AMIE W-2012

March 30, 2018 | Author: Prasanna Kumar | Category: Metallurgy, Engineering, Machines, Electronics, Instrumentation



PROGRAMME OF WINTER 2012 SECTIONS ‘A’ AND ‘B’ EXAMINATIONS DECEMBER 01-07, 2012SECTION A DAY/DATE OF SESSION EXAMINATION NON-DIPLOMA SCHEME DIPLOMA SCHEME ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 03) AR 411 Solid Mechanics and Foundation Engineering AR 421 Ekistics AR 431 Professional Practice AR 423 Climatology AR 433 Interior Design SECTION B CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 04) CH 411 Mass Transfer Operations CH 421 Fuels and Combustion CIVILENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 05) CV 411 Advanced Structural Analysis CV 421 Principles of Environmental Engineering CV 431 Transportation Engineering CH 412 Heat Transfer Operations CH 422 Biochemical Engineering CH 432 Petrochemical Engineering AN 203 Computing and Informatics AD 303 Computing and Informatics AR 412 Construction Technology AR 422 Town Planning and Landscape Architecture AR 432 Mapping a Thesis Project AN 204 Society and Environment AD 304 Society and Environment AR 403 History of Architecture AR 404 Building Services IC 402 Engineering Management CV 412 Design of RCC and Prestressed Concrete Structures CV 422 Environmental Engineering Processes and Management CV 403 Civil Engineering Materials and Construction Practices CV 404 Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering CV 413 Design of Steel Structures CV 423 Air Pollution and Its Control CV 433 Town Planning and Urban Development CV 405 Water Resources Systems CV 432 Traffic and Transportation Systems CV 425 Waste Management and Environmental Impact Assessment FIRST DAY (SATURDAY) 01.12.2012 FN AN 201 AD 301 Fundamentals of Fundamentals of Design and Design and Manufacturing Manufacturing AN AN 202 Material Science and Engineering AD 302 Material Science and Engineering SECOND DAY (SUNDAY) 02.12.2012 FN AN FN THIRD DAY (MONDAY) 03.12.2012 AN CH 431 Polymer Materials and Technology FOURTH DAY (TUESDAY) 04.12.2012 FN CH 403 Chemical Reaction Engineering CH 404 Transport Phenomena CH 413/423 MechanicalOperations CH 433 Industrial Pollution and Control AN FIFTH DAY (WEDNESDAY) 05.12.2012 FN AN 205 Mechanical Science AR 413 Theory of Structures AN AN 206 Engineering Physics and Chemistry AN 207 Engineering Drawing and Graphics AR 405 Quantity Surveying, Specifications, Contracts and Valuation AR 406 Surveying, Building Construction and Material AR 414 Prestressed and Precast Concrete Structures AR 434 Computer Graphics CH 405 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics CH 406 Chemical Process Principles CH 414 Fluid Mechanics CH 424 Chemical Process Technology CH 434 Fertilizer Technology CH 415/425/435 Instrumentation and Control CH 407 Chemical Engineering Equipment Design FN SIXTH DAY (THURSDAY) 06.12.2012 AN CV 406 Principles of Geoinformatics AN 208 Electronics and Instrumentation CV 414 Structural Dynamics CV 424/434 Design of Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems CV 415 Seismic Design of Structures CV 435 Construction Management Systems CV 407 Analysis and Design of Structures SEVENTH DAY (FRIDAY) 07.12.2012 FN AN 209 Engineering Mathematics AN 210 Electrical Science AR 415 Structural Design AN AR 407 Architectural Design Forenoon Session : IST 1000 h – 1300 h Afternoon Session : IST 1430 h – 1730 h 2012 FN CP 406 Computer Architecture CP 425 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers AN EL 406 Measurements and Control EL 415/425/435 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers SEVENTH DAY (FRIDAY) AN CP 412/422 Computer Networks CP 432 Theory of Computation EL 424 Electrical Power EC 432 Utilisation Industrial Instrumentation EL 434 and Computer Control Instrumentation Systems IC 402 Engineering Management EC 413 Microwave Engineering EC 423 IC Design Techniques EC 433 Biomedical Electronics EC 403 Communication Engineering EC 404 Circuit Theory and Control EL 412/422/432 Power Electronics MC 412 Power Plant Engineering MC 422 Optimisation — Theory and Applications MC 432 Computer Aided Manufacturing MC 403 Mechanics of Solids MC 434 Manufacturing Automation FOURTH DAY (TUESDAY) 04.2012 FN AN SECOND DAY (SUNDAY) 02.12. 2012 DAY/DATE OF EXAMINATION COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 06) CP 411 Graph Theory and Combinatorics CP 421 Parallel Processing CP 431 Pattern Recognition and Image Processing CP 415 Database Management Systems CP 435 Software Engineering SECTION B ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ENGINEERING (BRANCH (BRANCH CODE 07) CODE 08) EL 411 EC 411 Energy Systems Broadcast and Television Engineering EL 421 EC 421 Advanced Aspects of Electrical Machines Digital Hardware Design EL 431 Control Theory EL 414 Power System Performance EC 431 Sensors and Transducers EC 415 Computer Networks and Communication EC 425 Software Engineering MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 11) MC 423 Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms and Machines MC 431 Manufacturing Science MC 411 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning MC 421 Design of Mechanical Systems MC 413 Non-conventional Energy Systems MC 433 Tool and Die Design SESSION FIRST DAY (SATURDAY) 01.2012 FN CP 403 Data Structures CP 404 Programming Languages EL 403 Power Systems EL 404 Circuit and Field Theory EL 413 High Voltage Engineering and Power Apparatus EL 423 Electrical Drives EL 433 Process Control Systems AN FN FIFTH DAY (WEDNESDAY) 05.2012 FN CP 414 Artificial Intelligence CP 424/434 Computer Graphics CP 407 Systems Analysis and Design Forenoon Session : IST 1000 h – 1300 h AN EL 407 Design of Electrical Systems EC 405 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers EC 414 Optical and MC 414 Satellite Communication Internal Combustion EC 424 Engines SolidState Physics and MC 424 Semiconductor Devices Design of EC 434 Machine Tools Signal Processing EC 407 MC 407 Design of Electronic Design of Devices and Circuits Machine Elements Afternoon Session : IST 1430 h – 1730 h MC 415 Turbomachinery MC 425 Computer Aided Engineering Design MC 435 Production Management MC 406 Manufacturing Technology MC 405 Thermal Science and Engineering .2012 FN AN FN THIRD DAY (MONDAY) 03.12.PROGRAMME OF WINTER 2012 SECTIONS ‘A’ AND ‘B’ EXAMINATIONS DECEMBER 01- AN CP 413/423/433 Operating Systems EC 435 Control Systems MC 404 Mechanics of Fluids CP 405 Pulse and Digital Circuits EL 405 Electrical Machines EC 412 Radar and Antenna Engineering EC 422 Pulse and Digital Circuits EC 406 Electronic Circuits SIXTH DAY (THURSDAY) 06. Reliability and Safety in Mines SEVENTH DAY (FRIDAY) 07.2012 FN TX 411 Advanced Yarn Manufacture TX 421 Advanced Fabric Manufacture and Design AN SECOND DAY (SUNDAY) 02. Process Economics and Quality Control FOURTH DAY (TUESDAY) 04.2012 FN MM 403 Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Kinetics MM 404 Extractive Metallurgy MM 413 Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy MM 423/433 Advanced Physical Metallurgy MM 405 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials MM 406 Physical Metallurgy MM 414 Non-ferrous Extractive Metallurgy MM 424 Materials Characterisation MM 434 Foundry Engineering MM 415 Instrumentation and Control MM 425 Ceramic Materials MM 435 Mechanical Working Processes MM 407 Metallurgical Design AN FIFTH DAY (WEDNESDAY) 05.12.2012 FN AN FN SIXTH DAY (THURSDAY) 06.2012 FN MN 415/425/435 Mine Management and Legislation MN 407 Geomechanics and Mine Design AN Forenoon Session : IST 1000 h – 1300 h PR 407 TX 407 Design of Machine Design and Mechanisms Elements of Textile Machines Afternoon Session : IST 1430 h – 1730 h .PROGRAMME OF WINTER 2012 SECTIONS ‘A’ AND ‘B’ EXAMINATIONS DECEMBER 01-07. Environmental and Pollution Control TX 415/425/435 Mill Organisation.12. Design and Maintenance PR 431 Materials Management TEXTILE ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 15) FIRST DAY (SATURDAY) 01.12.12. 2012 SECTION B DAY/DATE OF EXAMINATION SESSION MATERIALS AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 12) MM 411 Mineral Engineering MM 432 Welding and Allied Processes MM 412 Fuels. Knitting and Industrial Fabrics TX 432 Garment Technology TX 403 Textile Fibres and Testing TX 404 Yarn Manufacture TX 413/423 Engineering Design of Textile Structures TX 433 Chemistry and Technology of Man-made Fibres TX 405 Fabric Manufacture and Design TX 406 Chemical Processing and Finishing TX 414/424 Textile Machinery and Maintenance TX 434 Energy Conservation.2012 FN AN FN THIRD DAY (MONDAY) 03.12.12. Furnaces and Refractories MM 422 Electrometallurgy and Corrosion MINING ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 13) MN 411 Advanced Mine Ventilation MN 421 Mine Systems Engineering MN 431 Advanced Rock Mechanics PRODUCTION ENGINEERING (BRANCH CODE 14) PR 411 Manufacturing Science PR 421 Facility Planning.2012 AN MN 403 Mining Geology and Development of Mineral Deposits MN 404 Exploitation of Mineral Deposits MN 413 Electrical Equipment and Instrumentation in Mines MN 423 Geostatistics MN 433 Mine Planning and Excavation MN 405 Mining Machinery and Material Handling MN 406 Mine Ventilation and Environmental Hazards PR 403 Mechanics of Solids PR 404 Manufacturing Automation PR 423/433 Quality Management PR 405 Production Management PR 406 Manufacturing Technology PR 415 Inspection and Product Control PR 424/434 Operations Research PR 414 Design of Machine Tools PR 435 Operations Planning and Control MN 424 Quality.2012 AN MM 421/431 Polymer Materials and Technology MN 412 Environmental Pollution PR 425 and Control in Mines Work Study and MN 422 Ergonomics Economics of Mining Enterprises MN 432 PR 413 Advanced Methods of Tool and Die Design Mining IC 402 Engineering Management PR 412/432 Computer Aided Manufacturing PR 422 Project Management TX 431 Advanced Chemical Processing and Finishing MN 414/434 Mine Surveying TX 412 Modern Yarn Production and Control Systems TX 422 Non-woven.12.
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