biffy Cylro website used darker colours such as black, mud brown and teal. This has been done to imply that the band is of a rock genre as these colours are often associated with those of that genre. The user can instantly interpret what sort of genre music this band performs. It also reflects the audience to be much older than that of Boyce Avenue. 2. The website is separated through a number of strips in order to differentiate different pieces of information. The strip at the top of page contains a number of features; including an interactive features, one of which are a number of buttons to social networks. This includes Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and two other not found on the Boyce Avenue website, Soundcloud and Instagram. Soundcloud is ‘an online audio distribution platform based in Berlin, Germany that enables its users to upload, record, promote and share their originally-created sounds.’ SoundCloud can be combined with Twitter and Facebook to let members reach their audience better which will be useful in promoting Phoenix Rocks and their music. The target audience gains an insight to their originality. Another social network that hadn’t been seen on the previous website I analysed was Instagram. I personally use Instagram and find it to be an effective way of expressing yourself through the use of images. Images can be incredibly effective in telling stories, expressing emotions and also increasing awareness about the user. As my brief describes, it is important to ensure that the fans are updated with the bands activities, instead of using text to convey this they can use image to show exactly what they’ve been doing. Instagram also allows the user to share short videos which is also an innovative form of social networking. The followers of the band can be updated in their timeline where they can directly contact the band through comments and likes. I will also implement this feature as it’s a great example of how technological convergence has made it easier for bands to form a relationship with their fans and also because it’s a free application that can be accessed from smartphones, PCs and tablets. Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 3. A feature which I found to be incredibly effective was the language feature which allows the user to translate the text of the website to a number of languages. This is a good example of how the designers are trying to cater to people’s needs, I feel that I wouldn’t implement a language feature as the band, at the moment is still in its early days. However I will implement things such as audio description for those with seeing difficulties and subtitles on videos with those with hearing difficulties. I would also enable the font size to be adjusted to the user’s specification making it easier for them to read. I feel this is an effective way of reaching a wider audience and also shows that the band is trying to cater to their fan’s needs. 4. The next feature I found effective was an interactive feature in the form of a graphic link. I found the ‘Questions and Answers’ section to be an effective feature that the designers had incorporated as it allowed those without social networks to interact directly with the band. It is also an effective way of updating the fans with activities and also informing them on things they may be interested in about the band. As seen on a previous feature I have analysed, the band can use social networks to promote their other pages in order to build a larger network of fans. This section of the website was structured in the form of a blog which meant that the most recent questions answered would appear at the top. It also allows users to comment and share the bands comments and answers. The use of the archive is effective in searching for information (through a hyperlink search,) as it gives the user the option to refine what information they may be looking for. 5. The homepage has been designed to contain a number of different media. An example of this would be the video used on the homepage. YouTube has been used to embed a recent music video of the band. Putting this on the homepage is an efficient way of raising awareness of new videos as it means the user is more likely to see it. I would also want to video as it’s an interactive feature that keeps the user entertained and also a different method of informing and persuading. The video has been designed to have a control that fits in with the house style of the rest of the sight. I feel that for my website I may want to use a colour that contrasts the background to make it stand out more and appeal to the user. 6. A strip is used on the homepage which presents the top tweet the band have made that day. It’s an effective way of presenting social network differently, rather than using a feed of a lot of content or a button. This is also effective in updating the user with new activities by the band. Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 7. As I have mentioned the Biffy Clyro website has been structure to be larger in height than that of the Boyce Avenue website. An interactive feature in the form of a floating anchor is used to assist the user in navigating to the top of the page with the click of a button. The anchor travels down the page as the user scrolls down, should the user want to navigate back up they simply click the tool. I would like to implement this tool into my website but will require some research into how it was done. 8. Text is a predominant feature found on all websites. The Biffy Clyro website is effective in using language features to achieve their purpose. An example would be one found on the homepage. The use of declaratives ‘Sign Up’ ‘Join Team Biffy’ instructs the user to follow the band and become a fan, feeling compelled to listen. This is enforced with the use of ‘OR’ which gives them the choice of doing either. I will also implement a number of language features to engage the user and achieve my purpose. 9. As a result of being larger in height the navigation bar is cut off as the user navigates down the page. The page has been structured so if the user should reach the bottom of the page another navigation bar is presented for ease of access. 10. An interactive feature in the form of a sliding news feed has been implemented into the website. I found this to be incredibly effective and also an inventive way of presenting information differently. The slider presents a number of key dates to do with the band with links to other pages on the website such as tickets for concerts. The user can scroll across a number of dates to get a general idea of what the band are planning to do over the next year. I would also want to implement a feature similar to this on the Phoenix Rocks website as not only does it update the user with band activities it also persuades them to come to concerts and gigs and promote the band. 11. An interactive feature in the form of a scrolling banner to present a number of different pieces of art of the band’s recent album covers. Each image has a different purpose. The first is to promote the band’s new video, the second to persuade the user to purchase their new album, and the third to persuade the user to visit the online store. I found this to be effective as not only did it make the website more visually appealing , it also had other purposes. Similarlly, I plan to implement different forms multimedia in order to help Phoenix Rocks achieve their purpose. Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 Boyce Avenue Inclusion Exclusion Record Company & Band logo- to identify and Newsletter-Felt this would not be suitable at also makes it easier for people to recognise the moment. More effective ways available. the company. Too time consuming. An image on all pages- using different medias Extras- Also felt this isn’t needed as it doesn’t makes the page more enticing; rather than fit brief. explain, show. Useful in telling user what page is about. Navigation bar at the top- easily recognised as Linear Links- Access every page from soon as page opens. wherever you are on the site. Flash banner- makes the website seem more Bright/ Pastel colours- not suitable for theme. interactive. Social networks- such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. YouTube channel- Used to post videos. Downloads- free to keep user on page for longer. More likely to come back. Declarative language- tells user what to do. Biffy Clyro Inclusion Exclusion Tours and Locations- information users are Floating anchor- Too time consuming. most likely to be interested in. About us- users will be interested in the bands Continuous length- hard to scroll back up; journey/personal life. would have to add another navigation bar at the bottom of the page. Sliding news feed- persuasive, innovative way of keeping users involved and up to date. Appropriate text size and fontunderstandable and stands out against background. Question and answer- involves user; making them closer to the band. Video- Effective at presenting music videos and videos of the band and their journey. Also with subtitles to cater those with hearing difficulties. Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135 Bibliography: Candidate Name: Abdul Hye Candidate Number: 9084 Centre Number: 20135
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