ALE-(History Pres Part1)(1)

March 25, 2018 | Author: Andro Madrogaba | Category: Thebes, Art Media, Architectural Design, Architectural Styles, Design



1. An English Architect who prepared plan for London i.e., St. Peter’s and St.Paul Cathedral; Proposed a Network of Avenues connecting the main features of London. A. Leonardo Da Vinci B. Pierre Charles L’Enfant C. Leon Battista Alberti D. Sir Christopher Wren 1. An English Architect who prepared plan for London i.e., St. Peter’s and St. Paul Cathedral; Proposed a Network of Avenues connecting the main features of London. A. Leonardo Da Vinci B. Pierre Charles L’Enfant C. Leon Battista Alberti D. Sir Christopher Wren 2. The sacred enclosure found in the highest part of a Greek city is called: A. Peribolus B. Temenos C. Pteroma D. Corps de Logis Pteroma D. Temenos C. Peribolus B. Corps de Logis . The sacred enclosure found in the highest part of a Greek city is called: A.2. Bouleuterion B. Thersihon D. The building that serve as a senate house for the chief dignitaries of the city and as a palace where distinguished visitors and citizens might be entertained.3. Diathyros . Prytaneion C. A. A. Bouleuterion B. The building that serve as a senate house for the chief dignitaries of the city and as a palace where distinguished visitors and citizens might be entertained.3. Prytaneion C. Thersihon D. Diathyros . 4. The Greek Council house which is a covered meeting place for the democraticallyelected council is called: A. Prytaneion C. Bouleuterion B. Thersihon D. Diathyros . Prytaneion C. Thersihon D.4. The Greek Council house which is a covered meeting place for the democraticallyelected council is called: A. Diathyros . Bouleuterion B. Temple of Queen HATSHEPSUT C. Thebes . The Great Temple of Abu-Simbel D. Built from the XIIth Dynasty to the Ptolemaic period. disposition and magnificence to the work of many Kings. was not built upon one complete plan but owes its size. Temple of Ramesseum. Karnak B. The Grandest of all Egyptian temples.5. A. Great Temple of Ammon. A. Termple of Ramesseum. Great Temple of Ammon.5. Temple of Queen HATSHEPSUT C. The Great Temple of Abu-Simbel D. disposition and magnificence to the work of many Kings. Built from the XIIth Dynasty to the Ptolemaic period. The Grandest of all Egyptian temples. was not built upon one complete plan but owes its size. Thebes . Karnak B. Tomb of Clytemnestra D.6. The Tomb of Atreus. a noted example of the tholos type of tomb is also known as: A. Megapolis .Tomb of Agamemnon C. Thersilion. Helicarnasso B. Mausoleum. Tomb of Clytemnestra D. Megapolis . Mausoleum. The Tomb of Atreus.6. a noted example of the tholos type of tomb is also known as: A.Tomb of Agamemnon C. Helicarnasso B. Thersilion. The memorial column built in the form of tall Doric order and made entirely of marble is. Trajan’s Column D. Column of Diocletian . A.7. Column of Marcus Aurelius C. Column of Antoninus Pius B. 7. A. The memorial column built in the form of tall Doric order and made entirely of marble is. Column of Diocletian . Column of Marcus Aurelius C. Column of Antoninus Pius B. Trajan’s Column D. the floors were made of hard wood like narra which rested on 3 floor joist which in turn were supported by transverse girders.8. It was a single room dwelling elevated at 1.50 m . A. Bontoc C. Kalinga . Badjao D. Kankanay B. It is a traditional house that was called binangiyan. from the ground. from the ground. Kalinga . Badjao D. It is a traditional house that was called binangiyan. It was a single room dwelling elevated at 1. the floors were made of hard wood like narra which rested on 3 floor joist which in turn were supported by transverse girders. Kankanay B.50 m .8. Bontoc C. A. City plaza B. whose high density and variety of planting conveys a garden image. Often enclosed and secluded from the street. A. Garden Oasis D. Street plaza . City square C.9. It sometimes included flower planters and a water feature and usually supplies a variety of seating possibilities. It sometimes included flower planters and a water feature and usually supplies a variety of seating possibilities. Street plaza . Garden Oasis D.9. City square C. Often enclosed and secluded from the street. whose high density and variety of planting conveys a garden image. City plaza B. A. Hampstead Garden Suburbs . informal street layouts.10. Savannah B. A. Welwyn D. and main axis focusing on town center. Letchworth C. It is the first developed Garden City where it is a combination of landscaping. Letchworth C. It is the first developed Garden City where it is a combination of landscaping. Hampstead Garden Suburbs . Welwyn D. A. Savannah B.10. informal street layouts. and main axis focusing on town center. Leslie Patrick Abercrombie D. A. Henry Wright C. Involved in greater London Plan. Use of open space as structuring element. Clarence Perry B.11. Andres Duany . A British pioneered in regional Planning for the Doncaster area (1920-1922) and East Kent. 11. A British pioneered in regional Planning for the Doncaster area (1920-1922) and East Kent; Involved in greater London Plan; Use of open space as structuring element. A. Clarence Perry B. Henry Wright C. Leslie Patrick Abercrombie D. Andres Duany 12. He is remembered for his “Ideal Cities” – star shaped plans with street radiating from central point, usually proposed for a church, palace or castle. A. Leonardo Da Vinci B. Pierre Charles L’Enfant C. Leon Battista Alberti D. Sir Christopher Wren 12. He is remembered for his “Ideal Cities” – star shaped plans with street radiating from central point, usually proposed for a church, palace or castle. A. Leonardo Da Vinci B. Pierre Charles L’Enfant C. Leon Battista Alberti D. Sir Christopher Wren It is the eclectic style of domestic architecture of the 1870’s and the 1880’s in England and the USA and actually based on country house and cottage Elizabeth architecture which was characterized by a blending of Tudor Gothic. Mannerist Phase B. Stuart Architecture . English Renaissance and colonial elements in the USA: A.13. Queen Anne style D. Jacobean Architecture C. English Renaissance and colonial elements in the USA: A. Queen Anne style D. It is the eclectic style of domestic architecture of the 1870’s and the 1880’s in England and the USA and actually based on country house and cottage Elizabeth architecture which was characterized by a blending of Tudor Gothic. Jacobean Architecture C. Stuart Architecture .13. Mannerist Phase B. Early type of settlement in America taken after the “baug” (military town) and “fauborg” (citizen’s town) of the medieval ages. Medieval Bastide D. Laws of the Indies Towns .14. The European Planned City B. Medieval Organic City C. A. A. Laws of the Indies Towns . The European Planned City B. Medieval Bastide D. Medieval Organic City C. Early type of settlement in America taken after the “baug” (military town) and “fauborg” (citizen’s town) of the medieval ages.14. Le Corbusier planned a high density building that was a “super building” that contained 337 dwellings in only ten acres of land.15. The mile High tower C. Unite d’ Habitation B. Brasilia D. Ecumenopolis . What is this structure that supposed to be located in Marseilles? A. Brasilia D. Ecumenopolis . Le Corbusier planned a high density building that was a “super building” that contained 337 dwellings in only ten acres of land. The mile High tower C.15. Unite d’ Habitation B. What is this structure that supposed to be located in Marseilles? A. Who’s theory is the explanation of residential land uses in terms of wedgeshaped sectors radial to the city center along established lines of transportation.16. Kevin Lynch D. None of these . A. Homer Hoyt B. Ernest Burgess C. Homer Hoyt B. A. Ernest Burgess C. Who’s theory is the explanation of residential land uses in terms of wedgeshaped sectors radial to the city center along established lines of transportation.16. Kevin Lynch D. None of these . 17. Peter Kropotkin . Antonio Sant’elia B. Factories and Workshops. Don Soria y Mata D. Eugene Henard C. or Industry Combined with Agriculture with manual work” A. Published the book called “Fields. Factories and Workshops. or Industry Combined with Agriculture with manual work” A. Don Soria y Mata D.17. Eugene Henard C. Antonio Sant’elia B. Peter Kropotkin . Published the book called “Fields. 18. A. It uses classical elements in an unconventional manner. Mannerism D. A style in the architecture of Italy I the second half of the 16th century and to a lesser extent elsewhere in Europe. Palladianism C. Illusionism B. Abstract . A style in the architecture of Italy I the second half of the 16th century and to a lesser extent elsewhere in Europe. A. Illusionism B.18. It uses classical elements in an unconventional manner. Mannerism D. Palladianism C. Abstract . Mannerism D. A. A revival style based on the buildings and publications of the 6th century architect marked by ancient Roman Architectural forms. Palladianism C. Purism .19. National Romanticism B. Purism .19. A revival style based on the buildings and publications of the 6th century architect marked by ancient Roman Architectural forms. Mannerism D. A. Palladianism C. National Romanticism B. in which the old dividing line between monumental and decorative elements will have disappeared forever.20. Mies Van de Rohe . Walter Gropius C. Frank Lloyd Wright B.” A. The architect who claimed that: “The ultimate goal of the new architecture was the composite but inseparable work of an art. Le Corbusier D. Frank Lloyd Wright B.20. Walter Gropius C. Le Corbusier D. Mies Van de Rohe . The architect who claimed that: “The ultimate goal of the new architecture was the composite but inseparable work of an art.” A. in which the old dividing line between monumental and decorative elements will have disappeared forever. Frank Lloyd Wright C.21. Le Corbusier D. The architect who said that the exterior of the building is the result of the interior. Mies Van de Rohe B. William Ruskin . A. 21. William Ruskin . Mies Van de Rohe B. Le Corbusier D. Frank Lloyd Wright C. The architect who said that the exterior of the building is the result of the interior. A. Logeion C. Skene . Cavea B. The seats that rose on tiers and founded on natural rocks in a Greek theater is called: A. Exedrae D.22. 22. Logeion C. Cavea B. Exedrae D. Skene . The seats that rose on tiers and founded on natural rocks in a Greek theater is called: A. Rayonnant style D. Perpendicular style B. Decorated style C. None of these .23. A. It is the third phase of English-Gothic Architecture where elaborated ornamental vaulting. and refinement of stonecutting techniques. Decorated style C. None of these . Rayonnant style D. A. Perpendicular style B. and refinement of stonecutting techniques. It is the third phase of English-Gothic Architecture where elaborated ornamental vaulting.23. Dolmen C.24. Cromlech D. Tumulus . Enclosure formed by huge stones planted on the ground in circular form. A. Menhir B. Cromlech D.24. Tumulus . A. Dolmen C. Menhir B. Enclosure formed by huge stones planted on the ground in circular form. Park Guell D. A. Pavellons Guell .84. Identify the structure in HOA 25. Palau Guell B. Colonia Guell C.31.62 that was designed Antonio Gaudi.25. 84.84.62 .31. Pavellons Guell HOA 25.31. Colonia Guell C.62 that was designed Antonio Gaudi.25. Identify the structure in HOA 25. Palau Guell B. A. Park Guell D. 31.86. Post modern C.60 that was used in this structure? A.26. Identify the style of Architecture based on HOA 25. Mayan style B. Mudejar architecture D. Prairie style . Mudejar architecture D.60 that was used in this structure? A.31. Identify the style of Architecture based on HOA 25.60 .31.86. Post modern C. Mayan style B.86.26. Prairie style HOA 25. Fairwell International Center C.86. International Finance Center D.88. Shun – Hing Square .60 that was located in Southeast Asia. Identify the structure in HOA 22. World Finance Center B. A.27. 86. Shun – Hing Square HOA 22. World Finance Center B.86.88. Identify the structure in HOA 22.60 that was located in Southeast Asia.27. International Finance Center D. A.60 . Fairwell International Center C.88. Patrick Cathedral C. None of the above . Identify the religious structure in HOA 22.Klint A.28. P. St.86.88. Grundtvig Church D.V. Jensen. Trinity Cathedral B.61 that was designed by Arch. 88.28. Jensen.61 that was designed by Arch.86. Grundtvig Church D. St.88. None of the above HOA 22. Trinity Cathedral B.86. Patrick Cathedral C.V. P.Klint A.61 . Identify the religious structure in HOA 22. A. The father of modern picture books of Architecture. Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola .29. Philibert De L’orme C. Andrea Palladio B. Leon Battista Alberti D. 29. A. Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola . Andrea Palladio B. The father of modern picture books of Architecture. Philibert De L’orme C. Leon Battista Alberti D. ” Is quoted from: A.30. Five points Towards a New Architecture B. moves I slippery path. Space. The Poetry of Architecture by John Ruskin . “The man of learning… can fearlessly look down upon the troublesome accidents of fortune. But he who thinks himself entrenched in defense not of learning but of luck. Time and Architecture by Sigfried Gideon D. struggling though life unsteadily and insecurely. Ten books of Architecture by Marcus Vitruvius C. But he who thinks himself entrenched in defense not of learning but of luck.” Is quoted from: A.30. Time and Architecture by Sigfried Gideon D. “The man of learning… can fearlessly look down upon the troublesome accidents of fortune. Ten books of Architecture by Marcus Vitruvius C. moves I slippery path. Five points Towards a New Architecture B. The Poetry of Architecture by John Ruskin . struggling though life unsteadily and insecurely. Space. Karnak B. Thebes . Great Temple of Ammon. Termple of Ramesseum. Abu Simbel. The Great Temple of Ramses. The Great Temple of Abu-Simbel D. Temple of Queen HATSHEPSUT C.21. Egypt A. Thebes . The Great Temple of Ramses. Termple of Ramesseum. Karnak B.22. Abu Simbel. The Great Temple of Abu-Simbel D. Great Temple of Ammon. Temple of Queen HATSHEPSUT C. Egypt A.
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