Amendment in the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Revised Pay Rules 2009 2.pdf
Description Bare Acts & Rules Free Downloadable Formats Hello Good People ! LaLas Government of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Secretariat, Finance Department Notification Srinagar, the 4th June, 2010. SRO-238. I n exercise of the powers conferred under proviso to section 124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to direct that following amendments shall be made in the Government Instruction No 1below Note- 5 to clause (c) of Rule 24 of Jammu and Kashmir Family Pension-Cum-Gratuity Rules, 1964 as contained in Schedule XV of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations; namely:I.Paragraphs IV and VI shall be substituted by the following; namely:- '(IV) Where a minor child/children is/are in receipt of two family pensions vil, one from the State Government and other from the Central Governmenu Defence Service, Dearness Allowance shall be paid on both the Family pensions. (VI) Where a State Government servanustate Family Pensioner is also in receipt of Central Family Pension including Defence service Family Pension or Family Pension awarded by any other State/Centra//UT Government, PSU, Autonomous Bod), Statutory Body, he/she shall be allowed Dearness Allowance on basic pay/pension in addition to Dearness Relief, if any, paid to him/her by Central Government including Defence service or by any other State/ Cenhal/ UT Government, PSU, Autonomous Body, Statutory Body': 11. After paragraph VII, the following paragraphs shall be added; namely:) Where an employee in the State Autonomous Body/State Statutoty Body/PSU/Corporation is in receipt of State Family Pension, no Dearness Allowance shall be allowed on State family pension. Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department ... Addendum to Notification SRO-93 Dated : 15-4-2009 I n Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2009 as promulgated vide SRO 93 dated 15-4-2009: (I) I n Sub Rule (2) of Rule 2, the following shall be inserted at serial No. (iii), (iv) and (v) respectively and the said Rule shall be renumbered accordingly: iii) iv) v) Jammu College of Engineering & Technology Teachers Revised (Pay) Rules, 2000. Sher-i- Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences Faculty Members (Pay) Rules, 2000. fi J&K Subordinate Judiciary (Pay) Rules, 2003. Finance Department. NO:.$@O~ 627. ~at-%2009 Copy to the: 1. Advocate General / 2. Principal Resident Commissioner, 5-Rithvi Raj Road New Delhi. 3. All Financial Commissioners. 4. All Principal Secretaries to Govt. 5. Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister. 6. ChiefElectoral Officer, J&K Jammu. 7. All CommissionerlSecretariesto Govt. 8. Secretary to H.E the Governor. 9. Divisional Commissioner KashmirlJammu. 10. Accountant General KashmirIJammu. 1 I. Commissioner of Vigilance, JBK Srinagar 12. Secretary to Chief Justice J&K High Court SrinagarlJammu. 13. Registrar General J&K High Court SrinagarlJammu 14. All Head of DepmhnentslManaging DirectorIChief Executive of State PSUs1Autonomous Bodies. 15. Secretary Public Service Commissioner1 Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council. 16. All District Development Commissioners. 17. Director General Budgef Finance Department. 18. Director General Audit & Inspections. 19. DirectorIJt. Director Accounts & Treasuries SgrlJammu. 20. DirectorIJt. Director Fund Org. ~ g a r l J a m m u . 21. Dy. Director Audit and Inspchions Finance Deptt. 22. Director Information J&K SrinagarIJammu. 23. FA & CAO Flood Control and Hydel Projects Sgr. 24. Principal Northern zonal Accountancy Training Institute Jammu. 25. Principal Accountancy Training School Srinagar. 26. All Financial Advisors & CAO's 27. General Manager, J&K Bank Ltd. JammuISrinagar 28. All Treasury Off~icerdDistt.Treasuries Officers. 29. General Manager Govt. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette 30. Chief Accounts Officer Examiner Local Fund Audit Cell. 31. Pvt. Secretary to Hon'ble Minister1 State Ministers1 for inf. to the Hon'ble Ministers 32. Prpl. Pvt. Secretary to Chief Secretary. 33. All officedSectional Officers of Finance Deptt. 34. President Non Gazetted Employees Union Civil Secretariat SrinagarlJammu GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR CNIL SECRETARIAT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Subject: Fixation of pay in the revised pay structure- clarification regardiig. Following the notification of J&K Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2009 promulgated vide SRO 93 dated 15.4.2009, some Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) of various departments have sought informal clarificationsregarding following aspect of fixation of pay in the revised pay structure . The matter has been considered in the Finance De~artmentand the points of doubts d and the clarification thereto are is: led as under:Doubts Clarification Methodology for rounding off:As per Rule 9 of the notification, In the case of Ready Reckoner annexed the rate of increment in the revised with this Department notification, SR0.93 pay structure will be 3% of the dated 15.4.2009, rounding off has already sum of the pay in the pay band and been done and the same should be grade pay applicable, which will implemented without any modification. It be rounded off to the next multiple is further clarified that the ready reckoner of 10. Whether rounding off to shall be treated as conclusive in all cases of next multiple of 10 has to be done fixation of pay in the revised pay bands as in terms of rupees or even a paisa on 01.01.2006 has to be rounded off to next multiple of 10. In the case of calculation of increments under the revised pay structure, paisa should be ignored, but any amount of a rupee or more should be rounded off to next multiple of 10. To illustrate, if the amount of increment comes to Rs.1900.70 paisa, then the amount will be rounded off to Rs.1900; if the amount of increment works out to be Rs.1901, then it will be rounded off to Rs.1910. 2 Grant of Stagnation increment : Finance Department. Copy to the: 1. Advocate General 2. Principal Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road New Delhi. 3. All Financial Commissioners. 4. All Principal Secretaries to Govt. 5. Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister. 6. Chief Electoral Officer, JLK Jammu. 7. All CommissioneriSecffitariesto Govt. 8. S e c r e t q to H.E the Governor. 9. Divisional Commissioner Kashmir/Jammu. 10. Accountant General Kashmirhmu. 10. Accountant General KashmirIJammu. I 1. Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar 12. Secretary to Chief Justice J&K High Court Srinagar/Jammu. 13. Registrar General J&K High Court SrinagarIJammu 14. All Head of DepartmentslManaging Directadchief Executive of State PSUs/Autonomous Bodies. 15. Secretary Public Service Commissioner1Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council. 16. All District Development Commissioners. 17. D i i t o r General Budget, Finance Department. 18. Diictor General Audit & Inspections. 19. D i t o r I J t . Director Accounts & Treasuries SgrlJammu. 20. DirectorIJt. Director Fund Org. Srinagarllmmu. 21. Dy.Director Audit and Inspections Finance Deptt. 22 Director information J&K SrinagarIJammu. 23. FA & CAO Flood Control and Hydel Projects Sgr. 24. Principal Northern zonal Accountancy Training Institute Jammu. 25. Principal Accountancy Training School Srinagar. 26. All Financial Advisors & CAO's 27. General Manager,J&K Bank Ltd JammdSrinagar 28. All Treasury Officers/Distt. Treasuries Officers. 29. General Manager Go@. Press for publication in Govt. Gazette 30. Chief Accounts Officer Examiner Loeal Fund Audit Cell. 3 1. F'vt. Secretary to Hon'ble Minister/ State Ministersl for inf. to the Hon'ble Ministers 32. Rpl. P X Secretary to Chief Secretary. 33. All officers/Sectional Officers of Finance Deptt. 34. President Non Gazetted Employees Union Civil Secretariat Srinagar/Jammu. Government of Jammu & Kashmir. Finance Department. ... Corrigendum I n Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2009 as promulgated vide SRO 93 dated 15-4-2009: "Explanation 1 below Rule 5 shall be deleted and the Explanation 2 and 3 shall be re-numbered as Explanation 1 and 2 respectively." Note 5 below Rule 7 shall be deleted and consequently Note 6, 7, 8 and 9 shall be renumbered as Note 5, 6, 7 and 8 respectively. NO:-2008)- Copy to the: 627 . Director codes, Finance Department. Date&? .7.2009 Advocate General Principal Resident Commissioner, 5-P~ithviRaj Road New Delhi. All Financial Commissioners. All Principal Secretaries to Govt. Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister. 6. Chief Electoral Officer, J&K Jammu. to Govt. 7. All ~ommissioner~~ecretaries 8. Secretary to H.E the Governor. 9. Divisional Commissioner KashmirIJammu. 10. Accountant General KashmirlJammu. 11. Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar 12. Secretary to Chief Justice J&K High Court Srinagar/Jammu. 13. Registrar General J&K High Court SrinagarlJammu 14. All Head of DeparbnentsrManaging DirectorlChief Executive of State PSUs/Autonomous Bodies. 15. Secretary Public Service Commissioner1 Legislative AssemblyLegislative Council. 16. All District Development Commissioners. 17. Director General Budget, Finance Department. 18. Diector General Audit & Inspections. 19. D i o r N f . Director Accounts & Treasuries SgrIJammu. 20. DirectorIJt. Diector Fund Org. SrinagadJammu. 21. Dy. Director Audit and Inspection$ finance Deptt. 22. Director Information J&K SrinagarNammu. 23. FA & CAO Flood Control and Hydel Projects Sgr. 24. Principal Northern zonal Accountancy Training Institute Jammu. 25. Principal Accountancy Training School Srinagar. 26. All F i c i a l Advisors & CAO's 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. i Office of the Financial Advisor Universities (Civil Secretariat -Finance Department) '. I., %--(*k%-)-/l . -, NO.: Dated: 9 1- 7- 2-64 OFFICE MEMORANDUM I n continuation to this Office Memorandum No. A/78(88)II-500 dated 31-7-009 regarding the revision ofthe pay scales of the Teachers and Administrative Officers of all the Universities of the State, it is hereby clarified that the pay fixation: of the existing Teachers and Administrative Officers, who were in position as on 1.1.2006, in various categories of posts shall be carried out in terms of the Fitment tables ( Table 1to 9) communicated by the Ministry of HRD ( Department of Higher Education), Govt. of India vide their No. F.31/2009-U.1 dated the 4thJune 2009. (Sudh Co ( Financial Advisor Universities) Vice Chancellor : University of Jammu, Jammu Vice Chancellor University of Kashmir, Kashmir Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu, Jammu Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Kashmir, Kashmir. Copy for information to the: 1.Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister 2. Secretary to HE the Governor. 3.Comm/Secy to Govt., Higher Education Department 4. Spl Assistant to Hon'ble Finance Minister. 5.Pvt Secretary to Hon'ble Minister for Higher Education. Office of the Financial Advisor Universities (Civil Secretariat -Finance Department) NO.: 4 / ~ ' 7 8 ~ & , , 2 Dated: 3 1 - 709 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Revision of pay scales 'of TeachersIAdministrative Officers of the Universities. On the recommendations of the University Grants Commission, the ' binistry of Human Resource Development Government of India has vide their communications no.:l-3212006-U.II/U.I(i)dated the 31* December 2008 and 1-3212006-U.II/U.I(ii) dated the 31* December 2008 recommended the revision of the pay scales of teachers in the Universities and Colleges and Administrative Officers in the Universities. This Scheme has been'considered for implementation in respect of the Universities in the State as well and i t has been decided that the revised pay scales as contained in Annexure-'A' be allowed to TeachersIAdministrative Officers of the Universities from 1.1.2006 subject to the following conditions: (i) (ii) (iii) ! While the ay will be fixed in the revised scale from 1.1. 006, payment of salary at the revised rates will be made from 1.7.2009 as in the case of State Government employees. The matters relating to exercise of option, fixation of pay in the revised scale, qualification bar and date of next increment shall be governed by the relevant provlslons of rules as contained in the J&K Civil Services (Revised P&) Rules, 2009 as amended from time to time. Payment of other allowances shall continue to lin s. s admissible be regulated on the sa to the employees of%h%ersities of Kashmir and Jammu as eretofore. The mattelr regarding payment of arrears of salary froth 1.1.2006 to 30.6.2009 shall be considered and decided subsequently. The existing pays scales of the posts not specifically 'identified in the package of revision of UGC scales but carrying UGC pay scales presently in the two universities will k (iv) (v) :&!!./ also be revised to the corresponding scales of pay in the revised pay structure. Commissioner Secretary to Government Finance Department (Financial Advisor Universities) with the approval of Chancellor of the Universities accordingly coveys the above decisions for issuance of necessary orders by the Universities of Jammu and Kashmir and SKUAST-Jammu and SKUAST-Kashmir on the above lines. I ( Financial Advisor Universities) Vice Chancellor University of Jammu, Jammu Vice Chancellor University of Kashmir, Kashmir Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu, Jammu Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Kashmir, Kashmir Copy for information to the: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ! Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister Secretary to HE the Governor. Comm/Secy to Govt., Higher Education Department Spl Assistant to Hon'ble Finance Minister. Pvt Secretary to Hon'ble Minister for Higher Education. Anwxure-A Revised Pay Bands and Grade Pays of the Teachers in the Universities i ( in Rs.) Corresponding Corresponding pay band S.N Name of Existing Academ~c Grad o. Category Scale of Pay of posts pay 75000 (Fixed) along 2500011. Vice with a special allowance of Chancello (Fixed) Rs. 50001- per month Pro Vice 18400-500- 37400-67000 along with a special allowance of Rs. Chancello 22400 40001- per month subject r to the condition that the sum total of pay in the pay band, the AGP and the Special Allowance shall not exceed Rs. 800001Professor 16400-450- 37400-67000 IDir 20900-500Research 22400 /Dir Extension Associate Professor: 18300 5. 1 Senior 1 10000-325- 1 15600-39100 Assistant / 15200 Professor 6. Assistant 8000-275- 1 15600-39100 1 6000 1 Professor 13500 I I 1 1 I Note: The above revised pay structure is strictly based on the grade to grade revision as prescribed in the MHRD notifications mentioned above. The placement of the incumbents in the higher posts carrying higher grade pays or in the same band with higher academic grade pays on or after 1.1.2006, however, shall be strictly governed by the clause 2 under the captioned- Revised pay scales, Service Conditions and CAS for teachers and equivalent positions and other relevant guidelines of the MHRD Notification No. 1-32/2006-U.II/U.I(i) dated 31- 12-2008. A Revised Pay Bands and Grade Pays of Administrative Officers in the Universities ding Grade pay pay band 37400-67000 1. 1 I 2. Edu/Controler ExaminationIFin I ance officer Dy Registrar 12000-420-18300 15600-39100 1 Dy LibrarianIDy 12000-b20-18300 15600-39100 I Education 3. Note: ' Astt 1 10000 7600 8000 I Lib (Sr / 10000-325-15200 7 15600-39100 0 0 Scale)/Asst ~ i r Phy Edu (Sr Scale) ---Asstt LibrarianIAsstt Director Phy Edu Asst RegistrarIAsst Controller of Examination 0 The placement of incumbents in the higher posts carrying higher pay bands or in theisame pay bands with higher Grade pays shall be strictly governed by the relevant provisions laid down for the said categories of posts in the above MHRD notifications. 4 Office of the Financial Advisor Universities (Civil Secretariat -Finance Department) NO.: 9\73 Qs) SQ\ Dated: 3\ 7% ~y - OFFICE MEMORANDUM n I n terms of the University Grants Commission's c o m m ~ o no.: F-3-9/2007(PS) dated September 6, 2007, the pay scales of the non academic staff of the universities ha e been considered for revision on the pattern of the Sixth Central ! PL y Commission recommendations as accepted and implemented by the Go1 for its Central employees and it has been decided that the revised pay scales as contained in Annexure-A be allowed to the non academic staff of the Universities from 1.1.2006 on grade to grade basis subject to the following condition:(v) (vi) (vii) While the pay will be fixed in the revised scale from 1.1.2006, payment of salary at the revised rates will be made from 1.7.2009 as in the case of State Government employees. The matters relating to exercise of option, fixation of pay in the revised scale, qualification bar and date of next increment shall be governed by the relevant provisions of rules as contained in the J&K Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2009 as amen'ded from time to time. Payment of other allowances shall continue to be regulated on the same lines as ,i ,+-mploye~&u pfs,ti,&, admissible to? $ universities o Lashm~r and dammu as heretofore. The matter regarding payment of arrears of salary from 1.1.2006 to 30.6.2009 shall be considered and decided subsequently. ' @ (viii) Commissioner Secretary to Government Finance Department (Financial Advisor Universities) with the approval of Chancellor of the Universities accordingly conveys the above decisions for issuance of necessary orders by the pniversities of SKUAST- Jammu and SKUAST- Kashmir on the above lines. JL (,udh ~h%ev, Cornrn~ssionerlSecre IVto Govt. Finance'~e~artme;lt (Financial Advisor Universities) Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu, Jammu Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Kashmir, Kashmir. Copy for information to the: 1. Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister 2. Secretary to HE the Governor. 3. CommJSecy to Govt., Higher Education Department 4. Spl Assistant to Hon'ble Finance Minister. 5. Pvt Secretary to Hon'ble Minister for Higher Education. Revised Pay Bands and Grade Pays of the non teaching employees of the Universities In RsJ -. of the Pay Corresponding I r a y band - Office of the Financial Advisor Universities (Civil Secretariat -Finance Department) n\-,s(s%)a-sb2. NO.: Dated: ,\ T, op OFFICE MEMORANDUM I n terms of the University Grants Commission's communication no.: F-3-9/2007(PS) dated September 6, 2007, the pay scales of the non academic staff of the universities have been considered for revision on the pattern of the Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations as accepted and implemented by the Go1 for its Central employees and it has been decided that the rebised pay scales as contained in Annexure-A be allowed to the non academic staff of the Universities from 1.1.2006 on grade to grade basis subject to the following condition:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) While the pay will be fixed in the revised scale from 1.1.2006, payment of salary at the revised rates will be made from 1.7.2009 as in the case of State Government employees. The matters relating to exercise of option, fixation of pay in the revised scale, qualifica{on bar and date of next increme t shall be governed by the relevant provisions of rules as contained in the J&K Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2009 as amended from time to time. Payment of other allowances shall continue to be regulated on the same lines as admissible to the employees of two universities of Kashmir and Jammu as heretofore. The matter regarding payment of arrears of salary from 1.1.2006 to 30.6.2009 shall be considered and decided subsequently. Commissioner Secretary to Government Finance Department (Financial Advisor Universities) with the approval of Chancellor of the Universities accordingly cov ys the above decisions for issuance of necessary orders by the Uni ersities of Jammu and Kashmir on the above lines. 8 Finance ~epartment (Financial Advisor Universities) Vice Chancellor University of Jammu, Jammu Vice Chancellor University of Kashmir, Kashmir Copy for information to the: 1.Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister 2. Secretary to HE the Governor. 3. Comm/Secy to Govt., Higher Education Department 4. Spl Assistant to Hon'ble Finance Minister. 5. Pvt Secretary to Hon'ble Minister for Higher Education. Revised Pay Bands and Grade Pays of the non teaching employees of the Universities ( in Rs.) Correspon S.No. Existing Scale of Name of the Pay Corresponding ding Band pay band Pay Grade pay 1. 2550-3200 1300 1 4440-7440 2650-4000 -1s. 1650 2. 1 (IX) Where a State Pensioner/Family Pensioner is also in receipt of Central Pension including Defence Service Pension or vice versa, Dearness Allowance shall be allowed on State Pension/Family Pension in addition to Dearness Relie6 if any, on Central Service Pension or vice versa. (x) Where an employee in Central Government includng Defence Service or other State Government, Union Territory Government or the Autonomous Body/ Company/PSU/ Corporation etc of Central Government or other State Governmenl; is also in receipt of State Pension/Famiily Pension, Dearness Allowance shall be allowed on State Pension/Family Pension in addition to Dearness Allowance, if any, paid on Central Government Service including Defence SeWe or other Shte Governmen&, Union Territory Government or the Autonomous Bo&/ Company/ PSU/Coorpotion of Central Government or other State Government (XI) Where a State Government Pensioner/Famify Pensioner is also in rece~ptof Pension/Family Pension from any Autonomous Body/Company/ PSU/ Coporation Statutory Body, owned by the State Government, no Dearness Allowance shall be allowed on State Pension/Family Pension': By order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. a/- (Sudhanshu Pandey) Commissioner Secretary to Government Finance Department. Dated 04 .6.2010 Caw to the :Advocate General B K . Principal Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road New, Delhi. All Financial Commissioners. All Principal Secretaries to Government. 5) Principal Secretary to Honble Chief Minister. 6) Chief Electoral Mficer, J&K Jammu. 7) All Commissioner / Secretaries to Government. 8) Secretary to HE the Governor. 9) Divisional Cornmissloner Kashmirl lammu. 10) Accountant General, J&K Srinagarl Jammu. 1) 2) 3) 4) 11)'Commissioner of Vigilance, J&K Srinagar. 12) Secretary to Chief Justice J&K High Courts Srinagar /Jammu. 13) Registrar General, J&K High Court Srinagarl Jammu. 14) Director Geneml, Accounts and Treasuries. 15) Director General, Budget. 16) Director, Audit and Inspebions. 17) Director, Funds Organisation. 18) All Head of Departments / Managing Directors/ Chief Executive of State K U s / Autonomous Bodies. 19) Seuetary J&K Public Service Commission. 20) All District Development Commissioners, 21) Joint Director Aamunts &Treasuries / Funds organization SrinagarIJammu. 22) FA&CAO, Flocd Control Organization Srinagar /Jammu. 23) Secretary, J&K Legislative Assembly/Legislative Council. 24) Director Information J&K Srimgar /Jammu. 25) Principal Accountancy Training School Srinagar. 26) Rincipal Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute Jammu. 27) All Fimncial Advisors & CAO's. 28) All Treasury Officers. 29) General Manager, Government Press for publication in Government Gazette. 30) Chief Aaounts Officer, Examiner Local fund Audit Cell. 31) General Manager J&K Bank Ltd; Srinagar/Jammu. 32) Private Secretary to Hon'ble Ministers/ Hon'ble Ministers of State for information of the Hon'ble Ministers. 33) Principal Private Secretary to Chief Secretary. 34) All officers / Section officers of Finance Department. 35) President Non Gazetted Employees Union Civil Secretariat Srinagart Jammu. 36) Government order file ( W 2 s ) (Dr. M.+-ol Ishaa Wa I Director (~bdes). Finance Department Government of Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department, Civil Secretariat Srinagar, the= Notification $October, 201 1. S R O 3 3 2 In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to section 124 of the Constitut~onof Jarnmu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to direct that the following amendments shall be made in the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2009; namely:(1) The full stop at the end of rule 8 shall be substituted by the colon and thereafter the following provisos shall be added: "Provided that the direct recruits to class 1V, class 111 and other non-gazetted posts in the services to which these rules apply shall, on being appointed against the vacancies advertised after lStNovember, 201 1 by the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB), Police Recruitment Board (PRB), District/Divisional Level Committees constituted for appointment to Class IV posts under various Government orders issued from time to time or any other Board or Committee, be entitled to pay for the initial period of five years of service, as per the fixed monthly salary given in the 'Table' at the end of the First Schedule. However, they shall be entitled to other allowances like DA, HRA, CCA and annual increments only after completion of their five years service: Provided further that such direct recruits shall also be: (i) entitled to the benefits under Medical Attendance Rules and Leave Rules; (ii) governed by rules of probation, disciplinary rules and pension contribution under New Pension Scheme calculated on the fixed salary drawn as indicated in column 04 and column 07 of the Table at the end of the First Schedule from the date of appointment; and (iii) entitled to the temporary move allowance on their posting in any move office. Provided also that washing allowance, uniform allowance/kit allowance, TMA and any other allowance wherever applicable in respect of uniformed forces shall be admissible as per fixed monthly salary rates or in proportion to fixed salaries as the case may be." The following Table shall be added at the end of the First Schedule: (2) "TABLE Pay Band S.No. 01. 1. Grade Pay - 03. 02. 4440-7440 1300 -1s 1 5200-20.200 1800 1900 PH-I 2400 02. Fixed Salary (Rs. Per month) for I" two years Medical Allowance Total sdlaiy (Rs. Per month) during' 1 two years Fixed salary (Rs. Per month) during next 3 years 04. 2870 05. 300 06. 3170 07. 4310 I 3500 3550 3800 300 300 300 1 I 4100 5330 5250 5700 Medical Allowance Total Salary during next 3 years (Rs. per month) - 09. 1 300 4610 300 300 300 5550 5630 6000 By order o f the Governor. Sd/Commr/Secretary to Government Finance Department NO:-A/35(2011)-113~- Dated:- 9 @. / O . A 6 7 1 Copy to:1. Advocate General JLK. 2. Principal Resident Commissioner, 5-Prithvi Raj Road New, Delhi. 3. All Financial Commissioners. 4. All Principal Secretaries to Government. 5. Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister. 6. Chief Electoral Officer, J L K Jammu. 7. All Commissioner / Secretaries to Government. 8. Secretary to HE the Governor. 9. Divisional Commissioner Kashmir/ Jammu. 10. Accountant General, J L K Srinagarf Jammu. 1 1. Commissioner of Vigilance, J L K Srinagar. 12. Secretary to Chief Justice JLK High Courts Srinagar /Jammu. 13. Registrar General, J L K High Court Srinagarl Jammu. 14. Director General Accounts 8. Treasuries / Budget. 15. Director Audit 8. Inspections. 16. Director Funds organization JLK. 17. All Head of Departments / Managing Directors/ Chief Executive of State PSU's / Autonomous Bodies. 18. Secretary J L K Public Service Commission. 19. Secretary, J L K Legislative Assembly / Legislative Council. 20. Joint Director Accounts &Treasuries / Funds organization. 21. Joint Director. Funds Organization Srinagar /Jammu. 22. FALCAO, Flood Control Organization Srinagar /Jammu. 23. Director Information JLK Srinagar IJammu. 24. Principal Accountancy Training School Srinagar. 25. Principal Northern Zonal Accountancy Training Institute Jammu. 26. All Financial Advisors L CAO's. 27. All Treasury Officers. 28. General Manager, Government Press for publication in Government Gazette. 29. Chief Accounts Officer, Examiner Local fund Audit Cell. 30. Private Secretary to Hon'ble Ministers1 Hon'ble Ministers of State for information of the Hon'ble Ministers. 31. Principal Private Secretary to Chief Secretory. 32. All officers /Section officers of Finance Department. 33. President Non Gazetted Employees Union Civil Secretariat Srinagar/ Jammu. vernment order file [ W2scs) Website, GAD. L (Dr. M. 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