Amul Project

March 19, 2018 | Author: robanabangbang | Category: Recruitment, Cooperative, Brand, Agriculture, Economies



AProject Report On “RECRUITMENT & SELECTION IN AMUL INDIA LTD.” Submitted To UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN JAI!UR I" #$%ti$& 'u&'i&&me"t o' t(e $)$%d o' t(e de*%ee o' ++A ,+$-(e&o% o' +u.i"e.. Admi"i.t%$tio"/" 01223 4 1252 Submitted TO6 0 Submitted +760 M%.. Su%7$ R$.(mi R$)$t Aditi +e"i)$& HOD, B.B.A. LORD’S INTERNATIONAL ++A III7%. Co&&e*e C(i8$"i A&)$% E"%o&&. No. 239::;<3 LORD=S INTERNATIONAL COLLE>E CHI?ANI ,AL@AR/ !%e'$-e Human Resource is considered to be the most valuable assets of any organization. The performance, success or failure of the organization is greatly influenced by the uality of these resources.Hence its customer places an unconditional trust in the company. ! have tried to e"plain in detail Re-%uitme"t & Se&e-tio" in Amu& I"di$ Limited in #elhi. The strength of employee in #elhi office is about $%%%.! has also tried to recommend a fe& modifications, &hich might help management to tac'le the various issue of dissatisfaction among the group. The recruitment and selection is the major function of the human resources department and recruitment process is the first step to&ards creating the competitive strength and the strategic advantage for the organizations. Recruitments process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting. Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or function, underta'en by recruiters. !t may be underta'en by an employment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization loo'ing for recruits. Advertising is commonly part of the recruiting process, and can occur through several means( through ne&spapers, using ne&spaper dedicated to job advertisement, through professional publication, using advertisements placed in &indo&s, through a job center, through campus intervie&s, etc. The most common &ay of measurement is the use of rating scales &here employees report their reactions to their jobs. )uestions relate to rate of pay, &or' responsibilities, variety of tas's, promotional opportunities the &or' itself and co*&or'ers A-8"o)&ed*eme"t ! e"press my sincerest gratitude and than's to M%.. Su%7$ R$.(mi R$)$t ,H.O.D ++A De#t./ for guiding me right form the inception till the successful completion of the project. ! sincerely ac'no&ledge him+her+them for e"tending their valuable guidance, support for literature, critical revie&s of project and the report and above all the moral support he+she+they had provided to me &ith all stages of this project. ! &ould also li'e to than' to M.. Ri-($ Su%t$&o faculty ,,A #epartment, for their help and cooperation throughout our project. ! &ould also li'e to than's M%.D.?. +($t"$*$% at AMUL INDIA LIMITED, &ho helped me at every step during my training period. At last, ! &ould than' to all my family, friends and e"ecutives staff at HA-.//0 for ma'ing valuable suggestions and giving me all sorts of help at the different stages for the preparation of this report. Aditi +e"i)$& EAe-utiBe .umm$%7 AMUL means "priceless" in 0ans'rit. The brand name 1Amul,1 from the 0ans'rit 1Amoolya,1 &as suggested by a uality control e"pert in Anand. -ariants, all meaning 1priceless1, are found in several !ndian languages. Amul products have been in use in millions of homes since $234. Amul ,utter, Amul 5il' Po&der, Amul 6hee, Amulspray, Amul 7heese, Amul 7hocolates, Amul 0hri'hand, Amul !ce cream, 8utramul, Amul 5il' and Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in !ndia. 9Turnover( Rs. 4:.$$ billion in ;%%<*%2=. Today Amul is a symbol of many things. Of high*uality products sold at reasonable prices. Of the genesis of a vast co*operative net&or'. Of the triumph of indigenous technology. Of the mar'eting savvy of a farmers> organisation. And of a proven model for dairy development. 5anagement of people is a tas' &e perform even in daily lives. ?ith the origin of organizations in the society, this concept has gained importance. !t has led to the evolution of the concept of HR5 or Human Resource 5anagement. The study emphasizes on adopting the theoretical principles in practice to achieve employee satisfaction and productivity in the organization. !t comprises the comprehensive analysis of the e"isting satisfaction levels of the employees and the means to improve them further so as to have a satisfied and hence productive &or'force. !n my project, ! found most of the respondents highly cooperative and enthusiastic about this study but there &as a great amount of doubt in their minds regarding the outcome of the survey. They did fear an adverse management reaction if they tal'ed something against it. !REFACE I AC?NO@LED>EMENT II ECECUTIVE SUMMARY III Co"te"t. $. !ntroduction to the !ndustry $;. !ntroduction to the Organization ;@. Overvie& Of 7ompany @ @.$ ,ac'ground A 6ro&th 3 @.; 5ission A -alues B3. Product !nformation 4B. Revie& Of Operation : B.$ 0ales A #istribution 8et&or' < B.; 7ompany !nformation 2 B.@ Three*Tier Amul 5odel $% B.3 !mpact Of 5odel $$4. !7T Application !n Amul $; 4.$ Overvie& $@ 4.; T)5 5odel $3 4.@ -alue 7hain 0ystem $B 4.3 Project 7onceptulization $4:. Achievements Of Amul $: :.$ Amul ,rand ,uilding $< :.; .valuation Of !T !n Amul $2<. 7hairmanC 0peech ;%2. Recruitment A 0election ;$ 2.$ 5eaning Of Recruitment ;; 2.; 0ources A Process ;@ 2.@ Dactors Affecting The Process ;3$%. Research 5ethodology $%.$ Title of the 0tudy $%.; Type of Research $%.@ 0ample 0ize $$.0?OT Analysis $;. /imitation of 0tudy $@. 7onclusion $3. ,ibliography I"t%odu-tio" to t(e I"du.t%7 The 6ujarat 7ooperative 5il' 5ar'eting Dederation /td, Anand 96755D= is the largest food products mar'eting organisation of !ndia. !t is the ape" organization of the #airy 7ooperatives of 6ujarat. This 0tate has been a pioneer in organizing dairy cooperatives and our success has not only been emulated in !ndia but serves as a model for rest of the ?orld. Over the last five and a half decades, #airy 7ooperatives in 6ujarat have created an economic net&or' that lin's more than ;.< million village mil' producers &ith millions of consumers in !ndia and abroad through a cooperative system that includes $@,$3$ -illage #airy 7ooperative 0ocieties 9-#70= at the village level, affiliated to $@ #istrict 7ooperative 5il' ProducersC Enions at the #istrict level and 6755D at the 0tate level. These cooperatives collect on an average :.B million litres of mil' per day from their producer members, more than :%F of &hom are small, marginal farmers and landless labourers and include a sizeable population of tribal fol' and people belonging to the scheduled castes. The turnover of 6755D 9A5E/= during ;%%<*%2 &as Rs. 4:.$$ billion. !t mar'ets the products, produced by the district mil' unions in @% dairy plants, under the reno&ned A5E/ brand name. The combined processing capacity of these plants is $$.4 million litres per day, &ith four dairy plants having processing capacity in e"cess of $ million /itres per day. The farmers of 6ujarat o&n the largest state of the art dairy plant in Asia G 5other #airy, 6andhinagar, 6ujarat * &hich can handle ;.B million litres of mil' per day and process $%% 5Ts of mil' po&der daily. #uring the last year, @.$ billion litres of mil' &as collected by 5ember Enions of 6755D. Huge capacities for mil' drying, product manufacture and cattle feed manufacture have been installed. All its products are manufactured under the most hygienic conditions. All dairy plants of the unions are !0O 2%%$*;%%%, !0O ;;%%% and HA77P certified. 6755D 9A5E/=Cs Total )uality 5anagement ensures the uality of products right from the starting point 9mil' producer= through the value chain until it reaches the consumer. .ver since the movement &as launched fifty*five years ago, 6ujaratCs #airy 7ooperatives have brought about a significant social and economic change to our rural people. The #airy 7ooperatives have helped in ending the e"ploitation of farmers and demonstrated that &hen our rural producers benefit, the community and nation benefits as &ell. I"t%odu-tio" to t(e O%*$"iD$tio" Amu& ,A"$"d Mi&8 U"io" Limited/, formed in $234, is a dairy cooperative movement in !ndia. !t is a brand name managed by an ape" cooperative organisation, 6ujarat 7o*operative 5il' 5ar'eting Dederation /td. 96755D=, &hich today is jointly o&ned by some ;.< million mil' producers in 6ujarat, !ndia A5E/ is based in Anand, 6ujarat and has been a sterling e"ample of a co*operative organization>s success in the long term. !t is one of the best e"amples of co*operative achievement in the developing economy. 1Anyone &ho has seen ... the dairy cooperatives in the state of 6ujarat, especially the highly successful one 'no&n as A5E/, &ill naturally &onder &hat combination of influences and incentives is needed to multiply such a model a thousand times over in developing regions every&here.The Amu& !$tte%" has established itself as a uniuely appropriate model for rural development. Amul has spurred the ?hite Revolution of !ndia, &hich has made !ndia the largest producer of mil' and mil' products in the &orld. !t is also the &orld>s biggest vegetarian cheese brand . Amul is the largest food brand in !ndia and &orld>s /argest Pouched 5il' ,rand &ith an annual turnover of E0 H$%B% million 9;%%4*%:=. 7urrently Amul has ;.< million producer members &ith mil' collection average of $%.$4 million litres per day. ,esides !ndia, Amul has entered overseas mar'ets such as 5auritius, EA., E0A, ,angladesh, Australia, 7hina, 0ingapore, Hong Iong and a fe& 0outh African countries. !ts bid to enter Japanese mar'et in $223 had not succeeded, but no& it has fresh plans of flooding the Japanese mar'ets KBL . Other potential mar'ets being considered include 0ri /an'a. #r -erghese Iurien, former chairman of the 6755D, is recognised as the man behind the success of Amul. On $% Aug ;%%4 Parthi ,hatol, chairman of the ,anas'antha Enion, &as elected chairman of 6755D . OVERVIE@ OF AMUL INDIA LTD COM!ANY +AC?>ROUND AND >RO@TH GCMMF: An Overview 6ujarat 7ooperative 5il' 5ar'eting Dederation 96755D= is !ndia>s largest food products mar'eting organisation. !t is a state level ape" body of mil' cooperatives in 6ujarat &hich aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by providing uality products &hich are good value for money. Membe%.6 $@ district cooperative mil' producers> Enion No. o' !%odu-e% Membe%.6 ;.:2 million No. o' Vi&&$*e So-ietie.6 $@,@;< Tot$& Mi&8 ($"d&i"* -$#$-it76 $$.;; million litres per day Mi&8 -o&&e-tio" ,Tot$& 0 122E02:/6 @.%B billion litres Mi&8 -o&&e-tio" ,D$i&7 ABe%$*e 122E0 2:/6 <.3 million litres Mi&8 D%7i"* C$#$-it76 4;4 5ts. per day C$tt&e'eed m$"u'$-tu%i"* C$#$-it76 @B%% 5ts per day S$&e. Tu%"oBe% R. ,mi&&io"/ US F ,i" mi&&io"/ $223*2B $$$3% @BB $22B*24 $@:2% 3%% $224*2: $BB3% 3B% $22:*2< $<<3% 3BB $22<*22 ;;$2; 32@ $222*%% ;;$<B 32@ ;%%%*%$ ;;B<< B%% ;%%$*%; ;@@4B B%% ;%%;*%@ ;:3B: B:B ;%%@*%3 ;<23$ 4$4 ;%%3*%B ;2;;B 4:; ;%%B*%4 @::@4 <B% ;%%4*%: 3;::< $%B% ;%%:*%< B;BB3 $@;B ;%%<*%2 4:$$@ $B%3 Li.t o' !%odu-t. M$%8eted6 +%e$d.#%e$d.6 • Amul ,utter • Amul /ite /o& Dat ,readspread • Amul 7oo'ing ,utter C(ee.e R$"*e6 • Amul Pasteurized Processed 7heddar 7heese • Amul Processed 7heese 0pread • Amul Pizza 95ozarella= 7heese • Amul 0hredded Pizza 7heese • Amul .mmental 7heese • Amul 6ouda 7heese • Amul 5alai Paneer 9cottage cheese= • Etterly #elicious Pizza Mit($ee R$"*e ,Et("i- .)eet./6 • Amul 0hri'hand 95ango, 0affron, Almond Pistachio, 7ardamom= • Amul Amra'hand • Amul 5ithaee 6ulabjamuns • Amul 5ithaee 6ulabjamun 5i" • Amul 5ithaee Iulfi 5i" • Avsar /adoos UHT Mi&8 R$"*e6 • Amul 0ha'ti @F fat 5il' • Amul Taaza $.BF fat 5il' • Amul 6old 3.BF fat 5il' • Amul /ite 0lim*n*Trim 5il' %F fat mil' • Amul 0ha'ti Toned 5il' • Amul Dresh 7ream • Amul 0no&cap 0ofty 5i" !u%e >(ee6 • Amul Pure 6hee • 0agar Pure 6hee • Amul 7o& 6hee I"'$"t Mi&8 R$"*e6 • Amul !nfant 5il' Dormula $ 9%*4 months= • Amul !nfant 5il' Dormula ; 9 4 months above= • Amulspray !nfant 5il' Dood Mi&8 !o)de%.6 • Amul Dull 7ream 5il' Po&der • Amulya #airy ?hitener • 0agar 0'immed 5il' Po&der • 0agar Tea and 7offee ?hitener S)eete"ed Co"de".ed Mi&86 • Amul 5ithaimate 0&eetened 7ondensed 5il' F%e.( Mi&86 • Amul Taaza Toned 5il' @F fat • Amul 6old Dull 7ream 5il' 4F fat • Amul 0ha'ti 0tandardised 5il' 3.BF fat • Amul 0lim A Trim #ouble Toned 5il' $.BF fat • Amul 0aathi 0'immed 5il' %F fat • Amul 7o& 5il' Cu%d !%odu-t.6 • Mogi 0&eetened Dlavoured #ahi 9#essert= • Amul 5asti #ahi 9fresh curd= • Amul 5asti 0piced ,utter 5il' • Amul /assee Amu& I-e-%e$m.6 • Ro7$& T%e$t R$"*e 9,utterscotch, Rajbhog, 5alai Iulfi= • Nut0o0M$"i$ R$"*e 9Iaju #ra'sh, Iesar Pista Royale, Druit ,onanza, Roasted Almond= • N$tu%eG. T%e$t 9Alphanso 5ango, Dresh /itchi, 0hahi Anjir, Dresh 0tra&berry, ,lac' 7urrant, 0antra 5antra, Dresh Pineapple= • Su"d$e R$"*e 95ango, ,lac' 7urrant, 0undae 5agic, #ouble 0undae= • A..o%ted T%e$t 97hocobar, #ollies, Drosti', !ce 7andies, Tricone, 7hococrunch, 5egabite, 7assatta= • Utte%&7 De&i-iou. 9-anila, 0tra&berry, 7hocolate, 7hocochips, 7a'e 5agic= C(o-o&$te & Co"'e-tio"e%76 • Amul 5il' 7hocolate • Amul Druit A 8ut 7hocolate +%o)" +eBe%$*e6 • 8utramul 5alted 5il' Dood Mi&8 D%i"86 • Amul Iool Dlavoured 5il' 95ango, 0tra&berry, 0affron, 7ardamom, Rose, 7hocolate= • Amul Iool 7afe • Amul Iool Io'o • Amul Kool Millk Shaake (Mango, Strawberry, Badam, Banana) • Health Beverage: • Amul 0ha'ti ?hite 5il' Dood MISSION1212 0i" decades ago, 0ardar Patel had envisioned that dairy cooperative movement could liberate our farmers from economic oppression and lead them to prosperity. His dream &as carried for&ard by far*sighted and visionary leaders li'e 0hri Tribhuvandas Patel and 0hri 5otibhai 7haudhary, &ho selflessly dedicated their entire lives to this noble cause. Through his professional acumen and meticulous planning, as &ell as leadership s'illsN #r. -erghese Iurien successfully translated this dream into reality. !n early $2B%Cs, &hen our cooperative movement &as still in its infancy, #r. Iurien created the grand design for an ape" mar'eting federation for dairy cooperatives of 6ujarat. After ;% years of persistent efforts, this organization too' concrete shape in $2:@ and has today transformed into a E0H $.3 billion dairy giant. 0ince the foundations of our organization are rooted in the process of systematic long*term planning, &e have also attempted to emulate the same, in an effort to design our future architecture. As &e ta'e confident strides to&ards a grand tomorro&, &e need a vision &hich &ill force us to challenge ourselves and stretch our imagination. !n order to achieve uantum and e"ponential gro&th, this vision must be bac'ed up by a concrete action plan, &hich is grounded in reality. !n vie& of gro&th in business volumes and related comple"ities, it is pertinent that &e have a clear vision for the ne"t $% years. This &ill enable all relevant sta'eholders to align themselves to a common gro&th platform. !n line &ith objective, &e have prepared a comprehensive roadmap to guide dairy cooperatives of 6ujarat to a glorious future, in the year ;%;%. This plan, appropriately titled O5ission ;%;%P, envisages that the dairy cooperatives of 6ujarat &ill have a group turnover of Rs. ;:%%% crores by the year ;%;%. This &ill be a three*fold increase over our current group turnover of appro". Rs. 24%% crores. ?ith further e"pansion of cooperative net&or', increase in number and productivity of milch animalsN 5il' production in our mil' shed area &ill increase to ;@$ la'h 'g per day 9;@.$ million 'g per day=, at an annual gro&th rate of 3F. ?e &ill be strengthening our mil' procurement infrastructure by installing ,ul' 5il' 7hillers and Automatic 5il' 7ollection 0ystems in all our village cooperative societies. This &ill enhance our mil' procurement capacity in such a &ay, that &e easily collect as much as $2B la'h 'g per day 9$2.B million 'g per day= of mil' in the pea' flush season. Through e"pansion of distribution net&or', creative mar'eting, consumer education and product innovation, &e &ill leverage effectively on rising income levels and gro&ing affluence among !ndian consumers. ?hile e"panding mar'ets for our e"isting products, &e &ill create fresh avenues for gro&th by tapping the rising demand for ne& value*added products. 0pecial emphasis &ill be given to strengthening our presence in the large mar'et for liuid mil', in metropolitan cities. 0atellite dairies &ith combined processing and liuid mil' pac'aging capacity of B% /IP# &ill be established in major metro mar'ets. Our objective is to ensure that the ma"imum share of the consumerCs rupee goes bac' to the mil' producers. !n vie& of the high demand and procurement projections, &e plan to double to processing capacity of our dairy plants to ;%.: million 'g per day, by ;%;%. This &ould include multi*fold capacity e"pansion for major product categories including mil' po&ders, !ce*cream, paneer, cheese, ethnic s&eets, curd, ghee and other dairy products. 5il' drying capacity &ill also be enhanced by ;%% 5Ts per day, to process additional mil' in the pea' season. Dor increasing mil' production, it is vital to provide nutritious feed to milch animals. Dor this reason, &e plan to e"pand our cattlefeed manufacturing capacity, more than four times to $;%%% 5Ts per day, by ;%;%. At current prices, total investments envisaged for creating all the reuired infrastructure &ould be Rs. ;4%% crores 9Rs. ;4 billion= till the year ;%;%. ! am glad to inform you that the plan ;%;% has been shared &ith all the member unions. !t has also been discussed in the respective boards and necessary resolutions for investments have also been ta'en. This detailed plan &ill serve as our comprehensive roadmap for the ne"t ten years and &ill ensure a glorious future for our dairy cooperatives. ?e are &ell poised to lead the !ndian dairy cooperative sector to a position of eminence in our national economy. Our efforts &ill ultimately serve to bolster the rural economy, &hich can then create an effective shield to protect our nation from any future economic crises. ?e &ill succeed in our endeavor &ith positive and continued support and encouragement from all the government uarters, as has happened in the past. The very foundation of any cooperative organization is a transparent and fair democratic electoral process ta'ing place at the scheduled intervals for the cooperative structures to survive and faith of its member remain intact, it is imperative that elections to various tiers of the cooperatives ta'e place on schedule. VALUES 7ustomer #elight A commitment to surpassing our 7ustomer e"pectations. /eadership by ."ample A commitment to set standards in our business and transactions based on mutual trust. !ntegrity and Transparency A commitment to be ethical, sincere and open in our dealings. Pursuit of ."cellence A commitment to strive relentlessly, to constantly improve ourselves, our teams, our services and products so as to become the best in class. CO0O!ERATIVE DEVELO!MENT !RO>RAMME #uring the last 8ine years, our 5ember Enions are implementing !nternal 7onsultant #evelopment 9!7#= intervention for developing self leadership among member producers and there by enabling them to manage their dairy business efficiently leading to their overall development. #uring the year, 5ember Enions continued to implement the module on -ision 5ission 0trategy 9-50= for primary mil' producer members A -illage #airy 7ooperatives. Dacilitated by specially trained consultants, :@4 -illage #airy 7ooperative 0ocieties 9-#70= have conducted their -ision 5ission 0trategy ?or'shops, prepared their 5ission 0tatements A ,usiness Plans for ne"t five years. Till today total 4%$; -#70 have prepared their mission statement and ,usiness plan. 5ember unions are revie&ing this business plan every year under -50 annual revisit programme and facilitate -#70 to prepare action plan for ne"t year to propel the momentum gained through -50. !n order to strengthen 'no&ledge and s'ill base of young girls and &omen of the villages about mil' production managementN Dederation, &ith technical collaboration and resources of Anand Agriculture Eniversity, has initiated O5ahila Pashupalan Talim Iarya'ramP for &omen resource persons of the member unions and during the year, 3<4 &omen resource person have been trained under this programme. • C&e$" Mi&8 !%odu-tio" Dor strengthening infrastructure for uality and clean mil' production and to install ,ul' 5il' 7oolers at -#70, our member unions have submitted project proposals to #epartment of Animal Husbandry, #airying A Disheries, 9#P 0ection=, 5inistry of Agriculture, 6overnment of !ndia. Ender the project, 6overnment of !ndia has already sanctioned financial assistance of more than Rs. ;< crore and our member unions have already received financial assistance of morethanRs.$$.@4crore. Fe%ti&it7 Im#%oBeme"t !%o*%$m The ,oard of #irectors of Dederation, considering a long term vision for reducing infertile animal from their mil'shed, decided to implement Dertility !mprovement Programme 9D!P= from year ;%%:*%<. The D!P concept has an integrated design to overcome animal nutritional, gynecological, and animal health related problems. To implement D!P, mil' unions have deployed 33 D!P teams of veterinary consultants and they are &or'ing in $24% villages. !n the first year they have registered :;2%3 and in second year they have registered :%3@B O8on Pregnant 8ot 7alved .ven OnceP and O8on*pregnant #ryP milch cattles and buffaloes under D!P, out of &hich B;;:; milch animals has become pregnant. D!P is being monitored through &&& D!P has helped mil' producers to convert their unproductive milch animals to productive one and also by adopting scientific animal husbandry practices they are earning more at less cost. • Su.t$i"$b&e e-o&o*i-$& deBe&o#me"t ?ith a target of planting three trees per member, our member unions celebrated 4$st year of !ndependence, $Bth August ;%%< in a uniue &ay and our members have planted B;.:3 la'h sapling across ;$ districts of 6ujarat. #uring last t&o years, our members have planted more than :$.4B la'h trees and demonstrated their commitment to&ards preserving and contributing to improvement of the environment. Dor this activity, &e have received O6ood 6overnance a&ardP from O0rishtiP during year ;%%: as &ell as ;%%<. INFORMATION TECHNOLO>Y INTE>RATION 6755D has further advanced its !nformation Technology solutions by lin'ing all the 5il' Plants of the member unions &ith its customized .RP 0ystem 9.!A0 A ?eb .!A0= to improve the liuid mil' mar'eting operations. The Dederation has also enhanced the Dinancial 7ontrol 0ystem in .!A0. !t has also developed 0ales Performance 5onitoring 0ystem across various levels. Durther to smoothen business operations across the supply chain and strengthen the lin'ages bet&een 6755D and its 5ember Enions, your Dederation has decided to implement common .RP system for entire enterprise. Mour Dederation has also developed OOnline 7attle Deed Ra& 5aterial Pricing+7ontract !nformation 0haring 0ystemP to enable smooth collaboration bet&een member unions for purchase of 7attle Deed ra& material. 6755D has further advanced the use of 6eographical !nformation systems by enhancing the 6!0 application and implementing 6!0 based 0ales Analytics solution across various offices. !t has also developed a 6!0 based #ecision 0upport 0ystem 9#00= for the top management for effective A geographically monitoring of the sales performance of ?#s, A#As, Retailers, and Products etc. !%odu-t. I"'o%m$tio" AMUL means "priceless" in 0ans'rit. The brand name 1Amul,1 from the 0ans'rit 1Amoolya,1 &as suggested by a uality control e"pert in Anand. -ariants, all meaning 1priceless1, are found in several !ndian languages. Amul products have been in use in millions of homes since $234. Amul ,utter, Amul 5il' Po&der, Amul 6hee, Amulspray, Amul 7heese, Amul 7hocolates, Amul 0hri'hand, Amul !ce cream, 8utramul, Amul 5il' and Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in !ndia. 9Turnover( Rs. 4:.$$ billion in ;%%<*%2=. Today Amul is a symbol of many things. Of high*uality products sold at reasonable prices. Of the genesis of a vast co*operative net&or'. Of the triumph of indigenous technology. Of the mar'eting savvy of a farmers> organisation. And of a proven model for dairy development. +%e$d S#%e$d. Amu& +utte% Etterly ,utterly #elicious Amu& Lite /o& fat, lo& 7holesterol ,read 0pread De&i-iou. T$b&e M$%*$%i"e The #elicious &ay to eat healthy Mi&8 D%i"8. Amu& ?oo& Mi&&8 S($$8e Amu& ?oo& Amu& ?oo& C$'e ?oo& ?o8o A delight to 7hocolate /overs. #elicious 7hocolate taste Nut%$mu& E"e%*7 D%i"8 A drin' for Iids * provides energy to suit the needs of gro&ing Iids Amu& ?oo& C(o-o&$te Mi&8 Amu& ?oo& F&$Bou%ed +ott&ed Mi&8 Amu& ?oo& F&$Bou%ed Tet%$ !$-8 Amu& M$.ti S#i-ed +utte%mi&8 Amul introduces the ,est Thirst )uenching #rin' Amu& L$ Amu& ?oo& T($"d$i !o)de% Mi&8 Amu& S#%$7 I"'$"t Mi&8 Food 0till, 5other>s 5il' is ,est for your baby Amu& I".t$"t Fu&& C%e$m Mi&8 !o)de% A dairy in your home S$*$% S8immed Mi&8 !o)de% ?hich is especially useful for diet preparations or for use by people on lo& calorie and high protein diet. S$*$% Te$ Co''ee @(ite"e% Amu&7$ D$i%7 @(ite"e% The Richest, Purest #airy ?hitener F%e.( Mi&8 Amu& F%e.( Mi&8 This is the most hygienic mil' available in the mar'et. Pasteurised in state*of*the* art processing plants and pouch*pac'ed for convenience. Amu& >o&d Mi&8 Amu& T$$D$ Doub&e To"ed Mi&8 Amu& Lite S&im $"d T%im Mi&8 Amu& F%e.( C%e$m Amu& S($8ti To"ed Mi&8 Amu& C$&-iH Amu& +utte%mi&8 C(ee.e Amu& !$.teu%i.ed !%o-e..ed C(ee.e $%%F -egetarian 7heese made from microbial rennet Amu& C(ee.e S#%e$d. Tasty 7heese 0preads in @ great flavours.. Amu& Emme"t$& C(ee.e The 6reat 0&iss 7heese from Amul, has a s&eet*dry flavour and hazelnut aroma Amu& !iDD$ MoDD$%e&&$ C(ee.e Pizza'es great tasting pizzasQ >oud$ C(ee.e Fo% Coo8i"* Amu& 9 S$*$% !u%e >(ee 5ade from fresh cream. Has typical rich aroma and granular te"ture. An ethnic product made by dairies &ith decades of e"perience. Coo8i"* +utte% Amu& M$&$i !$"ee% Ready to coo' paneer to ma'e your favourite recipesQ Utte%&7 De&i-iou. !iDD$ Mit($i M$te 0&eetened 7ondensed 5il' * Dree flo&ing and smooth te"ture. ?hite to creamy color &ith a pleasant taste. M$.ti D$(i !%o0bioti- D$(i De..e%t. Amu& I-e C%e$m. Premium !ce 7ream made in various varieties and flavours &ith dry fruits and nuts. Amu& S(%i8($"d A delicious treat, anytime. Amu& Mit($ee >u&$b J$mu". Pure Ihoya 6ulab served piping hot. Amu& C(o-o&$te. The perfect gift for someone you love. Amu& +$.u"di T(e +i%t( o' Amu& $"d deBe&o#me"t o' I"di$=. D$i%7 Coo#e%$tiBe MoBeme"t The birth of Amul at Anand provided the impetus to the cooperative dairy movement in the country. The Iaira #istrict 7ooperative 5il' ProducersC Enion /imited &as registered on #ecember $3, $234 as a response to e"ploitation of marginal mil' producers by traders or agents of e"isting dairies in the small to&n named Anand 9in Iaira #istrict of 6ujarat=. 5il' Producers had to travel long distances to deliver mil' to the only dairy, the Polson #airy in Anand. Often mil' &ent sour as producers had to physically carry the mil' in individual containers, especially in the summer season. These agents arbitrarily decided the prices depending on the production and the season. 5il' is a commodity that has to be collected t&ice a day from each co&+buffalo. !n &inter, the producer &as either left &ith surplus + unsold mil' or had to sell it at very lo& prices. 5oreover, the government at that time had given monopoly rights to Polson #airy 9around that time Polson &as the most &ell 'no&n butter brand in the country= to collect mil' from Anand and supply it to ,ombay city in turn. !ndia ran'ed no&here amongst mil' producing countries in the &orld in $234. Angered by the unfair and manipulative trade practices, the farmers of Iaira #istrict approached 0ardar -allabhbhai Patel 9&ho later became the first #eputy Prime 5inister and Home 5inister of free !ndia= under the leadership of the local farmer leader Tribhuvandas Patel. 0ardar Patel advised the farmers to form a 7ooperative and supply mil' directly to the ,ombay 5il' 0cheme instead of selling it to Polson 9&ho did the same but gave lo& prices to the producers=. He sent 5orarji #esai 9&ho later became Prime 5inister of !ndia= to organize the farmers. !n $234, the farmers of the area &ent on a mil' stri'e refusing to be further oppressed. Thus the Iaira #istrict 7ooperative &as established to collect and process mil' in the #istrict of Iaira in $234. 5il' collection &as also decentralized, as most producers &ere marginal farmers &ho &ere in a position to deliver $*; litres of mil' per day. -illage level cooperatives &ere established to organize the marginal mil' producers in each of these villages. The 7ooperative &as further developed A managed by #r. - Iurien along &ith 0hri H 5 #alaya. The first modern dairy of the Iaira Enion &as established at Anand 9&hich popularly came to be 'no&n as A5E/ dairy after its brand name=. !ndigenous RA# and technology development at the 7ooperative had led to the successful production of s'immed mil' po&der from buffalo mil' G the first time on a commercial scale any&here in the &orld. The foundations of a modern dairy industry in !ndia &ere thus laid since !ndia had one of the largest buffalo populations in the &orld. The success of the dairy co*operative movement spread rapidly in 6ujarat. ?ithin a short span five other district unions G 5ehsana, ,anas'antha, ,aroda, 0abar'antha and 0urat &ere organized. !n order to combine forces and e"pand the mar'et &hile saving on advertising and avoid a situation &here mil' cooperatives &ould compete against each other it &as decided to set up an ape" mar'eting body of dairy cooperative unions in 6ujarat. Thus, in $2:@, the 6ujarat 7o*operative 5il' 5ar'eting Dederation &as established. The Iaira #istrict 7o* operative 5il' ProducersC Enion /td. &hich had established the brand name A5E/ in $2BB decided to hand over the brand name to 6755D 9A5E/=. ?ith the creation of 6755D 9A5E/=, &e managed to eliminate competition bet&een 6ujaratCs cooperatives &hile competing &ith the private sector as a combined stronger force. 6755D 9A5E/= has ensured remunerative returns to the farmers &hile providing consumers &ith products under the brand name A5E/. This &as possible due to the leadership of the founder 7hairman of A5E/, Tribhuvandas Patel and the vision of the father of the ?hite Revolution, #r. -erghese Iurien &ho &or'ed as a professional manager at A5E/. #r. -erghese Iurien, the ?orld Dood Prize and the 5agsaysay A&ard &inner, is the architect of !ndiaCs ?hite Revolution, &hich helped !ndia emerge as the largest mil' producer in the &orld. !mpressed &ith the development of dairy cooperatives in Iaira #istrict A its success, 0hri /al ,ahadur 0hastri, the then Prime 5inister of !ndia during his visit to Anand in $243, as'ed #r. - Iurien to replicate the Anand type dairy cooperatives all over !ndia. Thus, the 8ational #airy #eveloped ,oard &as formed and Operation Dlood Programme &as launched for replication of the Amul 5odel all over !ndia. Operation Dlood, the &orldCs largest dairy development programme, is based on the e"perience gained from the RAmul 5odelC dairy cooperatives. The facilities at all levels are entirely farmer*o&ned. The cooperatives are able to build mar'ets, supply inputs and create value*added processing. Thus, Amul 5odel cooperatives seem to be the most appropriate organizational force for promoting agricultural development using modern technologies and professional management and thereby generating employment for the rural masses and eradicating poverty in these undeveloped areas. !ndia has already demonstrated the superiority of this approach. R.-!.? OD OP.RAT!O80 MIL? !ROCUREMENT Total mil' procurement by our member unions during the year ;%%<*%2 averaged <:.$2 la'h 'ilograms 9 <.: million 'g= per day, representing a uantum gro&th of $3.<: per cent over :B.2% la'h 'ilograms 9 :.4 million 'g= per day achieved during ;%%:*%<. This high gro&th of $3.<: per cent in mil' procurement has been achieved, after an impressive gro&th of $;.2 per cent, last year. The highest procurement as usual, &as recorded during January ;%%2 at $$3.;3 la'h 'ilograms 9$$.$3 million 'g= per day. ?e have also successfully demonstrated our ability to process almost $$ million litres of mil' per day. SALES #uring the year, sales of our Dederation registered a uantum gro&th of ;:.: per cent to reach Rs.4:$$.@$ crores 9 Rs.4:.$$ billion=. /ast year, our turnover &as Rs. B;BB.3$ crores 9Rs. B;.BB billion=. This is an e"tremely impressive gro&th, &hen vie&ed from the perspective of ;;.2 per cent gro&th that &e had achieved in ;%%:*%<. ! am also pleased to note that our Dederation has done remar'ably &ell in most of the value added consumer pac's. 0ales of Amul 5il' in pouches have gro&n by 33F in value terms. EHT mil' has also sho&n an impressive gro&th of ;4F. Our sales in Amul Processed 7heese have sho&n consistent and very impressive gro&th of ;BF. Amul !ce*cream has sho&n an impressive gro&th of $4 per cent in value terms over the last year. At the same time &e have remained 8o. $ !ce*cream brand in !ndia leaving a &ide gap &ith the nearest competitor. !n the !nfant 5il' Dood category, our brand Amulspray registered a gro&th of ;%F. !n the dairy &hitener segment, Amulya recorded a gro&th of almost $;F. ?e managed to achieve $: per cent value gro&th in ,utter, despite intense competition in this category. !n our effort to ensure that all sections of our society are able to afford Amul ,utter, &e have given special emphasis to lo& unit value pac's. RETAILIN> The concept of Amul parlors initiated in ;%%; has come a long &ay and has today, evolved into the most visible face of brand Amul. The net&or' of more than 3%%% parlors in almost all major to&ns of the country bears testimony to the fact that the model is hugely scalable and inherently sustainable. This retailing initiative has not only enabled us to interface directly &ith consumer, it has also helped us in our endeavor to reduce middle*men from the supply chain. The addition of more than ;%%% parlors during the current year is largely attributed to our channel partners i.e. our &holesale distributors &ho have embraced the concept by starting their o&n parlors and also motivated franchises to create parlors for meaningful employment. The relentless focus on e"pansion of Amul parlors is no& paying us rich dividends. The retailing business alone fetched us a sales turnover of more than Rs.;%% 7rores during the current year. 5oreover, these parlors also provide us &ith an effective platform to introduce all the innovative products that &e launch, every year. ?e have also made giant strides for&ard in reaching out to millions of rail&ay commuters by setting up more than B% Amul stalls across major rail&ay stations of the country. The !ndian Rail&ays have also recognized our efforts and &ith active support from !R7T7, &e plan to set up another @%% rail&ay parlors during the coming year. !ce*cream scooping parlors, the latest addition to the retailing revolution are yet another bloc'buster from the house of Amul. ?e e"pect to add ;%% more parlors in the coming year. Ta'ing cue from the success of our parlors, commitment from our sales team and all our channel partners dealing in mil', ice*cream and dairy productsN &e plan to ta'e the total tally of Amul parlors to $%%%% by adding 4%%% parlors during the coming financial year. EC!ORT #espite unfavorable conditions in international dairy mar'et, our e"port business reached Rs.$@@ crores against Rs.$;B crore last year. ?e have further consolidated our gro&th in consumer products including Paneer, ,utter, 7heese, EHT 5il' etc. This is e"tremely encouraging and indicates the high trust that our customers place in Amul ,rand. ?e have not been able to e"port 5il' Po&der in bul' pac'ing in larger uantity due to fall of &orld mar'et prices by nearly B%F as compared to previous year. #!0TR!,ET!O8 8.T?ORI Over a period of time &e have built uniue capabilities of distributing Ambient, 7hilled, Drozen and Dresh products simultaneously through our versatile distribution high&ays. Today, @B%% #istributors for -alue added mil' products, $<%% #istributors for Dresh 5il', ensure that Amul Products are available to all segments of consumers in !ndia through more than ; 5illion outlets. To enhance further efficiency in distribution, t&o 'ey initiatives have been ta'en during the year. Dirstly, &e e"panded competency based distribution by inducting about @%% #istributors having e"pertise in servicing specific mar'et segments and secondly, &e are poised to divide the value added product lines amongst three sets of #istributors to cater to the same mar'et. This is going to give us more and more competitive advantage. !n Dederation, our distributor is considered to be the real 5ar'eting 5anager. To update them &ith modern mar'eting concept a &or'shop on 5ar'eting and 0ales 5anagement is being conducted in collaboration &ith a premier business school. 0o far, $$%% #istributors have been benefited from this &or'shop. 0/#P 90elf /eadership #evelopment Programme= for #istributor is another major initiative ta'en during the year primarily &ith objective of training them to implement T)5 at their and at the retailer level. This &ill ultimately serve to bring all 0ta'e holders under common platform in 0trategic Planning Process of the Organization and to develop 0elf /eadership amongst each individual #istributor. Our Amul Matra Programmes ensure that our every ne& distributor and other business partners visit Anand to get an e"posure to our co*operative structure, our culture as &ell as our operational systems and processes. The initiative continued this year as &ell and so far, about :3%% #istributors and other business associates have visited Anand on Amul Matra. ?hole 0ale #epots, Retailers, #irect consumer ,ase De#ot. De#ot. Io"e. Io"e. 5ember #airies 0upplier Transport Retail ,;, ,;7 Portal .RP #!0I .!A0 6!0 !nternet SCM HO e*e"perience of Amul directly interact and give their feedbac' using product names, &hich &ill be ans&ered by the respective product manager &ill ma'e customer happy. /ocal participation( 0ystems and Actual Achievement ?ithout the local support 6755D may not achieve the 'ind of results, &hich it is achieving today. The cooperative movement in !ndia especially at 6ujarat gave birth to the village cooperatives. These village cooperatives started operating before the freedom has come to !ndia. .ven today the commitment level of the villagers doesnCt seem to be tainted. 6755D/ is trying to increase the confidence levels of the farmers on the cooperative setting. The philosophy of 6755D/ G ?eCre &or'ing for the farmers G is embibed in every employee of it. Dor years the 6755D philosophy remained same &here as the approach 'ept on changing according to times. The major portion of the villagers those &ho deposit mil' in cooperatives are illiterates. 5a'ing them feeling the need for systems is uite a difficult tas' and ma'ing them to manage the systems for the operations of mil' chilling centers is much more difficult. 6755D made it possible by incubating the Total )uality approach to the village cooperatives. !t 'ept alive the desire to e"cel feelings of farmers. 6755D is no& able to manage the highest supply of mil' in optimized &ay. The maintenance of the supplier and distributor net&or' is crucial especially in the case &hen the company has a perishable product in its portfolio. ?ith the involvement of high*speed net&or's in place 6755D is capitalizing on this. ,ut all &ithout the support of the beneficiary here in case the farmer of 6ujaratN it is impossible for any organization to climb up in the mar'et. 6755D mentors the farmers to&ards effective output delivery. The farmer follo&s the guidelines provided by 6755D and gives them the uality supply. Dinally 6755D is able to manage this all 'inds of comple" tas's because of systems in place and more than that the people participation. !nstances sho& us the empo&erment levels of member unions of 6755D. The ,anas dairy G Palampur is situated in north 6ujarat, &hich is an underdeveloped region of 6ujarat. 5any parts of the district are yet to be covered by the communication media. Enfortunately no one had ta'en initiatives to build right communication infrastructure as on date. Ender this scenario, ,anas dairy implemented a project in the rural area called O7hiraag ,anas !nternet 0e&aP in local language G 6ujarati. This project of ,anas dairy provides the !nternet access to the rural in their language by using &ireless technologies. They propose to provide e*e"perience of Amul services li'e .*5ail, Job &or's, .ntertainment, Off*/ine education and basic computer education for the village children. This education is related to animal husbandry, &atershed management, health A 0anitation, medical assistance and information related to various government schemes and procedures. These very efforts &ill ma'e this A57E0 centers a communication point to the e"ternal &orld. There are already some tie*ups made &ith the government authorities for the government procedures. This reduces the time spent at the government offices drasticallyN moreover it attracts the village cro&d to ta'e part in cooperative activities. The implementation is also trying top rope in some private sector companies to provide the farmer reliable information. 7ritical 0uccess Dactors( 5anagement Practices and /earning at 6755D/ 6755D/Cs management practices and the strong commitment of 6ujarat farmers to the 6755D/ are t&o basic reasons of 6755D/Cs success in implementing !T. Though initially Amul has faced certain basic problems such as user acceptancy. ?ith strong commitment to&ards change, 6755D &as able to overcome all of the problems and successfully marched into ne& era. Here are the reasons for AmulCs success. -arious reasons account for this scenario. 0ome of them are very critical for the success of this model in 6ujarat and the !T !nitiatives implemented by 6755D( STTthe 0trong and 7ommitted 6ujarat Darmer to&ards cooperative movement STTthe Total )uality 5anagement initiatives of 6755D/ STTthe strong &or' culture of 6755D/ STTdynamic leadership and die*hard follo&ers STTlocal administration STTe"tensive training STTuser G friendly hard&are and soft&are technology and STTthe effective communication channels employed by 6ujarat 7ooperative 5il' 5ar'eting Dederation /td to educate the farmer The ever Rraring to goC attitude of 6755D/ made it to pass on the benefits that it secured over a time, do&n the line to the mil' producer &ith specific cautions . >CMMF Tod$7 6755D is !ndia>s largest food products mar'eting organisation. !t is a state level ape" body of mil' cooperatives in 6ujarat, &hich aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by providing uality products, &hich are good value for money. 6755D mar'ets and manages the Amul brand. Drom mid*$22%s Amul has entered areas not related directly to its core business. !ts entry into ice cream &as regarded as successful due to the large mar'et share it &as able to capture &ithin a short period of time * primarily due to the price differential and the brand name. !t also entered the Pizza business, &here the base and the recipes &ere made available to restaurant o&ners &ho could price it as lo& as @% rupees per pizza &hen the other players &ere charging up&ards of $%% rupees. Com#$"7 i"'o The 6ujarat 7ooperative 5il' 5ar'eting Dederation /td, Anand 96755D= is the largest food products mar'eting organisation of !ndia. !t is the ape" organization of the #airy 7ooperatives of 6ujarat. This 0tate has been a pioneer in organizing dairy cooperatives and our success has not only been emulated in !ndia but serves as a model for rest of the ?orld. Over the last five and a half decades, #airy 7ooperatives in 6ujarat have created an economic net&or' that lin's more than ;.< million village mil' producers &ith millions of consumers in !ndia and abroad through a cooperative system that includes $@,$3$ -illage #airy 7ooperative 0ocieties 9-#70= at the village level, affiliated to $@ #istrict 7ooperative 5il' ProducersC Enions at the #istrict level and 6755D at the 0tate level. These cooperatives collect on an average :.B million litres of mil' per day from their producer members, more than :%F of &hom are small, marginal farmers and landless labourers and include a sizeable population of tribal fol' and people belonging to the scheduled castes. The turnover of 6755D 9A5E/= during ;%%<*%2 &as Rs. 4:.$$ billion. !t mar'ets the products, produced by the district mil' unions in @% dairy plants, under the reno&ned A5E/ brand name. The combined processing capacity of these plants is $$.4 million litres per day, &ith four dairy plants having processing capacity in e"cess of $ million /itres per day. The farmers of 6ujarat o&n the largest state of the art dairy plant in Asia G 5other #airy, 6andhinagar, 6ujarat * &hich can handle ;.B million litres of mil' per day and process $%% 5Ts of mil' po&der daily. #uring the last year, @.$ billion litres of mil' &as collected by 5ember Enions of 6755D. Huge capacities for mil' drying, product manufacture and cattle feed manufacture have been installed. All its products are manufactured under the most hygienic conditions. All dairy plants of the unions are !0O 2%%$*;%%%, !0O ;;%%% and HA77P certified. 6755D 9A5E/=Cs Total )uality 5anagement ensures the uality of products right from the starting point 9mil' producer= through the value chain until it reaches the consumer. .ver since the movement &as launched fifty*five years ago, 6ujaratCs #airy 7ooperatives have brought about a significant social and economic change to our rural people. The #airy 7ooperatives have helped in ending the e"ploitation of farmers and demonstrated that &hen our rural producers benefit, the community and nation benefits as &ell. The 6ujarat 7ooperative 5il' 5ar'eting Dederation /td. cannot be vie&ed simply as a business enterprise. !t is an institution created by the mil' producers themselves to primarily safeguard their interest economically, socially as &ell as democratically. ,usiness houses create profit in order to distribute it to the shareholders. !n the case of 6755D the surplus is ploughed bac' to farmers through the #istrict Enions as &ell as the village societies. This circulation of capital &ith value addition &ithin the structure not only benefits the final beneficiary G the farmer G but eventually contributes to the development of the village community. This is the most significant contribution the Amul 5odel cooperatives, of &hich, the Dederation is the ape" body, has made in building the 8ation. T(e T(%ee0tie% JAmu& Mode&J The Amul 5odel is a three*tier cooperative structure. This structure consists of a #airy 7ooperative 0ociety at the village level affiliated to a 5il' Enion at the #istrict level &hich in turn is further federated into a 5il' Dederation at the 0tate level. The above three*tier structure &as set*up in order to delegate the various functions, mil' collection is done at the -illage #airy 0ociety, 5il' Procurement A Processing at the #istrict 5il' Enion and 5il' A 5il' Products 5ar'eting at the 0tate 5il' Dederation. This helps in eliminayting not only internal competition but also ensuring that economies of scale is achieved. As the above structure &as first evolved at Amul in 6ujarat and thereafter replicated all over the country under the Operation Dlood Programme, it is 'no&n as the RAmul 5odelC or RAnand PatternC of #airy 7ooperatives. Responsible for 5ar'eting of 5il' A 5il' Products Responsible for Procurement A Processing of 5il' Responsible for 7ollection of 5il' Responsible for 5il' Production -illage #airy 7ooperative 0ociety 9-#70= The mil' producers of a village, having surplus mil' after o&n consumption, come together and form a -illage #airy 7ooperative 0ociety 9-#70=. The -illage #airy 7ooperative is the primary society under the three*tier structure. !t has membership of mil' producers of the village and is governed by an elected 5anagement 7ommittee consisting of 2 to $; elected representatives of the mil' producers based on the principle of one member, one vote. The village society further appoints a 0ecretary 9a paid employee and member secretary of the 5anagement 7ommittee= for management of the day* to*day functions. !t also employs various people for assisting the 0ecretary in accomplishing his + her daily duties. The main functions of the -#70 are as follo&s( • 7ollection of surplus mil' from the mil' producers of the village A payment based on uality A uantity • Providing support services to the members li'e -eterinary Dirst Aid, Artificial !nsemination services, cattle*feed sales, mineral mi"ture sales, fodder A fodder seed sales, conducting training on Animal Husbandry A #airying, etc. • 0elling liuid mil' for local consumers of the village • 0upplying mil' to the #istrict 5il' Enion Thus, the -#70 in an independent entity managed locally by the mil' producers and assisted by the #istrict 5il' Enion. #istrict 7ooperative 5il' ProducersC Enion 95il' Enion= The -illage 0ocieties of a #istrict 9ranging from :B to $4B@ per 5il' Enion in 6ujarat= having surplus mil' after local sales come together and form a #istrict 5il' Enion. The 5il' Enion is the second tier under the three*tier structure. !t has membership of -illage #airy 0ocieties of the #istrict and is governed by a ,oard of #irectors consisting of 2 to $< elected representatives of the -illage 0ocieties. The 5il' Enion further appoints a professional 5anaging #irector 9paid employee and member secretary of the ,oard= for management of the day*to*day functions. !t also employs various people for assisting the 5anaging #irector in accomplishing his + her daily duties. The main functions of the 5il' Enion are as follo&s( • Procurement of mil' from the -illage #airy 0ocieties of the #istrict • Arranging transportation of ra& mil' from the -#70 to the 5il' Enion. • Providing input services to the producers li'e -eterinary 7are, Artificial !nsemination services, cattle*feed sales, mineral mi"ture sales, fodder A fodder seed sales, etc. • 7onducting training on 7ooperative #evelopment, Animal Husbandry A #airying for mil' producers and conducting specialised s'ill development A /eadership #evelopment training for -#70 staff A 5anagement 7ommittee members. • Providing management support to the -#70 along &ith regular supervision of its activities. • .stablish 7hilling 7entres A #airy Plants for processing the mil' received from the villages. • 0elling liuid mil' A mil' products &ithin the #istrict • Process mil' into various mil' A mil' products as per the reuirement of 0tate 5ar'eting Dederation. • #ecide on the prices of mil' to be paid to mil' producers as &ell on the prices of support services provided to members. @.@ 0tate 7ooperative 5il' Dederation 9Dederation= The 5il' Enions of a 0tate are federated into a 0tate 7ooperative 5il' Dederation. The Dederation is the ape" tier under the three*tier structure. !t has membership of all the cooperative 5il' Enions of the 0tate and is governed by a ,oard of #irectors consisting of one elected representative of each 5il' Enion. The 0tate Dederation further appoints a 5anaging #irector 9paid employee and member secretary of the ,oard= for management of the day*to*day functions. !t also employs various people for assisting the 5anaging #irector in accomplishing his daily duties. The main functions of the Dederation are as follo&s( • 5ar'eting of mil' A mil' products processed + manufactured by 5il' Enions. • .stablish distribution net&or' for mar'eting of mil' A mil' products. • Arranging transportation of mil' A mil' products from the 5il' Enions to the mar'et. • 7reating A maintaining a brand for mar'eting of mil' A mil' products 9brand building=. • Providing support services to the 5il' Enions A members li'e Technical !nputs, management support A advisory services. • Pooling surplus mil' from the 5il' Enions and supplying it to deficit 5il' Enions. • .stablish feeder*balancing #airy Plants for processing the surplus mil' of the 5il' Enions. • Arranging for common purchase of ra& materials used in manufacture + pac'aging of mil' products. • #ecide on the prices of mil' A mil' products to be paid to 5il' Enions. • #ecide on the products to be manufactured at various 5il' Enions 9product*mi"= and capacity reuired for the same. • 7onduct long*term 5il' Production, Procurement A Processing as &ell as 5ar'eting Planning. • Arranging Dinance for the 5il' Enions and providing them technical 'no&*ho&. • #esigning A Providing training on 7ooperative #evelopment, Technical A 5ar'eting functions. • 7onflict Resolution A 'eeping the entire structure intact. ?e move to the year ;%%<. The dairy industry in !ndia and particularly in the 0tate of 6ujarat loo's very different. !ndia for one has emerged as the largest mil' producing country in the ?orld. 6ujarat has emerged as the most successful 0tate in terms of mil' and mil' product production through its cooperative dairy movement. The Iaira #istrict 7ooperative 5il' ProducersC Enion /imited, Anand has become the focal point of dairy development in the entire region and A5E/ has emerged as one of the most recognized brands in !ndia, ahead of many international brands. Today, &e have around $:4 cooperative dairy Enions formed by $,;B,%%% dairy cooperative societies having a total membership of around $@ million farmers on the same pattern, &ho are processing and mar'eting mil' and mil' products profitably, be it Amul in 6ujarat or -er'a in Punjab, -ijaya in Andhra Pradesh or a 8andini in Iarnata'a. This entire process has created more than $2% dairy processing plants spread all over !ndia &ith large investments by these farmersC institutions. These cooperatives today collect appro"imately ;@ million 'gs. of mil' per day and pay an aggregate amount of more than Rs.$;B billion to the mil' producers in a year. Im#$-t o' t(e JAmu& Mode&J The effects of Operation Dlood Programme are more appraised by the ?orld ,an' in its recent evaluation report. !t has been proved that an investment of Rs. ;% billion over ;% years under Operation Dlood Programme in :%s A <%s has contributed in increase of !ndiaCs mil' production by 3% 5illion 5etric Tonne 955T= i.e. from about ;% 55T in pre* Operation Dlood period to more than 4% 55T at the end of Operation flood Programme. Thus, an incremental return of Rs. 3%% billion annually have been generated by an investment of Rs. ;% billion over a period of ;% years. This has been the most beneficial project funded by the ?orld ,an' any&here in the ?orld. One can continue to see the effect of these efforts as !ndiaCs mil' production continues to increase and no& stands at 2% 55T. #espite this four*fold increase in mil' production, there has not been drop in the prices of mil' during the period and has continued to gro&. #ue to this movement, the countryCs mil' production tripled bet&een the years $2:$ to $224. 0imilarly, the per capita mil' consumption doubled from $$$ gms per day in $2:@ to ;;; gms per day in ;%%%. Thus, these cooperatives have not just been instrumental in economic development of the rural society of !ndia but it also has provided vital ingredient for improving health A nutritional reuirement of the !ndian society. -ery fe& industries of !ndia have such parallels of development encompassing such a large population. These dairy cooperatives have been responsible in uplifting the social A economic status of the &omen fol' in particular as &omen are basically involved in dairying &hile the men are busy &ith their agriculture. This has also provided a definite source of income to the &omen leading to their economic emancipation. The three*tier RAmul 5odelC has been instrumental in bringing about the ?hite Revolution in the country. As per the assessment report of the ?orld ,an' on the !mpact of #airy #evelopment in !ndia, the RAnand PatternC has demonstrated the follo&ing benefits( • The role of dairying in poverty reduction • The fact that rural development involves more than agricultural production • The value of national Ro&nershipC in development • The beneficial effects of higher incomes in relieving the &orst aspects of poverty • The capacity of dairying to create jobs • The capacity of dairying to benefit the poor at lo& cost • The importance of commercial approach to development • The capacity of single*commodity projects to have multi*dimensional impacts • The importance of getting government out of commercial enterprises • The importance of mar'et failure in agriculture • The po&er A problems of participatory organisations • The importance of policy ICT $##&i-$tio" i" $ d$i%7 i"du.t%76 The e*e"perience of Amul +. +o)o"de% + R R$*(u !%$.$d and A"u# ?ot&$ Ab.t%$-t The use of !nformation 7ommunication Technologies 9!7T= in rural areas of 6ujarat by 6755D/ has made the operation of the dairy industry different. ?hile it has al&ays been argued that investments related to !7T made in rural !ndia are not effective, the case of Amul proves that, &here there is a &ill there is a &ay. Amul has become rural !ndiaCs flag bearer in the !T revolution. This paper analyses the use of !7T in the dairy industry by the 6ujarat 7ooperative 5il' 5ar'eting Dederation /td. The system ma'es it easy for the farmers to get the cash payment as soon as the mil' is delivered. The Amul e"perience indicates that if properly designed and implemented, the rural poor can benefit from !7T platforms. 7ustomization of !T platforms for use in rural communities is emerging as a major opportunity for change. ?e7)o%d. !nformation communication technologies, 7ooperative movement, -illage #airy industry, Amul, #airy !nformation 0ystem +io*%$#(i-$& Note. D%. +. +o)o"de% is #ean for Tata 5anagement Training 7entre, Pune. His contact address is( #ean, Tata 5anagement Training 7entre, 8o.$, 5angaldas Road, PE8. G 3$$ %%$, !ndia, Tel( 2$*;%*4$;%$3$, Da"( %%2$*;%*4$; ;@@<, .*5ail( bo& + R R$*(u !%$.$d is a Project Associate Administrative 0taff 7ollege of !ndia, ,ella -ista, Hyderabad G B%% %<;, !ndia. .*mail( A"u# ?ot&$ is a Project Associate, Administrative 0taff 7ollege of !ndia, ,ella -ista, Hyderabad G B%% %<;, !ndia. e*e"perience of Amul There is nothing more difficult to carry out, neither more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order of things * Machiavelli OBe%Bie) 6ujarat 7o*Operative 5il' 5ar'eting Dederation /td. is an Ape" 7o*Operative OrganizationK$L. !t is respected for its credentials even after B4 years after its inception. The 7o*Operative movement started &ith t&o villages and ;3: litres of mil' in $234. !t has become a rupees one billion*business no&. The success of Amul e"plains the reasons for this remar'able gro&th. Dollo&ing the strategic advice from the freedom fighters li'e 0ardar -allabhai and 5orarji #esai, the 7o*Operative movement started &ith the slogan ORemove middlemenP in 6ujarat by the village masses. The collective farmers succeeded in ma'ing the ,ritish government accept the concept of 7o*Operative societies. The Iaira #istrict 7o*Operative 5il' Producers union /td., Anand &as born on #ec $3, $234. The Anand Pattern The first lesson in mil' mar'eting &as learnt &hen an assured outlet for mil' in ,ombay stimulated increased mil' collection in the villages of Iaira #istrict. 5ore and more farmers joined hands in all the villages to successfully negotiate the increased demand for the mil'. The ,ombay mil' scheme did not accept all the mil' that is procured by the 7o*operative society. 0etting up of a dairy processing unit &as a &ay to solve the problem. There &as a need felt for the #airy plant to process and utilize the mil' supplied by the society and as a result the dairy &as setup in $22B. St$te M$%8eti"* Fede%$tio" All Dairies in State Vi&&$*e Co0o#e%$tiBe So-iet7 All Villages in a District Di.t%i-t Mi&8 !%o-e..i"* U"io" Every District in the State e*e"perience of Amul The Anand Pattern - New The Anand pattern of #airy 7o*Operative includes the #airy 7o*Operative societies at village level and a processing unit called OEnionP at district level. !nspired by this pattern, similar mil' unions &ere started in other districts too. To mar'et the products of the mil' unions, 6755D &as formed in $2:@. 6755D is the sole mar'eter for all the range of Amul products. Originally they &ere only mil' po&der and butter. /ater it is e"panded drastically to cover products such as G ice creams, pizza, ghee, cheese, chocolates, shri'hand, paneer and so on. These made Amul the leading food brand in !ndia. Mi&8 !%odu-e%. A&& mi&8 #%odu-e%. i" $ Bi&&$*e ;.; million in 6ujarat 10. million in !ndia Vi&&$*e Coo#e%$tiBe So-iet7 A&& Vi&&$*e. i" $ Di.t%i-t $%,4:B villages in 6ujarat "0,000 villages in !ndia Di.t%i-t D$i%7 EBe%7 Di.t%i-t i" t(e St$te $; #istrict Enions in 6ujarat 1"0 #nions all over !ndia St$te M$%8eti"* Fede%$tio" 6 A&& D$i%ie. i" $ St$te 6755D in 6ujarat1$ %tate &ederations in !ndia The new Anand Pattern - New T&o leading figures of the !ndian dairy industry G Tribhuvandas Patel and #r. -. Iurein made 7o*Operative movement to succeed. The only reason for the success of 6755D as #r. -. Iurein stated( O#etermination, #edication, #iscipline are forming the driving forces of the AmulP The 6755D consists of $; affiliated member #airies + #istrict mil' unions and it has its o&n manufacturing unit called 5other #airy at 6andhinagar &ith the largest net&or' in food industry supported by mar'eting and distribution of liuid mil' and a variety of products under the brands G Amul and 0agar. !t is also the sole selling agent for the 8ational #airy #evelopment ,oardCs 98##,= edible oil G R#HARAC. 6755D also coordinates &ith the manufacturing dairy units for production planning and mil' procurement and handles the distribution of mil' from surplus union to the deficit areas. e*e"perience of Amul According to 5r. , 5 -yas, 5anaging #irector 6755D( O?eCre in bet&een the t&o e"tremes G the customer and the farmer. ,oth e"pect the ma"imum inta'e. !n one &ay, the customer &ants to have the best product available at the lo&er price. On the other, farmer e"pects the ma"imum amount for his mil'. To sustain in the business &e have to ma'e sure that &e give them &hat they &antP. As all these reuire a tight integration in the supply and value chain activities, 6755D is able to e"cel it by educating the farmer and providing him the necessary guidance on one end and on the other end approaching the consumer &ith the best product and understanding the !ndian consumer better. The information technology and total uality management came together to help the 6755D to gain control on the procurement, processing and distribution functions. The TQM Model - GMM! O!nformation Technology is our thrust area from our inception that is because &e are mar'eting the perishable goods. There is every chance that &e may collapse in bet&een if &e donCt understand the mar'et realities and the village farmers. There should be a ;3": hrs information flo& in bet&een us and the remaining nodes of our supply chainP, according to 5r. Rathod, #ivisional 5anager. The need for coordinating a highly distributed system &as clearly understood. 7lose coordination has been the main feature of the value chain, sho&n in Fi*.K. They &ere &ell prepared for the systems revolution. 6755D is one amongst the first fe& !ndian companies to start a &eb site and opting for the #omain O.coopP &ill prove the VISION MISSION STRATE>Y T@E TEI TLC Co"ti"uou. Im#%oBeme"t HR e*e"perience of Amul fact that they are &ell ahead of the time. The !T related initiatives that 6755D undertoo' include G an .RP initiative to integrate the mar'et related activities. ?., initiatives made the consumer &ell a&are of Amul. ROnline 0toresC and RPortal activitiesC li'e emailing, greetings gave the consumer a better picture of Amul. A57E0, the Automatic 5il' 7ollection Enit 0ystems are empo&ering the farmers by employing !T at village co*operative societies. !T increases the transparency levels in the system and builds the trust among the farmers. 5a'ing the system automatic could remove the man in the loop. The use of !T platforms reduces the potential for discretionary decisions. The GMM!" Val#e hain 6755D, being a pioneer in the dairy industry become the industry standard. The Total )uality 5anagement and !nformation Technology initiatives ensured the ma"imum shelves in the retail stores as &ell as in customer minds. 6755D/ is in a state &here it is gro&ing rapidly and it is one amongst the most respected !ndian companies in ;%%@. !t is because of the values and systems that are in place. As a 7hinese proverb says, OAs long as the trun' is firm, &orry not about the branches s&inging to the &ind.P 6755D/ is trying to strengthen its rural base G The -illage 7ooperatives G to ensure the lead in the dairy business. ;.; million numbers Darmers -illage 7ooperative 0ocieties 5ember unions 675HD/ #istribution Retailers Production of 5il' 5il' 7ollection 5il' Processing 5ar'eting #istribution Retailing $%,4:B 7ooperative societies $; units $%%%% emp :%% .5P @%%% B%%,%%% e*e"perience of Amul Numbe% o' Vi&&$*e So-ietie. Tot$&6 52E<1 % ;%% 3%% 4%% <%% $%%% $;%% $3%% $4%% $<%% Ahmedabad Iaira ,aroda ,haruch 6andhinagar Panchmahal 0abar'antha 5ehsana ,anas'antha Raj'ot 0urat -alsad U"io". Numbe% o' Vi&&$*e So-ietie. N#$%er o& village societies in G#'arat OBe%Bie) o' t(e ICT !&$t'o%m 5il' production is important to !ndia, as mil' is one of the main sources of proteins and calcium for a largely vegetarian population. #airying provides a livelihood for millions of !ndian farmers and additional income for a large number of rural families as &ell as means for &omen to participate in the economic activity in rural areas. !ndia became the largest producer of mil' in $222 primarily due to the efforts of the co*operative movement initiated by the 8ational #airy #evelopment ,oard 98##,=. I"di$" D$i%7 I"du.t%7 4 Mi&8 #%odu-tio" i" I"di$ The movement, &hich started at Amul #airy in 6ujarat, is no& replicated in :%,%%% villages in about ;%% districts of !ndia. Dollo&ing the repeal of the R)uantitative RestrictionsC on food products by the 6overnment of !ndia under the ?TO agreement, the !ndian industry faces a challenge, the co*operative diary sector has to further improve the production, collection, processing and mar'eting of mil' and mil' products. The 8ational #airy #evelopment ,oard has dra&n up a program to double mil' collection in the ne"t si" years. This sharp increase reuires an e"tensive educational program that should reach millions of farmers and dairy &or'ers. This case sho&s ho& the education can be delivered via rural !nternet Iios's created for the dairy sector. The dairy sector already uses computers in 3%%% rural locations for processing mil' buying+selling transactions in a transparent manner and e"poses B%%,%%% people daily to the benefits of !T. The project has been developed through e"tensive collaboration &ith the co*operative dairy unions of 6ujarat. Daily collection o& Mil( The 6755D G Amul has ta'en the initiative of installing the A57E0 G Automatic 5il' 7ollection Enit 0ystems at village societies to enhance the transparency of transaction bet&een the farmer and the 7o*Operative 0ociety. These systems not only ensured the transparency but also gave 7o*Operative societies a uniue advantage by reducing the processing time to $% percent of &hat it used to be prior to this. 6755D indeed got the entire supplier information through the systems integration. The information related to members, fat content, volume of the mil' procured and the amount payable to the member are accessible to the 7o*Operative 0ociety in the form of a database. There are $%:BB village co*operatives in 6ujarat that are no& able to collect 4.$ million litres of mil' from ; million members. Than's to the use of !T, both transparency and trust have been enhanced.. $%%%%% ;%%%%% @%%%%% 3%%%%% B%%%%% 4%%%%% Ahmedabad Iaira ,aroda ,haruch 6andhinagar Panchmahal 0abar'antha 5ehsana ,anas'antha Raj'ot 0urat -alsad U"io" Numbe% O' !%odu-e% Membe%. Producer 5embers N#$%er o& Prod#cer Me$%ers Total) *+**,+-./ The success of A57E0 prompted the 6755D to aggressively go on using !nformation Technology to capture the end*to*end data. 6755D planned to cover all aspects of the value chain. These plans supports integration of the value chain activities destined to&ards the O,etter 5anagement PracticesP. These efforts of 6755D triggered the changes in the -illagesN farmers 'ept themselves open for the changes. One of the 7o*Operative unions O,anas dairyP started &ith educating the rural about the cattle, cleanliness and so on because of the systems that are already in place at A57E0. The #airy !nformation and 0ervices Iios' 9#!0I= is another initiative that is started &ith the help of !!5 9A= by 6755D/. There are many more in the pipeline of 6755D/ !T !nitiatives. -arious things li'e .nterprise &ide !ntegrated Application 0ystems 9.!A0= to integrate the #istribution side of the 0upply chain, #!0I G to upgrade the application at the 5il' 7ollection 7enters and to connect them to the !nternet to access a specialized dairy portal &ith content delivered in the local language have already started giving the fruits to the rural poor, &hich has persuaded the rural fol's to actively participate in !T Revolution of the dairy industry. e*e"perience of Amul O%i*i" o' t(e #%oMe-t ide$ The term R#igital #ivideC has al&ays fascinated the !ndian !T !ndustry. ,oth the government and the private social organizations from the private sectors have launched various schemes to ta'e O!T to the massesP. !t has al&ays been argued that !ndiaCs rural populations G accounts for :% percent of the total population G can be boosted by the !T innovations. Amul has been one of the first organizations to use !T enabled transactions. 6755D has embar'ed on information technology as a thrust area for gaining a competitive edge in its global business operations in $223, &ith a vie& of handling the rapid gro&th and data volumes that needed to be effectively managed. 6755D has studied its structure and operations and prevailing developments in the !nformation technology front. That gave birth to the !nformation 0ystems Plan( A step*by*step planning document for 6755D. The main concern &as to ma'e the !nformation strategy as an integral part of the business strategy through the end*toend total uality management. Accordingly, a system for improving the mil' procurement system &as conceived, 5r. ,. 5. -yas, 675D gave the lead for the initiative. All the current systems &ere redesigned and reorganized as per the need and all activities &ere focused to&ards capturing the important data that is vital for decision*ma'ing. 0tarting from day one the implementation of !nformation 0ystem Plan &ent in a big &ay. The implementation of A57E0 gave 6755D enough e"perience for the deeper the e"ploitation of !T. OAmul is not a food company, it is an !T company in the food businessP, according to 5r.,.5. -yas, as 6755D implemented !T in all its operations progressively. !t benefited from the use of !T as its operations are distributed across the country. Ide$ I"iti$tio" The initial success of 6755D gave confidence to e"periment &ith ne&er initiatives. The idea initiation is coupled &ith lot of other initiatives that 6755D has ta'en to reorganize themselves in the mar'et. -arious activities li'e total uality management do have their role of getting !T to the rural front. The T)5 drive in 6755D triggered lot of innovative plans to improve the entitlements of various sta'eholders. one started thin'ing for the collective &ell being of the organization. The &or'shops, counseling meets, a&areness programs and RHoshin IanriC meetings turned out to get the uality feedbac' from the participants. The stress on ma'ing things better from day to day has been forced by the Iaizen model of incremental improvement. To get the rural masses &ith in the T)5 boundaries a program such as R!nternal 7onsultant #evelopmentC &as implemented. At the grass roots level, it is essential to ensure that the implementation is fla&less. 6755D employed the same approach that &as used to ma'e the distribution chain effective. This approach helped in developing the reuired internal competencies to transform the village society into a technology user community. R#!0IC model has built upon the e"isting application by e"panding the database of the mil' societies to include a complete history of mil' cattle o&ned by the member farmers. The details such as the breed and a history of diseases, inoculation, and artificial insemination are maintained in the system. The data history on mil' production by individual farmer is also available in the database at the collection centers. This model is designed by !!5*A. OThe test of an organization is not its genius but its capacity to ma'e common people achieve uncommon performancesP as per 5r 7haudhary of 6755D. This is idea behind the A57E0, #!0I as &ell as the other programs &ere being the initiated by 6755D successfully and ma'ing the ma"imum &hat they are intended to be. !%oMe-t Co"-e#tu$&iD$tio" The 6755D business involves daily collection of mil' at ;B supply centers at 6ujaratN the production of butter, cheese, ice cream, baby food and mil' po&derN the mar'eting of these products through B% sales offices through out !ndiaN and distribution through a net&or' of 3%%% stoc'ists &ho, in turn, supply of B%%,%%% retail outlets. 8ot&ithstanding the traditional nature of its business, the management decided to adopt O !nformation technology integrationP as a strategic thrust in $22B. The objective &as to create ne& efficiencies in all aspects of the business, to enhance competitiveness, and to e"tend the mar'et reach. e*e"perience of Amul 0ince that time, all of 4B% staff has received computer and e*commerce training. .competencies have been established at the supply and distribution ends of AmulCs business value chain. On the supply side, A57E0 is recording uality and uantity of mil' being collected and #!0I is in its inception stage. 7yber stores that 6755D operates are visited by atleast <%% to $%%% people every day. This has been achieved &ithin B years despite &ea' information technology infrastructure, and a high Otouch and feelP consumer culture. O!f you &ant to become e*competent, it is not enough to focus on your o&n company. Mou need to bring the &hole business value chain. This means creating a shared visionP says ,5 -yas. As everyone 'no&s 6755D relies on the fact that their supply base is too strong to support them all the &ay. The mil' is such a perishable item 6755D needs to maintain the uantities &ithout any &astage. OAs mil' is a highly perishable commodity, the A57E0 initiative is vital for our operations. #ue to this automation &e are in a position to collect si" million &it%e. of mil' per day from around t&o million members. 5ore importantly, this initiative has increased the trust and transparency among the rural peopleP, according to 5r.0.Hegde, 7hief !nformation Officer, 6755D. T(e $il( collection in 0#pees $illions- Navali Village o-1perative Society The process of collecting the mil' before A57E0 &as used to be the manual process. The comple"ity of the operations of village cooperatives increased over the years. -illage cooperatives started loo'ing for improving the efficiency of their operations. 6755D invited B to 4 soft&are companies to e"plore the possibility of automating the process of estimating the fat content in the mil', so as to reduce the delays and to eliminate the &aiting time in the ueries. O?e identified the comple"ity of the operations that the societies are in. 5ore over day*to*day the farmer &ill be ve"ed up &ith the traditional setup because of human mista'es in calculations and may start doubting the system itself. That made us to loo' into the problem seriously. To get the best deal to the cooperatives &e employed some soft&are companies to automate the &hole processP. As 5r. Rathod rightly pointed out the soft&are companies too' this assignment as a challenge, moreover the &hole business idea itself is promising to them. 0o the companies started providing competitive soft&are applications to the societies. Offers li'e training, price discounts increased there after to the village societies. ,ut these entire initiatives have not come &ithout challenges. Dor instance, 6755D had to give the systems at free of cost for A57E0 to some cooperative villages to convince the cynical farmers about the benefits of !nformation Technology. These efforts of 6755D paid off and the villagers recognized the importance of A57E0. T(i"*. $%e N-($"*ed= The time that is being ta'en to collect the mil' in a society ranges from B to 4 hrs averaging at about B minutes per member after installing A57E0. There is a comparative reduction of more than :BF of time thatCs spent on each deal. .ach farmer is getting paid for his mil' deposited in societyCs counter in another counter immediately on a real time basis. 8o& villagers &ere able to send their emails from A57E0 to any&here in the &orld and #!0I is e"pected to arrive at the village cooperatives this year enabling the villagers to learn from the net and connecting &ith enterprise systems of 6755DK;L. The #!0I project conceptualized by !!5GA &ill have the interconnectivity to a dairy portal at a district levels, that serves the information for village cooperative society members. The application soft&are provide to cooperatives &ill include( ST#ata analysis and decision support to help rural mil' collection society in improving its performance. ST#ata analysis to improve productivity the yield from cattle. STDarmers &ith facilities to place orders for goods and service offered by different agencies in the dairying sector and collaborates on subjects of interest. The services to be offered at this center are( ST!nformation service related to dairying STAccess to multimedia database on innovations captured by 0R!0HT! 986O &or'ing !!5A= from all the villages over 6ujarat. ST7ommunication facilities such as e*mail, fa", net phone ST,an'ing centers for payment for the farmers by using the mil' cards &hich are already in place STThe e*governance and e*procurement ST.ffective medium of communication to the 6ujarat rural The basic reuirements of #!0I are already met by the village cooperatives. There might be an upgrade reuired for the soft&are and hard&are in place and an !nternet connection &ould be reuired. Dor the portal at the unions, a small server and a leased line &ould be needed. The union portal can be implemented at a central location at one of the 8##, servers. Projects such as decision support systems and e*e"perience of Amul . T(e >CMMFL B$&ue -($i" 4 E 0E"$b&ed !%oMe-t Co0O%di"$tio" The project &as basically been implemented at the procurement end of the value chain of 6755D i.e. the supply side. ,eing the largest cooperative in !ndia A5E/ enjoys a vast supplier range. Darmers of 6ujarat are today much happier than any other cluster of farmers. They proudly claim that they are &ith the society. The farmerCs commitment never &ent do&n even after B% years of cooperative movement. .ach activity that is ta'en up by the society are still given prominence in the villages. 6755D never let this confidence go do&n. !t has provided state of the art facilities and it empo&ered them to ta'e up ne& initiatives. ?hen first 6755D thought about the comple"ity of the operations of village societies they met the village societies and discussed &ith them about the problem. ?hen 6755D announced the implementation of A57E0, village societies too' over the responsibilities from their mentor. The A57E0 changed the operations of village societies, by reducing the response time. The society officials have to face some teething problems in the beginning. 8o& it has become a usual practice. 8o& they are arranging !nternet sessions in village societies. As there is no hard&are cost that is ;.; million numbers Darmers -illage 7ooperative 0ocieties 5ember unions 675HD/ #istribution Retailers Production of 5il' 5il' 7ollection 5il' Processing 5ar'eting #istribution Retailing $%,4:B 7ooperative societies $; units $%%%% cmpl :%% .5P @%%% B%%,%%% .!A0 A57E0, #!0I @%%% 0creens $%%% 0creens V$; -0AT BBB 0creens V : -0AT ;B%% 0creens Retail Portal e*e"perience of Amul reuired to be met, the projects such as interconnecting the societies &ith the supply chain net&or' of 6755D and the others are under implementation. T(e .u#e%io% e"d o' B$&ue -($i" o' >CMMF. The project &as being coordinated by the 6755D and the village cooperative society in &hich the A57E0 is being implemented. 6755D is playing a major role by mentoring the societies and providing the guidance that is reuired for the effective management of the systems. The village society &ill be responsible for the operation of the system. 0tarting from the purchase of the hard&are to soft&are installation and the service aspects are properly managed by the village cooperative society officials. These societies have the right to select the service provider. 6755D limited itself as a facilitator by empo&ering the village cooperative societies. This empo&erment model facilitated the rapid diffusion of !T. The village cooperatives learnt uic'ly &ith the support of the soft&are companies that are providing them the soft&are, hard&are services. These companies also played a major role in enhancing the acceptance of the innovative !7T platform. After automating the mil' collection process, it is the turn of #!0I to provide the rural population of 6ujarat, the reuired guidance and education. The #!0I is in its inception stage. !t is being pilot tested in the village cooperatives of 6ujarat state. This is being implemented in OEttarsandaP 5il' 0ociety, &hich is an ideal cooperative for testing. The society has ;;%% members and collects H@B% &orth mil' per day. !t has applied for !0O2%%; uality certification as part of the T)5 movement. The reuired assistance and support for the pilot test is given by the 6755D to encourage the village cooperative to participate in the !T revolution. !!5*A is training the rural communities to handle the systems effectively. !!5A is involving small private sector companies to ta'e the #!0I project to a large number of rural places. 5il' 0upply #ata Production #ata 5il' 0upply #ata of 5embers -illage 7o*Operative 0ociety 5il' Enion 6755D Eninterrupted !nformation Dlo& e*e"perience of Amul !%oMe-t EB$&u$tio" S7.tem. ?ithout effective evaluation, a project implementation is never finished. !t might be inline or inbuilt &ith the system or e"ternal to the system. The project evaluation system compares the actual implementation details &ith those projected sho&ing us the rate of return from the project. This can help in many &ays G for creating further course of action, proper controlling measures design, and replicability assessment. !n this project there is no evaluation system in place. One of the &ays in &hich the project authorities are evaluating the project is through a feedbac'. As the village cooperatives do have their o&n meetings and discussions regularly, the feedbac' mechanism is strongly enforced into the functioning of the village cooperatives. OThe Iaizen approachP, follo&ed by 6755D as a part of T)5 measures is been used by the village cooperatives in order to tac'le the uality measurement issues and solve them. Numbe% O' AMCUS 0 O#e%$tio"$& % B%% $%%% $B%% ;%%% ;B%% @%%% @B%% 3%%% 3B%% B%%% $22$ $224 ;%%$ Ye$% Numbe% o' AMCUS ,!C 0 +$.ed/ 0 @it( t(e t%eme"dou. *%o)t( %$te 5ost of the village co*operatives have installed uality management systems and one of the co*operative &as nominated !0O certificate. The former Prime 5inister of !ndia G 5r. /albahadur 0hastri, &as e"amined the systems that the villagers are using. He also insisted on the replication of the systems that are in place at Anand. S$ti.'$-tio" LeBe&. o' Vi&&$*e%. 4 AMCUS S$ti.'$-tio" &eBe&. o' Vi&&$*e%. %F ;%F 3%F 4%F <%F $%%F $;%F $22@ $22< ;%%@ 0atisfactory Percentages One of the critical factors that contributed to the success of the project has been participation of the beneficiaries and the systematic communication. The village farmers assembling at a pre*specified location in the village &ill discuss &ith the secretaries of the cooperative societies and tell them the problem areas. The secretary of the society &ill ensure that action &ill be ta'en. 5oreover the village members &ill elect the village cooperative boards. !t is purely a democratic setup, &hich empo&ers the people. All the e"ternal assessment proved that the A57E0 systems &ere effective. The model is getting replicated in other states. As the user feedbac' has been positive and 6755D and village cooperatives are replicating this in other locations. The Deedbac' system is giving them the right inputs for the improvement of the 7ooperative societies. The T)5 measures G Iaizen and uality circles are enabling the villagers to push for&ard their ideas to the officials and the higher authorities are trying to resolve the issues &hen they came up. The !0O certifications are continuing at the district unions of 6755DN they are no& moving to villages. The T)5 initiative that is passed to the village cooperatives by 6755D transformed them in a major &ay. 0ome of the observations after T)5 training to the villagers( STTThe approach, the enclosure and the ambience of the societies have undergone a face*lift. STT8e& methods and items &ere distributed to avoid &astage STTThere is an improvement in the uality of mil' in terms of acidity and sour mil'. 0abar 5il' EnionCs records sho&s a reduction of ;.%F to %.BF in the amount of sour mil'+curd received from the union. STTAll union dairies have e"perienced improved microbiological uality of incoming ra& mil' in the form of higher O5ethylene ,lue ReductionP 95,R= time. This &ill give better shelf life for the mil' and mil' products. STTPrograms li'e G Red Tag #ay Gfor cleaning the 5il' 7ollection centers and House'eeping &ere encouraged. And there are many moreW Te-("i-$& !e%'o%m$"-e The application of !nformation 7ommunication Technology systems 9!7T= for mil' collection has been &or'ing &ithout any major fla& in ;B%% collection centres. The use of !7T helped both 6755D/ and the farmers. !n the case of farmers it reduced the delay in getting the money. Rather, it made the operation real time oriented. This improved the cash availability thereby reduced the need for ta'ing loans. ?hereas, 6755D/ also benefited. The operations &ere simplified. The possibilities of errors in estimations &ere done a&ay &ith. The farmers &ere also happy &ith the operation of the system. The best aspect of the system is the elimination of the &aiting system. T%$i"i"* $"d S8i&& .et deBe&o#me"t Training and s'ill development are elements that can ma'e an activity sustainable. The 0ervice companies that are providing the A57E0 services to the village cooperatives are providing the training for the users of the system. The users are &ell a&are of the reports to be produced and tas's to be accomplished. The users of the system are no& able to prepare the ,alance sheet and Profit and /oss accounts through the system i.e. provided by the service companies. The 6755D in fact created an environment conductive to technology diffusion. 6755D encouraged five to si" companies to develop the soft&are for the mil' chilling centers. 6755D used computerized mil' procurement system as a platform to bring together a number of interest groups. The platform acted a 'no&ledge integrator and also a platform to sharing 'no&ledge. All the service companies are staying competitive in order to sustain &ith the business. The villagers are also ta'ing measures to select the systems. The soft&are facilitates net&or'ing, financial reporting and !nternet connectivity. These soft&are pac'ages are classified as #O0 based and ?indo&s based, according to the platform that the village cooperative select as its operating system for the personal computers. There are around 3%%% P7 based systems operating in the village cooperatives. .ntrepreneurial development and generating the uality employment are t&o spillover benefits of !7T platform. All the village cooperatives are involving t&o to three operators &ho are e"tensively trained by the service provider companies. ,asically the educated unemployed youth are getting ne& opportunities through this platform. The secretary of the village cooperative is empo&ered by the villagers to ta'e the necessary action for the improvement of the societies. T(e be"e'it. o' t(e AMCUS .7.tem The rural people are getting benefited much by the !T initiatives, started by 6755D. The benefits of various projects such as #!0I are yet to be realized. The follo&ing are the demonstrated benefits of the !7T platform. STTtime reduction STTreduction of pilferage STTreduced human errors STTon the spot payments for farmers STT&astage is reduced STTtransparency of operation STToperational integration The benefits e"perienced by the farmers are uantified in the T$b&e 5. T$b&e 5 6 E.tim$ted e-o"omi-$& be"e'it. 'o% AMCUS u.e%. De.-%i#tio" ,!e% Ye$%/ E.tim$ted Amou"t ,RS/". !nterest R0 $$ 1. !nterest 'ate ( 10) *. +om,ound !nterest -. .ays for ,rocessing - $ 5anual errors R0 B 1. Per a man day number of mista/es on an average - 10 to 1- each costing 1.-0 '% 1avg.2 *. %am,le %ociety %i3e 1000 0ample 5il' 7ost R0 ;:B 1. Per sam,le mil/ collected ( 40ml *. %am,le %ociety %i3e 1000 -. %am,le ta/en is not reimbursed 5il' ?astage 7ost R0 ;%% 1. Mil/ that5s wasted due to carriage and measurements 7omple"ity costs R0 @4 !nclusive of %taff cost Tot$& Co.t. RS <13 2Appro3i$ately4445 As per the 6755D average mil' collection of Rs. 3B;.<% million litres, 9Average= the above said cost &ill raise up for ;.; million farmers. The A57E0 benefits the farmer community by saving Rs. $$B2.3 millions per year. The benefits that are accounted above donCt include the 'no&ledge and s'ill development, uality improvement and the remaining subjective parameters. The A57E0 implemented in ;B%% villages might benefit the farmers &hen the #!0I becomes operational, because of providing the farmers right and reuired education. #5 -yas says, OProviding farmers the education to understand the better &ays of managing the cattle &ill duly reduce the belo& poverty line numbersP. O%*$"iD$tio"$& A-(ieBeme"t. 6755D/, 6ujarat 7o*Operative 5il' 5ar'eting /imited is being driven by the vision of the thousands of 6ujarat Darmers. This specific organization has a purpose for its e"istence. 6755D/ better described as the one cooperative organization &or'ing for the &ell*being of millions of farmers. The commitment of 6755D to the village farmers and vice versa is tremendous. 6755D changed the operations loo'ing into the needs of the farmers. Today 6755D is ahead of all its competitors meeting the e"pectations of their suppliers and the customers. Amul &ith its brand name G RThe Taste of !ndiaC has become the biggest food brand in !ndia. T(e >CMMF TLM Im#&eme"t$tio" $223 $22B $224 $224 T)5 Proposal Training Program /aunches Training Hoshin Ianri $22: The successful utilization of !T to bridge the #igital divide has aptly been described by #r. 5. -. Iurien, 7hairman, 6755D, O7omputers &ere not created for poverty reduction hence it is futile to e"cept that the &orld &ill be a better place if &e all had access to computers and internet but information is po&er and its stands to reason that if this po&er is shared euitably all &ill benefitP. The scale of operations of Amul are very large and comple" because of the huge supplier base the 6ujarat -illage cooperative society members. Amul ma'es about $% millions payment daily amounting to transactions &orth Rs.$:% million in cash. 5ore than B%% truc's move the mil' from villages to ;%% dairy processing plants t&ice a day. The !T initiatives of Amul started in $223 !T became the major thrust area of 6755D as it can facilitate improvements in operational efficiency. 0ince then 6755D is marching in a big &ay starting from A57E0 to todayCs #!0I. The !T !nitiatives of 6755D/ E"te%#%i.e @ide S7.tem.6 EIAS $"d >IS The main benefit of !7T has the po&er of integration and amenability to centralized monitoring. All the units are net&or'ed. 6755D has connected its Xonal Offices, 6u&ahati Regional Office as &ell as 5ember #airies, 5il' Enions and its o&n Enit* 5other #airy through -0AT for seamless e"change of OOnlineP information. All 0ales Offices, 7AD points A ?holesale distributors of 6755D have been connected through T7P+!P !nternet 5ail Account for e"change of information. !n addition to the above, 6755D is using 6eographical !nformation 0ystem 96!0= at its Head Office and 'ey 5ar'eting Offices. Esing the All !ndia 5ap in 6!0. They are in position to plot zone+depot boundary as &ell as pointer for zone, depot A distributor locations, &hich are superimposed by product*&ise sales data. The same is being used for sales A distribution planning and revie&. 5oreover, 6!0 is being used for business planning activity at mil' centres and it covers animal census data. This has helped them to 'no& average mil' production and productivity of co&s and buffaloes in 6ujarat and trac' the animals and trend analysis etc. $224 $22: $22< $222 A57E0 !nternet and ?eb Related #!0I ?eb integration ;%%% ;%%$ ;%%; .!A0 St%u-tu%e o' t(e I"'o%m$tio" S7.tem. 5oreover, the .!A0 0oft&are is platform independent and it can &or' on any Operating 0ystem 9O0= including /inu". Esing the share&are soft&are platforms systematically, the !T cost &as controlled to a great e"tent. 6755D is also in the process of &eb enabling the selected process of .!A0 so as to capture the 'ey information at source and use the same through out the enterprise of on*line vie& A decision ma'ing, &hich includes Transporters, 5embers manufacturing units, Oil pac'ing stations, suppliers, depots and 7ADs, Dield force etc. This &ill optimize further the /ogistic 0upply chain activities of 6755D to a great e"tent. 5oreover, 6755D is one among the first !ndian corporate on the ?eb since $224 and &e have put Amul 7yber store as a first step to&ards e*commerce activity in !ndia. This has helped us to interact directly &ith the consumers and delighting them &ith our values added services. 6755D has lin'ed under &&& as a part of our amulb;b initiative. Today AmulCs 7yber 0tore offers its services in more than $;% cities. !n order to attract more customers, 6755D launched and amul' to e"tend the brand identity to 'ids and teenagers &ho are increasing its target mar'et for its ice creams and chocolates. ,y attempting to identify itself &ith every segment, 6755D ensure that the brand &as on top*of*the*mind of customers. The recipe section in site has also helping 6755D to strengthen their position as RThe Taste of !ndiaC. ,y allo&ing the customers to BOARD MEMBERS Shri Ramsinh Prabhatsinh Parmar Chairman Shri Rajendrasinh Dhirsinh Parmar Vice-Chairman Shri Dhirubhai Amarsinh Zala Director Smt. Mansinh oh!abhai Chauhan Director Shri Ma"anbhai #o$albhai Zala Director Shri Shi%abhai Mahijibhai Parmar Director Shri Pra%insinh &ulsinh Solan$i Director Shri Chandubhai Madhubhai Parmar Director Shri Bhaijibhai Amarsinh Zala Director Shri Bi'inbhai Manishan$ar (oshi Director Smt. Sara!uben Bharatbhai Patel Director Shri Ranjitbhai antibhai Patel Director Shri B. M. V!as Mana"in" Director #.C.M.M.& Shri Dee'a$ Dalal District Re"istrar Shri Rahul umar Mana"in" Director A-(ieBeme"t. o' t(e JAmu& MoBeme"tJ $. The phenomenal gro&th of mil' production in !ndia G from ;% million 5T to $%% million 5T in a span of just 3% years * has been made possible only because of the dairy cooperative movement. This has propelled !ndia to emerge as the largest mil' producing country in the ?orld today. ;. The dairy cooperative movement has also encouraged !ndian dairy farmers to 'eep more animals, &hich has resulted in the B%% million cattle A buffalo population in the country * the largest in the ?orld. @. The dairy cooperative movement has garnered a large base of mil' producers, &ith their membership today boasting of more than $@ million member families. 3. The dairy cooperative movement has spread across the length and breadth of the country, covering more than $;B,%%% villages of $<% #istricts in ;; 0tates. B. The dairy cooperatives have been able to maintain democratic structure at least at the grass*root level &ith the management committee of the village level unit elected from among the members in majority of the villages. 4. The dairy cooperatives have also been instrumental in bridging the social divide of caste, creed, race, religion A language at the villages, by offering open and voluntary membership. :. The dairy cooperatives have been successfully propagating the concepts of scientific animal husbandry A efficiency of operations, &hich has resulted in lo& cost of production A processing of mil'. <. The movement has been successful because of a &ell*developed procurement system A supportive federal structures at #istrict A 0tate levels. 2. #airy 7ooperatives have al&ays been proactive in building large processing capacities, &hich has further propelled gro&th of mil' production. $%. The dairy cooperatives are among those fe& institutions in !ndia, &hich still cherish a strong 7ooperative identity, values and purpose. They still boast of idealism A good &ill of members and employees. $$. The dairy cooperatives have removed the poor farmers of !ndia from the shac'les of agents A middlemen and provided an assured mar'et for their produce. As these are the institutions run by farmers themselves, it has also resulted in fair returns to the members for their produce $;. #airy cooperatives have been able to create a mar'et perception of honesty A transparency &ith their clean management A-(ieBeme"t. o' >CMMF • ;.< million mil' producer member families • $@,:B2 village societies • $@ #istrict Enions • <.B million liters of mil' procured per day • Rs. $B% million disbursed in cash daily • 6755D is the largest cooperative business of small producers &ith an annual turnover of Rs. B@ billion • The 6ovt. of !ndia has honoured us &ith the O,est of all categories Rajiv 6andhi 8ational )uality A&ardP. • /argest mil' handling capacity in Asia • /argest 7old 7hain 8et&or' • 3< 0ales offices, @%%% ?holesale #istributors, B la'h retail outlets • ."port to @: countries &orth Rs. $B% crores ?inner of AP.#A a&ard for nine consecutive years Amu& +%$"d +ui&di"*6 6755D 9A5E/= has the largest distribution net&or' for any D576 company. !t has nearly B% sales offices spread all over the country, more than @,%%% &holesale dealers and more than B,%%,%%% retailers. A5E/ is also the largest e"porter of dairy products in the country. A5E/ is available today in over 3% countries of the &orld. A5E/ is e"porting a &ide variety of products &hich include ?hole and 0'immed 5il' Po&der, 7ottage 7heese 9Paneer=, EHT 5il', 7larified ,utter 96hee= and !ndigenous 0&eets. The major mar'ets are E0A, ?est !ndies, and countries in Africa, the 6ulf Region, and K0AAR7L neighbours, 0ingapore, The Philippines, Thailand, Japan and 7hina. !n 0eptember ;%%:, Amul emerged as the leading !ndian brand according to a survey by 0ynovate to find out Asia>s top $%%% ,rands . !%odu-t. Amul>s product range includes mil' po&ders, mil', butter, ghee, cheese, curd, chocolate, ice cream, cream, shri'hand, paneer, gulab jamuns, flavoured mil', basundi, 8utramul brand and others. !n January ;%%4, Amul plans to launch !ndia>s first sports drin' St$mi"$, &hich &ill be competing &ith 7oca 7ola>s Powerade and Pepsi7o>s 6atorade !n August ;%%:, Amul introduced Iool Io'o, a chocolate mil' brand e"tending its product offering in the mil' products segment. Other Amul brands are Amul Iool, a lo& calorie thirst uenching drin'N 5asti ,utter 5il'N Iool 7afe, ready to drin' coffee and !ndia>s first sports drin' 0tamina. Amul>s sugar*free Pro*,iotic !ce*cream &on The !nternational #airy Dederation 5ar'eting A&ard for ;%%:. M$.-ot 0ince $24: K<L Amul products> mascot has been the very recognisable 1Amul baby1 9a chubby butter girl usually dressed in pol'a dotted dress= sho&ing up on hoardings and product &rappers &ith the eually recognisable tagline #tterly 7utterly .elicious Amul.The mascot &as first used for Amul butter. ,ut in recent years in a second &ave of ad campaign for Amul products, she has also been used for other product li'e ghee and mil'. AdBe%ti.i"* An Amul butter ad on Pa'istan>s Iargil ?ar fiasco. The image sho&s the 1Amul baby1 in bet&een 6eorge Dernandes and Atal ,ehari -ajpayee. !ts advertising has also started using tongue*in*chee' s'etches starring the Amul baby commenting jovially on the latest ne&s or current events. The pun in her &ords has been popular. Amul outdoor advertising uses billboards, &ith a humorous ta'e on current events and is updated freuently. The Amul ads are one of the longest running ads based on a theme, no& vying for the 6uinness records for being the longest running ad campaign ever &ith 0mo'ey ,ear. 0ylvester da 7unha &as the managing director of the advertising agency, A0P, that created, in $24:, the campaign. RiB$&. The success of Amul resulted in similar organizations being setup by state governments throughout !ndia, most of &hich had reasonable success. ."amples are 5ilma in Ierala, -ijaya in Andhra Pradesh, Aavin in Tamil 8adu, I.5.D 98andini= in Iarnata'a, 0udha in ,ihar, Omfed in Orissa, saras in Rajasthan, Parag in Ettar Pradesh, -er'a in Punjab, Aanchal in uttaranchal, -ita in Haryana and others. Kcitation neededL Other co*operative rivals of Amul include 8ational #airy #evelopment ,oard 98##,= 9&ith its Mother .airy and %ugam brands=. ?ith Amul entering the sports drin' mar'et, its rivals no& include 7oca 7ola and Pepsi7o. Kcitation neededL I" #o#u&$% -u&tu%e The establishment of Amul is also 'no&n as ?hite Revolution. The ?hite Revolution of !ndia inspired the notable !ndian film*ma'er 0hyam ,enegal to base his film 5anthan 9$2:4= on it. The film starred 0mita Patil, 6irish Iarnad, 8aseeruddin 0hah and Amrish Puri. The film itself &as financed by over five la'h rural farmers in 6ujarat &ho contributed Rs ; each to the film>Y budget. Epon its release, these same farmers &ent in truc'loads to &atch >their> film, ma'ing it a commercial success. the film &as chosen for the $2:: 8ational Dilm A&ard for ,est Deature Dilm in Hindi. The Amul success story is ta'en up as a case study in mar'eting in many premier management institutes across the &orld. The ?hite Revolution ushered an era of plenty from a measly amount of mil' production and distribution. Aside from the great measurable success that this project &as, it also demonstrated the po&er of 1collective might1. A small set of poor farmers of Iheda district in 6ujarat had the vision and foresight to act in a &ay that &as good for the society and not for the self alone. EBo&utio" o' IT $t Amu& The implementations of !T7 systems in Amul too' place under the #ynamic leadership of #r. , 5 -yas. He made sure that the problems are eliminated, &hile implementing. Dreuent revie& helped. The encouragement by #r. Iurien 'ept all of them highly motivated. STThe mil' collection centers at villages co*operative societies, &ere first automated STThe enterprise &ide integration &as ta'en up ne"t. STApplication and utilization of 6!0 STdata analysis soft&are utilization for mil' production estimation and increasing productivity. ST-0AT net&or' bet&een all the levels of distribution net&or' and 6755D. ST?., initiatives*O.coopP domain name, to become the first five !ndian companies that &ent for &eb and cyber stores. e*e"perience of Amul 7hairman>s 0peech( @B th Annual General Body Meeting held on 5th June, 2009 5adam and 6entlemen, .very nation aspires for happiness, peace and harmony for all its citizens. .conomic prosperity &ith euitable distribution of gro&th is the 'ey to achieving these desirable objectives. The current global economic meltdo&n has uite understandably led to disuiet, unrest A suffering, across the &orld. !t is ironical that global over*e"uberance of ;%%:, transformed into a &orld* &ide depression by ;%%< and this scenario has every chance of stretching right through ;%%2. Only a year bac', soaring commodity prices riding on the bac' of raging energy*led inflation &as threatening global food security. /op*sided priorities of developed countries in diverting agricultural output from food to fuel had destabilized supply*demand balance, sending prices of all commodities on an up&ard spiral. 0ince then, the transformation in global sentiments has been uite dramatic, as e"uberance transformed into despair. Another demonstration of policy mismanagement from these very same developed countries triggered an unprecedented financial crisis, leading to the current &orld*&ide economic recession. The crisis in E0 and other &estern countries is a natural conseuence of improper regulation of financial mar'ets, &hich in turn led to speculative subprime lending. /arge scale debt defaults and subseuent credit*crunch spar'ed off decline in demand. 6lobalization did the rest as the crisis spilled over to other parts of the &orld, through integrated international trade and financial systems. Panic buttons &ere finally pressed after the high profile collapse of major ?all 0treet icons. .ven developing countries &ere not spared, as the crisis spread through 'ey transmission channels such as massive reversal of private capital flo&s and significant decline in trade volumes. A potent lesson for emerging economies is that some degree of caution must be e"ercised &hile embracing globalization and liberalization. The e"tent of impact on developing countries had a direct correlation &ith degree of integration &ith global mar'ets, dependency on e"port demand and dependency on remittances from abroad. This &orld*&ide economic turmoil is creating a human crisis of epic proportions. As al&ays, it is the poorest and the most vulnerable, &ho are the hardest hit. #&indling incomes and loss of employment is e"pected to push an addition 3% million people into poverty, this year. ?hile the developed countries are intent on protecting the economic interests of their o&n &ealthy elite, their very last concern is for the billion people around the &orld &ho do not have enough to eat each day. Eltimately, the real burden of this economic crisis &ill end up being offloaded onto the bac's of the &orldCs poor. H $.; trillion !ndian economy, &hich is largely structured around its huge domestic mar'et, is also e"periencing a relative slo&do&n. 6#P gro&th of :F in the last financial year is the slo&est pace of gro&th that our economy has &itnessed since ;%%@. /imited dependency on e"port demand has cushioned !ndia from the deep recession being e"perienced else&here around the globe. 5a"imum impact of the economic meltdo&n has been on sectors &ith high degree of e"posure to global economiesN such as information technology, financial services, private sector ban's, stoc' mar'ets, airlines and hotel industry. ."port*oriented sectors have suffered a major setbac' &ith the diamonds, te"tiles, leather, gems A je&elry, as &ell as marine products among the &orst hit industries. ?ea'ening e"port demand has led to production decline and large*scale job losses in e"port manufacturing sectors. !mpact on small and medium enterprises has been particularly severe as demand slump has been accompanied by liuidity and credit crunch, due to lo& confidence*level in the ban'ing sector. Overheated sectors such as real estate, stoc' mar'ets and consumption credit, &hich &ere riding a &ave of speculation, greed and un&arranted e"uberance, &ere the first to collapse. As their bubble burst leading to erosion of &ealth and consumer confidence, collateral damage also spilled over into other economic arenas. 5assive fund &ithdra&al by D!!s from !ndian financial mar'ets has pushed !ndian retail investors into depths of despair. !T and financial services industry, facing substantial loss of revenue, is not only do&nsizing but is also trimming income levels of its &or'force. The underlying lesson for all of us is that speculative gro&th, &hich is not based on solid foundation of ground reality, &ill definitely undergo sharp corrections, sooner or later. ?hile some parts of urban !ndia are definitely &hining in the current scenario, it &ould be a revelation to our policyma'ers that rural !ndia still continues to shine brightly. !n fact, in these times of crises, our rural economy may &ell turn out to be the ultimate savior of urban economyN rescuing our nation from the clutches of this economic slump. As job opportunities in urban manufacturing sector evaporate, the process of reverse migration from cities to villages has already begun. ,ac' in the village, best employment option for these displaced diamond or te"tile &or'ers &ould be to buy one or more cattle and sell mil' to the local cooperative society, thereby generating regular income for themselves and their families. #airy cooperatives &ill therefore play a major role in alleviating the adverse impact of economic slo&do&n in !ndia. #airy cooperatives have already generated employment for [email protected] million households in rural !ndia, across $.@ la'h villages. They have further potential of generating employment for millions of additional rural families, provided they continue to receive favorable support from our policy*ma'ers. #rastic job cuts have already ta'en place in sectors li'e te"tiles, gems, je&elry and leather, &hich employ millions of &omen &or'ers. On the other hand, dairying presents the most attractive alternate employment opportunity for these &omen, in caseN circumstances force them to migrate bac' to the villages, along &ith their families. #airy cooperative movement has al&ays helped to provide a safety net to the most vulnerable and marginalized sections of our population, &hich other&ise suffers the &orst conseuences of any economic crises. !f rural !ndia finds itself comfortably insulated from the global turbulence, it is because sectors li'e dairying have appropriately diversified the rural economy, building strong safety mechanisms into it. Enli'e bubble economies such as real*estate and stoc' mar'ets, dairy cooperative sector has al&ays had its feet firmly planted on the ground. Right since our inception, &e have had a very clear focus on fulfilling the huge demand &ithin domestic !ndian mar'et. This focus has clearly paid rich dividends as our o&n cooperative organization registered a business gro&th of ;<F, against the bac'drop of global recession. ?hile safeguarding food security of our nation, in terms of mil' and dairy products, &e have also contributed significantly to&ards shielding our rural economy from the adverse impact of this economic slo&do&n. ,y effectively lin'ing rural producers to large urban mar'ets, cooperatives have ensured a safe future for the dairy farmers of !ndia. 0ince mil' and mil' products are basic staples for every !ndian household, their demand is not li'ely to be affected by transient economic slumps. Our dairy cooperatives ensure that !ndian farmers get the ma"imum share of consumerCs rupee, unli'e in the &estern &orld, &here farmers receive only @%F of the consumerCs dollar. !f the central and state governments continue to provide encouragement, support and a favorable policy environment to dairy cooperatives, this sector can play a pivotal role in our national strategy to combat the current economic turmoil. Revenue inflo& from dairying has contributed to&ards strengthening rural purchasing po&er, thereby giving gro&th impetus to rural mar'ets. Erban business organizations of all size and dimensions are no& turning their attention to&ards rural consumers, in an effort to beat the economic slo&do&n. Higher disposable income among consumers in rural areas is leading to smart buying at value*for*money prices. !n recent times, rural consumption has &itnessed ;%F gro&th in D576 products, $BF in durables, @%F in telecom, in addition to high gro&th in insurance and housing. !n a classical case of RrebalancingC, gro&th in o&n rural economy has the potential of offsetting any slo&do&n in the urban economy. !n the current scenario, rural !ndia is contributing most to the countryCs health in terms of employment, &ealth and prosperity. ,y empo&ering rural !ndia, the urban community can live comfortably and peacefully. !f our policy ma'ers continue their sustained support to rural organizations such as dairy cooperatives, not only &ill !ndia emerge triumphant from the current crises, but &ill also create an effective safety shield against future economic turbulence. 6lobal dairy industry has not escaped the adverse conseuences of this pandemic economic turmoil. #airy trade has entered a slump phase amidst &ea'ening mar'et conditions. On account of &orld*&ide recession and decrease in global demand, as &ell as enhanced production, international prices of all dairy commodities have declined drastically. Drom a pea' of E0H BB%% + 5Ts in ;%%:, prices of 0'immed 5il' Po&der have crashed to E0H $<%% + 5Ts. 0imilarly international price of ,utter*oil 96hee= has crashed from a pea' of E0H 4%%% + 5Ts to E0H $<%% + 5Ts. #airy nations &ith high dependence on e"port mar'et have been hit the hardest. .E has already re*introduced e"port subsidies and production incentives in form of price support to dairy farmers. E0 government has also reactivated price support to dairy industry. Accumulation of surplus inventory in E0 A .E is a strong indicator that dairy prices may undergo further correction. ?ith their sharp focus on domestic !ndian mar'et, dairy cooperatives have successfully insulated !ndian farmers from all the turbulence in global dairy trade. !n a systematic manner, &e have built supply chain for liuid mil' and mil' products, connecting farmers in $.@ la'h villages to consumers in urban to&ns. ?hile ensuring that our country becomes self*sufficient in mil' production, &e have also unleashed a socio*economic revolution in rural !ndia. #airying can be a critical component of any national effort to re*vitalize !ndian economy. Ho&ever, this premise can be jeopardized as !ndian farmers no& face a real threat of subsidized imports flooding our dairy mar'ets. !f this threat materializes, a vital pillar supporting our rural economy may collapse, triggering further misery for our national economy. ?hen international prices of 0'immed 5il' Po&der surged up&ards in ;%%: to E0H BB%% + 5Ts, our government moved s&iftly to ban e"ports of mil' po&der for si" months, in an effort to curb inflation. At that point in time, our farmers &ere unable to reap any benefits from high global prices. 8o& that the international mar'et has crashed, our farmers e"pect the government to act even more s&iftly to prevent subsidized dairy imports from ruining our vital dairy economy. Our dairy farmers are already reeling under impact of sharp escalation in cattle feed costs, &hich has eroded the viability of dairying as an economic activity. ."port of oil ca'es to .urope for biofuel use has risen dramatically in last one year, driving domestic prices as high as $%%F. Oil ca'es and molasses are t&o vital ingredient used in the manufacture of cattle feed. Our central government must put in place a uota system to regulate e"port of oil ca'es. This measure &ill go a long &ay to&ards ensuring sustainability of our dairy sector. ?ith favorable support and encouragement from our policy*ma'ers, dairy cooperatives &ill certainly play a pivotal role in the national effort to overcome the current economic crises. ! no& present to you, our DederationCs Annual Report and the Audited Accounts for the year ;%%<*;%%2. R.7RE!T5.8T A 0./.7T!O8 MEANIN> OF RECRUITMENT Recruitment Home ZZ 5eaning of Recruitment According to .#?!8 ,.D/!PPO, Orecruitment is the process of searching the candidate for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.PRecruitment is the activity that lin's the employers and the jobs see'ers. A fe& definitions of recruitment are(* • A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for are employment. The process begins &hen ne& recruits are sought and ends &hen their applications are submitted. The results are a pool of applications from &hich ne& employees are selected. • !t is the process to discover sources of manpo&er to meet the reuirement of staffing schedule and to employee effective. • 5easures for attracting that manpo&er in adeuate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient &or'ing force. • Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, &hich helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the mgmt can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to e"pedite the selection process. RECRUITMENT NEEDS ARE OF THREE TY!ES • !LANNED !.e. the needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy. • ANTICI!ATED Anticipated needs are those moments in personal, &hich an organization can predict by studying in internal and e"ternal environment. • UNEC!ECTED Resignations, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to une"pected needs. RECRUITEMENT HOME OO !u%#o.e & Im#o%t$"-e o' Re-%uitme"t • Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization. • 7reate a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization. • #etermine present and future reuirement of the organization in the conjunction &ith its personnel planning and job analysis activities. • Recruitment is the process &hich lin's the employers &ith the employees. • !ncreases the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. • Help increases the success rate of selection process by decreases number of visible under ualified or over ualified job applicants. • Help reduces the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected &ill live the organization only after a short period of time. • 5eet the organization legal and social obligation regarding the composition of its &or' force. • ,egin identifying and preparing potential job applicants &ho &ill be appropriates candidates • !ncrease organization and individual. .ffectiveness of various recruiting techniues and sources for all types of job applicants. RECRUITMENT!ROCESSES The recruitment and selection is the major function of the human resources department and recruitment process is the first step to&ards creating the competitive strength and the strategic advantage for the organizations. Recruitments process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting. The intervie&s and reuires many recourses and time. A general recruitment process is as follo&s(* IDENTIFYIN> THE VACANCY The recruitment process begins &ith the hum Recourses department receiving reuisition for recruitment from any department of the company. These contain(* Preparing the job description and person specification. /ocating and developing the sources of reuired number and type of employees. 0hort*listing and identifying the prospective employees &ith reuired characteristics. Arranging the intervie&s &ith the selected candidates. 7onducting the intervie&s and decision ma'ing. $. !dentify vacancy ;. Prepares job description and person specification @. Advertising the vacancy 3. 5anaging the response B. 0hort Glisting 4. Arrange intervie&s :.7onductingintervie&anddecisionma'ing SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT .very organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes from t&o 'inds of sources( internal and e"ternal sources &ithin the organization itself 9li'e transfer of employees from one department to other promotion= to fill a position are 'no&n as the internal sources of recruitment. Recruitment candidates from all the other sources 9li'e outsourcing agencies etc.=Are 'no&n as the e"ternal sources of recur .[T.R8A/ PR.00 A#-.RT!05.8T .#E7AT!O8A/ !80T!TET.0 P/A7.5.8T A6.87!.0 .5P/OM.5.8T .[7 • INTERNAL SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT 5. T%$".'e%.6 The employees are transferred from one department to another according to their efficiency and e"perience. 1. !%omotio"6 The employees are promoted benefits and greater responsibility based on efficiency and e"perience @. Others are upgrading and demotion of present employees according their performance !8T.R8A/ TRA80D.R0 P.R5OT!O8 EP6RA#!86 #.5OT!O8 R.T!R.# .5P/OM. 3. Retired and retrenched employees may also be recruited once again in case of shortage of ualified personal or increase in load of &or'. Recruitment such people save time and costs of the organization as the people are already a&are of the organizational culture and the policy andprocedure. ECTERNAL SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT $. PR.00 A#-.RT!0.5.8T(* Advertisement of the vacancy in ne&s papers and journal are &idely used sources of recruitment. The main advantage of this method is that it has the &ide reach. ;. .#E7AT!O8 !80T!TET.0(* -arious management institutes, engineering college, etc. are good courses of recruiting &ell ualified e"ecutives. @. P/A7.5.8T A6.87!.0(* 0everal private consultancy firms perform recruitment functions on behalf of client companies by charging a fee. These agencies are particularly suitable for recruitment of e"ecutives and specialties it is also 'no&n as RPO 9recruitment process outsourcing=. 3. .5P/OM5.8T .[7HA86.0(* 6overnment establishes public employment e"changes throughout the country. These e"changes provide job information to job see'ers and help employers in identifying suitable candidate B. /A,OER 7O8TRA7TOR0( 5anual &or'ers can be recruited through contractors &ho maintain close contracts &ith the sources of such &or'ers. This source is used to recruit labor for constructions 4. E80O/!7!T.# APP/!7A8T0(* 5any job see'ers visit the office of &ell 'no&n companies on their o&n. 0uch callers are consider nuisance to the daily &or' routine of the enterprise :. .5P/OM. R.D.RRA/0(* 5any organizations have structure system &here current employees of the organization can refer their friends and relatives for some position in their organization. <. R.7RE!T5.8T AT DA7TORM 6AT.(* Ens'illed &or'ers may be recruited at the factory gate these may be employed &henever a permanent &or'er is absent. FACTORS AFFECTIN> RECRUITMENT The recruitment function of the organizations is affected and governed by a mi" of various internal and e"ternal forces. The internal forces are those factors that can be controlled by the organization. And the e"ternal factors are those factors &hich can not be controlled by the organization the internal and e"ternal forces affecting recruitment function of an organization(* DA7TOR0 ADD.7T!86 R.7RE!T5.8T .[T.R8A/ DA7TOR0 0upply and demand /abor mar'et !mage+good&ill Enemployment rate 7ompetitors !8T.R8A/ DA7TOR0 recruitment policy human resources planning size of the firm cost of recruitment RECRUITMENT !OLICY OF A COM!ANY !n todayCs rapidly changing recruitment, a &ell define recruitment policy is necessary for organization to responded to responded human reuirement in time. Therefore, it is important to have a clear and concise recruitment policy in place &hich can be e"ecuted effectively to recruit the best talent pool for the selection of right candidate at the right place uic'ly. 7reating a suitable recruitment policy is the first step in the efficient hiring process. A clear and concise recruitment policy helps ensure a sound recruitment process. !t specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a frame&or' for implementation of recruitment programmed. !t may involve organizational system to be developed for implementing programmers and procedures by filling up vacancies &ith best ualified people. COM!ONENTS OF THE RECRUITMENT !OLICY • The general recruitment policies and terms of the organization • Recruitment services of the consultants • Recruitment of temporary employees • Eniue recruitment situation • The selection process • The job descriptions • The terms and conditions of the employment FACTOR AFFECTIVE RECRUITMENT !OLICY o Organizational objectives o The personal policies of the organization and its competitors o The government policies on reservations o Preferred sources of recruitment o 8eed of the organization o Recruitment cost and financial implicit RECENT TRENDS IN RECRUITMENT The follo&ing trends are(* $. OUTSOURCIN>60 !n !ndia, the HR processes are being outsourced from more then a decade no&. A company made dra& reuired personal from outsourcing firms. The out sourcing firms help the organization by the initial screening of the candidates according to the needs of the organization and creating a suitable pool of talent for the final selection by the organization. Outsourcing firms develop their human resources pool by employing people for them ma'e available personal to various companies as per their needs. !n turn, the outsourcing firms or the intermediaries charge the organization for their services. Advantages of outsourcing are(* $. 7ompany need not plan for human resources much in advance. ;. -alue creation, operational fle"ibility and competitive advantage. @. Turning and managements focus to strategic level process HR5. 3. 7ompany can save a lot of its resources and time ;. !OACHIN>9RAIDIN>60 O,uying talentOis the latest mantra being follo&ed by the originations today. Poaching means employing a competent and e"periences personal ready &or'ing &ith another reputed company in the same or different industryN the organization might be a competitor in the industry. a company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay pac'ages and other terms and conditions, better than the current employer of the candidate. ,y it is seen as an unethical practice and not openly tal'ed about. @. E0RECRUIMENT60 5uch big organization used internet as a sources of recruitment. .*recruitment is the use of technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job vacancy through ?orld ?ide ?eb. The job see'ers and their applications or a curriculum vita that is 7.- through .*5A!/ using the internet. Alternatively job see'ers place their 7.-Cs in ?orld ?ide ?eb, &hich can be dra&n by prospective employees depending upon their recruitments Advantages of recruitment are(* $. /o& cost ;. 8o intermediates @. Reduction in time for recruitments 3. Recruitment of right type of people B. .fficiency of recruitment process STE!S These steps are is play a major role in the Recruitment A selection(* $. Ino&ledge of &or' ;. #ependability @. Organizing ability 3. Ability to communicate B. !nitiative 4. #eveloping people :. /eadership <. Relations &ith others 2. Personality $%. Judgment. $$. !ntegrity. AS >IVEN IN EM!LOYMENT FORM APP/!7AT!O8 DOR .5P/OM5.8T 0.7T!O8 *$ Post applied for(****************************************************** PHOTO 8ame in full(********************************************************* Address Dor correspondence( Permanent Address(* #O,(* 8ationality( 0.7T!O8*; A!!OITMENT LETTER !n the latter &e provide the date of joining, full basic salary, terms A condition of the organization &hich follo& by the employee. Accepting letter &e getting by the employee. And rules A regulation. Dollo&ing by employee. DURIN> I II III LUARTER !ERFORMANCE A!!RISAL !ERFORMANCEA!!RAISA FORM FOR !RO+ATIONERS9TRAINEES9REA!!OINTMENT DOR TH. )TM P.R!O# .8#!86 O8\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\******Office 8A5. ( ************************************************************** #.0!68AT!O8 (**************************************************************** #.PART5.8T (***************************************************************** PAM 07A/. ( **************************************************************** ,asic salary as .mployee 8o.************************************ On*******************( Rs.****************************************** This is important point follo& up in the PA(* • To be HA8#?R!TT8 only. • Please do not appraise any person &ho has &or'ed under you for less than @ months • ,ase your judgments upon the entire period covered and not only upon isolated incidents. • Appraise each factor independent ally, irrespective of the rating of other factors. • Please score out the factor that is not applicable to the employee. 5ar's to be allotted for different ratings are( 0EP.R!OR* @( 6OO#*;( DA!R*$( POOR*%( !n the overall rating scale is( 0EP.R!OR* ;Bto@@( 6OO#*$:to;3( DA!R*2*$4( POOR*%%to%<( )uarterly P.R should reach HO admin. At least ]days before the due date and si" monthly and final P.R should reach at least before the $B to ;% days before due date. • !n case the countersigning officer differs &ith the assessment made by the appraising officer in respect of any factor, he should indicate his assessment for that factor under Rremar'C column against that factor, and also initial it &ithout correcting the rating given by the appraising officer. • APPRA!0.R A APPRA!0.R TO 0!68 O8 ,OTH TH. PA6.0. ?e are performance appraisal through this point. ANNUAL INCREMENT ?e increment process goes through by the HR department after the performance appraisal. ?e increment of annual salary income of the @@Fupto.after seeing the rating of the employee 5ARI.T!86 R.0.AR7H 5ar'eting research plays an important role in the process of mar'eting. 0tarting &ith mar'et component of the total mar'eting tal's. !t helps the firm to acuire a better understanding of the consumers, the competition and the mar'eting environment. DEFINITION O5ar'eting research is a systematic gathering, recording and analysis mar'eting problem to facilitate decision ma'ing.P * 7oundiff A 0till. O5ar'eting research is a systematic problem analysis, model building and fact finding for the purpose of important decision ma'ing and control in the mar'eting of goods and services. * Phillip Iotler. MAIN STE!S INVOLVED IN MAR?ETIN> RESEARCH #efining the 5ar'eting Problem to be tac'led and identifying the mar'et research problem involved in the tas'. 9$= #efine the problem and its objectives. 9;= !dentify the problem. 9@= #etermine the information needed. 93= #etermine the sources of information. 9B= #ecide research methods. 94= Tabulate, Analyze and interpret the data. 9:= Prepare research report. 9<= Dollo&*up the study. ,5/ De'i"e t(e #%ob&em $"d it. obMe-tiBe. 60 This includes an effective job in planning and designing a research project that &ill provide the needed information. !t also includes the establishment of a general frame&or' of major mar'eting elements such as the industry elements, competitive elements, mar'eting elements and company elements. ,1/ Ide"ti'7 t(e #%ob&em 60 !dentifying the problem involves getting acuainted &ith the company, its business, its products and mar'et environment, advertising by means of library consultation and e"tensive intervie&ing of companyCs officials. ,;/ Dete%mi"i"* t(e .#e-i'i- I"'o%m$tio" "eeded 60 !n general the producer, the manufacturer, the &holesaler and the retailer try to find out four things namely (* 9$= ?hat to sell 9;= ?hen to sell 9@= ?here to sell 93= Ho& to sell ,K/ Dete%mi"e t(e .ou%-e. o' i"'o%m$tio" 60 9a= !%im$%7 D$t$ 60 Primary datas are those &hich are gathered specially for the project at hand, directly G e.g. through uestionnaires A intervie&s. Primary data sources include company salesman, middleman, consumers, buyers, trade associationCs e"ecutives A other businessman A even competitors. 9b= Se-o"d$%7 D$t$ 60 These are generally published sources, &hich have been collected originally for some other purpose. 0ource are internal company records, government publication, reports A publication, reports A journals, trade, professional and business associations publications A reports. De-ide Re.e$%-( met(od. 'o% -o&&e-ti"* d$t$ 60 !f it is found that the secondary data cannot be of much use, collection of primary data become necessary. Three &idely used methods of gathering primary data are A= 0urvey ,= Observation 7= ."perimentation A/ Su%Be7 Met(od 60 !n this method, information gathered directly from individual respondents, either through personal intervie&s or through mail uestionnaires or telephone intervie&s. +/ Ob.e%B$tio" Met(od 60 The research data are gathered through observing and recording their actions in a mar'eting situation. This techniue is highly accurate. !t is rather an e"pensive techniue. C/ EA#e%ime"t$& Met(od 60 This method involves carrying out a small scale trial solution to a problem, &hile at the same time, attempting to control all factors relevant to the problem. The main assumption here is that the test conditions are essentially the same as those that &ill be encountered later &hen conclusions derived from the e"periment are applied to a broader mar'eting area. D/ T(e !$"e& Re.e$%-( 60 !n this techniue the same group of respondents is contacted for more then one occasionN and the information obtained to find out if there has been any in their taste demand or they &ant any special uality, color, size, pac'ing in the product. $/ !%e#$%$tio" o' Pue.tio""$i%e b/ !%e.etti"* o' Pue.tio""$i%e c= Planning of the sample ,</ T$bu&$te A"$&7.i. $"d I"te%#%et t(e D$t$ 60 T(e %e#o%t mu.t *iBe9-o"t$i" t(e 'o&&o)i"* i"'o%m$tio"60 a= The title of research b= The name of the organization for &hich it has been 7onducted c= The objectives of research d= The methodology used e= Organization and the planning of the report f= A table of contents along &ith charts and diagrams used in the reports g= The main report containing the findings h= 7onclusion arrived at end recommendations suggested i= Appendices 9containing uestionnaire + forms used sample design, instructions.= ,Q/ Fo&&o)0u# t(e .tud7 60 The researchers, in the last stage, should follo& up this study to find if his recommendation are being implemented and if not, &hy R.0.AR7H #.0!68 6Advertising is a paid &or$ o& non-personal presentation and pro$otion o& ideas+ goods or services %y an identi&ied sponsor47 5. RESEARCH !RO+LEM  !ncrease the a&areness level of AMUL CHOCOLATE.  0ee' the general perception of consumer to&ards AMUL CHOCOLATE.  To find the performance of AMUL CHOCOLATE vis*^*vis other ,rands.  To 'no& the consumer psyche and their behaviour to&ards AMUL CHOCOLATE. 1. RESEARCH O+JECTIVES & %e&$ted .ub obMe-tiBe.  To 'no& the relationship of sales &ith the advertisement.  To 'no& a&areness of people to&ards Amu& -(o-o&$te..  To 'no& in &hich segment chocolates are mostly li'e+preferred.  To 'no& &hich advertisement tool is mostly preferred by people.  To 'no& the preference of Amu& -(o-o&$te. &ith comparison to Other competitive brands.  To 'no& the factors &hich affects consumerCs buying behaviour to purchase chocolates. ;. I"'o%m$tio" %ePui%eme"t • Dirst, ! had to 'no& about all the competitors present in the chocolate segment 9Reputed and &ell established brands as &ell as /ocal brands=. • ,efore going for the survey ! had to 'no& the comparative pac's and prices of all the competitors e"isting in the mar'et. • 0ince chocolate is a product that attracts children and youngsters hence ! had to trace the mar'et and segment it, &hich mainly deals &ith people of various age groups. • As chocolate is different product, the main information needed is the various types of chocolates available in the mar'et, their calorific value and various other facts. They can be termed as ( • As Amul chocolate advertisements are mainly done through hoardings but on television the advertisement is being telecasted timely and on the proper time or not. AMUL CHOCOLATE is made from 0ugar, 7ocoa ,utter, 5il' 0olids, 7hocolate mass. Com#o.itio"6 • 5il' Dat ;F • 0ugar BBF • Total Dat @;.@@F 95il' Dat V 7ocoa Dat= • 7ocoa 0olids :.BF • 5il' 0olids ;%F 3. 7hoice of research design G alternatives A choice #espite the difficulty of establishing an entirely satisfactory classification system, it is helpful to classify mar'eting research on the basis of the fundamental objectives of the research. 7onsideration of the different types, their applicability, their strengths, and their &ea'ness &ill help the student to select the type best suited to a specific problem. The t&o general types of research are( EC!LORATORY RESEARCH ."ploratory research see's to discover ne& relationship, emphasis on discovery of ideas. 5ar'eting researches devote a significant portion of their &or' on e"ploratory studies &hen very little is 'no&n about the problem being e"amined. CONCLUSIVE RESEARCH 7onclusive studies attempts to determine the freuency &ith &hich something occurs or the relationship bet&een t&o phenomenons. Esually conclusive studies assume certain under underlying characteristics of the mar'et or have some precise statement of research uestions+hypothesis. <. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT USED 0 DETAILS & @HYR !f one &ants to 'no& &hat type of dentifrice people use, &hat they thin' of, television commercials, or &hy they buy particular brands of cars, the natural procedure is to as' them. Thus, the uestionnaire method has come to be the more &idely used of the t&o data collection method. 5any consumers are no& familiar &ith the telephone caller &ho greets them &ith O?e are ma'ing a surveyP, and then proceeds to as' a series of uestions. 0ome intervie&s are conducted in person, others by telephone, and others by mail. .ach of these has its special advantages and disadvantages and limitations. The uestionnaire method in general, ho&ever, has a number of pervasive advantages and disadvantages. #iscussion of particular variations &ill be more meaningful if these characteristics of the general methods are brought out first. A uestionnaire consists of list of uestions to be as'ed from the respondents and the space provided to record the ans&er + responses. )uestionnaire can be used for the personal intervie&s, focus groups, mails and telephonic intervie&s. The choice among these alternatives is largely determined by the type of information to be obtained and by the type of respondents from &hom it is to be obtained. The common factor in all varieties of the uestionnaire method is this reliance on verbal responses to uestion, &ritten or oral. )uestionnaire in the project consists of(  5ultiple choice uestions  #icthomus MULTI!LE CHOICE LUESTIONS6 )uestions of this type offer the respondents an alternative to choose the right ans&er among others. !t is faster, time saving and less biased. !t also simplifies the tabulating process. O!EN END LUESTIONS6 !n this type respondents are free to ans&er in their o&n &ords and e"press the ideas they thin' are relevant, such uestions are good as first uestions or opening uestions. They introduce the subject and obtain general reaction. DICTHOMUS6 These are the uestions &hich are ,oolean in nature. These ans&ers are straightfor&ard and respondents have to ans&er them in a straight &ay. That means the ans&er can only be either RMesP or R8oC. Q. SAM!LIN> TECHNILUE USED & SAM!LE SIIE 0 @HYR 0ample design is a definite plan of obtaining some items from the &hole population. The sample design used in this project is t&o state sampling i.e. 7luster and convenience. !n the probability sampling methods, each items in the sample is chosen one at a time from a complete list of universe elements. !n mar'eting research practice, it &ill sometimes be more e"pedient to select clusters or groups of universe elements, rather than to choose sample items individually. 0ampling methods in &hich universe elements are chosen in groups **** rather than individually ** are called cluster*sampling methods. They are &idely used in the sampling of human populations. ?hen no complete universe listing e"ists, a type of sampling is called area sampling may be the only practically feasible form of probability sampling. NONDIS>UISED STRUCTURED TECHNILUES The non structured techniues for attitude measurement are primarily of value in e"ploratory studies, &here the researcher is loo'ing for the salient attributes of given products and the important factors surrounding purchase decisions as seen by the consumer. 0tructured techniues can provide a more objective measurement system, one &hich is more comparable to a scale or a yardstic'. The term scaling has been applied to the efforts to measure attitudes objectively, and a number of useful scales have been developed. SAM!LIN> METHODS 0ample design is a definite plan of obtaining some items from the &hole population. The sample design used in this project is t&o state sampling i.e. cluster sampling and convenience sampling. The &hole city &as divided into some geographical areas and ! have chosen Mem"$*$% A.(%$m %o$d S$tte&ite +o#$& +ode8deB V$.t%$#u% N$B%$"*#u%$ U.m$"#u%$ M$"i"$*$% and N$%$7$"#u%$. The total .$m#&e .iDe &as 122. CLUSTER SAM!LIN> Here the &hole area is divided into some geographical area and a definite number of consumers &ere to be surveyed. CONVINIENCE SAM!LIN> This type of sampling is chosen purely on the basis of convenience and according to convenience.! visited >$%de" !$%8. Tem#&e T(e$t%e. and >7m"$.ium. SAM!LIN> $. 0ampling Techniue ( 8on probability sampling 9A non probability sampling techniue is that in &hich each element in the population does not have an eual chance of getting selected= ;. 0ample Enit ( People &ho buy chocolates available in retail outlets, superstores, etc @. 0ample size ( ;%% respondents 9Age ranging bet&een 5< yrs to Q< yrs= 3. 5ethod ( #irect intervie& through uestionnaire. B. #ata analysis method ( 6raphical method. 4. Area of survey ( Ahmadabad #istrict. :. Timing of survey ( 2.%% am to $;.@% pm and B.%% pm to <.%% pm FIELD @OR?0 METHOD USED FOR DATA COLLECTION • )uestionnaire &as prepared 'eeping the objective of research in mind. • )uestions &ere as'ed to respondents as regards to there &illingness to purchase 7hocolates. • The help of uestionnaires conducted direct intervie&s, in order to get accurate information. • !n order to get correct information ! had to approach consumers ranging from 5< 7%. to Q< 7%.. • ! visited as many respondents as ! can and as'ed them their real li'ings about any chocolate and also got an idea, Ho) $ -(o-o&$te .(ou&d beR • !t is really a He%-u&e$" tas' to understand 7onsumer ,ehaviour, as the definition suggest, 6ons#$er %ehavio#r is a physical activity as well as decision process individ#al engaged in when eval#ating+ ac8#iring+ #sing and disposing goods and services74 • !n order to collect accurate information ! visited to >$%de" !$%8. Tem#&e T(e$t%e. $"d >7m"$.ium, each and every uestion &as filled personally by the respondents and chec'ed properly. • People &ere not &illing to ans&er, &hen they &ere contacted bet&een $.%% pm to B.%% pm, the time &hen most of the people ta'e rest during the scorching heat. 6Advertising is a paid &or$ o& non-personal presentation and pro$otion o& ideas+ goods or services %y an identi&ied sponsor47 !RIMARY TA+ULATION & INTER!RETATION S5T @($t 8i"d o' C(o-o&$te do 7ou e$tR +%$"ded :1 U No" b%$"ded 2EU ?IND OF CHOCOLATE :1U EU b%$"ded "o"b%$"ded INFERENCE 2;F respondents in the region of Ahmedabad consume ,randed 7hocolates, &hile <F still consume non branded. S1T @(o u.e. -(o-o&$te. i" 7ou% '$mi&7R C(i&d%e" ;K U Tee"$*e% ;; U You"* 1Q U O&d 23 U CHOCOLATE USERS %F %F %F %F @3F @@F ;4F :F C(i&d%e" Tee"$*e% You"* O&d INFERENCE 5ostly children A teenagers li'es chocolates in their families. 0o &e should give stress on children A tenager segment to increase mar'et share. Moung people also using chocolates for consuming A for giving as a gift. S;T @($t 'o%m o' C(o-o&$te do 7ou &i8eR Coo8ie. 5KU +$% Q2U @$'e% 12U Ot(e% 2QU Fo%m o' -(o-o&$te 5KU Q2U 12U QU Coo8ie. +$% @$'e% Ot(e% INFERENCE The above diagram suggest that the most preferred form is bar i.e. 4%F, follo&ed by &afer i.e. ;%F, 7oo'ies are all time favorites &ith $3F &hile other forms are preferred to the e"tent of 4F. SKT @(i-( Te&" -($""e& 7ou &i8e to )$t-( mo.tR 0TAR $%% X.. $B 0O8M @% 7ARTOO8 @% Others ;B T.V.CHANNEL !REFERENCE 5 2 2 5 < ; 2 ; 2 1 < 2 12 K2 Q2 E2 522 512 St$% Iee So"7 C$%too" Ot(e%. INFERENCE 5ostly people li'e 0TAR channel. This channel is very popular among all the age group people. 0O8M A 7ARTOO8 channels are also popular but not as 0TAR. !n other channels sports and ne&s channels are preferred. 7ARTOO8 channel is specially preferred by children. 0o it &ill be more beneficial top give advertisements on 0TAR A 7ARTOO8 channels, it covers all the age groups. S<T I" bet)ee" )($t time 7ou &i8e to )$t-( te&"R Timings \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < to E #m ;; U E to 55 #m ;3 U L$te Ni*(t 52 U Mo%"i"* 5< U A'te%"oo" 2< U TIMIN> !REFERENCE @@F @:F $%F $BF BF < to E#m E to 55#m L$te "i*(t Mo%"i"* A'te% "oo" INFERENCE Drom the survey it &as found that @:F of the respondents li'es to &atch T.-. after < pm to $$ pm. ,ecause 5ostly people belong to service class A females in the families got their &or' by this time. At B to < pm @@F respondents in &hich especially children &atch cartoon channel A etc. so it is good to advertise on preferred channels on these timings. SQT +7 )(i-( medi$ 7ou #%e'e% to )$t-( $dBe%ti.eme"t.R Television /- 9 Ho$%di"*. 53 U Newspapers :; 9 M$*$Di"e. 2< U Ot(e%. ,Me"tio"/ 2; U MEDIA !REFERENCE TO @ATCH ADVERTISEMENT %F %F %F %F %F 4:F $:F <F BF @F Te&" Ho$%di"*. Ne).#$#e%. Me*$Di"e. Ot(e%. INFERENCE 5ostly people li'e to &atch an advertisement through Television because most of them belongs to service class. 7hildren are getting attracted through advertisement on television and hoardings. 7ompany tries to give attractive advertisement through T.-. and hoardings because advertisement through hoardings is less costly. S3T @($t '$-to%. e''e-t. 7ou i" $ -(o-o&$te $dBe%ti.eme"tR ,rand ambassador 4% Jingles @% 7omedy 3B 5usic 3% Emotio". 12 Others 95ention= %B EFFECTIVE FACTORS % $% ;% @% 3% B% 4% :% , r a n d a m b a s s a d o r J i n g l e s 7 o m e d y 5 u s i c . m o t i o n s O t h e r s INFERENCE EBe% T$.ted :2U 52U Ye. No 6ood ,rand Ambassador generally effects peopleCs perception to&ards a product and create an image in their mind. 5ostly people li'es to see celebrities li'e Amitabh ,acchan, 0achin Tendul'ar, 5.0.#honi, 0aniya 5irza etc. as a ,rabd Ambassador in chocolate advertisements.At the same time people li'e comedy, slo& music A specially children li'e jingles in advertisements. SET H$Be 7ou eBe% t$.ted Amu& C(o-o&$teR Ye. :2 U No 52 U INFERENCE The chart sho&s that 2%F respondents have tasted Amul 7hocolate, &hile still $%F have not tried Amul 7hocolates. Amul must use proper techniues in order to cater the needs of every common man. S:T C$" 7ou %e-$&& AMUL C(o-o&$te $dBe%ti.eme"tR Mes @; F 8o 4< F AdBe%ti.i"* E''e-tiBe"e.. ;1U QEU Ye. No INFERENCE Here it &as observed that only @;F respondents in the city of Ahmedabad &ere able to recall Amul 7hocolate advertisement. This sho&s ho& much Amul lags behind in promotional activities and advertisement. Therefore Amul must use strong promotional activities and advertisement in order to retain their potential consumers. S52T @(i-( C(o-o&$te do 7ou &i8e mo.tR Ne.t&e 1EU C$dbu%7 <EU Amu& 5;U M$%8et .($%e 1EU <EU 5;U 5U Ne.t&e C$dbu%7 Amu& A"7 ot(e% A"7 ot(e% 25U INFERENCE ?e can clearly gauge from the pie chart that 7adbury being on the top slot &ith B<F mar'et share dominates the chocolate mar'et, follo&ed by 8estle &ith ;<F share, &hereas Amul have only $@F mar'et share and thus lags behind. S55T @($t i. t(e '%ePue"-7 o' #u%-($.i"* C(o-o&$teR D$i&7 53 U @ee8&7 11 U Dortnightly $@ F Occasionally 3< F INFERENCE The freuency of chocolate differ a lot &here $:F respondents buy it daily, ;;F &ee'ly, $@F fortnightly, and there is a Hugh chun' of people &ho buy chocolate occasionally. S51T Ho) do 7ou .-$&e 7ou% C(o-o&$teR F%ePue"-7 o' #u%-($.e 53U 11U 5;U KEU D$i&7 @ee8&7 Fo%t"i*(t&7 O--$.io"$&&7 ATTRI+UTE !OOR AVERA>E >OOD ECCELLENT !RICE KEU 11U 1;U 23U S@EETNESS 12U 5KU 12U KQU !AC?A>IN> ;;U 5EU 51U ;3U SOFTNESS 51U 5QU 1;U K:U SCHEMES ;3U 5;U 53U ;;U AVAILA+ILITY 51U 5<U 1;U <2U 07OP. OD TH. 0TE#M( The scope of the study is e"tended to the assessment of personal demand and supply through various methods of recruitment suitable by organisation. The study &ill help in resolving the unnecessary issues raised by the &or'ers &hich reduce the production efficiency generally by slo&ing do&n the production. !t &ill also help to find out the area &here the management can ma'e ne& policies and implement those policies to improve the relations bet&een &or'ers and management. This project is mainly for fair practicing of management and &or'ers &ith each other in the company. This is specifically for the company and can not be generalized because of customized details. This report &ill help in Administration, including overall organization, supervision and co*ordination of industrial personnel fulfillment policies and programmes. .mployee counseling on all types of personnel problems*educational, vocational, health or behavior problems can also be benefited from this report. #ue to lac' of sufficient 'no&ledge, ! had to ma'e a number of assumptions for the sa'e of a useful and reasonably accurate project in the field of overall relations bet&een &or'ers and management. ?hile ! believe that all such assumption &ere justice and have put in all techniues from &herever they &ere available some assumptions and limitations remain to 'eep every thing honest. ! &ould li'e to list them here( ASSUM!TIONS6 5. The data collected is $%%F correct as no personnal prejudices are assumed to be involved relating to the personal intervie&s and discussions. 1. The provided data by company is authentic and completely reliable. ;. Observations and !ntervie&s &ere ta'en to crosschec' the authenticity of the secondary data. K. The methods auired by system are authentic and reliable. . !n the concern of the issues that are freuently raised by the union the response from the &or'ers and the staff is very good. ?age increases and payment of allo&ances are most common issues raised by the &or'ers, but in the amul, the &ages and allo&ances are paid according to the settlement. Overtime, changes in &or'ing time arrangements leave benefits dispute settlement procedures, 5anagement practices, Revise study of incentive scheme, 7anteen facility, Transportation facility are also commonly raised issues by the &or'ers. These are most common because ma"imum &or'ers most reuired benefits and facilities for them. ,esides these, &or'ing condition+environment, 7hange in &or' practices, !ntroduction of ne& technology, #ismissal+disciplinary measures are the issues &hich are raised by &or'ers rarely. !AYMENT OF @A>ES6V 5. ?or'man is reuired to open a 0avings ,an' Account in the nearest ban' or at any other place of posting from time to time and all payments that are due to him including the statutory payments, namely, ?ages+Allo&ances, ,onus, etc. shall be deposited into his account. 8o payment &hatsoever &ill be made directly to him at the factory. !n the case ofall statutory payments, he &ill be reuired to sign in the statutory register9s= maintained for the purpose at the factory as advised to him by the management. Dor any administrative reason, if the amounts that are due and payable to him is not deposited into his account, he shall intimate the same to the 7ompany &ithin a &ee'Cs time to ta'e immediate necessary action in the matter. 1. ?ages &ill be paid monthly &ithin : days of the completion of the &age period. ;. ?here the services of a &or'man are terminated unless the &ages are paid to him on the day of his termination, he shall present him in the factory to receive his &ages on the usual pay day 0?OT A8A/M0!0 STREN>THS The major strength of the Amul is the different variety of 5il's and a recognized ,RA8# name. The increasing demand for these products presents a great opportunity for the Amul to increase and scale up the production. @EA?NESS 0carce Amul Outlets. /ess 5argin given to the Outlet o&ners to match the e"isting competitors. O!!ORTUNITIES There is a scope of business as there is a demand for dairy products. Amul should open more outlets to get the ma"imum advantage of the demand. 8eed to put more stress in the face*to*face direct mar'eting to reach to the customers. The increasing demand for these products presents a great opportunity for the Amul to increase and scale up the production. THREATS !ncreasing competition from the other brands. 0trong supply chain management by the competitors. 0trong mar'eting strategy by competitors by offering the discount coupons to consumers and providing healthy commissions to the retailers. /!5!TAT!O80( • /imited time available for intervie&ing the respondents. As a result of this it &as not possible to gather full information about the respondents. • ?hen ! intervie&ed children teenagers, sometimes they use to give ans&ers under the influence of their parents or elders. • As summer training is going under summer season so sometimes people are less interested in filling up uestionnaire. • 0ometimes the problem &hich ! face is language problem for &hich ! have to ma'e them understand. • 8on*cooperative approach and rude behavior of the respondents. • !f the respondents ans&er does not falls bet&een amongst the options given then it &ill turn up to be a biased ans&er. Co"-&" ! am studying the &hole process of Recruitment A selection at Amul. !n the organization Recruitment A selection process same as a Human resource management but the some specific condition given by the HR department in the Recruitment A selection. ! e"tremely feel that in this organization Recruitment A selection process is maintain the specific standard .this organization maintain the ,est suitable HR functions in the organization. ! hope that Recruitment A selection process at this organization good &or' for the future. 8othing here the change. !n Recruitment A selection. Performance appraisal system in this organization is also good. !ncrement of the employee of @@Fupto of yearly income. ,ased on rating given by performance appraisal officer. This organization Recruitment A selection process is going on directly A indirectly 9consultancy= goes through. 8othing gives any advertising of the vacancy shortlisted candidates by the consultancy. Overall ! &ant to say Recruitment A selection process at this organization is so far and so good. ,ut not available in the HR department in all regional offices. This suffering the some little problem. )E.0T!O88R!. $.?HAT !0 TH. A88EA/ PROD!T OD A5E/ !8#!A P-T. /T#._ ;.?HAT AR. TH. O,J.7T!-.0 OD A5E/_ @. ?HAT AR. TH. /!5!TAT!O80 OD TH. !8#E0TRM_ 3..[P/A!8 TH. 07OP.0 OD TH. A5E/ !8#!A P-T. /T#._ B.#.07R!,. TH. 5ARI.T 0TRAT.6!.0 OD TH. !8#E0TRM_ 4..[P/A!8 TH. DA7TOR .DD.7T!86 R.7RE!T5.8T PO/!7M_ 3..[P/A!8 TH. #!DD.R.8T A7H.!-5.8T0 OD A5E/_ <.?HAT AR. TH. #!DD.R.8T PRO#E7T0 OD A5E/_ +ib&io*%$#(7 Re'e%e"-e. 1. The Amul 0tory * 6eneral 5anagement Revie& ;. Ale"ander Draser /aidla&. +oo,eratives and the Poor. A development study prepared for the !nternational 7ooperative Alliance and the 7anadian !nternational #evelopment Agency, $2::. @. .conomic Times 3. Amul>s sales turnover B. Amul hopes to flo& into Japanese mar'et 4. http(++&&&"tra+;%%:%<;3+Asia>sF;%TopF;%$%%%F;%brands F;%factF;%sheet.pdf :. Amul ready to ta'e on Pepsi, 7o'e in sports drin' segment <. The Amul 5ascot 0tory * Amul>s &ebsite 2. 8#T- movies N.T8. $%. &&& $$. &&&
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