An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold



An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR ThresholdAn Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ LEGAL INFORMATION By accepting this certain document of ZTE OR!ORATIO" you agree to the follo#ing terms$ If you do not agree to the follo#ing terms% please notice that you are not allo#ed to use this document$ opyright & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ Any rights not e+pressly granted herein are OR!ORATIO"$ Any reser,ed$ This document contains proprietary information of ZTE reproduction% transfer% distri-ution% use or disclosure of this document or any portion of this document% in any form -y any means% #ithout the prior #ritten consent of ZTE OR!ORATIO" is prohi-ited$ and are registered trademar.s of ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ ZTE/s company name% logo and product names referenced herein are either trademar.s or registered trademar.s of ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ Other product and company names mentioned herein may -e trademar.s or trade names of their respecti,e o#ners$ Without the prior #ritten consent of ZTE OR!ORATIO" or the third party o#ner thereof% anyone/s access to this document should not -e construed as granting% -y implication% estopped or other#ise% any license or right to use any mar.s appearing in the document$ The design of this product complies #ith re0uirements of en,ironmental protection and personal security$ This product shall -e stored% used or discarded in accordance #ith product manual% rele,ant contract or la#s and regulations in rele,ant country 1countries2$ This document is pro,ided 3as is4 and 3as a,aila-le4$ Information contained in this document is su-5ect to continuous update #ithout further notice due to impro,ement and update of ZTE OR!ORATIO"/s products and technologies$ ZTE CORPORATION Address: "O$ 66 7i8tech Road South ShenZhen !$R$ hina 6)9(6: We si!e: http;<<dms$=te$com$cn & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser,ed$ ' ZTE onfidential !roprietary An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ E"ail: TS>$Aftersales?=te$com$cn ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.ed$ @ . An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ TABAE OB O"TE"TS # 背景 $a%&'ro(nd)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))* + 仪表和基站仪仪仪差分析 Analysis of VSWR Error)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). '$) 仪表仪仪仪来的仪差 VSWR Error due to Test Instrument$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$C '$' 基站仪仪仪来的仪差 VSWR Error due to the Base Station$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$9 '$@ 仪点仪来的仪差 VSWR Error due to Bre0uency onfiguration$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$D '$* 仪表和基站仪仪仪差小仪 Summary of VSWR Error$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)' .ed$ * .erage of ES> D((>7= "et#ro. VSWR Threshold )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))#@$) 仪微仪波比仪限仪系仪的影仪 The Influence from >inor VSWR Threshold upon System$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)* @$' 仪覆盖的影仪 The Influence upon o.erage$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)6 @$'$) ES> D((>7= 影仪 The Influence upon the o.erage of ES> )9((>7= "et#ro.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)9 @$@ 仪微仪波比仪限仪置小仪 Summary $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'( ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)C @$'$' ES> )9((>7= 影仪 ES> D((>7= 影仪 The Influence upon the o.仪微仪波比仪置仪限太低仪仪仪仪 False Minor Alar" d(e !o Lo. -(仪 .ed$ 6 . -0@$( 12*% The VSWR tested #ith Sitemaster is a little different from the VSWR displayed on O> $ In some pro5ects% the VSWR threshold is too lo#% leading to lots of fault VSWR alarms$ The industry criteria for setting VSWR threshold are '$( or a-o.An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ # 背景 $a%&'ro(nd 目前仪仪使用仪表仪仪天仪仪波比和基站 !仪"的仪会#$差仪% 仪&$'分仪仪(仪波比仪限仪置仪低(仪)仪仪"仪*+的仪波比仪.-的仪限仪置仪0仪微仪波比.e for minor VSWR alarm and @$( or a-o.e for critical VSWR alarm$ ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.-0 '$( 12*3仪4仪波比./用仪波比. ia an "8to8FI" adapter% #hich has a )$'/s VSWR$ This VSWR% together #ith the VSWR of antenna feeder interface% #ill also ma.ed$ C .]^.ector superimposition of reflected .ector superimposition is closely related to the phases of the instruments mentioned a-o.e% and might -e either .oltages of antenna% feeder% 5umper% testing RB ca-le% and adapter at the test port$ The .ector reduction$ TU仪:仪仪用 sitemaster 仪表仪仪仪波比(V仪WX仪仪仪(.<0天仪= 仪仪= >仪= 仪仪用?仪仪仪= 仪 @仪AB仪仪CD仪的E?仪仪的F+仪G的仪H(F+仪G跟仪仪仪IJ的K 几个 L$关(从数仪MN($OP.仪Y仪仪用? 仪仪仪Z[(\仪?仪仪仪Z[(仪表的仪仪仪差会2*%9.RS% The VSWR tested #ith Sitemaster is the .An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ + 仪表和基站仪仪仪差分析 Analysis of VSWR Error +)# 仪表仪仪仪 来 的仪差 VSWR Error d(e !o Tes! Ins!r("en! )$ '$ @$ *$ 表5678会$仪差(9仪个仪差很小3 There is slight error in the accuracy of Sitemaster$ 仪仪仪来的仪差0 VSWR error might occur in the testing process$ 仪:仪表仪仪仪波比(仪仪的仪波比.仪?仪仪 仪Z[(_仪仪仪用?仪仪仪和基站的天仪仪D\P`@仪@仪仪(aW用b个 " 仪 FI" 的仪@仪(仪个仪@仪的仪波比bcd$ )$' 的仪波比(仪个仪波比和 天仪仪D的仪波比(e会fgE?1系数2随KLQG和RS(会仪仪仪仪仪差% 来 Therefore% if Sitemaster is used to test VSWR% RB ca-le must -e used during the cali-ration process$ Other#ise% there #ill -e greater VSWR error in the test$ Test RB ca-le must -e connected to the antenna feeder interface of -ase station .e the reflection ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.QG($OP.ector addition or . alue of VSWR on the antenna feeder interface is )$@ 1the reflection coefficient 3 Γ 4 is ($)@2% and the VSWR of "8to8FI" adapter is )$'% #e can calculate the ma+imum range of VSWR error generated$ 天 仪 的 E ? 系 数 0 The reflection coefficient of antenna feeder is. )$@1E?系数 Γ 仪 ($)@2的仪波比( " 仪 FI" 的仪@仪仪波 比.alue range of VSWR is )$(98)$6:$ 仪个.ed$ : .3 + 1 仪 @ 仪 的 E ? 系 数 0 The reflection coefficient of adapter is.op qp的k仪(e].An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ coefficient change #ith phase cancellation and addition$ Therefore% e.极C的k仪(真仪的k仪OPl\m极C的n况(9B )$'H)$* 仪.09 VSWR +1 1. VSWR =1 − Γ 仪表仪波比 VSWR 仪仪j*k仪仪0)$(9H)$6:% Theoretically% the ma+imum .alue range% this means% there #ill -e a VSWR error of I($) at least$ An e+tra VSWR error #ill -e superimposed% if ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.alues in actual application$ But )$'8)$* is a normal .0 Therefore% for tests #ith Sitemaster% the ma+imum reflection coefficient Γ is #ithin the range of 1($)@8($(D28 1($)@G($(D2 仪波比和E?系数关系0 1+ Γ The relation -et#een VSWR and reflection coefficient is.2 −1 = = 0.13 VSWR + 1 1.alue range% and VSWR seldom reaches these t#o . Γ= VSWR −1 1.使用仪表仪仪bcrs$ I($) 的仪差(tH没$仪?仪仪仪 Z[仪仪(仪差仪会F+仪G仪仪用?仪仪仪的仪差% This is an ultimate .2 +1 e]. )$'(V仪仪^仪i的仪差j*k仪0 Suppose the theoretical . Γ= VSWR − 1 1.仪表仪仪的E?系 数 k仪j*.3 − 1 = = 0.en if the Sitemaster is cali-rated #ith RB ca-le connected% VSWR error might occur in the test process$ h仪天仪D真仪仪. ector superimposition is closely related to the phases of the instruments mentioned a-o.e than the #hole -ase station2% the test -y -ase station is less accurate than the test #ith instrument$ Test instruments #ill -e cali-rated in each test% and the phase offset due to RB ca-le can -e eliminated 1-ut the error of adapter cannot2$ But this is impossi-le for -ase station% thus% the VSWR error of -ase station is greater than that of e0uipment% at least I($)$ ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.<0天仪=仪仪=>仪=RRU 基站天 仪D@仪l仪仪CDAB仪仪仪波CD仪的E?仪仪的F+仪G的仪H(F+仪 G跟仪几个 关IJ的KL$ 从 (数 仪MN($OP. )$'(天仪D@仪KL仪:ubwx(K差OP小y ( \uwxOP会K差*y% The same as Sitemaster% the VSWR of the -ase station #ith RRU is the .ector superimposition of reflected .e% and might -e either .RS3天仪 D@仪仪波比v8bce.QG($OP.An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ Sitemaster is cali-rated #ithout connecting RB ca-le$ +)+ 基站仪仪仪 来 的仪差 VSWR Error d(e !o !he $ase S!a!ion u仪表仪仪b仪(RRU 基站仪仪的仪H(.oltages of antenna% feeder% 5umper% and antenna connector at the test port$ The .ed$ 9 .ector reduction$ Usually% the amplitude of the antenna connector VSWR is )$'% and the phase difference is smaller in the same -atch of antenna connector and is greater for different -atches of antenna connector$ 仪&仪表的78会比基站仪仪的78#zby(_仪仪表b!bcd.ector addition or .{几|1 2z(基站仪的}~el\m仪个仪(仪表•bx仪仪d会仪€Z[(P•?仪 仪仪仪来的KLA‚差ƒ„ 19\Pƒ„仪@仪的仪差 2(9V仪基站•bx仪仪 \OPdZ[bx(TU基站仪仪的仪差比仪表仪差e 会*by(rse 会$ I($) UM的仪差% Besides% limited -y the cost 1a test instrument is much more e+pensi. ariation range may e.ed$ D .e made a lot of antenna tests% #hich sho# that the VSWR of the same antenna changes greatly #ith fre0uency% and the .es sho# that antenna VSWR is closely related #ith fre0uency% and that the #ider the fre0uency -and% the greater the fluctuation$ The fluctuation of e.alue of the fre0uency used in the -ase station% if fre0uency8hopping is adopted% the VSWR of different fre0uency com-ination #ill change #ith the fre0uency of antenna$ )$ 仪B 国仪‘’ 厂“的天仪(”仪•–— JAT7REI" ˜A(仪天仪仪波比W X.aries in the -ase stations configured #ith different fre0uency$ ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ +)- 仪点仪 来 的仪差 VSWR Error d(e !o Fre/(en%y Confi'(ra!ion 天仪的仪波比.基站 当前使用仪点仪波比的‹Œ仪( 当>仪仪(\u仪点 仪•的仪波比会随天仪仪波比仪…Ž••仪†% The VSWR of antenna changes #ith fre0uency$ The Sitemaster tests the #hole #or.Bˆ§仪践¨pp" 仪的\u仪…©置基站仪仪的天仪仪仪波比\u的ª_3 We ha. 随 仪…仪†的(仪表仪仪的仪H.‡ 个 ˆ‰仪Š的仪H(9 RRU 仪仪的仪H(.en reach )$(8)$6$ In the follo#ing figures% the fre0uency -and% -ut the test result of RRU is the mean VSWR .ery antenna is different$ This is #hy% in actual application% antenna VSWR . )$63 According to the standards of famous antenna manufactures% such as Jatherin% the SWR should -e )$6$ '$ ™šV仪*+仪天仪仪仪仪H(ub™天仪的仪波比 随仪…仪† 很*(› r仪波比仪†k仪仪0 )$(H)$6 œ仪%•体O仪ž几v天仪仪波比仪仪Ÿ仪 ( <仪仪Ÿ仪O‘0天仪仪波比和仪…K 关( 并 仪Š仪8¡*(¢£OP 会¡*(¢£的¤仪•™天仪并\¥¦b仪%仪e]. An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.ed$ )( . An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.ed$ )) . An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ +)0 仪表和基站仪仪仪差小仪 S(""ary of VSWR Error <:T«(仪表仪仪和基站仪仪差异仪 I($' .ers the #hole fre0uency -and% and thus is much more accurate$ Therefore% the VSWR tested #ith Sitemaster% instead of that displayed on O> % must -e used as the -asis for pro5ect acceptance% so as to reduce VSWR error during pro5ect acceptance 1RB ca-le must -e used during the cali-ration of Sitemaster2$ The VSWR displayed on O> acts only as the -asis for VSWR alarm$ ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.'分仪点仪波比的‹Œ仪( •仪表仪仪的.opqp的仪差(极C的n况OP 会lI($*(9极C的n况很s会"仪% Bor the VSWR tested #ith Sitemaster and the VSWR displayed on O> % the error of I($' is #ithin the normal range$ In the #orst situation% the error may reach I($*% -ut this seldom appears$ 仪m仪sˆ§仪¬仪差(-仪l基站仪仪的仪波比®.仪Y仪仪用?仪仪仪Z[仪仪(\仪?仪仪仪Z[(仪表的仪仪仪 差会2*(V仪基站仪波比³P®‰仪仪波比.ed$ )' .-±š% The VSWR displayed on O> is only the a.erage VSWR of some fre0uencies$ While the VSWR test #ith Sitemaster co.‡个ˆ‰仪Š的仪波比(并 仪表仪仪78Wz(TUV仪\¯ 仪基站仪仪的仪波比‰仪ˆ§仪¬°断±š(²仪<仪波比仪仪仪表来仪¬( 并 仪表仪¬. e for critical VSWR alarm$ *$ <:仪波比.An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ - 仪微仪波比仪置仪限太低仪仪仪仪 False Minor Alar" d(e !o Lo.-0@$( 12*% To eliminate false alarms caused -y VSWR error% e.-仪限仪置 仪 '$((仪仪既\会_仪仪波比仪4仪†仪Å.-的仪限仪置仪0仪微仪波比.-3 Birst% VSWR alarm threshold is close to engineering construction VSWR and antenna VSWR% -esides% antenna -lo#n -y #ind tends to cause VSWR change% and last there is accuracy error in VSWR test$ Therefore% false alarm is li.-仪限和ˆ§´ˆ仪¬WX仪op@»(仪&天仪仪¼仪仪( e会½¢仪波比仪微仪†(¾GM仪波比仪仪的78$‚差(TUop¶ ¿fg仪. VSWR Threshold )$ uMT«(天仪的仪波比./用仪波比.-仪限$b 个¶差k仪% ·t¸‘’¹º仪微仪波比.-0 '$( 12*3仪4仪波比.0 @$) (仪.仪限.ely to appear$ 6$ VÀ™š*+的ˆ§仪 践仪仪和*+的Á仪仪^仪仪仪微仪波比仪限j低 仪置仪 )$: 12*by仪仪•(¨仪ÃÀÄ荐的仪微仪波比.-使系仪•P仪†(ÆOÇ È*+的仪波比仪.ery -ase station e0uipment manufacturer has an alarm threshold tolerance% for e+ample one of our competitors sets the threshold for minor VSWR alarm as '$@ and the threshold for critical VSWR alarm as @$)$ According to industry criteria% the threshold is '$( or a-o. )$*H)$63 Usually% the acceptance standard of SWR is )$*8)$6$ @$ 仪S„仪 种仪仪仪差仪 来的仪. e+perience and theoretical calculation% it is -etter to set the threshold for minor VSWR alarm as )$: or higher$ And the ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.-% Based on our field #or.ed$ )@ .-(µ基站仪仪 厂“d¯仪.-仪限仪0'$@(仪4仪波比.e for minor VSWR alarm and @$( or a-o.随仪…仪†的3 Antenna VSWR changes #ith fre0uency$ '$ bcˆ§´ˆ仪¬的WXd. e radiant po#er$ It affects mainly net#or.覆盖k仪% 7igh VSWR means high reflection po#er and less effecti.分析(h仪仪波比 )$6H'$( 的基站\. co.ely$ To simplify the analysis% the influence from feeder loss is not ta.en into account% and #e #ill only focus on the cases that the output po#er is reduced as a result of po#er reflection$ ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.-%V仪ÍW.(仪仪78$仪差仪i的仪.-( 仪基站的影仪% The change to VSWR threshold #ill not #orsen the VSWR displayed on O> % and #ill not affect any -ase stations either$ It #ill only reduce the num-er of false alarms generated #hen there is accuracy error% if the VSWR alarm threshold is too close to the .-仪限(\会fg基站仪波比仪差(仪:qpˆ‰的基站\ÊBË Ì影仪%®会仪s仪限太仪.erage$ žÏ的表~分仪Ð"仪波比仪 )$6= 仪?"ƒ³…ÑÏ )$:= )$9= '$( 仪BE?³…= 的差异(仪仪†分析(\-仪仪仪仪仪的影仪(仪分析<:³…E?仪)的仪" ³…仪小的n况(hÒE?仪iB基站仪"D(仪Ó的³…仪 !0 The follo#ing ta-le lists the difference of reflection po#er and T+ po#er #hen the VSWR is )$6% )$:% )$9 and '$( respecti.alue range in actual application$ Suppose the threshold for minor VSWR is changed from )$6 to '$(% only sites #hose VSWR is #ithin )$68'$( #ill -e affected% and no minor VSWR alarm #ill -e reported$ The follo#ing sections are focused on the influence upon -ase station if alarms of VSWR )$68'$( are not reported$ 基站的仪波比z(仪仪].ed$ )* .E?的³…仪*(仪)$Î仪?³…仪s(仪网仪影 仪ÍW.An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ recommended .alue is '$(% thus% if there are missed alarms #hen VSWR gets #orse% system performance #ill not -e affected% and there #on/t -e lots of false VSWR alarms$ -)# 仪微仪波比仪限仪系仪的影仪 The Infl(en%e fro" Minor VSWR Threshold (1on Sys!e" 2É仪波比.-(h仪仪微仪波比 仪限< )$6 2É仪 '$((2É仪限(®会仪仪仪波比仪B )$6H'$( œ仪的站点(\ 会M仪仪微仪波比. L69$98189(2L)@9$9dB% If the minimum outdoor R+ le.e reflection po#er is EIR!L*:$9G)68*L69$9dBm$ ×ØÙ区Ú&覆盖j小仪‹仪 .An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ Suppose po#er reflection is on the output port of -ase station% and the output po#er is !.EIR!8R+Ae.i!h VSWR #)*4 ($)::dB ($@(' ($@: ($6))dB KK ($)'6 ($)D@ ($@@* žÏ分析仪波比从 )$6 仪l )$: 1 )$9 1 '$( 仪覆盖仪i的影仪0 The follo#ing sections focus on the influence upon co.L69$98189(2L)@9$9dB Ü 仪波比从 )$6 仪仪 )$: (<:E?³…的QG(仪)P仪?"ƒ的³…$T仪s( 从M表OUNl(AÎ:仪?仪Û的插仪QG ($)'6dB3 When the VSWR changes from )$6 to )$:% the reflection po#er #ill also ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights 仪?³…差 异 T2 Po.ed$ )6 .EIR! 仪?³ … T2 Po.i!h VSWR #)*4 )$6 )$: )$9 '$( )*$(dB ))$:dB )($99 D$6dB ($(*! ($(C:! ($(9'! ($)))! ($DC! ($D@@! ($D)9! ($9D! KK 8($(':! 8($(*'! 8($(:! _仪波仪 i的 插 仪 Inser!ion Loss d(e !o S!andin' Wa5e 与 仪波比 #)* 插 仪的 差异 Inser!ion Loss 3Co"1ared .el in ur-an area is 89(dBm% R+Ae.ely$ -)+ 仪覆盖的影仪 The Infl(en%e (1on Co5era'e U仪仪波仪·(基站仪?³…仪 *:$9dBm — C(# ˜(h仪¬仪天仪仪QÖ仪 )6dBi(仪仪仪Õ仪 *dB($Î的仪?³…仪0EIR!L*:$9G)68*L69$9dBm( If single carrier is adopted% the T+ po#er of the -ase station is *:$9dBm 1C(#2$ Suppose the antenna gain is )6dBi and the feeder loss is *dB% the effecti.89(dBm(R+Ae. 仪波 比 VSWR Ô波仪 Õ Re!(rn Loss E?³… Refle%!ion Po. L EIR!8!ath Aoss (TU仪?Û 径仪Õ !athAoss a小:. L EIR!8!ath Aoss% the T+ !ath loss should -e less Chan'e 3Co"1are d .erage #hen VSWR changes from )$6 to )$:% )$9 and '$( respecti. $ !athAoss 1Ur-an2 L CD$66G'C$)Clgf8)@$9'lgh)G1**$D8C$66lgh)2lgd8a1h'2G In #hich. the gain factor of >S antenna height% dB a1h'2L1)$)lgf8($:2h'8)$6ClgfG($9 1middle8si=ed city% small city2 L@$'Mlg1))$:6h'2N'8*$D: 1>etropolis2 terrain terrain .e ta-le that the increase of VSWR from )$6dBm to )$: e0uals ($)'6dB/s increase of insertion loss in T+ path$ 仪波比< )$6 仪仪 )$9(AÎ:仪?仪Û的插仪QG ($)D@dB% The increase of VSWR from )$6 to )$9 e0uals ($)D@dB/s increase of insertion loss in T+ path$ 仪波比< )$6 仪仪 '$((AÎ:仪?仪Û的插仪QG ($@@*dB% The increase of VSWR from )$6 to '$( e0uals ($@@*dB/s increase of insertion loss in T+ path$ -)+)# GSM 677M89 影仪 The Infl(en%e (1on !he Co5era'e of GSM 677M89 Ne!. -ase station antenna height% m h'.umura path loss formula should -e adopted for ES> D((>7= net#or. #or.An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ increase% thus% the T+ po#er #ill -e reduced$ It could -e learnt from the a-o.m a1h'2. terrain L 6dB for dense ur-an & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights ES> D((>7= ÍWÝ用 IR Ä荐的 O.>S antenna height% m d.ed$ )C ZTE onfidential !roprietary .umura 仪波仪Þß仪仪^àá IR recommends that fre0uency% >7= h). − − − − − − − − B. the distance from >S to -ase station% . for VSWR )$6% )$:% )$9% and '$( respecti.erage of -oth cells #ill not -e affected$ Only the o.erage distance is reduced -y ($9@O% )$'9O% or '$)9O% the co.i!h VSWR #)*4 )$6 )$: )$9 '$( KK ($)'6 ($)D@ ($@@* )@9$9 )@9$C:6 )@9$C(: )@9$*CC )$6C@ )$66 )$6*@ )$6'D KK ($9@O )$'9O '$)9O 仪个小区仪.7d$" 仪的Û 径 仪Õ 3d$4 Pass Loss 3d$4 3"ini"(" o(!door R2Le5 :.4仪覆盖(覆盖ã离仪s ($9@O= )$'9O= '$)9O\ 会影仪覆盖(®.4仪区å#$仪†(tž仪% There are '(O of o.fLD*6>7=(基站的天仪z8仪0 h)L@(m(â仪!天仪z80 h'L)$6m% Suppose f 1the T+ fre0uency of the -ase station2 LD*6>7=% h) 1-ase station antenna height2 L @(m% h' 1>S antenna height2 L)$6m$ 仪•比仪仪波比 )$6=)$:=)$9='$( B ES>D((> 覆盖差异(仪H仪ž表0 The ta-le -elo# sho#s the co.erlapped areas on the -oarder of t#o cells% #hen the co.erlapped areas change a little% as sho#n -elo#$ ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.ely$ 仪波比 VSWR K比仪波比 #)* 仪?仪Û 插 仪 QG 3d$4 Inser!ion Loss In%rease 3d$4 3%o"1ared .i!h VSWR #)*4 Ú&覆盖j小 仪‹仪 :: .ed$ ): .7d$"4 覆盖ã 离 3<"4 Co5era'e =is!an%e 3<"4 K仪仪波比 #)* 覆盖ã 离 仪s ä分比 Co5era'e =is!an%e =e%rease 3>4 3%o"1ared .An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ h仪基站仪?仪….$ '(O的区å.erage of ES>D((> net#or. An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ 仪@ 从MÏ的分析OUNl(ES>D((> 仪波比.ro& OST'@) 7ata àè.eloped -y OST committee% and applies to fre0uency range ) 6((>7=8' (((>7=$ OST'@) 7ata àèÛ径仪Õ仪^的仪仪Ãá仪0 The empirical formula of OST'@) 7ata model for calculating path loss is.77M89 Ne!. co.ersion of the 7ata model de.77M89 影仪 GSM 677M89 影仪 The Infl(en%e (1on !he Co5era'e of GSM #. correction factor for metropolis > 仪的 7ata àè ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.e that the e0uipment performance and net#or. !athAoss 1ur-an2 L *C$@G@@$Dlgf8)@$9'lgh)G1**$D8C$66lgh)2lgd8a1h'2G − ì¨(C>0*íÙ¨îZq_ï3 C>.ed$ )9 .-仪限从 )$6 2É仪 )$: 1 '$((仪 仪仪•Pæ网仪覆盖AÑÏ仪i的影仪很小(基5OUç#% It could -e learnt from a-o. EURO8 OST 仪g的 OST ˆ‰é仪会 的仪êë5(仪用仪…B ) 6((>7= l ' (((>7= œ仪% OST'@) 7ata model is the e+tended .erage are -arely affected #hen the VSWR alarm threshold of ES>D((> changes from )$6 to )$: or '$($ -)+)+ GSM #. -仪限从 )$6 2É仪 )$: 1 )$9 1 '$((仪仪仪•Pæ网仪覆盖AÑÏ仪i的影仪很小(基5OUç#% It could -e learnt from a-o.umura àè Other parameters are defined the same as O.erage of ES>)9((> net#or. co. for VSWR )$6% )$:% )$9% and '$( respecti.4仪覆盖(覆盖ã离仪s ($9*O=)$'CO='$'O\ 会影仪覆盖(®.umura model h仪基站仪?仪… .e that the e0uipment performance and net#or.fL)9@6>7= (基站的天仪z8仪0 h)L@(m (â仪!天仪z 80h'L)$6m% Suppose f 1the T+ fre0uency of the -ase station2 L )9@6>7=% h) 1-ase station antenna height2 L @(m% h' 1>S antenna height2 L)$6m 仪•比仪仪波比 )$6=)$:=)$9='$( B ES>)9((> 覆盖差异(仪H仪ž表0 The ta-le -elo# sho#s the co.erage are -arely affected #hen the VSWR alarm threshold of ES>)9((> changes from )$6 to )$:% )$9 or '$($ ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.erlapped areas on the -oarder of t#o cells% #hen the co.erlapped areas change a little$ 从MÏ的分析OUNl( ES>)9((> 仪波比.4仪区å#$仪†% There are '(O of o.erage of -oth cells #ill not -e affected$ Only the o.ed$ )D .7d$" 仪的Û 径 仪Õ 3d$4 )@9$9 )@9$C:6 )@9$C(: )@9$*CC ($D6* ($D*C ($D*' ($D@@ 覆盖ã 离 3<"4 K仪仪波比 #)* 覆盖ã 离 仪s ä分比 KK ($9*O )$'CO '$'O 仪个小区仪.erage distance is reduced -y ($9*O% )$'CO% or '$'O% the co.ely$ 仪波比 K比仪波比 #)* 仪?仪Û 插 仪 QG 3d$4 )$6 )$: )$9 '$( KK ($)'6 ($)D@ ($@@* Ú&覆盖j小 仪‹仪 :: .An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ − − ì!"数ð仪u O.$ '(O的区å. e that the e0uipment performance and net#or.-使系仪•P仪†(ÆOÇÈ*+的仪波比仪.-仪限从 )$6 2É仪 )$: 1 )$9 1 '$((仪仪仪•Pæ网仪覆盖AÑÏ仪i的影仪很小(®.An Analysis of VSWR Error and VSWR Threshold Internal Use Only▲ -)- 仪微仪波比仪限仪置小仪 S(""ary 从MÏ的分析OUNl( ES>)9((> 仪波比. co. e+perience and theoretical calculation% it is -etter to set the threshold for minor VSWR alarm as )$: or higher$ And the recommended .-% Based on our field #or.ed$ '( .alue is '$(% thus% if there are missed alarms #hen VSWR gets #orse% system performance #ill not -e affected% and there #on/t -e lots of false VSWR alarms$ ZTE onfidential !roprietary & '()* ZTE OR!ORATIO"$ All rights reser.4仪区å#$仪†%基 5OUç#% It could -e learnt from a-o.erage are -arely affected #hen the VSWR alarm threshold of ES>)9((> changes from )$6 to )$:% )$9 or '$($ Only the o.erlapped areas change a little% #hich could -e neglected$ VÀ™š*+的ˆ§仪践仪仪和*+的Á仪仪^仪仪仪微仪波比仪限j低仪置仪 )$: 12*by仪仪•(¨仪ÃÀÄ荐的仪限仪置仪 '$((仪仪既\会_仪仪波 比仪4仪†仪Å.
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