all conn

June 4, 2018 | Author: coey94 | Category: Microsoft Sql Server, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Databases, Oracle Database



Menghubungkan VB dengan semua database 1.SQL Server * ODBC Standard Security: "Driver={SQL Server};Server=Aron1;Database=pubs;Uid=sa;Pwd=asdasd;" Trusted connection: "Driver={SQL Server};Server=Aron1;Database=pubs; Trusted_Connection=yes;" Prompt for username and password: oConn.Properties("Prompt") = adPromptAlwaysoConn.Open "Driver={SQL Server} ;Server=Aron1;DataBase=pubs;" * OLE DB, OleDbConnection (.NET) Standard Security: "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=Aron1;Initial Catalog=pubs;User Id=sa;Passw ord=asdasd;" Trusted Connection: "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=Aron1;Initial Catalog=pubs;Integrated Secur ity=SSPI;" (use serverName\instanceName as Data Source to use an specifik SQLServer i nstance, only SQLServer2000) Prompt for username and password: oConn.Provider = "sqloledb"oConn.Properties("Prompt") = adPromptAlwaysoCon n.Open "Data Source=Aron1;Initial Catalog=pubs;" Connect via an IP address: "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSO CN;Initial Catalog=pubs;User ID=sa;Password=asdasd;" (DBMSSOCN=TCP/IP instead of Named Pipes, at the end of the Data Source is the port to use (1433 is the default)) * SqlConnection (.NET) Standard Security: "Data Source=Aron1;Initial Catalog=pubs;User Id=sa;Password=asdasd;" - or "Server=Aron1;Database=pubs;User ID=sa;Password=asdasd;Trusted_Connection= False" (both connection strings produces the same result) Trusted Connection: "Data Source=Aron1;Initial Catalog=pubs;Integrated Security=SSPI;" - or -" Server=Aron1;Database=pubs;Trusted_Connection=True;" (both connection strings produces the same result) (use serverName\instanceName as Data Source to use an specifik SQLServer i nstance, only SQLServer2000) Connect via an IP address: "Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog =pubs;User ID=sa;Password=asdasd;" ConnectionString="my connection string"oSQLConn.Server=Aron1.Database=pubs.UID=sa. AttachDbFilename=c:\asd\qwe\mydbfile.MARS_Connection=yes" EquivalentsMultipleActiveResultSets=true equals MARS_Connection=yes Encrypt data sent over network: "Driver={SQL Native Client}.Password=asdasd.Server=Aron1.Open(). . VB." 2.Trusted_Connection= yes.Encrypt=yes" Attach a database file on connect to a local SQL Server Express instance: "Driver={SQL Native Client}.Data.oSQLConn.Server=.ConnectionString="my connection string".User ID=sa.Open() * Data Shape MS Data Shape"Provider=MSDataShape." Enabling MARS (multiple active result sets): "Driver={SQL Native Client}.NET: Imports System.Properties("Prompt") = adPromptAlwaysoConn.Data Source=Aron 1.Server=." .(DBMSSOCN=TCP/IP instead of Named Pipes.SqlClient." EquivalentsIntegrated Security=SSPI equals Trusted_Connection=yes Prompt for username and password: oConn. Trusted_Connection=yes.Database=pubs.SqlClientDim oSQLConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnec tion()oSQLConn.Server=Aron1.Server=Aron1.Data.Database=pubs.SqlConnection oSQLConn = new SqlConnection( ). Database=dbname.Open "Driver={SQL Native Client}.Server=Aron1.\SQLExpress.oSQLConn." Trusted connection: "Driver={SQL Native Client}.Trusted_Connection=Yes.Data Provider=SQLOLEDB. Trusted_Connection=yes.PWD=asdasd.\SQLExpress.Initial Catalog=pubs. AttachDbFilename=DataDirectorymydbfile. SQL Server 2005 * SQL Native Client ODBC Driver Standard security: "Driver={SQL Native Client}.mdf.Database=pubs.DataBase=pubs.mdf. at the end of the Data Source is the port to use (1433 is the default)) Declare the SqlConnection: C#:using System.or "Driver={SQL Native Client}. Open "Provider=SQLNCLI. .Server=Aron1. Trusted_Connection=yes.DataBase=pubs. Trusted_Connection=yes.Database=pubs.Properties("Prompt") = adPromptAlwaysoConn." (use DataDirectory when your database file resides in the data directory) Why is the "Database" parameter needed? Answer: If the database was previously attached.PWD=asdasd." .Server=.\SQLExpress. AttachDbFilename=DataDirectorymydbfile." Equivalents Integrated Security=SSPI equals Trusted_Connection=yes Prompt for username and password: oConn.Database=pubs. Database=dbname.Server=Aron1." Enabling MARS (multiple active result sets): "Provider=SQLNCLI.Trusted_Connection=Yes.Server=Aron1. (the package contains booth the ODBC driver and the OLE DB provider) Using SQL Server 2005 Express? Don't miss the server name syntax: SERVERNAME\SQLEXPRESS (Substitute "SERVERNAME" with the name of the comput er) * SQL Native Client OLE DB Provider Standard security: "Provider=SQLNCLI.Server=Aron1.Trusted_Connection=Yes.Trusted_Connection=Yes.\SQLExpress. Trusted_Connection=yes. UID=sa.or "Provider=SQLNCLI. SQL Server does not reattach it (it uses the attached database as the default for the connection).Database=pubs.Se rver=Aron1. Database=dbname. SQL Server does not reattach it (it uses the attached database as the default for the connection).MarsConn=yes" Equivalents MarsConn=yes equals MultipleActiveResultSets=true equals MARS_Connection=y es Encrypt data sent over network: "Provider=SQLNCLI. AttachDbFilename=c:\asd\qwe\mydbfile.Server=.mdf." Trusted connection: "Provider=SQLNCLI." (use DataDirectory when your database file resides in the data directory) Why is the "Database" parameter needed? Answer: If the database was previously attached.mdf.Database=dbname.Database=pubs.Encrypt=yes" Attach a database file on connect to a local SQL Server Express instance: "Provider=SQLNCLI. " ." (DBMSSOCN=TCP/IP instead of Named Pipes.1433." .or "Server=Aron1.NET 2. by Laurence Moroney. AttachDbFilename=c:\asd\qwe\mydbfile.Database=pubs.\SQLExpress.Password=asdasd.Trusted_Connection=True.Initial Catalog=pubs.NET) Standard Security: "Data Source=Aron1. .1 Streamline your Data Connections by Moving to MARS. Trusted_Connection=True. Trusted_Connection=Yes." .or "Server=Aron1.Password=asdasd.MultipleActiveResultSets=true" Note! Use ADO.mdf.0 nor ADO.Trusted_Connection= False" (both connection strings produces the same result) Trusted Connection: "Data Source=Aron1.190.User ID=sa. Database=dbname.(the package contains booth the ODBC driver and the OLE DB provider) Using SQL Server 2005 Express? Don't miss the server name syntax: SERVERNAME\SQLEXPRESS (Substitute "SERVERNAME" with the name of the comput er) * SqlConnection (. AttachDbFilename=DataDirectorymydbfile. D evX.or "Server=. MARS is not supported in ADO.NET 1.Integrated Security=SSPI. Network Library=DBMSSOCN.Initial Catalog=pubs.200. Database=dbname." (use DataDirectory when your database file resides in the data directory) Why is the "Database" parameter needed? Answer: If the database was previously attached.Password=asdasd.User Id=sa.Database=pubs.Database=pubs. at the end of the Data Source is the port to use (1433 is the default)) Enabling MARS (multiple active result sets): "Server=Aron1.Initial Catalog=pubs.mdf.\SQLExpress.NET 1.User >> Attach a database file on connect to a local SQL Server Express instance: "Server=.100. Trusted_Connection=Yes." (both connection strings produces the same result) (use serverName\instanceName as Data Source to use an specifik SQLServer i nstance) Connect via an IP address: "Data Source=190.0 for MARS functionality. User Id=admin. 3. Dbq=C:\mydatabase.mdb.Pwd=." Exclusive: "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.SystemDB=C:\mydatabase.4. Access * ODBC Standard Security: "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*. The purpose is to be able to create a full rights SQL Server instance to a user with limited administrative rights on the computer.mdb)}.Password=.mdw.Exclusive=1. To enable the functionality: sp_configure 'user instances enabled'.connecting to "self" from within your CLR stored prodedure/function C#: using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=tru e")) { connection.mdf.Jet.mdb.'1' (0 to disable) Using SQL Server 2005 Express? Don't miss the server name syntax: SERVERNAME\SQLEXPRESS (Substitute "SERVERNAME" with the name of the comput er) * Context Connection .SQL Server does not reattach it ( it uses the attached database as the default for the connection).user instance=true.mdb)}." Workgroup: "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.Uid=admin.Open(). Data Source=\somepath\mydb.Uid=Admin.integrated security=true.\SQLExpress." .mdb.NET) Standard security: "Provider=Microsoft. This works only on a local SQL Server 2005 instance and only when connecting using windows authentication over local named pipes." The "User Instance" functionality creates a new SQL Server instance on the fly during connect. Using "User Instance" on a local SQL Server Express instance: "Data Source=. Dbq=C:\mydatabase.mdb. OleDbConnection (. // Use the connection } Visual Basic: Using connection as new SqlConnection("context connection=true") connection. attachdbfilename=DataDirectory\mydb.mdb)}.OLEDB.Pwd=" * OLE DB.0.Open() ' Use the connection End Using The context connection lets you execute Transact-SQL statements in the same context (connection) that your code was invoked in the first p lace. Dbq=C:\mydatabase. 4. OleDbConnection (.Oracle.ConnectionString = "my connection string" .Data Source=\somepath\mydb." This one works only with Oracle 8i release 3 or later * Declare the OracleConnection: C#: using System.User Id=UserName.0." * OracleConnection ( Standard security: "Provider=msdaora." With password: "Provider=Microsoft.NET: Imports Dim oOracleConn As OracleConnection = New OracleConnection() OracleConn.Open().mdb. Uid=myUsername." Trusted Connection: "Provider=OraOLEDB.Pwd=myPassword.mdb. Oracle * ODBC New version: "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}. OracleConnection oOracleConn = new OracleConnection().Pwd=asdasd.ConnectionString = "my connection string"." Old version: "Driver={Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle}.Jet.OLEDB. oOracleConn.NET) Standard: "Data Source=MyOracleDB.4.Server=OracleServer. Uid=Username.0. the following are from Oracle Standard Security: "Provider=OraOLEDB." * OLE DB.Oracle.Data Source=MyOracleDB.Jet OLEDB :Database Password=MyDbPassword. " This one's from Microsoft.Jet." 4.Workgroup (system database): "Provider=Microsoft. oOracleConn.Data Source=MyOracleDB.User Id=username.Integrated Security=yes.Data Source=\somepath\mydb.Jet OLEDB :System Database=system.Password=asdasd.Data.OSAuthent=1.Password=passwd.OracleClient. VB.Integrated Securi ty=no. ConnectString=OracleServer." This one works only with Oracle 8i release 3 or later Specifying username and password: "Data Source=MyOracleDB.Data.Data Source=MyOracleDB.User Id=Username.Password =asdasd. Enter value -1 to use a named pipe connection. SERVER=data.domain.Pwd=asdasd." MyODBC 2. .com.Port=1234.Option=131072.51 Driver}.50 Remote database: "Driver={mySQL}.OPTION=3." Default port is 3306.Data.PASSWORD=myPassword.Data Source=mydb. Database=my-database. SERVER=localhost. Min Pool Size=0.DATABASE=myDatabase.1.oOracleConn. USER=myUsername.Server=localhost. Option=16834. OleDbConnection (.NET) Standard: "Server=Server." MyODBC 3. USER=myUsername. Specifying port: "Server=Server.OracleClient namespace? Download . MySQL * MyODBC MyODBC 2.Open() Missing the System.Password=asdasd.Database=Test. PORT=3306." Download the driver at MySQL Developer Zone. Data Source=orac." MyODBC 3. Host=ora.Data Provider=MSDAORA.51 Remote database: "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.Database=mydatabase.51 Driver}.Stmt=. Port=3306." Connector/Net 1.OPTION= 3.NET Managed Prov ider for Oracle >>Great article! "Features of Oracle Data Provider for . Pooling=true.Uid=UserName.user id=username.Persist Security Info=False.50 Local database: "Driver={mySQL}.password=mypw" 5.domain.DATABASE=myDatabase.NET" by Rama Mohan G.Database=Test.51 Local database: "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.NET) Standard: "User ID=scott.NET) Standard: "Provider=MySQLProv. Uid=UserName.Uid=username. Connection Lifetime=0" Read more at Core Lab and the product page.Server=data." * OLE DB.Ma x Pool Size=100. * Data Shape MS Data Shape: "Provider=MSDataShape. at C# Corner * Core Labs OraDirect (. Password=tiger.Pwd=asdasd.0 (. User Id=UserName.Pwd=password. User ID=username." This is a freeware ADO. MySqlConnection oMySqlConn = new MySqlConnection().dbProvider.NET) Standard: "User ID=root.gdb. Database=ComputerName:C:\mydatabase. VB. oMySqlConn.Interbase * ODBC.ConnectionString = "my connection string".Uid=UserName.Pw d=asdasd." oMySqlConn.Net data provider from SevenObjects * Core Labs MySQLDirect (.Data. Pooling=true.NET Declare the MySqlConnection: C#: using eInfoDesigns. Server=ComputerName.ConnectionString = "Server=Server.Open(). Password=pwd. Protocol=TCP. Min Pool Size=0. oMySqlConn. oMySqlConn. Connection Lifetime=0" 6. Direct=true. Easysoft Local computer: "Driver={Easysoft IB6 ODBC}. Max Pool Size=100.Pwd=password" Remote Computer: "Driver={Easysoft IB6 ODBC}.Database=mydb. Database=test.ConnectionString = "my connection string" oMySqlConn.Database=localhost:C:\mydatabase. Compress=false.Data.dbProvider. UserName=myusername.gdb. oMySqlConn.". .Database=mydb.Command Lo gging=false" This one is used with eInfoDesigns dbProvider. Server=localhost.Pw d=asdasd.Password=pwd.NET) eInfoDesigns.MySqlClient Dim oMySqlConn As MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection() oMySqlConn.Open() * SevenObjects MySqlClient (. an add-on to .MySqlClient.MySqlClient Dim oMySqlConn As MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection() oMySqlConn.dbProvider: "Data Source=server.Open() * MySqlConnection (. Password=mypassword.Open().NET) Standard: "Host=server.Database=Test. VB.Database=Test.NET: Imports MySql.NET: Imports eInfoDesigns.Uid=UserName. Port=3306. Host=localhost. Uid=username.MySqlClient.Declare the MySqlClient connection: C#: using MySql.ConnectionString = "Server=Server. MySqlConnection oMySqlConn = new MySqlConnection(). Default Schema=Schem a.Server=localhost.XXX.Password=MyPW" * IBM's OLE DB Provider (shipped with IBM DB2 UDB v7 or above) TCP/IP: Provider=IBMDADB2.gdb)}. SIBPROvider Standard: "provider=sibprovider.Package Collection=MyPkgCol.Database=myDbName. PORT=50000.gdb.Pwd=password" * source=c:\databases\gdbs\my gdb.user source=c:\databases\gdbs\my gdb.location=localhost:.Package Collection=MyPkgCol.XXX .HOSTNAME=db2host.user source=c:\databases\gdbs\my gdb.Pwd=password" Remote Computer: "Driver={INTERSOLV InterBase ODBC Driver (*.Default Schema=Schema. Uid=username.Initial Catalog=MyCtlg.location=localhost:.password=masterkey.Network Transport Library=TCPIP.password=masterkey.protocol=TCPIP.Databas e=localhost:C:\mydatabase.password=masterkey" Specifying character set: "provider=sibprovider.Database=sample. * ODBC Standard: "driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER}.Password=MyPW" APPC: "Provider=DB2OLEDB.XXX.Initial Catalog=MyCtlg. pwd=myPwd" 8.location=localhost:.APPC Local LU Alias=MyAlias.uid=myUserName. OleDbConnection (.APPC Remote LU Alias=MyRemo te. port=myPortNum. Uid=username. Server=ComputerName.IBM DB2 * OLE DB. User ID=MyUser.NET) from ms TCP/IP: "Provider=DB2OLEDB.gdb)}.gdb. uid=myUserName.gdb.hostname=myServerName.Pwd=password" This driver are provided by DataDirect Technologies >> (formerly Intersolv ) * OLE DB. User ID=MyUser.Network Address=XXX.gdb.role=DIGITADORES" 7. Intersolv Local computer: "Driver={INTERSOLV InterBase ODBC Driver (*.character set=ISO8859_1" Specifying role: "provider=sibprovider.user id=SYSDBA. Database=ComputerName:C:\mydatabase.gdb.Sybase * ODBC .pwd=myPwd. PROTOCOL=TCPIP. Pwd=password" Standard Sybase System 12.0. DefaultDir=c:\dbfolder\.IDS Data Source files.5000. try the following as an alt ernative "Provider=Sybase.5000. allowing fully qualified connection strings to be used without defining any .Initial Catalog=myDBname. UID=username.ASEOLEDBProvider. * Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE): "Provider=Sybase.Srvr=Aron1.Database='myDBname'. OLE DB Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA): "Provider=ASAProv. Server Name=myASEserver.Srvr=Aron1.PWD=password" Standard Sybase System 11: "Driver={SYBASE SYSTEM 11}.Dbf=c:\mydatabase." Sybase SQL Anywhere (former Watcom SQL ODBC driver): "ODBC.10 32-BIT Sybase}. you may have to change this to your language specific escape syntax (\") or maybe single quota (').Uid=username.IDS file using the Sybase Data Advministrator.10: "Driver={INTERSOLV 3.Password=password" .Pwd=passwor d. Uid=username.Srvr=Aron1. * AseConnection (.some reports on problem using the above one.Port=5000.NA=HOSTNAME. The empty DSN parameter is indeed critical as not including it will result in error 7778. Driver=Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.Dsn=""""" Note! The two double quota ("") following the DSN parameter at the end are escaped quotas (VB syntax).User Id=username.IDS files resemble ODBC DSNs.Database=m ydb" For more information check out the Adaptive Server Enterprise Document Set s Intersolv 3.NET) Standard: "Data Source='myASEserver'.Pwd=password.PORT_NUMBER.Password=password" This one works only from Open Client 12.Uid=username. . Data source=myASE" Note that you must create a Data Source .Data source=myASA" Read more in the ASA User Guide (part 1. These .Uid=username. User Id=username.5 where the server port number fea ture works. chapter 2) >> Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) with Data Source .IDS file: "Provider=Sybase ASE OLE DB Provider.Pwd=password. Catalog=myDBname.Standard Sybase System 12 Enterprise Open Client: "Driver={SYBASE ASE ODBC Driver}.db.5 Enterprise Open Client: "Driver={SYBASE ASE ODBC Driver}.Srvr=myASEserver.ASEOLEDBProvider. Driver={INFORMIX 3. you may have to change this to your language specific escape syntax (ex.PWD=myPwd Informix-CLI 2.5 (32 Bit)}." 12. Lightbase * Standard Standard: "user=USERLOGIN.ConnectionString="my connection string"oCon.UID=username. Database=mydb.SERVERTYPE=INGRES""" Important note! The two double quota ("") in the string are escaped quotas (VB syntax).password=myPw. oCon. Persist Security Info=true" 10.Service=service-name.PWD='password'. VB.Open() 9.1.UDB=USERBASE.Server=myserver.UID='username'. Extended Properties=""SERVER=xxxxx.password=PASSWORD. DATABASE=xxxxx. Server=myserver.Uid=myuser.Data Source=dbName@serv erName." Declare the AseConnection: C#: using Sybase.30: "Dsn=''. Mimer SQL * ODBC Standard Security: "Driver={MIMER}. oCon.Data.Informix * ODBC Informix 3.Host=hostname.Pwd=myPwd" * OLE DB IBM Informix OLE DB Provider: "Provider=Ifxoledbc.ConnectionString="my connection string". \") or maybe single quota (').5: "Driver={Informix-CLI 2.Uid=username.Database=mydb. pwd=xxxxx. AseConnection oCon = new AseConnection().uid=xxxx.Open().DRIVER=Ingres.AseClientDim oCon As AseConnection = New AseConnection ()oCon. 11.2." Prompt for username and password: "Driver={MIMER}. . Ingres * ODBC DSN-less: "Provider=MSDASQL.SRVR=xxxxx.Persist Security Info=False.User ID=myUser.Pwd=mypw. DB=xxxxx.Protocol=olsoctcp.Database=mydb. Database=mydb.Data.NET: Imports System.AseClient.30 32 BIT}.SELECTLOOPS=N. X.Jet. password=mypw. Firebird .Data Source=c:\myDb.db )}.SERVER=ipaddress.port=5432." * Npgsql by pgFoundry (.PostgreSQL * Core Labs PostgreSQLDirect (.Userid=myuserid.Protocol=3. Password=pwd.Timeout=15.X.NET) SSL activated: "Server=127.Uid=username.Persist Security Info=False.0.Pooling=true.Port=5432.UID=username. Min Pool Size=0.DBQ=C:\myDb. Encoding=UNICODE.X: "Provider=MSDASQL.Mode=Read. Extended Properties=Paradox 5.NET) Standard "Provider=Microsoft.FIL=Paradox 7.DriverId=538.Extended Propert ies='DSN=Paradox.DriverID=538.PWD=password.'.0.SSL=true. CollatingSequence=ASCII" 7. password=mypw." 15. Protocol=3.dsn.0. Host=localhost.NET) Standard: "User ID=root.Fil=Paradox 5.0." File DSN: "FILEDSN=c:\myData.Dbq=c:\pathToDb\.MinPoolSize=1.SSL=false.x.1.0. Max Pool Size=100.PageTimeout=600.Pwd=. Port=5432.Initial Catalog=C:\myDb" * OleDbConnection (.Userid=myuserid.SslMode=Disable" 14.MaxPoolSize=20. Pooling=true.4.Uid=username.1.OLEDB. Encoding=UNICODE.MaxPoolSize=20.Timeout=20.Port=5432. MaxBufferSize=2048.1. Paradox * ODBC 5." 16. DATABASE=dbname. DefaultDir=C:\myDb.Pwd=.MinPoolSize=3.X: Driver={Microsoft Paradox Driver (*.SslMode=Require" Without SSL: "Server=127. * PostgreSQL driver Standard: "DRIVER={PostgreSQL}.Def aultDir=c:\pathToDb\. Connection Lifetime=0" Read more at Core Lab and the product page. Database=testdb. DSN * ODBC DSN: "DSN=myDsn.server=SERVERNAME" 13. Pooling=true. Note that this option might affect excel sheet write access negative. DBNAME=D:\FIREBIRD\examples\TEST. download etc >> * . not data "IMEX=1. Text * ODBC Standard: .fdb. Excel * ODBC Standard: "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.DefaultDir=c:\mypath.IBPhoenix Open Source Standard: "DRIVER=Firebird/InterBase(r) driver.Packet Size=8192.e. 18. Important note! The two double quota ("") in the string are escaped quotas (VB syntax). Dbq=C:\MyExcel.HDR=Yes.Net Data Provider Standard: "User=SYSDBA.DriverId=790.Extended Prop erties=""Excel 8.i.Pooling=true. Port=3050." TIP! SQL syntax: "SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]" .xls.ServerType=0" 17." indicates that the first row contains columnnames." tells the driver to always read "intermixed" data columns as text.* ODBC .Password=masterkey. * OLE DB Standard: "Provider=Microsoft. TIP! SQL syntax: "SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]" i. worksheet name followed by a "$" and wrapped in "[" "]" brackets.0. This might hurt performance.4.MinPoolSize=0.FDB" IBPhoenix ODBC. More info.Dialect=3. DataSource=localhost.e. Database=SampleDatabase.Jet. Set this value to 0 to scan all rows. Connection lifetime=15.Data Source=C:\MyExcel. worksheet name followed by a "$" and wrapped in "[" "]" brackets. That's the key to n ot letting Excel use only the first 8 rows to guess the columns data type. you may have to change this to your language specific escape syntax (ex.OLEDB. TIP! Check out the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.IMEX=1""" "HDR=Yes.Charset=NONE. MaxPoolSize=50. PWD=masterkey.Firebird .xls)}.Role=.UID=SYSDBA.xls.0.NET .0\Engines\ Excel] located registry REG_DWORD "TypeGuessRows". \ ") or maybe single quota ('). Pwd=myPwd" 21.Extended Properties=""text.Dbq=c:\mydbpath.4.Password=" 20.csv)}.4. OleDbConnection (.dbc.txt.Data Source=C:\MyDbFolder\MyDbContainer.0.HDR=Yes. http://servername/mypublicstore 22.csv. . DBF / FoxPro * ODBC standard: "Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.Data Source=c:\txtFilesFolder\.0.DriverID=277. Extended Properties=dBASE IV. you may have to change this to your language specific escape syntax (ex. USER ID=myUserName. Uid=myUserName. *. DATA" Specify store in the connection open command like this: conn.Data Source=c:\folder.Jet.DEFAULT COLLECTION=MY_LIBRARY.txt. AS/400 (iSeries) * OLE DB."Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.NET) IBM Client Access OLE DB provider: "PROVIDER=IBMDA400. Exchange * OLE DB Exchange OLE DB provider: "ExOLEDB.Jet.USER ID=myUserName.User ID=Admin. Visual FoxPro * OLE DB.System=my_system_name. OleDbConnection (.OLEDB. DATA SOURCE=MY_SYSTEM_NAME.1." * OLE DB Standard: "Provider=Microsoft.OLEDB.NET) standard: "Provider=Microsoft. OleDbConnection (.PASSWORD=myPwd" Where MY_SYSTEM_NAME is the name given to the system connection in OperationsNavigator IBM Client Access OLE DB provider: "PROVIDER=IBMDA400." Where MY_SYSTEM_NAME is the name given to the System Connection.dbf)}.PASSWORD =myPwd. not data Important note! The two double quota ("") in the string are escaped quotas (VB syntax). \ ") or maybe single quota ('). * ODBC IBM Client Access ODBC driver: "Driver={Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)}.NET) Database container (.Extensions=asc. and MY_LIBRARY is the name given to the library in iSeries Navigator. Dbq=c:\txtFilesFolder\." indicates that the first row contains columnnames.FMT=Delimited""" "HDR=Yes.DBC): "Provider=vfpoledb." * OLE DB. Exclusive=No.BACKGROUNDFETCH=NO" "Collate=Machine" is the default setting. Collate=Machine. UDL * UDL UDL: "File Name=c:\myDataLink. for other settings check the list of supported collating sequences >> Microsoft Visual Foxpro site: http://msdn. SourceType=DBF.Exclusive=No.1. 23 Pervasive * ODBC Standard: "Driver={Pervasive ODBC Client Interface}.dbc.1." .DELETED=NO" Free Table directory: "Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver}.Data Source=C:\path" 24." Read more (Microsoft msdn) >> * ODBC Database container (. Collate=Machine.ServerName=srvname.Collating Sequence=machine" Free table directory: "Provider=vfpoledb.Data Source=C:\MyDataDirectory\.SourceType=DBC. SourceDB=c:\myvfpdb.DBC): "Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver}. NULL=NO.Collating Sequence=ge neral" Force the provider to use an ODBC DSN: "Provider=vfpoledb.dbq=@dbname" Pervasive ODBC info >> * OLE DB Standard: "Provider=PervasiveOLEDB.BACKGROUNDFETCH=NO.SourceDB=c:\myvfpdbfolder.
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