ALCPT 56_Discuss.doc

May 12, 2018 | Author: Treba Prava | Category: Nature



AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE PLACEMENT TEST - ALCPTPART I – LISTENING Directions for items 1-56. You will hear statements or questions on the tape. Select the best answer and mark your answer sheet, a, b , c, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. 1. a) to the police station 10. a) Smoking is safe. b) to the post office b) Smoking is permitted. c) to the store c) Smoking is encouraged. d) to the bank d) Smoking is not allowed. 2. a) a comb b) a razor 11. a) He must relax his c) scissors attention when flying. d) a knife b) He must do all his flying at once. 3. a) the usual ones c) He should be taken off b) the long ones flying every year. c) the revised ones d) He must give all of d) the correct ones his attention to flying. 4. a) in the store b) at the room 12. a) write me soon c) very tired b) return my visit d) 12 blocks c) make me come back d) return my phone call 5. a) Yes, it’s very hot. b) Yes, it won’t work. 13. a) if the bank was open c) Yes, I like it best. b) if John had money in a d) Yes, I don’t want it. bank c) if John could count 6. a) once a week money b) every night d) if the account was for c) every other night Mr. James d) twice a week 14. a) about 3:10 7. a) a chemist b) at 1500 hours b) an engineer c) approximately 1500 c) a physiologist hours d) a meteorologist d) 5 minutes before 3 o’clock 8. a) fine b) hot 15. a) at the club c) hungry b) the air men d) sleepy c) for dancing d) to have their party 9. a) They are not similar. b) They are similar. c) They look alike. d) They are the same. 1 only ten minutes. c) He participates in d) He played a joke.16. colors. b) He dislikes various c) He went out for a long kinds of activities. d) He brought them to c) They have changed safety. a) He gave them advice. c) She has a d) He filled the tire prescription. c) We have been here only ten minutes. a) She is already well. 17. a) He uses the bus all c) He will help the the time. c) He couldn’t reach the 21. 2 . a) We won’t be here ten c) It’s a good practice minutes. b) We have to stay over d) You’ll have a chance ten minutes. b) They are on the table. a) You must bring pencils d) He practices only and paper. d) We will take up your b) You won’t have any pencils and paper. certain types of b) We will give you activities. d) She has already seen him. students find books. 22. pencils and paper. men. a) He will educate the d) We will be here for students. occasion to speak English. d) He never works on the b) He arrested the two bus. c) He refilled my tank. b) He will fire the students. house. 26. d) They have become old and worn. to speak English. b) She is still waiting. a) You’ll learn English paper from you. 23. with air. b) He patched the tire. 25. many types of activities. a) He enjoys keeping away b) He told his employer from activities. lunch. a) They are lost. to speak English. 20. b) He often drives to d) He will give jobs to work. a) He removed the tire. a) He asked his employer for more money. quickly. 19. the students. 18. something. c) We’ll buy pencils and 24. c) He seldom rides the bus. m. cold place. work at the same time. d) He has a dislike for 30. c) You could see the 31. 29. a) He left them out. c) stories c) He must like to do it d) news again. a) I like them scrambled. a) The liquid will not 35. c) I will call tomorrow b) They have protein in night.27. 34. wires. a) writes on it work at 7:30 a. the walls. It ______ good. b) Help me buy food from the basket. a) I’ll try to call. d) increase spending c) The liquid is not dangerous. a) Help me put the food d) The liquid will burn in the basket. 38. a) a form wires. a) He would like to do it again. d) There are twelve in a carton. a) It has a big torn experiences like that place in it. d) I’m sure that I’ll c) They are 55 cents a call. one. c) He inspected them. b) spend the same b) The liquid will c) cut out spending explode. d) an argument 39. b) I won’t call you. them. b) It is in a big. a) headlines b) He enjoys experiences b) tastes like that one. b) a report d) The wires were in c) a command front of the walls. a) Mary always goes to 32. dozen. easily. d) talks about it c) She sometimes goes to work at the same time. b) depends on it b) She usually goes to c) doesn’t use it work at 8:00 a. 40. ใ a) looks d) Help me take the food b) tastes out. a) spend less burn. c) smells d) sounds 37. a) You could not see the c) It is very dirty. d) He separated them. 3 . 33. c) Help me eat the basket. d) It just doesn’t fit b) The wires were outside the table. d) She always goes to b) He picked them up.m. 28. 36. a) He will earn enough to do. b) at the ocean d) The food is very good. blow. d) He will use the b) The food has too much elevator. expensive. a) The food is too elevator. drive then. a) He will study the b) The air is cool. c) in the city d) in the mountains 44. c) His decision was confusing. b) oil and grease d) It won’t hurt you. a) His decision was foolish. elevator. a) He carried it. b) It may hurt you. a) Why did you lift that? b) Why did you finish 52. a) He did not know what 48. b) He polished it. a) a metal c) Watch my suitcase. 46. c) something to eat d) something to wear 45. c) The food is not fit to 50. friends. c) improper use d) dry weather 54. 49. a) dampness c) The animal is afraid. b) a machine d) Pack my suitcase. b) Hold my suitcase. c) He did not want to do c) He will need it to get anything. elevator. money. b) His decision was embarrassing. a) It became foggy. b) It started to snow. c) The air is thin. a) Check my suitcase. d) The wind began to c) He set it on fire. a) It can kill you. b) He did what he was b) He will have many new supposed to do. a) at home eat. b) He will repair the d) The air is thick. a) The air is hot. d) His decision was sensible. 42. a) to protect his hearing that? b) to protect his sight c) Why did you break c) to protect his hands that? d) to protect his feet d) Why did you mention that? 53. to work.41. 4 . d) He did whatever he d) He will know how to felt like doing. fat. 47. c) It started to rain. 51. 55. c) He will run the 43. d) He cut it into pieces. a) Bill argues with his brother. 59. Select the best answer and mark your answer sheet. a) because he had a party the meeting. 64. c) He is getting angry. or d. c. 60. a) eat a big lunch b) sleep overnight 61. 62. c) Bill agrees with his brother. a) He is getting cold. d) Bill accompanies his brother. a. a) when it was going to d) He would like end something else. the club. c) get something put away c) He isn’t eating d) get someone to open properly.56. meeting. 65. Directions for items 57-66. the door d) He hasn’t worked for a long time. a) in one place he goes b) He listened to it on b) in each place he goes the radio. b) He was the leader of d) He is getting hungry. a) He wants more. d) because he didn’t have a party 63. b) because he was sleepy d) He enjoys the club’s c) He is getting angry meetings. b) who was going to be there c) when it was going to start d) what the procedures were going to be 5 . b) Bill advises his brother. a) He read about it in a newspaper. d) rest for an hour c) He does not like vegetables. 57. You will hear conversations or persons giving information. c) tak some pictures b) He has enough. a) He needs a good bath. c) He received a gift at 58. d) in none of the places d) He learned about it he goes from a friend. c) in a few places he c) His brother told him goes about it. 66. a) fix a car b) He needs some new b) go to sleep clothes. b. a) He attended the b) He is getting tired. She hopes she ________ better work next year. 70. We turned the TV on as the program started. d) Two years ago with my parents lived I. d) I am not taught by the instructor. a) Two years ago I with my parents lived. Mrs. c) I am taught by the instructor. b. b) Two years ago I lived with my parents. a) just in time b) much too early c) just for a while d) a little too late 71. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. b) I am teaching the student. I am a student. Susan could not lift the box because it was too ______. a. Select the best answer and mark your answer sheet. a) square b) heavy c) round d) funny 6 . The instructor teaches me. We turned it on __________.THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING PART OF THE TEST. a) canceling b) postponing c) preparing for d) hoping to make 72. 67. Select the correct sentence. Miller is getting ready for the trip. or d. c. c) Two years ago with my parents I lived. 69. PART II – READING Directions for items 67-100. a) I teach the instructor. เป ป นการกล ลาวถ ถงเหต ตการณ ณ ในอนาคต ตองใช ต will a) did b) must c) will do d) has done 68. “Turn off the faucet. d) He put them on about the time he spoke to us.. c) He didn’t remove them as he spoke to us.” He wanted us to _____. a) eat เปป็ นกรริยาแท ท้ ไมม่ต ท้องมมี was ใช ท้แคม่ the man eats b) ate อดดต c) eaten อด ดต d) eating v+ing = กาล นงท กาเหต ตการณ ณ นนอย ย ล 76. The man was ______ his dinner. a) is finishing b) are finished c) was finished d) finished 78. Salad เป ป นนามน นบไม ลได ต จ ถงใช ตกนบ some / any แต ล any ใช ตในประโยค ปฏ ฏเสธ a) some b) many c) few d) any 75. a) will make some purchases b) is making a purchase c) making a purchase d) made a purchase อย ยในร ล ย ปอด ดตเหมมอนก นน 77. she _______. Garcia went downtown. ไม ลวลาจะเป ป นคร นงใดท ท ดการ ณ เซ ดยรณ ไปในตนวเม มอง เธอจะต ตอง.73. Whenever Mrs. a) change the faucet b) let the water run c) stop the flow of water d) make the water run more slowly 74. ลาบราวน จ ณ ถอดแว ลนตาออกก ลอนท ท ดเขาจะพ ยดก นบพวกเรา a) He removed them and spoke to us. The man said. The work ______ by four men.. Brown took off his goggles before he spoke to us. I think I will eat ____ salad. A great deal of sulfur is found in Texas. a) A lot of b) A good grade c) A bargain of d) Very little 7 .. 79. Sgt. เขาถอดม นนออกแล ตวพ ยดกนบพวกเรา b) He removed them after he spoke to us. Passenger: Does this airplane feel right to you? เคร ท มองบ ฏนล กาน น ดบฏนได ต ราบร ท มนด ดหร มอไม ล Pilot: No. You can call for your new name tag in a couple of days. a) see b) get = call for ได ตร นบ c) write d) visit 84. That building is the ______ in the city.80. Some people judge the quality of food by ______ it. 8 . a) I like to read b) I wanted to read c) no one wanted to read d) it was too dark to read 81.ไม ล ผมก กาล นงจะเอาม นนลง What is the pilot going to do? นกบ ฏนก กาล นงจะท กาอะไร a) buy the airplane b) land the airplane จอดเครท มองบ ฏน c) wait until night to take off d) start the airplane’s motors 83. Why don’t you use your head when you drive? a) use your eyesight b) use your hat c) be quick d) think 82. He _______ to listen to the tape tonight. a) will b) ought c) must d) should 86. a) higher b) highest c) most high d) most highest 85. I turned off the light because _____. I’m taking it right down. There are three boys in the class besides the girls. Although it is commonly used in engagement rings. a) smelling b) to smell c) smelled d) smell 87. brilliant gem. a) for that time it was class b) that it was time for class c) it that time was for class d) it was that time for class 88. a) near b) excluding c) in addition to d) at the side of 9 . its greatest use is in industry. “Besides” means ______. there are 15 different uses for this mineral in an automobile factory. เพชรเปป นอ นญมณ ดทดสวยงาม ถงแม ตว ลาโดยท น ทวไปม นนจะใชตเป ป นแหวนหม นน แต ลการใช ตทดม ดคลามากท ท ดสตดค มอ ใน อ ตตสาหกรรม ท ตกว นนน น ดอตตสาหกรรมยานยนตร ณคมอผ ยน ต มอรายใหญ ซ ล ของอ ตตสาหกรรมเพชร โดยสามารถน กาเพชรมาใช ต ประโยชนณ ได ตถง 15 ประการในอตตสาหกรรมด นงกล ลาว a) all diamonds are used in industry = เพชรท ตกชน ฏดถ ยกน กามาใช ตใน ตตสาหกรรม อ b) all diamonds are used in engagement rings = เพชรท ตกชน ฏดได ตถยกน กา ใช ตในการท กาแหวนหม นน c) 15 minerals are used in automobile factories เพชร 15 ชน ฏดถ ตกน กา มาใช ตในอ ตตสาหกรรม ยานยนต ณ d) industrial diamonds are used in automobile factories = เพชรท ท ดใช ต ใน ตตสาหกรรมจะน อ กามาใช ตในอ ตตสาหกรรมยานยนตร ณ 89. I glanced at my watch and realized ______. Today the automotive industry is the main buyer of industrial diamonds. The diamond is a beautiful. In fact. Why did you enroll in this course? กาไมค ท ตณถ ถงสม นครเร ดยนหล นกส ยตรน น ด a) to improvement myself b) to improve myself to + v-ช ลอง 1 เพ ท มอท ท ดจะปร นบปร ต งตนเอง c) for improved myself d) for improve myself 90. 94. the heat has dried the pipe. a) time b) noise c) impulse d) release 93. a) interested with b) interested in c) interested to d) interesting by 96. Most boys of other countries are ______ the American Indian. When we heard the explosion. b) Yes. Let’s go for a walk. c) The plane made a very bad landing. b) The plane was forced to land. a) of b) by c) for d) to 97. a) won’t b) can’t c) has not d) might not 95. I was afraid he _____ understand. our first ______ was to escape the danger. the steam has changed to water. Tom defends himself quite well by ______. Is there any condensation on that pipe? Condensation = การควบแนม่น a) Yes. The plane made an emergency landing. การทมีไท อนนน าเปลมีย ท นเปป็ นของเหลว 10 . a) The plane was unable to land. ทอมปกป ตค ตองตนเองได ลอนข ตางด ด โดย a) fighting back ตสกล ย นบ b) taking a rest พ นกผ ลอน c) listening closely ร นบฟ น งอย ลางใกล ตชฏด d) eating a good meal ทานอาหารด ดๆ 92.91. d) The plane made a scheduled landing. I am tired ______ reading. .. อากาศเลวร ท้ายทมีเท กริดขขน น อมีกครรงน ไมม่เปป็ นลางดมีในการเสรป็จสมบบูรณณ์อยม่างทรนเวลาของสนามกมีฬา a) augur เปป็ นลางสรงหรณณ์ b) foretell ทนานาย c) predict ทนานาย d) prognosticate ทนานาย 99. An internal combustion engine releases poisonous _____. 11 . การสรนดาปภายในของเครรอ ท งยนตณ์ปลม่อย. The recurrent bad weather does not _____ well for the timely completion of the stadium. สรมภาระของพวกเรา ถบูก strapped on รรดด ท้วยสายหนรง/ผ ท้า ทมีห ท ลรงลา a) wired ตม่อสายไฟ b) piled กองซ ท้อน c) belted รรดเขป็มขรด d) clamped หนมีบ 100. c) Yes... 98.... d) Yes. Our supplies were strapped on the back of the donkey.พริษ a) fumes b) vents c) catalysts d) vibrations THIS IS THE END OF THE TEST. the smoke has made the pipe dirty. the pipe has been well polished.
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