American Medicinal Plants (1887)

March 27, 2018 | Author: webregisterwjo | Category: Petal, Flowers, Horticulture And Gardening, Plants, Botany



(UllF S. '£. Bill Sitbrarg Norttj (Earalina &talf Imopraitg Special Collections QK99 1450 THIS BOOK MUST NOT BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY BUILDING. 20M 5-79 AMERICAN MEDICINAL PLANTS; Illustrated and Descriptive Guide m iEPiicAi mm iseb is mwmie reiipiies Thkik History, PRErAKAxioN, Chemistrn, anu Physiological Effects. liV CHARLES F. MILLSPAUGH, M.D. ILLUSTRATED BY THE AUTHOR BOERICKE & TAFEL. NEW YORK: 145 GRAND STREET. I'llILADELl'HIA: 1011 ARCH STREET. Copyright, 1887, by Boericke & Tafel. CAXTON PRESS OF SHIiKMA PHlLAnEI.PHIA. TO John Hill Millspauch. Mv To Whom I Kkluvi-.h am Inhkhikh OF AkT ]N i i_ik 1)KA\VIN<; Artist, Kaihkk, WnAitxEK ami 1 may Possess Cnl.ORlNli. THL PLATHS Are CiRATEi ullv Dedicated. TO Timothy F. Mv Honored Allhn, A.M., M.D. Prdkessok and Preceptor, THE TEXT Is OI- KESI'ECTFn.I.Y THIS WORK iNSl RlliED. 68S60 PROSPECTUS. American TiiK Materia in have Medica, agents therapeutic plants ; now proven and incorporated become not only and the fact in numerous, but of great that the greater part of them known to all them before such a manner that their distinguishing characteristics in who wish to promise as are not officinal the United States Pharmacopoeia, has led the author to place profession, Homn;opatIiic tlie thoroughly understand the agents they use his may become in the cure of diseased conditions. Most of these and should be for their own well use, The author this grow to them, in when necessary has work, by his plants known iKl'ii in to the ride of country daily order that they may make practitioners fresh tinctures avoid delay. every case drawn and colored the plants represented Jiand, mathematically accurate within from the specimens as tliey drawings, and avoiding the stood in the soil ; in making misrepresentations of wilted individuals, or too highly colored fancy pictures. The work plete te.xt, of all contains one hundred and eighty colored the proven plants indigenous and naturalized illustrations, in the and com- United States; arranged qcnericaliy according to the numerical order of the plates. A glossary of botanical terms, and complete index, together with a carefully arranged bibliography, are given in the appendix. PREPACK In preparing for the use of students of account of American proven plants, our materia inedica, liave inckided only such as this s)steniatic may he found in which most of the Homceopathic physicians reside. That many of the plants here described are not purely American is evident, yet all of them are true representatives of the tinctures used in the provings noted: that district of North America I in such plants as the Chinese Ailantus : the Asiatic .Esculus Hippocastanutn : the European Euphorbia Lathyris and many others, have received much of their value from provings of individuals growing here. Of the plants represented, 28 are i truly indigenous; cultivated 23 are fully naturalized; 22 are escapes from gardens 6 are and one only is too rare to be of much value to the pharmacist. As ; ; regards their location, i i 7 are generally of the L'nited States: 27 abound common throughout the northern portion the Eastern and Adantic .States only; Northern States only 6 in the Southern States be found west ot the Mississippi and 7 are local. the to in ; ; S in the central belt ; 14 in i only ; The work has occupied over five years in its publication, and the order in which the plates are numbered gives no idea of time when the plant itself was its text written. This was determined by my ability to locate the plant. be necessary to remember this, as many plants have been proven, and much more discovered concerning those represented since the work began, and the indi- gathered and It will viduals were described. Each plant and its accompanying text should be looked upon as an article by itself, written in the light of the time; the author has, however, as fully as was in his power, searched all important references at his command, and hopes that he has left out nothing that wnukl increase the value of the work in the light in which it is written. The following explanation of the arrangement and objects of tlie work is deemed necessary to its completeness: First, the natural order under which the genus falls is given in prominent type, and, should the order be a large one, the tribe then follows to give a better idea of its place in black-face type, together with the genus, wherever possible, name ; and, lastly, according this in is name appended department, ; then the genus of the scientist is mentioned who formed it; to the showing the derivation of the given the old, or sexual, arrangement a foot-note, is to Linnaius. All of this is considered essential, as it is conceded that plants of like botanical, and therefore chemical, nature, have a similar action, giving a class of what we may term generic symptoms, though each has its special {specific) symptoms that characterize as above; half its it. for, if value. It is for this reason that the plants here treated of are alphabetically arranged, the work would have arranged lost at least one- : ; PREFACE. yjji The most prominent type gives in display the name of the remedy, e., the name under which the plant was proven, and which characterizes it to us as i. Homceopathists ; followed by the most generally accepted vulgarism. this is The synonymy which follows has become necessary, as most species, unfortunately, have received more than one name, resulting mostly from two causes first, that of different views held concerning the limits of the genera and species and, second, from an unavoidable ignorance in the discoverer, in a given locality, The descriptive binominal sysof the previous discovery of the plant in another. ; tem, invented by Linnaeus though many plants in 1753, been quite l>ad quite a necessity in therefore, the earliest date any such is fully botanical all names can have, It becomes, mention of aliases described before that time. works that full should be made, to render reference to earlier writers satisfactory. I in have made as full a department as was possible, in the limit of time allowed common names, considering them very essential in a writing the articles, of the work of this kind, for of patients who will before his arrival, and made use has been In describing physicians, in their country practice, will meet hundreds them of some plant they have been using in the case is sometimes necessary that he should know what species many tell it of. the plants, I have condensed even a at great sacrifice of grammatical construction, using botanical terms freely, but not unreservedly; where several species of a genus occur in sequence, the genus is separately described to genus of any order the natural order itself is I have taken pains to the proven plants belonging to it, and then mentioning the prevailing avoid repetition, and under the described mention in all qualities of student brief. Under first the description of each order the important medicinal plants outside of our provings, all may become acquainted with the qualities prevailing in that the the class of drugs under which the species considered falls. Slight mention is then made of edible and economic species by way of a further understanding of the class. In the next rubric, the first paragraph is given to the origin of the plant, its geographical distribution here, its favorite locations and time of flowering by a concise history of the species, especially that much as may the light of our use of it; this is completed by a mention of the various preparations in use in general Pharmacopoeias. this is followed be of interest In in the preparation of the tinctures, where considered absolutely Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia essential, in nearly I have innovated but holding to all cases. the The little, text and that only American of the description of the physical prove of value, as, I am sorry to say, the preparations of all our pharmacies do not agree in strength any tincture varying markedly from the appearances here given should be looked upon properties is, however, original, and hope I will ; with suspicion. In compiling the rubric relating to the chemical nature of the plants, great pains have been taken to arrive at the solubility and frequency, as well as the nature and stability of the principles of course, to one man very litde time ; can be spared for work in organic analyses of any stated number of species. : PRE FA C K. ix much combeen spent upon this sui)ject, and all brought up to the date of the article. There is something, nevertheless, very much against conclusiveness regarding organic analyses, as it would seem but therefore, that little, is original investigation will be found here ; parative and differentiating study has, however, that the more a given species Under the is much stituents found, savoring of analyzed artificial head of physiological the greater is number of the con- re-arrangement of atoms. action, only cases of actual toxic effects are, as no wise be looked upon as a symptomaObservations upon the sphere of action and organs involved, are studiously omitted, except under such drugs as have caused death and yielded opportunities for post-mortem examinations. The original intention in regard to drawing the plates from the plants as they stood in the soil, has, in the majority of cases, been rigidly adhered to a rule, noted, as the work should in scope being pharmacological only. tology, its but so little ; spare time is allotted was from called fresh, living individuals, in. soils, mechanical scale, and, unless taken, and thus the aid of expe- All the plates, however, have been executed gathered with especial reference and natural propitious many long general practitioner, that own cannot be trips into other States than his rienced botanists to the The drawings locations. to typical features, are otherwise stated, are natural size made all ; a to the coloring I have bent every endeavor to have natural, without regard to artistic beauty or pleasing fancy some may be criticised as being too brilliant, others not brilliant enough. Suffice it to say, however, that natural color and texture cannot be exactly ; reproduced, nor is In conclusion, lithography a perfect I offer my thanks to whatever success this work may attain. pamphlets, and articles I have drawn, I art. many who have kindly contributed to To the many authors from whose books, must generalize that personal references in the text will in my obligation, hoping cases be found satisfactory. all To Asa Gray, who, in disinterested kindness, allowed me the unreserved use of his many most valuable works on our American Flora, my special consideration is due. To the following botanists who willingly lent their aid in Professor many species not growing near my locations, I can but generally acknowledge Mr. J. H. Sears, Salem, Mass. Dr. T. F. Lucy, Elmira, N. Y. Mr. F. V. Coville, Ithaca, N. Y. Mr. C. H. Gross, Landisville, N. J. Mr. J. A. Miss Mary C. Cuthbert, Augusta, Ga. Messrs. J. U. and Shafer, Pittsburgh, Pa. Miss M. C. Mr. James Galen, Rawlinsville, Pa. C. G. Lloyd, Cincinnati, O. Rev. E. Reynolds, St. Augustine, Fla. Dr. Thos. M. Wood, Wilmington, N. C. \. Campbell, St. Cloud, Minn. and Mr. A. B. Seymour, Champaign, 111. procuring ; : ; : ; ; ; ; : ; ; C. F. Mii.i,spau(;h. XLirch I. 1SS7. 81 1 7 REMEDIES. Abies Canadensis, 164 nigra, 163 Absinthium, 88 Chionantbiis, 136 Helleborus Cichorium, 93 Cicuta maculata, 67 Helonia-s, 177 *Cimicifuga, Actaea alba, 10 racemosa, Hepatica, 1 ^thusa Cynapiiim, 65 Agrostemma Githago, 31 Hydrophylluni, 122 I Collinsonia, 1 Hyoscyamus, 126 Hypericum, 30 19 Conium, 68 Convolvulus, Cornus 1 2 Hydrastis, 9 ' Cistus, 28 1 ^sculus glabra, 44 Hippocastanum, 43 viridis, 8 23 Inula, 81 I circinata, 72 Iris versicolor, I Ailantus, 35 florida, 71 Aletris, 172 Ambrosia 82 1 Juniperus Virginiana, 166 70 Kalmia, 103 Lachnanthes, 171 Angelica atropurpurea, 64 Drosera, 29 Lactuca, 96 Anthemis Dulcamara, 124 Lamium, androsEemifolium, 132 EpigEea, loi cannabinum, 133 Epilobium, 59 Equisetum, 179 Lapatluim, 144 Lappa, 92 nobilis, Apocynum Aralia 84 (piiniiiiefolia, 70 racemosa, 69 Argemone, 20 Artemisia vulgaris, 87 Arum dracontium, 168 triphyllum, 167 Asclepias cornuli, 134 tuberosa, 135 Asimina 121 Erechthites, 90 Leptandra, 114 Lilium superbum, Erigeron, 80 Linaria, 'Eryngium, 62 Euonymus inflata, 99 syphilitica,^ Lycopodium, 180 Lycopus, Ipecacuanha, 149 Magnolia glauca, Benzoin, 145 Berberinum, 92 Lathyris, 150 Melilotus, 49 Euphrasia, Berberis, 15 Fagopyrum, 142 Bursa-Pastoris, 25 Fragaria, 55 Fraxinus, 137 7 Cannabis sativa, 154. Carya alba, 157 Castanea vcsca, 158 Catalpa, 109 Caulophyllum, 16 Geum Ginseng, 70 Ccphalanthus, 76 Clielidonium, 21 Gnaphalium, 89 Gymnocladus, 53 Hamamelis, 58 Chenopodium anthelniinticum, 140 Chimaphila, 104 ' Mitchella, 77 Monotropa, 105 Myrica, 160 Nabalus, 94 Nymphiea, 18 54 CEnothera, 60 Hedeoma, 1 Helianthemum Canadense, * Opuntia, 61 Ostrya, 159 Pastinaca, 63 Penthorum, 57 1 *Helianthus, 83 i 1 Millefolium, 85 Celt is, 152 Clielone glabra, 113 1 Menyanthes, 129 Gelsemium, 130 Genista, 46 Geranium maculatum, 32 rivale, 1 Menispermum, 14 Mentha jjiperita, 15 Gaultheria, 102 28 98 Lupulus, 155 Baptisia, 52 1 78 Lobelia cardinalis, 97 atropurpureus, 42 Eupatorium perfoliatum, 79 purpureum, 78 Euphorbia corollata, 148 triloba, 13 i in hypericifolia, 147 Caltha, * Cypripedium pubescens, Dioscorea, 174 Dirca palustris, 146 Ampelopsis, 40 Anagallis, 108 ' Juglans cinerea, 15C sericea, 73 artemisiaefolia, 173 Jacea, 27 Piiaseolus, 51 Phytolacca, 139 2 16' REMEDIES. Plantago, 107 Podophyllum, i 7 Rhus venenata, 37 Tabacuni, 128 Robinia, 50 Tanacetum, 86 Taraxacum, 95 Polygonum, 141 Rnmex, 143 Populus, 162 Salix purpurea, 161 Pothos, 169 Sambucus Canadensis, Prinos, 106 Sanguinaria, 22 Pulsatilla Nuttalliana, 1 Pyrus, 56 Ranunculus acris, 6 Trifolium, 47 repens, 48 Scutellaria, 120 Trillium, 175 Senega, 45 Serpentaria, 138 sceleratus, 3 Sinapis alba, 23 catharticus, 41 pendulum, Senecio, 91 bulbosus, 5 repens, 4 Raphanus, 26 Thlaspi Bursa- Pastoris, 25 Thuja, 165 Scrophularia, 112 Sarracenia, 19 Ptelea, 34 Rhamnus Thaspium aureum, 66 75 Solanum nigrum, 125 Veratrum viride, 176 Verbascum, no nigra, 24 Spigelia Marilandica, 131 Viola tricolor, 27 glabra, 36 Stillingia, 151 Xanthoxylum, ^^ radicans, 38 Stramonium, 129 Symplocarpus, i6g Zizia, 66 Rhus aromatica, 39 Toxicodendron, 38 i Triosteum, 74 Urtica Urens, 153 Uva-ursi, 100 75 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE PLANTS INCLUDED IN THIS WORK. DiCOTVLKDOXOUS Ph/KNOGAMS. RANUNCULACE/E. PAPAVERACEiE. Anemone liana, SIMARUBACE^E. Argemone Mexicana, 20 Anemoiiea. patens, var Nuttal- Clielidonium majus, 21 Sanguinaria Canadensis, 22 i Anemone Ailantus glandulosus, 35 ANACARDIACE.E. triloba, 2 Rhus CRUCIFER^. Ranuitculcie. Ranunculus sceleratus, 3 Toxicodendron, 3S Brassica alba, 23 5 aromatica, 39 nigra, 24 acris, 6 Lepidinea. Helleborineip. VITACE2E. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, 25 Caltha palustris, Helleborus venenata, 37 Brassiccce. repens, 4 bulbosus, glabra, 36 7 Ampelopsis quinquefolia, 40 Raphanece. viridis, 8 Raphanus Raphanistrum, 26 I Cimicifiigea\ Hydrastis Canadensis, 9 Actjea alba, 10 Cimicifuga racemosa, 11 MAGNOLIACEiE. Magnolia glauca, 12 VIOLACE^. RHAMNACE^. Rhamnus catharticus, 41 I Viola tricolor, 27 CELASTRACE^. CISTACE^. Euonymus atropurpureus, 42 Helianthemum Canadense, 28 SAPINDACEyE. ANONACEiE. Asimina triloba, 13 MENISPERMACE^. Menispcrmum Canadense, 14 BERBERIDACE^. DROSERACEyE. Drosera .^isculus POLYGALACEiE. HYPERICACEiE. Hypericum Hippocastanum, 43 glabra, 44 rot undi folia, 29 Polygala Senega, 45 jjerforatum, 30 CARYOPHYLLACE^. LEGUMINOS^. Berberis vulgaris, 15 Caulophyllum thalictroides, 16 Lychnis (iithago, 31 GcnistciT. Genista tinctoria, 46 Podophyllinii peltatum, 17 GERANIACEiE. NYMPHACE^. Nymphxa Trifoliea. Tri folium pratense, 47 repens, 48 Geranium maculaium, 32 odorata, 18 Melilotus officinalis, 49 RUTACEiE. SARRACENIACEiE. Sarracenia purpurea, 19 Xanthoxylum Americanum, I'tclea trifoliata, 34 alba, 49 2,7, Galegeit. Robinia I'seudacacia, 50 1 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE PLANTS. PLANTAGINACE-ffi. RUBIACEyE. Phaseolea. Phaseolus vulgaris, 5 i Sophorea. Plantago major, 107 Cinclionccv. Cephalanthus occidentalis, 76 Baptisia tinctoria, 52 PRIMULACEiE. Mitchella repens, 77 CiTsalpinciT. Gymnocladus Canadensis, 53 ROSACE.<E. Anagallis arvensis, 108 COMPOSITvE. TUnULIFLOR-E. BIGNONIACE^. Eupatoriacece. Dryadea. Geum Catalpa bignonioides, 109 Eupatoriurn purpureum, 78 rivale, 54 Fragaria vesca, 55 Pomea. Pirus Amerfcana, 56 CRASSULACE^. Penthorum sedoides, 57 perfoliatuni, 79 Erigeron Canadense, 80 Hamamelis Virginica, 58 ONAGRACEyE. Epilobium palustre, var. lineare, Verba scecc. Inula Helenium, 81 Verbascuin Thapsus, Senecionidece. Ambrosia artemisiajfolia, S2 Linaria vulgaris, 84 nobilis, 1 1 Cheionea. Scrophularia nodosa, 112 Achillea Millefolium, 85 Tanacetum no Aniirrhineic. Helianthus annuus, 83 Anthemis HAMAMELACEiE. SCROPHULARIACE^. Astcroidece. Chelone glabra, 113 vulgare, 86 Veroniccce. Artemisia vulgaris, 87 absinthium, 88 Veronica Virginica, 114 . Gnaphalium polycephalum, Sg Eiiphrasieir. Eu])hrasia officinalis, 115 Erechthites hieracifolia, go 59 (Enothera biennis, 60 Senecio aureus, 91 LABIATE. Cyna?'Ci:e. CACTACE^ Lappa officinalis, Sataiii'ic. 92 Mentha piperita, 116 Lycopus Virginicus, 117 LIGULIFLOR.T,. Opuntia vulgaris, 61 UMBELLIFERiE. Eryngium yuccfefolium, 62 Pastinaca sativa, 63 Cichorium Intrbus, 93 Hedeoma Prenanthes serpentaria, 94 Collinsonia Canadensis, iig Taraxacum Dens-leonis, 95 Stachydciv. Lactuca Canadensis, 96 Scutellaria lateriflora, 120 Lnmium album, Archangelica atropurpurea, 64 j^thnsa cynapium, 65 Tliaspium aureum, 66 Cicuta maculata, 67 Conium maculatum, 68 ARALIACE-ffi. CORNACE^. inflata, Hydrophyllum Virgin icum. 99 ERICACE^. CONVOLVULACE^. Ericinae. Convolvulus arvensis, 123 Uva ursi, 100 Epigsea repens, loi Gaultheria procumbens, 102 florida, 71 Kalmia latifolia, circinata, 72 103 SOLANACE^. Solanum Dulcamara, 124 nigrum, 125 niger, 126 Pyrokie. sericea, 73 CAPRIFOLIACEyE. 21 HYDROPHYLLACE^. Lobelia cardinalis, 97 syphilitica, 98 Arctostaphylos Cornus i LOBELIACEiE. Aralia racemosa, 69 quinquefolia, 70 pulegioides, 118 Chimaphila umbcllata, 104 D.itura Monotropecc. Monotropa Hyoscyamus uniflora, 105 Stramonium, 127 Nicotiana Tabacum, 128 Lonicerecc. Triosteum perfuliatum, 74 Sambiicea. Sainbucus Canadensis, 75 AQUIFOLIACE^ffi. Ilex verticillata, 106 GENTIANACE^. Menyanthes trifoliata, 129 NATURAL ARRANT. EM KNT OF THK PLANTS. POLYGONACEiE. LOGANIACEiE. Spigelia Marilandica, 131 Rumcx APOCYNACEiE. Apocymim Cannabis rrispus, 143 JUGLANDACEiE. Carya alba, 157 CUPULIFERiE. Lindera Benzoin. 145 133 ASCLEPIADACE^. THYMELEACEiE. Castanea vesca, var. Asclcpias (omuti, 134 Dirca palustris, 146 tubcrosa, 135 Chionanlhus MYRICACEiE. Appendiciilala. Myrica Fraxinus Americana, 137 160 SALICACEiE. coroUata, 148 ARISTOLOCHIACE^. E.xappeiidiciilatce. Salix ])iirpurca, i6i Ipecacuanhae, 149 Lathyris, 150 i3<S Populus tremuloidt's, 162 CONIFERiE. Stillingia sylvatica, 151 PHYTOLACCACE^. URTICACE^. Phytolacca decandra, 139 AI>ictiiu-iC. Abies nigra, 163 Canadensis, 164 I linacciC. CHENOPODIACEiE. Celtis occidentalis, 152 Chenopodium album, Ctipressittea:. Thuja occidentalis, 165 Urlicece. var. anthelminticiim, cerifera, Euphorbia hypericifolia, 147 \'irginica, 136 Aristolochia Serpentaria, Americana, 158 Ostrya Virginica, 159 EUPHORBIACEiE. OLEACEiE. 154 Jnglans cincrea, 156 LAURACEiE. 132 sativa, Humulus Lupulus, 155 obtusifolius, 144 andros;vtnifoliuni, Apocynum cannahinum, Cannahinae. Polygonum acre, 141 Fagopyrum esculentum. 142 Gelsemium sempervirens, 130 140 Juniperus Virginiana, 166 Urtica urens, 153 MoNOCOTVLEDONOUS Ph.-ENOGAMS. HiEMORODACE^. ARACE-iE. Lachnanthes Arissema triphyllum, 167 foetidus, LILIACE^. TrillideiC. Aletris farinosa, 172 dracontium, 168 Symplocarpus tinctoria, 171 169 IRIDACE^. Iris versicolor, ORCHIDACE^. i Dioscorea var. alinim, 175 MelaiithiccF. Veratrum 73 DIOSCOREACEiE. Cypripedium pubescens, 170 Trillium erectum, 175 villosa, EQUISETACE/E. 1 79 i7''i Lilicce. 174 Lilium superbum, 178 AcROGENOUS Cryptogams. Equisetum hyemaie, viridc, Chamailiriuni luteum, 177 LYCOPODIACEiE. Lycojiodiuni clavatum, iSo . SERIES PH^NOGAMIA. l^ark. [To precede plale I. CLASS DICOTYLEDONS Plants with stems composed of netted veined leaves. Plants producing true flowers and seeds.PLATES I TO i66. and and a pair or more of opposite or whorled seed-lea\^es (cotvledons). wood.] pith . . ^ (pTH. NuTTALLIANA. Gray. .adnatMetpinxt AnEMOnE PaTENS. var. . )KI. Inflorescence a conspicuous. inches. NAMES. hairy styles. ANEMONE PATENS. silky-haired involiicre. CLEMATIS HIRSUTISSIMA. ANEMONE NUTTALLIANA. carpels -seeded. ihe wind. with long with three longitudinal. Fruit a plumose head. terminal. Leaves upon long hairy petioles. in a dense cirlar bodies. SYN. N. the lateral all the segdivisions sessile and deeply 2-cleft. from a flower by a many-cleft. TRAUVT PULSATILLA NUTTALLIANA. or replaced by minute glanduvillous upon their outer surface. persistent. RanunculacesB. . . D. SY. deep sulci.ORD. genus only opened when the . — ANEMONE PATENS. NUTT. pollen numerous. at first incumbent. GRAY. separate. HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State College climbers. then spreading. i feathery tails. . encircled near the Description. GRAY PULSATILLA PATENS VAR. acute which form the true stem-leaves. rising more or less erect from the rootstock they are ternately divided. beneath.— This natural order * AMfioj. fully . Stamens innumerable.* LINN. GRAY. .YGNIA. POIR. VAR. Seeds sus- pended. anemos. . hairy style long and slender. antJters extrose. in a dense cluster. fllanients slender.LIANA. HARTSHORN PLANT.ST. C. PULSATILLA PATENS. Pistils . developed and fertilized before the appearance of the true leaves.\ I'DI.— rOLVAM. PRAIRIE FLOWER. light purplish-blue flower. PASQUE FLOWER. GOSLINWEED). . ZUCC. SEX. clet surrounding the pistils. COM. . Sepals generally 5. VAR. smooth above and hairy lobes. GENUS. answering to petals in appearance Petals wanting. acute lobes. villous. WOLPGANGIANA. composed of the lengthened. with a somewhat recurved summit stigvia indcfinate. H. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PLANT. ANEMONE FLAVESCENS. Stc7n erect and hairy. D. the central stalked and 3-cleft ments deeply incised into narrow. PULSATILLA NUTTALLIANA.-RANUNCULACE^. AMERICAN PULSATILLA. linnear. is composed of herbs and woody So named upon the supposition that the flowers of this wind was blowing. 2-celled . composed of numerous linnear. . resembling abortive stamens. — ANEMONE. MAY FLOWER. — PASQUE FLOWER (CROCUS. GRAY. . NUTTAI. NUTTALLIANA. similar to that of Clematis . ANEMONE LUDOVICIANA. — This beautiful prairie flower grows to a height of from 4 to lo branched perennial root. . When dry it has a sharp and burning taste and neutral reaction. divided. Delpliinuan Staphisagria. S.. unable to find any data upon this spehave been found similar to its European relative. in some they are wanting.— The whole. Aconiiutn napel- us : his." its peculiar effect disappears west of the Missouri. It softens at 150° (302. Helleboriis 7iiger. and lycoclomun. 1884. flowering from March to April. from an aqueous distillate of the herb when the volatile oil is present. contains: said to — Anemonin. habit of being in gave it upon the nose and eyes when crushed between the fingers gave it another. 77.0° F. furnished with short anthers. . and filtering. .. mature flower. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it. klinorhombic prisms. in locahties to term it " Goslin weed. Lieberg says* that in Eastern Dakota this upon plant attains a luxuriance of growth never met with and that it wholly flower about Easterthe principal distinguishing name. This family of plants. p. appellation. The fruit varies from a dry pod to a fleshy berry the ovules are anatropous. so distinguished by the dorsal rhaphe when suspended the seeds have a minute embryo. " Hartshorn plant. and replaced by petal-like organs in others. p. the following species of special interest to Clematis erccta. cavimariun." species under the drug Pulsatilla.). pulp and weighed. the aqueous distillate together with the above * Bot. Ph..Hj^O. Aiiemoiie which. 1884. This body forms in colorless. white powder separates from and under the same circumstances. and westward to the Rocky Mountains. after strainino- should have a light seal-brown color by transmitted light. and Paonia officinalis.^"^ '^he silky-hariness of the involucre and tide newly-appearing leaves caused the children in The U. Cj. —This and alcohol."-!. only. The is allowed to stand tincture thus prepared. and generally ternately. It is Pulsatilla. 104. Its farther east. nigricantis. many of which are poisonous. flowering plant is Then two parts by weicrht of alcohol are taken. beside those treated of in this work. slighdy also in cold. very fugacious while in one Its greater or lesser extent . allows the use of this place of Herba Pulsatilla.. f /bid. History and Habitat. fresh. contains. amorphous.). with or PART USED AND PREPARATION. and the chopped and pounded to a rest of the alcohol added. in this country. Gaz. "Pasque flower. together with Anemone nemorosa and pratensis (Eu. are they present in the . but local. and are destitute of stipules.1-2 genera are various. it dissolves in hot water Cj^Hj^O. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. and soon decomposes Anemonic Acid.-I am cies. and by the disconnection of the parts of its flowers. After thorough mixture the whole eight days in a well-stoppered bottle. invested with fleshy albumenThe leaves are usually palmately. but easily distinguishable by the acrid juice prevailing to a in all species. Jcrox.— The American pasque flower is found in abundance the prairies from Wisconsin northward. The tribes vary greatly in regard to the sepals . and a decidedly acid reaction. . The stamens are numerous. an acrid astringent taste. 7. and Wesselhoeft Profuse lacrymation. Minn. Burk. Full-grown leaf in outline. sent me. as reported by Drs. insoluble in water. Stamen (enlarged). a weight. iS84.) acrid yellow oil separates from the aqueous infusion of the plant. Ripe carpel. with great debility. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Pistil (enlarged). Receptacle. Oil of Anemone. Description of Plate I. with smarting and burning of the eyes. especially in the . Whole plant. with an increased secretion.—This and oils. The action of this drug will be seen to be very like that of Herba PulsatilUc nigricantis. V. ether. who^c kindness soil intact. heat and feverish- ness. owing to the presence of the water. through . by Rev. and throat. Pollen X 380. soon breaks down into the bodies mentioned above. * One of a number of typical living plants. with rumbling of flatus pressure in the region of the stomach as from the tincture in : . differing mostly in a less intense action. 3. Duncan. dilute acids. Sexual organs. Fruit. E. but (Wittstein. with their natural 1 also procured the full-grown leaf and ripe fruit. especially about the limbs . followed by mucoid discharges. 9.— The when taken following represents the general action of moderate doses. mouth. Cloud. frequent urging to urinate. 5. sharp pains about the stomach and bowels.1-3 It is a tasteless acid. thighs. from St. 4. and. with erysipeloid eruptions. 8.. i.* April 24th. Campbell. 2. alcohol. a tickling in the throat and constant inclination to cough rheumatic pains. 6. enters into combination with alkalies. . ^ natdei. .etpinxt Anemone Hepatica . Linn. . extending down the inner side of the style. dark olive-green above and purplish beneath. ORD. varying in deep purplish-blue with white borders these latter. SEX. from 6 to 9 ovate. (Afiiscales) of the order IlepalUac. in some seasons. HEPATICA TRILOBA.). \ and smooth. grows from radical scaly buds amid the thick. HEPATICA TRILOBA. ovary i-celled oviilcs one in each cell. leathery leaves of Root fibrous. then erect. In North America it grows from Minnesota. S/c7ii none. so eagerly sought after as one of our earhest spring flowers. . are always close proximity to the flower. anthers short. This plant was placed in the genus Anemone by . hypogynous filaments long. perennial. persistent leaves. 1884. . GENUS— ANEMONE. RANUNCIJLACE/E. pointed stigma a stigmatose marginal line.. the liver. all radical . InvoInflorescence solitary. Hcpatica is a native of the colder portions of the North Temperate Zone. or.— rOLVANDKIA roLVGVNIA. HEPATICA. slender petioles. petaloid sepals. and continuing in flower until May. PURSH. east and northeast to the Atlantic flowering. . VAR.-ANEMONE/E. SYN.) HEPATIQUE. Stamens numerous. hairy. KIDNEYWORT (FR.. — History and Habitat. suspended. light green and hairy when young. Pistils 12 to 20. C. * Erariirdf. circinate. green. Leaves everon long. — LIVER -LEAF. slender. (GER. terminal. the liver. is Marchantia polymorpha. obtuse. 2-celled. HEPATICA AMERICANA. open woods as far as the limit of trees.t LIVER-WEED. obtuse. the lobes ovate. p. D. from a fancied rescmlilance of the leaves to that it. VAR. on long. 55. anatropous style single. N. SVST. affecting organ. "ijirop. Club. A TLNCTURE OF THE FRESH LEAVES OF ANEMONE HEPATICA. LINN. OBTUSA. Achenia loosely aggregated in a globose head. lucre simple. LINN. short. . TREFOIL. when old. LIVER-WORT. . Tribe. NAMES. EDELLEBERE. from its entire.— ANEMONE HEPATICA. . a cryptogamous plant Torr. 3-lobed. Iowa and Missouri. destitute of stamens. . HERB TRINITY. the previous year's growth. growing in rich.* ROUND -LOBED HEPATICA. . LINN. hairy scapes. f^rt///t«. . ovate-oblong. or their action upon f The proper % Author liverwort in Bull. CHAIX. and while the plant is in blossom they are cordate in general outline. . hairy. composed of three resembling a calyx. HEPATICA TRILOBA. Description. COM. obtuse. <y»<7/-. hairy. AMERICANA. HEPATICA. somewhat Calyx composed of color from pure white to a I have noticed. tipped with the short persistent style seed filling the whole cell to which it conforms.— This dwarf herb. LIVER-LEAF. KER. as early as March. Ph. cool place. sugar. mucilaginous infusion. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it. until finally it has been among its congeners. as its virtues are not of a powerful or disturbing nature. 2. . 1884. a slighdy astringent taste. its gent.-The full-grown leaves of the year are pulp and weighed. After stirring the whole well it is poured into a wellstoppered bottle and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. S. litde action in the direc- . PART USED AND PREPARATION. hot or cold. Stamen (enlarged). and other lung affections. 3. Hepadca has very may develop some symptoms cough with expectoration. and the rest of the alcohol added. As a pectoral it may be taken in the form of an infusion. A farther proving tion of a slight irritative far as known. Y. The Liver-leaf has held a place medicinal plants from ancient times until the present. N.. No in this plant special analysis has are tan- been made to determine an active principle.. and is simply mentioned in the Eclectic Materia Medica. and in hemorrhoids in the latter troubles its exhibition must have met with no very flattering success. tincture. 2. Binghamton. Pistil (enlarged). as well as in all diseases of the liver. It was used it in haemoptysis. should have a very light greenishorange color by transmitted light. and an acid reaedon. It is now falling into returned to its it original place disuse on account of mild properties. April 27th.-As upon the system. from among whence has received several removals. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. Hepadca has been dismissed from the U. Description of Plate I. PHYSIOLOGICAL AOTION.2-2 Linnseus. The chopped and pounded to a separated by straining and filtering. and mucilage. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. in small only bodies found amount. in almost any amount. Whole plant. forming as does simply a slightly astrincoughs.-The nin. unn.Tll.adnatdeI. . Ranunculus Sceleratus.etpinxl'.^-. . rarely only 3. sepals reflexed petals Fruit an oblong. those of the stems alternate and situated at the base of the branches. achenia mosdy flattened and pointed by the remains of the style seeds solitary. * Lntin for a little frog.7«V a cylindrical or rounded head. COM.—RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. SCHARF HAHNEN- (GER. CELERY -LEAVED CROWFOOT. — History and Habitat. cylindrical head carpels numer. but not to lower leaves long.) RANONCULB .— RANUNCULUS. and blossoms from June to August. cut. RANUNCULUS S C E L E R A T U S. (FR. the lobes obtusely cut and toothed sheathing at their dilated bases. Sepals 5. . varieties. flat. not append Ranunculus. The general and medical history of the species is generic. they having been used indiscriminately. Petals 5. SEX. deciduous. 12.SYST. i and branching Juice acrid and Leaves thickish. Tribe. pale-yellow. seldom entire. subulate. —This in North America. and Flowers small. times corymbed flozcers yellow. characterized as follows: . large genus contains. R. LINN. or nectariferous scale at the base inside. rarely white. the upper sessile or nearly and nearly LINN. rounded the base. Stem WHOLE PLANT RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. pore. . The Cursed Crowfoot is indigenous to Europe and North America with us it appears as if introduced.* LINN. N. . . gland. 53 species and Root annual or perennial. C URSED Cli O WFO T. /. blis- so. quickly raising a blister wherever . succulent. . aged. A TINCTURE OF THE Description. foot. stem-leaves 3-lobed. Inflorescence solitary or somevariously lobed. the lobes oblong-linear root-leaves 3-parted. little pit. petioles of the .-RANUNCULE/E. glabrous. or dissected. thick. . referring to its habitat. its juice possessing remarkable caustic power. hollow.— POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. barely mucronate. —This smooth perennial herb grows to a height of al)Out erect. with a Stamens numerous filaments filiform. erect. scarcely exceeding the sepals. NAMES. GENUS. . or often more. Leaves mostly radical. It grows in marshy tracts and wet ditches. MARSH CROWFOOT. sceleratus. rarely suspended. entire . — CURSED CROWFOOT. Style short. tering. SYN. ous. being considered the most poisonous.- ORD-RANUNCULACE/E. however. and imbricated in the bud.) FUSS. composed of numerous carpels. to the end they may shun the same. stems. dysuria. In former practice the plants were used. not any of them are to be taken alone by themselves. : . though some cases are reported where this happy result failed. cdults. Gerarde says " There be divers sorts or kinds of these pernitious herbes comprehended under the name of Ranunculus or Crowfoote. the latter using them as external applications for the removal of psora. flammula. Tissot. and pneumonia. hip disease. hemicrania. as Scribonius Largus saith. Linn. in Bol. : . plants is as necessarie to the phisition as of other herbes. For these dangerous simples are likewise many times of themselves beneficial and oftentimes for some of them are not so dangerous but that they may in some sort profitable and oftentimes in fit and due season profit and do good. as if Nature had furnished an antidote to poisons from among poisons of its own tribe and it is to be preferred to almost any other vomit in promoting the instantaneous expulsion of deleterious substances from the stomach. This genus was known to the ancient physicians as BpaT^a^tov {BralrachioJi). R. whereof most are very dangerous to be taken into the body. . Ca~. icterus. applied. of applying Ranunculus to the wrists and fingers This practice we noted only a few days since. . says " It is an instantaneous emetic. and in local spasmodic and fixed pains. the Swedish peasantry use and the shepherds of Wallachia. leprous nails.'-' R. Linn. In Northern Persia the young tubers. ..D. it was suffering with an attack of lobar pneumonia. and Dioscorides spoke of various species. all speak highly of the plants as powerful escharotics and the Bedouins use them as rubefacients. Paulus ^Egineta. Boiss. or also if necessitie at any time require that they may use them. in asthma. : .3-2 and a dose of two drops sometimes exciting fatal inflammation along the whole alimentary tract. and in toothache. as the process of boiling throws off the volatile acrid principle and renders them inert. Withering." Many species of this genus are used as pot-herbs. Paulus. because they are of a most violent The knowledge of these force. and serious symptoms supervened." In regard to the acrid properties of the plants. and others mention a curious practice." Van Swieten. 316. leaves. and blossoms of R. M. and the physicians of Arabia. in view of external stimulation. and therefore have the great nede of correction. for the cure of intermittent fevers. steotomatous and other tumors.ficar-ia. to moove the people the more to pittie. acris . he further says " Cunning beggars do use to stampe the leaves and lay it unto their legs and armes. Hippocrates. with a most exact and due manner of tempering. when called to see a child of a new-settled German family in our city the little one's wrists were bound up in the leaves and branches of R. and that with some deliberation and special choice and with their proper correctives. as well as fomentations to chilblains. and not take them ignorantly. are brought into market and sold as a pot-herb. and therefore they require a very exquisite moderation. vii. sceleratus. Galen. in speaking of R.. in rheumatism (especially sciatic). formerly prevailing in several countries of Europe. which causeth such filthy ulcers as we daily see (among such wicked vagabondes). * Lewis Sturtevtint. . 440. 68. more Anemonin causes similar symptoms. and a sense of inflammation the most succulent leaves. and his cornea became tender and bloody. The tincture is and allowed to then separated by straining Thus prepared it has a clear reddish-orange color by transmitted an acrid odor and taste. but is particularly their cortical substance. France. revision. both of which are as described on pages 1-2 and 1-3. paralysis of the posterior and The acrid anterior extremities. and. in small doses. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. swallowed a glassful of the juice. 1859. the articles Ph. Ranuii. or two stomach.. he was seized in four hours with violent colic and vomiting. acts. . and an acid reaction. forming. — Anemonol. followed by no convulsions.. 27J. J II II Exp. J'fii. also. Krapf states § that a small portion of a leaf or flower of drops of the juice. "this acid cannot be formed from anemonin by simply assumption with water. chemical type. Gtn. in it poured is into a well-stoppered bottle. Or//a. i. anemonin decomposes.xth part of it. at Bevay. — Anemoninic Acid. stupor and slow respiration in larger doses. cool place." f PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Tor. as in the oil. his || and died the second day. etc.. before death. A. green and untouched by frost. Prof. nor does it irritate sufficiently to corrode the organs. and acrid principle of this species. 754. producing. 1836. of N. at the last S. who afterward examined into the subject. Erdmann* found this to be the and extracted it as a golden-yellow volatile body. Jour. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.. i. and the rest of the alcohol added..Uumonin. Jour. the salivary glands were tongue was excoriated and cracked. O. or Oil of Ranuncuhts. decomposing by age into aiicinonin and aucmonic acid. After having but still stirred the whole stand eight days and well. gathered when in fruit. Pliar. t Drugs and Med. 130. de Nonnull. . PART USED AND PREPARATION. is chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. Med. scelcnitus. light. as an acrid narcotic. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-si. X Di^ I'ergifl mil Ranunkelol. A man.+ the oil of Ranunculus warm-blooded animals. L. among other bodies. red flakes of anemoninate oi barium (Lowig and Weidman). action is shown by a corrosive gastritis and by hyperaemia of the kidneys. when he chewed strongly stimulated . convulsions of the whole body. de Chim. Qua/. says. When boiled with an excess of baryta water. P/iar. of the throat.^ * Am. Mr. 1SS2. excited acute pain in the R. in .— The fresh herb. filtering. in Am.3-3 Ranunculus among is dropped from the U. Frehling. which had been kept for some time.— We taking this species as a consider here the genus as a whole. Jour. — According to Basiner. a dark. p. his teeth smarted. 2. giving symptoms and result: Contortion of the eyes. and the limbs gums redness. Salem. show this drug to be an . as detailed in Alleiis Eyicyclopedia of Pure Materia Mcdica^'' as well as the cases reported above. Mass. July 20th. pain. 270-77. it nerves themselves.) 3-4 Krapf [op. swelling. Section of same.) relates the following serious of the facial a case in which the plant was used internally. plant (a small specimen). Whole 3. . 5.. convulsions muscles. (2-5 enlarged. outer parts of the abdomen. and to the mucous membranes with which Description of Plate I. Petal. with horrid pains and fits of anxiety slight fainting turns all followed by cold sweat and death. Carpel. 1S85. . acrid irritant poison. . A. viii. Sepal. peeling off of the cuticle and cracking of the tongue ptyalism hiccough complete inactivity of the stomach. both to the tact. 3. * Vol. The symptoms caused by this drug. and bleeding of the . . . comes in con- . cit. .del.( pinxt Ranunculus Repens.adnat. unn. Carpel.4-2 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Leaf forms. June 24th. N.. 5.) suffi- . 2. 1885. of a flowering stem. and 4. End this species 4. Y. (5 and 6 enlarged. Ithaca. 6. Section of a carpel. ciently developed to distinguish —The provings of its Description of Plate I. 3 are not yet action from that of the preceding. dei. Ranunculus BuLB6sus.Linn .et nal. . MIA. It . SEX. tlie termi- Petals 5 or more. .SH PLANT RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. whole fresh plant while treated as in the preceding species. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. the lateral sessile. and of frequent occurrence in the East. PART USED AND PREPARATION. BULBOUS BUTTERCUPS. all appearing more or less pinnate nal stalked.—BULBOUS CROWFOOT OR BUTTERCUPS. Fruit beak.) KNOLLINGER HAHNENFUSS. like R. but seems blossoms northward from May to July. round. ORD-RANUNCULACE/E. where special mention is 3.* This was the officinal species of the U. has been used. Tribe. and tipped with a very short . SYN. Stcjus many. Calyx reflexed. pastures . achenia ovoid. as a local irritant where vesication seemed necessary its use was often prolonged to ulceration. Leaves all ternately divided to the very base. — Description. in it has not extended far inward. hairy herb grows to a height of about i foot. 3.N. now some places being an pretty thoroughly established along the Atlantic coast. KING'S CUPS. LINN. 3-parted. will be found under R. — So far no analysis has been made of this species to determine (should such exist) a specific principle that might differ from the general constituents of the acrid Ranunculi as given under R..— RANUNCULUS. is dismissed.-RANUNCULE/E. especially noticeable in the radical ones. Battish. ST. —The in the month of June. under R. BUTTER-FLOWER. volute. (GER. cleft all at the base. — Bulbous Crowfoot is 3. than the calyx. Ph. This species.— RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. has a clear. GOLD CUPS. cuneate Peduncles furrowed. much longer description of Ranunculus. leaflets short. severe cases of gangrene sometimes resulted. made of the . sceleratus. SYST. This erect. villous. now and a strongly acid light. bright glossy yellow. from which actual pest in meadows and decidedly prone so to do. being one of the more acrid of the genus. LINN. cuneate. onion-like base. The in flower resulting tincture a slightly sweetish then acrid reaction. History and Habitat. GENUS. COM. light yellow color by transmitted taste. * The general uses of the Ranunculi various species. sceleratus. LINN. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRE. in a globular head Read and toothed. S. an immigrant from Europe. from a bulbous. NAMES. sccleratus.— rOLVANURIA I'ULVGYA. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. ANTHONY'S TURNIP OR RAPE. scclcratiis. the mucous membranes generally. with painful soreness of that organ when pressed. suffered from violent burning in the hypogastric region. Add. . Violent attacks of epilepsy are recorded as having been induced by this a sailor who inhaled the fumes of the burning plant was attacked with this plant . Early English practitioners used the bulb to produce vesication when a "lasting blister" was judged necessary. pressure at the pit of the stomach. 257-269. 6. Achenium. so great was their dread of its properties. (3. 5 * App. followed by a bad ulcer. Mass.5-2 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. and terminated in death. upon the a of the fresh root (bulb?) slice skin. the skin was found with- out signs of extra circulation or irritation. X Encyc. t Stapf. 1885.. . I. in Murray states* that contact with the palmar surface of a when taken off.-jThe specific symptoms caused by this drug. Salem. 2.) iii. and in ten hours a serous blister had formed. Whole plant.| show a decided irritant action upon the brain and spinal cord.. as well as disease for the . it returned again in two weeks. headache. 87. but were very chary of prescribing the drug internally. cross and disposed to quarrel. and the itching and heat passed away in two hours it nevertheless returned again. — R. Piira. smarting of the eyelashes some time before its and suffered from soreness and was felt at the region nearest action the application. A lady who applied the bruised plant to the chest as a counter-irritant. passed into first time in his life nodous gout. bulbosus whether applied action placed finger brought on pain in two minutes has a peculiarly powerful irritant locally or internally. boiled in a chicken-broth. June 2Sth. Pure Mai. Petal. Med. . 5.. viii. Anther. Med. which proved very difficult to heal. fretful. and 6 enlarged. c. Four persons who partook of the bulbs. to Mai. Description of Plate I. 3. 5. so carefully collated by Prof. great anxiety about the region of the heart. Longitudinal section of achenium. . Fruit. Med. became ill-humored. 4. Allen. cachexia. nat. Ranunculus Acris Unn. .et pinxt.. HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State College . H.O. 32. but not so deep a yellow. lenticular . of the differI give a digest under ent species of Ranunculus are generic rather than specific. i. March.''' both on account of its vulgar name. SYN. incurved. .N. RANUNCULUS ACRIS. and from a similarity in the foliage. "Jour. History and Habitat. COM. and sometimes entire petioles of the radicle and lower stem leaves long and hairy.— TALL BUTTERCUPS OR CROWF'OOT. UPRIGHT BUTTERCUPS OR CROWFOOT. (GER. hollow. BUR.—RANUNCULUS ACRIS. — Description. from a slightly tuber-like crown. Filaments short . . ACRID BUTTERCUPS. The medical and general history. —This distributed in this country since June until August. Root fibrous. S/ent subcylindrical. LINN. Inflorescence axillary and terminal flowers nearly as large as those of R. the divisions all sessile. should be chopped and pounded to a pulp and pressed out * Williams and I'artridgc. MBADOWBLOOM. SVST. shorter than the corolla. Med. 1838.— The whole fresh herb. . much . sceleratus. and clothed with more or less rigid hairs segments of the lower leaves cut into lanceolate.) SCHARFHAHENFUSS. gathered October. GENUS— RANUNCULUS. for R. under Ranunculus sceleratus. RANUNCULUS PRATBNSIS BRECTUS ACRIS. Petals obovate. RANUNCULUS ACRIS. LINN. It is flowers from often mistaken Geranium maculatum. . perennial herb attains a height of from 2 to 3 feet. YELLOW PILE-WEED. PART USED AND PREPARATION. and Surg. and branching above. 3.. liosl. NAMES. upper cauline leaves sometimes sessile. GERARDE.WORT.— POl. crowfoot. (FR. LINN. This erect. TALL BUTTERCUPS. Read description of the genus. ORD -RANUNCULACE^. closely-crowded lobes of the upper linear. under Pulsatilla Nuttalliana.YANDRIA I'ULYGVNIA. BLISTERWESD. hairy. anthers and smooth beak short and recurved. bulbosus (5). Calyx spreading.. Leaves 3-divided. species of the genus has its become quite widely introduction from Europe. when past its flowering season. villous. 3 and the natural order. This plant. and the chemistry and action.) RENONCULB ACRE. . Fruit a globular head carpels numerous. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PLANT. in in a piece . SEX. bright yellow. 3-parted. and c. separated light. N. b. and allowed to stand eight days. a. has a brownish-orange color by trans- a biting. mixed with an equal part by weight of alcohol. June 2d. . The mitted tincture. 1880.. by rapid succussion. then astringent taste. and an acid reaction. Ithaca. in a well-stoppered bottle. cool place. The juice is then. plant. by filtration. Whole 6. Y. Description of Plate I.6-2 new linen. of in a dark. ad nat.(^m. . CaLTHA PaLUSTRIS. pinxt.dei. . furnished with a prominent raphe. Inflorescence corymbose flowers large and leaf. N. KdXaSa. furrowed. BR.t LINN. . anthers large. Asia. Pistils 5-10 styles nearly or quite absent stigmas forming blunt.'a^o /•'ar/ura. WATER DRAGON.** MARE-BLEBS OR -BLOBS.. mucronations to the ovaries. growing on low.inn it bears no resemblance whatever to Calla. . (GER.\ roi.. large. on account of the similarity in the names.H AMERICAN COWSLIPS. and the banks of spring-fed rivulets * . (Caltha). GENUS. innate. . Stamens numerous filaments about the length of the anthers. WATERBOUTS. perennial herb. II If Colt's foot . . orbicular. hollow. the haliitats arc the same.) . I^inn. LINN. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FIX)\VERING PLANT CALTH. COM.? COW'S LIPS. and extrorse. ORD. kalathos. purplish. African marigolds to Tagetes (Composila. . Pruit a spreading whorl follicles latterly compressed seeds nimierous.— C ALT HA. -r01. which they Sepals 56. (Primulacese). CALTHA ARTICA. wet meadows. 12 inches. flowering in tiie United States from April to May. SYN. and juicy. petaloid. broadly ovate. J Cowslips are properly species of the primrose family (Primulaceoe). MAliSH MARIGOLD. oblong. withering after the expansion of the cover the bud.. and the bur-marigold to Bidens (Com|K)sita'). I J have known .\DRI. is only applical)le to Tussi. imbricate in aestivation. grows to a height of from 6 to Roof a bundle of coarse and closely fasciculated fibers. History and Habitat. NAMES— MARSH MARIGOLD.). a chalice. t"ve their tincture of Calendula from flowers gathered of calendula being marigold. bogs.V. — This glabrous. The corn-marigold belongs fi^-mirigold to Af:sembryanlheinttm {^^i'^nmhx-ja.Mhtvazx).VGVM. R. (Compositae). or reniform. stipules quite large. Leaves Description. finely crenate or entire . —The marsh-marigold is indigenous to the northern portions of Europe. Mare. bladders.A PALUSTRIS. SUMPP RINGELBLUME. and America. recurved. more properly blisters." LINN. MEADOWBOUTS. regular. branched above. in .American physicians who claimed that they made own neighborhoods their officinalis.-CALTHA PALUSTRIS. marsh hlelis. those of the cauline about equal in length to the width of the leaf. and does not grow wild genus Chtysanthenium (Compjsiloe) . the in CnUiiJula to the Krcnch and . and arranged in a double series.\. thick. somewhat quadrilateral. CALTHA. alternate. the golden calyx resembling that utensil.-RANUNCULACE^. Linn. COLT'S FOOT. cordate. I. Petals wanting. petioles of the radical leaves long. in this country. Sicm erect.: COWSLIPS. f Care should be taken not to confound this plant with Calla pniuslris. this error arose from the common name Linn. i. ** The true American cowslip is Dodeeathron Meadia. belongs to the Compositoe. Read description of the Order under Pulsatilla Nuttalliana.\. without doubt. 1884. when flowernew linen. . PART USED AND PREPARATION. Description of Plate I. or be identical with. separated from the above mass by color by transmitted light. and a neutral reaction. Section of ovary (enlarged). May nth. from a distillate of the fresh plant. Section of stem. to aflbrd an PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Achenium 5. 3. was unsuccessful. entirely disappears .* though his attempt to extract this oil and anemonin. orange- acrid taste.— The ing. of branch. Tannin is present in appreciable quantity. however. have been efficacious without it. The brown tincture. will not eat of The fresh plant it. — The acridity so noticeable in the fresh herb on the application of heat this property is considered by Lloyd to resemble. the tincture responding quickly to the tests with acetate of lead and chloride of iron. fully as juice part by weight of alcohol. is then. is very acrid. and cooked for " greens.7-2 plant is extensively gathered in early spring. has been used in cough syrups. End 7. Stamen (enlarged). — We have a scanty proving of this drug detailed Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica insufficient. and fresh herb. enclosed in a piece of by brisk succussion. This mixture cool place. acrid oil of ranunculus. The medical history of this herb is very sparse. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Section of flower. . Y. N. from Binghamton. 4. so much so that cattle Rafinesque asserts that cattle browsing upon it die in consequence of an inflammation of the stomach. somewhat has a clear. (enlarged). * See under Ranunculus sceleralus. then filtration. 6. mingled with an equal is allowed to stand eight days in a dark." of our most excellent pot-herbs the pickled flower-buds are mentioned one making The . is chopped and pounded The expressed pressed. gathered to a pulp. which would. 2. and of no consequence it as a fine substitute for capers. 3. in the insight to . its real action.. a sweet. .sdnatdel.ttpinxt. Linn.^m. HELLCfi'ORUS Vi RID IS. . stigmas orbicular. long petioled and pedately divided into from 7 to 15 lanceolate. solitary. — This European immigrant is now pretty thoroughly on Long Island and in a few counties of Eastern Pennsylvania. the root is no longer officinal in the pharmacopctias. all shorter than sessile. and an anti-spasmodic in epilepsy. Friiit a cluster of sessile. 'EXtfi'. -GREEN HELLEBORE. Tribe. PIP'S.* LINX. has been cholia. SVST. and ranks next in energy to //. however. thick . imbricated in the bud. seeds numerous. LINN. however. roundish- Description. On account of its general rarity.ORD-RANUNCULACEyE. COM. all 2-lipped. Inflorescence on axillary.S— H E LLE B O R US. GKNL . where it grows in the opens. veiny. an emmenagogue in amenorrhoea a vermifuge in children afflicted with lumbricoids. however. boia. —This ijerennial herb usually attains a growth of from i to 2 ami wood)'. . SYN. Rhi-zornc feet. Stan smooth. and flowers in April. History and Habitat. food. it is.ttiger or H. very small. to injure . pods. as a nervine in mania and melanIts principal field. petaloid. been somewhat used as a drastic and hydragogue cathartic in dropsies. usually a little inclined to branch above. SEX.(GER A TINCTURE OF THP: ROOI' OF HELLEBORUS VIRIDIS. Leaves alternate.) GRUNE NIESSWURZ. fetidus . sometimes geminate peduncles. N. helein. its place being supplied by either H. coriaceous cohering at their bases.-HELLEBORINE/E. form. GREEA' HELLEBORE. Green Hellebore has.VGMA. .— HELLEBORUS VIRIDIS. for animals afiflicted with lice or lumbrici For the reason given above. this species has had but litde use in medicine. irregularly Pistils 3 to 10. nodding. LINN. (FR.— I'dl. which is considered the most highly poisonous species of the genus. in veterinary medication. flozuers regular. an inch or more in diameter. Calyx persistent. sepals 5. ELLBBORE VERT. naturalized . much more active than cither of these species. 10. acute lobes. ovate. Petals 8 to the stamens. compound. orientalis. NAMES. HELLEBORUS VIRIDIS.VGAMIA rol. the leaflets sharply serrate those of the stem nearly sessile and palmately parted those of the root glabrous. cyathi- Stamens indefinite. and conglutinates at 220°-23o° (428°-446° F. prickling the tongue and causing salivation The mitted light.. — This slightly acid translucent. Helleborin proves a highly narcotic. + C„H. . Helleborin breaks down into sugar and Helleboresin as follows: carbonizes Hellebor'ein. it — This body is so far considered. only in the quantity of the principles contained. bitter. to which he gave this name. warty as Helleboresin.) it becomes brown and pasty. ing source. . and fuses and Helleborin. less so in alcohol. Helleborein is a narcotic poison. an acrid. and at 280° (536° F. it is insoluble in water. crystalline body in the roots of Hellebore. so far as known.„03. —The chemistry of the Hellebores is generic rather than specific. boretin. the species differing. its Helleboretin. green.H. profuse liquid stools.„H^^Oj-. c. however.).p„ + Q„H3A.t CjuHj^Og. and insoluble in ether. It .. When boiled with a dilute mineral acid. ^ c„H. to be chemically indif'fi rent. Helleboiin. — According to the if effect. * Page 9-2. but before the first fresh frost.: 8-2 PART USED AND PREPARATION. powerful poison. and are readily soluble in water. Cj^H. isomeric with aconilic and equisctic acids. 4 grains of the alcoholic extract of the root. C. this species causes violent sneezing burning in the mouth. (H. = QH. they are of a sweetish which quickly defloresce and are very hygroscopic taste. •CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. and an acid reaction. — The leaves are about to Hydrastis/'' fall. Glucose. Glucose. accompanied by violent vation with from 2 to : . soluble in hot alcohol.) it chars. (320° F. more abundant in niger than viridis.0. It resulted as shining. Water. bitter taste. f Bastic (1S52) discov^reJ a proved. it breaks down into sugar and Hclle. which becomes straw-color at 160° . When boiled with zinc chloride. = (QH. above 250° (482° F. and profuse saliroaring in the ears gurgling in the abdomen. consider- not identical.A- is strangely wanting in physiological has a violet color and no crystalline form. glucoside was also isolated by masses of microscopic needles. as follows Helleborein. concentric needles.A). tasteless when dry. more abundant in viridis than in nioer . is root. Marme and Husemann. colorless. . Helleboric Acid. gathered when the treated as directed under resulting tincture has a deep brownish-orange color by transan odor somewhat resembling that of Bourbon whisky. fatty matter extracted by boiling alcohol the from Husemann (1864) from an aqueous extract of the root. but acrid and burning in alcoholic solution. — This glucoside was isolated by Marme and A.A5 Helicboi'ctiti.0). at least experiments of Von Schroff.). PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. its aqueous solution dries to a yellowish resin. in connection . and inclination to vomit colic.8-3 great tenesmus. decreased heart's action the whole body. Pistil. 2.. mature lower leaf (4-6 enlarged. 6. Df. urine . : soporific condition Hellebores in : .) S. Pa. frequent passages of pale and a sensation of heat over general should be consulted with this species. April 20th. A 3. Stamen. 5. Top of plant. nausea. Fruiting carpel. Petal. from oi' Plate .sc Rii'iiON I. The action of tht. 4.Sellersville. . etpinxt. Hydrastis Canadensis.sdnatdel.'V ^.TU. Um . . a yellowish-brown. sory or root-leaf which answers to the characteristics of the stem-leaves. (FR. two-lipped. surrounded. SYN. water. basal. (. caducous. WILD CURCUMA. GROUND-RASPBERRY. appearing like an Seeds inversely egg-shaped. COM. Description. having and a bright-yellow interior. nearly black and glossy. thick. scaphoid. thin its thick. alternate. (GER. GOLDEJf-SEAL. irregular. Tribe-CIMICIFUGE/E. inflorescence palous flower. at its Leaves sheathing. may inch one. ORD. coriaceous fibres. NAMES. ORANGE-ROOT. Stamens numnumerous. grows from 6 to lo inches high. acute. erect.— HYDRASTIS. HYDRASTIS. scattered. veiny. greenish yellow. and very point of issuance from the rootstalk.* IINN.) CANADISCHE. bark. be found under Pulsatilla Nuttalliana. leaves and fruit rare in this State much resembling those oblong. — This low perennial herb. apetalous. albumen sarcoid and oily.— GOLDEN-SEAL.).N. globose berry. hairy. embryo i i single. palmately five. INDIAN TURMERIC. ipAu. petiolate while they are sessile. TURMERICROOT. ovary order -celled. that long. it is — when Sepals 3..KNUS. enlarged two-seeded drupes. two-ovuled. A TLVCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. seven-lobed. attaining. Stem simple. anthers oval. sarcous. Y.-RANUNCULACEyE. MILL. ase- * Derivation not positive. subcylindrical. WARNBRIA CANADENSIS. a width of from 4 to 10 inches. near the the plant. styles short. Pistils Fruit a succulent. Petals none. Jilametits linear or linear-spatulate. when full grown during the fruit- The root sometimes puts off an accesing season. to act: its description of the natural juice being very active.— HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. (?) iSup. YELLOW-ROOT. summit of the lobes 2. A very small. dilated. i. YELLOWPUCCOON.— POLVANDRIA POLYCJVNIA. SVST. doubly serrate. fully expanded —a Peduncle about pale-rose color. leafy bracts. with the one exception. Rhizome of the raspberry. innate. rootlets numerous. orbicular-cordate at the base. . LINN. INDIAN DYE. twelve or more in stig7)ia flattened and compounded many of a dense head. by several oblong. and knotted.i HYDRASTIS. miniature one. erous. now becoming^ quite (N. GBLBWURZEL. one. li. of warfare. Phan. a persistent bitter. After stirring a well-stoppered bottle. is slightly soluble in cold alcohol. The American aborigines valued the root highly as a tonic. Jour. The preparations officinal and Tinctura Hydrastis. but istry. east of the Mississippi. Decocttim Hydrastis. Vinum Hydrastis PARTS USED AND PREPARATION. Phar. cannot be extracted pure. as well as a yellow dye for their clothing and implements History and Habitat. C^^ H^j NO^. from which it is the taste not is bitter. after the extraction of berberina a yellow color is the only property given.. becoming opaque when dry. Compositiint. and moist places at the edge of wooded lands. Extractnni Hydrastis Hydrastis Tinctura Tinctura Hydrastis^ and in The Cotnposita. the U. stomachic. Durand (Am. and fruiting in July. to which the odor of the root is . acid reaction.. The tincture is then poured off. gathered as the plant chopped and pounded to a pulp and parts by weight of alcohol are taken.. fresh root. Mahla of Chicago proved this alkaloid identical with that obtained from Berberis (Am. an alkaloid discovered by A. B. then burning taste. was determined by Herm. readily in the crystalline form above des- but somewhat nauseous and acrid. determines that with a yellow substance that He U. Lerchen (Am. Lotio Hydrastis Cotnposita. jour. xxxv. . quadrangular prisms. no distinguishing odor. strained and and presents the following physical properties: a reddish-orange color. and application to sore eyes and general ulcerations. — The is budding weighed. in the southeastern portion of the country it grows only upon the mountains. one part to sugar of milk. has as pure-white crystals. easily the impurity.— Berberina {vide Berberis. to blossom. The crystals when viewed separately are in the form of brilliant. 13). — Berberinum. .. and decomposes in hot. and a slightly eight days filtered. staining everything with which it comes in contact. xxiii. beside the above-mentioned bodies. Vol. p. ten. glossy. p. Hydrastia. p. are: Extractimi Hydrastis Fliiidtim.). a deep yellow color. Xanthopuccina. yellowish-white. flowering from April to May. cribed . or in the Then two is fall. Hydro-alcoJioliciim..9-2 — Hydrastis is indigenous to Canada and the United and but quite rare east of the Alleghany Mountains. and the into rest of the alcohol added. but it when viewed decides that this yellowishness is in quantity it shows not due to berberina. Phar. Hydrastis contains. Jour. Vol. Vol. Eclectic . and triturated. 16) is always so intimately associated J. 470) in the menstruum. Hydrastia fuses at 135° (275° F. It seeks the rich soil of shady woods. The pure alkaloid Berberina.. and hydrastia it deposited on cooling 1. alkaloid. or ninety-nine CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Lloyd (Am. Vol. by transmitted light. 433). at higher temperatures. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of the whole well. 15).. it is poured it. Ph. and allowed to remain in a dark.S. been referred to by many writers upon Phyto-chem- Phar. cool place. States. a green fixed oil of a disagreeable odor and taste a litde volatile oil. Dr. p. a third Jour. Sepal (somewhat enlarged). 1880.9-3 due. a black. Lerchen). 2. 9. of mineral matters (Herm. Description of Platf. 4. 7. followed by extreme dryness and If per- catarrhal fission.. 1. starch. Y. May 20. Seed. and a of the causes severe ulceration of any surface it intlammation oi mucous surfaces. sugar. N.— WIkmi train of sisted symptoms in. Stamen 3. 5-6. It causes also a catarrhal intlammation of the mucous linings of the hepatic ducts and gall-bladder — showing of the bladder catarrhal in an icteric hue of the skin — and cystitis. it taken clue to a hyper-secretion fatty resin large doses Hydrastis causes a in mucous membranes may touch. Whole plant from Newfield. resinous substance (Lloyd). PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Pistil " " (somewhat enlarged). a and lo per cent. a similar condition . Fruit. albumen. . pinxt ACT/tA SPICATA Linn. ^f:^^ .10. . I f\ 9C Q IS 7i ^ lU. . Petals 3 to 9. 10 Tribe-CIMICIFUGE/E. The white cohosh is a common herb in our rocky woods.. eliler. Stem erect. a. aite. slender and spatulate. sometimes by abortion declinous pedicles becoming pink. . nor as large. that the American species are much milder in their properties. PURSH.) HERBB DE STE. Linn. VAR. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF ACT^A ALBA. differ * A<ri}. widely different from Actcsa racemosa.— WHITE BANEBBRRY. howand should under no action. ORD -RANUNCULACE. Pistil simple. truncate or emarginate. — This grows to a height of 2 feet Root somewhat similar to that of cimicifuga. 2-lobed. and thickened in fruit. and sometimes delicate-flowered perennial slightly over. Sepals 4 to 5 petaloid. It flowers in May and ripens its This species. WHITE BAJVEBERRY. small. a. SYN.* LINN. SYST. Leaves large. anthers innate. circumstances be confounded with that drug. slender. ACT^A PACHYPODA.) WBISSES CHRISTOPHSKRAUT. species appear like metamorphosed stamens [staniinidia). simple raceme flowers creamy-white. dark in color. WHITE COHOSH. . but neither as odorous. their bases converted into short claws.\l. BIGEL. cohosh). NAMES. • . ALBA. especially southward and westward. our Cimicifuga. CHRISTOPHE BLANC (GER. their tips either Description. nearly smooth. This much we know. . 2-3-ternately decompound leaflets ovate. AMERICAN HERB CHRISTOPHER. GENUS. compressed. and horizontal.—ACT^A ALBA. early deciduous. The petals of this Stamens numerous. Fricit a seeds smooth.\. still remains to be proven. sulcus at the insertion of the parietal placenta cluster of bluish-white. (PR. together with Actcea rubra (red pretty china-like fruit in October. ACT^A AMERICANA. has received the attention of many writers upon medical botany. . in probably slightly only the color of the berries and thickness of the in their properties and They are.— ACT/EA. SEX. with a stigma many-seeded berries or carpels . sessile.^. MICHX.— I'OLYANDRI. Inflorescence a short. until they are equal in size to the common peduncle. BIGEL ACT^A SPICATA. Just how much our species of Actsa from the European Actcea spicata. VAR. ELL. DC. VAR. acutely cleft. — History and Habitat.\ MON0(iV. COM. terminal ovate-oblong. ACT^A BRACHYPETALA.. ACT^A ALBA. The two species vary principally pedicles . filaments white. . from a resemblance in the folLigc. TOAD ROOT. and dentate or incisely serrate. solitary. . . N. introrse. ever. it Rafinesque says the roots are repellant. 1880. var. and allow it to stand eight days in a dark. showing calyx. straining and Description of Plate ACT/EA SPICATA. 4. * The Plate is wrongly May loth. while the fruit pulp and weighed. as the and more beside European baneberry will.* 1. pour the whole into a well-stoppered bottle. however. in for debility PART USED AND PREPARATION. congestion. After mixing well. filtering. 6.10-2 The white cohosh hardly deserves without doubt cover a place here. io. in the female especially. titled Acttca spicata. and used Canada. Y. Expanded flower of Actaa rubra. Pistil (enlarged). Stamen (enlarged). and reflex uterine gas- will its entire action . should be chopped and pounded to a cool place. nervine. and the rest of the alcohol added. The tincture is then separated by decanting. Top of plant. ALBA. often be found useful in many forms of reflex uterine headache. Horizontal section of ovary (enlarged). 2. . 5. the pulp thoroughly mixed with onesixth part of it. is ripening.. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are to be taken. Ithaca. N.—The whole fresh plant. some types of chronic fleeting rheumatism. 3. tralgia. Flower. pinxt ClIVIl'CIFUCA RaCEMOSA. 11. . > -.. . . . . ovary ovoid. the centre . If written black-snake root the n. Leaves alternate. PLUCK. very large and ample. . simple. f —This drive away.t SQUAW-ROOT. Petals [Staminodia) ahtherose. LINN. N. li Tribe. I The black snake-root is A indigenous plant Sil>erian species is comparatively common all being used as a vermifuge. a section under a lens shows the cuneiformbundles arranged like a cross. M. and Pi/ea piimila J ^ The true squaw root is Conopholis (Oroianehe) Americana (Orobanchacea:). blackish. Sanicula Canadensis (Umbelliferoe). yellow. the lowermost almost radical. style cylindrically de- numerous. ovoid or globose. cut serrate. rootlets . stigma simple. Two known by name. tri-ternately divided. simple.abialar). LINN. all ovate-oblong. early deciduous. ORD. whitish-yellow internally. scaphoid.) ACTEE AGRAPPE. RAF. RATTLE-ROOT.* LINN. inclined to be lateral. dehiscent carpels. BLACK COHOSH. petal-like. Sepals 4-5. CHRYSTOPHORlANA CAN A DENSE RACEMOSA. dry. SERPENTARIA. and 2-horned or forked apices Stamens numerous. creamy-white.VANDRIA I M I C I F UGA . (GER. upper-axillary or terminal racemes flowers long. but does not apply. ORTHOSTACHYA.\CEMOS. or furrowed. successively knotted and fringe-ringed.— CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA.. arranged upon to 3 feet in length.-CIMICIFUGE^.) SWARZB COHOSCH. SVST. smooth. IFR. bifid.— rol. AC- . inclined. . RATTLESNAKE ROOT. This name properly belongs to many species of Nabalus (Compositcc). and retaining each its stigma in the form of an oblique beak seeds semi-discoid. introrse. 1-8. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF CIMICIFUG..Tme might be applied. ELL. COM.. and trifid. PURSH.? RATTLE-^^EED. and compressed. FISCH AND MEY. pressed. WALT. WEND. graceful. MOXOCVMA. A. SYN. MONOGYNIA.t RICH WEED. B. History and Habitat. A. NAMES. Inflorescence of very long. MACROTRYS ACT^OIDES.C SKX. club-shaped. GKNL'S. Stem smooth. C. CIMICIFUGA. AND RACEMOSA. creamy-white. viz. Pistil solitary. simple. T^A RACEMOSA. filaments slender. sessile somewhat . a bug. with a ring of cuneiform wood-bundles pointing inward . virgate. angular. yV/^o.\ R. or compound. very small.-RANUNCULACE^. horizontal. . AND GYROSTACHYA. * Cimex.. BOTROPHIS SERPENTARIA. the petiole at its base almost as large as the stem leaflets various on the same petiole. and uniform. simple anthers innate. long clawed. Description. Collinsonia Canadensis ( I.\. . RAF.— BLACK COHOSH. Priiit a raceme from i . scattered. SERPENTARIA. and showy perennial grows to a height ot Rootstock thick. BLACK SNAKE-ROOT. 3 to 8 feet. . II other plants are this : ( Lrticaceae). from —This tall. . short . TRAUBENFORMIGES CHRISTOPHSKRAUT. EATON. foetid.iiBUGBANE. ACT^OIDES. Pharmacosrapliia. he then recommends ler^l that : and Tinctiira CimicifugcE. The resulting tincture taste its is Tiiictura Colchici Ctnn- fresh root should be treated as in Is has a deep olive-green color by transmitted light the root. p. The its Its use first made known by Pluckenet in 1696 Colden recommended and Dr. hysteria. with what success history does not relate. Mass. we have proven its application trustworthy. is one that should have received much attention. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. In its use after the convulsions occurring periodically. Am. Rcsina Cimicifugce . In England its use began in i860. 725. Ass' 11. /'''* Cimiciftigcs Composita:]^. its use. 6. Am. \X Cimicifuga and Geranium maculatum. Wood also derived the happiest effects from rheumatism Dr." etc. Med.. Sept. he says."J Dr. ministered the drug in failure of purgatives and Wood statesf that he ad- a case. relaxing the parts and thereby rendering labor short and easy. I Op. 914. the disease disappearing in from 2 to 10 days". Kept. resinoid.. In inflammatory :|| it himself! The statement of Dr. Clapp§ used the drug in " chronic facial erysipelas. Ass'n." Dr. B. G. f Dunglison's Nnu Rem. 145. Sanguinaria. and Its reaction acid. affections of the lungs. with satisfac" Indians and quacks recommend its use in tory results. and Suig. the plant will Black cohosh was a favorite remedy the borders. and slow parturition.. Jour. p. in 174J. Johnson used the remedy with "the best results. Williams says connected with uterine disorder. being largely menstruation. rheumatism. cifugiE . . uses at In regard to chorea. disorders of was also used as a remedy against the bites tribes of the aborigines. Ph.. 1852. 65 . In the Eclectic idtini. p. growing in but especially noticeable on newly cleared fields. Bot. Ciniicifuga. be found only in favorite localities are at all its in rich. S.. £849. Tinctura Cimicifitgce posita. F. but we can easily judge. Dr. In all the above uses except mayhap those concerning the lungs. p. Med II *«• p. in thin layers it retains the peculiar odor of soon becoming very acrid and bitter. dropsy. et he.\-'\- and Enema . which rapidly recovered under metallic tonics. Cat. it .— G"ot2V?>!j-/« or Macrotin. the so-called * Fluck. as its action upon the female economy Is marked and distinctive. at first peculiar. open dense. X Clapp. among all used by them in rheumatism. N. and Phytolacca. almost opaque . of It venomous snakes. A.11-2 over the eastern halt of the United States and woods.— The the preceding species. are Extractum Cimicifug<e Flii- rheumatism. and plant was .. Wheesome eminent physicians thought it to be a good substitute for Secale cornutum in parturition. cit. and along the edges of When woods hill-sides. Garden in 1823. Extractum Cnnicifiiga: Materia Medica: Dccoctum CimiAlcoJiolicuin and Fliudwn . 1S39. 1 Met!. in Canada. \ Bost.* this time were confined to chorea. Tinctiira Ciinicifiigce Composita PART USED AND PREPARATION. The ofificlnal preparations in the U. Dr. It will be found in most cases to act with far more constant success In females than In males. ff Culchicuni and CimiciTuga. "the more acute the disease the more prompt and decided will be the action of the drug. Med. S. Imlig. & Hail. Its usefulness in phthisis when given in proper dosage is simply to palliate the cough through its action upon the nerve centres. > t Tilghman. the other uterine drug will be found aggravated or originating at the age of puberty or during menIt causes rheumatic pains resembling those of torticollis. In pregnancy it often causes abortion. Conard. applied. Kalck.* and corroboratetl l)y M. tannic acid.\te ii. (somewhat enlarged). p. S. 1843. — Cimicifuga acts as centres in general. 1861. . and remarkable slowness of cially the exhibition of the drug . especially when this irritation is rheumatoid in its character. 459. Chapman it produces free nausea. Jour. Jones. infra-mammary pain. sim[)Iy a precipitate of what- in the root are not soluble in water. another soluble in alcohol only fatty and waxy matters. and rheumatoid gout. followed by inflammatory action. cephalalgia.S. is not strictly spcakiiii^ a chemical derivative. Pistil (enlarged). and is soluble in alcohol. Phar.i. pistil (enlarged). Am. PAH. etc. sympathetic angina pectoris. 3.Y. 391 .. P.. uncrystallizable sugar.. Stamen (enlarged). and causes through bral. Section of 11. vertigo. Coll. . Conard. 1884. 1834. especially pleurodynia. Ass'n. p. Proc. 4. . Binghamton. Falck. . S. Phar. Jones. p. Pollen X 300. with a part of the root showing the remains of the growth of the two pre- vious seasons. \ sepal 6. expectoration. cil. The drug seems also to cause irritation of the uterus directly. 9. Section * ^m. Part of the summit of a plant showing one of the smaller racemes. t P'riod. E. dysmenorrhoea or amenorrhoea.J . J. cil. period. A staminodium (enlarged). Jour. gum. and struation. Davis. with abundant the parts. p. vrt. G. your.. Section of the root. been determined by T. beiny. 10. 8. Phar. the pulse. 20. slightly also in water. however. Luwer portion of stem. This alkaloid is a neutral crystalline body. 7. Portion of one of the smaller leaves. and ether. as the case may be. volatile oil having the odor of the root. as the choreas curable by this basis. July 19th. Description of Pi. N. followed by nervous trembling. sup. and other plant constituents have also been determined. The cho^a-like spasmodic action following is of two types. 151. M. 1. 1871. extractive. Phar. cerebro-spinal and its action a severe irritant to die nerve upon the vaso-motor system cere- pelvic which the above name might be. C.. painless expansion of According to Dr. An alkaloid has. but has not been. art. T. It has been determinetl also in the ever principles " resinoid. 186. 2. having an intensely acrid taste.. cU. green and brown coloring matters. and in labor will stimulate the uterus and cause rapid. H. 12. of capsule showing seeds. lumbago.. Fruit. chloroform. and in consequence the individual under the effects of the drug will present symptoms of epileptiform or hysterical spasms." A resin soluble in alcohol and ether. p. E. restlessness and jactitation of muscles. E. Am. espe- upon the nerves themselves.. 1865. 5. one having apparently a rheumatic the latter is most common. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. sup. 1884. . TU. .adnstdel.etfiinxt Magnolia GiAOcA^unn.. . deciduous northward. SWEET. white. introrse. coriaceous. . scaphoid. or dry cone. whitish.— MAGNOLIA. basal. OR SWEET MAGNOLIA. silky. very fragrant. sented in i i . filaments short. I'OI. • . — SMALL. j A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH FLOWERS OF MAGNOLIA GLAUCA. erect. polypetalous. simple. CASTOR. evergreen southward. generally closely short aiithers long. each carpel.iFR LE MAGNOLIER GLAUQUE. to 2 in each carpel. Seeds at Montpellier. thickish. adnate. Floivcrs single. OR BEAVER WOOD. dehiscing by a longitudinal dorsal suture seeds . M. Pistils many. f Mr. LONGIPOLIA. N. adnate. in aestivation generally imbricate Stamens numerous. SWAMP SASSAFRAS. all deciduous. oval. . — This beautiful swamp shrub usually <rro\vs to a height of from Description. .25 inches. packed together over the prolonged receptacle styles short or none stigmas Magnoliaceae. hanging from the bursted carpels by an extenuate thread composed of spiral vessels endocarp bony. an individual with a diameter of trunk of 32. and narrowed at the base. MAGNOLIACE/E. BREWSTER. broadly ovate. imbricated. ELK OR INDIAN BARK. Stamens numerous. — This small but magnificent family of trees and shrubs. I to 2 in .* SEX. Ocean showed a growth of 150 years. anthers long. or ovate-lanceolate. OR LAUREL. I Fruit a fleshy. and punctate with minute pellucid dots. SWEET. is characterized by having: the biids covered by membranous stipules leaves alternate. BEAVER TREE. shining green above and bluishwhite beneath. pinnately veined. obtuse. MAGNOLIA GLAUCA SWEET BAY. 4 to 20 feet. introrse. . entire. and terminal Inflorescence solitary flowers globular. LINN. albumen fleshy * In honor of Professor Magnol. many coherent carpels. and rather ligneous carpels many. vermilion. the calyx and corolla colored alike. . M. leaves all scattered.\KDRI. OR WHITE BAY.f Bark smooth.) MAGNOLIE. NAMES.— POLY. J. Petals 6 to 9. . COM. oblong.—MAGNOLIA GLAUCA. . Sepals 3. LAUREL. Brilton observed. embryo minute.N'I. small. a botanist of the 17th century. whose rings in Manahawken Swamp. GENUS.ORD. oblong. VIRGINICA. SYST. repreNorth America by 4 genera and species. LINN. composed of anatropous .V. Buds conical.VGV. baccate. (GER. Co. coherent.. LINN M FRAGRANS. N..\ 12 LINN. hypogynous filaments in 3 or more rows of 3. conical. mass aggregated upon the elongated torus. a GLAUCA. SALISB. Pistils coherent in a . laro-e. Fruit oblong. SYN. an aromatic and carminative. from Wintera arornatica. mixed with one-sixth part of it. have a fume much deep brownish-red color by transmitted light. if those of the laity The odor of the cut flowers. especially at night in a very penetrating. especially . the pulp thoroughly fresh flowers are chopped and parts by weight of alcohol are taken. Murr. * W. The North American Illiciiim floridanuiti. and macrophylla. who employed a warm decoction of the bark and cones extensively against rheumatism. Ellis. after filtration."* It is thoroughly believed in the South that a growth of magnolias in stagnant waters renders them pure and prevents the generation of malarial poisons. Bot. The Javanese Aromadendron elegans has a native reputation as a carminative. close room. being deemed contraindicated.^2-2 The only other proven drug of this order is the Asiatic Star-anise {^Illicmm anisatum. many of which are used by the natives of the countries in which they grow. tonic. C. together with M.). bronchial catarrhs. febrifuge. Barton. a great oppression of the chest and vertigo. and a cold infusion as an antiperiodic. of the fresh bark. Med. and an acid reaction. S. — History and Habitat. is used in Brazil as an aromatic though in colic. like the wilted flowers. therefore it is used by the inhabitants of the island for the manufacture of coffins. . and to some insupportable. tripetala. diaphoretic. in general practice The South American Winter's Bark.. cit. but gradually extends inland the farther south it is found. Linn. acuminata. Barton " imputed to the odor the power of increasing the pain of inflammatory inflammation be present. the for the true fruit of an umbelliferous plant. loc. It grows in swamps. is and occasioning an exacerbation of a diurnal fever. and the rest of the alcohol After stirring the whole well. chronic rheumatism. Several other genera furnish aromatic and bitter tonic barks. Wm. gout. aromatic tonic. antiperiodic and gentle laxative. causing. is reputed to have an action similar to that of aromatic tonics in general and the Tulip Tree [Lmodendron Tulipifera. Dr. grandiflora. unpleasant. . Linn. and seeds of this species. Ph. The fresh bark has long been considered as a bitter. often substituted Aniseed. cool place. remittent and intermittent fevers and typhoid states. PART USED AND PREPARATION. At first it keeps to the seaboard. stomachic. The Sweet Magnolia is indigenous to North America. a peran acrid and bitter taste. in acute coryzas. however. p. it is poured into a well-stoppered vial and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. much valued as a stimulating tonic and diaphoretic in intermittents and chronic rheumatism it should be proven. dyspepsia. has descended to and general practitioner from the Aborigines.) yields a bark that is at once bitter and aromatic. The bark is still officinal in the U. . in susceptible persons. and expands its The use fragrant flowers from May (southward) to June and August. cones. and antihysteric and the wood oi Manglietia glatica is supposed to be antiputrefactive. The tincture thus prepared added.— The pounded to a Then two pulp and weighed. should. from Cape Ann and Long Island southward. 2. June. soluble in alcohol and chloroform. N. 1842. Section of a carpel. Jones. having a bitter taste. melt at 8o°-82° (176°- and emit white vapors at 125° (257° F. July 3(1. as acicular crystals. 1885. S. Allen. This bitter principle was extracted from the fruit of M. Showing thus a dilation of the vascular system so commonly following the insufflation of strongly odorous flowers in susceptible persons.* who found a flowers have not been examined at least.12-3 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Phar.. 1875.— The effects of the odor of the flowers. and a AL . Magnolia certainly deserves a careful proving of the fresh bark and flowers the flotcers alone can hardly add to our medicamentse while we . — Magnolin.6° F. as reported by Drs. contain a volatile oil examined by Dr. Med..— The probably. Stamen.. 89. 3. b^^rk of resin. 1S72. (2 * Am.) PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 4. . Pure Mat. water. vi.J are: Great uneasiness and oppression of the chest. volatile The oil. a feeling as if having swallowed a large bolus of unmasticated food which distressed the stomach. F. 142. Description of Plate I. End of a flowering branch.). 12. your. with an inability to expand the lungs.t and T.. however. Landisville. they g7'andiflora was crystalline principle resembling liriodendnne. Fruit. have Cactus erandiflorus. and a tendency to fainting.).. A. J. Barton. p. condense in oily drops. \ Am. They are insoluble in 179. which consisting partly of the original principle and of resin. Obs. and 3 enlarged.) Horn. umbrella by W'allace Procter. (Wittstein. \ Encyc. Procter. . iilnaiileletpinxt.15. AsiMiNA Triloba. Dunai . 4 3 /.TU. . in a globular stigmas projecting developed from each in shape Seeds oval. spreading. albumen hard. somewhat quadrangular. ruminated. thick. with about the same diameter of foHage. arranged duW two Torus rounded. SYN. . I I SEX.xils of the previous year's leaves flowers dull purple. . ANNONA TRILOBA. extrorse connectivum very short. thus concealing the ovaries and styles. often connected at the base. ORCHIDOCARPUM ARIETINUM. veiny. but soon become entirely glabrous. MICHX. SYST. testa brittle. Petals 6. head. much shorter than the petals. minute. Pistils few. and resemble aril. . acute covered with a rusty-hairiness upon the nether surface when first expanding. and sometimes coherent. TORR. . fleshy. in . . f This name more properly applies to the West Indian Carica Papaya (Papay-iceKr). grayish. styles short or wanting stiginas simFruit fleshy or pulpy seeds anatropous. ^-Estivation V2i\vu\3ir . colored. PORCELIA TRILOBA. and usually punctate stipules wanting. NAMES. they are arranged in two rows.. naked buds and aromatic or fetid bark.— AS M N A . N. thin. all enlarging after anthesis. especially in fruit. PERS. rounded by a fleshy AnonaceaB. often nectariferous. or just before. AND GRAY.. ASIMINA TRILOBA. SPACH. Leaves long.— POLYANDRIA I'ULYGYNIA. —This chiefly tropical order consists of trees or s/inibs having Leaves alternate. capitellate. the name applied by the French Colonists. oblong-lanceolate..ASIMINA TRILOBA. entire. they are oblong. hypogynous stamens numerous or indefinite filaments anthers adnate. or acuminate. ovate. their 1-4. the shorter arranged indefinite. and surFruits flower. Description. the leaves. beyond the stamens than which they are longer. LINN. .) DREILAPPIGE ASIMINE. rounded. crowded. Sepals 3.+ AMERICAN CUSTARD-APPLE. DUNAL. 13 GENUS. . 3. the outer their upper third more or less recurved . ORD -ANONACE^. horizontal. several-seeded. appearing with. . and are entire. . * Asiminier. pinnate-veined. Sepals Petals 6. COM. and membraneous. ASIMINA CAMPANIFLOBA. A TINCTURE OF THE RIPE SEEDS OF ASIMINA TRILOBA. ovary. (FR. sometimes just perceptible Pistils numerous. Stamens larger.— PAWPAW. embryo basal. . —This curious-fruited tree attains a height of from lo to 30 feet. flattish-compressed. DUNAL. . red bananas. PAPAW.) ASIMINIER (GER. PA WPA W. Bark smooth.* ADANS. one or more in each ple. rounded-ovate. rows. UVABIA TRILOBA. \ floivers \3ir^(t. Inflorescence solitary in the a. pulpy. % .-j. having a taste somev/hat between that of the May-apple and was greatly prized by the aborigines. taste. sweet. when ripe. 29. canary color an astringent straw-like taste of the red raspberry. — — PART USED AND PREPARATION. to eat after — It When green they have a very unpleasant odor. This small belt of the tree is a native. known * Lindley. pp. power of f Idem. 27-S. tending to the former. aroniaticd) being used by the natives of Guiana as a spice. York City. A. cool place. and sometimes abortion in pregnant states. Central Park. pale. and succulency custard. hemorrhage. but many Blume employed in Java. New fruit. ripe by weight of alcohol. but is grown It is it flowers from a protected place in The not hardy north of Cincinnati. and allowed to remain eight days in a well-stoppered bottle in a dark. and A. in March to May. in the manufacture of coaches. The common pawpaw is indigenous to the central United States from Western New York to the Mississippi and southward. eagerly sought anything edible exposed for sale and are only fit in city — in markets. and Zylopia are Piper A^tJiiopicurn river Orinoco. pygmcea complete the genus north of Mexico. of the medicinal p. parinflora. It locates along streams where the soil is rich and frosts late. is the seed of HabzeliaAithiopica. the nutmeg of commerce {Myiistica moscJiatd)..J upon cultivation. grandiflora. Jamaica bitterwood (^Xylopia glabra) is considered tonic and stimulant. an odor somewhat this drug Whence the is like that a proving by Dr. The tincture thus by transmitted prepared is filtered off It has a clear. fishing-rods. who the vegetable world and now is occasionally the banana.To the arts this order furnishes Jamaica Lancewood [Guatieria virgaia). The chemical properties and physiological action have never been to my knowledge determined. All that light is . and a slight acidity. : .i3-2 The plants of this family are not generally considered medicinal. where according to the season. The Jamaica nutmeg {Monodora myristica) is said to be similar to. is soft. Med. but require caution. Unona. The former uses of this plant in medicine are of litde or no importance. and insipid.* The South American Frtitta de Burro {Xylopia longifolia) is termed by Humboldt a valuable fruit. Three other species A. and Anona squaspecies of the mosa (Custard-apple). fresh. especially of the Ohio valley. Succulent fruits are yielded by Anncna Cherimolia (Cherimoyer). — History and Habitat. as they often cause vertigo. useful on account of its lightness and elasticity.— The seeds are covered with five parts coarsely powdered. and become internally of the color and consistence of It is claimed that they improve greatly in size. along the states that species of the genera Uvaria." . but not so pungent as. and bows. another same genus (//. name "American Custard-apple. when they turn from having been touched by yellowish-green to black. frost. for use as a febrifuge. Floy. A tincture of the seed proves emetic the bark being bitter has been considered tonic and stimulant. R. 1881.* more utihty. after might prove of action. Calyx and 3. Ohio through the kindness of Mr. Vol.i3-3 Eisenboeg.. Med. of a flowering branch (several blossoms missing) from North Bend. A preparation from the seeds. A 4. bark. John A. Seed and opened living specimens received from aril. Ohio. PI. stamen (enlarged). Drawn from 2. Description ok Plate I. 5. son of the late Dr. fruit May 15th. I. 498-9. * Allen. Fruit and full-grown leaf. Pollen X 250. p. Warder. torus. Warder. and green and possess greater power of End 13. President of the American Forestry Association. 1884. 6. removal of the stamens. . Ency Pure Mai. . (S^m. Linn jii^tmtsim .adnatdeletpinxt MENISP^RMUM CANAD^NSE. . yellow feet. or from 2 to 4 times as many. and opening longitudinally See Fig. wrinkled and grooved. peltate. Inflorescence in long. nutlet more or stio7nas flattened. less lunate. seeds in each of the incurving of the ripening ovaries. sperma. N. composed of 4 horizontal ovoid lobes arranged tip to base. long. separate. GENUS. with a thickened free margin. MCEN. supra-axillary compound racemes or panicles. common Pistils 2 .. ovaries several. Pistils 3 to 6. LINN. two or more rows.— M E N SPE I RMUM 14 LIXX. .-MENISPERMACE/E. obovate-oblong.V.— DI(KCI.— MENISPERMUM CANADENSE. furnished with a bloom. stigmas apical. long and curved. usually perfecting but upon a Fruit a globose. used by the Sepals arranged in i . but looking downward in fruit on account Fniit 2^ i -celled drupe. CISSAMPELOS SMILACINA. palmate or peltate stipules none. is the Indian Cocculus Indicus {Anamirta paniculata. raised (in two drupes torus. .reniform. mene. . ANGULATUM. Sepals 4 to 8. 6). with the insertion of the petiole near the base. s/e?u slender.—YELLOW PARILLA. MAPLE VINE. Inflorescence in axillary racemes or panicles floivers small. D. Cole). Leaves ample. adnate or innate. arranged in a double series. nearly straight. pdioles about the length . deciduous. is represented in . the veins pubescent below. . surrounded by the albumen albumen scanty. SMILACINUM. to filaments hardly thickened at the summit.* SEX. cotyledons filiform. moon .\M)RI. Description. . a narcotico-poison. . MENISPERMUM. . mark ing the of the stigma laterally flattened . . monoecious. embryo large. Petals 6 to 8. Stamens monadelphous or separate. . —This goodly-sized family of . 3 to 7 lobed or angled [ohcs obtuse or more or less acute. 4 the fertile flowers). black. united or (apparently horizontal. 4-celled. SYN. beside Menispermum. Petals usually equal in number to the sepals. fleshy. seed . embryo slender. —This L. small. ve)iation palmate. * Mqi'i). dioecious or polygamous (estivation imbricate. somewhat cuneate. horseshoe-shaped Menispermaceae.\ POI. Stamens 12 to 20 (in the sterile flowers). YELLOIJ' PA RILL J. SVST. LINN. cell Our only proven plant of this order.\. as long as the petals anthers innate.ORD. alternate. tropical or sub-tropical. and stipitate drupe. perennial climber reaches a length of from 8 to 15 J^oo/ cylindrical. CANADIAN MOONSEED. equal in number to the petals and opposite them. the seed being lunate in shape. C. TEXAS OR YELLOW SARSAPARILLA. A -J-INCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF MENISPERMUM CANADENSE. and retainshort. of the leaves. COM. M. M. mlpfta. climbers. . NAMES. woody North America by but Leaves 3 genera and 6 species. hypogynous. C.—The fresh root Is chopped and pounded pulp and weighed. and as a component of Syrupiis Rnmecis Covipositus* PART USED AND PREPARATION. pour it into a well-stoppered botde and let It stand to a eight days in a dark. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. while the Javanese use C. by early practidoners has been very similar to that of Sarsaparilla.. as a remedy in Cissavipelos ova/ifolia.. and supposedly in this country and Europe to give bitter- ness to malt liquors. employment generall)' /'. Many other species are used or less permanent place: The in medicine. The Canadian Moonseed is indigenous to North America. in intermittents and hepatic disturbances. a tonic and diuretic.). knowledge of this plant as a remedy was undoubtedly handed down Aborigines. .. command the same attention by I ).. mucous membranes. <?. a valuable tonic. a bitter stomachic and mild tonic. West-Indian False Pareira brava [Cissn?>ipclos Fareira. D. Guayana are used. . Jibraiirea. et P. Hil. The root of the Crayor and Senegal Coccidiis Bakis. where it is quite common on the banks of streams from Canada south- ward and westward to the Mississippi. who are said by Rafinesque to have used the root in scrofu- to the Carolinas Our from the first the early settlers also found it useful as a diuretic in strangury in horses. is considered ale. Linn.xiteric in Brazil. in intermittents C. and A.).. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one sixth part of It and the rest of the alcohol added. of which the following hold a more Brazilian Pareira brava. are : to the U. considered almost specific in its action upon the mucous membranes of the genito-urinary tract. most of the members of this order. Menlspermum was admitted and roodets being now officinal. ci'ispus. * Yellowdock root . is used by the natives in the treatment of their m intermittents and urethral discharges. S. platyphyllus. C . in Brazil. according to Lindley. the African Columbo [yateorhiza Cohimba. atonic dyspepsia and kindred disorders and as a remedy in pleural adhesions and inflammation of the alimentative losis Its . St. American ivy bark. as well as a remedy against dysentery and hemorrhoids. and AbiUa rufcsccns. and also in various liver aft'ections and A. in like troubles. antiperiodic and diuretic. The Malabar and Ceylon Clypea Bm-manni. W. D. scrofulous and rheumatic diatheses also as a laxative and tonic In general debility. . like and obstruction of the liver. 14-2 natives to stupefy fish. Figwort. Menispermin. cincrasccns the Brazilians bitter. the roots of Clionodi-odciidron R. Ph. D. syphilitic. After stirring the whole well. False-bittersweet. Miers. Aubl. the to7ucntos2iiu. often used with good effect In vomiting of pregnancy and atonic dyspepsia. at the last revision. C. root bark . the In the Eclectic Materia Medica its rhizome preparations Decoctwn Meiiispermi. is employed. cool place. the root of the Cochin-China C. C. GuilL.). and Moonseed root. in mercurial. Miers. the Indian Gulancha {Tinospora cordifolia. is used like the former. more often used than the true article for the purposes mentioned. which powerfully is . — History and Habitat. Coccu'ais acumiiiatus. . Maisch. Ibui. Y.t —A white.|| —This gives a dark-green color tannin specific with ferric chloride. and very soluble in absolute alcohol. dryness of the buccal mucous membranes and of the throat nausea thirst colic rectal tenes- drops upward of a tincture of the root.. itching of the skin. separated from mass by this filtration. 6. which was afterward named Menispermine. a bitterish odor. Menispermo-tannic Acid. Petal. M. June 24th. J. reaction. M. Description of Plate I. Excessive doses cause an increase The excessive vomiting and purging. || . Phar. is and bitter astrint^ent taste and acid . E. slighdy soluble in alcohol. 1884. 401. high-colored urine. 1863. Carpel.Barber. Jour. amorphous. t H. in thin . very bitter powder. (3-8 enlarged. 9. Hale's e. Tincture of iodine gives a dark-red precipitate with this body. Am. Pilar. End of stem. and fullness of the head. and with mcuisperminc. It resulted as a whitish. in ether. flower. a yellow analysis. Part of male flowering stem. ether and chloroform. investigated this is opaque has a deep madder-lake color by transmitted light. Maisch. Stamen.— Prof. proposed by Prof. 14. insoluble in water.t —This second specific alkaloid. 5. slighdy soluble in water. the first nature of which also found a second alkaloid.) * Am. 1885.. who this alkaloid. tbU. layers root. 2.14-3 The tincture. aching of the extremities. yellowish resins. one soluble were also determined. and that of an irritant to the nerves governing the alimentary tract. 4. tasteless alkaloid. in the rate and volume of the action of the drug is pulse. Menispine. ether and chloroform.xperiments with from 35 and various doses of the "resinoid" meiiispci'iniiic. an it He page 15-2. : . Outline of a leaf. acid.—Berberina. resulting in increased secretions from the mucous membranes. scanty. restlessness and troubled sleep. differs in solubility precipitate.=^ Prof found a small quantity of detailed in the next drug. amorphous. N. Two plants.^. Staminate flower. resulted as follows Temporal and occipital headache. swollen tongue. % Name your. with stretching and yawning. . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. J See page 15-2. Sepal. 303.. mus . Barber. 7. and the general constituents of PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. determined by Barber in his and tests from both oxyca}ithine\ and mcnispcnnine. . <.. salivation. Ithaca. Female 8. . adnal. pinxt Berberis Vulgaris.uJTR. Linn. . MA. all together with the petals imbricate in two or more rows in eestivation many) . SYST. LINN. but shorter and attached to Pistil style \h€\T filajitents ligulate.) EPINE VINETTE (GER. inside and above the short Stamens claw. closely serrate. . bottom of the the ventral ridge.) SAURDORN. stigma flattened. with two minute. oblong. Petals 6. flattened.— HEXANDRIA . BARBERRY. number short yf/rt. they are of a cold-green color and very acid spines triple. concave. many-flowered Description.NKi. all as the sepals. short-petioled. Sepals calyx. evenly depressed in the on a short stalk rising from the base of the cell. SEX. their bases. Bractlcts 2 to situate about the base of the 6. Leaves inversely efo-shaped. CANADENSIS. BERBER IS. the petals and opposite valves or hinged lids at the top.V. sessile or nearly so. . short or wanting many Stamens hypogythem (Podophyllum) twice as anther sextrorse.\RK OF BERBERIS VULGARIS. BERBERRY. (FR. seeds at the top or Pistil only one. minutely maculate and surrounded by the rosette of leaves.* LINN. RAIL COM. drooping. BERBERIS DUMETORUM. sour berry. rarely present. Sepals 3 to 9. about the length of the stamens ovary more or less inflated-cylindrical stig7na short. ovary simple. entire. TORR. blunt. opposite the petals. equal in cell. NAMES. situated along the whole extent of furnished with albumen. GEMS — B E R B E R 15 I S. and (Berberis excepted). solitary. with a crust-like integument. LINN. deciduous. deeper-colored glandular spots at the base. scarlet. 6. often colored and furnished with a calyculus of petal-like scales. Inflorescence long. anthers adnate.-BERBERIS VULGARIS. feet the . opening (except Podophyllum) by two (Jeffersonia with a single row). bushy shrub grows to a height of from 3 to 8 stem-wood. BerberidacesB. and bristly-toothed.. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT B. From Amyrberis. oblong. BERBERIS VULGARIS. ORD-BERBERIDACE/ nine-seeded. . . median diameter seeds erect . embryo small anatropous. style Fruit a capsule or berry with either a few or many. very short . SYN. branched or sometimes simple.NuL.— COMMON BARBERRY. Occurrincr either singly or in a dense fascicle above the spines. VAR. nous. deciduous. rounded. Arabic for the fruit. of pale yellow flowers. N. the outer three smaller.../^«/i' to . 6.. obovate. Petals as . racemes. — Shrubs or herbs with alternate leaves and perfect flowers. oblong. — This attractive. Fruit a one. inner-bark and pith are yellow. SPINA ACIDA. Ph. and used to give the hair a yellow color. order. same preparation is now sometimes used to dye wool. % Hydrastin. spine. In try as an Berberis proper. was steeped in beer and given to patients suffering from jaundice. especially in the Eastern Berberis vulgaris and is States. Lysiphe Berberides) a member of the coniomy- little cups formed by a bulging upward and bursting of the epidermis of the leaf. S. uredinei. the tincture is then strained and filtered. with /ess bristly teeth to the leaves. upon the supposition that it was communicated to grain.. it makes a good as well as a beautiful dye ior linen fabrics. The leaves of the barberry are at times. on account of its beautiful berries. by the parasite developed within. — Berberis was well known As a drug to the ancients as a medicine. .! and in 1835 in the bark of Berberis vulgaris . but especially those accom- panied with hepatic derangement and jaundice. Thus prepared.* two years afterward in the bark of Xanthoxylum lava Herculis. bark of Geoffroya inermis. infested with a peculiar blight. | Xanthropicrit. especially in Europe. cool place. the berries were made into a confection. is a shrub about three feet high. is —was held in all is still Its used of tamarinds as a pleasant refrigerant^ in lieu popular use as a remedy —barberry bark and cider forms of abdominal inflammation.x. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. and a dye. a few-flowered raceme. Our own species. petals notched at the ape. This blight caused much fear at one time in Europe. shaking the contents twice a day. g Berberin. and oval berries. It is cultivated in many parts of the coun- ornamental bush. which however was very probably false. while by using alum. though not in an officinal preparation. . Berberis. jelly made as so also of the berries a confection.15-2 History and Habitat. as a food preparation for the sick.of alcohol the whole is put into a well-stoppered botde and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. and a slight acid reaction. is indigenous to Great Britain and other parts of Europe. a dietetic for the sick. it is only lately first discovered in 1824.— The coarstly powdered and weighed. it . B. Pursk. upon the summer shoots may be seen a perfect instance of from the leaf as described above. to a fully-developed morphology. . (1882) from the U. filled It consists in with a reddish or brownish powder its (spores). in place A of the ash-lye..§ yet. H.— Berberin. and used as a refrigerant in fevers and burning gastric ailments those not sick used the bruised leaves in a manner similar to sorrel as a sauce for meats as a dye. This alkaloid was C. a fine instance of vegetable beridis (Microspheria Berberidis cetous fungi. This is adding two parts by weight . has been dismissed this year In the Eclectic Materia Medica it is still retained.. as well as to check hemorrhages. in the * Jamaicin. ^cidium Bergradation. blossoming from May to June. the roots were The steeped with strong ash-lye. like many other excellent remedies. after . NO.. Canadensis. Then full-grown condition of fresh bark of the root. becoming quite thoroughly naturalized here. PART USED AND PREPARATION. it has a deep orange-brown color by transmitted light and stains the neck of the botde yellow. It has an extremely bitter taste. in all forms.f in 1851 in the root of Hydrastis Canadensis. Tloiil by this name. of particular interest to us are Coplis trifoliata. 3. even though experiments were made with the tines. End 15. Petal (enlarged. to higher temperatures. white.). weight upon exposure to 100° (212° F. 4. causing pelvic engorgements and hemorrhoids. Stamen 5. The action as above given refers to man upon animals no such effects appear to follow. 2 F. H^„ N. decomposing at higher heat. and fusing at 120° (248° F.). ("enlarged). 4.Tlk. in This bitter alkaloid exists \'inetina). Oxyacanthin. (Berbina together with the berberin powder. in sunlight. O. acidity of the leaves and PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. fuses at 139° (282°. It kidneys with hematuria. but will form in the root. of branch in flower. Mass. It is a non-crystallizable. Fruit. ishness.iins m\ . Flower (enlarged). causes also a It . alkaloid Berberin. showing glands).. high degree of inflammation of the seems to act with much force upon the venous Its use in early medicine system. Description of Plate I.15-3 that its true properties were recogriized.. and like berberin de- yellow by exposure composes upon subjection though not freely.. Caulophyllum. fruit is due — Berberis to the in presence of oxalic acid. Cralegus oxyacantha conl. was purely symptomatic. 1S80.13 per cent. and yellow needles of a strong and persistent bitter taste. losing water at ioo° (212° F. It is soluble in both water and (Et supra W'ittstein.) alcohol. with old leaves. . electric needles upon the addition of ether or alcohol it turns has an alkaline reaction. Berberin crystallizes Xanthorrhiza. The . Berberin is soluble in in fine water and alcohol.).-^^ C. June 2. Salem. among which It exists in a number of other plants. loses 3. moderate doses produces fever- inflammation of the mucous membranes from the throat to the intes- and dysentery.) to a reddish-brown resinoid. . Micb .adnafdeletpiittt CAULOPHV'LLUM THALICTROiOES.16. ^m. . Read description of the natural order. the stem resembling the petiole of a large The true squaw-root is Conopholis Amtritana. obtusely wedge-shape at the base petioles blending with the stem in such a manner as to render their junction almost obscure. deep blue. oval-oblong. rich woods. perennial herb. and ^iWtv. CAULOPHYLLUM. \ t leaf. at the base of which they are inserted.—BLUE COHOSH. arising from several imbricate. 2-celled. embryo minute. and about the same length as the petals. the whole much smaller short claw and a than the sepals. Sepals Description. SQUAW-ROOT.^ resembling the anthers in form. the upper much smaller and biternate (pi. bearing at their summits the scars of previous stems. showing many upright nodules. Fruit a 2-seeded pod. 6. LINN.t BLUE GINSENG. Siem simple. (GER. a stem. Leaves large. 15. the cells opening by uplifting valves. under Berberis. . phyllon. (FR. wrinkled and branched. bursting and withering before fertilization is complete. apical.t BLUB BERRY. kaulos. fig. HILL. YELLOW GINSENG. — This erect. MICHX. glaucous when young. overlaying. 16 GKNUS. . style short. LEONTOPETALON THALICTROIDES. 2-celled.) COHOCHE BLEU. ^:'(z. i ) leaflets 2 to 3 lobed. membraneous scales. LEONTICB THALICTROIDBS. with a somewhat reniform or hooded body. ORD -BERBERIDACE^. smooth when old. attains a growth of from to 2]/i Root horizontal or contorted. stigma minute. growing abundantly in moist. (Orobanchaceac). and giving off numerous cylindrical. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. a leaf. COM. leaving the naked seeds to farther develop upon their erect. BLUE COHOSH. Stamens 6. apical. with 3 small bracdets at the base. 1 .) BLAU COHOSCH. epicarp thin.C N. — History and Habitat. SYN.— CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES. thick funiculi pericarp fleshy.— AULOPHYLLUM. albumen corneous. MICHX.* MICHX. PAPPOOSE-ROOT. i feet. Petals 6. triternately decompound. papyraceous. The Blue Cohosh is indigenous to the United States. gland-like. . NAMES. 6. -IIEXANDKIA MONDGVMA. Wall.. . branching rootlets from the older portions. . . Pistils gibbous. This vulgarism properly belongs to several species of Vaccinium (EricacesE). Inflorescence a loose raceme or panicle peduncle arising from the base of the upper leaf. anthers oblong. unilateral. from Canada southward to Kentucky » Ka'>X4. floiuers purplish or yellowish-green. dropsy. and should foam largely on succussion. an acid reaction. U. tincture. The mass sold under this name is a mixture of the resins. The to berries are mawkish. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. There is hardly an American remedy in our Materia * Caulophyllum. should be chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. pains in the extremities. so much so Lloyds say. the other in ether. The root is officinal in the U. extracted by simply pouring the partly-evaporated alcoholic tincture into water. G. and Oil of Sabina. from the above mass by filtration. one soluble in alcohol and ether. Its spasmodic action on general muscles is somewhat chorea-like.16-2 and the Carolinas. some even preferring capsi- irritating to the that the cum. Ebertf corroborates the discovery.— The dust of the powdered root is extremely mucous membranes with which it comes in contact. but especially upon the female generative organs. X " Berberidacea:. This body was discovered in the A. They also used the root as a remedy for rheumatism. but intermittent and more successful ones. seeds are said to resemble coffee when roasted. and Tinctura Caulophylli Composiia* The aborigines found Caulophyllum in infusion of the root. 1S7S. then sweetish. beside the general plant constituents..J " workmen dislike to handle it. their most valuable parturient. The preparations in the Eclectic Materia Medica are Exlractiun Caidophylli Alcoholiciim. a taste at first sharp and penetrating. insipid.?. and adds the presence of two not soluble resins. gathered in early spring. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of rest of the alcohol added. rendering delivery rapid and comparatively painless. Phar. before the full development and without special flavor. p. 203. it and the into a a dark. allow The After stirring the whole well.— 5^/^«/. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. and pouring it to stand at least eight days in it. : PART USED AND PREPARATION. for a week or two preceding confinement. Polygonum. your. of the leaves. obtained orange-red color. roots of Caulophyllum by Prof Mayer. Ebert determined also gum. Lloyd. Caulophyllum also causes many forms of constant pains in the small joints. Ph. S. Resina Caulophylli. 1S64." This irritation follows the administration of the drug throughout the body. well-stoppered botde. Secale. —The fresh root. It also exhibits the power of causing contractions of both voluntary and involuntary muscular fibres. These uses have been proven reliable by all methods of practice since. should have a deep by transmitted light. E. as well as fleeting rheumatic . uterine inflammation. It The blossoms from April May. . starch. an drank as tea. and colic (Raf). and a greenish-yellow coloring-matter. — Caulophyllin. t Am. cool place.' C. and J. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. the latter showmg in the gravid uterus especially here it does not cause the long-lasting contractions of ergot. April iSth.16-3 and probably merits.\n enlarged sepal. 6. Section of the root. Root. the better able will we cope with many of our most obstinate uterine cases. than be to . Under i6. a more thoroii.^h proving. showing the gland-like surface of sepal. rootlet. sheathing 3. and stem. Ithaca. Pistil (enlarged). 7. showing bract (enlarged). . 9. Y.. especially. N. Description of Plaie 1. plant. 5. scales. Pollen X 200 (3 views). petal (enlarged). iS8o. Summit of flowering 2. 4. Flower (enlarged). Stamen (enlarged). Medica that needs. upon females Caulophylkim and the sooner it is done. showing open 8. anther-cell. . . Podophyllum Peltatum.iilnatdel. Linn .etpinxt <^./.Tll. . ) PODOPHYLLE. CATESBY. ACONITIFOLIUS HUMILIS. surmounted by a single 7 to 9 lobed leaf. hinged upon the inner surface pollen shaped Pistil simlike grains of rice.. ANAPODOPHYLLUM CANADBNSE. INDIAN-APPLE. bird. Etc. opening extrorsely by a single longitudinal line. never appearing upon the flower except when. Ton: . MENTZ. fest stigma more or less peltate-globose. habitat. at the bifurcation. Bull. Lujloresccnce a single. situated in many rows upon ple a broad. with three fugacious green bractlets at its base. SCHILDBLATTIGER ENTENFUSS. * noS. .VANDRIA 17 . but sometimes varying gready in its location. and strongly marked by the prominent roundish ribs below. a foot. p. PODOPHYLLUM. PEC A. breaking off from the peduncle as the bud expands. 63. RACCOON -BERRY. anthers large. fhyllon. thus bearing two leaves. distinguishable by the scars of previous stems they are cylindrical. lateral placenta.— POI. extending the whole length of the cell style not maniflattened. . Leaves of the flowering stems 2. J Calyx during the prefloral stage. NAMES. . and furnished with three comparatively deep sulci. G1:NT S —PODO PH Y LLU M SEX. . simple. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. creamy-white. DUCK'S FOOT. peltate in the flowering stems generally the centre. pedunculated flower.* LINNT.ORD. . the lobes variously incised and toothed drooping at the edges. . Root perennial. Europe. i -celled. Steffis single. MANDRAKE t (FR. sepals 6.-. somewhat one-sided and deeply lobed. . Stamens . one of them clings to and deforms a petal. from J/^ to i^ inches in diameter. 1884. and fleshy. and rounded. ovary more or less ovoid. true mandrake is Atropa mandragora X See article by Foerste. LINN. by accident. WILD JALAP. MA Y.— PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. and somewhat resembling an umbrella bifurcated at the summit. drooping. composed of a number of fleshy lobes . extending several feet the annual growths are from I to 3 inches in length. ovules many..APPLE. some aquatic t The /o«i. thus forming what might be termed two lateral valves. COM. MONOGVNIA. SVST. nearly simple. and give off a few. generally 12 to 18. south of Club. generally in the fork of the stem. . N. erect.APPLE.) FUSSBLATT.— This well-known plant grows to a height of from 8 to i8 inches. horizontal. with a flower. round in its general outline. obovate. Petals either 6 or 9. Description. •piyyi'^. HOG. the flowerless ones fibrous rootlets. WILD LEMON. (GER. a Probably from a supposed likeness of the leaf to the webbed foot o( leaf. LINN.— MAY-APPLE. SYN. twice as many as the ^(ttaXs \ Jilaments short.-BERBERIDACE^. orange color by transmitted light. when fully ripe. fiir experimenlflle Palhologie iind Pharmacognosie. arillus . situated at the base of the fleshy albumen. and Ptilvis Podophyllini Compositits. and as a component of Emplastrum Picis Compositum. Then take two parts by weight of alcohol. species one Only results. to 2 i withered stigma. well-stoppered botde. and PJiarm. separated by straining and filtering. Power ='= * 'S??t Am. especially in May. to susceptible persons. mix the pulp thoroughly with oneAfter stirring the whole well pour it into a sixth part of it. History and Habitat. after CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.. Their use of the drug as an anthelmintic seems to be successful only as far as purging is concerned specifically. their observations in this respect being corroborated by Podvvissotzki. open woods it flowers The apples. 2. P/uir. . inches long. S. Tinelura Podophylli and Podophyllin. Jour. a bitter. Pilulce Copaiba Composites. 1S79. Ph. I have also seen them exposed for sale in markets. however.— The fresh root should be procured and chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. the Podophylliim hexandnun. and retaining the marked by its scar seeds enclosed within a copious. one other species of this genus growing in the mountains of when appearing in spring.. Fruit an egg-shaped. whose exhaustive analyses of the resin % are largely drawn from here. Pilar. I The fruit tastes somewhat much esteemed by the abo- am inhaling their perfume always forcibly reminded The (?). Tlie use of podophyllum as a component of cathartic pills is very general. Russland. 5S0. and. is indigenous throughout the United growing profusely upon wet meadows and in damp. This plant constitutes one of the principal remedies used by the American aborigines. by whom it is especially valued on account of its cathartic action. Tower.— The May-apple States. 1 and F. . v. The odor of the flowers of a bad case of ozasna when is nauseous. the fruiting season. 1881. xiii. Zeitschrift fiir . There is. Pihdcs Podop:hyllini Covipositee. : Eclectic: Decoctum Podophylli. and an acid reaction. Extractum Podop/iylli. are Abstractztm Bodophylli. irregularly blotched. pulpy closely set. are gathered. have been used for a potherb.17-2 meat of the hickory-nut. by children. Pilulcp Aloes Compositte. Pihdce Baptisics Composita. 18S0. Jour. should have a brownishplace. and fruits in August. acrid taste. Nepaul. PART USED AND PREPARATION. 18S2. Nos. who seem to relish their sweet. though catharsis often follows indulgence in them. or is embryo minute. of the root of this plant. Pilules Ferri Composites. F. and allow it to stand at least eight days in a dark. the . B. cool The tincture. Piilvis Lcptandidiii Composilus. together with ten named varieties.— From many careful examinations and assays and Prof Maischf claim the absence of any alkaloid. mawkish taste. and Rcsina Podophylli . and add the rest. in Am. X Archiv. p. I02. and in some cases with of Podophyllum is recognized in this country.. and is rigines. 44-50. each resembling a half yellow edible berry. like that of the paw-paw [Asiviina triloba). Pilulee Leptandrini Composites. fatal although Rafinesque has mentioned two others. it is often quite severe. B. Exli-actjim Podophylli Fhiidiim. The officinal preparations of the U. foliage and stems. Tinetura Corydalis Coinp. it has no anthelmintic power. p. holds in In pure form.^.). By lat- e.— This principle results as a brown amorphous resinous in alcohol and ether. straining and pressing. Picropodophyllinic Acid. in the in July. John King usctl This resin is prepared substantially as follows The root is exhausted (1835). this precipitate it darker.''' Podophyllin contains. and ether. when in and the action solution. and as it is more its soluble. Podophyllotoxin. force of membrane Am.6 to 482° F. on cooling.— A resin mass.). and lovv-per cent. and the alcohol evaporated from the percolate until : it is of a syrupy consistence.^O. and dried at a temperature of about 80° F. insoluble in water. boils at 124° (255° F. strong alcohol. It is due the griping pains produced by that the investigator claims podophyllin. C„H^O^ + H. —This body purifies into colorless. silky. greater heat a deep yellow it blanched yellowish-gray color. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. as before men- tioned. choloroform. to this body It having none of the emetic or bod)-. and melts at from 200 to 210° (392 to 410° F. will allow.xposure melts at 247 to 250° (476. —This cathartic properties of podophyllin. from the lustre.— The entirely expended upon the lining * Biddle. podophyllum seems of the almentary canal. or as nearly pure as traces of picropodophyllin its Its availability greater. I'har. Jour. 1879. readily soluble in alcohol. soluble in Picropodophyllin. it is in the form of hornlike granules. —A bitter amorphous substance. crystalline picropodophyllin. Cj^H^O^. renders bulk its of cold water constantly agitated. possesses a very bitter taste. . soluble in dilute alcohol and hot water. p. and having no action upon body. insoluble in water. Podophyllinic Acid. precipitating from the latter. this warmed. and allowed to stand for twenty-four hours. and ether. chloroform.— This resinous acid is notable from the fact that it solution the active principle of podophyllin. Podophylloquercetin.: 17-3 Podophyllin. and poured is many into times the resin will be precipitated . in fine flakes. soluble in alcohol and ether having a metallic . alcohol. presence of hcrbcrin and saponin have been entirely refuted. Cj^Hj^O. delicate crystals. slightly soluble in water. of podophyllin intensified.. ter it to air is is crystallizes in short yellowish needles. 544. the The claims as to Fatty oils ami extractive matters were also determined.). partly in ether. of the resin lowest is about eighty-four pounds of a is and when should be washed by decantation. to the ton highest . The yield month of April. it takes on a greenish color. observed and first by Prof. medical properties are very similar to picropodophyllin. to he almost Whatever . soluble the animal organism. according to Podwissotzki Picropodophyllin. with alcohol by percolation. and the addition of alum to the water gives Podophyllin prepared as above color. Y. 5. On Man. Post niortetn the mucous-membranes were found inflamed and covered with bloody mucus. N. exhaustion followed the administration of the drug. are substantially as follows tion of the urgent ness. rectum with first effect biliary secretions. One of 8.. the lobes of the stigma (enlarged). is. plant. once reduced. May sepals. with low pulse." by vomiting place. 6. and intense tenesmus. 1. . found. salivation severe pains call to stool . colic. nose .— Among of Dr. followed by an . salivation. 2. followed by purging. iSSo. 9. that no local inflammation arose. those He be the most characteristic. showing 4. weak pulse. — Here the sufficient intensity to drug is icterus. and emesis. reflex and sympathetic. Pollen 10. prostration. The and in persons working in the dust of the dried Inflammation of the eyes. 20th. drowsi- 17. of the by torpor and doses varying from and cold extremities. . but extends to the cause prolapsus and hemhorrhoids. % same action takes an excitation of salivary and The symptoms root. Bud. and rapid especially. Flower. . even going so far as to cause a breaking down of the tissues and resulting ulceration. Other observers noted that retching. Pistil. Newfield. action noted far as On Animals. horizontal section (enlarged). and the glands known. Anther (enlarged). followed of disturbance caused by the drug in to y^ grains of " podophyllin. side and end views x 200. Pistil in 7. . Fruit. causing discharges of glairy mucus streaked with blood this hypersemia ceased usually at the ileocaecal valve. in the thin. offensive. so other experiments with this drug upon animals. Anstie seem to connection with in this tract. 3. soreness and pustula- : and white-coated tongue extreme nausea. Pistil in section (enlarged). although an intense hypersemia occurred denum in the duo- and the whole of the small intestine. followed transverse colon and abdomen. resulting from his many applications of an alcoholic solution to the peritoneal cavity direct. copious stools Description of Plate Whole .17-4 upon those organs. NyMPHAA OoORATA.18 DK" ^ pinxt.dei. .a(i nat. . and furnished with four equal. closely appressed to the rootstalk at the base of leaves always floating. wine color beneath. depressed.V. white. arranged imbricately upon the fleshy ovary. Sepals iour. the inner smaller. eighteen to twenty-fourcelled ovules anatropous. peltate. upon the surface of the ovary about the centre of the flower. Fruit a depressed.M()N( n. axillary the liowers . . emarginate. MICHX.. showy and fragrant. . the outer rows large. retaining the stigma and marked plainly by the scars of the fallen petals and stamens. NYMPH^A. WATER NYMPH. NYMPH^A WATER LILY. enveloping a close to the hilum radicle very minute like the petals tnents of the outer . Petals numerous. COM. when fully expanded. thus making it more or less heart-shaped smooth and shining dark green margin above. decaying dehiscence none seeds oblong. grows horizontal rootstock. . ORD -NYMPHACE^. greenish- white internally. . Ovary large. sterile. 18 Tribe. SYST. bright green on the outer surface. shorter than the enveloping sac-like false coat embryo situated in the albumen. GENUS. WATER LARGE WHITE WATER Description. stigmatose appendages. beautiful perennial aquatic of the water from a thick ALBA. NAMES. thus forming a fringe of recurved. —This WHITE POND LILY. . SW'EET WATEB. ellip- scaphoid.— SWEET-SCENTED LILY. nearly free. Inflorescence solitary. -NYMPHE/E. globular.\l. arranged all obtuse. globular.* TOURN. these rays projecting beyond the general surface.— POLVAXDKIA . style none. LILY. nearly renniform. SYN. the stevi is surface absent. Jilarows petaloid. often being nearly six inches in diameter tical. well-formed plumule. CAS- herb. smooth. SALISB. SEX.N. none being upon the ventral suture. NYMPH^A ODORATA.-NYM PH/E A. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF submerged LILY. stigma compound. introrse cells. plainly marked with the interlacing veins flowers large. growing on long peduncles. AIT TALIA PUDICA. stipitate. The to AIT. Stamens indefinite.— NYMPH^A ODORATA. .\. borne upon the sides of the ovary. central canals. fleshy body. marked by as many rays as there are cells to the ovary. the inner more or less ligulate anthers with adnate. *The name is given on account of its situation being similar to the supposed habit of fabled water nymphs. orbicular. cotyledons large and thick. all StipuicH deltoid or round. . persistent. entire. . with one deep cuneiform fissure the petiole passing from the circumference to the centre at the juncture of the leaf with its petiole. . and the leaves on separate petioles. . a Its prominent species are tropical in its most general habitat. vary in length according to the depth of the water. The flowers form one of the most typical illustrations of plant metamorphosis. . in this and injection or used as an application in properties were also fullv the form of a poultice to suppurating glands known and *This plant is utilized. In the very centre of the disk-like compound stigma. The flowers open as the sun rises. its styptic . : reaches five feet. the stamens but anther-tipped petals. a native of its leaves often Egypt and Nubia. with white flowers." that the fresh roots are used as a part substitute for soap. others pink or rose-color. nal remedy. I am inclined term this the true stigma. alba. due mostly to and mode of growth. whose species have been themes for poets. and rejects water as freely as does the upper surface of the leaves. This natives. Its magnative of tropical South America. A. named in honor of Queen Victoria. After ripening. — History and Habitat. being entirely shut during the heat of the afternoon and at night. while the stigmatose disk is dry. flowering color eight o'clock . The were much esteemed by Indian squaws as an interwash for the worst forms of leucorrhoea. to Our species are often said to be much inferior to the and exquisite fragrance but. odorata is pure white or creamy. This glandular body is always moist. Rafinesque states that in Canada the fresh leaves are boiled and eaten as "greens. and often measure nearly two feet in diameter. the petals are but colored sepals. is used to remove freckles and pimples from the face. our most beautiful northern flower. frequents still-flowing streams in the Eastern United States. odorata. now becoming spongy and water. Nymphcea it fully deserves to rank as superior in all respects. mingled with that of lemons. The macerated root was also roots. but do not form the lotus of the lotus-eaters^^ European species differs but slightly from our N. and that the juice of the roots. and designs for ancient sculptors. nificent flowers are rose-white. protuberance. but the The stems of the flowers and leaves true N. called by many is a small. where they decay and allow the escape of the seeds.soaked. after that time they again gradually close. Nymphcra lotus. Cabomba. glutinous botanists a nectary or honey-gland. in decoction.being due to its great astringency. There are many varieties. and are usually fully expanded at about coast. The seeds of this plant are eaten by the A^ymphcra alba. its properties direction. This. Neliumbium. is tropical or subVictoria regia. the stigmas but changed stamens.i>. and all gradually merging into each other in easily distinguishable stages.18-2 — Nymphaceee. some being blue. the fruits. Nuphar and Nymphcea. on account of the well-known fact that pollen grains need moisture to enable them to burst their outer coat and allow the escape of the fertilizing tubes. sink to the mud. as their purity of color European far excel in that of beauty. This beautiful family of aquatic plants. especially near the ponds and from June to August. This order contains while that of in the United States the following genera : Brasenia. mentioned under Genista tinctoria. into a well- a dark. the roots of which. 4. gallic quite likely that the constituents are similar. gathered in the Then two pulp and weighed. 18.— I'he chopped and pounded the Eclectic Materia in . a sherry-like odor. separated by straining and properties A : filtering. transparent mass. After stirring the whole well. 3. 73C. Am.. from a 01 Plate 18. N. Pa. Section of a peduncle.. and involuntary ])assage of the urine. p. 1 har. cool place.'-' contain: Taiino-nytnp/uein.fabrics deep brown. pond near New Milfonl. acid. alba. 'Arch. a and a very strong acid reaction. to which the great can find no accounts of poisonings with I In the provers in this direction. in — the tannin. the pulp thoroughly mi. it is fall. NympJuro-pIt'obaphcne^Q. the Nympha?a odor- roots contain tannin. followed by region. with loose evacuations Description A small flower. marked dryness of pain the true special due. and Nymplicca-tannic acid. is the fauces hypogastric who took was experienced. Root. PART USED AND PREPARATION. Jour. stoppered bottle and allowed to stand for eight days tincture. xvii .. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. if not the same. showing air cavities or canals.xed with one-sixth part of rest of the alcohol it is Nyiitpha-. Nymphaia has no place in the U.. Ph.18-3 The roots have been used for dyeing. C. ..^Oje.S3. slightly bitter. astringent taste. astringency of the root is nor experiments the tincture. S. the dyed retaining their color admirably. according to Griining. and mucilage. 2. added.5 H53 This easily a pale yellow powder. painful venereal ' excitement. Cj^H. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. this large doses of . leaf. Caiap/asina Ayiiipluc and officinal as goods thus to a Medica fresh root. July 17th. as those of the European species. I. plant. a deglutition .— The ata has not been isolated. p. It is According bitter acrid principle of to Bigelow. red. Ph„r. /ii/nsiiii/ poured and ihe it. A medium-size 3. in presents the is of following The physical deep wine-red color by transmitted light.^^^^O^f. parts by weight alcohol are taken. 96. a brown. yielding Ojg. . 1883./. . etpinxt.del.(pTU. Sarracenia Purpurea.adnat. Linn. . . incurved over the style. more or would : Root inflated hood or lamina surrounding the throat of at the summit of a long. SIDE-SADDLE FLOWER.* TOURN. caducous. PITCH ER-PLAJ\rT. /iood auriculate-cordate. basal their approximations.— PITCBER-PLANT. and having a path represented by the free margin of the wings leading to each. . leaves {ascidia) all radical. LINN. Sepals Petals 5. in zcu'ho- the throat with nu- broad. composed of a short erect shaft. terminal and nodding upon a long smooth and naked scape. who sent the plant to Tournefort. and longitudinally marked ligneous. SARRACENIA.-SARRACENIACE/E. Statnens numerous. hypogynous. lie dorsally pros- sphagnum in which the plant usually grows. EVE'S CUPS. Description. stem none. stiff. COM. characterized as follows Root : numerous yellowish-brown fibrous rootlets. SARAZINA GIBBOSA. SarraceniacesB. wavy. FLY-CATCHER. laterally undu- passing along the median line of the upper surface of the tube. covered merous late. and an umbrella-like expanded extremity consisting of 5 petaloid segments rayed at . .nia. . the true blade represented by a the tube. 5-celled style greenish-yellow.— ARRACENIA. Sarrazin of Quebec. Heliamphora) nodding * In honor of Dr. N.S ORD. tubular. with reddish veins. SEX.— pi:nt. HUNTSMAN'S CUP. svsT. Ovary globose. which conFrtdt a granular 5-celled and valved capsule placentce axial. colored.— SARRACENIA PURPUREA. Flowers single [Exc. fiddle-shaped. WATER-CUP. yellowish. from the base of the hood to the petiole. obovate or somewhat 5... furnished with .\ndria monogv. —This family of bog plants is characterized as follows leaves all radical. narrowing to the petiole.f Inflorescence a single large reddish purple flower. albumen flesh}-. many seeded . each ray stitutes the stigma. usually six in number. slender. sharp. persistent. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF SARRACENIA PURPUREA. 19 GENUS. purplish or yellowish-green. seeds anatropous einbryo small. SYN. NAMES. pitcher-shaped. RAP. perennial. ending in a short nipple-like projection. and composed of four parts: ):he petiole about one-third the whole length. to ta'<e such posi- . These ascidia. and those reni. 3-bracted at their base. the open mouths of tubes looking upward toward the nodding flower and forming about the scape a upon trate the downward the rosette of gaping wells half filled with water. curved bristles pointing . constrained t In the plate most of the leaves have been cut off. dilated at the base and somewhat equitant tiide ovate. somewhat —This peculiar bog perennial is LINN.-iining have been tions as less best show their various characters within the small scope of the paper. same) cylindrical scape. considerable evidence. more than one purpose I am in the inclined to believe that these cellu- economy of the plant. The tissue of the leaf is almost constantly gorged with a large supply of nourishment. interesting paper on " The Northern Pitcher-Plant.19-2 naked. fissures. opening by longitudinal above described). of these a study of marked some of 5. contain chlorophyl. numerous. tation to the necessities of the plant that insects are caught and macerated. Vol.. No. any that may be above the fluid. W." * says " Inside these pitchers : are found hairs. are met with. «. copious. with eight species and inner edge of the small mouth of the tube two varieties and Heliamphora. Darlingtonia. to ing within the leaf. Higley. Those which cover hood continue to or a little beyond the junction with the tube. Unlike the tentacles of the sundew. in part. Following this area is a smooth surface which extends to near the point where the leaf begins to This time they extend into contract. per- Style single. evidently. truncate. all apparently formed with the intent of capturing insects and digesting remains through the agency of the water they hold. opening loculicidally placentcs projecting from the axis into the cells. the tube probably act.'^ versatile. is some Some extent. sistent. that is. having two free honeyed wings projecting laterally from the Sarracenia. in no case apical cell of the hair. in the lower part of the leaf would show that their function. viz. the wall very thin. of Guiana and Venezuela. All the hairs point downward. "A study of the structure and physiology of the whole family shows that all the forms need a great deal of absorbing surface. and needs a great extent of surface exposed to the air for the purpose of absorption in car- rying on the functions of assimilation and metastasis. when a patch of less stiff hairs. of absorbed nitrogenous matter. surrounding the entire they are rather do the spiral cells cell is bundles enter their lar hairs serve tissue. which cover more or less of the inner surface. especially In support of this there From those on the hood. " The position and form of these hairs. is many the fact that is these hairs are . leaves through the whole season Bulletin Chicago I am led to believe that Academy of Sciences. is to prevent the escape The hairs in the lower part of the of any insect that may have entered the tube. and in fact. (Exc. . p. for there seems to be a lack of stomata. thus allowing the nitrogenous fluid to pass directly into the This does not seem to be the case. leaflets. The leaves of this . introse. at least. I.//z£?. 41. with a minute stigma (or as Fruit a 3 to 5-celled capsule. Seeds obovoid. K. from family are their Mr. especially those on the hood and upper part of the tube. the narrow portion of the tube. embryo cylindrical albumen This limited family is represented by three genera. . merous hypogynous. as absorbents of the nitrogenous matter decayacute observers claim that at the end of each hair there a minute opening. but instead. 2-celled. consisting. These hairs are simple trichomes. which becomes acid and It certainly seems intentional adapcauses decomposition of the captured insects. in his the structure. the most important of which hairs. than organs. floral envelope consisting of from 4 to lo Stamens nuthe external more or less sepaloid and bracted at the base. for which no other reason would account. : with one species. . diminished on an old squaw going amongst them. after very considerable difficulty. and treating the cases with the Dr. but has in almost all instances been an absolute failure in the hands of the "old school. and southward east of the The Alleghanles. Dec. ibid. At a meeting of the Medical Society of Nova Scotia. Mat. paper read before the Quebec Geog. IV. This would indicate that as the functions of the leaf are lessened the extent of absorbing surface "When is reduced. is corroborated by homoeopathic practice. a former owner of the book has written medicine was thoroughly tested by Mr. Herbert Miles.J to him. f ^"'. which *he forwarded to the Society. This treatment. a resolution was passed obtaining a small supply of the plant. the disease had proved virulent in the extreme among the However. held at Halifax.. Journ. N. Hooker pronounced the specimens received to be Sarracenia purpurea. succeeded in Mr." | Across the face of an article on the use of this drug in small-pox. appearing "This in the volume I have cited above.R'po'ttr. and proved a humbug. natives. Canada. because unvaccinated. was so successful as to cure every case. after to malic and it has stood a time in the leaf. Med. Miles had. It would seem that the insects caught now could be of no use except as a fertilizer. the leaf has apparently nearly stopped absorbing the moisture from At this time an especially strong the tube. 507. Miles is quartered in concerning the use of Sarracenia in Variola — that there was not "any reliable value as a remedial agent. and Mr. He to lost * Land." They judged that the use of the root not only greatly shortened the run of the disease and checked At the last meeting of maturation. in Alexandria. Va. when by the decay of the leaves. A Jour. it may still be an active insect trap. H. The remedy is given in the form of a strong infusion of the rhizome. . this plant by the Indians in small-pox. and Mr. it is said. 37. odor is given off from the decaying mass of insects. and ripens its fruit in August. Soc'y. all this mass of decomposing nitrogenous matter is deposited around the roots of the plant. 1861 J . is found to be citric acids. in the presence of the medical officers of the Third Division Hos- be without any curative powers in this disease. John Thomas Lane in the spring of 1864 data upon which to ground any opinion in favor of its : at the Small-pox Hospital at Claremont. for the period of several weeks. previous use of the Epidemiological Society.. more than were lost by any other treatment. Bignell says. S.. the alarm had greatly unprotected. F. Pharm. Assistant Surgeon to the Royal Artillery. — History and Habitat. as its vitality is lessened by the advance of the season. where an epidemic of small-pox having broken out among the Indians. It flowers northward in June. the decaying material." The due acidity of the water. infusion."«'' ^'"'S.* a communication was read from Mr. respecting a plant that was stated to be a specific for small-pox. for which it has been held by them as specific.. of the cases of variola committed Mr. but prevented deep pitting in convalescence..— 19-3 absorbed as the leaves grow old. moreover. Lane more than fifty per cent. seems to hasten the decay of the leaf. The Northern Pitcher-plant grows in sphagnum swamps from Pennsylvania northward and westward." pital . and congestion of the head. or the whole fresh plant leaves are fully Then two parts by weight of alcohol taken. that it bitter... Porcher found in his experiments with 180 caused diuresis. C^H^O. even Indians. finding The root is also an absolute specific. the into a well-stoppered bottle." cases where there in a torpidity of the organs preparations outside of the Homoeopathic tincture. its . attacking the mucous smell and boiling at 142° (287°. its discovered by Martin. — Dr. and gastric excita- as an increased and irregular heart's action. often proves fatal.). p. Its sourish. cal with veratria. cool place. the plant contains a pulverizable tanno resin. Its characteristics are uninvestigated. After thorough stirring. filtration. and allowed to stand eight a dark. 6 F. with whom the dread malady so mention my that. dra. soluble in PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. then bitter it as white and This bitter alkaloidal body was handsome prisms and octahe- salts with acids are soluble. nant in the —This body constitutes the yellow coloring matter predomi- older plants. but were cured by the Sarracenia purpurea. Besides these. reaction strongly acid.— 19-4 in regard to the use of the drug was particularly attracted tion in this remedy known nishes the greatest disease : " On the Mistassini side to the Sarracenia purpurea. possessing a sour pungent Its vapor is irritating. 879. Sarracenic Acid. moderate catharsis. season. It is a limpid liquid. 109. . slightly astringent. The tincture separated from the color by transmitted light. of the alimentary tract. and a matic extractive. in its — This volatile body was discovered in the plant by Acrylic Acid. officinal PART USED AND PREPARATION. Indeed. Bjbrklund and Dragendorf. and remarks as follows: "These symptoms distinctly point to the parts of tion. and causing severe inflammation. small-pox. grains of the root. membranes of the nose and eyes violently. aro- water and alcohol. There are no it recommended fresh root gathered after the fruit- when budding to blossom and before the expanded. soluble in at first Hetet claims that and that with this alkaloid is identi- properties and reactions. both has a deep reddish-brown somewhat Sarracenin. fur- may I personal knowledge. Hetet* isolated water and alcohol. the and the whole should be poured sixth part of days in it mass mixed thoroughly with one- rest of the alcohol added. should be chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed.. this precious root not only saved my use also appears to wholly obviate the unsightly pitting common to the disease if it is extracted and dried at the proper season. as well * Rep. — The ino- is and of the kidneys. of my atten- which the root for that dreadful scourge. sulphuric forms beautiful bitter needles. to brother's but life. and its taste above by is CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. tie Phar. I have known many cases which were considered hopeless by medical men. June i8th. — the gastric filaments of the ganghonic or This produced an increased action of the circulating system. A 7. Stigma. says the drug produces "eruptions similar to crusta lactea. Whole plant." Dr. and adds one This last more proof again corroborates many that are tending to reveal the fact that our American native practice was essentially correct." the aborigine's use of the drug. without any apparent effect upon the nerves of animal life. changing to vesicular with the depression. Lilienthal. 1S71 . 2. and drove the blood to the head it also increased the peristaltic action of the whole alimentary canal. translated in Am. as in small-pox. Pistil. Cigliano. on the forehead and hands papular eruptions. . 3. 1884. and promoted the renal and other glandular secretions. and those remaining brought into constrained positions to better show their characters within the limit of the sheet. 467. 1S71. From Spruce . Section of the root.. 4. 6. lasting from seven to eight days. Scape and flower. Y. Observer.=^= in his experiments. with a number of to the 19. N. the leaves removed. p. portion of the hood.19-5 the system inHuenced by the drug organic system of nerves. Smithsfields. Description of Plate I and 2. Dr. Stamens. Pond.) * II Dinamico. (4-6 enlarged. showing hairs. 5. . 20.etpinxl.lU. . . ARGEMONE MEXICANA.Linn.adnaldel. . THORN APPLE.. t YELLOW THISTLE. and furnished. and pitted. the parts in represented twos or muliples of two. . with a L. and generally colored.\M. —This principally European family of milky. as the sepals. . Papaveraceae. prickly-bristled. imbricated in the bud.) X The true Yellow Thistle is Cirsiiim horridultim (Compositre. * 'Apyifia. floiueis regular. style . many twice as Stamens indefinitely numerous anthers large. rarely as few as 16.— l'i>LVAXl)kI. Fruit an oblong-ovate. crested.! THORN POPPY. i branching. Peduncles Sepals 2. and terminal Sepals 2 i.* SEX. with two or more parietal placentce.rarely few or many-celled pod. 20 GENUS. roundish. in The order recognized varieties. Petals 4 to 6. exstipulate. N. PRICKLY POPPY. rarely absent. • i ) .) . as gamboge-yellow milky Leaves juice. noted for their is ther characterized as follows: Leaves alternate. subcylindrical .\ TLXCTURE OF THE WHOLE PLANT . . yellow. as the juice was supposed to cure that disease. LINN. I. Stamens numerous. COM. Description. purple. filaments filiform. CHICALOTE fFR ARGE'MONE. stigmas 3 to 6. often prickly. pedunculate floiL^ers large. prickly pod. and blotched or striped with white along the principal veins. almost none. SYST.— ARGEMONE MEXICANA. opening by 3 to 6 valves at the apex. €. spiny toothed. Fruit a dry.\ Mo. distinct. basal albumen fleshy or oily. grows to a height of from Root long. . ) Applicable only to Datura Stranionium (Solanacea. early deciduous. the rest of the plant.ORD -PAPAVERACE^. innate. (MEX. sinuate lobed.— PRICKLY POPPY. greatly attenuated at the apex Ovai'y stricdy . \ to 3. narcotic or acrid juice. leaving a skeleton of from 3 to 6 filiform placentce in the shape of the original pod seeds globular. lobes reflexed. very fugacious. cataract. acuminate. 3. broadly lanceolate in general outline. introrse. MEXICAN POPPY. sessile. to 3 feet. velvety on the receptive surface. Injioresecnee solitary in the axils of the upper leaves. roundish. (GER. Ovary i -celled. sie?n erect. Petals 4 to 12. i North is fur- -flowered very rarely fugacious .\. . innate.. stellate-radiate. NAMES. ARGEMONE.— ARGEMONE.M i( LINN. i -celled.ARGEMONE MEXICANA. or rarely white. and 7 herbs. DEVIL'S FIG. — This annual weedy herb.) STACHELMOHN. argema. 23 species. more or less crumpled in the bud. SYN. Seeds numerous. buds erect. . anatropous embryo minute. hypogynous anthers 2-celled. America by 15 genera. resolutive.— There is considerable doubt that this alkaloid exists in this species. .) The only remedy in three here represented. beside the Opium. 1S68. for skin diseases. gathered while and weighed. and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. anti-icteric. with us being as active as that of Croton tiglium. from whence it has become scattered even as far north as \'ir- tropical and escaped from cultivation in many places still further north. the leaves. has a brownish yellow color by transmitted light. The plant. the juice being recommended. ophthalmic. for a new proving the tincture should be made and just before the capsules are ripe. its . Je P/iarm. is chopped and pounded to a pulp acid reaction. ginia. Jour. In the The West Indies the when juice plant inspissated gamboge. he also states that the seeds are narcotic. in Am. Papaverinum and Morphinum. and are smoked with tobacco. and should by from all while the plant is its history. — History and Habitat. appearing to unite the properties of Opium. The use of the oil of the seeds. * Jour. it is poured into a well-stoppered bottle. Among the ancient Greeks the juice was supposed curative of The oil of the seeds is spoken of as cataract and of opacities of the cornea. although CharbonnierJ reports presence from his analysis of the carpels and leaves. Gamboge. and an in blossom. means receive in fruit. being also fcrum. and for and narcotic. its been conceded to . the flowers as a pectoral said to be is employed as a caustic chancres. 18S5. After stirring the whole well. separated from the above mass by pressure and filtration. f Maisch. -Morphia. erally in physical properties. in India the juice and the infusion in strangury from blisters (of cantharis?). and a hydragogue cathartic and. the inspissated juice obtained by incising the unripe capsules of the South European and Asiatic White Poppy {Papaver somniour other remedies. in administered as a substitute for Ipecacuanha. The Prickly Poppy is indigenous to tropical and subAmerica. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. according to Rafinesque. 73. Linn. mixed with water. and the petals of this species has been quite prominent among the natives of all tropical countries in which the plant grows. slightly narcotic action. Linn.) derived from the same substance the only other remedy used in general medthey have a icine being the petals of the Red Poppy [Papaver Rhceas. It grows in waste places and blossoms from April to July. Pliarni.. PART USED AND PREPARATION.* is employed Lindley says that chronic ophthalmia and in primary syphilis in . xiv.f In Java the juice is incipient opacities. de Pharm. In Mexico the plant is still held In the pharmacopoeia. no distinguishing odor or taste. deserves at our hands a most thorough proving. but are as yet principally used as a coloring-matter for pharmaceutical preparations. it. 506. diaphoretic. resembles. . detersive. diuretic. is .20-2 our Materia Medica derived from this order. — The whole fresh plant. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it and the rest of the alcohol added... As a whole the plant has genbe anodyne. Cj-H^NO^. hypnotic. cool place. The tincture. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. and Celandine. % Jour. 6. Horizontal section of ovary. 1885. Description of Plate I. Root. dissolves in 5 to 6 times its volume of nauseous odor and is easily alcohol.. Mass.— This is as yet unknown. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. but certainly deserves prolonged experimentation. light yellow. Salem.). but upon whose authority describes and raw it as. drying. 3 Stamens. is we are unable to ascertain. He liquid at 5° (41° F. of a slighdy taste. Upper 20. Pistil. 5.20-3 Oil of Argemone. — This fat oil. part of plant. obtained reported by Wittstein.) . 4. July 31. Fruit. (3-5 enlarged. saponified. still by pressure from the seeds. 2. . <^'^ni.Linr .jiinaiiial.ttpinxi CHELI06NIUM MAJUS. . a piece of new linen is and subjected * . late. but so far it is not found at any great distance . . 21 (. this fact led those who practised upon the doctrine of signatures. and large. still mentions Chelidonium.INN.1-f''. bearing from 3 to ^pedicels i inch in length. i to ieet 2 grows herb. (GER. enclosed in verbis. somewhat umbel- Inflorescence. Stem upright. L'HIRONDELLE . Sepals Corolla cruciform petals 4.— CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. thrown aside at the next revision as worthless. In the Eclectic fresh plant. LLNN. ORD. It proved one of the hits of that practice. Peduncles 2 to 4 inches long. gathered in Spring. root. Stamens 6 to 24. COM. CHELIDONIUM. pale-green and glaucous. pedunculated. height of from — This upright. — The chopped and pounded to a pulp. The U. rapidly curing the trouble. — Celandine grows all over Germany and France. waste places.N. of the Papaverace:e will be found under Argemone Mexicana. pervades the plant. petiolate. widely branching. with a crenately cut or lobed border. A TINCTURK OF THE FRESH PLANT CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. and a crustaceous.KNUS. CELAJ^DIME.-PAPAVERACEyE. NAMBS.—COMMON CELANDINE."'""'. SEX. blackish-brown A description testa. . from dwellings. through injury or otherwise. petals 1 .— CHELIDON U I M . Ph. Description. somewhat swelled at two valves opening upward from the base to the apex seeds rounded reniform. totidem Materia Medica it is officinal as Decoctnm Chclidonii. this plant. perennial from a fusiform branching. Urate. affected with a white film. intervals. from its resemblance to bile in color. SYN. the parents gathered and applied the juice of . but not officinally it will probably be low. it was said that when the eyes of young swallows became. and stamens of which are early deciduous. along roadways. in History and Habitat. .* l.) (PR.— Pt)LVAN'DRIA MON()G\NIA. slender pod. 2-lobed. S. 20. the terminal lobe obovate-cuneate. Fruit a linear. to a cylindrical Leaves alternate. on old walls. LINN.) HERBE A SCHOLLKRAUT. somewhat hairy and \ery brittle. A fine gamboge yel- stem and leaves. and involucrate at their base. acrid juice. SVST. pinnatifid. root. marked with more or less regular. and about dwellings it is pretty well naturalized in the United States. about i inch in length. Style merely present stigma 2. axillary clusters. Howering from early in May until October. the sepals. the . with a glandular ridge at the hilum. to employ the drug in hepatic disorders. hexagonal reticulations. with nodding buds and medium-sized flowers. PART USED AND PREPARATION. TETTER"WORT. swnllo-aK lu flowers appearing with the arrival of that bird or. friable. post-mortem. .). to be highly engorged. liver irritates and languor are persistent. 485) that supra. Pyrus Americana. 4.. iif ii. p.^ N3 O3 When pure it + Aq. and seat of with much in some cases pain. sleep- upon the skin Description of Plate I. yellow needles. OH)3. bitter taste. iness under the bowels is that of vesication. 5. insoluble in water. and are soluble both — also present Acid. Chelidonic Acid. slowly soluble in alcohol. The lungs of animals poisoned by this drug have been found. becomes the and freely. —The principal action of Chelidonium seems to be that of causing congestion of the lungs and liver. —A bitter principle existing in all parts of the lizing in short. the fresh juice by weight of The place. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. determines (Monatsch.. It which carbonize by heat. especially the latter. colorless.21-2 to pressure. Chelidonin. Pistil (enlarged). with violent spasmodic coughing. soreness thin.). vide 22. pasty evacuations even stains the linen dark-yellow. Ch. tabular. water and alcohol. and tenderness It . Citric tribasic acid occurring together with crystallizes in small colorless needles. . 21. in in the plant.^ H. tickling. — Herr Haitinger Malic Acid. acrid. crystal- both water in alcohol. fusing at 130° (266° F. and tals. This alkaloid an is identical with Sanguinarina./. it is also an excessive irritant. and has a narcotic action upon the nervous system. the other acids in all — C. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. C. mellifica. then filtered. less salts. Chelidoxanthin. Pollen X 380. transmitted light. C. in The hepatized.^ H. bright-yellow. 1880. from Ithaca. its move the trachea and bronchi. portion of the upper part of a blossoming plant. Section of the ovary (enlarged).. 56. vide Is notable quantities are contained Mdc in this plant. bitter crys- : decomposing at and forms color- losing water at 100° (212° F..— O^Z-^/j////-^. and . cool in of a brownish orange color by having an odor quite like that of tincture and strong acid reaction. 2. 3. higher heats it is . causing a Sensations of indolence. N. and which are very slowly soluble plant. followed by dyspnoea and oppression of the chest. glassy. the urine becomes bright-yellow. is tincture thus allowed to stand eight days formed is a dark. parts of the plant. then by brisk succussion mingled with an equal part is This mixture alcohol. H A (CO. This alkaloid exists particularly has the following properties in the root. Its action A action rapidly the respiratory nerves. like dust. of apis NO. May loth. Y. Fruit. adnat. . Linn. 'W Gjin.22.del.etpinxt. Sanguinaria Canadensis. . sharp-pointed. smooth. . introrse. it shows minute points of bright red juice. and. upon breaking or cutting. the it has a heart-shaped base.— rULYANURIA IMI. Pollen grains globular.— BLOODROOT. dehiscent. the upper surface is light green. slightly branched. generally 24. RED PUCCOON. The leaf. the section showing a bark of about one-twelfth the whole diameter. jlnthers innate. Pod Stigma more or less Oz'ary i-celled. glandularly oh\ong. L. PAUSON. When fresh it is brownish-red externally. rounded. * Sanguis. SYN. The stamens. is pal- mately seven. arranged more or less distinctly in two (especially noticeable the . The sfetu is a simple. terminated by a single flower. COM. the root becomes longitudinally wrinkled. (GER. Description. naked scape. the most beautiful season. SANGUINARIA. color. which rapidly coalesce and cover the entire wounded surface. of a parietal placentae.) SANGUINAIRB. When dry similar red dots appear upon the fracture. 2-grooved. a very slight cambium line and a granular white centre. thick. thick. beautiful golden-yellow numerous anatropous. PUCCOON. REDROOT. perennial plant. NAMES. TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF S. (PR. Root horizontal. MONOGVXIA. turgid. sometimes crested situated at the base of the sarcous. SVST. spatulate. six-sided with 2 by compression. opening by two uplifting valves. blood. cylindrical. forming the ephemeral calyx. allowing the escape of the Embryo minute. BLOODROOT. —This low. with a diameter of from one-quarter to three-quarters of an inch. DILL. and somewhat annulate by the scars of previous membraneous sheathing scales which enveloped the scape and petiole. It arises by a naked scape enveloped by its leaf to a flowers our open harbinger of Its height of from 3 to 6 inches. pubescent. seeds. unequal and Petals 8-12. L. giving off. TETTERWORT. extending from 2 to 4 inches.* SEX. 22 (lENUS— S ANGUINARIA. and obtuse lobes Sepals 2. caducous. under whitish. especially from the under side. erect. oily albumen. dots with its creamy white woods and bottom lands in early spring. INDIAN PAINT.\NGUINARIA CANADENSIS. numerous tender rootlets. from one to one and a half inches in diameter. with an equal number of reddish upon ribs. which does not reach its full expansion until the flower has fallen. From the color of llie juice. TURMERIC.-SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. N. not crumpled. glaucous. rows.ORD -PAPAVERACE^. from which under surface) extend a perfect network of nine-lobed.L. SANGUINARIA MINOR.) BLUTWURZEL. about one-half the length of the petals. Style short. Thus prepared it is.— This is the only species name denotes. sixth part of pour it it the rest of the alcohol into a well-stoppered CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. so named from its supposed identity with Merck's opium principle porphyroxin. and after thoroughly mixing the pulp with oneis After having stirred the whole. by transmitted light. It takes a The root . in compounded with podophyllum and Applied to a denuded surface it is kali tartaricum. or on bottom lands along shaded from March. AND PREPARATION.^ NO. Porphyroxin has been determined as a third alkaloid. r'zVe'. part in the following preparations: Pilula Taraxaci Composite?. hom Chelidonium raajus. —The acid of sanguinaria is not fully determined.) It exists as tabular or linear. salts of this body are of a red color. cool The tincture is then separated by decanting. and sea-coasts. and give orange-colored aqueous solutions.. sanguinaria not having emetic properties. and has a strong acid reaction to litmus. clothing and implements of warfare. would prove . Pulvis IpecaPilvis Myricce Composilus C2ianhcs Compositus . slightly bitter and acid. a is often confused by both prescriber and so-called alka-resinoid principle. white and tasteless crystals. It is found. as the specific to Florida. nesque has described six varieties. This alkaloid warty or needle-like masses. and when pulverized and insufflated causes violent sneezing these masses crystallizes from alcohol in . flowering o-rows in rich open woods. until May. 21. quite a powerful escharotic. especially in compounds with Lobelia. though it doubtless to be chelidonic acid {vide Chelidonium). Hopp determined this body to be a sulphatic salt of sanguinarina. a mixture which owes its color reaction to Hesse's rhoeadine. is added. and by remedy gastric troubles. Tinctura Vibw-nii Composita . southward except States United the in Canada. and Sanguinarin. C. The various are soluble in ether or alcohol. Compositns. botde and let it stand eight days in a dark.^ H. Pulvis Lobelia. place. as Acchim Sanguinarice Radix Sanguinarice. remaining in the menstruum after the precipitation of sanguinarina by sulphuric acid but . Then two parts seeds are ripe. For many years it has been used by the aborigines of this country for paintthe laity as a domestic incr their faces. fruiting in June. Tinctura Lobelice Composita. although RafiHistory and Habitat. straining. PART USED. which pharmacist with the true alkaloid sanguinarina. gathered when the chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. Acid. and in all parts of It high mountains. insoluble or nearly so in water. in eariy springs. and Mexico to westward and streams. 22-2 of the genus.— Sanguinarina. S. the Oregon. and Exh'actwn Sangtiinarice. —The fresh root. by weight of alcohol are taken..='= toxic. of a deep orange-red color. and filtering. In the Eclectic Materia Medica this drug and its derivatives have a prominent place. Saiigidnaricr. (Maisch. very acrid to the taste. Puccina has been claimed to be another alkaloid principle of this plant. * This alkaloid is identical with C/ieleiyt/irine. Ph. Tinctura is still officinal in the U. Seed (enlarged). central and peripheral. and depresses the nerve force. Med. 8. (Allen. viii. 7. V. Pure Mat. leaf. Pollen grains x 380. 22. Chemung.) . iting. . Death has occurred from overdoses. Pistil 5. 2. Expanded Expanded 4. faintness. . flower. it causes nausea. p. and insensibility. reduces the heart's action and muscular It strength. (enlarged). NVhoIe plant.22-3 Gum. 3. Sanouinaria in toxic doses causes a train of symptoms showing it to be an irritant. Stamen (enlarged).. 9. Lignin. .. Ency. showing that death follows prostration from cardiac paralysis.. vertigo. sensations of burning in the mucous membranes whenever it comes in contact with them. Bud. after the following sequence of symptoms violent vom. et seq. accompanied by soreness over the region of those organs heaviness of the upper chest with difficult breathing dilation of the pupils great muscular faintness and coldness of the surface. showing 6. Description of 1'late I. 481. May 3d. followed by terrible thirst and great burning in the stomach and intestines. Pod. N. vomiting. . se|)als. 1S80. an Orange-colored Resin. Albumen. and a Saccharine matter have also been determined. — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. . et piiut. ^lU.ilel. SINAPIS Alba. .adnat.23. Linn. . Stamens blade. as wine-must manufacture of table mustard. SYN. about half the length of the pod.— WHITE OR YELLOW MUSTARD . narrowly oblong. WEISSBR SENF. or conduplicate o)).\MI. bristly. cotyledons incumbent. . sepals . is often mixed with the seed- . when 6. spread- and consisting of a narrow claw and an orbiculate hypogynous. stipules none. LINN. acumbent o=. conduplicatc.— SIN A PIS. racemes or corymbs floioers cruciform. Seeds globular. . LINN.N. Seeds campylotropous. sword-shaped. ORD-CRUCIFER^. then two are inserted lower down than pairs. SINAPIS ALBA.i MOUTARDE BLANC f. and to 6 in plane. usually branches few. the rest and furnished with shorter filaments. coiysilique or necument. the four with longer filaments situated in pairs from before backward and accompanied by a quite large ovary hairy style gland to each pair. . yellowish. —This S/em erect 2 feet. HOOK. . * The name mustard meal in the is modernized from musliim aniens.* (FR. narrow. the lowest having a large termiand the divisions cutting down to the midrib. COM. TOURN. coarse. embryo \airg&. hot must. furnished with 3 prominent veins pedicels spreading beak . SPACH. albumen none. hairy annual. 1 i -seeded.-BRASSICE/E. LEUCOSINAPIS ALBA. rarely 4 or 2. Flozvers about twice as flexed hairs. 23 Tribe. 4. SEX. The order is characterized as follows : Leaves alternate . being lateral and inserted lower down than the others. Fruit a 2-celled silicle. regular. NAMES. Fruit a linear. SINAPIS ALBA. ||. Sepals 4. . 6. (GER.IOLOSA. . . persistent silique valves short. placed opposite each other in Stamens 6. being straight in one ledons incumbent o genus only. containing in all 275 species and 50 recognized varieties.) A TINCTURE OF THE RIPE SEEDS OF SINAPIS ALBA. pale- each pod. GENUS. ascending. — in This large family of pungent and often acrid herbs is represented Cruciferse.— TETRADYN. spreading. Inflorescence in terminal . alternate with the sepals. ascending nearly terete. WHITE MUSTARD. SYST. . nal lobe large as those of nigra. Pistil slightly exceeding the stamens stigma bi-labiate. . deciduous petals 4.\ SII.— BRASSICA ALBA. hypogynous. tetradynamous.S. loment. . tetradynamous. petals 4. North America by 42 genera. grows about to a height of parts covered with bristling re- all Leaves all petioled and pinnatifid. the two having shorter filaments ing. Description. Brazil the . for relishes. are the Turnip [Brassica Rapa.). i^Lepidium sativwn. Linn. Chi)iensis are considered in by the natives stomachic. and nourishment as well. The unground seeds of flour.). diaphoretic. this species pepsia. oleracca. R. [Brassica napus. Ph. Dec. . nigra. but needing further corroborative Buenos Ayres Pepperwort {Lepidium Bonariensc. Belleisle officijiale. . with its numerous varieties by cultivation. The power of vesication resides in the oil to a high degree. 23-2 Only three other plants of Medica. is . The ripe seeds. remedy for cardiac hypertrophy.). have held a high place in former practice as a remedy in atonic dysand various kindred complaints where there appeared to be a torpid state of the alimentary tract. and grows the life of what is commonly known as a History and Habitat.) . diuretic. Linn. The most useful species. as also are the Chinese Mustard [Sinapis Chiiiensis. and an acid reaction. Many species. or. R. The notably the Cresses. . C). Linn. prominent among which stands the Cauliflower as var.). Linn. biting and burning the tongue.) Cress [Nasiurtiiim . yield a tincture having a light. however. armoracia. as they are liable to become impacted in the bowel and set up a fatal inflammation. Br. country from tivation here in edible — White Mustard has as yet hardly become naturalized European and Oriental haunts. much used as a counter-irritant. Linn. Winter Cress {Barbai'ea and the Common Cress" Pepperwort of New Zealand (Z. R. prcecox.). a sinapic odor and taste. p. in this The its roadside weed. Br. Br. more properly. and are said to cause abortion pregnant women. in the Eclectic Materia Medica their use is as Cataplasma Sinapis. diuretic. and the British Sea Kale {Crambc viaritiima. oleraceuni) is greatly valued. Botiyfis. have no ofificinal preparation in the U. long known and used as an anti-scorbutic C. Linn. and stimulant the dried flowers of the Cuckoo Flower {Cardamiiic pratensis.). and gastro-intestinal stimulant and externally applied. clear orange color by transmitted light. Linn. our common horse. find a place in domestic practice. — PART USED AND PREPARATION.. prepared as noted under the next (Sinapis Nigra. however. . The seeds. S.xhibition of the seeds proved dangerous. used in much as arnica is among the laity here and the British Rape or Cole Seed extolled as a proving.. as they are usually mixed in the preparation of Sinapis or mustard used as an emetic. as they were known to increase peristaltic activity but the e. 24-2). Linn. of which the following European species are most used: Common Water vidgaris. The previous uses of the seeds of this plant are intimately connected with those of 5. principal among which are: The South European Scurvy Grass [Cochlcaria officinalis.). viz. Linn. though mentioned. Linn.) Cress [B. relishes. but has escaped from culmany places. stomachic. wet with vinegar. and the Cabbage [B. which is . Many species afford vegetables of value as foods.: The seeds this of the order are proven and find place European bitter in our Materia Candytuft {Iberis aniara.) have been recommended for the cure of epilepsy in children and the seeds of the Oriental Arabis radish. D.). as a rubefacient and vesicant. from the seed-meal. fusing at 130° Sinalbin results (266° F. followed by in- if pushed to extremes. paralysis.3N0. Q„H. followed by a sense of conpainful flatulence.. principle of the decomposes with baryta water it be to breaks as follows Oil of Mustard (mixed). 7o«7-. (2-7 enlarged. Essential organs. 2. July 28th. causing.). . loss of sensibility. 7. ..= Sulphocyanatc .: ) : 23-3 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.NO-. Anthers.920. stupor. irritant poison. .-.„ seed. g C„H„0.„H^N. This emulsion-like body is obtained from the seeds of this species by treating them with water. 4.. burning and crawling striction thirst. has a drying. severe burning.. 1883. of flowering branch..f Sinapoleic. ...917-. 551.— 5/. inclination to sweat. is not contains glyceroles of Erucic. + QH.H. rigors. Pistil. End 23. of .0.. or Sidpho-sinapisin. and oil is Sinapic Acid Water. soluble water and slightly in alcohol. .p).§ used largely to adulterate olive oil. Seed. which has not yet been isolated from the mately mixed with albumen that is inti- it.. When applied to the skin it causes almost immediate The symptoms caused by vesication. 18S5.\crinol The of these resultants first it does not pre-exist Sinapine. colorless. In the presence of water and myrosin. followed by deep ulceration hard to heal. and death.NO. with yellowcoated tongue burning and scraping in the throat. Description of Pl. dried as impure myrosin. is in except as a sulpho-cyanide isolated Sinapine -. and in the rectum creased heart's action..* = QjHj. C. 6../. t Or Brassic (Cj. Sinapine. This peculiar compound body.NSO„ + C„H.S.Sugar.H„Oj. obtainable by pressure sp. determined by cake. Cjj.— The virulent. when essential oil of mustard (Sinalbin ?) is a ingested.0„.NS0 + C.\te I. • J Ca.X). by boiling the cake obtained from the seed- in alcohol. united.H„Oj).4° F. results precipitate. /'//<7r. fat oil.. (H. in abstract: Salivation. Siilpliate of = C3H. 3. acicular crystals. — Myrosin. .). This proven to be the vesicating them while dry.) to a syrup.. Longitudinal section of seed. fixed. breaks down into its components as follows Sinalbin . and.S. by gentle heat.„H. Silique. . yellow. Q„H^N. may be Hill. Mass. after removal of the fat oil. down —This volatile alkaloid too readily when heated . and precipitating with The alcohol. evaporating the menstruum at 40° (104° F. gr. thickens at -12° (10./^?/^/.. as clear. nausea and vomiting copious pasty stools dark-colored urine creeping chills. small repeated doses of the ground seeds are. Salem. 5.J and Behenic Acids. though -|- in body this + — This Choline. as it has a great power of resisting rancidity. *^w.0. . et pinxt.del. SiNAPIS NiGRA.24.Li . Gltt.adnat. . . each i -nerved. they are 4-angled. It was well known to the ancients as a medicinal agent. turnip. about one-quarter inch long. which conThe pods are smooth.-SINAPIS NIGRA. BOISS.— BLACK MUSTARD. when dry. excepting The seeds. and surmounted by Seeds 4 to 6 in the 4-angled. as well as the central part of Asia and in Northern Africa. Biasska or Sinnpis campeslris. The inflorescence is a dense the stem leaves are entire. rough. N. BRASSICA COM. extending as the tinues flowering at each of cell. SINAPIS NIGRA. 23. History and Habitat. siiiapi.— TETR. and England.* TOURN. smooth and numerously branched thin and branching. or somewhat oval. It is quite extensively cultivated in Italy. —This (FR. (growing from 3 to 6 feet high.OKD-CRUCIFER^. SYN. . become a troublesome weed in many The rool is fusiform. Germany. with two or more small lateral divisions or lobes at its base. A TINCTURE OF THE RIPE SEEDS OF SINAPIS NIGRA. SINAPIOIDES. MOUTARDE NOIRE. GENUS. of Europe. them The its fruits top until frost checks the growth. lanceolate and smooth. BLACK MUSTARD. upon appressed pedicels. and closely set to the elongated axis of the inflorescence. I I SEX. persistent style. and fully naturalized in both North and South America. stout. Description. description of the order and genus is incorjjorated in the description of Sinapis alba. in line pitted reticulation of the outer coat are smaller and A more pungent than is coarser. head at first. of a dark.-BRASSICE/E. inodorous "Zn-aTTi. • 24 Tribe. but not as a condiment until somewhat more modern times. (GER. they are spherical. .— S N A P S . Valves 2. NAMES.\DYNAM1. and harsh to the touch. useful plant has parts of North America. BROWN OR RED MUSTARD. and 50 would generally weigh i grain.) SCHWARZ SENP. form a greenish-yellow powder.\ SILIQUOSA. SYST. BRASSICA NIGRA. ROTH. its when ground. alba. . the lower leaves are either lyrate or lobed. flowering in temperate regions from June to September.) LINN. form into an elongated raceme. — Black Mustard is found wild over the whole extent most northern latitudes. while the seeds themselves S. 25 would about equal an inch. LINN. reddish-brown color. erect. the terminal lobe large. The stem generally erect. poured into a well-stoppered bottle. and both employ the volatile oil (" . being shaken twice a The tincture is separated by decanting. S. in Linini'nihofi Sinapis Compositum. The though the true Scurvy-grass is Sinapis ati^ensis {Brassica Sinapistrum) In the use of Sinapis nigra in the U. again evaporating. . The seeds should be tering the tongue. and filtering gained are to be dissolved snowy ether. each sample differing but very slightly analysis of three samples of black mustard farina. and KHSO^. straining and filtering. Eclectic Materia Medica the use is the same. biting taste. it soluble in alcohol and water. gave the following averages. this ashy film being the effect of dampness. The ripe seeds are coarsely powdered and covered with five parts by weight of alcohol. free from gray coating. then extremely pungent taste. and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. Thus prepared. greenish-yellow color by transmitted or reflected light. — PART USED AND PREPARATION. p. treating with alcohol of 90 per cent. 130. from which it cent. Leeds and E. treating the residue with ether. Q^^W^^Y^^'^^O^^. — Sinapisin unsaponifiable fat. this body by percolating the powdered seeds with alcohol of 94 per (Simon) as an exists the seeds of black mustard.— 24-2 penetrating when moist. cool place. while the leaves are yet young and tender. and a great detriment to the value and properties of the seed. glucose. (Wittstein).. 1881. The fresh plants. This relish is termed at that stage of its growth. are used by the laity in many jjarts of this country as a pot-herb greens "). needle-like acted upon by myrosin it crystals. soon after their appearance. in oil. may be When obtained as xs the principle peculiar silky. ether Sinigrin. with at first a bitter. afterward somewhat burning. from which species. . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. forming mustard An The impure crystals thus from which they deposit on evaporation as through animal charcoal. to this and oils. Ph. in . breaks down. or potasso-niyronic acid. it has a clear. Everhart. a sweetish. is simply as Charta Sinapis. scales. sciu^y-grass. made by A. soluble in alcohol. during the ripening. day. blis- of a bright reddish-brown color. R. from the others : Moisture. reported in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. and is neutral to litmus paper. . may be obtained evaporating the percolate. Outline of one of the lower leaves. 5.. Y. July 2. no specific toxic I of a branch in fruit and flower. can determine. symptoms have been noted mustard without .24-3 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 3. Binghamton. Pollen grains x 380. —So under far as S.atf. Pi. N. Description of I. Fruit (enlarged)i 4. li . alba End I have given the general action of differentiation. 24. . etpinxl. Moench: . ^m.25. ailnatdei. CaPSELLA BURSA-PASTORIS . . SEX. especially those of a stimulating astringent has been employed in decoction fresh in and hematuria. Inflorcsce7ice apparently a dense cluster at the summit of the stem. incumbent.-LEPIDINE/E AND 25 THLASPIDE/E.) PL.* VENT. LINN. wingless. — This European immigrant has become too thoroughly weed about the cultivated lands of this country from Florida northward and westward.— TETRADYNAMIA. inserted * Fro-n capsula. was in epistaxis. long-pointed.. as an astringent in diarrhoea it was much used in decoction with milk to check active purgings in calves.-CRUCIFER/E.— SHEPHERD'S PURSE. BURSA-PASTORIS. diarrhoea and dysentery. Later its value here was much doubted. THLASPI BURSA-PASTORIS. . stem leaves sessile and partly clasping. SYST.) BOURSE DE PASTEUR. often used to check hemorrhage The juice on cotton. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE (FR. pinnatifid or pinnatifidly toothed. .— CAPSELLA BURSA-PASTORIS. . . The Shepherd's Purse has been used in English domestic practice from early times. Petals spatulate. Leaves mostly rosulate at the root. other properties accorded diuretic. hemorrhoids. simple. SYN. It it. toothed or in some cases entire. Silicle obcordate triangular. smooth or sometimes pubescent. inches. and History and Habitat. MCBN. NAMES. N. more or less sagittate. or branching at the summit. where it flowers from earliest spring to September. Style short stigma capitate. Stem erect. Anthers sagittate. to avoid confusion in synonyms. and having inserted about their middle a filamentous appendage. Seeds numerous . ORD. scaphoid. — This intrusive little annual grows to a height of from 6 to 18 Root tap-shaped. 23. from which it was removed on account of its wingless valves. flattened contrary to the septum Description. MCEN. . (GER. GENUS. Sepals ovate.— CAPSELLA. cotyledons plane. Thbe. Read description of Crucifers under Sinapis alba. a pod. HIRTENTASCHLEIN. which should always distinguish t in the nostrils. especially those at the base of the racemes. and locally as a vulnerary in ecchymosis and as an application in rheumatic affections. valves 2. white pedicels long. especially in fruit. tliis plant in medicine. but as fruiting advances showing a racemose arrangement floivers minute. I use the specific name. SHEPlfERD'S PURSE. COM. This plant was formerly classed with the genus Thlaspi.ANT CAPSELLA BURSA-PASTORIS. a nuisance as a . resembling decayed vegetation. Flower. as well as a fixed oil. plant above the radicle leaves. have been determined. Whole of young 25. 9. a peculiar odor. of radicle leaves. p. gathered when the about half completed and the fruits rapidly forming. showing New seeds. and a volatile oil said to be liar principle. 8. but none have resulted this plant. — In the in partial analyses the separation absence of provings of this drug. Binghamton. Open silicle. 10. Y. — The fresh plant. especially those with which uterine and colic faces. the pulp thoroughly mixed with the spirit and the whole pressed out in a The tincture thus prepared has. Pistil.. it has been found cramp mucous sur- curative in various uterine hemorrhages. Then two-thirds by weight of alcohol is taken. too like its odor. 6. Silicle. after filtration. 625. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. brown color by transmitted light. * See Hale.25-2 PART USED AND PREPARATION.. Description of Plate I. is chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. 7. identical with oil of mustard. May 24th. an orangepiece of new linen. Kern. 3. 1S85.* are associated. flowering season a pungent is and an acid taste. have been made of and determination of a pecuThe general constituents of plants. Petal. Clinical Uses. —Several reaction. 4. Forms 5. 2. N. . Stamen. also A thorough proving in is various passive hemorrhages from greatly to be desired. (^m. Linn. .deletpinxt RaPHANUS RaPHANI'STRUM.adnaf. . M. The Wild Radish grows profusely over the fields of Great Britain and Europe. 5/c?. at about the time of llowering.s- distinct toothless. first Ca/yx erect. and has become a troublesome weed in New Eno-land. or of the wild plant. and the ^aiVw. longer than the style. New Jersey. COM. from whence it is spreading westward.SA.y/'/Vw^ capitate. it. the terminal lobe oval or obovate. the seeds spherical the lower joint often seedless . 26 Tribe. Style \ov\g\ . LINN. . phaino.) WILDE RETTIG. and the root laxative. and valveless the upper joint markedly necklace-form by strong contractions between .-RAPHANE^. Linn. are chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. dentate. RADISH. and its varieties. Pod linear-oblong. . lan-'e and — History and Habitat. Seeds 3 to 8. — RAPH ANUS. New York. obovate and unguiculate. It blossoms in July and fruits in September. and much branched below.ORD. Petals at base. SYN. gathered formed. oblongus (Long Radish). Leaves lyrate. ) A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF RAPHANUS RHAPHANISTRU. SEX. — The when emetic. supposed to be of Chinese origin. from its rest of the alcohol added. LINN. these forms. quickly . (GER. terete upward. JOINTED CHARLOCK. and Pennsylvania. are well-known salad roots all of them have contributed more or less Very litde and unpronounced use has been made in medicine of to our provings.(FR RAIFOOT.//£'. and rotiindus (Globose Radish).IoU ). the pulp full thoroughly mixed with one sixth part of * 'Pn. sparino-ly brisdy.— TKTKA1)VNAMI. somewhat 2-saccate at the yellow and veiny. and incumbent. COMMUNE. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. rough. GENUS. diuretic and The seeds have proved PART USED AND PREPARATION. — This rapid-growing annual or biennial herb usually attains a feet. 2-jointed.\ SlI. and Description. rapid germination. petiolate or sessile. Root tap-shaped skin erect. cotyledons conduplicate and stalk-like. perfect roots.-WILD RADISH.LINN. height of from i to 2 .-CRUCIFER^./.— RAPHANUS RAPHANISTRUM. CHARLOCK. to appear. niger (Black Spanish). fresh. R. The cultivated forms. . ra. SVST. N. NAMES.. becoming purplish or whitish with age. indehiscent. glaucous. RAPHANUS.. sativjis. Description of Plate . though painless. i< . tity. 26. itching of the skin . followed by depression and anxiety confusion and vertigo with cephallagia . great distention of the abdomen. A section of a pod. stuffiness of the nostrils . Pistil. . and Whole plant. a dark. . cool place. . in women. 26-2 After thoroughly stirring the whole.. coming on in paroxysms of great violence violent palpitation of the heart . paleness of the . A ripe pod. in cabbage . shaking twice a day. (2-4 and 6 enlarged. restlessness . sepal I. . were Mental excitement. Petal. great sexual excitement lancinating pains in the chest emaciation . which became hard and tense. 4. July 29th. bitter taste in the mouth constriction of the oesophagus violent thirst nausea with violent pressure in the stomach. 6. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. . and in others substantially as follows : noted effects who took in who have people eaten large quantities of the tincture. by inclination . 2. and no flatulence escaped numerous liquid diarrhoeic stools great desire to urinate. and stamen.) attacks of hysteria chilliness followed to sweat. Jamaica. with greatly augmented quan- face . allowed to stand eight days ture. offensive odor. L. after straining and it is poured and an acid The tinc- has a clear yellow color by transmitted light filtering. an a similar miserable taste . A 3.— The too freely of radishes. 5. something like that of boiling and into a well-stoppered bottle. reaction.. . 27.iJei. Linn. F .etpinxf.lU.ailnat. . I Viola Tricolor . . Description. Description. fertile summer flowers. NAMES.) PENSEE.) STIEFMUTTERCHBN-KRAUT. the two lower petals with an appendage at the base concealed in the spur. LIXN. MUHL. alternate with the petals. (GER. projecting beyond the anther into a little persistent wing or The two lower filaments. N. SIVE TRINITATIS. The plants under this natural order and genus are low. . WILD PANSY.'V VIOLA TRICOLOR (JACEA). fusiform root. alternate with the sepals. VIOLA BICOLOR. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PLANT VIOLA TRICOLOR. In the stemless violets the scapes are axillary. The leaves are alternate and petiolate. somewhat unequal. VIOLA ARVENSIS. the superior one which becomes inferior by the inversion of the scape is saccate or spurred at the base. Corolla with an obtuse. . little belonging to the leafy-stemmed violets. BAUH.— VIOLA TRICOLOR. and are sometimes slightly coherent into a ring or tube filamcnis very short and broad.-PANSY. thick spur in the concave receptacle stigma cup-shaped. smallish flowers on a terminal and axillary peduncle. HEART'S-BASE.. closely surrounding the ovary. caulescent or acaulescent. . SY. Calyx herbaceous. persistent. lyrate-pinnatifid. TRINITY VIOLET.WURI. WILD PA^'SY.— PEXT. ORD -VrOLACE^. ELL. ETC. petals 5. the odd one superior. PANSEY. . J. Slcm 3 to 8 inches high. hypogynous. LINN. solitary. stipules w&ry IdLVge. springs from an annual. or sometimes obsolete. PUBSH VIOLA TENELLA. more or less irregular flower upon the incurved summit of the scape or peduncle many species having also radical apetalous or cryptopetalous. or short-lived perennial. I MONOGYNIA. with leaf-like persistent stipules. FRBISAMKRAUT. somewhat Capsule smooth . obscure. and leafy throughout. (FR.ST. JACEA TRICOLOR.' . herbaceous. and furnished with two bracts at the base. FIELD PANSY. seeds oblong. PANSIE. t Herring's Condensed Materia Medica. THREE COLORED VIOLET. 27 GENUS. those with stems springing from annual or perennial roots. hypogynous upon a ring-like or concave torus. Ovary partly concealed narrowing toward the o\ary petals short clawed. SYN.— V O L A. are furnished tip. COM. . Inflorescejice a single. those without stems from scaly root-stocks. at first creeping.* LINN. simple or branched. . often auriculate at the Corolla irregular base. * Derivation Latin. . — — . angled. — — Violaceae and Viola. Jnftoi'cscouc sewGraA Ca/yx with short auricles. style .. then erect. sepals 5. —This beautiful plant. biennial. SEX. conical. Stamens 5. when present. properties a close resemblance to emctia:\ Viola adorata taste. it * Violia. S. crustadeclined. growing here in dry. H B K. albumen fleshy embryo straight. many. and the Eclectic Materia Medica. etc. stigma vd. with admixtures in immense variety. bitter principle. with three parietal placenta: adnata. various. ulcers. Chimborazian the similarity to Ipecacuanha. H. Fruit an ovoid. somewhat separated at the base.. gathered while in flower. D C. i ejusdemqiie rcniedis disscrtatio.) noted as a supposed specific for the " mal de San Lazaro or Elephantiasis tuberculata. raphe apparent. the first real experimenta' De a^usta lactea infantum tion with the plant is that of Starck in 776. pansy in medicine dates far back in ancient medication. usually'i. — Violin. poured into a well-stoppered alcohol taken. days in a dark. sandy soils. tinea capitis and scabies is Its use also sanctioned in by the provings. and the Chilian purgative Maytensillo {lonidum parviflormn. concealed in the sac or spur of the lower petal little ajithers . Itubu. Vhline. . and seeds capsule. . the pulp thoroughly the alcohol added. . Pombalia Jtubu. as they now do. from pure white to silver. bottle. Iwla Jtubu. 27-2 each with a projection.) and properties a great . ovoid. jA'/^ terminal. furnished with a distinct wart-like excrescence at the hilum. de St. CuichunchuUi {lonidum " microphylhnii. 2-celled. bearing was extracted by Boullay from and var. and jet-black. should have an orange-brown color by rich. is found also in and strong acid this acrid. /. loculicidal valved. . The plant is mentioned in the U. Aubl. affording some of the most beautiful of our garden-plants the principal changes in cultivation are in the size and colors of the flowers. The use of the gold. ceous or papyraceous. — History and Habitat. The genus lonidum contains the Brazilian Poaya da Praja [lonidum IpecacuaJiha. This description essentially includes the two genera lonidiim {solea) and Viola of the northern United States in the tropics many plants of this order are shrubby. Linn. and allowed The transmitted light. mixed with one-sixth part of it. and the rest of The whole should be well mixed. . the provings substantiate this be useful to in other forms of impetigo. who wrote . the cells dinal introrse slit.'^ in its . to stand at least eight separated by tincture. blossoming northward from April until the summer months. situated in the axis. — Part Used and PreparatioTi. horizontal. bronze." use of the plant and show some forms of burrowing it in that year. The varieties of this plant in cultivation are innumerable. one-celled. The wild pansy has become naturalized in this country from Europe. sweet CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Ph. .). varying. H B K.) the A. cool place. filtering. from New York westward to Illinois and southward. should be chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed then two parts by weight of . the roots of which arc stated by Lindley to bear in appearance Poaya do campo [lonidniii Poaya. The whole plant. a cucumber-like odor. Viola tricolor reaction. . opening by a longituOvary sessile. arvensis as well as in -j- Alkaloid of Ctphalis Ipecacuanha. Phar. » 27. Pistil (enlarged). On the genital organs of the male the prepuce becomes swollen. Discharged anther (enlarged). so tt own form from its plants Karl Mandelin. ^m- Jour.. far in its history. Boils. the testicle becomes indurated. and is . in cultivated plants. or vegetable jelly. sepals. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Phar. will form a jelly-like mass. Q. alone yielding itf He viola tricolor. — The emetic effect of some of the violets. the presence of the above body or a very strong mucilage seems proven. Pollen X 380. and infusion for coughs and bronchial affections. part of the juice of this plant with ten parts water.107 per cent. 1883. crystallizing from the latter on cooling. From the fact that a mixture of Pectin. due in this species. or any grade of incrusted eruptions. 1881) a proportion of from .. who has made reports in his " ti/iiiaria careful analyses of Inaugural Dissertation" (Dorpat. According to Wittstein it is a pale yellow. 329-334- May 13.. in var. tartrate of magnesium. with stitching and burning pains in the glans and scrotum. followed to the presence of characteristic violin. arvetisis. and venereal ulcers form stitchings are frequent in the urethra. Whole 2. Salicylic Acid.fiir Russland. 47°- t Low'g- . plant from Binghamton. and other general constituents of plants have been determined. This coloring-matter was discovered Violaqueritrin. both crystallizable and uncrystallizable. while its action the cat. has been but the flowers of Spij'ca . easily alkalies. and hot water. p. and itching. This property has given various uses to llola as an expectorant. symptom has been noted to some extent of its action is . to . fusible.^ (H^O)^. shiIs of potassium. extracts the acid pure. and inflammable at greater heat it dissolves slightly in water and alcohol. The most an offensive odor of the urine. stems and leaves. the eruption pours out a thin yellow fluid. rarely extracted f QH^ under < arvensis OH p^ it . however. ichorous and burrowing ulcers. Mandelin* soluble in by Karl forms a yellow crystalline mass. This acid. followed by breaking down of the tissues into either squamous spots.H^^Oo^. and zoster followed the exhibition of generous doses of this drug. bitter powder. 5. and the male sexual organs. 4. seems spent almost entirely upon the skin.043 per cent. like that of The pains caused by this drug are of a stitching character. pp. stinging. 1883. impetigo. 1884. insoluble in ether. Y. especially crustea lactea. emollient. and principally in tiie one roots. Bud showing 3. Zeit. Q. On the skin it causes burning. N. Sugar. in viola tricolor var. Description of Plate I.y^^f}. by urging to urinate with profuse discharge. He finds it in all parts of the fresh plant.27-3 Viola pcdata. . 28. HeLIANTHEMUM CANADENSE. .et pjnxt.Michx. nat.dei. . helios.* TOURN. H.) . difterentiable as follows staineiis indefinitely ova. bright crimson. ij. HOLLY ROSE. members are is represented in North characterized as follows anthftnon. 3-lobed. CISTUS CANADENSIS. LECHEA MAJOR. 2). the outer pair sometimes wanting petals very small or absent staviens Style columnar or absent. LINN.. SPACH. as the later form. H. petals 5. its a. Cistaceae. larger. Primary flowers axillary solitary. solitary or few-clustered upon short leafy branches sepals 5.— HE SEX. .v9tnov. branched. CORYMBOSUM.few-seeded. C. i -a. THE WHOLE A TINCTURE OF Description. Secondary flowers numerous. nearly with a glaucous. America by 3 — This small genera and * t family of low shrubs or herbs 1 7 species HXioj. Creticus. and sorts. MUXOGVNIA. SVST. : . Early Flowering Form (Fig. erosely marginate numerous. H. -celled..) HELIANTHEME DU CANADA.. MICHX. 3-valved capsule. SYN. pod minute. branching. sessile. PL.— P01. many-seeded Secondary /or/u: numerous. C. Leaves dark green. CANADISCHES SONNENROSCHEN. hoary. GENUS. . Later Flowering Form '. MICHAUXII. crumpled in the bud. Rock Rose is . small. S I ROCK ROSE. erect or ascending. Stems upright.t FROST -WORT. calyx hairy solitary. few or i 2 inches. C T U S. RAMULIFLORUM. covered pubescence.\ 28 LI A NTH EMU M. MICHX. : N. 6'^i'rt' somewhat Fruit capitate. RAMULIFLORUM. a native of Syria. HETERAMBRIS CANADENSIS. . large. NAMES. pedunculate.VNT peculiar plant grows to a height of from 6 to somewhat hairy at first simple. pjibescence stellate . Flowers of two oblong lanceolate. PURSH.VA\I)RI.te. triangular testa rough embryo incurved in the form of a hook or ring. light green. FROSTWEED. both diurnal. . purplish. downy (Fig. There are two very distinct forms of this species. fugacious. less Secondary flower-buds minute. .. fimbriolate. — ROCK ROSE. . . shining. Stem upright. . . SPACH. Capsule of primary flowers nearly twite as large Capsule of primary flowers smaller. ORD -CISTACE^. pod . (GER. — HELIANTHEMUM CANADENSB. Leaves ovate-lanceolate. Linn. 3. a flower. Leaves sessile or nearly fasciculate. ROSMARINIFOLIUM. : so. Primary foj-ni pubescent . LINN. COM. H. PURSH. the The true sun. stigma 3 to 10. POIR. Primary flowers terminal clustered. iFR. Slem —This HELIANTHEMUM CANADENSE. MICHX. obovate. axillary. FROST -PLANT. . it is poured into a well-stoppered bottle. . mostly entire. however.. the tincture. been made. the lower often opposite.). pressure and stitches charge in the internal ear. aphthous ulcerations. and of the salivary . ice project from the rents This plant has been long held many . C. has been much esteemed as a stimulant. . etc. The only other plant of this order used in medicine is the European Rock Rose [Gstus Creticus. of symptoms: Headache. ranges from Maine to Wisconsin and thence southward it habits sandy soils. i stipi- -celled each with a dissepiment attached to its median line and plaembryo long and slender. causes nausea and vomiting. Lam. and spicules of Frost-wort. such as diarrhoea. hypogynous filainents slender anthers and furnished with an apical orifice capsule . to our knowl- edge. Laurifolius. Linn. are said to yield the same substance. and as an emmenagogue. especially. where it History and Habitat. or curved . mostly indefinite. Ledon. 5. — Frost-wort is indigenous to North America. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. syphilis. fugacious. PART USED AND PREPARATION. cool place. — No analysis of this species has. — When taken in large doses the decoction Small doses persisted in cause the following train PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. ophthalmia. innate. those diseases in such persons which have seemed to need an astringent. albumen mealy. . style small .28-2 Leaves simple. . and astringent taste. — The whole fresh flowering plant is and weighed. and the like. valves 3 to cental at the axis. swelling and disand cervical glands swelling of the inner nose. would indicate a bitter principle. and the rest of the alcohol added. the two outer often smaller. Linn. or absent. Ovtdcs few or many. Ladanijcrous. After stirring the whole well. from which the natural exudation. or alterative. mouth. tonic. C. and branes. the three inner twisted in the bud. tate. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it. soreness. The preparation of the Eclectic Materia Medica is DccoctJiiii Hclianthciiu. distinct. however. The tincture. dryness. absent. and an acid reaction. Petals 3 to bract-like. straightish Seeds mostly orthotropous . Stamens an opposite direction to the sepals. and sneezing. and In early winter the bark near the root fissures. short. twisted in Fruit a or wanting. a gum resin called Ladanum. in the eyes. Linn. and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. 5. separated from the mass by pressing and filtering. Calyx persistent sepals 5. flowers from April to August. ulcers. and probably tannin. has a beautiful crimson color by transmitted light an odor resembling that of damp clover hay. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. bitterish. chopped and pounded to a pulp .. especially to mucous memC.. in repute as a remedy for scrofula and tor disorders arising in persons of strumous diatheses. the upper alternate stipules Flowers regular. a sourish. . and rawness of the tongue. this fact gave the plant its vulgarisms. Open 8. Seeds. Horizontal section of ovary. pains eruption . 7. fever. Secondary bud.) .28-3 and throat mae . August ist. (3-6 and 8-10 enlarged. Ovule. itching vesicular heat and resdessness. 2. 4. Section of seed. Late flowering form. Description ok Plate 1. 6. 10. with thirst and trembling during the diarrhoea . •'^alem. with primary flower. Mass. articular chilliness. 9. the chest. . Early flowering form. 28. 3. Primary flower-bud. June 15th. . fruit. 1885. Pistil and stamen. abdominal tlatulcncc in swelling and hardness of the mamdrawing and tearing pains. 1885. 5. . ' r f j^» 1|tinxt DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA.Linn. .iiinatiJel.. . and regular. loculicidal capsule . . or alternate. circinate in the bud. by a fringy stipules replaced fluid at its apex tuft of hairs. sundew has dewy . L.— DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. RED-ROT. DROSERA. i -celled erally distinct. Leaves clustered Flowers at the base of the scape. and spreading . i to from each root. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PLANT. the upper surface covered with red. SEX. embryo basal. petioles long. convolute in the bud. Ellis) has furnished material for the study of carnivority in plants * . arranged in 2 to 5 rows along the placentiferous median line of each valve.— ROUND -LEAVED SUNDEW. — Description. styles gene-rally upon the inner situated face of the club shaped 3.) RUNDBLATTRIGBR SONNBNTHAU. . YOUTH ROOT. only in sunshine. 29 GENUS. arllliform and chaffy. placenta thick at the base of the pod. testa loose. diurnal. marcescent petals. apex of Pod globular. Scapes naked. each fork. (FR. the Jponcpis. upon in this . corolla of 5 equal . ROTUND. SYST. extrorse. minute. also been experimented in allusion to the appearance of the leaves. This low. fusiform. . AND ROS SOLIS FOL. stemless. droseros. Flowers 5 to lo.* LINN. SUJ^DEW. tufted.— PENTANDRIA I'ENTAGVNIA. ROSEE DU . bifurcated or two-lobed.— DROSERA. Carolinian fly-trap {Dionea muscipula. SOLEIL.) DROSE'RE A FEUILLES RONDES. white. Droseraceae. ber the petals and alternate with them 3 to 5-valved. —The members of this small family of bog plants are known mainly by their being mostly clothed with gland-bearing hairs. hypogynous calyx composed of 5 equal and persistent sepals. undivided. SYN. . RAIL COM. Stamefis equaling in num- Styles 3 to 5 genFruit 3. 3—valved seeds numerous. glandular. opening 3 . unilateral. each bearing a pellucid globule of glutinous hairy. RORELLA ROTUNDIFOLIA. stigmas 6. at the apex. anthers innate. N. or merely a on each valve seeds numerous. deeply forked . The species under consideration is the only one used in medicine. at first circinate then nodding raceme which becomes gradually erect as the buds expand and fruits ripen thus each flower as it opens appears terminal. MOOR GRASS. the parts sometimes in sixes. setose hairs. L. anatropous albumen sarcous or cartilaginous. perennial herb is characterized as follows Leaves orbicular. petiolate. mflorescence a terminal. The North line . DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA.: ORD -DROSERACE^. NAMES. tGER. Petals oblong. and ulceration in asthma. and hold fast the extreme heate of the sun cannot con- as the best doth keep fast that the likewise. Med." recommend its use among them Schenck and Valentin. but sour Deemed pectoral in South America. it was supposed in the sixteenth century to be curative of consumption of this quality. A racenia. entire fresh plant gathered to a pulp. . II. biting qualitie. The alcohol. have tried only large doses. used in phthisis. 699. 217. II. and most common north." Geoffroi assertsf that its infusion is a valuable pectoral. Diet. be found Many asthma. though " food " appear to flourish better and ripen more the plants allowed insects as seeds than those deprived of that nourishment. The 917. where The previous uses of blossoms it this plant in . for freckles and sunburns. how" The later physitians have thought this herbe to be a rare ever. The sundew grows in dense sphagnum or sandy Its range here extends from Florida northward. in England and America. Gerarde says and singular remedie for all those that be in a consumption of the lungs. than those that abstained from it and have followed the right and ordinary course of diet. t Mtr. Flora. . so. fearing to kill their and have therefore rejected it.. it cannot be taken with safetie : for it hath also been observed that they have sooner perished that used the distilled water hereof. medicine have been but slight. PART USED AND PREPARATION. S. . success." preparations of Drosera are officinal either in the U. * Busgen.* reo-ard.. Hahnemann's in observations.. It makes milk solid. useful in pulmonary Rafinesque saysj the juice is used " to destroy warts and corns with milk. but without seems to have been taken with greater it practitioners who. Chem. and that the distilled water is not altogether without this . arising from bronchial attacks. advantage internally. . naturale and heate in men's bodies men thought that herewith the preserved and cherished. and reason showeth the contrarie for. cool place. and so sume and waste away same the for. 1884. Soc. thoroughly and pounded juice should then be mixed and allowed bottle in a dark. de M. in "different A and other diseases of the lungs. or Eclectic Materia Medica. p. p. liked in Sweden. Modern It and " fit summary Drosera No of all this practice may one of the most powerful was formerly used externally. enclosed in a piece of added to new in linen an equal part by weight of days in a well-stoppered to stand eight tincture separated from the more extended discussion of above mass by this subject will be found under Sar- . is But the use thereof doth otherwise teach. swamps in June and July. your. — History and Habitat. have not ventured upon giving patients. a sirup like bonyclabber.29-2 but as yet the results are far from proving it carnivorous per se. et de L. medical writers. : especially the distilled water thereof moisture and the dew. medicinal agents in our country. p. kinds" of coughs.—The July should be chopped and pressed out. according to custom. 19. is it internally. in cutaneous affections. seeing it is an extreme biting herbe. X Med. Ph. f Madder in alcohol in It sublimates at 215° due has plant is and acrid not. g Sarracenia purpurea. lustrous. (2i2°-248° and ether.|| the deemed poisonous was mostly supposed to be upon Dr. 4. it is The cough caused by spasmodic in its this contains food.. that in ness in man Burdach states the juice produces shuddering. 19.0/= (C. in brilliant red needles that are soluble in water.. pain in the bowels. ling in the larynx . Curie slowly poisoned three to post-mortem examination with the micro- scope revealed the pleural surface of both lungs studded with true tubercle. with the solitary glands of the colon and Peyer's patches.— Drosera animals. In one cat the mesenteric glands were much enlarged.) can determine... and present filtration an and an acid acrid. only slighdy corrosive.H. neutral containing three molecules of water. Description of Plate I.). N. . which mucous membrane of the intestinal tract. Drosera asserts altogether a peculiar action upon the lungs and. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. xx. translucent. raw- and drug arises from a ticknature and causes vomiting if the stomach the throat. Leaf hair. bronchial irritation and even phthisis.0 or This dioxyanthroquinone coloring matter was first discovered in root {Rubia titu/oria). sweat. diminished secretion of urine. Whole 29. astringent taste.§ PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 39. Pistil. July 21st. haemoptysis. cough.) * Grieb et Lieb. Horn. plant from Spruce Pond.. this may be has long been in the latter its action . 2. I which renders the water in is acid . f Schunck. in fact.29-3 should be opaque. especially sheep F. but the principle to which this property the glutinous secretion of the leaf hairs the loses at ioo°-i20° it (419° F. French Acad. 1884. C. 3. yellowish-red.„HP3 + H. sense of constriction at the chest.— ^/z>aW«. is Rafinesque states that a similar body to that the leaves of the pitcher-plant acid. in another the submaxillary glands. Y. % Rubianic acid. Stamen. British your. (Wittstein. cats with daily doses of the drug. diarrhoea. but fully in alcohol The and long. as a glucoside J It crystallizes from its solution Cj^HjgOJ. layers a reddish-brown color. thus leading us to value it deservingly in pertussis. as far as bitter prisms. (2-4 enlarged.). been investigated. where in fact it gives many a patient a restful night and more peaceful day when the disease is too far advanced for still greater benefit. II Sci. the whole respiratory tract. have in thin reaction. . 30. ad naf. ]'<A^ (p'm.dei. .et pinxt. Hypericum Perforatum. unn. . HEXEN. filainents filiform . . SVST. Stamens numerous. . deciduous. . HYPERICUM. . oblique.. VULGARB. hypogynous. The European Androscstnmn ^j/^m/rt/^. Seeds numerous. Calyx erect sepals lanceolate. 3-celled by the meeting Styles 3-divergent. * The ancient name. Inflorescoice cymose flowers regular. SEX. Pers. JOHN'S WORT. WHOLE PLANT HYPERICUM PERFOR. PSBUDOPERFORATUM.¥'S SYN. S^cm erect. yields a purgative juice. MILLS -PERTUIS. WITCHES' HERB. . COM. GKNLS.\TUM. containing in all . JOIf. to a height of a foot or more. capitate. leafy cyme floi^'ers numerous. dotted stipules none. and punctate with numerous scattered pellucid dots. KRAUT. united or clustered. for hydrophobia.ST. . nearly equal.\ r(»LV. JEAN.ORD-HYPERICACE^. .. alternate with the sepals. — This rapidly-spreading perennial grows LINN. and imbricated in the bud. of unknown derivation. A TINCTURE OF THE Description. anthers black- Fruit a globose-ovoid capsule. H. Leaves opposite. which is considered specific for syphilis by the natives the Brazilian H. Inflorescence in a dense. . NAMES. persistent. and some Russian species. dotted. somewhat two-edged. BERTOL. laxiuscidum.y elliptical to linear oblong. N. The only plants of this order used in general medicine are: The Isle of France Hypericum lanceolatum. persistent. WORT.\. All. bud. in 3 to 5 clusters .— H YPERICUM. i . Fruit a . used as an astringent in sore throat.. Petals . margins acute.\l>KI. — roLV. CHASSE DIABLE. -ST. . albumen none tegmen fleshy. usually c)'lindrical embryo dehiscence septicidal valves 2 to 5. //. Sepals 5. seeds pitted. connatum. greatly resembling gamboge. by 3 genera. convolute or imbricated in the 5. (FR. H. fi. obtuse. GOD'S WONDER PLANT. entire. black-dotted along the edges. and the Guiana P'isnia Guiancjisis. deep yellow. —This family of herbs or shrubs is represented in North America 39 species and 6 varieties.xed by the middle.\\[)KI.' 30 LINN.I'III.) HERBE ST. HARTHEU. and not furnished with interOvules anatropous styles posed glands anthers introrse. terminal. — HYPERICUM PERFORATUM. sometimes united at the base. ^GBR. .) 5-celled pod.xiteric straight . which are vaunted as cures considered ale. DEVIL'S SCOURGE. of the placentae in the axis Hypericaceae. Z^^r'^. stigmas hardly evident. is vulnerary . Petals twice as long as the sepals. unequal. BAUH. LINN. 2 to 5. . Stamens mostly numerous. much branched at the summit and producing many long runners from its base. Hypericum is mentioned by some of the earliest writers upon Materia Medica Paul of ^gina speaks of it as an emmenagogue. especially in Eclectic practice. John's Day. but is thrown aside by the so-called " regulars. and hypochondriasis. depending in great part upon its balsamic odor and property. it became in fact with them a /}/£n danwn7un. As tincture of arnica. Wood's Library. provoketh urine. in his Ha-ball : " S.—The and pounded is the nerves are involved to vous system what arnica is to the muscular. sician of at least three reader." medicine. and put into a glass with oyle olive. taken. it became noted as a diuretic." whose latest author (our contemporary. and then strained from these herbes. It is to the ner- In the Eclectic Materia Infnsinu Hypcrici." * Med. Johnson) . Hypericum is no longer officinal in the pharmacopoeias. the pulp bottle. One author of comparatively recent date considers 'the saturated tincture nearly as valuable as that of arnica for bruises. which is a most precious remedy for deep wounds and those that are thorow the body. fresh blossoming plant Then two is chopped parts by weight of alcohol are mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it. where its rapid and rank growth render it difficult to exterminate and very exIt flowers in July and August. Bet. pered one of the cases of injury to the cranium and PART USED AND PREPARATION. apart from the alco- of doubtful efficacy in these cases. any who and every homoeopathic phy- months' practice can attest to is Dr. hysteria. had ample in of Wort. astringent." Many column are reported benefited by spinal This. Gerarde says. and was gathered under this idea. and anti-hemorrhagic. flowers. History and Habitat. and is right good against stone in the bladder. naturaHzecl with us as to and as being desiccative_ and diuretic also as a vulnerary. especially on St. its preparation to a its : use . John's deductions " scientific ot The great use extent is Hypericum field to test it nerves yield nicely to in wounds where during the war. Dioscorides and others recommend its use as above. pulp and weighed. says:* "In scientific medicine it has become obsolete long ago. and fruits a little later. cool place. with his flowers and seed boyled and drunken. Among the more superstitious peasantry of Middle Europe the most astonishing virtues were assigned to the herb. and sunned in like manner. It was also supposed to be useful in mania. and seeds stamped. nervine. of North America." The popular and empirical uses of this plant were various. the above statement is does not tend to inspire faith in St. Lacerated wounds of parts rich " alcohol added. or any wound with a venomed weapon. says this drug. Galen. Franklin. Dec. Medica my the rightful discovery of the true science of medicine.30-2 —This European immigrant has become so thoroughly become a very troublesome weed upon our farm-lands. as a febrifuge and anthelmintic. pour it into a closely-stopand let it stand eight days in a dark. its merits. doth make an oyle of the colour of blood. however. and stoppeth the laske. Later on. for sinews that are pricked. hausting to the soil. The leaves. . and the rest of the After having stirred the whole well. etc' hol which it contains. John's Wort. 1884. and set in the hot sunne for certain weeks together. Dr. and the like quantity of new put In. . almost opaque gent vinous taste . is one of the most This oils. Leaf. weakness.. Description of Plate I and 2. 232." which does not appear as a result in the analyses of Blairf or Buchner. separated son color. Med. N. if essential A resin. however. . and the usual plant constituents. . N.30-3 The from tincture. mass by this filtration. principle. . S. hacking cough increased heart's action numbness. and throbbing dilation of the pupils nausea profuse urination dry. Y. t ^'". Whole ..— The compiled results of the ingestion of this Mental depression and exhaustion vertigo and confusion of the head with pain. (3-6 enlarged. have also been determined. i. . . heat. 18S5. xi. an odor resembling that of port wine and an acid reaction. .. . Pistil. .— (9A7/W and ciples of the plant. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 30. July 7th. This body Hypcria. drug are in substance as follows : . Tannin. Petal. 3 and 4. 23. oil The Tilden not the active. Bingliamton. CHEMICAL OONSITUENTS. plant. active. Section of ovary. 6.) Jour. .Jour. Mat. . and trembling of the legs tearing pains in the upper extremities great weakness and prostration fuzzy feeling of the hands restless sleep shiverings and coldness of the body followed by dry heat.. . is analysis''' yields a " Bitter jjrinciple. It a slightly astrin- a product of is gives a beautiful red doubdess one of the active prinacrid and slighdy bitter. S. the apparently black dots upon the petals and color to alcohol should have a deep crim- fruits. Stamens. . 7. 5. P/inr. . Linn .etpinxt. AGROSTEMMA GiTHAGO.natdei. . '^M. the . .— ORD -CARYOPHYLLACE^. . GENUS— LYCHNIS. AGROSTEMMA GITHAGO. muricately roughened in longitudinal concentric curved lines from the hilum. they are sometimes deeply notched. rarely number with one by cohesion. . Stamens 10. SYST. SYN.t LINN. the name of certain black aromatic grains. petals. . and naked as regards bracts lobes 5. styles 2 to * 5. persistent. and in a few species CaryophyllacesB. . SEX. acute. lychnos. 4.) GEMEINE RADE. Romans in cookery. Description.— DECANDRIA I'ENTAGVNIA. in many species equal in carpels. A TINCTURE OF THE RIPE SEEDS OF LYCHNIS GITHAGO. the latter clawless. Injloi'escence solitary. leaves linear-lanceolate. composed of from 2 to 5 confluent split through their whole length. pubescent annual. shorter than the lobes of the calyx. sometimes monadelphous at the base. inserted upon the peduncle of the ovary. seeds numerous. pubescent. Flowers symmetrical.). Petals obovate. L. LAM. Linn. axillary and terminal. to a dichotomous.— CORN COCKLE. Stems usually enlarged at the nodes upper sometimes 5-merous sepals 4 to 5. AGROSTEMMA GITHAGO. reniform. anthers versatile or innate. filaments subulate. . L'IVRAIE (GBR. Ovary generally gynophorous. (FR. inserted witli the petals upon the peduncle of the ovary. deciduous. linear-lanceolate. foliaceous. crownless. a pernicious emigrant. continuous with the peduncle petals 4 to 5 or none. Calyx cylindrical-campanulate. velvety black.-SILENE^. emarginate. Stamens not more than twice the number of the the sepals and opposite them. less styles 5. N. and bear little resemblance to those of the cockle except in size and color. COCKLE OR COCKEL. filiform. COM. Ovary stipe- Fruit a i-celled coriacious capsule. leaves opposite. These f Git or gith. \vhich were employed by the grains are the seeds of the European fennel flower (A'4r//« sativa. CORM COCKLE. ROSE CAMPION.— LYCHNIS GITHAGO. from the use of the cottony substance on the leaves of some spices in lieu of wicks. heig-ht of from i —This to softly ^ feet. . KORN RADE. a lamp. sometimes simply emarginate. . . 31 Tribe. slender-clawed. long-peduncled flowers. introrse. opening longitudinally. stigmatic down the inner hixnoi.) LA NIELLE DES BLE'S. often united at the base. grows Stem erect. hypogynous or perigynous. NAMES.* TOURN. 2-celled. the former unguiculate. distinct or cohering. entire. covered with a whitish cottony down stipules none pubescence consisting of long appressed cilia. or rarely 4. opening by 8 or 10 teeth. Dianthus nearly straight The albumen farinaceous. .ful in epilepsy. or in pylotropous .«.«/«. coarse powder and weighed. Linn. The plants in which this prinprinciple saponin found in ciple exists are syphilis and of its species. History and Habitat. Linn. the base of the central placenta. similar affections ciple of sarsaparilla. light bistre color by transmitted light its odor is strangely similar to the taste of the sweet acorn its taste like its odor. . and the Spanish fleshyleaved Gypsophila [Gypsophila Struthiiim. is thus mixing well with the grain. Dianthus pluniarius. . but all have fallen into disuse. viz. I -celled free dehiscence loculicidal.: the European soapwort [Saponaria officinalis. inserted teeth as there are styles. Then five parts . shaking thoroughly twice a day. The seeds are so small that they are only with and when left and ground with the wheat render the resulting dark-colored. but especially deemed nearly equal to Sarsaparilla as cleansers when the skin is involved pai'illin.). The tincture separated from this mass by filtration should be of a clear. . This substance is detergent and often used alone and in the composition of soap. It is obtained by extracting with alcohol of 40 per cent. and in some cases poisonous.). p. ^^ro^/^. * Barton Collections. being similar in its properties to saponin. in a dark. bitter. and by precipitating with calcined 5-valved and -celled. usefulness of this family of many more or less mild plants lies mostly in the prominent in two.* Many species of pinks (Dianthus) were formerly used and esteemed as astringents and sudorifics. grain from Europe. PART USED AND PREPARATION. vol.). or .— The ripe. — — CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. dried seeds are broken into a by weight of alcohol are poured upon the powder.. or more commonly by the wasting away of the dissepiments. the genus Silene are considered to be anthelmintics. their petals now only being utilized as a coloring matter for ointments and perfumes. Linn. upon. which Wittstein says is an "alkaloid alleged to exist in the seeds of Lychnis Githago. and also somewhat acrid and its reaction strongly acid. cool place. 39. It results as yellowish-white. 31-2 Fruit a coriaceous capsule. of the blood in the active prin- Several species of some measure of success having followed the use of the Fire pink (Silene Virginiaca. i. into twice as many more commonly terminal by the splitting of the apex Seeds generally indefinite. as will be difficulty separated. and clustered about. and field of wheat. and the whole allowed to stand eight days in a well-stoppered bottle. placenta central and generally face. us(. 2. amphitropous or camembryo external to the albumen and generally coiled around it. containing acetic acid. I am unable to find the authority for this body. It — The cockle was introduced into this country with very seldom to be found growing elsewhere than in a blossoms and ripens its seed in good season for the harvest. and one species. flour noted hereafter. unwholesome. The precipitate to be treated with alcohol and left to crystallize. and slower hot skin tearing along the spine with impaired locomotion. (14^ oz. (2 and 3 enlarged. hard. caused severe cramps in the stomach within an hour. N. p. Seed. being intentionally ground with the wheat. extending along the oesophagus. Jour. Phar. Phanii. Pure Mat. not even the young chicks will pick up a single seed. . and show post-mortem severe inflammation of the bowels. Flower. End 2. and difficulty in maintaining an erect position. Aesculus Hippocastanum.. page 43-4. 1S79. . vol." under described saponin. but suffer death as above. administered to two calves. 1879. of these seeds. of a flowering branch. 18S0. 31-3 minute by heat and slowly soluble scales. p. from the stomach into the throat cutting pains in the stomach diarrhoea. June 13th.* In feeding my chickens " wheat screenings " I have often noted that they always carefully avoid the cockle seeds. . fusible and yields alkaline reaction Githagin. i. Pistil.f they were observed from eating bread made of flour contaminated by cockle seed Coma. sour and bitter vomiting burning.. in some cases vertigo headache with a sensation of heat and burning rising into the vertex mouth hot and dry nausea. The following symptoms are noted by Dr. It has a perceptibly crystallizable salts with acids. Med. Allen . Description of Plate 31. Ducks and geese will eat of the seeds. 3. p. with tenesmus and burning in the bowels and rectum pulse at first small and rapid. . 1... 129. Y. and finally death. d. t Ency. — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION The seeds of the cockle are said to be frequendy allowed to adulterate the cheaper grades of flour in France.) lots of wheat flour. : . Ithaca.) * Ant. — Specific in water. from Arch. then tense. . . . Two 500 gram. .. containing respectively 30 and 45 per cent. 132. . These symptoms class the seeds among the cerebro-spinal irritants. followed by diarrhoea. X 25. 4. . Geranium Maculatum Unn. iilnatdei.etpinxt. 41^1 / r 1/ 4 ^m. .32. . — G 32 R A N E I U M. from one to two sometimes three flowered flowers large and showy.\. furnished each with a basal gland filaments slightly hairy at the base \ fect on able in the filaments. COM. N. Flwrkca. Impaticns and Tropceohim. Leaves: of two kinds those from the root. (GER. Stamens 10. (Exc. mostly convolute in the bud.) S:ecls all GERANIACE. — This order. cuspidate. STORKBILL. Inflorescence a terminal open panicle. SYN.— WILD GERANIUM OR CRANESBILL. . Rutacecv.) Cotyledons convolute. Petals equal. viz. Calyx of 5 persistent sepals. hair)'. CROWFOOT. grows to a height of from one one and a half feet.) bud.) BEC DE GRUB. smooth the fruit after their cleavage from the axis. : * Tifa ot.^. SEX.ORD. separate.— MONADKI.j 5-carpelcd. the carpels opening by the curling back of the drying persistent styles seeds destitute of albumen.geranos. and . Root somewhat woody. the styles bearing resemblance to a crane's I More applicable froin usage to the Raniiniula!. Limnanthcs. TORMENTIL.) GEFLECKTBR STORCHSNABEL. the specific name. Pelargonitmi. having as- tringent roots . leaves when . a crane. long petioled. It contains in the more northern United States Erodiuni. entire. opposite all generally 5-parted. filaments broad and united at the base. mens inside. Stem erect. unequal. GENUS. old become somewhat blotched with whence whitish-green. GERANIUM MACULATUM. LINN. persistent. having a position between Zygophyllaccce and characterized by generally strong-scented herbs or shrubs. furnished with claws. in botanical history. SPOTTED GERANIUM OR CRANESBILL. hairy. bill. villous. is . the longer 5 alternate with the petals. This erect perennial. Impatiens.-GERANIACE^. the cuneate divisions lobed and cut at.— GERANIUM MACULATUM. Oxalis.. each carpel containing from i to 2 seeds. hairy herb. NAMES. ^:'«. (FR. those of the stem.\ UL:CANDRI. anthers per- (This is notice- minutely reticulate. stigmas 5. the end. This is one of those orders that are often broken up into smaller ones then recombined. Sepals equal. and usually lobed flowers symmetrical. in . styles 5. the outer often sterile. Geranium.SYST. imbricated in the leaves palmately veined (Exc. Style terminal. pedicels ?Lho\\X. bearded upon the claw.* LINN. statwo rows. one inch long. and the following genera Oxalis. and plicate with each other. The to . connected about an axis. forking. — Description. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH AUTUMNAL ROOT OF GERANIUM MACULATUM LINN. persistent.riII. . Stipules lanceolate. introduced from the Cape 10.t ALUM-ROOT. . to which belong our cultivated geraniums. corolla of 5 petals. There are two particularly interesting genera besides the above. WILD GERAJsriUM. I'amrapo.^ better . p. I l)y usinij p. Staff N. flowering from April to July. K. 32-2 of Good Hope..xuriantly in our open woods and new clearings. containing the our only proven plants are the one under consideration and Oxalis this stricta. 171. Med. a "peculiar crystalline principle. with a portion of the stem * Author's proving. Col. passive hemorrhage. cynanche aphthae. starch. attended with but fruitless doses Geranium causes constipa- attempts at evacuation and bowels. If at should be studied in this connection. should Iw p.Am. Tropceo'. Sac. oral uses of a decoction of fact the etc. dilute alcohol. t .-j- analysis by Dr. Phil. and Shoepf. leucorrhoea. but does not deposit made over has been three years. which Description of Plate I. 3. an oleo-resin soluble in ether. Coellen." which does not seem. Exlractum Geranii Fluidnm. Whole plant (once reduced). 22. See Trans. fresh root. the pulp to a Gcraiiii. from that of Acidiun Tannicum. and exhaustive discharges of all kinds. 1S79. and tenesmus when a stool be seen to so far differ but slightly. Jour. rated Staples' determination of tannin The gallic acid In in his : Dr. the root have been great wherever an astringent or styptic Geranium root and in is officinal the Eclectic Materia the U. the other in ether. Pilar. at least filtration. Then two pulp and weighed. beside the above. — In moderate tion.. 21st. and the usual plant constituents. i. sugar. The tincture prepared from this brown color by reaction. . — The chopped and pounded hol are taken. and oallic acid. removed 2. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Tilden (1863) J determined beside the above tivo resins.* — History and Habitat. in stool odorless. The wild geranium grows lu. 1863. gum. some pain Flower. XIX. . Pilar. in seemed to be required. is parts by weight of alco- it and the it. and Of garden nasturtium. 5. method of preparing X . Messrs. the alcohol added. The American Aborigines value the root of this plant as an astringent in looseness of the bowels. N. mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of After having stirred the whole well. .um. so. Horn. and a strong acid standing. although CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. cool place. action will May and calyx.. Ovary. Vol. Jaitr. the tincture. J. pectin. Bigelow in 1833 corrobo- quite large percentage. one soluble in alcohol. Ph. 1S84. so far.. the stomach Its 32. hands differed somewhat Irom that body as extracted from galls. and allowed to stand eight days In a dark.— An it taste. order Linn. rest of should be poured into a well-stoppered bottle. to have been analysed or even corroborated. Fruit (once reduced). is gained all. Pistil 4. and recommended as a remedy in the second stages of dysentery and cholera infantum. tonsillaris. Staples (i8:29)§ detected. gathered in autumn. as in Medica as Extracliini PART USED AND PREPARATION. 136. S.. muddy on long This tincture becomes mine has not yet done mass by shoukl have a deep reddish- a bweet and astringent transrtiitted light. it was thus brought forward by Colden. adnatdeletpinxt XaNTHOXYLUM AmERICANUM.^Xa. . Mill. . (Not MICHX. polygamo-dioecious. . escence sessile floivers yellowish-green. and generally arranged in pairs beneath the axils of the younger branches leaves alternate. pinnately compound leaflets 4 to 5 pairs and an odd one.? SUTERBERRY.l. pellucid-dotted and rich in a pungent or bitter and aromatic oil stipules none. N. 2-valved pods seeds oval. Calyx none. SYN.-. MICHX. SVST. FRAXINIFOLIUM. HOOK. TRICARPUM. (. Leaves simple or compund.— DI()i:CI. % xanthos. one to each pod. AND MITE.* GOLDEN. Raf. branches alternate. .). RAP. WILLD. gland-like ovaries. XANTHOXYLUM. Inflor. entire or glandularly serrate. triangular. X. CLAVA-HERCULIS. oblong. PELLITORY. ORD. Flowers by abortion dioecious . similar to those of the rose bush. Baj-k grayish. acute. NAMES. Fruit reddish-green. styles exserted. Petals 5. Stamens 5. sterile flowers with rudimentary.-RUTACE^. A large family of herbs. and slighdy with a like spread of banches.-v).t TOOTHACHE TREE. Lam. short-stalked. MILL. COM. MARSH. X. —This well-known shrub grows to a height of from 3 to 8 feet.— X A N T H O X Y L U M . — XANTHOXYLUM AMERICANUM. . fleshy. \i\ov. anthers innate. FRAXINBUM.t YELLOW WOOD. D. Description. 33 KNUS. ovate-oblong. 1| A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH B. slightly similar effects. Linn. (Not LINN. smooth. exserted. shrubs and trees inhabiting chiefly the Southern hemisphere. yellow . the under surface downy when young. alternate with the petals celled. Pistils 3 or 5 . * Sa^fliS. petiole often prickly on the upper side. so often confounded with the prickly ash from its II ttosa. The true Pellilories are the African Anacycltis pyrtlhrum. and inserted upon the torus. (AraliaceDe). celled. J The true yellow-wood with us is Cladrastris The true Angelica tree. and various European and the American species of the genus Parietaria (Urticacecv). nearly sessile. . umbellate clusters axillary to the yet undeveloped branchlets appearing before the leaves pei-fect floivers with 3 pistils. 4somewhat intertwined. Ovaries distinct ior sometimes united at the apex stigfnas capitate or obtuse.— NORTHERN PRICKLY ASH. xylon. THYLAX FRAXINEUM. X. f The Southern Prickly Ash is X Caroliiiianum. warty. — Rutaceae. sagittate. LAM. wood. blackish. beset with short. . slender.. pitted. . (GER. sharp prickles. MILL. X. . X. (Leguminosx). fertile floiuers with 5 fruiting pistils.. RAMIFLORUM.) PRBNE E'PINEAUX. PRICKLY ASH. tinctoria. C. (Not WALT.\RK OF XANTHOXYLUM AMERICANUM. SEX.\ TENTANDKIA. with a glandularly fibrillate border and somewhat inflated base. is Aralia spi- . white maculate.) ZAHNWEHOLZ. blunt. abortive. (Composit. suspended. ) . ANGELICA TREE (FR. connivant. Hil. and the lesser species B.z. Pterota. contains. of the same country the powerful diaphoretic Jaborandi {Pilocarpus pennatifalius. or wanting Stamens as many as the sepals 5. Linn. beside the typical Rutacese. Three other species are found in the South United States.). D. supposed to be a general antidote for all poisons by the natives the West Indian X..). Linn. betulina. or rarely numerous filaments arising from the base of the gynophore. the Indian Toddalia aculeata.2i\\ of St.). astringent tonics Brucea Sumatrana. C. Lam. cous./ebriftiga. the formerly sepa- and Aurantiaceae. Caribceum. Alatum. capsular. Lam. Xanthoxylum was an . said to be made into Xan- Lastly. Risso. Roxb. Ticorea jasminifolia.) the Ltmiina. or lemon. and B. . . 33-2 or polygamous.. and . the and the Japanese X.). even when the ovaries are separate. Correa. anatropous and pendulus testa smooth.x\d. Angustura vera). Risso. of which we have an excellent proving the European Rue {Ruta graveolens. : . Carolinianum. antidysenterica. a laxative preserve. Roxb. wild state growing its Limes {Citrus acida. gynophorus or raised on a glandular torus styles Fruit mostly generally united or cohering. or a pleasant refrigerant drink. the source of the Oil of Bergamot {Citrus Bergamina.. . {X. viz. the former and Xanthoxylum treated of here. C. in C. where we find the following well-known fruits: the Bitter or Saville Orange {Citrus Vulgaris. sometimes drupaceous.) .. Linn. Willd. . shiny. X. separate or combined into a compound ovary of as many cells. and C. lanceolata. root T. either a variety of the orange. which cannot be said to be ever found in a really wild state. also prominent in our Materia Medica.). serratifolia. the mountainous northern district of India Indian astringent Bael {Aegle Marmelos. Mill. & W. supposed to be rate families Xanthoxylacese plants icinal . Next our attention is brought to the Auraiiticccs. H. . . Lam. the following Xanthoxylum Avicenne. the Citron {Citrus Medica. Hil. Risso. Hook.. generally enclosing the This large order now embryo cotyledons oval.) and X... — History and Habitat. curved or straight albumen sar. the and finally the Marmelos. . The northern prickly ash is common in localities only. Pers. including thus many valuable medand pleasant fruits. twice as many. Linn. Floridanum. or crustaceous embryo large. B. . where it flowers in April and May. usually regular and hypogynous. D. Pistils 2 to 5.K. before the appearance of the leaves. Linn. and the Abyssinian B. the Bengalese A'. flat. Roxb. convolutely inbricated in the bud. Limetta. the latest addition to the order. or a hybrid Risso. supposed to be the original of the Sweet or China Orange {Citrus Aurantium.B. Clava-Herculis. calyx of 3 to 5 sepals. . piperita. Lam. T. Clava-Herculis. petals 3 to and alternate with them..).). among them are the following more or less prominent: The Central American Carony or Angustura bark {Galipea Cusparea. Cra'. Linn. throughout the northern portion of the Eastern United States. the famed Buchu of the Cape of Good Hope {Barosma crenulata. and the African sub-astringent Lopez- thoxylacece yield us beside Ptelea stimulants : the Chinese . the following febrifuges the ^rdizWidin Evodia febrifuga. : . . St.. and baccate seeds few. and the European Bastard Dittany {Dictamnus /raxinella. . article of American aboriginal medicine called Hantola . Nutt.) X. {X. .cEva ripe fruit of which is known as the Bengal Quince.). Med." Fhiidum and in the Eclectic Materia Medica its preparations are: Enema Xanthoxyli. . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. and repeated hourly. cool place.. Med. would reply to prickly-ash berries superior to any other form of medication. S. 115. . p. speedy mitigation of the pain followed. March. and the same amount used The action is usually prompt and permanent. both in the treatment of tympanitis. Prickly Ash bark. for this disease a pint a day is taken of a decoction of one ounce of the bark boiled in a quart of water. of typhoid questions. A decoction of the bark is dia-. upon chewing the bark for relief of toothache.\ PART USED AND PREPARATION. and Hydro-alcoholic Extract of Podophyllum. Wild Cherry bark. pneumonia in and manifest considerable attention. Staples from the bark. has been determined to be berberin. only to have the toothache return when the irritabark had left the mucous membranes. typhoid pneumonia. Molasses. Tinciura Xanthoxyli Prickly ash is officinal in the U. Seneca Snake-root. says :f "In tympanitis one half to one drachm of the tincture may be given per ons. 9. covered in fresh bark. and so painful finally in the tribes gonorrhoea.— . \ See under Berberis.* From personal experience one day in the woods while botanizing. Dr. Its speedy relief of rheumatism is said to occur only when it causes free perspiration. Whiskey. yellowishgreen color by transmitted light it retains the peculiar odor and taste of the bark.. being shaken twice a day. to be so immediately benefited that the patients who. 33-3 Western used principally the bark of the root in decoction. though the sensation of the acrid bark was nearly or fully as unpleasant as the ache. during 1S49 and 1850. distention of the bowels during peritonitis. and so named. Tansy. and rheumatism . In typhus fever. in a little sweetened water. it was much employed by our (Eclectic) physicians in Cincinnati. and exhibits an acid reaction. — The root. a few minutes before. and ultimately recover. abandoned its use. I am compelled to say that I consider the tincture of I have known cases which the patients were so low that all prospect of recovery was despaired of. S.Yrt«/'//fl-t:j'//«. is ground to a pulp.. Oleoresina Xanthoxyli . who introduced the use of this drug in Cincinnati in 1849. X Tamarac bark. as Extractuin Xanthoxyli Tinctura Laricis Composita. of Mat. I found that. and with great success . 1861.. together with that of the a well-stoppered bottle with two parts by weight of alcohol. Ph. . 1856. N.. extracted by Dr. Ill.\ * Rafinesque. chewed for aching teeth and made into a poultice with bears grease and applied to ulcers and sores. 16-2. ExtracUun Xanthoxyli Fluidimi . Vol. t Co//f^e Jour. and allowed to stand eight days in a dark.. It is a powerful stimulant to healing wounds or indolent ulcerations.y Miller in The Jour.• it acted like electricity. as an enema. This body. Flora. and in Asiatic cholera. Juniper berries. were unable to notice anything around them. for colics. Its action upon the salivary glands causes in time almost as full ptyalism as mercury. King. phoretic and excites secretion generally. so sudden and diffusive was its influence over the system. The tincture separated from this mass by filtration has a clear. 2. p. and itself that I tion of the typhoid conditions generally. In Asiatic cholera. quoted l. 5. taken all in all. of fruiting brancli. Longitudinal section of a tri-pistillate flower. N. End 33. Some idea of its probable conabove might be gained from those of Xanthoxylum piperi- stituents other than the tum. 4-5.^ (266° F. Cj„ volatile oil. may be Q^ H. at least a stimulant of mucous surfaces and of action. (2-5 enlarged.). — Although we drug by Dr. extracted after the have a quite hardly sufficient to determine its full proving of this physiological sphere The drug proves. 2. aromatic. Hj. resin This plant has not been carefully analyzed. of a flowering branch. It oil is and ether. Binghamton. p.). silky. Xanthoxylin.. soluble in alcohol tilize This crystallizable product of the volatile Og.: 33-4 — — probably also containing resin and extractive is a dark Oil of Xanlhoxyhim brown.- Description of Plate I. S.. Emj. appears quite like that of Mezereum. and the principles in the all have also been determined. 169. pungent. . and vola- supra.) PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.. aromatic. X. is the colorless watery liquid part of the has a pleasant aromatic odor. it boils at t62° (324° F. Its action. End 3.. attendant secretory glands by an irritant action upon the nerves. Mat.) * Allen. Sterile flower. Fertile flowers. oil freed from Xanthoxylene by distillation at crystallizes in large. forms. The crystals fuse at 80° (176° temperatures undecomposed at higher {et Cullis. neutral. which contains Xanthoxylen or Xantlwxylene. colorless. in the An etherial oil of the bark is obtainable. answering berries by W. Merrell. warm. to the above though. Med. Y.. Pure. found in about 25 per cent. however. Volatile oil bark. IViifsfein. May Sth. simply an extract containing it is. turbid body. 1S84.). and great refracting power It . .* it is which 1 30° klinorhombic F. C. adnaf.Li .del. Ptelea Trifoliata.etpinxt.^Tll. . SVST. . being lost there. especially useful fruits. ovate. COM. and among rocks. the sterile in the fertile the female. Ovary Fruit a large. . the bark of the root as an excellent stimulant. imbricated Stamens as many as the petals and alternate with them filaments flowers long. iGER. VITICIFOLIA. /ca/fe^s sessile growth of from 6 attains a LINN. —The Wafer Ash is indigenous to North America. dilated. NAMES. greenish-white. in both kinds of flowers. present 2-celled style short or . expectorant tonic * Ilrau. usually 4. Leaves or very slightly petiolulate. Rafinesque first introduced the plant in American medical literature in his work on Medical Botany. anthers larger. their odor disagreeable. dense. Sepals 3 to 5. hiflorescence in compound lateral and terminal cymes. much shining green above. WINGSEED. somewhat deltoid. Schoepf gives the same in substance and Merat and De Lens speak of the fruit Howard speaks of as aromatic and bitter. seed somewhat History and Habitat. 2-lobed.— TETKAXDRIA MUNDGVNIA. polygamous. Petals 3 to 5. spreading. usually 4.— WAFER ASH. SEX. . globular cluster of nearly orbicular.i ORME DE SAMAIRE A TROIS FEUILLES. the terminal more or less wedge-shaped and contracted at the base. Description. HOP TREE. STINKING ASH. ORD -RUTACE^.. to fly: the Greek name of the elm. It grows in moist.N. SALISB. alluding to the winged . floivers numerous. TREE TREFOIL. 1830. ptao. on the borders of woods. WAFER ASH. shady places. ing in June at the northern range. rang- ing from Pennsylvania westward to Wisconsin and southward to Florida and Texas. but sterile wanting. SHRUBBY TREFOIL. LINN. PICKAWAY(FR. . pale and shorter than the petals. in in in the bud. SWAMP DOGWOOD.* LINN. pointed. AMYRIS ELEMIFOLIA. flowerThe plant was sent to England for cultivation in 1704 by Bannister. all more or less crenulate. triangularly compressed. LINN. SYN. reticulate-veined samaras .. PTELEA. P.\ TRIFOLIATA. .\ TINCTURE OF THE BARK OF PTELE. dark somewhat downy beneath.) DRIBLATTRIGE LEDERBAUM. —This peculiar shrub long petioled. but. 34 GENUS— PTELEA. membranaceous. and hairy at the base shorter than the ovary . 2-seeded. to 8 feet.— PTELEA TRIFOLIATA. speaking of the leaves as vulnerary and vermifuge. trifoliate. Catesby reinforced their gardens from Carolina twenty years later. stigma capitate. and an affirmed substitute for hops. and chronic rheumatism. — The M.% but no tannin. The . : . Section of 8. especially its use became general. a bitter odor. analysis of G. E. tannic tasteless resin. tongue sore. intermittent fever. syphilis. fever. Seed.. Description of Plate 2. frontal . 34. phthisis. According to Justin Speer. M. is after the treated as in the preceding filtration. the determination of albumen. a brittle. Samara. gathered fresh but before the leaves begin to fade. Smyserf resulted in and gallic acids. 7. with pressure in the stomach as of a stone griping colic.) * Eclectic Practice. % Ibid. tincture. 4. Jour. great urging followed by copious diarrhoeic stools. for a variety of troubles. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Hale's provings of this drug upon number of observers. . 1867. Stamen. Fruiting branch. glandular degeneration in general. 1862. — a PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. separated by pressure and bark. bitter extractive. especially in Eclectic practice. Following these. an extremely bitter taste . (1-4 and 7-8 enlarged. Infu- PtelccB Oleo-resmece. yellow-coated. f Am." the following disturbances occurred " depression and confusion . 5. 1. — The fruit is drug. dyspepsia. scrofula. . has a brownish orange color by transmitted light.. heart's action increased general restlessness and prostration. Anther. 6. chronic diarrhoea. Male flower. 15-2. and Exti-actum PtelecB Hydro-alcoholicum : PART USED AND PREPARATION. I See p.. In Dr. ripe. ptyalism voracious appetite nausea. The Eclectic preparations are siim Ptclece . sion. and an acid reaction. followed by chilliness and I grain to a scruple of Ptelein. Female flower. 3. epilepsy. urine increased. Jones* speaks of the plant as "a pure unirritating tonic" in cold infuadapted to convalescence after debilitating fevers. who took from 30 to 500 drops of the tincture.| the root-bark contains a crystalline yellow coloring-matter. and a soft acrid resin. Phar. 34-2 in ao^ues. and from Mental headache vertigo contraction of the pupil aural pains with swelling of the lymphatics. especially asthma. fruit. . . and berberina. oleo-resin. '3 InatdeI.etpinxt 7 AlLANTHUS GlANDULOSUS. ^d . Desf. . being derived from a Moluccian species called Ailanlo. somewhat twisted. petioles i to 2 feet long. TREE OF HEA VEjY. (FR.t (GER. columnar. capsular or keyed . cotylcdoiis thick. Corolla deciduous. —This tree.). to 5. stigma capitate. SEX. floiL'srs . DESP. grows beautiful in this . cell . . heavy and glossy.-SIMARUBE/E. t Also used to designate Rhus vernix. AILANTUS.) GOTTERBAUM. GENUS. Stamens as many or twice as many as the petals filaments inserted upon an hypogynous Simarubaceae. inserted under an hypogynous disk.* DKSF. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH BARK AND FLOWERS OF AILANTHUS GLANDULOSUS. hastate. 35 Tribe. Ovary 5-lobed style columnar. hypogynous. resented in North America by 7 : . twisted in aestivation petals 4 to 5. excepting the one under consideration. SYN. style se:ds pendu- lous. ovules suspended. are : the tropical-American * The nanae should be spelled. linear-oblong. TILLOW TREE. CHINESE AILANTHUS. Ailantiis. tectJi glandu- terminal thyrsoid panicles. pinnately-compound of the order are as follows Bark bitter. odd pinnately compound. like satin. Aubl. Calyx 5-toothed. superior. . Calyx persistent.— MONtP:CI. anthers 2-celled. The characteristics Leaves alternate. and the SouthAmerican Quassia or Dysentery-bark [Simarouba amara. rendering them upon the under lar somewhat Inflorescence in large surface. I -seeded samaras. greenish. Planch). which so much resembles an overo-rovvn country to a height of from 30 to 60 feet Sfem erect. Ovary composed of 4 disk. radiately 5-lobed. SY. i in each as the petals. VERNIS DES JAPON. Fruit composed of from 2 to 5 long. is repgenera of i species each. pointed. Carpels 2-valved. . CHINESE SUMACH.— TREE OF HEAVEN. The only proven plants of this order. — A LA I NTH US. with two blunt teeth at the base. Description. Leaves long. thin. Flozvers hermaphrodite or unisexual. Petals 5. I -celled. DESF. dioeciously-polygamous. albumen none. Cedron [Sitttaba Cedron. —This small family of mostly tropical trees and shrubs. much branched zoood hard. filaments inflated and hairy at the base.ORD-SIMARUBACE/E. the bark of which was once a noted remedy in dysentery. NAMES. radicle short.i AILANTE. as various.^AILANTHUS GLANDULOSUS. COM. N.ST.\ I'OLVGAMIA. staghorn sumach. veiny. sepals^ stipules none. leaflets oblong. Stamens 10. to 5 lobes many . under this new idea the tree became a great favorite in cities and large towns. D>. are chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. Hetet* efficacious in the removal of tapeworm. it not store the flowering season? which so up the Certainly the staminate flowers smell bad enough to lay any disease to their emanations. The bark has been employed by Roberts and others. wood bitter tonic in the — History and Habitat. the pulp mixed thor* your. and the young bark. died a natural death. and found to be emetic. especially as its growth was rapid and its included this in .. and antiperiodic the Brazilian Simarouha versicolor. Hil. The cost of production of from their culture is said to be about one-fourth that of mulberry silk.. The bark of the tree was experimented with in France about the year 1859. anthelmintic. and soon grew later on it in public favor as an ornamental tree for lawns. and tlirived well about the year 1800 it was brought to this country. employed as a not attack the and the Indian Nima North of India. . bitter that insects will Hamilt. is a native of China. of several severe epidemics. set people thinking fully — might absorbs poison. especially in the larger cities. Another vote for its preservation lay in the fact that the tree afforded material for a silkworm [Attaciis Cynthia. The Ailanthus tree was introduced into England in the year 1751. as a remedy for dysentery and diarrhoea. and as an injection in gonorrhoea and leucorrhoea an alcoholic extract was found by Prof. The feeling. however. both dried and fresh. .i'e Chine Med.— Equal parts of the fresh shoots. PART USED AND PREPARATION. beside.35-2 The otiier more or less prominent medical plants are: the West-Indian Jamaica Quassia or Bitter Ash {Picrana excclsa. qiiassioides. asthma and epilepsy. cathartic and anthelmintic.. . The occurrence. the product is tough and stronger than any other fabric made it is said that tne Chinese wear garments of this material through several generations of constant use. walks and streets became in greater demand on account of its supposed property of absorbing from the atmosphere malarial poisons. also throw off toxic effluvia noxious gases and again set them forth in ? may not this tree. Drury). ..). both wordy and actual. beautiful foliage pleasing. 1S59. noted for its extreme and lasting bitter wood. St. however. Stewardson and Mr. Lindl. A which almost banished them from the country. in this silk . Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. so largely used in commerce for the manufacture of Quassia-cups.-c. though the prostrating nausea caused by the draught renders it disagreeable. Morris. more newspaper caused that has this country. noted as being so . the water from which is useful as a stomachic tonic. war upon the trees followed. leaves and blossoms. which has been successfully acclimated country by Dr. The tincture has been used in doses of from five to sixty drops in palpitation of the heart. and to-day many fine trees abound. and is work as an American remedy because it is from the naturalized tree that our provings were made. This large than any other now planted in comment tree. . especially in the larger eastern cities. Section of ovary. Calyx and 4. vomiting. several leaves and thyrsi removed. leaflet. pistil. very similar to that produced by tobacco-smoking in According beginners. (2-7 enlarged. ami the The eight da)s in a dark. and an acid CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. H. N. starch.\te I.. a reaction. Petal and stamen. Binghamton. cool place. End 35. loss of appetite. Description of Pl. strongly vinous odor. The symptoms produced by Ailanthus are vertigo and dizziness. pale. Stamens. 1885. A 9. resides in the resin. to detect the presence of alkaloids or glucosides. Hetet.35-3 oiighly with oiiL'-sixth part of the whole well. F. great PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 8. — Ailanthus causes nausea. the purgative property gives rise to the prostrating and other in some persons by the emanations from the Howers. and death-like sickness. oppression of breathing. resin. . oil. and of which agree with the latest one by Mr. Phar. 2. suppressed urine. and pouring it. 7. purulent discharges from the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.* presence of fixed and volatile oxalic acid . looseness of the bowels. languor and lassitude. relax- ation of the muscles. bilious countenance. He determined the wax. severe headache. Fruit. Davis. 6. into a well-stoppered bottle. while the volatile oil to M. analyses of the bark have been made. 3. tannin. ill effects produced characteristic : dilated pupils with photophobia. Stigma. June 30th. Jour. 600.— Several all it .. tenderness in the stomach and abdomen. it tincture is After stirring allowed to stand then separated by decanting. sickly. Full leaf in outline. of a flowering branch. is has a deep orange-brown color by transmitted light mawkish taste . 10. 1885. Flower. sugar. straining and filtering it . a rest of the alcohol addetl. but failed. 5. gum. as had the others.) * Am. Y. irritation of the throat. . 4 5 .adnatdel.36 3 ^.TU.efpinxt Rhus Glabra. Linn. . flowers perfect. alternate with the petals .\. . —This characterized mous or in genus is somewhat reniform. SV.) . Itiflorescetice dense.— RHUS GLABRA. NAMES. clothed with acid.-SUMAC* 36 D.. polygamous. . 5. drupes stone or nutlet osseous seed suspended from the apex of a funiculus that arises from the base. coriaria. . R. leaflets 12 to 30. * An f . C. widely distributed. VIRGINIGUM. sepals 5. Description. 12 to 18 inches long.— RHUS. crimson hairs Rhus. . vernix black lacquers. ORD -ANACARDIACE^.ST. SEX. lanceolate-oblong. sometimes distinct. petals 5.— SMOOTH SUMACH OR SUMAC SHUMAKE (FR. and contains numerous species Leaves usually compound. and R. CATESB. or more or less triangular. . smooth shrub usually attains a growth of from Branches somewhat straggling. Many other species of Rhus are used beside those embodied in this work consisting of . small. AIT.). indehiscent.VNI. venenata. SMOOTH SUMACH. . R. LINN. Seciion. used in household greatly simulate R.— PENT.) SUMAC . . etc. so extensively used articles. nearly as long as the petals. ELEGANS. terminal. This species in affords the finest of the China and Japan in its toxic action is said to for coating The South European R. SUMACH. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH BARK OF RHUS GLABRA. stone smooth. 5 to 15 petioles crimson. . slighdy hairy within.V TRI(. (GER.VNDRI. disk almost entire. SYN. spreading. stigmas 3. R. dry. generally united into one. GENUS. capitate. and extends to the apex of the cell cotyledons foliaceous. feet in —This height. its lobes. very Hypogynotis Petals incurved at the apex. acute. Flowers polyga- general as follows : dioecious. Stamens filaments inserted with the petals underneath the lobes of a chrome-yellow hypogynous disk. COM. generally persistent. united at the ovate. velvety. LINN. lobe . CAROLINIANUM. greenish-white or yellowish-green base. many small. Styles 3. however. thyrsoid panicles pointed. acutely serrate. . cotinus. red). N. MILL. . and whitened beneath. ancient Greek and Latin name (Celtic Rhtidd.. Fniit short. separating when a sepal is detached from the calyx. are extensively the seeds of the former tanning the finer grades of morocco leather of this country. Leaves odd-pinnate . among which are the following: The Japanese R.nlleration The of the Arabic simaq (Forsk. bringing away with it a stamen and petal Fruit globular. Sepals lanceolate. LINN. situated at the base of the sepals. RHUS GLABRA. are edible. Linn. Indian more or in our Semecarpus also called the marking-nut. which is said to exude an effluvia that causes swellings to appear in those who remain for a few hours beneath it. rarely valvate. Sinense. and R. certain manufacture of tannic and gallic acids. oleosa. acrid juice. Foster) .) The Tropic American Anacardium occidentale. and in Turkey Inferior grades of the inimitable black o-enerally. in tlie manufacture of vinegar. Buchi-amela. which some is said to be emetis CTalls used in and the Chinese R. indehiscent. distinct or combined stigmas 3. . . Atlantica.. others judge it to be the most poisonous of the North American species. and pyrogallol. Inflorescence usually in axillary or terminal. and is following plants of this family figure Materia Medica less Cashew-nut {Anacardium the fruit of this tree is prominently orientale. pumila. (Note S.. decidedly ments distinct. curved .w are furnished by R. and inserted beneath an hypogynous disk. lining the base of the calyx. Michx. R. and purgative Germany for the . almost universally used for stamping linen. Pistacia terebinthus. is used as a vermifuge. having a resinous or milky. Stamens as many as the petals and alternate with them filaOvaiy ovoid styles 3. Linn. Javanica. The albumen none. Petals as many as the sepals. has been variously considered. an Arabian article of food.. embryo more or less testa membranaceous arising from the base of the cell small. consists of mostly poisonous trees or shrubs. The Cuban o-Jiao {Comocladia dentata. and the juice is said to be efficient in the removal of warts. . often . . but sometimes more or less united at the base. usually distinct. molle above. chiefly tropical family. used by the natives for healing tumors and reducing inflammation. claiming that it will show its effects upon those who are not susceptible to the influences of R. Jacq...). . a product of Schiims molle. Roxb.) yields Gum Mastich. however. yields the famous Chian Turpentine European P. : . The Mediterranean Lentisk or Mastic Tree [Pistacia Lentiscus. lacquer. : Anacarditim. writers claiming it to be entirely innocuous. polygamous ccstivation imbricate. or 5. corns. Linn. seed borne upon a curved stalk distinct. vera furnishes the Pistachio nuts of the confectioner. Other members used in medicine and the arts are The Brazilian Schinus arcsira. which is said by the natives (and corroborated by others) to cause the death of any who sleep beneath its shades this is especially true of individuals of plethoric . for a temporary filling in carious teeth. h'lnn. and devoid of dots blackish in drying. usually compound. . This large. toxicodendron. Sepals 3. Linn. regular. easing the pain while the therein.. especially of the eye.. erect panicles flowers stipules none. Linn. either raw or boiled. which turns black or Leaves alternate. This product is useful also. mctopium produces a substance called Doctor's Gum. . . a concretion highly valued by the Turks as a masticatory for sweetening the breath and hardening the gums. habit. The New Zealand Karaka or Kopi-tree [Coryno-carpus Icevigatus. /v'?«V drupaceous. made from H. . 36-2 species are said to be used at Aleppo to provoke an appetite. The Floridian and West Indian R. Our southern R. and persistent. venii. — Anacardiaceae.) The . siiccedaneum. and the Mexican and Peruvian Schinus. the Cochin China P. a valuable oil and the African P. i -celled. and vegetative growths the nuts. 257. as : : Extractuni R/uis FluidiDii.„0. It grows in rocky or barren soil. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. and bark of the porous. it should be poured into a well-stoppered botde. should be chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. In the Eclectic Materia Medica the preparations are Dccoctum Rhus (jlabri. growths and cast over the Smooth Sumac left shoulder without noting its fall... and insolu- ble in pure ether. cool place. then astringent. holds the place garna in that country. Linn. and leucorrhoea. less so in alcohol.xb. . rubbed upon the cold infusion of the berries . Exlractum Rhois Glabra. and allowed to stand root. gonorrhoea. Jack. flowering northward in June and July. and to be anti-syphilitic. An infusion of the berries of this species said to is furnish an unequalled The berries. separated from the mass by tincture. resinous. form an article of trade in Canada. leaving a sensation upon the tongue very like that of alum odor sour-vinous and its reaction strongly acid. Ph..etc. its .— The fresh bark.. MeJ. — Ciallotaimic nin of nut-galls also exists in the leaves acid.. C„H.. Its should exhibit a beautiful. including that of the mature. of the Indian archipelago.36-3 The Mango {Mangifera Indian Indica. furnish to the Chinese two of their famous black lacquers.. light." such as a neighbor's potato surreptitiously obtained. and that it is unsafe to remain long under the branches of the tree. and of tobacco. this. ii. I have also known these strange growths to disappear from the use of various innocuous " charms. diarrhoea. freely soluble in plant. is said to antidote the habit the Western Indians make a preparation of equal parts of the roots. friable mass. that the peach does in longifolia. . also claimed to . . known as sacacomi. which they smoke under the name of KiitikahJ^'' black dye for wool. It is said that the resin of the last named species is noxious and acrid. I have known the juice of the root to remove warts. The Malabar Holiand Stagmai-ia veniicifliia. water. Rafincsque. PART USED AND PREPARATION.) fields a luscious fruit which this. taste should be at first sour. when smoked as a substitute for tobacco. and the rest of the alcohol added. Ro. Rhus glabra is one of our least nocuous species. very deep crimson color by transmitted filtration. gathered when the plant for eight The days in is a dark. common throughout North America. and is officinal in the U. etc. The bark of the root is claimed to form an antiseptic dressing for ulcers and open wounds while an infusion of the same is considered an excellent astringent for use in aphthous and mercurial sore mouths. when dried. leaves. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS... S. — History and Habitat. whole well. A it is is often used as a cooling drink in fevers be of benefit in diabetes and strangury. Flor. the pulp well mixed After stirring the with one-sixth part of it. dysentery. It is This pure tan- an amorphous. Jour. End 36.. and also ate of the refreshing berries. headache. 56 . Mat. 4.. : of 1879. —This concretion exuded from them found clinging to the hairs of the fruit as a off the fruits are no longer sour. N. while botanizing near Bergen Point. 2d ed. lobe of disk. and can into candles. 1862 402. with painful distress in urine. Petal. and delicious motion that Ouery: Did I I absorb from Description of Plate I. loss of flesh.. t I^'"- . — Rhus glabra caused in one individual.. salt is . oleo-resin. Jour. and gum.. I noticed no other symptoms. Med. Waverly. have also been determined. For three successive nights the same shrub.f One symptom was also developed in this case that " Dreams of flying through the air.. my perspiring hands sufficient juice of the bark to produce the effect of the drug. Several fine specimens of Baptisia summer at hand. Marshall in Hale's Neiv Rem. in doses dryness and heat of the nostrils. when soaked —This waxy oil may be extracted from the seeds of this and other acquire a tallow-like consistence on standing. or was it from the berries I held in my mouth ? never before or since enjoyed a like dream.36-4 Calcium Bimalate. and while studying them I kept the sumach branch in confreely during the time. and sepal.. of flowering branch. Tilden. 5. followed by copious sweat during sleep. 872. XXV. Royal Society. On leaving the spot I cut a cane from perspiring stant motion. (2-5 enlarged. tincture. loss of appetite. July 4th." During the I desire to comment upon. starch. I came into a swarm of furious mosquitoes . coloring matter.* PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. great the stomach and bowels. N. followed by diarrhoea. heat and dryness of the skin. Y. .. the of drops 120 of from 30 to with hemorrhage. i. i. 1884. 195 Proc. Pistil. ulceration of the mouth. quickly cutting a large branch from a sumach bush at hand. be made smoke. It will Resin. following this occurrence I flew (!) over the city of New York with a graceful and tinctoria grew would give several years of my life to experience in reality. N. J.. scanty secredon of weariness and fatigue. N. S. ibid. viz.. Flower. 193 . Phar. S. which burn brilliandy. but emit a very annoying pungent Oil of Rhus.. 3. I used it vigorously to fight off the pests.. species of the genus.) * AiN. 2. sugar. Stamen. ^ pinxt Rhus Venenata, dc N. ORD.-ANACARDIACE^. 37 GENUS— RHUS, LINN. SEX. SVST.— PENTANDRI.'V TUIGVM.V. RHUS VENENATA. POISOM SUMACH. SYN.—RHUS VENENATA, D. C. COM. NAMES.— POISON OR SWAMP SUMACH, POISON ELDER, POISON OR SWAMP DOGWOOD, POISON ASH, POISON TREE, POISON WOOD. A TINCTURE OF THE B.\RK OF RHUS VENENATA, D. C. —This too common swamp shrub grows to a height of from 6 to brandling at the top branches smooth or nearly so, sometimes verrucose. Leaves odd pinnately compound petiole brilHant red or purpHsh leaflets 7 to 13, smooth, ovate-lanceolate, acute, entire. Inflorescence loose, slender, Description. 30 feet. Stem erect, ; ; ; uppermost leaves; flozocrs polygamous, greenishCalyx persistent. Fruit a persistent, drooping, thyrsoid receme of globular, smooth, grayish-white berries, about the size of a small pea; testa thin, papyraceous, loose and shining; millet oblong, flattened, longituinner coat soft, membranaceous, incised cotyledons dinally striate by deep sulci somewhat thick and fleshy. erect panicles, in the axils of the white; pedicels pubescent. ; ; — History and Habitat. The Poison Sumach is indigenous to North America, ranging from Florida to Mississippi and northward to Canada. It habits swampy ground, and blossoms in June at the north. This most poisonous of our northern species has at times been confounded Japanese R. vernix, L. how near the resemhave had no opportunity to judge however, we, as Homceopathists, should not confound them, as climatic difference may cause varying properties, and R. veniix may yet be proven. The poisonous nature of this species has precluded its use in domestic and previous practices; the principal effort concerning it has been attempts by farmers and others toward its extermination very few persons, however, who understand the plant will even approach its vicinity unless compelled by circumstances to do so. Like the R. vernix of Japan, the wounded bark in spring and autumn exudes a thick, whitish, opaque and viscid fluid, having a penetrating smell, which on exposure soon changes to a deep black. On boiling the juice in water long enough to evaporate the volatile oil, and applying the resulting fluid to any substance, it forms a glossy-black permanent coating thus making a varnish of value which might be used in lieu of the famous Japanese varnish which they utilize so extensively upon their fans, boxes, and household utensils and furniture. and considered blance may be identical with the ; I ; ; ; 37-2 It is who many persons even the emanations of the many, while others may handle, and even chew it, with a well-known fact that this species will prove poisonous to are unaffected by shrub are virulent to /t'. toxicodendron, and, like it, impunity. PART USED AND PREPARATION. — The The treated as in the preceding species. small quantity astringent ; in ; and its thin layers has a deep red color it and leaves are opaque in even taste is bitter and fresh bark, stemlets resulting tincture ; its is reaction acid. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.— An examination of the juice by Dr. Bigelow* shows no active principle. An examination of the chemistry of R. toxicodendron, page 38-3, would not be out of place here. is the only analysis so far made ; this PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.— Many opportunities are offered for study under numerous cases of poisoning, both on record and The general effects are usually ushered in often occurring in country practice. within a day ot the exposure, commencing with a general flush of the skin, accompanied by intolerable itching and more or less tumefaction, especially at first of the hands and face this continues until an erysipelatous condition apparently ensues. A more livid appearance follows, with great burning, followed by groupings of this rubric, on account ol the ; this is followed by pustules forming of the which finally discharge and form yellow crusts, which later on become brown and disgusting in appearance. Great heat and swelling have meantime progressed until the face is often unrecognizable; this condition is about four Marks are often left, and or five days at its height before resolution commences. sometimes the crusts remain chronic on some portion of the exposed parts for long periods. One case in my practice had resisted all the efforts of physicians for over thirty years; then yielded in about thirty days to a high potency of the drug itself at my hands. Several cases of poisoning came under my observation here some four years watery watery ago in vesicles, which soon coalesce ; vesicles, young men employed in a boot factory as finishers. Their duty was new boots with a black varnish applied with a sponge by the right the left hand and arm was thrust into the boot. All suffered from a several to dress the hand, while scabby eruption about the left biceps and right hand and wrist, while the fingers and painful. Upon first observing the judged some poison must be used in the varnish, and so informed them to me Rhus seemed to be that substance. While on a train, a month or so later, I overheard two manufacturers of boots, who sat before me, talking of their trade when, on passing a swampy spot, one pointed out of the car window at some R. venenata, and e.xclaimed, " That is the stuff we use." These cases all yielded finely to idem high. of the right were cracked, sore, inflamed cases I ; ; The specific action of the drug, collated from various cases, is as follows: Sadness and gloomy forebodings vertigo dull, heavy headache smarting and burning of the eyes, with dimness of vision; redness and swelling of the face; ; * Am. Med. ; Bot., ; I, 4C2. ; 37-3 tongue red, especially at tlie tip, swollen and cracked difficult dei^dutition profuse watery stools; burning- of the urethra; hoarseness and dryness of the larnyx increased heart's action trembling of the limbs bruised and paralyzed feeling tired, weak, and prostrated generally in the legs, wMth aching and weakness almost all forms of skin trouble, from simple redness and inirning to vesicles, cracks, pustules and complete destruction restlessness, chilliness and heat, with great dryness but no subsequent sweat; all of which show the poison to be of a ; ; ; ; ; ; ; — highly irritative nature. DesCRIPTIDN ok I. End I'LATli 37. of flowering branch, Ithaca, N. Y., June 24th, 1S85. 2. Flower. 3. Pistil. 4. Stamen. 5. Fruiting thyrsus. 6. Fruit. 7. Fruit, with outer coat 8. Nutlet. removed. (2-4 and 6-S enlarged.) ^m. ad pinxt Rhus Toxicodendron, unn. ; ORD.-ANACARDIACE^. N. Sect. 38 - WXICODENDRON, 'n U R N. GENUS.— RHUS, ) SEX. SVST.— rENT.\NI)RI.\ TKK;VXI.\. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. FOISOJV IVY. SYN.-RHUS TOXICODENDRON, LINN. R. TOXICODENDRON, VAR. QUERCIPOLIUM, MICHX. R. VERRUCOSA, SCHEELE R. TOXICARIUM, AND HUMILE. SALISB.; R. RADICANS, VAR. TOXICODENDRON, PERS. TOXICODENDRON PUBESCENS, MILL. COM. NAMES.— POISON IVY, THREE-LEAVED IVY, POISON OAK, POISON VINE, MERCURY; (FR.) SUMAC VBNENEUX,ARBRE A POISON (GER.) GIPTSUMACH. ; ; ; ; A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH LE.WES OF RHUS TOXICODENDRON, LINN. Description. of from 2 to this species 4 —This decumbent or more or feet, or not. less erect shrub, or more, according to whether /?/ius Root reddish, branching. Leaves downy beneath; they are grown become variously dentate, bic-ovate, acute, rather but when The lateral leaflets are full grows 3-foliate, thin entire to a height 7'adica7is is distinct ; leaflets when young from rhom- (see plate), crenate, sinuate, or cut-lobed. unequal at the base, and sessile, the terminal one larger end of a prolongation of the common petiole. Iitflo7-esceiice loose, slender, axillary, racemose panicles. Flowers polygamous. Fruit glabrous, globose, pale brown tiutlct somewhat gibbous, striate, and tuberculate. and situated at the ; — The Poison Ivy grows in thickets and low grounds, North America, flowering in June. Rhus toxicodendron was introduced into England as a plant in 1640 but was History and Habitat. quite common in ; not used as a medicine until 1798, had brought to his notice a young on being accidentally poisoned thereupon commenced the use of this plant in the treatment of obstinate herpetic eruptions, and in palsy; many cases of eacn yielding nicely to the drug.* Since Du Fresnoy's success, the plant has rapidly gained a place in general practice, meeting some success in the treatment of paralysis, rheumatism, amaurosis, and various forms of chronic and obstinate eruptive diseases. The milky juice of this species is used as an indelible ink for marking linen, tion [dartre^ by on when Du Fresnoy, a physician at Valenciennes, man who had been cured of an herpetic erup- this plant. his wrist, of six years' standing, He and as an ingredient of * Des caractires, du liquid dressings or varnishes for finishing boots trailemtnt, el de la cure des dalres, etc., par F usage du Rhus and shoes. radicans. : 38-2 however, that Rhus venenata is more extensively used for the latter be seen from my experiences detailed under that drug. The fresh leaves are officinal in the U. S. Ph.; in the Eclectic Materia Medicas the preparation advised is Tinctnra Rhus Toxicodendron. I an certain, purpose, as will PART USED AND PREPARATION. — On the preparation of our medicamentae, is it account of the care necessary an absolute necessity that in we should know, without a chance for doubt, the exact plant that we use, after proving. I have therefore, especially in this case, carefully examined into the relationship The only existing between R. Toxicodendron and its so-called variety radicans. differences acknowledged by authors are as follows Leaves R. mdiians, L.* toxicodendron, L. Ji. Stem erect. Height of growth 2 to 4 Stem devoid of rootlets. Stem more or Height 4 to 30 feet or more. Stem profusely studded with dark-colored rootlets, by which it clings to its chosen support. Same. Leaflets entire, or slightly dentate, smooth both feet. trifoliate. Leaflets variously toothed or crenate, smooth above and slightly pubescent underneath. less tortuous. sides. | have carefully examined a great number of indiand conclude, as the result of my observations, that an individual commencing its growth as toxicodendron may become radicans if proper support is reached. I found in several places along the Chenango River, both forms growing from the same root. At the entrance of a ravine near Glenwood Cemetery, upon the outskirts of this city, is the plant from which the accompanying plate was made; this individual is radicans in its mode of growth (climbing about 9 feet into a young elm tree), but it bore no rootlets, being supported merely by the shoots of the elm its foliage answers exactly to toxicodendron. One large plant, on the bank of the Susquehanna River, below the usual high-water mark, has all the characters of radicans except the rootlets, and grows in a trailing manner along the bank passing in its growth four excellent supports /. e., two sturdy elms, one sycamore, and a large stump surrounded by bushes. It is said that the two forms differ in their place of growth, toxicodendron choosing open places and radicans shady spots it however follows as a necessity that if toxicodendron is radicans when it climbs, radicans is in the shade because of its support. During the present season I viduals in this and adjoining counties, ; ; : ; Many other far more competent observers than myself, have doubted the among them are Michaux and Pursh, verity of the distinctions in these forms : who considered them merely localisms, and Bigelow states " among the plants which grow around Boston, I have frequently observed individual shoots from the : same stock, having the characters of both varieties. I have also observed that young plants of R. radicatis iT&(\u&nl\y do not put out rooting fibers until they are * Michx. ; Rhus Toxicodendron, vay. radicans, Tortey; Toxicodendron Rhus scandens, Salisbury. vulgare,'lA\\\.; Rhus Toxicodendron, var. a 7'ulgare, 38-3 several years old, and that they seem, in this respect, to be considerably influenced by the contiguity of supporting objects." My tinctures of both forms are exactly alike in physical properties portions of each yielded the same amount of solid extract per ounce, after evaporation ; ; and as far as can determine, they are identical. I The bulk of our guiding symptoms are compiled from cases of poisoning, where the form causing the effect is not identified. then, in the light of all this, would suggest that our tincture be made as follows Take equal parts by weight of fresh leaves of each form, gathered on a cloudy, sultry day, just before the flowers are developed, chop and pound them to a pulp, and weigh, treating the resulting mass as in the preceding species. The resulting tincture should have a dark brown color by transmitted light, and will give off no characteristic odor; it will have a biting and astringent taste, and a strong acid I : reaction. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.— 7?/^(7/A?«;//f Acid Cj,H.,,0,,. This specific Rhus is a yellowish-green, gummy mass, having a slightly bitter and tannin of astringent taste and an acid reaction (Wittstein). Toxicodendric Acid. from this plant —This peculiar, poisonous, volatile principle, He by Prof. Maisch.* describes it and acetic acids in some of its reactions, but distinguishable duce a red color with neutral ferric salts. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. to explain. The first — The being entirely devoid of response to Out of tible. ten men employed its in its toxic action of this species noticeable peculiarity is its choice of victims, influences, to " clear was isolated as resembling both formic many failure to pro- is one difficult many persons others peculiarly suscep- out a twelve-acre lot that was completely with poison vine, cat briers, and brambles, the poison vine greatly predomi- filled nating," four only escaped poisoning. "At first there was a lively fight between and the men, and it looked as if the former would get the better of it for most of the men soon began to show signs of being tired, and at the end of the fourth day six of the men were flat on their backs, too sick for anyremember one illustration. When a lad, while in bathing with five I thing." f others, we all ran a race, stark naked, through the underbrush near by, passing in and out through a clump of what was afterward found to be poison ivy two of the party were taken ill the next day and soon developed quite serious symptoms the poison vine ; ; of poisoning all ; Another the others, including myself, escaped. peculiarity is that in plant to be severely poisoned. young lady a many cases it is not necessary to even touch the While playing croquet one sultry day in cousin, she struck her ball with sufficient force to cause June, with it to roll underneath a clump of poison ivy that grew at a short distance from the edge of the lawn. She, knowing her susceptibility to the poison, carefully reached under During the evening the vine and extracted the ball without touching even a leaf. * Prot:. Am. Phar. Assoc, 1865, 166. original not accessible. f ^«"»' ^'M' Yorker, quoted in daily press, 38-4 of the same day, her face began to itch and burn, and the night in swelled to it such extent that the eyes were not only closed, but the lashes even were lost to view in the swollen countenance. Nearly two weeks elapsed before the symptoms caused by A this exposure entirely subsided. is that the plant is more poisonous during the night, or at June and July when the sun is not shining upon it. Absence of sunlight, together with dampness, seems to favor the exhalation of the volatile prinOf this Porcher says:''' "An ciple (Toxicodendric Acid) contained in the leaves. acrimonious vapor, combined with carburetted hydrogen, exhales from a growing plant of the poison oak during the night. It can be collected in a jar, and is capable of inflaming and blistering the skin of persons of excitable constitution, who plunge their arms into it." The symptoms caused by this plant are: First, redness and swelling of the affected part, with intolerable itching and burning, followed by vertigo, weariness, and a sort of intoxication. Infiltration of the face and eyes, and agglutination of The surface of the the lids after sleep great restlessness, pain, thirst, and fever. skin, after a time, becomes studded with confluent bullae where the cellular tissue this may spread rapidly is loose, then a dermatitis follows resembling erysipelas and finally communicate to the mucous membranes. This is followed by swelling of the mouth and throat, cough, nausea, and vomiting. Rheumatoid pains develop about the joints, and a painful stiffness asserts itself in the lumbar region, while the legs and arms become numb. Confusion of mind and delirium may then set in, during which the patient may become so ill-humored, restless, and anxious, that he will jump out of bed. The concomitant symptoms are inflammation of the eyes, dilation of the pupil, weakness of vision, and sometimes dilopia frequent third peculiarity any time in ; ; ; brown coated tongue, with a triangular red tip swelling of the parotid glands, with difficult deglutition griping in the abdomen diarrhoea profuse urination; oppression of the chest rapid pulse great weakness, weariness, and prostration soreness of the muscles, worse while at rest, and passing off when exercising; sleepiness; and chilliness, followed by fever and copious sweat. There are almost as many antidotes recommended for Rhus tox. poisoning epistaxis ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Prominent, however, as for the bite of the rattlesnake. among the applications and hyposulphite of soda, keeping the skin constantly moist with the agent in solution meanwhile administering Bryonia, Belladonna, Apis, Grindelia robusta, or Verbena urticifolia. are : alkaline lotions, especially carbolate of soda, alum-curd, ; Description of Plate I. End of flowering branch, Binghamton, N. Y., June 27th, 1884. 2. Outline of 3. Flower. 4. (3 38. leaf. Calyx and pistil. and 4 enlarged.) * Resorc. South. Fields and Forests, 202. 39. 7 I pinxt. Rhus Aromatica, 8 Ait. N. ORD -ANACARDIACE^. 39 Series.-LOBADIUM. RAF. GENUS.— RHUS. SEX. SVST.— PENTANDRI.\ TKIGVMA. RHUS AROMATICA. FRAGRAJ^T SUMACH. SYN.—RHUS AROMATICA, AIT.; RHUS CANADENSIS, MARSH.; RHUS SUAVEOLENS, AIT.; BETULA TRIPHYLLA, THUN.; TURPINIA PUBESCENS, AND GLABRA, AND LOBADIUM AROMATICUM, RAF. COM. NAMES.— FRAGRANT, OR SWEET-SCENTED SUMACH, STINK BUSH, SKUNK BUSH. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT BARK OF RHUS AROMATICA, Description. — This of about 4 feet. Leaves strag^gling but very pretty 3-foliate, slightly AIT. bush usually grows to a height sweet-scented ; leaflets rhombic-ovate, prominently ribbed, crenate or cut-toothed; the middle leaflet broadly cuneate at the base, and narrowing gradually to its insertion at the end of the common petiole ; all and coriaceous when sessile, old. scaly bracted, catkin-like spikes; scales reddish, upon the border flowers polygamo-dioecious, ; hiflorescence single or clustered, and furnished with copious hairs Hypogynous disk 5-parted, prefolial. large; lodes strongly reniform, the hilum of each almost entirely surrounding the base of the filament inserted under it. Fruit similar to that of R/ms glabra, but somewhat flattened ; nutlet smooth, depressed. — History and Habitat. This least poisonous of all our indigenous species of Rhus, is common in dry, rocky soils, where it flowers in April or May, before the appearance of the leaves. It is the finest species to cultivate, its dense foliage becoming still more so, and the leaves enlarging and varying beautifully. It was introduced into England as an ornamental shrub in 1759. of the berries were the same as those of R. glabra. This fruit is termed the squaw-berry, because the Indian women gather large The berries are excessively sour, quantities, which are dried and used for food. months; when macerated they summer while fresh during the but very much used The previous medical uses make a is pleasant drink. used by the Indians making into baskets. nizable about the is very tough, far more so than the willow, and Utah, Arizona, Southern California, and New Mexico for This wood exhales a peculiar odor, which is always recog- The wood in camps of these Indians, * Dr. Edward Palmer in and never leaves Am. Nat., 1878, 597. articles made from it.* 39-2 PART USED AND PREPARATION.—The as The the preceding species. in lightest in color of gent all taste, and strong acid rated, treated It has a beautiful, ; very astrin- reaction. the disgusting odor of bed-bugs aroma acquires a pleasant it is the most transparent and a decidedly terebinthic odor ; CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.— Volatile tilled, is Rhus here mentioned. the species of crimson color by transmitted light clear, fresh bark of the root tincture obtained ; This body has, Oil. when first dis- but when treated with ether and evapo- after having been exposed to the air for twenty- four hours. Beside the above, Mr. H. tannin, resin, acid resin, fixed oil, W. Harper* determined the presence of and a red coloring matter. Description of Plate 39. 1. A 2. End flowering branch, from Lowmansville, N. Y., of late summer branch, showing 3. Flower. 4. Petal. 5. May 14th, 1884. the inflorescence preparing for the next season. Stamen and lobe of disk. and hypogynous disk. 6. Pistil 7. Dormant 8. Scale of same, outer face. 9. Scale of inflorescence. same, inner face. (3-9 enlarged.) * Am. Jour. Phar., 1881, 212. gallo- 40 w^ ^ta.ailialiiel.elpi.<l AmPE ' LOPSIS ''•; QuINQUEFOLIA, Michx. Q N. ORD -VITACE^. 40 GENUS— A MPELOPSIS,* MRHX. SEX. SV.ST.-I'KNTANnKlA MOXOGVNIA. AMPELOPSIS. MRGINIAN CREEPER. SYN.-AMPELOPSIS QUINQUEPOLIA. MICHX., AMPELOPSIS HEDEEACEA, DC, VITIS QUINQUEPOLIA, LAM., VITIS HEDBRACEA, WILLD., HEDERA QUINQUEPOLIA, LINN., CISSUS HEDERACEA, PERS. COM. NAMES.-VIRGINIAN CREEPER, AMERICAN IVY, WOODBINE, PIVE-LEAVES, PALSE GRAPE, WILD WOOD-VINE. A TIXCTURE OF THE FRESH SHOOTS AND B.\RK OF AMPELOPSIS QUINQUEPOLIA, MICHX. Description.— This common vine is familiar to all residents of the Northern United States, being often planted as a porch screen on account of its rapid growth, its beautiful shade and the magnificence of its autumnal coloring. The stem is extensively climbing, reaching out in all directions, and fastening itself by the disk-like appendages of the tendrils to anything that will give it support, thus sometimes reaching a great height. Leaves long petioled, digitate, smooth, with five oblong-lanceolate coarsely serrate leaflets. Flower clusters cyme-like, the pedicels angularly jointed and somewhat umbellate. Flowers small, and perfect. Calyx entire, crenate, or slightly 5-toothed. Petals 5, at first seemingly united, then becoming distinct, concave and thick, expanding and reflexing before anthers large, oblong they fall. Disk none. Stamens 5 Jila?iients slender ; ; Ovary somewhat lobed at the base, conical, 5-angled, 2-celled style Ovules 2 in each short or wanting stigma small and simple, or slightly 2-lobed. Fruit a dark purplish blue cell of the ovary and erect, anatropous from its base. berry Avhen ripe, about the size of a pea. Seeds bony, with a minute embryo at introrse. ; ; the base. History and Habitat. — This woody climber haunts low moist grounds, well supplied with trees or bushes, often making the bodies of elm trees grandly its dense green covering of their trunks, or hanging in festoons from blasted trees, and covering rocks and stumps with its dense verdure, it renders beautiful everything it clings to, while after the first frosts its vividly brilliant coloring makes one of the mos^ striking points in an autumn landscape. the berries being ripe It opens its yellowish green flowers, few at a time, in July in October. The Virginian Creeper is dreaded by many, in its wild state, when picturesque by ; * u,ij;,\o;^ a vine, .mil oii;, appfaiatne. 40-2 without support, from it its often being taken for poison bears no resemblance, except perhaps vine is walls. Medica being cultivated Ampelopsis its is in in this Europe much as not mentioned in the mode European the U. S. Ph. ; ivy is however, which, ivy, to This indigenous of growth. here, for adorning in the Eclectic Materia preparations are Dccoctum ampelopsis, and Infusiini ampelopsis. — PART USED AND PREPARATION. The fresh young shoots and bark are chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken, and having mixed the pulp well with one-sixth part of it, the The whole is then stirred, poured into a wellrest of the alcohol is added. stoppered bottle and allowed to stand eight days in a dark, cool place. Having separated the tincture by decanting, straining, and filtering, it presents by transmitted light a slightly brownish-red color; is of a decided sour, astringent taste and has a strong acid reaction. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.— P)'rt7f«/tr////^* Gorup-Besanez in C„ H„ small quantity in the green leaves. square prisms readily soluble Cisso-Tannic Acid, in determined O,,, by This body crystallizes in water and alcohol. Cj„ Hj., O,, determined by colored leaves as the pigment of the red coloration Wittstein ; it is in autumnal the liquid at ordinary tem- In this acid as a sediment is and has an astringent, bitter taste. another body termed by this author insoluble or ehanged cisso-taimic acid It exists when dry as a dense (CjpH^gOjj), insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol. dark-brown, brittle, shining mass, having a bitter, acrid taste. The leaves when green contain also free tartaric acid and its salts, with sodium and potassium. peratures, GlycoUic Acid, ripe berries. Q H^ O ,, and Calcium glycollate (QH^Og)^ Ca, exist in the (Schorlemmer.) PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.— Little or nothing is known of the action of this drug upon man. Mr. Bernay, however, in Pharm. Jour, and Trans., vol. vii. 1S76, p. So, reports that two children, aged respectively two and a half and five years, after chewing the leaves and swallowing the juice were quickly seized with vomiting and purging, with tenesmus then collapse, sweating, and faint pulse followed by deep sleep for two hours, from which a return of the vomiting and purging aroused them. The pupils were dilated and remained somewhat so four hours ; ; after the commencement of the attack. Description of Plate 40. I. Flowering spray, from Ithaca, N. Y., June 3. Branch showing tendrils. Flower (enlarged). 4. Berries. 2. * Oxypbenic .'Vcid, 17, 18S0. 41. ( pinxt RhAMNUS CATHARTICUS.Linn. Sfi^ * . greenish-yellow. y?<?zt:'^. .. BUCKTEORJf. persistent. BOURQUEPINE . SYN. ORD -RHAMNACE^. rudimentary in the fertile flowers filaments surrounded by the corolla. somewhat club-shaped or Fruit an ovoid. or. Stem erect. in aestivation the sepals are valvate and the petals con- Petals clawed.) NERPRUN. linear-oblong Stamens short. mostly 4. 2 to 4 celled. Inflorescence various fiozuers small and regular (sometimes apetalous. lining the tube. inserted into the short tube of the calyx. R. from 6 to 12 feet. sterile Calyx urceolate. and arched . LINN. and minutely denticulate-serrate veins prominent beneath. . not enclosed in the torus. in a direction parallel to the margin. branching. edge of a perigynous.'.— RHAMNUS CATHARTICUS. polygamous or dioecious.— PURGING BUCKTHORN (FR. cartilaginous . by abortion.. torus thin. . COM. RHAMNUS CATHARTICUS.f ones with ovate to 5 cleft. celled * From the Celtic . 41 GF:NUS. SVST. oval. grooved on the back and rounded at the sides. anatropous ram. the edges revolute. acuminate. the sepals and petals and an abortive ovary.) A TINCTURE OF THE RIPE BERRIES OF RHAMNUS CATHARTICUS. WEGDORN. tipped with a sharp spine. stigmas 4. MCBNCH. seeds .. Rhamnaceae. Ovary free. a horizontal section resem- bling the face of a horse's hoof. Stamens 4 or Ovary 2 to 5 5.— RH AMNUS. N. bark grayish. 4 lobes lanceolate. concave. often Leaves mostly alternate. branchlets. alternate with them. 4 distinct or more or less united.* TOURN. NAMES. CBRVISPINA CATHARTICA. GER. . KREUZDORN. SKX. . .— PENTANDKIA MONOCVNIA. — This dense-spreading. (GER. Petals 4 to 5 small. LINN. cotyledons leaf-like. styles 2 to ligulate. berry-like drupe nutlets 3 to 4. —A small family of shrubs or small with thorny trees. styles more . elates short. dioecious or polygamous) volute. Leaves somewhat opposite or sometimes more or less tufted. simple stipules small or obsolete. braiicJdcts numerous. as fleshy disk lining the many as the sepals and ovules solitary. seed-like. SOLUTIVUS.shrub or small tree attains a growth of Description. Inflorescaice in axillary clusters minute. . farinaceous berries. frangida. where it flowers from April to May. are claimed to be a useful remedy in cachexias and an antisyphilitic. vulgaris is made the famous Jujube Paste. Lam. Among the other plants of the order useful to medicine. first appeared in the London 1650 it has also held a place in the Pharmacopoeia of the United space is now held by R.. . esteemed manufacture of a pleasant pectoral lozenge. one simple. — History and Habitat. this plant is now being proven Mexican Ceanothus azurea. is The East fine vulnerary. Bergamot . the bark of which is a mild but certain : purgative. yield a mucilaginous juice from which for the . it was then called Waythorn a period dating from before or Hartsthorn. Linn.fectorius. Don. and leu- in for a place in in fruit to Hovenia The while the dulcis.. is our Materia Medica. Rhamnns ir. .. albumen sparing and 2 to 5. by exposing them some days to the sun. from whence it was introduced into this country as a hedge-plant it has escaped in many places in New York and New England. discolor enlarges its succulent. The Purging Buckthorn has now Pharmacopoeia States. they are said to pear. The roots of the North American Berchemia volubilis. gonorrhoea. and when dried in the sun. considered a powerful febrifuge a useful astringent in dysentery. axil none embryo large cotyledons broad . The twigs of the New Jersey Tea {Ceanothus Americanus. and in a wooden mortar until the The meal is then mixed with a afterwards pounding them gently is separated from the stone. account of their mild astringency as an injection corrhoea. he says.. and the Persian Z. lotus yields a berry known as the Lote this is supposed It is found on the eastern as well as the to be the true Lotus of the Lotophagi. The Purging Buckthorn is indigenous to Europe and Northern Asia. . medical plants during the i6th century. and usually distinct.. such extent. fleshy. Berry. Mill. of a yellow color and delicious taste. viz. Jtijuba. 41-2 or less united or berry stigmas . seeds erect. convert them into a sort of bread. its action and the resulting severe . the European Black Alder {Rhanimis frangiila. a purgative fruit yielded by Indian Zizyphus osnophila. and is described by Mr. Frjiit a capsule. we who find the The Linn. Linn. French fruit of the consider the bark a Indian Z.). eaten by the natives. useful in habitual constipation. the Arabian Z. and they become so sweet and Japanese consider them a rare delicacy greatly resemble in taste a . each in cell . on account of the violence of bowels. Senegal C.) are very useful on formed into cakes. western extremity of the African desert. gleet. In Spain it is referred to as early as 1305 and it is then noted by all writers on . the The medical history of this plant extends back to Norman Conquest. Park as small The natives. but its in fallen into disuse irritation of the Buckthorn . drupe. This family furnishes us with only one other proven plant. De C. according to the season. called by the Erench Pate'de Jujube . resemble in color and taste the sweetest gingerbread. is peduncles that the Desf. which. farinaceous part little water. In the 13th century Welsh physicians prescribed the juice in honey as a mild aperient drink. and that of the bark a beautiful yellow. ./. yellow.^(. fine green A pigment for water-coloring is made by the French from the ripe berries mixed with alum this color.Hj.-/'/.. amorphous substance. translucent tables. obta'ned in the separation of rhamnin. and anxious pulse variable the skin was at one time warm. is. and the rest of the alcohol added. cool place. separated in thin layers it from this mass by pressing and by transmitted exhibits an orange-red color opaque filtering. scarcely soluble in cold water. * Oithartin.„ (Schutzenberger). . ripe berries are pounded to a pulp.. identical in its physical is and chemical properties with the preced- by heating with a dilute mineral acid.— /?/'«w.HjjO. the respiration short at another cold : in Eyes glistening and injected . and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. when pure. PART USED AND PREPARATION. 1865). friable. is : and a taste at bitter.. except Cg^Hg^O. in PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. named.05 + (n^O). Rhamnus —The purgation following the ingestion of the almost every instance. and weighed. — Rhamnotannic Acid. This tannin-like body. in 1840. it breaks down into a crystallizable sugar. dryness of the mouth and throat. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken.§ Rhamnin. and further studied by Lefort. brittle. the ripe fruit of symptoms were lation calharticus as follows of trismus. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it. soluble in alcohol and insoluble water. Chrysorhamnine (Scluitzeberger and Leopold. next body. lips trembling abdomen became hard and distended. i836.. —This second glucoside of Lefort solubility. Woch.r^?/'//«. Casp. sufficient to separate them from the nutlets. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. f Rhamneitne (Gallatly. yellow- light . being shaken twice a day. X C. — Rhamnin. once acid and astringent. Rhamnegine. de Phar. When decomposed ing. has been used as the principle for most of the foliage of the plates in this work. and breaks down as in the in all respects. amorphous. 1858).|. or sap-green. .f C. || . soluble fused it in passes into a thick. called Vert de Vcssie.— The fresh. soluble in hot alcohol. . and seemed to . could not walk. \ Jour. the boy was unable to rise. a simu- diarrhoea. yellow A water and alcohol.^ This glucoside. The whole is then poured into a well-stoppered bottle.. and severe griping pains in the abdomen. the juice of the fresh berries giving a saffron-colored dye. A case is reported]] of the effects of eating the berries by a lad. p. forms minute. bitter mass.^. not soluble in ether. discovered in the berries by a Pontoise pharmacist named Fleury. The tincture. was isolated. isomeric with mannite and rliavnictin. Cj^Hj^Oj. when oil. colic. 420.41-3 The now principal uses are tiiose of economy...=^= ish. 1850. accompanied by considerable thirst. results as a greenish-yellowish. Bertiche. Ithaca.x-tube. 2. End 41. Y. Stamen. flower. The symptoms all state of irritation of the alimentary tract. The 8. 7.. N. (2-9 enlarged. persistent caly. Male 5. Petal. 4. g. of a fruiting branch. Section of ovary. Nutlet. Horizontal section of the nutlet. 1885. Description of Plate I. flower. July 17th.41-4 endeavor to press the head against the wall.) showed a high . 6. Female 3. Jacq .etpinxt EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS.-Jilnatdel.Y^'-TO. . linear ridges upon its surface. Petals broadly ovate. SYST. (GER. alluding to the less poisonous . GENUS. CAROLINIENSIS.. appearing more or less terete by having 4 double.) FUSAIN. divaricate cymes. thin. . Frjiit-A. . opening by a broad transverse chink upon their upper faces. Description. JACQ. w^r^v'w finely serrate midrib lo feet. . and pointed. which Is more or less united with the ovary and covers its superior surface filaments merely mamma-like processes of the disk anthers appearing sessile.— PENTANDRIA MONOGVMA. base underneath the disk. EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS. and inserted by a broad Flowers small and regular minute caducous. as many as the sepals. NAMES. BAUM. seeds Celastraceae. petioled oval-oblong. 2-celled. N. white. iJ. prominent. ranged along the young shoots of the Calyx short and flat sepals orbicular.j. . Inflorescence loose. blotched with white verrucose spots between the ridges. and furnished with a broad dorsal connective. AND LATIFOLIUS.. Statnens as them. . SYN. E. a height of over Stem erect. bark Leaves opposite. few-flowered.* TOURN. drooping peduncles.-EUONYME/E. —This low shrub seldom attains. well. — Shrubs with simple.i. OU BONNET DE PRETRE. JACQ. branches straight.— EUONYM US. stipu'es Calyx 4 to 5 Petals plane. SPINDLE-TRBB. leaves. opposite lobed. united at the base. inserted upon a disk which * effects Et. Is sometimes more or onoma. . WAHOON. persistent. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH BARK OF EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS. somewhat acute. Style simply a central projection of the disk stigma hardly evident.) SPINDEL. named. acute at the base. flozvers perfect. spreading.ORD. WA-j-noo. varying- usually from 6 to lo. COM. locullcldal capsule elliptical. . Euonyme.—WAHOO.-CELASTRACE^. axillary. ashy.i. as the petals and alternate with the calyx cup the mother of the Furies.o. of the plant upon cells 2 to 3 or alternate seeded. enveloped by a red aril. (FR. and J""/"". MARSH. fills many (estivation Imbricate. SEX. INDIAN ARRO"W"-WOOD. out of cultivation. BURNING BUSH. or cattle. their parts in fours.— EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS. spreading. . smooth deeply four lobed and celled. somewhat quadrilateral disk. 42 Tribe. lateral season and . terminating long. Stamens mounted upon the angles of a flat. <•«. diuretic and cholagogue dens). considered without equal for the removal of hepatic obstruction." The Indian C. statesf that he has used Euonymin in 2 grain doses at bedtime.. chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. Fruit a 2 to 5 celled capsule seeds arilled. . The only proven plant of this order is the European Spindle Tree [Euouytnus Europo'us. the rest of the alcohol is added. mine its sphere of usefulness. is used ensis are The in root-bark of the used by the natives. Linn. the properties of which are very similar to. The common less useful. of the fruiting bush after the leaves have fallen. in paniculatus those of the Chilian Ilfaytcnus C/iil- decoction by the natives as a wash for the swellings produced in who have rested in the shade of the Lithri Tree. however. Europe The much oil prefer the seeds of the plant to salts to procure of the seeds has been used both in this country and to destroy lice {Pedictilus Capitis. and an expectorant It needs. The the species under consideration. alterative. 42-2 Ovary free from the calyx ovules anatropous. — The fresh bark of the twigs and root. . and after thoroughly mixing the pulp with After having stirred the whole one-sixth part of it. Hardyman. however. one or few to each cell. with Dulcamara. or sometimes absent. 80. so often confounded. the Burning Bush. S. PART USED AND PREPARATION. rivers from eminently fitting the name Especially of late often applied. if not identical with. and southward. * Lithrea causlicn (Laurus caustica). erect or pendulous styles united into one. or along Western New York to Wisconsin. used this in way should I the cathartic action. in decoction. pour it into a well-stoppered bottle. is place. . Mr. thin. cool of the wild plant.. as an alterative. a saline purge to complete its usefulness. The officinal preparation in the U. Vesti)nenti. better. ). f The practitioner in New Rem.: following plants of the family are more or Bittersweet. and finds it of much value in hepatic When obstruction. and the capsules bursted. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. more thorough proving to deterin colds. viz. Ph. Staff Vine {Cclastrus scan- by the laity. — The Wahoo grows in moist. that gives it an appearance History and Habitat. Wahoo has attracted much attention in medical circles as a and depurant in torpidity of the liver. enibyro large. . and let it stand eight days in a dark. needing. has orange-colored fruit domestic practice. Almost all the species of this small order are used in their native countries to subdue inflammato tion. open woods.* ElcBodendron Roxbiirghii Indian The branches considered stimulant. has been largely used in It was various diseases where it seemed necessary to "cleanse the blood. Extractuni Euonyini. for the and the African Catha edttlis is claimed is reduction of almost any kind of swelling . cotyledons faliaceous albumen sarcous. 1880. . laxative tonic. well. and especially when contrasted with a snow background. be used by the Arabs as an anti-somnolent and intoxicant. It flowers at the It is the fiery appearence north in June and ripens its beautiful fruit in October. Lauiacese. coughs and asthma. is and Pubis). or. of Cardiff. also as a remedy for derangement of the stomach and in secondary syphilis. vinited with the ovary. gum. P/iar. chloroform. Nnu Remtdies.xcessive tormina .. tartaric. citric. the yields a neutral. and an acid reaction. O. sugar. I. Stamen.. f Hale.* crystallizes in acicular forms. a dark substance beautiful yellow resin. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Portion of a flowering branch. 4. its bitter — This acid treating the tincture with partly dissolves in ether as a insoluble portion dissolved in alcohol. accompanied by much flatulence and colic. . June 17th. bitter principle. increasing capillary circulation generally. Flower showing calyx. precipitated by plumbic acetate.f prostration Description of Plate 42. 1885. 5. Section of flower. On obtained which is menstruum body soluble in after filtration and the resin and evaporation alcohol and sparingly in water. jfour. Cincinnati. The symptoms noted are deathly nausea : . It promotes the biliary functions and intestinal . a crystallizable and malic acids were also extracted. Resins. 7. Euonic Acid. vertigo . (3-8 enlarged. of branch. and cold sweat.— Bnofij'wm. no specific odor. 2. e. 312. 6. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. The amorphous. Profuse and violent evacuation of the bowels.— In large doses the Wahoo acts as a drastic purge attended by griping and followed by prostration the discharges being seromucoid with an admixture of bile. End 3. 1862. Fruit.42-3 The tincture separated from the lemon-yellow color by transmitted light. secretions. and is precipitablc from solutions by plumbic subacetate (Wenzel). mass by pressing and filtering. 8 Horizontal section of ovary. Face of flower. asparagin.) * Wenzel in Am. 293. has a clear It has an acrid and bitter taste. . ^m.iii natdei.Linn. .etpinxt /tSCULUS HiPPOCACTANUM. . with a cuneate base.-HIPPOCASTAN£/E. early deciduous. SYN. greenishwhite. and smooth-barked when young. often polygamous. MONOGVNIA.! (FR. long owaite. stigma acute . umbrageous tree usually attains a growth of Description. COM. especially the An ancient Latin name. AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. X From a resemblance of the nut to the eye of that animal. and Inflorescence upon the shoots of the flowers many. GER. digitately 7-lobed doubly-serrate margin . clawed and undulate filaments unequal. 3-celled. curved. stipitate. coty- ledons thick. — This stately. CASTANEA FOLIO MULTIFIDO. pyramidal. terminal tip. usually 5. bark of the full grown tree greyish. SV. the greater proportion of them sterile Calyx tubular or bell-shaped. anthers oval.— AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM. TANIB. and sometimes an aborted third what hemispherical ceous nut.— COMMON HORSE CHESTNUT. Leaves op. petals . BAUH. not durable. LINN. style i. HULLED NUT OF AESCULUS HIPPOCASTA- RIPE. Ovary form . N. spotted with purple limb 5-lobed. testa marked with a large roundish hilum .* SKX. rough. Stamens 6-8. HORSE CffESTJVUT. Trunk erect ovate. 2-celled. splitting into 3 dissepiments. Corolla spreading.celled . —This large and variable order is chiefly tropical. t Horses are said to eat greedily of the fruit. usually 7. echinate. CASTANEA PA VINA.) MARRONNIER D'INDE (GER. . and bitter. and yellow . radicle conical. ovules 2 in each cell. awl-shaped. acute straight-feather-veined. BUCKEYE. oval. leaflets 7. NAMES. . ORD -SAPINDACE^. obovate. hyacinthine thyrsi. oblique or inflated at the base pedicels articulated. and fissured inner bark smooth. nearly margined. hence the vulgarism. 4-5. 43 - Jribe.! ASIATIC HORSE CHESTNUT. LINN. astringent. CASTANEA EQUINA. and the Arabs to use the powdered nuts in the food of their horses when affected with puhnonary disorders. GENUS— AESCULUS. fili- Fruit a roundish. . more or less unequal.) ROSSKAS. fibrous. and 50 feet in diameter of foliage. about 60 feet in height. declined and slender.ST. disclosing 1-2 full formed. tough.-IIK1'TANDRIA LINN. The Aesculus of the Romans was a kind of oak. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH. white. 3. when old. . sarcous. . This name is more applicable to the American species. someseed a large amylanuts. hypogynous. dense. tending to quadrilateral. cohering. ivood light. NUM.. . upright. . 3-valved capsule. SapindaceaB. posite. having a dense shining . season . It is one of our first trees to bud in the spring. a result similar to that produced in malting barley. .).* after this its growth became quite accommodates itself quickly to all temperate regions. D. plants that are of particular interest to us in this family. [Nephelium Longan") are delicious fruits the Brazilian Fruta de Pavao {Schmidelia ediilis) is sweet and palatable and the Jamaica wing-leaved honey-berry [Melicocca bijiigis) edible. bladder-nuts. Economically the berries of Sapindus saponaria and the bark and roots of other species are used in The genus Paullinia contains many species lieu of soap in cleansing woollens. however. are active . and flowers in April and May. Ovary 2-3 style simple. and pleasant. renders them pleasant food through change of the bitter principles to saccharine. of can representative. climbers. are Guarana or Brazilian Cocoa [Patcllinja sorbilis. . Fridt a capovules 1-2 in each cell celled and lobed sule. beside the two under consideration here. The nuts are eaten greedily by horses. as the tree those animals is when prepared in such a manner as to drive off the acrimony. The berries of many species of the genus Sapindus are edible. Disk sarcous. Stasepals. C ). duced England by Tradescant in 1633 . . Stamens 5-10. The products of most species of this order are to be regarded with suspicion. alternate with the . . cu'^ana. — History and Habitat. . protruding between the petals and stamens. symmetrical is trees. its fruit being fully ripe at the first autumn frost. it is extensively planted in the yards and along the streets of almost every American city and village. flower. . sub-acid. cool. and first . perigynous or hypogynous filaments free or cohering at their bases anthei^s introrse. The horse chestnut is a native of Asia it was introinto Europe about the middle of the sixteenth century by seed. and in- leaves are usually alter- Flowers mostly irregular and un- sepals 4-5. or 2-3 cleft. or glandular. Aesculus). goats.43-2 typical suborder. regular. and maples. australis is supposed to be the origin of a venomous honey found in the Brazilian woods and P. simple or compound. Being one of our most dense shade trees. or fleshy indehiscent drupe. used by the natives of the country of their growth to poison fish. and pigs. dark. who also prepare a narcotic intoxicating drink from P. The albumen wanting. . curriiru yields an arrow poison to the natives of Guiana. shrubs. Germination. . embryo curved or convolute (Exc. and sometimes wanting. phylea) . Mart. showing widely The cludes the soap-berries. or tendril-bearing and fruit . though the seeds. This best accomplished by boiling them in potash and washing them with water. . sheep. yet the Chinese Lee-chee i^Nephelium Lichti) and Longaii. which the genus under consideration The family is composed of nate (Exc. the in which a deleterious narcotic constituent is developed in the juice or seeds native Brazilians prepare a slow but potent and certain poison from Patdlinia pinnata . expanded. P. The . cows. and clean. and form an excellent fattening food for cultivated in general. samara. and the Brazilian timbo-szpo [Panllinm pinnata. narcotic toxicants. imbricate in aestivation petals 4-5. North Ameri- the only different characters of leaf. lo us as homcvopathists. the purpose of producing or promoting nasal discharge. an extremely bitter. Medicinal. * Epist. — The to a — Aesculin. The tincture. So great is the faith of many people afflicted In this country. claimed to be very tenacious and not is highly esteemed in cleaning and fulling woollens. which. into the Edinburgh College with a view to to powder caused that insufflation of the The bark and nuts were introduced power it being known sneezing. nor has it an officinal preparation in especially as an extract under the the Eclectic Materia Medica. is indicated. ripe. this practice who ha\-e been suflTercrs. especially by Zannichelli. The testa of the nuts is narcotic according to Dr. An amylaceous deposit takes acrid. has a clear brownishorange color by transmitted light.43-3 nuts are said to yield a starch of finer quality than that of any cereal (Parmentier) paste . The usual dose given was from one to four scruples of the powder.'" was put forward. it is allowed to stand at least eight days in a dark. place on standing. may be filtered off. pavia is Ohio used by the Aborigines that it for stupefying fish has become an emblem. lOl.. pulp and weighed. cool place. The nuts of Aesctdus Californica are largely used by the natives of that State for making into bread. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it. fruit this species is so sobriquet common " in Buckeye State. 125. omn. and they are really free from t I know at present many who indulge in This should not seem a fallacy. p. espe- is France and Switzerland (Marcandier). after removing the bitterness by freely washing the powdered cotyledons. Ph. and astringent taste. especially teemed as a remedy for with either of these diseased conditions. in cases where Aesculus the disease while carrying the nuts. Then two fresh. though used fully confident that the disorder is off this . have extended to England or America. The rise to the of Ae. Aesculus is not officinal in the U. in warded their by means. ably in the healing of indolent and gangrenous ulcers. and given . that they carry a few nuts pockets from season to season." The use Europe it of Cortex hippocastani dates from the writings of Matthiolus. — name PART USED AND PREPARATION. S. McDowell lo grains are equal to 3 grains of opium. . made of the powdered nuts attacked by moths and vermin used lieu in of soap. and the rest of the alcohol added.f In Europe the oil procured by means of ether is used largely in An infusion of the bark or nuts is said to act favorneuralgia and rheumatism. it was recommended for their errhine violent . among the laity. . cially in when the saponaceous property of the seeds. as an efficient remedy In for in- this use has been upheld by many able medifrom whose works it would appear equal if not superior at that time to Peruvian bark. and an acid reaction. and pouring it into a well-stoppered bottle. separated from the mass by filtration. op. repeated from two to six times in twenty-four hours this use seems never termittent fevers of various types . being of no value to the preparation. the nuts have been greatly eshemorrhoids and rheumatism. cal writers. used either as a decoction or as a salve prepared with lard. . no characteristic odor. After stirring the whole well. hulled nut is pounded parts by weight of alcohol are taken. Polygalin. 137. Cg^ H^^ Oj^. \ Monninin. It snowy needles and globules. 1862 as a constituent of the seed.^^. and protocatechinic acids. been accounted a principle of the nuts of this plant.). etherial extraction. and is resolved under the action of concentrated hydrochloric acid into an amorphous sugar and sapogenin. . occurs Hg^ O. and fuse at 160° (320° F. congealing at 1° (33.0. bark. which also exists in a free state in the Aesculetin. including ferns * Rochelder. This body is only sparingly soluble in water. This glucoside is considered identical with fraxin. It is readily soluble in water. then a pungent and lastingly acrid taste. Q^ H^ O. It and becoming at— 5° solid Quercitriii. They in both hot and cold water and in alcohol. astringency. ** Quillajin . their solutions exhibiting a Boiling with dilute mineral acids decomposes this fine light-blue fluorescence.8° F. the solution frothing like that of soap on agitation. existing in the roots of Sapo- species of Lych7iis. naria officinalis. which break down under the action of boiling potash into formic. This oil is readily obtained from the nuts of this species by Oil of Aesculus. having at first a sweetish. another glucoside. crlucoside exists in the crystallizes in fine. and acrimony present.43-4 This aromatic C. amorphous glucoside was discovered by Rochelder Argyraescin. Aescinic acid* This amorphous body is a decomposition product of aphroAesculetinic acid is place in glucose and aesculetin tion daescin when boiled with liquor potassa. This acrid. decomposing at higher temperatures.-\ Polygala Senega. and crystallizes in bitter needles. sternutatory powder.* and in the flowers. zation are soluble Q resultsas a beautiful yellow liquid. oxalic. one of the resultants of a still farther decomposition taking when they are decomposition products of the acof baryta water upon aesculin.\\ other plants. in Aphrodaescin* another ties amorphous acrid. Lucuma many This peculiar glucoside. in the testa of the nut. were due to all or nearly all of the above constituents found in the bark.— Aescu/m. thiuni\ many glycyphleza. Although our tincture is made of the nuclei of the nuts only. and breaking . still it would seem as if the bitterness. f Gilhagin.). or are to be con- sidered together as Saponin.). \ Strulliiin. I| Monesin. O^^ + H.\ Gypsophila Stru- Monninia polystachya^ Quillaja SapoJiaria** and has. It is soluble in alcohol and water This body together with solution forming a soapy foam on agitation. amorphous. of solubility and saponification. body into glucose and H^ O^. principle. This coloring matter of quercitron. bark of many trees of the genera Pavia and Aesculiis.^ H^. and Faviin. It is a white. which lose their water of crystalli- CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. C^ (23° F.. a watery having the same proper- down under the action of a con- centrated mineral acid into sugar and aescigenin* so markedly resemble saponin that a question arises as to whether they are specific principles. before the observation of Rochelder. will be found described under Fraxinus Americana. \ Senegin.. Nut. with great urging. fail to burning. efforts at stool. to give us . and trachea. : . indicate the severity of the action of the drug in this locality.43-5 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. slight and not characteristic of nerve irritation. . larynx. other than those referable tract. followed by a sense of constriction.) 4. extending to the hips and sacrum. by this drui^. with prolapse. are markedly present. followed by nausea. Constant burning in the stomach and epigastrium. (3 and 4 to the alimentary leaf. Its action upon the liver and portal system is marked by severe congestion. and attendant The provings. are sutificient an insight into the physiological action. Y. Deslripiion ok Plate I.. 1880. burning and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose. being made with goodly sized doses of the tinc- Aesculus hippocastanum causes inflamniation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts. its lebrile sympsubstantiate its previous use in intermittent fever and neuralgia ture. Flower. the same symptoms prevail in the mouth and oesophagus. and burnyellow fur. 43. toms being only slight. constrictive pains and deep soreness. are constant syniptoms of the drug. rectum. and sufficient inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins to result in purple Ineffectual tumors. burning. still — Wc have no accessible accounts of poisonings the provings. Eiul of flowering branch from Ithaca. raw. Severe dryness. retching. A medium-size J. with a subsequent copious catarrhal discharge. and violent vomiting. however. 5. June 2. and renders deglutition painful and difficult. 4. and constant severe pain in the lumbar region. heat. and feels as if scalded ing. slightly enlarged. Stamen. followed by profuse ptyalism and mucous tlischarge the tongue becomes coated with a thick white or the throat becomes congested. . with great tenderness and colic throughout the abdomen. and especially of the rectum this is shown in the following list of symptoms: Dryness. and its pains. and soreness of th(. N. . cistaauni. ^m. Hippo< k Ae. i'lav'i .elpinxt A'esculus Glabra.. wiiid.44. it? V" •' •'"'•« r4^ '^' / ^ -^ "}^\t \ naldel. . ^SCULUS GLABRA BUCKEYE. Fniit echinulate long-hairy. . Petals only filiform. and an acid reaction. pale yellow. with very short pyramidal points. it Ohio River and habits the rich alluvial soil along the bottom-lands of the the streams feeding The previous it. .-HIPPOCASTANE/E. ^. P. N. —This species differs from the preceding in the following par- Bark exhaling a very unpleasant odor. 4. COM. ECHINATA. A TINCTURE UF THE FRESH NUT OF . Description. SPACH. OHIOBNSIS AND MACROSTACHYA. . not reflexed. MACROSTACHYA. ALBA. WILLD. NAMES.— /ESC ULUS.— HEPTANDRIA MONOGVNIA. rowly tubular-campanulate.. The more toxic. and finely serrate. : a larger scope . The its symptoms cover a tincture for this further proving should include the nut-shells and bark as well as the kernels would undoubtedly be covered by such a preparation. MAC. . uses of this species are almost identical with those of /E. SVST. — it History and Habitat. as that account. — OHIO BUCKEYE. and blossoms in June. — The the preceding species. SEX.•ESCULUS GLABRA. ROTHYRSUS DISCOLOR. M. narticulars . fresh-hulled nut resulting tincture has a clear is amber and were. upright. SYN.— ^SCULUS GLABRA AND PALLIDA. MUHL. GENUS. P. POIR. FETID BUCKEYE. as larger therapeutic field than its congener.. ORD-SAPINDACE^. ovate-lanceolate. MICHX. polygamous. a slightly bitter and pungent taste. PA VIA GLABRA AND PALLIDA. 44 Tribe. its qualities are PART USED AND PREPARATION. not declined filaments . SMOOTH HORSECHESTNUT. WILLD. LOIS. where ranges from Western Pennsylvania and \'irginia to Michigan. Indiana. a honey-like odor. . and Ken- tucky . SPACH.•lisculus glabra should be more thoroughly proven. The Buckeye is indigenous to the United States. though not so extensive. . dreaded. Hip- pocastanum. Leaf small. Inflorescence smaller and more cymose floioers small. smooth leaflets 5. similar to that of the flowers of the preceding. Stamens curved. acute. on treated as in color by trans- mitted light. no special that determines its individuality . PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 3. . fruits p.^te 44.* who claims its sphere of action to be an irritant of the cerebro-spinal system and the alimentary tract. Anther. with hard knotty stools . 1877.44-2 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.^. A 2. paresis of the tongue . Flower. followed by wryneck.7 1. nausea and vomiting . 4. 19 (Symptomatology). (2-4 enlarged. M. Hale. Stamen. episthotonos and constipation. vertigo. region . Description of Pl. leaf. E. we can therefore do no better than refer to the preceding species. . —The proving of principal this remedy is that recorded by Prof. 5. — So made analysis of this species has been far as we are able to ascertain. of . Hippocastanum and flava are added for comparison. stupefaction and coma thickness of speech . paralysis. lameness and weakness of the lumbar and spasms and convulsions. The symptoms prominent in his record are vision : Confusion of mind. Fruit. . dimness of eyes fixed and expressionless tympanitic distension of the stomach with cramp-like pains . .) * New f The Remedies. 45.del.adnat. Linn.etpinxt POLYGALA Senega. (^in. . . in each cell. This small family is represented in North America by 3 genera.ST. and short-crested along the the two lateral oblong. VIRGINIAN A. connected and united with the middle or lower one keel-shaped. RAIL. stipuics Inflorescence a solitary. SYN. (GER. and very the outer set. slightly veiny bodies. albumen scanty. tough and wiry. flattened bowl-like enlargement of the style. almost sessile. greenish-white. called ales. and green- are large. MOUNTAIN FLAX. SV. enclosing the petals. at the apex. * UoXi. A TINCTURE OF THE DRIED ROOT OF POLYGALA SENEGA. the inner set. with a white caruncle extending the length of the etnhryo straight. anthers small. — PolygalacesB. yaXa. or oblong-lanceolate.-POLYGALA SENEGA. Petals 3. comprising 45 species.. broad. the stamen-tube Calyx persistent. Seeds black. SENEGA. 2-celled capsule. MILKWORT. Krameria). margins rough. composed of back . filaments united below into two bundles of 4 each. P. polus. pendulous. Stamens 8. Roolstock thick. calyx absent. terminal spike flowers small. OR SENEGA SNAKEROOT. hard. mit of the ovary . sessile. lanceolate.* TOURN. arranged in two sets are small. 5.— POL VGA LA. as to form ish . and partly enclosed by the persistent calyx deliiscence inflated. as some species were supposed to increase this secretion. hypogynous. acute at both ends. 2. concave. SENEKA. N.. SEX. PLANTULA MARILANDICA. SEJ^ECA SJVAKEROOT.l'llIA DCTANDRI. 2 Leaves alternate. LINN. . enclosed by the lower petal. 3. axial . and curved above.) POLYGALE DE VIRGINIE. orbicular. of which 40 belong to the typical genus Polygala. and opening by a pore transverse partition . : . seed .Vnr. lanceolate .— ORD-POLYGALACE^. — SENECA. and veiny. milk. hypogynous. 45 GENUS. knotty. Flotoers very irregular. acute. none. simple. SPACH.— DI. Stems several. and sometimes slightly branched. and pseudopapilionaceous consisting of 5 very irregular sepals. loose.gala.V. . LEM. loculicidal.) SENEGAWURZEL. This Herbs or shrubby plants having roots natural order is characterized as follows Leaves mosdy alternate and entire. much. milky juice. Ovary laterally ovules anatropous. Description. blunt. i-celled. one compressed.. NAMES. stipules furnished with a bitter. from 6 to 1 inches high. hairy. . (FR.l. of . sepals irregular. the odd one superior (Exc. greatly resembling in form a pipe thrust into the sumstigma a fringe-like appendage to the upper margin of the Fruit a small. LINN. 2-celled by a Style large. SENEGA OFFICINALIS. COM. contrary to the partition. while the Javanese P. he conceived the idea of using this root also in those diseases. His success was such that he wrote to Dr. derived from Monninia polystachia. for which many the Peruvian or other species are often substituted in general medicine. the results of his experiments. . D. Stamens 4 to 8.) viz. cistoidea. then. and cultivated in England in 1 739. * Tennent. It flowers in May and June. Richard Mead concerning the Epidemical Diseases of Virginia. L. and promote the formation of pus in hypopyon.) the North American K. Brazilian Savanilla or Violet Ratanhia (A'. cathartics. Mart. Juss. etc. . sanquinea.. et Pav. crotalarioidcs. from New England northwest to the Saskatchewan River and thence southward. secuiidiflora. is strongly emetic when fresh. is The only remedy furnished to our Materia Medica by this order. its action to Ipecacuanha . the Austrian P. and the Nepaul P. and salicifolia. L. a valuable febrifuge. and is considered scarcely inferior in . . Among the German physicians Seneka received praise in the treatment of ophthalmia after the inflammatory period had passed and was claimed by Dr. growing in rocky soils. C and the Chilian K. and. and the new drug favorably received throughout Europe. and diaphoretics. argentca. are excellent antidysenteries. . The use of Seneka against . Ixina. on account of the saponin-like body. as a remedy for the bite of the rattlesnake after considerable painstaking and much bribing. R. . etc. the Texan K. petrocarpa. a Scotch physician. anasarca from rehal troubles. Hook. to Dr. Noting. About the year i 735.* His epistle was printed at Edinburgh in 1738. he was shown the roots and given to understand that what is now known to be Seneca Snakeroot was the agent used. venenosa. : the the Mexican and Para or Brown Rhatany [K. the British P. R. D. Epist. alexiterics. C. the E^uropean P. i -celled.. . dysmenorrhoea. The Peruvian diversifolia is is so dreaded as The East Indian Soulamea marked success in pleurisy and it. Poaya. amenorrhoea. of London. D. Senega Snakeroot is indigenous to North America. . The genus Polygala furnishes many plants noted as tonics. monfiinin. Red Ratanhia {Krameria triandra. notable amongst them being the North American P.45-2 monadelphous or diadelphous anthers innate. considered an energetic diuretic and astringents. vulgaris. . thus claiming usage in the latter stages of croup. humid asthma in the aged. lanccolata. opening Friiit a 2-celled and Style curved and hooded. beside Senega. L. The action of Seneka was claimed to be that of a stimulating expectorant. sudorific. it was found valuable in rheumatism. chamcebtixus. and kindred complaints. that the symptoms ot the bite were similar in some respects to those of pleurisy and the latter stages of peripneumonia. 2-seeded capsule. Torr.. Muhl. Linn. — History and Habitat. The Brazilian P. when pushed to diuresis and diaphoresis. et Pav. Mead. at the top by a pore or chink. pneumonia. C. . used with is Asiatic cholera and Bardiera . a virulent poison that the natives refuse to touch amara. amara. . also. termed by the natives Zallhoy. are also used as detergents and dentifrices. L.. and rubella.). noted that the Seneca Indians obtained excellent effects from a certain plant. . John Tennent. L. contained in them. Ammon to prevent the formation of cataract. trilliiic. on evaporating is it it. and has prominent acridity and sternutatory power. Procter. Tansy. 1804. This peculiar was discovered by M. II . and allowed days in a dark. Juniper berries. and Bucholz regard the acid as identical with Saponin. acrid. Christophsohn. — Senega would also tend and Saponin. Polygalin. S. poured into a well-stoppered bottle. Berlin Jahrsbuch. 1836. which. five parts to stand eight CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. slightly brownish. fifteen years later. PART USED AND PREPARATION.— The leaves are dead. is dried root. Polygalic acid. saponaceous solution under the action of dilute mineral acids into sapo- in boiling water. Schneider. Wild Cherry bark. and Syrupics Scillcs Composilus'^' In the Eclectic Materia Medica the preparations are Infusorum Senegcs and Tinclura : : Lands Compost (a. . an odor greatly resembling sweet cider. Seneka is officinal in the U. at least is in civilized practice. Phar. a very peculiar sensation of acridity and enlargement is felt at the root of the tongue. Tartar Emetic. the fixed —This still to prove at least a similarity doubtful body exists. Schneider. Peschier.'s. though it has been carefully studied by many organic chemists. it deposited in greenish scales. among whom are Gehlin. Jour. Extracliim Senega Fluidtim. according to Quevenne. and remains in solution . Dulong. After tasting the tincture or chewing the rootlets. Fentulle..§ who isolated it as a white. very when superheated upon platinum foil. body.. de Phar. breaks down gcnin and amorphous sugar. characteristically different from the general characters of various specific forms of saponin. and those of rabid animals (Barton). and an acid reaction. Christophsohn. not warranted by the results so far gained. once recognized. being shaken twice a day. by Ouevenne. This acid has not yet been proven to be odorless. as Abstracium Senegce.„H. amorphous powder. f- \ Senegin \ .— /'tf/j'^'^/zV AcidX C. 112. and more thoroughly studied. physiological action of between this acid Virgineic Acid. Prickly Ash bark. The tincture. Seneca Snakeroot.0„. of this body in resisting the action of sol- vents and reagents without changing form completely renders difficult to comprehend. gathered when the coarsely powdered and covered with by weight of alcohol. oil * Squills. The stubbornness Folchi and others. like dissolves thoroughly in hot dissolves also in boiling absolute alcohol. moderately warm place. orange color by transmitted light. it This acid forms a frothing. bursts into a bright flame and leaves no residue. water. Bolley. Tamarac bark. and Podophyllum. Syrupiis SenegcB. separated from this mass by decanting and filtering. existing principally in the rootlets. Bucholz. its watery solution without stirring. in of the root. has a clear.^ 45-3 the poisonous effects of rattlesnake bit<.Seneka. and before the first frost. 449. at first an aromatic then bitterish and chokingly acrid taste. all of which prompted Gehlin to give it the name of ScnLgin}^ The Bolley. and Calcium Phosphate. but deposits again on cooling. will always mentally associate itself with this plant. Whole plant. — In doses of from lo minims of the tincture to a powdered root. with diaphoresis. the volatile —The of oil body termed thus by Peschier Dulong* and other — A doubtful Oil of Senega. and profuse ing. the termi- nal filaments of the vagus. Saponin. resulting in capillary congestions. Plan of flower. inflammation of the fauces and oesophagus. 45-4 Polygalin. II and 12. restless sleep. dazzling vision. with burning. Middle petal. 567. Description of Plate 45. . aching. 8. Section of ovary. having reaction. . . June 7th. inhibitory centres. profuse urination. copious. Capsule. showing the Petal and stamen.) * Jour. crest. and contracted pupils. 4. 5. causing. reddish-brown body. de Phar. and stamens. The calyx from below. and oppression. 7. bitter. . 3. scruple of the : .t — A bitter principle isolated Isolusin. and disagreeable. 2. followed by rapid exosmosis. the consistency of syrup. accompanied by constriction. Section of same. it be noted that Seneka acts quite similarly to will a paresis of the muscles of the respiratory tract. Seneka causes anxiousness. Pistil. . pressure in the ball. 6. thin. tation of the larynx. roughness and irriorgasm of blood to the chest. flickerings. motor system in and the vaso- general. scald- and sticking pains along the urethra. cutting colic. Y. by Peschier. 1.. with constricsneezing pytalism nausea mucous vomiting burning in the stomach thirst and anorexia tion PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Sections of same. general debility. like it. 13. accelerator nerves. The face of a flower. with heaviness and dullness of the head and vertigo aching and weakness of the eyes. and frothing urine. and an acid now deemed is to be simply analysts. lo. From these symptoms. hood. . 1S85. with lachrymation. N.. 9. watery stools. f Not Seneca Oil.. 1S37. showing caruncle. rancid. soreness. Ithaca. (2-13 enlarged. . Seed. a (i/.adnat(lel. GENISTA TlNCT6RIA.Ifl.Linr 46.etpinxt.. . . I . (PR. the the petals upon the base of the calyx sheath entire alternate ones shorter.V. 5. e.) PARBEGINSTBR. alee or two lower petals carina or keel oblong. WOAD.) GENET DES TEINTUIERsi (QER.— GENISTA TINCTORIA. hypo- odd one Pistil single. Stametts distinct. from the equator to the frigid zones. DYER'S BROOM. 10. diadelphous. shrubby plant grows LINN. in all. or . Seeds 1.. —This thornless. oblong-oval. The general pound. lanceolate. i. oblique. . nearly smooth. . .OR WOOD-WAXEN. papilionaceous . the upper 2-parted. superior to and partly enclosing the other petals wings and exterior . Pod flat. Fruit a legume in in features of this order are: Leaves alternate. continuous. Stamejis 10. GENUS. . This immense family of herbs. bracted. SEX. next the axis of inflorescence. growing represented trees. Ovary i -celled. the younger ones Leaves alternate. Corolla vexilhim or standard straight. several cotyledons large. composed of two connivant petals coherent by their anterior edges and enclosing the essential organs. . sarcous . perennial. foot or more. 2-lipped. COM.INN. calyx. claws curved. To 5. deflexed. straight. brancJics numerous.— GENISTA. shrubs. com- Flowers papilionaceous or regular. usually stipules present. WHIN. 46 Thbe. the lower 3-toothed perigynous. * Celtic ^. and sessile. mostly entire gynous. . : lobes 5. . monadelphous Ji laments inserted with anthers of two forms. Description.-GENISTE/E. Inflorescence a terminal spiked raceme floxuers yellow. rare instances free from the shall mention albumen mostly wanting. North America alone by 78 genera. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PLANT GENISTA TINCTORIA. simple. smooth.ORD-LEGUMINOS^. varieties. more or Petals or the 5. radicle incurved.— MONADEI. N. spatulate with a straight claw. nearly sessile. is and free seeds various . o-vary solitary in and simple. Sepals to the bract. to a height of a erect. LINN. spreading.— DYER'S BROOM. SYST. fllaments monadelphous. give the materia-medicist a better idea of phyto-grouping. terete-angled.* I. a small bush. with the odd sepal inferior in its relation superior. . SYN. — Leguminosae. to the . pointed. GENISTA. and every part of the world. acute. having.l'HIA DECANDRI. petals as follows 5. DYER'S GRBBN-WEBD. simple. Calyx Stc?}i erect. GREENWOOD. .f». many less 791 species and 122 recognized combined. NAMES. cestivation imbricate. Langsdorfii. Balf. Linn. and C. Desf. the Brazilian Mimosa humilis. Hamilton such sudden and powerful sleep that the glass from which a drachm of the tincture had been taken remained for twelve hours in his hand. the odorous fruit of the Guianlan Dipteryx (Coumarouna) odorata. Linn. Guianensis. and in general secondary lists we find more or less prominent the following members of this order: The European Broom {Cytisus. Linn. emetic. . whose fatty seeds are largely used in veterinary practice. and purgative. the Tonka Bean. . . Linn. the state poison of Old Calabar. Tongo. the Guianian Erythrophlcsum Guinense. . Lathyrus sativus. the powerful Calabar Bean. . Cyticus Laburnum. bijuga^ Hayne . extending as they do from some of our most esculent vegetables through almost all the necesThe species proven and established sities of man to many narcotico-acrid poisons. and many other South American species of the genus. as a medicine. . Genista. Jamaica Dogwood [Piscidia crythrina. Germany. narcotico-poisonous. . Indigo or Indigotin. India. the H.. 46-2 numerous medical and oeconomical products furnished all would fill a volume. but more probably.. C. the European Chickling vetch. Willd. etc. a South European poisonous tree. Linn. Hayne. a product of several varieties of Glycyrrhiza glabra. and the Brazilian Cabbage Tree Geoffroya [Andira) verttiifuga. . it contains a body of the tannic-acid group. . and /. The common Liquorice. and several minor plants Laburnum.). In the pharmacopoeias of the United States. though to specify : are : C. though contraindicated in all acute renal troubles. 1 845. beside the eight represented in this work Copiava. Jour. are. nicotia and conia in having no oxygen. lanceolata. however. C. the Cochin-China Derris pinnata. Lathyrus. . .). the Brazilian Barba de boi. consisting of the dried leaves of Cassia obovata.. ani/. Linn. Desf. . principally. and C. Linn. P hysostigma venetiosum. the irritating Cowitch gathered from the pods of Dolichos {Mticuna) purietis. a renovvTied diuretic. . Lam. . can hardly be classed The Bengal Kino or Dhak. G. Del. growing in India. an inferior quality of this substance is also obtainable from Isa/is tinctoria (Cruciferse) Polygonum ti^ictorium (Polygonaceae) Ncrinm tinctoriini (Apocynaceae) Baptisia tinctoria . growing along both shores of the Mediterranean and in Asia. in Western Africa. officinalis. The Oriental Fenugreek {Trigonella Fcetmm-grcecum. Gray. which grows in both the Elast and West Indies the Central American Logwood. Africa. 76. Great Britain. aculifolia. from his descripMart. Don. volatile alkaloid. the well-known anthelmintic. the Californian Astragalus Menziesii. coriacea. and an oily. . Linn. lagocephalum of Link. a blue coloring-matter extracted from different species of the genus Indigofcra. C. Mim. Mart. Willd. which has long enjoyed a popular reputation in dropsical affections. mostly as a vehicle for drugs. Tephrosia apollinea .. called by Mure Hedysariim ildefonsianum.. termed scoparin (C^^H^aOjJ to which its diuretic qualities are due. as curative agents in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Link). scoparius.. Linn. sparteine (Cj^H^jN). tion. argentea.. . Linn. prominent among which somewhat extensively by this the magnificent family. /. which resembles. Coll. which produced in Mr. and South America. from Indigo/era tinctoria. . chemically. .* the Alexandrian Senna. Linn. * Pharm. the oleoresin of Copaifera multijuga. the heart of Hcematoxyloti Campechianum. Linn.. C. . . but rather as an adjunct to prescriptions. p.. The leaves of the East Indian Phaseolus trilobus. and gleet. the are used fevers. is a powerful diuretic.). D. root of the Mediterranean Antliyilis Hcrviannice. are the Asiatic Laburnum {Cassia Fisiii/a.. Linn. of the day.C is employed by the natives to reduce swellings of joints and that of the New Zealand Tephrosia purpurea. as in leucorrhoea. was once tonic used as a substitute for the true commercial article. are considered stomachic and deobstruent.C. Catechu. is considered to be a Kino. is emetic while that of the Circassian Pueraria tube7'0sa. The Guadeloupe Dragon's Blood. The seeds of the Indian Psoralia Linn. . action often causes severe griping.. The well-known laxative refrigerants.. noted as an astringent application to indolent ulcers. (Palmae) tion of the Canary Island Drcatena Draco. as well as The in speaker's aphonia and passive hemorrhages. are purgative. Indian in fruit of Ccesalpuiia Bonducella. 46-3 the inspissated juice of good tlie Bulca /nvidosa. an excellent styptic. other kinos are used. and used as an adulteration of senna. D. and to pass into mother's milk in an active state. The active principle of the sennas (cathartic acid) seems to be eliminated by digestion. like "pale catechu. Linn. are vesicant and the roots of the Indian Ormocarpiim sentioides... . Linn... Desv. while those of Corouilla Evicrus. and Tinnivelly Senna {Cassia augustifolia. the tropical Bonduc Seeds. African Kino. : . are useful in * Resir. The bark of the Indian Agati grandiflora.). India as a tonic and antiperiodic in general debility and intermittent The Cassias used. a well-known astringent. as follows Malabar Kino. and internally as a remedy in diarrhiea and pyrosis. have a similar property. Cutch or Catechu.C.. Linn. Poir. Linn ). is the resinous exudation of the Central American Toiui/cra Pereira. Willd. are considered by Hindoo practitioners to be sedative. KcL-nig. Linn.. the seeds form a Mohammedan vermifuge Iinlian substitute for the officinal Kino. Linn.* as an astringent in dysentery. from /'. and tonic. from P. the latter being considered also diuretic and even poisonous. a product of the Indian Acacia ing as the dose is Linn. Balsam of Peru. and A. is the inspissated juice of two species of the genus Ph-rocarpus. ... and C. Willd. and components of cough-candies. Linn.a Draconis.." as an astringent. an exudation of Pterocarpiis Draco. useful in chronic is dysentery and diarrhoea. varia. corylifolia. used. . is tonic and antidyspeptic. Balsam of Tolu is the resinous exudation of the South American Toliiifcra balsannim. a noted purgative or mild laxative. another siil>stilute for which was claimed in the exuda- .. Linn.. and internally in asthma and bronchitis as an expectorant. antibilious. other than those previously mentioned. crinaccus. of consiilerable repute. from Calamus Draco. The root of the East viilneraria. is and West Indian Clitoria tcrnatea. Linn. D. a cathartic.. East and West Indian and Egyptian Tamarinds. accord: American Wild Senna {Cassia Marila)idica. produced by plants outside of this family. Linn. is a powerfully bitter tonic. large or small whose the .. gonorrhoea. and stimulant. Baill. Vahl. Rumph states that the roots of the Molucca Ccesalpinia Nuga. 7}iarstipi2im. \^\}\6. it forms one of the most useful stimulant expectorants. The leaves of the South European Bladder Senna {Colntea arborcscens. which is considered a safe and brisk purgative.). Ait. Pers. are the fruits of Tamarindits Iiidica. The leaves of the European Ar/hrolobium scorpioides. used to check excessive discharges from mucous surfaces. (Liliaceae). D.C. as babes are often purposely or accidentally purged by the nurse's use of senna leaves. Roxb. and cause a weakness of the limbs when eaten mixed with flour. and Red Gum. Pers. and were greatly esteemed by the Aborigines as an anthelmintic.. our attention is first called to the beans and of which will be found described under Phaseolus vulgaris. The Guill. . and to cause horses to become almost paralytic Christison claims that flour containing the ground seeds of Lathyrus Cicera. van Fislida . in bread. of varied utility. a fragrant product of disease in the Cochin-China Eaglewood.. The violet seeds of the European Anagyris fa'tida. . Linn. Many among which virulent poisons are lound in this order. tonic.. Unguis. pycantha. A.) are purgative. Jatahy. blue flowers of the sidered poisonous Many West Indian Sabinca Jiorida. Alcexyloii Agallochum. hy A. Willd. are con- — a property probably due valuable gums to their indigo.C. is used as a febrifuge. stcnocarpa. Linn. is root of the East Indian Flower Fence claimed by Schomburgh to be an acrid poison. Arabica and other species Australian Gum. Willd. this The its effects. and M. Among pease — the the first many food-products. as well as Senegal Gum. while Gum Animi. principal The seeds are: European Bitter Vetch Vicia crvilia. Labi.46-4 The calculous and kidney complaints. by of insect depredations. as a remedy for obstinate coughs and incipient phthisis with hematic sputa. Seyal. by A.) are said by M.. . are produced either as natural exudations. Linn. page . The branchJamaica TepJirosia toxicaria. is also poisonous. . D. by A. Virey to be poisonous. are have poisonous properties similar to those of laburnum. Linn. are said by Royle to be a narcotic-poison. Linn. Adansonii. Willd. of the same lets of the fish . and the leaves and flowers as having been used in decoction as a successful remedy against the fevers of Tortcola while Macfadyen claims them to be a powerful emmenagogue.. The roots of the East Indian Pliaseohis radiahis. Jiava. horrida. the Senegal cia Sassa. Willd. while R.. from the same species. Hoch. This glance at a few of the medicinal plants of the order shows a general stimulant. even to abortion. The powdered bark of Robinia viaciilala is used in Campeachy as a poison for rodents. and the roots of the Chinese Robinia antara are powerfully bitter and astringent. Arabica. supposedly by A. according to Martius. are used by the natives to stupefy poison is said to act immediately. principally A. or are intimately held in the wood-cells of Principal . Morocco or Brown Barbary Gum. and to somewhat resemble digitalis in said.. is employed. and A. Suakin or Talha Gum.).. Benth. Two astringents the first acrid and the second diuretic are found The Javanese in the West Indian Mimosa fragifolia. — — astringent line of action to prevail. as a result many species. and . is said by Loureiro to be an astringent useful in preventing vomiting and easing diarrhoea its perfume is also claimed to be useful against paralysis and vertigo. Linn. by various species. is produced by Astragalus gnmmifer. The roots of the North American Turkey pea {Tcphrosia Vii-giniatia. . Gum Sassa is a product of the Abyssinian Aca- Oriental Tragacanth. Lignaloes. the resin of the Jamaica Hynieiiacs Courbaril. Ejicliresta Horsficldii is esteemed by the natives as an antidote to poisons of any description.. Lour. Linn. is employed like a pastile for fumigation in asthma. derived as follows: Kordofan or White Sennaar Gum. Pers. among them are: the Gum Arabics. [Poinciaiia pulclicrrinia. of the ( . are produced by Acacia Senegal^ Willd. Cape Gum. East India Gum. 46-5 our 51, et scq.; native country common garden pea known lenta, Moen., is well Esau that is said to as a food have sold derived from Pisnvi sativum, Linn., whose is The extremely doubtful. is ; and Lens escu- Asiatic Lentil, the seed of was it an indigestible mess of these brother Jacob. It is the opinion for his birthright to his of many writers on Egyptology that tiie Camel's Thorn {Alhagi 3fanronim,Tourn ), which e.xudes a sweet substance that may be gathered by merely shaking the branches, was the manna that is said to have nourished the children of Israel while The unripe seeds in the wilderness. while young and still common European of the Laihyriis Apliaca, tender, are claimed to be a useful substitute for our garden yet, according to Lindley, they are narcotic when ripe, and if eaten then produce excessive headache; Dutch Mice, the tuberous roots of the same species, are amylaceous, and eaten in Holland. The fruit of the Caspian Vicia Faba, Linn., pease is ; eaten young, as in the last-mentioned species, but the roots are a narcotic Johannisbrod, so greatly esteemed poison. o{ Arachis hypoo(ea, Linn. fruit flowering at known — used largely is as an article of pressing out the oil is the pulp of the fruit ground, or peanut, the which so strangely ripens under the ground after some distance above the olive, which Germany, in The of the Syrian Ceratonia Siliqria, Linn.* it tropical — furnishes an oil, oil to adulterate table oils. commerce not inferior to that from The fruits are too well need description. The "cake," formed after is very digestible, and should be more exten- to from the nuts, sively used as a flesh-forming food for cattle. Among the many order we find this : food-products of the North American Indians derived from the Prairie Potato or Bread-root {Psora/ca esculcnta), greatly esteemed by the Sioux, who use nah. It is this root of a sweetish, turnip-like taste, winter use, and when pulverized forms a name extensively under the is often cut in thin slices light, starchy flour; it is of tip-sin- and dried for very palatable, however prepared. Another so-called wild potato, or ground-nut of the .Siou.x the true pommcde-tcrrc of the French is afforded by Apios tubcrosa, and is largely used as an — — article of diet. Bur Clover {Mcdicago lupulina) produces an abundance of seed, much by the Indians. The Indian pop-pea, the fruit of several species of the genus Astragalus, is highly valued, when boiled, by the Indians of the Western Territories. The Screw bean [Strombocarpus pubcscens), although insipid until quite dry, is no sooner ripe than it becomes very sweet and palatable, and is considered a superb article of diet by the Indians along the Colorado River, who When ground it is made collect with assiduity all they can store for winter use. into sun-baked bread, like the next. The fruit of the Mesquite {Prosopsis juliflora) relished is an important are pounded in the sun, after and article of food for into a coarse meal, which they keep many mixed for Indian tribes; the pods, with their seeds, into doughy cakes with long periods. water, and baked This bread-cake is very sweet nutritious.-j- Many leguminose plants afford e.xcellent dyes, principal among which are indigo and logwood, both of which have been mentioned; further than these we * Johanniskraut t J. A. Dodge, is Hypericum perforatum (Hypericaceae), and Johanniswurzel, filix Mas in U. S. Agric. Kept., 1870, pp. 404-428. (Filices). a 46-6 have: The Indian Red Saunders in the wood of Pterocarpiis santalhnis, Linn., valued in India as a red dye for silks and other fabrics; Brazil Wood {Ccrsalpina echinata, Lam.) affords a red dye; Braziletto Wood, from C. Braziliensis ; Sappan Wood, from known dyes. The fibres C. Sappan, and Camwood, from Bapliia nilida, are all well- Broom {Spat^tiicm Jnncemn), whose seeds are emetic Southern Europe for cordage, and also for the manufacture of gunny-bags. The Prayer Bead, the seed of the Indian Liquorice {Abrus precatorius, Linn.) is a beautiful little scarlet oval with a black spot. These seeds are used by the Hindoos as a standard of weight called Rafi, and are celebrated as having been used to determine the value of the great Koh-i-noor diamond Valuable timbers, elegant they are also used in the manufacture of rosaries. of the Spanish and purgative, are used in ; perfumes, fine balsams, brilliant varnishes, and numerous articles of commerce, difficult to classify, are products of this most varied order. History and Habitat. — Genista is indigenous to Northern Asia and Europe, in eastern New York and lower New Essex County, Massachusetts, where it has sandy hillsides, which it renders positively yellow, but has become thoroughly naturalized especially, however, in England, actual pest on dry, become an in June and July, with its profusion of flowers. Though once vaunted in Russia as a prophylactic has nearly dropped out of medical thought. gative, in hydrophobia, this plant leaves and seeds are mildly pur- Its Ray seeds alone often emetic, and the whole plant sometimes diuretic. its says that after cows have browsed upon this plant their milk becomes bitter made from such milk. one of the many leguminose property communicated also to butter and cheese As its common names yielding dyes. The yellow coloring-matter, ferse), gave denote, Genista flowers, that, fine results in the is and indeed the whole in to a pulp and weighed. The whole allowed to stand eight days The tincture, in — Cruci- whole plant, while in flower, Then two is then placed in is parts by weight of alcoit, and the rest a bottle, tightly corked, and a dark, cool place. separated from orange color by transmitted taste and an acid reaction. [Isatis tinctoria mixed with one-sixth part of hol are taken, the pulp thoroughly of the alcohol added. Woad conjunction with plants plant, yield a clear, greenish- dyeing of wool green. PART USED AND PREPARATION.—The chopped and pounded — if light this ; mass by filtration, has a deep reddish- a strong herbaceous odor ; an astringent ; CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.— No in the isolation tile oil of its analysis of this species has, so active principle, the general constituents of plants far. resulted and a vola- only being separated. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.— Our are the only data obtainable, so far, provings of Genista by Dr. E. B. Gushing for the determination of its action. These — 46-7 experiments failed or diuretic; still, to prove the plant capable of acting as an emetic, purgative, they cannot be pronounced as conclusive. Description of Plate 1. A 2. Flower. 3. Elements of the corolla 4. Stamens.* branch, with two flowering branchlets, Salem, Mass., June 25th, 1885. 5. Anthers. 6. Calyx, opened. 7. Pistil. 8. Fruit. 9. 46. a, standard ; /', wings ; c, keel, Liid open. Seed. 10. Longitudinal section of seed. 11. Horizontal section of same. (2-7 and 9-1 By some 1 enlarged.) inexplicible error, this figure cont-iins 11 stamens, instead of 10, .ts shoiiUl be. 47. •-f ^lU.adnat.del.efpinxt. TrIFOLIUM PRATENSE.Lmn, •-'«-«?^ ; N. ORD-LEGUMINOS^. 47 Tribe.-TRIFOUEJE. CKNrs.—TR FOLIUM I SEX. SVST.— DIADEI.I'IIIA iK( 1 ,* IJNN. ANURIA. TRIFOLIUM. BED CLOVER. SYN.— TRIFOLIUM PRATBNSE, LINN. COM. NAMES.— COMMON RED CLOVER; KLEE. TRBFLE (PR.) ; (GER.) ACKER- A TLXCTURK OF THE FI.OWER-HEADS OF TRIFOLIUM I'RATENSE, Description. — This attains a height of gives rise to many L. largely-cultivated biennial, or short-lived perennial plant, from to 3 i The feet. root is large, diffusely branched, Stews ascending, stout and stems. slightly hairy. broadly lanceolate, clasping at the base and surmounted by an awl-shaped leaves three-foliate, on long petioles ; and Stipules tip oval or obovate, sometimes retuse leaflets or even emarginate, with a nearly entire edge, and marked with a whitish-green ^-shaped spot on the central portion of the upper surface. Injlorescence a dense, ovoid head of bracted, sessile flowers. Calyx not distinctly hairy, but having a bearded zone in the throat teeth setiform, the lowermost longer than the others, which are equal. Corolla extended-tubular, about twice the length of the caly.x, withering soon after expansion petals more or less coherent with one another. ; ; Legumes dry. scarious, containing each a single seed; seed somewhat kidney- shaped. TRIFOLIUM. —This diffusely spreading, genus comprises leguminose herbs growing in tufts or and characterized as follows Leaves palmately or sometimes : pinnately three-foliate, rarely stipules scarious, or sometimes, somewhat more ; leaflets usually minutely toothed, rarely entire; Infiorescence dense heads or spikes, coherent with the petioles. when the flowers are few, umbellike. Calyx persistent, tubular or Corolla five-cleft, awl shaped. withering or persistent, monopetalous at the base vexillum longer than the eIje, and generally than the keel. Stamens rendered more or less diadelphous by the bell-shaped, five-cleft or toothed ; teeth ; tenth filament, the tube usually free from the corolla ; when united with it, it is Ovary two- to sixthrough the mediumship of the claws of the aKt and keel. seeded style filiform. Fruit a small, scarious legume, containing from one to ; two or sometimes three to dehiscence none, or, six seeds; * Tics, three : folium, .i leaf. if present, it takes : 47-2 place at the suture and extends through the calyx. order may be found under Genista A description of the natural tinctoria, 46. — Red clover has become extensively naturalized here History and Habitat. its introduction from Europe, escaping to unused fields, along roadsides, and even to open woods, beautifying all with its close, red, sweet-scented heads, As hay, clover is highly valuable, either which appear from May to August. Its nutritive ratio is lower by nearly onealone or mixed with succulent grasses. since [Phlcum pratcnse\ yet ruminants seem to eat of it more Porcher says that, in Ireland, of satisfaction. when food is scarce, the powdered flowers are mixed with bread, and esteemed wholesome and nutritious. As a green manure for field fertilization, and an element of importance in rotation of crops it is also greatly prized, on account of half than that of timothy and with a cvreedily its large percentage of potash, lime, and phosphoric acid. Its all fuller sign former use in medicine has been as a component of a salve, or extract, for A it proves peculiarly soothing. kinds of indolent sores and ulcers, to which strong infusion is often used in half-ounce doses, to suspend the spasm ot whoop- ing-cough. Trifolium is not officinal either in the U. S. Ph. or Eclectic Materia Medica. PART USED AND PREPARATION. — The pulp and weighed. Then two fresh blossoms are pounded to a parts by weight of alcohol are taken, the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of and the it After. having stirred the whole well, allow it to rest of the alcohol added. stand at least eight days in a dark, cool place. The a tincture thus formed, after decanting, straining light, clear, like taste, orange-brown color by transmitted and a decided acid light, and filtering, should have a slighdy astringent, hay- reaction. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. — The only assay of the flower-heads that I have been able to find is one by Grazel, reported in the Proceedings of the Cal. He found, beside the usual constituents of vegetable Phar. Soc, 1883, p, 49. matter, an acid, an extractive, tannin, and a resinoid principle soluble in ether, giving a green color when dissolved in liquor ammonia, and a yellow color in liquor potassa. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.— With the exception of the following effects, noted by Dr. T. C. Duncan, litde or nothing known is of the action of this plant Excessive dryness of the throat and fauces, causing a severe, hacking, irritative cough, a feeling of congestion of the lungs, dry, costive passages from the bowels, and a copious flow of pale yellow urine. Description of Plate I. Upper part of stem, Bergen, N J., 2. Outline of root. 3. Flower (enlarged). 4. Friiiting-head. 5. Pollen, X 380. 47. June 13th, 1879. (p' pinxt. TRIF6LIUM REPENS.Linn ORD-LEGUMINOS/E, N. 48 Tribe-TRIFOUE^. GENUS— TR FOLIUM, LINN. I SEX. SVST.— DIADELPHIA DEl ANURIA. TRIFOLIUM REPENS, WHITE CLOVER. SYN.— TRIFOLIUM REPENS, LINN. COM. NAMES.— WHITE CLOVER KLEE. ; (FR.) TREFLE BLANC ; i GER.) WIESEN A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH BLOSSOMS OF TRIFOLIUM REPENS, LINN. Description. is — This slender, spreading long and slender ; prostrate perennial herl) has no positive and creeping, pale and glabrous throughout. leaflets size, the stem Petioles very obovate, obovate-emarginate or obcordate, the edges very minutely toothed, the caret-shaped grayish spot upon the upper surface pale and indistinct ; more or and pointed. stipules nearly linear-lanceolate, scarious glabrous, longer than the petioles. less flattened IiiJloresce?ice axillary, globose heads. Calyx much shorter than the corolla shorter than the tube, awl-shaped and of unequal sizes. proportion to the size of the head than the preceding. (Read also the generic description under T. pratense, History and Habitat. Peduncles consisting of small, open, —This species northern portion of America, from which ; teeth Corolla white, larger in Fi-uit a 4-seeded legume. 47.) is doubtless indigenous, at least to the it has spread southward and westward, over fields, roadsides and open woods, blossoming earlier than the preceding^ and changing from a creamy-white to a dull-rose and finally a rusty-brown color. As hay the white clover is far inferior to the red, especially in the warmer climates where the catde refuse to eat of it altogether, probably on account of its action upon the salivary glands. This species is not mentioned in the U. S. Ph., nor is it spoken of in the Eclectic Materia Medica. PART USED AND PREPARATION. — The T. pratense, light, afford a tincture of fresh flower-heads prepared as in chestnut-brown color by transmitted and a more penetrating taste. a clear of less astringency, greater acidity, CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. — Although prove of greater use specific chemistry. in medicine than tiie without doubt preceding, I this species can find no data upon will its 48-2 — Dr. T. C. Duncan notes the following sympA sensaseven persons who partook of the pounded fresh flower-heads tion of fulness and congestion of the salivary glands, with pain, which in one individual amounted to mump-like pains in the parotids; this was quickly followed PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. toms in in all by a copious flow of upon all : saliva. A stock that ate of the plant. chemistry and action of this species is similar effect has A further gready to and be desired. Description of Plate I. 2. Whole been noted in the south examination into the critical 48. Flower (enlarged). plant from a stony pasture, Ithaca, N. Y., June 3d, 1880. 3. Pollen -x 380. 49, Inatdel.etjiinxt Melilotus Officinalis, wiiid. ORD.-LEGUMINOS^. N. 49 Tribe.-TRIFOLIE/E. GENUS. — ME LI SEX. SYST.— DIAUELPHIA LOTUS,* TOURN. DECANURIA. MELILOTUS. SWEET CLOVER. MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS, WILLD. SYN.-MELILOTUS VULGARIS, EATON. TRIPOLIUM OFFICINALE. LINN. COM. NAMES.— SWEET CLOVER. YELLOW MELILOT, YELLOW SWEET CLOVER, MELILOT; TENKLEE. (FR.) MELILOT; (GER.) STEINEILEE, MELILO- MELILOTUS ALBA, LAM. SYN.-MELILOTUS LEUCANTBA, KOCH, MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS, PURSH, MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS, VAR. ALBA., NDTT. COM. NAMES.— SWEET CLOVER, WHITE MELILOT, MELILOT. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH FLOWERS OF — Melilotus Description. now become — This AND M. ALBA.f sweet-scented European plant has quite thoroughly naturalized here, growing either as an annual or Stem with perennial herb. nate, ofiBcinalis. M. OFFICINALIS, its spreading branches 2 to 4 feet high. Leaflets obovate-oblong, obtuse, sharply pinnately 3-divided. Leaves alter- and widely inches long while flowering. Racemes axillary, spiked, from 2 to 3 Floiuers small, yellow, about one-quarter of an inch long when Calyx serrate, Corolla from one-half to one inch long. fully expanded. more than twice persistent, with 5 unequal pointed ovate, acute, slighdy longer than the wings: alee induplicate united, cohering to, stamen tube. and looking backward between, Stamens 10, the alse, ; teeth. Petals: vexillum the length of the calyx, deciduous. carina completely entirely free from the diadelphous, inserted with the corolla ; anthers uniform ; more or less abruptly cylindrical, resembling Trifolium, but much Ovary free, -celled, containing i or 2 amphitropous smaller and more uniform. Pod (legume) about one-sixth of an inch in ovules style filiform, terminal. pollen grains i ; length, pyriform in the cup of the withered transversely wrinkled, scarcely dehiscent * pf/, honey, ?.o>tAc, a leguminose plant , calyx, inflated or gibbous, coriaceous, and tipped with the persistent style. so called. The " Amer. Horn. Phar." orders separate tinctures to be made. The provings were made of a tincture M. officinalis and M. alba combined. The German I'harniacopuia recognizes only M. officinalis (Yellow Melilot). t of both 49-2 biennial species taller is the preceding, the flowers are smaller, white, than the vexillum a —This and more widely branched and more densely crowded, For comparatively longer and the leaflets mucronate-truncate. Melilotus alba. is description of the Leguminosae, vide Genista tinctoria, 46. full — Melilot, especially the white species, is found in History and Habitat. places in the Eastern States and New York, flowering from June to August, and oTOwino- in stony, waste places, generally along river-banks, though someIts times in cultivated ground, where it has become naturalized from Europe. many sweet-scented flowers have been variously used as flavoring for many products, In Europe it has been often notably Gruyere cheese, snuff and smoking tobacco. used in the food of cattle to whet their appetites it is also claimed that when packed with furs and clothing it protects the articles from moths, besides giving them a pleasant odor before wearing. The odor of Melilot is due to an aromatic compound cumaric anhydride, which when first observed was supposed to be benzoic acid its identity was proven some years after by Guillemette it also occurs in faham-Ieaves, sweet bed-straw {Gallium trijiorwii), tonka-beans [Dipterix odoratd), sweet woodruff {Asperula odorata), and sweet-scented vernal grass ; ; ; {Anthoxanthum odoratum). The flowers of the Melilots have been extensively used by the with lard, as a salve for ulcers, open much indolent sores and laity, boiled broken breasts with success. Melilotus neither officinal is in U. S. the Ph., nor the Eclectic Materia Medica. PART USED AND PREPARATION. —The Then two pulp and weighed. pounded fresh flowers are to a parts by weight of alcohol are taken, the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it and the rest of the alcohol added. After having stirred the whole well and poured it into a well-stoppered bottle, it allowed to stand eight days is by decanting, brown dish straining, color, it and in a dark, cool place. filtering, is by transmitted The tincture separated light of a clear, red- has a vanilla-like odor, a bitterish taste very similar to that imparted to the palate by chewing tea-leaves, and a decided acid reaction. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.— Cumarin, is found combined with either of the acids; more it and boiling water, and freely in alcohol or Cumaric Anhydride, is MeliloticAcid, or yields acetic Hydrocumaric Acid. prisms, melting and Pol.ish. + Cumaric Acid. from water in F.). — C, H,o O3, crystallizes from water 82° (179.6° F.). On fusing with potash in it salicylic acids. Hydrocumaric Acid. C, H.„ O3 at O.^, crystallizes in large transparent, fragrant prisms, melting at 67° (152.6° F.) and boiling at 291° (556.0° large, pointed Q Ho sparingly soluble in cold water, 5H K O —Q = Acetic Acid. C, H, O, Potash. Salicylic Acid. + C. He O3 -^ HKO Aq. Hg O;,, occurs together with the preceding it crystallizes long needles, melting at 195° (383.0° F.). (Schorlemmer). ; 49-3 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.— What sliulu action Melilotiis has upon the without doubt due to the principle cumarin, which in quite large doses causes nausea, vomiting, vertigo, and great depression, with sleepiness, confusion, system is severe pain in the head, depression of the heart's action Description I. A oi' and cold extremities. I'latk 49. branch from BinghanUon, N. Y., July 25, 1882. 2. Flower (enlarged). 3. Tod (enlarged). 4 Seed (enlargeil). 5. I'oUen X 380. 50 1 ' /.Ill.ailnat(jel.etpi(ixt -^A ROBINIA / PSEUDACACIA, Linn N. ORD.-LEGUMINOS^. 50 Thbe.~GALEGE/E. GENUS— ROBIN I A,* LINN. SEX. SVST.— UIAUhLPHlA DHC.\NUK1.\. ROBIN I A. FALSE ACACLI. — ROBINIA PSEUD -ACACIA, LINN.; PSEUDACACIA ODORATA, MOENGH. COM. NAMES.— COMMON LOCUST, YELLOW LOCUST, TREENAIL, BLACK LOCUST; (FR.) ROBINIBR; (GER.) FALSCHE ACACIBN. SYN. A IINCTURE OF THE FRESH b.ARK OF YOUNG TWIGS, ROBINIA PSEUD-ACACIA. Description.— This commonly cultivated, ornamental of from 50 to 80 feet, attaining its tree, grow.s to a height greatest height only in the southern parts of The stem is erect, straight, deliquescent, from i to 4 feet in the United States. diameter and covered with a dark, rough bark wood yellow, much valued for Branches naked, spinous when young, the its lightness, hardness and durability. ; spines taking the place of stipules. Leaves odd-pinnate, the base of the stalks forming sheaths about the developing buds of the next season; leaflets in from 8 to I 2 pairs of ovate or oblong, stipellate, nearly sessile, smooth blades, hiflorescence axillary; of showy, drooping, slender, loose racemes of white or creamy, ; Calyx short, more or less campanulate, five-toothed or cut and slightly two-lipped by the coherence of the two upper teeth. Corolla papillionaceous standard large, rounded and reflexed, slightly longer than the loings, and obtuse keel. Stamens diadelphous, nine-and-one. Style bearded along the inner side. Fruit a nearly sessile, smooth, linear, flat pod, from 2 to 3 inches long, onecelled and four- to eight-seeded, at length with two thin valves. Seeds small, dark brown, somewhat renniform, but the hilum is small and so near one end that their form is more like the body of a retort; testa smooth; radicle incurved; cotyledons For description .of the N. Ord. Leguminos:e, vide (ienista tinctoria, 46. leafy. fragrant flowers. ; History and Habitat. — This tree is indigenous to the central and southern United States, and so fully cultivated in the northern parts, that it now grows there spontaneously, blossoming in May and June. The inner bark of the roots, stem, and inner coating of the pods is sweet and mucilaginous. The belts of the upon pressure, yield a large quantity of oil. They are quite acrid, but lose upon boiling; they then furnish a pleasant, nutritious article of food, much esteemed by the aborigines. The yellow locust should take first rank seeds, this quality among ornamental trees to be planted by settlers * John Robin, herbalist to Henry IV. in the West, not only on neutral and tasteless. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.) Robinin is found principally in the this body.... railroad ties and supports for structures generally. yielding as products of decomposition (Schorlemmer. Ithaca. 4. yellow needles. Flower (somewhat enlarged 2. as paralytic condition of the extremides. octohedral crystals. Times and Gazette. fifth 50. : . when in an upright bark. 15.. Ball. 3. with a tendency to syncope.— The chopped and pounded hol are taken. and fusing alcohol.50-2 its beautiful foliage and fragrant flowers (points of great use for shade and honey). and having a mawkish taste Tannin. losing water It is soluble in both water and at 195° (383° F.). and a half answers to the following properties Large.„0.+Aq. Fruit. p. ). they colorless and constant upon recrystallization. case purging was not present. This aromatic glu- coside bears ^rreat resemblance to quercctin. sadny. a dry.— Robinin. respiration and heart's action feeble. 1S80.— Robinia vomitino-s. hard. i. even when thoroughly exposed. young twigs is parts by weight of alco- mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it and the rest of After having stirred the whole well it is poured into a wellstoppered bottle and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. constituents. reaction. and the usual plant fuse when heated. but also for its invaluable wood. wards doubted. the pulp to a pulp fresh bark of the Then two and weighed. the alcohol added. acid decided a and the inner bark. voice. of young branch in flower. refractive. Locust is well known for its great durability. giving off an ammoniacal odor. Stamens. Thus prepared. This body was discovered in the roots by Reinsch. Robinia is not mentioned in the U. cool place. sweetish taste peculiar to clear reddish-orancre color by transmitted light. All . in his examination decided that the above body was Asparagine : he obtained some two ounces of this substance from thirty pounds of the root. produced by a long-continued diarrhoea. which the though symptoms seemed in this like those from exhaustion became shrunken on the Description of Plate End a painday. The tincture is then separated by straining and filtering..H. Robinic acid. 1855). Q. A. 570) gives the following effects in a child who had eaten of the seeds Inability to hold the head upright. and is thus exceedingly valuable for fence-posts. causes extreme nausea. fluid eructations and purging. : position ful. Gaz. . Ph. Y. but after- Aug. but is not officinal. flowers it .). of the root. profuse acid These symptoms followed eating of the tor. forms at ioo° (212° F. The body Prof. S. noticed nausea and attempts to vomit. it has a beautiful. Hlasiwetz {Chcut. have also been determined. Pistil. R.) Shaw [Med. May 24th. It has a place. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. fine. and peculiar sugars. N. vol. Dr. 1. account of in the Eclectic Materia Medica. 5. PART USED AND PREPARATION. . 51 4 GXU. .adnatilel.etpifixt Phaseolus Vulgaris. . Ovary hairy margin stigma Fruit a continuous. . DECAXDRIA. oval-oblong. SVST. Description. ORD -LEGUMINOS^. LINN. so extensively cultivated as an was formerly supposed to have been introduced here from India. dilated at . —The Common Bean.-PHASEOLE/E. both while green. according to its . or short and erect in the bushy forms. radicle incurved.* SEX. or compressed hiliim small. and with cellular partitions between the seeds seeds more or less reniform. .— KIDNEY BEAN. History and Habitat. pendent. Calyx campanulate teeth 5. Leaves pinnately trifoliate leaflets laro-e. with a hairy . pointed. NAMES. a little boat. — This common cultivated annual herb grows to various heights. (GER. cotyledons thick . N. STRING BEAN (FR. Stem twining and twisted. Stamens diadelphous filaments circinate. WHITE BEAN. polyspermous. the base.— DIADELPHIA LINN. circinate.) SCHMINKBOHNE. the pod beinj somewhat scaphoid. the two upper merely apparent. . The Bean has been cultivated by the natives from remote aboriginal times. cuneate. POLE BEAN. but Prof Gray claims it a native plant. compressed. and the seeds alone when ripe and dried. pointed. more or less falcate pod. . naked stipitate. . of ancient Peruvians at AnQon. hairy. along with other purely native vegetables however.— PHASEOLUS. .. entire.) HARICOT. notched at the apex ales pear-shaped. each furnished with a long claw and short incurved appendage. 5-^ Tribe. ovate. the three lower ones larger. loculicidal. style long. * From the Latin //. cylindrical. PHASEOLUS.— PHASEOLUS VULGARIS. SYN. COM. Inflorescence in solitary axillary racemes. the peduncle stout and shorter than the leaves. . LINN. probable that the plant is not indigenous north of Mexico. No previous medical use is discoverable.a«/«j. . . many varieties having become valuable to them then (as they are to us now) as a potage. form and the method of cultivation. unequal. Corolla papilionaceous keel circinate and somewhat spirally twisted vexillutn entire or nearly so. A TINCTURE OF THE DRIED SEEDS OF PHASEOLUS VULGARIS. as the fruit and seeds were found in the tombs esculent. legume and all. acute. COMMOJV BEAA'. GENUS. . it is. — The a pulp and macerated for eight days in pounded ripe dried seeds are to twice their weight of strong alcohol.36 799 131 matter. being shaken twice a day. is also found in the seeds of and other Leguminoss. 4. 471. 112.70 Pulp skeleton. 425 1380 Starch. epigastrium when touched. i Ser. a clear but slighdy yellowish color. 18. and kept in closely-stoppered bottles in a dark. as the beans were mildewed. .70 Uncrystallizable sugar. The symptoms produced in the first case were: Severe frontal headache accompanied by pain. || Jour. . legumin and starch. 21 23.. The tincture. 545. This albuN and S. 52 Mucilage.* or animal galactose. parenchyma of the liver and kidneys. and * See p. Extractive. Beans.— 51-2 PART USED AND PREPARATION. 1.20 i.— The only accounts of the ill effects produced by eating raw beans are those of Dr. from which it may be separated by triturating them. 1864. . and lungs. Legumin. after soaking The liquid deposits starch in warm water and pressing the pulp through a sieve... Earthy .|| the latter I exclude here. Phaseolin. of very disgusting fecal odor. Phys.50 Fatty matter.oo salts. or Vegetable Casein. and itching of the eyeball eyeball painful to touch pain in the . cool place. 42-34 5.. is found in many seeds of the Leguminosse. hernia-like pain at right inguinal ring. 85. 288 Skins Starchy fibrous matter. by decomposition. on standing. Braconnot. existing in the muscles of the heart as well as in the this constituents : Einhof. and the severity of the symptoms. Med. Brit.. and treating the extract with ether to produces a volatile remove Phaseolin the sugar. and a neutral reaction. ct . soreness. X Ann. 7. Animo-veg. or proteid body. oil. xxxiv. Legumin. Demeures§ and William Dale. Esq. 3S40 100. and the casein-like body may be precipitated from the liquor by aceminoid. I vi.00 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. separated from this mass by filtration. The following analyses of Beans by Einhoff and Braconnot J show the general Inosite.20 Pectic acid. de la SocUti Gall. Albumen and animo-veg. containing both tic acid. together with their character. matter and starch. de Chini. t GehUn's Jour. —This peculiar amorphous body is obtained by extracting the seeds with alcohol. 95-3. 744 Loss and water. Jour. has a disgusting fecal odor. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. appear to me to be due to the fungus. . 6. Pistil. July 27tli. 7. Ala. Flower. 5. Stamen. which from a dose of about five drops of the thorough proving. Calyx and standard. N. 4. Y. 8. The seeds certainly deserve a symptoms recorded by Dale could be a well-known riatulency. Binghamton. Summit of plant. Keel and calyx.51-3 when cooked.) I . 1886. 51. Desckhmion ok Plate 1. produce symptom have also noted tincture. (3-8 enlarged. Stigma.. 2. 3. especially so if the verified. . BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. R.adnat.(iel.Br. .( pinxt. . terminal upon the branches. — even the yellow flowers black. to a height of R. species yielding an inferior indigo dye. or slighdy shorter. flo^oers canary-yellow. WILD IJ^BICrO. when dry leaflets j4 to }^ inch long.—BAPTISIA TINCTORIA.SVST. I dye. (FR. rounded . . embryo description of Leguminosae under Genista tinctoria. 52 Tribe. 3-foliate. coast. perennial. straight Ovary stipitate style curved. Leaves palmately blackish externally. fewmidrib stipules and bracts minute. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. distinct. CLOVER BROOM.* VENT. BAPTISIA. anthers alike and uniform. . caducous. R.BR.— DECANDRI. brown — This slender. light yellowish- Description. Read . . MICHX. becoming like all other portions of rootlets or nearly so. and reflexed laterally wings oblong. dilated below stigma minute.— BAPTISIA. Fniitd^n oval. sandy soils. ovoid. TREFLE . irregular. glaucous. COM. internally.N. INDIGO . SOPHORA TINCTORIA. flowered racemes. SYN. PODALYRIA TINCTORIA. Wild Indigo is indigenous to the Canadas and the United States. rounded or cuneate-obovate. Calyx cup-shaped limb 4-toothed. . — History and Habitat. HORSEFLY WEED. ORD -LEGUMINOS^. Some where it delights in the dry. about as long as the leaflets. SEX. . stalked in the persistent cup of the calyx calyx-cup. therefore broader than the rest. . GENUS.—WILD INDIGO.V MONOGYNIA. YELLOW BROOM. straight. bushy-branching herb. Corolla : standard about the length of the wings.) BAPTISIB. DYER'S BAPTISIA. . FALSE INDIGO. 46. loose. RATTLE BUSH. emarginate. YELLOW WILD INDIGO. dark bluish-green with a light green stripe on the Inflo7'csccnce short. hilum small. grows from 2 to 3 feet. . the two petals composing it nearly separate. the upper tooth double.-SOFHORE/E ET PODALYRIE^. Baplho.) INDIGO SAUVAGE. the plant . LINN. mucronate legume. Stamens 10. stipe nearly twice the length of the Seeds many. NAMES. INDIGO WEED. (GER. ligneous. BR. . . ^eel somewhat incurved. It grows as far south as F"lorida and west to the Mississippi. centrally inflated. Root large. plentifully however only near the * pojrri'?M. cinnamon-brown straight or incurved. sessile — numerous and lighter in color. remedy in .* have not met with the plant in Chenango. and our practice substantiates the above use of its . mass by filtration is presents a deep brownish-red color by transmitted light t its parts by weight of alcohol are mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it and the rest of the After stirring the whole well. In the form of fomentation or cataplasm it has proved eminently beneficial when applied to phagedenic and gangrenous ulcers especially if the decoction be adiiiviistered internally at the same time" (italics ours).: 52-2 As regards New York R. it is no longer used. vol. Mai." The U. Any physician. it in thin Weems. of whatever school of practice. Med. 133. Mai. . " Letter to Mr." \>. layers it has no distinguishing p. who fails to use this Typhoid alone where it is so often indicated. Thalclier's Dispensatory. those of asparagus. New York & Erie City. The young shoots of this plant resemble. Dr. ii. The preparations Alcoholicuni ." It flowers in the Northern States from June to August. especially in New England. vol. 56.267Leptandria. in fevers supposed to be putrid. we feel compelled to say. Barton says. being far inferior to Indigofera andI ."It promiscuously inhabits a variety of situathese localities. and PART USED AND PREPARATION. ii. bottle to stand eight days tincture separated from this in * Author % \ II ]] bark is chopped a dark. in willful ignorance " Nothing has recently been added to the knowledge possessed many years ago respecting this medicinal plant. tions. vastly lower percentage of death in Typhoid. The most important previous use of the plant as a drug. The National DIspensatory|| contains under this drug the following. Mat. Tioga nor Tompkins Counties. cool place. . opaque. in every State of the Union. Sanguinaria and Baptisia. it is poured into a well-stoppered and allowed The Extractnui Baptisice fresh root with Then two pulp and weighed. Torrey Club. though almost always in a dry soil. Lucy fails to find it in Chemung this is probably due to the rich loam of Dr. allows many an opportunity to save a life to escape him. Podophyllin. ii.. Y. p. p. written. of the Eclectic Materia Medica are Unouentiim Baptisice. Med. and inclining to putrescency. 361. : Pilulce Baptisice Compositce^ ill Bull. with such good effect as to encourage further trials. in lieu of that herb for a pottage.-j. xi. R. 58.— The and pounded to a taken. Thatcher says: J "its employment has been extended in a few instances to Typhus or putrid fever. and Dr. and our the drug. in form and general appearance. and in general where antiseptics are indicated. was as an "antiseptic " dressing for gangrenous wounds. Broome. that it State : have noted I in upon traveling ceased entirely at Narrowsburg. Med. Comstock says :§ "I would observe that it is used in cases of mortification." Our provings thoroughly corroborate. the pulp alcohol added. especially in such cases as were accompanied by a low torm of fever and in decoction in putrid fevers generally.irton. >879. employment unnecessary. P. I'eg. As a dye. Veg.iiton's /V».. pp. 122 miles from the N. Dr. S.. in 18S4. B. c|uoloci in B. Pharmacopoeia gives no officinal preparation this in the full light of our excellent success with the drug. . vol. 5S-59. and are used. vol. Tongue coated white.. Dr. with burning cheeks. Vertigo. and 4 to 14 grs. 162. Dull. Difficult breathing with oppression of followed by constipation. heavy headache Soreness and lameness of the eyeballs. p. it produces congestion and catarrh of the intestinal mucous membrane with abdominal tenderness. 1862. alcohol. dullness. by marked distention. for there are very few other drugs which we can ascribe such power. especially at the site of the gall-bladder. a peculiar bitter ami astringent taste. with hot. and soreness of back and e. Hughes says:|| " Baptisia is capable of e. and correspond to those of Typhoid or disintegrating forms of fever. followed by fever. the early stages of Typhoid. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.* U. in to of We have no evidence that Baptisia affects Peyer's patches as they are affected in Typhoid. Greene obtaining pale yellow crystals of various forms.. restlessness. liaving that been thwarted.jI. as the specific condition of inflammation of the patches of Peyer does not appear until the second or perhaps third stage. in in alkaloidal . •ether. N. Urine dark red. of " Baptisin" in different individuals are marked.52-3 odor. 31-39- . Pure Mat. and stupidity. Antl this pyrexia is exceedingly like that Dr. stiffness. and diarrhrea. our remedy properly used has done its work ere this and is not then required. distention. the previous analyses by Smedley. p. 30 grs. and perhaps Mercury and Turpentine do. Constant pain and aching in the abdomen. v. Ency. such condition not following. 251.Ktremitic-s. low-spirited.some being perfect This purified alkaloid was found to be . nor even that it acts upon them at all as But it is certain Arsenic and Iodine. Chills general.salts only. nausea. other physical and chemical properties are as yet unknown." Still. Soft. 1 I II |). in whether or not it is A the and whitish same as not stated. and burning in the stomach. Aching.soluble in water. ii. p. . Pulse at first accelerated antl full. pp.v/a the human subject.. the chest. Med. * /*»/.r. Phar. Pharmneodynamics. indisposed to think followed by inability. They are substantially as follows :§ mentally gloomy. imparts to the tongue on tion a cold sensation (juite similar to and has an acid first applica- that of sulpiiate of soda ((ilauber's Salt). Dull Face pains in the region of the liver. 87 1. for the analysis of the root was made by Dr. —The symptoms following the ingestion of doses varying from i to of disturbance in the s)stem 200 drops of the tincture of the root. and tendency to tlelirium. your. of the powder. 577. Allen. t Idem. nor will any other be. followed sallow. Loss of appetite.J resulting succeeded octahedra. 310. 1879.— An Greene. yellow or yellowish-brown. with weakness and weariness of body.f and Warner. S. mucous stools. then low and faint. express purpose of obtaining the alkaloid. No sweat. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. weakness and great prostration. reaction. This is no slight thing.xciting true primary />j'. J Idem. flushed face. dark. yellow resin was also determined one isolated by Smedley is his analysis. and soreness on pressure. Stamen.52-4 The only post-mortem examination that has come to my notice is that of a under Dr. 6. N.) J. Pod. In this animal the large and small intestines were found greatly congested. and filled with mucus and blood. I.. Pistil. Pamrapo. . cat Description of Plate 52. 3. Burt's experiments. (3 and 4 enlarged. 1879. End of flowering branch. X 250. July 6th. 2. Pollen. 4. Flower. 5. Lam .adnatdeletpinxt GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS.^m. . tubular below . petals oblong. Calyx elongated- lobes lanceolate. flattish. COM. about one-half an inch broad. to gyinnos. taper- early.— GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS.V. * in rich and Pennsylvania. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH FRUIT PULP OF GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS. Description. action on nerve-centres. 53 ORD. along Illinois flowers in June.. klailos. pedicillate . equal. stipules none. flattened pod. equal.^NlM^l. Stamens 10. GUILANDICA DIOICA. laryngeal branch. rivers and lakes. peculiar tree. introrse. hard. pointed and entire. branches few. filaments distinct. Leaves bi-pinnate. upon the summit of the calyx-tube. anatropous. BONDUE. SYST. SYN. each of which (upon the younger branches) is composed of from 6 to 8 pairs of leaflets. vertical. S. AMERICAN COFFEE BEAN. reaches a height of from 50 erect. Corolla not papilionaceous . bark extremely rough. where —The Kentucky Coffee Tree grows from Western it The previous New York uses of this plant A and south- in medicine are grounded upon its peculiar fruit pulp has been found decoction of the leaves and useful in locomotor ataxia. bearing a pair of opposite leaflets near the base. bud of anything looking like a when young- and curiously broken transand in winter so destitute cane-like. the lower pair upon the base of the petiole almost cordate. somewhat ovoid. limb 5-cleft . upon masturbation. KENTUCKY MAHOGANY. COFFEE TREE. opening longitudinally.iked . NAMES. History and Habitat. N. . inserted . and bearded. These leaves Leaflets alternate. versatile. included. LINN. Style single. LAM. 2-celled. inserted with the petals. iXiido. westward. GENUS. CHICOT. anthers Ovules sagittate. Fruit an oblong. ovate-lanceolate. NICKAR TREE.-C/ESALPINIE/E.-DICECIA DEC.* LAM. n. woods. wiien mature. odd-pinnate accessory leaf-stalks.— KENTUCKY COFFEE TREE. to 60 versely —This Trunk feet. so that each leaf may bear from forty-eight to one hundred and seventy-four develop late and fall leaflets. reflex troubles incident rnjifd. seeds 2 to appearance of the tree in winter. thornlcss. and from 4 to 7 larger. from the l)arren and de.— GYMNOCLADUS. . short. and of a dark olive color embryo straight. the whole tree appears as tliat if dead. 6 to 10 inches long and about i inch broad.. 2 to 3 feet long. LAM. larger and more pointed or thyrsi flowers dioecious. . pulpy inside. Lnfloresce7ice terminal compound racemes (estivation imbricate. GYMNOCLADUS. . . SEX.ORD-LEGUMINOS^. as a flypoison. End of a 2. is One Though this locality is we have never suffered any serious a very large coffee-tree. it crystallizes in and radiate. It attracts swarms of the noisome insects. and the leaves as a purgative and insecticide. and still flourishes. Sterile flower in section. 6 sterile small 4. and coldness. fruit in pulp colorless. was nearly stripped of its leaves by a and we feared that the tree would die from In three days the ground beneath was black with a the complete defoliation. in The tincture. like flies. Stamens. 1SS5.) in the . sneezing. . years we have used the bruised leaves. A 3 and 5. and the tree put out new leaves. from Extracted is C^^H^jN^O. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. the seeds of Cytisus Labitrnuiu. desire to urinate. Ithaca. green pulp of the unripe the preceding drug. (5. Central United States as a substitute for coffee. and an alkaline reaction. 6 and 7 enlarged. branch. and is sure death to them. puerperal peritonitis. 7 oz. Y. pains limbs. per cubic foot. It sublimes without decomposition by the careful application of heat. annoyance from them. — Gymnocladus causes vertigo with a sensation of fullness of the head. has a clear orange color by transmitted light is upon the fingers and of a familiarly characteristic odor. of the pulp. sprinkled with molasses water. with a fine grain. Sterile flowers. and overhanging the piazza. June 17th.53-2 mucous membranes of the and typhoid forms of fever. couohs dependent upon a chronic of the irritation air-passages. sleepiness. . PART USED AND PREPARATION. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. neutralizing acids completely. year cloud of potato-flies (the blistering this tree fly). a Virginia correspondent of The American Agriculturist says: "Back of our house here. salivation. Description of Plate 53. with a plague of infested. suitable for cabinet-work The seeds are said to have been used by the early setders of gr." Gymnocladus is officinal in none of the Pharmacopoeias. four times reduced. of 647. and has a sp. found said to exist also in the leaves Laburnum. For ten carpet of corpses. of this tree. resembling that after filtering gummy . it weighs 40 lbs. nausea with burning of the stomach.. N. posterior and lateral views. from the mass. leaf. deliquescent forms. numbness of the body. burning of the eyes. Concerning the use of Gymnocladus as a fly-poison.— Cj)/^V/«^. having a caustic and bitter taste. To the arts it furnishes a hard wood.xual desire. This alkaloid.— The seed-pods is to be crushed and prepared as fresh. Egypt. erysipelas. and 7. increased se. something like mahogany. .et pinxt GEUM RIVALE.54 .ad naf. Linn.dei. . ally present though sometimes early deciduous. . ovary hairy. the sinuses. which is now hispid below and plumose above the angular .int flavor.* I. genera. situated upon an erect long. a pleas. : herbs. serrate. A TINCTURE OF THE (GER. disting-uished on account of its grows to a height of from one to two feet. LINN. BBNOITB AQUATIQUB. *Tmoi.species having aromatic roots. perigynous Pistils one or many. SYN. The general characters of Plants consisting of trees. .— GEUM RIVALE.N. more or less lyrate below and 3-lobed above.— iro. SEX.^LE. aside from innumerable cultivated specimens. GEUM RIV. opening by a longitudinal slit or pore.\ I'di. GEUM RIVALE.? few. and inserted with the stamens upon a thin disk that lines the calyx-tube. Calyx erect. svsr. large and handsome. hairy. hibiscus-like petals. with fle.VNT. shrubs and the order are and furnishing our most valuable fruits. outside of.) WHOLE (FR. Leaves of two kinds those from the root on long deeply grooved petioles. Stamens numerous. conical head. .xion ©f the style. . tle. —This beautiful perennial plant. inserted into a stipitate disk in the cup of the calyx anthers introrse. Root creeping.g<!uo . seeds oval. lyrate and irregularly pinnate those of the stem few. giving off numerous fibrous rootlets. — This grand natural order is represented in North America by 35 Rosaceae. styles Fruit a dense. bearded. StameJis very numerous. the sepals. Petals as many as the sepals. contracted into a claw at the base. 5-lobed. pointed stipules ovate. nodding on bracted pedicels. . . LINN.— PURPLE OR WATER AVENS. Inflorescence terminal on long.vovn'i. Leaves alternate stipules generFlowers regular. fllaments slender. hairy. 213 species.— G E U M . Petals 5. ORD. handsome. concave below. dilated obovate. Pistils many. the epicarp retaining the persistent style. NAMES.xed tips. COM. sometimes branched.\xi)Ki.) SUMPFNELKENWURZEL. ligneous. erect. peduncles i^fzivr. retuse. Calyx of 5 to 8 sepals united to form the calyx-tube in some species with a second set as bractlets. one of the . 54 GENUS. CHOCOLATE-ROOT.-ROSACE^. Sicni simple or nearly so. with 5 alternating bractlets in Description.s. .v. PL. and 92 varieties. stalk arising from the cup of the caly. WATER AVEJYS.INN. nearly sessile. and alternate with. incised.x. .) peaches [Amygdalus Perand the three mentioned in this work. After having stirred the whole well. cool place.. to Volatile Oil of odor like cloves. an achenium. Virginiana. I var. and cherries {Ainygdalccs) and strawberries.— The action of this species has not yet been . L. it still retains a place in History and Habitat. cherry-laurel DC). a follicle. All the qualities of both species are given up freely to both water and alcohol. ainara. The genera PotenSpirea. and the rest of the alcohol added. peaches. 2 var. .. . DC). the Eclectic Materia Medlca. pour it into a well-stoppered bottle. L. Seeds single. 54-2 Fndt either either distinct in or upon a receptacle. a slightly astringent taste. differs but slighdy from the species under consideration. Geum at one time gained great renown as " Indian Chocolate .— An analysis of Avens by Buchner. separated by straining and filtering. and blackberries {Rosaceee) Bitter almonds (Amygdahis covnmmis. — . the pulp mi. The tincture." it was given in decoction prepared with sugar and milk. and an acid reaction. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. The whole plant. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. . acid. Geum. an acid. grows from the New . and as a febrifuge. In water.xed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it. crab-apples. [Pimtms Lauro- kousso [Brayei-a antJielmintica. sweetalmonds {Amygdalus eommunis.) Though Geum has been dismissed from the U. Ph. ows. . dtdeis.) The Water Avens contains also a resin. Beside the useful and edible fruits almonds. will in time also be proven to be of benefit in the treat- cerasus. butyraceous may be oil. and let It stand eight days In a dark. flowering in May. quinces. and GiUenia.) sica. raspberries. Miller) . prunes. or a few in each ovary albumen wanting eotyledons large and thick embryo straight. leucorrhcea. Kuni/i. tannin.. bark {Primus wild cherry — . [Pomees) we have many useful medicinal thimble-berries. or a pome. tilla. plants among the species in this order. bitter extractive. debility. colics. proves It be very similar to the European Geum nrbamtm . etc. Prtimis Persied) ment of . PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. should have a deep orange-brown color by transmitted light. gathered before blossoming in the spring. a drupe. dyspepsia. gum. . which. — This Indigenous Inhabitant of bogs and springy meadEngland States and Pennsylvania westward to Wisconsin and northward. Is chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. apples. botanically. pears. disease. L. — PART USED AND PREPARATION. and other general plant constituents. —A This body greenish-yellow. or combined in the calyx-tube. S. for dysentery. plums. and most ailments of the digestive tract it was also used as a styptic in uterine hemorrhage. and hemoptysis. chronic dlarrhcea. having an readily obtained by distillation of the roots (VVIttsteln. (Rafinesque. N. Root 3. Stamen (enlarged). with open Achenium (enlarged). Sepal. from Lowmansville. 7.. May 30th. to the Hke electric shocks. Description of Plate 54. 6. coming on symptoms: severe abdomen shooting from deep within the after eating. A short proving by the late Dr. cell. inner view. 18S4. 2. Herring gave as jerking. end of the urethra. 4. tearing pains. Petal.54-3 determined. Y. outer view. leaf. Stamen (enlarged). Part of flowering and fruiting plant. . I. 5. showing bracts. . pinxt FRAGARIA VESCA. .adnat.GTU. . — "WILD. obtuse.ST. not sunk in pits. Virginica. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH RIPE FRUIT OF FRAGARI.&S. Ehr. to appear plicate . 55 Tribe-DRYADE/E. Watson F. Inflorescence loose leafy cymes. Hook and F. stipules Xdinz&oXzX^oblong. (PR. hairy . and has the achenia sunk in pits upon the surface of the receptacle form our delicious wild strawberries.-ROSACE^. cuneate-obovate. much longer petioles . stolons creeping . an adventive form. Asia. flowering fruiting in July — — . upon long naked scapes. . where it is —The Wild Strawberry grows on dry and rocky banks. knotty Description. ternately compound. The F. Andr. Duch. Fniit consisting of the greatly enlarged and now pulpy and scarlet globular receptacle achenia dry.— . Virginiea. . pedicels erect or drooping base and furnished with 5 . Gray. . This species. FRAGARIA. . Cali/ornica. Illince7isis. VESC. SEX. Sconleri. 4 SYN. Petals 5.f OR ". is supposed to America.s. Virginica var. y?^jtw.white. History and Habitat. NAMES.) ERDBEERE. Indica. coarsely serrate. (GER. . scattered upon the surface of the fruit.— FRAGARIA VESCA. odorous. stipules adherent to the base of the petioles of the radical leaves sessile or nearly so.\. glauca. N. Stamens small.. . The other North American species of Fragaria are F. . indefinite. WOOD STRAWBERRY. common throughout the North Temperate Zone Europe. the whole remaining spread or reflexed in fruit lobes acute.SY. together with F. Calyx concave at the intermediate bracteoles alternate with its lobes. Styles deeply lateral. grows in richer soil. . leaflets and so strongly veined as than the leaves.\ Root perennial. on account of the aroma of the f More properly applicable to the F. sending therefrom young plants. LINN. following in due time the same process stem none. * From the Latin fragrans. Virginica which is more common.) LE FRAI- SIER. PIELD. and With us it is thoroughly indigenous North.. fruit. horizontal. acute. Leaves mostly radical. Chilensis.— ICOSANURIA POLVGVNIA. GENUS. ORD. leaves of the cymes small.— FRAG ARIA. F. somewhat crenate edged. COM.* TOURN. and var. LINN. and in in May and June and August. along the ground and rooting at the end. Tf WBERR I 'ILD S TF. supposed to be the original of the " Boston Pine " and " Hovey's Seedling " and var. C. The previous medical uses of Fragaria were few the berries were ordered . cate stomach find contains symptoms — a patent fact that It is and body uninvestigated. vesca. and generally swollen. As the symptoms had apparently reached their height. but especially her face and trunk. a This tincture has a very deep brownish-carmine color by transmitted light. and a peculiar volatile aromatic —without suffering from symptoms of disordered often culminating in quite severe attacks. and advised that she eat nothing for twenty-four hours. fruit. "but contented himself with naming only seven of F. when in thin layers. The root in to . been used in England for dysuria and gonorrhoea. — The fresh. A case in with deli- — especially digestion my . dealt with as preceding drug. mucilage. Rafinesque judged that about one hundred varieties existed. be freely eaten of in various calcareous disorders. bluish-red. many people almost impossible to eat strawberries and cream it early in the season the fruit sugar. gave nearly symptoms of the toxic effect of the fruit. fine petechial eruption. while all the and covered with a swollen. giving no remedy. p. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. practice a small-pdx scare was prevalent in this city. yield an opaque tincture. closely veiled.55-2 be the original of the beautiful scarlet Virginia strawberry. among how feeling nauseated. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. 40-2. Many early writers considered the fruit as beneficial in gouty affections Linnaeus extols their efficacy in preventing paroxysms of gout in his own case and Rosseau claims that he was always relieved of a calcareous affliction by eating freely of them. and when seated. somewhat vinous taste. that I might watch the pure symptoms. I told her the cause. On the third day exfoliation astonishment. and restlessness ceased. I difiicult. and in a frightened manner desired to know if she had small-pox. and that she and a lady friend had eaten them all the night before. at times in somewhat faint. but especially examination showed a swollen tongue. The dried leaves (Strawberry Tea) yield a slightly astringent infusion used in domestic practice as an excitant. laughingly ventured asking her and —although she had found strawberries. the patient thirsty and restless.* malic. Her face was several years ago. whereupon she asked me. and as an astringent in diarrhoea and dysentery. of which. called hastily upon me early one morning. and little sleep was gained that night. slightly the epigastric region was winter —where and abdomen her speech was somewhat . A young lady. infusion has PART USED AND PREPARATION. the odor of the berries. knew she had been her about two quarts.— The citric acids . . the appetite returned. having. the next day the eruption began to fade. ripe berries. cisso-tanic. ered her whole body. withdrew her veil. and a strono. astrineent. it which she said cov- She complained of in adding that a friend in Florida sent other fruit. on retiring. In the afternoon of the same day the skin was hot and swollen.acid in the reaction. none are recognized by botanists to-day. I eating the * See under Ampelopsis quinquefolia. . however. the skin appearing quite similar to tlie condition existing after a severe attack of scarlatina.. Whole plant. 3. .55-3 began and was very profuse. N. and 3 enlarged. The young lady who shared her fruit exhibited no symptoms whatever. May 8th. Stamen. Description of Plate I. from Ithaca. 2. Y. 1880. (2 A flower.) 55. . dei. pinxt. PiRus Americana. ad nat. % fm. DC. . — This beautiful mountain tree is indigenous from Maine southward along the Alleghany Mountains. SORBUS AMERICANA. . D. . COM. (FR.— POI.— AMERICAN MOUNTAIN ASH. bright pale below. leaves compound. baccate pome about the size of a pea seeds two in each cell testa cartilaginous. SEX. PIRUS. SYST. AMERICANA. acuparia of Europe. .YANDRIA TRIGVNI. sharply serrate with pointed teeth. AMERICA JV MO UJVTAIJ^ ASH. N. Fruit a bright-scarlet. medicine has been as a tonic in fevers of wild cherry {Cerasus serotina. flattish.) VOGELBEEREN. Ord. C. Petals roundish obovate. . 56 . so far as distinguished. and flowers in June. westward to Michigan. taper- and shining green above. GENUS. MICHX. glabrous and Bark somewhat resembHng feet. not large. P. to Pennsylvania. . Stamens numerous. (GER. cymes. S.ORD-ROSACEyE-. terminal pointed. ACUPARIA. The large clusters of brilliant red berries of this species and the P.-PIRUS (PYRUS) AMERICANA.-POME/E. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH BARK OF PIRUS AMERICANA. VAR. to 13 leaflets 15. Styles 3. WILLD. The close botanical and chemical relation of the American and European species render them so closely allied that many botanists consider them identical. —This D. Inflorescence in Calyx with an urn-shaped tube limb 5-cleft.* LINN. SORBIS. nearly smooth tree grows to a height of from lo to 35 the cherr)\ Leaf-buds pointed. which hang long after the leaves have fallen. In the north it also habits swampy spots. RAF. SYN.-V. AMERICAN SERVICE TREE. The previous use of the bark * The in classical is so much like that of the medical uses have been substitutive. S. Description. lanceolate. odd-pinnate. HUMIFUSA. MEYER. C. globose. separate. make the trees fine lawn ornaments. ACUPARIA. NAMES. History and Habitat. glutinous.— PI RUS. D.) that its name of the Pear tree. compound. and and the chemistry of the bark. C. S.) . teeth mucronate. a bitter taste. it forms in large. Water.. are also found in the berries of this species. it is soluble in water and alcohol. obtained from its aqueous solution in small... and ether. tincture produced. liquefies at 200° (392° F. — Amygdalin. at the chemistry of the I am able to ascertain.). irritation of the . and an acid reaction. Obs. QHj„0^. separated from the above mass by filtration. Almonds.= Sorbin. • Bitter CNH + CH„0 + (QH^pjr the glucose found in the berries which melt at 110° (230° Glucose. where were used as an antiscorbutic.— The to a Then two pulp and weighed.).H.. in Dr.. . together with malic Citric acid crystallizes in rectorhombic. p. QH^O-. This glucoside occurs in the bark. Sorbus (Pirus) acuparia. After stirring the whole well. and the rest of the alcohol added. a benefit. and caramelizes and decomposes at higher temperatures.— So far as made of the bark of this species has been glance. deliquescent prisms. and decompose with a forms. is Benzalclehyde q. Gatchell and symptoms showing an Horn. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it.r.). 1S78. but not in ether. This acid is found in the berries as they begin to ripen. 520.). fuse at 150° (302° F. two isomeric acids of the acrylic group. having the formula C. acid. fresh bark is The berries chopped and pounded parts by weight of alcohol are taken. it is poured into a well-stoppered bottle and allowed to stand eight days The in a dark..: 56-2 supposed malarial types. Amygdalin loses its water of crystallization at 120° (248° F.NO.). has a reddishbrown color by transmitted light. sweet F._NOjj(H20)3. C^HgOj.H^O. alcohol acid taste. Under the action of dilute acids it splits tallize up as follows „ "ylrocyanic . tincture. and having a pure and pleasant become white when exposed to the air. glassy both species. which crys. in the fruits of —This widely-distributed body occurs. Citric Acid. Sorbic and Parasorbic Acid. These cules of water at specific crystals empyreumatic odor at higher temperatures. having a strong but pleasant acid taste.—The others under his observation. Q„H. buds. cool place. QoH^^NOjj. + (HP). — It is Malic Acid. it was often substituted PART USED AND PREPARATION. C^. however. for cinchona. CHEMICAL CONSTITOENTS. colorless. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. from water as transparent prisms. Qil of . readily soluble in water. crystals. flowers and kernels of many rosaceous plants it separates as pearly scales. Amygdalin. lose two mole100° (212° F.* a set of • Am. no analysis determine to its specific principles European species may be of . heat. Stamens. 7 enlarged. (3. also caused . 2.n. 4 May showing perianth. A branch 7. pistil. and perspiration. flower. and reflex nervous irritati<. Binghamton. 5. Description of Plate 56. A portion of a cyme. Two (). 3. 1885.) 28th. I.56-3 alimentary mucous arthritic membranes. A A 4. Section of leaflets. in fruit. It disturbances and symptoms of chill. and fruit. . Linn. Penthorum). 57 GENUS— PENTHO RUM. anthers 2-celled. and -celled capsule. and has been recommended in cancerous troubles and epilepsy. This order yields but few medicinal plants. off. a loose terminal cyme of revolute spikes . . whose leaves. anatropous. inserted upon the base of the calyx.). scattered. Stamens distinct. SYN. sometimes wanting. the Orpine [Sedutn Telepliium. lanceolate. seeds ellipitical. albumen thin. — Stone Crop {S. SVST. Linn. Linn. the sepals. Pistils . . acute at both ends. Sfeni erect. and Corolla sometimes monopetalous. persistent. 2 i inches. equal to. . -horned.) whose apparently dcchlorophylled leaves make a fitting cover for the old ruins which afford the plant a habitat throughout Europe {Docis acrid. Leaves mostly sessile stipules Calyx none. — This homely perennial grows to a height of from 8 to somewhat angled. trine of Signatures ?) * nivTi. Inflorescence Jlowcrs yellowish-green. LINN. oros. . from the floral symmetry. NAMES. Fruit a 5angled.). Stamens /'/j'/z/. mostly monosepalous and free from the ovaries sepals 3 to 20. united \o\ filaments smooth. opening longitudinally. acre. Petals rarely present. ORD -CRASSULACE/E. LINN.-VNT PENTHORUM SEDOIDES. minutely scaled at the base. 47 species.— — N. below. capitate. opening by the falling off of the beaks carpels many seeded. Inflorescence cjmose or racemose flowers perfectly symmetrical. Penthorum). The common European Houseleek {Sempervivum tectorum. and 2 varieties. pointed. if present imbricated in the bud and inserted with the stamens. acute. whose leaves distinct (exc. America by 6 genera. are cooling and astringent. styles short. and sharply serrate. boiled with milk.— llECANDRIA I'KNTAfiVNFA. or twice as many as.* GRONOV. penle. COM. cuneate. WHOLE nearly sessile. petals united at the base. simple or somewhat branched /eaves Description. Calyx pubescent below sepals 5. five . arranged along the upper surface of the branches of the cyme pedicels glandularly pubescent. A TINCTURE OF THE PL. . SEX. Fruit a cluster of follicles opening along the inner suture (exc. . have been used by the laity as a remedy in diarrhoea and the . — This family of mostly succulent herbs is represented in North Crassulaceee. and those of little prominence. forming beaks in fruit.— PENTHORUM SEDOIDES. embryo straight. .— DITCH OR VIRGINIA STONE CROP. PENTHORUM DITCH STOJYE CROP. a rule . stigmas small. Seeds numerous.s' 5. and constriction of the coryza: . . vaginitis. 1885. Jour. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it. has a brilliant reddishorange color by transmitted light no special odor an astringent taste and an and pounded to a Then two pulp and weighed. turns blue then precipitates black from PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. — The whole fresh plant is to be chopped parts by weight of alcohol are taken. It has always held a place in domestic practice as an astringent in diarrhoea all localities in Drs. and allow it to stand eight days in a dark.. 3. . . where it flowers from June to September. to the notice of practitioners it as a remedy. increased appetite followed by nausea stools followed peculiar tannin was. . Flower. common in History and Habitat. Jul)' calyx. and the rest of the After stirring the whole well. Y.57-2 — Penthorum is an indigenous ditch-weed. Carpel. N. 2. Med.) Ec. The tincture. Binghamton. tonsillitis.. the United States. separated from this mass by filtration. according simulating a increased urine Description of Plate Whole plant. PART USED AND PREPARATION. 479. . 30th.— An yield a peculiar principle. for irritation of the mucous membranes and various forms of subacute inflammation of the same. chest. View of 4. Morrow's experi- rawness of throat and burning in the rectum loose cough. and deep green with many symptoms by constipation . Anther. alcohol added. 6. shaking often. alcoholic solu- to Dr. 5. as in pharyngitis. — Penthorum. which tion with ferrous. both topic and internal. ments. however. A oil. or determined. . analysis by the Lloyd brothers failed to volatile 57. its ferric sulphate. Briggs* and Scudder brought and dysentery. 1875. pour it into a well-stoppered bottle. Fruit. etc. acid reaction. cool place. first even a tongue causes . I. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. (2-6 enlarged. ^m«ii natdei.efpinxt HaMAMELIS VlRGiNICA. .Linn. . INN. on a short peduncle. Stamens 8. like of Canada and the United summer. but becoming smooth with age.-"WITCH HAZEL. Styles 2. during which the exocarp cleaves from the cndocarp. Branches numerous. which contains the seeds. COM. flexuous and forking. SVST. deep glossy black. long. HAMAMELIS CORYLIFOLIA. Nutlets stony. long. and . downy stellate-pubescent when young. disclosing 2 cells. hairy. LINN. SYN. long. HA. times fertile.-HAMAMELE^. straight. four are strap-shaped. as large as 4 inches in diameter at the base. Leaves 3 to 5 inches long. pubescent. HAMAMELIS WITCH HAZEL.x and bracts. by those versed in the occult arts. hard and leathery. Jilainents short . of 4 broadly-ovate. four sterile . recurved divisions. which soon wither and curl. black and shining within. many. grows profusely in the damp woods ripening its fruit in *aiia. a veil of deep mystery. . WALT. about which was formerly draped. 58 Tribe. opening laterally by uplifted Ovaries 2. fall. Description. with sinuate edges and straight veins.soon bursts..* LINN. "WINTER-BLOOM. HAMAMELIS MACROPHYLLA. Corolla of 4 long. itJiV. fertile stajncns shorter. — History and Habitat. sterile stamens scale-like. ORD -HAMAMELACE^. axillary. the upper smooth. 2-celled. Calyx persistent. WATER SEEKER A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH TWIGS AND BARK OF H. Petioles about one-half an inch Flcnvers Involuo-e 3-leaved. Dehiscence loculicidal from the apex.-HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA.MAMELIS DIOICA. the cells rather widely separated. several in a cluster or head.— TICTRAiNDUIA DIC. each with a single seed. some- Bark smooth. whose flowers do not open a height of from 5 to 1 5 feet. anther adnate. truncate. united below. grains ellipsoid. The stem is until its ].N. opposite the petals. This plant. short. with 2 or 3 little bracts at the base. States. tlie introrse. brown. oblong. leaves usually single.. MCENCH. scale-like. Pollen. NAMES. SNAPPING-HAZELNUT. SPOTTED ALDER. Some plants bear a slight resemblance to small wild apple trees. flowering in October and the following to. yellow petals. with 3 evenly separated deep sulci.VMA. lower half with the persistent caly.AMAMELIS VIRGINICA. Capsule roundish ovoid. narrow. an apple tree. except the dull white Embryo tip. SEX. curving inward toward the pistil . grows to —This strange shrub. cordate-ovate or oval. Albumen litde or none. and whose forked branches were used as a divining-rod while searching for water and ores. GKNL'S — H AM AM ELIS .^. PURSH. valves. by transmitted is pour peculiar odor. the officinal has wisely added Hamamelis to their medicaments. as prepara- regard to this feature. to extract active body. much lumbar . medium E. a to pulp mixed with one-si. analysis of this plant has been principles except as far as tannin The and the has a sweetish. which. causing a relaxation. who attempted the study of first its action. separated of a deep yellowish- light in small percentage. the pulse . with flatulence and blood to the head.. Ph. venous epistaxis. 5. relieved by the haemorrhage. upon the circulation itself but diarrhoeic passages from the bowels pulsations in the rectum synchronous with weakness of the lower limbs and general lassitude. October 23d. 1881. into a well-stoppered it The place. then two parts by weight of having stirred the whole stand eight days by decanting. End 58. Water seems. In the Eclectic Materia Medica preparation is Decoctmn Hatnaiiie/is. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. concerned must be more or made without using proper not the action usually sought is . Its action would seem to be. inflam- in generally known through The U. causes a determination of venous abdomen and pelvis.xth part of alcohol are taken. off. — The the alcohol and added let it . with consequent engorgement and exosmosis. 2. mations and haemorrhoids aqueous is Its now use haemorrhages. cool in filtering well. Fruit. of flowering branch. tions of the plant. with Description of Plate I. BinghanUon. not upon the coats of the veins. nausea and vomiting. pain and tenderness of the abdomen. it. its virtues. N. whose knowledge of our medicinal llora has been stran"-ely correct as since proven. C. this action in many cases proceeding to actual rupture of the vessels. its rest ot tincture. an acid reaction. Hamamelidis Fluiduni. straining and color. and a CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Pollen grains. preceded by severe pressure both in the os frontis and superior nares. — No determine it. and that the curative property of the tincture does not lie entirely in the tannin.xti-acluin officinal as is the distillate of the bark. Leaves added in June. H. after It bark of the young twigs and roots pulp and weighed. nevertheless. 3. according to Dr. once noticed. Nutlet. (1882) chopped and pounded bottle. the brown a dark. The symptoms pointing to the above conclusion are produced as follows: Vertigo.58-2 The many varied uses of a watery infusion of Witcli-hazel barl-c were fully known to the aborigines. however. pain. x 380. slightly astringent taste. Preston. Flower (enlarged). for. have also a fact that the bark of the root alone not sufficiently medicinal. side and end view. 6. the petals broken 4.— Hamamelis. . PART USED AND PREPARATION. congestions. It is care in this all made to body was found or nearly all of less volatile. will always distinguish is of an S. The action of hamamelis upon the heart and circulation in general is not marked in these experiments. chest. Y. ^m. var. LiNEARE .59.delet pinxt EPILOBIUM PALUSTRE. Gray.a(l nat. ''^'- f-"^"^- . . perfect. or obsolete. twice as many. 5. LINEARB. GRAY. or denticulate. and symmetrical. Style single. Inflorescence in a terminal . ALBESCENS. .T.x. VAR. PURSH. Fr2tit an elongated. PALUSTRE. Style erect.— EPI LOB lUM. E. slender.i ANTONSKRAUT. Fruit capsular or baccate. WILLO}]'-HEliB. pubescent. Stamens 8. VAR. WILLD. the corymb floi^<crbucis nodding flowers minute.— ()(.* LINN. ANGUSTISSIMUM. somewhat quadrangular. GR. (FR. PUBESCBNS. Petals convolute in the bud. (GREENLAND). EPILOBIUM. deciduous. SQUAMATUM.— EPILOBIUM PALUSTRE. stigma 2. B. E..Ti. LBHM. is characterized as follows: Floi. ate at the base. \ the flowers seem lo be. included stigma clavate. bearing a tuft of long hairs . ALBIFLORUM. . (GBR. rose-colored. . LIXEARE. E.ROSMARINIFOLIUM. PALUSTRE. Onagraceae. SVST.. NUTT.\NI)R1. mosdy notched at the end. linear. 'K. E. E. upnn. 59 GENUS. A TLVCTURE OF THE Description. MARSH EPILOBIUM. NARROW-LEAVED WILLOWHERB. <•//. ORD-ONAGRACE^.— SWAMP WILLOW-HERB. Leaves nearly sessile. and with more or narrowly lanceolate or less revolute growth ot trom minutely hoary. COM. represented in North America by 15 genera. LINBARE. SEX. RICH. as the petals or calyx-lobes filaments inserted at the summit of : grains often connected by cobwebby threads. perennial herb usually attains a Stem erect. E. LEPTOPHYLLUM. anthers short. attenu- the upper alternate . VAR. NAMES. .N. ANTOINE. roundish. AND CILIATUM. S"WAMP WILLOW. VAR. RAF. Calyx-tube not prolonged beyond the ovary limb 4-clefc.. SYN.i HERBE DE ST. erect. slender.. B.'ers 4-merous (sometimes 2. and margins . Petals 4. loculicidal pod seeds numerous. and numerous varieties. Calyx with its tube adhering to the ovary. ..\ MnNocVMA.W. seeds the calyx-tube small. . or 6-merous). OLIGANTHUM. sometimes absent. MICHX. nearly entire. acute. and lower opposite.. . erect. E. — This innocent order of mostly perennial herbs. about twice the length of the calyx.\XT EPILOBIUM PALUSTRE. 6 inches to —This feet. lol'OS. GRAY. WICKOP. WHOLE PL. a (Xxl . PRBSL. PALUSTRE. : pollen with anatropous . 155 species. its albumen wanting. 3. . hoary. upon the ape. terete. MUHL. TENELLUM DENSUM. .to 4-lobed or capitate. entire. E. F. linear. lobes valvate in the bud or Stamens as many. 2 branchy above. It contains. and from Southern Illinois. then two parts by weight of alcohol taken. by diarrhoea and some tympanitis. beside the usual plant con- stituents. 4. it has often proved quite beneficial in the hands of our Eclectic physicians. Pour the whole into a well. .xed with one-sixth part of it. July 26th.59-2 — History and Habitat. small plant from Ai)palachin. where it extends from the mountains of North Carolina. who took iVom some symptoms that must have been due to so large a "drink. tannin analysis of this and plant has so far been gallic acid." Outside of the symptoms that we are prone to lay to red urine and Salivation loose stools the alcohol. and an acid reaction. cool place. flower. northward to the Arctic Circle. and filtering. one-half to one ounce of the tincture. The tincture. A 59. ( 2. followed by feverishness and general aching throughout the body. prepared from this mass by decanting. pressing. . while in flower. and allow it to stand eight days in a dark. caused : .— No made. the following also occurred chills. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. The Swamp Willow-Herb is indigenous to North America. . should be made. 2-5 and 7 enlarged. Stamens. 6. 5. Epilobium has proven itself a mild tonic and astringent. Description ok Plate I. and In irritation of the intestinal canal. Petal. Wright. N.stoppered bottle.— The experiments of Dr. followed light typhoid abdominal symptoms. Pistil. shaking twice a day. Seed. A proving with the tincture prepared as here directed..) . PART USED AND PREPARATION. cramps in the stomach. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. A 3. and flowers in July and August. . 18S6. 7. Pod. however. the pulp thoroughly mi. then astringent taste. Y. quite useful in slight types of diarrhcea and dysentery attended with colic. and the rest of the alcohol added. — The whole fresh should be chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed plant. should have a light yellowish-brown color by transmitted light a smooth. It habits high sphagnum swamps. .60.» . .H (p.aiinatdel.etpinxt. |. CEnothera Biennis Linn .TU. . versatile. y canescens . SPACH. ephemeral. AND CHRYSANTHA. var. with rough.ORD -ONAGRACE^. . wine. in North America alone. LINN. CENOTHERA BIENNIS. NEWLY BLOSSOMING PLANT. toothed.. limb of 4 long. tapering above seeds naked. CENOTHERA PARVIFLORA. . 60 GENUS. the petals. NAMES. sessile. SYN. CENOTHERA GAUROIDES. varieties. ^ . .— OCTAXORIA Ml ). . bristly stem and pods var. . containing 57 species.. LINN. catch. SCABBISH. The Evening Primrose is common in the United States. FRESH. withering and obcordate. ONAGRA VULGARIS. or biennial plant. diverging lobes. lengthening greatly as the flowers develop and the fruit matures flozvers odorous.-. Ovary ovate style terminal. . the — This nocturnal annual. or one of its botanical relatives. refle. caducous. Calyx-tube cylindrical. COM.) NACHTKERZ. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE. the cauline petiole. N. many-seeded follicle follicle oblong. SCOP. thera. viz. cylindrical. . from 2 to first woody. — History and Habitat. Read description of the order under Kpilosessile. affording at least 5 distinct varieties. and pubescent.) Or taking Siijia to mean a hunt or chase. a grandiflora. being more than twice as long as its lobes . . bium palustre. Inflorescence a terminal. Stamens 8. attains a growth of 4 feet. * Theophrastus describes a plant whose dried root caught the odor of wine. The roots of year are fleshy and succulent. very minutely Description. becoming orange-brown after a night's expansion.\ed lobes. those near the root contracted into a foliaceous spike. . . Petals 4. light-yellow. shorter than. OENOTHERA E VEJ^IJ^G PRIME OSE. Rool conical bark thin. anthers linear.. in the second they become fibrous and Leaves alternate. oinos. or brownish. in fields and waste places generally. This genus is a large and varied one. Fruit a 4-valved.\. var. h hirsutissima. a particularly hairy form ber. and »i(pa.— COMMON EVENING PRIMROSE. acute. a large-flowered form var. TREE PRIMROSE. prolonged quite a distance beyond the ovary. not . LINN. SVST. and both opposite and alternate with. sometimes curved. long. (Barton. 59'. Hence he called it ofva. )GVNI. CURE-ALL (FR.) ONAGRE (GER. . HORNEM ONAGRA BIENNIS. exserted slig7nas a group of 4 linear. that was eaten to provoke an appetite for wine.— CENOTH ERA. it is alleged that the meaning is applicable to the belief that it was the root of this plant. ^ muricata. filaments slender.\'( LINN.-CENOTHERA BIENNIS. yellowish. clawed. 2-6 inches long. ovate-lanceolate.. NIGHT WILLOW-HERB. and flowering from July to Septem- growing It varies gready in its growth. nearly equal.* Si:X. ^'' The young roots of the evening primrose are said calcarea. Ills. escence a word or two is in place. ciple is This body. of emitting a " phosphor- and var. and a special acid. S.xternal application in infantile eruptions. Winterburnf states it to be a curative in spasmodic asthma.. but would doubtless show a resin. this mass by filtration. obtained CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. p. cool place. PART USED AND PREPARATION. quite similar to that of {Campanula rapuncuhis). s cruciata. is largely utilized in the manufacture of luminous clock-faces. — Crystals of this salt are readily extracted from an alcoholic tincture of the root. linear petals. poured and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. 1883. Homoaopath. and should stimulate a desire for a fuller proving. inherent in the petals of many species of this genus. Am. then astringent and bitter. p.§ are very interesting. by Chicoisneau. fact when . shorter than the stamens. it is it. placed in the sunlight during the day. 395. that the (Porcher. Med. a bitter principle. are visible at night." a paper read before the Jour. These This objects. in is large percentage. to be edible and pleasant. the flowers being distinguishable at a goodly distance beyond In regard to this phosphornon-refractory objects by their whitish luminosity. which probably contains principles of the plant except the acrid body. door-plates. and the like. 365.) young mucilaginous twigs are used in the same way. and Surg. pertussis. irritable bladder. into a well-stoppered bottle. Soc'y.J 60-2 having small. Mucilage Potassium nitrate. should have a clear reddish-orange color by transmitted light. 1884. as chronicled by Dr. Lindley states. Dr. gastric irritation. After having stirred the whole. in salads. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of and the rest of the alcohol added. Nute. It has not yet been analyzed. The from tincture. 317.— The drops of the brain extract of CEnothera in a symptoms following a dose of 60 woman of 40. ix. and are used Germany and some in either stewed or raw. but to a process of storing up sunlight during the day. a taste at first mucilaginous. then wither and fall. flowers open fully. as it coming is Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. is chopped and pounded to a whole fresh pulp and weighed. vol. and remain so until the sun is well up in the Much has been written concerning the property morning. an odor similar to that of wet hay. fluid * Calcined oyster shells emit stored sunlight. after escence" at night. on account of the sulphide of calcium in their composition. is present KN O3. State Horn. Jotirn. I'rinirose. \ U. which all of the dissipated by heat. plant. X Claussen. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. like celery. rampion either pickled or boiled.. The sundown. — ffi^wr^/Z/crw. and an acid reaction. Phar. and retaining it at night a property identical with that exhibited by hepar sulphuns . claimed as a prin- evidently an extract. That the petals do emit light on a dark night is not fanciful still it is not due to a property of giving out spontaneous light (phosphorescence). match-safes. p. About the only previous use of this plant in medicine was a strong decoction of the dried herb as an e. —The into bloom. t "The Evening Am." parts of France. and as a general vulnerary. and chronic exhaustive diarrhoeas. having " a nutty taste. — and the sulphides of barium and strontium. ix. vol..60-3 This individual experienced extreme vertigo. and great These symptoms were followed by a free movement of the bowels. an irritative action upon its pulmonary and laryngeal branches. reflexly. S. 6o. 4th. inability to sit or stand erect. . Sept. occasional exhaustion. Fruit. p. * [/. Top of flowering plant. 3. Med. Chemung. N. 2. Y. Winterburn* judges that the drug has a special action upon the pneumogastric nerve. loss of muscular power.. 395. Dr. youm. semiunconsciousness. rigors. muscular cramps in the abdomen and extremities. numbness and peripheral prickling. and Surg. and a copious discharge of urine. Pistil. Description of Plate I. 1879. and. . .61. . miii.TU.etpinxt. Opuntia Vulgaris.adnatdeI. . Its 5 genera. arranged spirally about the joints. similar . HUMIPUSUS. the younger ones leafy. perianth not united into a prolonged tube. prostrate. SALM. low. : joints. • A Theophrastian name for some species growing in the country of the Opuntiani. campylotropous. deciduous. shorter than the larger petal . O. ized as follows: —This curious. NAMES.— PRICKLY PEAR. LINN. inserted into a ring formed by the union of the sepals and petals. MARITIMA AND HUMIPUSA. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH FLOWERS AND GREEN OVARIES OF OPUNTIA VULGARIS. containing characteristics are as follows composed of numerous compressed resented by spines. not . flattish-reniform..V. sulphur-yellow. Styles united into one stigmas numerous. barbed prickles the north . foliaceous. —This large and peculiar family of sented in North America by nized varieties. TEN. O. versatile. Branches (?) pale. OPUNTIA. nearly smooth. sessile.— ICUS. more or less bristly with numerwhen found they are whitish in and yellowish southward. all adherent to the ovary. SYST. solitary flowers quarter inches long. Fruit an obovoid. . clavate. numerous and imbricated in several rows. ORD -CACTACL^. having a deep depression at the apex showing the scars of the perianth.. along the apical ridge of the joints floniers large. obovate . AND O. PRICKLY PEAR. LINN. whose chief city was Opus. INTERMEDIA. the older prickly. . Stamens numerous filaments long and slender. leaves minute ovate-subulate. but regular and spreading. is character- broadly ovate. thorns or bristles. . 61 GENUS. stigmas about 6. appressed. with a rounded ridge extending over the arch Ovary two in i -celled. yi9/«/. filaments glabrous . Petals ample. angled.\NDRIA MONOGV. CACTUS OPUNTIA.f fiat. Sepals and petals and evolute.— OPUNTIA VULGARIS. . embryo curved around the CactacesB. lanceolate._ j/y/^ cylindrical. opposite the hilum becoming . COM. ephemeral Sepals ovate- Stamens numer- anthers linear.* TOURN. MILL. . cotyledons large. near Phocis. tapering to a point. O.— OPUNTIA. more or spreading plant less assurgent . F7'uit a berry seeds numerous. and vary from two-thirds to one and one- Inflorescence consisting of a few sessile. sets. Description. crimson.M. ous. finally becoming separate from the placentae and loose in the pulp placentce several. ITALICA. SYN. thin albumen . INDIAN FIG. . pulpy and edible berry. spines rarely present. Flowers and fleshy plants is repre142 species and 39 recogStems globular or columnar and thick in all Leaves usually absent or rep- solitary. N. narrowed at the base. RAP. the inner roundish. . Seeds numerous. parietal albumen scanty. axils ous short. SEX. the outer skin. roots.. or . when parched and pulverized. Dodge* speaks as follows of the species used by the American Aborigines " EcJiinocactiis ll'islizeni. and wishing to make a meal. No other species are used in medicine. then. being allowed to ferment a little. O. 1S70. though many furnish both food and the beautiful Night-blooming Cereus. watery substance. . and the whole mixed together stones are then highly heated and dropped into the mixture. in diameter. occidcntalis). O. The fresh unripe fruit is often boiled in water from ten to twelve hours. and. Travellers plant to quench their in passing through the cactus wastes often resort to this thirst.61-2 The proven plants of this order are : the Jamaican Cactus grandiflorus. The pulp of the fruit is rather sour. This is a favorite dish with the Yabapais and Apaches of Arizona. sweet. they are large and somewhat acid taste. vulgaris. any edible thing on hand water is added. when travelling. selects to see a large plant. The seeds are small and black. The Pawnees and Papajoes dry the unripe fruit of the Opuntia for future use. are taken out. J. reheated. Repts. in arid Mexico. good "' when taken out of the liquid and dried. when it becomes like apple-sauce. and not habits. O. These plants desert localities which produce nothing better . white. to prevent being scratched by these spines or the thorns of the plant. The Papajo Indians pare off the rind and thorns of seeds. Mr. Linn. when chewed. letting the pulp is ing a good preserve. . Some Indians roast the leaves of the Opuntia in hot ashes. S. Haw. and have thin skins and rather large seeds. R. and. when pared down to the woody axis. which are discarded. the acid : — much eaten. thus form- large plants of this species of cactus. as they cool. Agric. when cooked. A section of the stem is often employed as a cooking vessel. much resemble in taste and substance. . studded with bunches of very fine downy spines. being and aqueous to a high degree. of a rather pleasant. until soft. its interior of slightly acid taste. and boiled in syrup of the Cereus gigantais or Cereus Tluirbtri. * U. pieces. and adds meat. drink to those compelled to pass over the barren wastes which this order mostly pulpy fruits and succulent joints. The Apaches use wooden tongs to gather the fruit. and C serpentinus. under the common Spanish great quantities being dried for use in the winter. 417-418. three feet or lows it more long and two out so as to form a trough . cut up into suitable pieces. licked clean. to be cooked with meat and other substances. An Indian. O. The skin is of a bright red to purple color. Parm. and returned to the cooking vessel. cuts it down and hol- into this he throws the soft portions of the pulpy substance which surrounds the central woody axis. . but. RafinesThe fruit of these species of cactus is much eaten by all the qtm. it remain several days to bleed. Camaiicliica. It is a common sight on each side of the road these plants with a large perforation made by the thirsty traveller. it is employed instead of the syrup. Indians of name grow These as candied citron. which the Indians brush off with a bunch of grass. . If a kind of sugar which is made by the Mexicans is attainable. Arizona. it becomes stimulating and nutritious. which they of — New tiinas. fruits. meal. whose ephemeral flowers are remarkable for their exceeding size and fragrance Cereus Bonplandii. are as Prickly pear [Opuiitia Etigeliiiani. make good gruel and even bread. California and Utah. until the mixture is thoroughly boiled. deprived of their coat of mail. which is containing a rather pleasant soft. 2. is used in gravel. leaves of the Opuntia. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. . the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it and the The whole is then poured into a well-stoppered vial. rest of the alcohol added. . J Diet. coldness. Mass. your. which is A yellowish white gum often oozes out of the also eaten. Med. 3. \ Trans. PART USED AND PREPARATION. 4. t Hesourc. Soc.) Forests. claims that the cut joints are discutient. and much used in Alabama as a demulcent drink in pulmonic and pleuritic affections. where The it flowers in June and July at the north. Section of flower. Porcher saysf he is informed that a decoction of the joints is mucilaginous.§ PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 243. —An analysis of the fruit was made by Mr.. at the the taste . sweet. Dr. cool place. Afed. Fidds and N. stamens and joints in flower (3. sands. de A/at. Light. Fruit. and various pains. 1875. || 3cl. * Med. urine red. of Horn. ." — History and Habitat. which to live for is removed. leaving a slimy. July floral 3. vi. 6i. — According to the experiments made by Drs. 1884. when baked. Phar. —The fresh flowers and green ovaries and weighed. much resembling the PomeRafinesque states* that the split joints make a good emollient applicagranate. but no glucoside nor alkaloid. tion for acute rheumatism.. The tincture. acid reaction. albumen. he says. \V. citric In the seeds a fixed oil.. 6. starch and glucose were found..T[ with . Univ. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. and coloring-matter. gout. should have a slightly opaque straw-color by transmitted light a slight odor of the flowers a bitterish and astringent taste and an are chopped and pounded to a pulp . succulent substance.61-3 with the thorns. 4 and 6 enlarged. Ec. acid mucilage. and recent wounds the juice and gummy exudation. for chronic ulcers. a fat acid. 1885. and resulted in the determination of: Tartaric acid. Description of Plate 1. A. Stigma. though it renders is acid and cool. Flora. 2 Am. principally about the joints. 5. and leaf. South. the effects are as follows: Mental disturbances. Seeds. Two 2. 1874 48. would set in. envelope removed. Stamen. QHyOg. 66. and. separated from this mass by filtration. urging to stool. doses varying from a small portion to a drachm of the tincture. 11. increased. This species is indigenous to the sandy fields of the Adantic and Pacific seaboards. Merat j fruit is edible and the urine a bloody tinge . and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. same time a pleasant diuretic. W. . is many days on this food. destitution frequently compel Indians and white men easily Hunger and eaten. acute pain in the globe of the eye epistaxis nausea in both stomach and bowels as if diarrhoea Burdick. Jour. tion of North America It habits rocky places and dry . Salem. as well as the arid lands of the southwestern porit is also found in Europe.|| Kunze and Fitch. . Michx.. .adnatdei.9 I (f. ERYNGIUM YuCCALFOLIUM .m.etpinxt. . Linn. ORD-UMBELLIFER^. ERYNGO. often subtended by a whorl of bracts (involucre). . CORN SNAKEROOT. MICHX. white. A TINCTURE OF THE ROOT OF ERYNGIUM YUCC-1-:F0LIUM. represented in North America by 50 genera and 187 species. • '£^}ytXy. 62 GENUS— ERYNGIUM* TOURN. ing or e.— ERYNGIUM YUCC^FOLIUM. paleaceous. sedge-like perennial Stcvi smooth. leaves of the itivoluccls mostly entire. 2. . SYN. (IN PART). I —This peculiar. coriaceous. Leaves alternate. t A much better from carminative properties. erygtifi. or united at their thickened bases consisting of 2 coherent achenia {ntericarps) which separate along the middle interval {commissure). veined. and are usually suspended from the summit of a slender the petals. ERYNGIUM. RATTLESNAKE MASTER. taper-pointed. emargi- Styles filiform.N.\panding at the base. not spinous closely sessile fertile. AQUATICUM. compound umbels. to 6 feet. aquatictim. paralleland remotely bristly-fringed upon the margins. SEX. . . name than E. MICHX. erect. Ovary 2-carpelled. gramineous. is characterized as follows: Stems usually hollow and striate. . covered with little scales or tubercles.f Description. .) PANICANT D'EAU. rigid. SVST. Inflorescence a terminal compound umbel. anatropous styles stigmas simple. six inches to from two and one-half to one inch wide. (GER. usually also subtending the umbellets Calyx adherent to the {invohicel) floivcrs small. E. and shorter than Petals connivent. distinct.—BUTTON SNAKEROOT. Stamens 5. bracts entire. nearly so. Fruit top-shaped. entire or 5-toothed. each peduncle bearing a compact head heads feet long. NAMES. broadly ovate all . (FR. usually whole face of the ovary: limb minute. Calyx 5-toothed the heads. mostly compound petioles sheath. imbricate or valvate in aestivation. — Umbelliferae. COM. to belch. surmounted by the fleshy disk that bears the petals and stamens ovules 2. . flozoers inconspicuous. oblong. in .) WASSERMANNSTRBU. This large and very natural order.. Inflorescence in terminal. the inner face of each mericarp flat or nate.— TEN'TAXriRIA DIGVNIA. and grooved. as the plant never is truly aquatic with us. and inserted with them upon the disk. of herbs. grows Leaves to a height of linear. . teeth persistent. in many genera dichogamous. BUTTOJV SJfAKEROOT. . alternate with inflexed at the point. LINN. Petals 5. Fruit a cremocarp. having no ribs and scarcely any vittae. noted as a remedy for leprosy. and rheumatism the European Masterwort [Impcraioria ostnitJdrini. Hoff.).62-2 mericarps marked lengthwise by 5 primary and often with 5 secondary intermediate. Linn. narcotic poison. a well.. an astrin. is as is. in great part. stimulating. Don.). we have provings of the following plants: The Persian Ammoniacum {Dorema Ammoniactcm. A. The flowers in this order are so minute. Linn. a narcotico-acrid poison cultivated. gent. Many other species are used in general medicine.. and lastly. Linn. Besides the seven species treated of in this work. tonic and diuretic the Italian Giant Fennel [Fej-tila glanca. The Indian and Levantine Fructus Ptychotis {Carum Ajoivan. narcotic poisons. the subtropical Indian Pennywort {Hydrocotyle Asiafica. that failed Sumbul and was afterward used as an antihysteric. and the oil antiseptic. aromatic.). Bend. Allioni. containing aromatic oil.. remove a Russian f. though an acrid poison when growing in w^et places. that the differentiation is usually. and A. Linn. .). a stimulating antihysteric the Mediterranean Fennel Seed {Fa'nicitbwi officinale.). its denotes. a febrifuge. of great virulence. that are acrid.). the Sardinian Parsley {Petroseliiuim satiinun. Hoff. the European Hemlock Dropwort [CEnant/ie crocata. an and Pers. and remedy for hypersecretive mucous membranes the Northern Europe and Asiatic Caraway {Cariim Cariii. Branca Ursina {Heracleum Spho7idylinm. sylvestris. masticatory. and masticatory in toothache. Linn. an acrid vesicant. a noted diuretic pot-herb.). a fetid.). Linn. an aromatic and powerful stimulant. narcotic poison.). is The European Tur- acrid. the European Celery {Apiiim gj'aveolens. Linn. caustic. a dangerous.. is carminative. Linn. Linn. ichthyosis.). narcotic poisons name violently Anthriscus. " freckles. the European Sea Holly [Eiyngiiun niaritiimim. Linn. Moench). which partakes of the poisonous nature of CEnanthe. . known aromatic stimulant and condiment . longitudinal canals in the substance of the fruit. discutient gum-rgsin which. The South Russian remedy for aching carious teeth. . that those which grow near water are generally acrid. based upon the cremocarps.). when the Thibetan Asafoetida {^Narthex Asafoelida. . a noteworlhv. . Falc). ribs. the Central European Athamantha {^Peuccdmium Oreoseliimm. albwiicn hard. a sweet. the European Water Pars- nip [Slum /atifoliwn. soils are little else than carminative. vulgaris. which are prolongation of the axis {carpop/iore) . the North European and Asiatic Water Hemlock [Cietita virosa.). but is less dangerous the Levantine Bibernell or Burnet Saxifrage {Pimpinella Saxifraga. called Chervil. stimulant. * Concerning this order while those seeking dry it Pall. . is a delightful salad . in the interstices or intervals between these ribs are commonly lodged few or many oil-tubes {vittce). the European Water Dropwort {F/ieUandriuni aquatic^un. Hoff. antiperiodic. Hook.). Linn. an aromatic stimulant and carminative the European and North Asiatic Cow-Parsnip.). The European and Levantine genus PimCacJirys odoiitalgica.* bith [Laserpifium latifoliu77i. also used to {Fei-nla Swiibul. . acrid. an agreeable pot-herb. an acrid. Linn. and so nearly alike in all genera. yields two species. while A.). Jacq. a fetid. Cerefolium.).). yields The European genus purgative gum-resin. and antispasmodic gum-resin. bitter.). Seeds suspended from the summit of the mericarp embryo minute. the Central Asiatic specific " for cholera. an aromatic stimulant and carand /'. mentioned by Alexander's chervil. The European genus. and contradistinction to the ancients. stimulant. the first of aperient. The Italian Bracala {Angelica nemorosa. which have properties similar to those of P. such as neutralizing the effects of poison. and root a well known esculent lian D. The genus Ferula. emetic.. yields the following substances. Bentley). c/issec/a. The Alpine Lovage {Ligiisticuni Icvistiami. beside Athamantha.). curing envenomed wounds. . is an aromatic stimulant and carminative. a stimulant and carminative.So great was its reputation that the princes of Cyrene caused it to be struck on the reverse of their coins. Asafoetida is also produced by F. is acrid and purgative. Boiss. mentioned above. Daiicus. and considered aphrodisiac. and F.. and the resin of the root is said to be fully as active . and emmenagogue. yields the common Carrot (/?.). Linn. Peiicedanum. Linn.). cannot be decided upon. is the the Neapolitans with a remedy for the itch. beside Sumbul and Asafoetida mentioned above: African Gum Ammoniacum from F. and discutient. Scorodosma. It was founded upon Keempfer's descriptions and fragmentary specimens. officinale. Moen. many other plants of this order are eaten. a saline aromatic.). alliacca. neither of which are conclusive. gninniifcr. The root of the European Aslrantia major. Anisiini). as yielded by Thapsia garganica. Linn. produced by the juice of Paslinaca Opoponax. Linn.).). It has been also recommended in gonorrhcEa. 7iiao)ia. The European and Asiatic Coriander {Coriandiiun sativum. Linn.. Saxifraga. AsafaHida. the Levantine Cumin [Cuniiiuau Cymiiutm. Beside the edible species already mentioned. The European Eringo {^Eryngium campestre. hepatic and intestinal obstructions. rubricaulis.). and F. Galbatiijlua. Linn. Ginoiduni. Bentl. tingitana. Lindl. . celery. and African Bdellium to B. and Corsican D. {^F. which includes Na7-llicx. carminative. is suggested by Royle to be the ^vk^iov of the Greeks. is carminative. Linn. Ten. as well as P. Prangos fabularia. Linn. Alexanders are the aromatic fruits of the European Smyrnium Ohisatrum. in the world. and Dill [P. but the above list covers their action. (Burscraceae). Africaniim.. Linn. Bois. deobstruent. Linn. Its value was . (/*. Linn. carrots. Linn. its scope is considered larger than that of the Sea Holly mentioned above. a stimulant.. diuretic roots.. palicstre. and antispasmodic gum-resin. reputed diuretic and antispasmodic.). sylphmm . gravcolens. ancient-. diuretic. Asa Dulcis — reputation ainong diuretic.. Retz.. Lam. a famous Courland remedy for epilepsy. or the nearly allied T. it saction is considered to be intermediate between asafoetida and ammoniacum. Carrota. and deserve mention.f is in — Asa Fetida which enjoyed the highest an antispasmodic. whose seeds are diuretic. The European genus. and thorough a vesicant as croton Numerous other species have held a place in oil it deserves a careful proving.\^\x\x\. * India Bdellium is referred to BaUaniodcndron mukul.'^' Opoponax is a fetid deobstruent. is considered by Boerhaave. Linn.\ Persian Galbanum is produced by F. Hiern. f This was the Laser cyrenaicum of Cyrene. — Lindley. are supposed to yield the Bdellium of the old Pharmacopoeias.. while the SiciLinn. and suppression of the menses. Arn. product of Crilhum marilimiim. restoring sight to the blind. — .). a drug in high reputation among the it had miraculous powers assigned to it. estimated by its weight and the Cyrenian doctors were reckoned among the most eminent in gold. furnishes Samphire. medicine. contains. the following medicinal species Sulphur-wort {P.. for its medical uses. Marsh Parsley [P. and youth to the aged. parsnips.: 62-3 pinclla yields the well known Anise minative. formerly used instead of celery. since their time it has come then the physician. and esteemed as the best of its kind when used tor food. When the roots have been pounded fine. S. where it ranges from — Eryngium Yuccsfolium New is indigenous to North America. and. caused by beinglaid on sticks stretched over the tent fires. timbered bottoms. with a hole in the middle by which they are fastened on the saddles when traveling. one foot wide. It is analogous to the The seeds are used parsnip. and . The root of this plant is dug in in bloom. expectorant. especially when not ground very fine. the cultivation of which might prove useful among the whites. prominent The American Aborigines use among which Mr.a. and Kouse root by the Indians of Oregon and Idaho. gonorrha. The Canadians know it by the name of Racine blanc. When fresh it is like the parsnip in taste. and is an article of commerce among the Indians. The powdered root is said to make a fine escharotic bronchitis. and is very insipid. with an agreeable taste of mild celery. branes . diuretic. By some physicians it has been preferred to Seneka snakeroot for its sphere. * U.62-4 historians as a highly nutritious food for cattle. for the purpose of smoke-drying or baking the bread. Wats. It is an excellent root. three feet long. Indians Yanipah.. Both the roots and the flour will keep several months. It is sometimes called bread or biscuit root by travelers. and orchitis. Rep. It grows on hills and mountains which are so poor that grass will not grow upon them. Nutt). nephritic and calculous disorders chronic laryngitis and . and even man. dry prairies and pine barrens. After the bread has been made a short time. . . called by the Snakes and Shoshone — This spindle-shaped root grows in low. but form one of when boiled like potatoes they burst open lengthwise. its taste is not unlike that of stale biscuits. of heating and several species. granulated appearance. and leucorrhoea . Gray. diaphoretic. is to flavor soup. and from a quarter to half an inch thick. This species was valued highly by the Aborigines as an alexiteric. the dainty dishes of the Oregon —The tubers of They are Indians. pp." " Koiise root April or May when History and Habitat. and as it dies becomes brittle and very white. irritation of the urethra. When broken up the bread has a coarse. as a stimulant. vaginal. showing a snowy-white farinaceous substance. 1S70. 405-7.). which has a sweet. Dodge* mentions the following: fattening qualities. A decoction of the root has been found useful in dropsy. this species black. gleet. of an oblong rectangular form. and blossoms in July It habits damp or and August. "Dill iyPeitcedanuni graveolens. by first the as a febrifuge and diuretic . uterine. cystic mucous memmucoid diarrhoea local inflammations of the mucous membranes exhaustion from sexual depletion with loss of erectile power. seminal emissions. combined with into use Iris versicolor. Agric. and by others it has been considered fully equal to Contrayerva. and alterative." " PodosciadiiDii Californiciuu. innumerable small dots are revealed. Jersey to Wisconsin and southward. When its brown epidermis is removed. the flour is pressed into flat cakes." — {Peucedanum ambigintui. cream-like taste. It is easily reduced to flour. with a slight parsley flavor. gogue. The cakes have a ribbed appearance. sialo- laity. 2d. like that following CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. volatile oil. spirits .nnd became. M. the tincture. The cool place. pollutions. I and 2. Stamens. (3-9 enlarged. H. in the PART USED AND PREPARATION.. in half an hour. is chopped and pounded fresh to a pulp root. followed by lewd dreams. McClelland. sugar. 4.. and allow it to stand for eight days in a dark. and 150 drops of the tincture : experiments of Drs. Jones. S. my tasting the tincture for — C. and constriction of the throat. fruits is the Eclectic Dispensatory the in Dccoctuni Eryiigii. It leaves a sensation deep in the throat. . mucous membrane. shows the and pharyngeal mucous membranes colic. in doses of G. much Senega.\ug. and discharges of prostatic fluid a sensaof dyspnoea. rest of the alcohol added. from 3. burning sensation in left testiclg. No root yields presence of a small amount of PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. tlic ahovc description. Eryngium causes. depression of sexual desire. vertigo and headache inflammation of the eustachian tube. Ph. 6. The plant is not officinal recommended preparation U. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of pour and the it. 8. . St. — The are fully ripe. followed by a discharge of fetid similar condition of the nasal burning in the stomach. After having stirred the whole well. and an acid reaction. . — This and alcohol. acrid. Whole plant. Petals. constipation. tion . H. Fruit.62-5 application to fungoid growths and indolent ulcerations. with tenesmus. frequent desire to stinging. it into a well-stoppered bottle. 5 7 9. preventing gangrene. Flower. separated . and filtering. and analysis has been made of the root. action. parts by weight of alcohol are taken. pus a nausea and . C. has a clear reddish-orange color by transmitted light an odor much like that of an old chest that has been shut up with oil-cloth for some time a bitterish. Fla. 1886. by decanting. C. and terebinthic taste. Augustine. tincture. urinate. followed by purulent discharges. Description of Plate 62. Coggswells. gathered after the Then two and weighed. and stimulating them to resolution.) This symptom followed as to be decidedly uncomfortable. F. from Depression of 5 to properties to both water resin. . Calyx and and and styles. severe pain in excitation. straining. with a decrease in quantity daily passed. a bitter principle. however. . of the palpebral irritation its and probably contains an acrid. —According to the W.* and slight increase in the heart's the urethra. so strong . . TR. PASTINACA SATIVA.Linn.adnatdel. .^.etpinxt. . Leaves pinnately compounded of 3 to 8 pairs of deeply and plentifully grooved. SVST. the somewhat pubescent beneath. (GER. causing emesis and inflammation of the alimentary tract. and slender. Petals yellow. . where it flowers from July to October. fleshy to a height of and succulent. roundish. . ^r/'/^/^j. from Europe. sweet when cannot wild or in state. flat. involute. flat.* TOURN. 2 in the commissure.— GARDEN PARSNIP OR PARSNEP. LINN. introduced History and Habitat.— PASTINACA. PASTINACA. /?oo/ conical. and flat . Fruit oval. none radiant. ORD. point broad and retuse.) PANAIS POTAQER. LINN.-PASTINACA SATIVA. nourishment. The and in its cultivated state very pleassecond year's growth. Umbels \a. COM. long 3 to 6 feet. a sweet taste. (PR. and by : distillation a sort of sorghum product. 63 GENUS. The is the roots with hops resulting tincture is * Pastus. — The roots of the second year's growth.\CA SATIVA. The seeds have been used in agues. single-winged margin carpels minutely 5-ribbed. and involucels small or absent flowers all perfect. almost colorless. has a peculiar honey-like odor. NAMES. being but slightly tinged with yellow very gummy. followed by flatulent colic and diuresis.sheathed. SEX. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF PASTIN. It has now run wild in fields and waysides through- into this country out the central and eastern parts of the United States. i in each sulcus. 3 of which are dorsal and equidistant. nutritious. In the north of Ireland a a good wine rum is is also its made produced similar in kind of beer some is made by brewing places from them to that of the . entire. 2 lateral and at or near the margin vittce as long as the carpel. from S^em smooth.) PASTINAKE. —This usually cultivated biennial herb grows Description. with a thin. shining leaflets. — The Parsnip is a well-known culinary root. PART USED AND PREPARATION. obtuse cut-toothed or coarsely serrate. and an acid reaction. are prepared and macerated as in the previous plant.Tge.. it is rank and acrid poisonous. leaflets ovate or oblong. albumen terminal 3-lobed. SYN. with what curaroot is ant to many. . but tive action I succulent. or those of wild individuals. Calyx-teeth obsolete. N.— PENTAXDKIA DIGVNIA. PAESJVIF. all involucre .-UMBELLIFER^. Petal. vertigo." All the symptoms of the drug point to severe gastric irritation. 1885. Root. 9. slow pulse. where seven quiet delirium dependent upon the visions. Stamen. Binghamton. and fancied they saw objects which had no existence they fought with each other. Sugar abounds analysis has yet been in the root. Y. made also starch to determine and a gummy extractive. 1S4S. children ate of the cooked wild roots. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.. Jour. without knowing what they said. and occasionally had attacks of convulsive laughter. was offered them. difficult breathing. Face of 4.) * Pharm. dilated pupils. Ripe 7. with action upon the brain and spinal cord. N.' they were in constant motion. 2. —Several cases of poisoning are recorded from The symptoms the use of the wild or old roots. Pupcke's cases.63-2 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Description of Plate 1.. (3-6 and 8-9 enlarged.* "all labored under 'delirium tremens. 8. flower. 63. and were obliged to be restrained by force. Summit of a wild individual in young fruit. 184. Part of stem. 5. — No an active principle. reflex . Section of a carpel. pistil. talked incessantly. June 26th. 3. 6. they rejected everything that Illusions of sight. and In Dr. Seed. following their ingestion are : weak. . . Hoffm.el ArCHANGEUCA AtROPURPUREA nal.dei. . TRIQUINATA.. 272. where it habits low grounds along streams. the Cow Parsnip.. . emmenagogue and stimulant. A. . Jour.xed.inn. — This strong-scented. the three terminal ones often confluent and Description. Sicm very stout. and flowers in June.— ARCH ANGELIC A. HOPF. suicidal and alone . from Pennsylvania and Wisconsin northward. ANGELICA ATROPURPUREA. acute. is Dr. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE PLANT ARCH. Petals ovate. HOFF. MASTBRWORT. perennial herb grows to a height of from Rool somewhat conical. and are then considered carminative.t (GBR. .SVST.\ I)IGVNI. caj-pels somewhat compressed. i. t The common Garden Angelica is A. COM. in anasarca and various diseases of the urinary organs. The dried root was often used. and hollow.\NDRI. ovate. seed convex upon the back the pericarp. Fruit smooth short teeth.* HOFFM.— COMMON ANGELICA. diuretic. * This name alluded to its supposed high angelic properiies. with the sharp tips infle. in flatulent colic and suppressed menstruation. fam. very loose in its .— ARCHANGBLICA ATROPURPUREA. [{eracleum liinatum. Leaves 2 to 3 ternately-compound leaflets 5 to 7 pinnate. and pale beneath. entire. Infl-orescence a globular compound umbel..) PURPURFARBIGB ANGELICA. hiCalyx with very or none iin'oiuccls of very short. sharply cut-serrate. dark-purple. and voliicre little . archnngelica.. Guide to Health. MX. somewhat decurrent at the base. surface. When fresh the roots are poisonous. /fom. UMBELLIFER^. Read description of the order under 62. N.\NGELIC. often wrongly called by this name.\. NAMES. Linn. IMPBRATORIA LUCIDA. they lose this quality. the two lateral ones prolonged into marginal wings but surrounding the seed and adherent to and flattish upon the face. smooth.\ ATROPURPUREA. furnished with 3 rather prominent dorsal ribs. The Great Angelica is indigenous to North America. and are said to have been used for purposes by the Canadian Indians when dried. corroborated in Am. LINN. Med. ORD. however. Schell claims § that I. subulate leaflets. \ 1856. SEX. NUTT. Mat.— l'ENT. . . 4 to 6 feet. — History and Habitat. vittce not on the pericarp. 64 GENUS. . X The true Masterwort is the European Impciatoria oslruthiiim. especially in combination with other and better-known diuretics. GREAT jlJVaELICA. ANGELICA ATROPURPUREA. SYN.! HIGH ANGELICA. .— Unlnvestieated. 1885. 4. after filtration. however. N. 2. plant 9 times reduced. odor. a sweetish taste.. July 6th. compared with those of Angelica archangelica. Flower (petals removed). Description of Plate 64. 3. in the preceding species. . of the country —a practice now greatly similar to those of the nearly extinct. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENrS— This plant has not been specifically Its oils.—The chopped and pounded to a pulp.64-2 doses of 15 to 20 grains of the dried root will cause a disgust for all spirituous The stems were often made into a candied preserve in some sections liquors. showing petiole. Binghamton. A. Y. Portion of upper stalk. has a clear greenish-orange color. (3-5 enlarged. tincture. I. Hoff. PART USED AND PREPARATION. Horizontal section of fruit. 5. Linn.). have been officinalis. Whole seed. Pistil. and treated as whole in plant. Its uses. may PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.) examined be. all Garden Angelica {Angelica in all. a somewhat terebinthic and neutral for the determination of its principles. in all probability. when is The reaction. archangelica. del.etpinxt.S'ni. . Unn. JLlWiiSA CYNAPIUM .adnat. . terminal and opposite the petioles .V. RAIL. who called it Cicuia terrestris minore . . ORD-UMBELLIFER^. obstinate cutaneous disorders. GENUS.* 65 LINN. CRANTZ. white flowers. . or even obcordate. Floivers white petals obovate.. obtuse. many cleft 7^ays . * h'Maita. from whence it has been introduced into this country where it now grows. annual herb attains a growth of from 8 inches to 2 Leaves dark green.-ETHUSA CYNAPIUM.— FOOL'S PARSLEY. and others. a nauseous smell. striate. each with 5 thick.Ethusa has much more acute. S. that it is very difficult to trace its history. LINN. Stt:m erect. nately compound.very little use has been by physicians. LINN. By the early writers it is so often confounded with Conium. Ph. I WHOLE A TINCTURE OF THE Description. not phore 2-parted in the when . GBR. vittcr. CICUTARIA TENUIFOLIA. . and fistulous. The first author to characterize it was Hermolaus Barbarus. become one-sided. SYN. 3-leaved. in July and August. nor is it of found the Eclectic Dispensatory. darker-green foliage than Parsley. but narrow. very unequal . along roadsides and waste places about cultivated grounds. . HUNDSPETBRSILIE. in It is if not its only use. DOG POISON.— PEN'TANDRIA DIGVNI.-}. SMALL HEMLOCK. NAMES. wedge-lanceolate. if at all involucels . it is also mentioned by Matthiolus. — This PL. COM.— /E THUS A. and from there to Pennsylvania. long. DOG'S PARSLEY.) LA PETITE CIQUii. Miiller.— ^THUSA CYNAPIUM. calyx teeth by the inflexion way. Jungius. and its principal. (PR. SEX. LESSER HEMLOCK. all speaking of its peculiar effects when eaten. FATUA. 2-3-ter- fetid unspotted. The Fool's Parsley is indigenous to Europe and Siberia. C. still sparingly. and pendent Umbels divisions pinnate. sharply-keeled ridges and 2 in the commissure at its base. carpo- flattened either mericarps. Its action has been generally considered like that of herb for parsley. in New England. CORIANDRUM CYNAPIUM. much fire. deep much Fruit ovate. the leaves erect while the buds are immature. from which made of it it Conium. GARDEN HEMLOCK. appearing emarginate. ^THUSA FOOL'S PARSLEY. involucre none obsolete of the in full flower and fruit.. flowering On account of the many cases of poisoning by the inadvertent use of this is easily distinguishable. . tip. was in some forms not mentioned in the U.) KLEINER SCHEILING.SYST. and the leaf-sections art- . Jonston. aithusso. to set on t .globose. LOB. feet. but milder. in reference to the acrid taste of the plant. — History and Habitat. single intervals.ANT .N. 204^ % Bull. Walz describes an and forming a alkaloid. he exhausted it upon four patients.. who took the extract in quantities ranging from 2 drachms to 2 ounces himself. — For this rubric: several centuries the plant ^PLtJiusa L. 9. is Eryngium whole fresh a clear. in flower disagreeable odor . — The and treated as directed under fruit. Essex.xiously looked for. But now Dr. — Cynapiii. and that the only influence which these conditions have on Fool's Parsley. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. offensive odor. be poisonous. Torr. smell. to have received no further investigation.Jotir. a volatile oily liquid. botanists ' — . ago. and also after the plants had reached maturity and set fruit. northern latitudes tion its observations on the last-mentioned plant. and two other adults. recalls to mind the f Arch. who took it in quantities ranging from 2 to 4 fluid ounces. — The following excerpt.| being of late date. 1881. Being thus provided with a supply of material. Kent. in the it. four years old. Thomas' Hospital Reports. 1880. but not it a fetid. and taste.Pthusa. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Club. his conclusions are maculahini). These two took one or other of the juices.. resulting as upheld by the experiments of Bernhart. and. that independent both of locality and season. Ficinus. Dr. The body seems. succulency.65-2 PART USED AND PREPARATION. of plants reputed * Wittstein.' The juices of the plant. serves to introduce "'Fool's Parsley' not Poisonous. and classed among poisons by and toxicological writers. but that it is pleasant absence of the more fragrant and succulent might well be used as a pot-herb or salad.* succeeded . John Harley. resulting tincture has reaction. de Phar. an exceedingly penetrating.f who which he describes as having a strong isolating a like substance. were obtained by expression just before flowering. 1880. 117 (Am. in which he is reaction. absolutely free from the noxious properties attributed to to sight.. as on hemlock [Coninm plants. when as crystallizing in prisms that are soluble both in alcohol crystallizable salt with sulphuric acid. has been the object of suspicion. in doses ranging from I to 8 fluid ounces. who describes and water. although precau- in several waters. one a little girl. Surrey. of England. is its taken to — Russia first boil it for it may be example — is Dr. Pilar. came some years same to the stated that Coniuni niaculatuni. He is satisfied. innocuous nature that he has concerning that of the In connection with this. . as from the leaves. plant. representing the active properties of the plant. in eaten with impunity. comes forward and presents a vindication of what he calls an innocent and harmless In the St. and to This subject of the harmlessness. he relates a number of facts to prove plant. and as being soluble as yet. The (62). from the root as well the correctness of his conclusions. is not only Cynaphun. is to increase or diminish made some conclusion in regard to . an This alkaloid was discovered by and as having an alkaline in ether. in alcohol. in alkaline reaction. from one of the promi- nent botanical journals. Effects were an. but absolutely none followed in any of the cases. under certain conditions. Harley. who were the subjects of spasmodic wry-neck. further. Harley therefore feels compelled to assert that ^Etlmsa Cynapiiim of Sussex. orange-brown color by transmitted light acrid taste and an acid . and Hertfordshire. Times. in consequence of having eaten the . The symptoms were spasmodic pains in the stomach. but was seized with such languor. by mistake for commenced immediately to cry out in great great cramps in the stomach. the lower jaw was spasmodically tumid." " . This. He was much troubled with giddiness in the head his vision was confused.^^thusa. August 23. morning there this fixed . about thirty-five years of age. swelling of the belly lividity of the skin. attended with a rumbling. . and death in twenty-four hours. which last were inllamed and bloodshot. but he was fortunate enough to vomit up the herb.. and complained of pain. that he supported himself with difficulty. in about ten minutes he was affected with a pain in the stomach and bowels.) who had eaten the bulbs by mistake for young turnips. strong man. He was child. in which some of seized with severe pain in the abdomen. vol. however. . a publican. Another child was poisoned in the same manner. He walked out in the fields. with nearly the same quantity of young lettuce. having eaten Parsley. became excessively swollen. M. that the Norlanders prepare from the leaves of Acoiiituni Xapc/Zics a broth. in the . . ate a handful of Fool's Parsley. which were painful and inflamed. Next day he had much pain in his head and ejes. 324. He had different circumscribed swellings in his face. 365. which tliey cat witliout any injurious effects resulting therefrom." The action A " following cases of poisoning by the drug. about I o'clock p. which brought up. and he died toward midnight. At 7 o'clock he got an emetic. convulsions. was abdomen. in his Flora Lapponica. all the Fool's Parsley." {Med. and next was perfect unconsciousness . 1S45.) "A healthy. —{Chris. p. followed by nausea. and slight v^ascular congestion of {Medic. 65-3 statement of Linna-us." "Another was boiled. and sometimes objects appeared double. . however. six years of age.) Gmelin has related the case of a child who died in eight hours. vomiting of a bloody mucus. the whole body became difificult . ii. Whilst taking him home boy. and weakness. yahrbiicJi. and difficult breathing. painful. without vomiting could not swallow vacuity. and entirely closed by the surrounding inflammation.) "A woman They were both gave two of her children soup. Post-mortem appearance: redness the oesophagus. . and of a livid hue." {^Orfila. the respiration and short. but they were transient. and constant diarrhoea.—— — . abdomen cold extremities. did not prevent many symptoms manifesting themselves he talked wildly. but the other sensations continued. but none of the lettuce this relieved him of the unpleasant symptoms in the stomach. On the Saturday his eyes were highly inflamed. p. weariness. at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. and in his delirium he thought he saw numbers of dogs and cats. and flew from place to place. he supposes. to upon the system show its : some of this herb. of the lining-membrane of stomach and duodenum. inability to answer questions lower jaw fixed insensibility and death an hour after the commencement of the symptoms. suddenly seized with pain . and he passed a restless night. serve. 3. and inflammahis remaining symptoms tion of the eyes. Bract of the involucel. .— . (2. and then the extremities were agitated by convulsive movements the animal threw himself from one side to the other. On opening the body the heart was found to be contracted. of a yellow color the spleen livid but the body was not at all emphysematous.) " His tongue was Riviere relates that a person died after taking this plant. the pupils . and 6 enlarged. he continued to get better. that its chief action is upon the medulla spinalis. . when suddenly he stretched out his limbs and lay upon his stomach in a few minutes he tried to arouse himself. This state lasted a quarter of an hour. 5. Commissural view of same." The symptoms of poisoning by this drug show." {Lozae. Section of same. heat. Stigmas. Flower. obey the will. and the animal died an hour after taking the poison. according to Schulze. End 2. . . . Dorsal view of a mericarp. The stomach was found full of the poison. of flowering plant. 7. and the left ventricle contained fluid and black blood the lungs were a little less crepitant than natural. This state of stupor increased. 323. pain. even then. refused to tions . 4. . On Animals. 6. 4. The muscles of the limbs. From this time until the Monday. bled. and the oesophagus tied. 1. but the organs of sense exercised their funcwere scarcely dilated the pulsations of the heart were slow and strong. . black a brownish serosity was found in the stomach the liver was hard. —Seven ounces of the juice of the leaves were given to a strong Twenty minutes thereafter the dog became sick in half an hour it did not seem to affect him much. particularly of the dog. .* posterior. vol. ii. . 8. but there was no alteration of the digestive canal. with oedematous swelling of the cheeks went off gradually.) * Orfila. but his efforts were in vain. but had. Description of Plate 65. and the oesophagus and fauces were spasmodically contracted. Fruit. his senses began to be enfeebled. 65-4 which gave him much relief in his face and eyes. f ?m\ ThASPIUM AUREUM Var APTERUM. G ray. . . perent>ial herb attains a height of from Description. SISSON AUREUS. SMYRNIUM LUTEUM. pedicels 10 to 20 elongating in fruit. After having stirred the whole well.— The whole fresh plant (the prover and weighed. See second synonym.i. oblong-lanceolate. Root tap-shaped. * A f I play upon the genus TItapsia. . flat- vittcz description of the natural quite a common plant on the moist banks of streams. — This erect. NUTT. naked pedun- involucre inconspicuous or absent. p.nus. antisyphilitic. GOLDEN MEADOW PARSNEP.. . transverse section orbicular the commissure.. leaflets cuneate.— THASPIUM AUREUM. few-leaved floivers deep. SKX. lower leaves on long petioles. and in open. where indigenous it flowers in June and July.) GOLDEN PASTINAKE. GOLDEN ALEXANDERS. to 3 feet. NAMES. SV. terminated by an inflexed tened or laterally contracted and under Eryngium. yellow to internally.— PKNIANDRIA DICVNIA. 267. orange-yellow. MICHX. —The Calyx Fruit oval-oblong. . and sudorific. History and Habitat. cles i to 2 inches long. ROUNDHEART (GER. MUHL. Leaves i. Petals oblong. COM. NUTT. and allow it to stand eight days in a dark. volucels minute. have retained the name under which the plant was proven. so. N. Meadow teeth obscure. SMYRNIUM ACUMINATUM. KOCH. cut serrate. and the rest of the alcohol added. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. ZIZIA AUREA. order. 2 to 4 inches long by of an inclr in diameter. solitary in each 2-ternately parted or divided. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it. SISSON TRIFOLATUM.ORD-UMBELLIFER^. SPRENG. . 66 (. somewhat tip. on long. SMITH. . named from the Isle of Thapsiis. ii. used only the root) is chopped and pounded to a pulp cool place. PART USED AND PREPARATION. The genus is spoken of by RafinesqueJ as vulnerary. 62. SYN. . Parsnip Read is .— TH ASPiuM. sometimes simple or more or less cordate upper leaves sessile or nearly i ^ ^ . SMYRNIUM AUREUM. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE PLANT THASPIUM AUREUM. in- . wet woods. pour it into a well-stoppered bottle. ridges lo-winged 2 in . the bases elongated Inflorescence axial or terminal compound umbels. LINN..— MEADOW PARSNIP. X Med. .* Nurr. I find no mention of this plant in medical literature. Bot. Z I Z I A- MEADOW PARSJ^IPS. vol. ) my face then began to feel suffused with blood and soon became hot. E.. attempts to detect a characteristic odor and taste. tongue. e. . the tongue felt fuzzy and numb. Med.) all symptoms had passed awiy except the scalded sensation of the tongue. lasting an hour. — during which I made many futile — and took probably about 10 minims. vol. —The Meadow Parsnip appears to uphold the general action of the Umbelliferse. ifi. The symptoms of those proving the drug under the direction of Dr. p. Ithaca. Thaspium aureiim. upper part of plant. Pun has been having been omitted. I ceased writing. and I fell into a distressingly dreamy sleep. 634. N.* Description of Plate la to i. titled reverts to Flower (enlarged). Nutt. (J. . no distinguishing odor. nperlum liut . June 3d. f This in Plarte Ency. especially the cheeks and forehead. proper title i.. Shortly after taking note of the physical properties of the tidicture here recorded. This sensation was followed by a feeling as if the tongue had been scalded with hot tea my eyes began to water and smart. the only characteristic of var. the seed. of a any farther action. 30 P. x. 1880. a slightly It leaves a numb.— f 66-2 The tincture. should have a deep brownish-orange color by transmitted light. 2. which When lasted fully an I awoke hour longer. ejecting the root in time to ward off Marcy are those of a nerve is that by Judge Gray being taken case violent irritant. var. In this vomiting followed immediately. something like the impression left by tincture of aconite. separated from this mass by straining and filtering. its 66. and threw myself upon my lounge (12 M. Thaspium atireum. aperlum. M. it Mat. furry sensation upon the bitter taste. * Marcy. The only report of a toxic quantity young lady who ate a large root. Y. and act specifically in a similar manner to yEthusa. drowsiness followed. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. . and strong acid reaction. E.. CiCUTA MACULATA.m.67- ^.Linn .et nat dei. . the veins ending in the notches. . BEAVER POISON. Rooi a fascicle of several oblong.— AMERICAN WATER HEMLOCK. little and is where indigenous to the United it grows in wet places. the lateral ones marginal intervals. SYN. Cicuta plays no part in any system of medicine except the homoeopathic. the from which pipes were made. or when growing in open places deep purple. . and some of the laity. SEX.N. 5-toothed . Later the powdered leaves were employed to a limited extent to alleviate the pain of scirrhus cancers. DEATH OF MAN. double under Eryngium. (GBR. . Bo/. little knowing its toxic properties.) CIQUE D'AMBRIQUE. until the publication of Dr. . Leaves bi-ternately compound. name Cicuta designating the hollo-. CICUTA MACULATA. in the commissure . 1817. Rafinesque claims that its roots were eaten by such Indians as were tired of life and desired a speedy demise. contracted at the sides.— PKNTANDKIA DKIVNIA. * The joints of reeds ancient Latin name. the lower on long petioles leaflets oblong-lanceolate.-CICUTA MACULATA. . Calyx minutely 6 feet. — This poisonous marsli perennial attains a growth of from and 3 to Stem stout and smooth. (PR.been considered more as a poison than a drug.-j. Bigelow's work. LINN. LAM.) AMERIKA- NISCHER WASSERSCHIERLING. aromatic. and July. DOUGLASII. with an inflexed. . SPOTTED COWBANE. COM. Read Fruit Carpels large. as a gargle in sore throat. single in the description of the order 62. in reference to the hollow stems of this genus. SVST. NAMES. and a with 5 strong. fistulate. almost globular. Description. Cicuta had.ENUS. hifloresceiice in long peduncled. ORD-UMBELLIFER^. pointed. MUSQUASH ROOT.. vittce . CICUTARIA MACULATA. and in shady situations wholly green. flowers in June tip. flattish ribs. LINN. a few practitioners only using very small doses as a substitute for conium. WATER HEMLOCK. SIUM . and sometimes lobed mai'gins mucronately coarse-serrate. Petals obcordate. streaked with purple {not maculate). Boston. C. pointed teeth acute. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOTS OF CICUTA MACULATA. SNAKEWEED. CHILDREN'S BANE. (?) D. History and Habitat.* LINN. involucre few leaved or wanting involucels 5 to 6 leaved leaflets linear Jioiuers white. axillary umbels.v . t jini. geminate. —The Water Hemlock States from F"Iorida and Mississippi northward. 67 (. seeds terete.— CICUTA. thick fleshy tubers. Med. .. as the stems. first obtained from proven by Trapp to be identical with the of the hydrocarbons are identified as follows Cicutcn. The chopped and pounded resulting tincture has a clear the peculiar odor of the fresh root. Cj„H. symptom was in the bowels urging him to an ineffectual attempt vomited about a teacupful of what appeared to be the a pain at stool. is : (Van Ankum). yellowish-amber color by transmitted light. A glance. and an acid reaction. in all Polex. which is true of Great the roots. inflammable resin. 0. and others.87038. vul. gathered in a recently-ploughed field. virosa. at 18° (64. fresh roots. but which were identified as the roots of Cicuta maculata. iii. Hazeltine all the symptoms noted by observers in other cases: A boy had eaten of certain tuberous roots.). after which he * Bigelow. it is simply men- tioned by Wittstein as having been obtained in an aqueous solution.„ . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. are treated as in the preceding drug. I am at present unable to differAccording to descriptions. supposing (1818). sp. Not similarity is said to exist between this species and the European C. E. is the he procured a volatile oil and a succeeded in obtaining a volatile alka- analysis. Cicutoxin. Bigelow by Dr.. are never spotted.* gives them His to first be artichokes. by the symptoms. virosa has not a fasciculate entiate between them.6° F. Bot. root. J. gr.— The to a pulp. that cicuta produces great hypersemia of the brain and spinal cord. in all that found by Bigelow in the root-juice of C. a sweetish taste.86.8° P. having had an opportunity to examine the latter. Bigelow's examination of the root made toward an Mr. Two of several hydrocarbons.4° F. The following case. remains as yet very imperfectly investigated .). loid — This volatile alkaloid found Cicutina. Med. however. probability identical with was isolated and named by Trojanowski. and is soluble in alcohol. nor do I find been noticed Dr. R. and a boiling point at 172° (341. which he regarded as identical with conia. reported by letter to Dr. boils at \t&^ (330.H. and its umbels are larger in every way and much denser. parts of the plant by Wittstein. and should be adopted. having a sp.(. maailata.: 67-2 The specific name maailata is far as I have any record of such a marking having badly chosen. iSi. is dextrogyrate. — This amorphous. species have been reported. being much less like that of conium. all — Many cases of poisoning from the root of this showing. virosa will not be out of place here yellow. PART USED AND PREPARATION. and chloroform Cymol. as observed. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. at the chemistry of C. Bigelow modestly offers the name fasciculata. .^. Oil of Cumin. Young from the fruits. the fruit of Ctmiimini cyminum. a colorless oil of great refractory power and the odor of lemons. gr. Am. C. C. at 15° (59° F. ether. resinous body. only attempt so far — Dr. —This compound oil of this species. . Linn.) of 0.). " At the . July 2d. 3.of tremors. the stomach was fully distended with flatus. and immediately back into convulsions which lasted off and on continuously until his death. with alternate and imperfect relaxations of the whole muscular system. 2. trismus. and calyx. mixed with blood. Description of Plate I. and occasionally violent and genuine epilepsy. 67. Flower. frothing at the mouth and nose. (3-7 enlarged." The convulsive agitations were so powerful and fell incessant. violent contractions and distortions. consisting. Part of flowering branch." stancy to ascertain its character. 4..) =-*-= . Face of flower. 6. Leaf. N. with widely-dilated pupils. 1885. stridor dentium. astonishing mobility of the eyeballs and eyelids. Binghamton. showing calyx. 5.67-3 recently-masticated root. Stamens. that the doctor " could not examine the pulse with sufficient conpost-mortem no inflammation was observed. Pistil 7. Y. and contained "about three gills of a muciform and greenish fluid. The doctor found him in a profuse sweat and "convulsive agitations. Petal. such as had flowed from the mouth this mass assumed a dark ereen color on standinsr. . etpinxt. CONiUM MACU LATUM.a(lnat. Linn.^'Tn.. .iJel. . papil- seed with its inner face marked by a deep and narrow longitudinal sulcus. ever. (FR. LINN. hollow. Stamens but slightly longer than the petals anthers white. turgid. MACULATUM. koneion. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH PLANT. . LAM. from kmoj. judged by Hooker to be so named on account of the whirling vertigo caused by the poison. CONIUM. become thoroughly naturalized in this country. CIQUE ORDINAIRE.— PKNT.K. biennial herb. acuminate. white. Leaves generally large. GENUS.* I SE. nearly equal.— WILD OR POISON HEMLOCK. deflexed involucels about 5-leaved. acute and regularly serrate. smooth. somewhat deltoid in outline common petioles with broad striate sheathing bases segments lanceolate pinnatifid lobes bright green. t SPOTTED POISON PARSLEY. . C. . SYST. Injiorescejice terminal. where it grows usually by river-sides. flat-topped. N. History and Habitat. CICUTA MACULATA. (not Linn. . the crown retaining the divergent styles. greatly resembles the depicted head- Description.) GRAND CIQUB. . STINK-WEED. Fruit orate. . the lateral ones marginal Carpels with . has places.. crowning ring in fruit.— CONIUM MACULATUM. L. easily detached coating that pervades the whole plant except the leaves and flowers. . C. MAJOR. 68 LINN. COM.) SCHIERLING.V. ROTH. . CICUTARIA VULGARIS.. corymbosely branching above. . from and 2 to 6 feet. in howwaste * KJwioK. C. HERB-BENNET.. Petals obtuse or somewhat obcorCalyx teeth obsolete. .ANDRIA DIGVNI. . CRANTZ. a top. CORIANDRUM CICUTA. . shorter than the umbellets. VULGARIS MAJOR. — Conium is indigenous to Europe and Asia. and situated to the outside of them leaves lanceolate rays numerous.— C O N U M . pulverent. It. unsavory. compound umbels involucre about 3-leaved leaves lanceolate. POISOA' HEMLOCK. NAMES. together with its dilated base. grows to a height varying Root fusiform. the limb forming a thickened date. sometimes forked. gear of the mediaeval court jester. BAUH. the whole dotted and splashed with crimson beneath the white. — This large. the apices incurved. lose ribs.). laterally flattened. CLUS. EXCLUDING THE ROOT.ORD -UMBELLIFER^. konos. OF CONIUM MACULATUM. stout below. straight flowers small. 5 prominent. each of which. Stet)i erect. decompound. SYN. striate. It blossoms during July and August. (GER. vittce none . f \ name more commonly applied to Datura Stramonium. PARK. . Flor. Conium has been recommended in jaundice. thirdly. i. and as a cataplasm in herpes and erysipelas. 16. and 26 ameliorated by the use of this drug. and xuvsiov nsTtcoxoTa. the potion. c... does not give it a specific name. however. cancer. . tic-douloureux. . Sibthorp says* that Conium grows plentifully between Athens and Magara. the potion. It is the xuvetov which destroyed Thermanes. b. The cicuta of later writers. iii. J. applied by the Romans to any and all poisonous umbelliferae. in trying to explain why spasms did not occur in this case. later provings of Conium on man and animals. ? Bii. to be the xuretov does not grow in Greece. it appears that the words xivsiv xovfiov mean to drink poison. It remained. he found it effectual in curing scirrhus. there seems little doubt that the Grecian State potion used at Athens as a mode of execution of those condemned to death by the tribunal of Areopagus. one of Plato. and sudden stiffness and immobility of the limbs while Conium causes creeping muscular paralysis. » Prod. all point to it as being answerable to the symptoms mentioned. Hist. in describing the thirty.. The first use of Conium in medicine is that of Dioscorides. if not wholly. Bayle§ collected from various sources 46 cases of cancerous disease cured. yElian states that Cean old men. having drunk poison. Cicuta virosa supposed. f A'at. yet there are important reasons why we should feel perfectly satisfied that the Grecian xcdveiov was the Conium of our materia medica first.68-2 The history of this fetid. In the writings of Eratosthenes also. which means any strong drug. ii. and many other chronic forms of disease. 618. Phocion. and tired of the infirmities of life. nor mention its source. 1S7. and that no other plant of near so violent qualities grows in Greece. Pliny states f that the leaves keep down all tumors. the words of the man who prepared the potion " We only bruise as much as is barely sufficient for the purpose. is a Latin name. and Socrates. H. poisonous plant. invited each other to a banquet. and notwithstanding the fact that Dioscorides' description of the plant is too general to distinguish the umbelliferous species he refers to. Dr. : — — . ulcers. for Baron Stiirck (1760) to introduce Conium into more general use. dates back to about the tury before Christ. secondly." would seem to indicate a simple. who. Gr. after which they drank Although none of these accounts give the derivation of x(0T£iov and died together. and Anaxilaus claims that by anointing the mammae they ceased to grow. by those who doubt Conium being the origin of the potion. . 662. and not necessarily a poisonous one. From the careful observations of fifth cen- many pharmacographists and historians. composed of the fresh juice of the leaves and green seeds of this plant. Avicenna| praised it as an agent for the cure of tumors of the breasts. + Lil>. as some of the upholders of Cicuta claim. xxvi. with mayhap slight trembling. who used it as a collyrium mixed with wine. Cicuta causes convulsions even to opisthotonos. whose disciple he had been. when they had become useless to the State. Bennett's case of poisoning by Conium gave symptoms almost identical with those given in the description of the death of Socrates fourthly. but no spasm lastly. : . a man who spoke so clearly and definitely would hardly have used the word " bruise " had opium been added to the preparation. Therap. but terms the potion <papaaxo7'. was principally. and even to other widely separate toxic plants this term was unknown to the Greeks. and various forms of nervous diseases. Alicorn assures me that he has tried this (eating the roots) in every season of the year.'' % your. preserving. unworthy of the author. Her mother died of " a cancer of the breast " several years before. without any inconvenience. Like all other drugs used by the dominant school of medicine then and now. PAH. many physicians failed to get any effect whatsoever from this drug in the diseases specified by Siorck and others. and Curtis says: || "Mr. 634. four months after. Mr. to London. and about the area of a silver dollar.. epilepsy. especially those of a scrofulous nature. by Conium. [A base imputation. Londinensis. prepared by himself. without feeling any material difference and Mr. Healy four ounces without experiencing any remarkable effect. a notion very like the law that guides us to-day. io8) Nay. The case is as follows Mrs. which they somewhat resembled. tion of Orfila. curing. it never succeeded so well as when under his own direction or confined to the neighborhood in which he resided.. i. and upon examining her to-day (nearly four years after the first dose).Stramonium. Concerning the root of this virulent plant. and not pharmaceutical preparation that caused the drug to cure. states that the Russian peasants eat it with impunity. Berlin. Trans. and to the practice of those physicians with whom he lived in habits of intimacy and friendship. essays written. so frequent were the failures that most careful and protracted experiments in gathering. this accounts for relates § that Mr. Lane informs me that he also. Petiver ate half an ounce. sharp stitching pains in the left mamma. * Woodville says {Mtd. that the amount of the following experiences: Ray alkaloid therein is very small. . but this proved equally unsuccessful. Siorck he sent a quantity of the extract." Mr. Hisl. he had some of the larger roots boiled. after many successive trials. 26. chorea. and found them as agreeable eating at dinner with meat as carrots. and to differ in no respect from the English extract. B complained to me of having experienced. the " tumor" was much softer and the nipple less cupped. and concludes that the colder Pliny says:T[ "as for the stems and the climate the less poisonous is the root.. 1885. made some experiments of the like kind. xii. as cited under (hat drug. just movable. a Russian botanist. for some months past.. extending thence in all directions. Lepage J corroborates the assersyphilitic affections. analyses were made. On examining the breast I found the nipple retracted and surrounded by a hard nodular lump. differed widely from ours.. and upward and outward into the axilla. Phor. t Note also Baron Storck's use of . F. b. I prescribed Conium in a potency. Sot. T... xix. causing her sleep to be interfered with seriously. Within six weeks the subjective symptoms entirely passed away. I find no vestige of the growth whatever. It is well known to us as homoeopathists that Baron Storck had a " peculiar notion " as to the adaptability of drugs to diseased conditions.f I can personally testify to the cure of one well-marked case of mammary scirrhus. these stitches would awaken her at night. the mamma appearing entirely normal.: 68-3 enlargement of glands. .] The general inefficiency of Hemlock experienced in this counlrj'. cautiously. Steven. and in most parts of our island. laryngismus stridulus. and preparing thei drug were resorted to. as a sedative in mania. 10. ^ Nat. one dose per diem. c. but especially through to the shoulder-blade. :". Plor.—c. and finally serious doubts expressed as to Baron Storck's cases * widiout once a thought that it might be adaptability to his cases. induced physicians at first to suppose that this plant. pertussis. in the environs of Vienna and being so stated to Dr. I and this || . The remedy was then stopped. tt Chim. M. and boiling at i63.). a taste at entire fresh plant. It is soluble becomes turbid on the application of heat.' replied the man. Conium. Conliydrin. should be gathered while the The as in the preceding drug. This alkaloid having the was specific possesses a nauseous and It in cold water. CgHj^N. and holds —This (Ul pale. however. Conicin. yet uninvestigated.°3 F. This passed into conia and the resulting oil body.— The tion of the root.89. both green and also boiled or stewed between Notwithstanding all this. Conicina.328. and give an odor bruised leaves. then similar to the odor. exists in solution the alkaloids Paraconine in all parts of the plant present. with the excep- fruits madder similar to that of the and an acid sweetish. and Iodine. Conium Alcoholicum is . colorless. in which solution is also sometimes present in bears great resemblance to conia. many children have been poisoned from there be two platters. after some time returned. and the boy departing. and Materia Medica the preparations are Tinctura . you are expe- Nothing. from and Schorlemmer. many who do eat it. isomeric with conia.°6 (249° F. officinal the U. and boiling Paraconine. Conydrine.t CgHj^ON. it This fourth alkaloid. Oil of oil is liquid Conic Acid.. ' come hither .) extracted from the seeds. Conium. the Eclectic In Extracinm Conii Alcoholicuvi : Unguentiim . only in being atertiary base devoid of rotary power." eating the roots..). It This volatile alkaloid was C. ' : Good be done?' you are to friend. gave the sign to the boy who stood near. Ph. S. at 225° (437° F.°5 (." "And Crito. Methylconine. conium. Geiger. Emplastnmt BelladonncE Coinposituiu* Conii and PART USED AND PREPARATION. hearing this.— G. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. bringing with him the man who was ta administer the poison. oily liquid. said rienced in these affairs when you have drank —what is to the poison Rosin.t discovered by Giseke to first purify it. 'only walk about until a heaviness takes f Conine. A also formed when nitrogen decomposed by water.xide is differs is liquid. and prepared resulting tincture should have a clear somewhat color by transmitted light. Belladonna. in the Conia a limpid. yellow trio. of the death of Socrates: And Socrates. Conein. in Plato's "Phaedo.«/^.). beholding the man. as Abstractum Conii in Extractimi Conii Fhiidum.H. boils at i6o°-i7o° (320°-338° F. who brought it ready bruised in a cup. is gravity of .68-4 stalks. Conhydria.— No more fitting introduction to the action of this virulent spinal irritant could be written than the description. . stip)'a. leaves and fruit of this plant. reaction. CgHj^NCHj. C^Hj^N^O. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Coniin. Extractimi Conii Conii. sharp it taste. X Conydrina.). A crystalline alkaloid melting at I20. and a disagreeable odor.N. first are yet green. all it who were you do. and remained immovable was perfect paralysis of the upper and lower extremities within two hours after he had taken the poison. saw far that he unable to restrain his tears. Discharge this. and immediately lay down." said the man. after walking about. movements had ceased. and a partial ate a large quantity of there was a . On being raised. Bennett. Edin. To which Socrates replied that he did not.. which I indeed beseech them to grant. showing us that he was becoming cold and stiff. and his eyes became fixed. J. ? Be I and let your fortitude be seen. And Crito. and with excellent friends betray such weakness.68-5 place in your legs then . therefore. my But he observing us. And Socrates. he carried the cup to his mouth. But Crito. for so he had been ordered. And from me they broke forth with such violence that I covered my face and deplored my wretchedness. closed his eyelids and mouth. or when there his arms were lifted they fell like inert masses. 1845." Another case very similar to this was met with by Dr. and Surg. which infected present. only slight occasional motions of the left leg. but a moment after moved. And now the middle of his body growing cold. I did not weep for his fate so much as for the loss of a friend and benefactor. at length his limbs refused to support him. Hemlock plant by mistake for parsley soon afterwards power in the lower extremities. he threw aside his clothes. paralysis of sensation. and neglect it not.' said Socrates 'but it is certainly lawful and proper to pray the gods that my departure from hence may be prosperous and happy. I expressions of joy and praise. and spoke for the At this address time we silent.' So saying. and regarding the man with his usual stern aspect he asked What say you of this potion ? Is it lawful to sprinkle any portion of it on the earth. his legs dragged after him. is "Thus ' I . most of us had been able to refrain from weeping. At len<Tth he pressed violently upon his foot. he should be gone. we could no longer restrain our tears. we owe the sacrifice of a cock to ^sculapius. without this is all Socrates received it change of countenance. and asked if he felt it. now broke forth in loud lamentations. touching them at intervals. blushed. lie down — you have to do.* A man last ' : Crito.' said Crito have you anything else to say?' He made no reply. . as a libation. feeling it himself. and actually had drank the poison. and he fell. but no convulsions. exclaimed. and drank it with great promptness and facility. 'What is have sent away the women that they might not have heard that it is our duty to die cheerfully. the pupils were fixed. seeing this. 169. he presented the cup. At the same time the man who had given him the poison examined his feet and legs. which I was about to sustain. and suppressed our tears.' ' understand you. be done. The man then pressed his legs and so on. as much as fear or ' : ' barely sufficient for the purpose.' But Socrates. assured us that when the effects had ascended to his heart. except Socrates. Three hours after eating the hemlock the respiratory Death took place in three and one-quarter hours. In walking he staggered as if he was drunk. loss of . But when we was drinking.' ' It shall ' . now told us that his legs were beginning to grow heavy. H. but he apparently suffered no pain. There was a loss of power of deglutition. or not ?' We only bruise. Jour.' At the same time from him with great calmness. It * Med. It caused dejection. The mucous coat of the stomach. — Linnceus and goats refuse them. On Animals. four ounces of the dried plant to a horse which had eaten three and a half pounds of the plant without effect. that Conium is more poisonous to carnlvora than to graminlvora. was much congested. Y.. It would seem. ii. X 250. June 29th. .. 2. especially at the cardiac extremity here there were numerous extravasations of dark blood below the epithelium. Stamens. 1. Vit. harmless when given to animals. Top of a flowering branch divested of three of its umbels. Bennett's case. 359. 8. causing a paralysis first of the anterior then posterior branches. but horses will feed upon the seeds. there was slight serous effusion beneath membrane. fruit. Binghamton. . Flower. The substance of the brain was soft on section there were numerous bloody points. (3-6 enlarged.. even powder and extract were generally says that the thrush Orfila* found that the plenty. pultaceous mass of the herb.68-6 was evidently caused by gradual asphyxia from paralysis of the muscles of respiration. The lungs were engorged with dark-red fluid blood the heart was soft and flabby. Gen. dilation of the pupils. The blood throughout the body was fluid and of a dark color. when grain is Ray states that sheep will eat of the leaves. but the intellect was perfectly clear until shortly before death. f Pharm. but the organ was otherwise healthy. Pollen. grinding of teeth and copious sweats. Stalk at the root. trembling. from experiments upon animals. — In Dr. 3. stupor. Description of Plate 68. spasmodic trembling of muscles. that contained a green. Post-mortem. 6.) * Tox. N. 1884. The sequence of symptoms would seem to show in all of the many cases of poisoning by this plant that the drug acts primarily upon the spinal cord. the arachnoid . over a space about the The intestines presented patches of congestion on the mucous size of the hand. coat. 4 and 5. and that from below upward until the medulla is reached. . Young 7. 309. Section of ovary. but that the juice or leaves of the fresh plant Moiroudf gave a decoction of produced the most violent symptoms and death. etpinxl ARALIA RACEMOSA Linn.TU.u/. .adnatdel. . Leaves very large. . . whitish internally. in Bol.* TOURN. retaining the persistent and now divaricate styles etnbryo minute.— ARAL I A. This family affords. compound. Stem ligneously thick. . opening longitudinally. leaflets acuminate. caducous. or trees. LINN. preceding (Umbellifera. . -PENTANURI. AMERICAN SPIKENARD. James meniions a plant 7 to 8 feet high. .-SPIKBNARD. numerous Inflorescence axillary.ALI. Petals 5. SPIKEJfARD. PETTYMORREL. obovate epigynous. SEX. SYN. Gaz. Fruit globular. reflexed-spreading. or thyrsi. . N. generally sarcous. ARALIA RACEMOSA. Calyx: limb very short or wanting. ovules anatropous. f J. ) A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF Description.) NARD D'AMERIQUE. with leaves 3 feet long. F. aromatic. 5. fllaments slender globular.\CEMOSA. beside the two species represented here.. bifurcating. and devoid of prickles. ORD -ARALIACE. — This AR. 69 GENUS. 5. slightly downy. or in i Ovary in each the sterile stigmas capitellate. (GER AMERIKANISCHER ARALIE. teeth 5. . the following plants used in medicine time held in and the arts: The common Ivy {Hedera Helix).f bark thick.— ARALIA RACEMOSA. 1882. calyx teeth . Inflorescence panicled or racemose umbels flowers in our species more or less polygamous. LINN.\ I'KNIAGY.). (PR. spicy-aromatic . Fruit 7i berry or drupe with usually more than two cells carpels not separating albumen . NAMBS. Stamens 5. racemose panicles. SVST.. anthers 2-celled. short.NIA. 5-celled. projecting upward between the acute. or simply a stigmatic surface to the apex of each style. . 122. PIGEON-WEED. or represented by a serrate stipular membrane at the bifurcation of the branches and sometimes at the bases of the herbaceous. epigynous. Leaves sometimes simple but mostly compound or decompound.^. cell styles . Rooi large. Calyx coherent with the ovary Flowers monoeciously polygamous or perfect. much branched. baccate drupes. shrubs.\ R. LIFE-OP-MAN. petioles. suspended. COM. stipules wanting. somewhat lo-ridged flowers entirely united Petals 5. aromatic perennial attains a growth of from 2 to 5 feet. doubly-serrate. not inflexed. at one great repute as a preventive of drunkenness and antidote to the * Derivation unknown. p. sometimes united closely clustered. odd-pinnately compound ovate-cordate. and fruit 15 to 18 inches. situated opposite the petals. — Many characters of this natural order are identical with the Araliaceae. Stamens at the base. smooth. its distinguishing points are: Herbs. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. It o-rows along the rocky but rich banks of well shaded streams. II . and flowers in July. Pliar. t Complete Herbal. Flor X Am. gummy resin Amboyian Hedera is used as a constituent of umbcllifcra {Aralia lunbcllifera. and the United States southward to the mountains of South Carolina and westward to the Rockies. and hispida.69-2 "heady" wines. and G.. Period. 402. useful — History and Habitat. pectoral and antiseptic. having the peculiar. Rafinesque says:''' ''A. No preparation of this plant is now officinal in the U." practice it has been made into a composite syrup with the root of Inula helenium. Sarsaparilla {Aralia nudicaulis) and the Angelica tree (^A. dismissed from the Pharmacopoeia of the United States. the section. asthma. Culpepper says rj. Among the edible plants Gimnera scabra. Materia Medica. is somewhat dense.) yields a powerfully aromatic camphoraceous resin The American aromatic tonics False krebinthacca one resembling turpentine. and cureth the pains of the stone in the reins and kidneys. some varnishes (Griffith) effects of . and mortification the root with horse-radish is made in poultice for the feet The juice of the berries and oil of the seeds is said to cure earin general dropsy. prepared by chopping and pounding the root to a pulp.| Elkins. or Eclectic that o{ . 1880. I The analysis of species. S. 2. vol. . Ph. slightly brownish-orange liquid by transmitted light. London.|| will give us analysis of this plant has been published A. p. days in two parts by weight of alcohol and filtering. and rheumatism a tincture of the root and fruit has also been used as a stomachic. pains in the breast (chest). . dotted and surrounded by a ligneous sheath j'g central portion fibre inch thick. it woody is large white internally and shows on readily peels off the ligneous layer surround- The ing the main bulk of the root." In domestic urine. by Holden. in coughs. and used as a remedy in chronic coughs. p. Jour. spinosa. macrospecies of Panax are noted under the ne. It results as a clear. about is many yellow resin cells. the part used /g inch in thickness."It is good to provoke ache and deafness. which was not so extensive as A. Spikenard is indigenous to Canada. somewhat terebinthic odor of the root. * Med. nudicaulis. 390. p. racemosa is used by the Indians as carminative. p. spinosa. and an The tincture macerating is for eight it acid reaction.xt drug. with scattered bundles of fresh root. of this family are the Chinese Diajnorphantiis edulis. a bitter astringent taste. — No as far as Lilly. 1S19. The cepliala. — The and bark thick. Lam. Concerning the previous use of this species. and the Ceylon H. poured in the ears.§ and some idea of the probable nature of the phytochemistry of this can determine. PART USED AND PREPARATION. spinosa) have just been . cit. § Idem. 175.. 433. 1882. its the blackish. 1S82. insoluble in cold. It precipitates whiter from its when cold. Its watery solution yields a dense. Elkin announced an alkaloid principle separable as a yellowish. Jones. loc. but isolated a bitter principle " having all its characteristics except that it was crystalline. 4. Bird's-eye view of flower after removal of 5. amorphous. Y. and chloroform. Descriptidn of Plate 69. whitish HokUn and puri- powder. in my own practice. N. amorphous product. . . fied by — Tliis sa/>(>n/u-\\kc Lilly.* . Stamen.liis. and answering to Mayer's test. the pleasure of seeing drop doses of the tincture promptly relieve a similar case. — Alkaloid. half natural size. somewhatc amphoraceous. down during the attack. I. 12.. soluble in water. K leaf. (3-6 enlarged. 3. of Ann Arbor. '' Oil of Aralia (Elkins. . insoluble in water and starch. is .-j- . and exert a beneficial effect in warding off recurring attacks. characterized by dry."*f tannin . |>. 2. cit. trie anthers. . persistent froth on agitation. f Klkins. breaks down into glucose and Araliretin (Holden).t< Reme. \ Male's . A flower. soluble in water and ether. ether. § in whom a dose of lo drops of the tincture caused a severe asthmatic fit. having the characteristic odor of the root.— The only account of the action of this drug a proving by Dr. tasteless solution in boiling alcohol it and odorless. Portion of a fruiting stem. in a half hour. profuse night sweat during sleep. — An aromatic. wheezing respiration obstructed inspiration a sense of impending suffocation that we and inability to lie have. accompanied by I have had the abdominal sense of oncoming diarrhoea. soluble in alcohol rj-J pictin \-\\ gum fat .Vc. semi-transparent. inodorous. Lilly failed to procure this precipitable body. An glucose and ether. loc. Pollen X 300.69-3 Araliin. a white. acid body. nausea prostration and difficult expulsion of small. 7. Sam'l A. J Lilly. Lilly). 6. Oct. cil. 8. cil. soft stool. It i^Iiicosidc was discovered by results as a slightly acrid.) Holden. Boiled with very dilute hydrochloric acid. Styles.* PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Binghamton. bitter mass. acrid resin. Section of the root. were also determined. 53. strong alcohol. insoluble. . et pifut. Gray.adnal. ARALIA QuINQUEFOLIA. .ilel.(ElXl. . ) GINSENG D'AMERIQUB. naked. A. WOOD GIN-SENG CHINENSIBUS. thin. AMERICANUM. SYN. that so high is it held in esteem by the natives of China that the physicians have written volumes the properties of the roots. serrate. LINN. a it a necessity in all their best prescriptions. in the American and Chinese individuals of this growth or mode of drying seems to more or less affect great similarity species. GRAY. peduncled umbel floivers few. its though its History and Habitat. cylindrical. a/n>. Friut a cluster of bright-red. LAFIT. more or less reniform. SEX. and had special privileges accorded him in the study of this plant. which have given rise to opportunities for forming distinct genera Stamc7is 5. FIVE-FINGER. obscurely 5-toothed spreading. RED BERRY. GRAY. closely above of previous stem-growths. JARTOUX. SYST— PENTANDRI. pan. narrower at its abrupt juncture with the main root. Gz/j'A'-//. palmately 5-divided leaflets obovate. . 2-celled. JIJV-CHEJf. teeth trian- erect or spreading. somewhat fusiform body. Root large. woods flowers in July. each retaining its calyx-limb from species.. A TINCTURE OF THE DRY ROOT OF ARALIA QUINQUEFOLIA. where There is it grows in it the rich. ./(5 very short. and sparsely below. sometimes forked.-GINSENG. . fleshy and styles endocarp thin. in two sets. . . hiflorescciice a single terminal. erect leaves 3. . ZEL. remarks.ORD -ARALIACE^. but the place of if the accounts of the usefulness of the Father Jartoux. (FR. berries. AURBLIANA CANADENSIS. MAN'S HEALTH. . and deem all. cool there. It has many characters. akos. CANADEN"SIS. N. . Styles 2 to 3. dioeciously-polygamous. COM. — Description. Petals 5. and pointed. — ARALIA. especially Oriental product can be credited. GINSENG. as the Chinese and Tartar species were considered panaceas. GINSENG QUINQUEFOLIUM. This herbaceous perennial grows to a height of about i foot. who spent much time. 3 large and 2 small.. from the larger end of which is given off an irregular. close resemblance to the Aralias serves to hold —The American Ginseng of central and northern North America. . TARTAR-ROOT.— ARALIA QUINQUEFOLIA. (GER. but generally consisting of a fleshy. knotty portion. ascribing remedy. TOURN. RAP. and showing the scars Both parts are transversely wrinkled. PANAX QUINQUBPOLIUM. This portion of the genus Aralia is the genus Pafiax* of Linneeus. upon its virtues. ovate-oblong.) KRAFTWUR. Stem simple. * Hat. NAMES. gular acute. GKxNUS. P.V DUiVNIA. all long petioled. and by the seed. garant- roots for the Chinese . has a clear. — — . brushing until thoroughly scoured. and prolongs life to a ripe for all of which the root has often brought in the markets ten times its old age.. soluble in water and and precipitable by tannin. causes give off carbonic dioxide and yield a new body as follows ranaquilon.H^p. like a man. the American Indian name of the plant. having a taste much the root.H. on account of the value it brings in the markets. + (HP)3 + C. covered with and allowed to stand eight days. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. and steaming over boiling millet The root thus prepared is chewed by the sick to recover health. and is simply menUoned in the Eclectic Materia Medica. rare in this country. Q. cures pulmonary complaints. Panax was dismissed from the U. accumulation of flatus * Phil. dissolves humors.A = membranes it : CO. is genuine Chinese or the American five times its weight of alcohol. Father Jartoux * finally became so satisfied that the use of the root verified all that was said of its virtues. PART USED AND PREPARATION. in his own case. Cj. The plant is becoming oquen. afterward the price fluctuated greatly on account of a dislike in China of our product and finally its gathering has nearly ceased.. a taste at first bitter then dulcamarous. and of a horny appearance this condition is gained by first plunging them in hot water. which. Pli. Tram. The tincture. yellowish powder. at the last revision.. and a remedial agency in fatigue So great is the plant esteemed in China that the infirmities of old age. increased appetite. in a dark. — means the same. . —The root. . being shaken twice a day. The preparation of the best market is a process which renders them yellow. of the mouth and to Panacon. cool place.. 28. Strange as it may seem. and the Emperor monopolizes the right of gathering its roots. that he. which they are held by the natives to be the most powerful it was to this kind considered to resemble the human form that they gave the name Jin-cheji. dryness of the mucous throat. though fine sun-dried roots will now bring nearly a dollar per pound at New York. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. and an acid reaction. poured off and filtered. It like glycyn-Jiiziii but results as alcohol.H. weight in silver. lightlemon color by transmitted light. dried and coarsely powdered. adds testimony Those roots that are bifurcated as to its relief of fatigue and increase of vitality. healthy to increase their vitality it is said that it removes both mental and bodily fatigue. more amarous.—This peculiar body. . In 1718 the Jesuits of Canada began shipping the roots to China.0. — Ginseng causes vertigo. It breaks down under the action of sulphuric acid. an odor like the root. but not in ether. 239. semi-transparent. S.70-2 to it medicinal properties of inestimable value.—Panaquilon. may be extracted from an amorphous. and in fact wherever it is found. in 1748 they sold at a dollar a pound here and nearly five in China. in a well-stoppered bottle. in extracting three molecules of water. (3. 4. Whole 3. 4. Fruit. and 6. somnolence. June 2Sth. 5 7. increased heart's action and irregular pulse.70-3 with tension of the abdomen.. oppression of the chest and a dry cough. plant. 1885 Section of flower. Pittsburgh. Pa. and much Description ov Plate I and 2. decreased secretion of urine. weakness and weariness of the limbs. increased general strength. sexual excite- ment. diarrhcea. and 6 enlarged.) . a petal and stamen. Section of rhizome. 70. followed by weakness and prostration. Part of calyx. chilliness. . 3 f TQ. pinxt CoRNus Florida.dei.aiJ nat. . . calyx tubular . and shows strongly the scars of previous less .— TETRANDKIA MONOGVXIA. SPACH.* TOURN. Bark greyish.) CORNUILLIER A GRANDES FLEURS. NEW ENGLAND BOXWOOD. . NAMES. petals 4. —This small but beautiful forest tree. Inflorescence cymose. versatile. foliaceous. Style erect. cracked that of the branches into leaves. Stamens 4. having a discolored and thickened Flozvers perfect. — This small order is composed of shrubs or trees (rarely herbs) Leaves mostly opposite. erect. DOG TREE. N. a horn.— CORNUS FLORIDA.— FLO"WERING DOGWOOD. 4-toothed. is Inflorescence terminal. anatropous. to bear great resemblance to a plain Ionic capital. lobes loid. but if transplanted when young to open places. clavate. (PR. Cornaceae. than the stamens .. but at length recurved in such a manner as to cause each flower. equal Stamens as many as the petals and alternate with them in the perfect flowers they are borne on the margin of Ovary i to an epigynous disk filaments usually ascending. sometimes erect. peta- obcordate or furnished with deep notches.) GROSSBLUTHIGE CORNEL. . (GER. involucrate. umbrella-like tree. LINN. minute. Petals valvate in the bud. stigma terminal. appearing with the leaves margin. greenish heads. involucre white and showy. li^nb minute. 2-celled ovules one in each cell. BENTHAMIDIA FLORIDA. lobes 4. hanging from the apex of its cell testa coriaceous seeds oval styles united into one. OF CORNUS FLORIDA. Description.^. red. oblong. with an more or immense spread of branches. SEX. filatnents slender and filiform anthers oval. and loosely branched. 2-celled. it grows into a beautiful full. . . its form is usually somewhat bent. scraggy. alluding to the density of the wood. Fruit a to 2-seeded drupe albumen sarcous embryo axial. ORD -CORNACE. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH BARK. . . BOX TREE. obtuse. SYN. BITTER REDBERRY. when magnified. rectangular pieces small. red drupes. . 71 GENUS— CORN us. FLOlJ'inUjYG DOG WOO I). * Cornu. nearly the length of the albumen cotyledons in number to the calyx teeth or sometimes wanting. spreading. . or (in two species of Cornus) capitate and subtended by a showy. SVST. i . . 4. obtuse. peduncled. LINN. white involucre flozvers perfect or polygamous. . grows to a height of from lo to 30 feet. . CORNEL. smooth. . contain- ing each a 2-celled and 2-seeded nutlet. Calyx tubular and having the following characters : . shorter Fruit a few oval. COM. rarely alternate stipules none. coherent with the ovary . slender. triangular and somewhat obtuse . CORNUS FLORIDA. " * jfour. f Med. and rubbed with their ends against the teeth. the blossoms appeared. that as yet there has not been discovered within the limits of the United States any vegetable so effectually to answer the purpose of Peruvian bark in the management of intermittent fever as Corims floj-ida. as it was then used by the Indians. are claimed by Murion* to yield about stolonifera. and are now used in Turkey in the concoction of a kind of sherbet. sjiccica. Conius and Nyssa. such as engravers' blocks. are in constant practice of using dogwood twigs in the striking whiteness of these. where it central localities are the States of Pennsylvania. lo. and the North European Ltis-n-chrasis {C. where great regularity so characteristic is this flowers in New Jersey. one-third their weight of a pure. which I have frequently cleansing their teeth observed. the berries of which are claimed by the Highlanders to have the power of enormously increasing the appetite.). May. The twigs have long been used as a dentifrice of this use Barton says f "The young branches stripped of their bark. Linn. only in quantity of action. or Hat-ta-iva-no-min-schi by the Delawares. Maryland.. The bark of the root afforded the aborigines a scarlet pigment. The application of the juice of these twigs to the gums. sanguinea. i.71-2 This family is represented by only two genera.). The bark has proven tonic. resembling olive. cog-wheels. Linn. said and differing from the latter to possess an action very like that of Peruvian bark. in Virginia." : . Linn. who inhabit Norfolk. who called the tree Mon-Jia-can-ni-minschi. generally from the feature in the blossoming of time of appearance of in that the it A peculiar 15th to the 22d. The previous medicinal use of dogwood bark dates from the discovery of this country. 304. The berries of the Red Osier Dogwood (C C. The dose of the dried and J Therapeutics.. Michx.). etc. etc. or for burning. . —The flowering dogwood common is in the deep woods of North America from the 43° north latitude southward. limpid oil. and westward it is especially common the Mississippi. in great numbers. the latter having dioecious and pardy apetalous flowers.. History and Habitat.. powdered \ Collections. de Pharm. . The Creole negroes. Beside the three species treated of in this work. the fruits of which : were formerly fermented as a beverage. extends from Florida westward to its short-lived blossoms Indians always planted their corn when . its wood is nevertheless quite valuable. in the principal Its South. and fit for table use . It has been used for every purpose generally filled by the European Box- wood. eastward. on account of its great density and susceptibility of polish.. Notwithstanding the small diameter of the trunk of the dogwood. and fruits in September. and slightly stimulating. spoons. the following are useful The European and Asiatic Cornellian Cherry [Cortius mas. and Barton says. rules. is also useful in preserving them hard and sound.§ " It may be asserted with entire safety. being a stomachic tonic and anti-periodic. 55. Eberle states J that 35 grains equal 30 grains of cinchona bark. render them extremely white. forks. this species is the . and Virginia. i. astringent. Bot. is a proof of the efficacy of this practice. extract of Cornus i" M. Diss. 1835..71-3 placed at from 20 to 30 grains. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. 242.'-^ resin crystallizing in shining needles. PImr. nausea and : vomiting."**' when body is uninvestigated.'-' a neutral boiled and pressed. the . After having stirred the whole well. Inaiig. Tartaric acid. true to the principle that medicines. in presents a magnificent. Phar.'-^' fatty matter. pour it into root. c. c. are and a oil. 1. Geiger.. become black. X Am. especially that of the be chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. Jour.. XIV. der Pharm. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. It filtration. Jour.!/«•</. Lee sums up the action of the drug by hot sweat. This acid was discovered by and gave it the name Cornin.. silky forms. are: Quiniee Compositce^ PART USED AND PREPARATION. followed seems Indian. . as it then disagrees seriously with the stomach and bowels. Chas. 879. and alcoholic extract of Cimicifuga. The Jour.. in Dccochun Co?'?nis Floridcr. ' coloring matter. bitter principle. florida. his observations were corroborated by FreyJ (1879). and caution is necessary against too fresh.'*^ extractive. to is a well-stoppered bottle and allow The clear. AVm. ' Tilden. the use so far devel- bowels with purging. exalted temperature. A.'' PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. who judged Oil of Cornus. heat of the skin. Ph.7^/r Acid. and severe pain The American of all oped proving are as follows : " " in the have guided him The symptoms in bowels. and Pilulce preparation of the U. I. to 40 grains in the sensations of fullness of the head with headache. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it. very bitter and soluble in alcohol and water. S. used the bark for fever and in said to yield this . Frey. S. and anthrax. sensation of fullness or pains * Sulphate of Quinia. cool place." The colic. bark is is also considered a tonic. officinal Extractum Conius bein^ The bark antiseptic poultice for indolent ulcers..v 1 14. has a vinous odor. Geiger.. 1 * 1. and gallic acid. and when subjected to heat upon platinum foil they melt readily. Am.. 1 Walker.Mat.— The fresh bark. is Medica the preparations Eclectic Materia the and its Florida. Geigerf (1836) investigated the principle and determined it to be a crystalline acid. Ann. 206. and the rest of the alcohol added. c.. and a strongly acid like taste. Carpenter (1830). . a sharply astringent reaction. " Hale. Jour. a limpid oil —The it alkaloidal ripe berries. Tannic. It crystallizes in nearly white.^''^' gum. physiological effects of Cornus bark are : increased frequency of pulse. 390. The crystals deliquesce when exposed to the air. in 5 '' Cockburn. stimulant. violent pain ture.— G7. of Mat.. Exlracliim Conms Floridcv Fhiiduvi. it to tincture separated from this crimson color by transmitted cinnamon remain eight days mass by light. Extractum Conms Fhddiim . a dark. Med. and finally burst into a fiame and burn without residue. and increased bodily temperaDr." acid.. N. A'l-. 294. ^"^^ wax. diaphoresis. phlegmonous The erysipelas.-'*' cornic have been determined.— The fresh bark in doses of from 20 to causes increased action of the heart. Whether the remote effects are owing to sympathy. but is Of these the most and the general per- a constant tendency to sleep. This does not indicate any specific narcotic the result of the cerebral fullness.) May 15th.. is it is very evident that the bark has properties calculated to invigorate the vital forces. without unduly stimulating the circulating system. propagated from the gastic centre.71-4 head. . if the dose be too large. Newfield. But whatever doubt there may be in regard to its true although the latter mode of operation. gastric derangement. and. Section of calyx and ovary. of a flowering branch. and the organic nervous energy. Flower." Description of Plate 1. properties. 3. most probable. Some experimenters have observed which has continued for several hours. 71. is not certainly known . End 2. (2 and 3 enlarged. Fruiting branch. since the cold infusion or the alcoholic extract produces the same effects. Y. 1880. strongly spiration. N. marked are the increased temperature of the skin. or are the direct effects of the introduction of the active principles into the blood. 4. C6RNUS CiRCINATA.•tr- -. L Her.idnatdel.etpinxl ^-. 'r?/^" ^ - X ."^A^ "^v^^ ..'/-^ — j'-s: I..lU. .1 . . . NAMES. ALDER DOGWOOD. Petals ovate-lanceolate. * Dr. and that it resembles Cinchona lanceIt has proven. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH B. An ounce of the bark will yield in the for chronic dyspepsia [sic'] and diarrhoea. RUGOSA. COM. Med. Tram. Am. verrucosa. an excellent remedy folia (Pale Bark) in its action. CORNUS CIRCINATA. Description. larger than those of any other species ribs and veins prominent below and correspondingly indented above. at length Style about two-thirds the spreading. LAM. Inflorescence terminal. MICHX. length of the . N. E.— TETRAN'DRIA MON'OGVNIA.— ROUND LEAVED CORNEL OR DOGWOOD. W. L'HER. . the younger ones bright green splashed with red. at the last revision. straight. Ives. acuminate.VRK OF CORNUS CIRCINATA.) CORNOUILE A FEUILLES RONDIB (GBR. .Jlorida. far greater in quantity. 72 GENUS. round-oval. Ph. SWAMP SASSAFRAS. Dr.— CORNUS CIRCINATA. (FR. 1822 . spreading cymes. Leaves all opposite. light blue drupes. SYN. Stamens longer than the petals. — History and Habitat.— N. medicinal use of this species is far less e. Ives claim * that the bark is PART USED AND PREPARATION.xtensive than the last. woolly beneath. opposite.-CORNACE^. PENNSYLVANIA DOGWOOD. Fruit an incomplete cyme of spherical. stamens stigma capitate. L'HER.— CORNUS. C. S. Ives. GREEN OSIER. ORD. in open. those of the previous year somewhat crimson and more or less warty. iii. Calyx teelh very short.. Y. Cornus circinata was dismissed from the U. tonic. The Round Leaved Dogwood grows in copses where is rich. . more or less flat. TOMENTULOSA. Assoc n.. branches green.) RUNDBLATTERIGE CORNEL. SEX. in their hands. — The fresh bark is gathered and treated as in the preceding species. Kep. each hollowed at the insertion of the pedicel and where it retains the remains of the persistent style. neighborhood of 150 grains of a very strongly-bitter extract. ba)-k greyish. Jioioers white. . preceding. erect. being indigenous from Canada to the Carolinas. JI2. and west to the the soil Mississippi The The Drs. C. A. and astringent to a far greater degree than any other species of the genus. SVST. —This shrubby species grows from 6 to Stem and slender lo feet high. JiOlWD LEA run DOGWVOD. flowering in the north in June. and more bitter than that of C. Jr. June i6th.) * Robert Gibson. . coloring-matter. flatulency yellowness of the sclera. is very like that of Rhubarb . . Part of a fruiting cyme. showing 7. and 4. Portion of the stem. the head . and chill. rash. . with coldness of the extremties Description of Plate 1. Am. and 8 enlarged.. 8. and of a its brownish-orange color. Flower.72-2 The odor is tincture resulting clear. (2-5. face and hands upon the whole surface. without Gibson isolated sugar. — Here again great nausea and faintness . Phar. red especially the trunk. 2. 1885. 1S80. between the similarity exists causes drowsiness and depression of spirits Stamens. cornin and this. 433. Y. Stigma.. Jour. The other This acid differs from that of C. circinata species. with flashes of heat of a flowering branch. — Cornin. tannin. congestion of copious bilious stools and urine. End . Seed. florida only in the fact that ful re-crystallization. and slightly taste sharply astringent Its its reaction acid. followed by perspiration. and bitter. . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. N. 3 72. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. remains associated with tannin in spite of most care- it and other means of purification.. mode of branching. 5.* constituents mentioned in the preceding species are doubt. C. itching. Binghamton. 6. duplicated in all. C6RNUS SERfCEA. (^ pinxt.del. ad nal.73.Linn . . AMOMUM. t E. ORD. long-peduncled cyme floiL<crs creamy-white. close. is composed of scrapings of the wood of this species. History and Habitat. (GER.) CORNOUILLE SOYEUX. COM. and make a black dye from the bark by boiling it with iron rust... are often given only designate C. They also smoke the scrapings of the wood. 617. The Cree Indians of Hudson's Bay call the plant Milazuapainule. woolly-pubescent. This water-loving shrub grows to a height of from 6 to 1 2 feet. 71. Jour. MICHX. A good scarlet dye is made by boiling the rootlets from Florida to Mississippi with water.. 1884. OBLIQUA. called Kinnikinnik. KINNIKINNIK. SILKY DOGWOOD. but they should . SYN. — CORNUS SERICEA.florida. C. LANUGINOSA. SILKY OR BLUEBERRY CORNEL. is fresh bark. C. CYANOCARPUS. capitate. . A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH BARK OF CORNUS SERICEA. Leaves narrowly ovate or elliptical. DU ROI.f A favorite tobacco mixture of the North American Indians.xed with tobacco in the proportion of about one to four. 73 GENUS. PART USED AND PREPARATION. Petals lanceolate-oblong. C. stolonifera. MOEN. Holmes in Am. —The Swamp Dogwood is indigenous to North America. . M. where it grows in wet places.*— SWAMP OR FEMALE DOGWOOD. Branches spreading. C. —The root. CORNACE/E. CORNUS SERICEA. Inflorescence a flat. LINN. Phar. and use the bark in decoction as an emetic in coughs and fevers. Michx. Red Rod. . (FR. conspicuous. p. generally in company with Cephalanthus and Viburnum dentatum. dark-purpHsh (not brilliant red) branclilets silky-downy. mi. It flowers northward in June. globose. Read description of Cornacese. Calyx teeth lanceolate. the resulting tincture has * The names Red Willow. and ripens its azure fruit in September. The use of this species in general medicine has mostly been as a substitute for C. silky-downy below and often rusty-hairy upon the ribs. SYST. obtuse. including that of the treated like that of the first-mentioned species. SEX. LINN.— TETRANDRIA MONOGVNIA. Stignm thick.— CORN us. RAF.N. TOURN. NAMES. while being more astringent. and thence northward. to this ificcies.) SUMPFCORNEL. — Description. and Rose Willow. smooth above. pointed. than which it is less bitter. Fruit pale blue. Red Osier. an extremely astringent and bitterish taste. At present we can only under C. Y. 4. 3. while its astringency PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. of to this rubric than its congener.73-2 a beautiful madder color by transmitted light. species seems to act stronger cerebral congestion. — CHEMICAL. and an acid reaction. End of a flowering branch. CONSTITUENTS. however. an odor greatly like that of sugarcane when the juices are slightly soured. is —This heart than C. (2 again this species is less 2. June 20th. jiorida. Binghamton. florida. and 3 enlarged.. Flower. Description of Plate 73. and to cause more call attention greater. Fruit. I.) % li upon the . N. The bitterness. Stigma. pinxt TRIOSTEUIVI PERFOUATUIVI.del. fs (p' nal. 6 Linn. . . LINN. COM.— FEVER-WORT. lobes linear-lanceolate. MONOGYNIA. ovate-spatulate. Inflorescence. N. i -celled ovules anatroEmbryo small pous. calyx persistent. orange-colored.— TRIOSTEUM. A large family of shrubs and a few perennial herbs. Dill. Stamens 5. perennial herb. alternate with them. Corolla elongated cylindro-tubular. when only one then suspended and inverted raphe dorsal. shortened from Triosttospermum. in the axis The * of the fleshy albumen. HORSE-GENTIAN. glandularly pubescent leaves opposite. hairy . hollow. membranaceous. dry. hairy . inserted upon the tube of the corolla filaments Description. (FR. OR DR. prominently reticulate veined and downy pubescent upon the under surface. treis. "WILD IPECAC t "WILD COFFEE. sessile. . TRIOSTEUM. » SYN. hermaphrodite . ORD -CAPRIFOLIACE^. stigma 3 to 5-lobed. GENUS. Adoxa and Littnaea. by abortion. Bracts linear. Stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla. species of Euphorbia. OR GINSENG. gibbous at the base. i -seeded. foliaceous. (Exc. — This coarse. the fruit having three nutlets. . regular.* SEX. leafy. . FEVER-WORT.or. iuriov. sub-divided into several horizontal sections stem simple. sinuate. and hairy above. FALSE. Fruit drupaceous. acuminate. osteon. ample. style filiform. each cell i -ovuled ovules . testa . anthers sagittate. endocarp o^s^ous. — Caprifoliaceae. suspended Ovary generally 5-celled. . and inserted upon its tube. scarcely longer than the calyx lobes. .-LONICERE/E. S"WEET-BITTER CINQUE. TINKER'S "WEED.) DREISTEIN.) TRIOSTE (GER. "WHITE GINSENG. MICHX.) .) Ovary 2 to 5. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF TRIOSTEUM PERPOLIATUM. adnate to the ovary . and to GilUntiia trifoliata. mitlets 3-angled and 3-ribbed. curved. viscidly pubescent limb more or less equally 5-lobed.— PENTANDRIA LINN. TRIOSTEUM MAJUS. . NAMES. BASTARD. following remedies belonging to this family are of special interest to us Tptft. axillary whorls at the middle of the stem flowers I to 6. 74 Tribe. calyx 5-merous. (Rosaceoe. Moench. grows to a height of from i Root thick and sarcous. OR ROOT. LINN.. a many bone . dull or reddish purple. Flowers generally Leaves opposite and destitute of stipules when normal. to 4 feet. or sometimes in the corolla irregular.. corolla with its lobes imbricate in aestivation. OR. TINKER "WEED. . SYST. abruptly narrowed and connate or almost perfoliate at the base. three f Applied also to . .— TRIOSTEUM PERPOLIATUM. After days. cette plante par plusieurs habitans de I'Amerique septentrional le d' herbe sauvage die docTriosteum is stated by Rafinesque to have been one of the aboteur Tinker!' characteristically It was arranged fruit in in all probability the . a valuable remedy in vomiting pregnancy. was the centre from which the pain and swelling extended. J. Michx.). and this is doubtless the plant sent to Pluckenet as Dr. Am. 1859. tense and throbbing. had not slept much for two nights.). no the . . and gravely commented on by Poiret as follows :* "Ses racines et celles de I'espece prec^dente passent pour em^tiques le docteur Tinker est le premier qui les a mises en usage. the throbbing and tensive pain gradually diminsix hours' application he slept ished after the first application in two days' time the swelling disappeared from in four days the finger affected. augustifo'ium. its cathartic action was Dr. cit. I. Vol.74-2 [Adoxa MoschatclRocky Mountains. September. probably the most active of that genus and the Bush Honey: . . S. a native also and the European Fly Woodbine {Lonicera Xylostciim. Tinker s Weed. . the whole palm. Bot. Kneeland calls attention to this plant claimed to be fully as sure as jalap.. now proving valuable in many forms of uterine affections and puerperal diseases. suckle (Dicrvilla irijida. Two American species were proven too late for representation in this work. of Mat. rio-inal medicamentJe. to the first well-marked case of onychia or The young man upon whose hand it was. they are the Snowberry {Symphoricaypiis racemostis. Linn. . . 240. as many suffering ladies have testified in my practice and the High the Africa. The whole hand was much swollen the middle finger.. The bark of the root has long been esteemed as an emetic and smoothly-acting cathartic. and ripens its stone soils not really plentiful in any locality. I.. * Bigelow. felon which came to me for treatment. that was principally used as an emetic in earlier days. and nothing else. Moench.N.).). So strongly did he back his claims with facts on cases of whitlow or felon. and still grew worse. growing on open woodlands in limeIt blossoms in June.).. Outside of our Materia Medica the order contains The Dwarf Elder {Sambucus ebu/us. the former in doses of from 40 to 60 grains. moistened.). Linn. et qui a fait donner a. Southern species T. successfully treated. as an application to painful swellings. The feverwort is indigenous to North America from Canada southward and westward to Alabama. Linn.). Cranberry {Viburnum opulus. f Loc. p. who derived his knowledge of its value indirectly from the Onondaga Indians. — History and Habitat. regarding which he says •:\ " My attention was first called to it by a gentleman of observation and intelligence. that I applied the bruised root. called Sincky. 90. Linn. . Med. Med. Linn. The Jour.. of Asia and Northern beside the two under consideration the European Moschatel found in Arctic America and sparsely in the : lina. It had been poulticed and thoroughly soaked in weak lye for three We applied the Triosteum. and the the forearm and hand centre of the dorsum of the hand peeled. also European Elder {Sambucus tiigra. Linn. the latter in half that amount.. and complete resolution took place. A decoction is said to have been used by Cherokee Indians in the cure of fevers (Porcher). Water yields is that a greater quantity of extract than alcohol. formed after filtration has a beautiful. 3. p. Fruit. Ph. The sensible qualities of the root. Med. Pistil. first stirring. were required to In another case.— The only analysis thus far made of the root by Dr. and an acid reaction. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. parts by weight of mixed well with one-sixth part of it. and the root more than the stems. Top of plant. X 200. 7. 10. 63.— In Dr. Autumn. at the last lowed. S. but came to the conclusion that it was not the Lancaster County Germans' taste that I held in regard." . 74.. . and the rest of the the whole is poured into a well-stoppered bottle. corolla.. June 15th.74-3 pus having formed.. Pa. Pun Mat. (3-6. days in a dark.. Y. clear. 2. Mulenberg says* that the dried and toasted berries of this plant were considered by some of the Germans of Lancaster County. cool place. John Randall. an excellent substitute for coffee when prepared in the same way having great respect for German taste I tried an infusion.f : . enlarged. 8 and 9. portion of the middle of the flowering plant. gathered in Then two pulp and weighed. .) * Barton. the pulp alcohol added. revision. i. 9.. PART USED AND PREPARATION. N. . The leaves under his manipulation yielded the most extract. . His conclusions were that no pure resin exists in the plant. 6.— The is chopped and pounded to a alcohol are taken. Triosteum is one of the drugs dismissed from the U. nor did he determine a volatile oil or free acid. p. Seeds. Ent\y. Pollen. Binghamton. 8. t Allen. Opened 5. communicated to the Linnaean Society of New England. only two appHcations reHeve the pain and throbbing. flower. Bot. however. The to stand eight tincture thus CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. 25. and general perspiration. he found to be essentially different from those of the herb. reddish-orano-e color by transmitted light. and complete resolution fol- Dr. accompanied by stiffness of the lower extremaching in the bones coldness and stiffness of the ities and cramps in the calves feet. Med. and allowed After fresh root. A A 4. 1884. Williamson's proving of the drug the prominent effects were Nausea vomiting copious watery stools apparently proceeding from the small intestines. a bitterish odor and taste. wherein it was tried. Stamen. Description of Plate 1. . efpiittt.ailnat. SAMBUCUS CANADENSIS.(p'm. . Linn.del. . stipules rare. which it differs flowers and * Sa/ijSSif/i. from only in being less woody. LINN. GRAY (NOT NUTT.* TOURN. S. suffrutescent perennial.-ELDER BUSH. sambuke. (GR. creamy-white. and Arizona. sometimes with a and tipped with a lanceolate. Leaves compound. acute. broad. nigra. (FR. N. HUMILIS. and Stiomas 3 styles capitate. MARSH (NOT LINN. . LINN. from ovate-oval to oblong- petiolulate. hollow. terminal. attached to the base of its tube. acuminate.. usually attains a growth of from 6 to lo Stems somewhat ligneous. S. larger more compound leaves. not hifloy- limb broadly spread- lobes of the corolla. an ancient musical instrument. what deltoid. stipels callous gland. Linn. i . compound cymes depressed. —This common.) CANADISCHB HOLLUNDER.— rEXTANl)RI. GLAUCA. small. The bracteate inflorescence. ing. branaceous. pithy. . . punctate-rugulose . never red. THE BUDS. FLOWERS. AND LEAVES OF SAMBUCUS A TINCTURE OF CANADENSIS. dark-purple drupe. lobes 5. Description. lateral lobe Calyx minute. mostly 7. 75 Tribe-SAMBUCE/E. flat. -seeded. serrate. This species is indigenous to North America. — History and Habitat. imparipinnate .ORD-CAPRIFOLIACE^. .— SAMBUCUS CANADENSIS. Our species is not sufficiently distinct from the European S. NIGRA. sweet and juicy. SYN.. generally dying down to the ground. SEX. does not seem to be a constant feature.— SAM BUCUS.). NAMES. or Stamens 5. said to have been made of the wood. . ELDER BERRY. Fn/it a baccate. flozvers some- lobes . and to the mountains of Colorado.\ TRIGVNIA. COM. RAF. leaflets 5 to 11. S. duced into England in 1761. Corolla rotate. 5-rayed. feet.). glabrous.) SUREAU DU CANADA. . southward to Florida and Texas. and having more loose cymes. It grows in rich alluvial soils. or persistent for a few years bark verrucose pith dense and bright white after the first year. Utah. ELDER.. SYST. GENUS. small. . 5-lobed somewhat urceolate alternate with the .y^rrt' suspended testa memslight. the lower uncommonly escencc present. . narrowly linear. SHOOTS. blossoming in July and fruiting in September. or sickishly odorous. but later becoming black bloom Nutlets 3. considered speThe American species was introcific. and obtuse. SAMBUCUS CANADENSIS. where it extends from New Brunswick westward to Saskatchewan. l8Sl. in ointment. they are made into pies. and treated as in the preceding drug The resulting tincture has a clear orange-brown color by transmitted (p. — drink. Hydragogue Tincture contains Elder-bark. and has been used substantially as follows: A decoction of the flowers and leaves. Sambucus Canadensis {fiores) are officinal in the U. fat. valuable in intestinal obstruction and anasarca the berries proved aperient. Ungiientntn Samhici folioruni). a bitter. In domestic medicine this plant forms almost a pharmacy in itself. valuable the juice making a cooling. In etc. sugar. nigra.: 75-2 The (it Elder has many pith of the the berries make offices to a really pleasant wine must be more from necessity than and. and has an acid light it retains the sweetish odor and taste of the flowers flowers. . the arts the poorer class of people choice). burning. diuretic. as a discutient cathartic. was used as an application to large wounds to prevent the leaf-buds proved themselves a violent deleterious consequences from flies and unsafe cathartic the flowers. [Oletim Viride. and the flowers for perfumes. identical with species by C. young twigs. laxative in rheumatic gout. and syphilis . called. and laxative (Elderblow Tea) they were the inner bark is a severe hydrogogue also employed. bark of characteristic odor. Syrnpus Sarsaparillce Compositns*' Ung:ientnm Sambiici. Dr. Tannin. alterative. \ Am. This this body. as the syrup t This so-called t Seep. resin. . J who succeeded was proven obtaining in to exist in the its Acid. . flushed and blotched face. or an ointment containing them. Ubelacker's experiments with from 20 to 50 drops of the tincture gave the following symptoms of physical disturbance Drawing in the head. It is described as a thin. — Mbiirnic valerianic acid. having the odor of the flowers. . Pilar. reaction. pharmacy the leaves have been used impart a clear green to tint to oils. . 92-2. — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. and a coloring-matter were also determined. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. 74-3). S. and cathartic. . dryness * See p. in the Eclectic Materia Medica the preparations are: Aqna Sambtici. emetic. and Sherry. foot-note to Syrupus Aralitc Compositus. Traub. Jour. scrofula. and solidifying at 0° (32° F. in fill among and manufactures. G. Ph. and sudorific in cold. Oil 0/ Savibuaes. and alterative. afterward cooling taste becoming of a butter-like consistence. excitant. diaphoretic. and leaves are taken.§ and valerianate of zinc after the addition of the sulphate of that metal. 392. light-yellow body. found in the flowers of S. . is now Parsley-root. like the huckleberry. in a warm infusion are stimulant.— This volatile body. with anxious dread. — Equal parts of the fresh flower-buds.. deobstruent. and Vinuni Sambiici:\ PART USED AND PREPARATION. a crystalline mass. was proven by Traub to also exist in the bark of this species. . 155-3. . diuretic. .) to . Flower. Binghamton. pharynx. which relieved all the symptoms. portion of fruiting cyme. and remained until p(Tspiration ensued sharp. N. pulse rose to loo. palpitation of the heart.75-3 and sensation ot swelling ot the mucous membranes of the mouth. Y. July 2. . . (2-5 and 7 enlarged. . of flowering branch. Description of Plate End 75. and trachea frequent and profuse llow of clear urine heaviness and constriction of the chest. Face of flower. 3. 6. Seed. larynx.. A 7. 18S5. Pistil. 4. 5. darting rheumatic pains in the hands and feet exhaustion and profuse perspiration. Stamen.) 2otli. . . showing calyx. . .ad pinxt GEPHALANTHUS OCCIDENTALIS. Linn.^m. . Raf. CEPHALANTHE D'AMERIQUE. red bark {Cinchona succirtiba. kephale.. (Caprifoliacc. . a flower. or ovate-lanceolate. —This smooth or pubescent|| shrub attains a growth of from 5 to smooth and reddish on the branchlets. COM. rough and yellowish on the stems braiuhes opposite. (Ranunculacese). occiJenlalis. SVST.? (FR. ORD -RUBIACE^. i.— CEPHALANTHUS. ba?-/. globular heads pedimclcs longer than the diameter of the heads flowers creamy-white. cleaving from the base to form 2 to 4 i -seeded divisions. North America. sometimes toothed. .i KNOPFBUSCH. Style filiform. X The true snowball is Symphoricarpus raitmosiis. 76 GENUS. dark-green. but yields many valuable drugs in the hotter climates. Lt?in. Seeds anatropous or amcorolla. SEX. phitropous. .— BUTTON BUSH.V MON(MJV. BUTTON-WOOD. Ovary 2 to 4 celled. . It is characterized as follows Herbs or shrubs. crowned with acork-like arillus embryo straight in the axis albumen somewhat cartilaginous eotyledons . The important vian barks. BUTTOJ^ BUSH. both arrangements often appearing upon the same branch. is Trollius laxus. petiolate. Stctn diffusely branching 15 feet. leaf-like.— CEPHALANTHUS OCCIDBNTALIS. SYN. Pav. AMERIKANISCHE WEISS BALL. seeds pendulous. pyriform. . or funnel-form margin 4-toothed teeth erect.\NTHUS OCCIDKN TALIS.).N. Fruit small. . entire. . rivers {Platantti f The true button-wood is the sycamore.e. sessile upon a globose.). .\RK OF CEPHAL.t CRANE WILLOW. . Leaves opposite. or sometimes Calyx coherent whorled and astipulate stipules intermediate and connective. Stamens 4. globose. Columbian bark [Cinchotia * KtfoXii. and smooth stipules intermediate.). hardly exserted. stigma capitate. Linn. hirsute receptacle. uvflo. . Leaves large. Saliib. hijiorescence dense. Calisaja bark [Cinchona Calisaya. tubular.— TETR. I II The true globe flower Var.) BOIS DE PLOMB. : . imbricate in aestivation.). a head. SNOWBALL. PONDDOGWOOD. NAMES. tubular. — This large and important order has but few representatives in Rubiaceae. dry. pointed. 2 to . Slamcns as many as the lobes of the with the ovary. IVedd.NI. axillary and terminal. Corolla regular.* LINN. ovate. 4 celled. .-WDKI. LINN.-. and inserted upon its tube. medicinal plants of this family are : The cinchonas or Peru- pale bark {^Cinchona officinalis. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH B. greatly exserted Description. Calyx tube inversely pyramidal limb 4-toothed.T. anthos. and ternate. a large tree growing along Mich. Corolla slender.). opposite. CEPHALANTHUS. LINN. ovate. (GBR. piibescens.: GLOBE FLOWER.\. I\fut. are pleasantly Rafinesque mentions odorous. C. J .— We Wright. 1875. the perfume being likened to that of jessamine. and many minor species. var. and flowers from July to August. cleavers [Gallium aparinc. D. Mich). Linn). It habits the borders af wet places. from the close resemblance and botanical relation of to M. bitter bark [Pinckncya pubens.. niacrophylla. of flowering branch. and in general as a tonic. a bitter.— An yielded An A analysis of the bark by E.76-2 cordifolia. June iSth. parts by weight of alcohol are taken. 18S3. obstinate coughs (Elliott). It would not complete enough to give us an idea of the action. in it. Hattanf : more thorough proving might develop in it this plant to the cin- a very useful addition our remedies. ipecacuanha [Ccphcelis Ipecacuanha. orange-brown and let it stand eight days separated from the above mass by color. Ro Raf. A.]. growing as far south as Florida and Louisiana. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Cainca [Chiococca raccniosa. it a dark.). and diuretic. co^ee [Coffea Arabica. and an hirsute corolla he stations this plant in Louisiana. condaminca. Linn). cool place. N. The tincture. . 76. Obs. Linn). soluble in water and alcohol. After having stirred the whole well. laxative. Flower (enlarged). et Pav. Jour. Y. and an acid re- action. E. seem. madder [Rtibia tinctoria. but it is have a proving of this chonas. The flowers of cephalanthus. 1874. p. * The bark t Am. D. or pallid catechu [Uncat-ia Gambier.\te I. ). Mut). 357. Two resins (uninvestigated).. soluble in both water and alcohol. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.). Binghamton. p. lancifolia bark {Cinchona crown bark [Cinchona lancifolia. — History and Habitat.. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of and the rest of the alcohol added. filtration. and west to Missouri.-im. Phar. by transmitted light. Rich. it has been used with accredited success in intermittent and remittent fevers. Then two pulp and weighed. 177. various venereal disorders (Merat).. crispa and var. especially those of the more southern individuals. Horn. The button bush is indigenous to the United States and Canadas. Gambier. forming apicular crystals. that a drug by Dr. uncrystallizable bitter principle.. palsy. astringent taste. PART USED AND PREPARATION. Description of Pl. branch. and tannin. distinguishable by having larger leaves. The medical history of Cephalanthus is not important. clear. Ru.).— The and root* is chopped and pounded to a fresh bark of the stem. Linn) and others of minor import. gray bark [Cinchona micraiitha. fluorescent body. has a light. pour into a well-stoppered botde. . the only one apparently deserving special designation being var. Chahiaroueia). several varieties of this species. End 2. of the root apparently contains the greatest proportion of the bitter i^rinciple of the plant. 'IxJ CC 3: 4- .a. . It grows in moist woods. and rooting at each axilla. * In commemoration of Dr. retaining the persistent teeth of both calices. It flowers in July. especially those abounding in evergreens. MITCHELLA. Leaves orbicular-cordate or oval and subcordate. dark. evergreen. ORD. 3) . show an included Meehanf style some- included and exserted to consider the species dioecious. stipules minute. . Phar. The fact (fig. ETC. Stamens 4 of the corolla. Calyx 4-toothed. branched. funnel-form limb 4-lobed lobes spreading or reflexcd. PAR TRIDGE-BERR Y. SYRINGA BACCIFERA.\. . an early and excellent American botanist. attains a growth of from 6 to 14 inches.\OGVM. SQUAW. t Am. Sloit glabrous. globose.— PARTRIDGE BERRY. DEER-BERRY. from the Canadas to the extreme . NAMES. on the plant Read . horizontal. — MITCH ELLA. Fruit a fleshy. COM. and remaining fresh winter.* N. As have as yet been unable to discover a plant that bore no fruit. GENUS. linear. SQUAW-BERRY. in the double form. the male plant. all — History and Habitat. sometimes having a whitish line over the midrib.VINE. Root cylindrical. WINTER- CLOVER. small. SEX. the observation extends. and has been found in Mexico and Japan. 554. LINN. MITCHELLA REPENS. Jour. seedlike. TWOEYED CHEQUER-BERRY.scription of the order.\NT. baccate. 76.--RUBIACE^. branching widely. densely clothed with white hairs upon the upper face and in the throat and tube first far as my form. slender. petioled awl-shaped. p. under Cephalanthus. Style single filiform . PLUK.. or. MITCHELLA UNDULATA.. Thos. may have the flowens on one plant while another has led Mr.\NDRIA . edible.. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PL. our forest trees and decayed stumps. John Mitchell. — This pretty little plant. last. — MITCHELLA REPENS. somewhat triangular floivers in pairs with united ovaries. .— TErR.southern limits of the United States. . I . creeping about in the moss at the foot of Description. filaments inserted upon the corolla anthers oblong. The Partridge-berry is indigenous to North America. and all parts examined appear to be fully developed internally as well as externally.. to be that of the female. 77 LINN. double drupe. Inflorescence terminal times solitary and double stamens and an exserted This stamens. LINN. SVST. & Z. style. he alleges. S. opposite rootlets. stigmas 4. REEPING CHECKER-BERRY. SYN. 1868. nutlets 8 (4 to each ovary).MO. de. . and bony. Corolla slender. almost wanting. and noduled at the insertion of the tufted. Pediuicle short. Duncan and P.f show that Mitchella causes a general congestion. . * Mitchella. C. Viburnum op. 373. —The symptoms. June 8th. should have a deep orange-red the pulp well color by transmitted light. and thorough a After allowed to stand eight days in a dark. mixture. N. and Caulophylhim. pair of flowers (somewhat enlarged). S. — No The determine. the whole is poured into a well-stoppered botde. of this plant. separated by filtering the mass. Med. frequent doses of a its preparations are : Extractiwi Mitchella and Syrupiis Mitchella: Compositus.77-2 one of the many plants used by the American Aborigines as a decocdon being taken during the few weeks just preceding confinement. f Allen. vi. H. It has also been found to be a valuable diuredc and astringent.. Description of Plate Whole 2. 3. Hdonias. The plant is not mentioned in the U. an astringent taste. 1879. and an acid reaction. and the rest of the alcohol added. Ph. oil of winter- analysis has been made. tincture. Hale. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. In the Eclectic Materia Medica Mitchella is parturient.'^' PART USED AND PREPARATION. as far as made I can as above. The clinical results would seem to show a tonic action upon involuntary muscular fibres. F. Then two whole fresh plant is chopped and parts by weight of alcohol are taken. J. Pure Mat. vol. Eiiiy.. cool place. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. plant (somewhat reduced) . double flower (somewhat enlarged). an odor between that of Scotch snuff and green. \^. as recorded by Drs. The drug merits more extended proving.. contains a large percent- age of tannin. mixed with one-sixth part of it. A A 77. and to have an especial affinity to various forms of uterine difficulties. and a resin precipitable by water. Pamrapo. The tincture. with dryness and burning of the mucous membranes of the alimentary tract. — The pounded to a pulp and weighed. 78. Linn . ¥ Ta.adnafMetpinxt EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. . cated in three rows.! GRAVEL-ROOT. form and in Ste)n rigidly erect. but contains a few annuals. mostly in fives. dense. Leaves mostly opposite and simple. heads very numerous.\ . the 2 feet high. whorled. . coarsely serrate. branched. NAMES. bracts thin.) PURPURFARBENER WASSERHANF. and faintly 3-striate. obtuse they are closely imbrilanceolate. — Eupatorium. rarely alternate. . The individual represented in the jilate was nearly lo feet high. It is composed mostly of perennial herbs. oblong- and reticulate-veiny merely represented by the contracted bases of the leaves. and shrubs in warmer regions.-EUPATORIACE/E. homogamous. (GER. purple. king of Pontus. Africa. and Europe. Linn.§ stout. SEX. . . and either hollow or furnished with an incomplete pith.WEED QUEEN OP THE MEADOW. by powerful Indian by this name cured typhus in The Queen of the Meadow is more jiroperly Spiraa salicifolia. not caudate. or white. LINN. growing in an open.* TOURN. New EngLmd. (Rosaceje).\r\ who was first to use the plant as a remedy.— SYNGENESI.). 78 Tribe. type simple. viaculata. and corymbosely-cymose or paniculate. . foliage. Leaves verticillate. glandular. PURPLE BOjXESET. * Mithridates Eupator. AND MACULATUM. . EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. This vast genus contains in North America alone 39 species and 16 distinct varieties other species are found in South America. Description. membranaceous. Linn. with this plant. the branches exserted.— PURPLE BONESET.. Lnjlorescence a terminal. . bitter. discoid. acutish or acuminate. E. corolla tubular and regular. though sometimes ochroleucous. SYN. rarely solitary involucre cylindrical or somewhat campanulate scales numerous. VERTICILLATUM. cylindrical.— EUPATORIUM. Achenia smooth. TERNIFOLIUM. N. 5 to Involucre flesh-colored. nearly destitute of resinous punctse. lo-flowered. blue. rich field. somewhat scarious when dry. compound corymb. much exserted. receptacle naked and flat. COM. anthers included. more or less thickened upward and very minutely pubescent. sweating. it is punctate in lines and purple above the nodes. roughish petioles distinct or . GENUS. resinous and Heads small. ORD-COMPOSIT^. or divided. Style bulbous at the base. the exterior successively shorter. SYST. Asia. .t OR JOPI-WEBD. TRIPOLIATUM. .KQUAI. t X \ . 6 to i L. E. not hirsute. THOROUGH-WORT. MUHL. being very tall —This common herb varies greatly and graceful. ELL. OR HEMP-WEED JOE-PYB. Receptacle flat. Pappus a single . A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM.I. or often covered with elongated spots {E.S.— EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. never really Elozucrs hermaphrodite and homochroyellow. TRUMPET. 5-toothed mous Style cylindraceous. : 78-2 series of slender but not somewhat and rough stiff capillary bristles.. diaphoretic. the latter being the supposed cause of the " trembles " in cattle E. striate. by general observation . Willd. making the following of the order as New Arrangement. Vent. phenomenal volume. many changes were appeared. revision of the order oi the tribes it stands at present Asa Gray's almost and laborious arrangement and names In his careful instituted in the and genera. emetic. Linn. and antiperiodic. teticrifolium. Linn. and purgative. Prof. and ageratoides. table necessary to an understanding . .) is said to be diuretic. eration..tenth of are indigenous. consists of herbs. are considered to be antidotes to the poisonous bites of reptiles and stings of insects. Achenia 5-angled. . typhoid. and as such. Since this work was begun. even close and . glutinosimi is one of the sources of the substance known as Madco. all considered tonic. and one-eighth of those of North America. it comprises one.* the Jamaican E. rotiindifolhmi. the . Linn. scssiiifoiium.. Walt. leucolepsis. and all known phsenogamous plants. where it has 237 genera and 1610 CompositaB. The European E. aromaticiini. raVely shrubs and trees species. but Its members are easily many of the genera and distinguished as species require careful study for their identification. ot which 1551 such. and too late for revision. nervosum is regarded as an almost certain cure for cholera. T. typhus. ayapana. & G.-|.. beside the two under consid- American E.) is an aromatic tonic and febrifuge. The species of this genus used in medicine are. and is used for flavoring tobacco while E. Willd. it should be carefully proven. mcarnatum... a palliative in consumption the Texan mata [E. and hyssopi/o/iuin.including this order. — — .. fceniculceum. Linn. is diuretic. —This immense and purely natural order. Linn. and is considered a sure remedy if timely used for antidoting the effects of the bites of poisonous reptiles and insects this last is said to be the most powerful species of the genus. and small-pox while the Brazilian aya-pana [E.. Linn.. the South American E.. cannabiniim. 78-3 Description. awns.ligiclate. ovary -celled. either on same or different plants radiate when there are enlarged ligulate flowers in the margin .x . Juice waterj^ in more some resinous. mona'cious or dio'cious when the flowers of separate sexes are in different heads. scales. or developed into a cup or teeth. bracts [squanKC or scales). echinulate. When these exist they are sometimes called the ray . androgynous when of male and female flowers. .«(5rw.^ . late . although the surface or merely areolate.* — " F/oxocrs an in 5-merous. invoUicrate head on simple a receptacle. style in all fertile flowers 2-cieft or lobed at the summit and bearing introrse-marginal stigmas. Anthers commonly with nerves. a straight ^. in sterile tip or appendout by this forced hermaphrodite and male flowers Leaves various CiCHORiACE. inserted on the anthers connate into a tube (syngenesious). of calyx-limb there is more commonly a circle of epigynous bristles.. and 3 to 5-toothed the pappus. . e. Corolla with nerves running to the sinuses. (periclinium of authors) is formed of separate or sometimes connate reduced leaves. in Latin capitidum. the inferior radicle Tube the fruit an akene. either all tubular (usually enlarging above the insertion of the stamens into the throat. flowers in the head centripetal or less centrifugal. or the marginal ones strapshaped. or simply bracts of the receptacle. whatever form or texture. The head (compound flower Its involucre of early botanists). heads disposed to be cymose. or capillary bristles. or sometimes 4-nieroLis the bud tube . and 4 to 5-lobcd at summit. and central hermaphrodite or by abortion male). of the calyx wholly adnate to the ovary . therefore called palece.E 12-sided. is commonly Pollen-grains globose. sfaiiiciis a. many . /. foveolatc ovaries or akenes is when these project into bristles. is also named anthodium. i. clustered or associated. The axis within or above these is the receptacle (clinanwhich varies from plane to conical or oblong. many intermediate rarely as age. I. in . sometimes smooth. Vol. or even cylindrical or subu- thiicm). it \s Jimbrilpaleaceous when the disk flowers are subtended by bracts these usually In place chaff-like. . its limb none. in the last tribe milky. slender teeth or shreds. discharging the pollen within the tube cells introrse. /. no true of the heads when Development of the stipules. according as the insertion of the surrounded or circumscribed by honeycomb-like or lesser alveolate. late. single anatropous ovule erect from the base.. . chaff.. it 'vs. awns. When may be the receptacle bears flowers only it is naked. the elongated limb {ligule) being explanate. 4S. heterogatnous when unlike (generally marginal flowers female or neutral. the other flowers collectively occupy the disk. teeth. with /obcs of the epigynoiis corolla valvate as corolla lobes in and alternate with them.e. pt. the innermost of these bracts subtend the outermost or lowest flowers. etc. a * I name extended to the calyx-limb of use Prof. or. 2. which hairy-tipped or appcndaged. according to shape and texture. hairs or awns elevations. its Corollas parts are brisdes. " Heads homogam ms\\\\<t\\ all its flowers are alike in se. wholly ligulate . c.. the the lengthening of the style. Gray's full description of the order from the volume aljuvc referred to.. palae. or absolute. . when all the flowers have ligulate corollas. a i becoming an exalbuminous seed with shorter and narrower than ih& cotyledons . discoid when there are no enlarged marginal corollas. then forking and bordering the lobes. mosdy regular). Linn. H. the said to be a valuable species ol Liatris are considered powerful diuretics. are considered efficacious antidotes to the bites of the cobra de capello. then hermaphrodite. [Btdens fervida..) the Arctic American Grindelia [Grmdelia squarrosa. . or sometimes produced into tails [caudate). at the apex. the European Coltsfoot [Tussilago Far- fara. Two species of Bidens. hydrothorax.. Plants. not Berg. sqiiarrosa.). Nutt." consider that the true source of Santoiiine Cina. quite to the tip in most hermaphrodite flowers these lines shorter.). and the Brazilian Erva da Cobra [M. Many is used on the coast of Malabar Yoloxiltic [Piqneria trinervia. viz. wherein the hermaphrodite flowers have tubular and regular flowers. Linn.C. Willd. opifera. Maruta cotnla. Linn.78-4 Such are always female or neutral. Cav. and L. P/iiladelphicum. The German VQWitory [Anacyclus officinarum. occupying the lower portion.). Anthers with basal auricles either rounded or acute. A. Linn.). and secondary.).D.) is claimed to be an excellent stomachic-tonic. the Blessed Thistle [Cardiius Benediclus. drugs are used prominent among them we fmd the American Daisy-fleabane [Erigeron hetero. is fetid and blistering. Tagana. stigmatic lines. is considered a most powerful vermifuge the p/iylhiin. a reputed . Chrytsantlicnioides. Chamomilla. Linn. Indian Elephantopus scaber. and Cina. Linn. and those of malignant insects. and those spoken of under the description of the genus Kupatorium. Mexican Xoxonitztal or antiperiodic.. fragrans. H. the European Mountain Arnica [Arnica montana." The largest subdivision or series of this order is the Tubuliflor/E. emmenagogue.).. Branches of the style in female flowers and in some hermaphrodite ones margined with stigma. Linn. and the South American M.)..). D. when all the flowers of the head have ligulate corollas.e.) is said to have once cured the Russian army of dysentery. Willd. Beside the 19 medicinal species treated of in this work. Linn.. Mart.). and gout and E. Willd. santonica. the German Chamomile [Matricaria CJiamomilla. Forsk. & B. the European Wormseed [Artemisia Ci}ia. a powerful irritant. Willd.). Pellitory [Pyrethrum Paniethium. European Daisy [Bcllis peremiis.)...).. Lam. Gaertn. bilabiate. a powerful . . in their work on " Medicinal the Russian and Asiatic Artemisia paucijlora. Linn. Berg.« corollas of all. and causes copious vomiting and L. Weber i^A.). Artemisia Contra. The Labiatiflgr. Guaco. Dunal.* Outside of our materia medica many valuable. Mart. is from . and the Italian Sweet-scented Coltsfoot [T. have all flowers hermaphrodite and all corollas ligulate. together with the South American Spilanthes oleracea.). or.'E have The Liguliflor. or only of the hermaphrodite flowers.). Linn. tripartita. Muhl.) is in dysuria . i. Helenoides.. : remedy for gravel. and the Carolinian B.). Linn. produce acrid and copious salivation.. Willk. sialagogue and stimulant. The Mayweed. so common almost generally throughout the North Temperate Zone. : * Benlley and Trimen. especially The Brazilian Coracoa de yesu [Mikania officinalis. The East Indian Veronia anihehnintica. or ending at the appendage or hairy tip. odoratissima. the European B. . the Spanish : .B. Linn. The common European Fleabane [Pulicaria dysenterica. Michx.) the New Zeyland Puka-puka {Brachygiottis 7-epens. Jacq. the the South European Marigold [Calen- dula Centaurea officinalis. we have provings of the following Wyethia ( Wyeihia. and used in eye affections. Linn. * The and the into a well-stoppered bottle. the leafstalks of C. Utah. rest of the alcohol mass by filtration has a clear.). Among the edible vegetables afforded by the order. and officinalis.. are. low grounds. Forsk. It binthic odor.) Endive and Chiccory. however. and British Columbia. is said to be a powerful deobstruent and antispasmodic. specific analysis to The chemistry determine a special is probably of E. has a somewhat tere- its this plant. — History and Habitat. as well as an astringent tonic. Thus throughout the order almost every genus has its useful species. tincture separated from this by transmitted light. . and allow The it is more or i. Eupatorium purpureum. the pulp thoroughly Then two mixed with one-sixth part of After having stirred the whole Cynnria Scolymus. we find the Jerusalem Artichoke {Helianthus tubcrosuni.C.. The previous use its congener. been made of root by Merrell. The East Indian Emila soiichifera. gout and rheumatism. Linn. . Eupurpurin. especially when there is an excess of uric acid present (King).78-5 diaphoresis. the succulent receptacle of the South Europc. Linn. Its northern range extends from New Brunswick to Saskatchewan . carunculus. . — No principle has applicable chopped and to stand eight days in a dark. it The Egyptian and should be proven.. —This so was precipitated from a tincture of the thrown down when the alcoholic tincture is poured volume of water and the alcohol is filtered off. cool place. perfoliatum. The Chinese and Japanese Artemisia Indica.* the European salsify {Tragopogoi porrifolins. into twice it. .-^ PART USED AND PREPARATION. hematuria. orange color and astringent.) is substituted Palestine Bahonny or Zeysouvi Cairo for chamomile. gravel. proves useful It in dropsy. it slightly bitter CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Eupatorium purpureum is indigenous to North America. reaction. It grows in rich. fresh root should be parts by weight of alcohol are taken. perfoliatum less to this species. Linn.. is used in India as a febrifuge. strangury. seeming to exert a special influence upon chronic renal and cystic trouble.nnd f. in D. The preparations of the Eclectic Materia Medica are : Decoctum Eupatorii Purpiirci . — The pounded to a pulp and weighed. and an acid Cardoons. Althea t Epigsea. and Infusum Epigece Composi/a.\ralia hispiJa. 93 and Lettuce [Lactiica saliva. Iiiftisum Eupalorii Piirpurei. E. iySantolina fragrantissima. grows southward to Florida and westward to New Mexico. has proven especially valuable as a diuretic and stimulant.). It results as a thick. of the purple flowered boneset was very similar to that of It. called oleoresin The body is true artichokes. Wiild. pour added. where it blossoms throughout thence it the summer months. . especially in their native localities. however. mentioned under Cichorium Intybus. 7b-6 dark greenish-brown mass. 1. Dresser's experience with the drug. and exhibiting.* Description of Plate 1. — doses of from lo —causes increased secretion of the glands of the mouth PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. September loth. 2. — Eupatorium purpureum to 60 drops of the tincture in . Hale. stomach and bowels aching or cutting pains in the bladder with a sensation of fullness and soreness. crampy pains in the . with yawning nausea . Y. 1879. * Mrs. as far as known. Whole plant. having a nauseous taste. . faintness.. with scanty discharge through the system of languor. and weakness. and a constant desire to void increased heart's action and a general feeling all urine. New Rem. N. 78. soreness. It contains all those principles of the root not soluble in water. Chemung. c. the full action of the root. One of the smaller branches of the corymb. . . and intense desire to sleep. 15 times reduced.. adnatdel.etpinxt EUPATORIUM PeRFOLIATUM . Linn . ^m.79. . ponds. . —This familiar plant grows EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. . — History and Habitat. SIMS E. Stem branched above. E. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH Description. indigenous to North America. (Unibellifcne). fastigiately . FBVERWORT. and streams. heads small. rugose. from 2 to 4 feet.— BONESET. . dark and shining green above and soft-pubescent or almost cottony beneath. or woodshed. It grows in marshy places on the borders of lakes. E. compound. Itijlorescence a dense. .\NT. divaricate. corolla tubular-campanulate teeth broadly triangular. L.-EUPATORIACE/E. VIRGINIANUM. VEGETABLE' ANTIMONY. very numerous. Linn. LINN. Boneset is a common plant. . oblong-linear.* CROSSWORT.. flowers mostly 10. acutish tips. hairy. corymbose cyme. GKNUS. and villouspubescent throughout leaves connate perfoliate. and furnished with slightly scarious. to Florida and Louisiana in the South. where it ranges from New Brunswick to Dakota in the North.) DURCH WAGHSENER WASSERHANP. INDIAN SAGE. THOROUGH. The preceding drug should be read description of Eupatonwn connection with in as given under the this. . bracts narrowly-lanceolate. HERBS PARPAITE. ready for immediate use should some member * The true Feverwort with us f- The Iruc Thoroughwax is is Triosteum perfoliatum (Caprifoliacea. THOROUHWORT. capitate.IS..EQUAI.). cylindrical. smooth.N.— SVXGENESIA . shorter than the corolla. or somewhat to a height of • terete. of almost every country farm-house. and bluntly 5-angled pappus stout. COM. W . PL. SVST.* SEX. somewhat convex. where it blossoms from July to September. AGUE-WEED. copiously studded with resinous dots. finely and closely crenulate-serrate. HERBE A FIEVRE (GER. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. narrowly lanceolate and acuminate they are prominently one-ribbed. NAMES. ORD -COMPOSIT/E. has its bunches of the dried herb hanging tops downward from the rafters during the whole year. The attic. PLUK.AX t (PR.— EUPATORIUM.— EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. SYN. 79 Tnbe. SWEATING WEED. There is probably no plant in American domestic practice that has more extensive or frequent use than this. MICHX. CONNATUM. SALVI^FOLIUM. Akencs small glandular. BupUuriim rolundifolium. BOjYESET.) EUPATORIE PERFOLIEE. quently was intentionally pushed to such extent as to excite free purging. is strongly in favor of that The boneset was the medicine used in producing this effect. until about the year 1800. and his unusual success in a : — — multitude of cases for five or six years in succession. J. it warm. be taken with a cold. Sloan. in which. who resided in the village of Woodbury. known It is as break-bone fever (Dengue). of with this drug as follows: it this city. who called it by a name that is equivalent to ague-weed. living personal experience in the central part of this was attacked with intermittent fever. to the South. emaciated. M. As he sat one day. the previously described drug being the species used. Being of a bilious temperament.. N. which lasted off and on for three years. He assured me that in many instances his sole reliance was upon this plant. but preferred the warm. he grew at length sallow. Hopkins. of the earlier works allude to this species as being diuretic. Dr. partial to the sweating plan of treating this fever. he deemed preferred in general giving My friend. who had made this species one in general use in his practice. but was not used in medical practice. and therefore * Dr.79-2 of the family. and typhoid dyspeptic and anti-rheumatic. and emetic in large doses. or that of a neighbor. and had an extensive practice in a range of fifteen or twenty miles of a populous tract of country. Barton. and fever. even in this country. prominently adapted to cure a disease peculiar and it is without doubt from This herb has also been found this property that the name boneset was derived.D. Eupatorium perfoliatum is diaphoretic only when given in generous doses of the hot infusion a cold decoction is claimed to be tonic and stimulant in moderately It is also said to be antismall. ii. was handed down to the early settlers of this country by the Aborigines. How many children have winced when the maternal edict: "drink this boneset it'll do you good. this is evidently an error of substitution. influenza. . and hardly able to get about. diaphoretic efiect. as a plant. he * Barton. lake fever. yellow fever. It was first introduced. Henry S.. M. but it now has a place in every work on Medical Botany which treats of North American plants. . observes as follows " The late Samuel C. into England in 1699. ." When Its indispensable to ensure. typhus. laxative in medium. relates his a young man.t Bot. resting by the side of the road. bilious colic. conditions. an old lady of his acquaintance told him to go home and have some thoroughwort State. Many remittent types of fevers in general. catarrhal rheumatism. ! . and therefore of great use in dropsy . and fre- mode of practice." has been issued and how many old men have craned their necks to allow the nauseThe use of a hot infusion of the tops ous draught to the quicker pass the palate and leaves to produce diaphoresis.. which was occasionally so varied in its manner of exhibition as to produce emesis. He prescribed it freely in warm and cold decoction. however. bilious fever. from the low and marshy nature of the soil exposure of many of the inhabitants holding fisheries. to be curative in intermittent fever.. 136. to the water and other pernicious causes intermittent and typhus fevers were very The Doctor was among those prevalent. and the latter particularly malignant. but was not isolated. S.. 1859. and every other substance then known to the regular practitioner. From my own experience. Tlusis. and imparts a sensation to the tongue very similar to that of ginger it retains the coming into tincture is opaque. have also been Resin ^ ' Gum ^ « Sugar acid " '' "^ . by streams. ' \. effect. It may be stated that this is true of most plants used in medicine. . c. " to drugs exhibited for their physiological or toxic action.* The officinal preparation in the U. as well as what I have learned from others. and exhibit its peculiar action in a curative manner. Parsons. — The whole fresh plant. 1851. bitter. /. gaining flesh and strength daily. Inftiswn Eiipatorii. passing into deep sleep.Gallic " Bitter extractive. yielding a red precipitate when boiled with sulphuric acid. Rep. 1880.. gogues.. On awaking in the morning.* Free acid. without coming on latterly twice a day. Eupatorine is described as a slightly acid. Phar. i. 35. N. etc.. and lakes in the United States east of the 85° west longitude. peculiar odor of the plant. 243. when the disease was contracted near its habitat. gathered just preceding drug. amorphous body. with the aid of the fences and buildings along the way.'..^ it was also appreciated in most of the analyses referred to below. he received a tablespoonful of a decoction of boneset evaporated until it was about the consistency of syrup. ' « Tildcn's Analysis. quinine. and immediately went to bed. reaction.3.) On reaching home. Com. when a short one was brought on by lying down in a marsh while hunting. Jour. not palliative as is most common in the latter substance when exhibited ex patria. lo U. Its farther physical and chemical properties are as yet undetermined. S. and astringent taste. and north of the 32° north latitude. Med. he felt decidedly better. slightly orange-brown color by transmitted light. soluble in alcohol and boiling water.. . being spoken of as a bitter principle only.. of Mat. the attacks PART USED AND PREPARATION. It has a nauseous. cinchonine. 459. * This refers only 1 * Bigelow. Ph. Bol. and a white precipitate with the cold acid. No attack returned for twenty years. Jour. I feel confident that as an "antiperiodic " this drug will be indicated much more frequently in the United States than quinine. S.. (He had been given.— : : 79-3 "fixed. and has an acid CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. *^ Volatile oil . —This glucoside was extracted from a percolate of the dried tops and leaves of this plant by G.* -"' Tannin . * . is prepared as in the . ii. Cinchona.^ ^ •'^^'-^' ^ s 5 t ' and a bitter principle. ibid.Xm. and probably accounts for many failures of foreign drugs in domestic diseases witness Conium. Eiipatorine. 206. and Pilulce Aloes Compositcc. etc.'. Bickley. Am. 1854. Med. /iiaui. Am.ibid. as well as chola- suffered. In the Eclectic Materia Medica the following preparations are recommended Extractnvt Eupatorii. during the years he bark and all its known derivatives. . ponds. He had hardly lain down when insensibility and stupor came on. and from that moment improved rapidly without farther medication. 392. is Extrachun Eiipatoi'ii Fluidum. Peterson. 0/ Agii. The resulting in thin layers it exhibits a deep. as is it flower. ^ Anderson." and it would certainly cure him. Latin . penetrating. I have observed that boneset acts more surely in intermittent fever.. from Greenville. J. Flower-head. with frequent micturition. adaptability of this drug to various forms of disease of paludal origin can readily be understood. followed by a relaxed condition of the capillaries. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. from cially. 4. again followed by severe contrestion The symptoms and higher temperature. others as resinoid. 1879. 5. and sickly in appearance catarrhal influenza cottony coated thirst especially preceding the stage of chill vomiting. 2. The last-named substance determined. Summit of stem. 3.. with loss of and throbbing in head . —The symptoms shown by those who have par- taken of large doses of an infusion of the tops and leaves. with yawning and stretching. Anther. Fruit. and the skin feels would cleave from the bones. (2-4 enlarged. July 26th. N.79-4 Is spoken of by some observers as being and again as crystalHzable. show that this drug causes at first an irritation of the vaso-motor system. resinous. . consciousness. the long bones espesleepiness. and an Increase of the heart's action. . The soreness and deep numb and The as If it pains of Eupatorium are most general. : Falntness. violent colic pains In the upper abdomen. either mixed with some part of the other constituor more or less pure. . soreness and deep aching in the limbs. especially . urine darkscanty. soreness of eyeballs.) 79. soreness. in all ents. feel as If pounded or broken which the patient awakes with a severe headache skin bathed In copious sweat. passes off. oppression of the chest with difficult breathing. buzzing in the ears. stiffness. tongue white face red or sallow. are pain. ending in lethargic sleep . Description of Plate I. with sharp pains and photophobia. as the chill colored and . I judge it to have been the Eupatorine of Latin. Floweret. . . ErIgERON CANAOENSE.m. .'. Linn.efpinxt.adnstdel. . of the ho. xht/acc flat or hemispherical.. single row of flattened. not connective prolonged at the apex. according to the annual soil. In part to recompense Europe for the miserable dock weeds she has sent us.) CANADISCHES BERUFKRAUT. (FR. slender. ascending. COLT'S TAIL. imbricated. ERIGERON CAJVADA FLEABAJ^E. toothed . and pitted. D. STRICTUM.SVST. fertile. — This common herb grows to a height of from i Stem strict.iry apjiearance of some vernal species. 2-nerved . — E RIG E RON. It flowers.) ERIGERON DE CANADAiGBR. we have returned her this species. and many of the Pacific islands. It is also introduced in South Africa. Achenia oblong. Ray florets white. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE PLANT..— SYNGENESIA SLPERI-LL A. . many flowered. * Hf/. mostly 4. . and radiate. soils. in July and August. an old man . a capillary bristles. WALT. ORD.-ASTEROIDE/E. BUTTER. elongated-cylindrical ligule very short. and more or less ciliate-hispid the lower often somewhat spatulate. on acco. yifuiv. PUSILLUS. 2-toothed. branched. little . 3-nerved. ing. where thence usually pubescent. ERIGERON CANADENSE. with us. all reflexed in fruit . SBNECIO CILIATUS. .* LINN. SYN. LINN. SCABIOUS. pappus simple. branches mostly superior. Inflorescence in a more or less dense terminal panicle heads very small. striate. and sparingly incised. PRIDE-WEED. style short. B. NUTT. Leaves all sessile. . southward. SEX.N. HORSE-WEED. . cylindrical. half exserted. PANICULATUS. upper leaves linear-lanceolate acute at each end. . to 4 feet. as from Canada far as to Texas Argentine . maturing its profusion of parachute-like seeds in autumn. — CANADA FLEABANE.-ERIGERON CANADENSE. Er. Australia. from Republic. . LAM. varying from sparsely hispid to almost glabrous. 80'. . LINN. ascendino-. stignias spread- filameiits . which has now spread through Asia to the sea. — Erigeron it through is is common South indigenous to the eastern and central belt in dry America. Disk florets bisexual corolla tubular. nearly equal. short. History and Habitat. tailed. E. COM. E. peduncles and pedicels short involucre almost glabrous scales linear-lanceolate. spring.-COMPOSIT/E. a little exserted and surpassing the branches of the style tube. receptacle flat or convex. of North America. Description. alternate. naked. geron. filiform anthers cylindrical. NAMES. the very short. C.WEED. GENUS. crowded in a single row. excellent palliative The dose tumors. is whole fresh plant. though not astringent. rhages. is Oleum Erigerontis Oleum Erigerontis and Infnsum Erigerontis.4° F. is. Her menstrual as she expresses. for a type of diarrhoea that often prevailed and met with very great The decoction has proven there. t //'//. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. half-filled immediately mixed about a drachm of tincture of Erigeron fuls in of the mixture every five minutes. gallic and tannic acids. The resulting has a clear. in this species. and her physical strength always below The hemorrhage now being arrested (after the second dose) leaving her terribly exsanguinated. S. I had her than the present one. gradually becoming darker and thicker by age or exposure. ai. with swelling of the glands. one dose nightly. an acrid taste. gr. the gathered during treated as in the two preceding species. success. for I judge. and is an efficient agent in the treatment of hemorrhoids. and. her. of from . removed to her bed. officinal if oil much is is to from four of the U. dysas well as an entery. hematuria.* hematemesis. and gave her two teaspoon- some months past. diarrhoea. upon a chair and her head bending over a common-size foot bath-tub. up to the last time I saw which had been much too copious and potency for a month. a somewhat aromatic odor a slightly bitter and astringent taste and an acid reaction. Qtial. nevertheless. and every few moments a large quantity of bright red blood would gurglingly issue from her mouth.t who also determined.). while getting the history of the case. Gilbert Smith. her arm 1SS3. an extraordinary styptic it was introduced by Eclectic practice. passive hemorrhage. thousand times better menced. half a goblet of water. — The flowering season. however. which did not occur at the menstrual epoch. fresh herb with water. dysury.'m. in drops The in water. well house. His'. PART USED AND PREPARATION. no subsequent hemorrhage occurred corrected . and a neutral reaction. strangury. and proved that all the qualities of the herb were extracted by cold water or alcohol. to be required.sp. in many forms to in that was of diarrhoea disease by the Cree In- New York practice at the Alms- 1872. repeated not oftener than every hour.850. rheumatism and gonorrhoea... and urethritis. boils.. found useful in dropsies and many forms of urinary disorders. Ph. and put her on light liquid food in large after.d. and an essential oil. and menorrhagia : . was than at any time since her monthlies also com- . tincture . I was called hastily to attend Miss X. It —This body may be extracted by distilling the results as a colorless or pale yellow liquid. and tonic. lutn. and is readily soluble in water or alcohol. and the tub I was over with foamy blood. tlie autumn of I found her sitting upon the floor. preparation Eclectic Dispensatory.80-2 The applicability of a decoction of this herb known to the Aborigines. by Dr.. E. and her general health. upon which her strength improved flux. three years early. both renal and such as gravel. She had been subject though they were much to these less hemor- in quantity Her family history was consumptive and hemorrhagic. medium. and Philadelpliicwii have. . and. that individualizes the bitter principle first separated Oil of Erigeron Canadense. into Bot. a large (juantity of saliva. Prof. brownish-orange color by transmitted light. persisIt boils at 178° (352. and is now used It was introduced in the dians of Hudson Bay. six the treatment of sore throat. and M. The oil of the plant is acrid. — No made analysis of the plant has yet been by De Puy. Erig. hemoptysis. has tent odor. diabetes. astringent and been diuretic. greater power than Canadcnsc in this — direction.845 to . and. and having an aromatic. heterophylcystic. . She had been spitting such <|uantities for over * In resting three-quarters of an hour. This oil a . 1S15. its of the in . stimulant. a This treatment was followed by Erigeron in a t|uantities. Can. 2.* — of PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 1866. 1882. 8. after distillation over sodium.). Flower-bead. antl consists mainly of a terpene (C. 372 (BerichU..-j.. Aug. Fruit. i>. abdominal distress.).oH. boils at 176° (348.S464 at 18= (64. iStli. soreness of the throat Description of Plate . N. 6. Y. (4-9 enlarged. Oh. . portion of the mid-stem. and has a sp. The symptoms arisingW. gr. hclcropkylluiii. of . 5.8° F.) * Am. 80-3 contains less oxyofii than that obtainable from /:'. and prostration. 2854). t Am..4° F. 80. smarting of the eyes.). Phar.\ Lower 4. 1886. Scale of the involucre. Inflorescence. Binghamton. leaf.were mainly as follows: Cephallagia during the experiments Dr. 9. roughness of the pharynx . aching of back and extremities. which. Ray-floret. 357. Horn. and colic increased urine. . . Burt. 7. Jour. 3. 1883. Disk-floret. Stamen. H... . Linn.(|m. ad nat. .delet NULA HELENIUfVI. . -INULA HELENIUM. —This strikingly beautiful perennial attains a height of from thick. composed of bristly hairs. naked. The inner portion and dotted generally with yellowish is numerous Stem erect. (FR. ELECAMPAKEA SYTSr. five. from the axils of the upper leaves. SCABWORT.^ci'O". Root L. bear usually more than one flower-head on separate pedicles. arranged generally in a single series. N. the outer scales broadly ovate. from which Elecampane. Disk-florets many. pistillate. . but not so thick. bundles of fibres. The heads are many-flowered. sometimes reaching a length of 18 inches and a breadth of from 4 to 6 inches. 3 to about 6 inches long. branching? near the top. the others sessile partly clasping all green Peduncles of the flower-heads are given off above.ENUS.— ELECAMPANE. rounded. TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF INULA HELENIUM. C'.— SEX. I to 2 inches thick in the largest part. those near the root are ovate. A general descripof the Compositae will be found under Eupatorium purpureum. name Enula Campana. NAMES. f Ante-Linnaean for this plant. Description. CORVISARTIA HELENIUM. stout. having a curled furrow commencing about an inch from the stem end. thick.* I.) ALANT. A. the branches generally longer than the main root. inserted on the corolla. they are long. Achenia terete or 4-sided. Involucre dense. * Inula. the inner length linear. and . . SV. downy above. Enui probably a contraction of the word Helenii'M. mucilaginous. with two serrate tails at the base. petioled. Medieval. the rays ligulate. Ovary oblong Style 2-cleft at the— SVNGENESIA. 81 Tribe. sometimes furnished with a pair of small leaves midway in their length such are the so-called branches. the ray-florets numerous and woolly. sometimes leaf-like. L. pappus simple. COM. and whitish downy beneath.INN. but often infertile. MERAT. fJ. sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch. laminated or flakey. showing upon section a thickness of from one- and . the sides tion smooth . INULA. their Anthers syngenesious. large.) AUNEB. Flaiver-hcads large. The bark is rough. perfect. radiate with resin-cells. and running nearly to the tip somewhat branching. 6 feet. becoming at summit of the plant the somewhat convex.-ASTEROIDE/E. more or less tap-shaped. (GBR. the tube 5 toothed or lobed. and generally clasping the pistil forming Stamens a tube. unequally three-notched at the tip. I N U LA. POLYGAMIA SUI'EKILUA. tubular. flat receptacles measuring about i inch in diameter. all at or near the . which was ap- . solitary or corymbose. Leaven alternate. a Latin classical name plied to the same species.ORD -COMPOSITE. decided bitter and astringent CHEMIOAL CONSTITUENTS. S.o O.0. Europe and our country. (Inulol. Elecampane Camphor. and cines. the rest poured . it is stated to be a stimulant to the brain. Upon rapidly converted into levulose.f. of a clear amber taste. Dahlin. the roots of this order of plants. in damp places along road-sides. It is it is Kallen succeeded he describes as follows boiling considered by Kiliani to be an anhydride of levulose. the borders of gardens and about the ruins of old plant. for instance. . Elecampane-camphor).. The tincture Thus prepared is is. the kidneys. Klecampin.H. Inula is simply mentioned in the U. the sunflower.. its reaction with a solution of iodine gives a It does not form in the plant as granular shell-like Inulin may be thrown is in solution in the plant juice. and of the alcohol is added are chopped and alcohol are taken. the uterus. it be noticed that though it takes the It will it acts in many ways dissolves readily in hot water. reminding one forcibly of its near relative. and fuses at 147. brown. as the older ones are too woody) pounded to a pulp and weighed. cool place.) . Inula was one of the most famous of ancient mediand continued in vogue in tiie old school until very recent times. resolving it into two crystallizable bodies which : Q H3 O.. straining and by transmitted light. substance has the same composition as starch. It : PART USED AND PREPARATION.2° F. bodies as does starch. but forms a clear an opaline pasty mass.81-2 — History and Habitat. after having stirred the whole well. now thoroughly naturalized in grows here spontaneously in the Northern States. Menyanthin. is in found of in the plants greater percentage this — in genus." this substance with a dilute acid. not a blue color. not . Then two parts by weight of and having mixed the pulp thoroughly with one-sixth part of it. in still. and fusing at 230°F. it into a well-stoppered bottle. crystallizing in needles Helinin. C. has a color. and Extractum Helejiii Alcoholicuni. — The (those of the second year's growth in fresh roots gathered in autumn preference. a principle devoid of odor or taste. but not at in was given the composition called Helinin. Inuloid. writino-s. The Eclectic officinal preparations Inula is also one Dccoctiim Helctiii. It owed As far back as the Hippocratic the reputation it gained to its sdmulant qualities. this Q This amylose principle H. it it is allowed to stand eight days then separated by decanting.a 0.6 H. but down from its watery solution by alcohol. in a dark. iyEt supra.0. forming thus globular masses of white needle-like crystals. and is a strikingly beautiful buildino-s. are of the components of Synipus Aralice Conipositus. Ph. lower temperature.<. I describe it here. *Alantin. It flowers in July and August. Wittstein. formerly C. This plant is a native of Southern England. and Alant-Camphor. not supposed to be a pure substance it has an odor and taste resembling peppermint. the stomach. filtering. body place of that entirely different solution.* many genera . of the order Compositse but as it occurs Inulin. called in the dried plant " Sphsero-crystals. Datiscin. and an acid reaction to litmus. .81-3 — Synanthrose. 4. with sleeplessness and coldness. nauseous acrid body.— Inula secretory organs.. and a trace of volatile bitter. — Exists some hydride of Resin. with nausea and vertigo on stooping. anil liaviny no sweet taste. Flower-head.x.. with scanty results severe pain in the lumbar region. with griping or tensive pain dragging in the rectum and female genitalia. —A in larger quantities than inulol . soluble salts of K. 6. wa.. August nth. Inulic Acid. which shows Inula to be anything but diaphoretic. * Vide Allen. oil have also been determined. in alcohol and ether. C. 1880. p. liyht. 2. increased : peristaltic action of the intestines. 113. " Encyc. 5. 3. N. times reduced. Disk flower (enlarged). The more minute action of the drug seems to fully carry out the above. and Mg'. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Section of the root. Ray-floret (enlarged). gum. aromatic when warm. Y. dryness of the mouth and throat. Wliole iiUmt five 8i. show the opposite effect! His scheme of prominent symptoms is as follows Confusion of the head. Mat. . burning of the eyeballs. V. Ca. or expectorant in a physiological sense. This saccharose body occurs accordinj^ to SchorIcmnier in tlie tubers of Inula and other Composita-.. from Waverly. brown. diuretic. . O.. 7. Stamen (enlarged). . Med. but the efl'ects produced has been held to be a stimulant to the according to Fischer-' in those who — — partook of the juice of the root. Seed. it probably the an- is acid peculiar to this plant. is a It non-crystaHine powder. H. deliquescent. much urging to urinate. Description of Plate I." Vol. . . Linn.adnatdel. M ^m.etpinxt AMBROSIA ARTEMISIAEFOLIA .82. . ihe fooil its principal use being as an bitterness caused of the goils J . slightly united. The former uses antiseptic of this plant were but slight. SVST. all more or less recurved-pedicelled and not subtended by bracts. — History and Habitat. (GER. corolla obconical. ORD.. but not successfully. heads numerous. short-beaked.— MOXdXIA I'ENTAN'DKIA. style bilamellar. MICHX. This too-common... . SEX. strongly exserted. appendages inflexed columnar.-SENECIONIDE/E. racemose spikes. irregularly pinnatifid or entire. A. is indigenous from Nova Scotia to Saskatchewan. sauinflorescence often entire.. It habits waste fields. abortive Fertile heads I to 3. {jods know why I J. all . truly American weed. and blossoms from the latter part of July to October. CONOT-WBED.l TRAUBBNKRAUT. CARROT. gamophyllous. and crowned with from 4 to 6 short teeth or spines . A. or pinnatifidly parted. of from —This annual. SYN. WALT. nudet-like. ABSYNTHIFOLIA AND PANICULATA. thinnish. BITTERWEED. * 'Ajipporrm. I LINN. apetalous. LINN. exserted. Zabriskie. and southward to Brazil. invohca-e truncate. arranged in centripetal.— AMBROSIA ARTIMISI^FOLIA. of Closter. \ filajnents . emollient fomentation . MUHL. N. COM. NAMES. ROMAN WORMWOOD. glomerate in the axils of the upper leaves and below the male spikes. those of the smooth above and pale or hoary beneath divisions Stenlc Floivers unisexual on the same plant. pappus wanting. Aketies turgid-ovoid. HETEROPHYLLA. border irreg- stame/is 5 . erect.. then paniculately branched.WEED.* lOURN. HOG -WEED. IVA MONOPHYLLA. and dry places. tlie its use in Maryland as A. Leaves opposite and alternate. A TINCTURE OF THE Description.-COMPOSIT/E.) AMBROSIB.N. 82 Tribe. attains a growth Stem to 3 feet. (PR. bipinnatifid. LINN. aiiil/rosia. their short style . WHOLE HERB AMBROSIA AR TEMISI. cer-shape or campanulate. its a substitute for quinine. Washington Territory. the apex dilated and penicillate. corolla reduced to a ring around the base of the style . pubescent or hirsute weedy-herb.^FOLIA. involucre oi^&n.— RAG-'WBED. at first simple. not costate but indistinctly radiate veined ularly 4 to 6 toothed . GENUS— AMBROSIA. triangularly compressed. AMBROSIA ARTEMISI^FOLIA RAG-Vi^EED. roadsides. A. anthers deltoid. WILD OR BASTARD WORMWOOD. BLATIOR. the border 5-toothed short. tonic. — The height of possible. and macerated being kept whole fresh plant. Binghaniton. flower. Face of same. and enteritis. dysentery. 239. should be carefully gathered to retain its in for fourteen days in twice its when all weight of absolute alcohol. 3. an odor like chocolate. many people affected with this troublesome disorder laying the charge direct certain it is that when the pollenation of the plant is begun the disorder generally commences in those subject to it. 8. the cause of hay fever. Y. in the the pollen and filtering. and an essential possess of knowledge taste. Stamen. but also upon its ingestion in infusion and tincture. well corked. such as mercurial ptyalism. 9. unless the patient is able to sojourn to mountain heights out of the limit of their growth.. * enlarged. febOf late years much attention has been called to the rifuge. and especially in septic forms of diarIt lays some claim also to being stimulant and rhoea. and anthelmintic. leaf. not only by its pollen directly applied.) (3-1 1 New Rem. N. A plant. 7. especially this and A. trijida. gonorrhoea. Sterile style. ture thus prepared should. with drop doses of the tincture ires in dies. 1886.. after pressing.very astringent. leucorrhoea. 1879.* Being. — Ambrosia appears to have a decided irritant upon mucous membranes. Sterile flower. showing 5. claims . Aug. species of this genus. TO.82-2 it to be a successful application to the poisonous effects of Rhus if rubbed upon the inflamed parts until they are discolored by its juice. as being. The orange-red color by transmitted light. —This to tinc- have a clear oil. 4. We have had the pleasure of curing two patients of this disease. Anther. 15th. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. straining. and an acid its being specific chemical nature all we . PART USED AND PREPARATION. and is recognized in the Mexican Pharmacopoeia as an emmenagogue. Male involucre. it has also been used to check discharges from mucous surfaces. action Description of Plate I. 6. Female sterile flowers. a similar followed by bitterness . sexual season. through their pollen. a dark. Fruit. Whole young 2. cool place. and shaken twice a day. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. itself uninvestigated. Horizontal section of akene. The plant certainly deserves thorough and extended experimentation. in this direction. reaction. 82. II. both of whom had asthmatic symptoms at the height of the trouble. . plant has not yet been investigated as Tannin. and only ceases when the plants are out of flower. dei. Linn. \i^ (itll. .pinxt.83. HELIANTHUS i^^ ad nat. . Ihe sun. render it curling and refle. — History and Habital. nodding. SUNFLOWER. Z^^rr'^'. blossoming from July until August.. GENUS. feet. composed of ovate aristate. Flozver-lieads . —This root.— SUNFLOWER. TL\C rURE OF THE RIPE ACHENL\ OF HELL\NTHUS ANNUUS. with short 5-lobed tubes. pith of the stalk contains nitre..VN'K. NAMES. decemneurate.XKSl. without margins." LINN. each achenium bearing 2 earlike chaffy scales. in their many modes of handsome seal-brown disk.from an annual and bears numerous large flowerrounded and rough. and 4 to 8 inches broad. A description of the natural order will be found under Eupatorium purpureum. rough and conspicuously Pcdimcles long. leaves below and alternate ones above plant. Pollen grains ovate.— H ELIANTHUS. (GER. Disk-Jiorets.-COMPOSIT^. broadly ovate or heart- 10 inches long. ligulate and neutral.) LE TOURNE- SOL. SYN. a flower. HELIANTHUS. hirsute scales.V. sometimes accompanied by an accessory pair. COM. as well as the many uses to which the seeds points where it is cultivated it often spreads about in many places The white central by spontaneous growth. with subulate appendages. bearing opposite cultivated 3 to 18 or more erect. and recommended it also as a form of moxa.? petioled. 83 Tribe. bearing innumerable ray and many disk florets. several rows. imbricated in many.\ing in a circle about the garden ornament.N. From * FJXio. this fact has led to its use as a diuretic. o-'*j.. . LINN. (PR. 5 to Involucre involucre. all of which fall away when the seed is ripe. gradually thickening into a funnel-form base at the shaped. from 3-ribbed. The leaves. springing.V rkUS IR. ORD. Ray-florels numerous. when carefully cared for and attractive as a are put. somewhat quadrangularly compressed. whose bright chrome rays. SKX SVST. Description. Achenia ovate-oblong or cuneiform. attains a height of commonly from Stem heads on long peduncles.) SONNENBLUME . both on account of its beautiful flowers.-SENECIONIDE/E. all perfect and fertile.— SVNCK. The sunflower is one of the natives of trojjical America. style invested with stiff hairs Ovary i -celled branched. that has become popular in cultivation in many countries.— HELIANTHUS ANNUUS. . they range from 6 to 12 inches in diameter with a flat or convex disk. LINN. beset with numestigma 2rous rows of spines. was fruit made exclusive of the seeds. and the expressed direction. 4. Y. filtered.83-2 successful!}' dried. The tincture is ripe are of a then decanted. another remedy would be found in it to add to our excellent list for intermittents. covering the mass with five parts by weight of dilute alcohol. throat. Description of Plate 83. It causes dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth. The tincture is made by coarsely powdering the ripe seeds. Ray. O^. being . the tincture and with some forms is The seeds have for fattening poultry. N. temperatures and the form of a The interest to us. 8. Ph.. Pollen grain .926°. of which is said to have been used as a substitute for tobacco in gready resemble that of mild Spanish tobacco. as probably prove such. being shaken twice a day. in a dark. and some slight inflammation of the cuticle. at ordinary H. Mature seed. — C. they are about half an inch in length by one-eighth in breadth. Medica the infusion of the seeds is used as a mild expectorant. heat and redness of the skin. in been extracted from the kernels. in and has therefore no ing a light straw-color. is is claimed to be A further proving of would doubdess show an adaptability in this In the Eclectic Materia Helianthus has no place in the U. 18S2. Flower head. strained and Thus prepared acteristic taste. of fixed its specific solidifies at oil. fowls eat of these greedily been extensively used of their oily nature. Young 5. more or less 4-sided and 4-angled by comThe pression. and fauces. Whole plant. 2. cigars. S.— Very litde or nothing is known of the physiowhich would necessarily be slight. I. and watery consistence. Floweret (enlarged. excites vomiting. contains by his analysis from twelve to twenty-four per cent. by transmitted light a very pale straw-color. 3. oil as a diuretic. seed. oily and edible. and allowing it to remain at least eight days in a wellcorked bottle. husk is whitish internally and the kernel sweet. It becomes turbid Helianthic Acid. will it on account about this plant not yet proven. as without doubt logical action of this plant..\ 200. 6. The seeds when dark purplish color. cool place. the flavor greatly needed. seven times reduced. An infusion of the stems anti-malarial. slighdy colored powder. it is CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. . mild taste.— The 1879. 7. Scale of involucre. it is PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. has soluble both in water and alcohol. has no charand has an acid reaction to litmus-paper. analysis of this plant by Wittstein.— The ripe seeds. Sept 8. Binghamton. from a cultivated specimen.. hav- gravity — 16°. PART USED AND PREPARATION. How much a fact may be it that a growth of a dwelling protects the inhabitants against malarial influences though strongly asserted by many. A thorough proving of the iv hole plant is gready to be desired. Linn. .ad natdei. P. AnTHEMIS NOBILIS .84. If '%' % V7 '\/J 8 ^m.etpinxt. . Heads heterogamous. GAY. GODR. (FR. . homajX chamomile. N. GARDEN CHAMOMILE. however. C. tailless at the Ray-florets 15 apex style-branches stigmatic at their truncate. consisting of 2 or 3 rows of comparatively small. by both physicians and judged more active than Chamomilla. and the laity. ORMENIS NOBILIS.— TRUE CHAMOMILE.) CHAMOMILE ROMAINE . A. the branches numerous. stamens 5: anthers base. Linn. and rather large. the history of this plant. NAMES. nature. been used as long as any other..ST. style slender. pinnately bi. spread but being only occasionally iound spontaneous near gardens. . ANTHEMIS NOBILIS. many-flowered. white. . hairy. bi-sexual. without doubt.) ROMISCHE KAMILLBN. imbricated bracts.! CORN FEVER- FEW:. LINN. SV...— ANTHEMIS NOBILIS.chance of correct- has been regarded important. SYN. July and August. limb 5-lobed. COM. aromatic perennial. ALL. appearing like a coronal body of that to 20. Akenes terete. CHAM^MELUM AUREA. GENLS— ANTH EMIS. CHAMOMILLA NONOBILE. slightly gibbous below. and dissected into filiform segments.or tri-ternately compound.-SENECIONIDE/^. enlarged above to bell-shaped. with blunt. corolla tubular. LINN. bifurcated. (GBR. Malricaria Parlhenium. the sterile creeping. which * 'Av». BILIS. . fertile somewhat ascending Leaves alternate.X SUPERKIA A.')ii$. SEX. ORD-COMPOSITyE.. however. which has. the outer successively shorter receptacle oblong. sessile. History and Habitat.* LINN. penicillate extremities. ness. glabrous. f Our Chamomilla anthemis. Stems smooth or slightly pubescent. blossoms descriptions of so it in account of — This European immigrant has. it is not traceable with an). marked by 3 indistinct ridges upon their inner faces. D. and having a few oil glands upon its surface. and the ancient meagre a type. as yet. little in this many species being nearly related to this one. . chaffy bracts subtending most of the florets. WHOLE PLANT ANTHEMIS A TINCTURE OF THE NOBILLS. where it On country. Diskflorets numerous. the persistent base of the corolla. 84 Tribe. In later times. — This low. it gready resembles . yellow. pubescent hivolucre hemispherical. seldom rises to any great heio-ht Description above the ground. the truncate summit naked pappus none.— SVNGKNliSI. terminal and solitary upon the branches peduncles long. fertile ligules 3-toothed at the . Matricaria Chamomilla. a Greek \ Ciarden Feverfew i^ is name for some allied plant. according to E. — From found to contain a volatile and fixed judged by Fliickiger fresh-flowering plant tincture resulting has a light. discovered in — According to the analysis of Fittig. it is also a component of I'inniu the preparations are Infjisuvi hysteric complaints in combined with purgative often The cause profuse diarrhoea. and Olctim Antliemidis . — Tighc Acid. Extractum AntJicmidis. peculiar aromatic odor. prompt Fomentations of the steamed leaves make a kindly application in local pains. .\\f). S. Gentian Root. The crystals melt at 45° (113° F. Sassafras Bark.. in and claimed to be an effectual preventive of incubus. it is converted into valerianic acid. Solomon's Seal. C. and carminative. Ph. first Angelica Ai'changelica.^. neuralgic. having a lemonaceous odor. having a and an acid and burning taste. boil at 191° (375. —This volatile ing brownish or yellowish by age. — The orange color by transmitted . f plant . various analyses. colorless prisms. and are soluble in both water and alcohol. (Fliick. tannin. and a bitter principle to be a glucoside. Schorlemmer and Wittstein. its boiling point and that of its ethyl-ether being the same. This isomer of the above. and yields It the following bodies Angelicaldehydc. in company with the above and it is more than possible that it is identical with it. oil stimulant.91. U. with hydriodic acid and phosphorus. It exists.) . Colombo Root. t Page 81-2. PART USED AND PREPARATION.. then bitter. and boiling at 175° (347° F. Helonias Root.). intermittent and colic. AntJicmidis. A warm infusion emetic. Q. or abdominal. is composed principally of the angelates and valerates of butyl and amyl. *Comfrey Root.). and of Methylcrotonic Acid. in the Synipliytii Compost in in of the plant and anti- to prevent griping. and a hydrocarbon. : The as directed for the root of Inula. exists constitutes nearly 30 per cent. in the Eclectic Dispensatory * . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. is treated the bruised sourish and pine-apple-like. Chamomile Flowers.). to 200° (392° F. of which it crystalizes in large. brownish- oil. emptying the stomach without enervating the system.HgO. is The flower-heads are official pills. useful a taste at first light the pleasant. and Sherry Wine. C. Schmidt.: 84-2 As in its action.). Hot infusions are sudorific and podagric. Extractuni Anthcniidis Fliiidiint.. this herb has been a resin. acts as a is and typhoid fevers. but are very apt is flatulent and . to considered anti-spasmodic. Cj„Hj|. becom- has a specific gravity of about 0. emmenagogue. body has a bluish or greenish tint.HgO. and Han. aromatic odor of . this body. Seeds. and acid reaction. Angelic Acid. It in the oil of Anthemis. a stomachic tonic it has been found useful atonic dyspepsia. Oil of Anthemis. By heating this body. Cardamom .8° F. gastro-intestinal irritation. uterine. was discovered in Croton Oil. 7. 6. 8 and 9. Acheniurn. Stigmas. of a fertile braiiLh. 5.) .Stamen. freeness of the bowels. rawness of the throat. a feeling of warmth in the stomach and desire for food. 3. tincture by Dr. Longitudinal section of akene. Scales of receptacle. from an esca])ecl garden plant. Ray-floret. followed by qualmishness and nausea some abdominal pain. End 84. lachrymation. 84-3 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Berridge. .. increased urine higher heart's . Pain and fullness in —According to the experiments made with the Anthemis causes the following symptoms of disturbance : the head. (3-9 enlarged. 2. action. lassitude. Deslkiption of Plate I. Disk-floret. 4. and a general feeliny- of chilliness. . et pinxt. ad naldei. Linn. Achillea Millefolium.") ^M5^ ^m. .8. . Rays 4 or scarious edges. bisexual. shining and slightly margined. corolla. Pappus none. 85 Tribe. the lobes inserted upon the tube. MILLEFOLIUM. . . *The this all plant virtues of this is much used genus are said to the in decoction have been discovered by . Receptacle small. Linnreus says. high from Europe. A TINC'TrRE OF THE FRESH PLANT ACHILLEA MUXEFOLIUM. along roadsides and in fields in the northern parts of America. in the colder latitudes. with a prominent midrib and brownish. country.xed limb. nearly erect. History and Habitat. crowded. Calyx limb obsolete. perennial root. more or crowded and less lanceo- 3 to 5 cleft.\chilles. imbricated rows of ovoid-oblong scales. from a slender. SYN. radiate. or the essential oil. SCHAFRIPPE. Disk-Jiorets the revolute.) MILLEFEUILLE. tincture. Edward Palmer. sessile or nearly so. stem Leaves alternate hairy.) SCHAFGARBE.N. Stamens 5. dry pastures. being now fully naturalized. those those of the stem proper. rising above the anthers. is simple or . their general outline late oblong. MILLEFOLIUM. as well as in came to us Among summer. slender. For a description of the natural order see Eupatorium purpureum. reddish stolons. and rising slightly above Corolla tubular. iGER. Stig))ia 2-cleft. creeping. the face of the Anthers adnate. S. refle. In the Millefolium has been dismissed from the U. MILFOIL. which.— ACHILLEA.— COMMON YARROW. the divisions recurved and fringed at Achenia oblong. YARRO W. LINN. according for weak and disordered stomachs. LINN. that for a time the Swedes used Yarrow in lieu of hops in the manufacture of beer. 5. . Involucre. 8 to with a short. forming small. Eclectic practice it is used in an infusion. the divisions linear. COM. acute. & KIT. pink flower-heads blossom to Dr.— SVNCENKSIA SUl'ERIl. 78. gives off several long. Description. NOSEBLEED (FR. 12. grooved and roughly slightly from near the root wide-petioled. more or less 3-lobed. shorter. ACHILLEA SETACEA. without tails at the base. Style long. —This very common herb roadside rises to a height of from 6 to 20 inches. GLNLS— ACH ILLEA. flatten<Hi their tips.* IINN SEX. beside a multitude The of filiform rootlets. flat-topped corymbs Heads many-flowered. obovate.UA. W. usually flat and chaffy. summit slightly inflated. so. 5-lobed. upright. OKD -COMPOSIT/E. by compression. pistillate. and 2 6 inches long to all in . of 2 to 3 at the summit of the plant.-SEHECIONIDE/E. NAMES. SVST. Peduncles 3 or more pedicels man)'. Ph. extending in this Western Asia and Europe. twice pinnately parted. and claimed the beer thus brewed to be a greater intoxicant. It The white or sometimes Pah-Ute Indians. — Yarrow is an abundant weed in old. Wittstein. root. The tincture thus prepared . 3. have a decided action upon been proven to be of great utility in controlling ha-morrhages. . as above. It is ern United States considered by Griffith that the plant as naturalized is more active in PHYSIOLOGrlCAL ACTION. considerable pain in the gastric and abdominal regions. liquid body. either ot a butter-like consistence. its leaves being very sharply serrate and appressedtoothed. the bloodvessels. 5. Ray-floret (enlarged).—The whole fresh plant should be gathered when flowering begins. by aqueous readily obtained distillation of the flowers and green parts of the herb has a beautiful dark that from the it is is . Description of Plate 1. The oil from the odorous. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Millefolium causes burning and raw sensations of the membranes with which it comes in contact. this alcoholic extract of . resembling that of malt yeast. Nosebleed. odorless. alcohol and ether. It to has . then filter.85-2 PART USED AND PREPARATION. N. N.. Oil of Achillea. 4. fully i^Etsupra.) plant contains besides the above principles tannin and a resinoid vestigated. containing all of the unvolatilized principles of the plant. with diarrhoea and enuresis. and shows an acid like the fresh plant juice . The —A strongly acid. and chopped and pounded to a pulp then in a new piece of linen press out thoroughly all the . strongly is greenish-white.^. and mix it by brisk succussion with an equal part by weight of alcohol. Its common European name. its properties than —Yarrow seems its in body uninthe North- European progenitors. Y. where ha. June 8th. that from the achenia colorless or slightly yellow.— ^r/////t'/« designated by name was a mixed The body formerly C.morrhage is caused by it. and with a taste similar to that of the herb itself Achilleic Acid. color to the taste acrid and slightly bitter. no definite character. Allow the mixture to stand eight clays in a dark. Achillein has no definite crystalline form it is soluble in water. Leaf from near the 85. or the use of Achillea ptarmica. 1. 2. Flower-head (enlarged). crystallizing in colorless quadrilateral prisms. Toi) of plant from South Waverly. especially in the pelvis. H^. from this mass the true alkaloid was isolated by Von Planta and its composition.O. if root cold. 6. Disk-floret and bract (enlarged). and has a bitter taste. excluding all old and woody stems. especially of the pelvic viscera. plant . Stamens (enlarged). with a density of concentrated. cool place. . was given from the fact that the early writers claimed hsemorrhage of the nose followed placing its leaves in the nostrils this may have been either due to its direct irritation.0148 when soluble in water. determined.should be by transmitted light of a clear reddish-orange its odor peculiar. —This oil is blue color and a specific gravity 0. pungent and agreeable.92 while from the green parts. reaction to test paj^ers. iSSo.. 86. 1 ^m. .adnatdeletpinxt TANACETUM VULGARE. . ) RAINPARN. LINN. 2 to 3 pinnately dissected. Jlozccrs all fertile. along the common cuspidate. perfect.— TANSY OR TANSEY. N.WES AND FLOWERS OF TANACETUM VULGARE. Clark spoke highly of Its relief of gout. 1. Dr. terete.— This robust. incisely-serrate. carminative and and largely used in amenorrhoea. ieeth Inflorescence capitate. acuminate. 86 Tribe. a. TA^''SY. middle ages. not dying . A warm infusion has laic been found to be antihysteric. especially as a carminative more eastern States. oblique. acrid-aromatic perennial.* svsT.— i'(ii. terminal. for which action the leaves are often applied to the abdomen * Altered from i^avania. petiole. . jaundice and periodic fevers. . History and Habitat. confluent. . florets composed of several imbricated rows of involucre . border 5-toothed.]: Hoffman recommended the seeds stimulant. NAMES.— TANACETUM.slpkrki..i si:\. depressed-hemispherical. dentately 5-lobed border.\Mi. minute Marginal Disk toothed. A TINCTURE OF THE LE. GENUS. in the where it flowers from July to October. + Essays Phys. tonic. as a fomentation. Tansy has been used in medicine.V(.Ikencs 5-ribbed. t Afat. with a large epigynous disk.) TANAISIE. the pistillate corollas rays inconspicuous. leafy to the summit. SYN. decurrent. COM. Dr. dyspepsia. corymbiform cymes.ime of a genus of Composit^e having the nature of an " everlast- ing " plant. dens in many places in — This common European this country.. florets tailless. anthers broad.-SENECIOMIDE/E. in dense.^S. (PR. 3 - tips. heads numerous. densely crowded. grows to a height of from S/c))i erect. el I.\ . conical a coroniform. its use at the present time being almost entirely country folk. heterogamous scales . antiflatulent. corolla tubular. the branches truncate with obscure. . glabrous or somewhat pubescent. INN.ORD-COMPOSIT^. with many small lobes interposed 2 to 3 teet. obtuse dry. nthaiiasia.. sprinkled with resinous dots. Clapp speaks of the n. however.— TANACETUM VULGARE. . Med. Leaves alternate. j. LINN. in 10 to 40 grain doses as an anthelmintic not inferior to cina. Pappus tips. Description. dysmenorrhoea and abdominal cramps. ( plant has escaped from gar- especially. TANACETUM. since the and among Bergiusf recommended a cold infusion of the tops as a tonic in convalescence from exhausting diseases. 664.. glandularly dotted divisions very numerous. with Style deciduous. soothing nervous restlessness and often producing quiet sleep. are reported. but — . the flowers . by oil of tansy. —This bitter. posit a . Zeiltmg. gr. it to should retain the peculiar odor and taste of the plant to a high degree. Jour. into half * Catalogue. Leppig. Tauacctin. citric. I n>id. o. The oil. was taken at one dose. and not a few among which drug: A fatal.. characteristics in this I am specific tannin has also been iso- malic. tumors. cases of show young woman had been in the following will the herb. — The leaves and tops are officinal in the U. the development of the foetus is very liable to be interefered with hemorrhage also often occurs not so dangerous generally as that following the use of nutmegs. at nearly every menstrual the the period. A fomentation of the leaves is often used with salutary effect in swellings.— Many poisoning. after one or more attempts.952 sp. and when Dr. it de- camphor on standing. with the exception of a small portion of the water containing about one-half drachm of the oil. and found useful in dropsy. t .-\ PART USED AND PREPARATION.* The hot infusion has also been considered diuretic and diaphoretic.See foot-note. after filtration. and will .. 1885. even if desisted in. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.O^.J in fully being 0.— Equal parts of the fresh leaves and be treated as directed under Inula (page 81-2). 28S). sphere of toxic action held by this habit of using tansy tea. taste of the plant in alcohol. The resulting tincture. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. in the Eclectic Materia Medica the preparation relied upon is Infnsum Tanaccti: it is also a component of Tinclura Lands Co?nposita. species: a resin and gallic. Q-jH^^Ogj.xalic and unacquainted. p. however. this. C/iem. This Tansy. 1862. X O. 800. and show an acid reaction. of the oil was poured . Bailey was sent for the patient was unconscious. 328 yAm.86-2 the infusion as being almost narcotic. . made from serious. and in for difficult menstruation. S. is one of the most frequently-used abortives by ignorant people a practice at all times serious and often dangerous. CjjH„. meta-arabinic acids. On this occasion about two and a half drachms an ordinary tin cupful of water. Ph. 33-3. Phar. in the latter. — very often serious. amorphous principle soluble both in alcohol and water it is —most is found principally readily. Convulsions were almost at once produced. its Oil of possesses oil. in doses ot from lo drops to a drachm or more. local inflammations and dysmenorrhcea. .— greenish-yellow volatile is lighter than water. foaming at the mouth. should have a clear greenish-orange color by transmitted blossoms are light . Leppig § of its Leppig § also found lated by . the odor it and soluble is or peculiar yellow. — This TanacchiDitannic Acid. for the first hour and a quarter. emptied the stomach. Rep.§ J 86-3 violent tonic spasms. D. alter thirt)-six hours.D. The muscles of air was forced from the respiration were strongly affected during each paroxysm chest slowly but steadily. Two weeks afterward. and large draughts of hot water. and. the arms raised and kept rigidly extended. on again vomiting. consciousness then returned.. with dilated inipils. of Med. accustomed to taking 5-drop doses without inconShortly after. April. mustard. . Total unconsciousness soon followed at Intervals of 5 or 10 minutes the body was convulsed by strong spasms. the muscles were perfectly flexible. .D... the vaginal walls of the labia were found inflamed to such extent that one of them resulted in an enormous abscess the sclerotic coat of the eye was also so congested that it had a dark purple. those who saw her related.. and invariably in the same way. took 11 drachms of the oil to produce an abortion. during which she vomited twice. Mag. 1870. she recovered consciousness. and a full dose of acetate of morphine. . freely. — . the spasms were more frequent. the points of the fingers nearly in contact. . when. and the transition seemed very sudden.D. Obs. and Surg. Lotiis Courier of Medicine. they were relaxed. the fore-arm supinated. frequent and feeble pulse. A young woman took two tablespoonfuls of the oil to procure abortion. * Dr. it was straight . she complained of dizziness. Binkerd. 1S35. The jaws were the only exception to this rule they were. and the fingers contracted. Sci. . Bailey. the body '•' . after which. with right angles with. . but had about the same severity and length. without additional medication she was entirely restored. Death ensued in two hours. and was so badly swollen that the cornea seemed to be depressed.-dth. \ E. A married woman aged 2S. 345. M.. and then ipecac. AM. M. and made a slight hissing noise as it escaped from between the patient's lips. 1885. Horn. W. rigidly closed. After the patient grew weaker. they were thrown out forward of. glassy appearance. T. coming on generally and instantly. After this state of rigidity had continued for about half a minute. Hale. . 588. The arms were peculiarly aftion of the arms fected. M. if any moand continuing about one minute. 1S69. J.. . Constant kneading on the stomach had produced partial emesis. agonizing pain in the head and burning in the stomach a sense of cold numbness crept over her limbs. W. in which the head was thrown back. rigid kind of clonic spasms occurred once in about twelve minutes. 256). and at the hands at the wrists bent at right angles. Med. I C. hour. t A. in the S/. the fingers and slightly bent at the metatarsophalangeal joints. and were with difficulty opened. no unfavorable symptoms iollowed. but after that were subjected to the same when the spasms were on they were rigid when action as the rest of the body off. that she suffered from symptoms much resembling apoplexy. Two drachms of magnesia were then given. increasing until it amounted almost to paralysis convulsions followed. it might be called a trembling. They were attended with slight. Hildr. A girl aged 21 years.. and finally uttered a shriek and She continued in this comatose condition for over an fell senseless to the floor. West. the respiration suspended. M. 1834 (Am. venience. took from 15 to 20 drops.f A woman took half an ounce of the oil the most violent. During the intermission of spasm. . the saliva slightly tinged with blood. Congestion of the kidneys had also taken place. the already poisoned animal was plunged into a long and fatal convulsion Postmortem examination disclosed the cerebral veins and spinal cord itself highly congested. first first face congested in the abdomen suppressed. also. ..86-4 succeeded by tremulous motion often usually shake the room. and the eyelids at the same time stretched wide open. respiration then very low and irregular C. as was. The lungs were found to be engorged. Dalton. contraction. the left heart empty. number a a few drops only . varied from a minute to a minute and a half passages and was blown from between the lips in expiration filled the the breath had . forcible. difficult deglutition burning of the stomach desire to of serious. free vomiting. in spasm came the next on. muscular twitchings. Mental confusion. lateral. interval. and the right distended with dark. . The victim died in three hours and a half* On Animals. liant. liquid blood. toThe whole sufficient to gether with very faint and very imperfect attempts at inspiration. but. then profuse high. full The strength and frequency. anci immovable. occasionally The mouth and nose were slow. and the sclerotics injected. of the right eye. p. and the bladder was found contracted. but the jaws remained clenched. Ely Van DeVVarker records cases of the action of the one case two drachms were given. for the head to be drawn slowly backward. and Immediately after a convulsion the countefrom the suspension of respiration. . air first Respiration was hurried. was quite which. during the spasm. and serous effusions had taken place in the pia mater. from the commencement of the convulsion to the full inspiration. pulse and color then gradually returned. and the pulse. at times drawn a little to the right side. sharp colic pains at . roughness of the and . at first eye-balls the urinate and laborious . dilation of the pupils. is in ringing . followed by clonic spasms. on repeating the dose. oil indeterminable.Abortion. rolling motion of the eye-balls. then wide : the ears in throat..D. and a cataleptic condition from which the animal recovered. causing salivation. a It was now exceedingly rapid. — urine pulse at * J. wounded by the teeth.f oil upon dogs. . — Dr. and obstructed by an abundance of frothy mucus. size. Am. staring. inward strabismus was noticeable.. The In maximum dose safe sometimes proving The symptoms occurring were substantially as follows with cephalalgia immovable mouth and . labored. kw seconds after the ter- mination of a convulsion. eructations. . nance was very pallid and reduced until livid. Jr. diarrhoea Jour. Med. but not remarkable as to moisture. In the intervals of the convulsions. nausea. M. constant hurried numbness of . Occasionally the tongue was a strong odor of Tansy. which stertorous. of the pupils. 1S52. and was very common.SV/. vomiting. of cases of poisoning and experiments. The skin was warm. vertigo. pupils A little of equal which times the eyes were very at bril- widely dilated. t T/ie Detection of Criiiiinal . . the limbs were mostly relaxed. loss of consciousness dilation. ij6. however. Recovery also followed a half ounce after the same class of symptoms. oi' Plate 86. July flower-head. 4. 1886. Summit of an escaped [jlant. Descrii'tion I. and nervous tremblings drowsiness Death appears to ensue from paralysis of the heart and luncs. 3.. 2. floret. A A A 5. Anther. and cold sweat. and clonic spasms. tonic . Y. N. (4 and 5 enlarged. Binghamton.) 21st. longitudinal section. flower-head. .86-5 the extremities . . adnatdel. .j^ Artemisia Vulgaris.Ul. Linr .etpinxf. .87. . LINN. white-woolly beneath and on the branches. (GBR. the only one recognizing this in — druor. we believe. Hippocrates very frequently mentions Artemisia as of use in promoting uterine evacuations. — p. The Mexican Pharmacopceia is now.) COURONNE DB ST. SYN. but mostly glabrate. A. SYST. but is considered apparently indigenous at Hudson's Bay by Prof. HETBROPHYLLUS. barbaric practice. the lower laciniate.-SENECIONIDE/E. ARTEMISIA VULGARIS MUGWORT. ovoid. Inflorescence glomerate. A. History and Habitat. the use of the Moxa.—MUGWORT.. furrowed. BI- FUSS. and waste places.— SV. JEAN. Description. is closely related to this plant. NUTT. diz'isions often cut-lobed or linear- heads numerous./.\ SLI'KRILUA. . roadsides. Gray. Leaves mostly glabrous and green above. . BESS. being now very seldom. A TINCTURE OF THE ROOT OF ARTEMISIA VULGARIS. and flowers from September till October. 88. GENUS. . if ever. (FR. The Common Mugvvort is an immigrant from Europe most of its situations here. in open. Stem —This perennial herb grows to a height of from erect. the upper lanceolate to linear. where it frequents old fields and gardens. NAMES. campanulate brads scarious. COM. but it has nevertheless fallen entirely into disrepute. the median pinnatifid. Cl/lnensis. used in any disease. heterogamous floivers all fertile involucre mostly oblong.. in connection with . sparingly arachnoid. organs with the following species. N. ORD -COMPOSITE. Dioscorides and Galen used it as a fomentation for amenorrh(x-a and hysteria a practice then in vogue among the women of China. — A RT E M S I I A SEX. German physicians have urged the drug in epilepsy. Otherwise agreeing in minutiae of florets and sexual lanceolate. INDICA CANADENSIS. That torturous. leafy jjanicles . as it was one of the substances. . LINN. used in the manufacture of that pastile.) .— ARTEMISIA VULGARIS. Corolla smooth. 2 to 3 feet. small. 87 Thbe. paniculately branched. Receptacle naked. It is naturalized in Canada and the Atlantic States.\UEM:SI. August loth. resembling garlic violent contractions of the uterus labor-like pains prolapsus and rupture of the uterus. and mixture with water. . and the rest of the alcohol added. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it. been made of this plant since Baierus found that by fermentation. the whole is poured into a well-stoppered bottle. have a deep yellowish-brown color by transmitted light. — Mugwort is said to cause increase of epileptic spasms irritation of the nervous system profuse sweat. After thorough succussion. cadaverous odor. as far as we are able to ascertain. . Mass. a characteristic. from Salem. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. — No analysis has. a fragrant sapid liquor was obtained. and increase of . an aromatic. A 87. * Noak and Tvinks. — The fresh root is chopped and pounded and weighed. after straining and filtering.. slightly bitter taste and an acid reaction. having a fetid. . .'^' Description of Plate I. with a thin fragrant oil upon the surface. 1885. dis- tillation. lochial discharges. metrorrhagia. uncomparable odor that of the bruised leaves. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.87-2 PART USED AND PREPARATION. The tincture thus prepared should. portion of a panicle. cool place. miscarriage. and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. . to a pulp — . ad naldei. m . pinxt %^ # Artemi'sia Absinthium.F #1 ^m. . tonica. attains a growtli of Stem stiff. entire leaflets oblong or lanceolate. . et stomachia. LINN. hypochondriasis. in the marginal florets bilamellar. not inflexed. LAM. with the in the central bifurcated with only the tips stigmatose. GENUS. gout. such and as. queen of Mausolus. however. 88 Tribe-SENECIONIDE/E. "Ai^ii'Sioi'. Style 2-cleft. aromatic. ORD-COMPOSIT^. finely pubescent with close silky hairs. ABSINTHIUM VULGARB. frutescent perennial. and several that are roundish and scarious Corolflorets many. says nosa. its good effects in many disorders. This European synonym of bitterness has escaped from gardens in many places in North America. the uppermost lanceolate. leafy panicles heads numerous. Hudson's Bay. especially. absinthium. Dioscorides and Pliny considered Haller. in recounting its virtues. and 2 to 4 feet. 5-toothed.AMIA SUl'ERl'LUA. WERMUTH. in Nova It blossoms with us Scotia. Inflorescence in long. —This bitter. . to bring it is " antiputredi- The famous " on early puberty.— ARTEMISIA. calculus. Ihnb nearly entire in the marginal florets. 2 to 3 pinnately parted. i to 2 loose. others barren. PARK. LINN. Leaves alternate. resolens. obtuse and entire. from the latter part of July to October. Linnjeus. small. splenic obstructions. . las tubular glabrous. NAMES. the Greek Diana. and at Moose Factory. goddess of the name t is in chastity. the central hermaphrodite. . ]] 'OEM WOOD. SVST. on slender nodding pedicles invohicre canescent bracts of two kinds. COM.) ABSINTHE. spreading in the central. Bergius. as the plant was thought honor of Artemisia. of the earlier writers speak of intermittents.—ARTEMISIA ABSINTHIUM. Wormwood has been used in medicine from ancient times. some fertile. anthelmintica. almost ligneous at the base and paniculately branched branches of two kinds. all discoid. none. herbaceous ones. the classical name of many species of the genus. N. and hepatic and be a stomachic tonic. akenes obovoid or oblong.. beset with long woolly hairs.. inner surfaces stigmatic. . OFFICINALE. .— 1'OLVc. the marginal pistillate." * Artemisia. New England. SKX. — History and Habitat. king of Caria. Pliny says Port- . i A TINCTURE OF THE LEAVES AND FLOWERS OF ARTEMISIA ABSINTHIUM.INN. Boerhaave. all it to and anthelmintic. A. apsinlhion. (GER. heterogamous. Antheis tipped with an acuminate appendage. narrow. scurvy. antacida. sparingly toothed or incised. SYN. pappus fringed or fimbriate.* l. . Description.— WORMWOOD (FR. Receptacle flattish. 973. de C/iim. isomeric dark green. relieving the pain nicely in most cases every reader Latterly it has been will recall "wormwood and vinegar" in this connection. Peppermint. The bitterness of the herb is communicated to the milk of cows who may browse upon it. It is officinal in PART USED AND PREPARATION. absinth (Artemisia absinthium). and forms no sugar on decomposing with a mineral acid. acrid. Ann. its Oil of Wormwood. and Wormwood. and also to mothers' milk if the drug be taken.. Green anise (Pimpinella follows: anisi).J from Origanum. Claassen. has a beautiful crimson color. C^^H^gO^. slighdy also in water.). Large (Illicum (Artemisia pontica). 1882. which soon crystallize and become a bitter. found diuretic. has a sp. and Liquorice root (Gly- gether until the cyrrhiza glabra). . Succinic Acid. together with of the plant.). vi. 323. Coriander absinth (Coriandum sativum).) to 125° (257° F. This bitter principle when first extracted forms in yellow globules. t . . Cj^Hj^O. its efficacy in gout. Sage. and pleasant reaction acid. consists principally of absinthol. — Potassium Chloride. This salt has been determined which it may be isolated in yellowish cubes and octahedrons. X Kunsmuller. with camphor. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. fusing at 120° (248° F. the odor of the plant..bsynthic Acid of Braconnot.).A. Jour. Citron peel (Citrus medicus). discutient. had drug as this its principal decoction has ever been found a most excellent application for wounds.. The officinal leaves and tops of the plant are recognized in the U. extremely and penetratingly bitter . Absinthe forms one of the favorite drinks for those who love stimulating beverages it is compounded of various aromatics as . from the ash.). gr. Rosemary. It is soluble in alcohol. Sci. S.. KCl. preparation is Medica as Absinthiiic Vinum Aromalicwn:^ and Infusum Absynthii. boil at 235° (455° F. inodorous. exists isolated in inodorous. that fuse at 180° (356° F. bruises. these are distilled todistillate comes over reddish. 35. 88-2 land powder. and Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis). — Absinthin.— ?Va^//^ fresh The its and young leaves and the blosis opaque resulting tincture odor is and bitter. friable powder. Balm (Melissa officinalis)." once noted for A ingredient. then the following herbs and products are steeped in the distillate to color and flavor it: Peppermint (Mentha piperita). 0. klinorhombic prisms. moderately acid. and antispasmodic in epilepsy. in the plant. boils at 205° (401° F. of soluble to almost any extent in alcohol.— The soms are treated as in thin layers its taste it in the preceding species. Brewers are said to add the fruits to their hops to make the beer more heady and rectifiers also to their spirits. . Small Star anise anisatum). 3-nd and the the Eclectic Materia It is This oil. in the leaves and fruit —This acid. from which it citric may be and malic acids.f C^H^Oj. and sprains. Ph. retains is terebinthic . and are soluble in alcohol and twenty-five parts water. * One part each of Lavender. neutral. Am. from the extract. and albumen. floret. 2. Magnan. 652. A lower leaf. Legrand. 4. loss of muscular power. Central 6. loss of intellect.) * Thomson. Aug. a bitter nitrogenized body.— A druggist's clerk took about half an ounce of he was found on the floor perfecdy insensible. Great congestion of the cerbro-spinal vessels. the patient remained insenthe oil . Y.. Style of central the mouth. of the meninges of the brain. extreme hyper^emia of the medulla oblongata. and illusions of sight and hearing. and pericardium show small ecchymoses. and stomach retching. 7. which he has called "absinthe epilepsy. 9. of Physiological Med. intense thirst. Flower head. f Et supra. 864. Mat. the Derangement of the digestive organs. Dr. Marginal floret. Meii. Anther. I. 5. convulsed. in Allen. his care. numbness effects prominent in absinthe drinkers are : of the extremities.f 88-3 Braconnot also determined a green and a bitter resin. starch. 1885. delirium.. and who performed many experiments with the liquor upon animals. Taylor On Poisons. and legs. vertigo. X Jour. After recovered. tasteless nitrogenized body. End of a flowering branch. who had a great number of absinthe drinkers under ysis. endocardium. C3-7 enlarged. These are followed by tremblings in the arms. but could not to Dr. Ency.* PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. loth.." — Post-Mortcni.J Description of Plate 88. hands. cit. a nitre.. 525. loc. 1885. floret. N. escaped at Binghamton. Organic Chem. sible with the jaws locked. shortly afterward the convulsions ceased. and foamino. 1838. states that peculiar epileptic attacks result. . tingling in the ears. causing free emesis and applying stimulants the man remember how According or when he had taken the drug. injection of the vessels of the cord. pupils dilated. with suffusion of the cord itself The stomach. restlessness. pulse weak. general paraland death. . et pinxt. GnAPHAUUM POLYCEPHALUM. Michx.89. . ^m. ad nat.dei. . LAM. ovate-conoidal before expansion.) IMMERSCHON RUHKRAUT. in ulceration of the descended to the white settlers. G. in conjunction with the more or less botanic them about as follows The herb. . and bractless. It grows upon old fields and in quite open. IMMORTELLE. The Everlastings formed a part of aboriginal medication. as a masticatory. closely serrate or slightly amplexicaul. glomerules . and floccose-woolly .l LINN. em^:blastta'G. OBTUSIFOLIUM. . terete. GNAPHALIUM. . becoming somewhat rusty-colored. . physicians. dull white.ST. . smooth and glabrous pappus a single row of scabrous. CONOIDEUM. narrowed at the base.SI l. chafifless. each free at the base and falling separately. obtuse. ORD-COMPOSIT^.-SENECIONIDE/E. i WHOLE A riNCTURE OF THE Description. SILVER LEAF. all lanceolate or linear. mar otitis entire. from the floccose appearance of any torn or broken end. This species is indigenous to North America. COM. used * Vii^aKov. annual herb. V^HITE BALSAM. — History and Habitat. pluriseriallyimbricate. then oboand heterogamous involucre woolly only at the base brads oblong. MICHX. vate. (FR.'\NT persistent. styles two-cleft.N.. Inflorescoice in terminal -paniculate. —This Stem GNAPHALIUM POLVCEPHALUM. MICHX. usually erect. or viscid-puberulent above alternate. NONE-SO-PRETTY. on account of its astringent properties. G. — FRAGRANT 4nerved. thin. soon bare and green. Floiuers fertile throughout. GENUS— GN APHALIUM. has always been a popular remedy. somewhat aromatic. thinnish. grows to a height of from branches numerous at the summit.SVNGENKSl. capillary bristles. SYN. either glabrous or minutely viscid-pubescent when the wool Leaves is off. 89 Tnbe. A. I to 3 feet. and mucronately acute or acuminate at the tip.— . few. gnaphalon. corona filitorm-tubular. LINN. a lock of wool : . OLD FIELD BALSAM. . dry woods. very shorter than the style anthers with slender tails. INDIAN POSEY. . and blossoms from July to October. often finely undulate. but . all discoid . cymose. and from there they it who. LB COTONNIERE (GER.V TKKl- . LIFE EVERLASTING. CAT FOOT. or heads numerous. SV. the branches mostly truncate. NAMES.* SEX. Hermaphrodite flozoers. arranged in several rows. — GNAPHALIUM POL YCEPH ALUM. PL. without tips or appendages receptacle flat. where ranges from Florida and Texas northward to Canada and Wisconsin. never decurrent. lightly 3. Akcncs terete. and yields all its sensible qualities to both water the bitter principle has been oil. Rafinesque says: "For a small fee.) Page 81-2. A. Description of Pl. leaf Outer Binghamton. inner ) 5. though the result was less severe. and a bitter principle. fur sprains hot decoction proves pectoral and some- in early for painful recommended tumors and un- as a quieting filling for the pillows of consumptives. Jotii: Horn. in somewhat vermifugal . S. (Gnaphalium plantaginifolium. The herb contains a little resin. t Trans.). cold infusion has The fresh juice is is of the herb have been used like Arnica. sexual excitement intense sciatic pain weakness. Hook. 89. . gathered when young. a pleasant. Woodbury. the Indians. slightly balsamic odor a taste at first aromatic.^''^ allow themselves to be bitten by a rattlesnake. especially on rising dull. and languor. at the hands of Dr. •5.^te Summit of 2.J corroborated the above symptoms. who call this plant SiiijacJni. (from a plant gathered - ) \ 4. 7. dark-colored offensive passages. liy loth. the recommended is Infus^im Gitapkalii. Bom.. in the Eclectic Dispensatory. what anodyne. and Hot fomentations considered anti-venereal. . acid reaction. Ph. 7. Mass. Linn. and hemorrhage of the bowels. and for quinsy. Experiments with small doses of the triturated dry flowers and leaves. increased urine. and gave the following symptoms beside Giddiness. . dysentery. .-). Floret. (3-7 enlarged. So. . 6. and form a good vulnerary dried flowers are A stages of fevers. A plant. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. as well as sudorific been much used diarrhoea. should be treated as directed for the root of Inula. Seed. Stigmas. then bitter and an the flowers are still . and healthy ulcers. bruises. r scale of involucre. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. alcohol. vomiting and purging. profuse essentially as follows diarrhoea.— No analysis to determine the character of made.* The resulting tincture should have a brownish-orange color by transmitted light. Banks. 15 drops to a half : : . 3S3. preparation : PART USED AND PREPARATION. — The symptoms following the ingestion of from ounce of the tincture.. heavy expression of countenance diminished appetite.: J TV. The also it is recommended in leucorrhoea. — The whole fresh plant. a volatile and tannin. Chapman in Florida). Y. at the hands of Dr. N.89-2 A mouth and fauces.were Slight abdominal griping. 1886." Gnaphalium is not officinal in the U. Of Antctmaria plantaginifolia. Aug. and immediately cure themselves with this herb. rumbling of flatus. . . etpjnxt.90.Bd nstdel. ERECHTHItES HiERACIFOLIA.Rat. ^m. . . \ ERECHTHITES. NAMES. tapering at the end. corolla-tube filiform. muco-sanguineous diarrhoea. laity principally as acrid. .-SENEGIONIDE/E. the outer female. The whole and somewhat and has been used and astringent. Pappus white and copious bristles soft. SENECIO HIERACIFOLIUS.\. Anthers tailless. Female florets : corollaHermaplirodite flowers : tube filiform. SVST. .i HERBE DE FEU.. the limb slightly dilated. and usually grows leafy to the top. Inflorescence in a loose. virgate.— ERECHTHITES HIBRACIPOLIA.— FIREWEED (FR. and 2. sulcate.* SE. upon enriched soil.^ SLl'KKKI. . bitter. indigenous weed ranges from History and Habitat. -COMPOSITE. tipped with a conical pubescence. linear. N. is given it on account of its seeking newly-burned fallows. RAF. open Its vulgarism. stout. fine. . homely.4-toothed. glabrous. alterative. terminal. entery. Description. in various forms of eczema. there growing . sessile. LINN.) FEUERKRAUT. margins sharply denticulate or somewhat pinnately incised bases oi the upper leaves somewhat auriculate and partly clasping. — This coarse. white. RAF. heterogamous. Stylebranches narrow. and thin. CINERARIA CANADENSIS. and elongated. Corollas 2\\ slender and tubular. Receptacle flat and naked. PREALTA. woods. Skin to 7 feet high. (GBR. cyathiform. has been found highly serviceable in piles and dysby the plant is succulent. Leaves alternate. . in its greatest luxuriance. the limb short.— ERECHTHITES. Newfoundland and Canada southward to South America it grows in moist. corymbose panicle heads about one half inch long. the preparations recommended Oleum Frechthiti and Infusum Freeh thiti.l RAF. as well as the herb itself. WALT. setaceous flowers numerous. . Fireweed. cylindraceous. or slightly hairy annual.— SVNCIENliSI. The oil. from I — This rank. all narrowly or broadly lanceolate and acute. the inner hermaphrodite. and discoid involucre a single row of erect.. and hemorrhages. 4. acrid tonic. erect. FIRE WEED. In the Eclectic Dispensatory. 90 Tribe. or ochroleucous. tender. * Derived from the ancient name of some troublesome groundsel. for use are : . acute scales bracteoles few. AND ELONGATA.5-lobed. Akcnes oblong. . somewhat striate. GENUS. and blossoms in July and September. SYN. COM. A TINCTURK OF THE WHOLE PLANT ERFCHTHLrES HIKRACIFOLLA. an emetic. cathartic. ORD. fecal stools. Horn.| were in substance as follows: Uneasiness approaching nausea.) * Senecio. 3. gr. . )". slighdy aromatic odor. mitted light .. N. followed by three copious. almost exclusively. stimulation of the in the extremities. 2. 90.927. 2S54 Am. It is soluble in both alcohol and ether. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. . and a bitterish. griping in the bowels. is for the next drug.— The treated as The recommended whole flowering plant fresh. page 91-2. Jour. M. Soc. . Y. burning taste. peculiar. amount and pains Description of Plate I. beautiful. floret. at the hands of T. tilling of terpenes. Aug. Hale. (79.. Akene. Fruit. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. followed again by constipation increased flow of urine. It has a strong. resembling that of claret wine then astringent and bitter. of mucus . yellowish oil. and an acid reaction. Trans. A middle leaf. —The symptoms of disturbance caused by doses of from 12 to 200 drops of the tincture. Med. 18 S3. 90-2 PART USED AND PREPARATION. \ Berichte.t it consists. followed by erections .5°-! 54. 27th. Summit of plant.4°). — This fluid. Phar. yellow. Binghamton. 78.* resulting tincture has a clear. reddish-orange color by trans- a sourish odor. N. 7. Stigmas. fetid. the principal virtues of the though no analysis oil. 6. J. Merryman. According to Beilstein. is 0. mushy. 372. 1SS2. plant reside in its peculiar volatile — a taste at first sourish. containing a large genital organs. In all probability. transparent. the plant with water. + E. 1S86. and Wiegand.. is obtained by disOil of Ercchthites. to determine other bodies has been made. (3-7 enlarged. Its sp. 5.. 1S68. boiling between 175° and 310° F. A 4. Stamen. ^.TU. .91.adnatdeletpifixt^ " SeNECIO AUREUS Linn. . — SVNGENESIA SUl'KRl- LINN. ray-bearing heads heads radiate. bases ear. of the varieties. . LLNN. FALSE VALERIAN. N. GOLDEN SENECIO. A TINCTURE GF THE ENTIRE. PURSH. ovoid. thin. pinkmiddle leaves lyrately divided and passing gradually to laciniateish beneath Description. The Golden Ragwort is common every. Stem usually free of woolliness at the flowering season. (90). SYN. all but 3 of which are indigenous. . — History and Habitat. the primary form mostly in swampy spots and on the wet borders of streams. I or Root 2 feet. florets numerous. corolla 5-lobed m Involucre of a few lanceolate scales arranged soft. slender petioles.— SENECIO. superior leaves linear-lanceolate. ELL. goldejy ragwort. FLOWERING PLANT. FEMALE REGULATOR. SENECIO AUREUS. base somewhat truncate or almost cordate. SENECIO GRACILIS. FIREWEED. . Read . finally ered semi-auriculate. GROUNDSEL. pappus of man)-. under surface pinkish-purple cauline leaves. early spring perennial.t UNKUM. 'Anthers tailless. Disk and capillary bristles. It flowers from May until June.— GOLDEN RAGWORT. —This growth of about numerous. Raf. Ray florets 8—12. Tribe. LINN. the medical history is very superficial. pistillate. Leaves alternate. blade mostly rounded and undivided.where. obtuse. usually attains a small. lowermost similar to the root-leaves with the addition of 2 or 3 lobelets opposite along the petiole. perfect. in Aboriginal medicine as an anti- from senex. GKNUS. rootlets .) GOLDBNES . (FR. on account of the hoary pappus. LIFEROOT. 78. a single row . (GER. The true firewecd is Erechthiles hieiacifolia. stigmas recurved. pinnatifid. crenate. t 6 belong to 5. margin crenate. Like many another of our partially-proven plants.-SENECIONIDE/E. SENECIO. long-peduncled.— SENECIO AUREUS. COM.L A. fJoccose woolly when young. * The Senecio has been found useful old Latin name for the plant. lobes revolute. lastly bracteolate. FRESH. I. slender. under Eupatorium purpureum. radical leaves on long. Akenes on the angles. Inflorescence corymbose.ORD. neither rostrate nor description of the order. conspicuous. COMPOSITE. SQUAW-WEED. KREUZKRAUT. tubular. SVST. lin- numerous superior-axillary and receptacle flat . clasping. horizontal . blade subcordate. an old man. SENECIO FASTIGIATUS. Style bifurcated quite glabrous or only microscopically hairy winged. many-flowand naked. .) SENE9ON. This large ami widely-distributed genus contains in North America 57 species and 15 varieties. . aureus.* SEX. NAMES. sessile. and officinal Senecii Olco-resince. flowering plant. action is —We have several provings of not determinable from them. and shows the presence of tannin. as an excellent drug Later has been recommended as a it pulmonary hemorrhage. and a strong acid reaction. arbitrary oleo-resin. various forms of uterine trouble. an No analysis of the plant has been constitution. Y. but its . Then two pulp and weighed. Whole plant. The The plant has no place in the U. Disk 3. as far as I unknown can determine. diaphoretic. Ithaca. — Senecin. geneand a substance to be thought of in to control rally as a diuretic. the pulp of the alcohol added. Ray floret May (enlarged). Description of Plate 91. this drug. abortivant and vulnerary. this mass by filtration. Medica are Eclectic Materia . N. has a brownish-orange color by transmitted light. 1880. and the rest into a well-stoppered dark. Upon adding the tincture to water a decided deposit of resin takes place. — The chopped and pounded to a alcohol are taken. Ph. fresh. I. the peculiar odor of the bruised herb. and The let it entire. floret (enlarged). tonic.91-2 hemorrhagic. substitute for ergot. S. pour stand eight days tincture. mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of After having stirred the whole. a sweetish then slightly bitter taste. cool place. separated in a from it is parts by weight of it. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. tincture of iron PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.. 24th. pectoral. preparations in the Dccoctiini Senecii. bottle. 2. of made. even in a mixture of four drops of the drug-tincture in a drachm of alcohol. Exti-actiiin Scnecii Fluidrtni. PART USED AND PREPARATION. ^la. Gray.var.etpinxt LaPPA OFFICINALIS .adnat. .del. MaJOR. . Akenes somewhat bony. tabein.* LINN. ORD -COMPOSITE. sub-cylindrical. A. 196). MAJUS. lobes long. three portions from below upward. the edges somewhat serrated ansta long. BURDOCK. nrktos (Celtic arth). biennial to a height of or 5 feet. cartilaginous apex. SCHK.-CYNARODE/E. LAPPA OFFICINALIS. slender. : base marking its outer median line. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF ARCTIUM LAPPA. viz..-COMMON BURDOCK. Corolla pink. which are finally separately deciduous. OFFICINALIS. SEX. (GER. hermaample. . tubulifloral. homogamous.— ARCTIUM. LINN. with a ridge . phrodite . grows coarse. whitish cottony marked with prominent. fruiting heads. COM. " 92 Tribe.. widely spreading. . dages. rigid. —This emigrant. Ray says (//»/. shaggy. * \fKTOi. Lappa dici potest vel qto r» \a^:iv prehendere vel Aajrrtii' lambere. . 232. anthers tailed at the base and furnished with an elongated. .— ARCTIUM LAPPA. equally or somewhat unequally five-cleft. ALLIONI. coriaceous. Receptacle flat or convex. rank. orbicular-cordate. Inflorescence somewhat cymose or clustered heads many flowered. narrow. kled. invohccre globular. NAMES. bifurcates into partly distinct. transversely wrinand attached by the very end of the pointed base pappus composed of densely setose. t Kaf^tXii. the apex coverted into a strongly incurved hook of a horny consistence. G^RTN. divided into . inversely pyramidal.) GLOUTERON. filaments smooth. L. BARDANE. BARDANA MAJOR. ' 1 X The clotburs are properly species of XaiUhium. unarmed green and smooth above. LINN. and acute. . beneath. all . and stigmatic to the apex on the inner side.) KLETTE. Leaves alternate. almost black externally and white Siciii stout. barbellate bristles. GENUS. MAJOR. GBR. signifying the tenacious hold the burr takes upon fabrics an the coats of animals. crimson veins petioles stout. Celtic llap. from a fancied resemblance in the rough.— SVNGIiNliSIA I'oLVG. Syn. short. numerous. MAJOR. SYN. . . where it thickened at the apex smooth branches without appen- Style long. bracts all spreading. SYST. to lay hold of. VAR.N. CLOTBUR. strongly imbricate and nearly smooth. about 3 widiin. Stamens exserted. t BAT WEED (FR.VMlA vEQUALIS. Roo/ deep.. connate. a bear. a hand. L. sharp and transparent. united by their anthers (except the tips) into a purple tube enclosing the style. GRAY. dilated appressed. filiform. distinct. LAPPA. branches numerous. Description. slender and smooth. those of the lower leaves deeply channelled upon the upper side. nud'icaiilis (loot). lepra. oil exists in the seeds in the proportion of 15. as it answered to several of the alkaloid tests. herb is so rank that man. it may occasionally deserve a trial where more — .J and judged by them an alkaloid. It is described as an amorphous. Sassafras (root bark). 34. its seeds being numerous and readily The It flowers from June to October. and in this way we have known it succeed in two dropsical cases. sp. may be and an identified. not soluble in cold alcohol. Since its introduction into this country it has spread rapidly westward. active remedies are improper. of . Extractum Arctii. venereal eruptions. (Withering. as a salad with oil. and Synipus U. scurvy. cool place. 127. will eat of it. in which it is even now considered better in many The powdered seeds have been used It is also diuretic. Ph. separated from this mass by filtration. and application for the cure of styes. Oil of per cent. as our tincture does not show its presence. be soluble in cold alcohol to any great extent. § It is —This fixed * Med. and Jour." The root officinal in the is following preparations are given : in the Eclectic Materia Medica the S. and the rest of the alcohol added. carried about by both man and animals. or a potage with vinegar. bland. where other powerful medicines had been ineffectually used and as it neither excites nausea or increases irritation. it to stand eight The parent. pour it into a well-stoppered bottle and allow a pulp and weighed.. After the whole has been thoroughly stirred. Trimble and Macfarland. This common weed is indigenous to Europe and Asia. cases than sarsaparilla. Bot.) The previous uses of this plant have been a decoction of the root in pulmonary catarrh. i. and a depurant in scrofula. . physical properties are as yet uninvestigated . with a faintly alkaline reaction. gr. . days tincture.92-2 — History and Habitat. it Its solubility and peculiar cannot. and kindred affections. should be clear and trans- should have a slighly brownish-orange color by transmitted This tincture gives no odor or taste by which acid reaction. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. \ Ibid. p. and has a Runiex crispus Iris (root). should be chopped and pounded to Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken.— Z^Z-Z/^r. peculiar bitter principle was discovered by Messrs.4 yellow. Woodville says* that he as a diuretic. Lappa.930. intensely bitter body. (root). Aralice Compositus:\ PART USED AND PREPARATION. It in a dark. Guaiacum (wood). stripped of their rind. growing there as here about roadsides and dwelhngs. however. except as a diuretic. the pulp well mixed with one-sixth part of it. Phar. may be eaten raw or boiled.. 1885. t Containing Aralia Spinosa and Sambucus % (flowers). the jackass.—This it light. gout. Burdock (root). rheumatism.—The fresh root gathered in Autumn. at least to the taste. " never had an opportunity of observing the effects of the root. and caterpillar are the only animals that The young stems. before the frost has touched the plant deeply. Am. Infusum Arctii. Floweret. Y.92-3 Inu/in* tannin. have been determined. (2-7 enlarged. recorded from the action of this — The drug.-}- a resin soluble symptom of importance so far an increased secretion of milky urine. Description of Plate 92. only is with frequent desire and copious discharges. when in burnt. Si. white. potash. wiBl yield fully oce-thi-rd hs quantity of a pure. 7. 3 5. ist. Bristle of Pappus. nitrate of water.) * See under Inula Helenium. and 4. f Loudon says that the mature green herb. Binghamton. 1884. Bract Seed 6. all . A flowering branch. A thoroughly dried horn. I. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.. August 2. and another in alcohol. N. a gummy extractive. line salt equal to the best potash. . et pinxt.Linn. f TU.deI. . CiCHORIUM lNTYBUS.93.adnat. . it is It cliiefly near the flowers through- out the months of July.-LIGULIFLORA.* TOURX. . —This L. and unconnected anthers deep blue. 93 ORD. slender. . —This eastern coast. or single and raised upon a hollow peduncle. BAUH. dark blue. August. striate. a height of from 2 to 4 feet. Dickens says the boiled or dried. those from the root runcinate. GENUS. originated also used the bleached leaves as a salad. As regards the use of chiccory. hairy branches rigid and stout leaves alternate. and partly clasping.. CICHORIUM SYLVESTRE GIVE OFFIC. chaffy scales.. baked roots as pottage. * The for chiccory has led to considerable sums of Latinized Arabian name Chickouryeh. hcndibch. and made a flour for bread from them when Endive [Cichoriiwz Endkna). the lower stem leaves oblong-lanceolate. bright blue. as the day advances. SVST. the outer row composed of 5 short. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF CICHORIUM INTYBUS. more or less fusiform. Floivercts all ligulate and perfect. several-flowered.— CICHORIUM. WILD ENDIVE. This use. Description. forming a sort of crown. CICHORIUM. N. branching. or substitute with the Egyptians and Arabians. partially naturalized.) CHICOREE SAUVAGE. ligulcs 5-toothed. hiflorescence axillary and terminal heads hearts 2 or 3 sessile. from whence European emigrant grows spreading somewhat inland. S. angular.VLIS. spreading scales the inner of 8 or 10. been that of the root it appears. (GER.-SYNGENESIA rOLYGA.— CICHORIUM INTYBUS. The specific names Endivia and Intybus both appear to spring from the same Arabic word designating the herb. dentate. Stigmas 2. perennial herb. branching. CHICCOR Y. NAMES. Its blossoms present a beautiful sight in early morning or on cloudy days. and glabrous p.ippiis composed of numerous short. . who coffee. but fade and wither during bright sunshine. woody. grows to Roof deep.EQU. its very money have been . for. was at one time thought to be merely a cultivated state of this species. History and Habitat. homogamous. ORD -COMPOSITE.MI. then whitish. Involucre double.— WILD OR BLUB SUCCORY OR CHICCORY. Slamens : filaments white. SEX.\ . . and September. Stem bristly. (FR. LINN. The principal previous use of this plant has as an adulteration of. . COM. in his " Household Words : " " The great demand extensive cultivation in this country. SYN. Akenes turbinate. WEGEWART. so much used in many countries as salad. becoming pinkish.) CICHORIE. and surcharged with milky juice. circinate. those on the branches varying from auriculate-lanceolate to mere bracts. (3-6 enlarged. and a large amount of capital is profitably employed upon this branch of English agriculThe bleached leaves are sometimes used as a substitute for endive. 3. . By the combination of a little chiccory with coffee the flavor of the coffee is not destroyed." In times of scarcity chiccory certainly would make a better substitute than many other substances used. and provide through the winter a very delicate blanched salad. cut into thin slices. Stigma. Description of Plate 93._The gathered while the preceding drug.t Sept. 1SS4. p. with a bitterish. Pollen grain. according to Lewis.) * Rafinesque. Y. Section of the root.— The wholly in its milk-juice. they will push out shoots.93-2 expended on the kilns and machinery required to prepare it for the markets. 7. . A free use of the root and leaves produces. 2. and a refrigerant in hectic fevers and agues. The resulting tincture has a clear orange color by transmitted light. coffee — — — The medical history of chiccory is of little — value to us. and at the same time not very palatable infusion of pure coffee of the second and third quality. lies which has not yet been investigated. loth.* PART USED AND PREPARATION. x 150. after being sand in a dark cellar. as. with their crowns exposed. without doubt. II. 1. 4.. 6. . its activity of the plant. for instance. If the roots. early salad in the Netherlands.the war of the Rebellion.—We rium . Binghamton. f Where it has escaped to the streets in many localities. rye. and that appears to be wholly very confined to a slight increase of glandular secretions. when especially in the South beans. roasted and ground. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. When chiccory is to be used for coffee the roots are partly dried. is to be treated as fresh root.. It has also been used as a diuretic and detergent in gravel. etc. 206. sweet taste. Akene. N. disturbance of the system is have no record of toxical effects of Cichoslight. Part of a flowering branch. the true coffee flavor. cotton seed. which would probably be preferred by a rude palate to the comparatively thin and weak. peas. . in reaction. of course. corn. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. but there is added to the infusion a richness of flavor and a depth of color a body which renders it to many people much more welcome as a beverage than pure coffee purchased at the same price. commonly sold as an. The ground chiccory thus made is used by many poor upon the continent as a substitute for are taken up. pea-nuts. Floweret. Bof. 5. during. A portion of the main stem. were utilized. rendering aid in jaundice and obstruction of the bowels. known in France as Barbe de Capucin. sweet potatoes. be packed in by itself It has not. an acid bitter taste. a mild catharsis. and ture. but it makes a rich and wholesome vegetable infusion of a dark color. Med.. and acid plant is budding to blossom. Pupsh.etpinxt PrENANTHES SeRPENTARIA . .del.^la.adnat. . HAIIS. HOOK. o-vBt.— RATTLESNAKE ROOT. D. . herb. ESOPON GLAUCUM. Thus.. A TIXCIURE OF I'HK Description. /^. ANTH ES. iGER. green. anthe. WHITE LETTUCE. . iFR. mostly glomerate at the summit of ascending or spreading Horal-branch.f . of growth and shape of pendulous. fusiform. bitter. flower. RAF. GLAUCUS. pappns sordid. alba to P. dilated. stem stout. KRAZERI. RAF.-CICHORIACE/E. ochroleucous .- (iKNUS. RAF. CANCER WEED. . SERPENGLAUCA. — This variable perennial Root very feet. . sever. NABALUS SBRPBNTARIUS. glabrous or a little hirsute. VAR. DON. 0. Inflorescence corymbosely thyrsoid-paniculate drooping. stigmas much exserted. or thousand copies in lithography. alternate. those of the glomerules and pappus.. TORR. involucre cylindrical. PURSH. NABALUS ALBUS. 14. grows to a height ot from i to 3 thickened or more or less tuberous. . some of the plates . lets or peduncles. style — This leaf. PIED D'LEON.. N.. rarely purplish- a single row.— PREN SEX.-SVNdKNKSI A \ AIl. PURSH. or hastate at the base. assumes. P. i 2 flowered. P. botanically difficult species. ORD -COMPOSITE. 3-cleft the margin a little rough-ciliate the lower and radical truncate. ALBA.) LAITUE BLANC.l. t As a shade of color cannot be absolutely kept through may not represent the pappus correctly. and the terminal lobe upright. rather thin deeply sinuate-pinnitihed. now. purplish. mayhap. C. drooping. in Floivcrs all corolla ligulate Akenes linear-oblong or color. with a few small bracdets at their base. AND D. scales 5 to receptacle naked. in its mode the forms from P. serpentaria includes in itself what were once considered two varieties {nana and barbata) * Vlfi\v<\i. 8 to tinged . TRILOBATUS. often decurrent and pale beneath the caullne nearly all long.i WEISSER TARIA.N. . composed of rough History and Habitat. including hardly two plants in any one district being found with constant characters except. GRAY. SYN. NAMES. LATTICH. . greenish-white or long and slender. . prenes. perfect. GALL-OF-THE-EARTH. COM. . SVST. DEWITT SNAKEROOT. corthe upper more or less lanceolate petioled heads date. . . terete. N. WHOLE PLANT PRENANTHES SERPENTARL\. all and finely serrate . HARPALYCE SERPENTARIA. 94 Tribe. VAR. CASS. Kf NAB ALUS. SERPENTARIUS. N. sometimes purple-spotted or splashed. slender. RATTLESNAKE ROOT. diversely variable. altissima. LION'S FOOT. Leaves upon the petiole. or 3-parted. straw- capillary bristles.— PRENANTHES SERPENTARIA. truncated. DROP FLOWER. Phar. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. B. 3. where it ranges from New Brunswick and Canada. inter- wound . is whole and an acid root. . to be 17 distinct species and varieties. Am. 117.) * I'age 92-2. alba showed the presence of Description of Plate — too resins. 1886. for a botanist of Rafinesquian tendencies. Involucral scales. PART USED AND PREPARATION. Aug. anemic diarrhoea. treated as directed under Lappa. allied to this species plant. Binghamton. and 7. — As an alexlteric. and as a stomachic tonic..* a beautiful deep-orange color by transmitted light to to water. It habits the sterile soil of open grounds and hilly wood-borders. steeped or a decoction of the root in is in is recommended be taken A decoction of the taken. wonders why the bite of snakes ever has a chance to prove fatal. astringent taste. determine a specific principle. 94. A A 4. Floret. root has been found useful dysentery.f . t Thesis. and is said to be an excellent antidote to the bite of the rattlesnake and other poisonous serpents. and waxy matters. As Gall-of-the-Earth. tannin. The gathered during the resulting tincture has an odor similar to that of the reaction. one who searches through the domestic literature of medicinal plants. it has been known in domestic practice irom an early date. \\' gum. — by Neri.— No analysis An analysis of extractive.. 2. 6 lower leaf. Y. and blossoms in August and September. N.— 94-2 and affords an interminable field of work The Rattlesnake Root is indigenous to North America. a bitter. the milky juice of the plant nally. being especially abundant northward. are to be frequently applied to the of this species has been the root of P. to Florida. while the leaves. made nearly Jour. Flower. (3-7 enlarged. — The flowering season. Inflorescence. 25th. 5. icS86. Prenanthes is officinal in none of the pharmacopoeias. portion of leaf-margin. illiams. a(lnat.iiel.95.etpinxt TARAXACUM DeNS - LeCNIS. f Tn. Desf . . SVST. LAM.Kc^UALIS. Involucre double. fistulous. COM. Akenes apex ribs roughened by numerous. HEDYPNOIS TARAXACUM. springs numerous from a vertical tapLeaves radical.. short. erect scales.V .) LOWENZAHN. PFAFFEN.) Dent de lion. the outer portion the inner of a single . 6 to i8 inches composed of numerous short row of linear. perennial herb. ascending tubercles terete.. tarasso. cylindrical. where it blossoms in early spring and fruits in the summer.N. thickened rootlets. f Atoi'.) DENT DE LION.. GENUS. lawns and open grounds everywhere in this country. varying from spatulate to lanceolate.. each raised upon a scape that elongates during and after anthesis . Description. soft. DAJVDELIOJY. LEONTODON OFFICINALIS. at least. furnished with root.\X. filiform beak pappus borne upon the summit of the beak. until finally the inner involucre . The true pufr-l)all is Lycoperdon Bavisla..-CICHORACE/E. LAM. * Topii(7ff<ii. 95 Tribe.— TARAXACUM.>^ ROHRLBIN. under Eupatorium purpureum..-TARAXACUM DBNS-LBONIS. capillary Read description of the order. . or. WEBER. LEONTODON VULGARE. pastures.) PISSABED.\ TARAXACUM. in allusion to lion. (GER. from a supposed likeness of the leaf incisions to a lion's tooth. bristles. The growth of this plant furnishes an During the expansion of the flower.* HALLER. LEONTODON DENS-LEONIS. TARAXACUM OFFICINALIS. . (FR. — BUstory and Habitat. shaped —This vernal. \ On account of the separability of the akenes from the receptacle. ribbed abruptly conical or pyramidal.\II. ORD. scape slender. DENS-LEONIS. iton. the outer scales of the involucre reflex. The Dandelion is a native of Greece. .: PUFF-BALL (ENG. .\. long in fruit.— SYNGENESI. 78. SCOP. prolonged into a slender. after anthesis the inner row contracts until it covers the forming pappus then while the fruit is maturing the beaks gradually extend by growth and raise the pappus. runcinate. of Europe and Asia Minor. to disorder. or irregularly dentate. LINN. odous. WITH.— DANDELION. NAMES. its action upon the system. TARAXACUM VULGARE. l'ULVc. tufted. DESF. PISSENLIT COMMUNE. COMPOSITE. SCHR. . LEONTODON t TARAXACUM. naked. (x'0115. RAIL. and has become by introduction a common herb in fields. pinnatifid. Receptacle naked. instance of a beautifully provisional Nature. DESF. and composed of copious. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF TAR. SYN. a tooth. Inflorescence several many-flowered heads. scales . SEX. oblong.\CUM DENS-LEONIS. J Americanized from (Fr. white. white. I Raii Hist. Agric. Rep. feathery head. etc.xacum has been used in medicine from ancient times it is one of those drugs. pulmonic tuberculosis. globular. S. mingled with an fresh root. revolutely. linen. lo. Taraxacum. and diuretic Bergius recommends it in hepatic obstruction. especially in Germany. This mixture is allowed to stand eight days a dark. .. cool place. who value them so highly that they scour the country for many days' journeys in search of sufficient to appease their appetites. somewhat acrid taste. and an acid reaction. the dried roots "are roasted and substituted for coffee by the poorer inhabitants. App. hypochondriasis. overrated. full of the plant as applied in England —plus lotii : .. that the quantity consumed by a single individual exceeds belief. in early spring. and Mentha viridis. biliary calculi. Podophyllin. a bitter. incipient visceral scirrhus. Tufts of plant are eagerly gathered by the poor. bracelets and " curls. ^uasi lectiminga its permingunt. . and pressed out in a piece by brisk agitation. . prcesei'tun inter dormicnduni. separated from the above mass by filtration. * Cichorium etuiiva. S. into which the tongue is deftly and gradually inserted. and. and this cooked. In its manubleached localities like.. 244. t Dodge. . facture a child usually gets verifies the et common name urinana hcrba dici/ur benefit of the milky. if derivai in vesicant qitdm pueruli retitiendo sunt. 423. . Sanguinaria." J Tara.\ preparations being: Extractum The same preparations Eclectic pharmacopoeias. when the scape is curled to the end it is drawn several times through the operator's mouth and partially uncurled into graceful ringlets.—The July or of new November. being kept up to their form by the tongue. and icterus and many authors give it repute in dropsy. in is in March. gathered to a pulp then. causing a slow separation into sections that curl backward.. derogated.-]" In many parts of Europe. gastric derangements. p. exposing upon its coronate receptacle the ripe seeds ready to be dissipated and wafted to new fields by the first summer zephyr that passes by. furnishing thus an excellent and palatable pot-herb. p. is chopped and pounded The expressed juice equal part by weight of alcohol. The tincture. The leaves are eaten raw or cooked by the Digger and Apache Indians." The curls are formed as follows: A split is started in four directions at the smaller end of a scape.95-2 in turn reflexes. and reinstated time and again by writers upon pharmacology. Med. Taraxaci and Extractum Taraxaci Fluidum. bitter juice. Children often play with the scapes at making chains. It has been considered as a mild detergent. 1870. and Pilules Taraxaci Co7npositcs. from Theophrastus' a<pdxyi and xiy^^opiov to the present day.* as a salad. II \ Murray. . So great is their love for the plant. U. they are also in many and used in lieu of endive. disclosing the fruit as a beautiful. various skin disorders. should have a light orange color by transmitted light. also Decoctujn are offici- Taraxaci.. PL. extirpated. edque tunc imprudentes et inviti stragula Taraxacum is officinal in the U. Ph. etc. aperient.\\ PART USED AND PREPARATION. who find that an infusion prepared in this way can hardly be distinguished from that of the coffee berry. p. nal in susceptible. of scientists of been made to all —Although this plant nations from remote times. Dragendorf. and the usual plant constituents. blotchy white coated tongue. J.. \ El supra. wax. Description of Plate 95. and in a measure the principles en masse. Frickhinger. sugar. Marmi. Bergen. This body. t See Inula. but not in water. in part. and H. T. It is soluble in water. sleepiness. and water. II Sprengel. is in that This amylose principle has the same is it soluble in water and devoid of rotary power. chilliness and sweating. It who corroborated to the discovery in 1861. sohible in alcohol. 1864). & Han. John. Ray 4. resin. mucilage. when extracted from amorphous mass. 96.. urination. forms in a bitter ether. Section of root (enlarged). — (Dragendorf). Polex. or in great part. Pharmacographia. composition as — (Kromayer. Fruit. frequent vertigo and headache. Kromayer. These symptoms point to a peculiar action upon the liver. — (Marme. and Widemann.. It forms transparent rhombic crystals. but differs inulin. when the roots are undergoing the winter changes. Hg (O H)g. C. Squire. Taraxacerin. Smith (1849) to be present only after a sort of fermentation had taken place in the juice. 1861).^ O. This hydride of glucose was Inosite. the roots or milky juice. § This is probably the change that takes place to a greater or less extent. 1879. Fliick. 6. 81. and named by Kromayer. 1861. 2. in general : mental excitement. Taraxacum also contains. Seed (enlarged).95-3 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.|| caoutchouc. floret (enlarged). according to many assayists. C^ H. causing inaction of that organ. but not in the root. — Taraxacin. free acid. Root. The symptoms caused by repeated doses are. nausea and colic . PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. general sticking or stitching pains. Cg Hj2 O5 (H^ 0)2. the solution having a sweet taste. Leontodoniuin\ is simply. * See Lactuca. Whole plant. Cg H^^ O^. 3. Overbrook. and .-\ This crystalline principle is said soluble in alcohol. May 14th. floret (enlarged). N. II. determined in the leaves and scapes. I. was discovered by Polex in 1839. has been proven by Messrs. 7. Smith. T. Disk 5. \ Kromayer. Mannite. the inspissated juice of the plant. determine its still I has received the attention know of no attempt having toxic action. losing their water of crystallization when exposed to the air. gum. Its action upon the skin in causing an exanthem seems to be dependent greatly upon the amount of gastric irritation. resemble lactucerin''^ It Levulin. . etpinxt Lactuca Canadensis.J. unn .Tll.Klnstdel. . on account of their growing particularly on newlyburned fallows. near the base tertninal lobe elongated. cylindraceous. all partly clasping by a sagittate base. however. all and involucre a half-inch or less high. rather longer than the beak. the flowers of the head Receptacle naked. above. ascites. . SYST. GALATHBNIUM ELONGATUM. LETTUCE.. or rarely with a few sparse bristles margins entire or sparingly dentate. . in sis. 4 to 9 feet. and expanded at the apex pappus of soft. 96 Tribe. laxa- diseases. N. at it Corolla ligulate in all. FIRE-WEED. imbricated in two rows. LONGIFOLIA.ORD -COMPOSIT/E.-CIGHORIACE/E. Nieraiiiim Canadftue.KXESIA . GENUS. pinnatifid below. History and Habitat. . perfect: slightly tube hairy .) LAITUE DU CANADA. . abrupt at the base. narrow.UOL'ALI. OF VARIOUS SPECIES. SYN.'ers pale yellow. and southward to grounds along the borders of fields. MUHL. X This name also designates Eupatoriuin purptireum.WEED. t . . ELONGATA. (TYPEi. (FR. and pale beneath midrib naked. principally. .ind this. obscurely scabrous-rugu- flat. satyria- tive. nymphomania. broadly oval. . Lifloreseence in a terminal.— WILD LETTUCE. & G. on account of the milky juice.SVNC. anasarca. It and roads. phthisis pulmonalis.. L. heads 12. to habits rich moist blossoms This species has and diuretic. grows to a height of from Stem erect. — LACTUCA.) CANADISCHE LATTICH. LACTUCA. where Saskatchewan. ^Ikenes blackish. irregularly calyculate. all notched at the apex.t TRUMPET. (GER. July and August. ligules obscurely.S. leafless panicle. INCLUDING THIS. glaucesccnt biennial. very leafy to the top. ELONGATA. MICHX. thickets. Many plants have been given this name in diflerent localities. WALT. wingless. lose.itin. lac. and lightly i -nerved in the middle of each face. SEX. elon- gated. NUTT. SONCHUS PALLIDUS. floi'. it extends from Nova Upper Georgia. NAMES.:. mostly sinuate. especially Description. L. where it Lettuce is Canada indigenous to North America. on the dilated apex of the beak. and nervous complaints in 20-flowered .— . Senecio aureus.-LACTUCA CANADENSIS. . PLANT. CAROLINIANA.=i= TOURN. I. lanceolate and entire juice. diaphoretic. LINN. COM. —Wild Scotia and in been used many in early practice as an anodyne. silvery-white hairs. WILLD. T. in hypochondria. . — This glabrous. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE . L. L. beak filiform. and copiously supplied with milky Leaves alternate. VAR. * milk. LONGIFOLIA. Enechlhites hieracifolius. Although Lettuce has been considered narcotic from ancient times. Canadensis. Beside the above. t Lactucon. * Trans. the active principles of the plant. virosa is still officinal in the U. pearly scales.0. insoluble in water. and diminishing as follows L. : PART USED AND PREPARATION. being of the same nature. odorless and tasteless acicular crystals. gum.387. malic. bit- soluble in alcohol and in hot water. no matter from obtained. isolated by Pfaf and Ludwig. still it is but slightly soporific. and filtering. L. as noted above. —The soms open. This very acid body. which proves not to be a glucoside. — Lactucopicrin. and hardly deserves a tithe of the rejsutation writers have made for it. . intensely bitter taste. consists of The cies of Lactuca. white.. and cold at 232° (449. Socj'.t Cjo^so^. t Fluckiger. scariola. Lactucarium also contains a yellowish-red tasteless resin a greenish-red acrid resin. has a deep orange-red color by the odor of canned tomatoes. Phar. . Lactucin. without doubt.6° F. represents in itself all or Thridace. citric..^j. virosa. altissima. colorless. rest of the alcohol added. just as the blos- Then two pulp and weighed.). Am. saliva. gives to Lactucarium ter. results as an amorphous light yellow or brownish mass. be dropped at the next revision. its —This body. poured into a well-stoppered bottle. but will. was the first to call the attention of the profession to this substance as a substitute for commercial opium. only crystallizing after long standing. after straining transmitted light.0 : Fianchimoiit. 1799. the and the to a whole fresh plant. Ci^H^eO. yields — Lactucerin. it is thus. CjjHj. It forms in slender.j(H20). This bitter amorphous substance seems to be formed by the oxidation of Laclucin.^O.: 96-2 Lactucariiini.. and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. L. . being a mixture of differ- ent organic and about ten per cent. caoutchouc. of Philadelphia. parts by pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it. Lactucarium from L. a slightly bitter and astringent reaction. saliva. taste After stirring the whole well. The tincture formed and an acid . cool place. Cj^H^. It forms.* his reasoning and experiments were based upon the product of L. and succinic acids sugar mannite asparagin and a volatile oil. . S. insoluble in ether. weight is chopped and pounded ot alcohol are taken. soluble in boiling alcohol and melting ether. any it vehicle. — Laclucarium. It is soluble in alcohol and water. L. — Lactucic Acid. Coxe. . when purified. . inspissated milky juice of various spe- tlie yield varies greatly with the species greatest in L. is not fully soluble in Subjected to analysis. microscopic. and merely softens on the application of It heat. oxalic. or Lettuce what species it is Opium. . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Phiiosoph. Dr. C„H5.t This compound body composes nearly half the whole weight of Lactucarium. inorganic bodies. with a distension of the abdomen. difficult . dimness of vision. Binghamton. more beats. unsteady gait: great sleepiness. and headache. 8. upper 6. 2. portion of the panicle. vertigo. Outline of a lower 5. July 26th.) Y. and chills and heat. by . urging to stool followed by diarrhoea.— l. and tightness of the chest..96-3 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. sensation of tightness . nausea and vomiting. floret. eighteen times reduced. Flower-head. 1885. Description of Plate 96. I. A 3. with flatulence. (6 leaf. A 7. followed profuse perspiration. oppressed respiration. Whole plant. and retraction of the epigastric region. in large doses.artucarium. spasmodic cough. increased secretion of urine. causes: Delirium contusion of the brain. Anther. salivation. Fruit. N. reduction of the pulse ten to twelve or deglutition . and 7 enlarged. leaf. An 4. . ^Hl. pinxt Lobelia Cardinalis.dei. naf. . milky juice. bracts of the Calyx smooth leafy.-CARDINAL FLOWER.) LOBELIE CARDINALS. lobes linear-subulate. . stands in while flowering. Stamens free from the tube of the corolla. perfect..* LINN.. terminal. ORD-LOBELIACE^. intense red. (GBR. characterized in general as follows: Herbs (when not Tropical) with acrid. Leaves oblong-ovate. Description.) ROTHE KARDINALS BLUME. inserted with the stamens just where calyx leaves the ovary limb disposed to become bilabiate lobes 5. the two larger ones naked at the tip. sessile. L. lobes persistent when and perigynous. to oblong-lanceolate. the . .— PENTANDRIA MO. SYN. by 7 genera and 31 species. Calyx adnate Liflorescence racemose flowers 5-merous. Seeds numerous. cleft i inch long. pedicels erect or ascending . HIGHBBLIA. much shorter than the lobes Corolla-\ gamopetalous. to the to the ovary. PARK. upper lip 2-parted to the base. LOBELIA CARDINALIS CARDIA'AL FLOWER. the down ovary. inflatn. LINN. SYST.. hemispherical.ithias de L'Obel. and irregularly serrate or serrulate. the to the calyx. which they again enter between the two upper lobes filaments red anthers syngenesious. limb bilabiate. in . tubular. LINN. the lobes erect. COCCINBA. ti(be . 97 Tribe. a Flemish herbalist. thin-walled.N'OGYNIA. * Dedicated to M. linear-lanceolate . I adopt the position it I. COM. lube about straight. . — This large family. — This showy perennial grows to a height of from 2 to 4 feet. limb divided Corolla regular . See Lobeliacea. Capsule hemispherical. curved. extending down spreading plane or loiver lip j-cleft. tapering at both ends. L. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE PLANT LOBELIA CARDINALIS. (FR. North America. monadelphous almost to the base. TRACHELIUM AMERICANUM. linear-lanceolate.. closely related to Campanulacec€. NAMES. . GENUS. the other three ciliate. exserted through the cleft in the corolla tube. Botanist to James f In describing this organ. Leaves alternate. oblong. SEX. and loculicidally 2-valved at the summit. or entire. more or less one-sided virgate raceme flowers large and showy. STOKES. valvate in present. sometimes pure white. similar to those of slightly recurved. -LOBEUE/E..— LOBELIA CARDINALIS. upper portion short. or rose-color. simple stipules none. commonly simple. segments oblong-lanceolate. of the lower. SCARLET OR RED LOBELIA.— LOBELIA. rugulose-tuberculate. LiJIorescence a dense. Sicm minutely pubescent or glabrous. is represented Lobeliaceae. blue. N. 2-celled. herbaceous odor reaction. * See pp. in Don. L. introrsely Ovary wholly inferior. usually both monadelphous and syngenesious generally free from the corolla. . only a few being. and Dr. so far. in this direction. firmly united sometimes half times around the top of the free. straight and axial. stigma commonly 2-lobed. gathered when resulting tincture has a sweetish. iiijlata taking its for syphilis . page 99-3. albumen copious. speedily brings on hypercatharsis. Brunswick to Saskatchewan. nervine. embryo small or narrow. PART USED AND PREPARATION. commonly deeper cleft or completely split down between two of the lobes (this cleft is generally upon the lower face of the corolla when the bud is young. a clear yellowish-brown color by transmitted light and taste . used ma longifolia. Many species of this order are acrid. but not invariably so dehiscent. Don. all that are much used. southward east of the Mississippi to Florida. quickly causes acute inflammation bring on nausea if . is whole fresh treated as in the next species.— The coming into blossom. to possess anthelmintic. 1629. during its maturation).) among which is noted for the its West Indian Rebenta Cavallos {Hippobro- poisonous properties. fleshy. It rears its magnificent spike of gorgeous flowers along the muddy banks of streams. or with the placentae projecting from the axis (some- -celled with 2 parietal placentae) r style. It is marked considered. then exserted.97-2 some cases induplicate. by a twisting of the pedicel.— No special examination of this plant having been made. medicine. however. .* Fruit capsular and loculicidal. The three species described however. and an acid . on account of its History and Habitat. style filiform. filaments anthers 2-celled. S/mnens 5. work in this If taken internally touching the mucous it mem- and Tupa Fenillaei. epigynous. and girt with a ring of more or less rigid hairs. It was introduced into Great Britain from Virginia. at first included. to refer to the chemistry of L. ovules anatropous . in Shcepf mentions the use of the root of this species. . by the Cherokee Indians. and southwest to the borders of Texas. place entirely. in are. during the early autumn months. The plant. however. entire. This species is. is said to one simply smelling of its flowers. seeds indefinitely numerous. as many as the lobes of the corolla the bud. while the juice. . — The Cardinal Flower is indigenous to North America. or in and alternate with them. narcotic poisons. but becomes superior. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. 2-celled. seldom used now. brane. and antispasmodic properties. 98-98-2. or baccate and indehiscent.. from New beauty. we can do no better at present than ijiflata. Barton speaks of their successful use of it as an anthelmintic By some early physicians it was considered fully equal to Spigelia Marilandica. Open 8. Stamens. Fruit. middle 3. Stigma. leaf. Section of the stamen-tvibe. 6.. Section of the ovary. Hinghamton.97-3 Description of Platk I. 9. 5. Aug. Flower. I'dp of a flowering plant. stigma. A 97.) lotli. Y. iSS6. 2. . N. 4. (4-9 enlarged. 7. . ^ '. Lobelia Syphilitica.98.TU.ail natdel.etpinxt. unn . . hairy. perennial herb attains a growth of from i to 3 feet. and more or 'less appressed hairy.98 -LOBELIA. 97. see Lobelia cardinalis." a number of blue lobelias. posed of a long.s-fertilization in into a tube. nearly i inch long.— GREAT FLOWER. or low belia.MA. short . the recep- Dr. ovate-lanceolate. acute at the base. . SYST. For a two-celled. ORD -LOBELIACE^. opening at the apex incision. and may — as there are yet be proven . WHOLE FRESH A TLNCTURE OF THE I'L. The In lobelias furnish plants.) LOBELIA. flowering from July to September.— PENT. the loose. : grow positive. — The great blue lobelia habits the borders of marshy places and wet spots in pasture lands the United States. . LOBELL\ SYPHILITICA. Lcaixs sessile. sub-cylindrical tube. enclosing the A is closer study. more or superior margin two ing . LOBELIA syphilitica. Injioi-csccnce supra-axillar)-.— N. and beside syphilitica should always designate treats of this this the true this drug. slightly diverging lobes . from 2 to 6 inches long. pretty generally throughout indigenous . comof the whole plant. extending beyond the leafy bracts.) GEMBINE LOBBLIB. but enclosed by seeds many. — its This erect. then morphologically bracted. Hale. LINN.. irregularly denticulate-serrate. SEX. LOBELIA RBFLEXA. one-half the length of the corolla. COM. Corolla . reveals the following conclusive points * Dr. . Fruit a globose pod. two-cleft auricles at the sinuses hemispherical. to which it is and meadows. some localities it is called high belia.\ MU. Allen remarks that carulea grows at the Cape of Good Hope. dense spike or raceme pedicels shorter than the bracts floivers light blue.VNT. as they term it. SYN. BLUE CARDINAL LOBELIE SYPHILITIQUB (GR. one of the best examples of the system of The stamens. shorter than the lube . how- two-lobed. infiata. persistent calyx . NAMES. cros. in unconscious pun upon its lowlier but more frequently-used companion. (.1. and apparently especially their anthers. . with reflexed. . lobes straight. LINN. STOKES. Calyx five-cleft.— LOBELIA SYPHILITICA. leafy to the base of the raceme. at first leafy. stigma. in his " New Remedies. History and Habitat.MS LINN. (PR. GREAT BLUE LOBELIA. BLUE LOBELIA. LOBELIA CCERULEA ? LOBELIA GLANDULOSA. 2ippcr lip of and three-lobed by less two-lipped. of the corolla. Tlie stigma drug as Lobelia coerulea. hirsute.WJGV. and somewhat upon its angles. L7NDL. especially i . tube with a having a deep fissure at the lower lip spread- erect. Description.\NDRI. L. conspicuous racemes being generally Irom one-third to one-ijuarter the length Sfan simple. free above. making self-fertilization ever. and about inch wide thin. description of the Natural Order. conspicuous. from Chemung. until the cell style. keeping up the discharge by acting as completely empty. will do the type . The tincture is then sepaThus prepared. to properties of this plant will chemical from those of L. once reduced. analysis volatile bitter principle. the bark of the and dusted the ulcers with the powdered bark wild cherry [Prumis Virginica).. a secret in the cure of syphilis. 1879. a slighdy bitter taste and tingling sensation upon the tongue. than which The natives of North America are said to have held this plant it is less active. and a strong acid reacdon. 98. is the pollen is discharged. crave the species its the fact that the aborigines did it in justified its Indian though Linnseus. PART USED AND PREPARATION. the compressed lips open and roll back. Fruit.x 380. earthy salts. bristly hairs. We is the Northern . 9. in is obtainable.States. brown color by transmitted light. S. with lips compressed. —The probably be found to differ by M.98-2 tion surfaces the earlier stages of in growth and while enclosed in the anther pressed together and fringed with close. until it was purchased from them by Sir William Johnson. virulence of action. who took a quantity to Europe. then. . and repute in that disease. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. Flower (somewhat enlarged). again consult L. inBata.the mouth of a full-bearded man. as the dried herb was used. Boissel resulted lage. discharges ripened direcdy the pollen tip and the pore at a by opens anthers tube are tio-htly throuo-h this pore when it is irritated by the back of any insect that may creep As into the throat of the c'orolla after nectar. only the separation of fatty and butyraceous matters. it has a beautiful. The whole. It is not officinal in its active principle. the stigma. in of the genus in inflata and a An in quantity. finally cast it aside. thinking it distinctive name. Ph. of New Another chance of failure lay in the Jersey tea [Cenothus Arnericanus). but always used not trust to the combination with may-apple roots {Podophyllum pelfatitm). which. data upon this intlata. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Y. 2. 4. as it projects beyond the pore. Description of Plate Whole plant. is poured into a well-stoppered botde pounded to a pulp and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. — The whole fresh plant is chopped and and weighed. failed to cure with it. lightrated by straining and filtering. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it and the rest of the alcohol added. by elongation of the a swab. 3. with end view . September Apex of receme. N. 15 Pollen. The former uses of this plant were the same as those of L. after thorough mixture. however. — No well. presses forward. syphilitica. nor in the Eclectic Materia Medica. perhaps. muci- PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. sugar.. clear. standing ready to collect the pollen from the back of some insect that has been on a visit to a neighboring plant. and introduced it as a drug of great European physicians. 1. all together The tube of resemblino. voladlity of the U. cool place. The cause reputation^ may be of failure plant alone. .jd natdel. Linn.99 ( Lobelia Inflata. . acute. leaves . ing from a decided ring involving the throat of the tube. IJVniAJV TOBACCO. (FR. much inflated. greatly in its —This THE WHOLE FRESH HERB LOBELIA INFLATA. somewhat violet within lobes 5. Linnaeus first noticed this * The true eye-bright I is Euphrasia officinalis. (Cruci/erea)..N. seeds numerous. Calyx persistent lo-veined. (Scrophulariacee). and spring- below. not auriculate nor appendinconspicuous. GEMS —LOBELIA. irregular. J I met many individuals this season (1885). well-known milky. pale blue externally. where it flowers from July to October. varies from 8 inches to 2 feet. NAMES. spike-like racemes.) LOBELIE. . epigynous. Indian Tobacco is common in dry open fields from Hudson's Bay westward to Saskatchewan and southward to Georgia and the Mississippi. ste?n annual herb.— WILD OR INDIAN TOBACCO. oval. veiny. brown color and placeiitcc central. they greatly exceed their pedicels oblong. t The true bladder-pod is Vesicaria Shortii. principally they vary sessile. . lo-nerved and roughened between the nerves by transverse rugae. A TINCTURE OF Description. flowers small. and projecting.^. about two lines long. simple stemmed. SYST. reticulated with honey-yellow inter- description of the genus is incorporated in that of Lobelia Cardinalis. T. ORD. biennial or its erect.) LOBELIB BNFLBE (GBR. yellowish-white leafy. . nearly as long as the corolla. projecting with the style (which they enclose) through the complete slit in the upper median line of the corolla tube. longer than the pedicels. in full flower and fruit. height is branched.-LOBELIACE.— LOBELIA INFLATA. EYE-BRIGHT. paniculately . ASTHMA WEED. the three lower ovate. scarcely 3 inches high. glabrous. especially above. A in length . and judge this depauperate form to be the var. COM. MONOGVNIA. hifiorescetice loose. erect. growth. SYN.J somewhat angled. &• G. Root slender. LINN. . 97. Corolla marcescent. the two upper lanceolate. and divergently hirsute. lined or winged. however.t EMETIC ROOT OR WEED. 99 Tribe. rough.-LOBELIE^. simplex of Rafinesque. terminal. generally. RAPUNTIUM INPLATUM. acute. acrid. MILL. L.* BLADDER POD. of a brilliant mixed lines . PUKE WEED.— PENTANDKIA LOBELIA INFLATA. — History and Habitat. and irregularly or obtusely toothed from ovate or oblong below to foliaceous or even subulate bracts above. aged in the sinuses lobes linear-subulate. Slainens 5. L. SEX. LINX. longitudinally Capsule 2-celled. Ipecac. principally upon the brain. as: and Acetutn Lobeiics . use was not carried into England until 1829. S. et 43.'Tinctura Sanguinarice Composita. or ' when the last flowers are developing Trims. palliative in more.stis Gamboge. Extractum in the Eclectic Materia Medica as Cataplasma Lobelice et Ulmus . Cutler. and even hydrophobia. Blood-root. ^ Lobelia. Soap. Upsal." zvell-niy-gristle" is U.^ Extractum Lobelice Ehiidum Compositum . p. has been found very valuable it in spasms.99-2 Academy in 1741. Pleurisy-root. escaping punishment because said Lovett was foolish enough to take the prescription of a man who claimed to carry such to claim fatally potent (?) drugs as ^' Lobelia Inflata Lobelice Fluidtivi officinal in the and Tinchira . Aloes. as will be seen farther on. Skunk-cabbage. useless in many. Capsici gss. and application for " sore eyes. 3 Tinctura Lobelia ^ Oils of Stillingia. Blood-root. and as : PART USED AND PREPARATION. claims to have discovered the virtues of the plant. and " Lobelia. Blood-root. Pilules Aloes Composite^ ' Pulvis Lobelice Compositus . Samuel Thomson strangulated hernia. as a valuable remedy in asthma. as which it is most frequently used. as in all poison in more cases than one. and Capsicum and Lobelia '0 Lobelia. Cajepul. Mandrake. giving it with such a reckless hand that he poisoned one of his patients. 1741. and Tinctura Viburni Composita}^ above. for which he was arrested on the charge of murder. High Cranberry bark. his observations being mostly fonnded upon the use of the plant by the American aborigines as an It afterward became in frequent use by emetic. * Lobelia. Lobelice . and Yellow Dockroot. though without doubt his ideas of its He went emetic property were gathered from the Indians. The name Indian Tobacco might have arisen either from the peculiar tobaccolike sensation imparted to the tongue and stomach on chewing the leaves. Skunk-cabbage seed. effect of the drug. Wild Ginger (Asarum Canadense ?). a certain Ezra Lovett. narcotics. and Lye. Elm. t. Ginseng. * Bayberry bark.^ It was introduced and noticed medically by Schoepf in 1787. whooping cough.^^ Tinctura SangtiinaricB Acetata Composita . for almost every disease known. and "ram-cats. and Lobelia. ' Hydra.* Tinctura Hydrastis Composites . I. first so far as it curative in all disorders. Skunk-cabbage root. water gss. ' Eoneset. tetanus. Loljelia seed. and a deadly Its action. croup.^ Tinctura Lobeiics Composita .— The ber." Botanic physicians. whole plant gathered in Septemand the lower capsules are ripe. . in the compounded with other drugs. Blood-root. 8 Lobelia. and Capsicum. thus making it anything but a desirable From the power it exhibits to relax emetic.* Linimentum Stillingice Compositiim /' Lotio Lobelice Composita /"^ Oleum Lobelice . D. Lobelia. Capsicum. either alone or the whole system. and in 18 13 was more or less prominently brought before Its the medical profession by the Rev. is. Capsicum. Ph.. and Skunk-cabbage root. Lobelia leaves and seeds.^ Enema Lobelies Composita .ige. Skunk-cabbage. and Stramonium seed. 12 seeds. and Sanguinaria. or from the fact that the American Indians often smoked the dried leaves to produce the species in the Transactions of the Upsal into England in 1859. Skunk-cabb. Lobelia has been recommended and used Botanic practice particularly. and Lobelia.-^" Tincttira Lobeiics et Capsici . and has proven curative in some cases. and Vinegar. itself. —This body. Am.* it. Loheline. so named by be the volatile oil. 1880. . John King states'' that the oil. " Procter. a peculiar characteristic CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. ether. made 1S71. p. ' Am. According to Procter its specific gravity is 0. water than the alkaloid in —This glucoside Lewes by Enders. p. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 1817. 270. Oil of Lobelia. alcohol.. 1851. in an analysis ' Am. Beside the foregoing. c. /. 98. Bot.. /. which. according to Enders. c. Its compound body salt. soluble in water.. Bigelow. salts. " Reinsch. Mill.) either alone or acridity at a the presence of dilute acids or caustic alkalies. a acid in the plant acetic. and an acid reaction. Its taste is acro-pungent. also isolated the principle. non-volatile. 1838. oil possesses all the medicinal qualities of the seed. its when exists after separation. Pharm. Lobelia so-called Botanic physicians. p.m. light. p.— Thanks careful ' Lohelin. This alkaloidal body was discov- to isolate first working with- Bastic.99-3 should be treated as The the preceding species. exists as acrid. itself. Ibid. as an Lobelina yellowish fluid oily. even in very small doses. the action of this drug is pretty thoroughly known. this is especially noticeable in its watery solution. and and have fat.' ered by Calhoun. p. 492. the poisonous action of the herb.^ discovery. Jour. brownish.*"" resin. very like that of nicotia. a discoverer. Pharmacographia. Vol. and resolving crystallizable. as well as to experimentation provings. —This oil may be' extracted from the seeds. in of a clear reddish-orange color by transmitted trating tobacco-like taste. It is somewhat volatile.*"^" extractive.— i><Jt-//. . and more soluble Lobelacrin. 400. * 1850. 1. p.. Phil. I i." to ' Phar. • 1871. (?) Lobelic Acid. Vol. 456. 300. 8 "> Jottrn. and except with ether. Pereira. was discovered by Pereira who made in soluble in water. decomposing and losing its temperature above ioo° (212° F. when bruised between heated rollers.. —This acid P. caoutchouc.. much to reckless prescribing by many murderous intent. Is now considered and now isolated by Reinsch.940. verrucose hol. and farther ibid. Med." that this is Lobelina neutralizes acids. p. alco- is and yields an Insoluble plumbic and soluble baric Lobelianin. to and corroborated formed by the free salt of lobelina tufts. suggests body may be Lobeliate of Lobelina. 179. e. especially carefully sealed. and 1851. decomposing rapidly in water at 100° (212° under the action of acids or alkalies into sugar and and '' Lobelacrin.. p. 2. part 2.). Coll.though Procter was out a previous knowledge of resulting tincture shguld be and have a very acrid peneodor. forms crystallizable a thorough analysis of this drug. Pereira. generally yield about 30 per cent."'"" and been determined. It exhibits. 12. It (187S). having a decided alkaline reaction. considered Indefinite. Lobeiiin. and its drying quality and consistence quite similar to that of linseed Dr.'. Med. 5 for the authors of the Disp. . with cramps in paralytic feeling. Chemung. hysteria. more marked in the thorax violent spasmodic pains. griping and drawing abdominal pains violent . irregular. . size Y. however. easily decomposing and depositing much uric acid ysmal cough with ropy expectoration small. even to insensibility and loss of consciousness nausea and vertigo contraction of the pupil profuse clammy salivation dryness and prickpressure in the oesophagus with a sensation of vermicular ling in the throat : . . with pain. Death found congested and usually preceded is filled with brain engorged with blood. 99. with weariness of the limbs. and. third action Its upon mucous surfaces and secretory glands. Post-mortein. vomiting. . and it is to the organs supplied by this nerve that its toxic symptoms are mainly due. Its somewhat smaller doses of tobacco. and sensation of and convulsions. especially in the left arm . tetanic spasms. heat. motion. followed by great prostratiort painful cardiac constriction . . . 1879. and the . September 9th.. N. Description of Plate 1. mayhap. of the respiratory tract . in the larynx and epigastrium sensation as of a lump in the throat incessant and violent nausea. (2-3 enlarged. bearincr creat similitude to like manner to nicoiia. . and oppression .) fluid. and magnified 100 diam. . Fruit. Seed natural plant. 3. hydrophobia. . croup and gastralgia gained. spasmodic Its second action in importance is that of asthma. causing general muscular relaxation. The prominent symptoms of its action are great dejection. and mental depression. . Flower. —The stomach is and fever. most strongly. and its " physiological " cures of pertussis. and under this it records its cures of strangulated hernia (by enemata). slow pulse general weakness and oppression. Whole 2. and lobeli7ia in principal sphere of action seems to be upon the pneumogastric nerve.99-4 in large doses is a decided narcotic poison. the gastrocnemii by insensibility chill . producing effects on animals generally. convulsions. is increasing their secretions. 4. exhaustion. and increased violent racking paroxurine. 100 .TU.etiiinxt ArCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI. .adnatdel.Spreng. . thus producing half the ericaceous genera of the globe. BEAR'S GRAPE. . rose-colored. NAMES. inflated. (FR. WILLD. whether upon the dorsal Ericaceae. ovules solitary in each cell. "WHORTLEBERRY. branches various. Inflorescence in few-flowered. . 135 species. N. I A TINCTURE OF THE LEAVES OF ARC TOSTAPHVLOS UVA-URSI. when the fruit is when drupaceous. roundish.-. KLOT.* A DANS.) BUSSEROLLE. lobes 5. free from the ovary. RED-BERRIED TRAILING ARBUTUS. — BEARBBRRY. DAPHNIDOSTAPHYLIS FENDLERIANA. . 10. Ovary 4 to 10 celled. <rraiji. The growth comprises trees. floioers reddish. the cells opening by terminal pores and appendaged upon the dorsal surface by 2 reflexed awns. staphyle. base. BEARBEliRY SYN. arktos.Xii.-ERICACE^. color oblong spatulate. and 32 recognized varieties. hairy inside. all mahogany Leaves alternate. ORD. The order is characterized as follows: » 'Aprro. lobes cid at the base. COM. pellu- hypogynous . ARBUTUS UVA-URSI. persistent. BARENTRAUBE. a bear. bark mahogany color. when aged. and creeping. evergreen. and . LINN.s seldom erect except that it throws from 3 to 8 inches. .\. Corolla urceolate. deciduous. about the size of a pea pulp mealy and insipid . T HETH. the sterile from 2 to 3 feet long and compactly leafy. the erect branchlets becoming rigid. SEX. upright. —This peculiar boreal shrub i.— ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI. scaling off in irregular patches roots the fertile shorter Description. tiibe Stamens acute. Calyx entire. SPRENG. Fruit a glabrous. and more and tapering to a short-petioled racemes bracts and bractpale. shrubs. OFFICINALIS. recurved. RAISIN D'OURS. those of thick. the nutlets are bony and i -nerved surface. GENUS— ARC TO STAPH Y LOS. ligneous.— LiECANDKI. 5. depressed or trailing. introrse. RED BERRY. a grape or berry. — This chiefly boreal family is represented in North America by 34 genera.. but only one-eighth of the total number of species.SVST. A. (GER. terminal clusters or eoles persistent. drooping. turning or less vertical. Stems numerous. its young shoots upward for . nutlets 5.V MOXOC. UVA-URSI. UNIVERSE. baccate. thick.ERICINt/E. . 100 Tribe. finally shining. retuse. Linn. t Generally applied to species of Vacdiiiiim.VM.. MOUNTAIN BOX. or united firmly into a 5-several celled stone distinct or coherent. especially V. antJicrs large. coriaceous. short included. I'itis Idira. depressed-globose berry or drupe. UPLAND CRANBERRY. and corymbosum. . is said to be narcotic property also ascribed to the wine of Whortleberries [J'accinium ulignosum. Other medicinal species are The American Rosebay {Rhododendron maximum. the fruit of Arctostaphylos extensively eaten in a fresh or dried state. Corolla gamopetalous.). stigma entire where it is lo-celled.). are an acrid and dangerous narcotic. an astringent. Ovary \. the latter are also refrigerant.T. embryo small or minute. the Blue Huckleberries {Vaccinium Fennsylvanicum. except the six represented in this The European. anatropous . is the Manzanita. are only proven species of this order.xial. style single.. and V. Willd. Asiatic. & G. simple. 2-celled. Wisconsin. ovules solitary or numerous. Lam..a 100-2 some perennial stipules. Stamens the bud. mixed with corn-meal and cactus syrup. regular or irreguhypooynous e. Linn. The leaves of the European and North American Andromeda polifolia. is .. and by some accounted narcotic and poisonous. Levant [Arbutus Unedo. and in some lalifolium. stamineum. imbricated or convolute in the bud. History and Habitat. Linn. Ait.. Linn. .). Monotropece .ferrugineum. When dried it husky but sweet. Among the Western Aborigines tomcutosa. usually opening or capsular. as many or twice as many as its lobes .to 5-merous. Linn. the : Swiss R. ponticnm. astringent. perfect . The fruit of the Strawberry Tree of the it is said to bring on delirium. Pennsylvania. placentce a. Linn. when made into wine. or drupaceous. and is often ground and made into sun-baked bread. which is very intoxicating. Oxycoccus.).to 5-petalous. 4. and British-American Labrador Tea iyLcdnm : Paliistre.: The Blue Berry {Gaylussacia frondosa. diarrhoea. Solander. Linn. tertian ague. are largely stored for winter food. and undivided leaves. an antiarthridc and the Persian R. cotyledons small or unde- or merely lobed. . in herbs. viz. like all of the order. and Northern California. lar. it extends from New —The Bearberry is indigenous to North America. and the Russian intoxicant and anti-rheumatic Yellow Rosebay {RJiododendron chrysanthemum.. species of the order furnish our tables with fine refreshing berries.. Linn. Desv. except in Clethra. free from the corolla or nearly so.\^\'c^n.). in dysentery.) of this order. — and Marsh Tea {Ledum is. and V. Flo-a'ers all having alternate. baccate.). fermented and drank the cranberry and blue huckleberry are also prized while the smoke-dried fruits of 1 'accinium myrtillus. albumen fleshy. Linn. and a fine palliative dressing for acute erysipelas. and are said to thoup-h kill sheep — if Many browsed upon.). or. Fi-ti.): and the Cranberries {I'acciniujn macrocarpon.). the Huckleberry {G. or not rarely 4. Linn.xcept in I 'accinccc. Ait. veloped. except in distinct .- T. used places to render beer heady.). . and generally awned or somehow appendaged pollen usually pores by composed of 4 united grains. Our work. where Jersey. Dougl. & G. filaments anthers introrse or becoming introrsely inverted. and no cniyx imbricated or valvate symmetrical. Linn. vacillans.. The North American Alpine Azalea {Loiseleuria procumbens. resinosa. supposed to be one of the plants whose nectar renders the honey of Trebisond poisonous an influence also said to be contributed to by Azalea pontica. cock. it years it into disuse. however..ka. but healthy ground. a small patch : U\a-Uksi. From this time it came into is by the "physicians 1 more or less particularly. flowers in The Uva-Ursi of commerce are those of which Mr.a. recommended cases. when it began to prove. etc. not dotted. It was admitted to the London Pharmacopoeia in 763. or at most two doses. . and kindred affections. 163. times fell but only abated the hectic fever from reduction of the heart's action. \'itis go Danvers.iOO-3 northward to the Arctic Circle. oblanccolate to ol)long. as the "ApxTor ffra^iv. Larb of the Western hunters. \'ii:s Bearberry. in 1601. ij to iv. it The general 3ij to oj. and Central Russia Lower Siberia and Kamtschatka. nor all Uva Ursi if very distinctly is not at distinctive. Yorkshire. and Kinikiiiik among the Western tribes. useful as an hemostatic. Linn. Zf/rti/^". XV. very useful parturition from atony. In late prolonged sure as Secale. it was not much used. grs. ever. blenorrh(xa. PI.1 letter making a Canada. various diseases. calculous disorders. principal I'acciiiitcm substitutive leaves for the Idcea. to tlic nvuliiT. is it an ancient astringent. it contractions resulting are child. an excellent remedy in nephritic disorders. Sears. however. as well as in irritations of the genital tracts. and in parturition. it proved itself simply palliative in most Dr. Mass." sent by Mr. is rocks. BlaJe. one. and dangerous to the close in nephritic complaints has been: of the pow^dered leaves. Its choice of growth its in . of still the Shakers of that vicinity Idcea. Asia also northward from northerly range includes Iceland and Green- among barren. in infusion. Uva-Ursi is common at Groton. narrowed. H. such as gleet. J.t constant. until about the middle of the eighteenth century. though used but little until the 13th century ot Myddfai. Bourin. claimed that is it is more prolonged./: of Galen. where there to Comparing which they gather instead.Vcademy of Science t Ucntley and Trimcn. these disorders. seldom.. mag. lantl. being fully and of the decoction. in the hands of De Haen and Gerhard. from IVahocly . black- dotted and narrow-veined beneath. leucorrhoea. of J'itis . in Id. every hour. * In . cystitis with or without in ulceration. never spatiilatcly reticulately broad- Vitis Ida. Sears says r'' "This is the plant they go 40 or 50 miles for it that the Shakers gather instead of the Uva-Ursi when lU'a-Ursi is abundant in their own ground. quater in die . The American Aborigines smoke mixture called Sagack-hovti this is the in the dried leaves with tobacco. general use as an astringent tonic and diuretic however. The character of the leaves being toward the apex crenate and distinctly revolute. of Oxford.. veined beneath. Med. while fully as in In all and many in phthisis. Kurope In extends northwartl from North- it western Ireland. chronic vesical catarrh. while the less painiul. narrowly oblanceolate. as is the leaves of specimens tending toward oblong. gonorrhcea. a cupful sufficient. in dysuria. highly has been called attention to as a uterine excitant." Clusius described the plant. where it May. I find the following distinction Cowberry. cool place. t Kawaher. I'hiirm. before filtering. extract the principles of this plant. in thus obtained should be a well-stoppered bottle. bitter. water. a add dilute alcohol. — According Prof.„0. shining. in an impure state. 35 per cent. — The to pulp and weighed. slighdy sol- : yellow acicular crystals. especially menstruum with which amount of tannin contained in Iceland. in cold. nrbitljn. § and called by him Ursin . deep blackish-brown color by transmitted light its odor should be heavily herbaceous and slightly terebinthic its taste extremely astringent and slightly bitter.. * Lewiii.. isolated the body in a pure state. Hughes. The tincture obtained by filtration should be opaque. C. and 10 per cent. are the sterile branches. S. in thin layers.] acid. odorless. StrecUer... 1S47. 3. in 1853. Murray and Dr. and evaporate quickly.. water. P/iar. + 4H. a . J. Jour. is Then take to be chopped and by weight of part two-thirds' the pulp with constant agitation. glucose. This process decomposes a certain quantity of arbuand a sticky crystalline mass is produced (Arbutose).^Oj^.jU. tin — Arbutin. + CH. — 160° (338° F. C. Jour.f C„.J This glucoside. containing 55 per cent.). After drying this body in air as far as possible.. body readily sublimes and soluble in hot. Q-H^^P. in alcohol. xiv.0.iOO-4 The Uva-Ursi leaves of Uva-Ursi are officinal in the U. || in brilliant They are in Am. and have. in to the .•\rbuUn. crystallized arbutin may be obtained. = 4QHp. in a dark.. 490.O. water... golden- slightly soluble in ether. and insoluble in manganese they are resolved as uble .H. Mitchell. and strain the whole The grainy menstruum linen. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. This very volatile the crystals with peroxide of Foiiiiic Aciil. however.Sweden. Kinoue\\ C|. particularly those of September or October. C. thereby precipiDecolorize the liquid with sulphydric tating the tannin and extractive matters. and neutral they lose . water at 100° (212° F. S. Qiiiiioiie. \ Hlasiwetz and Habermann. 90. fuse at in alcohol. and its reaction acid. to it through a piece of new fresh leaves. followed by successive quantities of alcohol and distilled water. Water. CjjH^O. — \_Ai'bntose''' Treat the mixture of several successive decoctions of the coarsely-powdered leaves of Uva-Ursi with subacetate of lead. and gave it the name it now bears. Kawalier. allowed to stand eight days. . was first determined by Hughes. gathered in pounded Decoctinn Uva-Ursi. freely in jl j. white. follows Kinonc. radiate forms. .H^O. Ph. and Russia for tanning fine grades of leather. water The many to the best is large leaves causes them to be extensively gathered observers. possessing a suffocating smell. as well as Extractuvi Fliudiiin : Eclectic practice the preparation in PART USED AND PREPARATION. and treating it with charcoal. Arbutin crystallizes in handsome. are soluble By heating ether.). melts at : Carbonic Dioxide.. Ericaceae . tasteless. — This glucoside is = Pyrogallic Acid. and astringent. von Mering. which proves it an anhydride of gallic acid._. Physiol. greenish.OJ. a disagreeable odor.§ — Urson. is insoluble in water.0^(OH). or nearly colorless resinifying also exists free in the volatile oils of many oil. are a group of bodies widely diffused through the vegetable kingdom.).. Arbutin. sublimes at higher temperatures without visible change. a burning and bitter taste.f C^H^O. 28. .(OH). Gillir AciU. C. The * M.. the mother-liquor.|| This colorless. a yellowish. and resolving. On boiling a hydrocarbon of the composition C.6° F. very bitter glucoside results as a yellowEricolin. C_H. the species containing them usually lending a portion of ether. -(- QH.0 boil- : Glucose. and insoluble in tannic acids.0 Trommsdorf. the following sub- In stances are found : — This amorphous. — This dioxybenzene forms in colorless rhombic prisms. undergoes the following change. Gallic acid gives a deep blue color 200° (392° F. it with hydrated lime it yields and boils at 240^-250° (464°-482° F.4°-392° F.2°-34i. H. 1877. Q-H^A. in and ether. peculiar odor. from which dissolves in it in a free state acid.3 + Q„H„.. having a that from a blue-green color.. and subliming.0 Ericinol. t Arctuvin.. Hydroquinone. or by also brought about outside the ing with dilute sulphuric acid Water. Gallic Acid.§ —This acid occurs combination with tannic 100 parts of cold water. X Gmelin.p.). or Trioxybcnzoic.. crystalline body melts at 198°200° (388.^H-gCj. = C„H.).yHj..p. in numberless crystallizes in fine. softening at 100° (212° F. as follows silky needles. Tannin.. Tannin. 276.Hp. = C. yellow.(OH). so called.. it plants.. after the crystallization of Arbutin. under the action of dilute sulphuric acid. and. Hydrochinone. partly decomposed.l Gallic C.H.f. || — Water.. C„'h. friable mass. = 4CoH„0..J Ledum having It is : Glucose. ish-brown mass./>.. Acid.A. Ericolin. generally considered to have the composition Cj^HjA. somewhat doubtful when as pure as possible it results as a porous. xvi.3. \ Wittsteiii.^ The difficulty of obtaining tannin pure renders its composition. however. Water. freely soluble in water. CO.. melting at 169°-! 72° (336. in this and many other others. + 4H. at higher temperatures. Chem. + QH.gesam.. less so in alcohol.).). C. Quinhydrone. CjuH^gO.. Aci.(OH. d. as follows C.).„Oj. and resolves at 210° (410° F. Arch. and slightly soluble in alcohol Gallic. - 2H. f Metliyl-livdrukiuone.H.. IlydroUinone. during which is its passage through the body. slightly acid with ferric salts.„H.100-5 Arbutin. //y(/ro/cifione.OCHJ.* body by the action of emulsin.0.. Ericinol. and its true name Digallic Acid. 1 (CjH. which forms part of the process called tanning. bladder. Transverse section of a pyrena. 14. etc. 7..linal section of flower. 10. 419. 3. Se^-iarate p}rena. AvV/i^-tannic Acid.ients . 385. . giving it the . Mass. 1. 5. front and side view. 8. 3. 6. Phar. Carb. End 2. a sort of phenol. Chein. ibid.). property of resisting putrefaction. Salem. Org. . (4-15 enlarged. direct effects. 197. involuntary passage. 1S73. Drupe. the arbutin being more or less innocuous and at the diuretic it has. Fruiting branch. Gaz. 15. Longitudinal section of a seed. 22. 4. Horizontal section of a seed. 13. are also found. Pkar. Pyrenas consolidated into a stone. Leaf. these compound and with ferric chloride they yield bluishThey combine readily with animal skin. caused an eruption of the skin. germs. Section of ovary. Gmelin. . J Uva-Ursi itself causes vomiting and purging. Oiiino- gelatine. Flower. xv. 1885. however.tannic tannic Acid. f Further bibliography in this departmeiU: V. G:'ays Elei. 12.Scliorlemmev.''' extractive matters.Should we prescribe on the disinfection in by killing palliative principle. and reduces the heart's action further than this little is known of its . I .q Chem. bloody and green urine. Nov. 1886.100-6 name their body as found to specify the in them — (Gi^cc. and same time believe a drug more adapted at the point to than arbutin. Comp. your. % Lcwin. Longij'i..-j- PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. which which is in itself same time a is changed — . a germicide. Catec/in-tdLnmc Acid. black or green precipitates. 1886. I to diseases of the kidneys. Chem. Resin. in could hardly and urethra the renal tract to hydrokinone. Jour. of a flowering branch. 61 Wiltstein. and the usual plant constituents. Pistil. Cottslit. 2S. . 9. under surface. gum.. xxvii. pyrocatechin.. Description of Plate ioo. Stamen. xvi. . tannins form an insoluble With Acid.. 334. . . 1S53. 401 Plants Am.) * See page 40-2. ad nat. pinxt EPIGAA REPENS.Linn. .iiel. . LINN.A. 5-celled.. Sepals monopetalous. anthers linear. Description. 5-angled. the Mississippi. the earth.— EPIG^A REPENS. and ripens its fruit in July.— TRAILING ARBUTUS. LINN. fibrous prostrate or is thickly beset 7^oots rounded and conspicuously trailing''' with a from a mass of perennial tangle of rootlets . 2-celled ing a . in the early sunny days of spring. 5 corolla. yi'i. pollen of compound globular. . inclosed in the persistent caly. seeds ovate. EPIGtEA. preceding. Inflorescence apical or axillary. acute. .— DECANURI.* LINN. ovate-lanceolate. dr)-. 101 Tnbe. Epigsea flowers until ^^ay. but style slender. evergreen. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH PL. from dry. scaly some cases white. upon. to which they in their rusty hairiness bear great similitude. MAY FLOWER. SEX. — Upon damp. GRAVEL PLANT. ORD-ERICACE/E.— EPIG/E A. Capsule 5-lobed. depressed. It is stated that in lithic acid gravel. 5. its use has often been of greater benefit than uva-ursi or buchu. part of North America east of rich. bracts. filaments hairy at the base.-ANDROMEDE£. grains as the in many-seeded . its —This fragrant spring flower. MtUNC" . PINK.x placentce large. N. a deep rose-color. WINTER COM. History and Habitat. that one of its common names in some localities is Moss Beaicty. and emit a nearly separate. salver-form. or are spicy aroma. blossoming amid the verdure of previous year's growth red-brown. reticulate. from i to 2 inches long. (lEXUS.\NT EPIG. SVST. form- zone about the minutely 5-lobed stigma. many-seeded. shorter than the opening longitudinally smaller. the edges and under surface rusty hairy. * f ri. ovate-cordate and entire.\ NI. TRAIL IMG ARBUTUS.^A REPENS. sometimes even peeping from under a snow-bank. cystitis and vesical catarrh. 5-celled. GRAVEL WEED. mossy banks throughout the central under the shade and protection of low pines and hemlocks. Ovary . NAMES. \. spreading lobes.\\q floToers spring a delicate pink. the tube hairy inside. the stem is bark and hairs having a rusty color. in and have fragrant. and some forms of nephritis. SYN. GROUND LAUREL. Coj-olla ovate. MOUNTAIN PINK.V. Leaves alternate. appear the sweet-scented flowers of this muchsought-after little plant so closely do the prostrate spreading stems cling to and mingle with the mosses. and relatively one-half as wide. the hairy. with Stamens 10. and Formic acid and a body having properties similar acid have been determined in this plant. 7irson. Ajiril 2. . and Infiisiun Epigecr the principal component of its officinal : it is also Eupatorium being one of their Iiifusiim Epigecr Covipositiini. 1881. Physician. vol. 3. this body existing in epigsea is given by Bowman Ericinol. two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. cool place. and the rest of the alcohol added. is also present. has a pleasant CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. I. Flowering branch. Y. Thus prepared it is opaque. shows no important symptoms of physiological disturbance of the system. showing in thin layers a deep brown color it woody taste. from Waverly. 4. to gallic — Tannic Acid. 10. No. . althaea officinalis. The tincture is and allowed to stand for eight then decanted. is slightly astringent. N. and of a decided acid reaction. 1880. The fresh leaves. 3.. the pulp mixed with one-sixth After thorough succussion the part of it. cricolin. i. Aralia hispida. Stamen (enlarged). strained and days filtered. Ph. . whole in is poured into a well-stoppered bottle a dark. and Radix much used diuretics. 486-9. or the whole plant gathered when budding to blossom. — The three glucosides. Epigjea. in the In the Eclectic S.^^O.101-2 Epigsea has no place U. — C. arbutin {vide Uva-ursi.5 per cent. together with purpureum. — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. this — PART USED AND PREPARATION. The provings are scanty the only one so far published was made upon myself and may be found in the "Horn. being chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. 5. Pollen grains x 380. Materia Medica preparations are Extracium Epigecc Fluiduni. aromatic oil. loo).n H. so far as is determined at present. pp. Description of Plate ioi." Oct. The amount of as 3. . a pale-yellow. Flower showing calyx (enlarged). Section of flower (enlarged). adnat.iJeletpinxt. GaULTHERIA PrOCUMBENS. Linn.102. J0/ (x lU. . . curving flat. RAF.xagonal reticulations. five-lobed. or pear-shaped. and resembling a root. 100. Ovary smooth. marked into five lobes. A description of the Ericacece will be found under Uvaendre. ORD-ERICACE/E. as "Gaultier. RED BERRY. thus forming a globose. opening by a terminal pore. —This well-known perennial. . SPICE BERRY. bright red. fivehairy. having a depression at its apex. Gaultier of Quebec. surrounded by crenations formed of the thickened calyx teeth. DEW BERRY. but in reality faintly -celled . GENUS. Corolla inflated-cylindrical revolute teeth. or oval. five-celled. edible berry. \ TINCTURE OF THE FRESH LEAVES OF GAULTHERL\ PROCUMBENS. apparendy . by the now thickened and fleshy calyx. and -valved.' LINN. The flowering branches upright. . — GAULTHERIA PROCUMBENS. "Gaulthier" and "Gautier. thick. filaments toward the style aiithers large.ST— DECANDRIA MONOGYNl. introrse. COM. MOUNTAIN TEA. spicy-aromatic evergreen grows. LINN. LINN. GAULTIERA REPENS. two-celled with two awns at the apex of each cell. (FR. included within the tube of the corolla . the true sfon creeping. the average being rounded-triangular.^EX. Leaves alternate. NAMES. many-seeded pod.) BERGTHEE. SV. generally below the surface..\. GROUSE BERRY. E R I A . with concave or convex surfaces testa light-yellow. ftozcers usually single. situated style simple. naked its below and leaf).—G A U LT H . invested. AROMATIC WINTERGREEN. depressed. with fine he. two-bracted pedicels from the base of the upper petioles. after passing througli botanical works by the records of Quebec. Seeds situated upon the axis. when ripe. TEA BERRY. 102 Tribe. GAULTHERIA HUMILIS. WIJ^TERGREEJ^.. PARTRIDGE BERRY. HILL BERRY.) THE du CANADA. Brunct. CHECKER BERRY.— CREEPING WINTERGREEN. minute.t JERSEY TEA. very irregularly shaped. from 3 to 5 inches. Fruit a depressed. upon an hypogenous disk placenta axillary stigma blunt. stem-like. GAULTHERIA. upon very short petioles." The orthography finally settled \ The leaves of this plant formed one of the subsliiutes for Thea Ckinemis during the Revolutionary War. SALISB. searched by I'rof. hairy within. Ursi. with a wedge-shaped base and very finely serrate edges and Inflorescence axillary shining. upon Calyx fivenodding. longer than the stamens . in upright height. . GROUND HOLLY. (GER.-ANDROMEDE/E. obovate the top. N. . thick. * Dedicated as to Dr." was (Gray t of whose name. lobed. smooth sometimes more. BOX BERRY. lobed. cylindrical. Description.. with five small Statneus ten. C Jiiiiia- phila umbellata. spring. and Mitchclla repens are very confusing. in Kennedy filled a similar with water. but gradually becomes apparent as the natural condition of the tongue returns. loo. especially among the mountains in the shade of pines. cool place. odor of the plant. parts by weight of mixed with one-sixth part of in it and the rest a dark. Its acidity is CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. The average yield is ten pounds from a ton of the leaves. with the exception of the cap. 18S2. urson. in Most of {Betu/a is general constituents of as those described under Uva-Ursi. the pulp thoroughly of the alcohol added. by hucksters in some localities. It collected dry seasons. no officinal preparation being Materia Medica PART USED AND PREPARATION. ericolin p. in The apparatus used is simple those districts where its growth is most abundant. The taste peculiar to the plant is covered great astringency. .— The same tests. The volatile oil. and heated by an open fire beneath. viz. are very pleasant to the palate. which greater and the so-called lcnt(c). the principal food of partridges.. or black and opaque when in quantity. consists then poured into a well-stoppered bottle and rated by straining and filtering. and forming an The different sections of the country. Distillation of the oil of wintergreen. especially among the mountains of Pennsylvania.102-2 — The wintergreen indigenous to tlie eastern portion South Carolina. it is The tincture is then sepa- of a deep brownish red color through thin layers. for use as a flavoring extract to which its principal commercial value is due is confined to men of limited means. as far as he determined after only mentioned in alcohol are taken. marked. * Am. together with those of MitcJiella. article for sale — — and movable. This is placed near some rivulet with a sufficient fall to keep the cooler filled. — The at first many oil in the boiling point. S. It consists usually of a copper whiskey-still. passes through the condensing" The worm into by a separating funnel. kept oil is but is is made from young little variance between the This. It is entirely invested by brick. r/mr. 49. Jo„r. until the next ing in July. it The whole is fresh leaves. being shifted as the supply of leaves gives out. being interchanged when in and the young leaves. gathered in Thus prepared.. being esteemed highly by many. then rots upon the pedicels or drops to the ground.. and westward to Central Kentucky. Ph. growing from is to The common names given escape of the seeds. filled with leaves covered with water. this plant are the arbutin. and retains its bright color. light retains the pleasant Then two only in summer. Maine of the United States. are chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. and the water used over and again to economize the product. the receiver. allowed to remain for eight days by Mr. meets with the same lack of popularity. its W. of wintergreen the U. that of birch. and tannin. flowerThe strange fruit hangs. They form. In the Eclectic by transmitting birch trees to the process described above. berries fresh. placed in the bottom of the receiver. to Gaultheria procimibens. grouse and deer. thus allowing the History and Habitat. G. Gaultheria is of wintergreen oil manner decides'-' that there a slight difference given. in the late autumn months. together with the steam. aromatic. when a mixture of the volatile uaulthc-ric acid. alkali. and boils at 200° (. July 2i. laborious breathing.^H. but no Med. the [Rec. first Stupidity. raised to 222° (431.).. swelling of the tongue and very active inflammation of the stomach.. It is obtained from the crystallizes in the next. and violent retching and vomit- slow. Hooker last J. Methyl-salicylic Gaultheric acid. from large amounts of the essence : 347) and Drs. 4. by being a strong differs Salicylate of methyl.6° F. T. I. . — The ria is from Dr.. gr. Y.). Description of Pl. ^'^'^ '^°*^'^ constitutes the principal over after the passage of the volatile body It exists as an oily liquid. 2. from which it plates.' ^ COH distilling This methyl-ether of of wintergreen through the agency of an oil melting at 98.5° (209. gaiiltherilene known essential animal charcoal.. N. its it of the plant. Unless purified by macerating being i. C.) All of the above constituents are soluble in laste. with a painful tenderness ing in the epigastric region whenever anything entered the stomach respiration.^te 102.]. branch in October. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. It is isomeric with acid. Gallaher {A/e(/. part of the compound the temperature ' . Imp. hot . Boston . Flower (section enlarged).^92° F. Gaultherilene.. refreshing (Schorlemmer.3° QH^ ! oil C^H^ acitl. is possessing a very pleasant penetrating odor and a sweet. mixed is and P. . fruiting 3. salicylic acid. 1883. one of the constituents ot the oil. W. forminj^^ the heaviest of the has a reddish color. Wittstein.v sp. oils. A branch in flower.102-3 This body Oil of Gaultheria.. alcohol. with loud high pulse and restlessness. the 8. oil This hydrocarbon is in ). Flower (enlarged).. attended with a highly morbid'desire for tood. E.\ Binghamton. following digest of the action of Gaulthe- Ex. Townsend and from an -overdose of the oil. salic)late of methyl. . KALMIA LaTIFOLIA. Linn .adnaldel.ATU.etpinxt. f . A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH LEAVES OF KALMIA Description. ETC. coriaceous. is and on the moun- embosomed in the one of the most attractive woods in May and June.) GROSS KALMIE. and for cog-wheels and the like. ROSE LAUREL. hifloresccnce simple or clus- corymbs. beautiful evergreen shrub Stem smooth. SYN. N. CALICO-BUSH.— DECANDRIA KALMIA. style coriaceous capsule . dark and shining green both sides in form they are elliptical tuous. large clusters of beautiful flowers. glabrous.. 5-celled. angustifolia. liTnb 5-lobed . BIG IVY. terminal upon the branchlets tered. In southern Pennsylon the Alleghanies. . they are thick. filiform. seeds many. SYST. NAMES. LEDUM FLORIBUS BULLATIS. COM.\TIFOLIA. infundibular. AMERICAN LAUREL. persistent. filiform. LINN. clammy-pubescent. The wood when dry is hard and dense. or campanulate . or ovate-lanceolate. naked. Stamens 10. . LINN. TREW. ORD. tube short. is and somewhat Its loose. Ovary globose lobes semi-ovate. SHEEP-LAUREL.-RHODORE/E. to Ohio.t WICKE (PR. each opening by a large apical pore or chink. . stigma terminal.—KALMIA LATIFOLIA.t LAMB-KILL. spoons. such as f More properly names applied to IC. dark green foliage so characteristic of the plant. floivers fruit .. pubescent. forks. for the handles of small tools. PLUK. and is used for the manufacture of household implements. grow- Canada and Maine southward and westward tains as far as Florida. this shrub often attains the dimensions of a small tree. testa thin History and Habitat. into Corolla teeth deltoid.. capitate. acute at both ends and entire. attains a height of from 4 to less terete.) GRANDE KALMIE (GER. umbel-like arising from leaf-like bracts somewhat smaller than the . somewhat mamm:e. and tor- Leaves more or less scattered but tending to alternation. MONOGYNIA. a Swedish botanist and a pupil of Linna.. limb 5-parted hypocrateriform. * Peter Kalm. GENUS. MOVJfTALK LAUREL. . ETC.*LINX. furnished with 10 the internal depressions of which the anthers are held until irritated. Calyx . SPOONWOOD. pedicels long. irregular. filaments smooth.. . sometimes reaching as high as 30 feet. acute. branches more or L. somewhat like that of the box {Buxus). etc. indigenous to North America.. SEX. ROUND-LEAVED LAUREL. 103 Thbe. CISTUS CHAM^RHODODENDROS. Fruit a globose. anthers 2-celled. ERICACE^. points of beauty of our mountain vania.— KALMIA.— MOUNTAIN LAUREL.— The laurel bush ing from rich. more 10 or — This feet. rotate. oblong . The young and more tender sheep are killed by a small portion. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. . and food lor others experience has taught the fat. 137. f <[ I. 335.. as it were. as do other observers.. .| an acid body uninvestigated. ** Travels in North Aineriea. Jour. Bot. cit. the peculiar odor of the bruised leaves. also in secondary fevers as a cardiac depressor syphilis. 1S75. . . and recover with great difficulty.— A determined in this been and Kennedy. psora and herpes. a great many of them die annually. and if killed during the time of feeding and the entrails given to dogs to eat. its It has been recommended in inflammatory astringency was utilized also by the application of the drug in diarrhoeas and hemorrhages of the bowels. its and Syrupus Phytolacca Coviposiins'^ PART USED AND PREPARATION. intoxicated. your. . Kennedy (see Uva p.J and the usual plant constituents. Sheep-laurel and lamb-kill. the Eclectic Materia Medica in . of Bigelow.f Bullock. . Am. * Phytolacca. are treated as is opaque . or fall very sick. Ph. The sheep are most exposed to be tempted with these leaves in winter. loo). they either die immediately. oxen. The has a deep brownish-orange color. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. they " become quite stupid. 136. has given two of its vernacular names. that when sheep eat of these leaves. and has a strong acid reaction. •103-2 The previous uses A of this plant in medicine were of a very limited character. and Kalmia. P/iar. Op. by severe winters deprived of better food.J a mannite.. + II Am. leaves a slightly scalded sensation the tincture thus it retains somewhat upon the tongue. have likewise been very ill after the meal. and. Horses.— Laurel leaves have always been deemed poiby the Indians and the laity. and often fall so sick that they seem to be at the point of death but the people who have eaten the venison have not felt the least inconvenience. Med. 1848. Ampelopsis. p. . Cimicifuga. Phar. swell. they fall very sick.! yellow coloring matter. Kalmia is not officinal in the U. gathered while fresh the preceding species.— The plant is in prepared blossom. preparations are: Decoctum Kalmice . foam at the mouth and can hardly stand. p. J resulted in the determination oi Arl>utiti. and cows. being greedy of all greens especially if snow still lies upon the ground. i..§ special active principle has not as yet The analyses plant. especially . which have eaten them.\\ tannic acid. Bigelow states. especially lambs.^ extractive. § Ur>i. S. decoction was used in domestic practice for various forms of tinea capitis. p.vol. Yet this food will also prove mortal to them if they eat too much of it. . . 264. that it is a common belief that the flesh sonous. The same noxious effect it shows in regard to calves. has an extremely astringent and bitter taste." And Kalm gives the following:** " The leaves are poison to some animals. feed on the leaves of this plant. Tinctiwa Kahnics .fj resin." Dr." He farther adds that these leaves form a winter food for stags. in thin layers in it leaves. Am. .J gum. . vol. but the older ones can bear a stronger dose. Their action upon sheep. Catesby says :^ " deer feed upon its green leaves with impunity yet when cattle and sheep. somewhat livid counnausea and vomiting. pale to whitish beneath. * Medical Jurisprudence. Leaves opposite or obtuse. Bigelow judges that the illness caused in animals is due to declare it a fact. Beck* appears deem to the flesh poisonous from eating the berries as above.: 103-3 upon the leaves and of the Partridg-e. and nearly two-thirds smaller. 2. . fruits. Y. and on persons eating of " poisoned " due partridges. Pistil. difficult respiration with deglutition difficult oppression and pressure the proving the drug are those almost complete loss of sight and Dr. /«/?<)/«c^»<-^ terminal.. Fruit a depressed smooth capsule." He with our provings. thirst. whorls of three.. latifolia.t agree in following as and its action "The : The symptoms Vertigo and headache tenance salivation . It may be causes so much doubt upon the questions of toxi- Linn. it is obvious that the effects produced on cattle after grazing on the leaves. and 4 enlarged). slightly glandular. 1880. made ill by made so eating the flesh of the partridge under the circumstances mentioned. to 4 feet. . June isth.) (Shcep-laurel. with the region of the stomach. I.itc-lanceolate or | elliptical. secondarily affecting circulatory organs. coldness of the Description of Plate 103. upon a recurved pedicel. in irregular. Pollen X 200. us. . ov. It is seems from the experience of others to be the is the same as that of K. /?ojw« pink nearly white. weariness and pains surface and great prostration. K. light green above. weakness. arising in the digestive and pale. f Nearly 40 years after the publication of his Am. 4. bright. Barton. Fruit a depressed glandular capsule. most poisonous species. 864.aurcl. Stamen. Height 2 p.IA.anibkill. followed and slow pulse. Leaves alternate or scattered. latifolia alone therefore I preparations and those of the provers were append a . 5. I.ATIFDI. are from a decomposed state of the meat. Mountain I. Waverly. by an of the heart. its habitat the confusion of species that cology. would be vastly differentiation important to for future reference in experimentation. stated^ that a few drops of a saturated tincture of the plant caused the death of a rattlesnake when poured upon it. . gives flesh of the bird impairs the functions of the brain acts directly as a sedative poison. KALMIA. We cannot be certain that our made from K. are plant to the not to indigestion or putrefaction. Bigelow's later observations. though other observers Dr. I. the limbs. X Hy Dr. the indigestibility of the plant other authors think that those persons . K. itself. clammy. to Lnjlorescence in lateral. acute. after feeding becomes of itself poisonous this Wilson the ornithologist denies on trial. feeble.. Flower. N. Bol. pubescent. toto in great palpitation and fluttering . End of flowering branch. Med. Jiotvers red. 3. quoted above. (Calico-bush. narrowly oblong. From the experience of nearly all persons who have experimented upon themselves with a tincture or decoction of the leaves. rich green both sides. judging that a thorough revision and re-proving of the two species separately.) j Height 4 to 30 feet. (3 Kalmia Angustifolia. ANGUSTIFOLIA. . ad nat.dei. ChIMAPHILA UMBElLATA.104. .et pinxt..Nutt. fm. . and from one and a half to two inches long. persistent. more or less conspicuously 2-horned. Peduncle from 3 to 6 inches long. winter. NAMES.-PIPSISSEWA. shining.-PYROLE/E. concave and spreading. Description. ipiXiu.— DElANDRIA MDNOCIVNIA. sharply saw-toothed. about a fleshy receptacle in surrounded at its base by a glandular zone. SKX. and opening by two pores pollen grains the pistil . inserted Calyx Corolla under convex. (FR. S. ORD-ERICACE/E. extrorse in the bud but becoming inverted in flower.) DOLDENBLUTHIGES HARNKRAUT. rounded and wedge-shaped. erect. N. springs they are dark green above. connected such a manner as to form a depressed globose mass. the apex entering into the summit of the substance between the ovaries. of ^v it petals rounded. .-CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA. COM. — This small. Kri'HKR UMBELLATA OR MACULA TA. faintly marked by ^ X^i/ia. white. ovules many. smaller than the corolla 7 sepals five. nearly herbaceous evergreen pefrom a long. or sometimes branched at the base. to love. creeping. by one. PRINCE'S PINE. compounded of four more or less globose granules. rennial. PYROLA UMBELLATA. S— c H M A PH GI:NL I I L A. then concave.. BITTER WINTERGREEN. OR BOTH. style very short. pedicels covered with a very fine down. Stem simple. yellowish root. PYROLA FRUCTICANS. amaculate. acute at the base. 3 to 6 inches higji beiore Leaves mosdy in several imperfect whorls.. thick. which terminate in leafy and flowering stems alternately. and forming a loose umbel or corymb. A TINCTURE OF THK FRESH PLANT CHIMAPHILA. CHIMAPHILA CORYMBOSA. 4-celled. erect in to 4 . slighdy hairy. LINN. quarter to one-half an inch broad. filaments at first . sliohtly woody. AS THE PROVINGS HAVE BEEN MADE WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION. anthers large. fruit. short-petioled. small. terminating from nodding much in in flower.. WINTERGREEN. filiform and hairy.. blunt. SYN. cylindrical. GROUND HOLLY. fleshy. paler scattered about the upper portion of the stem below.. PIPSISSEWA. discoid. anatropous. convex. about one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch in diameter. 104 ORD. stigma broad. I'URSH. Ovaries 5.) PYROLE OMBELLEE (GER. NUTT. obovate. Stamens ten. PURSH. and sending up many branches. or sometimes the flowering season. PARKINSON. SVST. free. smooth. ODER WINTBRGRUN. giving off numerous fine rootlets. CHIMAPHILA. wedge-lanceolate. fruiting in September. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. the edges widely toothed. of the natural order will be found under Arctostaphylos Uvaursi. follows. 5-ce!led loculicidal seeds innumerable. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Flowering stem. — Chimaphila Maculata. — The have a deep. and 5-valved. a deposit the neck. In the Eclectic Materia Medica its officinal preparation is Deeoetuni Cliimaphilce . Binghamton. 2. determined by Fairbank — On the aqueous of golden-yellow. the forests of It blossoms here in June and Siberia and the Northern countries of Europe. distillation of the tasteless crystals takes stems in place upon a retort. Pod depressed-globose. in it it. rich. The filtered. June Stamen (enlarged). odorless. plate 100). Chimaphila does not cause nausea and vomidng to the extent of Uva-ursi. Its physiological action as such is undetermined. differing probably little except in also Chimaphilin. Y. poured is a dark. of woodlands. the chemical nature of which has not yet been determined. their upper surface white-maculate. 3. 5. a slight solubility in water. cool and the rest into a well- place. This species differs from the foregoing as to 5 flowered. It is used among the aborigines of this country as. containing the following principle. i History and Habitat. where it flourishes best in the It PART USED AND PREPARATION. . The percentage less than in Uva-ursi. S. 1S83.: -104-2 5 crenations. Leaves ovate-lanceolate.. from the apex downward 5-lobed. reddish-brown and has an acid reaction to litmus. and a of tannin in this plant is somewhat free solution in alcohol. while its diuretic action is greater. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. tonic and diuretic. Pursh.— Here again Uva-ursi should be consulted. 26. N. —The chopped and pounded to a fresh plants while in flower are pulp and weighed. as Extractum CJiiinaphilff Fliiidiiin. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of of the After stirring the whole well alcohol added. as well as for rheumatic and scrofulous disorders. obtuse at the Peduncles from A description base. thin layers bitter. Fruit (enlarged). Ph. their physical features are. abounds throughout the central pordon of North America. Description of 1. fruit. it is also a component of Syrupus Stillingier Compositus. minute. strained and is Thus formed color . stoppered bottle and allowed to stand eight days tincture then decanted. it is it opaque is decidedly .i^te 104. a July. . 4. and latterly as an application to scrofulous and other open sores. slightly astringent. — This hardy plant seeks the deep shaded portion little loamy formations of rotted leaves. Seed (enlarged). chemistry of this plant corresponds with that of Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi (vide Uva-ursi. Whole plant in Pl. Chimaphila is still retained in the U. . . LINN. rich.) EINBLUTHIGE MONOTROPA. 105 ORD. thick . erect. minute. NAMES. their place supplied sub- below by numerous small triangular scales. 5. 8. petals .— ORD -ERICACE^. —The thence northward. seeds very numerous. More applical)le to Daucus carota. Description. Sepals replaced by 2 to 5 bracteolate. simple. nipple-like process of the base of die ovary shaped. grows from 2 to 8 of densely-matted fibres. filatnents awl- pollen simple. each alternating at the base 10. slightly pubescent. 5. which becomes horizontal.. one f A Ursi 100. GENUS. TOBACCO PIPE.— MO NOT RO PA.A. cellular.NDRIA MONOTROPA. with a the centre. obtusely 5-angled. and pod in . then inclined as it performs life-work. composed of a single. caducous bodies Stamens marcescent. so like is it to from the facing of the flower. Fruit an erect. SYN. flowering in X . rpno^^ tropos .— DEC. short subulate . discoid. N. COM. The pollen of Monotropa uniflora bears a striking resemblance in this regard to that of PcndUularis lo-grooved. ovoid. shorter than the petals. —This strange waxy or bluish-white. forming a ball Stems several from each clump of and smooth. L. gouge-shaped. anthei's horizontal. funnel-form depression 5-celled loculicidal . on account of the resemblance of the fruiting umbels to that structure. IJVDIAJy PIPE. PIPE PLANT. declined flower. SEX. none . . rootlets. showing . translucent. inodorous. OVA-OVA. MONOTROPA MORISONIANA. by transverse chinks Style columnar. PERS. CORPSE PLANT. semi-para- Rootlets very numerous. recurved. PIT-ROOT. CONVULSION-ROOT. Leaves. sitic herb. MICHX. its and Flower rigidly erect in fruit. which gradually enlarge and become ovate-spatulate foliaceous bracts toward the summit of the stem. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PLANT MONOTROPA UNIFLORA. to oi corpse plant. lanceolate. pubescent . saccate at the base.-MONOTROPE/E. abounds from Florida to July in the North and from August This curious herb well deserves * MoMij monos . with a short.t NEST PLANT. entirely devoid of color except where the yellow anthers and fleshcolored pistil are disclosed. MONOTROPA MORISONI. irregular.— MONOTROPA UNIFLORA. i to 2 translucent depressed spots. found under Uva History and Habitat. . place^itce large and sarcous testa loose. its name shady woods and September in Mississippi. especially those in which the beech the South. becoming one-celled and opening turn. reniform.J stigma naked. ICE PLANT. SYST. — INDIAN PIPE. 4. (GER. where they pass into the inflorescence. BIRD'S NEST. cylindrical inches high. terminal. description of the Ericaceee will be Indian pipe grows — in deep.* LINN. MONOGYNIA. H. p. nervine. the general bluish to the touch. to this is often added the appropriate dose — : — . N. and while taking some luncheon in a beech grove along the course of Saddle River. it is cool and clammy and rapidly decomposes and turns black even when carefully handled. 1878. Of this property Dr. The whole plant . No. of this drug in the U. and Howard's Botanic Medicine. A. comfortinothe stomach.105-2 waxy appearance of the dead then. His inflamed lids were entirely cured in four weeks' time. S.. answered: 'Good for sore eyes. which \ American Dispensatory. when used in large doses inwardly. and to the question. and he made very good use of it. 54. Stewart claimed that the dried herb was an excellent substitute for opium.. a beautiful sight of snow-white stems and nodding flowers. near Hackensack. as well as in old age in every variety of so-called constitutions. Disp. floral envelope —emits Attempts to preserve it in alcohol turn it a bluish-black. both chronic and acute. epilepsy. either in myself used very much its fresh state or the preserved juice. No appears mention is made in the Eclectic * Bot. leaving very little semblance to its natural appearance. and no officinal preparation Materia Medica. 18S0.. epileptiform and chorea-like. the edges of which had a very fiery-red appearance. and he has had no further trouble since. while the drying process turns it jet-black. I shall quote under the proper rubric.. -Vol. iii. King mentions the drug§ as " tonic. The medical history of the plant begins with its use by the American Aborigines as an application in "sore eyes." The former uses of the herb in spasms of children. what it was used for. and tinge the preservative a deep reddish-violet hue. J. . or even before heard any evil effects following the it in most indiscriminate use." modic. \ This clause he uses in discussing Mr. I found a large patch of ground literally covered with Monotropa uniflora in full bloom it covered a space some five feet wide by nine feet long. sedative and antispasit lasted. I proceeded to fill my game-bag." He farther on describes an incidental cure which is of interest botanically and medically " Fourteen years ago it was in the early part of July I went woodcock-shooting with two friends. " easing pain. I have ordinary cases of inflamed eyes.' little thinking that the party addressed was suffering from a chronic inflammation of the eye-lids.. too. pp 53. of course and for ophthalmic as well as other inflammations of delicate mucous sura clear glutinous fluid. f In King's Am. chorea.J Have applied it to the eyes of infants when only three days old. when wounded — however. etc." they valued a mixture of the juice with water highly as a soothing and often curative measure. 530. in Ophthalmia purulenta infantum. and have never seen. Gaz. No sooner said than he proceeded to take in his game-bag a supply also. Kunze* says in corroboration " This is a drug very highly recommended^ for overcoming nervous irritability." In spasmodic affections the usual dose is a teaspoonful of the dried root in powder. as I ascertained afterwards. Young's case of poisoning. of valerian. Dr. Ph. : — — faces outwardly applied. gave it the popular names so characterizing it. the especially. Being in need of some just then. and even where not successfully employed no ill effects have ever been observed thereafter. by applying the fresh juice of the stems he obtained while Dr. 6. and causing sleep. Young had the identical plant in his herbarium.-j- who Mr. 4 and 6. that of Mr. The effect remained some four or five days and then gradually RJms toxicodcndro7i . plant. Description of Plate (.'' PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. many-flowered form. young lady while examining the plant. chapped became very much irritated. a tawny. A. petals Anthers. E. Vol. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.— The The treated as in the preceding drug. p. Pollen. Longitudinal section of pistil. . Whole 2. R. accidentally crushed the stem. and farther. \>. but found none.. and some of The mucous portions which were somewhat the juice was driven upon her lips. t ^°'.. 9. mentioned. 21st. however. Bird's-eye view of stigma. clinging to the plant. Young. No.105-3 PART USED AND PREPARATION. 7. is veritable. 102-3. and she With some surprise. (2-9 enlarged. % Ibid. 1884. been made. No. while in two or three places upon the epidermal skin of the lip small ulcerous sores were formed. whole fresh flowering plant is resultant tincture has a brilliant orage-red a bitterish odor. 9. as far as The European species. considering its fostering food and close resemblance to the Fungi. he searched for rootlets of Rhus tox. a decidedly sweet taste. Binghamton. 105. "9. as before was of the opinion that in the gathering the young lady handled H. that she had not personally gathered the plant. and began to inflame and swell considerably. there is. yields a volatile oil and I am Monotropa Salicylate of Methyl. I found the plant The circumstances of the case are as follows The to be Monotropa uniflora. hypopitys. July removed. toxicodendron!' this case .) * See Gaultheria. and states it as his conviction that the He says " During the month of Sepcase. and a slightly acid reaction. and perhaps I should have had none after desired its name. though standing alone. Flower with 3. — The only account of poisoning by this plant is This case was discussed by Dr. 8.G"') 1878. no plant in our country that promises so good results from provings. color by transmitted light. 37. X 300. she was not susceptible to : : The whole effect was very much like a mild case of poisoning with Rhus As we have no proving of this drug. Y. iii. 1. Pistil. As Mr. but met with her ill-fortune while examining it at home. Petal. also found here. p. 5.—No able to determine. Young then again consulted the patientj and found that Rhus poison. Kunze. N. tember a young lady brought me a plant which she said had poisoned her. we cannot as yet corroborate healed. analysis of this plant has. . 106.idnatdel.TU.etpinxl. Gray. 4 ^'. . Ilex VeRTICILLAtA. . about the size of a large nutlets about 6. nearly sessile. Fruit a globose. Sterile floivers in small axillary umbels calyx-lobes ovary abortive.VNI. . or cuneate-lanceolate. and downy upon the veins 8-seeded drupe seeds solitary in each cell. to which Prinos is but lightly wedded. P. and even. . P. VIRGINISCHE WINTERBEERE. COM. crowded upon the branches so as to appear whorled . — ILEX. 4. and diuretic. 8-parted.WDKI. MCEN. acute at the apex and base. .-AQUIFOLIACE^. . GRAY. embryo minute albumen fleshy. Inflorescetice dioecious. WINTERBERRY. often polygamous by abortion. oval. is characterized as follows: Shrubs or trees with their leaves simple.'^VST. . rotate.* LINN. 9-toothed.X MOX( H. Our only other proven species in this order is the South American Mate. LINN. bright vermilion berry. VIRGINIAN WINTERBERRY (FR. usually shrub. Embryo minute. . Flozoers small. . Hil. appearing with the leaves. the filaments attached to their very base anthers adnate. about 6-celled stigma 4. * The ancient nair. smooth pea. . 8-celled ovules anatropous stin^mas 4 to 8 or united into i. mostly alternate. PRINOS ish. Ovary 4. A TINCTURE OF THE BARK AND FRUIT OF ILEX VERTICILLATA. BLACK ALDER. uncinately serrate. St.). f .— HliX. 106 SEX. In suspended .. attains a — This much-branched upright or ascending. nearly globose.— BLACK ALDER. Description. — This small order. opening lengthAquifoliaceae. APALACHINE A FEUILLES DE PRUNIER GBR. and generally coriaceous and evergreen. almost or quite 4. and are considered slightly nervine. .e of the holly oak.V. wise. MICHX. 8-merous. . growth of from 4 to 8 feet. SYN. Leaves thin and deciduous. not spiny. GRONOVII. white or greenCalyx minute. CONFERTUS. or . . FeiHile flowers stamens 6 to 7 petals mostly 4 to 6 ciliate aggregated or solitary petals mostly 5 to 8 ovary conical. the leaves of which are used like Chinese 6-lobed. imbricated in the bud. in form obovate. Coi'olla hypogynous.— ILEX VBRTICILLATA. diaphoretic. . FEVER BUSH. GRAY. free from the ovary. PRINOS. floicers all short peduncled. Fruit a baccate 4. represented in . ORD. or Paraguay Tea {Ilex Paraguayensis. Stamens as many as the divisions of the corolla and alternate with them. or dorsally furrowed or ridged. petioles about one-quarter the length of the blade. and North America by but 2 genera and 14 species. i i . NAMES. white. . striking. The bark is officinal in the U.8 per cent. before the first CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. are emetic. Linn. the pulp thoroughly mixed with The whole is then poured one-sixth part of it. and in such low typhoid forms associated with diarrhoea. and where the body is depleted by exhausting discharges. Walt. this species a bitter principle. Swartz. in tannin as to be used as a substitute for galls. . astrin- who used and antiseptic. is probably as well known to domestic practice as any In intermittent fever has often proved as generally appli- it cable as Peruvian Bark. cool place. and the rest of the alcohol added. Myginda Uragoga. into a well-stoppered bottle. are so rich History and Habitat. are chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. —The Black Alder is common in thickets at the margins of pools and marshy places. This is aborigines. macoucoua.— The fresh bark and fruit. In general debilitated conditions of the it is a very system after long fevers. where ulceration and hemorrhage are present. and an acid reaction.. its beauty. opaca. The berries are purgative and vermifuge. The juice and leaves of the Indian Monetia Barleroides.. even to the most careless observer. have been considered nearly equal to Peruvian Bark in intermittent fevers and jaundice. After decanting. for the expulsion of lumbrici. The Cassena of the American aborigines.. Cassette.. is said to be a most powerful diuretic. a bitter taste.. gathered autumnal frost. Dahooti. are considered by Hindoo doctors and the unripe fruit of the Brazilian Ilex to be anti-catarrhal and anti-asthmatic {Ilex aqui/oliiiiu. eruptions and ulcers are also benefited by its use as an external application. valuable agent.. Linn. then the fruiting plant stands out like a flaming spot in the dreary waste. /. to those its who flower- are not but when the autumnal frosts well acquainted with it. from western Florida northward ing season. as Certain forms of chronic herpetic well as in gangrenous affections and jaundice. the nature of which contains about 4. in the Eclectic Dispensatory the prepa- ration PART USED AND PREPARATION. tannin . an herbaceous odor. from the surrounding bush have deprived all vegetation of its leaves. in . recommended is DecoctiiDi Prinos. and filtering. — Beside has not yet been determined. being shaken thoroughly twice each day. /. the resulting tincture has a greenish-brown color by transmitted light. indigenous shrub. and enter into the ceremonies of the natives as holy plants. it is also very useful. and /.106-2 general medicine the following species are more or less useful The English Holly : and the American co-species. during hardly distinguishable. having the above field of utility. gent. and another of the growing list of plants handed down to us by the the bark both internally and e. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. forming one of the pleasantest adjuvants in Shoepf first noted the plant as children's remedies. S. straining.xternally as a tonic. a . Ait. and in later stages. and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. in it is . and also mentioned its usefulness in anasarca. . April and May.). Ph. which The Carthaginian the males only were allowed to use as purifiers of the body. Linn. Linn. . Jour. his but as though appetite and usual. albumen. and had no further chance to watch. vol.len analysis. this. Y. another similar but less profuse evacuation followed in about half an hour. Jour. Fruiting branch. I. Stamen. 2-6 and S enlarged. 3S3.. another insoluble in alcohol coloring-inatter . N. . but I . Nutlet. Flower.'^^ed. and sugar. ing of bile without retching.* PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. in remarkably Following well. S. 329. 1S33. 18S6. 8. \. 2. gum. Med. — The nausea. ( Til. 7. after which the patient he had lost ten dio'estion or twelve pounds seemed much better than felt weight.) i. 4. Pistil. Description of Plate io6. Calyx. profuse evacuation of the bowels. diluted with an liquid. . f ^oi^l.. the following symptoms supervened: Sensation of nausea in the stomach not amounting to real sickness nor interfering with the appetite vomit- purging. Mat. In a case reportedf of the effects attending the ingestion of about twentyfive berries.. Binghamton. in caused berries whom two children who ate of them. 5. End of a flowering branch. consisting of their immense quantity of greenish natural contents.106-3 resin soluble in alcohol. vomiting. 6. Under 3. May 5th. attended -with no pain or uneasiness. and Surg. side of leaf-margin. . ^f A .etpinxt.i(lnai(lel. Plantago Major. . unn..TQ. . the anther much exserted is ripe . Description. Its members are characterized by having: Leaves 2}\ radical and ribbed. SVST. reflexed after flowering. tube before the anthers are ripe . . COM. somewhat fusiform .. Stamens cescent . Floivers spiked upon a simple scape. PLANTAGO. inserted upon the tube of the corolla alternate with its lobes filaments persistent. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PLANT. flowers and alike all membranaceous. (FR. fascicuLeaves all radical. ovate-cordate or oblong. decumbens. . NAMES. —This cosmopolitan immigrant varies greatly L. 107 GENUS. the top falling off like a cap. petioles deeply channelled. RIB-GRASS. MONOGVNIA. Corolla whitish. —This small anomalous family of low acaulescent herbs genus Plantago. The Indian plantain Plantago Isphagula {P. growth. long. Stame?ts 4. sub-cylindrical spikes. WAY-BREAD (WAY-BRED).) GROSSER WEGETRITT.. each raised upon a naked scape cated. Inflorescence 1 to several long and slender. mar- persistent. Forsk) furnishes seeds from which a mucilaginous drink is prepared and used as an emollient this species is mentioned in the native Materia Medica. . ORD -PLANTAGINACE^. others 18. calyx 4-cleft. opening by a complete transverse thin partition escaping with the seeds . DIOSCOR. fringed. and stigmatose. LINN. N. broad. perfect. mostly straight albumen sarcous. 4.f ovary 2-celled Frtiit a 2 to i6-seeded pyxis.. and the albtmien sarcous PLANTAGINAOEjE. * The ancient Latin name. sometimes slightly late. Fruit a membranaceous pyxis dehiscence circumscissile seeds i to several in each cell embryo large.— PLANTAIN. . Sepals rarely 2. .) PLANTAIN ORDINAIRE. bracted. The mucilaginous principle of the seeds of Plantago renders them somewhat valuable in medicine. corolla tubular or hypocrateriform. enclosed. . \ A help in cross-fertilization. thin. and margined. ovate. 5 to 7-ribbed.—PLANTAGO MAJOR. scarious and veinless. GER. The seeds of is principally represented by the . in its some Root perennial. (GER. . lobes filaments long filiform. . lengthening suddenly 2-celled. PLANTAGO MAJOR. ije. early deciduous. RIBWORT. . persistent. when Pistil dichogamous. BROAD-LEAVED PLANTAIN. seeds straight. densely floral. . Ap'^6rlionaov. SYN.— TETRANDRIA LINN. fissure. individuals only attaining a height of 2 inches. smooth or slightly hairy..* SEX. onbryo imbri- 4. anthers protruding from the flower stigma more or less unilateral. PLANTA GOVULGARIS. Ovary 2-celled ovules amphitropous style single.— PLANTAGO. . long and weak. toothed. M. 500. M. from which New Rem. where it is grows plantain summer months. Supplement. gathered when coming a pulp and weighed. areiiaria. E. It retains the peculiar odor of the plant. the Scottish Highlanders attach great value to this plant as a healing application to fresh wounds. 567. and pre- p. lanceolata are considered expectorant and vulnerary.. Europe. has a sourish astringent taste and an acid CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. this on a port^ herb no better expression la racine des plantains en amulet pour guerir on pr^venir une multitude des maladies. p.. and leucorrhoea. into flower. India. flowers throughout the in rich. and let to After having stirred the whole. discovery of which he received a large reward from the Assembly of South antidote to the effects of bites of reptiles Duncan-j.— J/?<«7«^^-^. de it may be reaction. be one of the principal ingredients in the for the Carolina. thus it became in great demand in the coughs attending various pulmonary and bronchial diseases as well as an application to recent wounds and chronic sores. It is American Indians gave this plant the name of " White Man's Foot. New Edinburgh Dispensatory. The fibrous strings in the have been extolled* as an almost certain cure for aching carious teeth. the Hungarian P. Reutlinger all to Dr. are spoken of by Lindley as a good substitute for linseed and marsh-mallows. Plantain has also been highly praised as an petioles placed in the venomous and insects. The seeds were used in the former instance. A decoction of the roots was recommended by Bergius in tertian intermittents. . cool place. substance exists plentifully extracted by water." in allusion to its method of introduction. Superior. The tincture separated from this mass by filtration is opaque. It —The common and America. the leaves in the latter. and the is chopped and pounded rest of the alcohol added. Cynops. well-stoppered bottle. in considered truly indigenous north of Lake fruiting as it flowers.1107-2 European and Barbarian P. and the South European P. it is stated by remedy of the negro Caesar. if ear on the affected side. and its trait of accompanying the civilizer and literally growing in his footsteps. It is said that these fibres turn black if the pain is relieved. f 1846. The leaves and roots of the common rib-grass P.—The fresh plant. diarrhoea. This character also gave rise to the vulsaid that the " garism way-bred. X Diet. Boerhaave says that in his own experience he has found that plantain leaves placed upon the feet will ease the pain and fatigue engendered by long walks. To complete this review of the uses of could be used than that of M^rat :% " En fin. Hale. species." The previous medical uses of plantain are chiefly those of a general vulnerary and demulcent. moist soils. but remain green if not. Med. one ounce to four being taken when the chill came on. dysentery." PART USED AND PREPARATION. in thin layers it has a deep reddish-brown color by transmitted light. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-tenth part of it. the History and Habitat. pour stand eight days it in it into a a dark. An infusion of the seeds in milk has been much used by the laity to check various hemorrhages from mucous surfaces.—This in the seeds of * Dr. Pistil. 4. restless sleep weak and . chest . . with copious discharges looseness of the bowels. Description of Plate 107. first into gum. 3. N. however. Whole 2. 1879. . excessive digging. . 1. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. The whole plant has not been analyzed. with a high pulse which intermittent.. July iSth. and a strong fever. swelling- upon mucilag-e the addition of water. X 250. (2-4 enlarged. Flower. Bergen. 5. F.107-3 cipitated from its yellowish. sugar. . boring pain in carious teeth severe dryness of the fauces and pharynx colic urging to urinate. Dry pure watery solution (impure) by alcohol. break down under the action of dilute sulphuric acid. weakness and oppression of the are.—The principal symptoms caused by this drug according to Dr.) finally becomes . opaque body. Stamen. Humphreys: headache. Pollen. tough. plant once reduced. then dissolving into a ropy mass. J. . and is a finally The vegetable mucilages vary in their behavior toward reagents according to the plant from which they are extracted they all. . ad <F- pinxt / Anagallis Arvensis. l inn.dei. 4 \ 2 HI . i K . . Stamens of the same number as the lobes of the corolla and from the calyx. —This small family of herbs is represented in North America by genera. somewhat triangular. fleshy. longer than the leaves. obtuse.. Ovary free from the calyx oviUcs amphitropous. In general and household practice the flowers of the European Cowslip [Primula ofiUcinalis. and placed in wine to render it soporific. Fruit a anthers broadly oblong. or campanulate. Seeds numerous. . .iusing hilariousness. free ovules sessile embryo .) have been used as a sedative. small. . perfect. . Description.).— ANAGALLIS ARVBNSIS.A ANAGALLIS.N. (GER. bearded. glabrous. Corolla rotate. from its supposed quality of c. 5-parted. LINN. opposite. obovate.— PENTANDRI.-PRIMULE/E. i -flowered. opposite them Ovary i filaments inserted upon the tube of the corolla -celled.<ers regular. Jacq. Linn. GENUS. COM. ORD -PRIMULACE^. and sessile. Inflorescence axillary flo-i^'crs ranging on different plants from scarlet to white through the shades of blue and purple Calyx 5-parted peduncles &i\{oxm. testa rough with minute verucca. Corolla rotate. —This low. membranaceous. undivided . . RED CHICKWBED MOURON. LINN. anagt'/iio. . The only other plant of this order in our Materia Medica is the European Sow-Bread {Cyclamen Europccum. — ANAGALLIS. branching inches in length. straight.. NAMES. comprising 38 species and 1 5 varieties it is characterized as follows Leaves simple. margins rough. PIMPERNEL. spreading or prostrate annual herb. alternate. entire.) . albumen copious. anthers introrse. . to 20 leaves opposite. and 1 2 : . SYN. . SEX. globular. MONOGVMA. (FR. * 'Avayt\aa. or whorled. bractless. HUHNERDARN. Primulacese. Floi<. hypocrateriform.— COMMON SCARLET OR RED PIMPERNEL. perianth hypogynous. .j A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE PLANT ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS. SYST. circumcissile capsule or jDyxis seeds many. Calyx persistent. . style on a free central placenta. columnar. symmetrical. 108 Tribe. longer than lobes lanceolate-subulate the calyx tnbc little or none lobes broad. dotted upon the under surface. POOR MAN'S WEATHER-GLASS. ovate. filaments purple. fringed with stipitate glands.* TOURN. grows from 6 Stejn square. inserted upon the base of the corolla. stigma undivided . to laugh . Stamens 5. . The Pimpernel is naturalized in this country from Europe. The next morning at six he was lying upon the side. and allowed to stand eight days The in a dark. Pliny and Dioscorides thought highly of the Pimpernel in the removal of intestinal and hepatic obstructions and it was. He expired half an hour later. The mucous membrane dejected. prepared by tincture. three drachms of the extract of pimpernel." the character of its . The : . from the happier condition of the mind following detergent. has a slight olivaceous color by transmitted light.p. lungs presented several Two drachms of the produced death appearances as show was of a bright were distended with black coagulated blood the spots. At six in the evening he was dissolved in At eleven sensibility appeared diminished.„0.0. Glucose. : = C„H. is solaqueous solution is quite sapona- small white crystals. Anagallis formerly held a place in the pharmacopoeias of Great Britain as a and was much prized by the ancients in gout.H.H. vulnerary. uble in ceous. has a rancid taste. following experiment of Orfila shows " . + Q. whole plant is acrid and poisonous. sudorific. and their texture was preternaturally dense. of the stomach was slightly inflamed. . PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. but not in ether. C. gravel.. applied to the cellular texture of a dog's thigh.108-2 — History and Habitat. friable acrid. a sweetish somewhat nauseous herbaceous odor. extract. and cephalic . The plant also enjoyed much reputation at one time as an anti-epileptic. even alter dangerous symptoms supervened. place.gU. however. + H. Cyclamiretin. most probably. convulsions. or in an amorphous. entirely passed out of the minds of general practitioners. the ventricles of the heart in in livid same .— 0''"'''"'"'«. recorded by Schreter. and appeared to be dead he might be displaced like an inert mass of matter. where it blossoms from June to August. . a nutty and slightly astringent taste and an acid reaction.. fresh. and the plague.. and diuretic in dropsy. and has established itself along both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts in dry. and the heart and lungs presented the same following symptoms. filtering the . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. enclosed in a piece of juice is then briskly agitated with an equal weight of alcohol.— The scarlet-fiowered form) new linen. cool above mass. This glucoside forms mass it is very Cyclamin is not volatile.p^. it has. reaction. lustreless. At half-past twelve he had a motion. in C. and reported many cures of this dire malady by its use.. the interior of the rectum color .0. such action. Gelin and many others considered it highly anti-hydrophobic. and a neutral water and alcohol. were introduced into the stomach of a robust dog. flowering plant (the to a pulp. that the latter called the plant drdyeXdu. PART USED AND PREPARATION. — The At Water. as the : eight o'clock in the morning. action upon man Lively mood with extra mental vigor twelve hours the other. Its This glucoside breaks down under the action of mineral acids as follows Cyclamin. . an ounce and a half of water. is and subjected whole chopped and pounded The expressed to pressure. sandy soil. 1875. dryness of the throat. I. Mass. causing desire for coition prickling in the chest. 4. ( 2-4 enlarged. July 25th. trembline of the heart.) . . and stitching ling.. general drawing rheumatic pains. trembling and shivering. 2. prickling . Description of Plate io8. 3.108-3 headache with sticking pains in the eyeballs. Saltm. Whole plant. Same. sleeplessness. Fruit.Seed. showing dehiscence. tickalong the urethra. . CATALPA BIGNONIOI'DES. Walt.deletpinxl. m . ^^^vi^^fc:^' f UVadnat.* 109. . in many places in the Middle and Eastern States. and blunt-pointed. pendulous and persistent. Description. LINN.— CATALPA. the repand five-lobed. they are smooth above and downy beneath. scaphoid. its * The Indian name. attaining a full growth and ap- History and Habitat. SYN. — Catalpa. long-petioled. and capable of large and very irregular in their mode of whorls of three. . simple. deciduous . blossom. SICX. one of our it finest shade 40 trees. fine-textured. Inflorescetice open. CATALPA. . —This magnificent umbrageous attains a height of from 20 to branches making fruit. upon the ends of the branches. gray corrugated bark. striking Calyx deeply 2-lipped or 2-parted. embryo flat. NAMES. pictur- tree. beautiful in feet. and fruiting in October. subcylindrical. stigma Fniit a woody. Corolla monopetalous. compound. divergent border. DUHAMCOM. its short trunk and spreading noted for the persistence of its new ones are formed. the septum contrary to the valves seeds numerous. opposite or growth. with fringe-tipped alse . The stem is deliquescent. free. inflated.— liIANDRIA MONOCIVMA. . . densely packed and superimposed. plants. upon all united in the form of a globe. in it is light. SIMS CATALPA CORDIFOLTA.N.. esque in fruit. showy panicles. capitate. Stamens sometimes didynamous with a rudimentary fifth. is tropical . or consisting of two lips or plates. (II'. as long as the tube of the corolla and inserted upon it anthers with two diverging cells /t^//^«-grains panulate. flowering in July. WALT. Pistil a fleshy discoid base.NI'S. especially upon the midrib. INDIAN BEAN. entire. of large. flattened by compression. Leaves large. ORD-BIGNONIACE/E. style single. compounded of many globular bodies compound. ij^diajY beam.— CATALPA/^^ SVSr. from 4 to 1 2 inches long. 109 MNN. lar . 2-celled. the flowers. though commercially has but little taking a fine polish. more or less glossy and warty the ivood the pods often hanging until and has a fine . camsegments being ovate. irreguand 2-lipped. EQUAL PARTS OF THE FRESH INNER BARK AND LEAVES OF A TINC TURK OF CATALPA BIGNONIOIDES. The branches are value. BIGNONIA CATALPA. CATALPA SYRINGJEFOLIA. where it grows in many It is cultivated places spontaneously.— CATALPA BIGNONIOIDES. al- bunioi none. ovary 2-celled. slender pod. like all the other genera of this order of most northern range is Kentucky. but more frequently with only one fertile pair. filaments incurved. WALT. BEANTREE. heart-shaped and pointed . membraneous. Y. Panicle from a specimen in DeWitt Park. —The chopped and pounded to a alcohol are taken. The bark of this plant contains an amorphous bitter principle. Catalpa has no place in the U.109-2 parently as healthy and perfect as in been but slight. It has been used as an anthelmintic.. I. The plant seems to impart all its properties to hot present in small amount. Ph. it. It has been said that ous to long inhale the odor of the tree. and leaves are parts by weight of mixed with one-sixth part of After stirring the whole well. . straining and a clear orange-brown color by transmitted light. Description of Plate 109. the chemistry of which has not been determined it has a Beside this. at least dangerin this . is it is false. N. cool place. and pouring allowed to stand eight days in then separated by decanting. and is soluble in alcohol. water and to alcohol. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. its its own climate. which however locality the emanations cause no symptoms whatever. stoppered ture is bottle. the pulp thoroughly of the alcohol added. PART USED AND PREPARATION. it is fresh inner bark Then two pulp and weighed. — CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. sugar and tannin are nauseous taste. nor Eclectic Materia Medica. Ithaca. it has a dark. and the rest into a well- it The tincThus prepared. a mild cathartic action being the only result of large doses of a decoction of the inner bark. Its uses as a drug have provings as yet show nothing of great importance. S. — Unknown. filtering. a bitter astringent taste and an acid reaction. Linn. ad VERBASCUM ThAPSUS . . . . and very straight leaves crowded. Stamens didynamous or diandrous. or merely a stigmatose Style cylindrical. COM. however. Calyx 5-parted sunshine. Ovary 2-celled placentce axial ovules several to numerous. signifying the bearded pubescence. HIGH TAPER. —This WHOLE FRESH HERB. pale green biennial weed. and so far decurrent at the base that the stem appears winged. . wrinkled. personate . dilation of the 2-cleft. FLANNEL PLANT (PR.) MOLENB.MuN\)GVM.\i\i^n any are abortive it is usually the superior one filaments inserted upon the tube of the corolla. the lateral pair . seeds Scrophulariaceae.)KdNIGSKBRZB. lobes 5. grows to a Stem stout. but many 5. from i to 2 feet in length. lobes .N. rotate. numerous. curved. acute. SYST. dense. valves large family of herbs. somewhat Sfalliens 5 Corolla lanceolate. 110 Tribe. Floivers ephemeral. LINN. terminal. acute. acute. COW'S LUNG WORT. the former persistent. NAMES. Inflorescence a simple. more or less irregular and bilabiate calyx and corolla 5-merous. broad. anthers apex of the style. septicidally i -celled by 2-valved. It is or alternate. bears some resemblance to the Labiateae. the tube scarcely apparent open or concave. and the latter three bearded. . . LINN. In its general character it separated from that order by : Leaves either opposite Inflorescence various .-VERBASCE/E. closing during cylindrical spike. trees. they are 4-merous. confluence.— VERB ASCUM. alternate. .—VERBASCUM THAPSUS. stipules none. rarely one. entire or nearly so.— COMMON MULLEIN. . . stigma capitate. the old Latin name. rarely 5 and perfect {yerbasctmi). VERBASCUM. MULLEIjY. all four stamens are not one genus (Synthyris) the corolla is entirely wanting. .V . filaments curved. nearly equal. intervening families. longer than the upper one. height of from 3 to 6 feet or more.— PENTANDRI. densely woolly. VERBASCUM THAPSUS. oblong. ORD-SCROPHULARIACE^. primary secondary centrifugal when present flowers perfect. sometimes. BOUILLON-BLANC (GER. and in . sometimes whorled is characterized as follows . TAPSUS BARBATUS. is noted for its —This many Pod globular.\. or rarely small shrubs and narcotic-poisonous species. . A TINCTURE OF THE Description. * Altered from Barbasctim. but always present. the lower two longest and naked. SEX. STN. GENUS. GER. . simple. WOLLKRAUT. the latter centripetal .* LINN. from its having been the sole support at one time of the garrison of Rochelle during the celebrated siege by Cardinal Richelieu in 162S. and often in easing the pains of the intestines. . History and Habitat. the Levantine D.liO-2 anatropous or amphitropous single s/j'/e . d^mong which the following are prominent: The Swiss Digitalis avibigua. Flora.). II. pifinata. principally though. and undivided. hemoptysis. The and other ancient writers is supposed to be this species. Tea sub-astringent. . introduced as a valuable Bol. sometimes 2-lobed or 2-lipped. . The European Water-Betony [Scroplndaria aquatica. zindtclatum''\ The principal use of this herb in medicine has been as an anodyne-pectoral.). : . pectoral.. strong decoction in wash for piles. ferruginea. Linn. Linn. and wounds of cattle. though Sibthorp states that it is the male Aevxyj ^"Xo^oq Sprengel judges that the emale is the mullein and the male the V. like velvet equal to flannel in rheumatism for frictions formerly thought to cure agues emollient in poultice good discutient to reduce swelled and contracted sinews." The flowers placed in a bottle and set in the sunshine are said to yield a fatty matter valuable as a $/l6^og of Hippocrates . Vahl. Murr.. Roth.. it frequents waste grounds and dry months. Med. . plant f is just now being WoodviUe. v^hose the heart active principle so nearly resembles that of Veratrum. now found in —The common thoroughly naturalized. antispasmodic. scalds. its fruit being Mullein most parts of Europe. and the Malabar specific for gonorrhoea. H. Lam. . 273. Linn..B. make a perfumed tea useful for coughs. anodyne. and the Italian D. \Jirm. : .) is noted in France as the Jierbe die siege. purpurascens. remarkable for its accumulative power in the system. Verbascum has been known as a medical plant from ancient times. oricntalis.K. Flora Horn. The II. ." RafinesqueJ sums up its uses as follows " Leaves soft. Several other species of Digitalis are said to possess the full action of D. Linn... we have provings of two important members of this Order. and emetic and purgative C. a is native of the Isle of North America it has become the Eastern United States..). Thapsos.. Blossoms better than leaves. 2-celled. . Beside the six genera represented in this work. used for diarrhoea. repellant. Fruit generally capsular. rarely winged embryo usually small and straight albumen copious. Home^j. Linn. and remedy for catarrhal coughs and diarrhoeas. J Med. bitterish. the Guayanian Bitter Blain [Vandellia diffii^sa. purpurea. and its action upon and the European Hedge Hyssop [Grafiola officinalis. where It flowers throughout the summer In October. fully ripe in in fields. Dr.). Torenia Asiatica. 203. 218.concludes upon trial that it " is useful in diminishing or stopping diarrhoea of an old standing. sarcous. Linn. The following species are more or less noted in medical literature as secondary the plants: the tropical Indian anti-rheumatic Herpestes Monniera. viz. stigma usually entire. the German D. highly valued by the natives as an emetic and purgative in malignant fever and dysentery. . II. Peruvian tonic and febrifuge Tumpu [Cilceolaria trifida. the European Fox-glove {Digitalis purpurea. Seeds small. hemorrhage and proctalgy. * Hamilton. cure for hemorrhoids. has no effect in The checking night sweats. in a dark. which contains Malic among other vegetable acids. which. that the pains similar to crushing ofljones with excruciating tearing sensation. " It eases phthisical cough.. f I judge from my own experiments with plants. gathered in July. when pulp and weighed. .— An a yellow volatile oil. of Verbascum arose also in my experimentation with the . . with decreased secretion constrictive and pressive pains in the bones and muscles. .xalis strieta. I have never noted the symptom as arising from experiments wiih drugs not containing this body. and the seeds are said to pass readily proving useful for the removal of intestinal canal. Cataplasuia Vcrbasci. light. . PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 1883. X'erbascum plays no part preparation is in the U.110-3 remedy and ical pulmonary in phthisis.). Phar. pour it. * Am. herbaceous odor. from Bril. 268. decoction.. J. mixed with After having stirred the has a deep reddish-brown color by transmitted salts of lime. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Ph.VZ/cc/ sorrel {O. free malic and phosphoric acids and their -ate yellow resinous coloring matter. severe drawing. Jour. . should be Then two well. your. pressure. . some patients scarcely requiring cough medicines at all " who use this " Its remedy. including an uncrystallizable sugar. The minor symptoms of disinclination to work. and numbness of the left malar bone. In Hahnemann's experiments the following prominent effects are noted Vertigo on pressing the left cheek with the hand dull pressure at the left infra-maxillary condyle. advanced in it also cases. general shiftlessness. S. temple and zygoma root of tongue coated brown urging to urinate. are characteristic of the action of this drug. cool place. to time in various pulmonary consump- early cases of in med- Ouinlan regards the plant B. a smoothish astringent taste. power of checking phthisical looseness gives great relief to the dyspnoea. sleepiness after dinner. a Medica fresh plant. articles scientific periodicals upon as having a distinct weight-increasing The hot tion. chopped and pounded into a closely-stoppered bottle. the pulp thoroughly one-sixth part of whole . is due to the Malic acid contained in them. it and the the Eclectic Materia —The it to a rest of the alcohol added. The leaves contain mucilage. Morin yielded a fatty acid. and leaves are considered to be diuretic. The action of . Med. and is however. patients who have taken it. causes a comfortable sensation. useless It is.— Many of the symptoms caused by from 30 to 40 ounces of a tincture of the fresh leaves daily. experience a decided physiological need of. its The tincture separated by and allow filtration sweetish. etc. and the general plant constituents. and anodyne and rapidly through the very marked. anti-spasmodic. and weakness of the lower limbs. thin layers in parts by weight of alcohol are taken. appearing from time this point. it to stand eight days should be opaque. he claims. power Dr. PART USED AND PREPARATION coming into blossom. F. with painful tearing and drawing in the ear sensation as if the temporal eminences were crushed with pincers . with a sensation as if the ear would be drawn inward."* demulcent. .}" numbness in the left ear. thus obstructions. Linn. It and decided acid analysis of the flowers by in should have a reaction. X 2 50. ])ortion of the root.110-4 Verbascum seems to be a somewhat peculiar irritation of the temporo-facial of the seventh pair of cranial nerves and a somewhat narcotic action branch upon the brain. N. Anther of beardless stamen. Hahnemann observes that the narcotic effects of the drug wore off in about two hours in his experiments. 4. 1S79. Upper portion of 2. A a young plant.. Bearded stamen. (3-5 enlarged.) J. Pollen. The seeds of Verbascum Lychnitis and Thapsus have often been employed to stupefy fish. Description of Plate iio. 7. 6. . June 29th. 5. Flower. Pistil. 3. X. Pamrapo. Mill. .ailnatdel. ^.111.etpinxt LinAria Vulgaris.m. . ARIA . Sfcni Leaves pale green. Pollen grains oval. FALSE FLAX.— DIDVNAMIA AM.) LINAIRE . gathered when and weighed. glaucous. didynamous. LEINKRAUT.\ THE FRESH PLANT LINARIA I'lNCrURE OF VUI. arranged alternately. bifid palate. Seeds slits below the apex. ANTIRRHINUM LINARIA. see History and Habitat. However. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. TOAD FLAX. sesile. SVSr. YELLOW FLAX. (GER. Suec. opening by two flattened. being Verbascum Thapsus. BUTTER AND EGGS. Spur awl-shaped. shorter than the spur of the corolla.-ANTIRRHINE/E. Roof woody. RANSTED. PART USED AND PREPARATION. Its previous medical uses were internally for jaundice and anasarca. white and fibrous. that nearly closes the ringent Upper lip two-cleft.t. MILL. colored palate. dry sandy fields. somewhat mitigated by its its injurious- choice of ground. Anthers two-celled. bright yellow. widely-spreading weed. with a chromeriowered. . CONTINENTAL WEED. Stamens four.ENUS. whole fresh plant. and vary from to 3 inches in length. 11 Tribe. situated upon the lower side of the base. . Linnceus states {Flor. the middle lobe smallest. with a two-celled ovoid capsule. COMMUNE. LINN. growing as it does only in waste places. It blossoms through the summer months. Loiver lip trifid. throat. NAMES.—LINARIA VULGARIS. —This pernicious. its origin in Europe. the natural order Scrophulariaceae.— TOAD FLAX. with an acute less scattered or whorled upon the stem Description. LOWENMAUL (FR.lDSl'KRMIA. or more or erect and simple. is chopped and pounded * The leaves of some to a pulp species reseiTil)Iing those of flax [Liniiiii). now but too thoroughly naturalized here. denselyfiowers i inch long. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it and the rest of the alcohol added. COM. deep sulcus and induplicate edges. and along the embankment of railroads and roadways. a terminal.) that a decoction of this plant in milk was used as a fiy poison. but it has dropped out of use entirely. 1 10. LnJIorescejicc.-LI N SEX.ORD-SCROPHULARIACE. and externally for hemorrhoids. fruiting as it fiowers. numerous. N. LIN ARIA. The whole is then poured into a well-sto]> in full fiower. Fruit a thin. — The except with us. linear-lanceolate. .ARIS. tubular. JACOB'S LADDER. i . (.* TOURN. — to This too-common roadside weed grows to a height of from from a perennial root. tip. creeping. spiked raceme Corolla Calyx five-parted. .C. masked with a projecting. For description of with a nearly complete winged margin.) FRAUENFLACHS. 3 i feet. doubtless has It is ness. SYN. MILL. but of the active principle. a then like weak tea. 7. Pollen X 380. Flowers. physiologically. Description of Plate hi.and filtering. of this plant is The provings have been carefully made.ill-2 pered bottle and allowed tincture is to stand for eight days deep brownish-red color by transmitted light. 6. cool place. show nothing in Thus prepared. W. they have been analyzed. then separated by straining. not known. — The true action. 5. Seed (enlarged). and show symptoms of some importance. unable to find any chemical data regard- plant. 1879. Section of flower. — am I ing this it taste at first cooling The has a very and sour. Upper part of a plant from 2-4. a dark. Root. and a very acid reaction. Brighton. which probably PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. with the exception of the flowers.. . 3. but are not sufficient to determine its sphere. S. I. I. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. July 5th. lies in its acid. pinxt.112. SCROPHULARIA NODOSA.. .aiinat. Linn. ^Tn. . and cordate or nearly so at the base. ranging from oval below to lanceolate above. SCROPHULARIA MARILANDICA.— niDVN'. * On account of its repute in scrofula. burns. at the throat. petals 5. with two confluent cells. The rudiment of a fifth stamen forms a protuberance at the summit and in the throat Filaments pubescent. — SCROPHULARIA. HEAL-ALL.SVST. etc.-SCROPHULARIACE/E. hemorrhoids. —This rank perennial herb grows to a height of from LINN.AMI. and dotted with minute Read description of the N.. suppurating mammae. The Fig-wort grows along the borders of woods and dry roadsides. GENUS. Corolla globose. OR VAR. . ulcers. MICHX. for itch. septicldal. COM. . SCROPHULARIA FIG. of loose. LINN. SQUARE-STALK. N. 3 to 6-flowered purple. and a lower reflexed. Description.\NGIOSrERMIA. VAR. . the upper lip of two erect. 2 to 4 feet. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PLANT SCROPHULARIA NODOSA. 5-cleft into ovate. Stoii clearly quadrilateral.. — History and Habitat. The European Scrop/iitlaria nodosa and our Marilandica seem to differ but slightly in their parts and properties from the This herb is said to serve as a soothing poultice to species under consideration.. . Calyx deeply cymes flowers . pits.) KROPPWURZ. and "scabs" flowering from June to September.—FIG-WORT. SCROPHELNPFLANZE. contracted and furnished with a two-lipped border. spreading lobe. SYN. . 112 SEX. . NAMES.* TOURN. glabrous through- Leaves opposite.or greenish- equal lobss. OR BOTH. SCROPHULARIA NODOSA. many-seeded pod. from Utah eastward throughout the United States and Canada. Stamens 4. equal lobes. brownish. iio. shorter however than those of the upper. the lozoer lip composed of a lateral equal pair.. with slight obtuse ridges at the angles. rough. LINN. PURSH. panicle. Fruit a 2-celled. . seeds black. curled inward with the anthers closely surrounding the ovary they become erect when ripening. various eruptions. SCROFULA-PLANT. SCROPHULARIA LANCEOLATA. MARILANDICA. closely appressed to the tube. opening transversely at the apex. lurid. AMERICANA.ORD. Order under \'erbascum. CARPENTER'S SQUARE (FR. doubly serrate. it is also used alone and as a component of salves.V . GRAY. inflamed tumors. Inflorescence a primarily nodding terminal out. and fmally decline. ovoid.) SCROPHULAIRE (GER. var.WORT. broader above than below anthers of the corolla-tube.— SCROPHULARIA NODOSA. HOLMESWEED. small. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.. this stearoptene was also discovered by Walz in an aque- distillate of the plant. and the rest of the alcohol added. 1884. 6. Phar.. the pulp thoroughly mixed with oneAfter having stirred the whole. should be chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. pour it into a well-stoppered bottle and let it stand eight days in a dark. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. H^O. k. N. acrid odor and taste. . All bruised. . S. 112-2 in swine. . O3. + N. Jour. C.* It crystallizes in bitter scales. Scrophularosmin ous .. Description of Plate 112.t this drug. iS . two parts by weight of alcohol should be taken. 4. C3 H. Panicle. and as a component of Synipus Riune- is officinal as . Y. Second pair of leaves from panicle. and a red coloring matter. 3.. resembling that of the elder [Sauibucus) Scrophularia ica it is cis Conipositus. . Corolla opened to show sexual organs. fouv. 1. colic tite : .. The tincture.. . . June Sth. gathered just Then before flowering. 2. — The whole fresh plant. Binghamton. X 250. * Mayer in Am. in the Eclectic Materia MedDccoctum Scrophularics. 5. not mentioned in the U. separated by straining and filtering. of which has not yet been determined. 1866... cool place. acetic acid. —According to Dr. O. — Scrophularin chemistry this principle. p. C3. soluble in both alcohol and water. . Ph. Flower. and Tinctura Corydalis Coiiiposita. was extracted from a decoction of the fresh plant by Walz. H^j. In this experimenter the . under side. Horn.. 295. drug seemed to expend its force upon the liver. p. the . and vertigo free bleeding of the gums salivation increased appegeneral weariness sleepiness and sallow skin. sixth part of it. 1863. and strong acid reaction. Ripe stamen (enlarged). propionic acid. PART USED AND PREPARATION. Walz's analysis also yielded pectin. Blakely. rank odor in hepatic when and glandular disorders. in re- peated doses of from 20 drops to a teaspoonful of the tincture. as well as a tonic and deobstruent parts of the plant have a heavy. a rank. should have a beautiful deep crimson color by transmitted sunlight. causes Fullness of the head. Pollen. . Chelone Glabra. Linn.Y-nLadnatdeletpinxr. . the flowers are sharp-pointed mouth either a sessile. broadly lanceolate. COM. woolly. somewhat obtusely four angled. NAMES. upper the middle." rim. keeled in lotcer lip 3-lobed at the apex.* LINN. in pairs less cylindrically " hat-shaped. pollen more or between the crown and the ova7'y 2-celled. filaments flat. head of that reptile. closely bractlets. bracted spike. The slcm is smooth. by the adhesive the sulcus being beyond the stamens a 2-grooved. terminal upon the stem and its pointed. CHELONE OBLIQUA. and either entire or notched at the apex . are merely elongated peduncles of the lateral axillary flower spikes. SVST. rounded-ovate. ORD. * xtXi*. completely connected cottony wool . LINN. branches The leaves are opposite. ranging from jiijloirseenee consists branches?.— TURTLE-HEAD. CHELONE GLABRA. opening by dehiscence through partition. or whether the . It is a question though. numerous. either sessile or very short petiolate. SEX. 2-celled ovoid capsule. BALMONY. imbricated sepals. stigma small and blunt.— DIDVXAMIA ANGIOSPER. the Seeds may be . A description of the natural order found under Verbuscum thapsus. middle lobe narrow or sometimes smallest. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH PL. SHELL-FLOWER. SALT-RHEUM WEED.N. projecting slender and cylindrical . ovoid Emit .. The of a dense.).-SCROPHULARIACE^. Slainens consisting of four didynamous.-CHELONE/E. lip broad-arching. imbricated with concave. TURTLE-HEAD. SYN. acuminate. from a creeping perennial root. Pistil as a whole. with either equal or unequal lateral inflations. winged and margined. CHELONE. Calyx of deeply parted or distinct five Corolla tubular. upright. included. LINN.MIA. iio. whether it really a is branching herb. serrate and 2 to 4 inches in length and of various breadths.— CHELONE GLABRA. fertile or complete ones and one sterile or rudimentary. the anthers heart-shaped.) GLATTE. (GBR. LINN. particularly near the top. (PR. style long.-\NT CHELONE GLABRA. and branching laterally. the rudimentary fifth much smaller than the other four. This beautiful swamp herb grows to a height of from 2 to 6 feet. each half carrying a section with it bearing the placenta. — Description. SNAKE-HEAD. H3 Tribe.) CHELONE. the and bracts little open or widely gaping. GENUS— C H E LO N E . from the resemblance of the corolla to the . and C. Description of Plate 113. been a favorite tonic. rose or purplish varieties have been at different times named both on account of the color of the flowers and the mode of growth. This strikingly erect plant. Materia Medica it is officinal as PART USED. cool place. the pulp mixed with stirring. and as consider at least. C. . N. light. C. grows though not in great abundance in any one locality about the margins of swampy places and along the wet edges of open woods. Y. August 15th. and the and pouring the whole allowed to stand eight days by parts by one-sixth After thorough alcohol added. I. . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.— No parts of may it are very bitter. bitter is weight of alcohol part of it. Decochim Chelonis. tonic. they vary from white to cream. a in chopped rest of taste and the into a well- a dark. Ph. Pistil (enlarged). Rudimentary stamen (enlarged). fresh herb as a whole. In the Eclectic S. in flower. stoppered bottle. Whole plant five times reduced. in the doses usually employed. Apex of stem 3. 4. Pollen X 380. from Binghamton. 6. Thus prepared.113-2 — History and Habitat. 1882. flowering from August to September. that it analysis has been made of this plant yields this property to alcohol the active body is soluble in these liquids. Then two pulp and weighed. lajiccolaia Balmony has . Fertile 5. among America and Thomsonian physicians without sufficient for years the aborigines of North reason however as a . we . all and water. 2. they are too indistinctly separate to afford a place and name. The flowers are large and without odor. AND PREPARATION. purpurea . stamen (enlarged).— The and pounded to a are taken. tincture then separated by straining and is orange-brown it is color transmitted filtering. obliqua. laxative and purgative. C. it The has a clear highly acid reaction. native of Canada and the United States. alba C. but — — .. rosea . Chelone has no place in the U. lQ. Linn .et pinxt .del.aiinal.v m ^9 ^ Veronica Virginica.8 Q. . . . 2-celled pod. and. blackish. and terete History and Habitat.— CULVER'S ROOT OR PHYSIC. the lower narrowest. NAMES.-SIBTHORPIE/E.. a play upon Betonica. . acute. Stamens 2. N. . . P^DEROTA VIRGINICA. . 114 etc. HINI. EUSTACHYA ALBA. SYN. (PR. HIGH VERONICA. — VERONICA. finely serrate.VERONICA VIRGINICA. Inflorescence in from i to 9 terminal. and varies to Georgia. ORD -SCROPHULARIACE^.. Ovary supecolumnar. Corolla salver-form. Veronicas. exserted. panicled. cifuga early in July. SEX. Veronica . Fruit an oblong-ovate. black. habits moist . STEUD. the tube much longer than the 4-parted limb. capitate. AND COM. CALLISTACHYA VIRGINICA. LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. stioma solitary. V.* LINN. style dehiscence by 4 apical teeth. and Missouri. and often downy beneath especially upon the veins. SIBIRICA. acute. WHORLY WORT. and giving off from the nether numerous long and fibrous rootlets. BLACK ROOT. testa —This becoming somewhat loculicidal. TORR. LEPTANDRA. oval. inserted low down upon each side of the upper lobe of the corolla and about twice small. pubescent within. nearly sessile Calyx 4-parted. Stem simple. QUINTEL.. bracts very small. perhaps.— DIAXDRIA M(i\(K_. and gready exceeding the calyx lobes erect. not notched at the apex nor much flattened its length rior. — This graceful perennial herb grows to a height of from i to 7 Root horizontal. The species also grows in Japan and Eastern India. JAPONICA. subulate. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF VERONICA VIRGINICA.) VIRGINISCHBR EHRENPREIS. Thbe. scarred upon its upper surface by the previous growths. * Dedicated to St. . . persistent sepals lanceolate.VNIA. LINN. GENUS. STEUD. seeds numer- minutely reticulated. most graceful and attractive of wooded banks from Canada and all the valley of American Winnipeg. strict. sometimes branched. the two plants appear to be the same. Alabama. and glabrous. feet. anthers rather large. LINN. 2-celled 2-celled . TALL SPEEDWELL.. V. the upper broadest. .) VERONIQUE DE VIRGINIE (GER. SYST. entire. LINN. VERONICE/E. tapering at both ends. It blossoms contemporaneously with Cimiwhen viewed at a distance.. at length ous. Leaves whorled in numerous clusters of from 3 to 9 short petioled. lanceolate. . while either has a beauty and grace which would render it poetically suitable for a fairy's wand. persistent. acute. NUTT. or. CUL VER'S PHYSIC. V.. cells confluent at the apex. PURPUREA. spike-like. RAP. far exserted filaments hairy. densely-flowered racemes floivers Description. . . Phar. gum. . Phar. 1863. or as a sudorific in pleurisy. The tincture. and antiperiodic in dyspepsia. Phar. After stirring the whole well. sepa- odor of the root.§ a volatile alkaloid. free * Med./rt'. Am. citric acid. and is soluble in water. II 1S56. and the following also advised Extractimi Leptandr-a HydroalcohoUciwi and Tinctura Leptandrce. and has been somewhat planted in this country. for the summer decoction of the fresh remedy in the Western bilious fevers. 2. : : PART USED AND PREPARATION. Culver's Physic was introduced into English gardens in 1714. giving place to the dried root. are Exlractum Leptandrcs and Extractum Leptandrcs Fluidiun. and is commonly used in warm decoction as purgative and emetic. It is crystallizable from coloring-matter. The use of the fresh drug has. Flora.'/«6'. and an extracDoses of from 20 to 60 grains of the powdered root have tive called Leptandriii.. Rafinesque says:* "The root alone is medical it is bitter and nauseous. torpidity of the liver. 34. 1859. resin. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are to be taken." the extract of the tincture now on the market. been used as a stomachic tonic. In a fresh state the root gained a great reputation as a drastic purge and abortivant. and mannite. volatile oil.t rated by when Wayne.J retains the characteristic This bitter principle. . Wayne.. shaking twice a day. the pulp thoroughly mixed gathered after fruition. transfer it to a well-stoppered bottle. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. . acting somewhat like the Eupalor-iuni and Verbena hastata . and some forms of dysentery and diarrhoea. 557. . but its action was too uncertain and severe. and ether. for a milder cathartic. Jour. Tannin. 22. Am. typhoid and intermittent fever. t This name is proposed." The officinal preparations of the U. prepared from this mass by pressing and filtering. and a saponin-like body having a glucosidal nature. that the substance may not be confounded with ''Lep/anJrin. Phar. Speaking of the drug in the light of sixty years ago. Mayer.— Z^//«. laxative. J Froc. has a deep reddish-orange color by transmitted light a somewhat earthy odor no characteristic taste and an acid reaction. however. used in domestic practice from our earliest settlements. and was thought to be a prophylactic against future attacks. cool place. Assoc. In the Eclectic Materia Medica the same preparations are recommended. with one-sixth part of . it. and allow it to macerate eight days in a dark. one of the many American Aboriginal remedies handed down by them and extensively.|| have also been determined. should be chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. some boil it in milk This is to the botanies. alcohol. in this state it was also frequently employed in intermittents. S. Jour. root is A strong a violent and disagreeable. debilitated conditions of the alimentary tract. but effectual and popular States. and the rest of the alcohol added. . —The fresh root of the second year. almost ceased in general practice. 298. therefore. \ Am.somewhat in color of anther and perianth in different locaHtles. Anther. Bract and calyx. Fruit. vomiting. 2. 10. — Full doses of the recent root of Leptandra cause dimness of vision. Limb 5. Whole plant. burning severe abdominal pains with great desire for stool . vertigo. intestinal . Seed.) i. Horizontal section of ovary. sleepiness. 114-3 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION... Binghamton. dry skin . . Stamen. 9. 8. (4-12 enlarged. Summit of single-racemed 3. I. 11. 18S5. 6. fetid discharges from the bowels and . Flower. N. yellow-coated tongue profuse black. 4. general lassitude . July 27th. mucous Description of Plate 114. 12. and a stimulant to the absorbent system. pistil. Burt's experiments with from and 20 to 160 drops of the fluid extract gave the following symptoms: Headache. Third whorl of leaves from top of No. nausea. and purging of bloody or black. " to 40 grains " Leptandrin papescent feces. i smarting of the eyes and lachrymation and distress in the stomach . tarry. 6 times reduced. Y. Dr. of corolla. Leptandra proves itself to be a severe irritant to the gastric and surfaces. hot. plant. Calyx and 7. . 115.etpinxt. EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS .ii(inat(lel. (p. .m. Linn. . F. pendulous. lobes acute.\ AXGIOSI'ERMr. capsule upper . SYN.) EUPHRAISB (GBR. EYEBlilGET. 3-lobed one largest and yellow. It flowers in July and August.V. oblong. pointed. leaves with strongly Inflorescence Calyx tubular-campanulate. loculicidal numerous. floral tending more to crenate. — EUPHRASIA. E. TROST. SVST.-EUFHRASIE/E.— EYEBRIGHT.iAUGBN. varying o]iTj)o?. — Euphrasia is indigenous to Europe and North Americadepauperate and its stations few. cheerfulness t Phy'. EUPHRASIA. but among recommended both outwardly * Eu^par/a.op." How long before him Euphrasia was about the year i38o. (FR. . Description. erect.. . from the north-eastern coast of Maine over the alpine summits of the White Mountains and Adirondacks thence northward and westward along the upper shore of Lake Superior to the Aleutian Islands. . distinct. the middle the upper at its lip .. who died in 131 3. N. . VVith us its growth is .\\. cells 4. flattened. was the author of " Vini Eiiphrasiati tantoperc celebrati. ginate. or even by the Arabian physicians. CANDIDA.. and longitudinally sulcate. each mucronate Fruit an oblong. herb has always been known under a name of Greek originl still no mention of the plant is made by Dioscorides. 4-cleft. 442 ." is published in 1305. setaceous teeth spicate —This low annual only grows branches . Galen. StcDi from roundish-ovate to upper or incisely dentate. lip erect. the lower leaves in flozvers . LINN.e.— EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. to Z^^i'^j opposite. Bauhin says that it was known as a remedy for the eyes very small flowers. lobes emar- didynamous. emarginate lobes lower . It ranges. ORD-SCROPHULARIACE^. LINN. dilated at the throat. EUPHRASY. In many of these locations a dwarf form. Though this Arnoldus Villanovanus. none bracteoles .t in repute for eye diseases.— DIUY\AMI. hairy oblong margin . of the corolla seeds small. BRUN. Stamens anthers 2-celled . 115 Tiibe. is impossible to say. barely concave. whitish. SEX. and inwardly as a its effect upon the spirits through its benefit to the sight. 2-lobed. stigma entire. SCHCEN. NAMES. spreading. the lips subequal a height of a few inches. is found.. euphrasia. here. external lip Style filiform base. distilled water.* TOURN. cince. EUPHRAGIA ALBA. COM. the sides revolute in the bud. bilabiate. Pliny. and a compound. . with History and Habitat. GENUS. in Gordon's '' Liticium Medt- the medicines for the eyes Euphragia in as to is one. A TINCTURE OF THE HERB EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. rising under equal. that of the . Corolla purple-striped. 369. judging by these. the absurd and indiscriminate recommendation of Euphrasia as such. Scrophularia.y/«-7^a. Disp. 7. and has been a vulgar remedy in these diseases from time immemorial. it . Dodonaeus. I. throughout the whole of Europe. Tlie earliest notice of Euphrasia... we should say that eyes. in which the use of this plant was thought more remarkably evident and. which have succeeded catarrhal affections. must have induced some the plant in . in weakness of the eyes. pp. and is — This only obtain- tartrate of antimony (Wittstein). peculiar tannin gives a dark-green precipitate with ferric salts. several. in its favor. and others. however. In 1836. C„Hj„Oj. op. and Chelone (ante. and those that are dim and watery. compiled about is in the works of Tragus. hoarseness. 1[ Am. cit. J Ozann's Journal. are the cases in which Euphrasia promises most advantage. cit. and scrofulous blepharI lOO. has cured epilepsy. of Scotland. It is precipitable by glue. Mat. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. IJ9. above the root. * Allsion. and able by combination with lead.. weakened by long-continued exertion.//V Acid. Bot. John King remarks ^y that four fluid ounces of the infusion morning and night. loc. 275. Kramehit in jaundice feld| employed it.. Horn. The whole fresh flowering plant. as in a senile state. vinous odor. Haller. with success. Villanova and Velebt. "though the great reputation which Eyebright formerly supported for several ages. and an acid reaction. . nor are old people to despair. make an infusion of it in fusions and cataracts. the 'veriim oculorttm remedy it on rational principles. gathered from barren.115-2 Euphragia syrup. ophthalmia. a bitter. astringent taste. It little credit from those who must be acknowledged." Dr. by Fuschius.. 2.f was employed as a remedy in diseases of the eyes. earache. 112-2. upon an empty stomach. for according to Hildanus and Lanzonus. Fuschius recommended it in sufThe Highlanders. further remarks that the Icelanders are in the constant habit of using the juice of all affections of the eyes and adds that. 110-2. — PART USED AND PREPARATION.§ Woodville says:|| " Euphrasia derives ous disorders of the eyes. and glandulous. f Spiengel. and the character of a solamen! But as there cannot possibly be a general for all diseases of the eyes. . as a medicine. catarrhal.* is not mentioned in the Scho/a Salernitana. in rheumatic and catarrhal inflammation of the eyes and their lids in cough. Hoffman employed milk. ." . practitioners to have used recorded in testimonies modern times. were recovered from almost entire blindness. for which has long been so much name from its reputed efficacy in in vari- internally.— ^?^//w'«. Flor. at the age He of seventy and eighty years. and anoint the patient's eyes with a feather dipped in it. Med. The resulting tincture has a deep brownish-red color by transmitted light a pleasant. should be treated as directed for Verbascum. must receive but cine its was used both externally and celebrated as to be considered almost specific. yet How we do far this we leave others not find a single instance of remark ought its efficacy to invalidate the positive to determine. \ Hamilton./. sunny spots. and headache. practice medi- some authors that have stated peculiar complaints of the eyes. 113-2). || Med. It . 115-3 The volatile oil.. 5. 4. ' (2-5 enlarged. and sweat. violent cough. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. violent pressure in the eyes with lachrymation and itching. and difficult breathing yawning and sleeplessness profuse secreI o to 60 drops of the tincture. — The symptoms caused by doses varying from observed by several German experimenters* were substantially as follows: Confusion of the mind and cephalalgia. . I. Flower. Calyx. redness and swelling of the margins of the lids. and acrid and bitter principle. r . iSS^. . . Seed. liave not as yet b(X'n chemically analyzed.) * See Alleti's Encyc. sensation as though the eye were covered with mucus. tion of urine. . dimness of vision. weakness. Kearsarge. Whole phint. Description of Plate 115. . with profuse expectoration. and photophobia sneezing and fluent coryza odontalgia nausea constipation hoarseness. H. 24tli. once enlarged. 3. 4. violent burning of the lids. . July 2. 254. N. Stamen. . (Ein..elpinxt. .ailnat.ilel.116. Mentha Piperita. Linn. . . is broader than the others and emarginate. and distant . perennial herb. and rounded at the base petioles distinct. anthers 2-cened . SYN. terminal and superaxillary. a whorl-like appearance is made (verticillaster) floiocrs perfect hypogynous disk usually present. and multiplying stent suberect. represented in : with volatile oil . . from i to 2 feet. through jealousy. and the cymes clusters nearly or quite sessile. PEPPERMIJyT. Inflorescence in numerously glomeruled. included. SMITH. SEX.— MENTHA.) . ORD-LABIAT/E. spreading. Corolla 4-lobed. straight. grows — This PIPERITA. cells parallel. flowers small. * Mfrtf/?. — This large family of square -stalked aromatic herbs.—PEPPERMINT. or sometimes verticillate.* LINN. OFFICINALIS. hardly irregular. naked in the throat li7ub . the 5-toothed lobe. the leaves being opposite that of the . lobes imbritubular. VAR. ovate to a height of .. KOCH M. simple. bracts hispid. sharply serrate.) MBNTHE POIVREE (GER.-SATUREI/E. and at last interrupted. though never galeate nor concave. SHULTZ M. Stamens 4. SVST. borne upon the tube of the corolla. gamosepalous. (FR. 116 Tribe. . spikes. PALUS. and low North America by 50 genera. Leaves ovate-oblong to oblong-lanceolate. the general evolution of the clusters in the axils of leaves or primary bracts centripetal or glomerules centrifugal . OFFICINALIS AND HIRCINA. Minthe. shrubs. daughter of Cocytus. upper linear. RAIL COM. Rootstock creeping. glabrous or somewhat hairy. GENUS. stipules none. comprising 231 species and 45 recognized varieties. . N. distinct or . Style long. erect. Calyx Corolla irregular and more or less bilabiate. the posterior or upper exterior. WHOLE PLANT MENTHA A TINCTURE OF THE Description. and usually dotted with immersed glands filled Labiatae. pungent. . PFEFFER- MtJNZE. . inclined. without a thickened connective. cated in the bud. HULL M.— MENTHA PIPERITA. exserted. except that the upper teeth hispid. Inflorescence thyrsoidal . Proserpine changed into one of these plants. whom. TRIS. NAMES. Stamens didynamous or diandrous. or represented by i or 4 gland-like lobes. liibe short. Calyx campanulate. the middle lower innermost. MENTHA PIPERITA. distinctly pedicellate. is characterized as follows Stems square leaves opposite. similar and nearly equal. acute. VIRIDIAQUATICA. leafless.— DIDYNAMIA G VMNOSPERMIA. mostly longer than the verticillasters. more or less. vidgare . Benth. Linn. all are used in chlorosis. the Cape Plectrantkus frnticoszis. in general and jucunda for practice. tussis. and various low type female disorders. and emmenagogue. C). plano-convex . Linn.). emmenagogue. and the Mediterranean Thyme {Thymus vidgaris. officinalis. and . kidneys. phthisis. rheumatism. Linn. diaphoretic. pectoral.yOT«/-7'«z^. and urethra. The European Asiatic.). dimerous. so well known in all country households. which is also considered stomachic.). few of them only well understood. may be of species of this order have figured. turition . Germander [Teiicriiun JMariun.) and Dittany of Crete {Origanum Dictamnus. carminatives. surround- at the apex. Linn. and fifih. emmenagogue. as a sudorific.).. as a stimulant. is considered diaphoretic.nt. a feline aphrodisiac. American Alfavaca [Ocimiim canum. hypochondriasis. bitter tonic. Linn. Linn. and North African Pennyroyal [Mentha which is deemed emmenagogue. The European and West Asiatic Catmint.). for visceral affections. antihysteric. has been used. diuretic.).) .). an an tihysteric and emmenagogue. will The European. amenorrhoea. and antiflatulent. mostly amphitropous or anatropous and erect. from time without date. s and 2-stigmatose 2-cleft diandrous species the adjacent in rarely the four fertile stamens are equal. Linn. and emmenagogue. and kindred affections. The proven Pistil ovary 4-parted or lobed the bottom of the persistent calyx in Embryo or barely roughish. D. . a noted feline aphro- West Asiatic. or Catnip {Nepeta Cataria. plants of this order. a sternutatory. antispasmodic. as stimulant. Like Marum Verum it is vidgare. and much diaphoretic. lauded as a local stimulant sprains. antispasmodic. diuretic. Linn. the or anterior. as well as in uterine The South European Hyssop {Hyssopus officinalis.. D. and rubefacient. antispasmodic. rudimentary or sterile . bladder. in carious teeth.. known well The and rubefacient. etc. officinalis. diaphoretic. each carpel deeply 2-parted or lobed uniovulate. used by the natives as a palliative for the pains of par- Sweet Marjoram {Origanum Marjorana. that the order and African Lavender [Lavendula vera. Linn.. albumen lobes style filiform. the East Indian Basilicum. C). a mild tonic. Summer and Winter Linn.). Linn. The .: 116-2 monadelphous rarely . etc. Fruit 4 akene-like nutlets. Balm {Melissa sis. asthma. are considered antiflatulent. Linn. . Asiatic. night-sweats. the Mediterranean Rosemary (7?ci. amenorrhoea. Linn. Linn. are the Mediterranean disiac . ]r{e.f t^^^/wfl/Zi-. a carminative. A large number and domestic A unpleasant drugs. .). and African Marjoram {Origanum vulgare. in chlorosis. the South the European.) Savories {Satureia hortcn- and f?iontana. nutlets smooth cotyledons plane or slight or none. is used and in confections. ovul mostly ing the base of the stigma. and astringent.). Spearmint [Mentha viridis. pair also. be mentioned here. and antispasmodic. a cultivated form of O.). and the European and Siberian Betony [Stac/iys Betonica. Linn. the European.]^. antihysteric. Linn. straight except in Scutellarinecs radicle inferior . which especially in Ocimum diseases of the is used. The European Horehound {Marubium and emmenagogue.). in Brazil. pulegiziin. are The American Horsemint {Monarda punctata.). emetic and purgative. leaves of the Mediterranean Sage {Salvia as a light. . anti-emetic. besides the six treated of in this work. ). Lincolnshire. in medicine. directly over the course of the nerve itself. colic. beside being valued in Russia.5 per cent. in the United States. It was first said to be found in England about the year 1700. at about the same period of its cultivation. CoUeda. Ph. R. by Dr. Linn are febrifugal the Japanese crispHS. The genus Ociinmn furnishes plants of various properties. Peppermint is nowhere considered truly indigenous. dyspepsia. or menthol.\\ Oleum Menthce Piperitce. especially those associated with flatulency.* Peppermint began its usefulness. tonic. Linn. it was afterward quite extensively planted in Surrey. per acre) and the annual product of the world is estimated at about 90.. antirheumatic.5 to 1. and hysteria. the action is temporary.000 lbs. and New York. The yield of oil. Sens. Aqua leaves and tops are officinal in the U. Facial and sciatic affections are greatly relieved by fomentations of the leaves. Its rubefacient action is intimately associated with what may be considered anodyne properties. and X Rhubarb and Peppermint. Proc. as the above species. as a remedy in rabies. retching. as Homoeopaths. stimulant. || Camphor. is an excellent diaphoretic. but decidedly happy. though probably its native haunt is the basin of the Mediterranean. the preparations are MentJics Piperilce. Mistura Camphors Composita.. as well as Spiri/us McnlJia and Vinum Ai-oniaticiim:\ In Eclectic practice. The cultivation of the plant was begun in Great Britain about 1750. for which alone the plant is cultivated. Peppermint. and a multitude of others. Willd. and the affected nerves or muscles are somewhat superficial. and Hertfordshire. in Germany. Cloves. t Lavender. Rosemary.). — History and Habitat. as it does with us. antispasmodic. Cajeput. and . and was then considered specific in renal and vesical calculus. It was found useful in bowel troubles. vi7'idis. jucund ingredient of prescriptions containing nauseous. catarrh. It grows as an escaped plant in all European countries. The American Dittany [Cuiii/a mariana. Fharm. in France. ... and on the Continent in 1770. Peppermint. by the Aborigines. or rubbing the oil. is from . has been esteemed much. into which it is said to revert if not properly reset. Br. * Todd. Linn. Peppermint. in England. Ohio. Assoc. Extractiim Rhei Flnidiim. and Anise. and the Indian suave. . in ditches and along brooks there is nothing to prove that it is not a cultivated variety of ]\I. being considered a stomachic.Spearmint. vomiting. and Peppermint. the Sierra Leone viridc. 1876.\ Mistura Cajeputi Composita. Sage. was used. and a .: iiG-3 European and Asiatic Motherwort [Leo/mrus Cardiaca. when the trouble is neuralgic or rheumatoid. The Piperitce. Cambridgeshire. are better known housewife and perfumer than to us as physicians.\ Infusuin Mentha Piperita:. Pulvis Rhei Compositus. S. and carminative. Opiuin. of the production (from 8 to 16 lbs. and Indian sanctiini. A to the number of the above species. which has but lately been brought before us. Bicarbonate Potash. \ Wormwood.. Eales.\iteric. The principal use of the essence or oil is as a flavoring for confections.^ Tinctura Olei Menthce Piperitce. Origanum. The East Indian Anisomeles jMalabarica. and diarrhoea. Willd. and especially griping drugs. . as an antiperiodic and ale. spasmodic actions. 828. \ Rhubarb. useful in infantile . Am. and Michigan. Thunb. pale yellow. flowering plant hol are taken. present.4° either colorless. Reagan says* that the pure oil is but slowly absorbed by blotting paper. at first biting. then cold. (410° v. gr.). and tannin.). a dark olive-green color ensues and D. but differs essentially in melting at 42° (107. If — Fipinent/iol. or Erechthifes liicracifolia. and pouring stoppered The bottle.. which is so pure that it almost wholly yields this product. almost odorless Phar. resin. mint-like taste a clear orange-brown color by transmitted light. slightly ..). the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of of the alcohol added.4° F. — On distilling menthol with phosphorous pentoxide. of 0.— (9// This essential of Peppermint. in separated from this mass by pressure and should have odor of the plant. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.Hjj. have also been determined. but when the three plants above mentioned are mixed . Then two and weighed. and an acid astringent. which is prevent the crystallization of said to menthol. a cherry-red coloration follows if P. cool place. the presence of the hydrocarbon above mentioned cooled to 4 (+ 24. if pennyroyal is alcohol. with it the absorption is rapid. Jour. 1885. since when it has gready increased. Phar.116-4 PART USED AND PREPARATION. a hydrocarbon (Cj^H^^ -|- or— O). After stirring the whole well. and boiling at 210° crystals.). and a powerful aromatic taste. allowed to stand eight days oily feel a bitterish. — The chopped and pounded to a pulp whole fresh.84-0. is liquid. of . especially upon strong inhalation of air over the tongue this effect is followed by a peculiar numbness characteristic of this product.). it is tincture. Am.. by carelessness. The import of this substance in 1884 was 4000 lbs. 8° F.92. and the it.^0. f Peppermint Camphor. The of commerce is often adulterated with that of pennyroyal.8° F. dissolved in oil of an equal part of a mixture of two parts chloral- one part of C. and boiling at 212° (413. leaves F. have an is parts by weight of alco- filtration. commelting at 36° (96. the oil stearopten of the exquisite odor of Peppermint. It consists of a solid and liquid portion. . but. Mentha arvensis.x — Under this name is understood the Chinese Oil of Peppermint. a posed of hexagonal fine is very slight.) will deposit. boiling at 163° (325. Am. body An * Cj^. 1883. has a sp. % Henry Trimble. retain the .6° F. The oil is soluble in water and in alcohol. this results as a levogyrate liquid..4'^-379. sulphuric acid the oil is and a drop or two of pure.6° F. boils at i88°-i93° (37o. The tests for the oil are given by the Oil and Drug News as foloil or that of On lows: the addition to the hydrate.5 to 5 per cent.). reaction. and contains from 0.] \J\IenthoL which is distilled Menthene. rest into a well- it a dark. It is has a strong. Jour. Erigeron Canadense. or greenish. agreeable odor. 486. with intent. Bl. turning oil of the brown with age. from Mentha Javanica.-\ C^^H. 600. Chinese menthol is very like that of other countries. Y. N. cough on inspiration and external muscular soreness of the neck. —The symptoms of disturbance caused in Dr. Demeures judges that this drug is to dry cough what arnica is to bruised and strained . 3. Description of Plate ii6. muscles.116-5 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.) . End of an early flowering plant. (2-4 enlarged. Flower.. Binghamton. : Headache. with confusion and sensitive dry throat dry . Section of calyx. 4. I. 1SS5. Dr. Demeures' experiments are substantially as follows shooting pains region of fifth-nerve terminals in the . 2. . Section of corolla. July 26th. . Linn.del. 14 TTg f^ \ 10 LYCOPUS ViRGINICUS.^ ^8 ^Tn.adnat.etpinxt. . . VAR. Style bulbous at the base. and shady grounds. lobes 4. Stamens inserted." * A(i«o. Fruit composed of 4 3-sided nutlets. he disported with it to such an extent that it was forced to yield him 5 new species and 16 varieties " some of which might even be deemed species.. 3-nerved.) VIRGINISHER WOLFSFUSS.V LYCOPUS. . often summer VIRGINICUS. small. A TINCTURE OF THE Description. and to British Columbia and Oregon. and glabrous or very stolons long. MICHX.N. BUGLE -JVEUD. wolf: ^ovi. acute at both ends. This is one of the species that caused Rafinesque to vagarize.) LYCOPE DE VIRGINIB. VIRGINICUS.VNDKI. LINN. MACROPHYLLUS. . damp. MACROPHYLLUS. blossoms from July to September. pous. .. L. Lykos. L. filiform. Corolla bell-shaped. GRAY. from suppositional resemblance. Tribe 117 -SAW REIE/E. stems. . L. BENTH. small. and hardly irregular. L. but neither galeate or concave.— DI. VIRGINICUS.SV. GENUS. only purple. — BUGLE -WEED. produced from and tapering at the base into a Lnflorescence in sessile. . Missouri.SEX. foot. . nearly equal. flmoers whitish or tending toward slightly shorter than the corolla. truncate at margins thickened.-LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS. MdNoGVNIA. PAUL'S BETONY. slightly —This common perennial weed Sfem 6 to 24 inches. short.ST. WATER HOREHOUND. the lateral areola basal. PUMILUS. — History and Habitat. short petiole. and acute the top nated . pubescent the base of the WHOLE HERB LYCOPUS . capitate-verticillastrate glomerules bracts very short. (GER. stoloniferous. the superior 4-cre- at the base. obtusely angled. teeth 4 to 5. COM. where it ranges from Labrador to Florida. BENTH. usually attains a growth of from Leaves ovate or oblong-lanceolate. the throat. equidistant. NAMES. anthers with two parallel cells. SYN. VAR. ORD-LABIAT^. . L. (FR. resembling the calyx-teeth Calyx campanulate.* LINN. L. . bifurcating at the apex. WATER BUGLE. and northwestward It grows in low. PAUCIFLORUS. — LYCO PUS. erect. erect. The V'irginian Bugle-weed is indigenous to North America. tuberous at the apex. coarsely ser- rate especially in the middle. the upper entire and broader than the others. . VAHL. only two furnished with anthers. straight. obtuse or slightly acutish. and naked in ovate or lance-ovate. GIPSY -WORT. GIPSY -WEED. axillary. the inner surfaces of the lobes stigmatic. UNIPLORUS. and internal inflammation he further claims that it acts somewhat like Digatalis. Med. VI. This valuable remedy was dismissed from the U. 902.\llen. . another soluble in ether. PART USED AND PREPARATION. that it . Disp. ten minutes between doses three doses alone were sufficient. and menorrhagia.oves. Jour. . The symptoms. since we checked one of the most serious cases of epistaxis in our practice by the exhibition of teaspoonful doses of the tincture. contains also a volatile water. inter. after two hours of hemorrhage and the patient (a healthy man) greatly reduced. and all seem to plant. . Williams speaks of the plant§ as being " one of the most valuable styptics (hemostatics ?) we possess in our vegehistory of this species garis of Europe.— The analysis of the Tildens|| determined the presence of a peculiar bitter principle. were Nausea flatulence. the two forming more than ten per cent. according to the observations of myself and The properties of the plant are given up to remain on drying except the last. J-lor.. The others. But two days have passed. of the whole solid extract.— The symptoms caused in the human body by doses varying from ten drops to three drachms of the tincture. Med. vol. \ II "J Am. t X Y. 494. and found it very useful in hemoptysis. Meti. Pendleton and Rogers t first presented it in tangible form as an agent in incipient phthisis with hemoptysis. I. table we. writers accept the idea that the plant both from our own experience and is narcotic that of others. one drachm to the ounce of water. Eiicyc. 1S59. and as a means of producing diaphoresis without debility. : * N. It is certainly an excellent hemostatic. hemoptysis. oil.. striving for its primary effect in epistaxis. Dr. nor accumulating in the system.117-2 The medical seems to hang upon the laurels of L. and the usual plant constituents. only sedative bility . other than those of circulation. 20. S. King says. Jour. lyy. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.§ Lycopus is decidedly beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Am. however. he judged it a tonic sedative. Mat. . having cured when other means were useless. and of a wineglassful of the infusion •[ all point to the drug as increasing the tonicity of the capillaries and diminishing the vis-a-tergo in the larger vessels and the action of the heart itself. S. II. very useful in generous doses. without producing any bad effects. The whole fresh flowering herb resulting tincture has a clear by transmitted light an herbaceous odor and an acid reaction. . . tannin. Med.. is in that it rem. vulmentioned by Schoepf. RafinesqueJ thought exceeding well of its general properties. by checking hemorrhage. Med. hematemesis. 1S49. Assoc. that nervous excitaand mental fear always accompanying such conditions. I. Dr. 0/ Mat. lowering the pulse. insoluble in ether. Most Materia Medica.* but Drs. 69. at this writing.— The treated as in the preceding drug. N. and has been of service in chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. 1870. at the last revision in the Eclectic Materia Medica the officinal preparation is Infusum Lycopus. It was first . and P/iys. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Phar. is brown color an astringent and slightly bitter taste .. 326. gr. 4. causes deposits of mucus. Stamen. corolla. 7. sleeplessness. of urine to as ished quantity. Akene. 6. ( outer view. 8. but no pains. Face of 5. Description of Plate 117. and pleurodynia: sensations of cardiac constriction. 10. 3.117-3 griping. with dimin- fleeting rheumatic slight fever. and . Fruit. Y. decrease of sp. 18S5. J inner view. Whole plant. N.. =-H= icx)4. Binghamton. (^lateral view. low as albumen . Flower. I and 2. Pistil. and diarrhoea. 9. July 31. . . pinxt HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES .118.ilel. ^TQ. . . '\NT common. and southward. destitute of cells or pollen. inches. ZIZIPHORA PULEGIOIDES. AMERICAJ^ PEJYjYYRO YAL. from n<'».V. bearded in the throat. LINN. * if of recent occurrence. . slightly coni])ressed. pedicillatc. where ranges from Canada to Iowa.— MOCK PENNYROYAL. COM. . but its action. the throat evenly open npper-lip erect. often having the appearance of terminal racemes flozvers very small. all . HEDEOMA. narrowed from 6 to 1 Leaves oblong- at the base into a slender Inflorescence in loose. Anthers of fertile stamens. brown. 3-cleft. PBRS. branching ovate. . the floral similar. a diaphoretic in the beginning of colds (Pennyroyal large doses of a hot infusion. SYN. broad . WHOLK PL. few-flowered. the inferior (fertile) pair the longer. flat.— I)I.-. is very like it. Caly^-' ovoid or tubular. in domestic practice. MELISSA PULEGIOIDES. Fruiting calyx ovate-campanulate. as a medicine. strongly two-lipped 2-cleft.\XDRIA MONdGVNI. divisions setaceous-subulate. 2-celled. Our of open species is extensively used. sterile tipped with a litde head. to a height of hairs retuse. w(. and blossoms from July to September. A TINCTURP: of THK Description. . — This species is indigenous to North America. . pubescent. the throat closed with a ring of villous hairs. SVST. TICK-WEED. it will often of brewer's yeast.ll . together with the pediluvium. . as an aromatic stimulant and car- minative in colic of children Tea). scarcely exceeding the calyx.) AMERIKANISCHER POLEY. combined with a *H(^'tf«T/ioi'. tube naked within limb 2-lipped. obscurely serrate. PERS. & S.\ PULEGIOIDES. Stamens 4. 13-nerved. ovoid. and spreading (ect/i triangular loivcr-lip and hispid-ciliate. . it in amen- bring on the frequently acts oame^ smell. ORD-LABIAT^. and notched at the apex loiocr-lip spreading. NAMES. The American Pennyroyal differs largely from the European Moitha pulcgium in its botanical characters. SQUAW MINT. gibbous. !GER. In the latter trouble. It grows upon the most it arid spots woods and fields. R.— HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES. — HEDEOMA. 118 Tribe. (FR.~SATUREIE/E. GENUS. SEX. Nutlets 4.2 N. LINN. Corolla bluish.=i= PKRS. herb.. annual HEDK0M. gill heiivcsmon. nicely. CUNILA PULEGIOIDES. . heiiys^ sweet: »<Ji^n. grows minutely pubescent. and more or less petiole. gibbous at the base. —This Sicrii erect. History and Habitat. menses in . and. upper-lip 3-toothed. fertile filaments ascending parallel and under the upper-lip. STINKING BALM. and orrhoea. axillary whorls.) POULIOT D'AMERIQUE. of poisoning by the Dr. 2..j: of a oil body an almost colorless. labor-like pains. and face oil. July 2. fleas. 4. Binghamton. I. but with only partial success. Flower. J Phil. 1SS5. with tenderness of the paralysis of the limbs . f PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. with this body. intolerable bearing down.— The ing period. and mosquitoes many w'ho have camped in the northern woods.) Page 119-2. f The sp. The herb and Oleum Hedcomes Dispensatory. in the . of corolla. neck. Toothacker. gr. abdomen . should the intender be not too late with her prescription. The oil has been recommended as an ointment to keep off gnats. (2-7 enlarged. becoming darker with age. Whole plant. . at . it . gr. lightretains the odor and taste of the herb. yellow is liquid. of tlie oil of Mentha pulegium is 0. severe retchings.x.— A case woman who took. and prostration. but inability to vomit. : oil is reported by doses of a teaspoonful of the Severe headache . difficult deglutition . Nutlet. Pistil. Mouth 5.925. and rubefacient rheumatism in oil with raw linseed . constipation . . and is It neutral. Ph. is anti-emetic. Fruiting 7. your. anti-spasmodic. caly.. Y. of Horn. S.118-2 The as an abortivant. 655. Description of Plate iiS. N. great nausea. the U. dyspnoea . the oil are officinal in PART USED AND PREPARATION. ticks.— This able by distilling the fresh herb with water. whole fresh plant.— (:W^///^-ft'tw«^.* is Eclectic and Decoctum Hedcomce are recommended. has a sp. semi- nervous weakness. It symptoms intervals. at the flower- The treated as described for the root of CoUinsonia. 3.941. Calyx. to guard against the pests of that region. tincture has a taste . makes an excellent dressing for recent burns. resulting deep orange color by transmitted light retains the odor and of the plant to a high degree and has an acid reaction.. have anointed their hands. she presented the following is easily obtain- results as readily soluble in alcohol. 21st. 6. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. of 0. COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS.^m.etpinxt.adnat.del. . Li nn. . very veiny.— DIANDRIA LINN.S. . terminal. protruding toward one or the other stamen. at the insertion of the the lower larger. tapering at the base. SYN. who named the species in his honor. and southward to Florida. somewhat divergent ant/iers introrse. Seeds triticose. and having a bearded ring infundibuliform. SYST. MCEN. Leaves opposite.-COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. and along the Allegheny Mountains. pendent. OX-BALM. lengthened in fruit. . and containing a little honey-gland that partly surrounds. pointed sharply.— STONE-ROOT. OVALIS. where ranges from Canada to Wisconsin. Linn. petioled. . and very hard and stone like sfeni erect.).L. Rich-weed is (See " History and Habitat. Corolla elonular-puberulent panicle . filiform. thin. . and bearded down median line. The original specimen of this plant was sent to Peter Collinson.t RICH-LEAF.) BAUME DB CHEVAL (GER. by John Bartram. ample.l CANADISCHE COLLINSONIE. the lower 2-parted. * In honor of f The true I'eter Collinson.-LABIAT^. carunculate. C. feet. Gray (Urtic. Inflorescence a naked." PiUa pumila. \ This vulgarism denotes Spirea toinenlosa. racemose. depressed. somewhat 4-angled. Calyx ovate. N. C. Brunella vulgaris. the two upper nutlets lips 2. A TINCTURE OF THE ROOT OF COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. KNOT-ROOT.. It habits rich woods.x into unequal lobes. and spirally coiled in the bud filaments long and straight. and is larger than. GENUS. lo-nerved. LINN. — it History and Habitat. irregularly fimbriate. STOA'E-ROOT. . F. in 1735 he afterward forwarded it to Linnaeus. varying from broadly ovate Description. HORSE-BALM. much exserted. MuNoGVNIA.ORD. GRAVEL-ROOT. being particularly abundant in the North. COM. ape. PURSH. and bifurcated at the the inner . (Koseacese). Style long. floioers lemon-yellow and lemon-scented. COLLINSONIA.— COLLINSONIA. RICH-WEED.t HARDHACK. NAMES. LINN. short. The Stone-Root is indigenous to North America. X Properly. and irregularly at the apex. HEAL-ALL.icea. DECUSSATA. KNOB-ROOT. the cells divaricate and contiguous. Stamens 2 (the posterior pair wanting). gland- serrate. 2. bearded midway in the throat. . to oblong. HORSE-WEED. 2-celled. Linn.. somewhat filaments lips . — This glabrous perennial herb grows to a height of from 2 to 4 Root nodular. the upper flattened and 3-toothed. and coarsely. 119 Tribe-SAJUREIE/E. a promoter of science in England.* SEX. not declined.? (PR. gated. and flowers from July to September. three or four times a day. Hooker judges the principle so volatile that all infusions should Dr. and allowed The tincture so prepared is. French and Beers speak highly of it in pains of the bladder. to a pulp After stirring the whole well. 177. is set bilious stools with tenesmus.— The fresh root is chopped and pounded Then two and weighed. and starch. Phar. Hale's provings add to the above the following effects Headache with throbbing yellow-coated tongue. this genus is considered and used outwardly and inwardly in many disorders it is applied in poultice and wash for bruises. Dr. parts by weight of alcohol are taken. and says that it relieves pulmonary irritation. Am. cramps. and that peculiarly distressing asthma simulating. " heart disease. Lochman.— Dr. has no characteristic odor a ligneous taste and an acid reaction. as PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. "in the ague. 228. with desire for stool . and in leucorrhcea. Med. gave the following in which he took a symptoms of the face and arms. with the feces it in in quieting irritation. times attending. M. sprains. giving where there rectal irritation. Mease claimed to cure dropsy with an infusion of the root in cider. sores. wounds. cool place. . contusions. wax." The linsoncE officinal preparations and Tinctura in the Eclectic Materia Medica are : Iiifusinn Col- Collinsonce. II. of a brilliant reddish-orange color by transmitted light. falls. . and dumb who praised its vir- Rafinesque states that the Aborigines used the plant as a vulnerary. . : .119-2 Collinsonia was first introduced as a medicine by Schoepf. tannin. poured into a well-stoppered bottle.^ teaspoonful and a half of the powder. PART USED AND PREPARATION. and Carolina. snake-bites. it has a superior influence In hemorrhoids. . . Dr. S. tues in lochial colic. Tennessee. colic . by C. A. The analysis of the root and leaves of this in the separation of a resin soluble in ether collinsonin of the bined with chloride of sodium pharmacies — not a is specific principle. diseases of the respiratory tract. . rheumatism. 1885. forth in his Enclyclop<edia. vol. A volatile oil is also the solid matter of the root." Drs. and " In irritation of the pneumogastric nerve. . etc. with a sensation of enlargement of the parts Numbness : nausea faintness and giddiness an exhilaration something like that of whiskey increased urine and scybalous stool." he acts as a stimulant expectorant. in alcohol. Jow. increased strength to the patient. ascites. mucilage. and that Dr. after straining and filtering. cures in doses of from one to two drops of the tincture in water. % U. E.L CONSTITUENTS. colics.. com- might be supposed. phthisis. dropsy. days to stand eight in a it is dark. Mease's account of the drug t . Scudder speaks highly of the plant in chronic be made in a tight vessel.* he further states that. and copious yellow * Dr. . and dropsy of the ovaries also as a powerful tonic in putrid and malignant fevers. blows. and someas a panacea. Kentucky.-!' resulted and partly present. is part scybalous and part semifluid. Investigator. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it. and the rest of the alcohol added. OHEMICA. vomiting. Dowle's experiment. mountains of Virginia. indigestion. says. N. and taken like tea for headaches.— An species. no constipation being present. Anther. 4. Top of a flowering plant. (-5-8 enlarged. Seed. increasing the secretions of the latter. 7. 5. Description of Plate 119. Y. Calyx 8.) -4-= tf . nerves. N. and causing inflammatory action to follow the congestion excited by its action. Binghamton.119-3 Collinsonia appears to act as an irritant to the pneumogastric and vaso-motor and to mucous membranes in ireneral.. 3. 6. I. a flower. in section. Stigmas. July 2d. Under surface of Upper surface. . v_ .1? l. Linn.m. SCUTELLARIA LATERIFLORA .adnatdeletpinxt. . SVST.— SCUTELLARIA LATERIFOLIA. lips short. radicle short. Frttiting calyx closed.VMN(lSrERMI. in to bracts labiate. the upper lip with a helmet-like. the upper lip usually falling away. SYN. and much branched or simple. MAD-WEED. the upper 2-celled and cordate. Leaves opposite. first pair similar to those of the stem. anthers approximated in pairs. TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE PLANT SCUTELLARLA LATERIFOLIA. 120 Tribe. . and naked length. closely serrate.— VIRGINIAN SKULL CAP. Inflorescence in opposite. feet. inclining the fruit to the upper sepal. NAMES. tube elongated. or very small. in the axils of the lips entire. i of the cotyledons. ciliate. embryo curved. Nutlets 4. within . . SKULL CAP. convex. — This common perennial herb grows to a height of from i to 2 Root fibrous stem 4-sided. those of the lower pair -celled by Style 2-forked. ascending under the upper lip.* S1-:X. and flowers during July August. HOODWORT. a saucer or shallow dish. erect. ranges from Canada to Florida and westward to British Columbia. COM. depressed. A LINN. the lower spreading. wingless.) SCUTELLAIRB. where it History and Habitat. leafy racemes petioles lary. and New Mexico . alluding to the fruiting calyx. the unilateral. flowers small. Corolla bi- curved upward. SCUTELLARIA. seed transverse. about one-fourth the length of the blade. (GR. except upon the softly pubescent angles. pointed. appendage on the back. GENUS. MAD-DOG WEED. — Scutellaria is indigenous to North America.— niDVNAMI. upright. the upper arched and having two lateral basal sides. the upper arm wanting abortion.) HELMKRAUT. the superior pair shorter. parallel. iFR. blue. single. smooth. and . notched at Stamens 4. and rounded or somewhat cordate at the base Description.ORD-LABIAT/E. MAD-DOG SKULL CAP.-STACHYDE/E. .\. Oregon. it habits the borders of wet places. ovate -lanceolate or ovateoblong.— SCUTELLARIA. rest gradually floral reduced Calyx leaves. and situated upon a slightly elevated and bent gyno-base. . tubercular. and at length concave and enlarged. LINN. dilated at the throat.V (. anthesis campanulate. N. 2-lipped equal in . BLUE PIMPERNEL. * Scutella. incumbent upon one divisions connected with its the apex. the whole splitting at maturity. LINN. axilleaves. Page llg-2. Eupatorium. t Scutellaria. S. even by many who never tried it. \ PART USED AND PREPARATION. in oil. S. rj. delirium disorders. White. . spoke highly virtue of the plant. tetanus. Dr. Youatt. it is officinal in the it is U. X of Cadet. . Cypripetliuni. to analysis the soluble in ether. whose cry of " charlatan" and " quack" was always raised upon the slightest pretext. Williams. and tonic in rabies after being bitten states his full belief in the prophylactic chorea. /i. is treated as in the preceding well advanced. . a distinguished veterinary surgeon. Some value should at least be considered under these circumstances. a sweet mucoid body and the usual plant constituents. In thin layers it has a deep brown extremely bitter and very astringent and opaque.isicum. The plant has proved itself a useful antispasmodic. this an essential a peculiar volatile * Scutellaria. of its virtues in this direction.. applied to the wound. water. — The in August. and many other diseases when be deemed necessary Scutellaria Extrachim . nervine. The natural order Labiatse yields species of many of its genera that are valued by the aborigines of countries in which they grow as antihydrophobics. Dr. his reported cases being fourteen hundred large number to fall to the lot of one physician his son after him claimed the cure of forty cases more in three years. £. tremors. reaction acid. Chamomilla. Extractuni Scutellarice Coniposita* and Filulcc gathered in combining nervine powers might also considered diaphoretic and diuretic. J resulting tincture color by transmitted light : its is is taste whole fresh blossoming plant. h. but omitted it entirely from his treatise on canine rabies. Rafinesque prowess of the plant. soluble . Vandesveer. of Fishkill. is . when fruiting The species. albumen . alcohol. W. as Extracturn Scutellarice Fluidum recommended in the same preparation as well I 'alcriauce Composites. and ether a peculiar astringent principle . Materia Medica in the Eclectic as is tremens. who claimed to . Ph. Humulus. as native medication is always the result of long and more or less successful experiment. many empirics and regulars used the remedy with success. convulsions. lends his support to the probable Mr. matter a bitter principle. Quinine. — According species contains: a. Valeriana. a greenish-yellow fixed oil chronic Scutellarice Alcoholic7im. Vandesveer. and Lactuca. in 1772. Following About the first introduction of this plant into medicine of Dr. On account of the apparently slight properties inherent in this species by physical examination its worthiness was greatly doubted and the plant much railed against. e. its CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. and adds that many laymen and physicians claim that the plant never fails to ward off or cure the The dose given was a gill of the infusion four times a day. and the plant disease. while many others wrote essays against its being relied upon as an antihydrophobic. and Ca. . 120-2 was the experiments have found it curative and prophythis seems a lactic in canine rabies. assured Rafinesque that the plant preserved him from by a dog from whose bite others died. wakefulness a tonic . y. Infusiun Scutellarice. Calyx. of the \_ScHtcllariiie:'^ evaporated tincture made with 76 per cent. Y. resinous powder. I. July Lower Upper 5. and partly soluble in alco- said to retain the activity of the plant as far as PHYSIOLOGrlOAL ACTION. showing 8 31st. Nutlets. insoluble hol and ether. (2-9 enlarged. "I J 6. Fruiting cal}x. photophobia with dilated pupils. so called.. Upper portion of 2. Flower. headache and vertigo. with diffi- reduction of the heart's action from general languor and tremulousness . 3. Binghamton. gritty. fruit. — Gordon's experiments with from 10 of the tincture resulted substantially as follows: to 60 drops Mental confusion and stupor . plant..) * Scutelline. 1S86. Description of Plate 120. alcohol. Fruiting calyx. It is in water. final urine. is valueless. 7. variable pulse with 70-72 to 52 with intermission wakefulness and restlessness. N. by alum. . and 9. 4. scanty cult micturition. in the form of a greentimes its bulk of water. followed by .120-3 — This unclassihable substance is a precipitate.] \ Chlorophyll. alter dilution with several It results as a neutral non-resin. ishf-brown. known. . '^f Z 2 n m 7 5 6 Lamium Album, Linn. Vi T V'9 N. ORD.-LABIATyE. 121 Tribe-STACHYDE/E. GENUS. — LAM lUM,* TOURN. SEX. SXST.— DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMA. LAMIUM. DEAD Js'ETTLE. SYN.— LAMIUM ALBUM, LINN. COM. NAMES. — DEAD NETTLE, WHITE ARCHANGEL; BLANCHE; (GBR.i L'ORTIE (PR.) WEISSE TAUBNESSEL, WEISSBIENENSANG. A TINCTURE OF THE LEAVES AND FLOWERS OF LAMIUM ALBUM, LINN. Description^ This more or less erect, hairy, and very leafy perennial herb, grows to a height of i foot or more. Stem decumbent at the base. Leaves ovate, acuminate, coarsely and doubly serrate, with a cordate or truncate base petioles manifest upon the upper, and long, upon the lower part of the plant. Inflorescence in several axillary whorls Calyx tubular-campanulate, about 5floivers large. nerved teeth 5, nearly equal, very slender, and awl-pointed, but not spinescent. Corolla white, about i inch long; tube curved upward from an obliquely-contracted upper lip oblong, fornibase, having a ring of hairs inside throat rather narrow cate, narrowed at the base lateral lips small, broadened down to the throat, and each bearing upon its upper margin a spur-like appendage that appears like a ; ; ; ; ; ; projection from the throat loivcr lip spreading, 3-lobed, the ; middle lobe notched and contracted into an almost stipitate claw at the base. Stamens 4, ascending under the galeate upper lip of the corolla, and not deHexed after antheanthers hirsis, the anterior (inferior) pair longer, both pairs parallel and fertile Style filiform, sute, approximate in pairs cells 2, divergent, opening lengthwise. forked at the apex into 2 divergent, stigmatose, pointed lobes. Ntitlets somewhat triquetrous, sharply 3-angled, truncate, and hollowed out at the apex. at the apex, ; ; History and Habitat. —The France, and Germany, where it Dead grows in Nettle comes to us from Great Britain, waste places and along hedges; with us becoming naturalized in Eastern New England, where it takes up its usual and blossoms in July and August. The very unpleasant odor and bitter taste of diis species causes it to be exempt from use by grazing cattle yet Linnjeus says that in Sweden it is gathered by the peasants and cooked as a pot-herb, the process of boiling dissipating, in the most part, the principles of the plant. it is habitat, ; * is Anf/io;, Inimos, the throat, likened in appearance. .-illudiiij; to the ringent comlla; or lamia, a witch, hag, or demon, to which the flower 121-2 Although this plant has been used from ancient times, and Dioscorides and Pliny, yet it has received but is mentioned by thought or experiment. little The drug are all mentioned in a few words by Gerarde, who says r^' "Archangel, stamped with vinegar, and applied in manner of a pultis, taketh away Wens and hard swellings the King's Evill, inflammation of the kernels under the ears and jawes, and also hot fierie inflammation of the kernels of the necke, armholes, and flanks. It is good to bathe those parts with the decoction of it The later Phisitions thinke that the white flowers do staie the whites, and for the same purpose divers do make of them a conserve." principal uses as a ; PART USED AND PREPARATION—Two parts of the fresh leaves, and one part of the fresh blossoms are to be chopped and new pounded to a pulp, enclosed in and subjected to pressure. The expressed juice should then be thoroughly mixed with an equal part by weight of alcohol. After allowing the mass to macerate eight days in a well-stoppered bottle, in a dark, cool place, the tincture may be separated by filtration. This tincture should be opaque. In thin layers, it has a reddish-brown color by transmitted light; its odor is sourish and herbaceous, reminding one of old buckweat honey-comb its taste very like its odor, and followed by a bitterishness and its reaction strongly acid. a piece of linen, ; ; CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.— Lamium volatile oil, contains a bitter but neither have as yet been isolated. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.— Little provings of seems Hahnemann and is known upon the mucous membranes generative organs in particular, where it causes a in Top A 3. Flower. 4. A 5 and 7. 8 under surface. portion of the corolla, showing the appendage. 6. Anthers. Stigma. and 9. Carpels. (3-9 enlarged.) * Herhall, p. 56S. action sort of inflammatory excitement. of plant, from Salem, Mass., Aug. 6th, 1S85 leaf, Its general, and upon the female Description of Plate 121. 1. and a of the action of this plant, the others giving few characteristic symptoms. to be spent 2. principle K ^m.jdnatdeleipinxt. A HYDROPHYLLUM ViRGIniCUM , Linn. ORD-HYDROPHYLLACE^. N. 122 Tribe.-HYDROPHYLLE/E. OEMS.— HYDROPHYLLUM,* TOURN. SEX. SVST.— l'ENT.\.\"URI.\ MOM IGVM.-K., HYDROPHYLLUM. WATERLEAF. SYN.— HYDROPHYLLUM VIRGINICUM, LINN, COM. NAMES. —VIRGINIAN WATERLEAF, BURR FLOWER. A TLNCTLRE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PLANT HYDROPHYLLUM VIRGL\ICUM, LINN. Description. feet. — This smoothish perennial herb grows to a height of from i to 2 Rootstock creeping, scaly-toothed by the withered sheathes of previous stems. Stems generally simple, sometimes 2-forked leaves ample, pinnately divided, and conspicuously petioled leaflets 5 to 7, ovate-lanceolate or oblong in general out; ; line, sharply and irregularly cut-toothed, the lower pair mostly 2-parted, the upper three confluent, lary cymose all acuminate or acute. clusters : petioles of the leaves from whose at the sinuses narrowly ; teeth Inflorescence in terminal floicers pinkish-white ; and upper axil- peduncles forked, longer than the axils they spring. Calyx deeply 5-parted, naked linear, bristly ciliate. Corolla campanulate, 5-cIeft, appendages fixed margins approximated by interlocked hairs, thus forming a sort of nectariferous tube. Stamens exserted anthers fllatncnts long, filiform, bearded about the middle by a few long hairs linear, versatile. Ovary bristly hairy, i -celled; ovules amphitropous, enveloped by the dilated fleshy placentae. Style exserted, bifurcated at the summit; stigmas 2, capitate, minute. Fruit a spherical, loculicidal capsule about the size of a pea. Seeds 4, or generally fewer by abortion testa pitted or reticulated albumen the lobes convolute in the bud; tndc furnished with five adnate to the midrib of each petaloid lobe, the incurved free ; ; ; ; cartilaginous. represented in — This large and innocent family of commonly hairy herbs North America by 14 genera, comprising 115 species, and 17 Hydrophyllaceee. is recognized varieties. more or less Leaves mostly alternate unilateral, ; stipules absent. Inflorcscoice in mostly bractless cymes or scorpioid racemes ; flozcers and 5-androus, blue or white. Calyx sometimes with nearly separate sepals, the sinuses often appendaged. Stametis borne on the base of the corolla and alternate with its lobjs. Ovary entire, -celled, or sometimes 2-celIed regular. 5-merous i * iVio/., hudor, water; -lifyUv, pliyUon, leaf; the application douhlfiil. 122-2 by union of the placentae in the axis placentce 2, parietal ovules amphitropous Styles 2, or single and 2-cleft. or anatropous, pendulous or nearly horizontal. Fruit a 2-valved, 2 to many-seeded capsule; ^^^rt'jr pitted or reticulated; embryo ; ; small ; albumen copious. — History and Habitat. The Waterleaf is indigenous to North America, where ranges from Canada southward to the mountains of North Carolina and northward to Alaska, seeking moist, shady grounds, and flowering from June to August. it The young leaves serve in and are eaten as a potage We some in localities as a salad, called other places, under the have no previous medical history of this Shawanese Lettuce, name plant, or of John's Cabbage. any other species of the order. PART USED AND PREPARATION. —The and pounded fresh flowering plant Then two pulp and weighed. to a is chopped parts by weight of alcohol are mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it, and the rest of the After stirring the whole well, it is poured into a well-stoppered The tincture bottle, and allowed to macerate for eight days in a dark, cool place. thus formed after filtration has a deep crimson-brown color by transmitted light, a peculiar bitterish odor, an astringent taste, and an acid reaction. taken, the pulp alcohol added. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. —The only account of the action of that furnished by Dr. P. B. Hoyt,'^' who himself: Dull headache; burning, smarting, fuse lachrymation sclera, ; Description of Plate 122. End of flowering plant, Binghamton, N. Y., June 2. Flower. 3. Petal 4. Stamen. 5. Nectary. and appendage. 6. Pistil. 7. Style and stigmas. 8. Leaf. (3-7 enlarged.) * Am. Horn. is in and itching of the eyelids with prothe morning; injection of the agglutination of the lids in and photophobia. I. this plant records the following symptoms caused 0/is., xi, loi. ist, i{ 123. <P pinxt. C0NV6lVULUS ARVENSIS, Linr N. ORD -CONVOLVULACE^. 123 Tribe-CONVOLVULE.^. CENUS— CON VOLVULUS,* SEX. SV.ST.— IT.NT.\M)KI.\ MoNi KiV.N LINN. l.\. CONVOLVULUS. SYN.— CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS, LINN. COM. NAMES.—BINDWEED (FR.) LE LISERON; ; WHOLE PLANT CONVOLVULUS A TINCTURK OF THE Description. —This low perennial deeply and extensively creeping over surroundings Calyx naked ; attains a i DIE WINDE. ARVENSIS, growth of from L. 2 to 5 feet. Root stem nearly glabrous, procumbent or twining leaves ovate-oblong, sagittate tending to hastate, entire, the ; Inflorescence axillary; peduncles mostly basal auriculate lobes acute. flmi.<ers matinal, (GER. i -flowered white tinged with rose; bracts remote from the flower, subulate. base at the Corolla about three-quarters sepals equal, rounded. ; more or of an inch long, open infundibuliform, less plicate at the sinuses and Ovary Stamens yncXud&d; fllaments dilated at the base. persistent; stigmas 2, filiform, mostly spreading or revolute. obscurely 5-notched. entire: style single, Fruit a 2-celled globose capsule. Convolvulaceae. —This or subtropical plants, all "JT) species and i is 7 Seeds 2 in cell ; cotyledons broad, foliaceous. large and well-distinguished family of mostly tropical America by rej^resented in North recognized varieties. shrubs with stems that generally twine or in each The order trail. is 8 genera, containing in composed of herbs or Leaves alternate, petioled (absent Inflorescence truly axillary, the peduncles Cuscuta): stipules none. i -flowered 5-merous or rarely Corolla with an 4-merous. Calyx persistent sepals mostly distinct, imbricated. Stamens as many as the Gynivciuin generally 2-carpelled. entire or lobed limb. Hypogytious disk evident, lobes of the corolla and inserted low upon its tube. Ovary 2- to 6-celled style single, sometimes divided stigma terminal annular. seeds cornparatively large embryo filling F7'uit capsular or fleshy or introrse. the testa; albumen mucilaginous, surrounding, or surrounded by, the embryo. In this order our proven plants are: The Oriental Scammony [Conzvhulus or cymosely 3- many-flowered floiccrs regular ; and perfect, ; ; ; ; Scammonia, Linn.), whose root yields an ; irritant but nearly tasteless purgative, on account of the smallness of the jalap, the dried tubercules of the Mexican Exogonium requisite dose for purging Purga, Benth., is a certain, powerful, and speedy drastic purgative used as above often given to children as an anthelmint*ic ; ; * From convolvuh, to twine. -123-2 it has a griping however, making effect, Convolvulus Duartinus, the it pleasant than less common Morning Glory Scammony ; and {Ipoimea Bona-7io.\\ Linn,), a native of the tropics, so extensively planted north as an ornamental " vine." Many other genera furnish plants more or less used in general medicine, viz.: The North o-ative, and African Ipomcea Nil, Roth., whose seeds, in action greatly R. Br., the Jamaican are used all strong caia, in /. resemble Jalap (uberosa, Linn., be safely given. in its action to The warmer and the St. Domingo /. cathartica, Poir., though the latter is generally too The leaves of the Madras Argyreia bract- in decoction as fomentations for scrofulous ediilis is cathartic are wholesome, and, as cultivated in ; the an article of commerce known as Sweet Potatoes. Our Bracted Bindweed {Calystegia sepium, R. Br.) has a purgative root, as climates, form has also the European oil, 50-grain doses, prove pur- root of the tropical Batatas paniculata, Chois., while those of the East Indian B. common in the East Indian Ipomcra Tjirpctlnim, their countries as purgatives, Wall, are used by the natives enlargements. ; & Rom. C. Soldanella, used to attract rats and mice Oil of S. Rhodium, a from the sternutatory wood of Convohnilns (Breweria, Rhodoriza) History and Habitat. is distilled scopariiis, Linn. —This too common European plant has become natural- ized in the North-eastern United States, a sure indication that the bitter essential to traps, also to adulterate oil of roses, soil is This plant has been used dry where it flowers in all localities that it in June. said to be It is chooses as its habitat. and Scammony, in 40-grain doses as a diuretic and gentle laxative. much like Jalap of the jointed and vermiculate roots, PART USED AND PREPARATION. — The whole fresh flowering plant, in a chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken, the pulp mixed thoroughly with oneAfter having stirred the whole sixth part of it, and the rest of the alcohol added. well, it is poured into a well-stoppered botde, and allowed to stand eight days in slightly wilted condition, is a dark, cool place. The tincture, separated from this mass by pressing and filtering, has a deep reddish-brown color by transmitted light a somewhat nauseous odor a slightly and an acid reaction. astringent, tea-like taste ; ; ; — CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Couvohulin. This so-called resinoid, obtained from the roots of this species, is as yet of doubtful chemical nature. It remains to be determined whether it contains the principles found in Jalap, Scammony, etc. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. drug, point to it and a stimulant —The as an irritant to the to the tations, flatulent colic, few symptoms so far determined in this mucous membranes of the alimentary tract, neighboring secretory glands. Convolvulus causes erucliquid stools very similar to those following Jalap. and Description ok Pl.xte 123. ]. End of flowtring plant, Salem, Mass., July 20th, iS?5. 2. Anther. 3. Pistil. 4. Section of ovary. (2-4 enlarged. ) I24-. Of' Ul.adnat.deI.etpinxt. SoLANUM Dulcamara, Linn. N. ORD -SOLANACE^. 124 GENUS. — SOLANUM,* TOURN. MONOGVNIA. SKX. SVST.— I'ENTANDRIA DULCAMARA. BITTERSWEET. DULCAMARA, LINN. DULCAMAEA FLEXUOSA, MOENCH. RAMUS NOVELLUS, L. COM. NAMES.-BITTERSWEET, WOODY NIGHTSHADE, VIOLET BLOOM; (FR.) DOUCE-AMERE; (GER.) BITTERSUSS. SYN.— eOLANUM A TINCTURE OF Description. THE FRESH GREEN BR.'\NCHES ABOVE THE WOODY STEM, OF SOLANUM DULCAMARA, LINN. — This beautiful reaches a length of more than and 5 feet, dreaded falsely ^hrubbj- unless well supported in seldom herb, a hedge or by a reaching 18 feet or it then may extend to various lengths, in some cases Stem more. Root woody, irregularly creeping and branching, pale yellow. herbaceous or shrubby, flexuous, pubescent, scarcely climbing. Branches many, weak, flexuous and somewhat angular, with a dull green bark, destitute of thorns or spines. Leaves alternate, petiolate, from 2 to 3 inches long, the upper surface the lower few leaves are either ovate or smooth, the under usually pubescent wall; ; ovate-cordate, the upper vary from hastate auriculate, to all entire. E.'o7C'crs drooping, on lateral, branching, extra -axillary peduncles, forming a loose spreading corymb with bractless pedicels. valvate or induplicate in the bud; small, Ca/j'.v 5-parted. when expanded it is and Corolla plaited, wheel-shaped, 5-cleft, with the acute-lanceolate lobes reflexed, each with two green ovate spots at its base. Stamens exserted, mosdy equal, their filaments inserted upon the tube of the corolla. Filaments short, more or less triangular. Antliers large, erect, blunt, bright yellow, converging into a cone about the style, and opening by two pores or chinks at the apex. 2-celled, containing Pollen grains minute, ovoid and induplicate. many ovules upon the axis. (9z'a;-jj' rounded, Ovules curved (campylotropous), sometimes merging into the amphitropic form. Style simple, filiform, protruding beyond the tube formed by the anthers. Stigma single. Fruit di 2-celled, bright Seeds numerous, scarlet, oval, translucent, thin-skinned, bitter and juicy berry. whitish, somewhat [)lano-convex, their surlaces minutely pitted. common History and Habitat.— This very plant prefers moist fences and hedges, the slightly higher ground on the margins of and disused ground about old dwellings ; blossoming * Derivation unknown. Dulcis, sweet •f- ; ainaius, bilier. in June and banks, swampy July. Its old spots, place 124-2 among American plants is doubtful by some authors it by others as advanced from Europe; judging from inclined to ; favor the latter idea. found It is in considered indigenous, is locations here, its I am the greater part of Europe, in North Africa, and Asia Minor, and the northern parts of India and China. The genus Solanum is very interesting, containing as it does some of our most useful Notably among the table vegetables, noxious weeds, and excellent remedies. edible vegetables are the potato, Solanum iuberostun, the tomato, Solanum lycopersicon, and the plant, Solanum melongena, all extensively cultivated and From having their origin doubdess in the tropical regions of South America. the common names, Bittersweet and Nightshade, confusion has often arisen among the laity in mistaking it for Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade), and Cclastrus, the staff-vine, often neously in this Bittersweet called country, and Celastrus Dulcamara except in name. Dulcamara is still retained Fluidum. in In the Eclectic Materia but Belladonna does not ; grow sponta- too widely different to be confused with is the U. Medica Ph., as Extraclnm Dulcamara preparations are Dccoctum Solani S. its and Extractmn Dtilcamara. PART USED AND PREPARATION.— The fresh, green branches that are and their leaves, should be gathered just as the plant is budding to blossom, and chopped and pounded into a pulp, inclosed in a piece of new linen and pressed. The juice thus expressed should, by brisk succussion, be mingled This mixture should then be allowed to with an equal part by weight of alcohol. stand at least eight days in a well-stoppered bottle, in a dark, cool place, and still pliant, filtered before using. Thus prepared first it is by transmitted light of a pale chestnut color, having at and an acid reaction. a decidedly bitter, then sweet taste, CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.- Solania, Solanum nigrum, Wittstein claims it C,, H,^ NO,,,, fully described under undoubtedly also a separate principle in this species. to be easUy obtainable from the young shoots of the plant. 125, is Dulcamarin.*— C22 W^^ 0,„. This glucoside, extracted from Wittstein's socalled alkaloid Dulcamarin, C^j H^^^ N^ Ojg, is in the form of a permanent, slightly yellow powder, odorless, with at first an exceeding melts with heat, decomposing at 205° (401° bitter, then a lasting sweet and is soluble in water, Dulcamarin readily .sepaalcohol and ether, insoluble in chloroform and benzol. rates in boiling with a mineral acid into dulcamaretin (C,,. H,,,.,©), and glucose. taste. It Pfaff's analysis of 100 parts of the dried stems resulted as follows: Dulcamarin 21.817 Vegeto-animal matter, Gummy P.), | Gluten and green wax, 1.4 .Starch, and Salts of Extractive and 12.029 extractive, Resin containing Benzoic Acid, Gum, 3125 i Woody Lnne .Salts, 911 * Picrogljcion, Dulcarin. 2.74 200 4.00 62.00 Kibre (Excess, Lirtie, ') ^24-3 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.-'riie action tirst Upon narcotic, but of short duration in this sphere. quite marked, it of this druj,^ is somewhat the circulation the action is venous contjestion, attendetl with great pain, heat, and sudden prostration. The liead droops and oscillates causing nausea and vomiting", and back, the patient is o-iddy, the heart palpitates, tlu; mouth and fauces dry, and the face and ears cyanotic. Post mortem the medulla is found as to its substance healthy, though there is great injection of the bloodvessels above and below it. One clearly defined case of poisoning by the berries forth become hot and of this plant : reported in the Lancet of June 28th, 1856, p. 715, in which the seems to have been certain, and that the berries of Solanum nigrum, which are much more poisonous, took no part, resulted jn the death of a boy aged 4. The following symptoms were noted: after eleven hours, during which no symptoms of importance were observed, he was attacked with vomiting, purging and convulsions, which continued throughout the day, the child being is identity ot the plant the intervals. He died convulsed in about 24 hours. The vomited matters were of a dark greenish color, and of a bilious character. Notwithstanding numerous cases reported of poisoning by this plant it cannot justly be considered as generally poisonous, as most animals and persons who have eaten of it or its fruit, show no serious symptoms. insensible during It is to be deplored that the berries were not incorporated proven, as they seem to be the most to.xic in the tinctures part of the plant. Description of Plate 124. I. Flowering branch. Ithaca, N. Y., 2. May 31, 1880. Flower (enlarged (enlarged ). 3. Pistil 4. Stamens (enlarged). 5. Section of Ovary. 6. Pollen grains x 380. ). Fruit added later in the season. pinxt. SOLANUM NIGRUM, Linn. N. ORD -SOLANACE^. 125 GENUS.— so LA NUM. SEX. .SVST.— rEXTAXlJRI.N. .MONuGVNI.\. SOLANUM NIGRUM BLACK NIGHTSHADE. SYN.— SOLANUM NIGRUM, LINN.; S. PTEROCAULON, DUNAL. S. CRENATO-DENTATUM, PTYCANTHUM, AND INOPS, D. C. COM. NAMES.— COMMON OR GARDEN NIGHTSHADE, BLACK NIGHT(PR.) MORELLE SHADE, DEADLY NIGHTSHADE; NOIR (GER.) SCHWARZER NACHSCHATTEN. ; ; A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE HERB SOLANUM NIGRUM, LINN. — This low, weedy, annual herb grows to a height of from i to 2 Stem angular, glabrous, pubescent when young, diffusely spreading or branching, and more or less rough on the angles branches mostly twisted. Leaves ovate, cuneate, somewhat obtusely, acutely, or acuminately tipped, and usually much perforated by insects margin varying from coarsely, crenately, or Description. feet. ; ; irregularly toothed, to entire. Inflorescence in small, pedunculate, lateral, and drooping cymes flowers quite small, white or whitish. Calyx much shorter than the corolla, merely spreading in fruit teeth ovate, acut- extra-axillary, umbel-like, ; ; ish. Corolla wheel-shaped, 5-parted, valvate in the reflexed, closely studded with exserted ; minute filaments very short, papilla; more or bud petals oblong-lanceolate, ; upon the upper less hairy inside ; surface. Stamens anthers large, connivent around the style, blunt, opening by two terminal pores. Ovary globular, 2-celled columnar, mostly included, hairy at its base stigma capitate. Fruit a small cluster of blue-black, globular berries, each about the size of a large pea. Seeds ; style ; numerous, flattened ; embryo slender, curved ; cotyledons semiterete, not larger than the radicle. — 1 his large, well-known order, whose representatives grow mosdy and subtropical regions, furnishes North American botany with 14 genera, loi species, and 24 recognized varieties. The order is characterized as follows: Herbs, shrubs, or even trees, commonly rank-scented, and having a watery juice. Leaves alternate, never truly opposite, though, being often unequally geminate they have the appearance of being opposite stipules none. Inflorescence properly terminal and cymose, but variously modified, sometimes scorpioid-racemiform Solanaceae. in tropical ; ; pedicels not bracted, or, mostly regular, 5- if bracted, then not in the axils. 4-merous. Corolla with * Belladonna alone answers to this name : it its Flozuers perfect and lobes induplicate-valvate, plicate, does not grow wild in this country. . In the south of Europe the White Henbane [Helleborus albus. deobstruents. or Deadly Nightshade {Atropa Belladonna. and have been used with some effect in chorea while C Hediimda. Linn. psejcdo-capsicicm. Many species of Physalis are valuable. those especially notable being. Linn. p.) and its diseased state [S. Veil... Her. Linn. anatropous or amphitropous style undivided stigma entire or sometimes bilamellar. and often produces violent pain and purgation. . L.). Gyqjiirioba [S. Alkekengi. A. or Nipple Nightshade (. Bahamense. iiiger. the European Jerusalem Cherry [S. Willd. unproven but used in general practice. the Peruvian Floripondio [Datura san. i. the Australian Pituri [D. Mill. Linn.) the Southern and West Indian Apple of Sodom. probably the most poisonous species in the family. the Brazilian active cathartic the West Indian astringent. Br. are also toxic. Hopiuoodi. contains many active species.S". which has been considered an excellent diuretic from the days of drugs. Veil. the Pacific coast Tree Stramonium [Datura arborea. pt. Linn. with the Indian Goat Pepper [C. ovules indefinitely . Linn. Solanum further furnishes to medicine the Indian expectorant. . tuberosum. Fi-iiit either capsular or baccate e^nbryo terete and incurved or coiled. S. normally 2 -celled p/amany.) the South Brazilian Arrebcnta Cai'allos [Solatium Rebenta. and C. oleracezmi. and alexiteric and the Winter Cherry.). used by the Hottentots as a poison for their spears. beside the five here described: The European Belladonna. paniculatum. . and vulnerary. which. nietel.* This order furnishes our Materia Medica with twenty drugs. especially the South European P flexuosus.. Linn. . M. Linn. . ii. Linn. and to poison their bait for wild beasts C macrophylhim. diuretics.) . Asa Gray. diuretic. notably. Vent. the Tropical Cayenne Pepper {Capsicum Annuum. in the bud. Jacquiri.). 125-2 Ovary wholly free. .). . . mammoor very rarely imbricate centce axillary ..) the true Mandrake of Southern Europe [Atropa mandragora. Peru- . Veil. cotyledons rarely much broader than the radicle. Linn.) the common Potato [S. are febrifugal. R.). the Indian Datura the Tropical American Tomato. Linn. Lam. S.). or . Juripcba [S..) esculenttcm. Calabash Tree [Crescentia Cuj'eie. Thursb. ferox. used by the natives to produce The genus Ccstnim intoxication.). which is said to be narcotic. and C. Linn.. which are. the Indian . vencnatinn. still order. . the South African C. . The bitter leaves of the * Description of Prof. in Synop. 22 . Blume). Flora of N. of a fungus known guinea.) the South American sudorific.) is considered much more active than H. nocturnum. is a much more powerful stimThe genus ulant than Cayenne. S.) the Brazilian yuquerioba. and vulneraries. ceruuum. Linn. auriculatutn. Ray considered it also anti-podagric. . R.) yields a pulp that is considered at once vulnerary and pectoral. Datura. according to Foreskal. Dioscorides . belong to this Guinea Pepper [Capsicum fastigiatum. vol.. Linn. et Pa v. titberosum oegrotans\. P.) and as Peronospora infestans . . Numerous Von Corkwood Tree [Duboisia viyoporoides. a species. Lam. due to the growth . . . the Chinese Datura [D. Linn.. H. or Love-apple [Lycopersicum (/?. frutescens. and many other species used in their native countries as purThe fruit of the West Indian gatives. szim. and Arabia yields. or sometimes almost straight albumen fleshy. and supposed to be the nepenthes of Homer.. Linn. — Black History and Habitat.iNO. vertigo. no distinguishing odor.. and crystallizes in long needles (Schorlemmer). resulting tincture has a brownish-orange color by transmitted light.jNO. 414.-6'^A?.. The principal use of the plant has been in dropsy gastritis glandular enlargement nervous affections general inflammations of mucous membranes herpetic. . lastly. 374. or results as an amorphous powder of like appearance it is inodorous.0)^ PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.H. scorbutic. reported. and felons.* QjH. and is fried in butter In to . in treated as in the preceding species. in this country it waste grounds. are used as an anodyne emollient. de Pharmacie. C. It shows a decided glucosidal nature by breaking down under the action of heat and hydrochloric acid. . CONSTITUENTS. and syphilitic eruptions . used in general practice. nausea. with adeps. Water. Glucose. the South American HwierantJms tmcinahis is esteemed by vian Saracha iimhcUata.««. both alkaloidal and glucosidal having. . rubbing the body thoroughly with an ointment of the leaves of this tion to burns.^. There was copious vomiting of a greenish-colored * Discovered in the plant in 1821 by f This body is M. Jour.. D. : colic. from A. and an acid reaction. vii.ase. its solution becoming frothy on agitation readily dissolves in alcohol and is insoluble in ether. all observers up to date. and has a bitter.H. Solanin. needs much careful investigation before either nature can be fully understood. Orfila claims the extract equal in power and energy to lactucarium. .+ (H. Solanidine. the bruised leaves. the . Desfosses. bullae. as follows able. especially as a resolvent. . after removal. rancid. produce sleep while in Bohemia the blossoming plant is hung over the cradle of infants to act as an hypnotic. and acrid taste. flat. species. genus Solanum.f = (C. as an applica- Dalmatia the root is used to cure hydrophobia. disagreetallizes in white. where it Bowers from This species has been Nightshade is a cosmopolite. . vi. according to reactions. stimulating the ingester to venery. a slightly astringent CHEMICAL and woody taste. but is It its chemical or physical readily obtainable from is especially prevalent in this. — Numerous cases of poisoning have been among which the following will serve to show the action of the plant Three children who had eaten the berries complained of headache. crys- it quadrangular prisms of mother-of-pearl lustre. Jacq. generally throughout the eastern sec- July to frosty weather. This peculiar body. . grows in damp and shady tion. and as a The Arabs use narcotic. anil a very strong b. is whole gathered when. It is soluble to only a slight extent in water.A)3 + Q5H41NO.— The early autumn. and eaten . plant. long-lasting. In Spain patients are often said to be cured of phthisis by burying them up to the neck in garden loam. . PART USED AND PREPARATION. 54 (Dioscorides) to within a few years. The in it is both flower and fruit. then. and tenesmus.: 125-3 In New Grenada Matrimony Vine {Lyciiun umbrosnm) is adjudged an excellent remedy in erysipelas and. According all species of the to Wittstein. the natives as an aphrodisiac. Binghamton. Nouveatix Elements de Therapeutique. burning and death. 5. aged two and three years. 648. ft Journal de Clinic Medical. u. 372. Florce bedensk.* A pupil. des Edin. Description of Plate 125. ate some of the black berries of this plant. An 4.f^t" Thus Solanum Nigrum acts as an irritant to the brain and spinal cord. She continued in this state about six hours. all the muscles relaxed. the irritation seems greatest upon the sensory nerves and less upon the motor.. A 3. than Belladonna. attended with fever. having eaten of the leaves. and stool until it was quite large. Y. pp. and followed by gangrene.125-4 matter. ** Ibid. Part of a fruiting and flowering branch. Morci.iy Four of the ripe berries caused deep sleep in a child (age not given). Therapetilics. chewing and swal- Two lowing. trembling of the limbs. dilation of the in the stomach. then gradually recovered. 2. effete stamen. boy. II t K. Its action upon the brain monium is quite parallel with that of Belladonna.** boys. I.|| She was found entirely insensible.f GatakerJ commenced his experiments with the drug by giving a grain. Grelin. Death followed in all and a tetanic stiff- cases but one only during the acute symptoms. aged eight years. suffered horrible symptoms. which induced a state of stupor and coma. N. 95 '^ Eberle. Bemcrk. convulsions. and direcdy opposite to that of Gelsemium. were attacked with swelling of the face. carrying their hands to their mouths. etc. 520. it produced vomiting. . He complained of great family. Solani in Commerc. p. Ch. delirium. and was harassed with nausea and retchings.) * Orfila. p. X Versuch. agony. but evidently greater than StraIts action upon the eye is more like that of Stramonium or Hyoscyamus. urination or diarrhoea. Sept. lying litde girl ate some of the berries. \ Rucker. Pistil. thirst. Alibert. having eaten of the berries. which on increasing the dose acted o-ently as an evacuant by sweat.. apoplectic stupor. cold sweat. Horizontal section of the ovary. ness of the limbs. and secondarily upon the circulation through the vaso-motor system. if petal. had conspasms.. as if they and vulsions would grasp something. urine. De effect. and sometimes dimness of vision A and vertigo. profuse perspiration. and 98. Taylor on Poisons.§ A boy. stertorous respiration. in a deep. ist. (2-5 enlarged. dilated pupils. p. or too copious . accompanied by burning heat. they stretched their hands during the spasms. pain in the pit of the stomach. the face flushed and the pulse A full and irregular. after eating the berries. ^s HyOSCYAMUS NiGER. . Linn.126. . POISON TOBACCO. a hog. scorpioid.\ TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE HERB HVOSCY. Style filiform stigma dilated-capitate. NAMES. slightly hollowed upon each side testa conspicuously reticulated. in the seventeenth century. it does or docs not poison swine which intersects the Common — an in row of very luxuriant plants of Henbane covered the whole The seeds which of this drain. H. where they are also hairy anthers purple. Capsule membranaceous. subtending the flowers. spreading . leafy spikes. .\1 \. In the following season a distinct ten years since (1807). AGROSTIS.— I'KNl'ANDKIA Mi 126 YOSC YAMUS.f where * for the it "Y. iFR.Scotia and Canada. or growth of from i to 2 feet. funnel-form. Henbane is indigenous to Europe and Western Asia. kyos. LINN. blossoms from June to August. acute. produced these pl. . (lENUS. allhough none of iheni had been observed to grow in the vicinity the preceding year. 5-cleft.AMUS NIGER. embryo much curved. — History and Habitat. limb spreading. or biennial. H. )N( ) . enclosed by the persistent calyx. FLAVUS. H.BLACK HENBANE. and more or less acute. the top falling away like a lid. . VULGARIS. RAIL.V. . 2-celled. LINN. axile albumen copious. inclined to be unequally 5-lobed : rounded. . — This annual. spreading upon the ground. sinuatetoothed and angled. dull yellowish.-HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. the lower large. It grows. the villous herb. uppermost tending to be entire and bract-like. KIT. The seeds are notably tenacious of life.. border with anastomosing purple veins and plaited . acute. roundish-oval. from Nova . southward to the environs of New York City and Brooklyn. lobes shallow. and opening by a longitudinal chink. N. with us. FUCHS. I. heavy-scented. Calyx large. A/kI. HYOSCYAMUS.. STINKING NIGHTSHADE. flozocrs tubular-campanulate or urceolate.— ORD-SOLANACE^. sessile. broadly Corolla oblique. and slightly exserted filaments inserted upon the cOrolla-tube near its base and continuing attached for about half their length. rigid. H. ccncc in secund..) JUSQUIAME NOIR. Boston. SALISB. RoI. vii. s'la/io. iyamos. was optned fifteen years. from whence it was introduced into this country by the English settlers. . Bigelow says: "About purpose of repairs. .) BILSENKRAUT. Slarncns 5.-. turned upon their backs. H. /^tV/^ equal. usually attains a . hence the plant is often found in localities after having disappeared years before. a drain. all perfect." Am. PALLIDUS. . COM.. Seeds very numerous.TOURN. dehiseenee by an apical circumscissile line. which is now many-costate and reticulate-veiny. //us. HOGBEAN. LBTHALIS.ints had probably been buried for more than open question. SYN. viscid-pubescent.— H SEN. strongly reticulated triangular. Injioj-esnumerous. near dwellings and settlements. because t Dr.. a bean .. 161. Description. iGER. Root fusiform siem Leaves oblong. the upper more or less amplexicaul and partly decurrent. SVST. declined. . common Henbane the poppie. Linn. D. hysteria. Many kinds there be of it. if it be but dropped into the eares. of Dioscorides. .) Cent. it afraid to use this in their compositions. taller also than trouble the braine. phthisical coughs. 1601. pre- scribing in the so-called physiological manner. as an anti-spasmodic in asthma. described by Henbane. "Physicians of now (13th Cent. such as epilepsy. and made no end of trying all things. fuller and fatter than groweth by the seaside. did it not disagree. etc. as the diaphragm.albus. 68i) . otherwise. An oile (I say) is made of the seed thereof which. croup. prove experiments. And yet the stalk. is ascribed Henbane.) .See it is how of this oile.126-2 Hyoscyamus — principally H. of physicians. 463. prooveth to be reddish. and not to be used but with great heed and discretion. I hold it to be a dangerous medicine. For. . it serveth as a counter poison. . etc.rnp/iia. mania. that. but when they bee fully drie. the one beareth black seed. — was and the ToaxvaiKK (leWac. into disuse. uterus. and then it is rejected by the physicians. lungs. otherwiles. . (15th Cent.xon works (i ith and Arbolayrc. and breed dizziness of the head. full other. and brauncheth more than the All the sort of these alreadie put men besides their right wits As touching the fourth. as a sedative in various affections. the history of Henbane is remote. leaves. heart. angina pectoris. and urethra and as an hypnotic in all cases where opium would be used. colica pictorum.-j- quite generally used by physicians of all schools. cephalalgia. For mine owne part. febris anodyne in rheumatism. white species who is medicinal rejected also. Crispus (A. is ynough to trouble the braine. they . The Hippocrates. and irritable conditions of such organs as are mostly supplied with involuntary muscular fibres. Henbane is of the nature ot wine.). * Hollaiiifs Trans. flowers standing much upon purple. The poisonous for use. a French herbal Macer. both of the seed it selfe as it is in substance. that. pertussis. unto Hercules the Arabians.. as an podagra. It is spoken ot by Benedictus . * * is * whiter.) f Fliickiger and ILinliury. bladder. In Europe." The Arabian physicians also rejected //. arthritis. nigcr Moreover. Altercum or Altercangenon but the Greeks. none of them all would be gathered. But. neuralgia. and forced very poysons to be remedies. by is in Anglo-Sa. Howbeit. P/i<in)uuvi. is white. and also of the oile or juice drawne out of it apart. it will put him beside himself. Floridus (loth Cent. nervosa.): fell it Baron . and troubleth the head. as being too highly according to Sprengel. It is .. the ancients. Myddvai from which time in Hyoscyamus 1762. which the Latins call ^'' " Appollinaris . this white kind especially. as follows Pliny speaks of among H. if it industrious men have been to . gastralgia. Physicians are not no more than that which has red seed. good use there is. and this herbe is full of prickes and in very truth such is the Henbane that groweth in Galatia. Howbeit. strange be taken in drinke. of down. (H:imilt(in. insomuch as they have found meanes. Hyoscyamus. and therefore offensive to the understanding. iiigcr as a medicinal drug but in later years it gradually took the place of the white. For this is certainly knowne. if it bee not thoroughly ripe. leaves and soft.215. it carieth the rest: the seed also named besi'des that. until brought again to the notice Stcirck. and roots are employed in some purposes. if one take in drinke more than four leaves thereof. greenish-) ellow liquor. and is is obtain- soluble in 60 parts of alcohol. verrucose-tufted crystals..tC.). The doses given. C. heavy odor of the plant. Extracta Hyoscyaini Alcoholiciun and Fluidum. yielding different salts than either Hyoscyamine or Tropinc : and a narcotic odor.— //)wo'«w/.'-' is resulting tincture has a clear brownish-orange color by transmitted light. has a sp. having be identical with Trophic (Belladonna) and that Hyoscine proper is a second alkaloid of Hyoscyamus. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.: ^26-3 also claimed. . J Hohn and Reichardt . of claimed. other authorities. melting at isomeric with Tropic Acid (Belladonna) and with may 105° (221° F. drachm of the The tincture. as well as in Hyoscyamus rather tends to keep the bowels Hyoscyamus leaves are often used as fomen- severe chordee. chloroform. a tincture and the two extracts are mentioned. * Page 124-2. have often used the smoke of the smouldering leaves laity in odontalgia. to . . it splits into the an alkaline reaction. stellately first The grouped. acicular prisms. highly poisonous alkaloid.). alcohol. of 0. Uira Hyoscyaini. it and in aqueous two following bodies: caustic alkalies. in this connection. PART USED AND PREPARATION. and tumors. and water.H. 10 grains of the extract.— The fresh herb.. slightly bitter taste. indurated ulc(. Sulphas is also recommended. when Hyoscyamine is boiled with Baryta. the strong. yet be found to be identical it. and other frightening symptoms have followed in some cases. —This crystalline body.. than to constipate like opium. Hyoscinic Acid. soluble This noted. delirium./t'.. Geiger and Hesse an impure state from the herb in 1871. this practice is now seldom resorted to. In the Eclectic Dispensatory. concreting later into which Duquesnel has succeeded in crystallizing into when Hohn extracted principle than the herb. Hyoscine. tations or cataplasms for are: to I swellings. It inodorous. was procured it state until in 1833. gr. The following preparations and Ilyoscyaini Folia.Hj. lo grains of the powdered leaves. such as painful glands. oily liquid. or very small doses of Hyoscyamine. Oil of Hyoscyamus.HjfjO. able from the seeds by pressure.. that open. my- detected by Brandes. and an acid reaction. in ether. etc. Abslractum Hyoscyavii . now is volatile. and are decomposed by crystals fuse at 90° (194° F. is C. which are richer in this It is described as an oily liquid.— This are officinal in the U. but it was not isolated in a pure from the seeds.NO. Ph. is manner treated in the laid down summit of the plant The for Dulcamara. gathered just before flowering. f Hyoscyaitiia. Duboisin. S..jHjjNO. an unpleasant.N.J driatic. —This thin. by directing it into the caries by means of a paper funnel but as convulsions. by Ladenburg. C. and TincHyoscyamincp. or after the seed pods are well formed and the still flowering. one-half to 5 irritable orchitis.. . a severe. chill. fever. known and syncope. eyes red. all having their eyes starting out of their heads. and showed no other signs of life than by convulsions. irregular weakness of the legs convulsions heart's action . given in large quantities to staggering.. producing dilation of the pupils. dryness of mucous membranes of the mouth and fauces paralysis of the tongue degluddon nausea and vomiting tympanidc distention of the abdomen diarrhoea. and increased heart's action. Orfila states that the drug acts upon dogs much the same as upon man. that it greatly resembles that produced by as Dioscorides had before him On Man. — The action of Hyoscyamus upon man. ninl fuither study. Jour. cotic poison. by Attfielcl* — Crystals of PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. in the Appemlix.. The madness ot all ol these patients was so complete. are the The flowers. 40. I was obliged to employ six strong men to hold him while I was getting his teeth asunder. and sweat. graphical Imlex.. talks. and other animals are said to be but slighdy affected. having eaten the roots of Hyoscyamus. show its method Nine persons. The symptoms general. Upon their recovery. stupor. vertigo and confusion . insomnia . weakness of the posterior extremities. The of action following cases of poisoning by this drug. . in order to give one of them an antidote. illusions . and sparkling. . lasdy. and involuntary passages. to pour down the remedy. KNO. difificult . and retention of the . 447. and their agitations so violent. Dr. and insensibility. all objects appeared to them as scarlet. were seized with alarming symptoms " Some were speechless. Harley remarks -paralysis of the nervous system. and tends to produce general Of the delirium produced. for two or three days. — — alcoholic intoxication. itself." (Dr. . . 126-4 Potassium Nitrate. it causes slight dilation of the pupils. rabbits. this salt were isolated from this plant parts of this plant are poisonous. are: Lively. wild. Moirond states that. trembling of the upper limbs. 446. and carphologia is often noticed . that. resulting from taking the drug. sheep. gesticulates. horses. etc.. urine dry cough rapid. but it was to utter bowlings. For authorilies upon the Chemistry of Hyoscyamus. now and then. in or busy delirium. 1S62. with dilation of the pupils and insensibility of the retina. — Patouillat. of sight. see Bililio- . wild. and their mouths drawn backwards on both sides others had all the symptoms alike however. five of them did open their mouths. and.) * Phiirm. Upon gallinaceous birds it is supposed to have a baneful action while cows. the root next. dances.. to cause of — All active. — On Animals. paralysis of the bladder. Phil. . many goats. and the risus sardoniciis . spasmodic movements of the limbs. is that of a powerful narand cerebral stimulant. cardiac. Trans. the leaves and the effluvium arising from the cut and bruised leaves has been vertigo.. however. will serve to : : . . contortions of their limbs. redness of the face. most seeds. . On cats it acts much the same as upon dogs. tending more to the grotesque than to the harmful type the patient laughs. and complained of great dryness in the throat. in all the joints. read. Dr. lew hours some experienced vertigo. — (Dr. half of the tincture of . It was si. like ring the skin hot and dry. (The annual plant is said to make a weaker tincture. White found her almost insensible and unable to speak. She could not see distinctly. At 9 a. shivering and coldness 4 of the skin. an ounce and a Hyoscyamus. ammonia. difficulty of breathing. in mistake for a black draught..) swallowed. feet. talked incoherently. 1 .) In ten minutes she had a hot. I'. . 1873. There was no sickness. to fall. 126-5 which the leaves of Hyoscyamus had been boiled. and other remedies were used. p. others a burning of the tongue. their eyes looked next them. 8. in as of them had low. M. dilation of the pupils. did not Seven persons ate broth.. torpid. saw them about three hours after and then three of the men were become quite insensible.t.. . At All motion in the extremities was lost. paralyzed. and temporary loss of intellect have been the principal symptoms while the extremities have been observed to be cold and nearly intellectual faculties selves up to actions which were .\. the rage of a fever. and put out with difficulty. small and intermittent pulse. In other cases. and talked in a rambling manner. all quently changed color. a haggard countenance. and resembling the pharmacopoeial tincture. loss of speech. opium. M. in attempting to get out of bed. and could not then stand without being supported on both sides. 135. and dry. and were in their . Trans. 5 . 34. She was unable to remember for a minute a single sentence or word she hatl uttered or a. she was delirious. She had cjuite lost her memory. In three hours she passed a motion smelling strongly of this drug. first effect the tongue . which were much swollen. felt in 750. White. and they gave themmad and ridiculous. the next day she could see and articulate better. A — (Orfila woman. The tongue was swollen. m. The draught was taken at At 9 A." monks made among which were (Cichorium Intibus). symptoms of in intoxication soon followed: "I having eat it know comrades. but the odor was not perceived in the urine. made apparently from the biennial plant. she found her legs were powerless. pricking sensation in the hands. Stednian. 2. The was that the became paralyzed. In a 1 a repast on the roots of wild endive the iliac regions. paralyzed.) young shoots of their limbs state of 5. Brandy.x days before she acquired a partial use of her legs. two roots of Henbane. particularly about the neck and face. Lancet. and legs became giddy and delirious. calling out that Wepfer it was going relates that several high a delirium as people and they catched fiery. The iris was half a line in breadth. trismus. throat severe pains were also . July Two men earth and seemed ate the to pass . . by mistake. and lips. the face swollen and scarlet the pupils were so dilated that the iris was a mere threadThe poison had been taken on an empty stomach. spasmodic action i'. M. A purplish rash appeared over the body. and she gradually improved. and insensible the arms were in a the pupils were dilated. slavered. at whatever lay Phil. burning. suddenly from under them were cold. irregular pulses. and The and the organs of vision were perverted. the look was fixed and vacant the plant. brown. and there was a sickness 1 m.) mixed. and their sensibility was diminished. Shordy after. . and fre- — (Dr. and the jaws were course of two in the 4eme ed. Beside these symptoms. poisoning by the roots. and complained of a bitter. 2. Longitudinal section of 9. Oct.) ' J _ ^ . July 27th. A woman sardonicus). . So in the case of affections is fairly stated the forms of this disorder. 10. Fruiting calyx. Dehiscent pistil. Med.. from near lioston. such condition being found in the luno-s and brain. "The differential diagnosis of the three mydriatics in the treatment of head by Dr. while Hyoscyamus proves its value when there is litde or no congestion. and S. (Jpened corolla. 414. affected with stupor and insurmountable somnolency. p. the there was the spasmodic grin the men recovered . 7. Very shortly afterward the whole of these persons felt uneasy. 8. 1844. pulse small and intermittent. T JJ Longitudinal section ofc seed ) •. They were boiled in soup. Seed. fruit. convulsions. days. — (Orfila. delirium . p. and continued delirium. with nausea. fruit. 1884. and Wib- fatal those of general congestion of The appearances were dark-colored liquid blood in the venous system. of which nine persons in the family partook without remarking any particular taste. Opened 5. vol. The patients successively lost the power of vision.. There are commonly found no traces of irritation or infiammation in the stomach or bowels. In cases of cerebral hypera. 562. p. Phannacodynamics. hearing.) collected in a field a quantity of the roots by mistake for parsnips. whereas the severer cases are better dealt Hyoscyamus is specially useful again in with by Belladonna and Stramonium.— 126-6 breathing difficult. for which Hyoscyamus is adapted. those cases of delirium with hallucinations which are accompanied with little or no cerebral congestion.. A flowering and fruiting branch." — Description of Plate 126. 3. Fruit. mer one by — Orfila quotes a case of the leaves. and voice. The pupils of the eyes were dilated. but much excitement.) injurious. and where there is reason to fear that the operation of opium would prove (Hughes.. . 4. These symptoms were followed by great resdessness.) Post-Mortem. S° cnameters. acrid taste in the mouth. with delirium {risits Under treatment spasmodically closed. 1 (2-9 enlarged. the severer forms are removed by Belladonna. showing calyx. 6.mia. and were [Ed. 11. Stamen. are the milder and less inflammatory ones. Phillips. I. 264. J. Horizontal section of the ovary. 2. but where there is great excitability of the nervous system. and there was indistinctness of vision.^inxt Datura Stramonium. . . \TURA STRAMONIUM.' APPLE OP PERU. the upper portion falling away. * The Arabic name Tatorah (Indian Daturo).V. sinuses long subulate-pointed. . . thus rendering the pod in reality 4-celled. COM. sirychnomanikon. bushy berb. valves 4. laterally flattened horizontally. .-HYOSCYAME/E. STINK-WEED. but not exserted stigma clavate. subcylingreen and succulent.N. 2 drical. ORD -SOLANACE^. SYN.— DATURA STRAMONIUM. . somewhat branched. GABRT. and at times opposite. DEVIL'S APPLE. VULGATUM. prismatic.fasluosa. prolonged decurrently along the upper side of and laciniately toothed or angled they are smooth. larger and spreading. SVSr. given t Srpiixw/ioi'iwK. erect. scrobiculate-rugose embryo much curved. divergently echinate. raised upon a Calyx tubular. annual. MAD APPLE. Linn. 2 to 4 inches long. to Leaves alternate. in this the petiole. lo ils causing madness. Slatnejis 5. Style slender. glabrous. SCOP. more or all less cordate at the base. — This rank. LINN. (PR. rather large. separating transversely above the base.j STECKAPPEL. placentce 2.. S. . very irregularly sinuate. 2-lipped. creamy white. . thick. referring to D. and all the older ones are plentifully perforated by the ravages of worms. . stramonium. is In outline the leaves are ovate. less scattered . delicate. . Fruit an . globose-ovoid and more or less quadrilateral. JAMESTOWN OR JIMSON WEED. Stem very smooth. and at its apex.— THORN-APPLE. half-persistent. FCETIDUM. e. included filaments long and filiform.-rENT. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH RIPE SEED OF D. projected from the axis into the middle of each cell.— DATURA.'\NORl. . GENUS. but in case one side of the base many in reality more or instances unequal. at first bifurcating. limb 5-toothed. Description. inserted upon the tube of the corolla anthers adnate. longer than the stamens. grows to a height of 4 feet. convo- limb plaited. 2-celIed pod. from L. 127 Tribe. pale beneath. /^. Rooi tapering. pericarp coriaceous.f/a crustaceous. InfloresceJice solitary in the forks of the branches flowers erect. upon the same plant. oblong and pointed. 5-toothed . somewhat reniform. except Seeds very numerous. where each division becomes somewhat expanded into two placentiferous lines at the middle. STRAMONIUM SPINOSUM. deep green above. THORJf-APPLE. lute-plicate in aestivation in fruit a peltate border to the under side of the Corolla infundibuliform. .) POMMB EPINEUSE OU L'ENDORMIB (GER. the lower remaining persistent and forming capsule . short rigid peduncle. GER. NAMES.\ MONOGVNI.* LINN. /. . then dichotomously branching. circumscissile. S. SEX. may be. about the end of the i6th century).* Gerarde (who received some of the seeds from Lord Zouch. try whether this plant would not restore to a healthy state those who are suffering from alienation of mind ? and if by the change which Stramonium would cause in those who suffer from convulsions. would order to discover whether this plant. Hist. . The officinal parts of this plant in the U... probably to the borders of the Caspian Sea and the adjaregions. . " Stramonium produces blossoms from July symptoms of madness experiments in in a healthy person. de Fr." he says. Baron Storck was first to introduce the plant into medicine. One of its principal uses. et Siisp. which they never afterward lost.. It is one of the many Solanaceous plants whose origin is exceedingly f ent doubtful. Rumex. to any extent. in recent burns and scalds. The drug also plays a part in their Tinctnra Viburnii Composita and Unguentum Stramonii Compositum . has been that of the dried leaves./. Extraction Strainonii In the Eclectic Materia Medica the following preparations are recommended: Cataplasma Stramonii Extractum Stramonii Alcoholicum ...<f" Plantes Vl-n. . and then generally in garbage heaps where the soil is loose but rich. cultivated the plant in England. and Tinctnra Strainonii. soothing drug. would it not cause their cure?" that he frequently saw maniacs restored to saneness of mind. He used it internally in mania and epilepsy. . Herb. . who sent them from Constantinople. 1.\ * Sprengel. i. e. in the North. for the same purpose. i. Ungucntnm Stramonii. Tinctrira Stramonii . e. it not be desirable to by its make on the brain in of the part. whatever it effects changing the ideas and the state of the sensorium (/. Ph. : Stravi07iii Semen. so thoroughly does it cling to waste heaps that the American Aborigines named it The White Maiis Plant in allusion to its only weed of civilization. are Strainoiiii Folia and — -j- . It was at one time seriously maintained that America was its birthplace. however. Bigelow. Stramonium. Stramonium is judged by De Candolle to be indigenous to the Old World. 326. by putting them into a contrary Bergius states state to that in which they were. 127-2 — History and Habitat.. f ^"l^. X ii. Mi. The first notice of Stramonium is. which is the centre of action of the nerves upon the body) should we not. who states that it was introduced into Germany from Italy. S. smoked as cigarettes.. near the homes of the all of the temperate With us civilized. of the latter the preparations are: Extractum Stramonii Fluidjcm. neuralgia in chorea (Wedenberg) and tic-douloureux epilepsy (Odhelius) and as an ointment. during the spasm of asthma. and Oleum Terebinthinse. a practice highly recommended by Dr. 38. being in reality a true and warmer regions of the globe. scattered throughout almost place of growth. Cicuta. Belladonna. that of Fuchsius (1542). Rei. Dulcamara. by the continued use of the extract of Stramonium and that by the same means he effectually cured the delirium so often attendant upon child-birth. and ripens its capsules from September to November. it to October. nymphomania and rheumatism. I say. This species is now only found near the habitations of man. " If. c. and Mat. In general practice Stramonium has been used as a narcotic. but in no locality here does it at all approach a situation that has the semblance of a natural site. in all probability. its solubility is increased and at 140'' (284° F. c. atropa-atropine is said to be twice as claimed that datura-atropine is thrice as powerful a dilatant of the pupil as its isomer. tasteless powder insoluble in water and fusing at 150° (302° F. forms prisms. but leaves a numb feeling upon the tongue characteristic very similar to that caused by carbolic acid.) It fuses at 90° (194° F. and causing a dryness of the mouth and fauces.. the greater portion being destroyed num-foil it bursts into a flame. .J datura-atropine § platinic chloride precipitates atropa-atropine salts.f-j- sparingly soluble in alcohol.. distinguishable between the two alkaloids: The crystals are said levogyrate. 1. ** Jobert. —This chemically uninvestigated body was separated from the ture of the seeds. . the tincture will become stronger each day until it is opaque. crrass-oreen film. bitter and burning taste. Ledenburgf says.— This body A. and allowed to stand for eight days The in a dark. unofficinal. \ Poehl. Should the bottle be left longer before filtration. It is readily soluble in alcohol. — The ered in ripe seeds are powdered and cov- a well-stoppered bottle. by Trommsdorf. || J Erhard. 380. * Am. although it appears like a stratum separable from the rest of the preparation. XXIII. and that the dilation lasts longer. Stramonin.^^O^ as purified after its extraction from the flowering Belladonna.— Da/nj-a-A/ro/y/^ic Stramonium by Geiger and Hesse or £>a/nri/!c. Even in very small doses it . Atropine. while atropa-atropine to differ somewhat non-rotary form in . 1880. I'etersb. c. Med. produces congestive headache and dilatation of the pupil. and many physical properties. Wochrnsch. less so in water. l865.^ and || . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. cool place vigorously shaking the . and when looked down upon presents a brilliant iridescent. 28.** Atropa-atropine or atropine. ges. ft Wittstein. . . mass by vial twice a day. Jour. It is tinc- described as a white. Atropine* not only in solubility and fusibility. de-Therap. The following points of difterence are. and picric acid precipitates is is datura-atropine. Poehl. widi constriction of the throat. von Planta in 1833. Cj-H.. 1863. The slight odor it exhales is not it has no peculiar taste. I. by farther heating on platiit breaks down. and the slight residue soon vanishes. and Duboisine are was discovered in 1850 proved identical with it in identical. however.). dtr Ckim.. Phar. Hyoscyamine. but is mentioned simply to show that our tincture does not represent the full strength of the seed.) in each by the addition of heat. and has a beautiful brownish-orange color by transmitted light. sufficiently to suggest to Herr Schmidt that we should distinguish the two products by prefixing the name of the plant from which each is derived. No. 1877. but not atropa-atropine poisonous as datura-atropine. t Berichie. Its reaction is acid. Then in thin layers it exhibits a beautiful orange-red color by transmitted light. doubtless Daturine. tincture separated from this filtration is clear.. Ann. having a nauseous. it is . which does not chance durincj atritation. of course. differs. 20. 38. but not salts of datura-atropine. \ Schroff. but It also in its chemical composition (Cj-Hg^NO^). however. This last preparation is. with five parts by weight of alcohol.127-3 PART USED AND PREPARATION. not very easy to remove. The pupils are dilated. 127-4 Brandes. but seldom vomiting. more especially in women. " the effect of which . drink this nauseous liquid. in Arizona. another would dart straws at it with fury another. stark naked. and squinting. but the sight of water throws him into a spasm and causes great constriction of the throat. Dodge statesf that " Datura mcteloides grows abundantly on the Colorado J. . bruise and mix them with water. not remembering anything" that had passed." decoction of this species to stimulate call young females the plant Alain-oph-wcep . It is a highly narcotic drink. . and hot. muscles often mark a case. bloated. as The in California Indians use a dancing. resin insoluble gummy in of the seeds. with dull beating and throbbing in the vertex. gathered the potage. red extractive matter. and finally unconsciousness stupor and deep sleep. . . with loquaciousness or melancholia hallucinations of terrifying aspect. Rep. they ferment in Hist. yet differing A mode few of the of action action will be seen to be similar to that of Bella- Its many respects. with staggering gait. The symptoms collated from many drug are Vertigo. foaming at the mouth. causing a line of acts very powerfully symptoms showing upon be a narcotocases of poisoning by it to high degree. the mouth spasmodically closed. rolling. 1S70. diplopia and hemeralopia the eyes are wide open. and that the Mohave Indians gather the leaves and roots. In his analysis wax. with stertorous breathing mania. gum. The Mohaves will often they are very fond of any kind of intoxication. or picks and grasps at unattainable objects congestive headaches. producing a stupefying effect. fatty matter. The face becomes red. many cases of poisoning by in this plant will serve to show its : Beverly states* that some of the soldiers sent to Jamestown to quell the young sprouts of Stramonium and ate them as a was a very pleasant comedy. and the patient suffers from photophobia. or are contorted. The sexual functions are often excited. and various uncharacteristic bodies. Agric. extracted a fixed oil. — Datura Stramonium the cerebro-spinal system. in whom it causes nymphomania. and set. and smile in their faces with a countenance more antic than any in a Dutch droll. One would blow up a feather in the air. . PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Spasms of the muscles of the chest are of frequent occurrence inspiration is slow and expiration quick.. was sitting up in a corner like a monkey. the patient bites. extractive. staring. . uncrystallizable sugar. The Pah-Utes the sun a watery infusion of the \ U.. donna. S. with twitchings and jerkings of irritant of this : . the liquid is drawn off." R. grinning and making maws at them a fourth would fondly kiss and paw his companions. and after being allowed to stand several hours. 121. 423. Paralysis of the lower limbs and loss of speech. strikes and screams. . which is rebellion of Bacon. and other symptoms similar to those of hydrophobia. There is often nausea. River. ether. and the tongue dry and swollen the patient suffers greatly from thirst. for they turned natural tools upon it for several days. fat oil. and after eleven days returned to themselves again. malic acid. A thousand simple tricks they played. of Virginia. and throws the arms about. * Dr. \ Mr. as if trying to ward off some threatening evil. a society of stealthy fanatic murderers of India. of Med. met with in the auricles and large veins are very thor- oughly formed and easily broken down. during which they would utter some indistinct sounds and throw their hands about. Turner. These will cause is infused. . The following.xicated person. its homoeopathic adaptability to hydrophobia will be at once evident. f Canstatt's Jahrbtieh. * Dr. 1878. the pupils much dilated. with paroxysms of excessive laughter. mistook the fruit of Stramonium for poppy heads. his eyes were glistening and in constant motion. and in a state of complete insensibility. They were lying on their backs. 1844. in six upon the nervous system Post-mortem. broken occasionally by a paroxysm. Orfila found that half an ounce killed a dog within twenty-four and a quarter of an ounce applied to an open wound in another. in Am. From the symptoms caused by this drug. The alimentary tract. Jour. The symptoms in each case showed that the effects were produced hours . but continually babbling apparently directed at imaginary objects On — Animals. pupils widely dilated and insensible to light. 195. was found absolutely normal.}. he says. If the remedy act too violendy. and drink die liquor for the purpose of intoxication. — The the few coagula that are in general. from a letter written by the Catholic Bishop of Singapore to the Straits Tunes.. Duffin's case (his youngest daughter). " Soon afterwards his face was flushed. aet. and upper portion of the oesophagus was observed. fastuosa and alba to render their intended victims unconscious. There is no drug so far proven that deserves as thorough and careful a trial in this dread disease as Stramonium. Nat. A slight injection of the mucous membrane of the larynx. there was no fever. 552. 297. He sat up in bed quite unconand occasionally starting up suddenly." Dr. his hands His pulse was very slow in the air. pharynx. during which the padent must be tied but on its abatement he will be cured. either by the leaves of stramony. an access of the convulsions or delirium. but intense thirst and violent perspiration from incessant motion. inability to articulate. consist first." The Thugs. however. Edward Palmer J Am. and of a dark-crimson color. a boy. 1845. 650. Sci. and ate a quantity of them. The rima glottidis was thickened and very turgid. they grasped at imaginary objects. blood was found to be semi-fluid throughout the body. and the countenance was that of an into. or pear-apple. in making the patient take some water in which a handful of . or thorn-apple. eyes bright.. They then fell into a comatose state. there was picking of the bedclothes. This bishop says he thinks it his duty to publish the remedies used in the missions in Tonquin for the cure of hydrophobia. Schlesier met a casef in which the subject. faces deeply suffused. . 1864. scious. 4. has just come to my notice. in giving as much star-aniseed as may be contained on a cent piece and secondly. Lancet.§ . These. 127-5 bruised seeds. describes the effects upon two children who had eaten the seeds: "In an hour and a half they were fully under the influence of the poison. often employ D. but were easily roused into a state of violent excitement. difficulty of breathing. conjunctiva injected. killed him hours. the bishop relates. 5. I. swallowing the juice. End of a flowering branch and portion of the main stem. delirious during the convulsions "The same remedy.) J. and then continued its ravages with greater intensity than before. but on the following clay he was perfectly cured. even days." concludes the bishop. When the fatal issue was at hand. and these augmented in intensity every day. ancient and modern. with almost superhuman energy. "is used in India." Description of Plate 127.. began chewing a pinch of The effect was not long in making dried stramony leaves. 2. In 1869. cessful. applied at once all sorts of known remedies. Pollen X 200. Ovary. Jersey City. . Stamen. ever. when the paroxysms had attained the greatest violence. the consequences infusion of licorice root. which died thirty hours afterwards with the most characThe following day he felt the first symptoms of the terized convulsions of rabies. Each time he used the latter the progress of the disease ceased for some hours. a very honorable member of the clergy of Paris was bitten by a pet dog. and is always sucphobia. the patient. 3. In half an hour the disease had attained its height. (2-4 enlarged. howdreadful disease. 4. or on account of there being no virus of real hydro- may be ameliorated by making the patient drink an most precious antidote against poisoning by stramony. just at the crisis of the disease. July loth. and even employed a very small dose of stramony. The priest. the patient being itself felt. Stigma. a . 1884. .127-6 too much being administered. N. (".ttpinxt.I-^l! V. •'' 1 - &( m >^ ^!i^ /<. NiCOTIANA TABACUM.adnai.s\ .Linn .del. Gm. . Leaves alternate. 5. upon landing smoking cylinders of the dried use was again noted by them upon the account of the .) TABAC (GER. 2-celled . viscid-hairy. is Domingo. valves 2. where it appears to have been used by the natives as a narcotic from prehistoric times. in 1492.N. situated capitate.— This largely cultivated. and viscid-pubescent. all entire acute and glandularly pubescent. .&'^\az\6. rank. lh7ib salver-form.-NICOTIANE/E. clammy-pubescent. Habitat. testa sinuously. the lobes acute and broadly .* SEX. its f Origin somewhat doubtful.Spaniards with Columbus. A TINCTURE OF Description. HYOSCYAMUS PERUVIANUS. filaments inserted upon the base of anthers small. subcylindri- thin. terminal spreading panicle of rose colored or white flowers . LINN. The first intimation history of some gives of at St. TABACUM. two inches long. discovered the natives leaves. TOBACCO A SYN. GENUS— NICOTIAN A. the base of the all narcotic habits. NAMES. Corolla lube funnel-form. by from 10 to 18 inches broad those of the upper part of the plant more or less amplectant. which they called cohiba.— PENTANDRIA LINN. opening longitudinally. simple. solid .?\ separated. MONOGYNIA. large and broad. dehiscence ?. in the . ORD-SOLANACE^. paler beneath. those of the base more or less petioled. SYST. its use. fibrous and tap-shaped. from the apex. L. (FR. LEHM. COM. A TINCTURE OF THE LE. GERARD.WES OF NICOTIANA TABACUM.—NICOTIANA TABACUM. annual herb. vide idem. 5-cleft. cal . plaited. ovate and from one and one-half to two feet long. .. 5-cleft. Inflorescence a flowering season.— TOBACCO. History and. 128-2.) TABAK. NICOTIANA MACROPHYLLA. grows to a height of from 4 to 6 feet at most wide-spread of Root long. who. pericarp papyraceous.. . Ca/yx inflated-tubular or campanulate. SPRBNGBL. 2-lobed. sistent calyx. Stem erect. acrid. becoming at length Seeds innumerable. *Jean Nicot. its cylindrical. Stamens triangular. 128 Tribe. teeth narrow-lanceolate. about equal in stigma cup of the per- length to the filaments Fruit a 2-celled ovate capsule. from one and one-half to acute. acute. style slender.— There seems to be little doubt that tobacco is a native i)ortion of South or Central America. raised-reticulate. . bracts lanceolate. bright-green upon the upper surface. oval-oblong or oval-lanceolate. minute. THE ALKALOID NICOTINUM. In 1498 p. vide History and Habitat. equal or nearly so the corolla and nearly as long as the tube Ovary ovate. and in 1586 it was brought to England by Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh and his companions. north. Paliucri. . and found escaped in Sendtmr. river. Tcibaciim. the priests and sultans of hwang-ti of China. Clevelandi. New Mexico and Southern California. Bigclovii. and from there in 1560. cultivated in Arizona (Palmer). found in Brazil. N. From this circumstance Linnaeus honored him with its generic name. var. an Arizo- (Zrt. Tobacco can be raised in its proper soil at almost any point between the equator and the 50th degree N. a N. N'. I\F. or S. IVilld. to which Prof. Duiial. Nicofinna. though some historians the native word meaning pipe.^^z/&/«). and death. About the year 6co the plant was introduced into Java. Lindl. the comand the edict of the almost incredible.. India. ambassador to France. I'iv. varying with the locality and season. Plinnbeautiful N. the northern United States. L. Asa Gray refers the Yaqui Tobacco. rtistica. undidata. a valvis. L. Turkey. N.. . the better grades however not above the 35th degree. Watson.. nana. miiltiof aboriginal cultivation in Oregon N. at Lisbon. baginifolia. the Popish mands of bull.) for which the genus was composed. Lindl. or from name was derived. varieties : a species with greenish-yellow flowers.12S-2 West the British Indian Island of Tobago.persica. it was first grown in Europe. attemiata. cultivated A^. Arizona. lobcxco. and said to be stronger than^the cultivated plants (Palmer). introduction into is Persia. cliincnsis. quadrivahis. and from there its use was introduced into Spain by Hernandez de Toledo in 1559. relic nian species (Palmer). furnishing the fine Havana and Pursh. N. Vbarrensis. the plant of the Rocky Mounas cultivated in China and Japan N. N'. used by the Indians along the Missouri by them nonrhaxi'\ N. N. L. until its first it has gained to-day a prominence greater than any other known plant. have been determined in Mexico. fruciicosa. v:ir. N. and "H.. Willd.. quadrivalvis. and ^V. a Californian species (Cleveland). attempt- feel more ing thus to fully substantiate the theory often promulgated that the Chinese western shores of America long before the discovery of the eastern coasts by the Spaniards. . mentioning them as the germs of a medicinal plant of great value. notwithstanding the act of English Parliament. tain and called tribes . a variety of cultivation in the United States.. the following species and and Turkey Syria. in temperate regions from June to August. about this time also. Tobacco was quite extensively used by the Spaniards in Yucatan as early as 1520. HBK. Gray. Jean Nicot. the leaves of all of which being used by the Indians of Utah. cultivated as the fragrant rcpanc/a. species with sharply pointed capsules Shiraz or Persian tobacco Cuban leaves .. The tobacco plant flowers . Torrcy. and N. . trigonophylla. pctiolata. The rapidity with which this plant has traveled from one had visited the extremity of the temperate and torrid zones to the other.. the very opposition that attended countries all the Russian knout Turkey and seemed only to urge its onward rush. and the best between the 15th and 35th degrees. India and China.. It was either from this island. lancifolia. N. a Mexican species (Berlandier). sent seeds. that the specific 1 confident that the Chinese had used the leaves long before this period. latitude. In 15S5 its use by the Canadian Indians was discovered. Besides the true Virginian tobacco [N'icoliana Tabaciini. f ^ Annal.000. d. as cigarettes . various skin diseases of man and beast. Medica the preparations are Injustun Tabaci. tumors. after passing through processes which tend slightly to militate against the poisonous properties. the United States alone raising 472. of nicotia.. and uses. 130. tarmed gra?iu/aied tobacco . I place them here in the The production order of their harmfulness: Chewing without e. cover them plant may be used. and increasing. and many other minor forms. Oleum Tabaci and Unguenttivi Tabaci.— The almost. shredded leaves — — more or less pure. rolled into cylindrical forms.— A Solution of one part by weight of the in volatile alkaloid nicotia 99 parts of absolute alcohol.887. as cigars and cheroots . vnl.rapidly from year to year. from which may be extracted by aqueous or alcoholic distillation.175 lbs. This volatile alkaloid and seeds of all species of the genus nicotiana.061. Its exhibition internally as a drug. called plugs .xpectorating.=-= C. inhalation of the smoke. the leaves of any fully-developed Place the dried and finely-cut leaves in a bottle. If prepared from Havana leaves.xpectorating. The process best calcu- exists in the leaves it lated to extract the full amount is *Nicotina. emetic..„ H. Ph. nicotin. for chewing. S. The estimated annual production of the globe is placed at about 3. taking the world's population at present (1882) to be 1. tabacine. if not quite identical in generic effects of Nicotiana being each species. called yf«^-«^^. cAem. 196. for chewing or smoking. its former officinal In the Eclectic Materia preparations were dismissed at the 6th revision. cool place. and smoking without inhalation. The leaves are prepared for use. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. many in hemorrhoids. Its officinal form in the U. finely-broken leaves. spasma glottidis. The tincture may then be pressed out and well stoppered.— Nicotia. varieties. and allow them to stand at least eight days. must be conducted with the greatest care and watchfulness according to the susceptibility of the patient and the potence of the preparation. in 1880. the characpenetrating odor and taste of the plant. As an habitual narcotic its modes of use are various.. or condition. 1S82.433.128-3 of this narcotic for its specihc use as liefore intimated is enormous. and as the physiological effects have been gathered from all sources. nicotylia. and kindred affections. PART USED AND PREPARATION. would furnish each individual. which contain the smallest percentage it presents a clear orange-brown color by transmitted light. without regard to age.600. p. insufflation of snuff. . for smoking. in the form of twists soaked in molasses or liquorice. in a dark. is now simply Folia Tabaci . and sialagogue. nicotine. cathartic. Laiblin's modification of that of Schloesing. and only a slight acid reaction.. O. with over 4^ lbs.000 tons! which. with five parts by weight of alcohol. rolled into small cylinders and wrapped in paper. chewing and e. rheumatism. sex. pulverized and kept dry or damp for insufflation or chewing. ulcers. antiExternally its forms of application were spasmodic. sometimes bleached. teristic Nicotinum. or nearly double the product for 1870. It was formerly quite esteemed as an anthelmintic. as sfitiff . either pure or saturated with nitre. filtered. Hermbstadt (1823) observed floating separate upon the surface of an aqueous distillate of tobacco Nicotianin consists of leaves.. also criticises the analyses of Heubel. — Nicotianin. and the whole subjected to distillation united and evaporated to one-third. then heated by means of superheated steam for half an hour... lutidifte. and allowed to digest 24 hours or more. Besides a product of the dry distillation of bones and other animal matter. sulphuretted hydrogen carbolic acids . and The smoke contains. which causes a separation of the crude this is collected and the menstruum treated with ether to extract the remaining alkaloid. . while Kissling (1882) in a comprehensive in and judges that their analysis was incorrect. Cj^ H^^ N . cori- of which are bases occurring in coal-tar. while others find many chemists of note having failed considerable quantity without appar- in Vohl and Eulenberg (1871) conclude that ent trouble. soluble in water. decomposed it nicotia completely is the process of smoking. and Eulenberg. C. Metiicin. white. . subsidence found in the tarry liquid doubtless contains and mixed with the hydrocarbons mentioned above. filtered and The mass is again dealt with in the same way. p. hydrocyanic acid. having a peculiar repulsive acrid odor not resembling tobacco.048 at 0° C. Augu.-t. Q C„ H_ dine. these another hydrocarbon. pletely saturates acids. Cj. 249. ed. who found nicotia. and the resultant liquids pressed. tobacco of slaked caustic lime odor of nicotia until the disgusting by steam. the requisite amount of potassa to neutralize the known quantity of acid is now added. and a air. . H^ N piccoline. a burning taste.pyridine. H^^. specific gravity of 1. C. N. a point quite necessary to determine. decomposing with potassa and redistillation in hydrogen. Q^ Hj^ N. N . collidine. white laminae. propionic. Boih resultants are now mixed. The question as to the presence of nicotia in tobacco smoke. The still.substantially as follows The : and stems are placed cut leaves in some convenient apparatus. having a bitter aromatic taste. purified by distillation with hydrogen. . carbonic anhydride.^ Hj„ N C. (32° F. H^. scale-like crystals. N viridine. is It boils and com- soluble to any quantity in water. to which he gave the above name. Ten per cent. exposed to light and at 250° C. alcohol or ether. shaking with powdered oxalic acid. Chem. gd-'uhll. to detect its presence. 5or. He LeBon and Pease. N Cg H^^ parvoline. H. all . valeric several hydrocarbons of the acetylene group . anhydride formic. rubidinc. turning brown when nicotia . nicotia is in many of great part that smoker's pipes. (Nicotia) is a colorless pure liquid. of the original weight of the now added. alcohol and ether. 1882.^ O3. f. Quoted in Jour. methane and carbonic oxide were found present. seems still unsettled. solution again in The distillate ether. Vul. N . butyric. who have made careful analyses.. and in Dippel's oil [Olctim Aninialc Dippelii). and ammonia.). t Vierleljahrssclir. is distillate now is neutralized by a is no longer perceptible from the of oxalic acid and known weight evaporated to a thin syrup. and emitting a tobacco-like odor.-}. according to Vohl reports its presence in his own analysis. solution in ether. acetic creosote . (482° F. Oleum Tabaci. und offc-nll. . Q.—Tobacco Camphor. Hj^ and . 14.— This empyreumatic.). N . essay* criticises their process. strong alkaline reaction. covered to a good depth with water. . moderate exhibition. it must be remembered. and that. your. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. the dose. .OH. and soil in is important question of whether the use of in the negative by harmful or not. 18S4. ringing in manufacturing the narcotic some few symp- nevertheless who have been Mental anxiety and periods subjected to the drug. Trans. sequently recognized it first as carbopyridcnic acid. when held long in one position * Laiblin. \ Ph. fusion of ideas common . malates.— It is almost an impossibility to gain a systematic knowledge of the chronic effects of tobacco poisoning. for protracted with at times con- increased secretion of dryness of the throat at times weakness of the stomach and nausea increased secretion of urine dry cough especially at night prsecordial oppression with palpitation of the heart and at times an irregular saliva . these latter differing which the individual grows. has been decided would seem that he who can use it at all. 1879. stein. and from 15 to 30 per cent. of inorganic matters. ( 1 fixed oil of the seeds. Soc.. uncertainty of speech . 147. Client. quoted from Liebig's Annalen. is sponding or identical oil.N. The precise nature of this saccharose body is not yet known. written upon this subject. having a density of 0. discovered by Huber. pulse . Phar. according to Witt- Tabacum. renders them very unsatisfactory and more or many of the highest authorities..— The tobacco moderation in citrates. still here. . Chronic eflfects. In this as with all other drugs. for in processes are used which alter the product greatly toms seem be more or less to . . nitrates in quantity according to the nature of the showing it to be a very exhaustive crop. from about 5-10 per cent. The effects produced upon smokers are almost useless in the study of the drug itself. that what is moderation in one individual is often excess in another. corre- Tabaci. amounts varying in different samples. sublimable crystals.917.„ 0. was Nicotinic Acid.* This acid forms 879)1 after successive tests favors the formula of Huber. the fact that all of them show to a careful reader whether the writer is a user or not. mucilage. 12. Tabacose.„ is found (Zeise) Oleum in. phosphates. Besides the above the plant contains gum. CO. that positive data could be looked for. to all dilation of the pupils . whether taken as a remedy or otherwise.. tannin.. colorless. your. must in all cases be suited to the Concerning the many essays that are particular individual under consideration. salts of potassium. and it is only in that class of chewers who swallow the juice. 1128-5 H^ N. the ears . Jan. is not particularly injured. Huber. though the sources of information upon this subject would seem at first to be excellent. Cj^ H. Jour. mild and inodorous. therefore. October. calcium and magnesium. It and who notes no symptoms from less faulty its through partisanship.irm. who subWeidel afterward separated this and deemed his product identical by the use of nitric acid. 1 general 1'^'''- . trembling of the extremities . irritability. quote! in Am.— C. possessing a strongly acid taste.— The A golden-yellow. he gave it the formula Cj^H.— The presence of this tobacco sugar has been determined by Prof. principle from nicotia with that of Oil of Nicotiana however. we are at a loss to determine facts. p. O. as well. as AttfieldJ in and probably sulphates. Laiblin. p.. torpor. Description of Plate 128. membranes either as a very dark and rigidity.. then. i28-6 anaemic condition of the blood muscles spasmodic contractions or jactation of single . follows instandy as by an electric shock. 28. or applied to a when taken denuded surface are : Ante-mortem. sleepiness . On Animals. eight times reduced. then spasmodic.. intestines. acts as a severe irritant to the ganproducing thence an action at first paralytic. its into the stomach. glionic centers. of Com. kidneys liver. fruit. collapse with cold sweat. . Y. 11. Whole plant. stomach. Fruit. 4. a congestion of the cerebellum. action of nicotia ous as above . stertorous breathing. The effects of tobacco or alkaloid nicotia in toxic quantities. Death The upon small species seems to be in general almost as instantaneespecially upon the carnivora. with extreme nausea. and vomiting followed by severe spasms or paralysis. where its action seems more intense. perspiration. Chemung. II.—Johnston states* that the Hottentots are said to placing a drop of the empyreumatic oil of tobacco upon kill snakes by their tongues. that in habitual users of this or any other toxic drug. — Faintness. vertigo and trembling. Sept. Section of *Chem. portal whole or only and mesenteric in patches. 2. sensations of exhaustion and especially lassitude . motor and vaso-motor systems. 5. is liquid. The blood and bladder and mucous found everywhere veins. Post-mortem. Vol. Tobacco. Flower. from the foregoing facts. 3. .— Excessive cadaveric gestion of all hollow organs . 1879. relaxation of the muscles. a general contraction and con- the heart. and death. or a dose of hydrocyanic acid. N. from a cultivated specimen. affecting the sympathetic. advancing coldness of the extremities. Life. It would seem to be a fact. I. the drug acts more or less as its own antidote. profuse and sensitiveness to cold. for immediately upon discontinuance of its use the preponderance of its symptoms arise. Seed (somewhat enlarged). weak irregular pulse. injected into the rectum. ad natdel. . % 3 ^m. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA.etpinxt.129.Linn. . 2-lobed. fioni its i reputed power in promoting niensiruation. cymose or racemose flozuers regular and showy. limb 5-parted. GBR. then attenuated and greatly branched. thick. .. oblong-obtuse.-MENYANTHE/E. i . and Style slender. TRIFOLIUM PALUDOSUM. PH. where bracts. Styles united or absent stigmas 2-lobed. . funnel. SEX. MARSH CLOVER. (FR. and inserted upon its. ORD-GENTIANACE^.s is : Root- and conspicuously marked by roots long. crstivation induplicate. very prominent and conspicuously pale they are surrounded by large . infundibuliform whole upper surface densely bearded .-. Calyx persistent corolla marcescent. RAF. . . .— PENTANDRIA MONOCIVNIA. MARSH TREFOIL. TREFLE D'EAU. /iiji-f).form. tube. Fniit a -celled. MENYANTHES. Leaves generally opposite. creeping. membraneous.) BACHSBOHNE. and entire (Exc. petioles long and membranaceous sheathing midribs trifoliate. margins entire. month.) MENYANTHE TREFLE.* TOURN. LINN. GENUS. Infloresceiiee a simple. having a colorless. MENYANTHES VERNA. leaflets oval or oblong. A large order of smooth herbs. situated at the summit of the petiole. G. rough. (GER. SYN.. * . . shorter than the pedicels flowers lo to 15. obtuse. Description. but more or less loculicidal sistent. terminal. the segments . Stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla. spreading. arising from the axils of the previous year's leaves bracts ovate. testa hard. anthos. LINN. BUCK BEAJV. BOG BEAN. .— BUCK BEAN. BITTER ROOT. N. TRIFOLIUM FIBRINUM. SYST. thick at the base. . . Corolla deciduous. WATER SHAMROCK. . sagittate. placentce in the middle of the valves. shiny. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PLANT MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. the remains of the sheaths of previous petioles ple. per- somewhat exserted sti 0711a capitate. sule its Statueiis scarcely Seeds numerous. one-half the length of the corolla. sub-cylindrical. pyramidal raceme scape naked. at first stout and sim- stalk horizontal. sessile.. COM. FIEBBRKLEE. Inflorescence solitary.M>|i'iiii'8>). . 129 Tribe. ovoid cappericarp thin.— MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. bitter juice.— MEN Y A NTH ES. minute . Leaves alternate.. — Gentianaceee. pale brown dehiscence irregular. flower. NAMES. much shorter than the corolla litnb 5-parted. uk8o. — This beautiful bog perennial characterized as follow. antJiers oblong. Calyx persistent. Menyantheee) stiptdes wanting. and scattered throughout all portions of the globe. BITTERKLEE. white or pinkish. . Ovary -celled . or sometimes slightly crenate or obscurely serrate. long.or salver. nieiif. sometimes the whole inner surface Fruit a 2-valvecl capsule . C. as are also the European Villarsia nymphceoidcs. this order furnishes our Materia Medica three other proven species. straight. is . Vent. . are bitter tonics. Kurroo. and and stomachic. . Many other species are used medicine. anthelmintics. and is an efficacious remedy in scrofula. dehiscence septicidal. Besides its use in amenorrhoea. It habits freshwater bogs. and blossoms in May and June. Aubl. The American Centaury {Sabbatia ani^zi- a bitter tonic and febrifuge. Mart. A peculiar property pervades the whole of this natural order the species when fresh are all emetic and cathartic.: The Chilian Centaury or Canchalagua [Erythrcea Ckiicnsis. and febrifuge. ovata.. to as have also the India as a substitute for Cinchona. . G. tris. anatropous small. Murr. and amplissimus. . placenta of the ovary placentiferous. The previous uses of the dried plant in medicine were all dependent more or less upon its so-called tonic action while in a fresh state it was used as an energetic cathartic.) is manner Carolinensis. Walt. nymphoides is febrifugal while the leaves of L. Pursh. esteemed as febrifuges and anthelmintics.. — varying degrees.) and the European Yellow Gentian {Gentiana liiiea. tonic and stomachic in Mart. Menyanthes was considered valuable in the treat. . viz. when fresh. which often figure as substitutes for G. from Alaska throughout the northern portions of North America.). Pers. . lutea North American G. D.. Limnanthemum Indica is accounted a holy plant by the Chinese.xtremely bitter tonics. In the United States it extends southward as far as Wisconsin in the west and Pennsylvania in the east. Johannes Franckenius. used . marshes. As early as 161 3 a Swedish writer. . L. is tonic and Chlora perfoliata. and axial albumen sarcous.129-2 or imperfectly 2-celled . is ) The . Aubl. Iceland. Sweden. and. and the Cape of Good Hope V. and eastward to the confines of Siberia. Russia. L.) bitter. The Nordi American Columbo [Frazera Chirayta. when dry. in Europe.. in its country properties quite similar to G. European Centuary {EryThe Indian Chiretta [Ophelia is used by English physicians The East Indian Cicendia hyssopifo'ia. L.). Pers. —The Buck Bean is a native of the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. History and Habitat. parietal. often employed mittent fevers.. south of Greenland. Norway. Seeds embryo minute. amarclla. states that a decoction of the herb removes all visceral obstructions. kills intestinal worms. acts as an emmenagogue and diuretic. L. and ditches which retain water throughout the summer season. L.. and C. grandijlorus. principal in among which are the following species of Gentiana. L. in Don in a similar . and for the removal of intestinal obstructions. Wright & A. pendulus. in remittent and inter- The South American Lisianthus purpurasccns. The Guianian Coutoubea spicata. lutca has. L. campespannonica. Royle. . laris. Aubl. purpurea. and punctata. or 2. tonic. Scotland. are claimed to be e. ramosa. lutca thrcsa Centaurium.) the Austrian Cross-wort [Gcntiajia cniciata. . in consideration of its many virtues L. much used as emmenagogues. peltata are eaten in Japan as a potage. : and the European G.. Besides Menyanthes. Walt. The Indian Gentiana Catesbaci. but insoluble anthin softens at 6o°-65° (i40°~i49° F. in times of scarcity. CgH^O. opaque. as neither dryness nor heat removes for the bitterness of the roots. a piece by brisk This mixture should mingled with an equal part by weight of alcohol. Tilden's analysis§ corresponds with that of Trommsdorf. enclosed and subjected The expressed to pressure. This body. separated in thin layers filtration.129-3 ment of atonic dyspepsia. ser.. glucoslde powder is that is freely soluble in QgHj^O.. de Chim. The general to the patient's advantage. then be poured into a well-stoppered bottle.. the dried and powdered roots have been used. — The budding of new to blossom.xysms. light. I your. N.). Ixxii. and derangements of the digestive useful remedy in remittent and intermittent fevers. though not .). ii. S. gum. which is exposed to the unknown chemical air for at present provisionally The analysis of in the separation of albumen. he. 191. substitute for gentian two ounces of which are which they are substituted. resin. It results as an oily liquid. and a strong acid reaction. possessing a burning taste and a penetrating odor. is —When Menyanthol oxidized to a white crystalline mass of is known by this name. in bread-making. Alston remarks "that this case by drinking the juice of the plant in whey. bitter in ether. however. • ." which one can readily imagine. gathered when be chopped and pounded to a pulp. as well as a Cullen speaks of the root as efficacious in obstinate cutaneous affections of a Boerhaave claims to have relieved gout in his own seemingly cancerous nature Dr. — Menyanthol. formed by the destruction of Menyanthin with dilute sulphuric or muriatic acid. malic acid. similar to that of oil of bitter almonds. 2. ser. Med. Trommsdorff resulted some time it composition. and a bitter which BrandesJ succeeded in gaining as an amorphous mass of mostly yellowish-white grains (impure Menyanthin). and liquid at carbonizes at higher temperatures.. and allowed to stand eight days dark.. inulin. vol... it exists as water and alcohol. present a deep olive-green color by transmitted should have a strong herbaceous odor. cool place. said to equal a pound of hops. juice is in then." Sweden use of Menyanthes has been mosdy as a and columbo. together with a brown resin and glucose.. linen agitation. becomes a white. is Menyanthic Acid. extremely bitter in a should be taste. iii. 579.. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. to is whole fresh plant. but does not specify the amylose body found as inulin. 660. your. t /Inn.. vol. ii.. Mat. plant has remarkable effect in the gout in keeping off the paro. Linnaeus notes that in Lapland. * Kromayer and Froehde. P/iar.— Menyanthin. PART USED AND PREPARATION. "a peculiar matter precipitated by tannin. Meny- 115° (239° F. 90. characterizes the result as "amarus In the leaves are often used in brewing . I Phar. your. et detestabilis." principle. I. vol.* This uncrystallizable when pure derivable from the whole plant. tract. a lasting. and It The from the mass by tincture. mixed with meal. I. followed by fever without thirst. hair of the corolla. sleeplessness. and stamen. 2. 7. A June 2d. 3. N. Y. and extreme weakness of the whole body. 10. Whole plant. natural size and enlarged. oppression of the chest with increased respiration and accelerated pulse. 9.. coldness of the extremities. showing under surface. distension and fulness of the abdomen. Stigma. Stamen. Flower. frequent desire to urinate with scanty discharge. contraction of the pupil. Smaller doses cause confusion and vertigo. 5.) li . followed by nausea. Petal 4. —Large doses of the root of this plant cause profuse vomituig and purging. Description of Plate 129. Pistil. cramps in the legs. Seed. constipation. Anther. with open anther. dimness of vision. (2-8 enlarged. pressive headache. a sensation of coldness in the stomach and oesophagus. Appalachin. 8. twitching of the facial muscles. Fruit. together with exhausting diaphoresis. with griping. 6.129-4 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. etpinxt GELSEMIUM SEMPERVI RENS. Alton.adnatdel.m. .^. . f Lonicera grata. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS. . . Fruit an ovoid oblong. —This order is composed of herbs. great heights. and Rtibiaccce. inserted on the base of the anthers long. often attains growth depending somewhat upon its chosen support. GELSEMIUM SEU JASMINUM LUT. (Caprifoliaceoe). flat. . light-brown. . open funnel-form lobes 5. LINN. . . AIT. on short petioles bark. Ail. ETC. bright green above and pale beneath stipules inconspicuous. splitting septicidally into two scaphoid valves. SYN. evergreen. ODOR. 2-celled ovtiles several in each cell. POIR.— PENTANURIA DIUVNIA. The Loganiaceae of our Materia Medica are * Gelsemino. woody. from 1 to i^ inches long.\illary clusters Jlowers sweet scented. N. Inflorescence small a. . lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate. compressed.. on scaly bracted pedicels. beaked. MICHX. CATESBY. ORD -LOGANIACE^. . WILD JESSAMINE. shining. corolla-tube filaments equal Ovary elliptical. twining plant. Calyx small lobes 5. rounded and imbricated. LISIANTHUS SEMPERVIRENS. Leaves opposite. . ligneous. nearly equal. : Ignatia for Jessamine. Corolla large. —This beautiful. GELSEMIUM LUCIDUM. which is prolonged at one extremity Description. Its distinguishing characteristics are stipules present or represented by a stipular line. BER JASMIN.— YELLOW JESSAMINE OR JASMINE. and extrorse. . each bifurcated. SEX. . COM. MILL. the Italian t The only woodbine . imbricated. YELLOJJ' JESSAMIJVE. Scrophulai'iaccce. Root long. . or trees. FALSE JASMINE. WALT. : Leaves opposite and entire Flowers regular and perfect. varying from nearly two inches in diameter to a few lines looibark of a cinnamon-brown color.) GEL. the lobes linear and equal. ascending style long and slender stigjuas 2. at first with a more or less smooth.— GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS. 130 _ GENUS— G E LS E M I U M . its . Apocytiacece. smooth. then smooth and purplish. NAMES. : . nearly distinct. GELSEMIUM. GELSEMIUM NITIDUM. Sta/uens 5. sagittate. Loganiacese. ovate and acute. membranous border. in this country is {Strychnos Ignatii. BIGNONIA SEMPERVIRENS. WOODBINE. SYST. AIT. 4- 5-merous and androus. persistent. and about two lines in thickness ivood lightStems branching. surrounded by a thin. light slate-colored yellow.. and forms a connective between the orders Geulianacecs.! (FR. ANONYMOS SEMPERVIRENS.* JUSS.) JASMIN JAUNE (GER. adnate. pendent capsule pericarp papyraceous. Seeds many. imbricated. into a slightly wrinkled wing. . . Not GelsemiHum. Ovary free from the calyx. shrubs. brought it again into notice through the mediumship of a report on the medical botany of his state. taper-pointed. and .). diameter striate both extremities. Porcher.) Linn. of South Carolina. Ph. who prepared a proprietary nostrum from the plant. Lifin. M. King. . The following comparison will suffice to distinguish them in . Leaves ovate-lanceolate. in 1849. Hale. cure came to the knowledge of a pretender. Root not so PREPARATION. which may be extracted by a process similar to that used for procuring oil of rose (Porcher). While yessamine. heart-shaped Petioles (leaf-stalks) short. and is officinal in the Eclectic the U. acute at fibrous. in section showing white wood. yield a delightful perfume. The first provings were made by Dr. Ass'n.). the odor of which is said to be narcotic. according to Dr. Z^ae'Movate. The yellow jessamine of the southern United States grows from Virginia southward.: 130-2 Berg. this occurs even above trees that are over 50 feet high. Taste bitter and nauseous. so alarming in their character that his friends expected his death upon his revival. called the " Electric Febrifuge. whose " Monograph on Gelsemium" has been a most efficient help to the true knowledge of this valuble American addition to our root . Liim. Flowers yellow. however. for whom in his illness the was gathered in mistake for that of another plant after partaking of an infusion serious symptoms arose. The medical history of this plant is quite modern. extending into Mexico. the principal among them being Dr. Taste pleasantly bittgr. this fact was determined by Eberle (1869). as Extractnni Gdsemii and Tinchwa Materia Medica as Tinchira Gdsemini. It flowers in March and April. Nux . medicamentae. still it extends beyond the limits of the support in such a manner as to form beautiful trails and fringes. cut from where the whole not greater than that of a goose-quill. in — PART USED AND PREPARATION. Petioles (leaf-stalks) long. Indian pink [Spigdia Marilandica. the extent of the growth of this climbing vine. made to the Am. {Strychnos Nux-Voniica. . Yelloxv yessamine." Dr. Henry (1852). fibrous. — . at the base. whose work was followed by many provers.Small sections of the fresh root. it was apparent that the attack of This accidental bilious fever from which he had been suffering had disappeared. — History and Habitat.) and Spigelia [Spigdia anthdmia. is with white. Under this rubric it should be borne mind that " root-gatherers " often mingle with Gelsemium root that of a similar twiner growing in like manner and localities this plant is known as White Jessamine or White Poiso7i Vine.* are to be chopped and weighed. Gelsemium Gelsemii. at least I am given to understand that such Although its support somewhat regulates is the case in the State of Georgia. Med. having been brought into notice. Stern-bark Smooth and uniformly gray. Root Stem-bark maculate and Tendrils present on the lower stem. in section showing a yellowish wood. S. The beautiful yellow flowers. by a Mississippi planter. root contains none of the alkaloid. * The woody portion of the corroborated by Gerrard (1883). Tendrils wanting. E. noting the use of gelsemium in the works of Elliott and Frost. Flowers dirty-white. and some years a second time. || otherwise blood dark.130-3 two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. is congestion . NO^. Ibid. J*"-. to stand in a it well-stoppered bottle for at least eight days a dark. slightly brownish. This alkaloid. use of we glean the following rationale of its action The following symptoms are entailed by doses ley. ^'>'- ft ^'". . odorless. as his tracted from Gelsemine. of muscular power. . According to the latter similar it is ether. should have a clear. determines that that body. and chloroform. . forms crystalline soluble salts with acids. Gerrard. The separated from this mass by filtration. gelsemia. soluble in alcohol. cool place.* Q^ H^. and a yellow coloring matter. it .. this (i882). . /"//«>-. p. Ant. amorphous. J A. according careful determinations result in the formula given above. and gives no color reactions with sulphuric or nitric acids. from which. 357. y4/«. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. . Post-Mortem. t Sonnenschein (1876) gave it the formula Qj Hjg NO^. volatile this — Many cases of poisoning by the inadvertent drug are reported. p. Jour. be seen that there are no characteristic post-mortem appearances. fusing into such mass at a (392° F. but Gerrard (1883)^ judges that the alkaloid used by him must have been impure. body careful but not iden- observer gelsemic acid crystallizable into needles. yo«r. It is little below 200° C. 203.J""''. orange color by transmitted light. and the brain and spinal cord are found pale and anaemic. trans- parent body. Death follows without previous hot and dry. exan alcoholic percolate of the powdered root. fatty resin. grumous. brittle. was determined by Kollock (1855). Phar. . especially on turning the head to one side congestion of the face spasms of the larynx and pharynx restlessness great prostration feeble. natural . to.^[ after and soluble readily is in alcohol. 256. Wormley. and intermittent pulse irregular and slow respiration with gasping loss ounce of the fluid extract : . enfibrinated will — Venous the adipose tissue By this Jo»r.P^'"'-. T. t 1883.).43. . Gelsemic Acid. and a slightly acid reaction.§ was identical with — C^^ Hg^ Oj^. gtUeminia. a dry and a oil. without definite crystals. p. '870... loss of inability consciousness or convulsions. slightly also in boiling water.— Gelsemine.ff : of from one drachm to an Nausea. 1855. the chopped root mixed thoroughly Then with one-sixth part of the whole well. tical with. If W. Kollock** determined. 1882. See /Esculus Hippocastanuni. G. to Gerrard and others. a pleasantly bitter taste. with incoordination and moist. \ ** Gelstminic acid. * Gelsemina. that are . extremities at . eyes fixed to raise the eyelids. irregular. but slightly soluble in Avater. first dilated pupils insensible to light. tincture. allow in it. is bitter. a colorless. beside gelsemine. with ineffectual attempts to vomit dimness of vision or diplopia. the glucoside Sonnenschein (1876) claimed that (ssculiii\\ but Wormley chemical and physiological analyses. collapsed found suff'used with bile lungs . an odor like that of an enraged honey bee. and the After having stirred rest of the alcohol added. then cold and protruding. Phar.. together with the experiments of Worm- PHYSIOLOGrlCAL ACTION. 130-4 Gelsemium then lowers the rate of the action of the heart and lungs. Ga. Cuthbert . 1883. I. Fruit. A 3. Calyx and bracts (enlarged). the latter from the periphery natural antidote to this drug seems to be black coffee rather alcoholic stimulants and heat should also be plied. ing all Gelsemium seems to the centre. Section of the ovary (enlarged). the former destroy. kindly sent mn =-4-= together with the fruit. 5. but does so by irritating terminal filaments from the carotid and cavernous plexuses of the sympareducing the bodily temperature thetic system). of living specimens. but remains conscious until act exactly opposite to Conium. to from the centre reflex action The to the periphery.. Pistil (enlarged). 23d. this paralysis is paralytic action until the animal death. by Miss Mary C. portion of the stem. Stamens (enlarged). 6. and paralysis of the epicylia gradually followed by a general becomes impassive.* May 2. Its . which also dilates the pupil. 4. Description of Plate 130. End * From one of a number of flowering stem. 7. thus by paralyzing the motor oculi (differing here from Belladonna. Augusta. dilates the pupil action on the motor oculi causes also a loss of accommodation. than opium . adnstiltl. . SPIGELIA MARILANOICA. ATU.ctpinxt.131. Linn. . STOKES. STAR BLOOM. numerous placenta peltate. entire. LINN. closely sessile . (FR. Calyx 5-parted lobes very slender and narrow. Jersey to Wisconsin.— rENTANDKIA MdXoCVMA. . PIJ\'K ROOT. . INDIAN PINK. the upper cylindrical. erect. embryo short and straight. the probable originator of Herbaria. lobes 5.xas It grows New extends trom Southern in according to rich soil its . membranaceous. and blossoms from station. Capsnle didymous. Seeds few.— SPIGELIA MARILANDICA. it is.* LINN. filaments short. PERENNIAL WORM GRASS. MONRO. one or two pairs of veins basal. SPIGELIE. albumen fleshy. SEX SVST. SNAKE ROOT. ovules 2-celled at the base. the lower portion Battened. I to 2 THE FRESH ROOT OF SPIGELIA MARILANDICA. .. . S.. peltate. erect pedicels single or geminate bracts minute and subulate. CAROLINA PINK ROOT. sometimes branched. fibrous. to a height of same root. inserted above the middle of the corolla-tube anthers 15-nerved. and angled by mutual pressure. where it —This beautiful plant Florida and the borders of Te. scorpioid spike flozoeis showy. about one-quarter the length of the tube. —This Southern perennial herb usually grows Root feet. . OPPOSITIFOLIA. 4-angled and glabrous. on the borders of woods. what clavate Sta7nens exserted 5. ORD-LOGANIACE^. (GER. smooth. S. . Corolla scarlet without. the rest more or less pinnate stipules small. closely packed. farther exserted than the stamens stigma simply the somewhat inflated hairy end of the style. 131 GENUS— SPIGELIA. Leaves opposite. ovate to ovate-lanby a rounded base. slightly Ovary superior.) SPIGELIA DE MARYLAND. SPIGELIA MARILANDICA. May to July. SYN. compressed contrary to the partitions. linear-oblong. from simple. tube some- ovate-lanceolate. acuminate. elongated-tubular. twisted stems several from the . . interpetiolar. circumcissile above the cupule-like base. * In honor of Adrian Spiegel. LINN. N. . . LONICBRA MARILANDICA. LINN. cence in a terminal. is indigenous to North America. AMERICANA. rare north of central X'irginia. and the lower persistent. COM. NAMES. WORM GRASS. yellow within. stipitate style long.— MARYLAND PINK ROOT. Infloresceolate. compressed . and southward to however. . unilateral. History and Habitat. . the two parts articulated.) NORDAMERI- KANISCHER A TINCTURE OF Description. or wanting peduncle short and naked. the two carpels somewhat loculicidally 2-valved. however. Hushed face. Spigelia. gathered just before Gelsemium (page 130-2). rose above all protests as an eflficient vermifuge. and beautiful fresh root. . and also be well extracted by either water or alcohol. Med. Join:. Dr. ix. 51 1 . ii. These physicians. having alkaloidal characters. who wrote Drs. t I'eg.. violent narcotic effects. on the Spigelia Marilandiea. Jour. 130. concerning its the Osages. and even convulsions. occa- such as dimness of sight. 18S4. PART USED AND PREPARATION. Chalmers. Am. Chalmers two children by convulsions to this drug. even before the discovery of America. 132. . Assoc. P/iar.. Chem. 1857. Hope. with the drug. Hedge Thompson. drowsiness. called by acrid resin. all considered large i. Barton saysf Pink Root induces. properties of the root appear to seem to of this the active some and a peculiar Spigeline. 570. who used it also as a sudorific and called sedative. V. diss. \ De \ Exp. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. . 197. S. The root and Extractiini Spigclice Fluiduni are officinal in the U.'"' an The be much greater than those of the herb. Ph. Mai. however. spasmodic motions of the muscles of the eye. Bureau J found that the drug acted as an acrid narcotic poison upon rabbits attributes the loss of and other animals. about this period. Garden. An uncrystal- following constituents of importance have been determined: lizable. and Am. . * See Proc. but all agreed that its efificacy was only certain when sufificient fresh root was taken to cause purgation therefore. 80. and search for its vaunted effects in the accessory drugs given Spigelia. if such an effect did not take place. who failed or rhubarb were given to gain such action. species The — none. and Infusum properties from the Cherokees. found the following symptoms to be produced upon man. Bergelius found it useful also in convulsions and Ives and Barton considered it a valuable drug in encephalic forms of fever in children. extractive matter. and stiffness of the eyelids.— The the flowers expand. 354. § above referred to. that — Many show analyses have been made the characteristics of principle. acceleration of the pulse. Lining and several letters concerning its properties in 1763-6 to Dr..4m. i. also contributed largely to its introduction. 1802. to demean it. dt P/uii:. It was first introduced to the notice of physicians by Dr. tannin.\ed and volatile oils. . Dr. Dr. and in the Eclectic Dispensatory. Extractnm Splgelice ei Sennce Fhiidu?n.: 131-2 Among the Aborigines. sionally. and many others. Jour. was the colonists of the South received their information who it unstcctla. . Jour. Jour. P/mr. this plant valued as an anthelmintic .. fi. Am. 1857. have lauded the effects of the root upon lumbricoids. after the ingestion of varying doses.oganiacees. dilated pupils. Thompson found large doses to produce. is treated as directed under resulting tincture has a clear no characteristic odor light. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. The reddish-orange color by transmitted taste. giddiness. and from under the name of niikaa.— Dr. 104. P/iar. an astringent and slightly bitter . la famillie des I. bitter substance. and an acid reaction. in himself. Pkar. calomel This caused many others. much swollen. . Jour. and give no farther narcotic symptoms than the natural counter.. 3. Seed. Opened 4. were the adductors and abductors. especially about the eyes. Spalsbury-'' records the effects of three doses of an infusion as follows: A peculiar. 7th. in fact. June 2. on attempting to rise a general tremor came on. Dr. Section of ovary. and drowsiness. . according to his experience. 9. corolla. Top of ]jlant in flower. t'alyx. Stamen. Fruit. by a notable reduction and inllammation of the palpebral. giving the countenance a very appearance. strabismus of the right eye.) Bost. (2-9 enlarged. 8. S. and the skin hot and dry. tongue pointed and tremulous. Lining states that the only muscles ot the eye affected.effect of such irritation. Style 7. pulse no and irregular.131-3 Acceleration of the heart's action. C. which passed off in a few seconds. from near Charleston. lii. including the lids. followed soon irregularity : nausea stiffness therein . great dilation of the pupils. Meil. 5. and Sttrg. ludicrous. apparendy quite exhausted. the drug as an irritant to the inhibitory nerves. Section of lower portion of corolla-tube. and stigma. face. 72. These symptoms point to especially the thoracic plexus. Description of Plate 131. staring expression of the eyes. followed by a sensation of languor. wild. leaving the patient singular. 18S6. 6. . jdnatdel. .etpinxt APOCYNUM ANDROS/tMIFOLIUM .i ^m. Linn. . — This upright perennial shrub-Hke herb. COM. name . acute lobes. bark is thin. oblong. "WANDERING MILK WEED. from 2 to 3 inches long. with an acute hyaline tip. sparsely branched. Leaves opposite. . base a triangular nectariferous scale. LINN. APOCYNUM ANDROS^MIFOLIUM. from.—APOCYNUM ANDROS^MIFOLIUM.— DOG'S BANE. 2. and in the axils of the terminal leaves. TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOl' OF APOCYNUM ANDR0. rarely united of the dog's haiie compo>ed of into. 2-celled. the cells opening longitudinally. with ovatefissured the . not glandular. in lieight. SVST. LINN. NAMES. N. stigma sessile or nearly as it was thought to be poisonous to . and covered with a quanDescription. and with red. with minute subulate bracts at their bases. anthers sagittate. BITTER ROOT. and forked. Petioles about one-quarter of an inch in length. filaments distinct. white and It is light-brown externallv. 132 CENLIS— APOCYNUM.are ovate.S^:MI FOLIUM. Inflorescence upright or nodding paniculate cymes at the ends of the branches. volute. and about inch broad. each bearing free only at the inserted at the base of the corolla. and transversely porous. Stern smooth. alternate with the glands very short. with a diameter of from oneeighth to three-quarters of an inch. acute. five-parted. DOG'S BAA'E. . . kvuv. sinistrally twisted in the bud. Pollen granular. the wood somewhat tasteless the milky juice permeates its whole substance. AMERICAN IPECAC. mucronate. Ovaries * . paler and more or less whitish pubescent beneath. . INN. HONEY BLOOM. grows from 2 to 4 feet branching profusely.An ancient this animal. smooth and green above. SYN. CATCHFLY. five cleft at its much shorter than the corolla. and adhering by their faces to a zone or ring at about the middle of the stigma. S1-:X. The 7-ooi is long. Pedicels from 2 to 3 lines long. then divergently branched. generally distinct. bell-shaped. white tinged tip. wrinkled throughout its length. 1 lanceolate. reflexed. MILK WEED. at first simple. amorphous. BLACK INDIAN HEMP. a dog . more or less cylindrical. obtuse. Stamens five. limb spreading lobes ovate. pubescent inside Corolla con- monopetalous.ORD -APOCYNACE/E. sometimes slightly coherent. FLY-TRAP. tlie). Calyx entirely free from the ovaries.* I. SPREADING DOG'S BANE. ligulate. tity of fine fibres. . and emitting when wounded in any part a milky juice.— n^NTANDRIA DICYNIA. INDIAN HEMP. cannabinum have a power. is it is true. roots. Forsteronia and Apocyvum. of the sliced plant. a narrow fissure is formed. from 2 to 4 inches long. and it is worthless after Dose. but upon careful observation it is plainly seen that the capture is entirely accidental. stems and leaves. represented in the gardens by the Oleander and the Periwinkle. drical. Dr. ovoid. when desired as a tonic. and remain so for at least an hour.xative agent. and after thoroughly mixing the pulp with one -sixth part of it.. the pods forming well before the blossoms have all fallen. when about to leave its feast the proboscis sometimes caught in this fissure once fast. The apocynaceae are chiefly tropical. quantity of the last two articles an emergency. cylinand pendant generally remaining united by their apices until fully ripe. — This common plant is found from Canada to and over old fields. poisonous plants. This drug has been dismissed from the U. gnats and small flies may frequently be found dead in the flowershort filaments of the stamens. —The fresh root is chopped and pounded and weighed. pour it into a well-stoppered bottle and to a pulp . very contracted at the apex. inserts its proboscis between the History and Habitat. without special utility. sugar. the rest of the alcohol is added. Darwin supposed this quality to be due to an irritability of the internal organs. After having stirred the whole. with hot water. It rather grows along fences. and Missouri. until its self-deliverance becomes impossible. and Apocynin their so-called alka-resinoid. a decoction prepared as follows is the most effectual Take a suitably sized earthen or porcelain-lined vessel and place in it one oz.. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. . . 132-2 obtuse and obscurely 2-lobed. crowned with a long silky coma at their summit. but in S. similar to this herb Rafinesque says hemp. of imprisoning insects. then strain the decoction from the inner vessel before it cools. which can be woven blossoms. slender." might serve The : is " who emstem may be obtained a thread from its pods. the greater the insect struggles the more firmly is it wedged. Georgia. PART USED AND PREPARATION. corked . to which add one pint of pure cold water place the vessel in a pot of water and let it come to a boil. Ph. and wild in the northern United States by Amsonia. the flower and plant remaining neutral. lid even then while heating. diaphoretic or la. thus is . For obvious reasons. Seeds numerous. tubes. Thus mosquitoes. In consequence of the convergence of the anthers and their adherence to the zone of the stigma. The only previous use of ployed it in syphilis. a tablespoonful three times a day. small. flowering in June and July. on account of lack of knowledge of its action. It should be covered with a tight after bottling should be always kept tightly standing a few days. replenishing as : . acrid. The names catch-fly and fly-trap are derived from the fact that the flowers of both this and A. so. cotton from its said to be that of the Indians. the insect in search of honey from the nectaries at the base of the corolla. With the Eclectics it is used as Decocliim Apocyni Extractum Apocyni Alcoholicum . Follicles 2. fast as it evaporates. From its into cloth . 4. The filtering. N. and quite a power- sudorific. . caoutchouc and diuretic is and in alcohol. fi. soluble in — Here also investigation has been neglected. showing the End of branch in flower. soluble in oil. — Very this plant. Seed. 2. 5. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Apocynum A. mode of branching.132-3 let it stand eight clays decanting'. in and it a dark. Description of Plate 132. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. an emetic without causing nausea.. June 15th. water. it : Volatile ful tincture slight acid reaction to litmus. it is also expectorant and considered antisyphilitic. a very litde is known not having been very thoroughly analyzed. 3 Follicles. bitter principle.xed oil. straining Thus prepared. Flower (enlarged). 1880. Part of plant. of the constitution of According to Bigelow coloring matter. and a bitter taste. I'rom McLean. Y. I. a cathartic. slightly soluble water and alcohol. cool place. contains Red A it is then separated by has a light reddish-brown color by transmitted light. . (fia.adnafdeletpinxt APOCYNUM GANNABINUM Linn. . . BR. SYN. with rose-colored macuKitions or 3. 1.WDRI. Plate 132.— AMERICAN INDIAN HEMP. those at the bases — ». APOCYNUM SYBERICUM. \ corolla : Leaves ranging from ovate sessile or neatly so branches single. Corolla greenish-white. erect. wood yellowish. Stem divergently branching or bifurciting. more distinctive and differential points are given As these the generic description is embodied in that of the preceding species. glabrous. petioles usually present. pith minute or not evident. two plants are so often classed as one by collectors in general. caj^adiajy hemp. no mention of which appears in any of the works I have examined. N. 2. to A. CANADIAN HEMP. Root: bark grayish-brown. not reflexed. Fig. COM. preceding species.) CHANVRE .. y?oa/^« greenish- white.) Inflorescence loose. Description. short. TOURN. not 2. tenacious. SNAKES' MILK. LINN. SYST. in Am.. A purely distinctive point. Fig.— APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. pith of about the diameter of the thickness of cannabinum. JACQ. lobes reflexed or spreading. times wanting.some. 2. I. Jour. leafy to the top. and write it alone. 133 GENUS. . CENS.. APOCYNUM HYPERICIFOLlUM.* DOG'S BANE. branches upright or ascending.t OLD-AMY ROOT.^ the bark. .|| cyines . . bifurcating. R. shorter than Calyx: lobes leaves flaivers smaller than those of the . sessile. erect. Root : hark dark brown wood white. obscurely cordate. soft. : A A. or full pale tube longer than the caly. tube not longer than the calyx lobes lanceolate. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF APOCYNUM CANNABINUM.V UIGYNI. SEX. flowered. sometimes greater. close. but .) larger. and as their action is quite different. downy pubescent . Leaves ovate.. porous. Stem assurgently branching. — APOCYNUM. American-Indian hetnp. or —This Stem species attains a height of from 2 to 4 feet. 354. LINN. an opposite. as it designates that plant American Indian hemp might possibly apply. and erect . spreading cynics.V. as Canadian hemp does to this species. hemp and American Indian hemp (so written) refer to Cannabis Indica as cultivated Manheimer. if we consider the first two words a compound word. * This plant is often termed Indian hemp. e. DU CANADA. flowers greenish- corolla: tube nol longer than the calyx lobes erect. to nearly lanceolate. cymes. regrets that a misinterpretation occurred. rose-color . APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. many and densely Inflorescence terminal. 1. p. distinctly petioled of the branches like those -upon them petioled pair. 1881. or acute. APOCYNUM PUBES.. GENERAL MARION'S "WEED. androsivmifolium. . J (CANADIAN) HOUATTE (FR. a name only applicable to Cannabis Indica.— PENT.^ 3. the Follicles from 3 to 5 inches long. AIT. sometimes strict. Leaves varying from nearly oval to oblong and sometimes even lanceolate base rounded.|| (Plate 132. AMERICAN HEMP. lobes nearly erect. fibrous . causing the lithographer to alter his originally rose-colored flowers to green in Fig. NAMES. those at the bases of the (Plate 133. smaller lobes .x lobes Inflorescence white. I append a differentiation In this description only the . Phar. androscemifolium. . (GER.) CANADISCHE HANP. ORD-APOCYNACE^. t Dog's-bane as properly belongs J American \ II \ The author in America. 2. y 2.f also as an hydragogue cathartic. Poir. of Paris. inserted upon the tube of the Ovaries 2. This family contains in North America 9 genera. cannabinum extending the farther south of the two.) History and Habitat. . " fibre than that of fishing-nets. Linn. i'^^rt'i- numerous. Linn.'/67. biplacentiferous pous or amphitropous or feather-veined. and westward to California. Materia Medica the . . and alter- stigma and sometimes splitting ovules regular.) tieute) . Th. and Echites {Eclutes subcrccta. Periwinkle [Vinca minor. nately. and 5-androus. perfect and number in and longitudinally . filavients distinct. concerning decoction. persistent. the following species have a place in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica Dita bark [Alstonia scholaris) Oleander [Nerium T. — The habitat e. introrsely it.— ^33-2 Apocynaceas. G?." In general and domestic practice this species has been used and lauded as an excellent diuretic. that : they flower. anthers distinct or nearly . The two species blossom together in June and July. He further states: "The decoction affords a per- brown or black. to the corolla lobes so. receptive surface consisting of a ring encircling the under surface of the tate. . stipules wanting. . Pet. lary cymes. Corolla gamopetalous united or distinct. or panicles. or in whorls . f See page IJ2-2.) Cerbera thevetia. p. proper relative dosage. Toxicophlcea [Toxicophlcea Thtinbergi) Upas {Stryc/mos Cerbera tanghina. encircling the common alter- Inflorescence terminal or axil- . distinct men sparse or united . style single. Stamens equal or twisted in the bud. of both indigenous species and the borders of is old fields generally and open I have noticed that A. 21 species. comose or acomose . hemp and . fruiting as woods. A. Tanghinia [Tanghinia Madagascariensis. . . capi- . according to the mordant used. as follows: This plant has been proved by Prof. .).c(\. corolla. particularly where they are subjected to submergence during high water. the Antillesian Ahovai-baum [1 hevetia nercifolia. : . Hook. The root preparation is is : officinal in the U. sometimes glutinous. given as the same i. herbs. albu- embryo straight and comparatively large. lobes convolute . Their geographical range is from the Canadas southward to Georgia and Florida. emetic. shrubs." to possess a stronger used by the American Indians for making cordage. Juss. is more utilized. : numerous or to both ovaries few. oppositely. cannabimim is found much more abundant in marshy places and on the banks of rivers. manent in dye. arranged entire. and diaphoretic.. pollen of loose grains. the stigma. acrid woody Leaves juice. adhering to 2-celled.]a. has exuding when chiefly tropical plants of Trees. This species yields the better and tougher " hemp " of the two. but A. anatro- stigma single. following the —This family of characteristics wounded. Calyx free from the ovary. and coarse is cloth. 484.veneni/era. oleander). sandy soils . * Resources of the Southern Fields attd Forests. Thouin. In the Eclectic Tinctura Apocyni. androscsmijoliiim answers well to this habitat. S. Beside the two under consideration. and Porcher quotes* the Rural Cyc. and 2 varieties. Ph. flozuers 5-merous nate with them poisonous nature. a milky. a rank odor.. little. but for the present nature has not yet been determined. 6. —This physical properties. nausea and vomiting occur. Flower (enlarged).133-3 PART USED AND PREPARATION. uble. 368. Side view of stamen (enlarged). li . an extremely bitter and penetrating taste. 8. Part of stem. The resulting tincture has a deep reddish-orange color by transmitted light. principle has . Binghamton. or only slightly soluble. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. End of fruiting and flowering branch. Apocynein. N. Its action in action may be upon serous membranes is still to be determined. 1883. the action of the heart is greatly diminished. Seed. Y. trouble causing the dropsical condition for which it is usually given. Its chemical nature in is its only known. — Apocynin. Jour. Flower after removal of the perianth (enlarged). Beside the two bitter principles.* slightly amorphous glucoside greatly resembles saponin It is fully soluble in water. 5. bitter been isolated by both Dr. in the CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. and an acid reaction. causing diuresis and diaphoresis (the latter only present when it causes emesis). Phar. Griscom its chemical It is not a glucoside. gum. * Am. and affects the organic result. concerning which more light is greatly to be desired. p. It is insolis supposed to hold a place in close relation to that class of bodies. Description of Plate 133. tan- — Apocynum cannabinum has long been noted hydragogue properties. Dr. — The preparation is made from the root same manner as that of the preceding species. Knapp and Dr. in the root. or not is another point When at all. July zzd. This pardy crystalline. in water. 4. Griscom (1832) found nic and gallic acids. the results obtaining in this direction through its What its peculiar action upon the mucous membranes of the intestinal canal. resin and wax. Section of the root. showing mode of branching. and a sense of mental depression and oppression of the chest almost naturally Apocynum apparently acts simply as an evacuant. Flower after removal of the stamens (enlarged). 7. 2- 3. for its in the dark. . Mm. ASCLEPIAS CORNUTl.134. 4 (Bin.del.adnat.etpinxt. Decaisne. ^^ . . length. and corolla /eaves are about entire. waxy. reflexed. drooping. . upon the stamen tube. It their scars it is . of which Asclepias is the type) composed of two vertical cells. N. pale many-flowered Inflorescence. or nearly so.) SCH"WALBENWURZEL. oval-oblong.f LINN. deeply 5-parted. and from one-quarter to one inch thick.ORD-ASCLEPIADACE^. cylindrical. It marked by is failed to develop. mucilaginous juice which soon congeals. obtuse.— ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA. each hoods are MILKWEED. t Syria. stem simple. fleshy bodies (termed nectaries by Linna. DEC. perennial herb. upright. A. giving off a few scattered rootlets. species. stout is inches slightly pointed and short petioled and minutely long. downy downy leaves. we should it use the name l)y Decaisne. leafy to the top. HERBE A LA OUATE (GER. DEC.. they are ot a dark rich green color above. but decidedly is breaks with a short fracture when dry. . beneath. SEIDENPFLANZE. emitting when wounded a copious. Stamens 5. 4-8 soft. pollen-mass.* 1. is externally of a grayish-brown color. somewhat branched.— rENTANDRIA DIC. white. situated containing an incurved horn. the The upon the stem. . * The Greek name of . or from branches that have bitter to the taste. but as this is a purely to whom American is dedicated. GENUS— ASCLEPIAS. consists of 5 hooded. . COMMOJ^ MILKWEED. inserted upon the base of the corolla filaments united into a tube inclosing the pistil anthers adherent to the stigma (forming a distinguishing they are feature of this large order of plants. which is short and claw-like. upon base of the petioles of the upper The croivn spreading. . SEX. 134 Tribe. are the umbels. each conOvaries 2. NAMES.VNIA. yellow-tinged wood. with broad medullary rays and a thin white bark. peduncles. WILD COTTON. . tapering into two taining a flattened. often knotty has no specific odor. and latter deciduous. ASCLEPIAS CORNUTI. COM. The the former calyx .Specifically these . Description. from persistent. tipped with a membrane-like appendage. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF ASCLEPIAS CORNUTI. —This stout. SYST. SYN. having a tooth or lobe upon each side of the horn. SILK"WEED. disclosing a porous. oppositely arranged in The and smooth. pear-shaped. and bears superior grows from 4-5 feet high.) ASCLEPIADE A LA SOIB.-ASCLEPIADE/E. The ?'Oot extends horizontally to a length from 1-2 of feet. CORNUTI.Esculapius. is umbels of dusky lateral as well as terminal red flowers. VIRGINIAN S'WALLOW-'WORT (FR. —The gathered when is not well proven. Moller. and paper. in its use by the cicatrization. ovate. and after thoroughly mixing this pulp in full vigor. dose from 10 drops to a fluidrachm in amenorrhcca. flat. urine. being cooked simiasparagus. already described. The shortness of the fibre prevented it from being spun "and woven alone. "coverlet. one of them often abortive. which takes the place of a stigma large. 149. which hang by a fine prolongation of their summits glands upon its angles. Seeds anatropous. depressed. has been dismissed sine acn'i from the U.134-2 very short slyics. ejecting copious pollen-tubes into its juncFollicles 2. and pillows. That they are so plentiful cannot appear strange after an examination of the seeds. The use their action of the Asclepiadeae in general upon the nerves might lead in pleurisy PART USED AND PREPARATION. still the plants of this order are so peculiar that even the youngest student of botany will recognize them at a glance. woolly. dropsy. The Eclectic Dispensatory recommends its use in a fluid extract. margined. long silky hairs at the hilum all imbricated downward over the large placenta. cough. and covered with weak spines. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. having five cloven Po//eu-masses of adjacent anther-cells. adhesive pellicle laity as a covering for ulcers memoir on and recent wounds the cultivation of this plant." This plant. in certain stuffs to " advantage. wool. though to empirical use in pleurodynia. soft. form pairs. The juice when ground. with one-sixth part of it. In a Tilloch's Magazine. the rest of the alcohol is added. from the glands of the stigmatose body. and were sufficent for a bed. 5-angled. whence they are wafted far and wide by the lightest zephyr until. furnished with tion with the styles. etc. asthma. the thin albumen containing broad leaf-like cotyledons. which separates from the raphe when mature. A plantation containing thirty thousand plants "yielded from six to eight hundred pounds of coma. just as they appear above the ground in esteemed among housewives as a pot-herb. etc. is chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. Hats made with it were very light and soft. Few genera are more beautiful or complex in their structure than this. along roadsides and in waste places everywhere in Canada and the United States. Einbryo large. whose silky coma when expanded forms them into veritable parachutes balanced by the pendant seeds. retention of . together with many other excellent drugs. for which they are an excellent substitute. extricated by the agency of insects. fleshy common to the two. . This very common herb grows in rich or sandy ground. are highly larly to appliecf to the skin forms a tough. The plant is easily "propagated by seeds or slips. may be found the following: "Its chief uses were for beds. by . Ph. they mount gracefully to immense heights. dyspepsia. The young sprouts. they fall . The stalks afforded vol. After having stirred the . it however was mixed with flax. " hats. S. p. J. to this has led to promote A. dampened by dew or rain. viii. cloth. surmounted by a at their apices mass. to the spring. flowering during the summer months.. fresh root. dyspncea. — History and Habitat. It " paper in every respect resembling that obtained from rags. was found that from eight to nine pounds of the coma of the " seeds occupied a space of from five to six cubic feet. roots. 1880. decomposing at 194° (219. odorless. fixed oil. Phar. 96. 21st. tasteless. cjuite similar to half ripe butternuts. Its properties . also by W. to be a similarity between this body and L. 1881. contain asclepmie. 4. light. Hinchman (Am. DEhCKU'iioN OF Plate 134. pour it cool place. They are soluble in chloroform.„ H^^ O. The acid of the plant seems to be in close relation with the undetermined root.^^= ciple was determined by List in C. and volatilizing at higher insoluble in temperatures. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. * There seems part of plant. 3. It is sphere lessening local congestions. The according to the latter authority. iridescent crystals. L. straining and filtering has a light orange-yellow color by transmitted slightly astringent taste. not by stimulating but by lowering the action of the heart. glucose. viilt:. a bitter principle not isolated. . verrucose. Seed (somewhat enlarged).2° F.ictiiceiin. bitter principle. cornuti is (increasing diuretic the solid constituents as well as the watery portion of the urine) and diaphoretic. this is totally Anodyne unsupported at present. upon the vaso-motor system.\ flower (enlarged). 433) in the roots as white. ether and alcohol . g2im. The into a well-stoppered bottle tincture Thus prepared and it is and let it stand eight days in a dark then separated by decanting. Jour. minute action can best be studied in have been attributed but to this drug. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. June 1. ..). water. caoutchouc. from Binghams. Upper 2. N. and a a bitter slightly acid reaction.— Asclepione. This resinoid prin- the juice of the plant. tannin. p. —A.134-3 whole.. often in this thought to act directly the published provings. and volatile The milky juice of the whole plant contains the same bodies found in the oil. starch. Y. A cluster of follicles. . dei. ^m. ASCLEPIAS nat.135. Linn. . . APOCYNUM NOV^ ANG.. taings truncate.— PLEURISY-ROOT. VILLOS. NAMES. and undulately wrinkled along the margin. LINN.. WIND WEED. Intheir place generally supplied by hairs. clusters. Pods lanceolate. ASCLEPIADACE^. linear. It answers in general to the characters of leaf. and arrangement of the essential organs and fecundating element. PLEURISY-ROOT.) KNOLLIGE SCHWALBENWURZ. . mosdy Inflorescence acute or subacute. ORANGE MILK-WEED. and leafy to the top they form an exception to Asclepiadeae in general by being almost or entirely devoid of milky juice. milky (exc. N. somewhat broadened at the base. containing caoutchouc. SEX. tubtrosa.or oblong-lanceolate. slender. though the representation is still to remove two flower characteristic of A. (FR. terminal cymose or corymbose clusters of short peduncled umbels floivers showy. It consists of shrubs and herbs having acrid. broadest at the base. flower. * In executing this plate with the stem and leaves natural which greatly diminishes its size. and about twice the length of the column horns Column short. branching superiorly. axillary or somewhat racemose clusters of cymose or umbelliAsclepiadacese. TUBEREUSE . Anthers shorter than the cuculli subulate. Root large.or orange-chrome. sepals re- Petals or divisions of the Crown elevated conspicuously extended then reflexed.A. CLIFF. it became necessary value to the botanist.S — This attractive plant grows to a height of from i to 2 feet. at first . erect or oblique. acuminate.. above the base of the corolla. Leaves destitute of stipules florescence terminal. HORT.— ASCLEPIAS. fusiform and branching. subulate. — This large family differs mainly from the preceding. flexed. be sessile or . hoods or cncnlli erect. sessile. ijj-2). bitter. DIVAR.— ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. SYST. nearly erect. WIND ROOT.\ DIGVNI.. corolla oblong.-ASCLEPIADE/E. LINN. (GER. hirsute. ASCLEPIAS CAULE ERECT. hoary. ORD. Description. greenish. all Exogens. ORANGE APOCYNUM. . ORANGE SWALLOW-WORT. ASCLEPI. scattered. GENUS. SYN.\Nr)RI.. 135 Tribe. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. WHITE ROOT. BUTTERFLY WEED.X. sarcous. Stems numerous. Asclepias tuberosd) juice. ETC. in the . and fruit exhibited in the Apocynaceae {vide ante. roughish hairy. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF TUBEROSA. COLIC ROOT.— rENT. HIRSUT. . LINN. Leaves numerous. some falling opposite they may vary from linear to . ETC. Calyx much smaller than the corolla hidden under the lobes of the corolla. p. HERM. narrowly oblong. very short petioled. LUGDR COM.) ASCLEPIADB . these (e. 135-2 form flowers.consisting of 5 parts or lobes (lioods). are: Cundurango {Gotiolobus Cnndnratioo). but the more he struggled the tighter his foot became wedged. cotyledons foliaceous porated A in that word in . neatly curve to such a shape that the foot of an insect is — . body common produced to both styles. and examined it under a lens extremity. : * Crown. adnate to the one or the other. which guided directly into the and upon attempting to withdraw it he crevice between two adjacent anther cells was unable to do so. sharply cleft at barbs of an arrowhead its inferior edge.or incompletely 4-celled. 134. Thus when the pollen is withdrawn two anthers yield a cell's contents each to the mass. generally margined. stignui or stigniatose disk fleshy. Styles generally distinct as far as the stig- 2. I teased him into many strong tugs and pulls. holding the flower by its in While drawing Asclepias. . and the curled-flowered Calatropis [Calatropis giganted). the point of juncture being tipped with a minute. arrived with pollen-masses. and surmounted by a small their tube membranous appendage matic body (d. The other prominent medicines in this order are The Indian emetic Secamone emetica. Corona^'. Fig. the Spanish Mataperro (the plant that being announced and lauded as a cure for cancer caused now considered worthless in such a furor in medical and general circles in 1871 cancer or any other disorder by those who were foremost in its advancement and use). from which are 5 corpuscles or glands. and furnished with a soft coma embryo straight prolonging like the . 6). general description of Asclepias is incor- of A. a native of the East Indies. plucked off the leg. before mentioned as existing in the coriaceous appendage of the pollen-masses. regard to cross-fertilization plate 135. the claws were firmly wedged into the little cleft. thus executing without design the will of Nature. 4) waxy masses of coherent. compressed. coriaceous appendage. in Asclepias flattened. bracts minute. granular. upon hoods. until finally after about ten minutes' hard work he flew off with a little yellow spot attached to the I caught him. usually present and situated between the corolla and the stamens. 2. forming the column. the sides appendage is situated between and is connected with the stigmatic glands. consisting of a central portion or . Thimbergii.. Noting this. beside the two under consideration. and purgative S. by the same interesting procedure as described. lepanthium. and dating element trailing after them. pollen cells. peduncle. meet in pairs. Each of the masses is furnished with alternate with the anthers a fine prolongation. black. Fig. as he did so one of his legs slipped fly down between two figure alighted — 2. too. The plants of this order that are of particular interest to us. 6). cornutum. I afterward examined numerous heads of Asclepias cornuti. nearly always finding many captive insects. . The acrid juice of Syrian Peri- — — . Friiita pair of follicles except when aborted seeds few or many. left their burdens in the crown. a large blue-bottle the crown. Pollinia (Fig. Disk (hypogynous) wanting stamens mostly monadelphous. opening lengthwise (c. Fig. imbricate. some dead and others struggling and watched many more fly off with the fecunOthers. especially Muscce. anthers introrse. . A albtwien thin. this the apices of two contiguous anthers. . nectary. . compressed hexagonal. 6). 351. p. and constitutes a valu- species of Gonolohus act as drastic purges.. anti-pleuritic. . ThaUher Disf. excite to Dr. p. Dr. ? It has been recommended in low typhoid states." commercial Senna. Vol. I. formerly classed with this species. expectorant. astringent. matica is either emetic or purgative in the proper dosage. particularly valuable for I || ] its virtues as an R. but * Flor. growing at first near the coast on sandy common from Canada is south- but spreading Inland as the during the earlier months of northward flowers rich. laxative. one of which. Aborigines the by used are Sarsaparilla. Chapman states§ that it is permanency of operation. more common south- ward fields. and some The Ceylon Indian or Country as arrow poisons. in Barton's Veg. decumbens. Med.^ more attention as a medicine than any other regarded. Parker says:|| "The powdered root freof our indigenous remedies. is now recognized as var.544I. matic pains its exhibition distinguished by great certainty and quently acts as a mild purgative. stomachic. indigestion. pleurisy. Elementary TherafeutUs. The procumbent form. especially in cases where an expectorant or diaphoretic seemed requisite. 247. it is t /</"«. and to this Lindley ascribes the griping and other unpleasant effects of the cient in its usage as the American London and considered root. carminative. perspiration. . asparagus. Eberle. caoutchouc in good quantity and of fine quality. pneumonia. and obstinate eczemas. Chapman. Mat. anti-spasmodic. and the juice in asthma. : a fine sort. S. The Western Indians boil the tubers for food prepare a crude sugar from the Some flowers. and Lindley states* that the East Indian Tylophora asthin Greece as a wolf poison. Pursh. bronchitis. followed by Drs. Benj. and Parker. while the leaves of the East Indian Cyiianchuin cxtcnsnm {Daemia extensd) are employed as an anthelmintic. 542. diaphoretic. and fruits in September. ward. Schoepf first brought it before the medical profession. otic. Hcviidcsnuis Inc/iciis. having been and what not anti-syphilitic. in doses of from 20 to 40 grains of the powdered root. med. 405. Vol. Many and adds " A great deal of it is consumed The genus Cynajichum affords several in purgatives. p. and eat the young seed-pods after boiling them with buffalo meat.135-3 ploca {Periploca Gracca) has been used as a stimulating application for ulcers. P. /I^ru: Rep. and used by the natives as a means of murder suicide. diuretic.Dodge in U. Arghel {^Cynanchum Argel) is often used to adulterate Alexandrian Senna. and is well suited esteemed it as one of the most important Barton Prof etc. Barton. — Asclepias tuberosa History and Habitat. and others (especially Cynanchum ova/i/olium). each of whom found it often reliable. helminthiasis. dyspepsia.. of the Canadian tribes use the young shoots as a pot-herb after the manner of . as subtonic. The pleurisy-root has received species of this genus. escharanti-rheumatic.. the Syrian Cynanchum erectiim {Marsdenia erectd). dysentery. J p. is spoken of by Lindleyf as being quite as effi- able Indian remedy. alterative. In colic and rheu- met with much success. 1870. Thus throughout the order almost all species are used in the practice of their native while to the arts some yield excellent fiber for the manufacture of rope. is or stated to be very poisonous. countries . catarrh. It less and drier soil o-rows summer. almost since the discovery of this country. with painful respiration * Med. and Nitrate of Potassa. New Remedies. crystalline. gummy coloring matters. that a case of chronic indigestion. Its preparations Lobelice Cofnposiia /§ in relief the Eclectic Materia . — The prepared from the fresh It has a brownishorange color by transmitted light. 5. . practice have I seen the accompanied by dry cough . cided acid reaction. in the bowels . soft foetid stools. and febrifuge. and Ginger. and in coryza. —The following symptoms occurring after taking doses of from 20 to 50 drops of the tincture.| Tinchira and Asclepidin or Oleo-Resina Asclepidis. Ftdvis Asclepice Co7iipositus . however. soluble in alcohol . darker therefore than that of A. Jour. Nichol. dis my own it acted promptly and efficaciously. and certain skin indications for and is officinal in the U. in alcohol ." concludes* that " from all that can be gathered on the subject. and thereby re- most advanced stage of the dispneumonic fevers. p. . Ph. thus corroborating the former analysis of and Elam Rhodes. diarrhoea. its Fliiiduni ?ind . 455. BoL. in another a yellowish-white body pos- together with starch. p. sublimable stearopten melting at i6o° alcohol. indigestion. § See foot-note to Lobelia inflata. are recorded by Thos. . dry. he has imbibed such confidence that he extols it as possessing the peculiar and almost specific quality of acting on the organs of respiration. and diseases of the breast Dr. recent colds. hard. cornuli . S. Spearmint. diaphoretic. pleurisy. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. The provings. followed by flatulence colic. and a resin. The one case only In affections. shooting pains. J Pleurisy-root. II Am. htfiisum AsclepiPulvis IpccacuanlicB Composihis . alkalies . a bitter principle insoluble yellowish-brown bitter principle soluble in alcohol sessing the taste of the drug. Sumach Berries. 1S82. Medica are: Exiractum Asclepidis A/coholic7im. general rheumatic pains.135-4 expectorant. Skunk Cabbage. . dry coughs. T[ Hale. sharp.— An resulted in the separation of a fixed liar oil analysis of the root by Alton Clabaugh|| saponifiable by caustic odorous. ether. espe- f Pleurisy-root. Bayberry Bark. except mayhap its utility as an expectorant and diaphoretic. preceded by rumbling hacking cough. a pecu- and soluble F. Griffith in general. bringing and immunity of the disorder within a month. and has a deslightly bitter taste root in the same manner as tincture is that of the preceding species. powerfully promoting suppressed expectoration. 2d Ed.'\ PART USED AND PREPARATION. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. a preserves the characteristic odor of the root. 99. within a few hours. with pain and weight in the pit of the stomach soreness and . ." From " the successful employment of the pleurisy-root for twenty-five years. this remedy has in his hands proved equally efficacious.^ Deficient appetite." Other and more recent writers as usual have looked with doubt upon all its given qualities. point to it as a valuable remedy in certain forms of dry lieving the breathing of pleuritic patients in the ease . colic. and deserves a full and unbiassed trial.. intercostal rheumatic pains root in use. P/iai:. catarrhs. Blood Root. it may be deemed one of the most useful of our native articles. Ipecacuanha. and chloroform . showing a. Pollen-masses. Anther. is mucous membranes of the alimentary tract. Membranous appendage. portion of the column. 6. . I. L. The connective Cleft between the anther cells. 2. followed by a sense of languor and debility. Hood and horn 4. shooting pains in the extremities. From this it is evident that A. Flower. Description ok Plate 135. . End of flowering plant with two clusters removed. somewhat enlarged.. Stigmatic body (enlarged). Just what this action as yet undeterminable. . Stigmatic lobe. showing connective (x 25). A (enlarged). the ribs cially lieart. 5. July 17th. Jamaica. especially the is. e. I. 1884. : of the pollen-masses.135-5 and about the aggravated by deep inspiration and between by motion of the arms darting./. 3. tnbcrosa has a decided action upon the body. /'. . 11' 1 .136. . CHIONANTHUS. Inflor- appearing with the leaves. each on a escence loose. simple or pinnate. * xi"!-.\RK OF CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA. linear.) CHIONANTHE (GER. they are longer. BAUM. ODER SCHNEEBLUME. sometimes wanting cestivation valvate. extipulate. and narrowed into a petiole . A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH B. 2. and 7 varieties. polygamous or dioecious. Style short . Embryo straight albumen hard. — Oleaceae. sometimes obsolete. sometimes wanting. POISON ASH. inserted just at the base of the corolla celled . than which more or less arranged in threes. berry. A small family of trees or shrubs. covered by a delicate bloom . and almost separate. flozvers delicate. an ovoid. leafy-bracted panicles.). stigma 4-notched. lobes long. and —This beautiful southern shrub grows maybe to a height of LINN. Calyx small.— DECANDRIA LINN. (FR. which yields. beside its valuable fruit and oil. Calyx 4-toothed. the authority for the use of which I am unable to determine. oblong.). lobes linear-lanceolate. SYN. young Coi'olla included. persistent . or drupe.ORD. SNOW FLOWER. drooping pedicel. Linn.or ovate-lanceolate. The only proven plant in this order. deciduous. with 2 suspended ovules in each cell. beside those here considered. fleshy drupe. . blackish. 136 Tribe.— FRINGE TREE. MONOGVMA. GENUS. chion. pistil. NAMES.* SEX. Leaves opposite.) SCHNEE. Stamens 2 or abnormally more.-OLEINEJE. feet. 1-2 seeded samara. axillary. style single or none. SVST. Linn. Description. margin entire. . Ovary 2-celled.— CmONANTHUS VIRGINICA. wheel-shaped. 4-cleft. Fruits. is the White Jessamine {jfasminum officinale. 4-cleft. snow . represented in North America by 6 genera. COM. Corolla 4-lobed or petaled.-OLEACE^. LINN. ani/ios. Prominent in this order stands the Levantine and South European Olive [Olea Europcea. a bark that is highly spoken of by De Candolle as a substitute for . N. uvSos. flower. from 6 to lo characterized as follows: Leaves smooth or downy-pubescent.— C HIONANTHUS. seeds i 2- Fruit to 3. 29 species. SNOWDROP TREE. . OLD MAN'S BEARD. Stamens anthers larger than the filaments no longer than the anthers. Flowers perfect. FRIJVGE TREE. PART USED AND PREPARATION. Smith. however. Australian nianra. in reaction. bitter eructa- Tamarix gallica.) e. F. is also manniferous. slightly and an acid taste. Fisch. the the ingestion of this drug are substantially as follows frontal headache.Ash [Fraxinus as a vulnerary. excelsior. useful in cases of genitourinary affections attended by constipation it has. Linn. flowering in June. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. Linn. The previous use of the bark of this shrub as an astringent vulnerary. and the white. a remarkably good tonic and febrifuge when extracted. The whole and allowed days The tiful. judges it . a bitterish barky odor. Griffith deems it possessed of acro-narcotic properties. F. from Pinus Larix. in in infusion is those of bilious character. Pa. bruised. Lawsche and Scudder. where it ranges from the southern portions of Pennsylvania southward to Florida and Texas. The fruit of the Persian Lilac [Syringia vulgaris. Linn. . (Tamiricace^) Persian and Brianpon manna. Kat (Cupuliferfe). of Lock Haven. manna. — History and Habitat. who has used one of the best remedies at his command in certain forms of bilious sick headaches and Dr. espe- The bark a great merit. (Leguminosce) : nausea. and Prof. (Myrtacese). and the bark of the root as a tonic after long foreign drugs and exhaustive diseases.xudes its . t Our common purple Lilac is . and the root.}. sore sensation in the eyeballs * Armenian manna is derived from Quercus Persica. including that of the pulp and weighed. from Eucalyptus viminalis. the usual drawback of causing flatulent colic* Calabrian manna. a bitter tincture. var. Lab. is a product oi F. Linn.136-2 Cinchona. is one that has a remedy that was too often neglected for the treatment of typhoid forms of fever and intermittents.. . a dark. alba. from Alhagi camelorum.-|-) is. both are astringents. from The South branches a dulcamarous substance called Alainia. M. S.— The chopped and pounded fresh bark. It habits rich woods along the borders of streams. Hale is of the opinion that in all the diseases mentioned above Chionanthus will often prove to be the similimum. a gentle laxative. and a crummy substance much esteemed European Flowering. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Dr.. This bark has often also proved itself a trustworthy diuretic. violacca. according to Curveiller. of the British Privet {Ligiistriim vulgare) are often used in the same manner. The leaves of the South European Phyllyrca latifolia have been found to relieve headache. & S. considered by Fothergill to be of even better quality than the last. has a beauorange-red color by transmitted light. the fluid extract of the bark in his practice. when soaked in vinegar and applied with a compress the leaves .. both 'natives of Persia. Rafinesque claims that the root makes a cataplasm that will cause the healing of cially wounds without suppuration. . Tamarisk manna. Severe and Qucrcus vallonea.— According symptoms following to Drs. var. (Coniferte). E. is to a rest of the alcohol added. cool place. Linn. separated from this mass by pressure and filtration. rotiindifolia Oniiis. The Fringe Tree is indigenous to the United States. to stand eight is then poured into a well-stoppered bottle. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it. bilious matter blackish evacuations of the bowels. . 1883. End of a flowering branch. sliowing essential organs. June ytli. . Dr. Pistil 2. A A 4. slow pulse cold perspiration. 1885.) Dr. i)ittcr.iy. Jour. and calyx. Stamen. Scudder in Ectedlc Med. p. N. . M. of Horn . vomiting of ropy. followed by pressure to stool uneasy sensations throughout the alimentary tract. .. 1S76. Landisville. (2-5 enlarged.* . A. your. J. Description of Plate 136. 3. and great general weakness. Lavvche in =>^= N. 6i2. flower with broken petals.^36-3 tongue coated greenish-yellow tions and retelling'. flower. dark-green. 5. 1. . Linn .i3r.adnatdeletpinxt FrAXINUS AmERICANA . ^m. . EPIPTERA. cylindraceous.. SYN. fine-grained and all 't'fialii.) WBISSE ESCHE. and often pubescent beneath. LINN. weighs 35 and.>. anthers linear- stamens Gz/ija' small. &-ven. — History and Habitat. persistent. cotyledons elliptical . with 4 sharp .-OLEACE^.^XINUS AMERICAN. campanulate. 137 Tribe-FRAXINE/E. (FR. . gr. F. apetalous Male densely paniculate. . A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH BARK OF FR. short-stalked. slightly emarginate. sp. Ash It elastic. F. especially in the upper axils : Calyx minute.— FRAXINUS. and transversely fissured with great regularity. GAERTN. tough. MICHX. and to . furnishes material for the most strained parts of the heavier agricultural implements. as well as for * in its native climate. F. and westward to Louisiana. Female fiowers : oblong. separation. all . C. MUHL. especially upon the mid-rib petioles glabrous. WHITE ASE. Inflor-esccncc lanceolate . It was introduced into English gardens in 1723. . 60 feet or more Iritnk generally naked for about half the whole growth hark gray. the cell ." TOURN.570. it not for its 10 oz. but does not flourish there as here The wood is very weight. filling radicle slender. not margined. (5«r/. about one-half as long as the tive style evftct. LLNN. length leaflets 7 to 9. in . COM. lanceolate or oblanceolate. floivers wanting. MARSH..KNUS. branchlets gray and glabrous. . the — male all developed from special buds. merely i-nerved. mucronate.) LE FRENE BLANC.— i)iiia:iA diandria. Frnit a dry samara about an inch and a half long. F. ACUMINATA AND JUGLANDIFOLIA. where it flowers on the appearance of the leaves.— AMERICAN WHITE ASH. ALBA. would make fine and has a cabinet material.rust-colored. teeth. of . svsT. dhor- stigma 2-\ohed. per cubic foot. furrowed. DISCOLOR. (GER. stamens sometimes obsolete or filaments shorter than the large anthers 2 to 4. .'\. CANADENSIS. lodes revolute.— FRAXINUS AMERICANA. NAMES. were lbs. apical wing. from of the previous year's growth Floxocrs dioecious. as tlie wooil splits with facility. body oblong. . terete. i^mt'tvf opposite.ORD. Seed oblong. — This beautiful timber tree usually attains a growth of from 40 Description. pale or whitish. entire or sparsely denticulate. LAM. barely acute at the base. odd-pinnately compound. or ones rarely present. ovary 2-ce\\ed. F. over a foot . FRAXINUS. SEX. one usually abortive. ovules a pair from the summit of each cell. p/iraxis. . varying from ovate to oblongacuminate. N. wagons. The White Ash abounds in rich or moist woods from Canada southward to Florida. . as yet. in cases where an astrin- also proves cathartic. and gouty in There affections. Fraxin forms in tufts of white. A Pharm.jHg^O..|| point to.. your. 1882. lustrous.xinin of Keller. Roberts. yet the experiments of H. The crystals from our species were found by Kremers to fuse at i62°-i63° (323. an astringent./. crystalline body. as that of the previous species.). and decompose at higher temperature. N. sweetish taste. — This saccharose body.. ** The Fra.-)J." White Ash leaves. fusing at 320° (608° F. 283. as yet uninvestigatefl. t -Am. which. p.AnT(Hp). others. —There is. having a slightly acerb taste.) c.4° F.. and decomposing... 2S2.* The tincture has a clear..6°-325.). as well as in eczema. as by Kremers and others. g //. reddish-orange color by transmitted light. pp. M. It is sparingly soluble in cold water and alcohol. beautiful. possessing a pleasant. 19.§ and especially Edward Kremers. It may be extracted from manna by boiling that substance in alcohol. . Bradford. was identified * Page 136-2. especially of dropsical subjects. from which it crystallizes in tufts of long. acicular forms. considerable doubt concern- ing the principles constituting this bark. C./. yield the following Fraxin. + (cJha). 99. X Ibid. then very bitter. is treated in this fresh bark of the same manner the young twigs. Orange it was snake by much dependence might be the settlers of Co. and has been found praise in mastitis. 1S66. in part. Edwards. = (QhIa). slightly bitter losing water at iio° (230° F.: 137-2 An infusion of White Ash bark has been much used gent tonic was deemed necessary useful in constipation. found in many plants. —This glucoside is found also in the bark of .. always asserted that the Aborigines used to defend themselves from carrying White placed in this Ash How leaves about their persons. it .! least. The Dr. Maiiiiite*'^- C. Cctilrih. Y. an odor resembling that of arnica tincture and an acid . as a preventive of the bite of the rattle- among father relates that. Porcher quotes some unmentioned author as follows: leaves of this plant "are said to be so highly offensive to the ratdesnake. Univ. and enlargement of the spleen. Jos.H. having occasion to traverse the their boots or shoes with My snake. p.. at a great similarity between this species and Fraxiniis excelsior and nigra. prophylactic. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. reaction. taking fire and leaving noted on page 136-2.. it is hard to tell. Wis.Esctiliis. the aqueous solution giving a beauDilute acids resolve the body as follows: tiful blue fluorescence. || •[ this species in 18S5. No.. — The as well as that of the root. Pilar. and acrid. 2. PART USED AND PREPARATION.. that that formidable reptile and is never found on land where it grows and it is the practice of hunters woods in the summer months. C^. seeds prevent accumulation of is a belief extant much some forms of has received It the South that the in fat. rhombic needles. M. taste . to stuff .Hg(OH). 326..). and has the com- .* — This body. fuses at i65°-i66° boils at 200° (392° compound which. to [An alkaloid is suspected by Edwards. loses no weight at 120° (248° F. — The PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.0(OH)^). this volatile It body has been isolated or described by Roberts as some- is what aromatic. and wakefulness. constipation. like other tannins on saturation with common salt. 1S86. ( 2 May iii. from Am. resin. female flowering spray. have also been determined by experiments of Dr. OH. Phar. but remains be proven a separate principle from Fraxin..H. if to (329°-330. ist. soluble in alcohol and Fraxilaniiic . itself. excelsior has the odnr of syringia flowers.). extracted by Gintl and Reinitzer. at 1883.). but the analyses made.S. another losing two atoms of the ..l/u«/rti//. 175° (237° F.137-3 Maniiite from F. Jour. X L.) * That from the leaves of F. as isolated from our species. and having a yellow color. Binghamton. 371. remaining unchanged. excelsior..l.. the rest however. A small quantity of noted by all experimenters upon the bark.0. from the leaves water.). etc. which is also true the of the old-world product. 4. 2.. Inveslig. N. above. Roberts. t Ibid'.] the An acrid and a neutral above experimenters.H. Description of Plate I. and becoming radical left a portion volatilizing F. flower. except that of Edwards.8° F. onius crystallizes as a black residue. Fruit. gum. yellow-brown.jgO. It is described as an amorphous. and Kremers. starch. is soluble in cold water and boiling alcohol. This body. reverts if.— .. brittle body. whicli finally volatilized. scanty urine: pedal cramps. Wright. and of F.\ 137.. — Oil of Fraxiims.!: gave the following effects from four ounces and a half of the tincture taken in three days: Vertigo and headache. to mass swells up and is destroyed. Cj. but not by tartar emetic. and 3 enlarged. and insoluble in ether. Female 3. fever sores upon the lips . seem to point to its existence. boils position CioH. the temperature is raised to 250° (482° F. . Me. Chem. 745-762. a syrupy mass of inaiinitau (C|. bland. 1875.). V. followed by fever. has not precipitable..f been proven in the bark ot our species.Icid. mannite by its hygroscopic power. Section of ovary. . Linn .adnatdeletpinxt ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA.^lU. . BIRTHWORT. ovate. divided into 3 to 6 flattened lobes. pubescent. SBRPENTARY ROOT. VAR. SV. Umn).-. — — Aristolochiacese. A TINCTURE OF THE DRIED ROOT OF ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARL\. ^ox^s. slightly pericarp smooth. ENDODECA SERPENTARIA & BARTONII.'WDRI. flexuous. A. the . its Description. sessile. Senega. lochos. appearing but 6). OFFICINALIS.VNDKI. A. GENUS. Comfositir . branching at the naked or nodular and bracteolate erect. e.. Umbtlli/eiic. Black Snake-root (Sanicula Canadensis.). a parturient female. (GBR. riR GIA'IAJV SA'JKE-R O T.— A Rl ST O LOG HI A.. Stamens 6 anthers 2 (contiguopening looking obliquely upward. which is sai<I to hasten the delivery of the placenta. flexuous peduncles. grows to a height of from Root somewhat horizontal. /.T OR WEED. Calyx tubular.VN'. Leaves petioled. DUCH. — A small family of twining shrubs. and Button Snake-root folium. . ous in pairs. bracted. and narrowly constricted in the throat limb flat. SCHLANGENWURZEL. BARTONII. SNAGREL. and Eringiiim Yucca- ). septicidal capsule .* 138 TOURN. ovate-lanceolate. arising from the base of the stem . branching rootlets. . 8 to L. Michx. or nearly halbred-shaped. upon Inflorescence single. Fruit a 6-angled. A. Seneca Snake-root {Polygala (various species of Liatiis (Compositx). LINN. thick. A. Polygnlacete . SEX. HASTATA. principally natives of South America.-ARISTOLOCHIACE^. warmer parts excellent. KLOT. . somewhat cylindrical. pally from its — This small. somewhat flattened-pear-shaped. NUTT.-SNAKB-ROOT. fleshy body runs along its centre.— ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA. N. more or less obtusely irregular.i SERPENTAIRE OU COULBUVRBE DE VIRJINIE. sigmoid. i . dark brown. acuminate. or auriculate. aris'os. These do not include the Rattlesnake roots. Umbellifera. Linn. NEBS. naked. SERPENTARIA.a ORD. . pubescent. carunculate about the fundus.. beside this species. COM. base. more or less knotty. . SERPENTARIA. dilated at the apex.— C. 3-lobed. (FR. 1 5 inches.. and Marilandica.Snake-roots are. and papyra- ceous seeds several in each cell. fibrous.) . 6-valved. MUHL. gibbous at the base above the ovary. and adherent to the ovary tube somewhat dumb-bell shaped. SAGITTATA. terminal. White Snake-root (Etipatorium agerntoidfs. and accelerate lochial discharges. base cordate.ST. with a thickened apical margin.\nn t The American . or low herbs. . entire. \. CUmalitis. from the medical (|ualilies of A. SYN. where the rap/ie white. thin. and channelled upon the upper surface. NAMES. aromatic perennial herb. Style very short and thick stigma short and sarcous. Stipules none. floivcrs apetalous. Sfcuis tew or single.^ HEX.. but having a few scattering species in the * Api$'o.^. — — dorsum showing the scars of previous stems. adnate to the back of the stigma. giving off princiunder surface a multitude of long. anthers adnate. emmenagogue. It grows in rich. limb coriaceous. dry capsule. without doubt. — Serpentaria Is indigenous to North America.bilobata (Brazil). are usually hidden beneath the dry leaves and loose top-mould of its chosen localities. species has been proven beside Aristolochia (Milhomens) Serpentaria. Linn.. conspicuously petaStamens 6 or 12. stipules opposite the leaves. more or less lamellate. having properties similar to those of Serpentaria. Nutt.). and aphrodisiac. and thence southward.. Phar. shady woods.. Linn. is anthelmintic and antipsoric and A. berry.^. The South American A. Among the more or less prominent species are: The Texan or Red River Snake-root. or more or less distinct. Aestivation valvate . trilobata. and stimulants. . and floiucrs Calyx tubular. like those of Asarum. elematitis. braeteata. is thought. The Brazilian A. the North European A.). antiarthritic and stomachic. soon be added to our medicaments. Iiidiea. radiating. . the South European A. is the European emetic. to be the source of the celebrated alexiteric gicaco of the Colombians it is stated that a few drops of the juice of this plant. . cathartic. Frnit a . inserted upon an epigynous ^\sV\ filaments short. longa. is said to be superior in quantity and quality of action to Serpentaria. * Am. Other alexiterics are A... Strange as it may seem.. or wanting. lurid. viz. ba-tiea. Linn. perfect. used in Germany as emmenagogues. it being an energetic sudorific in doses of 6 to 20 grains. coherent with the ovary. solitary. Linn. and a larger dose cause its death. . the chemistry of which has been proven by Wigand* to be nearly identical with that of Serpentaria. and blossoms in July. or wanting. regular or irregular. pistolochia.).]J\nx\. petioled. antiparalytic.. Mart. 6-celled. Only one . and usually entire. and A. will. except. ranging History and Habitat. deciduous Leaves alternate. antiperiodic. mayhap. 138-2 of both hemispheres. fleshy . . lo. antiarthritics. retieidata. and A. The American Wild. or Indian Ginger {A. once noted for its emmenagogue and febrifugal properties. anatropous raphe prominent and embryo minute. placed in the mouth of a snake. . almost all the species of this large genus are esteemed. generally cordate. which was formerly considered alexiteric. The flowers of this plant. : The Brazilian Snake-root [A. somewhat united with the style. though not exhibiting the action of the European species to any great extent. Linn.). rotimda.. and sternutatory Asarabacca {Asarum Europaum. or wanting stigmas brown or loid. basal albumen sarcous. extrorse. your. Canadense. The only plant of this order. from the State ol Connecticut to Indiana. cymbifera. the errhine power. by Humboldt and Lindley. . or succulent Seeds numerous. anguieida. in our Materia Medica. as remedies against the poisonous effects of snake bites (Alexiterics) this use being fully known to each nation without previous communication with each other. The East Indian Gardigavapoo {A.. rounded or angular. Retz. Ovary 6-celled style short and thick. outside the genus AristolocJiia. by the natives of the countries in which they grow. xvi. will stupefy it. Linn. A. 3. 2-celled dchisceiice longitudinal. Linn. diuretic. II \ Cinchona ** 411. pneumonia. In such cases compounded with Serpentaria. (Peru). Sip/io. Serpentaria has been classed among the diuretics and warm stimulating tonics and diaphoretics.. ce Coinposita. A. fraorautissiuia. It was septicemic type. indolent wounds.xture with Peruvian the fit approaches. etc. are: Extractum Serpentaricc Fliiiduni . The medical A. T/ier. and in fact wherever a stimulating diaphoretic was deemed advisable. coarsely powdered. of this use Dr. in five parts * Canadiinium Pliin/anim //istoria. let the sick take it two hours before the fit. that the general exhibition of Peruvi. A. Gomez (Brazil). hirsula. and typhus fevers. and let it be repeated twice as Serpentaria was also often given in mi. erysipelas.<ltcn in bilious. especially those of a mic properties. being shaken thoroughly twice a day. Porcher wisely remarks :|| "This antiseptic power of certain vegetables should be compared with their medicinal effects when prescribed internally. the bark.* fevers. covered by bottle. ours). rubra. A. I. (Colombia).. is by weight of alcohol. as haps more which. S..^38-3 A. Of this use Sydenham says if "To cure tertians poor people ivJio are not able to bear the charge of a long process (Ital. as comfortable Combinatuvis too of this sort efficacious.. ii. toiiicntosa. Ruiz." The officinal preparations of this drug in the U. Field ami Forests. alone. Resources Sozit/i. renders the would cloves or cinnamon. thus rendering the latter more active. jVristolochia serp. cannot be it in decoction or mixture quite as pleasant resort to to the stomach. and used with some success in die treatment of low forms of plant in 1635. Tinctura Serpcntarice and Tinctnra Cinchoi. Crocus sat. together with Dale (1693) and Geoffroy (1741). cool place. Camphora. that bark. fails" (Ital. Sims (U.). These authors. I to the taste. history of Serpentaria begins with Cornutus' first notice of the augmented by Parkinson in 1640. three ounces. we think. amenorrhcea. mingle them. and A.Tn Bark in fevers was only applicable to the wealthy who could stand the cost of a long attendance ? J JiUment. typhoid. t 1679J Did Sydenham already know.§ that " in some ill effect of bark upon the stomach i)i . and kept eight days in a well stoppered a dark.*\ The Eclectic preparations are: Lifusnm Serpentarice . patients such is the irritability of the stomach. Muhl. and Tinctnra Serpentaria ConipositaJ^'* PART USED AND PREPARATION.). I. this use resulting from also used in intermittents its alexiphar- and remittents before Quinine had been isolated from bark. — The dried root. It was also considered a stimulating and antiseptic poultice for open. viacronra. of white wine... take of Virginia Snake-weed. one scruple.sci?ipen'irciis. Linn. speak in high terms of its alexiteric properties. finely powdered. (N. ulcers.e. Citrus medicus. L'Her.e. . and Aristolochia serpentaria. Ipecacuanha. grandifloi-a. small-pox. let him sweat three or four hours. retained even in the smallest dose. and being well covered with clothing. Tlie root was admitted into the London Pharmacopoeia in 1650. S. and at the same time preventing the of this Dr. ours). by experience. in substance. A. Swartz (Jamaica). and Opium or Cypripediu m. zuill and per- cure intermittents Serpentaria was also used ii. Ph."! Bark. Extracttun Scrpentarice Fliddnni . A. Chapman says. 4.' - and the volatile oil. Style. Seed. 1825. and one full length Face view of flower. odor Its should be decidedly terebinthic. frequent expulsion of flatulence. and vomiting a sense of weight in the stomach distention of the abdomen. camphoraceous. ^ Buckholz.. . 1885. resembling exactly that of the root before extraction its . * Bigelow. de P/iar. * Ma/ei-ialien zu einer Kihif/igen Heihiiitlellehre. discharges of pale. 203. iii. stigma 6. Description of Plate 13S. ibid. It is a mixture of valerian is This amorphous yellowish body soluble both in water and alcohol.138-4 The from tincture. watery urine. separated this mass by decantation. Longitudinal section of calyx. tenesmus and solid stools. with colic and borborygm.. rootlet. June iSth. Root. 5. The symptoms usually following doses of from 2 to 5 scruples of the root were Copious salivation eructations great nausea.^ — Aristolochia-camphor. oil is obtained by aqueous distillaand has an odor and taste resembling and camphor. . bitter . plant from Pittsburgh. Pa. Bol. Am. Fruit. . greatly resembling pure camphor. and should have a beautiful. 565. warm.. (5 and 7 and stamens.' ^* oil. 2. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. N. 85. its CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. tion of the roots.. Whole 1-2.) ' Tilden's analysis. ii. ' Lewis.^/vVA'^r/^//^. deep reddish-orange color by transmitted light. and weight in the head followed by cephalagia violent and frequent desire to urinate with greatly increased that Serpentaria caused : .—Jo-rg determined as a result of his experiments* an excitation of the alimentary tract with subsequent determination of blood to all the abdominal viscera. more frequendy followed by flatulence than mucous secredon. ' Chevallier.^ —This yellowish brown lighter than water. . S. . of Mat. is deposited upon the cool sides of the receiver of the products of an aqueous distillation of the roof' Gum.'' bitter-principle. pressure. Med. has a bitter and slightly acrid taste. with itching at the anus a sensation of heat. Jour. enlarged.^ -'•' extractive.'-" coloring matter. 1S20.— . taste and and terebinthic. This body. . Med. Jour.* ^ resin. filtration. and Oil of Serpentaria."'* have been determined in this species. 3. at last very penetratingly reaction acid.. 7. ^m. / // .adnatdelefpinxt PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA Linn . . „f) (FR. lo-celled berry. the apex or head showing the scars of the previous stems the body is easily cut or broken. CANCER-ROOT. AMBRIKANISCHE SCHARLACHBEBRE OR KERMESBEERE. A phylon. cylindrical. separate.\c. of the Orobanchacea:. sepals 5. J The true crowberry is Empetrum nigrum. CROWBERRY. concave and incurved. a several carpels united into a circle. ample. MUT. COM. (Empetraceic). This name properly designates the American species of Epiphegus and Conopholis [Orobiiitche). ovate-lanceolate.V\I. berry * t \ are compounded of as many in typical genus. purplish stemmed perennial. BLITUM AMERICANUM. one in each cell.u. lobes of the calyx Calyx white Stamens Corolla none. short. SYN. sometimes branched. S^em stout. —The the above description of special characters of this small family are its principal and from the next (Chenopodiacese).'^).N. (L„i. ORD -PHYTOLACCACE^. vertical embryo curved in a circle around the albumen cotyledons linear.) MORELLE A GRAPPES. . . fusiform. . ovate-obtuse. COCUM {Xnr/hmi CHONGRAS. mostly celled ovary. LINN. somewhat shorter than the anthers elliptical. . PHYTOLACCA. almost papyraceous. petaloid. P. lac.. . SEX. PhytolaccacesD. marked by annular rings and distinct radii. juicy. pii/i thin. § AMERICAN NIGHTSHADE. its section being white. composed of 10 carpels closely united into a ring.isi. Fruit a deep purple. filaments subulate . JALAP. nate or scattered. which become lateral and opposite the leaves as the growth proceeds. Linn.— POKE WEED OR ROOT.* TOURN. .t PIGEON-BERRY. thin in thickened at the edges as to cause the interspaces to be fusiform. sectioned by numerous discoid septa. . verrucose. both of which perversion of the Indian name. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. VULGARIS. SVST. fleshy. . In- flowered racemes. styles 10. from the coloring properties of the berries. 139 GENUS. memben. P. embodied The order in differs little having alternate entire leaves. POKE WEED. .t SKOKE. J^ool large.\. peduncles ascending.. depressed-globose.. Ovary green. GARGET. recurved at the apex stigma simply a stigmatose surface on inner aspect of the recurved portion of the style. POCAN OR COKAN (Vh-nnn.— PHYTOLACCA. albumcfi farinaceous.) . (GER. acute at each end many florescence terminal. 2-lobed. but so Leaves alter- petioles thick. This smooth.. BOERHA. usually three-bracted. AMERICANA. plant . HERBS DE LA LAQUE. fn7„y).V DEC.— PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA. and forming a in fruit. grows to a height of from 4 to lo feet. lake. and variously branched.— DECAXDRI. DILL. and the bark very branching. pedicels divaricate. LINN. NAMES. — Description. trihr. 'bvTov. 10. . marked with 10 slight furrows seeds 10. hollow and the centre. and are now being proven. Ampelopsis. . The root with lard was found to be an excellent ointment for the cure of many forms of skin diseases. if gathered early and discriminately. —The poke is tree-like P. Cimicifuga. As an inevitable result of its uses as above. or at least in some and gonorrhceal rheumatism. both emesis and catharsis were effected by from 20 to 30 grains. the recurved leaved P. howev^er. dode- . Tinctiua Ciniicifiigce Coinposita . but also gonorrhoeal and syphilitic rheumatism. often caused its emetic action usually followed doses of lo grains of the powdered root. was use. are Phyiolacrce Bacca and Phytolacae Radix. considered an excellent poultice to cause rapid suppuration A in felons. however. Extrachmi Phytolacc(E . and Vinum Phytolaccce Cmnposiium. make an excellent substitute for asparagus. Ph. The officinal forms of Phytolacca in the U. It was considered. and tinea cir: cinata also as a stimulant vulnerary in syphilitic ulcers. and Stramonium. rich soils. always overruled valor. undoubtedly introduced from America. as well as non-specific tincture of the berries cases palliative. It has become a common weed in all the countries bordering upon the Mediterranean is sea. The young shoots. viz. cure for cancer and malignant tumors. icosandra History and Habitat. in its employment were a slowness to begin its operation. tic use to in partial paralysis of the bowels. Pilulce Phytolaccce Com- posite . as an efficient remedy Phytolacca. eczema capitis. octandra. very injurious to the system. . and also to suspend its catharsis when once begun it became often necessary to check its action upon the bowels with some preparation of opium. noted I in my readings several years ago that the berries had been used for pies by frugal housewives. pastry . and the South American . In the Eclectic Materia Medica we find Calaplasma Phytopie is still : lacctz . and I much prefer them. notably psoriasis. the berries of which the African P. plants.-\ Tinctura Phytolaccce. West Indian P. indigenous to North America. Decoctum PhytolacccB . S. but its it success was experimented with as a in the cure of these terrible maladies never became notable. was found to be often curative.139-2 Five other species of Phytolacca are more or less used and have properties similar to ours. and the much-thought-of unmade and uneaten. however. Abyssinica the East Indian P. X Phytolacca . the earlier American writers upon medicinal considered fully equal to Ipecacuanha as an emetic narcotic effects. Unguentum Phytolaccce * Phytolacca. however. to be the proper cathar. The serious difficulties. and Kalmia. dioica. and often since have half determined to try poke-berry discretion has.X f Phytolacca. as well as scrofulous swellings of glands in general. The medical uses of poke-root were handed practice by the aborigines. Its . : the Mexican and are used in lieu of soap candra .* SyriLpus PhytolacccB Compositus . both north and south. in among who valued down to domestic and botanic the plant not only as an emetic. and White turpentine. of syphilitic chronic forms of that disease. Stillingia. and flowers throughout the summer months. where it common in light. however. . and a softening applicaIt was also tion in mastitis. . tannin. no characteristic color ever. Although an acrid principle was deemed present by all previous analysts of the root of this plant. Jour. and hydrochloric acids. Ibid. He test. potash exists oxalic acids. vol. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. lead malic acid forms flocculent precipitates. it is somewhat fast but not permanent. Phytolaccic Acid.. Aunals de Chimie. Jour. acicular crystals. iSSi. sugar. it is placed in a well-stoppered the alcohol added. 325. however. elicited no acid answering to the above. Braconnot. Phar. your. With alum. No mordant. -f- Am. 1879. also found the hydrochlorate salt. such large per cent. 598. Erhard's analysis the root.139-3 PART USED AND PREPARATION. iodohydrargyrate of potas- acid. in his experiments with the juice of the berry.§ Braconnot says:|| The Concerning this acid M. 856-8. . Erliard. Phar. and the rest of After stirring the whole well. giving precipitates with the four alkaloidal reagents —phosphomolybdic upon platinum water. and fully so in water. combined with potassium. found it to be one of the most delicate tests for acids four times as : : * Am. Phar. salt of potas- was amorphous. tannin. with a view to its utility as a dye. botde and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. Am. almost white when purified. M.. it dyes blue and alone. transparent. acid to be probably a He . With lime and alkali of this plant is neutralized siderable affinity to the malic. 18S1. Jour. xci. 1. || p. light yellowish-orange color by transmitted light. very easily soluble in distilled vinegar but those with "dcxit phytolaccic acid are insoluble. —There seems determines such an acid to exist in however. moderately soluble in alcohol. X Coiiipl. The tincture separated from the above by filtration.* His analysis yielded small crystals. An in Isolated. and a very chopped and pounded fresh root gathered in to a pulp slight acid reaction. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. as nearly colorless. non-deliquescent and very soluble in water and alcohol. and auric chloride. in been devoted to the advisability of its gum. C. should have a clear. pp. I. by an acid having conbut with a few shades of difference. turned yellow by the addition of lime-water. cool place. Am. but instead. 258. 1 New Reme. 1884. . sulphuric. 1S81. is and weighed. rend.. however. by Cramer. Phar Donnelly. Starch.. 165. it seems to have remained in some doubt prior to the analysis of Edmond Preston. . that some thought has manufacture from the roots. Pape. c. a bitterish odor and taste. how- entirely soluble in alcohol. 1S43. Preston. 579. yellowishbrown. or an oxygenized malic.. one proving itself to be malic. c. \ Waller Cramer.— The Autumn. is found that will fix its color. with urine. and were entirely dissipated when fused and subjected to modergiving.iies. farther judges this peculiar body between malic and Beside the above. 567. strongly acid. and fully further heat ately so in foil. resin. his analysis.^ The coloring matter of the berries has been largely experimented upon. sium to be litde doubt that A.XXll. I. although very brilliant at first. They proved in nitric.— P/ipo/ardue. sium. and fixed oil have also been determined.f Its crystals were in A. it is very fugitive. Terrell | found the same acid an alcoholic extract of the berries. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it. it analysis of the berries. as it often does. associated with a sense of suffocation also in the chest. . Pamrapo. followed by convulsion. this account of the action of Phytolacca at once impresses when a like condition exists. 2. almost to : . Its Description of Plate I. 3. Flower.. Root. and vertigo. : On animals. and great pain is produced at its root on swallowing. suffocation. great thirst and discomfort in the epigastric region. feeble pulse. this remedy is one of the most important of the purely American plants. followed by profuse cool perspiration. . . and shallow breathing. feeble pulse. . dry hackingcough. drowsiness. stiffness of the neck.) August 2d. with flatulence violent purging. profuse salivation. and violent vomiting. with drowsiness and coldness. . it being from an hour to two hours after its ingestion before emesis occurs. Horizontal section of root. Section of ovary. 139-4 sensitive as an infusion of litmus. followed by redness and finally vesication. Compiling the symptoms occurring in various cases of poisoning. As Homoeopathists. with dimness of vision and photophobia paleness of the face tongue white-coated. where lymphatic glands abound constant dull. The next effects noticed are upon the nervous system. N. heavy aching in the lumbar region and sacrum. J. dryness of the larynx. and the desire constant. cramps. with painful weakness and stiffness of both the upper and lower limbs general sense of soreness and prostration. numerous secondary symptoms in various organs noted in the provings. death. (1-4 once reduced. and in one case. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. End 139. with a very red tip it feels rough and blistered. voluntary and involuntary. . followed by epigastric tenderness. . great prostration and coldness of the periphery. to swallow atten4ed with terrible shooting pains through the ears . giddiness. violent vomiting and purging. dullness. iSyg. The toxic symptoms from an overdose are more or less nausea. —The upon the stomach as an emetic. Dr. of a flowering branch. us with its certain value in diphtheria. 4. 5. continuing until the passages become mucus and blood. severe pressive headache with soreness dilation of the pupil. but use limited. Schultz found that the juice of the root in repeated trials resulted only in emesis. vertigo. this action is remarkably slow. redness and soreness of the throat.. every attempt nausea. The grated fresh root applied to the skin causes a sensation of heat and smarting. followed by a collection of thick white or yellowish mucus about the fauces the throat feels full and constricted. as freshness of the juice is principal primary action of Phytolacca is its absolutely necessary. 6. make it a valuable remedy in many forms of disease. catharsis. On the whole. the most prominent and duplicating effects are as follows mental indifference and stupor. and in general. griping pains in the abdomen. dimness of vision. Fruit. and drowsiness. . pinxt ^^ ^^" ChENOPODIUM AnTHELMINTICUM.dei.140. ivmfi vfM 9 ^TU.y 2 Linn. ad nal. . flozoers . Leaves mostly alternate. anthers globular. Ovary covered on the top with small oblong . AMBRINA AMBROSIOIDBS. WORMSEED.— I'liNT/VNDRI. smooth and shining testa . Ovary i in the bud. A TINCTURE OF THE SEEDS OF CHENOPODIUM AMBR05I0IDES. —This large family of homely and more or less succulent herbs furnishes to North American Botany 15 genera. the upper entire and tapering at both ends. Leaves slightly petioled. of. WURMSAAMEN. JERUSALEM OAK. three-fourths of a ring around the mealy albiunen. Stamens 5 filame?its 2-celled. angular. perfect.) WURMSAAMEN GANSEFUSS. BR. elongated. Fruit perfectly seed lenticular. NAMES.* 140 LINN. (FR. ANTHELMINTICUM. Description. filiform numerous Embryo forming about . to C. C. stalked glands enlosed in . ORD-CHENOPODIACE^. stout. and grooved. ANTHELMINTICUM. LINN. L' ANSERINE VERMIFUGE. Stamens as many as the lobes of the filaments inserted opposite the calyx-lobes or . oblong-lanceolate.MA. exstipulate. obtusely angled crustaceous. -celled. and bractless. — This smoothish. greenish . sessile. roSf.t STINKWEED. Infloraromatic annual. styles or stigmas 2. styles 2 to 3. repand-toothed or sometimes the lower almost lobed. by a fringed inner surface. grows to a height in escetice spike-like 5-cleft racemes simple. lobes ovate. chen. Chenopodiaceae.. urticle or rarely an achenium. GENUS. comprising 90 species and 15 varieties. Linn. stigmatic the calyx. ring. SEX. VAR. a eoose t This name belongs . Embryo coiled into a albumen mealy or sometimes wanting. Botrys. SPACH ORTHOSPORUM ANTHELMINTICUM. 5. pointed. AMERICANISCHER . imbricated calyx or sometimes fewer their base. and pleasantly- Stem erect. more or less viscid-glandular.— CHENO PODIUM. GRAY C. (GER. * X^x. VAR.. WILLD. SVST. . and bractless. Floioers minute. CHENOPODIUM ANTHELMINTICUM. R. a foot. slender. . appendaged nor keeled. ANTHELMINTICUM. COM.— CHENOPODIUM AMBROSIOIDBS. calyx free.about 2 feet. GRAY.V DICV. Calyx glomerulate. N.— AMERICAN WORMSEED. from a fancied resemblance in the leaves. upon Fruit a -celled conduplicate or spiral rarely 3 or i . SYN. not . SUFPRUTICOSUM. pons.) CHENOPODE ANTHELMINTIQUE. more or less leafy or leafless . Linn. and made into bread or mush. fresh seeds are ground to a pulp mixed with parts by weight of alcohol are taken. Linn.140-2 The only other proven plant in this Order {Cheuopodiujn z'uharia. 1870.. 1 he principal method of administration is doses of from three to ten drops of the oil on sugar.. . Soda. a French expectorant. . . and when baked in ashes it is not improved in appearance. all the tribes of Arizona. Smith. dinni album. tragus. the last dose being followed by a cathartic. and Large quantities also are eaten in the boiled as herbs alone. where it is also a compound of Mistura Chenopodii Cornposita-\ and Mistura Olei Composita. Bofrys. Smith) is another source of salsoda. England in 1732. where it grows in waste places about dwellings and It was introduced into in manured soils. The European Salt- the Mediterranean S. Linn. and the American Mexican Tea (C anibrosioides. anthelmintic. the Diggers of California. Among the esculent plants of this order the most prominent are The common Garden Spinach of the Levant [Spinacia olcracea. — The and weighed. The American Aborigines used the whole herb in decoction in painful menstruation. . and a useful remedy in chorea. which in is the European Stinking Goosefoot general practice is considered antispas- modic and emmenagogue. Linn. Linn. Loft. yield the finest wort (Salicornia annua. and is regarded as The plant abounds in the Navajo country. and in the Eclectic Materia Medica. Anise Oil. and Caspian 5". 419. ground into flour They are very small. Linn. as are also those of the Tartarian Garden Orache (A. Then two * J. Rom. f Castor Oil. It resembles buckwheat in color and taste. Linn. which is considered nervine. The seeds of the European : . : and not unpleasant when eaten raw.). Rep. General medical practice notices the following The Egyptian Chenopodium baryosnwn.). raw state.\ . or with other food. the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico. the pulp R. American Wormseed is indigenous to Mexico and South America. The fruit and Oleum chenopodii are officinal in the U. three times a day for several days. and blossoms from July to September. Jiortensis. but has become quite thoroughly naturalized as far north as Missouri and New England. ."* equally nutritious. and emmenagogue. — History and Habitat. and the Utahs. The seeds of this plant are gathered by many tribes. Wormseed Oil. emmenagogue. Linn. The plant is also considered antispasmodic. and is to-day considered one of the best expellants of lumbricoids known. Phar.Spanish 6". are -emetic. antihysteric. X In this preparation Oil of Turpentine is useil in place of the Myrrh. the and the Mediterranean Alicant Soda.) "are collected by the Navajoes. Linn.. but its principal use has been the leaves and seeds as a vermifuge as such it was noticed by Kalm. The European and Asiatic Salsola Kali. sativa. after drying.). in U. a fetid emmenagogue the European and Asiatic Jerusalem Oak (C. S. of a gray color. especially of the older women.). Atriplex angustifolia.. Dodge. The peculiar color of the flour imparts to the bread a very dirty look. Clayton. and used in chorea. Linn. S.) and the Beet {Beta The young and tender plants of the Lamb's Quarter {^Chenopovulgaris. and Schoepf. PART USED AND PREPARATION. and Tincture of Myrrh. Agric.). . F. alcohol. Sepal. has a reddish-brown color . when Its sp. x. control the muscles as desired for any like a . convulsed. dis- agreeable but aromatic in is from by transmitted light a characteristic repugnant odor and an acid reaction. TO. 8. 457. 1 Joiir. fresh is 0. hearing acute for louder finally paralysis .. into a well-stoppered bottle. Aug. It is freely soluble boils at 190° (374° F. 405. Brown. Jour. R. Med. Pistil. . 187S. astringent taste . and cal\'\. Longitudinal section of seed. the following symptoms came on Nausea vertigo deafness to and more distant noises aphasia inability : attempting so to do drunken man. and a pungent. i8th. Jour. affecting the brain. 862. cool place.\f. i{ showing glands. Female flower. — PHYSIOLOGrlCAL ACTION. .t/. 2. a bitter... 1 l^a. . 140-3 one-sixth part of and the it. oil The whole rest of the alcohol added. Portion of 4. This light yellow has a peculiar. 7. spinal cord and stomach. frothing at the mouth. Seed.). . The symptoms in a man who took about half an ounce of the drug were those of a narcotico-acrid poison. flower. attempts at talking hilarity at his futile . . The tincture.530. Am. bitterish. strong. and fatigue from repeats his actions of right side. (3-11 enlarged. in Marylaiul MeJ. opisthot- icterus .908. Phar. Top I. convulsions and urination onos . Fruit 9. xxvi.) * G. leaf. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.D. 6. voice.f A man aged thirty took an ounce and a half of the oil and thirty drops of turpentine human to .iicyc. of plant.t Description of Plate 140. this on the fifth from the ingestion of the drue. Rawlinsville.. this mass by filtration.v. X T. drenching sweat. Leaf. day . and foamed at the mouth. and quite offensive odor. \. 3. 1. M. and death during a comatose state followed .. Male 5. He was insensible.. Allen. separated then poured and allowed to stand eight days in a dark.— I 'olatile Oil of Wormsced..* analysis has yet been made to determine other principles in this species. Stamen. continued eftort. gr.arrimies. No and taste. . 20. in t Phar. involuntary apoplectic breathing. . .k. Polygonum Acre.AlU.b.adnatdel.h.etpinxt. . L. knees. Pal. rarely is in its centre . yaw. and placed above the usually swollen joints of the stem. Hgneous. beside the four treated of in the Thibetan Rhubarb {Rheum officinale. 3-parted . slender shining. SYN. Ovary i -celled. from China R. . taper-pointed.— POLYGONUM ACRE. : . WATER SMARTWEED. from the West Indies. Achenia sharply triangular. — This large family of herbs. capsicum.. alone having 112 species and 10 varieties. COM. . MICHX. styles or stigmas 2 or 3. from China and Siberia R. entire stipules in the form of sheaths ( Ochrece). \\n\\\ poly. P. general above species or individually. The only proven plant of this family. -WATER PEPPER. and orthropous . Royle.. Stafuens 4 to 12. perennial its decumbent base . BITING (GER.ST. Cotyledons acumbent. SMARTWEED. radicle pointing from the base to the apex. etnodi. erect.). B. either in lieu of the sian Rhubarb (A'. practice. is represented in truly western genus. FUnvcrs juice. seed single. . H. Statnens 8. raponticnm. PURSH. many. B. N. the Erigonium. men. A TINCTURE OF THE Description. Wallich. =•• LINN. roots fibrous.V. on the outside of the albuerect. mostly perfect. from the mountains of Dolenkara R. 2 to 5 feet. SV. K. undulatu. comprising 165 species. hnicorrkiziim. moorcroftiamim. smooth and mosdy Style Polygonacese.— OCTAXDRI. K. embryo curved or straightish. HYDROPIPEROIDES.) R. ORD. larger and longer than those of P.. axillary H. albumen hard and horny. Fruit dry and grain-like. . NAMES.\ TRIGVXI. Royle. calyx more or less persistent.n. furnished with watery acid or acrid North America by 15 genera. hydropiper. SEX. are Chinese or RusEnglish Rhubarb {R. smooth. POLYGONUM. Baill). herb grows to a height of from Rootstock creeping. R. The order is characterized as follows Leaves alternate.. loosely-flowered. and curved half-way around it. P. Linn. (NOT PUNCTATUM.) pahnatum.-POLYGONACE^. . rooting at KNOTWEED Injioresccncc in terminal. . Stem 6-parted. * . or and Leaves sheatJis cylindrical. 3. slender. Webbiamim. Linn. : . from tlie jointed stems of many species. bristly fringed. embryo in a groove on the outside of the albumen. Fisch. ACRE. The rhubarbs used this in work. Linn. A'. filiform. WHOLE FRESH PLANT POLYGONUM —This punyently acrid. spiciforme and R. nearly so. stigmas capitate..) KNOTERICH. spike-like racemes. gonii. ELL. 141 GENUS— POLYGONUM. . The Western Indians. qualities. . Xefit.141-2 from the Altaic Mountains R. R. . are in this direction that A the merited but unpleasant name. the rhizome of P. barbatum. Extractiun Polygoni. 422. Linn. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it. — Water Smartweed is indigenous to the United States. hydropipef. from Chinese-Tartary . crassinervuim. it has cold infu- been found very serviceable in nursing sore-mouth.\ PART USED AND PREPARATION. enteritis. use the leaves of the Round-leaved Sorrel [Oxyria digynia. Oleo-resin of X Caulophyllum. Agric. Bis- affections its is highly esteemed in diarrhoea. Iris. esailentum. which they call Yerba Colorado. especially as a fomentation in ammenorrhcea. while P.). chopped with those of the Watercress and fermented. however.. Ass-smart. and. as a salad the Indians along the Colorado River gather the abundant seeds of a species of Rwncx. In Mexico the infusion is used as a diuretic. of the Cape of which torta. Good Hope. and dysentery. Extracttun Polygoni Fluidum. the . is a vesicant fresh. evapothe fruit of this plant is edible and pleasant. Bistort. who include P. it is poured into a well-stoppered pounded to a pulp * J. is very general and extended. Tinctnra Polygoni. Dodge. f Sulphace of Iron. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. avicnlare. and mastitis. and Sabina. S. Campd.) as a flour for breakfast cakes History and Habitat. and moistened where it is common. is make a speedy Smartweed the action of vesicant. and Extractum Polygoni. rated. and makes it a component of Pilul<^ Polygoni Compositce.. mercurial ptyalism. amphibutm. doubtful. and kindred European P. oil so quick among boys . After having stirred the whole well. Linn. many species are astringent. a powerful astringent. Linn.. Linn. covipactum. The Eclectic Materia Medica recommends its use in the following forms : Infusiim Polygoiii. of turpentine. leucorrhcea. bruised with those of the Mayweed [Martifa Cotula. of persons afflicted with rheumatism. especially with a few drops of highly esteemed received . is said to resemble sarsaparilla in and has been substituted for it. as such. dysmenorrhoea. 1870. weed among the laity. southward it habits ditches and waste places where The use of Smartthe soil is wet and rich.). Ergot. Other medicinal plants of the order are The Seaside Grape : of the West whose decoction.. which they grind and make into bread.'-' while the domestic use of Buckwheat [Fagopyi'uvi . the is said to be emetic and and powerful diuretic when fruit Knob Grass of the [P. whose nativity is . Of the genus Polygonum Indies {Cocco/oba iivifera.) is considered diuretic. and the rest of the alcohol added. Linn. and put into the baths sion has gout. P. Linn. Linn. is truly national. is known as Jamaica Kino forming an article of commerce in the native markets. gleet. in U. — The whole fresh plant is chopped and and weighed.. Resin of Cimicifuga. cathartic. hydropiper. CompositEe). particularly. and internally in the same troubles and in coryza. Moen. and especially those of Alaska. and externally as a wash lor indolent ulcers and painful hemorrhoids.. Polygonum.. The fresh leaves. Linn.-^^ and Tinctnra Caulophylli Composita. and flowers from July to September. Fisch. and R. Trimble and Schuchard decidef that this body is simply a mixture of impure tanand failed in their analysis of this nic and gallic acids./zV to form in Acid:-- This doubtful body is said green. Jour. cystitis. gastritis. 3. pared from this mass by pressure and filtration. with burning and dryness of the fauces increased appetite and great rumbling of the abdomen attended by thirst. choloroform. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 21. . 1S85. . . and to be soluble in alcohol. 4.) Dr. and greatly increased pale urine sharp stitching or pulsating pains throughout the body a general feeling of weakness and debility alternate heat and coldness and profuse perspiration trom moderate exercise. cool place. a volatile principle was. — The following essentially enumerate the symp- toms noted from ingestion of doses of from lo to 60 drops of the tincture: Dizzi- and pulsating pain itching and burning of the eyes irritation of the pituitary membrane and frequent sneezing. prebottle. Pa. 2.. ness. . Rademaker. C.. Longitudinal section of seed. application of heat. 490. heat in the mouth and throat. . 27th. great and ineffectual urging to stool diarrhoea urging to urinate smarting of the urethra. . Am. however. . Seed. J. nausea and burning of the stomach colic. trating biting sensation is noticed upon the tongue a short time after tasting this tincture. 5. . fullness of the head. These symptoms point to an irritant to the mucous membranes of high value in the treatment of enteritis. . has a beautiful carmine color by transmitted light no characteristic odor or taste and an acid reaction. . and a strong acid reaction. and allowed to stand eight days in a dark.— /Vj|/^'V7. having a bitter and acrid taste. apprewhich gave the pungency of the plant to all preparations made without the plant to isolate a stable active principle ciable. . f Ibid. deliquescent crystals. 1 87 1. together with chlorophyll . . Stem in fruit. . Messrs. Description of Plate 141. A from Rawlinsville. 1SS5. Horizontal section of same. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. . Phar.141-3 The tincture. A pene. Aug. portion of the base of the plant. and ether. and other inflammatory diseases of these tissues.. I. (3-5 enlarged. . adnafdeletpinxt FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM Moench. ^ la.142. . . is facture of beer. MOENCH. — The buckwheat plant is a native of Northern or Cenwas introduced into Europe about the year 1440. GENUS. . it — — .— BUCKWHEAT. Description.. dehcate. composed of 2 nearly separate cells. T"t>>i. while wheat yields nearly three-fourths its weight. however. . the seed being shaped similarly to the nut of the beech [fagus ftrruginea^ Ait. or greenish. tral Asia. Its low as compared to the more important of the cereals. COM. cordate-sagittate. fyros.535 bushels. persistent. and from eighteen inches to The stem is sub-cyhndrical.— FAGOPYRUM ESCULBNTUM. . POLYOGNUM FAGOPYRUM. Stamens 8 filaments filiform. FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM.) BUCHWEIZEN. capitate. SVST. and situated in. yet in the composition of its seed it is strikingly similar to them. introrse. and for use as flour in breakfast-cakes the production in 1880 was estimated at 14. and twisted. The seed is said to be employed in some parts of Germany in the manu- nutritive value. FAGOPYRUM. ." the beech . branched. Ord. (GER.).-POLYGONACE^. SYN. In the United States it is largely cultivated for fattening poultry. MOENCH. juicy. corymbose racemes. wheat. the sheaths or ochrecB semi-cylindrical. equally 5-parted.— OCTANDRIA 142 AGOPYRUM. * 'I'l)"'. or halberd-shaped. entire. HBIDEKORN. rhegos. and The leaves are triangular-cordate.t BEECH-WHEAT (FR. axillary. N. pinkish.) LE BLE NOIR. Inflorescence terminal. cereals. BUCKWHEAT. the cup of the calyx albumen copious embrvo large." . not quite half its weight being fecula. and cultivated in England according to Gerarde in 1597. erect. . triquetrous. white. Styles 3. smoothish. . and the English " wheat. imder Polygonum. withering in fruit. —This annual herb grows to a height of acute at the tip.'. longer than. foliaceous.— F SEX. A TINCTURE OF THE MATURE PLANT. NAMES. Calyx petaloid. Seed acute. plicate. dividing the albumen into two equal parts cotyledons broad. Read description of the N. . more or less persistent stigmas 3. 141. Although buckwheat is far removed from the History and Habitat. arising from between the 8 honey-bearing glands anthers innate. the beech . fully one-third of which was raised in New York State alone. \ From the Scottish word " buck. three feet. ORD. LB BLB SARRASIN. short.617. . or panicles flowers octandrous. TRUIVMA.* TOURX. LINN. very odorous. After having stirred the whole well. and not as fine in grain from clover. Hist. not extensive. pour it into a wellstoppered bottle.16.10.-ilisb'y). The medical history of this plant importance. will flowering season honey. (Wolf). Part V.4 . A when plowed under. sugar a light-gray matter insoluble in water and soluble in in water and alcohol. (Salisb'y). and is this . 2-75 seeds gave: Starch. buckwheat is verythe farmer as a reclaimer of soil. The Wolf). Salisbury's proximate and extractive matter.01 Mr.95 following Seed 5-5 II. Phosphoric acid. Lime. pulp and weighed. but so Straw Seed (S. 6. as a poultice to bring back the flow of milk to the breasts of nurses. we have no record of the effects of the substance in * Nat. .66. 3-6 15. erysipelas. both on account of its "weeding" of the stamens and its a large store of honey from the glands at the bases its thoroughly ample shade.0 Chlorine. is chopped and pounded to a CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. weeds. Agric. taste as that valuable to and properties. common Indican. . trace . Magnesia. p. 42. 3-3 1.1 2. 48. a matter insoluble other . The plant is officinal in none of the Pharmacopoeias except the Homoeopathic. 1-95 Potash. separated from this mass by filtration.. Sulphuric acid. is greatly esteemed. 274. 5-3 1-55 Soda. 10.9 : 142-2 A of buckwheat at the prime of field who gather attractive to bees. Y.84 134 46.of the gum. the pulp mixed thoroughly with one-sixth part of it. fresh. I . analyses of the ash of this herb have none to determine an active principle. hot alcohol. Then two far analyses will serve to Carbonic acid. as far as I is by crop of it this plant quick growth and its has become naturalized flowering from June to September. The tincture. show the general constituents of the plant (Wolf). Silica. and constituents of plants. value as a kill off fertilizer Escaping from cultivation it thistle. Dexter Hitchcock. 48.32 6. 3. .6 21 27 23.60. the only previous uses of can determine. and a slightly acid reaction. —The mature plant and its seed parts by weight of alcohol are taken. even the Canada in many locali- flowers. and fruiting as ties.— Many been made. Again. and let it stand eight days in a dark. 2. and the rest of the alcohol added.47.2 2. —This glucoside has been determined in small percentage (Witt- stem) — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Straw Seed Seed (Wolf). though very dark in color.t . cool place. made into a paste with buttermilk. State N. are those of an infusion of the herb in and an application of the flour. PART USED AND PREPARATION. 42.2 7-7 30 1-7 Organic acids analyses'^. f See Baptisia tinctoria. should have a deep crimson color by transmitted light. 1S. . Although we have a good proving of this drug by Dr. Top Chemung. 2. discharge is also present in many cases. I. 1879. N. Fruit (slightly enlarged). flour of the . and when first retiring at night. 3d. Description of Plate 142. Increased urinary dark-colored. this itching. Section of the seed (enlarged). and following takes the form of vesicles. Another symptom arising. Sept. 3. of plant. The eruption incident to. tedious scabs. the otherwise natural feces. .142-3 individuals cannot partake of breakfast-cakes made from the seeds without experiencing a severe itching. is a glutinous condition of making expulsion quite difficult. 4. Flower (enlarged"). especially observed about a peculiarity of this itching is that it occurs particularly after rethe large joints moval of the clothing. which degenerate into dry.. Many quantity. Y. . pinxt RUMEX CrISPUS.adnat. .VpTH. . \ TRUiVM. N. increasing often bearing a grain-like tubercle base. the 3 outer reflexed. RUM EX. spindle-shaped.INX. The root has been used in medicine from ancient times. curved. and silicate. slightly stigmas tufted. .) PATIENCE FRISEE (GER. wand-like racemes. pedicels jointed Calyx of 6 herbaceous sepals. grows to a height of from large. tufted. Ovary triquetrous ovule sessile Fruit a 3-angled achenium embryo slender. 2 to 4 stem erect. COM. hifloresccncc in crowded whorls. perennial herb. genus of coarse. Stamens inserted in pairs 6. The Docks are some of our most troublesome weeds imported from Europe.* 143 I.— YELLOW DOCK. . LINN. acute at both ends petioles present with all . near the base. A and depurant. Root deep. as a mild astringent tonic. GENUS. . NARROW DOCK. greenish. and shining. brown. . obscurely denticulate or form. RUMEX A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF Description. ORD-POLYGONACE^. whorls along the rachis . gouty tendencies.\NDRI. decoction of the root has been found useful * Derivation unknown. mostly Rumex. incumbent. YELLQ-iVDOCK. . (PR. sometimes united at the base. —This Achcnia acuminate. CURLED DOCK. . acute. —This CRISPUS. laxative. all of them grain-bearing.: . and along roadsides. feet. pedicels fili- Valves prominently reticulate. LINN. the upper lanceolate. but very long in the lower. SEX. inner (valves) larger. smooth. and yellow without and within . GARDEN PATIENCE. smooth. upon the dorsal surface of the midrib near its somewhat colored. perfect or monoeciously polygamous .) KRAUSBR AMPPER. the lower large. entire. along panicled racemes floioers small. The Yellow Dock grows in cultivated ground. everywhere in the eastern section of the United States where it flowers from May until August. none of them halbred-shaped petioles somewhat sheathing at the base. spreading in fruit. and ripens its copious seeds from August to October. wavy-curled on the margins. .— RUM EX. radicle pointing upward. paniculately branching above. and more truncate than cordate at the base. SVST.— RUMEX CRISPUS. SYN. in dyspepsia. the 3 after flowering. floivers Itiflorescence in crowded in prolonged. rounded. cordate. and converging over the fruit. homely herbs is characterized as follows Leaves alternate.X. styles 3 cotyledons narrow. veiny. somewhat below leafy . — History and Habitat. the leaves. . SOUR DOCK. anthers erect. Leaves all lanceolate. . its use being similar to that of rhubarb and of sarsaparilla. NAMES. and lying along one side of the farinaceous albumen opposite the external sepals .-1U:X. I Parietin. that slightly bitter taste . resulting a peculiar sour. 4. Rhabai'baric Acid. I. Syrupus Riimicis Compositus .6° F. Description of Plate 143. . . As a pot-herb the young root-leaves of the Narrow Dock are well known in all country localities.. gathered after the fruit but before frost has touched the plant. — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.^cid. Rheic Acid. a valuable agent for destroying parasites of the skin. itching of the skin . increased heart's action. restlessness.^ Cassia bijuga. Rumex causes nausea watery brown movements of the bowels. burning. urging liquid passages. syphilis. copious urination. [Rhaponticin. irritating cough sore.\\ig. The Polygonum. urging. itch. sleeplessness. fever. dry. Lapathin. astringent. in use the root recommended Decoctum Rumicis . odor.\ and afterward recognized as such in rhubarb || by Schlossberger and Dopping (1844). dalis Composiius:\ is PART USED AND PREPARATION. — The fresh root. a sourish. f Corydalis. aching. || Rhein. dissolves quite readily in ether. Binghamton. and sublimes with little change on careful heating. End of a fruiting branch. and various forms of An scabby eruptions. This dioxyanthraquinone was discovered by Rochelder and Heldt (1843) in the yellow lichen {Parmelia parictind). Fruit. and goa powder ^Andira Araroba)** It crystalizes in tasteless. Valve. especially where the gums are spongy. C^^U^^O^. Achenium. The officinal preparation in the U. 1SS6. Outline of a lower 3. Podophyllum. and Scrophulavia. leprosy. gum. as well as a discutient for indolent glandular tumors. Tinctura Cory- the Eclectic Dispensatory the following are Extr-actuni Rumicis AlcoJiolicum : '^' . treated as directed under the herb ripe. may have in these latter troubles must reside in the peculiar acid contained in it. ** Chrysarohin. It has since been found also in Rumex. ^ Rumic Acid. and perspiration. (3-5 enlarged. or a cataplasm and a useful appli- Whatever cation to cancers. and [Alnus rubra. ointment of the powdered root with with cream. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. albumen. and tannin. fuses at 162° (323. N. Celastius. 2. spasmodic. S. and has a clear madder color by transmitted tincture mousy is have also noted in Oxalis I and a strong acid reaction. also in alcohol. elephantiasis. chills.. X Page 141-2. leaf. 143-2 hepatic congestion.). Scropliularia. or Rumicin. and sticking pains in the chest . Ampelopsis. Ph. scrofula. Rumicin. Rumex is also considered an excellent dentifrice. and This acid acts as a rubefacient and discutient. . Rumex. golden-yellow needles or tablets. 20th. The plant also contains sugar. Chrysophanic Acid. Y. has been considered a specific for the cure of lard. Parietinic . 5. Rhabarbariu.- . is Extractum Rumicis Fluidiim .! light. Chrysarobic Acid. It is and is slightly soluble in hot water.) * Yellow Dock. ¥i 78 . L m im. RUMEX' OBTUSIFOLIUS .i'i ^^^^^ ^.jdnatdel fM.m. . acutus). diuretic. awl-shaped recurved. NAMES. on account of its branch- if broken. thick. . acetosa is also highly esteemed in many districts as an esculent. and — lawns. and fruits at the period. more common. . COM. Yellow Water Dock (7?. aquaticiis) . if anything. CJENUS — RUMEX. crispus. Rumex. (Read description of 143.. Flowers in loose and distant whorls below. like the star-fish. — * Wilson's Rural Cyc. i44 LINiN."'^' The following European and American the decoction same manner as species of the genus manifest. Valves ovate-hastate.HE\. which yields. though it is more bitter. It is much harder to exterminate than R. defacing his fields. ing roots.) — History and Habitat. where it has rapidly spread wherever man has settled. cordate. . part of the Oxalic Acid of commerce.. Leaves rather downy upon the veins underneath and somewhat wavy margined the lower ovate. The common Horse Sorrel (7?.-RUMEX OBTUSIFOLIUS. and antiscorbutic characters which also pervade R. or bruised. The Bitter Dock is in Europe a domestic weed of the worst description a trait that well characterizes its naturalized state here. DIVARICATUS. crispus.. LINN. . . acefocclla) is refrigerant. SYN. The use of this species in medicine is not so prominent as that of R. and. "A decoction of bitter dock root is highly efficacious in obstinate cases of the kind of skin disease called ichthyosis . and when taken in large quantity of any ot the fusiform dock roots the — it — as well. gardens.MEX OBTUSIFOLIUS. indeed. a certain line of generic usefulness: Water Dock (7?. ORD -POLYGONACE^. BITTER hoc Is:. page one of them principally grain-bearing. with a few sharp. ELL.\XI)RIA TRKiVXIA. mostly obtuse the upper lanceolate and acute at both ends. ceding . (GER. same It flowers a month later than the yellow dock.) GRINDWURZ. acetosa. LAPATHUM. —This roughish perennial weed is of similar growth to the preRoot brownish. with R. Britannica) .species. as acts as a purgative. . will increase and multiply the faster cut. and branching stem angular and sulcate. more crowded above pedicels Description. strongly reticulate. teeth at the base. R. which. in the powder or tincture of Turkey rhubarb. R.— BITTER DOCK. N. LAPATHUM ACUTUM. obtusifolius.\ TINCTURE OF THE ROOT OF RU. BLUNT-LEAVED DOCK. in Switzerland. LINN. and Sharp Dock (/v. a body albumen Widenhorn* are in the coldness of the kidneys . Face of flower.— The symptoms of Dr. possessing qualities very like those of Rlieiun R/iapoiitictim. 9. 4. reaction. R. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. pain and and excessive feet. yields a tincture having a dark. Linnaeus mistook it.?//^/. Binghamton. gum and abdomen. 2. qui structiiraiii plantce titriusgiic inspexerit!' PART USED AND PREPARATION. 10. a sourish odor. . " easdcm esse species nulhts qiiidciii neget. for a variety of which. stomachic. a resin . however. Chrysophanic starch and substantially as follows: Pressive headache. .144-2 however. with weariness and bruised pains in the flatulence limbs . alpinns) is the most than which. Grain-bearing valve. or Monk's Rhubarb {R. 7.. (3-10 enlarged. N. if active of all species. as described under R. 20th. caused during the experiments Description of Plate 144. Stamen. . Aug. while the Alpine Dock. have been determined in . Pistil. Flower. saltans is much more dehcate both are unhealthy used to excess. Outline of a lower 3. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Seed. I. indeed. identical with . 5. Hon. 6. gathered as in the preceding species. and an acid a bitterish astringent taste. dc la Med. of a flowering branch.. reddish-brown color by transmitted light.. to his obser- vations. patientia is considered tonic. . leaf.— Zrt-/. Acid. 30j . the root of this species. End . — The and prepared fresh root. Horizontal section of seed. Y. adding./. and depurant.) ' tirdiiv. In France R. 1835. crispus sulphur. 1886. showing calyx. epistaxis distension and pressure in the stomach pressure sugar. 8. Frin't. pinxt. Meisner. ad nst. Li'ndera Benzoin. fiu. . SPICE-BERRY. ORD. honey-yellow. the dried. in 3 rows fllaincnts of the inner row dilated and i to 2 lobed. Fruit a scarlet.. COM.— LIN DERA. . Inflorescence lateral.. SYN. . . We derive but two other remedies from this order.. Camphora and Cinnamon. polygamousCalyx open. . MICHX. viz. a Swedish botanist of the 1 8th century. the Ceylon Cinnatnomum Zeylandicum {Laurus Onoflicinarunt) namomum). LAURACE^. Camphor.' globular or globose-ovoid. sterile flowers 9.N. . mostly Ovary ifewer than the stamens. . entire or sometimes lobed. others more or less spatulate. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH YOUNG TWIGS OF LINDERA BENZOIN. oblong-ovate and acute at both ends. Leaves deciduous. petaloid. bricate in 2 . suspended albtimen wanting embryo large amygdalaceous. — This aromatic shrub grows to a height of from 6 to 18 feet. SVST. nearly sessile. sepals 4 to 6. opening upward to the apex fertile flowers : stamens 15 to 18 rudimentary. Description.— LINDERA BENZOIN. nearly glabrous. : * John Linder. — Lauraceae. the Chinese and Japanese Laurus camphorifera (^Cinnamomum. style short. ALLSPICE-BUSH. FEVER-BUSH. LAURUS PSEUDO-BENZOIN. membraneous. celled. SEX. (GER. stigma capitellate. 145 GENUS. : . (FR. Cassia bark {Cinnatnomum aroma. MEIS. bearing at the base a reniform and more or less peltate gland (Fig. Fruit z.— ENNEAXDRIA MOXOGVNIA. . undeveloped flower buds of the cinnamon tree. SPICE-BUSH. i-ovuled. simple. WILD ALLSPICE.* THUxN. Flowers clustered (estivation imrows calyx regular. ovoid drupe. . . BENJAMINBUSH. . mostly having pellucid dots. umbel-like clusters. Brandies smooth and maculate. BENZOIN. . pale beneath.— COMMON SPICE-BUSH. j-Zj'/^ single. some filiform and pointed. The other products of this order are Cassia buds. Leaves alternate. Oz'^. i -seeded berry or drupe i-^^flf anatropous. LINN.) LAURIER BENZOIN. LAURUS BENZOIN. free from the ovary. 6-parted. BENZOIN ODORIFERUM. Anthers opening by 2 to 4 uplifting valves. NEBS. MEIS. composed of umbellets of 4 to 6 flowers involucre formed of 4 deciduous scales surrounding the flowers flowers numerous. 4) the external 6 simple anthers 2-celled and -valved. prefolial. NAMES. thin.) BENZOELORBEER. Sta^nens: dicecious. A family of aromatic trees or shrubs widely distributed over the temperate and tropical portions of the globe.Camphora. opifera) and Isle of France Cinnamon {O. the products of this varied family one only is really edible. — The fresh. young twigs gathered before the buds have burst in the spring. Gleim. now falling into disuse Santa Fe Cinnamon {^N. leaves. and the rest of the alcohol added. before the leaves appear. exaltatd) a Brazilian discutient {O. . The economical use of this shrub has given it many of its vulgar names. they affording a pleasant antipyretic and aromatic drink (Porcher) and the berries as before mentioned. one being oil. its . Experimental Botanico-chemical essay on J. chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. it and allow it After stirring the whole stand for eight days in a dark. Among all ticuni) . and berries have been used in decoction to produce diaphoresis and act as a febrifuge they were considered also as tonic. . . Sassafras [Sassafi^as officinale. Two Native Species of Laurus. into a well-stoppered vial. a tasteless resin. its of this plant* active principle. tannin. . . .. cool place. and berries.. resulting in the separation of a volatile oil. the pulp mixed thoroughly with it. The oil of the berries was often used as an embrocation in neuralgic and rheumatic pains. together with other unimportant and general plant Its medicinal properties. cymboruni) the Brazilian Pichurim bean (tV.— Three analyses have been made to determine an essential constituents. Californica). puc/nify) and the Sassafras nuts of the London markets {N. cinnamyl compound. sulphate of Berberia. There are now no preparations in use officinally except the Homoeopathic . in all probability. fa. the other a substitution product of benzene. 145-2 Lmirus Sassafras) and Sweet bay {^Laurus fragrance and beauty. rodiai. . parts by weight of alcohol are taken. Brockenbrough. The color tincture separated from the by transmitted light. . In domestic practice the bark. piuhury mittor). stimulant.lens) dapJine yields: Jamaica sweetwood (6>. bark. During the war of the Rebellion the people of northern South Carolina used the leaves as a substitute for tea. The genus OreoCanary Island Til [O. P- M. The genus Nectandra affords the much-vaunted substitute for Ouinia. . filtration and a has a light-brown slight acid reaction. viz. "An American Journal of Pharmacy. cupulans) a native species much used by the Californian Indians in cephalalgia. so well known among the laity on account of its aromatic buds. Jun. blossoms It in March or April. so celebrated by poets for . the : West Indian Avocado Pear [Persea gratissima) — History and Habitat. tincture. inhabits low marsh spots upon the banks of streams from Canada southward to Florida. above mass by an aromatic odor and taste. lie in the oils. nobi/is). and anthelmintic. cinnamonoides) Orinoko Sassafras [N." 1S04. 1875. a product of N. The spice-bush. * A. M. Jones. antiperiodic. are Then two one-sixth part of pour well. 1873. During the war of the Revolution the Americans used the powdered berries as a substitute for allspice (Barton). and destined to become one of our valuable remedies (O. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. PART USED AND PREPARATION. Pistil. A A 5.^45-3 Description of Plate 145. N. (3-5 enlarged.) May 3d. 2. 6. . Pollen X 380.. stamen of the outer row. flower in section. in leaf. 3. Y. Flowering branch from Binghamton. 1S84. End of branch 4. . . Linn.( pinxt. DiRCA PALUSTRIS .del.adnat. . Stamens usually twice as many as the lobes of the calyx.). plant. is Daphne. . SWAMP WOOD. ovoid. . petaloid. and the sweet-scented spurge laurel [Daphne Indica. (GBR. oval-obovate or ovate-lanceolate. rarely terminal. ..SVST. and the Cape of Good Hope. SEX.) BOIS DE PLOMB. from which spring the flowers. lateral. This small family consists of shrubs having an acrid. SYN. THONG BARK. They are mostly indigenous to northern India. South America. LINN. Litm. NAMES. The economical history of this order is nevertheless interesting. Dirke . leaves. Calyx petaloid. — ThymeleacesB.— Dl RCA. funnel-form limb Stamens 8.t LBDERHOLZ. and shoots of the season. .rarely 5-lobed. LEATHERWOOD. largely-branching shrub. from 3 —This tough and fibrous yellowish. Inflor- flowering season floivers pendent. exserted. WICOPY. bark remarkably made up of 3 or 4 large. zvood white. Flowers perfect.— OCTANDRI. from the varied uses of the species. LINN. Leaves alternate. attains a height of Stcjn erect to 6 feet. oval. more than twice filaments long and slender. The family fur. i -seeded drupe. ORD. mucronate. sometimes persistent.* LINN. honey-yellow. buds . N. . free from the ovary limb 4. upon the edge of a disk that encircles the calyx-tube at its point of inand furnished with alternate. inserted flation. AMERICAN MEZBRBON. (FR. COM. the name of a Thebian fountain. . . deciduous. of which we use mezereon (Daphne mezereum. villous when young and smooth when eseencc terminal those not become so by ternate clusters. subulate appendages at their insertion Ovary ovoid style lateral. The only genus of this family that is of special interest to us. on account of its flexibility. Linn. . seed suspended. small. principally on account of their tough bark. truncate.i. .\ MONOGYNIA.-THYMELEACE^. terminal at the old. ROPE BARK. cren^te or nearly 4-toothed. anatropous embryo large albumen thin or wanting. Ovary i -celled style single. reddish. albutnen papyraceous. — LEATHERWOOD. Fruit a baccate.) A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH INNER BARK OF DIRCA PALUSTRIS. probably on account of the habitat of the t Lead wood.). imbricate in aestivation. dark hairy scales. Calyx regular. . Fruit a cluster of three. Leaves entire stipules wanting. branchlcts jointed . MOOSEWOOD. baccate drupes . the length of the stamens stigma capitate. alternately longer. 146 GENUS. besides the one under consideration. filiform. young shoots the extension of the slightly sweet-scented. preceding the leaves. soft and brittle . DIRCA PALUSTRIS.— DIRCA PALUSTRIS. Description. : * Ai()<. . tough and fibrous bark. short petioled. seeds large . and the is poured into a well- alcohol are taken. Spooner's proving of the drugf substandates the above. the only reference to its use Is that of the Indians as a masticatory for aching. carried this application farther. and a neutral reaction. to the American aborigines. pp. a pulp for manufacture Into paper i^Dais Madagascariensis). and an edible nut {hiocarpus cdnlis) in the South Sea Islands.146-2 nishes a yellow dye for woolens [Passcriiia tinctoria). This body is analysis of this plant. Ency. Pure Mat. soluble in alcohol Acrid principle. Bigelow and as far as I They found decoction. has a clear. growing In swampy or springy woods from Canada to Georgia.. The medical history of this drug is slight. Dr. f Allen. p. and that the bark causes vesication who have . said to be similar in {Lagctia lintcayia).— Dr. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. and an apparently fully retained the tincture pre- In pared as above. Perkins notes a case of poisoning with the fruit which vertigo. The bark when chewed produces ptyalism. — The only attempt at an am able to determine. After careful mixture the whole stoppered bottle and allowed to stand eight days The tincture. in nausea. In general the fresh bark to the skin acts as a painful vesicant. PART USED AND PREPARATION. a lace-like material for ropes in the West Indies Madagascar {Gnidia daphnoidcs). insensibility. A that the acridity of the fresh bark and determined the presence bitter reslnoid. Med. ish. retains the peculiar odor of the bark. thongs. . has a sourish then burning taste. added. is that of Dr. vol. — History and Habitat. generally deleterious. It flowers with the maples in April. burning in the fauces and stomach. from the above mass by filtration. and antidote to poisons [Heniatidia sonord). PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.* * Bigelow. and sometimes paresis of the tongue. his pupil. the pulp thoroughly rest of the alcohol Then two in a dark. 161-7. and dilatation of the pupils occurred. iv. and when applied in this latter is an exception. Locke observes that the powdered root other observers. before the appearance of The fibrous bark afforded material for ropes. causes emesis and catharsis. east of the Alleghany Mountains. separated is parts by weight of mixed with one-sixth part of it. and leads us to the conclusion that DIrca acts as an Irritant to the to heal.^ vol. Medically It furnishes a Javanese purgative {Dais octandnd). Locke. an Indian purgative. Med. 157. cool place. stupor. ii. cordage. and the leaves. a Cayenne laxative {Hcrnandia Guiancnsis). depilatory. carious teeth. as the fruits of the thymeleacese are Is possessed of a caustic acridity. The Leatherwood is indigenous to North America. find that sores follow that are difficult Dr. green- orange-brown color by transmitted light. and taste to the chestnut . Bot. distillate or of: . baskets. — The fresh inner bark of the twigs 'chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. was not retained In a Dr. Bract. Y. It the preparation of the tinc- 20. 7. Seed- in leaf and fruit. deplored that the unripe fruits are not included in ture. flower cluster (enlarged). 1880. Section of seed (enlarged). 2. Half of flower (enlarged). . Ithaca. 4. the gastro-intestinal tract and bladder. farther provings with a tincture thus prepared to our Description of Plate 146. 5. Branch 6. Flowering branch.i46-3 mucous membranes of nerves. April A 3. N. as well as to the This proves the drug to be quite similar to mezereum. is to be would add a valuable remedy store.. . fJel.adnat.147. pinxt. (ElU. Euphorbia HYPERiciFOUA. . caruncle none. dentate. serrate. large and white or . tropical plants North America by 18 genera. attains a growth of from 8 to ascending or erect. NAMES. . Euphorbia. —This inconspicuous annual herb. and consisting of a single stamen jointed on a pedicel-like filament anthers with globular cells soon.ST. each 2-cleft . however. —This genus consists of herbs or shrubs with a milky juice. EUPHORBIA HYPERICIFOLIA COMMOX SPURGE. — LARGE SPOTTED SPURGE. and tuberculated . COM. ORD -EUPHORBIACE^. sterile little flowers numerous. and generally having large thick glands at its sinuses. each from the axil of a bract. SEX. seeds blackish. fertile floivers solitary. protruded ovary with no calyx . jihysician 6. Peduncles terminal. wrinkled.X. or slighdy cordate at the base. Juba. Flozcers monoecious. angled pod . 171 species..) JOHANNESKRAUT- A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE PLANT EUPHORBIA HYPERICIFOLIA. 1 8 inches. resembling a calyx or corolla.iuritani. Jioiocrs Ovary 3-celled. smooth or with scattered hairs. often umbellate-clustered. and 15 * Euphorljus. terminal numerous. Description. acute. the floral usually verticillate. 3-celled stigmas of 3 carpels. varieties. . and short-petioled stipules cymes pedimcles longer Involnci-al appendages 4. valves. Fruit a glabrous. a long stipe. lining the base of the involucre. Inflorescence in loose. ovate. Leaves alternate. divergently branching and forking. upon styles 3. 4. each of which splits elastically into and closely invested in a membraneous axil.i. N. BLACK OR MILK PARSLEY OR PURSLANE. included in a 5-lobed involucre.SV. and consisting of a 3-lobed. . obtusely- -seeded. SYN.INN.V TRICVXI. sometimes falcate.-EUPHORBIA HYPERICIFOLIA. than the petioles small and red.— EUPHORBIA. 147 GENUS. —This vast family of mostly 2 t ) Fruit a compound capsule Seeds often caruncled. Euphorbiaceae. glands with or without petaloid margins .* I.— DODECANDRI. in the centre of the involucre. Stefii oblique. king of M. LINN. triangular. obtusely 4-angled. Leaves ovate-oblong or linear-oblong. each cell i . (GER. is and represented is in characterized . SPOTTED EYBBRIGHT. or in a few cases opposite or scattered. BLATTRIGE WOLFSMILCH. LINN. leafy. . H. usually 3-celled ovules usually single. .). sometimes two. Berg. Jloiuers monoecious or dioecious. The root and leaves of the Indian and South American Phyllanthus Niriiri. the following will prove of special interest: The Oriental Kamela {Mallotus philippensis.147-2 and mostly poisonous juice. or Copalchi. K. Linn.^ C. stipules present. Linn. Petals mostly wanting. elastically axial oily. Linn.. Mull. the British Petty Spurge [E. straight. Lam. sometimes achlamydeous. Inflorescence various . urens). and the bark of C. in Brazil . Linn. Roxb. Schl. K.. the Cypress Spurge of England. in C Brazil in syphilis balsam that greatly resembles Copaiva. acrid. and C. in this we have provings work. Linn. Seeds anatropous embryo . rcsinifera. are said to yield a used . urinaria. Linn.. Linn.. are derived from this genus. lacciferum. Willd. the Brazilian Stinging Physic Nut the European (y. Cicca disticha. suberosum. Among the numerous other plants of the order used in general practice. . a decoction of the leaves and seeds is said by Martins to be con. a product of the seeds of the India and Ceylon Croton Tiglium. Bennett rilla. . Calyx 3-several cleft or wanting. . the juice of the Brazilian the Cuban Physic Nut [yatropha Curcas.: this albumen . . H. . hibiscifalius. Croton Psetido.). virosus. Stamens one or many... one of the finest kinds Dragon's blood. Pavana. and C C.) the West Indian Manzanillo {Hippomanes Manzinella. Linn. cyparissias. . and Castor Oil. other plants of the and persistent axis. purgatives. Fruit generally a 3-lobed as the cells of the ovary. the Spanish Casca- . . are considered deobstruent and diuretic. E. Linn. the Indian P. origani- . . Mexican Cascarilla. B.) . .. H. of the same country.) Euphorbium. powerfully toxic. K. campestris. carpels separating elastically from . of New Andalusia several other cathartics. B. B. of sixteen Indian Cupameni [Acalypha Indica. Roxb. is is the bark of used as a producer Croton Oil. Schl. Heil. Linn. Croton Oil. Beside the of five species treated The order.) .. the expressed oil of the seeds of Eicinus co^nmunis. Hura E. while P. . . Leaves commonly simple . viz. Braziltensis. shrubs. VVilld. the English Spurge {Euphorbia amygdaloides. of Peru. often with scaly or gland-like appendages. pardicipes. hanging from the summit of each cell stigas follows: Herbs. this substance is also obtained from the New Granadian C. Peplus. the . sanguifoliiis. .. the root of the Brazilian .. a purple dye procured from the Mediterranean acrid and corrosive drastic Croton tinctorium. sidered a specific cure for diabetes a powerful diuretic cate The fish. Cassada. distinct or monadelphous anthers 2-celled.vus sempervirens Linn. Linn. considered to be the most poisonous plant known Dog's Mercury {Mercurialis perennis.China.. spinosa. Linn. . the resinous exudation of the North African JatropJia manihot.). Linn. is derived from the Mexican C Draco. and is supposed to be the original Tilly-seed.. are prominent antisyphiliticum. seed-coat of the Indian Cluytia collina. St. Gaertn. the bark of Croton Eleuteria. more properly. the Indian C. folius is and C. Turnsole is is is is used is also to intoxi- claimed to be astringent and vermifugal. Hamilt. of which the Ceylon and C. and Emblica officinalis. or trees.) European and Asiatic Box {Bu. under the shade of which men are said to die. with milky. Assacu. or. mas as capsule many into splitting fleshy many or twice as and two valves. Ovary free. of of . a purgative noted as a tsenicide the Indian sudorific and cathartic. Willd. .. cholera infantum. Euphorbium nerei/o/ia. and dysentery Rafinesque adds to this that the plant is also purgative.) yields ness in tive. .) is used in venereal complaints. diuretic. of the Canary . Linn. the Indian E. Poit. is Linn. Cmiariensis. Tirucalli. Although we have found this order so highly active and so many of its species still it produces one of the finest of all edible veritably toxic. to act much like Gum claimed to be alexiteric.. purgative. Linn.. of like action the Indian E.. the European E. used also. The Guayanian Hovca Guiajiensis. . as an antisyphilitic is a violent and dangerous cathartic. The that sailors wood. Retz. The Indian E." a {Anda Gomesii. is . Vahl. is said . while . directly it is is said to cure wounds of the cornea applied.. linearis. E. Lour. small doses.. and the West-Indian Jew-bush {Pedilanthus tithymaloides... who were sent ashore in Amboyna to cut mad from pain produced when the juice of and that some cases of blindness resulted. Linn. cultivated grounds... sometimes became furiously this plant spattered in their eyes. emetic and cathartic. Willd. E... glandulifera. is said to be sudorific. It grows generally throughout the country in dry fields. to oil be used by the Hindoos as an escharotic to remove films from the eye and the ot the seeds of y.. falcata.. Roxb. is anthelmintic.147-3 The seeds of the Tropical AiiK^rican yatropha multifida. The roots of the Indian Traga invohicrata. where it flowers from July to September. and recommended its use in menorrhagia. tliymifolia.. History and Habitat. yields an emetic and purgative gum. a juice that is exceedingly posionous is a few days after application to the eyes Another plant. Linn. and E. Cochin-China Comniia Cochinchiiioisis. The flowers of the East Indian Cahiriis spiciflorus. and in lieu of Ipecacuanha. Linn. 5". the juice of the Brazilian E. be used by the Ethiopians as an arrow-poison Islands. valuable in syphilis and ulcerations of the cornea. are an excellent emetic and purgative the juice of the Indian J. and E. Aubl. diarrhcca. is in said by \'irey to E. the : Cape E. heptagona. de J. causing erysipelatous inflammation.. it is crepi- said to produce blind- the seeds are a dangerous purga- the Indian Exccpcaria Ayallocha.. nuts— the Tropical American OtnpJialea triandria. — The Common Spurge is indigenous to North America. Gerardiaua. Linn. are said to The seeds of be. A. The genus Euphorbia. tans. Linn. Peplis. Zollickoffer. Linn. esida. ligtdai'ia.. Linn.) act as a very powerful but safe purgative... .. Linn. poisonous while that of . Linn. Roxb. Willd. form being found in the West Indian Islands. many of its species being dangerous. the type of this order. The juice of the Ganges Sapiuvi Indicum. and on hillsides. Lacq. its exhalations The Tropical American Sandbox [Hura action. . is one of the largest purgative genera known. is highly specific in diarrhoea. the Brazilian Aiic/a-agti acupariiun. is used as an application in rheumatism. is a dangerous poison. and all more or less active. especially the seeds. its typical who spoke of it as astringent and slightly narcotic. Linn. are said by Ainslie to be used by the Hindoo doctors to remove old syphilitic cachexias. leucorrhoea. glauca. Linn. iribuioides. furnishes Demerara and Surinam Caoutchouc. and E. amenorrhoea. This species was probably first introduced in medicine by Dr. similar in Rumphius says of which really its venomous.. Linn. Martius claims that the plant is . cool place. 6. Fruit. . the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it. pounded to a pulp . languor and and constipation. stipuiti-. therefore. Sept. and petick leaf. portion of the stem. showing 4. A Binghamton. . 6tii. Ipecac7ianh(s. True. and heat. try are probably much alike in all analysis of this species has been made constituents of the Euphorbias of this coun- species. experienced the following effects: Headache with drowsiness . Description of Plate 147. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 1885. Jour. showing obliquity. fruit. 1. lachrymation. page 149-2. (S-7 enlarged. and slightly bitter taste and an acid reaction. N.. upon momentary blindness It is . . it is poured into a well-stoppered bottle. — Dr.147-4 PART USED AND PREPARATION. and the rest of the alcohol added. . this we have experienced twice while gathering the plant. fruit. which they act as acrid poisons. refer to E. method of branching. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. — The whole fresh plant is chopped and and weighed. M(ii. A A 5. Horizontal section of 7. astringent. Portion of a branch in 2. falcate leaf. 1S75. Y. 3. After having stirred the whole well. supposed that this species causes the affection in horses called " slabbers. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Seed. — No The that identified a special principle." The Euphorbias in general are severe irritants of mucous membranes.=^- who took a half-pint of an infusion of one-half an ounce of the dried herb in a pint of water. and. and frontal fulness oppression of the stomach the eyes causes severe irritation. heat about the eyes. 260.) Ec. The juice applied to with smarting and burning. The tincture.. has a deep orange-red color by transmitted light a sweetish vinous odor an acrid. separated from this mass by filtration. ei pinxi EUPH6RBIA COROLLATA. ^E9I .Y^-adnatdel. Linn. . TLMCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF EUPHORBIA COROLLATA. equal at the base. PLUK. BOWMAN'S ROOT. smooth above. LINN. FLOWERING SPURGE. at length protruding Ovary stalked. entire.*^ SEX. 147. hypericifolia. each cell iStigmas 6. Fruit a smooth 3-carpelled. surmounted by twin anthers with globular cells. l. BLOOMING SPURGE.l'H LINN. Style 3-branched. There are always as many leaves and one-quarter to one-half inch wide. 6-valved pod. .) . Peduncles generally Stipules none. ashen. NAMES. LARGE FLOWERED SPURGE. sending up a number of simple rounded stems glabrous or sometimes sparingly hairy.ORD-EUPHORBIACE^. alternate with the lacinia. from one-half to two inches long. (FR. COM. slightly hairy beneath. obtuse.SVST. MILCH. 2 to 4 of the umbelliferae.-EUPHORBIA COROLLATA. flowering spurge being used as * Euphorbus (physician to King Juba). Seeds thick. the false lobes branches Involucres solitary.. Fertile flowers its corolla-like trios. flowers numerous.\. or in pairs Filaments stalk-like. SYN. Sterile many stamens successively developing singly. with a nearly even described under E. of the pedicels opposite. a who is a favorite medicine purgative . 3-celled.. forming a compound umbel-like bi-sexual many. petal-like minute. ovate-lanceolate or linear. ' 148 GENUS— EUPHORBIA. and cut their inflorescence. narrow. —This erect perennial herb attains a growth of from member appearing to an observer at a distance to be a LINN. inflorescence as there are peduncles or pedicels.-FLOWERING SPURGE. WILD HIPPO. . 3-lobed. pedicels and showy. Description. The and branching.) EUPHORBE A GARNDES PLEURS GROSSBLUTHIGE WOLFS- (GER. inflexed. TITHYMALUS MARINUS. action among as such . and whorled only at the base of the infloresroot large is cence all . lanceolate one to each umbellet. a pair to each branch of the style. to the aborigines of is — The America. sessile or nearly so. obovate. WILD IPECAC. its introduced Euphorbia. involucre. Leaves ascending. EUPHORBIA COROLLATA. and situated at their bases. those of the stem alternate. INDIAN PHYSIC.. WANDERING MILKWEED. SNAKB'S-MILK. 5. false. The natural order History and Habitat. surface. N. all (floral) numerous. the true lobes into 2 deep. each with 5 beyond seeded.— MONtECIA MoNADEl. feet. their or sometimes fewer. in Eclectic practice use is made of the powdered bark of the root. 1879. Allen. vol. 4. — The fresh root gathered in the fall.. E. 3. The tincture is then separated by decanting. no distinct and specific analysis having been made. 244- Description of Plate 148. Pistil (enlarged). Thus prepared it has a clear. hypericifolia. 2. for so far only the generic qualities have been determined. then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken and the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it and the rest of the alcohol added. PART USED AND PREPARATION. p. — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. the specific physiological action of E.. cool place. by Dr. distinguishing odor. Elmira. 147. N. no is mawkish taste. S. straining and filtering. corollata is so far little investigated. — la. blossoming from June to September. After having stirred the whole well. Sterile flower (enlarged). and a decided acid reaction. The minute effects can best be determined by consulting the provings contained in the Encyclopjedia of Materia Medica. causing vesication soon after its The plant grows rather sparsely in dry meadows and application to the skin. principal habitat east.148-2 The milky juice that flows freely fully warranting the favor it has received. for the chemistry of this plant. . leaving a sensation of fuzziness upon the tongue. (1882). Y. 5. Fruit (enlarged). open woods in Canada and central United States. T. Whole plant from the banks of the Chemung River. its July 19. pour it into a well-stoppered bottle and allow it to stand eight days in a dark. corollata has been dismissed from the U. — At the present we can do no better than to refer to E. Stamen (enlarged). from the wounded plant is an active irritant. a sweetish or CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. The action of the Euphorbias generically will be found under 147. light-yellow color by transmitted light. Ph. I. in doses of from 4 to 30 grains. iv. chopped and pounded into a pulp and weighed. F. EUPH6RBIA IPECACUANH.etpinxt.Linn .149 natdel.C. . amounts used. McKeen at an active emetic. 147.— EUPHORBIA. erect gently forking throughout oblong grows tufted. from 6 to a height of subcylindrical.^ first .) BRBCHWOLPSMILCH. Description. GENUS. P. 2 L. SYST. i. Veg. . The dose of the powdered root is from 10 to his instigation. C. glabrous. NAMES. own experiments and Dr. that the species 20 grains for it more its is emetic action. The Ipecac Spurge is indigenous to the low sandy of the Atlantic seaboard from Florida to Mississippi. glands 5.— EUPHORBIA IPECACUANHA. Barton considered it equal if not superior to imported Ipecacuanha. Barton. 149 LINN. or more frequently diffusely spreading. sparsely pitted with description of Euphorbia impressed dots and Euphorbiaceae under E. exappendiculate. Nutt. Puihn.) BUPHORBB VOMITIVE. stetns very short petioled. which also at times proves cathartic.. (GER. 117. LINN. Med.. EUPHORBIA IPECACUANHyE. but injurious to the nervous system. AMEBICA jY ipecac. R. entire.) (Rosaceoe.) The American . obtuse. but the experiments with it in practice were those of Prof. and northward to Long This very singular and extremely amorphous plant represents Island. to 1 many from —This the same . 217.«. CAROLINA HIPPO. color. shrub-like perennial Root long. Bot. Fruit a long pedicelled.— AMERICAN IPECAC. white. GilUnia stipulacea. (Rosace. Read caruncle none. Moen. though the first mention of its emetic properties is that by Dr. trifoliata. the hypericifolia. IPECACUANHA SPURGE. varying to narrowly-lanceolate. diver- root. Bigelow observes.\. thus making active than Ipecacuanha in proportion to the * A name also applied to t Also applied to Gitienia X J Am. obtusely angled.— DODEC. Shoepf adds nothing to what was already known nor does Prof Barton in his Collections. and varying from obovatein color from Inflorescence on long peduncles arising from the shining green to brilliant red. safe when prudently administered.! CAROLINA IPECAC. The emetic property of this root was well known to the Aborigines.-VNDRIA TKIGVXIA. SE. J. SYN.^. N." so greatly does it vary in in itself form. all . COM. seven and " Rafinesquian species. ORD -EUPHORBIACE^. leaf. and wanting in the mildness that characterizes officinal Ipecacuanha. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH ROOT OF EUPHORBIA IPECACUANH. — soils History and Habitat. inflorescence. perpendicular. Med. nearly smooth pod seeds ovate.* WILD IPECAC. Mat. somewhat reniform. Hewson and Dr. (FR. branching leaves opposite. W. 3. inches.. . Prof. invohccres 4 to 5 lobed . forks thick.§ from his those of Dr. lobes ovoid . Disk and 7. often followed by prostration and cold . and.. without a doubt identical with the bodies under which names them. — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Flowering stems. June 8th. evaporating. by analysis separated caoutchouc. N. a slightly-colored solution of permanganate of potash. 1885. —The under E. crystals boiled less. Bot. coloring-matter fresh root. \ Bigelow. was and capable of neutralizing soluble in water and alcohol. portion of the root.J Description of Plate 149. The two bodies resulting as above were too small in quantity for experimen- tation in this analysis. Bigelow's and mucus. Stamen. separated from this precipitate. light it starch. at 241° (116. Euphorbia acts as an irritant to the mucous membranes throughout the alimentary tract. | Buchheim. digesting the menstruum. in ether. 3. melting the Euphorbon of Fliickiger. diaphoretic or emetic. A J. PART USED AND PREPARATION.* made reaction. in were obtained. obtained as above. Cullen adds. loc. dissolving in alcohol containing caustic potash.1° C. a On brown body was precipitated (Euphorbic acid). Flower and involucre. and neutralizing the residue with dilute acetic acid. very —This alcohol.149-2 Ipecac acts as a hydragogue. 4. of this species has seems to contain. Euphorbon. — By evaporating the tincture to an extractive mass. to which Mr. bitter. . and amorphous.. fruit. according to the size of the dose. as given by experiments upon Gum They are have described Euphorbium from Euphorbia resinifera. not only by its presence.. Landisville. . I and 2. sweat. these recrystallized frequently. I Berg. hypericifolia.— No taste. Styles 5. QgH^O. as I had but of the root in little my possession. and 6. (3-6 enlarged. Med. clear.) * Fliickiijer. slightly soluble in and chloroform. resulted as taste- colorless. and evapo- rating spontaneously. stigmas. Dr. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. resin.) . but after vomiting once commenced is associated with the powder taken is all evacuated when the vomiting ceases.f slightly acrid.. readily soluble in ether. an acrid light. and treated as directed lemon-yellow color by and an acid analysis yet resulted in the separation of the glucoside analysis. yields a tincture transmitted having a a sweetish odor. dimness of vision. flashes of heat and thirst purging commences and lasts some time. brown body. imperfect crystals. slightly alkaline solutions. benzol answering to the tests for Euphorbic Acid. cit. Am. expectorant. vertigo. insoluble in water. InatdeI. Euphorbia Lathyris. Linn.eipinxt. . . Niccensis (not before reported in this country) it still grows there.SV. . Filaniental peduncles hairy abortive shmnens ligulate. attains a growth of from Leaves entire. Y. N.ORD-EUPHORBIACE/E. Fniit a large. & GAR. it grows. linear. Frank suggested* its employment in ascites. LINN. especially in New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania. hairy at the base. TITHYMALUS LATHYRIS. obtuse.. * your. stout. TREE. and somewhat cor- htvoiucral lobes deeply cleft into two pointed divisions . Three years ago we discovered in X'estal. The nativity of the Caper Spurge is doubtful it is. long pointed.— ]">I>KC. CAPER SPURGE. — History and Habitat. 273. KL.. WHOLE PLANT EUPHORBIA LATHYRIS. xi. CAPER SPURGE.) PURGIENKORNER.. of the plants that . and is one Charlemagne ordered grown in every garden in France. and blossoms from July to September. have run wild in many places. Injlorescenee umbelli- leaves ovate. then forking date at the base MOLE PLANT OR . EUPHORBIA LATHYRIS. N. probably indigenous to Eastern Europe and Great Britian.-GARDBN SPURGE. pale. . 3-carpelled capsule. red in the sulci when immature. and later by Bally. A TINCTURE OF THE Description. GENUS. The Caper Spurge is the Catapntia minor of old pharmacopoeias. Calderini. NAMES. The laity in England are said to use one capsule to cause catharsis. t I'l'H- Join: P/uir. SYN. in doses of from six to eight drops. hysMr.-EUPHORBIA LATHYRIS. brought to this country as garden-plants on account of their use as purges and their peculiar foliage. lNi. and the women. sterile places. Stigmas recurved.ST. 2-horned . where it grows in dry. LINN. and is spreading luxuriantly as if thoroughly satisfied with its new home. thick. — E U P H O R B A I SEX. 124. opposite. Iiorns : carpels obtusely 3-angled . form . 1S33. . however. Several of the European Spurges. Scattergoodf tells us that the manufacturer of the oil teralgia.\XI)RIA . de Phar. and Hourishes finely wherever . 2 to 3 feet. cyparissias has escaped in many places in Broome County. tive in this country.M( 150 . seeds carunculate.. and tccnia. uiiibc/s 4-rayed. lunate. E. decussate or strongly sessile. (GER. as a cathartic he was followed by Gounaud. N. COM. —This glabrous annual or biennial plant Stan erect.. glaiids orange colored. two large patches of the Mediterranean E.VXlA.)C.or oblong-lanceolate. The oil of the seeds was probably first used by several to produce abortion. It is adven. and cylindrical. black throughout when ripe. Y. 7. 257 : Jacob. N. A. intestinal canal. I. including vomiting and diarrhoea ness. from Allen. Caraven- like pallor of the Cachin statef that emesis always precedes purgation. including heat and copious sweat. it The the preceding species. A portion of the inflorescence in flower and fruit. Z. . vary much with the more active from seeds produced activity of the oil when is is reaction. de Phar. 10. 27th. pickling of the capsules as a substitute for capers in them necessary at hourly intervals. however. J. and that the seeds have an irritating action upon the mucous membrane of the They the larger intestines. principally in divide the effects into three stages . 526-7. 435 t Rep. Phar. act as a pleasant cathartic drops invariably six to twelve in his and root has been found to produce emesis for ish. is by transmitted a sweetish then bitter- analysis has yet been made of this species The seeds are said to yield about 44 per cent. the cold stage. 3. yellowish. — The treated as light England was due to mistaking Capparis spinosa. A 9. 1845 ! Pl'-^r. 1861. Inner view of same. p. Ency. the inflorescence. 8.* followed by heat and perspiration. Sterile floret. in A. 5. Fruit. : a. Maisch. 7. dilated pupils death- following Brilliant. Rafinesque states that the catharsis. Mat. E. country than from those of England or France. from near a garden. countenance.. the /i. — No of a clear. whole body cold and rigid. copious. pp. Med. . MM. irregular pulse. Summit of stem at the base of Involucre and contents. Sc. — The of a number of the seeds : symptoms occur after ingestion wide-open eyes. If own experiments doses of from produced nausea and vomiting. resulting tincture has an odor somewhat resembling spoiled oysters nauseous taste and an acid . . the stage of excitation.150-2 at Crosswick. claim that the use of the one. Longitudinal 13. staring. Sept. The bark of the but says that . 1881. The that deposits a crystalline mass on standing. 1885. repeated J. 6. vertigo. 2. A 12. claimed small doses.. half bistre a passable is in fruit. Med. fruit in this manner is intentional. stamen. Horizontal section of a seed. Sudour and A. other authors. .. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. 4. Jour. and in some cases bloody. stools frequent. 72. that isolated an active principle. J. carpel. 1882. including nervous- stage of reaction. the true caper. . violent purgation. retching and vomiting. heavy being far seems oil. Under 11. H. and delirium . Abortive stamen. . it and PART USED AND PREPARATION... Jan.. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. in that the substitution whole plant. Outer view of an involucral lobe. y. surface of a capsule separated from the axis. Am. locality in to in this which the plant grows. * Bennewitz. Description of Plate 150.section of a seed. InatdeI.Linr . STILLI'NGIA SYLVATICA.etpinxt. . LINN.f as an alterative in syphilis. arranged about the spike for nearly its Sterile floioers whole extent. Leaves alternate. —This herbaceous perennial grows to a height of from Stems clustered. QUEEJTS BELIGIJT. N.. setaceous. — Stillingia is indigenous to the United States. calyx 3-lobed style thick.— QUEEN'S DELIGHT.) STILLINGIE. flowering from April to September. carunculate. grows in light. TORREY.— STILLINGIA.— MONCECr. Porcher says: J "This plant exudes a milky juice. adnate and extrorse. in medicine. acute bract. with root cylindraceous. SAPIUM SYLVATICUM. from ovate and obovate. it had been used in the South. upright. and umbellately branched feet. A TINCTURE OF THE ROOT OF STILLINGIA SYLVATICA. . and acute at the tip margin crenate-serrulate. by the laity.D. For many years before its introduction.* GARDEN. stamens greatly exserted 2.\. 2-valved. . attached for nearly half their length below. i simple. sandy and dry soil. crowded. It was also used as an expectorant in pulmonary disorders. COM. extensively creeping. NAMES. GBR. Symons.V MONADEI. 3. cathartic. composed of 3 i -celled. thick. Rec..— STILLINGIA SYLVATICA.PHI. . STILLINGIA. with a 2-cleft margin. ter- flmocrs destitute of petals or disk-glands. from East Virginia southward to Florida. T. Y. Inflorescence a dense. the divisions imbricated in the bud . QUEEN'S ROOT. indeed it was and is still considered. 312. and alterative an absolute specific in syphilis. * In honor of Benjamin Stillingfleet. articulated . -seeded. . by Dr. i to 3 juice milky . monoecious spike in dense clusters of each cluster . SEX. stipules minute. ORD -EUPHORBIACE^. . YAW-ROOT. Dr. membranaceous.. entirely superseding the use of mercury. in Southern States. below.. seeds globose. situated at the base of the spike in the axils of bracts similar to those of the sterile flowers diverging. LINN. very pungent . the axil of a deltoid. glabrous. filame7its filiform. 1828. (FR. carpels. J Resources Southern Fitld and Forest. M. anthers ctqcI. roughish. Fertile floioers few. and laterally in enclosed by two peculiar scutellate glands attached to the rachis by their centres calyx cup-shaped. stigmas Fruit a roundish. COCKUPHAT. :2i . and westward to Louisiana and Texas. Description. 2-lobed. to oblong and lanceolate. SVST. MARCORY. . as an emetic. 151 GENUS. SYN. 5 to 10. Med. all thick and fleshy. varying in form. where it History and Habitat. almost sessile. a gland each serrature in minal. scarious-margined. . and ligneous. \ Am. roughish capsule. a purgative in hepatic troubles an alterative in scrofulosis and was said to greatly add to the usefulness of sarsaparilla. 386. gathered after the roots. to some extent great abundance from the bruised surface. as shown by Harmanson and Bichy. (South CaroHna) as an alterative used We diet drinks. that I have examined. for which. It is in scrofula. Jour. . 151-2 and flowing to the taste.— 5'/'///m^/. is it Dose. the Eclectic Materia in . ing disturbances and stinging in — Stillingia. claimed to be this but appeared like a resinous oily mixture. Iris \ Page 139-2. On adding it to water a resin was precipitated. Syrnpus . in chronic hepatic affections.-\ Syrjipus Stillingice Co7nposiius. causes the followDepression of spirits vertigo burning.. smarting. The root also contains gum. and has an acid reaction. boil to ounces several times a day. Extraciiim Stillingics Fluidum . very as follows : " little.* Pilulce Phytolaccce Stillingics Tinctiira Stillifigics . Sambucus Flowers. and coloring-matter. Dose. entirely volatilizing by heat. and in the composition of are informed by a physician residing in this State that he has in lis.—Harman son II procured (1882) the sulphate of an alkaloid. the mouth.iSSs. a diluted alcohol a pint. quite astringent. fauces. Alcohol dissolved all but the particles mentioned."^ Oil of Stillingia. is known of the body. recommended Extractum : StillingicB Liniinenlum SUllingice Compositmn . § it The resulting tincture is has a brilliant crimson color. Bichy describes it powder. however. treated syphilis successfully with properties. — The fruiting season. Corydalis . water one tincture by those it living in the coun- with the root two ounces. in syphi- cutaneous diseases. does contain both a fixed and a volatile oil.. The preparation in the U. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Chimaphila Leaves. believed to be possessed of valuable is and greater attention should be paid A easily obtained. try. whose sulphate exists as fine scale-like crystals. Phar. \ Am. starch. P/iar. and stomach nausea and vomiting diarrhoea in the system : * Page 99-2. root one ounce. II Am. and contained brownish particles insoluble in water and alcohol./<?. PART USED AND PREPARATION.\ layers. Coriander Seeds. was certainly not a pure oil. and the odor of the root it was of a deep brown color. An amorphous however. S. acrid.." it might have been. The root. A decoction drachm. after special isolation. as the active properties of the plant It is said that a drop of the oil of the deteriorate in aged roots or preparations. —The only product body. it had a burning.. one or The use of the drug in the North has pints . plant placed upon the tongue. Ph. 1882. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. . fluid and one-quarter to made is made is of the bruised one pint. . in thin retains the odor and taste of the root. has proved successful in severe two fluid not been as successful as croup. . in in this State where It it. Root. is fresh root. Jour. \ Stillingia Root. Root. and astringent taste. nearly opaque It is treated as all Euphorbiaceous by transmitted light. slightly bitter. I Page 147-2. Composite^ . in generous doses. and Xan- ihoxylum Berries. . 530. Bichy (1885) proposed the above name. four times a day. officinal from the root is Exti-achmi Stillingics Fluidiim Medica the following preparations are AlcohoHcum. Seeds. I. fruits 2ist. and dysenteric stools short. Augiustine. 4 and 5.x. St. . 3. from which most of the ripe Aug. bilious urine attended with burning along the urethra . 7.d51-3 attended with colic and burning tenesmus. 2. have Leaf-forms. 9. A fruiting caly. (6-12 enlarged. 18S6. . 6. Horizontal section of and 12. Fruit. End of a fruiting bram li. . dry. Fla. Description of Plate 151. ..) fallen. S. hacking. A portion of the A male flower. followed by a general herpetic eruption: languor: sleepiness: perspiration: and a general feeling of malaise. II male inflorescence. irregular pulse aching and sharp pains of a rheumatoid character in the arms and legs burning itching of the skin. fruit. increased and spasmodic cough: weak. 10. . del. ad pinxt.151. ixV i\ ^m.Linn . CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS. . Ovary i -celled. at the base often entire.— CELTIS. SPACH. COM. rugose. persistent in the female.). Stamens. pointed at the end and divided into four equal. however. bark very rough and corky. fertile or polygamous flowers racemosely arranged at the leafy end of the shoot. stigmas 2. with a longitudinal dehiscence. portions by as many prominent ribs. Leaves petiolate. sterile flowers grouped in twos and threes along the lower and leafless portion of the young shoots. 152 ORD. being in fact merely two lobes of the style divergently spreading and stigmatose upon the inner (now upper) surface. Urticaceae.— HACKBERRY TREE. Trunk very straight. 5. L. (FR. GENUS. SVST. margin sharply.) Lote (C. inserted at the base of the calyx lobes. (GER. Calyx 5-6 parted. or less ovate-lanceolate. Linn. C. NAMES. caducous. smooth and scabrous above.. circumvallating ridge. ovate or ovate-lanceolate. anthers large.— PdLYGAMIA MONCECIA. versatile and introrse. under Leguminosse. reticulated. as many as the lobes of the calyx and opposite them. two-celled. somewhat racemose along the upper shoots of the season. 4-62.* LINN.) SUCRE BATE.) ZUCKERBBERE. peduncles about twice the length of the petioles. supposed to have been the . cordate. wood soft. SUGARBERRY. Artocarpeie and Cannabinese. —This large family.N. ^'j'z^/^ anatropous . now including the Ulmaceee.— CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS. consists of trees furnished with a milky juice. sagittate. Infiorescence moncEciously polygamous. Jilaments curved inward and downward. downy pubescent beneath. almost completely enclosing edible. AUDIBERTIANA. divided into two equal parts by a prominent. Flozoers appearing with the leaves and before they are developed. about the size of a cherry-stone.-ULMACE/E. AMERICAN NETTLE TREE. base oblique or sometimes Description. stipules. exocarp coriaceous. Nutlet spherical. sweet and about the same appearance and size as a wild cherry. CELTIS. globular drupe. the fruit of the (See. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH INNER BARK OF CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS.WOOD. acute. lobes more the peduncles in the axils. and shrubs and herbs * The ancient Greek food of the Lotophagi. about 8 or 10 inches in diameter. p. Fruit a dark purple. BEAVER. australis. and plentifully or sparingly serrate. sessile or nearly so. LINN. SYN. HACKBERRY. especially toward the tip. — This medium-sized tree grows to a height of 30 to 50 feet. name for the Lotus-berry. ORD -URTICACE^. of the gelatinous albumen. easily detached. SEX. embryo curved. yields a bark that is a powerful tonic. i -celled.. diaphoretic. stipules many Calyx regular. Fustic is . a product of Linn. alba. of this highly esteemed in when all countries as a laxative dessert scribed formations of pus. Ovary simple. in a great measure. the Mexican D. Miller. or Elm Family. and the Chinese edible fruits. upward. the fruit of Ficus carica. rarely 2-celled. useful in hematuria and menorrhagia. Willd. the Indian India-rubber the South American F. as well as an alexipharmic. Inflorescence spicate. Linn. ishing milk. yield a fine quality of application for aching teeth. caoutchouc. free from the calyx. styles single.a watery juice. the lobes stigmatose.) and and prinoides.) is a well-known is considered by many anti-syphilitic. sub-order.. is also roasted. elastica. or often rendered baccate by the Albumen not always present. Linn. The sub-order Ulmace. and is used in gonorrhoea and dysentery. radula. and nervine. raccmosa. formerly used in epilepsy. furnishes The East Indian in medicine are: other species used us this remedy only. integrifolia. warmer portions furnished either with stings or rigid hairs. Do7'stenia Braziliensis. and the Jack Fruit of A. M. racemose or persistent. many capitate. Cecropia peltata and was once much valued in the treatment of chronic intestinal Musanga cecropioides. and some a nourThe South Sea Island Bread Fruit is a product oi Artocarpus incisa. more or less to the commercial Contrayerva. The Asiatic Fig. Linn. yield extremely virulent juices. a powerful emmenagogue. and the Indian F. yield and anthelmintic. yields several esculent fruits. useful. Indica. and opposite them. radicle pointing persistent and now fleshy calyx.. while their barks are considered cathartic is catarrh. and D. fruit. dceniona. urticle.). or fewer. the bark of the East Indian Linn. inhabiting principally the Stoiis and leaves various. and the Jamaica Bread Nuts are the sarsaparilla. samara. septica is was used by the ancient Egyptians for mummy and toxicaria. polygamous. as of the globe. Linn. the East Indian F. The European Ulmus campcstris. Houstoni.. is is Tree {F. Fridt an achenium. was at one time used as a substitute for and the American Slippery Elm {U.. are all which is supposed The Brazilian Caapeba. emetic. to contribute a gentle stimulant.. and the European Lote Berry Tree (C australis. The astringent and Mulberries. Vahl. and anti-herpetic. none. so aptly named on account of the nourishing milky juice that freely exhudes from the wounded trunk. and cases. amentaceous. used by the Hindoos as a tonic and known as Gum Lac. the American M. is considered to be diuretic as well as an astringent tonic. is a species of Bromisum. Corolla as the calyx lobes. or two-lobed at the apex.152-2 havino.. alicastrum. while many of its members afford highly poisonous juices. dioecious or Stamens definite. U. and fruits of B. Roxb. demulcent. syca- morus is imperishable. including the rubra. The sub-order Artocarpe^ or Bread Fruit Family. flowers monoecious. the wood of the African F. ovules i to each cell. effusa. whose immense growth anti-diabetic. supplanted serpentaria. fulva. elliptica. or Caa-apia.e. anatropous or orthotropous. Levantine Morus Nigra. The South American Cow Tree. as an application to hasten suppuration in small circum- it also yields a gum Banyan Tree {F.. Linn. the bark of which is astringent. caducous or wanting. contrayerva. F. Michx. the Celtis oricntalis.). Linn. and a juice useful as an famous. and has. its effects are said to last a year.). S. United States. the Egyptian U. still it is justly dreaded. Linn. The whole is then to be poured into a well-stoppered bottle. dioica is diuretic and astringent. drug. S. though PART USED AND PREPARATION. as all are not effected by its effluvia. Javanese tree. 339. and the Australian Stinging-Tree (U. is found to be an excellent remedy in dysuria. contains our proven species. ParictajHa officinalis is considered diuretic and anti-arthritic. is useful for the relief of hemorrhoidal tumors. whose sting is said to be as poisonous as the bite of a venomous serpent. will have a deep. — The gathered when the tree fresh inner bark should be chopped and pounded to a pulp.* found it J. the toxic properties of this tree are. and allowed to stand for eight days in a dark. piimila relieves inflammation. Of this order we have provings of The European Stinging Nettle. cool place. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it. the Javanese l\ stitmtlans is also very venomous. Lesch. full parts taste. and is a soothing application to the skin after Rhus poisoning.k. and P. and by weight of alcohol should be taken. Wright. The Timoor U. urcntissa is probably the most virulent. It is It it is indigenous to the Canadas and habits more or less rich but rocky flowers just as the leaves appear often transplanted as a lawn shade. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. the Bengalese U. crcmtlnta. The Brazilian BochniaHa caudata. erysipelas. woods along the borders of streams. nor Then two is in foliage. who are said to have given a decoction of the bark with good effect in syphilis. Our common nettle U. or Hemp Family. Invest. was sufficient for its employment by the laity and Botanies as a " tonic " in success in use was of doubtful occurrence. incmbranacca emmenagogue and aphrodisiac. or Nettle Family. pressing. gigas). The tincture. greatly exaggerated.— Dr. and a strong acid reaction. erecta and diffusa are said to contain more sulphur than any other known plants. This preparation has neither a distinctive odor weighed. the deadly Upas [Aniiai-is toxicana. and the rest of the alcohol added. The only previous use of this species is that credited to the Aborigines. The sub-order Ukiice. Habitat. and in some cases to have been followed by death. its various forms of alimentary and hematic trouble.. History and. in such open situations it in is much shorter in its growth and more umbrageous.. 1879.e. Swartz. and it is claimed that the smooth species U. viz. This decoction being astringent. under which most animals die. contains many plants that are the bark of that terrible more or less toxic stings. . we are brought to tinctoria. Urtica Urens. seal-brown color by transmitted light. and Pilea muscosa. where spring. Med. The sub-order Cannabine. Roxb. in his experiments with this capable of causing a soreness of the muscles on pressure. as far —The hackberry tree south as the Carolinas. furnished with three species. and filtering. of the same country.^52-3 M. without doubt. In concluding this varied sub-order. sharp * U..: " Cannabis sativa and Humulus Lupulus. separated from this mass by decanting. and afterwards of the whole body. Binghamton.Y. 2. the fruiting female flowers alone showing. Anther. I. and sharp stitching pains generally throughout the system. pistil. . 4.) fruit. 1885. (2-5 enlarged. aching in the bones. 5. May 17. showing dehiscence. Seed. A 3. Stamen and calyx lobe. Section of 6. End of flowering branch. End 7. N. A 8.. with turgid blood-vessels. swelling of the face. polygamous flower. Description of Plate 152. of branch in fruit.d52-4 pains through the lungs. Linn. . 5 4 (^m. ad nat del et pinxt.153. URTIcA URENS . . a practice of whipping paralyzed limbs. flowers . STIXGIJVG JVETTLE. lanceolate. androgynous. to bring out the eruption . embryo i straight. racemose nished with a few scattered stings and more or less blunt teeth . Inflorescence in loose. in damp. capitate. SYN. (GBR. and and vital portal congestion. many The most ancient use of the Netde is flagellation or urtication.) LINN. dasc truncate or . etc. flattened. and proved itself very beneficial in menorrhagic. NAMES. (FR. and thus beneficial. where it flowers in July and August. SEX. This practice extended also to a stimulation of impotent organs. margin deeply serrate. and post-partum hemorrhage.. albnnien present. HUDS. ovate. URTICA URENS. filaments transversely wrinkled and inflexed bud. GENUS.) L'ORTIE. 5-nerved..). and in pairs . drooping. 2 in each axil. erect. epistaxic. — URTICA. to bring the muscles into action.— MONCECIA TETRANDRIA. hematemesis. ovule erect. 4-angled and branching. COM.— URTICA URENS. gout. cally and jaundice. scurvy.— STINGING NETTLE. DIOICA.-URTICE/E.-URTICACE^. to burn. 153 Thbe. * Latin. and hematuria. ORD.* TOURN. (NOT LINN. N. axial . general cerebral bring the blood to the surface and thus relieve the more matous ful fevers. bark tough and fibrous. and furDescription.. in branaceous and enclosing the akenium stigma sessile. mem- penicillate straight. SYST. to organs for various affections . axillary. in exanthe- where a power- rubefacient w-as considered necessary. Their decoction was found to be diuretic. This European immigrant has established itself in History and Habitat places eastward and southward near the coast. U. in urinary calculus. the two outer small . LINN. dropsy. petiolate. in the Fertile flowers and spreading. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE PLANT URTICA URENS. Fruit a : sepals fruit 4. waste grounds. . BRENN-NESSEL. stamens 4. orthotropous. DWARF NETTLE. Stem erect. and to bring into action dormant energies. elHptical or ovate. stings sparse but very virulent. ovary -celled . inserted around the rudimentary pistil. distinct. both topi- internally. grows to a height of from i to 2 feet. — This stinging annual. It was also resorted to in apoplexy. spreading. with long. Leaves opposite. spikes. The Nettle was afterward found to be styptic and anti-hemorrhagic. spreading elastically when the flower opens. the two inner concave. sometimes slightly cordate stipules. reflexed. uro. Sterile floivers : sepals 4. shining akene . * shows well the action of this drug. it in many Fisher. filled with serum and looking like sudamina. After a while all the upper parts of the body. . as well as of carbonic dioxide. and here and there bluish swellings. When This volatile acid [Bombyx processionea). was affected with extremely distressing. turpentine. salted. the effect of Nettle stinging differs considerably from that of Formic Acid. and ears were swollen. Z. — The following case of poisoning. a very acid taste. in corpulence. There was no other remarkable disturbance. ceous taste. as large as hen's eggs. on account of these the skin assumed a peculiar wrinkled appearance. not inferior to hemp for the manufacture of cloth. Ency. developed and became confluent. is a colorless liquid.. Med. Mat. Acad. the lids completely closed. H^CO. forming transparent. A large number of small transparent blisters. nose. Fiarcl. On the third day the face became free. found in a free state bags of the red in the stings . The patient complained neither of headache. down to the navel." on their appearance in spring. widely distributed. an odor resembling chocolate an astringent herba. nets. this acid (33. shoulders. water and alcohol. rather than inflamed. in the form of shining plates. Paris.). and chest. by distilling red ants. pungent odor. and an acid reaction. solidifying at and boiling at 100° (212° F. and violent itching. and ropes. numbness.). will probably be found in the species. arms.\llen. but the chest and arms remained affected with an eruption. nose. de Med.— /^(. and in Russia and Siberia. The skin of the face. It sesses a sour. burning heat. . either of circulation or respiration. A. scrofulosis. and the lids swollen and cedematous. paper. something like acetic acid. A strong decoction of the plant. as are also its salts.153-2 The seeds were given and were goitre. x. The upper lip. S. whole fresh plant is treated as in The resulting tincture has a deep brown 152-3). said to entirely disappear in a fortnight. The lips. pure. The young shoots are considered excellent " greens. H. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. nor of sensitiveness of the stomach and abdomen. — The the preceding drug (page color by transmitted light .. the hairs of a species of caterpillar pine needles.8° F. PART USED AND PREPARATION..-w/V Add.. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. and the product to prove devoid of any unpleasant taste. in Formic Acid was first obtained by since which time it has been proven quite plants. and corrosive to the skin that It is freely soluble in both As its is also found in the poison- is ant. pale and oedematous.. with formication. in its nature. 49. and both ears were frightfully swollen. which itched so violently that the patient fuls of a hot infusion of * Dr. the stalks afford a tough fiber. glandular enlargements and and hypnotic while verrucae under daily application of the juice. is said to coagulate milk very quickly. were also considered anthelmintic . by two cuptwo ounces of the herb. so that they could scarcely be opened. alkaloidal savors of ammonia. and as the distillate of the plant another principle. were frightfully swollen. 8i. The look of the patient was monstrous. and Samuel of this species blisters are +1° posis so very like those resulting from burns. J enlarged. not a single drop was secreted for eight days.) . Female 5. and in spite of all diuretics During the and other remedies. 7. which exuded a large who had had no children. (2. and had nursed none of her excessive swellings of the breasts. Salem. a very copious secretion of milk lasted for eight at first suppressed. July 8th. Male 3. flower. I Top of a flowering plant. secretion of urine was disappeared. with cal)^x. Fruit. Description of Plate 153. had at first serum.. Mass. On the sixth day everything days. Sting. with desquamation. 6. Seed. half. Stamen. afterwards perfect milk The amount of serum. flower. 1885.i53-3 scratched off the bhsters. The woman. 2. whole illness there was a constant distressing itching. which discharged at first children for three years and a . 4. . INSERT FOLDOUT HERE . . last year in a farm-house yard near Binghamton. usually grows from 3 to 10 feet at the base. COM. 2-celled. Inopposite. . . flowers i-bracted and sessile. 5-veined. . from /Cannabis . . (GER.) HANP.* TOURN. * It westward is supposed whence it has spread.ORD -URTICACE^. The the plant globe. derived from the Arabian name of the plant ganeb. striate. LAM. reflexed-spreading. bud the compound racemes. —This roughish annual. inner bark tough and fibrous. . not inflexed anthers large. protruding far beyond the perianth. calyx of a single. 154 Tribe. enwrapped by the persistent sepal pericarp membranaceous. sta- filaments short. V. embryo simply curved albumen slight. Stem high. indehiscent. HEMP. .— DICECIA TENTANDRIA. drooping. attenuate at both . CANNABIS INDICA. GENUS. the . by pressure into two valves. oblong and 5. Frnit a glandular achenium. spiked below. erect. .-INDIAN HEMP. probably. coarsely and sharply ends finely scabrous. and veiny. ligneous upper alternate leaflets 3-5-7. LINN.-CANNABIS SATIVA. . hairy. — CANNABIS. Leaves digitately-compound. SEX. pendulous. linear-lanceolate. smooth. elongated. grew sexes. to all an Oriental name of unknown meaning. nearly equal. the lower Description. hirsute sepal. . at Union. and scabrous stipules linear. Seed ovoid. acute at the apex ovary i -celled style not evident ovule single. opposite the segments of the calyx 5. period. SYN. but easily separable leafy clusters. N. slender. and dark-green above. t A thrifty female plant. orthotropous stigmas 2. . N.) CHANVRB. roughish. .f blossoming in July and August. History and Habitat. simple or sparingly branched. Sterile flowers in axillary florescence dioecious. in waste places and cultivated grounds. fully seven feet. . and several of both . of ancient cultivation — —This native of the temperate portions of Asia—a plant grows readily in this country. or panicles downy Fertile flowers in axillary. erect. LINN. (FR. oleaginous. NAMBS. enlarging and cordate at the base. nine feet high. pale and downy beneath petioles long. It thrives well. . however. SYST. acute. tall.-CANNABINE/E. brown. in its travels have reached Italy during temperate regions of the does not seem to have been known to the ancient Egyptians as having Roman Kai/i-apif. where the cleanings of bird cages have found their way. CANNABIS. sepals me7is in nearly separate. A TINCTURE OF THE TOPS OF AMERICAN -GROWN CANNABIS SATIVA. and not unpleasant odor is very adhesive. Subjee. and undeveloped seed. Each separate mass exhales a small portion of the stemlet upon which it grew. "the assuager of grief. in the form of a cata- Paulus ^gineta says the seeds are carminative and desiccative. that which contains to the fullest extent the grows at altitudes of 6000 feet and over. female flowers. (3. flowering tops. and exhales to a high degree the odor peculiar to the plant. aprons scraped to are the Arabian names gather the product. cries of exultation. I'hese consists of the dried flowering tops ." "Exciter of Desire. Royle considers it the Nepenthes of Homer." "Leaf of Delusion.d54-2 Herodotus terms the plant KdwaStg >7." The true Indian Hemp. and is the narcotic ingredient of the confection called Majiin. stating that it. /. when at a temperature of 65° F. it is of so dark a green color as to appear jet black. or Sidhee. y. the plant is known by names which trans- mean. its solution having a brilliant green color. When placed upon the tongue no taste is at first noticed on account of its very slow solubility in the natural secretions of the mouth." and "Cementer of Friendship. In India. but medically the variation is wide. consisting of the natural resin of the tops and leaves." "Laughter Mover. It is this form that reaches the American markets through London. It is certainly admissible here to mention the products of the more active form which. a. but after a few moments the taste is a counterpart of the odor.. These plants differ in nowise botanically from those that grow at lower levels. peculiar. and composed of small floral leaves. and to discuss tumors. has a strongly narcotic. This form is used for smoking. H. and fully soluble in alcohol. or Churrus. of New York. and when the solution reaches the base of the tongue an agreeable bitter is notable." given by Helen to Telemachus in honor of Menelaus she is said to have received the plant from an Egyptian narcotic properties. cohering by the natural resin contained. and only runs when held a long time at a sharp angle. is thick. narcotic properties of the herb. which.ufpo$. This extract was formerly used for our tincture. cipally in the . Bhang..ishisch. which consists of the dried leaves broken into coarse powder with which are intermixed a few seeds. prinHimalayas above Calcutta. woman plasm Dioscorides recommends the herb of Thebes. which excited from those enjoying it." lated " Increaser of Pleasure. of the dried. Ganja. Cliaras. for hemp. Iiidica should be made. It consists. This Gunja yields an excellent extract. mixed with bits of the plant and much dirt. and afterward the hands and . used for a fume bath. The product Hashish. compressed into small. or Hashash. e. Dr. wearing a leathern apron to which the resin adheres in the mean time the plant tops are rubbed with their hands. The seeds were also thrown upon red-hot stones. and in Thibet. so obtained. and their perfumed vapor. we will retain as Catmabis Indira. according to a fine specimen kindly given us by Shifflein & Co. for inflammations. for convenience. or in England Guaza. insoluble in water. and the juice of the fresh plant useful for pain and obstructions of the ears. "Grass of Fakirs. This form is usually procured by natives who pass among the plants. The principal commercial form of the Indian plant is called Giinjah. ovoid masses. and from which our tincture of C.. Other forms of the plant sold in India and Arabia are. the Thracians made a kind of cloth of . however. the various diseases where it proves effectual in the arts for mi. struck their hearts with terror. can-grown plants. the two states of the plant is readily understood by the above compari- son. As activity of the power of the drug lies mostly in the resin of the plant. Indian Growth at 6000 Feet. notice- able. and cloths. almost colorless oil. deand melancholia may be. that makes a fine burning-fluid. . those that grow in the lower plants whose narcotic powers are least marked This product is made into ropes and coarse altitudes producing the best article. Ten drops in two drachms of water quickly show the difference in the amount of resin. ^. and from that our word This textile is produced principally by those assassin is derived. the tops of American-grown plants. drug is used wherever an anodyne. Domestic Growth. Ph.xercise only a few per diem are usually allowed them. Appearance. if at all. . is opaque has an herbaceous odor a The sweetish mucoid taste. In general practice the spasmodic is are hardly mentionable. A slight greenish tinge only is noticeable . in bulk. In this tincture the peculiar pungent and heavy narcotic odor of Gunja is In this the odor is plainly distinguishable. after straining and filtering. Americana. as the benefit is each disease should be individualized. almost always homoeopathic. this while gives a completely opaque. faintly. Hemp. Surgical tetanus. two tinctures of this plant may be compared as follows : Cannabis Sativa. are officinal in The plant is mentioned in the Eclectic Dispensatory. S. simple as it is. or antijudged necessary. the two solutions nearly correspond. i. gonorrhoea. egg-producing when fed to birds. The seeds of this plant are considered fattening. linclure. Hemp Seed. deep opaque brown. murderous attacks upon the Crusaders. of their weight of a limpid. PART USED AND PREPARATION. . Deep opaque greenish-brown. Cannabis Americana. gathered before the dans. but no prepathe U. Tincture. therefore. the narcotic « Page 152-3. by .* The tincture. —The fresh flowering tops of the Ameri- both male and female. This tincture shows only slight opalescence. e. heavy. Cage-birds are particularly fond of them. The seeds yield about 25 per cent. .154-3 Tlie famous heretical sect of Mohammefruits are formed. Twenty drops in a drachm of alcohol give an orange-brown color by transmitted light. are treated as directed under Celtis. J/iJica. dysuria. mentioned as the diseases in which our lirium. hypnotic. followed by slight bitterness and an acid reaction. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bladder and urethra. and is used and as a varnish.xing colors. but on account of their limited chances for e. h. dirty cream-colored mass. derived their name Hashashin from the drug. leucorrhoea. e. Old School brothers usually get the most decided effects from this drug. ration is given. who. Oil of Hemp Seed. Other unessential bodies have been determined. Bolas and Francis^ obtained from this body Oxycaniiabin. and to cause. leaving no ash. Personne claims that the activity of this body is due to the volatile oil. 1857. 1857. Pharmacographia. two-thirds of a grain proving decidedly narcotic. Smith. separating the oil * into Am. extracted from Gunja. It is claimed. II Jour. i?'- 2 Clietit. X . 28.8° F. Matthew Hay reports an alkaloid. Bolig obtained this oil from the fresh tops of the Arabian plant. T. which resulted in large.f and considered much purer than Gastinel's Hashascin. but as principle of the Indian plant. 48.. they claim that it is unlike nicotia. as the Cannabin of the Smiths Waddle amount of well to glance at the chemistry of Grmja.Cannabin. solid resin. Q. 1SS5. News. as it stands at this date. 574.§ Oil of Cannabis. —This yellow oil. to none of which the activity of the drug can be assigned. to the characteristics claimed for find the resinoid great uncertainty concerning the active princi- ple of this drug. which he calls Tetano. Jour. 1S85. and. followed by prostration and sometimes syncope. rate without decomposition. 77. Phar. QgH^^.^^^. to it answer. though Siebold and Bradbury found a volatile alkaloid {Cannabimne). 264. from Pliar. at the hands by them. far. and from which Bombelon obtained a body he terms Cannabinum . and Cannabine Hydride. but in their hands it proves inert. and Trans. Fliickiger failed to obtain this resin of Charas.: : P54-4 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. and further stated that it contained oxygen. to be very potent.). which he combines with tannin and Camiabin Tannin. by Messrs. Worden and the nicotia-like alkaloid of Preobraschersky. de Phar. pale it to Personne. inadmissible.. Canstatt's Jahres. though they have not tested its action Merck isolated a glucoside.— As has not been analyzed.* This is about upon animals. 1871.. Personne succeeded in two hydrocarbons: Cannabi7ie. 549. and H. from These solution in methylic alcohol. and considers as a secondary principle. and one grain causing complete intoxication.^.. this tannin compound often proves inert. This body.. and having a tetanic action upon frogs. in those who inhaled its effluvium.|| who claimed volatile. therefore. which the following digest will farther explain — Cannabin. 1847. forming in acicular crystals. by its discoverers. it may be it There far as I can determine. rendering his claim. so of other chemists. results as a brown. neutral prisms. calls the condition of the chemistry of this drug to-day . the latter being a solid composed of platy crystals. which burns with a bright flame. amorphous. and is soluble in alcohol and ether.^^. t Phar. and desire for locomotion. C^H^j. Jour. shuddering. Jour. was discovered in the tops be the active principle of the plant. but his method of extracting the body was sufficient to render it inert. the American plant at least contains a small is fails. its and evapobody from purified crystals melt at 176° (348. and found its effects to be similar to those claimed for it by by Personne. 4. Embryo. 12. flower. 18. (2 and 4-22 enlarged. July 26th. Male flower-bud. 7. Styles.. . 6. . Stamens. Knorre. oppression of the chest. slight inflammation of the meatus urinarius. Schreter. and the infusion :* Depression and absent-mindedness confuearache toothache drysion. and lips loss of appetite nausea. 17. 154-5 — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. ei seq. . vertigo. 9.) * Allen. portion of female inflorescence. and diminished urine. weakness of the limbs itching of the skin and dreaminess during sleep. Longitudinal section TT • .. and Lembke with the tincture. A 2. 19. as far as possible. 14. of a seed. Drawn from plants growing at Union. 18S6. Carefully excluding. N. Female flower. and congestion. collated from the experiments of Drs. . in doses of from 5 to 70 drops. 15. . and vomiting after coffee. 10. Calyx of female 1 1 Ovarj. 13. J 492. Section of ovary. 2. . 21. followed by cephalalgia ness of the mouth. sexual excitement without desire. 5. ] . . 3. Description of Plate 154.• • . . Seed. Wibmer. throat. and palpitation of the heart. Female flowers. VVirk. 20. 16. A portion of male inflorescence. Fruit. Y. 8.. Sterile flower. Ency. . the following will give some idea of the action of the herb of low altitudes. Horizontal section 22. symptoms that may have arisen from the Indian product. 1. . HUMULUS LUPULUS.etpinxt.TU. . (h.155. Linn.adnatdel. . stipules at first erect. LUPULUS. * Frjm humus. each 2-flowered I . sharply pointed. H. — HUM ULUS. blos- . — History and Habitat. NUTT. testa thin . like . the adjacent confluent at their bases. except its most northern country. the slender. foliaceous. t Anglo-Saxon. smooth. in alluvial soils. damp.ORD -URTICACE^. and top-shaped grains (Lupulin). SVST. oblong. e?nb?'yo coiled in a flat spiral.f SYN. -celled. . —This rough. twining perennial. . and very rough. much longer than the ovarj'. (FR. • (GER. . from whence it extends eastward through Central Asia to the Altai Mountains.) A TINCTURK OF THE STROBILES OF HUMULUS LUPULUS.. hoppati. HOP. and branching . Leaves longer than the petioles. oblong. LINN. styles 2. the upper neither lobed nor cleft. invested with a large scalaceous the true fruits and calices sprinkled with yellow. Seeds solitary.-COMMON HOP. SEX. obtuse. solarly voluble. Fruit (!) a membranaceous. stamens 5. all coarsely serrate. NORTHERN VINE. then ones of each opposite pair calyx of a single sepal embracing the ovary . 155 ORD. calyx (the enlarged bractlet) resinous. S. sessile catkins.— DICECIA PEXTANDKIA. N. pendulous. smoothish. filanients very short anthers erect. solitary. Flotvers dioecious. and and imbricated. to climb. more. achenium. HOPFEN. GENUS. pendulous. the lower palmately 3. thick. acute. Fertile Jlozccis in short axillary bracts ovate. almost prickly roughness most resistant from the periphery inward reflexed. sepals 5. AMERICANUS. or true fruit. and fruiting in September. ovary ovoid. very hairy. globular.) HOUBLON. where soming in July. and is indigenous throughout Europe. ovate. interpetiolar. NAMES. In North America it is without doubt indigenous northward and westw^ard. The Hop is found wild. persistent. downward. Description. linear. seed-like. divaricate. Sterile floivers in lax. ovules solitary. and cordate. late. subglobular. axillary panicles. it grows the habitat being alluvial soils.-CANNABINE^. LINN.—HUMULUS LUPULUS. grows to a height of 20 feet or Roots/aik 5-lobed. and apicuopening by two terminal slits. cone-like catkin or strobile.* LINN. consisting of the whole female inflorescence now enlarged and scale- opposite the sepals . stems several from the same root. mosriy opposite. COM. III. stomachic. Lupulite. W. than of our thirst. : : PART USED AND PREPARATION. though they were indigenous Islands at that time. The use of the bleached hop caused an edict to be issued by Henry VIII that in his household no hops nor brimstone must be put into the ale. infusion.^ Cj^H. as described under Celtis. tonic. In the Eclectic Materia Medica the preparations are Extractum Luptilini . The use of Hops in brewing is to add a whole- was introduced brewing Hops — dates from about the middle of the eighth century." The medical use sedative properties During the of hops was at now George promote sleep .f and afterward more or less purified by Lermer. febrifuge. 311. as well as Lupulin. resulting tincture has a clear orange color by transmitted light of the strobiles to a high degree . in speaking ing. but proved itself in illness of of opiates to pal use . after naming the product as Ives. the second. its use . retains the The odor very bitter. during the reign of Henry VIII. diuretic. but they bitterness. 155-2 The cultivation of undoubtedly began ture until to the British some Central Europe in — where England from Flanders into in 1 young shoots are culture. a pillow filled with this practice is many ways. object of economic growth their were not used in 1530. Liipnlinurn .^. Humulin. this is the principal and eaten often cooked of asparagus. antilithic. brilliant. rhombic prisms. the preparations are Tinctui'a Huvmli . and Olcoresina Lupidini. is . A. proved that most.J who called it Bitter Acid of Hops. stomachic. The princi- as a fomentation in painful swellings and suppurations. often of valerianic acid.. . found who in the strobile — is prin- brought into notice and who. et de Phys. this of the hop as used " to season" the drinke to keepe the body in ale. Extractum Liipulini Fluidiim . and has an acid reaction. This body was first determined by Payen. but also to have the same influence internal use in tincture. The /.. be not only a nerve sedative. in 1 787. Lupulina. t Ann. odorless. The use cipally the due of Lupulin to the economy in — c.— Z7^/////V Acid. the virtues of the first hop lay in this product. Iiijusuni Huimdi Tinctura Lupulini . S. page 152-3. Hops in lieu In keep- become brown and acquire an unpleasant odor from the formation is removed by bleaching them with sulphuric oxide. though their and powder.. is confined to their tonic. and first the latter was often doubted. strobiles are officinal in the U.— The like all fresh ripe strobiles are treated the drugs of this order. Hops are said to upon the heart's action. " rather make it a physical an ordinary drinke for the quenching says that they health. the grains naturally bulk attainable by above. and isolated it as large. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. although the its Their cul- 524. de C/iim. hops was used instead held to the present day. * Lupulin. and were once an article of hucksterage for that purpose. and Unguentiim Hiuiiuli. antirheumatic.. 1822. the first under the name Humulus. Gerarde. Phar. as well as to preserve the resulting product. as an alterative. if not all. and anthelmintic is quite extensive. experiments of Dr. 1867. it parts with one molecule of water. and hydrates Etti. F.0 a greenish. ** obtained from the Phar.. p. Jour. in 1879. hop by Griessmayer.O^. which —This It after- body. officinalis.* On water.). from P/iar. and Am. || — Acid. soluble in alcohol exposure to air it in part. Jour. CjHjiN.. Jour.. 727. amorphous substance which a red in . Phlubaphine. F.. on heating the mass at 130° (266° F. bitter. melting at 92°-93° (197. to the air.1| C. having the odor of Conia. \\ These.§ the Trimethylamine.] . Bigelow appear^ to prove that there Lupulin. Phar.Hj. and Jotir. ibid. this name is not appropriate. —This into Valerianic Acid. has a density of at 210° (410° F.or reddish-brown body. as Dr.). readily precipitates gelatine. according to the ripeness 1826-8. It 0. Fluck. found.H^-O. C. and having a bitter. 1008. uble view he was corroborated l)y and purity of the product on this in Bungener. neutral. nitrogen base of methyl was discovered boils at resembling that of herring brine. was determined by M^huff Am. is no tannin . before quoted..** Oil of Humulus. Jour. Jour. body..i. and oxidizes like the [Lupuline. Pharmaeographia. 1874. acid taste. Choline.3° which in (+ 48. Griessmayer. and chloroform. 1S84. 354-7. and is transposed as follows: Humulo-Tannic mass. and develops valerianol (C. This body forms in a whitish amorphous water and alcohol. unless some other portion of the hop dusts into this product. News. water and sol- turns yellow -\- 9. soluble — in — Hiimulo-Tamiic This pJilobapliine results Water. * t X II PHar.. 1884. Socy.. Polyt. Tran.6°-! 99. from Phar. — This principle..g + strobiles.4° in and describes the body as follows: Hop This "acid aldehyde" results Bitter Acid. 27. but in oil. I C/iem. distills at resinifies is thin. Monlpelier. claimed as a liquid. Cj„H.\cid. Am. Chem.). account of the potash used in its isolation. —This in beautiful prismatic crystals.). 27. 1885. Am.910. hot tasting. obtained from the roots of I'alcriaua to also exist in Lupulin in the proportion 427 . not F. 1879. found in the bile. met with and yolk of eggs. C-Hj-NO^. disclaims the solubility Etti.. was discovered in the hop by Griessmayer and Harrow. pp. and slightly I25°-I75° (257°-347° when exposed ward passes Cjf. forming valerianic acid oil. but not possessing the power general in tannic acids of precipitating gelatine.155-3 of extremely bitter taste.Hji.however. f Lupulo-Tannic Acid. volatile alkaloid. however. and Han. C. 1878: from Ding. (Wittstein). 149. It —This in brain.^Oj.-|. and is soluble in in alcohol.)..-H.H^jO). 360. Jour. was isolated by Griessmayer J no other analyst seems to have the product. results as of the cones.5° fact it is in has a nauseous odor. soluble in water. " This so-called narcotic alkaloid. brown and amorphous.) * Allen. 2. Horizontal ) ^ . the inhibitory nerves. 27th. I. Med. 3. calyx. A 6. claimed to be extracted from hops by Williamson and Springmuehl. burning pain along the urethra with increased urine respirations deep. Ency. oxidized Lupulic Acid.section of the seed. . with high temperature and profuse perspiration. white and crystallizable — — . Mit. — ["Hopeine. 625. show it to be an irritant to the vaso-motor system and The symptoms were: Vertigo and confusion of the head. . loss of dilation of the pupils cerebral and arterial congestion appetite and vomiting. can the Valerianic Acid body be found.17 per cent. Description of Plate 155. as it was said to be to be a commercial fraud. error. a. f By an v. having a is sour smell of rotten cheese. at all in many nervous narcotic. ) (3-10 enlarged.I to 0.''' doses they cause colic . and rapid decrease of the pulses. female bract. Aug. ^ Vertical 7. if leaf. — Hops troubles. diarrhceic stools with great urging. is proven by Dujardin-Beaumetz The product claimed a high price. though other analysts claim that only in stale and spoiled hops. . 5... End of a fruiting branch. '. 10. and the resinified oil on account of an admixture of that acid. almost stertorous. N. . and boiling at 175° (347° F. Enlarged fruiting bract. Etti determined two resins Resins.155-4 of O. the prickly points 011 the stem were omitted below the fruits in ihe drawing. with calyx removed.). Y. A medium-sized 4. q. and consisted of morphine and some aromatic oil. The following symptoms. /i. a thin oily liquid. of London.] PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. i\ Achenium enveloped in its persistent Achenium. . Male flower. thirst. only obtainable at great expense from American Wild Hops. compiled from various doses of the drug. Binghamton. .. nausea. Female catkin. and are truly sedative though probably not to the heart's action. In large and constipation. Linn.I pinxt. JUGLANS naf. . . . WHITE GRIS. LINN. rounded at the base. . previous year.— JUGLANS CINEREA. . indehiscent endo- inches in diameter name of the walnut. hiflorescence terminal on the branches flowers pointed. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH YOUNG INNER BARK OF JUGLANS CINEREA. hanging in catkins [aments) from the leaf scars of the FetHile floivers : calyx regular.. sharply serrate. long. . .— MONCECIA I'OLY.. Fruit oblong. corolla consisting of 4 m\r\\\Xj& petals in the sinuses of the calyx. somewhat lighter in color and texture than that of the black walnut.376 to .) WALLNUSS. epicarp fleshy.nt t -celled above. . smoothish when young. and the terminal one. about one foot long when mature petioles long. compound. surface of the bract filaments very short and thick . furnished with a short long and i to i^^ abrupt point. SYN. deliquescent bark strongly aromatic and resinous. JUGLANS CINEREA. ih&Jertile ones in a cluster of from 3 to 5.) WALNUT. SYST. 2-celled below. ." LINN. NaImES. 25 to 40 feet.-JUGLANDACE^. 156 GENUS. . . bracted scale. r.A. . . (GER. and of a grayish color zvood brown. and densely fringed with blunt papillae upon their inner surfaces. pointed. COM. . — JUG LANS. fibrous. Leaves alternate. JUGLANS CATHARTICA. horizontal. densely covered with a sticky carp thick. NOYER (FR. coriaceous. ORD. and downy beneath. in from 7 to 10 pairs. densely clammy-pubescent. irregularly suspended from the anthers ovate-oblong. sculptured with deep rough-edged sinuses.N. a contraction from Jovis glans. LINN. 2-celled. Juglans regia . SEX.487. amid the new leaves of the season the sterile many. OIL-NUT. per cubic foot. * The classical inches 2 to 3 when green.. Style very short and comparatively thick stig7nas 2. Description. its specific gravity varies from . JUGLANS OBLONG A. BUTTERJVUT. clammy-pubescent.VNURI. and its weight from 22 to 30 lbs. monoecious. furnished with a terminal and from 3 to under 5 lateral teeth. each oblong-lanceolate. MICHX. Sterile flowers : stameiis projecting from the rachis of the ament in sufficient numbers to cover it throughout its entire length calyx an irregular. . Jupiter's nut. or nearly so. MILL. leaflets opposite. 4-toothed.— BUTTERNUT. — This oblate tree usually attains a height and breadth of from Stem early branching. flat. staincns 8 to 14 or more. and pubescence when dry. bony. odd-pinnate. ). . when half formed. PART USED AND PREPARATION. containing a single orthotropous ovule.). May it. Nutt. maxima.). splitting into 2 valves in germination. season. formis. the hickory or mocker-nut [Carya iomentosa. was used in the South to great e.western shag-bark hickory {^Carya sulcata. flowering from April to May. collected in Then two it is or June. the butternut [yuglajis cinerea. growing in rich woods along river banks. NutL). sarcous. and when ripe an article of History and Habitat. a native of Persia and the Himalaya. the walls become thick and fleshy. Ph. Null. pinnate. . reddish-brown color by in thin layers . S. Lin7i). Eastern. Ovary somewhat more than dense. and cultivated in England and along the Mediterranean. — The butternut is a common tree throughout the Western States. corrugated. and var. . gathered . . . the leaves. Fricit a dry drupe. and ripening its fruit in September. astipulate. forms on boiling a fine sugar equal in its not superior to that of the maple . Middle. and the pecan-nut [Carya olivce. is inner bark of chopped and pounded to a young stems and pulp and weighed. cool place. is taken. rich. with that of the black walnut. The powdered leaves act as a rubefacient and vesicant. as Extractum ytiglandis . in the Eclectic Materia Medica the same preparation is recommended. the .156-2 JUGLANDACE^. Linn. and freedom from worm infestations the fruit. and enclosing a large 4-lobed seed albumen none embryo 2 large.). which. lobed. I -celled. and unripe fruit afford a dye of a chocolate-brown color for woollen goods. and is said to leave none of the constipating effects so frequently following general cathartics in diarrhoea and even dysentery it receives many encomiums from botanic physicians. . Wood hard and Leaves alternate.xtent during the rebellion as a dye for the uniforms of the soldiers. and . the Maderia nut or English walnut {/uglans regia. the pulp thoroughly mixed with oneand the rest of the alcohol added. affording thus a covering {epicarp) for the nut. The inner bark of the root is officinal in the U. regular. — A small family of very useful trees. overlapping the stamens like a hood. *any quantity . Flowers monoecious. After having stirred the whole poured into a well-stoppered bottle and allowed to stand eight days in a parts by weight of alcohol sixth part of well. durability. should be opaque in layers of it should have a deep.). furnished with a bony endocarp.— The roots. and have been used as a substitute for cantharides. oily cotyledons. The wood. dark. The following fruits or nuts of this family are greatly esteemed on account of their rich oily "meats": The black walnut {yuglans nigra. . 3 to 5 single or in a small cluster or spike lobed petals sometimes present the sterile flowers in long catkins calyx bracted and irregular. the shell-bark or shag-bark hickory [Ca7ya alba. Linn. hucksterage if the sap. Nutt. and from the Canadas southward along the mountains. procured by straining and filtering. bark. especially as a mild cathartic it acts thus without colic. The tincture. Nutt. makes a fine pickle. the fertile ones calyx adherent to the ovary. The use of a decoction of the inner bark in medicine has been of some importance. as before mentioned. is valuable on account of its lightness. Male flower (enlarged). CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. of flowering branch. . its exhibition is followed by an exanthematous eruption much resembling the flush of scarlatina. extracted by Merspoken of as an impure resin it probably contains the following principle. Binghamton. Fruit.wA). less soluble in alcohol. brittle needles. S. Juglandin. Stamen (enlarged). rell. Wittstein represents it as forming reddish-yellow. End 4. J glucose. This body. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 8. Tannin. I. to which its action is doubdess due. and with subacetate of lead. June Female flower (enlarged).. 50). with larger leaves removed 2. 6. acrid body. producing irritation and inflammation of the mucous lining of the intestines.— 156-3 transmitted light.-j-§ resin. acts. the extract of butternut. and an exceedingly acid reaction. \ E. is . —Juglandin. Section of ovary (enlarged). and if continued. and subsequent watery evacuations of the bowels. Witherill. Dawson.J and a volatile acid. J S. .f§ fixed oil. 5. \ Thiebaud. glossy. Description of Plate 156. phates of alkalies. Pollen (x 200). » Juglandic add {"Vcixeoi.J§ volatile oil. N. leaf. was first discovered in the green epicarps of Juglans regia. 3. Nucin:* this acid. bitter taste. 2d. as a drastic purge. It lias an astringent. ac- cording to Paine. Y. dissolving copiously in alkalies and ether. It causes also a congestion of the portal circulation. Half-grown 9. Hair of pubescence (x 7. and but Nucin gives a beautiful purple color with the borates and phosslightly in water.§ have also been determined. 1884. . .etpinxt i: tt Carya Alba .ad natdei. Nutt.V ^m. . Description. hardness its when sub- Leaves 3 or 4 compound. situate pendent common much branched to the peduncle arising from the base of the shoot Sterile floivcrs in on a the three ter- the short petiole catkins. SQUAMOSA. oblong-lanceolate. . attains a height of from 30 to 80 feet. cotyledons zorvwgSLittdL. and elastic. somewhat 2-celled above and 4-celled below. and sweet. taper-pointed. Notwithstanding its specific gravity . and a breadth of from from 9 to 20 inches in diameter bark smooth when young. irregularly 2 to 3 parted. scaly. and persistent. minal obovate or obovate-lanceolate. NAMES. . and tipped with a sharp point. ORD -JUGLANDACE^.— CARYA ALBA. tardily deciduous. — This valuable. of the season Fruit a globular or depressed-globose. clinging to its bract. conspicuous. * An ancient name of the walnut. large. rapid-growing tree. 156. jected to moisture.SVST. deliquescent. HICKORY SYN. furnishing the best hickory nuts of the markets. fleshy. or nearly so. 8 or more. COM. the two nearest smaller.— SHAG-BARK OR SHELL-BARK HICKORY. yellow near the bark.. karya. NUTT. very oily and inflammable. cinnamon color internally. PRESSA. what four-sided nut. somesessile.— MONd'XlA l'OL\ ANU1<I. GENUS. in the axis of the large. is dense. /topua. JUGLANS COM. . . Sta7)icns 3 to suspended from the bract-like calyx filaments short and inconspicuous or wanting anthers 4.760. finely serrate. . smooth between the rounded ridges. .* 157 NUTT. NUTT. rich. CARYA SQUAMOSA. JUGLANS JUGLANS ALBA. A TINCTURE OF THE RIPE "MEATS" OF THE NUTS. from to 4 feet long. downy pubescent. but after the twelfth to fifteenth year it exfoliates in strips or wide lamina. and terminal on the growth calyx with a 4-toothed limb petals wanting stigmas 2 to 4. form of a rots easily it in the arts. foot. sessile. white internally. leaf buds . . >:iCHX. Read description of Natural Order under Juglans cinerea. BART. and as firewood 47i/< . producing on combustion a 20 to 50 S/em feet.— C A R Y A. flowers . The bark is brownish-gray externally. . LINN. epicarp thick. papillose. WILLD. splitting into 4 equal valves when dry cndocarp bony. . i Wood great heat. . and fibrous. of the season. appearing with the leaflets 5. .\. Fertile fioivers 2 to 3 or more in a pedunculated cluster or spike amid the young leaves.N. CARYA ALBA. CARYA ALBA. very valuable it per cubic lbs. WHITE HICKORY. calyx naked. and weight trident. KISKYTOM. SEX. tough. . and one-eighth to a quarter inch thick this without injury to the life of the tree. erect. odd-pinnate. . nor the Eclectic Materia Medica. 5. Male flower (enlarged). . Y. On evaporating the tincture under the addition of water I of this plant or until the alcohol entirely at ordinar)' temperatures. No . a light and a heavy The heavy oil separated in oil separated. of flowering branch 2. Section of the ovary (enlarged).157-2 History and Habitat. tincture obtained transmitted light. In medicine I can find no account of its use prior to the provings. Trunk of 9. in a dark. fied at 7° (44. The bark of the hickory affords with copperas an olive. Longitudinal section of the nut. covered with five parts by weight of alcohol. and the " meats " an excellent oil The wood is valuable for the handles of most light and heavy imfor burning. hand-spikes. Carya is not mentioned in the U. — The ripe cotyledons are finely pow- dered. —The States of North America from and along streams. 8. Description of Plate 157. for barrel-hoops. was yielded by farther analysis. 6. June 3d. N. Female flower (enlarged). The by decanting and filtering. 1884. has a light-canary color by an odor and taste of the nut. cool place. and kept for eight days in a tightly-stoppered bottle. and with alum a green. plements. dye for woolens the ash yields a very fine lye. which so far are slight. tree (diminished). and solidi- both retained the peculiar odor and taste of the nut.) specific principle . Ph. and pins. and a neutral reaction.6° F. Pollen (3 views x 200). PART USED AND PREPARATION. — am unable to find record of any analysis its seed. passed off. sail-rings. Nut. It blossoms shag-bark hickory Maine in indigenous to the Atlantic is to the Carolinas. S. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. 7. . both liquid greater quantity. Horizontal section of the nut. 4. I. May and ripens growing its fruit in in rich woods October. End Binghamton. but is useless for any purpose in which it would be subjected to alternate wettings and dryings. 3. Amencana. CASTANEA VESCA.^lU.var. .etpinxt.adnaldel.IV|ichx. . is light and porous. anthers 2-celled. . longer than the calyx.— Mt)NH'. 6-lobed border. a city of Pontus. 5 or more. Infiorescence upon the ends Stipules caducous. .— C A S T A N E A . from 4 to 9 inches long.xillary upon indrical aments. and from 2 to 4 inches wide they are hiflorcsceJice particularly noticeable on account of their straight pinnate veins. cream-colored. smoothish upon The wood combranches thick. AMERICANA. ORD-CUPULIFER^. . of the branches. rarely perfect.-QUERCINE/E. CASTANEA EDULIS. highly esteemed for its timber and edible nuts. a. hartl wood. subcyl- the ends of the branches. Stamens 8 to 20. AMERICANA.* TOURN. a large or more nuts.) KASTANIB. SVST. sterile floivers in catkins (except Fagus) fertile floivers solitary. after the leaves. Involucres in a cluster at the base of Calyx tubular with a bell-shaped the aments. y/OTf^ri. (FR. hard. echinate. N. usually from 2 to 3 closely crowded in an involucre. per cubic foot. Fertile fioxvers few. GAERTN. CASTANEA VESCA. furnished with a scaly or echinate cup or bur forming a receptacle for the nuts: calyx adherent to the ovary. enclosing from flattened by compression. Stamens ovules 6 to 14 stionias awned. filaments slender. COM.-CASTANEA VESCA. The stem is deliquescent. Cupuliferae. —Trees in or i to 3 Fruit. GENUS. the corrugations mercially. and generally firm.) CHATAIGNIER. . noted for ils clle^lmll irtes. ovoid. and weighing but 25 lbs. CHESTJVUT. on account of The its durability it valued principally for fencing. is leaves are petiolate. Calyx generally 6-parted. pinnately veined. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH LEAVES OF CASTANEA VESCA. the border * KdcTi'nvn or KaffSauoia. and contorted. that vary from 3 to and appearing upon naked. oz. equal in mmiber to the cells of the ovary. 4 Description..Cl. SYN.^NDRI. coarsely serrate.moncccious. VAR. growth of from 40 to 80 feet in height. LINN. leaves alternate. Ovary 3 to 6-celled.\ I'OLV. attains a . NAMES. 158 Tribe. thick. VAR. of 404. MICHX. encircling the ovary in the form of a crown. rudimentary. Sterile floiuers in irregularly placed clusters 6 inches in length.-CHESTNUT.. and covered with a thick. having a sp. SEX. . pointed at the tip and acute at the base. 4-valved bur. thickly covered with spines. grouped or spiked.X. oblong-lanceolate. monoecious. MICHX. laterally shapes depending upon the number in die bur. from 2 to 4 feet in diameter. — This forest tree. gr. very irregular. shrubs with white. (GER. corrugated bark. CASTANEA VESCA. he obtained negadve results. the pulp mixed with one-sixth part of and the rest of the alcohol added.— am leaves in decoction have been I unable to find any data upon this. article of rons. an odor like that of the and highh.^ 158-2 forming a in or crown about ring- number its to the calyx lobes or summit. Ph. p. the marmuch esteemed when boiled. called the "elephant. . gathered in to Septem- a pulp and weighed. ros/ra/a). Steltzer (Am. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. He determines the consdtuents to be: tannin 9 per cent gum. and Filbert {Corylus avellana). leaves. vesca. to form a i -seeded nut. ovules anatropous. April. there is a specimen on the Neversink Highlands.. The provings by Dr. and Iron. Seeds mosdy edible. 1S80.— The ber while still green. usually exserted. Binghamton. Castanea to Description 1.— The only analysis of this plant is one of the conducted by L. Jour. Thus pre- color by transmitted light. Beech-nut {Fagus ferruginea). The used for whooping-cough. sarcous cotyledons and a short or retracted radicle. America). and form almost merchandise. flowering in June and July. is claimed . Mg. Ind. Houghton show no pardcular action upon the air-passages. Albumen none. 1880. or less 2- in the fertile flowers." which is said to be fully five hundred years old. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. Index. Chestnut [Castanea vesca and var. The nuts when dry are sweet and whole the hills chestnut tree is some.. filling the whole nut. fruiting in October. straining and is has a deep-brown leaves. to — History and Habitat. fat and extracdve together with salts of K. The remarkable both for its size and longevity. rudimentary stamens often present Ovary generally more one or more in each cell. a soft yellowish resin. measuring 22 feet in diameter two feet from its base. N. are chopped and pounded fresh lea\'es. cool place. New York Harbor. C. albumen. a large variety of C. J.. as Extractum Castancce Fluidum. 292). Slainens of sterile flowers either equal two or three times as many. The tincture pared. especially along and mountains. . filtering. 7-celled. an astringent taste. . A oi- Plaie i5<S. Case's Bot. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. nut. This variety is indigenous to the L'nited . forming an The best chestnuts of France.acid reaction. When assaying for an alkaloid. V. representing the form when two are enclosed in the bur. are common roasted peanut does here. it it is allowed to stand eight days then separated by decanting. here the nuts are largely used as a substitute for wheat flour and potatoes. mentions an individual near .States from southern and middle parts of Maine to Michigan and southwards. The leaves are officinal in the U. embryo formed of two thick. all of the ovules and cells except one aborting. After stirring the whole well and pouring into a well-stoppered botde. have a sedative action upon the nerves of respiration. July 26tli. Chinquapin (Casta?iea piiniila). and 70 feet to the first branch.S. 1882. Hazel-nut {Coiylns Americana. France and north of Italy the harvest is very large.Seymour. as prominent an article of hucksterage as the In the south of PART USED AND PREPARATION. of branch in flower. in a it it dark. Ca. forming among others the following nuts: Sweet-acorn [Quercus alba). Phar. End 2. etpinxt.Willd. /J 2 '.adnatilel.TU.159. . U 3 OSTRYA VlRGlNICA. . Carpinus Americana. . ostreon. each the description of the natural order. Leaves ovate-oblono-. The other American Iron-wood. WOOD. alluding to the peculiar fruit. COM. . a scale. achenious nudet. WILLD. of the white oak. long and ovoid. divided. f Also applied to the hornbeam. Inflorescence dioecious. one on each branch of the fork (a single. a pair and terminating the short shoot of the season involCalyx of the fertile flowers adherent to the ovary. 169 Tnbe. taper-pointed. in a tubular bracdet . — AMERICAN HOP -HORNBEAM.) HOPFBNHAINBUSCHE. CARPINUS OSTRYA-AMERICANA . although furrows are nar- its upon the veins. stigmas 2. Carpinus Americana. MICHX. in —This small forest-tree seldom attains a growth of over 30 feet Bark of the younger trees birch-like.— MONCECIA rOLYANDRI. and downy beneath especially upon the veins margin sharply. doubly or irregularly serrate. once irregularly forked anthers i -celled.-CARPINE/E. their leaves older ones. NAMES. * The classical name. in sterile flozvcrs in drooping. A TINCTURE OF THE HE. SYN. enclosed under each deciduous bract.-CUPULIFER.\RT-WOOD OF OSTRYA VIRGINICA. style short. Read linear. HOP-HORJVBEAM. and flowers in April. (GER.V.^. . and terminatino- the branches of the previous year's growth. IRON-WOOD. plaited . hairy at the apex. OSTRYA.t LEVERf. ORD. rower.O . smooth above. membraneous Friiit an oblono-- involucral sacs. SEX. filaments short.— ST R Y A . need never be confounded with this species. GENUS. iicral sacs brisdy hairy at the base. of the height and a diameter of 8 inches.~ OSTRYA VIRGINICA. The Hop-Hornbeam is indigenous to Eastern North America from Florida northward. Description. OSTRYA. Ovary incompletely 2-celled and 2-ovuled. page 158.* MICHKLI. pinnately-veined. WILED. much resembling that Buds acute. SYST. N. as it is much more like a beech. the flowers appearing with the leaves aments. . 2-celled anther?). from oirrpeoi/. fertile flotocrs in short catkins. li7nb bearded. cylindrical the axil of each bract. strobile-like cluster of several enclosing a smooth. consisting of several stamens . G. its peculiar fruit being fully ripe in Auc>-ust. It is commonly found in rich woods anywhere within its limit. pendulous. Stamens 8 to 10 or more. Michx. MICHX. — History and Habitat. per cubic and of . 2. — The fresh heart-wood. and allowed pow- remain eight days in a well-stoppered bottle in a dark. The wood is very hard. It is very valuable to the farmer as a " binder " for heavy In the manufactories it has often furnished fine cogloads. 3. and diaphoresis. The tincture then separated by filtration should have a clear. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. 5. N. —The heart-wood in powder or decoction causes headache. and for use as levers. Stamen. (2-4 and 6-7 enlarged. 7.159-2 A decoction of the heart-wood of this tree has long been used by the laity as an antiperiodic in intermittent fever. weighing 48 lbs. .779 sp. a peculiar astringent and bitterish taste. nausea. a slightly aromatic odor. is covered with five parts to reaction. loss of appetite. dense and tough. flatulent colic. End of sterile flowering branch. and as a and tonic alterative in scrofulous dyscrasias and dyspepsia. An involucrate scale of fruit.. End of fruiting branch.) May i6th. and an acid der. foot. PART USED AND PREPARATION. Under view of same. general debilitated condition. 1S85. 1 1 oz. Under view of same. in coarse by weight of alcohol. I. brilliant orange-red color by transmitted light. wheels and excellent handles for tools. 6. Superior view of staminate bract. Binghamton. bilious defecation with great tenesmus. 4. cool place. aching extremities. Description of Plate 159. gr. Y. adnat. MYRJCA CeRI'FERA . (tUl.160.del. pinxt. . . indehiscent nut albumeyi none . to flow. . BAYBERRY SYN. subulate. Sterile catkins oblong or cylindrical.— MYRICA CERIFERA. flozcers destitute of calyx or corolla. MYRICA. sharp serratures near the ape. narrowing at the base. dehiscence cotyledons radicle short. usually 4. Sterile catkins with 2 squamous bract filaments sarcous * /fupi^cj. . longer than the bracts filaments somewhat united below anthers large. . 10 stamens in the axil of a anthers 1. bony. . 2-celled. NAMES. from . ovule single. from Description. ciliate. . drupaceous. and one species in Europe. Fertile catkins the sterile ovary furnished with 2 to 4. or with a few wavy or short.ORD -MYRICACE^. having surface that are incrusted with wax. globular. . to perfume.or cuneatecent. erect.— BAYBERRY. styles 2.ARK OF MYRICA CERIFERA. superior. shining or resinous dotted on both sides and pubescent underneath apex obtuse margin entire. does not apply. LINN. under the . ovoid. .. SEX. feet. SVST. both kinds in short scaly aments destitute of both calyx and corolla fertile catkijis in an ovoid or cylindrical head ovary i -celled. hypogynous scales . Miip<j. Inflorescence dicEcious. as the plant myrizo. bracts rhombic. obscurely 3-lobed scales at its base stigmas . . Inflorescence. 160 GENUS. resinous dotted.) ARBRB A SUIF. . to . like. TALLOW SHRUB. filiform.x. (FR. rounded. stamens 2 to 8. Good Hope. situated in the axil of a bract. found in its Fruit numerous scattered groups of small. lanceolate.— DICECIA TETR.— MY RICA. solitary. WAX MYRTLE. India. simple. — A small family of monoecious or both Americas. and surrounded at the base by several .to 4-celled free or partly united Fruit a dry. (GER. LINN. Flowers absent. thread 2. Cape of dioecious shrubs or small trees. and often fragrant stipules present or invohure none. especially at the summit of the plant bratichlets pubesLeaves somewhat preceding the flowers they are oblong. axillary scale-buds of the previous years' \&2iwe?. — This somewliat fragrant shrub attains a growth of from 3 to 8 Branches numerous. longitudinal.* LINN. amentaceous. . WACHSGAGLE. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT B. minute black grains upon Myricacese. myro. usually 3. . The ancient name of the Tamarisk. myrike. . Leaves alternate. COM.) WACHSBUSCH. . CANDLE-BERRY. and furnished with a pair of wedge-shaped naked bractlets. smaller than .\NDRIA. grows near water. N. and naked nutlets. /ivpiitii. orthotropous or dilated and petaloid. in direct proportion to its viridity. Mai. Lee* sums up the uses of the bark of the root: Bayberry bark possesses tonico-astringent properties which entitle it to a very Reduced to a powder. and claims to have been eminently successful in treating with this substance many . whose berries in infusion are said to be an efficient remedy for itch. . . astringent and plainly narcotic. The Wax Myrtle grows in thickets near swamps and marshes in the sand-belt along the Atlantic coast from Florida northward. used as a poultice. of the genus Myrica are often substituted for the species ccTifera in domestic practice. sapida is said to be pleasantly acid and edible while the Cape of Good Hope M. spongy. The use of this substance in medicine was first published by Alexandre (1722). — History and Habitat. useful in toothache and to stimulate tender. dropsies succeeding fevers. Med. dysentery. is a certain cure for the most violent cases of dysentery. acrid and styptic to the taste. in the manufacture of beer. also on it is. .). i. especially the form termed black jaundice. and for jaundice. " — Myrica Wax. In the Botanic practice bayberry bark and lobelia constituted almost a complete materia medica. and sometimes by diuresis. Charles A." when boiled to an extract. according to locality. wax (" Myricin ") is . In Eclectic practice this * Jour. or bleeding gums. The American Sweet Fern {Comptonia asplenifolia. followed by vomiting and purging. and in doses of one drachm causes a sensation of heat in the stomach. and as a gargle in affections of the throat and fauces. Ait. semideciduous shrub. and as a fomentation in rheumatism and bruises. — The Bark. uterine hemorrhage. said by Thunberg to be eaten by the natives. who mentions a wax which he describes and says is used in Louisiana by the colonists in the manufacture of candles and farther adds that the water in which the wax has been "tried. especially in domestic practice.160-2 The plant under consideration is the only one of the family represented in our Materia Medica several other species. N. 257.. however.." When chewed it acts as a sialagogue. rare in the interior. a tall. though both are astringent and stimulant to weakened mucous membranes. cordifolia yields a wax. dwarfed and deciduous. . S. In the South it is a small evergreen tree ware and Southern New Jersey.: The American and European Sweet Gale {^Myiica Gale. Both the wax and root-bark have been used in medicine. Wm. Dr. however. .) is in constant domestic use in some localities for checking diarrhoea. vol. Dr. are sometimes used as remedies. A decoction has been long used in diarrhoea. In the Eclectic practice bayberry bark is a noted remedy in scrofulous sores and ulcers. and a vermifuge the leaves are said to be substituted The other six American species for hops in Sweden. the action of each being quite different. Linn. The fruit of the Nepaul M. viz. Fahnestock considered the wax to be. It flowers from April the shores of Lake Erie in Delato May. it is respectable rank among our indigenous astringents. severe cases of typhoid dysentery. and in the North. .Meltinc Point. in the Eclectic Materia Medica My rices. 34. cool place. .* dis- saponifies readily with a solution of caustic down under Myrica wax.— The and pounded taken. from Myi'istica fragrans. Bot vol. into a well-stoppered bottle. Female flower. N. Jotir. Bayberry bark and Bloodroot. fully soluble in water.. . dizziness.f is composed of about one-fifth /«/. Yellow-dock 1 May + root. headache.\ Pulvis Asclepice Coinpositus\ and Pulvis Myricce Coinpositus. heat and nausea. Bayberry bark. 3. 193.^ and a been determined in the bark of the root. 260. a peculiar vinous odor. iii. followed by diminished by total absence of stool secretion.. is chopped parts by weight of alcohol are rest of the alcohol added. Sci. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. may be obtained from the alcoholic extract of the root- bark by extracting with ether and washing in hot absolute alcohol. . Landisvilie. End of female branch. . body. great resemblance to myristic acid. Myrica has no place in the U. S. iv. and breaking the action of sulphuric acid into a mixture of fatty acids.\\ PART USED AND PREPARATION. 1885. Hambright. vol. 130. 29th. Portion of a fruiting branch. xx.' have also PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. J.^^ an astringent resin soluble in and gallic acids } ^ * starch ^ gum . and soreness of the smarting. and vinegar. pour it fresh bark of the root Then two and weighed. producing a dense froth on agitation with water.4° F-)> ^""^ An alcohol } i^ soluble in absolute alcohol. Lobelia leaves and seed. Phar. . Tilden's Analysis. Description of Plate 160. 1 i. and even to scantiness increased heart's action general languor and depression sleepiness chilliness and sensations as of fever. Sumach berries. Jour. . ' Bigelow. distension of the stomach and abdomen. it and let stand eight days in a dark. yellowness of the burning eyes. N. Skunk Cabbage G root. Am. 4.) * Bostocli.. and strong acid reaction. and Ginger. acrid resin soluble in alcohol - volatile oil } red coloring-matter. Mat. I. of the * nostrils . hunger. \ Bayberry bark. to a pulp and the it. Lotio Lobelics Composita. catarrhal condition '^ .. Med. Cj^H^jO.. a very astrin- gent taste. vol. of unknown composition (bearing. 313. — Myricinic This Acid. Spearmint. Med. Decoctiim tions are: prepara- its Extractum Myricce. and Arts. S.6° (128. vol. The acid then deposits as a granular. Cataplasma Myricce. and 3 enlarged. Jour. Moore. Am. frequent doses of the extract. retaining one of the previous year's leaves. acrid mass. . Ph. 2.. according the remaining four-fifths potash. Am. 1863.160-4 however. It fuses at 53.\iii. .^. countenance . The tincture separated from this mass by pressure and should have filtration a deep crimson color by transmitted light. the pulp mixed with one-sixth part of After having stirred the whole well. however. followed incresed secretion of urine. Nicholson's Jour. yielding a fragrant soap.«///«. Male catkin. heat and dryness of the throat. E.' .' — Myrica.). to G. M. at a moderate heat turpentine The wax solves about six per cent. (2 II 2 Pleurisy root.' " ^ tannic. Houtt. causes in burning. being free palmitic and /auric (myristic ?) acids. with griping and passage of very offensive flatus diarrhoea.' and ether . nearly all is deposited on cooling. idflafdeletpinxt. .161. Linn. SAUX PURPUREA . / ^¥^ ^m. . PURSH. . . or leaf-like and persistent. Fertile flowers of a Salicacese. or more properly i. ascending. . very black. LAMBERTIANA. downy. lis.$-^///««rt!. placentcB . Linn. Sterile flowers : stamens 2 fllanients united into one. Trees or shrubs with a bitter bark. . Lnflorescence amentaceous. SVST. LINN. and emarginate. sessile aments appearing before the leaves catkins cylindrical. undivided stipules scale-like and deciduous. is the usual . HELIX. S. bracted at the base scales entire. COM. represented in •. 1 single I. Leaves alternate. Pal. Branches ba7-k very smooth and bitter. .) PURPURISHE WEIDE. S. PURPLE JriLLOJV. NAMES.— SALIX PURPUREA.— BITTER PURPLE WILLOW. there are a few others used medicine.— DK. reddish. S. which was considered by be the most highly therapeutic of the genus. . SYN. smooth.or imperfectly 2-celled ovary pod . A TINCTURE OF THE BARK OF SALIX PURPUREA. water. albumen none. [Salix ai-ciica. Leaves partly opposite on some branches.) being found farther The order is characterized as follows north than any other known woody plant.. both of which are North America by a total of 51 species and 29 varieties. sometimes monadelphous.f /?z/. ORD-SALICACE^. the aments from under each bract floivers dioecious perianth wanting.f. alba. terete and hthe . ja/. and persistent. Fruit a 2-valved Seeds numerous. —This species only L. growth of from 6 to lo feet. attains a oHvaceous or reddish tiuigs . the European pharmacopoeial species the Sweet Willow of Europe S. MONANDRA. Its species are all of the temperate and frigid zones. and having a litde gland at their base anthers Fertile floivers : ovary sessile or nearly so. Lnflorescence in lateral. GENUS— SALIX 161 * TOURN. * Celtic. cotyledons flattened ..: The European James Smith to . more or less hairy. nearly sessile. provided with a long silky 2. alternate on others. Sterile flowers with from 2 to 2 or more stamens. >Srt//. SALIX PURPUREA. in Smith. . Description. minutely and sparingly toothed. round and concave. all oblanceolate. a little flat gland on the inner side of the base stigmas 2. Sir viz. style very short or none. LINN. RED WILLOW. N. with double. SEX. \ . 4-celled. pointed. EHR.. near.. (GER. down Beside the two species here represented. —This small order is composed of but 2 genera.ECIA DIANDRIA. Buchner * your.. and decomposes at higher It possesses a bitter temperatures. yielding a resin. in default of specific literature. as is also Salicin.). very useful in such cases of hectic fever and of diarrhoea where irritation and inflammation precludes the use of quinine. The leafbuds of the European Black Poplar {Popuhis nigra. Cj^H^gO. opaque. young bark of all This glucoside of the aro- species of this order. but its conover fever was never very satisfactory. it is..f Pure salicin crysthouo-h its first isolation from this species was by M. in 1828. et de P/iys. we will.4° F. budding season. Linn. chlorosis. Ph.^. snuff-like. dysentery. probably by basket-makers. Linn.. it. taste. however. 440. but still cannot cover the generality of cases like quinine. balsamifera. Leroux. . but has attracted 1763. and is soluble in 28 parts of cold water and in 30 parts of alcohol. leucorrhoea.. The bark of Sali. 242. .. Linn. If the amount of salicin in the willows depends upon die bitterness of the bark. It was disand two years afterward detected by M. as well as in Castoreuni. der P/tai:. gathered during the Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken.'== f Ann. 3. Its principal utility has been found to Dioscorides. matic group. atony of the digestive tract.J tallizes in colorless prisms melting at 198° (388. when acter. and bitter and its reaction acid. cool place. S. iv. The Purple Willow is adventive in this country from Europe. J Ann. — History and Habitat.) are frequently used in the form of Unguentum Popidewn as a vulnerary. on wet meadows. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. — The fresh bark. therefore. The tincture thus prepared is. is officinal in the Dublin Pharmacopoeia. {P. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of The whole is then poured into a well-stopthe rest of die alcohol added. xvi. than the bark. covered by M. and kindred Salicin itself appears to have a more thorough and effective action affections. pentandria. give the general action and history of willow under this species. is chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed.) are considered diuretic and andscorbutic. water. Caprea. and pered botde. Becker.) is sometimes preferred in decoction on account of its inherent aroma while S. Linn. and blossoms in April and May. the Lombardy Poplar {P. after straining and filtering.— 161-2 {S. xliii. It has become scattered here in many places. . In thin its odor is sweet and balsamic its taste layers it has a deep crimson color extremely astringent. the preputial follicles of the beaver [Castor Fiber. de P/iar. and salicylous acid. As a bitter tonic and astringent this genus has been used from the time of more attention among medical men since the year was brought forward as a remedy for fevers of an intermittent charbitterness of the bark makes it an excellent stomachic tonic. de Ckiiii. Linn. The trol it be as an astrino-ent tonic in convalescence from protracted diseases.\ (various species) is officinal in the U. . this species should probably furnish more than any other. . and allowed to macerate for eight days in a dark. PART USED AND PREPARATION. is found in the Salicin. dilaand the buds of the Tacmahac Poplar tata) is somedmes used as a substitute . chronic diarrhoea.). ] Tannin. . N. Description of Pl. May loth. Schorlemmer. Thomson. in right and alternate heat and coldness followed by morning perspiration. Stamen. Y.()„ It F. and a burning tion with dilute sulphuric acid colorless. 1870.. congeals at 20° (-4° F..p. formed by heating obtained by oxidizing having a slightly results as crystals. pain feeble pulse .()„ ous solution of obtained by actini^ upon an aque- Is 80° (176. Meadow-sweet {Spirea Ulmaria). A 3. End 2. painful flatulence..0° F. salicin with Q^Hj^j. Cilucose. + H . results as a yellowish It saligenin with dilute nitric acid. Horn. Socy. 4. Cj. C. one F. or Oxybcnzyl AlcohoL C-Hj.6° plates. Wittstein.0. salicin or bitter taste. twig in flower.0 = C.).Oj. of a leafing hranih. . naturally in the leaves of e. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. N. :* caused in also present. sleeplessness . Helecin. Ithaca. is a by-product of the above distillation. gum. hydrochloric acid. and soluble is in water and alcohol.|Hj.xybenzyl compounds. Scale and stamen. rhombic It is : Saligenin. 18S6.161-3 Saligenin. Saliciii. Duncan's experi- Nervousness and irritability. or Salicylaldehyde. boils at 196° (384. 1. aromatic taste. melt at 82° (179. brilliant and sublime above 100° (212° Saliretin. oily liquid.) * Tnuis. sugar. C„H. It results as a fragrant. of the o. (3-5 enlarged. + Saligenin results in small.) it lucent crystalline mass . C„H.) [Salicylic acid. and only trom salicylous acid in having one atom more of oxygen in its [Et supra.H. that soluble in alcohol and —This glucoside It may be Salicylous Acid. differs chemically composition..H. the C.^te 161.p. Y. having an odor similar to that of almond oil. giddi- swelling of right parotid gland. is in amorphous powder.) with saliva or emulsion salicin at Waicr. and other general plant constituents are resin.xists can be obtained from salicin by distilla- and potassium dichromate. . 328... Double anther. — The symptoms ments with the drug are concisely as follows ness hip ..Hi.0-.8° F. Mai.) hot water. 5.) into a trans- has an acid reaction to litmus . Dr. diarrhoea. . 162.det.etpinxt. POPULUS TREMULOIDES . Michx . (^Ta.adnat. . It blossoms in March or April. male and female flowers Inflorescence dioecious. . NAMES. ORD i62 -SALICACE/E. is tinct. MICHX. green on both sides. Linn. appearing before the leaves cilia which . . filaments ^\^less quadrangular in form. sessile. axillary. Liriodendron tulipifcra (Magnoliacece).— POPULUS TREMULOIDES. each bifurcating into linear lobes. COM. POPULUS. and tipped with a short. .— DKKCI.— AMERICAN ASPENt OR POPLAR . drooping. cuneate. one to each scale. Walter Haydon. a generic vulgarism. Style .* TOURN. loosely imbricated aments. except that of the old trunks . (GER. SYN. more or none stigmas 2. smooth and darkvarnish. except for the lighter household utensils and the manufacture of certain chip hats.— POPULUS. .\RK OF POPULUS TREMULOIDES. anthers large and drooping. pointed. i -celled capsule. numerous. J Sometimes applied to the Yellow Poplar or \ The white poplar is properly the British Abele.N. AMERIQAM ASPEJST. This position of the flattened petiole at right angles to the leaf-blade accounts for the agitation of the leaf during the slightest zephyr. who has resided for some time in the Hudson Bay territory esteem the — * The ancient name. —This Bark smooth and upland tree seldom reaches a height of over 40 feet. sharp point serrations small. scaly. j- to Bullet. This beautiful white-trunked forest-tree. Populu$ alba. The Cree Indians according to Mr.? POPLE. GENUS. — History and Habitat. minute. SEX. . Tulip tree. Stamens about \z. and covered with a reddish-brown resinous Leaves orbicular-cordate. branches some- greenish-white. laciniate-lobed with long torus. .'V OCIWXDRIA. Fruit ^n oblong or oblong-ovoid. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH INNER B. the springing from a calyx-like urceolate obliquely truncated anteriorly. from the German espe. extent as to make it nearly ancipital. covered with a copious wool. elongated. . capillary floivcrs . where it is common on hillsides and in open forests. is indigenous to most parts of North America. laterally compressed to such what angular b?icls . Or asp. MICHX. nearly regular margin downy petiole long and slender. distincdy raised upon a peduncle seeds ovate. oblong. large. and fruits before the leaves are developed in May.t UPLAND OR WHITE POPLAR. Description. Arbor Popiiti. whose leaves have become the synonym of trembling. or. Its wood is light and of an inferior quality. from its having been planted to shade the public walks — . according because the constant motion of the leaves resembles that of the populace. scales margins fringed lobes 3 to 4 linear. SVST. mostly broader than long.) PAPPEL. the in long. pointed. diaphoretic and a general depurant. Phar. considering it also as a gentle laxative and remedy for coughs. and also as an ordinary tonic. especially intermittents. and in dilute sulphuric acid into benzoic acid. is brownish-crimson color by transmitted light its odor is rich and woody its taste extremely bitter and astringent. 619. Upon boiling with baryta water it breaks down into salicin and benzoic acid. deep. et de Phys. Vol. gathered as the treated as in the preceding drug.— P^/wAw.. and and acetic acids.0. and those who have watched its effects closely.. Benzoic Acid.' and has a pleasant flavor.0) . The previous uses of Poplar bark in medicine are all embodied in the following paragraph from Dr. glucose. 1884. The leaves and young shoots of Poplar are said to be gathered in Sweden and kept for sheep fodder winter in —a Romans. As an anti-periodic. the sensation lasting a long time without losing . of Mat. This aromatic glu- was determined by Braconnot in 1830. As a stomachic tonic.(H. p. Ann. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. A. i860. X p. practice as old as the time of the used for making into bread in times of scarcity. has been strongly It recommended in jaundice. The It satiny. f The Jour. Vol. . bination with benzoic acid. and its . readily in dilute mineral. XLIV. II. C. is in layers fresh inner bark. fuses at 180° (356° F. licorice-like taste..162-2 inner bark (which they call Metoos) for food in early spring. in Am.-"f " The therapeutical properties of the Poplar are supposed to be nearly. and saliretitt. used in domestic practice. 296.. N. yielding benzoic more so in alcohol. and with satisfactory effects also. and decomposes at higher temperatures. C. Mr. Lee's article on " Indigenous Tonics . have good reason for believing that its tonic propespecially its anti-periodic power. Haydon says he has eaten pounds It is very tender and sweet.— The leaves are opaque falling. It is thought by many to possess decided alterative properties. from which it seems to differ only in being in intimate comacid.). loses all its voluminous needles. identical with those of the willow.* of it without ill effects." PART USED AND PREPARATION. the tincture has been extensively We . This body is very similar in its properties and reactions to salicin. from which it may be separated by precipitating it with the carbonate of potassium from the aqueous solution. as a vermifuge. 364.. Jour. consider it diuretic.).J It exists in company with salicin in the bark and especially the leaves. In thin layers The it resulting tincture is of a beautiful. reaction acid. if not quite. having a bitterishwater of crystallization at 100° (212° F. Med. . Salicin. its intensity .H. S. of an inch or more. Cliiin. Populin coside crystallizes in sweet very light.. de Populin. white. crystals are only slightly soluble in water. * Holmes. it has been used successIn Kamtchatka the inner bark is fully in the treatment of intermittents. where such remedies are indicated. and in suppression and retention of urine. erties are considerably superior to those of salix and that there are few indigenous tonics superior to it in a certain class of cases. Sa/icin. May 5.). \ Dr. The name product.. Tacamahaca has been improperly applied bears no resemblance except.— Very few symptoms have as yet been creditctl being mostly clinical. N. Hale. Horn.* having been extracted from the buds of the Balsam Poplar or Tacamahac [Populus balsaniifera. A from Binghamton. 4. l6l. mayhap. Poplar bark. 1S67. causes increased secretion of urine. lighter than water. 3. resin. 391. obtained by aqueous and has a pleasant balsamic odor. colorless.) * Tacamahaca is a solid resinous product of the South American Elaphriuin loiiicniouun. End 6. (Burceraceoc. Am. it The name was probably applied odor. however. and burning in the stomach. fruits. I. our experience with it Description of Plate 162.) . Y. nausea and vomiting. to which. 1S85. Jour. however. Jact]. Pistil. scale. N. p. 5. Linn. leaf. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. f See preceding plant. A of leafy branch. to this drug. Fruit.| 162-3 Oil of Populus. (2-4 enlarged. A branchlet with half-ripe 2.. slight purging of bilious matters.\ starch. here on account of the oil distillation of the leaf in its to this buds. and gum have also been determined. is — This body. . ^* pinxt. Abies Nigra. ^"lit 3 '—^ T % %4?^i5 00.. Poir. tt .ail <F- nat.del.163. . 163 S. -CONIFERS. . or . 30 and 70 GUM EXUDATION OF THE TRUNK OF —This beautiful evergreen tree attains a feet in height. coriaceous or ligneous men . is Flowers monoecious. inverted. to i^ inch long. . DOUBLE SPRUCE (GER. GENUS. .) SCHWARTZTANNB. —This. but not with the genus Picea of Linnaeus.f Cones ^ recurved. breadth at the base. zuing membranaceous. ized as follows scattered. rigid. on the branches of the preceding year sometimes clustered. recurved appendage. : catkins lateral or terminal scattered.-AbietinecB. very dark green. mostly of three united grains. adhering to the base of each scale foramen looking downward testa smooth. . SEX. never fascicled. persistent. SYN. quadrilateral. scale. —This . . Seeds 2. mous tree scales thin. NAMES.VUELPHIA.— ABIES. ated . persistent. . trunks. PINUS NIGRA. Embryo in the axis of the albu- cotyledons 2 to 15. — tipped with a rounded.-BLACK SPRUCE. .—ABIES NIGRA. e. rich in * The classical Latin name. ABIES DENTIGULATA. POIR.. short. superb and wide-spread family is composed of evergreen (Ex. Fertile sterile catkins the axils of the leaves of the previous year's in new growth of the season scales or and even (not prickly-tipped nor thickened).— MONCECIA MON. albumen sarcous or oleaceous Coniferae. situ- Cones pendent. LAMB. BLACK SPRUCE. COM. generally excurrent.ST. AIT. growth varying between Leaves acerose. persistent . very small. N. ABIES NIGRA. Abies. Tournefort and edges generally . with Picea of Link. sometimes described as two grains with a curved connective. Larix) trees or shrubs. in the axil of a bract bracts subtending the scales. A TINCTURE OF THE Description. others.* TOURN. more or less 2-ranked. PINUS RUBRA. . pollen similar to that oi Pinus t. with branching. the genus Abies of Linnaeus. f Or a single grain with bulged extremities. POIR. Buds scaly leaves short. hanging from or near the ends of the branches especially at the summit of the seeds and eroded . ORD. and 1 5 to 50 feet in ABIES NIGRA. at the base of the open carpels imbricate.ORD. or grovvth. It is . and projecting in all Anthers directions. SV. fiat on the axis wings about two-thirds the length of the their all thin synony- character- of one form and foliaceous. . MICHX. ovate or ovate-oblong. the residue after the distillation of volatile from the turpentine of Pinus palustris. and Oleum Tercbintliina.. thus forming a loose. [Firms Burgundy Abies. or several whorled cotyledons. Cembra. are obtained upon destructive distillation of various coniferous roots." to a soft. and other species. Linn. are derived from Pinus sylvestris. tions. Willd. . [Thuja articulata. Americana. Nigra while Pix is derived or Arida. embryo consisting of a pair of opposite. Juniper tar. is a product of the Cade [yicniperus oxycedrus. Vent. {P. otherwise pitch. Ait. and marked Wood somewhat opposite. balsams. Inflores- intermediate between Leaves scattered or circular disks.). Linn. . Terebinthina vulgaris.) Pacific coast turpentine from Abies Jlfenziesii. stamens generally monadelphous. together with Pix Liquida. Oil of Savin from Juniperus Sabina. [Pijius Larix. sterile flowers consisting of one or more stamens. Tesda. and Fructus yuniperiixom. Jioivers ovules orthotropous. is obtained from Callitris quadrivalvis. a atistralis. Linn. or Barbarian Sandarach. not enclosed in an ovary . DC. Balsamum Hungaricum. Canada Austrian turpentine pitch. from the European Abies Larix. DC. is Sibirica. is Michx. and Carpathian balsam of Pimis . . 77^?/^' . edible drupe. useful exudaOf the drugs. Edible nuts are produced by Pinus pinea. Terebinthina argentoratensis. . and ornamental trees. balsamifera. or galipot. {A. Lam. [Larix those of Pinus sylvestris. from a hard. Abies pectinata. the turpentines. Lindl. Linn. in oil . from Abies balsamea. deciduous catkin or spike. or represented by an open scale or metamorphosed leaf. concrete oleo. Larix Europcea. the common American turpentine. Loud. Linn. fibre and sometimes and generally evergreen. Marsh. Mill. rigid. Pimis Cembra. Rosin. and Pinus Lambertiana . is a product of Pinus Piimilio. and beverages by Abies nigj'a. This family of plants is woods. Desf) Gummi Orctiburgense and Manna of Brian^on from Abies Larix. Linn.). Michx. Terebinthina Veneta or laricinia.163-2 gummy or resinous juice. Linn. Lindl. in monoecious or dioecious. in America. Fertile flowers : pistils absent. and from Pinus Frazeri Canadensis. Resin or Colophony. is Pix derived from Pinus Laricio. and conThey are in general stituents.. .). Picea balsamea. and the Chilian Dombeya turpentine from Dombeya excelsa. one producing many valuable drugs.resin. Morocco. bony nut with an edible " meat. naked. . Linn. . [Abies Picea. DC. situated upon an axis. from Pinus palustris. Linn. and Ledeb. from Abies excelsa. irom Pinus Picea. awl-shaped or acerose. Bordeaux turpentine. . as Archangel or Stockholm tar. Pyroleum Oxyccdri or Oleum Cadinnm. Pinus balsamea. while .. vessels. Carpels either wanting or represented by an open cence scale . Fruit varying greatly in the different tribes. Mill. from Pinus pinaster.) Venice turpentine. and Pinus pinea.) Strasburgh turpentine. . Rich. Linn. Canadensis. Lam. Canada balsam and Terebinthina .) known . Junipei'us Virginiana. . together with frankincense. . Endl. New Zealand. Hungarian balsam. (/*. varied .). Pix Burgundica. edible drupes by Taxus baccata. Poir. exudations. Michx. DC. common Terebinthina vulgaris. Damarra turpentine from Damarra austi'alis .. destitute of calyx or corolla. maritima. as follows: The common European and Russian turpentines. linear. yielded by Abies Canadensis. but especially Pinus Ledebourii. and Pinus Linn. amentaceous woody fascicled. and Dacydinm taxifolium. and pitches rank highest. as far west as Wisconsin. The essence of spruce J an article of exportation. \ A concentrated aqueous decoction of the young twigs. Pinus Lmnhcrtiana . powder and tea. is certainly one of the very and is graceful in the drooping curves of its finest of all . more in fact than that of Abies Canadensis. probably contains an essential oil. boiled in maple syrup.f also to dye of a brick-red color. in the Homceopathic Materia the sugar-pine.). This tincture has a beaudissolve in nine parts of 95 per cent. and of Cuprcssxis anstmlis. — The resin of this species is scanty and insuf- essence of produce pitch or turpentine in marketable quantity. Michx. vol. The tains a large quantity of resin '' ficient to . tiful orange color by transmitted light. p. judged by many prominent arborists and arboriculturists to be much more its branches and the lu. part of essence of spruce and seventy-six parts water. seven parts molasses and one part of yeast. 183. strain. Lindl. yeast when no spruce is put in. and Take one warm bottle strongly while fermenting. and properties are unknown. and even in Europe. and filter. in leather. and in extensive use for tanning The inner bark is used by empirics. and gravel. — Take two parts by weight of the gum. and add ninety-six parts Allow the mixture to ferment. boil. the Northern States. PART USED AND PREPARATION. the white spruce [Abies alba. The black spruce greatly resembles the Norway spruce [Abies cxcelsa. The timber is valuable for masts and spars. Jimiperus Sabina. and an acid reaction. Pinus have provings sylvcstris ." in fact the most valuable we have for use "The resin exuding from the trees is nearly like frankincense. . — Abies nigra is a native of the Northern States of History and Habitat. the full odor and taste of raw spruce gum. besides those members of the order treated of in this work. t Abies Canadensis. for bowel and stomach complaints.* "The bark of spruce trees is sudorific.) in its growth. since which it The discoverers of has become in common Canada. where it flowers in early spring and matures its fruit in autumn. made by the Indians with twigs and cones Now it is chiefly made with molasses and of spruces. allow to cool. powerfully antiscorbutic. Michx. rheumatism.." before mentioned. and anywhere. and of the Canadas and British America. The proper spruce beer . specific chemical bodies * Medical Flora. "§ Abies nigra has no officinal recognizance in the Pharmacopceias. in this direction. alcohol. Rafinesque says. it is only molasses beer. savin. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. America. Concerning the uses of this tree. Canada were cured of in it. evergreens.163-3 We Medica of the Scotch fir. J Spruce beer may be made from the extract as follows: of water. use is the scurvy by in . and other American spruces. 2. Hemlock spruce. used as naval stores spruce beer may be made by it a short time. Josselin says that it is very good in powder over wounds to reproduce the flesh. is a palatable and healthy drink.\uriance of its foliage twin species. The The tincture conspruce. Spruce beer is an American beverage. Profile of 11. with same (enlarged). and Surg. its I. Y. does not afford an insight into the primary action upon the system. of branch. Face view of ruptured anther-cell. scale. one seed gone. Outer aspect of scale.i63-4 — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Male 8. Description of Plate 163. Branch-tip. Pollen X 150. Rep. 3. catkin. * Ohio Med. 5. N. Distant view of tree. . 9. Leaman * though exhibiting a few quite specific symptoms. Inner aspect of 6. scale (enlarged). Seed. 10. with winter cones. with female catkin. Our proving of this drug by Dr. Fertile flower from female catkin. 4. Binghamton. 1. End 7. 2.. IfrJ. .. . obtuse. markedly imbricate. confluent. thus appearing 2-ranked they are dark. (GER. linear. old an excellent it artist and he unfortunately allowed his etcher. with a coriaceous edge. membranaceous wijio-. of . and whitish by a single silvery line each side of the midrib underneath.* the uppermost pendulous at foot and has a sp. MARSH. bracts broadly ovate. spreading short. making a branch upturned by the wind appear silvery-white petioles short and slender.-ABIETINE/E.— ABIES. filaments short. NAMES. hardy. MICHX. kindly sketched. SYN. SEX. feet. brownish scales. COM. small. 164 Ord.ORD.. pollen simple. cells 2. HEMLOCK. . persistent. Cones ovoid. its outline. WILLD. excurrent but tending to dehquescence zvood coarse and poor. HEMLOCK-FIR. PINUS-ABIES CANADENSIS. CANADISCHE EDELTANNE. thin. with an apiculate crest. Leaves flat. composed of a few stamens. In the horiiontality. MICHX. stiff. father. GENUS. longer than the bracts and persistent on the axis. thin. .384 Description. but mostly two directions. It common is native tree is. of the picturesque. globose. Trunk 2 to 3 or more feet in diameter. outline that of the fly. Seeds with a long. rich. gr. under the preceding drug. beautiful in sunshine and shadow.' . year. scales few. SYST. at ide. to my instigation. S. rests the snow-blinded eye with that peace that verdure resplendent in light and grasses. pendent on the ends of the declined branchlets of the preceding transverse I . yet delicate in when young. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH BARK AND YOUNG BUDS OF ABIES CANADENSIS. — This evergreen forest tree attains a height of from 60 to 80 and a width of 40 to 60. irregularly crowded. in . it weighs 23 lbs. TOURN.\. ABIES CANADENSIS. —This graceful of our evergreens. but increases in the picIts foliage is soft to the hand. * My this figure branches. LINN. the tipped branches reminding one of the plumose ends of a bouquet of When most feathery- its pampas grows more rugged and sombre. Read Abies and Coniferae. of the . . ligneous. the trees in Plates 164 somewhat supersede mine of and 165. dehiscence their apices.— MONCECIA MONAI). and turesque.— HEMLOCK. per cubic branches horizontal. yi to inch long. HEMLOCK-SPRUCE. PINUS CANADENSIS. greatly resembling in truncate. N. anthers capitate.— ABIES CANADENSIS. obtuse. saucer-shaped. Sterile aments small. History and Habitat. and surrounded at the base of the column by a few erect.ELrHI. glossy green above. flooring. of hemlock is well known and greatly utilized. Pharmacographia. soft and conforming in the warmer seasons. Canada color when pitch). but oxidizes and becomes almost black on exposure. extending a in little the northern United States. etc. of the State . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. and melts at 198° (388. and the praise of empirics in which hemlock leaves have been slowly steeping and quiet. Oil of Hemlock* (oil of spruce). and show a deep. and exhibit a strongly acid reaction. the oil in diarrhoea and injection as a liniment in croup. After stirring the whole well. reddish. is very coarse-grained and poor. orange-brown color in thin layers it should retain the exact odor and taste of the bruised leaves and branches. cool place. but supposed to be similar to the turpentine obtained from Abies balsaniea. A hunter arises fresh and invigorated from his bed of hemlock boughs. Hemlock bark is largely used in tanning though inferior to oak. It con- uninvestigated. girders and sub- spruce. The stimulating effect. Hemlock This substance.4° F. should be opaque in quantity. as before hinted. the rest of the alcohol is added. the Canadas and Hemlock-spruce abounds British America. the prepared resinous exudation from the trunk of the hemlock. S. Ph. This essential oil is of the leaves.xing the pulp thoroughly with one-sixth part of it. farther south than the black- it forms immense forests in the north. prolapsus uteri. & obtained on distillation some portions Ilan. The officinal part of this species in the U. It flowers in May and autumn. * Ut supra. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. Fliick. separated by filtering. a process carried on to a large extent in of New York. and tired the patient of the city physician. tains a resin. finds supreme comfort in a bath. . The tincture. is hard and brittle in cold weather. A decoction of the bark has been used to produce abortion with dangerous effects. for some hours before his couch of A soft branches.).1164-2 shade alone can give. refreshing slumber awaits him upon his ablution. and to correct acidity of the stomach.— The fresh bark and young buds are pounded to a pulp and weighed. and after 'mi. its its stimulant action . and other disorders requiring and a remedy to allay gastric . The timber. Pregnant ewes are said to lose their lambs from gnawing the bark of the hemlock. and a volatile oil. tending toward serious peritonitis. PART USED AND PREPARATION.v Canadensis (Hemlock pitch. . scantling. strong decoction of hemlock bark has received the an astringent enema laity as for leucorrhoea.— /'/. seeking health in our northern interiors. it is poured into a well-stoppered bottle and allowed to stand eight days in a dark. fresh. irritation preparation Eniplastnini Picis Cattadcnsis. its greater abundance predominates in its favor in this country. It is of a dark yellow-brown gum. rheumatismus and the essence as a diuretic and colic. is Pix Canadensis . yet in thoroughly-protected places it is very durable in carpentry it is used extensively for joists. with which ripens its cones in . Male catkin (enlarged). thirst . two views. showing the dehiscence of the Pollen. * Hale. I this tree PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. with burning and distention of .164-3 As its far as can determine. Tree. restlessness . great hunger. A 3. N. Binghamton. Leaf. and The drug appears bile. . Outer view of a scale. 5. and constipation. blade. resulting in a diminished secretion of of the liver. 7. Seed (slightly enlarged). 8. . New Rem. abdomen urine is — Abies Canadensis causes. Gatchell. 9. Inner face of a scale. according to vertigo and weakness. the pain in the right shoulder- Description of Plate 164. Y.. with one seed removed. 6. winter spray in fruit. 1. increased heart's action increased and of a straw-color. Stamen (enlarged). chilliness to cause a torpor anther-cell. 2. 4.'^' the has not been specifically examined as to constituents. pp.. 17 and 18. 4th ed. x 200. under surface. . a(inat.^H^f&kiQ^^if'^ ffiTn.. ^ Idn ^ 10 >C 5 4 6 7 4» r% ^"*: _-Jv/- i .et pinxt Thuja Occidentalis. Linn.165.(lel. ' ' .~w -. . squamose. 1853): " In the time of p'rancis I. also iitia or Hia. TREE OF LIFE. native region of the Thuja of Theo- The the territory of Cyrene. SVST. is and the word it leiwapmcos.— MONCECI. .T0)/ lirropm. phrastus.~CUPRESSINE/E. -CONIFERS. Seeds 6. king of France. GENUS. NAMES. and a diameter of about 10 Sprays or brancJdels very to flat. —This spiry evergreen attains a heiglit of from 20 to 50 feet. each tipped with a rounded stigma-form body (Fig. iuffre.. the greatest breadth of foliage. (GER. ovoid flowers monoecious on different branchlets fertile aments composed of Filaments forming scale-like connectives. persistent. a native of Barbary. 'Tipi (/1. AMERICAJ^ ARBOE VIT. attached by their bases. Michx.' he describes a tree resembling the cypres^. 165 ORD.l'HIA. 1601. GER. . Cones nodding. They are of two kinds on alternate or separated branchlets one form is awl-shaped both forms have a small flattened dorsal the other short. Vahl.) The Greek name Siia. S. gland. when mature . 20 feet through spreading. Thuja. ovoid before ripening. to cuprcsstis. AND BLOSSOMS OF THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. a disciple of Aristotle. to the rhachis . .t HACKMATACK. and called iiav (iirlp-iv) or S«<i {iha. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH YOUNG TWIGS. species). COM.. and especially the region in which the temple of whereas our Thuja is a native of North America.^. LINN. double-winged. 7). SEX. as 3v. 2 in each of the second pair of scales. appressed. points to a resinous tree. Thuia. The true white cedar is Cupressiis Ihyoides. v. Mro." Thuja arliculata. Linn.WES. N. Planar. It would seem by this that the Thuja ..ORD. LINN. Thuya. tightly imbricated in 4 rows. (Caroli Clu>ii Rarior. Histor. The hackmatack is Larix Americana.. Description. (PR. in Africa. though generally not above 40. according to his account. with a thin aromatic turpentine. and Leaves small. and obtuse ancipital. gen. Ihuris. to fumigate. this tree was imported into France from Canada.ime of ardor vita. Inflorescence minute. THUJA.— T H U J A .) LEBENSBAUM.V MONADEI.: THUJA. arranged in three rows of two scales each. WHITE CEDAR.* TOURN. * Concerning the etymology of Thuja. to Thya. LE. The first specimen was seen by Clusius in the royal garden of Fontainebleau. filled aments . scales blunt. terminal. Dr. the outer pair seedless rhachis composed of three nearly separate metamorphosed scales.. SYN. and is first seen in Theophrastus Lesbius.E. was changed Roman authors Latinized the word 5ia. and a tolerably correct figure and description of it were furnished by him under the n. from ^titii'.. Jupiter . In his work.. Mayrhofier says (Essay on Thuja occidentalis. .) THUIA DU CANADA. bearing 4 cona few imbricated scales. changing to thus. CBDRUS LYCEA. gen. WESTERN ARBOR VIT.-THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. N.— AMERICAN ARBOR VIT^.. Metcnifs Proving!.\mmon was of Theophrastus f \ is situated .. spreading or gaping cave anther-cells. " examined. from the State of Pennsylvania northward." The most striking to us as homoeopaths milk. roborate the st. blossoming from May until June. and maturing its fruit in autumn. Concerning the previous medical uses of this plant. S. read Podophyllum. the Javanese Thuja dolabrata. the Chinese Thuja orientalis. and beautiful. Med. however. remove the worst rheumatic pains. the pulp thoroughly mixed with through a piece of new * Dr. —This beautiful native tree abounds in the upper zones of North America. 1874. 165-2 I in each of the inner pair. pulp and weighed. that the juice of the Thuja should cure specifically 'condylomes veneriens. it. which weeks. distilled water for dropsy poultices of the cones and polypodium^ in powder with . ii). p. to cor- have given. in his American Dispensatory. taken separately and carefully from different branchlets on each of a dozen or more made as above. apparently emarginate. : . " Seeds 2 (or by abortion "each bearing 2 erect ovules. This is especially proven PART USED AND PREPARATION. while it dismissed .* close inspection loing's lateral. John King. but on attached to the seed on a higher Read 2. cit. excellent for rheumatism decoction useful in coughs. It grows upon the rocky banks of rivers and in low. Thuja. under Abies equal be seen that one wing will it is Cotyledons . on account of the smallness of the trunk affording lumber of no useful size. Farther uses are given is that in later works. Torrey. nigra.Arsenicum. description of Coniferee. Viridis. where it often forms what are commonly known as cedar-swamps. . makes Then I Dr. of an application of the tinc- it removes in from three to four by Hahnemann. . 2. which added Sapo from trees. The Arbor Vitae assumes a conical form with such true lines as to appear "clipped. J'lira. History and Habitat. 163. but extremely durable it is seldom used.. Loc. caccehyma. . says. and allowed Flora of the Stale of Botany. It matters little. Rafinesque covers it almost fully in stating if "Ointment of fresh leaves with bear's fat. scurvy. leaves.' when not combined (or complicated) with other diseases. says.atement . fevers. in his Lesions in to thirty cones. viz. vol. and experience proves that it is the only effectual means to employ against this affection. gout. upon I this point. There are four other species of this genus out of cultivation. Asa Gray twenty in his linen. ^ That great process." thus forming one of our most valued high-hedge trees. New . swampy spots. the Barbarian Thuja articulata. who says:§ "The following list ot the pure symptoms]] caused by this powerful plant furnishes to the homoeopathic physician the means of applying it with advantage in the treatment of certain serious diseases for which no remedy has hitherto been found. plane than the other (Fig. and the Thuja cupressoides of the Cape of Good Hope." Thuja was added to the U. X Polypodiiim vulgare." I) under each scale. at the last revision. of alcohol are taken. in a well-stoppered All cones examined answered the description t MeJical Flora. article Prof. this I I| Mat. The wood is light and soft. and remains in full foliage. in any form to which it may be cut. Its use in this direction is enhanced by the fact that it bears the shears well. He will see. the common polypody or female fern. 268. for example. etc.^ ture to venereal warts (condylomata). — The ers are chopped and pounded to a fresh branchlets. and the whole strained York. and flow- two-thirds by weight to stand eight days. Ph. having the composition above If. 0. having the boiling.). Pinipicrin.O). when heated with dilute mineral acids. It leafy branchlets of this tree as well as from the needles of Hnns sylvcslris. which. + q.. the :-|- Thujetic acid. 0. Ericinol.+ (H. forms glistening. its glucose preceding resultants Thujiu.6° F. T/titjigenin. Glucose. becoming alcohol.3. H. leaves solution.. given.. has a camphoralcohol.) * Thujogenin. soluble in alcohol. boils at 190° and for the greater part at 193° to 197° (3794° to 386.— 77«//V«. 0„). 0„).* it This glucoside occurs C. the green parts of the plant..).„. When H. It is a Oil of Thuja.).... is new this crystalline body. it breaks liquid at 100° (212° F..„ H.3 O.). ericinol : \ Water. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.= (Q (Qo H. in having an astringent Thujetin. and solubility H. is soluble in mixture of two oxygenized oils. . on (H.„ taste. O.925. however.. breaks down into glucose.. C._.).. and down under the addition of water.0. has a density of 0. baryta water... .165-3 bottle. in a dark. = (Q H... H. another crystalline body Thujin. H.)..). H. Ericaceae.. lemon-yellow. containing Its less. This glucoside has been extracted from the young Pinipicrin. Ojj.. reaction. it takes menstruum.. O. leaves. It When 0. O). + (C„ H. + H. Thujin.iter. same Glucose. Water.^. t Fownes's Elementary Chemistry.. O. oj. hydrochloric acid is used and the heating is yielded. C^ solubility as the its : up one molecule of water.. Thujenin. + C. = (C„ H. —This colorless or greenish-yellow volatile oil. Q. and thujin heated with a dilute mineral acid. thujin is dissolved in 0. H. hygroscopic powder. by differing chemically from thujetin is the same (Qo H. 100. bitter. this mixture by filtraan odor of the bruised from light. tincture.. insoluble in water: 0).soluble in both water and Like all glucosides. Ghicose. Q. amorphous.+ (C...^ O.. (Wittstein.. J p. Thujetic acid.. — taste. t See under Ericaceae.^. boiling with dilute sulphuric acid converts this body into glucose and forms a yellow. and soluble in both water and alcohol.. Water. in O = (C. -f (H. H^^ 0.). W. Tliujetiii. ^ + {H. aceous odor and (374° F.). minute crystals. O. separated has a deep orange-brown color by transmitted tion. (Qo H. cool The place. GUicose..„ O. Thujetin. less prolonged. In this instance. H.„ H.. and forms a yellow deposits orange-yellow crystals of this acid. C. 58^. O). a bitter and astringent and an acid taste. H^ O^.) Kawalierf determined. Scale of outer row. f Chetn. Male catkin (enlarged). N. 8. Burning. edilio The . pains of various kinds in the penis. and profuse sweat. in the female. 9. — " The pathogenesis of Thuja was published by Hahnemann in the fifth volume of the Reiiie Arzneimittcllehrc. Pliarmacodynaniics. 3. \ p. The sexual was depressed. portions of the tree. that the main action of Thuja on the skin. Seed (enlarged). peculiar action of this drug is one difficult of explanation. tubercles and warts were developed. Distant view of tree. leads us back to Bocclerus. and dissolves readily in both water and alcohol. Cynosura Materia Mediae Pauli Hcnmanii. which are entirely confirmatory of Hahemann's. flatus pellunt. thujin. a gelatinous compound. 5. 7. Scale of inner row. while the excessive chilliness. * Pini-tannic acid. who says." J The action of the drug in causing great flatulence and distension of the abdomen.).. becomes soft and ioo° (212° F. and the catamenia retarded. 4. 1859. 6. "The Austrian provings. and burning in several parts of the mucous tract.165-4 Pino-tannic acid.* C. (Wittstein. with rumbling and colic. itching. Binghatnton. swelling. tubercles. glutinous at It This acid may be extracted from the green results as a brownish-yellow powder. Inner view of outer 11. point to a remedy often indicated in intermittent fevers. 61 and 88. Female catkin (enlarged). 1876. Gaz. inflammation of the prepuce and glans ulcers. character. It is causes copious and frequent urination . A A winter branch in fruit. 2. tannin. 1. Scale of 2d row. show on the genito-urinary organs. with itching and profuse sweating and. In the neighboring mucous membranes similar phenomena appeared. but naturally of moister appetite . . exsiccant. Centre scales or rhachis. pp. heat. but especially in the ano-genital region. and pinipicrin. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. % Hughes." etc. . 745. beside the oil. leucorrhoea. cone. Description of Plate 165. 10. and mucous discharge occurred at the anus and on the skin generally. . and other excrescences on the sexual organs. Y. with the anus.§ ''Folia {t/uijcc) resolvunt. and two uninvestigated resins. scale. sugar. pino-tannic acid. ''v l< . Linn . JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA..ailnatdel.169.TU.. # ^r^is*^^ U/.etpinxt.. . tubs. i±-R. lateral branchlets .. smooth the upper two verrucose parts cotyledons two.\1)ELI'111. . connate-decurrent upon the stems.— DlLECIA M0X. N. feet in the East.— JUNIPERUS. wingpedicel-like branchlet and covered with a bluish bloom. SYN. dry soils in nearly West Indies. coalescent.) VIRGINISCHE CEDER.). in this country. NAMES. Leaves small. pails. . flattish. still in the early . Japan. History and Habitat. Branches more or less horizontal. not articulated. SVST. LINN. (NOT LINN. in some cases monoecious. bony. roundish-ovoid. COM. /rWrt' very durable and compact. JUNIPERUS SABINA. ovoid. —This evergreen species often attains a growth of from 60 to 90 seldom grows much larger than a full-sized shrub. and often furnished with a dorsal resin-gland midrib or nerve none. form a berry. from the scaly foliage. 166 Tribe. flowering in May. LINN.— RED CEDAR. appressed imbricate. have roofs the support of outbuildings . and of a reddiidi color. and all Fertile catkins uniting in fruit to formed of 3 to 6 peltate scales anther-cells at the Fruit a small. no matter how exposed the Jersey shore of others all to New York still common in sterile. all membrane. flattish. SEX. . though in the West it . the lower portion covered with a scarious traversed by a smooth ridge. Boxes made of the wood * Celtic. — JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA. Inflorescctice small catkins terminating Description. each ovuled. ROTH CEDER.-CONIFER^. OR SAVIN. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH TWIGS OF JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA. many its of the houses along days of the present century in excellent condition. JUNIPER. and various household utensils subjected to wettings. dividing it into —The Red Cedar is portions of North America. PENCIL CEDAR. Sterile catkins . scarious. odorous. berry-like drupe. GENUS.ORD. stand stanch and firm. erect upon its Seeds i to 3.-CUPRESSINE/E. or 6. jfeneprus. and scalaceous upon the young branches acute. above wood. HOOK.\. RED CEDAE. scales 3 to flowers dioecious.) CEDRE DB VIRGINIB. (GER. for the durability of changes of weather Bay. The and many posts for highly-colored and fragrant heart-wood is largely used in the manufacture of lead-pencils. JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA. less . and the This tree is noted. base of the scales. rough. built and shingled with cedar. usually opposite in pairs.* LINN. awl-shaped. as an anthelmintic.166-2 are useful for the preservation of woollens and furs. The Cedar are used by the Cree Indians as a diuretic. S.6° F. it J. The resulting tincture has a deep reddish-brown color by transmitted light. . largely it consumed by mixed with water. it results as a soft white crystalline mass at 2"]^ (80. * Haydon. t Food-products of the Am. Phar. similar to that great quantities for winter store. It especially of all of this tree Mexico. one bushel of chips yielding about a half pint. 1884. Cajeput. 619. them. and boiling at 237° (458. more spherical. Ag. — The fresh In the Eclectic Materia and Linamentiini young twigs.H2. Sabina. The J. are diaphoretic and emmenagogue. \ Gerhardt (Wittstein). a specific gravity of . often found upon the branchlets. J. who gather into flour. and a different polarity. having no camphoraceous odor. domestic practice. Western In reference to the "The fruit when it is Junipers. J Oils of Cedar. occidentalism Mr.— G-^/Y//.. the oil is largely used as an application in arthritic and podagric affections. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Cloves. also. scatter the chips in their closets. rheumatic. Ph.§ This aromatic body. and light. etc. 411. . has a resinous taste. the only true point of distinction being in the fruit (Figs. larger. U. 0[ei. while that of or at least pendulous. a brownish-yellow color. E. are quite extensively used in leaves of the also form a . is very Mexicans consume offensive constitutes an article of trade Juniperus Virginiana R. Sabina leaves of J. astringent and pleasant terebinthic taste. and an acid reaction. and much less rich in oil. Virginiana being erect and somewhat ovate. Holmes. traumatic and the excrescences (cedar apples). is Medica the preparations are among and dried in the sun. when dry it distils almost entirely at 282° (539. is first is Juniper. : New and not large quantities. S. easily this fruit in and dried and ground Oleum yiinipcri I'irginiancce PART USED AND PREPARATION. In Hans. kneaded Dodge says:f the Indians of Arizona When into a hard mass. 1870. it digested. When extracted. a bitterish. for this purpose. N." not officinal in the U.6° F... in decoction.).\ gathered in May. in doses of from ten to thirty grains every four hours. This aromatic oil is obtained from the wood by distillation. having a peculiar aromatic odor. Cj. Jour. may be obtained from the liquid portion of the oil that distils over at 264°-268° (507-3°-5i4-4° F-)' ^y redistillation over metallic potash.). . trunks. rheumatoid. Sir W.). M. pendent Virginiana are the yield being nearly eighteen times less from this species than from Sabina. Cedar oil has a more feeble odor than that of Sabina. has a chaffy look. are dealt with as in the preceding drug. 6 and 8) of J. is that .* they good epispastic when made into a cerate the berries. sweet and nutritious. Hooker many people it being an excellent insectifuge considers Juniperus Virginiana identical with the European J. and Sassafras. A.6° F. Kep. ripe nevertheless . a large and tuberculated berry. — Oil of Cedar. a strong balsamic odor.948. Y. 5. violent convulsions. resin. gum. 6. Fruit o{ Juniperus Sabina. C. and death. of fruiting branch. . 9.. Pkar. (2-5 and * Jenks. Distant view of tree. exhausted when out vomiting of black then green matter. N. Ithaca.0. extracted from the and fusing A oil Cj-H„|. Dr.2° F. with stertor slow pulse . and and very painful. head. showing unopened anthers. great difficulty in passing urine uterine . A. . accompanied with labor-like pains great purging. 8. nausea. veins of face. . . soluble in alcohol. followed by stupor. 4.. for the purpose of abortion or as an emmenagogue. almost tasteless body. of fertile branchlet. hot. Lee records a case of a woman who Her symptoms were: Rigors. Seed. End End 3.166-3 Cedren-Camphor. fever thirst raving while in fever. show Juniperus Virginiana to cause severe venous The class of symptoms are in general as follows congestion throughout the body. swollen. have also been separated from the plant. . griping pain in the bowels. your. Description of Plate 166.). or lurid great thirst. Scale of staminate rachis. Raving or quiet delirium. —This from which it may be aromatic. 7 enlarged. results as satiny needles. bitter extractive. with anthers open. distended abdomen effort at inspiration. Fruit. pupils dilated. and tannic acid. with stupor without being able to regain consciousness. Sterile flower head. 235. . Same. Many other cases of poisoning by the oil taken in doses of from one drachm to an ounce. 1. . and and livid.* — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. xiv.) Am. at 79° (174. took an ounce of the oil to produce an abortion. great heaving of the chest in and a general appearance of impending apoplexy face swollen . hemorrhage. : and neck fully vomiting. 7. fatty matter. 2. . PLATES 167 TO 178.] con- . Plants producing true flowers and seeds. [To precede wood plate 167. ally parallel-veined and entire. SERIES PH^NOGAMIA. CLASS MONOCOTYLEDONS. the exhibit woody and scattered fibre no distinction as to bark. Plants and whose stems pith . Leaves gener- Embryo taining a solitary cotyledon. and vessels being in bundles in the cellular tissue. . 1G7.ailnatdel.etpinxt.TTl. Torn . ARISytMA TrIPHYLLUM. Oj. . Sr. corm. Description. Jioo^ a coarsely reticulated or wrinkled giving off numerous branched rootlets from composed of braneous scales. expanded and forming an incurved arch pointed. JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT.. fringed the base of the ovary. * 'Apou. sema . standing erect from Fruit after the decay of the spathe and extremity of the 4. (riphyllum?). ceous flower. ovary globular. . TORR. LINN.) GOUBT A TROIS FEUILLES.. embryo in the composed of few or man)- centre of the albumen.* 1'. N. (Out hundred specimens. In this the sterile flowers were. constricted below the spathe.— INDIAN TURNIP. densely crowded in rows upon the lower portion of the spadix. in allusion to the marked spathe. obtuse and naked 6-seeded scarlet berries. examined this spring (1884) spathe. grows to a height of from 8 to 20 inches. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. style ovules orthotropal. marked arum. spadix. MEMORY-ROOT. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH CORM OF ARIS.'ers the outer coat closelj' and regularly beset with minute knobs. 167 GENUS. ORD -ARACE/E. Spaiiix elongated. covering the opening of the tube. (^A. of over five only one androgynous spadix was found. TORE. atronibens ?) or green without and within . and n/io. transparent. green externally and brownish-purple within {^A. . opening at their summits by a pore or chink Fertile flozi. . almost caustic. NAMES. ternately divided leaflets the united petioles elliptical-ovate. each flower consisting of a single pistil. above.) appressed anthers.'EMA TRIPHYLLUM. (FR. COM. ARISuEMA ATRORUBENS. BLUME. its cob. green and purple. like corn upon usual. — This excessively acrid. juncture with the stalk.V. club-shaped. S^ii/k sheathed below by a few long memLeaves one or two.\ I'OIAANDRI. SEX. Seapc central. IjYDIAJ^ tuejvip. smooth. on long petioles. celled. longer than the tube of the and bearing the flowers at its insertion in the base of Flowers monoecious or sometimes androgynous by abortion. Tour .) DREIBLATTIGER ARON. — ARIS^MA TRIPHYLLUM. — A R I S /EM MAR A. ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. Arisarum. erect herb. as Sterile flowers composed of a cluster of closelyabove the fertile. i -celled. . SV. (.— MON(i:cl. its and scape. SYN. surmounted by a single spadiSpatJie convoluted below. just apparent . (iron.GER. anthers 2-4 pollen globular. stigma capitate. fllameiit very short and comparatively thick. the seeds of mealy albumen. PART USED AND PREPARATION. The tincture. by a spathe their fruit is a berry. Hale recommends rapid trituration in ten parts by weight of coarse sugar-of-milk. The leaves are generally compound. and keeping the preparation in provings were hermetically-sealed jars. or Eclec- Materia Medica. the fecula of the corm forming an excellent "arrow-root. imparting an almost caustic sensation to the mucous membranes. cool place. in woo deep. After stirring the whole well it should be placed in a well-stoppered bottle and allowed to stand at least in a dark. and the rest of the alcohol added." The yield of nutrient matter is said to be about one-fourth the whole substance of the corm. frequently cause vescication. This point is of inviting bites of the corm upon each other.-The intimated. M. made CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. consider the roots a delicacy. woody cHmbers. when fresh. as an inflammable gas. In order to preserve the acrimony of the root. one of dracunailus. Italiciim. E. and a neutral reaction to test-paper. who often play the trick common name. separated by straining and filtershould have a pale-brownish-yellow color by transmitted light. in finding representation in this work.y pleasing to an empty stomach. should be carefully bruised in a covered mortar and weighed. or. destitute of floral envelopes. The genera are mostly tropical. S. is dissipated by heat or drying. entirely devoid of acrimony. rapidly dispersed by heat.-The fresh root. the following interest to us : Caladium scguinum and Arum most virulent of vegetable poisons. gave rise to the " fully appreciated by the Indians of either roasted or boiled." as they never forget its effects. and the members of this family are of esai/entiwi. in — This order is the tropics. Besides the genera Arisaema and Symplocarpus. however. and swelling of the parts when chewed. I a repast ve. a slightly sweetish taste. slightly explosive acrid principle of this plant. History and Habitat. and all — The Indian Turnip It is Is. sometimes monoecious flowers situated composed of plants having fleshy corms or rhi/omes. Ph. The corms. DicffciibacJiia segiiitia. This action upon the mouths of school-boys. have roasted them myself. their place being generally filled which abound . the pulp mixed with one-sixth part of it. are said to triphyllum is who this country.i67-2 Aracese. parts of the plant. as before Dr. and more or less reticulate veined. this body escapes The extreme vola- . and luacitlaium. Dr. memory-root. Bigelow states that when mixed with air. with sheathing petioles. when a boy. gathered before the expansion of the leaves. and upon the same spadix. This acridity. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. in grows plentifully about boggy spots indigenous to most portions of the United States and May and fruiting in September. an acrid or pungent volatile juice. flowering especially. laid upon the Arum tic skin. rich Canadas. not ofiicinalJy recognized in either the U. the roots then becoming very nutrient and palatable. or the embryo large and fleshy. eight days ing. is The with dilutions. have a severely acrid juice. protected against heat and light. and enjoyed Slices of the fresh root. 1884. 4. and sugar have been acrid body seems to reside in the corms. . gum. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Fertile flower /. tility No isolated. e. Y. 3. Description ok Plate 167. Binghamton. Young plant. rubric. other active body has been determined. its action. pistil 5. May Corm. from 2. and therefore useful.. Sterile flower /. Female spadix. (enlarged). causing as it does an irritation and burning of mucous membranes and acceleration of secretions. N.. The provings have developed a train of symptoms very characteristic. — — 27. stamen (enlarged). but not belonging under this upon this plant. though some principle other than the Starch. e. -From personal observations and the literature seems to be quite similar to that of strong liquor ammonia.167-3 of this body has precluded die determination of its chemical characteristics. I. when fresh. Pollen X 200. 6.. . 5 ^m.SchoH .etpinxt.^.ad natdei./ .t68 . ARISfeMA DRACbNTIUM. . x. SEX. ovules 6 to 8. each composed of a single turbinate spadi. C. (GER. DRAGON ROOT. scaphoid. inferior. — History and Habitat. — The flowering or after the fruit has The in connection with distinction.— MiiNa':CI. especially about the apex of the floral portion of the Fertile flowers numerous. 168 MART. Dr. Inflorescence in a mostly androgynous but sometimes polygamous spadix that tapers to a long. SVST. and more or less contra-curved point. . A TINCTURE OF THE CORM OF ARIS^MA DRACONTIUM. biting taste. I to 3 in each berry. Sterile floioers superior. COM.V. erect.. but not so . and an acid reaction. NAMES. SYN.) DRACHEN ARON. wrinkled. gathered in before the preceding species. fallen. triphyllum without its little employment having been PART USED AND PREPARATION. P. by transmitted light. Hart. . markedly reticulate as in the preceding stems (if so they may be called) numerous from the same fascicle of species corms. SCHOTT ARUM DRACONTIUM. 1875. GREEJ^' DRAGOJ\''. . and entire leaflets. GENUS. spathe green.— GREEN DRAGON. p. ARACE. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. fresh are treated as resulting tincture has a slight straw tint corms. — ARIS/EMA. of the * Am. pedately compounded of from 7 to 13 oblonglanceolate. SCHOTT. Conns clustered.^. . Description. (PR.. where it flowers in May and ripens its brilliant fruit in September. a cold. ORD. under the preceding plant. and more or less convolute. pointed. Horn. ARUM DRACONTIUM.—ARIS^MA DRACONTIUM. Oh. It has gained no medical history whatever. A. LINN. . or quadrangularly compressed pistil style peltate over the summit of the ovary stigma a nipple-like projection at the summit of the style. . exserted. open along the inferior surface. N. —This peculiar herb usually attains a growth of from i to 2 feet. by doses of from hfteen grains to one drachm of a mixture of one oz. Leaf usually solitary.) GOUET A DRAGON. 537. The Green Dragon is indigenous to the United States from Florida northward. no distinguish- ing odor.\. Read description of Aracese. each composed of a single 4-celled stamen fllament Fruit a globular head of orange-red berries rachis flat seeds short and thick.\ l'(iI.\NDRI. It grows along the banks of rivers.-^- — The symptoms caused in the prover. This plant was introduced into English gardens in 1 749. 1875. Pittsburgh. . hoarseness great prostration increased dyspnoea rattling of mucus on expiration muco-purulent expectoration. . . Whole 2. I. Description of Plate i68. Spadix. tion heart's action . .) pistil.. 5. dryness. 2. June loth. Pa. . composed mostly of thick. plant. and 8.168-2 expressed juice of the corms with nine ounces of sugar of millc. Leaf (four times reduced). 7 Fertile flower. tryphillum : Priclvling pains. heavy. . were quite similar to those caused by A. yellowish pus and increased urination. then catarrhal secre- from the larynx and bronchial tubes. Sections of the (4-8 enlarged. 4. Sterile flower. and 3. 6. etpinxt. (ElU.Michx.del.adnat.169. . SyMPLOCARPUS FETIDUS. . entire. cordate at the base. Fruit compound.. they fully equal with two parallel cells. their subulate filaments. P OTHOS SKUJVK CABBAGE. . see first synonym. alluding to the coalescence of the ovaries t The name un ier which the plant was proven. terminating abruptly where it gives off numerous crowded rootlets. SVST. ovate. growing profusely in swamps and about 2 inches thick. ill-favored Root perennial. about three-quarters of an inch in diameter. of a reddish-brown color externally. with Anthers oblong.. FCETID HELLEBORE. Stem none. SKUNK "WEED. Using the name as applied by the " Am. by from 2 to 3 inches in the greatest diameter. TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF DRACON'I'IUM FCETIDUM.— POTHOS FCBTIDA. gludnous. . to 5 inches long. with an acute tip. (GER. SYN.^. ill-smelling mass. pointed grains of wheat. longitudinally furrowed by the thick pale ribs. fully sheltered inch long by one-half to in the basal cup of the spatlie. and sheathed at their lower juncture.) POTHOS FETIDE. which penetrate the boggy earth. ovate. STINKBNDE DRACHBNWURZEL.-SKUNK CABBAGE. swelling body. soft. enlarged fleshy spadix together with the perianths. NAMES. an acute tip and infolding edges. situated opposite the sepals. SEX. MICH. POLECAT WEED. SALISB. ( 169 lENUS— S YMPLOCARPUS . and spring from the root on long petioles. COM.. BIGEL. (?) ARUM AMERICAN UM.— TETRANDRIA MONOC. I into a compound fruit. fruit. smooth. consisting of the pyramidal. generally about 4 inches long. solid Stamens four.) . Horn. and xaprrdg. which. whose inflected tips and edges match so perfecdy those of the neighboring flowers as to completely cover the spadix. from 3 the ovules are fertilized . and comCalyx composed of pletely invested by the perfect tetrandrous. MEADOW CABBAGE. which are at length coalescent. and on bottom appearing until lands. weed. they are large. Ovary one-celled. wedge-shaped sepals. plant. purplish flowers. inclosing near the surface the ovoid. . is ovoid-globose. not depth of from 6 inches to 2 feet or more. its habitat. The flowers are enclosed by the spathe. ORD-ARACE." see third synonym. making in all a spongy. Phar. Style four-angled. under the microscope. Stigma minute. extrorse. to a Leaves numerous. N. connection. Pollen grains quite small considering in length. this hood has an auriculate base. L. SYMPLOCARPUS FGETIDA. situated upon a short peduncle. the size of the and greatly resembling.YNI A. Description. The spadix. bullet* From avurrMKt/. pubescent. deeply grooved on their upper aspect. a fleshy. uncann)-. DRACONTIUM FCBTIDUM.* SALISH. four fleshy. making a i body of perianths.! — A low-spreading L. with a single suspended anatropous ovule. CATESBY. ICTODES FGETIDUS. (PR. shell-form. especially Ribes rigens. one of the plants often wrongly classified. which keep them up to their work. Pulvis Lobelias Composiius. but containing a large. so great that in some seasons a second appearance of the spathes made is in November. Skunk oil. as the fruit of some of our crushed. is still not peculiar to wild currants. . The fresh or dried fleshy fruits. and with excellent success. fertilization is produced by their apparently plant. prompdy.'^' Concerning the cross-fertilization of this plant I have noted the following. several plumules and a radicle. are not until then that the opens sufficiently at the base to permit easy exit. have been used in this neighborhood (Central New York) to great extent. Medica the use of this drug. . on account of its very offensive and penetrating odor. in many instances coming under my hardness and restoring the glands to health. Bigelow's observations and accept his expressive name. having been dismissed. Tnicttira Lobelia Composita. usually after the leaves have all decayed. from which they soon arise and mature before the leaves expand. Ph. and mashed with an equal pordon of Indian meal. The skunk cabbage In the Eclecdc Materia others. the pollen when mature falls This is link in the chain of Araceae. Much by being devoured by the numerous slugs that crawl into the trap-like formation pollen is lost spathe. fleshy. . we. crawling about over the spadix and base of the spathe. it when it.. notice. The rapidity with which this plant matures is In earliest spring. This is our only species of the genus. though individualizing alone. especially is compounded with considerable. therefore. which. globular embryo. will not admit it. must agree with Dr. wallowing about in this fertilizing element may be found numerous carrion beedes attracted hither by the odor of the which undoubtedly misleads them in their search for food. to which it has been successively assigned. Tinciura Vibur?iii Composita.'eo. as a poultice for caking mammae. like seeds . through their wanderings to and fro. still it is regarded by the laity as one too many. o. *iX'"'fi viverrn. emit a scent very similar to this plant. Piilvis Asclepiir Coiupositiis. from the anthers in such large quantities that the cup-like base of the spathe is covered to a depth of a line or more. by carefully examining boggy grounds. Tinciura Sangninancv Acetata. Thichira Lobelia: Cotnpositus and et Capsici. being a kind of broken The genera Pothos Arum Dracontium Symplocarpus (without affinity) and Orontium. Ictodes ftetidus. aimless Those that visit the interior of a compelled to remain until spathe before the pollen the anthers are ripe. Tincltira Symplocarpi. In this way. ofu. — History and Habitat. S.169-2 destitute of albumen. They are prevented from spending valuable time upon the inner walls of the spathe. is not officinal in the U. for it is is discharged. by its varnished smoothness and perplexing curves. The fruit ripens in September. one may notice the points of many spathes just appearing above the soil. dissipating the . be found under Arum A general description of the class and order will triphyllum. divested of the seeds. 3. a amount small He. An analysis reported by Mr. Section of Rootstock. fixed oil. J. . The properties of this plant have not as yet been determined by analysis. p. as drying for any length of time dissipates both the odor and acridity. cool place. starch. Ditto.169-3 PART USED AND PREPARATION. (enlarged). After having stirred the whole. 1. Pistil 6. the rest of the alcohol is added. i)lant four times reduced. 7. Pollen "rains x -jSo. Whole 2. outer view. Spathe. Seed. but may doubtless be referred to a principle volatile in its nature." vol. 8. Bergen. Its volatile properties probably suggested to palliative practice its use in hysteria and spasmodic asthma. inner view. seems a to prove the above to be the case. resin. N.— The Iresh root and rootlets s^ratliered the spring. though the provings do not show it curative yet in those disorders. straining and brown color by transmitted light. — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Taken into the stomach it causes vertigo. Thus a slightly acrid taste. sometimes vomiting and temporary blindness. M. The root when chewed produces irritation of mouth and fauces. pour into a well-stoppered bottle and let it stand eight days in a dark. Stamen (enlarged).. the Deslru'TIon ok Plate 169. 2. — CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. 10. 1880. and heat applied rapidly removes all its active properties. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. Turner in "American Journal of I^harmacy. nausea.are chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. 4. acting also as a stimulant to the secretory glands of the mucous membrane. wax. i. of volatile sugar and gum. 5. volatile fatty body. J. obtained from his assay oil. filtering. ill The tincture prepared it and neutral separated then is is of a light by decanting. and after thoroughly mixing the pulp with onesixth part of it. Roots. however. 9. Jersey City. Spadix. March ist. to litmus papers. . TH. f.del. CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS.Willd. .ailnat..etpinxt. . ) SABOT DE VENUS JAUNE. . COM. ovate.) GELBFRAUENSCHUH. Description. Venus's slipper.— CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS. brownish or purplish. CYPERIPEDE JAUNE. : order of striking and Herbs of varied strangely beautiful aspect. Cypripebirds. . horizontal.RK. SEX. and spreading. 3. the perianth of 6 parts (calyx 3.* LINX. inflated above. —This beautiful. 2 feet. causing it genus . plants Roots often Flozvers irregular. 170 GENUS. . WILLD. is —This vast characterized as follows tuberous or tuber-bearing. Petals lanceolate. this. roughish. * : Kuirpij. AMERICAN VALERIAN. laterally short. composed of the united filament or axis. . corolla 3) upper one. . It is dilated-triangular or heart-shaped and pointed filaincnts short anthers 2celled. N. obscurely 3-lobed. Column the two fertile ones situated each side of the column.-ORCHIDACE^. stamens compressed. The body that answers to the stamen in other orchids is but rudimentary in this and situated on the upper side of the column. itUiav podion. . covering the whole style. to be ruptured when touched. erect. simple. Sepals 3. pubescent herb. often epiphytes. pollen mealy-pulverent. and sheathing at the base. .A. YELLOWS.ORD. NERVE-ROOT. parallel veined. pointed. i to Stem Leaves large. by the twisting of the ovary A column. insects. and assuming such varied forms as to often resemble one of the petals.SVST. pointed. prominently many-nerved. Style a broad. convex. or ovate-lanceolate. a sock or buskin. Leaves alternate. NOAH'S A. than the sepals much sac. renders the essential organs gynandrous. becomes generally anterior. terminal.(?) YELLOW LADY'S SLIPPER. (GER. AIT.— GYN. each subtended by a bract. under the lip.VNDRI. NAMES. adhering to the detached portions of the cell-face.— C YPRIPEDIUM. etc. Kypris. leafy to the top. MOCCASIN FLOWER. thickly beset with fibrous rootlets. narrower minal flowers single or . in pairs. moist disk. Stamen single (Ex. OrchidacesB. Root horizontal.ANDRI. YELLOW LADY'S SLIFFER. is termed the labellum or saccate lip . Inflorescence ter- plicate. lip. declined . CYPRIPEDIUM LUTEUM.\ IJI. pale yellow. or labellum roundish. SYN. two of which are united elongated lanceolate. pointed. WILLD. opening by the face of the cells becoming filmy and glutinous. Venus. shorter than the sepals and petals. CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS. YELUMBIL. scentless. (FR. . undulate and twisted. brownish or purplish. — LARGER LOW A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS. and style. grows to a height of from cylindrical. Andrews). etc. They are sedative. and Cypripedium or Opium. a preparation of the tubers of several A few other species are sometimes species of the genera Orchis and Enlopliia. appear to have different properties from those which have round — : or oval tubercles. the lower parts of Canada." —The Larger Yellow Lady's Slipper is indigenous to and western United States. besides the one under consideration.. The dose is a teaspoonful of the powder. Camphora. . . all the species are equally medical they have been long known to the Indians. 145. and the best American substitute for valerian in almost all cases. of the column stigma a .\ri5tolochia. Linn). quieting the nerves and promoting sleep.. nervous fever. Rafinesque says:* "The orchidaceous plants which have long roots. Our materia medica contains but one drug from the family. parietal. The most efficient is the C. Aubl. .. fertile. i. luteum. as Extractutn Cypripedii Fluidiini. R. . concave disk in front of the column. Rich. diluted in sugar-water. placc7it(s 3. shady woods. tremors. Cypripedium is officinal in the U.). They are also used in hemicrania. Crocus. referred to in medicine a West Indian stomachic [Bletia vereciinda. like the cypripedium. who says:f "Of this beautiful genus. They produce beneficial effects in all nervous diseases and hysterical affections." The above uses of the powdered root have been corroborated fully in domestic practice. innumerable testa reticulate. Ovary inferior. .). It would seem an almost essential feature of Orchidaceae that some part or organ of each plant should be twisted. S. Br.170-2 dium). — Two other members are well known vanilla {Vanilla planifolia. Willd. 143-4. . by allaying pain. filatnent deciduous . : * Med.. nervine. t Ibid. Ph. composed of one or two masses of pollenwaxy or mealy-pulverent. Guinean purgative and Tortolan anthelmintic {Epidcndriun bifidnni. and C. a. R.). an Indian vermifuge and diuretic [Epidendrnni auriculainm). % . p. and the mucilaginous nutritive Salep. Flora. . etc. .\ History and. or any other convenient form. Habitat.. Salisb. Extractutn Cypripedii Eluidicm. and the northern . the European lady's tresses [Spiranthes aittiininalis. sometimes accomplished by a disinte- . I -celled. antispasmodic. parviflorum. a reputed American remedy for scrofula {Goodyera piibescens. 6-ribbed. growing in bogs and wet.). . where it blossoms from May until June. Seeds minute. This plant was introduced into medical literature by Rafinesque. . dehiscence sometimes opercular. anther sometimes 2-celled. combined gration of the face of the cell grains each anther-cell in in die column. and Tinctura SerpentaricB Coniposita. There are also three genera whose tubers yield an excellent glue the South American Catasetwn and Cyrtopodmrn. and our Aplectrum. viz. pollinia pollen sometimes twisted. having no baneful nor narcotic effects. pp. . from both Cypripedium pubescens. Br. epilepsy. Ipecacuanha. The preparations in the Eclectic Materia Medica are Extractum Cypripedii Alchoholicum. vol. style forming a part viscid. and a masticatory in toothache [Arethusa bulbosa. . J 170-3 PART USED AND PREPARATION. 494. a nauseous fecal odor. Bird's-eye view of flower (somewhat reduced). . Phar. without doubt. thus bringing in its action upon the skin. which as yet seems to be little known. Jour. should have a beautiful crimson color by transmitted light. and hysterical attacks. prove more useful if the preparation be made of the whole plant. inner view. This is one of our drugs that has not been sufficiently thought of by provers. Blair='= gallic acids. and would. Column 5. p.— The gathered in early autumn. Upper part of plant in flower. 3. in and mental irritation. or in CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS." art. June 2ci.— An resulted in the separation of a volatile analysis of the oil and the usual plant constituents. 1. and an acid reaction. * Am. pour it into a well-stoppered bottle. Column. 2. 1884. tannic and H. to quiet Description of Plate 170. 4. Y. It seems also lassitude. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. It merits a full proving. f Oleoresina Cypripedii..— Cypripedium general. 1866.-\ The body sold under and root by acid. C. the pulp mixed with one-sixth part of it. separated from this mass by filtration. Binghamton. a taste somewhat similar to that of the black walnut. spring. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Cypripcdin. causing a sense of mental quiet and acts as a sedative to the nerves and subduing nervous spasms of voluntary muscles. (enlarged). The tincture. After a thorough mixture is made. " New Remedies. cool place. is chopped and pounded to a fine pulp and weighed. showing the third or abortive stamen. this name simply a mixed mass of is all the constituents of the root not soluble in water. two resins. X See Hale's Cypripedium.. especially in women. after removal of the abortive stamen. and let it stand eight days in a dark. Lower portion and root. N. outer view. fresh root. and the rest of the alcohol added. . EI .et pinxt LaCHNANTHES TiNCTORIA.Gm.del.adnat. . leafy leaves mostly equitant. ELL. linear. bitter. and attached to central placentae style single and deciduous or 3-partible and persistent stigma single. or enclosed within the persistent perianth seeds 3-many embryo small albumen : . 6-parted. erect. . RED ROOT. and sheathing at the base. seeds few in each . PURSH. . a.— RED ROOT. exserted. Ovary 3-celled ovules anatropous or amphitropous. or. filaments dilated below. . then alterFrnit a 3-celled. perianth woolly externally. . . The only proven plants of this order are those treated of hard or fleshy. sword-shaped. PERS. deep fibrous. lachne. surrounding the embryo. versatile. 3-celled. wool . The astringent. less TINCTORIA. by the middle. . leafy-bracted cyme fiozvers dingy yelhairy above the last leaf. crowned bjnate with the cells of the ovary. Leaves equitant. HERITIERA. to i 2 feet. — Hsemodoraceae. The order is characterized as follows Roots fibrous. HBRITIERA GMELINI. N. 171 GENUS.— LACHNANTHES. 3 to 6 androus coherent with a portion or all of the ovary sepals and petals undistinguishable. wholly adherent to the caly. fixed . sword-shaped. deciduous placenter fleshy . small. style filiform. anthers Ovary globular. and fect. * Kixvn. MICHX. flower : and in this work. when 3. mostly clustered at the base of the stem. . 3-angled capsule stigma evident. . concave. compound. — This Rhizome more or WHOLE PLANT LACHNANTHES herb grows to a height of from perennial horizontal. .— LACHNANTHES TINCTORIA. roots of several south-tropical species are tonic. the three inner divisions larger. A TINCTURE OF THE Description. ELL.»oi. or mealy outside. LACHNANTHES. . . spreading stem Floioers regular and perscape-like. . terminal. NAMES. Stamens 3. opposite the larger lobes. anthos. . This small family of herbaceous plants belongs chiefly to South Africa and Australia. capitate.x-tube declined. low . pcriatitJi tubular. mostly springing from the head of the rootstock. Stamens inserted upon the tube of the perianth anthers introrse. 6-lobed. only 3 genera and 4 species being found in the United States. Fruit a globular.ORD -Hy^MODORACE^. simple. .* UNN. -TRI ANURIA MONOGYNIA. discoid. DILATRIS TINCTORIA. COM. 2-celled. exserted. . DYERS' DILATRIS. ovules amphitropous cell. woolly. ligneous cylindrical. loculicidal capsule. . opening longitudinally. D. hifloj-escence a dense. SPIRIT WEED. while several from the resemblance. the outer three linear. . rootlets Stem orange-red. those evident on the stem remote. SYN. — ing History and Habitat. pneumonia. Lachnanthes is indigenous to the United States. and heat in the chest increased heart's action pain and stiffness of the neck and shoulders. 3. a boldness and fluency of speech..) * I have found Lachnanthes an excellent remedy for rheumatic tto turn the stiffness head without severe pain. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. . brightness of the eye with dilation of the pupil followed by dullness. as far as proven. I and 2. Landisville. while flowering. ness of the cheeks . root has been recommended in typhus and typhoid fevers. Description of Plate 171. . Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. similar to that of Pulsatilla. causes: Mental exhilaration followed by ill-humor vertigo and headache. cool place. and allowed to macerate for eight days in a dark. . gated from seed. especially and fearless expression of the eye and countenance. bottle.* restlessness. (3-5 enlarged. Whole plant. and an acid reaction. separated from this mass by pressure and filtration. dryness of the throat . and the rest of the After thorough stirring the whole is poured into a well-stoppered alcohol added. and impaired vision tearing in the ears hectic redto a . to of the neck and shoulders. according introduced into England as a green-house perennial in It was and then propa- to locality. and coldness and fever followed by sticky sweat. and other symptoms of the Seminoles. in doses varying from a few drops drachm of the tincture. its PHYSIOLOGrlCAL ACTION. Anther. but no analysis has yet been of specific constituents. pressive pains. N. J. 4 and 5.— The resin. form a roasted. made and a roots yield a fine red dye bitter of the plant that determines the nature — Lachnanthes. especially where the trouble seemed ransferred to the neck and shoulder. 1812. . The action of this drug appears. rheumatic wry-neck. . — The whole fresh plant. Section of flower. growsandy swamps from Florida to New Jersey and Rhode Island along the in coast. sleeplessness. the natural opposite after-effects. The root was esteemed as an invigorating whom tonic by the Aborigines. of course. with inability be first a neuralgia of the fifth nerve then . is chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. to be quite fullness . the pulp mixed with one-sixth part of it. and laryngeal cough. where it blossoms from June to September. rumbling of flatus in the abdomen . July iSth. 1SS5. with. various severe forms of brain disease. in it is said to cause brilliancy A tincture of the heroic bearing. The tincture. has a brilno distinguishing odor a slightly bitter liant carmine color by transmitted light and ligneous taste. PART USED AND PREPARATION.171-2 Australian species have roots that. when nutritious food for the natives though acrid when in a recent state. Gj.172. Linn . AlETRIS FARINOSA.TU.etpinxt.ailnatdel. . A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF ALETRIS FARINOSA. coriaceous.* LINN. creamy white perianth tubular-cylindrical. stigmas small. where swampy woods from it Florida northward. N. .-H^MODORACE^. f II . Stem none.). GENUS. LINN.? STAR GRASS. enclosed persistent floral envelope . crowded raceme terminating a long. SVST. (Dioscoreacen. all smooth. (Compositae). however. — Aletris is frequents the borders of wet. sessile and lanceolate acute. . perennial. giving off numerous fitres from its lower surface. (Bignoni.— A LET R I 172 ^. MICH. Linn. that arises from the axis of the leaf-cluster flozvers nearly sessile. which it no more resembles than a cucumber does a pumpkin. STAR WORT. \ The true Blazmg Star is Liairis squarrosa. perianth anthers . included. dehiscence loculicidal . somewhat spreading. inserted at the base of the Description. UNICORN ROOT. no less than half its common names being also used to designate another plant.!| BLAZING STAR. The Unicorn is Martynia proboscidea. equal filaments short. carpels 3. leaves stellate-rosulate. coriaceous capsule. our Helonias {Chamcsliriutn luteum). albumen fleshy and oily. BLACK ROOT. A.aces. COLE ROOT. a female slave. apex at the 3-cleft . embryo minute. from the mealy appearance of the perianth.).— STAR WORT. instrorse. situated near the hilum . ribbed. ALETRIS. BITTER GRASS. Inflorescence in a wand-like. Fruit an ovate-tapering. LINN. sagittate.: COLIC ROOT.AXDRIA MONOGVNIA. STAR ROOT. in the Seeds numerous. AGUE GRASS.) ALETRIS FARINEUX. * 'AXtrpi'f. GIox. nearly naked. . . . NAMES. Stamois 6. Linn. except mayhap in the root when separate from the rest of the plant the root of Helonias. who grinds corn . ovules anatropous minutely 2-lobed.ORD. . spreading herb is characterized as Root cylindrical-tuberous. AGUE ROOT. SYN. J The name usually designates Chamsliriiim luteum. lobes of the 2-celled . (Amyrillidacex). Gray (LiliaceLC). ALBA. roundish. pale. sandy or indigenous to North America. FALSE UNICORN ROOT. ALOE ROOT. . This plant furnishes one of the many examples of the uncertainty attending the use of vulgarisms in reference to plants.— IIEX. Ovary globular. especially at the seaboard. BBTTIE GRASS. This name should only indicate Hypoxys erecia.t DEVIL'S BIT. flat.. more or less horizontal.-ALETRIS PARINOSA.1 (FR. (GBR. — This prostrate. CROW CORN. follows : . Willd. COM. somewhat campanulate. ovate.) MBHLIGE ALETRIS. and cohering below with the base of the ovary linib 6 cleft lobes lanceolate-triangular. persistent. -SEX. \ More properly a vulgarism oi Diosiorea villosa. History and Habitat. Aletris. terete and rigid scape. thin. style subulate. Plate 177) as a distinguishing point between them. Horizontal section of ovary. 6.— Aletris emetic. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. engorged uteri. . 4. —The fresh root is chopped and pounded and treated as in the preceding drug. -j- Jourii.* It was introduced into England in 1768. proves soluble in alcohol than The water. The resulting tincture has a clear orange color by transmitted light. Thacher in anasarca.. and will always serve in Aletris Aletris was held in high repute by the Aborigines as a stomachic. 2. smaller doses heaviness from in it and somewhat narcotic.. mostly disappears on drying. on section. and prolapsus. seems especially adapted to many forms of uterine trouble our utmost care. Probably the first printed notice of the plant appeared. in Tilden's analysisf proportion of a bitter extractive. The officinal preparation in the Eclectic Materia Medica is Extractum Alctri. 1SS5. intense. stupefaction. Landisville. and more determines a large coloring-matter. Bigelow judges that it probably will prove a tonic bitter of value. cathartic. unnamed. this when used in the fresh state. the uterine region.) * Clayton. Cullen recommends it in rheumatism. duction is in Eclectic practice. Perianth. Flower. Rafinesque claims that it relieves flatulent and hysteric colic.— No analysis has yet been made to determine the properties of the bitter principle of this species. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. Afe^L. in 1730. Pursh speaks of the benefits obtained from this drug in colic Dr.. dis Alcoholicitm. proves. is too powerful for bitters. throngh which the fibrous rootlets root. 172-2 always shows. where it receives consideration in chlorosis. and it Description of Plate 172. this is not so pass (see figure. LonJ. but received little attention except for its extreme bitterness. remarking at the same time that he knows of no plant which surpasses it in genuine. holes in its cortex. N. besides the usual constituents of plants. which. 231. an acid reaction. (2-6 enlarged. 3. Dr. . produces vertigo. Pistil. I. speedily avails in fevers. J. bitter tonic. 2. as. Trans. clinical results. July 3d. and Dr. dysmenorrhoea. and emmenagogue from them it passed into the hands of the laity and herbalists. that appeal to In hypogastrium. N. 333. Stamen. Whole plant. a very bitter taste. opened.. however. S. 5. Mat. no characteristic odor. PART USED AND PREPARATION. and permanent bitterness. resin. and to a pulp. amenorrhoea. and in large doses is The first notice given of its action upon the female organs of repronarcotic. Philosoph. colic in the The drug deserves a very thorough proving. .173. Linn.Hl.etpinxt.sdnatdel. UJ. Iris Versicolor. . the United Pardanthus and Sisyrinchinm. four lateral branches. L. LIVER LILY (FR. 3-celled. each containing numerous anatropous ovules. FLA G LILY. angled. DILL. NAMES.— BLUE FLAG. much resembling date stones in form. flatCalyx tube funnel-form. this jjenus. hidden under the petaloid branches of the style. striate. 3 to Embryo straight 6 in gardens by the Crocus. Stamens 3. (GER. LARGER BLUE FLAG. Leaves sword-shaped. and attractive. in The stem is terete. FLOWER-DE-LUCE. peduncles short. SEX. the breadth. and shorter than the sepals. their Ovary anthers oblong-linear. flexuous. IRIS bog perennial VERSICOLOR. prolonged more or less beyond the ovary. leaves. States by Iris. distinct. and one-half to one inch wide. on the under surface of its apex. each branch bearing a true stigma or plate. plant attains a height of from 2 to fleshy. obtusely triangular with flattened sides.. are flattened a quarter inches giving off from two to the annual joints joints vary from i to 4 inches is in upper surface. surface especially about The thickly beset with simple fibrous rootlets. one to one and one-half feet long. shorter than the three divisions [sepa/s) which are reflexed or spreading and destitute of beard or crest the three inner divisions of the perianth [petals) are erect. IRIS VERSICOLOR. N. large inner side.e is tiger-flower [Tigridio).— TRI..) VERSCHIEDENFARBIGE SCHWBRTLILIB. IRIS AMERICANA VERSICOLOR. erect. thickened. Style mostly connate with the tube of the perianth. TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF Description. rounded on the other.\NDKIA MONOGYNIA. Pollen grains large. Gladiolus and Iridace.) GLAIEUL BLEU. horizontally creeping. LINN. SVST. over 3 —This beautiful Root feet. its three branches petal-like. and from three-quarters to one and The root is annulated by the scars of previous angled on one side. spathacious. — IRIS. ^13 GENUS. . ers 2 to 6 tened on on each the plant. upon length. 3-valved. the hard fleshy albumen. crenate. applied by the ancients on account of tiie briglit ami diversilieil colors in the blossoms of . rainbow deified. COM. SYN. represented and wild in in Pod leathery. * 'I(j '{.* LINN.—IRIS VERSICOLOR. Seeds triangularly depressed-flattened. and more or as a thin lip less reflexed at the tip. the under. ORD -IRIDACE^. clasping at F/ozuthe base. simple or sometimes branched. straining. to the other. first to Pinkish or pale-red inter- nally. autumn or early in spring. at first a . -Several analyses of the root 'of Iris have been made.— Iris acts powerfully upon the gastro-intestinal and especially the pancreas causing burning sensations and a high of congestion. pour it into a well-stoppered bottle. the rest of the alcohol is added. on the rounded side. when ptyalism was considered necessary. being therefore an exto be thought of in ptyalism and obstinate constipation. remedy . The tincture is then separated by decanting. It occurs as a dark red-brown. and let it stand eight days in a dark. lar hy the scars of leaf-sheaths. and after thoroughly mixing the pulp with one-sixth part of it. An agreeable aroma and a pleasant taste characterize it. that a Iris (Blue-flag). gathered late in to a pulp Thus prepared it stinging. gum. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. component of also a generally too discuss the Extractum Iridis and Extracluvi Iridis Medica it is used as above. soon followed has a light straw-color by transmitted by a decided bitter taste. and filtering. aff'ection. often quickly relieving the pain. The Leaf-sheath scars of the rootlets upon the under surface are quite regularly arranged double lines that branch alternately. Ph. cylindrical. state exhibition of the drug. and as Tinciura Syritpiis Stillingia: Composihis. even when suppuration is applied early in development. Two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. an acrid resinoid body.— This beautiful flower abounds througliout the United May to June. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. wood bundles scattered irregularly. as proven by post-mortem examinations of animals after the tract. blossoming from the Aborigines of this country. Iris was highly esteemed by States in wet places. its officinal far in advanced. is chopped and and weighed. D.iste. results as a constant factor in all the analyses so far made. The fresh root pounded to a pulp is considered. The rhizome that of calamus. . and also by laymen as a domestic remedy. Cressler (Jour. acrid and nauseous nearly transverse. . and in single or grayish or brownish internally. Irisin or Iindin. 1881. and fixed oil.— The is so often confounded by be considered laymen with fresh root. and a light. It is cellent an excitant of the salivary and biliary secretions. the liver. and justly. S. tannin. sections flattened aljove. Root horizontal. W. and all without success as regards the true and specific active principle. viscid liquid. After having stirred the whole. Phar. pounded fresh root. one of the best poultices that can be applied to a felon. scars obliquely crowded mostly near the larger end. fibres. with an odor and taste resembling that of the root. if the U. as In the Eclectic Materia It is will It number of scattering bundles of specific odor. Iridis. Iris is Fhddnm.very slight acid reaction. cool place. its The Annu- Root scars of the root- horizontal. woody to the t. 601) arrives at the conclusion that very probably an alkaloid exists in the roots he also succeeds in extracting a volatile matter. lets enclosing a of comparison might in place.173-2 History and Habitat. as a remedy for gastric disturbances. PART USED AND PREPARATION. starch. having a nucleus sheath one side then No The Iris Calamus (Sweftflag). When dry it is grayish brown externally. and frequent watery evacuations. 5. Seed. Ithaca..173-3 The gastro-intcstinal effects are: profuse acid vomitings. Stamen. 6. Y. N. A 3. Description of Plate 173. the latter accompanied by severe coHc and burning. 7. 4. Whole the nerv- marked. May 31st. 2. face. plant three times reduced. 1880. branch of the style. 1. and limbs. ous system its action is Upon head. Pollen grains x 200. Fruit. as shown by the severe toxic neuralgias of the Flower. . . etpinxt. Linn .dei.^ICl.adnat. DiOSCOREA ViLLOSA. . usually attains a over fences. D. . JACQ. WALT. 2 in each cell rw^n'c' somewhat . pyriform. limb cut into 6 rounded segments ovary oblong. semi-conoid.i IGUAME INDIGENE. in axillary racemes or racemose panicles. .t DEVIL'S BONES. this species ribs. the Greek physician and naturalist. parallel or sometimes horizontal and knotted. D. Seeds winged. elongated panicles cells . . villous twiner. and petioles nearly the length of the blade drooping.x-).— DIOSCOREA. RHEUMATISM ROOT. and those are mosdy tropical. * Dedicated to Fhnvers regular. membranaceous pod dehiscence loculicidal into 3 valves by splitting through the winged angles. perianth tubular . roots usually tuberous. SVST. plane. slender. bushes. Dioscoreacese. 3-winged. included 6. large. QUATBRNATA. veined. while the upper are alternate. —This small natural order is represented in North America by genera and about 150 species being all the representatives known upon the globe. anthers introrse. —This herbaceous. Leaves variously arranged. distinct. A TliNCTURE OF THE ROOT OF DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. ORD-DIOSCOREACE^. . compressed. COLIC ROOT. never Description. 3-celled. . petioles always present.i WILDE YAM. N. racemes more or less downy and grayish wavy apex conspicuously pointed 7. Inflorescence usually Male flo^^'ers : Pedacius Dioscorides. ovary abortive. HEXANDRIA. PANI- 11 -ribbed. CULATA. peri- . LINN. LINN. stamens tive .* PLUM. pale green- situated at the base of the lobes. peria^ith 6-parted . bifid. sharply triangular. t Rheumatism Root generally alludes to Jrffersonia dipliylla (Berberidace..—DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. only. SEX. abor- pen- Fruit an oval. minute . anatropous Lifloi-eseence in flowsrs very small. of from to 5 15 feet growth Root horizontal. (GER. NAMES. 174 CENUS. plant sometimes in fours. and undershrubs. . cell. Leaves with a few conspicuous. ovides lobes oval Fertile flowers in simple roundish. . styles very short. viargin entire or i to . axillary racemes and panicles Sterile flowers in ish-yellow. those of the middle section nearly opposite. those at the base of the stems solarly voluble.— WILD -YAM ROOT. . beneath base cordate . dioecious. (FR. filaments terete. . The plants in general are known by the following characters: Stejus twining. 3-celled dulous. SYN.— DKIXIA DIOSCOREA. in 2 stamens each 6. 7 otherwise closely-netted. WILD YAM. . dilated at the base. blade ovate. were compelled gatherers. Lloyd finally examined carefully into what made the differto accept. aenleata. internally it is Linn. 6-cleft. however. as appears in commerce. and by. be easily digested . the pleasantest is the East Indian Sweet Yam {Dioscorea saliva. protested and claimed that the two roots came from obviously different that. damona) remain nauseous. Linn.. and considered to by the natives East and negroes. glabra. Fruit sometimes bac- but usually a membranaceous. when fresh. ence in the in it years. trifida. tice. but a few are worthy of mention here on account of their roots. The root of Dioscorea Villosa. E?nbiyo minute : albumen cartilaginous. is new variety of the species which as follows Siipp!. are juicy.Yam of India [D. is used as a stimulating poulan acrid purgative. Of all the Yams yielded by this order. to Wisconsin and southward: it is common. in times of need.). but after prolonged boiling are rendered more or less pleasant. and. . ovary 3-celled ovules anatropous. and the Candian ( T. the The roots grow often to a large size. which. plate vii. yet the young shoots are used in lieu of asparagus similar in its . and his decision created a he called var. Dioscorea is indigenous to North America. from an abundance of starch. This discrimination so affected the gathering of the roots that what was considered the true root could no longer be procured in sufficient quantity. only in the South. adherent to the ovary styles 3. 2-celled. :* . Crctica. especially for. Linn. the product as sent by the Mr. Japoiiiea. order to supply the trade. is of two kinds.). and are considered not inferior any root at present in or dried and ground into to The Cape They use.).). even after prolonged boiling. the wholesale druggists although under protest. in lieu bread and puddings. Linn. eaten in lieu of Yams. and the Southern United States. — History and Habitat. [D.) the Japanese Yam and the Indian Yam [D. cj-lobose. in root of the European Black Bryony [Tamus comnmnis. The is often. and the Prickly Yam {D. Linn. which often reaches a weight of 30 pounds. for many almost identical plants. boiled or baked. are farinaceous. an emetic and diuretic. introrse. G. on their side. and vesicating. The differentiation * Am. spreading. 82. cate. i to 2 in each cell . Linn. The Yam is largely cultivated for food in Africa. so one sort was thrown out by druggists as spurious. irritant. The East Indian Buck Yam {D. 174-2 anth 6-cleft and calyx-like stamens 3 or 6. triphylla. 3-angled or margined pod. are also pleasant and edible. they are in general palatable. . flour for are eaten of bread. perigynous filainents subulate anthers Female flowers : periavtii tubular. . Linn.. . Diggers finally. yet are eaten The Ceylon White Yam cultivated form. rhizoma.).). where it ranges from Canada and New England. next to which ranks the White Negro. Linn.). C. and always nutritious. No other species are used in medicine. Disp. Linn. 3-margined. alata. is very properties. West Indies. Hottentots' Bread {Testndinaria clcphantipcs. btilbifera. segregate or nearly so . stigmas linear.) . and the Tropical Devil's Yam (/^.. Burch) times of scarcity. but is a poor substitute. which is the most generally {D. . OMI. spasmodic asthma.4 inch in diameter. Ohio. Gushing and Burt. about J. False under general inspection. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Eclectic Practice. and themselves bear for the most part the cup-shaped scars of former stem-growths. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken. are var. spasm of the diaphragm. Leaves more sharply pointed. two of the females and one male. place. diameter of the rhizome- axis itself. and chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. and one New York. seldom branched. that of the is gathered in September. drops of the tincture to 200 drops of the fluid extract. Pennsylvania. Diosbeing simply an extract embodying the solid constitustarch. first roots contain. absolutely glabrous. the following preparations are and Extractiuii Dioscorecr. as well as the fruiting specimen. an have not been isolated. The tincture separated from this deep amber color by transmitted then bitter. . the root of as almost specific in certain forms of bilious colic. After stirring the whole well. in which cious this used . — The fresh root of either form. Dioscorea has held a place in domestic and general practice for a long period it is promptly efficaand expectorant. the ncxl il Larger. almost aristate Sharply pointed . but as yet they ents of the fluid extract of the root. it filtering. Rhizome horizontal. who designated each as D. the main portion contorted by the procession of branches. Virand Georgia. and allowed to stand tor first year preferred. . dense (lumps. mass by straining and light . LiNN. and kindred afflictions. . eight days in a dark. but decidedly tubcrcled by small protuberances 'I'liis rhi/. Lloyd. (iLAlIKA. which are in themselves upper surface is marked branch the . Although the leaves of the chestnut are officinal in the U. the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth part of it and the rest of the alcohol added.l- in AK. all sent to me by botanists. Root. and remedy for intestinal irritations. these branchings issue at an acute angle inch with the scars of previous years' stems. smaller Plant. should have a a cherry-like odor: a taste at woody. it has proved itself a valuable remedy in cholera morbus. — Dioscorea acrid principle.ome resembles greatly that of Collin- o\al. Ph. without doubt. representing the States of — ginia. it is also considered diaphoretic. My herbarium contains three female and four male plants in flower.OSA.I. villosa. isolaud. I. flattened sonia Canadensis. glabra. growing tlian 'il. \ Yam Root.S.174-3 DiOSCOREA VlI. intervals of about an at knotty and of the It full is found in thick. densely short pubescent beneath. valuable plant : is not. : . Yam True Wild- DiOSCOREA ViM. In Decociitiii Dioscorees. above and below. that appear like abortive attempts to rough clumps. according to the above differentiation. forward. corciti is and not a principle. As a visceral antispasmodic. . it is poured into a well-stoppered bottle. fruiting^ specimen. and an acid reaction. matted. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. . resin. cool.LOSA.. emetic.— The experiments of Drs. dysmenorrhoea. gave Vertigo and dizziness heaviessentially the following symptoms of disturbance ness and aching of the head smarting and soreness of the eyes irritation and with doses of from 5 . PART USED AND PREPARATION. mucous membranes in. Description of Plate 174. with passage of large quantities of flatulence colic. and faint feelings Dioscorea proves itself . .174-4 membrane of the nostrils tongue brown-coated. itching of the rectum. . irritant of the especially those of the intestinal tract. cutting. . or sharp pains in the hepatic region. great sexual excitement. dryness of the mouth. Female flower. 20th. bronchi and weakness of the extremities general itching of the skin sleeplessness and chilliness. dry. which becomes sore and feels raw hard. dull. Aug. Seed. in general. Pa.) =4= . 4. and stifT. but and causes congestion and inflammation of (2-3 enlarged. followed by loss of desire and nocturnal emissions lungs . . . 1S85. Portion of a fruiting stem.. bloating. with burning distress. followed by salivation throat dry and sore bitter and sour eructations and belchings nausea. those tissues . Pittsburgh. severe. . weak. dull. great lumbar pain and weakness . 2. irritation of the . an if persisted . and cramps of the stomach. with much flatulent distention very severe congestion of the mucous . with profuse yellow diarrhoeic stools . Male flower. . 3. prolapsed hemorrhoids tired. . I. and griping pains in the umbilical region severe abdominal pain. . ^m.adnatdel.175.etpinxt Tr(LLIUM ERECTUM Van ALBUM Pursh. . cuneiform or acute. broader Flower odorless. RATTLESNAKE ROOT. . Ihe parts Leaves 3. ATROPURPUREUM. SEX. and averaging smaller peduncle strongly fully sessile. primarily wrinkled. WAKEROBIN. dilated. — TRILLIUM RHOMBOIDEUM. * Trilix. SALISB. TRILLIUM FCETIDUM. THREE-LEAVED NIGHTSHADE. Flower nodding. and more Album.-TRILLIDE/E. perennial and giving off numerous then smooth and branching. . SYN. SYST. INDIAN SHAMROCK. BOT. Petals wavy-edged. triple.— (NOT SPECIFIC. LAMB'S QUARTER.— TRILLIUM PENDULUM. Sepals acute.or creamywhite. dull purple. —This common species of the genus acterized as follows long. — This genus is tuber-like. and furnished with several large.— PURPLE TRILLIUM.— . naked below. ovate.. ]'ar. Leaves not so abruptly taper-pointed as in the species.. INDIAN BALM. Roots prsemorse. Trillium. Stems simple. a shorter than the petals. TRILLIUM RHOMBOIDEUM. inclined. 175 Tribe. fibrous rootlets. acutish. peduncle. spreading. BIRTHROOT. VAR.f Ovary deep. lanceolate. "WILLD. . BETHROOT. MICHX. ALBUM.— HEXANDRIA TRIGVNIA. PURSH. base : Leaves just sessile. MICHX. TORRE Y TRILLIUM ERECTUM. the puri^Ic markings upon the petals are situated at their bases. LINN. little is char- rhomboid. VAR. (PR. GROUND LILY. long. GER. SYN. circularly wrinkled. the veins and veinlets either green or purple. COM. GENUS— TRILLIUM.. enlarged at the base. TRILLIUM BRBCTUM.) . NAMES. ATROPURPUREUM. peduncle to i Petals plane. N. COM. NAMES. AIT. composed of low. TRILLIUM. ORD -LILIACE^. gradually narrowing. (The flower in the plate is constrainedly elevated to show the markings upon the petals and the color of the ovary) petals plane. acute scales. LINN. herbs. Michx. stout. . MAG. greenish.) TRILLIUM. VAR.* LINN. of the plant being in threes. TRILLIUM ERECTUM. to cease in the middle. smooth. BETHROOT. . curved. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF TRILLIUM ERECTUM. VAR. ALBUM. PURSH.. TRILLIUM ATROPURPUREUM. —Trillium erectum. and having a disgustingly fishy odor. Stigmas yellow. dull purple. membranaceous. nearly as broad as raised 3 upon a inches long. and are broad. and caducous. Description. f In Trillium erythrocarpum. in a single whorl at the summits of the stems. with a tumid raphe . 3-celled. and consti- 19 species. . album. {Veratrum frigida. . opening Ovary the ovary. . V. sometimes marked. [Asa Grace officinalis. and Smilacece other divisions have also been made. . answer best for us to speak of the drugs and useful plants here. Rafinesque. 3-6 angled horizontal. . Walt. * Fliick.. regular. is said to be used in the Southern States as an insecticide. sarcous. Seeds embryo minute . or a fascicle of fibrous roots. This important family has been divided by botanists generally. p. . stituted for white hellebore.* the rhizomes of Veratrum nigrtmi. . Helonias frigida. 5<?/a/i. is an irritant poison. persistent. Schcenocaulon Gray). . ovoid. but Prof. echinated. Petals and spreading.. styles 3. Melanthace^. larger than the sepals. less globular. lanceolate. The root of the poisonous savoeja of the Mexicans. 3-celled. free Leaves simple. has been used as a diuretic Melanthium Virginicum. made a grand revision of this genus. clasping at the from the ovary . withering. less than in his tuting 3 sub-genera species and Medical Flora. Fit Id and For. introrse. filaments short by a . and are generally burned in that state by housewives. 2 varieties in the LELIACELffi. Don [Veralnan cebadilla seeds. Fruit a capsule or berry seeds few or many in each cell embryo minute albumen sarcous. stigmatic upon their faces. foliaceous. no persistent. lateral. Retz. one at each division of the perianth anthers . Trillium) . e.. linear. It from bulbs. Linn. Linn. a 3. sta- Ovary 2-celled. longitudinal fissure polleii . flowei^s 6-androus. {Melanthium musccetoxicum. is officinale. an Austrian species. Veratrum Sabadilla. Veratrum album. Medeola Virginica. p. 695. number . . adnate and introrse pyriform. Liliacea. terminal. Michx. distinct . or spreading. Gray's North American Botany. more or down to men each in cell. the Mexican and West Indian Sabadilla. allows but 8 his in Northern States. consists of herbs or Pej'ianth not glumaceous. . under the headings as tribes or suborders. white or purple. Gray. LindL. 527. Pharmacogrnphia. to agree with the general plan of the according to Prof. . It will..J the insects are only stupefied..). Trillium) stigmas generally 3-lobed ovules anatropous or amphitropous. base. Sabadilla.). officinale. Porcher says. .. W. The Indian cucumber. Schl. free styles united {Exc. atbic- dense.. recurved Fruit baccate.3.f The narcotic poison Helofiias erythrosperma. into three. including 14 other species. Linn. t Ihid.— 175-2 broad and netted veined Inflorescence single. tubers. The meadow . —This large order of beautiful plants has representatives in all sometimes woody plants springing portions of the globe. and symmetrical sepals and petals generally colored mens 6. Lessons and Matuial. alike (Exc. & Han. 2. work as begun i. X Resourc. however. awl-shaped. Schl. Concerning this property. sessile. South. cells Stamens 6. The useful plants of the Melanthacece are: The European white hellebore. formerly used as an application in itch. appears to exactly resemble that of V. the Mexican Helonias spoken of as a plant also furnishing accounted by Fliickiger and Hanbury to be synonymous with officinalis. naming and 68 varieties. are said to be subLindl.). or pedunculated ! flowers large. viz. anthers elongated. Allia. The dog's-tooth violet. Haw. especially at Malta. Draccena Draco.. of this section. 408.. Stein.* African hemp is a product of several species of Sanseviera (Griffith). was offered by Bigelow as a substitute for Colchicum the Indian Erythronium Indicum is used against equine strangury (Ainslie) and the bulbs of the European Erythronitun Dens canis as a food in Siberia (Pallas). the North African Scilla Indica. and roast when green together with the young flower buds. Allium sativujii. like bulbs. and the Meadow Garlic. is a native of . The common or Barbados Aloe is the North African Aloe vulgaris.175-3 saffron. in this Veratrum work. yields a fruit that nearly resembles in size blood. . Aloe linguceformis. a plant whose reputed value in some forms of cardiac diseases is at present before the profession. Red Sea.. Jacq. Colchicinu aiitiiniualc.tringent resin. Lam. Mill. an as. .. * J. [A. and Island of Socotra. Aloe spica/a. The North American Indians use as foods the following species under this order: Kamass root {Cammassia esculenta) is eaten raw or cooked. Allium schcsJioprasum . Linn. come form.. Roxb. and Gloriosa superba.. are the Cape Itch-bulb.. Allium porrwn . Stein. belongs to The this section. Sqiiilla and from the Mediterranean coasts. Allium scodoprasum . kep.. Roxb. bulbs of Tulipa gesneriana. in U. Miller). Asparaous acutifolius. etc. Linn. Cape Aloes are said to be derived from Aloe ferox. Driinia ciliaris. Allium Caroliuianum . Squillce. Aloe arboresceiis. Cordyline terminalis. . 418. Rocambole. are violent poisons. ioxicarimn. Thun. Scilla maritima. pp. The Socotrine Aloe is a product o^ Aloe Socoli'ina. growing upon the southern shores of the Indian Ocean. These roots also yield a very good molasses when boiled in water. and Aloe piirp2irasccns. Lam. with varied properties.). Sqiiilla Pancration. is to us found. Ker. Pitt River. Baker. with the previous form. Other forms of squills are the South African Urginca allissiiua. while those of Calochortus elcgans and various species of the genus Lilium. and Cape Spanish bayonet [Yucca baccata): This spinous-leaved plant and shape the West Indian banana. Nearly allied forms.. the Echalotte. the principal ones being Asparagus officinalis. Chives. Smilax officiplant. the onion. Baker. vera. Willd. Mill. is a product of that famous East Indian tree. Crinum.. common Egypt other allied species are the Leek. Mill. Dragon'sFlattery Indians. and New Mexico are very fond of these fruits. 1870.. . and the Abyssinian Scilla Indica. Linn. Linn. are used for cataplasms . and New Zealand hemp oi Phorimum lenax.. S.. form nutritious foods. {A. The Lily of the Valley {Convallaria tnajalis. and are greatly esteemed by the Nez Perces.. in the latter form it is said to resemble the potato. Dodge. Linn. and the Indian emetic. and the South Sea Island TIThe Smilacece yield Jamaica sarsaparilla. a milder thought to be the Pancration of Dioscorides. is of uncertain nativity Alliwn ccpa. or dry and preserve when ripe. Allium Canadcnse. The Indians of Arizona. viride. Squills.. many other liliaceous those of Tulipa sylveslris are emetic (Poiret) . Agric. Linn. Liliacecs proper. the common garlic.). Aloe A/ricana. Erythronium Americanum. Aloe Comj7ielini. Allium ascalonicum . those oi Fritillaria imperialis. which they either eat fresh. Barbadensis. Utah. Under is also a member Helonias dioica and Trillium are represented this head are classed the Aloe. the Southern Wild Garlic. R. Various pot-herbs are found in this family. long used. wellshaded woods. — History and Habitat.. souri value the roots parturition. Smilax glauca.." the species used and the mode of preparation are uncertain. we learn that it is a matter of indifference which. The species most commonly used. the Sylhetian Smilax nalis. lancecefolia. glabra. i. restringent. T. cernuum). : . Mart. 637. although the Indians have a notion that those with red blossoms (which they call male) are the best. The variety album is not complants. Hale says:§ "From the remarks of Dr. . Trillium erectum is one of our common indigenous ranging from North Carolina northward. is printed in the Enunder Trillium cernuum f informs me that he procured his tincture for proving " from a botanic physician. and are claimed held to the nose and the acridity inspired. Smilax syphilitica. pectoral. . mon eastward it habits the same localities.. in the Eclectic Dispensatoiy. Willd. They are all astringent. p. certtuum than any other. grandiflorum. I therelore consider it full time. — Dr. Trillium is not officinal in the Pharmacopoeias. Smilax medica. Ait. or how many. rich. and Kunth. T. M. The Americati Homceopathic PharmacopoeiaX directs the use of T. They antiseptic. and flowers in the month of May. etc. Concerning the properties of this genus. are employed internally hemorrhage. hematemesis. tonic. long since dead . uterine Canada and Mis- menorrhoea. inflamed is similar to that of the liliaceae in general. are the T. species of Trillium go to make up the preparations — cyclopedia. metrorrhagia. Allen. p. etc. e. 629. nutans {i. Smith . 1830. pictum [T. . John King. vol. 442. and as a restringent after of the tubers as an external application in ulcers. x. Smilax glycyphylla. pendulum. Minton. Dr. who claims to introduce it into Materia Medica. Japicanga or Ihapeca^iga. is a noted alterative its substitutes and supposed analogues are the Brazilian China branca e rubra. the Indian Smilax. land. . etc. in Indians of hematuria. Roxb. Linn. p. .. The etc. and this the place. Brazilian sarsaparilla. Smilax China. t Encyclopedia of Pure Mat. 4th ed. because most common. Roxb. T. \ Second edition. and those with white blossoms (called female) are best for women's complaints. — Pharmacy. vol. * Medical Flora. medium. T. the original prover whose MS. in leucorrhoea.. It grows in damp. On account of the acridity of the roots they have been used to to check epistaxis when a newly-cut root is promote ptyalism. Schl. Many other so-called sarsaparillas are derived from various species scattered throughout the more tropical regions of the world.. says:* "Almost all the species may be used indifferently. Smilax Pseudo- China." much The use swellings. and flowers a little later. to setde upon the most proper source of the drug. Med. & Cham. 175-4 Vera Cruz or Honduras sarsaparilla. erythrocarpum). pp. Considerable doubt exists among our authors and pharmacists concerning which species of this genus should be used for our tincture. . erectutn). sores. 102-3. E. The Javanese China-root. (Pereira). \ Hale's New Remedies. {T. Rafinesque. the sweet-tea of New Hol- and the American China-root. and describes no distinct species. alterative. but approaches nearer T. Then two T. P/iar.). extractive. and answers to none of the starch tests. sessile 9. and should raise a soap-like foam on shaking. Ait. this by transmitted CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. it — according it. taking T. I am assured also that our most important pharmacies in the East use this species. He also separated a volatile oil. T. pour and allow it to stand eight days tincture. a permanent. Trilliiun ereciuvi. pendulum. ether./r. that no reliable conviction gained by using a preparation made manner. T. Jour. a dry. or acids to any extent. I am none of the tinctures or triturations now in use by homreopathists is prepared from the Trillium pendulum alone. a dark. 1S56. the prolific common growth. when shaken with water. however.. knowledge can be For use in disease.2° F. no disdnguishing odor nor taste. 512. gum.xed thoroughly with one-sixth part of The the value lo. to my personal : cernuiun 6. cool place. p. it and the rest of the alcohol into a well-stoppered botde. forms an amorfiltered off without detriment to it. from bined exact proportions. the proper species for homoeopathic use. erythroca7'pum 2. PART USED AND PREPARATION. S. erectimi T. resin. . In this I am upheld by Dr. have followed his line of procedure and corroborated his analysis in full.. Allen and others of our most thorough botanically educated physicians." in this loose made from a definite. frothing. This tincture will deposit a heavy cream-colored sediment on standing. and giving value in occurrence of the other species in proportion observations —would be T. Prof E.77//. I purple Trillium. having. too small quantities of the resultants to further experiment upon. and forming. F". and fresh tubers should be After having stirred the whole well. the pulp mi. when dried. formed a bright glistening scale. opaline. next season. soap-like mixture. erectum and other species. single species should be used. reliable tincture. spread thinly on glass. It is insoluble in water. 175-5 in use that in school. satisfied. filtration. mass by should have a light. whitish. separated in from chopped parts by weight of alcohol are taken. the I.— r. that — in On deem account of its wide range. an acid reaction. pendulnni one phm-macy only using T. powerfully acrid mass. soluble in alcohol. It is my some my however. 3. phous mass. leaving no ash. or several cominquiries..— The Ait. We must adopt one of two methods either one species exclusively. grandifloruni to be the most common. Linn. pendulum. melts at 249° (480. slightly brownish-orange color. under the label T. without odor or taste. light. which can be This sediment. alkalies.. pulverable. A tincture of this body. alcohol. tannic acid and starch. amphorous. and pounded added. In regard to the frequency of the species of Trillium in this State (New York). acridity and evident strength. and burns at a higher temperature with a bright yellow flame. to I shall. VVayne='= separated from a tincture of Trillium. T. analyze the tubers of Trillium I Am. to a pulp and weighed. Trillium erectum. AIT. 5. however. 6. full action. var. 12th. Stamen (enlarged). PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. Lower portion and root.175-6 better settle upon the qualities of this genus.. and determine. its most representative species. album. 2. Ovary Y. deserving full Description of Plate 175. Upper portion of plant. as before mentioned. 4. clinical experience. 3. TRILLIUM PENDULUM. if possible. is have a careful proving of Trillium by Prof and some excellent not yet determinable from these. and I promise the fraternity my share as fully and promptly as time and material shall render possible. i{ to do . Pistil (enlarged). May in horizontal section (enlarged). Binghamton.— We Henry Minton. the This certainly is a drug and careful study and proving. Pollen X 280. N. VERATRUM VfRIDE.eipinxt. Inatdel. .Ait.176. . broadly oval. greenish or Root coarse. plaited. AIT. and scraggly. anatro- pous styles none stigmas 3. GENUS. . and strongly pointed. and leafy to the top. confluently i -celled at the apex. (FR.— AMERICAN WHITE HELLEBORE. NAMES. atrum. V. the sepals. — VERATRUM. CROW POISON. V. INDIAN POKE. separate down to the ovary.— rOI.— VERATRUM VIRIDE.). grounds from Canada southward to the mountain meadows of Georgia. from 2 to 5 feet. flowering in the north in July. ALBUM. ALBUM. thick. SYN. . clasping by a sheathed base. SYST. with a broad membranaceous margin and an acute ape. ITCH WEED. Stem erect. SWAMP HELLEBORE. anthers free from. VAR.x embryo oval albnmen sarcous. simple. more pointed leaf and its panicle looser and more compound the racemes of V. Fruit a 3-horned and carpelled. .) GRtJNBR GERMER. PARVIPLORUM. COM. Description. ligulate. recurved. and. and in the south in April or May. album being compact. and more or less horizontal the lower part throwing off numerous white fibres. viride are scattered. FALSE HELLEBORE. extrorse. loosely floral racemes flozuers monoeciously polygamous. Ovules ascending. HBLONIAS VIRIDIS.* TOURN. BARTHGALL. spreading. fleshy. . — Veratrum viride is indigenous to North America. (GER. VERATRUM VIRIDE. compounded. olivaceous green. (NOT MICHX. . Leaves 3-ranked. BOT. MAG.. —This pubescent perennial grows to a height of AIT. 1096. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH ROOT OF VERATRUM VIRIDE. stout. spike-like. I?) REGEL. i76 Tribe. ORD. INDIAN UNCUS. BONG. Sepals 6. .) VBRATRB VERT. AMERICAN WHITE HELLEBORE. moderately spreading. . GRAY. cylindrical while those of V. V. hiflorescence a terminal pyramidal panicle. and shorter than. filaments ovate-oblong. V. septicidal capsule seeds 8 to 10 in each carpel. . recurving. PUPPET ROOT. yet our species The American species has a much is strikingly different in general appearance.). History and Habitat. as a whole. album of Europe in its minor points. and entirely free from the ovary. SEX. 8 to 18 inches long. (NOT LINN. . con- and glandless. Although much like the V.N.YGAMIA MONCECIA. truly . reniform. BSCHSCHOLTZII. tracted at the base. MBADOVT POKE. black. . MICHX. flattishoblong.-MELANTHIE^. clawless Stamens 6. where it habits low * Vere. composed of dense.-LILIACE^. separate. and gradually decreasing in size upward to mere lanceolate bracts. gathered after the preceding drug. 5 to 8 drops of the tincture. Osgood* and Thos. not finding a point of difference. Drs.. is ordeal by the all its entitled to the in action the longest command the rest. mitted light. Phar. compared with the species under consideration. JJ Ibid. and an acid madder color by trans- reaction. and observed that birds. Ingalls. as advised in this work. cit. i. ix... Bot.^ Little attention. Bigelow War." Kalm (1749) statesf that at the time of his visit here the people used a decoction of this plant externally in the cure of scorbutic affections. no.. He also states that corn planting. recovering from prescriber of the drug in its regular practice was probably Dr. however. ff Ibid. It is doubtless right to give Dr. A. Bigelow. Med. Dr. vol. and to destroy vermin. to protect corn. Lond. Med. Jour. who studied under Professor Tully modestly giving the professor most of the honor of learning its properties wrote an excellent essay upon the drug in 1835. Cutter. I Am. . and H. however. Charles Osgood. J Comnnmication to Dr. 60-76. Norwood. and of which may be that of Josselyn* (1638). \ Am. Chas.. who those and in their blind struggling frightened away ate of the grain. series 2. Miller. Richard (1858). to New England. x. John Almshouse in cases of tinea capitis. a peculiar rich odor and taste were the fresh in Viridis. Ware was probably the first to experiment with this drug to gain an idea of its physiologicrjl action. it was soaked became attacked with the balance of the flock The first Ware. p. in a strong decoction of the root before against birds. Worthington JJ the first to assert the *= to suspect trine existed in * Neiv England Rarities Discovered.J who used effects. vertigo. vol. 46. Ph. Account of Two Voyages t Travels in North America. excepting resulting tincture has a brilliant. of South Carolina. its officinal preparations Extractum Veratri Viridis Fluidiun and Tinctura Veratri PART USED AND PREPARATION. loc. and an application and internal remedy in it in the Boston states§ that during the Revolutionary — — arthritic troubles of all kinds . Belden. after eating of this . is treated as in the used.—The leaves have fallen that dilute alcohol The in is autumn. Jour. ** Am. first . CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. The principal uses of the drug were as a depressor of the heart's action wherever it was deemed necessary. Although Dr.— Dr. Tully and Ives (1830) were the first to investigate its therapeutic action as well. 1674. ii. 1672. Samuel Percy in 1856.|l and it was through his use in part that its employment began in England in 1862. the credit of establishing the proper method of administering the drug. slightly orange. Norwood's paper appeared in 1851. I the U. p. W. pp.176-2 There are four other North American species of Veratrum. various gouty patients used the American plant with success. being root. Drs. M'Gugin of Iowa (1861). S. principally through the efforts of Prof. seemed to follow this essay until Dr. from which time the drug gained gradually the prominence it now holds. and Prof. Sci. Mitchelli-f by analysis that the alkaloid commonly known as Verathe species viride. vol. Dr. The first account we have of the use who speaks of the use of the root as an selection of their tribal chiefs was decided of this plant young Aborigines —"he whose stomach withstood to be the strongest of the party. vol. when K album could not be procured. Wood) forms an almost insoluble sulphate. a/bum. 1879.20 traces Veratria. alkaloids to First: . || V.: 176-3 From fact. May 31.05 Cevadina. of barium hydrate. C-H^. F. alkaline reaction \ before us.** into —A crystallizable alkaloid (the cevadina of decomposes on boiling with an angelic acid. Jervia. B.H. C.). gradually turning green.5N05. greatly resembling the veraand termed the sternutatory property of V. 21. Bullock (i865t ^nd 1879).20 Pseudojervia..20 Jervia. J Ibid. C2jH^3NO. and giving with sulphuric acid almost the same coloration as the next. acid. Cj^H^igNO^j. — Cevadina.. and is The following latest analysis of the Veratrine of V. Mitchell (1874). which * still Assoc. it. der Pharni. and Trans. T[ Arch. Am. = C5H/X -I- 321. C^^H^^NO. your. he claims that veratrine Luff). criticism as regards its solution of the some problem upon the complex nature of the principles of this is a homogeneous mixture of two isomeric light these he designates as insoluble Veratrine. L. 0. 1. 1879. soluble veratrine. Cevadine. The above open digest of much Wright and Luff's analysis is anything but satisfactory. and The other isomer Am. —A snow-white base.25 0. *» C3.NO.gH^. C. 0. Phar.804 alkaloid (the viridia of G. 1862.2°. An amorphous mass. acid. viride. \ Am. melts at 237° (458..). C. .0).. It —This base gives a red coloration with sulphuric and greatly resembles cevadina and the veratria of other authors. 2.„H.6°. having an and a peculiar sweetish taste. crystallizing anhydrous from and giving a yellow solution with sulphuric alcohol. CjHgO. sulphate and welland resembles in many however. Pseudojervia. 337. 0. 1865. + (H. Cevadine. p. Wright and alcoholic solution — An amorphous. crystallizing with two molecules of water.30 0. albwn oi Europe. p. Phar. album.^f will serve to throw genus. C^.. melting at 239° (462.. F.. J. Robbins (i877). or p. as follows. yellowish-white powder. Assoc. 439. .— This amorphous 0. pp.40 0. 81..004 0. Veratrine.§ and Wright and Luff (1879)... melting at 299° (570. this principally G. tralbia of V.15 Rubijervia. album. crystallized salts in general. Scattergood (1862). by Dr.02 Veratralbia. viride. y. The results of these studies show a similarity in this species to l'. ways the preceding Veratralbia. || Phar.. 226.. Peugenet (1872). Jour. — A base forming a readily-soluble Rubijervia. 0. gives with sulphuric acid a red coloration. 1877.NO<.! Prof G. Aug.* Chas. Emil Bossetti. Wood. Angelic Acid. 523. time the chemistry of the plant became a great study by many.). P..3NO.. C^gH^^NO. E.2°. B. tabulated from the observations of Wright and One kilogramme of the roots of each species yielded Luff.H^^jNCj. Water. insoluble in water. Phar..43 (?) 4. p. body is This soluble in water and alcohol. unable to stand. " " vomiting very frequently. sparingly soluble in water. L. troidia chloroform. the saliva continued to flow freely from the mouth. Veratroine.„0. + C5.NO. eyes fixed. vomiting viscid mucus and " prostration very great. and the saliva flowed very freely from his mouth. Percy's experiments upon dogs and frogs show finely the action of the drug. CjHj|. the heart merely fluttered the dog could be moved in any way without the slightest voluntary motion. In eighteen minutes the dog vomited.0^.H<„N. The respirations were slow but full. On Animals. C^.0.. The dog was perjectly insensible to pain. lay down. — Pu 3-35 P-M- 4 4.. but sober and dejected.05 4. losing their water of crystallization on heating. profuse salivation.1. and insoluble in ether. amylic alcohol..0). in gelatine capsules. ten minims of the concentrated tincture. The urine and feces were passed involuntarily.45 5. . were given to a large dog weighing about thirty pounds. Into the cellular tissue of the right lumbar region of a mongrel dog weighing sixteen pounds was passed. — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. and sublimes completely at high temperatures. in and carbon bisulphide therefore answering fully to C. Veratric Acid. 1863. Veratridine. bile.H^^N^Oj^. the retching continuing frequent. The pulse at the time v. and —A body forming.20 4. Ten minims more of the same tincture were now injected into the left lumbar region. " vomited. viride. " walking about.45 6 9 " salivation very profuse. The movements soon became uneasy and unsteady. The limbs were very flaccid. Assoc..N0. Mitchell's veraas obtained from V. Veratric Acid. + (H. ether.H. and decomposing when boiled with an alcoholic solution of baryta water* into veratric acid. * (C3. " prostration great. Dr. The eye was dull. . At one hour from the first injection. Med.. by Mr. From his prize essay from the Atn.. of the alkaloid veratria made from veratrum viride. thirty minutes the dog lay completely on its side. being almost as limpid as water. the pupils widely dilated. but readily soluble benzol. " Experiment I. but fixed but the eye closed if the cornea was touched. and very irregular. great care was taken that none of it escaped into tlie mouth. " pupils widely dilated. after dehydration and trituration.20 5. It is a yellowish-white powder. and the pulse was reduced to 63. Schmit). the dust of which causes coughing and sneezing. C3„H^. In thirty-four minutes the dog In staggered. to which Tobien gave the formula CgjH^gN^Ojg. In forty-five minutes from the first injection. Ten minims of a solution containing 1/3 gr. and was unable to rise. the pulse 32. George Scattergood.— : 176-4 Veratridine. crystallizes in colorless needles. of Philadelphia.< . the heart was beating 14 in the minute. soluble in water. —An uncrystallizable alkaloid (the soluble veratrine of Weicrelin and E. by Wade and Ford's hypodermic syringe. Veratroine.H. = C. Water. — . I have selected two of the more prominent cases "Experiment VII.'as 1 10. I tried thirty-one experiments upon dogs with the alkaloid. .176-5 Three days afterward the same dose was again given to the same dog. with very similar resuks. and there was almost total loss of power of the volun" tary muscles. with the aid of a microscope. the mucous membrane of the stomach was much inflamed. " During the months of July and August. There would be intermis- . amounting to two grains at a time. there was most generally a dilatation of the pupils. ture. Upon post-mortem examination. made by myself from veratrum viride. producing alarming prostration. and most painful and protracted vomiting. and prostration induced. for the purpose of ascertaining if they were alike in their therapeutic action. With this animal. but nearly always when given by hypodermic injection that large doses of either. Percy's experiments upon frogs. it was caused by repeating the dose. and in some instances the inflammation extended more or less throuo-h the whole intestinal tract. would upon the plate was placed in entirely cease in the web. if brandy. are very interesting. and with the commercial veratria made by Merck. and the difference between the white and red disks. might be given. " It was always interesting recommencement. and their position Sometimes the circulation in the larger capillaries. " In those instances where death took place from these alkaloids. which the . brandy and morphia. . " From sedative in these experiments its effects I learned that the alkaloid from the viride was more upon the pulse than the commercial veratria was less commercial veratria frequently did that it produced vomiting and prostration in about an equal degree that when a large dose was given. and the heart filled with dark blood. and prolonged. meanwhile watching their circulation irritant. and neither of them to the same extent as the pure resinoid. " When to watch the cessation of the circulation and its large doses of the veratrum viride were given by the stomach. . but this effect was not produced by small doses that purging was but seldom produced by either when given by the mouth. seldom causing an increase in the number . . the cessation of the circulation never occurred suddenly. 1857. " Both alkaloids produced a sedative effect upon the pulse. and not by a dose of two grains administered at one time. but the commercial veratria did not to the same extent as that from the viride. and the vomiting was more painful and continued from the effects of the alkaloid than from the other preparations named. the prostration was very great. or tincture of cantharides was administered and that in every instance the animal's life might be saved by proper attention. "The prostration was more complete. that it of pulsations." Dr. . alarming. but fresh running water. would almost return again in ten or fifteen minutes if may be the frog easily discerned. the After the injection of the course of the blood through the capillaries circulation is "may be watched so regular and sluggish that the blood-globules tinc- until may be counted the as they course through the smaller vessels. and was always seen at the rectum the kidneys were in a state of congestion. or the tincture made from veratrum viride. the pulse was not much depressed. without causing death. dilation of the capillaries. —Veratrum viride causes slight or temporary delirium vertigo. I. Description of Plate 176. small raceme. bile. Under 4. 7. Pistil. N.. Stamens. "The occurrence of this throb was the first notice given of the return of the it would be repeated at shorter intervals. excessive and painful singultus. with chills and coldness of the surface of the body. Longitudinal section of ovary. but general movement would take place of the blood-disks. until the circulation was entirely established in a slow but steady current. The action. at each pulsation. 5. and then several of such pulsations would occur in a minute. (3-8 enlarged. and great nausea. from the lower portion of the panicle. convulsive." On Man. vomiting and cold sweat. the patient is unable to rise or to walk profuse cold sweat. Binghamton. urine clear and scant. After throb. then. is that of an arterial and nerve sedative it paralyzes both it increases all secretions through its the voluntary and involuntary muscles influence in paralyzing the vaso-motor system of nerves. vomit composed of mucus. 7th. . 6. July 2. suffocating breathing pulse slow. Whole plant. Horizontal section of ovary. the blood-disks would be in re-established would be slower than before. sometimes a minute elapscirculation Then a short ing. an erect position. Y. which would cause a general It had ceased there would be an occasional movement. but upon the subsidence of the impetus. . Sepal. profuse salivation. and soft. . small. with a red streak down the centre especially when in . with severe spasms of the superior portion of the oesophagus. . showing bract. and dark-colored blood. allowing thus a great of the fauces . 6 times reduced. and again renewed. after a while about the same situation as before. . weak. 8. ceasing upon cessation of the vis a tergo. which compels a horizontal position dry mouth and lips tongue coated at base and dryness of the throat and numbness sides. after each one. . . reduced even to almost imperceptlbility very profound prostration.176-6 sions of longer or shorter duration . surface of flower. pain and soreness of the lower abdomen. dimness and unsteadiness of vision. 1885. A 3. .) . the current of blood and when would cease. . Cray.deI. . ^ r hi I 6:\ ^ ^i'k #^4 M3 pinxt.adnat.177. CHAM^tLJRIUM LUTEUM. . Leaves alternate. leafy. JACQ. PURSH. separate down to. cliamai. RAP. lily. and a number of fibrous rootlets from Its thickest portion. see foot-n ite and history. HELONIAS. spike-like racemes. in June. abrupt. woods.. HELONIAS DIOICA. UNICORN PLANT. — it History and Habitat. CAROLINIANUM. DEVIL'S BIT.. terminal. the ovary. COLIC ROOT. ABALON ALBIFLORUM. spreading. roundish oval. SEX. 3-celled pod.* WILLD. marsh J For amlysis of the .\Y. . all in . . 2-celled.. and nearly as long and extrorse. and flowers * xa/iai.t A TINCTURE OF THE ROOT OF CHAMAELIRIUM LUTEUM. feet. Inflorescence dioecious. — This smooth perennial herb attains a growth of from i to 3 wand-Hke. where they tend toward spatulate and are tapered into a petiole. N.— HEXANDRIA TKIUVNIA. . bogs. GRAY. light colored. lanceolate. marStamens 6. COM. Rootstock thick. WILLD. anthers yellow. Ifi/ion. H. . and sessile. PUMILA.— CHAMAELIRIUM LUTEUM.-MELANTHIE/E. DEL. oblong. both sexes composed of 6. usually wanting in the sterile spreading. WALT. FALSE UNICORN ROOT. DENSUM.. M. Xtipioi'. the more or less curved pedicels spreading in the male. LINN.. linear-clavate. winged at each end. AIT. flowers as. longer than the sepals in the male flower. increasing in size toward the root. and furnished with many long roots from the base of the stem. 177 Tribe. LUTEA.— DEVIL'S BIT. STARWORT. where ranges from Western New England westward to Illinois and southward it habits rich . GENUS— C HAMAELIRIUM. SYST. unequal. those of the upper stem small. loculicidally 3-valved from the apex. ground as . The Devil's Bit is indigenous to North America. styles 3. both Description. GR. BLAZING STAR. NAMES. some species frequent common names. C. H.. LAM. short and rudimentary in the female filaments thread-shaped Perianth bractless. parallel veined. Fruit an ovoid- Seeds numerous. virgate. SYN. MELANTHIUM DIOICUM. the fertile nearly erect.. erect in the female. . Ovary green. cescent sepals. VERATRUM LUTEUM.ORD-LILIACE^. linear- oblong. on the f 'EXof /lelos. DROOPING STARWORT. under Aletri . OPHIOSTACHYS VIRGINICA. spatulate. stigmas simply the inner surfaces of the styles. Stein kinds in sterile long. .f gathered after the The ture has a beautiful. but very bitter. uterine .. Barton thought that its relief of colic was on account of some narcotic power. angered supposed bit off a portion to the effect that the — —as was then whence the name Devil's Bit. and commends it for checking nausea and vomiting. sialagogue. hemorrhage. is too characteristic. Jour. and other bodies not essential. ii. It thread in the eye of a needle (Fig. The previous medical colic. Dr. and burning of the pudenda. — PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. to be mistaken for that of any other plant known to me. vermifuge. Dr. Ives used it as a tonic. worms. Like many principles of the lily tribe. extractive. The symptoms caused in several experimenters from the ingestion of varying doses of the tincture and of helonin. Dr. Med. like a this character is constant and specific. splitting. 416. The Tildens' analysis J resulted in the determination of an oleo-resin. is in atony of the generative organs associated with colic and severe lumbar pains. . starch. gum.177-2 On and account more of the similarity of vulgarisn-. however.— Chamcslirin. Braman* had the utmost confidence in the root in the cure of leucorrhcea. even when thoroughly dried. . and vertigo dimness of vision dryness of the mouth and fauces irritation and burning of the stomach colic . neutral. history of this plant dates from the aboriginal use against In domestic fevers. and Surg. treated as directed under Trillium.s than aught else. and insoluble in other general solvents. N. Helonias proves of both sexes. B. especially when itself very useful PART USED AND PREPARATION. emetic. S. and botanic practice emmenagogue." profuse urination followed by uncertainty of the sphincslight ter vesicae.. xl. 122. and it is considered tonic. f Pa^e I7S-5- I Jour. this plant same in various localities. and chewed the root to relieve coughs. Mat. this body is saponaceous in its alcoholic and aqueous solutions. fresh root. is said that there is an aboriginal legend that this root should cure of to curtail it its usefulness. Rafin- antiscorbutic. or are interchanged. .— The fruits have bursted. Green succeeded in isoand suggests the name. 9) across . are in substance as follows: Mental depression headache. into glucose and an uninvestigated body that is insoluble. through the agency of dilute acids. a pleasant. The Aletris are gathered as the root of Helonias. When this root is cut it will be plainly noticeable that the fibrous rootlets pierce the cortex through ample foramina. Dr. in which they are found to be freely movable. purging followed by scyballa burning in the region of the kidneys "like two bags of hot water. . taste. bitter powder. He describes the body as an amorphous. S. diuretic. . clear orange color by transmitted light. odor. The Indian squaws employed the root to check miscarriages. esque says that its mere application to the skin causes diuresis. lowering of the * Bost. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. . and disorders all bad spirit. and an acid resulting tinc- no distinguishing reaction. a bitter principle. Med. lating this glucoside from the root. fulness. languor. Y.' experiments. 11. Female S. Stamen. 10. style. Jone«. Mat. Ency. 5.) * Allen. Horizontal section of the fruit. I and 2. Horizontal section of the rootstalk. Whole male plant. Fruit. June 29th.. . 18S5. male flower. Sepal. 565-72 .177-3 frequency of the pulse . mostly from Dr. iv. flower. li/ed. A 4. (3-8 and lo-ii enlarged. Samuel A. A 9.. chilliness. and flashes of heat. 6. Port Crane. Anther. 7. 3.''' Description of Plate 177. severe lumbar pain . N. . LILIUM S UPERBUM .adnaideletpinxt. ^TO.178. . Linn. . versatile. tigrinn^n. .CAP LILY. Fruit an oblong. N. horizontally flattened by compression.-HEXANDRI. stems simple. hypogynous . of seeds. lanceolate. where classical Latin July. A TINCTURE OF THE FRESH BULB OF LILIUM SUPERBUM. 3-lobed. of China. ing testa soft fleshy. LI LIU M.ORD-LILIACE^. NAMES. Bulb scaly. i78 Tribe. Style elonous dark purple spots inside. pointed. 175-5). L. SE. growth of from glabrous. SYN. . Sepals bases. shorter than the style. Inflorescence a terminal pyramidal raceme floioers nodding perianth open campanulate. . MICHX. 3-celled. subtriangular. CAROLINIANUM. indigenous to North America from and flowers from June through known concerning is lily is Canada and westward This species has no medical history. (?) COM. bright orange with numer- and a honey-bearing furrow at the base. its divisions somewhat coherent at . erect. 40. SVST.LI LI E/E. the receptive surface velvety. Jilajjtents dilated and somewhat adherent at their bases. opening by a lateral or slightly introrse line.^ MONOGYNIA. rounded. gated club-shaped stigma apical. Ovary 3-celled ovtiles anatropous. loculicidal capsule. 3 to 7 sessile. all Leaves and smooth. the upper scattered.— TURK'S-CAP LILY. fresh The bulbs are treated in the resulting tincture has a no distinguishing odor or the Greek \tifmv. deciduous. —This beautiful perennial herb attains a feet. each cell containing two rows . sessile. 3 to their strongly revolute. cover- PART USED AND PREPARATION. Description. lower in whorls of from to 5 7. the 3-nerved. L. as those of Trillium beautiful * embryo congener. . — The same manner . axial .— LILIUM SUPERBUM. Seeds numerous. SUPERB LILY. li. MEADO"W LILY.* LINN. — GENUS. LILIUM SUPERBUM. TURK'S. LINN. leirion. LINN. anthers linear. a bitter and . Statnens 6. at first included then projecting. from which they taper to a very fine apex at the point of fixture of the anther. from the Celtic . albnmen History and Habitat. and an acid reaction. beautiful all that its orange color by transmitted astringent taste. 6. this. —This the Carolinas northward to it habits rich low grounds. small. white. (p. The to the Rocky Mountains. light name.\. ^WILD TIGER LILY. Elmira.. and 78. X. Med.) * Allen.. . languor. oppression of chest weakness of the extremities. debility. dullness of the eye epistaxis paleness and sickly expression of countenance. Stigma. power. splenic discomfort . Mat. Stamen. increased . fruit. nth. — PHYSIOLOGrlOAL ACTION. The only account who records the following that of Dr. . burning of the mouth and oesophagus. 2. Y. 4. N. the flowers. constipation . . (3. Encyc. Section of ovary. Reading. 4. Aug.* of the action of this drug effects : is Mental exhaustion . and 6 enlarged. should be included. Young 6. E. appetite pulses. i{ restlessness. 572. prostration. headache. . Upper portion of flowering i acceleration of the Section of mid-stem. 3. plant. bitter taste in the mouth. thus extending its in full sexual therapeutic usefulness.178-2 when In preparing the tincture in further provings. 5. Description of Plate I. Plants without flowers stamens and seeds. SERIES CRYPTOGAMIA. and generalK' with sort of foliage. [Td precede plate 179. e.PLATES 179 AND 180. CLASS ACROGENS Cryptogams with woody distinct tissue and some stems and branches.] . called spores. pistils. /. exhibiting xessels. . destitute of the essential organs and producing m lieu of numerous microscopic bodies capable of germination. 179. /.TU.aiJnatdel.etpinxt. EpUISETUM HYEMALE.Linr N. ORD.-EQUISETACE^. 179 GENUS.— EQUISETUM,* LINN. SEX. SVST.— CRVI'TOCAMIA KIl.ICES. EQUISETUM. GREAT SCOURIJYG RUSH. SYN.— EQUISETUM HYEMALE, LINN. COM. NAMES.— SCOURING RUSH, DUTCH RUSH, SCRUBBING RUSH, SHAVE-GRASS, WINTER HORSETAIL (FR.) PRELE (GER.) SCHACH; ; TELHALM. A TINCTURE OF THE WHOLE FRESH PLANT FJ^UISETUM HYEMALE, Description. 4 — This erect, arrow-like plant Root perennial, horizontal, jointed feet. tions, at their middle, grows to a height of LINN. from i to 3 or from the sec- like the stem,, putting off numerous moss-like rootlets. S/em simple, rarely incon- spicuously branched, sub-cylindrical from root to spike, hoUo'W, evergreen, surin two more or less on the ridges, constituting the roughness of the stem. Sheaths elongated, closely appressed to the stem at each joint, and furnished with a black zone at their bases liiitb black, composed of as marty teeth as there are ridges upon the stems teeih linnear, narrow, each with a keel at its base, appearing as a prolongation of the ridge below the awned points deciduous. Epidermis abounding in silex stoniata disposed in two lines, one on each side of the groove. Spike viving the winter; ridges 17 to 27, very rough; tubercles distinct lines ; ; ; ; apical, ovate, armed with a sharp, rigid, black tip; scales with a dark, brownish- black face. Equisetaceae and Equisetum.— This family of flowerless plants is very characone genus only,, the Equiscla, immediately recog- teristically distinct, consisting of nized after once examined. They consist of fertile and sterile stems, often branched, and always jointed, hollow, and rough. The root, in its solid portion, is composed from centre to circumference of the following layers strong cellular tissue a a circle of circle of air-canals, each surrounded by a zone of vascular bundles vascular bundles composed of annular ducts a parenchyma traversed by airand the cuticle. As the rhizome canals a circlet of parenchymatous cells approaches the stems it becomes hollow through the loss of the central cellular The jointed stems and branches tissue and the modification of the other layers. are hollow and bridged by a thin membranous diaphragm at each joint. The :. ; ; ; ; ; * Eguus, a horse; sfta, a hair or bristle. 179-2 somewhat cone-shaped, composed of a central axis as a prolongaupon which are situated, like growing toad-stools, numerous groups of t/iercr or sporanges, joined by their bases to a central axis, and looking inward, so that only the somewhat hexagonal flattened cap is seen externally. These sporanges, as they ripen, separate from one another, and finally fruiting head is tion of the last joint of the stem, burst longitudinally, allowing the escape of the spores. The sfiores are very strange any other form of vegetable matter. They are ovoid in shape, and composed of two coats, the outer splitting spirally, thus forming four thread-like bodies, thicker at their free ends, called claiers, which, from what follows, will be seen to be very useful in scattering the seed. While the spores are crowded in the sporangia, or when they are damp, these elaters are tightly coiled around the bodies, unlike spoce coil ; but, as soon as the theca bursts, or the spores become dry, the elaters unThis may with force, causing the propulsion of the spore to quite an extent. be seen by placing a few spores under the microscope and breathing upon them the exhaled moisture causes the elaters to coil up immediately; by quickly placing ; If the dryis witnessed as drying commences. and twist about like spiders in pain while, if the drying skip from the field of view like grasshoppers. ^\\^ germination the eye at the tube a curious sight ing is is slow, the spores roll quick, they will of the spore A ; quite similar to the process of multiplication in the rod-bacteria. is bud-like process puts out from the spore and soon grows on and multiplies in of which arises arche^onia and this all becomes directions until a tuft is cut by a septum ; formed, from the centre anthcridia, in distinct bodies. After fertilization of an archegonium, the germ-cell developes like an embryo. At the present day the Equiseta are all comprised in one genus, but paleontology shows many species of great size and more varied features. History and Habitat—The Scouring Rush grows on wet banks, woods, especially northward, fruiting silex in the cuticle, the this in early spring. From in open abimdance of the stems have been variously used for scouring purposes; its vocabulary of vulgarisms. It is gathered use has contributed largely to into bundles ware, and by many housewives and used to brighten woods and good food for tins, floors, and wooden- Rafinesque says: "This plant, and allied species, furnish cattle in winter." He speaks of a tall species, called Nebratah by the Missouri Indians, used in the manufacture of mats, and of a species which he names E. tuberostun, the roots of which are used in the arts for polishing metals. as food by the Indians. This plant is not mentioned in the U. S. Ph., and not officinal in the Eclectic Materia Medica. PART USED AND PREPARATION. -The Then two whole fresh plant is chopped and pounded to a pulp the pulp mixed well with one-sixth part of it, and the rest of the alcohol added. is poured into a well-stoppered bottle and and weighed. parts by weight of alcohol are taken, After thorough mixture the whole in a dark, cool place. The tincture thus formed, after should have a light greenish-brown color by transmitted followed by a slight tobacco-like burning of the tongue, and allowed to stand eight days straining light, a and woody filtering, taste, an acid reaction to litmus-paper. 179-3 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS, in SiO,.— This oxide Silicia, of silicium present is the plant in large quantities, ranging, according to different authorities, from 7.5 to 41.2 per cent, of the whole herb. Equisetic Acid, Aconitic Acid, C,.H„0„. magnesium viatilc as species of the genus. 130° (266° F.), It position, it forms and soluble called " mallic," because acid; but fails to —This aconitate by Braconnot, it in is answer in who acid was determined considers it present E. flu- in in the other highly acid klinorhombic prisms, fusing at about both water and alcohol. This acid has also been formed upon the destructive distillation of mallic to the properties of that acid, as well as to its com- QH^O^. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION.-Dr. Hugh M. Smith states* the following symppersons taking from 50 to 150 drops of the tincture: Greatly increased appetite severe sharp pain, with soreness, in the lower abdomen pain, toms arising in ; ; tenderness, and distention of the bladder, with frequent urging to urinate pain along the urethra, burning and aching ing, with in the penis and testicles soreness of the testicles and spermatic cord ; dull pain when ; sharp urinat- and soreness in the back, with prostration. It is said that as a diuretic, it where cattle have been given too large quantities of an infusion has caused the voidance of blood. Description of Plate 179. Lower portion of stem. Upper portion of stem. 1. 2. (Two feet of stem between Nos. i and 3. Fruiting head (enlarged.) 4. Sporangia, outer 6. Damp spore .\ ; 5. 2 left out.) inner viesv. 200. Dry spore x 200. Stoma x 200. From Binghamton, N. Y., May 7. 8. * Thesis, N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll., i, 1884. 1876; Allen, Ency. Pure Mat. Med., vol. iv., pp. 204-210. 180. (p' nat.delet piiwt. LYCOPODIUM ClAVATUM , Linn. N. ORD.-LYCOPODIACE^. 180 GENITS — L Y C O P O D U M SEX. svsT.— cRvrn ic.vmi.v U'Odixe.k. I , ' LINN. LYCOPODIUM. CLUB MOSS. SYN.—LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM, LINN.; INTBGRIPOLIUM, HOOK. L. TRISTACHYUM, PERS. ; L. COM. NAMES.— COMMON CLUB MOSS, GROUND PINE, HOG'S BED, SNAKE MOSS, STAG'S HORN, WOLF'S CLAW; (PR.) PIED DE LOUP; (GER.) KALBBN-MOOS, GEMEINES BURLAPP. THE SPORES: VEGETABLE SULPHUR; (FR.) LYCOPODE, SOUFRE VEGETAL; (GBR.) BURLAPPSAMEN, BLITZ PULVER, WURM MEHL, HEXBN MEHL. THE SPORES OF LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM. A TRITURATION OF Description. —This Stem tough, more. evergreen perennial extends to a length of 30 feet or and very leafy, creeping extensively and strik- flexible, terete, ing root at varied intervals; >-oots light yellow, wiry, solitary and ascending, similar to the stems, but short and subdivided, the a fruiting peduncle. LINN. straight; branches terminated by Leaves crowded, homogeneous, equal and many-ranked, all fertile linear-awl-shaped, incurved, spreading, light green, and tipped by a long, incurved capillaceous bristle. long, Peduncle of the female branches erect, and bearing from i to 4, but usually appressed, tipped with a fine bristle in ; spikes ; 4 to 6 inches strict, bracts sparse, somewhat spikes linear, cylindrical, blunt, erect, mostly each composed of an axis and pairs, 2, many closely appressed scales ; scales membranaceous, erosely denticulate, pedicelled and tipped by a filiform point. Spore-cases (pheca) all of one kind, situated in the axils of the scales, all more or less flattened-reniform, coriaceous, i -celled, and opening by a trans-marginal line down through even the pedicel, leaving each ovate-triangular, closely imbricated, valve individual stalk. a;i Spores copious, very minute, together forming a very mobile, sulphur-yellow powder, which Lycopodiaceae. America by 2 is described further on. —This family of low, moss-like genera and 13 species ; its plants, is represented in North general characteristics are: stems herba- ceous or ligneous, simple or branched, and usually prostrate and extensively creeping. L^eaves usually crowded, linear, simple, sessile, persistent, -nerved, and more i or less appressed. 2-valved ; Frncfiji cation axillary or spiked ; spore cases quite spores generally copious and minute. * \i<o;. lykos. a wolf; -o!i.-or'o^. pons, /-udos, a foot; from a fancied resemblance. large, 180-2 This peculiar order furnishes but few drugs, but, contrary to their general The West appearance, they have high medicinal qualities. cerminiu, Linn., is diuretic, and recommended as a dysentery; the Peruvian L. cafharticiim. Hook., the natives in leprosy and elephantiasis ; is Indian Lycopodimn specific for certain iorms of a violent purgative, valued by the East Indian L. pldegmaria, hygroinetriciiin, L., are considered aphrodisiac, especially the latter, which and L. is noted and the European and American L. Selago, Linn., an active, narcotic poison; emetic and cathartic in small doses, but dangerous in it is also strongly counterlarge, bringing on violent purgation and convulsions irritant when applied to the skin, being used to keep blisters open, and to kill lice upon animals. for its qualities in this direction ; ; — History and Habitat. The common Club Moss is indigenous to North America, Northern Europe and Asia, as well as like countries of the Southern in this country in dry woods, where it is common northand August. Under the names Ahiscus terreslris, or Mzisciis clavalus, this plant was used as a whole, by ancient physicians, as a stomachic and diuretic, though the powder does not appear to be used alone, until about the 17th century. L. Selago was employed, by the Druids, as an active cathartic and deobstruent. The spores have been used as a diuretic in dropsy; a drastic in diarrhoea, dysentery, and suppressions; a nervine in spasms and hydrophobia; an aperient in gout and scurvy; and a corroborant in rheumatism. Externally they are largely used as a dusting powder for various skin diseases, and in excoriations of infants, to prevent chafing; and are considered the most efficacious application to plica poloiiica. In pharmacy, they form the best powder for keeping pills and lozenges Hemisphere. ward, fruiting It in occurs July from cohering with each other. flash with a hissing noise when They ignited. are very inflammable, so much so as to This property has determined their use in pyrotechnics, and for imitating the lightning's flash in theatrical performances. The spores plant is are officinal in the U. S. Ph. : in PART USED AND PREPARATION. — The fine, the Eclectic Dispensatory the not mentioned. spores, en masse, form a very odorless, tasteless, mobile, light-yellow powder, adhering to the fingers, but exhibiting a repulsive force for water. alcohol when it is readily miscible ; it is If shaken with water a portion hot, instantly penetrates the spores, rupturing their coat. sinks, with tinged brown by iodine; and sulphuric acid, rendering them transparent, but not under a strong lens, the spores are seen to be blundy tetrahedral, one surface (the base) being convex, the others triangularly pyramidal, their apices not fully meeting, but leaving a three-armed space. They show a surface finely reticulated by minute ridges, that are more elevated at their junctions, and enclose pent- or hexagonal spaces, the floors of which are occupied by a transparent, but astonishingly tough membrane, which, when ruptured, allows the escape of globules of an oily nature. Individiially, § ^80-3 Sop/iistifation. folia) : — The some pollen of pine (various species of plants, such as the cat-tail Pinns) spruce ; ( TypJia lati- and hemlock {Abies {Abies), Canadensis), are often mixed fraudulently with the powder, the microscope alone being able to detect the imposition.* Starch, when incorporated with the powder, gypsum, and chalk may be discovered by throwing the powder into water, or bisulphide of carbon boxwood powder may be separated by the use ot a fine sieve that will allow the spores to pass and However, the Lycopodium of commerce, which is mostly gathretain the wood. ered in Russia, Germany, and .Switzerland, is usually quite pure. To obtain an efficacious tincture of Lycopodium, a previous severe trituration for hours, first dry and then with the addition of sufficient alcohol to form a paste, then five parts, by weight, of alcohol is added, the whole poured into is necessary a well-stoppered bottle, and allowed to stand for eight days in a dark, cool place, being thoroughly shaken twice a day. The tincture, separated by straining and filtering, has a clear straw-color by transmitted light an oily odor and taste and ma)- be detected by iodine ; and talc, ; ; ; : a neutral reaction. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS.— Analyses made by Buchholtz and Cadet determined the presence of fat oil 6.0, sugar 3.0, gum 1.5, pollenin 89.5, this last being a mixed body. Stenhouse determined the presence of volatile bases, which were corroborated by Fluckiger, who also determined and contained alumina and phosphoric acid. that the ash was not alka- line, Oil of Lycopodium. cent., —This bland was determined by Fluckiger the spores are ruptured. It liquid, of which Buchholtz found only 6 per to exist in large does not solidify, amount even at — (47.0 per cent.) 15° (-1- when 5° P.). — This alkaloid, isolated by K. Boedeckerf from an \Lycopodine, C3.,H.„N„03. aqueous solution of the alcoholic extract of L. complanativn, Linn., may prove to exist also in this species. I 14° (237.2° P.), He describes and freely soluble in it as a bitter, crystalline body, melting at many PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION. — The liquids, including alcohol experiments with this and water.] J drug by Dr. Arnold, of Heidelberg, with the tincture, and by Prof Martin, of Jena, and six of his pupils, gave the following: The general symptoms were those of excitement, quickened more frequent evacuations, and stronger was for the urinary organs. There was frequent and sometimes painful micturition and the urine was cloudy and sedimentous, occasionally charged with mucus and even blood. This mosdy covers the so-called physiological action, though, when long-continued doses of the more highly potentizcd drug are taken, the scope of this remedy is immeasurably circulation, headache, increased appetite, The sexual desire. chief local affinity manifested ; enlarged. * See Fig. ii, Plate 163, ami f Ann. de Chim., 208, 363. + I Fig. 9, Plate 164. Am. Jour. F/iar., 1882, 77. Consult .lUm's Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica, vol. 6, pp. 1-69. 180-4 Description of Plate i8o. I. A portion of a stem after fruition, from Wenliam, Mass., Nov. 23d, 1S86. 2. A 3. Leaf. 5. A A 6 and 4. section of a stem. bract, outer view. bract, inner view, 7. Two showing theca. views of a spore (2-5 enlarged.) X 250- APPENDIX. GLOSSARY. A. when beginning a Greek derivative, signifies a want of something, or a negative lescent — without (^rcaii a stem). Abnormal, contrary to the usLial order of tilings. Aboriginal, truly original. Aborigine, in this work means the American Indian. Abortion, an imperfect formation, or the non-formation, of Abortive, imperfect or rudimentary (the stamen, plate Abrupt, suddenly terminating Abrnptlj/ pinnate, without an ; 1 some part. 13, fig. 5). as odd the end. leaflet at Acaulesccnt, apparently stemless. (Plate 19, fig. (Plate 35, fig. 10.) i.) Accnuibent, lying against a thing. Acetabuliforin, saucer-shaped. Acheninni, pi. achenia, a one-seeded, seed- like fruit. (Plate 95, fig. 6.) Aehlainydeous, without floral envelopes. Acicitlar, needle-shaped. Acinaciforin, scimitar-shaped. Acrogenoiis, growing from the ape.K. (Plate 179, fig. 2.) Aerogens, or acrogenoiis plants, the higher cryptogamous plants. Aculeate, armed with (Plate 33, prickles. Aciilcolate, s\\g\\t\y 'pnckXy (the stem of Acuminate, taper-pointed (the leaves of fig. plate 155). fig. 6, plate 152). Acute, merely sharp pointed (the leaves of Adelphous, said of stamens Adherent, sticking to, when joined or growing fast Adnate, said of an anther when fixed i.) i, fig. fig. 8, plate 156). in a fraternit)'. to, another body by its (caly.x to ovary, fig. 3, plate 70). whole length to the filament. (Plate 80, fig. 8.) Adventitious, out of the usual place. Advcntive, said of foreign plants when sparingly introduced — not really naturalized. .Equilateral, equal sided. ^Estivation, the arrangement of the parts Akeniuni, or akene. Ala, pi. ake, a in the flower bud. See achcnium. wing; the side petals of a papilionaceous (Plate 46, corolla. winged; as the seeds of the ash. (Plate 137, fig. 4.) Albumen, a vegetable product stored with the embryo in the seed. fig. 3, /'.) Alate, (Plate 142, fig. 4.) Albuminous, furnished with albumen. Alexipharmic, that which obviates the effects of a poison. Alexiteric, something that thwarts the action of venom. when arranged one after the other. Alternate, said of leaves Ament, a catkin. (Plate 156, fig. Amorphous, without definite form. Amphitropous, an ovule attached by the middle of one ( Plate 9, fig. 4.) AinpUetant. embracing. (Plate 81. fig. I.) i.) side, /. c. the raphe truly lateral. APPENDIX. 4 Amplcxicaid, clasping the stem by the base (as the leaves of fig. 2, plate 68). Amylaceous, starchy. Anastomosing forming a net-work, like the veins in a leaf , Anatropous, an ovule bent back upon stem. its (Plate 22, fig. 6.) two-edged (as the petioles, fig. 5, plate 162). Andrcecium, the stamens collectively. Androgynous, having both male and female flowers in the same Angiospermous, plants with their seeds formed in an ovary. Ancipital, Annual, said of a plant that flowers and Annular, in the form of a ring. fruits Annulate, marked by rings. fig. 3.) (Plate 139, the year is it cluster. raised from the seed, then dies. Anther, the essential part of a stamen, which contains the pollen. Antherifcrous, having an anther. (Plate 1 13, stamen 4, in (Plate 152, fig. 4.) contradistinction to stamen 5.) Anthesis, the act of expansion of a flower. Atithrocarpous, multiple fruits, like the blackberry. Apetalous, destitute of petals. Apex, the terminal point of a (Plate 33, figs. 3 and 4.) bod\-. Aphyllous, destitute of leaves. (Plate 179, figs, i and 2.) Apical, belonging to the apex. Apiculate, tipped with an abrupt point. Appendage, any superadded part (Plate 5, fig. 5.) on the sepals, plate (as seen 25, fig. 5). Appcndiculate, provided with appendages. Appressed, brought into contact, but not united. (Plate 9, fig. 3.) Aquatic, growing in water. Arachnoid^ cobwebby. Arboreous, arborescent, tree-like, both in size and form. Areola, the scar of attachment (seen on the root, plate 1 1, fig. 2). Anllate, furnished with an Aril, or arillus. a fleshy, false coat to a seed. Aristate, see (Plate 13, fig. 6.) Awned. Arroiv-sliaped, same as Sagittate, which see. Articulated, furnished with joints. Ascending, rising obliquely upwards. Aspergilliform, shaped like the brush used to sprinkle holy water. Assurgent, see Asc^ nding. (Plate 82, fig. 6.) Atropous, see Orthotropous. Auriculate, ear-shaped (as the bases of the leaves, plate 138). Awl-shaped, sharp pointed from a broader base. Awn, (Plate i, fig. 5.) appendage (as seen on anther, plate 100, fig. 7). Axd, the angle on the upper side between a leaf and the stem. Axile, belonging to the axis, or occupying the axis (the placenta in a bristle-like Axidary, occurring fig. 3, plate 70). an axil (the flowers of plate 130). Axis, the central line of any body the organ around which others are attached portion of the stem occupied by the flowers, plate 172). in ; (as that Baccate, berry-like (fruit of plate 124). Barbate, h(tard>id in hairy— then lines, .spots, the part is or tufts Barbellate, beset with short, stiff hairs, as positiU. (Plate 92, (fig. 4, plate 122); not when the whole surface is truly bearded. fig. 6.) is often the case with the pappus bristles in Com- — GI.OSSARV. 5 Bark, the outside covering of a w ood)- stem. Basal, attached or belonginij; to Base, that end of a body that tlie attached to is Beaked, surmounted by a long and narrow Bearded, covered with a giowth of Bell -shaped, see Campanulatc. Berry, a fruit that twice Bi, or Bis, is its support. (Plate 4, tip. fine hairs. (Plate fig. 5.) i, fig. 8.| throughout, as a grape. juic)' or pulp\' as ; Biaurieulate, two-eared (the leaves of plate 138). two-headed. Bicipital, Biconjugate, twice paired (stigmas, plate 130). fig. 5, Bidentate, two-toothed (as the ligule, fig. 5, plate 80). growing from the seed one season and from the root the next, then bearing fruit and dying entirely. (Plate 150, fig- 4) Bifid, cleft to about the middle, into two parts. Bifoliate, a leaf composed of two leaflets. (Plate 132, fig. i.) Bifurcate, forked into two branches. Biennial, of two years' existence, /. c. Bijitgate, see Biconjugate. Bilabiate, two-lipped (as the corolla, fig. Bilamcllate, of two plates plate 121). 3, lamella (the style of Bilobed, two-lobed (as the gland, fig. 5, Bilocular, two-celled (as the anther, fig. 2. plate 152). plate 150). plate 125). fig. 3, Bipinnate, twice pinnate. Bipinnatifid, pinnatifid with the lobes again pinnatifid. Biserrate, doubly serrate (the leaf margins, fig. 2, plate 69)- (Plate 4, Biternate, the principal divisions three, each bearing three leaflets. Bladdery, inflated and thin, like the pod of Lobelia inflata. (Plate 99, fig. 2) fig. 3.) Blade of a leaf; the e.xpanded portion. Boat -shaped, see Scaphoid. Bract, a small leaf or scale of the axil from which (Plate 146, fig. Bractlei, a bract seated Branch, a Bristles, woody stiff, Bud, a branch some other part of the plant grows. I.) upon the pedicel of a flower. (Plate 172, fig. 2.) division of a stem or root. sharp hairs (on the leaves of plate 62). in its undeveloped state. Bulbous, bulb-shaped. Caducous, dropping ofl" \-ery early, like the sepals of Podophyllum, which fall as the flower expands. Ceespitosc, growing in tufts like turf. Calceolate, slipper-shaped. Callose, hardened, or having callosities (hardened spots). Calyculate, having an accessory calyx outside of the true. Calyx, the outer (usually green) set of floral leaves. when like fig. 4, plate when bent upon itself, Cavipanulate, bell-shaped (said of a flower Campylotropons, said of an ovule or seed Canaliculate, channeled with a longitudinal groove. Cancellate, latticed- (Plate 99, fig. 4-) Capillaceous, capillary, hair-like in sha])e. (Plate 31, (Plate 128, fig. fig- 3 ) 2) 102). like that of fig- 8, plate 14. APPENDIX. 6 Capitate, having a globular apex, head like a pin's plate (fig. 4, or forming a head (as the i), inflorescence of plates 62 and 76). Capitulate, diminutive of capitate (the apices of Capriolate, bearing tendrils. (Plate 40, Capsuh\ any dry, dehiscent pod. fig. 7, plate 122). fig. 2.) (Plate 104, fig. 4.) Capsular, relating to a capsule. Carina, a keel ; Carinate, keeled the two anterior petals of a papillionaceous flower. furnished with a ridge on one sidj. ; (Plate 61, (Plate 56, fig. 3 c.) fig. 6.) CariieoHS, flesh-colored. Carnose, for this work see Carpel, a simple pistil. Sarcoiis. (Plate 57, fig. 5.) Carpellary, having the appearance of a carpel, or pertaining to such. Carpophore, the stalk of a Cartilaginous, firm (Plate 149, fig. 6.) cartilage-like. ; Caruncle, a warty excrescence Cariinculate, within the flower. fruit and tough upon a seed. (Plate 151, fig. 12.) having a caruncle. Catkin, a scaly, deciduous spike of flowers. Caudate, having a (Plate tail. Caulescent, obviously (Plate 162.) i, fig. 8.) stemmed. (Plate Si, fig. i.). Cauline, belonging, or pertaining, to the stem (In plate 171, fig. i, the upper leaf is cau- line; the lower, radical.) Cell, a cavity more enclosed tlian a pit. Centrifugal, said of anything that is produced, or extends, from the center outward. Centripetal, the opposite of Centrifugal. summit (the flower of plate 19). membranous scales found upon the receptacle of some Composita;. Cernuous, nodding at the Chaff, small, Chaffy, having chaff, or a chaff"-like texture. Channeled, hollowed out like a gutter, like the petioles of the plantain. Characteristic, a trait, or form, (Plate 107.) belonging to individuals. Chartaceous, papery, or parchment-like in character. Chloropliyl, the green coloring matter of plants. Cicatrix, the scar left Ciliate, by the fall of some portion having a fringe like eye-lashes [cilia) of a growth. upon the margin. (Plate 122, fig. 2.) Cinereous, having an Circinate, ashy hue. rolled inwards from the Circumscissile, dividing (Plate 51, top. by an equatorial line. fig. 5.) (Plate 108, fig. 3.) Clathrate, see Canecllate. Clavate, club-shaped; narrower below than above. (Plate 167, fig. 3.) Claw, the narrow, stalk-like base of some petals. (Plate 51, fig. 4.) Climbing, rising by the help of some other object. Club-shaped, see Clavate. Clustered, aggregated in a Coalescent, bunch (as the leaves of plate 15). growing together (as the filaments, fig, 2, plate 50). Cochleariform, spoon-shaped. Coherent, growing together from first to, /. r., their whole length (the styles, fig. 5, plate 69). Columella, the axis to which the carpels of a compound fruit are attached. Column, the united stamens and pi.stils of an orchid. (Plate 170, fig. 4.) Columnar, column-like (the style of fig. 4, plate 102). (Plate 32, fig. 5). GLOSSARY. Coma, a 7 tuft. Comose, bearing a Coimitissiirc, tuft of hairs. (Plate 134, fig. 4.) a line of junction (as seen in fig. 168; plate 7, 11, plate fig. 150; fig. 8, plate 152, etc.). Compound leaf, fig. 2, 69; compoiimi plate pistil, fig. 30; coinpoinui umbel, plate 5, fig. i, plate 63. Compressed, flattened upon opposite sides (the seeds, Condnplieatc, folded Cone, a dry, upon compound on itself its that of the pine. fruit, like 12, plate fig. 1 1). longest diameter, like a double sheet of note [japer. (Plate 164, fig. 2.) See Coherent. Confluent, blended together. Conjugate, coupled in single pairs. (Plate 149, fig. 4.) Connate, see Coherent. Connective, that portion of the anther that connects its cells. Connivent, brought close together (the styles, plate 13). fig. 2, (Plate i, fig. 6.) Contorted, twisted together. Contracted, either narrowed or shortened (corolla, plate fig. 4, i 38). Convolute, rolled up lengthwise, one edge over the other. Cordate, heart-shaped at the base. (Plate 109, fig. 2.) Coriaceous, leather)-. Conn, a solid bulb. (Plate 168, fig. 3.) Corneous, horny. Corniculate, bearing a small horn-shaped appendage (the Corolla, usually the inner flower leaves, generally showy Corona, a crown-like appendage, or group of the same. Coronate, Corymb, a crowned flat, (the achenium of lateral lobe of in (Plate 134, 4, plate 121). fig. form or color. fig. (Plate i 28, plate 93). fig. 4, or convex, flower -clu.ster where the peduncles or pedicels do not from the same point upon the stem. Corymbose, like a corymb in form. (Plate — the cotyledons only, 30, all the butternut, w hich consist of Crateriform, shaped like a goblet. Creeping, growing horizontally upon, or beneath, the ground. Cremocarp, the double achenium of the Umbelliferse. (Plate 104, (Plate 68, fig. i.) fig. 7.) upon the edge with rounded teeth. (Plate 158, fig. 2.) appendage like a crest. (Plate 45, fig. 4.) furnished with long hairs (calyx and leaf bases of plate 31). Crenate, scalloped Crested, bearing an elevated Crinite, Crown, see Corona. Cruciate, or Cruciform, shaped like a cross. (Plate 58, Crustaceans, hard and brittle. Cryptogamous, said of plants that bear no flower fig. 3.) —as mosses, ferns, and hood-shaped (fig. 6, plate 45, the stigma). Cuneate, Cuneiform, wedge-shaped (the leaflets of plate 48). Cup- shaped, Cupuliform, wine-glass-shaped (the corolla, fig. 3, Cuspidate, tipped with a sharp, stiff point (the ape.x of plate 179). lichens. Cucullate, fig. 2, plate 79). Cut, see Incised. Cyathiform, shaped like a wine-glass. Cylindraccous, approaching to a Cylindrical form, as stems that are round and gradually tapering. Cyme, a centrifugal inflorescence. (Plate 75, Cymose, having a cyme-like character. issue fig. 2.) embryo as the oil)- meats of joined by their connective. Cotyledons, the leaves of the fig. 2.) 3.) fig. i.) (Plate 179, fig. 2.) APPENDIX. 8 Dccn, ten ; when preceding Greek derivatives. Dccagynoiis, ten-pistiled, or ten-styled. Deciduous; falling later than caducous, i. before the formation of c., fruit. downwards, or to one side (as the stamens, fig. 3, plate 43). Decompound, more than once compounded or divided (the leaves of fig. i, plate 64). Decumbent, reclined upon the ground, the summit tending to rise (the root -stock of Declined, turned plate 104). Decurrent, said of leaves that are pnjlonged upon (Plate it. 163, down the stem beyond their point of insertion fig. 2.) Decussate, a successive arrangement of pairs which cross each other (the leaves of plate 79). Definite, of a uniform number. downward at an angle (as some of the leaves in plate 140). beyond the flowering state as an anther after the pollen is discharged. Dehiscence, the method of bursting or splitting open (as seen in fig. 4, plate 104). Deflexed, bent — Deflorate, Dehiscent, a regular mode of splitting. Deliquescent, branching so that the stem Deltoid, shaped lost in is Greek letter J. leaf margins of plate the branches. (Plate 132, fig. 1.) like the Dentate^ toothed (the 153). Denticulate, the diminutive of Dentate (the leaf margins of plate 55). Depauperate, starved or impoverished. downward (as the seeds in downward (as the fruiting a.\is Depressed, flattened from above Descending, bent gradually fig. 12, plate 1 1). of plate 69). Dextrorse, turned to the right. Di-, two ; in Greek compounds, as when Diadelplious, said of stamens united in two sets by their filaments. (Plate 50, fig. 2.) Diandrous, having but two stamens. (Plate i ig, fig. 3.) Dichogainous, said of the styles when protruding from the bud. Dichotomous, two-forked. Dicotyledonous, having a pair of cotyledons Didynanioiis. having fig. two pairs of — as —the in stamens the butternut. one shorter than the other. (Plate 109, 4-) Diffuse, widely and irregularly spreading. Digitate, said of a petiole. compound (Plate 44, Digynous, having two fig. i pistils leaf when the leaflets are given off from the apex of the .) or styles. (Plate 68, fig. 6.) Dimorphous, of two forms. Dia-cious, when the stamens are in separate flowers on different plants (as in plate 154). Dipetalous, two-petaled ; diphyllous, two-leaved Disciform, or Disk-shaped, Disk, the face of any flat, flat and circular circular. body ; ; dipterous, two-winged. (Plate 164, fig. 9.) the central part of a head of flowers— as in the sunflower. Disk- floret, the flower of a disk in Compositic. Dissected, cut deeply into many divisions (as the leaves of plate 86). Dissepiments, the partitions of an ovary or a fruit (as seen in fig. 5, plate 173). Distinct, not in combination with each other (as the styles, fig. 5, plate 30). Divaricate, straddling wideh- apart (as the branches of plate 149). Divided, cut into divisions that extend almost to the mid-rib (leaf 2, plate 4). Dodeca, twelve. Dorsal, pertaining to the back (dorsum). 9. Epigynous. fig. 10. notched at the ape.) bearing (as the anther of fig. a stone fruit like the plum. borne upon a leaf. lasting a day or Epi-. Drupaceous. so-called Downy. borne fig. upon the petals (as the filaments in Epiphyllous. . said of stamens and pistils (see figs. which see. less. /. oval or oblong. signifies an absence of. or divided. plate 171). Ebracteate. Exalbuminous. Ephemeral. Equal. Estivation. of the body in comparison. plate 1 10). Evergreen.. cherry. (Plate 140. it. Exstipulate. the same as Albumen. without bracts. the wood}- and vessels being fibre growing. closed channels.. Organs of the flower. Divarf. Explanate. 4." fig. I. appendages of the spores of Equisetum. Excurrent. protruding out of. plate 61). fig. plate 172). when 9 the petals are unduly multiplied. plants with stems composed of bark. Double -fiowcrs. as. 6. — Drupe. — Epidermis the covering of an organ its external skin. clothed with . said of a tree when the trunk is traceable to the very top. having nine stamens.) outside growing. i. Ensiform. of the same number or length. (Plate 61. (Plate 163. EpigcEous. fig. but perfectly even (as in the leaves of plate 170). i. 3 pith. Entire. the rudimentary plantlet in the seed. destitute of stipules. 2. the exterior layer of a fruit. the erectile Endocarp.) Einarginate. fig. Ducts.Estivation. those absolutely necessary to fertilization. or flattened out. partakintj of the nature of a drupe. keeping its leaves until replaced by others. cut. cxstipulate. 7. involucral lobes of plate 71). (Plate 93. armed with a diminutive of Effete. without albumen. low in stature. e. as Epicarp. Erase.) Elliptical. 44. destitute of stipules. as Essential and if gnawed. see . (Plate 179. riding astraddle (as the bases of the leaves.). plate Echinuhitc. i. wood and pith. edentate. Endogenous. sword-shaped (as the leaves of plate 173). growing close upon the ground. 3. when beginning compound words. spread.. bundles and scattered in in the cellular tissue. when the stem exhibits no distinction as to bark. toothless. upon .) Exserted. when surpassing the floral envelope . Echinate.K (the white. Embryo. upon the ovary (as seen in fig. E or Ex. Equitant. Duiiiose. or even longer.Esculus Hippocastanum. a coat of soft hairs. e. Exogenous. with the ends regularly rounded. be. Enneandroiis. wood and and 4. e. as the case may Epipetalous. the stamens pistils. plate 33).) Elaters. etc. " inside " Endosperm. the inner layer of the walls of a fruit. peach. " fig. (Plate 25.GLOSSARY. bushy. when the margins of an organ are not at all toothed. past prickles (the pod of . fringed (as seen between the stamens of hollow and cylindrical. 6. This word comprises the organs of reproduction and their envelope. 1 1 1 3. 3.) Fructification. having a margin beset with slender appendages. 2.) Follicular. Fugacious. fibres. resembling iron rust. Floral Envelope. 3. (Plate 109. Fistulose. plate 104). Fertilication.) Feather-veined. or both. Foveate. the state of fruiting. 4. (Plate plate fig. used when several flowers are in the same head). plate 121).) (Plate 128. Floret. a close cluster. (Plate 105. or any thread-shaped appendage. opening down the inner suture. soft hair. see Sarcous. 5. 15). includes either calyx or corolla. the matured ovary and everything connected with Frittcscent. (Plate 72. Fruit. fig. those having pistils but no stamens. growing Fascicled. Ferrugineoiis. those containing a great deal of substance (as that of plate 61). 6. it. (Plate 68. fig. long. 4. 2. composed of by which the pollen causes the embryo to become fertile. fig. fig. fig. 1. bearing tufts of long. fig. not united with any other parts of a different kind. the slender portion of a stamen supporting the anther (fig. 4. the leaves of the flower. leaflet. plate 33). parallel. see hinnate. pertaining to the any certain district.) Floccose. Family. pistil. honey-combed. Filamentous.) Free. a collection of closely related genera. Fasciculate (the leaves of plate and Faveolate. a diminutive flower (only fig. pierced with one or more large holes. arching over (as in the upper lobe of the corolla. or Foveolate. close (Plate 69.) capable of producing. i. like a follicle. formed of threads. (Plate 50. Female flozvers.) Fascicle. lO Extra -axillary. plate 34). thread-shaped. Fleshy. fig. and Filiform. upright. 2. (Plate fig. (Plate 172. Fastigiate. said of anything a little out of the axil (as the prickles on Extrorse. Follicle. the process Fibrous. somewhat shrubby. turned outward. Flower. an aggregation of the plants of Floral. deeply pitted. (Plate 104. . Flora. a hole or orifice (as in the anther-cells of fig. Fimbriate. Fringed.) Foliaceous. fig. Fenestrate.) Flavcscent. shrubby. scythe - shaped. 3. 2.) 147. a simple pod. fig. fig. yellowish. blossom. Farinaceous. slender cylindrical. in a bundle. gently bending in opposite directions. Flexuous. Fertile. fig. (Plate 124. leaf-like. Fornicate.) 19). 3. Fruticose. Foramen.) Falcate. Foliole. said of an anther whiin fig- it opsns away from the fig. Filament. 3. mealy in texture. quickly falling or perishing. 4. (Plate i^. Fleshy Plants.APPENDIX. whether it secretes or not (see base of petal. 3. 17). as Heptagynous.) by fig. Head. seven-stamened. or nearly so (ovary of Globular. fig. shaped like a spindle (the pod of Galeatc. white powder that rubs Globose. Halberd-shaped. Furcate. half. . nearly globose (base of style. fig. or styles. covered with a fine. plate 146). 4. the stalk of a seed or ovule. Fusiform. Gynandrous. forked. 5. swollen at one place or on one side (base of style. which Hemicarp. 4. a situation in fig. i. state. Heart-shaped. 6. i. closely aggregated into a dense cluster (the fruits of Glomerule. the budding fig. Hepta-. i Glandular furnished with glands. fig. 8. as See Mericarp. half-fruit. like a knee. (Plate 94. tavviiy. . Germination. plate 1 21).) Genus. plate 'j'j'). Furrowed. Glaucescent slightly glaucous. Hemi-. the development of an embryo into a plantlet. Gyncecium. Granule. almost glabrous.) altogether. where the stamens are borne on the pistil. plates 127 130). Funiculus. (Plate 54. 17). name for the pistils when taken Gynobase. Halved. shaped like a halberd (see leaves. a special support for the Habitat. Hemitropous. gradually expanding upwards (the and corolla. plate Glabrate. of the shape a heart is commonly drawn.GLOSSARY. having seven pistils lleptandrous. 3. pistils (as seen in fig. fig. Gaviopctalous. fig. plate 163). See Cordate. naked-seeded (as seen in fig. off. II Fulvous. small organs which secrete some oily or nectariferous product of the part. as the plate 1 grape. Hastate. fig. fig. fig. Geminate. spotted as if by colored drops (the petals of Hypericum.) plate 22). plate 123). Glaucous. 7. Geniculate.) Granular. plate 143). a small grain. in Greek derivatives. Glomerate. see Moiioscpalous. the point of beginning of a growth. (Plate 170. 2. see Monopctalous. twin (the flowers of Gemmation. . helmet-shaped (the upper petal. 7. Gymnospermous. which a wild plant grows. Glands. Furfuraceous branny. Funnel -form. when a body appears as if one half were taken away. an aggregation of florets more or less globose (see plate 76). nearly the same as Amphitropous. see Hastate. plate 15). Germ. marked by longitudinal grooves. a dense. or any small swelling. 6. composed of grains. Gibbous. 2. fig. bloom of the plate 125). (Plate 63. spherical. or becoming so with age. 4. 5. fig. fig. as represented plate 30). in Greek derivatives. see. bent abruptly. Guttatc. (Plate 169. Ganioscpalous. head-like cluster. seven . a group of like species. . Hoary. plate 151). Infra-axillary. six-stamened. Incised. many as in Composita. Hispid. Heterogamous. APPENDIX. Imbricate. and irregularly cut when of the some do not Incumbent. 5 plate 50). the point at which an organ or part of an organ Introrse. upon a roof (as the scales of the cones. 3. hairy. different plants of the species. 12 down Herb. too figs. pinnate. Inflated. //)'/o«7rA7'//(?. curved one way. 4 . with the edges turned inward (the top leaves of plate 74). figs. leaning or resting upon. wanting. like an herb. six-angled. when looking inwards. bent out like a bladder. wanting one or the other of the essential organs (as in plate 33). fig. tliose in which the caly. plate 69). 4. Homotropous.. 6. the parts are not uniform in different in- dividuals. fig. petiole (as in fig. inserted under the Icosandrous. 3 ) an angle. Hermaphrodite. a plant that dies to autumn. same a. more than one shape (the leaves. Greek derivatives. Indchiscent. a cross between two allied species. deeply Included.s Perfect. Hexagynous. Induplicate. greyish-white. -ed. Herbaceous. as. placed like shingles Imparipinnate. when twelve or pistil (as the stamens. Hybrid. the arrangement of flowers on the stem. a spur or like appendage. is others. Hetcroinorplious. facing inward. with a single leaflet at the apex of the common plate 163). Indigenous. (Plate 43. Hilum. having Hexa-. 5. as anthers Incurved. in Hexandrous. said of a fruit that neither splits nor bursts. 3. 5.) Insirtiou. grown below some other organ (as the ovary.-w. fig. plate 70). 3. when Homogeueous.) Hirsute. (Plate 67. all the flowers are all of one kind in the head.v . a native of the country in which it is (Plate 37. is attached to another. fig. Inferior. Hood. Infundibuliform. Hotnogauious. (the leaves of plate 95).x or corolla Indefinite. 2. or beyond project Incomplete jloivcrs. said of an anther and when attached to the very tip of its filament.) numerous 3 and 4. beneath an axil. a scar of attachment of a seed. ground in which see. curving inward. Imperfect floii'crs. salver-shaped (the corolla of plate loS). Innate.) found. beset with stiff hairs. fig. fig. Individual. hexagonal. or -ive. Horn. of one kind. si. figs. having six pistils or styles.. inward at (Plate 99. Inflorescence. 5. 5. see Funnel-shaped. puffed Inflexed. (Plate 58. more stamens are inserted upon the calyx. Hypogynous. see Galea. parts in question when to mention. bearing two sorts of flowers as to their stamens and pistils. Irregular floivers. (Plate 61. Leaflet. Lateral. in general outline. crescent-shaped. of plate fig. Male flower. the opposite of crowded. also the peculiar petal of the orchids. flat plates.) Lobe. belonging to the edge. lyre-shaped. a set of bracts around a flower (plate umbel i). as the leaves of the hemlock. or the order LeguniinoscE. 5. 2. plate 14S. 3. 2. consisting of fig. Lip.) Limb. 5. separate or separable at one or as. 3. slashed into Lamellar.) pistils. (fig.GLOSSARY. Legume. lance-shaped (leaves of plate 114). Lunate.) (Plate 68. or producing a milky juice. fig. with parallel margins. — Lenticular. Medium. milky. 3. cottony. splitting through the middle of the dorsum of each cell. fig. spotted or blotched. a simple pod that splits into two pieces like that of the Leguminous. the plant. resembling a kidney Labiate. any division of a leaf or other organ.) fig. fig. (Plate 152. 2. Lanuginous. Masked. Ligulate. (Plate 164. Lanate. having stamens but no Mammce. plate 61). pertaining to the middle. Maculate. petals are unlike in shape or size Jointed. Inverse. Lanceolate. Loculicidal. to (Plate 104. (Plate 170. 2. 2. Laeiniatc. marked with parallel lines. see Personate. 8. for instance. 6.) Lineate. Medullary. the principal lobes of a bilabiate corolla or caly. (Plate 23. one of the divisions of a compound leaf. (Plate 97.) Marccscent. flat and narrow. Kidney -shaped. Involute. woolly. withering without falling off (as the petals of plate 30). fig. 7.) deep narrow lobes (the leaves of plate Lactescent. the strap-shaped limb of the corolla of many Compositiv.) Ligneous. Lyrate. ox Inverted. Membranaceous. fig. Ligule. pertaining to one side.x (plainly seen in the flowers 1 13) . fig. having a ligule. lens-shaped.) 95). or grown inwards from the edges (the upper leaves of plate 74). the border of a monopetalous corolla. Involucre. membrane-like (as the sheaths. Marginal. fig. Keel. see Carina. (plate 148). fig. having the nature of pith. (Plate 81. a opposed 13 an original direction. more places into pieces (the stamens. in a position Involitcel. Lax. woody.) . fig. plate 168). (Plate n. the plate 46). fig 3. pertaining to legumes. pea. teat-like projections. (Plate 24. This name is given when members of the same sort head (plate 62). fig. Linear. (Plate 103. 3) small involucre. lipped. with the broade. blunt-ended (the apex of (the leaves of plate 104). Nerve. (Plate 23. dull cream-color.) Oblanceolate. 3. fig. (Plate 151. said of leaves when root. honey. in a usual way. i. Monoscpalons. Offset. Monospcrinous. having but one pistil or style.) leaf 3. or honey-like secretions. eight-pistiled. necklaced.) plate 160).. Aloniliforin. (Plate iS. shaped like a rounded (Plate 44. eight-stamencd.) Nutlet. figs.) turnip. 2. as Octogynous. their petioles are exactly opposite each other (Plate 132. and perfects its seed. stamen. 3. any member of a plant— as a fig. beset with short. much longer than broad (as the brown leaf. 5. Monadelphoiis.said of stamens when united by their filaments into one Monandrous. Netted-vcined. an introduced plant that has run thoroughly wild. plate 51). one carpel of an umbillifcrous Midrib. fig. lance-shaped. diminutive of nut. Oblong. 5. Octandrous. 3. heart-shaped. said of an organ when the summit hangs downward. a cavity or gland that secretes nectar. 3. and more or less straight. abrupt point.) fig. 9. having stamens or pistils only. body fig.) (Plate 102. nubby. Organ. 3 (Plate 102. many-celled.) petal.) Orbicular. fig. Obcordate. (Plate 25. Moncecions. the sepals are united into one and 4. Obovate. having only one stamen. fruit.j. etc. Ochroleucous. MtdtUocidar. bony. or having a nectary.) rows. fig. Miiricatc. with the point downward Oblique. upon the stem. Needle-shaped. forming a net-work. Nodding. end uppermost.) 4.) Monocotyledonous. 5. Ob-. fig. 9. used to distinguish leaf-ribs or veins when parallel.APPENDIX. according to rule. mostly one-se2ded fruit. when the veins branch and anastomose. H Mcricarp.) (as in the flower of plate 127). eight. Nuciforvi. etc. see Acerose. fig. and the point of fixture or support at the apex. Midtifid.) leaf.. many-cut. . Mucro)iati\ tipped with a short. in Greek derivatives. Nectariferous. applied to organs having unequal sides. (Plate lA. Normal. (Plate 46. Nectary. one-seeded. Obtuse. Napiform. Octo-. the stone of a drupe. in (Plate 179. set. having only one cotyledon. fig. united into one piece. bearing honey. 4. Nodose. circular in outline. Nut. hard points. a branch given off near the ground and taking Opposite. the main rib of a (Plate 36. nut-shaped. many Midtifarious. fig. when when the corolla is (Plate 33. leaf. with the notch upward. a hard. e. Monogynous. Naturalised. branch. ovate. Nectar. . a prefix signifying inversion or opposition as . Monopcialous. contracted at intervals. (Plate 43. Paiici-.) that contains the ovules. as above. {Paueiflorous. when fig. (Plate 97. Perfoliate.) it. or when the flowers are and clusters 70). teeth. 3.v in this order. or the flower stalk one-flowered (as seen above the leaves (as in plates i.) to root words. (as in plate 18). with chaff. in a palmate Panicle. as. its margin no matter what its shape. Parenchytiia. when they cannot be distinguished as to calyx . each flower in a cluster. passing through a leaf. plate 7). the leaflets. Palniately. pistil become a seed (plainly seen in fig. Oval. 4. 5. or the fruit walls. 5. when Palmate.) on the corolla. that organ that Palea. 3. fig. Papyraceous. Perennial. the main stalk of a flower cluster plant is (Plate cleft. Papery. see Papyraceous. manner. the individual stalk of Peduncle. 40 some other (digitate). Papilliottaccous. organ is the organs in question radiate more or less from the point where attached (the veins of the the lobes of the leaf.) Greek derivatives. attached to the walls (as the ovules in Parted. said of a leaf. fig. or appearing so (the leaves. an plate plate 18. chaffy. 7-) Perianth. cleft almost to the base. the leaves of the flower. Palea. growing on year after year. means few when prefixed (Plate 4. five-stamened. spreading like a butterfly. (the flowers of plate 49). of the texture of writing paper. especially or corolla. solid obovate. plate 1 19). fig. 3. (Plate 104.) in plate 175). i. having the essential organs. 62 and The same fig. means -osL\ as a suffix 15 point of attachment its whatever root-word precedes like is at base and the apex its is in fig. i. fig- (Plate 30. In Compositae this. Ovule. 2. the chaff of composite receptacles. fig. plate 19). (Plate 50. Ovary. plate Perfect. or having transparent dots giving that appearance. Osseous. that portion of the Ovoid.) or scales. 2.GLOSSARY. (Plate 151. as Pentagynous. thistle-down. Paleaceous. open cluster (the arrangement of the flowers. a ripened ovary. 2. 2. 5. pi. 3. fig. bony. pierced with holes. like a painter's pencil. 2. broadly elliptical. plale 125). 6. 6. the petiole is when the distinctions pertain to the stalk of heads attached anywhere within Pendent. palmately with the lobes again cleft. Pericarp. a solid oval. (Plate 28. it. mammae (Plate 81.) fig. (Plate 28. plate leaf. small Pappus. represents the caly. pi. fig. plate 15). few-flowered. five. single (as in plate 2).) destined to is fig. Penta-. in Pentandrous. Papilkz. having five pistils or styles. ovary wlien Ortliotropous^ said of an direct line with (Plate 28. fig. Perforate. plate 79). (as seen fig. a flower 79). Pedicel. Parietal. fig.) Pear-shaped. the pulp of plants. Pedate. Penicillate. shield-shaped (the style of fig. Papilla. (fig. fig. hanging (the fruit of somewhat hanging Pendulous. racemose — like a raceme.) plate 104). 6. Peltate. and 8). (Plate 96. plate 68. 4. plate 167. fig. the petals are separate or distinct (whether few or many). as Polyadelphous. 25. as many-leaved. 175. plate 93. Placentiferoiis. 1 1 plate 22. Polypctalons. Pliiri-. remaining beyond the usual time. fig. varied in form. fig. 6 . Pliccnogavioas. fig. 1 32. the ovary. a secondary pinna of a bipinnate leaf. plate 109. said of leaflets when having their own petioles. plate 27. a leaf of the corolla. fig. 5. that surface or part of an ovary to which the ovules are attached. (Plate 1 1 .) (Plate 135. . having the nature of a placenta. 2. compound Pinnate. (Plate 10. 2. or having placentae. the petal. and plate the grains cohere into a mass. 130: the receptacle. Pinnule.xt above. 3 It is 7. Plumose. 107. next. ne. fig. 6. Pinna.) exogenous stems.) composition. Opposed to . any kind of capsule. takc-n as a whole the lowest portion is fig. in plate fig. plants bearing flowers and producing seeds. the outside of an organ. Pollen-mass. cells. formed fi:j. the throat of a bilabiate corolla projection (as seen in the flowers of plate in). fig. Pilose. fig. when Alonopetalous. Pod. 4. feathery. the female organs of a flower (usually central). of varying forms. 8. when masked by some Personate. 9. but . is leaf. 105. the fertilizing agent of a plant. and no stamens. Petal.s and stamens are borne on the calyx. many-stamened. applied many when fig. 9. plate 163. many-angled. 10. 9. flat. the anther i. Pistillate. 8. . the petiole of a pinnate leaf. (Plate 50. (Plate 33. usually bright-colored.. (Plate 55. more than twenty. plate 16. 5. fig. 4. plate fig. 11 7 .) fig. fig. when around the pistil. 4. Plane. .6 Pcrigyniinn. the stem of a Petiole. 5. fig. said of a leaf when its leaflets are arranged along the main petiole (as in plate 50)Piniiatijid. Polymorphous. when any other organ Petaloid. plate 5.APPENDIX. fig. 3. clollicd with fine soft hairs. fig.fig. in plate plate 164. in (Plate i. plate 22. Polyandrous. Pheenogams. said of a flower having pistils Pith. fig. 7 plate 24. Plicate. Plaited. Poly-. the style.) Periphery.) (fig. petal-like. 5. plate 83. and at the apex. 8. 7. plate 5. having small depressions upon the surface. . the stigmas). fig. loi. cut until pai taking Pistil. feather-form. see Plaited. fig.) Polygonal. fig. possessing a petiole. arranged Pcrigynous. Petiolate. several Plurifoliate.) arranged like a fan that admits of closure.) Greek derivatives inulti in Latin. Pollen. plate 103. the central portion of fig. Placenta. . fig. Persistent. plate 169. fig. usually granular. . Polygynous. PJicener ogams. fig. . of the nature of a pinnate leaf. fig. (PLite plate 47. Petiolnlate . Petioled. when stamens are united by their filaments. Polygamous. Pitted. many-pistilled or -styled. having perfect and separate flowers upon the same plant. as Vernation. fig. the place of attachment of the flowers of a head. the thickened upper surface of the ape. creeping along the ground Reticulated. £'. 4. fig. 2. lying upon the ground.) Rachis. Prostrate. 3. the support of a flower. especially said of a drupe Pyxis. GLOSSARY. having three or (Plate 33. plate Repent. however. particularly. Prickles. Quinate. and rest. bent outward fig. four.) Quadri-. to Monoscpaloiis. Radiate. when and downward. or rather appearing as plate 167. Radicle. four-angled. plate 130. see Rhachis. i. fig. pod opening by a circumscissile when small.-Estivation. a superficial projection. Rciy. the parts are (Plate 134. Qudrangular. Repand. (Leaves of plate 39. see Rhaphe. see Perforate. which 7). in fives. rootings. covered with an almost in\'isible down.) same as Reflexed. fig. Raceme. i. I.) Regular. 3.) more angles bounding flat or hollowed sides. short. (Plate 99. in succession along a general peduncle. 5. same as the above when 17 Opposed applied to the calyx. pertaining to the ray. four-cleft.. Reniform. so blunt at the apex as to be slightly indented. the marginal flowers of a diverging. the nutlet. where one-flowered pedicels are arranged (Plate II. line. as .. wavy-margined. full Prcefloration. Pyramidal. peduncle or pedicel (fig. Pyxidium. Retrojlexed. see Glaucous . Raphe. Reflexed. if covered by a net. Pnefoliation. 4 . in Latin derivatives. Process. of holes. The composite head. the stem part of the embryo. Prismatic. downy. same same which see. which see. Pulvercnt. flat Puberulent. fig. Recurved. Pyrene. in Punctate. . plate 68). Quadrifid. a 108.e and umbel. Porous. Polyscpaloiis. the top falling off like a (Plate lid. formed into a net-work.) Repandly-toothed. th. angular thorns. curved outward or backwards (the styles. Retuse. rounded-toothed (the margins of the leaves. Pubescent. Procumbent. Quaternaie in fours. ending abruptly (the root of plate 177). Praniorse. Pyrena. trailing upon the ground. shaped like a pyramid. see Kidney-shaped. by successive see. Receptacle. or if the powder is only such appearance.K of the plate i). especially when different from the umbel (seen pedicels of an in the flowers of plate 84.) all similar. fig. Rhaphi\ the prolongation of a seed stalk along the side of an ovule. that portion of the stem Rostrate. or bodies of that nature (as on the base of the Scales. fig. fig. said of a pod that splits through its partitions.) Sepaloid.APPENDIX.) membrane. 1 1 it fig. 3). said of organs that have no individual stem (as the lea\'es of anthers. Semi-. 9. diminutive of the last. Rootstock. at the an arrow-head.). yo. thin and dry. 2. plate. postrate branch. Rotund. Rib. plate 138. silky. the stipules. Samara. gaping open (the flowers of plate Rootlets. (Plate 138. Semiconoid. Saiv -toothed. a slender. plate 71). plate 57). plate 29) Rotate. the axis of a spike. the etc. i . 6. plates 64. cleft body. the limb of the corolla . Rhisoma. 2. Seriaceous.conoidal. I.) fig. 6. Rugose. wrapped around a stem (the bases of the leaves. Scandent. wheel-shaped (the corollas of plate 108). Septa. a lobe of the calyx. rooting shaped like when Salver-form. etc. having a roundish outline (the leaves. fig. plate 173). see Serrate. fig.spreads at right angles from a slender tube. the main root. see Separate. 5. the main and largest pieces of the frame work of a Ringcnt.) fleshy. plates 31 and 167. having teeth like a saw (leaf margins. boat-shaped. fig. 2. plate 19). Sessile. depressed. in Latin derivatives. Segregate.) leaf. i. 69. Scaphoid. (Plate 128. Serrate. plates 40. Sepal. fig. 2. platter-shaped (seen upon the Segment. Scorpioid. end or joints. 68. a winged fruit. Seta.) Rosulate^ forming a rosette (as the leaves. Scutellate. where (Plate 22. plate 151). a bristle. Scape. plate Jj). etc. Sac. wrinkled (as the corm of plate 16S). 5. a closed Sagittate. l8 rolled Rcvoliitc.) joins the root. Sheathing. dandruff-like superficial scales.). Sarcous. fig. Scarious. Septicidal. . partitions (seen in fig.). Runner. (Plate 4. small branches of a rhizome. Scurf. a peduncle when starting from near the ground (as in fig. (Plate 17. fig. small bracteate stem. (in this work) (Plate 35. 5. in the petals. having the appearance of a sepal. one of the subdivisons of any racliis. . fig. climbing. circinate at the end (as the unilateral racemes. Sempervirent. see Evergreen. 2. (Plates 20 and 167. backward phases are apparent Rhachis^ back-bone usually said of margins of organs or their extremities (both . plate 105). bearing a beak. rudiments of leaves. half. 2. Rudimentary. fig. imperfectly developed.^ 28 and 30. fig. Serrulate. the recess left. an and no plant. 19 Shii/d shaped. where scales. fig. 3. being possessed of a stipe (as the ovule. leaves. its solarly voluble. Spine. the receptive portion of the female organs 78. long. Spindle-shaped. the head. i. straight. or other appendages. . Stipitate. keep face to the sun. fig. of one piece. fig. or ovule when present. degenerating into a thorn (as the Spinose. see Fusiform. (Plate 25. a fleshy spike of flowers. 2 between two parts of an organ (as the re-entering angle Sinuate. plate 28). plate ig. a large bract Spatulate. Siliquc. end of the branch. shaped like a spatula. 3 ct. the breathing pores of leaves. Standard. a multiple. Strict. producing stolons or rooting shoots. (Plate 167. Spinescent. 6. unassociated with Solarly. Solitary.) genus having special characters belonging to themselves belonging to or disposed like a arrangement of flowers similar to a raceme. slender grooves. fig. Stomata. Strap-shaped. Stipules.) and narrow. plate 41). i. Stipe. (Plate 143. fig. when its margin waves out and in. that portion of a style resembling a stigma in being capable of receiving the pollen. the stalk of a pistil. (Plate 1 its kind. (Plate 159. Stoloniferous. 5///VA'. plate 34. thorny. Squamate.) long pod of the mustard family. that portion of the pistil that unites the fig. the stipule of a leaflet. Spore. and appearing generstamen is depicted the filament. Squamose. a thorn (as seen on i. Spatlie. the reproducing grains of cryptogams. as. in plate 151). (Plate 169. 3. known fig. scaly. Spadix. . Sinistrorse. 4. longitudinal. plate 10.) the fruits of plate 174). fig. said of a leaf . 6) Stipel. almost. the highest point of a of a plant. an enlarged fig. nearly heart-shaped. cone-shaped fruit. Stellate. (Plate 105. a (Plate 23. pistil*. (Plate 149. fig. the male organ of a flower (usually arranged around the ally like those seen in the stem part is fig. Strobile. but the flowers are Spike. 2. 9. In disposed Sterile. pistil (see Pistil). the appendages at the base of certain leaves (seen flat marked with (Plate 179. or short pod. 8. the upper petal of a papillionaceous corolla.) fig. fig. with the sun kind. 3 (Plate 105. covering an inflorescence.) fig. the individuals of a other Spicatc. Striate. plate 155. turned to the Sinus. spread widely from the axis. fig. plate 61). 6.) Stigmatose. (Plate 15. fig. pistil. (Plate 46. fig. having stipules. 2. subcordate. sec Peltate. fig in i. I.) Squarrose.) Simple. Stalk.-:!e (as in plate 107). Stipulate. plate 169. a pouch. 5. Style.) fig.) a star-like manner. Species.— GLOSSARY. Stamen. ses. turning daily to . fig. .s. a stem. in incapable of producing Stigma. the anther).) stigma to the ovary (see description of Sub-. 5. see Spine. Tap-root. may long and round. when having six stamens. .) Terminal. Symmetrical flozuer. Testa. Trifoleolate. each kind with the other. Triticose. when grown parts are together. belonging to the summit. Tetra-. See Acuminate. (Plate 132. Sulcate. deeply channelled. three-leaved. 3. Tubercle. (Plate 43. which see. Torus. Thorn. 20 Subulate. 6. tubular. said of stamens when united by their anthers. Stiffrutescent. pistils (Plate 48. furnished with sharp projections on the margin that do not point forward. (Plate i. or juicy. Triquetrous. Tn-. Tawny.) or styles. three . one whose parts are equal number. the apex downward. Tetradynamous. three-cleft. (Plate 21.) as Triadelphous. fig. cone-shaped. Supra-axillary . 7. same as cylindrical. 3. see Ensiforin. enlarging toward the summit (the flowers of plate 130). four-pistilled or -styled.) 2). (as the ovule. slightly shrubby. 4. fig. a compact pyramidal panicle. a' case. Sivord-shaped. —Awl-shapcd. Truncate. i. of three leaflets. Thyrsus. like a beechnut.) Trumpet-shaped. only taper. Syngenesious. 2. four-angled. sharply three-angled — Triternate. . the receptacle of the flower. (Plate 1 10. plate 12). a line of junction axil. see Filiform. like a grain of wheat. e. fig.) dull brownish-yellow. Trifid. Throat. a small excrescence. Terete. or in in multiples (flower of plate 175).. Trifoliate. Triandrous. fig.) Tetragonal. Succulent. Ternate. said of stamens when united by their filaments into three bundles. Taper-pointed. (Plate 56. hanging down Suture. as. the opening of a tubular corolla. three-stamened. a below the ring where the limb joins the little tube. two of them shorter than the rest. Thread-shaped. arranged in threes. in Greek composites. having three Trilobed.) Tomentose woolly. Top-shaped. the external seed coat. pulpy. Theca. divided into threes three times. fig. fig. Tetrandrous. four. having three lobes (the leaves of plate shaped /. tapering gradually to a point.APPENDIX. fig. Toothed. (Plate 63. growing above an Suspended. fig. Tetragynous. a stout root with a tapering body. as if cut off at the apex. 3. three times ternate. Trygynous. four-stamened. one-celled. a little bladder. . one. the oil-tubes of Umbelliferous Voluble. Vaulted.. the methodical arrangement of leaves in their buds. with long. Venation. 6. at right angles to the plane of the ground. 5.) Undulate. (Plate 173. the opposite of dorsal. without over-lapping. 5. which whorl of small flowers. Verticillatc. Valve. a small. fig. all the characteristics of a species. 7. when the margin fig. VittcB. Unisexual. Turbinate. Vernation. destitute of spines. as in many mints. Verticillaster . containing vessels. Vesicle. see. Wavy. formed upon the apex of a division of an umbel (as in plate one end of an apple. fro. fig. (Plate 114. Vermicular. e. thin-walled. 3. fig. (Plate 153. 3 and 7. Twin. fig. (Plate 139. . fig. said when frame-work of leaves. the small ribs forming the Veiny. a Whorl. the method of arrangement of veins. figs. fruit. broader than high. having stamens or pistils onl)'. bearinc or convex canopy (as in plate 63). one-seeded (Plate 153. a small umbel. (Plate 92. Umbel. one of the pieces into Valvate. with ability to swing to and same as Apex. Turgid. Turnip-shaped. elongated and hollow. or like appendages.) attached by one point. the standard of a papillionaceous flower. (Plate 178. which see. said of an arrangement of peduncles flowers in a flat when like the ribs of an umbrella. (Plate 14. Tumid. see Geminate. fig.^z. twining (as the (Plate 46. Verticil.) having a glutinous surface. swollen at one portion. Umbilicate. Veinlets. fig. top-shaped. 4.) Urccolate. a Villose. (Plate 72.) i.) perpendicular. like Uncinate.) Vexillum.GLOSSARY. 3^/. or other organs. the Vertical. soft hairs. see Wavy. Viscid. Umbellet. fruits. or family. swollen throughout. shaggy. the veins are evident. Veins. see Voluble. stem of plate 130).) Unarmed. genus. 67). fig. Ventral.) meet each other by their edges. prickles. urn-shaped. whorled. /. hooked. 4. depressed in the centre. see Fornicate. Verrucose.) which a pod splits. worm-like.n<\-\\\iQ. warty. Vertex. as unicellular. Tubular. Utii. Urticle. Virgate. said when parts Vascular. diminutive of veins. Versatile. is alternately convex and concave (as the leaves of plate 19). Tuhcrchd 2] pinipl)'. narrowed below. embracing 'Typical. Twining. 22 APPENDIX. soft hair. arranged in a circle around the stem (as Winged. Wiiorled. Woolly. see Citneaie. . Wheel-shaped. see Rotate. Wedge-shaped. =-§-= tiie leaves of plates 78 and 1 14). Whorl. clothed with entangled. having a membranous expansion (see Alate). New York.. 1846. i860. Darl. 1829. A collection of the Native Medicinal Boston. 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Churchill. 58 vols. 180 entirough. M.D. Peck. Phila. D. 2 vols. or the Weed Exterminator. 1802. and G. 2 more Important Plants used Phila. Pliigge. Peck. New Rem. Park.C. Medicine.D. &c. 1848. — Genera Gray. Flor. — Richard Hughes. Hale.. Albany Institute. New Asa Gray.D. J. Transactions Amer- — ican Medical Association. Raf. 3d Edition. 1. A Manual of the Medical Botany of North America. M. Botany. M. 1879. Richmond. Edwin M. 1863. M. C.D. Washington.— Die Wichtigstein Heilmittel in ihrer Wechselnden Chemischen Zusammensetzung und Pharmokodynamischen Wirkung. or Rhus Toxicodendron and its Action. Transactions American Medical Association. J. A. Etc. and Sciences.. 1878. Michener.. Rafinesque.D.A. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests.. Report on the Indigenous Medicinal Plants of Sauth Carolina. Strong. Hamilt.— A Comjiendium of Toxicology of the Principal Indigenous and Exotic Plants.— On Poisons in relation to Medical Jurisprudence and Medicine.B. R..S.. H. — — King.. N.. Hughes. The Black Spruce. F. John Torrey.D.D.R. Griff.. Bull. Org.. I^ondon. Lindley. C. Phila. S. Encyc. Bot. Buchner and Gruner. 2 vols.. — Smithionian Institute Publications. P. An Encyclopedia of Plants. M. Alfred Swaine Taylor. — New Homceopathic Pharmacopceia of Jahr. Man. Gray. 1884. Thomp.. 1847. John King. F.Z. and Descriptions of the Edward Hamilton.— Dermatitis Venenata. C. Flor. — Manual and Lessons in Botany and Vegetable Physiology.APPENDIX.L. M. S. Blk. A Manual of Weeds. Flora. — Medical Hale. F. L.S.P. New York. Verat. Percy. Cincinnati. A Manual of Pharmacodynamics. Percy. R. Tox. C. M.— Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.i8i6. York. Hedge Thompson. 2 vols. Torr. Vir. C— — .. Loudon. or Illustrations in London. M. Man. 1838. S. A. Resourc. 1828. F.S. American Academy of Arts Asa Gray. 1S77.S. Chem... — Synojitical Flora of North America. A. Johnson. Am. 1843. S. Flor. 1838. M. Tox.L.R. Special — The or Descriptions of the Symptomatology of the New Remedies.— Medical Flora or Manual of the Medical Botany of the United States of North America. — — — Phila.S. Porcher. A Botanical Account of all the more Important Plants used in Medicine. New York..D. Ph. of the Plants of the United States.D. — The Phila. London. Ph. and to date. Am. Horn. M.. Asa Gray. 2 vols. 1866. Med. 1875. New York. 7 vols. Laurence Johnson. Derm. Surgeon P.D.D. Diss. F. 3d Am. 1886. Weeds.D. Loudon. vols. An Experimental Dissertation on the Spigelia Marilandica or Indian Pink. H. G. Phar. Med. Edition. Chas. Spratt. —A Contribution to the Flora of North America.. Torr. Alex. Chemistry of Organic Bodies.C. Spruce. A. 1876. 24 Gray. Y. PI.. F. The American Dispensatory. Francis P. R. 1836.D.. Jena. Bot. Flora Medica. 1883. Part 2. Read.S. TS7S and 1884. Disp. Smithson. Bot. Phar. 1849.. Hempel.. Porch.. 1S52. 1850. Pliigge. Porch. A. Stram. M.M. New York.. York.— An Inquiry into the Properties of Veratrum Viride. Taylor.M. Spratt. M. Phila. Ven. Exp. John Lindley. Genera.S87. — — . London. Contrib. Flora HomoeDpathica . Medii inal Plants used as Homoeopathic Remedies. J.D. London (no date). South. Dr. M.— On the Use of Datura Stramonium in Certain Diseases. Botany. Thom.D.L.S. Surgeon.. Park. London.. Med.D. M. C. 2 vols. N. Gray. Mich. 1875. Thomas Thomson. especially No.— NUural History of the State of New York.R. 1872. Med. Flor. M. Strong. 1874. New Asa Gray. M. Read.. Inst. and Eng. D. 258. E.S.D. New York. 1848. B. LL. A. Griffith. Francis Peyre Porchtr.— The American Flora. Journal American Agricultural Association. Phar. Report on the Indigenous Medical Botany of Massachusetts. William Woodville. and their Chemical Analysis. Class Book. Letters. Warder. Proceedings American XXI. Bibliographical Index to North .. New York. U. 1849. Soreno Watson. Wittstein. United States Agricultural Reports. Academy to of Arts and Sciences. The Organic Constituents of Plants and Vegetable Substances. acknowledged in the text. . Essays. and Works on Botany.D. Contributions — American Botany. Journals. Lehrbuch der Pharmikognosie.\merican Botany. Class Book of Botany. S. Brochures.D. 25 — Ag. M. a Memoir of the Shavanon. 188 1. Med. M. 1810. Medi- and Chemistry. — — Washington. Polypetahu. Alphonso Wood. 1879. — — — — — And numerous cine. Contrib. M. \Vats. Med. Travel. especially 1870. Melbourne.. 1886. The Western Catalpa. 1868. C. 1878. I'harmacopteia of the United States. Pamphlets. Stephen W. 1882.D..M. 1878. Wittstein. Wood. U.. G. Rep. Albert Wigand. Wats. Berlin. West. New York. — S. Warder. Williams. Bib. 2nd edition.BIBLIOGRAPHY.D. London. John A. Transactions American Medical Association. Medical Botany. Bot. A. Bot. Soreno Watson. Woodv. M. Wigand. Catalp. Mass. 4 vols. Williams. 6tli revision. . N. i. 256. . f 8081. Bigel Am. 2. Gray Man. . Am. . Bot. Wats. 781. Y. 74.. N. Clapp Cat. . colored figure. 72 Woodv. ff. 465 . 227 Wigand. 722: Lindl. cf. 8. \. sf. South. 718. 1883. 376. South. Resourc. Journ. leaf figured. t. Wood Bot. Bot. Flor. Flor. Med. 719 Porch.. Disp.. 74. Y. Weeds. Loudon Ency. 14. Am.. 558.. Med. Am. 3-6. Drugs and Med. Ranunculus scelcratus. ... Bot.. . S. Lindl. [ . Bot. 209 .. . 249.. 61 Darl. Hom. S. Hom. 3S5 Allen Ency. : . . 44. Torr. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX THE WORKS CONSULTED GENERAL IN Abbreviations. i. Am.. 2. rf.. 109.. 385 Allen Ency. Flor. Lindl. . N. 8. Hydrastis Canadensis. 486. HcUcborus vindis. Bot. . Weeds. Wood. 29. 16. Raf Med. Bot. Torr. Y. f. I. cf. Horn. . of N. Lindl. N. I. 5 Hamilt Flor. Drugs and Med. Bot. 7.. Clapp Cat. Med. 1879. Phar. 874.. Bot. Clapp Cat. 4. 303. Clapp Cat. Gray Man.... Flor. 8.... Mass. S. Darl.. i. Allen Ency. Bot Griff. Bot. Am. S. Med. N. 242 U. 54. 3. S. i. f 80. 1883. Bot... Y. 231 Darl. Am. Ludon Encyc. Phar. Am. figure. t. Flor . 483 Loud.. 444.. Med. Am. /. f. of N. Hom. Ct. . 2 Drugs and Med. 43 50. Phar. . Hom. 482 Williams Med. . Resourc. Phar.. 10.. . 144. 6. A. 270. 49. Journ. S. 148 Williams Med. 3.. . Phar. Am.. . 8.. . Bot.. Bot S.. t. Text.. Ency. flower figured.. PI. Flor. 565 Plugge.. Rem. Y. Hale New Rem."?. Weeds. 172.. 87 Allen Ency. Porch. N. . 14 Porch. 689. . If. Anemone Hepatica. . i.. 43. and Griff Med. 110. . 7. 25. Drugs and Med. Med. f 8055. f. Med. .. Spratt Tox.. 2.. Bib. 445 Gray Man.. Phar. 686 Torr. Man. II Clapp Cat. Bot. Med.. 257. .ncy. Flor. Am. 874.486. 37 Am. Disp. Spratt Tox. 5 Clapp Cat. 58. 17 .. Resourc. Ranunculus acris. 382.. Aing.. f.. Allen Ency. Med. 13. Flor. 490. 109. 42. Gray Man. 70. 18 Torr.. PL S. Bot. 1884. Bot S. C. 36. Torr.. 720.. 387 Torr. Med.. Bot. 91 Lou- Raf don p.. Allen Encyc. 202 Gray Man. Gray Man. t. 685 Raf Med. S. Raf Med. . of N.. -9. 4. A. 4. 539. PI. Fluck.. Phar. Bot Mass.. Carb... 16. Y. Clapp Cat. Phar. 2. Porch.. f 49. Woodv.. Hom. Porch. 212. 119. I. C. Bot Mass. Am. 421. Gray Man. Am. Phar. t. A. U. 147 Gray Bot. Bot Gaz. . Raf Med.. 17. 717. .. 8. 82. 32. Mich. Raf Med. Griff figured. A. 270. 2. 48. Phar. 480. f.. Disp. 7935. New. 26. f. 2. South. Darl. colored plate / of page. S. 8089. Horn... ct. 104-5. 488 . 3 . f 476 Ludon Enc}'. 367: 1882. 316. Am. 19. Williams Med. Clapp Cat.. . I. Pulsatilla Nuttalliana.. S. Weeds. . 8. 1-2. 483 Clapp Cat. full size plate. 1879.. Phar. . 18. N. Ranunculus rcpcns. 2. Williams Med. . ct. 4.. S. Caltlia palustris.. 719 Torr. Allen Ency. 3. 202. Am.. rf. 38. 4. Y.. 5. 83 .. Gaz. 685.. fruit ff. N. 25 . yj\ root figured. . 251 Flor. South. Am. full size King Am. 486. f 51. C. 3. Med. 386. 874 Porch. Horn.. 48. Ency. Comp. Bot S. 19: 45 Han.. 9. VVeed.. 684. Lond. N. 7. Weeds. 874. 721 Wittstein. .. C. . Phar.. 22. 47. A. 80 Porch. 2. i.. Bot Mass. PI. . 271 Drugs and Med. f. Med. Hom. Resourc. I. Ranunculus bulbcsus. 26 Porch. 81 f. Darl. 17. . 2. 719. Disp. 421.. Hamilt Allen Ency. Bot. Am. Chem. U. 21 Griff. 8. ^9 . Lindl. f. Bot. Bot. New Rem. King Am. Resourc. . 377. Loudon Ency. 878 . Ct. 8091. Allen P^ncy. i. Am. Am.. Hale New Rem. Watson Bib. 78. Hom. f. Fluck. i. 50. f. & Han.. . 619. South. 154. 49. 289. 1883. 253. Bib. Ency. 2. Weeds. Clapp Wats. Wittstein.. 406.. 3. 76. 7678. Pluck.... Mat.n luicy.. Bot Gaz. 752. 10.. S N. 16. 2. 728. Homceopath. Med. Bart Med. Barberidacese. 843. f. 41. Gray Man. S. 647. 5. 266 Raf Med. Resourc. Am. I. f. Disp. Journ. Hom. Horn. . Y. Bot. . 212. 222. Gray Bot. 186. 384. i. Raf. i. 6.. Med. Allen Ency. 18. S.47. Hughes Phar.. 8. 76. 27. 77. 1 Am.. Phan.. Gray Bot. 1 Am. ct. Med. Med. . Am. f.. 2. Lindl. 17. Y.. 2.... . .41 Gray Bot. t. . South. Disp. Am. Med. 490-4. 6.. Am.. N. A. Joun Phan. Bot. Disp.. Gaz. 1880. Cat. . Gray Bot. Phan. Mass. 462. Lindl. 598.. 25.. 18. 55. 45 . 10..369.. Phar.. Joun Mat Med. Bot. Flon Med. f. 19. Gaz. .. Carb. Porch. 731 Bigel. Phar. Bot. 8 Torn Bot. 177 Hale New Rem. 215 Lindl Med. 92 Bart. 144. Am. 58.t. Am. 242. 383. 130. 97. 286. Bot.. Y. Lindl. Mat Med. Resourc. Williams Med. Phan. Dugl. PI. & Trim. 32'. Porch.. A.. N. Med. 67. 36. Raf Med. Ct. Allen Encyc. 7676.. 2. Gray Man. Torn Bot N.. 250. Bot Mass. . Y. 997. ct. Bot.. Porch. 85 Bent. Gaz. S. . Griff. 54. Am. New Porch. 13... A. Wigand. N. Disp. Weeds. 732.. sf. i. 4914. i. 5. 157. . Porch. : .. Williams' Med. 686 Clapp Cat. 56. King Am. 55. 19 Allen Encyc.. 64. 914 Darl. 306. & Han. Am. t. Berberis vulgaris.. South. 522. . 119.. 495-502. i. 1879. Med. . Phar. loi Lindl. S. 9... Darl. 262: 1881. ly Wigand. i}. of N. -]] Journ. Griff... Phar. Actcea alba.. Torn Club. 41 .. . Hom. Bot. 4. U.. Bot. f. 30 Gray Man.. Bjt. .. Lindl.. Hughes Phan. . Gray Man. Med. Clapp Cat. 66. Torn Bot. 683. Griff Med. .. South. Comp.. Torn Bui. 379 18S4. 163... . 189 Williams Med. 53. Phan. If 224. 21. i. . 630. Bent. Raf. . Gray Man. 36. South.. 7650. of N. Porch. 154.. 3. Comp. 1879. Am. Darl.. Phar.. PI. Phan. 68 Torn Bot S. 51 Torn Bot. 6. f. 460. South. 876. Y.. 1883. 200. Hale New Rem. Loudon Ency. . . . 26. Woodv.. 44 Bigel. Torn Bot S. Bot. ... Allen Ency. 244. ^8 Wats. U. Am. 879.Ct... Text. Clapp Cat. 50... 1883. .. f. C. 547 Loudon Ency. i. Bot. Fluck. . APPENDIX. Cat. 2. 376 2. Med. Disp. 4922. Weeds. 380. 872 Loudon Ency.. 47. All. Hale New Rem. 97 Am. Hom. 1879. Resourc. Griff . 344. Kincr Am. Resourc. 48.. 13.. 286. h. 63. Ct. Med. and Han.. Med. 127. Griff. ct. 7. Am. Horn. 2. Gray Bot. Wigand.. 9... Bot. 1879. South. 88. 3. 723.sp. 13. 459 Am. 36. 139. . Phan. 20. 192: 88 1. Raf Med. Horn. i. Disp. Bull. . 377. Flon Med. 9. 355. Bot.". S.. Allen P2ncyc. Flon. Bot Mass. 47 .. Wats. i. . 19. 35. . 401. 2.... Flon. S.. 618 Gray Man. 17. Griff f. . 580: 1882. Bot. 1881. Torn Bot S. 142. 300. Y. Am. 22 Williams Med.. Rem. 115.. 106. 59 Porch. Ludon Encyc. 1884. Text. Raf.. . Sarraccnia purpurea. Phan. 35 U. 2. 108. 98. 178. t. N. Porch. 5 Chem. Phan. 480. Podophyllum pcltatum. 198. . Carb. f. Am. Msiiisptriiiinn Canadcnse. 14. f. i8i Porch. I.. Am. 165 480-1. U. Bot.. Drugs and Med. . Flon Med. Wigand.. 17 490. . Torn Bot. Ct. Y. Am.. Am. 9. 613.. Resourc.. 27.. rf. 40. C. 52. 2. t: 23. . f 7652. Gray Man.. of N. 260.. Bot. Darl. Med. Mass. 730. 211 Therap. 34. I. Di.. Loudon Ency. 232. 1 . Gray Bot Text. Med. Text. Am. Hughes Phar. 134. . If. Hom. 39. Mass. 9. 480. . 402 Arcrciiioiic Mcxicana.. S. S. Bot.. Hughes Phan. Am. 445 Lindl. Journ. 453. Allen Ency. 577. 94. f. 16. S. S. . 462. . Disp. 496: Wittstein. Y... 1884. 31. Porch. 104. Wats.. Berberidaceas. i 5.. 8. 3. . f.. Clapp . Wittstein. Wigand. Ct. 507 Lindl. 219. . f.. 227. Bot. 60. Gray Man... S. Bot. N.27. Rem. Torn Bot S. Y. 438. f p. Magmilia glauca. 486-9. 26. i. Am. Griff. Hughes Phan. S. 23 Am. f. 43. Hom. Drugs and Meds. 93. 36. Am. Y. 34. Bib.. 8. 14.. Cimicifnga racanosa.. N. 175 Gray Man. Chein. Ct. and Han 3 Gray Phar. Barton Med. Darl. Loudon Drugs and Meds... i . Disp. f 65.. King Am. 16. 38. 12. 21. t. 56. Med. Bib. Clapp Cat. Man. 503-5. Flor. 1881. Fluck. 574. Bot. Flor. 129. 265-8. 92 rf. 383. Hamilt Flon Hom. 73. Bib. 242 . . Am. 1884. 693 Clapp Cat. Allen Ency. Joun Phan. Hale New. Asu)iina triloba. Am. Phan.. 33 Loudon Ency. 35. 7. Ct. Resourc. 18. Bot. ct. 460 f. Am. N.. Resourc. loi Bigel. 30 Darl. Disp. 20. New 1 1 Griff. 573. Bot. Lindl. Hale New Rem.. South. . Allen Ency. f. 296. 26.. 19. 844 Hale's Monograph.. 12. 166. h6 1 . Porch. 362 Allen Ency. Rem. Hughes Phar. Bat. Weeds. Am. and Trim. Catdophvlluni thalictroidcs. 96. Williams Med. f. 19. 4.62. 106.. 2. 25.. 727. Flor. vol. . N. i. Hale New Rem. Med. Weeds. Med. Joun Phan.. 7930. Veg. 67. Flon Med. Phan.. Med. Med. Griff Med. 28 Torn Bot. Hom. Bot. 543. f.. 729.. U. 144. Nyniphica odorata. Loudon Ency. Phar.. Weeds. New Rem. 26.. Man. Bot. Am.448. Am. . Darl. 9269. 519-21. Y. Am.. Bent. Allen Ency. Torr. Lindl. Y. 5. Joun Phar. Org. . Am. Gray Man. 360. Comp. 68 Lindl. 28 Woodv. 454 Gray Bot. 65. I. . Carb. Sinapis alba. S. Mass.. Hughes Phan. Med.. 97... 47. Resourc. Ludon Ency. 78 Gray Bot. 386. . 73. Weeds. Griff Med.f. 7. 121 1883. 263. 178. Disp.... 835.. 229. 84. Clapp Cat. Am. Med. ct. S. Resourc. and Trim. 60. 5 1 . . 1883. ct. Resourc. Y.. Phar. 2. f. 10. Med. Med. 162... Chem. Med. ct. Gray Man. 876. Thom.. 55. Phar. King Am. f. Allen Ency. Hom. Am. 375. 9104. i. Allen Ency.37: 1880. Weeds. . Flon. N. 102 . 129.. .. 739. f. Phar. 146. Loudon Ency. 18S2. Flon. 1880. Med. Raf. Porch. Lindl. Bot. 53 252. Comp. t. Hom. Griff Med.. Med. . and Trim. S.. 460. Med. 7651. Gray Man. Sinapis nigra. Lychnis Githago.. 207. 109. Bot. 78 Allen Ency.. Am.f. 2. 11023. King Am... Resourc... S.. i.. 125 Gray Man. 2. 70. Bot. 587 Darl. 56. Am. Weeds. Weeds. 83. 554. Am. Suppl.. 2. . 25. Wittstein..-nt . Bot. 30. Flon. 28 Loudon Ency. Porch. S. . 127 Mass. 2.. Bot. Jour. 379.^Med.. .. 3. 3941. Bot.. 29 Raplianiis raplianistruin.. Raf Med. 59. 31. N.. 20s.'. 139. 438. 158. 55. 480. C.. 158. 240. Am. 6S9 Clapp Cat. Disp. Disp.. Hale New Rem. Bot Darl. 135. Bot. i. 207. 85 ... Lindl. 32. f. ct.. .sourc. Flor. Am. Am.. Spratt Tox. Med. 23. U. Mass. 470 Watson Bib. 462. . Lindl. 741 Lindl. . Weeds.. Hom. 129. S. Williams Med. Plian. 25.. Chap. Am. Bot. Loudon Ency. 22. Hom. Bot. Ludon Ency. 969. Wigand.. Lindl. 861 Am. Bot. Man. Med. Wittstein. Med. Allen Ency. ct. 74... Flor. 24. U. f. Med... Allen E. .. Med. 480. ct. Williams Med. Loudon p:ncy. . 146. Lindl. Bigel. 1885.. Porch. 256. Torn Bot S. Phar.. f. Flor. 7 Joun Mat.. 9. 252. Hom.. 135... Williams Med. Jour. 734. 55 Porch.. 481 462. f. Bot.. Resourc. 223. f.. Lindl.. Loudon Ency. 232 Gray Man. 16. 171. 16. Bot. 46. Raf. 40. Phar.. 413Tldaspi Biirsa-Pastons. 1885.. Am. Hale New Phar. 277.. Allen Ency. Mass. t. 78.. 2. Williams Med. 734. 34-5. I. 876. PI.. Raf. Hughes Phan. Loudon Rem. S. 287. Hclianthcniuni Canadense. Man. Text. 186. King Am. . 3. Phan. B. Gray Bot. Weeds. 370: 1882. 917. Chem. Ct. 50-53. . 157 5. 2. Torn Bot. 72. Bot. 192. Woodv. Loudon P2ncy. i. Darl. Wittstein. . 208.. 1880. 11. 86. Hom. 170. 9303. 7. f.. 768. Jour. U. 10. f. Am. Med. Flor. 11. 283. Phar. New Man. 7. Re.. South. 9256. i. Bot Mass. 18. Weeds.. 142. Carb. 2.. and Trim. Mass. 75. Hom. 333: Gray Bot Text. Horn. 75. . 136.. Loudon Ency. 400. i. 557. 875. Viola tricolor. Med. 148.77. Med.. Gray Bot. 324.. Disp. 217. Spratt Tox.. i. 76 Wigand. Disp.. Bot. 117. Raf. f. Allen t. 31.. 465. 890. Carb. 178. Lindl. i. Med. 20. 83. Wittstein.. 52. 140.. Darl.. 403.. Phar. Text.658.. Clapp Cat. 93 Gray Man. 437. t.. 10. Bib.Ct. 72. cf. Comp. fig. Allen Ency. 1. 185 Torr. . Flon. 153 Hughes Phar. 92 . i. 2.551. Med. . Piiar. 292. Disp. Bot. 6. Am. Bot. stein. Am. 553-6.. Bent... Am. i.. 7672. Weeds. stein. vol. 20. 106. 90.. 232. 28. 132. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Med. Am.. 42. Weeds. . Loudon p:ncy. Good. .icy. Disp. Droscra rotundifolia. 2. Bot. Flor. Am. Med. South. 460. 388. Flon. Weeds. Griff. Watson Bib. Bot Mass. Phan. Phan. . 391. Cat. Woodv. WittHughes Phar..ncy. 30.. Am. f. Med. Hamilt Flon Hom. Bot.. 81. 391 Wiegand.. 1882. Y. 232-3. Am. South. . f. Raf.. 5. Y. 42. 1881.. 75 Griff. Y. Med. 207. Torn Bot S. 251 Griff. Pliar. 26. Bot S. Bigel. N. Lindl. Torn Bot S.. 127. . Torr.. 53. 41 Wigand. Bot. t.. 6535.. 9. Bot Gaz. 2. Allen Ency. Joun Phan. N. 506. f... Griff. Hom.. Am. Med. 1879. Mich. . Am.. Carb. Am. Darl.. Barton Med. Darl.. 1883. 889 Porch. 387. Phan. 27. Weeds. Raf.. Bot.. Gaz.. N. 546-52.. Wood Clielido)iiiiui luajiis. . Phar. 42-3. Fluck and Han. Bent. Hom. Comp. "j"] Grav Gen. I. U. 120. 195. "j"] Loudon Ency. Porch. 1879. N. Man. Med. 17. ... Gray Bot Text. 8. 221 Rem. Med. Hale New Rem. Geranium nuiculatum. Ct. N.. 29. 263. 254 206. 386. South. Bot. Phar. New Rem. 339. Y.. 3. Flor. South. Grav Man. 17.. 2. i. Weeds. Clapp Cat. i. 75. S. . 1 : 23. Bot. f... 221. 209 Gray Man. Flor.. f. Gray Man. 60. f. 44.. S. . Phan. Joun . f. 8. t. Flor. Med. 546. Am. 875. 29. Jour.. Phar. 4. 47. Woodv. Strong Am.. 2. Chem. . Darl. f. 8. Disp.. Williams Med. Am... I. 554. 8. . 88. 465 Am. Am. Griff 74. 384. 30.473: 1879.. .. South. Bot.. 225 Am. New Rem. 7653. i. Torn Bot Williams Med. Allen Ency.490. Rdf. 90. WittWats.. Ency.. Bot. Med. 13..f.. . Flor.. 22. N. 60. Chem. 80 Williams Med. Flon Med. 163. 104. Porch.. Med. Med.. Bot.556. 66. Gray Man. 416. 140. 21.. Chem. Sa)igiii)iaria Canadensis. f. 70. 227. Bot. Mich. Resourc. South.. Y.. 3. 71. Hypericum perforatum.. Bot f. 10. 404: 88 1. f. Bot. Gray Man. 64. . 402 Bot. 809 Wittstein. i 45 Am. Phar. Ct. Ludon Ency. Watson Med. South. Hamilt Flor. 216. 19. 150. Mat. Hamilt Flor. Y. Med. Hom. Griff. Flor. Coun522. 102. Tomp. Hom. 128. Med. cf. .. Mass. n3.... .. Am... 151 Allen Ency. Gray Man. Am. Allen Ct. f.. Lindl. Lindl.. Med. Bot S. i. . Ciapp Cat.. 60. Am. Xaiil/io.. Porch... Clapp Cat. 379. Disp. . 80. 290 . . Mat Med. 226. Lindl. 22 4. 293.. 103. 240. Lindl. Bot Gaz. Wats. Med. South. 169. . Y. Griff Med. f... 3801. Woodv. Weeds. Am. 496... Am. Med. S. Flor. 33. Park Derm. Griff. Hale . I.. Torn 46.. N. . 834. Med. Bot. f. 78 New Reme- Raf. Comp. Loudon Ency. Am.. no. S.. 9656. I'. ff.. Clapp Cat. Bigel. 56-8. Torr. Bot. Mass 888 Darl. Lindl. Loudon Ency. Ludon Ency. Bot. Disp. Med. 506 Am. 709. 164. f.. Allen . cans?). Bib. ct. Phar. 143. 234. ct. 100. in. Bib. 1880. Y.f.. Hom. 113 . Bot.. f. Torr.. Flor. f. Jour.. 233 Witt. i. 407 ... 208. 20. 28. 381 . . f. Am. Jour. Med. 53-5. RIius aromatica.. .. Am. I. . Gray Bot. 199. Bot. . Porch. 14310. . 44.. Y. Rem. 19. 2874. Bib. 4. Disp. Lindl. Bot. 155 Phar. Med.. South. 129.. Bot. 221 Clapp Cat.. PI. I. Gray Man. S. 176. 169.. Hale New Rem. Allen Ency. Darl.219: 1878.. 461. Man.. 1869. f. Am. ct. Bot S. f. Darl. Raf. 118. 72 Porch. Y. Y. Am. 35. Am. 269 Ludon Ency. 580. Watson Bib.. 75 Gray Bot. 152. Phar. 370: 2. 41.. Bot S.. Med. 130. Gray Man. Raf. C. 1. Flor. 273.. 1 Lindl.. Weeds. 8. If. 57 Allen Ency. f. 136. 392. Med. N... 3. Phar. Bot. Mass. Med.. . 88. Med. 632-8. . 181 f. Am. 183. 132.. ct. . Rcsourc. Weeds. N. Loudon Ency. Strong Am. .. . Bigel. Am. 600. f. Loudon Ency. 1885. 195.. Am. . i.. 195 Jour..^212. 866. Org.39. 176. Phar... 503 Am. Chem. Torr. Bot. Rept. 1881. Med. 206. 226 New and Trim. 2C9.. Hom. 2. 133. Flor. Bot. Phar.. f..xvlmn Aincricanuin. Bot S. 178.. 167. 59. 48. Resourc. 3... Disp. Y.. Torr. Williams Ainpclopsis qttinqucfoha. 378. Nat. 1885... Wigand. Resourc. Phar. N. Ency. . 30 Bigel.. Bot. 226. Di. Wats. 284. Am. Darl. i. 680. Adavtiis glandiilosus.. . N. Am. S. 402 390. 465 . f.. Allen PZncy. 458 Am. 85 Loudon Ency. Ct.sp. Flor. Bot. S. 226. . Clapp Cat. Weeds.. Bot. . Disp.stein. Good Bot. 370. Woodv. 113. I. 546. . Mat. 215. 65. 748 . 200. Weeds. 99. Bot S. Flor. ... 1883. 2.. f. . 15... Bib.. 526. 202 Loudon Ency. 1879. Am. 8. Bot 372 Hale New Rem.. Am. Bot f. 10.. Flor. Ptclca trifoiiata. Torr. N. Phar. 16. S. 141 116. Bot.. 329 dies. 390.t. Phar. Enonynius atropiirpurciis. 37. New Rem. i. Loudon Ency. Weeds. Hom. . ct. 4^ 109. Med.. Phar.. 3. 34. 3. 36.. 100.. Hale New Rem. 201 Torr. 39. 1870. Am. 406. Allen Ency.. Allen Ency. and Han.. Raf. . Ag. 201. 62 Horn. Hom. Y. S. Am. Porch. Ct. Jour. S. S. Med. 215. 283. Am.. 120.. Am. i. Bot. n4. f. ..... Bot. Mich... Gray Man. 911 Resourc. Med. . Hom. Ency. 133. 2. 44. Porch..53. .254. 90. Phar. 12. . Disp. . 1885. 216. ct. Med.. 106. Disp. Med. Fluck. Flor. Lindl. 13. 177.. 753. 209 . 51. 112. 86.. Med.. Bot S. Y. Mat. Disp. South. 42 (Radi- -sellor. Phar.. Gray Man. Phar. Wats. 96.. Bart. 42: 1879. 290. 57. Torr.. 162. Raf.S. 697. Gray Man. Carb. Jour. Bot. f.ct.. Med. Torr. Lindl. . 40. 5057. Hom. 256. Polvgala Senega. 211. Bot.. .. 156.t.. Therap.. 138. Med. Rem.... i.. Allen Ency. 541 U. 1764. 219. 10. Bot.. 330. Med. . Rims Toxicodendron. 8. Rhus glabra. i.. Wats. U.. N. 13896. 296. Raf. . 758. 2. f.. U.. Hale New Rem. 3. and Han. Am.. 46. Med. Hale New Rem. 195 Flor. . 42. Phar. 130. Am.. Med.. 45. S. Rliaiitnus catliarticus. Gray Man. 58. Man... Suppl. 129. 8.. . Flor.. Weeds. 731 . Darl. 1883. U.. Hom. i.. U. 64. Phar.. 214. f. Med.. 148. Ven. King Am. Flor. 709 Gray Man. Flor. i. ALsculiis Hippocastanuni. Hom. Mich. Gaz.. 84. Weeds. Phar. 80 Porch. Hom. 183.. Med. 138. 6. N. Text. Jour. 1880. Bib. 10. Phar. New Disp. 1880. Phar. Wats. 49-50.. 2. Mass. Bot. 76. Gray Man. i.. 758. 2. . 614. Hom. Am. 9n Darl. Med. Med. New Rem. Torr. Am. 69 Chem. Aiscidus glabra. Flor.. Phar. ct. Med. Flor. 219. Y. Jour. . Ludon Ency. South. 2. i. New 1 516.. APPENDIX. 182. 367. 210. Resourc. Rem. 301 Griff. Flora Med. Weeds. 107. Text. 405 Dugl. Bib.. 42 Williams Med.. Loudon Ency. 176. 124. 20. 110. Phar. Darl.. 2868.. N. Bot. I. Am. Weeds. Am. 75 Allen Ency..48. Jour. Bot. Hale's Monograph. Griff Med. Fluck. 296 Am. 97 Williams Med.. Rlius venenata. 2. N. 1 1 . 1880.. 759.. Hom. . 157.. 217.. 42. 283.. Med. 91 1 Am. Gray Man. 871 U. Darl. Med. Am.Ct. 8. Am. 178. n7. 399. Griff... I. 60. Bigel. 639Loudon Ency. 707 Allen Ency.. Am. 38. Bent and Trim. Am. Gaz. 96. 597... Williams Med. 201. 198. Darl. Y. . Weeds. . Flor. Griff. 134. 183. Bot. 602. Loudon Ency. 43. 227 Williams Med.. King Am.. 320. Y. S. Cat. 301 . Disp. Flor. 127. Carb. PI. 22 Wats. 212. 194. 64. . . Pirns Americana. Loudon Elncy. 12. Bot. 74-5. . Bot... 173. Darl. . N. Med. .. Bot S. Ton-. Clapp Cat. . Chem. 1883. 234. 1870 7566. 342.. 340.. I. Bib. 7. S. South. Torr. . 2. 383 Med. 2. Am. Med. Weeds. 79. Resourc... Med.. B]. Bot. Allen Ency. Loudon Ency. 224. Bot. 151 . i. 130. ... I. Raf.. Bot. Hom. 640. . PI. Williams Med.. Torr. Gray Man. Rept. Bot. Y. Med. Penthorum Med.. South. . 55. Bot. 4.. 14. i.. 614. 97 . 1 . 712. 820. 610 Gray Man. Gray South. Baptisia tinctoria. iio.. Gray Man. Allen Ency.151. Disp. Bot. Raf. N. 760. Am. Disp. f... 97 U. Weeds. Di. Y. f. . Phar. . . Resourc. N. Lindl. Rept.. t. N. I. Hom.. Flor. Bot. Bent. Bib.. Med. Med. Med. 407 Gray Man.. 244.. 2. Am. f. Weeds. Wats. 191. . C.. 258. Am. Torn Bot. 266. Rep. . 334. 761 237. I. Wats. 351 . Y.. 170. f. Bib. Weeds. j-j.. 7626. 125. N. Bot. Bot S.. Am.. Gray Man. 184. Am. f. South. Bib. Am. I. 492. Melilotus . 1. Bot S. Gray Man. 121 82. Tomp. Torr. 1882.221.xt. S.. U. Disp. Am. Org.. Bot. 185 Med. Di. 237. Phar. 45. Phar. 304-5. i .IOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Med. 188. S. S. Disp. 528. 169. ff... 586. Lindl. 351 Flor. . Flor. 143. 22. Bot Mass.. 221 Torr. Hom.. Gcum Rivalc. and Trim. 1 . Agric. C. . Wood Allen Ency. S. 355 174. Trifoliiim pratcnsc. Porch. Darl. Phar. Am. 165. . Bot. 161 Allen Ency. N. 243 W^ats. 104. 623 Am. N. Phar... Woodv. 832 Med. 2. Flor. Y. 112.452. 154. 85 Wiegand. . 47. 226. Am. I. 384 Am.. Med. 693 U. U. 225 Phar.sp. 1883. Clapp. Club. Gray Man.. fFol.. . Torr. . .. 1870.. 176. 175. . 4. Hom. Torr. 7. Loudon p:ncy. . f. 411 U. . ct. 640 Torr. EpUobiuvi palustrc. 1879.. . . Phar. 127.. 626.. S. 144. Bot. f. Bart.. Am. 5487. i. Lindl. 58. 277 Raf Med. Allen Ency.. Loudon Ency.. 131 Allen Ency. Flor. S. 59. 30. I. Med..6. 53. Ct. Horn. Porch. Y. Raf. Gray Man. Bot. Agric. Flor... 4. Med. Porch. Am.. 126. Med. Med. Med. Ludon Ency. Perch. Disp. 205 Am.. Am.. . 336. BI Lindl. Darl. 108. Med. Comp. . 57. 29.. 2. 299. S. Lindl... S. Flor. .. 36. 519 Phar. 365 Wats. 226.. 203 Lindl. Loudon p:ncy. Bib. 775.. Resourc. Hamamclis Virginian a.. 143. Flor..... Gray Man. Man.. 189. Bot.. Wats. Jour. 7. 769. South. Resourc. Flor. 10.. f. i. 48. . 231.. Am. Bib. Am. . Med.628. 441 Wats. Bot Mass. Williams Med. Am.. Med. Resourc. Darl. Griff. 253. Porch. Man. 832. Med.270.452... 128. 144. Bot. 10460.. Phar. 387.. f... Y.. 176. Y. South. Disp. . . Bib. Resourc.. loi 365 f. 177 Am. 6. 223 Am. i6o Lindl.. 46.sp. Porch.. South. Porch.. Loudon Kncy. Clapp Cat. Gray Bot scdoides. 167 Torr. Trifoliiim repens. Raf. 642 Torr. 10787. 49. 29 Med. Gyninocladiis Canadensis. Hom. I. ct. Griff. Jour.. 50. Clapp Cat. 884. Wigand. f. S. .. Flor.. Raf.. i. Chem. .. and Han.. Chem. 4.. 265 Phar. 31 Am.. f... Phar. . Mat. 887.. . . Weeds. 293 Lindl. .f. Allen ELncy.. New 119. 659. 10802... . Hom. Frac^aria vcsca. Jour. 107. . 384 Loudon Ency. 2.. 162. 14. Bot. Darl. Raf. Weeds. 187 Allen Ency. Med. Gray Man. Med. 54. 1 f. 165. Torr. Ct.. Ludon Ency. N. N. Darl. 56.. 886.. 4. 229.. Med. 204. 58. Flor. Suppl. Torr. S. 13987. Griff Med. Med. N. N. Te..412. 194. Weeds. f. 123. f. Disp. Porch. Nat.. 2. 98 177 Ludon Ency.. Raf... 2... Griff.. 361 19. 100. 1880. N. Am. N Y i. Am. N. Darl. 238. 10. 1.. 152. Am. 145 Am. Raf. 733 Am. 882. 156.. Flor. 403. Gray Man. S. 1864.. Mass. Thom. 366. 83. . Bot Phar. Ludon Ency. Mass. Torr. . officinalis. 38.rf.. Y. 409 Hughes 114. 52. Weeds.. . 291 Fluck. 2.. Bot.. . Weeds. .. Bot. Am. Disp. Allen Ency. 124. Darl. Org. Allen Ency. 222 Hale New Rem.. 140.. Bot. Flor. Weeds. 677-9... 392. 140. 251. f. Gray Man. .. 177.. Bot. 6460. Bart. 168.. Phar. Williams Med. 761 Darl. Am. 148..... Am. Allen Ency. 197.. 5 Bot Gaz. Y.. 282 Porch. Griff Allen Ency. Bot S. Am. Bull. Bot. . . 1879. Hom.53.. 8. . Wittstein. Gray Rem. 171. 842. Am. Chap. S. 5691. 334. 10. .. 886 Darl.. 10. 231 .. Bib. Hom. Am. Y. Robinia Pseudacacia. Agric. Lindl. Y. Am. . Loudon Ency.. Gaz. Am. Wats... i. South W'eeds. f. Am. 2. S.422. Resourc. 96. Allen Ency. S. 577 Bot. 322: 1880. 265.. Hom.. Darl. f. 171. Ludon pjicv. Darl. 454. Phar. Griff Med. 739. Resourc.... Clapp Cat. Phaseolus vulgaris. 122. Disp. 185 Allen Plncy. Weeds. 92 Porch. South. 233. Phar. 10005. I.. f. Bot. 113. 31 Am... Allen Ency. 10771. Resourc. Porch. 94. Bot.. f. Genista tinctoria.. 1814. f. Bib. Raf. Bot S. f. Torr. 238 Wats. Jour.. 3. Loudon Ency. Bigel. Med. Carb. cf. 283. Bant.. Am. . Y.. Clapp Cat. 160.. Am. . 274 Darl. Med. 68. Ji Bent.' Allen Ency.. 118... Horn. 353. 149.. 872. Plor. .. 10. Am. Phar. i. South. Cicnta viaculata. 1 56 Porch. Med. 290. I. Y. 67.. . Flor. 2. Gray Bot. N. Am. 415 Torr... 348.. 870 i. Bigel. Med. Comp. 276 Loudon En. Hamilt Flor. i. S. Lindl. 1880. 519.247.APPENDIX.. Bot. Hom. 347.... Y. Mass. 345 Wood Bot. 193 Am. Am. f 3666 218 Man. F"lor. Bot. Disp. Med. and Trim. 59. South. 3724... Bot. 106-7. . 79.. 342. Wood Bot. 386. i. 69. Wats. Phar.. Bot. I. Bot.. Med. . 137. Raf Med.. Flor. 251 Lindl. Griff i. Griff. 185 Allen Ency. Y.. Am. Phar. 2. 267! . Clapp Cat. Clapp Cat. Bib. Phar. 42. . Bot. 70. Bot. 7. South.. Resourc. Wittstein. 237 Loudon Ency. Griff Med. Flor. 160. PI. 234Wats. Bot Gaz. 59. 24. sf. 299. 425 200. . .. 1882. Bib. 234. Med. Griff. Woodv.. 284. 108-11. 147 Loudon Ency. Flor. Bot. Flor.. 197. Am. Man. Darl. in. 28. 66 Gray Man. S.. Med... Hale New S. f. 317. Bot. Weeds..... . f. Phar. Mat Med. Allen Ency.. 9 Griff. . f. 771 446. 40.469: 1882. Weeds.470. ct.. Am. Weeds. i. Bot Med. Torr. Med. 284: Griff Med.. Raf. Wiegand.. 49.. nj \ Opiintia vulgaris. 53.. Porch... Darl.. 247 Woodv. Horn.. . Loudon Ency. Phar. N. 776 Am. 245. 53. i. 23-5. 22. 126. 6884. .. 1882. Bot. 198. Horn.. 43 Loudon Ency. . Homoeopath. 143. 196. . 242 Am. f.. Bib. Phar. . . South. N. 121. Resourc. Med. I. Porch. Med. S.. Raf 1879... . 26. . i. Loudon . Med. Griff. Journ. Weeds. 294: 4. Am. Raf. 62. Flor.. 2. 124. . . Lindl. Am. 160. 44 Church. 100. Am. 107 2 209. Wats. Bot. . f. 29 Biegl. Am. 333. 168. Bot Mass. 425 . Allen Ency. W^eeds.. Wats. . Phar. Bot. I. 1880. Am. 492 Rem. 25. Raf Med.3... sf. Chem.. t. Gray Man. Am. Raf. .. . Med. Phar. 13 ct. 247 Torr. Loudon Ency. 191 . Raf. Am. Barton Flora. 322 Raf. 82 Bart. 227.. 7. Hom. . Torr. Flor. 779... . Y. 2. f. 254 Darl. 218.. 194. Bot. . Cornus circinata. Phar. 315 Chap. . Chap. Torr. . . . i. 596. 21. Lindl. 706. Club.. N. . 2. 112-13.. 43 Allen Ency. f. Am. . 2.. 3. . Am. Jour. Disp. 439 Gray Bot. 212 Clapp Cat. 102 Am. 1884. S.. Med. . Weeds. Phar. Disp. 633 Hale New Rem. Loudon Ency. i. 4. . 26. Torr. 191 Allen Ency. f. Torr. i. 2. . 151 Loudon Ency. 556. Ct. 1883. Hale New Rem. . 2. U. Williams Med. 192 . . Arcilia racciuosa.. Thaspiuvi aureuni. 191 Torr. N. 104. 11. Bot. Raf Med. ^Etlnisa Cynapiinn. ct. Allen Ency. 29. 71.. F'lora Med... Bot. . 3608 216. Resourc. Y.. 4. Griff Med.. 2. Disp. 344 Raf Flor. Spratt Tox. 344.. 616 Raf Med. 6. Flor. Am. Williams Med. 2. f. 118. Porch. Bot. Med. Disp. 779. Am. Hom. . Resourc. 222 Gray Man. . Bot. Am. Witt63 Taylor Tox.Bot S. Bot S. f. I'-'c'' Darl. 221.ct. f. Flor. 136 Porch.. 199 Allen Ency.. .. .... Allen Ency. Bot. Bot Gray Man. 87. Y. . N.. ct.. 291 Torr. ct. and Trim. .. Am. 346 Pastinaca sativa. ct. Bot. Clapp Cat. f. . JPhar. C. Y. 28. Bot S. Med. 216. Bull. Tox. Am. 154. N. Gray Man. Disp. . Med. 152. Bull.. 187.. 166. Torr. Bot. S. . Clapp Cat.. i. . 2. South. Med. . Flor. Med. 339.159: 1885.. 61.40. Weeds. . 232. 412 Am. 1883.491 154. 304. Weeds. Med. 1880. Med. 3609. Weeds.. 286. 162. Taylor Tox.. f. Bot S. 267. Med. 60. Hom. S.. 416. . 164. Darl. 64. 15 Bot.. Bot. Bent. 1885. Flor. 316 Raf Med. Bot. 58 stein.. 65.. QLiiothcra biennis. 66 Gray Man.. 290. . Phar. Wittstein. 2. 433. f. .f. 125 Lindl. ct. Allen Ency. 870. i. Am. Journ. Med. 339 Coniiun niacitlatnm. f. 910. 113. and Han.. . Williams Darl. Med. 3. Wittstein. 318. 122. 193. Eryngiuni yncavfoliuni .. i. Y. Gray Man.. Ct. 778. 135. Am.. Hom. 346... . .. 2 Ct. Archangelica atropnrpurea.. . Resourc. Med.. N. . Flor. 44. 139. ct. Man. . 71. 78 Church.. 8 .. 10.323. Weeds. t. Hom. Med. Am.. 247. 195. 213 Gray Man. 281 4. Bot. Phar. Bib. 59 Bart. Jour. S. Bib. Jour. 230 Wats. f. 55 Gray Man . cy. 14391.. 12. 378. Resourc. King Am. Am. Allen 4. Jour. 436 Hale New Rem. 45. Jour... . Fluck. 178 Torr. Torr. 390.. . South. Ency. Darl. 131 Bigel. Club. 81 Lindl. Bot I. Weeds. 29. Bot. N. 2. i. 1883. 156. .. Porch. Griff. 237. 85 Lindl. Med. Club. Flor. 7. f. Med... Ct.. Gray Man. and Trim. 28 Am. . 2. 317.. f. 58. . 339 Spratt. Lindl. 63. Med. 234 Allen Ency. 278. Med. South. Aralia quinqucfolia. Gray Man. Med.. 1882... Bot : . 1881. 3. 247 . Man. New Rem. Bot' Am. Porch. 211. Med. . 433 Torr . 59. 1793. 359. Med.. 90. I. Y. Weeds. Phar. Am. Phar.. Disp. Bull. i. f. 298 U. Bot. Bot. t. Clapp Cat. 181 Gray Man. Hom. 72. 244. 778 5.. i. i. Cornus florida. •' . Hamilt Flor. Bot. 158 Porch. 10. 781. 71 1 Lindl. . Med. Med. . Bot Mass. 48 Loudon Ency. f. 259. Ct. . 271 Hale New Rem. 698 Hughes Phar.. 57. 219 Bigel. Mat. Resourc. N.. . .. Bot. 51 Griff. 52. Bot.. Disp. .. 730. . Eiipatonum pcrfoliatuin. Allen Ency.. Gray Flor.. Hom.. Bent and Trim. 216. Bot. 2. S. 874. Allen Ency. PI. . i. 12. . S. 74. 3. Am. Torr. Man. Strong Am. 81. i. 1885. Phar. Comp. 205 Gray Flor. Lindl.. J J. 7^. 82. i. Bigel. 265 384.. Disp. 260. Flor. Phar. Hale New Rem. 9. N. Bot. Am.. 438. . Gray Flora N. Heliantlius annniis.. . 390 -. 306. Bent and Trim. Phar. 412. Am. 349 : . South. Med.. Bot. ySj.. 150. . 36. Flor. Lindl. Am. S. Disp. Am. Gray Man... Phar.. f. 205 Mite he Ha repens. Bot. Phar... Bot. South.. . South. . Med. 724. Disp. f. . Torr. Disp.. Bot. Raf Med.. Phar. 2.. Gray Flora N. Bot.. Flor. . I. Gray Man. 352 25 . ... 147. t. 2. A. 2. . 9. 272. Hom. 1884. Y. 119.. Phar. Darl. i. Ct. Carb. Gray Man. i.. . Flor.43.. Resourc. 19. 184. Weeds. Am. . ct.. 456. . Allen .. Am. 10.f. U. Bot Mass. . . ct. A.. 181 Williams Med. Weeds. S.BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Loudon Encyc.. 4. 1880.. 299. 430... i. 84.. 10. . i. 192. Torr.s. Jour. Am.. io2.. Med.. PI. 422. Y. Disp. 618. ct. Gray Man. Porch... Med. 225 S. Bot. Allen Ency. Phar.. Darl. Flor. Hale New Rem. 294. Am. 10. Am. Mat. Weeds. Williams Darl. 153. i. i. Am. I. 600. . South. 373 Am. 363 Fluck. Bot S. S. . 181. Ambrosia Raf Med. f. Med... . 40.. 417. 179. 3.. ... 59. i. 211. U. 2. i... f. C. 788 King Porch. Med.. 221. ct. 224. 2.ct. Allen Ency. 19. Bot. Jour. 100. Allen Ency.. . PL S. 236. 243 Am. 141 . 99. Phar. Gray Man. South. 192. N. Allen Ency. Raf Med. Y. 116-17. 2. ct. f. I. 20. I. Phar. Torr.N.. 191 Hale New Disp. Torr. 1883. 269. Torr. . A. 185 Bent. Porch. 205 303 399 . 33 . C. Wood Bot. Jour. South. 493 Am. 112. Med. .. Am. Am. Y. 1677. 911. 334 Am. 476. i . Allen Ency. Flor. Flor. 782. Mass.. t. Clapp Cat. 200. Med. . Bot... Y. ct. Joiirn. Bot. ff. 343 Am. Flor.. i. Allen Ency. Inula Helcniuiit.. 12147... Torr. 12. 788 Am. 751-3... . Williams Med. Porch. Chem. Contiis sti-icca. . S. 112. 33 Bart Med. 26.313. Am. N. Bot. Phar. Ct. 1 . . South. 376.. 170. Med. Hom. Raf.. Jour. Flor.sp. 290. 372 Disp. Mass. Jour. 138. Torr. 255. f. N. Bot... 3. Phar. 96. f.. 215 Porch... 415-16 Am.. .. N. Club. 8.. 161 Resourc. Flor.... Allen Ency.. 356. Bull. 90 . Saiiibiiciis C(i)iadciisis. 95 Gray Am. Porch. 81. 176 . Resourc.. Good Bot.. Loudon Ency. 2. Chap. 35. Torr... 125. 3. 251 2. 45 Griff Med.. f. S. 2802. Am. 351 Gray Flora N. . f. Weeds. . Griff Med. 441. S. Darl. Weed. Y... Resourc. 1879. . 241 . 4. 243 Loudon Ency. Med. Raf Med. Allen Ency. Bent.. 545 Antlienns no/>i/is. Nat. 1883.. 285 . 353 Am. Bot S. Achillea Millefolium..92 1879. Loudon Ency. 2.. 78.. 62 Bart. 6. S. 162 Loudon Ency. Bot. Flor. ai-tcviisicefolia. Torr. New Rem. i. Darl.714. 226 Flor.218. Weeds. .. 28. CephalnntliHS ocadcntalis. 115. 104. Phar. 619. C. Hom. 310. 135 2. N. 200 Torr.. Fluck. Resourc.. Flor. Am. 68 Loudon Ency. and Trim. 419... 1881. South. . Y. Bot S. I . Gray Man. N. and Han. 231 Flor. 249 Gray Man. South. 444. Bot. ct. 326.. Am.. 83. Phar... Raf Med.. Weeds.469.. TriosUiim pcrfo/iatinn. 704. A. 342 Raf Med. Man. 55.. Phar. 688. 255. 75. N. Resourc. .. Bot. 59. Hom. 2. . 37 Am.. 341 Gray Flor. Hom. Porch.. . Am. Gray Man. Jour. 910. 12324. Flor. U. 80. Bot. 246. Am. Bot. N. 9.. 243.. S. N. 211. 416. . A. Bot. S.. 214. 301 Lindl. Griff Med. 171. Strong Am. Griff. 329. Wiltstein. Disp. 470. Wittstein. I. Y. Phar. U. and Trim. S. Porch. Raf Med. 37. Phar. . 790. 106. . A. Lindl. Med. 185 Am. 102. Bot. 565. . I. 3.. Loudon Ency. Griff. Bot. Am.f.... Phar. Hom. Med. Flor.. 446 .. . 231 47. Am. Ency. 1797. 5.382.. 407 Bart. 229. Clapp Cat. Darl. 1798. Wittstein.. 237. Am. N. 404 ct. 443. Flor. 76... Horn. Flor. i. 350. 12. and Han. 403 Raf Med. 553... Gray Bot. . Loudon Ency. Williams Med. Loudon Ency. Horn. Resourc. Phar. Wiegand. 246. 834. 269 Bigel... Mass. 236.. 19. 445 U. . Bent and Trim'. Phar. 2. f. Lindl. ct. Engeron Canadcuse. . Med. Am. Bib. Resourc. 154. 1758. 4. Di. 190. . Horn.. 85. N. Porch. cf. Y.t. Wats.. i. Hom. Porch. Am. 174.. Med.. . . Horn.. Resourc. S. Ency. Am. 39 f. Am.. . Bot. 1884. Phar.. 896 .. Am.. Loudon Ency. 4. A. Rem.. Disp.. N. 457. 4.. 64. Flor. Am.. 297. 104. 11536. Bent and Trim. Gray Man.. Med. 1. Jour. 651 Griff Med.. . Gray Flora N. 213 Porch. . . Phar. i. Bot Mass. 740. Gray Flora N. Med. Phar. Am. i.. f. Disp.. 358. Hom. f. 211. . Raf. 3. Raf Med. Am. 3731. Med. 408 Good Bot. . Ct. Y. Porch. 159. 910 Porch. Torr. Gray 289 Am.. Med.. Allen Ency. 1881. Porch.. A. 688. Eiipatonuni piirpureuiii.. Phar. South. 4. 100. Allen Ency.. 170.. U. 10. Woodv. 169. 180. Williams Med. Y. 405 . ct. Loudon Ency... Med. f. 239.. Raf Med. 788 King Text. Woodv. Resourc. Bot. Man. 201 Torr. 410. 314. Resourc. Bot. . Disp. 79.. f. 788 Clapp Cat. 329.. Phar. Bot... Phar. 234. 320. South. 99 : y^. S. 226. 149.. Ct. Bot S. Gray Man... 405 Gray Man. . 31 U. 398.. Wood Bot. Taylor To. 593 . 327 Allen Ency. . 408 Clapp .. Wood Bot. 1882. . 57. Bot S. Thorn. 50. N. A. Clapp Cat. Flor.. 424. Med. Disp. 558. i. Weeds.. 88. Williams Med. Resourc. Mass. Torr. Jour. Disp. . 432. South.. i. 131. Bent and Med. Phar.. 399 Allen PZncy..411 Am. 208 Griff.. Nat. i. Med. Jour. Di. . 99 Hughes Phar. Prenanthcs Scrpentaria.. 372. 11680. Med. 3.. . Strong Am. Phar. . 478 Am. Med. Tanacetitm vulgare. S. Weeds. 11336. 235 Woodv. Weeds. Am. Flora. N. 16. Clapp Cat. Strong Am. Bent. S. Church. Am. i. 2. Org. Weeds. 11. 706. Jour. . 243 Hale New Rem. Chem. 86. Phar. Raf Med. Raf . Bot S. Resourc. I. Hale New Rem. Disp. 59. . 342 Chap. Woodv. 571 Hale New Rem.. 186. . 313. .. 96. 388.. Raf Med. Am. Med. Bot.. 698 Therap. Flor. Bot S. Am. Gnaphatium polycephalum. South. 370. .... t. Hamilt Griff Ct. Flora.. Lindl. 265. Med. Resourc. 696. Med. Comp. and Han. Bot. . 275 Gray Flora N.. Chem. 823 U.. Allen Ency. S.. Hom. 11345. . Bot. Phar. Y. 342. 15. 1882. i.. Hom. 5 95. Phar. Disp.. Am. Am. Gray Man. loi Gray Man. N. 582 Giay P"lora N. Med. Gray Flora N.. Cichorium Intybus.. 331 13. 395 gand rf. t. Hom. South. 266.. Bot. Am.. 234 Am. A. Torr. 215. Porch. Comp.. . 275 Am. 34 I... 1886. 36 Raf Med.. Flor. Loudon Ency. Am. f. Phar. rf.. 2. Taraxacum Dcns-Leonis. Gaz. 58. i. Mas. Wittstein. 96.. Med.... t.95. 210. Am. 1. Raf. 29. Med.. Med. f.. ct. . 392. 233. . Am. Bot S. 90. . f. N.. Allen Ency.. Lindl. Darl. 2. 2. 93. 94.. Phar. Med. Gaz. Flor. Williams Med. 428. 6.. Weeds. Bot. 802.417. 469. . Porch. 4.. 1885. 2. .. 183. 229. f. .. 70. 189. 198. Williams Med... 1. A. 22. Wittstein.. Y.. 92.. Strong Am. Bot. Artemisia vulgaris. Torr. Comp. Gray Man. 552. t. Hom. 406. 89. Med. . S.. 434.. Woodv. King Am. 366 Torr. 14. 462 Gray Man. Am. . 204. Allen Ency. . 230 Med. Bot. Wiegand... Med. r. 38. N. 218. Darl. . 33 . APPENDIX. Darl. Chap. Bot. 23.. Phar.x. . I. Senccio aureus. . Bot. 201 Porch. A. 55 Gray Flora N.. 18 . f. Gaz. Phar. . 440. 187. Thorn. 461 Chap. 331 Am. Flor. 3. Flor. South. Med.. ct. . U... Chem.. 894. Weeds. Therap. Bot. S.. Williams Med. Bot. Gray Flora N. Loudon Ency. Artemisia Absinthium. Chem. 310.. 3. N... 91 U.. 152 . i.. Allen Ency.. 195 803 41 1 Flor. Darl.. 71 Loudon Ency. Am. 680. 2. . Fluck. f. Am. f. 893. Lindl.. South. 432. Torr. 458. 9. 242. N. Phar. . Bot. 425 London Ency. . Ma. . 27. Lappa officinalis. 803. Flora.. Therap... Bot S... 251 Flor. Y.. Torr. 159 Woodv. Lindl. Wood Bot. Raf Med.. Phar.. Weeds..fiF. Weeds. Am. 396 Gray Man. 278. 893 Darl. 805 Gray Man. ct. . Flor. 280. 126. 278. 2... Am. f. 191. 392. Flor.. Woodv. 464. Chap. Wiegand. Gray Flora N... Med. i. . 11. Bot. Hom. Griff. 9. 896. 262 . Bot. 767. 314. . 224. 414 Flor. I. Ercchthitcs hieracifolia. 698 Am. Man... Med. 547. 1886. 62.... Cat. Hom.. . Phar. Y. Carb. . Clapp Cat. Flor. 3. Jour. 137-40. Hom. .. Phar. Jour. . f. Clapp Cat.. Flor. Darl. 271. 3. Bot Mass. . Di. Resourc.. 237 Gray Flora . Med. rf. A. . South. S. Bot. Bot. 331 Clapp Cat. Gaz. Phar... cf. 270 Gray Flora N. Org. Phar. Resourc. 426. Med. .. 1884. 896 Darl. Hom. Griff. Disp. . ... Torr. Porch. Bot. Resourc. 308. Y.. Good Bot. Hughes . Horn. cf. Lindl. 9... 393 Lindl. S.. 2. 427. Bot. . 64. Ji. 87. 6.. Bot. 10. Y.. i . Bot. . . ct. Am. 928. 156 Lindl. Jour.. Therap.. 1885. 456. 39. Phar. t.. Am. Bot Mass. S. 738 Allen Ency. A. i. Raf. Ct. and ff. Med. 4. A. 140 Am. 412 Allen Ency.. .. t. Woodv. . . . Med.. Ct.. ..sp. 472. Lactuca Canadensis. 132 66. 824. .. 2. 726. Med. Phar. 32. Darl. 400 ... Flor. Med.. 802 Gray Man. 267. 1883. 806 Gray Flora N.. Am. Loudon Ency. I. rf. .f. Med. 690. and Trim. 226 Clapp Cat. . Hom. 253. 181. 135.. 319. 234 Darl. 211 Am. 76. 59. 431 Wiegand. Gray Man. .. A. Flor. . Weeds. 487 Wittstein. . 25. 127. Ct. Bot. 864. Bot S. 692 Am. Carb. N. A. Bot. Weeds. 572 Woodv.. 366 Gray Flora N. Loudon Ency.. 107... Loudon Ency. . Med. Torr.. PI. Mass. . . 1. 2. Porch. . 444 278. 8. Porch. 406 Torr. 800 Allen Gray Ency. N. Bot. Disp.. Hale New Rem. 363 Man. Williams Med. 651. Ct. 391 Am. Med. Y. . 2. I. Flor. 117. Med. . 267 10. Am. Bot'S. Griff. 54 Trim. . 539. Ag. Clapp Cat. Williams Med. . 266. Flor. . .. 268 Wood Bot. Bot.sp. 2. Med. . 13. Phar. 193. Lindl. 2. 288. 800 Gray Flora N. Bot. Phar. 9 1 Bot. 799. A. Phar. WieI. . t. 1885. 397 Gray Man... 209. 408 Am. Gray Man. Horn. 415 Am... 242 Am. 75 Clapp Cat. N. 464.. .. Griff Bot.. ... 138. Am.s. Bot. 1883. 493 Am. 895 239. Chem. ct. 179. . 190. Allen Ency. Am. . Allen Ency. . C. 543. Phar. N.. Porch. Raf.. Loudon Ency.. . 135-6. Raf. 112. 806.. Bot. 1884.... 191 Man. 372. i.. 244. 44. Y. 678. i. Disp. Disp. New Rem... i. lll54. 405 Med. Y. A.503. Disp. 578. 402. . Y. 23. . Bot. Carb. Bot. 268. 1885. Am. Weeds. . .. 107.. 585. 380. Med. Mass. 384.. 190. Flor. Loudon Ency.. Darl. 253. 786 Gray Flora.. .. 915. Flor. P^ncy. 2. Allen Ency. S.. 162 . f.. South. Porch. Di. 27 Bent and Trim. Am. Bot.. Bot.. 137.. Resourc. 100. Mass. loi. f. 76.Ct. PI. . U. Bot. i. 16. Jour. 321 Flora. Lindl. . Williams Med. . 913. 340.. 36. Ct. . Phar. 249 Porch. 430. Am. 3. Lobelia inflata. Med. . 304. 51. .. Gray Man. Am. Bot. . 106. i. Bot Mass.. Resourc. f. 229. ct. S. 399. 166 Wood Bot. 126... 418. 10. N. N. . S.. .. 279.49. Bot. . Phar. 2. Carb. . Chem. Chem. 503 Lindl. Arctostaphylos Uva-UrA. Bot. Clapp Cat. . Allen P2ncy. Am.. . 15 Bent. 1878. Med. . 285.. Disp. 433 Chem. Gray Man. 423 Williams Med. Disp. . Clapp Cat. 91. Am. . 587. . Bigel. 18S4. Weeds.. Moiiotropa iiiiijlora. Am. Gray 360. ' Disp. 287. 97. Fluck. Hom. 67 Bent and Trim. Chap.. Flor. Disp. Flora. . 141-3. 477 . f. Fluck. 892 Darl. 893 Darl. Raf Med. 19.. U. Resourc. Disp. 74 . 377 Gray Man. 420 Raf. 211... 21. Bot. Weeds. 98. 254.487. Flor. U. .. Disp. . Hom.439. 40. 609 Wood Bot. Bot. 2. Am. 16. Chap. Loudon Ency. Bot. Wiegand. Torr. Phar. 57 Med. Williams Med. Gray Flora. 378.428 f.. Y. Resourc.. Flora. 1.. 103. Bot. 420. 460. 485 Chap. 188. 45 . l45. Lobelia cardinalis. Darl. 442.. 476. 356. i. f. 224.. Bot. 49.. f. Bart Mat Med. 618. N. 104.. Weeds. Am. Am. Med. 2.. S. 222. Disp. Wittstein... 380 Loudon 15. Med.. 113.. 159. Am. Allen Ency. Bot. 892 Darl. 440. 465. Clapp Cat. Y. Gray Flora. . 3. Bot. 280 Torn Bot. Bot. 57. N. f. and Trim. 293. Raf Med. t. Bot. Bot. Griff Bot.S.. 16. cf. 5911. 403 Clapp Cat. Chap. S.. 224. Hale New Rem. 815... 2. Comp. Han. Med. Bot S. 115. 166. Mat... Carb. 161 Williams Med. Phar. 60.. Bot. t. . . 2. . 229. 1884. Kali Ilia latifolia.. i. Bot. Am. Wood Bot. 171. 530.. Bot. Y. . 202 Griff. Chap. 79. 5915. Raf Med.. 388. Flor. 465. S.. Bot. I. Barton Med. .. i. 378. f. 25. . Bot. f.. Gaz.sp. Strong Am. 102. . If... Lindl. South. Lobelia svphilitiea. Y. Bot. 81 189. 30. .. . South. Mass. 106. Lindl.. Am. Y. 476. 45. Wood Bot.. 100. Torr.. . .. Am. 47. 228.. Bot. 293 Wood Bot. 35 Fluck. 293. Strong Am. f.. South. I. Med. Med. Loudon 205 Porch. N. . Med. 3. 3. 425 Raf Med. lipigica rcpciis. 5962. Griff Med.56. 455. Jour. Resourc...Strong Am. 421 Bent and Bigel. . Bot. Barton Med.. 63. Phar. Gray Man. Bent. Wood Bot.. Ct. 254.x. 5967.425 Williams Med. Porch. Porch. Bot. Med. . Williams Med. Allen Ency. Clapp Cat. Org. Am. Williams Med. I. . 2. Am. 38. 4 Loudon Ency. 75. Griff Med.. 22 2. 3... Med. S. . Torr. Ct. 298. 210.. 486 Gray Flora... Med. Chem. 27 Am. 156. Wiegand. Porch. 372 447. 57. Woodv. Hom. 70. Med. Disp. Am. Y. Mass. Med. 13. Ct. Chiiiiaphila iimbellata. 5. 181 Clapp Cat. .. Bot. . Raf Med.. Taylor To. Bigel. 254. Raf Med. f. 3. 810.. 396. Flor. 816. 668 Wiegand. Med. Comp. U. Lindl. i . 5. 368-9. 7 Am. 401 . 224. 2. I. Lindl. 2. Cf. 422. Bot. 811 482 Wood Bot. Torr. New Hale Rem. . Flor.. Bot. I. 29. 88. 51 1885.. Am. Therap. Raf Med. Torr. S.. 491 f. Barton Med. Flor.. Phar. 2.. 166. Weeds. Hughes Phar. Phar. 261. Med. . . 199. Bot. Med. N. 311 Jour.. f. 340. Spratt tox. Gray Flora N. . 813 King Am... ct.. Phar. ct. Am. Bot Ma.. Am. Allen P^ncy.611. 181 Loudon Ency. 197 . 5... Y. 278. 3. Raf. Bot. Y. Wittstein. . Mass. 293 Am. 807 Rem. 402. 382. S. Bot Ma.and Disp. Hom. Torr. Bot. N. Flor. .. Bot. 1884. . A. 381 Gray Flora. 215. Allen Ency.. 403 Lindl. and Han. . 1882. F"luck. Bot Am. 18. 160. 5. Griff Med. y-j I 7. Am. 301. Phar. Am. 2S3 Gray F"lora. 211.. S. 6. .. 456.. 4.. S. 141 Darl. . New . Bot S.... Bot f. Phar. 10. Phar. 53. Allen Ency. .. Ct. Ct.. Bot. i. Med. 267. t. Thorn. Med. 192. 224.. 292 Gray Flora. 2. Clapp Cat. ct. Flora. Griff Med. Bjt. Flora Med. 494. Chap. 207 Torr. Allen PLncy. . 2. Wittstein. 15 Trim... ct. 212.. . 330 Gray Man. Phar.Y. 494. Jour.. 20. Bot. Weeds. Loudon Y. 164. Med.. 18. South. 403 . 2. Hughes Phar. 117. Am. Gray Man. Am. Gray Flora. Bigel. Resourc. 165 .. 261. Flor. N. Am. Y.. . . 2. 418. South. .. f. Am. . i. 207 Porch.. Flor. Resourc. 10. 22.. ct. 234. Carb. 416. Ct.ncy. 99. N. Gray Man. Med. Med. 173. Therap. Med. 486. Allen Ency.' Phar.. 404. Gray Man. 43. S. Ct. 806.. 214. C. 13. 64. Ct. ct.. ct. Ilex verticillata. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Torr. N. 191. Bot. U... 356. ct. and Trim.. 122. Wittstein. 553-4. 2. . 401 Wiegand. . Bot Gaz. Torr.. Ct. 735 Griff Med. . . 892 Porch. Bot S. Bot.ct. 435 Ency. . 807 Porch.. Darl. 619. 534. 1883. 62 Woodv. Bot. Lindl. Gaultheria prociniibeiis.. 915. 41 Bart.37. 243 Resourc. Bigel. and Han. and Han.. Hale . 2. Weeds.. Good Bot. 206. 133. Bot.. Am. Hom. 3 5. Chap. Ct. Bot.. 472. f.. Med. Phar. Gaz. South. Williams Med. 214.. i. Weeds. Phar. 424.. 189.. 105. 178. Lindl. 168. 165. Am. 9. Lindl.. Bot... 217. Hom. Comp. 360. Darl. Hom. .. 158. 915 Am. South.. . 303 .. . Flor. Bigel. 26 Bart.. Loudon Ency. Clapp Cat. . Flor. Chap. Porch. sf. Porch. Flora. . 519. 327 Hale New Rem. 81. South. . 180. 902 Darl. 518. 352. 136. Med. .. 270. 6. Y. 825 Lindl. 440. Williams Med. Jour. f. Allen Ency. . Weeds. . 5. . . . Am. Med. 600. f. 677 Torr. . 526. 254. Griff Med. Phar. 1880. . t.. Med. Bot S. 481 Lindl. ct... Y. 285. .. 273 Flor. W'iegand. 1882. . Hughes Am. 12. Ency... 370. 444. ... Torr. 1.. 543 Lindl. and Trim. . . Lindl. Med.. Flor. South.. . Allen Ency. 2. 516 Gray Man. . Med. Plantago major. Med. Lindl. 117 f. N. I. Jour. Med. 506. 20 Wood Bot. 316. 336 Darl. f. Gray Flora. 75... . Mentha Jour. . 160. Torr. 820. S. 310. Williams Med. Med.. 218 Lindl. Y.. Bot. Bent. . Clapp Cat. Am. 117. . t. Med. 453. f. Carb. 295 Am. . 1 Med. 4916. 507 Torr... Mass. Weeds.. Di. Porch Resourc. Flor. . Allen Ency. Am. N. 517. i. South. Text.. Bot S. Med. . 115. . 289 Allen Ency. 290. 114. . Med. Ct. 10.. 2.. 1 1 1 . 2. 218 Wood . 30 Am. Am. .. 358 Gray Flora. Resourc. 429. 62 Gray Man. 326. Gaz. III. 66 Gray Man. 148. .. 3. Bot. Lindl. New Am. Bull. 503 Williams Med. Loudon Ency. Mat. . Bot. Hale Bot. Phar.... 6627 Woodv. 271 S. Gray Flora. 3. Anagallis . Am. Church Med. 45 Torr. 2. Loudon Ency. U. . Hom. 2... \ Bot. Bot. Verbascimi Tliapsjts. Med. Gray Flora. 14. 221 Bot. S. 120. 827 Hughes Raf Med. 2. . 26 Williams Med. 325 len Ency. Med. 3. 165 Bent and Trim. Hom.. Raf.. .. 231... t. Hedconia pulegioidcs^ 1 8.. Disp. 81 I. 33. . . Lycopns .. Loudon U... ct. 57. 1883. Euphrasia . . 232 Porch. Phar. 96 Raf. 70. Carb. 526... Med. . Am. Club. 196 South. 466. S... 8753. 405 Wittstein. Cluionc glabra. Med. 214. N. 2. . 250. Disp.. 2. ff. Phar. 289. Clapp Cat. . Bot. Suppl.. .. 293.. Chap. . Am. Med. 446 Loudon Ency. Bot. Resourc.. Phar.. . . Disp. 251. Bot. Suppl.. Allen Ency. South. 467. U. 2. Flor.. 465 Loudon Ency. 2. 353.. Allen Ency. .. 326 Clapp Cat. 225 Wiegand.. Flor. 34. . 388 Am. . 498. 326. 384. .329.... Comp. arvciisis. N.. Phar. 436 Loudon Ency. Allen Ency. 252. Flor. Med.. 520 Bot. Torr. f.. 14.. 533 Med. Lindl. ff. . 6. Bot.. 513. . Resourc. 441 Loudon Griff 902 . . Y. N. . Phar. Bot. Med. Flor. Flor.. Bot. Liiiaria vulgaris.. Woodv. Am. Disp.. 199. Flor. 155 Lindl. Fluck. 508 Raf Med. Med. 32 Gray Bot.. . 502 Am. 217. .. Am.. 484.. Am... Gray Man. Med. Bot.. Phar. 2. 651 Fluck. 520. Y. 544 Allen Ency. Bart. Bot. 61. 20 Jour. 479 Clapp Cat. i.. Bot.. f. 289 Gray Man. S. 202 . Flor.. Phar. . Griff. 108. Allen Ency. 97. 8. . 77. Med..... . 150. .. _ 892. Med.. ct. Hom. South. Bot. 128 Gray Flora. Flor. 44 . 219. 2.. Wood Bot. Strong Am. 286.. Phar. Bot... . . 2. . 66.. i. 262 Lindl. i. Am.. and Han. . ... Loudon Ency.. 83 1885. . Bot. 61. 245 250 Clapp Cat. 854. Mat. 132. 2. Gray Flora.. 2 14 Porch. Ct.. . 394. 329. Disp.. . piperita. 505 Raf Flor. 2. 218... Torr. N. Mat. ct. Gray Man. Resourc.. 1 2. 344 Torr. 109.. Woodv. 231 Flor... Resourc.. 8229. Hom. 1S83. South. 546.. 1 4. Bot. . N. Williams Med. 152 Chem.. Torr. 855.70. officinalis. Med. . 113. Loudon Ency. Y. South.. Clapp Cat... i88i. Resourc.. . 2. Griff. Mass... Phar. Hom. f. Weeds. Weeds. 1 1 6. Bot Mass.. 2. Gray Bot. Bot. irginicus. 321 . Porch.ct. 902 Darl. I. S. Phar. Med. . Med. f. Resourc. 289... . Al463 Gray Man. .. t. Torr. Ency. 20. . . Catalpa Bignonioidcs. Med. . 41. Hom. Good 17. Raf Med. Veronica I ^irgtnica. cf. S. Flor. f. Bot S. Bot Mass. and Clapp Han. . Comp.. Disp. Phar. Wood Bot.. S. Sci.. Bot. 587. 14.. S. 4. N. 307. Disp. 1883. and 766 556 Am. 368 Loudon Ency. Am. Weeds. Chap. 224. 203 Chap. Raf Med. Y. Torr. 434. 2. 757 King Am. Am. 2. Scrophularia nodosa. 306. 226 Torr. Am. . f. Bot. Griff . 54.. Rem. Med. Darl. 155 Allen Ency. 133. 164. Bent. Ct. 275 Woodv. Hom. 465 Am... 166. 106. Bot. 823. Flor. . 10. 25. Resourc. . Horn. 2. Bot. Gray Flora. 2. 135. Raf. 238.. Flor.. 1 ... Flor.. 198 Chap. . . S.. 215 Griff. Porch. f.. sf.6625. 2. 62 Chem. Bot. Wittstein. Med. 69 Gray. Bot S. 1 Phar. Essay.. Gray Man. 218. Porch. 191. Med. 107. Wood Bot.. 2.sp. . Bot. 267 Sci. 305 Lindl. Brock. South. 490. 2. 202 Lindl. South. .. 220. Y. Bot. 900 Porch.. Bot. 205 Porch. ct. Flor. Jour. 5. Bot. 286 . Bot . 46. Lindl. Hom.. Ct. 336. Hamilt. 10. 57. 313 Woodv.. Med. APPENDIX. Am. Disp. 305. Wittstein... Bot Mass. 617 . Med.. 327 Wood Bot. 216. Resourc. N. Gray Man. Flor.. 829. Phar.. Med. . 56 Am. . ct. 505 Raf Med. Y. Griff. N. 200 Williams Med. N. 31 Gray Flor. 4. Hamilt 1883.. 224. 33. 3. Disp. Ency. F"lor. Man. 523. 500 16 269. Am. Y. Weeds. Mass. 494 Torr. f. Cat. 78 Wittstein.. Bot. 345 U. 801 t . Med. Bot. Bot.. Bot. 258 Gray Man. 2. Hom. . 203. . Loudon Bot. . 8. Y. 198.. 371 Darl. f. . 193 Am.. Hom.. .. 487 Griff. Med. Bot. 441 Lindl. Bot. and Trim. 497 Gray 473. 450 . 460. 332 S. . Phar. 491 Am. 515. Man. Lindl. Bot.. Bot S. Bot. Med. 500 Gray Flora. 2. 64 . t. . N. Y. Phar. . 62. 824. 62 Flora I\Ied. Phar. Hale's Monograph. Scutellaria lateriflora. .cf.548. 228. 378. 226. . 96. Porch. Thom... 70.... Carb. and G. Darl. Ct. 3.. Bigel. 166. 2129. Phar. Jour. Resourc. . f. Ag. Bot. .. 39 4. f. Bot.Y. . 1882. . Bot Mass. Flor. Bot. 5. . Weeds. Williams t.. . Am. Am. N. 383 Torr. 423 fiF. 217. Hom. 84. Gray Flora. 3. Phar.. J.. Bigel. 123.. 188.Ct.. 467-71-72 ff. Med. 490 Raf Med. S. Bot Mass. 103. . loi. ^ 3i3 : Therap. Hom. 7. 1880. . Med. Woodv. Agric. Hom. f. . 484 Raf Med. 1 34 Rept. 139. 554. f. 214. Phar. 434 Phar. Flor. Solanum Dulcamara. 25 Wittstein. 291 Clapp Cat. . Gray Flora. 245 Spratt Tox. 552 Am. 192 .. Strong Am. 466 Wittstein. i.. Hyoscyanius niger. . Loudon Ency. Disp. 4. Allen Ency. Hom. . f. and Han. Chem. Org. ct. . 57 Hale New Rem. 138... 52. . South. Bot. 900. 835 Y. . Torr. 202. t.. Comp. Weeds... 21. Trim.. Bot. S. 284. 215. . . 820 Lindl Porch Griff Med. . . .. 1879. 2. 153. Am. 444. 72 Flor. and ct. i88. 81 f. 17. . 2. Med. Therap. f. cf.t. S.x. Phar. 100 Fluck. 1 .. Med. 208. 510. 278 ... 643 Am. 582. Phar. .. 251. 1 . 161 Bent. 3. Mat Med.. Y. 31. . 104. Ct. andff 275. 3. Church. 1. 2.473. . 185 Resourc. Y. Bigel. Bot. Man. 76. Nat. New Disp. Han. Hom. Weeds. Jour. Gray Flora. 2539. Bot. t. 368 1884. Bot. I. Darl. 905 Bart. Darl. Mass.. 240.. Wood Bot.. 549 Jour.N. Hale Am. . 692. Fluck. Lindl. 7. Disp. 757 Am. 831 Gray .. 204 Gray Flora.. Torr. Wood Bot. 8. Med. 362 Am. Am. Lamimn albinii^ Loudon Ency. .. 650. Raf. S. Woodv.. 182. 799 247.. 205 Woodv. Bot. Med. Am. 8273.. Am. Mat... ct. \ f. 421. 191 Lindl.. 1 .491. Med. Med. Griff Med. Loudon 19 121.. Disp. 61. N.. 47. . 161-3. Ct. 840 Porch.. 37. Williams Med. 2. 127. 20. 205. 316. 493 Flor. Am. Ency. 483 Gray Man. . i. Wiegand. 1884. RcadStram. 412. Hom. 147 Raf Med. 480 Raf Flor.26i.... . BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. f... Man... Jour. Med. Torr.60. 125 Strong Am. South. 91 Am. 140..368. f.ct. 252. 902 Loudon Eiicy. 138 Am. Am. Bot. . Med. . 2. Porch. South.. Bot. 375 Gray Allen Ency. Phar. Horn. Med. South. 459 A. Rem. 86. 125.. Phar. 383 Torr.. i. 23. 228.. 258. 78 Loudon Ency. Y. Am. Resourc. 365 1882. Disp. Mat Med. Bot. 30. Gray Man. Disp. Bot... 126. Bot. Ency.. Raf. Ct. Bot. 870. 200 Woodv. Bot. 109. 2. .BotS. . 173 . 26.. 285. Allen lincy.. 840. 3. . 508 lor Tox. . 719. .. Lindl. 2. 201 Weeds. Weeds. i. 355 Chap. .. Fluck.. 222. Ct. . 237.f. 75a. N. 350 Phar.. 2. Loudon. 12. 2 . Bot. . Jour. Torr.f. Allen 1885. and Trim. 169 Bigel. 17.. 364. Gray Man. 465. 49. Gray Man. Convolvulus an' en sis. 502 Allen Ency. . . 125. 736. Collinsonia Canadensis. Phar.. 1880. Hughjs Med.. 6 Griff Med. 204. 2. Bot S. ct.. Bot. 175.. Williams Med.. 24 Am.. Bot. . cf. . 1884. i99. 209 Williams Med. 797 Griff Med... Williams Med. N. . New Rem 1879. Med. 383. 474... . Med. Resourc. 1880. Nicotiana Tabacum. Phar. 74. .. f. Gray Man. Phar. 190 Lindl. 136. 476 Am. 132 f. Y... Bot. 59. 77.Ct. 385. Comp. 151 Flor. 274. 37.. Ency.. and Am. 65 Med. 468. .. . Phar. Weeds. Am. 440. 2. . 17 Griff Med. Jour. Porch. Disp. N.. Chem. Gaz. 4. ct. .. 214. 75 Griff Med. Gray Man. 171 Med. 22 Hamilt..51. 194.. 148.20. 1883. 580. 1882. 31 4.. Carb. Mass. Jour. 48 Hamilt. Bot. . 3. Hom. 286 Gray Man. Y. 160. Am. Fluck. 158. 86 Flor. 158. 2. 150. 512.41. Bot S. Nat. U. .. Bot.465. Bot S. 73. and Han. Bot. 283. 154. Taylor Tox. 2165. Flor.. Bot. . Allen Plncy.. 292. f. Hom. 2.... 920. Flora.. Med. Med. Flor. Lindl. 76. Lindl. i. Med. S.. . s. Bot.. f. Am. . Jour. Phar. . Porch.. (Tatula).. ct. Hom. 124.SprattTox. Ct.. 16. Resourc. Hom. . 31. 273.. 1979. Am. 2. U. 276. Wiegand. 491 .\m. Hughes Phar. . 3. Bent and Trim.. Hydrophyllum 5. HamiltFlor. 208 Clapp Cat.66. U.. Hot. Am. Bot Mass.. Spratt Tox. Flor. Sola num ms^ruiii. t. .35. . . 463. . Flor. Phar... 272. Weeds. 5. i. i. 403. N. 414. 2.492. South. 446 Ct.. Am. Am. 359. 536.. . 46 Flora. 240. 8. S. Loudon Ency. 901 Darl. Med.. 450 W^ittstjin. Torr. 85. TayU. South. 122. 125. 1880. 277. Am.. Gray . Church Med. Williams Darl. 204. I... 1. Flor. . f. Gray Flora. 207. 288.. 102. 380 . 214. Med. Bjnt. 649 Jour. Flor. I'irgiiiiciiin. Bot. ct. 513 Resourc. P'lora. Suppl. Am.Ct. .. 10. Lindl. . 255 Flor. 8. Datura Stranwniunt.. 513. 380 19. Chem. 203 Bot. f. 323 Gray Flora N.. Med. Y. Mass. i. 2. Bot.. 15. Bot.. PI. 1885... New Rem. Cf. Med.... 501 Am.. 2. 406. 218. 2. 1885. ct. Darl. Allen Plncy. Med. 2. . 482 Lindl.. Flora. Med. 252 Clapp Cat. 18. Phar.. f. S. Med. 511. i. U. S. . 361 Cliap.. 346 Am. Porch.f. Plor. 324. Loudon Ency. .. Bent and Trim.650. 2. Flor.. and Han. Gray Man. C. 367 . 1 . Phar. 35 i . S. 195 Strong . 128. .. . 794. Med.. 268 Spratt To. 1882. Flor. 197 2. Bot. . 216 S. Clapp Cat. Hom. Med. Phar.. Man.. ^7 . .. ct. . Loudon Ency. III Torr. Phar. i . Lindl. N. Bot. Ct. 14. i.. Med. 470 Good Bot. 79 Allen Ency. f. 9. . 257.ct.. 127 Gray Man. i. Gray Mora. Am. Am. . 178. Plugge. 10. Mat. 2530.. 251. f. Gaz..659... . 59 Hom. Phar. Bot. S. Flor.. Comp. Di.. . .. 370. 2. . 2. Jour. Phar. Jour. . Am. Bot S. Am. 2451. 33.. 209. King Am..sp. Bot Mass. 14. 531 Raf Med. Med. Med. . Am. Raf.. . Med. 89.. 898 Jour. Porch. 898 Raf. f. i. . Gray Flora. 181 Porch. Bot. 431 Wigand. Am. 262 Loudon Ency.. Phar.. Ct. 433. cf. f. 523. Di. Flor. Hughes Phar. Loudon Ency. Bot. S9i Porch. . 83 t. . Bot. . Allen Ency. Hom. Phar. 1 34.. Y...^f. Church. 266. 87.. Williams Med. Flora N. 2.. Disp.... Resourc. PI. . Hale New Rem. Inst.75. Bot. Cliioiiantlnts Virginica. 19.. Torr.. Am. Disp. Lindl. S. Med. . 82 Bent and Trim. Gray Flora. . 130. Flora. 208 Darl. Griff' Bot. 487 Griff Med. Weeds.. 4. . 2... Gt'lsemiutn sempervireiis. 65o. 626. . Mat. Gaz. 201.. 9. Clapp Cat. .. Horn. Gray Flora..99. 735 Darl. 2. 114.282... 61 . 125 South. 266.. Flor. S... and Trim. ct. 46.^p. Am. Porch. 861. Med.. Weeds. Med. Phar. Hom. 12 Allen Ency. Taylor Tox. 243 Bigel. Raf Med.. 18S1. Ct. 481 Bart Med. Flor. 304. Weeds. . . . fif. i. 142 Hale New Rem. Phar. Phar. Barton Mat. 165 Porch. 82. Med. 135. Dept Phar. King Am. 337.. 2. SuppL. Resourc. 89. 170. 49. trifoliata. Darl.. 136. Resourc. 590 . F. N. Bot. APPENDIX. 178. Gray Man. Am. . 239 . Phar. Bot. Ct. Med. 274. 167. . Horn.. 6. Allen Ency. 548. 483 Lindl.. 138. Disp. Ct. Am. 46. Am. U.. Lindl. Gray Bot Text. Chem. ct. Wood Gray Man. Wis. t. 26.. . '200. 19. .. 3. Torr. Med t. 108 Lindl. 776. Hom. Mass. 203. . 130. 184 3.. Loudon Ency. 107. 22. 105 Allen Ency... 525 Am. Am. 142. Hile New Rem. 1883. i 9. Loudon Ency. .. .. 278. ct. . 263 Porch. 450 f. Weeds. 51 1884. 2. 206. 369. Disp. Bigel.. 529. 10. 40. 368. 88. 119. Resourc. 849. 320. .sp. Bot... . .. Ency.. 114. Allen Ency. 74. Bot.' Gaz. Therap. Flor.ncy. Flor. 812. Griff Flor. 455 Am.. 130. King Am. . 847. Med.. . Bot Mass.. 196. Y... Clapp Cat. 74. 259. 64. i.. Loudon Gray Man. 93 . . 266. 2. Med. Bent and Trim.... Aristolocliia Serpeutaria. 541 Hughes Phar. Am. 45. J. Darl.. . Med. U.ct.. Phar. Carb. 401 Am. 113. Am. Allen Ency. Hom. Bjnt. Mat.371. . C'app Cat. 228. 4. 141 Porch. Lmdl. Text. 10.. Thorn. Taylor Tox. Comp. Bigel. Bot. Resourc. Bot. Clapp Cat. 133. U. 105. . South. Am. 89. Gray Man. S.. Allen Ency. Flora Med.. 45 Gray Bot Text. . Porch. t. f. 390. Apocynum U8. Chap. R. Cat PI. t. f. 136. 826 535 U. Phar.. Bot S. f. 1882. Bot. 2080. Bot. Williams Med. 766. i 180 Woodv. Allen Ency. f.. Torr. 397 Gray F"lora.2... f. .. Chem. 597. 97. 4. Am. Y. 631 570. 25(Ru. Clapp Cat. f. Suppl. . JJ Chap. . 169. Di. Med. 182. 2. 788 Lindl. 1 38.. . f. Med. Gray Man.. B. South. . . 246 Lindl. 7. 2. Flor.328. . 171.. and G. 449 Raf. Resourc. \ 30. 373 Allen p. 1883. Hale New Rem..49 Bigel. Bot. 232. 39. Weeds. 307 Torr. 845. . 116. Disp. 392 Chap. 467. 441 Clapp Cat. 367 Gray Flora. Loudon Ency. Am. Bot. .f.. 198. f. 388 Am.. Med... ct. Am. Flor.. Bot. Gray Chem. 277 Williams Med. Med.. . Disp.. Ma. N.. Asclepias Am.. Bot. Porch. Bot. ct. 494.... Phar.. 129. 2. Weeds. Am. 425 Gray Am.9i Loudon Encyc. South.. Torr. Y. Med.. 662. 899 Wiegand. i. Griff Med. 393 Am. . 147. 131. 385 Gray Flora N. 61. 529. Spigelia Marilandica.. 369 Am. i. .. 824. 950-4.. Jour. Loudon Ency. Hughes Phar. Resourc. U.. 5 na) Lindl. Am. 2. 454 Raf Med. C. 94 Gray Man. . Phar.. and Trim. Gaz. 395 Am. 1883. Phar. ct. Jour.. 193. Phar. .. .. 168-70. Med. Phar. . South. . Bot 2. 455. Hom. Y. 263 androsainifoljuiii. 134 Jour. 2. 223. Org. Gray Man.ct. \. Ct. Allen Ency.. Griff Med. 403 Griff Med. 466. 182 Wood Bot 515. 132. 2173. Hale New Rem. 154. 827 Gray Bot. 3. Phar.. Disp. 59 Am. . Jour. Phar... i.. Mass. 256. . Phar.. 1882. 19. 210. 63 (M.... 464. 137. A. . i. 1879.N. 394. Loudon Ency.. and ff. 516. coi-iiuti. Bigel. . 5 1885. S. . 38 S. A.. 433 Gray Flora. Powers.. 194. 494. 117. Med. f. . Med. 868... Disp. Bot. Darl. Hughes Phar. Flor. 1882. Bent. f. Menyanthes . Lindl. 9D. 115.. PI. 117.. . f. Bot. Flor. 40. 846. 7. N. 539. Allen Ency. Bot. Flora. 4. Loudon Ency. S. 524 Am. Bot. I. 3. Thompson Exp. I. 3200. Am. 49.. f. Disp. Bot S. . 898. 31. Phar. Woodv. Flor. N.. Med. Bot. ct. . .. 89 Torr. C... 209. Bot. Ver- Griff. Williams Med. Fraxinus Americana. 534. Flor. 1885. Bot.. 13... 1886. Am. S. 436.. Therap. 465 Wittstein.7. Disp. Hom. Med. 14329. 123. Phar.stica). 591. Bot. 430.. 2193. C.. Darl. Disp... 1 14 Am. Bot. Bot.454. 331.. and Han. 213. 424. 799 Fluck and Han.. 87 Hamilton Flor. Ct. 461 Gray Man. 51. Porch.. f. f. Gaz.. Ct. Flora Med. S. Am. . S. 194.. Univ. Wittstein. 1 25 i Hughes 154.. I. f. Med. 398. 378. 1884. 258. Smithson. Resourc. Williams Med. . Y. 3. .. Med. 215 Bart. . . f.. Asclepias tiibcrosa. Apocvmnn caunabinuin. South. 487-8 Fluck.. 372. 1882. Bot. 196. South. S. Med.. . 401 . Med. . Flor. ff. i 69. Carb. Porch. Med. 91 Gray Man. 55 Med.. N. South. Am.. Raf. . 898. 85. 592. 230. South. . . 2. 1885. 153.. Disp.552. . Med. Mass. 301.. Med. 745 III. f. . Med. . 2. 1883. Phar. 385. Porch. S. 891 Darl.. Disp. 244. South. Med.. Y. 213 U. Allen Ency. Med. Loudon . Wittstein.. Med. Flor. Loudon Ency. .. Lindl. Bent and Trim. Weed.. Bot... 177. 119.. 2. Ct. Allen Ency. 339.. Phar. 273. 2 1 Bart. 18. . 127. Y. Flor.. Am. Med. Barton Mat. 176. Phytolacca decaiidra. 196.. Phar.f. 183 -7 Darl. Jour... Bot. Darl. F"lor.. Dirca paliistris. Bot.. N. Darl. 3. Resourc. 144... Torr.. f. 554. Flor. Darl. Phar. . 334. Y. 404. . 3. i.. 3. 121. Bot S..597. Porch.. 143. 502 don Ency. 74. . ff. Am. Loudon Ency. 97. Med. 8. f. Am.. Torr. Williams Med. f. S. Med. King Am. Bigel.. Flor. Chem. 261 f. Allen Ency. f. ct. 246.72. Disp. 5 37 Raf Med.. 43. .. Hom. PI. South. 2. . f. Bot. 287.. i f. Darl. 1885. 250. Griff Med.. Med. 107.. 46. Am. Flor. Disp. Bot. ... 1881. 3.. S. .. Resourc.. Thorn.. Med. Bot. . 195 Torr. 326. Plor. Gray Bot. Phar. 99.. S.. Y. 135 Lindl. Torr.. 4. Med. 434. Med.. Wiegand. .325. Disp. Phar. i. .. Man. 404. 205 Gray Bot. i. Loudon Ency. Med.. Bot.. 2. 85 I Porch. . Mat. 176. Lindcra Benzoin. 179.. Bot. . S. Allen FIncy. 154. . 183. Lindl. Med. Jour. Bot. Bot S.. i.. 1 Cat.. R sourc. 149. 128 Loudon Ency. 378. Y. Resourc. 163 764 Clapp Cat. . . . 172. 3. Disp. 269 Porch. 355. South. Flor. 1. and Hin. 175 Gray Man. Griff Med. Resourc. Di.. S. 355. Med. Williams Med. 368 Loudon Ency. 5008. 181 Bigel. 561 Raf Med. Am. 206. 285 Barton Mat. Griff Med. 103. Lindl. Phar. Carb... t. South. Polygomtm Am.. Flor.. 33.. Resourc. New Rem.. Med. Porch. Phar. . 44. Williams Med.. 724. Bot.f. Am. 155 Chap. 2.s. 236 Brock. 161 Loudon Ency. 10. Lindl. Text. Hom. Weeds. 435 Lindl. 235. 292 Am. Y. Jour.. Bot. Essay. 216. . Bot. Disp. Hom. 187. Hom. f.. Hom. Grif Med. 1883. 828 U. Y.599.. f. 91. Am. 765 Clapp Cat. S. 724 Gray Man. Weeds. Y. Jour.. 853 . Gray Man. ct. 283 Porch. 593 Lindl. S. Bot S. . Bot. 4. 356. Gray Man. . PIncy. Gray Bot Text.. 404. . 35 Williams Med... 360. Weeds.. 402. Hom. Am. . 417. Bot. Gray Man. 39. 8. 464 Allen Ency. Weeds. Chem.. Dougl. Resourc. N. 141. 270 LouEncy.. Flor. Bot. Clapp Cat. 5602. Chap. 2. King Am. Jour. N.. Phar. 424. Am. 6575.... 10.... .. PI. f.. 213 Torr. Gray .. 320. 324. 80. Am. Y. . 91. Porch.. 217 Am. 460 Allen . 39 . Hom. Bot Mass.. Williams Med.. 879. . Med. Wittstehi. f. 292 Man. Resourc..sp. 34. 535 Porch. 260. 150. 124.. 2. . 553. Am. S. 2..195. Porch. 469 Allen Ency. Raf. 163 Darl. Mat Med.. N.4ii. Am. 405 Med. ct.. 432 Am. Bot S. 186. Phar. 419. Flor. 209. 326. Loudon Ency. 488.f.. Flor. Barton N. 148. Bot.433. Clapp Cat. . Bot. 289. Am. Enpliorbia Ipccaciianlia. f.. . Eupliorbia Latliyris.. South. 163 Am. Flor. Fagopvriiin csculcntiiin. Resourc. 592 Raf. Am. Gray Man.. 37. . Ct. Gray Man. Disp. Hom. S. .. Hom. 8.. 130. Med. Phar.. 402 Allen Ency. . 359. 2. 344-9. Disp. 2. 415 Torr. rf. 421 U. 766. . Am. 351 Raf. 10. 353. f. 136. t. 10. Porch. 385 Torr. .. Flor. 158. 231. Am.. Am. 361 S.. Bot.. Bot. ct. 48. Bot. 258. Griff Med.. . Darl. Barton Med. N. 408 Torr. Resourc. 284. Loudon Ency. 6739. 547 Bot. 175. Weeds... f. t. Flor. Y. 39 856. Clapp 2.. 348 Am. Phar. . Bot. Darl.. 147.251. Y>. sf. . 132 52. . 127. 547. 1008-11. Bot. Comp. Lindl. 284. Raf Med. Phar. Weeds. S. 92 421 Torr. . 150. Allen Ency.. . t. Bot. 59. Phar. Disp. 4999. South. 4. Weeds. South... ct. 370. . N. Gray Man.. 3.. 858. 2. . Y.. Jour. Phar. 370. N. . 219. Woodv. 277.. 26. Euphorbia corollata.. Weeds. Loudon Ency.. 352.. Jour. Allen Ency. Med... Rnincv obtnsifolins. . Bigel. 81 rf. Bot Mass. Med. Clapp Lindl. Am.. PI. . Griff. 146. Flor. Phar. Text.. 219. 194. Raf Med. 384. S. . t. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Med. 2.. WeedSj 283 Porch. Cat... f. 180. 2. Disp. 5658. 373 Torr. Bot Mass. Phar. Am. . 520. . 94. 2. . 567. 591 ct. 33. 856. Griff Med. 4. 92 Loudon Ency. 2. Beigl. . . . 244. Lindl.. N. Resourc. Am. 1879. 393 Am. f. Mat i . Mat Med. . 236. 450. 858 King Am. Chcnopfldiiiin antlwlininticimt. C. Euphorbia hypcricifolia. Am. acre. Am. 341 Fluck. 1882. . Bot. I. . .. Bot. South. 159. Gray Man. Med. Mass. 5539. Phar. Med. Bot. 154. Rmnex crispus. 423 Allen Ency. 367 Hale New Rem. . Griff Med.. . Griff Med. Bot. Allen Ency. Lindl. 2. N. 2. 4. 201 Lindl. . C. Weeds. 504. 3.. 365 Am. Ct. 2. U. 288 Porch. Am.21.. 915. 350. 140. Med. 21. Weeds. 37. N. 988-96.. 359. . 661 Gray Man. Resourc. Am. Am.... 216. Porch. Man. Gray Man. Mat. 285 Torr. 142. .. . . Org. . 457... Bigel... 245 Torr. C. Med.. 157. New Rem. N. Med. 5. 394 Am. Bot S.. 132. . 891 South.. Bot. Hom.520. 891 Porch. Wiegand. 145. f. 41 Gray Man. 1 .. . 81 Am. South. Am. 126. 770. Griff I. South... 13022. Am. . 390.. Bot. Bot. S. . 593 Raf Med... fif. . 385. .. 292 Man. 1 . 181.. 2. 2. Porch. Flor. . Gray Man. Phar. 117.. 225 918. U. 326 Lindl. Disp. 2. 542. Chem.. 175. Phar.. Hom. Bot. Raf. 310. Bot. 675 South. 181 2. 233 Darl. Porch. Allen Ency. 551 U... 2.. 910. 1882.205. Bot. Porch. .. Woodv. 264. 206. 318. ct. 460. 326. Y. 618. 121 Gray Man. 2. Med. South. Darl. Fluck. i Am.. 303 Porch. 190-94. Phar.. . Horn. . Am. Bigel. 471 Hale Rem. 3. Porch. 185 Allen Ency. Therap. 398 Lindl. N. F"lor.. King . Org.ra. . Med. 2. 633. 460 Lindl.. N. 1885. 13909. . . Med. 249. Y. Jour. .. Rem. 60. 759... .. U. Darl. Jour.. Org. S. Chem. ]] Porch. Am. Bot. 195. Chap. 456.. . Med. 156. 21 Am. Disp. 2. .404. S. Rep. Flor. 156. Flor. Weeds.. Bot S. 1879. Bot Celtis occidcntalis. . Flor. Flor. 102. Clapp Cat. . Bot S. .. Y. Phar. Am. 456 Med. Disp. VVeeds. Jour. 116.. 154. 810. Raf. Am.. Resourc.. i. 792 Am. . 822 Allen Ency. 219. Chap. 921. . 230. N. PI. 305 Griff Med.. 1884. Bent. 1884. 43. 2. f. Resourc. Flor. 247. 323. Flor. New Rem. Hon. Am. 10.. 40 StiHiiigia svlvatica. 32. South. Cannabis sativa.. Gray Man. Hom.. 573. ct. . Am. Raf Med.. Comp. Horn. 134. Lindl. Am. Phar... Resourc. S.. Bot. 2. 27. Loudon Ency. Am. 65 Allen Ency. Med. N.. 1886.. Porch. Phar. Am. Mat Med. Bot Mass. Phar. Am.. Hom.. Weeds. f.. 7 47 Hale ... Flor.. Huinulus liipiiliis. Gray Man. . and Trim. Med.. 925 Darl. Phar. 1 . . N. Bot. 1883. Bot. .. 2. . 868 Am.. 784. 300..625. 708 Darl. Am. Hale New Rem. 324. Med.. Med. Wittstein. 356. . 2. Allen Ency. f. 636. . 446. Am. N. Loudon Ency. Jour. Disp. Disp.. 2. Clapp Cat. 13727.. Carya alba. ... t.. 159.. 583. . .. 134. Y. 1879. S. 239 Chem. 338. f. 920 Darl. 863 . Williams Med. tiriiiiiloidcs. Bot S. 794. 152. 263 Porch. Jour. 1885.. 188. Am. f...t. Phar. Bigel. Bot Mass. Sa/i.. Phar. Loudon Ency. 322 Allen Ency. Am. 2. I.. Med. . ff. 427. Flor. Mat Med. 167. Williams Med. Gray Man.. 68. and Han. sf. Flor. 312. Gaz. Am. 378.. 169.... S Phar. t.. Torr. Jour. Ag. 318 U. S. Am. 1879. Mat Med. Bent and Trim. 887 Darl. Jour. 5.. 154. 286 Gray Man. ct. 273 Loudon Ency. 834. Jour. Resourc. 842 Allen Ency. 138. 241. t. 3. 91 Torr. 17. 77 Williams Med. South. Resourc. Y.x. f.. U. . Bot Mass. 5. 320. 364.. Carb.. 3. Thom. Raf. 443 Torr. Phar. a.. Phar. Myrica ca-ifcra. . 246. Ag. 446 Lindl. Phar.. Phar. 103 Am. 2.. South. f. .. 574. . New Jour. Gray Man. A'licricana. . 1 . ct. 279.. Am.. Bent.. 159. 198. 259. Allen Ency. 492 Am. ... Allen Ency. .. . Disp.. .. Resourc.t. Porch. 312 S. . .. 252. 123. Gnff Med.. 292 Bot. PI. Resourc. Hom. Porch. 810. 834. 1879. 193 Am. Hale New Rem. 64 Gray Man. Bot. New .. Hom. 177. 265. Am.792.. 22 Jour. Bot. 4... Loudon Ency. Resourc. . Darl. 763. Gray Bot Text. 241 Porch. 840. 153 Ostrya llfginica. 1879... ct. 4. Bot. Torr. 304. Bot. Mass. 582. . 269. Bot. 8. Therap. S. Gray Man.. Peck's Bl'k Spruce Williams Med. South. 307 Griff Med.386. Phar. Weeds. 1879. Am. 1864.. U. Med. S30. Bot. 47. Jour. Am. Wittstein.. 4. Bot. Strong Am.. 230 Bot . Am.. 6. Bot. 197 Am. ct. f. Weeds. Bot Mass. 151. 330.b.. 2. Bot. Y. S.var. . Bot. 466.. Torr. Gray Man. Torr.. If. Wittstein. Mass. S. Hamilt. Disp. 460. 317. 235 Williams Med. Loudon Ency.. Weeds... 160. 2. . 1883. Bot. 162. Griff.f. N. Mat Med.. .. 4. 'Phar. 2.. Am. Phar. Bot. S. Lindl. f. Med. 155. 57.. 32.. 3. and Trim. . Allen Ency. 222 Chap. Wittstein. 864. Chem. New Rem. 1885. Org.. 432 Gray Man. ct. Taylor To.. . Y. 445 Am... 635. 388. Disp. . Abies ws.r purpurea^ 61.. Hom. Org. 10. 166. 151. 380.. Bot. Raf Med.. Phar.. Loudon Ency.. Urtica tirens..323. 455. Allen Ency. Flor. Resourc.. 1881. Am.. 446 Torr. Med.. Bot S. 4. South. 15. 199 1882. Raf Med. 542... . Jour. . Williams Med.. 4. l8o.. 463. 426.. Med. . 13908. Ill. Gaz. Juglans cinerea. Carb. i. 445.. 528. N.529. Phar. 8. Y. 248. Med. S.. 293. S. Phar.. Am. Bsnt and Trim. 154. Suppl. Weeds. 70. 203 Griff Med.. Phar. Clapp Cat. 115. Hom... Bot S.. Am. South. 629. 153. 457 Porch. 918. 1880. 2. Flor. f. Bot. 158. . 211 Lindl. f. 1885. C. 231 Lindl. 197 U. f. 7. f. Resourc.. 166.. Pop II IUS . Am. 163. Disp. Am. 312. N. 13226. Lindl. Flor.. Gray Man.. 524. Med. Phar. Weeds. 412 Wood . 184-5. 163.. .... Porch. South. Loudon Ency.. 421. N. 1880. 475 Thom. 167. 298. 335 Loudon 75 Ency. 214. 592 King Am. Bot. . Med. S. Y.. ct. 2.. Weeds. 238.. C. Gaz. . 606. Resourc. Hom. . Am. . Am. Darl. Am. 2. 112. 155. 50. Am. .. Am. Phar. Darl. 589. 23 . South. . 864. Wood Bot.. Porch. 444. 2. 2.. 535 Thom. 14297... Flor... Comp. Raf. Hom.. Flor. Jour.. 766. Torr. Med. Med. Med. APPENDIX. 233. Phar. South. Bot.. Weeds. 448. Griff Med. 13377. Allen Ency. Hom. Phar. Bigel. Chem. Chem.. f. . 296. Castanca vcsca... .. 13961. 2. Am. 293 Torr. 13361. Y. 275. 115. .98. 9.. Loudon Ency. 249. 436. 447 Torr.456. 329. Lindl. 80. Darl. Bot. Disp. 429 Thorn. and Han'. 79 King Am.l/ti'cs 606 Bot. 273 . Flor. 96 Griff f. : . 1884. Raf.. Resourc. 476 Allen Ency.. 2.. Mass.. Ency. Bot. Gray Man. . ... Bot Mass.303.. 232 1881. Ct. Ct. f. Disp.. 2. Horn. 540 Gray Man. 17 Grav Bot. . Dioscorca vd/osa. South. 20. 307 Eluck.. . Med.. 1504. Resourc.. . 153. U. 477 Darl. 61.. . Ency. . 532 Loudon Ency. Gray Man.S. Am. 54 Gray Man. . 1. 217 ... Porch. Am. . Flora Med.. 442 Gray Man. 233 Gray Man.. Y. 182 Lindl. 74.. Phar. f. Gray Man. Y. 43 . 518 Bot. 121 Bent. 909 Flor. 175. don Ency. South. Porch. ct. Weeds. Strong Am. South. 206 . Good Bot.. 35 Bigel.. Am.. 15. Suppl. Jour. 168. 601 Clapp Cat. 293. Am. 70.. South. 11...... Resourc. Resourc. Phar. Griff Med. Med. South. Griff Med. . 2. . Phar. 13465.. Resourc. .. Loudon . 2. 78 Am. Hale New Rem. Am. Pilar. Med. Gray Man. Raf Bigel. Med. 295 Am. 804.. 885. 5. DouRem. S. 575 Griff Med. 659. 30. .. . 67 Bigel. 544.sp. 258 Allen Ency. i. Am. Am.. Disp. Loudon Ency. 41 Cvpitpcdium pidhSctiis. .310. Porch. 123. . Resourc.. 67 Loudon pjicv.. Disp. Thuja . 4533. Lindl. 123 Gray Man. 90. Barton Mat. Resourc. Flor.163. Med. 4. Loudon Ency. Am.. . 4.. 44. Bot. 151 Fluck. Hale New Rem. and Han. 2\ Raf. 474. 510. . f. . 286 Fluck... Am. Raf. Weeds. South. 66 Strong Am. 240. Weeds. . i. Hughes Phar. 284... South. Allen Ency. S.. . Bot. S. 644 Torr Bot S. .. 1 Flor. f. Disp.. . Iris versicolor. 507 Torr. . 858. Bot.. 640. Bot.. Phar. .. Hom. f. 276. 44. 258. 528.. f. Torr. Y. Am... f. Phar. Y.. Flor. 616. Allen Ency.. 472. S.. Bot.. Allen Ency... Chap. Disp. Phar. 342 Porch. 102. N.. Bigel. 24. .. Griff. Hom. Am. Flor. ct. Mass. 4. Griff Med. Loudon p:ncy. 523. 2. 2. N. Arisceni'.. Med. South.. . 890. cf. Clapp Cat. PI. 2. Bot. Ct.. . . 13548. Bot. 5... 88 Allen Ency. I. . Porch. f. New Rem. Am. Phar. 1 69. 2. Gray Man.. 319. jour. 2.sourc. 7. South.. South. Y. . Flor. Mass. figures A. 512. Phar. 439.... Hom. 596. Am. 909 239 Resourc. 81 Disp. 2. S. 906 Porcher. 230.. t. . 612. f.. 475 Allen Lindl. Bot. BotS. 345 South. Hom. . Hom. Bot. Ct.. Hom. i. 264.. Arisceina triplivlliini^ 167. 515 Am. 201 Torr. 37 I. f. Flor. 874. Hom. 516. ... Resourc. 1883. .. Disp. 176. 619.. Bot. Allen FIncy. 173.. . 766. . Med. Clapp Cat. Griff Med. 522. Phar. Lou155. Hom. Bot. 286. 806... Griff. Am. 298. Phar.. 2. Darl. Bot. Loudon Ency. Porch. . 625 Am. Phar. Am. 701 Am. Am. 609. 375 Am. Disp.. .. 29 (a poor representation of Hclonias). Bot. Y. Bot.. 5. S. 2.. 778. i.. 848 Gray Man. 2. U.. 123. Vcratruni viride. 345 Flor. 165.302.. 514. Re. f. Loudon PLncy. 751. Am.. Med. . Allen Ency. New Med. Med. Am. Hom. Williams Med. Laclinantlics tiiictona. 351.. Disp. 2. Phar.. 609. Porch. 2. Bot S. Wilhams . and Trim.. 235 Wittstein. Hom. i. Mass. occidciitalis. Weeds. Mass. i. Jour. 130. Mood.. Med. 471 Clapp Cat. Torr. 268 Jour. 875. Darl.. 472 263. Svmplocarpiis fwttdiis. 29 Text. Percy Essay. Flor. Bot. 14056. . 539. Phar. Med. Phar. 13955. 907 Porch. 637.. 523. Raf Med. Med. South. Med. . 806. Flora. Bigel. 2. t. Resourc. Jour. 19 13533. Raf Med. 1 : Am. Flor.. 908 91. Williams Med. i. New Rem. .. Williams Med. 922 Darl.. . Clapp Cat. 204.. f. . Flor. f.. 506 Gray Man. 473 . 33. 628 Torr. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX.. C. Bot. 2. Raf Med. Bot.. Allen Ency. Disp. . Am. N. S.. 146..491.. Williams Med.. Am.. : Hale's New Rem. Disp. Disp. 3. 235 Griff Med. ct. Bot... Hale N.. N. 8. King Am. 877 King Am. 561 Darl. S. 471 Clapp Cat.2. ct. Loudon Ency. Gray Man. 368. 254.262. . 340 Porch.t. 1883.838. f.. 16. King Am. . 507 Torr. . . Disp 464 Lindl. Canadensis. Med.. Loudon Ency. 13527.. 363. and Han.. 92 Torr. 301. Williams Alcd. 63. 140. 187. i . Ma. . S.. Weeds. Med. N. f. Med. 2.. 646. 601. Disp. . Y.. .. Ency.. N. Y. Phar. King Am. 833 . Am. 2. N. ct.. f. N.. . 937 Loudon Ency. 623 Raf. 260. t.. 9. 230 Bigel. 456.. .. 4. 909 13463. Bot. f.. 23 Hale New Rem. . Resourc. 164. Porch.. Mat Med. 831 U. f. 628. Raf Med. Am. 10. 171. Bot.a dracontitini. 166. . Hamilt. Phar. t. Bot. Bot. I. Med. Phar. Disp. 425. 880... Clapp Cat. 1879. 395-401. 2. . . Flor. 290. 1879. Williams Med. 52 Torr. 39 Lindl. Bot. Allen Ency. Di. . 4. . . Allen Ency. 45.. f. Bot. . . 337. 882 Am. 10. Bot. 30.. . 1 . and Trim. 280. 820. 202 Mass. Raf Med. Hom.. 332. . 49. . Phar.. f. 140. I. 820. Med. Suppl. ... 471. 800. f. Am. 4974. Maculatiim. 50. 3. 800 Gray Man.. Y. . 590 Flor. N. Bot. Porch. Y. S.... Flor. Loudon Torr. Bot. Trd/iiiin pendulum. gel. . Juniper us Virginiana. 12. 474 Loudon Ency. Porch.... ct. . Bot S.. : Alctris farinosa. Williams Med. Am. Bot. 830. 1882. 237. Med. 507 Am. Bent. Am. Am.... 525. Am. Am. 10. .... U. 172. Am. 907. Y. Med. Am. . South. 63. Allen Ency. Lycopodiuin clavatinii. 182. . 2. 674 Torn Bot. Allen Ency. 242 Lindl. 179. U. 811 Bot.. Med. S.. 6. N. . . t. Clapp Cat. Griff Med. 890. Flon Med. 374. Am. 655 Cat. . . 212 Allen Ency.. Ency. Disp.. 210. Wood Bot.. Hom. Disp.. . Allen 204. 852 Allen Hughes Phar. 1882. Phar. Med. Resourc. 122.. 28. Flor. . . Gray Man. Med. Porcher Resourc. S.... . 764. 10. 896. f... Ency. .296. Eqnisetiim liycuiale. 178. Med. 527. 294. 924 572.. Horn. 2. Fluck. Raf.. Med. Flor. South. Flon. 264. 14632.. Y. 510. Phar. 305. Phar. 77. ct. 299. . 2. 177. I-oudon Ency. Cliavueliriuin lutcinii. 2. 2.. 247. Phan. 482. S.. Disp. Phar. 2. 180.. Y.. Fluck. 621 U. Hom.. Raf..APPENDIX. Y. ct.. 4. Porch.. . Liluiin supcrbum. 95 S. 671. 565. and Han. 588. . Bent.. Flon Hom.. Williams Mass. 318 891 . Bot.. Bot. Loudon P2ncy. 532 . Bot. 590 Gray Bot. Jour.. f. i Am.. 2.. and Han. ... 240. Med. 418. 4. Lindl. S. 6. Am. Terr.. Am. 892 Gray Man. Suppl. Clapp Mass. 23. . Torn Bot. Flor. .. Hom. Torn 892 King Am. 217 Williams Man. 527.. Phar. Raf. Mat. .. 449. Med. Joun Phan. Bot. Am. S. and Trim. Bot. 2. Disp. N. 4. N.. 731 Lindl. 2. N. 397 Wiegand. Am. Med.. Loudon Ency. .. Gray Man. 4^ 317 695 . Clapp Cat.. 41. 22 14631. 10. Hamilt. Lindl. ... var. 56-2 Conic 68-4 Cornic 71-3 Cumaric 49-2 Equisetic 179-3 Erucic 23-3 Euonic 42-3 Euphorbic 149-2 Bitter 155-3 Humulo-Tannic 155-3 Hydrocuinaric 49-2 Hyoscinic 126-3 Inulic 81-3 Juglandic 156-3 Lactucic 96-2 Sanguinarinic 22-2 Sarracenic 19-4 Sinapic 23-3 Sinapoleic 23-3 Sorbic 56-2 Succinic 88-2 Tanacetumtannic 86-2 Tannic 100-5 Tartaric 61-3 Thujetic 165-3 Tiglic 84-2 Toxicodendric 38-2 Trioxybenzoic 100-5 Tropic 126-3 Valerianic 155-3 Veratric 176-4 \'iburnic 75-2 Virgineic 45-3 Aconitifolius hunulis Aconitiun camvianiin 1-2 1 Lobehc 99-3 LupuUc 155-2 fcrox Lupulo-Tannic 155-3 Mahc 1-2 lycoetonuvi 1-2 napellus 1-2 21-2. 161-3 Salicylous 161 -3 Euphrasia-Tannic 115-2 163-2 officinale Acid Polygahc 45-3 Chelidonic 21-2 Chrysarobic 143-2 Chrj'sophanic 143-2 Cisso-Tannic 40-2 Citric 21-2. var. var. a 10 gyrostachya Nicotinic 128-5 vionogynia Nymphjea-Tannic Oxyphenic 40-2 1 8-3 1 1 orthostaehya 1 pachypoda 10 Rehenic 23-3 PicropodophylHnic 17-3 raccuiosa spicata.-Escnletin 43-4 ^Escnlin 43-4 Anemonic 1-2 Anemoninic 3-3 Parasorbic 56-2 Parietinic 143-2 Phytolaccic 39-3 i 1 . alba 10 Adoxa Moscliatellina 74-2 ^F. 56-2 Melilotic 49-2 Acrid buttercups 6 Menispermo-Tannic 14-3 Menyanthic 129-2 Actsea alba 10 Methylcrotonic 84-2 Myricinic 160-4 Americana.7 1 11 1 INDEX.cidiiim Berberidis 15-2 Bitter of Hops 155-2 Brassic 23-3 Carbopyridenic 128-5 Pini-tannic 165-4 Pino-tannic 165-4 Podophyllinic 17-3 ^Egle Martnclos 33-2 . Fistula 46-4 stenocarpa 46-4 Acalyplia Indica 147 Achillea Millefoliuin 85 ptanniea 85-2 setace a 85 Achillein 85-2 Acid Absynthic 88-2 Acetic 1 12-2 Achilleic 85-2 Aconitic 179-3 Acrylic 19-4 yEscinic 43-4 yEsculetinic 43-4 Angelic 84-2 Formic 153-2 Fraxitannic 137-3 Galhc 100-5 Gallotannic 36-3 Gaultheric 102-3 Gelsemic 130-3 Gelseminic 130-3 Glycoliic 40-2 HeHanthic 83-2 Helleboric 8-2 Hop 143-2 Salicylic 27-3. var. Acid Cathartic 46-3 Ahalon albiflonitn 177 Abies alba 163-3 balsaniea 163-2 balsaiu'ifcra 163-2 Abies CanadeDsis dcnticiilata 1 164 63 cxcclsa 163-2 Larix 163-2 M:-ii.zicsii Abies nigra 163-2 163 pictiitata 163-2 /VV-<-rt Abnts prccatoriiis 46-6 Absinthe 88-2 Absintliin 88-2 Absinthium 88 88 vulgare 88 Absinthol 88-2 Abuta riifcsceiis Polygenic 141 -3 Potasso-myronic 24-2 Propionic 12-2 Rhabarbaric 143-2 1 Rhamnotannic 41-3 Rheic 143-2 Rhoitannic 38-3 Robinic 50-2 Rumic 14-2 Aeacia Adansonii 46-4 Arabiea 46-4 Catechu 46-3 Iiorrida 46-4 pycantha 46-4 ^^(Ti'i'rt 46-4 Senegal 46-4 Sejal. a 10 brachypetala. e 106 Arabis Cliincnsis 23-2 Akace.e 133-2 Apocynein 133-3 Apocynin 133-3 Apocynum androssemifo- 1 Alizarin 29-3 Alluim ascalonicum 175-3 Canadense 175-3 Carolinianuui 175-3 cepa 175-3 pornnn 175-3 satIV inn 17J-3 scluenoprasHiii 175-3 scodoprasiim 175-3 Allspice bush 145 ^-i /^^ A fricana 175-3 arborcsceiis 175-3 Barbadciisis 175-3 Comincliiiia 175-3 /mu. 149 Ivy 40 Laurel 103 Mezereon 146 Nettle-tree 152 Nightshade 139 Pennyroyal 1 18 Poplar 162 Pulsatilla i ARR Anemone patens.e 13 Anona squamosa 13-2 Anoiiymos scmpervirens 30 AntJiemis aurea 84 Anthemis nobilis 84 Antlioxauthnm odoratum 49-2 1 Autiaris toxicaria 152-3 Antirrhinum Linaria 1 1 Rosebay 00-2 Spikenard 69 White Hellebore 176 Valerian 170 Ammoniacum 62-2 AnthyHis Hermannia 46-3 alba 172 tarinosa 172 Alexanders 62-3 Alfavaca 16-2 Alhagi mauroriuit 46-5 Ampelopsis Apocynace.v pubeseeiis Auiygdalus Pcrsica 54-2 Amyris cleniifolia 34 AXACARDIACE/E 36-2 Anacardiinn occtdcntale 36-2 orientate 36 2 Anacycliis officinarimi 78-4 Anagallis 108 Anagallis arvcnsis 108 Anagyris fwtida 46-4 A 11 amirta panic 11 lata 14 1 33 Sibericum 133 Apple of Peru 127 Sodom 125-2 Aquifoliace.iiciana Arbutin 100-4 iiemorosa 1-2 Arbutose 100-4 Nuttaliana i Arbutus Uncdo 100-2 i i .e 69 Aralia hispida 69-2 Anapodopliylliiiii Canadense 17 nitdieaulis 69-2 Anda-acu 147-3 Aralia quinquefolia 7° Anda Gomesii 147-3 Aralia racemosa 69 Andira verniifuga 46-2 spinosa 69-2 Andromeda pollfolia 100 -2 umbellifera 69-2 Androsainuiii officinale 30 Araliin 69-3 Anemone flavescens Araliretin 69-3 Hepatica 2 Arbor vitae 165 LudoT.1 1 MS 44 INDEX. I praten sis Anemonin Anemonol -2 I Pulsatilla i 1-2 3-3 Angelica 64 Angelicaldehyde 84-2 Angelica atropurpurea 64 iiemorosa 62-3 Tree 33. ainara 54-2 Auiygdalus comiitiinis. oxybenzyl 161-3 Alder dogwood 72 Aletris 172 Coffee-bean 53 Cowslips 7 Custard Apple 13 Herb Christopher 10 Hop-hornbeam 159 Indian hemp 133 Ipecac 132. dillc is 54-2 vidneraria 46-3 Aphrodaescin 43-4 Apios tuber OS a 46-5 Apiiim gra'veoleus 62-2 lium 132 Apocynum cannabinum 133 icifolui m 133 4) '/(. Oliiocnsis pallida 44 44 American Arbor-vitas 165 Aspen 162 China root 175-4 Pai'ia 43-3 ^thusa 65 Lynapixni 65 vVfrican liemp 175-3 Agati graiidijlora 46-3 Agrostemma githago 3 Agrostemmin 31-2 Ague grass 172 Root 172 Weed Ainbrina ambrosioidcs 140 Ambrosia absynttufolia 82 Ambrosia artemisisefolia i-/(?//(V. ^Esculus Califoniica 43-3 ccliinata aa -(Esculus glabra 44 ^sculus Hippocastanum 43 viacrostacliya 4 4.e 167-2 Arachis Jiypogcea 46-5 Aralia Canadensis 70 Araliace.82 hctcrophylla 82 panic ulata 82 //7_)?(/rt 82-2 79 Ahovai baum 133-3 Allan tus 35 Ailanthus glaudiilosiis 35 Alant-camphor 81-2 Alantin 81-2 Alcohol.W Socotrina 1 75 -3 spicata 175-3 j'^rrt 175-3 vidgaris 175-3 Aloexylon Agallocliiim 46-4 Alpine Azalea 100-2 Dock 144-2 Alstonia scholaris 133-2 Alum root 32 1 4° kcdcracea 40 quiiiqucfolia 40 Amygdalin 56-2 Amygdaliis comimiuis. var. Xuttal- liaiia 8:.175-3 lingucEformis 175-3 purpurascens 175-3 root 172 Aloes 175-3 ^. 69-2 triqiiinata 64 Augustura vera 33-2 Anise 62-3 Anisomeles Malabarica Annona Cherimolia 16-3 1 13-2 triloba 13 Anonace. var. var. e 15 Berberin 15-2 Berberinum Rabounv Berberis 78-5 Canadensis 15-2 duuictorum 15 Bael 33^2 Balm 16-2 Balmony 13 1 vulgaris 15 1 Balsamodendron Africanuin 9-2 15 6:. American White 137 Asimina cainpaniflora paniculata 123-2 Bat weed 92 Bayberry 160 Bdellium 62-3 African 62-3 Indian 62-3 1 Asimina triloba 13 Asparagine 50-2 Asparagus acittifolius 175-3 officinalis 1 75-3 Bean 51 Tree 109 Asper ula odorata 49-2 Asthma weed 99 Astragalus gummifcr 46-4 Menaiesii 46-2 Astrantia major 62-3 38 officinalis Atennaria plantaginifolia 89-. var. 3 vulgaris. Bartonii 1 138 ^^//w 138-3 tonicntosa 138-3 trilobata 138-2 Aristolochin 138-4 Arnica 78-4 niontana 78-4 Aroniadcndron clcgans 12-2 Aromatic wintergreen 102 Arrebenta Cavallos 125-2 Artemisia Absinthium 88 Czwrt 78-4 Contra 78-4 lictcrophyllus Sy Indie a 78-5 Indica Canadensis 87 52 Barba de Boi 46-2 Barbados Aloes 175-3 Barbarea prcccox 23-2 Barbarian Sandarach 63-2 Barbarea vulgaris 23-2 Barberry Bardana major 92 Bardiera divcrsifolia 45-2 maculatum 1 67 .k 138 Aristolocliia cleinatitis 138-2 cyinbifera 138-2 fragrantissima 138-3 grandiflora 1 38-3 hastata 138 hirsuta 138-3 Iiidica 138-2 138-2 niacroura 138-3 Milhomens 138-2 /<?«^rt 1 1 Asarabacca 138-2 Asaruin Canadense 138-2 Europecum 138-2 ASCLEPIADACE.2 Asadulcis 62-3 Asafcetida 62-3 Thibetan 62-2 ^-iirt Grcva officinalis 175-2 Asclepias tuberosa 5 2 tine tor HI dracunculus 167-2 Italicum 167-2 20 Mcxicaua 20 Arghel 135-3 45 Balsamodendron mukul 62-3 Balsam of Peru 46-3 Tolu 46-3 Balsams 163-2 Balsam urn Hungaricum 163-2 Baneberry (white) 10 Arum triphyllum 167 Arum dracontiumt 168 70-2 5 BER X. pistolochia 138-2 reticulata 138-2 Athamanta 62-2 Athriscus Cerefolium 62-2 rotunda 138-2 sylvestris 62-2 saggitata 138 vulgaris 62-2 senipcrvircns 138-3 Atriplix angustifolia 140-2 Serpcntaria 138 hortensis 140-2 Serpentaria. Artemisia santonica 78-4 Arum Uva-ursi 100 Arctuvin 100-5 NDE 3 : Bearberry 100 Bear's Grape 100 Beaver poison 67 Tree 12 Wood 12.E I 35 BarOS ma Bctulina 33-2 crenulata 33-2 serratifolia 33-2 Bastard Dittany 33-2 Ipecac 74 Asclepias cornuti 34 1 Syriaca 134 \\'ormvvood 82 Batatas edulis 123-2 135 Asclepione 134-3 Ash.e 152-2 Artocarpus ineisa 152-2 Integra 152-2 integrifoha 152-2 Banyan tree 152-2 Bapliia nitida 46-6 Ainericanum 169 Baptisia Argyrasscin 43-4 Argyreia bractcata 123-2 Aricinol sulpho-cyanate 23-3 Aris(snia atrorubcns 167 dracontium 168 tripliyllum 167 Aristolocliia angtdcida 38-2 bilobata 138-2 ba:tica 138-2 bractcata 1 38-2 i camphor 138-3 Aristolochiace. Canadensis 1 . 152 Beech nut 158-2 Wheat 142 Bees' Wax 60-3 Beet 140-2 Belladonna 125-2 Belleisle Cress 23-2 /)(•//« perennis 78-4 Bengal Quince 33-2 Benjamin bush 145 1 Atropa-atropiiie 127-3 Belladonna 125-2 viandragora 125-2 Atropine 127-3 Bcnthauiidia florida 71 Aureliana Canadensis 70 Austrian Turpentine 163-2 Avacado pear 145-2 Aya pana 78-2 Azalea pontica 100- Benzoin 14s odoriferum 145 Berberia sulphate 145-2 Bekkekidace.2 ARB 1 Arbutus Uva-ursi loO ArcliangcUca (itropiirpnrca 64 Archangel tar 163-2 Arctium Lappa 92 majus 92 Arctostapliylos officinalis 100 toinentosa 100-2 Arctluisa Imlbosa Argemone 1 5 Artemisia vulgaris 87 Arthrolobiuiii scorpwides 46-3 Aktocarpe. var. Botrytis 23 Rapa 23-2 sinapioidcs 24 Bray era 1 Snake-root Spruce 163 1 1 Butter-flower 5 Butterfly-weed 135 Biixus sciiipervircns 147-2 Bracted Bindweed 123-2 Branca Ursina 62-2 Brassica alba 23 14. 177 Blessed Thistle 78-4 Brown Mustard 24 Blctia vcrccuiida 170-2 Buchu 33-2 Buck Bean 129 Buckeye 43. 15-3 Bcrclicinia volubilis 41-2 Beta vulgaris 140-2 Bethroot 175 Betony 1 Blue Berry 16. Butca frondosa 46-3 Butter-and-Eggs G Bracala 62-3 Orange 33-2 Redberry 71 Root 129. ico 2 Blueberry Cornel 73 Blue Cardinal flower 98 Chiccory 93 Cohosh 16 16-2 Bettie grass 172 1 1 INDEX. BER 46 1 CAL Buckwheat 142 Buck Yam 174-2 Bugbane 1 Bugle-weed 1 17 Bulbous Buttercups Crowfoot 5 Flag 173 Betiila lentiB 102-2 Ginseng 16 tripliylla 39 Huckleberry 100-2 Bhang 154-3 Blunt-leaved Dock 144 Bibernell 62-2 Blue Lobelia 98 Bidens Cliaysautlicinoidcs 7 -4 Pimpernel 120 fervida 78-4 Succory 93 tripartita 88-4 Bccluncria caudata 152-3 Big ivy 103 Bog bean 129 BigHonia Catalpa 109 Bonduc seed 46-3 sevipervirciis 30 Boneset 79 Bindweed 123 purple 78 Bird's nest 105 Bordeaux Turpentine 163-2 Bur-clover 47-5 Burdock 92 Birthroot 175 Birthwort 138 Bistort 141 -2 Biting knotweed 141 Bitter Almonds 54-2 Butternut 156 Butter-weed 80 1 Ash S5-2 BarkV6-2 Blain 1 10-2 Botropliis actccoidcs scrpcntaria 1 1 Bowman's Box napiis 23-2 Bittersweet 124 Vetcli 46-4 Weed 82 Willow 161 7iigra Wintergreen 104 Black Alder 41-2. 44 Callistachya Virgiuica Buckthorn 41 Caltha Blisterweed 6 Blitum Aincricaiimn 139 Blood Root 22 Bruda aiitidysciitcrica 33-2 Suinatrana 33-2 Callistris quadrivalvis 1 14 163-2 Calochortus clegans 175-3 7 .1 1 1 Blooming spurge 148 Berberiy 15 Berbina 14-3. European 46-2 Spanish 46-6 1 glycollate 40-2 Calendula officinalis 78-4 Calico bush 103 Calisa}"a bark 76 Bladder Pod 99 Blazing Star 172. 106 Bryony 174-2 Cohosh Henbane 126 hemp Stiiapistrinn 24-2 anthclniiiitica 54-2 Braziletto 132 Locust 50 Mustard 24 Nightshade 125 Parsley 147 Poplar 161 -2 Purslane 147 172 1 Walnut 156-2 24 oleracea 23-2 olcracca var. New England 71 Grass 172 1 Bursa Past oris Button Snakeroot 62 Button-bush 76 Button-wood 76 Bracliyglottis rcpcus 78-4 Root Pitch 163-2 Burnet Saxifrage 62-2 Burning Bush 42 Burr Flower 122 root 148 147-2 berry 102 Dock 144 Indian Burgundy 5 wood 46 6 Brazilian Sarsaparilla 175-4 Snake-root 1 38-2 Brazil wax 160-3 wood 46-6 Bread fruit 152-2 nut 152-2 root 46-5 Caa-apia 152-2 Caapeba 152-2 Cabbage 23-2 tree 46-2 Cacao Butter 160-3 Cuchrys odontalgica 62-2 Cactus grandifiorus 61-2 opuntia 61 Cade 163-2 Qcsalpinia Boiiducclla 46-3 BrarJliciisi 46-6 cchinata 46-6 Nuga 46-3 Sappan a^Qi-6 Cainca 76-2 Calabar Bean 46-2 Calabash tree 125-2 Caladiinn cscidcntimi 167-2 scguimtm 167-2 Calamus Draco 46-3 Brcwcria scoparius 123-2 Brewster 12' Calatropis gi'^aiitca 135-2 Calceolaria pinnata 10-2 Broinisnin alicastrum 152-2 tripda 110-2 Calcium bimalate 36-4 Broom. 132 25 Burwort 6 Bush Honeysuckle 74-2 Tree 71 wood. wood Catalpa 109 154 5 orientalis 152-2 Cannabinine 54-4 Cannabin Tannin 154-2 i \ australis 152-2 occidentalis i 5 2 Cementer of Friendship 154-2 Centaur ea Pagan a 78-4 Centaury. anthelmintieuin 140 Chenopodium anthelminti- cum 140 baryosmon 40-2 Botrys 140-2 1 . American 129-2 31 Marilandica 46-3 oboimta 46-2 Castalia pudica 18 Castanea edulis 158 favina 43 pumila 1 58- Canchalagua 129-2 ^andle-berry 160 Wax maxima fistula 46-3 lanccolata 46-2 weed 94 Carramba Celtis 152 Audibertiaua Buds 145 Moonseed 14 47 Celery-leaved Crowfoot 3 tomcntosa 156-2 Carvophyllace.E I4O Chenopodium album 140-2 andvosioides 140-2 ambrosioules^ var. Caiiipliora officinannn 145 CHE X. vegetable 51-2 Cashew nut 36-2 Cassada 147-2 Cassia acutifolia 46-2 angustifolia 46-3 Castanea vesca Cannabinum 154-4 Castor Americana 154-s Indie a 1 54 sativa 154 Caoutchouc 152-2 Demerara 147-3 Surinam 147-3 Cape Aloes 175-3 Itch bulb 175-3 Caper Spurge 150 Caprifoliace. var.k Cannabis 56-2 sulcata 156-2 Ca>iuiiassia csculcnta 175-3 Canipaiuila rapiinciiliis 60-2 Camwood 1 tomentosa.2 2 CAL I Caltlia arctica y palnstris 7 Calystcgia sepiutn 123-2 SotdancUa 123-2 Camel's Thorn 46-5 1 NDE Carya olivicformis squamosa 157 Camphor Cascarilla 147-2 145 46-6 Canada Balsam 163-2 Fleabane 80 Pitch 164-2 Canadian hemp 133 Cancer-root 139 156-2 Candytuft 23-2 Cannabin 154-4 Cannabine 154-4 Hydride 154-4 Mexican 147-2 Casein.Americana 159 i 157 1 160-3 Carrot 62-3 weed 82 Caruin Ajowan 62-2 Carni 62-2 Gary a alba Ccphcelis Ipecacuanha 76-2 1 158 58 macrophyllum 125-2 Hocturnum 125-2 venetiatum 125-2 Chama^lirin 177-2 Chamiclirium Carolinianuvi 177 bitcum 177 Cataputia minor 150 Catch-fly 132 Catechu 46-3 Cat Foot 89 Catha edulis 42-2 Cathartin 41-3 Chamccmelum nobile 84 Chamomilla 78-4 nobilis 84 Charas 154-2 Charlock 26 Checker-berry 102 Catmint 16-2 Catnep 16-2 1 Chelerythrin 21-2 Chclidonin 21-2 1 spiciflorus 147-3 Chelidonium Cauliflower 23-2 Caulophyllin 16-2 \ 21 majus 2 Chelidoxanthin 21-2 16 6 Cayenne Pepper 125-2 Ceanothus Americanus 4 Chelone alba 1 azure a 41-2 discolor 41-2 Cebadilla 175-2 Cecropia peltata 152-2 Cedar (Red) 166 Cedren 166-2 166-3 Cedron 35 Cedrus Lycea 165 Celandine 21 Celastkace.i-: 42 Celastrus paniculatus 42-2 scaudens •i^2-2. var. 124-2 Celery 62-2 i Cevadina 176-3 Cevadine 176-3 syringafolia 109 Camphor 76 serpentinus 6 -2 Ceroxylon andicola 160-3 Cervispina cathartic a 41 Ccstrum auriculatuin 125-2 Hediunda 125-2 cordifolia 109 thalictroidcs 76 occidentalis tlievetia 133-2 Cercus Bonplandii 6 1 -2 12 Caulophyllum Cephalanthus Ceratonia Siliijua 46-5 Cerbera tanghinia 133-2 biguonioidcs 109 Ca turns 2 Chilian 129-2 European 129-2 Americana vesca.e 74 Capsclla Bursa Past or is 25 Capsicum Annuum 125-2 fastigiatum 125-2 rutCSC ens 125-2 Caraway 62-2 Cardaniine pratensis 23-2 Cardinal Flower 97 Carduus Bcnedictus 78-4 Carolina Hippo 149 Ipecac 149 f Pink Root 131 Carony bark 33-2 Carpathian Balsam 163-2 Carpenter's Square Carpinus Ostrya 159 Ostry a. -2 1 3-2 1 glabra 113 lanccolata 1 13-2 obliqua \ \ purpurea rosea 1 3 \ 13-2 3-2 1 Chenodrodendron tomcntosum 14-2 CllENOPODlACE. 172. 174. Lam. var. Chalniarofficinalis 23-2 gnera 76-2 Cockle 31 condaminea^ var.K 163 Coniin 68-4 Conine 68-4 Conium 68 macidatum 68 major 68 Conot-weed 82 Continental weed 1 1 1 Contrayerva 152-2 Convallaria majalls CONVOLVULACE/E I 175-3 23 Convolvulin 123-2 Convolvulus 123 arvensis 123 fibraurea 14-2 Indie us 14 Duartinus 123 Scanimonia 123 scopabius 123-2 Convulsion root 105 platypliyllus 14-2 Conydrine 68-4 . Crispa Cock-up Hat 151 76-2 Cocoa (Brazilian) 43-2 cordifolia Cocum 76 139 Coffca Arabica 76-2 Coffee 76-2 lancifolia 76-2 micrantha 76-2 officinalis 76 succirubra 76 Cinnainommn aromaticum Camphora 145 pedunculatum 160-3 Zeylandicnni 145 Cinnamon 145 Santa Fe 145-2 Cinque 74 Cissampelos ovalifolia 14-2 Pareira 14-2 smilacina 14 Cissus hederacea 40 ClSTACE. 68 Cicutaria fatiia 65 maculata 67 tenidfolia 65 vulgaris 68 Cicuta virosa 62-2 vulgaris major 68 Cicutina 67 red 47 sweet 49 white 48 winter 77 Club Moss 180 Cluytia collina 147-2 spinosa \Afj-2 Clypea Burmanni 14-2 Coc cuius acuminatus 14-2 Cicutoxin 67 Bakis 14-2 Cimicif uga 1 raccmosa cinerasccns 14-2 crispus 14-2 \ i scrpcntaria Cimicifugin Cina 78-4 i 1-2 \ \ 1 19-2 Colt's foot 7. 78-4 Colt's Tail 80 Columbian bark 76 Columbo 129-2 African 14-2 Colutca arborescens 46-3 Commia Cochinchinensis 147-3 Common celandine 21 Locust 50 Comocladia dentata 36-2 CoMPOsnvE 78-2 Comptonia asplenifolia 160-2 Cone in 68-4 Conia 68-4 Conicina 68-4 CONIFEK.K 28 tree 53 Cohosh 145 (black) i i blue 16 white 10 Cokan 139 Colcliicuni autumnale 175-3 Cole root 172 seed 23-2 Colic-root 135. 155-2 Chongras 139 Chrysarobin 143-2 Chrysorhamnine 41-3 Churrus 154-2 Cicca disticha 147-2 Ciccndia hyssopifolia 129-2 Cichorium hitybiis hirsutissima i 93 Clitoria tcrnatea 46-^ 93 93 Clotbur 92 Clover broom 52 syh'i'strc Cicuta maculata 67 iiiacidata.9 1 INDEX. 177 Collidine 128-4 Collinsonia 119 Canadensis 1 1 decussata Ot'rt/W 1 1 \ \ 9 9 Tallow 160-3 Cistus 28 CoUinsonin Wax Canadensis 28 Creticus 28-2 Ladaniferus 28-2 Ledon 28-2 Laurifolius 28-2 ramidijlorum 28 Citron 33-2 Litrus acida 33-2 Aurantium 33-2 Bergamia 33-2 Limetta 33-2 Limonuin 33-2 Mediea 33-2 vulgaris 33-2 Cleavers 76-2 Clematis erecta 1-2 Colophony 163-2 160-3 Chinquapin 158-2 Cliiococca raccinosa 76-2 Chionanthus / 'irginica 136 1 36 Chiretta. CHE 48 Chenopodiniii suffniticosiiiii vulvaria 140-2 Chequerberry ']'] Cherimoyer 13-2 Cherry laurel 54-2 Chervil 62-2 Chestnut 158 Chian Turpentine 36-2 Chicory 93 Chickling Vetch 46-2 Children's bane 67 Ohimaphila 104 coryuibosa 104 iitacidata 104-2 iiinbcllata 104 Chimaphilin 104-2 China branca e rubra 175-4 root (American) 175-4 (Javanese) 175-4 Chinese Ailanthus 35 Datura 125-2 Mustard 23-2 Sumach 35 1 CON 40 Cineraria Canadensis 90 Cinchona Calisaya 76 Coccoloba uvifera 141 -2 Coehlearia armor acia 23-2 condannnca. Indian 1 29-2 Chives 175-3 Chlora p erfollata 129-2 Chocolate Butter 160-3 root 54 Choline 23-3. 53-2 scoparius 46-2 Dead Nettle 121 Death of Z>i'«5 Leonis 95 Derris pinnata 46-2 Devil's Apple 127 Bit 172.k 23 DIA 1 ovalifolium 135-3 Cynapin 65-2 Cypripedin 170-3 CypripcdiiiDi lutcuin 170 Cypripedium pubescens 1 D Dacydium taxifolium 163-2 Dcrmia extensa 1 3 5-3 Dahlin 81-2 Madagascariensis 146 2 Z^^r/.E 71 Corn Cockle 31 Cornel 71 Cornellian Cherry 71-2 Corn Fever-few 84 Cornin 71-3. European 108 Cowslips 7 Cows-lips 7 Cows-lungwort tree i flower 23-2 Cuichunchulli 27-2 Culver's Physic 1 14 Culver's 46-3 Corpse plant 105 Cow Crane Willow 76 Crassulace. 129-2 Croton antisypluliticum 147campcstris 147-2 Draco 1 47-2 Elcutcria 147-2 hibiscifolius 147-2 laccifcruni 147-2 oil 147-2 origanifolius 147-2 pardiccps 147-2 Pavana 147-2 Pscudo. 177 Bones 174 Fig 20 Scourge 30 Yam Dew 174-2 Berry 102 Dewitt Snakeroot 94 Dhak 46-2 Diainorphanius edulis 69-2 .s- octandria 146-2 Daisy 78-4 fleabane 78-4 Dauiarra australis 1 63-2 turpentine 163-2 Dandelion 95 Daphne Indica 146 Mezereon 146 Daphnidostaphylis Fendlcriana 100 Datiscin 81-2 Datura alba 127-5 arborea 125-2 atropine 127-3 fastuosa 127-5 /cw-r 125-2 W(Vt'/ 125-2 metcloides 127-4 sauguinea 125-2 Stranioniuni 1 27 Daturine 127-3 Daucus Carrota 62-3 Gingidum 62-3 gummifer 62-3 Cuniarin 49-2 Cumin 62-3 Cinninuni Cyniinitin 62-3 Deadly Nightshade 125 European 125-2 Cundurango 135-2 Man 67 Deer-berry 77 Delphinium Staphisagria 1-2 Cunila niariana 116-3 pu/cgioidcs 1 1 Cupameni 147-2 Cuprcssus australis 163-3 CUPULIFER.8 1 INDEX.E 158 Cure-all 60 Curled Dock 143 Cursed Crowfoot 3 Custard-apple 13-2 (American) 13 Cutch 46-3 Cyclamen Europu-uui loS Cyclamin 108-2 Cyclamirctin ioS-2 7 70 Cytisine 53-2 Cytisus Laburnum 46-2. 72-2 Corn Snakeroot 62 Cornus circinata 72 Cornus cyiiocarpus 73 Cornus florida 7 lanuginosa 73 mas 71-2 Craicgus oxyacantha 15-3 Cratceva Marmclos 33-2 Crescent ia Cujete 125-2 Creeping Buttercups 4 Checkerberry 77 Crowfoot 4 Wintergreen 102 Cresses 23-2 Crinum toxicarinm 175-3 Crithuni maritiinuni 62-3 Crocus (prairie) i Crosswort 79.China 147-2 sanguifolius 1 47-2 subcrosuni 147-2 Tigliuni 147-2 tinctorium 147-2 succica 71-2 Cuckoo rugosa 72 sanguinca 71-2 Cornus sericea 73 tomentulosa 72 Coronilla Enicrus 46-3 I'rtr/rt Root 14 Cumaric anhydride 49-2 Corvisartia Hclcniuin 81 Corylus Americana 158-2 avellana 158-2 rostrala 158-2 Coryno-caipus Iccvigatus 36Coumarouna odorata 46-2 Coutoubea ramosa 129-2 spicata 129-2 Cowitch 46-2 Cow-parsnep 62-2 Cowslip.e 57 stolonifera 71-2 obliqua 73 1 10 52-2 Cow-tree Wax 160-3 Crainbc maritima 23-2 Cranberry 100-2 49 Cynanchiim Arghcl 135-3 ercctum 135-3 cxtensum 135-3 Cranesbill 32 Crowberry 139 Crow-corn 172 Crowfoot 32 Crown Bark 76-2 Crow-poison 176 Crucifer. COP Copaifera bijuga 46-2 coriacca 46-2 Guiancnsis 46-2 Langsdorffii 46-2 viuliija 46-2 officinalis 46-2 Copaiva 46-2 Copalchi 147-2 Copcrnicia ccrifcra 160-3 Copt is trifoliata 15-3 Coracoa de Jesu 78-4 Cordylinc tcrminalis 175-3 Coriander 62-3 Coriandrum Cicnta 68 Cynapiuvi 65 inaciiLatum 68 sativum 62-3 Coridine 128-4 Corkwood Tree 125-2 CoRNACE. DIA 50 DiajitJius pliiinarius 31-2 Dictaiuuus fraxiiiclla 33-2 Du-ffenbacJiia scguina 167-2 Dioiiilla trifida 74-2 Driniia ciliaris 1 75-3 Drooping Star-wort 177 mubigua Droserace/e 29 Drosera rotundifolia 29 Duboisia Hopivoodi 125-2 Digitalis fcrniginca oricntalis 1 10-2 1 10-2 10-2 1 piirpurasccns 10-2 purpurea 1 10-2 Dilatris Heriticra 7 1 1 29 Dioscorea 174 aculcata 174-2 (?/rt/c? 174-2 bulbifcra 174-2 DiOSCOREACE. var.E 174 Dioscorea daemona 174-2 Japonic a 174-2 panicu/ata 174 quaternata 1 74 sativa 174-2 trifida 174-2 triphylla 1 74-2 villosa glabra 174- Dioscorein 174-3 Dipteryx odorata 46-2. 101-2 Ericolin 100-5 Erigeron So Dyer's Baptisia 52 Broom 46 Canadense 80 Dilatris 171 Green-weed 46 Dysentery bark 35 80-2 paniculatus 80 Philadelphicum 78-4. var. 62-4 Dioitca iiiuscipiila EUP strietuni 80 Eringo. European. 82 pusilus 80 licteropliylluin 78-4. latifolius 1 70- : 42 Eupatorine 79-3 Eupaioriuni aroniaticuni 78-2 ayapana 78-2 repens loi ciliatuni 4- 59 59 oliganthuin 59 cannabinuni 78-2 connatuin 79 faviiculaccuui 78-2 glutinosunt 78-2 hyssopifoliuni 78-2 incarnatmn 78-2 Icncolcpsis 78-2 . Eagle wood 46-4 174 villosa. 62-3 Erva de Cobra 78-4 Earthgall 176 Eehinocactus Wislizeni 61-2 Echites suberecta 133-2 Egg Plant 124-2 Eryngium 62 aguatieuni 62 EUcodendron Roxburghii 42-2 Elder 75 campestre 62-3 viaritinnim 62-2 yuccafoliuin 62 Eryngo 62 Erytlircaa Centauriuni 129-2 Chilcnsis 129-2 Erythroniuin Aniericanuni 175-3 Bush 75 European 74-2 Elecampane 81 camphor 81-2 Elecampin 81-2 Elepliautopus scaber 78-4 Dens-Canis 175-3 Elk Bark Euddiea officinalis 147-2 Plmetic-root 99 -weed 99 Indicuvi 175-3 1 Erythrophlauni Guinense 46-2 Eschalotte 175-3 Esopon glaucuin 94 Euchresta Horsejieldii 46-4 Euonymin 42-3 Eniila s one hi/era 78-5 Endive 93 Endodeca Bartonii 138 Enonymus atropurpureus Serpentaria 138 English Walnut 156-2 Carolinicnsis 42 Enula 81 Enropccus 42-2 canipana 81 Epidcndruni auriculatnin bifiduni 170-2 Epigaea loi Epilobium 59 angustissiinuni 59 59 leptopliylluni line arc . line are 59 Drop Flower 94 Drosera 29 pubcscens 59 rosmarinifoliuni 59 tencllum 59 squaniatuui 59 inyroporoides 125-2 Duboisin 126-3 Duck's foot 17 EOUISETACE/E I79 Equisetum 124 Jlexuosa 124 Dulcamarin 124-2 Dulcarin 124-2 Dutch Mice 46-5 16-2 Dock 143. 49-2 Dirca palustris 146 Dita Bark 133-2 Ditch Stone-crop 57 Dittany 1 16-3 1 palustrc.2 1 1 INDEX. 1 75-1 D Guadeloupe 46-3 179 Jlnviatile 179-3 Iiyeniale 179 Erechthites 90 elongata 90 Hieracifolia 90 prealta 90 Rush 179 Dwarf Elder 74-2 Ericacf^ 100 Nettle 153 Ericinol 100-5. . var. albifloruvi 59 palustrc. albescens 59 palustrc. of Crete Epilobium palustrc 59 Dulcamara tinctoria 171 Dill 62-3. var. 144 Doctor's Gum 36-2 Doctor Tinker's Weed 74 Dog Poison 65 Dog's bane 132 Mercury 147-2 Parsley 65 Tooth Violet 175-3 Dog tree 7 Dogwood 71 Jamaica 46-2 Pond 76 Dolichos pniriens 46-2 Doiiibeya cxcelsa 163-2 turpentine 163-2 Dorcma Auiiuoniaeutn 62-2 Dors tenia Brasilicnsis 152-2 coiitraycrva 152-2 Houstonia 152-2 Double Spruce 163 races na Draco 175-3 Draeontiuni Fa-tiduut 169 Dragon-root 168 Dragon's Blood 147-2. 115 spotted 147 IF Fagopyrum 142 csculcntuin 142 Fagus fcrruginca 158-2 Faham leaves 49-2 Regulator 91 Fennel 62-2 Fenugreek 46-2 Ferula alliaeea 62-3 Asafa-tida 62-3 Galbaniflua 62-3 glauca 62-2 f.y///rt Euphorbia Lathy ris 1 Fragaria 1 74-3 55 Sumach 39 Fraxetin 137-3 Fraxin 137-2 Fraxinin 137-2 Fraxinus 137 acuminata 137 alba 137 Americana 137 Canadensis 137 Chine nsis 160- rubricaulis 62-3 discolor 137 epiptera 137 Scordosma 62-3 excelsior 136-2 Sunibul 62-2 iingitana 62-3 juglandifolia 137 Fetid Buckeye 44 Hellebore 169 Fever Bush 106. 145 root 74 Feverwort 74.4 5 2 5 5 INDEX. 96 utile 160-3 Galatheniujit clongatuvi 96 Galbanum 62-3 Garden Chamomile 84 F"it-root 105 Hemlock 65 Five-finger 70 -leaves GGalactodendron Nightshade 125 40 Flag Lily 173 Flannel Plant 1 10 Flcabane 78-4. 91. 80 Floripondio 125-2 Flower-de-luce 173 Flower Fence 46-4 Flowering Ash 136-2 Dogwood 71 Spurge 148 Fly Catcher 19 Patience 143 38-2 1 Gardigavapoo Garget 139 Garlic 175-3 Gaultheria 102 Gaultheria hunnlis 102 procuinbcns 102 Gaultherilene 102-3 Gautiera repens 102 Gaylussacia frondosa 100-2 . EUP Eu[iatonttin viaciilatiDn 78 False Flax 1 GAY Fly-trap 132 1 Woodbine 741-12 Grape 40 7S-2 iiiTVosinii 3 1 Hellebore 176 Indigo 52 Ipecac 74 Jasmine 130 Fccniculuin officinale 62-2 Fool's Parsley 65 Foxglo\e 10-2 scssilifolium 78-2 Pareira Brava 14-2 tcrnifolium 78 tcucrifolium 78-2 irifoliatum 78 Unicorn 177 Unicorn Root 172 vesca 55 Fragrant Everlasting 89 Eupatorium perfoliatum 79 Eupatorium purpureum 78 rotundifoliiiDi 78-2 salviicfoliuin jg vcrticillatuni 78 'ire^inicinit?!! 79 / Valerian 91 Wild Yam Root Female Dogwood 73 Euphorbia aiiiygda/oides 147-2 Canarknsis 147-3 EUPHORBIACE/E 1 47 Euphorbia corollata 148 Cyparissias 147-2 147-3 falcata 147-3 Gcrardiana 147-3 luptagoiia 147-3 Euphorbia hypericifoha '+'" Euphorbia IpecacuannsB 149 150 ligularia 147-3 linearis 147-3 ncrcifolia 147-3 /r///j 147-3 Pcplus 147-2 rcsinifcra 1 47-2 thymifolia 147-3 Tirucalli 147-3 tribalaides 147-3 Euphorbium 147-2 Euphorbon 149-2 Euphragia alba Euphrasia Candida 1 1 115 1 officinalis 1 1 5 1 Euphrasy 1 Eupurpurin 78-5 1 Eustachya alba Evening primrose 60 Everlasting 89 1 1 Eve's Cups 19 Evodia fcbrifuga 33-2 Exnecaria Ayllocha 147-3 Exciter of Desire 154-2 Exogoniuni Piirga 123 Eyebright 99. 79 ornus 136-2 rotundifolia 1 36-2 Frazera Caroliniensis 129-2 French Berry 41-2 Fringe Tree 136 Frit illaria iniperialis 175-3 Ficus carica 1 5 2-2 dceinona 152-2 clastica 152-2 clliptica 152-2 Indica 152-2 prinoidcs 152-2 raccmosa 152-2 radula 152-2 septic a 152-2 sycaviorus 152-2 toxicaria 152-2 Frost Plant 28 weed 28 wort 28 Fructus Ptychotis 62-2 Fruta de Pavao 43-2 Fustic 152-2 Field Pansy 27 Strawberry 55 Fig 152-2 Galipot 163-2 Gallinvi aparine 76-2 trifloruni 49-2 Gall-of-the-Earth 94 Galipea Cusparea 33-2 Gambier 76-2 Ganja 154-2 -wort Filbert 1 5 1 1 8-2 Fire Pink 31-2 -weed 90. 'E 129 Gcntiana criiciata 1 29-2 lutca 129-2 pannonica 129-2 punctata 129-2 purpurea 129-2 Geoffroya incrniis 15-2 vcnnifiiga 46-2 Geraniace/E 32 Gravel plant loi Habcelia yEthioptica 13-2 root 78. GAY 52 Gaylussacia rcsinosa 100-2 Gelsemia 130-3 Gelsemina 130-3 Gelsemine 130-3 Gelseminia 130-3 Gelsemium 130 liicidmn 130 sctitpc)~i'irciis 1 sen Jasmiiium General Marion's Genista 30 30 1 Weed 133 46 tinctoria 46 1 officinalis 1 29-2 Gentianace.EMODORACE. 119 Heart's-ease 27 Guaco 138-2 Guao 36-2 Guarana 43-2 Hedeoma nS pulcgioides Giant Fennel 62-2 Ginseng Gulancha 14-2 54 70 Ginseng Cliinensibus 70 quinquefoliuni 70 1 Gum Ammoniacum quinqucfolia 40 terebinthacca 69-2 uiiUndlifera 69-2 Hedge Hyssop 6-23 general 46-4 in Australian 46-4 Githagin 31-2 Globe flower 76 brown Barbary 46-4 Cape 46-4 Gloriosa supcrba 175-3 Glycyrrliiza glabra 46-2 Hemlock Gnaphalium Kordofan 46-4 89 conoideunt 89 obtusifoliuni 89 plantagiiufolinni 89-2 polyccpltalum 89 Gnidia daplinoides 146-2 Goat Pepper 125-2 God's Wonder Plant 30 Gold Cups 5 Golden Alexanders 66 Meadow Parsnip 66 Ragwort 91 Seal 9 Senecio 91 Gonolobiis Cundiirango 135-2 Goodyera pnbcsccns 170-2 Goslin weed i Grass of Fakirs 154-2 East India 46-4 Lac 152-2 lagoceplialuni 46-2 Helleborus niger 1-2 Helenin 81-2 Helecin 161-3 Helianthemum Canadense rosniarinifoliuin 28 Mastich 36-2 Helianthus 163- Gum. 1 19 weed loi Gray bark 76-2 aroniatica 13-2 Hackberry Tree 152 corylifolia niacrophylla 58 Virginica 58 Hashisch 154-2 Hashish 154-2 Hazel nut 158-2 Heal-all 1 12. 104 Nut.E I7I Hamamelis 58 Great Angelica 64 Blue Lobelia 98 Lobelia 98 Scouring Rush 179 Green Dragon 168 Hellebore 8 Osier 72 Ground Holly Germander 1 16-2 German Pellitory 78-4 Geum rivale HEL 10-2 Grindelia 78-4 squares a 78-4 Ground Pine 180-2 Grouse Berry 102 Catcsbcei 129-2 Geranium maculatum Gratio/a wood 46 scoparius 46-2 Gcntiana amarella 129-2 canipcstris 8 1 53 Canadensis 53 GypsopJiyla stnitliiiun 3 1 -2 Gj'quirioba 125-2 83 annuus 83 tuberosum 78-5 Helleborein 8-2 Helleboresin 8-2 Helleboretin 8-2 Helleborin 8-2 Helleborus alb us 125-2 Datura 125-2 Helleborus viridis 8 Helonias 177 dioica 177 erythrosperma 175-2 figida 175-2 hdea \JJ officinalis 175-2 . Sioux 46-5 32 1 Haricot 51 Harpalyee Serpcntaria 94 Laurel 10 Lily 175 Nut 58 dioica 58 Hardback Guatteria virgata 1 3-2 Guaza 154-2 Guilandica dioica 53 Guinea Pepper 125-2 Gipsy-weed 1 wort 1 17 Hackmatack 165 Hisniatoxylon Catnpcchianuni 46-2 H.7 INDEX. Morocco 46-4 red 46-4 Sassa 46-4 Senegal 46-4 Sennaar 46-4 Suakin 46-4 Talha 46-4 Gunjah 154-2 Gunncra niacrocephala 69-2 scabra 69-2 Gymnocladus 110-2 Hcdypnois taraxacum 95 Hedysarnni ildcfonsianuni 46-2 28 corynibosum 28 raniuliforuvi 28 164-2 Gummi Ohrenburgense 1 1 Hedera Helix 69 Animi 46-4 Arabic i Hashash 154-2 46-5 Raspberry 9 Groundsel 91 iirlmnuni 54-2 19 Hartshorn Plant Hashascin 154-4 102. weed 82 Holigarna longifolia 36-3 Holly 106-2 Rose 28 Holmes-weed 112 Hop 155 Hydrophyllum 122 I'irginicum 122 Hydroquinone 100-3 Hymenece Courbane 46-4 Hyoscine 126-3 Hyoscyamia 126-3 Hyoscyamine 126-3 126 Hypericum 30 connatum 30 lanceolatum 30 laxiusculum 30 pscudopeiforatuin 30 vulgare 30 16-2 Pink 131 Pipe 105 Plantain 107 Poke 176 Posey 89 Rubber 152-2 Rubber Tree 152-2 Indian Sage 79 Shamrock 175 Tobacco 99 India 1 16-2 Inula 81 Helenium 81 Inulin 81-2 Inuloid 8x-2 Inulol 81-2 lonidum Ipecacuanha 27-2 75-4 Itubu 27-2 Ibcris amara 23-2 160-3 Ibota wax Ice Plant 105 Hop Ictodes Fa'tidus 169 Tree 34 Indian Paint 22 Physic 148 weed 52 Inocarpus cdulis 146-2 Inosite 51-2.E 122 agrostis 126 Veronica 1 14 Hill berry 102 Himeranthus uncinatus 125-2 Hini 9 Canadensis 9 Hyoscyamus 10 175 Bark 12 Bean 109 Chocolate 54-2 Hydrastis Hctcrameris Canadensis 28 Michauxii 28 Heth 100 5 5 55 Trinity 2 Hcriticra Gmclini 7 Hcrnandia Giiiancnsis 146-2 sonora 146-2 Hcrpestcs Monniera 1 10-2 1 Hungarian Balsam 163-2 Huntsman's Cup 19 Hcraclcnm Sphomlylium 62-2 Herb-Bennet 68 1 Impcratoria lucida €'4 ostruthium 62-2 Increaser of Pleasure 154-2 Indian Apple 17 Balm Humulin 155-2 1 Illicium anisatum 12-2 floridanum 12-2 Arrow-root 42 Huckleberry 100-2 Lupuliis 106 vcrtieillata weed 80. var. obtiisa 2 2 Himiulns Americanus Hnra Datura 125-2 Braciliensis 147-2 crepitans 147-3 Hydrastia 9-2 Hydrochinone 100-5 Hickory 157 High Angelica 64 -belia 97 Cranberry 74-2 taper 1 1 14 Hippohroma longifolia 97-2 Hippomanes Manzinclla 147-2 Hog Apple 17 Hogbean 126 Hog's Bed 180 Hog. 1 radish 23-2 Sorrel 144 Spruce 164 Americana 16-2 1 Chestnut 43 Horsefly-weed 52 Horse Gentian 74 Ginseng 74 Fir 164 Gum 164-2 Pitch 164-2 Hepatica IPE mierophyllum 27-2 parviflorum 27-2 Poaya 27-2 Ipecacuanha 76-2 . HEL Horehound Horse Balm Hdonias puinila 177 viridis 176 Hemidcsmus Indicus 135-3 Hemlock 164 Dropwort 62-2 Ignatia 130 Ihapecanga 175-4 19 Ilex aquifolium 106-2 Cassene 106-2 Dahoon 106-2 niaeoucoua 106-2 opaca 106-2 Mint 116-2 Hemp Houseleek 57 American-Indian 133 Canadian 133 Ho'i'ca Giiianensis 147-3 Ho'i'enia diilcis 41-2 Indian 154 New Zealand 175-3 Henbane 126 Hepar sulphuris calcarea 60-2 2 2 triloba 2 Americana triloba.95-3 perforatum 30 Hop-hornbeam 159 Hopeine 155-4 Dye 9 Fig 61 Ginger 138-2 India Hemp 154 Yam 174-2 Indigofera anil 46-2 argcntea 46-2 tinctoria 46-2 Indigo in general 46-2 Periivianiis 128 I/yssopus officinalis 1 175-2 Uncus 176 vulgaris 126 1 Cucumber Turmeric 9 Turnip 167 flavus 126 lethalis 126 inger 126 pallidus 126 Hyssop Honey Bloom 132 Honduras Sarsaparilla Hood-wort 120 Hydrocotyle Asiatica 62-2 Hydrokinone 100-5 HVDROPHYLLACE. var. 119 Hottentot's Bread 174-2 154 African 175-3 American 133 triloba.1 INDEX. e 173 Iridin 173-2 Americana Iris Irisin versicolor 173 173-2 versicolor 173 Iris Iron wood 159 Isolusin 45-4 Itch-weed 176 Iva monopliylla 82 Ivy 69 Ivy. var. Hook. Sea 23-2 Jack-in-the-pulpit 167 Jalap 139 i L album tricolor 171 7 96 Lamium Juripeba 125-2 27 \ L Jujube paste 41-2 Juquerioba 125-2 Juniper 166 Juniperus Virginiana Jaborandi 33-2 Dogwood Indian 46-3 Lachnanthis Tar 163-2 Juniperus bccidentalis 16 3-2 oxyce dries 163-2 Sabina 163-2 Sabina. var. 46-6 Isatis tinctoria LEG Lascrpitium latifolium 62-2 Lathyrusa pliaco 46-5 Ciccra /ijci-^ sativus 46-4 Laughter Mover 154-2 Laurace^ 145 Laurel Magnolia 12 Laurus Benzoin 145 campliorifera 145 Cinnamomiim 145 nobilis 145-2 pscudo-Boizoin 45 Sassafras 145-2 1 Lavender 1 16-2 Lavendula vera 16-2 Leaf of Delusion 154-2 Leatherwood 146 Leclica major 82 1 Ledum latifolium 100-2 palustre 100-2 Lee-chee 43-2 Leek 175-3 Legumin 51-2 . major 92 Lappine 92-2 Large-flowering Spurge 148 Spotted Spurge 147 Larix Europcea 163-2 Sibirico 163-2 5 Kinikah 36-3 Knob 92 major 92 officinalis Mahogany Sweetwood 145-2 121 Lappa 103 175-3 Karaka 36-2 Kentucky Coffee-tree 53 Nutmeg 140-2 Jervia 176-3 28-2 latifolia 103 Kamass Root Kamela 247-2 46-2 Oak Ladanum Lady's Slipper 170 Lagetta lintearia 146-2 Lamb-kill 103 Lamb's Quarter 140-2. 175 angitstifolia IO3-3 Kalmia Jamaica Bitterwood 13-2 Bread nuts 152-2 Jamaicin 15-2 t66 96 Lactucarium 96-2 Lactuca saliva 78-5 Lactucerin 96-2 Lactucin 96-2 Lactucon 96-2 Lactucopicrin 96-2 Lancifolia bark 76-2 Lapathin 144-2 Lapathum 144 ae It turn 144 Kale. 166 American 40 Jacea Laburnum 46-2 Jointed Charlock 26 Jopi-weed 78 JUGLANDACE/E I 56-2 Juglandin 156-3 Jiiglans alba 157 catliartie a 156 Juglans cinerea 156 eouipressa 157 nigra 156-2 oblonga 156 regia 156-2 squamosa 157 46-2. IPE 54 Ipecacuanha Spurge 149 Ipecac (wild) 148 Ipomma Bona-iiox 123-2 Nil 123-2 tiibcrosa 123-2 Turpctliuin 123-2 Iridace. tinctoria Lactuca 27 Jack Fruit 152-2 aiiadensis 96 aroliniana 96 elongata 96 clongata. loiigifolia 96 longifolia Lancewood 13-2 13-2 Sarsaparilla 175-3 • Jamestown-weed 127 Japanese Yam 174-2 Japan Wax 160-3 Japicanga 175-4 lasmimtm officinale 136 Jatahy 46-4 Jateorhiza Coliiniba 14-2 Jatropha Ciircas 1 47-2 glandulifera 1 47-3 glauca 147-3 vianihot 147-2 vudtifida 47-3 1 urens XA/j-z Javanese China-root 175-4 Jersey Tea 102 Jerusalem Artichoke 78-5 Cherry 125-2 Jew-bush 147-3 Jimson-weed 127 Jin-chen 70 Joe-Pye-weed 78 Johannisbrod 46-5 1 2 I Kidney Bean -wort 2 King's Cups 5 53 i Kinnikinnik yi Kino.6 INDEX. African 46-3 Bengal 46-2 Malabar 46-3 Kinone 100-4 Kiskytom 157 Grass 14 1-2 Knot Root 1 19 Kopi-tree 36-2 Kouse Root 62-4 Kousso 54-2 Koya Wax 160-3 Krameria argentea 45-2 cistoidca 45-2 Ixina 45-2 lanceolata 45-2 seeiindiflora 45-2 triandra 45-2 L Labiate/e Labrador Tea 100-2 1 1 92 officinalis. 117 Lysiphe Ih-rbendcs 15-2 im: 2 Lobadiuin aromaticum 39 Lobelia (blue) 98 Macrotliyrsus discolor 44 Lobelia cardinalis Macrotin 97 1 Mad Apple Lobelina 99-3 Logwood 46-2 Lupulus 2 1 1 1-2 Mali 106 Matico 78-2 Matricaria Chamomilla 78-4 Matrimony Vine 125-3 May Apple Flower 17 101 . lus 1 1 Virginicus. a glauca 1 Magnolin 12-3 Mallotiis philippensis 147-2 Mandrake 17. 125-2 Mangifera Lidica 36-3 Manglieta glauca 1 2-2 Mango Manna 36-3 136-2 Biblical 46-5 of Briancon 163-2 Calabrian 136-2 Egyptian 46-5 155 Mannas Lus-a-chrasis 71-2 Lutidine 128-4 Lychnis Githago 31 Lycium umbrosum 25-3 1 general 136-2 in Mannitan 137-3 Mannite 137-2 Man's Health 70 Lycopcrsicum esculcntum 125-2 Manzanillo 147-2 Maple Vine 14 LvcoPODiACE. 175-2 Liliunt Carolinianum 178 Lilium supurbum 178 Lily of the Valley 175-3 Limes 33-2 Limnanthcnmm Indica 129-2 nymphoidcs 1 29-2 pcltata 129-2 Linaria m vulgaris 1 1 Lindera Benzoin 145 Lingustrum Ibota 160-3 Lion's Foot 94 Liquorice 46-2 Indian 46-6 Liriodendron Tulipifera 12-2 Lisianthus amplissimus 129-2 grandiflorus 129-2 pendulus 1 29-2 purpurasccns 129-2 scmpervircns 30 1 Liver-leaf 2 Lily 173 wort 1 127 Madeira Nut 156-2 Madder 76-2 Mad-Dog Skull Cap 120 weed 120 Mad weed 1 20 aconitate 179-3 Magnolia glauca Loiselcuria procuinbens 100-2 grandiflora Lombardy Poplar 161-2 Longan 43-2 longifolia 12 Lonicera Marilaiidica Xylosteum 74-2 Lopez Root 33-2 Lote 41-2 Berry-tree 152-2 Lotus 41-2 Lovage 62-3 Lupulin 155-2 Lupulina 55-2 Lupuline 155-3 Lupulite I 55-2 1 3 i 1 12 2-3 umbrella 12-3 J irginica.1. LEG 55 Macrotys actceoidcs racemosa LOBELIACE. var.Mastervvort 62-2.E 180 Marcory 5 Mare Blebs Lycopodine 180-3 Lycopodium 1 iSo 80-2 ccrnuuni 180-2 clavatum 180 complanatum 180-3 liygrcnnctricum 1 80-2 integrifolium 180 phlegmaria 180-2 Sclago 180-2 tristachyum 180 catharticHui Lycopus 1 uiaerophyllus pumilus 1 1 7 Blobs 7 Marjoram 16-2 Marking Nut 36-2 1 iMarsdcnia crccta 135-3 Marsh Clover 129 Crowfoot 3 Epilobium 59 Marigold 7 Parsley 62-3 Tea 100-2 117 1 1 uniflorus 1 Virginicus Trefoil 129 Marubium vulgare Maruta cotula 78-4 1 1 1 1 6-2 Maryland Pink Root 131 64 Mastic Tree 36-2 var. macrophyl.e 46 Lens esculenta 46-5 Lobelia coccinca 97 1 1 serpentaria taraxacum 95 carulca 98 Lobelacrin 99-3 Lobelia glandulosa 98 great 98 Lobelia inflata 99 Lobelianin 99-3 Lobelia reflexa 98 vulgarc 95 Lobelia syphilitica 98 Magnesium Lobeliate of Lobelina 99-3 MaONOLIACE-E 12 Magnolia fiagrans 12 Lentil 46-5 Lentisk 36-2 Lconticc thalictroidcs 16 Lcontodon deiis-lconis 95 Leontodonium 95-3 Lcontodon officinalis 95 LcontopctaloH thalictroidcs Leonurus Cardiaca 1 1 16-3 Lcpidiuni Bonaricnse 23-2 olcraccinn 23-2 sativum 23-2 Leptandra ti4 / 'irginica 1 1 Leptandrin 14-2 Leptandrine 114-2 Lesser Hemlock 65 Lettuce 96 1 Leucosinapis alba 23 Lever-wood 159 Levulin 95-3 Levulose (anhydride of) 81-2 Liatris odoratissima 78-4 squarrosa 78-4 Life Everlasting 89 -of-man 69 -root 91 Lignaloes 46-4 Ligusticum Icvisticum 62-3 Lignstruvi vulgare 136-2 L1LIACE. paueijlorus Mata 78-2 Mataperro 135-2 1 1 Virginicus.K 97 Leguminos.1 6 4 7 7 77 7 1 1 MAY INDEX. Melissa 49 officinalis pulcgioidcs Memory Root 1 1 167 Menispermace. officinalis pitlcgiuni 1 1 6-2 viridi-aquatica 116 viridis 1 16-2 Menthene 1 16-4 Menthol 116-4 Menyanthes 129 129 verna 129 trifoliata Menyanthol Menyanthin 1 i 5 Milk Parsley 147 cola Virgiiiica officinalis NIC 29-3 81-2. Chinese 23-2 white 23 yellow 23 Myginda Uragoga 106-2 Myrica 160 Myricace/e 160 Myrica cerifera 60 cordifolia 160-2 Gale 160-2 sapida 160-2 Wax 160-2 Myristica fragrans 160-4 Myrosin 23-3 Nabalus allnis.t. alba 1 1 6-2 officinalis. 129-3 Mercurialis percnnis 147-2 Mercury 38 Mesquite 46-5 Methylconine 68-4 Milkwort 45 Millefolium Musanga eccropioides Muscus clavatus 180 46-2 Unguis 46-4 liuinilis 77 repens yj undnlata yy Moccasin flower 170 Mocker Nut 156-2 Mock Pennyroyal 118 Monarda punctata 1 1 6-2 2-2 terrestris 180-2 Mustard. 94 var.66 68 INDEX.e 14 Menispermine 14-3 Menispermum 14 aiignlatiiut 14 Canadcnsc 14 siuiilacinuui 14 Menispine 14-3 Mentha kircina 1 1 Javanica 1 1 6-4 officinalis palustris Mentha 1 1 1 1 piperita 116 piperita.-2 tine tornut 46-2 Nerve-root 170 Nest Plant 105 Nettle Tree 152 New England Boxwood 71 New Jersey Tea 41-2 New Zealand Hemp 175-3 Nicotia 128-3 Nicotiana atteniiata 128-2 Biglovii 128-2 Chine nsis 128-2 Clevelandi 128-2 Fructicosa 128-2 lancifolia 128-2 inacrophylla 128 nana 128-2 Falincri 128-2 Persica 128-2 . 56 MAY May Flower (prairie) Mezereon 146 American 146 i Maytensillo 27-2 Martc?n(s Chili'iisis 42-2 Mayweed 78-4 Microsplieria Berheridis Mikania Guaco 78-4 officinalis 78-4 op ifera 78-4 Milavvapamule 73 Meadow Bloom 6 Bouts 7 Cabbage 169 Garlic 175-3 Lily 178 Milfoil 85 Parsnip 66 Poke 176 Saffron 175-3 Purslane 147 Milkweed 132 common 134 wandering 148 Med 75-2 Mcdicago lupulina 46-5 Melanthace.e 175-2 Mclantliium dcnsiiiit 177 dioicuiii xyy viusccetoxicuin 175-2 Virginicu m 175-2 Mclicocca hijugis 43-2 Melilot 49 1 Melilotus 49 alba 49 Icucantha 49 49 var. var. Scrpcntarius Monesin 43-4 Moiietia Barleroidcs 106-2 trilobatus Moninin 43-4 Monk's Rhubarb 144-2 Monninia petrocarpa 45-2 polystachya 45-2 salicifolia 45-2 Monodora myristica 1 3-2 105 Morisoni 105 Morrisoniana 105 uniflora 105 Moonseed 14 Moor Grass 29 Moosewood 146 Morning Glory 123-2 116 Morocco Sandarach 163-2 Morphia 20-2 Morns alba 152-2 nigra 1 5 2-2 rnbra 152-2 tinetoria 152-3 Moschatel 74-2 Moss Beauty 5 Musquash Root 67 Frazeri 94 glaucus 94 Monotropa \ 1 85 Mimosa fragifolia 46-4 Mitchella -: Mugwort 87 Mulberries 152-2 Mullein 1 10 101 Motherwort 16-3 Mountain Ash 56 1 Box 100 Flax 45 Laurel 103 Pink loi Tea 102 Methyl-salicylate 102-3 Moxa Mexican Poppy 20 Tea 140-2 Mucilage 107-2 Muciina pruriens 46-2 87 94 94 Serpentarius 94 Narrow Dock 143 leaved Willow Herb 59 Narthex Asafwtida 62-2 Nasturtium officinale 23-2 Ncctandra cinnamomoidcs 145-2 cymbarum 145^2 pjichury-minor 145-2 Rodici 145-2 Nepenthes 125-2 Nepeta Cataria 116-2 NepJielium Litcld 43-2 Longan 43-2 Ncrium Oleander \t. Cannabis 154-4 Cedar 166-2 Conium 68-4 Cornus 71-3 Cumin 67 I'.e 59 Onagra chrysaiitha 60 vulgaris 60 Onion 75-3 1 Ophelia chirata 1 29-2 Ophiostachys Mrginica 177 Opopanax 62-3 ' 8 16-2 sennoides 46-3 Wormseed Man's Beard 136 Oleace/E r36 Olca EuroptEa 36 Oleander 133-2 1 Alarjorana 1 16-2 vulgare 116-2 Ormoearpnm 140-3 Wormwood 88-2 Old 1 Orange Apocynum Milkweed 135 Root 9 Sambueus 75-2 1 18--. 3 -^ Pacific Turpentine 163-2 Picderota 1 'irginiea 1 Picoiua officinalis 1-2 Pale Bark 76 160-3 Palm 1 Wax Palsy-wort 7 Panacon 70 Panaquilon 70-2 Panax Americanum 70 quinqnefolium 70 Pancration 175-3 Pansy 27 Papavekace. var.4 8 NIC I Nicotiuiia pctiolnta 128-2 pluvibagiiiifolia 1 Oil of 28-2 var. iniiltivalvis 128-2 rcpanda 128-2 rustica 128-2 Tabacum 128 TabaciDii. N D E X. 156 Oil of Achillea 85-2 ^sculus 43-4 Argemone Anemone Anthem is 20-3 1-2 84-2 135 Swallow-wort 135 Orchidace.e 170 Orchidocarpum arietinum Oreodaphne Californiea 145-2 1 cnpularis 145-2 exaltata 145-2 fa'tcns 145-2 opifera 145-2 Origanum Dictamnus Onnenis Savin 163-2 Senega 45-4 Orpine 57 nobilis 84 Ortliosporuni authelminticujn 140 Ostrya 159 I'irginiea 159 Ova-ova 105 O. Nutmeg 90 I'>rigeron S0-2 uitdiilala 128-2 trigoHopliylla Bergamot 33-2 PAR Birch 102-2 qiuidrk 'all 'is 128-2 quadrivalvis. viridc intermedia 61 Italiea 61 maritima 61 Oeeidentalis 61-2 Rajinesquii 61-2 vulgaris 61 Orachc 140-2 Rhodium 123-2 Rhus 46-3 Tansy 86-2 Thuja 165-3 Tobacco 28-4 1 1 1 liuniifnsus 61 Stillingia 151-2 Nymphaeo-phlobaphene crisp us Canianchico 6 1 -2 61-2 liumifnsa 61 3-3 Serpentaria! 138-4 Spruce 160-2 57 61 Engelma ni Lycopodium Xiiiia qitassioidcs 35-2 Ocymtiiii Basilicinn cantiin 1 16-2 Opuntia Lobelia 99-3 1 odorata Seed 154-3 Hypericum 30-3 Lappa 92-2 Night-Blooming Cereus 61-2 Nightshade 125 (wood)') 24 Night Willow-herb 60 Nymphaea 1 18-2 164-2 Humulus 155-3 Hyoscyamus 126-3 Nicotinum.e 20 Papaver Rlueas 20-2 somnifernm 20-2 Papaw 13 Pappoose-root 16 Paraconine 68-4 .k.valis stricta 32-2 Ox balm 19 Oxyacanthin 15-3 Xanthoxylum 33-4 (Xxycannabin 154-4 Oxyria diggnia 141-2 1 Amy root 133 Field Balsam 89 1 Oleoresina Cypripedii 170-3 163-2 Tabaci 128-4 Terebinthinre 163-2 Olives 136 Oinphalea triandria 1 47-3 Oleum Cadinum Onagra biennis 60 Onagrace.rechthites Fraxinus 137-3 Gaultheria 102-3 Geum 54-2 28-2 YbarcHsis 128-2 Nicotianin 128-4 Nicotin 128-3 Nicotina 1 28-3 Nicotine 128-3 1 Hedeoma Hemlock Hemp 128-3 Nicotylia 128-3 180-3 Nicotiana 128-5 Peppermint 1 16-4 Populus 162-3 Nipple Nightshade 125-2 Noah's Ark 170 None-so-pretty 89 Northern Vine 155 Nosebleed 85 Ranunculus Nucin 156-3 (Jamaica) 13-2 Nymphace.i8-2 i8 alba iS alba {Ell) 18-2 lotus 18-2 1 16-2 6-3 sanctum 1 1 6-3 suave 1 16-3 16-3 CEiiaiithc crocata 62-2 CEnothera 60 biennis 60 gauroidcs 60 parviflora 60 CEnotherin 60-2 Ohio Buckeye 44 Oil Nut 46-5. 102 Parvoline 128-4 Pasque-flower i Passcrina tinctoria 146-2 Pastinaca 63 Opopanax 62-3 sativa 63 PauUinia austmlis 43-2 c?irnira 43-2 cutanea 43-2 pinnata 43-2 sorbilis 43-2 Betony Pauson 22 Pavia alba 44 glabra 44 Paul's 1 Phaseolus 5 radiatus 46-4 trilobus 46-3 vulgaris 5 I Phcllandriuni aquaticuui 62Phlcuni pratense lifj-i Phlobaphine 1 55-3 Phorimuni tenax 175-3 Pliyllanthus Niruri 14J-2 urinaria 1 47-2 147-2 Phyllyrea latifolia 136-2 Physalis Alkckengi 125-2 Jlexuosus 125-2 Physic Nut 147-2 Pliysostigma vencnosuni 46-.e 107 Plantago 107 arenaria 107-2 Cynops 107-2 decumbens 107 Pimpernel 108 PirnpineIIa Anisum 62-3 lanceolata 107 dissecta 62-3 1 viaritima 163-2 nigra 163 palustris 1 63-2 //cTcr 163-2 pinaster 163-2 pinea 163-2 Puuiilio 163-2 77//. 7'irosus Phytolacca 139 Abyssinica 1 39-2 17 viacrostachya pallida 44 Paviin 43-4 Pawpaw 62-3 officinale Oreoselinuin 62-2 palustrc 62-3 Phaseolin 51-2 diffusa 152-3 officinalis POD 44 Americana 139 Phytolaccace/E 139 Pliytolacca dccandra 39 1 dioica 139-2 dodccandra 139-2 icosandra 139-2 octandra 139-2 vulgaris 139 Phytolaccine 1 39-3 Piccoline 128-4 Pichurim Bean 145-2 13 Pea 46-5 Peanut 46-5 Peca 17 Pecan Nut 156-2 Pectin 27-3 Pedilanthus tithymaloidcs 147 3 Pickaway 34 Pierce na excelsa 35-2 Pellitory 33 German 78-4 Picroglycion 124-2 Spanish 78-4 Picropodophyllin 17-3 Pencil Cedar 166 Pigeon Berry 139 Pennyroyal i 16-2 American 1 18 Pennsylvania Dogwood 72 Pennywort 62-2 Penthorum 57 sedoidcs 57 Peppermint 1 16 Camphor 11 Weed 69 6-4 Peripioca Grceca 135-3 Periwinkle 133-2 Persea gratissiina 145-2 Persian Lilac 136-2 Peruvian Barks 76 Petrosclinitm sativum 62-2 Pettymorrei 69 Peucedanuin ainbiguum 62-4 grave ale ns 62-3 Pirus 56 acuparia 56 Americana 56 Piscidia crythrina 46-2 Pissabed 95 Pistachio nuts 36-2 Pistacia Atlantica 36-2 Lentiscus 36-2 oleosa 36-2 terebintJius 36-2 7r. PAR 58 Paraguay Tea io6 Pareira Brava 14-2 Parictaria erecta Peucedanuin 52-3 1 152-3 Parietin 143-2 Parsley 62-2 Parsnip 63 Partridge Berry jj.1 INDEX.-« 36-2 Pisum sativum 46-5 Pitcher Plant 19 Pitches 163-2 Pituri 125-2 Pix Arida 163-2 Burgundica 163-2 Canadensis 164-2 Liquida 163-2 Nigra 163-2 Plantaginace./-rt 163 sylvestris 163-2 Tf^rfrt' 163-2 Pipe Plant 105 Piper Aethiopticum 13-2 Pipmenthol 1 16-4 Pipsissewa 104 Piqucria trincn'ia 78-4 Pilea muscosa 152-3 Pilocarpus pcnnatifalius 33-: magna Chinese 16-4 Pepperwort 23-2 New Zealand 23-2 Perennial Worm Grass 131 Pinus Lcdebourii 163-2 62-3 Saxifraga 62-2 Pinckneya pubcns 76-2 Pinipicrin 165-3 Pink Root 131 Pinus Abies 163-2 Abies Canadensis 164 australis 1 63-2 balsamca 163-2 Canadensis 164 Cembra 163-2 Frazeri 163-2 Lambertiana 163-2 Laricio 163-2 Larix 163-2 Ispliagula 107 major 107 Psyllium 107-2 vulgaris 107 Plantain 107 Plantula AlarUandica 45 Plectranthus fruticosus 1 16-2 Pleurisy-root 135 Poaya da Praja 27-2 da Campo 27-2 Pecan 139 Podalyria tinctoria 52 Podophyllin 17-3 Podophylloquercetin 17-3 Podophyllotoxin I 7-3 Podophyllum hcxandrum 17 \ 7-2 . var.\/<7V arieulare 141 -2 barbatum 141-2 Bistorta 141 -2 Fagopyruui 1 42 Itydropiper. see Fir us 56 37 Tree ^j Vine 1% Wood 161 unibellata 104 Prangos fabularia 62-3 Prayer bead 46-6 Tobacco 126 Pole Bean Willow Pyrethruni Parnethiuui 78-4 Pyridine 128-4 Pyrocatechin 40-2 Pyrola Fructicans 104 Potato 124-2. 4 prat.e 108 Primula offieinalis 108 sanguine a 45-2 «/§•. Scrpcntaria 94 Prickly Ash 33 Pear 6i 39 139 Weed 94 glauca 94 37 Poke Root Quassia Bark 35 Cups 35-2 Jamaica 35-2 Poppy 20 i Polecat weed 169 Polygala ainara 45-2 POLVGALACE.-« Pyroleum Oxycedri 163-2 Pyrus 56 Prcnantlies alba. Linn.0 Pseudo-Jervia 176-3 Ptelea 34 trifoliaila 34 verticillatus patens 78 Quercitrin 43-4 Quillagin 43-4 Quinhydrone 100-5 Quintel 1 14 coufcrtus io5 viticifolia Meadow of the Queen's Delight 151 Tree 60 Primulaec. Puliearia trcinuloidcs 162 17 Radish 26 Pterocarpus Draco 46-3 a'ianceiis 46-3 marsupiuin 46-3 santalinus 46-6 Puccina 22-2 Puccoon 22 Pueraria tubcrosa 46-3 Puff Ball 95 Puka-puka 78-4 Poppy 20-2 balsainifera 161-2 dUatata 161 -2 151 Raccoon Berry Gronovii 106 106 Privet 136-2 Prosopsis juliflora 46-5 Prunus laurocerasiis 54-2 Persic a 54-2 Virginia na 54-2 Ps orale a corylifolia 46-3 esculenta 46-5 Pscudacacia odorata 5.K 45 Polygala chaiiicvbuxus 45-2 crotalario'dcs 45-2 Poaya 45-2 Queen Yam 174-2 Pride-weed 80 Primrose. POD RED Ash 'if'j 136 .Pyrus. Serpcnta. acris 6 prostratus 4 Ranunculus repens 4 toinentosus 3 4 Rape Seed 23-2 Raphanus 26 Rapliauistrum 26 Rapuntium inflatum 99 Ratanhia. Dogwood 169 Fa-tida 169 Prairie P'lower i Hemlock 68 potato 46-5 Ivy 38 Oak 38 Sumach ria 1 5 Q. W'ol/gangiaua Puppet Root 176 Purging Buckthorn 41 Purple Avens 54 Boneset 78 Hemp-weed 5 4 Ranunculus sceleratus red 20-2 Populin 162-2 Populus 162 1 124 1 1 Ranunculace. erect. 141-2 hydropiperoides. evening 60 rubella 45-2 Prince's Pine 104 Prinos 106 5r//f^rt 45 venenosa 45-2 ]'irginiana 45 z'ulgaris 45-2 Polygalin 45-4 POLYGONACE.E Polygonum I4I 14J 141 ainphibiuin 141 -2 . 125-2 Pothos 37 y Elder 59 Purple Thoroughwort 78 Trillium 175 Podopliylluui pcltatuin \~ Porphyroxin 22-2 rodosciadiioit Ca/iforiiicinn 62-4 Potassium Chloride S8-2 Poinciana pulcltcrriina 46-4 nitrate 60-2.11 INDEX. 1 26-4 Poison 1 y?> 1 root II. var. brown 45-2 Para 45-2 red 45-2 Peruvian 45-2 violet 45-2 Rattle-bush 52 dysenteric a 78-4 root i 1 Rattlesnake Master 62 I patens. y.i-: i Ranunculus acris 6 Puke-weed 99 16 -2 noxiellus Ransted -^^s. Pursh 141 punetatuin 14I tine toriurn 46-2 Poinbalia Itubu 27-2 Pomme-de-Terre 46-5 Pond-Dogwood 76 Lily (white) 18 Poor Man's Weatherglass 108 Poplar 162 Pople 162 Pop-pea 46-5 Root Rag-weed 82 Ramus Ranunculus bulbosus Clintonii Pulsatilla Nuttalliana Porcelia trUoba 13 intermedins 4 lanuginosus. 94. 175 Rattle-weed 1 Rebenta Cavallos 97-2 Red Bark 76 Red-berried Trailing Arbutu. var.100 . E 33 Ruta gra'i'colcns ^3-2 38 Toxicodendron var.1 2 1 1 INDEX. var. 171 1 SAN Rlins eoriaria 36 70. a vidgare 38-2 Rhus venenata Rhatany. RED 6o Red Berry 36 elegans 36 Dogwood 71-2 Pimpernel 108 Puccoon 22 River Snake-root 138-2 Root RUBIACE. 37 verrucosa 38 violet 45-2 144 patientia 144-2 scuta ns 144-2 toxicarimn 38 Frangiila 41-2 infectorius 41-2 sohdivns 41 crassiiim 'in in crispns 143 divaricatus 144 Rhus Toxicodendron Rhamnocathartin 41-3 Rhamnus catharticus iiiaxintinn Rubi-Jervia 1 76-3 33-2 143 acetosa 144 acctocclla 144 alpinus 1 44-2 hiiunle 38 Javanica 36-2 dron 38 scandcns 38-2 22. toxicoden- Saunders 46-6 Willow 161 Sincnse 36-2 Resina Draconis 46-3 Rhabarbarin 143-2 sua-veolcns 39 si4cccdeanea 160-3 Rhamnace. Marsh Samphire 62-3 Sandarach 163-2 Sorrel 141- Round-lobed Hepatica 1 Salsify 78-5 Rope-bark 146 Rorella rotundifolia 29 Rosemary 161 pcntandra 161-2 82 Rosmarinus Sacacomi 36-3 Sage 1 16-2 helix 161 Rocambole 175-3 Rock Rose 28 Roman Chamomile 84 Wormwood 29-2 annua 140-2 Salicylaldehyde 161-3 Salicylate of Methyl 102-3 Saligenin 161-3 Saliretin 161-3 Salix alba 1 6 Caprea 161-2 19 11. Chinese 141 Dolenkara 141 English 141 Russian 141 Thibetan 141 West Indian 141 Rhus aromatica 39 Bnchi-aincla 36-2 Canadensis 39 Carolinianuni 36 1 19 50 aniara 46-4 _/7rt7'rt: 46-4 Maculata 46-4 pseud-acacia 50 Robinin 50-2 Lambertiana 161 monandra SaUx purpurea Russelliana RosACE/E 54 Rosebay (American) 100-2 Yellow 100-2 Rose Campion 31 Laurel 103 officinalis 16-2 1 116-2 161 6 Salsodas 140-2 Salsola Kali 140-2 Saliva 140-2 5ort'rt 140-2 tragus 140-2 Salt-rheum Weed 113 Saltwort 140-2 Salvia officinalis 1 1 6-2 Sanabucus Canadensis ebulus 74-2 Rosin 163-2 glauca 75 Roundheart 66 Round-leaved Cornel 72 humilis 75 nigra 74-2 Dogwood 72 Laurel 103 nigra. 102 Cedar 166 Chickweed 108 Clover 47 Lobelia 97 Mustard 24 Osier 1 2 Sandbox 147-3 75 75 . radicans 38-2 Toxicodendron.f 36. Brown 45-2 Para 45-2 Peruvian 45-2 37 Virginicnvi 36 red 45-2 Ribcs rigens 169-2 Rib Grass 107 Rhein 143-2 Rheumatism Root 174 Rlu'um capsicum 141 1 Robinia 4 cniodi 141 Icucorrhizu ni 141 Moorcroftiainim Rich-leaf 1 1 4 officinale 141 palmatmn 141 raponticuin 141 spicifornic 141 iindidatuni 1 4 Wcbbianmn 141 Rhododendron clirysantlicniuni 100-2 femiginicuni 100-2 00-2 ponticuni 100-2 1 Rhodoriza scopariiis 123-2 Rhubarb.e 41 Rhamnegine 41-3 Rhamnetine 41-3 Rhamnin 41-3 sjtcccdancjim 36-2 obtusifolius 41 Rumicin 143-2 RUTACE. \ Sabina 163-3 Sabinea fiorida 46-4 Salicornia Rib-wort 107 Rich-weed coinpactuui 1 41 -2 s Sabadilla 175-2 Sabbatia angularis Salep 170-2 Salicace/E 161 Salicin 161-2 I'^vvz/. 100. var.E /6 Rubia tinctoria 76-2 Rubidine 128-4 cotiniis Rhus glabra 36 Rue Rumex vietopium 36-2 puniila 36-2 radicaiis 38-2 radicaiis. 29. var. Quercifoliuni 38 Toxicodendron. 148 Snake-weed 67. 138 Shag-bark Hickory 157 Shave Grass 179 Sheep Laurel 103 Shell-bark Hickory 157 Shell Flower 13 1 Shepherd's Purse 25 Trefoil 34 Shumake 36 36-2 Scrofula Plant 1 Scutellarine 120 Sea Holly 62-2 Shrubby arceira 36-2 iitollc Sinapine 23-3 sulphate 23-3 120 lateriflora 6l versicolor 35-2 Sinalbin 23-3 2 1 Senecio 69-2 Honduras i Scdum 19 Sakraceniace. Brazilian 45-2 Mexican 45-2 Saville Orange 33-2 Savin (red) 166 Savoeja 175-2 Scabbish 60 Scabious 80 Scabwort 81 Scamniony 123 Secanioiic Thiinhcrgii 133-2 Scarlet Lobelia 97 Pimpernel 108 Schinus 36-2 Scliniidelia cdulis 43-2 ScJianocanlon officinale 175-2 Scilia Indiea 175-3 niaritima 175-3 Scoparin 46-2 Scouring Rush 179 Screw-bean 46-5 aqnatica 1 12 1 Scrophularia 1 1 1 1 0-2 Sinapis alba 23 arvensis 24-2 Chine nsis 23-2 Sinapis nigra 24 Sinigrin 24-2 Sisson aiirens 66 trifoliatum 66 Slum Donglasii 67 Kale 23-2 Seaside Grape 141-2 Secavionc emetic a 135-2 Skoke 139 Skull Cap 120 Skunk Bush 39 Cabbage 169 acre 57 Tclephiuin 57 Sela 160-3 Weed Wax Seneca Snakeroot 45 Senecin 91-2 91 aitrcns 91 80 fastigialns 91 gracilis 91 Hieracifolins Senega 90 45 officinalis 169 Elm 152-2 Small Hemlock 65 Slippery Seinecarpns Anacardiinn 36-2 Scmpervivum tectonim 57 ciliati/s 62-2 latifoliuni 45 Senegin 45-3 Sencka 45 Senna. 138 Snapping Hazel-nut 58 Snowball 76 Snowberry 74-2 Snowdrop Tree 36 1 Snow-flower 136 Soapwort 31-2 Socotrine Aloes 175-3 . Brazilian 175-4 Ceylon 135-3 country 135-3 75-4 Jamaica 175-4 Texas 14 Vera Cruz 175-4 1 Yellow 14 Sassafras 145-2 officinale 145-2 Orinoko 145-2 Satureia liortensis 1 1 6-2 Montana 1 1 6-2 Savanilla. in general 138.9 2 9 2 Cdlldthlisis 22 Scropbularia laneeolata minor 22 Sanguinarina 22-2 Saiitoiiiia fmgmntissiina 78-5 Sapindace. Wood 43-4 46-6 Sarnclin iiiiibci/ata Sivhiua g'id/josa Sarracenia 125-3 1 1 Sarracenin 19-4 Sarsaparilla.e 175-2 Snnlax China 175-4 glauca 175 4 glycyphylla 175-4 lanceccfolia 175-4 mediea 175-4 officinalis 1 75-3 Psendo. 24-2 1 3 SOC SCROPHULAKIACE. Alexandrian 46-2 American 46-3 Bladder 46-3 Tinnivelly 46-3 Magnolia 12 Smart-weed 14 Smilace. Texan 138-2 Virginian 138 Snake's Milk 133. Americana Scrophularin 1 12-2 Scrophularosmin 112-2 Scrubbing Rush 179 Scurvy Grass 23-2. SAN Sanguinaria 2 Side-saddle Flower 19 Sidhee 154-2 Silenc Virginiaea 3 1 -2 Silicea 179-3 Silkweed 134 Silky Cornel 73 Silver Leaf 89 Simaba Cedron 35 Simarnha a mara 35 SlMAKUBACE.K 35 Snake Head Brazilian 1 1 1 38-2 Colombian 138-3 Jamaica 138-3 Peruvian 138-3 Red River 138-2 Snakeroots.k 43 Sapindus saponaria 43-2 Sapitun acupariiDii 147-3 Indicuvi 147-3 Saponin 16-2. 138-2 Snake-root.K IIO 22 sylvaticuin 15 1 : INDEX.China 175-4 syphilitica 175-4 Smooth Horse-chestnut 44 Sumach 36 Smyrninm acnminatnni 66 anreiim 66 luteum 66 Olnsatriim 62-3 Serpentaria 138 camphor 138-4 Snagrel 138 Serpentary-root 138 Service Tree 56 Moss 180 Snake Root 13 1.k 19 Sarracenia purpurea false i 1 Scutellaria 120 i Sdpoiinrid flfficina/is 31-2 Sapogeniii 43-4 Sappan Simarnba Marilandica nodosa 1 nodosa var. 127 .5 1 1 1 TAL INDEX. var.St. European 57 Stone-root 1 19 Tabacine 1 28-3 Tabacose 128-5 Tabacum 128 Tacamahaca 162-3 Tacmahac Poplar 161-2 Tall Buttercups 6 Crowfoot 6 Speedwell 114 Tallow Shrub 160 . 153 Physic Nut 147-2 Tree 152-3 Stink Bush 39 Stinking Ash 34 Balm 118 Goose foot 140-2 Nightshade 126 weed 68.E 125 Solania 124-2. tuberosum 124-2. John's-wort 30 Stramonium Laurel 12 Sassafras 12. 177 Stillingia 151 sebifera 160-3 Pellitory 78-4 Sparteine 46-2 Bush 145 Spigelia Americana 131 Root 172 Southern Garlic 175-3 Sow Bread 108 Spanish Bayonet 175-3 34. 72 Flag 173-2 Gale 160-2 Magnolia 12 wort 172. Americana Turnip 5 Americana 56 Subjee 154-2 Sugar Berry 152 Sulpho-sinapisin 23-3 Sulphur-wort 62-3 Sumbul 62-2 Summer Savory Squills 175-3 Square Stalk liumifusa 56 Soulamea ainara 45-2 Stork-bill 32 Sundew 29 petty 147-2 Squilla maritima 1 75-3 Pancration 175-3 125 Stone-crop. Anthony's Rape 5 acuparia.5 Struthiin 43-4 Strychnos Nux-Vomica 130-2 tieute 133-2 Stockholm Tar 1 63-2 169 169 Syanthrose 81-3 Syringia baccifera yj vulgaris 136-2 fectida fmtidum 127 String Bean 145-2 Bed-straw 49-2 Marjoram 16-2 Orange 33-2 Stinging Nettle 152-3. 125-3 Solanidine 125-3 Solatium Balianicnsc 125-2 cernuiim 125-2 crcnato-dcutatuDi 2 1 5 Spurge 147 Caper 150 Cypress 147-2 English 147-2 Flowering 148 Laurel 146 Diilcaniara 124 inops 125 Jacquiri 125-2 lycopcrsicon 124-2 mainmosuui 125-2 inclongciui 124-2 Solanum nigrum Spotted Cranesbill 32 Eyebright 147 Geranium 32 Poison Parsley 68 Spreading Dog's-bane 132 olcraccjuji 125-2 Sunflower 83 Suterberry 33 Swallow-wort (Virginian) 134 Swamp Dogwood Star Anise 12-2 Bloom sylvatica Stillingine Spartium junceum 46-6 Spearmint 16-2 Spice Berry 102. 73 liellebore 176 Clover 49 Fern t6o-2 Grass 172 Sour Dock 143 16-2 1 Supurb Lily 178 paniculatuin 125-3 1 12 pseudo-capsicum 125-2 Squaw-berry "j"] pterocaulon 125 Mint 118 ptycantlium 125 Squaw-root 16 Reboita 125-2 vine "J". 145 1 antluimia 1 i 3 30-2 Spigelia Marilandica oppositifolia 1 1 3 3 SpigeHne 13 1-2 Spikenard 69 Spilanthes oheracea 78-4 Spina acida 1 Spinacea olcracea 140-2 Spinach 140-2 Spindle-tree 42 European 42-2 Spirant lies atitumnalis 170-2 Spirea ulmaria 27-3 Spirit-weed 171 Spoon Wood 103 Spotted Alder 58 Cowbane 67 i 1 Sumach IJ wood 146 willow 59 Willow Herb 59 Sweating weed 79 Sweet Almonds 54-2 Bay 12. 5 Bitter 74 1 i 51-2 Stramonin 127-3 127 Potatoes 123-2 scented Coltsfoot 78-4 scented Sumach 39 scented Water Lily 18 Vernal Grass 49-2 Willow 161 woodruff 49-2 Yam 174-2 Symphoricarpus racemosus 74-: Symplocarpus spinosum 127 vulgatum 127 Strasburgh Turpentine Strawberry Tree 100-2 5 T 1 63-2 I Strombocarpus pubescens 46. 125-2 weed 91 tuberosum cegrotans 125-2 Stachy s Bctonica 1 16-2 Sonclius pallidus 96 Staff Vine 42-2 Sopliora tinctoria 52 Stagmaria verniciflua 36-3 Sorbin 56-2 Stag's Horn 180 Sorb us acuparia 56-2 St. SOD 62 Soda. Alicant 140-2 Solan AC E. 37. 49-2 Toluifera Toothache Tree 33 Tore Ilia Asiatic a 1 10-2 Tormentil 32 Toxicodendron pubesccns 38 vulgare 38-2 Thunbergi 133-:. Tidipa gesneriana 175-3 sylvestris 175-3 Tulip Tree 12-2 To. var. Austrian 163-2 Bordeaux 163-2 Chian 36-2 atropurpurenni 175 Damarra 163-2 c rectum 175 Dombeya 163-2 erectum. 96 I Tliyuius vulgaris 116-2 vcHcnifcra 133-2 Tannin 100-5 Tanno-nymplutin 18-3 Taraxacerin 95-3 Taraxacin 95-3 6. wild 178 Tansy 86 Til Tapstis ImrlmtKS 1 1 1 o Taraxacum Tillow Tree 35 Seed 147-2 Timbo-sipo 43-2 Tinker Weed 74 95 Tinospora cordifolia 14-2 Ti-plant 175-3 Tithy mains lathyris 1 50 uiarinns 148 Tracluiiuin Aincricanuiii 97 Tartar-root 70 Taxus baccata 163-2 Tea Berry 102 Teplirosia apollinca 46-2 purpurea 46-3 toxicaria 46-4 Virginiana 46-4 Terebinthina argentoratensis Tragacanth 46-4 Traga involucrata 147-3 Tragopogon porrifolins 78-5 Trailing Arbutus loi Treenail 50 Tree of Heaven 35 Tree-of-Life 165 163-2 Tree Primrose 60 Canadensis 163-2 Stramonium 125-2 laricinia 163-2 Veneta 163-2 Trefoil 34 vulgaris 163-2 Tcstudinaria clcpliantipcs Tetano-Cannabin 154-4 Trefoil 2 Tricorea fcbrifnga 33-2 jasnnnifolia 33-2 Tetterwort 21. var.K I46 133. I Thujenin 165-3 Tainarindiis Iiidica 46-3 TaiiiHS toininuiiis 174-2 Crctica 174-2 Thujetin 165-3 Thujigenin 165-3 Thujin 165-3 Tanacetin 86-2 Thujogenin 165-3 Thus Americana 163-2 Thylax fraxinciini ^t. atropurpureum Strasburgh 163-2 175 Venice 163-2 fa'tidum 175 Turpinia glabra 39 Trillium Pendulum 175 pubcscens 39 rliomboideum. 86 vulgare 86 Tanghinia Madagascariciisis Thyme 1 Tropine 16-2 TllVMELEACE. album Turtle-head 1 175 Tussilago Farfara 78-4 rhomboidcum. Tcucrium ntarnin 116-2 Texan Snake-root 138-2 officinale Tliapsia garganica 62-3 palndosuin 129 pratensc 47 62-3 Thaspium aureum Trigonella 25 Three-colored Violet 27 leaved Ivy 38 leaved Nightshade 175 Thridace 96-2 Thuja 165 articulata 163-2.-2 Tick-weed 1 Tiger Lily. 125-2 Tongo 46-2 Tonka Beans 46-2.8 TAM 1 TYL N D E X. var. 165-2 cupressoidcs 165-2 1 Fctnnnt - Grcecuni 46-2 Tlicvctia iicrcifolia 133-2 Thlaspi Bursa Pastor is Thong-bark 146 Thorn Apple 20. Album 175 Pacific 163-2 ercctum.xicophlcra Tumpu 1 10-2 Turbith 62-2 Turkey Pea 46-4 Turk's Cap Lily 178 Turmeric 22 29 49 Trifolium repens 48 66 Thcobroma cacao 160-3 1 Tupa Feinllaa 97-2 47 fibrinuin sylpliiinii Toad P'lax Root 10 Tobacco 28 Cuban 128-2 Havana 128-2 Nonehaw 145-2 Tilly Dcns-Lconis 95 officinalis 95 vulgare 95 26-3 1 True Chamomile 84 Wild-Yam Root 174-3 Trumpet-weed 78. atro fragrans 78-4 purpure um 175 Trilline 175-5 Trillium 175 1 dolabrata 165-2 Trimethylamine 155-3 Two-eyed Chequerberry 77 occidentalis 165 Trinity Violet 27 Tylophora asthmatica oricntalis 165-2 Trieste um 74 1 35-3 . var. Triosteum majus 74 perfoliatum 74 Tamarinds 46-3 Tanacetum 3 root 9 Turnip 23-2 Turnsole 147-2 Turpentine. 22 Trifolium 1 74-. 127 Poppy 20 Thorough Wax 79 Thoroughwort 79 1 Latakia 128-2 128-2 Persian 128-2 Pipe 105 Shiraz 128 2 Virginian 128-2 Yaqui 128-2 Todda Ha aculeata 33-2 lanccolata 33-2 balsamum 46-3 Pereira 46-3 Tomato 124-2. 67 Horehound 17 Verbascum no Nymph / Upas 133-2. ./^« 27-2 odorata 27-2 pcdata 27-3 Violaqueritrin 27-3 / 7(Vc? tenclla 27 Hellebore 175-2 Henbane 125-2 27 tricolor. Michx. var. 176 Vinetina 15-3 f/VVrt' arvcnsis 27 27 VlOLACE. 136 Lettuce 94 Pond Lily 1 1 12 Bean 51 Cedar 165 Clover 48 Cohosh 10 Ginseng 74 f/i^/rt qiiiuquefolia 121 137 Balsam 89 Baneberry 10 Bay bicolor Viola Tricolor Ash Chiccory 93 Coffee 74 Cotton 134 Cranesbill 32 Curcuma 9 Endive 93 Geranium 1. eschscholtzii Ulmace.k 152-2 Vlinus campestris 152-2 effiisa 152-2 fulva 152-2 Um BELLI FERvT.oidcs 129-2 (3Z'rt/a 129-2 Vinca minor 133-2 White Archangel Urtica crcmdata 152-3 dioica 1 5 2-3 dioica.E 27 //. 1 5 3 gigas 152-3 meinbraiiacca 152-3 puiinla 152-3 stiiiuilans 152-3 Urtica Urens 153 Hiriilissa 152-3 ^ 'varia triloba Uva 1 Ursi 100 Vacciniuni coiymbosiim 100-2 inacrocarpon 100-2 myrtUlus 100-2 Oxycoccus 100-2 Pctiiisyhainciim 100-2 standnc mil 1 00-2 jdignosuin 100-2 vacillans 100-2 [//'/« /c/iTrt 100-3 Valerianol 155-3 I'andcllia diffusa 110-2 Vanilla 170-2 planifolia 170-2 Vegetable Antimony 79 Sulphur 180 Tallow 160-3 Venice Turpentine 1 63-3 Venus' Slipper 170 Vera Cruz Sarsaparilla 175-4 \'eratralbia 176-3 \'eratridine 176-4 \'eratrine 176-3 \'eratroine 176-4 ]'ci-atr/i!n album 175-2 album. Hiids.Yam 174-2 Poison-vine 130-2 18 Root 135 Walnut 156 Water Lily 18 Yam 174-2 Whorly-wort 1 14 Whortleberry 100 Wicke 103 Wickop 59 Wicopy 146 "W Wild Allspice 145 Cherry Bark 54-2 132.Gambler 76-2 Unicorn Plant 177 WIL 1 Water Cress 23-2 Cup 76 Universe 100 91 Dragon 7 Dropwort 62-2 Hemlock 62-2.//rt Guianensis 30 F//W hederacea 40 Negro. or bred 107 Western Arbor-vitJE 165 Hickory 156-2 46-4 46-4 [7r/rt ervilia 175-3 19 lutcum 177 nigrum 175-2 officinale 175-2 parviflorum 176 Sabadilla 1 75-2 Veratrum viride 176 Ttiapsus 1 10 Veronia anthclvnntica 78-4 Root 172 Urgmea 8 Vcratriim album. 148 Warneria Canadensis 9 Water Avens 54 Betony 10-2 Bouts 7 Bugle 17 1 Man's Foot 107-2 Melilot 49 Mustard 23 Poplar 162 40 Wa-a-hoo 42 Wafer Ash 34 Walloon 42 Wakerobin 175 Wandering Milkweed Hickory 157 Jessamine 130-2.44 3 ULM 64 INDEX. an' en sis 27-3 Violet bloom 124 Violia 27-2 Violin 27-2 Violine 27-2 Virginia Stone Crop 57 Virginian Skull Cap 120 Snake-root 138 Swallow-wort 34 Waterleaf 122 Winterberry 106 Viridine 128-4 f 7.2 .v. var. 152-3 Upland Cranberry 100 Poplar 162 Upright Buttercups 6 Crowfoot 6 altissiuia 1 Leaf 122 Lily ^cronica Japonica Sibcrica 1 purpurea 1 1 1 18 Smartweed 1 141 Wax Way Virginica 1 14 Viburnum opulus 74-2 /vzi^rt 1 Parsnep 62-2 Pepper 141 Seeker 58 Shamrock 129 1 Myrtle 160 Bread. ? 176 TJ Unkum 4 Ursin 100-4 Victoria rcgia 18-2 Whin 46 Urson 100-5 Ukticace/E 152 Mllarsia nynipha. 62 Uncaria. 1 1 1 .. 3J alatuni 33-2 Amcncaiiuin }.}. state college . WIL Wild Ginger 138-2 Hemlock 68 Hippo 148 Woad 17 Lettuce 96 Pansy 27 Potato 46-5 Radish 26 Strawberry 55 Succory 93 Tiger Lily 178 Tobacco 99 Wood-vine 40 Wormwood Willow. 104 creeping 102 winter 104 Winter Horsetail 179 Pink 10 Savory 16-2 Winter's Bark 12-2 Witches' Herb 30 Witch Hazel 58 1 Nightshade Worm Grass 131 Wormseed 140 1 24 European 78-4 88 Wyethia 78-4 Hclcuoidcs 78-4 Xanthopicrit 15-2 Xanthopuccina 9-2 Xmitliorrliiza apiifolia 15-3 Xanthoxylen 33-4 Xanthoxylene 33-4 Xanthoxylin 33-4 Xanthoxylum 33 Clava-Hcrcidis 15-2.INDEX. buck 174-2 devil's 174-2 Indian 174-2 66 Zizipliora pulcgioidcs Zizyplius Jiijuba 41-2 lotus 41-2 4 -2 Japanese 174-2^ ccnophila prickly 174-2 vulgaris 41-2 u HILL LIBRARY ^•"•"n:. sweet 46-6 Wolf's Claw 180 Woodbine 40. 149 Lemon 8 1 1 ^^t^ fraxinifolum mite 33 piperita 33-2 ^^t^ rainifloruin 33 tricarpuni 33 Xoxonitztal 78-4 Xylopia glabra 13-2* longifolia 13-2 Dock Flax 143 1 1 Gentian 129-2 Ginseng 16 Jasmine 130 Jessamine 130 Lady's Slipper 170 Locust 50 Melilot 49 Mustard 23 Parilla 14 Pile-weed 6 Puccoon 9 root 9 Rosebay 100-2 Yellows 170 Yellow Sweet Clover 49 Thistle 20 Umbil 170 W'ild Indigo 52 Wood 33 Yoloxiltic 78-4 Youth root 29 Yucca baccata 175-3 z Zallhoy 45-2 Zcysoum 78-5 Zizia 66 aiirca Yam. Avicainc 33-2 fraxincum 85 Yaw-root 5 Yellow Broom 52 i 1 Woody Wormwood 65 Yam. Winterberry 106 Winter bloom 58 Cherry 125-2 CHover "JJ Cress 23-2 Wintergreen 102. 82 174 bitter 161 Herb 59 herb (night) 60 purple 161 red 161 sweet 161 Wind Root Weed 135 135 Wingseed 34 ]\'iiitci'(i 174-2 white 174-2 white Negro 174-2 wild 174 Yarrow waxen 46 Jessamine 130 aroiiiatica 12-. 130 Wood Strawberry 55 Jalap 17 Yam ZIZ waxen 46 Indigo 52 Ipecac 148. . line 3 " 134-3." read 67//«c«. " 160-3. 5. for " uioorcrof/iaiiiim. for "Biph'n'x. " 147-2. 23-2. unnecessary. " 12 " 129-2. " 14.xspium aureum. should be titled it should have been more fusiform." \g." read Rhamnetiiie. 85-2. " 107. Centuary. " 16." read " 19. and extending over a long period of many inequalities of treatment will be found. '' 24. " 9. platypliyllus. 35-2. line 15. for "Stmaro/tda. ior " 46-3.: ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. cluster of Follicles. for "cerefera. the spike of flowers it " now is." read "A Moorcroftianum. nmch more Castaxea vesca. As . for "(r^///i7«M. for " reeping. major. line 17. for " from bottom. Et supra. 13 from bottom. " " aiigiistifolia. A section of the root." read female." read Et supra.f/>. " 46-3. rezd iJiigKStifolia. for " Maritiima. for " lava. for from bottom. platyphyUiis" read C. and add. for " Rhamneitne. " 164-2. for " Etsupra. for " cyparissias" read Cyparissias." read A follicle. now " 133. " 28. " " " 1 21 5> ^°^ " 6. " " 35"-' " " " 2 from bottom. time. for " Cyticiis" read Cytisiis." read SitnaiKba. the same correction. " 128-2. The following corrections are some of the more noticeable 14-2. Plate 66 should be titled Th. not broad enough. -j-j. " 41-3. for " emale." read cerifera. Description of Plate. line " 46-2. Page " 15-2. var. " 10-2." read Creeping. foot-note." read Diptciyx. 20. Americana. " 49-2. last foot-note is " 141. for "A." read Maritima. " 2 from bottom. for ''It supra." read Clava. for "Psoralia" read Psoralca. As might be expected in a work issued in parts. foot-note." read Centaury. " 46-2. is the plate 158. " Copiava" read Copaiva. resembles Plantago Rugclii than P. f^ .
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