Aligarh Muslim University

May 27, 2018 | Author: atulsahu24 | Category: Doctor Of Philosophy, Lecture, Engineering, Agriculture, Academia



ALIGARH MUSLIM SELF STUDY REPORT Volume II A (Evaluative Reports of the Departments) Submitted to National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) TRACK ID: UPUNGN11257 May, 2014 Table of Contents S.No. Volume II A: Evaluative Reports of the Departments Page No. I Faculty of Agricultural Sciences 200 1. Agricultural Economics & Business Management 201 2. Agricultural Microbiology 209 3. Home Science 219 4. Plant Protection 226 5. Post-Harvest Engineering & Technology 244 II Faculty of Arts 252 1. Arabic 253 2. English 271 3. Fine Arts 288 4. Hindi 304 5. Linguistics 313 6. Modern Indian Languages 331 7. Persian 341 8. Philosophy 348 9. Sanskrit 354 10. Urdu 360 III Faculty of Commerce 375 1. Commerce 376 IV Faculty of Engineering & Technology 391 1. Applied Chemistry 392 2. Applied Mathematics 399 3. Applied Physics 406 4. Architecture Engineering 417 5. Chemical Engineering 433 6. Civil Engineering 448 7. Computer Engineering 464 8. Electrical Engineering 476 9. Electronics Engineering 510 10. Mechanical Engineering 540 11. Petroleum Studies 557 V Faculty of Law 564 1. Law 565 VI Faculty of Life Science 573 1. Biochemistry (Life Sciences) 574 2. Botany 602 3. Museology 627 4. Wild Life Sciences (Conservation Monitoring Centre) 637 5. Zoology 649 VII Faculty of Management Studies and Research 664 1. Department of Business Administration 665 Aligarh Muslim University FACULTY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 1. Agricultural Economics & Business Management 2. Agricultural Microbiology 3. Home Science 4. Plant Protection 5. Post-Harvest Engineering & Technology Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 200 of 690 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 201 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management 2 Year of establishment 2000 (Initially established as section in 1993) 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) Master of Agri-Business Management, Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Semester System 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Nil 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 1 1 1 Associate Professors 1 1 3 Asst. Professors 3 3 1 Others -- -- -- 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Shamim Ahmad Ph.D. Professor Agribusiness, Management, Marketing, Research Methodology 29 Years 6 Dr. Saghir Ahmad Ansari Ph.D. Associate Professor Economic Theory, Indian Agriculture, International Trade 26 Years 4 Dr. Rais Ahmad Ph.D. Associate Professor Accounting and Agricultural Finance 20 Years 4 Aligarh Muslim University Page 202 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Dr. Akram Ahmad Khan Ph.D. Associate Professor Food Security, Agricultural Biotechnology 20 Years 1 Mr. Mohd. Shamsuzza ma MBA Assistant Professor Strategic and Behavioral Management 19 Years Nil 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information Nil 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio— Course Student Teacher Ratio Master of Agri Business Management 6:1 Ph.D. 1.8:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual - Technical and administrative staff sanctioned filled actual Technical asst. 2 2 2 L.D.C. 1 1 1 M.T.S. 1 1 1 D/W 2 2 1 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies (i) Agricultural Finance and Cooperatives Management (ii) Rural and Agricultural Development Issues (iii) Organizational and Entrepreneurial Development (iv) Application of Managerial and Behavioral Techniques in Agriculture (v) Liberalization, FDI & Trade Policy issues in Agriculture 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Name and Designation of Principal Investigator Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration and Date Total Sanctioned Fund Dr Akram Ahmad Khan Public Attitudes towards Agricultural Biotechnology UGC, New Delhi 2 Years 6.85600 Lakhs Dr Rais Ahmad Examining the Viability of Micro Finance Investment in Non- Farming Sector: A Case Study of UP State UGC, New Delhi 3 Years 1- 4-2008 to 31-3-2011 6.72 Lakhs 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received (i) National collaboration Nil (ii) International collaboration Nil 19 Departmental projects funded Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 203 of 690 by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received 20 Research facility / centre with State recognition - Nil National recognition–Library, Computer Lab.-Nil International recognition - Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/international) 32 Monographs Nil Chapters in Books Nil Edited Books : 12 1. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2009) Micro-Finance and Women Empowerment (Three Parts) Mittal Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 81-8324-289-9 (Series). 2. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2009), Global Crisis and Economic Development (Three Parts) Mittal Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 81-8324-288X (Series) 3. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2009), WTO and Indian Agriculture (Three Parts), Mittal Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 81-8324-308-8 (Series) 4. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2009), Cooperative Management and Development- Text and Cases, (Three Parts) Mittal Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 818324- 286-3 (Series) 5. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2012), Agricultural, Rural Banking and Microfinance in India, New Century Publications, New Delhi, 978-81-7708-324-8 6. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2013), Agribusiness and Rural Management (Nine Parts) Mittal Publications New Delhi ISBN 81-8324-392-4 7. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2013), Indian Banking System (Six Parts) Mittal Publications New, Delhi ISBN 81-8324 430-0 8. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2013), Tourism and Rural Management, Regal Publication, New Delhi 978-81-8484-273-9 9. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2013), Agriculture and Rural Marketing Regal Publication, New Delhi, 978-81-8484-273-9 10. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2013), Banking and FDI in India Regal Publication, New Delhi, ISBN 978-81-8484-256-2 11. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2013), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Global Financial Crisis, ISBN New Century Publications, New Delhi 978-81- 7708-338-5 12. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2013), Cooperatives and Rural Development in India, New Century Publications, New Delhi ISBN978-81-7708-340-8 Books with ISBN with details of publishers - 02 1. Nizamuddin Khan, SHAMIM AHMAD & M.S. Salman, “Vegetable Cultivation and Marketing at Grassroots Level in North India” Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2013. 2. Dr. Rais Ahmad (2012) Microfinance in India, Mittal Publications, New Delhi ISBN81-8324. Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average SNIP SJR Aligarh Muslim University Page 204 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Impact Factor – range / average h-index 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad Nil 26 Faculty serving in (i) National committees - Nil (ii) International committees - Nil (iii) Editorial Boards - 1 Dr Akram A. Khan, Member Editorial Board, Integral Review (iv) any other (please specify) 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). As Participant (i) Prof. Shamim Ahmad attended Faculty Development Workshop (AICTE Sponsored) organized by NITIE, Mumbai from January 18 to February 01, 2010 on OB/HRM (ii) Prof. Shamim Ahmad attended NAIP sponsored MDP at IIM-Lucknow during January 19-21, 2011 on Case Teaching and Writing for Agribusiness Education 28 Student projects: percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects – 100 % percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/ institute - Nil 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty --- Nil Doctoral / post doctoral fellows - Nil Students -- Nil 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. (i) Organized 1 st National Seminar on ‘Agribusiness in India: contemporary issues and Future prospects’ & Alumni Meet on October 22-23, 2011 (ii) Organized 2 nd National Seminar on ‘Emerging Issues in Agribusiness Management’ & Alumni Meet on February 23-24, 2013 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the department Yes, as per university policy 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage M F M F Master of Agri-Business Management (2009 – 13) 926 41 16 100 100 Ph. D. (2009 – 13) 122 6 3 33 Diversity of students Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 205 of 690 Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries Master of Agri- Business Management 61.4 26.3 8.8 3.5 Ph.D. 90.9 9.1 Nil Nil 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. UGC-NET— 6 Students 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG Nil PG to M.Phil. Nil PG to Ph.D. 45.4 Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Nil Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Information Not Available Entrepreneurs 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 100 from other universities within the State Nil from universities from other States Nil from universities outside the country Nil 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to (i) Library – Department maintains fairly good Library (ii) Internet facilities for staff and students -Yes (iii) Total number of class rooms--2 (iv) Class rooms with ICT facility--2 (v) Students’ laboratories --1 (vi) Research laboratories -- 1 (vii) Any other item 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates (i) from the host institution/university Doctoral students (passed out) - 15 (i) Rachna Agarwal (ii) Nazli Bano (iii) Viqar Ali Beg (iv) Mohd Asif (v) Shakeer E. (vi) Rashid Usman Ansari Aligarh Muslim University Page 206 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports (vii) Mohamad Awais (viii) Mohd. Arshad Khan (ix) Ume Hani (x) Mohd Arshad Khan (xi) Shujauddin Khan (xii) Khan Tufail Ahmad (xiii) Saba Nawaz (xiv) Salman Haider (xv) Tajdar M Qaisar Doctoral students: 8 (working) (i) Arif Mohd Khan (ii) Mohd Farhan (iii) Ms Sweta Gupta (iv) Faizan Khan Sherwani (v) Afaq Husain (vi) Rameez Iqbal Khan (vii) Ms.Sumbul Fatima (viii) Ms SamreenAkhtar (ii) from other institutions/universities Doctoral students (passed out) – 01 (i) Tribhuwan Nath Doctoral students: 01 (working) (i) Usman Khursheed 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. 2 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. No 42 Does the department obtain feedback from (i) Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching- learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? No (ii) Students on staff, curriculum and teaching- learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Proforma for assessment under preparation by university. (iii) Alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Proforma for assessment under preparation by university 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) (i) Dr. Jabir Ali, Chairman, Centre for Food & Agribusiness Management, IIM, Lucknow (ii) Dr. Khushnood Ali, Afro Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO), New Delhi (iii) Mr. Badruddin Khan, Asstt. VP (Comm.), Angel Commodities Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai (iv) Mr. Seraj Ahmed, Business Manager- Philippines, Advanta India Ltd, Hyderabad (v) Dr. Muzaffar Jamal, Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Bangalore Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 207 of 690 (vi) Ms. Bhawani Bhatnagar, Inst. Research & Strategy, Abu Dhabi University (vii) Mr. Massom Khan, Risk Consultant, Mumbai (viii) Mr. Tebrez Ahmad, Senior TSO, Glaxo Smithkline Health Care Ltd. Delhi (ix) Mr Arif Khan, Branch manager, ICICI, Delhi (x) Mr. Wajih Asif, Senior Business Analyst, TCS, Bangalore 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/ seminar) involving external experts. External expert’s lectures organized on a regular basis. 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. A combination of following methods is used: (i) Lecture cum discussion method (ii) Power Point (iii) Case discussion (iv) Project works and Presentation (v) field visit 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Chairman and Dean ensure proper monitoring of programme objectives and learning. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Regular field visits are undertaken wherein farmers are informed about market conditions, expected prices of various crops based on future commodity market, product grading as well as different aspects related to agricultural marketing. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Faculty and students are engaged in seminar, conferences and workshops. 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Research work and publications have taken place especially in the following fields: (i) Applications of ICT in Agriculture (ii) Applications of Bio-technology in Agriculture (iii) Sustainable Agricultural Development and Food Security (iv) Rural and Agricultural Development Issues (v) Organizational and Entrepreneurial Development (vi) Liberalization, FDI & Trade Policy issues in Agriculture Basic research work of the department can be used by the agro- based industry. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Our Strength: (i) Dedicated and qualified teaching Staff (ii) Well-equipped computer laboratory (iii) Competitive and hard working students (iv) Research publications in the national and international journal, books, participation in symposia, conferences Aligarh Muslim University Page 208 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports (v) Competitive and transparent admission policy Our Weakness: (i) Insufficient teaching staff (ii) Shortage of manpower like T.A., skilled field and library staff (iii) Shortage of smart class room (iv) Shortage of vehicle for survey (v) Extremely poor building Our Opportunities: (i) To train students to meet requirements of agro based industries (ii) To enable the students to become innovating farmers (iii) Improving teaching and research skills (iv) Prepare students for nation building (v) Enable farmers to commercialize agriculture Challenges: (i) Generate funds for research and training (ii) Highly competitive environment of agro-based industries (iii) Declining quality of students (iv) Developing liaison with the industry (v) Enhancing quality of research and training 52 Future plans of the department. (i) Offering area wise (market sector wise) specialization (ii) Producing high quality researchers for R&D and specialized managers for agro-based industries (iii) Development of training and placement cell. (iv) Develop state of the art research lab and library Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- Chaiman Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 209 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Agricultural Microbiology 2 Year of establishment 1995 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of Agricultural Sciences 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) M.Sc. (Ag.) Microbiology, M.Phil (Ag.) Microbiology, Ph.D (Ag.) Microbiology 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Semester, credit based 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Department of Biochemistry (M.Sc. in Enzyme & Fermentation Technology), Faculty of Life Sciences & University Polytechnic (Advance Diploma in Food Technology) 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 01 01 01 Associate Professors 01 00 03 (CAS) Asst. Professors 03 03 Nil Others Sanctioned against the vacant post of Associate Professor 01 01 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Javed Musarrat M.Sc. (Biochem), M.Phil Biochem), Ph.D. (Biochem) Professor Molecular Microbiology 28 Years M.Phil : 01 Ph.D. : 01 Dr. Iqbal Ahmad M.Sc. (Ag.) Micro., M.Phil (Ag.) Micro., Ph.D. Associate Professor Microbiology 18 Years M.Phil : Nil Ph.D. : 04 Aligarh Muslim University Page 210 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports (Ag.) Microbiology Dr. Abdul Malik M.Sc. (Ag.) Micro, M.Phil. (Ag.) Micro, Ph.D. (Ag.) Microbiology Associate Professor Microbiology 18 Years M.Phil : 01 Ph.D. : 03 Dr. Md. Saghir Khan M.Sc. (Ag.) Microbiology, Ph.D. (Microbiology) Associate Professor Microbiology 17 Years M.Phil : Nil Ph.D. : 02 Dr. Almas Zaidi M.Sc. (Ag.) Microbiology, Ph.D. (Ag.) Microbiology Guest Faculty Microbiology Current Session Nil 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors : Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: As per Time-Table (25%) 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio : M.Sc. = 5:1, Ph.D. = 4:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Designation Sanctioned Filled Actual Technical Assistant 02 02 02 UDC (Admin.) 01 01 01 Junior Lab Assistant 01 01 01 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies : Agricultural Microbiology Applied Microbiology & Natural products Environmental Microbiology 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise : Name of the funding Agency Project Title Grant Received UGC Major Research Project 2008-2011 Screening and evaluation of potential plants and microbial products for their anti-quorum sensing activity: A novel approach in search of anti-infective compounds Rs. 10,27,800.00 UGC Major Research Project 2009-2012 PCR-based detection of Broad- Host-Range plasmids in pesticide tolerant bacteria and genotoxicity of wastewater and soil near pesticide industry Rs. 11,64,000.00 FCT (Portugal) and DST New Delhi under the Joint Project Programme 2011-2014 Biological treatment (anaerobic/ aerobic) of pulp and paper industry wastewater with special reference to genotoxicity of waste before and after treatment Rs. 4,57,600.00 EURO : 8,100.00 18 Inter-institutional (i) National collaboration : Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 211 of 690 collaborative projects and associated grants received : (ii) International collaboration: 01, Grant received : Rs. 4,57,600.00 & EURO 8,100.00 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received : Nil 20 Research facility / centre with: N.A. state recognition national recognition international recognition 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies : Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) : 122 Monographs : Nil Chapters in Books : 37 Edited Books : 16 Books with ISBN with details of publishers : (i) Heavy Metal Toxicity to Legumes and Bioremediation. Springer-Verlag Wien, ISBN 987-3-7091-0729-4, (2012). (ii) Biomanagement of Metal Contaminated Soils. Springer Science+Business Media (The Netherlands). Series: Environmental Pollution, vol. 20. ISBN 978-94-007-1913-2 e-ISBN 978-94-007-1914- 9, (2011). (iii) Microbes for Legume Improvement. Springer Wien Newyork, ISBN 978-3-211-99752-9, (2010). (iv) Microbial Strategies for Crop Improvement. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 978-3-642-01979-1, (2009). (v) Phosphate Solubilizing Microbes for Crop Improvement. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, ISBN 978-1-60876-112-8, (2010). (vi) Microbes and Microbial Technology: Agricultural and Environmental Applications Springer, USA ISBN 978-1-4419-7930-8, (2011) (vii) Combating Fungal Infections: Problems and remedy Springer, Germany ISBN 978-3-642-12172-2, (2010). (viii) New Strategies Combating Bacterial Infection: Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley- VCH, Germany ISBN 3527622942, (2008). (ix) Environmental Protection Strategies for sustainable Development. Springer (The Netherlands). Series: Strategies for Sustainability, ISBN 978-94-007-1590-5, (2012). (x) Advances in Pesticide Toxicity to Rhizobacteria-Legume Symbiosis: Problems and Remedies. Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), Germany, ISBN 978-3-8383-8613-3, (2010). (xi) Heavy Metal Toxicity and their Remediation by Soil Microbes. Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), AG & Company, Germany, ISBN 978-3- 8454-0447-9, (2011). (xii) Genotoxicty Assessment of microbiological characteristics of soil. Published by Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co., Germany. ISBN 978-3-8383-7169-6, (2010). (xiii) Bioremediation Potentials of Heavy Metal Resistant Bacteria. Published by VDM Publishing Co., Germany, ISBN 363937519X, 978363975190, (2011). (xiv) Medicinal Plants & Phytocompounds: Novel Anti-infective Potential Against Human Pathogenic Fungi Iqbal Ahmad and MSA Khan. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN-10: 3659287156, (2012). (xv) Management of Microbial Resources in the Environment, Springer, Aligarh Muslim University Page 212 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Netherland. Abdul Malik, Elizabeth Grohmann ISBN 978-94-007- 5930-5 (2013). (xvi) Biosorption and Genotoxicity studies of the wastewater and soil, Farhana Masood, Abdul Malik, Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co., Germany, ISBN 978-3-6591-8739-1 (20 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Scopus: 90 (Approx.) Citation Index–average: 800 (citation of papers published during 2009-2013) SNIP : 115.03 (Average 1.14) SJR : 82.45 (Average 0.82) Impact Factor – Average : 1.940 h-index : Average 45.39 23 Details of patents and income generated : 01 Income generated: Nil US Patent Pub No. : US2011/0274736 A1 Title : Methods For Producing Silver Nanoparticles Inventors : Abdulaziz A. Alkhedhairy and Javed Musarrat, KSU, Riyadh, SA Pub Date : Nov 10, 2011. 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally/internationally to visit other laboratories/ institutions/ industries in India and abroad 02 26 Faculty serving in (i) National committees: ARS, ICAR and other University bodies. Advisor on the selection committee of Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, ICAR, New Delhi Member of Board of Studies of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Lucknow Member of Project Review Committee of CST UP, DST, New Delhi (ii) International committees : Member of Review Committee, NSW (VD) The Netherlands, Romanian Research Council, Welcome Trust, London & International grant Review Committee (iii) Editorial Boards: National & International (04 Faculty Members) Research Scape, Bhopal Int. J. Green Pharmacy, India African Journal of Microbiology Research, Africa Current Science Perspective, Korea Integral Rev., Lucknow (iv) any other (please specify) : Nil 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/ orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs) Nil 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 213 of 690 projects including inter-departmental projects : 100% (M.Sc. Project) percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute : 10% (Ph.D. Thesis) 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty : 05 (i) Elsevier Highly Cited Author Award 2006 – 2011, for paper entitled “Significance of Bacillus subtilis strain SJ-101 as a bioinoculant for concurrent plant growth promotion and nickel accumulation in Brassica juncea. Chemosphere, Elsevier Ltd. USA 64: 991-997. (ii) First Prize Award of SR 10,000 for the “Best Research in the Hub” in the area of nanotechnology at the “25 th Annual Meeting of Saudi Biological Sciences Title: Nanotechnology in the Life Sciences” on the work entitled”Biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles using an endophytic fungus Amylomyces rouxii strain KSU-09” during May 11-13, 2010 at King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. (iii) Shared the Research Excellence Award of SR 100,000 for outstanding performance of the Al-Jeraisy Chair for DNA Research for the year 2011, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. (iv) Best Paper published in IJM 2010-11. (v) DBT Crest Award 2012-13. Doctoral/post doctoral fellows : Nil Students : DST Inspire Fellow : Mr. Fohad Mabood Husain, Ms. Sana Khan Dr. D.S. Kothari Fellowship: Dr. Mohd. Yusuf, Dr. Nigar Fatima Maulana Azad Fellowship: Ms. Samira Umme Aiman, Ms. Sana Khan, Ms. Saima Saif & Mr. Saowkat Ahmad Lone Best Paper AMI, 2013: Mr. Musheer Altaf 30 Seminars/Conferences/Worksh ops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Nil 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments : As per University Policy 32 Student profile programme- wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) App. recei ved Selected Pass percentage M F M F Aligarh Muslim University Page 214 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports M.Sc. (Ag.) Microbiology 833 (200 9-13) 19 19 100% 100% M.Phil/Ph.D. (Ag.) Microbiology 87 (200 9-13) 07 04 100% 100% 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from universities outside the State % of students from other countries M.Sc. (Ag.) Microbiology 55% 32.5% 7.5% 5% M.Phil/Ph.D. (Ag.) Microbiology 90% Nil 10% Nil 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defense Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. Examinations No. of candidates Civil Services Nil Defense Services Nil NET 02 SET Nil GATE 10 ICAR, SRF 02 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG N.A. PG to M.Phil. Nil PG to Ph.D. 09 Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral 01 Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Details are not available Entrepreneurs 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates Post Graduate M.Phil/ Ph.D of the same University 100% 75% from other universities within the State -- 25% from universities from other States -- Nil from universities outside the country -- Nil 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period : Nil (Already awarded Ph.D. before appointment) : Nil 38 Present details of (i) Library : Yes (Combined Library for three Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 215 of 690 departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Departments) (ii) Internet facilities for staff and students : Yes (iii) Total number of class rooms : 02 (iv) Class room with ICT facility : 01 (v) Students laboratories : 01 (vi) Research laboratories : 01 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university Doctoral student Passed out (12) Mr. Mohd. Imran Mr. Mohd. Ikram Ansari Mr. Munees Ahemad Mr. Quaiser Saquib Mr. Saurabh Dwivedi Ms. Reshma Anjum Ms. Farhana Masood Ms. Maryam Zahin Mr. Mohd. Sajjad Ahmad Khan Mr. Javed Ahamad Khan Ms. Nitika Goel Mr. Mohd. Oves Working student (09) Mr. Fohad Mabood Husain Mr. Ees Ahmad Mr. Musheer Altaf Mr. Showkat Ahmad Lone Ms. Sana Khan Ms. Samira Umme Aiman Ms. Meenu Mahashwari Mr. Mohd. Shavez Khan Ms. Saima Saif Post-Doctoral student (02) Dr. Mohd. Yusuf (Completed: Dr. D.S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellow) Dr. Nigar Fatima (Working: Dr. D.S. Kothari Post- Doctoral Fellow) Research Associate (01) Dr. Farhana Masood (Research Associate, CSIR) from other institutions/universities: Nil 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the University: 02 (P.G. Merit Scholarship) 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. : Nil 42 Does the department obtain feedback from : (Proforma under preparation) (i) Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching- learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback?: Yes, Feedback from Faculty member are considered by Board of Studies while teaching-learning- Aligarh Muslim University Page 216 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports evaluation. (ii) Students on staff, curriculum and teaching- learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? : N.A. (iii) Alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? : N.A. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) (i) Dr. Zafar Mehmood, HDCO, Dehradoon, Uttrakhand (ii) Dr. Jyoti Sharma, Joint Director, DST, New Delhi (iii) Dr. Riyazul Hasan Andrabi, Scientist, Jammu (iv) Dr. Mohd. Aamil, India (v) Dr. Farrukh Aqil, USA (vi) Dr. Shams Tabrez Khan, KSU, Riyadh, KSA (vii) Mr. Shariq Sherwani, USA (viii) Dr. Parveze Ahmad Wani, Nigeria 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/ seminar) involving external experts: Special lectures by the distinguished visiting faculty members are arranged annually. -- 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programs: Teaching methods includes lectures, seminars, practical exercises, field based demonstration & Experimental Field work using classical & modern modes of presentation (Power point presentations, use of overhead projectors, use of videos and animations etc.). 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? To meet the objective of the programme and learning outcome, the department monitors at various level such as: Attendance requirements Teaching total no. of days required as per UGC rules Internal and external assessment/ examination of student in the form of sessional, practicals, Seminar, project/ dissertation etc. Timely completion and declaration of results. The above activity is monitored at the level of individual teacher, Chairman & Dean, Board of Studies and other University bodies relevant to teaching and examination. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities: Student and teachers are involved in demonstrating field experiments to local farmers during cropping season specially for biofertilizer -- Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 217 of 690 application. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Participation in seminar/conference organized at National/International level. Writing reference books and research articles 49 State whether the programme / department is accredited / graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. : No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Basic: (i) The department of Agricultural Microbiology is continuously involved in mapping the microbial diversity of Aligarh soil and some of the microorganisms have been identified as pesticide degrader, plant growth regulators and metal detoxifier or metal biosorbent for future application. (ii) Molecular biology of PGPR genes and conjugative plasmid of soil and water bacteria have been explored and characterized. (iii) Impact of waste water on soil health, crop productivity has been conducted. Applied: (i) More than 150 medicinal plants have been screened for novel biological activities to be exploited in various diseases as anti-infective, anti-mutagenic and anti-oxidant agents. (ii) Nanoparticles are synthesized using microbial system. (iii) Role of nanoparticles in disease management of plant and human and its toxicity, is under evaluation. (iv) New microbial inoculants have been developed to be used locally as biofertilizer/PGPR. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Major Strength: (i) Qualified faculty with diverse expertise and their dedication towards teaching and research (ii) Competitive and transparent admission policy (iii) Well equipped laboratories and strong research publication track record (iv) Computer lab and Internet connectivity both for students and teachers (v) Experimental fields to perform field based research Weakness: (i) Insufficient teaching staff (due to which the Department is not eligible to apply for many Grants of UGC etc.) (ii) Shortage of manpower mainly T.A. (Instrumentation) and TA (Store). (iii) Limited space for office, chemical storage, washing and sterilization and other specific facilities needed for the Department. (iv) Lack of Research lab for individual teacher/ Aligarh Muslim University Page 218 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports research group. Opportunity: (i) To train student to meet requirement in Industry, self employment, academic and research. (ii) To improve teaching and research skills (iii) To help local people specially farmers through extension activities (iv) To prepare student for nation building and for world academic market Challenges: (i) To improve advanced skill of student and teachers and to enhance quality research through various efforts (ii) To generate funds for maintenance of sophisticated instruments to remain functional (iii) To develop various National and International Research Collaboration to improve the quality of research and advance training to student (iv) To implement faculty development programme 52 Future plans of the department. To develop state-of-the art instrumentation facility for Master and Research students. Establishment of screening and evaluation laboratory for natural products for drug discovery through industry collaboration. Development of super effective microbial resource facility for solving problem of environmental degradation and crop productivity. Establishing centre of excellence in chosen area of research. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part there of has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution Sd./- Chairman With seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 219 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Home Science 2 Year of establishment 2008 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of the University 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) U.G., P.G., Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Field survey and informative programmes in collaboration with following departments: Sociology, psychology, JNMC, Mass communication, Faculty of Engineering. 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. No 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons No 8 Examination System: UG - Annual system in B.Sc. II and III year and semester system in B.Sc. I year and at PG Level 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: No 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 01 01 01 Associate Professors 01 00 01 (CAS) Asst. Professors 05 03 02 Others 03 03 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Farzana Alim Ph.D. Professor Child development 28 yrs 04+01 Dr. Anisa M Durrani Ph.D. Associate Professor Nutrition Resource Management 25 yrs 04 Ms. Noor- us-Saba M.Sc, NET Assistant Professor 14 yrs Dr. Saba Khan NET, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Nutrition Home Science 13 yrs 03+01 Aligarh Muslim University Page 220 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Ms. Naseem-us- Saher M.Sc., B.Ed. NET Guest Faculty Home Science 06 yrs Ms. Zeba Bilal M.Sc., B.Ed., Guest Faculty Home Science 04 yr Ms. Ayesha Farheen NET M.Sc., M.Ed., NET Guest Faculty 01Yr 3 month 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information B.Sc. Programme - 70% and M.Sc. Programmme - Nil 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio-B.Sc. Programme B.Sc. programme 30:1 and M.Sc. Programme- 15:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: Technical: sanctioned-Nil, filled-Nil, actual-02 Adminstrative staff: sanctioned-01, filled-01, actual-01 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies Foods and Nutrition Child development, Community resource management and Extension 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Nil 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration - Nil International collaboration - Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. Nil 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition- Nil national recognition – Nil international recognition- Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international)- 30 Monographs- Nil Chapters in Books- 04 Edited Books - Nil Books with ISBN with details of publishers-Nil Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 221 of 690 Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)- Nil Citation Index – range / average -Nil SNIP- Nil SJR- Nil Impact Factor – range / average - Nil h-index – Nil 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generate Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad Nil 26 Faculty serving in (i) National committees- UGC Expert member (ii) International committees- Nil (iii) Editorial Boards- Member ,Indian Journal of Humanities, Tripura (iv) any other (please specify)-RDC member in CCS University Meerut, Indore and Co- opted member of Board of Studies in Dept of Home Science at BBAU, Lucknow. Syllabi committee of Home Science at CCSU, Meerut, Member of selection committees at inter- university. 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). As participant- 04 As resource person-01 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects– 100% percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/industry/ institute -Nil 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty- 01 Doctoral / post doctoral fellows – Nil Students - Nil 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Nil 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments Uniform code of ethics followed as per university norms 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) App. received Selected Pass percentage M F M F U.G(All administrative records with women’s - - - - - Aligarh Muslim University Page 222 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports college P.G (2009-10) 58 - 10 - 80 % (2010-11) 53 - 10 - 80 % (2011-12) 43 - 10 - 100 % (2012-13) 60 - 10 - 80 % (2013-14) 58 - 16 - Examin ation not held Ph.D (2009-10) - - - - - (2010-11) - - - - (2011-12) 15 - 03 - - (2012-13) 13 - 02 - - (2013-14) 38 - 03 - - (Note: 2009-10 & 2010-11, seats not available.) 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from universities outside the State % of students from other countries U.G(All administrative records with women’s college P.G. 76.78% 23.22% Nil Nil Ph.D. 75 % Nil 25 % Nil 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. List of Students qualified NET/JRF S.No. Name Year of Passing Category 1. Rohina Hasan 2009 NET 2. Iram Aslam 2009 NET 3. Khatija Parveen 2009 NET 4. Farha Habib 2009 NET 5. Shaista Farheen 2009 NET 6. Zainab Moulay 2010 JRF 7. Ayesha Farheen 2010 NET 8. Mariyam Fatima 2011 JRF 9. Fehmina 2011 JRF 10. Sayma Parveen 2011 NET 11. Salsabeel Bano 2011 NET 12. Afshan Abdul Karim 2012 NET 13. Shehla Shabeeh Shaheen 2012 NET 14. Sangh Priya 2013 NET 15. Sayma Asrar 2013 NET 16. Himangi Singh 2013 NET 17. Devika Singh 2013 NET 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 28.66% PG to M.Phil. NA Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 223 of 690 PG to Ph.D. 8.92% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NA Employed • Campus selection 36 • Other than campus recruitment 37 No information available All the passed out students have other than campus recruitment. Entrepreneurs No information available 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates , (PG/PH.D) of the same university 71.44%(5) from other universities within the State 14.28%(1) from universities from other States 14.28%(1) from universities outside the country - 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period No 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library – Temporary arranged libraray-cum- seminar Internet facilities for staff and students Total number of class rooms-03 Class rooms with ICT facility- 01 Students’ laboratories -01 Research laboratories -Nil 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university –NA from other institutions/universities -02 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. No 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. NA 42 Does the department obtain feedback from Policy Matter: (i) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching- learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes,by improving upon the process through BOS and faculty meetings. (ii) students on staff, curriculum and teaching- learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, by communicating the feedback to concern teachers on one to one basis. (iii) alumni and employers on the programmes Aligarh Muslim University Page 224 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? By improving content,method and as a source of motivation for the future students. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) (i) Dr Hina K Bijli (ii) Dr Saba Khan (iii) Ms Naseem-us-Sahar (iv) Ms Zeba (v) Ms Ayesha Farheen (vi) Ms Kaneez Muneeza (vii) Mrs Sheeba Naseem (viii) Dr Rafia Bano (ix) Dr Waseem (x) Mrs Nabia Zaidi 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. (i) special lectures –curriculum specific by experts (ii) workshop- on various concepts of textiles and interior decoration, personality development etc. (iii) seminar on various topics in III sem as part of curriculum. 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Audio-visual methods, Powerpoint presentations, Group discussions, field visits, heuristic methods (problem-solving practicals ,asisgnment and projects), cottage training programme etc. 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Policy matter-By teaching learning evaluations by taking feedback through sessionals, viva, assignment, group discussions and one to one feedback by students etc. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Field visits and educational program organized as a part of curriculum. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. A seminar to be held on this item for facilitators and nodal officers. 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Ph.D. Research contributions in the field of child development, nutrition, community resource management and extension activities. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. (i) Strengths: unity (ii) weakness: lack of infra-structure, (iii) Opportunities and challenges: with only four permanent staff department is excelled well since the establishment of department in 2008. 52 Future plans of the department. Specialization in various branches of Home Science. Declaration by the Head of the Institution Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 225 of 690 I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution Sd./- Chairman with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 226 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Plant Protection 2 Year of establishment 1993 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) I. M.Sc. (Ag.) Plant Protection a. Specialization: Plant Pathology & Nematology b. Specialization: Entomology II. Ph.D. (Ag.) Plant Protection a. Plant Pathology & Nematology b. Entomology III. M.Phil. (Ag.) Plant Protection a. Plant Pathology & Nematology b. Entomology 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Semester system 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: No 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 1 1 2 Associate Professors 1 1 5 Asst. Professors 5 5 - Others 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Special- ization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Dr. Akhtar Haseeb M. Phil., Ph.D. Professor Plant Pathology & Nematology 30 years Ph.D.-1, M.Phil.- 1 Dr.Parvez Qamar Rizvi Ph.D. Professor Entomology 24 years Ph.D.-3 Dr. Raees Ullah Khan Ph.D., M.Phil. Assoc. Prof. Plant Pathology 24 years M.Phil.-1 Dr. Mujeebur Rahman Khan Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Plant Pathology & Nematology 26 years Ph.D.-5 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 227 of 690 Dr. Mohd Shafiq Ansari M.Phil., Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Entomology 24 years Ph.D.- 4 Dr. Shabbir Ashraf M.Phil., Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Plant Pathology 24 years Ph.D.-1, M.Phil.- 2 Dr. Masarrat Haseeb M.Phil., Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Entomology 36 years M.Phil.-1 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors: No 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: No 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: M.Sc. 3.4:1 and Ph.D. 2.5:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Technical/ Administrative staff Sancti oned Fill ed Actu al 1. Technical Asstt. 2. Lab. Asstt. 3. L.D.C. 4. M.T.S. (O/A) 5. D/W (Clerical) 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: (i) Abiotic and biotic stress on the development of plant diseases and incidence of insect pests vis-à-vis crop productivity. (ii) Biological control of insect pests, plant pathogenic fungi & plant parasitic nematodes. (iii) Development of mass cultures and commercial formulation of selected bio- control agents against major pests and pathogens of economically important crops of the regions. (iv) To develop IPM/IDM modules for economically important crops. (v) Effect of climatic change and air pollution on the development of plant diseases. (vi) Use of pesticides and plant products in the management of pests and pathogens. (vii) Field demonstrations of effective bio-control agents and their distribution to farmers of the region. 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national, total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project- wise. Name & Designation Principal Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Duration and date Total sanctione d fund (Rs.) Prof. Akhtar Haseeb Officer-In-charge AICRP-Nematode Project on Plant Parasitic Nematodes with Integrated Approach for their ICAR, New Delhi 30.11.2005 Plan to Plan basis 9,88000/- (2012-13) Aligarh Muslim University Page 228 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Control Prof. Akhtar Haseeb Officer-In-charge Voluntary Centre of AICRP- Pigeon pea (Nematodes) Screening of germplasm of pigeonpea cultivars against plant parasitic nematodes IIPR, Kanpur (ICAR) 1.04.2008 Plan to Plan basis 10,000/- per year (2012-13) Prof. Akhtar Haseeb Officer-In-charge Voluntary Centre of AICRP- chickpea (Nematodes) Screening of germplasm of chickpea cultivars against plant parasitic nematodes IIPR, Kanpur (ICAR) 1.04.2008 Plan to Plan basis 10,000/- per year (Grant not received during 2012- 13) Dr. M. R. Khan Principal Investigator Dr. S. Ashraf Co- Principal Investigator Effect of elevated levels of CO2 on the sensitivity of cucurbits to SO2 and susceptibility to powdery mildew fungus and root knot nematode. DST, New Delhi 2010 to 2013 36.0 Lakh Dr. M. R. Khan Principal Investigator Occurrence of sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani) and root-knot (Meloidogyne graminicola) in major rice growing district in U.P. and their integrated management UGC, New Delhi 2012 to 2015 10.0 Lakh Dr. S. Ashraf Principal Investigator Studies on the biocontrol of Alternaria leaf spot and fusarium wilt diseases of Withania somnifera (Dunal), with indegenious isolates of Trichoderma harzianum, T. virens and Aspergillus niger. UGC, New Delhi 01.07.2012 to 30.06.2015 11.17 Lakh Completed in 2009 & onwards: Dr. M. Shafiq Ansari Principal Investigator Management of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Linn.) on cabbage with inter/trap cropping of host/non UGC, New Delhi April, 2007 to Sept, 2009 6.28 Lakh Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 229 of 690 host plants and application of neem insecticide Dr. M. Shafiq Ansari Principal Investigator Integrated management of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Linn.) on cauliflower with inter/ trap cropping and application of biopesticides UP CS&T, Lucknow Sept, 2007 to Sept, 2009 3.01 Lakh Dr. M. R. Khan Principal Investigator Integrated management of wilt disease complex of pigeonpea caused by Fusarium udum and Meloidogyne incognita UGC, New Delhi April 2007- March 2010 8.0 Lakh Dr. M. R. Khan Principal Investigator Dr. M. Shafiq Ansari Co- Principal Investigator Collection of indigenous isolates of entomopathogenic nematodes from mango growing districts in U.P. and development of EPN mass production technology for management of mango fruit fly UPCS & T, Lucknow 2009-2011 5.0 Lakh 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received (i) National collaboration: AICRP- Nematodes Project, AMU CentreRs.38.36 lakh Voluntary Centre of AICRP-Pigeon pea (Nematodes), AMU Rs. 0.10 lakh Voluntary Centre of AICRP-Chickpea (Nematodes), AMU Rs. 0.10 lakh (Grant not received during 2012-13) (ii) International collaboration: Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received: No 20 Research facility / centre with State recognition: Nil National recognition: Nil International recognition: Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by/created by industry or corporate bodies: Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals: 120 papers (National: 65 + International: 55) Monographs: Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 230 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Chapters in Books: 29 Edited Books: Three (3) (i) M R Khan and S. Jairajpuri (2010) Nematode Infestations Part I: Food Crops. National Academy of Sciences, India. Pp. 325. (ii) M R Khan and S. Jairajpuri (2010) Nematode Infestations Part II: Industrial Crops. National Academy of Sciences, India. Pp. 464. (iii) M R Khan and S. Jairajpuri (2012) Nematode Infestations Part III: Horticultural Crops. National Academy of Sciences, India. Pp.693. Books with ISBN with details of publishers: Six (6) (i) Fazil Hasan and M. Shafiq Ansari (2010) Cabbage White Butterfly, Pieris brassicae (Linn.): Bionomics and Management. Lambert Acad. Publ. Germany, ISBN: 978-3-8433-6920-6 (ii) Shahana Majid and M.R. Khan (2010) Biopesticides against wilt, root-knot and disease complex of pigeonpea. Lambert Acad. Publ. Germany, ISBN: 978-3-838-9360-5. (iii) Ziaul Haque and M.R. Khan (2010) Root-knot and Root-Rot Disease of Tobacco. Lambert Acad. Publ. Germany, ISBN: 978-3-659-32480-2. (iv) Tufail Ahmad and M. Shafiq Ansari (2012) Bionomics and management of diamondback moth on cauliflower. Lambert Acad. Publ. Germany, ISBN: 978-3-8454-7066-5 (v) Mahesh Pathak, Parvez Qamar Rizvi and Pradyumn Kumar (2012). Natural Enemy Fauna in Rice-Wheat System of India: Important Natural enemy Fauna in Rice-wheat System of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, India. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, pp- 356. ISBN-10:3848423413, ISBN- 13:9783848423415 (vi) Arshad Ali and Parvez Qamar Rizvi (2013) Studies on Population Dynamics of some coccinellid and syrphid species: Biological control agents of aphids and other soft bodied insect pests. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, pp- 281. ISBN-10: 3659378070, ISBN-13: 978- 3659378072 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): 101 papers Citation Index – range/average: 458 (1-12) SNIP: 26.649 SJR: 13.67 Impact Factor – range/average: 2.0-8.0 (NAAS-Rating) h-index: 22 23 Details of patents and income generated: Nil Dr. Mujeebur Rahman Khan: Two patents on the novel process to produce fungi and bacteria based biopesticides have been granted (awarded) in USA and India with the help of DBT, New Delhi. The patent specifications are as follows: (i) US Patent: Process for commercial production of biopesticides Patent No.: US 7,815,903 B2, Date of grant: 19 Oct., 2010 Patent assignees: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi and Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Patent inventors: Dr. Mujeebur Rahman Khan, Shahana Majid, F A Mohiddin, Nabilah Khan (ii) Indian Patent: A novel composition for Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 231 of 690 producing biopesticides based on Trichoderma harzianum, Pochonia chlamydosporia and Pseudomonas fluorescens Patent No.: 239609, Date of grant: 26 March, 2010 Patent assignees: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi and Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Patent inventors: Dr. Mujeebur Rahman Khan, Shahana Majid, F A Mohiddin, Nabilah Khan 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated: N/A 25 Faculty selected nationally/internationally to visit other laboratories/institutions/ industries in India and abroad: Nil 26 Faculty serving in: (i) National committees: Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Chairman, Consortium Advisory Committee (C.A.C.) for National Agriculture Innovative Project (NAIP) of ICAR, New Delhi under the Component-4 of the NAIP, related to Basic and Strategic Research (February 2009 to till date). Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Expert Member of Assessors Interaction Meeting- General Higher Education Institutions conducted by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) held at Bangalore on 3 rd -4 th August 2011 to represent the Vice-Chancellor, AMU, Aligarh. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Expert Member of NAAC Peer Team of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Member, Advisory Committee for Publication of three Hindi magazines ‘Kheti’, ‘Phal-Phool’ and ‘Krishi Chayanika’ of ICAR, New Delhi (2007-2010). Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Chairman for two terms, Regional Advisory Committee, Regional Directorate, Central Board for Workers Education, Government of India, Ghaziabad, since 2006. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Member, Staff Research Council (SRC) of School of Plant Protection, IARI, NewDelhi (2008, 2013). Prof. Pervez Qamar Rizvi: Expert to formulate road map on Strategic Agricultural Research of Defense Research and Development Organization, Ministry of Defense, Government of India, Chandigarh, 2009. (ii) International committees: Nil (iii) Editorial Boards Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Editor, Indian Journal of Aligarh Muslim University Page 232 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Plant Pathology. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Member, Editorial Board, Annals of Plant Protection Sciences. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Member, Editorial Board, Environmental Biology and Conservation. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Applied Zoological Research. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Editor, Current Nematology Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Member, Editorial Board, Indian Phytopathology Dr. M. R. Khan, Member, Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Nematology from 2013 till date (iv) any other (please specify): Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Joint Secretary, Association of Plant Pathologists of India (1993–till date). Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Chairman, Research Advisory Committee, Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture and Technology, Allahabad (2009). Dr. M. Shafiq Ansari, Councilor, Indian Society for the Advancement of Insect Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, (2010 till date) 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/ orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). (i) Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: attended the workshop on “Microbial Pesticides and Intellectual Property Rights” held at Institute of Agriculture Sciences, BHU, Varanasi on 8 th October 2010. (ii) Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Attended DAC’S Meeting to review alternative pesticides to Endosulfan under the Chairmanship of Agriculture Commissioner, Government of India held at Krishi Bhawan, ICAR, New Delhi on 3 rd June 2011 (iii) Dr. M. R. Khan: Brain Storming session on Nano Technology: Scope and its current relevance, NAAS, New Delhi, 33 rd April, 2013 (iv) Dr. M. R. Khan: ICAR Sponsored Course on Climatic Change and Mountain Agriculture, S.K. Univ. Agric.& Tech., Shalimar Campus, India, Srinagar,14-23 May, 2013 (v) Dr. M. R. Khan: Workshop on Research Progress and Writing, National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, India, Allahabad,8-9 Nov., 2012 (vi) Dr. M. R. Khan: Brain storming session on Roadmap for Entompathogenic Nematode Research and Application/Utilization in IPM, NBAII, Bengaluru, 20 April 2012 (vii) Dr. M. R. Khan: Interactive Meeting on Utilization of Potent Biopesticides for the Management of Pests and Diseases In the North East region, University of Mysore, Mysore ,9- 10 th October, 2009 (viii) Dr. M. R. Khan: Plant Science PHCDST Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 233 of 690 Meeting, DST, New Delhi, 28-29 th Oct., 2009 As resource person/subject expert: 1. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Plant Parasitic Nematodes – A Potential Pest of Agriculture and its Management with special Reference to Organic Farming” in workshop on “Microbial Fermentation and Microbial Inoculant Preparation for Organic Farming” held at Department of Botany and Microbiology, Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalay, Haridwar on Feb. 6 th -10 th 2009. 2. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Plant Parasitic Nematodes – A Potential Pest of Medicinal Plants and its Management in National Conference on Medicinal plants of Himalayas- Traditional Uses and Conservation Issues held at H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar, Garhwal on 19 th -21 st February, 2009. 3. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Phytonematodes - A Limiting Factor to Crop Productivity and their Management by Use of Bioinoculants” in ICAR sponsored training course on “Recent Advances in Biological Control of Plant Diseases” held at Centre of Advance Studies in Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar on 4 th April, 2009. 4. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb:”Plant-Parasitic Nematodes - A Constraint To Agricultural Productivity And Their Management Through Ecofriendly Approaches” in 5 th International Conference on “Plant Pathology in the Globalized Era” held at Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi on10 th - 13 th November 2009. 5. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Biomanagement of Plant- Parasitic Nematodes: An Overview” in National Workshop on “Applied Nematology (NWAN- 2009)” held at Department of Zoology, CCS University, Meerut on 23 rd -29 th November 2009. 6. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Second Green Revolution- Need of the hour” in Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Agricultural Sciences on the theme of Recent Trends in Agriculture and Biosciences held at UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh on 2 nd -22 nd December 2009. 7. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Techniques Related to Plant Protection” in Refresher Course in “Research Methodology in Agricultural Sciences” held at UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh on 2 nd -22 nd December 2009. 8. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Plant-Parasitic Nematodes - A Potential Pests of Agricultural Crops and Their Management Through Eco- friendly Approaches on the theme of Recent Trends in Agriculture and Biosciences” in Refresher Course in “Research Methodology in Aligarh Muslim University Page 234 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Agricultural Sciences” held at UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh on 2 nd -22 nd December 2009. 9. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Phytonematodes- A Potential Pest of Agricultural Crops and their Management through Integrated Application” in Refresher Course in Agricultural Sciences held at UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh on 31 st March 2011. 10. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Plant Protection Techniques” in Refresher Course in “Agricultural Sciences” held at UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh on 31 st March 2011. 11. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Role of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Diseases of Complex Etiology and Intervention Required to Enhance the Agricultural Productivity” in Refresher Course in “Agricultural Sciences” held at UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh on14 th February 2012. 12. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Plant Protection Techniques” in Refresher Course in “Agricultural Sciences” held at UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh on 14 th February 2012. 13. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Plant Parasitic Nematodes – A Major Constraint to Agricultural Productivity and their Management” in Department of Plant Pathology, Institute of Agriculture, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on 18 th June 2012. 14. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Sustainable Agriculture: Need for Evergreen Revolution” in Iraqi Faculty/Teacher Training Programme for Iraqi Faculty Members from different University of Iraq organized by UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh held at Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences on 24 th October 2012. 15. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Role of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Disease of Complex Etiology and Options needed to Enhance the Crop Productivity” in UGC sponsored National Workshop on “Experiment on Plant Pathology, Immunology and Tissue culture” held at T.N.B. College, Bhagalpur & P.G. Department of Biotechnology, T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur on 07 th December 2012. 16. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Plant Parasitic Nematodes: A threat to Crop Productivity and their Management Options” in Refresher Course in “Agricultural Sciences” held at UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh on 30 th January 2013. 17. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb “Diseases of Complex Etiology involving Plant Parasitic Nematodes- Soil borne Pathogens and their Management” in Refresher Course in “Agricultural Sciences” held at UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 235 of 690 Aligarh during 1 st February 2013. 18. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: “Role of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Disease of Complex Etiology: A Major Constraint to Agricultural Productivity” held at 1 st UP Science Congress, DDU University, Gorakhpur during 2 nd -4 th March 2013. 19. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Invited as Chief Guest in a UGC sponsored National Workshop on “Experiment on Plant Pathology, Immunology and Tissue culture” held at T.N.B. College, Bhagalpur & P.G. Department of Biotechnology, T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur on 07 th December 2012. 20. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: XX th meeting of ICAR Regional Committee on behalf of Vice- Chancellor, AMU, Aligarh, Birsa Agriculture University, Ranchi on 7 th October 2010 21. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Microbial Pesticides and Intellectual Property Rights, Institute of Agriculture Sciences, BHU, Varanasi on 8 th October 2010 22. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Participated as Chief Guest in a UGC sponsored National Workshop on “Experiment on Plant Pathology, Immunology and Tissue culture” held at T.N.B. College, Bhagalpur & P.G. Department of Biotechnology, T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur on 07 th December 2012 23. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Convener, 11 th Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmers Congress” held at Iswar Saran Degree College, University of Allahabad, Allahabad organized by Bioved Research Society, Allahabad during 14 th -15 th February 2009. (Organizing Secretary- Dr. B.K. Dwivedi) 24. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Convener, “12 th Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmer’s Congress” held at Vigyan Parishad, University of Allahabad, Allahabad organized by Bioved Research Society, during 20 th -21 st February 2010. (Organizing Secretary- Dr. B. K. Dwivedi) 25. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Convener, “13 th Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmer’s Congress” held at Vigyan Parishad, University of Allahabad, Allahabad organized by Bioved Research Society, during 19 th -20 th February 2011. (Organizing Secretary- Dr. B. K. Dwivedi) 26. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Convener, “14 th Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmer’s Congress” held at Vigyan Parishad, University of Allahabad, Allahabad organized by Bioved Research Society, during 18 th -19 th February 2012. (Organizing Secretary- Dr. B. K. Dwivedi) 27. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb: Convener, 15 th Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmer’s Congress Aligarh Muslim University Page 236 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports held at Vigyan Parishad, University of Allahabad, organized by Bioved Research Society, during 22 nd - 24 th February 2013. (Organizing Secretary- Dr. B. K. Dwivedi) 28. M R Khan (2009). Air pollution damage to plants. UGC sponsored refresher course Academic Staff College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, December, 2009. 29. M R Khan (2009). Nematode infestation in Agricultural crops. Academic Staff College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, December 2009 30. Dr. M. Shafiq Ansari (2009) Chemical Ecology of Insect Pollinators. Academic Staff College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2009 31. Dr. Masarrat Haseeb (2011). Application of IPM Technologies in management of insect pests in mango crop, at Academic Staff College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh on 29.03.2011. 32. Dr. Masarrat Haseeb (2012) IPM in Mango, at Department of Plant Protection, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences (Formerly AAI) Deemed University, Allahabad, 25th April, 2012 28 Student projects Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter- departmental projects: 100% percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/industry / institute: N/A 29 Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty: National level: 1. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb (2012), Plant Pathology Leadership Award 2. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb (2010), First Best Paper Presentation Award 3. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb (2010), Second Best Poster Presentation Award 4. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Fellow, Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology (FSMPP). 5. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Fellow, Applied Zoologists Research Association (FAZRA). 6. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Fellow, International Society for Conservation of Natural Resources (FISCON). 7. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Fellow, Nematological Society of India (FNSI). 8. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Fellow, Association of Environmental Biologists of India (FAEB). 9. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Fellow, Indian Phytopathological Society (FPSI). 10. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Fellow, Afro-Asian Society of Nematologists (FAASN). 11. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Fellow, Indian Botanical Society (FBS). Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 237 of 690 12. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Fellow, Bioved Research Society (FBRS). 13. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Fellow, Society for the Protection of Environment and Sustainable Development (FSPESD). 14. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Expert member, Public Service Commission, U.P., Uttrakhand, W.B. 15. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Member, Board of the Faculty of Science, Central University of Allahabad, Allahabad. 16. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Late Shri P. P. Singhal Memorial Award 2009-10, cash amount of Rs.10,000/- (Ten thousand), citation and a memento, Society of Plant Protection Sciences 17. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Life Time Achievement Award- 2009 for outstanding contribution in the of Plant Protection, Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology 18. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb (2010) Life Time Achievement Award, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. 19. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Most Active Teacher Award, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (2010). 20. Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Medicinal Plants 21. Prof. Parvez Qamar Rizvi, Expert member, Public Service Commission, U.P. & Rajasthan, 2011-13 22. Prof. Parvez Qamar Rizvi, Expert, RDC (Agricultural Zoology and Entomology) for two years in VBS, Purvanchal University, UP, India, 2012 23. Dr. R.U. Khan, Fellow, Bioved Research Society ( FBRS) 24. Dr. R.U. Khan, Fellow, Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology (SSDAT) 25. Dr. Mujeebur Rahman Khan, Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, 2012 26. Dr. Mujeebur Rahman Khan: Best Research Project Award 2011, AMU Aligarh. 27. Tufail Ahmad and M. Shafiq Ansari (2009) Best Poster Presentation Award 28. Tufail Ahmad and M. Shafiq Ansari (2010) Third Prize (Poster) Presentation 29. Dr. (Mrs.) Masarrat Haseeb, Fellow, Society of Plant Protection Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University Page 238 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 30. Dr. (Mrs.) Masarrat Haseeb, Fellow, Bio- Ved Research Society, Allahabad, 31. Dr. (Mrs.) Masarrat Haseeb (2009), R.N. Dwivedi Medal 32. Dr. (Mrs.) Masarrat Haseeb (2010), Scientist of the Year Award 33. Dr. (Mrs.) Masarrat Haseeb (2013), Dr. M.R. Siddiqui Gold Medal Doctoral /post doctoral fellows Students 30 Seminars/Conferences/Worksh ops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Nil 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: The department follows the code of ethics in research: Yes 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Male Female Pass percentage Male Female M. Sc. (Ag.) Plant Protection 2009-14 2009-10 820 20 24 100% 100% Ph.D./M.Phil. (Ag.) Plant Protection 2009-14 48 08 09 100% 100% 33 Diversity of students: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries M. Sc. (Ag.) Plant Protection 2009-14 58.5% 29.7% 28.6% 0.2% Yemen Ph.D./M.Phil (Ag.) Plant Protection 2009-14 99.8% 0.2% - 0.2% Yemen 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise.: Civil Services Nil Defence Services Nil ICAR-NET 10 SET Nil GATE 01 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG Nil PG to M.Phil. 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 20% 9% 20% 20% Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 239 of 690 PG to Ph.D. 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 50% 33 60% 40% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Nil Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 50% 20% 0% Awaited Entrepreneurs Nil 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 70% from other universities within the State 15% from universities from other States 15% from universities outside the country Nil 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period: Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to (i) Library: Available (Combined with Faculty Library) (ii) Internet facilities for staff and students: Available (iii) Total number of class rooms: 03 (iv) Class rooms with ICT facility- Nil (v) Students’ laboratories-02 (vi) Research laboratories-01 (vii) Any other item: Farm facility- Experimental field, Implement shade, two tube wells, tractor & farm implements, Simulated Exposure facility supported by extra mural funding, Net house supported by extra mural funding, and protected culture beds 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates (a) from the host institution/university Doctoral students guided/awarded: 16 (i) Arshad Ali (ii) Tufail Ahmad (iii) Vipin Kumar (iv) Reshu Singh (v) Mahmood A. Khan (vi) K. Ramesh (vii) Arshad Anwar (viii) Nabiela Khan (ix) Haidar Ali (x) Nazrussalam (xi) Nadeem Ahmad (xii) Huma Naz (xiii) Rummana Chaudhury (xiv) S. Kamran Ahmad (xv) Tarique H. Askary (Submitted) (xvi) Uzma Khan (Submitted) Aligarh Muslim University Page 240 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Doctoral students: 16 (Working) (i) Tarique H. Askary (Submitted) (ii) Uzma Khan (iii) Fazil Hasan (iv) M. Zohaib (v) Ziaul Haque (vi) Salman Ahmad (vii) Deepak Kumar Sharma (viii) Shabistana Nisar (ix) Maher A. Moriet (x) Shumaila Shahid (xi) Muntaha Qamar (xii) Asma Naz (xiii) Uzma Manzoor (xiv) Tanveer Fatima (xv) Arshi Jamil (xvi) Fahim Ahmad from other institutions/universities: One (1) Post Doctoral student from G.B.P. Univ. Sci & Tech. Pantnagar:1.Dr. Wajid Hasan, from 20-07-2010 to May, 2012 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university: 02 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology: Nil 42 Does the department obtain feedback from: (i) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching- learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, the department obtained feedback from the faculty on curriculum and revised regularly through regular meetings and then approved in BOS (ii) students on staff, curriculum and teaching- learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? The Performa for feedback is to be prepared (iii) alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? The Performa for feedback is to be prepared 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department: (i) Dr. M. Akram, Sr. Scientist, IIPR, Kanpur, (ii) Dr. Kahkashan Parveen, Asstt. Prof., King Saud University, KSA (iii) Dr. Shahana Majid, USA, (iv) Dr. Sk. Md. Azizur Rahman, Sr. Scientist, KVK,ICAR, Assam (v) Dr. Fayaz A. Mohiuddin, Asstt. Prof., SKUAST, Kashmir (vi) Dr. Tufail Ahmad, Assoc. Prof., Eritrea (vii) Dr. Nazrussalam, Asstt. Prof. ZRS, BAU, Jharkhand (viii) Dr. Lachman Prasad, Sr. Scientist, IARI, Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 241 of 690 New Delhi (ix) Dr. Mahesh Pathak, ICAR, Passighat (x) Dr. Manzoor H. Dar, Scientist, IRRI Regional Centre, New Delhi 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/ seminar) involving external experts: Special lectures by distinguished visiting professors: Nil 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Conventional Lecture Methods & Power Point Presentations, preparation of resource materials and assignments, student’s seminar presentations, laboratory exercises, regular field visits for different cropping seasons. 45 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Teaching and learning activities are constantly monitored by the Chairman and the Dean. 46 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Working for Transfer of Technology. Provide technical know-how/ consultancy services to State Agriculture Departments, Farmers of local area, Development of Linkages with Pesticide Industries, State Agriculture and Horticulture Departments, Farmers, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, for transfer of technology, and research material, and other related information in respective field of work. 47 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Participation of students in the seminar, conferences/symposia field visits. 48 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details: No 49 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. A novel process to produce biopesticides based on fungi and bacteria has been invented and patented Low concentrations of SO2, O3, NH3, coal smoke, acidic rain and heavy metals did not affect plants, but predisposed them to greater pathogenic damage. Elevated levels of CO2 (400-500 ppm) can promote plant diseases. Soil application of fly ash can significantly improve plant productivity and a dose of soil application of 3-4 q ash/ha has been recommended for cultivation of pulse and ornamental crops. Aspergillus niger, Pochonia chlamydosporia, Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas Aligarh Muslim University Page 242 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports flourescens can control root-knot, root-rot, wilt and fungus-nematode disease complexes of vegetables, pulses and ornamentals. A low-cost process to produce microbial formulations of biocontrol fungi and bacteria has been invented and biopesrticides have been developed. Entomopathogenic nematodes are used in the management of fruit fly in mango and root- knot nematodes in vegetable crops Working on basic and applied aspects in the field of Plant Protection related to Nematology, Plant Pathology and Entomology and publications of research findings. 50 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Major Strength: Dedicated and qualified teaching staffs Well equipped laboratory Research work in the form research projects funded by ICAR, DST & UGC Research publications in the national and international journals, Books, awards and participation in symposia/conferences Experimental field for field oriented basic research Weaknesses: Insufficient teaching staff Shortage of manpower like T.A., skilled field staff and unskilled Shortage of space for teaching staff, Shortage of space for research laboratory, instruments & equipments and autoclaves Shortage of smart class room and green house Shortage of mobile van for survey Opportunities: • To train the students to meet the requirement of pesticide industries • To train the students to generate self employment in the production of biopesticides and organic farming • To train the students for making extension activities for transfer of technology through NGO’s and other agencies • To train the students to develop modules for crop protection Challenges: To develop IPM modules for crop protection and their application To develop international research collaboration To implement faculty development programme To develop state of art facility for pest and disease diagnosis 51 Future plans of the department. To establish Plant clinic To establish biological control laboratory Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 243 of 690 To establish molecular diagnostic laboratory To procure mobile diagnostic van To establish lab-land service for transfer of technology for farming community Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- Chairman Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 244 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Post Harvest Engineering & Technology 2 Year of establishment 2000 (as a section in 1995) 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) M. Tech. (Agril. Process & Food Engineering) and Ph.D. (Post Harvest Engineering & Technology) 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor One Nil (Presently vacant) Nil Associate Professors One Nil (Presently vacant) One Asst. Professors Three Three Two Others -- -- -- 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Special- ization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Mohammad Ali Khan M.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) Associate Professor Computer aided process plant design 23 Ph.D.-Nil Saghir Ahmad Ph.D. (Post Harvest Engineering & Technology) Assistant Professor Food Technology, PHET 16 (teaching) 12 (industry) Ph.D.- One Abhaya Kumar Srivastava M.Sc. (Agricultural Engineering) Assistant Professor Agril. processing & structures 16 Ph.D.-Nil 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors: Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 245 of 690 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: M.Tech. (APFE)-16% (as an ad-hoc arrangement, by the scientists of All India Coordinated Research Project on Post Harvest Technology of ICAR, New Delhi) 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: M.Tech. - 6.33:1 (actual in session 2012-13) (4.8:1 with full strength of students and teachers) Ph.D. - 0.66:1 (actual in session 2012- 13) 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual: Support staff Sanctioned Filled Actual Technical Two Two Two Office Assistant (UDC) One One One Office attendant One One One 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Post Harvest Technology of fruits and vegetables, buffalo meat processing and bio- colours from agricultural wastes. 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Name & Designation Principal Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Duration and Date Total sanctioned fund Er. Mohammad Ali Khan Minimization of Environmental Impact of Slaughter House Wastes by Value Addition as Pet Foods Ministry of Environment and Forests, GoI 13.02.2008- 12.02.2012 3years+1yea r extension Rs. 44,00,000 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: (i) National collaboration Nil (ii) International collaboration Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. : Project title Funding agencies Total grants received All India Coordinated Research Project on Post Harvest Technology Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi Rs. 93.03 Lacs (2009- 2013) 20 Research facility/centre with : state recognition - Nil national recognition – Nil international recognition – Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies: Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international):12 Monographs: Nil Chapters in Book: Nil Edited Books : Nil Books with ISBN with details of publishers: Studies on quality and shelf-life evaluation of buffalo meat sausages. ISBN No. 978-3-8433-5265-9, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmBH & Co. KG, Germany (2010) Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Aligarh Muslim University Page 246 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): 4 Citation Index – range / average (please refer table given below) SNIP: 3.146 SJR: 1.474 Impact Factor – range 1.123-1.814 / average 1.295 (for four papers only) h-index : 7 (since 2008) Google Scholar Citations of publications of Faculty members: Name of Faculty Citations (Since 2008) Er. Mohammad Ali Khan 3 Dr. Saghir Ahmad 45 Er. A.K. Srivastava 21 23 Details of patents and income generated: Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories/institutions/ industries in India and abroad: Nil 26 Faculty serving in (i) National committees: Nil (ii) International committees : Nil (iii) Editorial Boards : Nil (iv) any other (please specify): as reviewer in Journal of Food Science & Technology 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs): Refresher/orientation programs of ASC, but Nil during assessment period. 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in- house projects including inter-departmental projects: 100% percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/industry/ institute: Nil 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty: Nil Doctoral / post doctoral fellows: Nil Students: Nil 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. National workshop on Minimization of Environmental Impact of Slaughter House Wastes by Value Addition as Pet Foods, Funded by Ministry of Environment and Forests, GoI, on January 05, 2013, distinguished participants: Dr. S.M. Ilyas, Project Coordinator, National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad, Dr. Jai Singh, Former Director, CIPHET, Ludhiana, Dr. P.K. Srivastava, Dean College of Agricultural Engineering & Food Technology, Central Agril. University, Ranipool Campus, Gangtok, Dr. M. Salahuddin, Director, Ministry of Environment and Forests, GoI) Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 247 of 690 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: As has been approved by Academic Council of University 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) App. received Selected (Admitted) Pass percentage Male Female Male Female M. Tech. (Agril. Process & Food Engineering) (2009-2013) 281 37 09 67.6 (3 dropouts and 9 continuing not included) 55.55 (1 drop out and 3 continuing not included) Ph.D. (Post Harvest Engineering &Technology) 2009-13 10 02 Nil 0 NA 33 Diversity of students: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries M. Tech. (Agril. Process & Food Engineering ), 2009-13 32.61 47.83 17.39 2.17 Ph.D. (Post Harvest Engineering. &Tech.) 2009-13 50.00 00.00 00.00 50.00 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. ICAR-NET – 6 students Agril. Research Service – 01 student UP PSC – 01 student (unofficial data as passed out students do not provide any formal information) 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG NA (Dept. does not have UG courses) PG to M. Phil. NA (Dept. does not offer M.Phil. course) PG to Ph.D. 6.5% of PG enrolment (2011, 2012) Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Nil Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Nil 60-70% (unofficial data as passed out students do not provide any formal information) Entrepreneurs Nil 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are Grad uates PG Docto rate of the same university 33.3 0 33.33 from other universities within the State 66.7 66.67 0 from universities from 0 33.33 0 Aligarh Muslim University Page 248 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports other States from universities outside the country 0 0 0 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period: Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to (i) Library: available at faculty level (ii) Internet facilities for staff and students: Available (iii) Total number of class rooms: two (iv) Class rooms with ICT facility: one (v) Students’ laboratories: food analysis, product development, instrumentation, food engineering, computer & Internet and post harvest tech. laboratory. (vi) Research laboratories: No separate laboratories, research students work in above laboratories as per the requirements. (vii) Any other: Greenhouse complex, jaggery manufacturing unit, Workshop-cum- Demonstration unit for pet foods. 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates (i) from the host institution/university: Mr. Abdul Gafor Badpa, Mr. O.S. Qadri (doctoral) (ii) from other institutions/universities: Nil 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. Two merit scholarships on the basis of test conducted by the Department. 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology: No new Programme has been developed. 42 Does the department obtain feedback from Guidelines in this regard are under preparation (i) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching- learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, through the Board of Studies of respective department the feedback from faculty is utilized for revision of curriculum. (ii) students on staff, curriculum and teaching- learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? No (iii) alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? No 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10): (i) Dr. Z.R.A. Azad, Asstt. Prof., Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi (ii) Dr. Peerzada R. Hussain, Nuclear Research Laboratory, BARC, Srinagar (iii) Dr. Suresh Chandra, Asstt. Prof., SVBPUA&T, Meerut (iv) Ms. T.R. Genetha, Asstt. Prof., SHIATS, Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 249 of 690 Allahabad (v) Mr. R.N. Shukla, Asstt. Prof., SHIATS, Allahabad (vi) Mr. T.A. Ganaie, Asstt. Prof., Islamic University, Avatipora, J&K (vii) Mr. P.S. Minz, Scientist, NDRI, Karnal (viii) Dr. Ajay Gupta, Scientist, AICRP on PHT, JNKV, Jabalpur (ix) Mr. K.K.Patel, Scientist, AICRP on PHT, A.M.U., Aligarh (x) Mr. Yashwant Kumar, Asstt. Prof., Bilaspur University 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts.: Every year the Department organizes special lectures from eminent scientists/academicians, following are the list of some eminent scientists/ academicians who delivered lectures: (i) Dr. Jai Singh, Ex-Director CIPHET, Ludhiana (ii) Dr. R.T. Patil, Ex-Director CIPHET, Ludhiana (iii) Dr. C.B. Muzumdar, Associate Prof., IIT Roorkee (iv) Mr. R.P. Vaish, Director in Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (v) Dr. F. Mohammad, Asstt. Prof. Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (vi) Dr. G.C. Motwani, Director (Administration), Skyline Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Greater Noida 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. The faculty members are using the following teaching methods for different programmes: Classroom teaching (chalk board, white board pen and LCD) Visits to food manufacturing, food processing machines manufacturing companies. 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? By participatory teaching, conducting seminars, class assignments and sessional tests. Objectives of individual papers taught in the programme are mentioned in the syllabi of programme. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. A three days training programme on Post Harvest Management, Processing and Value- addition Technology was organized jointly by the Department and Rajasthan State Agricultural Marketing Board, Alwar (Rajasthan) for the farmers of Bharatpur Division during November 27-29, 2012. Demonstration of process and equipment on Food Preservation Technology to the participants of entrepreneurship development training programmes organized by U.P. State Aligarh Muslim University Page 250 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Fruit Preservation Center, Hathras (Mahamayanagar) on 31.12.2011 and 20.02.2013. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Participation in workshops/seminars/ conferences. Research and publication. 49 State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Development of pet foods by utilizing agro and meat industry byproducts/wastes. Extraction, utilization and characteristic evaluation of natural dyes from selected agricultural wastes. Drying characteristics of high moisture foods and qualitative evaluation of their dried products using microwave in combination with other techniques of drying such as fluidized bed drying, vacuum drying, foam-mat drying. Designing a smoke house for meat and steam cooker for meat sausages. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strengths (i) Faculty members with the specialization in diverse fields of the subject viz. Chemical Engineering, Food Technology and Agricultural/Post Harvest Engineering (ii) Faculty members fully devoted to teaching (iii) Creation of facilities of equipment/instrument, glass wares, computers and other accessories related to them through funded research projects. (iv) Additional manpower (ad hoc) through funded research projects. Weaknesses (i) Shortage faculty members. (ii) Shortage of supporting staff, viz. Technical assistants, lab attendants, administrative staff (UDC/LDC, accountant, store keeper). (iii) Lack of state of the art laboratories. Opportunities (i) Human resource development for middle level management in meat industry and bakery industry by emphasizing more on these topics as these are the highest growing sectors in food industry. (ii) Development of low cost post harvest technologies for rural people. (iii) Training on application of natural dyes on textiles/fabrics. (iv) Providing technical guidance in establishing agro-processing unit. Challenges (i) Development of state-of-the-art laboratories to Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 251 of 690 foster research on emerging technologies in food processing. (ii) To maintain high academic standards on continuous basis with a low faculty strength. (iii) Development of professional skills in students to cater to the need of food industry. (iv) To create facilities for experiential learning. (v) Providing campus placement opportunities to students. 52 Future plans of the department. To establish state-of-the-art research, testing and referral laboratories. To introduce UG level course (B. Tech.) in food Technology. To create facilities for experiential learning. To enhance interactions and to initiate collaborative projects with food industry. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./ Chairman Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 252 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports FACULTY OF ARTS 1. Arabic 2. English 3. Fine Arts 4. Hindi 5. Linguistics 6. Modern Indian Languages 7. Persian 8. Philosophy 9. Sanskrit 10. Urdu Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 253 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Arabic 2 Year of establishment 1920 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of the University 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D. Certificate of Proficiency in Arabic & Diploma of Proficiency in Arabic 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Our department provides teaching assistance to the Faculty of Commerce in the “Master in Tourism Course” for Arabic language teaching. Since 2006-07 Academic Session our Department has been providing teaching assistance to the Faculty of Theology in B. Th. (Hons.) Course I & II- year for Arabic teaching. 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/Choice Based Credit System Annual/Semester (UG)/Semester (PG) 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: MTA 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 01 01 02 Associate Professors 03 02 04 Asst. Professors 08 07 04 Others (02 Guest Faculty) 01 against the post of Associate Professor 01 against the post of Assistant Professor Plan Post 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Kafeel Ahmad Qasmi Ph.D. Professor Classical Modern & Indo-Arab Literature 37 02 Aligarh Muslim University Page 254 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi Ph.D. Professor Indo Arab 27 05 Prof. M. Salahuddin Umari Ph.D. Professor Modern Arabic Literature 27 04 Dr. Faizan Ahmad Ph. D. Associate Professor Modern Arabic Literature and Translation 25 03 Dr. Mohd Sami Akhtar Ph. D. Associate Professor Modern Arabic Literature Translation and Criticism 23 03 Dr. Abu Sufyan Islahi Ph.D. Associate Professor Modern Arabic Literature 23 03 Dr. M. Faizan Beg Ph.D. Associate Professor Modern Arabic Literature, Translation and Fiction, Teaching spoken Arabic through Computerized Audio video Language Lab 23 03 Dr. M. Sanaullah Ph.D. Associate Professor Modern Arabic 23 03 Dr. Tariq Mukhtar Ph.D. Assistant Professor History of Arabic Literature 35 04 Dr. M. Yusuf Khan Ph.D. Assistant Professor Indo Arab Literature and Umayyad period 26 04 Dr. (Mrs.) Tasneem Kausar Qureshi Ph.D. Assistant Professor Modern Arabic Prose and Fiction 15 03 Dr. Abdul Jabbar Ph.D. Assistant Professor Abbasid Period and Indo Arab 15 01 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors S.No. Names City 1. Prof. Abdul Bari Aligarh 2. Prof. S. E. Ahmad Nadvi Calicut 3. Prof. Abdul Ali Aligarh 4. Prof. M. Hassan Khan Bhopal 5. Prof. E. K. Ahmad Kutty Calicut 6. Prof. K.M. Mohammed Calicut 7. Prof. Ubaid A. Trivandurum 8. Prof. P. Nisar Ahmad Chennai 9. Maulana Noor Alam Amini Deoband Saharanpur 10. Prof. Mohsin Usmani Hyderabad 11. Prof. Moinuddin Azmi Hyderabad Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 255 of 690 12. Prof. Iqbal Husain Nadvi Hyderabad 13. Maulana Nomanuddin Nadvi Hyderabad 14. Prof. Shabbir Ahmad Lucknow 15. Prof. Ashfaque Ahmad Lucknow 16. Dr. Saeed-ur- Rahman Azmi Nadvi Lucknow 17. Maulana Nazrul Hafeez Nadvi Lucknow 18. Prof. Shafi Sheikh Mumbai 19. Prof. M. Sulaiman Ashraf New Delhi 20. Prof. Badruddin Al-Hafiz New Delhi 21. Prof. Zubair Ahmad Farooqui New Delhi 22. Prof. Shafiq Ahmad Khan New Delhi 23. Prof. (Mrs.) Farhana Siddiqui New Delhi 24. Prof. M. Aslam Islahi New Delhi 25. Prof. M. Nauman Khan New Delhi 26. Prof. Faizanullah Farooqui New Delhi 27. Prof. Ayyub Tajuddin New Delhi 28. Prof. Manzoor Ahmad Khan Sri Nagar 29. Dr. Muqtada Hasan Azhari Varanasi 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information Guest Faculty UG = 16.47 % 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio— M.A. Arabic (I & II-Sem) 35+Forigner : 1 (every year) M.A. Arabic (III & IV-Sem) 35+Forigner : 1 (every year) B.A. Arabic (Part-III) 20:1 (every year) B.A. Arabic Main (Part-II) 20:1 (every year) B.A. Arabic Subsidiary (Part-II) 25:1 B.A. Arabic Main (Part-I) 20:1 (every year) B.A. Arabic Subsidiary (Part-II) 25:1 Certificate of Proficiency in Arabic 90:1 Diploma of Proficiency in Arabic 24:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual – Staff Sanctioned Filled Actual Technical 01 Daily Wager (Skilled) 01 03 01 Semi professional transferred from M. A. Library 01 Daily Wager (Skilled) transferred from Wild Life Sciences 01 Daily Wager (Skilled for the Lang Lab) Administra tive 02 UDC -- 01 LDC transferred from Registrar’s Office 01 LDC drawing salary from Political Science 01 Daily Wager (Clerical) -- 01 Daily Wager (Clerical) fixed salary transferred from Hindi Department 01 MTS -- 01 MTS transferred from Engineering College Aligarh Muslim University Page 256 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 01 Daily Wager (unskilled) against the post of suspension vacancy 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies Classical Arabic Literature Indo Arab Literature (iii) Modern Arabic Literature 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project- wise. National Nil nternational funding agencies and Nil Total grants received. Nil 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received (i) National collaboration Nil (ii) International collaboration Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received UGC-SAP/CAS (since 01.6.1989) (Total Grants received in CAS-I) Rs. 57, 50,000.00 S. No. Funding Agencies Project Title 1 UGC, New Delhi (CAS-I) Descriptive Catalogue of M. Phil/ Ph. D. thesis of the Arabic Departments in Indian Universities, 5 years 01.04.2008 to 31.03.2013 02 Research Associates (Actual wages) 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition National recognition international recognition Centre For Advance Studies In Arabic 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies -- 22 Publications: As oriental sciences have limited number of journals, the B.O.S. has approved its own list of national and international journals of repute): Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) 117 Monographs 06 Chapters in Books 13 Edited Books 30 Books with ISBN with details of publishers 1 Masha-hid wa mutarahat fi al-adab wa al-lugha wa al-thaqafa, Department of Arabic, AMU, Aligarh. 2012. Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average SNIP SJR Impact Factor – range / average h-index 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 257 of 690 25 Faculty selected nationally/internationally to visit other laboratories/institutions/ industries in India and abroad Prof. S. Kafeel Ahmad Qasmi: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia- As a member of the HRD Minister, Shri Arjun Singh’s High level delegation consisting of academicians other eminent personalities to the Middle –east countries, 2006 United Arab Emirates – As a member of the HRD Minister, Shri Arjun Singh’s High level delegation consisting of academicians other eminent personalities to the Middle –east countries, 2006 Pakistan- To attend a seminar held in University of Karachi, 2007 Iran- As a University delegate to attend an International Seminar, 2007 USA- Visit to Department of Arabic, Michigan State University and Islamic American University, 2008 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia- on the invitation of Ministry of Information and Culture for presenting a paper in the International Seminar held in March 2011 Dr. M. Sanaullah: i. I was invited to visit Jordan College of Science and Technology, Irbed, Jordan, where I delivered three special lectures on Acoustic Aspects of Arabic language, 4-6 march, 2009. Dr. M. Faizan Beg: i. During my visit to U.S.A. in 2001, I discussed the plan of setting up the Computerized Audio-video Language Lab at Dept of Arabic AMU, with Prof. L. Fucaloro, Chair, English and Foreign Languages Dep’t., Cal Poly University, USA and Prof. Hatem Bazian, Depart. Of Near Eastern Studies, University of Berkeley, US, and received their deep appreciation of my approach to the teaching of Arabic. I also visited their Language Lab. ii. During my visit to Sudan in 2003, I was invited to deliver a lecture on Modern Techniques of Teaching Language in the very prestigious Khartoum International Institute for Arabic. The lecture entitled ‘A New Dimension to the Language Lab, Development of an Online Audio-Video Communication System’ was attended by a large gathering of scholars and students and was highly appreciated. I was also invited to visit their Language Lab and other pedagogic set up and gave them suggestions to improve it. iii I also visited OIC Islamic Institute of Translation, Khartoum and to see their functioning, teaching and set up and made very useful discussions for future academic collaboration. iv In 2007, I visited CIIL, Mysore and CIEFL, Hyderabad where I had practical discussions with different language experts, senior professors and saw different aspects of practical usage of the Language Lab. At CIEFL I visited their old Audio Language Lab and the New Digital Multimedia Lab. v Department of Arabic, Demyat University, Egypt 2011 vi Darul Uloom, Cairo University, Egypt 2011 26 Faculty serving in National committees Prof. S. Kafeel Ahmad Qasmi: Bihar Public Service Commission, Patna Jammu & Kashmir Public Commission, Srinagar Rajasthan Public Service Commission, Ajmer Aligarh Muslim University Page 258 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi U.P. Public Service Commission, Allahabad West Bengal Public Service Commission, Kolkata Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission, Hydrabad Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi i President of Indian Award Committee for Certificate of Honours ii Prof. M. Salahuddin Umari iii Jammu & Kashmir Public Commission, Srinagar iv University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi Editorial Boards Prof. S. Kafeel Ahmad Qasmi: Member of the Indian Academy of Arabic, Aligarh Member of Editorial Board, ‘Aqlamun Waida’, Hyderabad Member of Editorial Board, ‘Fikr-o-Nazar, AMU, Aligarh Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Bahauddin Zakaria University, Pakistan Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi i Zia-e- Wajih (monthly Rampur) ii Al-Ihsan (A Journal on Sufism) Allahabad iii Journal of the Indian Academy of Arabic, Department of Arabic, AMU, Aligarh iv Maarif-e-Raza, Karachi, Pakistan Prof. M. Salahuddin Umari i Member of the Indian Academy of Arabic, Aligarh Dr. Abu Sufyan Islahi i Editor of Tahzebul Akhlaque and Nishant Dr. M. Sanaullah i Mustalahiyaat Quarterly, Rabat, Morocco. ii Al-Zarqa University Journal of Islamic Studies, Jordan iii Rufoof Quarterly, University of Adrar, Algeria iv Payam-e-Tauheed Monthly, New Delhi, India any other (please specify) The following faculties are currently serving as Experts/Examiners on the Board and Staff Selection Committees of following State and Central Universities: Prof. S. Kafeel Ahmad Qasmi: Assam University, Silchar Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi Barkatullah University, Bhopal B.G.S.B University, Rajouri Calcutta University, Kolkata English and Foreign Language University, Hyderabad Gauhati University, Guwahati Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), New Delhi. Jawahar Lal Nehru Univerisyt (JNU), New Delhi. Kashmir University, Srinagar Lucknow University, Lucknow Madras University, Chennai Nagpur University Osmania University, Hyderabad Patna University, Patna University of Bombay, Mumbai Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 259 of 690 University of Delhi, Delhi Member of Academic Council, B.G.S.B University, Rajouri, J&K Member of Rabita-e-Adab Islami, Indian Chapter, Lucknow Member of EC of Darul-Uloom Tajul Masajid, Bhopal Member of Faculty of Humanities & Languages JMI, New Delhi Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi Visitor nominee for the selection of Assistant Professor, Associate professor & Professor, University of Gaurabanga, WB Prof. M. Salahuddin Umari: Currently serving as an Expert/Examiner on the Board and Staff Selection Committees of following State and Central Universities: Barkatullah University, Bhopal B.G.S.B University, Rajouri English and Foreign Language University, Hyderabad Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), New Delhi. Jawahar Lal Nehru Univerisyt (JNU), New Delhi. Kashmir University, Srinagar Lucknow University, Lucknow Nagpur University Osmania University, Hyderabad Patna University, Patna University of Delhi, Delhi Member of Rabita-e-Adab Islami, Indian Chapter, Lucknow K.M.C. University, Lucknow Dr. Abu Sufyan Islahi: Evaluator for Ph.D./M.Phil in several Indian & Foreign Universities Dr. M. Faizan Beg Evaluator for Ph.D./M.Phil in several Indian & Foreign Universities Dr. M. Sanaullah Evaluator for Ph.D./M.Phil in several Indian Foreign Universities Dr. Mohd Sami Akhtar Evaluator for Ph.D./M.Phil in several Indian Foreign Universities Dr. Faizan Ahmad Evaluator for Ph. D. /M. Phil in several Indian Foreign Universities 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). Almost all the 12 faculties serve as resourse persons in UGC Refresher / orientation programs, workshops. 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Prof. Kafeel Ahmad Qasmi Certificate of Honour by the Hon’ble President of India 2012 Dr. Sanaullah Recognition at international level by holding international Seminar, partly, on me by the Al-al-Bait University, Mafraq (Jordan), in collaboration with the International League of Islamic Literature, Riyadh (KSA), 23-24 April, 2013, in Aligarh Muslim University Page 260 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Al-al-Bait University, Jordan. Recognition at international level by the Governorate of Illizi, and University of Adrar, Algeria, 2013. Recognition at international level by the Supreme Council of Arabic Language, Algiers, Algeria, 2012. Recognition at international level by the University of Constantine, Algeria, 2012 Doctoral / post doctoral fellows ? Nil Students Nil 30 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. S. No. Seminar Fundin g agency Outstanding Participants 1 “Andalusian Arabic Lit” under the UGC’s CAS/ASIHSS Scheme of the Department of Arabic on 24 th -26 th March 2010. UGC 2 “The Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Modern Arabic Literature”, organized by the Department of Arabic, A. M. U., Aligarh under CAS-I Programme U.G.C. on 17-18 February 2011 UGC Dr. Ibrahim Mohammad al-Batshan Cultural Counselor, Embassy of KSA in New Delhi 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments -- 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female UG This information may be obtained from Dean, Faculty of Arts, AMU, Aligarh PG (M. A. Arabic) 787 102 37 This information may be obtained from the Deputy Controller, Examination Section, AMU, Aligarh M. Phil 23 00 00 This information may be obtained from the Assistant Controller, Research Unit, AMU, Aligarh Ph. D. 96 33 04 33 Diversity of students: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female UG This information may be obtained from Dean, Faculty of Arts, AMU, Aligarh PG (M. A. Arabic) 787 102 37 This information may be obtained from the Deputy Controller, Examination Section, AMU, Aligarh M. Phil 23 00 00 This information may be Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 261 of 690 Ph. D. 96 33 04 obtained from the Assistant Controller, Research Unit, AMU, Aligarh 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details From June 2010 up to December 2012: NET = 35 JRF = 28 S.No. June 2010 1. Ms. Sumayya Research Scholar JRF 2. Ms. Aisha Siddiqa Usmani Research Scholar NET 3. Mr. Mohd Irshad-Ul-Haq Research Scholar NET 4. Ms. Zar Nigar Research Scholar NET 5. Mr. Nisam C PG JRF 6. Mr. Safir V.M. PG NET June 2011 7. Mr. Mohd Saqib Research Scholar JRF 8. Mr. Syed Aqeel Iqbal Research Scholar JRF 9. Mr. Mohammed Suhail Research Scholar JRF 10. Mr. Mohd Asim Research Scholar JRF 11. Muhammed Nishad K PG JRF 12. Abdul Gafoor K A PG JRF 13. Abdulla Najeeb M PG JRF 14. Abduraheem P PG JRF 15. Shafeeq Ahmed VT PG JRF 16. Mohamed Sabah Ellathodi PG JRF 17. Sufyan Abdul Sathar Moozahikkal PG JRF December 2011 18. Sakeer Nellikkunnummal PG JRF 19. Muhiuddin PG JRF 20. Shamsul Haque PG NET June 2012 21. Mr. Muhiuddin Research Scholar JRF 22. Mr. Wasiullah Research Scholar JRF 23. Mr. Pervez Alam Research Scholar NET 24. Mr. Abu Saad PG JRF 25. Mr. S. Alihur M. Kamoonpuri PG JRF 26. Mr. Shamsul Haq PG JRF PG JRF 27. Ms. Afsana Khatoon PG NET 28. Mr. Shamim Ahmad PG NET 29. Ms. Kauser Jabeen Shah PG NET 30. Mr. Shiyas KP PG NET December 2012 31. Mr. Shahnawaz Ahmad Research Scholar NET 32. Mr. Mohammad Salman Raza Research Scholar NET 33. Mr. Muddassir Ahmad Research Scholar NET 34. Mohammad Moinuddin Research Scholar NET 35. Mohammad Aijaz PG NET 36. Mohd Shahid PG NET Aligarh Muslim University Page 262 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 37. Mohd Zahid Ansari PG NET 38. Md. Yeaqub PG NET 39. Subeir J PG NET 40. Abdussamed K PG NET June 2013 41. Mohd Shahid PG JRF 42. Abdul Wasi PG JRF 43. Subeir J PG JRF 44. Mohammad Moinuddin PG JRF 45. Mohammad Yasir PG JRF 46. Noor Mohammad PG JRF 47. Muzammil Kareem PG JRF 48. Moaz Mubarak Ramzi Qadiri PG NET 49. Maryam Noor PG NET 50. Mohd Zahid Ansari PG NET 51. Mohammed Ayaz PG NET 52. Mohd Shakir PG NET 53. Mohammad Aijaz PG NET 54. Ambreen Nishat PG NET 55. Sadiqul Islam PG NET 56. Obaidullah Raj PG NET 57. Mr. Shahnawaz Ahmad Research Scholar NET 58. Mr. Mohammad Salman Raza Research Scholar NET 59. Mr. Abu Talha Research Scholar NET 60. Mr. Mushtaque Ahmad Siddique Research Scholar NET 61. Mr. Muddassir Ahmad Research Scholar NET 62. Mr. Pervez Alam Research Scholar NET 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled(during last four years UG to PG 50 % PG to M.Phil. Nil PG to Ph.D. 40 % + A good number of the PG students took admission in Research in other Universities Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Nil Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Not on our records Entrepreneurs 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 66.66 % from other universities within the State 25.00 % from universities from other States 08.33 % from universities outside the country Nil % of faculty having Ph.D. 100 % 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period? One 38 Present details of departmental Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 263 of 690 infrastructural facilities with regard to Library yes (around 10000 books) Internet facilities for staff and students yes 80% Total number of class rooms 04 Class rooms with ICT facility Nil Students’ laboratories 01 A High-tech Computerized Audio–Video Arabic Language Lab was establish under D.S.A. scheme, In 2006 under ASHISS program of the UGC, further developed and added new dimension to the lab with additional machines and booths and extended facilities for 21 students. In 2009 ten new machines with booths were added to the existing facilities under CAS-I Equipment grant. This state-of-the-art, unique of its kind lab is very versatile and has very innovative modern facilities for the teaching of modern Arabic as a foreign language. The language experts from different parts of the country including the UGC team who visited the Lab admired and recognized its utility. The Lab now has the unique and improved system for audio-visually monitoring and direct two way audio-video communication with any of the learners working with his machine. In addition to that, direct Arabic TV channels from the Arab countries are also available at each machine, under the full control of the audio-video monitoring system of the main console. Several Audio-Video Arabic teaching software have also been procured for teaching Standard Conversational Arabic and also for teaching Saudi, Iraqi, Syrian, and Egyptian colloquial dialects. The Lab is linked with high speed AMU internet server. Research laboratories The above lab is also used for research purposes in Arabic Language and Literature both. 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university (last four years) S.No. Name of the Research Scholars Topics Supervisor Date of Award 1. Mr. Salahuddin M. Phil Life & Works of Abu Mahfooz al-Kareem al- Masoomi Dr. Faizan Ahmad 21.01.200 9 2. Dr. Hashmeen Akhtar Development of Literary Prose during Umayyad Period Dr. M. Yusuf Khan 29.01.200 9 3. Dr. Tabassum Sabir Contribution of Mufti Sadallah Moradabadi to Arabic Studies Dr. Abdul Jabbar 07.02.200 9 4. Dr. Shahnawaz Contribution of Maulana Faizul Hasan Saharanpuri in Arabic Language & Literature Dr. M. Yusuf Khan 12.03.200 9 5. Dr.Amjad Saeed Contribution of Maulana Aizaz Ali to Arabic Studies Prof. S. Kafeel Ahmad Qasmi 06.04.200 9 6. Dr. Somchai (THAILAND) Contribution of Dr. Zaki Mubarak to Modern Arabic Literature Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi 06.04.200 9 Aligarh Muslim University Page 264 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 7. Dr. Nusbah Aga Development of Children Literature in Contemporary Arabic Prof. M. Salahuddin Umari 06.04.200 9 8. Dr. Izudeen Contribution of Mohammad Dr. M. Yusuf Kokan al-Umari to Arabic Studies in India: A Critical Study Dr. Abu Sufyan Islahi 12.06.200 9 9. Dr. Isharat Ali Molla An Evaluation of Indian Works on the Critical edition and annotation of Arabic Dawaveen Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi (Chairman) 30.6.2009 10. Dr. Tariq Mukhtar A Critical Edition of Majmu’at with Note and Introduction Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi (Chairman) 04.08.200 9 11. Mr.Wahajuddin Musleh, M. Phil The Contribution of Amin Al-Rehmani to Modern Arabic Literature Dr. M. Faizan Beg 12.08.200 9 12. Ms. Sabiha Hani Batt Life and Works of Aaisha al- Taimuria Dr. Mohd Sami Akhtar 18.08.200 9 13. Ms. Aisha Qudsi Qidwai, M. Phil Contribution of Ibn Khaldoon to Arabic Literature with Special Reference to his Muqaddama Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi 08.09.200 9 14. Dr. Iddareh Darakai(THAILA ND The Mystical Poetry of Abbasid Period with Special reference to Ibn al-Roomi (836-896 AD): A Critical Study Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi 02.01.201 0 15. Dr. Irshad Ahmad Rizvi Contribution of Fazle Haq Khairabadi to Islamic Learnings with Special Reference to his Philosophical Thoughts Dr. Tariq Mukhtar 01.05.201 0 16. Dr. Mubarak Husain Contribution of Abdul Qadir al-Magrabi to Arabic Language and Literature Dr. M. Sanaullah 06.12.201 0 17. Dr. Amirul Hasan Contribution of Qazi Athar Mubarakpuri to Arabic Studies: A Critical Study Prof. M. Salahuddin Umari 21.12.201 0 18. Dr. Abdul Hafeez Life and Works of Ahmad Lutafi al-Sayyid: A Critical Study Dr. Abu Sufyan Islahi 31.01.201 1 19. Dr. Abdullah Khan Contribution of A.M.U. in Arabic Language & Literature: A Critical Study Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi 07.02.201 1 20. Dr. Tariq Ayubi Islamization of Knowledge and its impact on Modern Arabic Dr. Mohd Sami Akhtar 21.03.201 1 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 265 of 690 Literature 21. Dr. Sanuber Jillani Contribution of Mohammad Atia al- Abrashi Prof. M. Salahuddin Umari 02.04.201 1 22. Dr. Jusman (Thailand) A critical Study of Umar Abu Risha to Modern Poetry Prof. M. Salahuddin Umari 23.01.201 2 23. Dr. Tauqeer Ahmad Contribution of the Scholars of Azamgarh to Arabic Language & Literature (1832-1950) Dr. M. Yusuf Khan 29.02.201 2 24. Dr. Mohd Khalid Life and works of Sheikh Wajihuddin Alavi Gujrati Prof. Masud Anwar Alavi 19.04.201 2 25. Dr. Ziaur Rehman Life of Shaikh Mohd al- Ghazali al-Misri and his Contribution to Prose Poetry and Islamic Learnings in Modern Period. Dr. Abu Sufyan Islahi 14.07.201 2 26. Dr. Zar Nigar The Role of woman in Arabic Poetry of Andalucia Prof. S. Kafeel Ahmad Qasmi 06.08.201 2 27. Dr. Noor Afshan The Contribution of Egyptian Women to Modern Arabic Literature: A Critical Study Dr. (Mrs.) Tasneem Kausar Qureshi 18.09.201 2 28. Dr. Mohd Sadique Akhtar Origin and Development of Arabic Lexicography in India Dr. Faizan Ahmad 06.11.201 2 29. Dr. Mehrajuddin Para Ahmad Ameen and his Contribution to Modern Arabic Criticism: (A Critical Study) Dr. M. Yusuf Khan 13.12.201 2 30. Dr. Farooq Ahmad Mir A Study of Techniques in the novels of Najeeb Mahfooz Dr. M. Faizan Beg 26.12.201 2 31. Dr. Babul Alam Al-Shaikh Nasif Al-Yazeji (1800-1871 AD): His Life and Works Dr. Tariq Mukhtar 14.03.201 3 from other institutions/universities S. No. Name of the Research Scholars Topics Supervisor Date of Award 1. Dr.Abdullah Ahmed Ahmed Mohammad Arabic Grammar in Ancient & Modern Period Dr. M. Sanaullah 02.01.200 9 2. Ms. Nasrin Nazari Taloki The Religious thoughts in the Poetry of Ahmad Shauqi (d-1932 A.D.) Dr. Abu Sufyan Islahi 28.11.201 1 3. Dr. Mohd Irshad- Ul-Haq Contribution of Ullama- e-Firangi Mahal to Arabic Language and Literature:- A Critical Study Dr. Tariq Mukhtar 22.12.201 2 4. Dr. Nisar Ahmad Ibn -e- Shuhaid Al- Dr. Mohd 11.02.201 Aligarh Muslim University Page 266 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Parrah Undulusi (d- 426 A.H.) and His Contribution to Arabic Literature. Sami Akhtar 3 5. Dr. Mohd Ramzan Rather Contribution of Abdul Hamid Jaudah al-Sahhar (d-1974 A.D.) to Modern Arabic Literature Dr. Faizan Ahmad 30.03.201 3 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. 04 Students (Prof. Abdul Aleem Memorial Scholarship 01/PG Merit Scholarship 02 / Dr. Ishaque Scholarshi 01) 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. The existing programmes are periodically reviewed and new programmes as per need are introduced after the discussion of the Board of Studies 42 Does the department obtain feedback from Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, the feedback is utilized in year to year improvement and introduction of new useful methods as well as necessary changes in the syllabi. Students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, the feedback is utilized through redressal and grievances committee consisting of members from students of the department. Alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, The formal and informal visits of the distinguished alumni give us a lot of inspiration, enlightenment and new vision and ideas in revising our teaching and syllabi. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) In fact most of the scholars of Arabic in the whole country from Ksamir to Kannya kumari have been beneficiaries of our department directly or indirectly. To name a few, given is the list of some very renowned scholars who have dbeen the architects of Arbic teaching system and members of important national and international bodies. S. No. Distinguished alumni Distinctions 1. Prof. Mukhtar Ud-Din- Ahmad Ex-Chairman, very renowned Scholar of Arabic, Department of Arabic, AMU, Aligarh, Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 267 of 690 Dean, Faculty of Arts, AMU, Aligarh Member of different Arab and Indian Academics, writer, Shahitia Academy & President of India award winner ` 2. Prof. Khursheed Ahmad Fariq Ex-Head, Department of Arabic, Delhi University, Delhi. Renowned writer, President of India award winner 3. Dr. Hafiz Ghulam Mustafa Renowned Scholar of Arabic & Persian and Urdu, Writer of several books related to Arabic Literature 4. Prof. Mohd Sulaiman Ashraf Ex-Head, Delhi University, Renowned Scholar of Arabic, Writer of books related Arabic Literature, President of India award winner 5. Prof. Abdul Haleem Nadwi Head & Dean, School of Arabic Language & Literature CIFEL, President of India award winner 6. Prof. Syed Mohammed Ijteba Nadvi Professor & Head, Allahabad University, Allahabad, President of India award winner 7. Prof. Reaz Ur-Rehman Sherwani Professor & Head, Kashmir University, President of India award winner 8. Prof. Syed Mohd Ibrahim Nadwi Head, Department of Osmania University, President of India award winner 9. Maulana Syed Kalb-e- Sadiq Renowned Scholar, Vice-President Muslim Personal Law, Published Books related to Arabic 10. Prof. S. Ehtisham Ahmad Nadwi Ex-Chairman, Department of Arabic, Calicut University, Dean Faculty of Arts, President of India award winner 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. The following Panel of Visiting Fellows was approved for the duration of CAS- I/ASIHSS. S. No. Names City 1. Prof. Abdul Bari Aligarh 2. Prof. S. E. Ahmad Nadvi Aligarh 3. Prof. Abdul Ali Aligarh 4. Prof. M. Hassan Khan Bhopal 5. Prof. E. K. Ahmad Kutty Calicut 6. Prof. K.M. Mohammed Calicut 7. Prof. Ubaid A. Trivandurum 8. Prof. P. Nisar Ahmad Chennai 9. Maulana Noor Alam Amini Deoband Saharanpur 10. Prof. Mohsin Usmani Hyderabad 11. Prof. Moinuddin Azmi Hyderabad 12. Prof. Iqbal Husain Nadvi Hyderabad 13. Maulana Nomanuddin Nadvi Hyderabad 14. Prof. Shabbir Ahmad Lucknow 15. Prof. Ashfaque Ahmad Lucknow 16. Dr. Saeed-ur- Rahman Azmi Nadvi Lucknow 17. Maulana Nazrul Hafeez Nadvi Lucknow Aligarh Muslim University Page 268 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 18. Prof. Shafi Sheikh Mumbai 19. Prof. M. Sulaiman Ashraf New Delhi 20. Prof. Badruddin Al-Hafiz New Delhi 21. Prof. Zubair Ahmad Farooqui New Delhi 23. Prof. Shafiq Ahmad Khan New Delhi 24. Prof. (Mrs.) Farhana Siddiqui New Delhi 25. Prof. M. Aslam Islahi New Delhi 26. Prof. M. Nauman Khan New Delhi 27. Prof. Faizanullah Farooqui New Delhi 28. Prof. Ayyub Tajuddin New Delhi 29. Prof. Manzoor Ahmad Khan Sri Nagar 30. Dr. Muqtada Hasan Azhari Varanasi Prof. Abdul Bari, Aligarh Prof. S. E. Ahmad Nadvi, Retired Calicut University, Calicut Prof. Shafiq Ahmad Khan, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi Prof. M. N. Khan, Delhi University, Delhi 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Few years back two new papers were introduced at PG level, namely: “TRANSLATION” for M.A. 1 st semester and another namely “Terminologies and Specialized Translation (I.T. terms, editorials, advertisements, Drafting application, official letters, Press reports etc. in Arabic)” for M.A. IVth semester. The new practice introduced is that the students are divided in groups of five or six, each group having one or two comparatively good at translation, and others medium and low. A leader in each group is appointed from amongst the group members who is responsible for the performance of the whole group. Task is given to discuss it among their group members and try it themselves first. The teacher concerned keeps taking round over the groups, discuss their problem and give them hints and suggestions, encourage them and finally in the next round check their attempted translation sitting among all the group members pointing to their mistakes if any. This method has given very good results. * During the last four years some 60 lectures were delivered by the following subject experts: * Almost all the staff members of the Department delivered lectures enriching the researchers and students in the Arabic Society during this period. * Staff members also acted as resource persons in Refresher/Orientation Programmes of Academic Staff College, A. M. U., Aligarh * Apart from that two national seminars fwere also held by the department. 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Through the consultative as well as Board of Studies Meetings of the Department and the Faculty of Arts 47 How does the department ensure that Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 269 of 690 programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored?. 48 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Nil Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Lectures by outside as well as departmental subject experts Different types of competitions vis: Essay writing, Debates, Quiz, Poetry composition in Arabic etc. Publication of a yearly Journal in Arabic by the students under the supervision of Arabic Society In-charge. 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/ graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. The department was selected for UGC SAP AND FAINALLY WAS GRANTED THE STATUS OF CENTRE FOR ADVANCE STUDIES. 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Training students in fluent conversation in Modern Arabic through Language Lab Producing world class translators Research of international standard especially highlighting the contribution of India to Arabic Studies 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strength: Efficient faculty SAvailability of the latest state of the Art Foreign Language teaching technology in the Department. Very rich library Identification of the Department as CAS by UGC Access to Internet facility for students and Research scholars Weakness: Lack of funds to meet envisaged infra and supra structural initiatives. Instead of being two separate independent full-fledged UG & PG courses, one in purely Modern Arabic Language including functional aspects of the language which is the need of the hour, and another in purely literary stream covering all major aspects of Literature having a very wide range, the present courses syllabi are badly amalgamated as it cover all these subjects in one set of courses, making it really unmanageable. Shortage of rooms for teachers Non existence of a Research Division for Research Scholars Lack of Technical Staff in the Language Lab and the Library Opportunity: Ample opportunities to meet the needs of academia and employment worldwide. Getting the department a permanent status of Centre For Advance Studies Globalizing the services of the University through Arabic language Aligarh Muslim University Page 270 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Continuation of collective team effort of the staff members Services of visiting faculties from Al Azhar and other institutions of the Arab world. Challenge: Dealing the crisis of availability of feeders for UG and PG levels. To enable the Department rank among the top ten globally Making the department globally attractive for students by making it more and more job oriented. Making the department globally attractive for research. Making Arabic as one of the popular options of higher studies 52 Future plans of the department. Introducing two separate independent full-fledged UG & PG courses, one in purely Modern Arabic Language including communicative and functional aspects of the language which is the need of the hour, and another in purely literary stream covering all major aspects of Literature having a very wide range. Introducing latest instructional technology Increasing the environment of team workability Bringing new major/minor projects from UGC and urging the colleagues for the same Organizing National/International Seminars and Conferences, with sizable participation from Universities and Research institutes in Arab countries, besides those in Europe and America. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- Chaiman Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 271 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of English 2 Year of establishment 1877 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of Arts 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG (BA Honours in English), UG (BA Honours in Communicative English), PG (MA in English Language Teaching), PG (MA in English), M.Phil., Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Faculty members have been involved in teaching at Centre for Women’s Studies, AMU. 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. None 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons None 8 Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/Choice Based Credit System: Semester System in MA, Annual System in BA till 2012-13, Semester System in BA from 2013. 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: None 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 02 03 04 Associate Professors 10 12 12 Asst. Professors 23 06 06 Others (Guest Faculty) 13 Name Qualifi- cation Design- ation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Asif Shuja Ph.D. Professor and Chairman English Language, ESL, Applied Linguistics, Material Production, Syllabus Designing, Phonetics & Spoken English. English Literature, Victorian Poetry, Indian English Poetry 31 yrs 05 Students Prof. Suhail Ahsan Ph.D. Professor Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama 34+ yrs 01 Aligarh Muslim University Page 272 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Prof. S.N. Zeba Ph.D. Professor Modern Drama and Translation Studies 30 yrs 04 Students Prof. Raashid Shaz Ph.D. Professor Nil Nil Prof. Farahatullah Khan (Retd.) Ph.D. Emeritus Professor Dr. Raihan Raza Ph.D. Associate Prof. Modern Poetry Post Colonial Studies, Translations & Neurolinguistics. 30 yrs 06 Students Dr. Seemin Hasan Ph.D. Associate Prof. Romantic Literature Post Colonial and Translation Studies 29 yrs 05 students Dr. Kausar Hasan Ph.D. Associate Prof. Psycholinguistics & Sociolinguistics 28 yrs 05 students Dr. M. Asim Siddiqui Ph.D. Associate Prof. Literary Theory, Cultural Studies, Film Studies, 19th Century American Fiction 26 yrs 05 students Dr. Rahatullah Khan Ph.D. Associate Prof. Early 20th C Poetry, Especially Georgian Poetry 27 yrs 05 Students Dr. Samina Khan Ph.D. Associate Prof. Modern and British Drama, Comparative Literature 30 yrs 05 Students Dr. M. Rizwan Khan Ph.D. Associate Prof. Curriculum Development, Syllabus designing, Material Production, Teacher Education, Literary Criticism and Theory, Cultural Studies, Drama 25 yrs 04 Students Dr. Shaheena Tarannum Ph.D. Associate Prof. ELT, Applied Linguistics and Continental Drama 19 yrs 03 Students Dr. Raashid Nehal Ph.D., PGDTE -EFLU NET Associate Prof. ELT, ESL Writing, Need Analysis, Teacher Training and Teacher Education 21 yrs 03 Students Dr. Rashmi Attri Ph.D. Associate Prof. Irish Literature, Indian Writings in English and Modern British Drama. 18 yrs 04 Students Dr. Jawed. S. Ahmed Ph.D. Associate Prof. British Fiction, Literary Biography and Autobiography, Continental Fiction 20 yrs 04 Students Dr. Sami Rafiq Ph.D. Associate Prof. Comparative Literature, Creative Writing and Translation Studies. 15 yrs 06 Students Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 273 of 690 Dr. Shahla Ghauri Ph.D. Assistant Prof. Post Colonial Studies and Literary Autobiographies. 14 yrs 03 Students Dr. Aysha M. Rashid Ph.D./N ET Assistant Prof. Comparative Studies, Post Colonial-Studies and Gender Studies. 13 yrs 03 Students Dr. M. Amirullah Khan Ph.D. PGDTE (EFLU) Assistant Prof. Oral Communication, ESP, ELT Methodology, and Syllabus Designing. 25 yrs 04 Students Dr. Vibha Sharma Ph.D./N ET Assistant Prof. Literary Theory, Modern Drama, Translation Studies, Theatre and Cultural Studies, ELT 12 yrs 03 Students Dr. Akbar Joseph A. Syed Ph.D. Assistant Prof. Fiction and Literary Theories. 10 yrs 01 Student Dr. Sajidul Islam Ph.D./N ET Assistant Prof. Indian Writing in English and Contemporary British Fiction. 9 yrs 02 Students Dr. Kishwar Zafeer Ph.D. Guest Faculty Literature 7 yrs Dr. Zeba Azmat Ph.D. Guest Faculty ELT 3 yrs Dr. Amodini Sreedharan Ph.D. Guest Faculty Literature 6 Yrs Dr. M. Asif Ph.D Guest Faculty Literature 4 yrs Mr. Sunij Kumar Sharma NET Guest Faculty Literature 02 yrs Mr. Syed Humayun Shabbir NET/ Ph.D. Guest Faculty Literature 01 yar Ms. Darakhshan Zafar NET Guest Faculty ELT 01 year Ms. Elham Fatma NET Guest Faculty Literature 2 yrs Mr. Saquib Abrar NET Guest Faculty Literature 2 yrs Dr. Sheeba Ph.D. Guest Faculty ELT 8 yrs Ms. Mahmuda Nongjai NET Guest Faculty Literature 01 yrs Dr. Neelam Shahwar Ph.D. Guest Faculty ELT 8 yrs Dr. Sherley G. Verghese Ph.D. Guest Faculty ELT 2 yrs Aligarh Muslim University Page 274 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance -- 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors: One Emeritus Professor: Prof. Farhatullah Khan One Visiting English Language Specialist: Ms. Susan Strand, RELO, US Embassy 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: BA/BSc/BCom, BA LLB, B.Tech., B. Arch. Compulsory English Courses: 41.9 % 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio Under Graduate Level : 1:29.8 Post Graduate Level 1:6.8 Compulsory English Students :1:277.8 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual: 10 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Translation Studies: UGC-SAP, DRS Phase 1 English Literature: Drama: Elizabethan to Modern, (British, American and Continental) Poetry: Elizabethan to Modern Prose and Fiction: From 17 th Century to the Modern Literary Criticism and Theory English Language Teaching: Theoretical and Applied Linguistics: Phonetics, Grammar, Psycholinguistics (Theories of Language Learning, Inter language, Error Analysis) Sociolinguistics, (Functions and Variations of Language; Language, Society and Culture, Communicative Competence, Discourse Analysis) Teaching of Skills and Elements of Language: Teaching of Listening, Speaking; Reading and Writing; Grammar; Vocabulary; Teaching Methods Syllabus Designing and Material Production and Testing 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Dr. M. Rizwan Khan, Coordinator: Collaborative Project with Regional English Language Office (RELO), US Embassy, New Delhi for Training Compulsory English Teachers and Updating, Producing and Publishing the Materials of Compulsory English Courses in the Department of English, 2013. Facilities and Resources are funded directly by RELO Dr. Raashid Nehal (Principal Investigator): UGC Major Research Project: Training Needs Analysis (TNA) of secondary School English Teachers in Aligarh: Implications for English Language Teacher Education Funding Agency : University Grants Commission Funding Amount : Approx. 7.82,554 lacs Dr. M. Amirullah Khan (Principal Investigator): UGC Major Research Project: Developing a Training Course in Spoken English for Teachers of CBSE School in Aligarh Funding Agency : University Grants Commission Funding Amount : approx. 5.5 lacs 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration: Nehal, Raashid & Zaidi, Faiz & Khan, M. Amirullah. ‘RELO Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 275 of 690 project on Management of Kindle mobile Initiative in India. (2012-13) funded by Regional English Language Office (RELO) Embassy of the United States of America, American Centre, New Delhi, India . Facilitated by UGC Academic Staff College Aligarh Muslim University. Aligarh India. Grants received: $9,600/-(INR= Rs 4,80,000/-) International collaboration: Collaboration with Regional English Language Office, US Embassy, New Delhi for Updating, Producing and Publishing the Materials of Compulsory English Courses in the Department of English, 2013-14 19 Departmental projects funded by DST- FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received: UGC SAP DRS Phase-I Project On Translation Studies with Rs. 42. 5 Lakhs Funding for Five Years. Coordinator Prof. S.N. Zeba and Deputy Coordinator Dr. Raihan Raza. 20 Research facility/centre with state recognition national recognition international recognition 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies: None 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/ international): 51 Papers Monographs: 1 Chapters in Books: 16 Edited Books: 2 Books with ISBN with details of publishers: The Poetic Art of Sylvia Plath: A Critical Study of Themes and Techniques. New Delhi: Sarup Book Publishers, 2012, ISBN-978-81-7625-800-5. Shaw and Iqbal: Assertion of Vitalistic Trends, New Delhi, Shalab Publishing House, 2012, ISBN: 978- 8188681-46-4. Annual Journal Published by the Department: The Aligarh Journal of English Studies (Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.)). Citation Index – range / average SNIP SJR Impact Factor – range/average h-index 23 Details of patents and income generated: Not valid 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories/institutions/ industries in India and abroad: 04 faculty members have been selected/invited to visit to Universities in Europe and the US. 26 Faculty serving in National committees: Dr. Vibha Sharma – Resource Person for National Translation Mission, CIIL, Mysore International committees: Dr. Sami Rafiq – Member and contributor in the following organizations Asia Pacific Writing Partnership American Translators’ Association, U.S.A. Nexus EQ, Harvard University Aligarh Muslim University Page 276 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports CAB Project (Conservations Accross Borders) Her contributions were published online 2013 Westerley: A Literary Publication of The University of Western Australia. Her poem titled “Lessons for Muslim Girls” was published in the November 2013 issue. Dr. Vibha Sharma Member of the Reviewers’ Committee of International Refereed Journal: ‘Nordic Theatre Studies’, Stockholm, Sweden. Peer reviewer for International Journal of English Literature and Culture, An Open Access Online Journal Peer reviewer for International Journal of English and Literature, An Open Access Online Journal, Africa Editorial Boards: Professor Suhail Ahsan Editor, The Aligarh Journal of English Studies, 2009 Editor-in-Chief, The Faculty Journal in English, Hindi and Urdu Member, Editorial Board, The Aligarh Journal of English Studies Professor Syeda Nuzhat Zeba -Editor, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, AMU, 2005- 2010 Editor, The Aligarh Journal of English Studies, Department of English, AMU, 2010, Member, Editorial Board, The Aligarh Journal of English Studies Dr. Raihan Raza Member of Editorial Board of ‘Reflections’ (IFSN 0973-046X) Since 2000 Academic Advisor of ‘Insignia’ A Bi-annual Journal of English Literary Studies and Creative Writing Member, Committee of Teachers for ‘Aligarh Magazine’, Department of English, AMU Member of Editorial Board of The Aligarh Journal of English Studies in 2010 Dr. M. Asim Siddiqui Referee for NUML (National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad) ISSN: 1814-2877 Referee for Quarterly Insights (focused on Faith Studies), Published from Islamabad. ISSN: 2072-4586 Regular reviewer for Future Islam (an International Journal) (reviews available online) Dr. M. Rizwan Khan 2003-12, Editor, Readings: A Biannual Journal of English Studies, Vols. 1–X. 2012, Referee, The Discourse: A bilingual Refereed Quarterly Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, ISBN 2278-0920, Published by People for Academic Research & Extension (PARE), Jamshedpur. Dr. Raashid Nehal Member: Advisory Review Board. International Journal of English and Education ISSN Convener: Inspection Team for grant of Accreditation for Vocational Courses of National institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), MHRD, Government of India, Ref: NIOS/M.Cell/AVI-Insp/2011 dated 14 Jan 2011 and Feb, March 2012 Dr. M. Amirullah Khan Member Advisory Review Board, International Journal of English and Education ISSN 2278-4012, Dr. Aysha Munira Editor, International Journal of English and Education, ISSN 2278-4012 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 277 of 690 Editor, Ecriture, A Journal of Literature, Language and Cultural Studies, A Double Blind Peer-reviewed Bi-annual International Print Journal ISSN 2321– 9793 Reviewer for peer-reviewed open access journal, Department of English, R--Reviewer for University of Texas, ISSN (Print) 1948-6529 - ISSN (Online) 1946-5343 Library of Social Science, Elmhurst, New York 11373 Dr. Vibha Sharma Peer and Reviewer for ‘Insignia’: A Bi-annual Journal of English Literary Studies and Creative Writing Member, Committee of Teachers for ‘Aligarh Magazine’, Department of English, AMU Member of Editorial Board of ‘Rupkatha’: An Online Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. ISSN: 0925-2935 Member Editorial board of Yashashri: Peer Reviewed Journal of English Language and Literature. ISSN: 2319-5851 any other (please specify): Membership in Societies: Professor Asif Shuja Life Member of New Castle University Alumni Association, UK Life Member of British Scholars’ Association, New Delhi. Life Member of Alumni Association of CIEFL, Hyderabad. Life Member of Linguistic Society of India, Pune. Member of Indian Association of English Studies, New Delhi. Dr. Raihan Raza Life Member of Writers and Writings – A Literary Forum Dedicated to Creativity and Criticism Life Member of English Language Teachers’ Association of India Associate Member of Pegasus Press, Kolkata Dr. Seemin Hasan Life Member of IACLALS Life Member of IAWS Dr. M. Asim Siddiqui International Exchange Alumni of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, USA Life Member, International Association for Canadian Studies (IACS) Life Member, American Studies Research Centre (now named Indo-American Centre for International Studies) Dr. Kausar Husain Member, Linguistic Society of India Dr. Samina Khan Indian Association for Canadian Studies (IACS) Linguistics Society of India (Life Membership) Shakespearean Association, Jadavpur University, Kolkata (Life Membership) Comparative Literature Association of India (CLAI)-Membership Institute for Research in Interdisciplinary Studies (IRIS), University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Regular Participant to the event of Literature and Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region (International): The last symposium was held at Hongkong Dr. M. Rizwan Khan ELTeCS, India FORTELL: Forum for Teachers of English Language and Literature, Delhi, India Member of STR, India Dr. Shaheena Tarannum Aligarh Muslim University Page 278 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Member, ELTAI FORTELL: Forum for Teachers of English Language and Literature, Delhi, India Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (IACLALS) Dr. Raashid Nehal Member of Indian Association for Canadian Studies [IACS] Member of ELTeCS Member of ISATT Member of ELTAI Dr. M. Amirullah Khan Member, ELTAI Dr. Aysha Munira Member, OSLE, India Member, NAAAS, USA Member, Naunehal Foundation, An NGO for the Underprivileged Children Dr. Vibha Sharma General Secretary of Studies for Theatre Research in India, the Indian Chapter of IFTR Founding and Life Member of STR Member of IFTR Life-member of Forum for Teachers of English Language and Literature (FORTELL), an Associate of International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, U.K. Member of Feminist Working Group of IFTR Member, Wole Soyinka Society 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). One Faculty Member in each year has been the Coordinator of Subject Refresher Course in English at Academic Staff College, AMU All the faculty members have been involved in their recharging strategies as per the UGC regulations, in Refresher Programmes and Orientation Programmes at ASCs 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in- house projects including inter- departmental projects: MA ELT Students (100% MA ELT Students have done these projects) percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities / industry/institute 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty: Prof. Asif Shuja was Guest of Honour in Awards Presentation Ceremony, Johns Hopkins Medicine: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, USA, June 21, 2010. Guest of Honour in 4 th One-Day National Seminar Cum Convention, Organized by the College English Teachers’ Association, CCS University, Meerut, February 14, 2010. Chief Guest in the Programme of RELO organized in April 2013 in the Department of English, AMU. Dr. M. Asim Siddiqui Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 279 of 690 Visiting Faculty at the University of Kashmir, Srinagar to teach one Semester, 2013 Dr. M. Rizwan Khan Visiting Faculty to Pannonia University, Veszprem, Hungary under Indo-Hungarian Exchange Programme. A Visiting Faculty to IULM University, Milan, Italy in 2009 and 2010 Awarded scholarship by RELO, US Embassy to take up online course on Alternative and Formative Assessment Techniques at University of Oregon, US in 2013. Dec. 2013. Awarded Scholarship for the E-Teacher Alumni Workshop sponsored by RELO, US Embassy, New Delhi and organized by the English and Foreign Languages University (EFL-U) Hyderabad Dr. Raashid Nehal Visiting Faculty at Dept. of HSS, Indian School of Mines Dhanbad, Jharkhand from from 2007 till 2012 External Faculty, Practice Teaching Supervisor and Tutor at the School of Distance Education, EFLU, Hyderabad. Dr. Sami Rafiq Received Travel Grants from Asia Pacific Writing Partnership for their Conference in The University of Western Australia, Perth, 2011; Asia-Pacific Writing Partnership for their Conference in Hong Kong, 2013. Dr. M. Amirullah Khan External Faculty, School of Distance Education (EFLU) Hyderabad. ELT Trainer RELO American Centre, US Embassy, New Delhi. Dr. Aysha Munira Invited Speaker in the American University of Rome ( rceZyeMCZc) Received the Award of Honorary Mayor-President of the City of Baton Rouge, USA in 2011 Dr. Vibha Sharma Visiting Faculty to Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden in 2013 Dec. 2013. Awarded Scholarship for the E-Teacher Alumni Workshop sponsored by RELO, US Embassy, New Delhi and organized by the English and Foreign Languages University (EFL_U) Hyderabad. 16-18 February 2013, Awarded scholarship by the RELO, American Center to conduct a workshop in Annual International Conference of Nepal English Teachers Association, in Kathmandu, Nepal. July 2012, Awarded scholarship by IFTR to participate and present paper in the Annual Conference of IFTR on Mediating Performance: Scène, Média and Médiation in Santiago. 2012, April 9 – June 15, Awarded scholarship by RELO, American Center, US Embassy to take up Online Course Spring 2012 Access Teacher Development Online Program (ATDOP) offered through the University of Oregon, Linguistics Department, American English Institute (UO AEI). 2011, September 26 – December 2, Awarded Scholarship by the American Center, US Embassy for Online Training Course on Critical Thinking in English and EFL Learning at American English Institute in the Linguistics Department at the University of Oregon (UO AEI). 2011, 7 th August 2011 to 12 th August, Awarded scholarship by IFTR to participate and present paper in the Annual Conference of IFTR on ‘Tradition, Innovation and Community’ in Osaka University, Japan. 2011, July 13 th -September 7 th Awarded scholarship by Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, US Department of State. ‘Shaping the Way We Teach English’ TEFL Seminar online. Aligarh Muslim University Page 280 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 2010, 25-31 July, Awarded scholarship by IFTR to participate and present a paper in the World Conference of IFTR held at Ludwig Maxmillians University, Munich, Theatre Studies in Germany. 16 th September-20 th October 2010, Selected by US Embassy for the Award of Scholarship from Maryland University, Baltimore County at Maryland, USA to pursue an online training programme on ‘Teaching English to Teens’. Doctoral / post doctoral fellows and Students: 05 MA and PhD Students have been awarded Fulbright Fellowships and 02 have been selected for forthcoming year. 30 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. 2012, UGC – DRS on Translation Studies organized a National Seminar on ‘Issues and Challenges in Translation’ in 2012. Outstanding participants: Prof. Asaduddin, JMI, New Delhi Prof. Akhtarul Wassey, JMI, New Delhi Prof. Anisur Rahman, JMI, New Delhi Prof. Ameena Qazi, JMI, New Delhi Prof. Zafaruddin, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad 2013, UGC – DRS on Translation Studies organized a National Seminar on “Literary, Historical and Cultural Paradigm: Revisiting Translation Studies in India” in 2013. Outstanding Participants: Prof. Harish Trivedi Prof. Irfan Habib 2013, Workshop Organised on “Designing Objectives and Alternative Assessment” in collaboration with Regional English Language Office, US Embassy, New Delhi. Resource Person: Ms. Michelle Stabler-Havener 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: As per the university rules 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female Session 2009-10 M.A (Lit) M.A ELT 250 47 13 17 05 15 43.33% 25% 56.66% 75% Session 2010-11 M.A (Lit) M.A ELT 349 76 14 18 05 23 43.75% 17.85% 56.25% 82.14% Session 2011-12 M.A (Lit) M.A ELT 427 89 14 18 06 19 43.75% 24% 56.75% 76% Session 2012-13 M.A (Lit) M.A ELT 509 84 17 26 08 16 39.53% 44.44% 69.46% 55..55% Session 2013-14 M.A (Lit) M.A ELT 494 66 17 26 08 16 39.53% 33.33% 60.46% 66.66% 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities % of students from univ. outside the % of students from other Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 281 of 690 within the State State countries Session 2009-10 M.A (Lit) M.A ELT 87.09% 70.83% 3.33% 8.33% 6.66% 4.16% 3.33% 16.66% Session 2010-11 M.A (Lit) M.A ELT 78.78% 86.95% 6.06% 4.34% 12.12% 4.34% 3.33% 4.34% Session 2011-12 M.A (Lit) M.A ELT 81.81% 76.19% 4.76% 4.76% 15.15% 9.52% 4.76% 9.52% Session 2012-13 M.A (Lit) M.A ELT 72.09% 75.86% 2.32% 6.89% 16.27% 6.89% 6.97% 6.89% Session 2013-14 M.A (Lit) M.A ELT 79.54% 76.92% 4.54% 11.53% 13.63% 3.84% 2.27% 7.68% BA in English and BA in Communicative English: Session 2009-10 Name of the Course Percentage of Students from Same University Percentage of Students from University Outside the State Percentage of Students from Other Countries B.A (English) 46.66% 48.88% 3.33% B.A (CE) 63.63% 18.18% 4.44% Session 2012-13 B.A (English) 30.95% 64.28% 2.38% B.A (English) 57.14% 35.71% 7.14% Session 2013-14 B.A (English) 56.52% 39.13% 4% B.A (CE) 88.23% 11.76% - 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. Approximately 30 students have qualified UGC-NET and UGC-JRF during the assessment period. 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 79.85% PG to M.Phil. 1.66% PG to Ph.D. 18.94% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral n/a Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment n/a Entrepreneurs n/a 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates (B.A.) of the same university 17 from other universities within the State 01 from universities from other States 03 Aligarh Muslim University Page 282 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports from universities outside the country None 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period: 05 PhDs 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library: A Library with approximately 9000 books Internet facilities for staff and students (Internet connected desk tops for teachers individually, 20 Net Connected Computers in the Language Lab for the Students, Four Desk top Internet connected Desktop Computers for Students in the Seminar Library), LCD Projectors etc. Total number of class rooms Approximately: 15 Class rooms with ICT facility: None Students’ laboratories: One Multimedia English Language Lab having 20 Computers with internet. Research laboratories: Same as (v) above 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates: From the host institution/university: 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Zeba Azmat Mohd. Asif Harris Qadeer Zarrin Razi Aashaq Hussain Zargar Mohd. Habib Subhan Aisha Amjad Mallika Anwar Siddiqui Fauzia Usmani Abdul Mabood M. Kamran Ahsan Tasneem Noshi Md. Sahidul Islam Jawaid Ahmed Bhatt Vinita Soni Sherly G. Varghese Taj Mohammad Ruchika Singh Sohel Aziz Najmus Sarifa Reefaquat Hussain Zeba Farooqui Sakeena Abidi Zoya Sheikh Saiful Islam Summaya Rehman Rizwana Shah Tota Ram Gautam Mohammad Yusuf Asfia Khan Farheen Afzal Tehreem Zehra Moh. Irshad Alam Sheema Fatima Abu Moazaam Adiba Nusrat Aashaq Hussain Zargar Mohd. Habib Subhan Aisha Amjad Mallika Anwar Siddiqui Fauzia Usmani Abdul Mabood M. Kamran Ahsan Tasneem Noshi Md. Sahidul Islam Jawaid Ahmed Bhatt Vinita Soni Sherly G. Varghese Taj Mohammad Ruchika Singh Sohel Aziz Najmus Sarifa Reefaquat Hussain Zeba Farooqui Sakeena Abidi Zoya Sheikh Saiful Islam Summaya Rehman Rizwana Shah Tota Ram Gautam Mohammad Yusuf Asfia Khan Farheen Afzal Tehreem Zehra Moh. Irshad Alam Sheema Fatima Abu Moazaam Adiba Nusrat Areena Ali Adeena Fatima Abdul Mabood M. Kamran Ahsan Tasneem Noshi Md. Sahidul Islam Jawaid Ahmed Bhatt Vinita Soni Sherly G. Varghese Taj Mohammad Ruchika Singh Sohel Aziz Najmus Sarifa Reefaquat Hussain Zeba Farooqui Sakeena Abidi Zoya Sheikh Saiful Islam Summaya Rehman Rizwana Shah Tota Ram Gautam Mohammad Yusuf Asfia Khan Farheen Afzal Tehreem Zehra Mohd. Irshad Alam Sheema Fatima Abu Moazaam Adiba Nusrat Areena Ali Adeena Fatima Sadia Hasan Mohsin Hasan Khan Soada Idris Md. Saquib Abrar Syeda Beenish Naqvi Varsha Kushwaha Zainab Khan Farhan Farooqui Manish Singh Sabir Ahmad Sana Murtaza Khan Ashique Rashul Darakhshan Zafar Farhanaz Farrukh Md. Sahidul Islam Jawaid Ahmed Bhatt Vinita Soni Sherly G. Varghese Taj Mohammad Ruchika Singh Sohel Aziz Najmus Sarifa Reefaquat Hussain Zeba Farooqui Sakeena Abidi Zoya Sheikh Saiful Islam Summaya Rehman Rizwana Shah Tota Ram Gautam Mohammad Yusuf Asfia Khan Farheen Afzal Tehreem Zehra Moh. Irshad Alam Sheema Fatima Abu Moazaam Adiba Nusrat Areena Ali Adeena Fatima Sadia Hasan Mohsin Hasan Khan Soada Idris Md. Saquib Abrar Syeda Beenish Naqvi Varsha Kushwaha Zainab Khan Farhan Farooqui Manish Singh Sabir Ahmad Sana Murtaza Khan Ashique Rashul Darakhshan Zafar Farhanaz Farrukh Saleha Zaini Samina Mushraf Irfana Ilahi Md. Sahidul Islam Jawaid Ahmed Bhatt Vinita Soni Sherly G. Varghese Taj Mohammad Ruchika Singh Sohel Aziz Najmus Sarifa Reefaquat Hussain Zeba Farooqui Sakeena Abidi Zoya Sheikh Saiful Islam Summaya Rehman Rizwana Shah Tota Ram Gautam Mohammad Yusuf Asfia Khan Farheen Afzal Tehreem Zehra Moh. Irshad Alam Sheema Fatima Abu Moazaam Adiba Nusrat Areena Ali Adeena Fatima Sadia Hasan Mohsin Hasan Khan Soada Idris Md. Saquib Abrar Syeda Beenish Naqvi Varsha Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 283 of 690 Saleha Zaini Samina Mushraf Irfana Ilahi Mohammad Ashyam Fatima Kulsoom Fatima Sumbul Zainab Sarwat Zoya Khan Rehnuma Khan Urooj Fatima Gulnaz Fatma Suhaina Bi Fauzia Haider Javaid Ahmad Lone Mahmuda Nongjai Naukhaiz Mehreen Fatima Syed Humayoun Shabir Sunij Kumar Sharma Mohammad Ashyam Fatima Kulsoom Fatima Sumbul Zainab Sarwat Zoya Khan Rehnuma Khan Urooj Fatima Gulnaz Fatma Suhaina Bi Fauzia Haider Javaid Ahmad Lone Mahmuda Nongjai Naukhaiz Mehreen Fatima Syed Humayoun Shabir Sunij Kumar Sharma Md. Jakir Hossain Nazir Hussain Mushk Shamim Nazia Hussain Seema Bano Shaista Mohammad Sana Niazi Mona Shabbir Khan Sumeera Nazir Sadaf Zarrin Kusumika Sarkar Samina Parvin Shekh Sana Mariyam Kushwaha Zainab Khan Farhan Farooqui Manish Singh Sabir Ahmad Sana Murtaza Khan Ashique Rashul Darakhshan Zafar Farhanaz Farrukh Saleha Zaini Samina Mushraf Irfana Ilahi Mohammad Ashyam Fatima Kulsoom Fatima Sumbul Zainab Sarwat Zoya Khan Rehnuma Khan Urooj Fatima Gulnaz Fatma Suhaina Bi Fauzia Haider Javaid Ahmad Lone Mahmuda Nongjai Naukhaiz Mehreen Fatima Syed Humayoun Shabir Sunij Kumar Sharma Md. Jakir Hossain Nazir Hussain Mushk Shamim Nazia Hussain Seema Bano Shaista Mohammad Sana Niazi Mona Shabbir Khan Sumeera Nazir Sadaf Zarrin Kusumika Sarkar Samina Parvin Shekh Sana Mariyam Firdous Ahmad Mir Md. Rakibul Islam Mohosin Mandal Asma Khan Nilofar Yasmin Rabeya Shama Bee Zeb Ansari Aligarh Muslim University Page 284 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Juveria Khan Nazia Rahman Sameera Manzar Tahura Tariq Shakira Khatoon Smrity Sharma Aijaz Ahmad Hajam Md. Sharjeel Chaudhary Yousuf Ali Mustafa Masihuddin Siddiqui Ayesha Ashraf Hariom Singh Talaia Naz Rahul Singhal Aneyes Ul Islam Mohd. Mohsin Sufia Azim Uzma Nishat 40 Research Associates: From other institutions/universities: None None 41 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university: Ten (10) students received financial assistance in the form of PG Merit Scholarship from the University during the assessment period. 42 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. No new program was started recently 43 Does the department obtain feedback from (Not formally on record, but university has come up with formats for such feedbacks) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? 44 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Prof. Alay Ahmad Suroor Mr. Naseeruddin Shah Prof. Asloob A. Ansari Prof. Zahida Zaidi Mr. Tabish Khair Prof. Anwar Jahan Zuberi Prof. Masoodul Hasan Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 285 of 690 Prof. Salamatullah Khan Prof. Amin Ashraf Ms. Salma Ansari 45 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/seminar) involving external experts. National Seminar on ‘Issues and challenges in Translation’ in 2012 National Seminar on “Literary, Historical and cultural Paradigm: Revisiting Translation Studies in India” in 2013 Various Invited Lectures delivered by Speakers and Experts from Different Universities. Few are listed here: Prof. Rosemary Douglas, Edinburgh University UK Prof. Mara Logaldo, IULM University, Milan, Italy Prof. Akhtarul Wassey JMI, New Delhi Prof. Zafaruddin MANU, Hyderabad Prof. Anisur Rahman JMI, New Delhi Prof. Asaduddin JMI, New Delhi Dr. Ameena Qazi JMI, New Delhi Mr. Keki N. Daruwala, New Delhi Prof. S. K. Sinha, Kolhan University, Jharkhand Prof. Ranu Uniyal, Lucknow University Professor John. C. Miller, Professor Emeritus Spanish, Languages/ Culture Department, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA. Raleigh Literary Society organized different extracurricular activities and competitions for the Campus students. 46 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Lectures with eclectic approaches. These are supported by beyond- the-classroom tasks like discussion groups, presentations etc. Assignments and tutorials in MA English and ELT Project based learning in MA ELT Active Demonstrations through Practice Teaching in MA ELT 47 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Ensuring an academic and constructive atmosphere through discipline and scholarship. In-House Training as well as Training through bodies outside the Department for the Teachers Conducting the Diagnostic Tests by teachers to evaluate the competencies of the students. 48 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Participation of Students at National/ International/ State Level Competitions in Sports, Debates, Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Training Programmes. Participation of students in cultural and extracurricular activities at University, State and National Levels like Youth Festivals, Competitions etc. Participation of the Faculty Members in Cultural Events on the Campus as judge, Aligarh Muslim University Page 286 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports mentor, advisor, censor etc. Membership and active involvement of the Faculty Members in different national and international societies, bodies and community groups. 49 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. The Department keeps updating and modifying the syllabi as and when the need arises keeping in mind the students’ needs as well as the new trends in the disciplines. Promoting students to participate in Competitions like: debate, extempore, enactment, poetry recitation, Group Discussions, self Composed poetry. The Department faculty members provide managerial assistance to one of the oldest Campus Magazines of Students at AMU: Aligarh Magazine. 50 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 51 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Students have been consistently qualifying UGC- JRF, UGC-NET, SLET, TET, B. Ed, M. Phil, Ph.D. Placements of students in various reputed national and international professional spheres: State Universities, Central Universities, Universities in Middle East, Africa, America etc. The Department accommodates and nurtures the talents and interests of the students as well as the faculty members of all religions, regions, castes, gender, linguistic backgrounds etc without any discrimination. The Department has successfully established the Language Lab for English Language Teaching. MA in ELT, BA in Communicative English and PhD in ELT are those programmes which started quite early in the Department as compared to the other universities in India and even now very few universities offer these courses. Considerably good number of students in print and electronic media, besides other such sectors like banking, insurance and administrative services 52 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. One of the strengths of the Department is that it is one of the few institutions in the country which offers English Literature along with ELT at Undergraduate, Post Graduate and Research Levels. The Department is one of the oldest in India (established in 1877) and has been able to sustain with the changing times and trends but now there is a major challenge of de-colonizing the syllabi. The Department has no Interdisciplinary Courses or collaboration with other Department or University. Lack of Adequate Infrastructure in keeping with the growing needs of technology and increased number of intake of the students. Differently-abled students do not have adequate support system (academic as well as infrastructural) which may facilitate their exposure to the University resources at par with other students. 53 Future plans of the department. Smart Classrooms More equipped labs and high speed internet facility to each and every student. Separate sitting area for the research scholars. Facilitating workshops for the students as well for different skills and specializations. Introducing short term and full term specialized Courses at PG and Doctorate Levels. Feedback procuring system from students as well as from teachers. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 287 of 690 Enhanced usage of Alternative and Formative Techniques. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: sd/- (Professor Asif Shuja) Place: Aligarh Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 288 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Fine Arts 2 Year of establishment 1960 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of Arts 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG- B.A. (Hons.) and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting PG- Master of Fine Arts in Painting M.Phil. Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons MA and BA (Hons.)Fine Arts courses were withdrawn from the Department of Fine Arts in 1998-99 and Women’s college in 2013, because it was realized that the courses were redundant. 8 Examination System: Annual – BFA II, III, IV years and Semester- BFA-I year, MFA- I and II years 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Nil 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors/others) Sanctione d Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor One (Plan) Nil CAS-one (due)+ One-Plan post not filled yet. Associate Professors Two One Two Asst. Professors Two+ two (Plan) Two Four Others: 04 Guest Faculties 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Design- ation Special- ization No. of Years of Experience No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Permanent Faculty Members: Dr. Zeba Hasan Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Painting 30 years 06 Dr.Rehana Khusro Ph.D., PG Dip. Assitt. Prof. Painting 23 years 05 Dr.Wasim M. Wani Ph.D. Assitt. Prof. Painting 09 years 02 Guest Faculty: Dr. Bushra Naseem Ph.D. Painting 10 years Dr. Asma Kazmi Ph.D. Painting 10 years Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 289 of 690 Dr. Hena Moinee Ph.D. Painting 05 years Mr. Abdur Rahman MFA & NET Painting 09 Years Mr. Mohd. Danish MFA, NET Applied Art 02 Years 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors: Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: UG- 83% Nil 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: UG- 8:1 PG- 6:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual: academic support staff (technical): 02 administrative staff: 01 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Nil 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise: UGC Major Research Project (F.No. 5-6 (5)/2009 (HRP) dated 31 March 2009) obtained by Dr. Zeba Hasan, Associate Professor, Grant received - Rs. 7,01,200/-. 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: National collaboration International collaboration Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. Nil 20 Research facility / centre with State recognition: NIL National recognition: Fellowship UGC Fellowship to Research Scholars of the Department International recognition: 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies: Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international): Publications at National level: 35 Research papers Dr. Zeba Hasan: ‘Widowhood in India’, Journal of Exclusion Studies Vol-3, Issue -2 August 2013, Page No. 123-130, Print ISSN No. 2231-4547, online ISSN No. 2231-4555, Article DOI: 10.5958/j.2231-4555.3.2.016, Indian ‘Sheba Chhachi’s Art-Work on Feminism’, Kala-Traimasik, an Art Magazine published by State Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow, Volume- 38, 2013 pp. 105-108. Aligarh Muslim University Page 290 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports ‘Chapa Chitron mein Atiyatharthvadi (Surrealistic) chap: Manohar Lal, Kala Dirgha’, Volume-11, No.-21, October-2011, page 76-77, 1/95, Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010, RNI No. UPBIL /2000/3395. ‘Feminism in Indian Art’, Kala Deergha, Vol.- 10, No. 19, page 66-68, Pub. 1/95, Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar, Luchnow-226010, RNI No. UPBIL /2000/3395. ‘In conversation with Chintan Upadhyaya’, Art Fair, page 36-39, published by Suvadra Art Gallery, Bhuvaneshwar, July 2010. ‘Sufi Element in Padmawat’, Abhinav Bharti-2008-9, page 33-40, Dept. of Hindi, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. ‘Prof. Ranveer Saxena ki Kala yatra’, Kala Dirgha, Vol.9, No. 18, April, 2009, page 44-48, Publisher-1/95, Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar, Luchnow-226010, RNI No. UPBIL/ 2000/3395. ‘Shail Sheersh se Jhankti Drishti’: Prof. Ranveer Saxena, April 2010, Vol.-10, No.20, page 75-79, Kala Deergha, 1/95, Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010, RNI No. UPBIL/2000/3395. Dr. Rehana Khusro: ‘Floral and Border Decoration in Mughals India’, in Art Family, Vol. 1 st January to July 2012, Page no. 28-30, ISSN-2249-0248 ‘Reflection of Persian Art on Mughal Miniature- special reference to Jahangir’, in Art Family, Vol. 2 nd July to December 2012, Page no. 39-40 ISSN-2249-0248 ‘Emerging Trends in Visual Art’, in Art Family, Issue. 3 rd , Vol. 3 rd January to June 2013, Page no. 6-8, ISSN-2249-0248 Dr. Waseem M. Vani: ‘Ghulam Rasool Santosh – The Vanguard of Neotantric Art’, in Journal of Research, Extension and Development, A Peer Reviewed Interdisciplinary National Journal, Vol.2, No. 2/October 2013 (ISSN: 2319-1899) ‘Paradigm Shift in Indian Art: A brief Account of Contemporary Art Practice in India’, in Indian Journal of Humanities, A Multidisciplinary Referred research Journal, Vol.03, Issue 04/December 2013 (ISSN: 2248-9541) ‘A Capsule Account of Art between Modernism and Postmodernism: From Artist’s Studio’, in Thirdfront, Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol.1, No.1/Feb., 2013 (ISSN:2320-9631) ‘Art of Protest in Kashmir’, Kashmir Lit, A US based Online Journal of Kashmiri & Diasporic Writing, Summer Issue 2013 ‘A Contemporary Sculptor from Jammu and Kashmir: Rajendra Kaumar Tikku’, Kala-Traimasik, an Art Magazine published by State Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow, Volume- 38, 2013 page. 52-55. ‘Forerunners of Modern Art Practice in Kashmir’, Miraas, A Quarterly Publication of Kasheer Foundation, Nol.-V No.-II, April-June 2012, ISSN 2278-2125 ‘Visual Art and the Linguistic Intervention’, in the Journal of Comparative Language Literature & Culture, CCSILC, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. ‘Contemporary Artist, Wasim Mushtaq Wani’, in a monthly magazine Kashmir Insight, Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2011 Dr. Hina Fatima Moinee ‘Rasa Lila Miniature paintings an Appreciation of Divine Music’ (Part-1) Samakalika Sangeetham, a bilingual journal for music, issue no.7 (October 2009), page 70 ISSN.No.2319-3506 published by A.D. Mahdavan, Kozhikode (Kerala) India. ‘Rasa Lila Miniature paintings an Appreciation of Divine Music’ (Part-II) Samakalika Sangeetham, a bilingual journal for music, issue no.8 (April 2010), page 88 ISSN.No.2319-3506 published by A.D. Mahdavan, Kozhikode (Kerala) India. Sur and Tal- The Initiate’s need of a simpler Narrative: Samkalika Sangeetham A Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 291 of 690 bilingual journal for music, issue no.1 (April 2010), page 98. ISSN.No.2319- 3506 printed published by A.D. Mahdavan, Kozhikode (Kerala) India. ‘Principle of Reading a Miniature Painting’, issue no.1, PURĀ-JAGAT, Indian Archaeology History and Culture (Latest Research in Honour of Late Shri Jagatpati Joshi), ISBN: 9788180902604 format hardbound, Edition 2012, Bhartiya Kala Prakshan, New Delhi. ‘Miniature Painting Helps Understand Indian Heritage’. Art Family Journal, Issue 2, Volume II Aligarh ISSN: 2249-0248, Aligarh.2012. ‘Medieval India’s Composite Culture as Reflected in Indian Miniature Painting’ (Under publication) Asiatic Society, Mumbai. ‘Baramasa Painting Tradition and its Interpretation of Nature’, Art Family Journal, Issue 3, Volume III January - July 2013 Aligarh ISSN: 2249-0248, Aligarh. Dr. Bushra Naseem: ‘Moving Canvases’ Art Family- An International Research Journal of Art & Aesthetics, 2012 Vol.-I Page 37 to 40. ‘Environmental Art’ communicated to Art Family- An International Research Journal of Art & Aesthetics, 2012. Dr. Asma Kazmi: ‘Islamic Art: ek Ruhani Sandesh’, Shodh Patrika, Faculty of Arts, AMU, Page no. 188- 195. ‘Persian influence on the Mughal Arts of India’, Institute of Persian Research, AMU, Aligarh, page no. 220. Publications at International level: 03 Research papers Dr. Zeba Hasan: Paintings of Akbar Namah on outdoor games, The Legacy- New Trends, Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013, page- 1-17, ISBN: 978-3-659-31933-4. Dr. Waseem Mushtaq: Published a paper: Revisiting Modern Art in India prior to Independence: A capsule account of beginnings, confrontations, conflicts and milestones, in European Academic Research (International Multidisciplinary Research International Journal), Vol.1, Issue 6/September 2013, ISSN 2286-4822, Impact Factor: 0.485 (GIF) Monographs: Nil Exhibition at International level: Dr. Zeba Hasan: Participation in 4 th International Cairo- Binniale Art Exhibition Dr. Waseem Mushtaq: Group Exhibition “Char Adhaya, A Cultural Festival of Art, Music & Dance”, Santinekatan Friends in Collaboration with Indo-SriLanka Foundation at Sri Lanka, From 15th to 17th October 2012. Mr. Abdur Rahman: Exhibition of Paintings with students, venue – Ghaazee School, Rep. of Maldives from 24 th to 27 th Aug. 2008. Exhibition of Paintings with students, venue- Lale Youth International School, Rep. of Maldives in 2011. Exhibition at National level: Dr. Zeba Hasan: Participation in 32 nd and 34 th National Art Exhibition organized by the National Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi Workshops at International level: Dr. Waseem Mushtaq: Screening of three Short Films: SNOW, UNDER THE TABLE and RAHI ZINDAGI TU PHIR MILENGE by Dr. Waseem Mushtaq at Rivington Place, London UK. Curated and introduced by Nicole Wolf, researcher and lecturer in Visual Culture Aligarh Muslim University Page 292 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports at Goldsmiths, University of London., in response to the exhibition of Sheela Gowda: Therein & Besides. A five day International Workshop on the theme of IMAGINE PEACE! Organized by Khoj, International Artists’ Association, New Delhi in collaboration with Design context, (Institute for Design Research at the Zurich University of the Arts). which also included a screening of my short film SNOW at India International Center, New Delhi Mr. Abdur Rahman: Workshop on Class Management, organized by Lale Youth International School, Rep. of Maldieves on 13 th May 2010. Workshop at National level: Dr. Zeba Hasan: Almore Artist’s Workshop, organizer - State Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow. Later Paintings were exhibited by State Lalit Kala Academy at Lucknow. Diu Workshop - organized in Collaboration with L.K.A. Lucknow & L.K.A. Udaipur in 20-27 Jan. 2006. After the workshop an exhibition was organized at Bal Bharti, Diu. Shimla Workshop- organized by Welfare Organization for Human Development in India, Bombay, at Hotel-Destination from 6– 8 April 2006. After the workshop the exhibition of paintings was organized. Regional Artists‟ Workshop at Azamgarh-2009 organized by Lalit Kala Academy. National Artists‟ Camp organized by Suvadra Art Gallery, Bhuvaneshvar from 12 to 15 October 2009 National Artists‟ Camp, 2009 at Rahul Sankratyayan Bhawan, Azamgarh, by Regional Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow. National Artists‟ Camp 2011by Lalit Kala Academy, at Patna from 5th to 11th November 2011. Dr. Rehana Khusro: ‘Traditional & contemporary art of India’, organizer- Women’s College, AMU, 11- 14 March 2011. ‘Environmental education in Museums and formal educational institutions’, organizer- Dept. of Museology, AMU, 18-19 Feb. 2012. ‘The journey between inspiration and expression on canvas’, organizer- Himachal Pradesh University, Simla, 10-12 Dec. 2011. Dr. Waseem Mushtaq: Regional Painting Camp, by Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Lucknow, From 18 to 24th March 2013. Hina Moinee Fatima: National workshop Different Techniques of painting 10 th to 12 th April 2008, organized by department of Fine Arts, AMU, Aligarh. National workshop Various dimension of Indian Arts 14 th to 16 th April 2009, organized by department of Fine Arts, AMU, Aligarh. National workshop Traditional and contemporary art of India, 11th to 14 th March 2011, organized by department of Fine Arts, AMU, Aligarh. Group Art Exhibition: Dr. Zeba Hasan: Regional Art Exhibition, organizer- Manglayatan University, Aligarh in 2013 Group-exhibition, ‘Kala- Mela’, organized by State Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow, Feb. 2012. State Art Exhibition, organized by State Lalit Kala Academy, Lal Baradari, Lucknow, 2013 A Tribute to Late Farhan Mujeeb (Alig) through an Art Exhibition, Organizer- Fine Art Club, General Education Centre, AMU on 2-4 th April 2012. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 293 of 690 Art exhibition, Yuva Kala Sanskritic Kendra, Patna in 2011. Art exhibition, Organizer-LKA, Rahul Sankratyayan Bhawan, Azamgarh in 2009. Art exhibition, Suvadra Art Gallery, Bhuvaneshvar, on 15 th Oct. 2009. Dr. Rehana Khusro: Group-exhibition, ‘Kala- Mela’, organized by State Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow, Feb. 2012. Waseem Mushtaq: Participated in a Group Show, ‘Samwadhana Rashtriya Kala Yatra’, from December to March 2013, organized by Snehil, which was started from Heritage School, Dehradun and concluded at Sharda School of Art, New Delhi. Group Exhibition, ‘Contemporary Art Journey – An Exhibition of Paintings’, Sopore, J&K 2012 Dr. Bushra Naseem: Pardesh Starye Kala Mela’ 2012 organized by State Lalit Kala Academy (UP) ‘Art Niche National Art Fest-2012’ organized by Fine Art Club General Participated in National workshop on “Traditional and contemporary art of India” organized by women’s college in Collaboration with Lalit Kala Academy UP from 11-14 March, 2011. Seminar/Conference: NIL Dr. Rehana Khusro: International Seminar: ‘Post modernism in visual art’ organized by Shri Varshney College, Aligarh, from 1- 3 rd March 2012. ‘Heritage of Mughal India special reference to Shahjahan period’, organizer- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra, 16-18 April 2012. National Seminar: Emerging trends in visual art’ organized by Dayal Bagh Educational Institute, Agra, from 16-18 Feb. 2012. ‘Art & architecture during Shahjahan period’, organizer- Dept. of History, AMU, 30-31 March 2013. Dr. Asma Kazmi: International Seminar: ‘Persian influence on the Mughal arts of India’, organizer- Institute of Persian Research, AMU, 24-26 February 2009. National Seminar: ‘The reflection of composite culture in Mughal miniature’, Department of History, AMU, 6-8 April 2010. ‘Islamic spirituality: A source of inspiration in Islamic architecture’, Department of Psychology, AMU, 23-03-2013. ‘Shahjahan’s aesthetic sensibility in decorating Islamic architecture’, Department of History, AMU, 30-31 March 2013. Dr. Bushra Naseem: ‘Modernism: An overview’ presented in International seminar on ‘Post Modernism: Dimension and challenges’ held in faculty of Humanities and social Science Shri Varshney College, Aligarh (U.P.) 1 st to 3 rd March, 2012. ‘Environmental Awareness through Art’ presented in National workshop on ‘Environmental Education in Museums and Formal Educational Institutions organized by the Department of Museology, AMU in collaboration with the National Museum of Natural History, Ministry of Environment and forest Govt. of India New Delhi held from 18 th to 19 th Feb., 2012. ‘Emerging Trends in Visual Art’ presented in National Seminar on ‘Hundred years of Indian Art and Career opportunities in Freelance Art’ organized by the Aligarh Muslim University Page 294 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Department of Drawing and painting Dayal Bagh University, Agra 16 th to 18 th Feb., 2012. ‘Role of Performing Art in Promotion of Tourism’ presented in the International seminar on ‘Heritage and Tourism Public, Potential and Problems’ jointly organized by Archaeological Survey of India Agra and Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management in Agra 16 th 18 th April, 2012. ‘Impact of Religion on Symbolism and Coins: a Case study’ present in National Seminar cum workshop ‘Various Dimensions of Indian Art’ organized by Department of Fine Arts, AMU 14 th to 16 th April, 2009. Invited as a Resource Person: Dr. Zeba Hasan “Feminism in Indian Art” Lectures delivered in the Refresher Course, Lucknow University on 22 Aug. 2011. Dr. Waseem Mushtaq: “Image and Text: An Overview” Lectures delivered in the 6 th 3-Week Refresher Course in Fine Arts organized by Academic Staff College, Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi Chapters in Books - NIL Edited Books - NIL Books with ISBN with details of publishers-01, Title ‘Religious Elements in Italian Art; Michelangelo’s reflection’ , LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-8484-8761-5 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): 02 Citation Index – range / average SNIP SJR Impact Factor – range / average h-index 23 Details of patents and income generated: Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally/internationally to visit other laboratories/ institutions/ industries in India and abroad: Nil 26 Faculty serving in National committees: 01- Dr. Zeba Hasan is the member of National Lalit Kala Academy with ID No. 987. International committees: NIL Editorial Boards: NIL any other (please specify) 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs): Orientation programs: 03 Refresher programs : 02 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects: NIL Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 295 of 690 percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute: Nil 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty: 04 Doctoral / post-doctoral fellows: NIL Students: 10 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Seminars/Conferences/Wor kshops/ Artist in Residency Programme/Lecture & Demonstration by Eminent Artists Source of funding agency Details of outstanding participants Artist in Residency 3 rd March to 6 th March 2010 National Lalit Kala Academy, Regional Center, Lucknow Resource Person- Prof. Jai Zharotia, Print-maker and Artist, Delhi College of Arts, New Delhi Regional Painting Workshop 15 to 21 st March 2011 National Lalit Kala Academy, Regional Center, Lucknow Resource Persons- Mr. Bala Dutt Pandey, Allahabad; Mr. Ashwini Kumar Sharma, HOD, Dept. of Fine Arts, Agra College, Agra; Mr. Ram Sevak Shakya, Mr. Anil Kumar Sinha, Mr. Rajendra Kumar, Mr. Laxyapal Singh Rathore, Dr. Rupam Mishra, Mr. Mahesh Singh, H.O.D. Department of Fine Arts, IIS University, Jaipur; Ms. Krupa Makhija, Ms. Aditi Pande, Vadodara and all students and Faculty members of the Department of Fine Arts. Lecture and Demonstration 3 rd and 4 th March 2012 National Lalit Kala Academy, Regional Center, Lucknow Prof. Prabhakar Kolte, An Eminent Artist and a Professor of J.J. School of Arts, Mumbai Demonstration, 2009 Department of Fine Arts, AMU Mr. Sanatkar Chatarjee Various dimensions of Art 14-16 April 2009 State Lalit Kala Academy, Luchnow and AMU Prof. Zahoor Zharghar, Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi and Mr. Saleem, Freelance Artist, New Delhi Summer Art workshop 1 st -30 th June 2007 State Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow Vanue-Department of Fine Arts, AMU Aligarh Muslim University Page 296 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: (As per University norms) -- 32 Student profile programme- wise: (2012-2013) Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female UG 185 05 10 33.33 66.66 Bridge Course 14 00 05 00 100 PG 41 03 07 20 60 M.Phil/ Ph.D. 16 -- -- -- -- 33 Diversity of students (2012- 2013) Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from universities outside the State % of students from other countries UG 20 53.33 26.66 -- Bridge Course 100 -- -- -- PG 90 -- 10 -- M.Phil./Ph.D. -- -- -- -- 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. UGC-NET: Ms. Priyanka Kulshreshtha (2011), Mr. Abdur Rehaman (2011), Mr. Sudhir Kumar (2013), Ms. Saba Rafiq (2013), Ms. Atiya (2013), Ms. Asia Wahid (2013), Ms. Ghazala Shams (2013). 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG (BFA to MFA) 60 PG to M.Phil. -- PG to Ph.D. 30 to 40 % (Approximate) Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -- Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment NIL Selected as Art-Teacher in Central Schools,Navodaya,DPS, Krishna International School, Al-Barkat, Union High School, Ayesha Tareen School, Lecturer in Degree Colleges, Graphic Designer, Illustrator etc. Entrepreneurs Ms. Sabrina Osborn, works in London as Free-lance Artist, critic and curator. Deependra Singh, CG Artist, Digital Image Studios, Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA. Mr. Sarfaraz selected by ‘Film and Television Institute of India’ (FTII), Pune for Art direction in films & television. 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 297 of 690 of the same university 5 from other universities within the State 2 from universities from other States 1 from universities outside the country NIL 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period: 01 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library : Books- 527, Journals:National-03, International- 03 Internet facilities for staff and students: Available in the Department Total number of class rooms: NIL Class rooms with ICT facility: NIL Students’ laboratories: 02 Research laboratories: NIL 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university: NET/ UGC Lectureship of students from other institutions/universities : Details of students passed out NET 1. Mr. Sudhir Kumar 2. Ms. Asia Wahid 3. Ms. Sabiha Jamil 4. Mr. Furqan Ahmed 5. Ms. Saba Rafiq 6. Ms. Sahba Zahir 7. Mr. Abdur Rahman 8. Ms. Fayeza 9. Ms. Atia Parveen 10. Ms. Priyanka Kulshreshtha 11. Ms. Ghazala Shams 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. NIl 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. NA NA 42 Does the department obtain feedback from: Informally yes faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback?: Through Board of Studies students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? NIL alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? NIL 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10): Ms. Sabrina Osborn, works in London as Free- lance Artist, critic and curator Mr. Deependra Singh, CG Artist, Digital Image Studios, Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA. Mr. Sarfaraz selected for Art direction in films & television in the prestigious institution for ‘Film and Television Institute of India’ (FTII), Aligarh Muslim University Page 298 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Pune. Mr. Vinay Kumar- Graphic Designer, New Delhi. Ms. Anjum is working with well-known artist ‘Gogi Saroj Pal’ in Delhi and has established as Free-lance Artist. Mr. Rana Sabhyasachi, Free-lance Artist, Delhi and also organizing Art- Exhibitions in various parts of India. Ms. Arshia Irshad Sabhyasachi Free-lance Artist working at Garhi Studio, New Delhi. Mr. Anisur-Rahman, selected for the course of Master of Design by IIT, Guahati. Mumtaz Ahmad, Teacher, Apple International, Dubai, UAE. Hussainul Batha, Launched an Advertizing co. in Baharain, UAE. 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes(special lectures/workshops/seminar) involving external experts. Name of the Programme/ Workshop Funding Agency/ Collaboration Date/Duration of the Programme Resource Person/ Participants Artist in Residency Programme organized in collaboration with National Lalit Kala Academy, Regional Center, Lucknow. 3 rd March to 6 th March 2010 Prof. Jai Zharotia, (An Eminent Artist) Art College of Delhi Regional Painting Workshop In collaboration with Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow. 15 to 21 st March 2011 Ten Artists from all over the India participated in the workshop. Later an exhibition of the art-works done by the participant artists and students was organized. Lecture in collaboration with National Latlit Kala Academy, Regional Center, Lucknow 3 rd and 4 th March 2012 Prof. Prabhakar Kolte (An Eminent Artist) from J.J. School of Arts. Seminar- cum- workshop, “Various Dimension of Indian Art” State Lalit Kala Academy, Luchnow and AMU 14-16 April 2009 Prof. Zahoor Zharghar, Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi and Mr. Saleem, Freelance Artist, New Delhi 45 List the teaching methods Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 299 of 690 adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Dr. Zeba Hasan: Theory: lecture, Power- Point presentation, Class room discussion, test, assignments etc. Practical: The art practices involve student’s own talent, observation, knowledge etc. The role of a teacher is to bring out the talent/abilities of students and to guide them towards producing mature and confident art- works which is achieved through discussions, demonstrations, guiding students in preparing lay- outs/sketches and also advising them to consult master’s art- pursuits etc. The hypothetical approach of the subject is to encourage students for imagination and creativity. Dr. Rehana Khusro: Fine Art’s subjects demand the perfection & skills with different techniques according to the demand of different streams. The teacher always take those areas where the student is weak and I always tries to make things easy to understand and for the knowledge for the students like discussions, tutorials, demonstrations, preparing lay- outs and let them to imagine about the topic and therefore they can produce unique piece of art as well as theory of related practical of different art forms. Dr. Waseem Mushtaq: Since Fine Arts is essentially a practice based course (with an approximate ratio of 70% practical and 30% theory) my emphasis as a teacher has been to see theory (interpretation) as an offshoot of art-practice and usually not the other way round. The main thrust of my pedagogic approach is to encourage my students to think and imagine visually. Dr. Hena Fatima Moinee: Theory: Lectures, presentation and discussions are given in the class. Slid shows are taken as help. Practical: Since it is a practical based subject and classes are taken both outdoor and indoor, the lectures and demonstrations are planned accordingly. For this help is taken from multimedia, documentaries, internet support etc. Further teaching aids are also adopted to make the class interesting for the taught. Besides this the students are always encouraged to take up projects that help in enhance new and innovative ideas. Abdur Rahman: A course of study based on studio and practice is merely relevant with other courses, and being as a teacher I follow certain ‘set induction theory’ to motivate and promote pupils to develop their skills and wild imaginations. I normally organize classes properly for undergraduate level to maintain the discipline first and then get introduce the topic little interpretive and analytic perspective adding with visuals, slides and most recent references ease to understand the approach and quite provocative to get a healthy feedback. Usually, I do change the method often to maintain the healthy class environment to make interesting and for better understanding so, Blooms Taxonomy is not bad. Dr. Bushra Naseem: Theory: Lectures, presentation, discussions, and slid show. Practical: Fine Arts is a practical based subject. We have outdoor and indoor classes. The nature of every paper demands particular demonstrations, which are given accordingly. For this help is taken from multimedia, documentary films, short films etc. All the necessary teaching aids are adopted to make the class interesting. Students are always encouraged to take up projects that helps in enhancing new ideas and innovative techniques for better and more productive results. Mr. Mohammad Danish: Aligarh Muslim University Page 300 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports As an Applied art teacher my concern is to develop the vision of students by introducing them to new media, but not ignoring the traditional mediums and encourage them to develop their own observation as every student is different in nature. I emphasize on demonstrating different ideas after setting a project of work for the students. 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Objectives are based on final evaluation through exams and results - 100%. Students are constantly qualifying NET/University Ph.D. test for pursuing Ph.D. courses. Students obtaining teaching job at different levels, established as free-lancer artists and also engage as creative artists, teachers, researchers, art directors and graphic designers. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Dr. Zeba Hasan: Contribution to the Department of Fine Arts as Chairperson: Convener: “Artist in Residency”, programme organized in collaboration with National Lalit Kala Academy, Regional Center, Lucknow, from 3rd March to 6th March 2010. Prof. Jai Zharotia was the Resource Person. Coordinator: Regional Painting Workshop in collaboration with Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow, from 15 to 21st March 2011 Modification of BFA, MFA and BA (Hons) Syllabus in 2010 & 2011 Convener: Lecture by Prof. Prabhakar Kolte (An Eminent Artist), programme organized in collaboration with National Latlit Kala Academy, Regional Center, Lucknow on 3 rd and 4 th March 2012. Cotribution to the University: Provost: Begum Sultan Jahan Hall, AMU, from 11th August to 22nd June 2012. Asst. Proctor, AMU, Aligarh, 22 Feb.2011- April 2012. Membership In Academic/Professional Field: Member/Voter - General Council of the Artists, Constituency, National Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi (I.D.No. 987), reference- Artist Directory- 2006, Page No. 227, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi Member, Court, AMU, Aligarh, July 2012 Member - BOS, Faculty of Arts, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Member - Academic Council, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Member - Board of Studies, Department of Fine Arts, AMU, Aligarh. Member - BOS, Girls Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh, 2010-2012 Member - BOS, Department of Museology, AMU, Aligarh, 2010-2012 Member - Faculty of Studies, College of Arts, Lucknow University, Lucknow. Member - Research Degree Committee of Fine Arts and Liberal Arts, Noida International University, Noida from 1 st August 2011 for two years. Ex. Member - Academic Council, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly (1994-95) Ex. Convener - Research Degree Committee Rohilkhand University, Bareilly (1993- 95) Ex. Member - Board of studies Rohilkhand University, Bareilly Ex. Member - Management Committee Sahu Ram Swaroop, Girls PG College, Bareilly (1986) Ex. Member - Management Committee Sahu Ram Swaroop, Girls PG College, Bareilly (1990) Ex. Subject Expert - Drawing and Painting Rohilkhand University, Bareilly (1999-2001) Ex. Member - Varnika Women Artists Association, UP Ex. Member - TRIA (Tria Art Association), Agra. Ex. Member - Advisory Committee, All India Radio, Rampur, UP (1985-87) Ex. Coordinator - UGC Committee and National Assessment and accreditation council of Sahu Ram Swaroop, Girls PG College, Bareilly Ex. Coordinator - UGC & Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Sahu Ram Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 301 of 690 Swaroop, Girls P.G. College, Bareilly. Extra Curricular Activities: Ex-part time Care-taker of NCC: 8 UP Girls, BN., NCC since 1984 - 1991, Sahu Ram Swaroop Mahila- Mahavidhyalaya, Bareilly. Dr. Rehana Khusro: President- Fine Arts Club, GEC, AMU, from 2012 - continue. Member - Board of Studies, Dept. of Fine Arts, AMU, Aligarh. Member - BOS, Faculty of Arts, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Dr. Waseem Mushtaq: Member Board of Studies in Women’s Polytechnic AMU 2011. Member of Faculty of Arts for a period of two years from November 2012. Participation of the Students of Fine Arts: Participation in ‘Youth Festival’ organized by ‘General Education Centre’ Participation in Art- competition organized in the University campus, Halls and out- side the campus etc. Participation in organizing Art Summit at Delhi. Participation in Art activity organized in Aligarh Numaish. Participation in Film making competition organized by ‘Film Saz’. Participation in Kala- Mela organized at Lucknow. Solo & Group art exhibition at different places (viii) Commissioned work such as making mural, book covers designing, designing catalogues, executing paintings etc. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. NCC, Games, Drama etc. -- 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. The Department is continuously revising the course structure in order to make it up to date and at par with some of the promising institutions of visual arts. Curriculum of PG course is given considerable attention which has been effectively running since the last four semesters. While designing the curriculum we had the opportunity to introduce some of the most radically innovative subjects e.g. Installation, Photo- Collage, Video-art etc. which have proven quite successful in creating a meaningful nexus between the confines of a studio practice and the contemporary world art practice out there in the metros. The department has been asserting in updating syllabus, introducing new courses such as Advance Diploma in Applied Art, Diploma in Photography and Textile Designing (Proposals are submitted to CPC, AMU). 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strength: Continuous endeavours for the progress of the Department. Weakness: The Department needs to be transformed as Faculty Aligarh Muslim University Page 302 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports of Fine Arts. A wide range of discipline such as Graphics, Applied art, Sculpture, History of Fine Arts etc. should be introduced as new departments to facilitate students with more choice and extensive studies. It will also provide them new avenues of collaborative and inter- disciplinary studies and research. Besides, one post of Professor, reader and two posts of Assistant Professor are vacant in the department. Appointments on the above posts will augment progress of the department. Problems related with infrastructure needs to be resolved. Opportunity: Recently Art Gallery has been given to the Department of Fine Arts which will provide an opportunity to launch full-fledged art exhibitions on national and International levels. Art- workshops, lectures, demonstrations, seminars etc. can also be organized for the benefit of students. New courses in the subject Graphics, Applied Art and Sculpture should be started in the Department because these courses have already been approved by the Academic Council in its meeting No. 736 and the Executive Council meeting No. 608 dated 31.07.2000 and the Visitor AMU vide letter No. F3-31/2000 Desk (u) dated 13.01.2002. Challenges: The challenges lie for the Department to uplift the standard of art education and research at national and international level. Future plans of the department. We have been continuously asserting for the substantial growth. A detailed plan has been submitted in the UGC under the XIIth Five year plan for the financial assistance to start new courses in Graphics, Applied Art, Sculpture and History of Fine Arts. We visualize this Department as to transform into a Faculty of Visual Arts. The use and performance of Art- Gallery should be adhering to professional purposes. It can be run like those professional galleries running in the other part of the country where artists are selling their Art-works on 70%and 30% basis (70% goes to the artist and 30% to the Gallery). National and International artists can be invited for Art- exhibition, workshop, Performance–art, video-art, Installations, Public-art etc. We can also start online business of Art-works. Monographs, catalogues and Art-News can be published. Great Masters or famous artist’s Art- works can be Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 303 of 690 treasured as permanent Art Collection and their replica and post cards can be put on sale. Art- Gallery can be given on rent for Solo and Group art-exhibition. Hence, the Art Gallery can virtually prove as good prospect for benefiting students, faculty members and promoting art - business. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution: sd/- (Name of the Chairman) With seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 304 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Hindi 2 Year of establishment 1948 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of Arts 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved X 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. X 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons X 8 Examination System: Semester/Choice Based Credit System 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: X 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors/others) Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 3 3 7 Associate Professors 6 5 08 Asst. Professors 13 9 02 Others: 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qual. Desig. Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. K. M. Mishra M.Lit., Ph.D., D.Lit. Professor Modern Hindi Literature 39 03 Prof. P.K. Saxena M.A., Ph.D. Professor Lit. (Mod.) Criticism 30 04 Prof. Arif Nazir D.Lit. (2) Professor Medieval and Modern Hindi Literature & Functional Hindi 30 + 03 Prof. Bharat Singh M.A., M.Phil. Ph.D. Professor Hindi Prose & Fiction About 27 yrs. 05 Prof. Abdul Alim M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Professor Medieval poetry and comparative literature 27 04 Prof. R.C. Rawat M.A., Ph.D. Professor De and Hindi Criticism 22 07 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 305 of 690 Prof. Mohd. Ashiq Ali Ph.D. Professor Hindi Fiction & Prose Madhaya Ugeen Kavaya Lok Sahitya 22 Years 04 Ajay Bisaria M.A. (Hindi), M.Phil. Associate Professor Modern Hindi Poetry and Fiction; Hindi Drama & Theater; Hindi Bhasha & Bhasha Vigyan 24 Years 03 Dr. Meraj Ahmad Ph.D. Associate Professor Hindi Katha Sahitya Alochana 10 04 Dr. Tasneem Suhail M.Phil, Ph.D. Associate Professor Hindi Fiction 19 03 Dr. Iffat Asghar M.A., M. Phil. & Ph.D. Associate Professor Modern Fiction Poetry 17 02 Dr. Ved Prakash M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor Modern Poetry 15 Awarded-01, Working-04 Dr. R.N. Shukla M.Sc, M.Phil., Ph.D. (Zoology) M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Hindi) Associate Professor Technology of Translation, Hindi Fiction & Medieval Poetry 16 years 03 Dr. M. Shahul Hameed M.A., Ph.D. (Hindi) & PGDT Associate Professor Hindi Fiction, Translation & Comparative Literature 11 years Working 04 Dr. Shambhu Nath M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor History and literary criticism, modern poetry 21 years, 17years PG Exp. Ph.D.-05 (Registered) M.Phil. 08 (awarded) Dr. Pankaj Parashar M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Modern Hindi Poetry, Criticism, Fiction, Cultural Studies, Literary Theory 06 Years 02 Phd. Scholar 01 M.Phil Scholar Dr. Devendra Kumar Gupta M.A., Ph.D. (Hindi) Assistant Professor Hindi Fiction, & Bhakti Kalin Kavya ears 04 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors: Prof. Mohd. V.P. Kunjju Metharu, Visiting Professor, Kerala 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty– programme-wise information: 10% in UG 14 Programme-wise Student B.A. and M.A. Programme : 41:1 Aligarh Muslim University Page 306 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Teacher Ratio M.Phil and Ph.D. According UGC Rules: 1:4 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual: One Post of Assistant (Admin.) 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies : X 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Dr. M. Sahul Hamid The Comparative Study of Women in Hindi and Tamil Novels (1990-2010) UGC Rs. 5,44,800.00 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received : National collaboration International collaboration X 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. : X 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition national recognition international recognition -- 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies -- 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) National : 113 International : 03 Monographs : 02 Chapters in Books : 24 Edited Books : 06 Books with ISBN with details of publishers : 18 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average SNIP SJR Impact Factor – range / average h-index 23 Details of patents and income X Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 307 of 690 generated : 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated : X 25 Faculty selected nationally/internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad : National – 15 26 Faculty serving in National committees : 03 International committees : NIL Editorial Boards : 07 any other (please specify) : 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs): 21 28 Student projects : X percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter- departmental projects percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute 29 Awards/recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Prof. K.M. Mishra, Pandit Brij Mohan Nagri Pracharini Sabha, Agra. Prof. P.K. Saxena, 2012 - RAMBILAS SHARMA SAMMAN Prof. Arif Nazir, 03 Prof. Abdul Alim, 2013, 10 January -Chief guest at world Hindi Diwas celebrations organized by Embassy Bahrain Mr. Ajay Bisaria, Shishu Ballabh Alankaran by Etawa Hindi Sewa Nidhi, Etawa (President-Justice Prem Shankar Gupta) Dr. Pankaj Parashar, Associate Fellow by Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. Dr. Pankaj Parashar, Maheshwari Singh Mahesh Granth Puraskar. Dr. Pankaj Parashar, Vaidyanath Mishra ‘Yatri’ Puraskar Doctoral / post doctoral fellows : X Students: X 30 Seminars/Conferences/Worksho ps organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. 06 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments 32 Student profile programme- wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Application s received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female M.A. (Hindi) 141 18 12 100% 100% Aligarh Muslim University Page 308 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports M.A. (Hindi) Translation 9 6 nil 100 -- PG Dip. Trans. in Hindi 5 0 0 -- -- M.Phil/ Ph.D. 82 05 08 N.A. 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from universities outside the State % of students from other countries Internal External Outside M.A. Hindi 73% 27% NIL NIL M.A. (Hindi) Translation 100% NIL NIL NIL PG Dip. Trans. in Hindi NIL NIL NIL NIL M.Phil/Ph.D. 84% 16% 16% NIL 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. : NET=26, JRF=11 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 73% PG to M.Phil. 16% PG to Ph.D. 84% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NIL Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurs 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 07 from other universities within the State 06 from universities from other States 04 from universities outside the country 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period : Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library : Approximately : 8000 Books Internet facilities for staff and students : YES Total number of class rooms Class rooms with ICT facility Students’ laboratories : Language Lab Research laboratories 39 List of doctoral students: 46 01 Ms. Bhanu Chauhan 02 Ms. Tarapti Gahrana 03 Mr. Shameem Ahmad (NET) 04 Mr. Arvind Sharma Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 309 of 690 05 Mr. Vikas Kumar (NET) 06 Mr. Ahtisham Aziz 07 Mr. Dinesh Kumar (JRF) 08 Mr. Ashraf Ali Khan (NET) 09 Mr. Shabbir Ahmad 10 Mr. Hari Om (NET) 11 Mr. Yusuf Ali (JRF) 12 Mr. Mohd. Seraj Khan 13 Miss Khushbu (NET) 14 Ms Neetu Rani (JRF) 15 Mr. Mohammad Avais (NET) 16 Mr. Mevalal Yadav (JRF) 17 Mrs. Hemlata Gupta (NET) 18 Mr. Jitesh Kumar (JRF) 19 Mr. Harish Kumar 20 Mr. Zeeshan Ahmad (NET) 21 Ms. Prachi Singh (JRF) 22 Mr. Umesh Chndra (JRF) 23 Ms Shahana (JRF) 24 Ms. Namrata Pipal (JRF) 25 Mrs. Farah Zia 26 Ms. Shuby Naz (NET) 27 Mrs. Manju Kumari (NET) 28 Ms. Sumbul Shaikh 29 Mr. Javed Alam (SRF) 30 Mr. Sartaj Alam Ansari (SRF) 31 Ms. Afsana Bee 32 Mr. Prabhat Upadhyay 33 Mr. Manoj Kumar 34 Ms. Vandana Kumari (NET) 35 Ms. Sandhya Chaurasia 36 Mr. Sagir Ahmad 37 Ms. Sana Fatima (NET) 38 Ms. Jyoti Kusum Bal (NET) 39 Mr. Salim Miyan 40 Mr. Parvez Mohammad (NET) 41 Ms. Sana Firdaus 42 Iram Khanam 43 Anju Kumari (JRF) 44 Arshia Rasool 45 Mr. Aazar Khan (NET) from the host institution/university : 38 from other institutions/universities : 08 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. 02 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. -- 42 Does the department obtain feedback from (Informally Yes, but the university has faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Aligarh Muslim University Page 310 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports developed a format, yet to start) students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Dr. A. P. Suman, Department of Hindi, AMU, Aligarh. Prof. Asghar Wajahat, Department of Hindi, Jamia Islamia, New Delhi-25. Prof. (Late) Ayyub Khan Premi, Badar Villa, Ahmad Nagar, Aligarh. Prof. Gopinathan, Ex-Vice-Chancellor, International Mahatma Gandhi (Hindi) University, Verdha. Prof. (Late) G.N. Shukla, Shukla Sadan, Khai Dora, Aligarh. Prof. (Late) K.P. Singh, 28-MIG, Ramghat Road, Aligarh. Prof. Malik Mohammad, Calicut University, Calicut, Kerala. Prof. Nazir Mohammad, Rahatqada, Diggi Road, Aligarh. Prof. (Late) S.J.R. Zaidi, Eliza, A/55, Ahmad Nagar, Civil Lines, Aligarh. Prof. (Late) V.N. Shukla, Bharati Nagar, Marris Road, Aligarh. 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. Nagari Lipi: Vartman Chunotiyan held on 18.02.2010. Sufi Sahitya: Etihashik Paripraecha held on 20 to 22.03.2010. Hindi Kahani: Path aur Sameecha held on 16 & 17 November, 2011. Premchand Ki Kahaniyain: Nav Mulyankan held on 26 & 27 March, 2012. Hindi Upaniyans mein Grameen Yatharth held on 25 to 27.09.2012. Pragatisheel Hindi Alochana aur Dr. Ramvilash Sharma held on 12 to 14 Feb., 2013. 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Direct Class Room Teaching. 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored?: It is made clear by the teachers’ views during informal, consultative and other meetings like Board of Studies or Faculty Meeting. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Faculty members and students participate from time to time in faculty development programme and training courses organized by Academic Staff College, AMU and other institution. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. The department organizes workshops, seminars and experts lectures from time to time for PG and Research students, which may be considered “scholarly activities”of the department. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 311 of 690 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. : 50 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. The department is always in touch with other important institutes, organizations and Hindi Departments of the central universities of country ,and observes the change activities regarding new knowledge ,new courses, new syllabus and latest trend of the discipline. The department is always in its good efforts to introduce new and the latest approach. We always try to give better opportunity to our students to avail new knowledge with practical approach. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department: The department of Hindi, AMU Aligarh, is one of the biggest departments among central universities of the country. The department has most qualified and learned Faculties of different fields with latest approach in their area of specialisation. The department has multidisciplinary approach as well as interdisciplinary approach in the area of comparative research. The department has better infrastructure for higher study as well as for research study. The department has different active “forums” for PG and research students to develop their personality and communication skill beyond their latest and new trends of study. The department is also publishing a research journal “ABHINAV BHARTI” with high standard having ISSN NO regularly. 52 Future plans of the department. Although the department has more space and opportunity in the area of higher learning and research, but more things are to be done to fulfill the requirements and needs of present and modern time. We are going to develop a modern language lab, a very rich library and well equipped seminar hall very soon. Also, the department is planning to develop an advance study centre to give better pace in the area of research. The department is preparing a proposal for SAP centre which will create a better environment and opportunity for research studies. It Aligarh Muslim University Page 312 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports will also help to develop good infrastructure for higher learning as well as for research. The department is planning to introduce a new PG course “M.A. In functional Hindi (Journalism)” to provide better job opportunities to the students. The department is also trying to provide better facilities to the faculty members, so that, they may prepare themselves according to the needs of modern system of education. It is our future planning to develop this department as the best Hindi department of the country. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution: sd/- (Name of the Chairman) with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: 21.12.2013 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 313 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Linguistics 2 Year of establishment 1968 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? YES, Faculty of Arts 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG-B.A. (Hons.) in Linguistics PG-M.A. in Linguistics M.A. in Language of Advertising Media & Market (M.A. in LAMM) M. Phil Ph. D P.G. Diploma in Linguistics (Part Time) Advance Diploma in Translation 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Semester system, Annual System 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Students of Theology, Social Science & other Arts subject are trained at UG level. 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 2 2 3 Associate Professors 3 1 2 Asst. Professors 4 4 4 Others nil nil nil Guest Faculty ---- 2 ---- 11 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associated Professors/Asst. Professors/others) -- 12 Faculty profile with name, qualification area of specialization, experience and research under guidance. Name Qualifi -cation Design- ation Specia- lization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D / M.Phil Students guided for the last 4 years Prof. A.R. Fatihi M.A. (English) M.A. (Linguistics) Professor Phonetics, Stylistics, Translatio n, Areal 22 11 Aligarh Muslim University Page 314 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Ph.D. (Linguistics) Linguistics Prof. S. Imtiaz Hasnain M.A. (Linguistics) Ph.D. (Linguistics) Professor Sociolingu istics, Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics 27 06 Prof. K.S. Mustafa M.A. (Linguistics) M.A. (Urdu) M.A. (Arabic) Ph.D. (Linguistics) Professor Descriptiv e Linguistics , Language Teaching, Urdu & Arabic Linguistics , Translatio n Language contact 31 (28yrs. at CIIL, Mysore 3 yrs at AMU) Since joining in AMU in 2010, five (5) research scholars are working for their Ph.D under him. Mr. Masood Ali Beg M.A. (Linguistics) Associate Professor Semantics, Stylistics, Historical Linguistics , 24 04 Dr. Samina A.A. Surti M.A. (Linguistics) Ph.D. (Linguistics) Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) Descriptiv e Linguistics , History of Linguistics , Morpholog y, Historical Linguistics 28 04 Dr. Nazrin B. Laskar M.A. (Linguistics) MPhil. (Linguistics) Ph.D. (Linguistics) Assistant Professor Sociolingu istics, Areal Linguistics , Syntax, Historical Linguistics , Language Contact 4 Since her joining in AMU in 2010, two (2) research scholars are working under her. Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan M.A. (Linguistics) MPhil. (Linguistics Ph.D. (Linguistics) Assistant Professor Descriptiv e Linguistics , Field Linguistics , Language Testing 4 Since his joining in AMU in 2010, three (3) research scholars are working under him. Dr. Pallav M.A. Guest Sociolingu 3 ____ Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 315 of 690 Vishnu (Linguistics) Ph.D (Linguistics) Faculty istics, Applied Linguistics Computati onal Linguistics Hindi Linguistics Morpholog y Ms. Ambreen Sherwani M.A. (Linguistics) Guest Faculty Descriptiv e Linguistics Applied Linguistics 4 (month) ____ 13 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors: The following scholars have visited the Department in one capacity or the other from time to time. Professor A. K. Sinha (Retd.) (Dept. of Linguistics, Delhi University) Professor H. R. Dua (Retd) (Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore) Professor Richad W. Hallet (North Eastern Illinoi University, Chicago) Dr. Jill M. Hallet (University of Illinoi, Urbana) Professor R. V. Dhongde (Retd) (Deccan College, University of Pune) Professor L. M. Khubchandani (Pune) Professor SangeetaBagga-Gupta (Norway, Sweden) Professor Tariq Rehman (Islamabad, Pakistan) Janab Intezar Husain (Pakistan) Professor Victor Webb (South Africa) Professor Anvita Abbi (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi) Professor Pramod Pandey (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi) Professor R. C. Sharma (University of Delhi) Professor O. N. Koul (Retd.) (Former Director, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore) Professor K. S. Rajyashree (Former Deputy Director, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore) Professor Rajesh Sachdeva (Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore) Professor B. N. Patnaik (Retd) (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur) Professor Annie Montaut (Paris) Professor Shreesh Chaudhary (Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai) Professor Tej K. Bhatia (SUNY, New York, USA) Professor Tahseen Siddiqui (University of Michigan, USA) Professor Abdus Sattar Dalvi (Retd) (Bombay University, Mumbai) Professor Achla M. Raina (Indian Institute of Aligarh Muslim University Page 316 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Technology, Kanpur) Professor Sunil Kumar Sinha (Kolhan University, Jharkhand) Professor Sohnu Ram Sharma (Retd) (Deccan College, University of Pune) 14 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty and guest faculty. Programme-wise information. We do not have temporary faculty but guest faculty. Programme-wise their percentage of classes is as follows:- M.A., (Linguistics): 36 M.A. in LAMM: 15 Post - Graduate Diploma in Language of Advertising Media and Market (PGDLMM): 30 Post Graduate Diploma in Linguistics: 20 Post Graduate Diploma in Translation: 80 B.A. (Hons.) Linguistics: 50 15 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: M.A. (Linguistics): 20:1 M.A. in Language of Advertising, Media & Market: 20:1 PG Diploma in Linguistics: 15:1 PG Diploma in Translation: 30:1 B.A. (Hons.) Linguistics: 15:1 BA (II YEAR): 35: 1 BA (I year): 70: 1 16 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: Sanctioned : 8 Filled : 8 ( 6- Permanent, 2- Temporary ) Actual : 8 17 Research thrust areas recognized by major funding agencies: Since its inception in late 1968 a major thrust area of the Department has been advance teaching and research in Linguistics with special reference to Urdu Language and Linguistics. To fulfill this end major research projects including the current DRS-SAP were awarded to the department by different funding agencies. Apart from Urdu Language and Linguistics other thrust areas have been Sociolinguistics, Stylistics, Discourse & Pragmatics, Psycholinguist, Descriptive Linguistics, Form- content Linguistics. 18 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from: National : funding agencies : 2 International funding agencies : nil Total grants received: mentioned below Name of funding agencies: University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL), New Delhi. Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi. Project Title: Urdu in Contact with other Indian Languages in Independent India: A Linguistics and Socio-cultural study. NCPUL, Rs. 3 lacks. Language Information services (LIS), India (Urdu). CIIL, Govt. of India. Rs.7 lakhs. Revisiting Khalapur: language Variation and Social Stratification 50 yrs. Later ICSSR, Rs. 6.5 lakhs. Ethno linguistic vitality of Urdu in Aligarh Muslim University. ? Rs. 2 lakhs. Urdu ke Ilaqai roop. NCPUL, Rs. 25 lakhs. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 317 of 690 19 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: National collaboration: Internally Displaced Populations (IDP) and Multilingual Spaces: A Sociolinguistics Prospective. Collaboration between AMU,Aligarh Deccan College, Pune and University of Hyderabad. International collaboration: nil Revisiting Khalapur: language Variation and Social Stratification 50 yrs. Later ICSSR, New Delhi. 20 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS,DPE;DBT,ICSSR, AICTE, etc.;total grants received. Project name Grants received DST-FIST nil UGC-SAP 38,00,000/= DBT nil ICSSR nil AICTE nil 21 Research facility /centre with State recognition National recognition International recognition The Department has been acclaimed as a Centre of teaching and research not only at national level but at the international level too. 22 Special research laboratories sponsored by/ created by industry or corporate bodies: Nil 23 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/international ): 18 Prof. A.R.Fatihi: Colloquialism in Hindi Urdu published in SACS (ISSN no 17496764) Volume 1 no 2 pp 36-43. Semantic Leaps in Bollywood songs published in SACS (ISSN no 17496764) volume 4 issue 2. Script and Identity: An Appraisal published in Alternative Voices: Searching Language Culture Identity. (ISBN no 1-4438-4716-X). Prof. S.Imtiaz Hasnain: 2011 Handwriting Endangerment (co-authored with Jamal M. Kaid and M. Salim Beg) Aligarh Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 1, No. 2 (pp. 27-35) (ISSN: 2249:1511). 2012 Non-Standardization in Modern Electronic Communication and its Effects on Comprehension (co-authored with Jamal M. Kaid and M. Salim Beg) Aligarh Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 2, Numbers 1-2 (pp. 91-103) (ISSN: 2249:1511). 2012 Social Meaning and Language Use: Critical Discourse Perspective. Aligarh Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 2, Numbers 1-2 (pp. 304-317) (ISSN: 2249:1511). 2013 Multilingualism, Language Policy and the Constituent Assembly Debates. Language and Language Teaching Vol. 1, No. 2, Issue 4, July 2013 pp. 47-51 (Published by: Vidya Bhawan Society, Udaipur and Azim Premji University) ISSN: 2277-307. 2013 A Comparative Study on Relative Clause Structure in English and Arabic. (with Ibrahim Hassan N. M. Al-Washali as the first author).Language in India. March 3, 2013. (online journal from USA). (This paper was also accepted for the Canada International Conference on Education CICE-2013 at the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Prof. K.S.Mustafa: 2011 On Grammatical differences between Dakkhini and Urdu Indo-Aryan Linguistics (ed.) Omkar N. Koul CIIL, Mysore ISBN-978-81-7343-103-6. Aligarh Muslim University Page 318 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 2012. Negation in Dakkhini with special reference to convergence, Published in ALIGARH JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS Vol. 2. Numbers 1-2 2012, Edited by Prof. S. Imtiaz Hasnain, Department of Linguistics, AMU, Aligarh. ISSN-2249- 1511 Dr. Samina A.A.Surti: 2010. Hybridization in Urdu. AJOL (Seminar Proceedings) ISSN 2249-1511. 2009 Language Ecology- An Overview. ICOSAL ISBN 978-81-907503-0-2 Dr. Nazrin B.Laskar: 2009 “Ethnicity, bilingualism and variable clitic markings in Bishnupriya Manipuri.” (co-authored with Shobha Satyanath). In James N. Stanford and Dennis R. Preston (eds.) Variation in Indigenous Minority Languages. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins., 441-462. ISBN-10 9027218641. Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan: 2012, “Compounding in Urdu”. Published in ALIGARH JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS Vol. 2. Numbers 1-2 2012, Edited by Prof. S. Imtiaz Hasnain, Department of Linguistics, AMU, Aligarh. ISSN-2249-1511 2013 “Perso-Arabic Plurals in Urdu”. Published in ALIGARH JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS Vol. 3. Numbers 1-2 2013, Edited by Prof. K.S. Mustafa, Department of Linguistics, AMU, Aligarh. ISSN-2249-1511 2013 “The Language of Ladies at the Capital of Jordan” Published in International Journal of Scientific Research Publications, Vol. 3, issue-9, September, 2013. ISSN-2250-3153 (Co-Authored) Dr.Pallav Vishnu: 2013,”Computer Science:A conglomeration of Artificial intelligence and Natural Language Processing” Published in edu Junction – A peer-reviewed journal with ISSN NO.2278-3938 from Raipur. 2012,”Proverbs in the dialects of Western Hindi” Published in Aligarh Journal Of Linguistics with ISSN No. 2249-1511. Monographs: 08 Prof. A.R.Fatihi: Fatihi, A. R. 2013. Lafz Sazi. NCPUL. ISBN-978-81-7587-870-9. Fatihi, A. R. 2013. Urdu Lisaniyat NCPUL. ISBN. 978-817587-8679. Dr. Shabana Hameed: Hameed, S. (2013). Explanatory Phonology: Principles and Applications. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-978-3-659-45596-4 Dr. Samina A.A.Surti: Surti, S. A. A. (2012) Bhopal Urdu Phonology. Bharat Sarak Foundation, New Delhi, ISBN 978-81-924792-31. Surti, S. A. A. (2012) A Concise Lexicon of Standard Urdu-Bhopal Urdu . Skyline Publishers, New Friends Colony, New Delhi, ISBN 978-81-903136-8-1. Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan: Khan, A. A. (2013) Urdu Language Testing: A Critical Study. Indian Institute of Language Studies ISBN 81-86323-42-2. Dr. Pallav Vishnu: Vishnu,Pallav,2012 “Socio-descriptive study of the Dialects of Western Hindi” Bahri Publications,New Delhi,ISBN NO.978-81-909771-5-9 Vishnu, Pallav, 2013 “Paschimi Hindi Ki Boliyon Ka Lok Sahitya:Ek Sankalan” Bahri Publications, New Delhi,ISBN NO.978-938-346-900-0 Chapters in Books: 10 Prof. S.Imtiaz Hasnain: 2009 Within Parenthesis: (Speech) Community and Language Rights. In Shailendra Kumar Singh (ed.) Rethinking Multilingualism: Issues and Problems. Guwahati: EBH Publishers (Pp. 227-238) ISBN: 978-81-9078-123-7 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 319 of 690 2009 Multilingualism. In A.R.Kidwai (ed) Higher Education: Issues and Challenges. New Delhi: Viva Books (pp. 74-81) ISBN: 978-81-309-1265-3 2010 Structuration Theory, Intercontextuality and Critical Discourse Analysis: Analysis of an Advice Literature. In Hasnain, S. Imtiaz and Shreesh Chaudhary (eds.) Problematizing Language Studies: Cultural, Theoretical and Applied Perspectives. New Delhi: Aakar (pp. 185-200). ISBN: 978-93-5002-084-5 2010 Language Rights and Social Justice in a Multilingual Ethos. In Abha Singh (ed.) Morality and Social Justice. New Delhi: Decent Books (pp 191-207). 2010 Firthian Linguisticsa and Masud Husain Khan’s “A Phonetic and Phonological Study of the Word in Urdu”. In Shahid Mahli (ed.) Prof. Masud Husain Khan: Naqaad aur Daanishwar. Delhi: Ghalib Institute. ISBN: 81-0172-036-9. 2012 Multilingualism and National Integration. In Mirza Asmer Beg and A.R. Kidwai (eds.) Perspectives on National Integration: A Trilingual Book. New Delhi: Viva Books. Pp. 34-46. ISBN: 978-81-309-2274-4 2013 Identity, Ambivalence and Politics of Literary canon: Towards Problematizing Rekhti. In S. Imtiaz Hasnain, Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta and Shailendra Mohan (eds.) Alternative Voices: (Re)searching Language, Culture, Identity Cambridge Scholars Publication, Cambridge Scholars Publication, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2XX, UK. ISBN (10): 1-4438-4716-X, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-4716-2. Prof. K.S.Mustafa: 2011 Qawaid (Grammar) A Chapter in ‘Urdu Style Manual’ CIIL, Mysore. In Urdu Style Manual. Mysore: CIIL. (pp. 39-77). ISBN-81-7342-082-3 Mr.Masood Ali Beg: 2011 Chapter on Urdu Standardization. (Co-authored with S. Imtiaz Hasnain). In Urdu Style Manual. Mysore: CIIL. (pp. 5-12). ISBN-81-7342-082-3 2012, Urdu Script: An Appraisal (Co-authored with A. R. Fatihi) In S. Imtiaz Hasnain, Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta and Shailendra Mohan (eds.) Alternative Voices: (Re)searching Language, Culture, Identity ... Cambridge Scholars Publication, Cambridge Scholars Publication, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2XX, UK. ISBN (10): 1-4438-4716-X, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-4716 Edited Books: 02 Prof. S. Imtiaz Hasnain: Hasnain, S. I. & S. Choudhury.(ed). 2010. Problematizing Language Studies: Theoretical, Cultural and Applied Perspectives. New Delhi: Aakar Publication. ISBN: 978-93-5002-084-5 Hasnain, S. I., S. Bagga & S. Mohan (eds). 2013. Alternative Voices: (Re) Searching Language, Culture Identity. New Castle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publication. NE6 2XX, UK. ISBN (10): 1-4438-4716- X: 978-1-4438-4716-2 Books with ISBN with details of publishers: 12 Fatihi, A. R. (2013). Urdu Fiction: Lisani Tannavo-Binaiya Aur Mauziniyat. Department of Linguistics. ISBN-978-81-907503-2-5. Fatihi, A. R. 2013. Lafz Sazi. NCPUL. ISBN-978-81-7587-870-9. Fatihi, A. R. 2013. Urdu Lisaniyat NCPUL. ISBN. 978-817587-8679. Hasnain, S. I. & S. Choudhury.(ed). 2010. Problematizing Language Studies: Theoretical, Cultural and Applied Perspectives. New Delhi: Aakar Publication. ISBN: 978-93-5002-084-5 Hasnain, S. I., S. Bagga & S. Mohan (eds). 2013. Alternative Voices: (Re) Searching Language, Culture Identity. New Castle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publication. NE6 2XX, UK. ISBN (10): 1-4438-4716-X: 978-1-4438- 4716-2 Surti, S. A. A. (2012) Bhopal Urdu Phonology. Bharat Sarak Foundation, New Delhi, ISBN 978-81-924792-31. Surti, S. A. A. (2012) A Concise Lexicon of Standard Urdu-Bhopal Urdu . Skyline Aligarh Muslim University Page 320 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Publishers, New Friends Colony, New Delhi, ISBN 978-81-903136-8-1. Hameed, S. (2013). Explanatory Phonology: Principles and Applications. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-978-3-659-45596-4 Khan, A. A. (2013) Urdu Language Testing: A Critical Study. Indian Institute of Language Studies ISBN 81-86323-42-2. Vishnu,Pallav,2012 “Socio-descriptive study of the Dialects of Western Hindi” Bahri publications, New Delhi,ISBN NO.978-81-909771-5-9 Vishnu,Pallav,2013 “Paschimi Hindi Ki Boliyon Ka Lok Sahitya:Ek Sankalan” Bahri publications, New Delhi,ISBN NO.978-938-346-900-0 Vishnu,Pallav,2013 “Sociolinguistics:A Chronological Study” (Co-authored with Dr.G.D.Wanode) Shabnam Pustak Mahal,Cuttack,ISBN NO.81-7983-074-8. Number listed in International Database (For e.g Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database-International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): nil Citation Index –range/average: SNIP: ---- SJR: ---- Impact Factor-range/average: ---- h-index: ---- 24 Details of patents and income generated: Nil 25 Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 26 Faculty selected nationally/ internationally to visit other laboratories/ institutions/ Industries in India and abroad. The following faculty members have been visiting different institution in India from time to time: Prof. A.R.Fatihi Prof. S.Imtiaz Hasnain Prof. K.S.Mustafa Mr. Masood Ali Beg Dr. Shabana Hameed 27 Faculty serving in: National committees International committees Editorial Boards Any other (please specify) The following faculty members have been serving in national committees, editorial boards etc Prof. A.R.Fatihi Prof. S.Imtiaz Hasnain Prof. K.S.Mustafa 28 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC,ASC, Refresher/ Orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs): The Department has been conducting Workshops, Short term courses and other training programmes on theoretical and applied linguistics. These programmes have been beneficial for recharging the faculty. Also noted scholars of linguistics, on special invitation visit the Department and deliver lectures on themes which have been beneficial for the Faculties. 29 Student projects: Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter- departmental projects: Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration As part of Linguistics Field Methods, the M.A. IV Semester students do an in house project and submit a dissertation in partial fulfillment of the course. While working on such project they visit a new locale (in a distant state) and collect linguistic data on a new language; they analyses the data and submit a dissertation on this which is evaluated. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 321 of 690 with other university industry / institute: Nil 30 Awards/recognitions received at the national and international level by: Faculty : nil Doctoral/post doctoral fellows: nil Students: nil 31 Seminars / Conferences / Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Conference / Seminar: 06 Workshops: 03 A 5 day workshop on use of Statistics in Research for Research Scholars of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009. (February). National Seminar on World within Words, jointly organized by the Centre for Comparative Study of Indian Languages and Culture, AMU, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, and Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, New Delhi, February 2010. International Seminar on Language, Culture and Identity: Issues and Challenges, jointly organized by the Department of Linguistics, AMU, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, and Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, New Delhi, February 2010. International Seminar on Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Semantics, jointly organized by the Department of Linguistics, AMU, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, and Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, New Delhi, and Central Institute of Hindi, Agra, February, 2011. 3-day National Seminar on Structure of Contemporary Urdu and Tracing the Footsteps of Urdu, organized by the Department of Linguistics, AMU, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, and Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, New Delhi, National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, New Delhi and Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi, February, 2012. National Seminar-cum-workshop on Historical and Socio-Cultural Study of Culinary Terms in Indian Languages jointly organized by the Department of Linguistics, AMU, Aligarh and CIIL, Mysore held at AMU from Nov.25-26, 2010. Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Testing and Evaluation organized by the Regional Field Unit, Department of Linguistics, AMU, Aligarh in collaboration with National Testing Service, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore from Nov. 23-27, 2011. 7-day workshop on ILM-E-ZABAN B ZABAN-E-DIGAR organized by DRS-SAP, Phase-II Department of Linguistics, AMU, Aligarh from March, 20-26, 2011. 5-day Seminar-cum-Short Term Course in Semiotics organized by DRS-II of the Department of Linguistics, AMU, Aligarh, held in February, 2-6, 2013 at AMU, Aligarh. 3-day International Seminar on Pragmatics of Cross-Cultural Communication in a Multilingual Setting jointly organized by Department of Linguistics, AMU, Aligarh, CIIL, Mysore, held in September,14-16, 2013. at AMU, Aligarh. 32 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: The one that is followed by the University. 33 Students profile programme - wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass persantage Male Female Male Female Aligarh Muslim University Page 322 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports B.A.(Main) Linguistics * * * * * B.A.(Subsidary) Linguistics * * * * * M.A. (Linguistics) 59 07 08 100% 100% M.Phil/Ph.D (Linguistics) 10 03 05 100% 100% PGDLAMM 71 07 08 100% 100% PGD (Linguistics) 27 10 05 80% 80% 34 Diversity of students: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of Students from the same university % of Students from the same universities within the State % of Students from univ. outside the State % of Students from other countries B.A.(Main) Linguistics * * * * B.A.(Subsidary) Linguistics * * * * M.A. (Linguistics) 70% 50% 40% 10% M.Phil/Ph.D (Linguistics) 80% 50% 40% 10% PGDLAMM 90% 60% 40% Nil PGD (Linguistics) 100% 60% 40% Nil *Refer to Dean, Faculty of Arts. 35 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defense Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category- wise. We do not have information whether any student has qualified for competitive exams such as civil services, defense services, GATE etc. because students after finishing off their studies do not keep contact with the department. However, during the last two years at least 8 of our students have qualified for NET. 36 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 40% PG to M.Phil 10% PG to Ph.D 90% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral nil Employed Campus Selection Other than campus recruitment 90% Entrepreneurs 10% 37 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 60% from other universities within the State Nil from universities from other State 40% from universities outside the country Nil 38 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc., and D.Litt. during the assessment period: Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 323 of 690 39 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to: Library : The departmental library is housed in fairly spacious room with adequate furniture and other Infrastructural facilities. Currently there are approximately four thousand titles in the library. Departmental library has been modernized and it can be networked with AMU LibNet. Internet facilities for staff and students: The department has the facility of Wifi net. The staff and students inside the department and in the vicinity of department can get access to net. Total number of class rooms: Unfortunately, the department does not have any classroom. For B.A. Students classroom is allotted by the Dean, Faculty of Arts. The classes of Postgraduate and research students are managed in the respective office room of the faculty members. Class rooms with ICT facility: The department does not have ICT facility classrooms. But recently a smart classroom has been established with all the required facilities. This however is not being used as a regular classroom. Students’ laboratories: The Smart class room has facilities to be used as a lab. Among other things, this has around 20 Desktops with multimedia support and high speed internet connection. This class room is also equipped with a plasma television attached to a close circuit camera for recording and screening recorded short movies and clippings. It is also equipped with softwares such as PRAAT and Wave surfer required for language analysis. Research laboratories: The lab described above also functions as a Research Laboratory. 40 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates: Form the host institution / university: The Department does not have any post doctoral fellows nor Research Associates. But we have a number of doctoral students. Their list is as follow: List of Ph.D students. S.No. Name of Students 1. Ms. Sheeba Aziz 2. Ms. Samreen Fakhar 3. Ms. Khushbu Kumari 4. Mr. Mohsin Khan 5. Mr. Vivek Kumar 6. Mr. Bilal Tasleem 7. Ms. Shemyela Usmani 8. Mr. Ramanjaney Kumar Upadhyay Aligarh Muslim University Page 324 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 9. Ms. Nazia Saleem Ansari 10. Mr. Mahboob Zahid 11. Ms. Juhi Yasmeen 12. Mr. Faijul Haque 13. Mr. Meraj Ahmed 14. Mr. Md. Israr Ansari 15. Ms. Adeeba Zaidi 16. Mr. Farooq Ahmad Mir 17. Mr. Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi 18. Ms. Rabia Nasir 19. Ms. Farha 20. Ms. Farha Jawed 21. Ms. Mariam Farhad 22. Ms. Marzieh Bashirpour 23. Ms. Nadia Mohammad Form other Institutions / Universities: 07 41 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university: The University does not offer any financial assistance to postgraduate students. It however has a provision of merit scholarship to one student each from M.A. Ist year and M.A. IInd year. These students are selected on the basis of a departmental test. 42 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme (s)? If so, highlight the methodology. No need assessment exercise was undertaken 43 Does the department obtain feedback from: Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? No objective study of feedback from the faculty is undertaken-neither on staff and curriculum nor on teaching-learning evaluation. The students are encouraged to give vent to their ideas on the above issues from time to time. If found appropriate,some of the suggestions are implemented to the extent possible. Alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? No objective study of feedback from the alumni and employers is undertaken on the programmes offered. However on the basis of verbal feedback from the alumni and their reports on job opportunities, curriculum etc are reviewed from time to time. 44 List the distinguished alumni of the Department (maximum10): Prof. Mirza Khalil A. Beg ( Was a distinguished Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Linguistics, AMU) Prof. Iqtidar H. Khan (Was a distinguished Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Linguistics, AMU) Prof. Nazir A. Dar ( Was a Chairman, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar) Dr. Suhail Farooqi (A writer and translator; has been an Associate Professor in Dept. of Urdu, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi) Dr. Syeda Imrana ( Migrated to USA and has been Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 325 of 690 there engaging herself academically) Dr. Ekhtiyar Ali ( Migrated to USA and works at Michigan University as Director of South-Asian Languages Programme) Dr. Aejaz Sheik ( Has been an Associate Professor at Dept. of Linguistics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar) Prof. Naseer A. Khan ( Retired as Professor, Dept. of Urdu, JNU, New Delhi) Prof. Nazir Ahmad Malik ( Was Chairman, Dept. of Urdu, University of Kashmir, Srinagar and now retired) 45 Give details of students enrichment progrmmes (special lectures/workshops/seminar) involving externa experts. Scholars are invited from time to time to deliver lectures on current topics and latest trends in Research in Linguistics. Some of the experts in key areas who visited the Department and delivered lectures in last few years are: Prof. A.K.Sinha (Retd.), Delhi University, Prof. Sunil Sinha of Kolhan University, Prof. Sohnu Ram Sharma (Retd.) of Deccan College, Pune. Prof. R.C. Sharma, Delhi University, Prof. Pradeep Kumar Das, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Dr. Ashraf Bhat, IIT, Delhi etc. Short-term courses,Workshops and Seminars are also organized students which facilitate enrichment and enhance their academic exposure. 46 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes: For all the programmes the methods that are used are mostly deductive methods. These methods may approximately be labelled as follows: Lecture-cum-demonstration method. Depending upon the topic power point presentation method. The field linguistics mostly involves the analysis and interpretation of the linguistic data. Therefore the method adopted here can be labeled as do and understand method. Depending upon the situation a mixture of all the methods viz., eclectic method is used. 47 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and, earning outcomes are monitored? As per the guidelines of the university the department conducts sessional tests and terminal examinations. Besides the above the students in each programme are given class tests, orals tests, class room interactions, home work, assignments, etc. Sometimes students in a group or individually are asked to write assignments, brief dissertations etc on a particular theme and present them in the seminar. Students especially at the research level are asked to write research papers and present them before a larger audience. These are some of the ways through which the department meets the objectives of a programme and monitors the outcomes of different academic Aligarh Muslim University Page 326 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports exercises. 48 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities: Before the commencement of a semester the University draws the schedule of admissions and examinations; working days in each semester are fixed; the department has to follow this schedule; in view of this not much time is left out for extension activities. Notwithstanding the tight schedule as given above, the department takes the M.A. III Semester. Students to some new area and they are exposed to a new dialect; they are asked work in group there; the faculty too participates in this activity. Depending upon the available time students are encouraged to participate in various socio-cultural programmes organized in the Universities; they are also encouraged to participate in debating competitions, quizzes that are organized on the campus and outside campus. List of Participants who participated in field trip to collect Language data at Lucknow in the current session. Dr. Samina A.A.Surti (Assistant Professor) Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan (Assistant Professor) Names of Students: Mr. Mohd. Imran Khan Ms. Saba Parween Ms. Ifra Aziz Ms. Chandni Usmani Ms. Zeenat Parween Mr. Mohd. Hilal Ms. Zainab Khan Mr. Noman Tahir Ms. Shehla Masroor Ms. Tripti Singh Mr. Gufran Khan Mr. Zain Mohammad Sulaiman Mr. Harshid Ali Ms. Maryam Ahmad Usmani Mr. Tauqeer Ahmad Mr. Wissarut Nathong Ms. Soraya Pandit Mr. Mahanuree Sa-Ou Mr. Bashar Jadallah Eyadeh Al- Masarweh 49 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department: The students are encouraged to study beyond the syllabus scholarly books and articles. Similarly they are encouraged to write scholarly articles, papers, reports etc on the current issues. As mentioned in the above column they are encouraged to participate in debating competitions, quizzes, skits etc held on the campus. In view of the limitations of time these are the least activities that students are encouraged to do and participate. 50 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 327 of 690 agencies? If yes, give details: 51 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied: The Department since its inception has an unwritten mandate to work on Urdu language and linguistics. Therefore the work that got generated in the department on Urdu language and linguistics is authentic and innovative. The research that has generated on Urdu language and linguistics can be divided into three areas- one related to the origin and development of Urdu; second- its structural aspects and third- its sociolinguistic context. Apart from this, Urdu language has also been looked into from stylistic point of view; some work has been done with regard to translation and a few monographs have been published from the viewpoint of contrastive linguistic on Urdu language. Some of the seminars workshops, symposia etc that are organized from time to time also exclusively focus on Urdu linguistics. Even though the focus in the department is on Urdu linguistics other areas are not neglected. Thus the department undertook projects on tribal linguistics, sociolinguistics, language teaching etc. Some of our doctoral research students hail from Middle Eastern countries. By way of working on the Arabic and English language situation in their respective countries they have generated a new set of knowledge with respect to Arabic and English language teaching. A few of our Indian students have worked on topics dealing with Hindi language and linguistics; some have worked on dialects such as Bhojpuri, Awadhi, Mewati, Braj etc. Thus the department has strived to bring out research on unexplored and virgin areas and generate new knowledge in the subject. 52 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department: Five major strengths of the Department: The Department of Linguistics, AMU, is the only department in the country which takes up issues on Urdu language and linguistics. The Faculty consists of highly qualified, renowned linguists, who are visible in their respective areas at national and international levels. In teaching and research high standards are maintained and academically our students are getting into prestigious institutions. The department has a good smart class room-cum- laboratory equipped with computers and other required electronic gadgets which are highly useful in language/linguistics research. Aligarh Muslim University Page 328 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports The scholarly contribution made by the department was recognized by UGC and the latter awarded special Assistance Programme (SAP) to the department. Weaknesses: The department is lacking in infra-structural facilities. We do not have classrooms and sufficient number of office –rooms for the teaching faculty. At least two senior level teaching positions have been lying vacant since many years. Despite our best efforts a good number of our students are not getting into research programmes in prestigious institutions like IITS. Again despite our best efforts a good number of our students are not qualifying for national level tests such as NET, JRF etc. The department does not have sufficient secretarial staff. We also do not have a senior level staff in the office. There is need to strengthen the department in this direction. Opportunities: The department is seeking to make interfaces with other similar national and international institution so that interdisciplinary research can be carried out. One such interface in the form of an MoU was made with Centre for the Development of Advance Computing, Noida . The individual faculty members of the department are seeking to built academic bridges and interfaces with other institutions of repute. Thus the multi- University project viz.,with Prof. S.Imtiaz Hasnain as principle investigator and National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language’s Project ‘Urdu ke Ilaqai rup’ with Prof. A.R.Fatihi as principal investigator are a case in point. The department is seeking to be visible nationally and internationally by way of organizing national and international seminars, conferences etc. Thus many national events and at least two international events (mentioned in point no.30) are a case in point. The department is seeking to make forays in applied areas of linguistics. While doing so the department also takes into account market-driven areas. Therefore introducing a Master degree course in language of Advertising, Media and Market from session 2013-14 is a case in point. The department is also seeking to be more visible in the area of experimental linguistics. Therefore in the first opportune moment the department equipped itself with a laboratory-cum-smart class room. This has facilitated our students working in this area. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 329 of 690 Challenges: Even through the academic standards of the department are high,standards-wise the department is not comparable to institutions like IITS, IIITS etc. Therefore to elevate the academic standards at the department is a major challenge. Linked with the above point is that the number of NET, SET and other competitive exams is very meagre. Therefore to enhance the number of qualifiers of these tests/exams is also a major challenge. Due to onslaught of globalization, explosion in web technology our lesser known languages- tribal languages and minority languages are at the receiving end. The department had proposed the establishment of a Centre for endangered languages. Despite our best efforts we have not succeeded in this. Therefore getting a Centre for the purpose has been a major challenge for us. Natural language processing or computational linguistics is an area with a wide scope. Its growth has been enormous in the past two decades. However our department has not been able to catch up in the area. Therefore our challenge is to have this area in a big way in our curriculum and to develop this as a special area of study in the department. Similarly experimental linguistics is also a growing area and hold slot of scope for the future. Except for a few minor items nothing substantial is available in the department. To develop this area in the department is a challenge for us. 53 Future plans of the department: Well, in the current report we have described the present status of department and also hinted here and there at the requirements. Taking a cue from this we may elaborate the lines which we want our department to grow on. They are as follows: Centre for the study of Endangered Languages: We have already proposed this and our proposal is with the University authorities. We will strive to get the proposal accepted and approved by the AMU and the UGC. Language Resource Centre: The department currently does not have any facility for the documentation of Indian Languages and their changing trends. Therefore we need a Language Resources Centre for the purpose. NLP Lab: As pointed out above the department currently does not have NLP as a subject/Specialization due to various reason. We have proposed to have this subject as part of our Aligarh Muslim University Page 330 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports curriculum from session 2013-14. Therefore we would like have NLP for this purpose. Lab for experimental Linguistics: The department at present is not equipped with technology that is useful in experimental linguistics/phonetics. We require such a lab and plan to have one. Now courses: Translation is gradually growing as a globally important area. Linguistics as a discipline has a lot to contribute to translation. Therefore in future the department proposes to start a full-fledged master degree programme in translation. Similarly we propose to launch a master degree programme in Applied Linguistics too. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution: sd/- (Name of the Chairman) with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: 21.12.2013 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 331 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Modern Indian Languages 2 Year of establishment 1984 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of Arts 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) Subject Programmes Offered Programmes during the period Bengali MA, BA (Honors), PhD, Certificate, Diploma MA, BA (Honors), PhD Certificate, Diploma Malayala m MA, BA (Honors), PhD, Certificate, Diploma MA, BA (Honors), PhD, Certificate, Diploma Tamil MA, BA (Honors), PhD, Certificate, Diploma PhD, Certificate, Diploma Telugu MA, BA (Honors), PhD, Certificate, Diploma PhD Certificate, Diploma Kashmiri BA( Honors), Certificate, Diploma BA( Honors) , Certificate, Diploma Punjabi BA, PhD, Certificate, Diploma PhD, Certificate, Diploma Marathi Certificate, Diploma Nil 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved In MA. Bengali and M.A. Malayalam courses one additional language paper is offered . In Research, Inter Disciplinary programmes on language and Literature are allowed 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/Choice Based Credit System Semester System in UG, PG Courses Annual System in Certificate & Diploma Courses 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Taught Papers in the Programmes of Department of Linguistics 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Aligarh Muslim University Page 332 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Professor 1 1 4 Associate Professors 0 0 1 Asst. Professors 6 4 2 Others 2 2 2 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and esearch under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Design- ation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Shaik Mastan M.A. (Telugu) M.A. (Linguistic) Ph.D (Telugu) Professo r Muslim Telugu Literature Telugu Modern Poetry Comparative literature 34 years 01 Prof. T.B. Chakrabort y, Retired M.A. (Bengali), Ph.D (Bengali), D. Litt. Professo r Folklore 28 years 01 Prof. T.N. Satheesan M.A. (Malayalam) M.A. (Sanskrit) Ph.D (Malayalam) Professo r Modern Malayalam Literature 25 years 04 Prof. D. Murthy M.A. (Tamil), Ph.D (Tamil) Professo r Sociology of literature Comparative literature TeachingTamil to non-Tamil 24 years 3 Prof. A. Nujum M.A (Malayalam) PhD (Malayalam) Professo r Criticism, Folklore, Poetry. 18 years 01 Dr. Krantipal M.A. (Punjabi), M.A. (Hindi), Ph.D (Punjabi) Asso.Pr ofessor Punjabi Language literature and culture 15 years 01 Dr.M.A.Zar gar M.A. (Kashmiri) PhD Assi: Professo r Kashmiri Literature 14years 01 Dr. Mijanur M.A. Assi: Pre -Modern 11 years Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 333 of 690 Rahman (Bengali) Ph.D (Bengali) Professo r Bengali Literature. Dr. Saiful Islam MA, (Bengali) PhD Guest Faculty Bangali Novel and Short Story 07 years Nil Dr.Amina Kahtoon MA (Bengali) PhD Guest Faculty Bengali Literature 01year Nil 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information Prgramme 2009- 10 2010-11 2011- 12 2012- 13 Bengali programs 66% 66% 66% 66% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio Prgramme 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Bengali 25:1 27:1 26:1 29:1 Malayalam 2:1 3:1 8:1 8:1 Telugu 8:1 10:1 11:1 4:1 Panjabi 6:1 11:1 8:1 1:1 Tamil 4:1 0:1 2:1 5:1 Marathi 0:1 nil Nil Nil Kashmiri 5:1 7:11 15:1 15:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: Sanctioned, filled and actual.One LDC, One Attendant, One Daily Wager 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Folkloreand literature Agriculture and literature 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Two Name of the faculty Funded by Project title Amount Prof. A. Nujum UGC The lore and local knowledge of Water in Kerala A study based on Kuttanadu and kerala 6,27300 Dr. Kranti Pal UGC Farmers life in Malwai Panjabi Novels 4,50000 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration International collaboration Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 334 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition national recognition international recognition Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals National=18 International-NIL Monographs Chapters in Books=5 Edited Books =4 Books with ISBN with details of publishers=14 Prof. TN Satheesan 02 (ISBN 9788182652873, 9788192347677) Prof. D Murthy 01 (1SBN8189867180) Prof. A. Njum 03(ISBN 8176367134, 8176369341, 9788192856903) Dr. Krantipal=03 (ISBN 978817116609, 9788171166220, 9788123769486) Dr. Mijanur 03, (ISBN-8197273917, 8197273909, 8197273992, 87273-90-4) Dr. Saiful Islam = 01(ISBN9788192367521 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average SNIP SJR Impact Factor – range / average h-index 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad NIl 26 Faculty serving in National committees International committees Editorial Boards=2 any other (please specify) Teachers have translated books/ works to other Indian languages. Prof. T.N. Satheesan 01 (from Hindito Malayalam) Prof.A.Nujum 01 (from Hindi to Malayalam) Dr. Krantipal=04 (from Hnidi to Punjabi) Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 335 of 690 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). 9 PROGRAMMES 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter- departmental projects percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities / industry / institute Nil Nil Nil 29 Awards / recognitions received at the national and international level by 5 Faculty Prof. T.N. Satheesan Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Students National Prof. T. B. Chakroborty = 4 (Retired) 01 Nil 30 Seminars / Conferences / Workshops organized and the source of funding (national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Year Title Funded by 2010 National seminar on Urdu Influence on Telugu & Vice- Versa. AMU Aligarh & CIIL, MYSORE 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments At present faculty members are pursuing at individual level. Committee of ethics of Research has been formed for the future Chairman Prof. Shaik Mastan Prof. T.N. Satheesan Prof. D. Murthy Prof. A. Nujum Dr. Krantipal Dr. M.A. Zargar 32 Student profile programme- wise: MA Bengali Applications received Students admitted Male Female Male Female 2009-10 26 8 7 1 100 100 2010-11 30 8 6 2 100 100 2011-12 23 5 3 2 100 100 2012-13 31 5 4 1 2013-14 30 6 4 2 MA Malayalam 2009-10 Nil 2010-11 Nil 2011-12 05 1 1 100 100 2012-13 09 4 2 2 2013-14 10 4 2 2 PhD Malayalam Aligarh Muslim University Page 336 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports PhD Panjabi PhD Tamil 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from universities outside the State % of students from other countries UG Nil 100% NIL MA Nil 100% NIL M.Phil Nil - NIL NIL PhD Nil 100% NIL 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. 2009- 10 2010- 11 2011- 12 2012- 13 Total NET/ JRF 1 4 2 07 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG NIL PG to M.Phil. NIL PG to Ph.D. NIL Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NIL Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment 02 02 Entrepreneurs NIL 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university NIL from other universities within the State NIL from universities from other States 100% from universities outside the country NIL 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period ONE (Mrs. Amina Khatoon-Guest Faculty-PhD) 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library :The books of Sminar library of the Department are related to different Indian languages. No library assistant or librarian has been appointed so far. The concerned teachers of the language subjects are keeping and issuing the books under their custody. The approximate No.of Books in each language is as follows Bengali 1100 Kashmiri 2300 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 337 of 690 Malayalam 5200 Marathi 1200 Punjabi 1500 Tamil 2400 Telugu 1400 Total 15100 Internet facilities for staff and students YES Total number of class rooms TWO Class rooms with ICT facility NIL Students’ laboratories NIL Research laboratories NIL 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates (From session / Year 2009 onwards) No Name of Doctoral students Subject Research guide 1. Sheeja K P Malayalam Prof. TN Satheesan 2. Arsheed Ahmed malik Comparative study Prof. TN Satheesan 3. Muhammed Shafeeq Malayalam Prof. TN Satheesan 4. Bijesh U Malayalam Prof. TN Satheesan 5. Abinsha M.U Malayalam Prof. Nujum. A 6. Ms. Jasvir Kaur Panjabi Dr. Kranti Pal 7. Dinesh.D Tamil Prof.. D Murthy 8. RajKumar.M Tamil Prof. D Murthy 9 Kannan. R Tamil Prof. D Murthy 10. Manzoor Ahmed Najar Comparative study Dr. MA Zargar 11. Pathan Kasim Khan Telugu Prof.Shaik Mstan 41 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. Four 42 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. The BoS will discuss and give approval for introduction of any new Course. 43 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? NO students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? NIL 44 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) No Name Designation Career Subject 1 Dr. Umar Associate Professor Teaching.Writer Malayal Aligarh Muslim University Page 338 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Tharamal Calicut University and Critic am 2 Dr. Elizabath Thomas Associate Professor MarThoma college, Chungathara Teaching. Feminist Writer& critic Malayal am 3 Dr. T.S. Joy Editor, Malayalam Lexicon, Kerala University Writer Malayal am 4 Dr. Chenchiah Associate Professor, National College, Nandyal, AP Teaching. Critic Telugu 5 Dr. Pathan Kasim Khan Principal, Triveni College, Vijayawada, AP Teaching. Critic Telugu 6 Dr. Mhd. Abdul Faiz Malik Associate Professor Assam Teaching. Critic Bengali 7 Dr. Shaik Nazrul Islam Associate Professor West Bangal Teaching. Critic Bengali 8 Dr. Goutham Mukharji Associate Professor Jharkhand Teaching. Bengali 9 Dr. N.Chandra Sekharan Associate Professor JNU Delhi Department of Tamil Writer Teaching. Tamil 10 Dr. P Tamil Selvan Associate Professor Govt. College, Chennai Critic Teaching. Tamil 45 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. -- 46 Special Lectures by internal & external experts in different languages for faculty members and students: Discussion forum for students to express their ideas and present papers on different topics 47 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Lecturing Assignments Class seminars Discussions Interactive sessions 48 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? No such mechanism available 49 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Drama club, Hobby work shop activities Participation in film festivals campus enrichment activities Participation in seminars, conferences 50 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Assignments and student seminar presentations 51 State whether the programme / department is accredited / Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 339 of 690 graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. 52 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Departmental publications Translation works Translating works from Hindi into Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali etc. Literary Studies& Special lectures programmes Criticism, Folklore Adjudication of thesis sent by different Universities. Paper presentations in Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Panjabi and Kashmiri Lectures of Eminent Scholars on Language , Literature and Culture 53 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strengths: The Department is providing the programmes in Seven Indian Languages In structure wise it is the largest Department having more than 32 offered courses More than 20 running courses The Department promotes National Integration Faculty members and students belong to different states of India states Weaknesses: Deficiency of Faculty members. 6 among 7 disciplines are having one teacher each. To run offered /running programme is difficult. No sufficient accommodation for Teachers as well as seminar library. Department couldn’t fill the vacant posts for years Poor infrastructural facilities Lack of language lab Lack of library facilities. No semi Professional for library Opportunities: Department can promote Bilingual activities among Indian states Inter State/language Cultural Experiments Can produce experts of translators among Indian languages Department is having the probability to become Inter National/national Research Center. Department can provide Inter Disciplinary Programmes in view of global needs. Challenges: Though M.A Corses are introduced adequate staff is not Provided. It is very difficult to run the courses without proper staff. With out any library assistant it is difficult to manage the seminar library, consists of seven languages. 54 Future plans of the department. To provide PG, UG and PhD in all subjects To flourish with teaching and Non teaching faculties To attract students from all over the Country, by providing modern Facilities like Language lab, Language Studio, digital Seminar library etc. Aligarh Muslim University Page 340 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports To develop the department as an ideal role model of Research and study Centre for Indian Languages with the perspective of National Integration. To attract Foreign students for Indian Languages, like Foreign Universities. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. (Approved by the Board of Studies Meeting Held on 23.12.2013) I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd/--Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: MODERN INDIAN LANGUAGES Date: 26.12.2013 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 341 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Persian 2 Year of establishment 1920 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG, PG, Ph.D., Post M.A. Diploma in Modern Persian, (Translation & Interpretation) Certificate & Diploma of Proficiency in Persian Language. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/C hoice Based Credit System Annual/Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Department of Theology Ph.D Students of the Department of History and Urdu often approach the teachers of the Department to consult the source material. 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors/others) Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) 2+1 (One CAS) Professor 02 01 2(One in Cadre) Associate Professors 01 Selection in the Process 03 (CAS) Asst. Professors 06 04 One Others - - 3 Guest Faculty 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi -cation Design- ation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years * Prof. Azarmi Dhukht Safavi, (Retired in August 2011) M.A. Ph.D Professor Classical Persian, Indo Persian, Modern Persian etc. 37 3 Prof. M. Asif Naim Siddiqi M.A. Ph.D Professor Classical Persian, Indo Since1979 34 years 3 Aligarh Muslim University Page 342 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Persian, Modern Persian Prof. S.N. Ansari, (Retired in 2013) Professor ,, 20 - Dr. S.M. Ashgar Associate Professor ,, 23 1 Dr. Rana Khurshid Associate Professor ,, 16 1 Dr. S.M. Asad Ali Khurshid Associate Professor ,, 16 2 Dr. M. Usman Ghani Assistant Professor ,, 08 2 Dr. Mohd. Qaiser Ph.D Guest Faculty ,, 03 - Dr. Fozia Waheed Ph.D Guest Faculty ,, 01 - Mr. Mohd. Qamar Alam - Guest Faculty ,, 02 - 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors : Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: B.A. I, II, III : 40% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio : 15:8 (Teaching & Research) 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual 2 Administrative Staff 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Classical Persian, Indo – Persian, Modern Persian 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise.: One UGC Major Research project, completed (April, 2008 to March, 2011), P/I Professor M. Asif Naim Siddiqi 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration: International collaboration: Nil Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; Total grants received. : Nil 20 Research facility / centre with: state recognition: national recognition: Yes Yes Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 343 of 690 international recognition: Yes 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies: Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/international) Paper: 30 Monographs : Nil Chapters in Books: Encyclopedia Iranica, New York, Article by Prof. M. Asif Naim Siddiqi. Edited Books: 6 (Six) by Prof. Azarmi Dhukht Safavi, Diwan of Naziri Neshapuri (Ready for the Press) by Prof. M. Asif Naim Siddiqi. Books with ISBN with details of publishers: 04 by Prof. Azarmi Dhukht Safavi 02 By Prof. M. Asif Naim Siddiqi. (published by NCPUL New Delhi– 02, Dr. Rana Khursheed : 01, Publisher Self, Dr. S.M. Asad Ali Khursheed : 01, Publisher ICHR New Delhi, Dr. Mohd. Usman Ghani 02, Publisher Arshia, New Delhi Citation Index – range/average: One of Prof. M. Asif Naim Siddiqi by Alexander Morrison in the book SNIP SJR Impact Factor – range / average h-index 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad National committees: 02 International committees : Nil Editorial Boards:01 (Dr. S.M.Asad Ali Khursheed any other (please specify) : Nil 26 Faculty serving in 27 Faculty recharging strategies (Refresher Cours/ Orientation Programs Under Academic Staff College, Workshops, training programs and similar programs). Refresher Cours/ Orientation Programs Under Academic Staff College, Workshops 28 Student projects: Nil percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter- departmental projects: percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/ institute: Nil Nil 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty : One (Dr. S.M. Asad Ali Khurshid) Doctoral / post doctoral fellows : Nil Students : Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 344 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. 02 International Seminar Organized out standing Participants as S.R. Faruqi and Prof. Ibrahim Abbasi of Iran Participated. Funding agency: University and NCPUL 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments : As per University norms 32 Student profile programme- wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage UG 15x3 = 45+20 = 75 Male -√ 45 Female (Information to be got froms Women’s College, AMU Male 100% Femal e PG 15+15 = 30 10 14 100% Ph.D 21 13 8 100% Post MA Diploma in Modern Persian (Translation & Interpretation) 10 - Certificate of Language Proficiency in Persian 5+5=10 10 - 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from universities outside the State % of students from other countries UG 50 30 50% with in 30% - PG 50 30 20 - Post MA Diploma 50 30 ,, - Ph.D 80% 10% 10% One from Iran 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. -- 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 100% Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 345 of 690 PG to M.Phil. - PG to Ph.D. 50% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Nil Entrepreneurs Nil 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 100% from other universities within the State - from universities from other States - from universities outside the country - 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period : Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library : Seminar Library Internet facilities for staff and students : yes Total number of class rooms : Nil Class rooms with ICT facility : Nil Students’ laboratories : Nil Research laboratories : Nil 39 List of doctoral: from the host institution/university : 06 from other institutions/universities : 02 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. One PG Merit scholarship, and 4 JRF, 3 Moulana Azad, 14 U.G.C. Scholarship 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology.: On the Recommendation of BOS 42 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department Yes Through interaction Yes Through interaction Yes Through interaction Aligarh Muslim University Page 346 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports utilize the feedback? 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) : Prof. Zia Ahmad Badauni, Prominent Teacher and Researcher Prof. Nabi Hadi, Recipient of Certificate of Honour Presented by the President of India Prof. Waris Kirmani, Recipient of Certificate of Honour Presented by the President of India Prof. Samiuddin Ahmad, Recipient of Certificate of Honour Presented by the President of India Prof. Kabir Ahmad Jaisi, Recipient of Certificate of Honour Presented by the President of India Prof. Azami Dukht Safavi, Recipient of Certificate of Honour Presented by the President of India Prof. S.M. Tariq, Recipient of Certificate of Honour Presented by the President of India Prof. Maria Bilquis, Recipient of Certificate of Honour Presented by the President of India Prof. Munibur Rahman Sayed Hamid (Ex – Vice – Chancellor AMU, Aligarh) 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/seminar) involving external experts.: Seminar, Special Lecture 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. : Lectures & Lab 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored?: By internal assessment 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. -- 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department.: Participation in the conferences, Seminar 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. Nil 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Seminar, Lectures, Academic interaction Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 347 of 690 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strengths: Research Invited Lectures, Conference, Seminars, Lang. Lab, Weaknesses: Non availability of Books Published from the Islamic Republic of Iran 52 Future plans of the department. For a through and well directed research programme pertaing to Persian Studies in India, creation of a research cell with the following aims and objectives is the need of the hour Aims and objectives Research programmes 1; Critical Editions of the MSS related to Indian History, Culture and Indo-Persian Literature. 2: Study of Indian Religions 3: Study of Indian art and painting 4; Study of Medieval Indian Culture as an age of innovation and renaissance 5: Study of Indian Architecture and its brilliant qualities 6: Study of the contribution of India to astronomy and medieval Indian Medical Science. Publication programme Publishing the rare texts like Masir-e Rahimi, Mathirul Umara ,Akbar Nameh, etc with notes and annotations. 2: Publication of Diwans, Tazkeraz , Dictionaries etc 3: Publication of Encyclopedia of Indo Persian Literature and culture. 4: Publication of Bilingual Journal of the Department Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd--/ Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: 22/01/2014 Aligarh Muslim University Page 348 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Philosophy 2 Year of establishment 1956 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of the University 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/Choice Based Credit System: Annual/ Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Z.H. Engineering College 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 02 01 01 Associate Professors 03 00 05 Asst. Professors 09 07 02 Others: Guest Faculties number 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specializati on No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Jalalul Haq MA PhD Professor Western Philosophy 36 Years 02 Dr. Roshan Ara -Do- Associate Professor Cont. Western Philosophy 36 Years 04 Mr.Mohammad Muqim MA Associate Professor Philosophy of 36 Years 03 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 349 of 690 Language Dr. Sanaullah Mir MA PhD Associate Professor Analytic Philosophy, Sufism, Existentiali sm 29 Years 02 Dr. Tariq Islam BA(Hons) PhD Associate Professor Political Philosophy 26 years 04 Dr. Latif Hussain S. Kazmi MA PhD Associate Professor Islamic Philosophy, Aesthetics, Existentiali sm 23 Years 03 Dr. Preeti Sayeed MA PhD Assistant Professor Cont. Western Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, Postmodern Philosophy 22 Years 03 Dr. Naushaba Anjum MA PhD Assistant Professor Western Philosophy, Logic 09 Years 03 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors: Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: Nil 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio B.A. 1:50 M.A. 1:03 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned 04, filled 04 and actual 04 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Islamic Philosophy 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national 01 (b) international funding agencies Nil and (c) Total grants received Rs. 1,50,000/- Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise: Indian Council for Philosophical Research, New Delhi, Political Islam: Its Philosophy and Ramifications, Rs. 1,50,000/- 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: National collaboration International collaboration Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 350 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received: 20 Research facility / centre with: state recognition national recognition international recognition Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies: Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/international) Monographs Chapters In Books Edited Books Books with ISBN with details of publishers Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): Citation Index – range / average: SNIP SJR Impact Factor – range / average h-index Thirty One (31) Two (2) Four (04) Three (03) Nil Nil Nil 23 Details of patents and income generated: Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad: Nil 26 Faculty serving in: National committees International committees Editorial Boards Any Other (Please Specify) Nil Nil Nil Nil 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs): Nil 28 Student Projects: Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 351 of 690 percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter- departmental projects percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities / industry / institute 29 Awards/recognitions received at the national and international level by: Faculty Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Students Nil 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any: Nil 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: A Continous Scrutiny With The Intention Of Monitoring Pligiarism 32 Student profile programme- wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female Ph.D. 38 04 06 M.Phil. 04 01 03 MA 278 34 34 100 100 BA 62 -- 100 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other univ. within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries PhD 70 30 MPhil 75 25 MA 86.76 2.94 10.29 NIL BA 25 NIL 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. Jakir Husain UGC Qualified NET 2012 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 86.76 PG to M.Phil. 4.4 PG to Ph.D. 14.7 Aligarh Muslim University Page 352 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NIL Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment NIL 10 Entrepreneurs NIL 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 75 from other universities within the State 12.5 from universities from other States nil from universities outside the country 12.5 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library Yes Internet facilities for staff and students Yes Total number of class rooms: Nil Class rooms with ICT facility Nil Students’ laboratories: NA Research laboratories: NA 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university: 01 from other institutions/universities: Nil 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university: 02 (Merit Scholarships of Rs. 150/- per month) 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology: Nil 42 Does the department obtain feedback from: faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10): Prof. Zafarul Hasan, Prof. Mm Sharief, Prof. Ummaruddin, Prof. Zafar Ahmad Siddiqui, Prof. Jamal Khwaja & Prof. Sa Shaida 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts: pecial Lectures Held 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes: Lectures 46 How does the department ensure that programme Through Informal Feedback From The Students Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 353 of 690 objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities: Faculty Through Educational Outreach, Voluntary Organisational Activities, Dissemination & Spreading Awareness Of Right To Information, Etc. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department: Attending Seminars / Conferences / Congresses / Symposia / Delivering Lectures 49 State whether the programme / department is accredited / graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. NA 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied: Published Works 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department: Strength: Since the establishment of the University in 1920 the Department is engaged in the pursuit of teaching and academic research in all areas of philosophy especially Muslim Philosophy. It has eighteen (18) books in Muslim Philosophy alone to its credit. More than 40 research scholars, including five from abroad, have been awarded Ph.D degrees on various issues of Muslim Philosophy, Western Philosophy, Indian Philosophy and others areas of philosophy. Presently, there are eighteen (18) research scholars enrolled in Ph.D. and M.Phil. The Department is also publishing an annual Aligarh Journal of Islamic Philosophy, which attracts scholars internationally. Weakness: Meager infra-structural resources Opportunity: To contribute more research work in all areas of philosophy Challenge: To produce high quality philosophical research work 52 Future plans of the department. To establish a Center (DSA) for Islamic Philosophy Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution: sd/- (Name of the Chairman) with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 354 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluation report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Sanskrit 2 Year of establishment 1920 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) Certificate and Diploma 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons No 8 Examination System: Annual/ Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: No 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned. Filled and actual (Professors/Associated Professors/ Asst. Professors/others) Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 1 1 Associate Professors 2 2 1 Asst. Professor 2 1 Other: Guest Faculty number 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance. Name Qualifi- cation Design- ation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./M.Phil./ students guided for the last 4 years Prof. S.D. Kaushik M.A., Ph.D. Professor Pali & Buddhism and Classical Sanskrit Literature 35 04 Ph.D. Dr. K.B.Y. Khan M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D Associate Professor Vedic Literature Comparative Religion & Philosophy 24 02 Ph.D. Dr. Rani Majumdar M.A. Ph.D. Associate Professor Vedic Literature 25 M.Phil=02 Ph.D.=3 Dr. Mohd. Sharif M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt. Associate Professor Sanskrit Literature and Philosophy 19 03 Ph.D. Dr. H.S. Ph.D. Assistant Classical Sanskrit 20 02 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 355 of 690 Acharya Professor Literature, Indian Philosophy Ph.D. 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty- programme-wise information Nil 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio 1:20 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: Sanctioned, filled and actually Professional Assistant, LD.C. (Admin.) & Office Attendant (Daily Wager) 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies Nil 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from Nil Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. national International Total grants received 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration International collaboration Nil 19 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received Nil 20 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP / CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc; total grants received. Nil 21 Research facility/ centre with State recognition National recognition International recognition Nil 22 Special research laboratories sponsored by/ created by industry of corporate bodies Nil 23 Publications:. Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national) / international): Monographs Chapters in Books Edited Books Books with ISBN details of publishers 01. Kalidasa ki kritiyon mein ratna varnana, Radha Publications, New Delhi, 10 Nos Aligarh Muslim University Page 356 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 2010, ISBN: 81-7487- 652-9. (Dr. Rani Majumdar, Associate Professor) Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database- International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index-range / average SNIP SJR Impact Factor-range / average H-index 24 Details of patents and income generated Nil 25 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 26 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / Industries in India and abroad Nil 27 Faculty of serving in National committees International Committees Editorial Boards Any other (please specify) -- 28 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). -- 29 Students projects Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter- departmental projects Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other university industry/institute Nil 30 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Students -- 31 Seminars/Conferences/Works Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 357 of 690 hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. 32 Code of ethics for research followed by the department: As per university norms 33 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? -- 34 Diversity of Staff Nil 35 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Lit. during the assessment period Nil 36 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library Internet facilities for staff and students Total number of class rooms Class rooms with ICT facility Student’s laboratories Research laboratories Yes Yes 01 Nil Nil Nil 37 List of doctoral, Post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution / university from other institutions / universities Nil 38 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. os 39 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme (s)? If so, highlight the methodology Nil 40 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Students on staff, curriculum No Aligarh Muslim University Page 358 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? 41 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Prof. Madan Mohan Agarwal, Ex. Dean & Chairman, Department Sanskrit, Delhi University, Delhi Late Prof. Mohd. Israel Khan(President Award winner), Prof. of Sanskrit, (South Campus), Delhi University Delhi Dr. Urmila, Joint Secretary, UGC, New Delhi Prof. Mohd. Khan Durrani, Ex. Deputy Director, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sanasthan, Janakpuri, New Delhi Mr. Narendra Kumar Pathak, Administrative Services, UP Government Prof. Babu Ram Yadav, Professor, Rajasthan University, Ajmer, Rajasthan Dr. Sobran Singh, Ex Head, D/o. Sanskrit, Jain College, Barot, Vice-President, Sanskrit Sansthan, Lucknow, U.P. Ms. Aditi Bhattacharya, Ex Head, D/o. Sanskrit, Meerut College, Meerut, U.P. 42 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar involving external experts. Nil 43 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different progammes. Text Book Reading, Explaining, Use of Balck- Board. 44 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Through positive feed backs from the students. 45 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Nil 46 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Extra classes for the needy students. 47 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 48 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. In order to generate new knowledge a paper of Scientific Literature and ecology was introduced in M.A. 49 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 359 of 690 and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Strengths: Research Work of the Department has been recognized at National & International level Weakness: Timely promotion of the teachers are not done, therefore there is a scarcity of teachers and many post are lying vacant No proper space for Seminar and sufficient rooms for teachers for UG & PG Classes There are no rooms for Computers No Separate Toilet for Staff Scarcity of Non-Teaching Staff Opportunities Collection of rare books Challenges Appointment of deserving teachers so that student can also understand the depth and importance of Sanskrit literature and language and fare well in future in building their future. 50 Future plans of the department It is now a universally accepted fact that Sanskrit Language is the most suitable language for Computer. It has been acknowledged even by the NASA scientists. Our Department will take steps in providing a well-equipped Computer Lab to the teachers and research scholars. It will help them in carrying on further intensive interdisciplinary research in various fields. The Department has a plan to introduce manuscriptology as a subject to be taught. It will also have major research project on the subject, Short term courses will also be introduced in future. Sanskrit education is incomplete without the knowledge of Pali and Prakrit. Therefore the Department will pay emphasis on the teaching of these languages. A large number of Jain and Buddhist texts in Sanskrit are still lying untouched in several libraries. These texts are to be traced and studied analytically. The Department will work in this regard. ‘Dharmarthakamamoksanamarogyammulamuttamam’ For any short of accomplishment, sound mental and separate it physical health is essential. The ensure healthy mind and body, Maharshi Patanjali enumerates principles. Our Department has plan to introduce special classes on yoga which will be based on Patnajali’s Yogasntra. Short term courses on simple spoken Sanskrit will be conducted through out the year. Teachers and students of any discipline can join this course. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution: sd/- (Name of the Chairman) with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 360 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Urdu 2 Year of establishment 1920 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of the Arts 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG, PG, M.Phil, Ph.D, Diploma and Certificate course 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Annual & Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Students of faculty of theology, social science, Science, life science, and commerce are taught Urdu at undergraduate level. 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 03 01 XI Plan 01 Non Plan 03 02 Vacant 11 Associate Professors 01 Vacant 09 Asst. Professors 12 02 XI Plan 01 Non Plan 09 06 Vacant 12 Others (Guest Faculty) 03 1- in deptt 2- in women’s College 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance: Faculty profile 12 Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specializati on No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Abul Kalam Qasmi M.A., Ph.D. Professor Literary Critisim, Comparativ e Lit. 37 04 Qazi Afzal Husain M.A., Ph.D. Professor Criticism 39 02 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 361 of 690 Mohammad Zahid M.A., Ph.D. Professor Urdu Prose, Poetry, Criticism 35 02 Aqeel Ahmad M.A., Ph.D. Professor Poem, Criticism 29 03 Syed Mohd. Hashim M.A., Ph.D. Professor Research Methodolog y & Criticism 30 03 Qazi Jamal Husain M.A., Ph.D. Professor Criticism 31 04 M.Saghir Beg Afrahim M.A., Ph.D. Professor Prem Chand, Fiction 25 05 Mohammad Tariq M.A., Ph.D. Professor Fiction 20 04 Zafar Ahmad M.A., Ph.D. Professor Classical Poetry 34 05 M.Quamrul Hooda Faridi M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor Dastan & Urdu Fiction 20 05 Shahabuddin M.A., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Urdu Prose, Non-Fiction & Research 25 04 Mehtab Haider Naqvi M.A., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Poetry 17 04 Imtiaz Ahmad M.A., M.Phil. Assistant Professor Urdu Criticism 18 -- Mohammad Khalid Saifullah M.A., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Fiction Criticism 16 04 Syed Sirajuddin Ajmali M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Poetry 16 03 Mohammad Ali Jauhar M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Urdu, Prose & poetry criticism 25 03 Seema Saghir M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Fiction, Comparativ e Studies 11 04 Rashid Anwar Ph.D. Assistant Professor Urdu Poetry 12 03 Sultan Ahmad M.A., M.Phil. Ph.D. Assistant Professor Maulana Azad Urdu Poetry 14 -- Muhammad Sharique Ph.D. Guest Faculty -- 02 -- 13 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors. Following is the list of visiting fellows / extension lectures: Prof. Ateequllah (Retired), Delhi University New Delhi. Prof. Shahzad Saleem, Mumbai. Mr. Syed Jafar Ameer Rizvi, USA Aligarh Muslim University Page 362 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Prof. Manzar Abbas Naqvi Dr. Swabir Goodar, Head, D/o of Urdu Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Mauritius Mr. Shakeel H. Shamsi, Chief Editor, Inqilab, Noida (U.P.) Mr. Khan Faiyaz Mohammad, Formar Director,Doordarshan,Patna Mr. Asad Raza, Chief Bureau, Sr. Journalist, Rashtrya Sahara, Noida, UP. Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Shaikh, Manchester, England. Mr. Aneesur Rahman Khan, Retd. Director, Doordarshan, Kolkata-700091. 14 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information. Course Number of Students Number of Teacher Ratio B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., BSW (Compulsory) 80 01 (Guest Faculty) 80:1 B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., BSW (Compulsory) 135 02 (Research Associate) 135:2 B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., BSW (Compulsory) 205 02 (Project Fellow) 205:2 B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., BSW (Compulsory) 906 16 (JRF) 906:16 15 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio Course Number of Students Number of Teacher Ratio BA, B.Sc., B.Com., BSW (Comp.) 525 09 525:9 B.A –I (Main) 50 01 50:1 B.A –I Arts (Sub) 50 01 50:1 B.A –I So.Sc. (Sub) 50 01 50:1 B.A –I Theo.(Sub) 10 01 10:1 B.A –II (Main) 50 01 50:1 B.A –II Arts (Sub) 50 01 50:1 B.A –II So.Sc. (Sub) 50 01 50:1 B.A –II Theo.(Sub) 10 01 10:1 B.A –III (Main) 50 06 50:6 M.A. I Semester 50 05 50:5 M.A. III Semester 50 05 50:5 Post MA Dip. Urdu Translation 05 02 5:2 PG Dip. In Mass Comm. I Sem. 10 03 10:3 PG Dip. In Mass Comm. II Sem. 10 02 10:2 Dip. in Urdu Proficiency Language 20 01 20:1 Dip. in Urdu Electronic Media 20 01 20:1 Cert. in Proficiency Language Urdu 20 01 20:1 Certificate in Urdu Electronic Media 20 01 20:1 16 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: Administrative Staff: Sanctioned Sanctioned Filled Actual 01 UDC Vacant 01 LDC 01 01 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 363 of 690 01 Semi Professional (Assistant) 01 01 01 Gestetner Operator 01 01 01 Office Attendant 01 01 17 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies. Creative Writing in Urdu Practical Criticism in Urdu Comparative Study of Urdu with Indian Languages (Hindi, Telgu, Bengali & Punjabi) 18 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Ongoing Project: Name of the Faculty Title of Project Funding Agency Grant Receipt Prof. Zafar Ahmad Critical Editing of Diwan-e-Abroo University Grant Commission Rs. 9,49,600/- 19 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received. National collaboration International collaboration Nil Nil 20 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. UGC: Centre of Advanced Study Name of the Faculty Title of Project Funding Agency Grant Receipt Prof. Qazi Afzal Husain Centre of Advanced Study University Grant Commission Rs.66,00,000/- +2 Project Fellow +2 Research Associate Name of Faculty No. of papers pub. in revd. journal s with ISSN Mono g- raphs Ch. in Book s Ed. Bk. Books with ISBN with details of Publis hers No. listed in Intern ationa l Datab ase Citatio n Index – Range/ Avg SNI P SJR Abdul Kalam Qasmi 15 02 05 05 Qazi Afzal Husain 02 02 7 Mohammad Zahid 03 01 Aqeel Ahmad 05 Syed Mohd. Hashim 05 02 04 Qazi Jamal Husain 12 01 M.Saghir Beg Afrahim 01 03 02 Mohammad Tariq 01 02 ISBN- 978-81 88077- 38-0 Zafar Ahmad 10 03 03 M. Quamrul 12 02 Aligarh Muslim University Page 364 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Hooda Faridi Shahabuddin 04 01 01 02 Mehtab Haider Naqvi 06 05 Imtiaz Ahmad 10 04 Mohammad Khalid Saifullah 02 Syed Sirajuddin Ajmali 06 Mohammad Ali Jauhar 11 02 Seema Saghir 16 03 ISBN- 978- 81- 92486 5-05 Rashid Anwar 05 05 01 03 ISBN 03978- 93- 81029- 22-0 Sultan Ahmad 02 Muhammad Sharique 01 ISBN- 978- 81- 92190 8-9-1 Total 124 04 14 27 26 21 Research facility / centre with State recognition National recognition International recognition: International recognition as the Centre of Advanced Studies 22 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies. Nil 23 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international). See Table: 01 Monographs See Table: 01 Chapters in Books See Table: 01 Edited Books See Table: 01 Books with ISBN with details of publishers See Table: 01 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) See Table: 01 Citation Index – range / average Nil SNIP See Table: 01 SJR See Table: 01 Impact Factor – range / average Nil h-index Nil 24 Details of patents and income generated. Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 365 of 690 25 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 26 Faculty selected nationally/internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad. Nil 27 Faculty serving in: National committees International committees Editorial Boards Any other (please specify) Faculty serving in various committees, editorial boards etc. Name of Faculty National Committees International Committees Editorial Board Any Other (Please specify) Abul Kalam Qasmi Literature Panel NCPUL, Sahitya Academy, KhudaBakhsh Library, Patna Member of editorial Board for 05 Pakistani journals Mohamma d Zahid 05 Member UP Urdu Academy Lucknow. Member Academic Council, Kh.Moinuddin Chisti, University, Lucknow Member BOS/Research Committee VBS. University, Jaunpur. Member, BOS Allahabad University. Member BOS Gorakhpur & Meerut Univeristy. 01 Advisory committee, Al-Aqraba quarterly Magazine Syed Mohd. Hashim 01 Member of BOS of Uttrakhand open University, Haldwani, Kota open University, Kota Qazi Jamal Husain 01 Member, School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad M.Saghir Beg Afrahim 01 Tazeen-e-Adab, Sheerpur, Dhule (M.S.) 01 Bazyaft & Meyar, Islamabad, Pakistan 01 Danish, Journal of the Faculty of Arts Mohamma d Tariq 01 Member of Creative Writer’s Committee NCPUL, New Delhi Zafar Ahmad 01 Karwan-e- Adab, Lucknow 01 Member BOS, Department of Urdu, M.S. University, Baroda M. Quamrul Hooda 01 Danish, Journal of 01 Member of Advisory Board, Aligarh Muslim University Page 366 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Faridi the Faculty of Arts. Al-Ehsan, Allahabad Shahabudd in 03 Journal of research (Urdu), Faculty of Islamic Studies & Language s, B.Z. Universit y, Multan, Pakistan. “ALMAS” Research journal Deptt. of Urdu, Shah Abdul Latif Universit y, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan. “TEHQIQ” Research journal, Univrsity of Sindh, Jamshoro , Pakistan. Syed Sirajuddin Ajmali 01 Member Advisory Board TAHQEEQ literary journal, K.S.College, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Rashid Anwar 01 NIOS 01 Quarterly “TEHQEE Q”, Jamshedpu r. Sultan Ahmad 01 Guide of Sir Syed Magazine 28 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). Faculty recharging various strategies: Name As Participant As Resource Person Number of Times Programme Abul Kalam Many times Refresher Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 367 of 690 Qasmi Programme Qazi Afzal Husain Many times Mohammad Zahid Many times Academic Staff College Aqeel Ahmad 02 Syed Mohd. Hashim Refresher/Orie ntation Programs Qazi Jamal Husain Many times Workshop M.Saghir Beg Afrahim Many times Refresher Zafar Ahmad 02 M.Quamrul Hooda Faridi Many times Workshop Mehtab Haider Naqvi 06 Workshop Imtiaz Ahmad Refresher programme Syed Sirajuddin Ajmali 07 Workshop Rashid Anwar Sultan Ahmad Refresher/Orie ntation Programmes 29 Student projects Percentage of students who have done in- house projects including inter- departmental projects Nil Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry / institute Nil 30 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Students Awards /recognitions by faculties: Name National International Abul Kalam Qasmi Sahitya Akademi Award 2009 (Award of National Academy of letters) Life AchievementAward by UP Urdu Academy Qazi Afzal Husain Life time achievement award by Urdu Academy. Syed Mohd. Hashim UP & Bihar Urdu Academy award. M.Saghir Beg Afrahim UP Urdu Academy award, Lucknow on book “Urdu Ka Afsanvi Adab” M.Quamrul Hooda Faridi UP Urdu Academy award on book “Izhar- o-Iblagh” Shahabuddin UP Urdu Academy award. Bihar Urdu Academy Award 2009. Bihar Urdu Academy Award 2011. Aligarh Muslim University Page 368 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Seema Saghir UP Urdu Academy award 2011. Bihar Urdu Academy Award 2011. Urdu Hindi Sahitya Academy Award 2013. Awards /recognitions by Students: Name National Safeena Begum Zakir Ali Khan Award by A.M.U., Aligarh. Shahnaz Khatoon Zakir Ali Khan Award by A.M.U., Aligarh. Mohammad Furqan UP Urdu Academy 2004. UP Urdu Academy 2008 UP Sawanya Gyan, Pritiyogita Smiti 2005. Nehru Yowa Kendra Sangathan, 2007 Mandal, Muradabad. Bihar Urdu Academy Award 2005. Bihar Urdu Academy Award 2010 31 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops: Name Seminar Conferences Workshop s Abul Kalam Qasmi Qurratul Ain Hyder, International Qazi Afzal Husain Sadat Hasan Mantoo-Ek Sadi Baad funded by XII Plan, International Moin Ahsan Jazbi: Shakhs Aur Shayar funded by UGC-CAS National Ale-Ahmad Suroor funded by AMU, Aligarh. National Qazi Jamal Husain Nazm-e-Jadid Ki Tehreek, National M.Quamrul Hooda Faridi Majaz Aur Unka Ahad funded by UP Urdu Academy, National Coordinato r, refresher Course 32 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments. Research scholars are directed to be regular and put their signature in the register by 11:00 a.m. Scholars have to submit their progress report after every six months. Meeting of the research association is being held monthly under the supervision of the department, in these meeting scholars present their articles and other creative writing. 33 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Femal e Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 369 of 690 UG UG Admission conducted by Dean Office PG 492 21 30 98% 98% PG. Dip. Mass Comm. 114 07 03 90% 100% M.Phil 08 03 03 100 % 100% Ph.D 186 07 05 100 100% Diploma 15 14 1 95% 95% Certificate 52 40 -- 95% 95% 34 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same University % of students from other Universities within the State % of students from Univ. outside the State % of students from other countries UG UG Admission conducted by Dean Office UG Admission conducted by Dean Office UG Admission conducted by Dean Office UG Admission conducted by Dean Office PG 60% 30% 10% Nil PG. Dip. Mass Comm. 60% 30% 10% Nil M.Phil. 50% 40% 10% Nil Ph.D. 70% 20% 10% Nil Diploma 100% 60% 40% Nil Certificate 100% 60% 40% Nil 35 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. Students of the Department who qualified Civil Services: Mr. Syed Mohammad Ashraf Mr. Syed Mohammad Afzal Students of the Department who qualified NET: Name Awarding Agency Qualifications Year NET JR F Other Zeba Alam UGC JRF 2009 Rubeena Rafeeque UGC JRF 2009 Sumaiya Nasreen UGC JRF 2009 Ghalib Nashtar UGC JRF 2009 Arshi Bano UGC NET 2009 Tuba Tarannum UGC NET 2009 Tabassum Jahan UGC NET 2009 Arshi Kahtoon UGC JRF 2010 Sheeba Qamar UGC JRF 2010 Khadija Aayeen UGC JRF 2010 Sadia UGC JRF 2010 Mohd. Zameer UGC NET 2010 Aligarh Muslim University Page 370 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Ata Ullah UGC JRF 2010 Nazir Husain UGC NET 2010 Aftab Alam UGC NET 2010 Mehjabeen Bano UGC JRF 2011 Fauzia Khan UGC JRF 2011 Nazreen Fatima UGC JRF 2011 Tarannum Bano UGC JRF 2011 Aqeel Ahmad UGC JRF 2011 Zamirullah UGC JRF 2011 Saiba Khatoon UGC JRF 2011 Shagufta Yasmeen UGC JRF 2011 Bushra Ghfoor UGC JRF 2011 Mohammad Salman UGC JRF 2011 Rafia Bano UGC JRF 2011 Qurratul Ain UGC JRF 2011 Mohammad Aziz UGC JRF 2011 Huma Parveen UGC JRF 2011 Akram Waris UGC JRF 2011 Arshia Hasan UGC NET 2011 Ishrat Makki UGC NET 2011 Ehsanullah UGC NET 2011 Naheed Parveen UGC NET 2011 Tahniyat Fatima UGC NET 2011 Hina Kausar UGC NET 2011 Sumayya Umme Tameem UGC NET 2011 Abdul Hafeez UGC JRF 2012 Zubaida Khatoon UGC NET 2012 Shehnaz UGC JRF 2012 Junaid UGC NET 2012 Naaz UGC JRF 2012 Shazia Rais UGC NET 2012 Hina Kausar UGC NET 2012 Rubina Tabassum UGC JRF 2012 Zaheeruddin Babar UGC JRF 2012 Mohd Akmal UGC JRF 2012 Tasneem Saba UGC JRF 2012 Farha Moeed UGC NET 2012 Nausheen Usmani UGC NET 2012 Sayadah Bano UGC NET 2012 Zeba Shakeel UGC NET 2012 Mohd Saleem UGC NET 2012 Hamid Raza UGC NET 2012 Aftab Alam UGC JRF 2012 Alimullah UGC JRF 2013 Mohammad Mazhar UGC JRF 2013 Mohammad Azam Ayubi UGC NET 2013 Mohammad Mustufa Raza UGC NET 2013 Mohammad Shahid UGC NET 2013 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 371 of 690 Abdullah UGC NET 2013 Mohammad Irshan UGC NET 2013 Mohammad Shahid UGC NET 2013 36 Student progression: Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 60% PG to M.Phil. Depend on Vacancy PG to Ph.D. 50% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral N/A Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment N/A Entrepreneurs N/A 37 Diversity of staff: Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 14 from other universities within the State 4 from universities from other States 3 from universities outside the country Nil 38 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period. Nil 39 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library Internet facilities for staff and students Total number of class rooms Class rooms with ICT facility Students’ laboratories Research laboratories Infrastructural Facilities Library 20,000 Books in seminar library Internet facilities for staff and students Available Total number of class rooms 02 Class rooms with ICT facility Nil Language Lab for Research Scholars/non-mother toung students 01 40 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates: from the host institution / university from other institutions / universities From the host institution/university: Post-Doctoral Research Associates Project Fellows Dr. Sanjeeda Khatoon Dr. Laeeq Ahmad Dr. Mamoon Rasheed Dr. Shahabuddin Dr. Tabassum Jahan 41 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from 02 Aligarh Muslim University Page 372 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports the University. 42 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s) ? If so, highlight the methodology. Nil 43 Does the department obtain feedback from: faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation ? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Chairman talks to students from time to time to assess the progress of students teaching. students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Chairman talks to students from time to time to assess the progress of students teaching. alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Nil 44 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) List of Alumni of the Department Prof. Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqui Prof. Al-e-Ahmad Suroor Prof. Khursheedul Islam Prof. Qazi Abdus Sattar Prof. A.M.K Shaharyar Dr. Asrarul Haq Majaz Mr. Akhtarul Iman Dr. Rahi Masoom Raza Dr. Moeen Ahsan Jazbi Dr. Ali Sardar Jafri 45 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. All the following three programmes are organized time to time by the department for the enrichment of students: Special lectures Workshops Seminars 46 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Teaching methods adopted by faculties: Lecture method. Home work assigned to students. 47 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Chairman holds meeting from time to time with teachers to examine the progress and outcome of the learning. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 373 of 690 48 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Two programmes are organized time to time by the department for the students: Research Association. Anjuma Urdu-e-Moalla. 49 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Teachers of the department participate in national and international seminars organized in various parts of the country and abroad. 50 State whether the programme / department is accredited / graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. Research activities of teacher are published in renowned journals of India and Abroad. 51 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Syllabus and teaching methods done from time to time help in understanding the development in contemporary Urdu world 52 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Major Strengths of the department: Only Centre of Advanced Studies (Urdu) in INDIA. Most renowned faculty in the Department. Numbers of papers / books published by faculty is much higher than teachers of other university department. Higher number of students in Degree courses (B.A./M.A. in the whole country) Biggest department of Urdu in South-Asia in term of students and teachers. Almost ninety scholars, actively engage in Ph.D. research. Major Weaknesses of the department: Shortage of Class rooms. No proper rooms for every individual teacher. No proper space for research scholars and project fellows / research associates. Shortage of supporting staff. No proper space for Office. 53 Future plans of the department. Department of Urdu has the status of “Centre of Advanced Studies” approved by U.G.C. this project when completed will further be developed into a “Centre of Advanced Learning” for all the research oriented university department of this area. 54 Department of Urdu is running: PG Diploma in Mass Communication of three semesters. Syllabus of this course is being upgraded to start masters degree course in Mass Communication in Urdu. M.A. course in Mass Communication (Urdu) may be started next year (i.e., 2014- 2015). Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has Aligarh Muslim University Page 374 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution: sd/- (Name of the Chairman) with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 375 of 690 FACULTY OF COMMERCE 1 Commerce Aligarh Muslim University Page 376 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Commerce 2 Year of establishment 1949 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes, Faculty 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG – B.Com. (Hons.), PG – M.Com.; M.T.A.; M.F.C.; Ph.D.; PG Diploma Courses – PGDBF & PGDBRIM 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons DSA Programme (Reason – Tenure completed) 8 Examination System: Annual as well as Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Faculty used to engage classes in Food Craft Institute in University Polytechnic and sometimes in University Women’s Polytechnic in curriculum drafting committee meeting, Department of Agriculture Economics & Business Management classes engage & paper setting. Our Faculty visited Malaysia & other countries to redesigned the syllabus/curriculum of courses. 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 04 02 08 Associate Professors 07 05 08 Asst. Professors 22 14 05 Others 06 06 06 01 01 01 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi -cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Badar Alam Iqbal Ph.D. Professor International Business 36 years 01 Ph.D. Prof. S.U. Farooqui Ph.D. Professor Management 25 years 02 Ph.D. Prof. Z.U. Khairoowala Ph.D. Professor Human Resource Mgt., Marketing & Business Policy 35 years 01 Ph.D. Prof. Javed Alam Khan Ph.D. Professor All Accounting & Taxation 30 years 01 Ph.D. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 377 of 690 Prof. M. Mohsin Khan Ph.D. Professor Finance & Banking 22 years 01 Ph.D. Prof. Nawab Ali Khan Ph.D. Professor Human Resource Mgt., & Accounting 23 years 03 Ph.D. Prof. S.M. Imamul Haque Ph.D. Professor Human Resource Mgt., & IT in Business 24 years 03 Ph.D. Prof. S. Husain Ashraf Ph.D. Professor Strategic Management, HRM 21 years 03 Ph.D. Dr. M. Imran Siddique Ph.D. Associate Professor Co-operation, Labour Relations & Marketing 24 years 02 Ph.D. Dr. Imran Saleem Ph.D. Associate Professor Finance & Quantitative Methods & Operation Research 23 years 03 Ph.D. Dr. Nasir Zameer Qureshi Ph.D. Associate Professor Human Resource Mgt. & Entrepreneurship 13 years 04 Ph.D. Dr. Nafess A. Khan Ph.D.; D.Litt. Associate Professor Human Resource Mgt. & Tourism Management 14 years 01 Ph.D. Dr. Mohd. Yameen Ph.D. Associate Professor Management Accounting & Financial Management 15 years 01 Ph.D. Dr. M. Ashraf Ali Ph.D. Associate Professor Management & Marketing Management 13 years 02 Ph.D. Dr. Sheeba Hamid Ph.D. Associate Professor Travel & Tourism Management and Human Resource Management in Tourism 13 years NIL Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan Ph.D. Associate Professor Marketing, Business & Entrepreneurship 15 years NIL Dr. Mohd. Shamim Ph.D. Assistant Professor Finance & Accounting 13 years NIL Dr. Asiya Chaudhary Ph.D. Assistant Professor Trade & International Trade 10 years 01 Ph.D. Dr. Mohd. Shadab Khan Ph.D. Assistant Professor Algebra Ring Theory 09 years NIL Dr. Irfan Ahmad Ph.D. Assistant Professor Insurance 11 years NIL Dr. Lamaan Sami Ph.D. Assistant Professor Rural Financing & Co-operatives 04 years NIL Aligarh Muslim University Page 378 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports General Mgt. Dr. Anwar Ahmad Ph.D. Guest Faculty Financial Accounting & Mgt. 08 years NIL Dr. Rana Zehra Masood Ph.D. Guest Faculty Human Resource Management & Banking 17 years NIL Mr. Mohd. Asim M.A. Guest Faculty Modern Arabic Language 01 years NIL Dr. Naghma Azhar Ph.D. Guest Faculty Mercantile Law 07 years NIL Mr. Kamran Khan M.Phil. Guest Faculty Business Mathematics 01 year NIL Dr. Yasir Zafar Khan Ph.D Guest Faculty Computer Science 01 year NIL 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors (i) Prof. Arshad Karim from Washington DC, USA. (ii) Prof. Parvez Ahmad from North Florida, USA. (iii) Prof. Adil Rayan from Cairo, Egypt. (iv) Prof. Shahid Siddique from New York, USA. 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information Name of Programme Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty B.Com. (Hons.) (a) Visiting Faculty (b) Guest Faculty (Temporary Faculty) 00.00% 31.87% M.Com. 10.86% M.F.C. 04.00% M.T.A. 10.71% BRIM 06.25% The following courses are taught in the Department of Commerce by our own Faculty but managed and controlled by Centre for Professional Courses, A.M.U. 1. P.G. Diploma in Taxation 2. P.G. Diploma in Hospitality Management Whereas Post Graduate Diploma in Business Finance (PGDBF) Course is also running in the Department of Commerce as self finance course. 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio Name of Programme Student Teacher Ratio B.Com. (Hons.) 540 / 22 (1:24.54) M.Com. 120 /19 (1:6.3) M.F.C. 50 /20 (1:2.5) M.T.A. 40 /19 (1:2.10) BRIM 30 /13 (1:2.30) ALL COURSES 780 / 29 (1:26.89) 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Support Staff Sanctioned Filled Actual Technical Staff 06 05 05 Administrative Staff 05 04 04 Administrative Staff (Self Finance) 02 02 02 16 Research thrust areas as Following areas have been specified by UGC and Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 379 of 690 recognized by major funding agencies – adopted through BOS of the Department of Commerce.Finance including International Finance (i) Accounting including Management Accounting (ii) Management and Organizational Behaviour (iii) Industrial; Relations (iv) Marketing Management (v) Entrepreneurship, Development (vi) Tourism and Transport Management (vii) International Business (viii) Human Resource Management (ix) Strategic Management (x) Computer Application in Business (xi) Banking and Insurance Sector (xii) Supply Chain and Retail Management (xiii) Knowledge Management Major funding agencies are UGC, ICSSR, Salman Bin Abdul Aziz University, KSA. 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. (a) national – 04 (b) international funding agencies and – 01 (c) Total grants received. Rs. 23,68,925 + Rs. 6,02,964 = Rs. 29,71,889 Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. National: Name of the Department Funding Agency Project Title Grants Received Commerce UGC An Analytical study of Insurance Sector of India after Privatization Rs. 6,88,600/- Commerce UGC A study of Development of Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Selected Rural Areas of Uttar Pradesh Rs. 8,09,600/- Commerce ICSSR A Study of International Competition in Hometech Industry in Indian Scenario Rs.7,98,725/- Commerce UGC Role of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in Rural Poverty Alleviation and Women Empowerment - A study of Aligarh District Rs. 72,000/- International: Name of the Department Funding Agency Project Title Grants Received Salman Bin Abdul Aziz University, KSA Salman Bin Abdul Aziz University, KSA HRD Practices in Telecom Industry in Saudi Arabia S.R. 37,400 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received (i) National collaboration Nil (ii) International collaboration v 19 Departmental projects funded Rs. 23,68,925 (UGC and ICSSR) Aligarh Muslim University Page 380 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. 20 Research facility / centre with _______________ state recognition : Yes national recognition : Yes international recognition : Yes 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) National – 100 International – 45 Monographs – NIL Chapters in Books – 37 Prof. Badar Alam Iqbal - 03 Prof. S.M. Imamul Haque - 03 Prof. S. Husain Ashraf - 02 Dr. M. Imran Siddique - 02 Dr. Imran Saleem - 04 Dr. Nasir Zameer Qureshi - 04 Dr. M. Ashraf Ali - 14 Dr. Asiya Chaudhary - 01 Dr. Rana Zehra Masood - 02 Dr. Naghma Azhar - 02 Edited Books – NIL Books with ISBN with details of publishers – 13 Prof. S.M. Imamul Haque - 02 Dr. M. Ashraf Ali - 07 Dr. Asiya Chaudhary - 01 Dr. Lamaan Sami - 03 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) – NIL Citation Index – range / average – 164 H-Index-06-G Index 11, 6 (2h-index) SNIP – NIL SJR – NIL Impact Factor – range / average – NIL h-index – NIL 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad Internationally – 03 26 Faculty serving in National committees – 01 Prof. S.M. Imamul Haque 01 International committees– 04 Prof. Badar Alam Iqbal 03 Prof. S.M. Imamul Haque 01 Editorial Boards 23 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 381 of 690 Prof. Badar Alam Iqbal 12 Prof. S.M. Imamul Haque 03 Dr. Nafees A. Khan 03 Dr. M. Ashraf Ali 02 Dr. Mohd. Shamim 03 any other (please specify) 02 Dr. Sheeba Hamid, Member Task Force, AMU Dr. Mohd. Asif Khan, Member AMU EC 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). (i) Faculties are attending Refresher Course (ii) Faculties are working as Resource Person 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects – Dissertation and Training reports undertaking by the concerned students is a part of their courses viz. MTA, MFC, BRIM & DBF percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/industry/ institute – Yes, students under take projects selecting industrial and financial institutions 29 Awards/recognitions received at the national and international level by _______ Faculty Prof. Badar Alam Iqbal Award for Meritorious Services as Fulbright Scholar, Business School, Claflin University, USA. Best Citizen of India award. Man of the year 2000 award, USA. Dr. Nasir Zameer Qureshi Best Presentation award, Indian Accounting Association, Gwalior. Dr. Lamaan Sami Rashtriya Gaurav award, Economic Growth and National Integration, New Delhi. Doctoral / post doctoral fellows NIL Students NIL 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. – 05 Workshops on Research Methodology funded by UGC & ICSSR Workshop on Research Methodology in Commerce, 16 – 21 January, 2010 funded by UGC Academic College for Research Scholars and Teachers. Workshop on Research Methodology in Commerce, 22 – 28 January, 2010 funded by UGC Academic College for Research Scholars and Teachers. Subject Refresher Course in Business Studies (Economics/Commerce/ Management), 24 November, 2010 to 14 December, 2010, funded by UGC Academic Staff College for teachers. Workshop on Research Methodology in Commerce, 20 December, 2010 to 25 December, 2010, funded by UGC Academic College for Research Scholars. Aligarh Muslim University Page 382 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Training Course in Research Methodology and Computer Applications in in Commerce and Management Studies for Doctoral Scholars, 14 – 23 May, 2013 funded by ICSSR, New Delhi. 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments As per University Academic Ordinances 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme Applications received Selected Pass percentage (Approximate) Male Female Male Female B.Com. 2009-2010 2479 180 XXXX 95% NIL B.Com. 2010-2011 2923 180 XXXX 95% NIL B.Com. 2011-2012 2855 180 XXXX 95% NIL B.Com. 2012-2013 3307 180 XXXX 95% NIL M.Com. 2009-2010 280 42 18 95% 95% M.Com. 2010-2011 351 30 31 95% 95% M.Com. 2011-2012 546 33 28 95% 95% M.Com. 2012-2013 708 37 24 95% 95% MFC 2009-2010 932 18 07 95% 95% MTA 2009-2010 16 04 95% 95% BRIM 2009-2010 18 08 95% 95% PGDBF 2009-2010 22 07 95% 95% MFC 2010-2011 1166 23 04 95% 95% MTA 2010-2011 13 09 95% 95% BRIM 2010-2011 21 07 95% 95% PGDBF 2010-2011 25 03 95% 95% MFC 2011-2012 1227 22 05 95% 95% MTA 2011-2012 16 02 95% 95% BRIM 2011-2012 09 09 95% 95% PGDBF 2011-2012 17 05 95% 95% MFC 2012-2013 1484 26 -- 95% NIL MTA 2012-2013 17 01 95% 95% BRIM 2012-2013 15 05 95% 95% PGDBF 2012-2013 19 01 95% 95% 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from universitie s outside the State % of students from other countries Session 2009-10 B.Com. (Hons.) I year 43.33 43.89 13.89 - B.Com. (Hons.) II year 48.89 36.67 16.67 06 B.Com. (Hons.) III year 58.33 27.22 16.11 - M.Com. I Year 60 18.33 21.67 01 M.Com. Final Year 60 23.33 5 02 M.F.C. I Term 88 12 8 - M.F.C. Final Term 56 12 24 - M.T.A. I Term 75 5 10 01 M.T.A. Final Term 55 30 15 - BRIM 86.67 13.33 6.667 - Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 383 of 690 Session 2010-11 B.Com. (Hons.) I year 50.56 38.33 18.33 - B.Com. (Hons.) II year 46.67 39.44 13.33 01 B.Com. (Hons.) III year 57.22 27.22 15.56 01 M.Com. I Year 63.33 16.67 11.67 02 M.Com. Final Year 60 18.33 7.222 01 M.F.C. I Term 84 8 16 - M.F.C. Final Term 88 12 8 - M.T.A. I Term 80 10 20 01 M.T.A. Final Term 75 5 10 01 BRIM 70 10 3.333 - Session 2011-12 B.Com. (Hons.) I year 49.44 34.44 23.33 - B.Com. (Hons.) II year 50 37.22 15 - B.Com. (Hons.) III year 47.22 38.89 13.33 03 M.Com. I Year 66.67 16.67 20 01 M.Com. Final Year 63.33 16.67 3.889 02 M.F.C. I Term 76 4 28 - M.F.C. Final Term 84 8 16 - M.T.A. I Term 65 15 10 01 M.T.A. Final Term 80 10 20 01 BRIM 46.67 13.33 3.333 - Session 2012-13 B.Com. (Hons.) I year 49.44 32.22 22.78 01 B.Com. (Hons.) II year 48.33 32.78 21.67 - B.Com. (Hons.) III year 45 33.33 13.89 - M.Com. I Year 76.67 20 6.667 1 M.Com. Final Year 66.67 16.67 6.667 1 M.F.C. I Term 80 12 20 - M.F.C. Final Term 76 4 28 - M.T.A. I Term 70 25 5 - M.T.A. Final Term 65 15 10 1 BRIM 70 13.33 3.333 - Session 2013-14 B.Com. (Hons.) I year 56.11 32.22 21.11 - B.Com. (Hons.) II year 51.67 32.78 22.22 01 B.Com. (Hons.) III year 37.22 33.33 21.11 - M.Com. I Year 61.67 25 16.67 03 M.Com. Final Year 66.67 20 2.222 01 M.F.C. I Term 92 8 16 - M.F.C. Final Term 80 12 20 - M.T.A. I Term 50 15 30 - M.T.A. Final Term 70 25 5 - BRIM 63.33 33.33 3.333 - Official Intake: B.Com. - 180 M.Com. - 60 M.F.C. - 25 M.T.A. - 20 BRIM - 30 Note – Above percentages are inclusive of students in access of official intake coming through Sports quota and continuation from previous year. 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, (i) Civil Services – NIL (ii) Defence Services – NIL (iii) NET – 21 Aligarh Muslim University Page 384 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. (iv) JRF – 15 (v) SET – NIL (vi) GATE – NIL 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 25% PG to M.Phil. NIL PG to Ph.D. 20% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NIL Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment 25% from UG & PG Rest Entrepreneurs A good number of pass out get self employed/ continued family business on modern lime 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 90% from other universities within the State 5% from universities from other States 5% from universities outside the country NIL 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period (i) M.Phil – 08 (ii) Ph.D. – 28 (iii) D.Litt. – 01 (iv) D.Sc. – NIL 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to (i) Library – Yes Facilities Available Daily Issue & Return I. No. of Books: 15077 II. Area of Books 1. Accounts 2. Finance 3. Marketing 4. Business Environment 5. Management 6. Human Resource Development 7. Human Resource Management 8. Entrepreneurship 9. Law 10. Business Mathematics 11. Cost Accounting 12. Banking 13. Business Economics 14. Taxes 15. Insurance 16. Statistics 17. Tourism 18. Research Methodology 19. Industries III. No. of Journals and Magazines: 18 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 385 of 690 IV. Name of Journals 1. Banking & Finance 2. The Chartered Accountant 3. The Chartered Secretary 4. Foreign Trade Review 5. Indian Journal of Marketing 6. Kurukshetra 7. Monthly Commentary 8. Prabandh 9. Productivity 10. The Indian Journal of Commerce 11. The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations 12. The Insurance Times 13. The Management Accountant 14. Yojna 15. Travel Talk 16. Economic & Political Weekly 17. Gitam Journal of Management 18. Chartered Financial Analysis V. No. of News Paper: 04 1. The Economic Times 2. The Financial Express 3. Business Times 4. Business Standard VI. Training Reports of MTA, MFC, BRIM, DBF, Hospitality Management for consultation. (i) Project Reports of MTA, MFC, BRIM, DBF for consultation. (ii) Ph.D. Thesis for consultation. (iii) Examinations Question Papers of all Different Courses. Internet facilities for staff and students – All teachers have Computer and Internet facility (i) Total number of class rooms – 16 (ii) Class rooms with ICT facility – 04 (iii) Students’ laboratories – 01 Computer Lab having 40 Computers Research laboratories – 01 Computer Lab having 20 Computers 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates (i) from the host institution/university (a) List of Doctoral Students S.No Name of Research Scholar 1. Ms. Nahid 2. Ms. Tayyaba Anees 3. Ms. Nusrat Khan 4. Mr. Neyaz Ahamd 5. Mr. Girish Kumar 6. Mr. Ataur Rehman Farooqui 7. Ms. Sadaf Khan 8. Mr. Aslam Khan 9. Mr. Kapil Kumar Aligarh Muslim University Page 386 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 10. Mr. Pushpendra Kumar 11. Mr. Dhanraj Sharma 12. Ms. Bhawana Rawat 13. Ms. Hena Naaz 14. Ms. Fozia 15. Mr. Sadaqat Ali 16. Ms. Sana Rehman 17. Ms. Nazneen Shahid 18. Ms. Suhalia Parveen 19. Mr. Shahfaraz Khan 20. Mr. Hemkant Kulshrestha 21. Mr. Md. Taqi 22. Ms. Sana Ikram 23. Mr. Ashraf Imam 24. Mr. Mohd. Tarique Anwar 25. Ms. Sana Deeba 26. Mr. Mohd. Javed 27. Ms. Parul Bajaj 28. Ms. Shazia Tabassum 29. Ms. Hira Anwar 30. Ms. Sabiha Khatoon 31. Mr. Aqeel-ur-Rehman 32. Ms. Prachi Maheshwari 33. Mr. Jahangir Chauhan 34. Mr. Najmul Islam 35. Ms. Sumbul 36. Mr. Azam Malik 37. Mr. Azeem Ahmad Khan 38. Mr. Mushtaq Ahamd 39. Mr. Saeem Khan 40. Ms. Iram Khan 41. Mr. Mohd. Anees-ur-Rehman 42. Mr. Shoeb Mohd 43. Mr. Sibghatullah Nasir 44. Mr. Saleem Akhtar Farooqui 45. Mr. Md. Shoeb Khan 46. Ms. Asma Khatoon 47. Mr. Mohd. Sadique 48. Mr. Zuahib Ahamd Bazaz 49. Mr. Adil Ameen Bhatt 50. Ms. Sadhna Singh 51. Ms. Nasreen Khan 52. Mr. Mousa M. Abdallah Saleh 53. Ms. Swaricha Johri 54. Mr. Md. Pervej 55. Mr. Abdul Ghani Fayyaz 56. Mr. Javed Ahamd Bhatt 57. Mr. Ishfaq Ahamd Thaku 58. Mr. Umar Shareef Sheikh 59. Ms. Nidhi Tyagi 60. Mr. Md. Anas Raushan Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 387 of 690 61. Mr. Izhar Ahmad 62. Mr. Danish Raza 63. Ms. Nisha K.M. 64. Ms. Saleena E.C. 65. Mr. Kashif Beg 66. Mr. Mohd. Sarwar Rehman 67. Mr. Alaa Musallam Issa Albkour 68. Mr. Nayyer Rehman 69. Mr. Nabeel Ahamd 70. Mr. Anas Khan 71. Mr. Mohsin Khan 72. Ms. Bushra Muzaffar 73. Ms. Almas Sultana 74. Ms. Nikhat Fatima 75. Ms. Nikita Kumari 76 Mr. Mohd. Ajmal 77. Ms. Shaista Sami 78. Mr. Shoket Ahamd Dar 79. Mr. Asif Pervez 80. Mr. Shahnazar 81. Mr. Hojjat Shukuhian 82. Mr. Md. Haseeb Ansari 83. Mr. Nahed Habis H. Alrawashdeh 84. Mr. Abbas Ramezanzadeh Zeidi 85. Mr. Feras Izzataqlah Kasasbeh 86. Mr. Saleh M. Mashehdul Islam 87. Mr. Saeed Rigiladez (b) Post-doctoral students – NIL (c) Research Associates – 03 (ii) from other institutions/universities – Total Admitted PG from AMU PG from other University Forei gner Session 2008-2009 16 10 04 02 Session 2009-2010 28 22 06 -- Session 2010-2011 18 13 04 01 Session 2011-2012 16 07 07 02 Session 2012-2013 20 11 04 05 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. 02 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. Curriculum developed and updated according to the needs of the industry and job market. 42 Does the department obtain Though feedback from the teachers and students Aligarh Muslim University Page 388 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports feedback from are taken from different ways but now uniform performa has been prepared by the University to be followed in future as follows: For teachers : BOS For students : Regular meeting with students grievance committee. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) (i) Prof. Abad Ahmad, Ex-Pro-Vice- Chancellor, Delhi University (ii) Prof. Habib-ur-Rehman, Ex-Vice- Chancellor, Agra University (iii) Prof. M. Y. Khan, Delhi University, Delhi (iv) Prof. Abdul Farooq Khan, Dubai (v) Ms. Payal Mathur, Assistant Manager (Tourism), IRCTC Ltd., New Delhi. (vi) Mr. Shoaib Rais, Accenture Securities Pvt. Ltd., Helsinki, Finland. (vii) Mr. Shah Faisal, Emirates Islamic Bank S Z E, Dubai. (viii) Mr. Mishkaat Ahmed, MD, Vesna Tours, Delhi. (ix) Mr. Vaibhav Gupta, Vice-President, South India, SME Business, HSBC Bank, Bangalore. (x) Mr. Ahmad Bilal Khan, Air Link International, Sharjah. 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. Yes 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Lecture conventional, interactive style and Multi Media presentation in Smart Class Room. Computer Lab demonstration also. 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Through sessional test, regular evaluation, class room presentation etc. Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Chairman, Department of Commerce also interact from time to time with students in order to get necessary feedback and take remedial steps. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. These activities are being organized at the University level comprising of Sport completion, Social Cultural and Literary Activities. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. We organize Workshops, Refresher Course, Orientation Programmes, Debates and Quiz Competition for the students. 49 State whether the programme/ department is accredited/ graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. A good amount of new knowledge in the areas including Micro Finance, Textile Marketing, Tourism, Insurance, Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Institutional Investment, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behaviour Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 389 of 690 has been added to the existing stock of knowledge through certain Ph.D. works and Projects sponsored by National as well as International Agencies. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strength Highly Educated and well exposed faculty. Talented students admitted only through entrance test. Well designed professional courses coupled with good infrastructure. Introduction of the concept of SMART classes. Convenient class schedule and strong ties and respect between teacher and students. Weakness Inadequate number of SMART class rooms. Limited number of specialized courses. Limited excess to online journals. Insufficient space capacity in Seminar Library in terms of number of students. Less Corporate Exposure. Opportunity Introduction of new tailored made vocational courses to cope with the increasing pressure of the corporate world. Emphasis on better career planning and leadership quality development programs. MoU with International academic institution. Introduction of Short term Certification Courses in IT and Commerce. Introduction of Consultancy and Career Counseling Programs. Threats Increased Competition for Students. Selected Planning Indicators. Excellence of Results. Offering of New Professional Courses. Keeping Pace with the faster corporate culture and technological change. 52 Future Plans of the department. Making the department centre of excellence in Commerce education through innovative teaching and research techniques, well designed and updated syllabus, use of modern electronic gadgets and participative and high value academic atmosphere. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Aligarh Muslim University Page 390 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Signature of the Head of the institution Sd./- Chairman with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 391 of 690 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY 1. Applied Chemistry 2. Applied Mathematics 3. Applied Physics 4. Architecture Engineering 5. Chemical Engineering 6. Civil Engineering 7. Computer Engineering 8. Electrical Engineering 9. Electronics Engineering 10. Mechanical Engineering 11. Petroleum Studies Aligarh Muslim University Page 392 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Applied Chemistry 2 Year of establishment 1988 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) M.Sc. Polymer Science & Technology, M.Phil. and Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved None 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. No 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons None 8 Examination System: Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Environmental studies (CE 111) offered by Civil Engineering department 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 02 01 04 Associate Professors 03 01 02 Asst. Professors 10 07 03 Other 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. M. Mobin PhD Professor Materials and Corrosion 27 06 Prof. Asif Ali Khan M.Phil., PhD Professor Analytical Chemistry 38 05 Prof. R.A.K. Rao PhD Professor Environmental Chemistry 29 05 Prof. F. Mohammad M.Phil., D.Phil. Professor Polymer Chemistry Dr. Abu Nasar PhD Associate Professor Physical Chemistry 13 - Dr. Rais Ahmad PhD Assistant Professor Environmental Chemistry 12 3 Dr.Yasser Ph.D. Assistant Inorganic 13 - Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 393 of 690 Azim Professor Chemistry, Crystal Engineering Dr. Inamuddin M.Phil, Ph.D Assistant professor Organic chemistry, Analytical Chemistry 5 - 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors None 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information M.Sc. Polymer Science & Tech: 23.7%; B.Tech.: 44.00% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio— M.Sc. Polymer Science & Tech: 3.6:1; B.Tech.: 49:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Technical 8 2 8 Administrative 1 1 1 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Organic Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Corrosion & Materials, Polymer Chemistry, Physical Chemistry 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Project Title Name of the Funding Agency Funding (Please √) Grant Natio nal Interna tional Development of Nanostructured Conductive Organic- inorganic Composite Materials based Sensors Functionalities for Organic and Inorganic Pollutants UGC 2012 √ Rs. 852800/- Development of ionic polymer-metal composites based on non-perflourinated ionomeric materials for robotic actuator, dynamic sensor and artificial muscles’ applications DST 2012 √ Rs. 2638000/- Development of Conducting Polymer based Enzyme Catalyzed Glucose Biofuel Cells for Implantable/Room CSIR 2012 √ Rs. 1536000/- Aligarh Muslim University Page 394 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Temperature Devices Chemical sensing applications of synthetic nanocomposite conducting ionomers UGC 2012 √ Rs. 1385000/- Development of some anticorrosive conducting polymer based nano-composite coatings on iron – base alloys CSIR 2013 √ Rs. 2176260/ 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: National collaboration: Nil International collaboration: Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received: Nil 20 Research facility /centre with state recognition: Nil national recognition : Nil international recognition : Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies : Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/international): 163 Monographs: Chapters in Books: 10 Edited Books: 08 Books with ISBN with details of publishers: Nil Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): 351 Citation Index – range / average 0.01/13.5 SNIP SJR Impact Factor – range / average 0.01-4.5 h-index: 10-12 23 Details of patents and income generated Patent: A simple route to prepare emeraldine base nanoparticles, 2010, Indian Patent filed and published wide ref no.2398/DEL/2010 Patent: Polymer concrete based on resin obtained from recycled PET bottles, Indian Patent filed and published wide ref no.3316/DEL/2012 Income generated: Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 395 of 690 industries in India and abroad 2011 22-23 November KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA Invited Lecture 2011 4 April-29 June University of Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman Visiting Professor 2009 22-23 June University of Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman Invited Lecture 2013 March 8 Bioinspired conjugated polymer materials UPM, Malaysia Invited lecture 26 Faculty serving in National committees; Nil International committees; Nil Editorial Boards: 04 any other (please specify) 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/ orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs) 12 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects Nil percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/ institute Nil 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty: 01 Doctoral/post doctoral fellows: Nil Students : Nil 30 Seminars/Conferences/Worksh ops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. 01, National/DST PURSE 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: Yes, Code of ethics for research circulated vide office memo D.No.(C)/6793 dated 21.01.2014 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage M.Phil./PhD Male Female Male Female 2009-2010 45 07 07 15 15 2010-2011 50 03 03 06 06 2011-2012 70 13 06 18 8 2012-2013 71 10 07 14 9 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from universities outside the State % of students from other countries M.Phil./PhD 2010-2011 66.7 33.3 Nil Nil 2011-2012 50 50 Nil Nil 2012-2013 50 33.3 16.7 Nil 34 How many students have Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 396 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG Nil PG to M.Phil. Nil PG to Ph.D. Nil Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral 2012-13 14.28 14 Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Information not available Entrepreneurs Information not available 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 77.8 from other universities within the State 22.2 from universities from other States Nil from universities outside the country Nil 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library Internet facilities for staff and students: Yes Total number of class rooms: Nil Class rooms with ICT facility: Nil Students’ laboratories: 03 Research laboratories:05 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university 02 , Nazia Iqbal, Shazia Haseeb from other institutions/universities Nil 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. Nil 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. The UGC while agreeing to the creation of the Department of Applied Chemistry by upgradation the chemistry section has postulated introduction og P.G. course in the department. In view of the above, M.Sc. Polymer Science and Technology is being proposed. The students who pass the B.Sc. degree examination continue their education at the postgraduate level as a matter of convention and routine. However, the proposed course is designed to impart the fundamental and advanced knowledge in the field of polymers along with the core concept in chemistry may get opportunities to work both in chemical process industries and in academia. 42 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, Periodic revision of Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 397 of 690 syllabi students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Feedback is obtained on teaching-learning and the same is being used for the self appraisal of the faculty members. alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? None 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Dr. Ishaq Khan, Chemical Division, Geological Survey of India, Lucknow Prof. Sharif Ahmad, Department of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi Dr. Nausha Asrar, Manager, Materials Support and Failure Analysis, Schlumberger Limited, Houston, U.S.A. Dr. Ahsanullah Khan, Environmental Consultant to PME Deputy for Environmental Affairs Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui, President, Aligarh Muslim University Alumni of Australia Sydney, Australia Dr. Mujahid A. Khan, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Dr. Shahreer Ahmad, Senior Staff Engineer, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, SABIC Technology, Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia Dr. Akhtar Husain Khan, Division Manager, BeeAh, National Env Preservation Co, Saudi Arabia Dr. Haseeb Ahmad Khan, Associate Prof. of Biochemistry, Group Leader, AMB Research Group CEO, BiomedSilico, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Dr. Bilquees Ara Siddiqui, Senior Scientist, Kashmir Environmental Pollution Board, Jammu and Kashmir 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/seminar) involving external experts. Organized special lectures: 06; Organized National workshop: 01 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Black board and multimedia. 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are Continuous assess ment of students in the form of Mid SEM test, Home Assignment, Viva voce and End SEM exam Aligarh Muslim University Page 398 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports monitored? 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. All PG and MPil/PhD students and all faculty members participated in workshop and extension lectures held in the department. Participation of Faculty members in Conf/workshop/seminars: 20 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department: Department successfully organized a National Workshop on Advances in Polymeric Materials, September, 21-22, 2013 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. The department has started a new PG program, M.Sc. in polymer science and Technology from the current session 2013-14 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strength: Strong Research programs; Experienced and qualified faculty; active involvement of all faculty in research; Generation of funds from agencies like CSIR, DST, UGC etc Weakness: Inadequate research space; poor power backup; limited office staff Challenges: Poor infrastructure 52 Future plans of the department Planning to develop a Centre of Excellence in renewable energy and Environment. An important and major hub of research and development in the field of Crystal Engineering. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution Sd./- Chairman with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 399 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Applied Mathematics 2 Year of establishment 1988 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes, a part of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) M.Phil., Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Non 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. None 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons None 8 Examination System: Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Teaching Mathematics courses to B.Tech. , M.Tech. Progammes in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 01 00 03 Associate Professors 03 02 05 Asst. Professors 10 08 02 Others 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Mumtaz Ahmad Khan M.Sc., Ph.D. Professor Analysis - Special Functions, Fractional Calculus, Discrete Complex Analysis & q- theory 36 Years 04 Ph.D. Prof. Mohd. Saleem M.Sc. Ph.D. Professor Mathematical Modelling Ecological Systems 28 Years 04 M.Phil. Prof. Merajuddin M.Sc., Ph.D. Professor Discrete Maths.Graph Theory 29 Years 01 Ph.D. 01 M.Phil. Aligarh Muslim University Page 400 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Dr. Aijaz Ahmad Khan M.Sc. M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor Polynomial Theory 28 Years NIL Dr. Abdul Hakeem Khan M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor Special Functions Fractional Calculus 25 Years 2 Ph.D. Dr. Rafiquddin M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor Algebra 18 Years NIL Dr. M. Kamarujja ma M.Sc. M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor Special Functions 15 Years 1 Ph.D. 1 M.Phil. Dr. Shamshad Husain M.Sc. M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor Functional Analysis 15 Years NIL Mr. Mohamma d Swaleh M.Sc. M.Phi Sr. Lecturer Functional Analysis (Fixed Point Theorem) 15 Years NIL Dr. Nabiullah Khan Ph.D. Assistant Professor Special Functions 10 Years NIL 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information B.Tech. 15%, and M.Tech. : 10% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio— B.Tech :55:1 ; M.Tech: 33:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Technical: Sanctioned: 04; Filled: 03; Administrative: Sanctioned: 03; Filled: 03. 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies. Mathematical Modeling, Ecological Systems 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. (a) 01 (b) NIL (c) Rs. 8,10,000=00, UGC, a study of tumor growth models: simple vs. complex dynamics 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration Nil International collaboration Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 401 of 690 grants received. 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition Nil national recognition Nil international recognition Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) 105 Monographs Nil Chapters in Books Nil Edited Books Nil Books with ISBN with details of publishers Nil Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) 10 Citation Index – range / average : 20-40 /30 SNIP SJR Impact Factor – range / average : 0.2-1.5/0.4 h-index (Could not find) 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad Nil 26 Faculty serving in National committees : 03 International committees :NIL Editorial Boards : 04 any other (please specify) 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs) 01 (Training programme) 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects NIL percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute NIL 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty : Invited Lectures Doctoral/post doctoral fellows NIL Students NIL 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/International) with Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 402 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports details of outstanding participants, if any 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the department Department follows code of ethics for research as circulated vide letter D. No.(C)/6793 dated 20.01.2014. 32 Student profile programme-wise: Sessions 2009-13( for last 4 years) Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female M.Phil 2009-10 14 02 00 14.3 00 2010-11 --- 00 00 --- --- 2011-12 42 00 00 00 00 2012-13 14 00 00 00 00 Ph.D. 2009-10 14 01 02 7.1 14.3 2010-11 --- 00 02 --- ---- 2011-12 41 01 00 2.5 00 2012-13 14 00 00 00 00 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same univ. % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries M.Phil 2009-10(02) 00 100 00 00 2010-11(00) - - - - 2011-12(00) - - - - 2012-13(00) - - - - Ph.D.2009-10(03) 33.33 66.66 00 00 2010-11(02) 50 50 00 00 2011-12(01) 00 100 00 00 2012-13(00) - - - - 34 Many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. Information not available 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG NA PG to M.Phil. NA PG to Ph.D. NA Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NIL Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment NA 100% Entrepreneurs Not Known 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 70% from other universities within the State 30% from universities from other States 00% Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 403 of 690 from universities outside the country 00% 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period None 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library : Number of books:5000. No seating space for scholars in seminar and insufficient space for storing the books Internet facilities for staff and students: Available to all Total number of class rooms: NIL Class rooms with ICT facility: NIL Students’ laboratories 01 Research laboratories 01 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates Information for doctoral program only from the host institution/university 02 (a) Huma Sahpar (b) Tarannum Kashmin from other institutions/universities 05 (a) Tanuja Agarwal (b) Sanjeev Gupta (c) Ghayasuddin (d) Anu Arora (e) Amjad Islam 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university NA 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. Yes, assessment exercise was undertaken and proposals for a PG program were submitted, but were not sanctioned 42 Does the department obtain feedback from (i) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching- learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, we revise our curriculum as and when desired by Engineering departments duly approved by concerned Boards of Studies (ii) students on staff, curriculum and teaching- learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, the department takes feedback from the students on staff by getting feedback forms filled in by them course wise. The information is used for remedial steps. (iii) alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? No 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department: Prof. Pirzada Shariefuddin, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Kashmir. Prof. Bhagwat Swaroop Sharma, Dronacharya College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida, UP. Aligarh Muslim University Page 404 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Dr. Mukesh Pal Singh, Director, Indraprasthi Institute of Technology, Moradabad, UP, India. Dr. Ajay Kumar Shukla, Associate Professor, NIT, Surat. Dr. Abdul Rehman Khan, Associate Professor, KCCITM, Greater Noida Dr. Arshad Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/ seminar) involving external experts. Special lectures organized Prof. Peeyush Chandra , I.I.T. Kanpur Topic: Why Mathematics For Engineers Date: 28-03-2012 Prof. Karmeshu, Dean ,School of Computer and System Sciences, JNU, New Delhi Topic: (a) Information, Entropy and Maximum Entropy Framework (b) Computational Probability and Monte-Carlo Methods Date: 31-03-2012 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Black board teaching/Power point 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Regular evaluation in the form of sessionals, home assignments and end semester examinations. Attendance and marks of sessionals and home assignments are displayed regularly 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. The faculty is actively engaged in university administration. The faculty is actively engaged in university administration: Dr. Shamshad Hussain ( warden) Dr. Nabiullah khan , ( warden) Mr. M. Swaleh ( Assistant Superintendent) 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Nil 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. The faculty is actively involved in applied nature research 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Major strength: Highly qualified and motivated faculty Harmony among the faculty members Dedication to teaching Dedication to Research Involvement of the faculty in the development of university Weakness: Department does not have a PG program Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 405 of 690 though it has M Phil and PhD programs Inadequate space even for storing books in Seminar No seating space for research scholars Lack of infra structure as there are not sufficient rooms for faculty Lack of skilled office staff Opportunity and challenge: To become a Centre of Excellence in teaching and research 52 Future plans of the department To take department forward in teaching and research To start a PG course, M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics To start collaborative research activities with other institutions Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution Sd./- Chairman with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 406 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Applied Physics 2 Year of establishment 1988 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) Advanced PG Diploma in Nanotechnology, M.Tech. (Nanotechnology), M.Phil. and Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Programme Departments Involved Ad. PG Diploma in Nanotechnology Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Engineering Departments. M.Tech. (Nanotechnology) Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Engineering Departments. 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. None 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Yes, “Electromagnetics (AP204)” course of Electronics Engineering Department 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 01 00 02 (1 CAS+1 Re- employed) Associate Professors 02 02 01 Asst. Professors 09 05 05 Others (Guest Faculty) - 03 03 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Dr. Shakeel Khan M.Sc., Ph.D. Associate Professor & Chairman Condensed Matter Physics (Experiment) & Nanotechnology 13 Years --- Prof. S. Alim M.Sc., Ph.D. Professor (Re- High Energy Physics, 46 Years Ph.D-02 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 407 of 690 Husain Naqvi employed) SSNTD, Nanotechnology Prof. Afzal Ahmad M.Phil., Ph.D. Professor Experimental High Energy Nuclear Physics 31 Years --- Dr. Ameer Azam (on E.O.L.) M.Sc., Ph.D. Associate Professor SSNTD, Radiation Physics, Nanotechnology 17 Years Ph.D-03 Dr. M. Mohsin Khan M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Experimental High Energy Physics 08 Years Ph.D-01 Dr. Azra Parveen M.Sc., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Molecular Biophysics Modelling and Simulation, Nanotechnology 07 Years Ph.D-01 Dr. P. Tripathi M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Theoretical Condensed matter / Nanophysics 13 Years --- Dr. S.S.Z. Ashraf M.Sc., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Condensed Matter theory 11 Years --- Dr. M. Wasi Khan M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Condensed Matter Physics (Magnetic Materials / Nanomaterials) 07 Years --- Dr. S. Asad Ali M.Phil, Ph.D Guest Faculty SSNTD, Radiation Physics, ---- ---- Mr. Nashruddin Ahammed M.Sc, M.Tech , NET Guest Faculty Nanomaterials ---- ---- Mr. Abdul Lahil Safi M.Sc, M.Tech, NET Guest Faculty Nanomaterials ---- ---- 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information Programme Percentage of classes B.Tech 32.7 M.Tech. (Nanotechnology) 13.6 Ad. PG Diploma in Nanotechnology 13.6 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio— Programme No. of Student s No. of Teachers Ratio B.Tech 345 11 31:1 Aligarh Muslim University Page 408 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports M.Tech. (Nano- technology)/ Ad. PG Diploma in Nanotechnology 50 11 4.5:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Sanctioned Filled Actual Technical post 09 06 06 LDC/UDC 01 01 01 Audio Visual Mechanical 01 00 00 MTS 02 02 02 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Condensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. THREE (Please √) Project Title Name of the Funding Agency Funding (Please √) Grant (Rs.) Status Ongoing Comple ted Nati onal Interna tional A SERC DST Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientist project entitled, D.O. No. SR/FTP/PS- 39/2008. Quasi Particle Lifetime and Many body Interaction Effects in Doped and Undoped Graphene DST, NEW DELHI √ 2,70,000/- Comp leted Research Project (Young Scientist) under Fast Track Scheme by DST, Govt. of India. Swift heavy ion induced modifications in polymeric materials and polymer nano- composites DST, NEW DELHI √ 18,60,000/ - Ongoi ng Senior Research Associate (Pool Scientist) by CSIR (2012-2015) _____ CSIR, NEW DELHI √ Salary 21820/- pm.+ Allowance s Ongoi ng 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: National collaboration: MoU with CEERI, Pilani, Rajasthan International collaboration: MoA with Ohio State University, USA (STEM-ER project under Indo-US Collaboration Obama-Singh 21 st century knowledge initiative awards) 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, Name of the Project Durati on Total Value in Lakhs Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 409 of 690 ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. Advance P.G. Diploma in Nanotechnology. Funded by UGC under its Innovative Teaching & Research Grant 2007 - 2012 35.00/-+ 1 Lecturer M. Tech (Nanotechnology) Supported by Nanomission (DST) 2008 - 2013 274.25/- Centre of Excellence in Materials Science (Nanomaterials) Supported by Council of Science & Technology (CST) U.P. 2009- 2014 203.92/- UGC SAP (DRS - I) 2010 – 2015 32.00/- DST (PURSE) programme (Beneficiary Department) 2009 – 2013 70.814/- 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition: Centre of Excellence in Materials Science (Nanomaterials) supported by CST, UP national recognition: DST under Nanomission, UGC (Innovative programme) international recognition: Nil Research facilities: Highly sophisticated equipments for Synthesis and Characterizations of materials. 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies: Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) : 200 (Nanotechnology/Nanomaterials/Material Science: 119, Nuclear and High Energy Physics: 81) Monographs : Nil Chapters in Books: Nil Edited Books : Nil Books with ISBN with details of publishers: Nil Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average SNIP SJR Impact Factor – range / average: Highest: 8.0, Average: 3.327 h-index 23 Details of patents and income generated: Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other Dr. M. Wasi Khan, Operation training course of transmission electron microscope (TEM)” Organized Aligarh Muslim University Page 410 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad by JEOL LTD, Tokyo, Japan during the period July 4- 8, 2011 26 Faculty serving in National committees: Dr. M. Mohisin Khan, India/ALICE-CMS Task force International committees: Prof. Alim H. Naqvi & Dr. M. Wasi Khan are the members of American Physical Society, and Dr. M. Mohisin Khan is the member of Physics Analysis Group of ALICE at CERN Geneva. Editorial Boards: Dr. M. Wasi Khan, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology (IJARST) as Reviewer in editorial board members. any other (please specify) : 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). Name of the Faculty Name of the Course/ Summer School Place Duration Sponsoring Agency Dr. S.S.Z. Ashraf Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Physics Department, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, U.P., India 05/03/2010 to 20/03/2010 UGC 25 th Refresher Course in Physics ASC, Kerala University, Trivunanthapuram, Kerala, India 03/07/2010 to 23/07/2010 UGC Short term course on Nanoscience and nanomedicine : from bench to bedside Quality Improvement Programme Centre, IIT, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India 04/06/2012 to 08/06/2012 AICTE Dr. Azra Parveen Annual meeting of the Indian Biophysical Society (IBS) University of Madras, Chennai, during January 19- 21, 2012 19/01/2012 to 21/01/2012 UGC Orientation programme ASC, AMU, Aligarh 15/07/2011 To 11/08/2011 UGC 25 th Refresher Course in Physics ASC, AMU, Aligarh 07/02/13 to 27/02/13 UGC Dr. P. Tripathi 121- Orientation programme ASC, AMU, Aligarh 13/07/2012 To 09/07/2012 UGC Short term course on Nanoscience and nanomedicine: from bench to bedside Quality Improvement Programme Centre, IIT, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India 04/06/2012 to 08/06/2012 AICTE Dr. M. Mohisin Khan 25 th Refresher Course in Physics ASC, AMU, Aligarh 07/02/13 to 27/02/13 UGC Dr. M. Wasi Khan 25 th Refresher Course in Physics ASC, AMU, Aligarh 07/02/13 to 27/02/13 UGC 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects: 67% Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 411 of 690 percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute: 33% 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty: Dr. M. Wasi Khan got best poster award in Theme Meeting on Advanced Characterization Techniques for Engineered Nanomaterials (ACTEN-2014), held at Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Sathyabama University, Chennai during January 30-31, 2014. Doctoral / post doctoral fellows : Dr. S. Asad Ali, Young Scientist award under Fast Track Scheme of DST, New Delhi Students : Ms. Razia Nongjai awarded best oral presentation award in Aligarh Nano-II, National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology organized by Department of Applied Physics, AMU, Aligarh during March 10-12, 2012. 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Organized Workshop on Oxide Materials, jointly with IUAC, New Delhi, in the Department of Applied Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh during May 12-13, 2009. Funding Agencies: IUAC, New Delhi. Organized National Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Aligarh Nano-I, in the Department of Applied Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh during March 26-27, 2011. Funding Agencies: UGC, and CST, UP. Organized National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Aligarh Nano-II, in the Department of Applied Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh during March 10-12, 2012. Funding Agencies: UGC and CST, UP. Organized Satellite Symposium on “Nanotechnology for Chemical Applications”, in the Department of Applied Physics & Department of Chemical Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh during February 27, 2013, 2012. Funding Agencies: TEQUIP. Organized National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Aligarh Nano-III, in the Department of Applied Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh during March 15-16, 2013. Funding Agencies: UGC, DST, and CST, UP. 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: Code of ethics as given in the University office memo No. D.No.(c)/6793 dated 20.01.2014 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13) Male Female Male Female M. Tech. (Nanotechnology) 2009-11 78 09 06 67% 100% 2010-12 82 09 5 89% 100% 2011-13 162 12 3 100% 100% Aligarh Muslim University Page 412 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 2012-14 159 15 0 -- -- Ad. P.G. Diploma in Nanotechnology 2009-10 19 06 02 83% 50% 2010-11 23 02 04 00% 100% 2011-12 56 07 01 14% 100% 2012-13 45 08 09 00% 67% M. Phil. 2009-10 -- -- -- -- -- 2010-11 -- -- -- -- -- 2011-12 15 -- -- -- -- 2012-13 08 00 00 --- --- Ph.D. 2009-10 -- 05 01 --- --- 2010-11 -- 01 00 --- --- 2011-12 30 01 00 --- --- 2012-13 15 00 00 --- --- 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011- 12, 2012-13) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries M. Tech. (Nanotechnology) 2009-11 64.3 35.7 Zero Zero 2010-12 80.0 20.0 Zero Zero 2011-13 73.4 26.6 Zero Zero 2012-14 60.0 20.0 20.0 Zero Ad. P.G. Diploma in Nano- technology 2009-10 62.5 37.5 Zero Zero 2010-11 83.3 16.7 Zero Zero 2011-12 75.0 25.0 Zero Zero 2012-13 70.0 18.0 12.0 Zero M. Phil. 2009-13 --- --- --- --- Ph.D. 2009-13 50.0 12.5 25.0 12.5 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. GATE: 10 NET: 02 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG NA PG to M.Phil. 3.5 PG to Ph.D. 34.5 Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Zero Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Nil 27.5 (No proof available) Entrepreneurs Nil 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 72.7 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 413 of 690 from other universities within the State 09.1 from universities from other States 18.2 from universities outside the country Zero 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period : Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library : 1750 Books (No proper seating capacity for students) Internet facilities for staff and students: Wi-Fi available for students & staff Total number of class rooms: 02 (For PG) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 Students’ laboratories : 05 Research laboratories : 04 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates List of doctoral students: From the host institution/university From other institutions/universities Mr. Hilal Ahmed Mr. Ali Jawad Mr. Mohd. Arshad Mr. Imran Khan Ms. Maneesha Gupta Mr. Mollah Mehedi Hassan Mr. Abdullah Saad Ameen Ms. Razia Nongjai Mr. Tahir Husain Ms. Sumaira Mehraj Mr. Deepak Verma Mr. Mohd. Zubair Mr. Rashid Nizam 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university: Nil 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. No 42 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, discussion on the feedback from the students is made in the Department in informal meeting and accordingly suggestions are proposed to improve the standards of effective teaching. students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Nil alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? No 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10): Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan, New York State Department of Health and State University of New York, Albany. Dr. Zubayer Ahammed, Sr. Scientist, VECC, Kolkata Aligarh Muslim University Page 414 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Ms. Manisha Gupta, Scientist, ISRO, Ahmadabad Dr. Parvez Ahmad Alvi, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Banasthali University, Rajasthan Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, University School of Basic & Applied Sciences GGS Indraprastha University, Kashmere Gate, Delhi 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. Interactive Session with Dr. Nabiha Yousuf University of Albama, Birmingham, USA on 11.12.2010. Nanotechnology Lecture Prof. Mahavir Singh, H.P. University, Shimla on “Magnetic nanoparticles and their applications” on 03.10.2011. Nanotechnology Lecture by Dr. Iqbal Ahmad, Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow on “Nanomaterials: Boon or Bane” on 24.10.2011 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes: Black board and multimedia 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? examination. By continuous evaluation in the form of Mid Semester exam, assignment, viva-voce, student seminar, project and end semester 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Participation in workshop/ training programmes and conferences 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Fabricated new materials and developed many products as: Graphene nanocomposite, Anticancer activity of the materials, AMU-Nano Synthetic Bio diesel, AMU-Nano Fruit preservation spray, AMU- Nano surface cleaner, AMU-glass cleaner, AMU- Nano ant-blemish cream, AMU-Nano skin cleaning solution, AMU-Nano skin repair and anti-aging wrinkle cream etc. surface cleaner cleaner etc. 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Equipments of the Department are being utilized by various Departments of the University and other Institutions for the purpose of advanced research (~240 users have used in last 1 Year) for the benefits of students 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Major strengths: Highly qualified faculty. Our major strength lies research in the areas of Nanotechnology, and Materials Science. Other key area of research is High Energy Physics. One of the faculty members (Dr. M. Mohsin Khan) is associated with the International CERN project. Department is also funded by DST, DST (PURSE), CST (UP) and UGC under various Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 415 of 690 research schemes. Department has four research laboratories of high standard. Mostly the faculty is young and dynamic, ready to take initiatives, accept challenges and work in harmony. Weakness: The faculty is very active but there is a little paucity of research personnel and staff. Also, there is lack of smart class rooms and lack of proper seating space in seminar library. Opportunity: The department already got hold in the emerging area of the field of nanotechnology. Students/researchers have the opportunity to learn/work on the various state-of-art research equipments. Challenge: We have taken up the challenge of finding some break through on the frontier of the science such as yet to be confirming the discovery of the god particle or higgs boson and development of excellent devices in the area of nanotechnology. 52 Future plans of the department. The department is highly engaged in the field of nanotechnology, and in the processes of developing patent and devices in the near future. The Department will provide training facility to the students and young faculty and also ready to work in collaboration with other Institution/ department in this regard. In order to get benefit from the Institution/ University, the Department of Applied Physics is wishes to establish student and teacher exchange programs. One such MoA has been signed between AMU- Ohio state University, USA in order to benefit from their expertise in the field of education and research. Attempt has been made to start PhD in Nanotechnology and same has been approved by various bodies of the University (BOS, Faculty meeting and Academic Council). Organizing workshops and lectures of eminent scholars. Organization of the International Conference in the field of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology in collaboration with Ohio State University USA and CEERI Pilani, Rajasthan. The first International Conference is planned in during March 8-10, 2014. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. Aligarh Muslim University Page 416 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution Sd./- Chairman with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 417 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Architecture Engineering 2 Year of establishment 1993 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG (B.Arch) 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved The Department is not involved in any interdisciplinary programme 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Professional Training: 4 weeks training after VI Semester and 4 months training during X Semester exclusively, is conducted in offices/ corporations of repute, which is an integral part of course curriculum at UG level 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons None 8 Examination System: Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Open Electives are offered by all the departments, which are to be opted by students of B.Tech courses of various other department. Our department also offers Open Electives for the B.Tech. students, depending upon faculty positions 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 0 0 0 Associate Professors 2 2 3 Asst. Professors 5 5 4 Others: EDA/ Visiting Faculty 1+1 2 2 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi-cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Mr. Sanjeev Maheshwari B. Arch. M.Sc. (Sustainable Development) Chairman & Associate Professor Architecture Sustainable Development Housing & Comm. Planning 28 - Mr. Nawab Ahmad B.Sc (Phy. Hons) B.Arch (Roorkee) MURP (Roorkee) (Master of Associate professor Energy efficient Architecture Planning Islamic architecture 33 - Aligarh Muslim University Page 418 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Rural & Urban Planning Mr. T.R. Warsi M. Arch. Associate Professor Architecture Architectural Design Urban Design 15 - Ms. Sharmin Khan B.Arch., M.Tech. Asst. Prof. Constr. Management 10 - Mr. Mohd Khalid Hasan M.Arch, Assistant Professor Architecture Urban Design 12 - Mr. Mohammad Farhan Fazli M.Arch. Asstt. Professor Arch. Conservation 09 - Mr. Khan Amadur Rahman B. Arch., MURP Asstt. Professor Architecture Planning 4 &1/2 - 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information UG (B.Arch.) 8-12% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: 13.33: 1 (including temporary teachers for AR Coded Subjects) and 9.3:1 (over all including courses conducted by other departments) 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Technical staff 01 01 01(+2 Temporary) Administrative staff 0 0 0(+3 Temporary/Transferee) Others Semi- Prof., Support Class-IV 0 0 1+3(Transferee+Temporary) 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Centre for Islamic Architecture: UGC sanctioned an amount of 30 lacs for the Centre in the Department of Architecture in the XI plan which was utilized for part building, furniture, books and equipments 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise Nil 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration International collaboration NIL 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 419 of 690 ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition NIL national recognition Centre for Islamic Architecture Initiated by UGC in XI Plan. Heritage Cell AMU established under the chairmanship of the Vice-chancellor initiated to function from department of architecture with Conservation Architect Mr. Mohammad Farhan Fazli, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture as its Convener. international recognition NIL 21 pecial research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/international) 07 (with ISSN No.) ISSN No-1728-7715, Vol 11, Issue 2, 2011- 01 paper ( M. Farhan Fazli, Richa Agarwal) ISSN No-2277-8179, Oct-2012- 01 paper (Khan Amadur Rahman, Mohammad Farhan Fazli and Mohd. Khalid Hasan) ISSN No. 0019-4913, July 2009 -01 paper (Nawab Ahmad, Prof. Alok Ranjan) ISSN No. 2277 – 8160, Oct, 2012 – 01 paper (Mohammad Khalid Hasan, Mohammad Farhan Fazli and Khan Amadur Rahman) ISSN No. 2277 – 8160, Oct, 2012 – 01 paper (Noman Tariq and Khan Amadur Rahman) ISSN No: 2250 – 1991, Oct, 2012 – 01 paper (Noman Tariq and Khan Amadur Rahman) ISSN No. 0973-0591, Feb 2012 01 paper (Sharmin Khan) Monographs NIL Chapters in Books/Conference Proceedings (with ISSN Number) 05 (with ISBN No.) (01 paper in Book ISBN ISBN-978-81-89547- 99-8) (Sharmin Khan) (01-paper in Book ISBN 81.8069/896/3, 2011) (M. Farhan Fazli, Ahmad Ashfaq) (01-paper in Book ISBN 978-93-80697-25-3) (M. Khalid Hasan) (01-paper in Book ISBN 978-93-80697-25-3) (Farhan Fazli) (01-paper in Book ISBN 978-93-80697-25-3) (T, R. Warsi) Edited Books NIL Books with ISBN with details of publishers NIL Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) NIL Aligarh Muslim University Page 420 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Citation Index – range / average NIL SNIP NIL SJR NIL Impact Factor – range / average NIL h-index NIL 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad Ar. Sanjeev Maheshwari, Chairman and Associate Professor, visited Engineering and Pharmacy institutions at Mathura as member Architect of AICTE appointed Expert committee headed by Professor Ekram Hussain, Principle ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh, on 20 Mar 2012 Ar. Sanjeev Maheshwari, Chairman and Associate Professor, visited Accurate Institute of Architecture and Planning, Greater Noida as an expert appointed by Mahamaya Technical University, Gautam Budh Nagar, vide office memo dated 25 June 2012. Mr. Mohd. Khalid Hasan, visited Insan Degree College, Kishanganj, Bihar, for the approval of Centre for Distance Education, AMU Aligarh, vide office memo dated 05 Feb 2013 26 Faculty serving in National committees NIL International committees NIL Editorial Boards NIL any other (please specify) Ar. Sanjeev Maheshwari, Chairman and Associate Professor, appointed and invited as an expert/adviser by UP Public Service Commission, Allahabad on 19 Feb 2011 and 27 Aug 2012 Ar. Sanjeev Maheshwari, Chairman and Associate Professor, appointed and invited as an expert/adviser by J&K Public Service Commission, Jammu on their selection committee for appointment of lecturers in Architecture on 18 Feb 2013. Ar. Sanjeev Maheshwari, Chairman and Associate Professor, appointed and invited as an expert/adviser in connection with selection of candidates for the post of Assistant Town Planner on 11-12 Sept 2013 by Public Service commission, Rajasthan at Ajmer. Ar. Sanjeev Maheshwari, Chairman and Associate Professor, offered to become as a member of Board of studies of Department of Architecture in School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal, vide letter dated 28 March 2011. Ar. Nawab Ahmad, Associate Professor, Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 421 of 690 appointed and invited as an expert/adviser in connection with selection of candidates for the post of Assistant Town Planner by Public Service commission, Rajasthan at Ajmer on 16 Sept 2013. Ar. Nawab Ahmad, Associate Professor, appointed and invited as an expert/adviser by UP Public Service Commission, Allahabad on 11 Dec 2013. 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/ orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs) Ar. Sanjeev Maheshwari Training Program on Revit Architecture Software, organized by Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh,from 19-24 March 2012 Work shop on Earthquake Related Disasters, organized by department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 26 th April 2012 “Durability Of Concrete Structures”, technical symposium jointly organized by Indian Concrete Institute, Western UP Centre Ghaziabad and Ultra Tech Cement Limited at Aligarh on May 16, 2012. Ar. Nawab Ahmad “MATLAB Fundamentals & Applications”, a short term training program organized by School of Engineering, Gautam Buddha University from July 13-15, 2011. “Durability Of Concrete Structures”, technical symposium jointly organized by Indian Concrete Institute, Western UP Centre Ghaziabad and Ultra Tech Cement Limited at Aligarh on May 16, 2012. “Advances in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics”, 2 nd national conference organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, A.M.U.Aligarh from March 23-24, 2013 under TEQIP-II and DST- PURSE. Training Program on Revit Architecture Software, organized by Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh,from 19-24 March 2012 Work shop on “Flood Disaster and its Mitigation” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 10 th May, 2012 Workshop on “Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Cyclone) and their mitigation” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 12 th May 2012 National workshop on “Advances in Structural Engineering” under TEQIP-II organized by Aligarh Muslim University Page 422 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Department of Civil Engineering Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 06 th March 2013 First National Work Shop on “Seismic Safety of Structures” under UGC-DRS-I organized by department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 30 th March 2013 Ar. T. R. Warsi Training Programme on “Space Syntax’’ organized by NIASA, Pune from 13-17 June 2011. Short term course on “Remote Sensing and GIS” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology BHU Varanasi from 16-18 March 2012. Training Program on Revit Architecture Software, organized by Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, from 19-24 March 2012. “Durability Of Concrete Structures”, technical symposium jointly organized by Indian Concrete Institute, Western UP Centre Ghaziabad and Ultra Tech Cement Limited at Aligarh on May 16, 2012. Ar. (Ms.) Sharmin Khan Orientation programme organized by UGC Academic Staff College, AMU Aligarh from 31 Dec 2008 to 21 Jan 2009. Orientation program organized by UGC Academic Staff College, AMU Aligarh from 20 Oct 2009 to 17 Nov 2009. Short term course on “Academic Writing Skills” organized by UGC Academic Staff College, AMU Aligarh from 9 Nov 2009 to 11 Nov 2009. Workshop on “Legacy of Islamic Architecture and its Impact on contemporary world” organized by Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, on Feb 27 2011. Refresher course in “Research Mythology in Social Science( Architecture)” organized by UGC Academic Staff College, AMU Aligarh from 15 July to 4 Aug 2011. National workshop on “Advances in Structural Engineering” under TEQIP-II organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 06 th March 2013 Training Program on Revit Architecture Software, organized by Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, from 19-24 March 2012. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 423 of 690 National Workshop on Structural Aspect of Earthquake Engineering organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, on 20 April 2013. Ar. Mohd. Khalid Hasan Training Programme on “Solid Waste Management” sponsored by Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi and organised by Civil Engineering Department, IIT Roorkee.(2009) Technical Teachers’ Training & Research Rural Development Centre, Chandigarh, 26-30 Oct 2009 Training Program on Revit Architecture Software, organized by Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, from 19-24 March 2012. Work shop on “Flood Disaster and its Mitigation” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 10 th May, 2012 Workshop on “Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Cyclone) and their mitigation” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 12 th May 2012 “Durability Of Concrete Structures”, technical symposium jointly organized by Indian Concrete Institute, Western UP Centre Ghaziabad and Ultra Tech Cement Limited at Aligarh on May 16, 2012. National Programme for Capacity Building in Earthquake Risk Management organized by Government of Madhya Pradesh on 15-17 Feb 2013. National workshop on “Advances in Structural Engineering” under TEQIP-II organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 06 th March 2013 First National Work Shop on “Seismic Safety of Structures” under UGC-DRS-I organized by department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 30 th March 2013 Ar. Mohammad Farhan Fazli Training programme on “Recent Advances in Management of Built Heritage”. Organized by Chitkara CASA, Chandigarh from 15-19 April 2009. Technical Teachers’ Training & Research Rural Development Centre, Chandigarh, 26-30 Oct 2009 Training Course on “CNC Machines-Operation, Aligarh Muslim University Page 424 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Programming and Elements” organized by EMD Nodal Centre, University Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh on 28 Jan. -3 Feb 2010. Workshop on” Innovative methods in Concrete Construction(IMCC-2010)” held at Roorkee on 24-25 April 2010 Training Course on “Arches, Vaults and Domes” organized by Auroville Earth Institute, Auroville on 20 June 2011 to 02 July 2011. Training Workshop on “Lime Mortar Preparation and Use” organised by Archaeological Survey of India – Aga Khan Trust for Culture on 19-24 March 2012. Training Program on Revit Architecture Software, organized by Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh,from 19-24 March 2012. Workshop on “Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Cyclone) and their mitigation” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 12 th May 2012 “Durability Of Concrete Structures”, technical symposium jointly organized by Indian Concrete Institute, Western UP Centre Ghaziabad and Ultra Tech Cement Limited at Aligarh on May 16, 2012. Ar. Khan Amadur Rehman Training Program on Revit Architecture Software, organized by Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, from 19-24 March 2012. 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects. 100%, (1 project each by IX semester B. ARCH. students in pursuance of course “Design Thesis” under the guidance of 1 faculty member as respective guide). percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute NIL 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Z.H.C.E.T was also awarded certificate of Excellence for its department of Architecture in recognition of its students awarded for Architecture and Interior Design by PIDILITE industries. Ar. Nawab Ahmad awarded “YUVA Ratna” award Birla white by Aditya Birla Group for guiding/ inspiring the students. Doctoral / post doctoral fellows NIL Students 6 Students of the Department were awarded PIDILITE award for excellence in Architectural Design & Interior Design. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 425 of 690 1 student was awarded YUVA Ratna award Birla white by Aditya Birla Group. 3 prizes awarded to one student of B.Arch. 3 rd year at NASA convention at Hubli. 4 other students also awarded prizes at the same convention in 2011 5 Students of B.Arch. of various years awarded 1 st /2 nd prizes at SAARC NASA convention 2009 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any Work shop on “Legacy of Islamic Architecture and its impact on contemporary world” under the agies of newly initiated Centre of Islamic Architecture, Department of Architecture, AMU, Aligarh, partially supported by Ultratech Cement on 27 Feb 2011. Eminent resource persons: Prof. Irfan Habib noted historian and professor emeritus A.M.U. delivered the key note lecture. Prof. S.M. Akhtar, Dean Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. Prof. Nadeem Rivazi, Department of History, A.M.U., Aligarh. Mr. Nawab Ahmad, A.M.U., Aligarh Mr. Nisar Ahmad, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. Training Program on Revit Architecture Software, organized by Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh,from 19-24 March 2012 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments. Same as University 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female B.Arch. Obtain from Controller of Exam 16+06 (session 2008-09) Ratio Varies every year 93.97% 100% Graduating 2013 33 Diversity of students: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same univ. % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries B.Arch (Intake of 20 + 2 (from polytechnic toppers +2 NRI) 66.67% Session 2013-14 29.1% Session 2013-14 NIL Session 2013- 14 4.2% Session 2013-14 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details The Following Students of the department cleared GATE exam in the session 2012-2013: Name GATE/AIR(Rank) Mohd Faraz - 08 Shariq Meraj Khan - 11 Zoya Naqvi - 18 Aligarh Muslim University Page 426 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports category-wise. Salman Arif Khan - 30 Mohammad Saquib Aftab Alam- 167 Mohammad Danish Kadri - 291 Mohammad Rajaullah - 298 Sana Javaid - 338 Mohammad Ahmad - 419 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG PG programme not offered by this department PG to M.Phil. NA PG to Ph.D. NA Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NA Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment 100%, either employed or pursuing Masters but authorized data is not available Entrepreneurs NIL 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates who are PG of the same university 57% from other universities within the State 43% 100% from universities from other States NIL NIL from universities outside the country NIL NIL 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library: Seminar Library of the department has 1618 volumes (books) with 80 titles, 580 National journals and 35 International journals Internet facilities for staff and students 100% 40 computers with internet facilities in 2 labs. All 7 faculty members have PC with internet facilities. Total number of class rooms 5 Studios Class rooms with ICT facility 01 Students’ laboratories 5 Computer Lab (established under MODROBS) Model Making Lab Construction Lab Material Museum Graphics Lab (Under Development) Research laboratories 2 Centre for Islamic Architecture (Under Development) Heritage cell (Under Development) 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university NIL from other institutions/universities NIL 40 Number of post graduate No Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 427 of 690 students getting financial assistance from the university 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology Nil 42 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, feedback is obtained from faculty members on curriculum as well as teaching learning evaluation through informal meetings and departmental consultative committee meetings, DCAC and BOS. The feedback is utilized to revise the course structure and syllabus of the various subjects therein. Changing credits, duration of examinations and maximum marks for coursework, mid semester exam and end semester exam. students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? By consultative committees meetings and appraisal of courses and subject teachers by students through appraisal/feedback forms filled in by students without disclosing identity and it is analyzed by member of DCAC Team of Council of Architecture visits and inspects the department and submits their report to Council of Architecture and copies endorsed to University authority for improvement/ augmentation. Prof. (Ms.) Jayashree D. Deshpande, Director-In Charge, NIASA, Academic Unit of the Council of Architecture, was invited as an expert deputed by Council of Architecture, India for restructuring of B. Arch. 5 yr. degree Programme, teaching & exam schedule & syllabus alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Informally and through occasional meetings upon their visits to the department. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Dr. Hina Zia, (Scientist- Planning Division), The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI), India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Qamar Irshad, Associate professor, Deptt. of Architecture, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi Mr. Abdul Halim Babboo, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Jamia Millia Islamia, Aligarh Muslim University Page 428 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports New Delhi Mohd. Firoz Anwar, Associate professor, Deptt. of Architecture, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi Dr. Parag Agarwal, (Research Associate), Dept. of Architecture & Planning, Ohio State University, Ohio, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] Ar. Taiq Ali Khan, Reliance Retail Ltd., Mumbai, E- mail: [email protected] Ar. Ashok Mishra, Archopolis, Indrapuram, Ghaziabad 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts Prof. Alok Ranjan, Department of Architecture, MNIT, Jaipur delivered lectures on Council of Architecture and Design methodology on 18-19 April 2013. Dr. K. K. Mohammad, Ex-Director, Archaelogical Survey of India, New Delhi delivered lecture/presentation on Architectural Conservation and conservation of Architectural sites on 18 Feb 2013. Ar. Anagha Sharma, Landscape consultant, Mandal Architects, Agra delivered lecture on the Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture on 10 Nov 2011. Training Program on Revit Architecture Software, Department of Architecture, AMU 19-24, March 2012 Workshop on - “Legacy of Islamic Architecture and Its impact on contemporary World”, on 28th Feb 2011. Prof. (Ms.) Jayashree D. Deshpande, Director-In Charge, NIASA, Academic Unit of the Council of Architecture, was invited as an expert deputed by Council of Architecture, India for restructuring of B. Arch. 5 yr. degree Programme, teaching & exam schedule & syllabus. 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes Audio-visual means and PowerPoint presentations. Market surveys conducted by the students to discover latest trends. Making physical models in the class. Making virtual models and walkthroughs. Students encouraged and facilitated to participate in national level design competitions organized by the industries like Birla White, Saint Gobain and Pedilite, which help them in tackling the design problems. Chalk board Lectures. Site visit for case studies. Practical site based projects to make the students familiar with real life site and statutory constraints. Layout & Design development for academic projects through introduction to the Topic and one to one interaction with students. Design crit with participation of students through open Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 429 of 690 jury/table discussion. Seminar and presentation of projects at analysis and synthesis stages. Conduct Educational Tours for various Batches of Architecture for exposure to historic, modern- contemporary architecture, Planning, Landscape settings & situations of the country. 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Department ensures that the students produced from the department are market worthy and command a good reputation and salary package from the employers by evaluating their performance in 2 levels of training (one during summer after VI semester and professional training of 4 months during X semester of the programme.) and keep on revising syllabi and course structure from time to time depending upon the feedback received in form of certificates issued to the students after the aforesaid training and reports of Council of Architecture and from NIASA, the academic unit of Council of Architecture at Pune 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities Sanjeev Maheshwari, Associate Professor, participated in a programme at district level in context of World Nature Day as a dignitary invited to Judge, school children, poster presentation on 3 rd Oct 2009. Vaibhav Singh, student B.Arch contributed in organization of competitions in context of World Nature Day on 3 rd Oct 2009. Sanjeev Maheshwari, Associate Professor, involve with Hindi daily Hindustan in Identifying and suggesting improvement in drains and footpaths for the city of Aligarg on 19 Jan 2013. Sanjeev Maheshwari, Associate Professor, invited millennium alliance meets on 11 Oct 2012 by FICCI. Chairman and Faculty members participated in various activates at college/ university level like conduct of elections of students’ body of AMU, the smooth organization of TECH-FEST of the Engineering. College-”Zarf”, facilitated fresher’s and farewell party to be organized in the department. Two faculty members have shoulder the responsibility of warden in the University Mr. Mohammad Farhan Fazli is acting as President Hobbies Workshop- General Education Centre, Panel Architect Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation, Tala Nagri, Aligarh. He is also a Govt. Approved Valuer, from ‘The Indian Institution of Valuers’. He is also convener of the Conservation Cell. Ar.Sanjeev Maheshwari, Associate Professor, served on building monitoring committee of Engineering College. Aligarh Muslim University Page 430 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Ar. Nawab Ahmad, Associate Professor, served on sub committee of Building committee of the University as member (Architect). Ar. M. Farhan Fazli became Secretary of Aligarh Architect Association after the elections conducted under Ar.Sanjeev Maheshwari as Election Officer. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department Ar. Sanjeev Maheshwari, Associate Professor & Chairman department of Architecture invited to deliver a technical lecture on Urban Mobility on the occasion of World Habitat Day on 7 Oct 2013 by local chapter of Institution of India. Ar. Sanjeev Maheshwari, Associate Professor and Chairman, contributed as a scholar and a resource personal delivering a Lecture on the Topic “Architectural Planning in Rural Housing” in a Short Term Training Programme (STTP) of teachers organized by NITTR Chandigarh at Civil Engineering. Section University Polytechnic Aligarh from 20-30 Oct. 2009. Ar. Nawab Ahmad, Associate Professor and Chairman, contributed as a scholar and a resource personal delivering a Lecture on the Topic “Islamic Architecture (Dynamic and Eternal)” in the workshop on Legacy of Islamic Architecture and its Impact on Contemporary world, organized by department of Architecture, AMU Aligarh on 27 Feb 2011. Mr. M. Farhan Fazli, Assistant Professor, contributed as a scholar and a resource personal delivering following Lectures: Preventive Conservation of Built Environment in Teachers Training Program organized by Council of Architecture at CIASA, Chandigarh on 15-19 April 2009. “Impact of Water on Heritage Buildings” on World Water Day organized by The Institution of Engineers (IEI) on 2 May 2009. Environmental Protection of Taj Mahal- An Issue in Refresher Course on Environment organized by Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh on 16 May 2011. Need for Environmental Awareness in Refresher Course on Environment organized by Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh on 15 may 2011. Cognitive Learning in Workshop on Multimedia & its Application organized by Women’s Polytechnic, AMU on 21-22 Mar 2009. Conserving the Built Environment-An Approach on World Environment Day organized by The Institution of Engineers (IEI) on 5 June 2009. Challenges for Entrepreneurship development in Workshop on Challenges for the students to be an Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 431 of 690 Entrepreneur - A Global Scenario, organized by Nodal Centre, AMU, Aligarh on 10 Mar 2011. In Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, Nodal Centre, AMU 22 Feb 2011 49 State whether the programme/ department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details Yes, admission to B.Arch programme is made on the recommendations by Council of Architecture, New Delhi-A-Statutory body that governs education and profession of Architecture in the country. All faculty members are registered as Architect with this body. Ar. Sanjeev Maheshwari, Ar. Nawab Ahmad, Ar. T.R. Warsi three associate professors of the department are fellow members of IIA, Mumbai and Ms. Sharmin Kahn, Mr. M.Khalid Hasan, Mr. Farhan Fazli, Mr. Khan Amadur Rehman, Assistant Professors in this department are Associate members of this body 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied Department of Architecture had earlier undertaken Architectural Design/planning/Valuation/consultancy thereby evolving new design and plans which is akin to generating new knowledge in applied and utilitarian area 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department Strength: Good work and performance in practice, profession and higher education by the students because of dedicated teachers guidance in the limited resources of staff, space, funds is the main strength of this department. Weakness: Location of an Architecture institution in the medium sized town not fully developed city like Aligarh is the main weakness of this department at A.M.U. which results in little or virtually no exposure of students to well designed & developed Architecture and planned urban situations. The problem is compounded because of non conduct of frequent case- study, site-study and educational tours because of logistic (limited number of teachers allowed on tours of each batch, lady escort and availability of University bus etc) and financial constrains. Opportunities: Being a professional discipline, all the students graduating from this department either get absorbed in profession as employee, pursue higher education and research or start their own practice/ consultancy as an Architect or enterprise. Challenges: Department lacking in space, staff, equipments and funds for the maintenance of these equipments is a major weakness, challenge and thus a major concern of the department as established building and equipment is decaying and deteriorating. 52 Future plans of the department. To make Architectural education less stringent on statutory requirement and make it a process of learning with fun and learning by doing. To substantially enhance the level of competence and competitiveness of architecture students, high enough to be able to compete with the best in the world. To augment staff, space, equipment and fund’s position of the department for the already running Aligarh Muslim University Page 432 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports UG programme of B.Arch and further develop and offer PG programmes in Architecture/ Allied disciplines 53 Faculty participation in seminars National Conferences/Seminars participation with paper presentation Mohammad Farhan Fazli, Khan Amadur Rahman, “Urban Regeneration of Industrial Precincts – A Case Study”, National Seminar, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 24-25 Mar., 2011 Khan Amadur Rahman, Mohammad Farhan Fazli, “Application of Ecological Principals for Urban Regeneration”, National Seminar, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 24-25 Mar., 2011 Khan Amadur Rahman, Mohammad Farhan Fazli and Noman Tariq, “Relevance of Ecological Studies in Evolving Sustainable Materials”, National Conference, Maya Institute of Technology & Management, Dehradun, 18- 19 June-2011. Khan Amadur Rahman, Noman Tariq and Mohammad Farhan Fazli, “Nano Technology in Buildings to save the Material Resources”, National Conference, Maya Institute of Technology & Management, Dehradun, 18-19 June-2011. Mohammad Farhan Fazli, Khan Amadur Rahman and Noman Tariq, “Longevity of Building epoch’- A step towards Sustainability”, National Conference, Maya Institute of Technology & Management, Dehradun, 18- 19 June-2011. National Conferences/Seminars participation. Details in item no.27 Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution Sd./- Chairman with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: 07-02-2014 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 433 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Chemical Engineering 2 Year of establishment 1978 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes, Faculty of Engineering. & Technology 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) B.Tech., M.Tech., and Ph.D 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Industrial Involved Chemistry (Department of Chemistry) M.Sc. in Biotechnology (Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit) B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Petrochemical Engineering (Department of Petroleum Studies) 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Semester system 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: 6 Teachers are involved in taking the offered by other departments theory and laboratory courses in the Department of Petroleum Studies,Chemistry (Industrial Chemistry) and Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/ others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 02 01 02 Associate Professors 03 01 06 Asst. Professors 09 09 03 Others: Guest Faculty --- 02 02 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Dr. M. Idrees Ph.D. Professor Modeling & Simulation, Separation Processes, Reaction Engineering, Nanomaterial Synthesis, Industrial & Hazardous Waste Management, Pulp & Paper Technology 34 01/04 Dr. Sattar Husain Ph.D. Professor & Heat Transfer, Biochemical 31 01/01 Aligarh Muslim University Page 434 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Chairma n Engineering, Waste Water Treatment and Modeling & Simulation Mr. Naseem A. Khan M.Tech. Associate Professor Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering, Modeling and Simulation 25 00/04 Mr. M. Abdul Hakeem M.Tech. Associate Professor Modeling and Simulation , Artificial Neural Network 25 00/06 Mr. Sadaf Zaidi M.Tech Associate Professor Petroleum Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation 25 00/00 Dr. S. Akhlaq Ahmad Ph.D. Associate Professor Mass Transfer, Separation Processes, Modeling Simulation and Optimization, Thermodynamics of Phase Equilibria 25 00/05 Dr. M. Junaid Khalil Ph.D. Associate Prof. Math. Methods, Process Modeling & Simulation, Environmental Engineering. 24 00/04 Dr. Sheeba Jilani Ph.D. Associate Professor Separation Processes, Modeling and Simulation, Environmental Engineering. 23 00/02 Ms. Aishatul Bushra M.E. Assistant Professor Process Modeling and Simulation 14 00/01 Dr. M. Danish Ph.D. Assistant Professor Math. Methods, Process Modeling & Simulation, Reaction Engineering 13 00/02 Mr. Raunaq Hasib M.Tech. Assistant Professor Chemical Engineering. 7 00/01 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information B.Tech. (27.5%), M. Tech. (0%),–programme-wise information overall (19.5%) 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: B.Tech. (10.8:1). M. Tech. (14.9:1) 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Cadre Sanctioned Filled Actual Technical 08 04 04 (1 temporary) Ministerial 07 05 05 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 435 of 690 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major: Thermosiphon Reboiler, Safety, funding agencies Hazardous Waste Management, Nanotechnology 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Name of Faculty Project Title Funding Agency National/ International Amount Dr. M. Idrees Environmental Friendly Management of Hazardous Electroplating Waste: A Zero Discharge Plan UGC National Rs. 12.798 Lakh Dr. M. Idrees Designing of N- hetrocyclic carbine based MOFs: Application in gas storage, separation and in catalyst SERB (DST) National Rs. 21.0 Lakhs 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: National collaboration Nil International collaboration Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR AICTE, etc.; total grants received: CST sponsored project on “Application,of Macrocyclic Compounds in the Management of Hazardous Waste”, total grant Rs. 10.00 Laks 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition Nil national recognition Nil international recognition Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies: Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/ international): 30 Monographs : Nil Chapters in Books : 03 Edited Books : Nil Books with ISBN with details of publishers: Nil Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average : SNIP : Nil SJR : Nil Impact Factor – range/average: Min. 0, Max. 3 h-index : Nil 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated: Sulfur Recovery Unit − Rs. 65,000.00, Water Treatment − Rs. 3.25 Lakhs 25 Faculty selected Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 436 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports nationally/internationally to visit other laboratories/institutions/ industries in India and abroad: 26 Faculty serving in National committees: 03 (NBA, UPSC) International committees : 01 Editorial Boards: Nil any other: Nil 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/ orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). All faculty members have undergone on in the following training programs and many more. Training on Chemical Engineering Simulation Software CHEMCAD Training on Virtual Instrumentation Software LabView Training on Process Simulation Software Aspen Plus Training on Triangular Simulator Training on Basic MATLAB and Simulink along with some toolboxes 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects: 100% percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/industry/ institute: Nil 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Doctoral/post doctoral fellows Students: Mr. M. Moiz Khan and Mr. M. Danish Iqbal: awarded Best Paper award in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technologies, held on April 4, 2013 at New Delhi, India. Salman Bin Kashif: IInd Prize, Quiz, Hydrology Department, Cognizance ‘12, IIT Roorkee Mohammad Atif Aleem: IInd Prize, Quiz, Hydrology Department, Cognizance ‘12, IIT Roorkee Syed Mahamid Raza Qadri: Research Intern at Interfacial Electrochemistry Lab, Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Canada Syed Mahamid Raza Qadri: student delegation of 2012 World Heavy Oil Congress, Aberdeen, UK by World Petroleum Council-2013 Youth Forum Committee. Syed Mahamid Raza Qadri: International Program Developer for International Student Energy Summit 2013, Trondheim, Norway Atif Aleem, Student Energy Summit 2013, Trondheim, Norway Ahmad Tabish: Research Intern, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source One Day Satellite Symposium on ‘Nanotechnology for Chemical Applications’ on February 27, 2013 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 437 of 690 of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. funded by TEQIP II. Details of outstanding participents are: Prof. Andrease MAnz, KIST Germany Prof. Mahavir Singh, HP University, Shimla Dr. Fouran Singh, IUAC, New Delhi National Workshop on “Process Modeling and Simulation” ZHCET, AMU, March 23-24, 2013 funded by TEQIP II. Details of outstanding participents are: Prof. V.K. Shrivastava, Ex Dean R&D, IIT Delhi Prof. B. P. Mani, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Delhi Prof. Bikash Mohanty, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee Prof. B.V. Babu, Director, JKL Institute, Jaiput Dr. Vineet Kumar, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments As prescribed by UGC 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female B. Tech. Data available with Controller of Examination and Admission Office Data available with Chief Tabulator’s Office M. Tech. (2011- 2012) (2012- 2013) (2013- 2014) 96 139 127 12 12+2 13 08 08 07 100%* − − 100%* − − * based on the students who completed the program within stipulated time 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same univ. % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries B. Tech Data available with Controller of Examination & Admission Office M. Tech. (2011- 2012) (2012- 2013) (2013- 2014) 35% 30% 35% 60% 65% 40% 5% 5% 25% − − − 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. GATE − about 20 and Civil Services − −− − 01 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG about 25% Aligarh Muslim University Page 438 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports PG to M.Phil. N A. PG to Ph.D. 10 % Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Nil Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment About 20-40% 20% (based on informal sources) Entrepreneurs Data not available 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates/ PG/Ph.D. Gradu ate PG Ph.D . of the same university 63.6% 27.3% − from other universities within the State 27.3% 36.4% 18.2 % from universities from other States 9.1% 36.4% 36.4 % from universities outside the country − − − Information showing the name of the Institution from where the faculty members possess degrees Name of Teacher Designation Degree Name of Institution Dr. Mohammad Idrees Professor UG PG Ph.D. HBTI Kanpur IIT Kanpur IIT Kanpur Dr. Sattar Husain Professor& Chairman UG PG Ph.D. HBTI Kanpur HBTI Kanpur IIT Roorkee Naseem A. Khan Associate Professor UG PG Ph.D. AMU Aligarh AMU Aligarh --- Mohd. Abdul Hakeem Associate Professor UG PG Ph.D. HBTI Kanpur BHU Varanasi (in progress) Sadaf Zaidi Associate Professor UG PG Ph.D. AMU Aligarh AMU Aligarh AMU (only VV is left Dr. M. Junaid Khalil Associate Professor UG PG Ph.D. AMU Aligarh IIT Roorkee IIT Delhi Dr. S. Akhlaq Ahmad Associate Professor UG PG Ph.D. IIT Roorkee IIT Kanpur IIT Kanpur Dr. Sheeba Jilani Associate Professor UG PG Ph.D. AMU Aligarh AMU Aligarh IIT Roorkee Mrs. Aishatul Bushra Assistant Professor UG PG Ph.D. AMU Aligarh IIT Roorkee --- Dr. Mohd. Danish Assistant Professor UG PG Ph.D. AMU Aligarh IIT Roorkee IIT Roorkee Raunaq Hasib Assistant Professor UG PG Ph.D. AMU Aligarh IIT Roorkee --- Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 439 of 690 AMU IIT Delhi HBTI UOR/IIT Roorkee IIT Kanpur B.Tech. 07 -- 03 01 -- M.Tech. 03 -- 01 05 01 Ph.D. 00 01 -- 03 02 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period: Ph.D.s - 02 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library: Yes, 975 books and 443volumes of journals Internet facilities for staff and students: Yes Total number of class rooms (PG): 01 Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 Students’ laboratories : 08 Research laboratories : 02 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university : Nil from other institutions/universities : Nil 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university: GATE Scholarship − 08 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology: Yes (through BOS, Faculty and AC) 42 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Regular consultative meetings are convened to obtained feedback. Strategies are adopted to overcome the shortcomings. students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, Individual teachers take remedial measures accordingly alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? The process has been initiated. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Dr. Mohammad Asif, Professor, KAA University, Riyadh, KSA. Er. Sanjay Bhatnagar, CEO, IOCL, Karnal. Dr. Ghulam Mustafa Khan, CEO, Design and Consultancy, Sydney, Australia. Dr. S.M. Javed Zaidi, Professor, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Sydney, Australia. Er. Kamal Kumar, VP (Production), Reliance Industries Ltd, (Hazira Division), Surat. Prof. Anil Kumar Siroha Chemical Engineering Deptt, IIT Delhi, and editor, Indian Chemical Engineer. Er. Javed Akhtar, CEO, Oman Oil Company, Oman Er. Amir Alvi, General Manager (Technical), Tata Fertilizers, Haldia, West Bengal. Aligarh Muslim University Page 440 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Dr. Faisal Irshad Khan, Professor and Dean, Memorial University, Prince Edward Iceland, Canada. Ms. Goldi Sharma, Indian Civil Services 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/ seminar) involving external experts. Lectures were delivered by the following experts: Prof. V. K. Shrivastava, Ex Dean R&D, IIT Delhi Prof. I. M. Mishra, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee Prof. Bikash Mohanty, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee Dr. Vineet Kumar, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorkee Er A R Ansari, Deputy Manager Shipping, IOCL, New Delhi Er Sanjay Bhatnagar, CEO, IOCL, Karnal Er. Narendra Pal Singh, GM, Morepen Laboratories Ltd., Solan, HP Er. Arvind Bimbisariya, IOCL, Delhi Dr. K. K. Singh, BARC, Mumbai M.Tahir Khan, Process Engineer, Lummus Technology, DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Power Point Chalk and Board Handouts 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Continuous internal assessment through quizes and tutorials in theory courses and viva in lab courses Regular consultative meetings of teacher to discuss the student’s performance Monitoring the syllabi coverage regularly 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Many teachers acted as recourse persons in the departments/ centers within and outside the university The teachers are involved in different NGOs working for spreading education and communal harmony Faculty and staff members are providing financial support to the victims of natural calamities and communal violence Teachers are also involved in NGOs working for the development of literary and cultural heritage of the country Students participates in various co-curricular activities organized in the college weak and other such events Activities in the students’ society of the department (SACHES) 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Invited lectures from experts both from industries and academia and Seminars 49 State whether the programme/ department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. Yes. B. Tech. program was accredited for 2009-2014 by National Board of Accreditation. 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new Through research publications and project works Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 441 of 690 knowledge, basic or applied. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strengths: Qualified faculty with doctoral degree from reputed institutions having good computational and experimental skills Revision of curriculum on regular basis to meet the challenges of fast developing technology Well equipped laboratories to impart the training of students Good computational facility with the state-of-the-art simulation and computational software A graduate program that yields good employment Weaknesses: Lack of funds for students’ projects Lack of industry academia interaction Inadequate number technical and ministerial staff Impoverished infrastructure for faculty Opportunities: Utilizing the assistance from the alumni that are at very high position in the country and abroad for an overall improvement of the department and the programs Inviting the alumni and industry persons for seminars and lectures to benefit from their expertise Starting inter-department collaboration to work on interdisciplinary projects A good number of small/medium scale industries in and around Aligarh can be tapped for consultancy in the department Workshops/short term courses/training programs for the PSUs and other industries personnels Challenges: To provide high quality education to our students to meet the requirements of the industry and other prospective employers To update the curriculum as per demands of the industries and academia To sustain the cost effective education to socially and economically marginalized section of the society 52 Future plans of the department. To start a dual degree program with B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering combined with M. Tech. in emerging fields of Chemical Engineering and Technology To start M. Tech. program for Industrial Chemistry graduates To develop the M. Tech. programs in consonance with the requirements of R&D in the industry/academia 53 Faculty participation in seminars: Name of the Faculty Name of the Seminar/Conference/Symposia/Workshop, etc. Dr. Mohammad Conference on Separation Process, ICSP 09. IT BHU Varanasi, India, October 20-22, 2009. Aligarh Muslim University Page 442 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Idrees International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science & Engineering ICETES 2009. AMU Aligarh, October 26-28, 2009. 12 th CRSI National Conference in Chemistry & 4 th CRSI – RSC Symposium in Chemistry. NIPER & IICT Hyderabad, India, February 4-7, 2010. National Symposium on Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences NSRTCS 2010. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, February, 24-25, 2010. 63 rd Annual Session of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON 2010). Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, India. December 27 – 29, 2010. Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ALIGARH NANO-I. AMU, Aligarh, March 26-27, 2011. International Conference on Sunrise Technologies, i-COST 2011. 13-15 January 2011, Dhule, Maharashtra, India. 64 th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON-2011), M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India, December 27-29, 2011. International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, (ICNANO 2011). University of Delhi, Delhi, India, 18-21 December 2011 National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, (ALIGARH NANO-II). AMU, Aligarh, March 10-12, 2012. 2 nd International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICPEAM2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-14 June 2012. International Conference on Chemistry: Frontiers and Challenges, AMU Aligarh, India, March 2-3, 2013. Dr. Sattar Husain 8 th International Oil and Gas Conference, PETROTECH-09, January 11-15, 2009, New Delhi. National Conference in Advances in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Technologies, AMU, Aligarh March 21,2009. International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Environment, AMU Aligarh, October 2009 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Environment, AMU Aligarh, October 29-30, 2010 Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON) 2011, Bangalore on December 27-29, 2011 National Conference on “Technical Advancement in Chemical and Environmental Engineering” (TACEE – 2012), Pilani on March 23-24, 2012 Academia Industry Youth Forum under PETROTECH-2013: An International seminar, October 15-16, 2012, New Delhi International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE 2013), Roorkee on February 22-24, 2013 Industry-Academia Workshop on “Design of Refinery Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 443 of 690 Distillation Columns” by PETROFED India, Indian Oil Institute of Petroleum Management, Gurgaon, October 23- 24, 2013 National Symposium on ‘Nanotechnology for Chemical Applications’, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, February 27, 2013 Workshop on ‘Process Modeling and Simulation’, Department of Chemical Engineering Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, March 23-24, 2013. Mr. Naseem Ahmad Khan Conference on CHEMCAD process simulation, Delhi on 26January 2010 63 rd Annual Session of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON 2010). Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, India. December 27 – 29, 2010. 64 th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON-2011), M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India, December 27-29, 2011. Workshop on Educational Resource Planning A.M.U., Aligarh, January 17-18, 2012. Workshop on Computational Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow. 18 th -19 th Feb, 2012 AMU Aligarh National Conference on Hydrocarbon, Energy and Environment (HEEcon-2012), AMU, Aligarh, Feb 25, 2012 National Conference Technical Advancement in Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering TACEE 2012 (BITS) Pilani, March 23-24, 2012. Workshop on Issues related to the Translation of Science and Social Sciences Books from English into Urdu, AMU Aligarh International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering, Feb 22-24,2013,IIT Roorkee Workshop on Nanotechnology for Chemical Applications, AMU, Feb 27,2012 Workshop on Process Modeling & Simulation AMU, March 23-24, 2012 Minimization of Environmental Impact of Slaughter House Waste by Value Addition as Pet Foods, AMU January 5 2013 Mr. Mohammad Abdul Hakeem 7 th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT2010, Antalya, Turkey, 19- 21July 2010 63 rd Annual Session of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON 2010). Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, India. December 27 – 29, 2010. 64 th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON-2011), M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India, December 27-29, 2011. Workshop on Educational Resource Planning A.M. U., Aligarh, January 17-18, 2012. Workshop on Computational Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow. Aligarh Muslim University Page 444 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 18-19 Feb, 2012 AMU Aligarh National Conference on Hydrocarbon, Energy and Environment(HEEcon-2012), AMU, Aligarh, Feb25, 2012 Conference on Technical Advancement in Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering TACEE 2012 (BITS) Pilani, March 23-24, 2012. Fuel Cells as Back up Power for Telecommunication Networks, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, December 22, 2012 Minimization of Environmental Impact of Slaughter House Wastes by Value Addition as Pet Foods’, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, January 5,2013. Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE -2013) Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. February 22-24, 2013. Nanotechnology for Chemical Application Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, February 27, 2013 ‘Process Modeling and Simulation Department of Chemical Engineering Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, March 23-24, 2013. Mr. Sadaf Zaidi International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering, A.M.U., Aligarh, Oct. 26-29, 2009. 63 rd Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers CHEMCON, 2010 Annamalainagar-608002 (T.N), Dec. 27-30, 2010. 64 rd Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers CHEMCON, 2011, Ramiah Institute of Technology, Begaluru, Dec. 27-30, 2010. Workshop on Educational Resource Planning, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Jan. 17-18, 2012 Workshop on Computational Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, February 18-19, 2012. National Conference on Hydrocarbon, Energy and Environment(HEEcon-2012), AMU, Aligarh, Feb25, 2012 Workshop on Fuel Cells as Backup Power for Telecommunication Networks, Aligarh, Dec. 22, 2012. International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Energy and Environment in Process Industries & Indo-US Joint International Conference Energy and Environment- CHEMCON-2012, National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, Dec. 27-30, 2012 National Symposium on Nanotechnology for Chemical Applications Aligarh, Muslim University, Aligarh, Feb. 27, 2013. Workshop on Process Modeling and Simulation, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, March 23-24, 2013. Dr. Syed Akhlaq Ahmad Conference on CHEMCAD Process Simulation, New Delhi on January 26, 2010 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering 2010 (CHISA 2010) and 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-7), Prague, Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 445 of 690 Czech Republic on August 28 - September 01 2010 Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON) 2011, Bangalore on December 27-29 2011 National Conference on “Hydrocarbon, Energy & Environment” (HEE Conf. –2012), Aligarh on February 25, 2012 National Conference on “Technical Advancement in Chemical and Environmental Engineering” (TACEE – 2012), Pilani on March 23-24 2012 2 nd International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICPEAM2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-14 June 2012. Academia Industry Youth Forum under PETROTECH-2013: An International seminar, October 15-16, 2012, New Delhi International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE 2013), Roorkee on February 22-24, 2013 National Symposium on Nanotechnology for Chemical Applications Aligarh, Muslim University, Aligarh, Feb. 27, 2013. Workshop on Process Modeling and Simulation, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, March 23-24, 2013. Industry-Academia Workshop on “Design of Refinery Distillation Columns” by PETROFED India, Indian Oil Institute of Petroleum Management, Gurgaon, October 23- 24, 2013 Dr. Mohammad Junaid Khalil National Conference on “Hydrocarbon, Energy and Environment” (HEEcon-2012), A.M.U., Aligarh (India), February 25, 2012 Workshop on “Computational methods in Heat and Fluid Flow” A.M.U., Aligarh (India), February 18-19, 2012 One Day Workshop on “Fuel Cells as Backup Power for telecommunication networks” A.M.U., Aligarh (India), December 22, 2012 One Day National Symposium on “Nanotechnology for Chemical Applications” A.M.U., Aligarh (India), February 27, 2013 Three Days International Conference on “Nanoscience & Nanotechnology” (ICONN 2013) SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai (India), March 18-20, 2013 Two Days Workshop on “Process Modeling & Simulation” A.M.U., Aligarh (India), March 23-24, 2013 Dr. Sheeba Jilani Recent advances in Chemical& Environmental Engineering, January 20-21, 2012 NIT Rourkela Odisha, India International Science and Technology Conference, December 13-15, 2012, Dubai, UAE Advances in Petroleum Refining & Petrochemical Technologies, March 21, 2009 at AMU Aligarh, India National Conference on “Hydrocarbon, Energy and Environment” (HEEcon-2012), A.M.U., Aligarh (India), February 25, 2012 Aligarh Muslim University Page 446 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Computational Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow, February 2012, held in AMU Aligarh Solid Waste Management, 28-30.November 28-30, 2012 AMU Aligarh Ms. Aishatul Bushra Advances in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Technologies, AMU, Aligarh March 21, 2009. Recent Advances in Technology and Engineering.(RATE- 2012), Mangalayatan University, Beswan, Jan 20-22,2012 Workshop on Computational Methods in Heat and Fluid flow, AMU, Aligarh, Feb 18-19,2012 Energy and Environmental issues related to Chemical Industry, RBS Technical Campus Agra, Feb 18-19, 2012. Hydrocarbon, Energy and Environment (HEECon-2012) ,AMU, Aligarh, Feb 25,2012. Nanotechnology for Chemical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, Feb 27,2013 International Conference on Chemistry: Frontiers and Challenges, AMU, Aligarh.March2-3,2013 Recent Advances in Technology and Engineering.(RATE- 2013), Mangalayatan University, Beswan March 15-17, 2013. Process Modeling and Simulation, AMU, Aligarh, March 23- 24, 2013. Workshop and finishing school on Computational Fluid Dynamics, AMU, Aligarh, 31 st Aug-4 th Sept 2013 Dr. Mohammad Danish National Conference on “Hydrocarbon, Energy and Environment” (HEEcon-2012), A.M.U., Aligarh (India), February 25, 2012 Workshop on “Computational methods in Heat and Fluid Flow”, A.M.U., Aligarh (India), February 18-19, 2012 One Day Workshop on “Fuel Cells as Backup Power for tele- communication networks”, A.M.U., Aligarh (India), December 22, 2012 One Day National Symposium on “Nanotechnology for Chemical Applications”, A.M.U., Aligarh (India), February 27, 2013 Three Days International Conference on “Nanoscience & Nanotechnology” (ICONN 2013), SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai (India), March 18-20, 2013 Two Days Workshop on “Process Modeling & Simulation”, A.M.U., Aligarh (India), March 23-24, 2013 Mr. Raunaq Hasib National Conference on “Technical Advancement in Chemical and Environmental Engineering” (TACEE – 2012), Pilani on March 23-24 2012 Three Days International Conference on “Nanoscience & Nanotechnology” (ICONN 2013) SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai (India), March 18-20, 2013 Two Days Workshop on “Process Modeling & Simulation” A.M.U., Aligarh (India), March 23-24, 2013 Applied Mechanics Workshop, IIT Kanpur , October 4-7, 2013 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 447 of 690 Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution Sd./- Chairman with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: 07-02-2014 Aligarh Muslim University Page 448 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Civil Engineering 2 Year of establishment 1942 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of the university 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG: B.TECH (Civil) and B.E (Civil) PG: M.TECH. & Ph.D 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved M.Tech. (Environmental Engineering) 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. NA 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons No 8 Examination System: Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: UG COURSES: ME-111: Applied Mechnaics AR-217: Water supply and sanitation AR-308: Construction & Materials PG COURSES: PK-620: Environmental Chemistry 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/ others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 08 11 11 Associate Professors 14 20 20 Asst. Professors 23 02 02 Others: Guest Faculty 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi -cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. M.M. Ashhar M.E. Professor Environmental Engineering. 35 M.Tech. =02 Prof. Sarfaraz Ali Ansari Ph.D. Professor Water Resources Engineering. 28 M.Tech. =04 Prof. Mohd Arif Ph.D. Professor Structural Engineering. 30 M.Tech. =07 Ph.D = 01 Prof. Mohd Muzammil Ph.D. Professor Water Resources Engineering. 28 M.Tech. =05 Prof. Abdul Baqi Ph.D. Professor Structural Engineering. 29 M.Tech. =03 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 449 of 690 Prof. Shakeel Ahmad Ph.D. Professor Structural Engineering. 27 M.Tech. =07 Prof. Amjad Masood Ph.D. Professor Structural Engineering. 27 M.Tech. =04 Dr. Ms. Tabassum Naqvi Ph.D. Professor Structural Engineering. 28 M.Tech. =06 Prof. Mohd Athar Ph.D. Professor Water Resources Engineering. 28 M.Tech. =02 Mr. Farrukh Ghani M.E. Associate Professor Structural Engineering. 36 M.Tech. =03 Mr. Sajid Ali Khan M.E. Associate Professor Structural Engineering. 35 M.Tech. =03 Mr. Syed Ashraf Ali M.E. Associate Professor Structural Engineering. 32 M.Tech. =01 Dr. Tazyeen Ahmad Ph.D. Associate Professor Structural Engineering. 29 M.Tech. =01 Dr. Talib Mansoor Ph.D. Associate Professor Water Resources Engineering. 25 M.Tech. =01 Dr. Arshad Umar Ph.D. Associate Professor Structural Engineering. 24 NIL Dr. Izharul Haq Farooqui Ph.D. Associate Professor Environmental Engineering. 24 M.Tech. =14 Ph.D = 04 Dr. M. Shamsuddin Jafri Ph.D. Associate Professor Structural Engineering. 17 M.Tech. =05 Dr. Mubeen Beg Ph.D. Associate Professor Water Resources Engineering. 28 M.Tech. =02 Dr. Fareed Mahdi Ph.D. Associate Professor Structural Engineering. 25 M.Tech. =03 Dr. Hasan Irtaza Ph.D. Associate Professor Structural Engineering. 18 M.Tech. =04 Dr. Sabih Akhtar Ph.D. Associate Professor Structural Engineering. 19 M.Tech. =05 Mr. Asif Ali Siddiqui M.E. Associate Professor Environmental Engineering. 16 M.Tech. =03 Dr. Iqbal Khaleel Khan Ph.D. Associate Professor Structural Engineering. 18 M.Tech. =04 Dr. Mahboob Anwar Khan Ph.D. Associate Professor Geotechnical Engineering. 18 M.Tech. =05 Dr. Mujeeb Ahmad Ansari Ph.D. Associate Professor Water Resources Engineering. 18 M.Tech. =01 Dr. Javed Alam Ph.D. Associate Professor Water Resources Engineering. 27 M.Tech. =05 Dr. Malik Shoeb Ahmad Ph.D. Associate Professor Geotechnical Engineering. 18 M.Tech. =03 Dr. Sohail Ph.D. Associate Environmental 16 M.Tech. =04 Aligarh Muslim University Page 450 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Ayub Professor Engineering. Dr. Rehan Ahmad Khan Ph.D. Associate Professor Structural Engineering. 11 M.Tech. =06 Dr. Nadeem Khalil Khan Ph.D. Assistant Professor Environmental Engineering. 13 M.Tech. =11 Dr. Mohd. Masroor Alam Ph.D. Assistant Professor Geology/Seismol ogy 15 M.Tech. =04 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Visiting Fellows-Prof. Rashid Hayat Siddiqui, AMU 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information B.Tech. (Civil Engineering.) = 10% M.Tech. (Civil Engineering.) : 5.5% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: B.Tech. (Civil Engineering.) =7:1 M.Tech. (Civil Engineering.) = 5:1 B.E. (Civil Engineering.): 5:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Sanctioned Technical Staff and Administrative Staff = 32 Filled Technical Staff = 22 and Administrative Staff = 08 Actual Technical Staff = 22 and actual Administrative Staff = 08 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies Earthquake Engineering Reliability Analysis Disaster Management Water and Waste Water Treatment Water Resources Engineering Wind Engineering Fire Engineering Corrosion Biomass Energy and Climate Change Composite Materials Computational Fluid Dynamics 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. On Going Research Projects of the Department Project Title: Seismic Assessment and Safety of Masonry Heritage Funding Agency : UGC Funding Amount : 72.00 Lakh Principal Investigator : Prof. Shakeel Ahmad Co- Principal Investigator : Dr. Rehan A. Khan Project Title: Seismic Reliability Analysis of Cable Supported Bridges Funding Agency : MRP, UGC Funding Amount : 10.65 lac Principal Investigator : Dr. Rehan A. Khan Project Title: Integrated Sustainable power generation from Enhanced Biomass for Rural and Semi Urban Areas of India Funding Agency : MoP,GoI Funding Amount : 163.28 Lakhs Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 451 of 690 Principal Investigator : Dr. Nadeem Khalil Project Title: Improved Turbulence Model using Computational Fluid Dynamics Funding Agency : UPCST Funding Amount : 7.72 Lakhs Principal Investigator : Dr. Hasan Irtaza Project Title: Safeguarding Water Resources through Green and Sustainable Technologies Funding Agency : DST (Indo-European Bilateral Programme) Funding Amount : Rs. 2.25 Crores (AMU Component) Principal Investigator : Dr. Nadeem Khalil 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration Integrated Sustainable Power Generation from Enhanced Biomass in collaboration with AMITY University, Gurgaon (PI: Dr. Nadeem Khalil, AMU) Benchmarking of Sewage Treatment Plants, MoEF funded Research Project in Collaboration with IIT Delhi, (Co-PI: Dr. Nadeem Khalil) International collaboration Safeguarding Water Resources through Green and Sustainable Technologies (SWINGS) under Indo-Euro Bilateral Programme (FP7 Framework) through DST, New Delhi. Total Grant = 2.1 Million Euros. Main Project Coordinator : Dr. Nadeem Khalil UASB-DHS Integrated System: Sustainable Sewage Treatment Technology, JST-JICA Japan funded 2011-2015. Total Grant = Rs. 12 Crores. Main Researcher: Prof. H. Harada (Tohoku University, Japan) Co- Researcher: Dr. Nadeem Khalil (AMU) 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. Completed Research Projects of the Department: Project Title: Development of Corrosion Control Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Composites using Corrosion Inhibitors Funding Agency :AICTE Funding Amount :10.00 lac Principal Investigator :Prof. Mohammed Arif Project Title : Behaviour of High Strength Concrete at Elevated Temperature Funding Agency :AICTE Funding Amount :9.00 lac Principal Investigator :Prof. Amjad Masood Project Title : Performance Evaluation of Pilot Plant based on Sequencing Batch Reactor for the Biodegradation of Absorbable Organic Halides (AOX) from Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater. Funding Agency :MOEF Aligarh Muslim University Page 452 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Funding Amount :97.368 lac Principal Investigator :Dr. I. H. Farooqui Project Title : Sediment Control in canals- A New Approach Funding Agency :UP CST Funding Amount :6.45 lac Principal Investigator :Dr. Mujib Ahmad Ansari Project Title : Seismic Vulnerability analysis of Masonry structures Funding Agency :CSIR Funding Amount :6.0 lac Principal Investigator :Prof. (Mrs.) T. Naqvi and Prof. Husain Abbas Project Title : Structural Performance of Polymer concrete utilizing Recycled Plastic waste Funding Agency :AICTE Funding Amount :11.85 lac Principal Investigator :Dr. Fareed. Mahdi Co- Principal Investigator :Prof. Husain. Abbas and Dr. Asif Ali Khan Project Title : Petrofacies and Digenetic Evolution of Malani Volcaniclastics Barmer? Jodhpur Area Funding Agency :DST Funding Amount :5.88 lac Principal Investigator :Dr. M. Masroor Alam Project Title : Development of Corrosion Arrest Technique in Ferrocement Funding Agency :UP CST Funding Amount :5.36 lac Principal Investigator :Dr. Sabih Akhtar Project Title: Biological Nitrogen removal by Anammox process using sequencing Batch Reactor Funding Agency :UGC Funding Amount :10.568 lac Principal Investigator :Dr. I . H Farooqui Project Title : Performance of Sequence Reactor (SBR) for the Bio-gradation of Phenolic Compounds Funding Agency :UPCST Funding Amount :6.36 lac Principal Investigator :Dr. I. H Farooqui Project Title : Friction Seismic Base Isolation System for Masonry Buildings. Funding Agency :AICTE Funding Amount :15.0 lac Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 453 of 690 Principal Investigator :Prof. Shakeel Ahmad Ongoing Research Projects of the Department Project Title: Seismic Assessment and Safety of Masonry Heritage Building. Funding Agency :UGC Funding Amount :72.00 Lakh Principal Investigator :Coordinator: Prof. Shakeel Ahmad Project Title: Seismic Reliability Analysis of Cable Supported Bridges Funding Agency :MRP, UGC Funding Amount :10.65 lac Principal Investigator :Dr. Rehan A. Khan Project Title: Safeguarding Water Resources through Green and Sustainable Technologies (SWINGS) under Indo-Euro Bilateral Programme (FP7 Framework) Funding Agency: DST and European Commission Funding Amount: 2.62 crore Principal Investigator: Dr. Nadeem Khalil Project Title: UASB-DHS Integrated System: Sustainable Sewage Treatment Technology Funding Agency: JST-JICA Japan Funding Amount: Rs. 12 Crores Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Nadeem Khalil (AMU) Project Title: Integrated Sustainable Power Generation from Enhanced Biomass Funding Agency: Ministry of Power, GoI Funding Amount: Rs. 163.0 Lakhs Principal Investigator: Dr. Nadeem Khalil TEQIP-II Funding amount = 1 crore Total grants received = 1991.486 lac 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition: Nil national recognition: Centre for Studies on Disaster Management State Technical Agency, UP, Govt. international recognition: Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies: Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) Total Number of papers published = 98 Monographs: Nil Chapters in Books Seimsic reliability analysis of cable stayed Aligarh Muslim University Page 454 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports bridges against first passage failure in the international book on earthquake resistant structures-design, assessment and rehabilitation (ISBN 978-953-51-0123-9), Feb., 2012, INTech. Publisher, Croatia) by Dr. Rehan A Khan Irtaza H and Beale R G, 2013. “Use of Wind- tunnels to Analyse Wind Loading on Scaffold Structures”. In: Wind Tunnels: Design/ Construction, Types and Usage Limitations, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Chaplin, S B (Ed), ISBN: 978-1-62618-396- 4, 22 p. Saima Badar and Izharul Haq Farooqi, “Pulp and Paper Industry- Manufacturing Process, Wastewater Generation and Treatment” Environmental Protection Strategies for Sustainable Development, Springer Publication (2011) pp. 397-436, ISBN 978- 94-007-1590-5 Edited Books Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Environment organized in collaboration with La Sierra University, USA and Asia Pacific University, Thailand from October 29-30, 2010, ISBN no. 93-80697-25-2, Excel India Publishers: Dr. I.H. Farooqi and Dr. Farrukh Basheer Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering organized in collaboration with the University of Toledo, USA from October 26-28, 2009, ISBN no.93-80043-40-6, Excel India Publishers.: Dr. I.H. Farooqi and Dr. Farrukh Basheer Books with ISBN with details of publishers Wind tunnel investigation of the pressure acting on sheet clad scaffolds by H. Irtaza, R.G. Beale, M.H.R. Godley published by oxford bookers university, oxford, U.K. ISBN 978- 0-9556254-3-5 Fundamentals of Engineering Geology and Geo Engineering by Dr. Masroor Alam, ISBN : 978-93-82355-15-1. Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) 25 Citation Index – range / average Citation Index – range: 1-35 SNIP SJR Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 455 of 690 Impact Factor – range / average Impact Factor – range: 0.25 – 3.5 h-index 23 Details of patents and income generated: Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Design of Cross and Head Regulators. Design of Buildings and Bridges. Design of Water and Waste Water Treatment Plant. Design of Sewerage Systems. Design of Chimneys. Vetting Third Party Inspection Materials Testing Income generated through consultancy: Year 2009-10 is 3.17 lac Year 2010-11 is 8.40 lac Year 2011-12 is 18.0 lac Year 2012-13 is 16.96 lac 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad Dr. Asif Ali Siddique selected for Common Wealth Fellowship, UK. Dr. Nadeem Khalil (Faculty of Environmental Engineering) visited University of Catalunya, Barcelona (SPAIN) for about 10 days under DST sponsored programme within SWINGS. 26 Faculty serving in National committees Expert member of the State Level Committee of Water Supply and Sanitation Mission UP: Dr. I.H. Farooqi Member, Scientific Advisory Committee for Evaluation of Projects of Environmental Information Systems (ENVIS) Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi: Dr. I.H. Farooqi National advisory committee member for UGC: Prof. Shakeel Ahmad National advisory committee member for UGC: Dr. Rehan A. Khan Dr. Nadeem Khalil - Panel Advisor for National Ganga Basin River Authority (NGBRA), MoEF for Evaluation of Schemes for Rivers and Lakes Conservation. Dr. Nadeem Khalil – Member, Evaluation Committee (DST) for Project Proposals under Water Technology Initiative Programme. International committees Editorial Boards Member, Editorial Board – Current World Environment (Intl. Journal) any other (please specify) Technical committees of seminars/ conferences, member of board of studies Reviewer for international Journal “Building Aligarh Muslim University Page 456 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports construction and Material” published by Elsevier. Reviewer Int. Journal of Structural Engineering, Elsevier Public. Reviewer of Int. Journal of Applied Mathematical Modeling, Elsevier Publication. Reviewer of Int. Journal of Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Vibration. Reviewer of ASCE Hydraulic Division. 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). As Participant: several workshop, training programmes are being organized on the important topics related to the subjects taught (Details are given in No. 30). As Resource person: delivered lectures on the various important topics. Coordinator of AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Program on Conventional and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Systems for Industrial Effluents, July 6-17, 2009: Dr. I.H. Farooqi Coordinator of UGC Sponsored refresher Course on Environmental Studies held at Academic Staff College AMU Aligarh 2010: Dr. I.H. Farooqi Coordinator of UGC Sponsored refresher Course on Environmental Studies held at Academic Staff College AMU Aligarh 2011: Dr. I.H. Farooqi Delivered invited lectures on Grey water and Flood Disaster at Academic staff college of AMU.Aligarh : Dr. Javed Alam 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects 100% percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/ institute Nil 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty The George Oomen Memorial Prize on the paper entitled “Use of Fly-ash in the Construction of Low Height Dams” published in the Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), VoI 90, pp. 41-46. 2009. Dr. Javed Alam Shiksha Ratan Award for Meritorious Services, Outstanding Performances and Remarkable Role in Education By His Excellency Dr. Iqbal Singh Lt. Governor of Pondicherry in a Conference on “Role of Education in Modern India Organized by International Friendship Society at Dy. Speaker Hall, Constitution House, New Delhi on 8 th September 2010.Dr. Mehboob A. Khan Best Citizen of India (2011) Awarded by International Publishing House New Delhi. Dr. Mehboob A. Khan. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 457 of 690 UGC Research Award (2013): Dr. Rehan A. Khan Common Wealth Fellowship, UK: Dr. Asif Ali Siddique John C. Gammon Prize (2011) by The Institution of Engineers: Dr. Shakeel Ahmad Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Students 30 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Organizing Secretary Theme Sponsor/s Date Dr.Arshad Umar / Dr.Sabih Akhtar Workshop on Advances in Structural Engineering. TEQIP-II 06.03.201 3 Dr. Mehboob Anwer Khan/Dr. Malik Shoeb Ahmad Workshop on Advances in Geotechnical and Transportation. TEQIP-II 09.03.201 3 Prof. Shakeel Ahmad/ Dr. Rehan Ahmad Khan Workshop under SAP. SAP 16.03.201 3 Dr. Iqbal K. Khan / Dr. M.S. Jafri/ Dr. Rehan .A. Khan Workshop on Advances in Structural Aspects of Earthquake Engineering. TEQIP-II 18.03.201 3 Dr. Talib Mansoor Dr. Mujib Ahmad Ansari Workshop on Advances in Water Conservation Approaches. TEQIP-II 23.02.201 3 Dr. Iqbal K. Khan/ Dr. Rehan .A. Khan Workshop on Earthquake Related Disasters. Centre for Disaster Management, CED 26.4.2012 Dr. I.H. Farooqui International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Environment La Sierra University, USA and Asia Pacific University, 29-10- 2010 – 30- 10-2010 Dr. I.H. Farooqui Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering University of Toledo, USA 28-10- 2009 – 30- 10-2009 Dr. Nadeem Khalil Design, Operation and Maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plants”. CPCB 21-25 Feb., 2011 Dr. Nadeem Khalil Integrated Municipal Waste Management CPCB 28-30 Nov., 2011 Dr. Nadeem Khalil UASB-DHS Integrated Technology: A Sustainable Sewage Treatment Japan-India Joint 28 th Jan., 2011 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments. The Department ensures that rigorous ethical standards are maintained in conducting research work by its inmates. Some of the elements of the code of ethics followed include: The work of others is cited or credited, whether Aligarh Muslim University Page 458 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports published or unpublished. Originality of the selected research topic/area is ensured by conducting class presentations and research colloquia on the topics selected by PG/Ph.D. students in which the faculty members scrutinize the originality and relevance of the topic selected. Authenticity of the data collection and the written work is ensured by the supervisors by continuous monitoring of their students work (regular attendance of PG, Ph.D. scholars in mandatory for 2 years). Accuracy of data and other information as well as validity of methodological procedures are ensured by regular presentations of students’ work in research colloquia (for Ph.D. students) and class presentations (for P.G. dissertations) in which the Faculty members scrutinize and keep track of the work of the researchers so that misinterpretation and suppression of data is avoided. The researchers are given freedom to explore and select topics of their choice rather than the topics being imposed on them by their supervisors. The overall environment of the Department and Institute is surcharged with high moral and ethical values and the students right from their admission into the Department are motivated to adhere strictly to ethical norms of the Institute including, those of research. 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female B.TECH from 2010-11 onwards Approx. 90k 204 (70+63 +71) 07 (02+04 +01) 99.5 100 M.Tech. 406 (2013 Only) 38 04 PhD Approx. 80 06 02 67 50 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same univ. % of students from other univ. within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries B.Tech I year 26 7 B.Tech II year 29 8 B.Tech III year 31 6 B.Tech IV year 36 4 M.Tech (Civil Engineering) in 2013-14 83.30 16.66 0.00 0.00 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, Civil Services: Nil (In Last 4 Years) Engineering Services: 06 (In Last 4 Years) Defence Services: 03 + (In Last 4 Years) GATE: 93 (In Last 4 Years) Depending upon only Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 459 of 690 GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. those who took Admission in AMU 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 65% PG to M.Phil. NA PG to Ph.D. Nil Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Nil Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Years Selec ted %age 2012- 2013 21 38.18 2011- 2012 24 45.28 2010- 2011 32 49.23 2009- 2010 29 42.64 Entrepreneurs 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 96.77 from other universities within the State Nil from universities from other States 3.22 from universities outside the country Nil 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period: 04 Nos. 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library: Departmental Library comprises total no of 6925 reference books on various disciplines viz Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Hydraulics Engineering, Civil Engineering Materials, Construction Planning & Management, Surveying, Irrigation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Highway Engineering. In total there are 450 National Journals & 148 International Journals. Transactions ASCE & Proceedings of ASCE are 78 and 70 in nos. respectively. Numerous IS codes available in the library are 599 in no. In total Book shelves in the library are 33 in nos. The library is fully air conditioned well equipped with all the basic amenities required. Internet facilities for staff and students: In total there are 68 computers available in CAD Lab for students in addition to (31+9) individual PC’s for faculties. Total number of class rooms: There are 06 class rooms for B. Tech and 03 for M.Tech. Class rooms with ICT facility: 3 + 1(Conference Hall) Students’ laboratories: Total = 08 Aligarh Muslim University Page 460 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Soil Mechanics Environmental Structure Hydraulics Concrete Transportation Engineering Geology Survey Lab Research laboratories Total = 09 Advance Hydraulics Lab Advance Environment Engineering. Lab (2 nos.) Heavy Structures Lab Structural Dynamics Lab Geotechnical Engineering Lab Composite Material Lab 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university Doctoral: Brijesh Chauhan (Awarded) Farrukh Basheer (Awarded) Ahmad Ashfaq (Awarded) Sheeba Khan (Awarded) Arshad Hussain(Continuing) Azhar Jameel(Continuing) Saima Badar (Continuing) Mohd. Israil (Continuing) Post-doctoral: Nil Research Associates: Farrukh Basheer (SRF, 2009-2010) Saima Badar (JRF, 2009-2010) From other institutions/universities : Nil 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university GATE Scholarship: 21 (2009-10) 20 (2010-11) 26 (2011-12) 26 (2012-13) TOTAL: 93 (In last 4 Years) Non-GATE Scholarship (TEQUIP-II): NIL (2009-10) NIL (2010-11) 11 (2011-12) 11 (2012-13) TOTAL: 22 (In last 4 Years) Total No. of PG students getting financial assistance arom AMU in last 4 years: 115 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. During the assessment period : Nil 42 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? YES - For improving teaching – learning process. alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, the Alumni are invited in different symposium and conferences held in the Department. Their experience is discussed and utilized to improve the teaching methodology Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 461 of 690 as well as transferring knowledge to the students. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Mr.V.K. Agrawal, Former Chairman, Railway Board. Prof. Tahir Husain, Professor, University of New Foundland, Canada. Prof. S.M.A. Kazmi, Former Professor, IIT-Delhi. Mr. Zafar Iqbal,( former Indian Hockey Captain) Indian Airlines. Mr. M.A.A. Fatmi, Former Minister of State, MHRD, Govt. of India. Mrs. Chitra Verma, Engineer in Chief U.P.PWD Mr. Shamim Khan, Chief Engineer, CPWD. Mr. Shafiq Ahmad, Chief Engineer, UP Irrigation. Mr. Arvind Kumar Gupta, Chief Engineer, UP Irrigation Dr. S.R. Qasim, Professor Emeritus, USA. 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/seminar) involving external experts. Special Lectures in TAMEER 2010 Mr. Mohd Faisal Lecture on Vedic Mathematics Dr. Athar Ansari lecture on community medicine Workshop on disaster management in TAMEER 2011 Dr. Mohammad Amir, NIDM 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Detailed planning of course delivery at the beginning of semester, class room lectures, power point presentations, site visits and class room discussions besides chalk and board. 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? In-house meetings where students and teachers discuss various issues related to the course and its evaluation. Comprehensive and continuous evaluations are conducted through written tests, assignments, quiz, etc. Department level monitoring, Feedback mechanism, Continuous evaluation system ensures timely completion of course and regular examination provides comprehensive feedback on learning outcome. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. TAAMEER (2010 and 2011): A National level technical programme organized by Civil Engineering Department, it consists of paper presentation, technical quiz, Model making, guest lectures etc. Annual College Festival: Organised by ZHCET annually which includes cultural and technical programmes 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department Disaster Management Awareness Camp organized by Centre for Studies on Disaster Management, Department of Civil engineering Educational Tours/ Field Visits 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. Yes. B.Tech (Civil) accredidated by NBA in 2009 for five years. 50 Briefly highlight the The faculty member is continuously engaged in the Aligarh Muslim University Page 462 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. latest developments in the subjects through attending conferences and interaction through researchers. The faculty member is also engaged in the consultancy assignments and imparts the field knowledge to the students Use of Technology (power point presentation), revision of curriculum and research topic on the subject, theoretical aspect and on field experiments/visits. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strengths: Highly qualified & dedicated faculty. Market/Industry oriented curriculum and high placement opportunities. Weaknesses: Lack of modern and sophisticated instrument support Less of modern infrastructure. Lack of smart class rooms. Challenges To make our students come at par with the industry expectation level Inviting international experts for student interaction To develop sate of the art laboratory and field equipments Opportunities There is great demand for the well trained and skilled civil engineers both at the national and international levels. Consulting assignments Excellent Scope for R&D funding by MHRD, DST etc 52 Future plans of the department. To introduce new P.G. courses: M.Tech. in Geotechnical Engineering and M.Tech. in Disaster Management. To Impart practical inputs along with the theoretical knowledge. To upgrade the laboratories with state of art equipments and instrumentation facilities. To make our class room teaching more effective and interactive. Collaboration with Indian and foreign institution in academic and research area through MoUs. Entrepreneurs and experts from the industries to impart practical knowledge to the Students. To propose new Department of Structural Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 463 of 690 Signature of the Head of the institution Sd./- Chairman with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 464 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Computer Engineering 2 Year of establishment 1992 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of Engineering. & Technology 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG: B.Tech. Computer Engineering PG: M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering (Specialization: Software Engineering) Ph.D.: Computer Engineering 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved No 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. No 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons No 8 Examination System: Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Course Offering Department(s) CO-191: Programming Laboratory for B.Tech. First Year All eight engineering departments offering B.Tech/B.Arch. CO-460: Computer Architecture Electronics Engineering ECO-191:Programming Laboratory for BE (Evening) First Year All three branches of B.E. (Evening) Course 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/ others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 02 02 02 Associate Professors 04 04 02 (02 on leave) Asst. Professors 06+02* 06 04 (02 on leave) Others: Guest Faculty 3** 02 06 =2(budget provision) +4(against vacant position) * XI Plan Post **Against Budget Provision 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Nesar Ahmad Ph.D. Professor & Chairman Soft Computing, Embedded System, Web Application, E- Learning 25 years 03 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 465 of 690 Prof. M.M. Sufyan Beg Ph.D. Professor Web mining, Soft Computing, High Performance Computing 20 04 Mr. M. Sarosh Umar* M. Tech. Associate Professor Computer Graphics, Software Engineering., Digital Electronics, Logic Theory, System programming 25 years --- Mr. M. R. Warsi M. Tech. Associate Professor Complier Design, Programming Languages, Software Engineering 23 years --- Dr. Ash Mohammad Abbas Ph.D. Associate Professor Computer Networks 17 years 01 Mr. Izhar Uddin * M. Tech. Associate Professor Low Power VLSI Design 18 years --- Dr. M. Athar Ali Ph.D. Assistant Professor Multimedia Technologies 13 years --- Dr. Rashid Ali ** Ph.D. Assistant Professor Web Mining , Soft Computing 11 years --- Mr. Saiful Islam* M.Tech. Assistant Professor Information Security, Data Hiding, Steganography 11 years --- Mr. Mohd. Abdul Qadeer M.Tech. Assistant Professor Computer Networks, Mobile Computing, Mobile Communication Networks, Network Design 17 years --- Mr. Nadeem Akhtar M.Tech. Assistant Professor Data Mining, Data Base, Operating systems 10 years --- Mr. M. Inamullah M.Tech. Assistant Professor Theory of Computation, Computer Organization & Architecture, Computer Networks 8 years --- * on study leave ** on EOL 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 466 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information B.Tech. Computer Engineering: 30% M. Tech. Computer Sc. & Engineering: 10% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) Program Ratio B Tech 1:17.14 M Tech 1:2.28 Total (B Tech+ M Tech) 1:19.42 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Staff Sancti oned Filled Actual Programmer (Grade – I) 01 01 01 JLA 01 01 01 UDC Nil 01* 01 Fixed Salary (D/W) SSA 01 01 01 JLA 02 02 02 Lab Attendant 03 03 03 Daily Wager (Skilled) 02 02 02 Daily Wager (Unskilled) 02 02 02 * drawing salary from Principal’s office, Engineering. College 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies Networking (Funding Agency-CSIR) DST-PURSE (All research areas of Computer Engineering) TEQIP-II (All research areas of Computer Engineering) 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Name & Designation Principal Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Duration Total of Sanctioned fund Muhammad Inamullah Reliable Video Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks – A preparative Technique to Support Search and Rescue Operations in Hazard Affected Areas Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi 3 ½ years (Ongoing) 9.22 lakh 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received : OneNational collaboration: ERP Mission Project (Co-ordinated by IIT, Kanpur) Located at Department of Computer Science, AMU Co-PI’s: Dr. M.U.Bokhari, Prof. Nesar Ahmad 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. Projects Funding Agency Total Grants Remark Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 467 of 690 Reliable video communication in MANETS- a preparative technique to support search and rescue operations in hazard affected areas CSIR 9.22 Lacs Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE) DST 20.66 Lacs Till Sep, 2013 Technical education quality improvement program (TEQIP-II) World Bank - Grant as allocated By Engineering College 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition NIL national recognition NIL international recognition NIL 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international): 66 Monographs : 0 Chapters in Books: 17 Edited Books: 0 Books with ISBN with details of publishers : 0 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Google Scholar: 162 DBLP: 59 Citation Index – range / average : Max 272 (Google Scholar) SNIP: --- SJR: Impact Factor – range / average Max : 3.7 h-index (Google Scholar) : 10 (1 faculty), 8 (2 faculty), 5 (1 faculty), 2 (1 faculty) 23 Details of patents and income generated : Patents Filed- Three Name of the Faculty Patent Details (Filed) Income Generated Mohammad Sarosh Umar A Biometric Authentication Schemes For Detection Of Impersonation In Competitive Examinations, # 3315/DEL/2012 A, Indian Patent Office Journal No. - 03/2013, Page No. 1360, Published on January 18, 2013. Graphical Password Based On Spatio-Temporal Coordinates, # 1369/DEL/2012 A, Indian Patent Office Journal No. - 23/2012, Page No. 8828, Published on June 8, 2012. Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 468 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Muhammad Inamullah Patent application registered for grant on “A modem based customizable interactive voice response system” in the Office of the Controller of Patents, New Delhi, India, App. No. 577/DEL/2008, 10 March 2008. Abstract of above patent specification published in Official Journal of the Patent Office, issue 23/2008, pp. 7666, 06 June 2008. Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad Nil 26 Faculty serving in Name Committee Prof Nesar Ahmad Member, Review/Expert committees of UGC, New Delhi; Expert Committee, NBA, New Delhi Prof M M Sufyan Beg Member, Review/Expert committees of UGC, New Delhi; Expert Committee, NBA, New Delhi Mr M Sarosh Umar Member, Expert Committee of All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) Mr M R Warsi Member, BOS at KNIT Sultanpur and IFTM University Prof M. Qasim Rafiq (Retd. Oct. 2013) Member, Expert committee of UGC, NBA National committees : International committees : NIL Editorial Boards : Name Journal Name Dr M Athar Ali Knowledge and Data Engineering, published by the Advanced Institute of Convergence IT (AICIT), South Korea. Mr. M A Qadeer Journal of Digital Broadcasting and Multimedia, Hindawi, USA; MASAUM Journal of Computer Networks, Communication and Security, MJCNCS, UK Dr Rashid Ali STM Journals any other (please specify) 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation programs, Faculty member of the department attend the orientation and refresher programs organized by the academic staff college of the university. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 469 of 690 workshops, training programs and similar programs). Department encourages and assist them to join these programs. Faculty members regularly attend conferences, training programs and workshops to enhance their knowledge. Details of Recharging Activities Name of Faculty Details Nadeem Akhtar Orientation Program at Academic Staff College, AMU in 2011-12 M Inamullah Orientation Program at Academic Staff College, AMU in 2011-12 Nadeem Akhtar Refresher Course in Computer Application at Academic Staff College, AMU in 2012-13 Mr M R Warsi Short Term Course on Information and Communication Technology, UGC Academic Staff College, Lucknow (5-10 Nov 2012) 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects : 100% percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/ institute : 0% 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty: Name of Faculty Detail M Sarosh Umar Best Paper Award, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2011), Guadeloupe, France, February 23-28, 2011 Dr M Athar Ali, Mr. M. Inamullah Best Paper Award, WECON 2008, for the paper titled “Digital Watermarking in the JPEG Compressed Domain by Modifying High-Refquency AC Coefficients”, held in International Conference an Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems, October 18- 19, 2008, Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chandigarh-Patiala National Highway, Tehsil: Rajpura, District: Patiala-140 401(Punjab) Dr Rashid Ali Cited in MARQUIS “Who’s Who in the World”, 2014, 31st edition, ISBN:978-0-8379-1152-6 Aligarh Muslim University Page 470 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Students 30 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Program Detail Funding Workshop Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Technology - ETICT Feb., 2011 Co-sponsored by IETE Workshop Bourne Shell Scripting – (Two Days workshop for students organized by Department of Computer Engineering. & Training & Placement Office, March 2011) 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: The research work of students are checked for various ethical issues by respective supervisors before the submission. 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Year Applications received Selected Pass percentage M F M F B. Tech. Records available at Controller of Examination Office M.Tech. Computer Sc. & Engineering 2009-2010 112 8 8 100 100 2010-2011 111 13 4 100 100 2011-2012 439 15 2 100 100 2012-2013 613 17 1 100 100 Ph D 2009-2010 2010-2011 12 - - - - 2011-2012 35 3 - - - 2012-2013 20 - - - - 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) YEAR % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries B. Tech. Records available at Controller of Examination Office M.Tech. Computer Sc. & Engineering 2009-10 4 9 3 - 2010-11 8 6 3 - 2011-12 7 5 4 1 2012-13 14 2 1 1 Ph D 2009-10 - - - - 2010-11 - - - - 2011-12 2 - - 1 2012-13 - - - - 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise Exam No of students* GATE 41 NET 1 GRE 9 Civil Services 1 *estimated data based on inputs provided by graduating students Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 471 of 690 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 2009-10 6.6 2010-11 13.3 2011-12 11.6 2012-13 23.3 PG to M.Phil. - PG to Ph.D. - Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral - Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Undergraduate YEAR Selections 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 60 50 38 37 Post-Graduate YEAR Selections 2009-10 - 2010-11 2 2011-12 1 2012-13 7 Entrepreneurs 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 41.66 from other universities within the State 8.33 from universities from other States 33.33 from universities outside the country 16.66 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period 02 Name of Faculty Year Dr Rashid Ali 2010 Dr M Athar Ali 2011 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library : YES The seminar library of the department has 1954 books covering varied areas of computer engineering. Internet facilities for staff and students : YES Internet facility is available for all the staff and students of the department. Both the wired and wireless connection is provided in every laboratory and staff chamber. Total number of class rooms : NIL (within department) ; allocated centrally by Principal’s office Class rooms with ICT facility : NIL Students’ laboratories : Following four laboratories exist in the department- Laboratory/ Workshop Type Number of Labs Software Laboratory 01 Aligarh Muslim University Page 472 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Network Laboratory 01 Hardware Laboratory 01 Basic Computer Laboratory 01 Research laboratories : Advanced Computing Laboratory 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university Name Remark Mr. M Sarosh Umar Teacher Candidate Mr. Izharuddin Teacher Candidate from other institutions/universities Name Remark Hamzah Ali Abdul Rahman Qasem Date of Admission: 03/08/2011 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university Year Number GATE TEQIP 2009-10 5 1 2010-11 11 1 2011-12 13 3 2012-13 10 5 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new program(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. No new program was introduced in the last five year 42 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Department discusses the related issues in meetings of B.O.S and accordingly changes are made in the curriculum and in teaching-learning- evaluation. students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Regular feedback is taken at the end of each semester from the students to improve teaching-learning methods. Alterations are made in the curriculum according to the feedback obtained formally as well as interaction with the students. alumni and employers on the programs offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? The department has good rapport with some alumni and employers. Based on their informal interaction, new topics of courses are introduced and changes are made in the curriculum to meet the job needs. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Alsaad Ishaq (B. Tech Passed out in 1995) (Learning Leader at GE Energy) Mansoor Hasan Khan (B. Tech Passed out in 1996) (IDAS (IAS Allied)) Rafat Ali (B. Tech Passed out in 1996) (CEO/Founder SKIFT, USA) Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 473 of 690 Mohammad Meraj Hoda (B.Tech Passed out in 1996) (Managing Director CISCO) Ambarish Kenghe (B. Tech Passed out in 1996) (Google) Sheba Khan (B. Tech Passed out in 1996) (Development Manager at JDSU) Vibhu Saujanya Sharma (B. Tech Passed out in 1996) (Accenture) Ghulam Mustafa Khan (B. Tech Passed out in 1998) (Microsoft) Udit Goyal (B. Tech Passed out in 1998) (Philips) Andlip Shadman (B. Tech Passed out in 1998) (CASSIDIAN) 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. Following special lectures were organized during the assessment years Year (Y) Names of Resource Person Background Industry/ Academic/R&D Topics Covered (2009-2010) M. N. Doja Academic Network Security (2009-2010) Representatives of Quarbz Corp.Lucknow Industry ARM 9 microcontroller (2010-2011) Mansoor Alam Academic Quality of Service (2011-2012) Sumit Saxena, Ankur Industry Qualnet 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Following teaching methods/tools are used by the department for different programs- Lecture cum Discussion Tutorial Programming Assignments Guiding students to use various software and hardware tools Group Discussion in the class room Using ICT Tools in Laboratories and classrooms with ICT facilities Guiding students to carry out Projects Paper Presentations and Seminars Group assignment (laboratory classes, mini projects etc.) Quiz (online as well as paper based) 46 How does the department ensure that program objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Feedback (oral and written) from both the students and faculty is obtained about the program components and it is used for monitoring and tailoring the program components. Moreover, various committees are formed from time to time to monitor the progress and outcome of the programs like Syllabus Review Committee. Learning outcomes are monitored by evaluating the student performance in examination (Mid-Sem and End- Aligarh Muslim University Page 474 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Sem), solving problems, seminars, group discussions, paper presentations and assignments. 47 48 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Students often participate in paper presentation competitions, quizzes and other competitive activities organized during College Week, Inter- Hall, etc. Students participate in paper contest organized by other institutions. Students participate in Programmers’ Forum (XCODER, CODE ALGORITHM) which is open to all students of Engineering Students participate in college level groups Roboclub, Indigenous Solutions, organizing student workshop, Techfest Publishing college newspaper “THE MIRROR” 49 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Faculty members are continuously engaged in Research Activities- writing Journal and conference papers, Doing research projects Organizing workshops and conferences Mentoring students to participate in groups activities like RoboClub Invited expert lecture in other organizations 50 State whether the program/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. Yes. B.Tech program from 2009 to 2014 by NBA 51 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Faculty members are regularly involved in new knowledge generation activities like book chapter writing, publication of papers in reputed journals and conferences, filing patents. 52 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strength: Good quality of students (Number of students securing campus placement is highest from the department) Highly qualified and experienced faculty Department has good research potential Department repeatedly adjusts to new technology for imparting education Excellent delivery of educational material to the students Weaknesses: Teacher-student ratio larger than recommended Shortage of supporting staff Shortage of Space Shortage of faculty rooms No in-house classrooms Opportunities: Student of the department well placed. It is an opportunity to interact with and promote industry institute interaction. Collaborating with other institutes and getting the resources and knowledge Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 475 of 690 Deploying information systems for automated functioning of department Coordination and collaboration with other departments to carry out projects and research Challenges: Running department with less resources To obtain funds especially for separate building for the department and research facilities To obtain the subscription of digital libraries for research i.e. IEEE, ACM Allowing non-PhD teachers of the department to obtain PhD degrees 53 Future plans of the department Enhancing the facilities in the department i.e. SMART classroom, laboratories To overcome resource shortage (faculty, building, supporting staff) To consolidate research activity To organize more workshops/seminars/ conferences/ Guest Lectures To encourage the students to qualify competitive examinations i.e. GATE, GRE, CAT, IES etc To develop new areas and tools for research and teaching To collaborate with other Universities/Institutes / Industries Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- (Chairman) Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 476 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Electrical Engineering 2 Year of establishment 1935 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? The department is a part of Faculty of Engineering & Technology which is a part of University 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) Courses Offered 1. Four -year (Eight –Semester) B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering 2. Four Semester M. Tech. in Electrical Engineering in following Specializations: (i) Power system & Drives (ii) Instrumentation & Control (iii) High Voltage & insulation Engineering. 3. Ph.D program in different disciplines 4. Four – year Bachelor of Engineering (Evening Courses) in Electrical Engineering (Part Time)/Annual System 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/ Choice Based Credit System Semester system Credit based 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Courses are offered to various sister departments namely EE-111, CO-191(All branches); EE- 202N (Electronics Engineering.); EE-204 & EE-297 (Mechanical Engineering.); EE-206 & EE-296 (Chemical Engineering.); EE-305 (Control Engineering.). Also open elective is offered. Also B.Tech Electrical students take the courses offered by sister departments, eg, Courses starting with AM, ME AP, AC, CO, EN, EL, CE, EZ 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/ others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 03 03 06 Associate Professors 08 06 09 Asst. Professors 14 13 05 Others: Guest Faculty -- -- 01 05 01 05 *Against Leave Vacancy+Vacant Posts 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 477 of 690 Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Ekram Husain 01.08.1948 Retired July 2013 Professor Ph.D. High Voltage, Power System Protection, EM Field. 40 05 Dissertation 01 Ph.D awarded 01 under progress Prof. Mohibullah 31.12.1950 Professor Ph.D. Renewable Energy, Power Electronics, Power Systems, Power Quality 42 01 Ph.D awarded 01 under progress Prof. M. Ahmad 22.03.1948 Retired March 2013 Professor Ph.D. Power System, Power Electronics. 42 01 Ph.D awarded 04 Dissertation Prof. B.H. Khan 01.07.1955 Professor Ph.D. Power Electronics, Non- conventional Energy, Microprocessor App. 34 04 Dissertation Prof. M.S. J. Asghar 09.08.1957 Professor Ph.D. Power Electronics, Renewable Energy Sys. 30 10 Dissertation 03 Ph.D Prof. S.U. Ahmad 02.07.1948 Retired July 2013 Professor Ph.D. Electrical Machines, Electrical Drives. 40 - Prof. A.U. Anwar 26.10.1949 Professor Ph.D. Power Systems & Control Systems and Electrical Machines 39 04 Dissertation 01PhD under progress (Co supervisor) Dr. Mohd. Moazzam Visiting Professor Ph.D. Energy System 01 -- Mr. Abdul Shafey 07.01.1949 Associate Professor M.Sc. Enginee ring Power Systems, Control System. 40 - Mr. Mohd. Ayyub 15.01.1961 Associate Professor M.Tech. Power Electronics & Drives, Fuzzy Control, Electric Machines, SVS. 27 12 Dissertation Dr. Yusufuz Zaman Khan 03.04.1969 Associate Professor Ph.D. Signal Processing, Neural Network. 15 01 PhD 02 Dissertation Dr. M.M. Mohsin 12.08.1952 Associate Professor Ph.D. High Voltage Engineering, Electrical Machines, Power Systems. 33 03 Dissertation Aligarh Muslim University Page 478 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Dr. Fazle Azeem 01.07.1966 Associate Professor Ph.D. Instrumentation & Control, Fuzzy Control, Soft Computing, Microelectronics, Non- Conventional Energy. 24 05 PhD on going Mr. Zafar Ahmad 01.05.1958 Associate Professor M.Sc. Enginee ring Power Systems. 27 -- Dr. Abu Tariq 01.05.1967 Associate Professor Ph.D. Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Machines, Renewable Energy. 23 07 Dissertation Dr. M.U. Zuberi 11.09.1968 Associate Professor M.Tech. High Voltage Engineering 24 05 Dissertation Dr. Salman Hameed 01.09.1966 (On one year Academic leave since Jan. 2013 ) Associate Professor Ph.D. Power System & Control, AI Application in Power System, FACTS Controller 22 03 Ph.D under progress 05 Dissertation Dr. Aejaz Masood 19.09.1967 Assistant Professor Ph.D. Power systems, (High Voltage Engineering) 14 06 Dissertation Mrs. Safia A. Kazmi 20.06.1967 Assistant Professor M.Tech. Instrumentation, Control System 14 08 Dissertation Mr. Asfar Ali Khan 17.12.1974 Assistant Professor Ph.D. Power Systems, High Voltage Engineering 14 06 Dissertation Dr. Mohd. Rizwan Khan 01.01.1975 Assistant Professor Ph.D. Power Systems & Drives, Multi – Phase Machines, Power Electronics, ANN, Renewable Energy 12 09 Dissertation 02 Ph.D. under progress Mr. Mohd. Rihan 07.01.1978 Assistant Professor M.Tech. Instrumentation & Control 12 07 Dissertation Mrs. Seema Khan 17.07.1970 Guest Faculty M.Tech. Instrumentation & Control 11 08 Dissertation Ms. Zakia Aijaz 28.04.980 Guest Faculty M.Tech. Instrumentation & Control 05 -- Mr. Mahboob Hassan 12.03.1985 Guest Faculty M.Tech Power System & Drives 02 -- Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 479 of 690 Ms. Mubashra Idris Khan Guest Faculty M.Tech. Inst. & Control 1.5 -- Ms. Hina Anwar Guest Faculty M.Tech. Inst. & Control 02 -- * on study leave ** on EOL 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors 01; Appointed since 01.01.2013 (See Point 10) 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information B.Tech. Program: Year Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty 2009 – 2010 19.23 2010 – 2011 17.83 2011 – 2012 21.6 2012 – 2013 24 M.Tech. Program: Year Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty 2009 – 2010 8.29 2010 – 2011 10.26 2011 – 2012 5.38 2012 – 2013 9.56 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) B. Tech. Year STR 2009-2010 12.5 2010-2011 12.1 2011-2012 11.7 2012-2013 12.6 M. Tech. Year ST R 2009-2010 9.3 2010-2011 9.6 2011-2012 10.1 2012-2013* 10.8 Note*: M. Tech. course in High Voltage & Insulation engineering (10 seats) have been introduced (under TEQIP). 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual: Sancti oned Filled Actual Support staff (Technical) 27 19+5(DW*) 24 Administrativ e Staff 06 04+2(DW*) 06 *DW= Daily Wager 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies Electric Drives/High Voltage Engineering. / Bio- Medical / Renewable Energy Project Title Thrust areas Funding Agency/Date Modernization of Electric Drives laboratories Electric Drives AICTE/1998 -2000 Development of HV pulse system for treatment of microbe infected High Voltage Engineering AICTE/2005 -2008 Aligarh Muslim University Page 480 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports drinking water and preservation of vegetables/poultry Optimal regulation of Blood Glucose levels in Diabetics Bio-Medical AICTE/1993 -2003 Development of maximum power controller for PV(solar) based power generation Renewable Energy UGC/1999- 2002 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise.: Title Agency/Grant DRS Program on Renewable Energy UGC /Rs. 45.5Lakhs Wavelet Features Based Classifier for Automatic Seizure Detection in Electroencephalogram (EEG)” UGC /Rs. 6.93Lakhs Automatic detection of non- convulsive seizure on scalp recorded Electroencephalogram DBT /Rs. 25.30Lakhs Critical Performance Evaluation of a DSP based Five-phase Induction motor drive AICTE /Rs. 8.23Lakhs Development of Control Algorithm for a Three to Five- phase Matrix Converter CSIR /Rs. 12.12Lakhs For details see the following: Faculty with ongoing projects from National funding agencies Prof. M.S. JamilAsghar (Please √) Project Title Name of the Funding Agency Funding (Please √) Grant On- going Comp -leted Natio- nal Interna- tional √ DRS Program on Renewable Energy UGC √ Rs. 45.5Lac Dr. Y.U. Khan (Please √) Project Title Name of the Funding Agency Funding (Please √) Grant On- going Comp -leted Natio- nal Interna- tional √ Wavelet Features Based Classifier for Automatic Seizure Detection in Electroence phalogram (EEG)” UGC (Oct 2009- Mar2011) √ Rs 6.93 lakhs Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 481 of 690 √ Automatic detection of non- convulsive seizure on scalp recorded Electroence phalogram DBT (Dec 2010- Dec 2012) √ Rs 25.30 lakhs Dr. M. Rizwan Khan (Please √) Project Title Name of the Funding Agency Funding (Please √) Grant On- going Comp -leted Natio- nal Interna- tional √ Critical Performanc e Evaluation of a DSP based Five- phase Induction motor drive AICTE (2007-10) √ Rs.08.23 lakhs (8023/RPS -86/2006- 07). √ Developme nt of Control Algorithm for a Three to Five- phase Matrix Converter CSIR (2009-12) √ Rs. 12.12 lakhs (22(0462)/ 09/EMR- II). International funding agencies: The Z. H. College of Engineering and Technology submitted a proposal under the Technical Education quality Improvement Program-II (TEQIP-II) to National Project Implementation Unit. TEQIP-II is a World Bank project. The National Steering Committee of National Project Implementation Unit (A unit of MHRD) has approved the Z. H. College of Engineering and Technology proposal and has recommended a grant. The sanctioned amount of money will be utilized for augmenting the infrastructure with main focus of TEQIP-II is on improving learning outcomes and producing high quality Engineers with better employability. The project provides support to post graduate studies and facilitate demand driven research and development. Following major activities has been undertaken by the Electrical Engineering department: The Board of Studies decided and thereafter the proposal of M. Tech. in High Voltage & Insulation Engineering was submitted under TEQIP programme which was later approved and the programme started from the session 2012-13. Also new high Voltage testing equipments have been procured and installed as a part of laboratory establishment for the above said M.Tech programme. SCADA Laboratory has been created under TEQIP – II (World Bank Project). Keeping with requirement of industry, with the support under TEQIP-II project the department of Electrical Engineering has established state of the art SCADA an Aligarh Muslim University Page 482 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports industrial automation lab. The lab consists of the latest Siemens PLC’s S7-1200 and S7-300 with HMI. Also latest class power metering equipment from Janitza has been installed. Recently about 65 students have been trained on the PLC’s and performed solutions ranging from automation to power control. In coming years the department hopes to produce quality automation and power engineers for the industry. The Power System laboratory procured and installed new testing equipments. Control Trainer kits and Mechatronics Trainer kits have been sanctioned and are under procurement process. 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: Prof. M.S. Jamil Asghar Three projects shortlisted for full funding by USAID (United States Agency for International Development) in collaboration with DST, India. International collaboration: In process with King Abdul Aziz University, KSA. Dr. Y.U. Khan National collaboration: Collaborative research project between Electrical Engineering, AMU, Electrical Engineering, AMU and Department of Neurology, AIIMS; sanctioned by Department of Biotechnology, “Automatic detection of non-convulsive seizure on scalp recorded Electroencephalogram (EEG)”, Rs 25.30 lacs for two years, Dec.2010-Dec.2012. Grant of Rs. 19.836 lakhs received at AMU. 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. Project Title Amount (In Lacs) Funding Agency Name of Investigator Date of sanction FIST Program-2010 of DST 98.0 DST Prof. B.H. Khan 11.01.2012 DRSI under SAP 25.40 UGC Prof. M.S. Jamil Asghar 05.04.2011 DRSI under SAP 20.0 UGC 04.07.2011 Automatic Detection of non- convulsive seizures in scalp recorded electroencephalogram 19.92 DBT Dr. Yusufuz Zaman Khan 01.12.2010 20 Research facility / centre Research Lab: The research activity in the Research Lab is related with Renewable Energy System (Example Grid tied solar PV inverter, Solar PV based deep well pumping system, harnessing low wind energy etc.) Grid failure mitigation by flexible power controllers. Drag reduction of electric vehicles and IC engine based vehicles. Use EV for V2G and V2H power System The above said facility is being used by M. Tech. dissertation and Ph.D. Research Scholars as per their needs. State recognition: NIL Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 483 of 690 National recognition: The Centre of Renewable Energy was established by the fund provided in XI five year plan of UGC with the initial support of Rs. 33 lacs. Thereafter under SAP (Department Research Scheme), UGC further granted Rs. 45.5 Lacs for the same centre of Renewable Energy. Thus the Department of Electrical Engineering has now become a DRS Department with special facility from UGC, e.g. enhanced fellowship for research scholar that is from Rs. 12000 (instead of Rs. 8000). 21 Special research lab. sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies: Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers pub in peer reviewed journals (national/international): 94 Monographs: NIL Chapters in Books: 03 Dr. Yusufuzzaman Khan 978-3-642-30156-8; Springer Heidelberg;NY Dr. Fazle Azeem Abdullah Gubbi, M.F. Azeem, “Type-2 Fuzzy Logic for Edge Detection of Gray Scale Images”, Fuzzy Inference System – Theory and Application, Editor- Dr. Mohammad Fazle Azeem, ISBN 979-953-307- 582-1. InTech - Open Access Pub. © 2004 – 2012, May 2012. Mr. Mohd. Rihan Trends in Networking and Communication, Atlantic Pub. ISBN- 978-81-269-1052-6 Edited Books: 05 Prof. Mohibullah (Dr. Asfar Ali Khan/ Mr. Mohd. Rihan) Proceedings of National Conference on Power Instrumentation Energy and Control February 12-13, 2011, AXIOE Books, New Delhi ISBN-9789380510958 Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad Advances in Motor Torque control Intech open access publisher ISBN 978-953-307-686-7 year 2011 Dr. Mohd. Fazle Azeem Fuzzy Inference System – Theory and Application, ISBN 979-953-307-582-1. InTech - Open Access Publisher © 2004 - 2012, May 2012. Dr. Mohd. Rizwan Khan 02; Electric Machinery; 978-07-053039-3 Books with ISBN with details of publishers: 07 Prof. Prabhat Kumar (Rtd. 2012) Basic electrical Engineering, TMH, 2010 Prof. B.H. Khan Non Conventional Energy Resources, TATA McGraw Hill; 2009; ISBN: 978-0- 07-014276-3 Prof. Mohibullah “Proceedings of National conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy & Control(PICON 2011), published by AXIOΣ, a division of Agrawal Publications, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93- 80510-95-8 Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad (Rtd. 2013) 1. High Performance AC drives Springer Verlog Germany ISBN 978-3642131493 Year 2010 Aligarh Muslim University Page 484 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 2. Power System State Estimation Artech House Boston/London ISBN: 978-1-60807- 511-9 Year 2013 Dr. Fazle Azeem Soft Computing Based Control: Theory and Simulation”, ISBN: 3659109177, 9783659109171, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, April 2012. Mr. Mohd. Rihan Advanced Control Systems, AXIOE Books, New Delhi, ISBN-9789380510477 Number listed in International Database (e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities Int. Complete, Dare Database – Int. S.S. Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average: Prof. M. Jamil Asghar 11/3 Prof. Mukhtar Ahmad 03 Dr. Yusufuzzaman Khan 0-29/3.6 Dr. Fazle Azeem 97-1 Dr. Asfar Ali Khan 08 SNIP:NIL SJR:NIL Impact Factor – range / average: NIL h-index: NIL 23 Details of patents and income generated: A number of papers have been published in Indian Official Journal of the Patent office and have passed the first stage for the award of Patent as listed below. Award of Patent is awaited. Prof. M.S. Jamil Asghar Details of patents (if any), area/s of consultancy and income generated. M.S. Jamil Asghar and Imdadullah, (published), “A flexible asynchronous ac link (FASAL) system,” (App#1116/ Del/ 2009). M.S. Jamil Asghar, (published), “A static VAR controller circuit using discontinuous phase controlled switching,” (App#1117/ Del/ 2009) M.S. Jamil Asghar, (published), “A dc-to-ac grid interactive inverter using discontinuous phase controlled switching,” (App#1118/Del/2009). M.S. Jamil Asghar, (published), “Drag reduction method and system in fluid,” Patent Application # 116/ DEL/ 2010, IPO, New Delhi, 2010. M.S. Jamil Asghar and AdilSarwar, (published), “A new dc-to-ac controlled rectifier,” Patent Application # 115/ DEL/ 2010, IPO, New Delhi, 2010. M.S. Jamil Asghar and FarhadIlahiBakhsh, (published), “A power controller circuit based flexible asynchronous ac link (FASAL for renewable energy) systems,” Patent Application# 1871/ Del/ 2010, IPO, New Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 485 of 690 Delhi, 2010. Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh and M.S. Jamil Asghar, (published), “A controller based flexible asynchronous ac link for Induction generator applications,” Patent Application# 2540/ Del/ 2010, IPO, New Delhi, 2010. S. JavedArif and M.S. Jamil Asghar, (published), “A fast measurement of very low speed by rotating magnetic field,” Patent Application# 2183/ Del/ 2010, IPO, New Delhi, 2010. M.S. Jamil Asghar and FauzulAzeemShaikh,(published),“System and method for power system collapse mitigation by transmission line resistance control,” Patent Application# 2184/ Del/ 2010, IPO, New Delhi, 2010. M.S. Jamil Asghar, “Manual and solar PV based hybrid electric power generation systems,” (published), Patent Application # 2741/ DEL/ 2011, IPO, New Delhi, 2011. Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh, Basharat Ahmad and M.S. Jamil Asghar, “A miss-call based switching systems for multiple loads and appliances,” (published), Patent Application # 2742/ DEL/ 2011, IPO, New Delhi, 2011. M.S. Jamil Asghar, “Six-phase induction motor based compressors and submersible pump systems,” Patent Application # 2743/ DEL/ 2011, IPO, New Delhi, 2011. S. JavedArif and M. S. Jamil Asghar, (published),“A Rotating Magnetic Field Based Ultra Fast Transducer for the Measurement of Very Low Speed,” Patent Application 2183/DEL/2010A, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No. 14/2011, p-6126, Apr. 8, 2011. S. JavedArif and M. S. Jamil Asghar, (published),“A Rotating Magnetic Field Based High Resolution Transducer for the Measurement of Instantaneous Angular Speed,” Patent Application 2578/DEL/2011, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No.49/2011, p-23961, Dec. 9, 2011. S. JavedArif and M. S. Jamil Asghar, (published),“A Selsyn Based Vibration Measurement of Machines,” The Patent Office Journal, Application No. 3470/DEL/2011, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No.16/2012, p-6142, April. 20, 2012. Dr. M. Rizwan Khan Three to Five-phase transformation using AMR (Atif-Moinuddin-Rizwan) connection Aligarh Muslim University Page 486 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports scheme. (File No. 747/DEL/2008) Three to Seven-phase transformation using MAR (Moinuddin-Atif-Rizwan) connection scheme. (File No. File No. 748/DEL/2008) Automatic fault tolerant system to obtain continuous three-phase supply. (File No. 749/DEL/2008) Constant Volt per Hertz Control of Induction Motor Using Variable Frequency Transformer. (File No. 399/DEL/2010) Auto Charging Smart Cell Phone. (File No. 1232/DEL/2011) Smart and Intelligent Parking System (SIPS). (File No. 794/DEL/2013) Three-Phase to n-Phase Transformation using Rizz Connection Technique (File No. 1034/DEL/2013) 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad: Prof. Ekram Husain: Visited various Institutes (more than fifty institutes) since 2004 as Expert Member of National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. Prof. M.S. Jamil Asghar: Presented “Drag reduction systems for Vehicles,” in Chennai on December 19, 2012, on invitation of Mahindra Research Valley (MRV, an R & D section of Mahindra & Mahindra Motors), Chennai. Prof. A.U. Anwar: Visited various Institutes (more than fifty institutes) since 2004 as Expert Member of National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi. Dr. Yusufuzzaman Khan: Visiting Researcher to the Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University from Sep 2008 to Aug 2009. Dr. M. Rizwan Khan: Worked as Research Associate in Texas (A&M) University at Qatar from 1 st May 2011 to 30 th June 2011. Mr. Mohd. Rihan: Invited by the ABB Corporate Research Centre Bangalore for an invited talk, study their laboratory set up and chalk out strategy for collaborative research in the area of Phasor Measurement Technology during Jan 17-18, 2013. 26 Faculty serving in National committees Prof. Ekram Husain Rajasthan Public Service Commission- Selection Committee Expert J & K Public Service Commission- Selection Committee Expert Subject Expert of AICTE / NBA Accreditation Program. Chairman of NBA team. UPSC Subject Expert / Advisor for Civil Services. UPSC Subject Expert for Engineering Services. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 487 of 690 Bihar Public Service Commission – Selection Committee Expert. Uttrakhand Public Service Commission- Expert Odhisa Public Service Commission Prof. A.U. Anwar Subject Expert NBA, New Delhi Expert in Selection Committees: UPSC (New Delhi), UP Public Service Commission, Uttrakhand Public Service Commission Reviewer for Institution of Engineers (India) Dr. Y.U. Khan Technical Expert in the selection committees at UPPSC, Allahabad International committees: NIL Editorial Boards Prof. Ekram Husain Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Dielectric & Insulation Prof. Mukhtar Ahmad: Yes Prof. Mohibullah: EPRI Mrs. Safia A. Kazmi Reviewer, Taylor and Francis Journal Dr. Asfar Ali Khan Reviewer, World Academy of Science, Engineering. & Technology, Associate Editor, Hypersciences Journal Dr. Aejaz Masood Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Dielectric & Insulation Any other (please specify) Prof. M.S. Jamil Asghar Review research papers for International Conferences of IEEE (USA), regularly being held at different part of globe. Prof. Mohibullah As Reviewer of different National/international journals/conference publications 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/ orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs): Prof. Ekram Husain As Resource person: Training Program on “Electrical Insulation Systems” EED, Aligarh, 16-28 Feb2009 (Two Weeks). Advances in Gas insulated systems TEQIP EED, Aligarh, 28-29 Jan 2013. A number of lectures delivered at Academic Staff College, AMU Aligarh on different aspects of Power Systems. Prof. M.S. Jamil Asghar As Participant: In the two day workshop on “Recent Trends in Measurement and Control” held on 20-21 April 2013 at Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU Aligarh. One Day Workshop Organized on Fuel Cells as Backup Power for Telecommunication Networks on 22 nd Dec. 2012 in the Department of Electrical Aligarh Muslim University Page 488 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Engineering, AMU, Aligarh. Advances in Gas insulated systems TEQIP EED, Aligarh, 28-29 Jan 2013. As Resource person: Future of Electrical Engineering (Trends & Innovations) from 12 to 15 March, 2012 in the Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh. Solar Photovoltaic cell based power generation and applications, in Aligarh on February 18, 2012, Invited by The Institution of Engineers (India) Dr. Y.U. Khan Expert Lecture on “Biomedical Signal Processing” in the two day workshop on “Recent Trends in Measurement and Control” held on 20-21 April 2013 at Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU Aligarh. Resource Person in the ten day training programme of MS-Office components for administrative and Technical staff of Mechanical Engineering Department AMU under TEQIP-II scheme held at Academic Staff College, AMU, 7 th and 10 th Nov 2012. Invited Talk on “Automatic Seizure Detection in EEG” in the National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Biological Sciences: Special emphasis on Neurosciences (ETBS 2012) held at Interdisciplinary Brain Research Centre, J. N. Medical College, AMU Aligarh, 24-25 Sept 2012. Resource Person for the two day workshop on “Programming with MATLAB”, Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Hindustan College of Science & Technology, Farah, Mathura, 31st Aug – 1st Sep 2012. Resource Person for Short Term Course on Multimedia Signal Processing, Dept of Electronics Engineering, AMU. Lecture was given on “Biomedical Signal Processing”, 11 Feb 2011. Dr. M. M. Mohsin As Participant: Participated in two Technical workshops organized by Central Board of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi each one in 2012 and 2013. Dr. M. Fazle Azeem As Participant: “Advances in VLSI Design & Algorithms”, sponsored by VTU & VGST, Government of Karnataka, organized by Department Computer Science & Engineering and Information Science & Engineering and held at NMAMIT, Nitte, Udupi, during January 10-12, 2011. “Multi-Core Technology”, sponsored by TEQIP, organized by Department Computer Science & Engineering and held at NMAMIT, Nitte, Udupi, Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 489 of 690 during March 12-14, 2009. Mr. M.U. Zuberi As Resource person: Training Program on “Electrical Insulation Systems” EED, Aligarh, 16-28 Feb2009 (Two Weeks). Mrs. Safia A. Kazmi As Participant: Attended one Month orientation Program I st Feb 2010 to I st March 2010 Academic Staff College AMU Aligarh Dr. Asfar Ali Khan As Participant: Attended One week short term training course on Multimedia, UGC Academic Staff College AMU Aligarh, 07-12 February 2011. Dr. M. Rizwan Khan As a Resource Person: Short-Term Course Conducted on Future of Electrical Engineering (Trends & Innovations) from 12 to 15 March, 2012 in the Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh. One Day Workshop Organized on Fuel Cells as Backup Power for Telecommunication Networks on 22 nd Dec. 2012 in the Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh. As a Participant: Short term training programme on “Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic” from 20-24 Feb. 2012 at Technical Teachers Training Institute (TTTI), Chandigarh. Short Term Course on “Future of Electrical Engineering (Trends & Innovations)” from 12 to 15 March, 2012, Electrical Engineering. Dept., AMU, Aligarh. One day Workshop on “Fuel Cells as Backup Power for Telecommunication Networks” on 22 nd Dec. 2012, Electrical Engineering. Dept., AMU, Aligarh. Two day Workshop on “Advances in Gas Insulated Systems” on 28-29, Jan. 2012, Electrical Engineering. Dept., AMU, Aligarh. Mr. Mohd. Rihan As Participant: One week summer school on “Instrumentation and Signal Processing”, jointly organized by NIT Jalandhar and NIT, Srinagar, Srinagar, 21-06-2010-25-06-2010. As Resource person Smart Grid, Future of Electrical Engineering (Trends and Innovations) 12-15 March 2012, EED AMU Role of Measurement Techniques in Smart Grid, National Symposium on Developments in Instrumentation and Control (DICE- 2012),17-18 March 2012, EED AMU Aligarh Muslim University Page 490 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Synchrophasor Measurement in Smart Grid, Workshop on “Recent Trends in Measurement and Control”, Apr 20-21, 2013, EED AMU Dr. Aejaz Masood As Resource person: Training Program on “Electrical Insulation Systems” EED, Aligarh, 16-28 Feb2009 (Two Weeks). As Participant: Advances in GIS TEQIP EED, Aligarh, 28-29 Jan 2013 28 Student projects Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects: 100%, Final Year B. Tech. Students in a group of 03 are assigned a compulsory project (Part of curriculum, Credits: 07) under a teacher. Similarly each M. Tech. student is assigned a compulsory project which a part of curriculum, under a teacher. Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute: NIL 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty: Prof. Prabhat Kumar Shiksha Ratan Award & Certificate of Excellence by IIFS, New Delhi, September 2010. Best Citizens of India Award, International Publishing House, October 2010, New Delhi. Indo Nepal Ratan Award, International Achiever’s Summit, Kathmandu, Nepal, December 2010 by Economic Growth Society of India. Rashtriya Vidya Samman Puraskar, Economic Growth Society of India, May 2011, New Delhi. SSI, R K Varshney Gold medal, Applied Systems Research & National Systems Conference 2009, DEI, Agra Outstanding merit certificate award; AMU, 26 Jan.2010; AMU, Aligarh Dr. Y.U. Khan Best Technical Session Paper Award to the paper titles “Effects of Shoulder Rotation combined with elbow flexion on EMG activity of extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle for repetitive gripping task” in the 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering. and Assistive Technologies, BEATS 2012, Jalandhar, India, 6-7 Dec 2012. Dr. M. Fazle Azeem: Conferred IEEE Senior Membership on 01 January 2013. Mr. M.U. Zuberi Submitted the proposal for M.Tech. High Voltage Engineering (10 seats) under TEQIP; which was later approved and the programme started from the session Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 491 of 690 2012-13. Dr. M. Rizwan Khan Delivered a lecture on “Sensorless control of Multi- phase induction motor drive”, on 5 th April 2010 at IIT-Kanpur, India. Delivered an expert Lecture on “Electromagnetic Field Theory” from 25 to 26 Feb., 2013, at BRCM College of Engineering & Technology, Bhiwani, Haryana, India. Attended as an Expert Doctoral Workshop at IEEE TENCON Spring 2013 Conference in Sydney Australia, 17-19 April 2013. Mr. Mohd. Rihan Outstanding Merit Award by the Vice Chancellor, AMU on the occasion of 60 th Republic Day of India, 2009. A twenty minutes talk on “Smart Home for Physically Disabled and Elderly People”, was broadcast by the national broadcaster All India Radio. Certificate of Appreciation by Aligarh Alumni Association of New England, Boston, USA for Outstanding Leadership Qualities and continued efforts towards bringing a positive change in the university, 2009. Ms. Hina Anwar Best team presentation prize, Rank 1 in M.Tech and Rank 2 in B.E., Qualified GATE in 2009 and 2013. Doctoral / post doctoral fellows: 01: Mr. Ehteshamul Haque (Ph.D Student) was awarded Young Scientist award. Students: Syed Nabeel Mehdi: International Prize: Present around the world – IET – UK, Runner’s up , Asia jPacific, 2011. National Prize: Amity Noida – presentation, 2010. Asadullah Khalid: Received 2 nd prize at IIT-Roorkee in the paper presentation at the Techfest COGNIZANCE, 2011. Received 19 credits tuition scholarship for MS in Electrical Engineering form University of Toledo, Ohio for Fall 2011 and Spring 2014. Received 3 rd prize in a paper presentation at the Environ-sense club, NRSC, AMU. Faraz Ahmad: Hackathon’13, 2 nd prize at Nodal Level organized by Planing Commission of India. Felicitated by the Honorable Vice Chancellor, AMU, for qualifying JEE in 2009. AMU Quiz 2011, 1 st prize. LEAU the Elixir, Environ-sense Annual Paper presentation 2011, 3 rd prize. Intervarsity presentation competition 2009, PT educations, Aligarh, 3 rd prize. Aligarh Muslim University Page 492 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any: Name of the programme Number(s) National Conference 1 Workshops 3 Training programme 1 Symposium 2 Short Term Course 1 Invited Talk 2 For details please see below: Prof. Ekram Husain: Organized training program on Electrical Insulation systems as Chief Coordinator; 16- 28 Feb.2009 in the department of Electrical Engineering Funding agency: AMU; Aligarh. Prof. Mukhtar Ahmad One day workshop on Fuel Cells as Backup Power for Telecommunication Networks Jan. 20, 2013 Two day workshop on ‘GIS systems ‘on Feb. 21-22, 2013 Prof. Mohibullah National conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy & Control(PICON 2011), organized in Electrical Engg Department, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh, Feb 12-13, 2011 Symposium on “Advances in Instrumentation and Control”, organized by EED, ZHCOET, AMU, Aligarh on (2010). Prof. M.S. Jamil Asghar An Invited Talk by Dr. M. SaadAlam, Magna Electric Car Division, R & D Unit, Ford Motors, Detroit, Michigan, USA, under UGC-DRS Program, November 12, 2011. (Topic: Hybrid Electric Vehicles: State of the art). An Invited Talk by Dr. M. SaadAlam, Magna Electric Car Division, R & D Unit, Ford Motors, Detroit, Michigan, USA, under UGC-DRS Program, November 17, 2011. (Topic: Smart Grid: State of the art). A short-term course on future of Electrical engineering (Trends & Innovations), under TEQIP- II project and UGC-DRS Program, March 12-15, 2012, (Four days). One Day workshop on fuel-cells as backup power for Telecommunication Networks, under TEQIP-II project and UGC-DRS Program, December 22, 2012. (Prof. A. Kalam, Dy. Dean, Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia). Dr. Y.U. Khan Co-Chair in the technical session in the two day workshop on “Recent Trends in Measurement and Control” at Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU Aligarh held on 20-21 April 2013 Coordinator in the two day workshop on “Recent Trends in Measurement and Control” at Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU Aligarh held on 20-21 April 2013. Co-Convener, Local Arrangement, IMPACT Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 493 of 690 2011 held at Dept of Electronics Engineering, AMU Aligarh, IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2011) from 17th to 19th Dec. 2011. Co-Chair in the technical session ‘Biomedical Signal Processing’ in IMPACT 2011 held at Dept of Electronics Engineering, AMU Aligarh, IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2011) from 17th to 19th Dec. 2011. Session Co-Chair in the Instrumentation and Control Session – V, in the National Conference on ‘Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control (PICON-2011’, held at Dept of Electrical Engineering, AMU Aligarh, 13 Feb 2011. Session Co-Chair in the Instrumentation and Control Session – I, in the National Conference on ‘Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control (PICON-2011’, held at Dept of Electrical Engineering, AMU Aligarh, 12 Feb 2011. Member Organizing Committee, in the National Conference on ‘Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control (PICON-2011’, held at Dept of Electrical Engineering, AMU Aligarh, 12 Feb 2011. Chief-Coordinator of the National Symposium on “Development in Instrumentation and Control Engineering” organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU Aligarh, 27-28 March 2010. Dr. M. M. Mohsin: A two day workshop on “Recent Advances in Gas Insulated Systems” was organized in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, A.M.U, Aligarh in the last week of Jan’2013. Dr. M. Fazle Azeem: “Recent Trends in Measurement and Control”, TEQIP-II, AICTE, April 20-21, 2013, Department of Electrical Engineering, Zakir Hussain College of Engineering & Technology Aligarh Muslim University, Mrs. Safia A. Kazmi: Member of Organising committee Workshop on “Advances in Gas Insulated system”, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh, January 28- 29, 2013 Mr. M.U. Zuberi: Organized training program on Electrical Insulation systems as Coordinator; 16-28 Feb.2009 in the department of Electrical Engineering Funding agency: AMU; Aligarh. Dr. Aejaz Masood: Organized training program on Electrical Insulation systems as Coordinator; 16-28 Feb.2009 in the department of Electrical Engineering Funding agency: AMU; Aligarh. Dr. Asfar Ali Khan: Organizing Secretary of Two day National Conference (πCON2011) 12-13 February 2011 Source of funding: AICTE, MNRES Dr. M. Rizwan Khan: Short-Term Course Conducted: “Future of Electrical Engineering Aligarh Muslim University Page 494 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports (Trends & Innovations)” from 12 to 15 March, 2012. One Day Workshop Organized: “Fuel Cells as Backup Power for Telecommunication Networks” on 22 nd Dec. 2012 Mr. Mohd. Rihan Coordinator, National Symposium on “Developments in Instrumentation & Control Engineering”, Organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU, Mar27-28, 2010.Funded by: UGC Organizing Secretary, National Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control (πCON-2011), Organised by the Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU, February 12-13, 2011.Funded by: UGC, DST, MNRES Coordinator, National Symposium on “Developments in Instrumentation & Control Engineering”, Organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU, Mar17-18, 2012. Funded by: UGC Coordinator, Workshop on “Recent Trends in Measurement and Control”, Organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU, Apr 20-21, 2013.Funded by: TEQIP-II Programme Ms. Zakia Aijaz: Member of organizing committee in Two Days workshop on “Recent Trends in Measurement and Control”20-21 April 2013, EED, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh. Mr. Mehboob Hasan: Member of organizing committee in Two Days workshop on “Recent Trends in Measurement and Control”20-21 April 2013, EED, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh. Ms. Hina Anwar: Member of organizing committee in Two Days workshop on “Recent Trends in Measurement and Control”20-21 April 2013, EED, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh. Ms. Mubashra Idris Khan: Member of organizing committee in Two Days workshop on “Recent Trends in Measurement and Control”20-21 April 2013, EED, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh. 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: As per University rules approved by office memo. D.No. (C)/6793 dated 20/01/2014 32 Student profile programme-wise: B.Tech: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received (for all branches) Selected Electrical Engineering Pass Total Male Female Male Female 2009-2010 17322 70 59 11 58 11 2010-2011 20893 71 69 07 58 07 2011-2012 24655 69 63 06 50 06 M.Tech: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 495 of 690 Name of the Programme/Year (refer to question no. 4) Application s received Selected Pass percentage** M.Tech. Male Female Male Female 2009-2010 139 29 5 13 5 2010-2011 260 28 6 18 5 2011-2012 352 30 4 21 4 **Candidates are awarded M.Tech degree as and when they defend M.Tech. dissertation viva-voce. PhD: Name of the Programme/YEAR (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Female Ph.D.: 2009-2010 6 0 2 Continuing 2010-2011 8 0 0 - 2011-2012 16 0 0 - 33 Diversity of students B.TECH Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries B.Tech. Record Available at Office of the Controller (Exams) M.TECH (Admitted) Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4)/YEAR % of students from the same univ. % of students from other universities within the State % of students from universities outside the State % of students from other countries 2009-2010 70.6 23.5 5.9 0 2010-2011 91.18 8.82 0 0 2011-2012 77.77 11.11 5.55 5.55 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise.: Year GATE 2009-10 35 2010-11 17 2011-12 36 2012-13 24 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 2009-10 35.29 2010-11 91.17 2011-12 77.77 2012-13 71.73 PG to M.Phil. -- PG to Ph.D. 2009-10 Ph.D. to Post- Doctoral -- Employed Campus selection Electrical Students %age 2009 – 2010: 55.88% 2010 – 2011: 67.74% 2011 – 2012: 47.45% 2012 – 2013: 69.64% Aligarh Muslim University Page 496 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty having all degrees of the same university (AMU) 64.00 having atleast one degree from other universities 32.00 having atleast one degree from universities outside the country 4.00 37 Number of faculty who were awarded Ph.D. during the assessment period: TWO; Dr. M.R. Khan & Dr. A.A. Khan 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library Books = 4990 Dissertation MSc. Engineering. = 322 Ph.D. Thesis = 12 Project Final Year B. Tech. = 280 Projects MSc. Engineering. =88 Journals (Total = 927) Automation and Remote Control = 20 Automatica = 6 IEEE spectrum = 31 Journals of the Institution of telecommunication engineers = 22 Electric technology USSR = 32 Power Engineer = 09 Electrical Engineering in Japan = 11 Transaction IEEE = 540 IEEE Journal of solid state circuits=27 International journal of control = 17 International journal of circuit theory and application=07 (transferred to Electronics Engineering. Department) Proceedings of IEEE = 42 Proceedings of the IEE = 169 International journal of Electronics=1 Internet facilities for staff and students Internet facilities have been provided to all the teachers in their respective chambers. For the technical staff the internet facility has been provided in their respective laboratories. For office staff the internet facility is available in the office premises. For the B.Tech./M. Tech./Research Students 40 systems are available with internet facility in the simulation lab. Total number of class rooms: 05 Class rooms with ICT facility: 04 Students’ laboratories: High Voltage Laboratory Control System Laboratory Electric drives laboratory Power electronics laboratory Simulation laboratory Power system laboratory Electric Machine laboratory Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 497 of 690 Circuit and Instrumentation laboratory Advance Instrumentation laboratory Microprocessor laboratory Non- Conventional Energy laboratory Advance Power Electronics Laboratory Research laboratory Electrical work shop SCADA Laboratory Research laboratories: See Research Facility in point no. 20. 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates: From the host institution/university: 2009–2010: 1. Mrs. Aisha Malik, 2. Ms. Sana Parveen From other institutions/universities : NIL 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. Year GATE Scholarship TEQIP – II Scholarship Total 2009-10 35 - 35 2010-11 17 08 25 2011-12 36 05 41 2012-13 24 05 29 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. Yes; the Board of Studies decided. Thereafter the proposal of M. Tech. in High Voltage & Insulation Engineering was submitted under TEQIP programme which was later approved and the programme started from the session 2012-13 42 Does the department obtain feedback from Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes; on the feedback obtained from the faculty the suggestions are incorporated in curriculum update through the Board of Studies of the department. Students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes; Analysis of the feedback is under progress. Based on this analysis appropriate advisory will be issued to the concerned faculty by the chairman. Alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes; 2 nd Alumni meet was organized in the department on 8 th Dec. 2013. Such programs give alumni an important opportunity to reconnect with their alma mater. This kind of mentoring relationship can also be beneficial for students and faculty. Although faculty members are still serving as mentors, students are looking for other ways to learn about careers. Students want to know what skills and tools they need to be successful and competitive in the marketplace. The Alumni-Faculty interaction brings together alumni panelists from the major reunion classes for discussions of a broad range of timely topics. Aligarh Muslim University Page 498 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10): Name Present Designation & Address Gajandra Pal Singh Chairman, UP State Electricity Board. Kuril Bani Prasad MD RVU Nigam Ltd. 4B, Gokhale Marg, Lucknow. Mansoor Alam Director, Comp. Engineering Dept., Todedo Univrsity, USA Yusuf Ali Khan Managing Director, SCT Limited, Ghaziabad. Satish Chandra Gupta Group General Manager, Jyoto Limited, Vadora. Mohd. Mohsin Jamali Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Univ of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio Mirza Ishtiaq Beg Former Chairman, Central Electricity Authority. Prof. M. P. Varshney Retd. Professor (HV), Aligarh, UP. Prof. Akhtar Kalam Dy.Dean,Victoria,University,M elbourne,Australia Dr. R.K.D.Shah Ex. Chairman, BHEL Mr.R.K. Narayan Ex.Chairman, Power Grid Corp of India Ltd. Mr.Ramesh Chandra Member Railway Board, Ex- officio secretary Mr.Shabbir Ahmad MD, Finance, BSNL 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/ seminar) involving external experts: 2009 –10 S.No. Name of the Speaker Theme 1. Dr. A.R. Jha Nano Technology MEMS Solar Energy. 2. M. Shariq Hasan Khan PLC’S and its Applications SCADA 2011–12 S.No. Name of the Speaker Theme 1. Dr. Saikait Chakrabati Synchro phasor Measurement Technology Application of SMT 2. Dr. H.K. Sardana Mechatronic Systems – case studies Intelligent Instrumentation 3. Mr. Varun Jain Virtual Instrumentation 4. Prof. Avinash Chandra Electrostate precipitators 5. Dr. M. Saad Alam Smart Grid: State of the Art 2012 –13 S.No. Name of the Speaker Theme 1. Prof. Akhtar Kalam Fuel Cells as backup IEC 61850. 2. Mrs. Nandani Gupta PD in Gas Insulated System 3. Prof. B. Ghosh Energy Scenario at present Energy Scenario for future 4. M. Shariq Hasan Khan PLC’S and its Applications Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 499 of 690 Smart Energy Management 5. Javed Ahmad Khan Design Methods & Key Components of Power Transformer Latest Trends in Transformer Technology 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes: Black Board Teaching/ICT based Power Point presentations/Seminars/Web based resources 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? B.Tech Programme Our Defined PEOs 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Alumni Interaction and Invited Lecture cum Product Demonstration in Electrical Engineering Department (Under System Society of India, Aligarh Chapter): The department organizes various activities like invited expert lectures, Product demonstrations, student paper presentation etc in collaboration with professional societies. System Society of India is one such active society with Prof. Prabhat Kumar, as President SSI (Aligarh Chapter). Following events were organized under System Society of India (Aligarh Chapter) in January 09: Alumnus Interaction: AMU is proud to have its alumni spread all over the world and knows that they have great affection and respect for their alma mater. Wherever they are, they feel strongly for their alma mater. Dr. A.R.Jha is one such alumnus who graduated from the department of Electrical Engineering; Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology in 1954. Dr. A.R. Jha visited the department of Electrical Engineering after 54 years on 03rdJanuary 09. He is actively involved as Senior Consultant in the research area of Nano Technology/MEMS/Solar Energy/Superconductors and is currently based in Los Angeles, California, USA. On his visit he interacted with the faculty members and students of the department and apprised them on the latest technological advancements in the above said area. He emphasized on to advance in the study of Science and Engineering and promote their applications particularly relevant to the needs of the country. Expert Lecture cum Product Demonstration: In this world of rapidly changing technology a vibrant Industry-University interaction can fuel the growth of both the industry as well as the cutting edge real problem research in the institute. A small step in this direction was initiated by Prof. Prabhat Kumar in collaboration with Er. Shariq Hasan Khan (Application Testlab, HIRSCHMANN, Germany) and his brother Er. Abdul Majid (ZMS Aligarh Muslim University Page 500 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Technology, Aligarh). Both the brothers happen to be alumni of Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology and have graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1998. Er.Shariq Hasan Khan delivered the state of the art lecture on Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) /SCADA/Profibus on 13 th January09 in the committee room of the department. The lecture was followed by the product demonstration. Later the faculty members and the M.Tech students had an interactive session with both the Engineers. Events organized by students under the patronage of Electrical Engineering Department Techfest BLITZKRIEG(2011) , First ever Techfest organised by IEEE AMU under the guidance of Prof. Mukhtar Ahmad (Counsellor IEEE AMU) which included various technical events such as: Paper Presentation Competition Poster Presentation Competition Quizzes and Lectures The Techfest was headed by Mr. Mohd Tariq ( Chairperson-IEEE AMU), Noorudeen Madathali, Syed Nabeel Mehdi, Sadaf Iqbal and others. Later in 2011 IEEE AMU organized AIPPC supported by IETE Aligarh Centre under the guidance of Prof. Mukhtar Ahmad (Counsellor IEEE AMU) – All India Paper Presentation Competition in the month of October organized by Noorudeen Madathali, Syed Nabeel Mehdi and others. The winner of the competition was Abhishek Sharma and Team. IEEE AMU constantly conducted student Workshops on MATLAB and Photoshop tools. In 2012 IEEE AMU organized biggest ever two day workshop named Revolution 2012 which helped the students to learn basic Microsoft tools, Photoshop tools and what is hacking all about. Later 2012(October) IEEE AMU organized a two day Animation Workshop Attended by 127 participants. Barqq- First Techno-Management fest by IEEE AMU (19-20 January 2013) under the guidance of Prof. Mukhtar Ahmad (Counsellor IEEE AMU) – a total of 33 technical, management, literary and fun events take place. The events were as follows: Aerodynamics- Plane making using balsa Wood Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 501 of 690 Applicious- Android Application Making Competition Code Smith- Coding Competition Conundrum- Puzzle, Quizzes and riddle Competition Cybrog- Robotics Competition (Maze follower, hurdle Follower) Engime- Aptitude Quiz Evocomania- Technical Quiz Faking News- Blogging Competition Geek-o-Google- Simply Quizzing IGNESIA- National Paper Presentation Competition, First Prize-Harshit Mohan, Harris Shamshi and Satyam Singh Second Prize- Sagar Bhardwaj Third Prize- Anukrati Singh Megamind- General Knowledge Quiz Novanate- Project Presentation Competition TheTechnopreneur- Technical Buisness Plan Competition Organised by MohdOwais Khan( Chairperson- IEEE AMU) Syed Saad Anwer, Hamza Bin Masood, Mohd Asif, Sagar Bhardwaj and Supported by many others from IEEE Team. IEEE AMU Orientation Ceremony for First Year Students -10 September2013 under the Guidance of Dr.Mohd. Rihan (Counselor IEEE AMU), Headed by Sagar Bhardwaj, Tapan Upadhyay and Piyush Varshney. 187 Fresher’s attended the ceremony and came to know about what is IEEE, what are the goals of IEEE AMU and How to Join IEEE. Surbhi Raghav also Developed an Android Application to serve the cause of awareness which was Inaugurated by Dr. Mohd. Muazzam ( Former Director- Ministry of Power) IEEE AMU organized the first ever IEEE UP Section Officers Meet - 17 th November 2013 Under the Guidance of Prof Ekram Khan( Vice Chairperson- IEEE UP Section) and Dr. Mohd. Rihan (Counsellor IEEE AMU) Headed by Sagar Bhardwaj (Industrial Relation Chair), Tapan Upadhyay and Piyush Varshney. The Meet was presided by eminent delegates such as: Dr S.N. Singh – IEEE UP Section Chairperson from IIT Kanpur Prof. Ekram Khan- IEEE UP Section Vice Chairperson from AMU Mr. Nivas Ravichandran- IEEE INDIA Student Aligarh Muslim University Page 502 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Branch Networking Secretary other than IEEE AMU, 7 other Student Branches participated in the networking Event. The Objective was to establish a strong Network among the student Branches of UP 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department A. The following Educational Tour was organized: 2009-10: Aligarh to Narora, Aligarh to Musoorie. 2010-11: Aligarh to Shimla, Aligarh to Manali. 2012-13: Aligarh to Delhi, Aligarh to Kullu Manali. B. Thirty nine B.Tech/ M.Tech Electrical engineering Student participated in Training on “PLC, SCADA, PMS and HMI” from 24 October, 2013. 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. B.Tech programme of the department has been accreditated by NBA for a period of five years from 10/02/2009, Vide File No. 35-78/2010-NBA , dated 11/04/2011 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Prof. B.H. Khan A new concept known as “simultaneous ac-dc power transmission” is proposed. Papers: Power upgrading of Transmission line by combined AC-DC transmission, IEEE trans. Power Systems, Vol 22, No.1,Feb 2007, pp459-466. Stability Improvement of Power system by simultaneous power transmission of AC – DC, Electrical power system research, Vol 78, No.4, April 2008, pp 756-764. Possibility of power tapping from composite AC DC power transmission line, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol 23, No.3 July 2008, pp1464-1471. Also five papers (05) appeared in national & international Conferences. Prof. Ekram Husain One of my PhD teacher Candidates work addresses the problem of providing insulation to High Temperature Superconductors. The thesis has contributed significantly to the knowledge of science & technology both. Two published papers in IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation are land mark publications. “Dielectric Behavior of Insulating Materials under Liquid Nitrogen”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, December 2002, VOL.9, NO.6, pp. 932-938. “Breakdown strength of solid dielectrics in liquid nitrogen”, IEEE trans. on Dielectrics & Electrical Ins., Vol.15, No.4, pp.1051-1055, August 2008. Also twelve publications from the thesis appeared in Indian journals/International Conferences/Symposium. A successful attempt has been made in formulation of the novel function relating dielectric strength to loss index & volume resistivity, suggesting equations to be used by pract. Engineers. Ph.D work of another teacher candidate addresses the problem of Partial Discharges and a number of publications have appeared in IEEE-PES Conferences. Ph.D work of third teacher candidate addressed the problem of Effect of contaminant on naturally polluted insulators and a number of publication appeared in CEIDP, CMD & other conferences. Prof. Mohibullah Innovative idea on MHD by virtue of my research findings Guided research on Real time PQ monitoring system by software development. Prof. M.S. Jamil Asghar Developed different power electronic converters for renewable energy applications, especially for solar PV systems and a patent had already been granted in 2006 for the Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 503 of 690 first analog MPPT in the world, for harnessing maximum power from solar PV cell. (P.No. 197506) Analog maximum power point tracker for a PV cell M.S. Jamil Asghar, (patent granted) “An analog MPPT for maximum power generation from solar PV cell,” Patent # 197506, IPO, 2006. A. Tariq and M.S. Jamil Asghar, “Development of an analog maximum power point tracker for a PV cell,” Proceedings of 6th IEEE (USA) International Conference on Power Electronics and Drives, vol. I, pp.542-547, Kuala Lumpur, Nov.28-Dec.1, 2005.(40 citations) Fast measurement of speed by rotating magnetic field S. Javed Arif and M. S. Jamil Asghar,(published),”A Rotating Magnetic Field Based Ultra Fast Transducer for the Measurement of Very Low Speed,” Patent Application 2183/DEL/2010A, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No. 14/2011, p-6126, Apr. 8, 2011. S. Javed Arif and M. S. Jamil Asghar, (published),”A Rotating Magnetic Field Based High Resolution Transducer for the Measurement of Instantaneous Angular Speed,” Patent Application2578/DEL/2011, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No.49/2011, p-23961, Dec. 9, 2011. S. Javed Arif and M. S. Jamil Asghar, (published),”A Selsyn Based Vibration Measurement of Machines,” The Patent Office Journal, Application No. 3470/DEL/2011, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No.16/2012, p-6142, April. 20, 2012. S. Javed Arif and M.S. Jamil Asghar,”Calibration of Tachometer by Rotating Magnetic Field,” Application No., Indian Patent Office, August31, 2013. Papers: S. JavedArif, AdilSarvar and M.S. Jamil Asghar, “Speed measurement and calibration of tachometers by rotating magnetic field,” IEEE Transactions on Measurement (U.S.A.), Accepted for publication, 2013. S. JavedArif, Imdadullah and M.S. Jamil Asghar, “Very fast measurement of very low speed by rotating magnetic field,” IEEE Trans. on Measurement (U.S.A.), Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 759-766, March, 2012. Dr. Y.U. Khan Established Biomedical Research Division in the department for the Signal Processing research. For the recording of the physiological signals, EEG machine has been purchased. Dr. M. Fazle Azeem Developed Software in MATLAB environment for the Generalized Adaptive Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System. Developed Software in MATLAB environment for the Adaptive Wavelet Neuro- Fuzzy Inference System. Unification of Mamdani and TSK Fuzzy Models. Devised a modification in the Mountain Clustering. Devised a modification in the Queen Bee method of the Parent selection scheme for the Genetic Algorithm (GA). Formulated a Structure Identification Criterion (SIC) for the Neuro-Fuzzy Networks. Configured New Schemes of Model Identification for the Neuro-Fuzzy Models of Dynamic Systems. Developed Input Selection Criteria for System Modeling. Developed Fuzzy Models of the Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU). Developed Fuzzy Models for the fluid flow . Developed Hardware Circuits (IC based) for basic building blocks of Fuzzy Inference system. References: M.F. Azeem, M. Hanmandlu, N. Ahmad, “Generalization of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Aligarh Muslim University Page 504 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Inference Systems”, IEEE Trans. On Neural Networks, Vol. 11, No. 6, November 2000, pp. 1332-1346. Ph.D. Thesis Ahmad Banakar, “Wavelet Based Neuro-Fuzzy Systems in Forecasting of Dynamic Systems” (2004-2007) at AMU, Aligarh. M.F. Azeem, M. Hanmandlu, N. Ahmad, “Parameter Determination for A Generalized Fuzzy Model”, Journal of Soft Computing, Vol. 9 (3), Springer- Berlin/Heidelberg, March 2005. (DOI: 10.1007/s00500-003-0345-4, ISSN: 1433-7479), (First Published Online: 19 February 2004), pp. 211-221. M.F. Azeem, M. Hanmandlu, N. Ahmad, “Structure Identification of Generalized Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems”, IEEE Trans. On Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 11, No. 5, October 2003, pp. 666-681. Ahmad Banakar, M.F. Azeem, “Local Recurrent Sigmoidal-Wavelet Neurons in Feed-Forward Neural Network for Forecasting of Dynamic Systems: Theory”, Journal of Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier Science, Volume 12, January 2012, pp. 1187-2000, DOI:10.1016/j.asoc.2011.10.019 M.F. Azeem, M. Hanmandlu, N. Ahmad, “Fuzzy Modeling of Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit”, Journal of Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 7. , Elsevier Science, January 2007, (First Published Online: October 2005), pp 298-324. Also three papers appeared in international conferences. Dr. Asfar Ali Khan Established state of the art Industrial Automation and SCADA lab. Dr. M. Rizwan Khan Three to Five-phase transformation using AMR (Atif-Moinuddin-Rizwan) connection scheme. (File No. 747/DEL/2008) Three to Seven-phase transformation using MAR (Moinuddin-Atif-Rizwan) connection scheme. (File No. File No. 748/DEL/2008) Automatic fault tolerant system to obtain continuous three-phase supply. (File No. 749/DEL/2008) Constant Volt per Hertz Control of Induction Motor Using Variable Frequency Transformer. (File No. 399/DEL/2010) Auto Charging Smart Cell Phone. (File No. 1232/DEL/2011) Smart and Intelligent Parking System (SIPS). (File No. 794/DEL/2013) Three-Phase to n-Phase Transformation using Rizz Connection Technique (File No. 1034/DEL/2013) References: given on next pages. (12) Patent Application Publication (21) Application No.747/DEL/2008 A (19) India (22) Date of filing of Application: 25/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 02/10/2009 (54) Title of the invention: THREE-TO-FIVE PHASE TRANSFORMATION USING AMR (ATIF-MOINUDDIN-RIZWAN) CONNECTION SCHEME (51) International classification :H02M7/04 (31) Priority Document No :NA (32) Priority Date :NA (33) Name of priority country :NA (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (71) Name of Applicant: (1) Dr. Atif Iqbal: Address of Applicant: Reader, Department of Electrical Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 505 of 690 Engineering, Zakir Hussain College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (UP)-202002 INDIA. Uttar Pradesh India (2) Shaikh Moinuddin (3) Mohd.Rizwan Khan (72) Name of Inventor: (1) Dr. Atif Iqbal (2) Shaikh Moinuddin (3) Mohd. Rizwan Khan (57) Abstract : The present invention is the means of transforming three-phase incoming electrical supply to Five-phase output supply by means of a costumed designed transformer and special scheme of connection of their windings termed here as AMR (Atif-Moinuddin-Rizwan) connection . This novel transformer connection outputs balanced Five-phase supply with balanced three-phase input and vice-versa is also true for the proposed invention. The complete design and associated phasor diagrams are elaborated in the complete specification. The experimental results are provided to support the findings. No. of Pages : 25 No. of Claims : 8 The Patent Office Journal 02/10/2009 7089 (12) Patent Application Publication (21) Application No.748/DEL/2008 A (19) India (22) Date of filing of Application :25/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 02/10/2009 (54) Title of the invention: Three-To Seven Phase Transformation using MAR (Moinuddin-Atif-Rizwan) Connection Scheme (51) International classification :H02M7/00 (31) Priority Document No :NA (32) Priority Date :NA (33) Name of priority country :NA (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (71) Name of Applicant: (1) Shaikh Moinuddin: Address of Applicant: Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Section University Polytechnic, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (U.P.)-202002 India Uttar Pradesh India (2) DR. ATIF IQBAL 3) MOHD. RIZWAN KHAN (72) Name of Inventor: (1) Shaikh Moinuddin (2) Dr. Atif Iqbal 3) Mohd. Rizwan Khan (57) Abstract : The present invention is the means of transforming three-phase incoming electrical supply to Seven-phase output supply by means of a costumed designed transformer and special scheme of connection of their windings termed here as MAR (Moinuddin-Atif-Rizwan) connection. This novel transformer connection outputs balanced Seven-phase supply with balanced three-phase input and vice-versa is also true for the proposed invention. The complete design and associated phasor diagrams are elaborated in the complete specification. The experimental results are provided to support the findings. No. of Pages : 22 No. of Claims : 10 The Patent Office Journal 02/10/2009 7090 (12) Patent Application Publication (21) Application No.749/DEL/2008 A (19) India Aligarh Muslim University Page 506 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports (22) Date of filing of Application : 25/03/2008 (43) Publication Date : 02/10/2009 (54) Title of the invention : Automatic Fault Tolerant System To Obtain Continuous Three-Phase Electric Supply (51) International classification :H02M7/00 (31) Priority Document No :NA (32) Priority Date :NA (33) Name of priority country :NA (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (71)Name of Applicant:(1) SHAIKH MOINUDDIN Address of Applicant: Lecturer, Electrical EngineeringSection University Polytechnic, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (U.P.)-202002 INDIA Uttar Pradesh India (2) Dr.Atif Iqbal 3) Mohd.Rizwan Khan (72) Name of Inventor: (1) Shaikh Moinuddin (2) Dr. Atif Iqbal 3) Mohd. Rizwan Khan (57) Abstract : The invented system presents a novel scheme to obtain a continuous three-phase electric supply even with one phase being out from incoming feeder automatically. This is possible using special connection of windings of a customed designed transformer. The proposed system automatically detects the faulted phase and provides necessary correction to output three-phase supply by recreating the outgoing phase. In case of two phase fault or outages of two phases, the proposed invention automatically shut down the complete system thus providing safety to the electrical loads connected to the feeder. In case of two phases carrying same voltage/current (equal magnitude with same phase angle) then the proposed invention will shut the complete supply and inherent protection to the load will be provided F**MJ No. of Pages : 15 No. of Claims : 5 The Patent Office Journal 02/10/2009 7095 (12) Patent Application Publication (21) Application No.399/Del/2010 A (19) India (22) Date Of Filing Of Application : 24/02/2010 (43) Publication Date : 26/08/2011 (54) Title of the invention : CONSTANT VOLT PER HERTZ CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTOR USING VARIABLE FREQUENCY TRANSFORMER (51) International classification :H01F27/00; (31) Priority Document No :NA (32) Priority Date :NA (33) Name of priority country :NA (86) International Application No :NA Filing Date :NA (87) International Publication No :NA (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA Filing Date :NA Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 507 of 690 (71) Name of Applicant: (1) DR. MOHD. RIZWAN KHAN - Address of Applicant: Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Zakir Husain College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (UP) – 202 002 INDIA (2) Dr. Atif Iqbal (3) Dr. Shaikh Moinuddin (72) Name of Inventor: (1) Dr. Mohd. Rizwan Khan (2) Dr. Atif Iqbal (3) Dr. Shaikh Moinuddin (57) Abstract : A novel approach of obtaining volt per hertz control of a three-phase induction motor drive is documented in this proposal. The variable frequency transformer (VFT) is a device which is capable of producing variable voltage and variable frequency (VVVF) and is used effectively for constant V/f drive. The main component of VFT is a rotary transformer (slip-ring type three-phase induction motor) with three-phase windings on both stator and rotor. A dc motor drive system is mechanically coupled with the VFT, to adjust the rotational speed of the rotor with respect to stator, therefore controlling the magnitude of rotor winding voltage and frequency. Simulation and experimental results have been obtained to verify the concept of VFT based V/f control of a three-phase induction motor drive and reported. The advantages and shortcomings of the proposed approach are highlighted. No. of Pages: 18 No. of Claims : 7 The Patent Office Journal 26/08/2011 14382 (12) Patent Application Publication (21) Application No.1232/DEL/2011 A (19) INDIA (22) Date of filing of Application: 27/04/2011 (43) Publication Date: 09/11/2012 (54) Title of the invention: Auto Charging Smart Cell Phone (51) International classification :F21L4/00 (71)Name of Applicant : (31) Priority Document No :NA 1) Dr. Mohd. Rizwan Khan (32) Priority Date :NA Address of Applicant : Assisteant Professor, (33) Name of priority country :NA Department Of Electrical Engineering, Zakir (86) International Application No :NA Hussain College Of Engineering & Tech., Aligarh Filing Date :NA Muslim University, Aligarh(U.P)-202002 India (87) International Publication No :NA 2) Dr. Ekram Khan (61) Patent of Addition to Application Number :NA (72)Name of Inventor : Filing Date :NA 1) Dr. Mohd. Rizwan Khan (62) Divisional to Application Number :NA 2) Dr. Ekram Khan Filing Date :NA (57) Abstract : The present invention relates to mobile/cell phones in general and more particularly, the present invention relates to charging of mobile/cell phones without electric supply/battery operated chargers. The present invention is about the development of charger free cellular phones. The basic concept is that there are number of Radio Frequency (RF) signals in the environment. Most importantly, in mobile context, the mobile tracking signal is almost available everywhere mobile network exist. When mobile is in idle state (not in talking state), even then it communicates with the nearest BTS through some RF signals to keep track of current location of the mobile set. The present invention (Cell Phone inbuilt Interface circuit) shall convert these RF Aligarh Muslim University Page 508 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports signals into equivalent DC signal of requisite value, which shall be fed to the battery of cell phone to charge it. The RF signal strength is approximately of the order of 2mW. Each cell phone generally receives seven to eight RF signal of different strength for tracking purpose. In addition, there are plenty of RF signals (mostly around 900 MHz and 1800 MHz) available most of the time. The present invention is about utilization of these RF signals to charge batteries of mobiles and other handheld/portable electronic devices. No. of Pages : 30 No. of Claims : 11 The Patent Office Journal 09/11/2012 21007 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strength: Well qualified and expert faculty members, Teaching and Research, Good classical laboratories with real size machines, Unbiased and healthy environment, thick on cultural / racial/ethnic diversity. Weakness: Deficiency in latest laboratories to carried out research work, Limited space availability, Lack of space for faculty, laboratory and students class rooms. Opportunity: Industrial Collaboration, Large scope of research and development, build graduate experience using the best practices from throughout the country. Challenges: To obtain funds for development of the department especially in terms of building and other research facilities, Infrastructure for department & laboratories, including purchase of modern equipments, lack of original software’s to meet the global quality requirement in pass out students. 52 Future plans of the department: Development of the department in terms of space for laboratories, staff rooms (individual rooms for faculty), PhD students’ rooms. Creating strong research groups in High Voltage, Renewable Energy, Power Systems, Instrumentation, Control and Electric Drives. To develop new areas of teaching and research in Power Quality Monitoring, Renewable Energy & Systems. Enhancement of laboratory facilities required for high class research work & further improvement in research activities. Encourage students to appear and qualify the competitive examinations like IES,IAS, GATE, GRE, TOEFL etc. To increase the student interaction with the Industry by organizing various conferences, seminars, guest lectures and project MoU with Industry Fellows/Companies. Establishment of smart classrooms. Procurement of e-resources and latest softwares for enhancement of R & D activities. Establishment of a Virtual Instrumentation laboratory, already sanctioned under FIST Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 509 of 690 programme. Establishment of a Synchrophasor Measurement setup in collaboration with main industrial players. Establishment of a Mechatronics laboratory setup already sanctioned under TEQIP-II programme. Participation in various FDPs and teacher training programmes in order to enhance teaching skills. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution Sd./- Chairman with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 510 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Electronics Engineering 2 Year of establishment March 1988 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG (B.Tech) * , PG (M.Tech) ** , and Ph.D 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons No 8 Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/ Choice Based Credit System Semester system 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Course Title Course No. For department Basics of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. EE-111 First year (all branches) Computer Programming Lab. CO-191 First year (all branches) Electronic Devices And Circuits EL-201 Electrical Engineering Electronic Devices And Circuits EL-211 Computer Engineering Logic And Digital Circuits EL-203 Electrical Engineering Signals & Systems EL-241 Computer Engineering Electronics Lab. EL-290 Computer Engineering Electronics Lab. EL-294X Electrical Engineering Communication Engineering EL-340 Computer Engineering Open Electives --- All branches 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/ others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 04 01 05 Associate Professors 06 04 08 Asst. Professors 02 02 02 Others: Guest Faculty 07* 07 07 *Against Leave Vacancies Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 511 of 690 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance: Name Qualifi- cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. Mirza Salim Beg M. Engg, Ph.D. Chairman & Professor Mobile Comm. & Computing, Wireless networks, Multimedia Comm., Computer Networks and Consumer Electronics. 29 3 Prof. M.J.R Khan M.Sc. Engg, Ph.D. Professor Thin-Film Microelectronic ckts, 41 Prof. Z.A. Abbasi M.Sc. Engg Ph.D. Professor Digital Signal Processing 34 Prof. M. Hasan M.Tech, Ph.D. Professor VLSI Design, Nanoelectronics, Embedded System 20 3 Prof. Ekram Khan M.Sc. Engg, Ph.D. Professor Communication Systems, Signal Processing, Image/ Video Coding, Biomedical Image Processing, Image/Video Transmission 20 3 Dr. Tahira Parveen M.Sc. Engg Ph.D. Associate Professor Electronic circuits and system design, Analog filters and Analog signal processing 24 Mr. Musiur Raza Abidi M. Sc Engg, Ph.D (Submitting) Associate Professor Fiber optic signal Processing, Wireless communication and coding, Finite field algebra 25 Dr. M Jawaid Siddiqui M.Sc. Engg Ph.D. Associate Professor Semiconductor Device Modeling , Microelectronics and VLSI Design 25 Dr. Syed Atiqur Rahman M.Sc. Engg Ph.D. Associate Professor Electronic Circuits and Artificial Neural Networks 25 01 Dr. Omar Farooq M.Sc. Engg Ph.D. Associate Professor Signal processing with specialization in speech recognition, and biomedical signal processing 20 04 Dr. M. Shah Alam M.Sc. Engg Ph.D. Associate Professor Nano- Electronics 20 01 Dr. A .A Moinuddin M.Sc. Engg Ph.D. Associate Professor Image/Video Coding and Transmission 16 Aligarh Muslim University Page 512 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Dr. S Maheshwari M.Tech., Ph.D. Associate Professor Analog signal processing circuits and current mode circuits. 15 02 Mr. Syed Javed Arif M.Sc. Engg. Assistant Professor Instrumentation and Measurement 16 Dr. Anwar Sadat M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement 14 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Prof. M.M. Jamali (University of Toledo, USA) Dr. Nadeem Akhtar (center of excellence in wireless technology, Chennai) Dr. Jameel Akhtar (CEERI Pilani)) 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information Based on local allocation for session 2013-14 by the BOS held on 09-05-2013 B.Tech: 24.15% M.Tech: 13.63% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) B. Tech. Year STR 2009-2010 12.5 2010-2011 12.1 2011-2012 11.7 2012-2013 12.6 M. Tech. Year ST R 2009-2010 9.3 2010-2011 9.6 2011-2012 10.1 2012-2013* 10.8 Note*: M. Tech. course in High Voltage & Insulation engineering (10 seats) have been introduced (under TEQIP). 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual: UG 12.7:1 PG 7.84:1 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Communication and Information Systems Multimedia Communications Wireless and Mobile Communications Image and Video Coding Biomedical Signal Processing Speech Recognition Digital Watermarking RF device Modeling Electronic Circuits & Systems Design Electronic Instrumentation Control Systems IC Design Low Power Architecture for Signal Processing and Telecommunications Semiconductor Devices; VLSI Design & Technology Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 513 of 690 Neural Computation Analog Signal Processing Spintronics Energy Harvesting Nanoelectronics 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. National Project Title: Design and Modeling of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) Field Effect Transistors for Low Power Circuits Funding Agency: DST (Nano- mission), Govt. of India Funding Amount: Rs. 23.814 lacs Principal Investigator: Dr. Muhmmad Shah Alam, Project Title: Signal Processing Applications in Networked Multimedia (DRS-II) Funding Agency: UGC (DRS Programme) Funding Amount: Rs. 64.50 lacs Principal Investigator: Prof. Ekram Khan (Coordinator) International funding agencies: Nil Total grants received = 88.314 lacs 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration Collaborative R&D project sanctioned by MICT to IIT Delhi, AMU and GH Patel College of Engineering. & Tech. Gujarat. On “Wireless Body Area Network for Health Monitoring” (Rs 79.32 lacs) 2011-13. NO grants received in the Department. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Collaborative research project between Electrical Engineering, AMU, Electronics Engineering, AMU and Department of Neurology, AIIMS; sanctioned by Department of Biotechnology, “Automatic detection of non-convulsive seizure on scalp recorded Electroencephalogram (EEG)”, Rs 25.30 lacs for two years, 2011-2013. NO grants received in the Department. (Dr. Omar Farooq) International collaboration: University of Toledo (USA): One research stdent registered for PhD at AMU under joint supervision of Prof. M.Salim Beg(AMU) supervisor and Co-supervisor Prof.M.M Jamali (University of Toledo) University of Essex(England): Prof.Ekram Khan (AMU) and Prof. Muhammad Aligarh Muslim University Page 514 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Ganbari (University of Essex); Dr.A.A.M completed his PhD under this collaboration through Commonwealth split site program: Joint Publications with University of Essex continued. Granted UKIERI Standard Project in Collaboration with IIT Delhi, AIIMS, Kingston University, UK, and Loughborough University, UK on ‘Mobile Communication To Improve Monitoring of Heart Diseases and Diabetes’. The project duration is from 2007-2012. University of Edinburg: Prof. M.Hasan (AMU) & Prof. T Arsalan (University of Edinburg, UK) Queen’s University, Belfast: Dr.M Shah Alam (AMU) & Prof. G.A. Armstrong (Queen’s University, Belfast) 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS,DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc total grants received Fund for Infrastructure in Science and Technology (FIST) funded by DST - Period of 05 years 2009-2014, Rs. 91.00 lacs Grant of about Rs 65.00 lacs under the scheme TEQIP funded by MHRD during the year 2011-2013. Grant of Rs. 64.5 lacs under UGC DRS-II during period of 5 years (2009-2014) Grant of Rs. 7.04 lacs received under project on Wavelet based features for viseme recognition from Audio-Visual Hindi Speech funded by Council of Science & Technology, UP 20 Research facility/centre with State recognition: Nil National recognition Centre for Wireless Networks Centre for ASIC Design (both centers created by the grants received under IIT up gradation process ) International recognition: Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by /created by industry or corporate bodies. Some equipment have been given to department by ST Microelectronics. An MOU with ST Microelectronics has been agreed upon by both parties and it is likely to be signed soon. 22 Publications: Number of paper published in peer reviewed journals (national/international): 93 Monographs: Nil Chapters in books: 10 Edited books: Nil Books with ISBN with details of publishers: 02 Muzaffer A. Siddiqi, (2011) “Dynamic RAM: A Technology Advancement”. Publishers: CRC Publications, Taylor & Francis Group (USA). Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 515 of 690 Intekhab Amin, M. S. Alam, “Novel NanoScale MOSFET with TCAD” @August 2012 Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Zurick, Switzerland; ISBN: 978-3- 659-19786-4. Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database- International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): About 555 (As per google scholar) Citation Index –range/average Range: 17-1047 Average: 229 SNIP: Nil SJR: Nil Impact Factor-range/average Range: 0.5-2.5 H-index: 19 (Maximum) I.K. Tabash, M. Salim Beg, N. Ahmad, “Performance analysis of some TCP variants for routing over mobile ad hoc networks”, International journal of Advanced Computer Research, vol. 3, No. 3, Issue 12, September 2013, pp. 52-57, ISSN (print): 2249-7277, ISSN (online): 2277-7970) Accepted IJACR via email 18 th July, Paper ID: IJACRSE132102. M. Rihan, Mukhtar Ahmad & M. Salim Beg, “Optimal Multistage placement of PMUs with limited channel capacity for a smart grid”, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2013, vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 133-138, doi: 10.5923/j.eee.20130305.03, p-ISSN: 2162-9455, e-ISSN: 2162-8459. I.K. Tabash, M. Salim Beg, N. Ahmad, “Improving TCP performance based on Fuzzy-Logic for Mobile Ad hoc Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 78, No. 2, Sept. 2013, pp. 11-16, ISBN: 973-93- 80877-21-7. M. Rihan, M. Ahmad & M. Salim Beg, “Vulnerability Analysis of Wide Area Measurement System in the Smart Grid”, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, September 2013, vol. 4, No. 6A, pp. 1-7. R. Muzammil, M. Salim Beg and M. M. Jamali “A Dynamically Reconfigurable Transceiver for Software Defined Radio”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 76, No. 17, Aug. 2013, pp. 50-58, ISBN: 973-93-80877-47- 5. M. Rihan, M. Ahmad, M. Salim Beg, A. Anees, “Optimal PMU Placement on Network Branches for Intentional Islanding to Prevent Blackouts”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2013, pp. 73-78, ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal. M. Israil, M. Salim Beg, “Matched filter based NML detection for futuristic mobile systems”, Journal of Communication, Navigation and Signal processing, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2012, pp. 11-17. J.K.M. Ali, S.I. Hasnain, & M. Salim Beg, “Handwriting endangerment”, Aligarh Journal of linguistics, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 2011-March 2012, pp. 27-35. H.S.M. Mohammed, S.I. Hasnain, & M. Salim Beg, “Use of multimedia in teaching listening skills”, Aligarh Journal of linguistics, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 2011- March 2012, pp. 117-136. M. Rihan, M. Ahmad, & M. Salim Beg, “Smart sensors for a more reliable and environment friendly power grid”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 4, No.1, July-September 2010, pp. 1-7 (ISSN-0973-8835). M. Israil and M. Salim Beg, “Mitigation of ISI for next generation wireless channels in outdoor vehicular environments:, International Journal of Electronics, Communication & Computer engineering, France, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2009, pp. Aligarh Muslim University Page 516 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 150-155 (ISSN 2073-0543). M. Rihan & M. Salim Beg, “Evolution of Home Automation Technology”, BVICAM’s International Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, July-Dec. 2009, pp. 35-40 (ISSN 0973-5658). M. Israil, M. Salim Beg, “Performance of some detectors for outdoor mobile channels with severe distortion”, Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications, United Kingdom, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2009, pp 58-65, ISSN 1744-2400. Mustafa S. Abbas, M. Salim Beg, Mohd. Israil, “Fast start-up Estimation of Contemporary Mobile Radio Channel with Rapid Frequency Selective Fading”, Invited Book chapter, ICEIT Book, New Delhi, 2012 (Accepted; in press). I.K. Tabash, M. Salim Beg, N. Ahmad, “A Fuzzy-based Inference System for improving TCP performance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks”, Invited Book chapter, ICEIT Book, New Delhi, 2012 (Accepted; in press). Mustafa S. Abbas, M. Salim Beg, Mohd. Israil, “Fast start-up Estimation of Contemporary Mobile Radio Channel with Rapid Frequency Selective Fading”, Invited Book chapter, ICEIT Book, New Delhi, 2012 (Accepted: in press). J.K.M. Ali, S.I. Hasnain, & M. Salim Beg, “Non-standardization in modern electronic communication and its effects on comprehension”, Aligarh Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 2, Nos. 1-2, 2012, pp. 91-103, ISSN 2249-1511. Thasneem Fathima, M. Bedeeuzzaman, O. Farooq, Yusuf U. Khan, “Wavelet Based Features for Epileptic Seizure Detection”, MES Journal of Technology and Management, ISSN 0976-3724, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 108-112, May 2011. High Speed Cache Design Using Multi-Diameter CNFET at 32nm Technology in Springer Information and Communication Technologies. Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science. Volume 101, Part 1, Pages: 215-222. Aminul Islam, Mohd. Hasan. Venu V Das, R. Vijay Kumar et al. (Eds). ISBN-10 3- I.K. Tabash, M. Salim Beg, N. Ahmad, “A Fuzzy-based Inference System for improving TCP performance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks”, ICEIT Book, New Delhi, 2012. Shakir Iqbal, Ekram Khan and Mohd. Hasan, “High speed and memory efficient architecture of a novel zero memory SPECK algorithm”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and systems for Video Technology. S.D. Pable, Mohd. Hasan, S.A. Abbasi and A.R.M. Alamoud, “Interconnect optimization to enhance the performance of subthreshold circuits”, submitted to ISI indexed Microelectronics Journal. J.K.M. Ali, S.I. Hasnain, & M. Salim Beg, “Non-standardization in modern electronic communication and its effects on comprehension”, Aligarh Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 2, Nos. 1-2, 2012, pp. 91-103, ISSN 2249-1511. M. Israil, M. Salim Beg, “Matched filter based NML detection for futuristic mobile systems”, Journal of Communication, Navigation and Signal processing, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2012, pp. 11-17. M. Rihan, M. Ahmad, & M. Salim Beg, “Smart sensors for a more reliable and environment friendly power grid”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 4, No.1, July-September 2010, pp. 1-7 (ISSN-0973-8835). M. Israil and M. Salim Beg, “Mitigation of ISI for next generation wireless channels in outdoor vehicular environments:, International Journal of Electronics, Communication & Computer engineering, France, Vol. 1, No. 3,2009, pp. 150-155 (ISSN 2073-0543). M. Rihan & M. Salim Beg, “Evolution of Home Automation Technology”, International Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, July-Dec. 2009, pp. 35-40 (ISSN 0973-5658). Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 517 of 690 M. Israil, M. Salim Beg, “Performance of some detectors for outdoor mobile channels with severe distortion”, Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications, United Kingdom, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2009, pp 58-65, ISSN 1744-2400. Ale Imran, Aminul Islam, M. Hasan and S.A. Abbasi, “Optimized Design of a 32nm CNFET based Low Power Ultra Wide band CCII”, accepted in ISI indexed IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. Aminul Islam and Mohd. Hasan, “Leakage Characterization of 10T SRAM Cell”, ISI indexed IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 59, Issue 3, pp. 631- 638, March, 2012. S.D. Pable and Mohd. Hasan, “Interconnect Design for Subthreshold Circuits”, ISI indexed IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp. 633-639, May, 2012. Aminul Islam and Mohd. Hasan, “A Technique to Mitigate Impact of Process Voltage and Temperature Variations on Design Metrics of SRAM Cell” ISI indexed Elsevier’s Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 405-411, February, 2012. Aminul Islam and Mohd. Hasan, "Variability Aware Low Leakage Reliable SRAM Cell Design Technique," ISI indexed Elsevier’s Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 52, Issue 6, pp. 1247-1252, June, 2012. Aminul Islam, Mohd. Hasan, “Variation Resilient Subthreshold SRAM Cell Design Technique," ISI indexed International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 99, No. 9, pp. 1223-1237, Sept. 2012. S.D. Pable and Mohd. Hasan, “Ultra-low-power signaling challenges for subthreshold global interconnects”, ISI indexed Elsevier’s Integration, The VLSI Journal, Vol. 45, Issue 2, pp. 186-196, March, 2012. S.D. Pable and Mohd. Hasan, “A Novel Robust FPGA Routing Switch Box Design for Ultra Low Power Applications”, ISI indexed International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 99, Issue 1, pp. 15-27, Sept. 2011. S.D. Pable and Mohd. Hasan, “Robustness comparison of emerging devices for portable applications,” Journal of Nanomaterials Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 242459, 8 pages DOI:10.1155/2012/242459. S.D.Pable and Mohd.Hasan, “High Speed Interconnect through Device Optimization for Subthreshold FPGA”, ISI indexed Elseviers’s Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 545-552, Jan., 2011. Aminul Islam, Mohd. Hasan, “Power optimized variation aware dual-threshold SRAM cell design technique”, Nanotechnology, Science and Applications Journal Vol. 2011:4, pp. 25-33, Feb., 2011, DOI: 10.2147/NSA.S15719. Aminul Islam, Mohd. Hasan, “Dual-Diameter Variation –Immune CNFET-based 7T SRAM Cell”, Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies: An International Journal (NIJ), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-14, Feb. 2011. Aminul Islam, Mohd. Hasan, “Single-Ended 6T SRAM Cell to Improve Dynamic Power Dissipation By Decreasing Activity Factor,” Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 172-181, 2011. A.K. Kureshi and M. Hasan, "DTMOS based low power FPGA building blocks", Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communication, Vol. 6, No. 4, Oct. 2010, ISSN:1744-2400. Fahad Ali Usmani and M. Hasan, " Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors for High Performance Analog Applications: An Optimum Design Approach, ISI indexed Elseviers’s Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 41, Number 7, pp. 395- 402, July, 2010. A.K. Kureshi and M. Hasan, "Analysis of CNT Bundle and its Comparison with Aligarh Muslim University Page 518 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Copper Interconnect for CMOS and CNFET Drivers," Journal of Nanomaterials, Vol. 2009, Article ID 486979, 6 pages, 2009. Kureshi A. K. and Mohd. Hasan, “DTMOS Based Low Power High Speed Interconnects for FPGA", Journal of Computers (Academy Publisher Finland), vol.4, No.10, pp.921-926, Oct-2009. A.K. Kureshi and M. Hasan, “Comparison of performance of Carbon nanotube FET and bulk CMOS based 6T SRAM cell in deep submicron”, ISI indexed Elsevier’s Microelectronics Journal , Volume 40, No. 6, pp. 979-982, June 2009. S.D. Pable and Mohd. Hasan, “Performance analysis of DG FinFET for ultralow- power subthreshold applications,” Journal of Electronic Design Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2011. Aminul Islam, Mohd. Hasan, “Variability Analysis of 6T and 7T SRAM Cell in Sub-45nm Technology”, IIUM Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 13-30, May, 2011. Aminul Islam, M. W. Akram, Mohd. Hasan, “Energy Efficient and Process Tolerant Full Adder in Technologies Beyond CMOS,” International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 05, no. 01, pp. 1–7, March 2011 S.D. Pable and Mohd.Hasan, “Performance analysis of interconnects driver for ultra low power application,” International Journal on Electrical and Power Engineering, Vol. 2, No.1, pp. 30-35, Feb. 2011. Aminul Islam, Mohd. Hasan, “Process Variation and Radiation-Immune Single Ended 6T SRAM Cell”, ACEEE International Journal on Signal & Image Processing - IJSIP, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 37-45, Dec. 2010. Aminul Islam, Mohd. Hasan, “Design and Analysis of Power and Variability Aware Digital Summing Circuit,” ACEEE International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 29-37, Nov. 2010. A.K. Kureshi and M. Hasan, "Analysis of CNT Bundle and its Comparison with Copper for FPGA Interconnect,"International Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, pp. 178-183, 2009. Farid Ghani, Abdul Kader, Ekram Khan and Badlishah Ahmad, “Memory Efficient Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Tree (MESH) for Wavelet Image Compression”, IEICE Trans on Communication, Vol. E95-B, No. 9, pp. 2906- 2913, September 2012. Indra Vijay Singh, M.S. Alam and G.A. Armstrong, "Accurate Modelling of Nano- scale Gate Underlap SOI MOSFET and Design of Low Noise Amplifier for RF Applications”, Radioelectronics and Communications Systems, Springer Publication, June 2013, Volume 56, Issue 6, pp. 265-277 M.S. Alam, A. Kranti and G.A. Armstrong “An Efficient Neural Network Approach for Modeling of FinFET and Nano-circuit Simulation”, International Journal of Numerical Modeling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Wiley (U.S.A.), Volume 22, Issue 5, 2009, pp. 379-393. Mohd. Altaf, Ekram Khan, M Ghanbari and Nadia Qadri, “Efficient Bitstream Switching for Streaming of H.264/AVC Coded Video”, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, May 2011. Mohd. Ayyub Khan, Athar Ali Moinuddin, Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari, “Reliable Transmission of Wavelet-based Scalable Video over Wireless Networks Using Cross-Layer Approach,” IET Communication, Vol. 4, No. 11, pp. 1325-1336, July 2010. Ekram Khan, Irshad A. Arshad and Taru Varshney, “An Error Resilient and Memory Efficient Scheme For Wavelet Image Coding”, Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods (JAQM), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 350-357, 2010. Athar Ali Moinuddin, Ekram Khan and Mohammed Ghanbari, “The Impact of Tree Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 519 of 690 Structures on the Performance of Zero tree-based Wavelet Video Codecs,” Signal Processing: Image Communication (Elsevier Science), Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 179-195, March 2010. S. A. Rahman, M. S. Ansari and A. A. Moinuddin, “Solution of Linear Programming Problems using a Neural Network with Non-Linear Feedback,” Radioengineering, vol. 21, Dec. 2012, pp. 1171-1177. P. A. Alvi, Sapna Gupta, Pooja V. , G. Sharma, and M. J. Siddiqui, “Effect of Al concentration on GaN/AlxGa1-xN new modeled multilayer nano- heterostructure” Phsica B 405 (2010) 3624-3629, ISSN: 0921-4526. (Impact Factor = 1.063) Mohammad Kaifi, M.J.Siddiqui, T.A.Abbasi and M. U. Khan, “Simulation of SOI MOSFET using ATLAS”, Journal of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1 , Issue 2, 2010, pp: 09-12, ISSN: 0976-8106 E ISSN: 0976-8114 Khalid, J.K.Singh, M.J.Siddiqui, S.A. Rahman, “IMPLEMENTATION OF THRESHOLD LOGIC GATEs USING RTDs” , Journal of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1 , Issue 2, 2010, pp: 13-17 K. Tabash, N. Ahmad, M. Salim Beg, “Performance Evaluation of TCP Reno and Vegas over different routing protocols for MANETs”, Proc. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Advanced Networks & Telecommunication Systems, Mumbai, 16-18 December 2010, pp. 82-84. (Also available in IEEE Xplore On-line Digital Library). P. Beg, M. A. Siddiqi and M. S. Ansari, “Multi Output Filter and Four Phase Sinusoidal Oscillator Using CMOS DX-MOCCII”, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 98, No. 9, pp. 1185-1198, 2011. P. Beg, I. A. Khan, S. Maheshwari and M. A. Siddiqi, “Digitally programmable Fully Differential Filter”, Radioengineering, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 917-925, 2011. Musheer Ahmad, Bashir Alam and Omar Farooq, “Chaos Based Mixed Keystream Generation for Voice Data Encryption”, International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS), Vol. 2, No.1, March, 2012, DOI:10.5121/ijcis.2012.2104, pp. 36-45. Abdus Samad, M. Qasim Rafiq, Omar Farooq, “Two Round Scheduling (TRS) Scheme for Linearly Extensible Multiprocessor Systems”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 38– No.10, January 2012, pp. 34-40. Musheer Ahmad and Omar Farooq, “Chaos and Wavelets Based Image Encryption”, International Journal of Information Processing, 5(2), 13-21, 2011. P A Alvi, Pyare Lal, S Dalela and M J Siddiqui, “An extensive study on simple and GRIN SCH-based In0.71Ga0.21Al0.08As/InP lasing heterostructures” , PHYSICA SCRIPTA, IOP PUBLISHING, Phys. Scr. 85 (2012) 035402 (9pp) Mohd. Samar Ansari and Syed Atiqur Rahman, “Non-linear Feedback Neural Network for Solution of Quadratic Programming Problems,” International Journal of Computer Applications, 39(2):44–48, 2012. Mohd. Samar Ansari and Syed Atiqur Rahman, “A Non-Linear Feedback Neural Network for Graph Coloring,” International Journal of Computer Applications, 39(16):31–33, 2012 Mohd. Samar Ansari and Syed Atiqur Rahman, “DVCC-Based Non-linear Feedback Neural Circuit for Solving System of Linear Equations,” Circuits Systems and Signal Processing. Vol. 30, No. 5, Pages 1029-1045, October 2011. Anwar Sadat , Pallavi Gupta & M. J. R. Khan “Acoustic attenuation technique for the detection of adulteration in milk”, Special Issue on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering , Published by International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Number 1, Year of Publication Dec Aligarh Muslim University Page 520 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 2011, New York, USA, Pages 1-2. S. Maheshwari, B. Chaturvedi, High-input low-output impedance all-pass filters using one active element, IET: Circuits Devices and Systems, 2012, vol. 6, no. 2, pp 103-110. S. Maheshwari, M. S. Ansari, Catalog of realizations for DXCCII using commercially available IC and applications, Radioengineering, 2012, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 281- 289. S. V. Singh, S. Maheshwari, Current-Processing Current-Controlled Universal Biquad Filter, Radio engineering , 2012, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 317-323. P. Beg, I. A. Khan and S. Maheshwari, Biphase amplifier based precision rectifier, Int. Journal of Computer Applications, 2012, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 14-18. P. Beg, I. A. Khan, S. Maheshwari, M. A. Siddiqi, Digitally programmable fully differential filter, Radioengineering, 2011, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 917-925. S. Maheshwari, A. Gangwar, Versatile voltage mode universal filter using Differential Difference Current Conveyor, Circuits and Systems, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 210-216. B.Chaturvedi, S. Maheshwari, Current-mode biquad filter with minimum component count, Active and Passive Electronic Components, volume 2011 , Article ID 391642, 7 pages, 2011. S. V. Singh, S. Maheshwari, D. S. Chauhan, Single MO-CCCCTA based electronically tunable current/trans-impedance mode based biquad universal filter, Circuits and Systems, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 1-6. S. Maheshwari, S. V. Singh, D. S. Chauhan, Electronically tunable low-voltage mixed mode universal biquad filter, IET: Circuits Devices and Systems, 2011, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 149-158. S. Maheshwari, J. Mohan, D. S. Chauhan, Cascadable all-pass and notch filter configurations using two plus type DVCCs, Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, April 2011, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 329-347. S. Maheshwari, J. Mohan, D. S. Chauhan, Novel cascadable all-pass/ notch filters using a single FDCCII and grounded capacitors, Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, June 2011, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 643-654. Mohd. Altaf, Ekram Khan, M Ghanbari and Nadia Qadri, “Efficient Bitstream Switching for Streaming of H.264/AVC Coded Video”, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, May 2011. (Impact factor: 0.62). S. J. Arif, M. S. J. Asghar and Adil Sarwar, “Measurement of Speed and Calibration of Tachometers Using Rotating Magnetic Field,” IEEE Tnans. on Inst. & Measr., Issue 99, pp. 1-11, Published in IEEE Xplore on 17 Oct 2013. S. J. Arif with M. S. J. Asghar and K. F. Khan, “Harnessing Low Power Wind Energy from Riverine and Isolated Potential Pockets Using Wound Rotor Induction Machines”, Special Issue of International Journal on Earth Science and Climate Change (USA), pp. 1-9, March 2013. S. J. Arif, M. S. J. Asghar and Imdadullah, “Accurate Measurement of Velocity and Acceleration of Seismic Vibrations near Nuclear Power Plants,” Elsevier’s Journal of Physics Procedia, vol., 37, pp. 43-50, Oct. 2012. S. J. Arif with M. S. J. Asghar and K. F. Khan, “A High Resolution Measurement of Foreshocks for the Prediction of Earthquakes”, International Journal on Earth Science and Climate Change (USA), vol., 3, no.,2, pp. 1-6, Oct. 2012. S. J. Arif, Imdadullah, and S. H. Laskar, “Instantaneous Angular Speed Measurement for Low Speed Machines,” Journal of Innovative Systems Design and Engineering (USA), vol., 3, no., 5, pp. 21-32, March 2012. S. J. Arif with Adil Sarwar, and M. S. J. Asghar, “A Solar PV Based Multistage Grid Tie Inverter,” Journal of Innovative Systems Design and Engineering (USA), vol., 3, no., 6, pp. 77-90, 2012. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 521 of 690 S. J. Arif, M. S. J. Asghar and Imdadullah, “Very Fast Measurement of Low Speed of Rotating Machines Using Rotating Magnetic Field,” IEEE Tnans. on Inst. & Measr., vol., 61, no., 3, pp. 759-766, March 2012. S. J. Arif with M. S. Ansari and S. A. Rahman, “A Non-Linear Feedback Neural Network for Graph Coloring International Journal of Computer Applications (USA), vol.39, no.16, pp 31-33, Feb. 2012. S. J. Arif, M. S. J. Asghar and Imdadullah, “Rotating Magnetic Field Based Measurement of Large Machine Vibrations,” Special Issue of International Journal of Computer Applications on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering (USA), pp 12-16, Dec. 2011. 23 Details of patents and income generated: Patents Filed: (07) Rizwan A Khan and Ekram Khan,”Auto Charging Smart Cell Phone” (Patent File No. 1232/DEL/2011), p-21007, ) 09 Nov 2012 S.J. Arif and M.S.J. Asghar, “A Selsyn Based Vibration Measurement of Machines,” The Patent Office Journal, Application No. 3470/DEL/2011, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No.16/2012, p-6142, April. 20, 2012. S. J. Arif and M. S. J. Asghar, “A Rotating Magnetic Field Based High Resolution Transducer for the Measurement of Instantaneous Angular Speed,” Patent Application 2578/DEL/2011, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No.49/2011, p-23961, Dec. 9, 2011. S. J. Arif and Shahedul Haque Laskar, “A Rotating Magnetic Field Based Ultra Fast Measurement of Speed,” Patent Application No.777/DEL/2011A, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No. 18/2011, p-8219, May 06, 2011. S.J. Arif and Shahedul Haque Laskar, “A Rotating Magnetic Field Based High Resolution Measurement of Velocity and Acceleration of Seismic Vibration,” Patent Application 778/DEL/2011A, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No. 17/2011, p-7116, Apr. 29, 2011. S. J. Arif and M. S. J. Asghar, “A Rotating Magnetic Field Based Ultra Fast Transducer for the Measurement of Very Low Speed,” Patent Application 2183/DEL/2010A, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No. 14/2011, p-6126, Apr. 8, 2011. S.J. Arif and Dr. M.S.J. Asghar, “A Rotating Magnetic Field based calibration of techometers,” Patent Application 2517/DEL/2013A, The Patent Office Journal, Issue No. 40/2013, p-24837, Oct 04, 2013. 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 522 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 25 Faculty selected nationally/ internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / Industries in India and abroad: Dr. Omar Farooq attend a series of meetings/discussions for UKIERI Project at Loughborough University, UK 5th July -18th July 2009. Dr. M.S. Alam visited Nanotechnology Centre, Queen׳s University of Belfast, UK (October 2009 to March 2010) Dr. Omar Farooq attend a series of meetings/discussions for UKIERI Project at Loughborough University, UK from 1st July 2012 to 14th July 2012. Prof. Mohd Hasan, Prof. Ekram Khan and Dr.Anwar Sadat visited ST Microelectronics Pvt. Ltd. Greater Noida, India 26 Faculty serving in National committees: Nil International committees Dr. S. Maheshwari, Member Editorial Board, Active and Passive Electronic Components, USA. Editorial Boards Dr. M.S.Alam Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Research in Wireless Systems since 2012. Dr Mohammad Jawaid Siddiqui, Editorial Board, International Journal of Education Dr. S. Maheshwari, Member Editorial Board, Active and Passive Electronic Components, USA. Any other (please specify) Dr Mohammad Jawaid Siddiqui, Advisory Board Member (Membership No: 22FCB4AC11) Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering; ISSN : 0976-8106 & E-ISSN : 0976-8114 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/ orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). As Resource Person/Organizing committee member Member, Programme Committee, National Conf. on Computing for Nation Development (India- COM 2012), 5-7 March 2014, New Delhi. (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Member, Technical Program Committee, ICEIT Conference on “Advances in Mobile Communications, Networking and Computing”, 27-28 September 2013, New Delhi (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Member, National Advisory Committee, 2 nd National Conf. on Recent Advances in Technology and Engineering (RATE-2013), 15-17 March 2013, Mangalaytan University, Aligarh (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Member, Programme Committee, National Conference on Computing for Nation Development (India-COM 2013), 7-8 March 2013, New Delhi (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 523 of 690 Member, Organizing Committee, Workshop on Emerging Trends in Communication Technology (ECT-2013), 9-10 Feb. 2013, Univ. Women’s Polytechnic, AMU (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Member, National Advisory Board & Chairman, Session 2A on SYSTEM MODELLING AND SIMULATION, Nat. Conf. on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Instrumentation & Communication Engineering., Agra, 6-7 April 2012 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Member, Programme Committee, National Conf. on Computing for Nation Development (India- COM 2012), 23-24 Feb. 2012, New Delhi (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Member, National Advisory Committee, Nat. Conf. Recent Advances in Technology & Engineering (RATE-2012), 20-22 Jan. 2012 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Member, Advisory Committee, National Seminar on “Futuristic Technologies in Communication & Computing”, Ghaziabad, 24-25 September 2011 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Invited Panellist speaker, Session Chairman as well as Member, Technical Programme Committee, ICEIT National Conference on Advances in Cellular Wireless Telecommunications: Technologies & Services”, New Delhi, 14-15 April 2011 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Member, Programme Committee, National Conf. on Computing for Nation Development (India- COM 2011), 10-11 March 2011, New Delhi (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Invited lecture on “Design and Development of Web based instructional and learning material” on 18.2.2013 during UGC ASC refresher course, Deptt. of Physics, AMU (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Invited lecture on “Teaching and Learning through multimedia” on 11.2.2013 during UGC ASC refresher course, Deptt. of Physics, AMU (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Invited Lecture on “Introduction to Multimedia” during short course on Multimedia Signal Processing, AMU, Aligarh, 7-14 Feb. 2011 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Invited Lecture on “Multimedia Data Compression” during short course on Multimedia Signal Processing, AMU, Aligarh, 7-14 Feb. 2011 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Invited Talk on “Teaching & Learning through Aligarh Muslim University Page 524 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Multimedia”, Workshop on Multimedia and its Applications (MMA-2009), AMU, 21-22 March 2009 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Organized (as Coordinator) a one week short-term course on “Multimedia Communication” in the department of Electronics Engineering, AMU Aligarh, 7-13 February 2011. (in collaboration with Academic Staff College, AMU Aligarh) (Prof. Ekram Khan) Co-convener of International conference of Multimedia Applications and Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2009) organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU Aligarh from 14th March to 16th March 2009. (Prof. Ekram Khan) Technical Program Committee (TPC) Chair of International Conference on Multimedia Applications and Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2011) to be held in 17-19 December 2011. (Prof. Ekram Khan) Co-convener of 2 nd Workshop on Multimedia and Applications (MMA-2012), organized by university women’s polytechnic AMU Aligarh during 4 th -5 th February 2012. (Prof. Ekram Khan) Conference Chair of International conference of Multimedia Applications and Communication Technologies (IMPACT- 2013) to be organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU Aligarh during 23 th -25 th November 2013. (Prof. Ekram Khan) Short-term course on Recent Trends in Digital Signal Processing, Sponsored by UGC and organized by the Dept. of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, 6-18 February 2012. (Prof. Ekram Khan) Short-term course on Multimedia Signal Processing, organized by the Dept. of Electronics Engineering in collaboration with UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, India, 7-11 February 2011. (Prof. Ekram Khan) Workshop on Recent Trends in Image Processing, organized by Shobit University, Meerut, India, 23 Oct. 2010. (Prof. Ekram Khan) Nanotechnology: A Science of small, Sponsored by UGC and organized by Academic Staff College, A.M.U. Aligarh on 26.02.2013. (Dr.M.S.Alam) Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFICs), Organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, A.M.U. Aligarh, from 25-29 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 525 of 690 June 2012. (Dr.M.S.Alam) RF Technologies Organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, A.M.U. Aligarh, under TEQIP-II programme from 22 January –04 February 2012. (Dr.M.S.Alam) RF Technologies: A Critical View & Implementation Issues” Sponsored by UGC and organized by Academic Staff College, A.M.U. Aligarh on 12.02.2011. (Dr.M.S.Alam) Acted as a Co-Coordinator of an intensive course on “Recent Trends in VLSI Design and Embedded Systems” organised by the Electronics Engineering Department, AMU, Aligarh, India from 24 th January to 4 th of February, 2012. (Prof. Mohd Hasan) Acted as a Co-Coordinator of an intensive summer course on “VLSI Design & Nanoelectronics” organised by the Electronics Engineering Department, AMU, Aligarh, India, from 25- 30 June , 2012. (Prof. Mohd Hasan) Acted as a Coordinator of a workshop on “Recent Trends in VLSI Design and Technology” Organised by the Electronics Engineering Department, AMU, Aligarh, India, on the 20 th of March,2010. (Prof. Mohd Hasan) Co-convener Int. Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies, IMPACT 2009, March 14-16, 2009. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Co-convener, Workshop on Internet and its Applications, 2009, 19 h -20 th Dec. 2009, University Women’s Polytechnic, AMU Aligarh. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Co-convener, Workshop on Network Security & Applications, 2011, 5 th -6 th Feb. 2011, University Women’s Polytechnic, AMU Aligarh. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Organizing Secretary of International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies, AMU Aligarh 17-19 Dec. 2011. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Co-convener of at Two Day Workshop on Emerging Trends in Communication Technology (ECT-2013) organized by Women’s Polytechnic, AMU Aligarh 9 th -10 th Feb 2013. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Short-term course on Recent Trends in Digital Signal Processing, Sponsored by UGC and organized by the Dept. of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, 6-18 February 2012. (Dr. A. A. Moinuddin) Short-term course on Multimedia Signal Processing, Aligarh Muslim University Page 526 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports organized by the Dept. of Electronics Engineering in collaboration with UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, India, 7-11 February 2011. (Dr. A. A. Moinuddin) Workshop on Recent Trends in Image Processing, organized by Shobhit University, Meerut, India, 23 Oct. 2010. (Dr. A. A. Moinuddin) Imam Refresher Program organized for Prayer Leaders by the Faculty of Theology in collaboration with UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, 22-26 Feb. 2010. (Dr. A. A. Moinuddin) Acted as reviewers for IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (S. Javed Arif) Acted as a Co-Coordinator of a workshop on “Recent Trends in VLSI Design and Technology”organised by the Electronics Engineering Department, AMU, Aligarh, India, on the 20 th of March,2010. (Dr. S. Maheshwari). Acted as Conference Co-Chair of International conference of Multimedia Applications and Communication Technologies (IMPACT- 2013) to be organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU Aligarh during 23 th -25 th November 2013. (Dr. S. Maheshwari) Acted as Resource person in Recent trends in VLSI Design and Embedded Systems, organised by the Electronics Engineering Department, AMU, 24 th -Jan to 6 th Feb 2012 (Dr. S. Maheshwari). 28 Student projects Percentage of students who have done in house projects including inter-departmental projects- UG: 100% PG: 92.3% Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other university/ industry/institute – UG: 0% PG: 7.7% 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Invited Panelist Speaker in Plenary Session on “Industry Academia Collaborations” at CONFLUENCE-2013 (The next generation Information Technology summit), Amity University, Noida, 26-27 September 2013 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Invited Panelist Speaker in Panel Discussion on ‘Impact of Quality of Service in Cellular Telecommunications’ at National Conf. on Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 527 of 690 Advances in Wireless Cellular Telecommunications: Technologies & Services, New Delhi, 14-15 April 2011 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Invited lectures on “Wireless Communication”, Hindustan College of Science & Technology, Mathura, 9 April 2012 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Invited keynote lecture on “Recent trends in mobile communications & computing”, Nat. Conf. on Emerging trends in Electrical, Instrumentation & Communication Engineering. (ETEIC-2012), Agra, 6-7 April 2012 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Invited Lecture on “Multimedia revolution”, IE(I) Aligarh Centre, 31 March 2012 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Invited Lecture on “Recent Trends in Mobile Computing & Communication”, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering., National Institute of Tech., Srinagar, 9 th June 2010 (Prof. M. Salim Beg) Paper by R. Shamim, M. Salim Beg, R. Muzammil on “Real-time Environmental Monitoring and Regulation using Wireless Sensor Network” awarded MOST APPRECIATED PAPER AWARD at Conference on Advancements in Communication, Computing, and Signal Processing, Greater Noida, 16-17 April 2011. Acted as reviewers for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, IET proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems, Electronic letters, Micro & Nano letters, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, International Conference on VLSI Design. (Prof. M.Hasan) Included in Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2010 edition for contribution to Engineering Sciences. (Prof. M.Hasan) Awarded commonwealth academic fellowship to pursue research on “Energy harvesting of body based sensor node” at the University of Hampton, UK in 2013. (Prof. M.Hasan) Jointly responsible for the award of a DST-FIST grant for a Department proposal on “Embedded System Design” from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. ( Prof. Zia Abbasi, Prof. M Salim Beg, Prof. M.Hasan, Prof. Ekram Khan) Jointly responsible for the award of DRS grant for a Aligarh Muslim University Page 528 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Departmental research project on Signal Processing applications in Networked Multimedia from the University Grants Commission, Government of India. (Prof. M Salim Beg, Prof. M.Hasan, Prof. Ekram Khan, Dr. Muhammed Shah Alam) Honry. Secretary, IETE Aligarh Center during 2009- 12. (Prof. E. Khan) Member Executive Committee, IEEE UP section during 2009-11. (Prof. E. Khan) Vice Chairman, IEEE UP section during 2011-13. (Prof. E. Khan) Chaired a session on “Speech Hearing and Music” in the National Symposium on Acoustics, Pt. Lalit Mohan Sharma Government Post Graduate College, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, Nov. 11-13 2010. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Attend a series of meetings/discussions for UKIERI Project at Loughborough University, UK 12th September 2011 to 17th September 2011. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Co-chaired a session on “Instrumentation & Control- II” in the National Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control (PICON-2011), at Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU Aligarh 12th -13th Feb. 2011. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Attend a series of meetings/discussions for UKIERI Project at Loughborough University, UK from 1st July 2012 to 14th July 2012. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Chaired a session on “Computer Technology Development and Networks Information” in the International Conference on Computer, Software and Information Technology, 2012 IACSIT at Bangkok Thailand, 24-25 Nov. 2012. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Selected for the prestigious Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship 2011 from Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK. (Dr. A.A.Moinuddin) Listed in Marquis Whos’s Who in Science and Engineering (11 th Edition) 2011-2012. (Dr. A.A.Moinuddin) Chaired a Technical session of International conference Impact 09. (Dr.T.Parveen). International Engineer of the Year Award for 2010 by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England. (Dr. Anwar Sadat) Co-Chair Technical session during International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies, at AMU. (Dr. Anwar Sadat) Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 529 of 690 Co-chaired a Technical session of International conference Impact 2011 (S. Javed Arif) Acted as a Co-Coordinator of an intensive course on “Recent Trends in VLSI Design and Embedded Systems” organised by the Electronics Engineering Department, AMU, Aligarh, India from 24 th January to 6 th of February, 2012. (Dr. S. Maheshwari). 30 Seminars/conferences/workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ International) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Name of The Programme Conference Organizing Secretary Sponsor Conference IMPACT-2009 Prof. M. Salim Beg (Convener) IEEE, DRS(UGC) IMPACT-2011 Dr. Omar Farooq (Organizing Secretary) IEEE, DRS(UGC) IMPACT-2013 Prof. M. Salim Beg (Gen. chair), Prof. Ekram Khan (Conf. chair) IEEE, DRS(UGC), TEQIP-II Workshop Recent Trends in VLSI Design & Technology Prof. M. Hasan DRS(UGC) Workshop UWB Comm. M.R. Abidi DRS(UGC) Workshop Recent Trends in Embedded System Design Prof. M. Hasan (Convener ) DRS(UGC) Silver Jubilee Meet Prof. M. Salim Beg (Convener) AMU 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the department: As per University rules circulated by the university. 32 Student profile programme-wise: UG: Records are available in the office of the controller of examination PG: Name of the Programme Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female M.Tech 627 13 03 100% 100% 33 Diversity of students: Students from different parts of country as well as from outside India covering wide cultural, social and religious diversity. Name of the programme (refer to question no.4 %of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from universities outside the State % of students from other countries M.Tech 70% 20% 10% 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering: Almost 90% of students of the department appearing in GATE Exam regularly qualify the said Examination. In GATE-2013, All India Rank-02 and 48 are secured by the students of the department. Indian Engineering Services: 05 Aligarh Muslim University Page 530 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports category-wise. 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG About 25% PG to M.Phil. About 6% PG to Ph.D. About 10% Ph.D. to post-Doctoral Nil Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment 85% 15% Entrepreneurs Nil 36 Diversity of staff: Percentage of faculty who are graduates/Post- graduate/PhD Of the same university 59% From other universities within the State 9% From universities from other States 9% From universities outside the country 23% 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period: 04 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library: Department has its own library containing books of all branches of Electronics Engineering. At present total number of books in the library are about 2000. Internet facilities for staff and students: Each staff member is provided with internet connected PC. Department has separate computer lab, equipped with more than 32 PCs connected to high speed internet for students. Total number of class rooms in department: 03 Class rooms with ICT facility: 03 Student’s laboratories: 08 Research laboratories: 02 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates/Project fellows From the host institution/university: 03 Rehan Muzammil Ajmal Kafeel Gulrez Anjum From other institutions/universities: 04 Zoha Usmani Kamyab Abidi Burhan M. Basha M. Bedeeuzzaman 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university: 16, Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. Yes, New programmes/courses have been developed keeping in view the requirements of Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 531 of 690 industries/institutions which is accessed through various means. 42 Does the department obtain feedback from Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching- learning evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, department takes the feedback from the faculty and utilizes this to update the curriculum. Students of staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, department takes the feedback from the students and utilizes this to make curriculum more appropriate to student without prejudice to its competence. Alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, department takes the feedback from the Alumni and employers and utilizes this to update the curriculum, as well as to initiate various curricular extra-curricular activities in the department. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Name of Alumni Affiliation/Company Pankaj Garg Ministry of Environmental, Govt. of India S M Urooj Athar Indian Navy Rizwanulla Khan Broadcom Corporation, USA Dr. Nadeem Akhtar Centre of Excellence in Wireless Technology, Chennai Gaurav Saraswat Qualcomm India Dr. Jaleel Akhtar Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Sanjay Varshney IES Akhtar Rizvi IPS, Govt. of India Mirza Fisal Beg IBM, USA Bhoomija Gupta Synopsis India 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/ Workshops/seminar) involving external experts Series of Expert lectures by professionals from ST Microelectronics on MEMS, Near Field Communication, and Training for STM32, 23 March 2013 One Day Workshop on Recent Trends in Embedded System Design(ESD-2013), 2 March 2013 Silver Jubilee Meet, 23-24 March 2013 Summer School on VLSI Design and Nano- electronics, 25-30 June 2012 Workshop on Ultra Wide Band Systems (UWBS- 2011), 24th March 2011 International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2011) - 17th to 19th Aligarh Muslim University Page 532 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Dec. 2011 One Day Workshop on Recent Trends in VLSI Design & Technology - 20th March 2010 International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2009) - 14 to 16 March 2009 Workshop on Multimedia and its Applications - 21 & 22 March 2009 Modern Trends in Electronic & Communication Systems - 8 to 9 March 2008 Workshop on Wireless Networks (2nd in Series) - 17th January 2008 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Use of PPTs audio visual teaching aids Conventional teaching using white board/black board Laboratories Experiments & demonstrations Seminar/Colloquium 46 How does the department ensure that programme objective are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Through frank and open discussions at informal level Formal discussions in staff meetings, BOS. Continual discussion with experts outside from university. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Department regularly organizes Seminars, Workshops and Conferences, in which students and faculty participate with great enthusiasm. Students and faculty visit institution/ industries outside Aligarh also. Extracurricular activities (Sports, Technical, cultural and literary) are also organized 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Department regularly organizes free coaching for preparing the students for GATE EXAM 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by othere agencies? If yes, give details. B.Tech. program accredited by NBA for five years valid till February 2014 and application of reaccreditation is under process. 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. Department regularly organizes International conference on every two years to promotes fundamental and applied research, continuing advanced academic education and to transfer knowledge in the field of Electronics and Communication. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strengths: Highly qualified Faculty, Well equipped Laboratories, Good number of high quality literature, Strong National and International Collaboration. Weaknesses: Limited Building space Limited availability of periodicals and journals Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 533 of 690 Shortage of pertinent (academic and technical) staff: efforts are being made to fill the vacant positions. Opportunities: Interdisciplinary research activities are possible because of being integral part of the University that has more than 90 departments of study (spread over 12 faculties); Attraction of good faculty (because of the pay scales of Central Government) & Attraction of good students (as large number of candidates appear in the entrance test from all over the country) Possibility of providing training/consultancy to local industry in various areas; Existing and continuing efforts on MOUs with educational institutions of international repute; The university has an Academic Staff College which is being utilized by department teachers. Challenges: To compete with the best educational institutions To keep up with the fast changing field of Electronics To provide quality education to weaker sections of society at affordable cost To attract top notch faculty & technical staff To attract hardworking, intelligent & motivated students 52 Future plan of the department. To frame a well-balanced curriculum with emphasis on basic theoretical knowledge as well as the requirements of the industry. To motivate students to develop innovative solutions for the betterment of the society. Collaboration with the industry, research establishments and other academic institutions to bolster the research and development activities. To provide infrastructure and financial support for culmination of novel ideas into useful prototypes. To promote research in emerging and interdisciplinary areas. Department is planning to increase the intake in M.Tech. programme. 53 Faculty participation in Seminars National Conf. on Emerging trends in Electrical, Instrumentation & Communication Engineering. (ETEIC-2012), Agra, 6-7 April 2012. (Prof. M.S. Beg) International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2011), Aligarh, 17- 19 Dec. 2011. (Prof. M.S. Beg) Aligarh Muslim University Page 534 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports National Conference on Advances in Wireless Cellular Telecommunications: Technologies & Services, New Delhi, 14-15 April 2011. (Prof. M.S. Beg) Workshop on VLSI Design & Technology, AMU, 20 March 2010. (Prof. M.S. Beg) Workshop on Multimedia and its Applications, AMU, 21-22 March 2009. (Prof. M.S. Beg) International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing And Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2009), AMU, 14-16 March 2009. (Prof. M.S. Beg) 4th International Conference on Computer Technology and Development (ICCTD 2012), 2012, at Bangkok Thailand, 24-25 Nov. 2012. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Int. Conf. on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, College Of Engineering, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, 6-7 April 2012. (Dr. Omar Farooq) International symposium Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music, FRSM-2012, 18-19 Jan. 2012, KIIT College of Engineering, Gurgaon, Haryana, India. (Dr. Omar Farooq) 4 th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI) 15-17 October 2011, Shanghai, China. (Dr. Omar Farooq) National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Biological Sciences: Special emphasis on Neurosciences, ETBS 2012, 24-25 Sept. 2012, at Interdisciplinary Brain Research Centre, JN Medical College, AMU Aligarh, India. (Dr. Omar Farooq) Attended workshop on Recent Trends in Embedded System Design, sponsored by UGC and organized by Dept. of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, 2 March 2013.(Dr. M.S.Alam) Completed a course of study in Advanced Design System (ADS) Fundamental Training, conducted by Agilent Technologies, India, at the Dept. of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, August 20-21, 2011.(Dr. M.S.Alam) National Conference on Recent Advances in Technology and Engineering, March 15 th - 17 th , 2013, Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mangalayatan University, Aligarh. (Dr. Omar Farooq) TEQIP II Training on Web Based e-Finance Monitoring Repot and Financial Management, 7 th June 2012, at IET Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 535 of 690 Lucknow, organized by NPIU (MHRD). (Dr. Omar Farooq) TEQIP II Training on Web Based Management and Information System, 5 th – 6 th June 2012, at IET Lucknow organized by NPIU (MHRD). (Dr. Omar Farooq) TEQIP II Training on Procurement Management Support System, 26 th March 2012, at JNTUCE, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. (Dr. Omar Farooq) National Symposium on Acoustics, 17th -19th Nov. 2011, Bundelkhand University Jhansi. (Dr. Omar Farooq) National Symposium on Acoustics, Pt. Lalit Mohan Sharma Government Post Graduate College, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, Nov. 11-13 2010. (Dr. Omar Farooq) National Symposium on “Development in Instrumentation and Control Engineering”, Dept. of Electrical Engineering., AMU Aligarh, 27-28 March 2010. (Dr. Omar Farooq) National Symposium on Acoustics, Research Centre Imarat, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, 26-28 Nov., 2009. (Dr. Omar Farooq) All India Seminar on Ergonomics for Improved Productivity, EIP 2009, 21-22 Nov. 2009, Dept. of Mech. Engineering., AMU Aligarh.(Dr. Omar Farooq) Attended workshop on Recent Trends in Embedded System Design, sponsored by UGC and organized by Dept. of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, 2 March 2013. (Dr. A. A. Moinuddin) Attended a workshop on Educational Resource Planning, organized under the aegis of National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT) of MHRD and organized by Dept. of Computer Science, AMU, Aliagrh, Jan. 17-18, 2012. (Dr. A.A. Moinuddin) Completed a course of study in ADS Fundamental Training, conducted by Agilent Technologies, India, at the Dept. of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, Aug. 20-21, 2011. (Dr. A. A. Moinuddin) Participated in the Faculty Development Program on Knowledge Management, conducted by Tata Consultancy Services, India, at Z. H. College of Engineering. & Tech., Aligarh, India, Aug. 07, 2010. (Dr. A.A. Moinuddin) Attended National Conference on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology held at Dept. of Applied Physics, AMU, Aligarh, March 15-16, 2013. Aligarh Muslim University Page 536 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports (Dr. A.A. Moinuddin) Workshop on Recent Trends in Embedded System Design held at Dept. of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh 02 March 2013 (Dr. A.A. Moinuddin) Workshop on Educational Resource Planning held at Dept. of Computer Science, AMU, Aliagrh, Jan. 17-18, 2012 (Dr. A. A. Moinuddin) Attended Workshop on Recent Trends in Embedded System Design held at Dept. of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh 02 March 2013 (Prof. Ekram Khan) Attended Int. Conf. on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT 2009) (Prof. Ekram Khan) Attended a training of ADS software, conducted by Agilent Technologies, India, at the Dept. of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, Aug. 20-21, 2011. (Prof. Ekram Khan) Participated in the Faculty Development Program on Knowledge Management, conducted by Tata Consultancy Services, India, at Z. H. College of Engineering. & Tech., Aligarh, India, Aug. 07, 2010. (Prof. Ekram Khan) Attended IEEE Nanotechnology Material and Devices Conference 2012 at Hawaii, USA From October 16-19, 2012. (Dr. M.S.Alam) Attended International Conference and Workshop on Nano-structured Ceramics and other materials (ICWNCN-2012) at University of Delhi, Delhi From 13-16 March, 2012. (Dr. M.S.Alam) Attended World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2010 (WCECS 2010) at San Francisco, USA From 20-22 October 2010. (Dr. M.S.Alam) Attended European Silicon-on-Insulator International Conference (EUROSOI 2010) Grenoble, France, From 25-27 January 2010. (Dr. M.S.Alam) Attended an International Conference on Earth Science and Climate Change, in Chicago, Northbrook, USA, from Aug. 21-22, 2012. (S. Javed Arif) Attended IEEE sponsored Int. Conference (IMPACT-2011), in Dec. 2011 at AMU Aligarh. (S. Javed Arif) Attended a One Day Workshop on “Recent Trends in Embedded System Design (ESD-2013)”, organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, on 2 nd March, 2013. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 537 of 690 Participated in the Two Days Workshop on “Advances in Gas Insulated System”, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU Aligarh, held on 28-29 January 2013. (S. Javed Arif) Participated in the One Day Workshop on ‘Fuel Cells as Backup Power for Telecommunication Networks”, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU Aligarh, held on 22 December, 2012. (S. Javed Arif) Participated in National Symposium on “Development in instrumentation and Control Engineering (DICE-2012)”, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March 17-18, 2012. (S. Javed Arif) Attended short-term course on “Future of Electrical Engineering (Trends and Innovations)”, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March. 12-15, 2012. (S. Javed Arif) Attended an “Intensive Course on Digital System Processing (DSP-2012)” organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, Feb. 23- 18, 2012. Attended an “Intensive Course on VLSI Design and Embedded System (VDES-2012)”, organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, Jan. 23- Feb. 04, 2012. (S. Javed Arif) Attended UGC sponsored Refresher Course on Human Rights, organized by UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, Nov. 14, 2011- Dec.03, 2011. (S. Javed Arif) Attended a One Day Workshop on ‘Ultra Wide Band System’ UWBS-2011, organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh under DRS program of UGC, March 24, 2011. (S. Javed Arif) Attended a Two Days Workshop on ‘Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Technology’ ETICT 2011, organized by Department of Computer Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, Feb. 19-20, 2011. (S. Javed Arif) Attended short-term course on ‘Multimedia Signal Processing” sponsored by UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, Feb. 07-12, 2011. (S. Javed Arif) Attended a Two Days Workshop on ‘Network Aligarh Muslim University Page 538 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Security & Applications NSA- 2011’, organized by University Women’s Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh, Feb. 05-06, 2011. (S. Javed Arif) Attended UGC sponsored CXII-Orientation Programme, organized by UGC Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, Sept. 15, 2010- Oct.11, 2010. (S. Javed Arif) Participated in National Symposium on ‘Development in instrumentation and Control Engineering, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March 27-28, 2010. (S. Javed Arif) Attended a One Day Workshop on ‘Emerging Trends in VLSI Design and Technology’ VDT-2010, organized by Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March 20, 2010. (S. Javed Arif) International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Systems Engineering (ICEICE-2010) 28-30 March- 2011 Organised by M. B. M. College of Engineering and technology, Jodhpur (Rajasthan). (Dr. M. J. Siddiqui) IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT- 2011) 17 - 19 Dec. 2011, AMU Aligarh(Dr. M. J. Siddiqui) National Conference on Electronics,Communication, and Sensing & Signal Processing Technologies (ECSS 12) 2-3 Nov. 2012; Organised by ‘Surendra Institute Of Engineering & Management’ , Siliguri (West Bengal). (Dr. M.J. Siddiqui) 15th INUP Hands on Training Workshop to be held at IIT Bombay during January 28 -February 1, 2013. (Dr. M. J. Siddiqui) Seventh INUP Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies during June 4- 8, 2013 at Centre of Excellence(CEN), IIT Bombay(Dr. M. J. Siddiqui) Second Saudi International Conference, 27-30, April,2013,Riyadh, Saudi Arabia(Dr. M. J. Siddiqui) International Conference (AICERA 2013) to be held Kottayam,Dist., Kerala(Dr. M. J. Siddiqui) IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Multimedia Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT- 2013) 23 - 25 Nov. 2013, AMU Aligarh (Dr. M. J. Siddiqui) Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 539 of 690 Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- Chairman Signature of the Head of the institution Place: Aligarh. Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 540 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Mechanical Engineering 2 Year of establishment 1941 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) B.Tech., M. Tech & Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/ Choice Based Credit System Semester system 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Foundation courses for I Year for all branches 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/ others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 06 10 03 * + 07 ** = 10 Associate Professors 13 12 12** Asst. Professors 34 11 Others: Guest Faculty - 08 * General *CAS & MPS 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance: Faculty Name Desig- nation Highest Qualif- ication Exp. Area of Specialization No. of Ph.D/ M.Phil students guided for the last 4 year Dr. S. Mahdi A. Rizvi Professor Ph.D. 40 Years CFD and Combustion, Molecular Dynamics 01 Dr. Arif Suhail Professor Ph.D. 39 years Industrial Engineering. 01 Dr. M. Altamush Siddiqui Professor Ph.D. 28 Years Thermal Sciences 01 Dr. Raisuddin Ansari Professor Ph.D. 26 Years Impact Mechanics Dr. M. Faisal Saeed Baig Professor Ph.D. 22 Years CFD, Turbulence Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 541 of 690 Dr. Mohd. Muzammil Professor Ph.D. 25 Years Ergonomics 01 Dr. Ahmad Ali Khan Professor Ph.D. 25 Years Structural Dynamics Dr. Khalid Zaidi Professor Ph.D. 26 Years Combustion and Pollution Dr. Akhter Husain Ansari Professor Ph.D. 29 Years Powder Metallurgy, Nano –Technology Dr. Naiem Akhtar Professor Ph.D. Solar Thermal Energy Dr. M. Arif Siddiqui Associate Professor Ph.D 26 Years Powder Metallurgy Mr. S. Naseer Ahmad Associate Professor M. Sc. Engineeri ng. 31 Years Thermal Sciences Dr. Shah Shahood Alam Associate Professor Ph.D. 26 Years Thermal Sciences Mr. Nafees Ahmad-II Associate Professor M. Sc. Engineeri ng. 26 Years Thermal Sciences Dr. Imtiaz A. Khan Associate Professor Ph.D. 26 Years Industrial Engineering. Dr. Mohd. Ali Associate Professor Ph.D. 19 Years Manufacturing Systems 01 Mrs. Parveen Farooqui Associate Professor M. Sc. Engineeri ng. 19 Years Industrial Engineering. Dr. Nadeem Hasan Associate Professor Ph.D. 17 Years CFD and HeatTransfer, Turbulence, Numerical Methods 01 Dr. Abid Ali Khan Associate Professor Ph.D. 16 Years Ergonomics 01 Dr. M. Naushad Alam Associate Professor Ph.D. 15 Years Dynamics and Control 01 Mr. Adnan Hafiz Associate Professor M. Sc. Engineeri ng. 16 Years Thermal Sciences Dr. M. Jamil Ahmad Associate Professor Ph.D 15 Years Solar Radiation and Daylight Mr. Riaz Jafri Assistant Professor M. Sc. Engineeri ng. 27 Years Turbo-machines Mr. Khusro Qasim Assistant Professor B. Sc. Engineeri ng. 19 Years Production Engineering. Mr. Asif Sami Assistant Professor M. Sc. Engineeri ng. 19 Years Tribology Mr. Akhlaque Ahmad Assistant Professor M. Sc. Engineeri ng. 19 Years Machine Design Dr. M. Farooq Assistant Professor Ph.D. 19 Years Ergonomics Aligarh Muslim University Page 542 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Mr. Arshad Hussain Khan Assistant Professor M.Tech 07 Years Structural Dynamics Mr. Faisal Hasan Assistant Professor M.Tech 07 Years Industrial Engineering. Mrs. Saman Ahmad Assistant Professor M.Sc. Engineeri ng. 07 Years Ergonomics Mrs. Arees Qamareen Assistant Professor M.Tech 07 Years Molecular Dynamics Mr. Najeebur Rehman Assistant Professor M.Tech 07 Years Smart Structures Dr. Syed Fahad Anwar Assistant Professor Ph.D. 07 Years Turbulence, Insect Aerodynamics 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information B.Tech (UG) – 36.5%, M. Tech. (PG) – 5.5% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: M. Tech. (PG) – 7:1 (including temporary staff): B.Tech (UG) – 16.4 (including temporary staff 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual: Cadre Department Strength Workshop Strength Sanctioned Filled Actual Sanctioned Filled Actual Technical 35 22 22 63 39 39 Ministerial 08 03 03 04 01 01 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Computational Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer, Renewable Energy, Active Vibration Control, Ergonomics, Nano materials. 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Name & Designation of Principal Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Durati on & Date Total Sanctioned Fund Dr. S. Fahad Anwer Numerical Analysis of Turbulent Channel Flow Using Low Mach Number Approach UPCST 3 years April 2012 7.44 lacs 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: Nil National collaboration International collaboration 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST, UGC-SAP/ CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received: DST-FIST Rs. 1.28 Cr. UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, DST Rs. 95.93 Lacs. AICTE, etc.; total grants received AICTE Rs. 18.90 Lacs. UPCST Rs. 12.66 Lacs. DST-PURSE part of University Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 543 of 690 funding TEQIP-II part of College funding 20 Research facility / centre with: Nil state recognition national recognition international recognition 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by/created by industry or corporate bodies: Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/ international): 100 journal papers + 50 Conference papers Monographs : 01 Chapters in Books : 06 Edited Books : 02 Books with ISBN with details of publishers: 02 Number listed in International Database: 50 (approx) (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database – International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average SNIP : Not available SJR : Not available Impact Factor – range / average : up to 2.7 h-index : 03+ (for eight faculty members) 23 Details of patents and income generated : 12 Patents Income : NIL Name of Faculty Patent Details Dr. Mohammed Ali 1. Flexible Headlights for Four Wheelers as per application, No. 2612/DEL/2011, has been published on 21.10.2011 in the Official Journal of the Patent. New Delhi, Issue No. 42/2011, pp. 18030. 2. Self Retrieving Side Stand System for two wheelers as per application No. 2188/DEL/2012, has been published on 24.08.12 in the Official Journal of the Patent, New Delhi, Issue No. 34/2012, pp. 12079 Dr. Abid Ali Khan & Prof. M. Muzammil Published in Indian Journal of Patents entitled “Prosthetic control using single electrode surface EMG for one degree of freedom”- The Patent Office Journal, Omar Farooq, Abid Ali Khan, Yusuf U Khan and Mohammad Muzammil, 28/8/2013----20875. Aligarh Muslim University Page 544 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Prof. A H Ansari High strength poly (Methyl Methacrylate) Nano composite-Publication date 13/9/2013 Journal No. 37/2013 High strength polystyrene nano composite - Publication date 13/9/2013 Journal No. 37/2013 Fabrication of zinc oxide nanoparticle (ZNP) solutions for antimicro bial applications- Publication date 23/8/2013 Journal No. 34/2013 Fabrication of wire bending machine with noise reduction Publication date 2/11/2012 Journal No. 44/2012. Double loaded engraving machine- Publication date 04/52012 Journal No. 18/2012 Production of nanoscale zinc oxide colloidal solution for pharmicutical and scientific applications-Publication date 23/9/2011 Journal No. 38/2011 Manufacturing engineering components through thin film particles surface heating (PSH) technique-Publication date 7/5/2010 Journal No. 19/2010 Power driven bending machine- Publication date 30/4/2010 Journal No. 18/2010 Manufacturing Brass Powder components through Isostatic Particle surface heating technique- Publication date 23/1/2009 Journal No. 4/2009 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally/ internationally to visit other laboratories/institutions/ industries in India and abroad Name of Faculty Details Prof. Raisuddin Ansari Member, Expert Committee appointed by AICTE, for inspection of Engineering Institutes, March, 2012. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 545 of 690 Dr. S. Fahad Anwer 1. IIT, Kanpur, an Educators Conclave Feb, 2013 2. Received Post doctoral fellowship from CNRS France to work at LIMSI in Paris for a year from 2009-2010 Prof. M.F.S. Baig Visiting Fellowship at University of Warwick, U.K. 2010-11 26 Faculty serving in National committees : International committees Editorial Board any other (please specify) Members, Expert Committee of AICTE, for inspection of Engineering Institutes. UPSC selection board, UPPSC Allahabad SAP expert committee-UGC, Reviewers of International Journals of repute (Physics of Fluid, IJHMT, HMT, IJIE, App. Ergonomics, Human Ergology, Computer Methods in App. Mechanics & Engineering, LAJSS, etc.) 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/ orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). Name of Faculty Details Dr. S.M.A. Rizvi Participated in “Management Capacity Enhancement Programme for Administrators” Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, 13 th to 17 th January 2014. Dr. Naushad Alam 1. Three week subject Refresher Course in women’s Studies, Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, from Feb. 03 to Feb. 23, 2009 (UGC). 2. Three week Special Winter School equivalent to one Orientation/Refresher Course, Academic Staff College, AMU, 31 st Dec. to 21 Jan. 2009 (UGC) 3. Attended “ANSYS Training Program”, under TEQIP-II, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March 2012 4. Attended Conclave of Educators and Quality of delivered Academics in Mehcanical Sciences organized jointly by NPIU and IIT Kanpur, 22 – 23 December, 20122. 5. Short Term Training Program on MS Excel under TEQIP-II Program, Department of Aligarh Muslim University Page 546 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Petroleum, AMU, Aligarh, Dec. 02 to 07, 2013. 6. Workshop on “LabVIEW Applications in Mechatronics”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, April 6, 2011. 7. Workshop on “Experimental Structural Dynamics, Structural Health Monitoring and Non-Destructive Evaluation Using Smart Materials” IETE, New Delhi,, 26 th October, 2013. 8. Training Program on NX- Essentials for NX Designers + NX CAE conducted by Concept Digital Engineering Technologies, authorized partners of Siemens Industry Software India Pvt. Ltd., 30.09.13 to 06.10.13. Dr. Raisuddin Ansari 1. Attended one day Workshop on “Experimental Structural Dynamics, Structural Health Monitoring and Non- Destructive Evaluation” at IIT Delhi, 09 March 2013. 2. Attended “ANSYS Training Program”, under TEQIP-II, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March 2012 3. One day Workshop on “Experimental Structural Dynamics, Structural Health Monitoring and Non- Destructive Evaluation” at IIT Delhi, 09 March 2013. Dr. Ahmad Ali Khan 1. Attended “ANSYS Training Program”, under TEQIP-II, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March 2012 2. Training Program on NX- Essentials for NX Designers + NX CAE conducted by Concept Digital Engineering Technologies, authorized partners of Siemens Industry Software India Pvt. Ltd., 30.09.13 to 06.10.13. 3. Participated in “Management Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 547 of 690 Capacity Enhancement Programme for Administrators” Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, 13 th to 17 th January 2014. Dr. Mohammed Ali 1. Six days training program on CNC Lathe Machines conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering from June 5-10, 2013 (UGC) Mrs. Arees Qamareen 1. Workshop on Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering Department, AMU, Aligarh, 7-9 Nov. 2009. 2. Orientation Programme, Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, from 15 Sept- 11 Oct’ 2010. 3. Refresher Course in Computer Application, Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, from 24 Nov – 14 Dec’ 2010 (UGC). 4. Workshop on “Computational Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, 18 th to 19 th February, 2012. 5. Special Summer School Programme 2013, Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, 9 th to 29 th May, 2013. 6. Workshop and Finishing School on “Computational Fluid Dynamics, under DST PURSE and TEQIP_II Program, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, 31 st August to 4 th Sept., 2013. Dr. S. Fahad Anwer 1. Attended “ANSYS Training Program”, under TEQIP-II Program, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March 2012 2. Refresher and Orientation programs organized by UGC- Academic Staff College, 15 Sept- 11 Oct’ 2010. 3. Attended Parivartana 2013, Aligarh Muslim University Page 548 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports IIT Kanpur, Oct. 2013. Prof. M.F.S. Baig 1. Parallel programming workshop by CDAC, 15 th -17 th March, 2012. 2. Attended “ANSYS Training Program”, under TEQIP-II, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March 2012 Mr. Mohd. Farooq 1. Workshop on “LabVIEW Applications in Mechatronics”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, April 6, 2011. 2. Workshop on “Fuel Cells as Back up Power for Telecommunication Networks”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology, AMU, Aligarh, 22 nd Dec. 2012 Najeeb-ur- Rehman 1. Refresher Course on SCADA (LabVIEW), Department of Petroleum Studies, Z.H. College of Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, 6 th Feb. 2012 to 10 th Feb. 2012. 2. Attended “ANSYS Training Program”, under TEQIP-II, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March 2012 3. Short Term Training Program on MS Excel under TEQIP-II Program, Department of Petroleum, AMU, Aligarh, Dec. 02 to 07, 2013. 4. Training Program on NX- Essentials for NX Designers + NX CAE conducted by Concept Digital Engineering Technologies, authorized partners of Siemens Industry Software India Pvt. Ltd., 30.09.13 to 06.10.13. 5. Attended “22 Days Special Winter School”, Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, 2008-09. Dr. Nadeem Hasan Attended “ANSYS Training Program”, under TEQIP-II, Department of Mechanical Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 549 of 690 Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March 2012 Dr. S.S. Alam Attended “ANSYS Training Program”, under TEQIP-II, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, March 2012 28 Students Projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects: 100% percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute: Nil 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Name of Faculty Details Dr. Abid Ali Khan 1. Best Technical Session Paper Award, 2 nd International Conference, BEATS 2012, NIT Jalandhar. 2. Best Paper Award, International Conference, HWWE 2011, IIT Madras, Chennai. 3. Young Engineer Award, IE(I) 2009 Doctoral/post doctoral fellows Dr. S. Fahad Anwer Received Post doctoral fellowship from CNRS France to work at LIMSI in Paris for a year from 2009-2010 Prof. M.F.S. Baig Visiting Fellowship at University of Warwick, U.K. 2010-11 Mr. Arshad H Khan Doctoral fellowship from QIP, IIT Delhi Students: -- 30 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Organising Secretary Theme Source of Funding Date Dr. Abid Ali Khan LabVIEW Applications in Mechatronics National Instruments 6 th April 2011 Dr. Syed Fahad Anwer Workshop on Computational Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow TEQIP & AMU 18-19 th February, 2012 Prof. M.F.S. Baig Training workshop on “Parallel programming concepts” TEQIP 15 th -17 th March, 2012 Dr. Abid Ali Khan Workshop on CNC Programming TEQIP Feb., 2013 Aligarh Muslim University Page 550 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Prof. M. Altamush Siddiqui 2 nd National Conference on Advances in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics” DST March, 2013 Dr. Syed Fahad Anwer Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics TEQIP-II & DST- PURSE August 31 to September 4, 2013 Prof. Ahmad Ali Khan NX CAD training TEQIP-II Sept 2013 Prof. Ahmad Ali Khan 3D Modelling using NX CAD TEQIP-II Nov. 2013 Dr. Syed Fahad Anwer RC Aircraft design fabrication and flying TEQIP-II Oct. 2013 Dr. Mohammad Ali UGC-Workshop on Computer Integrated Manufacturing systems (CIMS) organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, AMU UGC & AMU December 7-9, 2009 Ms. Arees Qamreen and Mr. Nafis Ahmad Workshop on Components familiarization of four wheel cars and automobile manufacturing processes TEQIP-II Feb. 2014 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments : Yes 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female B. Tech. 1. 2009 – 2010 2. 2010 – 2011 3. 2011 – 2012 4. 2012 – 2013 Applications are received jointly for all branches. No data for Mech. Engineering.# 99 104 99 101 02 NIL 01 NIL 75% 100% (will pass in 2014) (will pass in 2015) (will pass in 2016) M. Tech. 1. 2009 – 2010 2. 2010 – 2011 3. 2011 – 2012 4. 2012 – 2013 181 265 477 473 41 41 40 39 01 01 02 03 40% NIL 40% NIL 45% 50% (will pass in 2014) Ph.D. 1. 2009 – 2010 2. 2010 – 2011 3. 2011 – 2012 4. 2012 – 2013 2 5 22 15 2 NIL 5 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 01 (Not awarded yet) # Consolidated data is with Controller’s Office 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same univ. % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries B. Tech. 1. 2009 /2010 This is a Bachelor level programme where 4% Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 551 of 690 2. 2010 /2011 3. 2011 /2012 4. 2012 /2013 students do not come from universities. 5% 5% 4% M. Tech. 1. 2009 /2010 2. 2010 /2011 3. 2011 /2012 4. 2012 /2013 52% 62% 90% 92% 40% 26% 2.5% 2.5% 8% 12% 2.5% 5.5% NIL NIL 5% NIL Ph.D. 1. 2009 /2010 2. 2010 /2011 3. 2011 /2012 4. 2012 /2013 100% NIL 100% NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise GATE: 198 students in 4 years Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 30% (Average) PG to M.Phil. N.A. PG to Ph.D. 08% (Average) Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Employed Campus selection 2009 – 2010:34% 2010 – 2011:58% 2011 – 2012:30% 2012 – 2013:50% Other than campus recruitment Data not available with the Department Entrepreneurs Data not available with the Department 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates (based on highest degree) of the same university 64 % from other universities within the State 3 % from universities from other States 21 % from universities outside the country 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period: Ph.Ds. – 04 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library (Seminar): 3000 books, 7 National/International Journals, 37 VCDs, 50 Video Cassettes Internet facilities for staff and students : Yes Total number of class rooms : 09 Class rooms with ICT facility : 02 Students’ laboratories : 18 Research laboratories : 04 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral from the host institution/university: Aligarh Muslim University Page 552 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports students and Research Associates Doctoral Students Post- Doctoral Students Research Associates Mr. Vivek Rathi Mr. Shahid Husain Mr. Basharat Jamil Mr. Mubashir Ali Khan Mr. Javed Mustafa Mr. Rashid Ali Mr. Jagvir Singh Ms. Parveen Farooqui Mr. Najeeb-ur- Rehman NIL Rashid Ali Farhan Akhtar Mr. Saif Akram Mr. Md. Faizan Ali Khan from other institutions/universities Doctoral Students Post- Doctoral Students Research Associates Ms. Farheen Bano Mr. S M Yahya NIL 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university: 100% 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. Nil 42 Does the department obtain feedback from Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Informal feedback is obtained by regular consultative meeting. Based on the feedback strategies are formulated to overcome the shortcomings in the BOS. Students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, teachers analyze and evaluate on their own for improvements. Alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? No 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Name of Alumni Position Held Alok V. Director, Acetel Technologies Sudhanshu Varshney DGM – Utility, Samsung Samir Saxena Chief Manager, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. Pramod S. Associate Vice President- Business Excellence, Jubilant Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 553 of 690 Life Sc. Ltd. Meher T. Scientific Officer ‘F’ Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Prof D P Agarwal Chairman, UPSC, NEW DELHI Mr. Anup Bhargava MD, IPCL Mr. Ashish Mathur MD, JUSCO Dr. Affan Badar Professor & AETM Dept. Chair, Indiana State University, USA Mr. SK Gupta Chief Engineer, Delhi Metro Rail Co., New Delhi 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/seminar) involving external experts. Name of Scholar Topic of Lecture Funding Date Lt. Col. D.K. Sharma (Retd.) Amity, Noida Extension Lecture on Vehicle Dynamic in Context of Safety & Economy TEQIP 09.03.2012 Mr. Vikas Gera CEO & Director of Techno Care System Ltd., Gurgaon Changing Phases of Operational Excellence in Industry TEQIP 22.03.2012 Mr. Pradeep Mittal, Chairman, Institute of Indian Foundries, Delhi. Challenges ahead in changed foundries from conventional to modern units TEQIP 24.03.2012 Dr. Umesh Saxena (Retd.), Engineer GE, US Boiler Water Reactor : System Safety Design & their Evolution TEQIP 27.11.2012 Dr. S.P. Harsha Associate Professor, Dept. of Mech. Engineering., IIT, Roorkee Nano Vibrations TEQIP 04.02.2013 Dr. Abid Haleem Professor & Ex- Chairman Dept. of Mech. Engineering., Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi. Enhancing Research Credentials TEQIP 25.02.2013 Mr. Abhinandan Kamboj, Assistant Manager, Idea Design Solutions (P) Ltd., Mumbai. Presentation of the Mechanical/ Industrial Design Process using 3D MCAD Solid Works TEQIP 15.04.2013 Mr. Asim A Hashmi Country Manager, Daikin, U.A.E. Practical Aspects of Air Conditioning TEQIP 24 & 24 August, 2013 Aligarh Muslim University Page 554 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Traditional Chalk/Black Board & Power Point presentations Audio Visual Visualizer ICT Handouts 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Regular meetings with staff to obtain feedback about learners performance. Review of marks obtained under various courses by students is monitored for internal quality improvement. Learning objectives are monitored through ‘continuous internal assessment’ both for theoretical as well as practical courses. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Students of our Department designed and fabricated a 4 wheel Single Seated Off-Road Vehicle to participate in the national event SAEINDIA – BAJA-13 during the session 2012-2013. The team qualified with the vehicle qualified all the rounds at final event held at National Track for Automotive Testing (NATRIP), Pithampura, Indore and entered the final endurance race. The team of our Department was among top 84 teams out of 260 from India, who entered the event. The above event was held under Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Collegiate Club. Future plans of this club of our Department include participation in Automobile Industry Centric Events like SUPRA SAEINDIA (F1 Vehicle Making Competition) and EFFICYCLE (Human Powered Vehicle Making Competition). 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Various workshops are organized and lectures are delivered by experts on topics/areas which are generally beyond the syllabus. (please refer to the details given in item No. 30 & 44). Groups like SAE, ASME, Roboclub exist in our Department where beyond syllabus activities are carried out. 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. Yes, B.Tech Programme from 10.02.2009 to 09.02.2014 by NBA 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. The research group of Fluid Mechanics of our Department is actively involved in areas such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Experimental Aerodynamics, Turbulence and Heat Transfer. The efforts of this group has resulted in development of several flow solvers like generalized DNS solver for incompressible flow with or without heat transfer, flow with large temperature gradients, immersed boundary solver for solving flows generated due to moving or deforming bodies. Recently the group has developed a new numerical scheme for Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 555 of 690 solving compressible flows and a new type of boundary condition for solving external flows. Notable contributions of Ergonomics Research Group of the department are artificial arm and a hand device for people suffering from Parkinson disease. The Group has also designed and fabricated a new hand feed system for drilling machine. Thermal Engineering Group has developed testing facilities like Micro Turbojet Engine, Constant Volume Diesel Combustion operated Rapid Compression Machine, High Pressure Spray Combustion and CRDI Combustion Engine. Experimental and numerical studies of natural convections of single and two phase fluids in vertical annulus. Diffuse and global radiation studies for utilization in designing solar devices. Major facilities developed by Machine Design Group include Active Vibration Control Setup for Thermo-Mechanical Loading of Beams, plates and shells, Pneumatic Gun for normal & oblique loading on plates & beams in sub-ordinance velocity range, Machinery fault simulator for defective bearings, 50KN Servo Mechanical UTM, Setup for Wear testing, Wear & Friction Monitor for Hydrodynamic Journal & Mitchell Tilting Pad thrust slider and Air Lubricated Journal Bearing Test Rig. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strengths: 1. Highly qualified faculty with Doctoral degrees from IIT’s and Universities from abroad. 2. The curriculum is reviewed and updated from time to time which instills knowledge and skills in students to meet challenges of fast changing technology. 3. Laboratories are hardware-focused rather than virtual labs. 4. Department is in a large comprehensive university with many opportunities and facilities. 5. Strong graduate program yields research employment opportunities and keeps UG program up-to-date Weaknesses: Lack of modern infrastructure in classroom as well as laboratories. Paucity of funds for projects at UG level Lack of faculty and assisting staff Lack of industry/department relationships Aligarh Muslim University Page 556 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Lack of professional management as a whole. Opportunities: Being more than 100 years old university, its alumni are spread across the globe and occupying leading positions in Industry/ Academics. The University should seek their assistance in improving the basic infrastructure and in the development of its programmes. Utilize alumni or industry presenters in seminars or lectures. Coordinate efforts with other departments to enable students to carry out projects in collaboration with other Departments of the University. Challenges: 1. To provide undergraduate and graduate education of the highest quality as society has a growing need for highly trained and well educated engineers who are able to contribute to the solution of the grand engineering challenges. 2. To keep the various courses and programmes abreast with a fast evolving technological world/environment and to keep the faculty motivated. 3. To improve administrative support for securing and managing grants and contracts to improve infrastructure in classrooms, laboratories etc. 4. To improve presentation of Departmental research and graduate education through website content and printed media. 5. To increase the Department’s visibility within professional societies. 52 Future plans of the department. 1. Obtaining funds for new building of the department and for the infrastructural development of the laboratories/ classrooms. 2. Increase Gross Enrolment Ratio in PG courses and Ph.D. scholars. 3. Develop collaboration with industry. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the institution Sd./- Chairman Place: Aligarh. Date: 07.02.2014 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 557 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Petroleum Studies 2 Year of establishment 1983 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes, part of Faculty of Engineering. & Technology 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) B.Tech. (Petrochemical Engineering.), M.Tech. (Petroleum Processing & petrochemical Engineering.), Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/ Choice Based Credit System Semester with choice based credit system 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Lab courses of Department of Chemistry for B.Sc./M.Sc. in Industrial Chemistry 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/ others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 02 02 02 Associate Professors 02 01 01 Asst. Professors 06 04 04 Others: Guest Faculty 03 02 02 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance: Name Qualifi- cation Design- ation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Dr. Hamid Ali Ph.D. Professor & Chairman Fluid Flow and Heat Trasfer, Corrosion Additives for Petroleum Industries 33 N/A Dr. Mohammad Kamil Ph.D. Professor Thermal Fluid Science & Engineering., Polymer-Surfactant Interactions, Petroleum Processing, STFs 28 Ms. Najam Sardar M.Tech Associate professor Petroleum refining, Polymer-Surfactant Interactions 15 - Mr. Ashraf M.Tech. Assistant Petroleum & 12 Not Applicable Aligarh Muslim University Page 558 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Mateen Professor Petrochemicals Mr. S. J. A. Rizvi M.Tech. Assistant Professor Polymer Nanocomposites, Microcellular Injection Molding, Polymer melt Rheology, Rheaokinetics 12 Mr. M. Y. Ansari M.Tech. Assistant Professor Separation Processes, Natural Gas Processing 09 --- Ms. Moina Athar M.Tech Assistant Professor Biofuels 5 (appro x) nil 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors -- 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information M.Tech.: Less than 10% B.Tech.: 10-15% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: M.Tech.: 1:4 (approx) B.Tech.: 1:10 (approx) 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual: Sanctioned: 05 Filled: 05 Actual: 10 (05 Temporary/DW) 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: -- 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. (Please √) Project Title Name of the Funding Agency Funding (Please √) Grant Ongo ing Comp leted Natio nal Interna tional Completed Advanced Polymer Processing Laboratory (MODROB) AICTE, New Delhi Natio nal 12.0 lakhs Ongoing Synthesis and Characterization of Shear Thickening Fluids for Energy Absorbing Devices CSIR, New Delhi Natio nal 21.0 lakhs 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration International collaboration 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received DST-PURSE: 37.94 lakhs CSIR: 20.00 lakhs AICTE-MODROB: 25.15 lakhs TEQIP II: 21.70 lakhs 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition national recognition Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 559 of 690 international recognition 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by/created by industry or corporate bodies Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international): 24 Monographs Chapters in Books Edited Books: 02 Books with ISBN with details of publishers Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): 15 Citation Index – range / average SNIP SJR Impact Factor – range / average h-index 23 Details of patents and income generated 1. OMR Sheet Marker 775/DEL/2009 2. OMR Sheet Pencil 776/DEL/2009 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated -- 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad -- 26 Faculty serving in National committees - Program Officer, NSS (Ms. N. Sardar) International committees Editorial Boards any other (please specify):Jt. Hony. Secretary, IE(I), ALC, Aligarh (Prof. M. Kamil) Member, Executive Board, ISM, Dhanbad (Prof. Hamid Ali) GOI nominee on General Council of ISM, Dhanbad (Prof. Hamid Ali) Member, BOCS, Deptt. of Chemical Engineering., ISM, Dhanbad (Prof. Hamid Ali) Member, BOS of School of Petroleum Tech., PDPU, Gandhinagar (Prof. Hamid Ali) 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/ orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). Faculty members regularly participates in such programs at Academic Staff College and other places as when they are conducted in their areas of interest 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects: 85-90% percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute : 10-15% Aligarh Muslim University Page 560 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Students 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any 1. National Conference on Advances in Petroleum Refining & Petrochemical Technologies, March 2009. 2. National Conference on Hydrocarbon, Energy and Environment, Feb 2012 3. Refresher Course on SCADA (Labview), March 2012 4. Workshop on Computer Skills and Internet, March 2012 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments -- 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female B.Tech. (Petrochemical Engineering.) - 11 04 (2012 admissions) 100% 100% M.Tech. (Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Engineering.) 90 13 03 100% 100% Ph.D. 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same univ. % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries M.Tech. (Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Engineering.) 56% 44% NIL NIL 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. GATE 2013 - 03 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG More than 50% PG to M.Phil. N/A PG to Ph.D. NIL Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral N/A Employed Campus selection 1-2 students per year Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 561 of 690 Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurs - 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university Around 85% from other universities within the State Around 15% from universities from other States NIL from universities outside the country NIL 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period: Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library: Available Internet facilities for staff and students: Available Total number of class rooms: Two Class rooms with ICT facility: One Students’ laboratories: Five Laboratories Research laboratories: One Laboratory 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university: NIL from other institutions/universities: NIL 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university: 100% 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. NA 42 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Not formally students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Feedback is obtained by teachers concerned for their respective courses and are kept in their personal custody. alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Not formally 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) Mr. Adil Rehman Mr. Jalal Saeed Mr. Fahimullah Mr. Rajneesh Sirohi Mr. Shabihul Hasan Mr. Faridul Qadar Ms. Meher Nosh Hafizee Mr. Saleem Akhtar Farooqui Mr. Haris Kamal Mr. Rakesh Kumar 44 Give details of student They are arranged from time to time. Aligarh Muslim University Page 562 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. 1. Conventional classroom teaching with home assignments, tutorials, quiz, seminars, etc. 2. Modern approaches of teaching with extensive use of ICT based tools such as PowerPoint Presentations, Interactive learning software’s, open courseware, etc. 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? -- 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. -- 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. The undergraduate program of the department is accreditated by NBA - AICTE with A+ grade 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied -- 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strengths: Amongst the first institutes in north India to start courses on downstream petroleum processing and petrochemicals. Dedicated staff: Faculty members are always willing to learn new methods/technologies and upgrade their skills Weakness: Acute shortage of technical and office staff leading to poor maintenance of laboratories, library, workshop and office records. Oppurtunities: The department is well suited to diversify into areas of upstream oil & gas engineering, and renewable energy. Starting short term courses for industry sponsored people. Challenges: Acceptance of the undergraduate degree program by the industry. Feedback by the alumni prompts students requesting to change/alter the name. This has also led to the consideration of the merger of the department to another department. 52 Future plans of the department Starting new courses in the area of Oil & Gas Engineering, Polymer Science and Enginnering, etc. Also reserach activities in the area of Surface science and engineering, Shear thickening fluids, neural network modeling, biofuels and other Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 563 of 690 alternative energy sources. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- Chairman Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: Aligarh Muslim University Page 564 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports FACULTY OF LAW 1. Law Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 565 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Law 2 Year of establishment 1891 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of the University 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG ( B.A. LL.B.(Hons), P.G (LL.M), Ph.D. & P.G. Diplomas in Company Law, Banking and Insurance; Insurance Criminology and Criminal Administration; Labour Law and Labour Relations. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Semester System 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Nil 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 03+01* 01+01* 03+01* Associate Professors 05 03 06 Asst. Professors 17 14 16 Others 03 03 03 Ambedkar Chair 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi -cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Dr. M. Shabbir Ph. D. Professor Family Law 35 Yrs 03 Prof. Saleem Akhtar Ph. D. Professor Family Law 36 Yrs. 10 Dr. Iqbal Ali Khan Ph. D. Professor Family Law 31 Yrs. 09 Dr. Javaid Talib Ph. D. Associate Professor Criminal Law 22 Yrs. 02 Dr. Zaheeruddin Ph. D. Associate Professor Labour Law 25 Yrs. 06 Dr. Zubair A. Khan Ph. D. Associate Professor Family Law 23 Yrs. 02 Dr. M. Ashraf Ph. D. Associate Professor Criminal Law 19 Yrs. 01 Dr. M.Z. M. Ph.D. Associate Environmental 18 Yrs. 01 Aligarh Muslim University Page 566 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Nomani Professor Law Dr. M. Shakeel Ahmad Ph. D. Assistant Professor Family Law 18 Yrs. 02 Dr. Shakeel Ahmad Ph. D. Assistant Professor Criminal Law 18 Yrs. 01 Mr. S. Iqbal H. Rizvi LL.M. Assistant Professor Constitutional Law 17 Yrs. - Dr. Badar Ahmad Ph. D. Assistant Professor Constitutional Law 17 Yrs. - Dr. M. Wasim Ali Ph. D. Assistant Professor Family Law 14 Yrs. - Mr. Hashmat Ali LL. M. Assistant Professor Family Law, Criminal Law 15 Yrs. - Mr. Sk. Ehteshamud din Ahmad Ph. D. Assistant Professor History 13Yrs. - Dr.(Ms) Tanzeem Farima Ph. D. Assistant Professor Family Law 10 Yrs. - Dr. Md. Rahmatullah Ph. D. Assistant Professor Economics 12 Yrs. - Dr. M. Kaleemullah M. Phil., Ph. D. Guest Faculty Sociology 14 - Dr. Fasih Raghib Gauhar M. Phil., Ph. D. Guest Faculty Political Sce. 12 Yrs. - Mr. Salil Kumar LL.M. Visiting Faculty Constitutional Groups, Expert in Procedure Law 12 Yrs. - Dr. Ishrat Husain Ph.D. Visiting Faculty Labour Law 04 Yrs. - Mr.Fozan Atiq Siddiqi LL.B. Visiting Faculty Civil Procedure 02 Yrs. - 12 List of Senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors: Prof. Madhava Menon 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information LL. M. Nil B.A. LL.B. (Hons) 20% approx. 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio - Students: 550 Teachers: 24 B.A. LL.B. 1:22 LL. M. 1:04 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual sanctioned, filled and actual: Sanctioned Filled Actual Administrative 05 05 05 Technical 03 03 03+02* Others 06 06 06 *They are working in the Department of Law, but drawing salary from other Departments. 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Personal Laws, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Labour Law, IPR, Environmental Law, Commercial Law, etc. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 567 of 690 Funding Agency* 01. U.G.C. 02. Maulana Azad Educational Foundation 03. Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship *Approved by the Board of Studies (BOS) and recommended by Academic Council (AC) 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. U.G.C. Major Research Project titled: “Socio- Economic Impact of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) on the Land Owners & Local Inhabitant of Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand, State of India: A Case of Study of Noida, District Of UP and Dehradun, District of Uttrakhand. 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration NA International collaboration NA 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. Rs. 5,69, 000/- 20 Research facility / centre Seminar Library with state recognition National recognition: Old, rich and well established. Law Seminar Library equipped with latest books and Journals. international recognition :NA 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/international) Write after compilation - 118 Monographs - 4 Chapters in Books- 10 Edited Books - 4 Books with ISBN with details of publishers :03 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average NA SNIP NA SJR NA Impact Factor – range / average h-index NA 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad. 04 26 Faculty serving in (i) National Committees - 06 Aligarh Muslim University Page 568 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Editorial Boards (ii) International Committees Nil (iii) Editorial Boards -05 (iv) any other (please specify) Nil 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). Whole faculties have attended Orientation and Refresher Courses, including International and National Seminars. Also delivered lectures in Academic Staff College. Faculty has also organized Workshops and Training Programmes like workshop on Environment Awareness, I.P.R., Legal Awareness etc. and Refresher Course in Environmental Law. 28 Student projects ▪ percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects Project assignment work by each student in each year of B.A.LL.B. & LL.M. under supervision of Faculty (100% Project assignment) ▪ percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/ institute Nil 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty. ▪ Doctoral / post doctoral fellows Nil ▪ Students – Many students have won the trophies and awards In Moot Courts, Debates and Quiz Competitions. 30 Seminars/Conferences/Works hops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any.National Seminar on I.P.R. funded by University Grant (Rs.30,000/-) 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments. Yes. Uniform Code of ethics being followed. 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of Programme Application Received Selected Pass Percentage 2009-10 Male Female Male Female B.A.LL.B. (Hons) 57 43 80 98 LL.M. 14 11 64 82 Ph.D 08 08 2010-11 B.A.LL.B. (Hons) 70 30 84 90 LL.M. 15 10 60 90 Ph.D. 04 - - - 2011-12 B.A.LL.B. (Hons) 45 55 89 89 LL.M. 11 14 73 71 Ph.D. 04 - - - 2012-13 B.A.LL.B. (Hons) 55 45 65 87 LL.M. 15 10 73 70 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 569 of 690 Ph.D. 06 01 2013-14 B.A.LL.B. (Hons) 58 42 LL.M. 14 11 Ph.D. 33 Diversity of students Name of Programme %of students from the same University %of students from the other University with in the state %of students from the Universities outside the State %of students from other Countries 2009-10 B.A.LL.B (Hons) 39 39 22 LLM 80 8 12 04 Ph.D 81 19 06 2010-11 B.A.LL.B (Hons) 49 34 14 03 LLM 76 12 12 Ph.D 25 ---- 25 50 2011-12 B.A.LL.B (Hons) 59 29 12 01 LLM 88 04 02 Ph.D ----- ----- 25 75 2012-13 B.A.LL.B (Hons) 56 31 13 01 LLM 88 08 04 --- Ph.D 43 29 ---- 29 2013-14 B.A.LL.B. (Hons) 65 25 01 LL.M 88 08 04 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. NET 30 approx. PCS (J) 65 approx PCS (E) 01 HJS 02 CBI (Advocate) 02 35 Student progression Students Progression Percentage against enrolled 2009-10 U.G. to P.G 80 P.G. to Ph.D 50 2010-11 U.G. to P.G 76 P.G. to Ph.D Nil 2011-12 U.G. to P.G 88 P.G. to Ph.D 25 2012-13 U.G. to P.G 88 P.G. to Ph.D 14 2013-14 Aligarh Muslim University Page 570 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports U.G. to P.G 88 P.G. to Ph.D 36 Diversity of staff %age of faculty who are graduates of the same university 90% from other universities within the State 100% from universities from other States - from universities outside the country - P. G. from the same University 90% 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M. Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to (i) Library: 35000 books approx. 5000 bound Journals approx. (ii) Internet facilities for staff and students Yes (iii) Total number of class rooms 08 (iv) Class rooms with ICT facility Nil (v) Students’ laboratories Yes (vi) Research laboratories Yes 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates – (i) from the host Institution/University 30 Approx. (ii) from other Institutions/Universities Nil 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. 03 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. NA 42 Does the department obtain feedback from? Though, the feedback from the students and teachers are being taken by the department, but recently, a uniform proforma has been prepared by the University which will be followed in near future. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) (i) Mr. R.P. Sethi, Judge Supreme Court, (ii) Mr. S.U. Khan, Judge, Allahabad High Court, U.P. (iii) Mr. Nazim Zaidi, Judge Allahabad High Court, U.P. (iv) Dr. Shafi Qureshi,Former Governor (v) Prof. A.K. Kaul, Vice-Chancellor, Jharkhand National Law University (vi) Prof. Tahir Mahmood, Former Chairman, Minority Commission (vii) Mr. Naseem Ahmad (IAS) (Former V.C., AMU) (viii) Mr. Wazir Ansari (IPS) (ix) Mr. Zafaryab Jilani, Addl. Advocate General, U.P. (x) Mr. S.M. Afzal (IPS), I.G. Gwalior Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 571 of 690 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. Workshop in 2013, Seminar in2010 and Extra Mural Lectures on regular basis. 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Lecture method, Case law method, Tutorials and Project works. 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? We have continuous assessment programmes to monitor the outcome of students. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Through Legal Literary and participation of students in Moot Courts. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Legal Aid and Mediation 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. Yes, our Department is rated at 07 th place in whole of India (see the report of India Today) 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. After obtaining degree from the Faculty, almost all students flourish in their life either by becoming Judges and Lawyers in the Courts and Corporate. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the Department. Strength: 1. Most of our teacher s are specialized. They have Ph.D. in their respective area. 2. We have very rich & old library fully equipped with recent books and journals. 3. We have internet facility 4. Advocacy programme 5. Legal Aid for indigent, poor and women Weaknesses: 1. We have locational disadvantage. Aligarh is situated far from High Court & S.C. of India. 2. There is lack of infrastructure facilities 3. Shortage of space in library particularly for lecturers & Research Scholars, LL.M. students. 4. We do not have separate P.G. Centre for Legal Studies 5. Shortage of Professors and Associate Professors in specialized areas. 52 Future plans of the Department: 1. to create departments for every specialized disciplines. 2. to establish various centres, i.e., Centres for I.P.R., Comparative Personal Laws and Rights of Minorities. 3. to make effective implementation of meditation and Cancellation Programme and Legal Literacy Programme. 4. To establish Centre for Environment Studies. Aligarh Muslim University Page 572 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. (Prof. Iqbal Ali Khan) Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 573 of 690 FACULTY OF LIFE SCIENCE 1. Biochemistry 2. Botany 3. Museology 4. Wildlife Sciences 5. Zoology Aligarh Muslim University Page 574 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Life Sciences 2 Year of establishment 1986 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of the University 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.): UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved: No 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. No 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons: This was a self-financed course started with the aim to provide professional input to the industry. However, during its visit to the Department, the UGCXI th plan team was of the view that the course was running without sufficient infrastructure and it refused to fund the course. So we had to discontinue this course due to lack of infrastructure and funds. 8 Examination System: Semester/Annual 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: No 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/ Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors/others) Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 02 (1 advertised+1 vacant) Nil 06 (CAS) Associate Professors 03 (01 advertised + 01 vacant+ 01 promoted under CAS) 01 01 Asst. Professors 06 (Dept.) + 02 (Women’s College) Filled 03 (02 in Department +01 in Women’s College) *Prof. Qayyum Husain and Prof. NaheedBanuare on EOL (since 01-04-2011 and 10-10-2011, respectively and Dr. AabgeenaNaeem is visiting USA as DBT-Crest awardee since Oct, 2013. 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance: Name Qualifi -cation Design- ation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Dr. S. M. Hadi Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Cancer Chemoprevention, Molecular Biology, DNA 44 05 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 575 of 690 Repair Enymology Dr. Masood Ahmad Ph.D. Professor Biochemistry, Environmental Toxicology, 32 02 Dr. Bilqees Bano Ph.D. Professor Biochemistry Protein/ Lipids 32 04 Dr. Naheed Banu Ph.D. Professor Clinical Biochemistry & Protein Chemistry 25 04 Dr. Qayyum Husain Ph.D. Professor Enzyme Technology, Environmental Biotechnology & Food Biotechnology 28 06 Dr. Imrana Naseem Ph.D. Professor Free Radical Biology 25 02 Dr. Riaz Mahmood Ph.D. Professor Biochemistry, Molecular Biology 25 01 Dr. Mohd Tabish Ph.D. Associate Professor Molecular biology and Bioinformatics 21 02 Dr. Fahim Halim Khan Ph.D. Assistant Professor Protein Biochemistry and Free radical Biology. 18 01 Dr. Farah Khan Ph.D. Assistant Professor Renal Physiology & Molecular Toxicology 15 01 Dr. Aabgeena Naeem Ph.D. Assistant Professor Protein Chemistry 6 01 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors: Prof. S.M. Hadi, Emeritus Professor 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: B.Sc. (Hons.) = 68%; M.Sc. = 27% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio B.Sc. (Hons.) = 8:1; M.Sc. = 3:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual: S.No. Name of Employee Designation 1. Sayeed Shansha Section Officer 2. Shehnaz Fatima U.D.C 3. Mohd. Khalid Mustafa T.A 4. Ibrahim Mohiuddin T.A. (Stores) 5. Wasim Khan JLA 6. Dilshad Mehdi L.A. 7. Saleem Ahmad O.A. 8. Mohammad Arif L.A. 9. Abdul Qadir O.A. 10. Mohd Azeem Khan L.A. 11. Meer Yoosuf Khan Daily wager (Clerical) 12. Aqeel Ahmad Daily wager (Unskilled) 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies. Following are the thrust areas as recognized by the funding agencies: Proteins Cancer Toxicology Enzymes DNA/RNA Biology Aligarh Muslim University Page 576 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise: Name & Designation Principle Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Durati on and date Total Sanctioned fund Rs. (Lacs) Prof. Bilqees Bano In vitro study of aggregation and amyloid fibril formation of caprine brain cystain: Effect of trace metal ions (Ai,Pb,Zn, Cu, Fe) implicated in neurological disorder”. CSIR 2012- 2015 18.00 Prof. Bilqees Bano Amyloid fibrillation of caprine brain cysteine proteinase inhibitor, incluence of neurotoxic metals (As, Cd) and possible protective role of bioflavonoids” with reference to neurodegenerative diseases ICMR 2012- 2015 20.00 Dr. Mohd Tabish Computational analysis and alternatively spliced transcripts of cancer associated genes from mouse” DBT 2012- 2015 9.90 Prof. Riaz Mahmood Coordinator, DRS-III SAP Programme UGC 2013- 2018 74.90 Prof. Imrana Naseem Chronic unpredictable environmental stress induced changes in carbohydrate metabolism and β-cells CSIR 2013- 2015 19.0 Total 141.80 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: National collaboration: None International collaboration: None 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received –UGC-SAP: 75 lacs; DBT-Builder Project (1 st year allocation): 51 lacs; DST-PURSE (IInd Phase): 2.33 crores 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition national recognition international recognition 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies: None 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international): 201 Monographs: None Chapters in Books: 12 Edited Books : None Books with ISBN with details of publishers: 2 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 577 of 690 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average : see table below SNIP : see table below SJR : see table below Impact Factor – range / average: Range = 0.24 – 9.59; Average = 2.51 h-index: see table below Zubair H, Khan HY, Sohail A, Azim S, Ullah MF, Ahmad A, Sarkar FH, Hadi SM. Redox cycling of endogenous copper by thymoquinone leads to ROS-mediated DNA breakage and consequent cell death: putative anticancer mechanism of antioxidants. Cell Death & Disease, 2013; DOI: 10.1038/cddis.2013.172. [Impact Factor = 6.04] Wasi S, Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Use of Pseudomonas spp. For the bioremediation of environmental pollutants: a review. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 2013; 185(10): 8147-55. [Impact Factor = 1.6] Hasan SS, Rizvi A, Naseem I. Calcitriol-induced DNA damage: Toward a molecular mechanism of selective cell death. IUBMB Life 2013; 65(9): 787- 92. [Impact Factor = 2.9] Rizvi A, Hasan SS, Naseem I. Selective cytotoxic action of DNA damage by Calcitriol Cu(II) interaction: Putative mechanism of cancer prevention. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(9): e76191. [Impact factor = 3.73] Iram A, Amani S, Furkan M, Naeem A. Equilibrium studies of cellulase aggregates in presence of ascorbic and boric acid. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2013; 52: 286-295. [Impact Factor = 2.596] Fazili NA, Bhat WF, Naeem A. Induction of amyloidogenicity in wild type HEWL by a dialdehyde: Analysis involving multi dimensional approach. Int J Biol Macromol 2013; doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac. 2013.11.010. [Impact factor 2.59] Amin F, Naim A, Bano B. Interaction of Buffalo Brain Cystatin with serotonin. Current Nanoscience 2013; 9(2): 231-234. [Impact Factor = 1.35] Khan MS, Alsenaidy AM, PriyadarshiniM, Shah A, Bano B. Different conformation of thiol protease inhibitor during amyloid formation: inhibition by curcumin and querecetin. J Fluorescence 2013: 451-7. [Impact Factor = 1.8] Banday AR, Azim S, Hussain MA, Nehar S, Tabish M. Computational prediction and characterization of ubiquitously expressed new splice variant of Prkaca gene in mouse. Cell Biology International 2013; 37(7): 687-693. [Impact Factor = 1.64] Shah A, Priyadarshini M, Khan MS, Aatif M, Amin F, Bano B. Biochemical, immunological and kinetic characterisation of thiol protease inhibitor (cystatin) from liver. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 2013; 171(3): 667- 75. [Impact factor = 1.8] Ahmad MK, Amani S, Mahmood R. Potassium bromate causes cell lysis and induces oxidative stress in human erythrocytes. Environmental Toxicology 2013; 29(2): 138-145. [Impact Factor = 2.7] Wasi S, Tabrez S, Ahmad M Toxicological effects of major environmental pollutants: an overview. Environ Monit Assess 2013; 185(3): 2585-93. [Impact factor = 1.5] Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Cytochrome P450 system as potential biomarkers of certain toxicants: comparison between plant and animal models. Environ Monit Assess 2013; 185(4): 2977-87. [Impact factor = 1.5] Aligarh Muslim University Page 578 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Gupta AK, Ahmad M. Effect of refinery waste effluent on tocopherol, carotenoid, phenolics and other antioxidants content in Allium cepa. Toxicol Ind Health 2013; 29(7): 652-61. [Impact factor = 1.5] Iram A, Naeem A. Detection and analysis of protofibrils and fibrils of hemoglobin: implications for the pathogenesis and cure ofheme loss related maladies. Arch Biochem Biophys 2013; 533(1-2): 69-78. [Impact factor = 3.3] Arivarasu NA, Priyamvada S, Mahmood R. Caffeic acid inhibits chromium(VI)-induced oxidative stress and changes in brush border membrane enzymes in rat intestine. Biol Trace Elem Res 2013; 148(2): 209- 215. [Impact Factor = 1.3] Sandesh C, Iftekhar H, Mohd F, Maria S, Imrana N. White light augments chemotherapeutic potential of cyclophosphamide: An In vitro study. Biometals 26 (2013) 22-31. [Impact factor = 3.284] Iftekhar H, Sandesh C, Imrana N, Vitamin B2: A promising adjuvant in cisplatin based chemoradiotherapy by cellular redox management. Food and Chemical Toxicology 59 (2013) 715-723. [Impact factor = 3.0] Malik H, Khan FH, Ahsan H. Human papillomavirus: current status and issues of vaccination. Arch Virol 2013 (in press) [Impact factor = 2.0] Iram A, Naeem A. Conformational transitions provoked by organic solvents in chicken egg ovalbumin: mimicking the localenvironment. Protein J 2013; 32(1): 7-14. [Impact factor = 1.1] Khan MJ, Husain Q, Ansari SA. Polyaniline-assisted silver nanoparticles: a novel support for the immobilization of α-amylase. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2013; 97(4): 1513-22. [Impact factor = 3.6] Naqshbandi A, Rizwan S, Khan MW, Khan F. Dietary flaxseed oil supplementation ameliorates the effect of cisplatin on brush border membrane enzymes and antioxidant system in rat intestine. Human Exp Toxicol 2013; 32(4): 385-94. [Impact Factor = 1.45] Ahmad MK, Khan AA, Mahmood R.Taurine ameliorates potassium bromate- induced kidney damage in rats. Amino Acids 2013 Nov; 45(5):1109-21. [Impact factor = 3.9] Ullah MF, Ahmad A, Khan HY, Zubair H, Sarkar FH, Hadi SM.The prooxidant action of dietary antioxidants leading to cellular DNA breakage and anticancer effects: implications for chemotherapeutic action against cancer. Cell Biochem Biophys 2013; 67(2): 431-8. [Impact factor = 1.9] Iftekhar H, Sandesh C, Aijaz AK, Imrana N. Cisplatin induced neurotoxicity In vivo can be alleviated by riboflavin under photoillumination. Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals 28 (2013) 160-168. [Impact Factor = 1.8] Khan MS, Priyadarshini M, Shah A, Tabrez S, Jagirdar H, Alsenaidy AM, Bano B. Benzo(a)pyrene induced structural and functional modifications in lung cystatin. Environ Monit Assess 2013; 185(10): 8005-10. [Impact factor = 1.5] AmaniS, NaeemA. Detection and analysis of amorphous aggregates and fibrils of cytochrome c in the presence of phenolic acids. Int J Biol Macromol 2013; 58: 104-12. [Impact factor = 2.5] Rizwan S, Naqshbandi A, Khan F. Dietary flaxseed oil supplementation mitigates the effect of lead onthe enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism, brush border membrane, and oxidative stress in rat kidney tissues. Biol Trace Elem Res 2013; 153(1-3): 279-90. [Impact factor = 1.3] HY Khan, H Zubair, MF Ullah, FH Sarkar, A Ahmad, SM Hadi. Plant Polyphenol induced cell death in human cancer cells involves mobilization of Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 579 of 690 intracellular copper ions and reactive oxygen species generation: A mechanism for cancer chemopreventive action. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2013; doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201300417. [Impact Factor = 4.31] Rehman AA, Ahsan H, Khan FH. α-2-Macroglobulin: a physiological guardian. J Cell Physiol. 2013; 228(8):1665-75. [Impact Factor = 4.2] Ahmad MK, Zubair H, Mahmood R. DNA damage and DNA-protein cross- linking induced in rat intestine by the water disinfection by-product potassium bromate. Chemosphere 2013; 91(8): 1221–1224. [Impact Factor = 3.2] Arivarasu NA, Priyamvada S, Mahmood R. Oral administration of caffeic acid ameliorates the effect of cisplatin on brush border membrane enzymes and antioxidant system in rat intestine. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 2013; 65: 21-25. [Impact Factor = 2.78] Meerza D, Naseem I, Ahmad J. Diabetes, pancreatic cancer and vitamin D. Is there a link? Diabetes &Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 2013; doi:10.1016/j.dsx.2012.02.027. Ahmad A, Rasheed N, Gupta P, Singh S, Siripurapu KB, Ashraf GM, Kumar R, Chand K, Maurya R, Banu N, AlSheeha M, Palit G. Novel Ocimumoside A and B as antistress agents: Modulation of brain monoamines and antioxidant systems in chronic unpredictable stress model in rats. Phytomedicine 2012; 19(7): 639-47. [Impact Factor = 2.97] Rizvi A, Hasan S, Alam M, Zafar A, Fatima T, Shareef PA, Banu N, Saleemuddin M, Saifullah MK, Abidi SM. Levels of some antioxidant molecules and lipid peroxidation during in vivo transformation of the progenetic metacercaria of Clinostomum complanatum to ovigerous adult worms. Vet Parasitol 2012; 185(2-4): 164-7. [Impact Factor = 2.38] Suhail N, Bilal N, Khan HY, Hasan S, Sharma S, Khan F, Mansoor T, Banu N. Effect of vitamins C and E on antioxidant status of breastcancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. J Clin Pharm Ther 2012; 37(1): 22-26. [Impact Factor = 2.1] Ahmad MK, Mahmood R. Oral administration of potassium bromate, a major water disinfection by-product, induces oxidative stress and impairs the antioxidant power of rat blood. Chemosphere 2012; 87(7), 750-756. [Impact Factor = 3.14]Naqshbandi A, Khan MW, Rizwan S, Rehman S, Khan F. Studies on the protective effect of fish oil oil on cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity. Food Chem Toxicol 2012; 50; 265-273. [Impact Factor = 3.01] Ahmad MK, Naqshbandi A, Fareed M, Mahmood R. Oral administration of a nephrotoxic dose of potassium bromate, a food additive, alters renal redox and metabolic status and inhibits brush border membrane enzymes in rats. Food Chemistry 2012; 134: 980-985. [Impact Factor = 3.35] Naqshbandi A, Khan MW, Rizwan S, Khan F`. Studies on the protective effect of flaxseed oil on cisplatin induced hepatotoxicity. Human Exp Toxicol 2012; 31(4): 364-75. [Impact Factor = 1.45] Ansari SA, Husain Q. Potential applications of enzymes immobilized on/in nano materials: A review. Biotechnol Adv 2012; 30(3): 512-523. [Impact Factor = 9.59] Ahmad A, Ahmad S, Husain Q. Correlation of exhaled carbon monoxide and nitric oxide with airflow obstruction in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Annals of Biological Research 2012; 3(4): 1672- 78. Shameem M, Ahmad A, Fatima N, Husain Q, Malik A. Correlation of Serum C-Reactive Protein with disease severity in tuberculosis patients. The Open Aligarh Muslim University Page 580 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Respiratory Medicine Journal 2012 (In press). [Impact Factor = 0.75] Karim Z, Adnan R, Husain Q. A novel matrix for the immobilization of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and applications of immobilized peroxidase in the decolorization of textile effluent: Assessment of genotoxicity of product. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 2012 (In press). [Impact Factor = 2.06] Karim Z, Husain Q, Adnan R, Akhtar N. Remediation of model wastewater polluted with methyl parathion by reverse micelle entrapped peroxidase. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 2012; 46(4): 345–354. [Impact Factor = 0.25] Muqbil I, Beck FW, Bao B, Sarkar FH, Mohammad RM, Hadi SM, Azmi AS. Old wine in a new bottle: The Warburg effect and anticancer mechanisms of resveratrol. Curr Pharm Des 2012; 18(12): 1645-54. [Impact Factor = 3.31] Shamim U, Hanif S, Albanyan A, Beck FW, Bao B, Wang Z, Banerjee S, Sarkar FH, Mohammad RM, Hadi SM, Azmi AS. Resveratrol-induced apoptosis is enhanced in low pH environments associated with cancer. J Cell Physiol 2012; 227(4): 1493-500. [Impact Factor = 4.22] Azim S, Banday AR, Sarwar T, Tabish M. Alternatively spliced variants of gamma-subunit of muscle type acetylcholine receptor in fetal and adult skeletal muscle of mouse. Cell Mol Neurobiol 2012; 32(6): 957-63. [Impact Factor = 2.29] Banday AR, Azim S, Rehman SU, Tabish M. Two Novel N-terminal coding exons of Prkar1b gene of mouse: Identified using a novel approach of in silico and molecular biology techniques. Gene 2012; 500(1): 73-9. [Impact Factor = 2.2] Clegg RA, Bowen LC, Bicknell AV, Tabish M, Prescott MC, Rees HH, Fisher MJ. Characterisation of the N'1 isoform of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PK-A) catalytic subunit in the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans. Arch Biochem Biophys 2012; 519(1): 38-45. [Impact Factor = 3.37] Banday AR, Azim S, Tabish M. Identification and expression analysis of three novel splice variants of protein kinase A catalytic β subunit gene in the mouse using combinatorial in silico and molecular biology approaches. FEBS J 2012; 279(4): 572-85. [Impact Factor = 4.25] Chibber S, Hassan I, Farhan M, Naseem I. Light-mediated interaction of methotrexate with transition metal Cu(II). Medicinal Chemistry Research 2012; 21(9): 2379-2387. [Impact Factor = 1.612] Chibber S, Farhan M, Hassan I, Naseem I. Novel aspect of chemophototherapy in treatment of cancer. Tumour Biology 2012; 33(3): 701-706. [Impact Factor = 2.518] Hassan I, Chibber S, Khan AA, Naseem I. Riboflavin ameliorates cisplatin induced toxicities under photoillumination. PLoS ONE 2012; 7(5):e36273. [Impact Factor = 3.730] Masood F, Ahmad M, Ansari MA, Malik A. Prediction of biosorption of total chromium by Bacillus sp. using artificial neural network. The Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2012; 88(4): 563-570. [Impact Factor = 1.105] Khan HY, Orimo A. Transforming growth factor-β: Guardian of catabolic metabolism in carcinoma-associated fibroblasts. Cell Cycle 2012; 11(23): 4302-3. [Impact Factor = 5.4] HY Khan, H Zubair, MF Ullah, A Ahmad, SM Hadi. A prooxidant mechanism for the anticancer and chemopreventive properties of plant polyphenols. Curr Drug Targets, 2012; 13(14): 1738-49. [Impact Factor = Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 581 of 690 3.85] H Zubair, HY Khan, MF Ullah, A Ahmad, D Wu, SM Hadi. Apogossypolone, derivative of gossypol, mobilizes endogenous copper in human peripheral lymphocytes leading to oxidative DNA breakage. Eur J Pharm Sci 2012; 47: 280-286. [Impact Factor = 2.98] Azim S, Banday AR, Tabish M. Identification of alternatively spliced multiple transcripts of 5hydroxytryptamine receptor in mouse. Brain Res Bull 2012; 87(23): 250-8. [Impact Factor = 2.93] Azim S, Banday AR, Tabish M. Alternatively spliced three novel transcripts of gria1 in the cerebellum and cortex of mouse brain. Neurochem Res 2012; 37(1): 193-201. [Impact Factor = 2.12] Naqshbandi A, Rizwan S, Khan F. Dietary supplementation of flaxseed oil ameliorates the effect of cisplatin on rat kidney. Journal of Functional Foods 2012; 5(1): 316-326. [Impact Factor = 2.632] Ahmad MK, Khan AA, Mahmood R. Alterations in brush border membrane enzymes, carbohydrate metabolism and oxidative damage to rat intestine by potassium bromate. Biochimie 2012; 94(12): 2776-2782. [Impact Factor = 3.142] Banday AR, Azim S, Tabish M. Differentially expressed three noncoding alternate exons at 5' UTR of regulatory type I beta subunit gene of mouse. Mol Biol Rep 2012; 39(4): 3375-83. [Impact Factor = 2.5] Banday AR, Azim S, Tabish M. Alternative promoter usage and differential expression of multiple transcripts of mouse Prkar1a gene. Mol Cell Biochem 2011; 57(12): 263-74. [Impact Factor = 2.33] Suhail N, Bilal N, Hasan S, Banu N. Chronic unpredictable stress exacerbates 7,12-Dimethylbenz (a) anthracene (DMBA) induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in Swiss albino mice. Mol Cell Biochem 2011; 355(12): 117- 26. [Impact Factor = 2.33] Hasan S, Bilal N, Fatima S, Suhail N, Anwar K, Sharma S, Banu N. Multivitamin mineral supplement is more efficacious than vitamins (E+C) in the prevention of chronic unpredictable stress induced oxidative damage in mice. Cell Memb Free Radical Res 2011; 3(1): 125-132. Tabrez S, Shakil S, Urooj M, Damanhouri G.A, Abuzenadah A.M, Ahmad M. Genotoxicity testing and biomarkers studies on surface waters: An overview of the techniques and their efficacies. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part C Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews 2011; 29(3): 250-275. [Impact Factor = 3.6] Shameem M, Ahmad A, Hussain Q, Bhargava R, Ahmad Z, Fatima N. Role of oxidative stress biomarker and its correlation with disease severity in chronic obstructive airway disease. Chest 2011; 140: 585 [Impact Factor = 5.85] Ullah MF, Khan HY, Zubair H, Shamim U, Hadi SM. The antioxidant ascorbic acid mobilizes nuclear copper leading to a prooxidant cellular DNA breakage: Implications for chemotherapeutic action against cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2011; 67(1): 103-10. [Impact Factor = 2.76] Gupta AK, Ahmad M. Effect of refinery waste effluent on tocopherol, carotenoid, phenolics and other antioxidants content in Allium cepa. Toxicology and Industrial Health 2011; 29(7): 652-661. [Impact Factor = 1.6] Siddiqui AH, Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Short term in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity testing systems for some water bodies of northern India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2011; 180(1): 87-95. [Impact Factor = 1.6] Aligarh Muslim University Page 582 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Gupta AK, Ahmad M. Assessment of cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of refinery waste effluent using plant, animal and bacterial systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2011; 201-202: 92-99. [Impact Factor = 4.5] Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Some enzymatic/non enzymatic antioxidants as potential stress biomarkers of trichloroethylene, heavy metal mixture and ethyl alcohol in rat tissues. Environmental Toxicology 2011; 26(2): 207-216. [Impact Factor = 2.7] Masood F, Ahmad M, Ansari M.A, Malik A. Prediction of biosorption of total chromium by Bacillus sp using Artificial Neural Network. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2011; 88(4): 563-570 [Impact Factor = 2.0] Ashraf GM, Banu N, Ahmad A, Singh LP, Kumar R. Purification, characterization, sequencing and biological chemistry of galectin1 purified from Capra hircus (goat) heart. Protein J 2011; 30(1): 39-51. [Impact Factor = 1.13] Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Genotoxicity of trichloroethylene in the natural milieu. Int J Hygiene Environ Health 2012; 215(3):333-8. [Impact Factor = 3.4] Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Oxidative stress-mediated genotoxicity of wastewaters collected from two different stations in northern India. Mutat Res 2011; 726(1):15-20. [Impact Factor = 2.8] Gupta AK, Ahmad M. Study of the effect of refinery waste water exposure on Allium Cepa’s enzymatic antioxidant defense: probing potential biomarkers. Toxicol Environ Chem 2011; 93(6): 1166-79. [Impact Factor = 2.6] Shakir M, Azam M, Ullah MF, Hadi SM. Synthesis, spectroscopic and electrochemical studies of N,Nbis[(E)-2-thienylmethylidene]-1,8- naphthalenediamine and its Cu(II) complex: DNA cleavage and generation of superoxide anion. J Photochem Photobiol B 2011; 104(3): 449-56. [Impact Factor = 3.11] HY Khan, H Zubair, MF Ullah, A Ahmad, SM. Hadi. Oral administration of copper to rats leads to increased lymphocyte cellular DNA degradation by dietary polyphenols: implications for a cancer preventive mechanism. Biometals 2011; 24(6): 1169-78. [Impact Factor = 3.28] MF Ullah, A Ahmad, HY Khan, H Zubair, FH Sarkar, SM Hadi. The prooxidant action of dietary antioxidants leading to cellular DNA breakage and anticancer effects: Implications for chemotherapeutic action against cancer. Cell Biochem Biophys 2013; 67(2): 431-8. [Impact Factor = 1.9] Aatif M., Rehman S, Bano B. Protien unfolding studies of thiolproteinase inhibitor from goat (Capra hircus) muscle in the presence of urea and Gdn HCl as denaturants. Eur Biophys J 2011; 40(5): 611-7. [Impact Factor = 2.27] Priyadarshini M, Bano B. Conformational changes during amyloid fibril formation of pancreatic thiol proteinase inhibitor: effect of copper and zinc. Mol Biol Rep 2012; 39(3): 2945-55. [Impact Factor = 2.93] Amin F, Khan AA, Rizvi SJ, Bano B. Purification and characterization of buffalo brain cystatin. Protien Pept Lett 2011; 18(2): 210-8. [Impact Factor = 1.85] Shah A, Bano B. Comparative effects of alcohols (methanol, glycerol) and polyethylene glycol (PEG300) on acid denatured state of goat liver cystatin. J Fluorescence 2011; 21(4): 1401-7. [Impact Factor = 1.8] Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Some enzymatic/nonenzymatic antioxidants as potential stress biomarkers of trichloroethylene, heavy metal mixture, and ethyl alcohol in rat tissues. Environmental Toxicology 2011; 26(2): 207-216. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 583 of 690 [Impact Factor = 2.7] Shah A, Bano B. Spectoscopic studies on the interaction of bilirubin with liver cystatin. Eur Biophys J 2011; 40(2): 175-80. [Impact Factor = 2.27] Khan TA, Amani S, Naeem A. Glycation promotes the formation of genotoxic aggregates in glucose oxidase. Amino Acids 2012; 43(3): 1311-22. [Impact Factor = 3.8] Iram A, Naeem A. Existence of different structural Intermediates and aggregates on folding pathway of ovalbumin. J Fluorescence 2012; 22(1): 47-57. [Impact Factor = 1.8] Amani S, Iram A, Anwar S, Neelofar, Naeem A. Purification of lectin from micropropagated roots derived from aseptic seedling of Canavalia ensiformis. L. Int. J. Pep. Res. Ther 2011; 17: 317-24. [Impact Factor = 2.0] Khan TA, Saleemuddin M, Naeem A. Partially folded glycated state of human serum albumin tends to aggregate. Int. J. Pep. Res. Ther 2011; 17: 271-79. [Impact Factor = 2.0] Naeem A, Fazili NA. Defective protein folding and aggregation as the basis of neurodegenerative diseases: The darker aspect of proteins. Cell Biochem. Biophys. 2011; 61(2): 237-50. [Impact Factor = 1.9] Amani S, Naeem A. Acetonitrile can promote formation of different structural intermediates on aggregation pathway of immunoglobin G from human and bovine Int J Biol Macromol 2011; 49(1): 71-8. [Impact Factor = 2.5] Khan TA, Naeem A. An alternate high yielding inexpensive procedure for the purification of concanavalin A. Biology and Medicine 2011; 3(2): 250- 259. Naeem A, Ahmad T, Muzaffar M, Ahmad S, Saleemuddin M. A partially folded state of ovalbumin at low pH tends to aggregate. Cell Biochem. Biophys. 2011; 59(1): 29-38. [Impact Factor = 1.9] Sandesh Chibber, Iftekhar Hassan, Mohd Farhan, Imrana Naseem. In vitro proxidant action of Methotrexate in presence of white light. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 2011; 104: 387–393. [Impact Factor = 3.11] Wasi S. Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Detoxification potential of Pseudomonas fluorescene SMI strain for remediation of major toxicants in Indian water bodies. Water Air and Soil Pollution 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s 1127001108020). [Impact Factor = 1.7] Sandesh Chibber, Mohd Farhan, Iftekhar Hassan, Imrana Naseem. White light mediated Cu(II)–5FU interaction augments the chemotherapeutic potential of 5FU: an in vitro study. Tumor Biol 2011; 32(5): 881-892. [Impact Factor = 2.14] Ahmad MK, Syma S, Mahmood R. Cr(VI) induce lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation and alters the activities of antioxidant enzymes in human erythocytes. Biological Trace Element Research 2011; 144: 426-435. [Impact Factor = 1.3] Karim Z, Husain Q. Immobilization of peroxidase on a cost free support from salt fractionated proteins of bitter gourd. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research. 2011; 70: 352 -359. [Impact Factor = 0.5] Khan MJ, Azam A, Husain Q. Immobilization/stabilization of αamylase byusing magnetic Fe2O3 nanoparticles. Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering 2011. [Impact Factor = 1.28] Ansari SA, Husain Q. Lactose hydrolysis from milk/whey in batch and continuous processes by concanavalin A Celite 545 immobilized Aspergillus oryzae β galactosidase. Food and Bioproduct Processing 2011. [Impact Aligarh Muslim University Page 584 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Factor = 1.85] Khan MJ, Qayyum S, Husain Q, Alam F. Effect of tin oxide nanoparticles binding on the structure and activity of αamylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Nanotechnology 2011; 22(45): 455708. [Impact Factor = 3.84] Husain Q, Ahmad F, Ansari SA, Azam A. Immobilization of Aspergillus oryzae betagalactosidase on zinc oxide nanoparticles via simple adsorption mechanism. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2011; 49:37–43. [Impact Factor = 2.5] Ansari SA, Husain Q, Qayyum S, Azam A. Designing and surface modification of zinc oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2011; 49: 2107–2115. [Impact Factor = 3.01] Khan MJ, Khan FH, Husain Q. Application of immobilized Ipomoea batata β amylase in the saccharification of starch. J Appl Biol Sci 2011; 5(2): 33-39. [Impact Factor = 1.09] Ashraf H, Husain Q. Removal of bromophenol from polluted water by bitter gourd peroxidase immobilized on the surface of concanavalin A layered calcium alginatecellulose beads. Water reuse and Desalination 2011; 1(1) :52-60. Ansari SA, Husain Q. Immobilization of Kluyveromyces lactis betagalactosidase on concanavalin A layered aluminium oxide nanoparticles its future aspects in biosensor applications. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2011; 70:119-126. [Impact Factor=2.8] Karim Z, Husain Q. Application of fly ash adsorbed peroxidase for the removal of bisphenol A in batch process and continuous reactor: assessment of genotoxicity of its product. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2011; 48(12): 3385-3390. [Impact Factor = 3.01] Ansari SA, Husain Q. Immobilization of almond β galactosidase on the surface of concanavalin A layered calcium alginatecellulose beads. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 2011; 9(4): 290-301. Naeem A, Khan TA, Muzaffar M, Ahmad S, Saleemuddin M. A partially folded state of ovalbumin at low pH tends to aggregate. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 2011; 59(1): 29-38. [Impact Factor = 1.912] Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Oxidative stress-mediated genotoxicity of wastewaters collected from two different stations in northern India. Mutation Research 2011 27; 726(1): 15-20. [Impact Factor = 3.902] Shah A, Bano B. Spectroscopic studies on the interaction of bilirubin with liver cystatin. European Biophysics Journal 2011; 40(2): 175-180. [Impact Factor = 2.274] Ansari SA, Husain Q. Immobilization of Aspergillus oryzae β galactosidase on concanavalin Alayered calcium alginatecellulose beads and its application in lactose hydrolysis in continuous spiral bed reactors. Polish Journal of Chemical Technology 2011; 13(4): 15-20. [Impact Factor = 0.34] Hasan S, Bilal N, Naqvi S, Ashraf GM, Suhail N, Sharma S, Banu N. Multivitamin-mineral and vitamins (E+C) supplementation modulate chronic unpredictable stress induced oxidative damage in brain and heart of mice. Biol Trace Elem Res 2011; 142(3): 589-97. [Impact Factor = 1.3] Husain Q, Ulber R. Immobilized peroxidase as a valuable tool in the remediation of aromatic pollutants and xenobiotic compounds: A review. Crit Rev Env Sci Tech 2011; 41(8): 770-804. [Impact Factor = 3.36] Wasi S, Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Detoxification Potential of Pseudomonas fluorescens SM1 Strain for Remediation of Major Toxicants in Indian Water Bodies. Water Air and Soil Pollution 2011; 222: 39-51. [Impact Factor = Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 585 of 690 1.748] Siddiqui AH, Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Short-term in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity testing systems for some water bodies of Northern India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2011; 180(1-4): 87-95. [Impact Factor = 1.592] Siddiqui AH, Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Validation of plant based bioassays for the toxicity testing of Indian waters. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2011; 179(1-4): 241-53. [Impact Factor = 1.592] Karim Z, Husain Q. Immobilization of peroxidase on a cost free support from salt fractionated proteins of bitter gourd. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2011; 70: 352-359. [Impact Factor = 0.505] Khan MJ, Khan FH, Husain Q. Application of immoblised ipomoea batata β- amylase in the saccharification of starch. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 2011; 5(2): 33-39. Naqshbandi A, Khan MW, Rizwan S, Khan F. Studies on the protective effect of fish oil against cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity. Biology and Medicine 2011; 3(2): 86-97. Tabish M, Rodionov VI. Novel isoform of the Xenopus tropicalis PKA catalytic alpha subunit: An example of alternative splicing. Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics 2010; 5(2): 15-16. [Impact Factor = 2.87] Ashraf GM, Rizvi S, Naqvi S, Suhail N, Bilal N, Hasan S, Tabish M, Banu N. Purification, characterization, structural analysis and protein chemistry of a buffalo heart galectin1. Amino Acids.2010; 39(5): 1321-32. [Impact Factor = 3.91] Meerza D, Naseem I, Ahmad J. Can Vitamin D be a potential treatment for Type 2 diabetes mellitus? Diabetes &Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 2010; 4(4): 245-248. Ashraf GM, Bilal N, Suhail N, Hasan S, Banu N. Glycosylation of purified buffalo heart galectin1 plays crucial role in maintaining its structural and functional integrity. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2010; 75(12): 1450-7. [Impact Factor = 1.15] Khan MS, Priyadarshni M, Sumbul S, Bano B. Methotrexate binding causes structural and functional changes in lung cystanin. Acta Biochim Pol. 2010; 57(4): 499-503. [Impact Factor = 1.23] Priyadarshni M, Khan RH, Bano B. Physicochemical properties of thiol proteinase inhibitor isolated from goat pancreas. Biopolymers 2010; 93(8): 708-17. [Impact Factor = 2.88] Priyadarshni M, Bano B. Cystatin like thiol proteinase inhibitor from pancrease of Capra hircus: purification and detailed biochemical characterization. Amino Acids 2010; 38(4): 1001-10. [Impact Factor = 3.91] Khan TA, Husain Q, Naeem A. A novel and inexpensive procedure for the purification of concanavalin A from jack bean (canavalia ensiformis) extract. European Journal of Applied Sciences 2010; 2(2): 70-76. Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Cytochrome P450 system as a toxicity biomarker of industrial wastewater in rat tissues. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2010; 48(3): 998-1001. [Impact Factor = 3.01] Wasi, S, Tabrez, S, Ahmad M. Suitability of immobilized Pseudomonas fluorescens SM1 strain for remediation of phenols, heavy metals and pesticides from water. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 2010; 220: 89-99. [Impact Factor = 1.7] Alam ZM, Ahmad S, Malik A, Ahmad M. Mutagenicity and genotoxicity of tannery effluents used for irrigation at Kanpur, India. Ecotoxicol Aligarh Muslim University Page 586 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Environmental Safety 2010; 73(7): 1620–1628. [Impact Factor = 2.6] Siddiqui, AH. Tabrez, S. and Ahmad M. Validation of plant based bioassays for the toxicity testing of Indian waters. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2010; 179(14): 241-253. [Impact Factor = 1.6] Wasi S, Tabrez, S, Ahmad M. Isolation and characterization of a Pseudomonas fluorescens strain tolerant to major Indian water pollutants. Journal of Bioremediation and Biodegradation 2010; 1: 101. DOI:10.4172/21556199.1000101. [Impact Factor = 1.5] Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Antioxidant system in Allium cepa as the toxicity biomarkers of trichloroethylene (TCE). Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 2010, 1-12. [Impact Factor = 2.6] Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Mutagenicity of industrial waste waters collected from two different stations in northern India. Journal of Applied Toxicology 2010; 31(8): 783-789. [Impact Factor = 2.6] Hadi SM, Ullah MF, Shamim U, Bhatt SH, Azmi AS. Catalytic therapy of cancer by ascorbate involves redox cycling of endogenous / exogenous copper and generation of reactive oxygen species. Chemotherapy 2010; 56(4): 280-4. [Impact Factor = 2.11] Hadi SM, Ullah MF, Azmi AS, Ahmad A, Shamim U, Zubair H, Khan HY. Resveratrol mobilizes endogenous copper in human peripheral lymphocytes leading to oxidative DNA breakage : A putative mechanism for chemoprevention of cancer. Pharmaceutical Research 2010; 27: 979–988. [Impact Factor = 4.74] S Naqvi, MF Ullah, SM Hadi. DNA degradation by aqueous extract of Aloe vera in the presence of copper ions. Indian J Biochem Biophys 2010; 47, 161- 165. [Impact Factor = 1.03] MF Ullah, A Ahmad, H Zubair, HY Khan Z Wang, FH Sarkar, SM Hadi. Soy isoflavone genistein induces cell death in breast cancer cells through mobilization of endogenous copper ions and generation of reactive oxygen species. Mol Nutr Food Res 2010; 55: 1-7. [Impact Factor = 4.31] Hassan I, Chibber S, Naseem I. Ameliorative effect of riboflavin on the cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity under photoillumination. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2010; 48: 2052–2058. [Impact Factor = 3.01] Khan MW, Naqshbandi A, Zubair H, Ahsan H, Khan SA, Khan FH. Nitrite, a Reactive Nitrogen Species, Protects Human Alpha2Macroglobulin from Halogenated Oxidant, HOC. Protein J 2010; 29(4): 276. [Impact Factor = 1.13] Khan TA, Husain Q, Naeem A. A novel and inexpensive procedure for the purification of concanavalin A fron jack bean (Conavalia ensiformis) extract. European Journal of Applied Sciences 2010; 2(2): 70-76. Ashraf H, Husain Q. Immobilization of white radish (Raphanus sativus) peroxidase on DEAE cellulose and its crosslinking by glutaraldehyde. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 2010; 69: 613-620. [Impact Factor = 0.5] Husain Q.β Galactosidases and their potential applications: A review. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 2010; 30(1): 41-62. [Impact Factor= 6.47] Husain Q. Peroxidase mediated decolorization and remediation of wastewater containing industrial dyes: A review. Reviews in Environmental Science & Biotechnology 2010; 9(2): 117-140. [Impact Factor = 2.34] Ashraf H, Husain Q. Degradation and removal of p-bromophenol from polluted water by bitter gourd peroxidase. Desalination 2010. [Impact Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 587 of 690 Factor = 2.75] Husain Q, Karim Z, Bandey ZZ. Decolorization of textile effluent by soluble fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum L) seeds peroxidase. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 2010. [Impact Factor = 1.75] Karim Z, Husain Q. Removal of benzidine from polluted water by soluble and immobilized peroxidase in batch processes and continuous horizontal bed reactor. Environmental Technology 2010. [Impact Factor = 1.61] Karim Z, Husain Q. Removal of anthracene from polluted water by immobilized peroxidase from Momordica charantia in batch process as well as in a continuous spiralbed reactor. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 2010. [Impact Factor = 2.82] Husain Q, Karim Z, Rizvi ZA. Oxidative degradation and polymerization of methyl parathion, a pesticide by using fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum graecum L) peroxidase. Environmental Progress 2010. [Impact Factor = 0.86] Satar R, Husain Q. Degradation and decolorization of water insoluble disperse dyes by calcium alginatepectin gel entrapped concanavalin A bitter gourd peroxidase. Biodegradation 2010 [Impact Factor = 2.02] Khan AJ, Husain Q, Choudhuri G, Parmar D. Association of polymorphism in alcohol dehydrogenase and interaction with other genetic risk factors with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2010; 109(13): 190- 197. [Impact Factor = 3.95] Ansari SA, Husain, Q. Lactose hydrolysis by β galactosidase immobilized on concanavalin Acellulose in batch and continuous mode. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 2010; 63(12): 68-74. [Impact Factor = 2.82] Khan MS, Priyadarshini M, Sumbul S, Bano B. Methotrexate binding causes structural and functional changes in lung cystatin. Acta Biochimica Polonica 2010; 57(4): 499-503. [Impact Factor = 1.19] Ashraf GM, Rizvi S, Naqvi S, Suhail N, Bilal N, Hasan S, Tabish M, Banu N. Purification, characterization, structural analysis and protein chemistry of a buffalo heart galectin-1. Amino Acids 2010; 39(5): 1321-1332. [Impact Factor = 3.914] Ashraf H, Husain Q. Use of DEAE cellulose adsorbed and crosslinked white radish (Raphanus sativus) peroxidase for the removal of α-naphthol in batch and continuous process. International Biodeterioration & Biodegredation 2010; 64: 27-31. [Impact Factor = 2.442] Priyamvada S, Khan SA, Khan MW, Khan S, Farooq N, Khan F, Yusufi AN. Studies on the protective effect of dietary fish oil on uranyl-nitrate-induced nephrotoxicity and oxidative damage in rat kidney. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2010; 82(1): 35-44. [Impact Factor = 2.732] Ashraf H, Husain Q. Use of DEAE cellulose adsorbed and crosslinked white radish (Raphanus sativus) peroxidase in the removal of α-naphthol from polluted water in batch and continuous processes. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2010; 64(1): 27-31. [Impact Factor = 2.44] Rasheed N, Ahmad A, Singh N, Singh P, Mishra V, Banu N, Lohani M, Sharma S, Palit G. Differential response of A68930 and Sulpiride in stressinduced gastric ulcers in rats. Eur J Pharmacol 2010; 643(1): 121-8. [Impact Factor = 2.59] Ahmad A, Banu N, Palit G. Alterations in monoamine levels and oxidative systems in frontal cortex, striatum and hippocampus of the rat brain during chronic unpredictable stress. Stress 2010; 13(4): 355-364. [Impact Factor Aligarh Muslim University Page 588 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports = 3.25] Khan AM, Banu N, Shamim M. Molecular Characterization of Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from Keratitis Patients: A Microbiological Analysis. Br J Ophthalmol 2010; 94(8): 994-8. [Impact Factor = 2.72] Matto M, Satar R, Husain Q. Application of calcium alginate-starch entrapped bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) peroxidase in the removal of colored compounds from a textile effluent in batch as well as in continuous reactor. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2009; 158(3): 512-23. [Impact Factor = 1.94] Khan SA, Khan FH. Hydroxyl radical mediates oxidative modification of caprine alpha-2-macroglobulin. Protein and Peptide Letters 2009; 16(4): 32- 35. [Impact Factor = 1.99] Khan MS, Bano B. Mechanism of unfolding of goat lung cystatin during urea and guanidine hydrochloride induced denaturation. International journal of peptide research and therapeutics 2009; 15: 1886. [Impact Factor = 1.28] Khan MS, Bano B. Purification characterization and kinetic of thiol protease inhibitor from goat (capra hirous) lung. Biochemistry (Moscow) 2009; 74: 963-971. [Impact Factor = 1.14] Shah A, Bano B. Cystatins in health and disease. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics 2009; 15: 43-48. [Impact Factor = 1.28] Sumbul S, Bano B. Alkaline induced unfolding of high and low molecular mass goat brain cystatin and their refolding in the presence of salts. Neurochemical Journal 2009; 3: 122-132. [Impact Factor = 0.24] Khan MS, Priyadarshini M, Bano B. Preventive effect of curcumin and quercetin against nitric oxide mediated modification of goat lung cystatin. J Agric Food Chem 2009; 22: 57(14): 6055-9. [Impact Factor = 2.82] Nishtha J, Naseem I, Ahmad J. Evaluation of DNA damage and metabolic syndrome parameters in diabetic rabbits supplemented with antioxidants. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 2009; 23(2): 197-205. [Impact Factor = 1.8] Khan S, Nami, SAA, Siddiqi KS, Husain E, Naseem I. Synthesis and characterization of transition metal 2.6pyridinedicarboxylic acid derivatives, interactions of Cu (II) and Ni (II) complexes with DNA in vitro. Spectrochemica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2009; 172: 421-428. [Impact Factor = 1.5] Naeem A, Saleemuddin M, Khan RH. The compact acid induced state of Clitoria ternatea agglutinin retains its biological activity. Biochemistry (Moscow) 2009; 74(10): 1088-95. [Impact Factor = 1.14] Islam B, Khan SN, Naeem A, Sharma V, Khan AU. Novel effect of plant lectins on the inhibition of Streptococcus mutans biofilm formation on salivacoated surface. J Appl Microbiol 2009; 106(5): 1682-9. [Impact Factor = 2.19] Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Effect of waste water intake on antioxidant and marker enzymes of tissue damage in rat tissues: Implications for the use of biochemical markers. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2009; 47(10): 2465- 2478. [Impact Factor = 3.01] Tabrez S, Ahmad M. Toxicity, Biomarker, Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity of Trichloroethylene (TCE) and its metabolites: A review. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C 2009; 27 (3): 178-196. [Impact Factor = 3.2] Nazeem S, Azmi AS, Hanif S, Aamir A, Kumar SK, Hadi SM. Plumbagin induces cell death through a copper redox cycle mechanism in human cancer Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 589 of 690 cells. Mutagenesis 2009; 24(5): 413-418. [Impact Factor = 3.5] Ullah MF, Shamim U, Hanif S, Azmi AS, Hadi SM. Cellular DNA breakage by soy isoflavone genistein and its methylated structural analogue biochanin A. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 2009; 53: 1376-1385. [Impact Factor = 4.31] Ashraf H, Husain Q. Removal of α-naphthol and other phenolic compounds from polluted water by white radish (Raphanus sativus) peroxidase in the presence of an adsorbent, polyethylene glycol. Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering 2009; 14 (4): 536-542. [Impact Factor = 1.28] Satar R, Husain Q. Phenol mediated decolorization and removal of disperse dyes by bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) peroxidase. Environmental Technology 2009; 30(14): 1519 – 1527. [Impact Factor = 1.41] Satar R, Husain Q. Applications of Celite adsorbed white radish (Raphanus sativus) peroxidase in batch process and continuous reactor for the degradation of reactive dyes. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2009; 46: 96- 104. [Impact Factor = 2.98] Karim Z, Husain Q. Redoxmediated oxidation and removal of aromatic amines from synthetic water by partially purified bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) peroxidase. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2009; 63(5): 587-593. [Impact Factor = 2.44] Khan AJ, Ruwali M, Choudhuri G, Mathur N, Husain Q, Parmar D. Polymorphism in cytochrome P450 2E1 and interaction with other genetic risk factors and susceptibility to alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 2009; 664(12): 55-63. [Impact Factor = 3.9] Karim Z, Husain Q. Guaiacol mediated oxidative degradation and polymerization of bisphenol A catalyzed by bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) peroxidase. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 2009; 59: 185–189. [Impact Factor = 2.82] Matto M, Husain Q. Decolorization of textile effluent by bitter gourd peroxidase immobilized on concanavalin A layered calcium alginate starch beads. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009; 164: 1540–1546. [Impact Factor = 4.6] Matto M, Husain Q. A novel calcium alginate starch hybrid support for both surface immobilization and entrapment of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) peroxidase. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 2009; 57(14): 164-170. [Impact Factor = 2.82] Satar R, Husain Q. Adsorption of peroxidase on Celite 545 directly from ammonium sulphate fractionated white radish (Raphanus sativus) proteins. Biotechnology Journal 2009; 4: 408-416. [Impact Factor = 3.34] Khan AJ, Choudhuri G, Husain Q, Parmar D. Polymorphism in glutathione- S-transferases: A risk factors in alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2009; 101:183-190. [Impact Factor = 3.95] Matto M, Husain Q. Decolorization of direct dyes by immobilized turnip peroxidase in batch and continuous processes. Ecotoxicolgy & Environmental Safety 2009; 72: 963-971. [Impact Factor = 2.57] Haider T, Husain Q. Immobilization of β galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae via immunoaffinity support. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2009; 43: 307–314. [Impact Factor = 2.98] Haider T, Husain Q. Immobilization of β galactosidase by bioaffinity adsorption on concanavalin A layered calcium alginate starch hybrid beads for the hydrolysis of lactose from whey/milk. International Dairy Journal 2009; 19(3): 172-177. [Impact Factor = 2.8] Aligarh Muslim University Page 590 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Haider T, Husain Q. Hydrolysis of milk/whey lactose by β galactosidase: A comparative study of stirred batch process and packed bed reactor prepared with calcium alginate entrapped enzyme. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 2009; 48: 575-580. [Impact Factor = 2.19] Zafir A, Ara A, Banu N. In vivo antioxidant status: a putative target of antidepressants. Progress in NeuroPsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2009; 33: 220-228. [Impact Factor = 3.55] Hakim S, Bano S, Arshad Z, Banu N, Parveen S. Study of imbalance between the levels of free radicals and free radical metabolizing enzymes in High Risk Pregnancy: Ind. Medical Gazette 2009; CXLIII, No. 6: 226-229. Zafir A, Banu N. Induction of oxidative stress by restraint stress and corticosterone treatments in rats. Ind J Biochem Biophys 2009; 46: 53-58. [Impact Factor = 1.03] Khan SA, Priyamvada S, Khan W, Khan S, Farooq N, Yusufi AN. Studies on the protective effect of green tea against cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity. Pharmacol Res 2009; 60(5): 382-391. [Impact Factor= 4.35] Khan SA, Priyamvada S, Farooq N, Khan S, Khan MW, Yusufi AN. Protective effect of green tea extract on gentamicininduced nephrotoxicity and oxidative damage in rat kidney. Pharmacol Res 2009; 59(4): 254-262. [Impact Factor = 4.35] Khan S, Priyamvada S, Khan SA, Khan W, Farooq N, Khan F, Yusufi AN. Effect of trichloroethylene (TCE) toxicity on the enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism, brush border membrane and oxidative stress in kidney and other rat tissues. Food Chem Toxicol 2009; 47(7): 1562-1568. [Impact Factor = 3.01] Ashraf H, Husain Q. Removal of α-naphthol and Other Phenolic Compounds from Polluted Water by White Radish (Raphanus sativus) Peroxidase in the Presence of an Additive, Polyethylene Glycol. Biotechnology & Bioprocess Engineering 2009; 14: 536-542. [Impact Factor = 1.277] Satar R, Husain Q. Use of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) peroxidase together with redox mediators to decolorize disperse dyes. Biotechnology & Bioprocess Engineering 2009; 14: 213-219. [Impact Factor = 1.277] Chapters in Books: Ullah MF, Khan HY, Zubair H, Hadi SM. Isoflavone in chemoprevention of cancer. In Frank Columbus (ed) Isoflavones; biosynthesis, metabolism and health effects, Nova Science, New York, 2010, p 271-284. Ullah MF, Shamim U, Hanif S, Azmi AS, Bhat S, Hadi SM. A prooxidant mechanism of red wine polyphenols in chemoprevention of cancer In Paul O’Byrne (ed) Red Wine and Health research, Nova Science, New York, 2009, p373-388. Zubair H, Ullah MF, Khan HY, Sarkar FH, Ahmad A, Hadi SM. Soy isoflavone genistein in cancer chemoprevention: Role of endogenous copper and involvement of reactive oxygen species. In Soy: Nutrition, Consumption and Health, Nova Science, New York, 2013, p333-344. MF Ullah, SH Bhat, E Hussain, F Abu-Duhier, HY Khan, M Aatif, A Ahmad, SM Hadi. Dietary phenolics as cancer chemopreventive nutraceuticals: a promising paradigm. In Atta-ur-Rahman / M. Iqbal Choudhary (Eds.): Frontiers in Anti-cancer Drug Discovery, Bentham Science Publishers, 2013, 2, p32-92. Husain, Q. A chapter “Chemistry and Biochemistry of vegetable flavour” in the book “Handbook of Vegetable Flavours: Commodities, Products, Spices and Edible Oils” published by John Wiley, New York 2010. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 591 of 690 Husain, Q. & Husain, M. A chapter “Peroxidases as a potential tool for the decolorization and removal of synthetic dyes from polluted water” in the book “Environmental Protection Strategies for Sustainable Development” published by Springer, Berlin, 2012, p453-498. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007- 1591-2_15. Satar, R., Jerah, A.A.B., & Husain, Q. A chapter “Role of redox mediators in enhancing the decolorization and remediation of textile dyes by enzymes”. in the book entitled, “Textiles: Types, Uses and Production Methods” published by Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2011. Tabish M, Azim S, Hussain MA, Rehman SU, Sarwar T, Ishqi HM. Bioinformatics approaches in studying microbial diversity. In A. Malik et al. (Eds.) Management of Microbial Resources in the Environment, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013, Netherlands. p119-140. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5931-2_6. Masood F, Anjum R, Ahmad M, Malik A. Methods for genotoxicity testing of environmental pollutants. In A Malik & E Grohman (Eds.) Environmental Protection Strategies for Sustainable Development, published by Springer 2012, p229-260. Ahmad M, Ahmad I. Recent advances in the field of bioremediation. In M Ahmad (Ed.) Biodegradation and Bioremediation, published by Studium press LLC, USA 2014, p1-42. Ahmad M, Ahmad I. Bioremediation of pesticides. In M Ahmad (Ed.) Biodegradation and Bioremediation, published by Studium press LLC, USA 2014, p125-166. Khan FH. Antibodies and their applications. In Verma and Singh (Eds.) Animal biotechnology, published by Elsevier 2013 (in press). Books with ISBN with details of publishers: The Elements of Immunology. Author: Fahim Halim Khan. ISBN 978-81- 317-1158-3. Publisher: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. An alternative approach for treatment of cancer: A preliminary study: Interaction of anticancer drugs with divalent metal Cu (II); An in vitro study. Authors: Sandesh Chibber & Imrana Naseem. ISBN-10: 3659111295. Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Citations and h-index: Name of Faculty Citations h-index Prof. S. M. Hadi 3353 32 Prof. Masood Ahmad 949 18 Prof. Bilqees Bano 177 6 Prof. Naheed Banu 205 8 Prof. Qayyum Husain 2045 26 Prof. Imrana Naseem 171 9 Prof. Riaz Mahmood 407 13 Dr. M. Tabish 279 9 Dr. F. H, Khan 24 3 Dr. Farah Khan 225 10 Dr. Aabgeena Naeem 313 10 Total 8148 144 Average 741 13 SNIP and SJR (2012): Journal SNIP SJR Acta Biochim Pol. 0.66 0.39 Amino Acids 1.052 0.648 Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 0.881 0.665 Aligarh Muslim University Page 592 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 0.962 0.742 Arch Biochem Biophys 1.096 1.102 Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1.100 1.131 Acta Biochimica Polonica 0.580 0.411 Archives of Virology 0.910 0.755 Biochemical Engineering Journal 1.317 1.057 Biochemical Engineering Journal 1.317 1.057 Biodegradation 1.078 0.911 Biological Trace Element Research 0.959 0.41 Biometals 1.034 0.639 Biopolymers 0.894 0.995 Biotechnology Advances 4.534 2.649 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 0.641 0.467 Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering 0.641 0.467 Biotechnology Journal 0.7 0.646 Brain Res Bull 0.901 0.933 Brit J Ophthalmol 1.433 1.581 Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 0.719 0.559 Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1.033 0.867 Cell Biochem Biophys 1.146 1.543 Cell Biology International 0.648 0.503 Cell Cycle 0.88 2.208 Cell Death & Disease 1.139 -- Cell Mol Neurobiol 0.682 0.743 Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 1.457 0.831 Chemosphere 1.479 1.674 Chemosphere 1.479 1.674 Chemotherapy 0.861 0.584 Chest 3.089 2.328 Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics 0.518 0.507 Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 2.09 1.319 Critical Reviews in Environmental Science & Technology 1.99 1.883 Curr Pharm Des 1.106 1.123 Current Drug Targets 0.971 1.162 Desalination 1.228 0.936 Diabetes &Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 0.318 0.206 Drug and Alcohol Dependence 1.501 1.581 Ecotoxicol Environmental Safety 0.123 0.109 Ecotoxicolgy & Environmental Safety 1.178 0.986 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 0.876 0.819 Environmental Technology 0.665 0.533 Environmental Technology 0.665 0.533 Environmental Toxicology 0.803 0.663 Eur J Pharmaceutical Sciences 1.383 1.044 Eur J Pharmacol 1.053 0.866 European Biophysics Journal 0.773 0.843 Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 1.035 0.578 FEBS J 0.877 1.449 Food and Bioproduct Processing 1.011 0.565 Food and Chemical Toxicology 1.534 0.981 Food Chemistry 2.324 1.68 Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 0.915 0.551 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 593 of 690 Gene 0.772 0.928 Human and Experimental Toxicology 0.805 0.380 Indian J Biochem Biophy 0.603 0.3 Int J Biol Macromol 1.175 0.585 Int J Hygiene Environ Health 1.27 1.013 Int. J. Pep. Res. Ther 0.619 0.291 International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 1.327 0.805 International Dairy Journal 1.416 1.113 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 1.301 0.699 Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 0.375 0.177 J Appl Biol Sci 0.189 0.115 J Appl Microbiol. 1.168 0.864 J Cell Physiol 1.031 1.574 J Clin Pharm Ther 0.934 0.5 J Photochem Photobiol B 1.217 0.549 J.Agric Food Chem 1.398 1.212 Journal of Applied Toxicology 0.885 0.69 Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part C Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews 1.334 1.45 Journal of Fluorescence 0.928 0.557 Journal of Hazardous Materials 2.049 1.656 Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 1.118 0.892 Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 0.593 0.266 Mol Biol Rep 0.996 0.569 Mol Nutr Food Res 1.462 1.277 Mutagenesis 1.415 0.904 Mutation Research 0.372 Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 1.034 1.209 Nanotechnology 1.33 1.567 Neurochem Res 0.752 0.769 Neurochemical Journal 0.04 0.109 Pharmaceutical Research 1.48 1.379 Pharmacol Res 1.349 1.206 Phytomedicine 1.79 1.064 PLoS ONE 1.063 1.512 Polish Journal of Chemical Technology 0.32 0.155 Progress in NeuroPsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 0.983 1.079 Protein J 0.526 0.342 Protein Pept Lett 0.479 0.467 Reviews in Environmental Science & Biotechnology 1.752 1.005 Spectrochemica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 1.142 0.538 Stress 0.875 0.796 The Open Respiratory Medicine Journal 0.523 0.323 Toxicology and Industrial Health 1.089 0.792 Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 0.245 0.197 Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 0.245 0.197 Toxicology and Industrial Health 0.753 0.366 Tumor Biology 0.81 0.723 Vet Parasitol 1.358 1.069 Water Air and Soil Pollution 0.914 0.711 Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 0.384 0.315 Water Science Technology 0.627 0.531 Aligarh Muslim University Page 594 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 23 Details of patents and income generated: None 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated None 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad: Dr. Aabgeena Naeem has been awarded the DBT- Crest Award. She is currently visiting the laboratory of Prof. Witold K. Surewiez, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. 26 Faculty serving in National committees International committees Editorial Boards any other (please specify) Prof. Masood Ahmad is serving in the following capacities: Serving as nominated member of the Editorial Board of “The Open Environment Engineering Journal” published by Bentham Science Publishers, USA/Europe Nominated Member of the Advisory Board and Editorial Board of the Urdu Journal “Aayaat” published by the Centre of Studies on Science, Aligarh, India (Since beginning) Guest editor of volume 11 of the Multi volume Biotechnology set of stadium Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. International Journal of Foundation Studies, Aligarh. Editorial Board member of BioMed Research International (Toxicology), Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Prof. Qayyum Husain has served in the following boards and committees: Honorary Membership of the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) U.K. 2006- 2007. Honorary membership of the American Chemical Society (ACS), U.S.A. from 2007- to date). Member of Board of Biological Sciences, Kashmir University, Srinagar, J & K, 2009-to date Member of Board of Studies Department of Biosciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, since 2008-2011. Member of Society of Microbiology, India, since 2000-2002. Member of Society of Biological Chemists, India, since 1983-2000. Member of Society of Developmental Biologists, India in 1994. Member of Board of Studies Department of Biochemistry, RML Abadh University, Faizabad, July 2003-2006. Member of Internal Review Committee Medical Research Centre, Jazan University, Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from Dec. 2012-till date. Member of Research Committee College of Applied Medical Sciences, Jazan University, Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from Dec. 2012-till date. Head of research committee, Department of Medical Lab Technology, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Jazan University, Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from Sep. 2013-till date. Dr. Mohammad Tabish is serving in the following capacities: Associate Editor of international journal “Bioinformation”, since 2006. Life Member, Indian Science Congress, India, since 2009. Life Member, Society of Biological Chemists, India, since 2009. 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Dr. Fahim Halim Khan attended the following UGC, ASC Programs: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 595 of 690 Refresher / orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs): UGC sponsored subject refresher course in Human Rights from 19 th September, 2013 to 10 th October, 2013. Special winter School Program – 2013 (Equivalent to Orientation Program/Subject Refresher Course) from 03 rd December 2013 to 23 rd December, 2013 Dr. Farah Khan attended the following UGC, ASC Programs: UGC sponsored subject refresher course in Human Rights from 19 th September, 2013 to 10 th October, 2013. Special winter School Program – 2013 (Equivalent to Orientation Program/Subject Refresher Course) from 03 rd December 2013 to 23 rd December, 2013 28 Student projects : percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects: 100% (M.Sc. Minor Research Project; 18 students each year) percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/industry/ institute : None 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty: None Doctoral / post doctoral fellows: Best Oral Presentation Award to Mr. Mir Kaiser Ahmad at 3 rd Annual meeting of Indian Academy of Biomedical Sciences & Symposium on Modern Trends in Human Diseases, Dec 14-15, 2013. Department of Biochemistry J.N.M.C., Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. MK Ahmad, R Mahmood. Poster Award to Ms. Zeba Farooqi at International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine. Dec 9-11, 2013. Hyderabad. Poster Award to Mr. Tariq Sarwar at International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine. Dec 9-11, 2013. Hyderabad. Ms. Shafquat Azim was awarded Travel Award in the conference on Experimental Biology April 8- 14, 2011, Washington DC, USA. Travel Award granted by Groupe Polyphenols to Mr. Husain Yar Khan for delivering an ‘Oral presentation’ at the XXV th International Conference on Polyphenols held at Montpellier, France from 24-27 August 2010. Poster Award to Mr. Husain Yar Khan at “Biosparks 2010” organized by School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in March 2010. Travel Award to Mr. Husain Yar Khan at Aligarh Muslim University Page 596 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports International Conference on “Advances in Free Radicals Research, Natural Products, Antioxidants and Radioprotectors in Health”, organized by Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, India & Ohio State University, USA from Jan 11-13, 2010. Students: 5 students of the department have visited University of Wisconsin, USA under the Khorana Fellowship during the last 5 years. 30 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Name of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposia/ Workshop, etc. Name of the Sponsoring Agency (if known) Place and Date Silver Jubilee Symposium UGC-DRS II Programme Department of Biochemistry, A.M.U, Aligarh, 6 th March 2012 National Symposium UGC-DRS II Programme Department of Biochemistry, A.M.U, Aligarh, 22 nd Feb 2011 National Symposium UGC-DRS II Programme Department of Biochemistry, A.M.U, Aligarh, 3 rd March, 2010 International SFRR Satellite Symposium UGC-DRS II Programme Department of Biochemistry, A.M.U, Aligarh, 17-18 th March, 2009 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: The Ethical Committee first examines the research protocols and then approves the use of animals for research work in the Department. 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Applications received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female M.Sc. 2011-12 111 09 10 100% M.Sc. 2012-13 141 10 08 100% Ph.D. 2011-12 142 09 05 100% Ph.D. 2012-13 52 02 05 100% 33 Diversity of students: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same univ. % of students from other univ. within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries M.Sc. 50 % 20% 27.3% 2.7% Ph.D. 60% 10% 30% --- 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defense Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. JRF-NET(CSIR) 2009-2013 1. Srikanta Basu (2009) 2. Husain Yar Khan (2009) 3. Zaigham Abbas Rizvi (2009) 4. Abdul Rouf Banday (2009) 5. Sayeedur Rehman Abul Kalam (2010) 6. Sheeraz Ahmad Bhat (2010) 7. Farheen Aisha Ansari (2011) 8. Sidra Islam (2012) 9. Hasan Mubrak Ishqi (2012) JRF-NET (UGC) 2009-2013 1. Farhat Jahan (2010) 2. Samreen Amani (2009) 3. Taran Khanam (2009) 4. Afreen Haider (2009) Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 597 of 690 5. Amra Suhail (2012) 6. Alok Bhargav(2012) 7. Misha Ali (2012)Sara Iqbal (2012) 8. Asim Rizvi (2011)Haseeb Zubair (2010) 9. Aamir Suhail (2010)Azan Alam Siddiqui (2010) GATE 2009-2013 1. Zaigham Abbas Rizvi (2009) 2. Sana Rizwan (2009)Srikanta Basu (2009) 3. Zeeshan Zahoor Band(2009) 4. Taran Khanam(2009)Afshin Iram (2009) 5. Mohd Furkan (2011) 6. Waseem Feeroze Bhat (2011) 35 Student progression: (approximate yearly average) Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 80%(in this university & elsewhere) PG to M.Phil. 10%(in this department) PG to Ph.D. 50%(in this department& elsewhere) Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral 20%(outside the country) Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment donot know Entrepreneurs NA 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates M.Sc. Ph.D. of the same university 90% 70% from other universities within the State 10% 10% from universities from other States --- --- from universities outside the country --- 20% 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period: None 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to (i) Library: The Department shares the Seminar Library with the Department of Chemistry (ii) Internet facilities for staff and students: 100% (iii) Total number of class rooms: 04 (iv) Class rooms with ICT facility: None (v) Students’ laboratories: 01undergraduate and 01postgraduate (vi) Research laboratories: 07 In the Seminar Library, various books on Biochemistry and other related disciplines are available for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Moreover, some research journals such as BBA, Biochemical Journal, etc are also insubscription and are made available to research scholars. Further, internet facility is provided to all the staff members as well as PhD and MSc students of the department. In fact, there is one computer lab each for both PhD and MSc students so that they can access internet easily. Besides, the Aligarh Muslim University Page 598 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports department is also wi-fi. In the department, we have two big lecture theatres of a capacity of 200 and 100 persons, respectively. Apart from them, there are two class rooms of a capacity of 50 persons each.The ‘100 capacity’ lecture theatre is proposed to be equipped with ICT facility. We have two separate laboratories for undergraduate and postgraduate students, in addition to the seven laboratories for research scholars. 39 List of doctoral, post- doctoral students and Research Associates (i) from the host institution/university: S.No. Name of Student Supervisor 1 Mir Faisal Mustafa Prof. Bilqees Bano 2 Afshin Iram Dr. Aabgeena Naeem 3 Dilnasheen Meerza Prof. Imrana Naseem 4 Samreen Amani Dr. Aabgeena Naeem 5 Maria Salman Prof. Imrana Naseem 6 Sana Rizwan Dr. Farah Khan 7 Tarique Sarwar Dr. Aabgeena Naeem 8 Ahmad Abdur Rehman Dr. Fahim Halim Khan 9 Naveed Ahmad Fazili Dr. Aabgeena Naeem 10 Azad Alam Siddiqui Prof. Bilqees Bano 11 Sayeedur R.A.Kalam Dr. Mohd Tabish 12 Mohd.Aamir Husain Dr. Mohd Tabish 13 Saikh Nisar Ali Prof. Riaz Mahmood 14 Aamir Sohail Prof. Bilqees Bano 15 Sheeeraz Ahmad Bhat Prof. Bilqees Bano 16 Asim Rizivi Prof. Imrana Naseem 17 Fariheen Aisha Ansari Prof. Riaz Mahmood 18 Mohd Farhan Prof. S.M. Hadi 19 Hassan Mubrak Ishqi Dr. Mohd Tabish 20 Md. Maroof Alam Prof. Imrana Naseem 21 Mohd Furkan Dr. Aabgeena Naeem 22 Peerzada Shaheen Khaki Prof. Bilqees Bano 23 Husain Arif Prof. S.M. Hadi 24 Misha Ali Prof. Masood Ahmad 25 Zeba Farooqui Dr. Farah Khan 26 Maryam Khan Prof. Masood Ahmad 27 Nida Rehmani Prof. S.M. Hadi 28 Waseem Feroz Bhat Prof. Bilqees Bano 29 Mohd Irshad Ahamd Prof. Masood Ahmad 30 Sarah Iqbal Prof. Imrana Naseem 31 Shumail Khan Prof. Bilqees Bano 32 Neha Qasim Prof. Riaz Mahmood 33 Asimah Khalid Prof. Masood Ahmad 34 Nazim Husain Prof. Riaz Mahmood 35 Faiza Shahid Dr. Farah Khan 36 Aijaz Ahmad Prof. Masood Ahmad Research Associate: Mohammad Aatif (ICMR-funded project) (ii) from other institutions/universities: --- 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial 06 (University Merit Scholarship to M.Sc. students) Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 599 of 690 assistance from the university: 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. Yes. The curriculum assessment, modification and upgradation exercise is undertaken based on the need (such as for JRF/NET) through the Board of Studies (BOS) of the Department and after the completion of the exercise the curriculum is passed by the BOS after much deliberation and then through the Faculty and finally through the Academic Council of the University before its implementation 42 Does the department obtain feedback from (i) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning- evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, all the faculties give their feedback and suggestions regarding teaching and research activities. The Department utilize this information for improving the teaching and research methodologies and infrastructure. (ii) students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning- evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? An informal feedback is obtained from the students during teacher-student interactive meetings. (iii) alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Alumni are invited to deliver lectures on curriculum and research related topics and their suggestions are incorporated while revising/ improving the syllabi. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10): 1. Dr. Ahmad Waseem, UK 2. Prof. Fazlur Rehman Khan, USA 3. Prof. Ateeq Ahmad, USA 4. Prof. Tahir Husain, USA 5. Dr. Nawab Ali , USA 6. Prof. Fazlur H. Sarkar, USA 7. Prof. Shakeel Ansari, USA 8. Prof. Mashkoor Choudhry, USA 9. Prof. Ross M. Shayar, USA 10. Prof. Sibgatullah, Canada 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/semin ar) involving external experts. Students participate in special lecture/workshop/ seminar organized by the Department and by other Departments of our Faculty as well as outside the University. Occasionally, students also go abroad for such activities. 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes: 1. ‘Lecture’ method of teaching is supplemented by use of audio visuals. 2. Special tutorial classes are arranged for discussion with the students on different topics of their syllabi. This aims at doubt clearing and concept building. 3. Teachers also engage in discussions with postgraduate and PhD students regarding their research project work. Aligarh Muslim University Page 600 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 4. Study notes and hand-outs are given to the students as when required. 5. Students are made to learn bioinformatics using internet based computer programs. 6. Laboratory exercises based on the syllabus are conducted for better understanding of the subject. 47 Students are encouraged and guided to do write-ups on ‘beyond the syllabus’ scientific topics to improve their writing skills. -- 48 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Yes. The programme objectives and learning outcomes are constantly monitored through regular meetings and discussions with the teachers. 49 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. The Department has organized a number of seminars/workshops in the last five years under UGC- DRS-II Programme. Besides this the teachers and students have been regularly participating in the conferences/seminars and training programmes in other universities. Further, the department ispublishing research papers on a regular basis in high impact journals. In addition, they also are visiting outside institutions and labs for various academic activities. Research scholars and teachers are presenting their papers and posters in various conferencesorganized within the university and outside as well. 50 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Organization of seminars and workshops; participation in various seminars, workshops, training programmes, guest lectures, etc; research publication; guiding study projects. 51 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details: No 52 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied: The contribution of our Department in generating new knowledge is reflected in the reasonably good quality of research that we have published over the years in reputed international journals. 53 Detail five majorStrengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department: Strengths: 1. The Department of Biochemistry offers both undergraduate (B.Sc.) and graduate (M.Sc.) degree programs relevant to the core of the basic biochemistry, biotechnology and biomedical science. 2. We have an enthusiastic Chair and Faculty with fairly diverse research interests, which the students Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 601 of 690 are encouraged to explore. 3. The Department with its competent faculty produces highly sought after undergraduate and graduate students. The faculty is engaged in doing research, relevant to international scientific issues, which is reflected in the research publications in peer reviewed international journals. 4. Students graduated from our department have gone on to pursue prestigious doctoral, postdoctoral or other research programs abroad and within the country. 5. The student friendly environment of the department and the availability of the teachers where student can interact with them at any time without any inhibitions. Weaknesses: 1. Frequent power failure is very disturbing for the researchers as well as for the undergraduate and graduate students to continue work in the laboratory. Even the generator back-up would not have been working all the time. 2. To do quality work we do not have the supportive infrastructure and instrumentation. 3. Red tapism consumes a lot of productive time and affects the work/research efficiency. 4. Shortage of supporting staff to manage animal house facility. 5. Absence of an independent/exclusive seminar library for the Department, fairly limits the library usage by undergraduate students. Opportunities: 1. Updating subject knowledge. 2. Greater use of technology. 3. Developing research competency through various training programmes. 4. Fostering research collaborations with scientists working at institutions of advanced learning, both within the country and abroad. Challenges: 1. To increase the research output of the Department in terms of a greater number of high impact research publications in journals of repute. 2. To put greater emphasis on specialized disciplines such as neuroscience and cancer biology. 3. To organize meetings that may provide a platform for interaction between the international/national scientists and the research scholars on a more regular basis. This will immensely help students in their career development and shall be beneficial to the institution and the community at large. 54 Future plans of the department. • Upgrading laboratory to facilitate research activities. • Procurement of new instrument and equipment. Aligarh Muslim University Page 602 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports • Entering into collaboration with industries and research institutes to start short term research projects. Industrial visits to various companies. • Conducting national level seminars or conferences. • Invite eminent scientists and industry experts for guest lectures. • Consultancy service for students interested in carrying out short term research projects from other departments and Universities. • Conducting technical workshop in collaboration with industry or training institutes to provide better technical skills to students. Declaration by the Head of the Institution: I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- Chairman Signature of the Head of the institution With seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 603 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Botany 2 Year of establishment 1923 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Part of a Faculty 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.): (UG, PG, M.Phil, Ph.D. & D.Sc.) 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved: DBT (Builder), DST-PURSE 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. NIL 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons: PG Diploma in Biological Lab Technique because of unavailability of students 8 Examination System: Annual/Semester System 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: To teach Botany at B.Sc. (Hons.) level to the students admitted in Chemistry, Zoology and Biochemistry (mains) 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors/others) Sanct- ioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 04 03 08 Associate Professors 10 07 10 Asst. Professors 16 03+08 03 Others 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualif- ication Design- ation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of M.Phil./ Ph.D. students guided for the last 5 years Prof. Aqil Ahmad M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Professor Plant Physiology 37 Nil Prof. Arif Inam M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Professor Plant Physiology 36 02 + 04 = 06 Prof. Mohammad Anis M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Professor Plant Biotech. & Cytogentics 30 01 + 04 = 05 Prof. Firoz Mohammad M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot.) D.Sc. Prof & Chairman Plant Physiology 28 01+ 01 = 02 Prof. M. Yunus Khalil Ansari M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Professor Cytogenetics & Plant Breeding 28 01 + 03 = 04 Aligarh Muslim University Page 604 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Prof. Nafees Ahmad Khan M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot.) D.Sc. Professor Plant Physiology/ Environ. Botany 24 00 + 03 = 03 Prof. Irshad Mahmood M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Professor Plant Pathology 25 02 + 03 = 05 Prof. Mansoor A. Siddiqui M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot.) D.Sc. Professor Plant Pathology 23 02 + 01 = 03 Dr. .M. B. Siddiqui M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Associate Professor Taxonomy Economic Botany 21 02 + 03 = 05 Dr. Abrar Ahmad Khan M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Associate Professor Plant Pathology 20 00 + 01 = 01 Dr. Hisamuddin M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Associate Professor Plant Pathology 20 00 + 02 = 02 Dr. M. Masroor A. Khan M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Associate Professor Plant Physiology 20 00 + 04 = 04 Dr. Samiullah Khan M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Associate Professor Plant Breeding and Genet. Embryology 20 01 + 02 = 03 Dr. Fareed Ahmad. Khan M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Associate Professor Ecology & Anatomy 18 00 + 02 = 02 Dr. Zaki Anwar Siddiqui M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Associate Professor Plant Pathology 18 00 + 01 = 01 Dr. Tabreiz Ahmad Khan M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Associate Professor Plant Nematology 18 02 + 01 = 03 Dr. Athar Ali. Khan M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Associate Professor Plant Taxonomy, Ecology 17 01 + 02 = 03 Dr. Shamsul Hayat M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Associate Professor Plant Physiology 08 00 + 03 = 03 Dr. Qazi Fariduddin M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Assistant Professor Plant Physiology 08 02 + 01 = 03 Dr. Anwar Shahzad M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Assistant Professor Biotechnology Tissue Culture 08 00 + 03 = 03 Dr. (Mrs.) Shahla Faizan M.Sc., Ph.D. (Bot) Assistant Professor Environmental Botany 08 01 + 00 = 01 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors Nil 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information Nil 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio 1:30 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Sanctioned Filled Actual Vacated S.T.A (Four) 03 03 01 T.A. (Five) 03 03 02 Supervisor (one) 01 01 00 Driver (one) 00 00 01 SLA (Six) 02 02 04 JLA (Five) 05 05 00 Lab. Attendant (Nine) 09 09 00 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 605 of 690 Semi Professional (one) 01 01 00 P.A/Steno 00 00 01 UDC Account (one) 00 00 01 UDC General (one) 00 00 01 Library Attendant (one) 01 01 00 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies 1. Plant Pathology 2. Advanced Plant Physiology 3. Genetics Cytogenetics & Plant Breeding 4. Environmental Botany/ Ecology 5. Plant Biotechnology / Tissue Culture 6. Plant Taxonomy/ Allelopathy 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Name & Designation Principal Investigator Title of project Funding Agency Duration & Date (year) Total fund Sanctioned Prof. M. Anis “Assessment of genetic diversity and molecular characterization in Pterocarpus species”. DBT, New Delhi 03 Years (2012-2015) Rs. 24.00 lacs Prof. M. Anis “Studies on in vitro clonal propagation of Mucuna pruriens and evaluation of genetic fidelity”. UGC 03 Years (2012-2015) Rs. 10.00 lacs Prof. Nafees A. Khan Modulation of serine acetyl transferase ethylene sensitivity UGC 03 Years (2011-2014) Rs. 10.00 Lac. Dr. M. Masroor A. Khan (Assoc. Prof.) Making Teaching of Plant Science More Clear, Interesting, Innovative, Thought-provoking and Useful through Developing Modern Teaching Tools. UGC 03 Years (2011-2013) Rs.11.61 Lacs Dr. M. Masroor A. Khan Development of formulation employing radiation processed polysaccharides for enhanced essential oil production, conducting field experiments on lemongrass and mint BRNS 03 Years (2013-2016) Rs.33.80 Lacs Dr. Qazi Farid uddin (Asst. Professor) “Sensitivity of polyamines in amelioration of salt stress in Lycopersicon esculentum in the presence and/or absence of brassinosteroids” UGC 03 Years (2011-2014) Rs. 08.81 Lac. Dr. Qazi Fariduddin (Asst. Professor) Protection of brassinosteroid” CST-UP 03 years (2011-2014) Rs 6.96 Lac. Dr. Anwar Shahzad (Asst. Professor) Studies on the refinement of micropropagated plants UGC 03 Years (2011- 14) Rs 10.01 Lacs. Aligarh Muslim University Page 606 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Dr. Anwar Shahzad Refinement of protocol for scaling up of Albizzia lebbeck and evaluation regenerant UP-CST 03 Years (2011- 13) Rs 04.34 Lacs. Dr. SQA Naqvi (Retired Prof.) Development Sonifera UGC 03 years (2012-2015) Rs. 4.32 Lacs. Dr. Moinuddin (WC) (Assoc Prof) Enhancing the production Jasmonate (MJ) UGC 03 years (2012-2015) Rs. 11.41 Lacs. Total Grant Received (A) Rs. 135.26 Lacs Number of Post Doctoral fellows with projects Under DST-SERC/SERB Programmes for young Scientists during the period of 2009-2013 Dr. Naseem Ahmad (Young Scientist) Assessment of genetic diversity and chemo-profiling in Vitex species groing in different geographical regions of India SERC Fast Track, New Delhi 03 years (2009- 2012) Rs. 19.88 Lacs Dr. Mu. Naeem (Young Scientist) Use of radiolytically degraded polysaccharides and potent PGRs in the regulation of tryptophan decarboxylase for production of anticancer alkaloids and physiological Ac UP-CST 03 years (2011- 2014) Rs. 12.0 Lacs Dr. Naseem Ahmad (Young Scientist) Development of Tcenlogies for fast multiplication, genetic stability, qualitative and quantitative phyto-constituents in regenerants of Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde UP-CST 03 years (2012- 2015) Rs. 13.0 Lacs Dr. Moin A. Khan (Young Scientist) “Wood: a new crop in the new millennium” DST Fast track 03 Years (2012- 2015) Rs.23.00 Lacs. Dr. Merajul Islam Robab (Young Scientist) Morphological and molecular characterization of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne Spp) of agriculturally important crops of uttar pradesh SERB DST New Delhi 03 Years (2012- 2015) Rs.25.00 Lacs. Dr. M. U. Naeem (Young Scientist) Biochemical and molecular characterization of candidate proteins associated with enhanced arsenic tolerance and artemisinin (antimalarial drug) production in artemisia annua varieties SERB DST New Delhi 03 years (2013- 16) Rs. 25.00- Lacs Dr. Ankita Varshney (Young Scientist) Assessment of genetic diversity of Pterocarpus species in India using molecular markers SERB DST New Delhi 03 years (2013- 16) Rs.23.35/- Lacs Dr. Mohd Idrees (Young Scientist) Role of depolymerised polysaccharides in the regulation of tryptophan decarboxylase enzyme for indole alkaloids production in Catharanthus roseus L. SERB DST New Delhi 03 Years (2013- 16) Rs.19.00/- Lacs Dr. Mohammad Modulation of proline metabolism SERB 03 years Rs. 20.40/- Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 607 of 690 Yusuf (Young Scientist) and antioxidant systems by brassinosteroids: prospects for enhancing tolerance against combination of aluminium and salt stress in wheat DST New Delhi (2013- 2016) Lacs Dr. Shiwali Sharma (Young Scientist) Enhancement of a root specific flavour compound, 2-hydroxy- 4-methoxy benzaldehyde via elicitation in Decalepis hamiltonii Wight and Arn., an endemic woody climber SERB DST New Delhi 03 years (2013- 2016) Rs. 24.70/- Lacs Dr. Sana Chaudhary (Young Scientist) Modulation of physio- biochemical and molecular changes associated with high temperature stress and their amelioration by exogenous application of salicylic acid and/or H2O2 in fenugreek: prospects to confer thermotolerance SERB DST New Delhi 03 years (2013- 2016) Rs. 20.00/- Lacs Dr. Shahina Parveen (Young Scientist) Assessment of intraspecific genetic diversity through molecular markers, sennosides estimation and in vitro propagation of C. angustifolia Vahl SERB DST New Delhi 03 Years (2014- 2017) Rs. 24.10/- Lacs Total Grant Received Rs. 249.43/- Lacs 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration: International collaboration: Prof. M. Anis and Dr. M. Massroor A Khan with KSU, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Dr. Zaki A. Siddiqui with Kyoto University, Japan 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. Name & Designation Principal Investigator Title of project Funding Agency Duration and Date (year) Total fund Sanctioned Department of Botany “Advanced Diploma (Post. M.Sc.) Course in Plant Tissue Culture and Micropropagation” DBT 05 years (2009-2014) Rs.68.00 lacs. Department of Botany UGC–SAP (DRS-I) Programme UGC 05 years (2009-2014) Rs. 80.00 lacs Department of Botany DST-FIST Programme- 2011 (II) DST 05 years (2011-2016) Rs. 70.00 lacs Department of Botany Development of Lead Garden Ministry of Environment and Forests 03 years (2012-2014) Rs.39.20 Lacs Department of Botany UGC-PURSE DST 2009-2013 Rs. 9.71 Lacs Department of Botany DBT-BUILDER programme DBT 2011-2015 Rs.900.00 lacs 20 Research facility / centre with State recognition: NIL Aligarh Muslim University Page 608 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports National recognition : NIL International recognition: NIL 21. Special research laboratories sponsored by/created by industry or corporate bodies NIL 22 Publications: Last Five Years Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) 478 Monographs: 05 Dr. MB Siddiqui (Associate Prof.) Choudhary, N., Siddiqui, M.B. and Shazia (2011) Care your eyes naturally Science Reporter. Vol.48 (9) 56-57. Shazia and Siddiqui, M. B., (2011). Manicure and pedicure. Science Reporter. Vol.48 (3) 32-35. Shazia and Siddiqui, M. B., (2010). Spilanthus acmella Murr. A miracle plant Science Reporter. Vol.47 (12)16-17. Sisodia, S. and Siddiqui M. B. (2010). Bio-diesel; an alternative non- conventional energy source. VEGETOS 23(2)2010. Shazia and Siddiqui, M. B. (2009). Caesar weed: an enigmatic plant. Science reporter Vol.46 (12) 54-55 Chapters in Books : 74 Prof Aquil Ahmad Yusuf, M., Hayat, S., Alyemeni, M.N., Fariduddin, Q. and Ahmad, A. (2013) Salicylic acid: Physiological roles in plants. In Salicylic Acid: Plant Growth and Development.(Eds. Hayat, S., Ahmad, A. and Alyemeni, M.N.). Springer, The Netherlands. Irfan, M., Hayat, S., Wani, A.S. and Ahmad, A. (2012) Overlapping horizons of salicylic acid under different stresses. In Crop Improvement Under Adverse Conditions (Eds. Tuteja, N. and Gill, S.S.), Springer Science + Business Media, New York. Yusuf, M., Hayat, S., Faiduddin, Q. and Ahmad, A. (2012) Enhanced tolerance to heavy metals. In Brassinosteroids: Practical applications in Agriculture and Human Health (Ed. A.P. Netto). Bentham Science Publishers, Germany. Irfan, M., Hayat, S. and Ahmad, A. (2011) Brassinosteroids: under biotic stress. In Brassinosteroids: A Class of Plant Hormone (Eds. Hayat, S. and Ahmad, A.). Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Irfan, M., Hayat, S. and Ahmad, A. (2011) Regulation of antioxidant system under biotic stress in plants. In Antioixidants: Oxidative Stress Management in Plants (Eds. Ahmad, P. and Umar, S.), Stadium Press, New Delhi Hayat, S., Hasan, S.A., Mori, M., Fariduddin, Q. and Ahmad, A. (2009) Nitric Oxide: Structure, Biosynthesis and Physiological role. In Nitric Oxide in Plant Physiology (Eds. Hayat, S., Mori, M., Pichtel, J. and Ahmad, A.), Wiley-VCH, Germany. Prof. Arif Inam H I Tak, Y Bakhtiyar, F Ahmad and Arif Inam et al (2012). Effluent quality parameters for safe use in Agriculture. In: Water quality, Soil managing Irrigation of crops (Ed) T S Lee ISBN 978-953-51-0426-1 Prof Mohammad Anis Anis M., Husain M.K., Faisal M., Shahzad A., Ahmad N., Siddique I and Khan H (2009)In vitro approaches for plant regeneration and conservation of some potential medicinal plants. In: Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology & Its Applications (Ed.) Kumar A & Sopory S.K., I.K. Inernational Pvt. Ld., New Delhi. 14: 397-410 Anis M., Ahmad N., Siddique I., Varshney A., Naz R., Parveen S., Khan M.I., Husain M.K., Khan M.R., Khan P.R. and Aref I.M. (2012). Biotechnological approaches for the conservation of some forest tree species. In: Joshua A. Jenkins, Forest Decline: Causes and Impacts, Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA. Pp. 1-39. Anis M., Siddique I., Naz R., Ahmed M.R. and Aref I.M. (2012) Advances in micropropagation of a highly important Cassia species- A Review. New Perspective in Plant Protechtion, Prof. Ali R. Badani (Ed.) ISBN: 978-953-51- Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 609 of 690 0940-2, In Tech, pp 191-206. Anis M., Perveen S., Jahan A.A. and Aref I.M. (2012).Embryo Rescue: A Technical Approach to Overcome Hybrid Inviability. In: Plant Tissue Culture: Totipotency to Transgenic, Dr. H.P.Sharma (Ed.), Agrobios, India, pp 193-214. Prof Nafees A. Khan S. Umar, Anjana, N.A. Anjum and N.A. Khan. 2013. Nitrate management approaches in leafy vegetables. In: Nitrate in leafy vegetables. In: Nitrate in leafy vegetables: Toxicity and Safety measures (Eds. S. Umar, N.A. Anjum and N.A. Khan). I.K. International, New Delhi, 166-181. M.I.R. Khan, M. Asgher, N. Iqbal and N.A. Khan. 2012. Potentiality of sulfur- containing compounds in salt tolerance. In: Ecophysiology and responses of plants under salt stress. (Eds. P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad). Springer-Verlag, New York. N. Iqbal, A. Masood and N.A. Khan. 2012. Phytohormones in salinity tolerance: Ethylene and gibberellins crosstalk. In: Phytohormones and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants (Eds. N.A. Khan, R. Nazar, N. Iqbal and N.A. Anjum). Springer-Verlag, New York, 77-98. N. Iqbal, N.A. Khan, M.I.R. Khan, R. Nazar, A. Masood and S. Syeed. 2012. Sulfur in the alleviation of cadmium-induced oxidative stress in plants. In: Environmental Adaptations and Stress Tolerance of Plants in the Era of Climate Change (Eds. P. Ahmad and M.N.V. Prasad). Springer-Verlag, New York, 429-446. N.A. Anjum, S.S. Gill, I. Ahmad, A.C. Durate, S. Umar, N.A. Khan and M.E. Pareira. 2012. Metals and mettaloids accumulation variability in Brassica species: a review. In: Phytotechnologies: Remediation of Environmental Contaminants (Eds. N.A. Anjum, M.E. Pereira, I. Ahmad, A.C. Durate, S. Umar and N.A. Khan). CRC Press, Florida, 137-149. N.A. Anjum, S.S. Gill, I.ahmad, M. Pacheco, A.M. Durate, S. Umar, N.A. Khan and M.E. Pereira. 2012. The plant family Brassicacea: An introduction. In: The Plant Family Brassicaceae: Contribution Towards Phytoremediation (Eds. N.A. Anjum et al.). Springer-Verlag, New York, 1-33. S.S. Gill, N.A. Anjum, I. Ahmad, P. Thangavel, G. Sridevi, M. Pacheco, A.C. Durate, S. Umar, N.A. Khan and M.E. Pereira. 2012. Metal hyperaccumulation and tolerance in Alyssum, Arabidopsis, and Thlaspi: An Overview. In: The Plant Family Brassicaceae: Contribution Towards Phytoremediation (Eds. N.A. Anjum et al.). Springer-Verlag, New York, 99-137. Prof. Irshad Mahmood Rose Rizvi, Irshad Mahmood and Abul Hasan (2012). Nematode infestation in citrus. In Nematode Infestation Part III: Horticultural Crops (Eds M R Khan and S Jairajpuri). National Academy of Sicences, India. P 262-287. S. A. Tiyagi, I. Mahmood and Z. Khan (2012). Utilization of Some Botanicals for the Management of Root-Knot Nematode and Plant Growth Parameters of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.). Chemistry of Phytopotentials: Health, Energy and Environmental Perspectives (Eds. M.M. Srivastava, L.D. Khemani and Shalini Srivastava), Springer. USA. 171-172. Prof. Mansoor A Siddiqui Parihar, K., B, Rehman and M. A. Siddiqui (2012).Efficacy of some Antagonist Botanicals on Meloidogyne incognita Infesting Eggplant. In: Resource Development and Environment Change , Agriculture and Food Security, Concept publishing company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1:368-375. Hisamuddin, M.A. Siddiqui &T. Azam (2009). Management of Meloidogyne incognita with biocontrol fungus Paecilomyces lilacinusIn: “Germplasm, Diversity & Evalution –Algae, Fungi & Lichens” (Eds- N.S. Atri, R.C. Gupta, M.I.S. Saggoo & V.K. Singhal). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun (U.K.). India, 83-88. M.A. Siddiqui, Hisamuddin, & M.I. Khan (2009). Soil solarization for the management of nematode fauna and soil mycoflora In: “Germplasm, Diversity & Evalution –Algae, Fungi & Lichens” (Eds- N.S. Atri, R.C. Gupta, M.I.S. Saggoo & V.K. Singhal). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun (U.K.). India, 115-124 Parihar, K., Ahmad, F., Rehman, B and Siddiqui, M. A. (2009). Pollution free Aligarh Muslim University Page 610 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports management of Meloidogyne incognita attacking eggplant. In: Int. Conf. on “Emerging Technologies in Environmental Sciences and Engineering” (Eds. R.U.Khan, I.H.Farooqi & F.Basheer). Oct. 26-28, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, 1571-1580 Rehman, B., Ahmad, F., Parihar, K and Siddiqui, M.A. (2009). Biocontrol of the root-knot nematode affecting chickpea by seed dressing and Interculturing for sustainable environment. In: Int. Conf. on “ Emerging Technologies in Environmental Sciences and Engineering” (Eds. R.U.Khan, I.H.Farooqi &F.Basheer). Oct. 26-28, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, 1095-1102. Usman, A., B. Rehman &M.A. Siddiqui (2012). Bioefficacy of fungal strain for the management of Solanum melongena In: Biodiversity Evaluation- Botanical Perspective (Eds- N.S. Atri, R.C. Gupta, M.I.S. Saggoo & V.K.Singhal). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun (U.K.). India, 335-339 Rehman, B. A. Usman & M.A. Siddiqui (2012). Nematotoxic effect of two fungal strains against root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita attacking chickpea In: Biodiversity Evaluation- Botanical Perspective (Eds- N.S. Atri, R.C. Gupta, M.I.S. Saggoo & V.K. Singhal) ). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun (U.K.). India, 351-356. Dr. M.B. Siddiqui (Associate Prof.) Shazia and Siddiqui, M. B. (2011) A census of the family Acanthaceae in Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh. Proceeding of The International Seminar “Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperm Systematics” held on 11th to 13th October, 2008 in the Department of Botany, University of Kalyani, Kalyani- 741235, Nadia, West Bengal. Shazia and Siddiqui, M. B. (2011) Weed diversity of Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh (India). Proceeding of The International Seminar “Multidisciplinary Approaches in Angiosperm Systematics”held on 11th to 13th October, 2008 in the Department of Botany, University of Kalyani, Kalyani-741235, Nadia, West Bengal. Dr. Hisamuddin (Associate Prof.) Hisamuddin and Mansoor A. Siddiqui (2007). Phytoplasmas: The Silent Killers of Higher Plants. In Plant Morphology and Biotechnology (pp 183-194). Avishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur, India. Pp 378. Hisamuddin with Mansoor A. Siddiqui (2007). Marigold (Tagetes): An Auxiliary and Nematode-Antagonistic Plant. In Plant Morphology and Biotechnology (pp 223-232). Avishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur, India. Pp 378 Hisamuddin (2009). Phytoremediation: A Green Technology for Cleaning the Polluted Environment. In: Phytoremediation and Environmental Biotechnology (pp 1-14). Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, India. Pp 214 Hisamuddin with Tabassum Niyaz and Merajul Islam Robab (2009). Efficacy of Paecilomyces lilacinus in fly ash amended soil for controlling root-knot disease on Eclipta alba. In: Germplasm Diversity and Evaluation-Algae Fungi and Lichens, pp 75-82, eds. N. S. Atri, R.C. Gupta, M. I. S. Saggo and V. K. Singhal. Bishan Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Publishers, Dehradun, U.K. (India) Hisamuddin, Mansoor A. Siddiqui and Tanweer Azam (2009). Management of Meloidogyne incognita with the biocontrol fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus. In: Germplasm Diversity and Evaluation-Algae Fungi and Lichens, pp 83-88, eds. N. S. Atri, R.C. Gupta, M. I. S. Saggo and V. K. Singhal. Bishan Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Publishers, Dehradun, U.K. (India) Hisamuddin with Mansoor A. Siddiqui and Mohd. Imran Khan (2009). Soil solarization for themanagement of nematode fauna and soil mycoflora. In: Germplasm Diversity and Evaluation-Algae Fungi and Lichens, pp 115-124, eds. N. S. Atri, R.C. Gupta, M. I. S. Saggo and V. K. Singhal. Bishan Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Publishers, Dehradun, U.K. (India). Merajul Islam Robab, Hisamuddin, Tanweer Azam, Abbasi and Ambreen Aktar. (2012). In Impact of biocontrol fungi on Macrophomina phaseolina infecting some ornamental plants. Biodiversity Evalution-Botanical Perspective. P. 341-350. (Eds) N. S. Atri, R.C. Gupa, M.I.S. Saggoo and V.K. Singhal. M/s Bishan Singh Mahendrapal Singh, Dehra Dun (India). Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 611 of 690 Dr. M.Masroor A. Khan (Associate Prof.) Tariq Aftab, M. Masroor A. Khan and J.F.S. Ferreira (2013) Effect of mineral nutrition, growth regulators, and environmental stresses on biomass production and artemisinin concentration of Artemisia annua (L.). In: Artemisia annua - Pharmacology and Biotechnology. Tariq Aftab, J. Ferreira, M. Masroor A. Khan, M. Naeem (Eds), Springer, Germany, pp.. M. Naeem, Mohd Idrees, Minu Singh, M. Masroor A. Khan and Moinuddin (2013) Artemisia annua: A miraculous herb to cure malaria. In: Artemisia annua - Pharmacology and Biotechnology. Tariq Aftab, J. Ferreira, M. Masroor A. Khan, M. Naeem (Eds), Springer, Germany, pp 27-50. M. Naeem, Mohd Idrees, M. Masroor A. Khan and Moinuddin (2013) Task of Mineral Nutrients in Eutrophication. In: Eutrophication: Causes, Consequences and Control, Abid Ali Ansari and Sarvajeet Singh Gill (Editors), Springer pp 241-250. Mohd Idrees, M. Naeem and M. Masroor A. Khan (2012). Role of mineral nutrients and plant growth regulators in cultivation of selected essential-oil- bearing medicinal plants. In: Recent Trends in Medicinal Chemistry, Edited by M. Iqbal, IK. International, New Delhi, India pp. 156-183. M. Naeem, M. Nasir Khan, M. Masroor A. Khan and Moinuddin (2011). Adverse effects of abiotic stresses on medicinal and aromatic plants and their alleviation by calcium. In: Plant Acclimation to Environmental Stress, Edited by Narendra Tuteja & Sarvajeet Singh Gill, Springer, Germany pp 101-146. M. Masroor A. Khan, M. Naeem, Firoz Mohammad, Moinuddin (2012) Establishment of mineral nutritional requirement for some important medicinal and aromatic plants in Indian climate. In: Naeem M, Khan MMA, Moinuddin (Eds) Mineral Nutrition of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, MAPSB 6 (Special Issue 1), 84-93, Global Science Books Publisher, Japan M. Naeem, M. Masroor A. Khan, Moinuddin (2012) Role of mineral nutrients in cultivation of medicinal legumes. In: In: Naeem M, Khan MMA, Moinuddin (Eds) Mineral Nutrition of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, MAPSB 6 (Special Issue 1), 24-38, Global Science Books Publisher, Japan Moinuddin, M. Masroor A. Khan, M. Naeem (2012) Drought stress effects on medicinal and aromatic plants and the possible stress amelioration by mineral nutrition. In: In: Naeem M, Khan MMA, Moinuddin (Eds) Mineral Nutrition of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, MAPSB 6 (Special Issue 1), 69-83, Global Science Books Publisher, Japan M. Masroor A. Khan (2006). Various roles of blue-green algae in human life. In: ‘Glimpses of Cyanobacteria”. Eds. Rajan K. Gupta, Mukesh Kumar and G.S. Paliwal. Daya Publishing House, Delhi. pp. 213-230. ISBN: 81-7035-435-8. Dr. Samiullah Khan (Associate Prof.) Khan, Samiullah (2011). Impact of mutation breeding in chickpea- A review. In: Breeding of Pulse Crops (Editors) Samiullah Khan and Mohammed Imran Kozgar. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. pp. 126-138. Goyal, S., Kozgar, M. I., Fatma, S. and Khan, Samiullah (2011). Genetic improvement of blackgram, chickpea and faba bean through conventional and advanced approaches. In: Breeding of Pulse Crops (Editors) Samiullah Khan and Mohammed Imran Kozgar. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. pp. 149-174. Kozgar, M. I., Goyal, S., Khan, Samiullah and Fatma, S. (2011). Genetic effects of Hardua Gunj thermal power plant on pulse crops. In: Breeding of Pulse Crops (Editors) Samiullah Khan and Mohammed Imran Kozgar. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. pp. 240-249. Goyal, S., Kozgar, M. I. and Khan, Samiullah (2012). Effectiveness and efficiency of gamma rays, ethylmethane sulphonate and their combinations in Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper. In: Bioremediation, Biodiversity and Bioavailability (Guest Editors) Mohammed Imran Kozgar and Samiullah Khan, Global Science Books, Japan. pp. 113-115. Khan, Samiullah, Kozgar, M. I., Goyal, S. and Fatma, S. (2012). Cytotoxicity and mutagenecity in certain pulse crops induced by altered environmental composition. In: Resource Development and Environmental Change: Biogeography and Aligarh Muslim University Page 612 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Environmental Change Volume Two (Editors) Abdul Munir and F. A. Siddiqui. Concept Publishing Company PVT. LTD., New Delhi. pp. 20-27. Dr. Fareed A. Khan (Associate Prof.) Farha-Rehman, Khan F.A., Anis S.B. and Badruddin S.M.A., 2010. Plant defenses against insect herbivory. Chapter in: Integrated Management of Arthropods and Insect Borne Disease, Eds. Ciancio Aurelio & Mukerji KG, IPM Series Vol. 5, Springer Verlag, Netherlands. Page 186-204. ISBN-978-90-48- 2463-3. (Total API =10, FAK= 3) Ansari A.A., Gill S.S. and Khan F. A., 2011. Eutrophication: Threat to aquatic ecosystem. Chapter 7 in: Eutrophication: Causes, consequences and Control Eds. Ansari A.A., Gill S.S., Lanza G.R. and Rast W., Springer, Page 147-170. ISBN- 976-90-481-9624-1. (Total API =10, FAK= 3.3). Ansari A.A., Khan F. A., Gill S.S. and Varshney J., 2011. Aquatic plant diversity in eutrophic ecosystem. Chapter 12 in: Eutrophication: Causes, consequences and Control Eds. Ansari A.A., Gill S.S., Lanza G.R. and Rast W., Springer, Page 247-263. ISBN-976-90-481-9624-1. (Total API =10, FAK= 3). Farha-Rehman, Khan F.A. and Badruddin S.M.A., 2012. Role of phenolics in plant defenses against insect herbivory. Chapter 65 in: Chemistry of phytopotentials: Health, Energy and Environmental Perspectives, Eds. Khemani L.D., Srivastava M.M., Srivastava S., Springer e-Book. Page 3O9- 313. ISBN- 978-642-233-93-7. (Total API =10, FAK= 3.3). Dr. Zaki A. Siddiqui (Associate Prof.) Akhtar M.S. and Siddiqui, Z. A. (2011).Role of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in biocontrol of plant diseases and sustainable agriculture. In Microbiology Monograph 18: Plant growth and health promoting bacteria (ed.) Maheshwari, D.K. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg pp157-195. Siddiqui, Z. A. and Kataoka, R (2011). Mycorrhizal-based inoculants: Progress in inoculant production technology. In: Microbes and Microbial Technology: Agricultural and environmental Applications. (eds.) Ahmad I., Pichtel, J and Ahmad, F. Springer USA. (Press). Siddiqui Z. A., Nesha, R., Singh N. and Alam S. (2011). Interactions of plant parasitic nematodes and plant pathogenic bacteria. Bacteria in Agrobiology (Vol 6): Plant Probiotics.(ed. D.K. Maheshwari) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-642-27515-9. Akhtar M.S., Siddiqui, Z.A and Wiemken, A.(2011). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Rhizobium to control plant fungal diseases. Alternative farming systems, Biotechnology, Drought stress and ecological fertilization. Series Sustainable agriculture Reviews 6 E. Lichtfouse (ed.) pp263-292. ISBN: 978-94-007-0185-4 Dr. Tabreez A Khan (Associate Prof.) KHAN, T.A. & ASHRAF, M.S. (2010). A review on the management of reniform nematode and root-rot fungus by using fungal bio-agents and organic matters. In : Bio Pest Management (Entomopathogenic Nematodes, Microbes & Bioagents). Eds. H. C. L. Gupta, A. U. Siddiqui & A. Parihar. Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur, India, pp. 456-485. Dr. Quazi Fariduddin (Assistant Prof) Yusuf, M., Hayat, S., Alyemeni, M.N., Fariduddin, Q. and Ahmad, A. (2013). Salicylic acid: Physiological roles in plants. In: Salicylic acid: Plant growth and development (Eds. Hayat, S., Ahmad, A., Alyemeni, MN.). Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. PP 15-30 Yusuf, M., Hayat, S., Fariduddin, Q. and Ahmad, A. (2012). Enhanced tolerance to heavy metals. In: Brassinosteroids: Practical application in Agriculture and human health (Ed. Pereira-Netto, AB.). Bentham Science Publishers, pp. 44-56. S Hayat, S A Hasan, M Mori, Q. Fariduddin, A Ahmad (2009). Nitric Oxide: Chemistry, Biosynthesis and Physiological role. In: Nitric oxide in Plant Physiology (Eds. S Hayat, M Mori, J Pichtel, and A Ahmad) Wiley-Vch Verlas Gmbh & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. PP 1-16. Ali, B., Hayat, S., Fariduddin, Q., and Ahmad. A. (2009). Nickel: Essentiality, toxicity and tolerance in plants. In: Nickel in relation to plants (Eds. Ali, B., Hayat, Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 613 of 690 S. and Ahmad, A.) pp.69-88. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. PP 69-88. Dr. Anwar Shahzad (Assistant Prof.) Shahzad A, Shaheen A, Kozgar MI, Sahai A, Sharma S 2013. Phytoactive compounds from in vitro derived tissues. In: Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Plants (Springer), Shahid et al. (Eds): pp.:1-23 Sharma S, Shahzad A 2013. Bioreactors: A rapid approach for secondary metabolite production. In: Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Plants (Springer), Shahid et al. (Eds): pp.: 25-49 Sharma S, Shahzad A, Sahai A 2013. Hairy root culture: An efficient system for secondary metabolite production. In: Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Plants (Springer), Shahid et al. (Eds): pp.: 51-78 Sharma S, Shahzad A 2013. Elicitation: An alternative approach towards commercialization of secondary metabolite production. In: Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Plants (Springer), Shahid et al. (Eds): pp.: 79-91 Sahai A, Shahzad A, Shahid M 2013. Plant Edible vaccines: A revolution in vaccination. In: Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Plants (Springer), Shahid et al. (Eds): pp.: 225-252 Shahzad A, Saeed T 2013. In vitro conservation protocols for some rare medicinal plant species. In: Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Plants (Springer), Shahid et al. (Eds): pp.: 263-291 Shahzad A, Shaheen A 2013. In vitro conservation protocols for some threatened medicinal plant. In: Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Plants (Springer), Shahid et al. (Eds): pp.: 293-304 Shahzad A, Sahai A 2013. In vitro conservation protocols for some endangered medicinal plant. In: Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Plants (Springer), Shahid et al. (Eds): pp.: 305-321 Shahzad A, Parveen S 2013. In vitro conservation protocols for some commercially important medicinal plants. In: Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Plants (Springer), Shahid et al. (Eds): pp.: 323-347 Dr. Shahla Faizan (Assistant Prof.) Shahla Faizan, Jouhar, M.T. and Saima Kausar (2009) Effect of varying levels of nitrogen and astewater on growth and yield of Lycopersicon esculentum grown in coal ash amended soil. Proceedings of ernational Conference on Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering, 26-28 ctober, 2009. Pp. 1504-1511. (ISBN: 978-93-80043-42-5) Shahla Faizan, Saima Kausar and Rubina Perveen (2010) Varietal differences for cadmium-induced seedling mortality, foliar toxicity symptoms, plant growth, proline and nitrate reductase activity in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Biology and Medicine, 3(2) Special Issue:196-206.(ISSN:09748369) R. Perveen, S. Faizan, S. A. Tyagi and S. Kausar (2012) Phytoremediation potential of induced Cd toxicity in Trigonella foenum graecum L. and Vigna mungo L. by Neem plants parts. In: Chemistry of Phytopotentials: health, energy and environmental perspectives. Eds: L.D. Khemani, M.M. Srivastava and S. Srivastava. Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London, New York, Pp. 339-342. (ISBN: 978-3-642-23393-7) Edited/authored Books : 41 Detail of Books with ISBN numbers S.No. Name Book Title Year ISBN No. Publisher 1 Prof Aquil Ahmad + Dr. Shamsul Hayat Nitric oxide in plant physiology 2009 978-3- 527- 32519-1 Wilely- Blackwell, Germany Aligarh Muslim University Page 614 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 2 Prof Aquil Ahmad + Dr. Shamsul Hayat Nickel in relation to plants 2009 978-81- 7319- 899-1 Narosa Publishing House, Pvt Ltd, New Delhi 3 Prof Aquil Ahmad + Dr. Shamsul Hayat Brassinosteroids: A class of plant hormone 2011 978-94- 007- 0188-5 Springer, The Netherlands 4. Prof Aquil Ahmad + Dr. Shamsul Hayat Salicylic acid, Plant growth and development 2013 978-94- 007- 6427-9 Springer, The Netherlands 5 Prof. Arif Inam et al. Effect of waste water irrigation and nitrogen rates on chilli 2012 978-3- 659- 20048-9 Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany 6 Prof. Arif Inam et al. Role of waste water and fly ash in productivity of Chickpea 2011 978-3- 8454- 0390-8 -do- 7 Prof Mohammad Anis et al. Plant Tissue Culture 2012 978-3- 8484- 1339-3 -d0- 8 Prof. Firoz Mohammad et al. Salicylic acid and environmental stress 2012 978-3- 8473- 3644-0 -do- 9 Prof. Firoz Mohammad et al. Nutrient management in euric acid free Brassica genotypes production 2012 978-3- 8484- 0197-0 -do- 10 Prof M. Y.K. Ansari et al. Induced Mutagenesis by Chemical Mutagens and heavy metals 2012 978-3- 659- 15945-9 -do- 11. Prof. M.Y.K. Ansari et al. Induced mutagenesis in egg plant 2011 978-3- 8454- 0306-9 -do- 12. Prof Nafees A. Khan et el. Phytohormones and abiotic stress tolerance in plants 2012 978-3- 642- 25828-2 Springer, The Netherlands 13. Prof Nafees A. Khan et al The plant family Brassicaceae 2012 978-94- 007- 3912-3 Springer, The Netherlands 14. Prof Nafees A. Khan et al. Phytotechnologies 201`2 978-1- 4398- 7518-6 CRC Press Taylor & Francis UK 15. Prof. Nafees A. Khan et al. Plant Ecophysiology 2011 9789381 141151 IK Publisher New Delhi 16. Prof. Nafees a Khan bet al. ATP-Sulphurylase: Significance in Plant Tolerance to Salinity Stress 2010 978-3- 8433- 7913-7 Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany 17. Prof. Mansoor A Siddiqui et al. Meloidogyne incognita attacking Chickpea 2012 978-3- 659- 20039-7 -do- 18. Prof. Mansoor A Siddiqui et al. Ecofriendly management of Meloidogyne incognita 2013 978-3- 8473- 3202-2 -do- 19. Dr. M. B. The Vascular Anatomy 2010 9783838 -do- Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 615 of 690 Siddiqui et al. of Citrus 336299 20. Dr. M. B. Siddiqui et al. Radial Growth of some commercially important plants: impact of age & environment of activity of cambium and production 2011 978- 3846529 799 -do- 21. Dr. M. B. Siddiqui et al Allelopathic effects of Croton bonplandianum Baill: impact on certain weeds and crops 2011 978- 3843357 012 -do- 22. Dr. M. B. Siddiqui et al. Floral diversity of Aligarh 2012 9783846 537442 -do- 23. Dr. M. B. Siddiqui et al. Allelochemicals of Eclipta alba: their role and impact on crop and weed 2013 978-3- 659- 46082-1 -d0- 24. Dr. M. B. Siddiqui et al. Phenology and reproductive aspect of Cannabis sativa L: scanning electron microscopy of pollen grain, trichomes 2013 978- 3659126 079 -do- 25. Dr. M. Masroor A Khan et al. Artimisia annua- pharmacology and biotechnology 2013 978-3- 642- 41026-0 Springer, Germany 26. Dr. M. Masroor A Khan et al. Mineral nutrition of medicinal and aromatic plants 2012 978-4- 903313- 95-5 Global Science Book Publisher, Jp 27. Dr. M. Masroor A. Khan et al. Anticancerous alkaloids of Catharanthus roseus 2011 978-3- 8454- 0904-7 -do- 28. Dr. M. Masroor A. Khan et al. Use of radiolytically derived oligomers for Artemisinin production 2011 978-3- 8443- 8374-4 -do- 29. Dr. M. Masroor A. Khan et al. Mineral nutrition of medicinal legumes 2011 978-3- 8454- 2353-1 -do- 30. Dr. M. Masroor A. Khan et al. Mineral Nutrition of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) 2011 978-3- 8454- 0021-1 -do- 31. Dr. Samiullah Khan et al. Breeding of pulse Crops 2011 978-81- 272- 6792-6 Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana 32. Dr. Samiullah Khan et al. Induced mutations in crops 2012 978-4- 903313- 96-2 Global Science Books, Japan 33. Dr. Abrar A. Khan et al. Pollution and Pathogen: Studies on Interaction of Air Pollutants and Seed Gall Nematode, AnguinaTritici on Wheat 2012 978- 3846531 921 Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany 34 Dr. Abrar A. Khan et al. Fly Ash and Root-Knot Nematodes 2013 978- 3659454 Lambert Academic Aligarh Muslim University Page 616 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 370 Publishing, Germany 35. Dr. Zaki A. Siddiqui et al. Management of root- knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on tomato by plant health promoting bacteria (PHPB) 2011 978-3- 8443- 9583-9 Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany 36. Dr. Shamsul Hayat et al. Role of brassinosteroidsin the amelioration cadmium stress 2011 978-3- 8443- 2256-9 -d0- 37. Dr. Shamsul Hayat et al. Role of proline and salicylic acid in overcoming the cadmeium stress 2011 978-3- 8773- 1660-5 -do- 38. Dr. Qazi Faridudin Brassinosteriods 2011 978-3- 8465- 1251-7 Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany 39. Dr. Anwar Shahzad Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Therapeutic application of medicinal plants 2013 978-94- 007- 6602-0 Springer, The Netherlands 40. Dr. Shahla Faizan Effect of Wastewater on growth and productivity of Okra 2011 978-3- 84-3835- 7 Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany 41 Dr. Fared A Khan et al Plant Signals and Responses to Herbivory- an insight 2012 3659120 527 -do- Books with ISBN with details of publishers : 41 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) All published 460 papers Citation Index – range / average : 110 to 1181 Impact Factor – range / average : 0.0 to 9.599 h-index – range : 4 to 21 23 Details of patents and income generated NIL 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated NIL 25 Faculty selected nationally/internationally to visit other laboratories/institutions/ industries in India and abroad Name Visit Funding Agency Prof. Mohammad Anis Visited King Saud University, Riydh, Saudi Arabia as visiting Professor in 2012-2013 Dr. Zaki A. Siddiqui a. Visited Hangzhou, China- To deliver lectures on invitation 19-30 October,2010. Dr. Qazi Fariduddin CV Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship- UGC, 2013 under Singh-Obama 21 st Century Knowledge Initiative to visit United Sates of America for one Year. UGC 26 Faculty serving in (i) National committees Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 617 of 690 Name Serving in National committees Prof Aquil Ahmad Indian Botanical Society Prof. Arif Inam Indian Botanical Society Prof. Mohammad Anis Member of UGC Committee for Innovative Project 2012-13 Elected Member- Plant Tissue Culture Association of India Indian Botanical Society National Academy of Sciences Plant Tissue Culture Association of India International Society of Plant Morphologist Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding Physiology and Molecular biology of Plants Indian Society of Nuclear Techniques in Agriculture and Biology National environmental Science Academy Prof. Firoz Mohammad Indian Botanical Society Indian Society for Plant Physiology Prof. Nafees A. Khan Member, Board of Studies in Botany, Jiwaji University, Gwalior Scientific Advisor, American Biographical Institute, USA Fellow of the Indian Society for Plant Physiology Fellow of the Indian Botanical Society Indian Society for Plant Physiology Society for Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Indian Botanical Society Prof. H. S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society National Environmental Science Academy Mustard Research and Promotion Consortium The Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment Prof. Irshad Mahmood Member Board of Studies, Department of Botany, Gorakhpur University Prof. Mansoor A. Siddiqui Member Board of studies in Botany, BR Ambedaker University, Agra Fellow Indian Botanical Society Fellow Indian Phytopathological Society Fellow Nematological society of India Fellow BIOVED Research Society of India Life Member European society of Nematologist. Vice-President Nematological society of India Councilolor, Indian Phytopathological Society and Indian Nematological Society (Central Zone) Dr. M.B. Siddiqui Indian Botanical Society European Society of Nematologists, England. Nematological Society of India Indian Phytopathological Society. Association of Plant Pathologists of India. Indian Botanical Society. Bioved Research Society. Indian Society of Remote Sensing Dr. Hisamuddin Indian Botanical Society Indian Association for Environment Management Indian Science Congress Association National Academy of Sciences (India) International Society for Conservation of Natural Resources Aligarh Muslim University Page 618 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Dr. M. Masroor A. Khan Indian Phycological Society Indian Botanical Society Indian Society for Plant Physiology American Society of Plant Biologists United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), “Agriculture Research” magazine. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly The Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Germany) National Environmental Science Academy (Life Membership) Dr. Samiullah Khan Indian society of genetic and plant breeding Dr. Zaki A. Siddiqui Indian Botanical Society Dr. T.A. Khan Indian Phytopathological Society, I.A.R.I, New Delhi. Nematological Society of India, I.A.R.I, New Delhi. Association of Plant Pathologist of India, Lucknow University, Lucknow. Bioved Research Society of India, Allahabad. Society of Plant Protection Sciences, IARI, New Delhi. International Society for Conservation of Natural Resources, B.H.U., Varansi, Dr. Athar A. Khan Indian Botanical Society Dr. Qazi Fariduddin Indian Botanical Society NESA, New Delhi American Society of Plant Biologist (ASPB) Dr. Anwar Shahzad Indian Botanical Society NESA, New Delhi Ibn Sina Academy American Society of Plant Biologist (ASPB) Biotechnology India Plant Biotechnology (ii) International committees Dr. M. Masroor A. Khan: Member of Euro- Mediterranean Association of Life Sciences (EMALS), Alexandria, Egypt (iii) Editorial Boards Name Journals Name Prof. Arif Inam Executive-Editor Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany Prof. M. Anis, Editor Functional Plant Science and Biotechnology Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science Biotechnology Asian & Australian J Plt. Sci. Biotechnology Prof. Firoz Mohammad Editor Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany Prof. Nafees A. Khan Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Editor Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany African Journal of Plant sciences Journal Of Plant Biochemistry and Physiology Dr. Samiullah Khan Editor-in-Chief Biosciences International Dr. T.A. Khan Councilor Society of Plant Protection Nematological Socity of India Dr. Anwar Shahzad Editor Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany Biosciences International Journal of Plant Science research (iii) any other (please specify) Faculty members act as reviewer to various national/ international journals time to time Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 619 of 690 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs) Faculty members act as resource persons 28 Student projects Essential part for M.Sc. Programme percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects 100% percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/industry/institute NIL 29 Awards/ recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty: Name Name of Awards Prof. M. Anis Vigyan Ratan Samman of the year 2009, UPCST, Lucknow. Panchanan Maheshwary Gold Medal Award, IBS, INDIA, 2013 Prof. J.N. Rai Memorial Lecture, MJP Rohailkhand University, Bareilly Chaired Session in XXXV all india Botanical Sciety conference, MS University, Baroda, 2012 Prof. Nafees A. Khan Fellow of the Indian Society for Plant Physiology. Special Mention Certificate- Scientist in Science & Technology Awards-2013 by Research wing for Excellence in Professional Education and Industry of Excellence Expo TV. Dr. Fareed A. Khan Chaired Session VII of the International Symposium on ‘Diversity of Plants and Microbes: Present Scenario’ December 28- 30, 2009 at Department of P.G. Studies and Research in Applied Botany, Kuvempu University, Shankaragatta, Shimoga, Karnataka. Dr. Tabreiz Ahmad Khan Chaired the scientific session of the International Conclave on Unani Medicine: Strength and Strategies of Globalization, 25-26th March, 2011. Organized by Deptt. of Kulliyat A.M.U., Aligarh. Chaired the session IV in the International Conference on Current Trends in Medicinal Plants Research. 10-12th january, 2012, Organised by Department of Botany, University of Pune, Pune. Evaluated the Poster session III for the best paper award, in the International Conference on Current Trends in Medicinal Plants Research. 10-12 th january, 2012, Organised by Deptt. of Botany, University of Pune, Pune. Dr. Zaki Anwar Siddiqui Awarded Young Scientist Certificate of Honor by Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, on Republic Day Celebration-2009. Aligarh Muslim University Page 620 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Dr. Qazi Fariduddin CV Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship-UGC, 2013 under Singh-Obama 21 st Century Knowledge Initiative to visit United Sates of America for one Year. Dr. Anwar Shahzad Awarded Young Scientist Certificate of Honor by Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, on Republic Day Celebration- 2009. First Prize for oral presentation of research paper in National Symposium of Plant Tissue Culture Associuation of India, Ahmadabad, 2012 Awarded best oral presentation in National Seminar held at Department of Botany, AMU, Aligarh, 2013 Consolation prize in poster presentation in a Symposium held at Intersisceplinary Biotechnology Unit, AMU, Aligarh, 2013 Doctoral fellows Maulana Azad National Fellowship-UGC Mehar Fatima, 2010 Shahina Parveen, 2010 Md. Masidur Alam, 2010 Md. Iqbal Raja Khan, 2010 Afshan Naz, 2010 Md. Rafique Ahmad, 2011 Rushda Sharf, 2011 Taiba Saeed, 2012 BSR Fellow-UGC Mohd. Imran Kozgar, 2010 Shiwali Sharma, 2010 Rose Rizvi, 2010 Naushina Iqbal, 2010 Asim Masood, 2010 CSIR-SRF Aastha, 2011 Asim, 2011 Naushina, 2011 Zeba Haque, 2013 RGNF (SC)-UGC Swarn Singh, 2010 Alka 2011 Seema Sahay 2011 Post Doctoral Fellow Dr. Naseem Ahmad: Yuva Vaigyanik Samman 2009, UPCST, Lucknow Dr. Iram Siddiqui: Yuva Vaigyanik Samman 2009, UPCST, Lucknow Dr. Mu. Naeem: Yuva Vaigyanik Samman 2010, UPCST, Lucknow 30 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Organizing secretary Theme Sponsors Date Prof Firoz Mohammad National seminar on Trends and Advances in Plant Sciences. DST-PURSE & BRNS 21-22 Sep 2013 Prof. M. Anis Plant Sciences: New Technologies, Conservation and Environment UGC-DRS I 23-24 Feb., 2013 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 621 of 690 Prof. M. Anis Plant Biotechnology UGC-DRS I 23-24 Feb., 2013 Prof. M. Anis Pt Cell, Tissue & organ Culture UGC March10-11, 2012 Prof. M. Anis Pt Biotechnology: Prospects & Potentials UGC Feb 19-20, 2011 Prof. M. Anis “Research Methodology in Biological Sciences” UGC-ASC Dec 14, 2010 Prof. M. Anis Plant Biotechnology: Advances, impact and relevance UGC-SAP March 20, 2010 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments NA 32 Student profile programme-wise 2009-2013 Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Application s received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female Post-graduate 1505 53 85 90-95 % M.Phil 11 00 02 00 100 Ph.D. 80 05 03 In progress PG Diploma (PDTC) 219 16 24 90-95% 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same univ. % of students from other univ. within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries Post-graduate 60% 30% 10% 00% M.Phil 100% 00% 00% 00% Ph.D. 60% 25% 15% 00% PG Diploma (PDTC) 80% 15% 05% 00% 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. Name Class NET NET-JRF Civil Services Gate Mohd. Irfan Ph.D. 2010 - - - Mohd. Imran Khan Ph.D. - 2010 2013, UPPSC- Manipur - Jamsheer K M.Sc. - 2010 - - Mubbashir Rashid PDTC - 2010 - 2010 Surabhi Agarwal PDTC - 2010 - - Faraz Haque PDTC - 2010 - 2010 Neelofar PDTC - - - 2010 Tariq Ahmad Dar Ph.D. 2010 - - - Zeeshan Ahmad PDTC - 2012 - 2012 Afsheen Shahid Ph.D. 2012 - - - Tasir Sharif Per Ph.D. 2012 - - - Anamica Upadhyay Project Fellow - - - 2013 Kavita Parihar Ph.D. - - - 2013 Afsha Naaz Ph.D. - - - 2013 Nushrat PDTC Faisal Project Fellow - - - 2013 Aligarh Muslim University Page 622 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Rafi-ul-Amin Lashkar PDTC - - - 2013 Mohd Asif M.Sc. - - - 2013 Safiuddin Ph.D. - - - 2013 Taiba Saeed Ph.D. 2013 - - 2013 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG 70% PG to M.Phil. 2% PG to Ph.D. 25% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral 3% Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment NA NA Entrepreneurs NIL 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 99% from other universities within the State NIL from universities from other States 1% from universities outside the country NIL 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period NIL 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to (i) Library Available (ii) Internet facilities for staff and students Avaialable (iii) Total number of class rooms 02 (iv) Class rooms with ICT facility 02 (v) Students’ laboratories 07 (vi) Research laboratories 22 39. List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university Doctoral Students: Name of Research Student Date of Registration M.Phil./Ph.D. Iram Fatima Jafri 15.02.2010 Ph.D. Mohd Gulfishan 17.02.2010 Ph.D. Mohd Irfan 17.02.2010 Ph.D. Saba Iqbal 03.06.2011 Ph.D. Saad Bin Javed 15.02.2010 Ph.D. Md. Rafeeque Ahmad (OBC) 15.02.2010 Ph.D. Ruphi Naz 16.02.2010 Ph.D. Afshan Naaz 23.06.2011 Ph.D. Afsheen Shahid 26.04.2013 Ph.D. Sheikh Altaf Husain 08.04.2013 M.Phil. Zeba Haque Khan 16.02.2010 Ph.D. Darakshan Khanam 15.04.2013 M.Phil. Rumana Aslam 03.06.2011 Ph.D. Towseef Mohsin Bhat 20.06.2011 Ph.D. Nusrat Jahan (OBC) 26.04.2013 Ph.D. Md Iqbal Raja Khan 15.02.2010 Ph.D. Mehar Fatma 02.06.2011 Ph.D. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 623 of 690 Mohd. Asgher 07.06.2011 Ph.D. Tasir Sharief Per 13.12.2012 Ph.D. Waseem Kaiser 29.04.2013 Ph.D. Safiuddin (OBC) 04.06.2011 Ph.D. Kavita Parihar 20.06.2011 Ph.D. Bushra Rehman 04.06.2011 Ph.D. Mohd Ashraf Ganai 21.06.2011 Ph.D. Mohd. Asif 13.04.2013 Ph.D. Namrta Choudhry 22.02.2010 Ph.D. Aasifa Gulzar (OBC) 24.04.2013 Ph.D. Amreen Akhtar 17.02.2010 Ph.D. Abbasi 25.02.2010 Ph.D. Rushda Sharf 09.06.2011 Ph.D. Akbar Ali 16.02.2010 Ph.D. Hassan Jaleel 19.12.2012 Ph.D. Bilal Ahmad 13.04.2013 Ph.D. Shahnawaz Khursheed 13.12.2012 Ph.D. Rafiul Amin Laskar 29.04.2013 Ph.D. Mudasir Irfan Dar 22.06.2011 Ph.D. Neelu Singh 17.02.2010 Ph.D. Rukshima Nesha (OBC) 03.03.2010 Ph.D. Subha Alam (OBC) 16.02.2010 Ph.D. Adnan Khan 10.04.2013 M.Phil. Sugandha Varshney 09.06.2011 Ph.D. Bilal Ahamd Mir 07.06.2011 Ph.D. Mohd Tanveer A. Khan 19.12.2012 Ph.D. Priyanka Varshney 24.12.2012 Ph.D. Taiba Saeed 13.12.2012 Ph.D. Arjumend Shaheen 13.12.2012 Ph.D. Vikas Yadav (OBC) 11.04.2013 M.Phil. Rakhshanda Akhtar 08.04.2013 Ph.D. Anamica Upadhyay 06.08.2013 Ph.D. Saima Kausar (OBC) 15.02.2010 Ph.D. Rubina Parveen (OBC) 02.03.2010 Ph.D. Irfana Haneef 04.06.2011 Ph.D. Javaid Ahmad lone 06.06.2011 Ph.D. Seema Sahay (SC) 04.06.2011 Ph.D. Neha Pathak 09.06.2011 Ph.D. Tariq Amad Dar 04.06.2011 Ph.D. Faisal Rasheed (OBC) 11.04.2013 M.Phil. Post doctoral fellows: 1. Dr. Naseem Ahmad: Yuva Vaigyanik Samman, 2009, UPCST, Lucknow 2. Dr. Iram Siddiqui: Yuva Vaigyanik Samman, 2009, UPCST, Lucknow 3. Dr. Mu. Naeem: Yuva Vaigyanik Samman, 2010, UPCST, Lucknow 4. Dr. Moin A. Khan, Young Scientist-DST, 2012DST, New Delhi 5. Dr. Merajul Islam Robab, Young Scientist-DST, 2012, DST, New Delhi 6. Dr. Sana Chaudhary, Young Scientist-DST, 2013, DST, New Delhi 7. Dr. Shiwali Sharma, Young Scientist-DST, 013, DST, New Delhi 8. Dr. Mohammad Yusuf, Young Scientist-DST, 2013, DST, New Delhi 9. Dr. Mohd Idrees, Young Scientist-DST, 2013, DST, New Delhi 10. Dr. Ankita Varshney, Young Scientist-DST, 2013, DST, New Delhi Aligarh Muslim University Page 624 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 11. Dr. M. U. Naeem, Young Scientist-DST, 2013, DST, New Delhi 12. Dr. Shahina Parveen, Young Scientist-DST, 2013, DST, New Delhi Women Scientis: Dr. Meenu Singh, 2012, UGC, New Delhi Research Associates Dr. Shabina Saeed, 2012, CSIR, New Delhi from other institutions/universities NONE 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university 14 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. The new programmes are discussed at length with the faculty before implementation 42 Does the department obtain feedback from (i) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes: on the basis of feedback, the curriculum and teaching-learning process are modified. The matters related to teaching-learning are discussed at length in the BOS on a regular basis. (ii) students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Syllabi from various competitive tests and discussion between the faculty members and students play a pivotal role in designing/revising the curriculum as well as improving the teaching learning-techniques. (iii) alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Whenever alumni or other experts visit the department, the discussion outcome are imbibed and utilized for improvement of teaching and research activities in the department. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) 1. Prof. (Late) Obaid Siddiqui, (FRS) 2. Prof. Asad Ahmad, Retired Professor, University of Albarta, Canada 3. Prof. Mohd Iqbal, Department of Botany, Jamia Hamdard, New Delh 4. Prof. M. Yunus, Vice Chancellor, MMA jouhar University, Rampur 5. Prof. N.M. Safaya, (USA) 6. Dr. Masood Akhtar, (USA) 7. Dr. Shamim A. Ansari, Director TFRI, Ranchi, (Jharkhand) 8. Dr. Mohd. Aslam, Director, Department of Biotechnology, MHRD, New Delhi 9. Prof. Zainul Abdin, Department of Biotechnology, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 10. Prof. Irfan Ali Khan, Usmania University, Haydrabad, AP. 11. Dr. Rajeev K. Varshney, Director, Centre for Excellence in Genomics, ICRISAT, Hydrabad, AP 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/ workshops/seminar) involving external experts. Department holds seminar lectures for PG students as a part of their curriculum. Occasionally extension lectures are arranged from the experts in various field of plant sciences. 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Chalk and Talk MS-Power Point Over head Projector Charts and Specimens LCD projectors with Internet Facility 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Through tutorials and unannounced sessional tests Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 625 of 690 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities Students are encouraged to take part Students and faculty members participate actively in Symposia/ seminars and interact with scientific and non-scientific organizations. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Seminars & Group Discussion are regularly held Local field excursions are undertaken to make the students acquainted with the local flora and their habitat. Educational tours are organized to visit distant places for the study of vegetation and impact of climate change on distribution of vegetation. 49 State whether the programme/ department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. The department has contributed basic and practical aspects of biological and agricultural sciences by publishing and presenting their research highlights at national and international platforms. The new knowledge generated through researches is incorporated in teaching and learning process as well in designing the future research program. Furthermore the diploma programs running in the department generate knowledge for the utilization of plant assets in modern living. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strength Weakness Opportunities Challenges Highly Qualified Devoted and competent faculty Lack of number of faculty To add space to develop new lab set up To strengthen the collaborative research Research activities in all the disciplines of Botany Constraints of laboratory spaces To establish genetic transformation facilities for crop improvement research To acquire more funds for the purchase of sophisticated instruments and research Efficient research out come in both basic and applied aspects as per the available resources Lack of highly sophisticated instruments To set-up research laboratories equipped with modern technologies Infrastructural modernization Good Lecture rooms with modern teaching aids, and seminar library with internet facility as well as smart class room Lack of national international collaboration To generate national and International collaborations To capitalize human resources in modern researches Aligarh Muslim University Page 626 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Individual research funding from various agencies Lack of Central instrumentation facility To become leading department in research as well as in quality teaching To develop satat-of- the art teaching and research laboratories compatible with modern curriculum requirements and inculcation of scientific temperament among students 52 Future plans of the department. The vision of the department is to be a centre of excellence in thrust areas of the research and to equip our students to meet the nations demand. The department also intends to expand academic co-operation by offering new course and upgrading programmes to a wider spectrum of students and researchers. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- Chairman Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 627 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Museology 2 Year of establishment 1988 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of Life Sciences 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.): P.G. Diploma, P.G., M.Phil/Ph.D. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved: Interdisciplinary Programme, History, Fine Art & Archaeology 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. NA 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons: None 8 Examination System: Semester and Annual system 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Centre of professional courses 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors/others) Sanct- ioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 1 1 1 Associate Professors 1 1 Asst. Professors 2 1 1 Others 2 1 NA 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualif- ication Design- ation Specia- lization No. of Years of Exp. No. of M.Phil./ Ph.D. students guided for the last 5 years Prof. S. Asif A. Naqvi M.Phil., M.Sc. and PG. Diploma in Museology, etc. Professor Museology 11 years 3 1. Beenish rafat 2. Butool Fatima 3. Reshma Khatoon Dr. Abduraheem K. Ph. D. , M.Phil, Post M.Sc. Diploma in Museology, Net & JRF Associate Professor and Chairman Museology 18 years 1. Dr. Praveen Kumar Verma 2.Dr. Sheeba Khan 3. Mr. Amit Shandilya 4. Ms. Ameeza Zarrin Aligarh Muslim University Page 628 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Dr. Mohd. Irfan Ph.D., M.Phil. and M.Sc. Asst. Professor Preservation (Zoology) 20 years Nil Mr. Danish Mehmood M.Phil., M.Sc., Post M.Sc. Diploma In Museology and Net Guest Faculty Museology 14 years Nil Dr. Sheeba Khan Ph.D. & M.Sc. in Museology Guest Faculty Museology 1 year in teaching & 5 Years Research Nil 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors (i) Prof. Sanjay Jain,Dept. of Museology, Baroda University, Baroda. (ii) Prof. N.R.Shah, Dept. of Museology, Baroda University, Baroda. (iii) Dr. Kharbade, Director, National research laboratory, Lucknow. (iv) Prof. M.V. Nair, National Museum Institute, New Delhi. (v) Prof. Usha Rani, Dept. of Museology, Banaras Hindu University. (vi) Dr. K. K. Mohammad, Former Director, ASI , Delhi. (vii) Ms. Rashmi Sharma,Curator , National Children Museum, New Delhi (viii) Dr. B. Venugopal, Director, NMNH, New Delhi. (ix) Dr. A. Qadri, Director General, State Museum, Jammu & Kashmir (x) Dr. Ramanna, Dept. of Museology, Baroda University, Baroda. 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information- Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty M.Sc. Museology 20% Post M.Sc. Diploma in Museology 30% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio M.Sc. Museology Student Teacher Ratio 12:1 Diploma in Museology Student Teacher Ratio 5:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual: Sanctio ned & Filled Vac ant Actual Technical Staff 5 1 6 Clerical & Administative Staff 5 0 5 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies- UGC, JRF,IPPDI etc.: Research Thrust Areas as recognized by major Funding (i) Biodeterioration of Museum Materials and their control. (ii) Preservation and Conservation of Museum Materials (iii) Colour Preservation of Botanical Specimen. (iv) Museum Education 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from Natio nal Project Title Funding Agency Grant Received 1 Innovative teaching & Research UGC 33 Lakhs Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 629 of 690 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: Inter Institutional collaboration project and associated grants Received (i) National: NIL (ii) International Collaboration: NIL (iii) National collaboration- UGC 33 lakhs (iv) International collaboration : NIL 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc. Total grants received. 33 lakhs 20 Research facility / centre with State recognition: State Museum, Lucknow National recognition: No International recognition : No 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies Nil 22 Publications: List of Publications: (i) Prof. S.A.A. Naqvi, Professor, Dept. of Museology “Museology, Interpretation of Heritage and Tourism”‘ Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Editor Kamal Kumar Jain, Agam Prakashan, 2009 “Editorial” Journal of Indian Museum, Vol. LXII (2009) Museum Association of India, New Delhi. “Museum Profession: The Indian scenario, “Journal of Indian Museum, Vol. XII (2009), Museum Association of India, New Delhi. “Editorial” Journal of Indian Museum, Vol LXIII, (2010) Museum Association of India, New Delhi. “Conservation Indeed is a Curatorial Responsibility: A Museologist’s Standpoint”, Journal of Indian Museum, Vol LXIII, (2010), Museum Association of India, New Delhi. “Can Indian Museum in their Present format be Instrument for Social Change & Community Development”, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sanghralaya, (IGRMS), Bhopal, (2012) “What Museum can do to safeguard and Interpret Intangible Natural Heritage” Abstract published at the National Seminar on Biodiversity and Intangible Natural Heritage, organized jointly by national Museum of Natural history and Zoological Survey of India, at Jodhpur 2011. (ii) Dr. Abduraheem K., Associate Professor, Dept. of Museology Abduraheem K. & Sheeba Khan “Advance methods for preventive Conservation of manuscripts” Journal of Indian Association for the Conservation of Cultural Property (ISSN-0971-619-X), New Delhi, Vol 38, Page No.149-152 Abduraheem K. & Sheeba Khan, (2009) “Integrated methods for Safeguarding Archival Material”, Journal of Indian Association for Conservation of cultural property (ISSN-0971-619-X), New Delhi, Vol 38, Page No. 61-64 Abduraheem K. & Sheeba Khan (2010) “Mentorship: A curatorial Responsibility”, Journal of Indian Museum Vol LXIV, Museum Association of India, New Delhi. Abduraheem K & Amit Shandilya (2012), “Educational Potential of University Museum in cognitive learning”‘ Journal of Indian Museum , vol LXVI, Museum Association of India, New Delhi. Aligarh Muslim University Page 630 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Abduraheem K. (2013) “Museum and Tourism Partnership: Prospects and Challenges”, The Legacy, LAP LAMPART Academic publishing, Heinrich- Bocking – str. 68, 66121 Saarbruken, Germany. Abduraheem K. (2013) “Aplication of Integrated Communication System in the Modernization of Museum Exhibitions” Journal of Indian Museum Vol. LXVII, Museum Association of India, New Delhi. Abduraheem K. (2013), Challenges & Scope on Introducing Environemental Science in Univeristies and colleges. Focal theme, Building, an Ecologically Sustainable Society”, Indian Social Science Congress, Vol. XXXVII, Indian Academy of Social Science, Allahabad. Revitalisation & Documentation of traditional knowledge, one chapter published in a book on Conservation of Cultural Heritage (2009), Agam Kala Prakashan, New Delhi. (iii) Dr. Mohd. Irfan, Asst. Professor Irfan, M & Shamim, M : Presented a paper on ‘ Field Studies and Control Measures on Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer L. orbonalis (Guenee)- A pest of S. melongena (L)’ in an International Conference on Resource Development and Envirnmental Changes Emerging issues and challenges organized by Department of Geography, AMU during 27- 29 Jan 2009. Irfan, M & Nafees M: A Paper on biodterioration and restoration of an old paper manuscript- a case study presented in National Conference on Reconstruction of past: Scope and Limitations, during 14-15 Feb 2009 organized by Department of Museology. Ifran M: A paper on ‘Estimation of Losses , Prevention and Efficacy of Delta- methrin against termites( Termitidae: Isoptera)’ presented in 40 th National Conference on Recent Advanced in preventive Conservation of Museum Collections organized by IASC, New Delhi and Department of Museology, AMU during 5-7 Feb 2008 and published in IASC Journal in 2009. Irfan M: “Role of Museum in Formal Education Institutions” presented in National Workshop on Environmental Education in Museum and Formal Educational Institutions organized by Department of Museology, AMU in collaboration with NMNH, New Delhi on 18 th Feb 2013. Irfan M: Studies in Biodeterioration, Prevention and Efficacy of Delta- methrin agent D. Cadaverinus (Fab) infesting protinous objects in museums, presented in 7 th International Conference on Biodeterioration of Cultural Property in AMU during 16-18 Feb 2013. Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) Monographs - Nil Chapters in Books: 2 Edited Books - Nil Books with ISBN with details of publishers: NIL Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database: International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index : range / average : SNIP SJR Impact Factor : range / average : h-index Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 631 of 690 23 Details of patents and income generated One Patent (Registered, no Income generated) 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated - AICTE consultant (no Income generated) 25 Faculty selected nationally/internationally to visit other laboratories/institutions/ industries in India and abroad Name of the Faculty Name of the Institution selected Prof. S.A.A. Naqvi (i) M.S. University Baroda as Visiting faculty. (ii) National Museum Institute New Delhi. (iii) Jamia Milia Islamia & AICTE New Delhi as a consultant. (iv) Tribal University Amarhantak. Dr. Abduraheem K. (i) National Museum of Natural History, New Delhi as an Advisor. (ii) AICTE – New Delhi as a Consultant (iii) M.S. University Baroda as a Visiting Faculty (iv) B.H.U. Varanasi as visiting Faculty (v) Conservation Lab of State Museum Lucknow, as Consultant Dr. Mohd. Irfan National Museum Institute, New Delhi. 26 Faculty serving in (i) National committees- (i) AICTE, (ii) UGC (ii) International committees-ICBCP (iii) Editorial Boards- 2 Name National International Dr. Abduraheem K. Advisory Board Members of National Museum of Natural history. Expert Committee member of the All India Technical council for technical education, New Delhi Jury of the M.S. University, Baroda. Editor of International Council for Biodeterioration of Cultural Property. Member of Oxford Round table conference, London Executive Member of the International council of biodeterioration of Cultural property. Prof. S.Asif A. Naqvi Expert member of all India council for technical education, New Delhi. 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs) Name Programme attended Dr. Abduraheem K. National Workshop on Anti Termite Treatment by 4H Club at AMU Aligarh Aligarh Muslim University Page 632 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Prof. S.A.A. Naqvi National Workshop on Anti Termite Treatment by 4H Club at AMU Aligarh on 18 th April 2013 Dr. Mohd. Irfan National Workshop on Anti Termite Treatment by 4H Club at AMU Aligarh on 18 th April 2013. 28 Student projects: percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter- departmental projects: 100% PG Students doing in house projects percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute : 30% Name of the Student Title of the Project Warisha Khan An Approach for the conservation of S.T.S. High School Building Butool Fatima Planning and organization of Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences Suboohi Nasrin A case study of some selected coins of University Museums of Science and Culture, AMU Aligarh Juhi Sadiya Colour Preservation of Plants by Including Artificial Colours Habib Ahmad Plastination Technique with special reference to preservation of Anatomical Specimens Dimple Gupta Role of Outreach Programme of Community Medicine Museum J.N. Medical College , AMU Aligarh Nazia Irshad A case study of 18 th Century Iron Dagger with leather Sheath 29 Awards/recognitions received at the national and international level by: Doctorate and Post doctorate Fellowship Dr. Praveen Kumar Verma Award of Post Doctorate fellowship Award of Innovative Research Award of Junior Research Fellowship for Doctorate (i) Butool Fatima, JRF (ii) Amit Shandilya JRF (iii) Ameeza Zarrin JRF 30 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any: Name of the events Date National Workshop on “Anti termite treatment” Sponsored by 4H Club Gandhi Nagar, Jammu (Rs.15000/-) 18 April, 2013 7 th International Conference On Biodeterioration of Cultural Property (Sponsored by ICBCP, Rs. 50,000/-) 16-17 Feb. 2013 National Conference on “Environmental Education in Museums and Formal Education Institutions (Sponsored by ICHR Rs. 45,000/-) 17-18 Feb.2012 National Conference on “Role of Museums in Environmental Education & Interpretation”(Sponsored by NMNH, New Delhi, Rs. 30,000/-) 5-6 March, 2010 National Conference on “Reconstructing the Past: 14-15 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 633 of 690 Scope and Limitations” Department of Museology (Sponsored by ICHR, Rs. 45,000/-) Feb.2009 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments A.M.U., Institutional ethical code 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (reference to question no.4) Application received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female M.Sc Museology 200 10 40 100% 90% Post M.Sc Diploma 110 10 15 80% 80% P.G.Diploma 190 20 30 90% 80% MPhil/PhD 12 1 6 NA NA 33 Diversity of students: Name of the Programme % of student from the same University % of the students from other Univ. within the State % of Students From Univ. outside the State % of Students from Other Countries M.Sc. Museology 30 70 20 Nil Post M.Sc. Student 40 60 20 Nil PG Diploma in Museology 20 80 10 Nil 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise: NET Qualified 13 JRF Qualified 05 35 Student progression: Student Progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG NA PG to M. Phil. 0 PG to Ph. D. 30% Ph. D. To Post Doctorate 25% Employed Other than Campus Recruitment 60% 36 Diversity of staff: Percentage of Faculty who are graduate PG Ph.D Of the Same University 60 80% 100 From other University within the state 20% 20% Nil From University from other states 20% Nil Nil From Universities outside the Country Nil Nil Nil 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period Two Ph.D. award to two guest faculties 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to: (i) Library – (Present) (ii) Internet facilities for staff and students – (Present) (iii) Total number of class rooms-03 (iv) Class rooms with ICT facility-01 Aligarh Muslim University Page 634 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports (v) Students’ laboratories -02 (vi) Research laboratories -01 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates: (i) from the host institution/university Post Doctorate Student: Dr. Praveen Kumar Verma List of Doctorate students 1. Butool Fatima JRF 2. Amit Shandilya JRF 3.Ameeza Zarrin JRF 4. Reshma Khatoon NET 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the University : NIL 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology: The members of the Board of Studies and faculty of Life Sciences discussed and resolved to start new course on M.A. Conservation in future. 42 Does the department obtain feedback from : (i) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes: Utilize the Feed back to revise the Curriculum whenever required (ii) Students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? No (iii) Alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? No 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10): (i) Dr. A. Ranga Former Director, Children,’s Museum, New Delhi (ii) Naaz Rizvi Scientist D, National Museum of Natural History, Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi. (iii) Arvind Kumar Sharma Director, INTACH, Gwalior (iv) K.K. Sharma Keeper, Rashtrapati Bhawan Museum, New Delhi (v) Mod. Younus Scientist B, RMNH, Sawai Madhopur. (vi) Dr. Praveen Kumar Verma, Scientist NMNH, New Delhi (vii) Mr. Gaurav, Scientist NMNH, New Delhi 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/ seminar) involving external experts.: (i) Prof. Sanjay Jain Department of Museology M.S.University Baroda, (Delivered Lecture on Museum education on 27-11-2013) (ii) Prof. Ghazanfar Zaidi Department of Applied Art, JMI New Delhi, (Invited for 16-03-2014) (iii) Dr. N.R. Shah Department of Museology M.S. University Baroda,(Lecture on conservation on 01-02-2012) (iv) Prof. S.P. Verma Department of History AMU,(Lecture on Mughal Painting on 08-03-2010 ) (v) Dr. K.K. Mohammad Director, ASI, Delhi,(Lecture on Excavation Techniques 16-03-2013) (vi) Ms. Rashmi Sharma Curator, Nation Children, New Delhi, (invited for 12- 03-2014) (vii) Dr. B. Venugopal Director, NMNH, New Delhi,(Lecture on Scope of Museolog 08-10-2009) (viii) Dr. A. Qadri Director, General State Museum,Jammu&Kashmir, (Invited for 10-03-2014) Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 635 of 690 (ix) Prof. Navital Garhwal University, Garhwal,(Invited for 05-03-2014 ) (x) Mr. Arvind Kumar Director, INTACH, A-3 Balwan Nagar, Gandhi Road, (Gwalior,Lecture on Metal cleaning on 16-11-2013) (xi) Mrs. Kedeswari Keeper, Salarjung Museum Hyderabad, (Invited for 06-03- 2014) (xii) Dr. Usha Rani Asstt. Professor , BHU, Varanashi,(Invited for 03-03-2014) (xiii) Dr. K.K. Sharma Conservator, National Museum New Delhi,( invited for 05-03-2014) (xiv) Mr. Nandan Shashtri Curator, Baroda Museum Gujarat,(Lecture on Mobile Exhibition on 10-03-2012) 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes: 1. Practical Demonstration 2. Chalk & Board Methods 3. White Board & Marker 4. Visit to Museum/ Field trip 5. Project work 6. Internet & IT tools 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Evaluation & Assesment through Sessional test semester examinations. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Study tour to various discipline Museums 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department: (i) Consultation for developing museum laboratories, Local and National level such as Ibne Sina Academy, MA Library, State Museum Lucknow etc. (ii) Research works Guiding Ph.D. Student etc. (iii) Organize Conference/ workshops etc. 49 State whether the programme/ department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. – New research Innovation methods: Under the innovative research Colour Preservation plants, Particularly flower were invented for which patent also awarded. Many award obtained for the same by the faculty & Research Scholar Research in educational Potential, Freeze Drying techniques effectiveness of Smart Classroom, Effectiveness of alternative methods for dissection are under taking by scholars. 52 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department: Five Major strength (i) Various agencies & Institutions of India and Abroad such as National Research Laboratories, Japan, State Museum Lucknow, NMNH, New Delhi etc offered collaboration with the department for Research Project. (ii) Dedicated teachers, Research Scholars conducting innovative and applied research that made the department popular. Aligarh Muslim University Page 636 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports (iii) The Staff and Student Supporting & encouraging to conduct conference / workshop every year in the department. They also present & publish paper in national and international conference made the department popular. (iv) The Famous faculties are invited by National agencies like AICTE, other Universities and Organization for expertise and Advisory committee, Editorial board etc. (v) Research Scholars and Ph. D. Students are getting jobs and placements after the completion of Ph. D. / M.Sc. such as Scientist, Conservator, Trainee etc. More than 100 students are working various Museums in India and Abroad makes the Department Popular. Five Weakness: (i) Insufficient Teaching posts (ii) Insufficient Space for Students & teachers. (iii) Insufficient Budget for the university museum which is a laboratory for the students. (iv) Failure of power supply Particularly in summer. (v) Insufficient Power backup 53 Future plans of the department: (i) Strengthen the National & International Collaboration for innovative teaching & Research programme. (ii) Generate Fund for Infrastructure Development of the Department through Projects from different funding agencies like UGC, ASI, CSIR, ICHR etc. (iii) Develop University Museum into a world class Museum through Public participation & Student Involvement. (iv) Introduction of New Courses: New Course on MA conservation is proposed to UGC to initiate when the Infrastructure development raised up to the mark. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- Chairman Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 637 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Wildlife Sciences (Conservation Monitoring Centre) 2 Year of establishment 1986 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of Life Sciences 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.): M.Sc. (Wildlife Science) M.Sc. (Biodiversity Studies & Management) M. Phil Ph.D. Diploma in Biodiversity Management & Conservation Certificate courses in RS & GIS Application in Environmental Studies Certificate courses in Wildlife Ecology & Management Certificate courses in Biodiversity Management & Conservation 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved: The two PG Programmes, namely M.Sc (Wildlife Science) and M.Sc. (Biodiversity Studies) are interdisciplinary in nature and help of other Departments is sought such as Department of Botany, Computer Science, Geography & Statistics. 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. None 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons: P.G. Diploma in Biodiversity Management & Conservation. The Diploma Course has been up graded to the full 2 years master’s Programme namely M.Sc. Biodiversity studies and Management 8 Examination System: Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: The Department participates in teaching Environmental Awareness Course at under graduate level offered by the Departments of Biochemistry, Botany and Zoology 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sanct- ioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 01 01 01 Associate Professors 01 01 01 Asst. Professors 03 03 03 Others Nil 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi -cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Hafiz Shaique Ph.D. Professor Ornithology 29 years Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 638 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Ahmad Yahya Jamal A. Khan Ph.D. Professor Wildlife Ecology 25 years Ph.D. – 05 M.Phil – Nil Afifullah Khan Ph.D. Associate Professor Wildlife Ecology 25 years Ph.D. – Nil M.Phil - 01 Satish Kumar Ph.D. Associate Professor Ecology 17 years Ph.D. – Nil M.Phil – 01 Orus Ilyas Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ecology 04 years Nil 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors None 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme- wise information None 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio 7:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual Academic support staff Sanctioned & Filled Vaca nt Actual Technical Staff 05 05 05 Clerical & Administative Staff 03 03 03 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies Biodiversity Conservation and Management, Ecology, Remote Sensing and GIS in Wildlife and Biodiversity studies 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. Title of Project Funding Agency Duration and Date Total sanctioned fund Development of Conservation Action Plan of Barasingha in Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary NHAI (National Highways Authority of India) Six months March 2013 to August 2013 7,50,000/- Habitat use and overlap of Himalayan Musk deer Moschus chrysogaster with reference to habitat quality and human use in Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand”. University Grants Commission, Govt. Of India. Three years, started from February 2011 8,16,800/- Conservation status and ecology of ungulates in Pench Tiger Reserve M.P. with special reference to resource partitioning DST-Ministry of Science and Technology,G ovt. of India. Three years, started from February 2012 20,71,400/- Migratory movements of waterbirds through Uttar Wildlife Department, Two years 22,00,000/- Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 639 of 690 Pradesh and the surveillance of avian diseases Government of Uttar Pradesh 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received: Nil (i) National collaboration: Yes (ii) International collaboration: None 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. S.No. Funding Agency Grants received 1 National Highways Authority of India 7,50,000 00 2 University Grants Commission 8,16,800 00 3 Dept of Science and Technology (DST) 20,71,400 00 4 DST-PURSE Programme 25,00,000 00 5 Wildlife Department, Govt of Uttar Pradesh 22,00,000 00 Total 83,38,200 00 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition: Nil national recognition: Nil international recognition: Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies None 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international): 28 Monographs: Nil Chapters in Books: 02 (i) Parwez, M. and O. Ilyas (2010). Response of indigenous medicinal knowledge system to globalization system: A study of Kumaon Himalayas. Pages 162-173 in M. Gulrez, Ed. Area studies in India - Challenges Ahead. Centre of West Asian Studies, Aligarh Muslim Univeristy, Aligarh. AMU Press, 2010, pp 202. (ii) Yahya, H.S.A. (2012). Ecology and Conservation of the Narcondam Hornbill, Aceros narcondami, in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Pages 263-272 in K. Ventataraman, C. Raghunathan and C. Sivaperuman, Eds. Ecology of faunal communities on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp 340, ISBN 978-3-642- 28335-2 Edited Books: Nil Books with ISBN with details of publishers: 04 Primates of India, 2009, Satguru Publications, ISBN No. 9788190173568 Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average: Citation and h-indices are as follows: Range of citations: 10-141 Average Citation: 54.4 Range of h-index: 2-6 Average h-index: 3.8 (The above-mentioned indices are based on Google Scholar Citations and h- index of publications) SNIP: Not known SJR: Not known Impact Factor – range / average: 0.91 to 4.35 (As per information on various Aligarh Muslim University Page 640 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports journals in 2013) 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 25 Faculty invited/selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad : One senior faculty member of the Department Prof. H.S.A. Yahya was invited by Harvard University, USA to deliver lecture in ornithology Prof. Jamal A. Khan visited university of Bristol under UGC-British Council Exchange Program in 1992. He was also selected as Visiting Fellow to visit the Wildlife Institute of India in 1997. During 2002-04, Prof Jamal A. Khan visited Yemen to implement HAWF protected area project in collaboration with NIE. He also visited Kabul to implement wildlife conservation project 2006-08. Dr. Afifullah Khan was selected to visit research station of Aberdeen University under the aegis of UGC-British Council Exchange program in 1992. 26 Faculty serving in National committees Prof. H.S.A. Yahya nominated as Member, Planning Commission, Govt of India Higher Education Group for 12 th 5 Year Plan International committees Prof H.S.A. Yahya is a member of International Ornithological Congress (IOC), which is organized every five years interval in different countries Editorial Boards Prof. H.S.A. Yahya is a member of Editorial Board of Fikro Nazar, an Urdu Magazine published from the Aligarh Muslim University any other (please specify) Prof. H.S.A. Yahya is a Member of the Governing Council of Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON), Coimbatore Prof. H.S.A. Yahya is reviewer for Indian Forester Prof. Jamal A. Khan and Dr Satish Kumar are reviewers for Journal of Bombay Natural History Society Dr. Orus Ilyas is reviewer for Mammalia 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher/orientation programs workshops, training programs and similar programs). (a) As participants: Dr. Orus Ilyas has participated in Orientation and Refresher programmes offered by the UGC- Academic Staff College (b) As Resource persons: Dr. Afifullah Khan has been delivering lectures for Orientation and Refresher Courses as a resource person regularly in the UGC Academic Staff College, AMU since 2006. Prof. H.S.A. Yahya has delivered 7 lectures as a resource person for Orientation and Refresher Courses held at UGC Academic Staff College, AMU. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 641 of 690 Dr. Satish Kumar has delivered 4 lectures as a resource person for Refresher Course in Environmental Studies conducted since 2012 by the UGC Academic Staff College, AMU. 28 Student projects (a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental Projects: 75% (b) Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/ institute: 25% 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Prof. Jamal A. Khan was nominated as Member of National Tiger Conservation Authority, MoEF, GOI (2006-2009) Prof. Jamal A. Khan nominated as Member of State Wildlife Advisory Board, Uttar Pradesh (2011) Dr. Jamal A. Khan nominated as Member of Tiger Protection Society, Uttar Pradesh (since inception) Dr. Afifullah Khan was nominated as Member MoEF Task Team on “Studies on Wildlife Sanctuaries & National Parks”, MoEF, GOI (2003-09) Dr. Afifullah Khan was nominated as Member, Project Steering Committee constituted by the MoEF, GOI during 2004-09. Dr. Orus Ilyas is Asia Co-ordinator of Deer Specialist Group of SSC/IUCN Doctoral / Post-doctoral fellows: Dr. Farah Ishtiaq was awarded post-doctoral fellowships at Smithsonian Institution, USA in 2002 and at Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology, University of Oxford, UK in 2005 respectively. Students: None 30 Seminars/Conferences/Worksh ops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. None 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments: Yes. The Department strictly follows ethics for research as per the guidelines of concerned regulatory agencies/bodies. 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Application s received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female M.Sc. Wildlife Sciences (2009- 10) 35 09 01 100% 100% PG Diploma in Biodiversity 35 03 02 100% 100% Aligarh Muslim University Page 642 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Management & Conservation (2009-10) Certificate course in RS & GIS Application in Environmental Studies 08 02 01 100% 100% Certificate course in Wildlife Ecology & Management 02 Nil Nil Nil Certificate course in Biodiversity Management & Conservation 02 Nil Nil Nil M.Phil/Ph.D. 09 01 (M.Phil) Nil 100% - Ph.D. – Nil M.Sc. Wildlife Sciences (2010- 11) 58 07 03 100% 100% PG Diploma in Biodiversity Management & Conservation 58 01 02 100% 100% Certificate course in RS & GIS Application in Environmental Studies 11 04 02 100% 100% Certificate course in Wildlife Ecology & Management 01 Nil Certificate course in Biodiversity Management & Conservation 03 Nil 02 - Both candidates discontinue d M.Phil/Ph.D. 60 M.Phil – Nil 01 (Ph.D) 01 (Ph.D) Ongoing M.Sc. Wildlife Sciences (2011- 12) 108 04 04 100% 100% PG Diploma in Biodiversity Management & Conservation 108 05 01 100% 100% Certificate course in RS & GIS Application in Environmental Studies 18 Nil 01 - Discontinu ed Certificate course in Wildlife Ecology & Management 02 01 Nil 100% - Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 643 of 690 Certificate course in Biodiversity Management & Conservation 03 01 Nil Discontinu ed - M.Phil 34 03 (M.Phil) Nil Ongoing - Ph.D. Nil M.Sc. Wildlife Sciences (2012- 13) 115 04 05 Ongoing Ongoing M.Sc. Biodiversity Studies & Management 115 05 05 Ongoing Ongoing Certificate course in RS & GIS Application in Environmental Studies 17 - 01 - Discontinu ed Certificate course in Wildlife Ecology & Management 01 Nil - - Certificate course in Biodiversity Management & Conservation 01 Nil M.Phil/Ph.D. 35 Nil Nil 33 Diversity of students Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universitie s within the state % of students from universitie s outside the state % of students from other countries M.Sc. Wildlife Sciences (2009-10) Nil 50% 50% Nil PG Diploma in Biodiversity Management & Conservation Nil 40% 60% Nil Certificate course in RS & GIS Application in Environmental Studies 33% 66% Nil Nil Certificate course in Wildlife Ecology & Management Nil Certificate course in Biodiversity Management & Conservation Nil M.Phil 100% Nil Nil Ph.D. Nil M.Sc. Wildlife Sciences (2010-11) 40% 10% 50% Nil PG Diploma in Biodiversity Management & Conservation 33% 66% Nil Nil Certificate course in RS & GIS Application in 67% 33% Nil Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 644 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Environmental Studies Certificate course in Wildlife Ecology & Management Nil Certificate course in Biodiversity Management & Conservation Nil 100% Nil Nil M.Phil Nil Nil Nil Nil Ph.D. 100% Nil Nil Nil M.Sc. Wildlife Science (2011-12) 50% 50% Nil Nil PG Diploma in Biodiversity Management & Conservation 83% 17% Nil Nil Certificate course in RS & GIS Application in Environmental Studies Nil 100% Nil Nil Certificate course in Wildlife Ecology & Management Nil 100% Nil Nil Certificate course in Biodiversity Management & Conservation Nil 100% Discontinu ed Nil Nil M.Phil 100% Nil Nil Nil Ph.D. Nil M.Sc. Wildlife Sciences (2012-13) 67% 33% Nil Nil M.Sc. Biodiversity Studies & Management 60% 40% Nil Nil Certificate course in RS & GIS Application in Environmental Studies 100% Discontinued Nil Nil Nil Certificate course in Wildlife Ecology & Management Nil Certificate course in Biodiversity Management & Conservation Nil M.Phil Nil Ph.D. Nil 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defense Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. NET – 01 (full details of all Passed out candidates is not available) 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG Nil PG to M.Phil. 03 out of 10 (30%) PG to Ph.D. Nil Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Nil Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment Nil 70% Placement in NGOs Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 645 of 690 Entrepreneurs Nil 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates UG PG PhD of the same university 02 AMU AMU AMU from other universities within the State 01 University of Allahabad AMU AMU from universities from other States 02 L.M.N. University, Darbhanga; University of Jammu Bihar University, Muzaffarpur; University of Jammu, Jammu University of Bombay; AMU from universities outside the country Nil 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period: Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library: The Seminar Library of the Department is having a good collection of about 1650 books that are arranged in several sections such as Ecology, Population Biology, Mammalogy, Ornithology, Biodiversity and Conservation, Wetlands, Wildlife Management, Herpetology, Animal Behaviour, Biogeography, Plant Ecology and Phytogeography, Law and Policy and Bio- statistics. The Seminar Library also gets 10 International and 3 National Journals annually and they are related to different subject areas in which the Department is pursuing research. Some of these Journals are Conservation Biology, Journal of Wildlife Management, Bird Conservation International, Ecological Monograph, Journal of Tropical Ecology, Mammalia, Auk, Indian Forester, Current Science, and Hamdryad. Besides, the library also gets some Periodicals such as Down to earth, Sanctuary Asia, Hornbill etc. (i) Internet facilities for staff and students: Available (ii) Total number of class rooms: Three (iii) Class rooms with ICT facility: Three (iv) Students’ laboratories: One analytical laboratory is available for PG students (v) Research laboratories: Remote Sensing and GIS Lab & analytical laboratory. 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral from the host institution/university: Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 646 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports students and Research Associates from other institutions/universities: Nil 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university. One – PG Merit Scholarship 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. The Dept of Wildlife Sciences, considering the need for short-term and log-term courses in the discipline of Biodiversity Management and Conservation introduced following courses in the academic session 2007-2008: PG Diploma in Biodiversity Management and Conservation. Certificate course in RS and GIS Application in Environmental Studies Certificate course in Wildlife Ecology and Management Certificate course in Biodiversity Management and Conservation The course titled, “PG Diploma in Biodiversity Management and Conservation” was upgraded to four semester MSc Programme titled “MSc in Biodiversity Studies and Management”. The upgradation was deliberated upon in detail by the members of the Board of Studies of Department held on 12.08.2011. The proposal for upgradation was further discussed and finalized in the Faculty meeting held on 09.11.2011. 42 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching- learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, the feedback is used in revision of course curriculum at regular intervals. students on staff, curriculum and teaching- learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes informally, we regularly take feedback from our students and alumni. This feedback is used for improving the course curriculum, introducing new topics and teaching methods. alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? Yes, we are in touch with our alumni and receive continuous feedback from them in order to keep pace with changing dynamics in professional field. Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 647 of 690 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10): None 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. The Department regularly organise lectures of eminent personalities for the benefit of students. Some of the eminent personalities who have delivered lecture to our students include, Dr. Salim Ali, Dr. M.S. Swaminathan Dr. Zahoor Quasim, Prof. Moonis Raza, Prof. Lester Shot, Prof. John Cooper, Dr. M.K. Ranjitsinh. 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. The faculty members have been using the following teaching methods for different programmes: Blackboard Teaching ICT – LCD Projector/MS Powerpoint Seminars and Discussions Assignments Demonstration and Teaching in the Field 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? By conducting seminars, class assignments and sessional tests 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. The students and faculty members often conduct awareness campaigns for school children on World Environment Day and International Wetlands Day with collaboration of the Forest Department. The students are made aware of nature, ecosystem and its components, wetlands and their significance to them. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. The Department has been achieving this by conducting field orientation of students, field tours, seminars, field projects/dissertations etc. 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details Not Applicable 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. The Department has completed 45 research projects since its inception and the results published in national and international journals on wildlife ecology and management. The research work has contributed in advancement of basic discipline of Wildlife Science. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strengths (i) Young talented faculty and excellent state of the art teaching and research infrastructure (ii) Cordial relationship between faculty and students as there is an excellent coordination among faculty members (iii) Equally dedicated non-teaching staff (iv) Teaching more often supported with field activities Aligarh Muslim University Page 648 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports (v) Faculty members as well as students making extensive use of information technology Weaknesses (i) Limited field exposure of students due to paucity of funds (ii) Do not have adequate number of class rooms (iii) Major weakness is that the Dept is located outside the main AMU campus (iv) Our laboratory work as well as RS and GIS work in Computer Lab is hindered due to lack of continuous supply of electricity (v) Another major weakness is lack of motivated students Opportunities (i) The Department is conducting collaborative research with organisations such as Indian Institute of Remote Sensing and opening avenues for PG and research students (ii) Opening new courses Challenges (i) To maintain high academic standards on continuous basis (ii) Discipline is relatively young with vast potential of work (iii) Job opportunities especially in teaching profession are meager in the discipline since it is highly specialized The faculty members have to put in extra efforts for students coming from rural areas and poor schooling background Future plans of the department. The Department has prepared a well laid out “Expansion and Diversification Plan 2007-2017”, which has been approved by all bodies of the University and the same is being implemented. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- Chairman Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Date: Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 649 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Zoology 2 Year of establishment 1922 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of the University 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) UG PG M.Phil. Ph.D. D.Sc. 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved (i) Boost to University Interdisciplinary Life science Departments for Education and Research (BUILDER) programme- DBT(Inter-departmental) (ii) Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE) programme-DST (Inter-faculty) 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Nil 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Annual/Semester/Trimester/Choice Based Credit System Annual/Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Nil 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sanct- ioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 03 03 09 Associate Professors 08 02 04 (one post transferred to Women’s college) Asst. Professors 17 10 15 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualifi -cation Desig- nation Specialization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./ M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Irfan Ahmad Ph.D. Professor Nematology 30 03+00=03 Iqbal Parwez Ph.D. Professor Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 28 03+03=06 Waseem Ahmad (Faridi) Ph.D. Professor Genetics 34 00+02=02 Aligarh Muslim University Page 650 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Wasim Ahmad Ph.D. Professor Nematology 27 03+01=04 Mohammad Afzal Ph.D. Professor Genetics 27 05+01=06 Wajihullah Ph.D. Professor Parasitology 25 Mukhtar Ahmad Khan Ph.D. Professor Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 27 Qudsia Tahseen Ph.D. Professor Nematology 24 03+00=03 S.M. Abbas Abidi Ph.D. Professor Parasitology 15 Mohd Kamil Usmani Ph.D. Associate Professor Entomology 36 02+02=04 Malik Irshadullah Ph.D. Associate Professor Parasitology 16 03+01=04 Shahid Bin Zeya Ph.D. Associate Professor Entomology 18 00+02=02 Ayesha Qamar Ph.D. Assistant Professor Entomology 11 01+02=03 GG Hammad A. Shadab Ph.D. Assistant Professor Genetics 12 00+01=01 Mohd Amir M.Phil. Assistant Professor Entomology 19 00+01=01 Mohammad Afzal Khan Ph.D. Assistant Professor Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 10 00+02=02 Mohammad Khalid Saifullah Ph.D. Assistant Professor Parasitology 13 00+02=02 Shoeba Binte Anis Ph.D. Assistant Professor Entomology 13 00+02=02 Khowaja Jamal Ph.D. Assistant Professor Entomology 10 00+01=01 Saltanat Parveen Ph.D. Assistant Professor Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 12 02+03=05 Yasir Hasan Siddique Ph.D. Assistant Professor Genetics 4 00+00=00 Riaz Ahmad Ph.D. Assistant Professor Genetics 8 00+01=01 Retired Professor as Principal Investigator with R & D Project: Prof. Mohammad Hayat in Network Project on Insect Biosystematics, ICAR, New Delhi 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors M. Afzal Siddiqui 2012-13 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty –programme-wise information: Programme Name Year % of class taken Undergraduate (Zoology Main) 2009-10 8.33 (0.5/6 papers) Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Botany Main 25 (0.5/2) Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 651 of 690 Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Biochemistry Main 25 (0.5/2) Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Chemistry Main 25 (0.5/2) Postgraduate (Semester-I) 10 (0.5/5) Postgraduate (Semester-II) 10 (0.5/5) Postgraduate (Semester-III)-Specialization 25 (2/8) Postgraduate (Semester-IV) -Specialization 25 (2/8) Undergraduate (Zoology Main) 2010-11 8.33 (0.5/6 papers) Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Botany Main 25 (0.5/2) Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Biochemistry Main 25 (0.5/2) Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Chemistry Main 25 (0.5/2) Postgraduate (Semester-I) 10 (0.5/5) Postgraduate (Semester-II) 10 (0.5/5) Postgraduate (Semester-III) 25 (2/8) Postgraduate (Semester-IV) 25 (2/8) Undergraduate (Zoology Main) 2011-12 8.33 (0.5/6 papers) Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Botany Main 25 (0.5/2) Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Biochemistry Main 25 (0.5/2) Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Chemistry Main 25 (0.5/2) Postgraduate (Semester-I) 10 (0.5/5) Postgraduate (Semester-II) 10 (0.5/5) Postgraduate (Semester-III) 25 (2/8) Postgraduate (Semester-IV) 25 (2/8) Undergraduate (Zoology Main) 2012-13 8.33 (0.5/6 papers) Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Botany Main 25 (0.5/2) Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Biochemistry Main 25 (0.5/2) Undergraduate (Subsidiary Zoology) Chemistry Main 25 (0.5/2) Postgraduate (Semester-I) 10 (0.5/5) Postgraduate (Semester-II) 10 (0.5/5) Postgraduate (Semester-III) 25 (2/8) Postgraduate (Semester-IV) 25 (2/8) 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio: Programme No. of anticipated students Ratio B.Sc. Zoology (Main + Subsidiary) 560 25.45:1 M.Sc. Zoology (Specialization) 35 1.59:1 M.Phil. + Ph.D. 80 3.63:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual (as per the available records): S.No. Post Sanctioned Filled Actual (Vacant) 1 STA (Museum Curator) 01 00 01 2 Senior Technical Assistant 04 02 02 3 Technical Assistant 04 02 02 4 Senior Lab Assistant (SLA) 01 01 00 5 Junior Lab Assistant (JLA) 02 01 01 6 Lab Attendant 12 11 01 Aligarh Muslim University Page 652 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 7 Professional Assistant 01 01 00 7 Library Attendant 01 01 00 8 Gestetner operator 01 01 00 8 Office Attendant 01 01 00 9 UDC (Accounts) 01 00 01 10 Steno (General) 01 00 01 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies (i) Agricultural Nematology (a) Nematode behavior, Ecology, Developmental Biology of soil and fresh water nematodes & Taxonomy (b) Biodiversity, Ultrastructure and Functional Morphology, Molecular Taxonomy, Ecology, Phylogenomics (ii) Entomology (a) Bioystematics, Biodiversity of Insect Pests & Parasitoids and Insect Ecology (b) Insect Taxonomy (c) Insect Pest Management, Insect Histopathology & Physiology (iii) Fisheries Science & Aquaculture (a) Fish Molecular Biology & Endocrinology (b) Fish Nutrition (c) Fisheries Science and Aquaculture (d) Limnology (iv) Genetics (a) Molecular Genotoxicity and Antimutagenicity, Environmental Genetics, Genomic Medicine, Genetics & Control of Insects Vector of Disease. (b) Genetics, toxicology, consanguinity, population genetics (c) Cytogenetics and Toxicology (d) Toxicology; Neurotoxicology, Neuropharmacology (e) Biochemical Genetics, Clinical Biochemistry (v) Parasitology (a) Immunobiology and Immunodiagnosis of Helminth Parasites (b) Mutation studies against curative antimalarials in falciparum and vivax malaria (c) Morphology, Biochemistry, Enzymology and pathology of both veterinary and medically important helminth parasites (d) Immunodiagnosis of helminth parasites 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 653 of 690 project title and grants received project-wise. Name of the Faculty Title of Research Project National/In ternational Total Grant Received (in lakh) Name of Sponsored Agency Prof. Iqbal Parwez Genotyping of Unani system based temperament (Mizaj) groups by RAPD fingerprinting National 28.0 CCRUM, New Delhi Immunocharacterization and ultrastructural characterization of gill chloride cells of the catfish H. fossilis and their possible role in ion- transport mechanism National 22.5 CSIR Effect of salinity stress on various gill mucous cell types in a fresh water teleost H. fossilis: a morphohistochemical & ultrastructural study National 7.34 UGC Genetic Diversity, molecules and phylogenetic kinship in the declining population of four Channa species from Northern India and possible conservation strategies National 60.0 DBT Prof. Waseem Ahmad (Faridi) Cytogenetic and molecular characterization of chromosome and DNA damage in mammalian test systems by some organo- chlorine and organophosphorus compounds- National 6.918 UGC Genotoxicity of dichlorophor and diclocores in mammalian test system using multiple genetic assays National 6.96 CST, UP Prof. Mohammad Afzal Genetic and biochemical diversity of North Indian Muslim populations National 4.80 CST, UP Prof. S.M. Abbas Abidi Developing a validation portfolio to exploit key virulence proteins in Fasciola species for parasite control International 75.0 BBSRC- UK Prof. Qudsia Tahseen Nematode faunal diversity and community structure: indicators of environmental conditions at Keetham lake National 23.66 MOE&F Taxonomic diversity of nematodes in the wetland, Shekha Jheel National 35.411 DST Dr. M. Kamil Usmani Biodiversity and Biosystematic studies of Acridoidea (Orthoptera) in Western Ghats of India National 24.0 MOE&F Aligarh Muslim University Page 654 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Biosystematics and biodiversity of Acridoidea (Orthoptera) in North India National 33.18 DST Dr. Shahid Bin Zeya Studies of Biosystematics and Biodiversity of Indian Mymarids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Mymaridae)- National 3.2 UGC Dr. Ayesha Qamar Pesticide Induced Neurotoxicity studies with a relevance to neurological disorders using insect model National 6.93 UGC Dr. G.G.H.A. Shadab Cytogenetic evaluation of genotoxic effects of fresh water fishes exposed to cadmium National 3.65 UGC Dr. M. Afzal Khan Studies on precision and validation of age estimates and growth of Sperata seenghala from river Ganga National 9.808 UGC Ageing precision, growth and stock identification of Channa striatus from river Ganga and its tributaries rivers Gomti and Yamuna National 7.8 CST-UP Studies on microchemistry of otoliths od Sperata aor across river Ganga, and its validation from microsatellite markers National 47.26 DST Dr. Yasir H. Siddique Biochemical and cytogenetic effects of oral contraceptives among women of different reproductive histories- National 7.258 UGC Genotoxicity assessment in exfoliated mucosal cells of pan masala and gutkha chewers National 6.96 CST, UP Study of some selected antibacterials on heat shock protein (hsp70) expression and cytotoxic damage in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (hsp70-lacZ) Bg9 National 7.864 ICMR Effect of bioactive nutrients against drug induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats National 16.0 DST Dr. Riaz Ahmad Ultrasconication as a novel approach to monitor stability and endogenous protease susceptibility of myofibrillar protein of different species National 4.99 UGC Obligatory events during inducible cycloxygenase-2 dependent hepatic fibrosis and a putative role of a bioflavonoid trans 3,4-5- National 10.0 CST, UP Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 655 of 690 trihydroxystilbene during progression of disease 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration Network Project on Insect Biosystematics, ICAR, New Delhi A collaborative project with HNB Garhwal University on Channid fishes of India, funded by DBT, New Delhi. International collaboration: Developing a validation portfolio to exploit key virulence proteins in Fasciola species for parasite control in collaboration with BBSRC, UK. Amount = 75 lacs 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. Nil 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition Nil national recognition: Amino acid analyzer Atomic mass spectrophotometer international recognition Nil 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / international) 267 Monographs 01 Chapters in Books 23 Edited Books 05 Books with ISBN with details of publishers 03 (i) Genetics and Genomics; (ISBN NO. 978-81-317-71099). Published by Pearson Education Incorporation, Dorling Kindersley, India. (ii) Steroid genotoxicity and anti-mutagenesis by Natural plant products. ISBN: 978-3-8383-6594-7. LAPLambert Academic Publishing. (iii) Natural plants extracts and their genotoxicity. ISBN 978-3-8443-9433-7. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Number listed in International Database (For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) Citation Index – range / average SNIP N.A. SJR N.A. Impact Factor – range / average 0-6.0 h-index ∼ ∼∼ ∼7.0 Number of Ph.D./M.Phil. awarded 52 (25+27) 23 Details of patents and income generated Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated Nil 25 Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other laboratories / institutions / Four (International) Aligarh Muslim University Page 656 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports industries in India and abroad 26 Faculty serving in National committees: Eight Faculty members in different committees International committees Nil Editorial Boards: Eight Faculty members in different Journals any other (please specify) 27 Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs) As resource person: 16 As participant: 35 28 Student projects percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects 100 percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/ industry/institute Nil 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Twenty Four (24) Doctoral / post doctoral fellows 10 Students 10 30 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. (i) National Seminar, “Human Toxicology and Environmental Health: New Frontiers and Future Challenges”. TOXEMINAR-1 of Indian Society of Toxicology, Cochin held in the Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh on February 22, 2009. National funding (ii) National Symposium, “Frontiers in Life Sciences: Basic and Applied”. MAASCON-1 of Muslim Association for the Advancement of Science, Aligarh, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh on October 23-24, 2010. National funding (iii) “Workshop on Application of Molecular Biology Techniques in Comparative Endocrinology” (under the auspices of Indian Society for Comparative Endocrinology), Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. OUTSTANDING PARTICIPANTS: Dr. R.E.B. Hanna, Agri food Bioscience Institute, Northern Ireland, U.K. Dr. P Nath, Dept of Zoology, Visva Bharti, Shantineketan Dr. N K Subhedar, Dept of Pharma. Science, Nagpur University, Nagpur Dr. Umesh Rai, Department of Zoology, Delhi University, Delhi Dr. Bechan Lal, Department of Zoology, BHU, Varanasi Dr. B Senthal Kumaran, Dept of Animal Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 657 of 690 Sciences, University of Hyderabad Dr. Aparna Dutta Gupta, Departmentt of Animal Sciences, University of Hyderabad Dr. G.B.N. Chainy, Department of Zoology & Biotech. Utkal University, Bhubaneswar Dr. Neeta Seghal, Department of Zoology, University of Delhi Dr. Soma Mondal, Department of Zoology, University of Delhi Dr. C.M. Chaturvedi, Department of Zoology, BHU, Varanasi (iv) International symposium-cum-workshop. BBSRC, UK. OUTSTANDING PARTICIPANTS: Prof. Aron Maule, Director Molecular Biosciences, Queens University, UK. Prof. Terry Spithill, Co-Director, Agribiosciences, University of Melbourne. Dr. Gerry Brennan, Q.U.B., U.K. Dr. O.K. Raina, IVRI, Izzat Nagar, Bareilly, India 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the Departments (i) Animal ethics (ii) Ethics on publication Animal Ethical Committee of the department is underway 32 Student profile programme-wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) Application s received Selected Pass percentage Male Female Male Female B.Sc. Zoology 5128 160 00 ∼90-95% M.Sc. Zoology 2091 74 67 100% M.Phil./Ph.D. 289 26 36 96-98% in M.Phil., 100% in Ph.D. 33 Diversity of students: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same univ. % of students from other universities within the State % of students from univ. outside the State % of students from other countries B.Sc. Zoology ∼40% ∼40% ∼20% ∼0 M.Sc. Zoology ∼50% ∼30% ∼20% ∼0.02% M.Phil. Zoology ∼70% ∼25% ∼5% ∼0.02- 0.04% Ph.D. Zoology ∼70% ∼25% ∼5% ∼0.02- 0.04% 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise. Category No. of Students NET 12 GATE 18 Aligarh Muslim University Page 658 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG ∼25% PG to M.Phil. ∼15% PG to Ph.D. ∼20% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral ∼5% Employed • Campus selection • Other than campus recruitment N.A. N.A. Entrepreneurs Nil 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university ∼95% from other universities within the State Nil from universities from other States ∼05% from universities outside the country Nil 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period Nil 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to (i) Library Available (ii) Internet facilities for staff and students Available (iii) Total number of class rooms Nine (3+6) (iv) Class rooms with ICT facility Nine (v) Students’ laboratories Seven (1+6) (vi) Research laboratories Twenty three 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates from the host institution/university 2010 (Ph.D. Students): S.No. Name 1 Nadia Sufyan 2 Neeraj 3 Tabinda Nusra 4 Ruqaiya Hussain 5 Syed Faiz Mujtaba 6 Ahsana Shah 7 Umm-e-Asma 8 Farha Taufiq 9 Samreen Alam 10 Sheeba Haseeb 11 Ahammed Shareef P.A. 12 Yasir Akhtar Khan 13 Mohd. Abdul Hannan Khan 14 Md. Rashid Nayeem 15 Uzma Rafi 16 Mohd. Humayoon Akhtar 17 Monika Rani 18 Sadia Rashid Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 659 of 690 19 Iram Khan 20 Shahista Khan 21 Salma Begum 22 Tabassum Rehmat 23 Uzma Ahmad 24 Areeba Ahmad 25 Mohammad Jalaluddin Abbas 26 Nisha Sharma 27 Mehjabeen Javed M.Phil. Students 1 Mohammad Iqbal Lone 2 Nazia Nazam 3 Priyanka Jacob 4 Sabiha Khatoon 5 Devanshu Gupta 2011 (Ph.D. Students): 1 Sumaya Ahad 2 Mohd. Fareed 3 Shabnam Khan 4 Sakil Ahmad 5 Sharba Kausar 6 Malka Mustaqim 7 Smita Jyoti M.Phil. Students 1 Sabah 2 Ab Latif Wani 3 Prince Tarique Anwar 4 S. Uzma Usman 5 Rashid Saleem 6 Imran Mustafa 7 Mr. Sajad Ahmad Bhat 2012 (Ph.D. Students) 1 Sabiha Khatoon 2 Nazia Nazam 3 Mohammad Asif 4 Fakiha Firdaus 5 Dipak Kumar 6 Mohammad Iqbal Lone 7 Ishtiaq Ahmad 8 Zarrin Imran 9 Ashiq Hussain Mir M.Phil. Students 1 Falaq Naz 2 Fahad Ali 3 Fawaz Sanhan Khaled Amer Aligarh Muslim University Page 660 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports 4 Pooja Kumari 5 Mudasir Ahmad Dar 6 Monika Sharma 2013 (Ph.D. Students) 1 Syeda Uzma Usman 2 Rizwan Ullah 3 Abdur Rehman 4 Prince Tarique Anwar 5 Rashid SaleeM 6 Ravish Fatima 7 Mohd Kaleemullah Farooqi 8 Pooja Kumari 9 Younis Mohd Khan 10 Mohammad Musharraf 11 Malik Azeem Anwar 12 Afaq Nazir Shah 13 Taskeena Hassan M.Phil. Students 1 Rizwana Begum 2 Monika Sharma 3 Rehmat Jahan 4 Rahul 5 Bilal Nabi Bhat 6 Mohd Talib Khan 7 Sabia Mumtaz 2011 (Post-Docs & Project Staff) 1 Dr. Noorus Saba Firdausi 2 Dr. Mumtaz Jabeen 3 Dr. Md. Baniyamuddin 4 Dr. Farmanur Rahman Khan 5 Dr. S.M. Ali Badruddin 6 Dr. Sadre Alam Fakhri 7 Dr. Mohd. Shamim 8 Dr. Md. Faisal Siddiqui 9 Dr. Shabihul Fatima Abidi 2012 1 Dr. Noorus Saba Firdausi 2 Dr. Mumtaz Jabeen 3 Dr. Md. Baniyamuddin 4 Dr. Farmanur Rahman Khan 5 Dr. S.M. Ali Badruddin 6 Dr. Sadre Alam Fakhri 7 Dr. Mohd. Shamim 8 Dr. Md. Faisal Siddiqui 9 Dr. Shabihul Fatima Abidi Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 661 of 690 10 Ms. Andlib Iqbal 11 Dr. Smita Jyoti 2013 1 Salman Khan 2 Afaq Nazir Shah 3 Sadia Rashid 4 Umm-e-Asma 5 Shabih F. Abidi 6 Uzma Tauheed 7 S. M. Ali Badruddin 8 Rahul 9 Syed Kamran Ahmad 10 Mohd Talib Khan 11 Naghma from other institutions/universities NONE 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university 13 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. No 42 Does the department obtain feedback from (i) faculty on curriculum as well as teaching- learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback? Matter related with the feedback on curriculum and teaching-learning evaluation is routinely discussed in the Department BOS. The feedback is utilized to improve the curriculum and teaching-learning process and, new contents are incorporated in the syllabus, as and when required. (ii) students on staff, curriculum and teaching- learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? It is verbally taken during interactive meetings and practical classes. Suggestions conveyed to the Chair for necessary action. (iii) alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback? It happens only when the alumini visits the Department. Suggestions are utilized for the improvement of teaching and research activities of the Department. 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) (i) Prof. S.Z. Qasim (ii) Prof. Wasim A. Siddiqi (iii) Dr. M. Rafiq Siddiqi (iv) Dr. E. Khan (v) Prof. Afzal A. Qadri Aligarh Muslim University Page 662 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports (vi) Prof. S. S. Dhillon (vii) Dr. Tahseen Mirza (viii) Dr. Raghib Hussian (ix) Prof. Saleem Mustafa (x) Prof. Tariq M. Haqqi (xi) Prof. Afzal A. Siddiqui (xii) Dr. Sher Ali 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving external experts. The Department holds Seminars for PG students which is a part of their curriculum. It is assessed by the internal faculty members of the Department. 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes. Chalk and Board MS-PowerPoint Internet Facility Teaching Aids 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? The faculty remains involved in the sessionals/ tests throughout year to constantly monitor the objectives and the learning outcomes. 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. The students of the Department are always encouraged to participate in different seminars/ symposia/conferences held from time to time in Aligarh and outside Aligarh. 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. The Under-Graduate students of our Department use to visit different places locally to understand the applied aspects of the subject. The teachers of this Department arrange students visit and interaction with many markets/industries/farms (locally). These include poultry, meat, dairy, fish etc. From there, the students learn the practical and applied aspects of the subject and obtain an extensive data each year. 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details. No 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. The department is actively involved in generating basic as well as applied knowledge of the subject. Based on research in various thrust areas, the Department is continuously in the process of publishing research papers in the journals of high repute. This new knowledge is incorporated in teaching and learning process of the Department to make it more effective. 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strength Weakness Opportunities Challenge Highly qualified, devoted and competent faculty Non- collaborative research (inter- section) Additional Classrooms & Labs to accommodate more students Integrative and collaborative research Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 663 of 690 Diversity of research interests Lack of access to sufficient literature and research activities To develop infrastructural facilities To place the Department on International scenario Opportunity for basic and applied research Lack of central instrumentation facility To work on modern biology and disease research Infrastructural modernization Modern teaching aids Lack of high end sophisticated instruments To become a leading department To develop state-of-the art teaching and research laboratories compatible with modern curriculum requirements, and inculcation of scientific temperament among the students. Devoted Post- Docs and Research students Very few National and International Collaborative Programmes To go for many international collaborations Capitalize animal resource including human resource 52 Future plans of the Department. The department is looking for establishing a Central Instrumentation Facility apart from the upgrading the PG and UG classes as per the revised curriculum. The process is underway to begin intradepartmental collaborative work in a way to involve scientist from different specialization. The department is also planning to have some more sophisticated instrument for research purpose and that will also increase the chances of international collaboration. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- Chairman Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Aligarh Date: 08-02-2014 Aligarh Muslim University Page 664 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES & RESEARCH 1. Business Administration Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 665 of 690 Evaluative Report of the Department 1 Name of the Department Department of Business Administration 2 Year of establishment 1972 3 Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of Management Studies & Research 4 Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) PG, Ph.D. and Diploma 5 Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved Nil 6 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. Ph.D. Programme with All India Management Association, New Delhi. This program targets industry and other professionals who may not be able to spare full time for a PhD. program. The programme has two components – one, the course work, in which the aspirants are required to pass 10 papers. Those who clear this phase get enrolled in the second phase of thesis writing. The Department has produced 110 Ph.D. under this programme since 1999. 7 Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons Nil 8 Examination System: Semester Course Examination System MBA/MBA(IB) Semester DMM/DPM Annual PGDIBF Semester 9 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: (i) Prof. Javaid Akhtar (Centre of Bio- technology, Aligarh Muslim University) (ii) Dr. Asif Ali Syed (Centre of Bio- technology, Aligarh Muslim University) 10 Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sancti- oned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 03 01 07 Associate Professors 05 05 03 Asst. Professors 12 11 07 Others - 01 01 Total 20 17 17 11 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance Name Qualif- ication Design- ation Special- ization No. of Years of Exp. No. of Ph.D./M.Phil. students guided for the last 4 years Prof. M. Nejatullah MA (Econom Professor Emeritus Islamic Economics 50 -- Aligarh Muslim University Page 666 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Siddiqui ics), Ph.D Prof. Kaleem M. Khan MBA, DSAW, FDPM Professor Marketing 34 -- Prof. Javaid Akhter Ph.D., MBA, FDPM Professor Finance 31 2 Prof. M. Khalid Azam Ph.D., MBA, M.Com, DSW Professor Marketing 31 3 Prof. M. Israrul Haque Ph.D., MBA, M.A. Professor Human Resources 28 3 Prof. Valeed A. Ansari Ph.D., MBA, M.A Professor Finance 23 2 Prof. Jamal A. Farooquie Ph.D., M.Tech., B.Tech Professor Operations & Information Management 21 3 Prof. Pravaiz Talib Ph.D., MBA Professor General Management 24 2 Dr. Salma Ahmad Ph.D., MBA, DSM Associate Professor Operations & Information System 20 3 Dr. M. Nishat Faisal Ph.D., M.Tech., B.Tech. Associate Professor Operations & Information Management 19 Dr. Mohammad Naved Khan Ph.D., MBA, B.Tech. Associate Professor Marketing 14 2 Dr. Ayesha Farooq Ph.D., MBA Assistant Professor General Management 14 2 Dr. Bilal Mustafa Khan Ph.D., MBA, B.Tech. Assistant Professor Marketing 14 1 Dr. Asif Ali Syed Ph.D., MBA Assistant Professor Marketing 14 1 Dr. Saboohi Nasem Ph.D., MBA Assistant Professor General Management 11 Dr. Feza T. Azmi Ph.D., MBA Assistant Professor Marketing 11 2 Dr. Asad Rehman Ph.D., MBA Assistant Professor Marketing 14 1 Dr. Mohd. Afaq Khan Ph.D., MBA Assistant Professor Marketing 11 1 Dr. Asif Akhtar Ph.D., MBA, B.Tech Assistant Professor Operations & Information Management 7 12 List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors: S.No. Name of Senior Visiting Fellow 1. Prof. Nejatullah Professor Emeritus Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 667 of 690 Siddiqui 2. Mr. M.H. Khatkhatey Senior Industry Professional and a pioneer in Alternate financial Models 3. Dr. Shariq Nisar Visiting Fellow, Harvard Law School, Specializing in Islamic Finance. 13 Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty – programme-wise information: 14% 14 Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio 9:1 15 Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual : Designation Sanctioned Filled Assistant (Admin) 1 1 UDC (Admin) 1 1 LDC (Admin.) 1 1 Semi Professional 1 1 Library Attendant 2 2 Lab Attendant 1 1 Driver 1 1 Gestetner Operator 1 1 Office Attendant 2 2 Safaiwala 1 1 16 Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies : Entrepreneurship and Islamic Finance 17 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) national (b) international funding agencies and (c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise. National : One International : One Total Grants Received : Rs. 6.5 Lakhs 1. Name of the Faculty: Dr. Salma Ahmad Funding Agency : UGC Project title: Employee Disengagement: An Epidemic in Academic Institutions Grant: Rs. 6.5 Lakhs 2. Name of the Faculty: Dr. Mohd. Nishat Faisal, Co-Principal Investigator Funding Agency: Qatar National Research Fund Collaborating Institutions: Masdar Institute (UAE), Abu Dhabi University (UAE), Qatar University (Qatar), Jordan University of Science and Technology (Jordan) Project title: Supply Chain Optimization of Qatar Steel Grant: Rs. 3,13,000 18 Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received National collaboration : Nil International collaboration : Nil 19 Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC- SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT, ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received. : Rs. 6.50 Lakhs (Period of Project: 2 years) 20 Research facility / centre with state recognition Nil Aligarh Muslim University Page 668 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports national recognition international recognition 21 Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporate bodies. Nil 22 Publications: Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national/international): 186 Monographs : 06 Chapters in Books : 24 Edited Books : 4 Books with ISBN with details of publishers : 06 Citation Index (Google scholar): 930 h-index : 3.72 I10 Index : 19 SJR : Nil Impact Factor – range / average : Nil Name of Faculty Pap er Mon ogra ph Ch. in Books Ed. Book Bk with ISBN Citation (Google Scholar) H- Index I-10 Inde x Prof. Kaleem M. Khan 6 63 3 2 Prof. Javaid Akhtar 2 2 Prof. M. Khalid Azam 3 2 Prof. M. Israrul Haque 24 1 2 1 Prof.Valeed A. Ansari 12 2 39 3 1 Prof. Jamal A. Farooquie 12 28 3 Prof. Parvaiz Talib 7 1 40 2 2 Dr. Salma Ahmad 11 1 9 1 2 Dr. Mohd. Nishat Faisal 15 2 533 11 12 Dr. Mohd. Naved Khan 10 2 1 49 5 Dr. Ayesha Farooq 11 2 58 Dr. Bilal Mustafa Khan 32 38 3 1 Dr. Asif Ali Syed 6 2 3 2 1 Dr. Saboohi Nasim 10 1 1 33 4 Dr. Feza T. Azmi 10 1 35 4 1 Dr. Asad Rehman 7 1 Dr. Mohd. Afaq Khan 2 Dr. Asif Akhtar 08 2 8 2 Total 186 06 24 4 06 930 3.72 19 23 Details of patents and income generated : Nil 24 Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 669 of 690 25 Faculty selected nationally/ internationally to visit other laboratories/institutions/ industries in India and abroad: None 26 Faculty serving in National committees: Prof. Kaleem Mohammad Khan (NAAC) Prof. Javaid Akhter (NAAC, National Board for Accreditation) Prof. M. Khalid Azam (National Board for Accreditation) Prof. M. Israrul Haque. (NBA, NAAC) UGC Expert committee member : Prof. M. Israrul Haque International committees: Nil Editorial Boards: Yes Name of Faculty Name of Journal Prof. Khalid Azam The Lahore Journal of Economics, Pakistan Prof. Israrul Haque Global Science & Technology Forum, Singapore Prof. Valeed Ansari Journal of Islamic Perspective, Indonesia any other (please specify) 27 Faculty recharging strategies UGC, ASC, Refresher/ orientation programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs). Name of Programme Name of sponsoring agency Organized by Attended by Place and Date AACSB Assessment Seminar Qatar University AACSB, USA Dr. Mohd. Nishat Faisal May 12-13, 2010 Paris, France Executive Programme on strategic Management Netherlands Fellowship Programme Dr. Ayesha Farooq 13 th Jan -2 nd Feb 2012 Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands 28 Student projects : Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with other universities/industry/ institute: Around 100 students undergo internship in the Industry as part of their MBA/MBAIB and PGDIBF Programmes every year. Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-departmental projects: 120 students of MBA, MBA-IB 2 nd Year, PGDMM & PGDPM undertake dissertation project on Academic-cum-Industry related issue each year. 29 Awards /recognitions received at the national and international level by Faculty Doctoral / post doctoral fellows : Nil Students : Nil 30 Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding (national/ international) with details of outstanding participants, if any. Aligarh Muslim University Page 670 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Date Conference/Seminar/ Workshop Theme 20 Jan 2010-10 Feb 2010 UGC Sponsored Subject Refresher Course, (UGS ASC AMU Aligarh) Business Studies (Business Management) Course coordinator: Prof. Parvaiz Talib 16 Dec 2011-21 Dec 2011 UGC ASC AMU Sponsored Short Term course for Research Scholars and Faculty: at Dept. of Business Administration, AMU Making Effective Presentations Course coordinator : Prof. Parvaiz Talib, Co-coordinator: Dr. Asif Ali Syed 31 Code of ethics for research followed by the departments : Code of ethics prepared by the University 32 Student profile programme- wise: Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) App. recei ved Selected Pass percentage M F M F MBA (2009-2013) 207 111 98% 99% MBAIB (2009- 2013) 62 38 97% 98% PGDIBF (2009- 2013) 72 25 96% 97% Ph.D. (2009-2013) 570 25 18 PGDMM (2009- 2013) 660 85 06 95% 99% PGDPM(2009- 2013) 65 29 95% 99% 33 Diversity of students : Documentations and Ethics Name of the Programme (refer to question no. 4) % of students from the same university % of students from other universities within the State % of students from universities outside the State % of students from other countries MBA (2009-2013) 72 19 6 3 MBAIB (2009-2013) 55 32 7 6 PGDIBF (2009-2013) 63 22 10 5 Ph.D (2009-2013) 55 30 Nil 15 PGDMM (2009-2013) 70 25 5 Nil PGDPM(2009-2013) 70 25 5 Nil 34 How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Give details category-wise: Civil Services Defence Service NET/JRF SET GATE 1 Nil More than 50 Nil NA 35 Student progression Student progression Percentage against enrolled UG to PG Not Applicable PG to M.Phil. Not Applicable PG to Ph.D. 8 to 10 percent Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Not Applicable Employed • Campus selection (2009-2013 • Other than campus recruitment 50% 100% Entrepreneurs Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 671 of 690 36 Diversity of staff Percentage of faculty who are graduates of the same university 95% from other universities within the State 05% from universities from other States 05% from universities outside the country Nil 37 Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt. during the assessment period : Dr. Asif Ali Syed (PhD) Dr. Asad Rehman (PhD) Dr. Asif Akhtar (PhD) 38 Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to Library : Yes, No. of Books (6409) Internet facilities for staff and students : Yes, 25 terminals, Faculty have laptop with Wi-Fi facility Total number of class rooms :- Four Class rooms with ICT facility :- One Students’ laboratories :- Computer Lab with 25 terminals Research laboratories : NA 39 List of doctoral, post-doctoral students and Research Associates: from the host institution/university 36 full time PhD scholars (Annexure III) from other institutions/universities AIMA 133 Executive PhD scholars enrolled (Annexure IV) and 114 Executive PhD scholars awarded (Annexure V) Faculty of Management Studies and Research, AMU Aligarh Name of Research Scholar Name of Supervisor Admission / Faculty No. En. No Date of Admission Topic Naved Shamim Malik Dr. Asif Ali Syed BB- 5614 14.12.2009 Implications of Organised Reatil on Buyer Behaviour Asad Ullah Dr. Salma Ahmed GC- 7257 15.12.2009 Logistic Collaboration in Supply Chain: A Survey of Indian Manufacturing Companies Ms. Rizwana Khatun Prof. Mohd Israrul Haque GB- 3390 16.12.2009 Impact of Training Methodology on Employee Performance (Sevice Industry) Syed Atif Jilani Prof. Valeed A Ansari GA- 1278 05.01.2010 Auctions: An Islamic Perspective Shahla Jahan Chandel Dr. Asif Ali Syed Y-9293 05.01.2010 Consumer Shping Experience in Shoping Malls of Selected Indian Cities Syed Ahemed Mian Khusro Dr. Afaq Khan Y-8884 06.01.2010 Impact of Indo- Thai FTA on Aligarh Muslim University Page 672 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Chishty Indian Automobile Spare Industry Ayesha Hami Dr. (Mrs.) Ayesha Farooq AA- 007 02.12.2008 Role of Knowledge Management in Organizational Change: A Study of Selected Indian Companies Lamay Bin sabir Prof. Jamal A. Farooquie BB- 5519 13.06.2011 Managing Inventories of perishable products Saima Khan Dr Bilal Mustafa Khan GA- 4146 30.05.2011 The Effect of Selected Marketing Activities on Brand equity Dimensions: A Study of Fashion Apparel Brands in India Shazia Parwez Prof. Valeed A Ansari GA- 4126 30.05.2011 Liquidity and Stock Returns in India Basma Rizvi Prof. Javaid Akhtar FF- 2146 04.06.2011 Changing Face of Banking Factor: A Study of Universal Banking in India Shahinda Ilyas Prof. Javaid Akhtar GA- 5369 09.06.2011 Status of Carbon Trading system in India wuth respect to Financial Decision Mohd Abdullah Aziz Prof. Jamal A. Farooquie BB- 5557 13.08.2012 Green Operations Management: A Study of Green Practices and Business Performance in Indian Automotive Industry Tariq Aziz Prof. Valeed A. Ansari GB- 0947 14.08.2012 An Investigation of Premier Stock Market Anomalies in India Mohd Danish Kirmani Dr. Asad Rehman EE- 1711 14.08.2012 Consumer attitude towards Green Products in India: An Empirical Investigation Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 673 of 690 Hannah Hameed Dr. Bilal M. Khan GA- 6149 18.08.2012 Advertising Creativity: A Study of Advertising Agencies in India Huma Iqbal Dr. Saboohi Nasim GH- 2571 24.08.2012 Management of Continuity & Change and its relationship with Organizational Performance: A Study of Pharmaceutical Firms in India Ali Mamhori Dr. Saboohi Naseem GG- 7983 28.08.2012 Sustainable Tourism Development: A Stakeholder’s Analysis with special reference to Tour Operators in India Zeba Naaz Dr. Saboohi Nasim GC- 0152 28.08.2012 Emotional Balancing of Organizational Continuity and Radical Change: A Study of acquired Firms in India MD Asad ulhaque Dr. Asif Ali Syed CC- 4902 28.08.2012 A Study of Customer Relationship Management in E-Marketing Mohd Tariq Dr. M. Afaq Khan GH- 2581 28.08.2012 Influence of Religion on the attitude of Consumers towards Television Advertisements : An Indian Study Saira Khatoon Dr. Ayesha Farooq GH- 2583 28.08.2012 Measurement of Organizational Change and Balanced Scorecard: A Empirical Study Maaz Hasan Khan Dr. (Mrs.) Salma Ahmad GA- 2632 31.08.2012 Analysis of Bullwhip effect in the FMCG Supply Chain Adeeba Irfan Dr. Feza T. Azmi GH- 2580 31.08.2012 Exploring the Relationship between Work Aligarh Muslim University Page 674 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports life Balance and Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Study Ahmad Faraz Khan Prof. Parvaiz Talib GB- 9125 31.08.2012 Assessment of Mid Life Career Stress of Indian Managers Maroof Ahmad Meer Prof. Javaid Akhter GC- 3133 01.09.2012 Investment Implications of Global Stock Market Integration Asif Khan Prof. Jamal A. Farooquie DD- 6033 01.09.2012 Marzieh Yal Prof. kaleem Mohammed Khan 13PHDMN G-01 GH- 2998 05.03.213 A Study of Customer Ethocentrism: Comparison Between India and Iran S M Fatah Uddin Dr. Mohammad Naved Khan 13PHDMN G-02 FF- 1750 06.03.213 Determinants of Green Purchasing Behaviour of young Consumers in India: Implications for Marketers Maria Ashraf Prof. kaleem Mohammed Khan 13PHDMN G-03 GE- 2650 13.3.2013 Involvement of Family in the Decision Making Processes for Select Services in India Nishi Jameel Prof. M. Israrul Haque 13PHDMN G-04 GB- 8272 18.03.2013 Impact of Work Faimly Challenges on Career Advancement: A Study of Indian Women Professionals Mitra Amini Dr. Bilal Mustafa Khan 13PHDMN G-05 GH- 3403 23.03.2013 Effect of Social Networking Sites of Consumer Engagement through Electronic Word of Mouth (eWom) Ph: 08806804542 Maral Ejmalian Dr. Asif Ali Syed 13PHDMN G-06 GH- 3404 23.03.2013 A Study of Economic Impact on Small & Medium Enterprises Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 675 of 690 (SMEs) Danish Hussain Prof. Kaleem Mohammed Khan 13PHDMN G-07 GA- 1786 13.03.2013 The Use of Effectiveness of Clebrities in Indian Advertising Fareya Siddiqui Prof. Kaleem Mohammed Khan 13PHDMN G-08 GA- 6490 23.03.2013 The Role of Portrayal of Women in Major Media of Indian Advertising Waseem Jhon Prof. M. Khalid Azam 13PHDMN G-09 GH- 3362 28.03.2013 Coustomer Relationship Management (CRM) Application & Distributions Relationship: A Study of Select Pharmaceutical Companies of India Faculty of Management Studies & Research AMU Aligarh Name of candidate En.No. Name of Supervisor Topic Date of Registration Valluri Indumathi Singh GD- 6123 Prof. M Israrul Haque Perceived Valence of Workplace 29.01.2009 Kaveri Narang GD- 6130 Dr Bilal M Khan Youths Perception towards Private label Brands 29.01.2009 Gaurav Srivasta GD- 6131 Dr. Mohammad Naved Khan Mobile Advertising in India: Customer Preferences and Implications for Managers 29.01.2009 Capt. J M Jangir GD- 6859 Dr Bilal Mustafa khan Effect Motivation, Ability and Goal Congruence on Relative productivity of Personnel in an Industrial organization 14.11.2009 Amit Virmani GD- 6860 Prof.Javaid Akhtar A study of carbon Credit Market in India- Prospect and Challenges 14.11.2009 Nitin Akhauri GD- 6861 Dr. Salma Ahmad Impact Assessment of ERP implementation of on user Service Quality Satisfaction 14.11.2009 Tushar Makkar GD- 6863 Dr.Ayesha Farooq Effective Communiation Strategies during Downsizing:A Study of select Organization I the Indian Context 14.11.2009 Amritanshu De GD- 6865 Dr. Mohammad Naved Khan Exploring Purchase Intentions: A Comparative Study of Online & Coventionals Bookstore 14.11.2009 Manoj Kumar kar GD- 6866 Dr.Asif Ali Suyyed Management of Arogyashree scheme in selected hospital of Andhar Pardesh 14.11.2009 Aligarh Muslim University Page 676 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Manmohan Chawdhry GD- 6868 Dr. Bilal Mustafa khan Antecendents and Consequences of Frontline Service Employee Commitment to Service Quality: A Study of the Indian Airline Industry 14.11.2009 Surendra Pal GD- 6870 Prof. M Israrul Haque Measuring Impact of HR policies on Employee Attrition & Mortality in NTPCL 14.11.2009 Roopa Gajwani GD- 6871 Dr.Feza Tabassum Azmi Leadership Development Process in Select Organizations: An Emperical Study 14.11.2009 Arjun Kumar Dutta GD- 6872 Dr. Bilal Mustafa khan Barriers and Enablers in Adopting Green Building in India 14.11.2009 Mahendra V. Mahagaonkar GD- 6874 Prof.Javaid Akhtar Yield management of Indian Telercommunication Networks: An empirical Study 14.11.2009 B. Balasubramany a Prasad GD- 6875 Prof. Valeed Ahmed Ansari Financial Inclusion as Policy for improving the Economic Well- Bieng of Ruler Household: An Emperical Study 14.11.2009 Jai Prakash Pandey GD- 6876 Dr. Mohammad Naved Khan By Preferences of Retail Coustomer for Banded Fules: An Emperical Study 14.11.2009 Chetan Kumar Srivastava GD- 6991 Prof.Javaid Akhtar The Trade Off Between Commercials and Convenience Towards the Development of Model Railway station in India 21.05.2010 Dr.Swapan Deep Arora GD- 6995 Dr.Asif Ali Syed User Behaviour and Marketing Strategies in Cellular services- A Demographic Analysis 21.05.2010 Anil Kumar Rai GD- 6996 Dr. Mohammad Naved Khan By Behaviour towards selected Eco-Friendly Products: An emperical Study of Urban Consumers in India 21.05.2010 Rajiv Sharma GD- 6997 Prof. Jamal Ahmad Farooqui Innovation and Manufacturing Organizations: A Study of Cost and Proffatibility 21.05.2010 Mohd Javed Khan GD- 6998 Dr.Asif Ali Syed Quality and enviorment Managenment System Standards and Service Providers-Effectiveness and Improvement 21.05.2010 Prabhu kumar GD- 6999 Dr.Ayesha Farooq Impact of Emotional Intelligence on performance of Senior Executives in Semi Conductor Industry in Banglore 21.05.2010 Mr Rakesh GD- Prof. Jamal Key enablers for R & D 21.05.2010 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 677 of 690 Dubey 7000 Ahmad Farooqui Investment in Agricultular Biotechnology in India Naresh S warrier GD- 7001 Dr. Bilal Mustafa khan A Study of the Consumer Attitude Towards the Relationship between cause related Marketing and Brand Image 21.05.2010 Ankur Sinha U-9498 Prof. Parvaiz Talib Corpoarate Restructuring in India: A Study of some selected Companies 21.05.2010 Smita Sharma GD- 7002 Dr Asad Rehman Social Networking Sites as a Marketing Communication Tool: Opportunities and Challange 21.05.2010 Mohammmad Sharaiq GD- 7003 Dr. Bilal Mustafa khan A Study of Marketing Elements that Drive Brand Equity 21.05.2010 Biswanath Sen Gupta GD- 7004 Prof. Javaid Akhtar An Emperical Study of relationship between Risk Management Framework and Non performing Assest of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India 21.05.2010 Smita Bhatia GD- 7005 Dr.Salma Ahmad A Comparative Study of KM Process and KM Tools and Technology in the Non-Life Insurance sector in India- Public sector Vs Private Secror 21.05.2010 Subimal Mnadal GD- 7006 Dr.Feza Tabassum Azmi Strategic Human Resources Management in Selected Public Sector Enterprises in India: AnEmperical Study 21.05.2010 Col (Retd) Pardeep Gupta GD- 7007 Prof.Parvez Talib Motivation of the workplace in India: Challenges during Recession; An Emperical Study 21.05.2010 Dheeraj Varma GD- 7008 Dr.Salma Ahmad Impact of Knowlwdge Management of Business Performance: An Emperical Study 21.05.2010 Jagdish Balakrishna GD- 7009 Dr.Feza Tabassum Azmi Social Networks and Performance of Expatriates: An emperical Study 21.05.2010 Rima Solanki GD- 7010 Prof. Javaid Akhtar A Study of Capiatal Structure and its Assets on Financial Performance of Companies in sultanate of Oman 21.05.2010 Brig Duvvuri Satyanarayana GD- 7011 Prof. M Israrul Haque Relationship between Organisational Culture and work life Balance on Empolyee Retention in the Real Estate Sector 21.05.2010 Sonia GE- Prof. Parvaiz Essential Competencies 09.08.2010 Aligarh Muslim University Page 678 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Bharwani 2614 Talib for Senior Managers in the Indian Hospitality Industry Bimaljit Kaur GE- 2615 Prof. Parvaiz Talib Levereging knowledge Management for the organizational Organizational Growth in the IT sector in India: An Emperical investigation on High Tech andTelecom sectors 09.08.2010 Ravichandaran R GE- 2616 Prof. Valeed Ahmed Ansari Foreign Exchange Exposure and Hedging: A Study of Information Technology (IT) Companies in India 09.08.2010 Biswajit Dutta GE- 2617 Dr.Salma Ahmad Performance Evaluation of Knowledge Capital Management in Public Sector Enterprises India 09.08.2010 Singarvel R GE- 2618 Dr.Salma Ahmad The Idea Transformation and Evaluation: Knowing-Doing Gap A Study of Indian IT Product Companies 09.08.2010 Amit Paliwal GE- 2619 Prof. M Israrul Haque Effect of Type of Employment on Quality of Service – A Study across Various Cadres in Public Healthcare System 09.08.2010 Junaid Ahmed Siddiquee GE- 2620 Prof. M Israrul Haque Evolution and Adoption of Technology in Indian Telecom Industry 09.08.2010 Vipin Agrawal GE- 2621 Dr. Bilal Mustafa khan The interactive influence of country of origin of brand and product involvement on consumer based Brand equity 09.08.2010 Preety Wadhwa GE- 2622 Dr. Bilal Mustafa khan Impact of Television Advertising on Children 09.08.2010 Bipul Bikas Banerjee GE- 2623 Prof.M.Khalid Azam Customer Relationship Management in Pharmaceutical Industry in India 09.08.2010 Prity Sharma GE- 2624 Prof.M.Khalid Azam Evaluation of Long Term Financial Performance of Domestic Acquisitions in India 09.08.2010 Nuzhat Khan GE- 2625 Prof. Javaid Akhtar Technology Adoption in Teaching Learning Process in Select Management Institutes in India; An assessment of Model Classroom 09.08.2010 Seema Mam GE- 2626 Prof. Javaid Akhtar Effect of Micro-Finance on Empowerment of Rural Women Financed by Select Branches of Garmeen kota at Banglore 09.08.2010 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 679 of 690 Bishwajit Nayak GE- 2627 Prof. Javaid Akhtar Strategies for Management of Health Insurance Business in Indian Context 09.08.2010 . Girija Shankar Das GE- 2628 Prof. Javaid Akhtar Assessment of E- Readiness of Indian Railways – An Organizational Perspective 09.08.2010 Ruchika Goel GE- 2629 Dr.Asif Ali Syed Coutomer Relationship Manageemnt and its Influence on performance : A case Study of SMEs in India 09.08.2010 Amresh Nandan GE- 2630 Prof. Parvaiz Talib Telecom Regulations and Strategic Response : A Study of Indian Service Providers 02.03.2011 Debasish Roy GE- 2631 Prof. Parvaiz Talib Critical Success Factors for Successful Adoption of Mobile Communication Technologies in Rural India 02.03.2011 Kunal Gaurav GE- 2632 Professor Kaleem Mohammad Khan Impact of Relationship Marketing and Perceived Service Quality on Customer Loyalty : Evidence from Indian Automobile Industry 02.03.2011 Rajesh Rawat GE- 2633 Dr. Mohammad Afaq Khan Competitiveness of Indian Garment and Textile Industry in International Markets with Special reference to Selected Garment and Textile Clusters 02.03.2011 Punya Brata Palit GE- 2634 Prof. Mohammad Israrul Haque Select Study of Technology and IT Service Management of E-Governance Projects in India 02.03.2011 Lovneesh Chanana GE- 2635 Prof. Mohammad Israrul Haque Factors Affecting Consumer Demand for Mobile Platform based Citizen Services – An Empirical Study 02.03.2011 Rakesh Roshan Pant GE- 2636 Prof. Jamal Ahmad Farooqui A Study of Selected Supply Chain in the Indian Food Processing Industry 02.03.2011 Shekhar Ghose GE- 2637 Prof. Parvaiz Talib Personality Variables and Role Stress: A Study of Employees at Customer Interface Level in Indian Airline Industry 02.03.2011 Jayanti Sahay GE- 2641 Dr. Ayesha Farooq Relationship Work Life Balance Practices and Role Stress in Female Professionals: A Study of Service Sector Organizations 02.03.2011 Gagandeep GE- Prof. Javaid The Dynamics of the 02.03.2011 Aligarh Muslim University Page 680 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Kaur 2638 Akhtar Housing Finance Market in India : Analysis of Changes in Trend, Composition and Structure GIRI V.M. GE- 2639 Prof. Jamal Ahmad Farooqui Relationship and Disputes: An Empirical Study of Selected Construction Projects in Kuwait 02.03.2011 Rahul Dayal GE- 2640 Prof. Javaid Akhtar Financial Implications of Green Initiative Taken by ISO 14001 Certified Companies in India 02.03.2011 Mr. Anil Kumar Dr. Salma Ahmad Effect of Supply chain Management on Grocery Retail Assortment Replenishment: An Empirical Study 22.09.2011 Mr. Parag Agrawal Dr. Mohammed Naved Khan “Mobile Number Portability and Customer Switching Behavior: An Empirical Study” 22.09.2011 Saleha Firdous Professor Mohammad Khalid Azam Commodity Derivatives & Risk Management : A Study of Futures Commodities 22.09.2011 Gaurav Tripathi Prof. Javaid Akhtar “Financing Healthcare Services in India – A Case Study 22.09.2011 Ashima Agarwal Prof. Javaid Akhtar Performance of Equity Based Mutual Funds in India 22.09.2011 Amith Prakash Prof. Mohammad Israrul Haque Enhancing Employer Branding through Employee Engagement in the Information Technology Sector 22.09.2011 Prashant Choubey Dr. Ayesha Farooq Employee Perception of Transformational Leadership and its Relationship with Employee Engagement: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Organizations in Indian Energy Sector 22.09.2011 B Sunil Kartha Prof. Mohammad Israrul Haque Knowledge Management for Organizational Innovation: An Empirical Study of Steel Industry in India” 22.09.2011 Sonu Dev Joshi Prof. jamal A Farooquie SCM Practices & its Impact on Business Performance – A Study of Indian FMCG Companies 22.09.2011 Binod Kumar Rai Dr Salma Ahmad Proper Supply Chain Management for Ensuring Timely Execution of the Large Scale Power Plant Projects and Minimizing 22.09.2011 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 681 of 690 their Time and Cost Overrun Sumanta Bandyopadhya y Dr. Saboohi Naseem Studies on Sustainable Supply Chain in SMEs: Drivers and Strategic Framework in Indian Context 22.09.2011 Pankaj Rawal Dr. Asad Rehman Measuring Service Quality of Indian Cellular Phone Service Industry in UP (West) India 22.09.2011 Bharathananda Srinivas Kandula Dr. Bilal Mustafa khan The Importance of Brand in the Purchase Decision of B2B Products: A Study of Select Construction Equipment Brands in Andhra Pradesh” 22.09.2011 Sabeeha Fatma Dr. Mohammed Naved Khan Perceptions of Service Quality: A Study of Select Banks in Lucknow 22.09.2011 Amitabh Singh Professor Mohammad Khalid Azam Relationship of Organized Retail and Unorganized Retail on their Competitive Resource 22.09.2011 Philip Abraham Dr. Bilal Mustafa khan A Study on Brand Presence on Social Media Platform: A Customer-Brand Engagement Perspective 22.09.2011 Anjali Singh Dr Asif Ali Syed Online Public Communication on Social Media: A Study of Indian Discussion Boards 22.09.2011 Murali Krishna Swaminathan Dr Asif Ali Syed “A Study of factors Enabling Systemic Innovation Culture in Indian IT Industry 22.09.2011 Debashish Bhatacharyya GG- 4295 Dr. Jamal Ahmad Farooqui “ Empirical Analysis of Drivers and Barriers to the Diffusion of ERP System in Construction- Project Centric Organization” 24.02.2012 Sally Pillai GG- 4296 Dr. Asad Rehman “An Empirical Examination of the Integrated model of Technology acceptance: A case of Mobile services ” 24.02.2012 Sheju Anwar Khan GG- 4297 Prof. Parvaiz Talib “Individual and Organizational Factors and its relationship with Operational Performance in Software Services Organization ” 24.02.2012 Mohammad Saif GG- 4298 Dr. Asif Ali Syed “Study of Social Network use for Brand Positioning in Indian 24.02.2012 Aligarh Muslim University Page 682 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Telecom Industry” Shiv Kumar GG- 4299 Dr Bilal Mustafa khan “Housing Preference and choice: An empirical Study of the Role of Self- congruity and Functional congruity in Indian Context ” 24.02.2012 Yatindra Pal Singh GH- 3306 Professor Kaleem Mohammad Khan “A Study of Relationship between organisational culture and organisational effectiveness of select Zones of Indian Railways” 15.11.2012 Priyanka Shrivastava GH- 3307 Prof. Javaid Akhtar, “Strategic Application of Co-creation: Collaboration with Customers in the New Service Deveslopment Process with Special Reference to Hotel Industry” 15.11.2012 Mohammed Arshad Khan GH- 3308 Prof.Mohammad Israrul Haque “Critical Factors for Project Success of Fixed Time Fixed Price IT Outsourcing Engagement : An Empirical Study of Indian IT Industry” 15.11.2012 M. Rajani Kuttykrishnan GH- 3309 Prof. Parvaiz Talib “Tied Migration and Employment: An investigation of the Employment Challenges Faced by Training Military Spouses” 15.11.2012 Poonam Chawla GH- 3310 Dr Bilal M Khan “Employee brand framework for prospective employees : scale development & scale Testing” 15.11.2012 Mr. Sanjeev Sharma GH- 3311 Prof. Javaid Akhtar, “The Impact of Reforms on Service Delivery and Efficiency in Power Sector : A Study on the Power Sector of Punjab” 15.11.2012 Kohle Vivek Mansaram GH- 3312 Dr. Mohammed Naved Khan “A study on consumer perception and behavior toward purchasing of utility vehicle in Pune region” 15.11.2012 Mr. Charles Juster GH- 3313 Prof.Mohammad Israrul Haque “Employee Engagement and Organizational Identification: An Empirical Study of Coal India Ltd.” 15.11.2012 Jyotiranjan Hota GH- 3314 Dr. Saboohi Nasim "Adoption of Multivendor ATM Technology in India” 15.11.2012 Kushal kataria Dr Mohd Afaq Khan Service Quality Perceptions of students regarding foreign- sourced International Degree- Level Programmes delivered 08.04.2013 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 683 of 690 in India Deepankar Acharya Dr. Asad Rehman Drivers of Customer Choice in Multi Channel Distribution system of Indian General Insurance Companies : An Empirical Study 08.04.2013 Rajnikant Sharma Prof. Kaleem Mohd Khan “Developing Sustainable Procurement for Basmati Rice for International/National Markets of Haryana Farmers 08.04.2013 Alok Kumar mittal Prof. Javaid Akhtar “Multi-level Governance Analysis for Enacting Energy Efficiency Policies in India” 08.04.2013 Abheek Kanti Mulick Dr. Bilal Mustafa khan “B2B steel Branding strategy – conceptualization and measurement of value drivers 08.04.2013 Duvedi Chitra Narendra Dr Saboohi Naseem Leadership Competencies Development and Organizational Growth of SMEs in India: An Empirical Study 08.04.2013 Dibyendu Nandi Dr. Bilal Mustafa khan “Measuring Customer Equity in Automobile Insurance Industry: An Empirical Study 08.04.2013 Subramaniyam EA Dr Salma Ahmad “Assessment of Complexity and Project Success in Public Sector Projects in India 08.04.2013 Lipi Das Dr Ayesha Farooq “Mentorship Development: A Cross Sectional Study of Mentor-Protégé Relationships in Organizational Context in India ” 08.04.2013 Anuradha Modak Debnath Dr Mohd Naved Khan Consumer Satisfaction and Re-purchase Intensions towards Select Luxury Brandsin India” 08.04.2013 Vandana Gupta Dr Asif Ali Syed “Customer satisfaction and loyalty towards after sales service in Indian Automobile Industry with special Reference to Workshop experience: A study of passenger car Vehicles. 08.04.2013 Syed Valiullah Bakhriyari Prof. Kaleem Mohd Khan “Effectiveness of Advertising Campaigns on Communication Objectives for Selected Electronic Brands 08.04.2013 Binaka Roy Chaudhry Dr Asif Ali Syed A Study on Performance of Exporting Leather 08.04.2013 Aligarh Muslim University Page 684 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Footwear by SMEs in India Rishu Sehgal Prof. M Israrul Haque Relationship of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Organization Productivity: A Study of Public Sector Organizations in India 08.04.2013 Richa Mitra Prof. Parvaiz Talib “Retention Factors & Their relationship with Organizational Commitment: A Study of Micro Finance Institutions(MFIs) in Rajasthan” 08.04.2013 Kalpana Jaya Krishnan Dr Feza Tabassum Azmi Job Satisfaction as an Antecedent Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: A Study of Employees in Select Pharmaceutical Companies 08.04.2013 Debashish Bahrdawaj Dr Ayesha Farooq “Strategies for Improvement of Diabetes Management System Towards Creation of Sustainable Competitive Advantages by Organizations 08.04.2013 Sadhna Gaur Prof Javaid Akhtar “Renewable Fuel Options; Investment Decisions and their Strategic Impact on Power Sector” 05.12.2013 Debashish Kundu Prof Javaid Akhtar A Critical Assessment of the Existing Business Models of Financial Inclusion vis-à-vis Market Oriented Business Model 05.12.2013 Sujit Gopinathan Prof. Valeed A Ansari “Asset Pricing in India: Some Empirical Tests 05.12.2013 Siddiq A Ghaniwala Prof. Valeed A Ansari Influence of Behavioural Factors on Investment Decisions of Individual Investors 05.12.2013 Pallawi Gupta Prof Javaid Akhtar A study of Convergence of Indian GAAP to IFRS – A Critical Analysis 05.12.2013 Vimal Kumar Dr Bilal Mustafa khan Determinants of Total Customer Experience and their Impact on Customer Retention in Indian Mobile Telecommunication Industry 05.12.2013 Vishwas Kumar Gupta Prof. M Khalid Azam Cognitive Influence on Consumer’s Preference in Selecting the Organized and Unorganized Apparel Retail Stores 05.12.2013 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 685 of 690 Surbhi Singh Dr Mohd Naved Khan Factors Affecting Consumer Adoption of Internet Banking in India : An Empirical Study 05.12.2013 Sanjeev Kumar Dr Asif Ali Syed Consumers’ Perceptions, Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Indian E-Retail 05.12.2013 Shaktibodh Bhatnagar Dr Asif Ali Syed An Empirical Study of Customer Loyalty Towards Retail Banking Services in Indian Context 05.12.2013 Sheetal Jain Dr M Naved Khan “Understanding Consumer Purchasing Behaviour of Luxury Fashion Goods in India 05.12.2013 Harleen Sahni Dr Bilal Mustafa khan Analyzing Customer Experience Determinants in Apparel Buying and their Impact of Purchase Intentions: A Study with Specific reference to youth in Gujarat” 05.12.2013 Chhaya Rajendra Bhosle Dr Feza Tabassum Azmi Linkage Between Human Resource Management and Business Strategy in Indian Context : An Empirical Investigation 05.12.2013 Subramaniyam Jayaraman Prof. Parvaiz Talib Talent Management Process and Organizational Outcomes – A Study 05.12.2013 Mohd Waseem Prof. Parvaiz Talib Study of Talent Assessment and Development Practices in Small and Medium Enterprises in India” 05.12.2013 Archana Singh Dr Feza Tabassum Azmi Antecedents of Turnover Intention: A study of professionals in select Indian organizations 05.12.2013 S Rengarajan Prof. Parvaiz Talib “Employee Voluntary Action for Corporate Social Responsibility in Indian Automotive Industry 05.12.2013 Kavita Sarvesh Dr Saboohi Naseem Critical Success Factors For Strategy Implementation Towards Organizational Performance: An Empirical Study of Select Oil Companies in Gulf Region 05.12.2013 Shazli Ahmad Khan Dr Saboohi Naseem Inorganic Business Models for Pharmaceutical Companies in India – A Study of Post TRIPS Environment 05.12.2013 Irshad Ahmad Dr Saboohi Strategic Evaluation of 05.12.2013 Aligarh Muslim University Page 686 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Naseem Public Value : A study of select e-Government Projects in India” Ruchi Payal Dr Salma Ahmad The relationship between Knowledge Man agement (KM) and Organizational Performance OP): A study in context of Indian Software Companies 05.12.2013 List of the PhD (Business Administration) Students (DBA) who have been awarded the degree till date (as on 11.09.2013) NAME Date of Award Lt.Co. Dharmendra Singh 10.09.2005 C. S. Arora 22.09.2005 PSV Menon 25.11.2005 N. Krishna Kumar 26.11.2005 B.P.Sharma 17.12.2005 Ravi Prakash Mathur 25.02.2006 B. Ashok 25.02.2006 C T Abraham 27.03.2006 L R Thapar 14.06.2006 N B Mohapatra 14.07.2006 R K Sinha 22.09.2006 D N Suresh 02.11.2006 Rajendra Singh 07.11.2006 R K Mishra 07.03.2007 G K Jindal 23.08.2007, RajunJugurnath 03.09.2007 D S Manhas 08.09.2007, RupeshGoel 19.09.2007 Ajay Batra 22.10.2007 Gita Bajaj 30.10.2007 Atish Kumar Chattopadhyay 30.10.2007 SujitaKhemka 17.11.2007 Rakesh Suri 01.12.2007 T L V Subramanyam 08.12.2007 P Govindrajan 10.12.2007 Maninder Singh 12.01.2008 Anita T Mathew 25.01.2008 P L Narasimham 11.02.2008 R K Mohanty 18.02.2008 R P Balwan 18.02.2008 Vimi Jham 23.02.2008 Jaya Bansal 05.05.2008 Sengottuvelu C 17.05.2008 Gunjan Mittal 30.05.2008 S P Verma 08.08.2008 Hardeo Prasad 01.11.2008 Dinney Mathew K 03.11.2008 Subir Sen 03.11.2008 DharamrajPaligaddu 28.11.2008 Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 687 of 690 P Jaya Kumar 17.01.2009 Sanjay Bhatia 13.02.2009 Rajiv Seth 21.02.2009 Sanjeev Sethi 27.02.2009 A B Mahapatra 07.03.2009 Chabbi Sinha 09.03.2009 Sandeep Garg 16.04.2009 Ahmar Uddin Mohammad 29.06.2009 Reetha Dinesh 27.07.2009 S C Bhatia 08.08.2009 Vineeta Dutta Roy 17.08.2009 Sanjay 02.09.2009 Atul Kumar Srivastava 03.09.2009 Vippan Raj Dutt 19.09.2009 Rakesh Kumar Mudgal 12.09.2009 M Nelliappan 05.10.2009 A K Bandyopadhyay 04.11.2009 L Ravindaran 26.12.2009 M S Babu 27.04.2010 JyotiBabu C 29.05.2010 Vikas Srivastava 05.07.2010 Sanjay Kumar Bhavnani 10.07.2010 A V Rao 25.07.2010 C Mohan 30.07.2010 Shaista Hasan Alvi 13.08.2010 K Prabhakar 09.11.2010 M P Singh 26.11.2010 Sunil Singh 05.12.2010 G H S Prasad 18.12.2010 Subrata Mandal 22.12.2010 Amit Seth 29.01.2011 A Shameem 24.04.2011 D B Raju 10.06.2011 Raziur Rahim 01.07.2011 Mary Cherian 01.07.2011 SabihaMumtaz 09.07.2011 B.D. Yadav 28.07.2011 Sankersan Sarkar 06.09.2011 G.P. Raut 10.09.2011 G.S. Popli 26.09.2011 Kamini V Dhurva 16.12.2011 Sunil Kumar Sharma 31.12.2011 Sangeeta Chopra 28.01.2012 Shaju Jamaluddin 28.04.2012 Brig. Prabhat Kumar Saxena 20.11.2012 Neeti Khetrapal Sanan 13.12.2012 Rakesh Kumar Gupta 08.02.2013 GundarapuSuribabu 20.02.2013 SubhenduDey 26.03.2013 Arijit Kumar Gupta 12.04.2013 Rajesh Sharma 16.04.2013 Aligarh Muslim University Page 688 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Arvind 29.04.2013 MD Saibaba 06.05.2013 AnuragOjha 06.05.2013 Chaten Kumar Jain 10.05.2013 AlekhyaTalpatra 15.05.2013 Sanjeev Kumar Panchal 23.05.2013 Naeem Ahmad 29.07.2013 Saleem Hadi 17.08.2013 JavedGhaffar 19.08.2013 FarrukhRafiq 21.08.2013 Kakul Agha 21.08.2013 Usma Khan 23.08.2013 Goparaju Purna Sudhakar 05.09.2013 Santosh Kumar Bahera 09.09.2013 M Nadana Kumar AS 13.09.2013 Rajeev Rasnjan 09.10.2013 Rajesh Gupta 02.11.2013 Indira Sharma 16.11.2013 Vikas Sharma 28.11.2013 K Rajshekhar 28.11.2013 Kishan Chand 06.01.2014 M Iqbal Zafar Ansari 11.01.2014 C Omprakash 29.01.2014 40 Number of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the university: 22 41 Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development of new programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology. The Global financial crisis of 2008 highlighted the faculties inherent in the interact-based financial system. This generated a lot of interest in Islamic Banking and Finance. A Committee was setup in 2009 to explore the prospects and feasibility of offering Islamic Banking and Finance in the University. Based on the recommendation of the committee, the Department introduced one year P.G. Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance in 2010. 42 Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as well as teaching- learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department utilize the feedback?: BOS held on regular basis wherein faculty can suggest inclusion/modification/deletion of courses as per market requirement students on staff, curriculum and teaching- learning-evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback?: Based on proforma prepared by the University alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does the department utilize the feedback?: Based on proforma prepared by the University 43 List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10) -- Aligarh Muslim University Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports Page 689 of 690 44 Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops/ seminar) involving external experts: Special Lectures Lecture through Skype: Shariq Nisar (Fellow, Harvard Law School) 45 List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different programmes.: Lecture, Case methods, Presentations, Projects, Assignments and Quizes 46 How does the department ensure that programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored? Through continuous assessment 47 Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. Environmental Awareness, Literacy and Entrepreneurship Development Programs 48 Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the department. Educational tours, Factory and Stock Market visits, Cultural programs (ASAAS) and Inter- University Literary and Cultural Programs 49 State whether the programme/department is accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes, give details: Not Accredited 50 Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating new knowledge, basic or applied. The Department has made significant and notable contribution in all the functional areas of management and is a pioneer in Islamic Finance. The number of publications, citations and PhDs awarded are pointers to its contribution to the body of knowledge both basic and applied 51 Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department. Strengths: Intellectual Capital Established market reputation Cost-effective MBA offering Support of vast university amenities/resources Vast alumni network Weakness: Infrastructure Feeble in using academia & industry interface Locational disadvantage Autonomy, especially financial & administrative Opportunities: Niche Programmes Untapped alumni potential Consultancy Executive/Self-Financing MBA Programs Short term Training & Development (For Industry and Academic) Challenges: Abundant supply of MBAs in marketplace Agility in curriculum design/course offerings/ pedagogy as per market requirements Brand positioning Attracting applicants from diverse cultural and national background 52 Future plans of the The Department intends to offer, specialized/ Aligarh Muslim University Page 690 of 690 Volume II A: SSR: Evaluative Reports department. Niche programmes such as executive MBA and Master in Islamic Finance. In order to complete the portfolio of offering expected from a Management Department, it shall be its endeavour to intensify offering with respect to MDPs and consultancy assignments. This shall forge closer ties with the industry. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Sd./- Chairman Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: Date
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