Ajuste mecanismo z32

March 21, 2018 | Author: Freddy Lucas Vera | Category: Screw, Mechanical Engineering, Manufactured Goods



SERVICE MANUALMECHANISM ASSEMBLY 9 2005 YF081 DVC MECHANISM TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 JIGS AND TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 SPECIFIC SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 COPYRIGHT © 2005 Victor Company of Japan, Limited No.YF081 2005/9 SECTION 1 JIGS AND TOOLS 1.1 1. TOOLS REQUIRED FOR ADJUSTMENTS Torque driver YTU94088 2. Bit YTU94088-003 1. Torque driver Be sure to use to fastening the mechanism and exterior parts because those parts must strictly be controlled for tightening torque. Torque setting value of torque driver is limited. At the values over the maximum torque setting value, fasten a screw manually not to damage the screw thread. 2. Bit This bit is slightly longer than those set in conventional torque drivers. 3. Tweezers To be used for removing and installing parts and wires. 4. Chip IC replacement jig To be used for replacement of part. 3. Tweezers P-895 4. Chip IC replacement jig PTS40844-2 5. Guide driver YTU94148A-1 6. Cleaning cloth KSMM-01 5.Guide driver To be used for the height adjustment such as the guide rollers. 6. Cleaning cloth Recommended cleaning cloth to wipe down the video heads, mechanism (tape transport system), optical lens surface. Fig.1-1-1 1-2 (No.YF081) 2. The item numbers(circled numbers)in the following explanation correspond to those appearing under respective columns of the table.) *7 This column indicates required after-disassembling/-reassembling work such as phase adjustment or mechanism adjustment.(W5b).(W5c) (W6). *2 This column shows part names corresponding to numbers in the left column. Besides such the parts. (2) Be sure to disconnect the set from the power supply before fastening and soldering parts.YF081)1-3 .1 DVC MECHANISM 2. refer to “MECHANISM ADJUSTMENTS”.and others to be removed/fitted for disassembling/reassembling the mechanism. (4) When replacing parts. follow these numbers in the reverse order. this column occasionally indicates working points.connector (CN). Carefully read the following explanation before starting actual disassembling/reassembling work. • Disconnect A = Connector A. • Remove the solder at (SD1)=Point SD1.soldering (SD). Fig.1 Precautions (1) When fastening parts. be careful not to get them and their connectors damaged.shield. T =the upper side.1.b NOTE 4 a NOTE 5 a.etc.2-4-3 Fig.055 N·m (0. Unless otherwise specified.b NOTE 6 ADJUSTMENT *1 *2 *3 *4 *1 Numbers appearing in this column indicate the order to remove parts.2-4-5 FIG. P W S * = Spring = Washer = Screw = Lock (L).(L1a)-(L1e) (S2). *5 *6 *7 *6 Numbers in this column represent the numbers of notes in the text. *5 This column indicates parts and points such as screws.c. (For parts that need phase adjustment after reassembling.2(S6b) NOTE REMARKS NOTE 1 a. washers. Example NO. tighten a screw with the torque of 0. pay careful attention to the tightening torque of each screw.1.2(S3b) (W4) (W5a). [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] PART NAME CASSETTE HOUSING ASSY UPPER BASE ASSY DRUM ASSY REEL DISK ASSY(SUP) REEL DISK ASSY(TU) REEL COVER ASSY T T T T T T Fig. (3) When disconnecting/connecting wires.(L2b) (S3a). (No.2 Notes on procedure for disassembly/assembly The DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE TABLE shows the procedure to disassemble/reassemble mechanism parts.SECTION 2 SPECIFIC SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS 2.2-4-4 POINT 3(S1). be very careful neither to damage other parts nor to fit wrong parts by mistake. B =the lower side *4 Symbols appearing in this column indicate drawing numbers.b.56 kgf·cm).d ADJUSTMENT NOTE 2 NOTE 3 a. When reassembling.(L2a). Example • Remove (W1)=Washer W1. *3 The symbol (T or B)appearing in this column shows the side which the objective part is mounted on.(S6a).springs. Circled numbers in this column correspond to those appearing in drawings of this section. and then set the CASS IN mode.2-1-2 1-4 (No. it is required to forcibly supply 3V DC to the LOADING MOTOR to unload. it is generally set in the STOP mode.1.2-1-6 <STOP mode> Half Panch Fig.2 Mechanism modes The mechanism mode of this model is classified into five modes as shown in Fig. Each mechanism mode can be distinguished from others by the relative position of “ ”. <Mechanism assembly/Cassette housing assembly> 2.YF081) Fig. 2-1-9.) When the mechanism assembly is removed from the main body.2-1-8 .3.2-1-4 <CASS IN mode> Fig.2.3. <MAIN CAM GEAR> DC3V TOP VIEW Fig.2-1-1 <Back side of the mechanism assembly> Fig. 2-1-3 to 2-1-8 below.1 General statement The mechanism should be disassembled/assembled in the CASS IN mode (ASSEMBLY mode). 2-1-2.1.2-1-7 <PLAY mode> Back side of deck Fig.3 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY OF MECHANISM ASSEMBLY 2. “ ” marks on the sub cam gear to the inner or outer protrusion on the main deck.2-1-3 BOTTOM VIEW <Confirmation of mode> :HOLE(Penetration) :Half Panch LOADING MOTOR <EJECT mode> Fig.2-1-5.1. Refer to Fig. (Refer to Fig.2-1-5 <SHORT FF mode> CASS IN HOLE Fig. After the mechanism assembly is removed from the main body. “ ”. 4 o 204 79.5o 5.3o 187.8o 254.7 -69.8 o 69 o 127.8o 199.5o 78.3o 101.YF081)1-5 . B END PLAY 0 o 95.3 Mechanism timing chart MODE EJECT CAS.8 ) o (260o) PRESS PRESS ARM OFF -46.5o 204 o o TOUCH 220.8o 210.3 o 260 273.2 67.6 o o 204o 67.4o PARTS -54.2 o TOUCH 244.1.8 49.2o 14 o o o TOUCH 204 o 173.2o 204 164.3o o 205.3o 90.5o 210.9o) o 190 o MAIN CAM (-50o) (149o) (200o) -52 o 0 o 91 (63.4o 182.2.5 o o EJECT OFF1 T.2o o SLIDE START SHORT FWD SLIDE END STOP TU.2 o Fig.5 225. PLATE OFF2 ON LO2 TENSION ARM LO1 UL ON T5 ARM OFF LO SLIDE DECK UL PRESS S1 ARM LO UL PRESS POLE BASE LO UL PRESS PINCH ROLLER SLIDE OFF 67.2o -5.1o) o 150 (126.8 ) o o 195 (164.3o -6.3.8 o o 204 67.9 ) o o 247 o SUB CAM (-65 ) o (193.3o 113.6o 67.5o ROTARY ENCODER a b c -40 o 0 o 70 (49.5o 274.6 o o -49.5 244.2 o 3. P.C.2 o 3. IN CCW -68.2-1-9 (No. 2(L12) L13 L14 L15 L17. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] PART NAME HOUSING ASSY DRUM PROTECTOR DRUM ASSY REEL COVER ASSY IDLER ARM ASSY T5 ARM ASSY TENSION ARM ASSY S1 ARM ASSY SLIDE GUIDE PLATE GUIDE PLATE SLIDE DECK ASSY CASSETTE GUIDE PINCH ROLLER ARM ASSY REEL DISK ASSY (SUP) REEL DISK ASSY (TU) BRAKE PLATE T.1.2.b NOTE35 # # PHASE ADJUSTMENT PHASE ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT PHASE ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT/# ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT/# ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT/# ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT/# # REMARKS ADJUSTMENT [1] 1-6 (No.L1a. NO.b.b.c L6a.b L7a.2(L18b) L19.d NOTE NOTE1a.b NOTE13a.c NOTE16 NOTE17 NOTE18 NOTE19a.b. C.b NOTE7a.b.L3a.S7.L4b.b.2(L11c) S12.b NOTE4 NOTE6a.L18a.L27a.b.SLIDE COLLAR1 3(S18).c.L10 2(L11a).3(L11b).L9 S10.b NOTE11a.SLIDE COLLAR2 S20 S21.4 DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE TABLE MARK: # After assembly.b NOTE20 NOTE22 NOTE25a. 1 2 S2.c NOTE27 NOTE28 NOTE29 NOTE30 NOTE31 NOTE32 NOTE34a.b NOTE15a.L7b.c NOTE14a.2(L4a).YF081) .2(L7c) L8 S9.L2a.b NOTE2 NOTE3a.c. PLATE ASSY DRUM BASE DRIVE ARM ASSY GUIDE RAIL ASSY T5 CATCHER CAPSTAN MOTOR REEL PULLEY CENTER GEAR MOTOR BRACKET ASSY BELT GUIDE GEAR COVER PRESS ARM ASSY SUB CAM CONNECT GEAR MAIN CAM ROTARY ENCODER LOADING GEAR 1 GUIDE ROLLER (S) ASSY COMPRESSION SPRING MAIN DECK ASSY T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 10 9 8 7 6 5-1 5-2 4 3 FIG. perform adjustments.2(L26) 3(S27).L21 2(S22) S25 S26.b 2(S4).d L28 L32 POINT 2(S1).c NOTE8 NOTE9a.b 3(S3). YF081)1-7 .< TOP VIEW > [32] [34] [35] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [33] [19] [18] [20] [21] [25] [27] [17] [7] [22] [36] [6] [26] [29] [8] [10] [30] [28] [31] [12] [11] [14] [9] [5] [4] [30] [15] [16] < BOTTOM VIEW > [2] [22] [25] [36] [32] [31] [11] [19] (No. During the procedure. remove the LED from the REEL COVER ASSY first to set the FPC free. carefully hold the top center of the DRUM ASSY with fingers otherwise it may possibly fall off. During the procedure. 8). be careful in handling the FPC.5. or by moving the EJECT LEVER to the direction as indicated by the arrow.1. L1c L1d <NOTE1a. NOTE3b: Pay extra attention to the soil.YF081) . make sure to return to the CASS IN mode if the mode was changed.5. then remove the REEL COVER ASSY by sliding it to the direction as indicated by the arrow. be careful not to cut/ damage the FPC.2 [2] DRUM PROTECTOR [3] DRUM ASSY [4] REEL COVER ASSY NOTE2 (S2) 3 L2a NOTE2: During the procedure. remove the two screws (7. make sure to remove the HOUSING ASSY. make sure to bring the HOUSING ASSY up either by changing the mechanism mode to the EJECT mode.1. be careful in handling the FPC.1 LEFT ARM2 2 (S1) 2. [2] 4 6 (S3) 5 (S3) (S3) L3a L2b NOTE3a L3b [3] NOTE3b <NOTE2> FPC <NOTE4> LED [4] L4b L4a L4c FPC NOTE4 FPC 7 (S4) DRUM SIDE <NOTE3a> 6 (S3) 5 (S3) 4 (S3) LED FPC 8 (S4) Fig. NOTE1b: Be careful not to damage the LEFT ARM2.1 [1] HOUSING ASSY NOTE1a: When disassembling/ assembling the MECHANISM ASSY. During the procedure. When removing the HOUSING ASSY. dust and scratch on the surface. NOTE4: During the procedure.1.2.2 < bottom side > 1-8 (No.5 DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY 2. NOTE3a: When removing.RIGHT ARM2 during work.b> LEFT ARM2 NOTE1b L1a L1b RIGHT ARM2 NOTE1b EJECT LEVER RIGHT ARM2 [1] NOTE1a 1 (S1) Fig. attach the TENSION BAND along the groove of the gear. adjust the TENSION ARM ASSY. adjust the SLIDE GUIDE PLATE. The old type is without a hook and the new type is with a hook. NOTE6b: When mounting.YF081)1-9 . NOTE7c: When mounting.4 10 (S9) [9] NOTE9a. the TENSION BAND may break during the operation check as there is too much tension. pay attention to the correct positioning.c> < TOP > TENSION BAND [10] < FRONT > 11 (S10) L9 L8 2. be careful in handling the TENSION BAND. pay attention to the correct positioning.3 [5] IDLER ARM ASSY [6] T5 ARM ASSY [7] TENSION ARM ASSY NOTE6a: There are two types of the T5 ARM ASSY. NOTE7b: When mounting. pay attention to the correct positioning. attach the TENSION ARM ASSY with the plate moved to the direction as indicated by the arrow.b NOTE8: When mounting.4 [8] S1 ARM ASSY [9] SLIDE GUIDE PLATE [10] GUIDE PLATE [8] NOTE8 Fig. L7a L7c <NOTE6a> < OLD TYPE > < NEW TYPE > [7] L7b L6a NOTE7a: During the procedure. If the plate is moved to the other direction. pay attention to the correct positioning. When an old type is replaced by a new type. NOTE9b: After attachment.3 L10 <NOTE7b. remove the spring from the hook first if there is a hook.5.1.5. When mounting. After the mounting. replace the PINCH ROLLER ARM ASSY at the same time as the proper combination of the parts is required.1. (No. NOTE9a: When mounting. They are different in shape.2. [5] NOTE6a L6b [6] NOTE6b 9 (S7) TENSION BAND NOTE7a Fig. When removing. NOTE 16: During the procedure.5. be careful not to cut the FPC. [11] FPC L11b L11c NOTE11b MIC SW Fig.YF081) [12] L13 L15 L14.L15 L14 12 (S12) WHITE BLACK [14] [16] NOTE16 Fig.5 [11] SLIDE DECK ASSY NOTE11a: When removing. remove the spring only when the spring is attached to the SLIDE DECK ASSY.2. NOTE11a L11a <NOTE11a> L11c L11a FPC L11b T5 CATCHER 2. be careful in handling. be careful not to damage or open too much the hook as there is only one hook in a narrow part. The Supply side can be identified by the white color at the center. NOTE13b: During the procedure. NOTE11b: During the procedure. NOTE13c: Be sure to place this part beneath the SLIDE DECK ASSY. be careful not to damage or open too much the hook as there is only one hook in a narrow part. be careful in handling as the BRAKE PLATE which is located under the REEL DISK ASSY becomes free. NOTE 15a: When removing. When removing.1. be careful in handling. The Take-up side can be identified by the black color at the center. be careful in handling. replace the T5 ARM ASSY at the same time as the proper combination of the parts is required. dust and scratch on the ROLLER. 1-10 (No.5-2 [15] NOTE15a. set the FPC free first.5-1 NOTE13b [13] NOTE13a TENSION SPRING <NOTE13a> < OLD TYPE > < NEW TYPE > NOTE13c L12 L13 NOTE14a: When removing. Be careful when attaching as the spring has been removed if it was attached to the T5 ARM ASSY. Pay extra attention to the soil. The spring is attached either to the hook of the SLIDE DECK ASSY or to the hook of the T5 ARM ASSY. When an old type is replaced by a new type.1. NOTE 15b: Be careful not to attach the REEL DISK wrongly.b NOTE14a.b . NOTE 15c: When removing the REEL DISK ASSY. During the procedure.5.6 [12]CASSETTE GUIDE [13] PINCH ROLLER ASSY [14] REEL DISK ASSY (SUP) [15] REEL DISK ASSY (TU) [16] BRAKE PLATE NOTE13a: The spring attachment differs according to the types of the T5 ARM ASSY. NOTE14b: Be careful not to attach the REEL DISK wrongly. place the BELT inside the BELT GUIDE and roll up around the REEL PULLEY.5. pay attention to the correct positioning.8 [20] GUIDE RAIL ASSY [21] T5CATCHER [22] CAPSTAN MOTOR [23] REEL PULLEY [24] CENTER GEAR NOTE19a NOTE20: When mounting.7 [17] T. NOTE19a: When mounting.7 [23] (No.2. C.1. NOTE22: When attaching the BELT. NOTE19b: During the procedure.5. be careful not to lose the SLIDE COLLAR1.1. be careful not to lose the SLIDE COLLAR2. [22] [21] L21 18 (S22) <NOTE20> <NOTE22> 17 (S21) 19 (S22) BELT GUIDE REEL PULLEY BELT NOTE22 16 (S20) [20] NOTE20 [24] Fig. L18a 15 (S18) <NOTE19a> [17] NOTE17 SLIDE COLLAR1 L17 L18a SLIDE COLLAR2 NOTE19b [19] L19 L19 Fig. pay attention to the correct positioning. PLATE ASSY [18] DRUM BASE [19] DRIVE ARM ASSY [18] L18b 13 (S18) 14 (S18) NOTE17: During the procedure.YF081)1-11 .6 2. 5. be careful with the WORM WHEEL which is attached inside. on the surface of the DEW sensor.8 <NOTE25a> FPC <NOTE25c> MOTOR BRACKET SIDE SD25 BOTTOM SIDE <NOTE27> L27d L27c PRESS ARM ASSY GEAR COVER L27b L27a 1-12 (No. be careful in handling the FPC. Remove L27b.1. remove the four solder points (SD25) on the ROTARY ENCODER as the MOTOR BRACKET ASSY and the ROTARY ENCODER are soldered together to one FPC. turn the GEAR COVER anticlockwise by lifting up the parts with broken lines. When mounting.c [25] NOTE25c WORM WHEEL NOTE25a: When disassembling. Pay attention not to leave finger prints etc. NOTE27: When removing.YF081) .9 [25] MOTOR BRACKET ASSY [26] BELT GUIDE [27] GEAR COVER [28] PRESS ARM ASSY NOTE25a. pay attention to the correct positioning. NOTE25c: During the procedure. NOTE25b: During the procedure. remove the three screws (22-24). 20 (S25) DEW SENSOR NOTE25b 22 (S27) [26] L26 23 (S27) 21 (S26) L27d L27b L27c L28 L27a [27] NOTE27 24 (S27) [28] NOTE28 Fig.b.c and slide the GEAR COVER by sliding to the direction shown with arrows. attach the WORM WHEEL to the MOTOR BRACKET ASSY before mounting to the MECHANISM DECK ASSY. NOTE28: When mounting.2. When mounting. pay attention to the correct positioning. fully tighten up the GUIDE ROLLER (S) ASSY clockwise then rewind it 1.5 revolutions.1. For the rough adjustment. pay attention to the correct positioning.5. pay attention to the correct positioning.10 [29] SUB CAM [30] CONNECT GEAR [31] MAIN CAM NOTE29: When mounting. pay attention to the correct positioning. make sure to confirm the correct positioning of the MAIN CAM.1. NOTE35: During the procedure. Otherwise the tape will be damaged when it is run.10 .1mm [33] NOTE34a: During the procedure.5. NOTE34b: Be sure to perform rough adjustment if the height of the GUIDE ROLLER (S) ASSY has been adjusted during the procedure. NOTE34a. (No. NOTE31: When mounting. Although the positioning adjustment of the CONNECT GEAR itself is not necessary. be careful in handling.9 2.11 [32] ROTARY ENCODER [33] LOADING GEAR 1 [34] GUIDE ROLLER (S) ASSY [35] COMPRESSION SPRING [36] MAIN DECK ASSY NOTE32: When mounting. dust and scratch on the ROLLER.2. the alignment of the left and right GEARs is very important. and the left and right GEAR before attachment. Pay extra attention to the soil. NOTE31 [31] <NOTE30> NOTE31 LOADING GEAR MAIN CAM SUB CAM [30] [29] NOTE29 <NOTE31> <NOTE29> Fig. NOTE30: When mounting.YF081)1-13 Fig. The guide measurement for the height is 17. the SUB CAM.be caraful not to lose any parts.b NOTE35 [36] L32 [34] [35] <NOTE32> <NOTE34b> [32] NOTE32 17.1mm. 25mm) Screw B TENSION ARM ASSY 1-14 (No.2-1-6-2 . NOTE: When pressing the SLIDE DECK ASSEMBLY. (3) Slide the Guide Plate up and down to set the tip of the Tension Arm Assembly to the edge of the screw groove. MAIN DECK ASSY SENSOR SLIDE GUIDE PLATE Screw A Fig. 2. press near the screw hole for the HOUSING ASSEMBLY attachment.078N•m(0. NOTE: The adjustable range is ±0. • The tightening torque is 0. and make sure to check that the top of the TENSION ARM and the edge match properly when observed from the straight above.YF081) Fig. Adjustment procedure (1) Set the PLAY mode while the HOUSING ASSEMBLY is removed. NOTE: Repeat loading and unloading. Fully pull up the SLIDE GUIDE PLATE to the left and tighten the screw A. (2) Loosen the screw B.6 Mechanism adjustment 1.1.5kgf•cm) (4) Perform an operation check.8kgf•cm) (4) Perform an operation check. and tighten the screw B. Refer to the Fig. Tension Arm Assembly adjustment This adjustment is required when the Tension Arm Assembly is replaced. Avoid pressing the sensor as it is fragile. 2-1-8. NOTE: The tightening torque is 0. 2-1-8. Refer to the Fig2-1-6-1unless otherwise instructed. (2) Loosen the screw A.2-1-6-2unless otherwise instructed.2-1-6-1 MAIN DECK ASSY TENSION ARM ASSY <NOTE> 0. Adjustment procedure (1) Set the Play mode while the Housing Assembly is removed. The adjustment is also required when the SLIDE GUIDE PLATE is removed. NOTE: Repeat the operation check of unloading/ loading to confirm the smooth and steady slide movement without any jam or rattle. (3) Press both the MAIN DECK ASSEMBLY/ SLIDE DECK ASSEMBLY inward with an even power from both left and right. SLIDE GUIDE PLATE adjustment This adjustment is required when the SLIDE DECK ASSEMBLY is removed from the MAIN DECK ASSEMBLY.2.049N•m(0. Refer to the Fig.5mm EDGE SENSOR EDGE ( 0. Refer to the Fig.25mm from the edge. wipe them clean and apply new oil or grease.2 Applying oil and grease (1) Periodical oiling and greasing are not required but should be done to new parts when replacing.2. 2. KYODO-SH-JB YTU94027 RX-410R Symbol in drawing AA BB CC specifies oil and grease to be used Fig. If oil and grease on the other parts of the other party are old and dirty.1.YF081)1-15 . clean the objective parts with alcohol first and apply one or two drop(s) of oil. (3) When oiling. Too much oiling causes rotary parts to slip because of oil leakage. Do not move the cloth but turn the upper drum counterclockwise.7 REMARKS 2.1.7. confirm that the cleaned parts are completely dry before loading the deck with cassette tape.1 Cleaning (1) For cleaning of the upper drum (particularly video heads). Classification Grease Oil Grease (HANARL) Part No.2-1-7 specifies oil and grease to be used.7. use fine-woven cotton cloth with alcohol soaks through. NOTE: Make sure not to move the cloth in the vertical direction to the video head. (2) For cleaning of parts of the tape transport system except the upper drum. since it may cause damage of the video heads. Fig. use fine-woven cotton cloth or cotton swab soaked alcohol. refer to the PARTS LIST.2-1-7 (No.1. (2) For parts and points to apply oil and grease. (3) After cleaning. 1.1 [ 4 ] REEL COVER ASSY [5] Fig.2-1-8-1 1-16 (No.8 SERVICE NOTE Use the following chart to manage mechanism parts that are removed for disassembling the mechanism.5-2 [ 15 ] REEL DISK ASSY (TU : BLACK) [ 16 ] BRAKE PLATE Fig.2 IDLER ARM ASSY [ 6 ] T5 ARM ASSY (OLD TYPE) or (NEW TYPE) Fig.5-1 Fig.5-2 [ 12 ] CASSETTE GUIDE [ 11 ] SLIDE DECK ASSY [ 13 ] PINCH ROLLER ASSY [ 14 ] REEL DISK ASSY (SUP : WHITE) Fig.2.YF081) . [ 1 ] HOUSING ASSY [ 2 ] DRUM PROTECTOR [3] DRUM ASSY Fig.3 [ 7 ] TENSION ARM ASSY [ 8 ] S1 ARM ASSY Fig.4 [9] SLIDE GUIDE PLATE [ 10 ] GUIDE PLATE Fig.2 Fig. 10 MAIN DECK ASSY [ 31 ] MAIN CAM Fig.9 CONNECT GEAR [ 36 ] Fig.2-1-8-2 (No.6 [ 25 ] MOTOR BRACKET ASSY [ 27 ] GEAR COVER [ 28 ] PRESS ARM ASSY [ 19 ] DRIVE ARM ASSY Fig.7 SLIDE COLLAR1 [ 24 ] CENTER GEAR [ 21 ] T5 CATCHER [ 18 ] DRUM ASSY Fig.[ 17 ] T.C.YF081)1-17 .PLATE ASSY [ 20] GUIDE RAIL ASSY [ 22 ] CAPSTAN MOTOR [ 23 ] REEL PULLEY Fig.8 WORM WHEEL [ 26 ] BELT GUIDE SLIDE COLLAR2 [ 29 ] SUB CAM [ 32 ] ROTARY ENCODER [ 33 ] LOADING GEAR1 [ 34 ] GUIDE ROLLER(S) ASSY [ 35 ] COMPRESSION SPRING [ 30] Fig. 8kgf cm) The tightening torque of the No.10 screw is 0.5-2 b b .7 Fig.1 Adjustment of the SLIDE GUIDE PLATE" .049N m (0.4kgf cm) c 0.049N m(0.078N m (0.12 . fasten a screw manually not to damage the screw thread.1.) Fig. Symbol No.9 SERVICE NOTE 2 Use the following chart to manage screws.13 14 15 Fig.YF081) [1] [4] 6 Fig.8kgf cm) for adjustment.9 Fig. Torque setting value of torque driver is limited.039N m (0.4 Fig.2 b a 7 8 1 Fig.No.5kgf cm) for mounting.20 21 22 23 24 Place to stick screw Reference drawing (Fig. and 0.10 Screw tightening torque a b b NOTE: Pay careful attention to tightening torque for each screw. refer to the adjustment item "2. At the values over the maximum torque setting value. [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] Removing order of screw 16 17 18 19 .2-1-7 Symbol No. For details.5-1 Fig.1.078N m(0.8 Fig.10 11 .5kgf cm) b 0. a 0.) Screw tightening torque [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] .No.6 Fig.1 a 2 [2] 3 4 [6] [7] 9 Fig.6.a/c a - Fig.1-18 (No. Removing order of screw Place to stick screw Reference drawing (Fig.3 a [3] 5 [5] - 2. (No.YF081)1-19 . 221-8528. 3-chome. Japan (No. Moriya-cho.YF081) Printed in Japan VPT . kanagawa-prefecture.Victor Company of Japan. Limited AV & MULTIMEDIA COMPANY CAMCORDER CATEGORY 12. kanagawa-ku. Yokohama.
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