Amadeus Training User Guide v1

March 23, 2018 | Author: plamena | Category: Airlines, Aviation, Transport Companies, Technology, Computing



Amadeus TrainingUser Guide Version 1.0 1 June 2012 1 June 2012 Page 1 of 23 Document control Security level Internal / external use Company Version Amadeus IT Group SA Date Change Comment 1.0 01 June 2012 Audience = all 1 June 2012 Page 2 of 23 First release for external use, based on previous internal version ....3 Scheduled Outages ............4 Production Level Software .................... 16 3.............................................................. 9 3 Delivering Training Courses ................................................2 Refunds .......................2 System Date .............. 12 3.................................................................................................... 5 2 Managing Training Data .......... 18 4......................................5 Training Specifics .............1..................................................................6............................... 17 4 Appendix 1 – Ticketable Airlines...................................................................................... 4 1.....................................1 User Groups ...................................................2 Sorted by Airline Name ...............1 Smart Tabs in Selling Platform ........................................................................... 4 1.......Table of Contents 1 Introducing Amadeus Training ...................................................................................... 10 3.....................................................................................................................................................2 Loading Data for Training Delivery .................................................................................................... 4 1.............................1 What's Available: Practice Training vs Amadeus Training .. 4 1........ 18 4..................................................4 Checking Your Training Works .................... 12 3.................................1 The Amadeus Training (SKL) Environment ....1....................................... 13 3................... 8 2...........................................................................................................6 Printing ....................................... 5 1.............1 Virtual Printer ...................................... 8 2................... 16 3.........................7 Summary of Practical Points ............................2 Capture/Restore Process.........................................................1..........1.5 Data Control .......................................2 Physical Printer .............2 Functionality ................................................................................................... 21 1 June 2012 Page 3 of 23 ...........6..... 16 3........................1....2........................ 15 3.....................1 Sorted by Airline Code ..................................... 4 1................................................................................................................................ 4 1..................................................1 Separate from Production ....................5..... 14 3..................................................3 Accessing Amadeus Training..................... 16 3..........5........................... 15 3.............. 10 3......................................1 General Information ........................................ the date on Amadeus Training was the 18 April 2012.4 Production Level Software Software on Amadeus Training is "production-level". 30 Jun.1 Separate from Production Amadeus Training (SKL) is not a part of Production .1. 1.2 System Date The date on Amadeus Training is always five weeks behind Production. 1.3 Scheduled Outages Amadeus Training is available 24/7 except for these scheduled outages:  5 maintenance outages per year (Saturday.1 Introducing Amadeus Training Amadeus Training is replacing the current Practice Training system that has supported Amadeus for many years. when the date on Production was the 23 May 2012. 28 Jul. 1 June 2012 Page 4 of 23 . You may like to think of it as a clone of the Production system with a system date that is five weeks behind Production. 01 Dec. For example. 28 Apr. 14:00 – 18:00 GMT) In 2012 these are 28 Jan. Production software is automatically loaded in Amadeus Training on the weekend following the load in the production system. Amadeus Training contains all of the data and functionalities for you to train Amadeus products and functionality. Amadeus Training remains available for use during these loads.  3 restore outages (Saturday.1.1 The Amadeus Training (SKL) Environment 1.1.1. 1. Sometimes Amadeus Training is identified with the name Skilling or the acronym SKL – both refer to the name of the technical platform from which it evolved. dedicated to delivering is a separate system. 14:00 – 20:00 GMT) In 2012 these are on 3 Mar. 27 Oct. This is because the standard Amadeus capture/restore process is used to update the data on Amadeus Training. 22 Sep. 1. All scheduled and unscheduled outages will be notified by email. 3. any data loaded in Production usually appears in Amadeus Training after the next capture/restore process completes. This is a standard process used with Amadeus platforms other than Production. The capture/restore process comprises the following steps: 1.1. An example of the timeframe is given below for the last capture/restore process of 2012: 1 June 2012 Page 5 of 23 . Making a copy of the data on Production (this is the capture) 2. replacing all data that was previously present in Amadeus Training The capture/restore process concerns the loading of production data on Amadeus Training.5 Data Control It is important to understand how data is updated on Amadeus Training as this will help you to:  Plan your training schedule  Prepare more effectively for the delivery of your training courses. Customising the data as necessary (Running scripts based on work orders to modify production settings within the training environment).1. 1. Data on Amadeus Training is updated via the capture/restore process.2 Capture/Restore Process The capture/restore process is one of the significant differences between Amadeus Training and Practice Training. It takes 5 weeks to complete. The official capture and restore dates for 2012 are given in section 1. Production software is loaded on Amadeus Training on the Saturday after its load in Production. It is important because this is how most of the Production data arrives on Amadeus Training. For example.3 of this guide.1. and is explained below. Pasting the copied production data on Amadeus Training (this is the restore). e-Tickets. the availability displays may not include flights for the whole of the following season. any availability requests after that date for the airline will not return anything. but they are usually spaced at approximately 4 month intervals. Timetables. you may want to take time to check that the data has restored as you expected. After the first restore cycle.The frequency with which the capture and restore process happens varies.) is included in the capture. etc. The Schedules database is copied from the production environment. For example: Data loaded after the capture on 26 May. will appear on Amadeus Training only after the capture and restore cycle of 22Sep/27Oct completes: What is included in the Capture/Restore process? All Production data (for example. EMDs. Remember to look at the official capture and restore dates before scheduling training in order to avoid delivering training on the day of a restore. if the schedules database captured only has flights until the 25th April. Airline specific and market specific tables. when the data is restored on Amadeus Training. This data is restored onto Amadeus Training (SKL) to ensure the quality of data and the system functionality on is equivalent to that of the production environment. Profiles. For example. Any updates to Production data will appear in Amadeus Training (SKL) after the next full capture/restore process. Ancillary Services. but the data copied is the data available at the time of the capture. Therefore. The same behavior occurs for Fares. Schedules. 1 June 2012 Page 6 of 23 . PNRs. Office Profiles. Availability. Fares. By default. a specific User Group (SKL08) and a virtual printer will be defined for all training offices. In certain cases. 1 June 2012 Page 7 of 23 . All signs that existed in the office sign bank at the time of capture will be restored (It should be noted that the password associated to the sign is based on the user password at the time of the capture). The user group SKL08 has been set with values necessary for training delivery – for example.Customising data. EOT is authorized and TRCS is set.e. If the office in question requires different settings. Any such specific set-ups must be requested well in advance. your Local Security Administrator can recreate the sign. Office Profile Data Office Profiles and sign banks are copied from Production and restored on Amadeus Training. there must also be the airline data present in the system and made available to the travel agency community. but the airline must agree and load the data for the fares/pricing records required for the ancillary services. If this happens. only to the training environment so as not to impact the production environment). a certain market may wish to train agents on EMD and Ancillary services before the product is deployed in the market. For example. Amadeus can set up the tables. training new products Some customization may be required for a given market in order for them to be able to train specific functionalities that may not yet be available in Production. In addition to certain office profile and table changes being made to Amadeus Training (i. The Sign Bank is also copied from production and restored to the training platform. the nightly file maintenance may consider some signs as unused for a long period of time and will delete them from the sign bank. a Work Order must be opened requesting these settings. you do not create a booking or reduce inventory in Production.2 Managing Training Data 2. For example:  If you create a PNR in Amadeus Training. A best practice is to make bookings after the current date (and not in the 5 week period between the date on Amadeus Training and today’s date.and you can most likely work around this easily when selecting flights and trips. remember that some data may not be the same as in Production because of the time taken by the capture/restore process. Minor differences in data When delivering a training course in Amadeus Training. 1 June 2012 Page 8 of 23 .  You can update EOS agreements (Extended Ownership Security) to increase your security in Amadeus Training without making the changes in Production. For example you may not find "fresh" production data on the training environment! However this is unlikely to affect your training .1 General Information Changing data without affecting Production One of the benefits of Amadeus Training being a separate environment is that you can change data without affecting the data in Production.2). Such changes will last until the next restore unless a work order is opened and the data is requested to be permanently available (as explained in section 2. 2.2 Loading Data for Training Delivery There are 2 different ways of loading data to Amadeus Training: 1. The data must be in Production in time for a full capture/restore process to complete. The work order specifies if the data is to be loaded once only to Amadeus Training or after each restore on Amadeus Training. Data must be loaded to Amadeus Training by work order if the data could adversely impact the data in Production. In order for this process to apply.2. .requesting data to be loaded by work order allows data to be loaded to Amadeus Training only (and not to Production). the data must be in Production at the time of the capture. By work orders . 1 June 2012 Page 9 of 23 . After the data has been captured and restored from Production to Amadeus Training. or load it to Amadeus Training at the same time it is loaded into Production. It takes least effort to have data loaded from Production to Amadeus Training using the standard capture/restore process.this is the recommended way as it takes least effort. Via the capture/restore process . Check the official capture/restore dates to work out when the data needs to be on Production in order to be restored to Amadeus Training in time for the delivery of any planned training course. the data is always available on Amadeus Training (unless it is removed from Production). 1 What's Available: Practice Training vs Amadeus Training The table below compares the functionality for which training courses can be delivered on Practice Training and Amadeus Training. deletion Yes Yes Teletype No Yes** Past Date Record No No Offers No Yes PNR history No Yes Negotiated Fares Fare Quote Amadeus Ticketless Access Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Electronic Ticketing Yes Yes Pricing Yes Yes Ticketing.3 Delivering Training Courses 3. modification. In Practice Training? In Amadeus Training? Segment Sell Dynamic Discount Fares Information Pages Service Fee Manager Availability Ancillary Services Yes* Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Itinerary and invoice Yes Yes Profiles Yes Yes Queues Yes Yes Local security Yes Yes AIP and conversion Yes Yes Air displays Yes Yes PNR creation. TST Yes*** Yes Ticketing Quota System Central Ticketing No Yes*** Yes Yes Central ticketing Sales Reports Yes*** Yes Amadeus Ticket Changer Yes*** Yes EMD No Yes Amadeus Interface Record Yes Yes Reservations Fares Ticketing 1 June 2012 Page 10 of 23 . In Practice Training? In Amadeus Training? Cars No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Amadeus e-Retail Engine Amadeus e-Travel Management Amadeus Flex Pricer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ACE & Web Configuration Problem Handling and Reporting (for Help Desks) Distribution System (for Help Desks) Terminals (for Help Desks) Office Id and Office Profile (for Help Desks) Local Security (for Help Desks) Transaction Security (for Help Desks) Extended Ownership (for Help Desks) End User Maintenance (for Help Desks) Fares and Pricing (for Help Desks) Air (for Help Desks) Travel Service Leisure (for Help Desks) Printing (for Help Desks) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Amadeus Quality Control Yes NO Travel Services & Leisure Rail (except SNCF) SNCF Cruise Insurance Hotels e-Travel Help Desk Corporate 1 June 2012 Page 11 of 23 . ) are not smart tabs. They are new generation components of Selling Platform. In Practice Training. The drawback of having interactive links is that the following:  Amadeus does not control what the receiving system sends back  Amadeus does not control when the receiving system may be down or does not reply Whenever possible. Notes:  The “Plus” components (Cars Plus.2P100 5. it will be necessary to use other airlines. Amadeus will have a link to the test system of the target airline thus enabling a real interaction with the other system. Hotels Plus etc. This means that bookings made on non Altéa airlines do not target inventory and use simulated messages to generate the replies.2. it is recommended to use Altéa hosted airlines but in certain markets. and smart keys work correctly in Amadeus Training. This is required so that ticketing (and potentially Ancillary Services) may be performed on Non Altéa Hosted Airlines. 3.1P100 and higher Note: Access requires the correct setup in WebConfig..3.1P100 6. links are not in place with the external world. Sell Version 5.2P100 7.1 Smart Tabs in Selling Platform Smart tabs in Amadeus Selling Platform (and Amadeus Reservation Desktop) are available as follows when using the training URL to access Amadeus Training – see section 3. 1 June 2012 Page 12 of 23 . and any issues can be opened as Incident Reports (IRs).  Smart keys are basically scripts of cryptic entries.2 Functionality There are some changes from the Production and the Practice Training environments that need to be taken into consideration when planning and performing a training course.3.2P200 Access to Smart Tabs via Training URL 6. On Amadeus Training. If this requirement is if you are connected to the Internet.1 1 June 2012 Page 13 of 23 Amadeus Selling Platform versions lower than 3.1a. training. SELL V3. Contact your ACO. Selling Platform is not connected to Production).e.0 Comments Your terminal or office must be switched to use Amadeus Training.amadeusvista. use one of the following URLs to connect to Selling Platform and the training environment (i.amadeusvista. log out of Selling Platform and log in to your Production version of Selling Platform. (by Internet) training.amadeusvista.1 need to be upgraded in order to deliver training in the GUI. . SELL if you are connected to Amadeus network Ways to access to Amadeus Training are detailed below.   training.1 to V5.2 or higher for a direct connection to Amadeus Training: training.3 Accessing Amadeus Training The recommended way to access Amadeus Training requires Selling Platform version 5. SELL lower than (by Amadeus network) To access Production.2 and higher Comments The dedicated urls below are available with V5.2 or higher.3. for example:  Work through the entries and exercises at a terminal connected to Amadeus Training  Join a training course and validate the entries and exercises at the pilot terminal as the training is delivered. 1 June 2012 Page 14 of 23 . this can be done in different ways. Depending on the situation.4 Checking Your Training Works You need to check the entries for your training courses in Amadeus Training for the following reasons:  When migrating your courses from Practice Training. to ensure the entries work and make any minor adjustments if necessary  After the first capture/restore process completes and before delivering your training course to ensure that the data is as expected.3. a user group might grant more privileges on Amadeus Training than on Production for the same office. for example identifying the entries that a user can make.1 User Groups User groups contain the rules that must be followed for security purposes. All training offices in Amadeus Training will be set to use the user group SKL08 by default from the 30 June 2012 onwards. A user group is usually attached to an office ID. Training offices are considered to be those with the setting CTO = TRN. 1 June 2012 Page 15 of 23 . User groups used in Practice Training have changed names in Amadeus Training as shown in the table below: Current user group on Practice Training Corresponding user group in Amadeus Training HELPT HESKL AFCHK SKL01 1APR1 SKL02 ATC1 SKL03 1ATR1 SKL04 1AWWW SKL05 HDCTS SKL06 ALTNG SKL07 SUTNG SKL08 The user group SKL08 has been set with values necessary for training delivery – for example. User groups in Production and Amadeus Training are distinct entities.5. User groups are maintained by the Security team in the Service Management Centre.3. User groups in Amadeus Training define the security rules in Amadeus Training (not in Production).5 Training Specifics 3. EOT is authorized and TRCS is set to allow refunds. For example. 6. This option is for exceptional Amadeus Training have been set to use the virtual printer by default from the 30 June 2012 onwards. called mnemonic D00062. All office IDs – with the exception of airline office IDs . you can display the list of printers associated to your office by entering TTQLIST. however the printer must be dedicated for use with Amadeus Training.6 Printing To deliver training on Amadeus Training you are recommended to use the virtual training printer that is set up by default for all user groups in Amadeus Training. Please contact your ACO for further information. comprises these printers:  a generic document printer  a TAT printer  an ATB ticket printer  a DAIR printer When you are signed in to Amadeus Training.5. 3.2 Refunds Performing refunds is permitted by everyone using Amadeus Training. You may need to check that the user group being used in Amadeus Training has TRCS set if you are using a user group other than those detailed in section 3. The virtual training printer set.1 Virtual Printer The virtual training printer provides all the functionality up to the point of printing the ticket but does not allow you to print a physical ticket. 3. 3.1.5. 1 June 2012 Page 16 of 23 .6. It cannot be used with Production as well.2 Physical Printer A physical printer connected to Amadeus Training (SKL) allows you to print tickets.3. 5. 3.7 Summary of Practical Points The list below is a summary of the things that you will need to consider when delivering training courses on Amadeus Training. 1 June 2012 Page 17 of 23 . 4. remember to check your course entries before delivering your training course to ensure that the data is as expected 6. You must sign in to Amadeus Training SKL in order to see the settings for user groups in SKL. An easy way to verify that you are working in Amadeus Training is to check the system date . is always 5 weeks behind Production. After each restore your training password will be over-ridden by the newly captured Production password (could be an old one!). Please bear this in mind when the next restore happens. 2.3. Understand that Amadeus Training (SKL) is a separate system to Production. As much as possible. After a restore. The DD entry shows you the system date. and any changes made in Amadeus Training do not affect Production. The majority of these points have been pulled together from different sections of this user guide for your convenience. Avoid delivering training during scheduled outages. use the standard capture/restore process to load your data to Amadeus Training. The settings can be different in Amadeus Training. 1 Sorted by Airline Code 2U 4Q 7D 9B A3 A4 A5 AB AF AT AV AY BA BD BT CF CX DC DL DY EI EY FB FI FJ FV HR IB 1 June 2012 Page 18 of 23 Ero Sun d'Or Safi Airways Donbassaero Airlines Access Rail Aegean Airlines Aero Commercial Oriente Norte Airlinair Air Berlin Air France Royal Air Maroc Avianca Finnair British Airways British Midland Airways (BMI) Air Baltic City Airline Cathay Pacific Golden Air Delta Airlines Norwegian Air Shuttle Aer Lingus Ethiad Bulgaria Air Icelandair Air Pacific Rossyia Airlines Hahn Air IBERIA .4 Appendix 1 – Ticketable Airlines The intention is to have all airlines available for ticketing in Amadeus Training. The following airlines do allow the full ticketing flow to occur in Amadeus (Ticket issuance. cancellation and refund of ETKTs etc.). 4. display. Non Amadeus ETS hosted Airlines are not controlled by Amadeus and the links and availability of these systems is dependent on each provider. However there are certain restrictions. This Information is correct as of 21st March 2012. IE IF J2 JJ JP JU JZ KA KC KL KQ LH LJ LN LO LR LY MD ME MK MR MS MX NF NH NP NT NZ OK OS OU OV PC PH PU PZ Q8 QA QC QF 1 June 2012 Page 19 of 23 Solomon Airlines Islas Airways Azerbijan Airlines TAM Adria Airways JAT Skyways AB Dragonair Air Astana KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Kenya Airways Lufthansa Jin Air Libyan Airlines LOT Polish Airlines LACSA El Al Air Madagascar Middle East Airlines Air Mauritius Mongolian Airlines Egyptair Mexicana Air Vanuatu All Nippon Nile Air Binter Canarias Air New Zealand Czech Airlines Austrain Croatian Airlines Estonian Air Pegasus Airlines Transavia Denmark Pluna TAM Mercosur Trans Air Congo Mexicana Click Camair CO QANTAS . QI QR RC RJ S4 SA SB SE SN SP SQ SS SV T0 T7 TA TG TK TL TP TU TX UD UG UU UX V0 VA VQ VS VU VV VY WF XK YM ZI 1 June 2012 Page 20 of 23 Cimber Sterling QATAR Atlantic Airways Royal Jordanian SATA International South African Airways Air Calin XL Airways France Brussels Airlines SATA Air Açores Singapore Airlines Corsair Saudi Arabian Airlines TACA Peru Twin Jet TACA Thai Airways Turkish Airlines Airnorth TAP Tunisair Air Caraibes Hex Air Tunisair Express Air Austral Air Europa Conviasa Virgin Australia Viking Hellas Airlines Virgin Atlantic Air Ivoire Aerosvit Airlines Vueling Airlines Wideroe CCM Airlines Montenegro Airlines Aigle Azur . 4.2 Sorted by Airline Name Access Rail Adria Airways Aegean Airlines Aer Lingus Aero Commercial Oriente Norte Aerosvit Airlines Aigle Azur Air Astana Air Austral Air Baltic Air Berlin Air Calin Air Caraibes Air Europa Air France Air Ivoire Air Madagascar Air Mauritius Air New Zealand Air Pacific Air Vanuatu Airlinair Airnorth All Nippon Atlantic Airways Austrain Avianca Azerbijan Airlines Binter Canarias British Airways British Midland Airways (BMI) Brussels Airlines Bulgaria Air Camair CO Cathay Pacific CCM Airlines Cimber Sterling City Airline Conviasa 1 June 2012 Page 21 of 23 9B JP A3 EI A4 VV ZI KC UU BT AB SB TX UX AF VU MD MK NZ FJ NF A5 TL NH RC OS AV J2 NT BA BD SN FB QC CX XK QI CF V0 . Corsair Croatian Airlines Czech Airlines Delta Airlines Donbassaero Airlines Dragonair Egyptair El Al Ero Sun d'Or Estonian Air Ethiad Finnair Golden Air Hahn Air Hex Air IBERIA Icelandair Islas Airways JAT Jin Air Kenya Airways KLM Royal Dutch Airlines LACSA Libyan Airlines LOT Polish Airlines Lufthansa Mexicana Mexicana Click Middle East Airlines Mongolian Airlines Montenegro Airlines Nile Air Norwegian Air Shuttle Pegasus Airlines Pluna QANTAS QATAR Rossyia Airlines Royal Air Maroc Royal Jordanian 1 June 2012 Page 22 of 23 SS OU OK DL 7D KA MS LY 2U OV EY AY DC HR UD IB FI IF JU LJ KQ KL LR LN LO LH MX QA ME MR YM NP DY PC PU QF QR FV AT RJ . Safi Airways SATA Air Açores SATA International Saudi Arabian Airlines Singapore Airlines Skyways AB Solomon Airlines South African Airways TACA TACA Peru TAM TAM Mercosur TAP Thai Airways Trans Air Congo Transavia Denmark Tunisair Tunisair Express Turkish Airlines Twin Jet Viking Hellas Airlines Virgin Atlantic Virgin Australia Vueling Airlines Wideroe XL Airways France 1 June 2012 Page 23 of 23 4Q SP S4 SV SQ JZ IE SA TA T0 JJ PZ TP TG Q8 PH TU UG TK T7 VQ VS VA VY WF SE .
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