Amerex Product Catalog 2011

March 23, 2018 | Author: sofly2cool | Category: Natural Gas, Chemical Substances, Chemistry, Materials, Engineering



Amerex manufactures an extensive variety of hand portable and wheeled fire extinguishers, both “compliance” (code required) and “specialty” types. “Specialty” type extinguishers are intended for use on particular types of hazards, so careful attention should be made to locating them in close proximity to the specific hazard they are meant to protect. It is natural for a person to use the extinguisher located nearest to a fire. The most current issue of NFPA-10 should be consulted for minimum recommended fire extinguisher types, placement and travel distances. Your local Amerex Fire Equipment Distributor is professionally equipped to help you evaluate and implement these recommendations. All “Picture Symbols” are detailed below and should be reviewed with all who might be expected to use a fire extinguisher. Everyone should be familiar with these picture symbols which identify the types of fires on which they may be used. The International sign system diagonal red slash indicates a potential danger if the extinguisher is used on that particular type of fire. TYPES OF FIRES CLASS A ORDINARY COMBUSTIBLES: wood, paper, rubber, fabrics and many plastics WHERE TO USE TYPES OF EXTINGUISHERS: CLASS A CLASS A:B CLASS A:B:C CLASS B FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS & GASES: gasoline, oils, paint, lacquer and tar CLASS C FIRES INVOLVING LIVE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT COMBUSTIBLE METALS OR COMBUSTIBLE METAL ALLOYS (NO picture symbol) CLASS A:C CLASS B:C CLASS D CLASS D CLASS K FIRES IN COOKING APPLIANCES THAT INVOLVE COMBUSTIBLE COOKING MEDIA vegetable or animal oils and fats CLASS A:K All Amerex extinguishers are furnished with a detailed “Owners Manual” containing valuable information. The manual contains information on the installation, use and maintenance of the extinguisher. The extinguisher nameplate (label) contains specific information on “HOW TO USE” the particular extinguisher. The label instructions vary slightly according to type and size. All potential operators should be totally familiar with the instructions on any extinguisher they might be required to use. HOW TO USE ALL AMEREX FIRE EXTINGUISHERS COMPLY WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION AND ARE TESTED AND RATED BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES OR FACTORY MUTUAL SYSTEMS TO ANSI / UL STANDARDS. ALL EXTINGUISHER NAMEPLATES CONTAIN THE NECESSARY HMIS INFORMATION TO COMPLY WITH NATIONAL AND LOCAL OSHA REQUIREMENTS. 11 24 ½ 9 7 10 . Protect from freezing by adding the Model 506 Loaded Stream/Anti-freeze charge. Easy and effective application with air aspirated nozzle. Model 250 AFFF FOAM Class A:B extinguisher.) F. polar solvents. more compact Class A:B extinguisher.12 Yes 55 FFFP FOAM Hose and Air Aspirated Nozzle 252 3A:20B 2½ Gal. 11 24 ½ 9 7 10 . (lbs. The 55 sec.Manufactured and Tested to ANSI/UL Standards ISO-9001:2000 / ISO-14001:2004 Certified Stored Pressure UL LISTED RUGGED Polished Stainless Steel Cylinders All Metal Valve Construction Exclusive crevice free. soaking and penetrating effect of a 45-55 ft. Model 252 FFFP FOAM adds Class B fire fighting capability to the Class A effectiveness of this extinguisher. M. FFFP Wheeled or Stationary unit. Apply to a non-ignited Class B liquid spill and it will seal the surface minimizing the chance of serious fire. .55 Yes 55 30 Wall SPECIFICATIONS Application Model Number U/L Rating Capacity Shipping Wt.12 Hose and Air Aspirated Nozzle 250 3A:20B 2½ Gal.) Range (Initial . Approved Discharge Time (sec.15 55 Model 240 utilizes the cooling. The Alcohol Resistant fire fighting agent is effective on fires in a wide variety of Class B materials such as alcohols. butt welded cylinders Model 240 CLEAN Leaves no powder residue USER FRIENDLY Maximum visibility during discharge Novice friendly. 7½ 24 ½ 9 7 45 . Easy and effective application with the patented spray nozzle.) Standard Bracket AFFF FOAM Hose and Spray Nozzle 254 2A:10B 6 Liter 7½ 19 8 7 10 .ft. easy to understand instructions Bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels Model 254 Model 252 250 (Temperature Range +40°F to 120°F) Note: The Model 240 may be freeze protected to -40°F by adding a Model 506 Anti-Freeze charge WATER Hose and Nozzle 240 2A 2½ Gal. stream of discharge time makes it very effective for inexperienced operators for use on Class A fires. hydrocarbons and combinations such as gasohol. Apply to Class B liquid spills to prevent ignition.) Width (in. 5 YEAR WARRANTY . In areas with a high level chloride content water it may be corrosion protected by using the Model 507 charge. Available in a 33 Gal.) Depth (Diam.) (Empty) Height (in. Model 254 AFFF FOAM unique 6 liter size fills many requirements for a lighter. Apply to Class B liquid spills to prevent ignition. Ideal for emergency first response vehicles. Ideal for emergency first response vehicles. in. Available in two sizes . They supplement existing cooking equipment automatic system protection for an extra margin of safety.) DischargeTime (sec.) Height (in. Both have been tested and approved for the new Class K listing by UL specifically for restaurant kitchen hazards. .6 liter or 2½ gal. (lbs.) Range (ft.) Width (in. They contain a special potassium acetate based. 33½ 24½ 107 . Listed 2A:K WET CHEMICAL extinguishers are the best restaurant kitchen appliance hand portable fire extinguishers you can purchase.12 53 Wall B262 2½ gals. with attractive stainless steel cylinders and easy to use hose and spray application nozzle. 5 YEAR WARRANTY SPECIFICATIONS Application Agent Model Number U/L Rating Capacity Shipping Wt.L.) Depth (Diam.“Class K” . The recent trend to more efficient cooking appliances and use of unsaturated cooking oils dictates the use of a hand portable fire extinguisher with greater fire fighting capacity and cooling effect to combat these very hot and difficult fires.Kitchen Use Extinguisher Meets NFPA-10 Class K Standard ISO-9001:2000 / ISO-14001:2004 Certified Stored Pressure FACTORY CHARGED UL LISTED Polished Stainless Steel Cylinders All Metal Valve Construction Swivel connection on hose allows nozzle to be oriented for proper use Nozzle grip design with 45° angle for easy “overhead” application Low PH agent discharged as a fine mist helps prevent grease splash and re-flash while cooling the appliance Precise extinguishing agent application no dry chemical to clean up Excellent for use on all cooking appliances including solid fuel charbroilers Tested on commercial deep fat fryers to ANSI / UL 711 test protocol and safe to use on Class C fires Model B262 Model B260 Class 2A rated to meet fire code occupancy hazard requirements Bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels (Temperature Range +40°F to 120°F) U. low PH agent developed for use in pre-engineered restaurant kitchen systems. The superior fire fighting capability of the Wet Chemical agent is placed exactly where you aim it with no chemical residue to clean up.) Standard Bracket WET CHEMICAL Hose and Spray Nozzle POTASSIUM ACETATE SOLUTION B260 2A:K 6 liters 22½ 19 9 7 10 . The Models B260 and B262 are the ideal “KITCHEN USE” fire extinguishers. telecommunication facilities and “clean room” manufacturing facilities. (lbs.D.) Range (ft.) Height with Hose & Wand [Installed in Clips] (in.) Depth (Diam. and 8 24½ 27½ 11 7 10 .) Width with Hose & Wand [Installed in Clips] (in.8 7 18½ 24½ 11 7 WATER MIST Hose and Wand B270NM Hose and Wand B272NM 2A:C 2. maintain. . butt welded cylinder ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY No O.) Standard Bracket 2A:C 1.) DischargeTime (sec. valuable books and documents.) Shipping Wt. The Amerex Water Mist extinguishers contain de-ionized water making them the best extinguishers for protection of hospital environments. The fine spray from the unique misting nozzle provides safety from electrical shock. The Amerex Water Mist extinguishers are easy to use. (Ozone Depletion Potential) No EPA phase out or restrictions No global warming concerns Non magnetic construction tested by an independent agency for use in MRI facilities Non-toxic Causes no respiratory problems De-ionized water extinguishing agent (sold separately) Antiseptic white paint finish (easy to clean) No powder residue Wand provides greatest operator safety Maximum visibility during discharge No electrical conductivity back to the operator No thermal or static shock Minimal training . SPECIFICATIONS Application Agent Model Number U/L Rating Capacity (gals.P.12 80 NM Wall DE-IONIZED WATER 10-12 72 NM Wall 5 YEAR WARRANTY .An Amerex Exclusive! Manufactured and Tested to ANSI/UL Standards ISO-9001:2000 / ISO-14001:2004 Certified Stored Pressure UL LISTED RUGGED Painted Stainless Steel Cylinders All Metal Valve Construction Exclusive crevice free.) (Empty) Extinguisher Height (in.simplest to use Most economical agent available Bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels (Temperature Range +40°F to 120°F) CLEAN USER FRIENDLY B270NM B272NM NON-MAGNETIC Tested to ANSI/UL 711 for Class C Listing WATER MIST is the ultimate extinguisher for Class A fires and where a potential Class C (electrical) hazard exists. greatly enhances the cooling and soaking characteristics of the agent and reduces scattering of burning materials. 15 9 Yes 700 770 Aircraft 1540 Wall 2170 Wall BRASS.15 9 Nozzle B385TS B386T 2B:C 5¼ 15½ 6 3/8 3 6 .Manufactured and Tested to ANSI/UL Standards ISO-9001:2000 / ISO-14001:2004 Certified Stored Pressure UL LISTED AND USCG APPROVED* FAA Approved Models Available RUGGED Dependable Drawn Steel Cylinders All Metal Valve Construction ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE EPA approved “Clean Agent” for Class A.20) and a low Atmospheric Lifetime (3½ to 11 years).24. Halotron is pressurized with Argon gas and is an EPA and FAA approved agent suitable for use on Class A.) Application Model Number UL & ULC Rating Shipping Weight (lbs. offices (for protection of sensitive electronic equipment). data storage areas. Halotron is intended for use in areas formerly protected by Halon 1211 hand portable extinguishers such as computer rooms. boats and vehicles.) Height (in.04 . It has a low GWP of 0.15 9 15½ 398 2A:10B:C 27½ 21 7/8 9¼ 6 12 .in.) Width (in. B and C fires..10 9 Yes 350 5B:C 9½ 15¼ 5¾ 4¼ 9 . telecommunications facilities. Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle AVAILABLE IN WHEELED EXTINGUISHERS 5 YEAR WARRANTY .0.) Standard Bracket A384T 1B:C 3¼ 10 3½ 2 5/8 6-8 9 Yes 196 1. ft.) Range (ft.) Depth (Diam. CHROME PLATED 11 397 1A:10B:C 22½ 21 7/8 9¼ 6 9 . SPECIFICATIONS VALVES Size & Capacity (lbs. B and C hazards Low GWP (Global Warming Potential) Low ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) Short Atmospheric Lifetime Leaves no residue FAA Approved Models: B394TS 397 398 CLEAN USER FRIENDLY Maximum visibility during discharge No electrical conductivity back to the operator No thermal or static shock Bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels Models 397 398 Models A384T B385TS B386T B394TS (Temperature Range -40°F to 120°F) * Note: 5 lb.18 14 Hose & Nozzle HALOTRON I is a “Clean Agent” HydroChloroFluoroCarbon (HCFC) discharged as a rapidly evaporating liquid which leaves no residue. low ODP of 0. and 15 ½ lb. clean rooms.) Available with Chrome Plated Cylinder Minimum Space Requirement (cu.4 2½ 5 HALOTRON I ALUMINUM 5½ B394TS 5B:C 10 15 5 1/8 4¼ 9 . extinguishers are USCG approved with the bracket listed on the UL label. 11 lb.) Discharge Time (sec. It effectively extinguishes Class A and B fires by cooling and smothering and it will not conduct electricity back to the operator.014 (twelve times lower than the EPA maximum allowable ODP of 0. . ) Height (in.) Height (in. . ft.) Application Model Number UL Rating Shipping Weight (lbs.) Range (ft. sensitive and expensive computers.) Minimum Space Requirement ( Standard Bracket B369 1A:10B:C 16¾ 16¼ 8½ 5 12-18 9 1123 Wall 9 HALON 1211 CHROME PLATED BRASS 13 Hose B371 2A:40B:C 22 20¼ 8½ 5 12-18 14 1622 Wall 361 4A:80B:C 36¼ 23 7/8 9¾ 7 12-18 22 2120 Wall 17 Models B369 B371 361 Models A344T C352TS C354TS B355T SPECIFICATIONS VALVES Size & Capacity (lbs.) Discharge Time (sec.) Standard Bracket * Modified valve 2B:C 2¾ 10 3 5/8 2 5/8 9-12 10 156 Vehicle 1¼ HALON 1211 ALUMINUM 2½ Nozzle A344T * C352TS 5B:C 5½ 14 3/8 4½ 3 9-15 10 312 Aircraft 3 Hose * C354TS 5B:C 6 14 3/8 6 3 9-15 12 375 Aircraft 5 Nozzle B355T 10B:C 9¾ 15¼ 5¾ 4¼ 9-15 10 624 Veh/Marine HALON 1211 is a liquified gas. “CLEAN” agent. pressurized with nitrogen.) Width (in.) Minimum Space Requirements (cu. which discharges as a vapor causing no cold or static shock and no impairment of the operator’s vision. This “CLEAN” agent quickly penetrates difficult to see and hard to reach areas and leaves no residue.) Application Model Number UL Rating Shipping Weight (lbs. automotive and aircraft engines. light weight. 1 YEAR WARRANTY . laboratory chemicals and equipment. Quality industrial grade hardware. good discharge range and excellent fire extinguishing ability. ft.) Range (ft.) Width (in. electrical equipment.Manufactured and Tested to ANSI/UL Standards ISO-9001:2000 / ISO-14001:2004 Certified Stored Pressure UL LISTED AND USCG APPROVED* RUGGED Dependable Drawn Steel Cylinders All Metal Valve Construction CLEAN Leaves no residue Reclaimed Halon 1211 is Restored to Original Military Specification Uses All Recycled Gas in Accordance With The Montreal Protocol Maximum Visibility During Discharge No Electrical Conductivity Back to the Operator No Thermal or Static Shock Bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels (Temperature Range -65°F to 120°F) * All extinguishers USCG approved except model A344T USER FRIENDLY SPECIFICATIONS VALVES Size & Capacity (lbs.) Discharge Time (sec.) Depth ( tapes and film. It is recommended for protection of delicate.) Depth (Diam. . ) Width (in.Manufactured and Tested to ANSI/UL Standards ISO-9001:2000 / ISO-14001:2004 Certified UL LISTED.up to 30% lighter than steel cylinders All Metal Valve Construction Meets many hospital medical equipment requirements Model 322 independently tested and approved for use in MRI facilities Bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels (Temperature Range -40°F to 120°F) Note: All extinguishers are USCG approved with bracket listed on UL label SPECIFICATIONS Size & Capacity (lbs.) Height (in.8 10 Yes Wall 12½ 19 331 10B:C 37¾ 30 12 7 332 10B:C 50¾ 30 13 8 20 NON-MAGNETIC MODEL AVAILABLE: MODEL 322NM Carbon Dioxide is discharged as a white cloud of “snow” which smothers a fire by eliminating oxygen. Carbon Dioxide is a non-contaminating. odorless gas. 5 YEAR WARRANTY .) F. Approved Standard Bracket 10 5 Horn 322 5B:C 14 17¾ 8¼ 5¼ CARBON DIOXIDE 10 15 Hose & Horn 330 10B:C 28¼ 24 12 7 3. M. FM AND USCG APPROVED Rust free aluminum cylinders .) Range (ft. wheeled extinguishers and 100 lb. . It is effective for Class B flammable liquids and is electrically non-conductive.) Discharge Time (sec. Also available in 50 / 100 lb.) Depth (Diam. stationary.) Application Model Number U/L Rating Shipping Weight (lbs. The applicator may be quickly detached to provide a straight stream of chemical where greater range. uranium. M. a narrow discharge pattern or a lobbing effect is required. Heat from the fire causes it to cake and form a crust excluding air and dissipating heat from burning metal. Available in 250 lb.Nozzle F. and powdered aluminum fires can be controlled and extinguished with this unique extinguisher.Applicator DischargeTime (Sec. It keeps the operator’s hands away from the extreme heat and prevents inhalation of toxic fumes caused by burning material.) with Nozzle DischargeTime (Sec. potassium and sodium-potassium alloys can be successfully extinguished with this There is data showing that zirconium.Manufactured and Tested to ANSI/UL Standards ISO-9001:2000 / ISO-14001:2004 Certified Stored Pressure FM APPROVED Dependable Drawn Steel Cylinders All Metal Valve Construction Unique “soft flow” extension applicator plus built in long range nozzle Special corrosion resistant yellow (Class D) color coded paint finish F.10 18 Copper B571 Hose & Nozzle or Applicator 6 YEAR WARRANTY .) Width (in.S. The copper compound smothers the fire and provides an excellent heat sink for dissipating heat. MODELS B570 B571 FOR COMBUSTIBLE METAL FIRES MODEL B570 contains a special blended Sodium Chloride based dry powder extinguishing agent. Approved Standard Bracket 24 13 Yes Wall CLASS D Dry Powder Sodium Chloride B570 30 53 32 13 8 3-6 8 .) . Wheeled or Stationary MODEL B571 contains a copper extinguishing agent specially developed by the U. even discharge provides a non-dispursing application of the agent.) Shipping Wt. The easily controlled. listed (TO ANSI/UL 299 and ANSI/UL 711) Bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels The Amerex “soft flow” extension applicator is particularly suited for fighting Class D fires. Available in 150 lb.) Range (ft. Wheeled (Temperature Range -40°F to 120°F) SPECIFICATIONS Powder Type Application Model Number Size & Capacity (lbs. Copper powder has been found to be superior to all other known fire extinguishing agents for lithium. . sodium.M. (lbs.) with Applicator Range (ft. Metal fires involving magnesium.) .) Height (in. Navy for fighting lithium and lithium alloy fires. titanium.) Depth (Diam. 21 14 YES YES YES 19 17 5/8 9½ 6 15 .) Application Model Number U/L Rating Shipping Wt. 6 YEAR WARRANTY SPECIFICATIONS VALVES Size & Capacity (lbs.15 10 YES YES 2A:10B:C 9¼ / 9½ 15¼ 7¼ 4¼ 12 . It smothers and breaks the chain reaction of Class B fires and will not conduct electricity back to the operator. Approved Standard Bracket 2½ Nozzle 5 ALUMINUM 5 6 ABC Dry Chemical BRASS.) Depth (Diam. M.Manufactured and Tested to ANSI/UL Standards ISO-9001:2000 / ISO-14001:2004 Certified Stored Pressure UL LISTED AND USCG APPROVED Dependable Drawn Steel Cylinders All Metal Valve Construction Easy and more economical to maintain and service U/L & U. (Temperature Range -65°F to 120°F) Note: All extinguishers are USCG approved with bracket listed on UL label. (lbs. Available in Wheeled and Stationary extinguishers.21 30 YES YES Wall .18 14 YES 4A:80B:C 20A:120B:C 2A:10B:C 3A:40B:C 4A:80B:C 4A:80B:C 20A:120B:C 18 20 7¾ 5 15 . .21 30 10½ 15½ 8 4¼ 12 .21 20 YES 38 23¼ 10¼ 7 15 .) Range (ft.) Discharge Time (Sec.18 14 YES YES Wall / Vehicle-Marine 3A:40B:C 9¼ / 9½ 15¼ 7¼ 4¼ 12 .21 20 YES YES YES 39 24 10¼ 7 15 .) Available with Chrome Plated Cylinder F.) Width ( 14½ B417 / B417T B500 / B500T B402 / B402T 1A:10B:C 5¼ / 5½ 15½ 5¾ 3 9 . Coast Guard Listed Bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels ABC or Multi-Purpose extinguishers utilize a specially fluidized and siliconized mono ammonium phosphate dry chemical. CHROME PLATED 10 Tall B456 20 A411 5 B424 6 B461 10 Short 419 10 Tall B441 20 423 Hose and Nozzle Hose and Nozzle B443 3A:40B:C 12¾ 16 7¾ 5 15 .18 14 13¾ 16¼ 8½ 5 15 . It chemically insulates Class A fires by melting at approximately 350°F and coats surface to which it is applied.21 22 YES YES Wall 19 20½ 8¾ 5 15 .S.) Height (in. 21 18 408 120B:C 39 24 10¼ 7 15 .) Discharge Time (Sec. SPECIFICATIONS VALVES Size & Capacity (lbs.) Range (ft. Approved Standard Bracket Vehicle A620T 2B:C 2½ 10 3½ 2¾ 5-8 10 Yes 1 2½ Nozzle B403 B403T 10B:C 5½ 15½ 5¾ 3 9 .21 28 12 . Economical Class B & C protection with (Temperature Range -65°F to 120°F) Note: All extinguishers are USCG approved with bracket listed on UL label (except Model A620T).21 28 B462 40B:C 13¾ 16¼ 8½ 5 15 . CHROME PLATED 6 10 Tall 20 Hose and Nozzle A412 120B:C 38 23¼ 10¼ 7 15 .) Height (in. .) Width (in. Available in Wheeled and Stationary extinguishers.Manufactured and Tested to ANSI/UL Standards ISO-9001:2000 / ISO-14001:2004 Certified Stored Pressure UL LISTED AND USCG APPROVED Dependable Drawn Steel Cylinders All Metal Valve Construction Easy and more economical to maintain and service Bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels REGULAR extinguishers contain a siliconized sodium bicarbonate based dry chemical with free flowing and noncaking additives. (lbs.15 10 Yes Yes B409T 10B:C 9¼ 15¼ 5½ 4¼ 10 Yes Yes B453 40B:C 9½ 15¼ 7¼ 4¼ 14 Yes B457 60B:C 18 20 7¾ 5 15 . M.18 12 .Marine .21 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Wall Yes Yes lower initial cost and recharging.21 14 B447 60B:C 19 20½ 8¾ 5 15 .) Application Model Number U/L Rating Shipping Wt. 6 YEAR WARRANTY REGULAR Dry Chemical ALUMINUM 5 5½ 10 Tall 20 BRASS. This chemical smothers fires in flammable liquids and pressurized gases and will not conduct electricity back to the operator.18 Vehicle .) Available with Chrome Plated Cylinder F.) Depth ( ) Range (ft.) Available with Chrome Plated Cylinder F. PURPLE K extinguishers contain specially fluidized and siliconized potassium bicarbonate dry chemical which is particularly effective on Class B flammable liquids and pressurized gases.18 12 Yes Yes 20 A413 120B:C 38 23¼ 10¼ 7 15 .21 28 BRASS. gas.Manufactured and Tested to ANSI/UL Standards ISO-9001:2000 / ISO-14001:2004 Certified Stored Pressure UL LISTED AND USCG APPROVED Dependable Drawn Steel Cylinders All Metal Valve Construction Easy and more economical to maintain and service Bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels (Temperature Range -65°F to 120°F) Note: All extinguishers are U.21 22 Yes Yes Wall Yes 415 120B:C 39 24 10¼ 7 15 .Marine . 6 YEAR WARRANTY SPECIFICATIONS VALVES Size & Capacity (lbs.) Depth (Diam. Available in Wheeled and Stationary extinguishers. label. chemical and utilities industries as the perferred fire fighting agent.) Height (in. .) Application Model Number U/L Rating Shipping Wt.15 10 Yes Yes PURPLE K Dry Chemical ALUMINUM 5 B479 B479T 30B:C 9½ 15¼ 7¼ 4¼ 12 .S. (lbs.L. CHROME PLATED 10 Tall Hose and Nozzle B460 80B:C 19 20½ 8¾ 5 15 . It is electrically Discharge Time (sec. Purple K has been the choice of oil. M. Coast Guard approved with bracket listed on U.) Width (in.21 28 20 Vehicle . Approved Standard Bracket 2 ½ Nozzle B410T 10B:C 5½ 15½ 5¾ 3 9 . 59 22 20 (9) 584 20B:C 42½ 24¾ 10½ 7 30 (13./sec.L.6) 568 40B:C 58 26½ 11 8 40-50 1.less initial cost.2 (6) 595 40B:C 31 17½ 10½ 7 PURPLE K 20 (9) 580 40B:C 42½ 24¾ 10½ 7 40-50 2. Hot dip galvanized USCG brackets available 12 YEAR WARRANTY SPECIFICATIONS Type Agent Size & Capacity . (kg) Model Number U/L Rating Shipping Wt.00 10 Wall 1.60 21 1.40 15 1. . Wheeled and Stationary extinguishers.44 15 13. Ratings Painted GALVANIZED DRAWN STEEL Cylinders (The best corrosion protection available anywhere) Protective Rubber Foot Rings All Metal Valve Construction Gauge Guards Bar Coded and Bi-lingual Labels (Temperature Range -65°F to 120°F) Note: All extinguishers are USCG approved with bracket listed on UL label.6) 589 13. REGULAR.88 16 .Manufactured and Tested to ANSI/UL Standards ISO-9001:2000 / ISO-14001:2004 Certified Stored Pressure UL LISTED AND USCG APPROVED EXTRA FEATURES: Superior Range (Vertical & Horizontal) High (240 PSI) Operating Pressure Choice of Chemicals ABC Multi Purpose.) Standard Bracket .6) 591 2A:40B:C 4A:40B:C 4A:40B:C 40B:C 31 17½ 10½ 7 42½ 24¾ 10½ 7 40-50 1.) Range (ft.76 17 .2 (6) 592 ABC 20 (9) 564 30 (13. HIGH PERFORMANCE extinguishers are the ultimate choice in fire extinguishers for high hazard.2 (6) 594 ABC 20 (9) 581 HIGH PERFORMANCE .) Width (in.61 22 58 26½ 11 8 31 17½ 10½ 7 120B:C 160B:C 42½ 24¾ 10½ 7 40-50 .2 (6) 599 COMPLIANCE FLOW PURPLE K 20 (9) 566 30 (13.67 29 .94 15 13.6) 567 20 (9) 582 30 (13.) Discharge Time (sec.20 18 58 26½ 11 8 42½ 24¾ 10½ 7 40B:C 4A:80B:C 20A:120B:C 20A:160B:C 80B:C 58 26½ 11 8 31 17½ 10½ 7 42½ 24¾ 10½ 7 40-50 .) (lbs. Economical . frequent use and extreme environment applications.65 30 . lower maintenance costs and greater reliability than cartridge operated extinguishers. Purple K Select Fast Flow for: High Flow Rate Fast Discharge Quicker Knockdown More Operator Protection Select Compliance Flow for: Long Range Highest U. PURPLE K Dry Chemical FAST FLOW REGULAR 30 (13.94 15 34 . (lbs. Available in 125 and 250 lb.) Height (in.ABC.6) 569 13.) Discharge Rate (Ave.lbs.81 34 58 26½ 11 8 .) Depth (Diam. Regular. 6”.6” to 8”. 10”. only) 807 809 812 810G 811G 811 810 810CG (USCG) 889 889HB Heavy Duty Dolly Cart Heavy Duty Rubber Strap Brackets “I” Beam Brackets Exterior 868 . 8”. 10” to 12” . 12” Interior 859 860 862 864 872 .Wall Hanger Brackets 1007 (Red) 14315 (Stainless) 546 575 577 Bracket Adapters 4834 1521 5525 16591 9582 9581 16536* 16538* * Galvanized 16537 Vehicle / Marine and Heavy Duty Vehicle Brackets Vehicle / Marine / Aviation Brackets 845 817 818 817S 818S 821 821S 861H 808 846 Heavy Duty Box Type Vehicle Brackets (Red Brackets are Galvanized) Wall Strap Type (6 & 10 lb. 6 Liter 2½ Gal. 809 809 809 810 810 817 809 810 810 809 810 810 811 810 & 810G ABC Dry Chemical Yes Yes REGULAR Dry Chemical 5½ Lb. 5 Lb. 809. 821. 2½ Gal. 889HB 810 810 817S 818S.4 Lb. 807 818S. 889HB 846. (9 Kg) 7" 9582 Wall 810 & 810G 810 & 810G 864 & 874 Yes 30 Lb. 821. 809. 5 Lb. 30 Lb. 889.G. 821S. 889HB 810 817S 818S. 821. 809 809 810 817 Heavy Duty Bracket or Special Bracket with Metal Straps 810 810NM 810NM 810 810 810 810 810 N/A 817S 818S. 1¾ Gal. 821S. 10 Lb. 821.M. 809. 2½ Lb. 889HB 846. 9 Lb. Standard Bracket Diam. 5 Lb. 809. 10 Lb. 10 Lb. 809. 5 Lb. 818 Vehicle/Marine 16591 Wall 0546 Wall 1007 Wall 0546 Wall 0577 Wall 0577 Wall 817 Vehicle/Marine 1007 Wall 0577 Wall 0577 Wall 0546 Wall 0575 Wall 0575 Wall 0577 Wall 821. 5 Lb. 889 808. 1¼ Lb. 1.C. 809 809 809 810 810 N/A 817 818. 889HB 810 810 809 810 810 811 810 & 810G Heavy Duty Bracket with Rubber Straps 864 N/A 864 N/A 864 864 N/A 864 N/A 860 860 N/A N/A N/A N/A 860 860 860 862 862 864 860 862 862 862 862 862 862 862 864 864 N/A 860 862 862 862 862 862 864 864 860 862 862 864 864 862 N/A 864 864 Use With Model 859 Dolly Cart Yes WATER WATER M IST AFFF FOAM FFFP FOAM WET CHEMICAL Yes Yes Yes Yes HALOTRON I Halon 1211 5 Lb.6 Kg) 8" 9581 Wall 811 & 811G 811 & 811G 864 Yes CLASS D Dry Powder 30 Lb. 861H 808. 889.S. 889HB 846. 807 808. 807 818S. 821S. Approved N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 818. 13 Lb. (13. 821. 821. 821. 809. 807 821. 809 808. 6 Liter 2½ Gal. Yes Yes PURPLE K Dry Chemical 16591 Wall / 818 V.M. 5½ Lb. 2½ Lb. The paint finish assures many years of use and meets the latest U/L salt spray requirements (240 hrs. 11 Lb. 6 Lb.Extinguisher Type Size (Capacity) 2½ Gal.ASTM B117). 3 Lb. 861H 818. . 20 Lb. 807 818S AIRCRAFT (STANDARD) 812 812 N/A 817S AIRCRAFT (STANDARD) 817S AIRCRAFT (STANDARD) 818S. (6 Kg) Yes Yes 7" 9582 Wall N/A HIGH PERFORMANCE Dry Chemical Fast Flow and Compliance Flow 20 Lb. 6 Lb. 10 Lb. 821. 5 Lb. 20 Lb. @ 20% salt solution . 2½ Lb. 2½ Gal. 20 Lb. 889HB 810 810 N/A 817S 818S.M. 807 808. 584 PK (FF) 564 ABC (CF) 566 PK (CF) 567 ABC (FF) 568 REG (FF) 569 PK (FF) 589 ABC (CF) 591 PK (CF) B570 Sodium Chloride B571 Copper Cyl. 5 Lb. 13. 861H 808. U. 821. 861H N/A 812 812 N/A N/A N/A 818. 17 Lb. Yes 16591 Wall / 818 V. 20 Lb. 1Lb. 861H 16591 Wall / 818 V. 2½ Lb. 20 Lb. 818. 818. 809. 2½ Lb. 821S. 821. 818. 10 Lb. 861H 808. 6 Lb. 15 Lb. 20 Lb. 889HB 846. 861H 16591 Wall 5525 Wall 0546 Wall 0546 Wall 1007 Wall 0577 Wall 0577 Wall 845 Vehicle 4834 Wall / 817 V. 809. 821.M. 821. 809. 20 Lb. 809. 821S. 889HB 846. 8" 8" 0577 Wall 0577 Wall N/A N/A 811 811 864 864 Yes Yes All Amerex brackets are quality manufactured of steel with a primed and powder coated paint finish. Model 240 B270NM B272NM 254 250 252 B260 B262 A384T B385TS B386T B394TS 397 398 A344T C352TS C354TS B355T B369 B371 361 B417 / B417T B402 / B402T B500 / B500T B424 B443 B461 B456 B441 A411 423 A620T B403 / B403T B409T B453 B462 B447 B457 A412 408 B410T B479 / B479T B460 A413 415 322 330 331 332 594 ABC (FF) 592 ABC (CF) 595 PK (FF) 599 PK (CF) 581 ABC (FF) 582 REG (FF) 580. 821S. 861H Yes Yes CARBON DIOXIDE 10 Lb. 15½ Lb. 807 846. 821. Part Number & Type 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 2 7/8" 3" 4¼" 4¼" 6 6 2 7/8" 3" 3" 4¼" 5" 5" 7" 3" 4 ¼" 4 ¼" 4 ¼" 5" 5" 5" 5" 7" 7" 2 7/8" 3" 4¼" 4¼" 5" 5" 5" 7" 7" 3" 4¼" 5" 7" 7" 5 ¼" 7" 7" 8" 1007 Wall 14315 Wall 14315 Wall 1007 Wall 1007 Wall 1007 Wall 1007 Wall 1007 Wall 845 Vehicle 817 Vehicle 818 Vehicle / Marine 818S Aircraft 0575 Wall 0575 Wall 845 Vehicle 817S Vehicle 817S Vehicle 818 Vehicle / Marine 0546 Wall 1007 Wall 0577 Wall 4834 Wall / 817 V. 807 808.2 Lb. 821. 821S. 821S.M. 675 65 lb. Dry Chemical Models 488. 674. Sodium Chloride Model 681 250 lb.The largest variety of QUALITY wheeled fire extinguishers available anywhere. Copper Model 630 33 gal. Dry Chemical Models 467. 496. 471. Carbon Dioxide). 469 125/150 lb. 468. See Amerex “Wheeled Fire Extinguishers” brochure for more details. 492. 575. 472 125/150 lb. 452 125/150 lb. All available in a Stationary configuration (except 50 lb. Carbon Dioxide Model 334 100 lb. Dry Chemical Models 491. FFFP Foam Model 333 50 lb. Carbon Dioxide Models 673. 574. 451. / 150 lb. DRY CHEMICAL STORED PRESSURE Models 495. 490 125/150 lb. 489. 493 300/350 lb. Dry Chemical Models 573. Dry Chemical CLASS D FOAM CARBON DIOXIDE HALOTRON I™ Model 680 150 lb. Dry Chemical Models 470. 690 HIGH PERFORMANCE 125 / 250 lb. Halotron I™ . 497 50 lb. Dry Chemical DRY CHEMICAL NITROGEN CYLINDER OPERATED Models 450. a Fire LED illuminates and an internal relay is energized. companies fail to properly protect their workers and industrial equipment from its damaging effects. Amerex Vehicle Fire Suppression Systems may make it easier to obtain insurance and also help you qualify for lower premiums. which can lower your insurance premiums. human lives. We can protect your equipment from fire with a suppression system designed specifically for you. manufacturing and quality control experience than anyone else in the industry. The Amerex Small Vehicle System (SMVS) is designed specifically for use with front engine vehicles such as Para-Transit. decreased property value. The electronics portion of the system is made up of a Vehicle Operator Display with Manual Release Push Button. and. The Fire Suppression System is FM approved.” Ask your insurance agent. The key phrase is “material change of risk.3rd Generation) gas monitoring system is a preengineered system designed to be utilized on any type of alternately fueled vehicle. the Operator Display indicates a diagnostic Service System LED. AMGADS III: (Amerex Mobile Gas Detection System .Vehicle Fire Suppression Systems: Fire destroys billions of dollars of industrial equipment every year. Yet. in many cases. a wiring Interface Module. As the costs of heavy duty vehicles rise. Amerex is one of the nation’s leading manufacturers of fire fighting equipment with more engineering. That’s why there is Amerex. SYSTEM COMPONENTS: PLEASE SEE OUR INDIVIDUAL SYSTEMS BROCHURE FOR MORE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS ONLY . Liquified Natural Gas (LNG). The system can be installed by the vehicle OEM or retrofitted.front engine transit vehicles. Propane (LPG). and two Solid State Heat Detectors. The electronics also carry CE Type approval. insurance rates escalate accordingly. an audible alarm sounds. Backup power is supplied by a standard 9 volt alkaline battery. Airport Shuttle and other small front engine applications. It causes manpower losses. The Control Panel features visual LED system status indicators. The system is continuously supervised for proper operation. Its advanced technology can detect: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). If a trouble condition is present. The SMVS kit includes all hardware components required for a complete turnkey Automatic Fire Suppression System. a silenceable audible alarm. Automatic Fire System actuation occurs. The Amerex Fire Suppression System will lower your fire risk. Hydrogen and any other hydrocarbon fuel vapors. Many insurance companies have recognized a reduction in claims paid out due to the presence of a fixed vehicle fire suppression system. In the event of a Fire condition. SMALL BUS SYSTEM: Amerex has once again revolutionalized the industry with the developement of a cost effecient fire suppression system specifically designed for small . MRM DETECTION: The detection network uses a continuous cable run with detectors specifically listed for use with the Amerex KP System. stored-pressure type with a fixed nozzle agent distribution network. conduit box. cable segment beginning and end. N. PNEUMATIC RELEASE MODULE (PRM): The PRM offers superior detection by using a linear pneumatic detection system. stored-pressure type with a fixed nozzle agent distribution network manufactured by Amerex Corporation.L.P.A.A. the tubing ruptures.F. connector for mechanical manual pull. When exposed to a fire condition. 96. ULC and tested to UL Standard 300.P. 1. wet chemical. The tubing is pressurized through a small “accumulator” inside the enclosure. tubing and end of line fitting. The agent cylinder/discharge valve assembly is fully factory charged with Amerex KP liquid agent and pressurized to 240 PSI (1655 kPa). PLEASE SEE OUR INDIVIDUAL SYSTEMS BROCHURES FOR MORE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS ONLY . When a fire starts. Available in stainless or red enclosure. Standard 300. MRM LINEAR FUSIBLE LINK DETECTION: The link to link system consists of four major components conduit connector. 96. The system shall be designed. The system is listed by Underwriter’s Laboratories. Inc. installed and maintained in accordance with: Amerex Part No. N. 3.A.P. mechanical or pneumatic outputs. either detection network will automatically detect the fire or the manual pull station can be used. 20150 “Design. The Amerex KP agent quickly extinguishes the fire and cools the fuel while securing the vapors with a smothering foam reaction. The link to link cable segment ensures that the links are equally spaced at 24” center to center and yields continuous linear detection from end to end of the hood.P. 17A.F.A. The system shall be designed. end of line fitting. It is capable of actuating from one to ten agent cylinder/valve assemblies using one nitrogen cylinder and is operated either automatically by the detection network or manually by a remote manual pull station.. MECHANICAL RELEASE MODULE (MRM): The mechanical release module is the spring-loaded type using a mechanical input and electrical. two SPDT microswitches. The agent has a pH of 9 or less and does not harm stainless steel surfaces. AGENT CYLINDER : The agent cylinders are mild steel DOT 4BW 240 specification cylinders. accumulator. Installation and Maintenance Manual”. local codes and ordinances by an Authorized Amerex Zone Defense Systems Distributor using factory trained personnel. The PRM comes complete with enclosure. N. installed and maintained in accordance with: Amerex Part No. AGENT: The system agent is Amerex KP liquid fire suppressant.F. local codes and ordinances by an Authorized Amerex KP Systems Distributor using factory trained personnel. releasing a low pH agent throughout the hood. Installation and Maintenance Manual”.KP RESTAURANT SYSTEM: The Amerex KP Restaurant System is a pre-engineered. ZONE DEFENSE RESTAURANT SYSTEM: The Zone Defense Restaurant Fire Suppression System is a pre-engineered. 2. and “knock-outs”. ULC and tested to U. relieving all of the pressure in the tubing and accumulator thus firing the system using a nitrogen cylinder. The PRM detection system consists of the PRM. and link to link cable segment. The Zone Defense system is fully self-contained and does not require electrical power or connection to either domestic water supply or fire sprinkler supply lines. a potassium acetate based solution that suppresses cooking grease fires both through saponification and cooling. wet chemical. routed throughout the hazard area. duct and onto the appliances. 17A. The system is listed by Underwriter’s Laboratories. N. tested to 480 PSI (3309 kPa). 20150 “Design.F. Inc.. It is capable of actuating up to 10 cylinders and releasing 2 gas valves. Either method of actuation will interrupt gas or electrical power to the appliances preceding system discharge. The Amerex “IS” system uses our exclusive ABC (Model 555) dry chemical. A bell and horn/strobe device alarm when fire conditions are present. As with the rest of the “IS” system design and philosophy. Agent tanks are available in two sizes having a diameter of ten inches making tank location in confined spaces easier. with protection against Class A (wood. Since many hazards involve a variety of fuel sources. our ABC dry chemical. As an industry leader in innovative design of products that provide the quality and performance you expect. All electrical circuits are supervised and factory terminated. Photoelectric smoke detectors are used for detection and are cross zoned to reduce the potential for unwanted system discharge. Vehicle Paint Spray Booth v Total Flood v Open Front Paint Spray Booth v Local Application DETECTION: The Amerex “IS” industrial system incorporates an automatic detection system that will operate in case of a fire anytime. Class B (flammable liquids) and Class C (live electrical equipment) is the agent that is best suited for most Industrial hazards. The CPS system is designed to use schedule 40 pipe. reducing the number of components to be replaced during service after discharge. corner. and center room for flexibilty in system installation to protect those “challenging” areas. even if no one is present. 24/7. equipment replacement and “business interruption” are a concern for any industry. the automatic fire detection system uses fewer components which saves on installation and maintenance costs. Nozzles are available in three designs. by volume. ABC dry chemical has quick flame “knock-down” and can help to secure Class A fires against re-ignition. In keeping with the Amerex tradition of concern for the customer. Amerex has developed an affordable preengineered clean agent fire suppression system to protect areas with sensitive electrical equipment and valuable data. Costs associated with lost production time. The modular design incorporates pre-assembled wiring harnesses and keyed locking connectors on all electrical components to assist you in a simple and confident installation. Tanks are charged with FM-200 in increments of two pounds in a small tank or three pounds in a larger tank for a custom installation without unnecessary expense. PLEASE SEE OUR INDIVIDUAL SYSTEMS BROCHURES FOR MORE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS ONLY . than any other agent. Less equipment means less time to install. giving you easy access to the materials you need to complete the installation. pulp). the Amerex “IS” has been designed to offer the best fire protection available and we do it with less. All of this could translate into lower initial cost and lower maintenance cost over the life of the system.AUTOMATIC INDUSTRIAL DRY CHEMICAL SYSTEM: Our innovative fire extinguisher and automatic system designs have prevented damage and loss that would have been caused by the ravages of fire. Electrical actuators are used for system actuation and can be reset. less time to service and fewer nozzles to locate (and get in your way). ABC dry chemical suppresses more fire. side wall. Pneumatic Tubing Electric Thermal Detectors Thermal Bulb Detectors Fusible Link Detectors PRE-ENGINEERED CLEAN AGENT SYSTEM: Utilizing an industry recognized fire suppression agent. Amerex has developed the CPS system to be the most cost efficient clean agent system available. The Amerex CPS is monitored by an electrical control panel that has a battery back-up for 24 hour protection during power failure. paper. REVISED 07/09 .
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