Analysis Design Vertical Vessel Foundation as per PIP

March 22, 2018 | Author: Keshav Vaity | Category: Spreadsheet, Stress (Mechanics), Concrete, Building Engineering, Mechanical Engineering



Document NumberXXX-XXX-EN-VSS-C-XXX Revision Applicability 0 XXXXXXX Document Type Spread Sheet Analysis and Design of Foundation for Vertical Vessel as per PIP STE03 REVISION / APPROVAL HISTORY 0 xxx Original KNV RS/SG Rev Date Description of Change Originator Reviewer Records of approval are retained in the Quality Department Document Number XXX-XXX-EN-VSS-C-XXX Revision Applicability 0 XXXXXXX Document Type Spread Sheet CONTENTS 1 2 3 PURPOSE SCOPE DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS 3.1 Definitions 4 5 6 7 8 3.2 Acronyms REFERENCES RESPONSIBILITY & AUTHORITY DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES RECORDS APPENDICES Document Number XXX-XXX-EN-VSS-C-XXX Revision Applicability 0 XXXXXXX Document Type Spread Sheet 1.0    PURPOSE This spreadsheet is prepared for the analysis and design of foundation for vertical vessel as per PIP STE003 See sheet "User Manual" for further details. 2.0 SCOPE This spreadsheet can be used for analysis and design of foundation for vertical vessel for the project. 3.0     DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS Refer spreadsheet 3.1    Definitions Refer spreadsheet 3.2    Acronyms Refer spreadsheet 4.0 REFERENCES Refer spreadsheet 5.0 RESPONSIBILITY & AUTHORITY Not Applicable 6.0 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES Refer spreadsheet 7.0 RECORDS Refer spreadsheet 8.0 APPENDICES Refer spreadsheet Document Number XXX-XXX-EN-VSS-C-XXX Revision Applicability 0 XXXXXXX Document Type Spread Sheet as per PIP STE03350 tment KJR Approver 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 . . ssel for the project.vessel as per PIP STE003350. . Bearing pressure below the foundation is considered to be linear in nature. . 2) Assumptions : a) Analysis of Vertical Vessel Foundation is carried out in accordance with PIP STE 03350 b) Foundation is designed as Rigid Foundation resting on soil."Design" is used for design of th foundation depth and reinforcement as per BS Code. "Summary" higlight the results of the analysis and design of foundation of ver vessel. f) Value of Design moment in any direction is the absolute sum of moment developed and the moment due to horizontal force in same direction to get conservative value. e) Passive pressure is not considered . "Sizing_stability" ca out the analysis of the foundation based on the Input and thereby is used for sizing the foundation. c) Applied forces are considered at top of Pedestal d) Twisting effect on Pedestal is not considered in design. There are six nos of sheets including Users Manual. "Input" is for enter the loading data and gemetrical inputs.Document Number XXX-XXX-EN-VSS-C-XXX Revision 0 Applicability XXXXXXX Document Type Spread Sheet Spreadsheet Users Manual Analysis and Design of Foundation for Vertical Vessel as per PIP STE03350 1) Introduction: This spread sheet is developed for analysis and design of foundation for Vertical Vessel as per PIP STE03550. gemetrical inputs. "Sizing_stability" carries ation."Design" is used for design of the nalysis and design of foundation of vertical .er PIP STE03550. Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX 2.5m FOUNDATION TYPE 1 y = 0.300 Page 11of 54 .521 m 1.0 INPUT DATA FOR FOUNDATION SUPPORTING VERTICAL VESSELS Three types of foundations are considered here Foundation Type 1 Foundation Type 2 Foundation Type 3 Octagonal base slab with octagonal pedestal Octagonal base slab with square pedestal Octagonal base slab with no pedestal 3.66m b =4m B =8. 500 m Polystyrene Plug Dia = 1. 1.00 Foundation Type 1 Type of Foundation Note:.Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX Df = 2.2 Foundation Geometric Data Width of Pedestal (b) = (Ignore Input for Type .3 m Criteria - Page 12of 54 .Foundation type 3 consists of a simple octagonal slab without pedestal resting on so 2.1 Anchor Bolt Data For Information Only Number of Anchor Bolts = 16 Nos Type of Anchor Bolt Anchor Bolt Dia 36 mm Grade of Bolts Bolt Circle diameter = Outer Diameter of Base Plate = Base Plate Width = BC= 3.50 m Minimum Width of Pedestal/B Criteria Criteria - Thk. of base slab(ts) = 1.300 ts 1.250 SKETCH OF FOUNDATION TYPE AND GEOMETRY Select the type of foundation by clicking the radio button.00 m Width of Base Slab(B) = 8.3) 4.200 m 300 mm 2. 050 m Diameter of skirt= Height of skirt = 3.1 Empty weight of vessel = 1657.00 kN-m 204.30 m Minimum Width of Pedestal Check for Pedestal Size: 2.00 kN 797 kN-m ( 50% WL ) Page 13of 54 .Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX O/A depth of fdn.72 kN = Empty Wt + Content W 2844.00 mm 2.89 kN Wt of vessel during erection = 1960.90 kN = Empty Wt + Test Fluid W = Wt.3 m Pedestal projection above Ground(y) = 0.of Vessel 2079.00 kN Operating Wt.50 m Fire proofing thickness = 0.3 Vessel Data :TABLE .(Df) = 2.2 Wind moment during erection = Wind shear during erection 499 kN-m = 47 kN Wind moment during operation = Wind shear during operation 1593 kN-m = 106 kN Wind moment under empty condition = Wind shear under empty condition = Seismic moment during erection = Seismic shear during erection = Wind moment during hydro test/upset = 1593 kN-m 106 kN 2502.4 Load data TABLE .of vessel (hydro-test)/ (Upset) = 3. due to piping(if any)= 0.) in base slab = 20 mm (Bar dia should be > = 10mm if no soil se Dia of pedestal main vertical bars = 25 mm (Values ignored for Type - 8 mm (Values ignored for Type - Dia of pedestal tie reinforcement = Page 14of 54 .m Moment due to nozzle load (operation)= 0 kN.) = 0.m Shear due to nozzle load (operation) = 0 kN Vertical load due to nozzle load(ope.Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX Wind shear during hydro test/upset = 53 kN Seismic moment during operation = Seismic shear during operation 3708 kN-m = 277 kN Seismic moment vessel empty = Seismic shear Vessel empty ( 50% WL ) 2502.0 kN 2.00 kN/m3 2.00 kN.00 kN Extra mom.6 RCC Design data :Cube strength of concrete = 20 N/mm2 Yield strength of steel = 420 N/mm2 Clear cover to concrete = Dia of bottom bar in base slab 50 ` = 20 mm Dia of top bar ( if reqd.5 Material data Density of concrete = 24 kN/m3 Density of backfilling soil = 18 kN/m3 Density of Fireproofing = 24.00 kN-m = 204. Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX 2.S against sliding (normal) = F.O.1 Page 15of 54 .O.S against overturning = F.S against sliding (test) = 125 kN/m2 0. between soil & Conc.2 1.5 1.7 Soil Data Allowable Bearing Capacity of soil = Friction Coeff.36 5 m (below FGL) 50 % 1.O.5 1. = Depth of Ground Water Table = % of the backfill weight to be considered in stability checks = SBC Increase Factor = F. Prepared By: XYZ Checked By: ABC Date: 5/23/2016 Revision: A1 FOUNDATION TYPE 2 y= ts = Df = Page 16of 54 . 9 m =BC+ 9 inches =BC+ 8 (BD) for Grade 36 anchor Bolts =BC+ 12 (BD) for high-strength anchor Bolts =BC+ SD+ 7 (BD) for Grade 36 anchor Bolts =BC+ SD+ 11 (BD) for high-strength anchor Bolts Page 17of 54 .1.Prepared By: XYZ Checked By: ABC Date: 5/23/2016 Revision: A1 FOUNDATION TYPE 3 (ELEVATION) hout pedestal resting on soil For Information Only Type of Anchor Bolt 35 mm Grade of Bolts 48 ksi Polystyrene Plug Dia = 0 mm PIP STE03350 Refer Cl 4.94 m 3.1 Minimum Width of Pedestal/Base Slab 3.73 m 3.5. 94 m Check for Pedestal Size: Ok = Empty Wt + Content Wt + Platform DL + Platform LL = Empty Wt + Test Fluid Wt + Platform DL + Platform LL ( 50% WL ) Page 18of 54 .Prepared By: XYZ Checked By: ABC Date: 5/23/2016 Revision: A1 3. 3) (Values ignored for Type .3) Page 19of 54 .Prepared By: XYZ Checked By: ABC Date: 5/23/2016 Revision: A1 ( 50% WL ) hould be > = 10mm if no soil separation / > = 12mm if soil separation) (Values ignored for Type . Prepared By: XYZ Checked By: ABC Date: 5/23/2016 Revision: A1 Page 20of 54 . 0 Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX Prepared By: Checked By: Date: Revision: 3.) = b/2e= FREE BODY DIAGRAM FOR OVERTURNING ABOUT POINT X 0.73 1593 + 106 x 8.105= 47 kN 1585 kN F.5 = 2494 kN-m Stability Ratio (S.5/ (2 x 0.0 = h =2.5 x B =4.138) = 30.138 m > 1.5 Foundation Safe (b) Sliding [B] Under empty condition :(a) Overturning Wind moment = Seismic moment = Weight of RCC foundation = 50% weight of backfill = Wt of vessel (empty) = Upward Force due to buoyancy = Total weight (W) = Overturning Moment (Mt) = 2130 kN 315 kN 1658 kN 0.0 = NOTE:For stability of foundation weight of foundation.00 kN 2130 + 315 + 1658 .3 m 4404 kN 0.3 = 607 kN-m kN-m Weight of RCC foundation = 50% weight of backfill = Wt of vessel (erection) = Upward Force due to buoyancy = Total weight (W) = 2130 kN 315 kN 1960 kN 0 kN 2130 + 315 + 1960 .25m Overturning Moment (Mt) = 607 kN-m Eccentricity e = (Mt/W) 8.S(Fr/Fs) = 1585 / 47 33.1 Calculation for stability of foundation under various load conditions Stability calculation W = 4404 kN [A] During Erection :(a) Overturning Mt =607. 50% weight of over burden s 4102 kN 2494 kN-m Page 21of 54 .0 Stability and Bearing Capacity Calculations 3.36 x 4404.O.1 kN-m Vt =47 kN Wind moment = 499 + 47 x 2.R.80 Base Shear due to Wind (Fs) = Resisting Friction (Fr) = 0.5 Foundation Safe > 1. 3= 1837 kN-m Seismic & Nozzle moment = 3708 + 277 x 2.O.42 Wind & Nozzle moment = 1593+106 x 2. 4345) = 4345 kN-m Eccentricity e = (Mt/W) 0.36 x 4523.S(Fr/Fs) = 1629 / 204 = 7.5 Foundation Safe > 1.5/ (2 x 0.3 + 0 + 0 x 2.277 ) 0. Base shear (Wind/EQ.36 x 4101.R.99 > 1.O.608 m 8.) = b/2e= Prepared By: Checked By: Date: Revision: 0.43 Max. Fs) = Resisting Friction (Fr) = MAX(106.R.995= 47 kN 1477 kN F.5 Foundation Safe > 1.) = b/2e= (b) Sliding [D] Under Hydro Test/Upset Condition (a) Overturning Wind moment = Test weight of vessel = Total weight(W) = 2845 kN 2130 + 315 + 2845 .0 = 4524 kN MAX(1837 .0 = 5289 kN Page 22of 54 .96 m 8.S(Fr/Fs) = 1477 / 47 31.3 918 kN-m Stability Ratio (S.825 = 204 kN 1629 kN F.3 4345 kN-m [C] Under Operating condition (a) Overturning Operating weight of vessel = Total weight(W) = Overturning Moment (Mt) = 2080 kN 2130 + 315 + 2080 .96) = 4.3+0+0x2.98 796.5 Foundation Safe > 1.5 Foundation Safe (b) Sliding Base shear due to Wind (Fs) = Resisting Friction (Fr) = 0.608) = 6.5/ (2 x 0.0 Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX Eccentricity e = (Mt/W) Stability Ratio (S.5 + 53 x 2. 36 x 5289.43 Wind shear (Fs) = Resisting Friction (Fr) = 0.122 P1(diagonal) 103.5 Area of Foundation (A) 62.1 Foundation Safe (b) Sliding Calculation of Soil Pressure Geometric Properties of foundation m Min.3-0.S(Fr/Fs) = 1904 / 53 = 35.09 m3 3.2 Page 23of 54 .37 kN/m2 FLAT P1(flat) = P/A [1 + (7.13 186.5 = 4417 kN 1837 kN-m 0.R.2 Calculation of soil pressure under various load combination Foundation load (Concrete + Backfill ) Wt of fire proofing = 2129.3 = 1837 / 4417 = = 0.416/8.416 0.57e/D)] 101.7) 2759 kN 0 kN Load case 1 is explained below : Design vertical load (P) Design moment(M) (Section 2. Section Modulus of Foundaton about(Zm-m) =0.(7.45 44.37 101.049 Diagonal P1(diagonal) = P/A [1 + (8.7.89 + 2758.85 m2 df =0.0 1593 + 106 x 2.00 kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2 Refer Cl.93 Stability Ratio (S.8284*B^2 59.0 Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX Prepared By: Checked By: Date: Revision: Overturning Moment (Mt) = 918 kN-m Eccentricity e = (Mt/W) 0. 4.07 (Refer Section 2.174 m 8.3) Modified Pressure if e/B >0.3.174) = 24.(8.1011*B^3 B =8.13 P2(diagonal) P2(flat) = P/A [1 .37 kN/m2 44.19e/D)] P2(diagonal) = P/A [1 .19e/D)] Maximum Pressures For Diagonal For Flat Allowable gross pressure 103.5 Foundation Safe > 1.64 + 0 .21 kN/m2 = 125 x 1.005 = 53 kN 1904 kN F.2+18x (2.O.5/ (2 x 0.57e/D)] 46.) = b/2e= > 1.4) e (M/P) e/B 1657.57 + 629.21 kN/m2 103. 89 2744.52 4394.90 2844.56 57.00 796.18 20.89 27.040 67.00 106.80 148.00 0.52 849.00 6165.044 0.00 Moment kN-m 2230.17 150.019 0.045 0.77 113.4 WL 1.053 0.4 1.105 0.4 1.94 2571.20 698.29 20.04 46.023 0.069 20.95 144.75 Moment(M) kN-m 2571.Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX 0 Prepared By: Checked By: Date: Revision: Other load cases are similarly computed and tabulated below .866 37.0 1.4 DL(Erection) + 1.00 53.4DL(Operating)+1.80 4404.C.4SL 1DL(Operating)+1.2 1 1.00 123.28 110.00 1593.473 86.066 0.052 0.61 2079.60 116.00 204.65 0.4DL(Hydro/Upset)) +0WL 3982.36 4523.4 Dead Load 1.89 1960.00 For Flat pmax kN/m2 For Flat pmin kN/m2 100.40 148.000 Page 24of 54 .015 0.44 1836.TABLE . DESIGN Basic Load Loading Combinations DL +WL DL+SL Dead Load Wind Load Erection/Empty Case-1 Case-2 1.96 107.715 3.01 109.40 65.049 0.4 1.45 87.00 4416.00 7404.049 0.90 1593.00 e/D = (M/(PxDd)) 0.073 0.36 4523.69 107.958 0.4 WL At the Foundation Bottom Vertical load kN 2321.96 20.52 35.15 146.83 6333.50 0.40 0.11 6333.80 4345.46 69. ` TABLE .713 80.016 0.2 1.46 78.081 0.4 1.20 2230.082 0.04 For Flat pmax kN/m2 For Flat pmin kN/m2 133.72 2911.61 0.4 Operating Case-1 Case-2 1 1.00 3708.53 4718.C.28 61.15 31.4 At the Top of the Foundation Load case 1 2 3 Load combination 1.632 40.48 89.4 WL 1.49 115.048 0.989 53.00 2502.04 Case-1 Test Case-2 Case-3 1.86 0.76 34.90 87.20 3502.80 122.4 Calculation of various parameters in the following table is similar to that for table .879 34.99 172.72 698.64 4718.00 2911.157 0.53 126.00 277.585 90.64 175.72 2079.019 0.00 1960.64 4838.22 108.14 9 1.94 4 5 6 7 8 1 DL(Erection) + 1.60 Shear kN 148.04 44.72 2844.00 103.12 88.59 54.40 51.2 For Diagonal For Diagonal e/D = pmax pmin (M/(PxD)) kN/m2 kN/m2 0.83 849.68 168.683 69.074 0.10 918.023 0.4 WL 1 DL(Empty) + 1.10 2971.79 4102.52 2571.05 1657.4 1.999 30.40 148.20 1836.3.80 5191.52 2571.4 DL(Empty) + 1.000 123.4DL(Oper)+1.016 0.3 FACTORED LOAD AND SOIL PRESSURE FOR R.4 1 Seismic Load 1.4SL 1960.00 2079.36 5603.61 2079.72 123.3 At the top of the Fdn Load case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Load combination DL(Empty)+WL DL(Erection)+WL DL(Erection)+SL DL(Operating)+WL DL(Operating)+SL DL(Hydro/Upset)+50% WL DL(Hydro/Upset) At the Foundation Bottom Vessel Vertical load kN Moment kN-m Shear kN Vertical Load(P) kN Moment (M) kN-m e/D = (M/(PxDd)) 1657.54 1199.158 0.073 0.51 11. Modified Stress=C2*p1-Factored Overburden Pressure.60 2230.13 143.00 0.72 0.4WL 1DL(Oper)+1.4WL 1.72 123.80 Vertical Load(P) kN 5742.00 0. except that the loads are multiplied with load factors.20 2230.731 16.01 64.106 0.074 0.36 4838.015 0.00 499.80 607.00 106.000 For Diagonal For Diagonal e/D = pmax pmin (M/(PxD)) kN/m2 kN/m2 137.88 116.20 65.00 47.53 170.09 60.40 387.74 6083.047 0.90 106.80 387.4 0 1.067 0. 82 * 2.4x (13.01 1102.88 955. Factored shear at distance d from the square = 118.31 89.024 123.1.17 m Maxm.5x2.03 kN/m On The Leeward Side On the Windward Side Page 25of 54 .21+(118.2(50%)WL 3413.5+1.63 72.5-4)/2 2. factored hogging moment at the face of the square = 1.25-50/1000-1.82 kN/m2 Backfill pressure = 14 kN/m2 Size of the Equivalent Square for the pedestal = SQRT(0.25 .2DL(Hydro/Upset)) +1. Factored shear at the face of the square = = 118. Factored sagging moment at the face of the square = 118.25^2/2) 132.64 88.25 m Stress at edge of pedestal /skirt 0.44 105.77 0. Effective depth of base slab =1.82 * (2.025 122.25 137.08 kN/m2 101.020 =-16.90 955.25) Stress at distance d from ped.2(50%)WL 2844.25 = 267.81 1102.Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX 0 Prepared By: Checked By: Date: Revision: 10 1.60 5289.25x24)x2.25 * (2.34 kN/m Max.21))/8.74 m Projection beyond pedestal = = (8.32 kN/m Maxm.25/2) = 300.103 (Pressure for Bottom Rebar Calculation) 118.08 Net Factored Soil Pressure for foundation design = 0.5-2.020 0.82-(-16.66 kN/m2 1.8284 x 8.80 63.777 104.5x (8.82 * 2.76 kN-m/m Maxm.97 70.4x(13.08 11 1DL(Hydro/Upset)) +1.25^2/2+24x2.5x(20)/1000 83.89 kN-m/m Factored shear at the face of the pedestal due to overburden = =1.80 63.17 ) = 128.5^2) 7.60 6346. XYZ ABC 23/05/2016 A1 For Type-3 . 50% weight of over burden soil and weight of vessel considered Page 26of 54 . XYZ ABC 23/05/2016 A1 Page 27of 54 . 13 kN/m2 kN/m2 P2(flat) 46.XYZ ABC 23/05/2016 A1 kN/m2 Modified Pressure if e/B >0.45 kN/m2 Page 28of 54 .132 P1(flat) 101. NO.53 126.2 57.28 110.04 191. O.09 57. O. O.2 57.59 57.22 108.71 59.K. O.2 57.K.2 57. Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Page 29of 54 .00 0.00 Remarks O. O.2 66. NO.2 57.10 191. NO.K.15 146.00 0.72 57.84 52.55 Footing Area in Separation Tension % NO. O.64 175.42 59.10 166.29 20. NO.2 57.42 87.88 116.00 0.10 191.98 89.K.99 172.92 123.12 88.2 79.K.10 191. NO.10 Gross pressure kN/m2 Gross Overburden kN/m2 Net Pressure kN/m2 137.47 118.2 29. 0.00 0.60 116.K.00 0.01 109.82 114.10 191.10 191. NO.00 0.XYZ ABC 23/05/2016 A1 Gross pressure kN/m2 Allowable Pressure kN/m2 103.K.17 150. 64 57.2 48.82 kN/m2 7 -16.79 Max Net Pressure 118.21 kN/m2 Relevant Load Case Min.2 66.4 Page 30of 54 .47 105.XYZ ABC 23/05/2016 A1 123.97 57. Net Pressure Maxm Load Factor 1. 25-(0.50 1111.9 ))) 0.) 268.) Design Moment (Top Reinf.5) Minimum Percentage of steel Area of steel required = = (1. TOP REINFORCEMENT K Lever arm 0.76 kN-m/m Minimum Percentage of steel 0.89 kN-m/m 1.13% as per Table 3.) Effective depth of foundation= 300.1 Design of foundation .156 1155.) Page 31 of 54 .5 mm Provide 20 Area of steel provided = 150 dia bar @ 2094 mm2 mm c/c at bottom.156 1163.5+SQRT(0.17*1000-1111.95*1.25 of BS 8110-1 (Clause 3.95*420*1111. % of steel @ max(0.1 Design Moment (Bot.5)/0. Project Req.0 RCC Design of the base slab and the pedestal 1 4.25-(0.4.01099/0.95d Design lever arm Neutral axis depth = 0.00 300 mm2 0.13%.00485/0.50 mm 130.4 of BS This is minm.757 *10^6)/(1000*(1.Type of Foundation .17*1000)*(0.45 678 mm2 1170 mm2 Area of steel required = 1170 mm2 Spacing required = (Clause 3.17*1000)^2*20) = (1.4.17*1000)^2*20) = (1.95*1.66 1111. orthogonally > 1170 O.0110 < 0.17*1000 Ast required per Design Moment = (132.0049 < 0.89*10^6)/(0.5)/0.95*420*1111.4 of BS 1170 mm2 1170 mm2 This is minm.17*1000)*(0.76*10^6)/(0.17*1000 Ast required per Design Moment = (300.890625 *10^6)/(1000*(1.Project: Client: Project No: Title: 0 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 4. Project Req.9 ))) = 0.45 0.95d Design lever arm Neutral axis depth = (132.00 mm = (1.K. Reinf.50 mm 1111.170 m BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT K Lever arm = (300.17*1000-1111. % of steel @ max(0.5+SQRT(0.13%.25 of BS 8110-1 0.50 mm 130.13% as per Table 3.53 mm 1111. 23 N/mm2 Foundation Safe in one-way shear Case 2: At a distance d from face of the equiv.928 0.67] (min(fcu.8 of BS 8110-1 [MIN[(100As/bd) .0.4 ) Case 1: At face of pedestal( Clause 3.25 .3]]^(1/3) MAX[(400/d)^0.253 N/mm2 Foundation Safe in one-way shear PUNCHING SHEAR CHECK Maximum weight of the vessel Factored weight of the vessel 2080 KN 2912 KN ( Load Factor = 1.17*1000) = Tc Max (0.5 mm Provide 20 200 dia bar @ Area of steel provided = 1571 mm2 mm c/c at top.5.110 N/mm2 0.228 N/mm2 3.928 0.40)/25)^1/3 Tc ( From Table 3.8 of BS 8110-1 [MIN[(100As/bd) .40)/25)^1/3 Tc ( From Table 3.7.factored shear at distance d from face of equiv.117 N/mm2 0.17*1000) = Permissible Shear Stress from table 3.2 of BS 8110-1) Perimeter1 (Foundation Type-1) 13.4.8 of BS 8110-1) Foundation Safe in one-way shear 137.512 0.578 N/mm2 (b) Windward Side Max Factored shear due to overburden & self weight at face of equivalent square Shear stress(Tv) = (137*1000)/(1000*1.10 of BS 8110-1) Maxm.17*1000) = Permissible Shear Stress from table 3.8 of BS 8110-1) 128 kN 0.564 0.square .765 0.765 0.25 m Page 32 of 54 . square Shear stress(Tv) = (128*1000)/(1000*1.0.67] (min(fcu.2 of BS 8110-1) (a) Leeward Side Max Factored shear at face of equivalent square Shear stress(Tv) = (267*1000)/(1000*1. orthogonally > 1170 O.8√fcu or 5 N/mm^2 which ever is less) = 267 kN/m 0.5.Leeward Side ( Clause 3.03 kN/m 0.Project: Client: Project No: Title: 0 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Spacing required = 268.25 . CHECK FOR SHEAR :ONE WAY SHEAR CHECK Case 1: At face of equivalent square (Clause]]^(1/3) MAX[(400/d)^0.K. 2 Design of pedestal Area of pedestal = Length of side of equivalent square = Factored pedestal weight = (1) Check for Compression in concrete =0.00 m2 0.45*20*(13.64 m 467.4 x 24 x 13.85-46.188 N/mm2 3.Project: Client: Project No: Title: 0 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 0.608*1000)/(13.83x1000)/(3. Factored Vessel Weight = Factored axial load at the base of the pedestal = Dia of Vertical Bars Provided = Cross Sectional Area of the concrete pedestal = = 1.25 m2 53018 mm2 109 Nos 3.11 m Punching shear force =(2911.62 kN 30 mm 3.578 N/mm2 Foundation Safe in punching shear Area1 (within perimeter) Area2 (within perimeter) Area3 (Within perimeter) Area 46.8284 x 4^2 = (0.72 = 2912 kN = 468 + 2912 = 3379 kN 25 mm (Refer Input Sheet) = 0.72 m2 639 kN 0. of bars required = Length of the face of the pedestal = No.25*1000*1.111x1000x1.7.52*1000/(20-1)-25 = =8 x 20.25 * (10^6) = 53018 / (PI()*(25^2)/4) = 13.61/59.6 of BS 8110-1) Perimeter1 (Foundation Type-1) 3.3 .253 N/mm2 Foundation Safe in punching shear 4.95*420*74613)/1000 = 148389 kN =4 x 1000 .2 x 50.11 m Perimeter2 (Foundation Type-2) 0.8284 x 4^2 = Maxm.3*10^6-74613)+0.5d from face of the pedestal (Clause 3.4/100) * 13.17*1000)= Shear stress(Tv) Tc Max (0.8 = 152*(PI()/4)*(25^2) = 152 Nos 74613 mm2 (0.4 x 2079.1.8√fcu or 5 N/mm^2 which ever is less) = Case 2: At 1.1.00 m perimeter 3.72)= Shear stress(Tv) =(638.25 x ( 2.25 = 2.25 ) = Hence minimum permissible clear spacing 25 + 5 = between bars = Clear Spacing between bars = Hence total number of bars = Area of Steel provided = Ultimate capacity of the pedestal in axial compression = (2) Check for Tension in Rebar Diameter of equiv.00 m Perimeter3 (Foundation Type-3) 13.25 = 160 mm OK Provided Reinforcement is more than Minimu > 3379 kN OK 3859 mm 1.25 m2 3.52 m 20 Nos 25 mm Minimum Area of steel required = No.7.2 x 8 .00 m2 46.05 m Page 33 of 54 .17x1000)= Tc ( From Table 3. bars to be provided on each face = Maximum Aggregate Size = = 1.85) x (59.00 m Perimeter2 (Foundation Type-2) 0.8 of BS 8110-1) 0.176 N/mm2 0.3 . circle of rebar = Height of the pedestal = 13.72 m2 0.25 m Perimeter = (2911.00 m Perimeter3 (Foundation Type-3) 0. 80 Provide 25 Dia Longitudinal Bars .12 0.4 WL 1 DL(Empty) + 1.75 0.4DL(Hydro/Upset)) +0WL 1.00 0.80 1DL(Hydro/Upset)) +1.4 WL 1 DL(Erection) + 1.41 3.73 3379.41 0.00 2911.02 2386.4 DL(Erection) + 1.89 2744.69 767.61 0.62 2427.4SL 1.40 148.00 26.00 4.00 0.60 698.4 DL(Empty) + 1.00 1022.48 4.72 2911.61 2079.90 3211.Project: Client: Project No: Title: 0 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX At the Top of the pedestal Factored Factored Axial Load Moment Load Combination 1.80 2079.48 14.48 4.00 9.22 kN-m 2386.41 3.99 kN 3.02 767.22 2413.02 3909. 20 Nos on each face Spacing for the Tie Reinf. Hence OK Page 34 of 54 .00 53.02 2386.58 23.60 2413.69 2386.91 1022.41 12.58 0.86 3413.00 3.90 955.00 ` 200 mm < 12*25 mm.4DL(Operating)+1.40 387.60 3178.4WL 1DL(Oper)+1.40 148.12 9.00 0.20 0.00 0.61 kN-m 2230.38 0.20 3502.00 0.40 65.00 0.20 2230. = Provide Pedestal Tie Reinforcement : 8 Dia @ 200 mm C/C Provide a Reinforcement grid of 12 mm @ 300 C/C each way or equivalent mesh at the top of the Pedestal At the base of Pedestal Factored Axial Factored Load Moment Factored Shear kN Factored Tensile Factored Max.00 0.12 9.00 955.39 0.2DL(Hydro/Upset)) +1.12 30.4DL(Oper)+1.00 63.00 63.66 1991.72 3982.09 kN 4.80 148.20 2230.2(50%)WL kN 2321.4WL 1.87 N/mm2 9.29 387.88 5191. Tensile Force in Rebar.69 5598.80 0.48 0.48 3814.00 0.Tensile Force in Stress in Top Rebar-Top Rebar 148.80 65.73 4450.05 1657.2(50%)WL 2844.20 698.4 WL 1.62 3379.4SL 1DL(Operating)+1.00 1960.60 2230.80 kN 2788.152 Nos.4 WL 1. 4 of BS 8110-1) lause 3.Prepared By: Checked By: Date: Revision: XYZ ABC 5/23/2016 A1 lause of BS 8110-1) Page 35 of 54 .4. Prepared By: Checked By: Date: Revision: XYZ ABC 5/23/2016 A1 d 1.5d Page 36 of 54 . Prepared By: Checked By: Date: Revision: XYZ ABC 5/23/2016 A1 more than Minimum. OK Page 37 of 54 . 00 OK 0 Page 38 of 54 .00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 Remark OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400.00 400.00 400.00 OK OK OK 0 0 0 400.00 400.00 400.Prepared By: Checked By: Date: Revision: XYZ ABC 5/23/2016 A1 Permissibl e Tensile Stress in Rebar N/mm2 400. 50 1.28 0.58 Page 39 of 54 .98 35.2 3.99 1.6 1.22 2.50 1.2 Empty 6.2 (With wind/seismic load) Gross Bearing Capacity 20.43 1.4 Test 24.10 Bearing Capacity Gross 2 Stability Check Allow gross pressure 2.80 1.0 Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX 5.1 3.93 1.00 161.50 1.23 3.43 1.11 0.50 1. F.O.50 1.5 Sliding Erection 33.O.4 (Without wind/seismic load) Shear Check ONE WAY SHEAR Leeward Shear stress(At face) Leeward Shear stress(At distance 'd') Windward Shear stress (At face) PUNCHING SHEAR Shear stress(At face) press (kN/m2) 186.8 Empty Operation Test 31.S Min.1 Overturning Erection 30.42 7.00 Allow shear stress (N/mm2) 0.0 Summary of results Sl No 1 Item Act.19 3.50 1.25 0.1 Gross Bearing Capacity (kN/m2) 150. F.7 1.3 3.04 3 3.50 1.00 0.S 1.73 1.58 0.3 Operating 4. 18 0.25 Steel required Steel Provided (mm2) 2094 1571 60319 4.0 Shear stress(At distance '1.1 4.5 4.3.3 Steel in pedestal 59852 Page 40 of 54 .5d') Reinforcement Design 0.2 Steel at bottom of fdn Steel at top of fdn (mm2) 1170 1170 4. Page 41 of 54 . Page 42 of 54 . Prepared By: XYZ Checked By: ABC Date: 5/23/2016 Revision: A1 Remarks Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Foundation Safe Page 43 of 54 . Ok.Foundation Safe Ok. Page 44 of 54 . Ok. Page 45 of 54 . ` Page 46 of 54 . 12 0.25 m2 3.10 0.09 0.04 0.8284 x 4^2 = 13.02 0.00 0.80 0.40 148.20 3502.46 0.55 0.60 698.43 0.4SL 1DL(Operating)+1.40 387.15 0.05 m =8 x 20.1.40 148.42 0.25 = 1.00 0.00 955.02 Interaction Ratio Tu/Fu+Vu/Su Remark 0.00 kN 0.20 0.60 kN 5.4DL(Hydro/Upset)) +0WL 1.89 11.8 = 152*(PI()/4)*(25^2) = 152 Nos 74613 mm2 Capacities of Anchor Bolt as per Standard Drawing/ Calculations Allowable Axial Tension Capacity Fu= 25 kN Allowable Shear Capacity Su= 25 kN Critical Ratio 1 At the Top of the pedestal Factored Moment Factored Shear Load Combination 1.92 0.55 2.20 698. circle of rebar = =4 x 1000 .39 5.22 0.52 m 20 Nos Diameter of equiv. Anchor Bolts provided on each face = Hence total number of bars = Area of Steel provided = =0.80 148.2(50%)WL kN-m 2230.02 0.00 0.20 2230.80 5191.00 0.4DL(Oper)+1.80 kN Factored Shear Factored Tensile Force on Force on Anchor Anchor Bolt Tu Bolt Vu Tu/Fu Vu/Su 148.98 0.43 0.4DL(Operating)+1.04 0.4WL 1.00 63.98 0.98 0.8284 x 4^2 = 13.2(50%)WL 1DL(Hydro/Upset)) +1.25 0.04 0.4WL 1DL(Oper)+1.00 0.03 0.00 0.80 65.80 387.25 0.60 0.10 0.00 0.02 63.12 0.00 0.56 1.2DL(Hydro/Upset)) +1.4 DL(Empty) + 1.4SL 1.25 3859 mm Height of the pedestal = = 2.02 0.42 0.2 x 50.15 0.00 2.39 0.00 0.80 955.02 0.60 2230.20 2230.02 0.4 WL 1.64 m 25 mm = 0.40 65.4 DL(Erection) + 1.98 2.4 WL 1 DL(Empty) + 1.02 Page 47 of 54 .57 23.89 2.2 x 8 .22 0.25 m2 3.00 0.4 WL 1.4 WL 1 DL(Erection) + 1.00 0.3 .0 Project: XXXX Client: XXXX Project No: XXXX Title: XXXX Prepared By: Checked By: Date: Revision: Annexure I: Check for Anchor Bolt Forces Area of pedestal = Length of side of equivalent square = Dia of Anchor Bolts Provided = Cross Sectional Area of the concrete pedestal = Length of the face of the pedestal = No.04 0. Page 48 of 54 . Page 49 of 54 . ` Page 50 of 54 . Prepared By: XYZ Checked By: ABC Date: 5/23/2016 Revision: A1 Page 51 of 54 . Page 52 of 54 . Page 53 of 54 . Page 54 of 54 .
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