March 26, 2018 | Author: Mihalache Radu Catalin | Category: Business



AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE PLACEMENT TEST - FORM 1R PART I - LISTENING Directions for questions 1-25.You will hear questions on the test tape. Select the one correct answer a ! c or " an" #ar$ %our answer sheet. D& N&T '(ITE &N T)E TEST *&&+LET. 1. a. )e will ,o. !. )e can.t ,o. c. )e finishe" his stu"ies. ". )e li$es to stu"%. 2. a. at 1//5 !. at 1015 c. at 1515 ". at 1115 0. a. put it on the "es$ !. loo$ up wor"s in it c. put a new co2er on it ". correct it 3. a. for #easurin, len,ths !. for paintin, !oar"s c. for hol"in, o!4ects ". for sharpenin, tools 5. a. !u% a plane !. sell a plane c. tra2el on a plane ". fin" an ol" plane 1. a. re" !. wool c. rain ". s#all 5. a. a list of telephone nu#!ers !. a new #e"icine c. a ,roup of wor$ers ". a place to eat 6. a. 7pril !. 8une c. 7u,ust ". Septe#!er -. a. )e has a sto#ach-ache. !. )e has a toothache. c. )is feet hurt hi#. ". )is e%es hurt hi#. a. lesson one !. lesson two c. the% are the sa#e . ". !oth are "ifficult a. %our fa#il% na#e !. %our father.s na#e c. %our #other.s na#e ". %our first na#e a. cleanin, !. price ta,s c. !uttons ". chan,es a. close the "oor !. follow hi# c. answer it ". loo$ at the# a. The% will fl%. !. The% will wal$. c. The% will run. ". The% will "ri2e. a. %ester"a% !. on Satur"a% c. with Geor,e ". at the office a. to !oar" the ship !. to ,et a haircut c. to see the factor% ". to #eet his frien".s plane 1/. 11. 12. 10. 13. 15. 11. 1 =ora% people are wal$in. There are #an% people "owntown. ". )e #o2e" it.s a cheap ra"io. a. 9lasses !e.e house !. . )e "oes not $now an%one. !. a. ". 26. c.cloc$. 'ho use" this !oo$ first< !. )e is not $nown. )e is well $nown. The wire is not . There are #an% li. It is war#. )e #a"e it. It is hea2%.erous person. in a crow"e" house< ". 'ho wants to use this !oo$< c. the color of the car protection c. en2elopes ". a "irectional li. In . c. ti#e. sta#pin. 0/. c. letters c. !. a new hea"li.aci" a. c. the a!ilit% to spee" up !.hts on the streets. It pla%s too lou"l%.oo" con"ition. ". a warnin. "epositin. It is !ri. c. li$e hi# !. ". contact hi# ". )e rea" it slowl%. 23. sta#ps a. It. for. on Satur"a%s c. a. a. a. !. )e cut it.o to school there c. ". the slowin. !. at ei. You will now hear state#ents on the test collectin. chil"ren . 'ho will !e usin. 25. )e is a "an. a. It is cool. 21. &nl% %oun. !. c. The wire is not carr%in. the stoppin. !. The wire is not 2isi!le. a spare tire ". It is not hu#i". c. There are #an% cars on the streets. ". pac$a. 01. The wire is not co2ere" for. 2/. "e2ice a. ".et hi# 22. !. 1-.7L9:T . in a s#all house c. )e saw it. ". filin. It is easil% !ent. !.ot it at a store. action !.or# 1 ( 15. 20. this !oo$< !.-"own action ". Select the one correct answer a ! c or " an" #ar$ %our answer sheet. electricit%. 'ho use" this !oo$ frequentl%< ". 2 . )e loo$e" at it for a lon. It is 2er% har". c. )e . )e rea" it quic$l%. in a !us% house a. It can. Directions for questions 21-5/. 25. 2-. ". a.oo".ht o. c. The school is three #iles fro# here.t !e seen. !. re#e#!er hi# c. in a lar. It nee"s repair. The school is close" for the "a%. 16. a. ". a. )e is sawin. !. c. )e sells airplanes. )e saw the# on the !us. It is polishe". " the !oar". )e wants to sell so#e soap. )e wasn. I>ll 2isit %ou. ". The letter was written !% his #other. ". )e wants so#e soap fro# #e.. *ill calle" 8ohn.or# 1( 02. )e hears a fa#iliar noise. c.hwa% noise. !.eta!le e2er% "a%.# not an. *ill #et 8ohn. !. )e wor$s slowl%. ".et the tic$ets. )e li$es to wor$.et the#. )e 2isite" the#. *ill hurt 8ohn. a. 36. 03. !.eta!les with our #eat e2er% "a%. a. )e foun" a new stu"ent in class. ". 'e were luc$% to . !. )e hears a low soun". )e presente" a new stu" )e passe" it easil%. ". 'e eat onl% one 2e. c. hole. )e wants to .. It is insulate". c. 'e eat "ifferent $in"s of 2e. nails in the !oar". a. a.hts are turne" off co#pletel%. )e hears a hi. )e is "ri2in. 30. )e #aile" his #one% or"er. !. There were #an% tic$ets for sale. 32. The airlines pa% hi# for fl%in. ". 05. c. 'e eat 2e.ll call on %ou. !. )e #aile" a letter. )e re. 31. this car.hts are not wor$in. 0a. a. It is not strai. It. The% are .# rich. ". I. ". c. !. 33. 05. )e .oin. )e left a #essa. )e "eposite" so#e #one%. !. 5/. )e flies for sport. !. 35. a. There were no #ore . ". 'e coul" not . c.e for the#. ". )e o!taine" so#e #one%. )e cheate" on it. 'e alwa%s eat the sa#e 2e. a. a.ll telephone %ou. )e hears an unfa#iliar noise. 0 . It loo$s 2er% eas%. It is !ro$en. c. !.7L9:T . )e is plu. holes. 3/. The li.t ta$en it %et. c. !. c. I ha2e !ou. c. I. c. !. a. c. )e left a new stu"ent in class. !. 31.# not stron. ". ".ot so#e sta#ps. !. ". I "on. I. a. on an" off. )e wrote the# so#e letters. The li. a.orce. c. ". )e hasn.r%.i2e #e so#e soap. *ill telephone" 8ohn. !. 3-. 35. )e is a poor wor$er. a. ". )is #other sent hi# a letter. I sol2e" it easil%. the "oor !ell. !. )e wants no soap fro# an%one. c. 01. The% are colore". properl%.eta!les. c.. a. !.eta!les "ail%. ". )e flies for the 7ir .t un"erstan" it.ll rin. a. c. I. )e is #a$in.# ol". I. I will !u% this car. I want to sell this car. I. )e an" his #other sent a letter. I will follow this car. a. ". 06. I. a.s not too "ifficult. )e is afrai" of wor$. c. !.t successful.istere" a new stu"ent. c. !. an unpleasant one c. It will "eca% quic$l%. If he???. Select the correct answer a ! c or " an" #ar$ %our answer sheet. !. ". a. a col". 51. ha" worn !. a. c. officers 3 . c. a happ% one !.e one 52. )e is . 1/. wears ". D& N&T '(ITE &N T)E TEST *&&+LET. She has no choice.t replace or repair it. c. )e has no ..t ha2e cau.ularl% ".s.oo" con" up. )e "eci"e" not to . )e is . ". She li$es roller s$atin. 5-. It will re#ain unchan.a#e. She prefers the #o2ies.(E7DING Directions for questions 11-1//. !etter. )e woul" replace it rather than repair it. a rest perio" a.. !. a 2isitor ". ".o. !. to . with 8ohn. a #ista$e !.reat interest is his stu"ies. Select the one correct answer a ! c or " an" #ar$ %our answer sheet. )e is????.. !.e".t eat !acon an" e. c. ". T)IS IS T)E END &. )e was un"eci"e". a. a.7L9:T . )e went to the .s e2er% "a%. a. To re"uce his s#o$in. c. c. ". )e is alwa%s tire". )e is ne2er tire" c. )e is 2er% unhapp% with his stu"ies. )e "oesn. 55.oin. That he coul" continue s#o$in. )e woul" repair it !ut he woul"n. It will !e safe to eat. )e wants to chan. 11. 12.. in the #ilitar% ser2ice. 51. officer c. )e woul" repair it an" replace it. a stran. )e so#eti#es has !acon an" e.or# 1( Directions for questions 51-1/. To quit s#o$in. You will hear "ialo. It will sta% in . a. 55. a. 50. 56.t li$e either one. !. )e woul"n. a. a co#plaint c. )e will !e tire" soon a. wearin. a.s.oin. an officer !.his sweater he woul"n. a officer ".s. She "oesn. ". )e is 2er% intereste" in his stu"ies. ". )e has !acon an" e. T)E LISTENING :7(T &. a. wear c.t replace it. 53. !. That he "i"n.e courses.t nee" to s#o$e re. !. T)E TEST.. as eas% one ". )e alwa%s has !acon an" e.s on the test tape. PART II . wallet ". for firewoo" c. captain c. it in the !an$. for lu#!er 11. !ecause 5/. a. !. since c. nu#!er 51.cloc$. !etween ". a costl% ".# !us%. !. the . The% ha2e !een waitin. no !.s !. 9lar$ has a lot of frien" a. to #ar$ positions ". a. ". that !. #an% ". a. a !a" c. (a% has an e@pensi2e ite#. a few c. a. ". )e has little ti#e left. This #aterial can !e use" for ca#oufla. The air traffic controller announce" the arri2al of the fli. c. a.h ti#e. for #e ??. !. a !ro$en !.7L9:T .o wit %ou ????I. for 5 . an" c.5 o. a. a cheap 15. #one% 1-.asoline c. 13. a #o2ie ".ht. )e has stu"ie" e2er% "a%. fi2e 15. )e has #an% "a%s. lea2in. the piano 16.e. a. I can>t . . )e will nee" a lot of ti#e. !ut ".or# 1( 10. 8ohn spen" his??instea" of puttin. I li$e to rea" ???when I ha2e enou. a !oo$s !. 8ones has onl% a few "a%s to learn to ""en c. lan"in. to hi"e thin. ti#e !. "urin. 6/. so ???%ou #in" closin. =ost people???. . that ".to rea" newspapers. =a% !. ha" to c. are ali$e ". tire" ". listens !% c. a. rea"% ". a. ree"% You???. saw c. listenin.or# 1( 52. 55. past ". 53.7L9:T . Satur"a% The stu"ents are all set for the e@a#ination. 9oul" c. unless c. ou. !.is tape a. "i" !. not there c. all "a%. a. the win"ow< a. 55. feelin. woul" The na#e of the last #onth of the %ear is ????? a. . sees I was e@hauste" after wor$in. a. li$es !. were ali$e 8ohn woul" ha2e calle" the police if he???the acci"ent. 56. 51. to )e left the office earl% ???.Are2iew this lesson !efore %ou ta$e the test. a. see !. ha" seen ". stu"%in. acti2e to ". li$e c. if !. woul" 1 50. If ". fine !. to listen ". Dece#!er c. 5-.he coul" "o so#e shoppin. a. asleep )e finishe"????. listene" to !. 'inter !. sai" ". "i"n. 5 . coul"n. I.7L9:T . 'hat !. #a$e so#e frien"s !.// an" B53. B5/. to #a$e 3 reser2ations for #% trip . I. )e will accept !etween ?????????. #a"e a !a" . B110. The%?????9on"uctor the train. )e . En.eant is a??????? a. a. !.. It. co##issione" officer 65.e has !een stu"%in. B1//.!ecause he was the fastest. ha2e so#e foo" sa2e" c. tol" 62. "urin. a.t see 2er% far..# .// an" B1/3.. slower 66. to??????. lowest c.or# 1( 61.oin. The 2isi!ilit% was poor %ester"a%.four %ears. She ".// an" B152.// an" B115. was sic$ ". I????????. c. first ".//. last !. since c.s "eparture a. c. a. spo$e c. for !. announce" !. B136. ". #a$e so#e #one% ". Get the re" !oo$???????is on the shelf. non-co##issione" officer c.oin. ".t ha2e #uch #one%.. !. pri2ate !. 65. c. 7 ser.# . a.lish??????..//. #a4or ". until 60. ha2e a seat sa2e" 1 61.//. a. )owar" finishe"??????. .//. a.ra" 63A =artin wants appro@i#atel% one hun"re" fift% "ollars for that ta!le. S. -0 . crac$ 6 . c. ". a. The weather is?????to"a% than it was last ni.. consi"ers -3.oin.proper "urin. has !. use c. #a$e !. ????. ahea" ". a. with -1. nice ". "owntown c. at !. $eep %our hea" up -/ I a# .. ha2in. con2ersation is???????. 7ircraft pilots co##unicate?????. in hea2% traffic. a. turn %our hea" often c. a.entl% !.?????.#ore if %ou?????. #eals< a.attention. You shoul" use %our hea" when "ri2in. thin$ intelli.. consi"er !.control towers. In the C. ha2e -5. pa% ". "rin$ ". . "o. ". "owntown ". !est -2 . for c. 7ll the stu"ents?????a lot of ho#ewor$ last ni.7L9:T . wash !u% a new car. write !. consi"erin. into "owntown -1. consi"ere" ". ha2e.or# 1( 6-. To use ". Csin. "urin. ha" c. You will learn . at. a. !etter c. a. -5. a. for "owntown !. 'ill use !. loo$ strai.spears for weapons the #en hunte" wil" ani#als.oo" !. 7rthur will??????the water. . a. T)IS IS T)E END &. 9hoose the correct sentence. ". I?????????? happ% to see %ou to"a%.or# 1( -6. To . woul" %ou li$e<D D?????????????. It ta$es #e 35 #inutes to . &il an" 2ine. 'ell "one c. 35 #inutes it ta$es #e to .rench fries ". +nife an" for$ 1//. a# !. The waitress as$e" DSir what $in" of " wor$ it ta$es to #e 35 #inutes. !e ". a. a. c. D he answere". is c. 2er% --. T)E TEST. - .et #e wor$ it to ta$es 35 #inutes. To .et to wor$.7L9:T . !.ar !.et to wor$. ! -1. 31. a 12. ! 5-. 20. 12. ! 65. a 1// ! 1/ . c -6. ! -2. 1-. 2. 11. c -0. 22. 01. 16. 2/. ! 51. c 11. 23. " 1/. 3.06. ! 56. . c 55. 13. 6. 01. ! ! ! c c a " c ! a " " c a ! " ! a a " c " ! a c c a a a c a " ! ! ! " " a ! a ! c " " a ! " c c c REZULTATELE TESTULUI ALCPT 1R 51. 25. c 15. c 53. 25. 10. " 5/. 1. 33. a -/. 2-. 05. " -5. " 55. a 60. a --. ! 50. 02. 0. c 50. " 53.1. " -5. a 10. c 66. ! 55. " -1. c 55. a 51. a 16. 11. 5/. 15. 35. " 56. 36. a 62. " 1-. ! 13. 15. 5. 1/. " 65. a 11. 0-. 30. c 61. " 61. ! 6-. 26. ! 52. 32. 03. 3-. " 5-. 31. 3/. 5. c 6/. " 51. c 15. 21. 35. a 63. a 52. 0/. -. 05. 21. c -3. 00. 11 .
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