Analysis and Design of Structures Using Struds Software

April 2, 2018 | Author: Ramachandra Sahu | Category: Truss, Trigonometric Functions, Structural Engineering, Beam (Structure), 2 D Computer Graphics



Global J. of Engg. & Appl.Sciences, 2012: 2 (3) Research Paper: Suresh, 2012: Pp.275-277 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF STRUCTURES USING STRUDS SOFTWARE Suresh, B Dept. of Civil Engineering, Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia. ABSTRACT Currently there are several commercially available softwares in market for analysis and design of Civil Engineering structures like ETABS, STAAD Pro and STRUDS etc. Among these STRUDS is an ideal software solution for the usage of structural engineers for the analysis of 2D and 3D structures and design of different R.C.C and Steel components such as slabs, beams, columns, footings and trusses with design sketches. Struds has inbuilt graphical data generator to model the geometry of building structure. It performs analysis using stiffness matrix method and finite element method for maximum solution, accuracy and reliability. Struds performs the integrated design by limit state method of all R.C.C. components of the structure by directly reading the analysis results. If any component fails the program gives you warning messages and suggests you the possible alternative for design. Struds prepares graphical outputs in the form of drawings and diagrams. Design results in the text form of schedules, quantities and details are produced. The design process is highly interactive and extremely user friendly. It facilitates to change the design parameters anywhere in between the design process and redesign the structure. These changes are automatically reflected in graphical and numerical output form. Struds also enables to produce the working drawings in AUTOCAD. Keywords: Software, struds and structural engineer. INTRODUCTION User can idealize a building structure in the form of Plane Truss -> Create -> Predefined Truss -> plane grid, plane frame or space frame. Plane grid is Standard Truss is a two dimensional structure having no horizontal -> Select Truss type -> Here we take Fan - Truss -> (Global X, Y) movement of the structure. The OK degrees of freedom available are Fz, Mx, My. Geometrical Parameters Dialog Box appears. Set the Columns are modeled as supports with only Fz properties as desired Let us set restraint (Fig. 1). A Plane frame structure is bound  Span of Truss = 10 m by a global X-Z or Y-Z coordinate system with loads  Rise of Truss = 4 m -> OK in the same plane. It has three degrees of freedom Property -> Fx, Fz and My in X-Z plane and Fy, fz and Mx in Y-Z -> Create -> Section -> create a section say sec1. plane (Fig. 2). Space frame is a three dimensional -> Load -> Nodal Load -> we create two Nodal structure with loads applied in any plane and has Loads six degrees of freedom Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My and Mz(Fig. N1 = 10 kN and N2 = 20 kN 3) (Johansson and Veljkovic, 2001 and Karlstrom, -> Attach -> material (steel) to all elements. 2004). And plane truss consists of truss members -> Section to all elements. which have only axial member forces no bending. It -> Load -> Nodal Load (N2 to Node 16 and N1 to has two degrees of freedom that is transitional in Node 14 and 18). that plane (Fig. 4). In Struds user can start floor grid Support -> In predefined trusses supports are structure and he can transform the same as plane already there. If one wants to change he can. frame or space frame after attaching columns. View The default supports are hinged at Node 1 and and space frame or any of the plane frame Roller at Node 11. generated (Ng and Gardner, 2007 and Wu, 2011). Save -> the truss (say fan.bld) Truss -> Analysis Files -> Current Truss -> save Problem: files in the same folder. Type: Plane Truss Analysis with Nodal Loads (Fan - Close the Truss and save the building (Fig 6). Truss) Purpose: Compare Theoretical results with STRUDS Results: STRUDS. Axial force in the element:Element No:25 Problem: Determine the Axial Forces in all the members of Plane Fan - Truss as shown in figure-5. Distance 1 Find also the reactions at support 0.000 -20.000 4.000 -20.000 Modeling: M factor 1.000 For modeling open a new building file in the Elemental results(Axial,B.M)-Plane struss Preprocessor structure. Preprocessor -> Building -> New Load combination: 1.0 D.L+1.0 L.L 275 ISSN 2249-2631(online): 2249-2623(Print) - Rising Research Journal Publication 47 0.000 -20.98 0.6598 Length of element 25.46 0.39 0.918 -24. Sciences.451 7. Axial Force in Theoretical STRUDS % Deviation Element Results Results P2-13 = 0 1 and 10 32.39 0. For €H = 0. 2012: 2 (3) El. 2 and 9 32.P3-4 * cos (theta) = 21 STRUTS 2-12 0.01 0.47 0. 16 Main-Tie 16-17 1.093 m 12 Main-Tie 12-13 0.02 Negligible For €H = 0.0 2 RAFTER 2-3 1.08 13 and 18 25 25 Nil For €V = 0.0 On solving these two equations (1) and (2).05 Negligible For €V = 0.00 0. L14-15 = 1.No Group Node Length Axial B.400 27. L4-14 = 2. P6-15 = P4-15 * cos (Ø) / cos (Ø1) = 7. P15-16 = P14-15 .01 P2-3 = P1-2 = 32.P4-5 * sin (theta) = 17 Main-Tie 17-18 1.0 0 --------(2) 23 STRUTS 4-14 2.44 0. 14 and 17 25 25 Nil P3-13 = 0 15 and 16 19.0 14 Main-Tie 14-15 1.204 -10.03 Negligible At Node 14: 34 and 32 7.4687 kN 26 STRUTS 7-17 3.46 0.176 32. P4-15 = 7. The Fan . P2-12 = 0 (As there is no vertical force / load at Node P6-16 = 20 (Applied Nodal Force at Node 16) 12) For €H = 0.0 At Node 5: Theoretical results: Resolving along the inclined element 5.98 0.152 m cos (theta) = 5 / sqrt (41) Angle Ø1 is given as sin (theta) = 4 / sqrt (41) tan (Ø1) = 1.0 10 RAFTER 10-11 1.00 0. P16-17 = P15-16 = 19.04 Resolving along the inclined element 2. P4-13 = 0 8 RAFTER 8-9 1.98 0.01 At Node 13: 21 and 29 0 0 Nil 22and28 0 0.015 32. Global J.176 32. 25 20 20 Nil 30 and 36 7.04 0.152 / 4 => Ø1 = 16.000 kN Comparison between theoretical and struds At Node 2: results: Resolving perpendicular to the inclined element 2.02 0.000 kN = 19. For €V = 0.079 -0.00 0.00 For €H = 0. this gives theta = 38. 20 Main-Tie 20-11 0.4031 m Force in member 24.0 18 Main-Tie 18-19 0.Rising Research Journal Publication .00 0.176 32. For €V = 0.0 P4-15 * sin (Ø) + P4-5 * cos (theta) . L6-16 = 4 m (degrees) Length of element 15. of Engg.0 25 STRUTS 6-16 4.00 0.01 0.0 10 --------(1) 19 Main-Tie 19-20 0. we get 24 STRUTS 5-15 3.015 32.093 -25.152 -19.10 For €V = 0.469 27.015 kN 3 and 8 32.0 Force in member 31. 11 and 20 25 24.176 32.00 0.3776 degrees 15 Main-Tie 15-16 1.000 0.Truss taken is symmetrical in loading P5-6 = P4-5 = 27.918 -25.00 At Node 3: 5 and 6 27.0 For €H = 0.000 kN 31 and 37 0 0. P5-15 = 0 The angle theta is given as: Force in member 34.015 kN 12 and 19 25 24.98 0.475 27.15 P13-14 = P12-13 = 25.9916 kN 27 STRUTS 8-18 2.47 0. 3 RAFTER 3-4 1. Resolving perpendicular to the inclined element 5.M P4-14 = 10 (Applied Nodal Force at Node 14) 1 RAFTER 1-2 1.093 / 2. P4-14 = 10 kN 9 RAFTER 9-10 1.01 0.00 0.735 0.98 0. & Appl. so we will analyze the half truss only.0 6 RAFTER 6-7 1.204 -10.0 At node 4 there are 5 elements 7 RAFTER 7-8 1.918 -25.400 27. L15-16 = 1.015 32.07 4 and 7 27.46 0.9916 kN tan (theta) = 4 / 5. Total vertical load = 10 + 20 + 10 = 40 kN P5-15 = 0 Reaction at both Node = 40 / 2 = 20 kN At Node 15: The inclined length = sqrt (4 * 4 + 5 * 5)= sqrt (41) At node 15 there are 5 elements = 6.04 0.00 0.919 -24.388 19.204 m 11 Main-Tie 1-12 0.39 0.475 27.0 tan (Ø) = 1.0 Length of element 14.015 kN For €H = 0.469 27.050 0.P4-15 * sin (Ø) .04 0.0 At Node 4: 5 RAFTER 5-6 1.0 Angle Ø is given as 13 Main-Tie 13-14 0.093 -25.204 => Ø = 26.919 -24.98 0. 35 and 33 0 0.992 8.020 0.3875 kN P1-12 = P1-2 * cos (theta) = 25.152 -19.04 Negligible 276 ISSN 2249-2631(online): 2249-2623(Print) .0 For €H = 0.079 -0.0 P4-15 = 7.0 Length of element 23.0 22 STRUTS 3-13 1.P6-15 * sin (Ø1) P1-12 = P1-2 * cos (theta) = 25. For €H = 0.000 kN 4 RAFTER 4-5 1.176 32.0664 degrees At Node 1: For €V = 0.176 32.08 P3-4 = P2-3 = 32.0 P14-15 = P13-14 = 25.0 P4-5 = 27.00 0.00 0.45057 kN P1-2 = 20 / sin (theta) = 32.918 -24. 23 and 27 10 10 Nil P4-13 = 0 24 and 26 0 0.4687 kN also.0 P4-15 * cos (Ø) + P3-4 * sin (theta) .0 For €V = 0.3875 kN At Node 12: At Node 16: For €V = 0.469 0.00 0.0 Force in member 23. Earth quake The analysis and design by using STRUDS software loads and wind loads. components — A consistent approach. 2. KT and L. Technology. Three dimensional structure model Fig. User can Karlström. Fz restraint model Fig. Progress in Structural Engineering given. Luleå University of grade steel in design of slabs. trapezoidal and Materials. In relation to other consider secondary moments due to eccentric soft wares ETABS file and it’s analysis file can be seating beams . 2004. 5.Truss Fig. 2007. And also Floating columns can be advantages to the users as specified. Perform. 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