Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre

March 22, 2018 | Author: carlosnestor | Category: Esotericism, Religion And Belief, Philosophical Science, Science, Science (General)



Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre1 Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre Alexandre Saint-Yves, Marquess of Alveydre (26 March 1842, Paris – 5 February 1909, Pau) was a French occultist who adapted the works of Fabre d'Olivet (1767–1825) and, in turn, had his ideas adapted by Papus. He developed the term Synarchy—the association of everyone with everyone else—into a political philosophy, and his ideas about this type of government proved influential in politics and the occult. Biography Early years Born in Paris, from a family of Parisian intellectuals and son of Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre psychiatrist Guillaume-Alexandre Saint-Yves, he started his career as a physician at a naval academy in Brest which he soon abandoned after becoming ill. In 1863 he relocated to Jersey where he connected with Victor Hugo. In 1870, he returned to France to fight in the Franco-Prussian War during which he was injured. He then began a career as a civil servant. In 1877 Saint-Yves met and married Countess Marie de Riznitch-Keller [1], a relative of Honoré de Balzac, and friend of the Empress Eugénie de Montijo, a move which made him independly wealthy. He dedicated the rest of his life to research and had a large number of influential contacts including Victor Hugo. Saint-Yves later knew many of the major names in French occultism such as Marquis Stanislas de Guaita, Joséphin Péladan and Oswald Wirth and was a member of a number of Rosicrucian, and Freemason style orders. Saint-Yves supposedly inherited the papers of one of the great founders of French occultism, Antoine Fabre d'Olivet (1762–1825). In 1877 he published the "Lyrical Testament", a collection of poetry, and "Keys of the Orient". In the latter book, he presents a solution (based on developing a religious understanding between Jews, Christians and Muslims) to the "question of the Orient", brought about by the decay of the Ottoman empire which caused tensions in the Near and Middle East. He also began to study the development of industrial applications of marine plants ( "Utilising extracts from seaweed" was published in 1879) but he could not perform the operation for lack of capital. In 1880, he was granted the title of Marquis of Alveydre by the government of San Marino. His book the Mission des Juifs (1884) was favourable to Jews, but material from it was used for The Secret of the Jews an anti-semitic tract attributed to Yuliana Glinka. Development of Synarchy Saint-Yves used the term Synarchy in his book La France vraie to describe what he believed was the ideal form of government.[2] In reaction to the emergence of anarchist ideologies and movements, Saint-Yves had elaborated a more conservative political-theological formula over a series of 4 books from 1882 onwards which he believed would result in a harmonious society by considering it as an organic unity. This ideal was based partially on his idealised view of life in medieval Europe and also on his ideas about successful government in India, Atlantis and Ancient Egypt. He defended social differentiation and hierarchy with co-operation between social classes, transcending conflict between social and economic groups: Synarchy, as opposed to anarchy. Specifically, Saint-Yves envisioned a European society with a government composed of three councils, representing economic power, judicial power, and scientific community, of which the metaphysical chamber bound the whole structure C. This is his claim that the Great Sphinx was much older than Egyptologists thought. René A. Other notable followers included Victor Blanchard (1878–1953). This book has been translated into Spanish. Schwaller de Lubicz and Emile Dantinne. . Theories concerning Synarchcist groups also have become a key element in a number of conspiracy theories. alphabets. and was translated into English for the first time in 2007 (publication pending). who supposedly communicated with him telepathically. Saint-Yves' works were also utilised in the development of Theosophy and Rudolf Steiner used Synarchy as a major influence in developing his political thought. being created around 12. showing symbolic correspondences between elements in astrology. He believed the Sphinx was created by escapees from the destruction of Atlantis.C. He did not base this claim on any physical evidence. The title is Saint-Yves's name for a color-coded diagram he developed. around 3.Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre together.200 B. Saint-Yves's ideas influenced the turbulent French politics of the early twentieth century where they served as a model for a number of right-wing groups and also in Mexico where synarchist groups have had a major political role. gematria. esoteric societies. Saint-Yves' disciple René A. Influence Saint-Yves's main disciple was the prominent occultist Papus who established a number of societies based on Synarchist ideas.000 B. He wrote about this secret location in his "Mission de l'Inde en Europeä" published in 1886. more precisely. gave an important role to secret societies or. which are composed of oracles and who safeguarded the government from behind the scenes. Saint-Yves believed that an ancient synarchist world government was transferred to Agartha within a hollow Earth at the start of the Kali-Yuga era. It was then that he associated synarchy with "ascended masters" based in subterranean caverns of Agartha. Saint-Yves on The Great Sphinx of Giza One of Saint-Yves's most influential theories nowadays was a minor feature of his work. Final Years After Saint-Yves's death. He saw the Rosicrucians as having fulfilled this role in medieval Europe and was involved with a number of Freemason and other groups who claimed descent from the Knights Templars. music. Schwaller de Lubicz was thus inspired to investigate the age of the Sphinx and as a result inspired an ongoing Great Sphinx controversy over the age of the monument. which did not become available again until 1910. As part of this concept of government Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre.[4] Saint-Yves d'Alveydre was the man who really introduced the concept of Agartha to the Western world. portions of the writings he left behind were compiled by a group of his friends and devotees into a volume entitled l'Archéomètre. and other areas. 2 Contact with Agartha During the year 1885 Saint-Yves was supposedly visited by a group of Eastern Initiates.[3] These ideas were also influenced by works such as Plato's The Republic and by Martinism. Worried he had revealed too much he destroyed all but two copies of this book. Nizier Anthelme Philippe. one of them being named prince Hardjij Scharipf. 1877 Le Mystère du Progrès. 1910. 1887). Inner Traditions. 1882 Mission des Juifs. jpg Saint-Yves d'Alveydre. . 1994). André Nataf. org/ wiki/ File:Comtesse_de_Keller_(Alexandre_Cabanel). 1889 L'ordre économique dans l'Electorat et dans l'Etat. and Nazi Survival. 1888 Le centenaire de 1789 . 1878 De l'utilité des algues marines.Clef de toutes les religions et de toutes les sciences de l'Antiquité . 1877 Testament lyrique. Les Saints Successeurs des Dieux.Réforme synthétique de tous les arts contemporains. 1889 Jeanne d'Arc victorieuse. 1887 Les Etats-généraux du suffrage universel. 1874 Clefs de l' Science. 1889 Maternité royale et mariages royaux.Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre 3 Further reading Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre. 1884 Mission de l'Inde. Symbolism. p. 2008). 1890 Des brevets pour des applications de l'Archéomètre en 1903 et suivantes. 1907 Théogonie des Patriarches. Notes and references [1] [2] [3] [4] http:/ / commons. ISBN 978-1-59477-722-6 Bibliography • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Le Retour du Christ. 1909. La France vraie (Paris: Calmann Lévy. Joscelyn Godwyn. édition posthume.Sa conclusion. The Wordsworth Dictionary of the Occult (Wordsworth Editions Ltd. 1889 L'Empereur Alexandre III épopée russe. 1882 Mission des Ouvriers. 1885 La France vraie ou la Mission des Français. wikimedia. 1886 Les funérailles de Victor Hugo. édition posthume. 1887 Voeux du syndicat de la Presse économique. 1996). 1879 Mission des Souverains.84 (Adventures Unlimited Press. 1889 Le poème de la Reine. Arktos: The Polar Myth . L'Archéomètre . The Kingdom of Agarttha: A Journey into the Hollow Earth (introduction by Joscelyn Godwin. USA. 10 anonymous edits Image Sources. Nicke L. Leutha.0/ . Omnipaedista. Rjwilmsi. Retired username. Loremaster. Ewulp. Sinice. M-le-mot-dit. John Nevard.php?oldid=569002891  Contributors: Archeometer.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Original uploader was Paracelse at fr.Article Sources and Contributors 4 Article Sources and Contributors Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre  Source: http://en.wikipedia. SimonP.wikipedia License Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3. AustralianMelodrama.wikipedia. Machenphile. Lung salad. Ohjay. Waacstats.php?title=File:Saint-Yves_d-Alveydre. Mu.jpg  Source: Cavrdg.0 //creativecommons. Monegasque. Licenses and Contributors Image:Saint-Yves d-Alveydre. Rich Farmbrough. ClovisPt. Elcairo. Mcmarturano. Ser Amantio di Nicolao.
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